O.k., du vinder. OK, you win. Okay, you win. Kan du vise meg? Can you show me? Can you show me? Er du sikker på at du ikke bruger maskinoversættelser? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you're not using machine translations? Jackson er mit efternavn. Jackson is my surname. Jackson's my last name. Nederländerna är ett litet land. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Ingen lege kan forklare det. No doctor can explain that. No doctor can explain it. Han gik amok. He went ballistic. He went crazy. Tom sænkede farten ved stopskiltet, men han stoppede faktisk ikke. Tom slowed down for the stop sign, but he didn't actually stop. Tom slowed down at the stop sign, but he didn't really stop. Han er ung og umoden. He is young and immature. He's young and unbaptized. Jag förmodade att jag skulle vara säker här. I figured I'd be safe here. I assumed I would be safe here. Jeg er 30 år gammel. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Jag har för avsikt att göra det. I intend to do that. I intend to do it. Er der nogen besked? Can I take a message? Is there a message? Pappan behandlade sin adoptivson grymt. The dad treated his adoptive son cruelly. The father treated his adoptive son cruelly. Vem upptäckte Amerika? Who discovered America? Who discovered America? Vår oppgave er å gjenoppbygge muren. Our task is to rebuild the wall. Our job is to rebuild the wall. Han tog hand om bebisen. He took care of the baby. He took care of the baby. Husk på at tid er penge. Remember that time is money. Remember, time is money. Ég tók rútuna til að ná á áfangastað fyrir myrkur. I took the bus in order to reach the destination before it got dark. I took the bus to reach the destination for darkness. Kan det vara Tom? Could that be Tom? Could it be Tom? Han satt på en liten sten och såg ut över havet. He sat on a small rock and looked out to sea. He sat on a small rock and looked out over the sea. Þetta er ekki mín gerð. This is not my type. It's not my job. Han er en ugjerningsmann, er du klar over det? He is an evildoer, are you aware of that? He's an impulsive, you know that? Hun hadede vanilje. She hated vanilla. She hated vanilla. Han vägrade stänga dörren. He refused to close the door. He refused to close the door. Jeg godtar det, men på en betingelse. I'll accept it, but with one condition. I accept it, but on one condition. "Ønsker du noget at drikke?" "Nej, tak." "Do you want something to drink?" "No, thank you." "Do you want anything to drink?" "No, thank you." Hvordan udtales det? How is that pronounced? How do you say that? Har du en e-postadress? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an e-mail address? När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked in a factory. Lad os komme til sagen. Let's get to the point. Let's get to the point. Tom bor i den indre by. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives in the inner city. Jag är för gammal för den här världen. I'm too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. De fleste huse blev totalt ødelagt. Most houses were destroyed to pieces. Most houses were completely destroyed. Det regnar. It is raining. It's raining. Kan du förstå det här språket? Can you understand this language? Can you understand this language? Er dette ikke Toms paraply? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Vad var din plan egentligen? What was your plan anyway? What was your plan? Vi reste till fots. We traveled on foot. We traveled on foot. Får jag fråga vem? Can I ask who? May I ask who? Først i går fik vi det at vide. It was not until yesterday that we knew about it. Not until yesterday, we were told. Hvar er eldhúsið? Where is the kitchen? Where's the kitchen? Er dette bussen til Park Ridge? Is this the bus for Park Ridge? Is this the bus to Park Ridge? Jeg børstede hendes hår. I brushed her hair. I brushed her hair. Tom og Mary har altid været venner. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Ég elska hana vegna þess að hún er þolinmóð. I love her because she is patient. I love her because she's patient. De gick i kras. They crashed. They hugged. Ingen med namnet Tom Jackson har blivit anmäld som saknad. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. Jag förde Tom hem. I brought Tom home. I brought Tom home. Endelig faldt babyen i søvn. At last, the baby fell asleep. Finally, the baby fell asleep. Nu til dags er mobiltelefoner meget populære. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Today mobile phones are very popular. Han har mistet sin biografbillet. He lost his movie ticket. He's lost his movie ticket. Biljetterna är slutsålda. All the tickets are sold out. The tickets are sold out. Kommer du klokken seks eller klokken syv? Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at 6:00 or 7:00? Eingin veit. No one knows. No one knows. Fleiri hafa iðrast orða en þagnar. More have repented speech than silence. There have been more remorseful words than silences. Egernet hostede i sin albue. The squirrel coughed into its elbow. Egernet coughed in his elbow. Tala tydligt! Speak clearly! Speak clearly! Bussen var fuld. The bus was full. The bus was full. Jeg kender ingen af jer. I don't know any of you. I don't know any of you. Af svip hans að dæma er hann ekki að segja sannleikann. Judging from his expression, he is not telling the truth. From his appearance, he is not telling the truth. Hvar er klósettið? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Disse målene er en viktig del i den regionale utviklingsstrategien. These aims are an important part of the regional development strategy. These objectives form an important part of the regional development strategy. Anarki er ikke mangel på regler; det er mangel på magthavere. Anarchy isn't a lack of rules; it's a lack of rulers. Anarchy is not a lack of rules; it is a lack of powers. Jeg har blå øjne. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Han skrev en bok bara genom att använda sin fantasi. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. He wrote a book just using his imagination. Maria vet at hennes viktigste våpen, et vakkert ansikt og en ung kropp, er forgjengelig verdi. Mary knows that her main weapons, a beautiful face and a young body, are of transient value. Mary knows that her main weapon, a beautiful face and a young body, is vain value. Min korttidshukommelse bliver kortere og kortere. My short-term memory is getting shorter and shorter. My short-term memory will be shorter and shorter. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the rice engine. Människan är det enda djuret som kan använda elden. Humans are the only animals that can use fire. Man is the only animal that can use the fire. Dine sko er her. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. De lider av malaria. They're suffering from malaria. They're suffering from malaria. Han læser. He is reading. He's reading. Tom gik til fods. Tom walked. Tom walked on foot. Jeg tog til Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I'm wearing designer clothes myself. Ég ferðaðist ein. I traveled by myself. I traveled alone. Jeg savner mine forældre. I miss my parents. I miss my parents. Det finns mer än 70 miljoner Minecraft-videor på YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are over 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. Vad är jag skyldig dig? What do I owe you? What do I owe you? Han pressas alltid på pengar. He is always pressed for money. He's always under pressure on money. Man bør aldri se direkte på sola med det blotte øye. You should never look directly at the Sun with the naked eye. You should never look directly at the sun with the naked eye. Har du overhovedet læst den? Did you read it at all? Have you even read it? Jag hoppas att jag kan göra det. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do that. Hvorfor dro du fra Boston? Why did you leave Boston? Why did you leave Boston? Toms hund hedder Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Mere end hundrede mennesker savnes stadig. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Tom forsikrede Mary om at han ville hjælpe hende med at male loftet i hendes køkken. Tom assured Mary that he'd help her paint the ceiling of her kitchen. Tom assured Mary that he would help her paint the ceiling in her kitchen. Jeg ejer to katte. I have two cats. I own two cats. Ingenting saknas. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. Flestir háskólanemar nota tölvur aðallega til að skrifa ritgerðir. Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers. Most university students use computers primarily to write literature. Jag vill åka dit igen. I want to go there again. I want to go back there. Spørgsmålet nu er hvordan. The question now is how. The question now is how. Mér líkar ekki að læra óreglulegar sagnir. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular stories. Der er børn i Afrika, der sulter. There are starving children in Africa. There are children in Africa who starve. Citroner er sure. Lemon is sour. Lemons are mad. På grunn av tung snø, ankom flyet fra Beijing 20 minutter for sent. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. Due to heavy snow, the plane arrived from Beijing 20 minutes late. Jeg orker ikke dette bråket lenger. I can't stand this noise any longer. I can't take this trouble anymore. Han tog av sig skjortan. He removed his shirt. He took off his shirt. Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you getting married? When are you getting married? Ni kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Får jeg hvad jeg ønsker? Will I get what I want? Do I get what I want? Hvad er der sket med din hånd? What happened to your hand? What happened to your hand? Toms hatt blåste vekk. Tom's hat blew off. Toms had blown away. Han godtgjorde den tapte tida ved å løpe fort. He made up for lost time by running fast. He proved the lost time by running fast. Jag kan dö imorgon. I could die tomorrow. I can die tomorrow. "Af hverju getur þú ekki verið líkari mér?" "Ég vil ekki vera eins og þú!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" "Why can't you be like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" Hversu oft á viku ferðu í bað? How often a week do you take a bath? How many times a week do you take a bath? Planen vår mislykkes. Our plan was unsuccessful. Our plan fails. Da Tom kiggede ned på æblet han var ved at spise, blev han klar over at han havde spist en halv orm. When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a worm. When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a snake. Ikke forveksle begjær med kjærlighet. Don't confuse desire with love. Don't confuse desires with love. Hon sjunger otroligt bra. She sings in an unbelievable way. She sings incredibly well. Jeg merket ikke at jeg hadde mistet lommeboka før jeg først hadde kommet hjem. I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home. I did not notice that I had lost my wallet until I had first come home. Jeg er interesseret. I'm interested. I'm interested. Tom sover ikke. Tom isn't asleep. Tom's not asleep. Använde du den? Did you use it? Did you use it? Hatta ljóðar ikki so gott. That doesn't sound good. Hat sounds not so good. Spana in vår hemsida! Check out our website! Import our website! Sätt igång, Tom. Get to it, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Han är sjuk. He is sick. He's sick. Pesto är Guds gåva till folket. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Pesto is God's gift to the people. Ska vi tävla? How about a contest? Are we going to compete? Hvad sad han og lavede da du så ham? What was he doing when you saw him? What was he doing when you saw him? Tom köpte Mary lite choklad. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Sväng vänster. Turn left. Turn left. De er alle uniformerede. They are all wearing uniforms. They're all uniformed. Jeg overdriver. I'm exaggerating. I'm exaggerating. Jeg kan næsten ikke sove om natten. I can scarcely sleep at night. I can't sleep at night. Jag vill verkligen veta vad det är som pågår här. I really want to know what's going on here. I really want to know what's going on here. Jag längtar ofta hem. I often long for home. I often yearn for home. Fem tusen dollar er mye penger. Five thousand dollars is a large sum of money. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. Gætirðu opnað bílgluggann? Could you open the car window? Could you open the car window? Sluta gå som katten kring en het gröt och kom till saken. Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Stop walking like the cat around a hot porridge and come to the point. Øl får deg til å føle deg slik du bør føle deg uten øl. Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. Beer makes you feel the way you should feel without beer. Hversu lengi hefurðu þekkt hana? How long have you known her for? How long have you known her? Jeg er ikke sjefete. I'm not bossy. I'm not the boss. Tom är road. Tom is amused. Tom's rowing. Mine venner kalder mig Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. Tom havde ingen anelse om at Mary havde en kæreste. Tom had no idea Mary had a boyfriend. Tom had no idea Mary had a girlfriend. Ég var þreyttur. I was tired. I was tired. Glædelig Hanukkah! Happy Chanukah! Happy Hanukkah! Dette æble er rødere. This apple is redder. This apple is redder. Kvadratroden af ​​3 er √3 eller -√3. The square root of 3 is √3 or -√3. The square root of 3 is equal to 3 or negative 3. Krigen brød ud i 1939. The war broke out in 1939. The war broke out in 1939. Hun er klædt i hvidt. She is dressed in white. She's dressed in white. Hon har många vänner i Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. Tom kan ikke gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Han har ikke hode til hoderegning. He's doesn't have a head for numbers. He doesn't have a head count. Vi må tænke på vores børn og børnebørn. We must think of our children and grand-children. We need to think about our children and grandchildren. Får jag kyssa dig? May I kiss you? May I kiss you? Det er det rene vrøvl. That's pure nonsense. That's bullshit. Það þarf að vökva blómabeðið. The flower garden needs watering. The flower bed needs to be watered. Allt tjónið er afleiðing óveðursins. All this damage is the result of the storm. All damage is the result of the storm. Minns du den gången vi åkte till Paris? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember the time we went to Paris? Eg er best. I'm the best. I'm the best. Det måste göras omgående. It must be done immediately. It has to be done immediately. Tom og Mary danser. Tom and Mary are dancing. Tom and Mary dance. Det har sneet konstant i fire dage. The snow lasted four days. It's been snowing all the time for four days. Passaðu þig á Tom. Look out for Tom. Watch out for Tom. Hun var alene med babyen sin i huset. She was alone with her baby in the house. She was alone with her baby in the house. Hur kunde du gissa? How did you guess? How could you guess? OK, hør efter! OK, listen up. All right, listen up! Hann las fljótlega í gegnum útdrættina til að finna greinina sem hann var að leita að. He quickly read through the abstracts to find the paper he was looking for. He soon read through the cover to find the article he was looking for. Vand fryser ved nul grader celsius, ikke sandt? Water freezes at zero Celsius, right? Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, doesn't it? Följ med Tom. Go with Tom. Come with Tom. Øvelse gør mester. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes master. Af hverju segirðu það? What makes you say that? Why do you say that? Det er min bror. This is my brother. That's my brother. Tímea är en ungrare som bor i Polen. Tímea is a Hungarian living in Poland. Timea is a Hungarian living in Poland. Når drar du? What time will you leave? When are you leaving? Tror du på älvor? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in elves? Jag såg många saker. I saw many things. I saw a lot of things. Alla sa samma sak till mig. Everyone told me the same thing. Everyone said the same thing to me. Det ser ud til regn i dag. It looks like rain today. Looks like rain today. Går du på privatskole? Do you go to a private school? Are you going to private school? Paris är huvudstad i Frankrike. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Hun kunne lide den. She liked it. She liked it. Uttalas t:et i det här ordet? Is the 't' pronounced in this word? Is the t in this word spoken? Vad har du för planer? What are your plans? What are your plans? Þegar ég kom heim var systir mín að spila á gítar. When I came home, my sister was playing the guitar. When I got home, my sister was playing guitar. Han gifte sig med en mycket ung flicka. He married a very young girl. He married a very young girl. Tað regnaði í gjár. It rained yesterday. It rained in a hole. Jag såg en gammal film på tv. I watched an old movie on TV. I saw an old movie on TV. Drogens effekter är intensiva men kortvariga. The effects of the drug are intense but brief. The effects of the drug are intense but short-term. Livet er som en stor hovedvej. Life is like a big highway. Life is like a big highway. Tom kunde inte förstå Marys nervositet inför uppträdanden innan han själv fick känna på rampfeber. Tom couldn't understand Mary's nervousness before the act before he himself got stage fright. Tom could not understand Mary’s nervousness before performing himself before feeling ramp fever. En vond rygg forhindret meg i å spille tennis. A sore back hindered me from playing tennis. A bad back prevented me from playing tennis. Tom har aldrig klippet et får. Tom has never sheared a sheep. Tom never cut a sheep. Godmorgen! Ønsker du noget at spise? Good morning, would you like something to eat? Good morning, would you like something to eat? Tom læste Marys navneskilt. Tom read Mary's name tag. Tom read Mary's name sign. Hun er ikke sygeplejerske, men læge. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, she's a doctor. Symjarane er på veg ut i vatnet. The swimmers are entering the water. The Symlars are on their way into the water. Eg er heime. I'm at home. I'm home. Jeg har en pakke for en herr Smith. I have a package for a Mr. Smith. I have a package for a Mr Smith. Vi beklager meget. We're very sorry. We're very sorry. I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. En af æblerne faldt på jorden. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell on the ground. Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg skal begynde. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Dette er en hest. This is a horse. This is a horse. Han sov i bilen. He slept in the car. He slept in the car. Jeg vil gerne se billederne fra julen. I want to see the pictures from Christmas. I'd like to see the pictures from Christmas. Varför tar du på min flickvän? Why are you touching my girlfriend? Why are you wearing my girlfriend? Folk säger att han aldrig dör. People say he never dies. People say he never dies. Skolan ligger en halv mils promenad från mitt hus. The school is a half-mile walk from my house. The school is half a mile away from my house. Jeg forsøger at hjælpe hende. I'm trying to help her. I'm trying to help her. Du kommer til å få mange gaver på burdsdagen din. You'll get a lot of presents on your birthday. You're going to get many gifts on your birthday. Jeg så slet intet. I saw nothing at all. I didn't see anything at all. Tom tog Marys oskuld. Tom plucked Mary's flower. Tom took Mary's virginity. De varmte seg i solen. They basked in the sun. They warmed up in the sun. Hvad er din livret? What is your favorite food? What's your favorite? Jeg accepterer dette forslag. I accept this proposal. I accept this proposal. Vi har forbedret kvaliteten. We improved the quality. We've improved quality. Þér kemur það ekki við. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. Var du fornøyd med resultatene? Were you happy with the results? Were you satisfied with the results? Ég var að spá hvort þú myndir vilja borða með mér kvöldmat annað kvöld. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tomorrow night. Det kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the tip of a jet hunter. Hann er hrifinn af Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikkawa. Du taler. Thou speakest. You're talking. Du må ikke være rigtig klog. You must be crazy. Don't be smart. Får jag träffa Tom idag? Can I see Tom today? Can I see Tom today? Rygtet fortæller at du fik jobbet. The word is that you got the job. Word tells me you got the job. Jag ska laga den. I'm going to fix it. I'll fix it. Tom er bassist. Tom is a bass player. Tom's a bassist. Ordet "Entbindung" "fødsel" er tvetydig, det kan også bety "død". The word "Entbindung", meaning "birth", is ambiguous; it can also mean "death". The word "Entbindung" "birth" is ambiguous, it can also mean "death". Den er tung som bly. This is as heavy as lead. It's heavy as lead. Fortæl os hvad der foregår. Tell us what's going on. Tell us what's going on. „Mun hann koma?“ „Nei, það held ég ekki.“ "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." “ Will he come? ” Gjev meg boka. Give me the book. Give me a book. Ved Gud, jeg lyver aldrig. By God, I never tell a lie. By God, I never lie. Jeg havde indtryk af at Tom ikke vidste hvad der foregik. I had the impression Tom didn't know what was going on. I had the impression that Tom did not know what was going on. Tom bor med sin faster. Tom lives with his aunt. Tom lives with his aunt. Jag tittade på en film på franska med engelska undertexter. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I was watching a film in French with English subtitles. Æbletræerne voksede sig gamle og nye blev plantet. The apple trees grew old and new ones were planted. The apple trees grew old and new ones were planted. Tom er en muhamedaner. Tom is a Muslim. Tom's a Mohamedan. Det er 1. juledag den 25. december. Christmas Day is December 25th. It is Christmas Day, 25 December. Läraren och eleverna är i museet. The teacher and the pupils are in the museum. The teacher and students are in the museum. Korte nederdele er allerede blevet umoderne. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts have already become obsessive. Jag är på ett gräsligt humör i dag för jag har inte tillräckligt med pengar. I’m in a terrible mood today because I don’t have enough money. I'm on a terrible mood today because I don't have enough money. Kjøleskapet er stengt. The refrigerator is closed. The refrigerator is closed. Ville det vært greit om jeg tok ferie neste uke? Would it be OK if I took a vacation next week? Would it be okay if I took a vacation next week? Jeg bliver hjemme i dag og læser en bog. I'm going to stay home today and read a book. I'll stay home today and read a book. Uden dig er jeg intet. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Han kiggede hende i øjnene. He looked into her eyes. He looked her in the eye. Man bør børste sine tænder mindst to gange om dagen. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Meddela Tom när du är klar. Tell Tom when you're ready. Notify Tom when you're done. Hvussu gamal ert tú? How old are you? How old are you? Vi ser inte saker som de är, utan som vi är. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. Leggðu harðar að þér ef þú ætlar að ná árangri. Work harder if you are to succeed. If you are about to succeed, work hard. Hvilke sprog taler de i Australien? What languages do they speak in Australia? What languages do they speak in Australia? Det huset er veldig lite. That house is very small. That house is very small. Vad studerade du? What did you study? What did you study? Min bror bor i Boston. My brother is living in Boston. My brother lives in Boston. Hans første militære erfaringer fandt sted i krigen mellem det britiske kolonirige og boerne, som ønskede uafhængighed. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence. His first military experience took place in the war between the British colonial and the Boes, which wanted independence. Jag var älskad. I was loved. I was loved. Hvorfor har I ikke fortalt mig at I ikke ønskede at tage på campingtur? Why didn't you guys tell me you didn't want to go camping? Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to go camping? Ditt kräk. Wanker. You puke. Ja, eller? Yeah, and? Yeah? Tom købte den billigste ting i butikken. Tom bought the cheapest thing in the store. Tom bought the cheapest thing in the store. Små børn holder ofte af bøger om drager og andre monstre. Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Little children often hold books about dragons and other monsters. Du måste flytta nu. We have to move now. You have to move now. Bilen blev totalskadet. The car was totaled. The car was completely damaged. Og jeg er din træner. And, I'm your coach. And I'm your coach. Jeg ser noen. I see someone. I see someone. Tom har åkt. Tom's gone. Tom has left. Jeg kan ikke se gennem mure. I can't see through walls. I can't see through walls. Hun er sparsommelig, for ikke at sige nærig. She is frugal, not to say stingy. She's elusive, not to say bad. Tom vill ha hjälp. Tom wants to help. Tom wants help. Jeg hørte det i radioen. