Jag hatade det först. I hated it at first. I hated it first. Sygeplejersken tog hans temperatur. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse took his temperature. Tom og jeg har kjent hverandre lenge. Tom and I've known each other for a long time. Tom and I have known each other a long time. Tom kröp under taggtråd. Tom crawled under the barbed wire. Tom crawled under the barbed wire. Jag kommer alltid att behöva er. I'll always need you. I'll always need you. Hur länge har vi varit här? How long have we been here? How long have we been here? Jag var dålig på engelska. I was bad at English. I was bad in English. Tom kaldte Mary en forræder. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Mamma arbeider. Mum's working. Mom's working. Hvorfor solgte du den da? Then why have you sold it? Then why did you sell it? Begravde du noe på den øyen? Did you bury something on that island? Did you bury anything on that island? Der er nogle ting som jeg ikke forstår. There are some things that I don't understand. There are some things I don't understand. Han prøver å imponere sine venner. He tries to impress his friends. He's trying to impress his friends. Hún ráðlagði honum hvað hann ætti að gera. She advised him about what to do. She advised him what to do. Jeg er sulten. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Din kritik er ubegrundet. Your criticism is unfounded. Your criticism is unfounded. Jag knäckte koden. I cracked the code. I broke the code. Jag är mycket förtjust i svensk mat eftersom jag växte upp med det. I am very fond of Swedish food because I grew up with them. I love Swedish food because I grew up with it. Varför är du hemma? Why are you home? Why are you home? Hvor mange språk snakker du? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Han har allerede hatt lunsj. He has already had lunch. He's had lunch already. Forskere har sekventeret hvedegenomet. Scientists have sequenced the wheat genome. Scientists have securitised the wheat genome. Det är inte mitt val. It's not my choice. It's not my choice. Jeg heter ikke "du"; jeg heter Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name's not "you." I'm Ricardo. Jag vill gå till stan. I want to go to town. I want to go to town. Det er synd at du ikke kan komme. It's a pity that you can't come. It's a shame you can't come. Foreldrene til Tom lever ikke lengre. Tom's parents aren't living anymore. Tom's parents are no longer alive. Gerðu svo vel að hringja í hann. Please phone him. Please call him. Jeg missede toget. I could not make the train. I missed the train. Han fekk oss til å arbeide langt ut på natt. He made us work till late at night. He made us work far out in the night. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Vi har varit uppe hela natten. We have been up all night. We've been up all night. Sunnudagur kemur á eftir laugardegi. Sunday comes after Saturday. Sunday comes after Saturday. Vi er i en blindgyde. We're in a blind alley. We're in a dead end. Tom elsker Australien. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Hvem banker på min dør? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on my door? I USA er du mindreårig dersom du er under 18 år gammel. In the United States, you are a minor if you are under 18 years old. In the United States, you are underage if you are under 18 years of age. Af hverju fórstu til Japans? Why did you go to Japan? Why did you go to Japan? Hun har avgått ved døden. She has died. She's retired at death. Tom havde lyst til at danse. Tom felt like dancing. Tom wanted to dance. Jeg er helt enig med deg. I agree with you absolutely. I totally agree with you. Den forelesningen stimulerte meg virkelig. That lecture really stimulated me. That lecture really stimulated me. Minns du det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. Jeg gik over stregen. I went over the top. I went over the line. Han er so fátækur sum ein kirkjurotta. He's as poor as a church mouse. He's so poor, he's one church rat. Ha en trevlig flygresa. Have a good flight. Have a nice flight. Han er større enn alle andre gutter. He is bigger than all the other boys. He's bigger than any other boy. Jeg hadde ikke råd til det - med andre ord, var jeg for fattig til å kjøpe det. I couldn't afford it. In other words, I was too poor to buy it. I couldn't afford it. In other words, I was too poor to buy it. Jag ska studera engelska i eftermiddag. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm going to study English this afternoon. Jim er ikke advokat, men læge. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. Grace verka sur. Grace looked angry. Grace seems angry. Athöfnin var einföld. The ceremony was simple. The ceremony was simple. Tom sin død kom brått. Tom's death came as a surprise. Tom's death came suddenly. Min bedstefar blev dræbt under anden verdenskrig. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Du stödjer planen, eller hur? You are in favor of the plan, aren't you? You're supporting the plan, aren't you? Jeg blev hjemme på grund af vejret. I stayed home because of the weather. I stayed home because of the weather. Jag väntar på att affärens ska öppna. I am waiting for the store to open. I'm waiting for the store to open. Ég var heima í gærkveldi. I stayed at home last night. I was home last night. Det er det dummeste jeg noensinne har sagt. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. Varför är du inte där? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Jag kände mig väldigt illa till mods. I felt very uneasy. I felt very uncomfortable. Jag hoppas att jag en dag kan åka till Sverige. I hope I can go to Sweden one day. I hope one day I can go to Sweden. Þú þekkir mig vel. You know me well. You know me well. Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ikke. I don't know whether he'll come or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Jag har huvudvärk. I have a headache. I have a headache. Jeg forventer at han kommer. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Jag nyser hela tiden. I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time. Jag trodde att du skulle hålla med. I thought you'd agree. I thought you'd agree. Jag hoppas att det är sant. I hope that's true. I hope it's true. Hun oversatte det ord for ord. She translated it word for word. She translated that word for word. Hvor så du kvinden? Where did you see the woman? Where did you see the woman? Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl who is playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Hun selger dop på konserter. She's selling drugs at concerts. She sells drugs at concerts. Jeg spilte gitar med Tom i et band. I used to play guitar in a band with Tom. I played guitar with Tom in a band. Hun er ikke min bedstemor. Hun er min mor. She's not my grandmother. She's my mother. She's not my grandmother. Jeg ønsker at lære. I want to learn. I want to learn. Ég get hlaupið. I can run. I can run. I sin ungdom var min mor veldig vakker. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. Er der smør i køleskabet? Is there any butter in the refrigerator? Is there butter in the fridge? Gillar du lever? Do you like liver? Do you like living? Damen är över åttio. The lady is over eighty. The lady's over eighty. Døren åbnes nu. The door is opening now. The door opens now. Populisterne har vundet. The populists won. The populists have won. Tak for suppen. Thanks for the soup. Thanks for the soup. Tom gjorde det utan min hjälp. Tom did it without my help. Tom did it without my help. Jag hörde någon skrika alldeles nyss. I just heard someone scream. I heard someone screaming just now. Lad være at afbryde mig! Don't interrupt me. Don't interrupt me! Giv mig dine penge eller jeg tæsker dig. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll beat your ass. Hun har et hus. She has a house. She has a house. Jeg håper vi møtes igjen. I hope to see you again. I hope we meet again. Jag är pacifist. I'm a pacifist. I'm a pacifist. Hvussu eitur tú? What is your name? How do you poison? Jeg taler allerede fransk. I already speak French. I'm already speaking French. Katten er meget nuttet. The cat is very cute. The cat is very cute. Jag med. Me too. Me too. Gomorron! Morning! Gomorron! Det er ikke alt sammen guld, det der glimrer. All that glitters is not gold. It's not all gold, it's glimmering. Disse regler gælder for alle uden undtagelse. Those regulations all apply to everyone without a single exception. These rules apply to all without exception. Ta fatt! Fetch! Grab hold! Eg har laga ei liste over matvarer eg ikkje kan ete. I've made a list of foods that I can't eat. I've created a list of foods I can't eat. Tom er en tilårskommen fotballspiller. Tom is an old footballer. Tom's an old football player. Ég er upptekinn. I'm busy. I'm busy. De omfamnade varandra. They embraced. They embraced each other. Hæld lidt koldt vand ud over dit hoved. Pour some cold water over your head. Pour some cold water over your head. Jag tyckte att svenska var lättare att lära sig än finska. I found Swedish easier to learn than Finnish. I thought that Swedish was easier to learn than Finnish. Tom liker å gjøre det her. Tom likes doing that here. Tom likes to do it here. Tom er Marys elsker. Tom is Mary's lover. Tom's Mary's lover. Är din fru fortfarande i Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Vilnius är Litauens huvudstad. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Jag fick en judisk uppfostran. I was raised Jewish. I got a Jewish education. Det tykkjer eg var veldig hyggjeleg, Tom. I think that's very sweet, Tom. I thought I was very nice, Tom. Vem var det som ringde mig? Who called me? Who called me? Denna förordning träder i kraft från och med nästa år. This regulation will take effect from next year. This Regulation shall enter into force from next year. Hon gråter hela tiden. She cries all the time. She's crying all the time. Heldigvis har jeg grønne fingre. Fortunately, I have a green thumb. Fortunately, I have green fingers. Tom ville ikke hoppe over grøften. Tom didn't want to jump across the ditch. Tom wouldn't jump over the ditch. Konkurrensen blir hårdare och hårdare. The competition is getting tougher and tougher. Competition is getting harder and harder. Det stemmer. This is true. That's right. Jeg skrev et brev til Jim. I wrote a letter to Jim. I wrote Jim a letter. Vad mer kan jag be om? What more can I ask? What else can I ask for? Hur kommer det sig att du frågar? How come you ask? How come you ask? Du måste välja ut en. You have to pick one. You have to pick one. Arbejdet skabte mennesket. Labor created man. The work created man. Jag bjuder. It's on me. I'm buying. Har du en Mac eller PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Varje mening som är närvarande på Tatoeba är en lögn. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Every sentence present at Tatoeba is a lie. Urets batteri løb tør for strøm. The watch's battery ran out. The watch battery ran out of power. Hur länge har de varit här? How long have they been here? How long have they been here? Kan de ikke tale fransk? Can't they speak French? Can't they speak French? Hann mun aldrei ganga á bak loforði. He will never break his promise. He'll never go back on promise. De forente stater grenser til Canada. The United States borders Canada. The United States borders Canada. Hon grät. She was crying. She cried. Hen grät. He cried. He cried. Mary tycker hon är smartare än alla andra. Mary thinks she's smarter than anyone else. Mary thinks she's smarter than anyone else. Mary satte några blommor i vasen och ställde sedan vasen på bordet. Mary put some flowers in the vase and then put the vase on the table. Mary put some flowers in the vase and then put the vase on the table. Ég hitti hann í gær þegar hann sagði mér fréttirnar. I met him yesterday, when he told me the news. I met him yesterday when he told me the news. Ég veit að þið eruð ríkar. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Jeg vinder aldrig. I never win. I never win. Jag har köpt en bil. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Varför är han så tyst? Why is he so quiet? Why is he so quiet? Han lade boken på hyllan. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. John er strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina. John is the boy who is reading the book. John is the boy reading the book. Hun spiller tennis hver dag. She plays tennis every day. She plays tennis every day. Jeg overholder altid spillereglerne. I always play by the rules. I always comply with the rules of the game. Faren min kan symja, men ikkje mora mi. My father can swim, but my mother can't. My father can sleep, but not my mother. Jag ska till Paris i helgen. I am going to Paris this weekend. I'm going to Paris this weekend. Min katt dog i går. My pet cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Fuglene gemte sig blandt bladene og begyndte at synge. The birds hid themselves among the leaves and started to sing. The birds hid among the leaves and began singing. Læknirinn lagði áherslu á að sjúklingurinn ætti einungis fáeina daga ólifaða. The doctor emphasized that the patient only had a few days to live. The doctor stressed that the patient should only have a few days of life. Eg eigi betala seðilin í dag. I have to pay this bill today. I don't pay the bills today. Sommerfugl er et veldig vakkert ord. Butterfly is a very nice word. Butterfly is a very beautiful word. Vi ved hvem han er. We know who he is. We know who he is. Hjernen er kun en indviklet maskine. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Drej til venstre. Turn to the left. Turn left. Aóí varð dansari. Aoi became a dancer. Aoi became a dancer. Vi lyssnar på musik. We listen to music. We listen to music. Sverige är Skandinaviens största land. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is Scandinavia's largest country. Jeg løper. I am running. I'm running. Det var flere par på stranden. There were several couples on the beach. There were more couples on the beach. Tom bryr seg ikke om hva Mary gjør. Tom doesn't care what Mary does. Tom doesn't care what Mary does. Tom drak en masse til festen og endte med at gøre sig selv til grin. Tom drank a lot at the party and ended up making a fool of himself. Tom drank a lot for the party and ended up making a fool of himself. Var allvarlig. Be serious. Be serious. Hun blev en berømt maler. She became a famous painter. She became a famous painter. Jeg hader dette sted. I hate this place. I hate this place. Jeg tror vi har funnet ut av det nå. I think we've got it figured out now. I think we've figured it out now. Den største strømmen av innvandrere kom fra og hørte til den skandinaviske gren av den germanske folkgruppen. The largest flow of immigrants came from and belonged to the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic people group. The largest flood of immigrants came from and belonged to the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic people. Tom var ikke vred. Tom wasn't upset. Tom wasn't angry. Eg bor ikke i Finland. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom is not able to drive a car. Tom can't drive. Det kommer til å ta noen dager. It's going to take a few days. It'll take a few days. Hvor har du været? Where have you been? Where have you been? Han är helt hopplöst dålig. He is bad beyond correction. He's hopelessly bad. Er tú tilfriðs nú? Are you satisfied now? Are you at peace now? Svogeren min bryter ut i sinne av små bagateller. My brother-in-law easily loses his temper from trivial matters. My brother-in-law breaks out in the anger of small trifles. Jeg er ikke din søn. I'm not your son. I'm not your son. Alle mennesker er skabt lige. All humans are created equal. All humans are made equal. Hann kom með strætó. He came by bus. He brought a bus. Gid der var en bedre oversættelse af denne bog! I wish there were a better translation of this book. I wish there was a better translation of this book! De sælger æbler til fem dollar stykket. They sell apples at five dollars each. They sell apples at $5 apiece. Du bör tala med din moder oftare. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mother more often. Ég hata að taka áhættu. I hate taking risks. I hate taking risks. Du veit at eg elskar Mary, ikkje sant? You know I love Mary, do you not? You know I love Mary, right? Jeg hører stemmer i mit hoved. I hear voices in my head. I hear voices in my head. Hur gammal är din morbror? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Varje del av ön har blivit utforskad. Every part of the island has been explored. Every part of the island has been explored. Appelsiner indeholder meget C-vitamin. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Nýja skólahúsið okkar er í byggingu. Our new school building is under construction. Our new schoolhouse is in the building. Vores tog kørte igennem en lang tunnel. Our train went through a long tunnel. Our train ran through a long tunnel. Ég meina það. I mean it. I mean it. USA er rigt på naturressourcer. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Jeg har studeret kinesisk i Beijing. I studied Chinese in Beijing. I've studied Chinese in Beijing. Talaðu hægar. Talk slower. Talk more slowly. Rumrejser er farlige. Space travel is dangerous. Space travel is dangerous. Tom skulle ynskje at han var betre i fransk. Tom wishes that he could be a better French speaker. Tom would like him to be better in French. Skólinn mun sjá okkur fyrir tjöldum. The school will provide tents for us. The school will provide us with tents. Hvorfor kigger du hele tiden på dit ur? Why do you look at your watch all the time? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Tom er prestur. Tom is a pastor. Tom's a priest. Hun var bange for at rejse alene. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Stig på bussen! Get on the bus. Get on the bus! Sikke en dejlig nat! What a wonderful night! What a lovely night! Hann reiðist auðveldlega. He easily gets angry. He's easily angry. Der var ingen i lokalet udover Mary og John. There was no one in the room besides Mary and John. There was no one in the room besides Mary and John. Mary er professionel poledancer. Mary is a professional pole dancer. Mary is a professional polisher. Endast kärlek kan krossa hjärtat. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break the heart. Vent her, dere. You guys wait here. Wait here, you guys. Vad menar du egentligen? What do you really mean? What do you mean? Eg leitar etter noko. I'm looking for something. I'm looking for something. Du skal sende et detaljeret CV til [e-mailadresse]. Send us your detailed CV at [e-mail]. You should send a detailed CV to [e-mail address]. Vi ska skydda dig. We're going to protect you. We're gonna protect you. På vilket sätt är det annorlunda? How is it different? In what way is it different? De vil kun tjene penger. De bryr seg ikke om noe annet. They just want to make money. They don't care about anything else. They only want to make money, and they don't care about anything else. Tom lå på ryggen. Tom lay on his back. Tom was lying on his back. Det pludselige vindstød fyldte sejlene og slingrede båden fremad. The sudden gust of wind filled the sails and lurched the boat forward. The sudden wind blow filled the sails and turned the boat forward. Tom bestämde sig för att läsa juridik. Tom decided to study law. Tom decided to read law. Tom har tabt tredive kilo. Tom lost 30 kilograms. Tom's lost 30 pounds. Tom hadde ikke renset tastaturet sitt på flere måneder, og det var fullt av støv, matrester, og gudene vet hva mer. Tom hadn't cleaned his keyboard for months, and it was clogged with dust, food particles, and God knows what else. Tom had not cleaned his keyboard for months, and it was full of dust, food residues, and the gods know what else. Mary, hvad laver du? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Ég er of gamall fyrir þennan heim. I am too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. Tom spiste resten af ​​pizzaen. Tom ate the rest of the pizza. Tom ate the rest of the pizza. La det ikke være den minste tvil om at denne vil koste oss dyrt. Men det er en pris vi må betale. Let there be not even the slightest doubt that this will cost us dearly. But that is the price we'll have to pay. Let it not be the slightest doubt that this will cost us dearly, but it is a price we have to pay. Det smakar som skit. It tastes like shit. It tastes like shit. Gjør vel imot dem som hater eder. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Hun malede en væg. She painted a wall. She painted a wall. Jeg er i lufthavnen nu. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. Jeg har hatt et godt liv. I've had a good life. I've had a good life. Han har sålt sin bil, så han tar tåget till kontoret. He has sold his car, so he goes to the office by train. He sold his car, so he takes the train to the office. Tom ønskede at se Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Það er köttur í eldhúsinu. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Tilsæt vaniljeekstrakten. Add the vanilla extract. Add the vanilla extract. Varje gång jag sätter på mikrovågsugnen så slutar mitt Wi-Fi att fungera, det är extremt irriterande. Every time I use my microwave oven, my Wi-Fi stops working, it's extremely irritating. Every time I put on the microwave my Wi-Fi stops working, it's extremely annoying. Jag måste göra det nu. I have to do it now. I have to do it now. En tredjedel är mindre än en halva. A third is less than a half. One third is less than one-half. Jag lovar. Jag kommer aldrig att göra det igen. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I'll never do it again. Er det din bog, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? Du er den bedste sanger jeg kender. You're the best singer I know. You're the best singer I know. Det pleide å være en stor park her. There used to be a large park here. It used to be a big park here. Vem är den där kvinnan i brun jacka? Who is the woman in the brown coat? Who's that woman in a brown jacket? Har du lyst til at gå til stationen med mig? Do you want to go to the station with me? Would you like to go to the station with me? Vilket tåg tänker du ta? What train you are going to take? Which train are you going to take? Varför ger sig Tom inte iväg? Why won't Tom leave? Why doesn't Tom leave? Þetta myndband er leiðinlegt. This video is boring. This video is boring. Jag skulle göra samma sak. I'd do the same thing. I would do the same. De är alla lika. They're all alike. They're all the same. De fleste kvinder elsker at shoppe. Most women enjoy shopping. Most women love shopping. Jag sa aldrig att det inte var en bra idé. I never said that it wasn't a good idea. I never said it wasn't a good idea. Jag hade lite problem. I had some trouble. I had a little trouble. La meg se deg spise det. Let me see you eat it. Let me see you eat it. Hon hade redan somnat. She had already fallen asleep. She had already fallen asleep. Vi er endnu ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel yet. We are not yet ready to throw the towel in the ring. Vi ønsker at opbygge et nyt Algeriet. We want to build a new Algeria. We want to build a new Algeria. Hans nya film är sevärd. His new film is worth seeing. His new movie is worth seeing. Mary var bekymret for sin ven. Mary was worried about her friend. Mary was worried about her friend. Ertu laus seinni partinn á föstudag? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Are you off late Friday? Vi har prøve i morgen. We have a test tomorrow. We've tried tomorrow. Kom och prata med mig. Come talk to me. Come talk to me. Jane är fet, ohövlig och röker för mycket. Men Ken tycker att hon är förtjusande och härlig. Det är därför de säger att kärleken är blind. Jane is fat and rude, and smokes too much. However, Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind. Jane is fat, rude and smokes too much, but Ken thinks she's lovely and lovely. That's why they say love is blind. Jeg la merke til at du ikke var hjemme i går kveld. I noticed you weren't at home last night. I noticed you weren't home last night. Hvis jeg lager en eksempelsetning, kan du rette den for meg? If I write an example sentence, can you correct it for me? If I make an example, can you fix it for me? Jeg vil egentlig bare gå og sove. I just want to go to sleep. I just want to go to sleep. Måste du åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Du er yngre end Tom. You're younger than Tom. You're younger than Tom. Tom meldte sig selv til politiet tre dage efter at han havde dræbt Mary. Tom turned himself in three days after he'd killed Mary. Tom reported himself to the police three days after he killed Mary. Eg hati hansara foreldur. I hate his parents. I hate his parents. Hun var høj. She was stoned. She was high. Snørebåndene på dine sko er gået op. Your shoes are untied. The shoelaces on your shoes have gone up. En diskret hyllning till olycksoffren hölls igår. A discreet homage to the accident victims was carried out yesterday. A discreet tribute to the accident victims was held yesterday. Jeg liker helst å være alene. I basically prefer being by myself. I like to be alone. Tom dukade bordet för kvällsmaten. Tom set the table for supper. Tom made the table for dinner. Och? So? And? Detta är ett gott tecken. This is a good sign. This is a good sign. Det här är huset, i vilket min farbror bor. This is the house where my uncle lives. This is the house in which my uncle lives. Tom og Mary danser. Tom and Mary are dancing. Tom and Mary dance. Jag behöver frisk luft. I need fresh air. I need fresh air. Jeg trodde det var sant. I thought it was true. I thought it was true. Hvorfor lider så mange mennesker av lav selvfølelse? Why do so many people suffer from low self-esteem? Why do so many people suffer from low self - esteem? Jag undrar vilket land som kommer att censurera Tatoeba först. I wonder what country will censor Tatoeba first. I wonder which country will censor Tatoeba first. Tiden läker alla sår. Time heals all wounds. Time heals all wounds. Jag är närmast i tur. I'm next. I'm the closest in luck. Tom havde et slips på i går. Tom wore a tie yesterday. Tom was wearing a tie yesterday. Tom sluttet å røyke. Tom quit smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Tom ville ikke ha et dyrt kamera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. I många delar av världen är det olagligt att skjuta vilt såsom hjort, älg eller fasan. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild game such as deer, moose or pheasant. In many parts of the world, shooting wild as deer, moose or pheasant is illegal. Må jeg kysse dig? Can I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Det är ju hur bra som helst! How awesome is that? It's fine, isn't it? Jag gick en konstkurs i fjol. I took an art class last year. I went to an art class last year. Tom er ejendomsmægler. Tom is a real estate agent. Tom's a realtor. Eg ivi at hann er sakførari. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I know he's a lawyer. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not gonna drop down on his plan. Vad kallade du mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Hvordan holder man op med at ryge? How does one stop smoking? How do you stop smoking? Jag skulle vilja ha ett glas vin. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Katten sover. The cat is sleeping. The cat's asleep. Nogle mennesker køber kun økologiske fødevarer; de tror ​​at deres krop så ikke beskadiges af forurenende stoffer. Some people only buy organic food; they think that in this way their body will not be damaged by pollutants. Some people buy only organic foods; they think that their bodies are then not damaged by pollutants. Hvor glemte du dem? Where did you forget them? How'd you forget about them? Det är mitt fel. I'm to blame. It's my fault. Ég veit ekki hvernig ég get látið þakklæti mitt í ljós. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Man ska aldrig säga aldrig. You should never say "never". Never say never. Jeg vil leke. I want to play. I want to play. Þú getur reitt þig á hans hjálp. You can depend on his help. You can count on his help. Alt ordner seg nok skal du se. I'm sure everything'll be okay. Everything's gonna be all right. Du är en tålmodig man. You are a patient man. You're a patient man. Jag är i bilen. I'll be in my car. I'm in the car. Jeg ligger i sengen med enorme tømmermænd. I'm lying in bed with a killer hangover. I'm in bed with huge hangovers. Hennes handlinger vanæret henne. Her act reflected dishonor upon her. Her actions dishonored her. Jeg har mistet min pung. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Solen skiner från en blå himmel. The sun is shining from a blue sky. The sun shines from a blue sky. Her, tag min frakke. Du hundefryser jo. Here, take my coat. You're freezing. Here, take my coat. Ísak var einn leiðtoga Gyðinga. Isaac was a leader of the Jewish people. Isaac was one Jewish leader. Upphaf alheimsins verður líklega aldrei útskýrt. The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. The start of the universe may never be explained. Mange kinesiske turister besøger Algeriet. Many Chinese tourists visit Algeria. Many Chinese tourists visit Algeria. Prova den nu då. Go ahead, try it now. Try it now. Ég er að leita að fastri vinnu. I'm looking for some regular work. I'm looking for a permanent job. Hvor mye kan du betale? How much can you pay? How much can you pay? Denne historie er uhyggelig. Jeg er bange! This story is scary. I'm scared. This story is scary. Jag kommer aldrig att förstå. I'll never understand. I'll never understand. Han bar hendes taske. He carried her bag. He carried her bag. Hví? Why? Why? Fólki líður best þegar það er heima hjá sér. People feel most at ease when they are at home. People feel the best when they are at home. Får jag tala nu? Can I talk now? Can I talk now? Jeg havde aldrig set Tom danse før. I'd never seen Tom dance before. I'd never seen Tom dance before. Han innrømmet at han stjal gullet. He admitted that he stole the gold. He admitted he stole the gold. Ni har varit en jättebra publik. You've been a great audience. You've been a great audience. Tom reddede mit liv. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Jeg læste, at Brasiliens præsident er en kvinde. Hun hedder Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Det første ord i Bibelen er »I«. The first word of the Bible is "In." The first word in the Bible is 'I'. Hann gaf mér 10 þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Kom och sätt dig. Come and sit down. Come sit down. Jag rörde den aldrig. I never touched it. I never touched it. Eg eri ikki errin av framferð mínari. I'm not proud of my behaviour. I'm not mad at my progress. Varför dansar hon inte? Why isn't she dancing? Why isn't she dancing? Tom forlot kona si og barna. Tom abandoned his wife and children. Tom left his wife and children. Vil du have en kop te mere? Will you have another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Hvornår holder butikscentret åbent? What hours is the shopping center open? When will the mall be open? Jag ser fram emot att äta japansk mat. I look forward to eating Japanese food. I look forward to eating Japanese food. Alt ændrer sig efter en krig. Everything changes after a war. Everything changes after a war. En hval er et pattedyr. A whale is a mammal. A whale is a mammal. Eg sym i havet. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in the sea. Það er fyrir neðan hans virðingu að segja slíkt. It is beneath him to say such a thing. It is beneath his respect to say such things. Jag läser en bok. I read a book. I'm reading a book. Vi har ikke brug for en stige. We don't need a ladder. We don't need a ladder. Jeg vil ikke gå alene. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. Tom skrællede æblet. Tom peeled the apple. Tom peeled the apple. Hvordan siger man "dampede ris" på vietnamesisk? How do you say "steamed rice" in Vietnamese? How do you say "polluted rice" in Vietnamese? Chris tilintetgjorde vampyrridderen! Chris defeated the vampire knight! Chris destroyed the vampire Knight! Jag vet inte precis när jag ska vara tillbaka. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when to be back. Kan de se oss? Can they see us? Can they see us? Det japanska vädret är mildare än det engelska. The Japanese weather is milder than the English weather. Japanese weather is milder than English. Även du, min Brutus? You too, Brutus? You too, Brutus? Stórmarkaðurinn réð marga hlutastarfsmenn. The supermarket hired many part-timers. The large market employed a number of part-time employees. Vinsamlegast standið til hliðar. Please step aside. Please stand by. Jeg er fornøyd med jobben min. I am content with my job. I'm happy with my job. Mig langar að fara út með þér í kvöld. I want to go with you tonight. I want to go out with you tonight. Hvad betyder dette ord? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Jag behöver lösenordet. I need the password. I need the password. Jag kommer att gå först. I'll go first. I'll go first. Dan har precis blivit erbjuden ett jobb någon annanstans. Dan has just been offered a job elsewhere. Dan's just been offered a job somewhere else. Jeg viste ham vejen. I showed him the way. I showed him the way. De är lika starka som vi. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. Mor stannade i bilen medan far handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car while Dad was shopping. Tom og Mary er helikopterforældre. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Jeg liker ikke dette kameraet. I don't like this camera. I don't like this camera. Tom gav Mary en hjerteformet småkage. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Det skulle vara trevligt om jag kunde resa till Japan. It would be nice if I could travel to Japan. It would be nice if I could go to Japan. Han er ung og umoden. He is young and immature. He's young and immature. Bilurin er ringur. The car is bad. The car's a ring. De oppnådde sine mål. They accomplished their goals. They achieved their goals. Tag venligst tre kopier af denne side. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies of this page. Jag låg och vred mig hela natten. I tossed and turned all night. I lay and angry all night. Lyssnade inte du? Weren't you listening? Didn't you listen? Rostov og Rostov-on-Don eru tveir ymiskir býir, sum eru rættuliga langt burtur frá hvørjum øðrum. Rostov and Rostov-on-Don are two different cities located quite far from each other. Rostov and Rostov-on-Don are two ymme bees, some are candidly far away from anyone else. Jag tror att jag gillar dig. I think I like you. I think I like you. Tom samlade på kaffekoppar. Tom collected coffee cups. Tom collected coffee cups. Det er min nabos hund. That's my neighbor's dog. That's my neighbor's dog. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the café. She met him in the cafe. Tar du dörren? Get the door, will you? Are you taking the door? Þessi setning er í góðu lagi. This sentence is fine. This sentence is fine. Jeg kan lide hunde. I like dogs. I like dogs. Det här är verkligen inte rätt tillfälle. This is really not the time. This is really not the right time. Hvad kom først: ægget eller hønen? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What came first: the egg or chicken? Jeg håper de er vennlige. I hope they're friendly. I hope they're friendly. Svaraðu spurningunni. Answer the question. Answer the question. Flere amerikanske krigsskibe blev sendt til Panama. Several American warships were sent to Panama. Several American warships were sent to Panama. De glemte min fødselsdag. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Hún sagði mér frá slysinu með tárin í augunum. She told about the accident with tears in her eyes. She told me about the accident with her tears in her eyes. Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Jag skulle ha stannat. I should've stayed. I should have stopped. Han gillar grönsaker, framförallt vitkål. He likes vegetables, especially cabbage. He likes vegetables, especially garlic. Var ligger den amerikanska ambassaden? Where is the American embassy? Where's the U.S. Embassy? Jeg hørte hvert ord. I heard every word. I heard every word. Han är sjuk. He is ill. He's sick. Jag är ingen läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Finns det någon som kan svara? Is there anyone who can answer? Is there anyone who can answer? Du har ødelagt alt. You've ruined everything. You've ruined everything. Följ reglerna. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Solen gik ned for et stykke tid siden. The sun set a while ago. The sun went down a while ago. Min brevlåda är full. My mailbox is full. My mailbox is full. Vem bor här? Who lives here? Who lives here? Vandrer du? Do you hike? You walking? Hur mår din mamma? How's your mother? How's your mom? Vår engelsklärare är både sträng och snäll. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Our English teacher is both harsh and kind. Tom kom ud fra omklædningsrummet kun iført et håndklæde. Tom came out of the locker room wearing nothing but a towel. Tom came out of the dressing room wearing only a towel. Det her er en sølvmønt. This is a silver coin. This is a silver coin. Tom öppnade sin resväska. Tom opened his suitcase. Tom opened his suitcase. Jeg kan lide at skrive på fransk. I like to write in French. I like writing in French. Tom drak ikke noget. Tom didn't drink anything. Tom didn't drink anything. Jeg har kun halvparten så mange bøker som han. I have only half as many books as he does. I only have half as many books as he did. Det regnede fem dage i træk. It rained five successive days. It rained five days in a row. Tom backade inte ut. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't back out. Blir ni ledsna av det? Does that make you sad? Do you feel sorry for that? Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter apart? Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. Jag gillar te. I like tea. I like tea. Der må være en eller anden måde at krydse floden på. There must be some way to cross the river. There must be some way to cross the river. Kom och hämta mig. Come pick me up. Come and get me. Tom har på sig en svart hatt. Tom is wearing a black hat. Tom's wearing a black hat. Hvað heitir pabbi þinn? What's your dad's name? What's your dad's name? Du kommer att hitta dina leksaker och böcker. You will find your toys and books. You will find your toys and books. Vi gjorde ikke noget forkert. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Vem jobbar vi för? Who are we working for? Who do we work for? En som går fort kan gå seks kilometer i timen. A fast walker can walk six kilometers in an hour. A fast man can walk six kilometers an hour. Sami har fått vad han ville ha. Sami has got what he wanted. Sami's got what he wanted. Hann féll aftur fyrir sig. He fell backward. He fell back in love. Hvorfor var du i fængsel? Why were you in prison? Why were you in prison? Vart är vi på väg? Where are we heading? Where are we going? Tom fikk håret sitt klipt i går. Tom had his hair cut yesterday. Tom had his hair cut last night. Hún bjó í Híróshíma þar til hún var tíu. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. Hvem ødelagte denne? Who broke this? Who destroyed this? Meira en nokkurntíma þurfum við markmið eða leiðandi hugmyndir sem munu gefa því sem við erum að gera tilgang. More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing. More than ever, we need goals or accompanying ideas that will give what we are doing purpose. Han klagade över att rätten smakade illa. He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complained that the court had a bad taste. Jeg har mistet interessen for golf. I've lost interest in golf. I've lost interest in golf. Sikke en skam! What a pity! What a shame! Jeg er nødt til at gøre et forsøg. I have to try. I have to try. Ni är tidiga igen. You're early again. You're early again. Það gera þrjú þúsund jen. The total comes to 3,000 yen. That's three thousand yen. Jeg går ikke i byen i aften. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going to town tonight. Jeg tror ikke det nytter noget at forsøge på at overbevise ham. I think there is no point in trying to persuade him. I don't think there's any point in trying to convince him. Hvad kom først, hønen eller ægget? What was first, the chicken or the egg? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Jag trodde att jag hörde musik. I thought I heard music. I thought I heard music. Far har kjøpt meg en ny sykkel. Father bought me a new bicycle. My dad bought me a new bike. Du måste gå nu. You have to leave now. You have to go now. I øjeblikket skriver du dine sætninger på det forkerte sted. Du skal vælge "Contribute" i toppen af siden og så "Add sentences". At the moment, you are entering your sentences in the wrong place. You should select "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentences". Currently you type your phrases in the wrong place. You need to choose "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentences". Dette er også et æble. This is an apple, too. This is an apple, too. Fastän de ser ut som det är Carlos och Juan inte enäggstvillingar, bara bröder. Even though they look like it, Carlos and Juan are not identical twins, only brothers. Although they look like it's Carlos and Juan not identical twins, just brothers. Jag slår vad om att Tom har glömt. I bet Tom forgot. I bet Tom forgot. Han fandt det vanskeligt at gøre sig forståelig på tysk. He found it difficult to make himself understood in German. He found it difficult to understand in German. Við getum ekki breytt dagskránni okkar. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our schedule. Hann er þó nokkur fræðimaður. He is something of a scholar. He's a bit of a scholar, though. Tom sagde til Mary at han ikke var sułten. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Tom told Mary he wasn't sued. Håret hennes er så langt at det når bakken. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. Her hair is so far, it reaches the ground. Er dette din cykel? Is this your bike? Is this your bike? Mit råd blev ikke fulgt. My advice was not followed. My advice was not followed. Isen är väldigt tjock. The ice is very thick. The ice is very thick. Ekki hafa þetta eftir mér. Don't quote me on this. Don't leave this on me. Se. Watch. Look. Tom må have glemt sin nøgle. Tom must've forgotten his key. Tom must have forgotten his key. Toms bøger er blevet oversat til mange sprog. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom’s books have been translated into many languages. Jag fattar inte. I don't get it. I don't get it. I dag er det lørdag. Today is Saturday. Today's Saturday. Tom er aldeles ikke redd slenger. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom's not really afraid of slings. Måtte Tom også gjøre det? Did Tom have to do that, too? Did Tom have to do the same? Jag har sett det här förut. I've seen this before. I've seen this before. Jag lär mig också amhariska. I'm also learning Amharic. I'm learning Amharic too. Prinsessen forelskede sig øjeblikkelig i prinsen. The princess fell in love with the prince instantly. The princess immediately fell in love with the prince. Það er utan sérfræðisviðs míns. That's outside my area of expertise. It's out of my field of expertise. Ulven hyler. The wolf howls. The wolf is screaming. Jag vill äta kinesiska nudlar. I want to eat Chinese noodles. I want to eat Chinese noodles. Vi måste ringa Tom. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. Jag kom hit i går. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Maturinn verður kaldur. The food becomes cold. The food's going to be cold. Jag kunde aldrig hålla en hemlighet. I never could keep a secret. I could never keep a secret. Vi behöver bara en minut. We just need a minute. We just need a minute. Toms hus ligger ved siden af mit. Tom's house is next to mine. Tom's house is next to mine. Du er heit! You are hot! You're hot! Hvor stirrer du på mig på den måde? Why are you staring at me like that? Where are you staring at me like that? Jag fick lön igår. I got paid yesterday. I got paid yesterday. Jag börjar komma ihåg det. I am beginning to remember it. I'm starting to remember that. Det er et vanskeligt spørgsmål at svare på. This is a hard question to answer. It is a difficult question to answer. Han er min dobbeltgænger. He's my doppelganger. He's my double man. Det er ikke muligt. No way! It's not possible. Ni måste göra som jag säger. You must do as I say. You have to do what I say. Vad äter du? What are you eating? What are you eating? Tom vill inte bli läkare, trots att han är väldigt på naturvetenskap. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, although he's very good in science. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, even though he's very involved in science. Elsker du din kone? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? Jag tycker inte om det där. I don't like that. I don't like that. Konan er høg. The woman is tall. The woman's tall. Hvornår tog du sidst et brusebad? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you took a shower? Tom synes at Mary stak halen mellem benene. Tom thinks Mary chickened out. Tom thinks Mary stuck her tail between her legs. Det var så länge sedan. It's been so long. It was so long ago. Það er ískallt í þessu herbergi, Cindy. Ég þoli ekki þennan kulda. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. Denne cykel er min, ikke Toms. This bicycle is mine, not Tom's. This bike is mine, not Tom's. Spørgsmålet nu er hvordan. The question now is how. The question now is how. Tom havde skydevåben overalt i sit hus. Sami had guns all over his house. Tom had guns all over his house. Du är för aggressiv. You're too aggressive. You're too aggressive. Det er en lille hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Du vet verkligen inte? You really don't know? You really don't know? Hvor var I da jeg virkelig havde brug for jeres hjælp? Where were you when I really needed your help? Where were you when I really needed your help? Jeg har reddet dit liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Den är min. That is mine. It's mine. Vi har to sønner. We have two sons. We have two sons. "Det Gamle Testamente" er Bibelens første del. "The Old Testament" is the first part of the Bible. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. Ek heiti Tomr. My name is Tom. Ek's name is Tomr. Jeg har fått nok av frekkheten hans. I've had quite enough of his impudence. I've had enough of his rudeness. Jag måste komma hem. I need to come home. I have to get home. Var der en anden i rummet? Was there someone else in the room? Was there someone else in the room? Trädgårdsmästaren var en mördare. The gardener was a murderer. The gardener was a murderer. Jag valde att inte åka. I chose not to leave. I chose not to go. I er utrolige. You guys are amazing. You guys are amazing. Om hvad? About what? About what? De er helt sikkert sultne. They must be hungry. I'm sure they're hungry. Det glæder mig at se dig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. Jag tror att hon är ärlig. I believe that she is honest. I think she's honest. Hun elsket ham fremdeles. She still loved him. She still loved him. Jag vet inte när jag kommer att kunna hjälpa dig. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. Tom kom tilbage til Boston i sidste uge. Tom came back to Boston last week. Tom came back to Boston last week. Harer og kaniner ser meget ens ud for mig. Hares and rabbits look very similar to me. Harses and rabbits look very alike to me. Spindlar spinner nät. Spiders spin webs. Spindlar's spinning nets. Jag har hört att Tom hatar dig. I hear Tom hates you. I hear Tom hates you. Norge heter "Norge" på norsk. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway is called Norway in Norwegian. Det er en skør idé. This is a crazy idea. That's a crazy idea. Den här metoden är långsam men säker. This method is slow but sure. This method is slow but safe. Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why don't you ask me? Jeg kommer for sent. I will be late. I'm late. Det är min häst. It's my horse. That's my horse. Eg drikk ikkje kaffi. I do not drink coffee. I didn't drink coffee. Opnaðu dyrnar. Unlock the door. Open the door. Sig altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell me the truth. Det tror jeg også. I think so too. So do I. Jeg troede ikke at det var din plads. I didn't think this was your seat. I didn't think it was your place. Jeg skulle ønske Tom var død. I wish Tom were dead. I wish Tom was dead. Det var en bra dag. That was a good day. It was a good day. Sitt inte på den där bänken är du snäll. Please don't sit on that bench. Don't sit on that bench, please. Jeg stoler ikke på nogen. I don't trust anyone. I don't trust anyone. Man trodde att jorden var platt. It was believed that the earth was flat. It was thought that the earth was flat. Hvor kan jeg møde Tom? Where can I meet Tom? Where can I meet Tom? Al-Mutanabbi dog med svärdet i hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with his sword in his hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with his sword in his hand. Du spiser kartoffelchips. You eat potato chips. You eat potato chips. Tom ser alldeles skräckslagen ut. Tom looks absolutely terrified. Tom looks absolutely terrified. Jag hämtar upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'll pick Tom up. Tom är vansinnig. Tom is demented. Tom's crazy. Þið eruð öll iðin. All of you are diligent. You're all busy. Mine venner kalder mig Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. Vill ni spela tennis med oss? Do you want to play tennis with us? You want to play tennis with us? Ikke alle studentene var tilstede. Not all the students were present. Not all students were present. Ikke se på meg på den måten er du snill. Please don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like that, please. Han er fattig men lykkelig. He is poor, but happy. He's poor but happy. Stundum þegar það er mjög kalt get ég ekki komið bílnum mínum í gang. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car to start. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car going. Mary hader Tom som pesten. Mary hates Tom's guts. Mary hates Tom like the plague. Det här är Toms favoritbok. This is Tom's favorite book. This is Tom's favorite book. Snakker dere om oss? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Stäng igen din bok. Close your book. Close your book again. Undskyld! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sært tú handa myndin? Can you see the picture? Did you cut the picture? Hvaða hluta Boston ertu að fara til? Which part of Boston are you going to? Which part of Boston are you going to? Da jeg åbnede køleskabsdøren, faldt der et æble ud. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. When I opened the refrigerator door, an apple fell out. Tom sitt ansikt er raudt. Tom's face is red. Tom's face is red. En ängslig mor har skarpa ögon. An anxious mother has sharp eyes. An anxious mother has sharp eyes. Mit blodtryk er 155 over 105. My blood pressure is 155 over 105. My blood pressure is 155 over 105. Medan jag var i vattnet stals alla mina ägodelar. While I was in the water, all my belongings were stolen. While I was in the water, all my possessions were stolen. Vi ønsker hele sætninger. We want complete sentences. We want the whole sentence. Jeg vet ikke om du er klar til å se det jeg har lyst å vise deg. I don't know whether you are ready to see what I want to show you. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you. Varför pratar du inte med mig om det? Why didn't you talk to me about it? Why don't you talk to me about it? Han er biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. Hästen är inte vit. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Tom brukade hata Mary. Nu älskar han henne. Tom used to hate Mary. Now he loves her. Tom used to hate Mary, and now he loves her. Hvor reparerede du dem? Where did you repair them? Where did you fix them? Tom sagde at han var ved at spise. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Hvert sæki ég farangurinn minn? Where do I claim my baggage? Where do I get my luggage? Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálf? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your homework yourself? Han lød en smule skuffet. He sounded a little disappointed. He sounded a little disappointed. Tilkall politiet! Call the police! Call the police! Vinsamlegast gangið frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please step away from these chairs. Bilurin er svartur. The car is black. The car's black. Jag hörde frågan. I heard the question. I heard the question. Han har inte hatt på sig. He does not wear a hat. He hasn't been wearing himself. Jeg tror ikke mine egne øyne. I can't believe my eyes. I don't believe my eyes. Vi sælger alt. We're selling everything. We sell everything. Han møtte sin venn mens han badet i sjøen. He met his friend while bathing in the sea. He met his friend as he bathed in the lake. Jeg beklager, men sådan er det bare. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Tom vil ikke innrømme at han har gjort noe galt. Tom won't admit that he's done anything wrong. Tom won't admit he's done something wrong. Goddag! Hvordan går det? Good day, how are you? How are you? Tom skulle kunna ha rättat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could've fixed himself. När man talar om trollen. Speak of the devil. When you talk about the trolls. Sami er DJ'en. Sami is the DJ. Sami's the DJ. Min bror bor i en liten by. My brother lives in a small village. My brother lives in a small town. Jeg troede du var Toms ven. I thought you were Tom's friend. I thought you were Tom's friend. Þetta er ekki heldur appelsína. That is not an orange, either. It's not orange either. Jag är bäst. I am the best. I'm the best. Din bror ber om hjälp. Your brother is asking for help. Your brother's asking for help. De flesta japanska tempel är gjorda av trä. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Väntar du på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? Ikke mindre enn hundre folk var tilstede på møtet. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than a hundred people were present at the meeting. Gør det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Hon är på intet vis självisk. She is by no means selfish. She's in no way selfish. Intet er lettere end at tale. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. Varje dag gjorde han samma i åtta timmar och sedan gick han hem. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours and then he went home. Every day he did the same for eight hours and then he went home. Eg hyggji at sjónvarpi. I'm watching television. I mean, TV. Ég er útlendingur. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Detta är början på en ny era. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Jag är berlinare. I am a Berliner. I'm a Berliner. Det är mina order. Those are my orders. Those are my orders. Má ég nota ritvélina þína. Can I use your typewriter? Can I use your typewriter? Kom så hurtigt som muligt! Get here as soon as you can. Come as soon as possible! Dyrnar köstuðust upp. The door burst open. The door was vomited. Jag vill inte ha något vin. I don't want any wine. I don't want any wine. Han mötte några svårigheter. He was confronted with some difficulties. He faced some difficulties. Det här ägde rum följande dag. This took place on the following day. This took place the following day. Hur var resan? How was the trip? How was your trip? Sjön var tillfrusen. The lake was frozen. The lake was frozen. Hun ønskede at sælge sin bil. She wanted to sell her car. She wanted to sell her car. De studsade upp och ner. They bounced up and down. They bounced up and down. Du skulle vært her innen 2:30 You were supposed to be here by 2:30. You should be here by 2:30. Her har der engang været et hus. There used to be a house here at one time. There's been a house once. Du bør ikke prate med munnen full ved bordet. You shouldn't speak with your mouth full at table. You shouldn't talk to your mouth full at the table. Vi overnattet i Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We spent the night in Hakone. Algeriet er stadig et fattigt land. Algeria is still a poor country. Algeria is still a poor country. Þú vannst! You've won! You won! Tom är inte någon schyst kille. Tom isn't a nice guy. Tom's not a good guy. Vi tager til Ibiza. We are going to Ibiza. We're going to Ibiza. Du har brug for denne. You need this. You need this. Tolv er et lige tal. Twelve is an even number. Twelve is an equal number. Hún ráðlagði honum að reykja ekki. She advised him not to smoke. She advised him not to smoke. Hva med noe kaldt å drikke? How about something cold to drink? How about something cold to drink? Da følte den sig ganske undseelig og stak hovedet om bag vingerne, den vidste ikke selv hvad! Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do. Then it felt pretty evasive and stuck its head behind its wings, it didn't even know what! Det hände så snabbt. It happened so fast. It happened so fast. Jeg vil ikke være frekk mot Tom. I don't want to be rude to Tom. I don't want to be rude to Tom. Tom och Mary sålde sin bil förra veckan. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Tom har nästan aldrig på sig hatt. Tom almost never wears a hat. Tom's almost never worn. Þeir trúa á líf eftir dauðann. They believe in a life after death. They believe in life after death. Kva må eg gjere for å overtyde svigerfaren min? What do I have to do to convince my father-in-law? What do I have to do to overwhelm my father-in-law? Jag kommer att skjuta dig. I'll shoot you. I'm gonna shoot you. "Brann" ropte han. "Fire!", he cried. "Brann," he cried. Hversu gamall verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Jeg plejede at drikke øl. I used to drink beer. I used to drink beer. Du förstör alltid allting. You always destroy everything. You always ruin everything. Jag gillar färgerna. I like the colors. I like the colors. Jag känner mig illamående. I'm feeling nauseous. I feel sick. Ingen vill det. Nobody wants it. No one wants to. Huff da, så synd. Oh dear. What a shame. Oh, my God, that's too bad. Hvad? What? What? I efteråret kom altid brændehuggerne og fældede nogle af de største træer, det skete hvert år, og det unge grantræ, som nu var ganske godt voksent, skælvede derved, thi de store, prægtige træer faldt med en knagen og bragen til jorden; grenene blev hugget fra. In the autumn woodcutters always came and felled a few of the largest trees; that was done this year too, and the little Fir Tree, that was now quite well grown, shuddered with fear, for the great stately trees fell to the ground with a crash, and their branches were cut off. In the fall came always the woodcuts and cut down some of the main trees, which happened every year, and the young fir tree, which was now very well grown up, trembled by it, for the great trees fell with a hook and the bough to the ground; the branches were cut off. En nyfödd baby är benägen att bli sjuk. A newborn baby is liable to fall ill. A newborn baby is prone to become ill. Välkommen tillbaka. Vi har saknat dig! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we've missed you! Tom kom på toget. Tom got on the train. Tom got on the train. Jeg troede at jeg ville besvime. I thought I was going to faint. I thought I'd faint. Tom har kaniner. Tom has rabbits. Tom's got rabbits. Har du några syskon? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any siblings? Hun græd sig selv i søvn. She cried herself to sleep. She cried herself to sleep. Tom hävdade, att han såg en man bli ätit levande av pirayor. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by piranhas. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by pirays. Tom stack för länge sedan. Tom left a long time ago. Tom left a long time ago. Ursäkta? Pardon me? Excuse me? Jeg har skrevet denne sang kun for dig. I wrote this song just for you. I've written this song only for you. Þetta er uppáhalds myndin mín. This is my favorite movie. This is my favorite movie. Rétt eftir að hafa lagt diskana frá sér heyrði Joan dyrabjölluna hringja. Just after putting away the dishes, Joan heard the doorbell ring. Just after leaving the plates, Joan heard the doorbell ringing. Hvorfor er det så svært at beherske det franske sprog? Why is it so difficult to master French? Why is it so difficult to master the French language? Jeg forstår fransk bedre end jeg kan tale det. I understand French better than I can speak it. I understand French better than I can speak it. Han vil ha et glass med kaldt vann. He wants a glass of cold water. He wants a glass of cold water. Jag är gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. Hann gerði vinum sínum ljóst að hann hygðist ekki bjóða sig fram til kosninganna. He made it known to his friends that he was unwilling to run for the election. He made it clear to his friends that he did not want to volunteer for the election. Mary hjälpte sin mor att laga mat. Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook. Þú ert frjáls til að fara heim. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Tom gikk glipp av det hele. Tom missed the whole thing. Tom missed everything. Jag minns inte hur gammal jag var när jag för första gången träffade Tom. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first met Tom. I don't remember how old I was when I first met Tom. Tag trappen! Enter by means of the staircase! Take the stairs! I morgon kommer jag att veta vem som är den nya presidenten. Tomorrow, I'll know who the new president is. Tomorrow I'll know who the new president is. Du gav den till mig. You gave it to me. You gave it to me. Ég er ekki vitund þreyttur. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired. Bill tændte for fjernsynet. Bill turned on the television. Bill turned on the TV. Besøker du ofte postkontoret? Do you go to the post office often? Do you often visit the post office? Han var förkrossad. He was devastated. He was devastated. Gid han var på vores hold! I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team! Trods bekymringerne var vejret pragtfuldt. Despite the concerns, the weather was magnificent. Despite the anxieties, the weather was magnificent. Jag tycker om det nya huset mer än det gamla. I like the new house more than the old one. I like the new house more than the old one. John byggde en bokhylla. John built a bookcase. John built a bookcase. Jeg har minst ti bøker. I have at least ten books. I have at least ten books. Þrösturinn syngur hvert lag tvisvar í gegn. The thrush sings each song twice over. The comfort each song sings through twice. Jag gör det om du stöttar mig. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it if you support me. Jag satte upp en liten koja i trädgården. I put up a small hut in the backyard. I set up a small cabin in the garden. Jeg er interesseret. I'm interested. I'm interested. Tom er hjemmeværende pappa. Tom is a stay-at-home dad. Tom's a homely dad. Det skete for tre år siden. That happened three years ago. It happened three years ago. Det har skjedd. It has happened. It's happened. Jag åt kaviar. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Tom har dörrarna låsta om natten. Tom keeps his doors locked at night. Tom has the doors locked at night. Jag tycker om att simma, men inte här. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here. I like swimming, but not here. Mary er nysgerrig, er hun ikke? Mary is nosy, isn't she? Mary's curious, isn't she? Hun er veldig glad i kake. She really likes cake. She loves cake very much. Jeg hader edderkopper. I hate spiders. I hate spiders. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It isn't safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text under the drive. Mary har långa ben. Mary has long legs. Mary's got long legs. Jeg nød hver dag af min ferie. I enjoyed every day of my vacation. Every day I enjoyed my vacation. Ok, vi har en aftale. OK, we've got a deal. Okay, we have a deal. Hver er uppáhalds leikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor or actress? Who's your favorite actor? Þar sem við vissum ekki hvað við hvað við ættum til bragðs að taka, hringdum við á lögregluna. Not knowing what to do, we telephoned the police. Since we did not know what to do, we called the police. Læreren har ingen autoritet over sine elever. The teacher has no authority over his students. The teacher has no authority over his students. Engar áhyggjur. Don't worry. Don't worry. Jag önskar att Tom var här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom was here. Bliv nu ikke for kæphøj! Don't get too cocky. Don't get too high! Jag kommer nog över det. I'll get over it. I think I'll get over it. Har du en bog? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Du er ikke et barn længere. You are not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Jag har en båt. I've got a boat. I have a boat. Solen er gået ned. The sun has gone down. The sun's gone down. Begge ben er svage. Both legs are weak. Both legs are weak. Tom prøvde å drepa oss. Tom tried to kill us. Tom tried to kill us. Livet i fängelse är värre än ett djurs liv. Life in prison is worse than the life of an animal. Life in prison is worse than an animal's life. Hvis du havde taget telefonen, ville jeg have inviteret dig til festen hjemme hos Tom. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to the party at Tom's house. If you had answered the phone, I would have invited you to the party at Tom's house. Han behöver en stege. He needs a straight. He needs a ladder. Seansdeltagare försöker få kontakt med de döda. Participants in a seance try to contact the dead. Séancers are trying to get in touch with the dead. Tom tror ikke at han er så kreativ som Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom klatrede op ad stigen og plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Känner du Tom? Do you know Tom? Do you know Tom? Det är dags att stiga upp. Time to get up. It's time to get up. Vi är kvinnor. We are women. We're women. Jag hoppas att du hittar Tom. I hope you find Tom. I hope you find Tom. Att spela tennis är bra för hälsan. Playing tennis is good for your health. Playing tennis is good for health. Jeg kan ikke læse hendes pokeransigt. I can't read her poker face. I can't read her poker face. I mål kommer man aldri i slike prosjekter. Such projects are never finished. The goal is never to enter into projects like this. Jeg hørte nogen skrige. I heard someone scream. I heard some screams. Tom gik i dækning. Tom took cover. Tom was covered. John teygði úr sér á sófanum. John stretched out on the couch. John stretched out on his couch. Skoðaðu síðuna mína á Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Look at my page on Facebook. Gid mine forældre havde afholdt sig fra at fortælle mig at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. I wish my parents had abstained from telling me that I was an accident. Hon hade glömt sitt paraply, så jag lånade henne mitt. She had forgotten her umbrella so I lent her mine. She forgot her umbrella, so I borrowed her mine. Hade du drömmar? Did you have dreams? Did you have dreams? Han kan mycket väl ha rätt. He may well be right. He may well be right. Mjölk är en populär dryck. Milk is a popular beverage. Milk is a popular drink. Vær ikke bange, Tom! Don't be afraid, Tom. Don't be afraid, Tom! Det är ingen mening med att försöka lösa det här problemet. It is no use trying to solve this problem. There's no point in trying to solve this problem. Kom med oss. Come with us. Come with us. Hun gjorde sit bedste for at overtale ham. She did her best to persuade him. She did her best to persuade him. Jeg vil købe en sølvhalskæde. I want to buy a silver necklace. I want to buy a silver necklace. Jeg havde travlt. I was busy. I was busy. Tokyo är Japans huvudstad. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Nogen ringede. Somebody called. Somebody called. Tom har ikke vandet blomsterne endnu. Tom hasn't watered the flowers yet. Tom doesn't have the water flowers yet. Þetta er ljósmynd af yngri systur minni. That's my younger sister's photograph. This is a photograph of my younger sister. Jeg får brug for mere hjælp. I'm going to need more help. I'll need more help. Min kat spiser kun vådkost. My cat only eats wet food. My cat only eats wet food. Vad betyder SSSR? What does USSR stand for? What does SSSR mean? Det er koldt i dag! It's cold today. It's cold today! Ditt svar på frågan visade sig vara fel. Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong. Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong. Han begik selvmord. He commited suicide. He committed suicide. Det blåste en kall vind. A cold wind was blowing. It blew a cold wind. Han sålde några äpplen på marknaden. He sold some apples at the market. He sold some apples on the market. Vi tog en promenad. We went for a walk. We took a walk. Jag ska hämta min jacka. I'll get my coat. I'll get my jacket. Jeg leser ikke. I do not read. I don't read. Hann lærði frönsku þegar hann var ungur. He acquired French when he was young. He learned French when he was young. Först till kvarn får först mala. First come, first served. First the mill gets to paint. De sa att de skulle göra läxorna, fast de gick på bio. They said that they would do homework, though they went to the movies. They said they'd do the homework, but they went to the movies. Hun varmede sig ved ilden. She warmed herself by the fire. She warmed herself by the fire. Hvorfor spilder vi vores tid med dette? Why are we wasting time with this? Why are we wasting our time with this? Eitt mál er als ikki nóg mikið. One language is never enough. One thing ain't enough. Hvordan kan jeg gøre dig gladere? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? Vi havde en behagelig aften. We had a pleasant evening. We had a nice night. Hvis bare jeg havde været lidt højere! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I had been a little taller! Hva er dette? Spurte Tony. "What's this?" asked Tony. What is this? Skriv till mig. Write me. Write to me. Jag vet ingenting om dinosaurier. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. Vinsamlegast málaðu dyrnar hvítar. Please paint the door white. Please paint the door white. Tom sagde nej. Tom said no. Tom said no. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan jeg vinner over systemet. I wish I could figure out how to beat the system. I wish I could figure out how to win over the system. På atomnivå ser vi kvantemekaniske effekter som ikke kan forklares med klassisk mekanikk. At the atomic scale we observe quantum mechanical effects that can not be explained by classical mechanics. At atomic level, we see quantum mechanical effects that cannot be explained by classical mechanics. Vem är det som äger pistolen? Who does the gun belong to? Who owns the gun? Økonomien var i en elendig forfatning. The economy was in miserable condition. The economy was in a miserable constitution. Solen skjuler sig bag skyerne. The Sun hides behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Jag kommer alltid att älska dig. I will always love you. I'll always love you. Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova till mitt på dagen. I thought Tom would sleep until noon. I thought Tom was going to sleep in the middle of the day. I morgen er det tirsdag den 10. oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Jag åkte till Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Den næste dag var juledag. The next day was Christmas Day. The next day was Christmas. Han är ett matvrak. He is a glutton. He's a mess. Jeg ville have sagt ja. I would've said yes. I would have said yes. I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced Tom was innocent. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. Hun havde brug for pengene. She needed the money. She needed the money. Hon hjälpte honom. She helped him. She helped him. Kan din kone køre bil? Can your wife drive? Does your wife know how to drive a car? Stjerneskud bringer held og lykke. It's good luck to see a shooting star. A star shot brings good luck. Við hvíldum okkur ein á eftir annarri. We took a rest one after the other. We rested alone. Det er ingen hemmelighed at Tom ikke kan lide Maria. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Mary. It's no secret Tom doesn't like Maria. Tom lider af osteoporose. Tom suffers from osteoporosis. Tom suffers from osteoporosis. Min bil är en tysk bil. My car is German. My car is a German car. Det var ikke Toms skyld. It wasn't Tom's fault. It wasn't Tom's fault. Jag ringer efter en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a cab. I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. Kamelmælk er godt for mennesker med sukkersyge. Camel milk is good for people with diabetes. Camel milk is good for people with diabetes. Það er annað mál. That's another matter. That's different. Trevlig resa! Godspeed! Nice trip! Jeg liker det jeg gjør. I enjoy what I do. I like what I do. Jag hoppas kunna vara med. I hope to be there. I hope to be there. Det skulle jag vilja höra. I'd like to hear that. I'd like to hear that. Jeg mistet en verdifull medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I lost a precious medal. Ska han dö? Will he die? Is he going to die? Det er gjort store framsteg. Great progress has been made. Great progress has been made. Tom gavs en dödande elektrisk stöt. Tom was electrocuted. Tom was given a killing electrical shock. Hunden följde efter honom vart han än gick. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Han er en stor dreng. He's a big boy. He's a big boy. Tom ryddede indkørslen for sne med en sneslynge. Tom cleared the snow from the driveway with a snowblower. Tom cleared the driveway for snow with a snow sling. Jeg troede du ikke kunne køre bil. I thought you didn't know how to drive. I thought you couldn't drive. Vi sees! See you again. I'll see you later. Jeg føler ikke for å jobbe; hva med å gå på kino i stedet? I don't feel like working; what about going to a cinema instead? I don't feel like working; how about going to the movies instead? Vet Tom? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Aldri skriv orda "borsjtsj" og "sjtsji" på tysk! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borch" and "shishi" in German! Hun blev ikke betalt for det. She didn't get paid for it. She wasn't paid for it. Hvad er der sket med din hånd? What happened to your hand? What happened to your hand? Við fórum upp og niður í lyftu. We went up and down by elevator. We went up and down in an elevator. Lad os vente og se. Let us wait and see. Let's wait and see. Håll dig borta från Tom. Stay away from Tom. Stay away from Tom. Jeg kan ikke holde smerten ud længere. I can't stand the pain any more. I can't take the pain anymore. Hun bor i en leilighet over oss. She lives in an apartment above us. She lives in an apartment over us. Tom är inte särskilt upptagen, eller hur? Tom isn't very busy, is he? Tom's not very busy, is he? Var snäll och stäng av motorn. Please turn off your engine. Please turn off the engine. Hun sagde ja. She said yes. She said yes. Hvor lenge vil dette tauet holde? How long will this rope hold? How long will this rope last? Teresa är ett portugisiskt namn. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Vilken är din favoritsnabbmatsrestaurang? What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Vil du have østers, eller vil du hellere have muslinger? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Do you want oysters or would you rather have mussels? Harry är bara 40. Harry is only 40. Harry's only 40. Jeg likte det meget godt. I enjoyed it very much. I liked it very much. Min flickvän är helt tokig i Forever 21, men det är åtminstone billigt. My girlfriend is crazy over Forever 21, but at least it's cheap. My girlfriend's crazy about Forever 21, but at least it's cheap. Hvor er din skole? Where is your school? Where's your school? Tom gir seg ikke. Tom isn't backing down. Tom won't stop. Det var et vindu Tom ødela i går. It was a window that Tom broke yesterday. It was a window Tom destroyed last night. Et æble om dagen holder doktoren væk! One apple a day keeps the doctor away! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Ge mig en dollar för boken. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Ja. Yep. Yeah. Denne te er for bitter. This tea is too bitter. This tea is too bitter. Er du sikker på at du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Jeg har ingen naboer. I have no neighbors. I don't have any neighbors. Sikkerhedskopier alt dit arbejde. Back up all your work. Back up all your work. Tom sad på motorcyklen bag Mary. Tom sat on the motorcycle behind Mary. Tom was sitting on the motorcycle behind Mary. Har du allerede spist kage? Have you already eaten some cake? Have you already eaten cake? Jane er að tala við einhvern. Jane is talking with somebody. Jane's talking to someone. Den här tanden sitter löst. This tooth is wobbly. This tooth is loose. Den imam var på mange måder en faderfigur for mig. That imam was in many ways a father figure to me. That imam was in many ways a father figure for me. Tom är van att ta snabba beslut. Tom is used to making quick decisions. Tom is used to making quick decisions. Är ni arga? Are you mad? Are you angry? Jag har fortfarande inte hittat det jag letar efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Vil du se? Do you want to take a look? You wanna see? Det er ikke Toms skyld. It's not Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Får vi också komma? Can we come, too? Can we come too? Hvem er det Toshio liker? Who does Toshio like? Who is it Toshio likes? Vi borde sätta upp en fälla. We should set a trap. We should set up a trap. Jag trodde att du skulle vara glad för Toms skull. I thought you'd be happy for Tom. I thought you'd be happy for Tom. Tog du med frallor? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring any chips? Kunne du tatt å poste dette brevet for meg? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Could you post this letter for me? Det är bara halva sanningen. That's only half the story. It's just half the truth. Etter at jeg hadde gjort leksene mine kunne jeg endelig se på TV. Having done my homework, I could finally watch television. After doing my homework, I could finally watch TV. Vänta en sekund. Wait one second. Wait a second. Hún bakaði handa mér köku. She baked me a cake. She made me cake. Är du verkligen Tom? Are you really Tom? Are you really Tom? Við gætum séð tom. We could see Tom. We could see empty. Jeg skrev et svar, men jeg glemte å trykke på send. I wrote a reply, but I forgot to press send. I wrote an answer, but I forgot to press the transmitter. Tom besluttede sig for at ringe efter hjælp. Tom decided to call for help. Tom decided to call for help. Öl är gott. Beer's good. Beer's good. Han er sidst i halvtredserne. He's in his late fifties. He's the end of the 50s. Har du engelsk-ordbok? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Tycker du om sommar? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? De sier at Tom ikke kommer til å gjøre det. They're saying that Tom won't do it. They say Tom won't do it. Det är olagligt att jaga giraffer. It's illegal to hunt giraffes. Hunting giraffes is illegal. Vi jobbar alla för hårt. We all work too hard. We're all working too hard. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að vinna svona mikið. She advised him to stop working so much. She advised him to stop working so much. En ting er sikkert: Ingen kan stoppe mig! One thing's for sure: nobody can stop me! One thing's for sure, no one can stop me! Jeg er lige så gammel som dig. I'm as old as you. I'm as old as you. Tyvärr dog hon ung. Alas, she died young. Unfortunately, she died young. Vi har inget problem. We don't have a problem. We don't have a problem. Jeg kan ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Hvor er pennen? Where is the pen? Where's the pen? Tom behøver ikke tage til Boston i næste uge. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. ”Vem är det?” ”Det är din mor.” "Who is it?" "It's your mother." “Who is it?” “It’s your mother.” Vi sprang hela vägen till stationen. We ran all the way to the station. We ran all the way to the station. Små barn er redde for å bli forlatt i mørket. Small children are afraid of being left alone in the dark. Little children are afraid of being abandoned in the dark. Sov du godt? Did you sleep well? Did you sleep well? Det var en hundreddollarseddel. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a hundred dollar bill. Klokkeslæt og dato passede vores træner. The time and date suited our coach. Time and date fit our coach. Vi bommet alle på målet. We all missed the target. We missed everyone on the target. Jeg troede, at jeg hørte en stemme. I thought I heard a voice. I thought I heard a voice. Pojken tog tag i kattens svans. The boy grabbed the cat by the tail. The boy grabbed the cat's tail. To og to er fire. Two and two is four. Two and two are four. Hur stavas ”pretty”? How do you spell "pretty"? How is “pretty” spelled? Slösa inte bort er tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Det var oturligt. That's unlucky. It was bad luck. Jeg satte meg ned på en benk ved siden av Tom. I sat down on a bench next to Tom. I sat down on a bench next to Tom. Tökum okkur tíu mínútna hlé. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Hvor mange bøker leser du i måneden? How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read a month? Tom gillar inte riktigt Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom bore ikke på Park Street lengre. Tom doesn't live on Park Street anymore. Tom didn't drill on Park Street anymore. Jeg trenger noen som kan beskytte meg. I need someone to protect me. I need someone who can protect me. Er I trætte? Are you tired? Are you tired? Vem upptäckte Amerika? Who discovered America? Who discovered America? De vann faktiskt. They did win. They actually won. Katten sov på bordet. The cat slept on the table. The cat slept on the table. Hon har stora bröst. She has large breasts. She's got big tits. Brian har kjøpt en leppestift til Kate. Brian has bought Kate some lipstick. Brian bought Kate a lipstick. Jeg bruker en stor gryte til å lage suppe. I use a big pot to cook soup. I use a big pot to make soup. Jeg tænkte på om du ville med mig i biografen i aften. I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me tonight. I was wondering if you'd come to the movies with me tonight. Hvenær hittirðu hann? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Jeg er meget bekymret for min svoger. I'm very worried about my brother-in-law. I'm very worried about my brother-in-law. Politiet arresterede manden som myrdede pigen. The police arrested the man who had murdered the girl. The police arrested the man who killed the girl. Tom kan lide at lege med ilden. Tom likes playing with fire. Tom likes to play with the fire. Hur länge var Tom här? How long was Tom here? How long was Tom here? Ge mig en dag eller två. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Elsker du mig? Do you love me? Do you love me? Hon är min typ. She's my type. She's my type. Gøende hunde bider ikke altid. Barking dogs don't always bite. Ginging dogs don't always bite. Ég er timbraður. I have a hangover. I'm toasted. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let in the dog. Open the door and let the dog in. Jeg begynder altid dagen med en kop kaffe. I always start my day with a cup of coffee. I always start the day with a cup of coffee. Loftið var nokkuð kalt. The air felt a little cold. The air was pretty cold. Uden fingeraftryk havde politiet ikke noget at gå efter. Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go on. Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go for. Når katten er borte, danser musene på bordet. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table. Uppenbarligen tycker Mary inte om mig Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Apparently Mary doesn't like me Han tycker inte om nötkött. Det gör inte jag heller. He doesn't like beef. Neither do I. He doesn't like beef, neither do I. Vad har du i din påse? What have you got in your bag? What's in your bag? Dina ord måste överensstämma med dina handlingar. Your words have to correspond with your actions. Your words must be in harmony with your actions. Vi kan använda det. We can use it. We can use it. Var beredd. Stand by. Stand by. Hún ráðleggur honum hvernig hann eigi að halda sér í heilsu. She advises him on how to stay healthy. She counsels him how to stay healthy. En evighet är en väldigt lång tid. Eternity is a really long time. An eternity is a very long time. Tom må være veldig glad etter å ha vunnet løpet. Tom must be very happy after winning the race. Tom must be very happy after winning the race. Jeg blev hjemme i går. I stayed home yesterday. I stayed at home yesterday. Såg du verkligen att Tom hjälpte Mary? Did you actually see Tom helping Mary? Did you really see Tom helping Mary? Blanda salt, torrjäst och vetemjöl i en stor skål. Mix the salt, dry yeast and flour in a big bowl. Mix salt, dry yeast and wheat flour in a large bowl. Det är ett av mina favoritord. That's one of my favorite words. That's one of my favorite words. Disse dyr er venlige. These animals are friendly. These animals are friendly. Hur fick Tom reda på det? How did Tom find out? How did Tom find out? Millioner af amerikanere mistede deres hjem under den finansielle krise. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Hendes mand bor for tiden i Tokyo. Her husband is currently living in Tokyo. Her husband currently lives in Tokyo. Har du lust med det? Do you feel up to it? Do you like it? Vel, det skjer. Well, it happens. Well, it's happening. Papir er hvidt. The paper is white. Paper is white. Hva er det du leter etter der inne? What are you looking for in there? What are you looking for in there? Tom har en pige derhjemme. Tom has a girl back home. Tom has a girl at home. Faðir Jóns hefur einhverja frönskuþekkingu. John's father has some knowledge of French. His father has some French knowledge. Gå in i labbet. Go into the lab. Get in the lab. Jeg har haft en god sommerferie. I had a good summer vacation. I've had a good summer vacation. Hann mun gera sitt besta. He will do his best. He'll do his best. Jeg ble besøkt av en kunde. I was visited by a customer. I was visited by a customer. Jeg slog ham i skak. I beat him at chess. I kicked his ass. Vi måste alla dö. We all have to die. We all have to die. Nyhenda gjorde han trist. The news made him sad. Newhenda made him sad. Jag sov inte bra. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well. Skynd deg! Hurry up. Hurry! Jag försökte att övertyga henne. I tried to convince her. I tried to convince her. Du kan ikke forlate oss. You can't leave us alone. You can't leave us. Han var modstander af monopoler. He was opposed to monopolies. He was opposed to monopolies. Vattnet frös till is. The water turned to ice. The water froze to ice. Mina skor måste lagas. My shoes will have to be mended. My shoes have to be fixed. Jeg har ikke bestilt fisk. I didn't order fish. I didn't order any fish. Hvad studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a sovietologist study? Ég trúi því ekki að þú hafir aldrei heyrt um hana. I don't believe I've ever heard of her. I can't believe you never heard of her. I denne uge var vejret meget omskifteligt. This week the weather was very unpredictable. This week the weather was very changeable. Hvenær borðum við? Ég er svöng! When are we eating? I'm hungry! I'm hungry! En træskoliste er en liste over ting man ønsker at gøre før man dør. A bucket list is a list of things that you want to do before you die. A wooden shoe list is a list of things you want to do before you die. Har du nya skor? Do you have new shoes? Do you have new shoes? Av, kaffen er brandvarm! Ah, the coffee is really hot! Oh, my God, the coffee is hot! Jeg kender jer ikke. I don't know you. I don't know you guys. Tom og Mary så på fyrværkeriet sammen. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Kina er tjue ganger så stort som Japan. China is twenty times bigger than Japan. China is 20 times as big as Japan. Jag kan aldrig bli förälskad igen. I'll never be able to love you again. I can never fall in love again. Har du ingenting å fortelje han? Do you not have anything to tell him? You got nothing to tell him? Den første der kommer frem, vinder. First one to get there wins. The first to arrive wins. Kan du være så snill og kjøre meg hjem? Could you please drive me home? Can you please take me home? Min chef er et røvhul. My boss is an asshole. My boss is an asshole. Det är en timmes promenad till stationen. It's an hour's walk to the station. It's an hour's walk to the station. De spiser deres æbler. They are eating their apples. They eat their apples. Gå og vekk Tom. Go and wake Tom up. Go away Tom. Jeg bor på andre siden av gaten. I live across the street. I live across the street. Sådan er livet. Shit happens. That's life. Toaletten är tillfälligt ur funktion. The toilet is out of order at the moment. The toilet is temporarily out of function. Tom og Mary er tømrere. Tom and Mary are carpenters. Tom and Mary are carpenters. Dine drømme er næsten lige så forvrængede som mine mareridt. Your dreams are almost as twisted as my nightmares. Your dreams are almost as twisted as my nightmares. De serverer fersk fisk og hummer hver dag, som de får flybåren en gang ukentlig fra Norge. Every day, they serve fresh fish and lobster, which they get weekly by plane from Norway. They serve fresh fish and lobster every day, which they once a week get from Norway. Jag läser inte. I don't read. I don't read. Tom har tabt 30 kg. Tom lost 30 kilograms. Tom's lost 20 pounds. Jeg ønsker et svar. I want an answer. I want an answer. Båda svaren är korrekta. The two answers are both correct. Both answers are correct. Ester er holocaustoverlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is a holocaust survivor. Tom är chef. Tom is the boss. Tom's the boss. Skulle du inte vilja ta lite frisk luft? Wouldn't you like to get some fresh air? Wouldn't you like to take some fresh air? At lære et fremmedsprog er spild af tid. Learning a foreign language is a waste of time. Learning a foreign language is a waste of time. Ordbogen indeholder omtrent en halv million ord. The dictionary contains about half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Eg havi mist min pengapung. I lost my wallet. I lost my money. Læknirinn gaf mér sprautu. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me a shot. Jag kan inte läsa franska, och ännu mindre tala det. I can't read French, let alone speak it. I can't read French, and even less speak it. Har du brug for læsebriller? Do you need glasses to read? Do you need reading glasses? Din fråga är ologisk. Your question is illogical. Your question is illogical. Lagnerne var gennemblødt af sved. The sheets were soaked with sweat. The sheets were soaked with sweat. Hon är min mormor. She is my grandmother. She's my grandmother. En hund vil altid elske dig betingelsesløst. A dog will always love you unconditionally. A dog will always love you unconditionally. Jag är så trött på dig. I'm so tired of you. I'm so tired of you. Jeg er ved at lave mine lektier. I'm busy with my homework. I'm doing my homework. Tom ligger på backen. Tom is lying on the ground. Tom's on the hill. Jag känner inte för att äta just nu. I don't feel like eating now. I don't feel like eating right now. Jag vet att Mary åkte utomlands. I know that Mary went abroad. I know Mary went abroad. Får jag kyssa dig? May I kiss you? May I kiss you? Solens masse er omkring 2 kvintillioner kilogram. The Sun weighs about two nonillion kilograms. The sun's mass is about two kilos of quinnel. Jag var hövlig. I was being polite. I was polite. Jag skulle aldrig ha litat på Tom. I never should've trusted Tom. I would never have trusted Tom. Det här är Carrie Underwoods senaste album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. Tom skakade på huvudet. Tom shook his head. Tom shook his head. Tom fik ikke noget gjort i dag. Tom didn't get anything done today. Tom didn't get anything done today. Dro du ut i går kveld? Did you go out last night? Did you leave last night? Mary er en sild. Mary is a fox. Mary's a herring. Tom har ikke fått sparken. Tom hasn't been fired. Tom hasn't been fired. Man må ikke spise for meget is og spaghetti. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. You can't eat too much ice and spaghetti. Hvad er dine bekymringer? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Flere emojier bruges i vid udstrækning under COVID-19-pandemien: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are being widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ég er vakandi. I'm awake. I'm awake. Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni. He had the presumption to reject my proposal. He was so rude to reject my proposal. Jeg tror denne boken vil være til stor hjelp for dere. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I think this book will be of great help to you. Det var omöjligt att hitta ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Ringede du efter en ambulance? Did you call an ambulance? Did you call an ambulance? Jeg troede, at du muligvis har brug for det. I thought that you might need this. I thought you might need it. Jeg liker virkelig lagkameratene mine. I really like my teammates. I really like my teammates. Det er ikke det samme. It isn't the same. It's not the same thing. Hvad er din mening om sagen? What is your opinion on the matter? What's your opinion on the matter? Það er ómögulegt að alhæfa út frá svona illa söfnuðum gögnum. It's impossible to make a generalization with such poorly obtained data. It is impossible to fill out such miscongregations. Är det vad du har i åtanke? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you have in mind? Ställ er upp, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Everybody stand up. Jag ringde i förväg. I called ahead. I called in advance. Tom trodde att du var full. Tom thought you were drunk. Tom thought you were drunk. Det var allerede ved at være daggry. Dawn was already drawing near. It was already being dawn. Hva synes Tom om Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? Bor han här? Does he live here? Does he live here? Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance! Den følte sig ordenlig glad over al den nød og genvordighed, den havde prøvet; nu skønnede den just på sin lykke, på al den dejlighed, der hilste den. He now felt glad at having suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him to enjoy so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him. It was truly glad at all the afflictions and hardships which it had tried; and now it was full of its happiness, of all the pleasantness that greeted it. Det gav meg mye nytelse. That gave me a lot of pleasure. It gave me a lot of pleasure. Kan du forestille dig at være frugtar? Can you imagine being a fruitarian? Can you imagine being a fruit? Det hjälper. It helps. That'll help. Tom er muligvis okay. Tom might be all right. Tom might be okay. Politiet stormede baren. The police charged into the bar. The police stormed the bar. Sluta vara så dramatisk. Stop being so dramatic. Stop being so dramatic. Dit blodtryk er lidt højt. Your blood pressure is a bit high. Your blood pressure is a little high. Gør det på denne måde. Do it this way. Do it this way. Marys mor er skabsdranker. Mary's mother's a cupboard drinker. Mary's mother is a cupboard. Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg har tid til det. I'm not sure I have time for that. I'm not sure I have time for that. Ikke løp over gata. Don't run across the street. Don't run across the street. Ég er reið út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Tom ägnade hela sitt liv åt att studera hajar. Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks. Tom spent his whole life studying sharks. Jeg lovte deg aldri noe. I never promised you anything. I never promised you anything. Hvorfor lever de så her? Why do they live here then? Then why are they living here? Hvor gammel er den eldste? What is the age of the oldest? How old is the elder? Enginn meiddist. Nobody was injured. Nobody was hurt. Jeg taler en smule spansk. I speak a little Spanish. I'm talking a little Spanish. Læs denne bog. Read this book. Read this book. Tom har svært ved at passe ind. Tom has trouble fitting in. Tom's having a hard time fitting in. Tom er akkurat ferdig med å vaske rommet sitt. Tom has just finished cleaning his room. Tom just finished washing his room. Selv nå, mange år etter den kalde krigen, er der fortsatt mye bitterhet mellom tyskere og russere, spesielt i områder som ble okkupert av Sovietunionen. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas occupied by the Soviet Union. Din hund er her. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Du spøker! You're joking! You're kidding! Han er skør med hende. He's crazy about her. He's crazy about her. Min franska börjar bli rostig. My French is getting rusty. My French is getting rusty. Sami forsøgte at sælge sin bil. Sami tried to sell his car. Sami tried to sell his car. Det er takket være min bror at jeg klarte å fullføre høyskolen. I owe it to my brother that I was able to finish college. Thanks to my brother, I was able to finish high school. Kor mange bøker les du i månaden? How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read a month? Er det rigtigt? Really? Really? Jeg var lige ved at lave en fejl. I nearly made a mistake. I was just making a mistake. Tá ið teir komu av útróðri, ella hvar teir so høvdu verið, plagdu teir at syngja ein sálm. When they returned from fishing, or from wherever they had been, they were wont to sing a hymn. Two branches of tea came out of the outpouring, or where the so - called chiefs were, and they had to sing one psalm. Han har ry for at være en skørtejæger. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a crazy hunter. Det sner. It snows. It's a mess. Tom tog tag i Marys hand. Tom grabbed Mary's hand. Tom grabbed Mary's hand. Tegnet viser at svaret er riktig. The sign means that the answer is correct. The sign shows the answer is correct. Jag talar inte kinesiska. I don't speak Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. Det stod i tidningen att ännu ett krig har brutit ut i Afrika. The newspaper said another war broke out in Africa. It was in the paper that another war broke out in Africa. Vad gör din son? What does your son do? What's your son doing? Þú varst seinn í gær. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. Jag behöver en blyertspenna. Kan jag låna en av dina pennor? I need a pencil. Can I borrow one of yours? Can I borrow one of your pens? Jeg fikk det ikke med meg. I couldn't get what you said. I didn't get it with me. Má bjóða þér te eða kaffi? Would you like some tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? Vi måste varna Tom. We've got to warn Tom. We have to warn Tom. Jag behöver lite hjälp. I need a little help. I need some help. Jag är en hundmänniska. I am a dog person. I'm a dog person. Jag trodde aldrig att det skulle vara såhär svårt att skapa en iPad-app. I never thought it'd be this hard to create an iPad app. I never thought it would be this hard to create an iPad app. Det er den tredje oktober. It's October the third. It's the third of October. Sikken skuffelse! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Stilla vatten rinner djupt. Still waters run deep. Still water flows deep. Den kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the tip of a jet hunter. Dette er over din lønklasse. This is above your pay grade. This is above your pay grade. Lønnen hans gir ham mulighet til å leve komfortabelt. His salary enables him to live in comfort. His reward gives him the opportunity to live comfortably. Við spilum alltaf tennis á laugardagsmorngum. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis on Saturday mornings. Til salg. For sale. For sale. Uden min regnfrakke ville jeg være blevet gennemblødt. Had it not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin. Without my raincoat, I'd have been bled. Hon er ein sjúkrasystir. She is a nurse. She's a nurse. De flesta tyskar kan tala engelska. Most Germans can speak English. Most Germans speak English. Hvem sin er boken på pulten? Whose is the book on the desk? Whose book is on the desk? Eg fari at giftast. I'm going to get married. I'm getting married. Hvordan hjælper man nogen som ikke ønsker ens hjælp? How do you help someone who doesn't want your help? How do you help someone who doesn't want your help? Vandet er godt. The water is good. The water's good. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she makes. Jag skulle vilja lära mig standardengelska. I would like to learn standard English. I'd like to learn standard English. Du har förstört det! Du har förstört allt! You've ruined it! You've ruined everything! You've ruined everything! Det fortsatte att snöa i fyra dagar. The snow lasted four days. It continued to snow for four days. Vi har ingen mat. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Algeriet skal bekæmpe korruption. Algeria needs to fight corruption. Algeria must fight corruption. Jeg har ikke penge nok til at betale denne måneds husleje. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. Hans mage skriker. His stomach growls. His stomach screams. De lager et eller annet her. They're making something or other here. They're making something here. Tom kan godt lide lakrids. Tom likes black licorice. Tom likes liquorice. Prøv ikke på at narre mig. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. Han er her for at udspionere os. He is here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Soldaterna var utrustade med vapen. The soldiers were equipped with weapons. The soldiers were equipped with weapons. Tom er meget modig. Tom is very brave. Tom's very brave. Viðskiptavinum hans fækkaði eftir að nýja verslunarmiðstöðin hóf starfsemi. His customers dropped off after the new supermarket opened for business. His customers declined after the new mall began operations. Jeg borstar tänderna varje morgon. I brush my teeth every morning. I brush my teeth every morning. Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you shower? How often do you take a shower? De flesta av våra anställda är unga. Most of our employees are young. Most of our employees are young. Da jeg åbnede mine øjne igen, stod der pludselig en ukendt dame foran mig. When I opened my eyes again, all of a sudden an unknown lady was standing right in front of me. When I opened my eyes again, suddenly an unknown lady stood in front of me. Skal jeg fortelle deg en vits? Will I tell you a joke? You want me to tell you a joke? Denne mand er kriminalbetjent, ikke en kriminel. This man is a police officer in the crime squad, not a criminal. This man is a detective, not a criminal. Ég fer á fætur klukkan sex þrjátíu. I get up at 6:30. I'll get up at 630. Jag såg Tom för mindre än en timme sedan. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. Jag var hungrig. I was hungry. I was hungry. Du borde köpa en telefonsvarare. You should buy an answering machine. You should buy a answering machine. Tom ledte efter Mary overalt. Tom looked for Mary everywhere. Tom was looking for Mary everywhere. Tom kjem att neste veke. Tom will return next week. Tom's gonna be back next week. Jeg er ikke overbevist. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. Hvorfor fyrede de Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? De ved hvor jeg er. They know where I am. They know where I am. De tror på Gud. They believe in God. They believe in God. Jeg har møtt ham. I've met him. I've met him. Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do such a thing? John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Vilda djur bor i regnskogen. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the rain forest. Jeg kan lide popmusik. I like pop music. I like pop music. Jeg vet dette høres absurd ut, men det er akkurat hva jeg føler. I know this sounds nonsensical, but it is exactly what I feel. I know this sounds absurd, but that's exactly how I feel. Paula vasker bilen i morgen. Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paula's washing the car tomorrow. Jag har något i ögat. I have something in my eye. I have something in my eye. Brug GNU/Linux. Use GNU/Linux. Use GNU/Linux. Du trenger ikke svare på det brevet. You don't need to answer that letter. You don't have to answer that letter. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? Which house are you staying in? What house did you stay in? Vi må klippe håret vårt. We must get our hair cut. We need to cut our hair. Gå inte nära dem. Do not go near them. Don't go near them. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Brott lönar sig inte i längden. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime does not pay in the long run. Håll dig redo. Stand by. Stay ready. Jeg ville have mine penge tilbage. I wanted my money back. I wanted my money back. Finns det en app för det? Is there an app for that? Is there an app for that? Tom rødmede som en skolepige. Tom blushed like a schoolgirl. Tom redsmith like a schoolgirl. Tilmelding starter tyvende oktober. Registration starts October 20th. Registration will begin on 20 October. Du blødde neseblod. You had a nosebleed. You bled nosebleed. Hvad laver han nu? What is he doing now? What's he doing now? Jeg vil gjerne få introdusere noen venner av meg. I'd like to introduce some friends of mine. I'd like to introduce some friends of mine. Du borde hjälpa henne. You should help her. You should help her. Tom er meget dygtig. Tom is very efficient. Tom's very good. Bring mig venligst en kop kaffe. Bring me a cup of coffee, please. Please bring me a cup of coffee. "Ønsker du noget at drikke?" "Nej, tak." "Do you want something to drink?" "No, thank you." "Do you want something to drink?" "No, thank you." Det var en stor en. That's a big one. It was a big one. Hvilket land er størst, Japan eller England? Which is larger, Japan or England? Which country is the largest, Japan or England? Kom så fort du kan. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Han læser en bog på sit værelse. He is reading a book in his room. He reads a book in his room. Du är lite sen. You're a little late. You're a little late. Berätta för mig om Tom. Tell me about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Din fortælling er kedelig. Your story is boring. Your story is boring. Það var stór jarðskjálfti í gærnótt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Och slutligen, tolv poäng till Estland! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! Vad är det för filtillägg? What's the file extension? What's that file supplement? Send mig ikke væk. Don't send me away. Don't send me away. Hann braust inn. He broke into a house. He broke in. Ge mig skjuts. Give me a ride. Give me a ride. Tú kanst ikki hjálpa mær. You can't help me. You can't help the bitch. Det här behöver jag verkligen. I really need this. I really need this. Han är här med. He is also here. He's here, too. Hvor var alle? Where was everyone? Where was everybody? Bestilte du bogen? Did you order the book? Did you order the book? Hun arbejdede i Belgien. She worked in Belgium. She worked in Belgium. Jag tänkte att jag kanske kan köpa dig en drink. I thought maybe I could buy you a drink. I thought maybe I could buy you a drink. De älskade den. They loved it. They loved it. Jag känner också för att spela. I feel like playing, too. I also feel like playing. Jeg kender enken efter Tom. I know Tom's widow. I know the widow of Tom. Jag minns inte vad han heter. I don't remember what his name is. I don't remember his name. Många turister kommer för att se vattenfallet. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Hva? Hva sa du? What? What did you say? What did you say? Pigen slap fuglen løs. The girl let the bird loose. The girl let the bird go. En fed hvid kat sat på en mur og betragtede dem med søvnige øjne. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes. Jag tycker inte alls om det här. I don't like this at all. I don't like this at all. Jeg er sygeplejerske. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Har ni ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Mit efternavn er Jones. My last name is Jones. My last name is Jones. Får jag ge den här till dig? Can I give you this? Can I give this to you? Jeg tar meg gjerne av babyen din. I'd be happy to take care of your baby. I'll be happy to take care of your baby. Jeg hader kolde vinterdage. I hate cold winter days. I hate cold winter days. Hon man at granska tónlist og dans. She wants to study music and dance. She's a man to examine music and dance. Þýðir það að þú komir ekki? Does that mean you won't come? Does that mean you're not coming? Billedet af ulykken giver mig kvalme. The picture of the accident makes me sick. The picture of the accident makes me sick. Det er faktisk et spørgsmål, jeg tit får. That's actually a question I get a lot. It's actually a question I get a lot. Ring til mig senere. Call me later. Call me later. Vänta på din tur. Wait until your turn comes. Wait for your turn. Jeg kan ikke længere holde hendes dovenskab ud. I'm fed up with her laziness. I can no longer hold out her laxity. Jobbade Tom där? Did Tom work there? Was Tom working there? Eru þetta bíllyklarnir þínir? Are these your car keys? Are those your car keys? Jag vet att det gör ont. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Min mor er imod rygning. My mother is against smoking. My mother is against smoking. Sami och Layla håller aldrig med om någonting. Sami and Layla never agree on anything. Sami and Layla never agree. Han dog i cancer förra året. He died of cancer last year. He died in cancer last year. Du er bange. You're afraid. You're scared. Hellre död än röd. Rather dead than red. Better dead than red. Han prøvde å slutte å røyke flere ganger, uten hell. He tried to give up smoking several times, but failed. He tried to stop smoking several times, without luck. Hver er þessi stúlka? Who's that girl? Who is this girl? Jag bor i norra Sverige. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Jag har sömnsvårigheter. I'm having trouble sleeping. I have trouble sleeping. Du kommer att tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. I medicinsk forskning är ett av de största problemen att ta reda på orsaken till sjukdomen. In medical research, one of the first problems is to isolate the cause of the disease. In medical research, one of the biggest problems is finding out the cause of the disease. Pua sang i kirken. Pua sang at church. Pua sang in church. Du plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde du ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Tom var alene på den tomme strand. Tom was alone on an empty beach. Tom was alone on the empty beach. Ég get ekki lokið verkinu á svona stuttum tíma. I can't finish the job in such a short time. I can't finish my job in such a short time. Eg vart sett stygt på då eg spurde etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I was misplaced when I asked for my prescription at the local medical office. Vem sitter vanligtvis på åsnebänken? Who usually sits in the dunce's seat? Who usually sits on the ass bench? Hunden grävde en grop. The dog was digging a hole. The dog dug a pit. Vi har en aftale. We have an agreement. We have a deal. Jag går till kyrkan. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. USA og Cuba ønsker at etablere diplomatiske forbindelser efter et halvt århundredes fjendskab. The United States and Cuba wish to establish diplomatic relations after a half century of enmity. The United States and Cuba want to establish diplomatic relations after half a century of hostility. Gætir þú sent það á þetta heimilisfang? Could you send it to this address? Could you send it to this address? Gud är död. Vi dräpte honom. God is dead. We killed him. We killed him. Jag avskyr skräckfilmer. I hate horror movies. I hate horror movies. Han kommer vanligtvis i tid. He usually comes in time. He usually comes in time. En e-bog ligner meget en traditionel bog. Den skal have et omslag, en indholdsfortegnelse, særskilte kapitler og et indeks. An e-book is very much like a traditional book. It should have a cover, a table of contents, separate chapters and an index. An e-book is very similar to a traditional book; it must have a cover, a list of contents, separate chapters and an index. Et, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Det er utallige nyanser i ethvert språk som er helt naturlige for en morsmålstaler men som forvirrer andre. There are many, many nuances in any language which are perfectly natural to the native speaker but which confuse the non-native speaker. There are countless nuances in any language that are quite natural to a native speaker but which confuses others. Hvad skete der den 20. oktober? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20? Jag minns tydligt min barndom. I remember my childhood clearly. I remember my childhood very clearly. Hun etterlot meg en beskjed. She left me a note. She left me a message. Det ösregnade så att basebollmatchen ställdes in. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It rained so the baseball game was cancelled. Jag har väntat i hela mitt liv på den här dagen. I've waited all my life for this day. I've been waiting my whole life for this day. Är jag misstänkt? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Jag lät mina känslor fördunkla mitt omdöme. I let my emotions cloud my judgment. I let my feelings obscure my judgment. Lisa Lillien er gift Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Eg har noko viktig å snakke med deg om. I've got something important to discuss with you. I have something important to talk to you about. Du behöver bara vara lite kreativ. You just have to be creative. You just need to be a little creative. Toms pung var tom. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's wallet was empty. Allting var förberett långt i förväg. Everything was prepared well in advance. Everything was prepared long in advance. Var så god, Tom. Here you are, Tom. Here you go, Tom. Jag vet vad du heter. I know what your name is. I know your name. Det var aldri vanskelig for oss å finne noe å snakke om. It was never hard for us to find something to talk about. It was never difficult for us to find something to talk about. Er det greit om jeg drar tidlig? You don't mind if I leave early, do you? Is it okay if I leave early? Jag köper inte längre slipsar, eftersom jag inte behöver fler slipsar. I don't buy ties anymore, because I don't need any more ties. I don't buy ties anymore, because I don't need any more ties. Þú hefur gefið mér svo marga. You have given me so many. You've given me so many. Mange har lavet den samme fejl. Many people have made the same mistake. Many have made the same mistake. Sami är en fågelälskare. Sami is a bird lover. Sami's a bird lover. Kan du räkna på franska? Can you count in French? Can you count in French? Jeg læser mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Tom kom for sent til det sidste tog. Tom missed the last train. Tom was late for the last train. Jeg var på kino. I was at a movie theater. I was at the movies. Jag är berlinare. I'm a Berliner. I'm a Berliner. Jag vill gå dit en gång till. I want to go there once again. I want to go there again. Du har lagt på deg, har du ikke? You've put on weight, haven't you? You've been hanging up, haven't you? Denne kasse indeholder æbler. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Tom blev taget at snige sig ind i en biograf. Tom was caught sneaking into a movie theater. Tom was taken to sneak into a movie theater. Jeg tror stadig at Tom er uskyldig. I still think Tom is innocent. I still think Tom's innocent. Ett bra vin behöver inte annonseras. There's no need to advertise a good wine. A good wine doesn't have to be advertised. Leter du fortsatt etter noe å gjøre? Are you still looking for something to do? Still looking for something to do? Han er en mann av bred erfaring. He is a man of wide experience. He's a man of wide experience. Jag undrar varför. I wonder why. I wonder why. Vi har alltid varit vänner. We've always been friends. We've always been friends. I forgårs kvittede jeg mit arbejde. Two days ago I quit my job. The day before yesterday, I quit my job. Hon rörde om pulverkaffet och hällde i mjölk. She stirred the instant coffee and poured in milk. She touched the powder coffee and poured milk. Snälla, förlåt mig. Jag menade väl. Forgive me, please. I meant well. Please forgive me. Kan hun cykle? Can she cycle? Can she ride a bike? Jeg har mødt en ældre kvinde. I met with an old woman. I've met an older woman. Jeg kommer hen til dig, John. I'll call on you, John. I'm coming to you, John. Hvem spiller hovedrollen? Who plays the lead? Who plays the lead role? Vem som helst kan göra misstag. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes. Tom er sexolog. Tom is a sexologist. Tom's a sexist. Titanic sjönk år 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Titanic fell in 1912. Motvillig startet han motoren og kjørte vekk. Reluctantly, he started the engine and drove off. He reluctantly started the engine and drove away. Tom er ikke Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom's not Trump. Tom er fortsatt nummer én. Tom is still the champ. Tom's still number one. Það hefur fengið lánað mörg orð frá erlendum tungumálum. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. Many words have been borrowed from foreign languages. Jeg foretrækker et hotel tæt på lufthavnen. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel close to the airport. Vad vill du då? What do you want then? What do you want? Tom försökte sälja sin gamla videobandspelare istället för att slänga den, men ingen köpte den, så det slutade med att han slängde den. Tom tried to sell his old VCR instead of throwing it away, but no one would buy it, so he ended up throwing it away. Tom tried to sell his old video recorder instead of throwing it away, but no one bought it, so it ended up with him throwing it away. Hva er kursen? What is the exchange rate? What's the course? Tom gav mig några dollar. Tom gave me a few dollars. Tom gave me a few dollars. Jeg er ikke ferdig med å vanne blomstene. I've finished watering the flowers. I'm not done watering the flowers. Ljug aldrig igen. Never tell a lie again. Never lie again. Jeg ville alltid ha en hund. I always wanted to have a dog. I always wanted a dog. Slog du ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Det vil måske regne i eftermiddag. It might rain this afternoon. It might rain this afternoon. Kan du tilføje mig? Could you add me? Can you add me? Hann segist ekki munu hætta að reykja. He says he will not give up smoking. He says he won't stop smoking. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading books is interesting. Tom var ikke klar for å dø. Tom wasn't ready to die. Tom wasn't ready to die. Hun sms'ede til sin kæreste. She texted her girlfriend. She texted her boyfriend. Ta appelsinane ut av kjøleskåpet. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Han gick långsamt så att barnet kunde följa med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He walked slowly so that the baby could go with him. Han är en liten man. He is a small man. He's a little man. Han är stolt över att vara musiker. He is proud of being a musician. He's proud to be a musician. Du almægtige! Jeg kommer for sent til undervisningen. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. Du var selv ude om det. You had it coming. You were on your own. Tom blev generad. Tom got embarrassed. Tom was embarrassed. De är skådespelare. They are actors. They're actors. Jag ska hämta nycklarna. I'll get my keys. I'll get the keys. Jag gör det ändå. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. Jeg tvivler på om han kommer. I am doubtful whether he will come. I doubt if he'll come. Ge mig en sked. Give me a spoon. Give me a spoon. Hør på ditt hjerte, for det lyver aldri. Listen to your heart, because it never lies. Listen to your heart because it never lies. Er det noen frivillige? Are there any volunteers? Are there any volunteers? Vi har ikke kjent hverandre lenge. We haven't known each other long. We haven't known each other in a long time. Jeg vet vi kan vinne. I know we can win. I know we can win. Og lige foran, ud af tykningen, kom tre dejlige, hvide svaner; de bruste med fjerene og flød så let på vandet. From a thicket close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water. And straight ahead, out of the thickness, came three lovely white swans; they roared with their feathers, and flowed so lightly upon the water. Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work on a motorcycle. Tom commutes to work on motorcycle. Jeg bad Tom om at komme. I asked Tom to come. I asked Tom to come. Jeg ved at det her er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Jeg har en ordbog. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Jag undrar vart det där skeppet är på väg. I wonder where that ship is headed. I wonder where that ship is going. Hvordan var din første nat i Boston? How was your first night in Boston? How was your first night in Boston? Jeg var ikke så mye trist som jeg var sint. I wasn't so much sad as I was angry. I wasn't as sad as I was angry. Vad är det här för? What is this for? What's this for? Hun lægger børnene i seng. She puts the children to bed. She's putting the kids to bed. Navnene deres er Tom og Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Your names are Tom and Ken. Jeg har stor tålmodighet, men nå jeg må dra hjem. I am very patient, but I have to go home, now. I have great patience, but now I have to go home. Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I wear designer clothes myself. Jag vet inte var jag har lagt min mobiltelefon. I don't know where I put my cell phone. I don't know where I put my cell phone. Tom kom nærmere. Tom got closer. Tom came closer. Uden tvivl! Without a doubt! No doubt! Tom arbejdede som bygningsarbejder. Tom worked as a construction worker. Tom worked as a construction worker. "Har du sett mobiltelefonen min?" "Den ligger på bordet." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Vi kommer att måsta senarelägga mötet. We will have to postpone the meeting. We're going to have to delay the meeting. Jag kan inte delta. I can't compete. I can't participate. Du har skudt dig selv i foden! You shot yourself in the foot! You shot yourself in the foot! Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I want an apple. I'd like an apple. Han tror att han vet allt. He thinks he knows it all. He thinks he knows everything. Har du et kronometer? Do you have a chronometer? Do you have a chronometer? Hann er mjög góður á gítar. He's very good at guitar. He's a very good guitar. Hans nye arbejde gav ham en pæn indkomst. His new job brought him a handsome income. His new work gave him a nice income. Hver er uppáhalds þátturinn þinn? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite part? Jeg har købt to par benklæder. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two pairs of trousers. Jag kände mig genast lite bättre. I felt immediately a bit better. I felt a little better right away. Eg har ein ven til i Kina. I have another friend in China. I have another friend in China. Hon tycker om kemi. She likes chemistry. She likes chemistry. Sista anmälningsdag är nästa fredag. The last day to apply is next Friday. The deadline for registration is next Friday. England åker ut på straffar igen. England go out on penalties again. England goes out again on punishment. Jag ska fråga honom om det imorgon då. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Skil dig af med skydevåbnet! Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun! Ein gomul kona gongur yvir vegnum. An old woman is walking across the road. A gomul woman walks the road. Jeg går tidligt i seng i aften. I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm going to bed early tonight. Katten spiser. The cat is eating. The cat eats. Jag tar det. I'll get it. I'll take it. Hvor er din frakke? Where is your coat? Where's your coat? Han kliade sig i huvudet av vana. He scratched his head out of habit. He dressed in the head of the habit. Har ni sett min son? Have you seen my son? Have you seen my son? Du ville ikke vite hvordan gjør dette, ikke sant? You wouldn't know how to do this, would you? You didn't want to know how to do this, did you? Du måste återvända. You need to go back. You have to come back. Jeg ville vise den til deg. I wanted to show it to you. I wanted to show it to you. »Mjav,« sagde katten, og den kiggede på mig. "Meow," said the cat and it looked at me. “Mjav,” said the cat, and it looked at me. Jeg vil ikke gøre det mere. I won't do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. Han kan ikke komme fordi han er syk. He can't come, because he's sick. He can't come because he's sick. De pratade hela natten. They talked all night. They talked all night. Jeg kommer fra Thailand. I'm from Thailand. I'm from Thailand. Det er et veldig vanskelig spørsmål. It's a very difficult question. That's a very difficult question. Jeg kan ikke. I can't. I can't. Jeg føler meg mye bedre i dag. I feel much better today. I feel much better today. Stanna gärna. Feel free to stay. Please stay. Tornet stod mitt ibland ruinerna. The tower stood amid the ruins. The tower stood in the middle of the ruins. Murene var dækket af graffiti. The walls were covered with graffiti. The walls were covered in graffiti. Hon var inte snabb nog. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Han kler seg godt. He dresses himself well. He's dressed well. Vi hugger träd med en yxa. We cut trees with an axe. We cut trees with an axe. Hans søster ser ung ud. His sister looks young. His sister looks young. Älskar du mig inte längre? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Farið og athugið hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go see who this is. Ég kem aftur eftir klukkutíma eða svo. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in an hour or so. Min veninde aborterede, og jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg trøster hende. My friend had a miscarriage and I don't know how to comfort her. My friend had an abortion, and I don't know how to comfort her. Hun sa noe. She said something. She said something. Tom erkände sitt misstag. Tom admitted his mistake. Tom admitted his mistake. Jeg er imponert over Japan, og føler en dyp respekt for det japanske folk. Japan impresses me very much and I feel profound respect for the Japanese people. I'm impressed with Japan, and I feel a deep respect for the Japanese people. Tað er í ordan! It's alright! That's what I'm talking about! Det er meningsløst. That's pointless. It's pointless. Hvornår skal du i skole? When will you go to school? When are you going to school? Han er en mann av sterk vilje. He is a man of strong will. He's a man of strong will. Jeg kan ikke løbe fordi jeg er meget træt. I cannot run because I am very tired. I can't run because I'm very tired. Vad berättade du för Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you tell Tom? Inte ens Tom själv var övertygad. Even Tom himself wasn't convinced. Even Tom wasn't convinced. De litar på dig. They trust you. They trust you. Al Smiths föräldrar kom från Irland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Han tycker om att vara busig. He likes to be mischievous. He likes to be busty. Alla dessa böcker är mina. All of these books are mine. All these books are mine. Tom er ganske glad. Tom is quite happy. Tom's pretty happy. Kveðjur eru grundvöllur góðra mannasiða. Greetings are the basis of good manners. Greetings are the foundation of good manners. Jeg kunne ikke tro mine øyne. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Hún kom mér til varnar þegar ég var sakaður um ritstuld. She came to my defence when I was accused of plagiarism. She defended me when I was accused of writing. Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann. Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise. It was hardly possible to hear her voice over the noise. Tom tog sin gasmaske af. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Jeg henter en. I'll get one. I'll get one. Jag har aldrig träffat Toms fru. I've never met Tom's wife. I've never met Tom's wife. Tom var fantastisk. Tom was incredible. Tom was amazing. Han blev dræbt med et sværd. He was killed with a sword. He was killed with a sword. Hun satte ringen på sin finger. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Vi har ikke gjort noget forkert. Det var kun et kys. We did nothing wrong. It was only a kiss. We didn't do anything wrong, it was just a kiss. Undskyld mit franske. Pardon my French. Excuse my French. Jeg ser hen til at høre fra dig. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'll be hearing from you. Hun boede der i årevis. She lived there for years. She lived there for years. I morgen lander han på månen. Tomorrow he lands on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. Jag har väldigt ont. I'm in a lot of pain. I'm in a lot of pain. Jeg spiser nudler. I am eating noodles. I eat noodles. I morgen er det tirsdag den tiende oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Det regnede i nat. It was raining last night. It rained last night. Skriv så pent som mulig. You should write as nicely as you always do. Write as nicely as possible. Jag höll på att bli sömnig. I was getting sleepy. I was getting sleepy. Hann er unglegur. He looks young. He's young. Tom har lige fortalt sin kone at han ville forlade hende. Tom just told his wife that he was leaving her. Tom just told his wife he wanted to leave her. Katten har to ører. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Tom är äventyrlig. Tom is adventurous. Tom's an adventure. Jeg forstår. I see. I understand. Är Tom stor nog att dricka alkohol? Is Tom old enough to drink? Is Tom big enough to drink alcohol? Ingen hackade på mig. Nobody picked on me. Nobody hacked me. Hun taler knap nok til mig længere. She barely speaks to me anymore. She barely talks to me anymore. Kör fortare. Drive faster. Drive faster. Tom ville ha mer utrymme. Tom wanted more space. Tom wanted more space. Det er ikke Tom. That isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Jag behöver lägga mej ner en stund. I just need to lie down for a minute. I need to lie down for a while. Mine ord er som et spejl; hvis et fjols læste dem, så forvent ikke at han ville se en engels ansigt. My words are like a mirror; if a jackass read them, then don't expect he'd see an angel's face. My words are like a mirror; if a fool read them, don't expect him to see an angel's face. Det er et meget lille træ. That's a very small tree. It's a very small tree. Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I would certainly like to visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Han stal plånboken av mig. He robbed me of my purse. He stole my wallet from me. Jag skulle vilja ha något att dricka. I would like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Tom vaknade när han hörde någon knacka på dörren. Tom woke up when he heard somebody knocking on the door. Tom woke up when he heard someone knock on the door. Njuter ni av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you enjoying this? En del pojkar spelar tennis och andra spelar fotboll. Some boys play tennis and others play soccer. Some boys play tennis and others play football. Hvor meget er der i dollar? How much is that in dollars? How much is there in dollars? De vil skiftes til at undervise klassen. They'll be taking turns teaching the class. They will be changed to teach the class. Leonardo da Vinci begyndte på at male Mona Lisa i 1503. Leonardo da Vinci began painting Mona Lisa in 1503. Leonardo da Vinci began painting Mona Lisa in 1503. Jeg beklager! Det er virkelig alt hvad jeg husker. I'm sorry. That's really all I remember. I'm really sorry, that's all I remember. Tror du jeg er en idiot? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm an idiot? Tom tilbragte eftermiddagen med at uddele foldere. Tom spent the afternoon handing out leaflets. Tom spent the afternoon distributing leaflets. Tom hyste stor kärlek för sitt land. Tom had a great love for his country. Tom had great love for his country. När kom du in? When did you come in? When did you get in? Vinsamlegast fáðu þér sæti. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Når begynte Tom å jobbe her? When did Tom start working here? When did Tom start working here? Sami sagde følgende til mig. Sami told me the following. Sami said the following to me. Välkommen! Welcome! Welcome! Jeg tror ikke på skæbnen. I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in fate. Där kan man äta mycket bra. You can eat very well there. There you can eat very well. Jeg har hørt dørklokken ringe. I heard the doorbell ring. I've heard the doorbell ring. Hva sier loven om mobbing? What does the law say about mobbing? What does the law say about bullying? Mary knäböjer. Mary is kneeling. Mary kneels. Giv mig en hånd. Give me a hand. Give me a hand. Kaken din er kjempegod. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is great. Hun er eldre enn meg med tre år. She is senior to me by three years. She's older than me for three years. Var är din soptunna? Where is your garbage can? Where's your trash can? Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Vi taler flydende tysk. We're talking German fluently. We speak fluent German. Við fórum snemma til að tryggja að við gætum fengið sæti. We went early to make certain that we could get seats. We left early to make sure that we could be seated. Hun var enda svak etter sykdommen. She was still weak after her illness. She was still weak after the illness. Och till råga på allt fick jag sparken. And on top of it all, I was fired. And to top it all up, I got fired. De her unge mennesker er Algeriets fremtid. These young people are the future of Algeria. These young people are Algeria's future. Tom gav mig noget. Tom gave something to me. Tom gave me something. Er den skrevet på finsk? Is it written in Finnish? Is it written in Finnish? Krakkarnir eru að gera mig vitlausan. The kids are driving me crazy. The kids are driving me crazy. Jag blev nästan rånad. I almost got robbed. I almost got robbed. Hun giftet seg med ham i fjor. She married him last year. She married him last year. Du skal være den beste. You're supposed to be the best. You'll be the best. Har du allerede læst bogen? Have you read the book already? Have you already read the book? Den är inte billig. It isn't cheap. It's not cheap. Jag kommer ihåg det nu. I remember it now. I remember now. Nul, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ég er ekki ennþá tilbúinn. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Jag var inte medveten om att du mådde så dåligt. I wasn't aware that you were feeling that bad. I wasn't aware you were feeling so bad. Mina nya skor knarrar. My new shoes squeak. My new shoes are cracking. Du og jeg er jævnaldrende. You and I are the same age. You and I are the same age. Jag är lite tokig. I am a bit crazy. I'm a little crazy. Ring honom i kväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Tom har kune tretten dollar i lommeboken sin. Tom has only thirty dollars in his wallet. Tom's got $13 in his wallet. Ég klæðist jakkafötum en án bindis. I wear a suit but wear no tie. I wear a suit, but I don't wear a tie. Vinsamlegast aðeins hljóðlátar. A little quieter, please. Please just be quiet. Kan någon höra oss? Can we be overheard? Can anyone hear us? Tom stängde av apparaten. Tom turned off the device. Tom shut down the device. Du borde inte vara tillbaka här. You shouldn't be back here. You shouldn't be back here. Telefonen ringde igen. The phone rang again. The phone rang again. Tom døde i en brand. Tom died in a fire. Tom died in a fire. Er der en bus der kører til butikscentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus driving to the mall? Jag kan inte göra mitt bästa. I can't be at my best. I can't do my best. Kapteinen var den siste personen som forlot det synkende skipet. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. Tom försvann snabbt in i folkmassan. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom quickly disappeared into the crowd. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor han græder. I don't know why he's crying. I don't know why he's crying. Tom er ikke den rette mannen for deg. Tom isn't the right guy for you. Tom's not the right man for you. Hvornår blev du lærer? When did you become a teacher? When did you become a teacher? Ikke undervurder makten min. Don't underestimate my power. Don't underestimate my power. Jag åker och hämtar barnen från dagis. I will go and pick up my child from daycare. I'm gonna go get the kids from kindergarten. Vi har masser af tid. We have plenty of time. We have plenty of time. Tom dro til Australia førre sumar. Tom visited Australia last summer. Tom went to Australia last summer. Han pluggar alltid. He is always studying. He's always studying. Sensationelle billeder! Skaber du selv disse fotomontager? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photomontages yourself? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photos yourself? Det gjør ikke noe. It does not matter. It's okay. Jeg har fået en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Når kommer hun hjem igjen? When will she return home? When's she coming home? Jeg forventet det! I was expecting it! I expected it! Vi glömde. We forgot. We forgot. Jeg kan høre noget. I hear something. I can hear something. Send pakken til mig c/o Miss E. Book. Send the package to me care of Miss E Book. Send the package to me c/o Miss E. Book. Vi kan rädda många liv. We can save a lot of lives. We can save many lives. Jag skulle kunna sälja den här. I could sell this. I could sell this. Det er nok. That's enough. That's enough. Hur svarade Tom? How did Tom reply? How did Tom answer? Kom og besøg os! Do come and visit us. Come visit us! Stå inte bara där, säg något! Don't just stand there - say something! Don't just stand there, say something! Hvis det regnet, går jeg ikke. In case it rains, I won't go. If it rains, I won't go. Donna ble født med sølvskje i munnen. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Tom ljuger. Jag gjorde inte det som han sa att jag gjorde. Tom is lying. I didn't do what he says I did. Tom's lying, I didn't do what he said I did. Da bruste dens fjer, den slanke hals hævede sig, og af hjertet jublede den: "så megen lykke drømte jeg ikke om, da jeg var den grimme ælling!" Then he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, from the depths of his heart, "I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling." When its feathers were broken, its thin neck was lifted up, and out of its heart, it was joyful, "I didn't dream of so much happiness when I was the ugly bitch!" Hun har ingenting mot det. She has nothing against it. She doesn't mind. Toms rygsæk er tom. Tom's knapsack is empty. Tom's backpack is empty. Jeg har skrevet en roman akkurat slik jeg ønsket å skrive den. I wrote a novel exactly as I wanted to write it. I've written a novel just the way I wanted to write it. Mennesket består af 70 % vand. Man is 70% water. Man is made up of 70% water. Sig det på russisk! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian! Jeg er aldrig her. I'm never here. I'm never here. Ákvörðun hans um að hætta í gömlu vinnunni og hefja eigin rekstur borgaði sig svo sannarlega. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business really paid off. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business certainly paid off. Tom og Mary talte sammen over telefonen hver dag. Tom and Mary talked on the phone every day. Tom and Mary talked over the phone every day. Du är en fånge. You are a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Du hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You're not helping. Nogen kalder på dig. Someone is calling you. Someone's calling you. Jag tycker om det jobbet. I like that job. I like that job. Familien havde en hård tid efter krigen. The family had a hard time after the war. The family had a hard time after the war. Jeg håber det ikke sner i morgen. I hope it won't snow tomorrow. I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow. Drick din medicin. Drink your medicine. Drink your medicine. Hvorfor lyttede du ikke? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? Tom ringer mig nästan varje dag. Tom calls me almost every day. Tom calls me almost every day. Otroligt, eller hur? Incredible, isn't it? Unbelievable, isn't it? Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you turn down the TV? Could you turn down the TV? Det har jeg aldrig sagt! I have never said that. I never said that! Dette er det største hotellet i byen. This is the biggest hotel in this city. This is the biggest hotel in town. Jag tänker inte gifta mig med dig. I'm not marrying you. I'm not marrying you. Tom böjde sig ned. Tom bent down. Tom bowed down. Hún kom aftur í því að ég var að fara. She came back just as I was leaving. She came back in that I was going. Jeg håper det går greit. I hope it'll be all right. I hope you don't mind. Tom skiftede kanal. Tom changed the channel. Tom changed the channel. Gör det på måndag. Do it Monday. Do it on Monday. Láttu ekki hugfallast! Cheer up! Don't get discouraged! Var ligger den ungerska ambassaden? Where is the Hungarian embassy? Where's the Hungarian embassy? Hann gengur undir nafninu Kenchan. He goes by the name of Kenchan. He's named Kenchan. Jag behöver verkligen din hjälp. I really need your help. I really need your help. Luften ble kaldere da jeg kom hjem på sykkelen min. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air got colder when I came home on my bike. Vad är ditt smeknamn? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Vi ger tillbaka den. We'll give it back. We'll give it back. Misræmið milli frásagna aðilanna tveggja að slysinu var svo mikill að yfirvöldin áttu í erfiðleikum með að ákveða hvor væri að segja satt. The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth. The difference between the accounts of the two parties to the accident was so great that the authorities had difficulties deciding who was telling the truth. Meget romantisk! Very romantic! Very romantic! Farvel, Tom! Have a nice day, Tom. Goodbye, Tom! Hvorfor vil regeringen læse mine mail? Why does the government want to read my emails? Why would the government want to read my e-mails? Tom var pavestolt. Tom was as proud as a peacock. Tom was proud of the pope. Jag har inte ett öre. I don't have a cent. I don't have an ear. Hvor betalte du dem? Where did you pay them? Where did you pay them? Jag behöver en hatt. I need a hat. I need a hat. Alla behöver få veta. Everybody needs to know. Everyone needs to know. Du kan inte sluta nu. You can't quit now. You can't stop now. Gjorde du det? Did you do that? Did you? Vi kan prata om det i framtiden. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about it in the future. Var kom det där skeppet ifrån? Where did that ship come from? Where did that ship come from? Sig til Tom at du ikke kan gøre det. Tell Tom you can't do it. Tell Tom you can't do it. Jag förstår vad ni säger. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Hun sad og røg. She sat and smoked. She was smoking. Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. Jeg giver dig ikke skylden. I don't blame you. I'm not gonna blame you. Tom sier han vil gjøre hva enn vi gjør. Tom says he'll do whatever we do. Tom says he'll do whatever we do. Hun er en velhavende kvinde. She is a wealthy woman. She's a wealthy woman. Jag äter päron. I eat pears. I eat pears. Hvad siger du så! How about that! What do you say? Ikke forveksle begjær med kjærlighet. Don't confuse desire with love. Don't confuse desire with love. Jeg skilte mig af med min gamle bil selvom jeg hadede at gøre det. I parted with my old car, though I hated to do so. I got rid of my old car even though I hated it. Hur klarade de sig? How did they do? How'd they make it? Tom är ganska glömsk. Tom is quite forgetful. Tom's pretty forgetful. Tom behandlede Mary som et barn. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary as a child. Jag förstår mig inte på konst. I don't understand art. I don't understand art. Nej virkelig? Really? No, really? Hvad der end sker. Whatever may happen. Whatever happens. Vad köpte Tom till dig? What did Tom get you? What did Tom buy you? Tom är också jude. Tom is also a Jew. Tom's Jewish, too. Tom hatade skolan. Tom hated school. Tom hated school. Jeg lurte på om noen kunne hjelpe meg. Jeg har en mobiltelefon som bare viser en feilmelding. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a mobile phone that only displays an error message. I was wondering if someone could help me. Ég tók tíu þrjátíu lestina sem var tíu mínútum of sein. I took the 10:30 train, which was ten minutes late. I took the ten - 30 train, which was ten minutes late. Þú ert enn of ungur til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're still too young to get a driver's license. Jeg synes du har blitt mye bedre i engelsk. I think your English has improved a lot. I think you've gotten much better in English. Liker du svarte katter? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Nä, säger du det? You don't fucking say. No, are you saying that? Denna byggnad håller på att rasa samman. This building is about to collapse. This building is about to collapse. Det sker en gang imellem. That happens sometimes. It happens once in a while. Han klagar alltid på maten. He's always complaining about the food. He always complains about the food. Den fugl er nok en spurv. That bird is probably a sparrow. That bird is probably a sparrow. Bron var byggd av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Hun vidste at hendes reaktion havde været dum. She knew her reaction had been stupid. She knew that her reaction had been stupid. Hvad er der galt med dig? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Kolla in den, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Tom, check it out. Du bliver nødt til at være høflig You have to be polite. You'll have to be polite. Alle æbler er røde. All apples are red. All apples are red. I rytterens hånd var der en sabel. In the rider's hand was a saber. In the hand of the rider, there was a sword. Gå på fortovet. Walk on the pavement. Go to the sidewalk. Þótt Jane sé ekki góður hlaupari syndir hún hratt. Though Jane is not a good runner, she can swim very fast. Even if Jane isn't a good runner, she swims fast. Varför kom du inte hem igår kväll? Why didn't you come home last night? Why didn't you come home last night? Det är någon som saknas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Han har intyg på att han är anställd. He has proof that he's employed. He's got a certificate that he's an employee. Vi måste prova det. We have to try it. We have to try it. Tom slutade aldrig leta efter Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird in the hand is better than ten on the roof. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. Du ser bleg ud. You look pale. You look pale. Er romanen min god? Is my novel any good? Is my novel good? Klokken er næsten seks. It's almost six. It's almost six o'clock. Eg kan ikkje hugse å ha sett ein av desse før. I don't remember ever seeing one of these before. I can't think of one of these before. De har ingenting felles med oss. They have nothing in common with us. They have nothing in common with us. Tom vil få brug for den. Tom will need it. Tom will need it. Fyrr eða seinna muntu sjá eftir iðjuleysinu. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you will regret your unemployment. Det var et mareridt. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Det er umulig å leve uten vann. It is impossible to live without water. It's impossible to live without water. Du måste gå nu. You have to go now. You have to go now. Tom tycker om dig. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Utsett aldri til i morgen det du kan gjøre i overmorgen. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Never delay until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Jag har inte ont någonstans. I'm not in any pain. I'm not in pain anywhere. Min bror måste skriva en tentamen. My brother has to take an examination. My brother has to write a exam. Får jag se något ID-kort? Can I see some ID? Can I see some ID? Jeg elsker at gå i biografen. I love going to the cinema. I love going to the movies. Sneen er endelig smeltet. The snow has finally melted. The snow is finally melted. Hur kan jag få dig att ändra dig? How can I change your mind? How can I change your mind? Ju mer vi har desto mer vill vi ha. The more we have, the more we want. The more we have the more we want. Han vil komme til festen. He will be coming to the party. He wants to come to the party. Jeg liker bølgene i Svartehavet. I like the waves of the Black Sea. I like the waves in the Black Sea. Tom kan godt lide sort lakrids. Tom likes black licorice. Tom likes black liquorice. Vi går normalt i seng ved midnat. We usually go to bed at midnight. We usually go to bed at midnight. Vold er det eneste språket de forstår. Violence is the only language they understand. Violence is the only language they understand. Du behöver inte säga någonting om du inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Ingen av eleverna var sen till skolan. None of the students were late for school. None of the students were late for school. Man ska inte döma folk efter utseendet. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You shouldn't judge people by appearance. Tyckte ni om det? Did you like it? Did you like it? Jag vill veta vad som är roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's funny. Jag brukar dricka kaffe utan socker. I usually drink coffee without sugar. I usually drink coffee without sugar. Ég fór í labbitúr. I took a walk. I went to the lab. Ni kommer att behöva en nyckel. You will need a key. You'll need a key. Tom har ingen sociale færdigheder. Tom has no social skills. Tom doesn't have any social skills. Vi kan inte hålla med dig på denna punkt. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you on this point. Ellers tak, men tak for venligheden. Thanks, though. I appreciate it. Thank you, but thank you for your kindness. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvors tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvorn ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are options and flaws in the opinions of each of you, so I'm not going to decide who I'm going to support right away. Aðstæðurnar leyfðu mér ekki að fara til útlanda. The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. Tom ritar på ett skissblock. Tom is drawing on a sketchpad. Tom's drawing on a sketch block. Jeg har mistet en verdifull medaljong. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a precious medallion. Bedstemor tog til markedet for at købe mad til familien. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Hva var det du tenkte på? What came over you? What were you thinking? Råttor förökar sig fort. Rats breed rapidly. Rats grow fast. Það er löng saga. It is a long story. That's a long story. Tom går sjældent ud efter mørkets frembrud. Tom rarely goes out after dark. Tom rarely leaves after dark. Hvor mange gange har Tom været gift? How many times has Tom been married? How many times has Tom been married? Om du verkligen vill lyckas måste du tycka om att äta gift. To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison. If you really want to succeed, you must like to eat poison. Talentfulde mennesker bliver født hver dag. Talented people are born every day. Talented people are born every day. Jeg er stolt av å være en del av dette prosjektet. I am proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Han er ikke så energisk som han engang var. He isn't as energetic as he once was. He's not as energetic as he was. Såg du blicken han gav mig? Did you see how he looked at me? Did you see the look he gave me? Han er en intelligent ung mand. He's an intelligent young man. He's an intelligent young man. Är det faktiskt så ohälsosamt att äta äggulor? Is eating egg yolks really that unhealthy? Is eating egg yolks really that bad? Tom tror att han vet allt. Tom thinks he knows it all. Tom thinks he knows everything. Jag arbetar på ambassaden. I work at the embassy. I work at the embassy. Jeg har en stor bogsamling med amerikansk litteratur. I have a large library on American literature. I have a large collection of American literature. Försöket misslyckades. The attempt failed. The attempt failed. Jeg forstår ikke hvordan du kan gjøre så mye. I don't understand how you can do so much. I don't understand how you can do so much. Þú getur tekið þinn tíma. You can take your time. You can take your time. Min farmor liker te-seremonien veldig mye. My grandmother likes the tea ceremony a lot. My grandmother likes the tea ceremony very much. En mand ved navn Slim blev dræbt i ulykken. A man called Slim was killed in the accident. A man named Slim was killed in the accident. Tom spiste alle vingummibamserne. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the rubber bears. Þetta er frábært. This is awesome. This is great. Jeg forstår ikke dette ord. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. Ikke så verst. Men jeg er litt sliten. Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. Not so bad, but I'm a little tired. Der er noget galt. There is something wrong. Something's wrong. Han skrev ner sina tankar i sin anteckningsbok. He put down his thoughts in his notebook. He wrote down his thoughts in his notebook. Fuglen var halvt så stor som en høg. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half as big as a hawk. Det sner. It's snowing. It's a mess. Røverne stak af med alle pengene fra bankboksen. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. The robbers ran away with all the money from the safe deposit box. Tom betalar nog. Tom'll pay. I think Tom's paying for it. Finns det mycket haj här i trakten? Are there lots of sharks around here? Is there a lot of shark in this area? Børn kastede sten efter ham. Children threw stones at him. Kids threw stones at him. Latin er et dødt språk. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Montana grænser op til Canada. Montana borders Canada. Montana bordering Canada. Vi betalar. We're paying. We'll pay you. Veien er i dårlig forfatning. The road is in a deplorable state. The road is in bad condition. Roy behövde inte skynda sig till flygplatsen för att möta hans föräldrar. Roy needn't have hurried to the airport to meet his parents. Roy did not have to hurry to the airport to meet his parents. Disse meningsløse drab vil ikke gå ustraffet hen. These senseless killings will not go unpunished. These meaningless killings will not go unpunished. Hvernig ertu, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Vänta i bilen, okej? Wait in the car, OK? Wait in the car, okay? I dag er det koldt. It's cold today. Today it's cold. Vi har langt mer enn bare biceps i armene, Per. We've got a lot more than just biceps in our arms, Per. We have far more than just biceps in our arms, Per. Min far lagade en trasig stol. My father fixed a broken chair. My father made a broken chair. Detta är en apelsin. This is an orange. This is an orange. Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Jeg fryser. I am cold. I'm freezing. I går kväll skrev jag ett brev. Yesterday evening I wrote a letter. Last night, I wrote a letter. Jeg kommer ikke i dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Många företag gör reklam för sina produkter på tv. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Emily blev förvånad. Emily was surprised. Emily was surprised. Dette brød er meget lækker. This bread is very delicious. This bread is very delicious. Snabbare! Faster! Faster! Tom är brandman. Tom is a firefighter. Tom's a fireman. Tom tog sig af Marys katte, mens Mary var i Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while she was in Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while Mary was in Boston. Tom kan inte göra det. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Ser Tom arg ut? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Jag skulle vilja hjälpa till. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. Jag såg på när de flådde en människa den dagen. I watched them skin a human being that day. I watched them skin a human being that day. Tom och Mary åt upp hela kakan själva. Tom and Mary ate the whole cake by themselves. Tom and Mary ate the whole cake themselves. I Europa och Amerika ser de hunden som en familjemedlem. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, they see the dog as a family member. Vi ska slutföra det här. We're going to finish this. We're gonna finish this. Hennes tal tråkade ut mig. Her speech bored me. Her speech bore me out. Det är inte vad jag ville höra. That's not what I wanted hear. That's not what I wanted to hear. Tom samlede kvas til bålet. Tom gathered sticks for the fire. Tom was collecting chips for the fire. Jag tycker inte om det när du tar jobbet hem. I don't like it when you bring work home. I don't like it when you take the job home. Jag skulle vilja skicka dessa till Japan. I'd like to send these to Japan. I'd like to send these to Japan. Goddag! Good day! Hello! Det er simpelthen ikke muligt. That's simply not possible. It's simply not possible. Det var en rapport fra naboene fordi fylliken lagde bråk i parken. Da politiet ankom stedet var Kusanagi alene, dødsfull og helt naken. There was a report from the neighbours because a drunkard was making noise in the park. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Kusanagi was alone, dead drunk and completely naked. It was a report from the neighbors because the drunk made trouble in the park, and when the police arrived, Kusanagi was alone, deadly and completely naked. Det är en gåva. It's a gift. It's a gift. Jeg har drevet med sport hele livet. I've played sports all my life. I've been doing sports all my life. Er de brødre? Are they brothers? Are they brothers? Vi er som brødre. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. Jeg kan selv køre til lufthavnen. I can drive myself to the airport. I can drive myself to the airport. Jag hoppas att ni hade en trevlig resa. I hope you enjoyed your trip. I hope you had a nice trip. Kender vi hinanden? Have we met? Do we know each other? Det er en slags appelsin. It is a kind of orange. It's some kind of orange. Jag har skaffat mig en hårtrimmer för att spara in på frisörutgifter. I got a hair-clipper to save myself from spending money on a hairdresser. I've got myself a hair clipper to save up on hairdresser spending. Min yndlingskanal på YouTube er Deutsche Welle. My favorite YouTube channel is Deutsche Welle. My favorite channel on YouTube is Deutsche Welle. Barnet fik et hysterisk anfald fordi det ønskede legetøjet. The child threw a tantrum because he wanted the toy. The child had a hysterical attack because it wanted the toy. Ge mig en munk. Give me a donut. Give me a monk. Han ger järnet. He's hurrying up. He gives the iron. Et helt tal er naturligt, hvis og kun hvis det er større end eller lig med 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. A whole number is natural if and only if it is greater than or equal to 0. Ég þurfti ekki að læra í gær. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn't have to study yesterday. Jeg hørte deg ikke banke. I didn't hear you knock. I didn't hear you knock. Du har gjort det meget godt. You've done it very well. You've done very well. Du har fuldstændig ret. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Tom är en gammal vän. Tom is an old friend. Tom's an old friend. Er dette 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Tom á tvo bræður sem búa í Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Släpp min hand. Let go of my hand. Let go of my hand. Segðu mér hvað þú vilt að ég geri. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want me to do. Den 27. januar 1945 blev Auschwitz befriet af Den Røde Hær. On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. On January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was freed by the Red Army. Jeg snakker ikke japansk. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Jeg skjønner ingenting av noe du sier eller gjør. I can make nothing of what you do or say. I don't understand anything you say or do. Vilket land kommer du ifrån? What country are you from? Which country are you from? Hun trak på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her shoulders. Det er ikke besværet værd. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Lite högre. A little louder. A little higher. Þegiðu meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Shut up while I'm talking. Var trevligare mot er syster. Be nicer to your sister. Be nicer to your sister. Jag är inte någon expert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Har du noget imod at fortælle mig hvad du laver? Would you mind telling me what you're doing? Do you mind telling me what you're doing? Han ser lite trött ut. He looks a bit tired. He looks a little tired. Du kan velge hvilken bok du ønsker. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með verkin í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with the work in the garden. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til fjölskyldunnar þinnar. Please say hello to your family. Please say hello to your family. Han viet livet sitt til utdanning. He devoted his life to education. He dedicated his life to education. Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. Jag gick inte, utan stannade hemma. I didn't go, but stayed at home. I didn't go. I stayed at home. Jag har inte ätit soppan och jag kommer inte att göra det. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't do it. Katten på bordet sover. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. Kommer han hem klockan sex? Is he coming home at six o'clock? Is he coming home at 6:00? Tann vakra konan er høg. The beautiful woman is tall. My aunt's awake, she's high. Ulven åd kongen. The wolf ate the king. The wolf ate the king. Det skjedde igjen. It happened again. It happened again. När man frågar ”varför” är det sista svaret man vill ha ”därför”. When someone asks "why", the last reply they want is "because...". When you ask 'Why', the last answer is 'there'. «Greit, hvis det er lett trening.» «OK, så skal vi tillate ballespark og utstikking av øyne?» "If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?" “All right, if it’s easy training.” “OK, then we’ll allow ball kicks and eye extinguishment?” Tom visade Mary hur man gör det rätt. Tom showed Mary how to do it correctly. Tom showed Mary how to do it right. Fotball er favorittsporten min. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Sum tiðin gongur! How time flies! Some tight times! Jeg er forældreløs. I'm an orphan. I'm an orphan. Sig mig, hvem er denne unge mand? Tell me; who is this young man? Tell me, who is this young man? Jeg kan ikke lide at du bander. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you swearing. Vi har alle gjort det. We've all done that. We've all done it. Det vil ikke ske. That won't happen. It won't happen. Tom friede til Mary foran kirken. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Det kommer antagligen att snöa i morgon. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Ken sprang over muren. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken ran over the wall. Jeg håber ikke at Tom gør det igen. I hope that Tom doesn't do that again. I hope Tom doesn't do it again. Þú brást mér. You let me down. You let me down. Jag är inte din bror. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother. Tycker du om att promenera? Do you like walking? Do you like walking? Det lukter som om noen har røykt her inne. It smells as though someone has been smoking in here. It smells like someone's been smoking in here. Lista de fem bästa sakerna du gillar att göra när du inte jobbar. List the top five things you like to do when you're not working. List the best five things you like to do when you don't work. Jag kan inte hjälpa er. I can't help you. I can't help you. Han var forut for sin egen tid. He was ahead of his time. He was ahead of his own time. Tag det hele. Take it all. Take it all. Dette er en lang blyant. This is a long pencil. This is a long pencil. Jag var inte ens här. I wasn't even here. I wasn't even here. Ertu þreytt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Du kan vælge en hvilken som helst af dem. You may choose any of them. You can choose any one of them. Dette ur er vandtæt. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. Jeg vil gerne have et kort over Texas i størrelsesforholdet 1:250.000. I want a map of Texas on a scale of 1 to 250000. I'd like a map of Texas in the ratio of 1:250,000. Det kommer det att finnas mycket tid till senare. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There will be a lot of time later. Emily er bange for edderkopper. Emily is afraid of spiders. Emily's afraid of spiders. Kan någon förklara detta för mej? Could someone please explain this to me? Can anyone explain this to me? Der er intet nyt under solen. There is nothing new under the sun. There's nothing new under the sun. Tom sagde at han følte sig utilpas. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Det er ikke så nemt som jeg troede det var. It's not so easy as I thought it was. It's not as easy as I thought it was. Såg Tom okej ut? Did Tom look OK? Tom look okay? Å lære engelsk er hardt arbeid. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Vi ser inte saker som de är, utan som vi är. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. Det er omtrent tre tusen moskéer i Istanbul. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. Han sa ingenting medan jag talade. While I was speaking, he said nothing. He didn't say anything while I was talking. Det er let for mig at løse problemet. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It's easy for me to solve the problem. Du kommer til at betale for det du har gjort! You'll pay for what you've done! You're gonna pay for what you've done! Lestu eins margar bækur og þú getur. Read as many books as you can. Read as many books as you can. Alla dörrar i huset var stängda. All the doors of the house were closed. All the doors in the house were closed. Skórnir þínir eru hér. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. De rige bliver rigere. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. Vi har lukket ræven ind i hønsehuset. We have let the fox in the hen house. We've locked the fox into the hen house. Det är snö på marken. There's snow on the ground. There's snow on the ground. Gerðu það sem hann segir þér. Do what he tells you. Do what he tells you. Äntligen fick Layla veta att Sami hade tre barn med olika kvinnor. Layla finally found out that Sami had three children by different women. Finally Layla learned that Sami had three children with different women. Tyvärr är det sant. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, it's true. I så mig begge, ikke sandt? You both saw me, didn't you? You both saw me, didn't you? Över fyra miljoner syrier är flyktingar. More than four million Syrians are refugees. Over four million Syrians are refugees. Jeg er udmattet! Jeg ønsker bare at gå hjem, tage et bad og gå i seng. I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed. I just want to go home, take a bath and go to bed. Tom tycker inte om den här färgen. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. Ég er glaður að þú hefur snúið heil aftur. I am glad that you have returned safe. I'm glad you've returned whole. Hvad koster en øl? What is the cost of a beer? How much for a beer? Hon talar ryska. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Jag avskyr kvinnor som säger att alla män är likadana. I hate women who say that all men are the same. I hate women who say that all men are the same. Ni borde följa skolans regler. You should observe the school rules. You should follow the rules of the school. Drengene har fundet en mønt. The boys have found a coin. The boys found a coin. Vi går ut nu. We're going out now. We're going out now. Vänta en minut, tack! Wait a minute, please! Wait a minute, please! Mary er ikke særlig feminin. Mary isn't very feminine. Mary's not very feminine. Hans konvertering til islam var den bedste beslutning, han nogensinde havde taget i sit liv. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever made in his life. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever made in his life. Han åt inte lunch. He didn't have lunch. He didn't have lunch. Hun er varm på dig. She has a crush on you. She's hot on you. Jeg har ikke hele dagen. I don't have all day. I don't have all day. Det hela är nytt för mig. It's all new for me. It's all new to me. Du kan ikke slutte. You can't stop. You can't quit. Vi pynter grantræet. We are decorating the fir tree. We'll decorate the tree. Jeg viser dig det kun en gang. I will show it to you only once. I'll only show you once. Jeg har full tiltro til hans evner. I have complete faith in his abilities. I have full faith in his abilities. Kyss Tom. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Jeg har slægtninge i Milano. I have relatives in Milan. I have relatives in Milan. Gör som läkaren sagt. Do what the doctor said. Do as the doctor has told you. Tom savnede sin kone og deres børn. Tom missed his wife and their children. Tom missed his wife and their children. Hur länge tog det för er att lära er finska? How long did it take you to learn Finnish? How long did it take you to learn Finnish? Väntar du på oss vid stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? Tom tog sig faktisk tid til at tale med os. Tom actually took the time to talk to us. Tom actually took the time to talk to us. Tom är en alv. Tom is an elf. Tom's an elf. Han drog det kortaste strået. He drew the shortest straw. He drew the shortest straw. Jeg visste ikke at du snakket fransk. I didn't know you spoke French. I didn't know you were speaking French. Tom kaldte mig en bangebuks. Tom called me a scaredy-cat. Tom called me a scared pants. Jag trodde att du gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you went home. Jag är uttråkad på lektionen. I am bored in class. I'm bored at class. Jeg løber ti kilometer om dagen. I run ten kilometers a day. I run ten kilometers a day. Vilka vill ni prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hun kysser ham. She is kissing him. She's kissing him. Der findes mange amerikanere som kan tale japansk. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. Jeg skjærer en løk. I'm cutting up an onion. I'll cut a onion. Jag håller på att dra ner på sötsaker. I'm cutting down on sweets. I'm pulling down on sweets. Han er lige nu i gang med at lave lektier. He is doing his homework now. He's doing homework right now. Jeg har gentagne gange bedt dig gøre det. I've asked you repeatedly to do that. I've repeatedly asked you to do it. Jag gick aldrig och lade mig. I never went to sleep. I never went to bed. Hold op med at kilde mig! Stop tickling me! Stop springing me! Det vil skade afgrøden. It will damage the crops. It will damage the crop. Þrátt fyrir „Reykingar bannaðar“ skilti reykti bátsmaðurinn blygðunarlaust allan tímann. Despite "No Smoking" signs, the boat operator was brazenly smoking all the time. Despite “forbidden smoking, ” the boatman modestly separated the entire time. Det var meget svært. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Ég rölti um göturnar til að drepa tímann. I strolled along the streets to kill time. I walked through the streets to kill my time. Han er en færdig mand. He's a goner. He's a finished man. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne bli noen timer til. I wish I could've stuck around for a few more hours. I wish I could stay a few more hours. Nej, det er secondhand. No, it's second hand. No, it's second hand. Er du begyndt at lære engelsk? Have you begun studying English? Have you started learning English? Gleðileg jól! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jag behöver en vecka. I need a week. I need a week. Ó nei! Ég sleit streng í spaðanum mínum. Oh, no. I broke a string in my racket. Oh, no, I cut a string in my butt. Fargen fuksia er kalla opp etter ein blome. The colour fuchsia is called after a flower. The color of the fuxia has been called after a flower. Det er fordi du ikke vil være alene. It's because you don't want to be alone. That's because you don't want to be alone. Jag vet att detta är svårt. I know this is hard. I know this is difficult. Hende som skal vikariere for dig, er allerede blevet udvalgt. Your substitute has already been picked out. The one who's going to substitute for you has already been selected. Tala inte ens med mig. Don't even talk to me. Don't even talk to me. Omöjligt! Impossible! Impossible! Jag chartrade ett jetplan. I chartered a jet. I chartered a jet plane. Du fortalte meg ikke at Tom flyttet til Boston. You didn't tell me Tom moved to Boston. You didn't tell me Tom moved to Boston. Jag undrar hur det gick till. I wonder how that happened. I wonder how it worked out. Gör dig av med pistolen. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun. Det är lugnet innan stormen. It is the calm before the storm. It's calm before the storm. Hämta en shot av det här. Get a shot of this. Get a shot of this. Jeg tror det er en mulighet. I think it's a possibility. I think it's an opportunity. Har alla gjort sin läxa? Did everyone do their homework? Everybody do their homework? Disse støvlene er fra Australia. These boots are from Australia. These boots are from Australia. Jag observerade att hans händer var ostadiga. I observed that his hands were unsteady. I noticed his hands were unsteady. Har du läst ut boken? Have you finished reading the book? Did you read the book? Mér er sama hver vinnur. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. De gav dig intet. They gave you nothing. They didn't give you anything. Jag har juryplikt. I have jury duty. I have juror's duty. Størstedelen af hans indkomst går til at betale huslejen. The majority of his income goes to pay his rent. Most of his income goes to pay the rent. Jag hatar arbete. I hate work. I hate work. Han har en Toyota. He has a Toyota. He's got a Tooyata. Er din kone flink å lage mat? Is your wife a good cook? Is your wife good at cooking? Kan vi bevisa det? Can we prove it? Can we prove it? Mary ser hot ud. Mary looks hot. Mary looks hot. Han jobber i bank. He works at a bank. He works in a bank. Du underskrev ikke alle dokumenterne. You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Er jeg i sikkerhed nu? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? De var sårbara. They were vulnerable. They were vulnerable. Jeg fikk influensa-vaksine. I had a flu shot. I got a flu vaccine. Varför är jag den enda de klagar på? De gör bara ett exempel av mig och använder mig som syndabock. Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat. Why am I the only one they complain about? They just make an example of me and use me as a scapegoat. Der er for mange turister her. There are too many tourists here. There are too many tourists here. Du er forelsket. You're in love. You're in love. Jag måste vara full. I must be drunk. I have to be drunk. Horfðu á mig. Look at me. Look at me. Liker du film? Do you like movies? You like movies? Det var Toms mamma. That was Tom's mother. It was Tom's mom. Tom är säker. Tom is confident. Tom's safe. Við verðum líklega öll dáin innan 50 ára. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. We'll probably all be dead within 50 years. En mand, der ville se dig, kom mens du var væk. A man who wanted to see you came while you were out. A man who wanted to see you came while you were gone. Denne ordboken har tolv bind. This dictionary has 12 volumes. This dictionary has 12 volumes. Är du road av detta? Are you enjoying this? Are you amused by this? Jag skulle vilja ha en chokladglass. I would like a chocolate ice cream. I'd like a chocolate glass. Problemet är att vi inte har någonstans att vara ikväll. The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight. The problem is we don't have anywhere to be tonight. Han åkte till Berlin i fjol. He went to Berlin last year. He went to Berlin last year. Dette er et merkelig brev. This is a very strange letter. This is a strange letter. Hun bor i huset derovre. She lives in the house over there. She lives in the house over there. Nancy inviterte han til ein fest. Nancy invited him to a party. Nancy invited him to a party. Du är misslyckad. You're a failure. You're a failure. Geturðu losnað frá foreldrum þínum? Can you get away from your parents? Can you get away from your parents? Hunden løb efter katten. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran after the cat. Jag försöker att aldrig äta efter klockan åtta. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I'm trying never to eat after 8:00. Ingen märkte din frånvaro. No one noticed your absence. No one noticed your absence. Tom fick Mary att laga middag. Tom got Mary to cook dinner. Tom made Mary cook dinner. Mary og Tom mente det ville være en skam hvis meget af den mundtlige historie de så tålmodigt havde samlet, ville blive tabt fordi det ikke blev skrevet ned. Da ingen af dem kunne stenografi, tog de en diktafon med, så de bedre kunne nyde deres besøg hos Toms tre levende bedsteforældre, uden at skulle fokusere på at tage omhyggelige notater. Mary and Tom thought it would be a shame if much of the oral history they had so patiently gathered were to be lost because of not being written down. Because neither of them knew shorthand, they bought an audio recorder so that they could better enjoy their visits with Tom's three living grandparents without having to focus on taking careful written notes. Mary and Tom thought it would be a shame if much of the oral story they had so patiently collected would be lost because it was not written down. When none of them could stonyography, they took a dictation with them so they could enjoy their visit with Tom’s three living grandparents without having to focus on taking careful notes. Mary sagde at hun ikke havde tilladelse til at gøre det. Mary said she didn't have the permission to do that. Mary said she didn't have permission to do it. Gå och lägg dig, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to bed, Tom. Tom er blevet en rigtig sofakartoffel. Det eneste han laver, er at se tv hele tiden. Tom has become a real couch potato. All he does is watch television all the time. Tom's become a real couch case, and all he does is watch TV all the time. Mary hjalp sin mor med at pynte juletræet. Mary helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree. Mary helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree. Á morgun fer ég til Tyrklands. Tomorrow I will travel to Turkey. Tomorrow I'm going to Turkey. Ef það væri ekkert loft mundi fólk ekki einu sinni geta lifað í tíu mínútur. If there were no air, people could not live for even ten minutes. If there was no air, people would not even be able to live for ten minutes. Tom rødmede pludselig og så væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Tom was red-headed all of a sudden, and then he was gone. Sami läste hela bibeln. Sami read the whole Bible. Sami read the whole Bible. Skulle Tom gilla det? Would Tom like that? Would Tom like that? Viltu vinna í Þýskalandi? Do you want to work in Germany? Do you want to work in Germany? Du måste hem. You must go home. You have to go home. Tom har någonting på gång. Tom is up to something. Tom's got something going on. Tom voksede op i Tyskland, men han bor nu i USA. Tom grew up in Germany, but he now lives in the United States. Tom grew up in Germany, but he now lives in the United States. Den er tung som bly. This is as heavy as lead. It's heavy like lead. Ekkjan var svartklædd. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was wearing black. Det var hende der anmodede om skilsmissen. She was the one who demanded the divorce. She was the one who asked for the divorce. Min morbror bor i New York City. My uncle lives in New York City. My uncle lives in New York City. Göngin hrundu vegna jarðskjálftans um daginn. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The tunnel collapsed the other day because of the earthquake. Jeg forstod ikke den vittighed. I didn't understand that joke. I didn't understand that joke. Kan du bevisa det? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? Eg skal reisa til Boston for å treffa Tom. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'm going to go up to Boston to match Tom. Hun drømte at hun var en prinsesse. She dreamed that she was a princess. She dreamed she was a princess. Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Tom begynte å stønne av smerte. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom began to groan of pain. Vad är din nationalitet? What is your nationality? What is your nationality? Han hadde mørkebrunt hår. He had dark brown hair. He had dark brown hair. Jeg var i London i nesten hele sommeren. I was in London for almost all the summer. I was in London almost all summer. Jo før du begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbish, the better. Jag har aldrig sett så många stiliga män på ett ställe. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Tom mente at han havde masser af tid til at nå sit fly, men han nåede det kun på et hængende hår. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his plane, but he only just made it by the skin of his teeth. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his plane, but he only reached a hanging hair. Glem ikke solhatten. Don't forget the sunhat. Don't forget the sun hat. Mina läppar är förseglade. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Eg heiter ikkje "du"; eg heiter Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. I'm not called you; I'm Ricardo. Du trenger kun gi denne boken til han. All you have to do is to hand this book to him. All you have to do is give this book to him. Dette er gratis. This is "free of charge". This is free. Vis meg hvordan du gjør det der. Show me how to do that. Show me how you do that. Dumme svin! Son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! Tom og Mary har ikke råd til å kjøpe hus. Tom and Mary can't afford to buy a house. Tom and Mary can't afford to buy a house. Du hadde uflaks, jeg kom tilbake fem minutter etter at du gikk. You were unlucky; I came back five minutes after you'd left. You had bad luck, I came back five minutes after you left. En hvid båd kom til syne. A white boat came into sight. A white boat came out of sight. Behärska dig. Control yourself. Control yourself. Hvad? Koster denne T-shirt 3000 yen? Det er ågerpris! What! This T-shirt is 3,000 yen? This is a rip-off! Cost this T-shirt 3,000 yen? Det finns mycket mer att se. There's a lot more to see. There's a lot more to see. Jag måste gå och handla. Jag är tillbaka om en timme. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. Hennes hår är torrt. Her hair is dry. Her hair is dry. Jeg tror ikke at det vil sne i morgen. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. Vi står over for nye typer sygdomme. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We're facing new types of disease. Folk klager tit over vejret. People often complain about the weather. People complain a lot about the weather. Hún ráðlagði honum að trúa ekki öllu sem kennarinn segir. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. She counseled him not to believe everything the teacher says. Vi behøver talentfulde mennesker. We need talented people. We need talented people. Hun kommer fra Tyskland. She comes from Germany. She's from Germany. Jeg bor alene i dette huset. I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. Går du eller ej? Are you going or not? Are you going or not? Ég hef ekkert um þetta mál að segja. I have nothing to say on this matter. I have nothing to say about this. Jeg er ugelønnet. I am paid weekly. I'm paid a week. Venedig har nu færre end 60.000 indbyggere. Venice now has fewer than 60,000 residents. Venice now has fewer than 60,000 inhabitants. Tom vet vad det betyder. Tom knows what that means. Tom knows what that means. Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call a cab for you. Jag visste att ni skulle sakna mig. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Det vil ikke hjelpe deg. That won't help you. It won't help you. Hun gav sin far et kys på kinden. She kissed her father on the cheek. She gave her father a kiss on her cheek. Du kan ikke lide mig. You don't like me. You don't like me. Är ni färdiga? Are you all set? Are you done? Jag tror inte att jag kommer att åka till Boston. I don't think I'll go to Boston. I don't think I'm going to Boston. Finns det en bank nära stationen? Is there a bank near the station? Is there a bank near the station? Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Min lillebror ser fjernsyn. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching television. Hann á tvo ketti. He keeps two cats. He's got two cats. Þú ert að spurja ranga manneskju. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Vi klarar oss. We'll be just fine. We'll be fine. Tom vet att ni är här. Tom knows you're here. Tom knows you're here. Jag heter Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. Rútan tekur þig niður í miðbæinn. The bus takes you down town. The bus will take you downtown. Hur kan man vara så dum? How can one be so stupid? How can you be so stupid? Du forstår mig. You understand me. You understand me. Tigern rymde från djurparken. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Tiger escaped the zoo. Vill ni att jag ska berätta en historia för er? Do you want me to tell you a story? You want me to tell you a story? Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your grandson? Where's your grandson? Jeg nekter å ta betalt. I refused to be paid. I'm not gonna charge you. Vad sade Tom? What did Tom say? What did Tom say? Jeg ved det allerede. I already know that. I already know. Sandt venskab varer for evigt. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. Hvorfor gik du ikke i skole i dag? Why didn't you go to school today? Why didn't you go to school today? Han fortalte mig at hans navn var Tom. He told me his name was Tom. He told me his name was Tom. En infraröd stråle består av elektromagnetisk strålning. An infrared ray is electromagnetic radiation. An infrared beam consists of electromagnetic radiation. En av Toms plikter er å rake løv. Tom's duties include raking the leaves. One of Tom's duties is to shave leaves. Nogle mennesker elsker at argumentere. Some people love to argue. Some people love to argue. Dette værelse måler tyve fod gange fireogtyve fod. This room measures 20' X 24'. This room measures twenty feet by twenty-four feet. Ved at undervise lærer vi. By teaching, we learn. By teaching, we teach. Atlantis blev ødelagt. Atlantis was destroyed. Atlantis was destroyed. Richard Dawkins er en berømt ateist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Var der frisk brød i kassen? Was there fresh bread in the box? Was there fresh bread in the box? Må jeg? May I? May I? Góðan bata. Get well soon. Good recovery. Du bør spørre ham på forhånd hvor mye det vil koste. You had better ask him in advance how much it will cost. You should ask him in advance how much it will cost. Vilka pratade du med? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Jeg glæder mig til jul. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas. Din plan virker bedre enn min. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan seems better than mine. Jag måste lösa problemet på egen hand. I have to solve the problem myself. I have to solve the problem on my own. Du är skyldig mig trettio spänn. You owe me thirty bucks. You owe me 30 bucks. Var ligger Algeriet? Where is Algeria situated? Where is Algeria? Dela ut korten, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Tom, hand the cards out. Tom lo højt. Tom laughed aloud. Tom laughed. Det sidste tog er allerede kørt. The last train has already gone. The last train has already been run. Har jeg gjort noe for å støte deg? Have I done something to offend you? Have I done anything to offend you? YouTube er ikke et godt website. YouTube is not a good website. YouTube is not a good website. Genkender du mig stadig? Do you still recognize me? Do you still recognize me? Vi ställer julgranen här. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Jeg vet hva mine svakheter er. I know what my weaknesses are. I know what my weaknesses are. Kære Julemand, jeg ønsker mig en kæreste til jul. Dear Santa, I want a girlfriend for Christmas. Dear Santa, I want a boyfriend for Christmas. Eg er sikker på at ingen fylgde etter meg. I'm sure I wasn't followed. I'm sure nobody followed me. Jeg vil gerne være skovhugger. I want to be a lumberjack. I'd like to be a woodpecker. Kender du Toms fulde navn? Do you know Tom's full name? Do you know Tom's full name? Hon betalade sju procents ränta på lånet. She paid seven percent interest on the loan. She paid seven percent interest on the loan. Skulle du vilja äta lunch tillsammans? Would you like to have lunch together? Would you like to have lunch together? Edward Sapir var en amerikansk lingvist. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. I de dage plejede jeg at stå op klokken seks hver morgen. In those days, I used to get up at six every morning. In those days, I used to get up at six o’clock each morning. Jag överlåter det till dig. I leave it to you. I'll leave it to you. Våren er kommet. Spring has come. Spring's here. Tom må være gået denne vej. Tom must've gone this way. Tom must have gone this way. Hún harðsauð eggin. She hard-boiled the eggs. She hardened her eggs. Jeg har mistet bilnøklene mine. I've lost my car key. I lost my car keys. Ég er strákur. I am a boy. I'm a boy. Tom knäppte sin skjorta. Tom buttoned his shirt. Tom freaked out his shirt. Eftirmiðdagstími væri hentugari fyrir mig. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. The afternoon would be more convenient for me. Af hverju segir maður „góðan daginn“ þegar dagurinn er ekki góður? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why do you say “the good day ” when the day is not good? Tab ikke tålmodigheden! Don't lose your patience. Don't lose patience! Det påminde mig om dig. It reminded me of you. It reminded me of you. Tom blev dræbt den 20. oktober. Tom was killed October 20th. Tom was killed on October 20th. Jag är ingen tiggare. I'm not a beggar. I'm not a beggar. Vi mister kontrol over situationen. We lose control of the situation. We're losing control of the situation. Ingen ord kan mindske din dybe tristhed. No words can lessen your deep sadness. No word can reduce your deep sadness. Ikke ta den telefonen. Don't pick up that phone. Don't answer that phone. Jeg har spist de røde æbler. I ate the red apples. I've eaten the red apples. Tom kan inte vägra. Tom can't refuse. Tom can't refuse. Komið mér í burtu. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Du har vel rett. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Han valgte å bo i Tokyo og ikke i Osaka. He chose to live in Tokyo instead of Osaka. He chose to live in Tokyo and not in Osaka. Basketlaget tränar inte på måndagar. The basketball team doesn't practice on Monday. The basketball team doesn't practice on Mondays. Jeg mente ikke å skrike. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't mean to scream. Jesus var född under kung Herodots tid. Jesus was born in the time of King Herod. Jesus was born under King Herodotus. Det er din hat, er det ikke? This is your hat, isn't it? It's your hat, isn't it? Ät så mycket du vill. Eat as much as you like. Eat as much as you want. Jeg går til skolen til fods. I walk to school. I'm going to school on foot. Har du läst den? Have you read it? Have you read it? Jeg arbejdede under sne. I was working under snow. I worked under snow. Självfallet! Definitely! Of course! Tom tok det rette valget. Tom made the right choice. Tom made the right choice. Hämta! Fetch! Get! Det känns riktigt bra. It feels really good. It feels really good. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. One is never too old to learn. Learning is never too late. Jeg vet at noen av dere ønsker å gå tilbake til slik ting var før, men det kommer ikke til å skje. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but that's not going to happen. I know some of you want to go back to things like this before, but that's not going to happen. Jeg finner ikke ord. I am at a loss for words. I can't find words. Bestefaren min var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Hendes næse bløder. Her nose is bleeding. Her nose's bleeding. Jag fick säga upp mig. I had to resign. I had to resign. Tal ikke mens du spiser. Don't talk while you're eating. Don't talk while you're eating. Jag har en vän som bor i Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Hvor er nødutgangen? Where is the emergency exit? Where's the emergency exit? Jeg ser hen til at høre fra Dem. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'll be in touch with you. Jeg kan lide at børste mine tænder med denne tandpasta. I like to brush my teeth with this toothpaste. I like brushing my teeth with this toothpaste. Fleiri hafa iðrast orða en þagnar. More have repented speech than silence. More people have repented of words than are silent. Hvar er ég núna? Where am I now? Where am I now? Du vil ikke føle noe. You won't feel a thing. You don't want to feel anything. Når ble bilen levert til deg? When was the car delivered to you? When was the car delivered to you? Det låter som en bra överenskommelse. That sounds like a good deal. Sounds like a good deal to me. Svar mig. Answer me. Answer me. Han er en helt. He's a hero. He's a hero. Eftersom bussen var sen kom jag hem efter klockan nitton. Since the bus was late I came home after seven p.m. Since the bus was late, I came home after nine o'clock. Jorden, Mars og Jupiter er planeter. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. De är så irrelevanta. They are so irrelevant. They're so irrelevant. Gutten var mett. The boy was full. The boy was full. Ikke bekymre deg for fortiden. Don't worry about the past. Don't worry about the past. Vad var det du heter nu igen? What's your name again? What's your name again? Tom hørte en kat mjave i træet. Tom heard a cat meowing in the tree. Tom heard a cat mow in the tree. Em ek svangr. Am I hungry! I'm hungry. Er det noe du ikke forteller oss? Is there something you're not telling us? Is there something you're not telling us? Jeg har en gammel bil. I have an old car. I have an old car. Han har lange ben. His legs are long. He's got long legs. Mor köpte två flaskor apelsinjuice. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Våg efter våg rullade upp på stranden. Wave after wave surged upon the beach. Wave after wave rolled up on the beach. Glem det. Forget it. Forget it. Jeg stiger alltid upp klockan 6 varje morgon. I always rise at six every morning. I always get up at 6 a.m. every morning. Jeg tror Tom vil kunne lide det. I think Tom will like it. I think Tom's gonna like it. Jeg har mistet min blyant. I have lost my pencil. I've lost my pencil. Jeg tror, ​​den er færdig. I believe it's finished. I think it's done. Það væri erfitt. That would be difficult. That would be difficult. Välj ett nummer. Pick a number. Pick a number. Det er en bog. It is a book. It's a book. Jeg skal være her hele eftermiddagen. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Hunden blev ramt af en lastbil. A truck hit the dog. The dog was hit by a truck. Mér leiddist ræðan hans. I was bored with his speech. I was bored with his speech. John, hæsti strákurinn í bekknum okkar, er kallaður „herra Hár“. John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High". John, the tallest boy in our class, is called “Mr. Hair. ” Þú mátt nota nýja bílinn minn. You may use my new car. You can use my new car. I tager altid tingene alt for alvorligt. You always take things too seriously. You always take things too seriously. Huset med det ødelagte taket er blitt reparert. The house with the damaged roof has been repaired. The house with the damaged roof has been repaired. Han er en rigtig muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a real Muslim. Jag köpte den här åt dig. I got you this. I bought this for you. Kan du vara snäll och låsa dörren? Would you please lock the door? Could you please lock the door? Hur många månar har Mars? How many moons does Mars have? How many moons does Mars have? Er hann Japani? Is he Japanese? Is he Japan? Hvad inspirerede dig til at skrive denne sang? What inspired you to write this song? What inspired you to write this song? Men det är ju absurt. But that's absurd. But that's absurd. Eg er sikker på at eg låste døra. I'm sure I locked the door. I'm sure I locked the door. Jeg er finsk. I'm Finnish. I'm Finnish. Vad är nytt? What is new? What's new? Låt mig berätta för Tom. Let me tell Tom. Let me tell Tom. Har du en ordbok? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Jag såg ingen som åt. I didn't see anyone eating. I didn't see anyone eating. Åbn døren. Open the door. Open the door. Hun havde en sund baby. She had a healthy baby. She had a healthy baby. Jeg hjalp hende med at hænge billedet op på væggen. I helped her hang the picture on the wall. I helped her hang the picture on the wall. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. Noen minutter senere ringte telefonen. A few minutes later, the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Jeg beundrer hans mod. I admire his courage. I admire his courage. Hun er en kjær og elskverdig kvinne som jeg aldri vil glemme. I will never forget that kind, loving woman. She's a dear and loving woman that I'll never forget. Vilken usel dag! What a lousy day! What a bad day! Vi hører dig ofte synge. We often hear you sing. We hear you sing a lot. Hon hade alldeles för mycket smink på sig. She had entirely too much makeup on. She was wearing way too much makeup. Slottet står ved en vakker innsjø. The castle stands facing a beautiful lake. The castle is at a beautiful lake. Telefonen ringer! The telephone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Vi ved ikke noget om ham. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. Jag gick upp tidigt för att hinna med tåget. I got up early so as to be in time for the train. I went up early to catch the train. Er du klar? Are you ready? You ready? Snälla sänk volymen lite till. Please turn down the volume a little bit more. Please lower the volume a little more. Hun liker russisk popmusikk. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop music. Byggdes denna mur för att hålla människor ute eller för att hålla dem inne? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Jeg ønsker at spise æblekage. I want to eat apple pie. I want to eat apple cake. Tom pratar ofta med sig själv. Tom often talks to himself. Tom often talks to himself. Tom är grym. Tom is awesome. Tom's awesome. Hvordan foregår det? How does that work? How's it going on? Pratar någon här ryska? Does anyone here speak Russian? Does anyone here speak Russian? Tom rakte Mary den tomme flaske. Tom handed the empty bottle to Mary. Tom handed Mary the empty bottle. Halló? Ertu þarna ennþá? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still there? Det barn kan tælle til tyve. That child can count to twenty. That child can count to twenty. Äckligt! Disgusting! Gross! Jeg er en turist. I am a tourist. I'm a tourist. Vad kunde det betyda? What could that mean? What could that mean? Alla sittplatser var upptagna. Every seat was full. All seats were occupied. En stek, tack. I'll take a steak. One steak, please. Þú gerðir þetta viljandi. You did this intentionally! You did this on purpose. Jeg har tre kyllinger i mit hus. I have three chickens in my house. I have three chickens in my house. Jag älskar den affären. I love that store. I love that deal. Jeg elsker lugten af pandekager om morgenen. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. Nancy vil ha et par røde sko. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Det här är brevet från min vän. This is the letter from my friend. This is the letter from my friend. Jeg laver sjældent fejl. I seldom make mistakes. I don't make any mistakes. Du gör mig besviken. You disappoint me. You disappoint me. Jag måste gå, Tom. I've got to go, Tom. I gotta go, Tom. Begge to er i live. Both are alive. Both of you are alive. Jeg må sige at jeg misunder dig. I have to say I envy you. I must say, I envy you. Tom skrev sit navn på alle sine notesbøger. Tom wrote his name on all his notebooks. Tom wrote his name on all his notebooks. Bilurin er appelsingulur. The car is orange. The car's orange. Tom kan ikke gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't leave. Auk borgarstjórans mættu margir aðrir virtir gestir. Beside the mayor, many other distinguished guests were present. In addition to the mayor, many other respected visitors met. Vi associerar Egypten med Nilen. We associate Egypt with the Nile. We associate Egypt with the Nile. Tom sa at det kan ta noen timer å gjøre det. Tom said it could take a fews hours to do it. Tom said it could take a few hours to do it. Vi såg inget konstigt. We saw nothing strange. We didn't see anything strange. Hva minner denne hatten deg om? What does this hat remind you of? What does this hat remind you of? Hon lyckades avsluta arbetet själv. She managed to finish the work on her own. She managed to finish the job herself. Bussen kom to minutter for tidlig. The bus was two minutes early. The bus arrived two minutes early. Kan du någon franska? Do you know any French? Do you know any French? Bare gjør det du vanligvis gjør. Just do what you normally do. Just do what you usually do. Har du noget æblepie i dag? Do you have any apple pie today? Do you have any apple pie today? Han svävar i livsfara. His life was in danger. He's in danger. Han er broren min. He's my brother. He's my brother. Tom vil have os til at montere fjernsynet på væggen. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Armenien hedder "Hayastan" på armensk. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. Armenia is called Hayastan in Armenian. Jag kommer börja grina! I am about to cry! I'm gonna start laughing! Jag gör som jag vill. I'll do as I please. I'll do whatever I want. ”Föddes du i Boston?” ”Nej, jag föddes i Australien.” "Were you born in Boston?" "No, I was born in Australia." “You were born in Boston?” “No, I was born in Australia.” Ég er búinn með peningana. I've run out of money. I'm done with the money. Det er minus seks udenfor og opvarmningen er i uorden. It's minus six outside and the heating's on the blink. It's minus six outside and the heating's out of order. Ingen ville snakke med meg. Nobody would talk to me. Nobody wanted to talk to me. Någon har ätit upp mitt påskägg. Somebody ate my Easter egg. Someone's eaten my Easter egg. Það er erfitt fyrir útlendinga að ná tökum á japönsku. It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. It's hard for foreigners to get to grips with Japanese. Sami behövde lämna Layla. Sami needed to leave Layla. Sami had to leave Layla. Hun var gået ind i værelset og havde lagt sig på sengen. She went into the room and lay on the bed. She had gone into the room and laid down on her bed. Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these conditions. I do not think they accept these terms. Hvor er vennen din? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Du har bättre kondition än jag. You're in better shape than I am. You've got a better condition than me. Hun er min drømmepige. She is my dream girl. She's my dream girl. Lykilin stóð fastur. The key is stuck. The key was stuck. Han stjæler alt muligt. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He's stealing everything. Tom fick en fortkörningsbot. Tom got a speeding ticket. Tom got a speeding ticket. Vi tog brusebad. We took showers. We took a shower. Spørg Alex. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. Han fick malaria medan han bodde i djungeln. He contracted malaria while living in the jungle. He had malaria while living in the jungle. Olyckligtvis pratade Tom bredvid mun. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom spoke next to his mouth. Til og med du ville ha hjulpet oss. Even you would have helped us. Even you would have helped us. Jag bestämde mig för att jag inte ville ha mer med Tom att göra. I decided I didn't want anything more to do with Tom. I decided I didn't want more to do with Tom. Tom är upprörd. Tom is agitated. Tom's upset. Hun taler kurdisk. She speaks Kurdish. She speaks Kurdish. Piken er en sykesøster. The girl is a nurse. The girl's a sick sister. Er du den nye barnepiken? Are you the new nanny? Are you the new nanny? De mødte Sveriges og Danmarks kronprinser. They met the crown princes of Sweden and Denmark. They met the Crown Princesses of Sweden and Denmark. Jeg har ledt efter dig overalt. I've been looking for it everywhere. I've been looking all over for you. Í Bandaríkjunum voru sett lög til að koma í veg fyrir tölvuglæpi. Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA. In the United States, laws were introduced to prevent computer crime. Det är verkligen inte mödan värt. It's really not worth the effort. It's really not worth the effort. Tom anlände trettio minuter sent. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom arrived 30 minutes late. Hvað er að? Is that wrong? What's wrong? Ég skal sækja hann. I'll get it. I'll get him. Hvor arresterede du dem? Where did you arrest them? Where did you arrest them? Din idiot! You idiot! You idiot! Det ser ud til at Tom lyver. It seems that Tom is lying. Tom seems to be lying. Við munum ræða vandamálið við þau. We will discuss the problem with them. We'll discuss the problem with them. Sist søndag dro familien min til dyrehagen og så pandaer. Last Sunday my family went to the zoo to see panda bears. Last Sunday my family went to the zoo and then pandas. Läste du någonsin några romaner av Agatha Christie? Have you ever read any novels by Agatha Christie? Did you ever read novels by Agatha Christie? "Hvad slags bog læser du?" "En roman." "What sort of book are you reading?" "A novel." "What kind of book do you read?" "A novel." Hjälp oss, Tom. Help us, Tom. Help us, Tom. Tom talte fransk ret flydende. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Tom spoke French rather fluently. Jeg er ateist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Tom hoppa over lunsjen fordi han hadde ikkje nok tid til å ete. Tom went without lunch because he didn't have enough time to eat. Tom skipped lunch because he didn't have enough time to eat. Du burde unngå å ringe noen etter ti på kvelden. You should avoid calling a person after ten at night. You should avoid calling anyone after ten at night. Jag såg den där också. I saw that, too. I saw that one, too. Jeg har vært her i tre måneder. I've been here for three months. I've been here three months. "Vi är framme," sa Tom, och stannade bilen. "We're here," said Tom, stopping the car. "We're here," said Tom, and stopped the car. Jag har tre barn. I have three kids. I have three children. Tom grät. Tom was crying. Tom cried. Naturbilder av dyr, tatt i all stillhet og ro, er virkelig mesterverk. Nature photos of animals taken in complete tranquility and serenity are truly masterpieces. Nature pictures of animals, taken quietly and calmly, are truly masterpieces. Engelska är svårt, eller hur? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? Hatta ljóðar ikki so gott. That doesn't sound good. Could not close temporary folder: %s Tom tar en snabb joggingtur runt kvarteret varje morgon innan frukost. Tom takes a quick jog around the block every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a quick jogging tour of the neighborhood every morning before breakfast. Italien er et meget smukt land. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Jag vet egentligen inte. I don't really know. I don't really know. Jag var inte redo för det här. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for this. Ertu japönsk? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Þegar við erum lítil virðist allt svo stórt. When we are small, everything seems so big. When we're little, everything seems so big. Tom har solgt sin virksomhed til Mary. Tom sold his company to Mary. Tom sold her business to Mary. Hvad betyder det? What does it mean? What does that mean? Sigrið Risana! Beat the Giants! Conquer Risana! Tom kørte Mary til hospitalet bag på sin motorcykel. Tom took Mary to the hospital on the back of his motorcycle. Tom drove Mary to the hospital in the back of his motorcycle. Hun spiste ét æble. She ate one apple. She ate one apple. Det var aldrig vanskeligt for os at finde noget at snakke om. It was never hard for us to find something to talk about. It was never difficult for us to find something to talk about. Taler du fransk hver dag? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? Hvad helvede laver du her? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Jeg håber Tom ved hvad han gør. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. Den står på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Hon saknar honom. She misses him. She misses him. Jeg blev ydmyget. I was humiliated. I was humiliated. Behöver du paraply? Do you need an umbrella? Do you need an umbrella? Tom blev stukket af en hveps. Tom got stung by a wasp. Tom was stabbed by a werep. Hold venligst op med at synge den sang. Please stop singing that song. Please stop singing that song. Det er faktisk et spørgsmål, jeg tit får. That's actually a question that I get a lot. It's actually a question I get a lot. Jag har en kommentar. I have a comment. I have a comment. Jeg ønsker at tjekke noget. I want to check something. I want to check something out. Hun holdt en paraply. She was holding an umbrella. She was holding an umbrella. Jeg føler mig overophedet. I feel overheated. I feel overheated. Jag var väldigt glad. I was very happy. I was very happy. Jeg har brødre. I have brothers. I have brothers. Eg saknar spenninga. I miss the excitement. I'm missing the excitement. "Hjælp" linket tager dig til en side med ofte stillede spørgsmål. The "Help" link takes you to a page of frequently asked questions. The "Help" link takes you to a side with frequently asked questions. Tomi måtte forklare vitsen til Mari. Tom had to explain the joke to Mary. Tomi had to explain the joke to Mari. Grannhunden skäller alltid. The dog next door is always barking. The deer always barks. Etteraping av gester, handlinger og væremåter kan, men behøver ikke være, en bevisst handling. Imitation of gestures, actions and manners may or may not be a conscious act. Surprising gestures, actions and rams can, but don't have to be, a conscious act. Har du kondom? Do you have a condom? Do you have a condom? Dan närmade sig landningsbanan för snabbt. Dan approached the runway too fast. Dan approached the runway too quickly. Jeg er singel. I am single. I'm single. Tom vill verkligen åka till Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. I dag har jeg stirret på papirer dagen lang, og nu er jeg træt. I stared at papers all day today and now I'm tired. Today I've been staring at papers all day, and now I'm tired. Ég þarf stöðugt að vera að snýta mér. I have to blow my nose all the time. I need to be wasting myself all the time. Det är inte stor skillnad. There's not a big difference. That's not a big difference. Jag tog det lugnt. I took it easy. I took it easy. Julemanden kommer med gaver til børnene til jul. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa comes with presents for the kids for Christmas. Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu. I want to work with your company. I want to work with your company. Barnen är vår framtid. The children are our future. The children are our future. Marika var galen etter meg, og eg... ja, man kan seie at eg var galen etter ho au. Marika was crazy about me, and I... well, you could say I was crazy about her, too. Marika was crazy about me, and I... well, you can say I was crazy after ho au. Många unga romare åkte till Grekland. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. Jeg overdrev. I exaggerated. I was exaggerating. Katten är på mattan. The cat is on the mat. The cat's on the carpet. Ser jag trött ut? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Jeg er overbevist om din uskyld. I am convinced of your innocence. I'm convinced of your innocence. Eg eig knapt engelske bøker. I have hardly any English books. I barely own English books. Mennad er ránsmaður. Mennad is a robber. Menden is a robber. Hvor er dine marker? Where are your fields? Where are your chips? Hvad er den længste flod i Australien? What's the longest river in Australia? What is the longest river in Australia? När spelar de fotboll? When do they play soccer? When do they play football? Han har en utländsk bil. He has a foreign car. He's got a foreign car. Du kan ikke gjøre dette. You cannot do this. You can't do this. Huvudstaden i Ukraina är Kiev. The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Varför kom du tillbaka hit? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Har du set mit blad? Have you seen my magazine? Have you seen my magazine? Sami skikka ein e-post til sjefen. Sami e-mailed his boss. Same custom e-mail to the boss. Tom er fransklærer. Tom is a French teacher. Tom's a French teacher. Tom ønskede at synke i jorden af skam. Tom wished to sink into the ground for shame. Tom wanted to sink into the ground with shame. Tænk over hvad jeg sagde til dig. Think about what I said to you. Think about what I said to you. Jeg er for doven. I am too lazy. I'm too lazy. Mary borde inte göra det. Mary shouldn't do that. Mary shouldn't do that. 2016 er det internationale år for bælgfrugter. 2016 is the International Year of Pulses. 2016 is the international year for legumes. Det ble ventet av ham at han skulle ta en bestemmelse. He was expected to make a decision. He was expected to make a decree. Jag är skild. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. Hur stor kommer den att vara? How big will it be? How big will it be? Hvorfor bruger du Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? Why are you using Tatoeba? Gå! Go. Go, go, go, go! Tom rynkade pannan. Tom frowned. Tom frowned his forehead. Jeg holder ikke ut denne magepinen. I can't stand this stomach-ache. I can't stand this stomachache. Den står i garaget. It's in the garage. It's in the garage. Jag har en stor familj. I have a big family. I have a big family. Tom fick antibiotika. Tom was given antibiotics. Tom got antibiotics. Vil du ha mer potetmosen? Would you like more mashed potatoes? You want more potato moss? Vad är det med henne? What is her problem? What's wrong with her? Eg har hovudverk. I have a headache. I've got a headache. Kan du skicka mig den där grunkamojen? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you send me that grunkamo? Beijing är större än Rom. Beijing is bigger than Rome. Beijing is bigger than Rome. Men hvorfor? But why? But why? Har du sett någon? Have you seen one? Have you seen anyone? Katte er storartede. Cats are great. Cats are great. Han tog en bog frem og læste. He got out a book and read. He took out a book and read. Jag fick ett brev från min vän. I got a letter from my friend. I got a letter from my friend. Tom løb hen imod duerne. Tom ran towards the pigeons. Tom ran towards the pigeons. Vad gjorde Tom? What did Tom do? What did Tom do? Mød mig klokken halv tre. Meet me at 2:30. Meet me at 2:30. Jeg kjenner jenta som spiller tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Tom sa till Mary att han inte var trött Tom told Mary that he wasn't tired. Tom told Mary he wasn't tired. Har det strejfet jeres tanker at lukke vinduerne? Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Has it crossed your mind to close the windows? Denne bakterie er resistent over for penicillin. This bacterium is resistant to penicillin. This bacteria are resistant to penicillin. ”Vårt tåg går klockan 9” - ”Oroa dig inte. Vi hinner.” "Our train leaves at 9" - "Don't worry. We'll make it." "Our train leaves at 9 o'clock" - "Don't worry. We have time." Tror du att ni kan få in mig? Do you think you can get me in? You think you can bring me in? Skoðanir okkar fara saman við þeirra skoðanir hvað meginatriðin varðar. Our views are in agreement with theirs as to the essential points. Our views compare with those of the basics. Vinkona mín er að læra Kóresku. My friend studies Korean. My friend is learning Korean. Du spiser appelsinen din. You're eating your orange. You eat your orange. Vegurinn til Nagano er lokaður umferð. The road to Nagano is closed to traffic. The road to Nagano is closed. Jag behöver också förbättra min engelska. I also need to improve my English. I also need to improve my English. Er dere klar? Are you all ready? You ready? Vi är annorlunda. We're different. We're different. Hun ble varm av raseri. She got hot with rage. She got hot with rage. Ég er á móti giftingunni. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the marriage. De gifte sig, trots att de knappt talade varandras språk. They married, even though they barely spoke each other's language. They married, even though they barely spoke one another’s language. Har du hodepine? Do you have a headache? Do you have a headache? Jeg har det travelt for tiden. I'm busy right now. I'm in a hurry these days. En ny filial åbner næste måned i Chicago. A new branch will be opened in Chicago next month. A new branch opens next month in Chicago. Köpte du den på svarta marknaden? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Tom har talang. Tom has talent. Tom has talent. Gør din hund ad hende? Does your dog bark at her? Is your dog doing her? Din plan vil bestemt lykkes. Your plan is sure to succeed. Your plan will certainly succeed. Eg har vondt i augo. My eyes hurt. I have a pain in my eyes. Matchen blev oavgjord. The match ended in a draw. The match was undecided. Du kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Symjarane er på veg ut i vatnet. The swimmers are entering the water. The swimmers are on their way into the water. Fotball er favorittsporten min. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite sport. Hann er enn á lífi. He is still alive. He's still alive. Sami kørte på den motorcykel. Sami was riding that motorbike. Sami was on that motorcycle. Folkmassan demonstrerade för mänskliga rättigheter. The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. The crowd demonstrated for human rights. Allt sem þið þurfið að gera er að læra þessa setningu utanað. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is learn this sentence from outside. Jeg tager til Irland denne sommer. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Du verkar frånvarande. You seem distant. You seem absent. Kan du läsa det? Could you read it? Can you read it? Jeg setter meg ikke urealistiske mål. I don't set myself unrealistic goals. I do not set unrealistic goals. Maðurinn sem býr í næsta húsi er læknir. The man who lives next door to me is a doctor. The man who lives next door is a doctor. Når drar du til Europa? When are you going to Europe? When are you going to Europe? Det var faktiskt mitt fel. It was actually my fault. Actually, it was my fault. Tom alltid på sig en hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Du måste inte säga någonting om du inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Dette er kun en af ​​de ting, vi fandt. This is only one of the things we found. This is just one of the things we found. Varken Tom eller Mary kan simma. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Jag är precis som du. I'm just like you. I'm just like you. Hvilke sprog taler de i Australien? What languages do they speak in Australia? What languages do they speak in Australia? Smaklökar är väldigt användbara. Taste buds are very useful. Onions are very useful. Jag vägrar hjälpa. I refuse to help. I refuse to help. Jeg vil gerne tilbyde dig stillingen. I would like to offer you the position. I'd like to offer you the position. Han gjorde ingenting feil. He did nothing wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. Der er sket en ulykke. There has been an accident. There's been an accident. Jag hoppas att ingen såg mig dansa. I hope no one saw me dancing. I hope no one saw me dance. Hon bromsade. She braked. She slowed down. Denne kuffert har fire kilo overvægt. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This suitcase has four kilos of overweight. Brød og cirkus. Bread and circuses. Bread and circus. Jeg likte å svømme i elva. I enjoyed swimming in the river. I liked swimming in the river. Jag stannar kanske. I might stay. Maybe I'll stay. Er Tom enn þá veikur? Is Tom still sick? Is Tom still sick? Hun reagerte på det. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. Det ger mig huvudvärk! That gives me a headache! It gives me a headache! Tom ska köra Maria till flygplatsen. Tom is going to drive Mary to the airport. Tom's driving Maria to the airport. Han tittar på dinosaurier. He's looking at dinosaurs. He's watching dinosaurs. Det här svärdet är i gott skick. This sword is in fair condition. This sword is in good condition. Brasilien er omgivet af ti lande og Atlanterhavet. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. När jag hittade rummet var det tomt. I found the room empty. When I found the room, it was empty. Er det chokolade? Is that chocolate? Is that chocolate? Jeg trenger fremdeles tid. I still need time. I still need time. Þú ert þreytt og það er ég líka. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. Det är dags att gå till gymmet. It's time to go to the gym. It's time to go to the gym. Nogen så ham vaske sin bil. Someone saw him wash his car. Someone saw him wash his car. Amerika har femtio stater. There are fifty states in America. America has fifty states. Er du allergisk overfor dette medikament? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Det er gratis. It's free. It's free. Sú eldri af dætrunum tveim er í háskóla. The older of the two daughters is in college. The older one of the two girls is in college. Vi ser sjældent Tom køre på cykel. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom riding a bike. Heste har tre gangarter: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three kinds: Step, trot and gallop. Jeg elsker Tom. I love Tom. I love Tom. I morgen lander han på månen. Tomorrow he lands on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. Vi är båda vuxna. We are both adults. We're both adults. Hann tapaði trúverðuleika sínum vegna þess að hann sveik vin sinn. He lost his credibility because he betrayed a friend. He lost his credibility because he betrayed his friend. Tom begynte å knyte opp skoene sine. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom began to tie up his shoes. Jeg går på skole fordi jeg ønsker å lœre. I go to school because I want to learn. I go to school because I want to learn. Er dere begge klare til å gå? Are both of you ready to go? Are you both ready to go? Jeg har mistet fotografiapparatet mitt. I lost my camera. I lost my camera. Jag har inte ätit på ett par dagar. I haven't eaten for a couple of days. I haven't eaten in a few days. Hvorfor ville du til Armenien? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Hún giftist gegn vilja föður síns. She got married against her father's will. She married against her father's will. Jag vill ha en tvättbjörn. I want a raccoon. I want a laundry bear. Jeg har alltid likt mystiske karakterer mer. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always liked mystical characters more. Den här boken tillhör skolbiblioteket. This book belongs to the school library. This book belongs to the school library. Jeg elsker Frankrig. I love France. I love France. Vertu með okkur. Join us. Stay with us. Der er en mand ved døren. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Jeg skulle ønske du kunne være stille. I wish you would be quiet. I wish you could be quiet. Jag träffade just henne på gatan. I just met her on the street. I just met her on the street. Det har jeg aldrig sagt! I never said that. I never said that! Der er få tatarisksprogede websites på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatarish websites on the Internet. Når står du vanligvis opp? What time do you usually get up? When do you usually get up? Der var få elever tilbage i klasseværelset. There were few students left in the classroom. There were few students left in the classroom. Är du ledsen? Are you sad? Are you sorry? Jeg har også en datter. I have a daughter, too. I have a daughter, too. Varför tog du med den? Why did you bring it? Why did you bring it? Hun ble ved med å gråte. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Jeg kender den tysker med langt skæg. I know that German with a long beard. I know the German with a long beard. Ni får inte komma för sent den här gången. You can't be late this time. You can't be late this time. Hon är tystlåten. She is quiet. She's quiet. Hun ønskede ikke at han skulle gå. She did not want him to leave. She didn't want him to go. Af hverju ætli John sé alltaf seinn í skólann? I wonder why John is always late for school. Why would John always be late at school? Hade Marika brevvänner från Japan? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have letters from Japan? Denne blomsten er den vakreste av alle blomster. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Denne beholderen er fullstendig vanntett. This container is completely watertight. This container is completely waterproof. Tom kände henne. Tom knew her. Tom knew her. Röker ni? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? Afsakið mig, hvað er klukkan? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? En av fördelarna med att bo i en demokrati är att man får säga vad man tycker och tänker. One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is permitted to say whatever he thinks. One of the advantages of living in a democracy is to say what you think and think. Tom är förvånad. Tom is astonished. Tom's surprised. Søndag er ikke en almindelig dag for mig. Sunday is not an ordinary day to me. Sunday's not a normal day for me. Jag höll mig för mig själv. I kept to myself. I kept myself to myself. Eleverna är lata. The students are lazy. The students are lazy. Jag kan få in oss. I can get us in. I can get us in. Jeg så kun ét æble. I only saw one apple. I only saw one apple. De är homosexuella. They're homosexual. They're gay. Denne bog handler om en konge der mistede sin krone. This book is about a king who lost his crown. This book is about a king who lost his crown. Tom ville ha ett arbete. Tom wanted a job. Tom wanted a job. Det ligger en bok på bordet. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. Jag har hört den låten sjungen på franska. I have heard that song sung in French. I've heard that song singing in French. Jeg har endnu ikke lært meget. I haven't learned much yet. I haven't learned much yet. ”Min klocka har blivit stulen.” utropade min far. ”My watch has been robbed.”exclaimed my father. "My watch has been stolen." cried my father. Tom tror han er klar. Tom thinks he's ready. Tom thinks he's ready. Bli inte alltför bekväm. Don't get too comfortable. Don't get too comfortable. Í þann mund er hann opnaði dyrnar fann hann lykt af einhverju að brenna. The instant he opened the door, he smelt something burning. In that mouth, when he opened the door, he smelled something to burn. Sa jag inte just det? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Jag tror inte att ungen kom till Tokyo själv. I don't believe the child came to Tokyo alone. I don't think the kid came to Tokyo himself. Hur länge sedan är det? How long's it been? How long has it been? Jag kanske inte återvänder. I may not return. Maybe I won't come back. Tom tror at Jorden er flad. Tom believes that the Earth is flat. Tom thinks Earth is flat. Vad är det värt? What's that worth? What's it worth? Ring til hende i morgen. Call her tomorrow. Call her tomorrow. Hvorfor vasker du hænderne? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Der er sket en masse lort i mit liv. A lot of shit has been happening in my life. There's been a lot of shit in my life. Jag hittade nycklarna. I found the keys. I found the keys. Tom tænkte det samme som mig. Tom thought the same thing I did. Tom thought the same thing as me. Se saker som de är. See things as they are. Look at things they are. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom speaks only French with his parents. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Ordboken inneholder cirka en halv million ord. The dictionary contains about half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Bussen er her om et par minutter. The bus will be here in a few minutes. The bus will be here in a few minutes. Det där är en bit paj. That's a piece of pie. That's a piece of pie. Vi har en stor trädgård. We have a big garden. We have a big garden. Sittu vinsamlegast kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit still, please. Vi blev stupfulla. We got dead drunk. We got stung up. Har du noget imod at jeg ryger? Do you mind my smoking? Do you mind if I smoke? Jeg mente ikke å gjøre det. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. Kabyliens infrastruktur er forholdsvis god. Kabylian infrastructure is relatively good. The Kabylia infrastructure is relatively good. Så vad gjorde du? So what did you do? So what did you do? Jag måste ge mig av nu. I must leave now. I have to go now. Tom går i panik. Tom is panicking. Tom's panicking. Det styrtregner her. It's raining cats and dogs here. It's raining here. Det finns två stora sjöar i Sverige. There are two big lakes in Sweden. There are two large lakes in Sweden. Tom er ganske sint akkurat nå. Tom is kind of angry right now. Tom's pretty angry right now. Det er ikke noe sjeldent å leve over nitti år. It is not rare at all to live over ninety years. It's not a rare thing to live over ninety years. Det tar oss fem minuter att gå igenom tunneln. It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. It'll take us five minutes to go through the tunnel. Tom såg gammal ut. Tom looked old. Tom looked old. Vi ska gifta oss. We're going to get married. We're getting married. Vejrmeldingen siger at det vil regne i morgen eftermiddag. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. Lägg köttet i kylen, annars kommer det ruttna. Put the meat in the refrigerator, or it will rot. Put the meat in the fridge, or it'll rot. Har alla hittat sina misstag? Has everybody found their mistakes? Has everyone found their mistakes? Han så til højre og gik. He looked right and left. He looked to the right and left. Takk for påminnelsen. Thanks for reminding me. Thank you for reminding me. Det er meget farligt at svømme i denne flod. This river is very dangerous to swim in. It's very dangerous to swim in this river. Hun fortalte meg hemmeligheten sin. She told me her secret. She told me her secret. Han besøgte Frankrig tre gange. He visited France three times. He visited France three times. Jeg er dårlig til å svømme. I'm bad at swimming. I'm bad at swimming. Han är mycket oroad för sin sons framtid. He is very much concerned about the future of his son. He is very concerned about his son's future. Seine flyter genom Paris. The Seine flows through Paris. Seine floats through Paris. Tom vil gerne være simultantolk. Tom wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. Tom wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. Nær skoven står et enligt beliggende hus. Near the forest stands an isolated house. Close to the forest is one according to the location of the house. Dette er en ny modell. This is a new model. This is a new model. Wow! Tusindvis af fisk! Wow! Thousands of fish! Wow! Thousands of fish! Tom tog ett foto på Mary. Tom took a picture of Mary. Tom took a photo of Mary. Stop! Der er en hjort på vejen. Stop! There's a deer on the road. There's a deer on the way. Jeg går på arbejde hver dag. I go to work every day. I go to work every day. Hun sprang til stasjonen fordi hun var redd for ikke å nå toget. She ran to the station for fear that she would miss the train. She jumped to the station because she was afraid not to reach the train. Det här spelet är baserat på en roman. This game is based on a novel. This game is based on a novel. Tom skændtes med Mary. Tom had a fight with Mary. Tom had an argument with Mary. Det virker helt på trynet. It seems absolutely ridiculous. It's totally working on your face. Glöm inte vad jag sa till dig nyss. Don't forget what I just told you. Don't forget what I just told you. Dörrar är inte så illa som du tror. Doors ain't as bad as you think. Doors aren't as bad as you think. Månen är mycket vacker i kväll. The moon is very beautiful this evening. The moon is very beautiful tonight. Jeg elsker å gå på kino. I love going to the cinema. I love going to a movie. Du ska inte behöva dagtinga med ditt samvete. You shouldn't need to compromise with your conscience. You shouldn't need a dayning with your conscience. Solsystemet har nu kun otte planeter da Pluto, som var den niende, er blevet omklassificeret som en dværgplanet. The Solar System has only eight planets now as Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. The solar system now has only eight planets when the ninth planet was reclassified as a dwarf planet. Den dreng er meget klog. That boy is very clever. That boy is very smart. Ingen gör någonting. Nobody is doing anything. Nobody does anything. Vi mødtes klokken to om eftermiddagen. We met at two in the afternoon. We met at two o’clock in the afternoon. Er du sikker på at hans navn er Tom? Are you sure his name is Tom? Are you sure his name's Tom? Jag är inte hungrig. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. "Hvordan kommer Jim i skole?" "Han tager bussen." "How does Jim go to school?" "He goes by bus." "How does Jim get to school?" "He's taking the bus." Hon köper bröd. She buys bread. She buys bread. Hvem ler du af? Who are you laughing at? Who are you laughing at? Han er meget ensom. He's very lonely. He's very lonely. Vad fick du i julklapp? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Min bror har boet i London i mange år. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has been living in London for many years. Það voru tvö morð í þessum mánuði. There were two murders this month. There were two murders in those months. Tom hittade bevis. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. Pas på, den fyr har et jagttegn! Be careful, this guy has a shooting license! Watch out, this guy's got a hunting sign! Hversu djúpt er vatnið? How deep is the lake? How deep is the water? Ett språk er aldri nok. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Dette er virkelig sjokkerende. This is really shocking. This is really shocking. Det här ska ramas in och hängas upp på väggen. This will be framed and hung up on the wall. This is to be framed and hung up on the wall. Jeg går i seng nu. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed now. Brøddeigen vi lagde i heimkunnskap endte opp som trolldeig. The bread dough we made in home economics class turned out as salt dough. The bread dough we put in home knowledge ended up like a sorcery. Store personer er ikke altid stærke. Big people aren't always strong. Big people aren't always strong. Det er ikke noe å bry seg om. There is nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about. Tom visade upp innehållet i sin plånbok. Tom displayed the contents of his wallet. Tom showed me the contents of his wallet. Toms mamma dog 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. Tom's mom died in 2013. Tom og Mary hadede hinanden. Tom and Mary hated each other. Tom and Mary hated each other. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance! Give peace a chance! Hún fór þangað í gær. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Du, jag har en idé. Hey, I have an idea. Hey, I got an idea. Tom blev ved med at køre for nær bilen foran os selvom jeg fortalte ham at det kunne være farligt at gøre det. Tom kept tailgating the car in front of us even though I told him it was unsafe to do so. Tom kept driving too close to our car, even though I told him that doing so could be dangerous. Jag tycker fortfarande inte om det. I still don't like it. I still don't like it. Við leikum það eftir eyranu. We'll play it by ear. We play it by our ear. Jeg mødes med Tom i morgen. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. I'll meet with Tom tomorrow. Júlía er trúlofuð Jakobi. Jill is engaged to Jack. Juliet's engaged to Jacob. Hun er mest lykkelig når hun er hjemme. She is happiest when she is at home. She's mostly happy when she's home. Ulver angriper ikke vanligvis folk. Wolves won't usually attack people. Wolves don't usually attack people. Sættum okkur við það; þetta er ómögulegt. Okkur mun aldrei takast það. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. We'll never make it. Tomten är inte till salu. Santa Claus is not for sale. Santa's not for sale. Tom trener på et treningssenter nært huset hans. Tom works out in a gym near his house. Tom's training at a gym near his house. Nú er søgan øll. Now the story is over. It's a sunken beer now. Han blev skadad. He was hurt. He got hurt. Vent her til jeg kommer tilbake. Wait here till I come back. Wait here until I get back. Jag ser fram emot i eftermiddag. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. Jack samlar på frimärken. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. Jeg er kjæresten til Mary. I'm Mary's boyfriend. I'm Mary's girlfriend. Det er ikke noe svar på spørsmålet ditt. There is not an answer for your question. There's no answer to your question. Tom såg ikkje trøytt ut, spør du meg. Tom didn't look tired if you ask me. Tom didn't look tired, you ask me. Jeg tror ​​vi kan have et problem. I think we may have a problem. I think we might have a problem. Jag har känt Tom rätt så länge. I've known Tom for quite some time. I've known Tom for quite some time. Se upp för ficktjuvar. Look out for pickpockets. Watch out for pickpockets. Jeg er glad for at jeg har funnet deg. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Jeg kigger efter T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. Han ankom forpustet til stationen. He arrived at the station out of breath. He arrived in front of the station. Tom er en meget god landmand. Tom is a very good farmer. Tom's a very good farmer. Tom har bedt om at du signerer dokumenter elektronisk under påsyn av en notarius publicus. Tom has requested that you electronically sign documents while witnessed by a notary public. Tom has requested that you sign documents electronically under the supervision of a notary publicus. Vad skrev Tom? What did Tom write? What did Tom write? Nähä, det är inte sant. Nuh-uh, that's not true. No, that's not true. Vi har slut på fotogen. We've run out of kerosene. We're out of the kerosene. Jeg kan også gøre det! I can do it too! I can do it, too! Han är en sann muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a true Muslim. Sånn er livet. Accidents are inevitable. That's life. Jeg vil gerne tale fransk flydende. I'd like to speak French fluently. I'd like to speak French fluently. Vad är problemet med det? What's the problem with that? What's the problem with that? Hva skal du med alt dette? What're you going to do with all this? What are you doing with all this? Kan du oversætte dette for mig? Can you please translate this for me? Can you translate this for me? Ingen er så irsk som Barack Obama! There's no one as irish as Barack Obama! Nobody's as Irish as Barack Obama! Jag önskar att jag var lika lång som Tom. I wish I were as tall as Tom. I wish I was as long as Tom. Jeg keder mig. I am bored. I'm bored. Er det en buss som går til kjøpesenteret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus going to the mall? Alla såg den. Everyone saw it. Everyone saw it. Efter at Tom havde hørt nyhederne, var han i den syvende himmel. After he heard the news, Tom was in seventh heaven. After hearing the news, Tom was in the seventh heaven. Har du en hund? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Kan jag få en kram? Can I have a hug? Can I have a hug? Han er vant til å sitte lenge oppe om nettene. He is used to sitting up late at night. He's used to sitting up late at night. Tom købte tre kilo æbler. Tom bought three kilograms of apples. Tom bought three kilos of apples. Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Tom siger at hans lærer giver ham for mange lektier for. Tom says his teacher gives him too much homework. Tom says his teacher gives him too many lessons for. Den er 8:30. It's eight-thirty. It's 8:30. Tom køber kun skrabeæg. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys scraps. Hvað ætti Tom að gera? What should Tom do? What should Tom do? De förorsakade oss knappt några problem. They gave us very little trouble. They barely caused us any problems. Dette er den mest interessante boken jeg noen gang har lest. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. Denne pizza er elendig. This pizza is terrible. This pizza sucks. Jeg hører, det er den koldeste vinter, vi har haft de sidste ti år. I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years. I hear it's the coldest winter we've had in the last ten years. Vi står over for et vanskeligt valg. We are faced with a difficult choice. We are faced with a difficult choice. Der er mange smukke parker i London. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Du måste skämta! You have to be joking! You gotta be kidding me! Alt dette var meget trist for den stakkels ælling. All this was very sad for the poor little duckling. All of this was very sad for that poor bitch. Det är ditt val, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. Undervisningen begynder i næste uge. Classes begin next week. The lesson begins next week. Jag kan inte ens göra en omelett. I can't even cook an omelet. I can't even do an omelet. Gni flekken inn med eddik. Rub the stain with vinegar. Smudge in with vinegar. Jeg har coolt kluns og coole solbriller på. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I'm wearing cool broads and cool sunglasses. Håll ett öga på min väska ett slag. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Ken lærte seg mange japanske songar utanåt. Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart. Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart. Vores lærer er ikke altid venlig overfor os. Our teacher is not always kind to us. Our teacher is not always kind to us. Jag blev genomblöt av störtregnet. I was utterly soaked by the downpour. I was soaked by the rain. Denne te kaldes grøn te. This tea is called green tea. This tea is called green tea. Du har stå karakter. You have a passing grade. You have character. Vi har to hunde; den ene er sort og den anden er hvid. We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. We have two dogs; one is black and the other is white. Det er hvad Tom ville gøre. That is what Tom would do. That's what Tom would do. Det finns ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sjálfur. Please help yourself. Why don't you have some yourself? Toms mobil ringer. Tom's cellphone is ringing. Tom's cell phone is ringing. Vad var din plan egentligen? What was your plan anyway? What was your plan? Tom är den perfekta fadern. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect father. Hvis jeg var en fugl, så kunne jeg flyve hen til dig. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. Klockan är två. The clock says two. It's two o'clock. Jeg har ikke to katte. I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Þið eruð ungir strákar. You are young boys. You're young boys. Alle vore lærere var unge, og de elskede at undervise. All our teachers were young and loved teaching. All our teachers were young, and they loved to teach. Denne fugl kan flyve. This bird can fly. This bird can fly. Tom mistede hurtigt interessen. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom quickly lost interest. Är den vit? Is it white? Is it white? Max er ferm på fingrene. Max is clever with his fingers. Max's farting on his fingers. Det er et blåt hus. That's a blue house. It's a blue house. Tom var meget alvorlig. Tom was very serious. Tom was very serious. Det här är den kallaste vintern som vi har haft på trettio år. This is the coldest winter that we have had in thirty years. This is the coldest winter we've had in thirty years. Jeg krydser fingre. My fingers are crossed. I'll cross my fingers. De är gymnasieelever. They are high school students. They're high school students. Han mødte sin ven medens han badede i havet. He met his friend while bathing in the sea. He met his friend while bathing in the sea. Hvis ikke du har lyst til at holde en tale, behøver du ikke. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. Jag går om du insisterar. I'll go if you insist. I'll leave if you insist. Ta lite. Have some. Have some. Jag fick inte ditt meddelande i tid, för när du skickade det till mig hade min mobiltelefon inget batteri. I did not receive your message on time because when you sent it to me my mobile had no battery. I didn't get your message in time, because when you sent it to me, my cell phone didn't have a battery. Hvað olli því að þú sagðir nokkuð jafn heimskulegt og það. What made you say such a stupid thing as that? What caused you to say something as stupid as that? De har fortjent det. They deserved it. They earned it. John er mjög hávaxinn. Hann er um sjö fet. John is very tall. He stands about seven feet. John's very tall, he's about seven feet. Jag har aldrig varit i Spanien. Däremot har jag varit i Italien. I've never been to Spain. However, I have been in Italy. I have never been to Spain, but I have been to Italy. Ring mig när du kommer tillbaka. Call me when you return. Call me when you get back. Far alt fyri eitt, annars verða tú ov sein. Go at once, otherwise you will be late. Let's go for one, or you'll be late. Du ved ikke hvad der sker, gør du? You don't understand what's going on, do you? You don't know what's going on, do you? Du borde inte vara här bak. You shouldn't be back here. You shouldn't be back here. Har du ringt henne än? Have you called her yet? Have you called her yet? Tom og Mary boede i den samme by. Tom and Mary lived in the same town. Tom and Mary lived in the same town. Jag ska köpa en bil. I will buy a car. I'm gonna buy a car. Hið þekkta þarf að greina frá hinu óþekkta. The known must be separated from the unknown. The known must distinguish the unknown. Jeg skulle gjerne hatt et glass vann. A glass of water, please. I'd like to have a glass of water. Hvor er det koldt! How cold it is! How cold it is! Tom må være meget vred på Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. "Hur gammal är du?" "Nitton." "Har du legitimation?" "How old are you?" "Nineteen." "Have you got an ID?" "How old are you?" "Nitton." "Do you have identification?" Så stor du er! How big you are! You're so big! Den är konstig. It's strange. It's weird. Titta inte på kameran. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Han så tyndere ud dag for dag. He appeared thinner every day. He looked thinner day by day. Það breytir engu. That changes nothing. It doesn't matter. Att lyssna på klassisk musik och att studera kompletterar varandra. Listening to classical music and studying complement one another. Listening to classical music and studying complement each other. Skrid! Take a hike! Get out of here! Varför tror du att jag tänker på dig? Why do you think that I'm thinking about you? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? Forvitni drap köttinn. Curiosity killed the cat. Surprise killed the cat. De kan komme på mandag eller tirsdag, men ikke på onsdag eller torsdag. They can come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday. They can come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday. Tom lejede et par skøjter. Tom rented a pair of ice skates. Tom rented a couple of skates. Jag är ekonomiskt oberoende av mina föräldrar. I am economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my parents. Degen är fortfarande lite tjock. The dough is still a little thick. The dough is still a little thick. I sidste uge læste jeg en meget interessant bog. Last week I read a very interesting book. Last week I read a very interesting book. Jag har en fråga. I have one question. I have a question. Jeg har aldrig set en giraf. I've never seen a giraffe. I've never seen a giraffe. En kat kan se i mørke. A cat can see in the dark. A cat can see in the dark. Språkdrakten endres over tid. The form of language ​​changes over time. The language theme changes over time. Þau búa í nýju húsi nærri almenningsgarðinum. They live in a new house near the park. They live in a new house near the park. Vill du äta? Do you want to eat? You want to eat? Hun flyttede til Tyskland. She moved to Germany. She moved to Germany. Missade jag mycket? Did I miss much? Did I miss a lot? Hun kyssede ham på kinden. She kissed him on the cheek. She kissed him on the cheek. Jeg er gift, og jeg har ei jente. I am married and I have a daughter. I'm married, and I have a girl. Badekaret er klart. The bath is ready. The bathroom's ready. Jeg har tabt min nøgle. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Vi ska gå och spela tennis. We're going to play tennis. We're gonna go play tennis. Bob er min ven. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Jag tror att Tom ljuger. I think Tom is lying. I think Tom's lying. Katte har ikke ejere; de har personale. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. Cats don't have owners; they have staff. Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn? Would you lend me your pen? Could you lend me your pen? Varför valde du mig? Why did you pick me? Why did you pick me? Du måste förstå problemets omfattning. You need to understand the magnitude of the problem. You have to understand the extent of the problem. Varför tycker du om det? Why do you like it? Why do you like it? Man gir bort epler og pærer, men ikke gull og grønne skoger. One gives away apples and pears, and not gold and green forests. You give apples and pears away, but not gold and green forests. Han kom fram tidigare än vanligt. He arrived earlier than usual. He came out sooner than usual. Vi är utom fara. We're in the clear. We're safe. Jag trodde att det var ett skämt. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was a joke. Om du tror att det var mitt fel är du inne på fel spår. If you think it was my fault, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you think it was my fault, you're onto the wrong track. Kan du skjutsa oss hem? Can you give us a ride home? Can you give us a ride home? Jeg venter her. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Er du gift? Are you married? Are you married? Toget var forsinket her til morgen. The train was late this morning. The train was delayed this morning. Tom er veldig stille. Tom is really quiet. Tom's very quiet. Tom bestämde sig för att skjuta upp beslutet. Tom decided to postpone the decision. Tom decided to postpone the decision. Skulle jag kunna få ett glas vin, tack? May I have a glass of wine, please? Could I have a glass of wine, please? Jeg får fri fra arbejdet klokken halv seks. I get off of work at 5:30. I'm getting out of work at 6:30. Han fangede tyve sommerfugle. He caught twenty butterflies. He caught twenty butterflies. Sum eg var bangin! How afraid I was! Some I was bangin'! Har du designat den här? Did you design this? Did you design this? Hvem tilhører denne guitar? Whose guitar is this? Who belongs to this guitar? Vi singlar slant om det. Let's decide by coin toss. We're singlein' about it. Ingen med namnet Tom Jackson har blivit anmäld som saknad. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. No one named Tom Jackson has been notified as missing. Jag fick inget svar från någon. I got no response from anyone. I didn't get an answer from anyone. Göm er alla! Everybody hide! Hide all of you! "Hvornår er du tilbage?" "Det afhænger af vejret." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Vad är er lösning? What's your solution? What is your solution? Kan jag få en? Can I have one? Can I have one? Alle taler. Everybody's talking. Everyone's talking. Han veit veldig godt korleis ein lurar folk. He knows very well how to deceive people. He knows very well how to fool people. Du kan ikke benekte det. You can't deny it. You can't deny it. Denne omstændighed beviser hendes uskyld. This fact proves her innocence. This fact proves her innocence. Róaðu þig. Calm down. Calm down. Det känns som om jag har sett den här filmen förut. I feel like I've already seen this movie. I feel like I've seen this movie before. Han satt och läste en bok. He sat reading a book. He was reading a book. Var är hon? Where is she? Where is she? Han ble vant til å være våken langt ut på natta. He fell into the habit of keeping late hours. He got used to being awake in the middle of the night. De kraschade. They crashed. They crashed. Jag är helt ensam nu. I'm all alone now. I'm all alone now. Þau báðu Kate um að passa barnið sitt. They asked Kate to baby-sit for their child. They asked Kate to take care of her baby. Det här är huset som han bor i. This is the house that he lives in. This is the house he lives in. En katt låg och sov i bastrumman. A cat was sleeping in the bass drum. A cat slept in the bastrum. Lad os komme i gang. Let's get the show on the road. Let's get started. Jeg har fået nok af det her rod. I've had enough of this mess. I've had enough of this mess. Kvar sette de rakkarar stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where do they put my razor chair? Jag tappade kontrollen. I dropped the controller. I lost control. I er ikke sjove. You guys are no fun. You're not funny. Jeg er en helt. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Mary sender mig uopfordrede kærestebreve. Mary is sending me unsolicited love letters. Mary sends me unsolicited boyfriend letters. Jag vet att du försökte. I know you tried. I know you tried. Det finns några undantag. There are some exceptions. There are some exceptions. Hvað dettur þeim næst í hug? What'll they think of next? What will they think of next? Hvor vaskede du dem? Where did you wash them? Where did you wash them? Jag lovar att vi ska lyssna på allting du säger. I promise that we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise we'll listen to everything you say. Jeg er nødt til at tage hjem og lave lektier. I have to go home and do my homework. I have to go home and do some homework. Jag ska berätta för honom när han kommer tillbaka. I'll tell him when he comes back. I'll tell him when he gets back. Kaniner har lange ører. A rabbit has long ears. Rabbits have long ears. Moren min snakker ikke engelsk så særlig bra. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. Jeg har intet at prale af. I have nothing to boast about. I have nothing to boast about. Neymar er brasiliansk. Neymar is Brazilian. Neymar is Brazilian. Það eru níu leikmenn í liði. Nine players make up a team. There are nine players on the team. Det han sier er på en måte sant. What he says is true in a sense. In a sense, what he says is true. Tom hilste på sin nabo. Tom said hello to his neighbour. Tom greeted his neighbor. Han skriver sjældent til sin far. He rarely writes to his father. He rarely writes to his father. Jag kan inte röka. I can't smoke. I can't smoke. Toms familie bor i Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Hvar er eldhúsið? Where is the kitchen? Where's the kitchen? Jag kan fortfarande klara det. I can still make it. I can still do it. Jag undrar vem som namngav detta skepp. I wonder who named this ship. I wonder who named this ship. Veien er veldig smal. This road is very narrow. The road is very narrow. Vandhanen drypper. The faucet is dripping. The water tap's dripping. Jeg bor i Boston nu. I live in Boston now. I live in Boston now. Jag tycker om din hatt. I like your hat. I like your hat. Hvad kan børn lide at lave? What do kids like to do? What do children like to do? Polisen har anhållit en misstänkt. The police have a suspect in custody. The police have arrested a suspect. Jeg gad vide hvilket land der som det første vil censurere Tatoeba. I wonder which country will be the first to censor Tatoeba. I wanted to know which country the first country wants to censor Tatoeba. Tom fikk en parkeringsbot i går ettermiddag. Tom got a parking ticket yesterday afternoon. Tom got a parking ticket last afternoon. Jag köpte den här kameran för 35 000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Overvej det. Mull it over. Think about it. Det er nyt. It's new. It's new. De fortsatte med at drikke. They kept drinking. They went on drinking. Þú verður að leggja af stað undir eins. You must set off at once. You've got to start right now. Dette skjønner jeg rett og slett ikke. I simply don't understand this. I just don't get it. Vi behöver Toms hjälp. We need Tom's help. We need Tom's help. Lucy er nemandi frá Ameríku. Lucy is a student from America. Lucy is a student from America. Tycker du att jag är ful? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? Vår lärare kommer till skolan med bil. Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teacher comes to school by car. Alla tittade. Everyone looked. Everyone looked. Restauranten var ikke fuld. The restaurant wasn't full. The restaurant wasn't full. Jeg har aldrig forstået det her. I've never understood this. I've never understood this. Har I et dobbeltværelse? Do you have a double room? Do you have a double room? Riffillinn minn er tómur. My rifle's empty. My rifle is empty. Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought a camera for her son. Jag behöver ställa er några frågor. I need to ask you some questions. I need to ask you a few questions. Jeg forsøgte at advare dig. I tried to warn you. I tried to warn you. Efter stoppet accelererade tåget snabbt. After the stop the train accelerated quickly. After the stop, the train quickly accelerated. Hon tappade bort handväskan. She lost her purse. She lost her purse. Yutaka á tvo eldri bræður. Yutaka has two elder brothers. Yutaka has two older brothers. Jeg har fått nok av disse dumme reglene. I've had it with these stupid rules. I've had enough of these stupid rules. Domaren dömde honom till ett års fängelse. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. The judge sentenced him to a year in prison. Tåget avgår om tio minuter. The train leaves in ten minutes. Train leaves in 10 minutes. Hvorfor vil du ikke anerkjenne at du tar feil? Why don't you want to acknowledge that you're wrong? Why won't you admit you're wrong? Kan du hjälpa mig en minut? Will you help me for a minute? Can you help me for a minute? De solbadede på stranden. They were sunbathing on the beach. They were sunbathing on the beach. Solen er en mellemstor stjerne. The sun is a medium-sized star. The sun is a medium-sized star. En høy gutt står ved porten. A tall boy is standing at the gate. A tall boy standing at the gate. Latterligt! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Folk vil oversette ting som er mer interresant. The people want to translate things that are more interesting. People want to translate things like yours more interesting. Þetta er tyrknesk hefð. This is a Turkish tradition. It's a Turkish tradition. Italienska är enligt många världens vackraste språk. Many consider Italian to be the world's most beautiful language. Italian is according to many of the world's most beautiful languages. Hann ikki minnist meg. He doesn't remember me anymore. He doesn't remember me. Tom er politiker. Tom is a politician. Tom's a politician. När var senaste gången Tom pratade med dig? When was the last time Tom talked to you? When was the last time Tom spoke to you? Hvis du kunne bo hvor som helst i verden, hvor ville du ha bodd? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Det påverkade egentligen inte oss. It really didn't affect us. It didn't really affect us. Stöðin er langt í burtu héðan. The station is far from here. The station's a long way from here. Bussen stannade så att passagerarna kunde gå på. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped so the passengers could go on. Hvernig líður Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary? Jag måste gå nu. I must be on my way. I have to go now. Hun beskyldte dem for tyveri. She accused him and her of theft. She accused them of stealing. Hon går sällan, om någonsin, ensam på bio. She rarely goes, if ever, alone to the movie theater. She rarely leaves, if ever, alone at the movies. Här är ett exempel. Here's an example. Here's an example. Brunnen har sedan länge sinat. The well has long since dried up. It's been a long time since the well. Var är era barn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Jeg så alt. I saw everything. I saw everything. Det kommer att ta tre månader för vår nya skolbyggnad att bli färdig. It will be three months before our new school building is completed. It will take three months for our new school building to finish. Golvet är halt, så var försiktig. The floor is slippery, so be careful. The floor is limp, so be careful. Stundom vurderer eg å skilja meg frå han. Now and then I think of divorcing him. I'm thinking of separating myself from him. Gør det snarest muligt. Do it as soon as possible. Make it possible as soon as possible. Han delte sin suppe med mig. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Australien är inte Österrike. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Sami var i tvättrummet. Sami was in the laundry room. Sami was in the laundry room. Nå snakker vi her om et langsiktig historisk perspektiv. Now we're here talking about a long-term historical perspective. Now we're talking about a long-term historical perspective. Vet du vad hon tycker om för färg? Do you know what color she likes? Do you know what she thinks of color? Var vänliga. Be friendly. Please. Det er min, ikke hans. It's mine, not his. It's mine, not his. Jeg spiser frugt. I am eating fruit. I'm eating fruit. Við fengum fréttirnar. We got the news. We got the news. Hann er of stór. It's too large. He's too big. Vad ska du ta? What are you having? What are you gonna take? Jag berättade allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I told Mom everything. Tom laget spagetti til middag. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Jeg kan ikke det ordet. I don't know that word. I don't know that word. I kan parkere her. You can park here. You can park here. Hur fick du tag i den här? How did you get this? How did you get this? Dine læsere vil sætte pris på det. Your readers will appreciate it. Your readers will appreciate it. Men vad gör du om han inte kommer? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what do you do if he doesn't come? Jeg snakket med skuespillerinnen i egen person. I spoke to the actress herself. I spoke to the actress in her own person. Ho er ein person eg ikkje kan leva utan. She is one person I can't live without. It's a person I can't live without. Tom gick ut och dansade. Tom went out dancing. Tom went out dancing. Succé! Detta är den femtusende klingonska meningen på Tatoeba! Success! This is the five-thousandth Klingon sentence on Tatoeba! Success! This is the 5,000 Klingon sentence of Tatoeba! Disse klæder er dyrere, men de er lavet på en miljøvenlig og ansvarlig måde. These clothes are more expensive, but they are made in an eco-friendly and responsible way. These clothes are more expensive, but they are made in an environmentally friendly and responsible way. Jag är mycket nöjd med min nya lägenhet. I'm very happy with my new flat. I'm very pleased with my new apartment. Hvussu eita tygum? What is your name? How much fabric? Jeg ba dem sende meg en billett til. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Tárin runnu niður vanga hennar. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her tears ran down her cheeks. Að ná tökum á erlendu tungumáli krefst mikillar vinnu. Mastering a foreign language requires a lot of hard work. Getting to grips with a foreign language requires a lot of work. Hvad planlægger du? What are you planning? What are you planning? Ville du være villig til at hjælpe? Would you be willing to help? Would you be willing to help? Han glömde hennes namn. He forgot her name. He forgot her name. Vi följer med. We'll go with you. We're coming with you. Han drak ikke den mælk. He didn't drink that milk. He didn't drink that milk. Angela Merkel har en ph.d. i fysik. Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics. Angela Merkel has a PhD in physics. Vi elsker begge poesi. We both love poetry. We both love poetry. Hvor modig er du? How brave you are! How brave are you? De glemmer igjen og igjen å betale regningene. They keep forgetting to pay the bills. They forget to pay the bills again and again. Det er o.k. med mig. That's OK with me. It's okay with me. Jeg har mistet dit telefonnummer. I lost your phone number. I lost your phone number. Jeg ville have ønsket at mine forældre havde undladt at fortælle mig at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. I wish my parents had failed to tell me that I was an accident. Tom vil huske dette hele sitt liv. Tom will remember this his whole life. Tom will remember this all his life. Ingen er fuldkommen. Nobody's perfect. No one's perfect. Takk for informasjonen. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Kriget var slut, men inte mardrömmarna. The war was over. The nightmares weren’t. The war was over, but not the nightmares. Visade han dig bilden? Did he show you the picture? Did he show you the picture? Endelig faldt spædbarnet i søvn. At last, the baby fell asleep. Finally, the infant fell asleep. Var Tom vred? Was Tom angry? Was Tom angry? Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken. I didn't hear the doorbell. I didn't hear the bell. Du kan ikke få mig til at oversætte. You can't make me translate. You can't make me translate. Du verkar gilla det här lika mycket som jag. You seem to be enjoying this as much as I am. You seem to like this just as much as I do. Ah, föraren är galen. Oh, the driver is a maniac. Ah, the driver's crazy. Jeg kan ikke tage telefonen lige nu. I can't answer the phone right now. I can't answer the phone right now. Verðið á gulli flöktir daglega. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The price of gold is on a daily scale. Tom er ikke konservativ. Tom isn't conservative. Tom's not conservative. Tom har små hænder. Tom has tiny hands. Tom's got little hands. Det är roligt att spela baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun playing baseball. Personen från Egypten talar arabiska. The person from Egypt speaks Arabic. The person from Egypt speaks Arabic. Hve heppin við erum að hafa fengið tækifæri til að vinna með þér! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! Jeg var redd jeg skulle komme for sent. I was afraid I might be late in coming. I was afraid I'd be late. Hvad vil naboerne sige? What will the neighbours say? What will the neighbors say? Ombord på vilket skepp var du? What ship were you on? On board which ship were you? Nu har jag dåligt samvete. Now I feel guilty. Now I feel bad. Tom gjorde sina föräldrar lyckliga. Tom made his parents happy. Tom made his parents happy. Tom begår altid de samme fejl. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Det ene øje er dilateret. One eye is dilated. One eye is dilated. Der skete en ulykke. There was an accident. There was an accident. Det er utroligt kedeligt. It's incredibly boring. It's incredibly boring. Tom kunde ha räddat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could have saved himself. När är din födelsedag? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Hun har aldrig fortalt mig at hun havde en kat. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Hvem er den mand? Who's that man? Who is this man? Jeg har en lastbil. I have a truck. I got a truck. Jeg er tolv. I'm twelve. I'm 12. Tom skyller alltid sina misstag på andra. Tom always blames others for his mistakes. Tom always blames his mistakes on others. Jeg har efterhånden fået nok af krigere for social retfærdighed. I'm getting fed up with SJWs. I have now had enough of warriors for social justice. Hvad er navnet på det højeste bjerg i Tyskland? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What is the name of the highest mountain in Germany? Tom ligger på golvet. Tom is lying on the floor. Tom's on the floor. Passer det at Tom ikke kommer til vores fest? Is it true that Tom won't come to our party? Does it make sense that Tom doesn't come to our party? Havskildpadder har ikke tænder. Sea turtles don't have teeth. Sea turtles don't have teeth. Tom är smärtsamt blyg. Tom is painfully shy. Tom is painfully shy. Vad är det som låter? What is that sound? What's that sound? Hvem kyssede du? Who did you kiss? Who were you kissing? Ég náði ekki alveg nafni þessa hönnuðar. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn't quite get the name of those designers. Ni kommer att åka till Irland. You'll go to Ireland. You will go to Ireland. Hade du kul på turnén? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you have fun on the tour? Við erum í harðri samkeppni við þetta fyrirtæki. We are in a fierce competition with that company. We're in a tough competition with this company. Du bør dobbelt-sjekke det. You should double-check that. You should double-check it. Gid jeg havde en ven som dig! I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you! Hun undgik at svare på mine spørgsmål. She avoided answering my questions. She didn't answer my questions. Du kan ikke røyke her. You are not supposed to smoke here. You can't smoke here. Kunne du vere så snill og slå på ljoset? Would you be so kind as to turn the light on? Would you please turn on the lights? Hvad vil du skrive i dette brev? What will you write in this letter? What would you like to write in this letter? Jag behöver det där bandet. I need that tape. I need that band. Hur lång tid har vi? How long have we got? How long do we have? Jeg rydder kontoret mitt. I am tidying my office. I'll clean up my office. Vem pratade ni med? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Kan jag beställa en? Can I order one? Can I order one? Hún vill prófa japanskan mat. She wants to try Japanese food. She wants to try Japanese food. Den sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's on your bench. Ni kommer att tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Det är väldigt snällt av dig att säga det. That's very kind of you to say that. It's very kind of you to say that. Hvor er toilettet? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Vi fløj over Atlanterhavet. We flew across the Atlantic. We flew across the Atlantic. Mina kunskaper i latin börjar bli rostiga. My Latin is getting rusty. My knowledge of Latin is getting rusty. Jag har aldrig ätit mango förut. I have never eaten a mango before. I've never had mango before. Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Tom lovede at han ville holde op med at ryge. Tom promised he'd quit smoking. Tom promised he'd stop smoking. Tom tog av sin gasmask. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Malaria är en sjukdom som myggor bär på. Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. Malaria is a disease on which mosquitoes carry mosquitoes. Vi er fra Russland. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. De krysset atlanterhavet. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. They crossed the Atlantic. Jeg elsker dig mere end nogensinde. I love you more than ever. I love you more than ever. Jeg tok på meg jobben med å lese korrektur. I got myself a job proof-reading. I took the job of reading proof. Det här är en liten bok. This is a small book. This is a small book. Jeg tror de har set os. I think they saw us. I think they've seen us. Det är precis vad jag behöver. That's exactly what I need. That's exactly what I need. Jeg er ikke så god i engelsk ennå. I'm not good at speaking English yet. I'm not that good in English yet. I femten år har jeg været lærer. I've been a teacher for 15 years. Fifteen years I've been a teacher. Du har hvad der skal til for at slå igennem! You have what it takes to succeed. You've got what it takes to break through! Var satte jag den? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Jag är kvinna. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Tom drepte kakkerlakken med en kost. Tom killed the cockroach with a broom. Tom killed cockroach with a diet. Tom säger att det här inte är rättvist. Tom says this can't be fair. Tom says this isn't fair. Hur kan vi hjälpa Tom? How can we help Tom? How can we help Tom? Låt inte Tom se dig. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Det er bare et af vores mange problemer. That's just one of our many problems. It's just one of our many problems. Jag klandrar dig inte. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Tom skreg. Tom was screaming. Tom screamed. Tom fortæller mig ingenting. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tom won't tell me anything. Jag trodde att fienden hade dödat Tom. I thought the enemy had killed Tom. I thought the enemy killed Tom. Det er rapporteret i de lokale nyheder. It is reported in the local news. It's been reported in the local news. Hva i helvete vet en prest om det? What the hell does a priest know about that? What the hell does a priest know about that? Du burde ha visst bedre. You should have known better. You should have known better. Det är alltid värt ett försök. It's always worth a try. It's always worth a try. Har du billigere siddepladser? Do you have any cheaper seats? Do you have cheaper seats? Jeg var en uke med en palestinsk familie fra Gaza. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. Hvordan var sommerferien din? How was your summer vacation? How was your summer vacation? Han har rotter på loftet. He has bats in the belfry. He's got rats in the attic. Jeg var på fjellet. I was on the mountain. I was on the mountain. Ég meinti það ekki. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Du måste springa nu. We have to run now. You need to run now. Ég ferðaðist einn míns liðs. I traveled by myself. I traveled one of my forces. Du hadde rikelig med tid. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. Jag kan ännu hjälpa dig. I can still help you. I can still help you. Jeg har glemt hans navn. I forget his name. I forgot his name. Du sa att Tom var annorlunda. You said Tom was different. You said Tom was different. Hun skrudde ned radioen. She turned down the radio. She turned the radio down. Tom vil få brug for det. Tom will need it. Tom will need it. Du trenger ikke studere i dag. You don't need to study today. You don't have to study today. Det här blir kul. This will be fun. This is gonna be fun. Vi kom aldri til det. We never actually got to that. We never got to it. Ég man ekki hvernig maður segir „takk“ á þýsku. I can't remember how to say "Thank you" in German. I don’t remember how you say “thank you ” in German. Mit navn er ikke Tom. My name isn't Tom. My name's not Tom. Jag jobbar här numera. I work here now. I work here now. De hører ikke på meg. They don't listen to me. They don't listen to me. Mary har mistet sin yndlingspen. Mary lost her favorite pen. Mary's lost her favorite pen. Det här ägget är färskt. This egg is fresh. This egg is fresh. Rommet er ikke lyst nok til å sy i. There's not enough light in this room for sewing. The room isn't bright enough to sew in. Det här är en turkisk tradition. This is a Turkish tradition. This is a Turkish tradition. Det er snart jul. Christmas is coming soon. It's almost Christmas. Skriv meg en melding. Write me a message. Write me a message. Ikke alle kan bli kunstnere. Every man can't be an artist. Not everyone can become artists. Jeg kan ikke takke dig nok for din venlighed. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Høyrer du noko? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Jeg er meget yngre end Tom. I am much younger than Tom. I'm a lot younger than Tom. Jeg har en hund og en kat. I have a cat and a dog. I got a dog and a cat. Han er bedre enn oss alle. He's better than us all. He's better than all of us. Er Hr. Brown kennari? Is Mr Brown a teacher? Is Mr. Brown a teacher? Vad ska du ta? What are you getting? What are you gonna take? Jeg oversætter ikke for dig! I don't translate for you! I'm not translating for you! Det är meningslöst. It's futile. It's pointless. Alla tavlor i rummet hängde på sned. All the paintings in the room hung crooked. All the paintings in the room hung on a sled. Jag bor med Tom. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Tom prøvede at erindre navnet på lægen, men det lykkedes ham ikke. Tom tried to remember the doctor's name, but he couldn't. Tom tried to remember the name of the doctor, but he couldn't do it. Jeg tog til Australien som udvekslingsstudent. I went to Australia as an exchange student. I went to Australia as an exchange student. Vil du at jeg tar hånd om hunden din? Do you want me to take care of your dog? You want me to take care of your dog? Jag kommer till saken. I'll get to the point. I'll get to it. Ge mig den där flaskan. Give me that bottle. Give me that bottle. Du har fortalt løgne. You've been telling lies. You've told lies. Tom kunne ikke tro at Maria virkelig hadde kysset ham. Tom couldn't believe that Mary had actually kissed him. Tom couldn't believe that Mary had really kissed him. Gør dig ingen bekymringer. Don't worry. Don't worry. Du snakker flytende Engelsk. You speak fluent English. You speak English fluently. Kim og jeg er jævnaldrende. Kim and I are the same age. Kim and I are peers. Jeg drikker ikke så mye øl. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink that much beer. Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? De bryster ser falske ud. Those boobs look fake. Those breasts look fake. Jag älskar den här bilen. I love this car. I love this car. Det var hans tystnad som gjorde henne arg. It was his silence that made her angry. It was his silence that made her angry. Han går på krykker. He walks on crutches. He's on crutches. Har I et billigere kamera end det her? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Do you have a cheaper camera than this? Hvor mange damer vil du gifte deg med? How many women would you like to marry? How many ladies do you want to marry? Jag har inga nära vänner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Brændt barn skyr ilden. A burnt child dreads fire. There's no fire in a burned child. Lad være at fejre det for tidligt. Don't celebrate too early. Don't celebrate too soon. Jeg lærte af mine fejltagelser. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Dér er han en stor kanon, men her er han intet. He's a big fish there, but here he's nothing. There he is a great cannon, but here he is nothing. Det här är ett familjerederi och vi kommer aldrig att sälja det! This is a family shipping company, and we will never sell it! This is a family business and we'll never sell it! Han tycker mycket om musik. He is very fond of music. He likes music a lot. Jeg har noe til deg. I brought you a little something. I have something for you. Jag dricker kaffe. I'm drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Är det vad du vill? Is this what you want? Is that what you want? Letland kaldes "Latvija" på lettisk. Latvia is called "Latvija" in Latvian. Latvia is called "Latvija" in Latvian. De tittade på tv. They were watching television. They were watching TV. For at blive populær skal man være middelmådig. To become popular, you need to be mediocre. To be popular, you have to be mediocre. Jeg vil gerne have en kop iste. I want a cup of iced-tea. I'd like a cup of iced tea. Jag behöver Toms hjälp. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. En gang tyv, altid tyv. The leopard cannot change his spots. Once a thief, always a thief. Jeg er atten år gammel. I am eighteen years old. I'm 18 years old. Hún er með sólgleraugu. She's wearing sunglasses. She's got sunglasses. Den gamle fyr er lige så sund og stærk som en eg. The old fellow is as healthy and as strong as an oak. The old guy is as healthy and strong as an oak. Jag gjorde den här själv. I made this myself. I made this myself. Hur länge tänker du stanna här i Brasilien? How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? How long are you gonna stay here in Brazil? Vi har sett vad Tom kan göra. We've seen what Tom can do. We've seen what Tom can do. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað. She advised him to go there. She advised him to go there. Dette klarer jeg selv. I can do this on my own. I can do this on my own. Snubben som står i hörnet där borta kan röka upp en cigarett på mindre än en minut. That guy standing in the corner over there can finish a smoke in less than a minute. The guy standing in the corner over there can smoke up a cigarette in less than a minute. Vi var väldigt lyckliga. We were very happy. We were very happy. Mer än femhundra personer blev skadade. More than five-hundred were wounded. More than five hundred people were injured. Han er fotogen. He's photogenic. He's a kerosene. Hvilken af de to er billigst? Which one is cheaper? Which of the two is the cheapest? Du har hjemve, har du ikke? You're homesick, aren't you? You have homesickness, haven't you? Hun fik elregningen i dag. She received the electricity bill today. She got the electricity bill today. Vi kommer att ta med mycket mat. We'll bring plenty of food. We'll bring a lot of food. Jeg så Tom her til aften. I saw Tom tonight. I saw Tom tonight. De gjorde så godt de kunne. They did their best. They did as best they could. Jag kan leva utan vatten. I can live without water. I can live without water. Fladdermusen är inte en fågel, utan ett däggdjur. A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. The bat is not a bird, it is a mammal. Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. A rich soil is vital for a good harvest. Lunchen är färdig. Lunch is on. The lunch is done. Jag läste en bok. I read a book. I read a book. Jag skulle göra vad som helst för kärlek. I would do anything for love. I would do anything for love. Dette er nyttig information. This is useful information. This is useful information. Du pratar inte mycket. You don't speak a lot. You don't talk much. Rapporterna ska lämnas in kommande måndag. Reports are due next Monday. The reports shall be submitted on Monday. Du kan regne med mig, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. Jeg forstår ikke denne setningen. I don't understand this sentence. I don't understand this sentence. Som barn tog jeg altid til stranden hver sommer. When I was a child, I used to go to the beach every summer. As a kid, I always went to the beach every summer. Hun mistet sin nye klokke. She lost her new watch. She lost her new watch. Jeg ser frem til å høre din tanker om denne saken. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. Jörðin er eins og bolti með stórt segulstál að innan. The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it. The earth is like a bolt with a large magnetic steel on its inside. Har ni de här skorna i min storlek? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes my size? Fandt Tom hende? Did Tom find her? Did Tom find her? Drik ikke så meget øl. Don't drink so much beer. Don't drink that much beer. Tom är den perfekta pappan. Tom is the perfect father. Tom's the perfect dad. Jag kommer att sakna er. I'm going to miss you guys. I'll miss you. Stolen er for lille. The chair is too small. The chair's too small. Ikke besvim. Don't pass out on me. Don't faint. Jeg fik en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Han så aldrig sin søster igen. He never saw his sister again. He never saw his sister again. Jeg hørte deg ikke helt. I didn't quite hear you. I didn't hear you completely. Jag hörde att det var trevligt. I heard it was nice. I heard it was nice. Vi klär julgranen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. We'll dress the Christmas tree. Tom tog imod udfordringen. Tom accepted the challenge. Tom accepted the challenge. Jeg reiser ofte mellom Roma og Milano. I often travel between Rome and Milan. I often travel between Rome and Milan. Tom har kysset Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Ved du hvem Tom har dræbt? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who Tom killed? Hur var det? What was it like? How was it? Jeg vet ikke hva som er, eller har vært galt, men flere ganger når jeg har prøvd å logge meg inn på siden i dag, klarte jeg ikke å gjøre det. I don't know what's been going wrong, but several times when I tried to log onto the site today, I couldn't do it. I don't know what's wrong or what's wrong, but several times when I've tried to sign in on the page today, I couldn't do it. Jeg leste en bok i dag. I read a book today. I read a book today. Han sukkede dybt. He gave a deep sigh. He sighed deeply. Jeg er på listen. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. Tom tycker att det är tillräckligt bra. Tom thinks that's good enough. Tom thinks it's good enough. Var snäll och tvätta händerna. Please wash your hands. Please wash your hands. Jeg gik hjem. I went home. I went home. Ég borgaði um fimmtíu dollara. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid you 50 bucks. Kan jeg si deg noe? Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Tom er dygtig til fransk. Tom is proficient in French. Tom's good at French. Jag är vacker. I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful. Tunglið var yfir sjóndeildarhringnum. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was over the horizon. Jag älskar rock. I love rock. I love rock. De fleste tyskere kan tale engelsk. Most Germans can speak English. Most Germans speak English. Toms meninger har ikke særlig betydning her. Tom's opinions don't carry much weight around here. Tom's opinions are of little importance here. Jag söker arbete. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. De må være politibetjente. They must be cops. They must be police officers. Du har gjort rätt. You've done it right. You've done the right thing. Tom er sandsynligvis bare et eller to år yngre end Mary. Tom is probably just a year or two younger than Mary. Tom is probably just one or two years younger than Mary. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, så jeg fjernsyn. Having done my homework, I watched television. After studying, I saw television. Min jul er ødelagt nu. My Christmas is now ruined. My Christmas is ruined now. Hvad er dit telefonnummer? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Det er min cd. That's my CD. That's my CD. Pottan var min. The pot was mine. The pot was mine. Tom satte sit tomme glas på bordet. Tom put his empty glass on the table. Tom put his empty glass on the table. Mit hår er for langt. My hair is too long. My hair's too long. Jag ringer honom i kväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. Dricker du kaffe? Do you drink coffee? You drink coffee? Veistu ekki að þú ert aðhlátursefni alls bæjarins? Don't you know that you are the laughingstock of the whole town? Don't you know you're the laughingstock of the entire town? Jag bor i Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. Jeg tror denne medisinen vil hjelpe deg mye. I think this medicine will do you a lot of good. I think this medicine will help you a lot. Að lesa bækur er áhugamál mitt. Reading books is my hobby. Reading books is my hobby. Hans forældre hjalp enhver der bad om deres hjælp. His parents helped whoever asked for their help. His parents helped anyone who asked for their help. Studerar du kemi? Do you study chemistry? Do you study chemistry? Jeg tog i skole. I went to school. I went to school. Sami tog droger. Sami was doing drugs. Sami took drugs. Jeg har det godt. I'm fine. I'm fine. Vi var väldigt upptagna. We were very busy. We were very busy. Landsbyen var død efter solnedgang. The village was dead after sunset. The village was dead after sundown. Kan vi prata på insidan? Can we talk inside? Can we talk inside? 1. verdenskrig varede fra 1914 til 1918. WW1 lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. Jag har spenderat mycket pengar på mitt hus. I have spent a lot of money on my house. I spent a lot of money on my house. Jeg har sett etter deg. I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Vi måste stoppa Tom. We need to stop Tom. We have to stop Tom. Jag älskar arabiska. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Hon lever ett bekymmerslöst liv. Her life is carefree. She lives a careless life. Þegar ég var kominn út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out, I would be relieved. "Du vækker min nysgerrighed", sagde jeg. "You arouse my curiosity," said I. "You're waking up my curiosity," I said. Det var tydeligt at Tom forsøgte at få Marys opmærksomhed. It was obvious that Tom was trying to get Mary's attention. Clearly, Tom was trying to get Mary's attention. Ögonen är själens spegel. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. François, är detta ditt? François, is this yours? François, is this yours? Tom kiggede ned på sit glas og så at det var tomt. Tom looked down at his glass and saw that it was empty. Tom looked down at his glass and saw it was empty. Gudskelov! Thank God. Thank God! Hvilket sprog tales i Mexico? What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language is spoken in Mexico? Jag försöker att få tag i Tom. I'll try to reach Tom. I'm trying to get to Tom. Jeg spiste det. I ate it. I ate it. Hun introducerede sin datter til klassisk musik. She acquainted her daughter with classical music. She introduced her daughter to classical music. I burde være mere forsigtige. You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful. Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. Varför skakar du? Why are you shaking? Why are you shaking? Det finns inte plats för alla. There's not enough room for everybody. There's no room for everyone. Alle er klare. Everyone is ready. Everyone's ready. Jeg ville ikke satse på det. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on it. Han har en bil. He has a car. He's got a car. Ikke tale om! No way! No way! Politiet arresterede to mænd. The police arrested two men. The police arrested two men. De är syskon. They're brother and sister. They're siblings. Kärlek är för tonåringar. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. Tyfonen ødelagde mange huse. The typhoon destroyed many houses. The typhoon destroyed a lot of houses. Håller ni med? Do you agree? Do you agree? Jeg tager oftere til Bryssel end til Paris. I more often go to Brussels than Paris. I go to Brussels more often than Paris. Politiet pågreip han. The police held him in custody. The police caught him. Finnes vannmeloner uten frø? Do seedless watermelons exist? Is there any watermelons without seeds? Det ser ut som om Tom alltid jobber. Tom always seems to be working. It looks like Tom's always working. Han har inte bytt kläder på två veckor. He hasn't changed his clothes in two weeks. He hasn't changed his clothes in two weeks. I Frankrig har mange unge mennesker motorcykler. In France, many young people have motorcycles. In France, many young people have motorcycles. Jag trodde att jag såg ett spöke. I thought I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. De forsøk tre ganger. They've taken three shots at it. They tried three times. Við urðum uppiskroppa með mat. We ran out of food. We grew up with food. Var ligger den ryska ambassaden? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian embassy? Tom valgte en interessant bok for Maria. Tom picked out an interesting book for Mary to read. Tom chose an interesting book for Maria. Hvor ligger Paris? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Jeg hjælper dig selvfølgelig. Of course I'll help you. I'll help you, of course. Sikke en skam! What a shame. What a shame! Er det en forbrydelse at brænde det amerikanske flag af i USA? Is it a crime to burn the American flag in the United States? Is it a crime to burn off the American flag in the United States? Hann hittir kærustuna sína á laugardögum. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. He'll meet his girlfriend on Saturday. Det stör mig mycket. It bothers me a lot. It bothers me a lot. Hvor skal alle sammen? Where's everyone going? Where's everybody going? Hur tog Tom det? How did Tom take it? How did Tom take it? Det sidste fly til Osaka er blevet annulleret. The last flight for Osaka has been canceled. The last plane to Osaka has been cancelled. Jag har ett kännetecken. I have a badge. I have a characteristic. Giv mig én god grund. Give me one good reason. Give me one good reason. Eg ser ei løve. I see a lion. I see a lion. Glem det ikke! Don't you forget that. Don't forget it! Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl. She advised him not to buy a used car. She advised him not to buy a used car. Vi har kalium i kroppen. We have potassium in our bodies. We have potassium in our body. Han gråt. He cried. He cried. Tom klättrade ner. Tom climbed down. Tom climbed down. Betjentene smed tåregasgranater ind i bygningen. The cops threw tear-gas bombs into the building. The cops threw tear gas grenades into the building. Jeg er gladest når jeg sover. I am happiest when I sleep. I'm happier when I'm asleep. Jag trodde att du tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Det saknas en gaffel. There is a fork missing. There's a fork missing. Hur kan jag vara till hjälp? How can I be helpful? How can I help you? Han er en god sanger. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Du skriver bedre end jeg gør. You write better than I do. You write better than I do. Taler de engelsk? Are they speaking English? Do they speak English? Ethvert æble er rødt. Every apple is red. Every apple is red. Hver morgen, mens han spiser morgenmad, kigger hans hund på ham. Every morning, while he is eating his breakfast, his dog looks at him. Every morning while he's having breakfast, his dog looks at him. Spiser hun æblet? Does she eat the apple? Does she eat the apple? Jeg får besøg af en ven i morgen. I have a friend coming over to visit tomorrow. I'll have a friend visit me tomorrow. Du vænner dig snart til din nye skole. You will soon get accustomed to your new school. You'll get used to your new school soon. Hvor mye betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Hunden var i ei eske under bordet. The dog was in a box under the table. The dog was in a box under the table. Jag läser inte. I do not read. I don't read. Hvor er Tom? Where's Tom? Where's Tom? Jeg har bestilt et halvt dusin kemibøger fra New York. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I've ordered half a dozen chemical books from New York City. Den lyser i mørket. It glows in the dark. It shines in the dark. Et renseanlæg udledede giftige kemikalier i byens vandforsyning. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals in the city’s water supply. Hvað með að fara út að borða til tilbreytingar? How about dining out for a change? How about going out for a change? Du måste förbereda dig för det värsta! You must prepare yourself for the worst. You have to prepare for the worst! Dronningen længe leve! Long live the Queen! The Queen lives for a long time! Skjut inte! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Kom hit, Tom. Get over here, Tom. Come here, Tom. Huset til Tom brant ned i 2013. Tom's house burned down in 2013. Tom's house burned down in 2013. Hun kan ikke være på dette hotel da hun er taget tilbage til Canada. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be at this hotel because she's gone back to Canada. Skal vi gå hjem? Why don't we go home? Shall we go home? Hvor lang tid tar det å bli fortrolig med denne symaskinen? How long does it take to get the hang of this sewing machine? How long will it take to become familiar with this sewing machine? En kat har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Vi ændrer det snart. We'll soon change that. We'll change it soon. Skynda er! Hurry up! Hurry up! Tom tycker inte om Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Till min förvåning så hade han en vacker röst. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. Tom lade på i örat på Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom er den ældste elev i vores klasse. Tom is the oldest student in our class. Tom is the oldest student in our class. Þú ert minn gestur. You're my guest. You're my guest. Nej, du kan inte använda min bil! No, you can't use my car! No, you can't use my car! Tom drog for å fiske, men han fekk ikkje noko. Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything. Tom went fishing, but he didn't get anything. Kan jeg få en bit? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Jag hoppas att min erfarenhet kan vara av intresse för någon. I hope my experience will be interesting to somebody. I hope my experience can be of interest to someone. Vores høner har lagt en masse æg i går. Our hens laid a lot of eggs yesterday. Our chickens have laid a lot of eggs yesterday. Du vet at dette er ulovlig, ikke sant? You know this is illegal, don't you? You know this is illegal, right? Þýðingin var frumeintakinu trú. The translation was true to the original. The translation was religious. Passer det for deg hvis jeg kommer klokken seks om ettermiddagen? Is it convenient for you if I come at 6 p.m.? Would it be good for you if I showed up at 6:00 in the afternoon? Det måste finnas ett mönster. There must be a pattern. There must be a pattern. Tom cykler til skole. Tom goes to school by bicycle. Tom bikes for school. I det här fallet tror jag att han har rätt. In this case, I think he is correct. In this case, I think he's right. Han kom på femtepladsen i løbet. He came in fifth in the race. He came to fifth place in the race. Han tog til London for at lære engelsk. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. Jeg blir til i morgen. I'll stay until tomorrow. I'll stay till tomorrow. Lägger du skulden på Tom? Do you blame Tom? Are you gonna blame Tom? Du har købt flere frimærker end nødvendigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You've bought more stamps than you have to. Hun ligner veldig på sin bestemor. She strongly resembles her grandmother. She looks very much like her grandmother. Tom börjar bli frusen. Tom's getting chilly. Tom's getting frozen. Eg var heime. I was at home. I was home. Jeg sidder fast i en trafikprop. I'm in a jam. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. Är du i fara? Are you in danger? Are you in danger? Jeg læser så få bøger som muligt. I read as few books as possible. I read as few books as possible. Vi har aldrig gjort det förut. We've never done it before. We've never done it before. Bogen er lyserød. The book is pink. The book is pink. Tom fattade ett beslut. Tom made a decision. Tom made a decision. Hvis du ikke kan lide det, så lad være med at spise det. If you don't like it, then don't eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Tom kom op i det røde felt. Tom lost his temper. Tom came up in the red field. Tom lever ur hand i mun. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives out of hand in mouth. Hvorfor besøker jeg dem ikke? Why don't I pay them a visit? Why don't I visit them? Tom fandt en hundreddollarseddel på gaden. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Sex er vigtigt for mig. Sex is important to me. Sex is important to me. Ät inte som en gris! Don't eat like a pig! Don't eat like a pig! Virusset kan overføres ved kys. The virus can be transmitted by kissing. The virus can be transmitted by kisses. Landsbyen er isoleret fra resten af verden. The village is insulated from the world. The village is isolated from the rest of the world. Jag tycker verkligen om det. I really like that. I really like it. Han klagede over at suppen var for varm. He complained that the soup was too hot. He complained that the soup was too hot. Jeg har kun smør i køleskabet. I only have butter in the refrigerator. I only have butter in the fridge. Jag har ett emblem. I have a badge. I have an emblem. Tom og hans veninde er i karantæne i deres eget hjem. Tom and his friend are quarantined at home. Tom and his girlfriend are quarantined in their own home. Hun anvendte et zoomobjektiv. She used a zoom lens. She used a zoom lens. Har du nogensinde rejst alene? Have you ever traveled alone? Have you ever traveled alone? Tiden är ute. Time is up. Time's up. Kan du ta över? Can you take over? Can you take over? Dugir tú føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? Is it good enough for you to go ahead? Jeg lurer på hva som har skjedd. I wonder what happened. I wonder what happened. Får jag låna en linjal? May I borrow a ruler? May I borrow a ruler? Lufthavnen var lukket på grund af tågen. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the trains. Jag tvättar inte håret på morgonen. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. Tom købte drinks til alle. Tom bought drinks for everybody. Tom bought everyone drinks. Det er en høflig måde at sige nej på. It's a polite way of saying no. That's a polite way to say no. Jag var på väg ut. I was going out. I was on my way out. Kennarinn getur séð þig. The teacher can see you. The teacher can see you. Hon äter middag nu. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. Dine forældre elsker dig. Your parents love you. Your parents love you. Tom er netop gået bort. Tom has just passed away. Tom just passed away. Gør det hurtigt. Do it quickly. Make it quick. Varför vill du sälja det? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? En kopp kaffe kostar en krona. A cup of coffee costs one crown. A cup of coffee costs a crown. Mykje røyking svekte helsa hans. Heavy smoking impaired his health. A lot of smoking burned his health. Min framtid ligger i era händer. My future is in your hands. My future lies in your hands. För min del föredrar jag öl framför whisky. As for me, I prefer beer to whisky. For my part, I prefer beer in front of whiskey. Hvor mange lande er medlem af Forenede Nationer? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? Hvorfor trenger vi den? Why do we need it? Why do we need it? Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who says that I steal money? Who said I stole the money? De bor på en hvit enebolig med fasadetegl på venstre hjørne i slutten av gaten. They live in a white house with a brick facade on the left at the end of the street. They live in a white private apartment with a facade on the left corner at the end of the street. Tom kom för att hjälpa. Tom came to help. Tom came to help. Har Hendes Højhed sovet godt? Has her Highness slept well? Has Her Highness slept well? Tom har færre venner enn meg. Tom has fewer friends than I do. Tom has fewer friends than I do. Mamma mín er sú eina sem saumar föt í fjölskyldunni minni. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in our family. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in my family. Vi søgte ly under et træ. We took shelter under a tree. We were looking for shelter under a tree. Aldrig i livet! Never in a lifetime! No way! Rauðvínið fer vel með kjötinu. The red wine pairs well with the meat. The red wine takes good care of the meat. Du er en god danser. You're a good dancer. You're a good dancer. Jeg underviser. I am teaching. I teach. Han bad mig kasta tillbaka bollen. He asked me to throw the ball back. He asked me to throw the ball back. Hver á þessa stílabók? Whose notebook is that? Who's got this class book? Jeg er gammel nok til å bo alene. I'm old enough to live by myself. I'm old enough to live alone. Jeg var bevidstløs. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. Han känner sig illa till mods. He feels disturbed. He's not feeling well. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's have a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Hun tog fyldige noter. She took copious notes. She took full notes. Jag vet att du saknar din familj. I know you miss your family. I know you miss your family. Läkarna säger att det var ett mirakel att Tom överlevde natten. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom made it through the night. Doctors say it was a miracle Tom survived the night. Jag gillar att spela Icy Tower. I like to play Icy Tower. I like playing Icy Tower. Om Tom hade pratat franska hade han haft mer kul. If Tom could've spoken French, he'd have had more fun. If Tom had spoken French, he would have had more fun. Jeg tog hjulene af min cykel. I took the wheels off my bicycle. I took the wheels off my bike. Kun fire heste deltog i kapløbet. Only four horses competed in the race. Only four horses participated in the race. Der er ingen grund til at være uhøflig. There's no need to be rude. There's no need to be rude. Tom vet var Mary är. Tom knows where Mary is. Tom knows where Mary is. Hvor længe har du været væk? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Jeg fant boken til han. I found him the book. I found his book. Dette er alt etter planen min. This is all part of my plan. This is all according to my plan. Þeim er veitt fjárhagsaðstoð. Financial support is given to them. They are provided financial assistance. Dette faktum beviser hans uskyld. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. Dörren är låst. The door is locked. The door's locked. Jeg har ikke så mye penger som du tror. I don't have as much money as you think. I don't have as much money as you think. Jag hoppas att du kommer uppskatta nästa låt. I hope that you'll enjoy this next song. I hope you appreciate the next song. Det är en god idé att dricka flaskvatten. It's a good idea to drink bottled water. Drinking bottled water is a good idea. Det vil ikke vare længe, ​​før han vender hjem. It won't be long before he returns home. It won't be long before he returns home. Heildarskuldir okkar nema tíu þúsund dollurum. Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars. Our total debt but $100,000. Du sade till honom. You told him. You told him. Det var et stort jordskjelv i går natt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Jeg prøvde bare å være hyggelig. I was just being friendly. I was just trying to be nice. Fantasi är viktigare än kunskap. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Fantasy is more important than knowledge. Vad heter du? What's your name? What's your name? Arbetsnarkomaner ser semester som tidsslöseri. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Workaholics see vacation as a waste of time. Jeg elsker dig mere end i går og mindre end i morgen. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Tom behöver en hobby. Tom needs a hobby. Tom needs a hobby. Det är något fel på honom. There's something wrong with him. There's something wrong with him. Han betalte kun ti dollars for skjorten. He only paid ten dollars for that shirt. He only paid $10 for the shirt. Du er uforutsigbar. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. Han är akrobat. He is an acrobat. He's an acrobat. Jeg er ikke ansvarlig for det Tom gjorde. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. Jeg er Ricardo. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Jag måste sova nu. I must sleep now. I need to sleep now. Tom var berfættur. Tom was barefoot. Tom was barefoot. Kommer du ihåg den här leken? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Jag varnade faktiskt Tom. I did warn Tom. Actually, I warned Tom. Ég er karlmaður. I am a man. I'm a man. Jag är den rikaste. I'm the richest. I'm the richest. Jeg kan ikke forstå hvordan hun kan sove roĺigt om natten. I don't know how she sleeps at night. I can't understand how she can sleep peacefully at night. Det er et godt spørsmål. That is a good question. That's a good question. Hvis en samtale ikke går så bra, prøv en annen fremgangsmåte. If a conversation is not going too well, try changing tack. If a conversation does not go well, try another approach. Du får följa med. You may follow along. You'll have to come with me. John tycker om sjuksköterskan. John likes the nurse. John likes the nurse. Jag hatar den också. I hate it, too. I hate it, too. Ég get kennt þér hvernig á að þýða. I can teach you how to translate. I can teach you how to translate. Der en ingen stol i dette værelse. There is no chair in this room. There's no chair in this room. Var snäll och kom med oss. Come with us, please. Please come with us. Dette glas kan indeholde to liter varmt vand. This jar can hold two liters of hot water. This glass may contain two litres of hot water. Europa er i krise. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Du kan ikke si oss opp. You can't fire us. You can't break up with us. Hun kan ikke lide sin egen mand. She doesn't like her husband. She doesn't like her own husband. Hun latet som om hun ikke hørte meg. She pretended that she didn't hear me. She pretended she didn't hear me. Tom är bara rädd. Tom is just frightened. Tom's just scared. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til tannlæknis en hann sagðist ekki hafa nægan tíma til þess. She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. She advised him to go to a dentist, but he said that he did not have enough time to do so. Jeg drikker næsten aldrig instant kaffe. I hardly ever drink instant coffee. I almost never drink instant coffee. Hon bor i en annan stad. She lives in another city. She lives in another town. Jag gillar att läsa deckare. I like reading mysteries. I like to read decks. Vi måste försöka att få in alla i huset. We need to try to get everybody inside the house. We have to try and get everyone into the house. Fólk undir átján getur ekki gifst. People under 18 cannot get married. People under eighteen can't get married. Hetta er eitt orðtak. This is a proverb. This is one expression. Det er for dyrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Tom är positiv, eller hur? Tom is positive, isn't he? Tom's positive, isn't he? Hann er engu meira flón en þú. He is no more a fool than you are. He's nothing more complex than you. Og jeg er din træner. And, I'm your coach. And I'm your coach. Kom in här. Come on in here. Come in here. Ég fæ mér morgunmat klukkan sjö. I have breakfast at seven. I'll have breakfast at 7:00. Jeg slog plat og krone med mønten. I flipped the coin. I broke the plate and crown with the coin. Tom er skabsbøsse. Tom is a closet case. Tom's a closet box. Såg du min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Vi ses! I will see you around. See you! Du må innse at rikdom ikke varer for alltid. You must realize that prosperity does not last forever. You must realize that wealth does not last forever. Tom är fri. Tom's free. Tom's free. Hvorfor var de ikke der? Why weren't they there? Why weren't they there? Spara den till senare. Save it till later. Save it for later. Jeg håber ikke at jeg forstyrrer dig. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Betjenten bad mig om at oplyse mit navn. The police officer asked me what my name was. The officer asked me to give you my name. Om du inte studerar mer så kommer du helt säkert att misslyckas. If you don't study harder, you'll fail for sure. If you don't study more, you're definitely going to fail. Du forklarte det bra. You explained that well. You explained it well. Jag läser en bok medan jag äter. I read a book while eating. I read a book while I eat. Dei seiar at ho var rik. They say she was rich. They say she was rich. De ville ha bevis. They wanted proof. They wanted proof. Jeg har lige talt med Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just got off the phone with Tom. Tom arbejder på et hospital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom works in a hospital. Hesten er min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Noen mennesker er helt skruppelløs. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Hvað kostar það? What does it cost? How much? Jag älskar Kalifornien. I love California. I love California. Jeg tror jeg vil købe en ny bil. I think I'll buy a new car. I think I'm gonna buy a new car. Du er holdt med at ryge, ikke sandt? You've quit smoking, right? You've stopped smoking, haven't you? Tom døde af iltmangel. Tom died from lack of oxygen. Tom died of lack of oxygen. Tom har dött. Tom has died. Tom died. Hvis du støtter Trump, er du et dårligt menneske. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. Låt mig berätta för dig om fallet. Let me tell you about the case. Let me tell you about the case. Hva ville verden vært uten kvinner? What would the world be like without women? What would the world be without women? Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom. I've never spoken to Tom. I never talked to Tom. Hun kan lide at se på fugle. She likes birdwatching. She likes to look at birds. Tom är min brorson. Tom is my nephew. Tom's my nephew. Hon är orolig för sin vikt. She worries about her weight. She's worried about her weight. Jag kunde ställa upp på det. I'd be up for that. I could do it. Berlin är Tysklands största stad. Berlin is the largest city in Germany. Berlin is Germany's largest city. Skovhuggeren fælder et træ med en økse. The woodcutter fells a tree with an ax. The woodcut cuts down a tree with an axe. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more each day. I love you more and more every day. Det är inte relaterat. That's unrelated. It's not related. Jeg jobber i Tokyo nå. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo now. Jeg gav Tom mine bilnøgler. I gave Tom my car keys. I gave Tom my car keys. Veiðar eru bannaðar á þessu svæði. Hunting is prohibited in this area. No hunting in this area. Denne mur er malet grøn. This wall is painted green. This wall is painted green. Han sætter sine egne interesser over alt andet. He puts his own interests above everything else. He puts his own interests above everything else. Tom er gartner. Tom is a gardener. Tom's a gardener. Tom hilste på sin nabo. Tom said hello to his neighbor. Tom greeted his neighbor. Fortsätt arbeta. Keep working. Keep working. Jeg var så varm at jeg tok av meg frakken. It was so hot I took my coat off. I was so hot, I took my coat off. Der er to ting man aldrig siger nej til: sex og tv-optræden. There are two things you never turn down: sex and appearing on television. There are two things you never say no to: sex and television. Projektet blev afbrudt. The project was aborted. The project was interrupted. Jeg vil se dig i morgen på biblioteket. See you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. Hur långt for den? How far did it go? How far for it? Jeg kan ikke bebrejde Tom at han ikke ønsker at komme. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. Jeg går av der også. I get off there, too. I'll get off there, too. Vi har gått runt hela sjön. We've walked all around the lake. We've been walking around the whole lake. Jeg er enig. I'd agree. I agree. Kan du gå, Tom? Could you leave, Tom? Can you go, Tom? Hvordan har du det for tiden? How are you doing these days? How are you feeling these days? Mig langar til að nýta tækifærið til að tala við ríkisstjórann. I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. Vi kan ikke ignorere Toms fortid. We can't ignore Tom's past. We can't ignore Tom's past. Hur kan du stå ut med den där killen? How can you put up with that guy? How can you stand that guy? Alle har stemt. Everyone has voted. Everyone has voted. Alltid, når jeg står på toppen av et fjell, føler jeg meg takknemlig. Whenever I'm on top of a mountain, I feel grateful. Always, standing on the top of a mountain, I feel grateful. Det är lätt som en plätt. It's a piece of cake. It's easy like a platter. Det stör inte Tom. That doesn't bother Tom. It doesn't bother Tom. Vi spelade schack och hade det trevligt. We had a good time playing chess. We played chess and had a good time. Tom og Mary udvekslede telefonnumre ved selskabet. Tom and Mary exchanged numbers at the party. Tom and Mary exchanged phone numbers at the company. Hvorfor har de største banker brug for den største redningspakke? Why do the largest banks need the biggest bailout? Why do the biggest banks need the biggest rescue package? Matarbirgðir okkar eru þrotnar. Our supply of food is exhausted. Our food supplies are exhausted. Han blev meget beruset. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Jeg er en hankat. I'm a tomcat. I'm a mink. Jag ville bara ställa en fråga. I just wanted to ask a question. I just wanted to ask you a question. Du hjalp mig ikke. You didn't help me. You didn't help me. Hun bor like i nærheten. She lives quite close by. She lives close by. Ulykken skjedde plutselig. The accident happened all of a sudden. The accident happened all of a sudden. Tom fyllde på sin kaffemugg. Tom refilled his coffee mug. Tom filled his coffee cup. Tom skal vel ikke spise den frosken? Tom isn't really going to eat that frog, is he? Tom's not gonna eat that frog, is he? Hun har lite kunnskap om fysikk. She has little knowledge of physics. She has little knowledge of physics. Har du pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du honom eller henne? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Vi må treffes oftere. We need to see each other more often. We need to meet more often. Han höll det hemligt. He kept it secret. He kept it a secret. Jeg er ikke flink i sport. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good at sports. Finns det något jag kan göra för att hjälpa till? Is there something I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Hur överlevde Tom? How did Tom survive? How did Tom survive? Jeg elsker mine forældre. I love my parents. I love my parents. Er der noget jeg kan gøre for at hjælpe? Is there anything I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Bara kärlek kan krossa hjärtat. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break the heart. Tom er sandsynligvis faldet i søvn bag rattet. Tom probably fell asleep at the wheel. Tom's probably fallen asleep behind the wheel. Haruki har ikke mye penger med seg. Haruki doesn't have much money with him. Haruki doesn't have much money with him. Tom hatar att dansa. Tom hates dancing. Tom hates dancing. Hann skrifaði bréf í gær. He wrote a letter yesterday. He wrote a letter yesterday. Du har brug for en tolk. You need an interpreter. You need an interpreter. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne komme på noe å si. I wish I could think of something to say. I wish I could come up with something to say. Jag tänkte ringa. I meant to call. I was gonna call you. Han kommer inte att stanna i mer än fyra dagar. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. Hún tekur gagnrýni frá öllum nema foreldrum sínum. She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents. She takes criticism from all but her parents. Møtet var forrige måned. The meeting was last month. The meeting was last month. Hun besøgte ham den tyvende oktober. She visited him on October 20th. She visited him on October 20th. Den här boken kommer att hjälpa dig att skriva effektivt. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write effectively. Jeg ved at du har hyret en advokat. I know you hired a lawyer. I know you hired a lawyer. Við skulum ekki taka neinar ákvarðanir í flýti. Við skulum sofa á þessu. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. Let's not make any decisions quickly, let's sleep on this. Hvor mange minutter skal jeg koge de her frosne asparges? How many minutes shall I boil this frozen asparagus? How many minutes do I have to cook these frozen asparagus? Jeg har vært under en del press den siste tiden. I have been under a lot of pressure lately. I've been under a lot of pressure lately. Glöm inte att skriva under med ditt namn. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign with your name. Við kusum gegn frumvarpinu. We voted against the bill. We chose against the bill. Han tørrede sveden fra ansigtet. He wiped the sweat from his face. He dried the sweat from his face. Tom sænkede farten ved stopskiltet, men han stoppede faktisk ikke. Tom slowed down for the stop sign, but he didn't actually stop. Tom slowed down at the stop sign, but he didn't actually stop. Jag visste att det skulle bli svårt att övertala Tom att hjälpa oss. I knew it was going to be tough to persuade Tom to help us. I knew it would be hard to convince Tom to help us. Nu har jag sett allt. Now I've seen everything. Now I've seen everything. Er Tom hos deg? Is Tom at your place? Is Tom with you? Hagen er bak huset. The garden is behind the house. The garden is behind the house. Jeg er kald på hendene. My hands are cold. I'm cold on my hands. Hvem taler jeg med? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer dig om dit arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window, concentrate on your work. Það var ekki hvað hann sagði heldur hvernig hann sagði það sem gerði mig tortrygginn. It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious. That's not what he said. That's how he said what made me suspicious. Nyt måltidet ditt. Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your meal. De jobbar på övervåningen. They're working upstairs. They're upstairs. Ramte jeg hovedet på sømmet? Have I hit the nail on the head? Did I hit my head on the seam? Hon talar inte engelska. She doesn't speak English. She doesn't speak English. Þú verður ekki sein, er það nokkuð? You won't be late, will you? You won't be late, will you? Vil du være en av dem? Do you want one of them? Do you want to be one of them? Det ser ud til at han vil vinde førstepræmien. It appears that he will win first prize. Looks like he's gonna win the first prize. Kan vi använda den här? Can we use this? Can we use this? Vad gav Tom dig i födelsedagspresent? What did Tom give you for your birthday? What did Tom give you for your birthday present? Jeg vejer mig. I am weighing myself. I'll weigh myself. Hun var kledd i en rød bluse og en svart skjørt. She was clothed in a red blouse and a black skirt. She was dressed in a red blouse and a black skirt. Jag kunde knappt prata. I could barely speak. I couldn't talk. Der gives store bøder for uretmæssig parkering på en handicapparkeringsplads. There are heavy fines for parking in a disabled zone without a permit. There are large fines for improper parking in a parking space with disabilities. Gå och fyll ispåsen. Go fill the ice pack. Go fill the ice bag. Jeg er på toilettet. I'm in the toilet. I'm in the bathroom. Vi når ikke til Boston før det bliver mørkt. We won't get to Boston until after dark. We won't make it to Boston until it gets dark. Jeg er redd for hunder. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Dette er ikke mitt. This isn't mine. This isn't mine. Kan vi besøge landsbyerne hvor jeres sprog stadig tales? Can we visit the villages where your language is still spoken? Can we visit the villages where your language is still spoken? Hun har en swimmingpool. She has a swimming pool. She has a swimming pool. Vi er nødt til at finde et nyt marked for disse produkter. We have to find a new market for these products. We have to find a new market for these products. Stoppede du for rødt? Did you stop at the red traffic light? Did you stop too red? Hvad sad han og lavede da du så ham? What was he doing when you saw him? What was he doing when you saw him? Jeg teller dem hver dag. I count them every day. I count them every day. Mange barn lever fra hånd til munn i dette landet. A lot of children live from hand to mouth in this country. Many children live from hand to mouth in this country. Tom hjälper. Tom's helping. Tom's helping. Han er forfatter. He's an author. He's a writer. Hvorfor besluttede du dig for at lære at spille på engelskhorn? Why did you decide to learn to play the English horn? Why did you decide to learn to play English horn? Vejret er flot, så vi kan godt gå en tur, ikke? The weather is beautiful, so we can go for a walk, can't we? The weather is nice, so we can go for a walk, right? Han kender denne by ud og ind. He knows this town inside out. He knows this town out and in. Húsið hrundi í jarðskjálfta. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house fell into an earthquake. Tom er syg. Tom is sick. Tom's sick. Så dyrt var det inte. It wasn't that expensive. It wasn't that expensive. Vinden har roet seg. The wind calmed down. The wind has calmed down. Hun tok seg av babyen sin. She looked after her baby. She took care of her baby. Jeg liker røde frukter veldig godt. I like red fruits a lot. I like red fruit very well. De er nogle barske fyre. They're tough guys. They're tough guys. Hvor viktig? How important? How important? Hun er en smuk pige. She is a pretty girl. She's a beautiful girl. Vi måste åka härifrån. We've got to leave. We have to get out of here. Jeg kan heller ikke lide kiks. I don't like cookies, either. I don't like biscuits either. Hun skændtes altid med sine brødre. She was always quarreling with her brothers. She always fought with her brothers. Säg till Mary att jag inte ska åka till Boston med henne. Tell Mary I won't go to Boston with her. Tell Mary I'm not going to Boston with her. Vi har inte börjat än. We haven't started yet. We haven't started yet. Spelar det någon roll? Does it even matter? Does it matter? Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't tell the difference between a seed and a toad. Jeg elsker deg. I love you. I love you. Alle lo, og Tom lo højest af alle. Everybody laughed, Tom loudest of all. Everyone laughed, and Tom laughed most of all. Det var en fuktig, grå sommardag i slutet av juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Bill er på vej til New York. Bill is on his way to New York. Bill's on his way to New York. Hun malede væggen rød. She painted the wall red. She painted the wall red. Det är den andra. It's the other one. It's the other one. Jeg pantsatte min guitar for at betale huslejen. I pawned my guitar in order to pay the rent. I pawned my guitar to pay the rent. Jag skulle vilja stanna så länge som möjligt. I'd like to stay as long as possible. I'd like to stay as long as possible. Han løb hjemmefra tre gange før han var ti. He ran away from home three times before he was ten. He ran away three times before he was ten. Säljer ni väckarklockor? Do you sell alarm clocks? Are you selling alarm bells? Jag kan inte göra det i dag. I can't do it today. I can't do that today. Det tog dem två år att bygga huset. It took them two years to build the house. It took them two years to build the house. Hon gav ett diffust svar. She gave a diffuse answer. She gave a diffuse answer. Hvilken type information finder du på internettet? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information can you find on the Internet? Tom är en sympatisk kille. Tom's a likable guy. Tom's a sympathetic guy. Kvar er utgangen? Where is the exit? Where's the exit? Hun er omtrent like høy som deg. She's almost the same height as you. She's about as tall as you. Ég get ekki fengið mig til að gera svona lagað. I cannot bring myself to do such a thing. I can't get myself to do things like that. Må Gud forbarme sig over os alle. May God have mercy on us all. May God have mercy on all of us. "Bedre død end rød" var en populær sætning under "Den Kolde Krig". "Better dead than red" was a popular phrase during the "Cold War". "better dead than red" was a popular phrase under the Cold War. Tror du ikke det lenger? Don't you still believe that? You don't think that anymore? Jeg giver mig selv skylden. I blame myself. I blame myself. Denne her bog er til dig. This book is for you. This book is for you. Jeg bodde der i fem år. I lived there for five years. I lived there for five years. Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. Kender du den gamle dame der bor på tredje etage? You know this old lady that lives on second floor? Do you know the old lady who lives on the third floor? Jeg har en hund. I have one dog. I have a dog. Jeg rejser til Hawaii med skib. I'm going to Hawaii by ship. I'm going to Hawaii with a ship. Vi fandt drengen i dyb søvn. We found the boy fast asleep. We found the boy in a deep sleep. Det här är underligt. This is weird. This is weird. Tiden verkade stanna. Time seemed to stop. Time seemed to stay. Tom er klistret til sin smartphone. Tom is glued to his smartphone. Tom's stuck to his smartphone. Jeg kommer aldri til å glemme din barmhjertighet så lenge jeg lever. I will never forget your kindness so long as I live. I'll never forget your mercy as long as I live. Vem kan jag prata med? Who can I talk to? Who can I talk to? Her er boka. Here is the book. Here's the book. Tom dog i december. Tom died in December. Tom died in December. Ingen vil skade deg. Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Vi kommer att vinna. We'll win. We're going to win. Bliv! Stay! Stay! Peningar vaxa ekki á trjánum. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Det faktumet at du ikke greier å føle medlidenhet viser at du er helt klart en psykopat. The fact that you're unable to feel compassion indicates clearly that you're a psychopath. The fact that you can't feel pity shows that you're clearly a psychopath. Þú kannt að hafa lesið þessa bók nú þegar. You may have read this book already. You may have read this book already. Han foregav at være læge. He pretended to be a doctor. He pretended to be a doctor. Jag har en fruktansvärd tandvärk. I have a terrible toothache. I have a terrible toothache. Hvor mange gæster inviterede du? How many guests did you invite? How many guests did you invite? Ég hafði ekki hugmynd að þú værir að koma. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. Tom blev dræbt ved en automobilulykke i aftes. Tom was killed in an automobile accident last night. Tom was killed by a car accident last night. Hún líkist mjög móður sinni. She looks a lot like her mother. She looks very like her mother. Når begynner filmen? When does the movie start? When does the movie start? Tom koger et æg. Tom is boiling an egg. Tom boils an egg. Der blæser en nordenvind. A north wind is blowing. There's a north wind blowing. Det giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Du kan lett bli syk i dette klimaet. You can easily get sick in a climate like this. You can easily get sick in this climate. Betjenten bad Tom tømme lommerne. The police officer asked Tom to empty his pockets. The officer asked Tom to empty his pockets. Han frågar alltid dumma frågor. He's always asking silly questions. He always asks stupid questions. Dette biblioteket har over 50 000 titler. This library has over 50,000 volumes. This library has over 50,000 titles. Mary er enlig mor. Mary is a single mother. Mary's a single mother. La barna gå av bussen først! Let the kids off the bus first! Let the kids get off the bus first! Det er tre overlevende. There are three survivors. There are three survivors. Du må studere hardt og lære mye. You must study hard and learn many things. You have to study hard and learn a lot. Jeg har kvalme. I have nausea. I have nausea. Tilkall en lege. Please call me a doctor. Call a doctor. De siger at han har været død i to år. They say that he has been dead for two years. They say he's been dead for two years. Tom tømte spanden med vand. Tom emptied the bucket of water. Tom emptied the bucket with water. I sin ungdom var min mor meget smuk. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. Historie viste seg å være sann. The story turned out to be true. History turned out to be true. Det latinska verbet har sex infinitiver. The Latin verb has six infinitives. The Latin verb has sex infinitives. Ut ur mitt hus! Get out of my house! Get out of my house! Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. I stort sett håller jag med dig. On the whole I agree with you. For the most part, I agree with you. Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I have to study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvordan. The difficult question is how. The difficult question is how. Þeir gengu um. They walked around. They walked around. Alla hoppades att hon skulle vinna. Everyone hoped that she would win. Everyone hoped she'd win. Må jeg bede om en kop kaffe mere? I'd like to have another cup of coffee. May I have another cup of coffee? Tom kommer att vara här. Tom will be there. Tom will be here. Alla gjorde det. Everyone did it. Everybody did. De fleste computere, der laves i dag, er udstyret med flerkernede processorer. Most computers made today are equipped with multi-core processors. Most computers made today are equipped with multi-core processors. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Jeg kender dem ikke. I don't know them. I don't know them. Þú gætir þekkt Tom. I may know Tom. You might know Tom. Stöter du på mig? Are you hitting on me? Are you fucking with me? Hvorfor kjøpte du en skilpadde? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Vi kaller New York "the Big Apple". We call New York the Big Apple. We call New York the Big Apple. Min søn adlyder mig ikke. My son doesn't obey me. My son does not obey me. Jag är bara lat. I'm just lazy. I'm just lazy. Tom bað ekki. Tom didn't pray. Tom didn't ask. Boston er ein áhugaverdur býur. Boston is an interesting city. Boston's an interesting place. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde et hus for meg selv. I wish I had a house of my own. I wish I had a house for myself. Hun var i alvorlige vanskeligheder, men gjorde en dyd ud af nødvendigheden. She was in dire straits, but made a virtue out of necessity. She was in serious trouble, but made a virtue out of the need. Det er hvad hun sagde. That's what she said. That's what she said. Hur upptagen kan Tom vara? How busy could Tom be? How busy can Tom be? Þeir gáfu mér það. They gave it to me. They gave it to me. Det er første juledag den femogtyvende december. The twenty-fifth of December is the first day of Christmas. It is the first day of Christmas on the twenty-fiveth of December. Min Gud er den største! My god is the greatest! My God is the greatest! Hvað er símanúmerið hjá þér? What's your phone number? What's your number? Han är sitt vanliga jag. He is his usual self. He's his usual self. Tala högre så att alla kan höra dig. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Speak up so everyone can hear you. Hvorfor kigger du hele tiden på dit ur? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Vi åker om en vecka i dag. We'll go a week from today. We're leaving in a week. Jag ser ett hus. I see a house. I see a house. Jag har bara gjort detta en gång innan. I have only done this one time before. I've only done this once before. "Den Nye Aftale" er Bibelens anden del. "The New Testament" is the second part of the Bible. "The New Agreement" is the second part of the Bible. Var du i hæren? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Min mor kender Toms mor. My mother knows Tom's mother. My mother knows Tom's mother. Bad jeg om din mening? Did I ask your opinion? Did I ask for your opinion? Kan jeg bruke din penn? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? Jeg er træt, men jeg kan ikke falde i søvn. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. Tom virker ikke å ha særlig mange venner. Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. En for alle og alle for en, det er ekte lagarbeid. All for one, and one for all. That's team play. One for all and all for one, that's real teamwork. Ertu búinn að lesa þessa skáldsögu? Have you finished reading that novel? Have you read this novel yet? Hon är utom sig av glädje. She is beside herself with joy. She's beside joy. Græsset må ikke betrædes. Please do not walk on the grass. The grass must not be broken. Jeg har allerede valgt min efterfølger. I've already picked my successor. I've already chosen my successor. Han spiser et æble. He's eating an apple. He's eating an apple. Han pussar tennene etter måltider. He brushes his teeth after his meals. He brushes his teeth after meals. Tom var ekki góður. Tom wasn't good. Tom wasn't good. Træneren gav mig nogle råd. The coach gave me some advice. Coach gave me some advice. Hun har mistet en bog. She lost a book. She's lost a book. Tom är i nöjesbranschen. Tom is in show business. Tom's in the entertainment business. Jag har en överraskning för dig. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Jag känner inte Tom längre. I don't know Tom anymore. I don't know Tom anymore. "Hvad sagde han?" "Det husker jeg ikke." "What did he say?" "I don't remember." "What did he say?" "I don't remember." Da tæppet gik op, var scenen mørk. When the curtain went up, the stage was dark. When the blanket went up, the scene was dark. Glædelig jul! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Åh min gud! Omigod! Oh, my God! Jag kommer aldrig att glömma den här dagen. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget this day. Låt bli mig. Get off me. Leave me alone. Tom håller i en kniv. Tom is holding a knife. Tom's holding a knife. Hvem vil købe en motorcykel med hvinende bremser? Who wants to buy a motorcycle with squeaky brakes? Who wants to buy a motorcycle with a steaming brakes? Min bror hjälper mig med läxorna ibland. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. Hvorfor stiller I mig alle disse spørgsmål? Why are you asking me all these questions? Why are you asking me all these questions? Kom tillbaka! Come back. Come back here! Var snäll och stäng av teven. Please turn off the television. Please turn off the TV. Alle ved at I er nogle racistiske bøller. Everyone knows you're racist punks. Everybody knows you're racist bullies. Vad kan det betyda? What could it mean? What does that mean? Kunne du vise mig vejen til stationen? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you show me the way to the station? Jag går som en pingvin. I walk like a penguin. I'm walking like a penguin. Jag blöder om knät. My knee is bleeding. I'm bleeding my knee. Tom hade mer arbete att uträtta. Tom had more work to do. Tom had more work to do. Ég ætlast til að hann komi. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Han har vært død i tre år. He has been dead for three years. He's been dead for three years. Kan du fortælle mig, hvad det her er? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? Han förklädde sig till en kvinna. He disguised himself as a woman. He disguised himself as a woman. Det värker i hela kroppen. My body aches all over. There's pain all over the body. Tom underviser i fransk i Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Tom teaches French in Boston. Jeg lærte hende at cykle. I taught her to ride a bicycle. I taught her how to ride a bike. Jag känner mig hungrig. I'm feeling hungry. I feel hungry. Tom låtsades inte höra Mary ropa hans namn. Tom pretended that he didn't hear Mary calling his name. Tom didn't pretend to hear Mary shout his name. Toms hus er til salg. Tom's house is for sale. Tom's house is for sale. Skriv aldrig orden ”borsjtj” och ”sjtji” på tyska! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borch" and "shji" in German! Komælk er til kalve og indeholder væksthormoner som de har brug for. Jeg er ikke en kalv og ikke ønsker at vokse op som en. Cow's milk is for calves and contains growth hormones which they need. I am not a calf and do not want to grow up like one. Cow's milk is for calves and contains growth hormones that they need. I'm not a calf and don't want to grow up like one. Du ser så blek ut. You look very pale. You look so pale. Kan ni frysa ned den? Can you freeze it? Can you freeze it down? Jag skulle vilja köpa en hund. I would like to buy a dog. I'd like to buy a dog. Vad vill du ska hända? What do you want to happen? What do you want to happen? Vi har et problem med overvektige i dette landet. We have an obesity problem in this country. We have a problem with overweight in this country. Hva er du så nærvøs for? What are you so nervous about? What are you so close to? Leveomkostningerne stiger. The cost of living is rising. The cost of living is rising. Tom landede på havet. Tom landed on the sea. Tom landed at sea. Kven skal du gi boka til? To whom are you going to give that book? Who are you gonna give the book to? Profeten Muhammed døde i Medina i 632. The prophet Muhammad died in Medina in 632. The prophet Muhammad died in Medina in 632. Jeg håber at du ikke er alene. I hope you're not alone. I hope you're not alone. Jeg har aldri vært i Paris. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. Tom lover skotterne guld og grønne skove. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the Scots Gold and green forests. Kom deg av banen! Get your ass out of here! Get off the field! Sørg for at have penge på kistebunden. Save money for a rainy day. Make sure you have money on the coffin floor. Vad gjorde Tom här? What was Tom doing here? What was Tom doing here? Vinsamlegast komið eins fljótt og auðið er. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. Det finns runt tretusen moskéer i Istanbul. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. Han var fattig og boede i en lille hytte. He was poor and lived in a small cabin. He was poor and lived in a small cabin. Jag har varit ganska upptagen. I've been rather busy. I've been pretty busy. Tom tog Marys oskuld. Tom plucked Mary's flower. Tom took Mary's innocence. Vinsamlegast setjið stólana við gluggann. Please set these chairs by the window. Please place the chairs at the window. Hon är gift med en utlänning. She's married to a foreigner. She's married to a foreigner. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kunde säga. I have no idea what else I could say. I don't know what else to say. Det var få elever kvar i klassrummet. There were few students left in the classroom. There were few students left in the classroom. Maður verður að fylgja reglunum. One must observe the rules. You have to follow the rules. Er du trøtt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Jag hade ingen aning om att Tom inte var lycklig här. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. Hinner du? Will you make it in time? Do you have enough time? Barnet kastade sten på katten. The child threw a stone at the cat. The baby threw stones at the cat. Det er mandag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Ska vi dansa? Shall we dance? Shall we dance? Verden udenfor er meget frygtindgydende. The world outside is very scary. The outside world is very fearsome. Þú mátt halda bókinni. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. Kan ni höra mig? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Jeg er trist. I'm sad. I'm sad. Är du där uppe? Are you up there? Are you up there? Ester er hebraisklærer. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Jeg kender hendes hemmelighed. I know her secret. I know her secret. Hun inviterede ham ud på en date. She asked him out on a date. She invited him out on a date. Presidenten ble konfrontert med vanskelige spørsmål av en gruppe journaliststudenter. The president was confronted by difficult questions asked by a group of journalism students. The president was confronted with difficult questions by a group of journalist students. Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it secret. I promised him I'd keep it a secret. Hennes favoritmat som barn var pizza. Her favourite food as a child was pizza. Her favorite food as a kid was pizza. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim ofbeldisfullu. The world belongs to the violent. The world belongs to the violent. Tom väntar. Tom's waiting. Tom's waiting. Kom så tittar vi i garaget. Let's look in the garage. Come on, let's look in the garage. Jeg tror du er en løgner. I think you're a liar. I think you're a liar. Hun giftet seg med en bankassistent. She married a bank clerk. She married a bank assistant. Vil du gøre noget for mig? Would you do something for me? Will you do something for me? Tom är neurolog. Tom is a neurologist. Tom's a neurologist. Jeg skjønner ikke sammenhengen. I don't get the connection. I don't understand the context. Vissa fiskar kan ändra sitt kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change their gender. Hann er fyndinn og töff. He's funny and cool. He's funny and he's busy. Jag är säker på att det skulle vara ett misstag att berätta för Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. Han foreslo at vi skulle utsette avreisen. He suggested that we should put off our departure. He suggested that we postpone our departure. Jag öppnade den precis. I just opened it. I just opened it. Jag äger en lustjakt. I own a yacht. I own a lust hunt. Ge mig era vapen. Give me your weapons. Give me your guns. Elsker du din mor?‎ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Nesten river ingen mann fra hesten. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Almost no man rips from the horse. En te med citron, tak! A tea with lemon, please. A tea with lemon, please. Kan jag få köpa några vykort? I would like to buy some postcards. Can I buy some postcards? Hann er plötusnúður. He is a DJ. He's a record rotter. Hæren blev uventet angrebet. The army was unexpectedly attacked. The army was unexpectedly attacked. Ho vaska rommet. She cleaned the room. Ho wash room. Var lärde du dig att skriva? Where did you learn to write? Where did you learn to write? Hur vet vi det? How do we know that? How do we know? Jag kommer inte att vänta för alltid. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Han oppdaget en ny stjerne. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Hendes engelsk var overraskende godt. Her English was surprisingly good. Her English was surprisingly good. Nøkkelen ligger på bordet. The key is on the table. The key is on the table. Vad är vi skyldiga Tom? What do we owe Tom? What do we owe Tom? Misslyckandet beror på hans vårdslöshet. The failure is due to his carelessness. The failure depends on his carelessness. Jeg tilbringer juleaften med min familie. I'm spending Christmas Eve with my family. I spend Christmas with my family. Radioen var tændt. The radio was on. The radio was on. Vem har inte varit där? Who hasn't been there? Who hasn't been there? Jeg ringede på klokken. I rang the bell. I called the bell. Kan du skriva det med hiragana, är du snäll? Can you write that in hiragana please? Can you write it with the hiragana, please? Var ligger närmaste bensinstation? Where's the nearest gas station? Where's the nearest gas station? Der er ingen pakvogn i dette tog. On this train there is no baggage car. There's no truck in this train. Hun er for gammel til dig. She's too old for you. She's too old for you. Der findes adskillige arter af måger som varierer i størrelse. There are multiple species of seagulls which vary in size. Several species of seagulls vary in size. Hvor vover du fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophetess Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! Förtjänar jag det här? Do I deserve this? Do I deserve this? Min tante har gitt meg blomster. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt has given me flowers. Tom är road. Tom's amused. Tom's a road. Hvornår kører det sidste tog? When does the last train leave? When's the last train running? Pastafarianere tror at et usynlig og upåviselig Flygende Spagettimonster skapte universet. Pastafarians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. Pastafarians believe that an invisible and unproven Flying Spaghetti monster created the universe. Jag tror inte jag skulle kunna göra vad Tom gör. I think I couldn't do what Tom is doing. I don't think I could do what Tom does. Dette er en topp bil! Den har sikkert kostet deg mye penger! What a nice car you have! You must have paid a lot for it. This is a great car, and I'm sure it's cost you a lot of money! Tom spillede Hamlet. Tom played the part of Hamlet. Tom played Hamlet. Jag ser krönet. I see the crown. I see the crown. Det var allt jag ville säga. That's all I wanted to say. That's all I wanted to say. Pabbi minn heitir Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Vejret ændrer sig med årstiderne. The weather varies with seasons. Weather changes with seasons. Du är fortfarande ung. You're still young. You're still young. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag. He earns three times more than I do. He makes three times as much as I do. Det er varmt. It is warm. It's hot. Hans bil sad fast i knædyb sne. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was stuck in deep knee snow. Det tog nätt och jämnt en timme. It took little more than an hour. It took me almost an hour. Hun lovet å møte ham i kaffebaren. She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. She promised to meet him at the coffee bar. Ég á vin sem elskar mig. I have a friend who loves me. I have a friend who loves me. Jag bor här. I live here. I live here. Hann er hræddur við pabba. He is afraid of Father. He's scared of my dad. Har du hørt fra hende? Have you heard from her? Have you heard from her? Er det ikke på tide at I begraver stridsøksen og lader fortiden være fortid? Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? Is it not time for you to bury the search for war and leave the past to pass? John bor i New York. John lives in New York. John lives in New York. Við höfum fá tækifæri til að tala þýsku. We have few opportunities to speak German. We have a chance to speak German. Ingen är så lycklig. No one is that lucky. Nobody's so happy. Vilken smart idé! What a clever idea! That's a smart idea. Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt. She advised him not to drive too fast. She advised him not to drive too fast. Det her ur ser ikke ud til at virke som det skal. This clock seems to be malfunctioning. This watch doesn't seem to work like it has to. Det er gratis. It is free of charge. It's free. Sami är inte värd det. Sami isn't worth it. Sami isn't worth it. Nå er det nok! Enough, already! That's it! Jeg besluttede mig for at fortælle hende, at det var hende, jeg elskede. I decided to tell her that it was her that I loved. I decided to tell her that it was her I loved. Er dette din cykel? Is this your bicycle? Is this your bike? Han genomforskade Amazonas regnskog. He explored the Amazon jungle. He studied the Amazon rainforest. Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Är ni fortfarande hemma? Are you still at home? Are you still home? Denne sanger er meget populær blandt unge. This singer is very popular with young people. This singer is very popular among young people. En av bilene hennes er blå og de andre er røde. One of her cars is blue and the others are red. One of her cars is blue and the others are red. Jeg skrev hans navn ned for at jeg ikke skulle glemme det. I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it. I wrote his name down so I wouldn't forget. Hun gjorde en rekke medisinske oppdagelser. She made a series of medical discoveries. She made a series of medical discoveries. Dronning Elizabeth døde i 1603. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Gummihandskerne ligger under vasken. The rubber gloves are under the sink. The rubber gloves are under the sink. Vi visste alla om den. We all knew about it. We all knew about it. Tom var overbevist, men det var jeg ikke. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Der er en gris i svinestien. There's a pig in the sty. There's a pig in the pigpath. Tom døde ikke i en bilulykke. Tom didn't die in a car accident. Tom didn't die in a car accident. Circa två tredjedelar av vår kropp består av vatten. Around two-thirds of our body is made up of water. About two thirds of our body is made up of water. Hun tror ikke på Gud. She doesn't believe in God. She doesn't believe in God. Jeg ser frem til at høre fra Dem. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I look forward to hearing from you. Dette er et igangværende arbejde. This is a work in progress. This is an ongoing work. Tom synger altid falsk. Tom always sings out of tune. Tom always sings false. Din hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Ord kan ikke beskrive det. Words can't describe it. Words can't describe it. Tom er måske okay. Tom might be all right. Tom might be okay. Tom og Mary er bange for at deres fly kan blive aflyst. Tom and Mary are worried that their flight might be cancelled. Tom and Mary are afraid their plane might be canceled. Når kommer du hjem? When will you come home? When are you coming home? At dræbe mennesker mens de beder, er det usleste, man kan forestille sig. Killing people while they pray is the lowest thing imaginable. Killing people while they pray is the worst thing you can imagine. Jeg genkendte hende ved første blik. I recognized her at first glance. I recognized her at first sight. Det er ikke besværet værd. It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the trouble. Aóí dansar. Aoi dances. Aoy's dancing. Man behöver kramsnö för att göra bra snöbollar. You need wet snow to make good snowballs. You need a hug to make good snowballs. Jeg fandt noget som jeg troede jeg havde mistet. I found something I thought I'd lost. I found something that I thought I had lost. Jeg liker maten som Cáit lager best. I like the food that Cáit makes best. I like the food that Cait makes best. Det ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Jag går mycket. I walk a lot. I go a lot. Der er ikke en kone jeg vil have, men en sexveninde. It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend. There's not a wife I want, there's a sex girlfriend. Jeg har allerede skrevet til Tom. I've already written to Tom. I've already written to Tom. Så du kampen? Did you watch the game? Did you see the game? Þau urðu óaðskiljanleg eftir þessa veislu. They became inseparable after that party. After that feast, they became inseparable. Tað er lýtt. It is warm. The roof is bright. Jeg vil ikke se hende nu. I don't want to see her now. I don't want to see her now. Har I fodret hunden? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed the dog? Månen er så lys! The moon's so bright. The moon is so light! Ordet kommer fra gresk. The word comes from Greek. The word comes from Greek. Vi slår mynt om det. Let's decide by coin toss. Let's flip it. Vennligst kom når det passer deg. Please come when it suits you. Please come when it suits you. Eg gloymi teg ongantíð. I'll never forget you. I'm the one who used to be ongantid. Tá hann hevði latið seg í, fór hann út i køkin. He dressed up and went to the kitchen. And when he stood down, he went out into the queue. Velkominn heim. Welcome home. Welcome home. Vor præst er vegetar og ateist. Our minister is a vegetarian and an atheist. Our priest is a vegetarian and an atheist. Kan du tvinge deg selv til å sove? Can you will yourself to fall asleep? Can you force yourself to sleep? Tom ønsker at sove på stranden. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Denne TV-serien handler om pingviner. This TV show is about penguins. This TV series is about penguins. Han er enhvers ven. He's everybody's friend. He's everyone's friend. Det gjelder mannen min, doktor; han sover dårlig. It's about my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly. It's about my husband, Doctor; he's not sleeping well. Ég kom með te handa þér. I brought you some tea. I brought you some tea. Tom somnade till slut. Tom finally fell asleep. Tom finally fell asleep. Mary er venstrehåndet. Mary is left-handed. Mary's left-handed. Gennemsnitsbilens anbefalede dæktryk er cirka 2,20 bar. The recommended tyre pressure of the average car is around 32 psi. The average car's recommended tyre pressure is approximately 2.20 bar. Jeg har været her i to timer allerede. I've already been here two hours. I've been here two hours already. Vissa fiskar kan byta kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change sex. Har vi et problem? Do we have a problem? Do we have a problem? Jag vill fortfarande gå. I still want to go. I still want to go. Du känner antagligen till det som Tom gjorde. You probably know about what Tom did. You probably know what Tom did. Skórnir þínir passa ekki við jakkafötin. Your shoes do not go with the suit. Your shoes don't fit your suit. Tom fortalte mig, at han ikke vil have det. Tom told me he doesn't want that. Tom told me he doesn't want it. Gammal är äldst. Old is eldest. Old is the oldest. Dette er en frukt. It's a fruit. This is a fruit. Du skulle ha sett henne. You should have seen her. You should have seen her. Han læste brevet igen og igen. He read the letter over and over. He read the letter over and over again. Jag fick B i fysik. I got a B in physics. I got a B in physics. Det er forsøget værd. It's worth a try. It's worth the try. Kan noen fortelle meg hvorfor Tom er sint? Can someone tell me why Tom is angry? Can anyone tell me why Tom's mad? Er det jeres? Is it yours? Is that yours? Det hadde snødd i en uke. It had been snowing for a week. It had been snowing for a week. Hva vil du gjøre mens du er her? What do you want to do while you're here? What do you want to do while you're here? Kan du tala kinesiska? Can you speak Chinese? Can you speak Chinese? Rätt! Correct! Right! Ikke rør sykkelen min. Don't touch my bike. Don't touch my bike. Hun var meget genert indtil hun tog sin eksamen. She was very shy until she graduated. She was very shy until she graduated. Eg såg det aldri eingong. I never even saw it. I never saw it alone. Det sluttet å snø for en time siden. It stopped snowing an hour ago. It stopped snowing about an hour ago. Vi måste ta risken. We've got to take the risk. We need to take the risk. Er Tom ikke musiker? Isn't Tom a musician? Tom's not a musician? Jag kan bekräfta det där. I can verify that. I can confirm that. Ni är arroganta. You're arrogant. You're arrogant. Hur lång tid tog det honom att skriva denna roman? How long did it take him to write this novel? How long did it take him to write this novel? Problemet er ikke så meget pengene, som det er tiden. The problem isn't so much the money as it is the time. The problem is not as much money as it is time. Der er fire mænd og tre kvinder i vores hus. There are four men and three women in our house. There are four men and three women in our house. Vatn er liv. Water is life. Water is life. Tom är sjuk. Tom's sick. Tom's sick. Fyrirgefðu mér. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Hun har boet alene siden hendes mand døde. She has lived alone ever since her husband died. She's been living alone since her husband died. Jeg er sikker. I am sure. I'm sure. Han har skrevet et brev. He wrote one letter. He wrote a letter. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to a boil. Bring the water to the boil. Mannen snakket med lav stemme. The man spoke in a low voice. The man spoke with a low voice. Tilgiv Tom! Forgive Tom. Forgive Tom! Tom avskyr katter. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. Jeg ringer deg en annen gang. I'll call you some other time. I'll call you another time. Jeg har købt de solbriller i Holland. I have bought those sun glasses in the Netherlands. I bought those sunglasses in Holland. Alla medborgare borde respektera lagen. All citizens should respect the law. Every citizen should respect the law. Det tror jeg ikke på. I do not believe in that. I don't believe that. Du behöver inte göra det där nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do that now. Drick inte för mycket vin. Go easy on the wine. Don't drink too much wine. Var ligger den egyptiska ambassaden? Where is the Egyptian embassy? Where's the Egyptian Embassy? I morgen vil vi proklamere en republik. Tomorrow we shall proclaim a republic. Tomorrow we will proclaim a republic. Tom skämtar. Tom's joking. Tom's kidding. Toms mor græd. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mom was crying. Tom har dålig hygien. Tom has poor hygiene. Tom's got bad hygiene. Du skulle kunna ha sagt nej. You could've said no. You could have said no. Kvar er naudutgangen? Where is the emergency exit? Where's the nad exit? Jag är faktiskt väldigt lycklig. I'm actually very happy. I'm actually very happy. Þetta er strætóstoppustöðin. That is the bus stop. This is the bus stop. Jeg kører over den bro hver eftermiddag på vej hjem fra arbejde. I drive across that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. I drive over that bridge every afternoon on my way home from work. Drømmen ble sann. The dream has come true. The dream was true. Lad os danse hele natten! Let's dance all night long! Let's dance all night! Pianoet er dyrt. The piano is expensive. The piano is expensive. Är Tom galen? Is Tom crazy? Is Tom crazy? Ikke tro på ham. Don't believe him. Don't believe him. I morgon kommer jag inte att vara här. Tomorrow I won't be here. Tomorrow I won't be here. Tom går vanligtvis till skolan. Tom usually walks to school. Tom usually goes to school. Við fórum ekki langt. We didn't go very far. We didn't go far. Jag svimmade. I fainted. I passed out. Har I set hende? Have you guys seen her? Have you seen her? Jag har haft kul. I have had fun. I've had fun. Den menneskelige hjerne veier omkring tre pund. The human brain weighs about three pounds. The human brain weighs about three pounds. Ved bilvaskehallen ved siden af indkøbscenteret. At the car wash next to the shopping mall. At the car wash hall next to the mall. Sig mig grunden til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not here. Tom fortalte Mary hvor gammel han var. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary how old he was. Jeg har en sort hund og en hvid hund. I have a black dog and a white dog. I have a black dog and a white dog. Fru Smith har født sit barn nummer to. Mrs. Smith gave birth to her second child. Mrs. Smith gave birth to his second child. Tom är gift. Tom's married. Tom's married. Nu er gode råd dyre. We are in a difficult situation. Now good advice is expensive. Talade du om för Tom vad Mary hade gjort? Did you tell Tom about what Mary did? Did you tell Tom what Mary would have done? Du må gjøre nøyaktig som jeg sier. You will do exactly as I say. You have to do exactly as I say. Sådana är reglerna. Those are the rules. Those are the rules. Eg fer í kirkju. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Min morfar hör lite dåligt. My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. My grandfather doesn't hear much. Vad säger de? What are they saying? What do they say? Tror ni att det kommer att regna idag? Do you think it'll rain today? You think it's gonna rain today? Jeg kunne ikke komme på en kort forklaring. I couldn't think of a brief explanation. I couldn't come up with a brief explanation. Tom er ved sine fulde fem, er han ikke? Tom is sane, isn't he? Tom's at his full five, isn't he? Jeg skal reise til Boston for å treffe Tom. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'm going to Boston to see Tom. De kjempet en rettferdig kamp mot fiendehæren. They fought a fair battle with the enemy. They fought a fair fight against the enemy army. Kan du tro att detta faktiskt händer? Can you believe this is actually happening? Can you believe this is actually happening? De flanerade en hel eftermiddag på stan. They spent part of the afternoon strolling through the city. They flew an entire afternoon in town. Notebooken ligger på bordet. The notebook is lying on the table. The notebook is on the table. Han tog sin hat på. He put on his hat. He put his hat on. Andas han? Is he breathing? Is he breathing? Tom fikk sparken på mandag. Tom was fired on Monday. Tom got fired on Monday. Jeg mente det ikke. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Han har en stor familie. He has a large family. He's got a big family. Det er svært naturlig for et menneske at en alltid gir seg selv forrang fremfor hensynet til andre. It is very natural for a human being that one always give himself precedence over the interests of others. It is very natural for a person to give himself preference over others. Var tolerant. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Han fortalte mig, at han skulle til USA. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. Gå inte nära hunden. Don't go near the dog. Don't go near the dog. Gör ditt bästa, Tom. Do your best, Tom. Do your best, Tom. Hvis du vil stadig være min ven, kan du aldrig gøre det igen. If you want to still be my friend, you can never do this again. If you still want to be my friend, you can never do it again. Jeg er ikke sikker på udtalen af ordet. I am not sure how to pronounce the word. I am not sure about the pronunciation. I skulle alle skamme jer. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You should all be ashamed. Han stack ett strå i en myrstack. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He stuck a straw in a bog. Hvor er du nu? Where are you now? Where are you now? Canada er et stort land. Canada is a large country. Canada is a big country. Hon ser ledsen ut. She looks sad. She looks sad. Rør ikke ved min cykel. Don't touch my bike. Don't touch my bike. Är det vitt? Is it white? Is it white? Jag rev upp kuvertet. I ripped the envelope open. I tore up the envelope. Jeg elsker at lave mad. I love cooking. I love cooking. Hur varm är den? How hot is it? How hot is it? Jeg har aldri vært ranet. I've never been robbed. I've never been robbed. Ertu þreyttur núna? Are you tired now? Are you tired now? Vejret er ved at være ret forårsagtigt. It's getting quite springlike. The weather is getting quite springy. Ni är oansvariga. You're irresponsible. You're irresponsible. Den klæder dig godt. That looks good on you. It looks good on you. Mary strikkede et sjal. Mary knitted a shawl. Mary knitted a shawl. Tom har hoste. Tom has a cough. Tom's got a cough. Hvorfor skifter du tøj? Why are you changing your clothes? Why are you changing your clothes? Vær snill og tilgi meg for at jeg var så sen til å skrive dette. Please forgive me for not having written sooner. Please forgive me for being so late to write this. Hvilken overraskelse! What a surprise! What a surprise! Jag är gammeldags. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. Du kan inte klandra henne för vad hon gjorde. You can't blame her for what she did. You can't blame her for what she did. Hva gjør du på fritiden? What do you do in your spare time? What are you doing in your spare time? Jeg bryder mig ikke om fyrværkeri. I don't like fireworks. I don't like fireworks. Hvem leder du efter? Who are you looking for? Who are you looking for? Þú gerir mig hamingjusama. You make me happy. You make me happy. Jag har familj. I have a family. I have a family. Man planerar att uppföra ett kraftverk precis här. There are plans to build a power plant right here. You're planning on building a power plant right here. Jeg gav ikke op. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. De gikk rundt hjørnet. They walked around the corner. They were walking around the corner. Lestin gengur á hálftíma fresti. The train runs every thirty minutes. The train runs every half an hour. Dette æble er for lille. This apple is too small. This apple is too small. Jeg har boet i dette hus i to år. I've lived in this house for two years. I've been living in this house for two years. Jag älskar den sången. I love that song. I love that song. Tom ventede på Mary foran skolen. Tom waited for Mary in front of the school. Tom was waiting for Mary in front of school. Jag var inte tvungen att åka. I didn't have to go. I didn't have to go. Lad os se på de store linjer. Let's look at the big picture. Let's look at the big lines. Karlmenn eru almennt hávaxnari en konur. Generally, men are taller than women. Men are generally taller than women. Jeg har trodd på Kylie Minogue siden 12. juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Hvorfor har du lagt det der? Why did you put that there? Why did you put it there? Det är faktiskt en bra poäng. That's actually a good point. That's actually a good point. Jag förstår. I got it. I see. Han spelar ofta piano. He often plays piano. He plays the piano a lot. Hörde du det där? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Hur har du skadat din hand? How did you hurt your hand? How did you hurt your hand? Kan du simma? Can you swim? Can you swim? Berätta för mig vad Tom sa. Tell me what Tom said. Tell me what Tom said. Vi kommer att behöva ett lån. We're going to need a loan. We're gonna need a loan. Han tog sitt liv genom att hoppa ner från en bro. He ended his life by jumping off a bridge. He took his life by jumping off a bridge. En skål ris vejer omkring 180 gram. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. Jag tog Tom till sjukhuset. I took Tom to the hospital. I took Tom to the hospital. Jeg liker å vanne hagen. I like to water the garden. I like watering my garden. Tom valde. Tom made his choice. Tom chose. Hans hus er nær floden. His house is near the river. His house is near the river. Hvor kan jeg tjekke min bagage ind? Where can I check my luggage in? Where can I check in my luggage? Det greier seg. That's enough. It'll be all right. Varför är ni alla här? Why are you all here? Why are you all here? Vad är på modet nu? What is popular now? What's in the mood now? Min far er ved at barbere sig i badeværelset. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My dad's shaving in the bathroom. Hvad er Toms efternavn? What's Tom's last name? What's Tom's last name? Á morgun verð ég að leggja fyrr af stað. Tomorrow I must leave earlier. Tomorrow I'll have to leave early. Min engelska är inte bra. My English is not good. My English is not good. Toms hälsa är inte den bästa. Tom isn't in the best of health. Tom's health is not the best. Vad betydde allt det där? What did it all mean? What did all that mean? Ég sé til þess. I'll see to it. I'll see to that. Gifte ni er? Did you get married? You married? John sitter bredvid Jack. John sits by Jack. John's sitting next to Jack. Hvussu nógvar bilar hevur Alex? How many cars has Alex got? How many cars does Alex raise? Jeg spiller tennis. I play tennis. I play tennis. Hon är aggressiv. She is aggressive. She's aggressive. Hver er þessi strákur sem stendur við dyrnar? Who's that boy standing at the door? Who's this kid standing at the door? Útlit er blekkjandi. Appearance is deceptive. Looks like a fool. Kom så, I to! Come on, you two. Come on, you two! Ikke vær så defensiv. Don't be so defensive. Don't be defensive. När kan vi mötas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Jag hade inga vidare förväntningar, så jag är inte vidare besviken. I didn't have any great expectations, so there are no big disappointments. I had no further expectations, so I’m not further disappointed. Sneen forsvinder snart. The snow will soon disappear. The snow will soon disappear. Det kan komma att göra ont. It may hurt. It may hurt. Tom så ensom ut. Tom looked lonely. Tom looked lonely. Min motorcykel havarerede undervejs. My motorcycle broke down on the way. My motorcycle was seared along the way. Læg mærke til hans ansigtsudtryk når vi nævner en pris. Look at the reaction on his face when we bring up a price. Notice his facial expressions when we mention a price. Sami røg en joint i sin bil. Sami was smoking a joint in his car. Sami smoked a joint in his car. Både pojkar och flickor borde studera hemkunskap. Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school. Both boys and girls should study home knowledge. Hur gammal är den här? How old is this? How old is this? Hvorfor har kaniner lange ører? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Jag kan inte låta dig göra det. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do that. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berbisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood the Berbian. Tom slog rotten ihjel med stokken. Tom killed the rat with his cane. Tom killed the rat with the cane. Jag vägrar arbeta. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. Hún er þó nokkru eldri en hann. She is a good deal older than he. However, she is somewhat older than he is. I må være meget stolte af jeres søn. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Tom hørte et bilhorn dytte. Tom heard a car horn beep. Tom heard a car horn pushing. Hur är det med din pappa? How is your dad? How's your dad? Jorden adskiller sig fra de andre planeter ved at der findes vand på den. The earth is different from the other planets in that it has water. The earth differs from the other planets by the presence of water on it. Du kan inte fortsätta gömma dig så här. You can't keep hiding like this. You can't keep hiding like this. Spørgsmålet nu er hvor. The question now is where. The question now is where. Tom började må bättre. Tom began to feel better. Tom started feeling better. Hún lofaði mér að þrífa herbergið mitt. She promised me to clean my room. She promised me she'd clean my room. Drick inte så mycket öl. Don't drink so much beer. Don't drink a lot of beer. Fordelen med freelancing er at du kan dele inn tiden din fritt. Bakgelen er det at du faktisk må arbide døgnet rundt. The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock. The advantage of freelancing is that you can share your time freely. The backdrop is that you actually have to work around the clock. Jag skrev till honom av en helt annan anledning. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote to him for an entirely different reason. Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He hit him in the face. En bi fløj ud af vinduet. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out the window. Der var mange mennesker på stranden. There were a lot of people on the beach. There were a lot of people on the beach. Din cykel är mycket nyare än min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. Jeg kan ikke si nøyaktig hvor lang tid det vil ta. I can't tell you exactly how long it will take. I can't tell you exactly how long it'll take. Vi hade delvis rätt. We were partly right. We were partly right. Jeg fik min cykel repareret. I got my bicycle repaired. I got my bike repaired. Jag tycker om österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Jag jobbade sent. I was working late. I was working late. Denne skjorten er for liten for meg. This shirt is too small for me. This shirt is too small for me. Har du noen gang skremt vekk en hund? Have you ever scared a dog away? Have you ever scared off a dog? Vi begynner alltid med de vanskeligste oppgavene. We always begin with the hardest problems. We always start with the most difficult tasks. Jag vet att du har haft fullt upp. I know you've been busy. I know you've been busy. Noreg er det rikaste landet i verda. Norway is the richest country in the world. Norway is the richest country in the world. Tom har en høj IQ. Tom has a high IQ. Tom's got a tall IQ. De kommer att heja på er. They'll be rooting for you. They'll cheer you up. Vem pratade du med? Who did you talk with? Who were you talking to? Tal for dig selv. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Livet är vackert. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Jag mätte hans kroppstemperatur. I took his temperature. I measured his body temperature. Vad gjorde du med den här boken? What did you do with that book? What did you do with this book? Du måste vänta på nästa buss. You must wait for the next bus. You have to wait for the next bus. Búist er við því að eitt hundruð og fimmtíu þúsund pör muni gifta sig í Sjanghæ árið tvö þúsund og sex. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to marry in Shanghej in two thousand and six years. Hjartað er vöðvi. The heart is a muscle. The heart is a muscle. Kunne jeg få lov til at se dit kørekort? Please show me your driver's license. Could I see your driver's license? Det knackar på dörren. It knocks on the door. There's a knock on the door. Jeg troede, at jeg var den eneste. I thought I was the only one. I thought I was the only one. Du är ny, eller hur? You're new, huh? You're new, aren't you? Kan I huske Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Det är tomt. It's empty. It's empty. Han skulle arresteres. He should be arrested. He was supposed to be arrested. Møtet er i morgen. The meeting is tomorrow. The meeting is tomorrow. Vet ni var vi är? Do you know where we are? Do you know where we are? Ikkje eg heller. Nor am I. Me neither. Han heldt fingeren opp mot leppa for å bede om togn. He put his finger to his lips as a sign to be quiet. He held his finger up against his lip to ask for the train. Han ble ferdig med arbeidet sitt. He got through his work. He finished his work. Varför går inte människor i ide? Why don't people hibernate? Why don't people get involved? Vattnet är rent. The water is clean. The water's clean. Når du forventer å få noe for intet, lurer du kun deg selv. When you expect to get something for nothing, the only person you're fooling is yourself. When you expect to get anything for nothing, you only fool yourself. Tom grät. Tom wept. Tom cried. Antalet människor som röker ökade under de senaste tio åren. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. En av tigrarna rymde från djurparken. One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo. One of the tigers escaped the zoo. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að leggja þetta á þig. You needn't have gone to the trouble. You wouldn't have had to put this on. Tom er canadisk. Tom is Canadian. Tom's Canadian. Jeg er tørst. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Tom fortalte Mary at han ikke kunne lide hendes sans for humor. Tom told Mary that he didn't like her sense of humor. Tom told Mary he didn't like her sense of humor. Emily kramade mig. Emily hugged me. Emily hugged me. Kan jeg snakke med deg alene et øyeblikk? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? Hvad er det du bager? What're you baking? What are you baking? Du måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Jag är trettio år gammal. I am 30 years old. I'm thirty years old. Jevnlig bruk av sitrusfrukt vil forminske porene og få huden til å føles frisk. Regular use of citrus fruit will shrink pores and make the skin feel fresh. Corresponding use of citrus fruit will reduce pores and make the skin feel healthy. Mary tog noget læbestift på. Mary put on some lipstick. Mary put on some lipstick. Hur var din dag? How was your day? How was your day? Algeriet er et land der er plaget af korruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Kan I ikke gøre det? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Min fødselsdag er først om en måned. My birthday's not for another month. My birthday is only in a month. Jeg kan ikke lyve. I can't lie. I can't lie. Släpp det. Let it go. Drop it. Tack för din gästfrihet. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Arkene er skitne. The sheets are dirty. The Arks are dirty. Det er en holdindsats. It's a team effort. It's a team effort. Är det din nya flickvän? Is that your new girlfriend? Is that your new girlfriend? Hvorfor vil du gerne være sygeplejerske? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why would you want to be a nurse? Jag hittade dem alldeles nyss. I just found them. I just found them. Katten har lemlæstet tre egern. The cat maimed three squirrels. The cat has mutilated three squirrels. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave every child three of these. Penge har han, men lykkelig er han ikke. He has money, but he's not happy. He's got money, but he's not happy. Jag återvände till huset. I returned to the house. I returned to the house. Jeg tror at det er nok for i dag. I think that's enough for today. I think that's enough for today. Jag trodde att Tom var död. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Prisen varierer med etterspørselen. The price varies with demand. The price varies with demand. Hann braut lög. He broke the law. He broke the law. God ferie! Enjoy your holidays. Happy holidays! Hunden åt ikke kjøttet. The dog didn't eat the meat. The dog didn't eat the meat. Hvor mange dage gammel var jeg da dette billede blev taget? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? Ertu á Facebook? Are you on Facebook? You're on Facebook? Det er et område hvor der er vindstød på over femogtredive meter pr. sekund. It's an area where winds gust at over eighty miles an hour. It's an area where there's windstorms of more than thirty-five meters per second. Jag tycker också om godis. I also like candy. I like candy too. Tom vil betale for alt. Tom will pay for everything. Tom will pay for everything. Ég heyrði börnin syngja saman. I heard the children singing together. I heard the kids singing together. Jag är ledsen, men jag har ingen växel. I'm sorry, but I don't have change. I'm sorry, but I have no change. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde vært med deg da. I wish I had been with you then. I wish I'd been with you at the time. Jeg har mye arbeid å gjøre før det. I have lot of work to do before then. I have a lot of work to do before that. Olíuflutningaskip er skip sem flytur olíu. A tanker is a ship carrying oil. Oil freighter is a ship carrying oil. Tappa inte tilltron till mig. Don't give up on me. Don't lose faith in me. Rhinen er grensen mellom Frankrike og Tyskland. The Rhine is the boundary between France and Germany. The Rhine is the border between France and Germany. Hvad er årsagen? What's the cause? Why? Jag äslkar också dig. I love you too. I love you, too. Tom bestilte en øl. Tom ordered a beer. Tom ordered a beer. Hun kopierede en sætning. She copied a sentence. She copied a sentence. Bildet henger opp ned. The picture is hung upside down. The picture's hanging up. Jeg skulle ikke ha puttet den bærbare datamaskinen min så nærme bordkanten. I shouldn't have put my laptop so close to the edge of the table. I shouldn't have put my laptop so close to the edge of the table. Strø salt i såret. Rub salt in the wound. Stir salt in the wound. Gid Tom ville luge haven. I wish Tom would weed the garden. I wish Tom would close the garden. Klik på afspilningsikonet blev sætningen indtalt korrekt? Click the play icon. Did they say the sentence accurately? Click on the play icon was the set counted correctly? Tom er den ældste her, ingen tvivl om det. Tom is the oldest person here, no question about it. Tom's the oldest here, no doubt about it. Det er mit, ikke hendes. It's mine, not hers. It's mine, not hers. Deildu lengd og breidd þess með tíu. Divide its length and breadth by ten. Share its length and width by ten. Hann var gerður að þjóninum mínum. He was made my servant. He was made my servant. Vi stod ved døren og ventede. We stood at the door and waited. We were at the door waiting. Jeg vet ikke hva er klokka. I don't know what the time is. I don't know what time it is. Måske ved nogen her, hvor Tom bor. Maybe someone here knows where Tom lives. Maybe someone here knows where Tom lives. Det här är en fråga av stor betydelse. This is a matter of great importance. This is a matter of great importance. Já, ég held það líka. Yeah. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so, too. Ön är täckt av is och snö under vintern. The island is covered with ice and snow during the winter. The island is covered with ice and snow during the winter. Hyran ska betalas imorgon. The rent is due tomorrow. The rent is due tomorrow. Hun elskede hende, som jeg elskede hende. She loved her, as I loved her. She loved her the way I loved her. Jag gillar inte huset. I do not like the house. I don't like the house. Tom såg sina dotterdöttrar dansa. Tom watched his granddaughters dance. Tom saw his granddaughters dance. Tycker du att jag skulle kunna ta Tom? Do you think I could take Tom? Do you think I could take Tom? Den här ordboken kan komma till användning. This dictionary might come in handy. This dictionary can be used. Unnskyld, jeg mistet kniven min. I'm sorry, I dropped my knife. I'm sorry, I lost my knife. Ég læri Kóresku. I study Korean. I'm learning Korean. En fiolinist jeg kjenner hevder at han eier en Stradivarius. A violinist I know claims that he owns a Stradivarius. A violinist I know claims to own a Stradivarius. Dagpåfugleøje (Inachis io) er en smuk og let genkendelig sommerfugl. The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly. Daydae Island (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly. Jeg tror det vil regne i morgen. I think it'll be raining tomorrow. I think it'll rain tomorrow. Du bør holde dit løfte. You ought to keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Ikkje gjer noko dumt medan eg er vekke. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid while I'm away. Jag är också kanadensare. I'm Canadian, too. I'm a Canadian, too. Det har sneet konstant i fire dage. The snow lasted four days. It's been snowing constantly for four days. Det här är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is wrong. Jag antar att det inte kan hjälpas. I guess it can't be helped. I guess it can't be helped. Vi är klara här. We're through here. We're done here. Tom havde i sinde at lyve, men endte med at snakke over sig. Tom was going to lie, but he ended up spilling the beans. Tom intended to lie, but he ended up talking over himself. Der er mange mennesker i parken. There are many people in the park. There's a lot of people in the park. Han gick inte upp tidigt. He did not get up early. He didn't get up early. Jag beklagar. Det är för sent. I'm sorry. It's too late. I'm sorry, it's too late. Jeg ønsker at gå på pension. I want to retire. I want to retire. Bid i det sure æble! Swallow your pride! Bite in the sour apple! Hans barnslige latter er sjarmerende. His childlike laugh is charming. His childish laughter is charming. Lyssna inte på honom. Tom ljuger för dig. Don't listen to him. Tom is lying to you. Don't listen to him, Tom's lying to you. I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is October twentieth. Today it is October 20th. Jeg synes, at det er forkert. I think that is wrong. I think it's wrong. Det er varmt i dag. It's warm today. It's hot today. "Det er ikke min stil", sagde Casey. "That ain't my style," said Casey. "That's not my style," said Casey. Er dette ikke Toms paraply? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? This is Tom's umbrella, isn't it? Han visade mig hennes fotografi i smyg. He secretly showed me her photograph. He showed me her photograph in secret. Jag har aldrig ätit kinesisk mat. I've never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. Tom kan ikke synge. Tom can't sing. Tom can't sing. Jag är ansvarig för hans beteende. I am responsible for his conduct. I'm responsible for his behavior. Jeg våget å støtte meningen hans. I dared to support his opinion. I dared to support his opinion. Han ønsker å bli kvitt vonde minner. He wishes to erase bad memories. He wants to get rid of bad memories. Tom fortsatte klättra. Tom kept climbing. Tom continued climbing. Havde han prøvet én gang til, ville det være lykkedes for ham. Had he tried it once more, he would have succeeded in it. If he had tried again, he would have succeeded. Tom åkte för tio minuter sedan. Tom left ten minutes ago. Tom left 10 minutes ago. Hon bet honom. She bit him. She bit him. Ken er like høy som Bill. Ken is as tall as Bill. Ken's as tall as Bill. På tal om tv, vilket är ditt favoritprogram nuförtiden? Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays? Speaking of TV, what's your favorite show these days? Jeg inviterede Jane til middag. I invited Jane to dinner. I invited Jane to dinner. Du beskyldte ham for at have stjålet cyklen. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You accused him of stealing the bike. Þú ættir að gefa drykkju upp á bátinn. You should give up drinking. You should give up drinking on the boat. Jeg taler kun fransk med Tom. I only speak French with Tom. I only speak French with Tom. Ge mig tre minuter. Give me three minutes. Give me three minutes. Du har vore gjennom mykje. You've been through a lot. You've been through a lot. Ni är oberäkneliga. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. Eg misforstod. I misunderstood. I misunderstood. Ég ákvað að koma til Japans í fyrra. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to come to Japan last year. Jeg vidste ikke du kunne danse. I didn't know you could dance. I didn't know you could dance. Av finländarna är cirka 4,9 procent finlandssvenskar, det vill säga personer med svenska som modersmål. Approximately 4.9 percent of Finns are Finland-Swedes. In other words, people with Swedish as their mother tongue. Of Finns, approximately 4.9 per cent are Finns' Swedes, i.e. people with Swedish as their native language. Vad gör dig så överlägsen? Just what makes you so high and mighty? What makes you so superior? Tom skød genvej. Tom took a short cut. Tom shot a shortcut. Jag fick en rutten en. I got a bad one. I got a routed one. Har du læst en interessant bog? Did you read an interesting book? Have you read an interesting book? Han sa att han inte visste. He said that he didn't know. He said he didn't know. Min bedstefar kører ikke bil længere. My grandfather no longer drives. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. Välkommen! Welcome. Welcome! Den där är en av mina. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Tom gillar dig. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Jeg tror hun lyver. I think she's lying. I think she's lying. I retrospekt, skulle Tom ønske han hadde brukt mer tid på å studere. In retrospect, Tom wishes he had spent more time studying. In retrospect, Tom wish he had spent more time studying. Find et arbejde! Find a job! Find a job! Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no hurry. There is no need to hurry. Ja, jag förstår. Tack. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yes, I understand. Der var få mennesker på stranden. There were few people on the beach. There were few people on the beach. Jeg føler mig bedre. I feel better. I feel better. De er et par. They're a couple. They're a couple. Sara har enogtredive kuglepenne. Sara has 31 pens. Sara's got thirty-one pen. Jag brände soporna. I burned the trash. I burned the trash. Varför vill du ha den här? Why do you want this? Why do you want this? Puss tennene dine hver dag. Brush your teeth every day. Blow your teeth every day. De træer skjuler landskabet. Those trees hide the landscape. Those trees are hiding the landscape. Han behandlar mig alltid som ett barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Jeg så naboens hund løbe i min have. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running in my garden. Han tog af sted for tre dage siden. He left three days ago. He left three days ago. De blev avbrutna av en knackning på dörren. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Om du inte vill hålla tal, behöver du inte det. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to do that. Han hadde mørkt brunt hår. He had dark brown hair. He had dark brown hair. Jag kommer ifrån Turkiet. I'm from Turkey. I'm from Turkey. Mary var ballets dronning. Mary was the belle of the ball. Mary was the prom queen. Tom bragte blomster. Tom brought flowers. Tom brought flowers. Paul kommer av prinsippet ikke for sent for en avtale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul comes from the principle of not too late for an appointment. Han er tre år ældre end jeg er. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than I am. Elizabeth II er Englands dronning. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Tokyo är huvudstad i Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Han sto på gulvet. He was standing on the floor. He was on the floor. Må jeg åbne vinduerne? May I open the windows? Can I open the windows? Har du noen gang vært i Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Efter den här filmen får jag säkert mardrömmar. I'll surely have nightmares after this movie. After this movie, I'm sure I'll have nightmares. Det er ikke rom for tvil. There is no room for doubt. There's no room for doubt. Tom og Mary bor på en bondegård og har 16 børn. Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children. Tom and Mary live in a farm and have 16 children. Jeg er ikke her for at kæmpe. I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to fight. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at tage svævebanen, men jeg er bange for højder. I'd like to ride the cable car, but I'm afraid of heights. I'd like to take the sailtrack, but I'm afraid of heights. År 1912 dog den österrikiske skräddaren Franz Reichelt när han hoppade från första våningen på Eiffeltornet för att testa sin nya uppfinning, fallskärmsrocken, som inte fungerade... In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work... In 1912 the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died when he jumped from the first floor of the Eiffel Tower to test his new invention, the parachut... Mit navn er Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. Tom dör. Tom's dying. Tom dies. Jag ska berätta för de andra. I'll tell the others. I'll tell the others. Som pensjonist er jeg nå min egen sjef - endelig. As a pensioner, I'm my own boss now, finally. As a pensioner, I am now my own boss - finally. Hvor gammel er din far? How old is your father? How old is your father? Yndæll dagur, ekki satt? Hví ekki að fara í göngutúr? A nice day, isn't it? Why not go out for a walk? Nice day, isn't it? Hva gjør du der oppe? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moské. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabylia has a mosque. Berätta bara vad som hände. Just tell us what happened. Just tell me what happened. Følg reglene. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Du har inget bra minne. You do not have a good memory. You don't have a good memory. Du tar fullstendig feil. You are quite in the wrong. You're completely wrong. Hun er en neger. She's a ghost writer. She's a Negro. Han satte in en annons i tidningen. He put an announcement in the newspaper. He put an ad in the paper. Jag hjälper dig. I'll help you. I'll help you. Nancy er fra London. Nancy is from London. Nancy's from London. Jag ger upp. I give up. I give up. Jeg kan overhovedet ikke svømme. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Tom brækkede døren op med et brækjern. Tom pried open the door with a crowbar. Tom broke the door with a crowbar. Tom har sagt upp sig. Tom's resigned. Tom's quit. Ekki eyðileggja matarlystina. Don't spoil your appetite. Don't ruin your appetite. Hvor langt er der til lufthavnen? How far is it to the airport? How far to the airport? Hon hatar spindlar. She hates spiders. She hates spiders. Det er fem år siden vi flyttet hit. It is five years since we moved here. It's been five years since we moved here. Reglerna är inte viktiga. The rules aren't important. The rules are not important. Jeg ville ønske, at jeg kunne gå med dig i dag. I wish I could go with you today. I wish I could go with you today. Hún söng vel sem barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She sang well as a child. Bruk enheten til den ber deg om å lade batteriet og lad deretter det i 5 timer for å oppnå maksimal kapasitet. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to reach the maximum capacity. Use the device it tells you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to achieve maximum capacity. Jeg glæder mig til at se ham. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I look forward to seeing him. Jag njuter av klassisk musik. I enjoy classical music. I enjoy classical music. Må jeg lukke vinduet op? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Hun kunne ikke komme på grunn av sykdom. She was unable to come because of illness. She couldn't come because of illness. Den sitter på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Vi spiste nogle æbler. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Jeg er oppvokst på landet. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Vi har sorte tal på bundlinjen i denne måned. We're in the black this month. We have black numbers on the bottom line this month. Eg har min eigen jobb. I have my own job. I got my own job. Jeg har boet her siden jeg var dreng. I have lived here since I was a boy. I've been living here since I was a boy. Hún eldar ekki vel. She isn't a good cook. She doesn't cook well. Jeg troede du var en anstændig pige. I thought you were a decent young woman. I thought you were a decent girl. Algeriet er ikke et farligt land. Algeria isn't a dangerous country. Algeria is not a dangerous country. Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Så fint slips du har på deg. That's a nice tie you're wearing. That's a nice tie you're wearing. Jeg kan komme klokken tre. I can come at three. I'll be there at three. Jeg vil ikke at Tom skal bli opprørt. I don't want Tom getting upset. I don't want Tom to get upset. Jag gillar inte klassisk musik. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. Får jag vara ärlig? Can I be honest? Can I be honest? Jeg savner mine venner. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. Er det noe jeg kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Is there anything I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Gå hjem og bliv hjemme. Go home and stay home. Go home and stay home. Tag dine sko af. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Cyklen ved døren er min. The bicycle by the door is mine. The bike at the door is mine. Þú varst svo almennilegur við mig og ég átti virkilega ánægjulega ferð. Þakka þér kærlega. You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much. You were so nice to me and I had a really nice trip. Efter vinteren kommer foråret. After winter, spring comes. After winter comes spring. Jeg giver ham ikke skylden. I don't blame him. I'm not gonna blame him. Du er doven. You're lazy. You're lazy. Hun stillede kassen på bordet. She deposited the box on the table. She put the box on the table. Vill du se ditt rum? Do you want to see your room? You want to see your room? Se på jentene. Look at the girls. Look at the girls. Hann borgaði tuttugu dollara fyrir varalitinn. He paid $20 for the lipstick. He paid $20 for the lipstick. Jag har inte ätit något sedan i går. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Jeg glemte å låse skuffen. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. Skyskrabere vil i fremtiden blive lavet af træ. The skyscrapers of the future will be made of wood. Clouds will be made of wood in the future. Lokaðu dyrunum. Shut the door. Close the door. Vil du smake? Would you like a taste? You want some? Juryn fann mannen skyldig till mord. The jury found the man guilty of murder. The jury found the man guilty of murder. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go change. Så snart jeg har det, vil jeg sende det til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I have it, I'll send it to you. Det spökar i mitt hus. My house is haunted. There's ghosts in my house. President Truman var tvungen att fatta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Hvor er din søn nu? Where is your son now? Where's your son now? Det er lige om hjørnet. It's just around the corner. It's right around the corner. Det er deilig å spasere om natten. There's something wonderful about night walks. It's nice to walk at night. Jag har några idéer. I have some ideas. I have some ideas. Der er en have foran huset. There is a garden in front of the house. There's a garden in front of the house. Gjør deg sikker på at du ikke blir forfulgt. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you're not being followed. Jeg kan bedre lide svag kaffe end stærk. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like weak coffee better than strong coffee. Du kan stole på ham til en vis grad, men ikke helt. You can trust him to some degree but not wholly. You can trust him to a degree, but not quite. Jag har ingenstans att sova idag. I don't have anywhere to sleep today. I don't have anywhere to sleep today. Det er en god ide. It's a good idea. That's a good idea. De senaste medicinska framgångarna är anmärkningsvärda. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The latest medical successes are remarkable. Kvalitet er viktigere enn kvantitet. Quality is more important than quantity. Quality is more important than quantity. Tom tycker om att spela kort. Tom likes to play cards. Tom likes to play cards. Tom arbejdede virkelig hårdt. Tom works really hard. Tom worked really hard. Jeg tror du tar feil. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I went to see Tom in Boston. Det kan ikke være. That can't be. It can't be. Tom talte. Tom spoke. Tom was talking. Jag hade glömde de här fotona. I had forgotten these photos. I forgot these photos. Lad os gå en tur, når det holder op med at regne. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Let's take a walk when it stops raining. Jeg vet ikke om han vil besøke oss neste søndag. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday. I don't know if he'll be visiting us next Sunday. Allt í lagi, ekkert mál. OK, no problem. All right, no problem. Har du hørt hende tale engelsk? Have you heard her speaking English? Have you heard her speak English? Hvorfor bekymre sig om Tom? Why worry about Tom? Why are you worried about Tom? Þeir eru ekki góðir. They're no good. They're not good. Jeg kjente huset riste. I felt the house shake. I knew the house was shaking. Det gör ont att behöva säga det här, men det är sanningen. It pains me to have to say this, but it's the truth. It hurts to have to say this, but it's the truth. Jeg opholdt mig indendørs fordi det regnede. I stayed indoors because it rained. I stayed indoors because it rained. Tom er bevidstløs. Tom's out cold. Tom's unconscious. Effektene av klimaendringene er langt mindre tydelige i Antarktis enn i de nordlige polarområdene. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effects of climate change are much less evident in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Noe rart foregår. Something strange is going on. Something strange is going on. Ég vil ekki fara í skólann. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Det är mig veterligen den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. I'm sure it's the only possible translation. Tom behöver köpa en ny regnrock. Tom needs to buy a new raincoat. Tom needs to buy a new raincoat. Vi måste komma på ett sätt att få den här maskinen att fungera under vatten. We have to figure out a way to get this machine to work under water. We need to figure out a way to make this machine work under water. Eg gleði meg til jóla. I am looking forward to Christmas. I'm happy for Christmas. Varför är du på det här skeppet? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this ship? Mér tókst að láta kennarann skilja hugmyndina mína. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. I managed to let the teacher understand my idea. Denne smarttelefon har en ARM-processor. This smartphone uses an ARM processor. This smart phone has an ARM processor. Jag är verkligen noggrann. I'm really careful. I'm really careful. Vet någon var jag kunde hitta en sådan? Does anyone know where I could find one? Does anyone know where I could find one? Jag kunde inte tala. I couldn't speak. I couldn't speak. Sami hade hemlängtan. Sami was homesick. Sami had homesickness. Jeg har aldrig set så mange flotte mænd på ét sted. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many great men in one place. Du borde stanna. You should stay. You should stay. När såg du Tom senast? When was the last time you saw Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Jag kan inte komma på vad han heter. His name escapes me. I can't figure out his name. Jeg har ikke lyst til at gå ud i aften. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Jeg kan ikke skjule mig for evigt. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. Tjenestepigen serverede teen. The maid served the tea. The maid served the tea. Þú þarft bara að fylgja fyrirmælunum. You only have to follow the instructions. All you have to do is follow the instructions. De tog i hand. They shook hands. They took hands. Tom er fortsatt ute. Tom is still outside. Tom's still out. Vi tilbrakte tre dager i Bagdad. We spent three days in Baghdad. We spent three days in Baghdad. Jag fattar. I get the idea. I get it. Han blev snydt for 100 yen. He was cheated of 100 yen. He was cheated for 100 yen. Finnast þér epli ekki góð? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Du brøt reglene. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Ge mig lite pengar. Give me some money. Give me some money. Varför är den inte här? Why isn't it here? Why isn't it here? "Det er krig", sagde manden med leen og satte leen til side for at komme op i mejetærskeren. "It's war," said the Grim Reaper and put his scythe aside to get onto the combine harvester. "It's war," said the man with the smile and put the smile aside to get up in the dairy box. La meg lage deg noe å spise. Let me make you something to eat. Let me make you something to eat. Någon fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Sýningin var frábær, en miðarnir voru of dýrir. The show was wonderful, but the tickets were too expensive. The show was great, but the tickets were too expensive. Hej. Hi. Hey. Du og jeg er gode venner. You and I are good friends. You and I are good friends. Tom är skadad. Tom's hurt. Tom's hurt. Karl bor i Zürich i Schweiz. Karl lives in Zurich, Switzerland. Karl lives in Zurich, Switzerland. Det kabylske folk beundrer det jødiske folk meget. The Kabyle people are very admiring of the Jewish people. The Cabyl people greatly admire the Jewish people. Da jeg var ti år gammel, tænkte jeg, at når jeg blev seksten, ville mit liv blive cool. When I was 10 years old, I thought that when I would be 16, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I turned sixteen, my life would be cool. Toms näsa var röd. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Min yndlingspizza er Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. Det var väldigt roligt. It was very funny. That was very funny. Tom får inte betalt. Tom doesn't get paid. Tom's not getting paid. De gror blomster i hagen. They grow flowers in the garden. They grow flowers in the garden. Hiroshi er að saga viðinn niður í fjalir. Hiroshi is sawing the wood into boards. Hiroshi's messing with the wood. Það er ekki skrítið að börnum fækki líka. It isn't strange that the number of children decreases, too. It is not strange for children to be reduced too. Algeriet skal modernisere sit uddannelsessystem. Algeria needs to modernize its education system. Algeria must modernise its education system. Ta hit deras vapen. Get their weapons. Bring in their weapons. Layla var meget flirtende. Layla was very flirtatious. Layla was very flirting. Når var din første kjærlighet? When was your first love? When was your first love? Dette er reglene. These are the rules. These are the rules. Hon åt ett äpple. She ate an apple. She ate an apple. Du har såret meg mye. You've hurt me a lot. You've hurt me a lot. Jag är rädd för bussen. I'm afraid of the bus. I'm afraid of the bus. Förresten, hur många av er för dagbok? By the way, how many of you are keeping a diary? By the way, how many of you for the diary? Jag ska berätta för Tom senare. I'll tell Tom later. I'll tell Tom later. Jeg kommer til at bide i det sure æble. I'll bite the bullet. I'm gonna bite in that sour apple. Vi visste inte vad vi skulle göra. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know what to do. Kender vi hinanden? Are we acquaintances? Do we know each other? En ulykke kommer aldrig alene. Misfortunes never come single. An accident never comes alone. Jeg kan ikke huske det. I can't remember it. I don't remember. Jeg ser min rose. I see my rose. I see my rose. Var bor din farbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Klósettið er þarna. The toilet is over there. The toilet's right there. Kan jeg låne din pen? Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Jag trodde att du åkt. I thought you'd left. I thought you left. Vis at P er en delvis ordnet mengde. Prove that P is a partially ordered set. Show that P is a partially ordered amount. Hann kemur ekki í tímann á morgun. He won't come to class tomorrow. He won't be here tomorrow. Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom nu. I'd like to see Tom now. I'd like to see Tom now. Dette spædbarn er seks måneder gammelt. This baby is six months old. This infant is six months old. Det här är bilden som jag tog på Toms hus. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took at Tom's house. Vi har øydelagt fiendens flaggskip! We've destroyed the enemy flagship! We've destroyed the enemy's flagship! Deres arbejde er at malke køerne. Their job is to milk the cows. Your job is to milk the cows. Folk är konstiga. People are weird. People are weird. "Hvor længe har du boet her?" "I tre år." "How long have you been living here?" "For three years." "How long have you lived here?" "For three years." Är det dyrare att äta nyttigt? Is eating healthy more expensive? Is it more expensive to eat usefully? Jag är inte ett dugg trött. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired. Hun strevet med å reise seg. She struggled to get up. She struggled to get up. Han er enig med meg. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with me. Sätt fram tårtan på bordet. Set the cake out on the table. Put the cake on the table. William Tell skød en pil efter æblet på hans søns hoved. William Tell shot an arrow at the apple on his son's head. William Tell shot an arrow after the apple on his son's head. Du var bange. You were scared. You were scared. Det lönar sig nog att vänta. We may as well wait. I think it'll pay to wait. Jeg fandt dette svært at forklare. I found this hard to explain. I found this difficult to explain. Jeg ved hvordan det skal gøres. I know how to do it. I know how to do it. Är du vid liv? Are you alive? Are you alive? Er det nødvendig å lage så mye støy? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Mary är nu en glad liten flicka. Mary is now a happy little girl. Mary is now a happy little girl. Du skal være forsigtig. You must be careful. You need to be careful. Jeg oversætter sætninger på Tatoeba i min fritid. I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time. I translate phrases on Tatoeba in my spare time. Hvad bør jeg gøre nu? What should I do now? What should I do now? Dette er min paraply. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Det sted er et skodsted. That place is a shithole. That place is a shithole. Presidenten ignorerade demonstranterna utanför sitt kontor. The president ignored the protesters outside his office. The president ignored the protestors outside his office. Man har brug for en god hjerne, hvis man vil skrive gode fortællinger. You need a good brain if you want to write good stories. You need a good brain if you want to write good stories. Vi har saker att göra. We have things to do. We have things to do. Jeg er dårlig til at svømme. I'm bad at swimming. I'm bad at swimming. Það skiptir engu. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Tom drikker kaffe. Tom drinks coffee. Tom's drinking coffee. Vi döpte min son efter min morfar. We named my son after my grandfather. We named my son after my grandfather. Du er ækel! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Gå till Toms hus. Go to Tom's house. Go to Tom's house. Hvis det regner i morgen, så skipper jeg mødet. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going to the meeting. If it rains tomorrow, I'll skip the meeting. De onanerede hinanden. They masturbated each other. They masturbated each other. Það er frekar satt. It's quite true. That's pretty true. Vi importerer te fra Indien. We import tea from India. We import tea from India. Godmorgen! Ønsker du noget at spise? Good morning, would you like something to eat? Good morning, do you want something to eat? Tom kan köra bil. Tom can drive a car. Tom can drive. Mary synes at Tom er en ussel fnatmide. Mary thinks Tom is an utter wankstain. Mary thinks Tom's a terrible phantom. Prinsessan låg och blundade. The princess lay with her eyes closed. The princess was blinding. Tom kommer ikke, og Mary kommer heller ikke. Tom won't come, and Mary won't either. Tom's not coming, and Mary's not coming, either. Tom er en vanskabning. Tom is a deformed person. Tom's a freak. Den här pojken är min son. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Han tegnede et æble. He drew an apple. He drew an apple. Hun synger falskt. She sings out of tune. She sings falsely. Jeg traff akkurat på Tom i kafeteriaen. I just ran into Tom in the cafeteria. I just met Tom in the cafeteria. Du tager alting alt for bogstavelig. You take everything too literally. You're taking everything too literally. Vi var unga då. We were young then. We were young then. Hvor lang tid, tror du, at det ville tage dig at male mit hus? How long do you think that it would take you to paint my house? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Skogen var mørk. The forest was dark. The forest was dark. Hun hjalp ikke sin mor. She wasn't helping her mother. She didn't help her mother. Joe var talinn hafa skotið fangann. Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner. Joe was thought to have shot the prisoner. Dette dreier seg ikke om penger. This is not about money. This isn't about money. Jag måste fokusera. I need to focus. I need to focus. Du leger med ilden. You're playing with fire. You're playing with the fire. Tom ventede i bilen. Tom waited in the car. Tom was waiting in the car. Jeg har brug for et nyt USB-kabel til min mobiltelefon. I need a new USB cable for my cellphone. I need a new USB cable for my cell phone. Houston, vi har et problem. Houston, we have a problem. Houston, we have a problem. Ikke røre! Hands off! Don't touch it! Hvem er denne mand? Who is this man? Who is this man? Tom gik til fods. Tom walked. Tom went on foot. Jeg synes Mary er smukkere end Alice. I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice. I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice. I Tyskland betaler spøkelser ikke skatt. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. Tom skar av Marys hals. Tom slashed Mary's throat. Tom cut off Mary's neck. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Ha det! Goodbye! Bye! Det var begyndt at regne. It had started to rain. It was starting to rain. Vem uppfanns telefonen av? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Tom var skyldig i at sprede løgne om Mary. Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary. Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary. Alle de æbler der falder, bliver spist af grisene. All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. Tom är irriterande. Tom is annoying. Tom's annoying. Hvad har du ikke? What don't you have? What don't you have? Jag vill inte ha det här. I don't want this. I don't want this. Ska vi gå hem? Are we going home? Shall we go home? Han taler berbisk som en indfødt. He speaks Berber like a native. He speaks Berbish as a native. Flygplan landar på flygplatser. Airplanes land at airports. Airplane landing at airports. "Er du alvorlig?" "Jeg er dødsens alvorlig." "Are you serious?" "I'm absolutely serious." "Are you serious?" "I'm serious." Yokohama er en koselig havneby. Yokohama is a beautiful port town. Yokohama is a nice port town. De hadde ikke kommet veldig langt da de møtte en gammel mann. They had not gone very far when they met an old man. They had not come very far when they met an old man. Du sa att det var för lätt. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. Der skete en ulykke på Fifth Avenue i går. There was an accident on Fifth Avenue yesterday. There was an accident on Fifth Avenue last night. Jag spelade fotboll igår. I played soccer yesterday. I played football last night. Tom har et blått øye. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a blue eye. Du må gå nu hvis du kommer tilbage klokken sytten. If you come back by five, you may go. You have to leave now if you come back at seventeen o'clock. Hvem er hurtigst, du eller Tom? Who's faster, you or Tom? Who's the fastest, you or Tom? Försök att övertyga honom att hjälpa oss. Try to convince him to help us. Try to convince him to help us. Ikke rør noe uten å spørre. Don't touch anything without asking first. Don't touch anything without asking. Tom havde ingen anelse om at Mary havde en kæreste. Tom had no idea Mary had a boyfriend. Tom had no idea Mary had a boyfriend. Jeg antok Tom jobbet sammen med dere. I assumed that Tom was working with you guys. I assumed Tom was working with you. Hans kone er en af mine venner. His wife is one of my friends. His wife is a friend of mine. Hvem vil mon hjælpe os? I wonder who's going to help us. I wonder who's going to help us. A-kraft er dyr og farlig. The atomic energy is expensive and dangerous. A-force is expensive and dangerous. Hvis det ikke finnes noen løsning, så er det ikke noe problem. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there's no solution, there's no problem. Jag ska arbeta under sportlovet. I'm going to work during the spring vacation. I'm going to work under the sports law. Hvor stor? How big? How big? Hvad laver din far? What does your dad do? What's your dad doing? Kom ind! Døren er åben. Come in, the door's open. The door is open. Maten var i grunnen ikke så dyr. The food was not actually all that expensive. The food was not really that expensive. Öppna fönstret. Open the window. Open the window. Vi er ikke der det er meningen vi skal være. We aren't where we are supposed to be. We're not where we're supposed to be. Han är sjuk. He is sick. He's sick. Nej, dette er min søns dvd. No, this is my son's DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. Ikke kom på møtet! Don't come to the meeting! Don't come to the meeting! Tom lånte Mary alle de penge han havde på sig. Tom lent Mary all the money he had on him. Tom borrowed Mary all the money he had on him. Manstu? Do you remember? Do You Recall? Han skød sig selv på grund af ulykkelig kærlighed. He shot himself because of unrequited love. He shot himself because of unhappy love. Tom kunne snakke fanden et øre af. Tom could talk the hind leg off a donkey. Tom could talk a fucking ear off. Hvor langt er det fra her til Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is this from here to Ueno? Vi äter lunch. We are having lunch. Let's have lunch. Jag satte Tom på listan. I put Tom on the list. I put Tom on the list. Skulle du ha något emot att jag ställer en fråga? Would you mind if I ask a question? Would you mind if I asked you a question? John var upptekinn við að undirbúa ferðina sína. John was busy preparing for his trip. John was busy preparing his trip. Hvad skal du i aften? What are you doing this evening? What are you doing tonight? En atombombe er et frygteligt våben. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. A nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. Jag hoppas att det stämmer. I hope that's true. I hope it's true. Jeg er ikke bekendt med alt det her i alle enkeltheder. I am not familiar with the ins and outs of all this. I'm not familiar with all this in all the details. Mine forældre har været gift i tredive år. My parents have been married for thirty years. My parents have been married for thirty years. Tom hadde ingenting med kidnappingen å gjøre. Tom had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Tom had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Fortsätt springa. Keep running. Keep running. Min onkel spiller guitar. My uncle plays guitar. My uncle plays guitar. Jag ångrar att jag inte gick dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. För mig är det rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. For me, it's Greek. Det engelske hold slog det brasilianske hold i den internationale fodboldturnering. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. Er det blåt? Is it blue? Is it blue? Hver er tilgangur þess að vinna svona mikið? What's the sense of working so hard? What is the purpose of working so hard? Vi gillade mycket varann. We really liked each other. We liked each other a lot. Tom er en berømt bollywoodskuespiller. Tom is a famous Bollywood actor. Tom is a famous ballywood actor. Jeg leser ikke så mange bøker som jeg gjorde tidligere. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don't read as many books as I did before. Han er en kreationist. He's a creationist. He's a creationist. Vem är allsångsledare i år? Who's the lead singer of the group this year? Who's all-song leader this year? Gerir þú þér grein fyrir því hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you realize how much she loves you? Jag såg grälet. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Hunden åt upp min sko. The dog ate my shoe. The dog ate my shoe. Jeg skal sove. I have to sleep. I'm going to sleep. Hans kläder har blivit för små. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes have become too small. Mor er i gang med at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Var bodde du någonstans? Where did you live? Where did you live? Det kommer att ta några dagar att gå in de här skorna. It'll take a few days to break in these shoes. It'll take a few days to get in these shoes. Tag det ikke bogstavelig. Han har det med at overdrive. Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate. Don't take it literally. Tom tog appelsinjuicen ud af køleskabet. Tom took the orange juice out of the refrigerator. Tom took the orange juice out of the fridge. Det er menneskelig å feile. To err is human. It's human to fail. Hold op med at dagdrømme og kom ned fra træet! Stop daydreaming and come down from your tree! Stop daydreaming and come down from the tree! Slå på tråden før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Hit the thread before you get here. Jag har jättegoda nyheter. I've got great news. I have great news. Tom skrev postkort til os. Tom wrote us postcards. Tom wrote us postcards. Tröjan Tom hade på sig idag hade hans mamma gjort. The shirt Tom was wearing today was made by his mother. Tom's shirt was wearing today. His mom would've done it. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde mer tid til å snakke med deg. I wish I had more time to talk with you. I wish I had more time to talk to you. Ertu hér til að hjálpa mér? Are you here to help me? Are you here to help me? Om høsten trekkfugler flyr sørover. In autumn the migratory birds fly south. In the autumn, migratory birds fly south. Jeg har hørt den franske version af denne sang. I've heard the French version of this song. I've heard the French version of this song. Dette æble smager meget surt. This apple tastes very sour. This apple tastes very sour. Såvidt jeg vet, finnes ikke det ordet. As far as I know, there is no such word. As far as I know, that's not the word. Vår lärare skrattar sällan. Our teacher seldom laughs. Our teacher rarely laughs. Han tvingar mig att ge besked. He's forcing me to decide. He's forcing me to let you know. Naboens hund gør hele tiden. The dog next door is always barking. The neighbor's dog does it all the time. Jag hatar att komma för sent. I hate being late. I hate being late. Hvis det er et sted du må være akkurat nå, så er det jo her! If there's a place you gotta be right now, it is certainly here! If there's a place you have to be right now, it's here! Hvem har hængt vasketøjet op? Who hung up the laundry? Who hung the laundry? Tom är inte tjock. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Det lämnas utrymme för diskussion. There's room for discussion. There is room for discussion. Hun ved hvor du er. She knows where you are. She knows where you are. Er sneen allerede smeltet? Is the snow melted already? Is the snow already melted? Til jul sender vi julekort til vores venner. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. For Christmas, we send Christmas cards to our friends. Jeg har ikke bedt Tom om at gøre noget. I didn't ask Tom to do anything. I didn't ask Tom to do anything. Hvílum okkur hérna. Let's rest here. Let's get some rest. Du hører aldrig efter. Jeg kunne lige så godt tale til væggen. You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. You never listen, I might as well talk to the wall. Jeg er ældre end dig. I'm older than you. I'm older than you. Hotar ni mig? Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me? Julia har mange roser og liljer i hagen sin. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Julia has many roses and lilies in her garden. Jag spelar tv-spel. I play video games. I play video games. Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Lad os gå et andet sted hen. Let's go someplace else. Let's go somewhere else. Min kat har kræft. My cat has cancer. My cat has cancer. Vælg en. Choose one. Pick one. Vi snakket til to om morgenen. We talked until two in the morning. We talked till two in the morning. Jeg har bodd i Kobe før. I've lived in Kobe before. I've lived in Kobe before. Jeg låner dem fra stadsbiblioteket. I borrow them from the city library. I'll borrow them from the city library. Tom sa att du tycker om hundar. Tom told me you liked dogs. Tom said you like dogs. Han har en interessant bok. He has an interesting book. He's got an interesting book. Jeg lurer på hvem jeg burde invitere. I wonder who to invite. I wonder who I should invite. Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Kommer Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Will Tom and Mary go to school today? Han slutade dricka. He stopped drinking. He stopped drinking. Essayet selv er ikke noe problem, men det er alle de fordervelige spørsmålene og ordforklaringene som gjør meg forferdelig gal! The essay itself isn't a problem, but all these pernicious questions and glossary make me awfully mad! The Essay itself is no problem, but it is all the corrupt questions and explanations of words that make me terribly mad! Varför kommer hon inte? How is it she does not come? Why isn't she coming? Jeg foretrækker kaffe med mælk. I prefer coffee with milk. I prefer coffee with milk. Dette er ikke sukker. This isn't sugar. This isn't sugar. Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn í sund. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to swim alone. Tom vill ha någonting annat. Tom wants something else. Tom wants something else. Mary satte några blommor i vasen. Mary put some flowers in the vase. Mary put some flowers in the vase. Vi har allerede fortalt Tom hva han må gjøre. We've already told Tom what he needs to do. We already told Tom what to do. Det är hans sätt att säga tack. It's his way of saying thank you. That's his way of saying thank you. Den är för stor. It's too big. It's too big. Din var bedre. Yours was better. Yours was better. Jeg skjulte mig på loftet. I hid in the attic. I hid in the attic. Brekk sjokoladen i små biter. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Drink the chocolate in small pieces. På venstre side ser du en kaffesjappe. If you turn left, you'll see a coffee shop. On the left hand side you'll see a coffee shop. Kristoffer Columbus gjekk ein gong på McDonald's og bad om Happy Meal. Han vart ikkje glad, men han likte leika. Christopher Columbus once walked into a McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal. It did not make him happy, but he liked the toy. Kristoffer Columbus once went to McDonald's and asked for Happy Mean. He wasn't happy, but he liked playing. Jag känner till den där blicken. I know that look. I know that look. Sommeren er omme. Summer is over. Summer's over. Han visade mig massor av vackra bilder. He showed me a lot of beautiful photos. He showed me lots of beautiful pictures. Der er ingen tvivl om, at universet er uendeligt. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Faðir minn dó úr krabbameini. My father died of cancer. My father died of cancer. Hva sikter du til? What are you driving at? What are you referring to? Der er mange lange ord i det tyske sprog. In the German language there are many long words. There are many long words in the German language. Vet du ens var skolan ligger? Do you even know where the school is? Do you even know where the school is? Gillar du ost? Do you like cheese? You like cheese? Du är en vacker flicka. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Jag skulle vilja be om en översättare. I would like to ask for a translator. I'd like to ask for a translator. Emilía skrivaði tann setningin. Emily wrote the sentence. Emilía wrote her sentence. Den boken säljer bra. The book sells well. That book sells well. Jeg ville ønske vi kunne høre hvad Tom siger. I wish we could hear what Tom is saying. I wish we could hear Tom. Hun var bredhoftet. She has wide hips. She was the broad court. Det är bäst att du inte väntar längre. You shouldn't wait any longer. You better not wait any longer. Kaskelothvalen er den største tandhval. A sperm whale is the biggest toothed whale. The Kaskeloth whale is the largest tooth whale. Vi klarar oss utan tv, eller hur? We can do without a television, can't we? We're gonna make it without a TV, aren't we? Det är alltid mörkt under oljelampan. It is always dark beneath the oil lamp. It's always dark under the oil lamp. Snälla rätta mig när jag gör fel. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please correct me when I'm wrong. Ved du hvor dine børn er? Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your children are? Tom var nød til at løbe for at nå bussen. Tom had to run to catch the bus. Tom had to run to get to the bus. Jag skickade ett mejl till dig. I sent you an e-mail. I sent you an e-mail. Svimmade du? Did you pass out? Did you pass out? Vi er i samme klasse. We're in the same class. We're in the same class. Ih du milde! Du er jo fuld! Oh my God, you're drunk. You're drunk! Man har oändliga möjligheter som artist. You have infinite possibilities as an artist. You have endless possibilities as an artist. Tom er veteran fra flåden. Tom is a Navy veteran. Tom's the Navy veteran. Gleðileg jól. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. Ønsker du at blive et betroet bruger? Would you like to become a trusted user? Do you want to become a trusted user? Det gjorde ingen mening för mig. It didn't make sense to me. It didn't make any sense to me. Var det du som kidnappade Tom? Did you kidnap Tom? Did you kidnap Tom? Kvifor plagar det deg? Why does it bother you? Why does that bother you? Tom lufter sine hunde. Tom is walking his dogs. Tom's airing his dogs. De är oss på spåren! They're getting onto us! They're onto us! Má ég opna dós? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you please give me your cellphone number? Could you please give me your cell phone number? Jag ska börja banta. I'm going on a diet. I'm gonna start dieting. Hún ráðlagði honum af fara fyrr af stað. She advised him to leave earlier. She advised him to leave early. Utstillingen vil være åpen i en måned til. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition will be open for another month. Vad ska ske nu? What's next? What's going to happen now? Fjernsynet ødelegger familielivet. Television is ruining family life. TV is ruining family life. Jag behöver inte övertyga dom. I don't need to convince them. I don't need to convince them. Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe end sort te. I like coffee better than black tea. I like coffee better than black tea. Jag har en blåsa av stål. I have a steel bladder. I've got a steel blow. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Tom tittade i golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked on the floor. Jag går och öppnar. I'll get the door. I'll go open. Vi behöver köpa vinäger. We need to buy vinegar. We need to buy vinegar. Það er orðið nokkuð áliðið. Ég held ég þurfi að fara að koma mér. It is getting rather late. I think I must be going now. It's getting rather late. I think I need to get going. Han leker med katten min. He's playing with my cat. He's playing with my cat. Tatoeba er tilbake, men ikke alt vil fungere perfekt. Tatoeba is back, but not everything will be working perfectly. Tatoeba is back, but everything won't work perfectly. Gør jeg det her forkert? Am I doing this wrong? Am I doing this wrong? Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work by motorcycle. Tom commutes to work on motorcycle. Jag har ett jättebra jobb. I have a great job. I've got a great job. Medtävlanden tjuvstartade två gånger. The competitor twice jumped the gun. The anti-terrorist country started twice. Tom drog opp glidelåsen på frakken sin. Tom zipped up his coat. Tom pulled up the zipper on his coat. Svaret missar poängen. The answer misses the point. The answer's missing the point. Hun er ikke smuk. She is not beautiful. She's not beautiful. Hun drømte om ville jaguarer. She dreamt about wild jaguars. She dreamed of wild jaguars. Kom tillbaka hit. Come back here. Come back here. Husker du hvor meget jeg elskede dig? Do you remember how much I loved you? Do you remember how much I loved you? Du må gjøre dette. You've got to do this. You have to do this. Han la boken på hyllan. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Sami och Layla är nygifta. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Sami and Layla are newly married. Han er fan af klingonsk opera. He's a fan of Klingon opera. He's the fan of Klingon opera. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en tychobrahesdag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday, 13th, is a tychobra day. Han är absolutist. He's a teetotaler. He's an absoluteist. Þessi gaur fer í taugarnar á mér. That guy annoys me. This guy's getting on my nerves. Onkur fortaldi mær tað. Someone told me that. Onkur told me why it. Han är min fiende. He is my enemy. He's my enemy. Jag trodde att du gillade Tom. I thought you liked Tom. I thought you liked Tom. Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Er der liv efter døden? Hvad er meningen med livet på Jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the purpose of life on Earth? Jeg har ingen anelse om hva dette betyr. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. Hva er det du vil Tom? What is it you want, Tom? What do you want, Tom? Hér eru bækurnar okkar. Here are our books. Here are our books. Hun lider af en uhelbredelig sygdom. She suffers from an incurable disease. She suffers from an incurable illness. Kan du klare dig uden bilen i morgen? Jeg skal nemlig bruge den. Can you do without the car tomorrow? I need it. Can you make it without the car tomorrow? Hvem var dronning Elizabeth? Who was Queen Elizabeth? Who was Queen Elizabeth? Hvad har inspireret dig til at skrive denne sang? What inspired you to write this song? What inspired you to write this song? Kan du släppa av mig vid biblioteket? Could you drop me off at the library? Can you drop me off at the library? Sankt Petersborg er en russisk by. St. Petersburg is a Russian city. Saint Petersburg is a Russian city. Jeg vil gjerne stille deg noen spørsmål om noen av personene som jobber for deg. I'd like to ask you some questions about some of the people who work for you. I'd like to ask you a few questions about some of the people who work for you. Fel. Wrong. Wrong. Jagt er forbudt i nationalparker. Hunting is prohibited in national parks. Hunted you out in national parks. Du borde ha berättat för mig att du inte kan simma. You should have told me that you can't swim. You should have told me you can't swim. Dette faktum beviser hendes uskyld. This fact proves her innocence. This fact proves her innocence. Tom gav Mary lite choklad. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Internet är en mötesplats för folk med gemensamma intressen. The Internet is a meeting point for people with common interests. The Internet is a meeting place for people with common interests. To sa at denne filmen ikke var spesielt bra. Tom said this movie wasn't very good. Two said this movie wasn't very good. Kan du huske din bedstefar? Do you remember your grandfather? Do you remember your grandfather? God natt! Good night! Good night! Vit mugu fara. We have to go. White mug go. Gå och hälsa på Tom. Go and see Tom. Go say hello to Tom. Þú kynnir að verða undrandi á útkomunni. You might be surprised at the outcome. You may be surprised at the outcome. Jeg låner deg noen av broren min sine bøker. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'm borrowing you some of my brother's books. Ég er svo þreytt að ég get ekki lært. I am so tired that I can't study. I'm so tired, I can't learn. Tom såg förbryllad ut. Tom looks confused. Tom looked puzzled. Han var i udlandet i ni år. He was abroad for nine years. He spent nine years abroad. Jeg har det ikke godt i dag. I'm not feeling well today. I'm not feeling well today. To vaniljeis, takk. Two vanilla ice creams, please. Two vanillas, please. Vad ska vi göra nu? Now what do we do? What are we gonna do now? Tom forstår meg ikke. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Jeg hader at slå dyr ihjel. I abhor killing animals. I hate killing animals. Tom saknar Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tom misses Mary. Jeg har slået Toms græsplæne. I mowed Tom's lawn. I've beaten Tom's lawn. Dette rejser et meget interessant spørgsmål: Hvor lang tid tager det at sulte ihjel? This raises a most interesting question: how long does it take to starve to death? This raises a very interesting question: How long does it take to starve to death? Det du ser med øjnene er nødvendigvis ikke sande. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What you see with your eyes is necessarily not true. Jeg vil leve mit liv, med eller uden hende. I'm going to live my life, with or without her. I want to live my life with or without her. Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Undersök den här. Examine this. Check this out. Etniska minoriteter kämpar mot fördomar och fattigdom. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty. Ethnic minorities are fighting prejudice and poverty. Jeg ønsker ikke at han tager afsted. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to go. Vi takserede skaden til 1000 dollar. We estimated the damage at $1,000. We charged the damage to $1,000. Jeg har en datter som er gift med en franskmand. I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman. I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman. Her er alt i orden. Everything's in order here. It's all right here. Har du läst Sagan om ringen-trilogin? Have you read the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Have you read The History of the Ring Trilogy? Jeg var i Australien hele sidste år. I was in Australia all last year. I was in Australia last year. Han översatte Homeros från grekiska till engelska. He translated Homer from the Greek into English. He translated Homeros from Greek to English. Han accepterede vores tilbud. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Jag är glad att jag hittade dig. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don't have time to explain this. Sangen er hendes stærke side. Singing is her strong point. The song is her strong side. Jeg vil sikre mig at du er den du siger, du er. I want to make sure you are who you say you are. I want to make sure you're who you say you are. Han blev sårad. He was hurt. He was hurt. Hvordan vidste man at jeg ikke var canadisk? How did people know I wasn't Canadian? How did you know I wasn't Canadian? En hel del er sket siden da. A lot has happened since that time. A lot has happened since then. Deres tur blev udsat på grund af regnen. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their turn was postponed because of the rain. Tyfonen Megi går på land i Filippinerne. Typhoon Megi makes landfall in the Philippines. The Typhon Megi is landing in the Philippines. Hun besøkte dyrehagen med ham. She visited the zoo with him. She visited the zoo with him. Vad tycker du om det japanska utbildningssystemet? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? What do you think of the Japanese education system? Ekki hafa svona hátt. Don't make so much noise. Don't be so loud. Bussen standsede for at optage passagerer. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped to pick up passengers. Huset står i brand. The house is on fire. The house is on fire. Jeg var ikke forsiktig. I wasn't careful. I wasn't careful. Importen av brittiska varor ökade. Imports of British goods increased. Imports of British goods increased. Jag har en ung fru. I have a young wife. I have a young wife. Är den här buren hajsäker? Is this cage shark-proof? Is this cage sharkproof? Han ønskede ikke at sælge sin bil. He didn't want to sell his car. He didn't want to sell his car. Jag hade det trevligt. I was enjoying it. I was having a good time. Tom är förlovad med Marys lillasyster. Tom is engaged to Mary's younger sister. Tom's engaged to Mary's little sister. Du er en attraktiv pige. You're an attractive girl. You're an attractive girl. Tom havde intet at læse. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. När börjar våren? When does spring begin? When does spring start? Layla lejede en SUV. Layla rented an SUV. Layla rented a SUV. Vad jag heter är inte viktigt. My name isn't important. My name is not important. Jag blev avskedad. I was fired. I was fired. Det är väldigt varmt i dag. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Fantasien påvirker alle sider av livene våre. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. Fantasy affects every aspect of our lives. Gi meg et stykke pai. I want a piece of pie. Give me a piece of pie. Det er ein stor skilnad i å vera i stand til å snakka eit språk bra, og å vera i stand til å snakka eit språk flytande. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a big difference between being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. Det er en liten hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Kan du dra rundt jorden på en dag? Can you go around the world in a day? Can you go around the world in one day? Din måte å se på noe er situasjonavhengig. Your way of looking at something depends on your situation. Your way of looking at something is situation-dependent. Jag ville att Tom skulle sticka iväg och lämna mig i fred. I wanted Tom to go away and leave me in peace. I wanted Tom to run away and leave me alone. Meirihluti nefndarinnar kaus gegn frumvarpinu. The majority of the committee voted against the bill. The majority of the committee voted against the bill. Ræk mig den hammer. Pass me that hammer. Hand me that hammer. Är det relevant? Is that relevant? Is that relevant? Jeg pleide å tro at ingen brydde seg. I used to think no one cared. I used to think nobody cared. När bröt andra världskriget ut? When did World War II break out? When did World War II break out? När kan jag träffa Tom? When can I see Tom? When can I see Tom? Jag kan inte fatta att jag glömde det. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. Jeg vil ikke mæle et ord. I won't breathe a word. I don't want to say a word. "Hvor mange øl havde du drukket før jeg kom på besøg?" "Kun fem eller seks øl." "How many beers did you have before I came over?" "I only had five or six." "How many beers had you been drinking before I came to see you?" "Only five or six beers." Jag kan inte riktigt göra det. I can't really do that. I can't really do that. Tom är en ganska bra korgbollsspelare. Tom is a pretty good basketball player. Tom is a pretty good basket ball player. Jag retades bara. I was only teasing. I was just teasing. Ein tjørn er eitt lítið vatn. A pond is a little lake. One pond is a little water. Har du dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Jag vet att ni är upprörda. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Billedet er ikke skarpt. The picture is not sharp. The picture isn't sharp. Läraren och eleverna är i museet. The teacher and the pupils are in the museum. The teacher and the students are in the museum. Det er min intention. That's my intention. That's my intention. Till och med under arbetstid ger jag i lönndom efter för mitt internetberoende. Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction. Even during working hours, I give in pay for my Internet addiction. Jeg har brug for en tolk. I need an interpreter. I need an interpreter. Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom's learning English. Han är en riktig kuf. He's really an oddball. He's a real cow. Jag kan inte sova bara. I just can't sleep. I can't just sleep. Látum það gott heita í dag. Let's call it a day. Let's make it a good name today. Tíkin mín lést á miðvikudaginn var. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My bitch died on Wednesday, she was 16 years old. Það er dimmt svo passaðu hvar þú stígur. It's dark, so watch your step. It's dark so watch where you step. När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked in a factory. Det er en myte at fattige mennesker er dovne. It's a myth that poor people are lazy. It's a myth that poor people are lazy. Der er altid problemer efter midnat i store byer. There is always trouble after midnight in big cities. There's always trouble after midnight in big cities. Det er en blodappelsin. It's a blood orange. It's a blood monkey. Jeg forstår ikke hvad han siger. I don't understand what he's saying. I don't understand what he's saying. Olga og hendes mand solgte segle og leer i Volyn. Olga and her husband sold sickles and scythes in Volyn. Olga and her husband sold sails and laughs in Volyn. Charles levede et udskejende liv da han var ung. Charles lived a life of debauchery when he was young. Charles lived a strange life when he was young. Jeg har ingen kontanter på mig. I don't have any cash on me. I don't have any cash on me. Hur var återträffen? How was the reunion? How was your return? Jeg tror ikke at det kommer til at sne i morgen. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna snow tomorrow. De bildade en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. Denne fugl kaldes en måge. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a seagull. Það er að segja; ég hef betri skilning á kínversku þjóðinni. That's to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese nation. That is to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese people. Vi er i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Jag har en skuld att betala. I have a debt to pay. I have a debt to pay. Gamlir jálkar kunna að halda því fram að internetið hafi verið frjálsast á dögum Usenetsins. Old-timers might argue the Internet was freest during the Usenet days. Old people may argue that the Internet has been released in the days of the Usenet. Jag sade att det var okej. I said it was all right. I said it was okay. Tom kan ikke fordrage den slags mennesker. Tom can't stand people like that. Tom can't talk to people like that. Mange børn går med jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Hun vil gerne være sanger. She wants to be a singer. She wants to be a singer. Han havde halvtreds dollar. He had fifty dollars. He had fifty dollars. Du skal skifte tog i Shibuya. You have to change trains at Shibuya. You need to change the trains in Shibuya. Det er det du gjør og ikke det du sier som viser hvem du egentlig er. It's what you do and not what you say that shows who you really are. That's what you do and not what you say that shows who you really are. Hvorfor sagde du ikke til mig at Tom var her? Why didn't you tell me Tom was here? Why didn't you tell me Tom was here? Kjolen är grön. The skirt is green. The dress is green. De tog av sig jackorna. They took their jackets off. They took off their jackets. Vi får se. We'll see. We'll see. Jeg må leve med konsekvenserne af de valg jeg har taget. I must live with the consequences of the choices I've made. I have to live with the consequences of the choices I have made. Den långa resan förvärrade hennes skada. The long trip aggravated her injury. The long journey exacerbated her injury. Det armenske folkemord efterlod halvanden million døde, herunder mænd, kvinder og børn. The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children. The Armenian genocide left one and a half million dead, including men, women and children. Jag kan skydda dig. I can protect you. I can protect you. Alt forandres svært fort og den fordrer et nytt tankesett blant dagens ansatte. Everything changes very quickly, which calls for a new mindset among today's employees. Everything changes very quickly and requires a new mindset among today’s employees. Hon slöt sina ögon. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. Tom ønskede at se Marys værelse. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Bifreiðin hefur breytt lífi okkar. The automobile has changed our life. The automobile has changed our lives. Hvis du ikke ved hvad ordet betyder, så slå det op i ordbogen. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. Jeg håber Tom vinder. I hope Tom wins. I hope Tom wins. Leanne har blå ögon. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas station nearby? Jag har inga pengar på mig. I have no money on me. I don't have any money on me. Jeg behøvede ikke at vide noget som helst andet. I didn't need to know anything else. I didn't need to know anything else. Gerum rannsókn. Let's conduct a study. Let's do some research. Han har tre sønner. He has three sons. He has three sons. Han var tvungen att lämna staden, så han flyttade till Berlin. He had to leave the city, so he moved to Berlin. He had to leave town, so he moved to Berlin. Han är social av sig. He has a sociable disposition. He's a socialist. Hon har köpt en ny dator. She has bought a new computer. She bought a new computer. Vad finns i lådan? What's in the box? What's in the box? Pizzaen er her! The pizza's here! The pizza's here! Höldum í háttinn. Let's hit the hay. Let's go to bed. Kan jeg give dig et lift? Can I give you a lift? Can I give you a ride? Du borde veta. You ought to know. You should know. Han ble plukket opp av et passerende skip. He was picked up by a passing ship. He was picked up by a passing ship. Jag kan göra båda. I can do both. I can do both. Jag läste ut boken i går kväll. I finished reading the book last night. I read out the book last night. Han er canadisk. He is Canadian. He's Canadian. Lyset er tændt i Toms værelse. The light is on in Tom's room. The lights are on in Tom's room. Ef verðin hjá þér eru samkeppnishæf munum við leggja fyrir stóra pöntun. If your prices are competitive, we will place a large order. If your guard is competitive, we'll put in a big order. Jag förstår. I understand. I see. "Hvad er du for én?" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. "Du er inderlig styg!" sagde vildænderne, "men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!" "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family." "What are you to one?" they asked, and the nobles turned to every side, and greeted it as well as it could. "You are fierce," said the savages, "but it may be the same to us when you do not marry into our family." Jeg nyder at cykle på min cykel. I enjoy riding my bicycle. I enjoy cycling on my bike. Han gick upp i vikt. He gained weight. He gained weight. Folket tørster efter frihed. The people thirst for freedom. The people are thirsting for freedom. Välj tre böcker på måfå. Choose three books at random. Pick three books on the moon. Skandalene som nylig har vært rundt religiøse ledere og altergutter har undergravet folkets tillit til kirken. The recent scandals involving altar boys and religious leaders have undermined the faith people have in the Church. The scandals that have recently been around religious leaders and altar boys have undermined the confidence of the people in the church. Du vet at jeg ikke kan fortelle deg. You know I can't tell you. You know I can't tell you. Han förstår Er inte. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Alessia kan ikke snakke engelsk. Alessia cannot speak English. Alessia can't speak English. Jeg tager mig en fridag i morgen. I am taking tomorrow off. I'll take a day off tomorrow. Við verðum að ná markmiði okkar sama hvað það kostar. We must achieve our aim at any price. Whatever the cost, we must reach our goal. Jeg har aldri vært der før. I've never been there before. I've never been there before. Hreimurinn hans bendir til að hann sé útlendingur. His accent suggests he is a foreigner. His accent indicates that he is a foreigner. Hun hjalp meg i en veldig tøff situasjon. She helped me in a very sticky situation. She helped me in a very tough situation. Har någon gissat? Has anyone guessed? Has anyone guessed? Jeg kan ikke se hende. I don't see her. I can't see her. Det skjer med meg, også. It happens to me, too. It happens to me, too. Du burde gøre noget ved det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should do something about that weed. Er det noget vigtigt? Is it something important? Is it important? Var ligger den nederländska ambassaden? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where's the Dutch embassy? La meg hjelpe deg på med kåpen. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you with your coat. Hva i all verden snakker du om? What are you on about? What the hell are you talking about? Han har ikke penge nok til at rejse. He doesn't have enough money to travel. He doesn't have enough money to travel. Min svävare är full med ålar My hovercraft is full of eels. My weaver is full of eels. Jeg møtte min venn som jeg ikke hadde sett på tre år. I met a friend I hadn't seen for three years. I met my friend who I hadn't seen in three years. Tom arbetar inte lika hårt som han brukade. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Vitnin gátu hrakið rangan framburð hins grunaða. The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect. The Witnesses were able to dispel the false appearance of the suspect. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? For et vær ! What weather ! What a weather! Jeg ønsker at se hende igen. I'd like to see her again. I want to see her again. Meinaru þetta? Did you mean this? Meinara? Jeg bor i Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Tom er en voksen mand. Tom is a grown man. Tom's a grown man. Någon saknas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Jag ska inte dö. I'm not going to die. I'm not gonna die. Om världen inte vore så den nu är skulle jag kunna lita på någon som helst. If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone. If the world wasn't like it now, I could trust anyone. Jag bad inte om det här. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for this. Hva skulle jeg gjort uten ham? What would I do without him? What would I have done without him? Hvenær á bróðir minn afmæli? When is my brother's birthday? When's my brother's birthday? Titta inte in i lådan. Don't look into the box. Don't look into the box. Jeg gjorde ikke noget ulovligt. I didn't do anything illegal. I didn't do anything illegal. Har du en hund? Have you a dog? Do you have a dog? Grytan var min. The pot was mine. The grit was mine. Kan du låne mig tredive dollar til en taxi? Can you loan me thirty dollars for a cab? Can you lend me thirty dollars for a cab? Hví ekki að afsaka þig og biðja hann fyrirgefningar? Why not apologize and ask for his pardon? Why not excuse yourself and ask him for forgiveness? "Er du fremdeles sammen med Tom?" "Nei, vi slo opp i begynnelsen av forrige måned." "Are you still dating Tom?" "No, we broke up at the beginning of last month." "Are you still with Tom?" "No, we broke up at the beginning of last month." Kennarinn benti á töfluna. The teacher pointed to the blackboard. The teacher indicated the tablet. Finlands konkurrenskraft kräver fler personer som kan franska och tyska än sådana som kan svenska. Finland's competitiveness requires more people who can speak French and German than Swedish. The competitiveness of Finland requires more people who know French and German than those who know Swedish. Jag trodde att Tom hade stuckit. I thought Tom had left. I thought Tom had left. Tað er mín hundur. That's my dog. It's my dog. Tom er en mye sterk mann. Tom is a very strong man. Tom's a very strong man. Vi er imot deg. We oppose you. We're against you. Maður giftist ekki einhverjum sem maður getur lifað með — maður giftist manneskjunni sem maður getur ekki lifað án. You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without. You do not marry someone you can live with — you marry the person you cannot live without. Jeg ønsker aldrig at se dig igen. I never want to see you again. I never want to see you again. Jeg liker også å skrive. I also like writing. I like writing, too. Hans måde at tænke på er meget barnlig. His way of thinking is very childish. His way of thinking is very childish. Hvor mange mennesker med navnet Tom kender du? How many people do you know who are named Tom? How many people with the name Tom do you know? Ég er eins leið og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm as lonely as I can be. Jeg følte mig dårlig. I felt bad. I felt bad. For nylig er vi kommet ind i hundedagene. Lately, we've entered the dog days of summer. Recently, we've come into the dog days. Hvor meget giver man i drikkepenge i Spanien? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much is a tip in Spain? Vilken rörig dag. What a chaotic day. What a messy day. Din er større end min. Yours is bigger than mine. Yours is bigger than mine. De gamle sange var meget, meget bedre. The old songs were much, much better. The old songs were much, much better. En av oss skulle kunna vinna. One of us could win. One of us could win. Rådet til Tom var ganske hjempsamt. Tom's advice was very helpful. Tom's advice was pretty mean. Vi kan inte bevisa att Tom ljuger, men vi är ganska säkra på att han gör det. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove Tom's lying, but we're pretty sure he's doing it. Hvor vover du at fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! Hun tjener 30 dollar om dagen. She earns 30 dollars per day. She makes 30 bucks a day. Luxembourg er et lille land. Luxembourg is a small country. Luxembourg is a small country. Vinsamlegast segðu mér frá öllu um vandamálið þitt. Please tell me about your problem. Please tell me all about your problem. Fyrsten og hofnarren havde meget til fælles. The prince and the jester had a lot in common. The prince and the duke had a lot in common. Nästa! Next! Next! Gudene vet hvor han har blitt av. God only knows where he has gone. God knows where he's gone. Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft mere tid. I'd have done that if I'd had more time. I would have done it myself if I had had more time. Alle elsker deres far. Everyone loves their father. Everybody loves their father. Tom är Marys skyddsling. Tom is Mary's protege. Tom is Mary's guardian. Noget salt vil få det til at smage bedre. Some salt will make it taste better. Some salt will make it taste better. Tom arbejder i en lokal cykelforretning. Tom works at a local bike shop. Tom works in a local bike shop. Tak fordi du er min ven. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being my friend. Språkmakt burde ikke bli forvekslet med fornærmelse. "Verbal power" shouldn't be confused with "insult". Language power should not be confused with insult. Et hjems utsmykning er vennene som kommer på besøk. Friends who pay a visit are an ornament to the home. A home’s decoration is the friends who come to visit. Tom är känd. Tom's famous. Tom's famous. Tom verkar sova. Tom seems to be asleep. Tom seems to be sleeping. Ég þrábið yður í einlægri meðaumkun, sjáið þann möguleika að þér kunnið að hafa rangt fyrir yður. I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. I long for you in sincere compassion, and behold the possibility that you may be wrong in your behalf. Jeg vil bare være din venn, intet mer. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. Jeg ved at Tom er en ret god skiløber. I know that Tom is a pretty good skier. I know Tom's a pretty good skier. Batman og Robin er de eneste helte i Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Jag såg dina fotografier. I saw your photos. I saw your photographs. Faðir vár es ert í himinríki, verði nafn þitt heilagt. Til komi ríki þitt, verði vili þín svá á jǫrðu sem í himnum. Gef oss í dag brauð várt dagligt. Ok fyrirgefðu oss syndir várar, sem vér fyrirgefum þeim er við oss hafa misgert. Leiddu oss eigi í freistni, heldr leystu oss frá ǫllu illu. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Let your name be sanctified, let your kingdom come. Let your kingdom come, let your will be on the earth that is in the heavens; let us today be given bread daily; let us be forgiven for our sins which we have forgiven those who have sinned against us, and let us not be led into temptation; let us not be delivered from the wicked ones. Du bor på et fint sted. You live in a nice place. You live in a nice place. Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Tom. Happy birthday, Tom! Happy birthday, Tom. Sport er godt for dit helbred. Sport is good for your health. Sports is good for your health. Tom har bett mig gifta mig med honom. Tom has asked me to marry him. Tom asked me to marry him. På vej til skole stødte Tom ind i en Mary. Tom bumped into a Mary on his way to school. On his way to school, Tom bumped into a Mary. Jeg har mistet fotoapparatet mitt. I lost my camera. I lost my camera. Han er FBI-agent. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. De er ikke mine. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Hendes øjne var fulde af tristhed. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were full of sadness. Hún ráðlagði hinum um það mál. She advised the others on that matter. She advised the others on that matter. Er katten ute av huset, danser musene på bordet. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. If the cat's out of the house, the mice dance on the table. Er du mindreårig? Are you underage? Are you a minor? Jag sköt upp mitt hushållsarbete några timmar. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I blew up my housework for a few hours. Jeg har kolossale problemer. I am faced with a mountain of problems. I have huge problems. Dette er ren poesi. This is pure poetry. This is pure poetry. Han er den rigeste mand på jorden. He is the richest man on earth. He's the richest man on earth. Jag kan inte tänka mig något annat. I can't think otherwise. I can't imagine anything else. Jag ska flytta tillbaka hem. I'm moving back home. I'm moving back home. Tom kørte Mary til hospitalet. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Tom drove Mary to the hospital. Er Tom ikke en musiker? Isn't Tom a musician? Tom's not a musician? Ge mig inte den där blicken. Don't give me that look. Don't give me that look. Du kan slutte nå. You can stop now. You can stop now. Jag förmodade att jag skulle vara säker här. I figured I'd be safe here. I assumed I'd be safe here. Man gör leksaker i den här fabriken. They make toys at this factory. You do toys in this factory. Vad är det som händer nu? What's going on now? What's going on now? En paraply er nyttig i let regn, men når det styrtregner, er en paraply ikke til megen hjælp. An umbrella is useful in a mild rain, but when it rains cats and dogs an umbrella is of little help. An umbrella is useful in light rain, but when it rains, an umbrella is not for much help. Hur var din dag idag? How was your day today? How was your day today? Jag tycker att han är en skicklig person. I think he's a competent person. I think he's a good person. Tom er blevet testet positiv for marihuana. Tom has tested positive for marijuana. Tom's been tested positive for marijuana. Næsten alle var glade. Almost everyone was happy. Almost everyone was happy. Enginn getur aðskilið þau. No one can separate them. No one can separate them. Marys meningar är lätta att översätta. Mary's sentences are easy to translate. Mary's sentences are easy to translate. Min storesøster er god til at spille på guitar. My older sister plays the guitar well. My older sister is good at playing guitar. Har du reserveret? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Brottsligheten ökar stadigt. Crime is increasing steadily. Crime is steadily increasing. Varför måste Tom sitta där bak idag? Why does Tom have to sit in the back today? Why does Tom have to sit back there today? Jag kan inte göra det nu. I can't do it now. I can't do it now. Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal gøre nu. I have no idea what to do now. I don't know what to do now. Folk sier ofte at japansk er et vanskelig språk. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. People often say that Japanese is a difficult language. Tom har kommit. Tom has arrived. Tom's here. Jag cyklade enhjuling idag. I rode a unicycle today. I biked one-wheeling today. Vad är Toms problem? What's Tom's problem? What's Tom's problem? Du är så het. You're so hot. You're so hot. Lärare måste förstå barn. Teachers must understand children. Teachers must understand children. Tom har netop stillet træskoene. Tom has just kicked the bucket. Tom just put the wooden shoes on. Vi er canadiere. We're Canadians. We're Canadians. Sokkerne stinker. The socks stink. The socks stink. I løpet av graviditet, er de tre første månedene de mest kritiske. In pregnancy, the first three months are the most critical. During pregnancy, the first three months are the most critical. Har du ett garage? Do you have a garage? Do you have a garage? Hvor var han den nat? Where was he that night? Where was he that night? Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their granddaughter a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their grandchildren for Christmas. Dette er ordbogen jeg bruger hver dag. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Det här är mitt öl. This is my beer. This is my beer. Jag vill bo i staden. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. En meter är hundra centimeter. A metre is 100 centimetres. One metre is a hundred centimetres. Hvad er meningen med dette? What's the meaning of this? What's the point of this? Jag antar att Tom har rätt. I guess Tom is right. I guess Tom's right. När jag läste till advokat sa mina lärare åt mig att aldrig ställa en fråga som jag inte visste svaret på. When I was studying to become a lawyer, my teachers told me to never ask a question that I didn't know the answer to. When I was reading to the lawyer, my teachers told me never to ask a question I didn't know the answer to. Det holder meg våken om natten. It keeps me up at night. It keeps me awake at night. Ta med dig din verktygsback. Bring your tool box. Take your toolback with you. Jeg troede at du var på arbejde. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Sluta gnäll! Stop your bellyaching. Stop whining! Han mister aldri nysgjerrigheten sin; han er som en evig ungdom. He never loses his curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal youth. He never loses his curiosity; he is like an everlasting youth. Liz har været død i otte år. Liz has been dead for eight years. Liz's been dead eight years. Tom er virkelig jaloux, og han bliver sur, når andre fyre taler til mig. Tom is really jealous and he gets mad when other guys talk to me. Tom's really jealous, and he gets mad when other guys talk to me. Det er ikke umuligt. It is not impossible. That's not impossible. Jag har fakturan. I have the invoice. I have the invoice. Jeg liker hundene dine. I like your dogs. I like your dogs. Der er en god chance for at han vil blive valgt. There's a good chance that he'll be chosen. There's a good chance he'll be elected. "Ved du hvor Lapland er?", spurgte hun rensdyret. "Do you know where Lapland is?" she asked the reindeer. "Do you know where Lapland is?" she asked the reindeer. Jag gillar österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Varför sa vi det där? Why did we say that? Why did we say that? Vi bor i New York. We live in New York. We live in New York. Eg høyrde at du var oppteken heile ettermiddagen. I heard that you were busy all afternoon. I heard you were busy all afternoon. Kunne du ha hjulpet oss? Could you help us? Could you have helped us? Jeg vil skrive en bog. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Hún á tvö þúsund bækur. She owns two thousand books. She has two thousand books. Der er en trafikprop på motorvejen. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's a traffic jam on the highway. Hvorfor er livet så vanskeligt? Why is life so difficult? Why is life so difficult? Kan jag sitta med Tom? Can I sit with Tom? Can I sit with Tom? Tom blev færdig med at spise. Tom finished eating. Tom finished eating. Jeg skulle ha vært hjemme nå. I should be at home right now. I should have been home by now. Jeg kedede mig. I was bored. I was bored. Jag kan vänta här ute. I can wait out here. I can wait out here. Talar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Jeg er en helt. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Han holder alltid sine løfter. He always keeps his promises. He always keeps his promises. Tom vet att det är sant. Tom knows that's true. Tom knows it's true. En dag kommer du att få lön för mödan. Your efforts will bear fruit someday. One day you'll be paid for the effort. Jag är så stolt över dig. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. Gör det någon annanstans. Do it somewhere else. Do it somewhere else. Jag vet var hon är. I know where she is. I know where she is. Han svømmer. He's swimming. He's swimming. Jag ska hjälpa dig. I will help you. I'll help you. Han fyldte vasen med vand. He filled the vase with water. He filled the vase with water. Jeg har læst bogen. I have read the book. I've read the book. Hun har ingen brødre. She doesn't have any brothers. She doesn't have any brothers. Tom gjorde den. Tom made it. Tom did it. Ge den åt Tom. Give it to Tom. Give it to Tom. Vi undslap med nød og næppe. We had a narrow escape. We barely escaped. Du trenger ikke skynde deg. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Hur kan vi bevisa det? How can we prove it? How can we prove it? Jag kanske inte är nog snygg. Maybe I'm not pretty enough. Maybe I'm not pretty enough. Tom ser så glad ut. Tom looks so happy. Tom looks so happy. Að sjálfsögðu hjálpa ég þér. Of course I'll help you. Of course I'll help you. Jag klandrar dig inte det minsta. I don't blame you a bit. I don't blame you for anything. Jag fann mina skor. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Får jag hjälpa? Can I help? May I help you? Hvor lang tid tager det at komme fra A til B? How much time does it take to get from A to B? How long does it take to get from A to B? Det är rätt beslut. It's the right decision. That's the right decision. Nu kan jag få tag i det. I can get a hold of it now. Now I can get it. Se i spegeln! Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror! Han er bare en amatør. He's just an amateur. He's just an amateur. Jag är inte alls romantisk. I am not romantic at all. I'm not romantic at all. Hans lønn kan ikke holde følge med inflasjonen. His salary can't keep pace with inflation. His wages cannot keep up with inflation. Jeg ønsker ikke din medlidenhed. I don't want your pity. I don't want your pity. Du har feber. You've got a fever. You have a fever. Lad os tale fransk. Let's speak French. Let's speak French. Jag måste varva ner. I need to unwind. I've got to turn down. Jeg har ikke noe bedre å gjøre. I have nothing better to do. I have nothing better to do. Hans analyse af årsagerne til opstanden var korrekt. His analysis of the causes of the uprising was correct. His analysis of the causes of the resurrection was correct. Vær forsigtig med hvad du siger offentligt. Det kan få konsekvenser. Be careful what you say publicly. It may have consequences. Be careful what you say in public. Så vart ska ni? So where're you going? So where are you going? Tom satt mer än tre år i fängelse. Tom spent more than three years in jail. Tom spent more than three years in prison. Enkelhet er nøkkelen. Simplicity is the key. Simpleness is the key. Se på dette billede af min bedstefars bil. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Jag är bekväm med det I'm confident in that. I'm comfortable with it. Hästarna galloperade. The horses galloped. Horses galloped. Dette vand er godt at drikke. This water is good to drink. This water is good to drink. Ingen vill ha krig. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. Du skal give mig 500 dollars lige nu. You must give me 500 dollars right now. I need you to give me $500 right now. Vad heter din nya vän? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? Jeg kan ikke acceptere din undskyldning. I don't accept your apology. I can't accept your apology. Unge mænd og kvinder kæmpede for at forsvare deres land. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Jeg lurer på hvor han er nå. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he is now. Min motorsåg är trasig. My chain saw is broken. My chainsaw is broken. Det er ingen tvil. There's no doubt. There's no doubt about it. Tom är ängslig. Tom's worried. Tom's worried. Bladen är gula. The leaves are yellow! The leaves are yellow. Stannar du hemma? Will you stay at home? Are you staying home? Jeg kan ikke tage tilbage til Australien. Der er jeg eftersøgt af politiet. I can't go back to Australia. I'm wanted by the police there. I can't go back to Australia. Hon kommer förmodligen. It is probable that she will come. She's probably coming. Vinsamlegast taktu þetta sæti. Take this seat, please. Please take this seat. Min far plejede at sige at tid er kostbar. My father used to say that time is precious. My father used to say that time is expensive. Det er delvist korrekt. That's partially correct. That's partly correct. Jeg tænkte på om du vidste hvor Tom var. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. Den fungerar. It's working. It's working. Klarar du dig på egen hand? Can you manage alone? You gonna be okay on your own? Jeg har et godt liv nå. I have a good life now. I have a good life now. Jag förstår det inte. I can't understand it. I don't understand. Jag köpte en grön soffa igår, men den gick inte in genom dörren, så jag fick lämna tillbaka den. I bought a green couch yesterday, but I couldn't fit it through the door, so I had to return it. I bought a green sofa yesterday, but it didn't go through the door, so I had to return it. Hvar get ég fengið símkort? Where can I get a telephone card? Where can I get a phone card? På den tiden bodde han i huset ensam. In those days, he lived in the house alone. At the time, he lived in the house alone. Algerierne har mange grunde til at være stolte af deres land. Algerians have many reasons to be proud of their country. Algeria has many reasons to be proud of their country. Har du forældre? Do you have parents? Do you have parents? De drøfter et ikkeeksisterende problem. They are debating a nonexistent issue. They are discussing a non-existent problem. Jag har helljuset på. My lights are on full beam. I'm on the lights. Vi vil hellere spise indendørs. Det er for koldt udenfor. We'd rather eat indoors. It's too cold outside. We'd rather eat indoors. Min åsikt är irrelevant. My opinion is irrelevant. My opinion is irrelevant. Jeg kan ikke holde støjen ud. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the noise. Det var mitt fel. I was to blame. It was my fault. De svømmede med delfinerne. They swam with the dolphins. They were swimming with the dolphins. Jag är för gammal för den här världen. I'm too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. Jag älskar den här staden. I love this town. I love this town. Er du utvekslingsstudent? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Den gamle mannen hadde et edelt ansikt. The old man had a noble countenance. The old man had a noble face. Tom är väldigt rädd. Tom is very frightened. Tom's very scared. Har du set hende? Have you seen her? Have you seen her? Forlad os ikke! Don't leave us. Don't leave us! Jeg kan ikke se gennem mure. I can't see through walls. I can't see through walls. Jag behöver is. I need ice. I need ice. Tom må have været syg. Tom must've been sick. Tom must have been sick. Jeg tror ikke at Tom kunne finde på at købe en lyserød paraply. I don't think Tom would buy a pink umbrella. I don't think Tom could come up with a pink umbrella. Tom glemte at tage sin medicin i morges. Tom forgot to take his medication this morning. Tom forgot to take his medicine this morning. Ni var inte här då. You weren't here then. You weren't here then. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let the dog in. Open the door and let the dog in. Det fanns tre knappar på den nedre delen av robotens rygg. There were three buttons on the lower back of the robot. There were three buttons on the lower back of the robot. Han er computerekspert. He is a computer expert. He's a computer expert. Testamentet blev erklæret ugyldigt af retten. The will was declared void by the court. The will was declared void by the court. Hann skrifar bækur. He writes books. He writes books. Jag kan inte äta choklad. I can't eat chocolate. I can't eat chocolate. Lige meget hvor meget jeg prøver, så kan jeg ikke huske hendes adresse. I can't remember her address no matter how much I try. No matter how much I try, I can't remember her address. Kolet glöd i elden. The coal was glowing in the fire. The coal glows in the fire. Jeg ved overhovedet ikke hvordan man spiller golf. I don't know how to play golf at all. I don't know how to play golf at all. Knivspetsen är vass. The tip of the knife is sharp. The tip of the knife is sharp. Vi ønsker jer en glædelig jul og et godt nytår. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year. Du kan ikke forvente at han kjenner til historien når han ikke har lest den. You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it. You can't expect him to know the story when he hasn't read it. Tom kan godt lide at gå i skole. Tom likes to go to school. Tom likes to go to school. Jag hatar det verkligen. I really hate it. I really hate it. Þessi bíll tilheyrir honum. That car is his. This car belongs to him. Hvad taler du om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Du har en timme på dig. You've got one hour. You've got an hour. Það skiptir engu hvort liðið vinnur leikinn. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter whether the team wins the game. Ho er lærarinne. She is a teacher. She's the teacher. Arabiska är inte svårt. Arabic isn't hard. Arabic is not difficult. Så tragiskt! How tragic! How tragic! Jeg burde have taget mine øjendråber med mig. I should have taken my eye drops with me. I should have brought my eye drops with me. Universet er et mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Tom sa att alla kommer att dö. Tom told me they're all going to die. Tom said everyone's gonna die. Tom har studerat franska i ungefär tre år. Tom has been studying French for about three years. Tom has been studying French for about three years. Vi giver ham æblet. We're giving him the apple. We'll give him the apple. Min søster er eldre enn min bror. My sister is older than my brother. My sister is older than my brother. Jag är man nu. I'm a man now. I'm a man now. Der findes ikke en mere fantastisk kvinde i hele verden end dig. There is no more fantastic woman in the world than you. There's no more amazing woman in the world than you. Skolen begynner i april. The month when school begins is April. School starts in April. Jag trodde att Tom var i skolan. I thought Tom was in school. I thought Tom was in school. Les instruksjonene nøye. Read the instructions carefully. Read the instructions carefully. Tom er ligeglad med hvad folk siger om Maria. Tom doesn't mind what people say about Mary. Tom doesn't care what people say about Maria. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í að glápa á sjónvarpið? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Mary jobbar i stadens offentliga bibliotek. Mary works in the town's public library. Mary works in the city's public library. En vond rygg forhindret meg i å spille tennis. A sore back hindered me from playing tennis. A bad back prevented me from playing tennis. Skød du Tom? Did you shoot Tom? Did you shoot Tom? Jag hörde det på tv. I heard it on TV. I heard it on TV. Du er bare en gutt. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Hvorfor fascinerer talen min fra i går deg? What did you find so fascinating about the speech that I gave yesterday? Why does my speech fascinate you from last night? Jag måste ge mig i väg. I have to get going. I have to go. Om det blir några svårigheter, ring mig! If there are difficulties give me a call! If there's any trouble, call me! Vet du årsaken? Do you know the reason? You know the reason? Jeg skal lage deg litt kaffe. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Ikke drikk vannet! Don't drink the water. Don't drink the water! Var god fyll i enkäten och skicka in den till oss. Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us. Please fill in your questionnaire and send it to us. Är någonting av detta sant? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Tom sover, men Mary är vaken. Tom is asleep, but Mary is awake. Tom's asleep, but Mary's awake. De är unga. They're young. They're young. Ég á vin sem býr í Sapporó. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. Vi importerer te fra India. We import tea from India. We're importing tea from India. Han ba meg om å ikke se bak meg. He told me not to look behind. He told me not to look behind me. Þeir kunna að veiða. They can fish. They know how to hunt. Den står på katedern. It's on your desk. It's on the catheter. Det gäller mig inte. It's not about me. It's not about me. Tom skulle ikke vente længe. Tom didn't have to wait long. Tom wasn't supposed to wait long. Jag borde antagligen gå. I should probably go. I should probably go. Hun er gravid. She is pregnant. She's pregnant. Kan jeg bruge kreditkort? Can I use a credit card? Can I use a credit card? Hun blir skremt av høye lyder. She's frightened by loud noises. She's scared by loud noises. Han sov. He was sleeping. He was asleep. Hade du roligt? Did you have fun? Did you have fun? Tack för er gästfrihet. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Du kan inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Viðkvæm, tignarleg blómin eru í blóma. The delicate, graceful flowers are in bloom. The delicate, magnificent flowers are in bloom. Jag har redan bett Tom att inte åka tidigt. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. Hvordan skete det? How did it happen? How did that happen? Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle dø. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want him to die. For få dage siden flyttede min veninde Sophie fra Edmonton, Alberta til Victoria, Britisk Columbia. A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. A few days ago, my friend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. Stanna här, sa jag. I said stay here. I said stay here. Han är alltid ivrig att få höra skvaller. He's always anxious to pick up gossip. He's always eager to hear gossip. Jeg kan lære deg å reparere bilen din. I can teach you how to repair your car. I can teach you how to fix your car. Tom har en sølvpapirshat på for at beskytte hjernen mod skadelig stråling. Tom wears a tinfoil hat to protect his brain from harmful radiation. Tom wears a silver paper hat to protect the brain from harmful radiation. Hvorfor er det så varmt? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Ikke gå ut etter det har blitt mørkt. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after it's dark. Vulkanudbruddet truede landsbyen. The volcanic eruption threatened the village. The volcano eruption threatened the village. Han sparka til meg med vilje. He kicked me on purpose. He kicks me on purpose. Jeg har mange venner. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Frumvarpið var samþykkt af litlum meirihluta tíu atkvæða. The bill passed by a small majority of 10 votes. The bill was approved by a small majority of ten votes. Hva med 12:45? How about 12:45? What about 12:45? Þessir stólar eru fyrir. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are for use. Bli inte så defensiv. Jag skyller inte på dig. Don't get defensive. I'm not blaming you. Don't get so defensive, I don't blame you. Hun samlede på frimærker. She collected stamps. She was collecting stamps. Du har ikke en nøgle, vel? You don't have a key, do you? You don't have a key, do you? Här anrikar man malm. Ore is enriched here. Here you eat ore. God tur. Have a pleasant trip. Have a good trip. Hvis det ikke findes i Tatoeba, så er det ikke en sætning. If you can't find it on Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. If it's not in Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My cell phone is handy. My cell phone's handy. Vad var problemet? What was the problem? What was the problem? Efter at en tandlæge havde dræbt Zimbabwes berømteste løve, var dyrerettighedsaktivister vrede over at han planlagde at sætte løvens hoved og glatte, buskede manke op på en kontorvæg. After a dentist killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion, animal-rights activists were angry that he planned to mount the lion's head and sleek, bushy mane on an office wall. After a dentist had killed Zimbabwe’s most famous lion, animal rights activists were angry that he planned to put the lion’s head and smooth, shuddered manks on an office wall. Jag vill bara kunna besöka mina barn när jag vill. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want. Tooghalvtreds procent af britiske kvinder foretrækker chokolade frem for sex. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Two and a half percent of British women prefer chocolate over sex. Du har slutat röka. You've given up smoking. You've quit smoking. Tom tror att han vet varför. Tom thinks he knows why. Tom thinks he knows why. I kender vejen. You know the way. You know the way. Gruppen springer på stranden. The group is running on the beach. The group's running on the beach. Jeg så Mary med ham. I saw Mary with him. I saw Mary with him. Du har stadigvæk ikke nok erfaring. You still don't have enough experience. You still don't have enough experience. Jag tar en kopp kaffe, tack. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Jeg beholder menyen som suvenir. I'll keep the menu as a souvenir. I keep the menu as a souvenir. Tænk på døden. Think about death. Think of death. Regnet varte i tre dager. The rain lasted for three days. The rain lasted three days. Hun kommer måske. She might come. Maybe she'll come. Hvorfor bor Tom i Boston? Why's Tom staying in Boston? Why does Tom live in Boston? Jeg vil ikke skrive under på det. I'm not signing it. I don't want to sign it. Hunden skrämde katten. The dog scared the cat. The dog scared the cat. Der var så meget røg i værelset at jeg knap nok kunne få luft. The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe. There was so much smoke in the room that I could barely breathe. Tom er ikke her. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Hvis noget er et æble, så er det enten rødt eller grønt eller måske begge dele. If something is an apple, then it's either red or green, or possibly both. If something's an apple, it's either red or green or maybe both. Tom glömde att ställa väckarklockan. Tom forgot to set his alarm clock. Tom forgot to set the alarm clock. Hetta er eitt ross. This is a horse. This is one rose. Hans reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. His reaction wasn't surprising at all. His reaction was not surprising at all. Og hvad nu? And now what? And now what? Det er for sent for meg. It's too late for me. It's too late for me. Har du nogensinde været til opera? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to an opera? Jag träffar honom då och då. I see him from time to time. I meet him from time to time. Alla säger att han ser ut precis som sin far. Everyone says that he looks just like his father. Everyone says he looks just like his father. Jag måste kila till banken. I've got to run to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Hann sat á rúminu. He sat on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Mary fyrede sin agent. Mary fired her agent. Mary fired her agent. Rødvin passer bra til kjøtt. Red wine goes well with meat. Red wine is good for meat. Hvað ertu að drekka, hvítt eða rautt? What are you drinking, white or red? What are you drinking, white or red? Jill er forlovet med Jack. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's engaged to Jack. Sæt navnene på denne navneliste i alfabetisk orden. Alphabetize this list of names. Put the names of this name list in alphabetical order. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Jag kan inte äta. I can't eat. I can't eat. Ha en bra dag. Have a good day. Have a good day. Jeg rettet kameraet mitt mot henne. I pointed my camera at her. I pointed my camera at her. Vinden blåser fra vest. The wind is blowing from the west. The wind's blowing from the west. Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Jag trodde ni tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Han sagde, at han er pessimistisk. He said he's pessimistic. He said he was pessimistic. Ge Sami en kyss. Give Sami a kiss. Give Sami a kiss. Takk fyrir allt. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Forresten, hvor mange af jer skriver dagbog? By the way, how many of you keep a diary? By the way, how many of you write a diary? Det här är inte fisk. This is not a fish. This isn't fish. Jag hittar inte mina skor. I can't find my shoes. I can't find my shoes. Han har fundet et godt job for nylig. He recently found a good job. He's found a good job recently. Det är bäst att ni inte berättar för honom. You'd better not tell him. You better not tell him. Du har brug for dette. You need this. You need this. Hjälpte Tom dig verkligen? Did Tom really help you? Did Tom really help you? Han havde ikke nogen penge. He had no money. He didn't have any money. Din pande er temmelig varm. Jeg tror du har feber. Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever. Your forehead is pretty hot. Grikkaland er eitt gamalt land. Greece is an old country. Greece is one old country. Klarar du att lyfta den här lådan? Can you manage lifting this box? Can you lift this box? Tom ankom tre minutter tidlig. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom arrived three minutes early. Ingen skall överleva. None shall survive. No one will survive. Jeg var ikke i skolen, for jeg var syg. I wasn't at school, because I was sick. I wasn't in school because I was sick. Vi var nästan klara. We were almost done. We were almost ready. Hunden er på stolen. The dog is on the chair. The dog's in the chair. Pojkar och flickor läser. Boys and girls read. Boys and girls are reading. Tom lämnade ett meddelande. Tom left a note. Tom left a message. Min kones familie er meget rig. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. Jag vet allt detta. I know all this. I know all this. Vi ses nästa vecka! See you next week! I'll see you next week! Findes der et møntvaskeri her i nærheden? Is there a laundromat around here? Is there a money laundering around here? Hann fer aldrei út eftir myrkur. He never goes out after dark. He never goes out after dark. Penge er ikke alt. Money isn't everything. Money isn't all. Jeg bor på det hotellet. I'm staying at that hotel. I live in that hotel. Jeg ønsker ikke at se ham. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Tak for informationen. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Vilken fin målning. Vem fick du den av? What a beautiful painting. Who did you get it from? Who did you get it from? Tom ser ängslig ut. Tom looks anxious. Tom looks anxious. Tom lämnade kranen på. Tom left the water running. Tom left the crane on. Det var ikke jeg som la den her. I didn't put this here. I didn't leave it here. Det var helt tilfeldig at han vant kampen. It was pure chance that he won the game. It was a coincidence that he won the game. Sommerfugle er smukke. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflies are beautiful. Min mage kurrar. My stomach is rumbling. My stomach is curing. Jeg takker dig på forhånd for din hjælp. Thank you in advance for your help. I thank you in advance for your help. Það var árið 1912 sem Titanic sökk á sinni fyrstu ferð. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank on its first journey. Men när jag försökte vrida duschkranen rann en svart, bubblig vätska ut. But when I tried to turn the shower faucet, this black bubbly liquid came out. But when I tried to turn the shower crane, a black, bubbly liquid ran out. Den fyren er helt sprø! That guy is completely nuts! That guy's crazy! Af skáldsögunum hans líkar mér þessi best. Among his novels, I like this best. From his novels, I like this one best. Jag joggar varje dag. I run every day. I run every day. Det er for sent for ham. It is too late for him. It's too late for him. Sami flyttade in i Laylas lägenhet. Sami moved in to Layla's apartment. Sami moved into Layla's apartment. Tom sade att han tyckte att jag verkade imponerad. Tom said that he thought that I seemed impressed. Tom said he thought I was impressed. Menntun er lykillinn að velgegni. Education is the key to success. Education is the key to choosing. Kven snakkar russisk? Who speaks Russian? Who speaks Russian? Tom kan laga mat. Tom can cook. Tom can cook. Tom dricker inte. Tom doesn't drink. Tom doesn't drink. Tom gav mig lov til at køre hans bil. Tom gave me permission to drive his car. Tom gave me permission to drive his car. Det var to vegar i skogen eg kunne gå, og eg valde den som var tråkka av få, og all ting valde eg der og då. There were two roads in the forest for me to choose between, and I chose the one least trodden, and I made all my choices at that very moment. There were two paths in the woods I could walk, and I chose the one that was trampled by few, and all things I chose there and then. Jag letar efter en väninna till mig. I'm looking for a friend of mine. I'm looking for a friend of mine. Hvor var du? Where were you? Where were you? USA anmoder om udlevering af Julian Assange. The United States is seeking extradition of Julian Assange. The United States is requesting the extradition of Julian Assange. Fem tusen dollar er mye penger. Five thousand dollars is a large sum of money. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. Tom siger at han hellere vil gå end tage en bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Tom says he'd rather go than take a bus. En man som inte spenderar tid med sin familj kan inte vara en riktig man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family can't be a real man. Vi måste prata. We must talk. We need to talk. Benægt det ikke. Don't deny it. Don't deny it. Hundurinn leit niður í vatnið. The dog looked into the water. The dog looked down into the water. Jeg solgte bilen. I sold the car. I sold the car. Denne flod løber ud i Stillehavet. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river runs into the Pacific Ocean. Jag vill ha fläkten. I want the fan. I want the fan. Jag kan väl skjutsa dig? Why don't I drive you? Why don't I give you a ride? Folk som fortsatt leser ungdomsbøker når de skulle ha vokst ifra dem er vel vanligvis mentalt handikappet. People who still read children's books when they should have grown out of them are normally mentally handicapped. People who are still reading youth books when they should have grown from them are usually mentally handicapped. Jørgen underviser i græsk. Jörgen teaches Greek. Jørgen teaches Greek. Syrien heter ”Suriyah” på Arabiska. Syria is called "Suriyah" in Arabic. Syria is called “Suriyah” in Arabic. Hundene gør, men karavanen drager videre. The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. The dogs do, but the caravan goes on. Är ni hungriga ännu? Are you hungry yet? Are you hungry yet? Hon följde honom hem. She followed him home. She followed him home. Prøv å meditere noen minutter om dagen noen dager. Det hjelper meg masse. Try meditating a few minutes a day once in a while. Honestly, it helps me a lot. Try to meditate a few minutes a day for a few days. Jag kan inte göra det själv. I can't do it alone. I can't do it myself. Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som dig. I'm almost as old as you are. I'm almost as old as you. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en uheldig dag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unfortunate day. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami emerged from his coma. Sami woke up from a coma. Det høres ganske bra ut. That sounds pretty good. That sounds pretty good. Þú hlýtur að vera staurblind ef þú sást það ekki. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. You must be blind if you didn't see it. Var är era barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Sjåfører bør bruke sikkerhetsbelte. Drivers should wear seat belts. Drivers should wear safety belts. Jag är inte ett dugg förvånad. I'm not the least bit surprised. I'm not surprised. Jeg kan snakke kinesisk, men ikke skrive det. I can speak Chinese, but not write it. I can speak Chinese, but don't write it. Ingen bor i byggnaden. No man lives in the building. No one lives in the building. Det var til at forudse. That was predictable. That was to predict. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died of a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Jag måste åka med min son till läkaren. I have to take my son to the doctor. I have to go with my son to the doctor. Hvad er dit password? What is your password? What's your password? Tom gjorde sitt val. Tom made his choice. Tom made his choice. Får jeg hvad jeg ønsker? Will I get what I want? Do I get what I want? Jeg bryder mig ikke om at blive gjort til grin. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being made a fool of myself. Jeg har netop modtaget Deres brev. I just received your letter. I just received your letter. Þekkirðu hann? Do you know him? Do you know him? Keyrum. Let's go by car. Driver's room. Les oppgåveteksten nøye. Read the problem text thoroughly. Please read the task text carefully. Hvor interviewede du dem? Where did you interview them? Where did you interview them? Jeg græder ikke ret tit. I don't cry very often. I don't cry very often. Jag bor i lägenheten bredvid. I live next door. I live in the apartment next door. Viltu ekki annan bjór? Wouldn't you like another glass of beer? Don't you want another beer? Kavla upp din högerärm. Roll up your right sleeve. Squeeze up your right arm. Jag vill träffa Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Eru aðrir alheimar utan okkar eigin? Are there other universes outside our own? Are there other universes outside of our own? Hur kan vi hjälpa till? How may we help? How can we help? Er denne pære grøn? Is this pear green? Is this pear green? Italienerne drikker aldrig cappuccino efter et måltid. Italians never drink cappuccino after a meal. The Italians never drink cappuccino after a meal. De som inte önskar gå behöver inte det. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who do not want to go need not. Þar sem hún er skrifuð á einfaldri ensku er bókin auðlesin. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. Since it is written in simple English, it is easy to read. Vi överlevde. We survived. We survived. Jag ska ta med er till mitt palats imorgon. I will take you to my palace tomorrow. I'll take you to my palace tomorrow. Hur många språk kan du? How many languages do you know? How many languages do you know? Det här fungerade inte. This wasn't working. This didn't work. Har I andre cd'er? Do you have other CDs? Do you have any other CDs? Tom fer av Kobe fyrramorgin. Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom's off Kobe's pre-morgin. Når starter det? What time does it start? When does it start? Hon varnade dig. She warned you. She warned you. Judits tyska uttal är vackert. Judith's German accent is beautiful. Judi's German pronunciation is beautiful. Það óskiljanleglegasta við heiminn er að hann er skiljanlegur. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is understandable. Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I'm going to look up this word in my dictionary. Ska du inte sjunga? Won't you sing? Aren't you going to sing? I mitt land tål man inte dem som är intelligentare än en själv. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, you can't stand those who are smarter than you. Til og med jeg forstår denne setningen. Den er veldig enkel å forstå. Even I can understand this sentence. It's very easy to understand. Even I understand this sentence, it's very easy to understand. Jeg gjorde alt hvad jeg kunne for at få denne pris. I did everything I could to obtain this prize. I did everything I could to get this price. På kysten av dammen kan du bygge et lysthus, og deretter denne hjørnet av hagen vil bli koselig sted for rekreasjon. On the shore of the pond is where you can build a lighthouse, and afterwards that corner of the garden will be a cozy place for recreation. On the coast of the pond you can build a pleasure house, and then this corner of the garden will be a pleasant place for recreation. Äpplena är inte plockmogna än. The apples are not ready to pick yet. Apples aren't picking up yet. Tänker du berätta för Tom vad jag har gjort? Are you going to tell Tom what I did? Are you gonna tell Tom what I've done? Du bør høre på hva Tom sier. You should listen to what Tom says. You should listen to Tom. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berberisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood Berberian. Við John erum góðir vinir. John and I are old friends. John and I are good friends. Jeg er færdig. I'm finished. I'm done. Hvat kostar tað? How much does that cost? How much does it cost? Hvernig segirðu „takk“ á japönsku? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say “thank you ” in Japanese? Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you turn down the TV? Läraren läser en bok. The teacher is reading a book. The teacher reads a book. Fortæl os om din plan. Tell us about your plan. Tell us about your plan. Vi har levet sammen i de sidste tre år. We've been living together for the last three years. We've been living together for the last three years. Jeg var så skuffet. I was so disappointed. I was so disappointed. Kylling! Chicken! Chicken! Spillet var aftalt på forhånd. The game is rigged. The game was pre-arranged. Hon såg ledsen ut. She looked sad. She looked sad. Ingen kommer att få reda på det. No one will find out. No one's gonna find out. Du anstränger dig inte ens. You don't even try that hard. You're not even trying. Er hans historie sand? Is his story true? Is his story true? Hana langaði að fá skilnað. She wanted to get a divorce. She wanted a divorce. Jeg begynte å lære kinesisk i forrige uke. I started learning Chinese last week. I started learning Chinese last week. Fuska inte. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. Tom er ofte våken hele natten. Tom often stays up all night. Tom often wakes up all night. Detta är huset han bor i. This is the house that he lives in. This is the house he lives in. Hon vattnade ett träd. She watered a tree. She watered a tree. Er du i godt humør? Are you in a good mood? Are you in a good mood? Det er indian summer i de kommende dage, men koldt vejr nærmer sig. We'll be experiencing an Indian summer for the next few days, but after that, it'll be getting cold again. There are Indian sums in the coming days, but cold weather is approaching. Hun besluttede sig for at sige sit job op. She decided to quit her job. She decided to quit her job. Det här formuläret ser rätt komplicerat ut. Hjälp mig att fylla i det. This form looks kind of complicated. Help me fill it out. This form looks pretty complicated. Help me fill it out. Jeg rydder rommet mitt nesten hver dag. I tidy my room almost every day. I clean up my room almost every day. Jeg liker ikke å lage mat når det er varmt ute. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. I don't like cooking when it's hot out. Der er fem fisk i mit akvarie. There are five fish in my aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. I kender mig. You guys know me. You know me. Det är svårt. It's difficult. It's hard. Äter Marika på japanska restauranger? Does Marika eat at Japanese restaurants? Marika eats in Japanese restaurants? Eftersom varorna Ni debiterat oss inte var perfekta kommer vi inte att betala räkningen. As your goods for which you are charging us were imperfect, we will not pay this account. Since the goods you charged us were not perfect, we will not pay the bill. Gull er mye tyngre enn vann. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much heavier than water. Við verðum að kaupa þá frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Mér er illt í höfðinu. My head aches. My head hurts. Jag slog aldrig Layla igen. I never hit Layla again. I never hit Layla again. 1. Januar 2 . Februar 3 . Mars 4 . April 5 . Mai 6 . Juni 7. Juli 8 . August 9 . September 10 . Oktober 11 . November 12 . Desember Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. 1. January 2 . February 3 . March 4 . April 5 . May 6 . June 7 July 8 . August 9 . September 10 . October 11 . November 12 . December Tom skulle vilja byta plats med Maria. Tom would like to change seats with Mary. Tom would like to change places with Maria. Hon kom inte innan två. She didn't come before two. She didn't show up before two. Hvat fyri breyð etur tú? What sort of bread are you eating? What do you eat? Han har bred erfaring og kompetansen hans har forgrenet seg til flere felt. He has extensive experience and his competence has branched out into several fields. He has extensive experience and competence in several fields. De plantede æbletræer. They planted apple trees. They planted apple trees. I slutändan är det ändå talangen som räknas i musikens värld. After all, it is talent that counts in music. In the end, it is still the talent that counts in the world of music. Jag sa det till Tom. I told Tom that. I told Tom. Hun kan ikke stoppe ham. She cannot stop him. She can't stop him. Hvad sagde du til dem? What did you say to them? What did you say to them? Kína er stærra en Japan. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Gjør det du synes er rett. Do what you think is right. Do what you think is right. Jeg foretrækker at gå, frem for at køre, i en storby som Tokyo. I prefer walking to driving in a big city like Tokyo. I prefer to go, rather than drive, in a big city like Tokyo. Ekkert gæti verið nytsamlegra en ljósritunarvél. Nothing could be more useful than a copying machine. Nothing could be more useful than a copier. Frankrig var i krig med Rusland. France was at war with Russia. France was at war with Russia. Jag lär mig svenska och tyska. I am learning Swedish and German. I'm learning Swedish and German. Jordsvin er nataktive dyr. Aardvarks are nocturnal animals. Soil pigs are nocturnal animals. Tom hatar tv. Tom hates TV. Tom hates TV. Er der nogen her? Is anybody here? Anybody here? Han är säker på att det är curry. He is sure of it being curry. He's sure it's curry. Han taler godt engelsk. He speaks English well. He speaks English well. Er du sliten? Are you tired? Are you tired? Det regnar idag. Var är mitt paraply? It's raining today. Where is my umbrella? It's raining today. Skynd deg, så rekker du det. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up and you'll make it. Vi älskar picknickar. We love picnics. We love picnics. Akta er! Look out! Watch it! Enginn gleymdi verkefninu sínu, er það nokkuð? No one forgot their assignment, did they? Nobody forgot their mission, didn't they? Han var involverad i en skandal. He was involved in a scandal. He was involved in a scandal. Det var en voldelig forbrytelse. It was a violent crime. It was a violent crime. Er du klar til å fly? Are you ready to fly? You ready to fly? Hon har många vänner i Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. Jag går aldrig ut. I never go out. I never go out. Jeg er nødt til at skrive et brev. I have to write a letter. I have to write a letter. Jag sa åt dig att gå. I told you to leave. I told you to go. Ingen är odödlig. No one is immortal. No one is immortal. Tag chancen! Take a chance! Take a chance! Kommer du tilbake i morgen? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Som du vet är livet som en resa. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. As you know, life is like a journey. Varför är du så trött idag? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Douglas Engelbart, oppfinneren av datamusen, var født på denne dagen i 1925. Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, was born on this day in 1925. Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, was born on this day in 1925. «Hvem er det?» «Det er din mor.» "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "Who is it?" "It is your mother." Atleter skal være udholdende, ikke kun fysisk, men også mentalt. Athletes must be tough not only physically, but also mentally. Athets must endure, not only physically, but also mentally. Der er næppe nogen fare for jordskælv. There is hardly any danger of an earthquake. There's hardly any danger of earthquakes. Tom har en hemmelighed. Tom has a secret. Tom has a secret. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kan göra för att få det här att fungera. I don't know what else I could do to make this work. I don't know what else I can do to make this work. Tom ville sidde ved siden af Mary. Tom wanted to sit next to Mary. Tom wanted to sit next to Mary. Du kommer til at spille fodbold i morgen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Jeg aner ikke hvem hun er. I have no idea who she is. I have no idea who she is. Ertu með eða á móti hugmyndinni hans. Are you for or against his idea? Are you in or against his idea? Det land afbrød de diplomatiske forbindelser med nabolandene. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries. That country broke off diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries. Jag vill dö med Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Hun er en intelligent ung kvinde. She's an intelligent young woman. She's an intelligent young woman. Jeg har allerede læst dagens avis. I've already read today's paper. I've already read today's paper. Tom snakket med Mary hele tiden. Tom used to talk about Mary all the time. Tom talked to Mary all the time. Hvussu gongur? How is it going? How many times? Jeg måtte få fjernet tatoveringen min. I had to get my tattoo removed. I had to get my tattoo removed. Städa ditt rum. Clean your room. Clean up your room. Hur hittar vi ut? How do we find out? How do we find out? Politiet forventer at folk overholder loven. The police expect people to follow the law. The police expect people to comply with the law. Jeg taler svensk. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Den som intet våger, intet vinner. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Whoso dareth not, there is no gain. Svaret er ja. The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Jag önskar dig lycka till. I wish you well. I wish you luck. Oslo är Norges huvudstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is Norway's capital. Hann hitti markið. He hit the mark. He hit the target. En dårlig håndværker giver værktøjet skylden. A bad tradesman blames his tools. A poor craftsman blames the tool. Ingendera är vacker. Neither is beautiful. Neither is beautiful. Hur mycket tjänar en rörmokare? How much money does a plumber make? How much does a plumber serve? Så kan Tom inte göra. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Jeg vet hva som gjør meg lykkelig. I know what makes me happy. I know what makes me happy. Vi skyndte oss til togstasjonen. We hurried to the train station. We rushed to the train station. Det er jeg bange for. I fear so. I'm afraid so. Jeg liker alle språk. I like all languages. I like every language. Mary er meget smuk. Mary is very pretty. Mary is very beautiful. Får jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do that today? Den är tom. It's empty. It's empty. Vi kan lide ham. We like him. We like him. Det är något fel på min bil. There is something wrong with my car. There's something wrong with my car. Alle sover ennå. Everyone's still asleep. Everyone's still asleep. Det är fullständigt fel. It's absolutely wrong. It's completely wrong. Min kone, som er vokst opp i Norge, gjorde det svært klart fra første stund at det ikke var aktuelt å stå på pinne for mannen til alle døgnets tider. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it very clear, from the first moment, that it wasn't practice to be of service to the husband at all times. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it very clear from the outset that it was not appropriate to stick to her husband at all hours of the day. Håller inte Tom på och äter frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? I thought Tom was having breakfast. Finns vi? Do we exist? Are we? Kände ni Tom väl? Did you know Tom well? Did you know Tom well? Tom var den eneste som kom til skade. Tom was the only one who got hurt. Tom was the only one to get hurt. Vad är det du räknar? What're you counting? What are you counting? Jag måste vara försiktig. I've got to be careful. I need to be careful. Atari 2600 var populær i begyndelsen af ​​firserne. The Atari 2600 was popular in the early eighties. Atari 2600 was popular at the beginning of the 1980s. Bliv hvor du er. Jeg tilkalder en ambulance. Stay put. I'm calling an ambulance. Stay where you are, I'll call an ambulance. Ge mig dina händer. Give me your hands. Give me your hands. De har etablert en Flyvåpnenes Felleskommando hvor sjefen og stabssjefen var fra henholdsvis Sjøforsvaret og Hæren. They have established an Air Force Joint Command where the manager and chief of staff come respectively from the Navy and the Army. They have established a Air Force Joint Command where the chief and chief of staff were from the Navy and the Army, respectively. Var ligger toaletten? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Pengar växer inte på träd. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Hur länge tänker du stanna här? How long will you stay here? How long are you gonna stay here? Tom är skild. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. Ho lever eit ulukkeleg liv. She is living an unhappy life. She's living an unstoppable life. Har du lyst til å gå på konserten med meg? You want to come with me to the concert? Would you like to go to the concert with me? Eg nýti róma út í mínum kaffi. I put cream in my coffee. I'll have a drink in my coffee. Han er ingen superhelt. He is not some superhero. He's not a superhero. Sami bor stadig i Egypten. Sami still lives in Egypt. Sami still lives in Egypt. Behöver du den nu? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Få ham ud herfra! Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Hun er allerede gift. She's already married. She's already married. Han behöll hatten på. He kept his hat on. He kept his hat on. Jag såg er aldrig. I never saw you. I never saw you. Begge mine forældre er algeriske. Both my parents are Algerian. Both my parents are Algerian. Det er en meget dyr smartphone. It's a very expensive smartphone. It's a very expensive smartphone. ”Tack.” ”Varsågod.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” Hvis det ikke er ødelagt, ikke reparér det. If it's not broken, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Hún var frá skóla vegna kvefs. She was absent from school with a cold. She was from school because of a cold. Lad være med at sige "vent". Do not say "wait". Don't say "wait." Ertu geðveikur? Are you insane? Are you insane? CIA overvåger dig. The CIA is watching you. The CIA is watching you. Tom var otrogen med en sjuksköterska medan han var på sjukhuset. Tom had an affair with a nurse while staying in hospital. Tom cheated on a nurse while he was in the hospital. Hun begynte å synge. She began to sing. She started singing. Jag går till min farmors hus. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother's house. Vi måste städa vårt klassrum. We must clean our classroom. We need to clean up our classroom. Det ligner lidt en fisk, men det er det ikke. It looks somewhat like a fish, but it isn't. It kind of looks like a fish, but it's not. Hvad er en ufo? What is a UFO? What's a UFO? Jeg vet ikke men jeg har tid før det. I don't know, but I've got time before it. I don't know, but I have time before that. Hvor þessara tveggja er þyngri? Which is the heavier of the two? Which one of these is heavier? Tom har et dårligt syn. Tom has bad eyesight. Tom's got a bad vision. Mit blodtryk er ret højt. My blood pressure is quite high. My blood pressure is pretty high. Get ég fengið endurgreitt? Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? Hvilken hylde er det på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is that on? Var bor du? Where do you live? Where do you live? Då är jag framme. So, I'm arrived. I'll be there. Jo tidligere jeg legger meg, desto tidligere står jeg opp. The earlier I go to bed, the earlier I get up. The sooner I go to bed, the sooner I get up. Jeg har nævnt det tidligere over for dig. I've mentioned it to you before. I mentioned it earlier to you. Vi har large, medium och small. Vilken storlek vill du ha? We have large, medium, and small. What size do you want? We have large media and small, what size do you want? Jeg har ikke spist suppen og jeg vil ikke. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I don't want to. Flóðbylgjurnar óðu yfir hrísgrjónaakrana og flæddu yfir bæina. Tsunamis swept through rice fields and flooded the towns. The flood waves overflowed over the rice fields and flowed over the town. Hún hélt á barninu sínu í örmum sér. She held her baby in her arms. She held her baby in her arms. Jag har lätt huvudvärk. I have a mild headache. I have a slight headache. Jeg vil holde et øye med deg. I'll be watching you. I want to keep an eye on you. Tom har paraplyen min fortsatt. Tom still has my umbrella. Tom still has my umbrella. Du tar fullstendig feil. You are completely wrong. You're completely wrong. Hagen hennes er et kunstverk. Her garden is a work of art. Her garden is a work of art. Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely exonerated of the charge against him. Jag kommer att vara sexton år gammal på min nästa födelsedag. I'll be sixteen on my next birthday. I'll be sixteen years old on my next birthday. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to the boil. Bring the water to the boil. Jeg var ikke så stærk som min far. I was not as strong as my father. I wasn't as strong as my father. Han vil få et chok. He's in for a shock. He'll get a shock. Tag ikke chancer. Don't take chances. Don't take chances. Det kunne jeg godt tænke mig at prøve. I'd like to try it. I'd like to try that. Oro gjorde mig sömnlös igår natt. Worrying deprived me of sleep last night. Oro made me sleepless last night. Fái meg ikki at trúgva, at eg umsíðir hitti teg. I can't believe I finally managed to meet you. If I don't get to believe, I'll see you later. Vi lod fuglen flyve. We let the bird fly. We let the bird fly. Det vore trevligt om du kunde komma. It would be nice if you could come. It would be nice if you could come. Jeg liker å få brev fra venner. I like to receive letters from friends. I like getting letters from friends. Er I to algeriere? Are you two Algerian? Are you two Algerians? Hur träffade Tom Mary? How did Tom meet Mary? How did Tom Mary meet? Jag visste att det inte var du. I knew it wasn't you. I knew it wasn't you. Det finns också en toalett på fjärde våningen. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. Varför svarar du inte? Why don't you answer? Why aren't you answering? Långa kjolar är på modet. Long skirts are in fashion. Long skirts are ripe. Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken ringe. I didn't hear the doorbell ring. I didn't hear the bell ring. Jag ska gå till stranden. I'll go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. En af dem lyver. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Tom er aggressiv. Tom is aggressive. Tom's aggressive. Jeg burde ikke måtte gjøre det igjen. I shouldn't have to do that again. I shouldn't have to do it again. Du er ikke særlig flink i det. You're not very good at it. You're not very good at that. Hvad i djævlens navn laver du? What the devil are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Tornet kommer att rasa. The tower is going to collapse. The tower is going to fall. Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who has eaten all the cookies? Who's eaten all the cookies? Af hverju segirðu það? What makes you say that? Why do you say that? Han er bange. He is afraid. He's scared. Hajer er gode svømmere. Sharks are good swimmers. Sharks are good swimmers. Han har ti børn. He has ten children. He's got ten kids. Tom tog lynhurtigt sin mobiltelefon frem for at tage et billede. Tom whipped out his cellphone to take a picture. Tom quickly took his cell phone rather than take a picture. Du undervurderer han. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Hvad bager du? What are you baking? What are you doing? Arbeiðir tú í morgin? Are you working tomorrow? Do you work this morning? Har du et ledig rom? Do you have a vacancy? Do you have a spare room? Snakk tydelig. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Skøyting kan være grasiøst og vakkert. Ice skating can be graceful and beautiful. Skewing can be graceful and beautiful. Latinamerikanere vet veldig lite om historien til urbefolkningen som bodde her århundrer tilbake. Latin Americans know very little about the history of the indigenous peoples who used to live here several centuries ago. Latin America knows very little about the history of indigenous peoples who lived here centuries ago. Tom sagde at Mary var genert. Tom said that Mary was shy. Tom said Mary was shy. Jeg har ikke nået det endnu. I haven't gotten around to doing that yet. I haven't made it yet. Jag har hållit på att skriva det här manuskriptet i ett år. I have been writing this manuscript for a year. I've been writing this script for a year. Jag hatar måndagar. I hate Mondays. I hate Mondays. Ja. Yes. Yeah. Jeg tok paraplyen din ved feiltak. I took your umbrella by mistake. I took your umbrella by mistake. Hvad spiste du til morgenmad i morges? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? What did you have for breakfast this morning? Ég nenni ekki að gera það í dag. I don't feel like doing it today. I can't do that today. Tom sier han tenker å spille golf med oss i dag ettermiddag. Tom says he intends to play golf with us this afternoon. Tom says he's gonna play golf with us this afternoon. Lämna mig inte ensam. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Vi stänger vid kl. 19. We're closing around 7 p.m. We'll close by seven o'clock. Buksene dine er skitne. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Jag vill dricka en kopp te. I want to drink a cup of tea. I want to drink a cup of tea. Han studerer fransk og webdesign. He's studying French and web design. He studies French and web design. Hon bytte ämne. She changed the subject. She changed the subject. Tom kunne ikkje symje. Tom wasn't able to swim. Tom could not symlink. Hvernig berðu þetta orð fram? How do you say this word? How do you say that? Hur är det relevant? How is this relevant? How's that relevant? Jag har massvis med saker att göra. I've got plenty to do. I've got lots of things to do. Den hvidklædte kvinde er en berømt skuespillerinde. The woman in white is a famous actress. The white-dressed woman is a famous actress. Følg hans eksempel. Follow his example. Follow his example. Væri þér sama þótt ég reykti? Would you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I smoked? Jeg var i gang med at male. I was painting. I was painting. Vad är det för filtillägg? What is the file extension? What's that file supplement? Tom er en venn av en venn av meg. Tom is a friend of a friend of mine. Tom's a friend of mine. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan jeg får barna mine til å slutte å krangle. I wish I could figure out how to stop my children from fighting. I wish I could find out how to stop my children fighting. Toms hest stejlede. Tom's horse reared up. Tom's horse stole. Han skumma raskt gjennom sida etter ordet han leita etter. He quickly scanned the page for the word he was looking for. He quickly crammed through the side for the word he was looking for. Ikke vær redd for å gjøre feil. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Tom er højere end Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom's taller than Mary. Tom lär sig att dansa tango. Tom is learning to dance the tango. Tom learns how to dance tango. Tom og Mary mundhugges. Tom and Mary are bickering with each other. Tom and Mary are getting their mouths cut off. Kan du forestille deg hvordan livene våre hadde vært uten elektrisitet? Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Månen skinner. The moon is shining. The moon is shining. Du vil bli vant til å bo alene veldig raskt. You'll get used to living alone very fast. You'll get used to living alone very quickly. President Truman var tvungen att ta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Þú verður að vera á stöðinni fyrir klukkan fimm. You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. You have to be at the station by 5:00. Vi lager frokost. We're making breakfast. We're making breakfast. Hur är det möjligt? How is that possible? How is that possible? En god konjak kompletterar en fin måltid. A good brandy completes a fine meal. A good cognac complements a fine meal. Tom så på meg og smilte. Tom looked at me and smiled. Tom looked at me and smiled. Er det derfor Tom ønskede at tale med dig? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Jeg laver te. I'm making tea. I'm making tea. Tom är inte härifrån. Tom's not from around here. Tom's not from around here. Jag schamponerar inte håret på morgonen. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. Hvor er nærmeste bank? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Hon gillade den. She liked it. She liked it. Jag är sen. I'm late. I'm late. Eg kjende igjen stemma di med ein gong. I recognized your voice right away. I recognized your voice right away. Min bedstefar døde, da jeg var dreng. My grandfather died when I was a boy. My grandfather died when I was a boy. Jeg bliver hjulpet. I'm being helped. I'm being helped. Tom er ude at lufte hunden. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's out to walk the dog. Hun er pålitelig, høflig og kunnskapsrik. She is reliable, polite and knowledgeable. She's reliable, she's polite, she's knowledgeable. Spørgsmålet er hvem. The question is who. The question is who. Har du nogensinde snorket? Have you ever snored? You ever snort? Tom är hårdnackad. Tom's headstrong. Tom's hard-headed. Thomas Jefferson forlod Det Hvide Hus i marts 1809. Thomas Jefferson left the White House in March of 1809. Thomas Jefferson left the White House in March 1809. Fyrir hvað er það? What is it for? What's that for? Hann er að þrífa bílinn. He is washing the car. He's cleaning the car. "Hvordan ønsker du din kaffe?" "Med mælk og to teskefulde sukker, tak." "How do you have your coffee?" "White with two, thanks." "How do you want your coffee?" "With milk and two canned sugars, please." Jeg skylder ikke nogen noget. I don't owe anyone anything. I don't owe anybody anything. Það er vindur í dag. It is windy today. It's wind today. Skapet ditt er allerede fullt. Det må gjøres plass til de nye klærne dine et annet sted. Your closet is already full. Space will have to be freed up somewhere else for your new clothes. Your locker is already full, and I need to make room for your new clothes somewhere else. Äta bör man, annars dör man. Äta gör man, ändå dör man. You should eat, or you will die. If you do eat, you'll still die. Eat, or you die, you eat, you die. De två männen som satt på bänken var amerikaner. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. När jag besökte deras lägenhet, var paret mitt i ett gräl. When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument. When I visited their apartment, the couple were in the middle of a fight. Varför hälsar Tom aldrig på oss längre? Why doesn't Tom visit us anymore? Why doesn't Tom never visit us anymore? Toms svar överraskade Mary. Tom's reply surprised Mary. Tom's answer surprised Mary. Jeg kommer sandsynligvis. I'll probably come. I'm probably coming. Talar du Portugisiska? Do you speak Portuguese? You speak Portuguese? Jeg bor på landet. I live in a rural area. I live in the country. Jeg skal gjøre mitt beste for ikke å forstyrre deg når du studerer. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to bother you when you're studying. Vi kan ikke se nogen stjerne i aften. We can't see any stars tonight. We don't see any star tonight. Ni har druckit tre koppar kaffe. You've drunk three cups of coffee. You've had three cups of coffee. Patricia kommer att hålla i turneringen. Patricia will organize the tournament. Patricia will hold the tournament. Tom undvek militärtjänstgöring. Tom avoided military service. Tom avoided military service. Har du sett Tom? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Hun var behageligt overrasket. She was pleasantly surprised. She was pleasantly surprised. Han är aldrig nöjd. He's never satisfied. He's never satisfied. Du kan læse fransk, ikke sandt? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? Det kommer inte att ske. That's not going to happen. It's not gonna happen. Om jag ska säga sanningen minns jag ingenting jag sa i går. To tell the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. If I'm gonna tell you the truth, I don't remember anything I said last night. Kom du ensam? Did you come alone? Did you come alone? Hon var tvungen att dela ett sovrum med sin syster. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Jag rådde honom att komma tillbaka omedelbart. I advised him to come back at once. I advised him to come back immediately. Få mennesker lever til de er hundre. Few people live to be one hundred years old. Few people live till they're 100. Jeg husker den dag tydeligt. I remember that day clearly. I remember that day clearly. Han undlod at besvare brevet. He failed to answer the letter. He failed to answer the letter. Det här är för svårt. This is too hard. This is too hard. Matade du papegojorna? Did you feed the parrots? Did you feed the parrots? Bildet henger på veggen nå. The picture is on the wall now. The picture's hanging on the wall now. Vi har alla ett pris. We all have a price. We all have a price. Alla gick. Everybody left. Everybody left. Akídsjí er hermaður sem gerðist kennari. Akiji is a soldier turned teacher. Ahidzi is a soldier who became a teacher. Hun havde ren samvittighed. She had a clear conscience. She had a clean conscience. Hvert er uppáhalds forritunarmálið þitt? What's your favorite programming language? What's your favorite programming thing? Det gør så ondt! Stop det! It's so painful. Stop it! Stop it! Ég er ekki í skapi til að horfa á sjónvarpið í kvöld. I don't feel like watching TV tonight. I'm not in a mood to watch TV tonight. Kan du göra det för mig? Can you do it for me? Can you do that for me? Mellem os to så sælger artiklen langsomt. Between ourselves, this article is selling slowly. Between you and me, the article sells slowly. Han et. He eats. He's one. Hun vil male hegnet i morgen. She'll paint the fence tomorrow. She wants to paint the fence tomorrow. Ég er uppgefinn. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Det er en rimelig pris. This is a reasonable price. It's a fair price. De är lärare. They are teachers. They're teachers. Jag svärmar för dig. I have a crush on you. I swear to you. Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. He did it anyway. Min bedstefar var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Han gik rundt og spredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He walked around spreading lies about her. Jeg har brug for palliativ behandling. I need palliative care. I need palliative treatment. Hvor ofte vasker du op? How often do you wash the dishes? How often do you wash? Det er et spørsmål om personlig smak. It's a question of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. Jeg sier ikke at det hun gjorde var riktig. I'm not saying that what she did was right. I'm not saying what she did was right. Jeg har fått nok av deg og dine dumme idéer. I've had it with you and your stupid ideas. I've had enough of you and your stupid ideas. Du har læbestift på tænderne. You have lipstick on your teeth. You have lipstick on your teeth. Den grimme ælling blev til en smuk svane. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. The ugly eel turned into a beautiful swan. Af hverju ertu vakandi? Why are you awake? Why are you awake? Hun forblev ugift til sin død. She remained unmarried until death. She remained single until her death. Jeg har to katte. I have two cats. I have two cats. Hundar kan simma. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. Förlåt att jag inte har skrivit på evigheter. Sorry that I haven't written in ages. I'm sorry I haven't written in ages. Det er ikke hvad jeg bestilte. It is not what I ordered. That's not what I ordered. Har hon rätt? Is she correct? Is she right? Jag skulle ha gjort exakt det som du gjorde. I would've done exactly what you did. I should have done exactly what you did. Hvordan dekomprimerer man LZH-filer? How do I decompress the LZH file? How to decompress LZH files? Tom kan ikke lide hunde. Tom doesn't like dogs. Tom doesn't like dogs. Hun tiltrak mig ved første øjekast. She attracted me at first sight. She attracted me at first sight. Við töluðum hvor við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other over and over again. Tyget är väldigt mjukt. This fabric is very soft. The fabric is very soft. Jason var en tystlåten typ, så det var alltid en överraskning när han sa någonting. Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything. Jason was a quiet guy, so it was always a surprise when he said something. De kör fast. They're stalling. They're getting stuck. Han satte henne med vilje i fare. He deliberately exposed her to danger. He deliberately put her in danger. Hun ble frastjålet vesken sin. She had her handbag stolen. She was stolen from her purse. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi viðskipta. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time because of urgent business. Detta är riktigt illa. This is really bad. This is really bad. Í daglegu lífi höfum við margar skyldur og mörg ábyrgðarhlutverk. In everyday life we have many obligations and responsibilities. In our daily lives, we have many responsibilities and responsibilities. Han har to katte. He has two cats. He's got two cats. Vi köpte en tidning. We bought a newspaper. We bought a magazine. Hvad lavede du i går? What were you doing yesterday? What were you doing last night? Faren fortalte oss en veldig interessant historie. Father told us a very interesting story. The father told us a very interesting story. Hur länge tar det till fots? How long does it take on foot? How long will it take on foot? Tom hatar er. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Ja, jag förstår. Tack så mycket. Yes, I understand. Thanks a lot. Yes, I understand, thank you very much. Og så gik ællingen; den flød på vandet, den dykkede ned, men af alle dyr var den overset for sin grimhed. So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. And it came to pass, as it flowed upon the water, that it dived down: but of all the animals it was ignored for its wickedness. Jeg er enig med dig. I agree with you. I agree with you. Hun giftede sig mod sin fars vilje. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Jag är inte så synisk. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that psychic. Jeg glæder mig virkeligt på jeres vegne. I'm really happy for you guys. I'm really looking forward to it on your behalf. Att vara söt har också nackdelar. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being cute also has disadvantages. Jeg må gå med Tom. I have to go with Tom. I have to go with Tom. Jeg tror vi skal ringe 991. I think we need to call 911. I think we should call 911. Hann fór heim í gær. He went home yesterday. He went home yesterday. Hva har du tenkt til å gjøre på fredag? What do you plan to do on Friday? What are you going to do on Friday? Er faxen en moderne udgave af telegrafen? Is the fax a modern form of the telegraph? Is the fax a modern version of the telegraph? Han taler ungarsk, og hun taler tysk. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. He speaks Hungarian, and she speaks German. Damen förblev tyst. The lady remained silent. The lady remained silent. Är ni tokiga? Are you people nuts? Are you crazy? Ég hjálpaði honum í gær. I helped him yesterday. I helped him last night. Giv mig et kram! Give me a hug. Give me a hug! Han er fortsatt på arbeid. He's still at work. He's still at work. Tom kör elbil. Tom drives an electric car. Tom's driving an electric car. Han stiger upp klockan sju. He gets up at seven. He's getting up at 7:00. Krakkar, hlustið! Kids, listen! Kids, listen! De har ingen annanstans att gå. They have nowhere else to go. They don't have anywhere else to go. De tog i biografen i går aftes. They went to the movies last night. They went to the movies last night. Kanada producerar bra vete. Canada produces good wheat. Canada produces good wheat. Jern er et nyttigt metal. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Jeg er ved at spise en pære. I am eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Jag ville att Tom skulle skriva mig en rekommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. Jag trodde att du hatade Tom. I thought you hated Tom. I thought you hated Tom. Af hverju geturðu ekki komið? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Hold det hemmelig. Please keep it a secret. Keep it a secret. Ni måste alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You must always do the right thing. Han er en af mine gamle venner. He is one of my old friends. He's one of my old friends. Må jeg bruge denne ordbog? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Jag fick en uppenbarelse. I had a revelation. I got a revelation. Jeg forstår dig ikke. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. Han bad om nogle penge. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee shall meet twice a month. Halló, ég heiti Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hello, I'm Nancy. Jag uppskattar hjälpen. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Vin er poesi på flasker. Wine is bottled poetry. Wine is poetry in bottles. Tycker du om vin? Do you like wine? Do you like wine? Många träd tappar sina löv på vintern. Many trees lose their leaves in the winter. Many trees lose their leaves in winter. Vi hoppas att det här stämmer. We hope this is true. We hope this is true. Sydde du den här för hand? Did you sew this by hand? Did you sew this by hand? I går regnede det hele dagen. Yesterday it rained the whole day. Yesterday it rained all day. Hvad skal du i aften? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Ideer tilhører ingen, de flyter i luften. Ideas do not belong to anyone, they float in the air. Ideas don't belong, they float in the air. Jag känner mig inte sjuk. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. Håll ut dina händer. Hold out your hands. Hold your hands. Han skriver väldigt fort. He writes very quickly. He writes very quickly. Jag köpte en vacker klänning till henne. I bought her a beautiful dress. I bought her a beautiful dress. Næsten tre. Nearly three. Almost three. Jag kan stanna. I can stay. I can stay. Hun fortsetter med å klage over at hun ikke har tid. She keeps moaning that she has no time. She continues to complain that she doesn't have time. Jeg er dyrlæge. I'm a veterinarian. I'm a vet. Han bruger næsten aldrig sin telefon. He almost never uses his phone. He almost never uses his phone. Jeg er sikker på at ingen fulgte etter meg. I'm sure I wasn't followed. I'm sure nobody followed me. For en heldig person han er! What a lucky person he is! What a lucky person he is! Tom er litt rar. Tom is a little weird. Tom's a little weird. Er romanen min god? Is my novel any good? Is my novel good? Jag måste bege mig nu. I must go now. I have to go now. Franska er rík af samheitum. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in synonyms. Tom håber at alle tager afsted, så han kan gå i seng. Tom is hoping that everyone will leave, so he can go to bed. Tom hopes everyone leaves so he can go to bed. Han talar jämt illa om sin fru. He is always speaking ill of his wife. He always talks bad about his wife. Låt inte folk göra dig galen över pengar, hår och kläder. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Du gjorde ett dåligt jobb. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Jag känner till proceduren. I know the procedure. I know the procedure. Gårdagen är historia. Morgondagen är ett mysterium. Dagen idag är en gåva. Det är därför den kallas för nuet. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present". Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. Jeg ved hvilken vej Tom gik. I know which way Tom went. I know which way Tom went. Släpp det! Drop it! Drop it! Læreren så over eksamenspapirene. The teacher looked over the exam papers. The teacher looked over the exam papers. Toms familj bor i Australien. Tom's family lives in Australia. Tom's family lives in Australia. Faren min døde før jeg ble født. My dad died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Betty slog ham ihjel. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Hvor meget betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Jeg bliver her indtil han kommer. I'll stay here until he arrives. I'll stay here until he gets here. Hvad synes du om min nye hat? How do you like my new hat? What do you think of my new hat? De reste tillsammans. They traveled together. They traveled together. Är du klar nu? Are you ready now? Are you done now? Det var ikke mig der oversatte det. It wasn't me who translated this. I didn't translate it. Tom har aldrig set Mary uden makeup. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Tom's never seen Mary without makeup. Det var din idé. That was your idea. It was your idea. Tom, vågn op! Det er sent! Tom, wake up! It's late! Tom, wake up! Han kendte Uyghur, før han kom til Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he came to Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he got to Kashgar. Jag varnade honom för faran. I warned him of the danger. I warned him about the danger. Jeg har otte søskende. I have eight siblings. I have eight siblings. Smith hævder at ingen internationale love kan anvendes i denne sag. Smith argues that no international laws can be applied to this case. Smith claims that no international law can be applied in this case. Portugal er ein republikk. Portugal is a republic. Portugal is a republic. Tom ventede på Mary i lidt over en time. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom was waiting for Mary for a little over an hour. Husker du Tom? Do you remember Tom? Remember Tom? Känner ni inte igen Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Tom er en gourmet. Tom is a foodie. Tom's a gourmet. Sama hvað gerist, þá er ég reiðubúinn. No matter what happens, I am prepared. No matter what happens, I'm ready. Bróður mín er ikki her í dag. My brother isn't here today. My brother's not here today. Jeg kender nogle af disse piger. I know some of these girls. I know some of these girls. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg vente og se, hvad der sker. If I were you, I'd wait and see what happens. If I were you, I'd wait and see what happens. Tag den du bedst kan lide, lige meget hvilken det er. Take the one you like best, whichever it is. Take the one you like best, no matter which one it is. Museet är öppet måndag till fredag. The museum is open from Mondays to Fridays. The museum is open Monday through Friday. Jeg sov ikke godt i natt, så jeg har lite energi i dag. I didn't sleep well last night so I have little energy today. I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have much energy today. Jeg tror ikke du ville være enig i måten Tom har oppført seg. I take it you don't approve of the way Tom's been behaving. I don't think you'd agree with the way Tom behaved. Hjælp! Help! Help! Japan og Sydkorea er nabolande. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighbouring countries. Hunden är människans bästa vän. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is man's best friend. Jag känner en som kan gå på vatten. I know someone who can walk on water. I know someone who can walk on water. Algeriet er meget forskelligt fra USA. Algeria is very different from the United States. Algeria is very different from the United States. Han har et godt ry. He has a good reputation. He's got a good reputation. Jeg vil give dig en cykel til din fødselsdag. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. Jeg har altid ønsket at se en drage, men drager er ikke virkelige skabninger. I have always wanted to see a dragon, but dragons are not real creatures. I always wanted to see a dragon, but dragons aren't real creatures. Ja, tack. Yes, please. Yes, thank you. Jeg tar tannkrem på tannbørsten og pusser tennene. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and brush my teeth. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Jeg følte mig meget lettet da jeg hørte nyheden. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. Jeg bliver nødt til at tale med ham. I've got to speak to him. I need to talk to him. Jag såg dina foton. I saw your photos. I saw your photos. Markerne lå dækkede af et tykt lag sne. The fields lay covered with deep snow. The fields were covered in thick snow. Tom såg seg i spegelen om att. Tom looked in the mirror again. Tom looked in the mirror again. Ikke drikk så mye! Do not drink so much! Don't drink so much! Glöm inte att andas. Don't forget to breathe. Don't forget to breathe. Hvor er det vakreste stedet i verden? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Jag ser fram emot att träffa dig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you. Vand indeholder nul kalorier. Water has zero calories. Water contains zero calories. Är det bra eller dåligt? Is that a good or a bad thing? Is that good or bad? Jeg er en sulten edderkop. I am a hungry spider. I'm a hungry spider. Han dro tilbake til fødselsbyen sin, hvor han tilbrakte de siste få årene av sitt liv. He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life. He went back to his birth city, where he spent the last few years of his life. Hvem kommer til å være her? Who's going to be here? Who's gonna be here? Það eru til margar stjörnur sem eru stærri en sólin okkar. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Skyll inte på mig. Jag har ingenting att göra med den där videon. Do not blame me, I do not have anything to do with that video. Don't blame me, I have nothing to do with that video. Jeg kan fortelle deg at dette ikke har skjedd. I can tell you that this has not happened. I can tell you this hasn't happened. Jody lítur út fyrir að hafa séð draug. Jody looks as if she had seen a ghost. Jody seems to have seen a ghost. Hva er ting du liker å gjøre alene? What do you like doing alone? What are things you like to do alone? Vil du have en kop te mere? Would you like to have another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Han forklarede detaljeret, hvad han havde set. He explained in detail what he had seen. He explained in detail what he had seen. Kan du sätta på tv:n? Will you turn on the TV? Can you turn on the TV? Du måste lita på mig. You have to trust me. You have to trust me. När jag inte har min mobil, känner jag mig ensam. When I don't have my cell phone, I feel lonely. When I don't have my phone, I feel alone. Jeg har trænet min hund til at hente avisen om morgenen. I trained my dog to bring me the newspaper in the morning. I trained my dog to pick up the newspaper in the morning. Grattis på födelsedagen. I wish you a happy birthday. Happy birthday. Vi bør respektere hverandres synspunkter. We should respect each other's beliefs. We should respect each other's views. Tom drog til Boston for tre år siden. Tom went to Boston three years ago. Tom went to Boston three years ago. Sami foregav at være læge. Sami pretended to be a doctor. Sami pretended to be a doctor. Jag vill bara ha den. I just want it. I just want it. Han er høj og tynd. He's tall and slim. He's tall and thin. Det Europæiske Melodigrandprix har millioner af fans rundt om i verden. The Eurovision Song Contest has millions of fans around the world. The European Melodigrandprix has millions of fans around the world. Spelar du squash? Do you play squash? Do you play squash? Jag ska sammanfatta det hela. I'll summarize it all. I'll sum it up. Vi använder ätpinnar istället för kniv och gaffel. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. We use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. Detta är ett litet steg för en människa men ett jättekliv för mänskligheten. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step for a man but a great time for mankind. Har du för kallt? Are you too cold? Are you too cold? Det officielle sprog i Niue er niueansk. The official language in Niue is Niuean. The official Niue language is Niuean. Tom siger at han ikke kan arbejde på tom mave. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Brödet är hårt som sten. The bread is as hard as a rock. The bread is hard as stone. Jeg taber aldrig. I never lose. I never lose. Han går. He walks. He's leaving. Jeg har aldri før sett en så stor vannmelon. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big watermelon before. Jeg skulle ønske at du kunne fortalt meg hva jeg burde gjøre i denne vanskelige situasjonen. I wish you would tell me what I ought to do in this difficult situation. I wish you could tell me what I should do in this difficult situation. Tann vakri maðurin er høgur. The handsome man is tall. The warmer man is tall. Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hræddur? Are you saying that because you're afraid? Are you saying that because you're afraid? Gjorde jag allt det där? Did I do all that? Did I do all that? ”Hur lyckades ni bryta er in utan dyrk?” ”Toalettfönstret var öppet.” "With no picks how did you break in?" "The toilet window was open." “How did you manage to break in without worship?” “The toilet window was open.” Jeg har altid ret. I'm always right. I'm always right. Han bor i et amt med alkoholforbud. He lives in a dry county. He lives in a county with a ban on alcohol. Tom forblev enlig hele sit liv. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained single his whole life. Du lyder træt. You sound tired. You sound tired. Kvinnor förändrar världen. Women change the world. Women change the world. Tack för ditt svar. Thanks for your reply. Thank you for your answer. Spiller du golf? Do you play golf? You play golf? Vinteren er over og våren har kommet. Winter is over and spring has come. Winter's over and spring's here. Jag uppskattar ert arbete. I appreciate your work. I appreciate your work. Du kommer säkert på nånting. I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Hetta er eitt súreplatræ. This is an apple tree. This is one sour platter. Jeg vil huske dine ord. I will bear your words in mind. I'll remember your words. Vi tycker att ni borde komma in. We think you should come in. We think you should come in. Jag är lagen. I'm the law. I'm the law. Han lykkedes endelig. He finally succeeded. He finally succeeded. Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies more cities with electricity. Fortællingen er fuld af humor. The story is full of humor. The story is full of humor. Jag kan inte böja min högerarm. I can't bend my right arm. I can't bend my right arm. Jag tar en promenad. I'm going for a walk. I'll take a walk. Tom er danselærer. Tom is a dance teacher. Tom's a dance teacher. Hon var gjort för det här. She was made for this. She was done for this. Delfiner er meget intelligente dyr. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Vi frågade Tom om det. We asked Tom about that. We asked Tom about it. Tom kunne knapt tro det. Tom could scarcely believe it. Tom could hardly believe it. Hvordan udtales ordet? How is the word pronounced? How is the word spoken? Tom hatade sig själv. Tom hated himself. Tom hated himself. Jag åkte på en tiodagarsresa till Påskön. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. Tom har for nylig mistet sit arbejde. Tom recently lost his job. Tom has recently lost his job. Tom vandt Giro d'Italia. Tom won the Giro d'Italia. Tom won Giro d'Italia. Jeg er en viking. I am a Viking. I'm a Viking. Det är mitt sätt att säga tack. It's my way of saying thank you. That's my way of saying thank you. Snakker du om oss? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Jeg kommer hjem halv tre. I come home at two thirty. I'll be home at 2:30. Við höfum enn hvort annað og það er aðalatriðið. We've still got each other, and that's the main thing. We still have each other, and that is the main point. Skibets skrog er beskadiget. The ship's hull is damaged. The hull of the ship is damaged. Ja, jeg ved det. Yes, I know it. Yeah, I know. Vi får nya. We'll get new ones. We're getting new ones. Släpp inte taget om mig. Don't let go of me. Don't let me go. Eg er utsliten! I'm tired! I'm exhausted! Jeg skulle ønske at du kunne lukke døra når du går ut. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I wish you could close the door when you go out. Mundu eftir að póstleggja bréfið á leiðinni í skólann. Remember to post the letter on your way to school. Remember to mail the letter on the way to school. Jeg tror Tom kommer fra Australia. I think Tom is from Australia. I think Tom's from Australia. Tom hadde ingen grunn til å være sint. Tom had no reason to be angry. Tom had no reason to be angry. Der var en masse skriverier om homoseksualitet. There were a lot of writings about homosexuality. There were a lot of writings about homosexuality. Tom er omrejsende sælger. Tom is a traveling salesman. Tom's a traveler. Tom glemte at vandene blomsterne. Tom forgot to water the flowers. Tom forgot the water was the flowers. Noget gik helt galt. Something went terribly wrong. Something went wrong. Mér er létt. I feel relieved. I'm light. Söker ni något? Are you looking for something? Are you looking for something? Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Rumænien! Happy Birthday, Romania! Happy birthday, Romania! De var medlemmar av medelklassen. They were members of the middle class. They were members of the middle class. God tur! Godspeed! Have a good trip! Låt inte Tom se er. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Ge mig vinet. Give me the wine. Give me the wine. Det er et godt spørsmål. It is a good question. That's a good question. Jeg begynte å forberede meg. I started to prepare myself. I started getting ready. De olympiske lege afholdes hvert fjerde år. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympic Games are held every four years. Förklara det för mig. Explain that to me. Explain it to me. Hissen verkar vara trasig. The elevator seems to be out of order. The elevator seems broken. På början var det jättebra. It was great at first. At first, it was great. Mette er Jørgens kone. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Jag såg dig där. I saw you there. I saw you there. Vatnið er fallegt. The water is beautiful. The water is beautiful. Tom underviser i fransk. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Jamaica? What's the minimum salary in Jamaica? What's the minimum wage in Jamaica? Ingen kom med mig. No one came with me. No one came with me. Min mor er udenfor. My mother is outdoors. My mom's outside. Du verkar lycklig. You seem happy. You seem happy. Han græder altid når han er fuld. He always cries when he is drunk. He always cries when he's drunk. Hvorfor ler du? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Tom SMS'er til Mary. Tom is texting Mary. Tom text Mary. Skal vi gå og spise ramen sammen en gang? Should we go have ramen together again? Why don't we go eat the frame together sometime? Hvem var det som skrev disse to brevene? Who was it who wrote these two letters? Who wrote these two letters? Hvordan siger man XXX på engelsk? How do you say XXX in English? How do you say XXX in English? Jeg er ikke stærk nok. I'm not strong enough. I'm not strong enough. Jeg havde en motorcykel. I used to have a motorcycle. I had a motorcycle. Mary lämnade rummet plötsligt. Mary left the room suddenly. Mary left the room suddenly. Jeg har mistet en værdifuld medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a valuable medal. Laget vårt hadde røde skjorter. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team had red shirts. Alt er o.k. Everything is OK. Everything's okay. Jeg hardkokte et egg. I hard-boiled an egg. I cooked an egg. Har du ett hus i Italien? Do you have a home in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? Mér þætti betra að þú reyktir ekki svona mikið. I'd rather you didn't smoke so much. I'd rather you didn't smoke so much. Tom är inte död. Tom isn't dead. Tom's not dead. Jeg er ikke din far. I'm not your father. I'm not your father. Jeg er nu 30 år gammel. I am 30 years old now. I am now 30 years old. Saknar du Tom? Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? Tom er fremdeles utendørs. Tom is still outside. Tom's still out of doors. Jeg slo opp med henne i går kveld. I broke up with her yesterday evening. I broke up with her last night. Tom är inte lång. Tom isn't tall. Tom's not long. Kan vi prata med dig en sekund? Can we talk to you for a second? Can we talk to you for a second? Ég er þreitt. I'm tired. I'm all right. Egernene sprang fra gren til gren. The squirrels jumped from branch to branch. The squirrels jumped from branch to branch. Hann getur lesið og skrifað. He can read and write. He can read and write. Tom er en veldig smart mann. Tom is a very wise man. Tom's a very smart man. Liker du jordbær? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Gå upp för den här trappan. Go up these stairs. Go up this stairs. Huset brant ned før brannbilen kom. The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived. The house burned down before the fire truck arrived. Hvad laver du? What are you doing? What are you doing? Vi tar alle større kredittkort. We accept all major credit cards. We'll take all major credit cards. Jag har mitt eget jobb. I have my own job. I've got my own job. Vad betydde det? What did it mean? What did that mean? Den brune hat er gammel. The brown hat is old. The brown hat is old. Hendes kusine bor i USA. Her cousin lives in the U.S. Her cousin lives in the United States. Det her rager ikke dig overhovedet. This does not concern you at all. This is none of your business. Tom ville ikke tale om det. Tom didn't want to talk about that. Tom wouldn't talk about it. Flyger du ofta? Do you fly frequently? Do you fly often? Jag är motiverad. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Kjenner hun deg? Does she know you? Does she know you? Jeg var kun en 7-årig pige dengang. I was only a seven-year-old girl at that time. I was just a 7-year-old girl back then. Du er en kryster. You're a coward. You're a wimp. Hun er sparsommelig, for ikke at sige nærig. She is frugal, not to say stingy. She's a little thrifty, not to say snivelled. Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Hvidt brød, tak. White bread, please. White bread, please. Eg skal veksla eitt sindur av pengum. I'd like to change some money. I'll raise one mind of money. I mitt land tål folk inte de som är mer intelligenta än vad de själva är. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, people can't stand those who are more intelligent than they are. Jeg ser frem til at modtage dit svar snarest. I look forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving your answer as soon as possible. Det her er brændevin af lav kvalitet. This is poor quality brandy. This is low-quality spirits. Tom har penge nok. Tom has enough money. Tom's got enough money. Jag fick nästan en hjärtattack. I almost had a heart attack. I almost had a heart attack. Du ser precis ut som din pappa. You look just like your father. You look just like your dad. De började skjuta. They started shooting. They started shooting. Hun slog armene om ham i forfærdelse. She threw her arms around him in horror. She beat her arms around him in horror. Vilken station är det här? What station is it? What station is this? Tom ville vara trevlig. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be nice. Tom er allerede her, men Mary er ikke kommet ennå. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't gotten here yet. Tom's already here, but Mary hasn't come yet. Diane er líka hálfsystir þín, George. Diane is your half-sister too, George. Diane's your half sister, too, George. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you do it? How did you make it? Borde vi sälja den lilla bilen och börja ta bussen till jobbet istället? Should we sell the small car and start taking the bus to work instead? Should we sell the little car and start taking the bus to work instead? Jeg går nu. I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now. Jag har många samtal att ringa. I have a lot of calls to make. I have a lot of calls to make. Alt hvad Tom sagde, var løgn. Everything Tom said was a lie. Everything Tom said was a lie. Hver ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? De, som bor i glashuse, burde ikke kaste med sten. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Jeg kigger efter T-shirt. I'm looking for T-shirts. I'm looking for a T-shirt. Vi har allerede begynt. We've already started. We've already started. Kyoto var tidligere Japans hovedstad. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto was once the capital of Japan. Stå ansigt til ansigt. Stand face to face. Face to face. Du får inte gå ut dit. You can't go out there. You can't go out there. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My mobile phone is handy. My cell phone's handy. Denne cykel har været efterladt her siden begyndelsen af denne måned. This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. This cycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. Tom er ikke en journalist. Tom isn't a journalist. Tom's not a journalist. Vi går i biografen. We are going to the cinema. Let's go to the movies. Tom er endnu ikke teenager. Tom isn't a teenager yet. Tom's not a teenager yet. Det kan vi inte göra. We cannot do that. We can't do that. Jorden är ingen stjärna, utan en planet. The earth is not a star, but a planet. The earth is not a star, it's a planet. Vem skulle du rösta på? Who would you vote for? Who would you vote for? Kan jag inte stanna här med dig? Can't I stay here with you? Can't I stay here with you? Jag är hungrig eftersom jag inte åt frukost. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast. Uten det kartet, ville han nok ha gått seg vill. Without the map, he would have gotten lost. Without that map, he'd probably be lost. Jeg glemte å sette et frimerke på konvolutten. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Sendu mér besta starfsfólkið sem hægt er að fá. Peningar skipta þar engu. Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object. Send me the best staff you can get. Det här är din hållplats. This is your stop. This is your stop. Jeg kan håndtere dette. Det er let nok. I can handle this, no problem. I can handle this. lt's easy enough. Jeg har fået nok af dette. I've had enough of this. I've had enough of this. Jag tänker inte hindra er. I'm not stopping you. I'm not gonna stop you. Får jag titta på tv nu? May I watch TV now? Can I watch TV now? Jeg er ikke beruset. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. Får vi vara med? Can we join in? May we join? Han skrev en bok bara genom att använda sin fantasi. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. Jag är också lärare. I'm also a teacher. I'm a teacher, too. Röstade Tom? Did Tom vote? Did Tom vote? Vi måste gömma oss. We've got to hide. We have to hide. Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Sittu kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit still. Ønsker du hjælp? Do you want help? Do you want help? Jeg går. I am going. I'm leaving. Den som inte arbetar har inget att äta. He who doesn't work has nothing to eat. Anyone who doesn't work has nothing to eat. Jeg boede i Boston for tre år siden. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Vær så snill ikke å si det. Please don't say that. Please don't say that. Vad annat finns det? What else is there? What else is there? Undskyld, noget er gået galt. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something's gone wrong. Þau trúðu mér ekki. They did not believe me. They didn't believe me. Du har gode ideer. You have good ideas. You have good ideas. Við munum gera undantekningu í þínu tilviki? We will make an exception of your case. We'll make an exception in your case? Han elsker at spille fodbold. He likes playing soccer. He loves to play football. Rør ikke blomsterne. Don't touch the flowers. Don't touch the flowers. Det glæder mig at se dig igen. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Jeg hedder Tom, og jeg er narkoman. I'm Tom and I'm an addict. I'm Tom, and I'm a drug addict. Vill ni inte höra min version? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my version? Kommer hon att komma? Will she come? Is she coming? Jag hoppas att vi har tagit det rätta beslutet. I hope we've made the right decision. I hope we've made the right decision. Jag älskar att prata med er. I love talking to you. I love talking to you guys. Jeg så to fyre kysse hinanden i gangen. I saw two guys kissing each other in the hallway. I saw two guys kissing each other in the hall. Är jag för krävande? Am I too demanding? Am I too demanding? Jeg kunne ikke høre hva som ble sagt. I couldn't hear what was being said. I couldn't hear what was said. Sangen minder mig om mit hjem. The song reminds me of my home. The song reminds me of my home. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvorrar tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvora ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are options and flaws in the opinions of each of you, so I'm not going to decide which one I'm going to support right away. Jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at spise det. I could not bring myself to eat it. I couldn't get myself to eat it. Ni borde vara noggrannare nästa gång. You should be more careful the next time. You should be more careful next time. Älskar du din mamma? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Hon skrev så många som tio böcker. She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote as many as ten books. Tom brukade köra buss. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom begynte å brette ut papirlappen som Mary gav ham. Tom started to unfold the piece of paper Mary handed him. Tom began to fold out the paper sheet that Mary gave him. Tokyo station er det tredje stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Den bedste måde at hjælpe os er ved at bidrage på dit eget modersmål. The best way to help us is to contribute in your own native language. The best way to help us is to contribute in your own mother tongue. Han kör en Ferrari. He drives a Ferrari. He's driving a Ferrari. Vad innebar det? What did that mean? What did that mean? Det här kommer aldrig att ta slut. This is never going to end. This is never gonna end. Ég fékk bréf frá vini mínum. I got a letter from my friend. I got a letter from my friend. Han har en temperatur på 38,9 °C. He has a fever of 102 degrees. He's got a temperature of 38.9 °C. Det er muligvis sandt. Maybe it's true. That may be true. Det gir ikke mening. It makes no sense. That doesn't make any sense. Hästar är farliga djur. Horses are dangerous animals. Horses are dangerous animals. Jeg rev i stykker alle brevene du skrev meg. I tore up all the letters that you wrote to me. I tore all the letters you wrote me apart. Mere end 300 rensdyr blev dræbt af et lynnedslag i Norge. More than 300 reindeer were killed by a lightning strike in Norway. More than 300 reindeer were killed by a lightning blow in Norway. Handelshindringer blev ophævet efter krigens afslutning. Trade barriers were lifted after the war ended. Trade barriers were lifted after the war ended. Vi så en baseball-kamp på TV. We watched a baseball game on television. We saw a baseball game on TV. Kunne jeg få telefonnummeret ditt? May I have your phone number? Could I have your phone number? Jag dödade mössen. I killed the mice. I killed the hat. Tom sa att han hade huvudvärk. Tom said he had a headache. Tom said he had a headache. Jag pratar med rektorn. I'm speaking with the principal. I'll talk to the principal. Du vandrar. You are wandering. You walk. Kom nu, I to! Come on, you two. Come on, you two! Fyrirtækið varð fyrir fimmtán prósenta lækkun í sölu. The company suffered a 15% drop in sales. The company suffered a 15 percent drop in sales. Vad tog de? What did they take? What did they take? Jag skulle vilja betala kontant. I'd like to pay in cash. I'd like to pay in cash. Vårt skepp blev inte skadat i striden. Our ship wasn't damaged in the battle. Our ship was not injured in the battle. Hun har god hukommelse også. She has a good memory, too. She has good memory, too. Snorre Sturlasons historier forteller blant annet om at kristendommen ble fordelt i Norge med makt. Snorri Sturluson's stories tells, among other things, how Christianity was spread in Norway by force. The stories of Snorre Sturlason relate, among other things, that Christianity was distributed in Norway with power. Newton troede at verden var blevet skabt i år 4000 før Kristus. Newton thought the world had been created in 4000 BC. Newton believed that the world had been created in the year 4,000 before Christ. Vi vill ha en sak. We want one thing. We want something. Jag är vid den norra porten. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the north gate. Tom er ikke dum. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Kan jag låna en penna? Can I borrow a pen? Can I borrow a pen? Dörren är öppen nu. The door is open now. The door's open now. Eg standi og hugsi um mínum børn. I am thinking about my children. I stand and think of my children. Det er for sent. That's too late. It's too late. Ja, lite grand. Yes, a little bit. Yeah, a little grand. Jeg er ikke vant til å stå opp så tidlig. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early. I'm not used to getting up so early. Tom er egyptolog. Tom is an Egyptologist. Tom's an Egyptologist. Hæv ikke stemmen. Don't raise your voice. Don't raise your voice. Veit Tom afhverju? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Vatten, tack. Water, please. Water, please. Låt oss spela Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Vad händer om det blir ett strömavbrott nu? What will happen if there's power failure now? What happens if there's a power outage now? Tom lovede mig at han ville betale sin gæld. Tom promised me he'd pay his debts. Tom promised me he'd pay his debts. Jeg undervurderede Tom. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. Den her juice ville være endnu bedre med to isterninger. This juice would be even better with two ice cubes. This juice would be even better with two ice cubes. Hun bliver femten år i morgen. She will turn 15 tomorrow. She'll be 15 tomorrow. Døren er låst. The door's locked. The door is locked. Arbejder Tom i køkkenet? Does Tom work in the kitchen? Is Tom working in the kitchen? Han frågade mig vem jag var. He asked me who I was. He asked me who I was. Jag vill åka dit en gång till. I want to go there once again. I want to go there again. Förr eller senare kommer jag att slå dig. Someday I'll beat you. Sooner or later, I'm going to hit you. Jeg hilste på Betty, men hun ignorerede mig. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hello to Betty, but she ignored me. Når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, så tager han hele armen. Give someone an inch, and they will take a mile. When you reach the fucking finger, he takes the whole arm. Ikke alle bøger er gode bøger. Not all books are good books. Not all books are good books. Det vore oförskämt. That would be rude. That would be rude. Jag är gay. I am gay. I'm gay. Ingen hjälpte mig göra detta. No one helped me do this. Nobody helped me do this. Mary forsøgte at forgifte Tom med et ukendt stof. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown drug. Finns det ett apotek i närheten? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Tom tränade. Tom exercised. Tom was trained. Det er dybt. It's deep. It's deep. Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. Do not draw premature conclusions. Uttalen av esperanto er enkelt. Esperanto pronunciation is easy. The pronunciation of Esperanto is simple. La oss sette vår i kontrast til høst. Let's contrast spring with fall. Let us contrast ours with the harvest. Jeg kan lide dyr, fx katte og hunde. I like animals, for example, cats and dogs. I like animals, such as cats and dogs. Men vi kan ikke forstå ham. But we can't understand him. But we can't understand him. Herra og frú West eru í brúðkaupsferð sinni. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Vand koger ved 100 grader. Water boils at 100 degrees. Water boils at 100 degrees. Hur ska jag göra det här? How do I do this? How am I supposed to do this? Jeg må innrømme at teorien min ikke dekker for det fakta. I must confess that my theory doesn't account for that fact. I have to admit, my theory doesn't cover that fact. Jag går alltid. I always walk. I always go. Segðu hvað sem er. Say what you want. Say anything. Ég er seinn, ekki satt? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Du var med Tom natten han dog, eller hur? You were with Tom the night he died, weren't you? You were with Tom the night he died, weren't you? När jag kom hem, upptäckte jag att jag hade tappat bort min plånbok. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I found that I had lost my wallet. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne trylle. I wish I could use magic. I wish I could magic. Jag tyckte om den där boken. I liked that book. I liked that book. Jeg er ret god til at svømme. I'm very good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming. Går klokken din rett? Is your watch correct? Is your watch going right? Jeg spiser meget kød. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. Gå ikke. Don't leave. Don't go. Tom har betett sig väldigt konstigt. Tom has been acting very strange. Tom's been acting really weird. Jeg fikk maskinen i gang. I got the machine running. I got the machine going. Hun stillede et rigtig godt spørgsmål. She asked a very good question. She asked a really good question. Her hevur ikki verið nakar. No one has been here. This doesn't have to be no more. Jeg har faktisk googlet det. I did google it, actually. I actually Googled it. Jag tycker om frukt. I like fruit. I like fruit. Vi lagde en hvid dug på bordet. We placed a white tablecloth over the table. We put a white dew on the table. Forbrydere bør straffes. Criminals should be punished. Criminals should be punished. Jag tänker inte ha på mig det här. I'm not wearing this. I'm not wearing this. Tom är bekymrad. Tom is concerned. Tom's worried. Hun er klædt i hvidt. She is dressed in white. She's dressed in white. Sjølv om eg finn meg ei anna å liggje med føre midnatt, kjem eg aldri til å gløyme kor kjærleg du var. Even if I go make love with some girl before midnight, I will never forget your kindness. Even if I find myself sleeping with someone else before midnight, I'll never forget how much love you were. Jeg elsker jer! I love you guys! I love you! Jeg tror han er glad. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. Jeg jobber som pianostemmer i mange år. I worked as a piano tuner for many years. I work as a piano voice for years. Jeg kender jer ikke. I don't know you guys. I don't know you guys. Det finns en park i centrum. There is a park in the middle of the city. There's a park in the city center. Kozue fannst fyrirlestur kennarans vera daufur, leiðinlegur og endalaus. Kozue thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless. Kozue thought the teacher’s lecture was sad, boring, and endless. Er den for salt? Is it too salty? Is it too salty? Jeg vil ha deg ut herfra nå. I want you out of here now. I want you out of here now. Hvad laver du deroppe? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Ikke svar. Don't answer. Don't answer it. Kanske jag borde göra det. Maybe I should do it. Maybe I should. Jag går inte på mötet. I'm not going to the meeting. I'm not going to the meeting. Jeg gir meg ikke! I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up! Det var det beste som noen gang har skjedd meg. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Sveriges huvudstad är Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Ett kuvert och ett frimärke, tack. An envelope and a stamp, please. An envelope and a stamp, please. Gjorde du någonting? Did you do anything? Did you do something? Det er din eneste chance. It's your only chance. It's your only chance. Hvad er der bag muren? What's behind the wall? What's behind the wall? Brottslingar borde straffas. Criminals should be punished. Criminals should be punished. Tom tog fra Boston til Chicago. Tom went from Boston to Chicago. Tom went from Boston to Chicago. Å ena sidan är han snäll men å andra sidan är han lat. On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy. On the one hand, he's kind, but on the other hand, he's lazy. Tom stod op til endnu en grå morgen. Tom awoke to another gray morning. Tom stood up to another gray morning. Jag är inte intresserad av Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. Tom er horvin. Tom has disappeared. Tom's a hog. Det är faktiskt mycket enklare än vad det ser ut. It's actually a lot of easier than it looks. It's actually much easier than it looks. Hela dagen var min pappa på dåligt humör för att han tappat bort sin plånbok. All that day my father was out of humor because he had lost his wallet. All day long my dad was in a bad mood because he lost his wallet. Clyde var utilfreds med sit butikskøbte teleskop og besluttede at bygge ét selv. Clydes far tog et ekstrajob for at betale for de materialer, der var nødvendige for at bygge det. Clyde was dissatisfied with his store-bought telescope and decided to build one for himself. Clyde's father took a second job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Clyde was dissatisfied with his shop bought telescope and decided to build one herself. Clyde's father took an extra job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Kommer ni ihåg det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Tom holdt kniven på denne måde. Tom held the knife like this. Tom kept the knife this way. Godmorgen alle. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everybody. Ég er líklegast týnd. I am probably lost. I'm probably lost. Tom såg festen som ett bra tillfälle att skapa nya kontakter. Tom saw the party as a good networking opportunity. Tom saw the party as a great opportunity to create new contacts. Kærastan þín verður svo reið við þig. Your girlfriend is going to be so mad at you. Your girlfriend will be so mad at you. Tom hældte æblejuice i et glas. Tom poured some apple juice into a glass. Tom poured apple juice in a glass. Han vill inte vänta på dig. He doesn't want to wait for you. He doesn't want to wait for you. Min far dyrker ris. My father grows rice. My dad's growing rice. Ta lite åt mig också. Get me some, too. Take some of that for me, too. Är du okej? Are you alright? Are you okay? Hvem vet hvor han har blitt av. God only knows where he has gone. Who knows where he's been. Nej, inte alls. No, not at all. No, not at all. Var är dina barn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Ignorer ham bare. Just ignore him. Just ignore him. Den gode skribent kan renskrive og forbedre sin tekst mange ganger. A good writer can reshape and improve his text many times. The good writer can clear and improve his text many times. Jeg har brug for smertelindrende behandling. I need palliative care. I need pain relief. Tom havde blå øjne. Tom had blue eyes. Tom had blue eyes. Tom kan være skræmmende til tider. Tom can be very scary sometimes. Tom can be scary at times. Ikkje høyr på denne mannen. Do not listen to this man. Do not listen to this man. Presidenten sa at han ville dø for landet sitt. The president said that he would die for his country. The president said he'd die for his country. Glem ikke at poste dette brev. Don't forget to mail this letter. Do not forget to post this message. Jeg ringer dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll ring them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Hun er en god svømmer. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Það var nákvæmlega þar sem Tom sagði að það yrði. It was right where Tom said it would be. It was exactly where Tom said it would be. Han strever noen ganger med å uttrykke synspunktene hans ordentlig. Sometimes he has difficulties with being articulate about his views. He sometimes struggles to express his views properly. Tom slukkede sin cigaret. Tom put out his cigarette. Tom put out his cigarette. Hun ga opp. She gave up. She gave up. Jag sa till kungen: ers majestät, snälla förlåt mig! I said to the king: Your Majesty, please forgive me! I said to the king, Your Majesty, please forgive me! Nogle piger blev jagtet som kvæg. Some girls were chased like cattle. Some girls were hunted like cattle. Det är ingen här som heter så. There is no one here with that name. There's no one here named that. Jeg tog min temperatur hver sjette time. I took my temperature every six hours. I took my temperature every six hours. Hvad er en tænketank? What is a think tank? What's a thought? Fadil och Layla var intima i ungefär en timme. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Det er politiet! Smid våbnene! Police! Drop your weapon! Drop your weapons! Karbonmonoksid er et giftig stoff som dannes ved ufullstendig forbrenning av karbonforbindelser. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Carbon monoxide is a toxic substance formed by incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Jag har fortfarande några lektioner den här eftermiddagen. I still have a few more classes this afternoon. I still have a few lessons this afternoon. Först trodde jag att han var lärare, men det var han inte. At first, I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't. At first I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't. Tom känner inte att han kan lita på Mary. Tom doesn't feel that he can trust Mary. Tom doesn't know he can trust Mary. Si meg grunnen til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not present. Han kommer att komma. He will come. He's coming. Tom måste ha haft en nyckel. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Hvis ikke jeg dumper, kan jeg tage kørekortet i år. If I don't fail, then I can get my driving license this year. If I don't fail, I can take the driver's license this year. Någon måste stoppa honom. Somebody has to stop him. Somebody's got to stop him. Jeg hater matematikk. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Han får komma. He can come. He'll have to come. Berättade Tom för någon? Did Tom tell someone? Did Tom tell anyone? Det tårn, du ser derovre, er Eiffeltårnet. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. The tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. Han var i Frankrig. He was in France. He was in France. Var är han? Where is he? Where is he? Langar þig í meira salad? Would you like some more salad? Want some more salad? Tom ga dette akkurat til meg. Tom just gave this to me. Tom just gave this to me. Gir du meg saltet? Pass me the salt, please. Give me the salt? Ég skal láta þig fá símanúmer Shiegal læknis. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's number. Må jeg tænde for fjernsynet? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Dit hus er fantastisk. Your house is fantastic. Your house is amazing. Tom öppnade kontorsdörren. Tom opened the office door. Tom opened the office door. Mary kan lide både Tom og John. Mary likes both Tom and John. Mary likes both Tom and John. Þú verður að leggja harðar að þér við námið. You need to study harder. You must work hard at your study. Alla elever måste lära sig båda de inhemska språken på det finska fastlandet. All students have to learn both national languages ​​in mainland Finland. All students must learn both native languages in the mainland of Finland. Han døde for ti år siden. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Hans første militære erfaringer fandt sted i krigen mellem det britiske kolonirige og boerne, som ønskede uafhængighed. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence. His first military experience took place in the war between the British colonial Empire and the Boers, who wanted independence. Vad vill du titta på? What do you want to watch? What do you want to watch? Det finns en smörgås här. There's a sandwich here. There's a sandwich here. Hundene begyndte at gø ad Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. The dogs started running on Tom. Jeg har lige mødt din far. I met your father just now. I just met your father. Algeriet har brug for flere renseanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Elevatoren standsede på første sal. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped on the first floor. Vi tar hand om det här senare. We'll deal with this later. We'll take care of this later. Är ni båda fulla? Are you both drunk? Are you both drunk? Eg hugbítur at síggja hana. I want to see her. I'm thinking of clearing it. Jeg vil have et jordbær. I want a strawberry. I want a strawberries. Athugasemdin þín eru röksemdafærslunni okkar óviðkomandi. Your remark is irrelevant to our argument. Your comments are inconceivable. Tom är uppmärksam. Tom's alert. Tom's paying attention. Nu til dags er mobiltelefoner meget populære. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Today, cell phones are very popular. Borgin okkar hefur fólksfjölda á við þriðjung Tókíó. Our city has one third as many people as Tokyo. Our city has a population of at least a third of Tokyo’s population. Ingen har något problem. No one has a problem. Nobody's got a problem. Jeg ved ikke længere hvad jeg skal tro. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to think anymore. Jeg klædte mig om. I changed clothes. I was dressing up. Vi kommer att få det här gjort. We're going to get this done. We're gonna get this done. Det är dags för mig att sova. It's time for me to go to bed. It's time for me to sleep. Jeg kan lide at spille piano. I like playing the piano. I like playing piano. Jeg tænker kun på dig. I only think of you. I'm only thinking of you. Jeg tror det regner i morgen. I think tomorrow is going to rain. I think it's raining tomorrow. Det var sjovt. That was fun. That was fun. Er det penge du har brug for? Is it money you need? Is that the money you need? Om ni är trötta, så gå och lägg er. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Er det et luftkastel? Is it a pipe dream? Is that an air throw? Tvätta ditt ansikte. Wash your face. Wash your face. Ég þarf að skrifa bréf. Ertu með pappír? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I need to write a letter. Ghulja har rigtig mange slags æbler. Ghulja has very many kinds of apples. Ghulja has a lot of apples. I vanliga fall, vilket diskussionsforum brukar franskt folk använda för att prata om politik och liknande? Normally, which discussion forums do French people use to talk about politics and similar things? In ordinary cases, what discussion forum does French people usually use to talk about politics and the like? Har du sett Tom än? Have you seen Tom yet? Have you seen Tom yet? Jag hämtar din kappa. I'll get your coat. I'll get your coat. Han har brunt hår. He has brown hair. He's got brown hair. Det här är en bild på Toms familj. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Endelig har vi alle feltnavn på norsk og det skal være til stor hjelp for våre brukere. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally, we all have field names in Norwegian and it will be of great help to our users. Vet ni när Tom kommer tillbaka? Do you know when Tom will get back? Do you know when Tom will be back? Du får inte lämna dörren olåst när du går till skolan. You must not leave the door unlocked when you go to school. You can't leave the door unlocked when you go to school. Hún ráðlagði honum að tala um líf sitt í Ameríku. She advised him to talk about his life in America. She advised him to talk about her life in America. Jag såg Tom komma in. I saw Tom come in. I saw Tom come in. Det avhenger av kontekst. That depends on the context. Depends on the context. Jag spisar inte modern jazz. I don't dig modern jazz. I don't eat modern jazz. Det vil ikke hjælpe dig. It won't help you. It won't help you. Vad är din blodgrupp? What is your blood type? What's your blood group? Tom lagde to og to sammen. Tom put two and two together. Tom put two and two together. Hvad koster disse briller? How much do these glasses cost? How much do these glasses cost? Vi glömmer en sak. We're forgetting something. We'll forget one thing. Jag oroar mig verkligen för det. I do worry about it. I'm really worried about that. Hun ser godt ud i dag. She appears well today. She looks good today. Skynd dig! Hurry! Hurry! Jag var inte i tjänst. I was off duty. I wasn't on duty. Kojan stacks i brand. The hut was set on fire. The cabin was set on fire. Det vil intet ændre. That won't change anything. Nothing will change. Det är svårt att tala offentligt. It is difficult to speak in public. It's hard to speak publicly. Ikke si det til noen. Please don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Jeg har altid villet skrive en børnebog. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I've always wanted to write a children's book. Enska er notuð af mörgum manneskjum. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. Hon såg förvirrad ut. She looked confused. She looked confused. Hunden satte efter et egern og rykkede hårdt i snoren. The dog took off after a squirrel and yanked hard on the leash. The dog went after an squirrel and moved the string hard. Ikke alle dyr er bange for ild. Not all animals are scared of fire. Not all animals are afraid of fire. Jag kan inte stå ut med ljudet. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the sound. Jeg vil ikke have din medlidenhed. I don't want your pity. I don't want your pity. Dette er den bedste bog, jeg nogensinde har læst. This is the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Han sammenlignede kopien med originalen. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy to the original. Jeg bare titter. I'm just looking, thank you. I'm just looking. Tom hefur búið í Chicago í ár. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom's been living in Chicago for a year. Slepptu handleggnum mínum! Let go of my arm! Let go of my arm! Den gamle bog der er et sandt fund. That old book is a real find. The old book there is a true find. Hennes ögon blir runda av förvåning. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes will be full of amazement. Lige nu ville jeg ikke have noget imod en øl. I wouldn't mind a beer right now. Right now I wouldn't mind a beer. Huset kunne have godt af en gang maling. The house could do with a lick of paint. The house could benefit from once painting. Alt blev mørkt. Everything went dark. Everything went dark. Velkomin til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Jeg kommer og besøger dig, John. I'll call on you, John. I'll come see you, John. Jag tror att det är över. I think it's over. I think it's over. Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út. I don't feel like going out. I'm not in a mood to get out. Stämde du Tom? Did you sue Tom? Did you sue Tom? Hon slöt ögonen, putade med läpparna och lutade sig fram för en kyss. She closed her eyes, pursed her lips and leaned forward for a kiss. She closed her eyes, put her lips on her lips, and leaned out for a kiss. Skal du bruge det her? Are you going to use this? You need this? Jag kan inte bryta mig loss. I can't break free. I can't break free. Hun hader gulerødder. She hates carrots. She hates carrots. Fortæl mig din historie. Jeg er lutter øre. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story. Jag tycker om det här stället. I like this place. I like this place. Nej tak. No, thanks. No, thanks. Byggnaden uppe på kullen är vår skola. The building on the hill is our school. The building up on the hill is our school. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sig. Things never turn out the way you thought they would. It's never gonna be what you're supposed to be. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle tage afsted. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to leave. Jeg snakker ikke fransk like bra som Tom. I can't speak French as well as Tom. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Termitter spiser træ. Termites eat wood. Termites eat wood. Dette giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. This doesn't make any sense. "Af hverju getur þú ekki verið líkari mér?" "Ég vil ekki vera eins og þú!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" Tom och Mary gjorde det jättesnabbt, eller hur? Tom and Mary did that very fast, didn't they? Tom and Mary made it really fast, didn't they? Det är bäst att vi gör som Tom säger. We'd better do as Tom says. We better do what Tom says. Hver einstaklingur borgaði þúsund dollara. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each individual paid a thousand dollars. Han visade mig en massa vackra bilder. He showed me a lot of beautiful photos. He showed me a lot of beautiful pictures. Jeg må være forsiktig. I have to be careful. I need to be careful. David vinder over Goliat i retten. David defeats Goliath in court. David wins over Goliath in court. Jeg ser noen. I see someone. I see someone. Vi är väldigt nöjda. We're very pleased. We're very pleased. Tom har tre farbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Hundrinn deyr. The dog is dying. The dog dies. Skuespillet er i tre akter. The play is in three acts. The play is in three acts. Var finns det en svensk ambassad i USA? Where in the U.S.A. is there a Swedish embassy? Where is there a Swedish Embassy in the United States? Vad dödade Tom? What killed Tom? What killed Tom? Du borde nog berätta för Tom att du älskar honom. I think you should tell Tom that you love him. You should probably tell Tom that you love him. Fjern batteri fra røykvarsler. Remove battery from smoke detector. Remove battery from smoke notifications. Ikke alle er dumme svin. Not all are sons of bitches. Not everyone's an asshole. Er du gal? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Denne kuffert har en overvægt på fire kilogram. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This suitcase has an excess weight of two pounds [4 kg]. Skriv alt ned. Write everything down. Write it all down. Du har inget att vara arg över. There is nothing for you to be angry about. You have nothing to be angry about. Påminner det här dig om någon? Does this remind you of anybody? Does this remind you of anyone? Tom omskrev sit essay og afleverede det en dag for sent. Tom rewrote his essay and turned it in a day late. Tom rewritten his essay and delivered it one day too late. Er der nogen af jer der har set mine bilnøgler? Have any of you guys seen my car keys? Have any of you seen my car keys? Jeg vedder på at Dave betalte ganske mye for den nye bilen sin. I bet Dave paid a pretty penny for his new car. I bet Dave paid quite a bit for his new car. Kortet er på væggen. The map is on the wall. The card's on the wall. Jeg kan ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. Mér til mikillar undrunar unnum við! To my great surprise, we won! To my surprise, we won! Du tror ikke virkelig at Tom prøvde å jukse, gjør du? You don't really think Tom tried to cheat you, do you? You don't really think Tom was trying to cheat, do you? Datamaskinen til Tom oppførte seg merkelig. Tom's computer was acting strangely. Tom's computer was acting weird. Vad gjorde Jean? What did Jean make? What did Jean do? Tom verkar sjuk. Tom seems sick. Tom seems sick. Við vorum einmitt að tala um þig þegar þú hringdir. We were just talking about you when you called. We were just talking about you when you called. Är det moraliskt fel att äta kött? Is eating meat morally wrong? Is it morally wrong to eat meat? Det er vanskelig å finne arbeid. It's difficult to find work. It's hard to find work. Erfiðar ákvarðanir eru framundan. Tough decisions lie ahead. Difficult decisions are ahead. Vart tog han vägen efter lektionen? Where did he go after the lecture? Where did he go after class? Er det farligt? Is it dangerous? Is it dangerous? Toms kop er tom. Tom's cup is empty. Tom's cup is empty. Jag minns ingenting. I can't remember anything. I don't remember anything. Gillar du orkidéer? Do you like orchids? Do you like orchids? Mín maður doyði ikki. My husband didn't die. My husband didn't die. Du har allerede betalt. You already paid. You already paid. Hold det her! Hold this. Hold this! Du blir ikke sen vel? You won't be late, will you? You're not gonna be late, are you? Uighurisk er et tyrkisk sprog. Uyghur is a Turkic language. Uighurian is a Turkish language. ”Jag är hungrig”, sa den lilla vita kaninen, så de stannade och åt blomman av en stor hyasint. "I'm hungry," said the small white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower from a large hyacinth. “I’m hungry,” said the little white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower of a great hyasin. Skibet ændrede kurs. The ship changed its course. The ship changed course. Din son har sällskap med min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son has company with my daughter. Jeg elsker at tage til stranden. I love going to the beach. I love to go to the beach. Når ble boken levert til deg? When was the book delivered to you? When was the book delivered to you? Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He is much better than you. No doubt he's much better than you. Jag spelade tennis med Tom i går. I played tennis with Tom yesterday. I played tennis with Tom last night. Lad os gå ud og spise middag sammen fra tid til anden. Let's go out and eat dinner together from time to time. Let's go out and have dinner together from time to time. Han slo meg to ganger. He hit me twice. He hit me twice. Man er nødt til at spise for at kunne leve. We need to eat in order to live. You have to eat in order to live. Er du klar til å ta over hvis Tom ikke kunne gjøre lenger? Are you ready to take over if Tom can't work anymore? Are you ready to take over if Tom couldn't do it anymore? Var var du när det hände? Where were you when it happened? Where were you when it happened? Tom är besvärlig. Tom is awkward. Tom's a pain in the ass. Vi lever her. We live here. We live here. Du vil bli dårlig hvis du spiser så mye. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. You'll be sick if you eat so much. Han lavede en fejl og drak gift. He made a mistake and drank poison. He made a mistake and drank poison. Aldrig har jeg set sådan en smuk scene. Never have I seen such a beautiful scene. I've never seen such a beautiful scene. Áður fór ég nokkuð oft í veiði en nú fer ég sjaldan. I used to go fishing quite often, but now I rarely go. I used to go hunting a lot, but now I'm rarely going. Jane kommer kanskje. Jane will probably come. Jane might come. I gennemsnit går jeg i biografen en gang om ugen. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to the movies once a week. Kursen är uppdelad i fyra mindre delar. The course is divided into four smaller units. The course is divided into four smaller parts. Jag älskar den sjalen. I love that scarf. I love that shawl. Hun er hans kone, ikke hans datter. She's his wife, not his daughter. She's his wife, not his daughter. Har I hørt noget fra Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Any word from Tom? Tom stemmer. Tom is voting. Tom votes. Der er ingen ko på isen. There's no cause for concern. There's no cow on the ice. Hvis det er sånn det er, hva gjør vi? If so, then what do we do? If that's the way it is, what do we do? Det er kun en del af problemet. That's only a part of the problem. It's only part of the problem. Jeg vil ikke arbejde der mere. I don't want to work there anymore. I don't want to work there anymore. Tom ble holdt nede. Tom was held down. Tom was held down. Hvilken farve har din kones øjne? What color are your wife's eyes? What color is your wife's eyes? Det är svårt att vara ung, men ge inte upp. It's hard to be young, but do not give up. It's hard being young, but don't give up. Jeg forstår ikke de oversættelser. I don’t understand those translations. I don't understand those translations. Du skal ikke have ondt af dig selv. Vi er alle i samme båd. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Don't feel sorry for yourself, we're all in the same boat. Vi spelade schack inte så mycket för att vi gillade att spela som för att bara slå ihjäl tiden. We played chess not so much to enjoy the game as just to kill time. We played chess not so much because we liked to play like to just kill time. Han er dig underlegen på alle måder. He is inferior to you in all respects. He is inferior to you in every way. Mistök hans virðast hafa haft eitthvað með persónuleika hans að gera. His failure seems to have something to do with his character. His mistakes seem to have had something to do with his personality. Ég vil fara í bað. I want to take a bath. I want to take a bath. Jeg genkendte hr. Jones ved første øjekast. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. I recognized Mr. Jones at first sight. Ég fékk útbrot af brenninetlu. I got a rash from poison ivy. I had a burn-in rash. Tom var en god mann. Tom was a good man. Tom was a good man. Hon gjorde så gott hon kunde. She did the best she could. She did the best she could. Är vi alla här? Are we all here? Are we all here? Stanna där du är! Stand where you are! Stay where you are! Tom måtte gå tilbake samme veien som han kom fra. Tom had to go back the way he'd come. Tom had to go back the way he came from. På grunn av tung snø, ankom flyet fra Beijing 20 minutter for sent. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. Because of heavy snow, the plane arrived from Beijing 20 minutes too late. Jeg vil ha detaljene. I want the details. I want the details. Han fortalte mig ikke alt. He didn't tell me everything. He didn't tell me everything. Vad föreslår du istället? What do you propose instead? What do you suggest? Jag gjorde det för tre år sedan. I did it three years ago. I did it three years ago. Jag träffade honom en gång. I met him once. I met him once. Jag fick dig att skratta, eller hur? I made you laugh, didn't I? I made you laugh, didn't I? Þú hefðir ekki þurft að hjálpa syni mínum með heimavinnuna sína. You need not have helped my son with his homework. You wouldn't have had to help my son with his homework. Han har tre døtre. He has three daughters. He has three daughters. Transplantationer räddar liv. Transplants save lives. Transplantation saves lives. Tom går med silkeslips. Tom wears silk ties. Tom wears silk clips. Tom går på skolen for grafisk formgivning. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom goes to school for graphic design. De har forbedret sikkerhetsrutinene og de er nå bedre forberedt enn før. They have improved safeguards and they are now better prepared than before. They've improved safety procedures and they're now better prepared than before. Det er til dit eget bedste. It's for your own good. It's for your own good. Tag en pause. Take a break. Take a break. Jeg liker bildet jeg ser på nå. I like the picture I'm watching now. I like the picture I'm watching right now. Kyrkja vi gjekk forbi braut saman fem minutt etterpå på grunn av eit enormt jordskjelv, og fleire enn 100 kyrkjefolk vart gravlagde levande. The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive. Church we passed the track five minutes later because of a huge earthquake, and more than a hundred churchmen were buried alive. Han pressas alltid på pengar. He is always pressed for money. He's always under pressure on money. Alla vet vem Tom är. Everyone knows who Tom is. Everybody knows who Tom is. Segðu mér hvað ég á að gera. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Jeg oppdaget at sykkelen min var borte. I found my bicycle gone. I found out my bike was gone. Jeg vet bare ikke hva jeg skal si. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Øl får deg til å føle deg slik du bør føle deg uten øl. Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. Beer makes you feel the way you should feel without beer. Nancy, her er et brev til dig. Nancy, here's a letter for you. Nancy, here's a letter for you. Lynet slog ned i Toms hus. Lightning struck Tom's house. Lightning hit Tom's house. Er du sikker på du kan svømme så langt? Are you sure you can swim that far? Are you sure you can swim this far? Hver synes best om sine barn. The crow thinks her own birds fairest. Everyone likes their children best. Alt jeg vil er å gjøre deg lykkelig. All I want to do is make you happy. All I want to do is make you happy. Tom lämnade tv:n på hela natten. Tom left the TV on all night. Tom left the TV all night. Tom døde i fængsel for ti år siden. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Vad jobbar ni med? What do you guys do? What do you do for a living? Föraren vred ratten åt höger. The driver turned the wheel to the right. The driver turned the steering wheel to the right. Vad såg du? What did you see? What did you see? Hún greiðir sér um hárið á morgnanna. She brushes her hair in the morning. She takes care of her morning hair. George Bush tog på ferie med sin kone. George Bush went on a vacation with his wife. George Bush went on vacation with his wife. Jag är rädd för att åka hem. I'm afraid to go home. I'm afraid to go home. Amerikanere er meget fantasifulde når de finder på navne. Americans have a great imagination when inventing names. Americans are very fanciful when they make names. Alla kvinnor är vackra. All women are beautiful. All women are beautiful. I denne varmen føler jeg ikke for å gjøre noe som helst. I don't feel like doing anything when it's this hot. In this heat, I don't feel like doing anything. Jag skriver en roman. I am writing a novel. I'm writing a novel. Ni är oartiga. You are impolite. You're rude. Vejen er glat. Kør langsomt! The road is slippery. Drive slowly. The road is smooth. Hon hatade vanilj. She hated vanilla. She hated vanilla. Jag pratar franska också. I speak French, too. I speak French, too. Selvfølgelig ikke! Of course not! Of course not! Hvor er din ven? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Jeg er vred. I'm angry. I'm angry. Jeg må huske at poste brevet. I must remember to mail the letter. I must remember to post the letter. Hjälp mig lyfta paketet. Help me lift the package. Help me lift the package. Kan du ikke snakke engelsk? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Du fick betalt, eller hur? You got paid, didn't you? You got paid, didn't you? Hun er veldig redd for slanger. She has a great fear of snakes. She's very afraid of snakes. Dina pengar eller ditt liv! Your money or your life! Your money or your life! Jón var með slæmt kvef í síðustu viku. John had a bad cold last week. John had a bad cold last week. Lyd trenger materie å forplante seg i, men kosmisk støy eller elektromagnetisk stråling trenger det ikke. Sound needs matter to propagate through. However, cosmic noise and electromagnetic waves don't. Sound needs matter to reproduce in, but cosmic noise or electromagnetic radiation does not need it. Ikke heng deg opp i dine tidligere feil! Don't dwell on your past mistakes! Don't get caught up in your past mistakes! Hun døde efter at hun havde været syg i lang tid. She died after she had been ill for a long time. She died after a long time of illness. Hon vill ha en fjärde generationens iPad. She wants a fourth generation iPad. She wants a fourth generation iPad. Jeg har en penn. I have a pen. I have a pen. Vem talar? Who's speaking? Who's talking? Vi er i den samme båd. We're in the same boat. We're in the same boat. Þú hefðir átt að koma í teitina okkar. You ought to have come to our party. You should have come to our party. Rydd rommet ditt. Put your room in order. Clear your room. Da jeg ankom på flyplassen, hadde flyet allerede lettet. The plane had already taken off when I reached the airport. When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off. Tom dog ensam. Tom died alone. Tom died alone. Er det et tabu at tale om Palæstina i dag? Is it a taboo to talk about Palestine today? Is it a taboo to talk about Palestine today? Min far var græsk. My father was Greek. My father was Greek. Hvor mange æbler vil du have? How many apples do you want? How many apples do you want? Jag hatar att stryka. I hate to iron. I hate to iron. Ingen rök utan eld. No smoke without fire. No smoke without fire. Jeg er bange for at jeg er løbet tør for kaffe. I'm afraid I've run short of coffee. I'm afraid I'm out of coffee. Ta et ark og skriv! Take a paper and write! Take a sheet and write! Hønen havde ganske små lave ben, og derfor kaldtes den "Kykkelilavben;" den lagde godt æg, og konen holdt af den, som af sit eget barn. The hen had very short legs, so she was called "Chickie short legs." She laid good eggs, and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child. The hen had very small low legs, and therefore it was called "Cylver bone;" it laid fine eggs, and the wife cared for it as by her own child. Toms fransk er fremragende. Tom's French is excellent. Tom's French is excellent. Han rakte ud efter æblet. He reached for the apple. He reached for the apple. Han er snill. He is kind. He's kind. Hvem lærte dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you to play guitar? Det ble ei vane. That became a habit. It became a habit. Jeg forsøger at finde personen der ejer denne guitar. I'm trying to find the person who owns this guitar. I'm trying to find the person who owns this guitar. Ta til venstre ved de neste trafikklysene. Turn left at the next traffic lights. Turn left at the next traffic lights. Jag ska plugga engelska i eftermiddag. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm going to study English this afternoon. Fransk er mit yndlingsfag. French is my favorite subject. French is my favorite subject. Han skrev mange sætninger på esperanto. He wrote many phrases in Esperanto. He wrote many phrases on Esperanto. Jeg troede de ikke ville komme. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they weren't coming. Var är äpplena? Where are the apples? Where are the apples? Han hoppade över diket. He jumped over a ditch. He jumped over the bench. Hvad har Tom for? What's Tom up to? What's Tom got for? Skjut inte budbäraren. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger. Vi har to børn. We have two kids. We have two children. I dag er det en af mine venners fødselsdag. Today is one of my friends' birthday. Today's one of my friends' birthdays. Jeg tror Delbert er gal. I think that Delbert is crazy. I think Delbert's crazy. Sluta säga att det är mitt barn. Stop telling me it is my baby. Stop saying it's my child. Kvinden kalder på manden. The woman calls the man. The woman calls the man. Musik är hennes passion. Music is her passion. Music is her passion. Han gjør feil som alle andre. He makes mistakes like everyone else. He's making mistakes like everybody else. La oss vente og se. Let's wait and see. Let's wait and see. Kom in. Vi ska precis sätta i gång. Come on in. We're just about to get started. We're just about to get started. Likar du Seinfeld? Do you like Seinfeld? Do you like Seinfeld? Han er den dreng vi talte om forleden dag. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Det här skrivbordet som jag köpte igår är väldigt stort. This desk, which I bought yesterday, is very big. This desk I bought yesterday is very big. Tom är lite udda. Tom is a little odd. Tom's a little odd. Chiqui er en papegøje der taler esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot speaking Esperanto. Vinsamlegast lokaðu dyrunum. Close the door, please. Please close the door. Jag gillar verkligen denna restaurang. I really like this restaurant. I really like this restaurant. Hvis bøger er disse? Whose books are these? Whose books are these? Din nya frisyr gör att du ser äldre ut. Your new hair style makes you look older. Your new hair makes you look older. Enhver der kun kan finde på en måde at stave et ord på, mangler helt klart fantasi. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Anyone who can only find a way to spell a word clearly lacks imagination. Jeg havde en god grund til at sige det. I had a good reason for saying that. I had a good reason to say it. Du låter besviken. You sound disappointed. You sound disappointed. Hvordan drepte du kakkerlakken? How did you kill the cockroach? How did you kill cockroach? Taro, farðu og burstaðu tennurnar. Taro, go and brush your teeth. Taro, go and brush your teeth. Er dette en ny hammer? Is this a new hammer? Is this a new hammer? Jeg føler at Tatoeba er blevet et hyggeligt sted for os sprogelskere, især for dem af os der har nemt ved sprog. I feel that Tatoeba has become a very warm and cozy place for us language lovers; especially for all those of us who can grasp and learn languages relatively easily and quickly. I feel that Tatoeba has become a cozy place for us language lovers, especially for those of us who have easy language. Han var tvungen att gå dit. He had to go there. He had to go there. Tom, se på mig, når jeg taler til dig! Tom, look at me when I'm speaking to you. Tom, look at me when I'm talking to you! Tom ventet til Mary var ute av syne. Tom waited until Mary was out of sight. Tom waited until Mary was out of sight. Þau héldu áfram að vera í Tennessee. They remained in Tennessee. They continued to be in Tennessee. Gid vi kunne høre hvad Tom siger. I wish we could hear what Tom is saying. I wish we could hear Tom. Det ville ikke skade hvis du smilede lidt en gang imellem. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a little once in a while. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a little bit. De kan reparera datorer. They can repair computers. They can fix computers. Hvad synes I om jeres nye bil? How do you like your new car? What do you think of your new car? Vi lär oss om antikens Rom och Grekland. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. Vet du hvor gammel frøken Nakano er? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Pappa är inte hemma. Dad isn't home. Dad's not home. Længe leve Mary! Long live Mary! Long live Mary! Tom tog av sig sin rock och sina handskar. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Läraren underströk vikten av att föra anteckningar. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. The teacher stressed the importance of making notes. Hva trenger jeg å vite? What do I need to know? What do I need to know? Jeg arbejder for dette firma. I work for this company. I work for this company. Þú og ég erum mjög góðar vinkonur. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. Vi åt lunch. We were having lunch. We had lunch. Stórmarkaðirnir eru nú lokaðir svo við verðum að láta okkur nægja það sem er eftir í ísskápnum. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. The supermarkets are now closed, so we have to get enough of what's left in the fridge. Eg eri róligur. I'm quiet. I'm calm. Er du ukrainsk? Are you Ukrainian? Are you Ukrainian? Jeg har lyst til at fortælle ham hvad jeg mener om ham. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I want to tell him what I think about him. Jag kör dit er. I'll drive you there. I'll drive you there. Jeg tenker på deg. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. Vi har slut på kol. We've run out of coal. We're out of coal. Det skete i går. It happened yesterday. It happened yesterday. Det har jeg ikke sagt. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. Hann er lærari. He is a teacher. He's a teacher. Tack för att du tröstade mig när jag var ledsen. Thank you for consoling me when I was sad. Thank you for comforting me when I was sorry. Din son uppvaktar min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son is raising my daughter. Tomten bor inte på Nordpolen, utan i Finland. Santa doesn't live at the North Pole, but in Finland. The site does not live in the North Pole, but in Finland. Mig klæjar í augun. My eyes feel itchy. My eyes are itching. Var är du nu? Where are you now? Where are you now? Hon har studerat engelska sedan tioårsåldern. She has been studying English since the age of ten. She's been studying English since her ten years. Hvis du ønsker at tale med Tom, skal du vente i omkring tre timer. If you wish to speak to Tom, you'll need to wait about three hours. If you want to talk to Tom, wait about three hours. Ska inte Tom äta frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? I thought Tom was going to have breakfast. Jeg er sulten som en ulv. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm hungry like a wolf. Tom grät. Tom cried. Tom cried. Det er det rene vrøvl. That's pure nonsense. That's bullshit. Arbeidsledigheten økte til fem prosent. The unemployment rate went up to 5%. Unemployment increased to 5 percent. Der er en appelsin på bordet. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Jag kan aldrig bli kär igen. I'll never be able to love you again. I can never fall in love again. Ingen kan göra det så bra som Tom kan. None can do it as good as Tom can. No one can do it as well as Tom can. Etter det jeg hørte dro han til USA for å studere biologi. According to what I heard, he went over to the United States to study biology. After what I heard, he went to the United States to study biology. Det är inget fel med Tom. Nothing is wrong with Tom. There's nothing wrong with Tom. Þessar myndir eru virkilega fallegar. These pictures are really very beautiful. These pictures are really beautiful. Var diskret. Be discreet. Be discreet. Hun er meget gammel og døv. She is very old and deaf. She's very old and deaf. Tom är inte bra på att ljuga. Tom isn't good at lying. Tom's not good at lying. Jeg var ikke stærk nok. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough. Man behandler mig altid som et barn. I'm being treated like a child. You always treat me like a child. Jeg kjente igjen stemmen din med en gang. I recognized your voice right away. I recognized your voice right away. Du er en del av problemet. You're part of the problem. You're part of the problem. Marys mor fattede sympati for Tom fra det øjeblik hun mødte ham. Mary's mother took a liking to Tom the moment she met him. Mary's mother sensed sympathy for Tom from the moment she met him. På den tiden kunde få människor resa utomlands. In those days, few people could travel abroad. At that time, people could travel abroad. Hen grät. She cried. He cried. Han er forfatter. He is a writer. He's a writer. Það er rétt! That's right! That's right! Jeg har hatt nok av Tom. I have had it with Tom. I've had enough of Tom. Vi bør ikke spille morsomme på andres bekostning. We shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense. We shouldn't be playing funny at the expense of others. Du bør ikke vente her. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. Du er kun en dreng. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. De behandler mig som et barn. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Disse bøger er dine. These books are yours. These books are yours. Det er enklare enn eg trudde. It's easier than I thought. It's easier than I thought. Jeg har en bog i min hånd. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my hand. I har mistet jeres paraplyer. You've lost your umbrellas. You've lost your umbrellas. Já, ég er með góða hugmynd. Yes, I have a good idea. Yeah, I got a good idea. Ég geng í skóla. I go to school. I go to school. Tom er i meget god form. Tom is in very good shape. Tom's in very good shape. Tag to! Take two. Take two! Katten sover på stolen. The cat is sleeping on the chair. The cat sleeps on the chair. Vil du ha mer potetstappe? Would you like more mashed potatoes? You want more potato soup? Varför dröjer Tom? What's keeping Tom? Why is Tom delaying? Tom er begyndt på at gå med slips på arbejdet. Tom has started wearing a tie to work. Tom's started wearing a tie at work. Jag skrev ingenting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Hvor er dine nøgler? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Vi får se. We'll see. We'll see. Hold så op! Give me a break! Stop it! Forretninga til Tom gjer det ganske bra. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's business is pretty good. Hvornår sendes næste afsnit? When will the next episode air? When will the next paragraph be sent? Jeg hører at du lige er blevet gift. I hear you just got married. I hear you just got married. Hon hatar honom. She hates him. She hates him. Vad spännande! How exciting! How exciting! Jag kan springa lika snabbt som Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. Google er lygari. Google is a liar. Google is a liar. Han lå på ryggen. He lay on his back. He was lying on his back. Líttu á þennan. Look at that one. Look at this one. Min far er holdt op med at ryge. My father gave up smoking. My father stopped smoking. Han vender tilbage i morgen. He'll be coming back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Blomman är röd. The flower is red. The flower is red. Kan jag säga det högt? Can I say it aloud? Can I say it out loud? Jeg elsker sukker. I like sugar. I love sugar. Tom kommer ikke til at løbe på ski med os, kommer han vel? Tom won't be skiing with us, will he? Tom's not going to ski with us, is he? Tekniskt sett är hiragana en stavelseskrift, inte ett alfabet. Technically hiragana is a syllabary, not an alphabet. Technically, Hiragana is a syllable, not an alphabet. Hon avskyr honom. She despises him. She hates him. När kan vi flytta in? When can we move in? When can we move in? Er det din mand? Is this your husband? Is that your husband? Hún flutti yndislega ræðu í brúðkaupsveislu vinkonu sinnar. She made a wonderful speech at her friend's wedding reception. She gave a wonderful talk at her friend’s wedding feast. Dokumenterne er gulnet med tiden. The documents have yellowed with age. The documents have been yellowed over time. I denne gudsforladte landsby er de fleste bønder analfabeter. Most of the peasants living in this godforsaken village are illiterate. In this godforsaken village, most farmers are illiterate. Hjälp mig! Help me! Help me! Til sidst valgte hun en anden killing. Finally, she chose another kitten. Finally, she chose another kitten. Har du noen gang sett en flygende tallerken? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever seen a flying plate? Förr eller senare kommer du att ångra det här. Someday you'll regret this. You'll regret this sooner or later. Jeg vil ha to pølser med masse pepper. I want two hot dogs with lots of pepper. I want two sausages with lots of peppers. När kan jag träffa Tom igen? When can I see Tom again? When can I see Tom again? Tom gick på det. Tom bought it. Tom got on it. Við þurftum ekki að flýta okkur. We didn't need to hurry. We did not have to hurry. Du sade att jag skulle bli bättre. You said I'd get better. You said I'd get better. Denne regelen gjelder deg også. This rule applies to you as well. This rule applies to you, too. Damerne havde aftenkjoler på. The ladies were in evening dress. The ladies were wearing evening dresses. Här kan ni röka. You can smoke here. Here you can smoke. Jeg bor i Norge nå. I live in Norway now. I live in Norway now. Hun synger som en engel. She sings like an angel. She sings like an angel. Mary och Jane är kusiner. Mary and Jane are cousins. Mary and Jane are cousins. I går købte jeg en rød bil. Yesterday, I bought a red car. Yesterday I bought a red car. Jag tror att han är ärlig. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Eg veit vi kan vinna. I know we can win. I know we can win. Hvis jeg havde muligheden så ville jeg ganske bestemt rejse til Peking. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely go to Peking. Hann er sekur um þjófnað. He is guilty of theft. He's guilty of stealing. Följer någon efter dig? Are you being followed? Is anyone following you? Dagar hennar eru taldir. Her days are numbered. Her days are numbered. Alt er blevet stjålet. Everything has been stolen. Everything's been stolen. Läs detta först. Read this first. Read this first. Det er helt tydeligt at du ikke ønsker at gøre dette for mig. It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me. Clearly, you don't want to do this for me. Seriøst? Are you serious? Seriously? Tom höll med om allting Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Du forstår fransk, gør du ikke? You understand French, don't you? You understand French, don't you? Her styrter det ned. It's raining cats and dogs here. Here it goes down. Jag har fortfarande mycket att lära. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Tom fick faktiskt Mary till att dansa med honom. Tom actually got Mary to dance with him. Tom actually got Mary to dance with him. Min bedstemor har en tvillingebror. My grandmother has a twin brother. My grandmother has a twin brother. Jeg nåede lige akkurat toget. I barely managed to catch the train. I just got to the train. Skit. Shit. Shit. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. Han er ovglad i barnebarnet sitt. He dotes on his grandson. He's not happy with his grandson. Tom har meget brede skuldre. Tom has very broad shoulders. Tom has very wide shoulders. Hugsum um það versta sem gæti gerst. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Consider the worst that could happen. Att bli klar med detta jobb innan tisdag kommer att vara enkelt. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. To finish this job before Tuesday will be easy. Hon är nästan 20. She is almost 20. She's almost 20. Hvordan er din nye lejlighed? How is your new flat? How's your new apartment? Tom är bakom dig. Tom is behind you. Tom's behind you. Han var ansvarlig for bilulykken. He was responsible for the car accident. He was responsible for the car accident. Þú ættir að vita betur en að spurja dömu að aldri. You should know better than to ask a lady her age. You should know better than to ask a lady of your age. Tom vill bli brandman. Tom wants to be a firefighter. Tom wants to be a fireman. Vis man förstår halvkväden visa. A word to the wise is enough. Show one understands half-weeds. Jeg er ingens fjende. I am nobody's enemy. I'm nobody's enemy. Ég sá ekkert. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. Jag känner din bror? I know your brother. I know your brother? Jeg hadde reparert bilen. I would have repaired the car. I'd fixed the car. Jag tycker om den här koppen. I like this cup. I like this cup. Ertu sammála? Do you agree? Do you agree? Gi meg beskjed når du er klar. Let me know, when you are ready! Let me know when you're ready. Du er håbløs. You are hopeless. You're hopeless. Hun sorterede filerne i alfabetisk orden. She sorted the files in alphabetical order. She sorted the files in alphabetical order. Jag tror att Mary tycker om mig. I think Mary likes me. I think Mary likes me. Citroner er sure. Lemon is sour. Lemons are pissed off. Er det vanskelig å spise med spisepinner? Is it difficult eating with chopsticks? Is it hard to eat with chopsticks? Vi har stadig det bedste til gode. You ain't seen nothing yet. We still have the best for good. Vi är människor. We are human. We're people. Toms læge foreslog ham at skære ned på sukkeret. Tom's doctor suggested that he cut down on sugar. Tom's doctor suggested he cut down on the sugar. Jeg spekulerer på hvad Tom egentlig mener. I wonder what Tom actually thinks. I wonder what Tom really means. Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir því sem þú hefur gert. You are responsible for what you have done. You are responsible for what you have done. Ég hugsa að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I think you have the wrong number. I think you have the wrong number. Gresset er alltid grønnere på den andre siden av gjerdet. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Tom var ikke en konfliktsøgende person. Tom wasn't a confrontational person. Tom wasn't a conflict-seeking person. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum við að þrífa bílskúrinn. She asked him to help his father clean the garage. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. Vi tillbringade en utmärkt semester i Sverige. We spent a great holiday in Sweden. We spent an excellent holiday in Sweden. Jag förstår inte. I do not understand. I don't understand. Hvad laver en smuk kvinde som dig på et sted som det her? What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this? What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this? Han sov i bilen. He slept in the car. He slept in the car. Doktoren sa at Tom må bli i sengen de neste ukene. The doctor said that Tom has to stay in bed for the next few weeks. The doctor said Tom has to stay in bed for the next few weeks. Lad os gå til køjs. Let's hit the sack. Let's go to bed. Hon äter inte kött, eller hur? She doesn't eat meat, does she? She doesn't eat meat, does she? Kan Tom lide hunde? Does Tom like dogs? Does Tom like dogs? God rejse! Godspeed! Have a safe trip! Han driver mange hotell. He runs a lot of hotels. He runs a lot of hotels. Børn nyder at lave en vandplasker, når de kommer ned af en vandrutsjebane. Children enjoying making a splash in water as they come off a waterslide. Children enjoy making a water poster when they come down a water slide. Stoler du på hende? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? Vad är allt detta? What is all this? What is all this? Hvor er din avis? Where is your newspaper? Where's your paper? Giv mig en uge. Give me a week. Give me a week. Kan du tala högre? Can you speak up? Can you speak higher? Hvar er bókan? Where is the book? Where's the book? Är du fortfarande hungrig? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Vi vil give ham navnet Tom. We're going to name him Tom. We'll give him the name Tom. Ég vil koma honum á óvart. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise him. Väntar ni på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu kominn. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. You go straight down the street and when you walk past the traffic lights, you're here. Þú munt sjá stærri hluti en það. You shall see greater things than that. You'll see bigger things than that. Þekkti erindrekinn tók reglulegan þátt nefndinni. The noted diplomat readily participated in the committee. The known ambassador regularly took part in the committee. Cristiano Ronaldo er en af verdens bedste fodboldspillere. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best soccer players. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best football players. Hur hamnade ni här? How did you end up here? How did you get here? For en raring du er. You're such a weirdo. What a sweet thing you are. Det har varit intressant. It's been interesting. It's been interesting. Vem ska du gå med? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? Det er dyrt å bo i Japan. It is expensive to live in Japan. Living in Japan is expensive. Har du noget at læse? Do you have anything to read? Do you have anything to read? Du pladdrar. You're babbling. You're gossiping. Fadil og Layla havde et kæmpe skænderi. Fadil and Layla had a huge argument. Fadil and Layla had a huge fight. Vill du inte se Tom? Don't you want to see Tom? Don't you want to see Tom? Jeg er jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Du skulle inte gilla Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. Enginn kom. Nobody came. Nobody came. Du kan inte ändra på Tom. You can't change Tom. You can't change Tom. Tom er ved at læse biblen. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom's reading the Bible. Þú ættir ekki að segja honum neitt um kærustuna þína. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. Lucy kan inte använda ätpinnar. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. Lucy can't use chopsticks. Ég tók því sem gefnu að þú mundir koma. I took it for granted that you would come. I took what I gave you to come. New York er en af de største byer i verden. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Jeg glemte at sætte et frimærke på konvolutten. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Við hvern er ég að tala? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Jag känner inte riktigt för att dansa. I don't really want to dance. I don't really feel like dancing. Der er ikke nok mad. There's not enough food. There's not enough food. Tom bad mig gå. Tom asked me to leave. Tom told me to go. Jeg mødte ham i en bar. I met him in a bar. I met him in a bar. Du er ikke ved dine fulde fem. You've lost your marbles. You're not at your full five. Tom begik et bankkup. Tom committed a bank robbery. Tom took a bank job. Hvor er hanskene? Where are the gloves? Where are the gloves? Du er grusom. You are cruel. You're cruel. Han er en mann av mange talenter. He's a man of many talents. He's a man of many talents. Tom talte endnu et stykke tid. Tom continued talking for a while. Tom talked for a while. Jag är från Brasilien. I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Beklager, men du må ha kommet til feil nummer. Sorry, but you must have the wrong number. I'm sorry, but you must have come to the wrong number. Jag vill ha ett eget rum. I want to have my own room. I want my own room. Du bør gjøre som de sier. You'd better do what they say. You should do what they say. Var ligger den finska ambassaden? Where is the Finnish embassy? Where is the Finnish Embassy? Sami känner till Laylas förflutna. Sami knows Layla's past. Sami knows Layla's past. Ég á enn einn vin í Kína. I still have one friend in China. I have another friend in China. Han är alltid hemma på måndagar. He is always at home on Mondays. He's always home on Mondays. Mary åbnede vinduet. Mary opened the window. Mary opened the window. Jeg reiser til Chicago neste lørdag morgen. I'm leaving for Chicago next Saturday morning. I'm going to Chicago next Saturday morning. Jeg elsker at læse bøger. I love to read books. I love reading books. Simning är en form av träning. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a form of training. Det kan jag respektera. I can respect that. I can respect that. Hun ved hvor vi er. She knows where we are. She knows where we are. Jag är rädd för att gå hem. I'm afraid to go home. I'm afraid to go home. Ingen såg någonting. No one saw a thing. Nobody saw anything. Hun prøver veldig hardt. She's trying really hard. She's trying very hard. Kun få mennesker regnede med at han vandt. Few people expected him to win. Only a few people expected him to win. Kan du lide æbler? Do you like apples? Do you like apples? God jul! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jag förstår att Volapük är ett bra språk. I see that Volapük is a good language. I understand Volapük is a good language. Mange mennesker har en drøm. Many people have a dream. A lot of people have a dream. Jeg har livsforsikring. I have life insurance. I have life insurance. Tom måste stoppas. Tom must be stopped. Tom needs to be stopped. Vad är din e-postadress? What's your e-mail address? What's your e-mail address? Är inte det vad de vill ha? Isn't that what they want? Isn't that what they want? Við fórum á veiðar í skóginum og náðum tveimur dádýrum í gær. We went hunting in the forest and caught two deer yesterday. We went hunting in the woods and caught two deer yesterday. Är rummet tyst? Is the room quiet? Is the room quiet? Jeg visste han ville takke ja. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd accept. Jag är ledig. I'm free. I'm free. Det er kommunisme. This is communism. It's communism. Vi träffades en vinter. We met in winter. We met a winter. Tom ville att jag skulle spela schack med honom, så det gjorde jag. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Jeg tror jeg lot vannet renne. I think I left the water running. I think I let the water run. Jag tycker att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. Ég skal kaupa handa þér bjór. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Tom løj om hvor han havde været i aftes. Tom lied about where he'd been last night. Tom lied about where he'd been last night. Jeg tror Tom er ganske sint. I think Tom is pretty angry. I think Tom's pretty angry. Det finns få webbsidor på tatariska på internet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few web pages in Tatarian on the internet. Taler du esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Are you talking Esperanto? Linealen er kort. The ruler is short. The lineal is short. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I've grown up with money. Skillet mellom rik og fattig blir større. The gap between rich and poor is getting wider. The difference between rich and poor is getting bigger. Någon har lagt ett kuvert på ditt skrivbord. Someone put an envelope on your desk. Someone put an envelope on your desk. Hunden kommer att skälla. The dog will bark. The dog will bark. Jag vet att Tom inte är lycklig där. I know Tom isn't happy there. I know Tom isn't happy there. Det är en ordbok. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Ingen årsag! It was nothing. You're welcome. Det fanns inte ett moln på himlen. No clouds were in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Jeg vil ikke have en sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. Så sagtn dog farten! Hey, slow down! Let's go, let's go! Det er ikke lett å skrive et kjærlighetsbrev på engelsk. It's not easy writing a love letter in English. It's not easy to write a love letter in English. Hvad glor du på? What are you staring at? What are you looking at? Undskyld, jeg bliver nødt til at gå. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry, I have to go. Er du sikker på at du ikke bruger maskinoversættelser? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Hennes frågor visar att hon är väl insatt i ämnet. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she is well aware of the subject. Jeg tror at ​​det er et grantræ. I think that it's a fir tree. I think it's a tree. Hún bað hann um að hætta ekki í vinnunni sinni vegna þess að þau væru fátæk og þyrftu á peningunum að halda. She asked him to not quit his job because they were poor and needed the money. She asked him not to quit her job because they were poor and needed the money. Har Tom någonsin bett dig ljuga för honom? Has Tom ever asked you to lie for him? Did Tom ever ask you to lie to him? Som tur var, var vädret bra. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, the weather was good. Da jeg kom til skolen, var der ikke længere nogen. When I came to the school, there was nobody there anymore. When I came to school, there was no one anymore. Þú mátt eiga bókina. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. Hvorfor ikke? Why not? Why not? Hvor er Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Tom bagte en æblekage. Tom baked an apple pie. Tom made an apple cake. Jag har säkert ätit någonting konstigt. I must've eaten something bad. I'm sure I've eaten something weird. Tom säger inte varför. Tom isn't saying why. Tom doesn't tell me why. Hvor kunne hun være? Where could she be? Where could she be? Einu sinni er nóg. Once is enough. Once is enough. Ég rak vitlausabeinið mitt í borðröndina. I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table. I hit my wrong leg in the tabletop. Bedstemor kan lide at se tv. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandma likes to watch TV. Jeg vil gå. I want to go. I want to go. Är du tillräknelig? Are you sane? Are you positive? Hvis en fyr har en buket blomster i hånden, betyder det, at han har planer om at engagere sig, ikke i botanik, men i anatomi. If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy. If a guy has a bouquet of flowers in his hand, it means he's planning to engage, not in botany, but in anatomy. Han ble tvunget til å signere kontrakten mot sin vilje. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign the contract against his will. De bor där. They live there. They live there. Hastverk er lastverk. More haste, less speed. Haste is a vice. Biskopen förbarmade sig över de förtvivlade immigranterna. The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants. The bishop showed mercy to the despondent immigrants. Vi har opdaget en hemmelig gang. We discovered a secret passageway. We've discovered a secret passage. Tom är beslutsam. Tom is determined. Tom's determined. Jag tycker inte om honom, men jag gillar henne. I do not like him, but I like her. I don't like him, but I like her. Tom smällde igen dörren stängd. Tom slammed the door shut. Tom slammed the door shut. Han er lige kommet. He has just arrived. He just got here. Jag vill göra det där så ofta jag kan. I want to do that as often as I can. I want to do that as often as I can. Foråret er kommet. Spring has come. Spring's here. Siden hvornår er du begyndt at interessere dig for politik? Since when do you care about politics? Since when are you interested in politics? Har jeg ingen rettigheter? Don't I have any rights? I don't have any rights? Du är inte misstänkt. You're not a suspect. You're not a suspect. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Fler och fler studenter ansluter sig till protesterna. More and more students are joining the protests. More and more students join the protests. Hun levde et lykkelig liv. She lived a happy life. She lived a happy life. Tom talar om det för dig när han känner för det. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom tells you when he feels like it. Tí trúgvi eg ikki! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Jag behöver din bil. I need your car. I need your car. Mundirðu kenna mér að búa til ost? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Hvad betyder det? What's the meaning of that? What does that mean? Þeir sjóða niður fisk í dósir. They can fish. They boil down fish in cans. Har du glömt? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten? Jeg malede. I was painting. I painted. Minns du dem? Do you remember them? Do you remember them? Noget må være sket Tom. Something must've happened to Tom. Something must have happened to Tom. Hva sier du? What're you saying? What do you say? Min far liker kaffen sin sterk. My father likes his coffee strong. My father likes his coffee strong. Leveren fungerer ikke længere. The liver is no longer functioning. The liver is no longer working. Han bör följa mitt råd. He should follow my advice. He should follow my advice. Talar du turkiska? Do you speak Turkish? You speak Turkish? Jag vet bara inte. I just don't know. I just don't know. Tom vidste ikke hvorfor. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Lad os komme til sagen og snakke forretning. Let's get down to brass tacks and talk business. Let's get to the point and talk business. Hva gjør vi om han kommer sent? What will we do if he's late? What do we do if he gets late? Vill du lära dig japanska så rekommenderar jag dig att besöka Japan. You want to learn Japanese, so I suggest you visit Japan. If you want to learn Japanese, I recommend you visit Japan. Vi lander om 15 minutter. We will be landing in 15 minutes. We're landing in 15 minutes. Han kjenner kona mi. He knows my wife. He knows my wife. Det var en vacker flicka med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. There was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Jag vill veta vad som är så roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's so funny. Það var mjög ánægjulegt að hitta gamla vin minn. Meeting my old friend was very pleasant. It was a pleasure meeting my old friend. Jeg kan ikke holde ud at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I can't stand working here. Jag vill ha en advokat. I want an attorney. I want a lawyer. Stig ind. Jeg vil køre dig et eller andet sted hen. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. I'll take you somewhere. Jeg tenker, derfor er jeg. I think, therefore I am. I'm thinking, that's why I'm here. Jeg kan ikke leve uten fjernsyn. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Här är bussen. Here's the bus. Here's the bus. Lyndon Johnson tók við forsetaembættinu þegar John Kennedy var myrtur. Lyndon Johnson took over presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson accepted the presidency when John Kennedy was murdered. De är korta och smala. They are short and thin. They're short and narrow. I skyggen av det Skjeve Tårn i Pisa sitter byens eventyrforteller og spiser en tallerken ertesuppe. Etterpå forteller han barna eventyret "Prinsessen på erten". In the shadow of the Leaning Tower of Pisa sits the town storyteller, eating a bowl of pea soup. After that he tells some children the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea". In the shadow of the Skjeve Tower in Pisa sits the city's fairy tale teller and eats a plate of peas soup. Then he tells the children the adventure "Prince on the peas". Bill hringdi í mig í gærnótt. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. Toms forældre er lærere. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Man kan aldri forgylle en lort så den ikke lukter. One can never gild shit so it does not smell. You can never gild a shit so it doesn't smell. Jag väntar på dig. När är du klar? I'm waiting for you. When are you ready? I'll wait for you. Du er høy, men han er høyere. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's taller. Vad är framgångens hemlighet? What is the secret of success? What is the secret of success? Hvis I har brug for min hjælp, så lad mig det vide. If you guys need my help, please let me know. If you need my help, let me know. Hun har en smal talje. She has a small waist. She's got a narrow waistline. Kön till provhytterna ringlade sig genom butiken. The queue to the fitting rooms was winding through the store. The sex of the test cabins was intertwined through the store. Det er virkelig nemt for mig at gøre det. It's really easy for me to do that. It's really easy for me to do that. Hon räknar fort. She counts fast. She's counting fast. Idéen er at du synger. The idea is that you sing. The idea is that you sing. Jeg har lige vasket bilen. I've just washed the car. I just washed the car. Kan du gi meg noe å drikke? Will you give me a drink? Can you give me something to drink? Tag et kig på disse. Take a look at these. Take a look at these. Får jag komma med? Can I join in? Can I come? Mine sko er helt slidt op. My shoes are completely worn out. My shoes are all worn out. Du er nødt til at forbedre din kysseteknik. You need to improve your kissing technique. You have to improve your kissing technique. Jag hörde att en sydamerikansk campare blev uppäten av en anakonda. I heard that a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. I heard a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. Kossan säger ”mu”, tuppen säger ”kuckeliku”, grisen säger ”nöff, nöff”, ankan säger ”kvack, kvack” och katten säger ”mjau”. The cow goes "moo," the rooster goes "cock-a-doodle-doo," the pig goes "oink, oink," the duck goes "quack, quack" and the cat goes "meow." Kossan says “mu”, the tube says “kuckeliku”, the pig says “nöff, nöff”, the duck says “quack, quack” and the cat says “mjau”. Äntligen är vi två ensamma. The two of us are finally alone. Finally, we're the two of us alone. Det er sygt. It's sick. That's sick. Du kan inte kontrollera mig. You can't control me. You can't control me. Det nuvarande lösenordet är ”eosdigital”. The present password is "eosdigital". The current password is ‘eodigital’. Jeg vil ikke have børn. I don't want kids. I don't want kids. Hendes far omkom på havet. She lost her father at sea. Her father died at sea. Ert tú inni? Are you at home? Are you inside? Ég kem ekki í dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Tom är inte otrevlig. Tom isn't rude. Tom's not being rude. Tom er bipolar. Tom is bipolar. Tom's a bipolar. Það geta ekki allir verið skáld. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Kikærter er hovedingrediensen i hummus. Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus. Chicrates are the main ingredient of hummus. Jag känner mig inte särskilt lycklig. I don't feel very happy. I don't feel very happy. Skadades någon? Did anybody get hurt? Did anyone get hurt? Två personer kommer in på den här biljetten. Two people can enter with this ticket. Two people come in on this ticket. Tom vert tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom's 30 in March. Han har et hus i Kabylien, Algeriet. He has a house in Kabylie, Algeria. He has a house in Kabylia, Algeria. På grund av den dåliga skörden har vetepriset gått upp de senaste sex månaderna. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months. Because of the bad harvest, the wheat price has gone up in the last six months. De ser alla glada ut. They are all happy. They all look happy. Tom sang med Mary. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Mary. Alle veier fører til Rom. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Jag gillar ingenting. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Følg dine instinkter. Follow your instincts. Follow your instincts. Du kan aldri vite med mindre du prøver. You'll never know until you try. You can never know unless you try. Min far købte bogen til mig. My father bought me the book. My father bought me the book. Jag hör inte ett skvatt. I don't hear a thing. I can't hear a piece of shit. Du ser ikke så bra ut. Er du syk? You don't look very well. Are you sick? You don't look so good. Tom er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen. Tom isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Tom's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Altso, problemið hjá mær er, at eg kan ikki lesa hard. You see, my problem is that I am not able to read aloud. Altso, the problem with my child is that I can't read hard. Vi har ikke hele eftermiddagen. We don't have all afternoon. We don't have all afternoon. Vad kan Tom mena? What could Tom mean? What does Tom mean? Stop. Det gør ondt. Stop. It hurts. Stop, it hurts. Hvorfor kom han ikke? Why didn't he come? Why didn't he come? Tom kan være litt pratsom. Tom can be a little chatty. Tom can be a little chatty. Jeg måtte holde på min hund da en kat krydsede vores græsplæne. I had to hold my dog back when a cat crossed our lawn. I had to hold my dog when a cat crossed our lawn. Tom bemærkede at Mary stirrede på ham. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Hann elskar þá. He loves them. He loves them. In med dig nu. Now get in. Get in there. Jeg fandt hendes mor død. I found her mother dead. I found her mother dead. Han reser runt. He travels around. He's traveling around. Der var kun to muligheder tilbage for ham for at få noget at spise. Han måtte enten arbejde eller tigge. There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat. He had either to work or to beg. There were only two options left for him to eat, either to work or to beg. Jag läser den här tidningen. I'm reading this newspaper. I'm reading this magazine. Du gav mig næsten et hjerteanfald. You almost gave me a heart attack. You almost gave me a heart attack. Hur knäckte du den? How did you break it? How did you break it? Min tørst er slukket. My thirst is quenched. My thirst is gone. Þú ert mjög hávaxinn. You're very tall. You're very tall. Jag kan inte förstå allt. I can't quite understand. I can't understand everything. Floden bugter sig hen over sletten. The river meanders across the plain. The river bends over the plain. Han er for gammel til mig. He's too old for me. He's too old for me. Við viljum heildstæðar setningar. We want complete sentences. We want total sentences. Hur stora var de? How large were they? How big were they? Du vil takke mig senere. You'll thank me later. You'll thank me later. Jag är här som turist. I'm here as a tourist. I'm here as a tourist. Dette mysteriet er løst. This mystery is solved. This mystery is solved. Jeg har aldri i mitt liv sett den mannen før. I've never seen that man before in my life. I've never seen that man in my life before. Denne motor har 6 cylindere. This engine has 6 cylinders. This engine has 6 cylinders. Vi befinder os i vor civilisations tusmørke. We find ourselves in the twilight of our civilization. We are in the twilight of our civilization. Min son är längre än jag. My son is taller than me. My son is longer than I am. Hvad diskuterer de? What are they discussing? What are they discussing? Han vet hvor vi bor. He knows where we live. He knows where we live. Det här är den vackraste solnedgång jag någonsin sett. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. Der er ikke luft nok i dette dæk. This tire doesn't have enough air in it. There's not enough air in this deck. Där fanns inte en levande själ så långt ögat kunde nå. There wasn't a living soul as far as the eye could see. There wasn't a living soul as far as the eye could reach. Ég læri á bókasafninu. I study at the library. I'll learn from the library. Tom sade att han tyckte att jag verkade imponerad. Tom said he thought that I seemed impressed. Tom said he thought I was impressed. Jag är enda barnet. I am an only child. I'm the only child. Slutt å synes synd på deg selv. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Gleðilig jól! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jeg tjener 100 euro om dagen. I make €100 a day. I make 100 euros a day. Gå till era platser. Get in your places. Go to your places. Minns du den gången vi åkte till Paris? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember the time we went to Paris? Vi måste jobba nu. We have to work now. We have to work now. Hon kunde inte tänka sig att träffa honom igen. She couldn't imagine meeting him again. She couldn't think of seeing him again. Hvorfor har du valgt at bo i Australien? Why did you choose to live in Australia? Why did you choose to live in Australia? Hvem fandt hende? Who found her? Who found her? Jag leker i trädgården. I'm playing in the garden. I'm playing in the garden. Vad annat behövs? What else is needed? What else is needed? Hon började springa. He began running. She started running. Verden udenfor er meget skræmmende. The world outside is very scary. The world outside is very scary. det är inte för att jag hatar honom, men för att jag älskar honom It is not because I hate him, but because I love him. It's not because I hate him, but because I love him. Det er et virkeligt godt udtryk. This is a very good phrase. It's a really good expression. Jeg er meget utålmodig. I'm very impatient. I'm very impatient. Jeg regner med det. I'm counting on it. I'm counting on it. Hún ráðlagði honum gegn því. She advised him against doing it. She counseled him against it. Den som ikke bruger "brauchen" med "zu", burde slet ikke bruge "brauchen". He who doesn't use "brauchen" with "zu" shouldn't use "brauchen" at all. Whoever doesn't use "brauchen" with "zu", shouldn't use "brauchen". Jag tyckte om att simma. I enjoyed swimming. I liked swimming. Det har visse feil og mangler. There are known errors and omissions. It has certain faults and shortcomings. Min feil! My mistake! My bad! Det er et smukt sværd. That's a beautiful sword. It's a beautiful sword. Noe er galt med motoren. Something is wrong with the engine. Something's wrong with the engine. Han är vis på några sätt. He is wise in some ways. He's wise in some ways. Ge mig din arm. Give me your arm. Give me your arm. Ég var veikur í gær. I was ill yesterday. I was sick last night. Tom tilgang til sprogindlæring er at smide alt op på væggen og se hvad der hænger ved. Tom's strategy for language learning is to throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Tom's access to language learning is to throw everything up on the wall and see what's hanging on. Du pratar snabbt. You talk fast. You talk fast. Jag gillade Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Du bliver min. You'll be mine. You're gonna be mine. Det finns regler att följa. There are rules to observe. There are rules to follow. Minns ni Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Kog vandet. Boil the water. Cook the water. Tom är listig. Tom is crafty. Tom's clever. Sami ville vara romantisk. Sami wanted to be romantic. Sami wanted to be romantic. Kan vi hyra en av de här båtarna? Can we rent one of these boats? Can we rent one of these boats? Hjälp mig bygga färdigt den här sorkstegen så ska jag bjuda dig på middag. Help me finish building this vole ladder and I'll treat you to dinner. Help me finish this sorries and I'll invite you to dinner. Hvor mye koster en inngangsbillett? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much is an entrance ticket? Er dette godt fransk? Is this good French? Is this good French? Gjør som han sier. Do whatever he tells you. Do as he says. Hva studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist research? What does a sovietologist study? Du må ikke være rigtig klog. You must be crazy. Don't be smart. Hvem eier denne maten? Who owns this food? Who owns this food? Jag vill inte leka. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Du har ikke set noget. You didn't see anything. You haven't seen anything. Algeriet har brug for flere rensningsanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more treatment plants. Jeg kan ikke tale tysk. I can't speak German. I can't speak German. Jag hämtar Tom åt dig. I'll get Tom for you. I'll get Tom for you. Tom er bange fordi han ikke forstår, hvad der foregår. Tom is afraid because he doesn't understand what's going on. Tom's scared because he doesn't understand what's going on. Jeg har drømt om dig. I dreamed about you. I've been dreaming about you. Kan jag göra det för dig? Can I do it for you? Can I do that for you? I dag har jeg ingen energi. I have no energy today. Today I have no energy. Jag bor i Qatar. I live in Qatar. I live in Qatar. Jeg vil heller ikke være her. I don't want to be here either. I don't want to be here either. Hvem fandt dem? Who found them? Who found them? Idet jeg begynte å elske meg selv, nektet jeg å fortsette å leve i fortiden og å bekymre meg over fremtiden. Nå til dags lever jeg i øyeblikket alt foregår i. I dag lever jeg hver dag, dag etter dag, og dette kaller jeg "OPPFYLLELSE". As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”. As I began to love myself, I refused to continue living in the past and to worry about the future. Today, I live everything at the moment. Today, I live every day, day after day, and this I call "OPPPEMENT". Tom har demens. Tom has dementia. Tom's got dementia. Han fortalte ham om sine katte. He told him about his cats. He told him about his cats. Hatta er sín hestur. That's his horse. Hat's his horse. Är du en idiot? Are you an idiot? Are you an idiot? Hvad med en drink? How about a drink? How about a drink? Jag skrapade knät. I scraped my knee. I scraped my knee. Þú hefur skyldu til að útksýra þessa hegðun fyrir mér. You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me. You have a duty to excavate this behavior for me. Det er absolutt ingenting å bekymre seg for. That's certainly nothing to worry about. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Það mun gera sárið verra. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Supermarkedene er stengt nå, så vi må klare oss med det som er igjen i kjøleskapet. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. The supermarkets are closed now, so we have to deal with what's left in the fridge. Vores tog er forsinket. Our train is delayed. Our train is delayed. Den här boken är för mig vad Bibeln är för dig. This book is to me what the Bible is to you. This book is for me what the Bible is for you. Affind dig med det. Deal with it. Get rid of it. Sårede jeg dine følelser? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I hurt your feelings? Jag har bara druckit två glas vin. I only had two glasses of wine. I've only had two glasses of wine. Jeg elsker menn med skjegg. I love men with beards. I love men with beards. Jeg håper jeg ikke behøver å bruke denne pistolen. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use this gun. Tom drikker æblejuice. Tom is drinking apple juice. Tom drinks apple juice. Jeg tror at Tom nok allerede har en kæreste. I think Tom probably has a girlfriend already. I think Tom already has a boyfriend. Jeg er ved at skrive en bog. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. Ikke snakk stygt om andre. Don't say bad things about others. Don't talk bad about others. Hvad prøvede du at gøre? What did you try to do? What were you trying to do? Tom kan inte läsa. Tom can't read. Tom can't read. Hvordan gik det til? How did it happen? How'd it go? Glöm det! Forget it. Forget it! Fodrer I nogensinde omstrejfende hunde? Do you ever feed stray dogs? Do you ever feed turbulent dogs? Kor mykje kosta den? How much did it cost? How much is it? Har De et hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Møtet ble holdt her. The meeting was held here. The meeting was held here. Tom er i live. Tom is alive. Tom's alive. Jeg har skrevet ferdig rapporten. I've finished typing the report. I've done the report. Det är ett rökmoln över provinsen. There is a smoke cloud over the province. It's a smoke cloud across the province. Hun sagde sandheden. She was telling the truth. She told me the truth. Hvem gav Tom det blå øje? Who gave Tom that black eye? Who gave Tom the blue eye? Liker du golf? Do you like golf? You like golf? Þetta er ekki eldflaugavísindi. It's not rocket science. This isn't rocket science. 80 procent af vores handlinger udfører vi ubevidst. We perform eighty percent of our actions unconsciously. Eighty percent of our actions are unconscious. Det vil snart regne. It's going to rain soon. It'll rain soon. Einungis fáir mættu á fundinn í gær. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Only a few of you came to the meeting yesterday. Tom har lige haft ringet. Tom just called. Tom just called. Han har en bil der har fire døre. He has a car that has four doors. He's got a car with four doors. Hvad tid afgår næste tog? At what time does the next train leave? What time does the next train leave? Din ætt skal ta sine fienders porter i eie, og i din ætt skal alle jordens folk velsignes, fordi du lød mitt ord. 'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.' Your seed shall possess the gates of your enemies; and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my word. Vilken är din favoritsvordom? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite curse? Tom er sædvanligvis helt flad ved udgangen af måneden. Tom is usually broke by the end of the month. Tom is usually completely flat at the end of the month. Sólin kemur upp í eystri og setur í vestri. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun comes up in the east and sits in the west. Mördaren dumpade kroppen i sjön. The murderer dumped the body in the lake. The killer dumped his body in the lake. Mér er alvara. I'm serious. I'm serious. Jag skulle vilja följa med Tom. I'd like to go with Tom. I'd like to go with Tom. Vores flag er rødt og sort. Our flag is red and black. Our flag is red and black. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne hjelpe deg. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you. Eg hjelper deg gjerne. I will gladly help you. I'd love to help you. Vi reste till fots. We traveled on foot. We traveled on foot. Tom har aldrig klippt sina egna barns hår. Tom has never cut his own children's hair. Tom has never cut the hair of his own children. Hvor kan vi købe det? Where can we buy it? Where can we buy it? Du har jättefin hatt. I love your hat. You've got a really nice hat. Katten ligger oppå bordet. The cat is on the table. The cat is on the table. Jeg er virkelig lei meg for at jeg kom sent hjem. I'm truly sorry for having returned home late. I'm really sorry I came home late. När jag pratar tyska är det bara Tom som förstår mig. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. Hallå, är det nån där? Hello, is there anybody there? Hey, is anybody there? Hún bauð honum á stefnumót en hann sagði nei vegna þess að hann taldi að stelpur ættu ekki að bjóða strákum á stefnumót. She asked him out on a date, but he said no since he thought girls should not ask boys out. She invited him to a date, but he said no because he thought girls shouldn't invite boys to a date. Han er stærkere end nogensinde. He is stronger than ever. He's stronger than ever. Jeg gjorde ingenting. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Den kvinde har en mund. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Tom købte sin billet for tyve minutter siden. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Tom bought his ticket 20 minutes ago. Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How come you won't buy a blue? Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Er den stadig til salg? Is it still for sale? Is it still for sale? Det verkar som att Mary är full igen. It looks like Mary is drunk again. Looks like Mary's drunk again. Jeg brente alle brevene som du skrev til meg. I burned all the letters that you wrote me. I burned all the letters you wrote me. Sami stalker piger. Sami stalks girls. Sami stalks girls. Var der en anden i værelset? Was there someone else in the room? Was there someone else in the room? Hon kvävde honom med en kudde. She suffocated him with a pillow. She choked him with a pillow. Vad gör du i dag? What're you doing today? What are you doing today? Håll ett öga på den. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Du burde ikke gå ut. You shouldn't go out. You shouldn't go out. De kommer hit någon enstaka gång. They come here occasionally. They'll come here a few moments. Alla skrattade. Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. Vi visste ikke at du var der. We didn't know you were there. We didn't know you were there. Mér líður ekki vel. I don't feel well. I don't feel so good. Vad betydde det? What did that mean? What did that mean? Tom sneglade neråt. Tom glanced down. Tom snuck down. Ti stille! Be quiet! Shut up! Tom og Mary har en lille gård. Tom and Mary have a small farm. Tom and Mary have a small farm. Stäng er bok. Close your book. Close your book. Fortæl altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell me the truth. Har du något hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Blomstene har helt visnet. The flowers have all withered. The flowers have all withered. Du drikker te. You drink tea. You drink tea. Tom ligger i en hospitalsseng. Tom is lying in a hospital bed. Tom's in a hospital bed. Hunden bjeffer. The dog is barking. The dog barks. Du behøver ikke græde. You don't have to cry. You don't have to cry. Är du utom fara? Are you safe? Are you safe? Vi skal krydse gaden. We have to cross the street. We're gonna cross the street. Han er taxachauffør. He is a cab driver. He's a cab driver. Hon kände att vi var för olika. She felt that we were too different. She felt we were too different. Hun ga meg et motstridende svar. She gave me an incongruent answer. She gave me a conflicting answer. Ég lét hundinn minn leggjast. I made my dog lie down. I let my dog lie down. Jeg er ikke bange. I am not afraid. I'm not afraid. Vores lærer tager til USA i næste måned. Our teacher is going to the USA next month. Our teacher goes to the United States next month. Jeg er ked af det sene svar. I'm sorry for the delay in responding. I'm sorry for the late response. Það gleður mig að sjá þig aftur. I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Præcist! Exactly! Exactly! Hvor er nærmeste bank? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Varför gjorde han det där? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? Þú syngur fallegt lag. You sing a beautiful song. You're singing a beautiful song. Burde du ikke gøre det? Shouldn't you be doing that? Shouldn't you? Jag ligger i luftvapnet. I'm in the air force. I'm in the Air Force. Her er en bok. Here is a book. Here's a book. Verksmiðjur okkar eru á fullum afköstum. Our factories are working at full capacity. Our factories are full of success. Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you. I understand everything. Mér líka rauðar rósir. I like red roses. I like red roses. Jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska förvänta mig. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Hur är han? What is he like? What's he like? Jeg trenger ikke oppholdstillatelse, fordi jeg er fra Island. I do not need a residence permit because I am from Iceland. I don't need a residence permit because I'm from Iceland. Vi er af forskellig alder. Han er ældre end mig. We are different ages. He is older than me. We're of different age, he's older than me. Boken föll på golvet. The book fell to the floor. The book fell on the floor. Der kommer toget. There comes the train. Here comes the train. Han flydde från teatern efter mordet. He had fled the theater after the murder. He escaped from the theater after the murder. Tom kaster med sten efter fugle. Tom is throwing stones at birds. Tom throws rocks at birds. Vill du ha lite mer sås? Would you like some more gravy? Would you like some more sauce? När fick du reda på det? When did you find out? When did you find out? Det er nederen at være alene. Being alone sucks. It's the downstairs to be alone. Fågeln är i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird's in the sky. Tom så et par kønne piger gå forbi. Tom saw a few good looking girls walk past. Tom saw a couple of pretty girls walk by. Hefur þetta nokkurtíma verið gert áður? Has this ever been done before? Has this ever been done before? Augun hennar urðu kringlótt af undrun. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes were surrounded by wonders. Dette æble er rødere. This apple is redder. This apple is redder. Ja, så vitt jag vet. Yes, as far as I know. Yes, as far as I know. Ég þvæ sokkana mína. I wash my socks. I'll wash my socks. Ég var svolítið svangur. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Jag känner mig helt hjälplös. I feel completely helpless. I feel completely helpless. Ned med korrupte politikere! Down with corrupt politicians. Down with corrupt politicians! Det startade en kedjereaktion. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain operation. Hvor meget koster det at leje en sejlbåd? How much does it cost to rent a sailboat? How much does it cost to rent a sailboat? Det var precis vad jag behövde. That's just what he needed. That's exactly what I needed. Eg kan ikkje køyre heim. I can't drive home. I can't run home. Jeg gikk meg vill, og for å gjøre det enda verre så begynte det å regne. I got lost, and to make it even worse, it then began to rain. I got lost, and to make things worse, it started raining. En af mine venner bad mig om at sende ham et postkort. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. Hon har tio barn. She has ten children. She has ten children. Jag gillar utmaningar. I like challenges. I like challenges. Vi så slet ingen børn. We didn't see any children at all. We didn't see any children at all. Hon är en drama queen. She's a drama queen. She's a drama queen. Jeg har aldrig haft en smoking på. I've never worn a tuxedo. I've never had a tuxedo on. Tom svømmer. Tom's swimming. Tom's swimming. Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka. I have no idea how long it will take. I don't know how long it's going to take. Jag ska gå med Tom. I'll go with Tom. I'm gonna go with Tom. Drik det her! Drink this. Drink this! Jag längtar ofta hem. I often yearn for home. I can't wait to get home. Han unnslapp så vidt å bli påkjørt og drept av en bil. He barely escaped being hit and killed by a car. He barely escaped being hit and killed by a car. Kolla in den här. Get a load of this. Check this out. Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med elektricitet. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies more cities with electricity. Det er en mann på døren som spør om å få snakke med deg. There's a man at the door who's asking to speak with you. There's a man on the door asking to talk to you. Säg det nu. Go on and say it. Say it now. Har du nogen kæledyr? Do you have any pets? Do you have any pets? Ég elska hana vegna þess að hún er þolinmóð. I love her because she is patient. I love her because she's patient. Jag är väldigt upptagen hemma. I'm very busy back home. I'm very busy at home. Har Tom et kæledyr? Does Tom have a pet? Does Tom have a pet? Herrefred, folk finner virkelig det vanskelig når de må påpeke ditt og datt om deg, dine holdninger eller utseende ditt, for eksempel. Dear God, people really find it difficult when they have to point out one thing or another about you, such as your attitudes or your appearance. Lord Peace, people really find it difficult when they have to point out yours and fall about you, your attitudes or your appearance, for example. Við hlökkum til að hitta þig bráðlega. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. We look forward to seeing you soon. Sover han stadig? Is he still sleeping? Is he still asleep? Hvad fortalte du dem? What did you tell them? What did you tell them? Du kan lita på Tom. You can rely on Tom. You can trust Tom. Hvað felst í því? What does it involve? What does that involve? Jag håller inte med. I beg to differ. I don't agree. Vi vil holde Tom ansvarlig. We will hold Tom accountable. We'll hold Tom responsible. Jeg har googlet dig og fundet ud af at du har været i fængsel. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I Googled you and found out you were in prison. Det här bordet är vitt. This table is white. This table is white. Vill du ha te eller något? Would you like tea or something? Would you like some tea or something? Det er åbenlyst for enhver at han er forelsket. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It's obvious to anyone that he's in love. Det er sket med dig. Your number is up. It's happened to you. Du måste ta buss nummer 12. You have to take bus number 12. You need to take bus number 12. Hann keypti hund handa henni. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Hunden min later ofte som den sover. My dog often pretends to be asleep. My dog often pretends to be asleep. Ég er á sjúkrahúsinu. Það laust eldingu niður í mig. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital. Det är deras rätt att rösta. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. Varför var Tom rädd? Why was Tom frightened? Why was Tom afraid? Tom gikk ut av døra igjen. Tom walked back out the door. Tom went out the door again. Min metode er forbløffende enkel, men meget virkningsfuld. My method is surprisingly simple, but highly effective. My method is amazingly simple, but very effective. Varför talade du om det för Tom? Why did you tell Tom? Why did you tell Tom? Jag tittar sällan på dokumentärer. I seldom watch documentaries. I don't look at documentarys very often. Jag är tacksam för er hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Tom havde ikke sin skudsikre vest på. Tom wasn't wearing his bulletproof vest. Tom didn't have his bulletproof vest on. Jag vill kunna läsa japanska. I want to be able to read Japanese. I want to be able to read Japanese. "Hvem var den pige du var sammen med på stranden i dag?" "Hvad for en pige?" "Who was that girl you were with at the beach today?" "What girl?" "Who was the girl you were with on the beach today?" "What girl?" Tom er endelig holdt op med at ryge. Tom finally quit smoking. Tom finally stopped smoking. Har du nogensinde overvejet at sige op? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever thought about quitting? Jeg vaskede op efter at jeg havde spist til aften. I washed the dishes after I'd eaten dinner. I cleaned up after dinner tonight. Jag är en plattjordare. I'm a flat-earther. I'm a flatterer. Hun lever! She's alive! She's alive! Jeg surmuler ikke. I'm not sulking. I'm not surfing. Hún er farin í ferð. She's gone on a trip. She's on her way. Forfatteren har en smuk stil. The author has a beautiful style. The author has a beautiful style. Förum út að borða til tilbreytingar. Let's dine out for a change. Let's go out for a change. Jag måste sluta. I've got to quit. I gotta go. Jeg er enig. I agree. I agree. Jeg studerer ikke nå. I am not studying now. I'm not studying right now. Hvem er denne skøre person? Who is this crazy person? Who is this crazy person? Du är uppriktig. You're sincere. You're being honest. Vi har fortsatt en gammel rør-TV. We still have an old tube television. We still have an old pipe TV. Alla överlevde. Everyone survived. Everyone survived. Tré búa til súrefni. Trees make oxygen. Trees make oxygen. Det er bedre, er det ikke? That's better, isn't it? That's better, isn't it? Europeerne fikk seg et overtak over alle andre sivilisasjoner for 500 år siden. Europeans gained an advantage over all other civilizations 500 years ago. The Europeans gained an advantage over all other civilizations 500 years ago. Ég á engan pening. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Det var en stor flokk der. There was a large crowd there. There was a large herd there. Bilal är utbildad. Bilal is educated. Bilal's trained. Mere end hundrede mennesker savnes stadig. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Vi har ätit ägg. We have eaten eggs. We've eaten eggs. Jag har sovit. I have slept. I've slept. Jag tittade på en film på franska med engelska undertexter. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. Körsbärsträden blommar i april. The cherry blossom is in April. The cherry trees bloom in April. Jag behöver gå ner i vikt, så jag håller på med en diet. I have to lose weight, so I'm going on a diet. I need to lose weight, so I'm on a diet. Þú leist á mig. You looked at me. You looked at me. Jeg har alltid ønsket å treffe deg. I've always wanted to meet you. I've always wanted to see you. Ikke våg å svare på det. Don't you dare answer that. Don't you dare answer that. Vel, det er alt jeg har. Well, that's all I've got. Well, that's all I have. Hämta mat. Bring food. Get some food. Jeg tror ikke Tom vil gøre det vi har bedt ham om at gøre. I don't think that Tom will do what we asked him to do. I don't think Tom's gonna do what we asked him to do. Jeg vil ikke at folk skal hate meg. I don't want people to hate me. I don't want people to hate me. I dag har jeg set en stjerne. I saw a star today. Today I've seen a star. Tom leker med sønnen sin. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Min hund har spist mine lektier. My dog ate my homework. My dog ate my homework. Du må holde op med at lyve over for dig selv. You need to stop lying to yourself. You have to stop lying to yourself. Det er koldt. It is cold. It's cold. Paulina har en lyserød hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Tom er her ikke længere. Tom isn't here anymore. Tom's not here anymore. Tom försökte öppna dörren. Tom tried to open the door. Tom tried to open the door. Min Mercedes er større end din. My Mercedes is bigger than yours. My Mercedes is bigger than yours. Efter langfredag ​​kommer påske. After Good Friday comes Easter. After the rest of the day, Easter comes. Við náðum þjófinum. We caught the thief. We got the thief. Schweiz har brug for bedre æbler. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. Ég vildi óska að fólk mundi hætta að segja hluti á vegu sem rústa ungum draumum. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that spoil young dreams. Jag har glömt min PIN-kod. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my PIN code. Tom arbejder nu som hundelufter. Tom now works as a dog walker. Tom now works like dogs. De tog støvlerne af. They took off their boots. They took off their boots. Hunden gøede meget. The dog barked a lot. The dog did a lot. Det är mulet idag. The sky is overcast today. It's muzzled today. Behöver jag en? Do I need one? Do I need one? Är det vad du ville köpa? Is that what you wanted to buy? Is that what you wanted to buy? Festen ble holdt på 22. mai. The party was held on May 22nd. The party was held on May 22. Denne artikel er vildledende. This article is misleading. This Article is misleading. Eldgosið virðist vera að réna. The eruption seems to be waning. Looks like it's falling apart. Vi har inte mycket pengar, men vi har tillräckligt för att köpa det vi absolut behöver. We don't have a lot of money, but we have enough to buy what we absolutely need. We don't have much money, but we have enough to buy what we absolutely need. Det er lige det vi har drømt om hele tiden. It's what we've always dreamed of. That's exactly what we've been dreaming about all along. Et par gamle bygninger bør rives. A few old buildings need to be demolished. A couple of old buildings should be torn down. Ikki nerta meg! Don't touch me! Don't get me down! Han eksploderte av latter. He burst into laughter. He exploded with laughter. Jeg er på jakt etter oppskrifter for sjokoladekake uten sjokolade. I'm looking for recipes for a chocolate cake without any chocolate. I'm looking for recipes for chocolate cake without chocolate. Du kan ikke eller du vil ikke? You can't or you won't? You can't or you won't? Mesteparten av pasientene mine kommer fra utenfor byen. The majority of my patients come to me from out of town. Most of my patients are from outside the city. Vi förde ganska mycket oljud. We were pretty noisy. We made quite a noise. Forholdene blev bare ved med at gå ned ad bakke derfra. Things just kept going downhill from there. Conditions just kept going downhill from there. Vad har du att erbjuda? What can you offer? What do you have to offer? Ibland tar hon bussen, ibland åker hon bil. Sometimes she goes by bus, and sometimes by car. Sometimes she'll take the bus, sometimes she'll drive. Det var fortroligt. It was confidential. It was confidential. Ég verð að þvo þvott á meðan sólskinið varir. I have to do laundry while it's still sunny. I have to wash my laundry while the sunshine lasts. Tom og hans bror bor sammen. Tom and his brother live together. Tom and his brother live together. Hun fandt ringen som hun havde tabt under rejsen. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. Aldersrelateret makuladegeneration kan forårsage blindhed. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Jimmy blev såret i en trafikulykke. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy got hurt in a traffic accident. Köp inga fler presenter åt mig. Don't buy me any more presents! Don't buy me any more presents. Toms vänstra sko är borta. Tom's left shoe is missing. Tom's left shoe is gone. Vær så venlig at fortælle det til din oldemor. Tell it, please, to your great-grandmother. Please tell your great-grandmother. Det där var riktigt roligt. Gör det igen! That was very funny. Do it again! That was real fun. En servitrice kom og spurgte dem hvad de ønskede. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. Prova det här. Det borde passa dig. Try this on. It should fit you. Try this. Rygning er ikke tilladt i denne bygning. Smoking isn't allowed in this building. Smoking is not allowed in this building. Hun ønsker at vente til brylluppet. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait till the wedding. Han är någonstans i parken. He's somewhere in the park. He's somewhere in the park. Der er en ål i vandet. There is an eel in the water. There's an eel in the water. Bøsse! Fag. Boo-boo! Hun faldt ned af stigen. She fell down the ladder. She fell off the ladder. Tom ser fortfarande förvånad ut. Tom still looks surprised. Tom still looks surprised. Tom si kone ville sikkert ha forlate han om ho visste sanninga. Tom's wife would probably leave him if she knew the truth. Tom's wife would probably leave him if she knew the truth. Hon hade ont i hela kroppen. She was aching all over. She had pain in her whole body. Jeg er sikker på at der findes en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe? What action should we take? What measures should we take? Han er sanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Varför skulle man gifta sig med en kvinna om man gillar män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you liked men? Tyven løb væk. The thief ran away. The thief ran away. Tom tog ett beslut. Tom made a decision. Tom made a decision. Han beskrev flygresan i detalj. He described the flight in detail. He described the flight in detail. Tom býr nær við skúlan sum hann gongur á. Tom lives near the school that he goes to. Tom lives closer to the hole in which he walks. Jeg er mor. I'm a mother. I'm a mother. Jeg bor ikke i Finland. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. Barnen var rädda för vatten och kunde inte simma. The children were afraid of water and could not swim. The children were afraid of water and couldn't swim. Tak for din indsats. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Hvem venter du på? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Pengene mine ble stjålet. I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Tom kunde ha gjort vad än han ville. Tom could've done anything he wanted. Tom could've done whatever he wanted. Det är sand. It's sand. It's sand. Skipet seiler mot Honolulu i morgen. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship sails towards Honolulu tomorrow. Vi så TV da klokken ringede. We were watching TV when the bell rang. We saw TV when the bell rang. Hvilke språk snakker du? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? Jag är trettio år gammal. I'm thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Hva synes du om den nye leiligheten din? How do you like your new apartment? What do you think of your new apartment? Arbejder du hårdt eller arbejder du knap nok? Working hard or hardly working? Do you work hard or do you barely work? Hun spiller fodbold i morgen. She's playing football tomorrow. She's playing football tomorrow. Tom hatade det. Tom hated it. Tom hated it. Hur känns det? How does that feel? How's it feel? Dette minder mig om hjem. This reminds me of home. This reminds me of home. Snälla gå ut härifrån genast. Please get out of here immediately. Please get out of here right now. Om vädret är bra i morgon, går vi till floden och simmar. If the weather's good tomorrow, let's go to the river to swim. If the weather is good tomorrow, we go to the river and swim. Lad være med at ødsle dine nyligt tjente penge bort! Don't squander your newly earned money! Don't waste your recently made money! Jeg forklarer det senere. I'll explain later. I'll explain later. Hvis bare jeg kunne hjælpe dig. I wish I could help you. If only I could help you. Må jeg se hvad de sender på de andre kanaler? Can I see what's on the other channels? Can I see what they're sending on the other channels? Stannar du och äter middag? Are you staying for dinner? Are you staying for dinner? Det finns folk som läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. There are people who read books to kill time. There are people reading books to kill time. Jag får inte betalt för att göra det. I don't get paid to do that. I don't get paid to do that. Är du min läkare? Are you my doctor? Are you my doctor? Mér þótti erfitt að framkvæma það. I found it difficult to put it into practice. I found it hard to do it. Það mundi gleðja hann að heyra það. He would be glad to hear that. It would make him happy to hear it. Skrev du ned telefonnumret? Did you write down the number? Did you write down the phone number? Hon är en svår person att ha och göra med. She is a difficult person to deal with. She's a hard person to deal with. Polisen arresterade honom för smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. Innerst inne er jeg en optimist. I am an optimist by nature. Deep down, I'm an optimist. Det siler ned. It is raining heavily. It's simmering down. Barnið var nakið. The baby was naked. The child was naked. Du må være sulten etter å ha gått så langt. You must be starving now after your long walk. You must be hungry after going this far. Tom døde for landet sitt. Tom died for his country. Tom died for his country. Skarstu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? You cut the paper? Varför bestämde du dig för att prata om det nu? Why did you decide to speak about that now? Why did you decide to talk about it now? Han er Ramudu. He is Ramudu. He's Ramudu. Jag lade märke till att hon satt på första raden. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was in the front row. Hvad synes I, piger? What do you think, girls? What do you think, girls? Det är inte säkert att köra bil utan bilbälte. It isn't safe to drive without a seatbelt. It's not safe to drive without a seat belt. Vilken är din favoritsaga? What's your favorite fairy tale? What's your favorite story? Taget på mit hus er rødt. The roof of my house is red. The roof on my house is red. Få mig inte att skada dig. Don't make me hurt you. Don't make me hurt you. Anarki er ikke mangel på regler; det er mangel på magthavere. Anarchy isn't a lack of rules; it's a lack of rulers. Anarchy is not a lack of rules; it is a lack of power. Paulina har en rosa hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Varifrån kommer du? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Hun hadede vanilje. She hated vanilla. She hated vanilla. Detta är inte något misstag. This is not a mistake. This is no mistake. Tom sa att han ville komma bort från stan ett tag. Tom said he wanted to get out of town for a while. Tom said he wanted to get out of town for a while. Hvert ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Where did you get here first? Hvis du ikke er fornøyd, slutt. If you're not happy, quit. If you're not happy, stop. Han duer ikke. He is good for nothing. He's not good enough. Tom bliver henrykt når han ser dig. Tom will be tickled pink when he sees you. Tom will be thrilled when he sees you. Dan är ganska stolt över sitt arbete. Dan is rather proud of his work. Dan's pretty proud of his work. Stop. Jeg bløder. Stop. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. Det har varit en mycket svår vinter. We've had a very hard winter. It's been a very difficult winter. Hvernig gengur? Var ferðin góð? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How's it going? Tom och jag är väldigt upptagna. Tom and I are very busy. Tom and I are very busy. Hun var forelsket i meg, men jeg var ikke forelsket i henne. She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. Jeg lever alene i dette hus. I live in this house by myself. I live alone in this house. Det här är allt jag behöver. This is all I need. This is all I need. Hvem ser efter børnene? Who looks after the children? Who's looking for the kids? Låt oss anordna en fest. Let's have a party. Let's have a party. I hvilken retning vil Syrien udvikle sig efter regimeskiftet? In which direction will Syria develop after the regime change? In what direction will Syria develop after the regime change? Skit samma. Whatever. Never mind. Hun bor kun en stenkast fra skolen. She lives within a stone's throw of the school. She only lives a stone's throw from school. Yumi er flink til å spille tennis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. Yumi's good at playing tennis. Jag trodde att ni gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you were going home. Tom sa att han var hemma igår. Tom said he was at home yesterday. Tom said he was home yesterday. Eg plar ha på den gamle frakken min i slikt vêr. I wear my old coat in weather like this. I'm wearing my old coat in that kind of weather. Dessa skorna är för dyra. These shoes are too expensive. These shoes are too expensive. Absolut, jag håller helt med. Oh yeah, I totally agree. Absolutely. I totally agree. Jeg har set dig gøre det. I've seen you doing that. I've seen you do it. Gå først du. Walk ahead of me. You go first. Jeg har blå øjne. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Síðan nítjánhundruð hafa ellefu kvenkyns nemendur hlotið verðlaunin. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since nineteen centuries, eleven female students have been awarded the prize. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Ta inga risker. Don't take any chances. Don't take any risks. Jag är student. I am a student. I'm a student. Bilurin er brúnur. The car is brown. The car's brown. Jeg har ventet en måned. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting a month. Lad os slå plat og krone! Let's toss a coin. Come on, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV set with a new one. Han har ikke rett til å fortelle meg hva jeg skal gjøre. It's not his place to tell me what to do. He has no right to tell me what to do. Ég er örvhent. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Den här föreningen grundades för etthundraelva år sedan. This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. This association was founded a hundred years ago. Har du någonsin snarkat? Have you ever snored? Have you ever snorted? När hon kom till Berlin för att studera var hon ännu väldigt ung. When she came to Berlin to study, she was still very young. When she came to Berlin to study, she was still very young. De vill att vi ska tro att vi lever i en demokrati. They want us to believe that we are in a democracy. They want us to believe that we live in a democracy. Jeg drikker altid en kop kaffe hver morgen. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. Du förtjänar det. You deserve it. You deserve it. Når jeg var liten trodde jeg på julenissen. When I was little, I believed in Santa. When I was a kid, I believed Santa Claus. Han forstod ikke hendes joke. He did not understand her joke. He didn't understand her joke. Tom sa Mary ikke kom til være der. Tom said Mary wouldn't be here. Tom said Mary wouldn't be there. Alle vidste at han var en bogorm. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everybody knew he was a bookworm. Glem ikke at lukke døren. Please don't forget to shut the door. Don't forget to close the door. Ingången till tunnelbanan ligger vid hörnet. The subway entrance is on the corner. The entrance to the subway is at the corner. Det där är din sida och det här är min. That's your side and this is mine. That's your side and this is mine. Er der skyskrabere i Algier? Does Algiers have skyscrapers? Are there rockets in Algiers? Layla var en transkvinde. Layla was a transgender woman. Layla was a transgender. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at football. He's good at football. Tom klikket. Tom went bonkers. Tom freaked out. Gud være med os. God be with us. God be with us. Jill segist vera hamingjusamlega gift, en stundum mundi maður varla halda það. Jill says that she's happily married, but at times you'd never know it. Jill says he's happily married, but sometimes you wouldn't think it. Tom hade förlorat sin franska lärobok. Tom had lost his French textbook. Tom had lost his French textbook. Han holder sit ord. He keeps his word. He keeps his word. Prosit! Gesundheit! Bless you! Jag behöver de här pengarna. I need this money. I need this money. De her æbler er endnu ikke modne. These apples aren't ripe yet. These apples are not yet ripe. Hvornår vil sneen smelte? When will the snow melt? When will the snow melt? Mary gav børnene en julekalender så de kunne tælle dagene til jul. Mary gave the children an Advent calendar to help them count the days until Christmas. Mary gave the children a Christmas calendar so they could count the days for Christmas. Din næse bløder. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose's bleeding. Det har regnet meget. It's been raining a lot. It's been counting a lot. Vandet er rent. The water is pure. The water's clean. Hvordan klarte Sovjetunionen å skape en atombombe? How did the Soviet Union manage to create a nuclear bomb? How was the Soviet Union able to create an atomic bomb? Jag hörde meddelandet. I heard the message. I heard the message. Kan du böja det här verbet? Can you conjugate this verb? Can you bend this verb? Han hade ont i huvudet. He had a headache. He had a headache. Jeg sælger tøj på nettet. I sell clothing online. I sell clothes online. Hittade du din handväska? Did you find your purse? Did you find your purse? Jeg liker ikke bortskjemte barn. I don't like spoiled children. I don't like spoiled children. Det går faktiskt att säga precis samma sak på svenska. It is actually possible to say exactly the same thing in Swedish. In fact, it is possible to say the same thing in Swedish. Vad heter den här gatan? What is the name of this street? What's this street called? Jag skämtar inte. I'm not joking. I'm not joking. Nogen har stjålet mit ur. Someone stole my watch. Someone stole my watch. Jeg tar vitaminer hver dag. I take vitamins every day. I take vitamins every day. Han havde åndsnærværelse nok til at notere sig bilens nummerplade. He had the presence of mind to get the car's license number. He had the mental presence to record his car’s license plate. Jag har redan sagt åt Tom att inte göra det där igen. I've already told Tom not to do that again. I already told Tom not to do that again. Att förlora min dotter har berövat mig livsglädjen. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. Losing my daughter has deprived me of my life's joy. Det var inte alls vad jag trodde. That's not what I thought at all. That's not what I thought. Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. Han låg på rygg. He lay on his back. He was lying on his back. Hur hittar vi Tom? How do we find Tom? How do we find Tom? Vår tid er begrenset. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Der er et æble i denne drengs lomme. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. Herbergið hans er alltaf í röð og reglu. His room is always in good order. His room is always in order. Tann nýggi stólurin er lavendilbláur. This new chair is lavender-blue. The tan newg chair is made - blue. Jeg ved at Tom elsker Mary. I know that Tom loves Mary. I know Tom loves Mary. Indiens huvudstad är New Dehli. India's capital city is New Delhi. The capital of India is New Dehli. Jag vet att Mary är vackrare än jag är. I know that Mary is more beautiful than I am. I know Mary is more beautiful than I am. Hvort tveggja umhverfi og erfðir hafa áhrif á okkur. We are influenced both by environment and by heredity. Both environments and traditions affect us. Tom hefur staðið sig vel. Tom has done well. Tom's been doing a good job. Hvem tror du, du er? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Jeg har ingen nære venner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Det kan du ændre. You can change that. You can change that. Tom byggede en tømmerflåde. Tom built a raft. Tom built a raft of timber. Sväng vänster. Turn left. Turn left. Piraten har et træben. The pirate has a peg leg. The pirate has a wooden leg. Mary forklarede Tom at joken beroede på en tvetydighed. Mary explained to Tom that the joke relied on a double entendre. Mary explained to Tom that the joke was due to ambiguousness. Jag har tråkigt. I am bored. I'm sorry. Jag vill inte prata om henne. I don't want to speak about her. I don't want to talk about her. Jag går till biblioteket två till tre gånger per vecka. I go to the library two or three times a week. I go to the library two or three times a week. Han er min bror. He's my brother. He's my brother. De gav hestene sine vann. They gave their horses water. They gave their horses water. Det är inte så illa. It's not so bad. It's not that bad. Giv mig noget tid til at lade det synke ind. Give me some time to let it sink in. Give me some time to let it sink in. Du betyder alverden for mig. You mean the world to me. You mean the world to me. Tom gillade inte sin macka. Tom doesn't like his sandwich. Tom didn't like his sandwich. Var student har sin egen dator. Each student has their own computer. Every student has his own computer. Hon tyckte om den. She liked it. She liked it. Barnið grét sig í svefn. The baby cried himself to sleep. The child wept in his sleep. Hva som skjer i hodet mitt, blir i hodet mitt. What happens in my head stays in my head. What happens in my head stays in my head. Dit hår er så smukt. Your hair is so pretty. Your hair is so beautiful. Der er intet at undskylde. There is nothing to apologize for. There's nothing to apologize about. Kjøpte du en tur-retur billett? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Did you buy a tour return ticket? Við erum svo gott sem tilbúin fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're as good as ready for the cold winter. Jeg er vegetar. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Bägge svaren är korrekta. The two answers are both correct. Both answers are correct. Ég hafði aldrei séð jafn spennandi ruðningsleik og þann sem ég sá í gær. I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday. I had never seen a football game as exciting as the one I saw yesterday. Det er en jente som leser under treet. There is a girl reading under a tree. There's a girl reading under the tree. Muren er tredive yard lang. The wall is thirty yards long. The wall is thirty yards long. Han skrev en bog i Kina. He wrote a book in China. He wrote a book in China. Hvor mange gæster har du inviteret? How many guests did you invite? How many guests have you invited? Der er sket noget forfærdeligt. Something terrible has happened. Something terrible has happened. Jag vet hur svårt det är att göra så. I know how hard it is to do that. I know how hard it is to do that. Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What's your type of blood? Jeg sov godt i natt. I slept comfortably last night. I slept well last night. Hva med å prøve en av disse? Why don't you try one of these? Why don't you try one of these? Hann var upptekinn við að undirbúa sig fyrir ferðina. He was busy getting ready for his journey. He was busy preparing for the trip. Tom brugte en time på at skovle indkørslen fri for sne. Tom spent an hour shoveling the driveway. Tom spent an hour shoveling the driveway free of snow. Kjøpte du ny bil? Did you buy a new car? Did you buy a new car? Jeg ønsker at se ham. I want to see him. I want to see him. Jag bestämt mig för att aldrig göra det där igen. I've decided never to do that again. I decided never to do that again. Han blev falsk anklaget. He was accused falsely. He was falsely accused. Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need new glasses. Hvað kom svona nokkurri hugmynd í kollinn á þér? What put such an idea into your head? What put such an idea in your head? Han sov under et træ. He slept under a tree. He slept under a tree. Ditt arbeid er langt fra tilfredsstillende. Your work is far from being satisfactory. Your work is far from satisfying. Skælder mor hestens hamp ud? Is mom scolding the horse's hemp? Does Mom blame the horse's hemp? Hann sá ekki stöðvunarskiltið við gatnamótin og keyrði á bíl sem kom á móti. He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car. He did not see the stop sign at the street entrances and ran a car that met. Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The world's rightmost building in the world is a poison of Burdj Khalifa. Lämna mig ifred! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Nafn mitt er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Han reparerede uret for mig. He fixed the watch for me. He fixed the watch for me. Fra og med 1950 begynder de europæiske lande indenfor rammerne af Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab at nærme sig hinanden økonomisk og politisk for at sikre varig fred. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. As of 1950, within the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community, European countries are beginning to approach each other financially and politically in order to ensure lasting peace. Han har en plats i parlamentet. He has a seat in the Diet. He has a place in Parliament. Hann var hræddur þegar apinn hoppaði að honum. He was scared when the monkey jumped at him. He was afraid when the monkey jumped at him. Tom ljög för dig, eller hur? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Jag sa nej till Tom. I turned Tom down. I said no to Tom. Ett sätt att minska antalet fel i Tatoebas korpus vore att uppmuntra folk att endast översätta till sina modersmål. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in the Tatoebas corpus would be to encourage people to translate into their mother tongue only. Irriterar det dig? Does it bug you? Does that bother you? Tom kunde inte förstå Marys nervositet inför uppträdanden innan han själv fick känna på rampfeber. Tom couldn't understand Mary's nervousness before the act before he himself got stage fright. Tom could not understand Mary’s nervousness before he felt ramp fever. Eldre menn er vanligvis veldig vise. Older men are usually very wise. Older men are usually very wise. Þau líta á hann sem hetju. They consider him a hero. They consider him a hero. Har du noget særligt for i denne weekend? Is there anything special you want to do this weekend? Do you have anything special for this weekend? Jag brände papperet. I burned the paper. I burned the paper. Tom er alene i huset. Tom is alone in the house. Tom's alone in the house. Perfekt! Perfect! Perfect! Vill du ha lite mer nötkött? Would you like some more beef? Would you like some more beef? Allir hafa einhvers konar ósk. Everyone has a wish of some kind. Everyone has some kind of wish. Tom är inte lat. Tom isn't lazy. Tom's not lazy. Jag borde veta det. I should know that. I should know. Jag kan inte låta dem fånga dig. I can't let them catch you. I can't let them catch you. Tom var framgångsrik. Tom was successful. Tom was successful. Han har ett stort ego. He has a huge ego. He's got a big ego. Því meira súkkulaði sem þú borðar, því feitari verðurðu. The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you'll get. The more chocolate you eat, the fat you get. Vi spiller fotball hver lørdag. We play soccer every Saturday. We play football every Saturday. Katten sidder på stolen og kigger på kødet der ligger på køkkenbordet. The cat is sitting on the chair and looking at the meat that's lying on the kitchen table. The cat sits on the chair and looks at the meat on the kitchen table. Vi måste göra det igen. We must do it again. We have to do it again. Det hade varit så enkelt. It would've been so easy. It would have been so easy. Nu börjar det dra ihop sig till något. Now it's starting to retract into something. Now it's starting to contract to something. Mary er ganske attraktiv. Mary is quite attractive. Mary's pretty attractive. Sá sem hefur það að starfi að skemmta fólki sem kemur á sýningu er skemmtikraftur. The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer. A person who works to entertain people who come to an exhibition is a entertainer. Det ligger en fjärrkontroll till tv:n under soffan. There is a TV remote control under the couch. There's a remote to the TV under the couch. Svifnökkvinn minn er fullur af álum. My hovercraft is full of eels. My fang is full of eels. En kvinna vars man har dött är en änka. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. A woman whose husband died is a widow. Tom tog solbad i parken. Tom was sunbathing in the park. Tom took a sunbathing in the park. De lämnade återbud. They canceled. They left a refund. Væk ikke katten. Don't wake the cat. Don't wake the cat. Jeg er fra Frankrig, og du? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Här är en restaurang som jag ofta äter på. Here's a restaurant I often eat at. Here's a restaurant I often eat at. Tom blev arresteret. Tom got arrested. Tom was arrested. Den enes terrorist er den andens frihedskæmper. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One terrorist is the other's freedom fighter. Tom tappade bort sin franska lärobok. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom lost his French textbook. Mamma mín eldar góðan mat. My mother cooks well. My mom cooks good food. Atvinnumannahafnaboltinn er áhugaverður þessa dagana. Pro baseball is interesting these days. The professional ball is interesting these days. Har du nøkkelene til dette rommet? Do you have the key to this room? Do you have the keys to this room? Ingen kommentar. No comment. No comment. Jag kommer. I am coming. I'm coming. Hele byen ligger i dyp søvn. The whole town lay sleeping. The whole town is in deep sleep. Alle innbyggerne i byen kan anvende byens biblioteker. All the citizens of the city have access to the city library. Every citizen of the city can use the library of the city. Vet du vad hon gillar för färg? Do you know what color she likes? You know what color she likes? Får jag gå och surfa? Can I go surfing? Can I go surf? Hvilken hylde er den på? Which shelf is it on? What's the shelf on? Hvilke sprog tales i Amerika? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Fyrir hvaða manneskju finnst þér skemmtilegast að elda? Who's your favorite person to cook for? What kind of person do you like to cook? Jeg bor i Ungarn. I live in Hungary. I live in Hungary. Tom kilede kobenets klo ind under sømhovedet og trak sømmet ud. Tom wedged the claw of the crowbar under the nailhead and pulled out the nail. Tom tickled the cow’s claw under the nail head and pulled the nail out. Kimchi er en traditionel koreansk ret. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish. Kimchi is a traditional Korean right. Min hund sprang iväg. My dog ran away. My dog ran away. Han har en utenlandsk bil. He has a foreign car. He's got a foreign car. Jag blev förälskad. I fell in love. I fell in love. Tökum okkur stutt hlé. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. Jag kände mig mycket ful. I felt like I was very ugly. I felt very ugly. Jeg har en chef der er meget yngre end mig. I have a boss who is much younger than me. I've got a boss who's way younger than me. Vi mistenkte at kassereren hadde stjålet pengene. We suspected our cashier of stealing the funds. We suspected the cashier had stolen the money. Han er komen heilt frå London. He came here all the way from London. He's come all the way from London. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are hungry. De säljer diverse varor i den affären. They sell various kinds of goods at that store. They sell various goods in that store. Har du ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Jag avskyr min bror. I hate my brother. I hate my brother. Dere trenger denne. You need this. You need this. Fick du träffa någon läkare? Och vad sa hen i så fall? Were you able to see a doctor? If so, what did she say? Did you get to see a doctor? Jeg vil være hjemme senest 14:30. I'll be home by 2:30. I'll be home by 14:30. Tom mistede sin bamse. Tom lost his teddy bear. Tom lost his teddy bear. Bill, hvis du blir med meg, vil du flyte, du også. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. Bill, if you come with me, you'll float, too. Han har redan gått. He's already left. He's already gone. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've done very well. Du är alltid noggrann. You're always careful. You're always thorough. Han älskar tåg. He loves trains. He loves trains. Her er Japans flag. Here's Japan's flag. Here's Japan's flag. Hur gick det på din intervju? How did your interview go? How was your interview? Det jag skrev är inte engelska. What I write is not English. What I wrote is not English. Hur gick det, Tom? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Snillingar geta stundum verið ókurteisir. A genius can sometimes have rude manners. Genius may at times be rude. Tom burde i det mindste bære et slips. Tom should at least wear a tie. Tom should at least wear a tie. Han gick i pension vid sextio. He retired at sixty. He retired at sixty. Tom følgde nøye med på kva som skjedde. Tom was watching what was happening very carefully. Tom kept an eye on what happened. Jeg kan svømme veldig fort. I can swim very fast. I can swim very fast. Er du klar for det neste problemet? Are you ready for the next problem? Are you ready for the next problem? Min väckarklocka ringde inte i morse. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. My alarm clock didn't call this morning. Roma ble ikke bygd på en dag. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome was not built in one day. Hvis læreren skal planlegge en ferie eller noe annet som krever at man ser på priser og regner ut hva det vil koste, da er det elevenes kunnskaper han benytter seg av. Noen ganger ønsker kona seg nytt fruktfat, eller kanskje er det mannen som ønsker seg brevkniv, mange har sønner som trenger et godnatt-eventyr på senga eller døtre med dukker som trenger klær av siste mote; alt dette får læreren elevene til å lage for ham. If the teacher is to plan out a vacation or something similar requiring one to compare prices and figure out what it would cost, it is the pupils' skills he would exploit. Sometimes, the wife may be wishing for a new fruit bowl, or perhaps the husband is looking for a new letter opener. Many have sons that require a short bedside story or daughters with dolls that must be clad in clothing of utmost fashionability; all this, the teacher makes the pupils make for him. For the teacher to plan a vacation or something else that requires you to look at prices and figure out what it will cost, there are the students' knowledges he uses. Sometimes his wife wants a new fruit pan, or maybe it's the man who wants a letter knife, many have sons who need a bedtime adventure on the bed or daughters with dolls who need clothes of the last fashion; all this makes the students make for him. Mary har blomster i sit hår. Mary has flowers in her hair. Mary has flowers in her hair. Jeg hader fransk. I hate French. I hate French. Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big science fiction fan. He's a great fan of science fiction. Tom frågade mig vem som var ansvarig för olyckan. Tom asked me who was responsible for the accident. Tom asked me who was responsible for the accident. Du behöver ha snabba reaktioner för att spela dessa datorspel. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad dette betyder. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. Biljetterna är slutsålda. All the tickets are sold out. The tickets are closed. Tänker du ligga i sängen hela dagen, eller? Are you going to stay in bed all day? Are you gonna lie in bed all day, or what? Vi kan ikke finde årsagen. We can't find the cause. We can't find the cause. Nederland er et lite land. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Hvor må jeg bytte tog? Where do I have to change trains? Where do I have to change trains? Vinsamlegast gakktu frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please step away from these chairs. Ég stóð hann að svindli í prófinu. I caught him cheating in the examination. I caught him cheating in the test. Är du nöjd med resultatet? Are you satisfied with the result? Are you satisfied with the result? Du är i vägen. You are in my way. You're in the way. Tom går till skolan till fots. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Jeg spiller på klaver. I play piano. I'm playing piano. Han lagde bogen på hylden. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Skoleåret begynder den 10. april. The school year begins on the 10th of April. The school year begins on April 10. Hon gifte sig mot sin fars vilja. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Ingen liker krig. No one likes war. Nobody likes war. Hon skämdes för sin obetänksamhet. She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness. She was ashamed of her carelessness. Han ble lei av å lese. He got tired of reading. He got tired of reading. Tom ønsker at købe en drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom är en desertör. Tom is a draft dodger. Tom's a deserter. Var ligger tvättstugan? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Er du ferdig med arbeidet? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done with your work? En ny skolebygning er under opførelse. A new school building is under construction. A new school building is under construction. De lakerede deres tånegle. They painted their toenails. They leaked their toenails. Tom er med meg nå. Tom is with me now. Tom's with me now. Jag är gammal. I'm old. I'm old. Jag skulle vilja studera arabiska. I would like to study Arabic. I'd like to study Arabic. Jag hörde dörren stängas. I heard the door close. I heard the door shut. Medan du kör, borde du ha fokus på vägen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. While you're driving, you should be focused on the road. Jeg ved, at hun har haft travlt. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. Vent venligst her indtil han kommer. Please wait here until he comes. Please wait here until he gets here. Vi sov under stjernerne. We slept under the stars. We slept under the stars. Hvernig get ég stöðvað Tom? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? Jag skulle dö utan er. I'd die without you. I'd die without you. Då är det bäst att vi skyndar oss. We'd better hurry then. Then we better hurry. Dette er den mest interessante boken jeg noen gang har lest. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. Det er der ingen der har sagt. Nobody said that. Nobody said that. Það er svo langt síðan ég or síðast í Disneyland með fjölskyldunni minni. It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family. It's been so long since my last time in Disneyland with my family. Ég er hræddur um að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I'm afraid you have got the wrong number. I'm afraid you have the wrong number. Gå vekk! Go away! Go away! Vilket företag arbetar du för? What company do you work for? Which company do you work for? Jeg er arkæolog. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Varför kan vi inte göra om det? Why can't we do it again? Why can't we do it again? Jeg kan ikke stoppe. Bremserne... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. Vi har en halv times ophold i Paris. We have a stop for half an hour in Paris. We have a half hour stay in Paris. Den, der ler sidst, ler bedst. He who laughs last, laughs best. Whoever laughs last laughs best. Det här är inte korrekt. This isn't correct. This isn't right. Min franska är värdelös. My French is shitty. My French is worthless. Jeg prøvde å skrive ned hvert av hans ord. I tried to get down every word he said. I tried to write down each of his words. Anne sagde til mig, at mit hår var for langt. Anne told me that my hair was too long. Anne told me my hair was too long. Tom hadde på seg ein ny frakk på skulen i dag. Tom wore a new coat to school today. Tom was wearing a new coat today. Klukkan er næstum tólf. It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost noon. Þú verður að hætta að reykja. You must stop smoking. You have to stop smoking. Var är Tom född? Where was Tom born? Where's Tom born? Det er ikke viktig. It's not important. It's not important. Det finns inget ont som inte har något gott med sig. It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. There is no evil that has no good in it. Jag vet att pengar inte är allt. I know that money isn't everything. I know money isn't all. Hun beskar et træ. She pruned a tree. She's cutting a tree. Jeg hader at man kalder mig "brilleabe". I hate that they call me "four-eyes". I hate it when you call me "Brilleabe." Jag kunde äta en häst. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. Kan du sige noget på berbisk? Can you say something in Berber? Can you say something in berbish? Hun mener det alvorligt. She's being serious. She's serious. Ég á dóttur. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Alle kan gøre det. Anyone can do it. Everyone can do it. Jeg ved ikke hvad der kunne være sket. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. Mitt hår är så smutsigt! My hair is so dirty! My hair is so dirty! Utbildning i den här världen besviker mig. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world disappoints me. Vill någon ha en öl? Does anyone want a beer? Anybody want a beer? Vertu blessaður. Goodbye! Goodbye. Tom cykler til stranden hver weekend. Tom rides his bicycle to the beach every weekend. Empty bikes for the beach every weekend. Jeg havde indtryk af at Tom ikke vidste hvad der foregik. I had the impression Tom didn't know what was going on. I had the impression that Tom didn't know what was going on. De leker gärna i snön. They like to play in the snow. They'll be happy to play in the snow. Pratar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Du behöver bara be om den. You only have to ask for it. All you have to do is ask for it. Jeg har en kuglepen. I have a pen. I got a pen. Jag har aldrig träffat någon som lärt sig spela basketboll endast genom att läsa en bok; det samma med främmande språk. I've never met anyone who taught themselves to play basketball just by reading a book; the same with foreign language. I have never met anyone who learned to play basketball only by reading a book; the same with foreign languages. Veldu kjól sem þér líkar. Choose a dress you like. Choose a dress that you like. IBM mener at svaret ligger i blockchain-teknologien. IBM thinks that the answer lies in blockchain technology. IBM believes that the answer lies in blockchain technology. Det vil sandsynligvis sne i morgen. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Sama hvað þú tekur þér fyrir hendur, gerðu þitt besta. No matter what you do, do your best. No matter what you do, do your best. Vem är först i tur? Who's first? Who's next? Hur kunde jag missa det här? How did I miss this? How could I miss this? Það er fyrir neðan hennar virðingu að segja svona lagað. It's below her to say such a thing. It's beneath her respect to say things like that. Skådespelerskan har ett väldigt vackert namn. The actress has a very beautiful name. The actor has a very beautiful name. Var snäll med Tom. Be nice to Tom. Be nice to Tom. Hans tal fångade vår uppmärksamhet. His speech captured our attention. His speech caught our attention. Højere. Louder. Louder. Det finns en pojke i det här rummet. There is a boy in this room. There's a boy in this room. Der var skjulte kameraer overalt. There were hidden cameras everywhere. There were hidden cameras everywhere. Hvor meget skal vi betale Tom i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse? How much severance pay will we have to pay Tom? How much should we pay Tom in retirement allowances? Jag räddade ditt liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Det är en månad tills min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month till my birthday. Det är för att du inte vill vara ensam. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde blitt lenge nok til å møte foreldrene dine. I wish that I had stuck around long enough to meet your parents. I wish I'd been long enough to meet your parents. Hvad er der mon sket mellem hende og Tom? I wonder what happened between her and Tom. What happened between her and Tom? Vi bor här. We live here. We live here. Han ønsker at sælge sin bil. He wants to sell his car. He wants to sell his car. To kopper te og to kopper kaffe, tak! Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please. Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please! Ho har vore opptatt med å førebu turen sin til USA. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. She's been busy preparing her trip to the United States. Hvis mobiltelefon er den her? Whose cell phone is this? Whose cell phone is this? Hollænderne er de højeste mennesker i verden. The Dutch are the world's tallest people. The Dutch are the highest people in the world. Självklart inte! Of course not! Of course not! Detta handlar inte om dig. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Jeg har skrevet en bog om Kina. I wrote a book about China. I've written a book on China. Om du pratar för snabbt, kommer jag inte att förstå. If you speak too fast, I will not be able to understand. If you talk too fast, I won't understand. Jag måste bege mig nu. I've got to go now. I have to go now. Dette er rett dag. This is the right day. This is the right day. Hvorfor er I så vrede? Why are you guys so angry? Why are you so angry? Vidste du ikke at der var en nærbutik i denne bygnings underetage? Didn't you know there was a convenience store in the basement of this building? Didn't you know there was a local store in this building's understage? Jag vill fortfarande fara. I still want to go. I still want to go. Dyrnar eru stundum opnar. The door is sometimes open. The door is sometimes open. De har mistet deres paraplyer. They've lost their umbrellas. They've lost their umbrellas. Jeg mangler selvtillid. I lack confidence. I lack confidence. Tom virker fullstendig forvirret. Tom seems totally confused. Tom seems completely confused. Grekland är ett gammalt land. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Ég rakst á gamlan vin minn í teiti um daginn. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I ran into an old friend the other day. Alla verkar gilla golf. It seems that everybody likes golf. Everyone seems to like golf. Fadil var tio år äldre än Layla. Fadil was ten years older than Layla. Fadil was ten years older than Layla. Tom satte en ny rulle film i sit kamera. Tom put a new roll of film into his camera. Tom put a new scroll movie in his camera. Hún hefur ekki enn komið í leitirnar. She hasn't turned up yet. She hasn't come looking yet. Latin er fremtidens sprog! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future! Jeg vil at du skal oversette denne boken til engelsk. I'd like you to translate this book into English. I want you to translate this book into English. Du kan skriva på vilket språk du vill. På Tatoeba är alla språk jämlika. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can type in any language you like. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Han gik hele vejen hjem. He walked all the way home. He went all the way home. Algeriet er Afrikas største land. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Vad har du inte gjort? What haven't you done? What haven't you done? Toms råd hjalp ikke i det hele tatt. Tom's advice didn't help at all. Tom's advice didn't help at all. Tom var eins og ég. Tom was like me. Tom was like me. Min laptop kører linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running linux. Framtiden ser mørk ut for Edmond Dantès etter han har blitt utsatt for et komplott, han ble dømt for forræderi og satt i fengsel på livstid. The future looked bleak for Edmond Dantes after he became the victim of a conspiracy, and he was convicted for treason and imprisoned for life. The future looks dark to Edmond Dantès after he has been subjected to a plot, he was convicted of treason and imprisoned for life. Efter frokosten gik vi en tur. We went for a walk after lunch. After lunch, we took a walk. Hann má koma sunnanífrá. He must be from the South. He can come from the south. Har Tom skadats? Has Tom been hurt? Has Tom been hurt? „Hvar býrð þú?“ „Ég bý í Tókýó.“ "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." “ Where do you live? ” “ I live in Tokyo. ” Vil Algeriet udvikle sig til et velkonsolideret demokrati? Will Algeria become a consolidated democracy? Will Algeria develop into a well-consolidated democracy? Sæt det på din træskoliste. Put that on your bucket list. Put it on your wooden shoe list. Några studenter kommer inte att komma tillbaka nästa termin. Some students aren't going to come back next semester. Some students won't come back next semester. Släpp mina armar. Let go of my arms. Let go of my arms. Det afgik klokken to og ankom til Rom klokken fire. It left at two, reaching Rome at four. It went off at two o’clock and arrived in Rome at four o’clock. Jeg vet at jeg intet vet. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know anything. Han er virkelig en særling. He's really an oddball. He's really a weirdo. Jag tyckte om din historia. I liked your story. I liked your story. Dette vannet er et av de dypeste i landet. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This water is one of the deepest in the land. Þú verður að sjá heimilið hennar. You've got to see her home. You have to see her home. Lovade Tom att göra det? Did Tom promise to do that? Did Tom promise to do that? Nu er vi syv arabere. Now we are seven Arabs. Now we're seven Arabs. Tom lærte at køre da han var tretten. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Små børn holder ofte af bøger om drager og andre monstre. Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Young children often love books about dragons and other monsters. Du sammenligner æbler og appelsiner! You're comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples and oranges! Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don't have much left over for Hollywood's superhero movies. Min bedste ven er kineser. My best friend is Chinese. My best friend is Chinese. Mér til mikillar undrunar höfðaði lagið mitt til margra ungra. Much to my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. To my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. Jeg tvinger mine børn til at bruge berberisk derhjemme. I force my kids to use Berber at home. I force my children to use Berberian at home. Vad som helst är möjligt. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Du ser pragtfuld ud i den kjole. You look gorgeous in that dress. You look beautiful in that dress. Jeg taler tysk. I speak German. I speak German. Studier har visat att det genomsnittliga tangentbordet har mera bakterier än en toalettstol. Studies have revealed that the average keyboard has more germs than a toilet seat. Studies have shown that the average keyboard has more bacteria than a toilet chair. Den her er ikke min bil. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This isn't my car. Jeg håper du er ikke sint på meg. I hope you're not mad at me. I hope you're not mad at me. Hun er gået ud for at handle ind. She has gone shopping. She's gone shopping. Der mødes vi. There meet we. I'll meet you there. Du kan ikke bevise noget. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Opfør jer ordentligt. Behave yourself. Behave yourselves. Hon lyssnar inte på någon. She won't listen to anyone. She's not listening to anyone. Tom er realistisk. Tom is realistic. Tom's realistic. Jeg troede at du havde brug for penge. I thought that you needed money. I thought you needed money. Vi trenger flere opplysninger om dette. We need more information about this. We need more information on this. En gang imellem laver jeg fejl. Sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes I make mistakes. Jeg er 30 år gammel. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Berätta sanningen för dem. Tell them the truth. Tell them the truth. Min papegoja dog igår. My parrot died yesterday. My parrot died yesterday. Tom och Mary sa att de inte är trötta. Tom and Mary say they aren't tired. Tom and Mary said they're not tired. Japan og Sør-Korea er naboland. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighbouring countries. Tom väntar på Mary. Tom is waiting for Mary. Tom's waiting for Mary. Hann er hennar vinur. He is her friend. He's her friend. Jag hade det trevligt. I had a nice time. I was having a good time. Det är svårt att få arbete för tillfället. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It's hard to get a job at the moment. Han fortalte mig at hun var syg. He told me that she was sick. He told me she was sick. Ég hjálpaði föður mínum í gær. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my father yesterday. Det ser ud til at han kommer her i næste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Tom gjorde en bra putt. Tom made a good putt. Tom did a good putt. Mon vejret bliver godt i morgen. I wonder whether the weather will be good tomorrow. I'm sure the weather will be good tomorrow. Undskyld, hvem er denne kvinde? Excuse me, who is this woman? I'm sorry, who is this woman? Er det ikke på tide at I to blev gift? Isn't it about time you two got married? Isn't it about time you two got married? Allt blev svart. Everything went black. Everything got black. Vill du komma med oss? Would you like to join us? Would you like to come with us? Hur mår du nu? How are you now? How are you feeling now? Du ser træt ud. You're looking tired. You look tired. Jeg forstår ikke selv hvordan det er sket. I myself do not understand how it happened. I don't understand how it happened. Katten overraskede mig! The cat caught me by surprise! The cat surprised me! Kyrkan står mitt i byn. The church is in the middle of the village. The church is in the middle of the village. Du er ikke gammel nok til at få et kørekort. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. Tom åbnede passagerdøren. Tom opened the passenger's door. Tom opened the passenger door. Det er den højeste bygning i denne by. It's the highest building in this city. It's the tallest building in this town. Hur kom ni in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Vi ska ha barn. We are going to have a baby. We're having a baby. Hämta in den, Tom. Bring it in, Tom. Pick it up, Tom. Ég beið eftir henni þar til það varð dimmt. I waited for her till it got dark. I waited for her until it got dark. Jeg kan lide at købe tøj. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. Jeg hadde ingen problemer med å finne kontoret til Tom. I had no trouble finding Tom's office. I had no problem finding Tom's office. Vi behöver en ny plan. We need a new plan. We need a new plan. Kan du berätta vilken storlek den här är. Can you tell me what size this is? Can you tell me what size this is? Tornet kan ses härifrån. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. Hans frånvaro berodde på sjukdom. His absence was due to illness. His absence was due to disease. Jeg kom forbi for at vande Toms planter. I came by to water Tom's plants. I came by to water Tom's plants. En dag kommer du att glömma bort mig. You'll forget about me someday. One day you'll forget about me. Sami gjorde tjeneste i Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Rör mig inte. Get off me. Don't touch me. Hvem skrev brevet? Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the letter? På 80-talet var det minsann andra bullar som gällde. In the 80's, things were really quite different. In the 80s, at least other noises were involved. Við verðum að kaupa þau að utan. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from outside. Dette er relativt og flertydig. This is relative and ambiguous. This is relative and ambiguous. Så fort jeg hadde forlatt huset begynte det å regne. No sooner had I left the house than it started to rain. As soon as I left the house, it started raining. Jag har inga rena kläder att använda. I don't have any clean clothes to wear. I don't have any clean clothes to wear. Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hrædd? Do you say that because you're afraid? Are you saying that because you're afraid? Det var en misforståelse. That was a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding. Jag hatar min kropp. I hate my body. I hate my body. Jag visade dem hur man gör det. I showed them how to do it. I showed them how to do it. Hvorfor bliver du ved med at give ham penge? Why do you keep giving him money? Why do you keep giving him money? Det verkar som att jag har en lätt förkylning. It seems I have a slight cold. It seems I have a slight cold. Tack för informationen. Thanks for the information. Thank you for the information. Är du tvåspråkig? Are you bilingual? Are you bilingual? Vad kan de göra? What can they do? What can they do? Jag också. Me too. Me too. Utdanningssystemet vårt er elendig. Our education system is very poor. Our education system sucks. Jag hoppas att du kommer fram med en bättre plan. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Dem, som bor i glashuse, burde ikke kaste med sten. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Det er kaker i ovnen. There are cookies in the oven. There's cakes in the oven. Tom likte ikke skolen, frem til han startet på ungdomsskolen. Tom didn't like school until he entered junior high school. Tom didn't like school until he started high school. Tom har ein dram om å bu på fjellet. Tom dreams about living in the mountains. Tom has a dream of living on the mountain. Jeg er i gang med at lære engelsk. I am studying English now. I'm learning English. Vil du ha fisk? Do you want fish? You want some fish? Er katten ute av huset, danser musene på bordet. When the landlord's away, the tenants will play. If the cat's out of the house, the mice dance on the table. Les artikkelen på side to. Read the article on the second page. Read the article on page 2. Tom avskyr att dansa. Tom hates dancing. Tom hates dancing. Er jeg gravid? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Tom har været her siden 2013. Tom has been here since 2013. Tom's been here since 2013. Han har skaffat sig vanan att stoppa händerna i fickorna. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He's got the habit of putting his hands in his pockets. Samtliga höll sig lugna. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone remained calm. Tom sagde at John var et godt menneske. Tom said John is a good man. Tom said John was a good man. Min hund låtsas ofta sova. My dog often pretends to be asleep. My dog often pretends to sleep. Jag ser fram emot sommarlovet. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. Jeg har ikke noget imod at sove på gulvet. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. Þetta er líka í fyrsta skiptið sem ég hef komið á þetta svæði. This is also the first time I've been to this area. This is also the first time I've ever been to this area. Varför avskedade du Tom? Why did you fire Tom? Why did you fire Tom? "Jeg gjør det i morgen." "Det sa du i går!" "I'll do it tomorrow." "You said that yesterday!" "I'll do it tomorrow." "That's what you said yesterday." Det regner. It's raining. It's raining. Du har ikke peiling på hva jeg snakker om, har du? You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Vi kommer aldrig överens. We never agree. We'll never get along. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögreglunnar? She advised him to go to the police. She advised him to go to the police? Jag måste gå på toaletten. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Någon stal mitt körkort. Someone stole my driving licence. Somebody stole my driver's license. Alle mennesker er født frie og med samme menneskeverd og menneskerettigheter. De er utstyrt med fornuft og samvittighet og bør handle mot hverandre i brorskapets ånd. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free and with the same human dignity and human rights, endowed with reason and conscience and should act against one another in the spirit of brotherhood. Enig. Agreed. I agree. Tom läser nästan inga böcker alls. Tom reads almost no books at all. Tom reads almost no books at all. Hun ble en postdame. She became a postman. She became a mailman. En, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Alla mina bröder har arbeten. All of my brothers have jobs. All my brothers have jobs. Du er veldig vakker. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Jeg liker også kake. I also like cake. I like cake, too. Ann elsker chokolade mere end noget andet. Ann loves chocolate more than anything. Ann loves chocolate more than anything else. Það lítur út fyrir að Bill muni fara í læknisfræði eftir allt saman. It looks like Bill will go to medical school after all. It looks like Bill's gonna go to medicine after all. Jag är lite hungrig. I'm slightly hungry. I'm a little hungry. Väckte jag er? Did I wake you guys? Did I wake you? Ég þekki hann mjög vel. I know him very well. I know him very well. Ja det kan vi. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Vi var forelsket. We were in love. We were in love. Gøende hunde bider aldrig. Barking dogs never bite. Ginging dogs never bite. Tom er bare en tøsedreng. Tom is nothing but a sissy. Tom's just a pussy boy. Vi skojade bara. We were just joking. We were just kidding. Jeg træner judo. I'm practising judo. I'm training judo. Vill du gå? Do you want to go? Do you want to go? Han kalte meg for en tullebukk. He called me a joker. He called me a fool. Såg du den på riktigt? Did you actually see it? Did you really see it? Tom kommer fra nord. Tom comes from the north. Tom's from the north. Hvorfor opfandt man pengene? Why was money invented? Why was the money invented? Bestefaren min var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Jeg har vært i Roma. I have been to Rome. I've been to Rome. Hetta er kona mín. This is my wife. This is my wife. Jeg er invitert til denne festen. I'm invited to this party. I'm invited to this party. Tom falt ned trappene og slo hodet. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Jeg er algerisk statsborger. I'm an Algerian citizen. I'm an Algerian citizen. Jeg spekulerer på om de har en rebstige. I wonder if they have a rope ladder. I wonder if they have a rope ladder. Tom blir tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom's 30 in March. Antalet européer som besöker Thailand varje år, är mycket stort. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand every year is very large. Jag gillar verkligen hårdkokta ägg. I really like hard boiled eggs. I really like hard-cooked eggs. Stem på mig! Cast your vote for me! Listen to me! Der utfører de stabiliserende kirurgi og behandle kritiske skader, slik at pasientene kan forflyttes til sykehus med kapasitet til ferdigbehandling. There they perform stabilizing surgery and treat critical injuries, so that patients can be moved to a hospital with capacity for the remainder of their treatment. There, the stabilizing surgery is performed and critical damage is treated so that patients can be transferred to hospitals capable of completing treatment. Jag skulle vilja träffa dem igen. I'd like to see them again. I'd like to see them again. Hva er det nå du vil? What do you want now? What do you want now? Tom hittade pengarna som saknades. Tom found the missing money. Tom found the missing money. Tom sprang efter Mary. Tom chased after Mary. Tom ran for Mary. Vad är jag här för? What am I here for? What am I here for? Tom er allerede faldet i søvn. Tom has already gone to sleep. Tom's already fallen asleep. Jeg vet ikke noe om han. I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. Skolen ligger fem kilometer fra mit hjem. The school is five kilometers from my home. The school is five kilometers from my home. Kan du vakta ungarna? Can you watch the kids? Can you watch the kids? Þú verður að sinna skyldu þinni. You must perform your duty. You have to do your duty. Jag behöver den senast i morgon. I need it by tomorrow. I'll need it by tomorrow. Jeg kan ikke gjøre det. I can't do that. I can't do that. Þetta er húsið hennar. That is her house. This is her house. Jag ska göra mitt bästa. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Det kompliserer saken. That is complicating the matter. It complicates the matter. Tom sa alltid att han ville lära sig spela mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn how to play mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn to play mahjong. Hún labbaði stöðugt um herbergið. Hún virtist of óróleg til að sitja kyrr. She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still. She kept walking around the room, seemed too nervous to sit still. Marjane fangede katten. Marjane caught the cat. Marjane caught the cat. Du är anhållen. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Vi behöver hjälp här uppe. We need help up here. We need help up here. Tom savner sin kone og deres børn. Tom misses his wife and their children. Tom misses his wife and their children. Ég flýtti mér heim. I hurried home. I hastened home. De var i Joe sin klasse i fjor. They were in Joe's class last year. They were in Joe's class last year. Kan vi inte bara säga ja? Let's just say yes. Can't we just say yes? Har du et brækjern i din værktøjskasse? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Der er noget i vejen. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Jag hittade den precis. I just found it. I just found it. Tannlegen ba meg åpne munnen. The dentist told me to open my mouth. The dentist told me to open my mouth. Hon älskar Tom. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. Tom er veldig interessert i biologi. Tom is very interested in biology. Tom is very interested in biology. Vill du ha en skvätt mjölk i teet? Would you like a dash of milk in your tea? You want some milk in the tea? Jeg er arbeidsløs. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Hvorfor er du alene? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Jag är nöjd här. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Det er ikke ret godt. It's not very good. That's not very good. Það er auðvelt fyrir mig að lesa þessa bók. It is easy for me to read this book. It is easy for me to read this book. Fá hana at flyta seg! Make her move! Get her to move! Hann náði takmarkinu sínu. He reached his goal. He reached his goal. Svans! Faggot. Svans! Jeg sa til Tom at jeg ville gjøre det. I told Tom that I'd do it. I told Tom I'd do it. Glem ikke at tage skraldet ud! Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take the trash out! Ljudet kommer att väcka bebisen. The noise will wake the baby up. The sound will wake the baby. Það er ekkert vatn eftir í flöskunni. There is no water left in the bottle. There is no water left in the bottle. Jag måste bege mig nu. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. Þú getur reiknað með henni. You can count on her. You can count on it. Hun viet livet sitt til utdanning. She devoted her life to education. She dedicated her life to education. Jeg vil ikke miste deg igjen. I don't want to lose you again. I don't want to lose you again. Tom skulle kunna räddat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could've saved himself. Ég er að fara í gegnum skápinn minn til að finna föt til að gefa til góðgerðamála. I'm going through my closet to find clothes to give to charity. I'm going through my closet to find some clothes to give in charity. Hvad sagde I til Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you say to Tom? Det har inte alltid varit lätt. It hasn't always been easy. It hasn't always been easy. Jag kommer hit varje dag. I come here every day. I come here every day. Pulver kan løses opp i vann. Powder is soluble in water. Powder may be dissolved in water. Denne kandidaten er kraftig forbedret i forhold til sin forgjenger. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate is greatly improved compared to his predecessor. Vi måtte lukke vinduet på grund af myggene. We had to shut the window because of the mosquitoes. We had to close the window because of the mosquitoes. Det er et fantastisk resultat. This is an amazing result. It's a fantastic result. Fadil var Danias enda kärlek. Fadil was the only love Dania had. Fadil was Dania's only love. Slysið svipti hana einkasyni sínum. The accident deprived her of her only son. The accident took away her only son. Tom er canadier. Tom's Canadian. Tom's Canadian. Det tvivlar jag på. I doubt it. I doubt it. Regeringen har ændret forfatningen. The government changed the constitution. The government has changed the constitution. Han mistede livet ved en ulykke. He lost his life in an accident. He lost his life in an accident. Jeg er i gang med at skrive en bog. I'm writing a book. I'm about to write a book. Han har boet i Algeriet siden 4. april. He has been living in Algeria since April 4. He's been living in Algeria since April 4th. Forsøg ikke på at narre mig. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. Låt mig leva. Let me live. Let me live. Hunden har gøet. The dog has been barking. The dog's been barking. Tom är skyldig. Tom's guilty. Tom's guilty. Min far kan lide sit arbejde. My father likes his job. My father likes his work. Gætirðu útskýrt nánar? Could you elaborate? Could you explain? De var någon annanstans. They were somewhere else. They were somewhere else. Och så förälskade sig lejonet i tackan. And thus the lion fell in love with the ewe. And so the lion fell in love with the thank you. Det kan man sandelig godt sige. Yes indeed, it certainly is. Yes, you can say that. Hvis du er træt, så gå i seng! If you're tired, then go to bed! If you're tired, go to bed! Huset mitt er nær Tokyo-tårnet. My house is near Tokyo Tower. My house is near the Tokyo Tower. Það er engin fyrirhöfn. Í alvörunni. It's no trouble. Really. It's not an effort, really. Hvad har I? What do you have? What do you got? Hun er rigtig god til at lyve. She's a very good liar. She's really good at lying. Har du allerede spist middag? Have you already eaten dinner? Have you already had dinner? Hans namn är Tom. His name is Tom. His name's Tom. Jeg er stolt over å ta del i dette prosjektet. I am proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Har det hänt något med henne? Did anything happen to her? Has something happened to her? Jag talar inte luxemburgiska. I don't speak Luxembourgish. I don't speak Luxembourgish. Hun har meget gode manerer. She has very good manners. She has very good manners. Den der intet frygter, er lige så mægtig som den der frygtes af alle. The man who fears nothing is as powerful as he who is feared by everybody. He who fears nothing is as powerful as he is feared by all. Tom må have løjet. Tom must've been lying. Tom must have lied. Jeg har glemt at købe en blomst til Eva. I forgot to buy a flower for Éva. I forgot to buy Eva a flower. Var ligger Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Jag vill att du går på mötet imorgon. I'd like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. I want you to go to the meeting tomorrow. Det ser ut som Tom vill köpa allt från butiken. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything in the store. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything from the store. Min mor sa det med et smil. My mother said it with a smile. My mother said it with a smile. Glo ikke på mig. Don't stare at me. Didn't look at me. Bill stod opp tidlig for å rekke det første toget. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Bill got up early to catch the first train. Kan jeg si noe nå? Can I say something now? Can I say something now? Det står bra till med min familj, tack. My family is fine, thanks. I'm fine with my family, thank you. Han kender ingen af os. He doesn't know any of us. He doesn't know any of us. Tú ert skít! You are drunk! You're shit! Hun ble oppdratt av tanta si. She was brought up by her aunt. She was raised by her aunt. Eg var på toget i tolv timer. I was on the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. Han bød hende farvel. He bade her farewell. He said goodbye to her. Tom åbnede køleskabet og tog mælken ud. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the fridge and took the milk out. Han sprang ud af sengen. He jumped out of bed. He jumped out of bed. Vi har ennå ikke lykkes. We have not yet succeeded. We haven't succeeded yet. Tom blåste ut ljuset. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew out the light. Du visste att det här kunde hända. You knew this might happen. You knew this could happen. Ni ska tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Han mår bra. He is doing well. He's fine. Ikkje gløym at me har skyldnadar. Don't forget that we have chores. Do not forget that we have debts. Tom sidder fast i en trafikprop. Tom is stuck in a traffic jam. Tom's stuck in a traffic jam. Iran er ikke Irak. Iran is not Iraq. Iran is not Iraq. Dette firmaet solgte utrygge produkter. This company sold unsafe products. This company sold unsafe products. Livet er ikke en dans på roser. Life is not a bed of roses. Life is not a dance on roses. Disse juveler er dyre. These jewels are expensive. These jewels are expensive. Segðu hvort þú mundir vilja. Say which one you would like. Tell me if you'd like to. Hann spilaði á píanóið og hún söng. He played the piano and she sang. He played the piano and she sang. Der var så mange mennesker. There were so many people. There were so many people. Hun ville ikke tale med den lærer. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. Tom frågade Mary varför hon var så arg. Tom asked Mary why she was so mad. Tom asked Mary why she was so angry. Mér datt ekki í hug að Georg mundi svindla á mér. I never dreamed that George would cheat me. I didn't think Georg would cheat on me. Jeg spiser kartoffelmos og grøntsager til middag. I am having mashed potatoes with vegetables for dinner. I'm eating potatoes and vegetables for dinner. Það er víst að verðið á gulli muni fara upp. It is certain that the price of gold will go up. It is certain that the price of gold will go up. Tom sad alene i det ellers tomme rum. Tom sat alone in the otherwise empty room. Tom was alone in the other empty room. Hvad var det du sagde du gav hende til hendes fødselsdag? What did you say you gave her for her birthday? What did you say you gave her for her birthday? Du köpte något till Mary. You bought something for Mary. You bought Mary something. Æbler er knappe i år. Apples are scarce this year. Apples are scarce this year. Hon gav mig de här gamla mynten. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. Ni har för mycket att göra. You have too much to do. You have too much to do. Tom så ikke ud til at være glad. Tom didn't seem happy. Tom didn't seem to be happy. Der ligger hunden begravet. That's where the shoe pinches. There's the dog buried. Projektet er undervejs. The project is underway. The project's under way. Jeg har ikke sett ham på lenge. I've not seen him in a long time. I haven't seen him in a long time. Jeg støtter dig i dag og altid. I'll support you today and always. I support you today and always. Jeg troede, at dette var almindeligt kendt. I thought this was common knowledge. I thought this was well known. Jeg har tabt ansigt. I lost face. I've lost my face. Maria er en ødeland når det gjelder penger. Mary is greedy when it comes to money. Maria is a wasteland when it comes to money. Eftir langa rökræðu ákváðum við að eyða fríinu á Spáni. After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain. After a long discussion, we decided to spend our vacation in Spain. Katten fangede rotterne. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Hun ryger altid. She is always smoking. She always smokes. Þegar ég var komin út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out, I would be relieved of my breath. Han går som en anka. He walks like a duck. He's walking like an duck. Han försökte inte ens. He didn't even try. He didn't even try. Du är det vackraste flickan jag någonsin sett. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Dette værelse har balkon. This room has a balcony. This room has a balcony. Lad ikke hunden sove i vores seng. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Ved nødutgangen finner man hårete monstre som lusker. Hairy monsters can be found lurking near the emergency exit. At the emergency exit, you'll find hairy monsters like sneakers. Hvor er I? Where are you guys? Where are you? Takk så mye. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Har du en elsker? Do you have a lover? Do you have a lover? Tom holdt meningen sin for seg selv. Tom kept his opinion to himself. Tom kept his point to himself. Han er ikke det mindste interesseret i hvad der sker i verden. He's not in the least interested in what is happening in the world. He's not at all interested in what's happening in the world. Jag stannar här. I'm staying here. I'll stay here. Det var et tilfeldig møte. It was an accidental meeting. It was a random meeting. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you finished talking now? Den här är större. This one is bigger. This one's bigger. Der er kun én dag tilbage. There's just one day left. There's only one day left. Hans hår var kortklippt och han var slätrakad. His hair was cut short and he was clean-shaven. His hair was cut short and he was smooth. Jeg ble så skuffet over at ingen spiste den dyre sushien som jeg hadde servert. It was disappointing that nobody ate the expensive sushi I had served. I was so disappointed that no one ate the expensive sushi I had served. Det fanns lite dagg imorse. There was some dew this morning. There was a little dew this morning. Vi behöver ett säkerhetsnät. We need a safety net. We need a safety net. Ingen sa noe sånt. No one said anything like that. Nobody said that. Mig verkjar út um allt. I ache all over. I'm hurting everywhere. Vi ska mötas på stationen klockan nio. We're meeting at the station at nine o'clock. We're meeting at the station at 9:00. Vad slog han upp? What did he look up? What did he look up? Kvinnorna arbetar. The women are working. The women work. Jeg har ikke set en heteroseksuel i over en uge. I haven't seen a heterosexual person in over a week. I haven't seen a heterosexual in over a week. Jag letar efter någon att förälska mig i. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. De stod af ved det følgende busstoppested. They got off at the next bus stop. They got off at the next bus stop. Körde vi på någonting? Did we hit something? Did we hit something? Jeg vil synge en sang. I want to sing a song. I want to sing a song. Papiret er hvidt. The paper is white. The paper is white. Hej, rør ikke ved noget! Hey, don't touch anything! Hey, don't touch anything! Det skjeve tårn i Pisa er høyere enn kirken. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The square tower in Pisa is higher than the church. Planet har nyss lyft. The plane has just taken off. The plane has just lifted. Vi måste tala med dig om Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. Jeg banket på døra di for å be om hjelp. I knocked on your door to ask for help. I knocked on your door to ask for help. Jag behöver mer tid. I need more time. I need more time. Ég tek bókina því að ég sé hana. I take the book because I see it. I'll take the book because I'm her. Det är varmt i dag. It is hot today. It's hot today. Vi gör ost och smör av mjölk. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter of milk. Þetta er ekki mín gerð. This is not my type. It's not my type. Denne ideologi er irrelevant for Algeriet. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. Takeó er niðursokkinn í það að leysa stærðfræðileg vandamál. Takeo is engrossed in solving mathematical problems. Takeo is engrossed in solving mathematical problems. Efter att ha gått ur duschen, så torkade Tom bort dimman från spegeln och rakade sig. After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved. After leaving the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved himself. Hur fattar du dina beslut? How do you make decisions? How do you make your decisions? Han strøg en tændstik. He struck a match. He stroked a match. Þú hlýtur að hafa verið hissa að hitta kennarann þinn á svona stað. You must've been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place. You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in a place like this. Jeg var trængt op i en krog. I was cornered. I had broken into a hook. Jag rörde aldrig Tom. I never touched Tom. I never touched Tom. Det kunde inte vara någon annan än Tom. It couldn't be anyone else but Tom. It couldn't be anyone but Tom. Er jeg ansvarlig for dette? Am I responsible for this? Am I responsible for this? Tom är glad av sig. Tom's cheerful. Tom's happy. Livet er en dødelig seksuelt overførbar sykdom. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Vad kunde det här vara? What could this be? What could this be? Hún yljaði sér við eldinn. She warmed herself by the fire. She was warmed by the fire. Jeg kan forstå hvorfor du ikke liker Tom. I can see why you don't like Tom. I can understand why you don't like Tom. Kan noen ta telefonen? Can someone accept that phone call? Can anyone answer the phone? Hvað kallarðu mann sem gætir fjár í haga? What do you call a man who takes care of sheep in the field? What do you call a man who might be profited? Af hverju ertu svona sein? Why are you so late? Why are you so late? Uddannelse består ikke blot i at lære en masse fakta. Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts. Education is not just about learning a lot of facts. Hun bør ikke gå alene. She shouldn't go by herself. She shouldn't go alone. Det där var en utmärkt putt. That was an excellent putt. That was an excellent putt. Det luktar salt och alger. It smells of salt and algae. It smells like salt and algae. Vi sticker imorgon Let's leave tomorrow morning. We'll leave tomorrow. Jeg gav ham et kæmpe knus. I gave him a huge hug. I gave him a huge hug. Han stjal mit ur. He stole my watch. He stole my watch. Tom är för ung. Tom is too young. Tom's too young. Vad är den där värd? What's that worth? What's that worth? Hatta var sera gott. That was very good. Hat was a good look. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Alle av oss er meir eller mindre kunstinteresserte. Every one of us is more or less interested in art. All of us are more or less interested in art. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the rice stove. Gör det er ledsna? Does that make you sad? Does that make you sad? Tom har været i Boston i en uge. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom's been in Boston for a week. Han neker å høre på noen av oss; du kunne like godt ha snakket med en stein. He will not listen to any of us; you might as well talk to a figure of stone. He refuses to listen to any of us; you might as well have talked with a stone. Er det noen sjanse for å låne skrivemaskinen din? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Is there a chance to borrow your typewriter? Hvem skal betale for alt det her? Who's going to pay for all of this? Who's gonna pay for all this? Detroit är känt för sin bilindustri. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is known for his automotive industry. Jeg oppdaget at bilen min var borte. I found my car missing. I found out my car was gone. Við ræddum margt. We talked of many things. We talked a lot. Mannen som hon ska gifta sig med är en astronaut. The man whom she is going to marry is an astronaut. The man she's getting married to is an astronaut. Jeg kunne godt lide at vide om Tom savner mig. I wonder whether Tom misses me. I liked knowing if Tom misses me. Hvem har tatt initiativet til dette? Who has initiated this? Who has taken the initiative in this regard? Stäng av vattnet. Turn off the water. Turn off the water. Higgsbóseindin hefur verið kölluð Guðeindin. The Higgs boson has been called the God particle. The Higgsbosine has been called the Deity. Allt är tillgängligt. Everything is available. Everything is available. Han säljer radioapparater. He sells radios. He sells radios. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful! Har du tolkat den? Have you decoded it? Have you interpreted it? Tom var ekki þreyttur Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't tired. Der er nogle æbler i kurven. There are some apples in the basket. There's some apples in the basket. Kald mig bare "Deres Majestæt". Just call me "Your Majesty". Just call me "Your Majesty." Det er ikke min feil. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Jeg ringte alle jeg kjente. I called everyone I know. I called everyone I knew. Min bedstefar var overtroisk. My grandfather was superstitious. My grandfather was superstitious. Jeg ville gerne have et turistvisum. I would like a tourist visa. I'd like a tourist visa. Hvorfor køber du ikke et køretøj? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Jeg studerer. I am studying. I'm studying. Burj Khalifa er i øjeblikket den højeste skyskraber i verden. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyslayer in the world. Ég veit í alvöru ekki mikið um það. I really don't know much about that. I really don't know much about that. Du kommer att ha en ny broder. You will have a new brother. You'll have a new brother. Planeterne kredser om solen. The planets revolve around the sun. Planets orbit the sun. Jeg vil ikke leve resten av livet sammen med en kvinne som jeg kan respektere, men ikke elske. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a woman that I can respect but can't love. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a woman I can respect, but I don't love. Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að halda sig heima. She advised him that he should stay at home. She counseled him to stay at home. Jeg ved intet om dig. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about you. Drengene begyndte at slås. The boys started fighting. The boys started fighting. Er der en læge om bord? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? Jag vet inte heller. I don't know either. I don't know, either. Jag har ingen aning. I haven't got the slightest idea. I have no idea. Gæti ég fengið annan bjór? Could I have another glass of beer? Could I have another beer? For mig er det noget volapyk. It's all Greek to me. For me, it's something volapyk. Etter det som skjedde den natten, stoppet hun å snakke med meg. After what happened that night, she stopped talking to me. After what happened that night, she stopped talking to me. Børn har brug for meget søvn. Children require much sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Du må ikke svømme i dammen. You mustn't swim in the pond. Don't swim in the pond. Skynda på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Come on, Tom. Han kom med bussen. He came by bus. He came with the bus. Han är min dubbelgångare. He's my doppelganger. He's my double. Hvað er klukkan? What time is it? What time is it? Hann liggur á sjúkrahúsinum. He is in hospital. He's in the hospital. Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hinna med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He slowed down so that the baby could be with him. Vet Tom om det? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Det er tydelig at han gjorde en stor tabbe. It is clear that he made a big mistake. Clearly, he made a big mistake. Jeg snakker interlingua. I speak Interlingua. I'm talking interlingua. Jag gav tillbaka hennes ordbok I gave her her dictionary back. I gave back her dictionary Pengene ligger på bordet. The money is on the table. The money's on the table. Algeriske arabere har tortureret tusindvis af kabylere siden 1962. Algerian Arabs have tortured thousands of Kabyle people since 1962. Algerian Arabs have tortured thousands of Catholics since 1962. Han er alltid oppmerksom på sine barns oppførsel. He always pays attention to his children's behavior. He is always aware of the behavior of his children. Det var en computerfejl. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. Það var smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was some milk left in the bottle. Din bil brinner. Your car is on fire. Your car's on fire. "Din fritte er en tyv." "Det giver mening." "Your ferret is a thief." "That makes sense." "Your frieze is a thief." "That makes sense." Jeg accepterer dette forslag. I accept this proposal. I accept this proposal. Jeg kan ikke tale kannada. I can't speak Kannada. I can't speak Kannada. Jim så seg til høyre og venstre før han gikk over veien. Jim looked right and left before he crossed the road. Jim looked to his right and left before he crossed the road. Tom ønsker ikke køre. Tom doesn't want to drive. Tom doesn't want to drive. Jag läste din rapport. I read your report. I read your report. Jeg har det godt. I'm doing well. I'm fine. Är du musiker? Are you a musician? Are you a musician? Det er ingenting som iskrem om sommeren. There is nothing like ice cream in the summer. There's nothing like ice cream in the summer. Jeg kan lide dine øjne! I like your eyes! I like your eyes! Jag köper aldrig socker. I never buy sugar. I never buy sugar. Farvæl! Farewell! Farvel! Vi ser en ny film. We are watching a new film. We're seeing a new movie. Du opfører dig som en forkælet møgunge. You're behaving like a spoilt brat. You're acting like a spoiled brat. Jeg lurer på hvorfor Tom gjør det. I wonder why Tom is doing that. I wonder why Tom does that. Jag håller inte med, det är inte rasistiskt att använda ordet ”ras”. I disagree. It's not racist to use the word "race." I disagree, it is not racist to use the word ‘race’. Stem på os! Vote for us! Listen to us! Jag måste ge mig av. I have to skedaddle. I have to go. Jag vill dansa. I want to dance. I want to dance. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki einsömul. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Hvem skrev på muren? Who was writing on the wall? Who wrote on the wall? I går samlede vi næsten et halvt kilo glasskår på stranden indenfor en time, hvilket var ny rekord. Yesterday we collected nearly half a kilo of pieces of broken glass on the beach within an hour, which was a record result. Yesterday we gathered almost a pound of ice cream on the beach within an hour, which was a new record. Ena sidan av ett mynt kallas för 'krona' och den andra kallas för 'klave'. One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'. One side of a coin is called 'krona' and the other is called 'clave'. Hon har en papegoja som husdjur. She keeps a parrot as a pet. She has a parrot as a pet. Hur kan du titta på så makabra filmer utan att få mardrömmar? How can you watch such macabre movies without having nightmares? How can you watch such great movies without having nightmares? Vi må begynne på nytt. We need to start from scratch. We have to start over. Ölglaset är nästan större än dig. This glass of beer is almost bigger than you. The glass is almost bigger than you. Bob tok oppvasken da. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob did the dishes then. Gætirðu vinsamlegast lækkað í sjónvarpinu? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you please turn down the TV? Send Tom op. Send Tom up. Send Tom up. Gör det inte. Don't do it. Don't do it. Tom var ikkje klar for å døy. Tom wasn't ready to die. Tom was not ready to die. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að við komumst að samkomulagi. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. Vi träffas utomhus. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. Han stod vid ingången. He stood by the entrance. He was standing at the entrance. Hunden til Tom bet meg. Tom's dog bit me. Tom's dog bit me. Jeg blev udsat for et røverisk overfald på vej hjem i går aftes. I got mugged on my way home last night. I was attacked by robberies on my way home last night. Fortsæt med dit arbejde. Carry on with your work. Go on with your work. Tom skäms. Tom is ashamed. Tom's ashamed. Begge to kommer. The pair of them is coming. Both of you are coming. Det här liknar trakasseri. This seems like harassment. This looks like harassment. Ég mundi glöð hjálpa þér en ég er mjög upptekin. I would be glad to help you, but I am very busy. I'd love to help you, but I'm very busy. Lova mig att du inte berättar för henne. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell her. Fræðilega er enginn munur á fræðum og raunveruleikanum; en í raunveruleikanum er hann til staðar. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. There is no theoretical difference between education and reality; but in reality it exists. Mars' bane omkring Solen er ekstremt elliptisk. The orbit of Mars around the Sun is extremely elliptical. Mars orbit around the Sun is extremely elliptical. Har nogen ringet til mig? Did anyone phone me? Has anyone called me? Det såg billigt ut. It looked cheap. It looked cheap. Hun er stofafhængig. She's addicted to drugs. She's addicted to drugs. Kaniner liker gulrøtter. Rabbits like carrots. Rabbits like carrots. Han åpnet munnen sin. He opened his mouth. He opened his mouth. Våran har kommit. Spring has come. Ours is here. En skola i Storbritannien har frångått läroböcker till förmån för iPads i klassrummet. One school in the U.K. has abandoned textbooks in favour of iPads in the classroom. A school in the UK has departed from textbooks in favor of iPads in the classroom. Ett språk är en dialekt med en armé och en flotta. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a fleet. Den Engelske Kanal skiller England og Frankrig. The English Channel separates England and France. The English Channel separates England and France. Så, hva ville du snakke med meg om? So, what did you want to talk to me about? So, what did you want to talk to me about? Det värker i benet. My leg is aching. There's pain in the leg. Tjener, tre kaffe, tak! Waiter, three coffees, please. Waiter, three coffees, please! Tom lukkede hurtigt døren. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom har planer. Tom has plans. Tom's got plans. Tom ser træt ud. Tom seems tired. Tom looks tired. Jeg har ingen steder at sove. Kan jeg overnatte på din sofa? I have nowhere to sleep. Can I crash on your sofa? I don't have a place to sleep, can I stay on your couch? Vi påverkas av vår omgivning. We are influenced by our environment. We're affected by our environment. Hva mener du om saken? What is your opinion on the matter? What do you think of the case? Vikingahjälmar med horn är inte längre på modet i Skandinavien. Viking helmets with horns aren't in style in Scandinavia anymore. Viking helmets with horns are no longer at the fashion in Scandinavia. Jeg ringer til dig senere. I will telephone you later on. I'll call you later. Hann missti stjórn á skapi sínu og öskraði á mig. He lost his temper and shouted at me. He lost control of his temper and yelled at me. Helt nyinflyttad i staden kände han sig stundvis ganska ensam. Once he moved to the city, there were times were he felt quite lonely. He occasionally felt quite alone. Jeg kører aldrig når jeg har drukket. I don't ever drink and drive. I'll never leave when I've been drinking. Det er sjovt at spille baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun playing baseball. Jeg ved at dette er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Ikke bland Østerrike og Australia. Don't confuse Austria with Australia. Not with Austria and Australia. Tom er generøs. Tom is generous. Tom's generous. Hvad slags planer har du for weekenden? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? Vi ses! See you! See you! Den er lavet af messing. It's made of brass. It's made of brass. Likte du måltidet? Did you like the meal? Did you like the meal? Í hvaða númer á ég að hringja í neyðartilfellum? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in emergency cases? Äpplena han skickade mig var utsökta. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Hversu margir eru á launaskránni? How many people are there on the payroll? How many are on the payroll? Klä på er fort. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed quickly. Fuglene lægger æg. Birds lay eggs. The birds lay eggs. Det er ikke blod. Det er tomatsauce. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood, it's tomato sauce. Jag har ont i fötterna. My feet hurt. I have pain in my feet. Hún á þrjá bræður. She has three brothers. She has three brothers. Hann er ákaflega sterkur. He is extremely strong. He's very strong. Jeg er ikke ekspert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Verdens ressourcer er begrænsede. The world's resources are limited. The world's resources are limited. Är en av er Tom? Is one of you Tom? Is one of yours Tom? Hunden sover på verandaen. The dog is sleeping on the porch. The dog sleeps on the porch. Nu kryper vi till kojs. We'll sneak into bed now. Let's get down to bed. Hvorfor dro du fra Boston? Why did you leave Boston? Why did you leave Boston? Du behøver ikke svare på dette spørgsmål. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer this question. Vem körde likbilen? Who was driving the hearse? Who drove the body car? Tom ville ikke ha gått dit. Tom wouldn't go there. Tom wouldn't have gone there. Vi behöver hjälp. We need help. We need help. Jeg er en vegetar som spiser masser af kød. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian who eats lots of meat. Inte en till mållös oavgjord match! Not another goalless draw! Not another aimless tie-off game! Jag uppskattar vår vänskap mycket. I value your friendship very much. I appreciate our friendship very much. Toms firma importerer kaffe fra Brasil. Tom's company imports coffee from Brazil. Tom's company imports coffee from Brazil. Har du et innendørs badebasseng, er du sannsynligvis ganske rik. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you're probably pretty rich. If you have an indoor pool, you're probably pretty rich. Vi er ikke venner; vi er bare kollegaer. We're not friends, we're just coworkers. We're not friends; we're just colleagues. Ég hef ekkert að gefa. I've nothing to give. I have nothing to give. Det skulle inte göra någon skillnad. It wouldn't make any difference. That wouldn't make a difference. Sammenlign dine svar med lærerens. Compare your answers with the teacher's. Compare your answers to the teacher's. Vi kørte en tur. We went for a drive. We went for a ride. Han satte sig for at gøre noget der aldrig før var blevet gjort. He set out to do something that had never been done before. He set out to do something that had never been done before. Arbeiderne er overarbeidet og underbetalt. The workers are overworked and underpaid. The workers are overworked and underpaid. Lad hende ikke gå ud når det er mørkt. Don't let her go out after dark. Don't let her go out when it's dark. Jag lämnade nyckeln i receptionen. I left the key at the reception desk. I left the key at the reception. Fuck dig! Fuck you! Fuck you! Jag var tvungen att göra min plikt. I had to do my duty. I had to do my duty. Rentene utgjør tre tusen kroner i året. The interest amounts to NOK 3,000 a year. The interest rate is $1,000 a year. Það er töluð enska í Singapúr. English is spoken in Singapore. It's English in Singapore. Din uforskammethed kender ingen grænser. Your impudence knows no bounds. Your insolence knows no boundaries. Da jeg trådte ind i værelset, kunne jeg høre Mozart blive spillet på radioen. When I entered the room, I could hear Mozart playing on the radio. When I entered the room, I heard Mozart being played on the radio. Klósettið sturtar ekki almennilega niður. The toilet doesn't flush properly. The toilet does not flush properly. Þú mátt haga þér eins og þú vilt. You may act as you wish. You can do whatever you want. Það er mikilvægt að reyna að láta sér lynda við fólk frá útlöndum. It is important to try to get along with people from foreign countries. It is important to try to get involved with people from abroad. Toms forudsigelse var korrekt. Tom's prediction was correct. Tom's prediction was correct. Dette er den korteste vej til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest road to Paris. Hun tok seg av barnet. She looked after the child. She took care of the baby. Jeg har en halvbror. I have a half brother. I have a half-brother. När sa ni det där? When did you say that? When did you say that? Det skete for tre dage siden. That happened three days ago. It happened three days ago. Giraffer har mycket långa halsar. Giraffes have very long necks. Giraffs have very long necks. Det er min fars skyld. The fault is on the part of my father. It's my father's fault. Hvat ætlar tú at gera? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Þú verður að búa um þitt eigið rúm hér. You have to make your own bed here. You have to make your own bed here. Jeg så Tom og Mary spille domino. I saw Tom and Mary playing a game of dominoes. I saw Tom and Mary playing domino. Jag måste skynda mig! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Gefðu honum það. Give it to him. Give it to him. Hvorfor strides I hele tiden? Why do you guys always fight? Why are you fighting all the time? Föräldrar bokstaverar ofta ord och meningar som de inte vill att deras unga barn ska förstå. Parents often spell out words or sentences they don't want their young children to understand. Parents often letter words and phrases that they do not want their young children to understand. Broder eller syster, båda är syskon. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Brother or sister, both siblings. Bedstemor har sendt en kasse æbler til os. Grandmother sent us a box of apples. Grandma sent us a case of apples. Han prøvde å gå ned. He tried to reduce his weight. He tried to go down. Musen kiggede ud af hullet. The mouse peeked out of the hole. The mouse looked out the hole. Hun vasker hænderne i håndvasken. She's washing her hands in the sink. She washes her hands in the sink. Bra jobbat, gubbar. Well done, guys. Good job, dude. Måste ni gå nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Tom ønskede lidt mere albuerum. Tom wanted some more elbow room. Tom wanted a little more elbow room. Tom skrev til meg i går. Tom wrote to me yesterday. Tom wrote me yesterday. Jag gillar det här. I like this. I like this. Han dutter ikke. He is good for nothing. He won't do it. Jag vill lära mig tyska med mina vänner. I want to learn German with my friends. I want to learn German with my friends. Vart vill du helst åka? Where would you rather go? Where would you rather go? Þekkiru þetta? Do you know this? You know this? Eg var heime. I was home. I was home. Reykháfurinn er gerður úr múrsteinum. The chimney is made of brick. The smoker is made of bricks. Har du sovit? Have you slept? Have you slept? Är det här verkligen din bil? Is this really your car? Is this really your car? Branden var på första våningen. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. Avisa har ikke publisert artikkelen vår enda. The newspaper hasn't published our article yet. Newspaper hasn't published our article yet. Hún ráðlagði honum að hlusta á lækninn sinn. She advised him to listen to his doctor. She advised him to listen to her doctor. Hvis du trenger litt penger, jeg vil låne deg litt. If you need any money, I'll lend you some. If you need some money, I'll lend you a little. Han snakker flytende fransk. He is fluent in French. He speaks French fluently. Vad ska jag säga till Tom? What will I tell Tom? What am I supposed to tell Tom? Hva er det gode liv? What is a good life? What is the good life? Eg haldi, tað er ein ávaring. I think it is a warning. I think it's a warning. Vilken stor katt! What a big cat! What a big cat! Tycker Tom om det? Does Tom enjoy it? Does Tom like it? Lad os se fjernsyn. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. Jag brukade tycka om att komma hit. I used to like coming here. I used to like coming here. Han har hovedpine. He's got a headache. He's got headaches. Hittade dom någonting? Did they find anything? Did they find anything? Ef þú hlustar ekki á okkur verðum við að grípa til þvingana. If you don't listen to us, we will have to resort to coercion. If you don't listen to us, we have to deal with the pressure. Sköldpaddan dog. The turtle died. The turtle died. Han er en klog dreng. He is a clever boy. He's a smart boy. Jeg kan anbefale en god læge. I can recommend a good doctor. I can recommend a good doctor. Min franska är kass. My French is crappy. My French is fucked. Han har taget på. He has gained weight. He's touched. Jeg ville ønske jeg var ung igen. I wish I were young again. I wish I was young again. Efter den avis har der været et jordskælv i Mexico. According to the newspaper there was an earthquake in Mexico. After that newspaper, there's been an earthquake in Mexico. Du måste lämna Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Þér kemur það ekki við. That's none of your business. That's none of your business. Det ligger på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Är du avundsjuk? Are you envious? Are you jealous? Jag har en bricka. I have a badge. I got a badge. Er det det han vil? Is that what he wants? Is that what he wants? Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That's what I'm talking about. Vi kommer inte att sälja den. We're not going to sell it. We're not gonna sell it. Det finnes en type idealisme som sier at hvis du bare gjør ditt beste kan du klare alt, selv uten intelligens og fysisk styrke. There is a kind of idealism which says that if you just do your best, you will be able to do anything, regardless of intelligence or physical strength. There is a type of idealism that says that if you do your best, you can do everything without intelligence and physical strength. Tom er en dårlig chauffør. Tom is a bad driver. Tom's a bad driver. Det märkte jag aldrig. I never noticed that. I never noticed. Nepp. Nope. Nope. Stilhed er guld. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú komir eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. Alice log. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Þetta var fögur sjón. It was a beautiful sight. It was a beautiful sight. Dette manglede. This was missing. This was missing. Ställ inte till en scen. Don't make a scene. Don't make a scene. Gå och gör popcorn. Go make popcorn. Go make popcorn. Tom förtjänade inte att dö så där. Tom didn't deserve to die that way. Tom didn't deserve to die like that. Det er de dyreste sko jeg nogensinde har set. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. These are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Hun vendte ikke tilbage til moskeen. She didn't return to the mosque. She didn't return to the mosque. Tv:n är på. The TV's on. TV's on. Tom burde definitivt ha fått dødsstraff. Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence. Tom should've definitely got the death penalty. Eg er lei av lekser. I'm fed up with homework. I'm sick of homework. Tom er min fætter. Tom is my cousin. Tom's my cousin. Du har poser under øjnene. You've got bags under your eyes. You have bags under your eyes. Det har skjedd en revolusjon innen teknologi. A revolution has occurred in technology. There's been a revolution in technology. Måske vil Tom ikke lyve for os mere. Perhaps Tom won't lie to us anymore. Maybe Tom won't lie to us anymore. Sunn fornuft er samlingen av fordommer man har tilegnet seg innen en alder av atten år. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. Common sense is the collection of prejudices that have taken place within the age of eighteen years. Begge to er i live. Both are alive. Both of you are alive. Allt í lagi, og hvað ætlar þú að gera fyrir mig? OK, and what are you going to do for me? All right, and what are you gonna do for me? Vejret i New York er om sommeren varmt og fugtigt. New York weather is hot and humid in the summer. The weather in New York City is warm and humid in summer. Sykkelen din ligner på min. Your bicycle is similar to mine. Your bike looks like mine. Han er ikke utilfreds. Han er bare træt. He's not discontented. He's just tired. He's not dissatisfied, he's just tired. Titanic sank i 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Titanic sank in 1912. Du taler. Thou speakest. You're talking. Du er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Har Tom en? Does Tom have one? Does Tom have one? I stedet for at vente på en kontrakt, kan vi klare det over telefonen. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Jeg lavede noget lignende. I did something similar. I did something similar. Sami læste Bibelen på arabisk. Sami read the Bible in Arabic. Sami read the Bible in Arabic. Håll bollen i rullning. Keep the ball rolling. Keep the ball rolling. Tom dansede. Tom danced. Tom danced. Skeppet genomsöktes noggrant, men inga illegala droger hittades. The ship was searched thoroughly, but no illegal drugs were found. The ship was searched carefully, but no illegal drugs were found. Jeg trenger et dobbeltrom. I need a double room. I need a double room. Det var inte så lätt som jag trodde att det skulle vara. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Hun ser ut til å hate deg. She seems to hate you. She seems to hate you. Tom kommer for at besøge mig næsten hver dag. Tom comes to see me almost every day. Tom comes to visit me almost every day. Det verkar som om han är trött. He seems tired. Looks like he's tired. Geturðu hugsanlega hjálpað mér? Can you possibly help me? Can you possibly help me? Hvernig er kvefið þitt? How's your cold? How's your cold? Hva synes du om japansk? What do you think of Japanese? What do you think of Japanese? Jag skulle precis gå hem. I was just about to go home. I was just about to go home. Engelsmännen är ett tystlåtet folk. The English are a taciturn people. The English are a quiet people. Du borde ha bett om ursäkt till henne. You ought to have apologized to her. You should have apologized to her. Tom er omtrent på Marys alder. Tom is approximately Mary's age. Tom's about Mary's age. Jeg rejste mig, så en gammel mand kunne få min plads. I got up so an old man could sit in my seat. I got up so an old man could get my seat. Boki ligg på bordet. The book is on the table. Boki's on the table. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe den. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Maur og giraffer er fjerne slektninger. Ants and giraffes are distant relatives. Ants and giraffes are distant relatives. Jag går inte ut så ofta. I don't go out much. I don't go out that often. Det vil skje. It will happen. It's gonna happen. Hur dags gick du och lade dig i går? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? Ég var vanur að vaka langt fram á nótt. I used to stay up long into the night. I used to stay up late in the night. Tom dolde sina bekymmer för sin fru. Tom hid his worries from his wife. Tom hid his concerns from his wife. Varför skulle du gifta dig med en kvinna om du tycker om män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you liked men? Tom fortsatte gå. Tom kept on walking. Tom kept walking. Vad är din lösning? What's your solution? What is your solution? Indonesia er ett enormt stort land beståande av meir enn 17 000 øyer, 300 stammar og 700 språk. Indonesia is an enormous country which consists of more than 17,000 islands, numbering over 300 tribes and over 700 languages. Indonesia is a huge country consisting of more than 17,000 islands, 300 tribes, and 700 languages. Páll var að hringja. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Sann kärlek existerar inte. True love doesn't exist! True love does not exist. Ég hafði samúð með aumingja hundinum. I felt for the poor dog. I had sympathy with the poor dog. Jeg vil ikke se det igjen. I don't want to see that again. I don't want to see it again. Betty la seg ned på sengen. Betty laid herself on the bed. Betty sat down on the bed. Tom kan ännu vara vid liv. Tom might still be alive. Tom can still be alive. Jag är trettio år gammal. I am thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Jag kan gå till skolan på tio minuter. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can go to school in ten minutes. Jag vet inte. Jag kan inte komma ihåg. I don't know. I can't remember. I don't know, I can't remember. Torsdag morgen er herlig for oss alle. Thursday morning is great for all of us. Thursday morning is great for all of us. Lad os prøve endnu en gang. Let's try once again. Let's try it again. Ég horfði á sjónvarpið í gærkveldi. I watched TV last night. I watched TV last night. Häng din hatt på kroken. Hang your hat on the hook. Hang your hat on the hook. Denne berømte skuespillerinde var også en modeikon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. Hendes forældre elskede mig. Her parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Min søn interesserede sig tidligt for politik. My son took an early interest in politics. My son took an interest in politics early. Hvor enn du går, vil du aldri finne et bedre sted enn ditt eget hjem. Wherever you may go, you will not find a better place than your home. Wherever you go, you'll never find a better place than your own home. Han hadde et solid alibi. He had a strong alibi. He had a solid alibi. Vi har vidst det i årevis. We've known that for years. We've known for years. Mín kona doyði ikki. My wife didn't die. My wife didn't die. Brátt mun himinninn verða bjartur. Soon the sky will become bright. Soon the sky will be bright. Mér finnst gaman að lesa bækur. I like reading books. I like reading books. Hvad kan du give os? What can you give us? What can you give us? Hanteras varsamt! Handle with care! Treated with care! Hvor mye måtte du betale for å få bilen din reparert? How much did you have to pay to get your truck fixed? How much did you have to pay to get your car fixed? Hún dáði hann. She admired him. She admired him. Veistu hvar stelpan býr? Do you know where the girl lives? Do you know where the girl lives? Tom trodde han hadde en sjangse til å overleve. Tom thought he had a chance to survive. Tom thought he had a chance to survive. Jag ger en del av min lön till mina föräldrar för att hjälpa dem att betala räkningarna. I give part of my paycheck to my parents to help them pay the bills. I give some of my pay to my parents to help them pay the bills. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is ready. Breakfast's ready. Jeg har nogle juridiske problemer. I'm having some legal problems. I have legal issues. Jeg undslap med nød og næppe. I had a narrow escape. I barely escaped. Jag märkte det alldeles nyss. I just noticed it. I just noticed. Af hverju hefur fæðingartíðnin fallið svona snögglega? Why has the birthrate declined so sharply? Why has the birth rate fallen so quickly? Jag presenterade mig på mötet. I presented myself at the meeting. I introduced myself to the meeting. Den gang hadde Tyskland et mektig militære. Germany then had a powerful army. At the time, Germany had a powerful military. Det er en kolossalt dårlig idé at køre uden kørekort. It is a colossally bad idea to drive without a driver's license. It's a tremendously bad idea to drive without a driver's license. Giv mig fem minutter til at færdiggøre de sidste justeringer. Give me five minutes to finish the last adjustments. Give me five minutes to complete the last adjustments. Jeg bor alene. I live by myself. I live alone. Jag har aldrig träffat dig i verkligheten. I've never met you in person. I've never met you in real life. Hvussu eita tygum til fornavn? What is your first name? How much content for first name? Layla går med hijab. Layla is a hijabi. Layla wears hijabs. Toms efternavn var Jackson. Tom's last name was Jackson. Tom's last name was Jackson. Jeg arbejder lige nu. I'm working right now. I'm working right now. Tom gick in i cellen. Tom walked into the cell. Tom went into the cell. Hvornår går du i seng lørdag aften? What time do you go to sleep Saturday night? When are you going to bed Saturday night? Han tillverkade en liten hundkoja. He made a small dog house. He made a little dog house. Selv min mor ved det. Even my mom knows. Even my mother knows. Detta är en bra sång. This is a great song. This is a good song. Vi begyndte arbejdet i april. We began the work in April. We started work in April. Ni är farliga. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Gå aldri til en lege som har latt sine kontorplanter dø. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. Never go to a doctor who's let his office plants die. Tom höll med om allt Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. God tur! Have a nice trip. Have a good trip! Det slap du billigt fra. You got off easy. You got away with that cheaply. Jeg børstede hendes hår. I brushed her hair. I brushed her hair. Það þýðir ekki neitt. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything. Han gjorde det för sig själv, inte för mig. He did it for himself, not for me. He did it for himself, not for me. Jag sover inte så mycket. I don't sleep that much. I don't sleep much. Du har aldri tid til viktige ting! You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things! Han bor i en luksusleilighet i nærheten av Central Park. He lives in a luxury apartment close to Central Park. He lives in a luxury apartment near Central Park. Han frågade mig om jag gillade matte. He asked me if I like maths. He asked me if I liked math. Jag vill inte översätta den här meningen. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate this sentence. Han har tre barn. He has three children. He has three children. Har Tom märkt någonting ännu? Has Tom noticed yet? Has Tom noticed anything yet? Hvor har jeg lagt bilnøglen? Where did I put the car key? Where did I put the car key? Tom er meget ubetænksom. Tom is very inconsiderate. Tom's very inconceivable. Han behövde inte ta med sig ett paraply. He didn't need to bring an umbrella. He didn't have to take an umbrella with him. Dette er en japansk dukke. This is a Japanese doll. This is a Japanese doll. Det er regnvejr i dag. It is raining today. There's rain today. Mary tog solbad på stranden. Mary was sunbathing on the beach. Mary took a sunbathing on the beach. Hon grætur. She is crying. She's crying. Rör sig jorden från öst till väst eller tvärtom? Does The Earth move from East to West or vice-versa? Does the earth move from east to west or vice versa? Hun synger og danser veldig bra. She sings and dances very well. She sings and dances very well. Det var jeg ikke klar over. I didn't realize that. I wasn't aware of that. Vi ses til jul. See you at Christmas. I'll see you at Christmas. Skynd jer! Toget kører snart. Hurry up! The train is about to leave. Hurry up, the train's leaving soon. Jag måste hålla mig lugn. I have to stay calm. I need to stay calm. Jeg vil ha mer detaljert informasjon. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. Hún spurði um vinkonu sína. She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend. Pengarna var redan utomlands. The money was already abroad. The money was already abroad. Attans, det var nära. Boy that was close. Damn, that was close. Jag svettades under armarna. I perspired under the arms. I sweated under my arms. Ta av er skorna. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Jeg afskyr edderkopper. I abhor spiders. I hate spiders. Det är den bästa vi har. It's the best we have. It's the best we've got. Hvor vover du! How dare you! How dare you! Hun gråt krokodilletårer da han gikk. She cried crocodile tears when he left. She cried crocodile tears when he left. Okay. Okay. Okay. Þú verður að leggja hart að þér við námið. You must study hard. You must work hard at your study. Han afbrød mig. He interrupted me. He interrupted me. Han var synligt nervøs. He was visibly nervous. He was clearly nervous. Han beundrade min nya bil. He admired my new car. He admired my new car. Det vil give os lidt tid. That will buy us some time. It'll give us some time. Och vad gör vi nu? And what are we doing now? And what do we do now? Tom vet sannsynligvis ha vi må gjøre. Tom will probably know what we need to do. Tom probably knows we have to do. Det har varit ett dödsfall i din familj. There has been a case of death in your family. There's been a death in your family. Jeg læste det i dagens udgave. I read it in today's edition. I read it in today's edition. Hvad synes du om reggae? What do you think of reggae? What do you think of reggae? Så sulten er jeg ikke. I'm not that hungry. I'm not that hungry. Børnene legede i baghaven. The children were playing in the backyard. The children were playing in the backyard. Oroa dig inte. Det är enkelt. Don't worry. It's easy. Don't worry, it's easy. Gå nu! Go now. Go, go, go, go! Å spise er en av livets store gleder. Eating is one of life's great pleasures. Eating is one of the great pleasures of life. Du där, kom tillbaka. Hey, come back here. You, come back. Vi vil ha en stor familie. We want to have a large family. We want a big family. Vi beklager meget. We're very sorry. We're very sorry. Hun er ikke gammel nok til at få kørekort. She's not old enough to get a driver's license. She's not old enough to get a license. Tom kan ikke fordrage hunde. Tom hates dogs. Tom can't pull dogs. Skulle det smaka med lite te? How about some tea? Would it taste like some tea? Veistu hvar frú Hudson býr? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Vil du have hvidvin eller rødvin? Would you like white wine or red? You want white wine or red wine? Jag är på mitt kontor. I'll be in my office. I'm in my office. Han förälskade sig i den vackra prinsessan. He fell in love with a beautiful princess. He fell in love with the beautiful princess. Jeg kan kun tale fransk. I can only speak French. I can only speak French. Vänta. Skjut inte än. Wait. Don't shoot yet. Hold on, don't shoot yet. Tænd for radioen. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. Du kommer til å få mange gaver på burdsdagen din. You'll get a lot of presents on your birthday. You're gonna get a lot of presents on your birthday. Rør ikke ved munden, næsen og øjnene. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Do not touch your mouth, nose, and eyes. En million mennesker mistet livet i krigen. One million people lost their lives in the war. A million people lost their lives in the war. "Hvor skal du hen?" "I biografen." "Where are you going?" "To the movies." "Where are you going?" "In the cinema." Min far är frisk. My father is healthy. My father is well. Hun sværmer for sin lærer. She has a crush on her teacher. She's sworn to her teacher. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. Kylie Minogue er den bedste sangerinde jeg nogensinde har set! Kylie Minogue is the best singer I've ever seen! Kylie Minogue is the best singer I've ever seen! Du hatar Tom, eller hur? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, don't you? Tom kanska dámar teg. Maybe Tom likes you. Tom might love a teg. Det var väldigt duktigt. That was very clever. That was very good. Många européer besöker Egypten varje år. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Tom sagde hej til mig på fransk. Tom said hi to me in French. Tom said hello to me in French. Vissa läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. Some people read books to kill time. Some read books to kill time. Tegn med blyant. Draw with a pencil. Draws with pencil. Það sem hún sagði var fullkomlega merkingarlaust. What she said was completely meaningless. What she said was completely meaningless. Röker ni? Do you guys smoke? Do you smoke? Jag tog för givet att du skulle ansluta dig till oss. I took it for granted that you would join us. I took it for granted that you would join us. Min favoritdans är tango. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. Hun er veldig smart, ikke sant? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Jeg er tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Pas på hunden! Beware of the dog! Watch out for the dog! Hr. Johnson er eins konar gangandi orðabók. Mr Johnson is, as it were, a walking dictionary. Mr. Johnson is a sort of walking dictionary. Der ligger hunden begravet! That's the problem. There's the dog buried! Vi er sikker på at det ikke var en ulykke. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Hur kan vi hjälpa till? How can we help? How can we help? Mitt liv är tråkigt. My life is boring. My life is boring. Dette fenomenet er veldig lett å forklare. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. De mennesker er indianere. Those people are Indians. These people are Indians. Jag träffade Mary i går. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Ge det här till Tom. Give this to Tom. Give this to Tom. Jeg har fortalt dig at det var spild af tid. I told you this was a waste of time. I told you it was a waste of time. Du har två bollar. You have two balls. You have two balls. Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You won't be able to get through the book so fast. Kan du vara snäll och sätta dig ner? Will you please be seated? Would you please sit down? Hur många hästar äger Tom? How many horses does Tom own? How many horses does Tom own? Han ger järnet. He's doing the best he can. He gives the iron. Eg fari at hyggja at sjónvarpi. I'll watch television. I'm going to set up a TV show. Tom vaks opp i ein farleg forstad. Tom grew up in a tough suburb. Tom is raised in a dangerous suburb. Jeg holder af popmusik. I like pop music. I love pop music. Jag provade det där redan. I already tried that. I tried that already. Det bliver meget koldt i aften. It's going to be very cold tonight. It's going to be very cold tonight. Damen har to viktige spørsmål å spørre: Hva har jeg på meg? Og hva lager jeg til middag. The woman has two important questions to ask: What am I wearing? and what am I cooking? The lady has two important questions to ask, "What am I wearing?" And what am I making for dinner? Databaseserveren din sin konfigurasjonsfil ligger i denne mappa. The configuration file for your database server is located in this directory. Your database server configuration file is in this folder. Han brydde seg aldri noe særlig om meg. He never cared much for me. He never cared much about me. Skulle du vilja dansa med mig? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? De frygtede dig. They feared you. They feared you. Skjegg gjør en ikke til filosof, og heller ikke en billig frakk. A beard doesn't make a philosopher, nor does wearing a cheap coat. The beard doesn't make you a philosopher, nor a cheap coat. Uansett hvilket musikkinstrument du ønsker å lære å spille, er det viktigste å unngå å gjøre feil fra begynnelsen av, fordi feilene du gjør lettere fester seg i hodet ditt enn alt det du gjør rett. No matter which musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is not to make any mistakes from the beginning on, because mistakes are always imprinted on your mind more easily than everything you do right. No matter what musical instrument you want to learn, it is important to avoid making mistakes from the start because the mistakes you make are easier to attach to your head than all you do right. Det er meningen du skal hvile nå. You're supposed to be resting. You're supposed to rest now. Tom ville aldri ha såret deg. Tom never would've hurt you. Tom would never hurt you. Målet til marketingavdelingen og salgsavdelingen er ikke nødvendigvis det samme. The objectives of the marketing department and the sales department are not necessarily the same. The goal of the marketing department and the sales department is not necessarily the same. Du måste berätta det för Tom. You have to tell Tom. You have to tell Tom. Tom og María eru það par bankaræningja sem hvað mest er leitað að í heimsálfunni. Tom and Mary are the most wanted pair of bank robbers in the continent. Tom and Mary are a couple of bank robbers who are looking for most in the continent. Man brukar dela upp svenska substantiv i fem deklinationer. Swedish nouns are generally divided into five declinations. Swedish nouns are usually divided into five declinations. Fengselsvaktene vil streike i tre dager fra midnatt. The prison guards will strike from midnight in three days. The prison guards will strike for three days from midnight. Han sprider osanna rykten. He's spreading false rumors. He's spreading false rumors. Jeg ønsker en mp3-afspiller! I want an MP3 player! I want an mp3 player! Till och med en bra dator kan inte klå dig på schack. Even a good computer cannot beat you at chess. Even a good computer can't beat you to chess. Hvad er der i posen? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Hva er forskjellen? What is the difference? What's the difference? Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende. Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look. Tom has once described Mary as a woman with a gamine-like appearance. Draumur hennar er að fara til Parísar. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to go to Paris. Jag vet inte varför Tom gjorde som han gjorde. I don't know why Tom did what he did. I don't know why Tom did what he did. Tom gillar spagetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Vi kan inte bara sitta här och göra ingenting. We can't just sit by and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. Hvad slags hjælp har du brug for? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Hvis ikke hun havde lavet ballade, havde hun aldrig fået sine penge tilbage. If she hadn't made waves about it, she never would have got her money back. If she hadn't been making trouble, she wouldn't have gotten her money back. Tom är mycket fotogenisk. Tom is quite photogenic. Tom is very photogenic. Du har gode indfald. You have good ideas. You're in good shape. Det er en underdrivelse. That's an understatement. It's an understatement. Ef þér væri sama þætti mér betra af þú gerðir það ekki. I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind. If you wouldn't mind, it would be better for me if you didn't. Dette er det siste toget. This is the last train. This is the last train. Jag är redan sen. I am already late. I'm already late. Inget är så enkelt som det verkar. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Berätta för Tom vad du vill göra. Tell Tom what you want to do. Tell Tom what you want to do. Jeg betalte ham de penge tilbage som jeg skyldte ham. I repaid him the money I owed him. I paid him back the money I owed him. Hvernig varð þessi misskilningur eiginlega til? How did this misunderstanding ever arise? How did this misunderstanding come about? Har du vänner i Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Jeg har vondt i halsen min. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Vi har en katt. Vi älskar alla katter. We have a cat. We all love cats. We have a cat, we all love cats. Det är bäst att vi inte åker fast. We'd better not get caught. We better not get caught. Hvor lenge varer vårferien? How long does the spring break last? How long does spring break last? I morse klarnade det. This morning it cleared up. This morning it cleared up. Kan du veksle en dollar? Have you got change for a dollar? Can you change a dollar? Må jeg stille dig et spørgsmål? Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question? Tom kan inte tala franska. Mary kan inte heller tala franska. Tom can't speak French. Mary can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French, Mary can't speak French either. Tom vet inte vart han skall gå. Tom doesn't know where to go. Tom doesn't know where to go. Hele verden er blevet skør. The whole world has gone crazy. The whole world's gone crazy. Säg till Tom att jag är färdig. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm done. Gæt hvis fødselsdag det er i dag! Guess whose birthday it is today. Guess if it's birthday today! Hvorfor spinder katte? Why do cats purr? Why are cats spinning? Kent er den fødte leder. Kent is a born leader. Kent is the born leader. Heste og æsler er forskellige. Horses and donkeys are different. Horses and donkeys are different. Tom er mínum húsbónda. Tom is my husband. Tom's my master. Vær venlig at ringe til ham. Please call him. Please call him. Han är bra på att simma. He's good at swimming. He's good at swimming. Vi skal tidlig op i morgen. We have to get up early tomorrow. We have to get up early tomorrow. Jag skapade en genväg på skrivbordet. I created a shortcut on the desktop. I created a shortcut on my desk. Tom venter på at Mary ringer. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call. Et rensningsanlæg udledede giftige kemikalier i byens vandforsyning. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals in the city’s water supply. Hon var svimfärdig. She was on verge of fainting. She was faint. Ikke så fort! Not so fast! Not so fast! Hon har sönder något varje gång hon städar rummet. She breaks something every time she cleans the room. She's broken something every time she cleans the room. Jag behöver ett svar nu. I need an answer now. I need an answer now. Tom er god til at lave mad. Tom is good at cooking. Tom's good at cooking. Ég syndi í sjónum á hverjum degi. I swim in the sea every day. I swim in the water every day. Det har sneet hele natten. It's been snowing all night. It's been snowing all night. Særskriving er et stort problem i Norge. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. Special writing is a major problem in Norway. Det kan vara ett vapen. It could be a weapon. It could be a weapon. Han fick jobbet. He got the job. He got the job. Koreaner tycker inte om koriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Tom er en av mine klassekamerater. Tom is one of my classmates. Tom's one of my classmates. Hvad er det? What's that? What's that? Problemet ditt ligner på mitt. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. Det går klasselæreren min. There goes my class teacher. It's my class teacher. Garaget var tomt. The garage was empty. The garage was empty. Kig på alle de blomster. Look at all these flowers. Look at all those flowers. Tom kommer ikke til å være der på møtet i dag. Tom isn't going to be at today's meeting. Tom won't be there at the meeting today. Det er holdt op med at regne. It has ceased raining. It's stopped raining. Hver ætli hafa byrjað þá sögusögn? I wonder who started that rumor. Who would have started that story? Det var en ond kanin. That was an evil bunny. It was an evil rabbit. Køer forsyner os med god mælk. Cows provide us with good milk. Cows supply us with good milk. Han tog gift ved en fejltagelse. He took poison by mistake. He got married by mistake. Gå lige til sagen. Don't beat about the bush. Go straight to the case. Tú krógvar tað eisini fyri Eiriki, so hann fær einki at vita. You are hiding it from Eric as well, so that he won't get to know anything. You broke it for Erik, so he won't know. Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Hon är en fanatiker. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Tom døde i fengsel. Tom died in jail. Tom died in prison. Søen er meget dyb. The lake is very deep. The lake is very deep. Han blev meget fuld. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. En japansk trädgård har vanligtvis en damm. A Japanese garden usually has a pond in it. A Japanese garden usually has a pond. Jag kan ta itu med det. I can deal with it. I can deal with that. Ge mig din plånbok. Give me your wallet. Give me your wallet. Visst kan det vara traumatiskt, men än sen? Sure, it might be traumatic, but so what? Couldn't it be traumatic, but then? Var snäll och tala långsamt. Please speak slowly. Please speak slowly. Toget var kørt før de kom til stationen. The train left before they got to the station. The train was gone before they got to the station. Jeg hadde håpet vi kunne bli venner. I had hoped we might become friends. I was hoping we could be friends. Hon köper allt hon vill ha utan att bry sig om priset. She buys everything she wants without paying attention to the price. She buys everything she wants without caring about the price. Jag har biljetterna. I have the tickets. I got the tickets. Vi är så glada över att ha dig här. We're so glad to have you here. We're so happy to have you here. Jeg tror ikke at hun vil komme. I don't think that she will come. I don't think she'll come. Det är roligt att spela baseball. It's fun to play baseball. It's fun playing baseball. Alla andra gör det också. Everyone else does it too. Everyone else does, too. "Hvis du bare spiser biff hele tiden, blir du til en ku!" "Tull og tøys!" "If you keep eating just beef, you'll turn into a cow!" "No way!" "If you just eat steak all the time, you'll turn into a cow!" "Crazy shit!" Har du tenkt å hjelpe dem? Are you thinking of helping them? Are you going to help them? Min mormor tycker om att sy korsstygn. My grandmother likes doing cross-stitch. My grandmother likes to sew crossbow. Mellemøsten kaldes stadig for en krudttønde. The Middle East is still called a powder keg. The Middle East is still called a powder barrel. Tack gode Gud. Thank God. Thank God. Lucys mor bad hende om at tage sig af sin lillesøster. Lucy's mother told her to take care of her younger sister. Lucy's mother asked her to take care of her little sister. I Sverige godkändes pronomenet "hen". The pronoun "hen" has been approved in Sweden. In Sweden, the pronoun "here" was approved. Han er uberegnelig. You never know where you have got him. He's unpredictable. Ég hef það á tilfinningunni að þú komir til með að verða afar góður lögmaður. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have the feeling that you came to become a very good lawyer. Tom er en god trener. Tom is a good coach. Tom's a good coach. Det er et stort privilegium at være med dig i Tatoeba. It is a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. It's a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. Det tog mig en halvtimme att lösa det här problemet. It took me half an hour to work out this problem. It took me half an hour to solve this problem. Hon valde ut en rosa skjorta för mig att prova. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try on. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try. Få bort dem. Get rid of them. Get them out of here. Jeg ønsker ikke jeres hjælp. I don't want your help. I don't want your help. Þessir stólar eru í veginum. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are in the road. Många av oss är upprörda. Many of us are upset. Many of us are upset. Hvem ble boken skrevet av? Who was the book written by? Who was the book written by? Tom är orolig. Tom's worried. Tom's worried. Hun rødmede da vi lavede grin med hende. When we made fun of her, she blushed. She was rednecked when we made fun of her. Hún var gáfuð jafnt sem falleg. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was smart as well as beautiful. Kætterne blev brændt levende. The heretics were burned alive. The meats were burned alive. Sa Tom varför? Did Tom say why? Tom said why? Hur illa är det? How bad is it? How bad is it? Solen går ned bak fjellet. The sun sets behind the mountain. The sun goes down behind the mountain. Var är era väskor? Where are your bags? Where are your bags? Min kone har lavet en lækker æblekage til mig. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. Tom hatar insekter. Tom hates insects. Tom hates insects. Jag tror att du har rätt. I think that you're right. I think you're right. Han ryger tyve cigaretter om dagen. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. Leit er hafin að strokufanganum. A hunt is on for the runaway. Search's begun with the bumper prisoner. Hvordan var I i stand til at gøre det så hurtigt? How were you guys able to do that so quickly? How were you able to do it so fast? Du brøt loven. You broke the law. You broke the law. Tusener mistet hjemmene sine. Thousands lost their homes. Thousands lost their homes. Den är läskig. It's scary. It's scary. Han hejste flaget. He raised the flag. He raised the flag. Eugene er en genealog. Eugene is a genealogist. Eugene is a genealog. Jag hade mina dubier. I had my doubts. I had my dubis. Ég hitti Tom áður en ég útskrifaðist úr framhaldsskóla, en ég hitti ekki Mary fyrr en mörgum árum seinna. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but didn't meet Mary until many years later. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but I didn’t see Mary until many years later. Jag beklagar att jag inte gick dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. Hon tittade bort. She looked away. She looked away. Jeg vil alltid elske deg, uansett hva som skjer. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. Vi blev angrebet af zombier. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. Jag var inte alltför trött. I wasn't overly tired. I wasn't too tired. Kan I lide Tom? Do you guys like Tom? You like Tom? Kan jag tänka på saken? Can I think about it? Can I think about it? Ikke slå opp med meg. Don't break up with me. Don't break up with me. Jeg er sikker på jeg aldri har sett henne. I'm sure I've never seen her. I'm sure I've never seen her. Ingen smärta varar för evigt. No pain will last forever. No pain lasts forever. Indonesia er et enormt stort land bestående av mer enn 17 000 øyer, 300 stammer og 700 språk. Indonesia is an enormous country which consists of more than 17,000 islands, numbering over 300 tribes and over 700 languages. Indonesia is a huge country of more than 17,000 islands, 300 tribes, and 700 languages. Jeg er ikke ambassadøren. I'm not the ambassador. I'm not the ambassador. Tom äter yoghurt med hackad mandel på till frukost. Tom has yogurt topped with slivered almonds for breakfast. Tom eats yoghurt with chopped almonds on for breakfast. Jag hörde det på radion. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tom är tillgiven. Tom is affectionate. Tom's forgiven. Han brød sit løfte. He broke his promise. He broke his promise. Tom verkar ikkje å ha særleg mange vener. Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. Har rummet ett badkar? Does the room have a bath? Does the room have a bathtub? Är du allvarlig? Are you serious? Are you serious? Jeg passer en kat og en hund. I look after a cat and a dog. I'll take care of a cat and a dog. Jeg så en jumbojet lette. I saw a jumbo jet take off. I saw a jumbo light. Jeg hater lukten av hvitløk. I hate the smell of garlic. I hate the smell of garlic. Hennes röst upprepades genom det tysta huset. Her voice echoed through the silent house. Her voice was repeated through the quiet house. Jeg tager aldrig en taxi, bortset fra når det er absolut nødvendigt. I don't use taxis unless it's absolutely necessary. I never take a cab except when it's absolutely necessary. Jag vet vad som dödade Tom. I know what killed Tom. I know what killed Tom. En af mine kusiner er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Ja. Yes. Yeah. Regnet varte i en uke. The rain lasted a week. The rain lasted for a week. Mary tror att hon har superkrafter. Mary believes she has special powers. Mary thinks she has superpowers. Webben blev opfundet af Tim Berners-Lee i 1989. The Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Tom skadade knät. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. Jeg svømmer en gang i uken. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Úrið mitt er ekki rétt. My watch is not correct. My watch's not right. Han gick in på banken utklädd som en vakt. He entered the bank disguised as a guard. He went into the bank dressed as a guard. Tom och de andra håller med. Tom and the others agree. Tom and the others agree. Sami sa dåliga saker Layla. Sami said bad things about Layla. Sami said bad things Layla. Dette land er rigt på kul. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. Barna er helt i hundre. The children are all fired up. The kids are all over 100. De har også funnet at samme feilvurdering er gjort i noen andre tilfeller. They have also found that the same miscalculation was made in some other cases. They have also found that the same misjudgement has been made in some other cases. Vi ses igen imorgon. See you again tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Vil du danse med mig? Do you want to dance with me? You wanna dance with me? Du kan kalla mig vid mitt förnamn. You can call me by my first name. You can call me by my first name. Jeg ejer en yacht. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Äger du ett handeldvapen? Do you own a handgun? Do you own a small weapon? Jeg blev kvit med ham. I got even with him. I got rid of him. Var kommer det där ärret ifrån? What's that scar from? Where's that scar coming from? Læknirinn ráðlagði að þú ættir að hætta reykingum. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. Your doctor advised you to stop smoking. Soldaten uppgav sitt namn. The soldier gave his name. The soldier gave his name. Hvilken bog købte du? What book did you buy? Which book did you buy? Vad hände med dem? What became of them? What happened to them? Mary er kniplerske. Mary is a lacemaker. Mary's a whisker. Hun er afhængig af stoffer. She's addicted to drugs. She's addicted to drugs. Tom gav Mary 1000 dollar i en brun papirspose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary $1,000 in a brown paper bag. Kom tillbaka så snart du kan. Come back as soon as you can. Come back as soon as you can. Jeg vet ikke hvordan den 3. verdenskrig vil se ut, men jeg vet at den fjerde vil bli utkjempet med treklubber. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what World War III will look like, but I know that the fourth will be fought with three clubs. Visa mig. Show me. Show me. Varför är du arg på honom? Why are you angry with him? Why are you mad at him? Hún bakaði köku handa mér. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Jag fick reda på det av en ren händelse. I only found out about it purely by accident. I found out from a clean event. Jeg vil gjøre det rett. I want to do it right. I want to do it right. Jimmy prøvde å overtale foreldrene hans til å la ham kjøre på tvers av landet med vennene sine. Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends. Jimmy tried to persuade his parents to let him drive across the country with his friends. Ivan den Grusomme dræbte sin søn i 1581. Ivan the Terrible killed his son in 1581. Ivan the Grusmom killed his son in 1581. Tom stillede for mange spørgsmål. Tom asked too many questions. Tom asked too many questions. Det säger en hel del om dig. That says a lot about you. It says a lot about you. Hun er meget smuk. She is very pretty. She's very beautiful. Mary er på badet i timevis. Mary spends hours in the bathroom. Mary's in the bathroom for hours. Tom kände sig sårad. Tom felt hurt. Tom felt hurt. Kommer du over til pandekager? Wanna come over to my place for pancakes? Are you coming over to pancakes? La meg spise først. Let me eat first. Let me eat first. Reikninginn, takk. The check, please. Check, please. För egen del föredrar jag kaffe framför te. Me, I prefer coffee to tea. For my own sake, I prefer coffee in front of tea. Halvdelen af æblerne var rådne. Half of the apples were rotten. Half the apples were rotted. Grinar du? Are you crying? Are you kidding me? Þau eru leikarar. They are actors. They're actors. Þú verður að fara að heiman klukkan sex. You have to leave home at six. You have to leave home at 6:00. De plantet epletrær. They planted apple trees. They planted apple trees. Disketter er for lengst utdatert, men jeg har, og bruker dem fortsatt. Floppy disks became obsolete long ago, but I still have some, and I still use them. Discussions are way out of date, but I have, and I still use them. Gulerødder og majroer er spiselige rødder. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. Carrots and mayros are edible roots. Hvordan kan jeg være til hjelp? How can I be of help? How can I help you? Hur gör de det? How do they do that? How do they do that? Han går til skole. He walks to school. He goes to school. Han tog en rövare. He made a bold attempt. He took a robber. Regeringens politik misslyckades kapitalt. The government's policies failed miserably. Government policy failed capital. Jag åkte till sjukhuset. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Undskyld, hvad er klokken? Excuse me, what time is it? Sorry, what time is it? Har du noget imod, at jeg spørger hvorfor? Do you mind if I ask why? Do you mind if I ask why? Gid regntiden snart vil ende! I wish the rainy season would end soon. May the rain soon come to an end! Jeg tager næsten hver dag til stranden. I go to the beach almost every day. I take almost every day to the beach. Jeg er glad i dag. I'm happy today I love you today. Sami er et røvhul. Sami is an asshole. Sami's an asshole. Er fransk udtale svært? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is French pronunciation difficult? Við höfum notið friðar í meira en fjörtíu ár. We have enjoyed peace for more than 40 years. We've had peace for over 40 years. Jeg kan ikke lide at blive behandlet som et barn. I don't like being treated like a child. I don't like being treated like a child. Du måste ta med dig ditt pass till banken. You must bring your passport with you to the bank. You need to take your passport to the bank. Jag måste se den. I need to see it. I need to see it. Han verkar ha haft ett svårt liv i sin ungdom. He seems to have had a hard life in his youth. He seems to have had a difficult life in his youth. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi mála. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time on urgent matters. Ég sá hann fara yfir götuna þegar ég steig úr vagninum. I saw him cross the street as I got off the bus. I saw him cross the street when I stepped off the wagon. Der er nogle ting vi kan ændre, hvis vi bare prøver. There are some things we can change if we only try. There are some things we can change if we just try. Jag går till biblioteket två eller tre gånger i veckan. I go to the library two or three times a week. I go to the library two or three times a week. Detta är deras hus. This is their house. This is their house. Det rör mig inte i ryggen. I couldn't care less. It doesn't touch my back. Getum við búið til eitthvað úr engu? Can we create something out of nothing? Can we make anything out of nothing? God morgon, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Hans motorcykel er den nyeste model. His motorcycle is the latest model. His motorcycle is the newest model. Må jeg få et glas vand? May I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water? Områderne med mindst nedbør ligger på læsiden af bjergene. The areas with lowest precipitation are on the leeward side of the mountains. The areas with the least rainfall are located on the slope of the mountains. Ég vil ekki að vinna við þessar aðstæður. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work in this situation. Behåll den här. Keep this. Keep this. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður hennar að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. Algeriet har masser af naturressourcer. Algeria has plenty of natural resources. Algeria has plenty of natural resources. Hvilken kopp ser du? Which cup do you see? What cup do you see? Drømmen hans er å dra til Sveits. His dream is going to Switzerland. His dream is to go to Switzerland. Se mig i ögonen. Annars betyder det ingenting. Look me in the eyes. Otherwise, it means nothing. Look me in the eye, or it doesn't mean anything. Jag är trött på det här. I'm sick of this. I'm tired of this. Det kan ikke være sandt. That can't be true. That can't be true. Selv nu, mange år efter den kolde krig, er der stadig meget bitterhed mellem russere og tyskere, særligt i områder, der engang var besat af Sovjetunionen. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Russians and Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union. Vem vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Jag ljög aldrig för Tom. I never lied to Tom. I never lied to Tom. Det er kul eller sod. It's carbon or soot. It's cool or it's soot. Hann ger ting truplari uttan orsøk. He is making things more difficult for no reason. He makes things more difficult without seeking. Það var erfitt. It was tough. It was hard. Pesto är Guds gåva till folket. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Pesto is God's gift to the people. Tom cyklede til stranden i sidste weekend. Tom rode his bicycle to the beach last weekend. Tom biked to the beach last weekend. Det är okej med mig. I'm fine. It's okay with me. Bill geigaði á fyrsta boltanum. Bill missed the first ball. Bill went to the first ball. Jag är led på skolan. I'm sick of school. I'm in charge of school. Lad os være ærlige. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. Dette er siste gang jeg ber deg om å gjøre noe. This is the last time I'll ask you to do anything. This is the last time I'm asking you to do something. Vinsamlegast komdu. Please come. Please come. Toms hund nyder at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being hoovered. Tom's dog enjoys being vacuumed. Den nærmeste bensinstasjon er bare hundre kilometer mot nord. The nearest gas station is only one hundred kilometers to the north. The nearest gas station is only a hundred miles north. Han gør en myg til en elefant. He makes a mountain out of a molehill. He makes a mosquito an elephant. Vad har hänt med din hand? What happened to your hand? What happened to your hand? Sätt på radion, är du snäll. Put the radio on, please. Turn on the radio, please. Fortæl mig hvilke film I har set. Tell me what movies you guys have seen. Tell me which movies you've seen. Eg eigi at fara til Danmarkar i morgin. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I'm not going to Denmark this morning. Jeg kan ikke tale tysk. I cannot speak German. I can't speak German. Tom kan inte tro att Mary är över trettio. Tom can't believe Mary's over thirty. Tom can't believe Mary's over thirty. Hva synes du om moderne kunst? What do you think of modern art? What do you think of modern art? Tom regner med dig, ikke sandt? Tom is counting on you, isn't he? Tom's counting on you, isn't he? Skíðatímabilið er búið. The skiing season has passed. The session's over. Tom kommer inte att förlåta er. Tom won't forgive you. Tom will not forgive you. Hvem skal du på ballet med? Who are you going to the prom with? Who are you going to prom with? Jag gjorde Tom en tjänst. I did Tom a favor. I did Tom a favor. Sami verkade lite mer mogen. Sami seemed a little more mature. Sami seemed a little more mature. Sjung med. Sing along. Sing along. Att spela tennis är hans hobby. Playing tennis is his hobby. Playing tennis is his hobby. Han är säkerhetsvakt på flygplatsen. He is a security guard at the airport. He's a security guard at the airport. Du er trøtt, er du ikke? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Min mobiltelefon virker ikke. My cell phone doesn't work. My cell phone's not working. Hún eldar illa. She is a poor cook. She doesn't cook well. Jeg sendte det til dig for to dage siden. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. En ven af din fars ven er ikke altid din fars ven. A friend of your father's friend is not always your father's friend. A friend of your father's friend isn't always your father's friend. Det är jättestort. It's huge. It's huge. Du mumlede. You mumbled. You mumbling. Hur kom du in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Den här stolen är ful. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. Frukt og grønt er sunt, men vi vet ikke hvorfor. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but we don't know why. Fruit and green are healthy, but we don't know why. Ég á ánægður að við hittumst. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Unnskyld meg, hvor er postkontoret? Excuse me, which way is the post office? Excuse me, where's the post office? Hun købte et armbåndsur til mig. She bought me a wristwatch. She bought me a wristwatch. For meg kan Tom gjøre akkurat det han vil. Tom can do whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned. To me, Tom can do exactly what he wants. Hvor længe skal vi gå med masker? How long will we have to wear masks? How long should we wear masks? Vem fattar besluten? Who's making the decisions? Who makes the decisions? Ég hélt að hann væri upptekinn en þvert á móti var hann ekki að gera neitt. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he was idle. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary, he wasn't doing anything. En vandmelon er fuld af vand. A watermelon is full of water. A watermelon is full of water. Tager jeg fejl? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Tom vågner op kl. 8 hver morgen. Tom wakes up at 8 a.m. every morning. Tom wakes up at 8:00 every morning. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne et godt svar på det spørsmålet. I wish I could come up with a good answer to the question. I wish I could find a good answer to that question. Synes du at der er for meget vold i film? Do you think there's too much violence in movies? Do you think there's too much violence in movies? Din kone er sint på deg. Your wife is mad at you. Your wife is mad at you. Sami och Layla hade ett affärsmöte. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Sami and Layla had a business meeting. Klarar vi det? Can we make it? Can we do it? Hon är orolig över din säkerhet. She's worried about your safety. She's worried about your safety. Jeg vil gjøre noe med livet mitt. I want to do something with my life. I want to do something about my life. Jag satte den tillbaka. I put it back. I put it back. Vilka musikgenrer gillar du? What genres of music are you into? Which music genres do you like? Hon tvättade en matta. She washed a carpet. She washed a carpet. Er du klar, Tom? Are you ready, Tom? Are you ready, Tom? Hun narrede mig. She tricked me. She tricked me. Bilen blev totalskadet. The car was totaled. The car was completely damaged. Er du med? Are you in? You got it? Jeg forstår. I understand. I understand. Jeg har en ordbok. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Hvad skal vi have til middag i aften? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we having for dinner tonight? Jeg gav ham en lussing. I slapped his face. I gave him a slap. Jeg bor på Malta. I live in Malta. I live in Malta. Þótt ég skilji hvað þú ert að segja get ég ekki samþykkt tilboðið þitt. While I see what you say, I can't accept your offer. Even though I understand what you're saying, I can't accept your offer. Ikke tro på media. Don't believe the media. Don't believe in the media. Är någon sugen på fika? Anyone want coffee? Is anyone hungry for coffee? Vad mer kan vi göra? What more can we do? What else can we do? Dette er veldig viktig. Likevel snakker ingen om det. This is very important. Yet no one talks about it. This is very important, but nobody talks about it. Tom kan inte höra dig. Tom can't hear you. Tom can't hear you. Er I frie? Are you guys free? Are you free? Hvem er læreren din? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg glemte det. I can't believe I forgot about that. I can't believe I forgot. Tom vaskar kleda minst éin gong i veka. Tom washes clothes at least once a week. Tom washes clothes at least once a week. Bróðir minn og ég deildum herberginu. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Den här fågeln kan inte flyga. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Du är Toms favorit. You're Tom's favorite. You're Tom's favorite. Hvorfor blev de forskrækket? Why were they scared? Why were they terrified? Í því að ég var að fara út fór að rigna. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. In that I was going out, it started to rain. Jeg kan lide slik. I like sweets. I like candy. Min kone køber grøntsager fra et supermarked i nærheden. My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby. My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby. Hon ljuger aldrig. She never lies. She never lies. Hvornår tager du af sted? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Tom är lyckligt lottad. Tom's lucky. Tom's lucky. Vi kan alla gå hem. We can all walk home. We can all go home. Jag kan inte engelska. I don't know English. I don't know English. Jeg tror at hun er fra Tyskland. I think that she is from Germany. I think she's from Germany. Ég er glorsoltinn! I'm starving! I'm starving! Denne papegøje har grønne fjer. This parrot has green feathers. This parrot has green feathers. Kunne jeg få den pakket ind som gave? Could you gift wrap it? Could I have it wrapped up as a gift? Ég get ekki skilið hví John hafnaði svo góðri vinnu. I can't understand why John turned down a job as good as that. I can't understand why John rejected such a good job. Universet er et mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Artikeln var skriven på engelska. That article was written in English. The article was written in English. Du skulle ha hørt på meg. You should have listened to me. You should have listened to me. Jeg har en sort hund som hedder Tiki. I have a black dog named Tiki. I have a black dog named Tiki. Kan vi rädda Tom? Can we save Tom? Can we save Tom? Ser du den här? Do you see this? See this? Mitt hår är längst i klassen. My hair is the longest in my class. My hair is the end of the class. Det blir troligtvis inte lätt. It probably won't be easy. It's probably not going to be easy. Tom har været der i tre uger. Tom has been there for three weeks. Tom's been there for three weeks. Her er et stort kart over Tyskland. Here's a big map of Germany. Here's a big map of Germany. Har du valgt en interessant bog til din søn? Did you choose an interesting book for your son? Have you chosen an interesting book for your son? Jag förälskade mig i en kvinna. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. Tryggingin fyrir fiðluna hans er tvö hundruð dollarar á ári. The insurance on his violin costs $200 a year. The insurance for his violin is two hundred dollars a year. Þér er frjálst að nota þetta herbergi hvernig sem þér sýnist. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You're free to use this room no matter what you want. Hører du noe? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Hvordan kommuniserer de? How do they communicate? How do they communicate? Tjald skipti herberginu í tvennt. A screen divided the room into two. Tenths divided the room into two parts. Jag känner mig väldigt olycklig. I feel very unhappy. I feel very unhappy. Kunne du oversætte denne sætning for mig? Could you translate this sentence for me? Could you translate this sentence for me? Det er gratis. This is free. It's free. Tom studerade juridik på Harvard. Tom studied law at Harvard. Tom studied law at Harvard. Lægen brød den hippokratiske ed. The doctor broke the Hippocratic Oath. The doctor broke the Hippocratic oath. De flygtede fra den dødsdømte virksomhed som rotter der forlader et synkende skib. They fled the doomed company like rats deserting a sinking ship. They fled the doomed business of rats leaving a sinking ship. Min søn taler kun med mig når han har brug for penge. The only time my son talks to me is when he needs some money. My son only talks to me when he needs money. Hvem vil ha varm sjokolade? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Det var hans livs dröm. That was his life's dream. It was the dream of his life. Jeg mente det som en seriøs kommentar. I meant it as a serious comment. I meant it as a serious comment. Vi har styrede missiler og vildledte mennesker. We have guided missiles and misguided men. We have controlled missiles and misled people. Min vän är sjutton år. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is 17 years old. Var god håll badrummet rent. Please keep the bathroom clean. Keep the bathroom clean. Det kommer til å regne snart, bare se på de mørke skyene. It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. It's gonna rain soon, just look at the dark clouds. Han var sjuk i söndags. He was ill on Sunday. He was sick on Sunday. Svaret er korrekt. The answer is correct. The answer is correct. Dan blev også tortureret. Dan was also tortured. Dan was also tortured. Ég rakst fljótlega á kassa merktan Terry Tate. I soon came across a box labeled Terry Tate. I soon hit a box marked with Terry Tate. Hvad slags bil kører Tom i? What kind of car does Tom drive? What kind of car does Tom drive in? Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi. He put milk in his coffee. He used milk in his coffee. Vil du hjælpe mig med at oversætte dette? Will you help me translate this? Will you help me translate this? Tom är ohejdbar. Tom is unstoppable. Tom's unhingable. Vad är klockan? What's the time? What time is it? Ákvörðunin liggur hjá honum. The decision rests with him. The decision lies with him. Vi sulter. We're starving. We're starving. Inget av detta är verkligt. None of this is real. None of this is real. Jeg er glad så lenge han blir. As long as he stays, I will be happy. I'm happy as long as he stays. Ég er með vægan höfuðverk. I have a slight headache. I have a mild headache. Ég tala á spænsku við Guð, á ítölsku við kvenfólk, á frönsku við karlmenn og á þýsku við hestinn minn. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak in Spanish to God, in Italian to women, in French to men, and in German to my horse. Skjaldbøkur hava ikki tenn. Turtles don't have teeth. Toilets don't have any teeth. Mary låtsades jobba på sin dator, men egentligen tjuvlyssnade hon på samtalet. Mary pretended to be working on her computer, but in fact she was eavesdropping on the conversation. Mary pretended to work on her computer, but she was actually listening on the phone. Vaskemaskine er et must i et hus. A washing machine is a must for a house. Washing machine is a must in a house. Kjøleskapsdøren stod åpen. The refrigerator door was open. The refrigerator door was open. Krigen havde forenet det amerikanske folk. The war had united the American people. The war had united the American people. Oddsen för att Reds vinner är 2 mot 1. The odds are two-to-one that the Reds win. The odds that Reds wins are 2 against 1. Jag vill be dig om en tjänst. I want to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. Tom tittade på Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Tom was watching Mary. Den här hemlösa mannen spelar piano vackert. This homeless man plays piano beautifully. This homeless man plays the piano beautifully. Flest fólk býr í þéttbýli. Most people live in urban areas. Most people live in cities. Han er både høj og fed. He's both tall and fat. He's tall and fat. Jeg hader ikke Tom længere. I don't hate Tom anymore. I don't hate Tom anymore. Det er dig der er ekspert. You are the expert. You're the expert. Stórir menn eru ekki endilega sterkir menn. Big men are not necessarily strong men. Large men are not necessarily strong men. Tom är svarslös. Tom is nonplussed. Tom's out of touch. Den rosa kudden är ren. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Tom har ikke te. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom doesn't have any tea. Det skal du ikke tænke på. Det er ikke dit problem. Don't worry about it. It's not your problem. Don't worry about it, it's not your problem. Hvorfor er du så ængstelig? Why are you so troubled? Why are you so anxious? Jag pluggade en stund i morse. I studied for a while this morning. I studied for a while this morning. Har du en mobiltelefon? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Ekki gleyma að sturta niður. Don't forget to flush the toilet. Don't forget to flush. Jag skulle vilja stå upp. I'd like to stand up. I'd like to stand up. Jag har en gås oplockad med dig. I have a bone to pick with you. I've got a goose picked up with you. Hur var föreställningen? How was the show? How was the show? Jeg vil snakke med Tom alene. I want to talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom alone. Vi köpte något till Mary. We bought something for Mary. We bought Mary something. Endelig har vi alle feltnavne på norsk, og det vil være til stor hjælp for vore brugere. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, and that will be of great help to our users. Försökt inte att fly från ansvar. Do not try to avoid responsibility. Don't try to run away from responsibility. Kan någon hjälpa mig? Can someone help me? Can someone help me? Dina synpunkter är inte av någon vikt alls. Your thoughts are of no significance at all. Your views are of no importance at all. Tom ser blek ut. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. "Hvad skal jeg gøre?" "Det ved jeg ikke. Gør noget." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Tom si yngre dotter er gift. Tom's younger daughter is married. Tom's younger daughter is married. Hun har en kat. Katten er hvid. She's got a cat. The cat's white. She's got a cat, the cat's white. Du skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't feel sorry for me. Det finns nästan ingen mjölk kvar i glaset. There's almost no milk left in the glass. There's almost no milk left in the glass. Ég líka. Me, too. Me too. Heller ikke mig! Neither do I! Me neither! Du har ett stort hål i strumpan. There is a big hole in your stocking. You have a big hole in your sock. Det var hans beslut. It was his decision. It was his decision. Intet nytt under solen. There's nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Synes du det er kjedelig her? Do you think it's boring here? Do you think it's boring here? Tom, hvad skete der i går aftes? Tom, what happened last night? Tom, what happened last night? Ég er búinn að biðja hann þrisvar sinnum um að fara út með ruslið og hann er ekki enn búinn að því! I've asked him three times to take out the trash and he still hasn't done it! I've asked him three times to take the trash out, and he hasn't done it yet! Det kommer an på sammenheng. It depends on the context. It depends on the relationship. Det finns ingen anledning att bli onödigt orolig av utbrottet. There is no reason to be unnecessarily worried about the outbreak. There is no need to be unduly concerned about the outbreak. Op med humøret! Alt vil snart være godt. Cheer up! Everything will soon be all right. Cheer up! Här kommer Tom nu. Here comes Tom now. Here comes Tom now. En hund gør ad fremmede. A dog barks at strangers. A dog treats strangers. Har du några lektioner i eftermiddag? Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? Vinsamlegast vaknaðu klukkan sjö. Wake up at seven, please. Please wake up at 7:00. De erbjöd hjälp. They offered assistance. They offered help. Jeg er sikker. I'm certain. I'm sure. Í gær rakst ég á gamlan vin minn á flugvellinum. Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend of mine at the airport. Du er på rett spor. You're on the right track. You're on the right track. Vi nåede London ved midnat. We reached London at midnight. We reached London at midnight. Tyskland hedder "Deutschland" på tysk. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. That's very funny. Fadil älskade att skida. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved to ski. Ska Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Is Tom and Mary going to school today? Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. Skidt med det. Never mind. Never mind. Jeg drak ikke meget. I didn't drink much. I didn't drink much. Denne appelsin er velsmagende. This orange is delicious. This orange is tasty. Hva er meningen med livet? What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of life? Manden blev dømt til døden. The man was condemned to death. The man was sentenced to death. Ned med neutralismen! Down with neutralism! Down with neutrality! Dette bord er hvidt. This table is white. This table is white. Det er din skønhed. That is your beauty. It's your beauty. Jeg gikk ikke glipp av noe. I didn't miss anything. I didn't miss anything. Jeg vokste opp på landsbygda. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the countryside. Gutten kom løpende. The boy came running. The boy came running. Har du börjat ännu? Have you started yet? Have you started yet? Tryllekunstneren fik pigen til at svæve i den blå luft. The magician made the girl float in thin air. The magician made the girl float in the blue air. Gleðilega páska! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Jeg stiger af her. I get off here. I'm getting off here. Hur säger du det på italienska? How do you say that in Italian? How do you say that in Italian? Jag har några idéer. I have a few thoughts. I have some ideas. Jeg tror jeg har fået en for meget. I think I've had one too many. I think I've had too much. Bussen kommer. The bus is coming. The bus's coming. Et år har tolv måneder. One year has twelve months. A year has 12 months. Titta bort. Look away. Look away. Jeg ønskede ikke at lave mad. I didn't want to cook. I didn't want to cook. Tom är hög. Tom's stoned. Tom's high. Jag är ingen profet. I am not a prophet. I'm not a prophet. Men kan du lide det? But do you like it? But do you like it? Jag trodde att jag var i tid. I thought I was on time. I thought I was on time. Beklager, det var en skrivefeil. Sorry, that's a typo. I'm sorry, it was a write error. Jeg har ikke pass. I don't have a passport. I don't have a passport. Du er velkommen her når som helst, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. Jeg ønsker at bo i Italien. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. Ann kommer ikke til vores fest. Ann won't be coming to our party. Ann's not coming to our party. Þú þarft ekki að fara í skólann á sunnudaginn. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. Jag bad många människor om hjälp, men hittills har jag inte haft någon lycka. I asked many people for help, but so far I haven't had any luck. I asked a lot of people for help, but so far I haven't had any luck. Algeriet har en øst-vest-motorvej. Algeria has an East-West motorway. Algeria has an east-west highway. Við fundum nagla fastan í dekkinu. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a nail stuck in the tire. Når drar du? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Kan denne jumper maskinvaskes? Is this jumper machine washable? Can this jumper be washed? Jag försöker lära mig engelska. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Jeg kan høre noget. I can hear something. I can hear something. Ibland är en mening värd mer än ett ord, och ibland är ett ord värt mer än en mening. Sometimes a sentence is worth more than a word, and sometimes a word is worth more than a sentence. Sometimes a meaning is worth more than a word, and sometimes a word is worth more than a sentence. Hva svarte du? What did you answer? What did you say? Hvad i helvede laver du? What the devil are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Sätt dig ner bara, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. John har en bil der er lavet i Japan. John has a car made in Japan. John has a car built in Japan. Jeg har nu et andet arbejde. I have another job now. I now have another job. Eg går på skolen kvar dag. I go to school every day. I go to school every day. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You better get going. Við leyfum Tom að reyna. We'll let Tom try. We'll let Tom try. Det er en vanskelig situation. This is a difficult situation. It's a difficult situation. Jeg havde svært ved at finde hans hus. I had a hard time finding his house. I had a hard time finding his house. Hun er trettitre. She's thirty-three. She's thirty-three. Hun helte melk i koppen. She poured milk into the cup. She poured milk into the cup. Du får inte backa ur. You can't back out. You can't back off. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Toms hälsa är inte den bästa. Tom's not in the best of health. Tom's health is not the best. Skal eg fortelje deg ein vits? Do you want me to tell you a joke? You want me to tell you a joke? Han vart sikta for å ha brote fartsgrensa. He was charged with speeding. His aim was to break the speed limit. Ingen angriper meg ustraffet. No one attacks me with impunity. No one's attacking me unpunished. I er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Eruð þið nemendur? Are you students? Are you students? Partiet påstår sig tjäna folket. The party claims to serve the people. The party claims to serve the people. Jeg gør det aldrig mere. I'll never do it again. I'll never do it again. Mary sa att hon inte är redo att åka. Mary said she's not ready to go. Mary said she's not ready to go. Kan du skydda mig? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Han skænkede instituttet en stor mængde penge. He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute. He gave the Institute a lot of money. Hvad er der nu? What is it now? What is it now? Du betyder alt for mig. Det gør du virkelig! You mean the world to me, you really do. You mean everything to me. Jeg ble slengt et stygt blikk da jeg spurte etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I got a bad look when I asked for my prescription at the local medical office. Tom er Marys ven. Tom is Mary's friend. Tom's Mary's friend. Titanic sökk á jómfrúarferð sinni. The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage. Titanic sank on her virgin journey. Det er min forlovede. That's my fiancée. That's my fiancée. Tom læser tit i sengen. Tom often reads in bed. Tom reads in bed a lot. Fast han är mycket fattig, är han ändå för god för att ljuga. Though he is very poor, he is above telling a lie. Though he's very poor, he's still too good to lie. Vilken årstid gillar du mest, våren eller hösten? Which season do you like best, spring or autumn? What season do you like most, spring or autumn? Säg att det är sant. Tell me it's true. Tell me it's true. Det var en väldigt svår historia att skriva. It was a very difficult story to write. It was a very difficult story to write. Det här gör mig arg. This makes me mad. This makes me angry. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim huguðu. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to the minded. Vad som helst blir bra. Anything will be fine. Anything's gonna be fine. Jag skriver ett brev till min fru. I am writing this letter to my wife. I'll write my wife a letter. Tom ønskede ikke at bryde Marys hjerte. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Kom hit en sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Vad väntar du på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Tom kan inte stå still. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stand still. Eg flúgvi til Hanoi í morgin. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. I'm flying to Hanoi this morning. Jeg inviterede mine venner over til en kop kaffe. I invited my friends over for coffee. I invited my friends over to a cup of coffee. Det er ikke til at tro at hun gjorde det mod mig - hun viste sig at være en rigtig vennefjende. I can't believe she did that to me - she turned out to be a real frenemy. It's hard to believe she did it to me - she turned out to be a real friend. Mary var casual klædt. Mary dressed casually. Mary was casually dressed. Hvad laver du i din fritid? What do you usually do in your free time? What are you doing in your spare time? Du kan inte neka det. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Jeg har brændt mine fingre. I burned my fingers. I've burned my fingers. Jeg kender ham. I know him. I know him. Planet flög över Fuji. The plane flew over Mt. Fuji. The plane flew over Fuji. Livet er som en stor hovedvej. Life is like a big highway. Life is like a big highway. Kunne du være så snill og slå på lyset? Would you be so kind as to turn the light on? Could you please turn on the lights? Han är min bror, inte min far. He is my brother, not my father. He's my brother, not my father. Allt är lugnt igen. All is quiet again. It's all right again. Den här butiken har öppet dygnet runt. This store here is open around the clock. This store is open 24 hours a day. Det er ikke mit problem. Det er dit. It's not my problem. It's yours. It's not my problem, it's yours. Du bestemmer. You decide. You decide. Jeg synes du skulle give Tom en chance. I think you should cut Tom some slack. I think you should give Tom a chance. Är du på semester? Are you on vacation? Are you on vacation? Ut med dig! Get out! Get out! Man kalder ham Dave. People call him Dave. They call him Dave. Hvad laver din far? What does your father do? What's your dad doing? Lad ham spille på din guitar. Let him play your guitar. Let him play on your guitar. Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I must admit, you're right. I have to admit, you're right. Tom kom för att be oss om hjälp. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came to ask us for help. Jag älskar det här företaget. I love this company. I love this company. Jeg er blevet hjemme på grund af vejret. I stayed home because of the weather. I've stayed home because of the weather. Jag har glömt bort hans namn. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Åt du något? Did you eat anything? Did you eat anything? I plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde I ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Jag använder datorn. I'm using the computer. I'm using the computer. Jag har bara en önskan. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Þú þarft oft meiri tíma til að gera eitthvað en þú bjóst við. You often need to spend more time doing something than you anticipated. You often need more time to do something than you expected. Vilken sorts musik tyckte du om när du var yngre? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? Hvad kalder man den 31 december? What is the thirty-first of December called? What are they called on 31 December? Tom har byrja å spela gitar att. Tom has started playing the guitar again. Tom has started playing the guitar again. Jeg læser en bog om USAs historie. I'm reading a book on American history. I'm reading a book about America's history. Det bodde en vild folkstam där på den tiden. A savage tribe lived there in those days. There was a wild tribe of people living there back then. Jag ska spela fotboll efter skolan. I am going to play soccer after school. I'm gonna play football after school. Der var næsten ingen biler på parkeringspladsen. There were almost no cars in the parking lot. There were almost no cars in the parking lot. Jag måste iväg. I've got to run. I have to go. Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. The world's rightmost building in the world is a poison of Burdj Khalifa. Jeg holdt meg inne fordi det regnet. I stayed indoors because it rained. I kept myself away because it rained. Tina blev snart van vid japanskt mat. Tina soon got used to Japanese food. Tina soon became accustomed to Japanese food. Han foretrækker at sove på gulvet. He prefers sleeping on the ground. He prefers to sleep on the floor. Jag hittade en lösning, men jag hittade den så fort att det inte kan vara den rätta. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. I found a solution, but I found it so fast it can't be the right one. Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before going to bed. Hvorfor gemmer hun sig? Why is she hiding? Why is she hiding? Alla ska gå. Everyone's going. We're all leaving. De gick in i djungeln. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Har du en reservation? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Kan du høre katten? Hun vil ind. Can you hear the cat? She's wanting in. Can you hear the cat? Vær forsiktig der inne. Be careful in there. Be careful in there. Dette værelse er hyggeligt. This room is comfortable. This room is nice. Ikke gjenta det ordet i Guds hus. Don't repeat that word in God's house. Don't repeat that word in God's house. Fabrikken bestemte seg for å kvitte seg med de gamle maskinene. The factory decided to do away with the old machinery. The factory decided to get rid of the old machines. Det hadde vært fint om Tom kunne sluttet å komme med unødvendige bemerkninger. It would be nice if Tom didn't keep making unnecessary remarks. It would be nice if Tom could stop making unnecessary remarks. Þögn er sama og samþykki. Silence gives consent. Silence is the same as approval. Okkur bauð við skítugu diskunum á veitingastaðnum. The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. We did the dirty dishes at the restaurant. Jag är på fel buss. I'm on the wrong bus. I'm on the wrong bus. Hur länge har du stått och väntat? How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting? Står du och ljuger mig rätt upp i ansiktet? Are you lying straight to my face? Are you lying to me right up my face? Galaxer finns utspridda över hela universum och varierar stort i storlek. Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they vary greatly in size. Galaxyes are scattered throughout the universe and vary widely in size. Han är visserligen liten men väldigt stark. He is truly small but very strong. He's a small but very strong man. Låna aldrig en bil. Never borrow a car. Never borrow a car. Vem går på vakt? Who's on watch? Who's on guard? Vi satt mitt i rummet. We sat in the center of the room. We sat in the middle of the room. Der er ikke nok bananer. There are not enough bananas. There's not enough bananas. Det är min hund. That's my dog. That's my dog. Han hvilede under et træ da et æble faldt på hans hoved. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. Ég var að endurlesa bréfin sem þú sendir mér. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was rereading the letters you sent me. Det har jeg gjort mange ganger. I have done this many times. I've done that many times. Jeg leste at presidenten i Brasil er en kvinne. Hun heter Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Gör det ont att ta hål i öronen? Does it hurt to get your ears pierced? Does it hurt to get a hole in your ears? Møblene ble kjøpt på auksjon. The furniture was bought at an auction. The furniture was bought at auction. Disse hunde er store. These dogs are big. These dogs are big. Tom kan undværes. Tom is expendable. Tom can be missed. Vem är hon? Who's she? Who is she? Det virker som om du tænker på noget andet. You seem to be thinking of something else. It seems like you're thinking about something else. Hun drak for meget. She drank too much. She drank too much. Barnið grætur. The baby is crying. The baby's crying. Jag försöker komma på varför någon skulle få för sig att göra något sådant. I'm just trying to figure out why someone would do such a thing. I'm trying to figure out why anyone would be able to do something like that. Japan er ikke like stort som Kanada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan's not as big as Canada. Vill du se ett magitrick? Want to see a magic trick? You want to see a magic trick? Jag steg upp tidigt i går. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. Kan Tom få en hund? Can Tom get a dog? Can Tom have a dog? Varför ljuger du? Why are you lying? Why are you lying? Fungerar det ens? Does that even work? Does it even work? Matchen blev uppskjuten på grund av regn. The game was postponed due to rain. The match was postponed because of rain. Bomuldsvanter vil forhindre babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face. Cotton swabs will prevent the baby from scratching his face. Det där behövde jag verkligen. I really needed that. I really needed that. Stuttligt at hitta teg. I'm pleased to meet you. It's kind of short to find some tea. Jag vill ha mera mjölk. I want more milk. I want more milk. Vi leser den samme boka. We're reading the same book. We're reading the same book. Hvad ryger vi? What do we smoke? What are we smoking? Kan du höra dem? Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Hvað með það ef ég er samkynhneigður? Er það glæpur? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm gay? Jeg vet ikke hvorfor Mary ikke gjorde hva jeg ba henne om å gjøre. I don't know why Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. I don't know why Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. Frankrig er et levende demokrati. France is a vibrant democracy. France is a living democracy. Jeg har drukket for meget øl; jeg er nødt til at få pisset af. I’ve had too much beer, I have to take a whiz. I've been drinking too much beer; I have to get pissed off. Hej, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom! Du kan ikke tape. You cannot lose. You can't lose. En kopp kaffe, tack. A cup of coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Han vil aldrig besøge byen igen. He will never visit the town again. He'll never visit the city again. En fløyte lød, og båten begynte sakte å forlate havnen. A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port. A whistle sounded, and the boat slowly began to leave the harbor. Vi har tiden på vår sida. Time's on our side. We have the time on our side. Klaveret er dyrt. The piano is expensive. The Clave is expensive. Engelsk er et sprog der tales over hele verden. English is a language spoken all over the world. English is a language spoken all over the world. Tomi blev rik och fick plötsligt många kompisar. Tomi became rich and suddenly got a lot of friends. Tomi got rich and suddenly got a lot of friends. Jag kan vara snäll. I can be good. I can be nice. Det oroar mig mycket. This worries me a lot. It worries me a lot. Fugle synger her og der i parken. Birds are singing here and there in the park. Birds sing here and there in the park. Det vil gå over av seg selv i løpet av to uker. It will go away by itself in two weeks. It will pass by itself within two weeks. Enginn getur hjálpað mér. No one can help me. No one can help me. Tom kunne ikke starte sin bil. Tom wasn't able to start his car. Tom couldn't start his car. Tom taler ikke meget fransk. Tom doesn't speak much French. Tom doesn't speak much French. Drengen der svømmer, er min lillebror. The boy who is swimming is my younger brother. The boy who swims is my little brother. Jag skulle vilja vara ensam. I would like to be alone. I'd like to be alone. Ég verð að viðurkenna að ég hrýt. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I'm snorting. Dette er litt urettferdig. This is a bit unfair. This is a little unfair. Jeg gør det aldrig igen. I'll never do it again. I'll never do it again. Vi måste gå. We need to be going. We have to go. Det nye semesteret starter i april i Japan. The new term starts in April in Japan. The new semester starts in April in Japan. Jeg begyndte at danse. I began to dance. I started dancing. Brødet var muggent, men Tom spiste det alligevel. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. Försök igen. Try again. Try again. Han brände hål i rocken. He burned a hole in his coat. He burned holes in the rock. Jeg spiser. I am eating. I'm eating. Tom faldt af sin cykel. Tom fell off his bicycle. Tom fell off his bike. Hun efterlod sin paraply i bussen. She left her umbrella in the bus. She left her umbrella on the bus. Ég afbókaði tíma með henni. I canceled an appointment with her. I canceled time with her. Jag vill ha alltsamman. I want it all. I want all of it. Det er lange køen her så du må trekke kølapp. It's a long queue so you must take a number. There's a long line here, so you have to pull a keel. Pigen han taler til er Nancy. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he talks to is Nancy. Jeg har været tre gange i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been in Australia three times. Jag hör skratt. I hear laughing. I hear laughter. Jag vill inte stava någonting fel. I don't want to misspell anything. I don't want to spell anything wrong. Jag har ingen kommentar. I have no comment. I have no comment. Jag frågade honom vad han hette. I asked him for his name. I asked him his name. Du er en vidunderlig kvinne. You're a wonderful woman. You're a wonderful woman. Du har fått det du ville, lämna mig ifred nu. You got what you wanted, now leave me alone. You've got what you wanted, leave me alone now. Fienden förstörde många av våra skepp. The enemy destroyed many of our ships. The enemy destroyed many of our ships. Fisk, tack. Fish, please. Fish, please. Heraldik er hans kæphest: han styrer altid samtalen i den retning når han får muligheden for det. Heraldry is his hobbyhorse: he steers the conversation in that direction whenever he gets the chance. Heraldik is his cleric: he always controls the conversation in that direction when he gets the opportunity for it. Ikke kunne ha forutsett dette. No one could've predicted this. Couldn't have anticipated this. Sex var inbjudna, pojken inkluderad. Six were invited, including the boy. Six were invited, including the boy. Av en eller annen grunn føler jeg meg mer levende i kveld. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason I feel more alive tonight. Kontrasten mellan himlen och berget är slående. The contrast between the sky and the mountain is striking. The contrast between the sky and the mountain is striking. Han er vekk He is gone. He's gone. Tom behøvde ikke å kjøpe den boken. Tom didn't need to buy that book. Tom didn't have to buy that book. Kaffen han drak, var ret dyr. The coffee he drank was quite expensive. The coffee he drank was pretty expensive. Säg hej till Tom från mig. Tell Tom hi for me. Say hello to Tom for me. Takk! Cheers! Thank you! Jag låter dig sköta snacket. I'll let you do the talking. I'll let you do the talking. Tom er dranker. Tom is a wino. Tom's a drinker. Hún ráðlagði honum að ganga frekar en að taka strætisvagn. She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus. She advised him to walk rather than take a bus. Gjør det mens du fremdeles kan. Do it while you still can. Do it while you still can. Min drøm er at blive en baseballspiller. My dream is to be a baseball player. My dream is to become a baseball player. Han flippede helt ud. He went ballistic. He freaked out. Þú mátt alveg eins fá frídag þar sem þú hefur unnið of mikið þessa daga. You may as well have a day off, because you have been overworking those days. You may as well have a holiday where you have worked too much these days. Jeg kan ikke hjælpe jer. I can't help you. I can't help you. Kan jeg sove her? Can I sleep here? Can I sleep here? Hon skulle ha gjort det redan. She would have done it already. She should have done it already. Hon räckte upp handen för att få bussen att stanna. She raised her hand for the bus to stop. She raised her hand to stop the bus. Den fyren er fullstendig sprø! That guy is completely nuts! That guy's out of his mind! Jag har haft en jobbig eftermiddag. I've had a tough afternoon. I've had a hard afternoon. Du kan velge hvilken bok som helst. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose any book. Det er min hest. It's my horse. That's my horse. Gerðu þinn hluta og ég skal gera afganginn. You do your part and I'll do the rest. Do your part, and I'll do the rest. Tom har varit till stor hjälp. Tom has helped a lot. Tom's been a big help. Jag har redan sagt det till dig. I already told you. I already told you. Heldur þú að við náum heim til hans fyrir hádegi? Do you think we'll reach his house before noon? Do you think we can get to his house by noon? Gissa vem som kommer i kväll. Guess who's coming tonight. Guess who's coming tonight. Har du to computere? Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? Begge hunde sover. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs are asleep. Det føles som om jeg har våknet fra et mareritt. I feel as if I've woken up from a nightmare. I feel like I've woken up from a nightmare. John var þreyttur af yfirvinnu. John was tired from working overtime. John was tired of overtime. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It's not safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text under the drive. Kongen skal dø. The king must die. The king shall die. In i bilen med dig. Get in the car. Get in the car. Røyking er ikke tillatt her. Fôr kreften din utenfor! Smoking is not allowed here. Please feed your cancer outside! Smoking is not allowed here. Lad os få en drink. Have a drink with me. Let's get a drink. Det var roligt att höra! That's wonderful! I'm glad to hear that. Er du single? Are you single? Are you single? Jag sov inte. I didn't sleep. I wasn't sleeping. Kan jeg komme med et forslag? Can I make a suggestion? Can I make a suggestion? Jeg ringer deg i kveld klokken syv. I'll ring you up at seven this evening. I'll call you tonight at 7:00. Vis mig hvor god du er. Show me how good you are. Show me how good you are. Kann mann keypa eplir her? Is it possible to buy potatoes here? Can a man drive apples here? Hvor mange måneder er du henne? How many months pregnant are you? How many months are you to be her? Du har brug for det her. You need this. You need this. Skolan ser ut som ett fängelse. The school looks like a prison. School looks like a prison. Han bærer altid mørke briller. He always wears dark glasses. He always wears dark glasses. Har værelset et bad? Does the room have a bath? Does the room have a bath? Kan jeg komme til at tale med oversygeplejersken? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the nurse? Hans fötter är smutsiga. His feet are dirty. His feet are dirty. Når sant skal sies, er jeg så fryktelig lei av å stå opp tidlig om morgenen, at jeg ikke kommer til å kjøpe nye batterier til vekkerklokken heretter. If truth be told, I'm so terribly sick of getting up early in the morning, that hereon after, I will not be buying new batteries for the alarm clock. To tell you the truth, I'm so terribly tired of getting up early in the morning that I'm not going to buy new batteries for the alarm clock after this. Han slog rekordet. He broke the record. He hit the record. Jag ville inte ha mjölk. I didn't want milk. I didn't want any milk. Er það satt? Really? Is that true? Jeg er meget ked af det. I am very sorry. I'm very sorry. Get ég fengið bílinn þinn lánaðan? May I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? Hej verden! Hello, world! Hey, world! Er det ett ting historien har lært oss, så er det at vi ofte spår feil om fremtiden. If there is one thing history has taught us, it's that we often incorrectly predict the future. If there is one lesson history has taught us, it is that we often find fault with the future. Når jeg lukker mine øjne, forestiller jeg mig at jeg er en fugl og kan flyve. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine I'm a bird and can fly. Har du gjort den här? Did you make this? Did you do this? Tom døde. Tom died. Tom died. Hún er meiri kunningi en vinur. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's more of a friend than a friend. Vi er ikke læger. We aren't doctors. We're not doctors. Hvilket språk snakker de i USA? What language do they speak in the United States? What language do they speak in the United States? Hvis vi skulle bo på månen, hvor stor ville jorden så se ud? If we were to live on the moon, how large would the earth look? If we were to live on the moon, how big would the earth look? Hvor er badeværelset? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Tom kunde inte hjälpa oss. Tom couldn't help us. Tom couldn't help us. Båten din er ikke stor. Your boat is not big. Your boat's not big. En påstand er ikke et bevis. An assertion isn't a proof. An allegation is not proof. Du kan se den stora utställningen på köpcentret vilken tid som helst. You can see the large exhibition at the department store anytime. You can see the big exhibition at the mall any time. De har gjort deres hjemmearbejde. They did their homework. They've done their homework. Jag använder Twitter. I am using Twitter. I use Twitter. Det finnes ikke noe slikt som en uavhengig presse i dette stadiet verdenshistorien for USA. Du og jeg vet dette like godt. Det finnes ikke én eneste av dere som våger å skrive hva dere egentlig mener, og om dere gjorde, vet dere allerede at det aldri hadde kommet på trykk. Jeg blir betalt på ukentlig basis for å holde egne meninger borte fra avisa jeg har forbindelser til. Andre her blir betalt av liknende grunner, og dere som hadde vært dumme nok til å skrive hva dere egentlig mener, hadde føket rett på gata og vært på leting etter en ny jobb. Hvis jeg hadde tillatt mine egne meninger å dukke opp i én eneste utgave av en av avisene jeg skrive for, hadde stillingen min blitt likvidert innen de følgende tjuefire timene var omme. En journalist sin oppgave er å ødelegge sannheten, lyve rett til leserne, å forvrenge, å sverte, å krype ved føttene til Mammon og å gi opp landet sitt og rasen for å tjene litt småpenger. Du og jeg vet det like godt, og hva slags dumskap er denne feiringen av en uavhengig presse? Vi er sprellemennene; de drar i strengene, og vi danser. Talentene, mulighetene og livene våre er alle andre menns eiendom. Vi er intellektuelle ludder. There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in The United States of America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. There is no such thing as an independent press in this stage of world history for the United States. You and I know this as well. There is not one person who dares to write what you really think, and if you did, you already know that it had never been printed. I am paid on a weekly basis to keep his own opinions away from the newspaper I have connections to. Others here are paid for similar reasons, and you who had been stupid enough to write what you really think, had gone right on the street and been looking for a new job. If I had allowed my own opinions to appear in one version of one of the newspapers I write to, my post would have been liquidated within the following twenty-four hours was around. A journalist's task is to destroy the truth, lie right to the readers, to distort, to swear, to go down on his feet to Mammon and to give up all of his country and race to serve little money. Tom købte en gave til sin søn. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought a gift for his son. Han hører på musikk. He's listening to music. He listens to music. Tom frågade mig vad mitt andranamn var. Tom asked me what my middle name was. Tom asked me what my second name was. Vem pratar? Who's speaking? Who's talking? Vi är oroliga. We're anxious. We're worried. Hljóð kossins er ekki eins hátt og fallbyssunnar, en bergmálið endist þó nokkru lengur. The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a deal longer. The sound of the kiss is not as high as that of a cannon, but it lasts a long time. Den nye lærer er i klassen. The new teacher is in the class. The new teacher is in class. Alle havde meget travlt. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was very busy. Plugga. Study hard. Plug. Kva skreiv eg no? What have I just written? What did I write now? Vi är båda galna. We're both insane. We're both crazy. Thomas er bróðir minn. Tom is my brother. Thomas is my brother. Ved du hvem der har opfundet krudtet? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the powder? Ingen har klagd på det. No one has ever complained about that. No one's complained about it. Dan fick jobb som säkerhetsvakt. Dan got a job as a security guard. Dan got a job as a security guard. Det er en annen grunn, er det ikke? Vel, hvordan klarte jeg meg? Jeg vedder på at jeg traff blink. There's another reason, isn't there? Well, how did I do? I bet I hit the mark. There's another reason, isn't it? Tom genkendte Mary så snart han så hende. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe det. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Ring ham hvis meldingen er så viktig. Call him if the message is important. Call him if the message is so important. Tom står foran Mary. Tom is standing in front of Mary. Tom's in front of Mary. Jeg har rødt hår. I'm a redhead. I have red hair. Sätt dig, sa jag. I said sit down. I said sit down. Tom besvarede ikke Marys spørgsmål. Tom didn't answer Mary's questions. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. Þetta er húsið þar sem ég fæddist. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Hvorfor kigger du på dit ur hele tiden? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Why are you looking at your watch all the time? Tom kunde inte bestämma sig omedelbart. Tom couldn't make up his mind right away. Tom couldn't decide right away. Sitt ner, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Jeg har købt et hus med de penge som jeg arvede efter min bedstefar. I bought a house with the money that I inherited from my grandfather. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. Det lille huset var rent og ryddig. That small house was clean and tidy. The little house was clean and neat. Það er of stórt. It's too large. It's too big. Hvornår var du sidste gang fuld? When was the last time you got drunk? When was the last time you were drunk? Jeg kunne ikke lide den film. I didn't like that movie. I didn't like that movie. Det hele er Toms skyld. It's all Tom's fault. It's all Tom's fault. Han elskede hende, og hun elskede også ham. He loved her, and she loved him, too. He loved her, and she loved him, too. Der Spiegel er et tysk ugemagasin, og det betyder også "Spejlet". Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine and it also means "The Mirror". There Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, which also means "Spejlet". Dei vaskar hendene. They're washing their hands. They're washing their hands. Þessi hamborgari er ódýr miðað við japanska hamborgara. This hamburger is inexpensive for a Japanese hamburger. This hamburger is cheap compared to Japanese hamburgers. Han savner familien sin. He misses his family. He misses his family. Kan jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do that today? Det er vår plikt å hjelpe hverandre. It is our duty to help one another. It's our duty to help each other. Det er kun alt for sandt. It is only too true. That's all that's true. Jeg er lei av de lange talene hans. I'm fed up with his long talks. I'm sick of his long speeches. Hvilket yrke har du? What's your profession? What profession do you have? Tivoli er åben! Your fly is open! Tivoli is open! Jeg savner min kat. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. Hon är ett matvrak. She is a glutton. She's a mess. Varför kom du förbi? Why did you stop by? Why did you come by? Läraren skrev någonting på svarta tavlan. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something on the black board. Jeg hadde ikke noe felles med dem. I had nothing in common with them. I had nothing in common with them. Sig til Mary at jeg elsker hende. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Mary I love her. Det kostade mig skjortan. It cost me a bundle. It cost me my shirt. Jag hoppas att vi hittar Tom. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Jeg er veldig trøtt om morgenen. I get very tired in the morning. I'm very tired in the morning. Fandt Tom dem? Did Tom find them? Did Tom find them? Hun flettede mit hår. She braided my hair. She braided my hair. Tom åkte fast för fortkörning. Tom got caught speeding. Tom got caught for speeding. En dag gik jeg i skolen sammen med min bedste ven, Gitte. One day I went to school with my best friend, Gitte. One day I went to school with my best friend Gitte. Flygplanet ankommer klockan åtta. The plane gets in at eight o'clock. The plane arrives at 8:00. Tom var inte särskilt upptagen. Tom wasn't very busy. Tom wasn't very busy. Hvor gammel er du? How old are you? How old are you? Latin er en av få språk som krever god forståelse av grammatikk. Latin is one of the few languages that requires a good knowledge of grammars. Latin is one of few languages that require a good understanding of grammar. Jobbar hon hårt? Does she work hard? Is she working hard? Fortæl mig hvor filerne skal sendes hen. Tell me where to send the files. Tell me where to send the files. Nýjustu tónverk hans eru bara tilbrigði við hans fyrri verk. His latest musical pieces are just variants of his earlier work. His most recent concerts are just his former works. Innan jag kom till Berlin hade jag ett mycket litet intresse för tysk historia. Before coming to Berlin, I had very little interest in German history. Before coming to Berlin, I had a very small interest in German history. Du lytter ikke! You don't listen! You're not listening! Jeg købte en billet. I bought a ticket. I bought a ticket. Han är stolt över att ha tagit examen vid Tokyo Universitet. He is proud of having graduated from Tokyo University. He's proud to have graduated at Tokyo University. Mennesker kan ikke leve på Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Toms pappa, som sitter i fängelse, skriver aldrig till honom. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to him. Tom's dad, who's in prison, never writes to him. Tom är rädd. Tom is scared. Tom's scared. Du må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You better get going. Vi var nødt til at blive inde på grund af regnen. We couldn't go out because of the rain. We had to stay inside because of the rain. Han har først foretatt en forhåndsprøve med den nye elektroniske alkotesteren før han ble sendt til en laboratorietest. He was first subjected to a preliminary test with the new electronic breathalyzer before he was sent for a laboratory test. He has only carried out a preliminary test with the new electronic alcotester before he was sent to a laboratory test. Velg dine neste ord med omhu. Choose your next words carefully. Choose your next word carefully. Bed for mig! Pray for me. Pray for me! Han har gått ur tiden. He passed away. He's out of time. Aviserne ofrede megen spalteplads på sagen. The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. The newspapers sacrificed much space on the case. Selv om vi gjør dette blir det seksti år før det antarktiske ozonlaget er reparert. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Even if we do this, it will be sixty years before the Antarctic ozone layer is repaired. Við erum ekki hræsin í svefni. We are not hypocrites in our sleep. We're not hoarse in our sleep. Herr Wilder gav mig din e-postadress. Mr. Wilder gave me your email address. Mr. Wilder gave me your e-mail address. Hon övertalade honom att göra det fastän hon visste att det inte var en god idé. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. Talar hann ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does he speak English, French or German? Does he speak English, French, or German? Han bor enbart i en liten stuga i träsket. He lives alone in a little cottage in the swamp. He lives only in a small cottage in the swamp. Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne hjælpe dig. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you. Må Gud beskytte dig fra dem der hader dig! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Tom är samarbetsvillig. Tom is cooperative. Tom is cooperative. Jag erkänner att jag försummat mina plikter. I admit I neglected my responsibilities. I admit I neglected my duties. Ertu einbirni? Are you an only child? Are you alone? Mitt sto har fölat. My mare foaled. My chair has faded. Jeg er medlem af tennisklubben. I'm a member of the tennis club. I'm a member of the tennis club. Der var engang et stykke træ. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. There was once a piece of wood. Hvordan gik det til? How did that happen? How'd it go? Jane ger aldrig med sig. Jane never backs down. Jane never leaves. Hvordan kan jeg skru opp ovnen? How can I turn up the stove? How can I turn up the oven? Manden opførte sig meget mærkelig. The man's behavior was very odd. The man was acting very strange. Österrikes kuperade landskap påminde herr Bogart om "Sound of Music". Austria's hilly landscapes reminded Mr. Bogart of The Sound of Music. Austria's hilly landscapes reminded Mr. Bogart of the Sound of Music. Dette er en DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Jeg gav hende en lillebitte spilledåse. I gave her a tiny musical box. I gave her a tiny music box. Denne bogs forfatter er stadig ung. The author of this book is still young. The author of this book is still young. Ég er að leita mér að frönskum pennavini. I'm looking for a French penpal. I'm looking for a French pen friend. Forskeren tror oppdagelsen altid kommer som lyn fra klar himmel. Researchers believe that discovery always comes like a bolt from the blue. The scientist believes the discovery always comes as lightning from clear skies. Du skulle inte njuta av det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't enjoy it. Tager Tom tit til Australien? Does Tom go to Australia often? Does Tom often go to Australia? Jeg snakker stadig ikke meget fransk. I still don't speak much French. I still don't speak much French. Toga held fram sjølv med all denne snøen. The trains are running in this snow. Pull forward itself with all this snow. Jeg står til Deres tjeneste. I am ready to serve you. I'm at your service. Vi ska äta biff ikväll. We're having steak tonight. We're having steak tonight. Tal ikke med to tunger. Keep not two tongues in one mouth. Do not speak with two tongues. Augun mín eru aum. My eyes are sore. My eyes are tender. Jeg fikk bli med i klubben. I gained admission to the club. I got to go to the club. Jeg glæder mig til at se dig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you. Jeg har overtalt Tom til at blive i Boston indtil mandag. I've persuaded Tom to stay in Boston until Monday. I've talked Tom into staying in Boston until Monday. Room service, tack. Room service, please. Room service, please. Vær venlig at vente indtil han kommer tilbage. Please wait till he comes back. Please wait until he comes back. Tom efterlignede Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom är gammal nog att dricka alkohol. Tom is old enough to drink. Tom's old enough to drink alcohol. "Ja" sagde hun, "du har ret." "Yes," she said, "you are right". "Yes," she said, "you're right." Jag är ganska hungrig. I'm fairly hungry. I'm pretty hungry. Rambo eksisterer ikke. Rambo doesn't exist. Rambo doesn't exist. Stanna inomhus. Stay inside. Stay indoors. Gaffalnotendur hafa sögulega verið í minnihluta. Fork-users have historically been in the minority. Gaffal users have historically been in the minority. Toms bøger er oversat til mange sprog. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom’s books are translated into many languages. Jag vill veta exakt vad det är som händer. I want to know exactly what is going on. I want to know exactly what's going on. Þau voru mjög æst. They were very excited. They were very upset. Skipið var upp á náð hafsins komið. The ship was at the mercy of the sea. The ship was on board with the sea. Ursäkta, var ligger posten? Excuse me, where is the post office? Excuse me, where's the mail? Visst, jag förstår. Of course, I understand. Sure, I see. Jag har känt Tom länge. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom a long time. Tom vil snakke med deg. Tom would like to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. Mamma har kjøpt meg ei bok. Mom has bought me a book. Mom bought me a book. Jag har faktiskt kul ikväll. I'm actually having fun tonight. Actually, I'm having a good time tonight. Tom hade sönder Marys favoritdocka. Tom broke Mary's favourite doll. Tom broke Mary's favorite doll. Ett DNA-test visade att han var oskyldig. A DNA test showed he was innocent. A DNA test showed he was innocent. Tom hadde på seg en svart hatt. Tom was wearing a black hat. Tom was wearing a black hat. Sørg for at gemme kvitteringen. Make sure you save the receipt. Make sure you save the receipt. Er kabylske kvinder smukke? Are Kabyle women beautiful? Is chabylic women beautiful? Den delen är i alla fall sann. At least that part's true. At least that part is true. Det var en dum beslutning. That was a stupid decision. It was a stupid decision. Håll käft Tom, ingen frågade dig! Shut up, Tom. No one asked you! Shut up Tom, no one asked you! Det här är en dålig plan. This is a bad plan. This is a bad plan. Tom är där. Tom is right there. Tom's there. Jag öppnade asken. Den var tom. I opened the box. It was empty. I opened the box. Våra mammor är starka kvinnor. Our mothers are strong women. Our mothers are strong women. Hon gillar varken ormar eller matematik. She likes neither snakes nor mathematics. She doesn't like snakes or mathematics. Sami hamnade förlora matchen. Sami ended up losing the game. Sami lost the game. Jeg svømmede i havet. I swam in the sea. I swam in the sea. Hur är den? What's it like? How's it going? När ska du gå? When will you go? When are you leaving? Gamli maðurinn var ekki eins illkvittinn og hann leit út fyrir að vera. The old man was not as mean as he looked. The old man was not as bad as he seemed. Jag sa ju det! I told you so! I told you! Arbetsnarkomaner ser semesterdagar som slöseri med tid. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Workaholics see holiday days as a waste of time. Han tog en taxa til hospitalet. He took a taxi to the hospital. He took a cab to the hospital. Hun taler kinesisk. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Han bor sammen med sin bedstemor. He lives with his grandmother. He lives with his grandmother. Det hände över ett år sedan. It happened over a year ago. It happened over a year ago. Se de snedækkede bjerge! Look at the mountains covered with snow. Look at the snowcapped mountains! Þú mátt ekki sofna. You can't fall asleep. You can't fall asleep. Dykarna hittade ett skeppsvrak på havsbottnen. The divers found a wreck on the sea-bed. The divers found a wreckage on the seabed. Må jeg bruge din telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they will accept these conditions. I do not think they accept these terms. Barn behöver en lycklig hemmiljö. Children need a happy home environment. Children need a happy home environment. Du høres ikke veldig overrasket ut. You don't sound very surprised. You don't sound very surprised. Jag har fått nog! I have enough! I've had enough! Það er enginn kostur við að gera það. There is no advantage in doing that. There's no way to do that. Vilket år var det Berlinmuren föll? What year was it that the Berlin Wall fell? What year was the fall of the Berlin Wall? Har du någon astmamedicin? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medicine? Tom går ofte rundt i huset helt uden tøj på. Tom often walks around the house without any clothes on. Tom often walks around the house undressed. Tom græd. Tom wept. Tom cried. Vis mig! Show me. Show me! Var är vi nu? Where are we now? Where are we now? Disse "venner" har en dårlig indflydelse på dig. These "friends" are a bad influence on you. These "friends" have a bad influence on you. Tom og jeg er her for at hjælpe. Tom and I are here to help. Tom and I are here to help. Jag skulle vilja åka till USA. I would like to go to the USA. I'd like to go to America. Jag pratade för mycket. I talked too much. I talked too much. Hvert kongresmedlem kunne stemme. Each congressman could vote. Every congressman could vote. Nu för tiden får man betala trettio kronor för en ynka liten kopp kaffe. Nowadays you get to pay thirty crowns just for a small cup of coffee. Now you pay 30 kronor for a little cup of coffee. Utan Latin, finst ikkje medisin. Without Latin, there would be no medicine. Without Latin, there's no medicine. Þú missir af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Betra er seint en aldrei. Better late than never. Better late than never. Man må ikke gå ud uden maske. You are not allowed to go out without a mask. You can't go out without a mask. Mary læser den. Mary is reading it. Mary reads it. At slå to fluer med ét smæk. To kill two birds with one stone. Hitting two flies with one spanking. I aftes skrev jeg et brev. I wrote a letter last night. Last night I wrote a letter. Jag ringer honom ikväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. När kan vi äta? When can we eat? When can we eat? Är det säkert? Are you sure? Are you sure? Lägg av! Back off! Come on! Ég skal passa barnið þitt í kvöld. I will look after your child this evening. I'll watch your baby tonight. Hvert år er anderledes ... nogle år fanger man en masse hummere, andre år gør man ikke. Every year is different … some years you catch a lot of lobsters, some years you don't. Every year is different... a few years you catch a lot of lobsters, other years you don't. Du har en e-mailbesked i din indbakke. You have an e-mail message in your inbox. You have an e-mail in your inbox. Jeg må legge meg. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Du babblar. You're babbling. You're babbling. Það er engin önnur leið til að skilja setninguna. There is no other way to understand the sentence. There is no other way to understand the sentence. Jag sov mycket gott. I slept very well. I slept very well. Hun viste meg albumet sitt. She showed me her album. She showed me her album. Jeg forlod Australien den 20. oktober. I left Australia on October 20th. I left Australia on October 20th. Tom är nedstämd. Tom is depressed. Tom's down. Tom har mistet sin hat. Tom lost his hat. Tom's lost his hat. Han talar inte engelska. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Vad älskar du? What do you love? What do you love? Jawbreaker er et rundt flersjikts sukkertøy slik som det er en perle. A jawbreaker is a round candy, multi-layered like a pearl. Jawbreaker is a multi-sigt candy, as it is a pearl. Jeg er i live i Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. Polisen trodde inte på hennes historia. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe her story. Han er en autoritet på sit område. He's an authority in his field. He's an authority in his area. Jag tycker om att titta på gamla familjebilder. I enjoy looking at old family pictures. I like to look at old family pictures. Min favoritsangerinde er Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. Du kom tillbaka. You came back. You came back. Kan jeg få et glas vand, tak? Can I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water, please? Er det muligt at hjælpe Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Tom glemte at låse sin cykel, og da han kom tilbage, var den væk. Tom forgot to lock his bike up, and when he came back it was gone. Tom forgot to lock his bike, and when he got back, it was gone. Kan ni låsa dörren är ni snälla? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door please? Alice sover i mitt rum. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice's sleeping in my room. Ni måste memorera denna mening. You have to memorize this sentence. You must memorise this opinion. Han sköt först! Han shot first! He shot first! Tom har giftet sig med en kvinde der er ældre end ham. Tom married a woman older than he is. Tom has married a woman who is older than he is. Hvad vil der stå i aviserne? What will the newspapers say? What will it say in the papers? De lagde sig. They lay down. They went to bed. Ef við dæmum framtíð hafrannsókna af fortíðinni, getum við sannarlega hlakkað til margra spennandi uppgötvana. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. If we judge the future of ocean studies of the past, we can indeed look forward to many exciting discoveries. Han sa att han inte vet. He said that he doesn't know. He said he doesn't know. Hun ledte efter sine børn, men kunne ikke finde dem nogen steder. She looked for her children, but couldn't find them anywhere. She was looking for her children but couldn't find them anywhere. Tom var tvungen att fatta ett beslut. Tom had to make a decision. Tom had to make a decision. Läraren välkomnade de nya studenterna. The teacher welcomed the new students. The teacher welcomed the new students. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important. It's not important! Vi blev født på samme dag. We were born on the same day. We were born on the same day. Hon köpte en bok i affären. She bought a book at the shop. She bought a book at the store. Såg du min son? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Fröken Sato är presidentens nya sekreterare. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Alla mina grejor är här. All my stuff is here. All my stuff is here. Nogen har efterladt en sæk på bænken. Someone has left a bag on the bench. Someone left a bag on the bench. Er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig? Can someone help me? Can anyone help me? Hvor er din tryllestav? Where's your magic wand? Where's your wand? Hun så meget smuk ud i sin nye kjole. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. She looked very beautiful in her new dress. Dette er den korteste rute til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. Det flyger en reklamballong ovanför köpcentret. There is an advertising balloon flying above the department store. It flies an advertising balloon above the mall. Vad hade du? What did you have? What did you have? Hun oversatte et digt. She translated a poem. She translated a poem. Jeg gir ikke opp! I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up! Hesten er træt. The horse is tired. The horse is tired. Jeg har fått nok av han. I've had it with him. I've had enough of him. Jeg har gått og tenkt på det i hele dag. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I've been thinking about it all day. Det måste duga. It'll have to do. It'll have to do. Vem är Samis far? Who is Sami's father? Who's Sami's father? Sökum breytingar í lögum um giftingar í Kanada fóru margir samkynhneigðir Bandaríkjamenn til Kanada til að giftast. Because of the change in Canadian marriage laws, many American homosexuals came to Canada to get married. Because of changes in the marriage laws in Canada, many homosexuals went to Canada to marry. Han är på väg och kommer att anlända i sinom tid. He is on his way and will arrive in due course. He is on his way and will arrive in due time. Jag kan inte tacka dig nog för det du gjorde för mig. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. Jag är lite låg. I've got the blues. I'm a little low. Han blev kidnappet af Nordkorea. He was kidnapped by North Korea. He was kidnapped by North Korea. Tom er et røvhul. Tom is an asshole. Tom's an asshole. Det här är en bra show. This is a good show. This is a good show. Det er en grå hest. It's a gray horse. It's a gray horse. Borde inte ni gå hem? Shouldn't you go home? Shouldn't you go home? Tom tyckte inte om den idén. Tom didn't like that idea. Tom didn't like that idea. Har du läxor? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Jag har mer än nog. I have more than enough. I have more than enough. Jag kommer att vara ensam. I'll be on my own. I'll be alone. Du snakker engelsk. You speak English. You speak English. Jag vet inte om han är en läkare. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Det er slut. It's over. It's over. Jeg spiste halvdelen af ​​æblet før jeg opdagede at der var en orm i det. I ate half the apple before I noticed there was a worm in it. I ate half the apple before I found out there was a worm in it. Marie har mistet sin paraply. Marie has lost her umbrella. Marie's lost her umbrella. Vi har mistet vores paraplyer. We've lost our umbrellas. We've lost our umbrellas. Jag såg ett. I saw one. I saw one. Har ni beställt? Have you ordered? Have you ordered? Hvordan har du det, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Jeg skal studere. I have to study. I'm going to study. Han sluttet å røyke i fjor. He stopped smoking last year. He stopped smoking last year. Alle tror nok jeg er gal. Everybody probably thinks I'm crazy. I think everyone thinks I'm crazy. Är ni roade av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you having fun with this? Jeg blev i sengen hele dagen i stedet for at gå på arbejde. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. Jag tappar mina tänder. Jag dör bitvis. I'm losing my teeth. I'm dying by bits. I'm losing my teeth. Jag kan inte gå någon annanstans. I can't go anywhere else. I can't go anywhere else. For lang tid siden var der en bro her. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. Tom spurgte Mary om vej. Tom asked Mary for directions. Tom asked Mary for directions. Vi gjorde ett sandslott. We made a sand castle. We made a sandy castle. Det får räcka för i dag. Let's call it a day. That's enough for today. Jag heter Henry. My name is Henry. I'm Henry. Har du skrivit ned telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write down the phone number? Du kan välja vilken bok du vill. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Hans far kommer inte. Han är väldigt upptagen. His father won't come. He's very busy. His father's not coming, he's very busy. Hon är vår granne. She's our neighbour. She's our neighbor. Min farmors sjuksköterska är väldigt snäll. My grandmother's nurse is very kind. My grandmother's nurse is very nice. Slösa inte bort din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Tom tog et billede af Mary og sendte det til John. Tom took a picture of Mary and sent it to John. Tom took a picture of Mary and sent it to John. Ge Tom lite utrymme. Give Tom some room. Give Tom some space. Jag kan göra det själv! I can do it myself! I can do it myself! Jag åt ingenting annat. I didn't eat anything else. I ate nothing else. Bra. Good. Good. "Liszt", den ungarske komponist Franz Liszts efternavn, betyder "mel" på ungarsk. "Liszt", the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's family name, means "flour" in Hungarian. "Liszt," Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's last name, means "mel" in Hungarian. Tá órættvísi gerst lóg, gerst mótstøða ein skylda. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. Two indiscriminately become logs, become an opponent of one duty. Jeg ser henne sjelden. I seldom see her. I rarely see her. Hvad er meningen? What's the intention? What's the point? Ég er frá Ítalíu og tala ítölsku. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm from Italy speaking Italian. Det kjem ikkje til å gjera vondt. It won't hurt. It's not going to hurt. Bruket av kondom ved vaginalt og analt samleie og ved munnsex er det beste forebyggende tiltaket. The use of a condom during vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse is the best preventive measure. The use of condoms in vaginal and anal intercourse and in oral sex is the best preventive measure. Jag fyller år i november. My birthday is in November. I turn out to be a November birthday. Slutt å bite neglene dine. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your fingernails. Tom dansede med Mary. Tom danced with Mary. Tom danced with Mary. Mary er en kvinde. Mary is a woman. Mary's a woman. Hvorfor bor de så her? Why do they live here then? Then why do they live here? Jeg har to brødre. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Han er så glad. He is so gay. He's so happy. Hur gick det med allt? How did it all work out? How'd everything go? Vi giftet oss for syv år siden. We married seven years ago. We got married seven years ago. Ég hata pólitík. I hate politics. I hate politics. Hún er sjálfselsk manneskja. She is a selfish person. She's a selfish person. Nu när du är vuxen borde du veta bättre. Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better. Now that you're an adult, you should know better. Jag måste gå. I have to go. I have to go. Ég skildi eftir gjöf fyrir hana heima hjá mér. I had left a present for her at my house. I left a gift for her at my house. Se nu på der här. Now look at this. Look at this. Det var inte planen. That wasn't the plan. That wasn't the plan. Sannheten vinner ikke alltid. The truth doesn't always win. The truth doesn't always win. Har ni träffat alla här? Have you met everyone here? Have you met everyone here? Jim er ikke advokat, men læge. Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. Tom sa att han inte kunde gå. Tom said he couldn't walk. Tom said he couldn't leave. Vad är det här för någonting? What is this thing? What is this? Jag är bra på att köra bil. I'm a good driver. I'm good at driving. Du bør helst være hjemme før midnatt. You'd best be home before midnight. You should be home before midnight. Jeg kunne ikke have udtrykt det bedre. I couldn't have expressed it better. I couldn't have expressed it better. Ja, selvfølgelig. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Vem vill slåss? Who wants to fight? Who wants to fight? Tom ville ikke give Mary sit plysegern. Tom did not want to give Mary his plush squirrel. Tom wouldn't give Mary her flier. Var bor ni just nu? Where do you live at the moment? Where do you live right now? Vil du lige tage dig af tøjvasken? Would you mind doing the laundry? You wanna take care of the laundry? Han ved hvordan man får kvinder til at græde. He knows how to make women cry. He knows how to make women cry. Þetta er staðurinn. This is the spot. This is the place. Vi kommer godt overens. We have a good rapport. We'll get along. Jeg vil give dig en bog. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. De her er skumfiduser. These are marshmallows. These are marshmallows. Jag äger den här affären. I own this store. I own this deal. Emily ska berätta det för Melanie. Emily will tell it to Melanie. Emily's gonna tell Melanie. Du måste återbetala dina skulder. You must repay your debts. You have to repay your debts. Det har jeg gjort mange gange. I have done that many times. I've done that many times. Skolan är på gångavstånd från mitt hus. The school is within walking distance of my house. The school is walking distance from my house. Hvor mange gange om dagen bør man fodre en hund? How many times a day should you feed a dog? How many times a day should you feed a dog? Jag är sen till arbetet. I'm late for work. I'm late for work. Dine sko er her. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Tom hällde upp lite mjölk i en skål till sina katter. Tom poured some milk in a bowl for his cats. Tom poured some milk into a bowl for his cats. Min far är på promenad i parken. My father is taking a walk in the park. My father's walking in the park. Jeg kender en masse malere. I know a lot of painters. I know a lot of painters. Hvis Marys mors sønn er min bror, da er Mary søsteren min. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. Det fanns ingen i rummet. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Put den i en papirspose. Put it into a paper bag. Put it in a paper bag. For nylig er jeg blevet vant til hans måde at tale på. Recently, I've gotten used to his way of speaking. Recently I got used to his way of speaking. Mary er freelance forfatter. Mary is a freelance writer. Mary's a freelance writer. Verbet "att vara" har oregelbunden böjning i alla språk. The verb “to be” has an irregular conjugation in all languages. The verb "to be" has irregular bending in all languages. Jeg vil gerne ønskes tillykke personligt. I would like to be wished a happy birthday in person. I would like to be congratulated personally. Hovedkontoret vårt er i Osaka. Our main office is in Osaka. Our headquarters are in Osaka. Hun tog en graviditetstest. She took a pregnancy test. She took a pregnancy test. Tom sa at han var utslitt. Tom said he was exhausted. Tom said he was exhausted. Sami satt och bad. Sami was praying. Sami was praying. Det kommer ikke mig ved. It's not my business. That's none of my business. Min navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My navigator doesn't work abroad. Hvað ertu að fara gera í kvöld? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Det är måndag i dag. It is Monday today. It's Monday today. Jag talar klingonska med dig. I speak Klingon to you. I speak Klingon with you. Kan jag använda telefonen en stund? May I use the telephone for a while? Can I use your phone for a while? Han har ikke kommet enda. Kanskje noe har hendt ham. He has not come yet. Something may have happened to him. He hasn't come yet, maybe something's happened to him. Nej, han har inte sagt någonting om det. No, he hasn't said anything about it. No, he hasn't said anything about it. Hvilken by er vi i? What city are we in? Which city are we in? Är jag säker nu? Am I safe now? Am I sure now? Tom visste inte om han borde skratta eller gråta. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Þú getur kallað hann lygara, en þú getur ekki kallað hann vondan mann. You may call him a liar, but you cannot call him a bad man. You can call him a liar, but you can't call him a bad man. Hvem tror du gjorde dette? Who do you think did this? Who do you think did this? Hun er tennisspiller. She's a tennis player. She's a tennis player. Han sagde til mig at han elskede mig. He told me he loved me. He told me he loved me. Hun spurte om jeg trenger en taxi. She asked if I need a taxi. She asked me if I needed a cab. Varför lämnade du oss? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave us? Varje dag är en ny dag. Every day is a new day. Every day is a new day. Tom ser äcklad ut. Tom looks disgusted. Tom looks gross. Vil du virkelig risikere det? Do you really want to risk that? Do you really want to risk it? Hun begyndte at synge. She began to sing. She started singing. Skulle jag kunna få ett glas mjölk, tack? May I have a glass of milk, please? Could I have a glass of milk, please? Bouteflika blev tvunget til at træde tilbage i 2019. Bouteflika was forced to step down in 2019. Boutefika was forced to step back in 2019. Jag tycker inte om när du tar med dig jobbet hem. I don't like when you bring your work home. I don't like it when you bring your job home. Är han lärare? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Arabisk skrives fra højre mod venstre. Arabic is written from right to left. Arabic is written from right to left. Hon er so vøkur sum mamma sín. She is as beautiful as her mother is. She's so awake some of her moms. Jeg synes at du burde tage dig et hvil; du ser syg ud. I think you'd better take a rest; you look ill. I think you should get some rest; you look sick. Jeg havde intet andet valg end at blive. I had no choice but to stay. I had no choice but to stay. Tom, kunne du halde eit auge med borna? Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids? Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids? Tom är vanvettig. Tom's insane. Tom's crazy. Vem dansade Tom med? Who did Tom dance with? Who danced with Tom? Jämfört med sin far är han ytlig. Compared to his father, he is shallow. Compared to his father, he's superficial. Jeg må returnere noen bøker til biblioteket. I have to return some books to the library. I have to return some books to the library. Låt mig ringa min advokat. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Tog du med den? Did you bring it? Did you bring it? Du må tro jeg er dum. You must think I'm stupid. You must think I'm stupid. Han ønsker ikke at skabe problemer. He doesn't want to cause trouble. He doesn't want to create problems. Jeg er ikke bange. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Jesus gik på vandet. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on the water. Jeg vil ikke se ham. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Det er mange vakre parker i London. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Tom var sjuk og ble hjemme fra skolen. Tom was sick and stayed home from school. Tom was sick and stayed home from school. Ég vona bara að enginn hafi séð mig. I just hope no one saw me. I just hope no one saw me. Doktor, mit navn er Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Jag tror att jag svimmade. I think I fainted. I think I passed out. Jeg har nøglen. I have the key. I have the key. Tom er som en søn for mig. Tom is like a son to me. Tom's like a son to me. Priserne er høje. Prices are high. The prices are high. Tom sover. Tom's sleeping. Tom's asleep. Hun snakker litt arabisk. She speaks a little Arabic. She's talking a little Arabic. Jeg studerer. I study. I'm studying. Hun rev i stykker brevet. She tore up the letter. She tore the letter apart. Olyckligtvis avslöjade Tom hemligheten. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom revealed the secret. Tom tappade sina pengar. Tom lost his money. Tom lost his money. Kan du ikke la meg være i fred? Can't you leave me alone? Why don't you just leave me alone? Kanínur hafa stór eyru. Rabbits have big ears. Rabbits have big ears. Jeg mener de tar feil. I think they're wrong. I think they're wrong. Det regnet uten stans hele dagen. It rained continuously all day. It rained without stopping all day. Tom har et lille hus i Boston. Tom has a small house in Boston. Tom's got a little house in Boston. Sami verkade full. Sami appeared to be drunk. Sami seemed drunk. Vi skal møtes på stasjonen klokken sju. We are to meet at the station at seven. We're meeting at the station at 7:00. Hva er det du haster deg for? What're you in such a hurry for? What are you in a hurry for? På grensen ble jeg bedt om å vise pass. I was asked to show my passport at the border. On the border, I was asked to show a passport. Vi tager et bad hver dag. We take a bath every day. We take a bath every day. Jeg fortalte ikke Tom at Mary var her. I didn't tell Tom that Mary was here. I didn't tell Tom Mary was here. Þið eruð öll iðin. You are all diligent. You're all busy. Vad fanns inuti? What was inside? What was inside? Han är smart. He's smart. He's smart. Alla fick panik. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Kærulausu mennirnir frusu í hel í leiðangrinum á Suðurskautslandið. The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic. The merciless men froze to death on the mission in Antarctica. Ønsker du virkelig at gå til fods? Do you really want to walk? Do you really want to go on foot? Hun røyker 20 sigaretter om dagen. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. Det er Toms mesterværk. It's Tom's masterpiece. It's Tom's masterpiece. Jeg kommer tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Får han bryst eller flaske? Do you breastfeed or bottlefeed him? Does he get breasts or bottles? Jeg vil have en blå kage. I want a blue cake. I want a blue cake. Har Tom fått sparken? Has Tom been fired? Is Tom fired? Det gläder mig att du tycker om Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. Kan jeg låne telefonen din? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Hemmeligheden sivede ud. The secret leaked out. The secret went out. Jeg er ved at læse en bog. I am reading a book now. I'm reading a book. Girafferna har släkt sin törst. The giraffes have quenched their thirst. The giraffes have their family's thirst. Har du redan pratat med honom? Have you already talked to him? Have you already talked to him? En gång i tiden trodde man att människor inte kunde flyga. Once we thought that Man couldn't fly. Once upon a time people thought they couldn't fly. Giv mig et kys! Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss! Förlåt att jag har orsakat dig så mycket besvär. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble. Tom spekulerede på, hvor dyb floden var. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Hann á alls enga ættingja. He does not have any relatives at all. He doesn't have any family at all. Jeg kan ikke huske noget som helst. I don't remember anything at all. I don't remember anything. I 1783 opdagede Caroline Herschel tre nye stjernetåger. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulae. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new star trains. Tom bor i den indre by. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives in the inner city. Vi slog vores telt op i skyggen af et stort træ. We put up our tent in the shade of a large tree. We looked up our tent in the shade of a large tree. Klip dine fingernegle. Cut your fingernails. Cut your fingernails. Den flod løber ud i Stillehavet. The river flows into the Pacific Ocean. That river runs into the Pacific Ocean. Rummet kommer att målas imorgon. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Vet du varför vårrullar kallas för vårrullar? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? Du må ikke parkere bilen i denne gaten. You must not park the car in this street. Don't park the car in this street. Du spiller ved å slå i bordet når du blir bedt om det, opp til slutten hvor du velter bordet så simulert mat og bestikk flyr. You play the game by pounding the table when prompted, until the end where you flip the table over to send simulated food and cutlery flying. You play by hitting the table when asked to, up to the end where you roll the table then simulated food and bribe fly. Kvinnor vill också ha sex. Women want to have sex too. Women want sex, too. Tycker du om lax? Do you like salmon? You like salmon? Du har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown. Jeg har ondt i halsen. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Tom försvann. Tom went missing. Tom disappeared. Jag är säker på att hon inte kommer och träffar dig. I'm sure she won't come and meet you. I'm sure she won't come see you. Moderne katte spiser ikke mus. Modern cats don't eat mice. Modern cats don't eat mice. Afbrudt samleje beskytter ikke mod kønssygdomme. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Aborted intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Hvorfor er himlen blå? Why is the sky blue? Why is heaven blue? Kom i overmorgen. Come the day after tomorrow. Come the day after tomorrow. Jeg har købt en ny mobiltelefon. I bought a new cellphone. I bought a new cell phone. Tom lå og sov. Tom was sleeping. Tom was sleeping. Tom er sikkert OK. Tom should be OK. Tom's probably OK. Lyt til følgende replikskifte mellem kollegaer! Listen to the following exchange between colleagues! Listen to the following line-up between colleagues! Vi har hinanden. We've got each other. We have each other. Jag arbetar här nu. I'm working here now. I'm working here now. Tom bad flere gange Mary åbne vinduet. Tom asked Mary several times to open the window. Tom asked Mary several times to open the window. Hvad tid begynder det? What time does it start? What time does it start? Bob har været forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Tom frågade mig om där jag fick det här. Tom asked me where I got this. Tom asked me where I got this. Utdannelsen din er viktig. Your education is important. Your education is important. Är du uttråkad ännu? Are you bored yet? Are you bored yet? Jeg har købt dette kamera for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Tag din tid. Take your time. Take your time. Nå alt er klart. Everything makes sense now. Now everything's ready. Vi er gifte. We're married to each other. We're married. Jeg har min egen jobb. I have my own job. I have my own job. Stelpan sem vinnur í bakaríinu er sæt. The girl who works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works in the bakery is cute. Af útliti hans að dæma er hann veikur. Judging from his appearance, he is ill. From his appearance, he is sick. Kanskje du bare skal gi Tom sparken. Maybe you should just fire Tom. Maybe you should just fire Tom. Tom undrade om han någonsin skulle få se Maria igen. Tom wondered if he'd ever see Mary again. Tom wondered if he would ever see Mary again. Rebellerna saboterade järnvägen. The rebels sabotaged the railroad. The rebels sabotaged the railways. Hver leikmaður gerði sitt besta. Each player did his best. Each player did his best. Hun sælger en ny hat. She is selling a new hat. She sells a new hat. Tom bryder sig ikke om hunde. Tom doesn't like dogs. Tom doesn't like dogs. De har dannet en ny regering. They formed a new government. They've formed a new government. Jeg brækkede armen. I broke my arm. I broke my arm. Hvordan staves dit navn? Could you spell your name, please? How is your name spelled? När jag öppnade dörren hade jag sönder låset. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. Hunden sover. The dog is sleeping. The dog's asleep. Det overrasker mig ikke. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Det vidste jeg ikke. I did not know this. I didn't know that. Käften! Shut up! Shut up! Min mor är alltid upptagen. My mother is always busy. My mother is always busy. Jeg glemte din paraply i bussen. I left your umbrella on the bus. I forgot your umbrella on the bus. Jag har ingenting att bära. I have nothing to wear. I have nothing to carry. De flesta tycker att jag är galen. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Han var hemma. He was at home. He was home. Vi ska gå. We're going. We're leaving. Jag kände din pappa. I knew your father. I knew your father. Ikke rør noe, OK? Don't touch anything, OK? Don't touch anything, okay? Det er helt normalt. It's totally normal. It's perfectly normal. Jag kan hjälpa dig. I can help you. I can help you. Du måste vara så stolt. You must be so proud. You must be so proud. Bill tilmeldte sig eksamenen. Bill signed up for the exam. Bill signed up for the exam. Jag röstade inte på någon. I didn't vote for anyone. I didn't vote for anyone. Skrub af! Why don't you get lost. Get off! Tom sa att du lät det hända. Tom says you let it happen. Tom said you let that happen. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda matinn. She is busy cooking dinner. She's busy cooking. Hej. Hey. Hey. Du borde sova. You should sleep. You should sleep. Vi kan dra etter lunsjen. We can go after the lunch. We can leave after lunch. Han er oppslukt med å lære latin. He is absorbed in the study of Latin. He's obsessed with learning Latin. Du äger en bil, eller hur? You've got a car, right? You own a car, don't you? Er du på alder med Tom? Are you the same age as Tom? Are you the age of Tom? Jeg kan godt vente. I don't mind waiting. I can wait. Hvor mange mennesker er der på dette kontor? How many people are there in this office? How many people are in this office? Det är för mycket att göra. There are too many things to do! There's too much to do. Jag har inte råd att betala så mycket. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't afford to pay that much. Ikke regn med at han låner deg penger. Don't count on him to lend you any money. Don't expect him to lend you money. Hun trakk på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her shoulders. Magsmärtorna är borta. The stomach pains are gone. The stomach pain is gone. Det hela är ett stort skämt. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. Hva liker jeg å gjøre? What do I like to do? What do I like to do? De har inte kommit tillbaka hem än. They haven't come back home yet. They haven't come back yet. Vem har vi att tacka för penicillinets upptäckt? To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin? Who do we have to thank for the penicillin discovery? Jag vet inte vad som kommer att hända. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't know what's gonna happen. Alla visste. Everybody knew. Everybody knew. Jag tycker att vi ska göra som Tom föreslår, om inte någon annan har ett bättre förslag. I think we should do as Tom suggests, unless someone has a better suggestion. I think we should do as Tom proposes, unless someone else has a better proposal. Tom går inte till jobbet på söndagar. Tom doesn't go to work on Sunday. Tom doesn't go to work on Sundays. Hvad skal der blive af hende? What will become of her? What's to happen to her? Inga skämt, tack! No jokes please! No jokes, please! Tom ved ikke, hvordan man spiller golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Vi hadde ikke noe sted å bo. We had nowhere to live. We had nowhere to live. Kan hun sykle? Can she ride a bicycle? Can she ride a bike? Pass, takk. Your passport, please. Pass, please. Ræðan er silfur en þögnin gull. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. The speech is silver, but quiet gold. Jag hade en besvärlig tid. I had a hard time. I had a difficult time. Hun har en perfekt krop. She has a perfect body. She's got a perfect body. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Idag är fredag den tjugonde oktober. Today is Friday, the twentieth of October. Today is Friday the 20th of October. Katten på bordet sover. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. Vi ble ranet. We got robbed. We were robbed. Tom lagar mat. Tom's cooking. Tom's cooking. Idag vill jag inte översätta någonting. I don't want to translate anything today. Today I don't want to translate anything. Han er redd. He is afraid. He's scared. Jag visade för dem hur man gör. I showed them how to do it. I showed them how to do it. Mary var den eneste pige der var iført nederdel. Mary was the only girl wearing a skirt. Mary was the only girl wearing a skirt. Jeg betalte 5 dollars for maden. I paid 5 dollars for the food. I paid $5 for the food. Må jeg låne din ordbog? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? Är de förälskade i varandra? Are they in love? Are they in love with each other? Tom sa du ville forstå. Tom said you would understand. Tom said you'd understand. Tom får inte skada mig. Tom can't hurt me. Tom can't hurt me. Tom ønskede at Mary skulle lære fransk. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Hún trúir ekki á Guð. She doesn't believe in God. She doesn't believe in God. Tom blev nervøs. Tom became nervous. Tom got nervous. Vinden susar i säven. The wind blows in the willows. The wind's whining. Han tycker inte om fisk. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Det var ingen som ville ta emot oss. Nobody would see us. Nobody wanted to see us. Jag är bra på mitt jobb. I'm good at my job. I'm good at my job. Eftir kvöldmat labba ég á ströndinni. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I walk on the beach. Hun købte forleden dag et nyt hus. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house the other day. Vi skal på kjøpesenteret. We're going to the mall. We're going to the mall. Hann drakk ein øl. He drank beer. He drank a beer. Kender du Toms rigtige navn? Do you know Tom's real name? You know Tom's real name? Jeg lærer meg fransk hver dag etter kveldsmat. I study French after dinner every day. I learn French every day after supper. Han optrådte på tv i aftes. He appeared on television last night. He appeared on TV last night. Spørg Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Ek em. I am. Eek em. Jo mer, desto bedre. The more, the better. The more, the better. Vi måste hitta det. We must find it. We have to find it. Hur länge tänker du stanna här? How long do you plan on staying here? How long are you gonna stay here? Imorgon är det tisdag den tionde oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Vil du have den her? Do you want this? You want this? Jag kan fortfarande kämpa. I can still fight. I can still fight. Er det egentlig noe å gjøre stort nummer av? Is it really such a big deal? Is it really something to do big numbers? Nu til dags foretrækker flere og flere mennesker livet på landet frem for bylivet. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today, more and more people prefer to live in the land rather than in urban life. Hvordan kan vi komme over floden? How can we get across the river? How can we get across the river? De hadde ikke gått langt, før de møtte en gammel mann. They hadn't gone very far when they met an old man. They had not gone far before they met an old man. Jag känner dig knappt. I hardly know you. I barely know you. Kan du förklara vad det här är? Would you explain what this is? Can you explain what this is? Du kommer inte att ha något val. You'll have no choice. You won't have a choice. Si til ham at jeg vil se telegrammet han sendte. Tell him that I want to see the telegram that he sent. Tell him I want to see the telegram he sent. Hvis en samtale ikke går så bra, prøv en annen fremgangsmåte. If a conversation is not going all that well, try another approach. If a conversation does not go well, try another approach. Betal derovre! Pay over there. Pay up over there! Vi beundrer deg. We admire you. We admire you. Det er ingen vits i å vente. There's no point in waiting. There's no point in waiting. Du tycker att hon är snygg, vad? You think she's cute, don't you? You think she's pretty, don't you? Børst dine tænder. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Eg veit ikkje. Beats me. I don't know. Jag har många blommor. Några är röda och andra är gula. I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and others are yellow. I have lots of flowers, some are red and others are yellow. Min smarttelefon er dum. My smartphone is stupid. My smart phone is stupid. Det här kommer att ta år. This is going to take years. This is gonna take years. Tom var den ende som inte kunde franska. Tom was the only one who didn't know how to speak French. Tom was the only one who couldn't speak French. Hún spurði eftir vini sínum. She asked after her friend. She asked for her friend. Af de tre kandidater mener jeg at hr. Smith er den bedste. Of the three candidates, I think Mr Smith is the best. Of the three candidates, I believe that Mr Smith is the best. Klockan är sju i London nu. It is seven in London now. It's seven o'clock in London now. De erbjöd gästerna lite kaffe. They offered the guests some coffee. They offered the guests some coffee. Han bodde i London da krigen brøt ut. He was living in London when the war broke out. He lived in London when the war broke out. Problemet med den svenska animationsbranschen är att den i stort sett är icke-existerande. The problem with the Swedish animation industry is that it is, by and large, nonexistent. The problem with the Swedish animation industry is that it is largely non-existent. Klukkan er hálf níu. It's eight-thirty. It's 8:30. Personen vi forsøger at fange, er meget farlig. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. The person we're trying to capture is very dangerous. Det är din först arbetsuppgift. This is your first assignment. It's your first job. Vi tager afsted når du er klar. We'll leave as soon as you are ready. We'll go when you're ready. Er der noget kaffe i køkkenet? Is there any coffee in the kitchen? Is there any coffee in the kitchen? Konstiga saker hände på hennes födelsedag. Strange things happened on her birthday. Strange things happened on her birthday. Mange børn kan ikke lide grøntsager, men min lillebror elsker dem. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. A lot of kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig en dag uden dig. I can't imagine a day without you. I can't imagine a day without you. Han kiggede hende dybt i øjnene. He looked deeply into her eyes. He looked deep into her eyes. Tom sad og ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom was sitting there waiting. Du må ta telefonen! Answer the telephone, will you? You have to answer the phone! Mor er mer nervøs for eksamensresultatet enn jeg er. Mother is more anxious about the result of the examination than I am. Mom's more nervous about the test results than I am. Der var for mange mennesker til koncerten. There were too many people at the concert. There were too many people at the concert. Hun lot ham gå alene. She allowed him to go alone. She let him go alone. Hvis jeg var rig, ville jeg købe det. If I were rich, I would buy it. If I were rich, I'd buy it. Það er óvíst að Bill komi. It is doubtful whether Bill will come. Bill may not come. Vad vill ni ha att dricka? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What do you want to drink? Hún lifði einmannalegu lífi. She lived a lonely life. She lived a lonely life. Tom kom salt i sin kaffe i stedet for sukker. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom ville kalla sin son Gandalf. Tom wanted to call his son Gandalf. Tom would call his son Gandalf. Du er tre år yngre end Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Tom vill leka. Tom wants to play. Tom wants to play. Hvor har I lært hinanden at kende? Where did you guys meet? Where did you two get to know each other? Det er slett ingen kunst å greie det. It's actually very easy to do. It's no art to do it at all. Sandheden er ubestridelig. The truth is undeniable. The truth is incontrovertible. Han misslyckades med att försöka simma över floden. He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. He failed to try to swim across the river. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to go now. I have to go now. Det er ren tidsfordriv. That is a pure waste of time. It's a waste of time. Jeg elsker dig, og jeg ønsker ikke at der skal ske dig noget. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Jag tror att vi står på tur. I think we're next. I think we're next. Han giftet seg med en skuespillerinne. He married an actress. He married an actress. Du bør sove. You should sleep. You should get some sleep. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act fast. We must act quickly. Gå på offensiven. Go on the offensive. Go to the offensive. Inte en chans! Fat chance. No way! De är barfota allihop. They're all barefoot. They're all barefoots. Jag måste sova. I have to sleep. I need to sleep. Han stjæler alt muligt. He half-inches all sorts. He's stealing everything. Tog du til Boston eller Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Jag har sällskap. I've got company. I have company. Jeg tror ikke det er sannheten. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. Efter søndag kommer mandag. After Sunday comes Monday. After Sunday comes Monday. Hon sitter i fängelse. She's in prison. She's in prison. Jag vet inte vem min mor är. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mother is. Tom ringer moren sin tre-fire ganger i uka. Tom calls his mother three or four times a week. Tom calls his mother three or four times a week. Det er det samme spørgsmål jeg stillede dig. That's the same question I asked you. It's the same question I asked you.