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tom plejer at tabe i kortspillet enogtyve. Tom usually loses at blackjack. Tom usually loses the card game twenty-one. Tom fortalte en vittighed. Tom told a joke. Tom told me a joke. Hvordan var din første nat i Boston? How was your first night in Boston? How was your first night in Boston? Eg heiter Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. I'm Ichiro Tanaka. Han förstod inte hennes skämt. He did not understand her joke. He didn't understand her joke. Ég þvæ mér. I wash myself. I wash. Tom blev tæsket. Tom got beat. Tom was beat up. Sørg for at have penge på kistebunden. Save money for a rainy day. Make sure you have money on the casket. Har ni någonsin tvättat er bil? Have you ever washed your car? Have you ever washed your car? Jody lítur út fyrir að hafa séð draug. Jody looks as if she had seen a ghost. Jody seems to have seen a ghost. Vi vil snart vide sandheden. We'll soon know the truth. We'll know the truth soon enough. Pas på den farlige hund. Beware of the dangerous dog. Watch out for the dangerous dog. De flesta tror att jag är galen. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Møtet er i morgen. The meeting is tomorrow. The meeting is tomorrow. Det er en sej motorcykel. That's a cool motorcycle. It's a cool motorcycle. Ég hef aldrei átt meira en fimm hundruð dollara. I have never had more than $500 in my possession. I've never had more than five hundred dollars. Du kan bruke datamaskinen min hvis du vil. You can use my computer if you want. You can use my computer if you want. Sånt skjer. It happens. That's what happens. Jag var väldigt upptagen. I was very busy. I was very busy. En av dem ljuger. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Går detta att utföra? Can this be done? Is this possible? Han var modstander af monopoler. He was opposed to monopolies. He was opposed to monopolies. Úr hverju er það gert? What is it made of? What does that do? Snøen fortsatte å falle i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. The snow continued to fall for four days. Jag föreslog honom att hon skulle bli inbjuden till festen. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party. Jag är berlinare. I am a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Æbler er normalt grønne, gule eller røde. Apples are usually green, yellow, or red. Apples are usually green, yellow or red. Við vonumst til að sjá þig aftur. We hope to see you again. We hope to see you again. Är du okej? Are you alright? Are you okay? Var är de? Where are they? Where are they? Vill du gå? Do you want to go? You want to go? En gutt går over veien. A boy is walking across the street. A boy walks over the road. Tom varmer opp bilen. Tom is heating the car. Tom warms up the car. Det kan være sant. It may be true. That might be true. Ni håller på att bli lata! You are becoming lazy! You're getting lazy! Du är alltid noggrann. You're always careful. You're always meticulous. Jeg gemte mig under sengen. I hid under the bed. I hid under the bed. Kan du reparera detta? Can you repair this? Can you repair this? Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I'm going to look up this word in the dictionary. Jeg faldt i søvn på hendes skulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. Eg keiar meg. I'm bored. I drive myself. Översätt inte den här meningen! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence! Jag måste se den. I need to see it. I need to see it. Der var få elever tilbage i klasseværelset. There were few students left in the classroom. There were a few students left in the classroom. Jag fick panik. I panicked. I panicked. Ég er frá Egyptalandi. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. Jeg har fået en god idé. I've got a good idea. I've got a good idea. Ég er þreitt. I'm tired. I'm three. Tom var den eneste dreng i hele klassen. Tom was the only boy in the entire class. Tom was the only boy in the whole class. Tom är maktlysten. Tom is hungry for power. Tom's in power. Dette er ikke et overbevisende argument. This is not a convincing argument. This is not a convincing argument. Man må skik følge eller land fly. When in Rome, do as the Romans. You have to take a walk or land a plane. Jag ska hålla tummarna. I will cross my fingers. I'll hold my thumbs. Det är sant. That's true. It's true. Det är skräp. Släng det! It's junk. Throw it away. It's garbage. Tom må have ændret den. Tom must've changed it. Tom must have changed it. Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Jag vet inte heller. I don't know either. I don't know either. Han gik rundt og udbredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He walked around and spread lies about her. Katten ligger på matten. The cat is lying on the mat. The cat's on the carpet. Jag tog för givet att du skulle ansluta dig till oss. I took it for granted that you would join us. I took for granted that you would join us. Jag skrattade. I laughed. I was laughing. Det er ikke besværet værd. It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the effort. Stilhed er guld. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Det var flere par på stranden. There were several couples on the beach. There were several pairs on the beach. Jeg foretrækker kaffe med mælk. I prefer coffee with milk. I prefer coffee with milk. De mest almindelige peberfrugter er grøn, rød og gul peberfrugt. The most common bell peppers are green, red or yellow. The most common peppers are green, red and yellow peppers. Godaften! Good evening! Good evening! Hjälp! Help! Help! Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work on a motorcycle. Tom commuter to work on a motorcycle. Ørnen er hvid. The eagle is white. Eagle is white. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér mjög bráðlega. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Hvorfor bekymre sig om Tom? Why worry about Tom? Why worry about Tom? Tom er en dovenlars. Tom is a deadbeat. Tom's a dovenlars. Hvad prøvede du at gøre? What did you try to do? What were you trying to do? Jag hatar den här sången. I hate this song. I hate this song. Om du inte äter dör du. If you don't eat, you die. If you don't eat, you die. Jeg er klar over faren. I'm aware of the danger. I'm aware of the father. Tryllekunstneren fik pigen til at svæve i den blå luft. The magician made the girl float in thin air. The magician made the girl swam in the blue air. Hvað heitir pabbi þinn? What's your dad's name? What's your father's name? Vinkona mín er að læra Kóresku. My friend studies Korean. My friend is learning Korean. Är du allvarlig? Are you serious? Are you serious? Vad är det för dag? What day is it? What's the day? Det fanns ingen där förutom jag. There was no one there besides me. There was no one there except me. Prøv at se tingene som de er. Try to see things as they are. Try to see things the way they are. Fra nu af vil vi kun tale fransk. From now on, we'll only speak French. From now on, we will only speak French. Hun havde en hvid nederdel på. She was wearing a white skirt. She was wearing a white skirt. Jeg holder meget af pizza. I like pizza very much. I love pizza. Du kan spørge mig om alt hvad du vil. You can ask me about anything you want to know. You can ask me anything you want. Vänta, skojar du? Varför skulle vi vilja åka till en sådan avlägsen plats? Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location? Why would we want to go to such a distant place? Tom var ikke en konfliktsøgende person. Tom wasn't a confrontational person. Tom wasn't a conflict-seeking person. Kig, kig! Look, look! Look, look! Är du redo att beställa nu? Are you ready to order now? Are you ready to order now? Som pensjonist er jeg nå min egen sjef - endelig. As a pensioner, I'm my own boss now, finally. As a retired I am now my own boss -- finally. Våran har kommit. Spring has come. Ours is here. Det er gratis. It is free of charge. It's free. Við verðum líklega öll dáin innan 50 ára. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. We'll probably all be dead within 50 years. Tom så ikke ud til at være glad. Tom didn't seem happy. Tom didn't look happy. Jag översatte dikten så gott som jag kunde. I translated the poem the best I could. I translated the poem as much as I could. TV:n är trasig. The TV is broken. The TV's broken. Við John erum góðir vinir. John and I are old friends. John and I are good friends. Alla studenterna i klassen gillar herr Smith. All the students in the class like Mr. Smith. All the students in the class like Mr Smith. Allir vita að tunglið er úr osti. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon's out of cheese. Hann lofaði mér að koma hingað klukkan fimm. He gave me a promise to come here at five. He promised me he'd be here by 5:00. Den cykel der er ikke hans. That bicycle isn't his. That bike isn't his. Þú vinnur of mikið. You work too hard. You work too much. Tom er forpustet. Tom is panting. Tom's overwhelmed. Hur flydde du? How did you escape? How did you escape? Du burde unngå å ringe noen etter ti på kvelden. You should avoid calling a person after ten at night. You should avoid calling someone after ten in the evening. Vår värd erbjöd oss en drink. Our host offered us a drink. Our host offered us a drink. George Bush tog på ferie med sin kone. George Bush went on a vacation with his wife. George Bush went on vacation with his wife. Den är inte till dig. It's not for you. It's not for you. Har du inte diskat än? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? Haven't you been washing yet? Sagan hans hljómar sönn. His story sounds true. His story sounds true. Den här är större. This one is bigger. This one's bigger. Tom er min ven. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. Ég er í tíma á morgun. I have class tomorrow. I'm in time tomorrow. Han ved hvordan man får kvinder til at græde. He knows how to make women cry. He knows how to make women cry. Hann mun ekki segja „já“. He will not say yes. He will not say “yes. ” At mestre et sprog er meget lettere sagt end gjort. Mastering a language is much easier said than done. To master a language is much easier said than done. Jeg drikker altid en kop kaffe hver morgen. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. De gör så åt alla. They do that to everyone. They do that for everyone. Hva sikler du etter? What do you wish for? What are you siking after? Her er jeg. Here I am. Here I am. Det är inga problem. It's no trouble. That's no problem. Jeg har bestilt deg litt dessert. I've ordered you some dessert. I ordered you a little dessert. Fox missti af tækifæri til að verða kvikmyndastjarna. Fox missed a chance to be a movie star. Fox missed the opportunity to become a movie star. Det er forsøget værd. It's worth a try. It's worth the effort. Vi jobbar alla för hårt. We all work too hard. We all work too hard. Engelsk har ikke et ord for tidsånd. English has no word for "Zeitgeist". English doesn't have a word for time. Vi måtte lukke vinduet på grund af myggene. We had to shut the window because of the mosquitoes. We had to close the window because of the mosquitoes. Vi venter i hotellets lobby. We're waiting in the hotel lobby. We'll wait in the hotel lobby. Han er meget bange for døden. He's very afraid of death. He's very afraid of death. Tom köpte lite grekisk yoghurt. Tom bought some Greek yogurt. Tom bought some Greek yogurt. Hold op med at betragte mig som en "normal" person! Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Stop looking at me like a normal person! Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You didn't need to come so early. You wouldn't have had to come so early. Bilurin er ringur. The car is bad. The car's a ring. Du gjør meg lykkelig. You make me happy. You make me happy. Forstyr mig ikke mens jeg studerer. Don't disturb me while I'm studying. Don't interrupt me while I study. Jag tror att du har rätt. I think that you're right. I think you're right. Hvad diskuterer de? What are they discussing? What are they discussing? Hur löser jag det här problemet? How do I solve this problem? How do I solve this problem? Du har det med at komme for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You feel like getting too much sugar in your tea. Är du fortfarande hungrig? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Hvorfor tager vi ikke til stranden sammen? Why don't we go to the beach together? Why don't we go to the beach together? Han dro med all sin kraft, men steinen rikket seg ikke. He pulled with all his strength but the rock would not move. He left with all his power, but the stone did not rig himself. Jeg glemte å låse skuffen. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. Socker drar till sig myror. Sugar draws ants. Sugar attracts ants. Mary havde et lille lam. Mary had a little lamb. Mary had a little lamb. Sama hversu langan tíma það tekur mun ég ljúka verkinu. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job. No matter how long it takes, I'll finish the job. Är detta din hund? Is this your dog? Is this your dog? Det har varit en mycket svår vinter. We've had a very hard winter. It's been a very difficult winter. Se lige det her. You've got to see this. Look at this. Jag heter Henry. My name is Henry. I'm Henry. Lite högre. A little louder. A little higher. Jag tror att det är bäst att du går. I think you'd better go. I think you better go. Har du ein hund? Have you a dog? Do you have a dog? Polismannen bär en gasmask. The policeman carries a gas mask. The policeman wears a gas mask. Yumi er flink til å spille tennis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. Vad heter din nya vän? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? Avslöja det inte. Don't give it away. Don't reveal it. Båten din er ikkje stor. Your boat is not big. Your boat is not large. Anne skyndte sig hjem fra skolen. Anne hurried home from school. Anne hastened home from school. Jeg håber det var en spøg! I hope it was a prank! I hope it was a joke! Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do something like that? Vinsamlegast komið eins fljótt og auðið er. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. Augu hennar voru full sorgar. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. Gør dig ingen bekymringer. Don't worry. Don't worry. Hvert ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Algeriet har en øst-vest-motorvej. Algeria has an East-West motorway. Algeria has an east-west highway. Jag lärde mig mycket om grekisk kultur. I learned a lot about Greek culture. I learned a lot about Greek culture. Det fanns ingen kvar utom mig. There was no one left but me. There was no one left except me. Jag undrade bara om du har lyckats hitta någonstans att bo. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I was just wondering if you've managed to find a place to live. Det er det styggeste jeg har sett. That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. That's the meanest thing I've ever seen. Jeg lager noen setninger om noen nye folk, jeg. De nye karakterene er Katrine og Martine. I'll make some sentences about some new people. The new characters are Katrine and Martine. I'm making some sentences about some new people, me, the new characters are Katrine and Martine. Efter filmen somnade de. After the movie, they fell asleep. After the movie, they fell asleep. Fotball er favorittsporten min. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Auckland er en by i New Zealand. Auckland is a city in New Zealand. Auckland is a city in New Zealand. Du bör inte lämna barnet ensamt. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. You should not leave the child alone. Toms firma importerer te fra India. Tom's company imports tea from India. Tom's company is importing tea from India. Jeg vil ikke være læge. I don't want to be a doctor. I don't want to be a doctor. Riktiga män dricker te. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Jeg vil ikke gøre det mere. I won't do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. Ja. Yes. Yes. Nästa sången jag ska sjunga är en som jag skrev igår natt. The next song I'm going to sing is one I wrote just last night. The next song I'm going to sing is one that I wrote last night. Lad os tale om din barndom. Let's talk about your childhood. Let's talk about your childhood. Jeg er mot mennesker som kjører store biler. I'm against people driving big cars. I'm against people driving big cars. Han foreslo at vi skulle spele baseball. He proposed that we should play baseball. He suggested we play baseball. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Hvordan staves dit navn? Could you spell your name, please? How is your name spelled? Tom vil bevise for oss at de vet alt. Tom wants to prove to us that they know everything. Tom will prove to us that they know everything. Kolet glöd i elden. The coal was glowing in the fire. The coal glows in the fire. Vi släpper den bara. Let's just drop it. We'll just let it go. Han har ingen chans att återhämta sig. He has no chance of recovering. He has no chance of recovering. Den nya lagen gäller hela delstaten. This new law will apply statewide. The new law applies to the entire state. Hotelreceptionisten var vrissen og overhovedet ikke venlig. The receptionist at the hotel was surly and not at all friendly. The hotel receptionist was horrified and not friendly at all. Jeg ønskede at leje en bus. I wanted to rent a bus. I wanted to rent a bus. Er dette en skuespiller? Is this an actor? Is this an actor? Han är inte arg. He is not mad. He's not angry. "Nu, drenge." sagde han. "Now, boys." he said. "Now, boys." he said. Rumrejser er farlige. Space travel is dangerous. Space travel is dangerous. Tom sin død kom brått. Tom's death came as a surprise. Tom's death came quickly. Tom jobbar kveldsskift. Tom works the evening shift. Tom's working evening shifts. Er du klar for å dra hjem? Are you ready to go home? Are you ready to go home? Tom kan inte tala franska. Mary kan inte heller tala franska. Tom can't speak French. Mary can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French either, Mary can't speak French either. Det gäller mig inte. It's not about me. It's none of my business. Et land uden bordel er ikke et land. A country with no whorehouse is not a country. A country without a brothel is not a country. Katrine har en kjæreste som heter Truls, og de er forlovet og skal snart gifte seg. Katrine has a boyfriend named Truls. They are engaged and will soon get married. Katrine has a girlfriend named Truls, and they're engaged and are about to marry. Det er grunden. That's the reason. That's why. Hann liggur aldri. He never lies. He's an old man. Tom og Mary lavede nogle honningkageegern. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made some honey cakes. Han fick malaria medan han bodde i djungeln. He contracted malaria while living in the jungle. He had malaria while living in the jungle. Tom tycker inte om Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Kunne du være så snill og slå på lyset? Would you be so kind as to turn the light on? Would you be so kind as to turn on the light? Vi kan inte anta att de här pengarna är Toms. We can't assume this money is Tom's. We can't assume this money is Tom's. Jeg ved hvilken vej Tom gik. I know which way Tom went. I know which way Tom went. Jeg havde ikke brug for hans hjælp. I didn't need his help. I didn't need his help. Jag visste att vi skulle vinna. I knew we were going to win. I knew we'd win. Jag tar någonting att dricka. I'll have a drink. I'll have something to drink. Er denne plads ledig? Is this seat free? Is this space available? Hva er det du egentlig vil fortelle meg? What is it you really want to tell me? What are you really going to tell me? Ingen kan lide Tom. Nobody likes Tom. Nobody likes Tom. Tom sover med strumporna på. Tom sleeps with his socks on. Tom's sleeping with the socks on. Det är min cd. It's my CD. It's my CD. Tom er ikke her. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Jeg synes, at det er forkert. I think that is wrong. I think it's wrong. Hvem sagde det? Who said that? Who said that? Algeriet og Rusland er nære allierede. Algeria and Russia are close allies. Algeria and Russia are close allies. Tom har jobb som bruktbilforhandlar. Tom works as a used car salesman. Tom has a job as a used car dealer. Låt honom oroa sig över det. Let him worry about it. Let him worry about it. Det gjorde så vondt at jeg kunne ha hylt, men jeg gnisset tenner og holdt modig ut smerten. It hurt so much I could have screamed, but I gritted my teeth and bravely bore the pain. It hurt so much that I could have greeted, but I rubbed my teeth and held out the pain courageously. Hvilken farve har din kones øjne? What color are your wife's eyes? What color does your wife have in her eyes? Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not going to drop down on his plane. Et slikt prosjekt har selvsagt fordret et revidert budsjett. Such a project has of course demanded a revised budget. Of course, such a project has required a revised budget. Vad annat ser du? What else do you see? What else do you see? Við stöndum frammi fyrir nýjum tegundum sjúkdóma. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We face new kinds of diseases. Økologiske fødevarer er sundere. Organic food is healthier. Organic foods are healthier. Var ligger den nederländska ambassaden? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Dutch embassy? Jag hämtar gevären. I'll get the guns. I'll get the guns. Tom berättade för mig att vi har slut tid. Tom told me that we're out of time. Tom told me we're out of time. Det säger en hel del om dig. That says a lot about you. It says a lot about you. Gleymdu vandamálum þínum um stund og borðaðu kvöldmat með okkur. Forget your troubles for a while and come and have dinner with us. Forget your problems for a while and have dinner with us. Nýi enskukennarinn okkar er nýbúinn með háskólann. Our new English teacher is fresh from college. Our new English teacher is just finished with the university. Jeg kan ikke udstå hans attitude. I can't stand that attitude of his. I can't stand his attitude. Hvor meget giver man i drikkepenge i Spanien? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much do you give in Spanish tips? Jeg bruger kontaktlinser. I wear contact lenses. I'm using contact lenses. Enhver der kun kan finde på en måde at stave et ord på, mangler helt klart fantasi. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Anyone who can only find a way to spell a word clearly lacks imagination. Det er for dyrt! That is too expensive. It's too expensive! Jag känner mig så vacker. I feel so pretty. I feel so beautiful. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami woke up from his coma. Sami woke up from a coma. Jeg liker språk. I like languages. I like language. Jag slängde ut den. I threw it out. I threw it out. Hún lifði einmannalegu lífi. She lived a lonely life. She lived in a monogamy life. Toget var så fullt at vi måtte stå heile vegen til Osaka. The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka. The train was so full that we had to stand all the way to Osaka. Mér leiddist ræðan hans. I was bored with his speech. I was bored with his speech. Hvis en samtale ikke går så bra, prøv en annen fremgangsmåte. If a conversation is not going all that well, try another approach. If a conversation doesn't go well, try another procedure. Jeg trenger hjelp av deg til å flytte denne bokhylla. I need you to help me move this bookcase. I need your help to move this book shelf. Þegar þú talar ert þú aðeins að endurtaka það sem þú veist nú þegar. En ef þú hlustar gætir þú lært eitthvað nýtt. When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. When you talk, you are just repeating what you already know, but if you listen, you might learn something new. Jeg har en blyant. I have a pencil. I have a pencil. Vi behöver hjälp. We need help. We need help. Við hvíldum okkur ein á eftir annarri. We took a rest one after the other. We rested alone after another. Han er næsten seks fod høj. He is almost six feet tall. He's almost six feet tall. Hún elskar Tom meira en ég. She loves Tom more than I do. She loves Tom more than I do. Jag är fransk medborgare. I'm a French citizen. I'm a French citizen. Pigen redte håret på sin dukke. The girl combed her doll's hair. The girl rode her hair on her doll. Du plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde du ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Tom är illojal. Tom is disloyal. Tom's mean. Bussen kom to minutter for tidlig. The bus was two minutes early. The bus arrived two minutes early. Nej tak. No, thanks. No, thanks. Jag kunde knappt säga vem som var vem. I could hardly tell who was who. I couldn't tell anyone who was who. Jeg gav hende en lillebitte spilledåse. I gave her a tiny musical box. I gave her a tiny play box. Hun er en søtmons. She loves sweets. She's a sweet. Tror du jeg er en idiot? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm an idiot? Ikke snakk så eplekjekt. Don't be so haughty in your speaking. Don't talk so apple-chicken. Han er meget sparsommelig, men ikke nærig. He is very frugal, but not stingy. He's very elusive, but he's not close. Jag är här för att be om ditt samarbete. I'm here to ask for your cooperation. I'm here to ask for your cooperation. Skipet kom gradvis til syne. The ship gradually came in sight. The ship gradually appeared. Það skiptir engu. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Jeg har et spørgsmål. I have a question. I have a question. Dette land er rigt på kul. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. Ett stort djur rymde från zoo. A big animal ran away from the zoo. A big animal escaped from the zoo. Sig til Mary at jeg elsker hende. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Mary I love her. Tom har dött. Tom has died. Tom died. Jeg forventet det! I was expecting it! I expected it! Det her rager ikke dig overhovedet. This does not concern you at all. This is none of your business. Vinsamlegast komdu heim til mín um eftirmiðdaginn. Please come to my house in the afternoon. Please come to my house the afternoon. Eleverna lyssnar på en historieföreläsning. The students are listening to a history lecture. The students are listening to a story lecture. Ordet kommer fra gresk. The word comes from Greek. The word comes from Greek. Hvad mener du med det? What do you mean by that? What's that supposed to mean? Jeg hilste på Betty, men hun ignorerede mig. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hello to Betty, but she ignored me. Elevatoren standsede på første sal. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped in the first floor. Har du väntat länge? Did you wait long? Have you waited a long time? Jeg liker ikke å være alene hjemme. I don't like being home alone. I don't like being alone at home. Han ryster på hovedet som om han havde vand i ørerne. He's shaking his head as if he had water in his ears. He shakes his head like he had water in his ears. Vi har ikke hele eftermiddagen. We don't have all afternoon. We don't have the whole afternoon. Hvis du ikke opfører dig ordentligt, kommer julemanden ikke. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you don't behave properly, Santa's not gonna come. Motvillig startet han motoren og kjørte vekk. Reluctantly, he started the engine and drove off. Oppositely he started the engine and drove away. Ett bi surrar. A bee buzzes. A bee sours. Du skylder mig en tjeneste. You owe me a favor. You owe me a favor. Så här kan vi inte fortsätta länge till. We can't keep this up for much longer. We can't go on like this for a long time. Vi tager til Ibiza. We are going to Ibiza. We're going to Ibiza. Han betedde sig som ett barn. He behaved like a child. He behaved like a child. Han deltog i mötet. He took part in the meeting. He took part in the meeting. Der er mange lavprisflyselskaber i Europa. There are many low-cost airlines in Europe. There are many low-cost airlines in Europe. Det kabylske folk beundrer det jødiske folk meget. The Kabyle people are very admiring of the Jewish people. The Kabylian people admire the Jewish people very much. Håll ut dina händer. Hold out your hands. Hold your hands. Jeg kommer tilbage i morgen hvis jeg kan. I'll come back tomorrow if I can. I'll be back tomorrow if I can. Tom är tävlingsinriktad. Tom is competitive. Tom's competitive. Ég var heima í gærkveldi. I stayed at home last night. I was home last night. Sami läste hela bibeln. Sami read the whole Bible. Sami read the whole Bible. Jag vet att detta är svårt. I know this is hard. I know this is difficult. Hvað gerðirðu þá? What did you do then? So, what did you do? Du tycker inte ens om choklad. You don't even like chocolate. You don't even like chocolate. Det är väldigt snällt av dig att säga det. That's very kind of you to say that. It's very kind of you to say that. Talaðu hægar. Talk slower. Talk slower. Han likte ikke å gå på skole. He didn't like going to school. He didn't like to go to school. Disse perlene er ekte, ikke kunstige. These pearls are genuine, not artificial. These pearls are real, not artificial. Jag har din nyckel. I have your key. I have your key. Jeg forstår ikke hvordan du kan gjøre så mye. I don't understand how you can do so much. I don't understand how you can do that much. Við ættum að fara. We'd better leave. We should go. Måske vil Tom ikke lyve for os mere. Perhaps Tom won't lie to us anymore. Maybe Tom won't lie to us anymore. Tom hejsede flaget. Tom hoisted the flag. Tom cheered the flag. Tom skal have sig et pas. Tom needs to get a passport. Tom needs a passport. Om du inte går härifrån omedelbart blir jag tvungen att kalla på ordningsvakterna. If you don't leave immediately, I'll have to call security. If you don't leave here immediately, I'm gonna have to call the system guards. Jeg skal reise til Boston for å treffe Tom. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'm going to Boston to meet Tom. Hon var ung och oskyldig. She was young and innocent. She was young and innocent. Bliv ikke i sengen, hvis ikke du kan tjene penge i sengen. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed if you can't make money in bed. Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Kunne du anbefale en fin restaurant i nærheten? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? Could you recommend a nice restaurant nearby? Kan jeg komme med et forslag? Can I make a suggestion? Can I make a suggestion? Mina kunskaper i latin börjar bli rostiga. My Latin is getting rusty. My knowledge of Latin is getting rusty. Hör av dig! Keep in touch! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Gå! Go. Go! Go! Snubben som står i hörnet där borta kan röka upp en cigarett på mindre än en minut. That guy standing in the corner over there can finish a smoke in less than a minute. The guy standing in the corner over there can smoke up a cigarette in less than a minute. Vi har håb. We have hope. We have hope. Det är Marys tur att diska. It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. It's Mary's turn to wash. Kvar er naudutgangen? Where's the emergency exit? Where's the emergency exit? Sund er góð æfing. Swimming is good exercise. Health is good practice. Vil du have en kop te mere? Will you have another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Jeg må huske at poste brevet. I must remember to mail the letter. I have to remember to post the letter. Jag är homosexuell. I'm a homosexual. I'm gay. Vent lidt! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Er han taxachauffør? Is he a taxi driver? Is he a taxi driver? Svar venligst på fransk. Please answer in French. Please respond in French. Har du læst Toms bog? Have you read Tom's book? Have you read Tom's book? Kom så fort du kan. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Jeg læser så få bøger som muligt. I read as few books as possible. I read as few books as possible. Mary forsøgte at forgifte Tom med et ukendt stof. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Þess vegna var ég sein í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That's why I was late last night. Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Fangen er stille i cellen i dag. The prisoner is being quiet in the cell today. The prisoner's still in the cell today. Tom kunde ha gjort vad än han ville. Tom could've done anything he wanted. Tom could have done whatever he wanted. Tom er en politiker som må belage seg på å sluke mange kameler. Tom is a politician who must be prepared to swallow a lot of the words he said earlier. Tom is a politician who has to be prepared to devour many camels. Hvorfor gikk du dit da? Why did you go there? Then why did you go there? Jeg tror du skal bruge et brækjern til at åbne den kasse. I suppose you'll need a crowbar to open that crate. I think you need a iron to open that box. Ekki koma of seint í vinnuna! Don't come too late to work. Don't be late for work! De er løbet tør for sukker nu. They're out of sugar now. They're running out of sugar now. Við ættum að senda Jordan á sjúkrahús. We ought to send Jordan to the hospital. We should send Jordan to a hospital. Apple er et amerikansk firma. Apple is an American company. Apple's an American company. Tom er realistisk. Tom is realistic. Tom's realistic. Eftersom varorna Ni debiterat oss inte var perfekta kommer vi inte att betala räkningen. As your goods for which you are charging us were imperfect, we will not pay this account. Since the goods you charged us were not perfect, we will not pay the bill. Nogle kvinder barberer ikke deres ben. Some women don't shave their legs. Some women don't shave their legs. Ikkje lat han nærme seg. Don't let him approach. Don't let him approach. Keyptirðu það á svarta markaðinum? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it in the black market? Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you take a shower? How often do you take a shower? GloFish er genetisk modificerede akvariefisk. GloFish are genetically modified aquarium fish. GloFish is genetically modified ornamental fish. John teygði úr sér á sófanum. John stretched out on the couch. John reached out on the couch. Jeg vil gerne låne omkring tre hundrede tusinde dollar. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. Min kone har lavet en lækker æblekage til mig. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. Hvad er årsagen? What's the cause? What's the reason? Vilken underlig kvinna! What a strange woman! What a strange woman! Mary giftede sig tidligt. Hun er nu 80 år gammel og har seks oldebørn. Mary married young. She is now 80 years old and has 6 great grandchildren. Mary got married early and now she's 80 years old and has six great-grandfathers. Denne ordboken har tolv bind. This dictionary has 12 volumes. This dictionary has 12 volumes. Läraren läser en bok. The teacher is reading a book. The teacher reads a book. Vi råkar ha två exemplar av "Räddaren i nöden". It happens that we have two copies of Catcher in the Rye. We happen to have two copies of "The Knight in Distress". Jag kan ännu hjälpa dig. I can still help you. I can still help you. Jag äger en lustjakt. I own a yacht. I own a guerrilla hunt. Din son har sällskap med min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son has company with my daughter. Afsakið, ertu með eld? Excuse me, have you got a light? Excuse me, do you have a fire? Politiet pågreip han. The police held him in custody. The police are attacking him. Kan jag använda din telefon? Can I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Jeg oversætter sætninger på Tatoeba i min fritid. I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time. I translate sentences at Tatoeba in my spare time. Tom har lige haft ringet. Tom just called. Tom just called. Hvornår slutter denne krise? When is this crisis going to end? When does this crisis end? Han kan svømme fort. He can swim fast. He can swim fast. Vänta en minut, tack! Wait a minute, please! Wait a minute, please! Jeg har noget jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Er der liv efter døden? Hvad er meningen med livet på Jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the purpose of life on Earth? Hvis du er træt, så gå i seng! If you're tired, then go to bed! If you're tired, go to bed! Ibland förstår jag inte honom. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don't understand him. Mina väskor är packade. My bags are packed. My bags are packed. Ät inte som en gris! Don't eat like a pig! Don't eat like a pig! Denne fugl kan ikke flyve. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Hon förespråkade jämställdhet. She advocated equal rights for women. She was in favour of equality. Det här är Toms sköldpadda. Hon heter Mary. This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary. This is Tom's turtle, her name is Mary. En ung flicka satt vid ratten. A young girl was at the steering wheel. A young girl was sitting by the wheel. Jag har en katt och en hund. Katten är svart och hunden är vit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Træneren gav mig nogle råd. The coach gave me some advice. Coach gave me some advice. Arbejder din kone? Does your wife work? Is your wife working? Tom är lortig. Tom's filthy. Tom's shitty. Vi måste få reda på det. We have to find out. We need to find out. Ni är överkänsliga. You're overemotional. You're hypersensitive. Tom drukknaði ekki. Tom didn't drown. Tom didn't drown. Tom er begyndt på at gå med slips på arbejdet. Tom has started wearing a tie to work. Tom's started wearing a tie at work. Hur dags gick du och lade dig i går? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? How time did you go to bed last night? Jeg kan ikke huske noget som helst. I don't remember anything at all. I don't remember anything. Jeg blev udsat for et røverisk overfald på vej hjem i går aftes. I got mugged on my way home last night. I was subjected to a robbery attack on my way home last night. Tom forsøgte at redde mig. Tom tried to save me. Tom tried to save me. Ni borde vara försiktigare nästa gång. You should be more careful the next time. You should be more careful next time. Brødet var muggent, men Tom spiste det alligevel. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. The bread was molded, but Tom ate it anyway. Jag går och lägger mig klockan tio. I sleep at ten o'clock. I'll go to bed at 10:00. Toms bøger er blevet oversat til mange sprog. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Hvor mange menn tar det å erstatte en oppbrukt toalettrull? Ingen vet, for det har aldri hendt. How many men does it take to replace an empty toilet roll? No one knows, it's never happened. How many men does it take to replace a worn-up toilet roll? Visst är det möjligt om man vill. It is certainly possible if you want it. Sure, it's possible if you want to. Der er nogle fluer på væggen. There are some flies on the wall. There are some flies on the wall. Hon skrev en kort berättelse. She wrote a short story. She wrote a short story. Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål. He's always asking silly questions. He keeps asking stupid questions. Það var þorp hérna áður en stíflan var byggð. There used to be a village here before the dam was made. There was a village here before the dam was built. Kan jeg hjelpe deg? Can I help you? Can I help you? Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You can't be too careful when driving. You cannot be too careful when driving. Hvor tog du dine støvler af? Where did you take your boots off? Where'd you take your boots off? De oppdagelsesreisende fortsatte sin ferd. The explorers continued their journey. The explorers continued their journey. John var þreyttur af yfirvinnu. John was tired from working overtime. John was tired of overtime. Fuglen er i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Har du en reservation? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Varför kommer hon inte? How is it she does not come? Why isn't she coming? Engelsmännen är ett tystlåtet folk. The English are a taciturn people. The English are a quiet people. Si til ham at jeg vil se telegrammet han sendte. Tell him that I want to see the telegram that he sent. Tell him I want to see the telegraph he sent. Jeg kan ikke acceptere din undskyldning. I don't accept your apology. I can't accept your apology. Rør ikke ved min cykel. Don't touch my bike. Don't touch my bike. Tom landede sin helikopter på en øde ø. Tom landed his helicopter on a desert island. Tom landed his helicopter on a desert island. Tom kom salt i kaffen i stedet for sukker. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom came salt in the coffee instead of sugar. For mig er det noget volapyk. It's all Greek to me. To me, it's a little volapy. Det är ett av mina favoritord. That's one of my favorite words. It's one of my favorite words. Kan du låsa dörren är du snäll? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door please? Vi har sorte tal på bundlinjen i denne måned. We're in the black this month. We have black numbers on the bottom line this month. Drømmen ble sann. The dream has come true. The dream was true. Hun besluttede sig for at sige sit job op. She decided to quit her job. She decided to quit her job. Jeg havde aldrig set Tom danse før. I'd never seen Tom dance before. I'd never seen Tom dance before. Þetta er eins konar ástarbréf. This is a kind of love letter. It's kind of a love letter. Hundene begyndte at gø ad Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. Skit samma. Whatever. Oh, shit. Han greps för skattefusk. He was arrested on charges of tax evasion. He was arrested for tax fraud. Titta på hajarna. Look at the sharks. Look at the sharks. Tom är en mycket stark man. Tom is a very strong man. Tom is a very strong man. Værmeldingen sier at det kommer til å regne i morgen ettermiddag. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The message says it's going to rain tomorrow afternoon. Hver gang Toms forældre skændtes, græd han. Whenever Tom's parents argued, Tom would cry. Every time Tom's parents fought, he cried. Lägger du skulden på Tom? Do you blame Tom? You blame Tom? Jeg hadde reparert bilen. I would have repaired the car. I had repaired the car. Gud skabte mennesket. God created man. God created man. Emily kramade mig. Emily hugged me. Emily hugged me. Ester er holocaustoverlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Ester is a holocaust survivor. Mat! Food! Food! Han stjal mit ur. He stole my watch. He stole my watch. Jeg kan godt lide boxerhundenes korte snude. I like the short snout of boxers. I like the boxing dogs' short snuffs. Vi var ett perfekt par. We were a perfect couple. We were a perfect couple. Velkomin til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Varje dag gjorde han samma i åtta timmar och sedan gick han hem. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours and then he went home. Every day he did the same for eight hours and then went home. Hun malede en væg. She painted a wall. She painted a wall. Min bror måste skriva en tentamen. My brother has to take an examination. My brother has to write an exam. Min far dyrker ris. My father grows rice. My dad's growing rice. Ni borde vara noggrannare nästa gång. You should be more careful the next time. You should be more careful next time. Låt honom inte ta den. Don't let him take it. Don't let him take it. Du har förstört det! Du har förstört allt! You've ruined it! You've ruined everything! You've ruined it, you've ruined everything! Jill er forlovet med Jack. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill is engaged to Jack. Tom røg før i tiden. Tom used to smoke. Tom used to smoke in time. Jag tror inte att ungen kom till Tokyo själv. I don't believe the child came to Tokyo alone. I don't think the kid came to Tokyo himself. Vet någon var jag kunde hitta en sådan? Does anyone know where I could find one? Does anyone know where I could find one of these? Der er næppe nogen fare for jordskælv. There is hardly any danger of an earthquake. There's hardly any danger of earthquakes. Jag kan inte tänka mig något annat. I can't think otherwise. I can't imagine anything else. Maten är färdig. The food is ready. The food's ready. Drager er skabninger, så lange som slanger, med vinger som fugle og så kloge som mennesker. Dragons are creatures long like snakes, winged like birds, and wise like man. Dragons are creatures, as long as snakes, with wings like birds and as wise as humans. Þegar ég spyr fólk hverju þau sjá mest eftir úr framhaldsskóla segja nær allir það sama: að þau hafi sólundað of miklum tíma. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When I ask people what they see most from high school, everyone says the same thing: that they have sung too much time. Arbejdere kan gå i strejke for højere løn eller bedre arbejdsforhold. Workers can go on strike for higher wages, or for better working conditions. Workers can strike for higher wages or better working conditions. Hvad synes I, piger? What do you think, girls? What do you think, girls? Jeg ved du har følelser for Tom. I know you have feelings for Tom. I know you have feelings for Tom. Håll utkik efter hans senaste film som kommer ut nästa månad. Watch out for his latest movie which comes out next month. Look out for his latest movie coming out next month. Dette avsnittet er vagt. This paragraph is vague. This section is guarded. Du bør dobbelt-sjekke det. You should double-check that. You should double-check it. Klipptirðu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Vad gör vi nu? What do we do now? What do we do now? Jeg visste allerede sannheten. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Jag träffade Tom i dag. I saw Tom today. I met Tom today. Fortsätt springa. Keep running. Keep running. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Tilgiv Tom! Forgive Tom. Forgive Tom! Jeg vil ikke gå alene. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. Fékkstu það lánað? Did you borrow it? Did you borrow it? Han slutade plötsligt. He suddenly stopped. He stopped all of a sudden. Denne heisen kan ta 10 personer om gangen. This elevator is capable of carrying 10 persons at a time. This lift can take 10 people at a time. Fysikk interesserer meg ikke i det hele tatt. Physics doesn't interest me at all. Physics doesn't interest me at all. Jag har juryplikt. I have jury duty. I have a lawsuit. Hvad er bilmærket og farven på direktørens bil? What brand and what color is the director's car? What is the brand and the color of the director's car? Jag måste sova. I have to sleep. I have to sleep. Hurra! Hurray! Hurray! Tom stod med ansigtet mod muren. Tom stood facing the wall. Tom was standing face to wall. I en uge er der syv dage. In one week there are seven days. For a week there are seven days. Jeg er sikker. I am sure. I'm sure. Læs denne bog! Read this book. Read this book! Eg eiga at fara heim. I have to go home. I should go home. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It's not safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text you under the drive. Tom såg ikkje trøytt ut, spør du meg. Tom didn't look tired if you ask me. Tom didn't look tired, you ask me. Han gav mig det. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Du kan stole på ham til en vis grad, men ikke helt. You can trust him to some degree but not wholly. You can trust him to some degree, but not quite. Att döma av hans uttryck, är han på dåligt humör. Judging from his expression, he's in a bad mood. Judging by his expression, he's in a bad mood. Ertu búinn með það? Have you finished it? Are you done with it? Jeg så fjernsyn. I was watching TV. I saw TV. Hun insisterede på at betale min regning. She insisted on my paying the bill. She insisted on paying my bill. Ég ætla með þér til Hanover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going to Hanover with you. Enligt tv-nyheterna har det skett en flygkrasch i Indien. According to TV news, there was a plane crash in India. According to the news, there's been a crash in India. Vi daser i sommersolen. We are basking in the summer sun. We dance in the summer sun. Tom fick nöja sig med vatten till maten eftersom han inte hade någon öl hemma. Tom had to make do with a glass of water with his food because he had no beer at home. Tom had to settle with water for the food because he had no beer at home. Dette er en veldig underholdende historie. This is a very entertaining story. This is a very entertaining story. Hun snakker polsk. She speaks Polish. She's speaking Polish. Jeg har det travelt for tiden. I'm busy right now. I'm busy right now. Du är en soldat nu. You're a soldier now. You're a soldier now. Dette er et æbletræ. This is an apple tree. This is an apple tree. Jag älskar dig. I love you. I love you. Er du klar? Are you ready? Are you ready? Tom dog ensam. Tom died alone. Tom died alone. Vis mig dine dokumenter. Show me your documents. Show me your documents. Jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska förvänta mig. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Dette er kød. This is meat. This is meat. Tom bliver tredive i marts. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom hittade de försvunna pengarna. Tom found the missing money. Tom found the missing money. Står du bag alt dette? Are you behind all of this? Are you behind all this? Vilket år var det Berlinmuren föll? What year was it that the Berlin Wall fell? What year did the Berlin Wall fall? Du vil takke mig senere. You'll thank me later. You'll thank me later. Jag spelade fotboll igår. I played soccer yesterday. I played football yesterday. Er De fuld? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Många av oss är upprörda. Many of us are upset. A lot of us are upset. Vi lever på ris. We live on rice. We live on rice. Ni borde följa skolans regler. You should observe the school rules. You should follow the school rules. Er det en sommerfugl eller et møl? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is that a butterfly or a moth? Min hobby er at samle på mønter. My hobby is collecting coins. My hobby is to collect coins. Det här är inkorrekt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Bókin liggur á borðinum. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. I en nødsituation skal du bruge trappen, ikke elevatoren. In an emergency, use the stairway, not the elevator. In an emergency, you need the stairs, not the elevator. Den här föreningen grundades för etthundraelva år sedan. This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. This association was founded one hundred years ago. Nýi bíllinn hans er yndislegur. His new car is wonderful. His new car is wonderful. Jeg kan ikke huske sist jeg hadde så mye morro. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun. Kvar sette de rakkarar stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did they put my chair? Hun har brugt alle sine kreditkort til maksimum. She's maxed out all her credit cards. She used all her credit cards for the maximum. Dere er sprø. You guys are nuts. You guys are crazy. Han gav mig ett exempel. He gave me an example. He gave me an example. Tom kan lide spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Tom likes spaghetti. Jag brukar dricka kaffe utan socker. I usually drink coffee without sugar. I usually drink coffee without sugar. Vad tyckte du? What did you think? What did you think? Tom försökte väcka Mary. Tom tried to wake Mary up. Tom tried to wake Mary. Det kan du vara säker på. You can be sure of that. You can be sure of that. Ingen vidste hvem hun var. No one knew who she was. Nobody knew who she was. Hún keypti fréttablað. She bought a newspaper. She bought a newspaper. Jag gillar österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Der er seks fisk inde i konservesdåsen. There are six fish inside the tin can. There are six fish in the can. Det virker som hun hater deg. She seems to hate you. It seems she hates you. Det är dags att inse att det är omöjligt. Vi kommer aldrig att klara det. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. It's time to realize that it's impossible. Jeg jobber som pianostemmer i mange år. I worked as a piano tuner for many years. I work as a piano vote for many years. Við vorum fátæk, en við vorum hamingjusöm. We were poor, but we were happy. We were poor, but we were happy. Bob er min ven. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Du måste gå nu. You need to go now. You have to go now. Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt en hann neitaði því. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. Jag måste vara försiktig. I've got to be careful. I have to be careful. Jag tappade tålamodet. I lost my patience. I lost my patience. Malaria är en sjukdom som myggor bär på. Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. Hold op! Det kildrer! Stop. That tickles. It's tickling! Varför är du hemma? Why are you home? Why are you home? For at gøre tingene værre begyndte det at regne. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it started to rain. Jeg har aldrig sagt, at du løj. I never said you were lying. I never told you you lied. Du kan ikke benekte det. You can't deny it. You can't deny it. Dro du ut i går kveld? Did you go out last night? Did you walk out last night? Jeg drikker gløgg. I'm drinking mulled wine. I drink onions. Tom er i meget god form. Tom is in very good shape. Tom is in very good shape. Sade de när? Did they say when? Did they say when? Hur kom den hit? How did it get here? How did it get here? Jeg er for lille. I'm too small. I'm too small. Akídsjí er hermaður sem gerðist kennari. Akiji is a soldier turned teacher. Aquishi is a soldier who became a teacher. Hvis du har brug for min hjælp, så lad mig det vide. If you need my help, please let me know. If you need my help, let me know. De er evakuert til et amerikansk feltlasarett. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They're evacuated to a U.S. Field Lasarette. Tom vil få brug for det. Tom will need it. Tom will need it. Hur fick du slut på det? How did you stop it? How did you end it? Denna byggnad håller på att rasa samman. This building is about to collapse. This building is collapsing. Det är min brors. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Ó vissulega. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Ekki reiða þig um of á aðra. Don't depend too much on others. Don't lean on others. Jeg spiller fiolin. I play the violin. I'm playing violin. Vi behöver en ambulans. We need an ambulance. We need an ambulance. Håll still. Keep still. Hold still. Eg kan ikkje køyre heim. I can't drive home. I can't run home. De ved hvor jeg er. They know where I am. They know where I am. Jag hade det trevligt. I was enjoying it. I had a good time. Maturinn verður kaldur. The food becomes cold. Food's gonna be cold. Medtävlanden tjuvstartade två gånger. The competitor twice jumped the gun. In the middle of the race the thief started twice. Jeg skylder dig ti dollar. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten bucks. Hendes reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. Her reaction wasn't surprising at all. Her reaction was not surprising at all. Jag tycker om gräslök i soppan, men inte i salladen. I like chives in my soup, but not in my salad. I like lawns in the soup, but not in the salad. Hvad lavede du i går? What were you doing yesterday? What were you doing yesterday? Han snubblade till, men var snabbt uppe på fötterna igen. He stumbled but quickly got up on his feet again. He stumbled, but he was fast on his feet again. Den där dockan är skrämmande. That doll is scary. That doll is scary. Tom er Marys svigersøn. Tom is Mary's son-in-law. Tom's Mary's son-in-law. Deras favoritämne var eskatologi. Their favourite subject was eschatology. Their favorite substance was eskatology. Hvem drepte Tom? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? Jeg tager det dyreste af de to. I'll take the more expensive one. I'll take the most expensive of the two. Dette tv-programmet er faktisk ganske interessant. This TV program is really quite interesting. This TV program is actually pretty interesting. Lærðu auðmýkt. Learn humility. Learn humility. Lukk døren. Shut the door. Close the door. Tom vil ikke have børn. Tom doesn't want kids. Tom doesn't want kids. Afbrudt samleje beskytter ikke mod kønssygdomme. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Interrupted intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Hvor jeg hader dette sted. This place sucks. Where I hate this place. La det ikke være den minste tvil om at denne vil koste oss dyrt. Men det er en pris vi må betale. Let there be not even the slightest doubt that this will cost us dearly. But that is the price we'll have to pay. Let's not be the slightest doubt that this will cost us expensive, but it's a price we have to pay. Jeg har nævnt det tidligere over for dig. I've mentioned it to you before. I mentioned it earlier to you. Sami och Layla har äktenskapsproblem. Sami and Layla have marital problems. Sami and Layla have marital problems. Jag vet inte. I don't know. I don't know. Jag vet inte vad rätt svar är. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know what the right answer is. Jeg liker virkelig ikke Apple-produkter. I really don't like Apple products. I really don't like Apple products. Cathy ætlar að koma að sjá barnið okkar í kvöld. Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight. Cathy's coming to see our baby tonight. Ni har en timma på er. You've got an hour. You've got an hour. François, är detta ditt? François, is this yours? François, is this yours? Gid jeg havde lært fransk da jeg var barn! I wish I had learned French when I was a kid. I wish I had learned French when I was a child! Tom imiterede Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Der er få tatarisksprogede websites på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar language websites on the Internet. Du er en vidunderlig kvinne. You're a wonderful woman. You're a wonderful woman. Du er mer enn velkommen til å komme. You're more than welcome to come. You're more than welcome to come. Ok, vi har en aftale. OK, we've got a deal. Okay, we have a deal. De her er Toms briller. These are Tom's glasses. These are Tom's glasses. Er du gal? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Jeg mistet skriveblokken min i dag. I lost my notebook today. I lost my script today. Það virðist vera að enginn viti sannleikann. It seems that no one knows the truth. It seems that no one knows the truth. De kalder mig Bob. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Spelar du golf? Do you play golf? You play golf? Verden er uretfærdig. The world is unfair. The world is unfair. Tom og Mary vinna á sömu skrifstofunni. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Hvem skal betale for alt det her? Who's going to pay for all of this? Who's gonna pay for all this? Jag har allt jag ville. I have everything I wanted. I have everything I wanted. Det var mørkt under broen. It was dark under the bridge. It was dark under the bridge. Opfør dig ikke som en elefant i en glasbutik! Don't act like a bull in a china shop. Do not act like an elephant in a glass shop! Jeg gav Tom mine bilnøgler. I gave Tom my car keys. I gave Tom my car keys. Fjernbetjeningen er under sofaen. The TV remote control is under the couch. The remote is under the sofa. Hr. Johnson er eins konar gangandi orðabók. Mr Johnson is, as it were, a walking dictionary. Mr Johnson is a sort of walking dictionary. Hún eyddi Facebook síðunni sinni. She deleted her Facebook account. She spent her Facebook page. Lægen har givet mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor has given me an injection. Vi har vin. We have wine. We have wine. Hon är online flera timmar varje dag. She goes online for several hours every day. She's online for hours every day. Jag hann inte. I didn't make it in time. I didn't make it. Ta inga risker. Don't take any chances. Don't take any chances. Berlin är Tysklands största stad. Berlin is the largest city in Germany. Berlin is Germany's largest city. Hans tantes æblekage var velsmagende, og derfor fik han en portion mere. His aunt's apple pie was delicious, so he had a second helping. His aunt’s apple cake was tasty, and that is why he received another portion. Jeg er ikke beruset. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. Jag vet precis vad Tom kommer att säga. I know exactly what Tom is going to say. I know exactly what Tom's gonna say. Ofta kommer han inte till skolan. He often doesn't come to school. Sometimes he doesn't come to school. Tom brækkede næsen. Tom broke his nose. Tom broke his nose. Jeg hørte deg ikke helt. I didn't quite hear you. I didn't quite hear you. Tom er veteran fra flåden. Tom is a Navy veteran. Tom's a veteran from the Navy. Dette er den korteste vej til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest road to Paris. Korleis greier du å lesa det her? How can you read this stuff? How can you read it here? Allt í lagi, og hvað ætlar þú að gera fyrir mig? OK, and what are you going to do for me? All right, and what are you gonna do for me? Mér er alvara. I'm serious. I'm serious. Þekkti erindrekinn tók reglulegan þátt nefndinni. The noted diplomat readily participated in the committee. The well - known ambassador regularly took part in the committee. De her er nye. These are new. These are new. Tom sa ja. Tom said yes. Tom said yes. Musen blev lokket ind i fælden med et stort stykke ost. The mouse was lured into the trap by a big piece of cheese. The mouse was lured into the trap with a large piece of cheese. Om du pratar för snabbt, kommer jag inte att förstå. If you speak too fast, I will not be able to understand. If you talk too fast, I won't understand. Vinsamlegast vaknaðu klukkan sjö. Wake up at seven, please. Please wake up at 7:00. Vad äter du till frukost? What do you eat for breakfast? What are you eating for breakfast? Försöket misslyckades. The attempt failed. The attempt failed. Vänligen ring mig vid halv sju. Call me at six-thirty, please. Please call me at 8:30. Mary er en rig pige. Mary is a rich girl. Mary's a rich girl. Vill du ha fisk? Do you want fish? Do you want fish? Hun blev en berømt maler. She became a famous painter. She became a famous painter. Han har vært død i tre år. He has been dead for three years. He's been dead for three years. Min bedstefar blev dræbt under 2. verdenskrig. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed during World War II. John hefur áhuga á golfi. John is interested in golf. John's interested in golf. Han er forfatter. He's an author. He's a writer. Vi er meget glade for det. We're very happy about it. We're very happy about it. Det fandt jeg irriterende. I found that irritating. I found that annoying. Þetta er uppáhalds myndin mín. This is my favorite movie. This is my favorite movie. Du ser ikke så glad ut. You don't look so happy. You don't look so happy. Jag träffade just henne på gatan. I just met her on the street. I just met her on the street. Du blir gammal när folk börjar säga att du ser ung ut. You get old when people start to say you look young. You get old when people start saying you look young. Jeg vil snart tilmelde mig et tyskkursus. I'll soon register for a course in German. I'll sign up for a German course soon. Jeg hjelper noen ganger mine foreldre i butikken etter skolen. I sometimes help my parents in the shop after school. I sometimes help my parents in the store after school. John vill ekki svara spurningunni. John will not answer the question. John doesn't want to answer the question. Tom er holdt op med at ryge. Tom quit smoking. Tom's quit smoking. Hvers vegna? Why? Why? I morgen er det tirsdag den 10. oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow it will be Tuesday, October 10. Jeg havde travlt. I was busy. I was busy. Jeg spiller fodbold næsten hver dag. I play soccer almost every day. I play football almost every day. Sover hun stadig? Is she still sleeping? Is she still asleep? Stämde du Tom? Did you sue Tom? You met Tom? Tom er en af Marys naboer. Tom is one of Mary's neighbors. Tom's one of Mary's neighbors. Glem ikke at lukke døren. Please don't forget to shut the door. Don't forget to close the door. Vad tänker du på just nu? A penny for your thoughts! What are you thinking about right now? Jeg læser musik på et universitet i Boston. I study music at a university in Boston. I read music at a university in Boston. Jag köpte en vacker klänning till henne. I bought her a beautiful dress. I bought her a beautiful dress. Jag har mina egna problem. I have my own problems. I have my own problems. Ho såg misnøgd ut med resultata. She seemed disappointed at the result. She looked displeased with the results. Enhver bilist skal respektere færdselsreglerne. Every driver must follow the traffic rules. Every driver must respect driving rules. Det är alltid värt ett försök. It's always worth a try. It's always worth a try. Åbn døren. Open the door. Open the door. Þetta er í fyrsta skiptið í lífi mínu sem mér hefur fundist ég svo tengdur nokkrum. It's the first time in my life I've felt so connected with someone. This is the first time in my life I've ever felt so connected to a few. Den är kvart i två. It's a quarter to two. It's quarter to two. Hvorfor fascinerer talen min fra i går deg? What did you find so fascinating about the speech that I gave yesterday? Why is my speech fascinating from yesterday? Jeg ble slengt et stygt blikk da jeg spurte etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I was struck by a bad look when I asked for my prescription at the local medical department. Jag vill inte veta vad han heter. I don't want to know what his name is. I don't want to know his name. Hun sad og røg. She sat and smoked. She was sitting and smoking. Veiki maðurinn þarfnaðist stöðugrar umönnunar. The sick man required constant attention. The man’s sickness needed constant care. Hun tok sitt eget liv. She took her own life. She took her own life. Ha' ikke ondt af dig selv. Vi er alle i samme båd. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Don't feel sorry for yourself, we're all in the same boat. Er fransk udtale svært? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is French pronunciation hard? Det er sjelden en debatt har tiltrukket seg så mye medieoppmerksomhet. Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. It is rarely a debate that has attracted so much media attention. La barna gå av bussen først! Let the kids off the bus first! Let the children get off the bus first! Tom sitt hus har ikke elektrisitet. Tom's house doesn't have electricity. Tom's house doesn't have electricity. Vad tänker du på? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Þú ert minn gestur. You're my guest. You're my guest. Jeg formoder at det er min skyld. I suppose it's my fault. I assume it's my fault. Engelsk er et sprog der tales over hele verden. English is a language spoken all over the world. English is a language spoken all over the world. Jeg hater aldri folk; jeg lar dem hate seg selv. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. Denne ordbog er meget dyr, men den er værd at købe. This dictionary is very expensive, but is worth buying. This dictionary is very expensive, but it is worth buying. Jag kan inte låta dem fånga mig. I cannot let them catch me. I can't let them catch me. Jeg kan ikke huske navnet hennes for øyeblikket. I can't recall her name at the moment. I don't remember her name at the moment. Kven skal du gi boka til? To whom are you going to give that book? Who do you want to give this book to? Disse er Toms briller, ikke mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. Har du något annat? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Lad os komme i gang. Let's get the show on the road. Let's get started. Ein tjørn er eitt lítið vatn. A pond is a little lake. One bull is one little water. Bägge svaren är korrekta. The two answers are both correct. Both answers are correct. Ge den till mig bara. Just give it to me. Just give it to me. Vem vikarierar för Tom medan han är borta? Who will fill in for Tom when he is away? Who's vicarising for Tom while he's gone? Han leker med katten min. He's playing with my cat. He's playing with my cat. Tom og Mary er helikopterforældre. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Førerkortet ditt har gått ut. Your driver's license has expired. Your licence has expired. Jag vet när någon ljuger för mig. I know when I'm being lied to. I know when someone's lying to me. Du bør tage et andet slips på. You should change your tie. You should wear another tie. Tvätta dina händer. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Tom brødes med Mary. Tom wrestled with Mary. Tom's mixed up with Mary. Han svävar i livsfara. His life was in danger. He's in danger of life. Tom stängde av radion. Tom turned off the radio. Tom turned off the radio. Se nu på der här. Now look at this. Look at this. Kärlek är för tonåringar. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. Þessir krakkar eru hugsanlegir viðskiptavinir. Those children are potential customers. These kids are potential customers. Er jeg gravid? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Tom har grædt hele natten. Tom cried all night long. Tom's been crying all night. Tråkar jag ut dig? Am I boring you? Do I pull you out? Tom rødmede. Tom turned red. Empty redsmith. Älskling, är du skadad? Honey, are you hurt? Honey, are you hurt? Drej til venstre. Turn to the left. Turn left. Vi er i knibe. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Jag tror att både Tom och Mary ljuger. I think both Tom and Mary are lying. I think both Tom and Mary are lying. Med dessa betyg kan du inte gå vidare till universitet. With these grades you can continue on to college. With these grades you can't go on to college. Jeg er tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. En hund løber efter en kat og katten efter en mus. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog runs for a cat and the cat after a mouse. Jeg vil have dig til at være min træner. I want you to be my coach. I want you to be my coach. Jag behöver mina tabletter. I need my pills. I need my pills. Kolla det där. Check that. Check it out. Tom måste ha haft en nyckel. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Þær sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They float fish into cans. Vi studerade franska i skolan. We studied French in school. We studied French at school. Han er en rigtig muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a real Muslim. Hun er veldig glad i kake. She really likes cake. She's very fond of cake. De trenger denne. You need this. They need this. Hun afbrød mig. She interrupted me. She interrupted me. De gjorde honom till klubbens ordförande. They made him the chairman of a club. They made him the club president. Hun kommer fra England. She is coming from England. She's from England. Litar du på Tom? Do you trust Tom? Do you trust Tom? De visste det ikke engang selv. They didn't even know themselves. They didn't even know it themselves. Jag ska göra det för dig. I'll do it for you. I'll do it for you. Skælder mor hestens hamp ud? Is mom scolding the horse's hemp? Does Mom blame the horse's hemp? Har du Whatsapp? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have Whatsapp? Hon har studerat engelska sedan tioårsåldern. She has been studying English since the age of ten. She's been studying English since her 10th birthday. Alle hønerne er allerede i hønsehuset. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the chicken house. Hvis vi skulle bo på månen, hvor stor ville jorden så se ud? If we were to live on the moon, how large would the earth look? If we were to live on the moon, how big would the earth look? Jeg tog hjulene af min cykel. I took the wheels off my bicycle. I took the wheels off my bike. Tom åkte fast för fortkörning. Tom got caught speeding. Tom got caught driving. Ég hef það fínt, þakka þér fyrir. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you. Kiks kan indeholde nødder eller peanuts, selv om det ikke indgår i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Binoculars may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the list of ingredients. Vi ska ha en diskussion angående prognosen. We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis. We're going to have a discussion about the forecast. Lad være med at ødsle dine nyligt tjente penge bort! Don't squander your newly earned money! Don't waste your newly made money away! Vi insåg inte att vi var så högljudda. We didn't realize we were being so loud. We didn't realize we were so loud. Siden han var så trøtt, sovnet han fort. As he was so tired, he fell fast asleep. Since he was so tired, he fell asleep quickly. De sad fast i en trafikprop i timevis. They were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. They were stuck in a traffic jam for hours. Hvem gav Tom det blå øje? Who gave Tom that black eye? Who gave Tom the blue eye? Jag är stolt över min son. I am proud of my son. I'm proud of my son. Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He punched him in the face. Tom tror det er noe som feiler enkelte politikere. Tom thinks there is something wrong with some politicians. Tom thinks there's something wrong with some politicians. Var så god, Tom. Here you are, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Jeg blev hjemme på grund af vejret. I stayed home because of the weather. I stayed home because of the weather. Jag åt ingenting annat. I didn't eat anything else. I ate nothing else. Vad heter du? What's your name? What's your name? Hún ráðlagði honum að trúa ekki öllu sem kennarinn segir. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. Veðurfréttamaður er manneskja sem veðrið er ekki alltaf sammála. A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree. A weatherman is a person who does not always agree with the weather. Vad som helst är möjligt. Anything is possible. Anything is possible. De förökar sig som kaniner. They're multiplying like rabbits. They multiply like rabbits. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at football. He's good at playing football. Karbonmonoksid er et giftig stoff som dannes ved ufullstendig forbrenning av karbonforbindelser. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Carbon monoxide is a toxic substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds. Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som du er. I'm almost as old as you are. I'm almost as old as you are. Jeg kan ikke vente længere. I can't wait any more. I can't wait any longer. Jag har aldrig varit i Spanien. Däremot har jag varit i Italien. I've never been to Spain. However, I have been in Italy. I've never been to Spain. On the other hand, I've been to Italy. Taliði þýsku? Do you speak German? German? Ingen gjorde noget. Nobody did anything. Nobody did anything. Tom friede til Mary foran kirken. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Er det ett ting historien har lært oss, så er det at vi ofte spår feil om fremtiden. If there is one thing history has taught us, it's that we often incorrectly predict the future. If there is one thing history has taught us, then it is that we often trace errors about the future. Mitt jobb är säkert. My job is safe. I'm sure my job is safe. Sama hvað þú tekur þér fyrir hendur, gerðu þitt besta. No matter what you do, do your best. No matter what you do, do your best. Ég hef engann tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. I have no time to explain this in detail. I have no time to explain it to you. Hvilket yrke har du? What do you do? What kind of profession do you have? Ikke drikk så mye! Do not drink so much! Don't drink that much! Hvorfor ville du til Armenien? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Jag ångrar att jag inte åkte dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. Jeg mødes med Tom i morgen. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. Drengirnir ruku samtímis í átt að dyrunum. The boys rushed for the door at the same time. At the same time, the boys ran to the door. Han kommer jämt för sent till skolan. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Jeg har gått og tenkt på det i hele dag. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I've been thinking about it all day. Ikke gå ut etter det har blitt mørkt. Don't go out after dark. Do not go out after it has become dark. Hun forblev ugift til sin død. She remained unmarried until death. She remained single until her death. Vi måste hitta honom. We must find him. We have to find him. Mange mennesker taler kun et sprog. Many people only speaks one language. Many people speak only one language. Jeg behøver ikke besvare dit spørgsmål. I don't have to answer your question. I don't have to answer your question. Jack samlar på frimärken. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. Det er akkurat det spørsmålet jeg stiller meg selv. That's exactly the question I'm asking myself. That's exactly the question I'm asking myself. Tom svømmede. Tom swam. Tom was swimming. Var ligger närmaste museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where is the nearest museum? Jeg har for mange ting i hovedet for tiden. I have too many things on my mind these days. I've got too many things in my head these days. Mens jeg læste, faldt jeg i søvn. While I was reading, I fell asleep. While I was reading, I fell asleep. Hemmeligheten som leder til et lengre liv ligger i mine hender. I have in my hands the secret to a long life. The secret that leads to a longer life lies in my hands. Har du en bog? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Rita ett streck på ditt papper. Draw a line on your paper. Write a line on your paper. Hon är vår granne. She's our neighbour. She's our neighbor. Har du kjæledyr? Do you have any pets? Do you have pets? Det her er kød. This is meat. This is meat. Tom såg seg i spegelen om att. Tom looked in the mirror again. Tom looked in the mirror about. Hvordan døde hans søn? How did his son die? How did his son die? En 90-gradig vinkel kallas en rät vinkel. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle. Vi elsker vores kunder. We love our customers. We love our customers. Vi støtte på mange vanskeligheter på ekspedisjonen. We encountered a lot of difficulties on the expedition. We supported many difficulties with the expedition. Hva er brevet om? What is the letter about? What's the letter about? Medan du kör, borde du ha fokus på vägen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. While you're driving, you should be focused on the road. Eg fari at leiga ein bil. I will rent a car. I'll rent a car. Tom kommer att förstå. Tom'll understand. Tom will understand. Rhinen renner mellom Frankrike og Tyskland. The Rhine runs between France and Germany. The Rhine runs between France and Germany. Vi kan blive tre hundrede år, men når vi så hører op at være til her, bliver vi kun skum på vandet, har ikke engang en grav hernede mellem vore kære. Vi har ingen udødelig sjæl, vi får aldrig liv mere, vi er ligesom det grønne siv, er det engang skåret over, kan det ikke grønnes igen! Menneskene derimod har en sjæl, som lever altid, lever, efter at legemet er blevet jord; den stiger op igennem den klare luft, op til alle de skinnende stjerner! ligesom vi dykker op af havet og ser menneskenes lande, således dykker de op til ubekendte dejlige steder, dem vi aldrig får at se. We sometimes live for three hundred years, but when we cease to exist here, we become only foam on the surface of the water and have not even a grave among those we love. We have not immortal souls, we shall never live again; like the green seaweed when once it has been cut off, we can never flourish more. Human beings, on the contrary, have souls which live forever, even after the body has been turned to dust. They rise up through the clear, pure air, beyond the glittering stars. As we rise out of the water and behold all the land of the earth, so do they rise to unknown and glorious regions which we shall never see. We can be three hundred years, but when we stop being here, we will only be foamed on the water, not even having a grave down here between our loved ones. We have no immortal soul, we will never live again, we are like the green river, it is once cut over, it cannot be green again! Humans, on the other hand, have a soul that lives forever, after the body has become earth; it rises up through the clear air, up to all the shiny stars! just as we dive out of the sea and see the countries of mankind, so they show up to unknown lovely places that we will never see. Jag gillar din scarf. I like your scarf. I like your scarf. Det här är den vackraste solnedgång jag någonsin sett. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. Hur mår de andra? How are the others? How are the others? Vart är vi på väg? Where are we heading? Where are we going? Jeg hørte et interessant rygte. I heard an interesting rumor. I heard an interesting rumor. Hur hittar vi ut? How do we find out? How do we figure it out? Ge mig en servett. Hand me a tissue. Give me a napkin. Hún gekk tuttugu mílur á dag. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked twenty miles a day. Här kan ni röka. You can smoke here. Here you can smoke. Vi må sette oss. We must sit down. We have to sit down. Hvað er að frétta? Do you have any news? What's up? Finns det något jag kan göra för att hjälpa till? Is there something I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Tom måste ha slagit i huvudet. Tom must've hit his head. Tom must have hit his head. Min far glemmer alt. My father forgets everything. My father forgets everything. Jeg er meget utålmodig. I'm very impatient. I'm very impatient. Það er orðið mjög hlýtt. It has become very warm. It's getting very warm. Jeg sårede dem muligvis. Maybe I hurt them. I might have hurt them. Nu kryper vi till kojs. We'll sneak into bed now. Come on, let's go get him. Den imam var på mange måder en faderfigur for mig. That imam was in many ways a father figure to me. That imam was in many ways a father figure for me. Vad är ditt smeknamn? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Æblerne fra vores eget træ smager meget bedre end de sprøjtede æbler fra supermarkedet. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples from our own wood taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. Hendes liv ebbede ud af hende gennem hendes sår. Her life ebbed away from her through her wounds. Her life ebbed out of her through her wounds. Nu kan jag få tag i det. I can get a hold of it now. Now I can get it. Jag ser fram emot sommarlovet. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I'm looking forward to the summer break. Du vet ikke hva du vil, ikke sant? You don't know what you want, do you? You don't know what you want, do you? Jag tar danslektioner. I take dance lessons. I'll take dance lessons. Tom býr nær við skúlan sum hann gongur á. Tom lives near the school that he goes to. Tom lives near the school some times. Varför skildes ni egentligen om ni fortfarande bor tillsammans? Why did you actually get divorced if you still live together? Why did you really get divorced if you still live together? Han hadde ikke hatt på. He had no hat on. He had not worn on. Han gik krakkemut. He went ballistic. He went out with a kid. Huset är målat i vitt. The house is painted white. The house is painted in white. Vejret var storslået. The weather was magnificent. The weather was magnificent. Tökum okkur tíu mínútna hlé. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. "Ja" sagde hun, "du har ret." "Yes," she said, "you are right". "Yes," she said, "you're right." Det ville undre mig hvis Tom gjorde det. It would surprise me if Tom does that. I'd be surprised if Tom did. Jag är lite uppskakad. I'm a little shook up. I'm a little shaken up. Thailand ligger i Asien. Thailand is in Asia. Thailand is located in Asia. Jeg synes at Tom er blevet straffet nok. I think Tom has been punished enough. I think Tom's been punished enough. Domaren dömde honom till ett års fängelse. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. Jag vill att du går på mötet imorgon. I'd like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. I want you to go to the meeting tomorrow. Det här är en dålig plan. This is a bad plan. This is a bad plan. Hvad hedder du? What is your name? What's your name? Eposten jeg sendte tidligere var kanskje ikke helt tydelig. Du trenger ikke å levere inn noe. The email that I sent previously was probably not clear. You don't need to submit anything. The e-mail I sent earlier might not be quite clear. Jag bär aldrig kostymer. I never wear suits. I never wear costumes. Presidenten är för närvarande i Miami. The president is presently in Miami. The president is currently in Miami. Jag var väldigt glad. I was very happy. I was very happy. Jorden var dækket af blade. The ground was covered with leaves. The earth was covered with leaves. Vi hamnade i bråk. We got in a fight. We got into trouble. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who said I stole the money? Who said I stole the money? Det har snöat i två dagar. It has snowed for two days. It's been snowing for two days. Jag vill inte göra dig illa. I do not want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. USA är en republik medan Storbritannien inte är det. The USA is a republic, but the United Kingdom isn't. The United States is a republic while Britain is not. Du burde gå til lægen. You should go see a doctor. You should go to the doctor. Jeg brækkede armen. I broke my arm. I broke my arm. Ég náði ekki brandaranum. I didn't get the joke. I couldn't get the joke. Kriget var slut, men inte mardrömmarna. The war was over. The nightmares weren’t. The war was over, but not the nightmares. Jeg har været under et stort pres på det seneste. I have been under a lot of pressure lately. I've been under a lot of pressure lately. Vet du om noen gode, japanske filmer å se? Do you know of any good Japanese movies to watch? Do you know any good Japanese movies to see? Strákurinn sem rær bátnum er vinur minn. The boy rowing the boat is a friend of mine. The kid who takes the boat is my friend. Tom kan prata flytande franska. Tom can speak French fluently. Tom can speak French fluent. Unnskyld, jeg forstod deg ikke. Excuse me, I didn't understand you. I'm sorry, I didn't understand you. Hjernen er blot en kompliceret maskine. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Äckligt! Disgusting! Gross! Jeg taler ikke japansk. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Han var involverad i en skandal. He was involved in a scandal. He was involved in a scandal. De bor der. They live there. They live there. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act quickly. We must act quickly. I esperanto ligger hovedtrykket altid på næstsidste stavelse. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto, the main pressure is always in the second last syllable. Jeg savner bylivets travlhed og larm. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life. I miss the busyness and noise of city life. Min mand tjener 100.000 dollar om året. My husband earns $100,000 a year. My husband makes $100,000 a year. Sex blev inbjudna, inklusive pojken. Six were invited, including the boy. Sex was invited, including the boy. Hvor er han fra? Where is he from? Where is he from? Vi ses! I'll see you around. See you! Tom er en voksen mand. Tom is a grown man. Tom's a grown man. Dan var inte nöjd med Lindas landning. Dan wasn't satisfied with Linda's landing. Dan was not satisfied with Linda's landing. Den sykkelen hører til skolen vår. That bicycle belongs to our school. That bike belongs to our school. God jul! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Köp inga fler presenter åt mig. Don't buy me any more presents! Don't buy me any more presents. Jeg ønsker jer en glædelig jul. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you a happy Christmas. Hunden sover. The dog is sleeping. The dog's asleep. Hur hittade ni oss? How did you find us? How did you find us? Jeg leser gjerne denne artikkelen. I like reading this article. I would like to read this article. Hur skulle det se ut? How would that look? What would that look like? Moloen hadde ingen effekt mot tsunamibølgen. The breakwater had no effect against the tsunami. The molecule had no effect on the tsunami wave. Par i avstandsforhold vet at de løper en risiko - for ikke å snakke om oppofrelsene de må gjøre. Couples in long distance relationship know that they run a risk - not to mention the sacrifices they have to make. Couples in distance know that they run a risk--not to talk about the sacrifices they have to do. Jeg har aldri vært der før. I've never been there before. I've never been there before. När sa ni det där? When did you say that? When did you say that? Importen av brittiska varor ökade. Imports of British goods increased. Imports of British goods increased. Það var erfitt. It was tough. It was hard. Der er ingen tvivl om, at universet er uendeligt. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Sjáðu til þess að dyrnar séu læstar klukkan tíu. See to it that the door is locked at 10. Make sure the door is locked at 10:00. Det er noen i dette rommet. There is someone in this room. There's someone in this room. Tom skämtar. Tom's joking. Tom's kidding. Hvad har hun lavet i dag? What has she done today? What did she do today? Bruk enheten til den ber deg om å lade batteriet og lad deretter det i 5 timer for å oppnå maksimal kapasitet. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to reach the maximum capacity. Use the device until it asks you to charge the battery and then allow it for 5 hours to reach its maximum capacity. Hjælp! Help! Help! Ingenting kan gå fel. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing can go wrong. Jeg har allerede skrevet til Tom. I've already written to Tom. I already wrote to Tom. Tom afsonede 30 år for bevidst uagtsomt manddrab. Tom served 30 years for second degree murder. Tom served 30 years for deliberately negligent manslaughter. Jeg er ikke læge. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Hold venligst op med at synge! Please stop singing! Please stop singing! Ég man daginn sem við hittumst fyrst. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. Ikkje rør meg. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Eftir langa rökræðu ákváðum við að eyða fríinu á Spáni. After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain. After a long discussion, we decided to spend our vacation in Spain. Mörg tungumál nota ensk orð. Many languages use English words. Many languages use English words. Er det eigentleg klokt at reklamefolk innfrir ønsket som folk har om umiddelbar tilfredsstilling? Is it really wise for marketing folks to satisfy people's desire for instant gratification? Is it really wise for advertising people to respond to the desire that people have for immediate satisfaction? Jag hoppas att det är sant. I hope that's true. I hope it's true. Jag kan aldrig bli kär igen. I'll never be able to love you again. I can never fall in love again. Han forlangte at den vilde hund skulle holdes bundet. He demanded that the savage dog be kept tied up. He demanded that the wild dog be kept bound. Jeg betaler gjerne kontant. I would like to pay with cash. I would like to pay in cash. Kanske jag borde göra det. Maybe I should do it. Maybe I should. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim huguðu. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to their minds. Hur mycket kostar den här kameran? How much is this camera? How much does this camera cost? Tom var fantastisk. Tom was incredible. Tom was amazing. Ikkje et på minst tre timar. Don't eat for at least three hours. Not a minimum of three hours. Han är på väg och kommer att anlända i sinom tid. He is on his way and will arrive in due course. He is on his way and will arrive in due time. Han gav mig en gave. He gave me a present. He gave me a gift. Fuldmånen kan ses i aften. A full moon can be seen tonight. The full moon can be seen tonight. Brottsligheten ökar stadigt. Crime is increasing steadily. Crime is steadily increasing. Jag måste gå, Tom. I've got to go, Tom. I have to go, Tom. E.T., ring hjem! E.T. phone home. E.T., call home! Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som dig. I'm almost as old as you are. I'm almost as old as you. Han tror att han vet allt. He thinks he knows it all. He thinks he knows everything. Gud være med os. God be with us. God be with us. Vill ni inte höra min version? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my version? Enginn meiddist. Nobody was injured. Nobody got hurt. Er denne boken din? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Jeg er ret god til at svømme. I'm very good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming. Hvad er dine bekymringer? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Jag är för ung. I'm too young. I'm too young. Er de lykkelige? Are they happy? Are they happy? Manden har mere brød end sin kone. The man has more bread than his wife. The man has more bread than his wife. Denne fisk lugter dårligt. This fish has a bad smell. This fish smells bad. Jag tror inte att de kommer att acceptera dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these terms and conditions. I do not think they will accept these conditions. Vi bør ikke se ned på andre mennesker. We shouldn't look down on other people. We shouldn't look down on other people. Det var en ny bok. It was a new book. It was a new book. De planerar att ordna en fest. They plan to have a party. They're planning on having a party. Denne pizza er elendig. This pizza is terrible. This pizza sucks. Har du nogensinde været til opera? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to opera? Toms bil har tonede vinduer. Tom's car has tinted windows. Tom's car has tinted windows. Det här ägget är färskt. This egg is fresh. This egg is fresh. Slips passar dig. Ties suit you. Let's take care of you. Mit hus ligger ved siden af Toms hus. My house is next to Tom's house. My house is next to Tom's house. Han flirtede med hende hele aftenen. He flirted with her all evening. He was flirting with her all night. Vi begynner alltid med de vanskeligste oppgavene. We always begin with the hardest problems. We always start with the hardest problems. Jeg vidste ikke du kunne lide Mary. I didn't know you liked Mary. I didn't know you liked Mary. Jeg kunne give tusind grunde til at vi skulle gøre det. I could give one thousand reasons why we should do this. I could give a thousand reasons why we should do so. Jag var mycket imponerad. I was very impressed. I was very impressed. Jólin eru að nálgast og allar búðirnar keppast um að kalla: "Kaupið! Kaupið! Kaupið!" It's coming up to Christmas here and all the shops are like "Buy! Buy! Buy!" Christmas is near, and all the camp strives to call out, "Chop! Buy! Buy!" Jeg håber at det vil lykkes mig at komme på holdet. I'm hoping to make the team. I hope that I will succeed in coming to the team. Er det din bil? Is this your car? Is that your car? Hun hjalp meg i en veldig tøff situasjon. She helped me in a very sticky situation. She helped me in a very tough situation. Vad bevisar det? What does that prove? What does that prove? Du skal gå nu. I need you to leave now. You have to go now. Hon räknar fort. She counts fast. She's counting fast. Hun var på vei ned trappene. She was coming down the stairs. She was on her way down the stairs. Varför är hunden här? Why is the dog here? Why is the dog here? Var god håll badrummet rent. Please keep the bathroom clean. Keep the bathroom clean. Det är kul att titta på tv. Watching TV is fun. It's nice to watch TV. Ge mig en munk. Give me a donut. Give me a monk. Kan din kone lide katte? Does your wife like cats? Does your wife like cats? Jag stavade fel på ordet. I misspelled the word. I spelled the word wrong. Má ég opna dós? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Lyset sluknet av seg selv. The candle went out by itself. The light shut off itself. Jeg fór vild. I got lost. I went wild. Tom falt ned trappa og slo hodet. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Tom fell down the stairs and struck his head. Jag skulle vilja träffa dem igen. I'd like to see them again. I'd like to see them again. Jag har inte hört någonting. I've heard nothing. I haven't heard anything. Den ser ut som en kaktus. It looks like a cactus. It looks like a cactus. Fadil träffade Layla på en buss. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Svaret er nej. The answer's no. The answer is no. De eneste våpen jeg har i mitt hjem er vannpistoler. The only weapons I have in my home are water pistols. The only weapons I have in my home are water pistols. Kva treng eg? What do I need? What do I need? Jeg er redd for hunder. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Oscar var min mors hund. Oscar was my mom's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. Du måste hålla dig i form. You have to stay fit. You have to stay in shape. Jeg troede du var Toms ven. I thought you were Tom's friend. I thought you were Tom's friend. Jeg vil holde et øye med deg. I'll be watching you. I'll keep an eye on you. I går spiste jeg et æble. Yesterday, I ate an apple. Yesterday I ate an apple. Han bor ensam. He lives alone. He lives alone. Er at spise økologisk pengene værd? Is eating organic food worth the money? Is eating the organic money worth it? Tom kolade av. Tom passed out. Empty collapsing. Han höll det hemligt. He kept it secret. He kept it secret. Du känner inte mig över huvud taget. You don't know me at all. You don't know me at all. Ni känner inte mig över huvud taget. You don't know me at all. You don't know me at all. Jag är glad att det är över. I'm glad that's over. I'm glad it's over. Vertu blessaður. Goodbye! Good-bye. Øving gjør mester. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes master. Han tog sitt liv genom att hoppa ner från en bro. He ended his life by jumping off a bridge. He took his life by jumping down from a bridge. Jeg er ved at lære hebræisk. I'm learning Hebrew. I'm learning Hebrew. Jag behövde det här. I needed this. I needed this. Det er bortkastet å la jorden ligge uutvunnet. It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle. It's the waste of letting the earth lie unexpansioned. Garaget var tomt. The garage was empty. Garaget was empty. Jeg har ingen kontanter på mig. I don't have any cash on me. I don't have any cash on me. Tom är en idrottskille. Tom is a jock. Tom's a sportsman. Hun gik tyve mil om dagen. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked 20 miles a day. Du sir myggen fra og sluger en kamel. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You leave the mosquito and swallow a camel. Tom var på rätt ställe vid rätt tidpunkt. Tom was at the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Tom bestilte en drink. Tom ordered a drink. Tom ordered a drink. Hur kom ni in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Tom er ved at læse biblen. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom's reading the Bible. Det er ikke noe å bry seg om. There is nothing to worry about. There's nothing to care about. Hav en god tur. Have a nice trip. Have a good trip. Jag går och hämtar den nu. I'll go get it now. I'll go get it now. Vi ses senare, Tom. Catch you later, Tom. I'll see you later, Tom. Har du en Mac eller PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Do you have a Mac or PC? Du spiller ved å slå i bordet når du blir bedt om det, opp til slutten hvor du velter bordet så simulert mat og bestikk flyr. You play the game by pounding the table when prompted, until the end where you flip the table over to send simulated food and cutlery flying. You play by hitting the table when you are asked to, up to the end when you roll the table so simulated food and cutlery fly. Jeg har aldrig vundet nogen som helst præmie. I have never won any kind of prize. I've never won any prize. Spidsen af Fuji-bjerget er dækket af sne. The top of Mt. Fuji is covered with snow. The tip of the Fuji Mountain is covered with snow. Jag kan vara rättvis. I can be fair. I can be fair. Jeg mangler selvtillid. I lack confidence. I need confidence. Jag måste träffa dig. I have to see you. I need to see you. Far har kjøpt meg en ny sykkel. Father bought me a new bicycle. Dad bought me a new bike. Hunden blev ramt af en lastbil. A truck hit the dog. The dog was hit by a truck. Hvad er Toms efternavn? What's Tom's last name? What's Tom's last name? Jeg vil gå. I want to go. I want to go. Tom är skrämmande. Då barn ser honom springer de alla iväg. Tom is intimidating. When children see him, they all run away. Tom is scary, and when children see him, they all run away. Gå på offensiven. Go on the offensive. Go to the offensive. Dette vannet er et av de dypeste i landet. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This water is one of the deepest in the country. Stäng av vattnet. Turn off the water. Turn the water off. Jeg bor på denne planet. I live on this planet. I live on this planet. Planeterne kredser om solen. The planets revolve around the sun. The planets revolve around the sun. Þú ert frjáls til að fara heim. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Jeg leser ikke så mange bøker som jeg gjorde tidligere. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don't read as many books as I did earlier. Jeg har mistet dit telefonnummer. I lost your phone number. I've lost your phone number. Herbergið hans er alltaf í röð og reglu. His room is always in good order. His room is always in order. Eg dugi ikki spanskt. I don't speak Spanish. I am not available in Spanish. Jeg gav ham et kæmpe knus. I gave him a huge hug. I gave him a giant hug. Mitt liv er en selvmotsigelse. My life's a contradiction. My life is a contradiction. Det är svinkallt! It's wretchedly cold. It's freezing! Vad har du tagit? What have you taken? What did you take? Hvorfor falder du ikke bare død om? Why don't you just drop dead? Why don't you just fall dead about? Hur kan vi stoppa dem? How can we stop them? How can we stop them? Penge er ikke alt. Money isn't everything. Money isn't everything. Hun liker russisk popmusikk. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop music. Hur kan man vara så dum? How can one be so stupid? How can you be so stupid? Ljudet väckte mig från min sömn. The noise awoke me from my sleep. The sound woke me up from my sleep. Deres arbejde er at malke køerne. Their job is to milk the cows. Your job is to milk the cows. De plantede æbletræer. They planted apple trees. They planted apple trees. Alle eggene i boksen var knuste. All the eggs in the box were broken. All the eggs in the box were broken. Såg du blicken han gav mig? Did you see how he looked at me? Did you see the look he gave me? Hann sær altíð fegin út. He always looks happy. He's always glad to see you. Min far er holdt op med at drikke. My father quit drinking. My dad's quit drinking. Tom skakade på huvudet. Tom shook his head. Tom was shaking his head. Det är klart att han ljög. Of course he lied. Of course he lied. Det japanska vädret är mildare än det engelska. The Japanese weather is milder than the English weather. The Japanese weather is milder than the English. Noe er galt med motoren. Something is wrong with the engine. Something's wrong with the engine. Tom är en illegal invandrare. Tom is an illegal immigrant. Tom's an illegal immigrant. De kan dö. They could die. They can die. Vad kallade du mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Vill ni ha en banan? Do you want a banana? You want a banana? Så där behandlar han mig jämt. That is how he always treats me. That's how he treats me all the time. Hjúkrunakonan huggaði grátandi barnið. The nurse soothed the crying child. The nurse comforted the crying baby. Ég drekk ekki mikinn bjór. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Skriv in ditt användarnamn följt av ditt lösenord. Enter your username, followed by your password. Enter your username followed by your password. Tom är grym. Tom is awesome. Tom's awesome. Har du levert inn stilen? Have you turned in your report? Have you delivered the style? Är ni finländare eller ryssar? Are you Finns or Russians? Are you Finns or Russians? Han tror han ved alt. He believes he knows everything. He thinks he knows everything. Lige meget hvor meget jeg prøver, så kan jeg ikke huske hendes adresse. I can't remember her address no matter how much I try. No matter how much I try, I can't remember her address. Hon är lika lång som sin mor. She is as tall as her mother. She's as long as her mother. Jeg blev ydmyget. I was humiliated. I was humiliated. Titta inte på kameran. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Tom cykler til skole. Tom goes to school by bicycle. Tom bikes to school. Var snäll och vänta i fem minuter. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Jag gör det ändå. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. Við viljum öll að verð lækki. We all want prices to decline. We all want to be low. John hefur verið að mála hurðina. John has been painting the door. John's been painting the door. Han kan gøre sig forståelig på engelsk. He can make himself understood in English. He can make himself understandable in English. Áttu fjölskyldu? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Løs problemet. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Við höfum enn hvort annað og það er aðalatriðið. We've still got each other, and that's the main thing. We still have each other, and that's the key. Måste ni åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to leave now? Jeg vil give dig mit hjerte for evigt. I want to give you my heart for ever. I will give you my heart forever. Tom sa att han ville dö. Tom said he wanted to die. Tom said he wanted to die. Jeg vil ha et sverd! I want a sword! I want a sword! Dette er en ny modell. This is a new model. This is a new model. Denne kniv skærer ikke godt. This knife doesn't cut well. This knife doesn't cut well. Það skiptir mig ekki máli. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Han ser trött ut. He looks tired. He looks tired. Tom var ikkje klar for å døy. Tom wasn't ready to die. Tom was not ready to die. Det var som tusan! What the hell! Damn it! Tom gik ind uden at banke på. Tom entered without knocking. Tom went in without knocking. Häng din hatt på kroken. Hang your hat on the hook. Hang your hat on the hook. Ef það væri ekkert loft mundi fólk ekki einu sinni geta lifað í tíu mínútur. If there were no air, people could not live for even ten minutes. If there was no air, people wouldn't even be able to live for ten minutes. Jill segist vera hamingjusamlega gift, en stundum mundi maður varla halda það. Jill says that she's happily married, but at times you'd never know it. Jill claims to be happily married, but sometimes you wouldn't think so. Þessi hamborgari er ódýr miðað við japanska hamborgara. This hamburger is inexpensive for a Japanese hamburger. This hamburger is cheap compared to Japanese hamburgers. Sami kan ikke lide hunde. Sami doesn't like dogs. Sami doesn't like dogs. Tom såg sina dotterdöttrar dansa. Tom watched his granddaughters dance. Tom saw his granddaughters dancing. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. It's very funny. Det finnes mer i himlen og på jorden enn all din kunnskap drømmer om, Horatio. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. There is more in heaven and on earth than all your knowledge dreams of, Horatio. Lad os stemme. Let's vote. Let's vote. Jag gillar inte huset. I do not like the house. I don't like the house. Ég á heldur lítið af peningum. I'm short of money. I don't have much money. Du tror ikke virkelig at Tom prøvde å jukse, gjør du? You don't really think Tom tried to cheat you, do you? You don't really think Tom was trying to cheat, do you? Han jobber i bank. He works at a bank. He's working at a bank. De eksporterer mye frukt, som appelsiner, grapefruit og sitroner. They export a lot of fruit, such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons. They're exporting a lot of fruit, like oranges, grapefruit and lemons. Du fortalte ikke sannheten. You hid the truth from me. You didn't tell the truth. Jeg tror du vet hvorfor. I think you know why. I think you know why. Du skal tage tyren ved hornene. You have to take the bull by the horns. You have to take the bull at the horns. Jag behöver också förbättra min engelska. I also need to improve my English. I also need to improve my English. Layla luftede hver dag sine hunde. Layla walked her dogs every day. Layla aired her dogs every day. Má ég sitja við hliðina á þér? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Han følte sig som i en drøm. He felt as if he were in a dream. He felt like he was in a dream. Jag gillar den långsamma rytmen i den där sången. I like the slow rhythm of that song. I like the slow rhythm of that song. Han tok ikke rådet mitt. He disregarded my advice. He didn't take my advice. Du kommer att ha en ny broder. You will have a new brother. You'll have a new brother. Tom utövar social distansering. Tom is practicing social distancing. Tom is exercising social distance. Använd den här! Use this. Use this! Jag ska gå och shoppa. I'll go shopping. I'm going shopping. Tom ser fortfarande förvånad ut. Tom still looks surprised. Tom still looks surprised. Það eru yfir 2500 tegundir snáka í heiminum. There are over 2,500 types of snakes in the world. There are over 2,500 kinds of snakes in the world. Ég er timbraður. I have a hangover. I'm an hourdream. Har du allerede spist kage? Have you already eaten some cake? Have you already eaten cake? Jeg har lyst til at fortælle ham hvad jeg mener om ham. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I want to tell him what I mean about him. Vi påverkas av vår omgivning. We are influenced by our environment. We are influenced by our surroundings. Klokken elleve passer mig fint. Eleven o'clock is good for me. At 11 o'clock, I'm fine. Ég hélt það. I thought as much. I thought so. Hvem oversatte Koranen til hebraisk? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Qur'an into Hebrew? Du betaler renter på penge som du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on money that you borrow. Hvor er min hest? Where's my horse? Where's my horse? Jag har haft roligt. I have had fun. I've had some fun. Det är den bästa vi har. It's the best we have. It's the best we got. De her farver harmonerer meget godt. These colors harmonize very well. These colors are very good. Jeg er skræmt. I'm frightened. I'm scared. Jeg viste hende vejen. I showed her the way. I showed her the way. Från och med 1950 börjar en rad europeiska länder samarbeta ekonomiskt och politiskt för att bevara freden. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. From 1950 onwards, a number of European countries are starting to work together economically and politically to preserve peace. Varför valde du mig? Why did you pick me? Why did you pick me? Nej, han har inte sagt någonting om det. No, he hasn't said anything about it. No, he hasn't said anything about it. Ta hand om Tom. Take care of Tom. Take care of Tom. Tom er ejendomsmægler. Tom is a real estate agent. Tom's a real estate agent. Man kalder ham Dave. People call him Dave. You call him Dave. Dækket taber luft. The tire leaks air. The tire's losing air. Hvad i djævlens navn laver du? What the devil are you doing? What in the devil's name are you doing? Ingen kan forstå mig. Nobody can understand me. No one can understand me. Tom är en ganska bra korgbollsspelare. Tom is a pretty good basketball player. Tom is a pretty good basketball player. Jeg tog det foto for en uge siden. I took that photo a week ago. I took that photo a week ago. Það var ekki eins kalt í dag eins og í gær. It is less cold today than it was yesterday. It wasn't as cold today as yesterday. När frågade du Tom? When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? Jag älskar det här företaget. I love this company. I love this company. Sami hade hemlängtan. Sami was homesick. Sami had his home. Är jag ensam här? Am I alone here? Am I alone here? Min kæreste er algerier. My girlfriend is Algerian. My boyfriend's Algerian. Du er tre år yngre end Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Äntligen! Finally! Finally! Tom betaler normalt alt med kontanter. Tom usually pays for everything in cash. Tom usually pays everything with cash. Du är en bra sångare. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. De elsker denne kabylske kjole. They love this Kabyle dress. They love this Kabyl dress. Tom vandt valget. Tom won the election. Tom won the election. Tom har på sig hatt varje dag. Tom wears a hat every day. Tom's been wearing it every day. Han unnslapp så vidt å bli påkjørt og drept av en bil. He barely escaped being hit and killed by a car. He escaped so far as to be hit and killed by a car. Jeg liker ikke kaffe. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Skadades någon? Did somebody get hurt? Did anyone get hurt? Lägg dina böcker i ditt skåp. Put your books in your locker. Put your books in your locker. Halvparten av engelsk er bare dårlig latin. Half of English is just bad Latin. Half of the English is just poor Latin. Tom är tyst. Tom's silent. Tom's quiet. Tom har ein dram om å bu på fjellet. Tom dreams about living in the mountains. Tom has a dream to live in the mountain. Det blæser ikke så meget i dag. It's not very windy today. It doesn't blow much today. Hittade du din handväska? Did you find your purse? Did you find your purse? Hur kunde Tom veta det? How could Tom know? How could Tom know? Lös problemet. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Tom er ikke flink med ord. Tom is clumsy with words. Tom's not good with words. Läraren underströk vikten av att föra anteckningar. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. The teacher stressed the importance of making notes. Hvorfor er himlen blå? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Hvad sagde I til Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you say to Tom? Tom har brug for professionel hjælp. Tom needs professional help. Tom needs professional help. Vi kan utnytte ressursene i denne store regionen ved fordele arbeidsoppgaver oss imellom. We can utilize the resources of this vast region by distributing tasks among ourselves. We can use the resources in this large region by allocating work tasks between us. Hinner du? Will you make it in time? Do you have time? Fadil og Layla havde et kæmpe skænderi. Fadil and Layla had a huge argument. Fadil and Layla had a huge fight. Jim er ikke advokat, men læge. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor. Vejret er skyet. The weather is cloudy. Weather is clouded. Han besluttede sig for at blive advokat. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. Slog du ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Han dog ung. He died young. He died young. Tom ønskede at se Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Det er ikke blod, det er tomatpure. It's not blood, it's tomato paste. It's not blood, it's tomato puree. Ser jeg træt ud? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Vad är detta? What's this? What is this? Jag kunde inte låta det ske. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let that happen. Slutt å vere så snill. Stop being so nice. Stop being so nice. Vi lyssnar med öronen. We hear with our ears. Let's listen with the ears. Barnen var inte imponerade. The kids weren't impressed. The children were not impressed. Jeg forlader Boston i morgen. I'm leaving Boston tomorrow. I'll leave Boston tomorrow. Vill du att jag pratar på finska eller på engelska? Would you like me to speak Finnish or English? Do you want me to speak in Finnish or in English? Undertrykker islam kvinder? Does Islam oppress women? Does Islam suppress women? Är det din bok, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? Taler Tom fransk flydende? Does Tom speak French fluently? Does Tom speak French fluently? Jag vägrar hjälpa. I refuse to help. I refuse to help. Det har aldrig snöat på ön. It has never snowed on the island. It's never snowed on the island. Men kan du lide det? But do you like it? But do you like it? Jeg har læst bogen. I have read the book. I've read the book. Strákur kom hlaupandi í áttina til mín. A boy came running towards me. A boy came running toward me. Jeg har stemt. I voted. I voted. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. Vi kom aldri til det. We never actually got to that. We never came to that. Tann høga konan er vøkur. The tall woman is beautiful. The big lady's up. Hvem ser efter børnene? Who looks after the children? Who's looking after the kids? Den smukke sorthårede pige var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful black-haired girl was in the park. De er misundelige over vores succes. They are jealous of our success. They're jealous of our success. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Jeg kommer igen en anden gang. I'll come again another time. I'll be back another time. Vad var problemet? What was the problem? What was the problem? Människor är konstiga. People are strange. People are weird. Jeg har besluttet at spise ude i aften. I've decided to eat out tonight. I've decided to eat out tonight. Tom malede væggen pink. Tom painted the wall pink. Tom painted the wall pink. Kan du huske hr. Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Hvem sine sko er det? Whose shoes are those? Who's his shoes? Hvor mange gæster har du inviteret? How many guests did you invite? How many guests have you invited? Lad os snakke om det over en kop kaffe! Let's talk about it while we drink a cup of coffee. Let's talk about it over a cup of coffee! Jeg hater matematikk. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Vil du være hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Will you be home tonight? Vis meg hvordan du gjør det der. Show me how to do that. Show me how to do that. Tom öppnade inte ögonen. Tom didn't open his eyes. Tom didn't open his eyes. Han har en blid natur. He has a mild nature. He has a gentle nature. Jeg ved, at hun har haft travlt. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann. Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise. It was hardly possible to hear her voice over the noise. Jag vet att jag har fel. I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Det er mandag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Även om kommunikation och exkommunikation låter lika har de ingenting med varandra att göra. Although communication and excommunication sound similar, they have absolutely nothing to do with one other. Although communication and excommunication sound the same, they have nothing to do with each other. Det finns ingenting på jorden som inte påverkas av solen. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. Han kommer fra Wales. He comes from Wales. He's from Wales. Du kommer til at spille fodbold i morgen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Bland dig udenom. Mind your own business. Stay out of it. Løven dræbte gazellen. The lion killed the gazelle. The lion killed the gazell. Nogen kom forbi mens jeg var ude. Somebody came to see me while I was out. Someone came by while I was out. Tom er neurokirurg. Tom is a neurosurgeon. Tom's a neuro surgeon. Är du ledsen? Are you sad? Are you sorry? Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don't have much left over for Hollywood's superhero movies. Tom prøvede at erindre navnet på lægen, men det lykkedes ham ikke. Tom tried to remember the doctor's name, but he couldn't. Tom tried to recall the name of the doctor, but he didn't succeed. Jeg elsker å gå på kino. I love going to the cinema. I love going to the cinema. Hämta hit min väska. Bring me my bag. Get me my bag. Hvert værelse har eget bad. Each room has its own bathroom. Each room has its own bath. Efter oss syndafloden. After us, the Deluge. After us the river of sin. Hun elsker barnet som om det var hendes eget. She loves the child as if it were her own. She loves the baby as if it were her own. Jeg har to barn, det ene er i Beijing og det andre i Nagoya. I have two children, one in is Beijing and the other one is in Nagoya. I have two children, one is in Beijing and the other is in Nagoya. Dette site indeholder seksuelt eksplicit materiale og er kun beregnet for voksne. This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. This site contains sexual explicit material and is intended for adults only. Tom siger at han ikke var her i går. Det må have været en anden du så. Tom says he wasn't here yesterday. It must've been someone else you saw. Tom says he wasn't here yesterday. Hvad er der bag muren? What's behind the wall? What's behind the wall? Tom holdt meningen sin for seg selv. Tom kept his opinion to himself. Tom kept his meaning to himself. Það sem hún sagði var fullkomlega merkingarlaust. What she said was completely meaningless. What she said was completely meaningless. Tomtenissar är jultomtens små hjälpredor. Elves are Santa's little helpers. Tomtenissar is Santa's little rescue ship. Jag undrar vilket land som kommer att censurera Tatoeba först. I wonder what country will censor Tatoeba first. I wonder which country will censor Tatoeba first. Intet er lettere end at tale. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. Rygning dræber. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Hun taler meget. She talks a lot. She's talking a lot. Jeg ved aldrig hvad jeg skal sige. I never know what to say. I never know what to say. Ef þú ert kvefaður ættirðu að hvíla þig vel. If you have a cold, you should get plenty of rest. If you're cold, you should rest well. Ég er hraustur. I'm healthy. I'm strong. En minderårig är beroende av sina föräldrar. A minor is dependent on his parents. A minor depends on his parents. Hur kallt är det? How cold is it? How cold is it? Hann er grófur í framkomu. He is coarse in manner. He's a rough person. Det är inte färdigt än. It's not done yet. It's not done yet. Vi kan leke med språket. We can play with the language. We can play with the language. Jag är trött, så stick iväg och stör någon annan. I am tired so go and bother someone else. I'm tired, so get out of here and bother somebody else. Við syntum í sjónum. We swam in the sea. We swim in the sea. Det ser ud til at det vil regne. It seems that it will rain. Looks like it'll work. Der venter ham dødsstraf. Death penalty is waiting for him. That's where he's waiting for the death penalty. Han tittar på dinosaurier. He's looking at dinosaurs. He's looking at dinosaurs. Varken Tom eller Mary kan simma. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. No Tom or Mary can swim. Tom hader mig. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. Jeg er meget glad for at se dig. I am very happy to see you. I'm very happy to see you. Det er en dejlig dag. It's a nice day. It's a nice day. Jag vill inte fria till dig! I don't want to propose to you! I don't want to propose to you! Förlåt oss. Forgive us. I'm sorry. Vill du lära dig japanska så rekommenderar jag dig att besöka Japan. You want to learn Japanese, so I suggest you visit Japan. If you want to learn Japanese, I recommend visiting Japan. Lådan var full av böcker. The box was full of books. It was full of books. Hún spurði um vin sinn. She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend. Jeg skulle ønske at du kunne fortalt meg hva jeg burde gjøre i denne vanskelige situasjonen. I wish you would tell me what I ought to do in this difficult situation. I wish you could tell me what I should do in this difficult situation. Ég þarf að biðja um greiða. I need a favor. I need to ask for a favor. Tom gat ekki hjálpað. Tom couldn't help. Tom couldn't help. Jag sade inte att jag höll med. I didn't say I agreed. I didn't say I agreed. Slap af! Calm down. Relax! Jeg hadde steik og poteter i går. I had steak and potatoes last night. I had steaks and potatoes yesterday. Mary tycker om att köpa kläder till Tom i present. Mary likes to buy Tom clothes as gifts. Mary likes to buy clothes for Tom in gift. Lad os hvile her til Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here for Tom to catch up with us. Tom tillsatte några intressanta kryddor i stuvningen. Tom added some interesting spices to the stew. Tom added some interesting spices to the stew. Dette er begyndelsen på en ny æra. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Jeg studerer engelsk. I'm studying English. I study English. Se upp för ficktjuvar. Look out for pickpockets. Watch out for pocket thieves. Han kendte Uyghur, før han kom til Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he came to Kashgar. He knew Uyghur before he came to Kashgar. Hon var på brottsplatsen. She was on the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Jag samåker med Tom. I carpool with Tom. I'm coming with Tom. Dér er han en stor kanon, men her er han intet. He's a big fish there, but here he's nothing. There he is a great cannon, but here he is nothing. Vil du lave en snemand? Do you want to make a snowman? You want to make a snowman? Þú mátt leggja hérna. You may park here. You can park here. Jeg liker røde frukter veldig godt. I like red fruits a lot. I like red fruits very well. Tom er stolt af sin datter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Jeg tager mig en fridag i morgen. I am taking tomorrow off. I'll take a day off tomorrow. Tom købte et meget billigt fotografiapparat. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Håll er ur min väg. Keep out of my way. Stay out of my way. Fort, håll i det här trädet. Quick, hold onto this tree. Hurry, hold this tree. Jeg tror at det er Tom han hedder. Tom is his name, I think. I think it's Tom's name. Vilken är din favoritsvordom? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite pain? Er Tom endnu ikke ankommet? Hasn't Tom arrived yet? Tom hasn't arrived yet? Er Tom ikke en musiker? Isn't Tom a musician? Isn't Tom a musician? La meg lage deg noe å spise. Let me make you something to eat. Let me make you something to eat. Tom är en beatnik. Tom is a beatnik. Tom's a beatnik. Hva sier du? What're you saying? What are you saying? Ska vi gå långt? Are we going far? Shall we go far? Når du forventer å få noe for intet, lurer du kun deg selv. When you expect to get something for nothing, the only person you're fooling is yourself. When you expect to get something for nothing, you only wonder yourself. "Ét æg er ikke udklækket endnu." sagde anden. "One egg is not hatched yet," said the duck. "One egg hasn't hatched yet." said the other. Du har rett for nå. You're right for now. You're right now. Oscar var min mors hund. Oscar was my mum's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. Tom føntørrede sit hår. Tom blew his hair dry. Tom made his hair dry. Pappen min sa ikke et eneste ord under middagen. My father didn't say a word during dinnertime. My dad didn't say a single word at dinner. Schalke spiller mod Inter Milan i aften. Schalke are playing Inter Milan tonight. Schalke is playing against Inter Milan tonight. Jag gav dem ett tusen yen var. I gave them one thousand yen each. I gave them a thousand yen each. Stands bilen. Stop the car. Stop the car. Det faktumet at du ikke greier å føle medlidenhet viser at du er helt klart en psykopat. The fact that you're unable to feel compassion indicates clearly that you're a psychopath. The fact that you don't feel pity shows that you're clearly a psychopath. Hvor længe har I været væk? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Du sa att Tom var annorlunda. You said Tom was different. You said Tom was different. Tom bemærkede at Mary stirrede på ham. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Jeg ville være fornøyd hvis du betalte meg med kontanter. I'd be content if you paid me with cash. I would be pleased if you paid me in cash. Han har gått ur tiden. He passed away. He's out of time. Råttor förökar sig fort. Rats breed rapidly. Rats are rapidly expanding. Finns de? Do they exist? Are they? Jag sov väldigt bra. I slept very well. I slept very well. Ta på dig en klänning då. Why don't you wear a dress? Then put on a dress. President Truman var tvungen att ta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Spelar du squash? Do you play squash? Are you playing squash? Tom ønsker ikke køre. Tom doesn't want to drive. Tom doesn't want to drive. Tom ventede på Mary foran skolen. Tom waited for Mary in front of the school. Tom was waiting for Mary in front of school. Han reser runt. He travels around. He travels around. Vi kan inte bevisa att Tom ljuger, men vi är ganska säkra på att han gör det. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove Tom's lying, but we're pretty sure he's doing it. Eg eri ikki errin av framferð mínari. I'm not proud of my behaviour. I'm not afraid of my performance. Til jul sender vi julekort til vores venner. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. Hon kom inte förrän två. She did not come until two. She didn't come until two. Jag kan svara på det. I can answer that. I can answer that. Denne film er meget kontroversiel. This movie is highly controversial. This film is very controversial. Algeriet er et land der er plaget af korruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Þú ættir að borða eitthvað áður en þú ferð. You should eat something before you go. You should eat something before you go. Jag hade en blixtrande huvudvärk. I had a splitting headache. I had a flashing headache. Ég trúi því ekki að þú hafir aldrei heyrt um hana. I don't believe I've ever heard of her. I can't believe you never heard of her. Lad os sætte os på bænken. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. Katte har ni liv. Cats have nine lives. Cats have you lives. Tom bestod ikkje på eksamen. Tom wasn't able to pass the examination. Tom did not pass the exam. Vi ger det ett försök. Let's give it a go. Let's give it a try. Hur har Tom och Mary det? How are Tom and Mary? How's Tom and Mary? Ved du hvorfor himlen er blå? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Jag är inte någon expert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Jag lär mig ungerska. I am learning Hungarian. I learn Hungarian. Hvor mødte du dem? Where did you meet them? Where did you meet them? Jag måste packa inför resan. I've got to pack for the trip. I need to pack up for the trip. Velkommen til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Det är mitt jobb. It's my job. It's my job. Døra var åpen, så vi gikk rett inn. The door was open, so we came right in. The door was open, so we went straight in. Klä på er fort. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed fast. Radioen var tændt. The radio was on. The radio was on. Du blev meget fuld. You got very drunk. You got very drunk. Du behöver bara vara lite kreativ. You just have to be creative. You just need to be a little creative. Ingen kommer til å stoppe meg. Nobody is going to stop me. Nobody's going to stop me. Hon kan inte stoppa mig. She can't stop me. She can't stop me. Jag trodde att Tom skulle gripas av panik. I thought Tom would panic. I thought Tom would be arrested by panic. Enkelhet er nøkkelen. Simplicity is the key. Simpleness is key. Han dro tilbake til fødselsbyen sin, hvor han tilbrakte de siste få årene av sitt liv. He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life. He went back to his birthplace, where he spent the last few years of his life. Var är era väskor? Where are your bags? Where are your bags? Jag hittade faktiskt någonting. I did find something. Actually, I found something. Tom och Mary sålde sin bil förra veckan. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Hvor kan jeg få tak i et kart over Europa? Where can I obtain a map of Europe? Where can I get a map of Europe? Mér þætti gaman að heyra hvað þú hefur um þetta að segja. I'd like to hear what you have to say on this. I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. Hvem er den der mand? Who is that man? Who's that man? Takk for kommentaren. Thanks for the comment. Thanks for the comment. Jag tar hand om den här. I'll handle this one. I'll take care of this. Gå hjem og bliv hjemme. Go home and stay home. Go home and stay home. En to meter lang levende krokodille ble funnet i et drivhus i en hage i Sveriges tredje største by - Malmö. A two-meter-long live crocodile has been found in a garden greenhouse in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö. A two - foot - long living crocodile was found in a greenhouse in a garden in Sweden’s third largest city - Malmö. Tom är en främling i den här staden. Tom is a stranger in this town. Tom's a stranger in this town. Bliv på stien. Stay on the path. Stay on the path. Det är därför jag är här, faktiskt. That's why I'm here, actually. That's why I'm here, actually. Jag har haft det jättetrevligt i Boston. I've had a great time in Boston. I've had a really nice time in Boston. Jag har svårt att tro på det. This is hard for me to believe. I find it hard to believe. Jeg blev i Australien i tre uger. I stayed in Australia for three weeks. I stayed in Australia for three weeks. Gi meg din permanente adresse. Please give me your permanent address. Give me your permanent address. Alle kjedet seg over den lange talen hans. Everyone was bored by his long speech. Everyone chained over his long speech. Det er ikke mitt. It's not mine. It's not mine. Tom forstår kritikken. Tom understands the criticism. Tom understands the criticism. Tom laget spagetti til middag. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Hvorfor kigger du på dit ur hele tiden? Why do you look at your watch all the time? Why are you looking at your watch all the time? Han bad om nogle penge. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Der er et stort tæppe på gulvet. There's a large carpet on the floor. There's a big blanket on the floor. Du har nådd bunnen. You've reached the bottom. You've reached the bottom. Jeg spiste det. I ate it. I ate it. Jeg bor i Kairo. I live in Cairo. I live in Cairo. Jeg må leve med konsekvenserne af de valg jeg har taget. I must live with the consequences of the choices I've made. I must live with the consequences of the choices I have made. När jag besökte deras lägenhet, var paret mitt i ett gräl. When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument. When I visited their apartment, the couple were in the middle of a fight. Det var en fuktig, grå sommardag i slutet av juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Hvem har skrevet et brev? Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? Hefurðu einhverntíma farið á skrifstofuna þar sem pabbi þinn vinnur? Have you ever visited the office where your father works? Have you ever been to your dad's office? Såg du gårdagens avsnitt? Did you see yesterday's episode? Did you see yesterday's episode? Hur skulle du veta? How would you know? How would you know? Han nød de besøg. He enjoyed those visits. He had those visits. Hið þekkta þarf að greina frá hinu óþekkta. The known must be separated from the unknown. The unknown one needs to be identified. De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. Det er iskaldt. It's as cold as ice. It's freezing. Þögn er sama og samþykki. Silence gives consent. Quiet is the same as approval. Har du eit innandørs symjebasseng, er du truleg ganske rik. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you're probably pretty rich. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you're probably pretty rich. Beklager å ha latt deg vente så lenge. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Sorry to have left you waiting so long. Kaffen faldt ikke rigtig i min smag. The coffee was not much to my liking. The coffee didn't really fall in my taste. Säg till Tom att jag är färdig. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm done. Jeg har det godt. I'm doing well. I'm fine. Jeg hadde en valp da jeg var en gutt. I had a puppy when I was a boy. I had a puppy when I was a boy. Gullet er kongenes konge. Gold is the king of kings. The gold is the king of kings. Tom er fraværende. Tom is absent. Tom's absent. Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir því sem þú hefur gert. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Han sagde farvel til familien. He said good-bye to the family. He said goodbye to the family. I stedet for at vente på en kontrakt, kan vi klare det over telefonen. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Jeg studerer på et universitet i Boston. I study at a university in Boston. I'm studying at a university in Boston. Det er min, ikke hans. It's mine, not his. It's mine, not his. Tvätta händerna innan du äter. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before you eat. Tom skal vel ikke spise den frosken? Tom isn't really going to eat that frog, is he? Tom's not going to eat that frog, is she? Hver ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Jag flyttade inte på någonting. I didn't move a thing. I didn't move anything. Du kan vælge en hvilken som helst af dem. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. Elizabeth II er Englands dronning. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth II is the queen of England. Tom blev bortvist fra skolen for at overtræde skolens ordensregler. Tom was expelled from school for breaking school rules. Tom was expelled from school to violate school rules. Det var inte så lätt som jag trodde att det skulle vara. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Talentfulde mennesker bliver født hver dag. Talented people are born every day. Talented people are born every day. Tænker du på fransk? Do you think in French? Are you thinking in French? En färsk undersökning visar att antalet rökare minskar. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. Tom tror ikke Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't believe that Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Rútan tekur þig niður í miðbæinn. The bus takes you down town. The bus will take you down to the middle of town. Er dette en hingst eller en hoppe? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a stallion or a jump? Hold det her! Hold this. Hold this! Vi har en katt. Vi älskar alla katter. We have a cat. We all love cats. We have a cat, we love all the cats. Allting har ett pris, det goda visar sig vara dyrare än det onda. Everything has a price, the good being more expensive than the bad. Everything has a price, good proves to be more expensive than evil. Fotballkampen blei direktesend på fjernsyn. The football match was broadcast live on television. The football game was broadcast live on television. Jeg er udmattet! Jeg ønsker bare at gå hjem, tage et bad og gå i seng. I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed. I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath and go to bed. Gerðu þinn hluta og ég skal gera afganginn. You do your part and I'll do the rest. Do your part and I'll do the rest. Þeir sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They feed fish into cans. Hon ser ledsen ut. She looks sad. She looks sad. Katten er bange for børn. The cat is afraid of children. The cat is afraid of children. Jag respekterar dig och dina åsikter. I respect you and your opinions. I respect you and your opinions. Tom klappade ihop. Tom cracked up. Tom clapped. Jeg skrev et brev til Jim. I wrote a letter to Jim. I wrote a letter to Jim. Tom var nyfiken. Tom was nosy. Tom was curious. Jag fick intrycket att han hade mycket pengar. I got the impression that he had a lot of money. I got the impression he had a lot of money. Hun var for træt til at fortsætte med at arbejde. She was too tired to go on working. She was too tired to continue working. Bárðarbunga er i udbrud i Island. The Bárðarbunga is erupting in Iceland. Båddarbunga is in an outburst in Iceland. Ursäkta mig. Excuse me. Excuse me. Bilen standsede. The car stopped. The car stopped. Jeg har aldri hørt at han har løyet. I have never heard him lie. I have never heard that he has resolved. Filmen er keisam. The film is boring. The movie's cool. Det gör ont i mitt ben nu. My leg hurts now. My leg hurts now. Jeg vet ikke om jeg fortsatt har den. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if I still have it. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It isn't safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text you under the drive. Vad får dig att tro att Tom gillar heavy metal? What makes you think that Tom likes heavy metal? What makes you think Tom likes heavy metal? Underteckna på den här raden. Sign on this line. Sign on this line. Hvor kan jeg få toiletpapir? Where can I get toilet paper? Where can I get toilet paper? Håll dig redo. Stand by. Get ready. Hvor mange språk snakker du? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Han spiser et æble. He's eating an apple. He's eating an apple. Hon är orolig över din säkerhet. She's worried about your safety. She's worried about your safety. Tom er en uhelbredelig optimist. Tom is an incurable optimist. Tom is an unholy optimistic. Tyskland hedder "Deutschland" på tysk. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Hvor mye koster en billett for konserten? How much does a ticket cost for the concert? How much does a ticket cost for the concert? Jeg gir meg ikke! I'm not giving up. I don't give! Jeg kan ikke gjøre det. I can't do that. I can't do that. Han svømmer. He's swimming. He's swimming. Ni måste alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You always have to do the right thing. Ég get ekki fengið mig til að gera svona lagað. I cannot bring myself to do such a thing. I can't make myself do this. Jag trodde att ni var annorlunda. I thought you were different. I thought you guys were different. Jeg henter en. I'll get one. I'll get one. Gjorde du det? Did you do that? Did you? Han har ry for at være en don juan. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a Don Juan. Jeg tok ikke poenget til vitsen. I didn't get the joke. I didn't take the point to the joke. Piken er en sykesøster. The girl is a nurse. The girl is a nurse. Hann segist ekki munu hætta að reykja. He says he will not give up smoking. He says he won't stop smoking. Sa jag inte just det? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Tom sov igen for længe. Tom overslept again. Tom slept again too long. Við keyptum vörurnar á þrjá dollara fyrir tylftina. We bought the goods at $3 a dozen. We bought three bucks for the dozens. Á sunnudaginn vorum við á ströndinni að fljúga flugdreka. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. On Sunday, we were on the beach flying a kite. Toms hälsa är inte den bästa. Tom isn't in the best of health. Tom's health isn't the best. Det verkar ta en evighet och tre dagar. It seems like it'll take forever and three days. It seems to take forever and three days. Det var väldigt svårt. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Låt inte folk göra dig galen över pengar, hår och kläder. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Ganske mange briter blev virkelig rystet over resultatet over folkeafstemningen, men de som ikke havde gidet stemme, havde kun sig selv at takke. Quite a few British people were really cut up about the results of the plebiscite, but those who had not bothered to vote had only themselves to blame. Although many British were really shocked by the outcome of the referendum, those who had not voted had only their own thanks. Sammenlignet med kineserne er japanerne dårlige lingvister. Compared with the Chinese, the Japanese are poor linguists. Compared to the Chinese, the Japanese are bad linguists. Jeg hedder Tom, og jeg er alkoholiker. I'm Tom and I'm an alcoholic. I'm Tom, and I'm an alcoholic. Det vet jag redan. I already know that. I already know. Hun kommer fra Tyskland. She comes from Germany. She's from Germany. De tog i biografen i går aftes. They went to the movies last night. They went to the movie last night. Ég horfði á hafnaboltaleikinn í gærkveldi. I watched the baseball game last night. I watched last night's baseball game. Jeg er ikke din far. I'm not your father. I'm not your father. Han tog hendes cykel. He took her bicycle. He took her bike. Er det jeres? Is it yours? Is that yours? Det er umulig å leve uten vann. It is impossible to live without water. It's impossible to live without water. Það þýðir ekki neitt. It doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. Det var kun for sjov. I am only joking. It was just for fun. Tom hilste på sin nabo. Tom said hello to his neighbour. Tom greeted his neighbor. Eg skilji. Takki. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Thank you. Vi gjorde vad vi måste för att överleva. We did what we had to to survive. We did what we had to do to survive. Jeg aner ikke hvem hun er. I have no idea who she is. I have no idea who she is. Det hela är ett stort skämt. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. Vær ikke bange, Tom! Don't be afraid, Tom. Don't be afraid, Tom! Jeg har time hos legen. I have an appointment with the doctor. I have an appointment with the doctor. I denne gudsforladte landsby er de fleste bønder analfabeter. Most of the peasants living in this godforsaken village are illiterate. In this godforsaken village, most farmers are illiteracy. Vilken årstid gillar du mest, våren eller hösten? Which season do you like best, spring or autumn? What season do you like most, spring or autumn? Alle kan lide is. Everyone likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Drikker fisk vand? Do fish drink water? Do fish drink water? Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Jeg så det aldri engang. I never even saw it. I never even saw it. Maðurin er høgur. The man is tall. Man is tall. Jag såg er aldrig. I never saw you. I never saw you. Tom mødte Mary foran biblioteket. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Vi måste prata. We've got to talk. We need to talk. Jeg tror det må være sket netop på den måde som Tom siger det gjorde. I think it must've happened just the way Tom said it did. I think it must have happened the way Tom says it did. Jeg kan ikke holde støjen ud. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the noise. De er nogle hårde fyre. They're tough guys. They're tough guys. Hvor er jeres forældre? Where are your parents? Where's your parents? Jeg har bedre ting å gjøre enn å sitte her og høre på at du klager. I've got better things to do with my time than to sit here and listen to you complain. I have better things to do than sit here and listen to that you complain. Tack för informationen. Thanks for the information. Thank you for the information. Det här är dåligt för miljön. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. Þetta er sjúkrahús. This is a hospital. It's a hospital. Smakar soppan gott? Does the soup taste good? Does the soup taste good? Þú ættir alltaf að eyða tíma í hluti sem hjálpa börnunum þínum að komast áfram í lífinu. You should always spend time doing things that help your children get ahead in life. You should always spend time in things that help your children to get on with life. Han døde da han var 70 år. He died at the age of 70. He died when he was 70 years old. De sa att de skulle göra läxorna, fast de gick på bio. They said that they would do homework, though they went to the movies. They said they'd do the homework, even though they went to the movies. Livet skulle kunna vara en dröm. Life could be a dream. Life could be a dream. Vi samles her en gang i uken. We gather here once a week. We meet here once a week. Hon är orolig för sin vikt. She worries about her weight. She's worried about her weight. Hon älskar Tom. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. Hún líkist mjög móður sinni. She looks a lot like her mother. She looks very like her mother. Alle de æbler der falder, bliver spist af grisene. All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. Jag hittade den precis. I just found it. I just found it. Du måste ta buss nummer 12. You have to take bus number 12. You have to take the bus number 12. Allt var fortfarande i skogen. All was still in the woods. Everything was still in the woods. Hon har tio barn. She has ten children. She has ten children. Góð bók er hinn besti vinur, eins í dag og um alla framtíð. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. A good book is the best friend, as it is today and for the future. Varför? Why? Why? Gjør det deg glad? Does that make you happy? Does that make you happy? Hun holdt ham ligesom gorillamødre holder deres babyer. She held him like mother gorillas hold their babies. She kept him like gorilla mothers holding their babies. Har du stadig en nøgle til Toms lejlighed? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Arbetsnarkomaner ser semesterdagar som slöseri med tid. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Workwives see holiday days as waste of time. Min laptop kører linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running linux. Þú munt sjá muninn. You'll see the difference. You'll see the difference. Hvorfor tager vi ikke hen og ser en film? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go see a movie? Vi vill ha en sak. We want one thing. We want one thing. Betyder sandheden noget? Does truth matter? Does the truth matter? Skoðaðu síðuna mína á Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Look at my page on Facebook. Tom ankom tre minutter tidlig. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom arrived three minutes early. Jag planerar att ge min son en dator i slutet av månaden. I plan to give my son a computer at the end of the month. I'm planning on giving my son a computer at the end of the month. Jag tror att Tom ljög för oss. I think Tom lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. Hvor vover du at fornærme profeten Maria! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! How dare you insult the prophet Mary! Vi er ikke læger. We aren't doctors. We're not doctors. Tom er Marys mand. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom's Mary's husband. Svo þau hefðu átt að vera komin. So they ought to have arrived here by now. So they should have been here. Jag kanske inte återvänder. I may not return. Maybe I won't come back. Hun bed i æblet. She bit into the apple. She bit the apple. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde blitt lenge nok til å møte foreldrene dine. I wish that I had stuck around long enough to meet your parents. I wish I had been long enough to meet your parents. Kan du slå lidt af på prisen? Could you knock a little off the price? Can you turn the price off a little? Tom sad på en bænk og spiste noget der lignede et æble. Tom was sitting on a bench eating something that looked like an apple. Tom sat on a bench eating something similar to an apple. Han har en ketsjer. He has a racket. He's got a ketcher. Tom fortalte alle at han var gift. Tom told everyone that he was married. Tom told everyone he was married. Jeg er døv. I am deaf. I'm deaf. Jag kan överleva dig. I may outlive you. I can survive you. De verkar så lyckliga. They seem so happy. They seem so happy. Tak for i dag. Thank you for today. Thank you for today. Jeg står i gæld til dig. I'm indebted to you. I owe you. Jeg kjøpte blomster fordi jeg skal besøke min bestemor i ettermiddag. I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. I bought flowers because I would visit my grandmother this afternoon. Vi tillbringade en utmärkt semester i Sverige. We spent a great holiday in Sweden. We spent an excellent vacation in Sweden. Tom glömde att ställa väckarklockan. Tom forgot to set his alarm clock. Tom forgot to set the alarm clock. Hvor er din skole? Where is your school? Where's your school? Skibet ændrede kurs. The ship changed its course. The ship changed course. Jag tror att jag ska raka huvudet. I think I'll shave my head. I think I should shave my head. På dage med fint vejr tager min bedstefar en spadseretur. My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days. In days of nice weather, my grandfather takes a stroll. Han gråter alltid när han är full. He always cries when he is drunk. He always weeps when he's drunk. För henne är det en förolämpning. It is an insult to her. For her, it's an insult. Jeg kedede mig. I was bored. I was bored. Yutaka á tvo eldri bræður. Yutaka has two elder brothers. Yutaka has two older brothers. Skarstu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Vi snakket blant annet om været. Among other things, we talked about the weather. We talked about the weather among other things. Ingen gör någonting. Nobody is doing anything. No one's doing anything. Spørg Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Han du en? Do you have one? Did you do one? Hvor ligger jeres skole? Where is your school? Where's your school? Jag älskar den berättelsen. I love that story. I love that story. Dessverre var vi ikke i stand til å registrere din deltakelse. Dette kan skyldes at du allerede har deltatt i denne undersøkelsen, eller det kan skyldes mistanke om brudd på våre vilkår og betingelser. Du vil bli videreført til ditt panel. Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform. Unfortunately, we were unable to register your participation. This may be because you have already participated in this study, or it may be due to suspicion of breach of our terms and conditions. You will be passed on to your panel. Jag försökte att övertyga henne. I tried to convince her. I tried to convince her. Han beskrev i detalj vad som hade hänt. He described what had happened in detail. He described in detail what had happened. Jeg ved hvad Tom taler om. I know what Tom is talking about. I know what Tom's talking about. Tom flämtade. Tom was panting. Tom flicked. Vad gör dig så överlägsen? Just what makes you so high and mighty? What makes you so superior? Jag kan inte komma i dag, och inte heller i morgon. I can't come today, and not tomorrow, either. I can't come today, nor tomorrow. Han drak ikke vin. He didn't drink wine. He didn't drink wine. Jeg kunne ikke høre hva som ble sagt. I couldn't hear what was being said. I couldn't hear what was said. Jag retades bara lite. I was just teasing. I was just teasing a little. Ástin er nóg. Love is enough. Love is enough. Jag tar en kopp kaffe, tack. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. Vår lärare kommer till skolan med bil. Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teacher comes to school with a car. Tom gav Mary en julegave. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Månen er så lys! The moon's so bright. The moon is so bright! Það er smám saman að dimma úti. It's getting dark little by little outside. It's getting dark out of here. Jeg er gladest når jeg sover. I am happiest when I sleep. I'm happy when I'm asleep. Jag har glömt min PIN-kod. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my PIN code. Hur kan jag vara till hjälp? How can I be helpful? How can I help you? Jag tar det. I'll get it. I'll take it. Hur tog du dig in? How did you get in here? How did you get in? Jag ska fråga honom om det imorgon då. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Bestilte du bogen? Did you order the book? Did you order the book? Mars er den røde planet. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the red planet. Dere må lære av feilene deres. You must learn from your mistakes. You have to learn from your mistakes. Hur vet du om någon är en löpare? How do you know someone is a runner? How do you know if someone's a runner? Du skriver bedre end jeg gør. You write better than I do. You write better than I do. Hvem er det du taler med? Who are you talking with now? Who are you talking to? Af hverju hefur fæðingartíðnin fallið svona snögglega? Why has the birthrate declined so sharply? Why has birth rates fallen so quickly? Tranen, i modsætning til hunden, har aldrig drømt om at flyve. The crane, unlike the dog, has never dreamed of flying. The crane, unlike the dog, has never dreamed of flying. Jag är inte det minsta romantisk. I am not romantic at all. I'm not the least romantic. Hon grät. She cried. She cried. Atari 2600 var populær i begyndelsen af ​​firserne. The Atari 2600 was popular in the early eighties. Atari 2,600 was popular at the beginning of the eighties. Tom og Mary kender sandheden. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Mary know the truth. Jeg tror ikke du ville være enig i måten Tom har oppført seg. I take it you don't approve of the way Tom's been behaving. I don't think you'd agree with the way Tom has behaved. Alle mulige typer kvinder inspirerer mig. All kinds of women inspire me. All kinds of women inspire me. Hun ble gift i en alder av søtten. She got married at the age of seventeen. She was married at the age of sweet. Hur kan jag nå Tom? How can I reach Tom? How can I reach Tom? Hún ráðlagði honum að taka peningana. She advised him to take the money. She advised him to take the money. Tom døde i en brand. Tom died in a fire. Tom died in a fire. Nogen ringede. Somebody called. Someone called. Var bor din farbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Jeg har vært her i tre måneder. I've been here for three months. I've been here three months. Gør det snarest muligt. Do it as soon as possible. Do it as soon as possible. Tom købte en gave til sin søn. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought a gift for his son. Der var intet badeværelse. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. Jeg laver en dukke til Anna. I'm making a doll for Anna. I'll make a doll for Anna. Arabiska är inte svårt. Arabic isn't hard. Arabic is not difficult. Vi ser sjældent Tom køre på cykel. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom riding on a bike. Ég skil bækurnar eftir hér. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. Jag köper silver från en man som äger en gruva. I buy silver from a man who owns a mine. I buy silver from a man who owns a mine. Eg havi nógvan fepur. I have a high temperature. I have many feet. Du har allerede betalt. You already paid. You already paid. Jag hade ingen aning om att Tom inte var lycklig här. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. Det er ikke det samme. It isn't the same. It's not the same thing. Säg nej till droger. Say no to drugs. Say no to drugs. Gøende hunde bider aldrig. Barking dogs never bite. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jag har inga pengar på mig. I have no money on me. I don't have any money on me. Det øser ned. It is raining heavily. It's going down. Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't believe that Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Þú sjálfur verður að ljúka því. You yourself have to finish it. You've got to finish it yourself. Hun har på den samme kjolen hun hadde på i går. She is wearing the same dress that she had on yesterday. She wears the same dress she wore yesterday. Þú gerðir þetta viljandi. You did this intentionally! You did this on purpose. Veldu kjól sem þér líkar. Choose a dress you like. Pick a dress you like. "Er du fremdeles sammen med Tom?" "Nei, vi slo opp i begynnelsen av forrige måned." "Are you still dating Tom?" "No, we broke up at the beginning of last month." "Are you still with Tom?" "No, we broke up at the beginning of the last month." Tom är den perfekta pappan. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect father. Hvis ikke du har lyst til at holde en tale, behøver du ikke. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. Min morfar dog för 10 år sedan. My grandfather on my mother's side passed away ten years ago. My grandfather died 10 years ago. Jag tycker inte alls om det här. I don't like this at all. I don't like this at all. Jag har planterat ett träd. I planted a tree. I planted a tree. Små barn er redde for å bli forlatt i mørket. Small children are afraid of being left alone in the dark. Little children are afraid of being left in the dark. Det verkar som om du har bestämt dig till slut. It looks like you've finally decided. Looks like you've finally decided. Overdriv ikke! Don't overdo it. Don't overdo it! Vi er mellem venner. We're among friends. We're between friends. Jeg reiste til Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Vi ved ikke noget om ham. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. Var någon annan frånvarande? Was anybody else absent? Was anyone else absent? Jeg er mæt! I'm full. I'm full! Ingen ved, om han elsker hende eller ej. No one knows if he loves her or not. Nobody knows if he loves her or not. I har haft travlt, har I ikke? You guys have been busy, haven't you? You've been busy, haven't you? Den lille dreng mistede en vante da han legede i sneen. The little boy lost a mitten playing in the snow. That little boy lost a wont when he played in the snow. Hvilket slips går best med denne skjorten, synes du? Which tie do you think goes best with this shirt? Which tie is best with this shirt, do you think? Denne statue er lavet af massivt guld. This statue is made of solid gold. This statue is made of solid gold. Tag dine sko af. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Han behandler mig altid som et barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Hjernen er kun en indviklet maskine. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is only a complicated machine. Eg gloymi teg ongantíð. I'll never forget you. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Förlåt, det hade jag fullständigt glömt bort. Sorry, I had completely forgotten about it. I'm sorry, I completely forgot. Hann liggur á sjúkrahúsinum. He is in hospital. He's in the hospital. Jag kan inte lämna dig. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. Vanligvis går hun til skolen. She usually walks to school. Usually she goes to school. Du er ansvarlig for det du har gjort. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Du bliver min. You'll be mine. You'll be mine. Jag kommer att sakna det. I'll miss that. I'm gonna miss it. Mary var ballets dronning. Mary was the belle of the ball. Mary was the queen of the ball. Ég kaupi alltaf vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki, jafnvel þótt þær séu aðeins dýrari. I always buy a top quality product even if it is slightly more expensive. I always buy products of the highest quality, even if they are only more expensive. Du får tre forsøk på å gjette hvor jeg var i går. You get three tries to guess where I was yesterday. You get three attempts to guess where I was yesterday. Jag känner dig knappt. I hardly know you. I barely know you. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you turn down the TV? Hun giftet seg med en bankassistent. She married a bank clerk. She married a bank assistant. Døren åbnes nu. The door is opening now. The door's opening now. För tillfället har jag inte nog med pengar. I don't have enough money at the moment. At the moment, I don't have enough money. Layla är helt enkelt outhärdlig. Layla is simply unbearable. Layla is simply unbearable. Har du någon legitimation? Do you have any ID? Do you have any ID? Tom tegnede en snemand. Tom drew a snowman. Tom drew a snowman. Memorera dikten till nästa vecka. Memorize the poem by next week. Memorate the poem to next week. Læknirinn ráðlagði að þú ættir að hætta reykingum. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. Your doctor advised you to stop smoking. Jeg snakker ikke japansk. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Jag har ingen mobiltelefon längre. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. Hon tvärnitade. She slammed on the brakes. She crossed. Når går du? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Han reiser vel til Peru i morgen? Isn't he going to Peru tomorrow? He's going to Peru tomorrow, isn't he? Hetta er eitt vakurt land. This is a beautiful country. This is one beautiful country. Vi kan inte misslyckas. We can't fail. We can't fail. kom tillbaka om en timme. Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour. De är på god fot med sina grannar. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They're in good shape with their neighbors. Du kan slutte nå. You can stop now. You can quit now. Jeg ser frem til at se dig til jul. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Han ved hvor du er. He knows where you are. He knows where you are. Hvor mange tænder har en ko? How many teeth does a cow have? How many teeth does a cow have? Jag hörde ett ljud. I heard a sound. I heard a sound. Vi är din familj. We're your family. We're your family. Hvor er den danske ambassade? Where is the Danish embassy? Where's the Danish embassy? Hvis jeg var en rig mand, ville jeg købe dig en diamantring. If I were a rich man, I would buy you a diamond ring. If I was a rich man, I'd buy you a diamond ring. Göngumenn þurfa að hafa með sér áttavita til að rata í gegnum skóginn. Hikers need to carry a compass with them to find their way through the woods. Nobles need compasses to find their way through the forest. Tom er en narcissist. Tom is a narcissist. Tom's a narcissist. Vi har gått runt hela sjön. We've walked all around the lake. We've been walking around the entire lake. Må jeg bede om en kop kaffe mere? I'd like to have another cup of coffee. Can I have another cup of coffee? Jag kommer sakna den där uniformen. I'm gonna miss that uniform. I'm gonna miss that uniform. Vilket är ditt favoritprogram på tv? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite program on TV? Maria er en ødeland når det gjelder penger. Mary is a big spender when it comes to money. Maria is a wasteland when it comes to money. Tom smällde igen dörren stängd. Tom slammed the door shut. Tom hit the door closed again. God eftermiddag! Good afternoon. Good afternoon! Jag är på vinden. I'm in the attic. I'm in the wind. Hon vaknade. She woke up. She woke up. Það var rakur, grár sumardagur í lok júní. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a shave, gray summer at the end of June. Vi taler flydende tysk. We're talking German fluently. We speak fluent German. Hon har en stuga vid havet. She has a cottage by the sea. She has a cottage by the sea. Det är svårt att acceptera. It's hard to accept. It's hard to accept. Jeg har aldrig set Tom græde. I've never seen Tom cry. I've never seen Tom cry. Hundurinn fylgdi honum hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Sami bestilte en pizza klokken seks om morgenen. Sami ordered a pizza at six in the morning. Sami ordered a pizza at 6:00 in the morning. Sami har fått vad han ville ha. Sami has got what he wanted. Sami's got what he wanted. De lyfte från Arlanda tidigt på morgonen. They took off from Arlanda early in the morning. They lifted from Arlanda early in the morning. Hon kommer förmodligen. It is probable that she will come. She's probably coming. Hvorfor vil regeringen læse mine mail? Why does the government want to read my emails? Why does the government want to read my e-mails? Vet du hvor mye dette betyr for meg? Do you know how much this means to me? Do you know how much this means to me? I Frankrig har mange unge mennesker motorcykler. In France, many young people have motorcycles. In France, many young people have motorcycles. Jeg forstår ikke dette ord. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. Klukkuna vantar tíu mínútur í átta að morgni. It's 7:50 in the morning. It's ten minutes to eight in the morning. Har du nogensinde overvejet at sige op? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever thought about quitting? Jeg ønsker ikke at se ham. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálf? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your homework yourself? Sluta prata med mig. Stop talking to me. Stop talking to me. Ég þrábið yður í einlægri meðaumkun, sjáið þann möguleika að þér kunnið að hafa rangt fyrir yður. I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. I beseech you in sincere compassion, and see the possibility that you may be wronged for you. Ingen her spiser kød. Nobody here eats meat. No one here eats meat. Hvor tog du dine sko af? Where did you take your shoes off? Where'd you take your shoes off? Slå mig nu om du är en man. Hit me now if you're a man. Hit me now if you're a man. Du är tidig igen. You're early again. You're early again. Skoleåret begynder den tiende april. The school year begins on the 10th of April. The school year begins on April 10th. Jag har väldigt ont. I'm in a lot of pain. I'm in a lot of pain. Gå tillbaka in dit. Get back in there. Go back in there. Slipset ditt har løsnet. Your tie has come undone. Your tie's loosed. Den er 8:30. It's half past eight. It's 8:30. Jag väntar på dig. I'll wait up for you. I'm waiting for you. Han är stolt över att vara musiker. He is proud of being a musician. He's proud to be a musician. Nähä, det är inte sant. Nuh-uh, that's not true. No, that's not true. Morðinginn var fundinn sekur og dæmdur til lífstíðarfangelsis. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The murderer was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Jeg reiser ofte mellom Roma og Milano. I often travel between Rome and Milan. I travel often between Rome and Milan. Jeg har blå øyne. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Jag kan fortfarande klara det. I can still make it. I can still do it. Hon steg på bussen och tog plats långt fram. She got on a bus and took a seat in the front. She stepped on the bus and took a long way forward. Vem vill du prata med? Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Tom fortalte Mary hvor gammel han var. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary how old he was. Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely released for the charge against him. Tom hade rätt. Tom was right. Tom was right. Jeg er glad med det jeg har. I'm happy with what I have. I'm happy with what I have. Mary och Jane är kusiner. Mary and Jane are cousins. Mary and Jane are cousins. Rensdyrene græssede fredeligt. The reindeer grazed peacefully. The reindeer grassed peacefully. Vad gjorde Tom med pengarna? What did Tom do with the money? What did Tom do with the money? Tog tog afsted kort efter. Tom left soon after. Took off shortly after. Det ordner seg. That will be put in order. It's gonna be okay. Vi är lite sena. We're a bit late. We're a little late. Eg prøver å lære engelsk. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Det er min cd. That's my CD. That's my CD. Det var inte planen. That wasn't the plan. That wasn't the plan. Hvor er vennen din? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Vår engelsklärare är både sträng och snäll. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Jag är gammeldags. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. Hun spiller tennis daglig. She plays tennis daily. She plays tennis every day. Julia har mange roser og liljer i hagen sin. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Julia has many roses and lilies in her garden. Hvor er det koldt! How cold it is! It's so cold! Är ni avundsjuk? Are you envious? Are you jealous? Tom sine klede var gamle, men reine. Tom's clothes were old, but clean. Tom's clothes were old, but she was clean. Jag kan inte läsa skrivstil, så kan du vara snäll och texta? I can't read cursive, so could you write in block letters, please? I can't read writing style, so can you be kind and text? Hunden til Tom bet meg. Tom's dog bit me. The dog of Tom bit me. Hon gillar varken ormar eller matematik. She likes neither snakes nor mathematics. She doesn't like snakes or mathematics. Alice har fantastiska ben. Alice has stunning legs. Alice has amazing legs. Men det är inte det sista tåget, eller? But that's not the last train, right? But it's not the last train, is it? Efter vinteren kommer foråret. After winter, spring comes. After winter comes spring. Du kan välja vilken bok du vill. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Nå er det jammen meg blitt sent. Geez, it's late. Now it's even me late. Hvor han så er, så skal vi finne ham. Wherever he is, we shall find him. Where he is, we'll find him. Tom är en haj. Tom is a shark. Tom's a shark. Gjør det noe om jeg flytter bilen din? Would you mind my moving your car? Do you mind if I move your car? Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a cab. Han har en temperatur på 38,9 °C. He has a fever of 102 degrees. He has a temperature of 38,9 °C. Ingenting ont som inte har något gott med sig. Every cloud has a silver lining. Nothing bad that has no good in it. Algeriet er Afrikas største land. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Den som inte arbetar har inget att äta. He who doesn't work has nothing to eat. Whoever doesn't work has nothing to eat. Hur använder man ätpinnar? How do I use chopsticks? How to use Eating Sticks? Din pande er temmelig varm. Jeg tror du har feber. Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever. Your forehead is pretty hot, I think you have a fever. Tom ser ut att ha en dålig dag. Tom looks like he's having a bad day. Tom looks like he's having a bad day. I er begge canadiere, ikke sandt? You're both Canadians, aren't you? You're both Canadians, aren't you? Tom siger han er meget rig. Tom says he's very rich. Tom says he's very rich. Det finns ett villkor. There's a condition. There's a condition. Han går sig en tur. He is taking a walk. He's going for a walk. Jag stannar här tillsvidare. I shall stay here for the time being. I'll stay here until further notice. Jag gillade Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Vi valgte ham til borgmester. We elected him mayor. We chose him as mayor. Vær ikke uforskammet. Don't be rude. Don't be rude. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their granddaughter for Christmas. Tom hatar löpning. Tom hates running. Tom hates running. Vi valgte et hotell nær museene. We chose a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. Skjegg gjør en ikke til filosof, og heller ikke en billig frakk. A beard doesn't make a philosopher, nor does wearing a cheap coat. Braves don't make a philosopher, nor a cheap coat. Du borde ha berättat för mig att du inte kan simma. You should have told me that you can't swim. You should have told me you can't swim. Hefurðu nokkurntíma fengið þér ost með eplaköku? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever had any apple cheese? Har jag råd med den? Can I afford it? Can I afford it? Sami hotade Layla med en kniv. Sami threatened Layla with a knife. Sami threatened Layla with a knife. Jag vet inte när jag kommer att kunna hjälpa dig. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. Vi har prøvet det. We've tried that. We've tried it. Eg spilte tennis da eg var student. I played tennis when I was a student. I played tennis when I was a student. Hon rörde om i kaffet med en sked. She stirred her coffee with a spoon. She was in the coffee with a spoon. Allvarligt? Seriously? Seriously? Tom snavade och föll. Tom tripped and fell. Tom dirted and fell. Sama hvað gerist, þá er ég reiðubúinn. No matter what happens, I am prepared. No matter what happens, I'm ready. Låt mig fundera en minut. Let me think a minute. Let me think about a minute. Du kan inte fortsätta gömma dig så här. You can't keep hiding like this. You can't keep hiding like this. Vi tummade på det. We shook on it. We thumbed on it. Du trenger ikke svare på det brevet. You don't need to answer that letter. You don't have to answer that letter. Hun vil slå mig ihjel. She's gonna kill me. She's gonna kill me. Hun gik ned ad kirkegulvet i stil, iført sin prægtige brudekjole med tyl og havfruesnit. She walked down the aisle in style, wearing her gorgeous mermaid-cut tulle wedding gown. She went down the church floor in style, wearing her magnificent wedding dress with tyl and mermaid. Det var ikke jeg som la den her. I didn't put this here. I didn't put it here. Jag har en vän som bor i Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Telefonen var stille. The telephone was still. The phone was quiet. Tom tog av sig sin rock och sina handskar. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Det er absolutt ingenting å bekymre seg for. That's certainly nothing to worry about. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Margir nemendur líta upp til herra Browns. A lot of students look up to Mr Brown. Many students look up to Mr. Brown's. Øll hava rætt til vernd av andaligum og evnisligum áhugamálum í sambandi við eitt og hvørt vísindaligt, bókmentaligt ella listarligt verk, sum avvarðandi hevur greitt úr hondum. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Beer has spoken for the protection of spiritual and possible interests in relation to one and some scientific, literary or artistic work, some warningly raised from females. Han har skrevet et brev. He wrote one letter. He wrote a letter. Jane ger aldrig med sig. Jane never backs down. Jane will never leave. Jag behövde det där jobbet. I needed that job. I needed that job. I Tyskland betaler spøkelser ikke skatt. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany ghosts do not pay tax. Tom gik bort for tre år siden. Tom passed away three years ago. Tom went away three years ago. Har Hendes Højhed sovet godt? Has her Highness slept well? Has Her Highness slept well? Alle fortjener en ny sjanse. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves a new chance. Det är någonting som gör att dörren inte går upp. Something is making the door stick. It's something that doesn't make the door go up. Tappa aldrig hoppet! Never lose hope! Never lose hope! Din nya frisyr gör att du ser äldre ut. Your new hair style makes you look older. Your new hairstyle makes you look older. Ge Tom ett handtag. Give Tom a hand. Give Tom a handle. Alle æbler er røde. All apples are red. All apples are red. Ni kan inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Jeg har lige fundet dem. I just found them. I just found them. Þú munt sjá stærri hluti en það. You shall see greater things than that. You'll see bigger things than that. Sårede jeg dine følelser? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I hurt your feelings? Men bonden smilte til ham. But the farmer smiled at him. But the farmer smiled at him. Jag äger den här affären. I own this store. I own this store. Ikke spis meg. Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Gøende hunde bider sjældent. Barking dogs seldom bite. Facing dogs don't bite very much. Hvor vil du rejse hen? Where do you want to travel? Where are you going? Har du hört från Tom? Have you heard from Tom? Have you heard from Tom? Vad kan jag göra för er? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Det ligger en fjärrkontroll till tv:n under soffan. There is a TV remote control under the couch. There's a remote control to the TV under the couch. Lad os tage en 10 minutters pause her. Let's take a 10-minute break here. Let's take a 10-minute break here. Tom solgte sit gamle køleskab til mig. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Hun synes, at det er spild af tid. She thinks it's a waste of time. She thinks it's a waste of time. Kan vi bara gå hem? Can we just go home? Can we just go home? Hvor længe har du tænkt dig at blive her i Brasilien? How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? How long are you going to stay here in Brazil? Vennligst vent et øyeblikk. Please hold on a moment. Please wait a moment. De bliver gift i morgen. They are going to get married tomorrow. They'll get married tomorrow. Den første sne faldt i dag. The first snowfall has come today. The first snow fell today. Han er kjempeglad i barnebarnet sitt. He dotes on his grandson. He's battling his granddaughter. Denne gamle bil er din hvis du vil have den. This old car is yours if you want it. This old car is yours if you want it. Såvitt jag vet är det den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. As far as I know, it's the only possible translation. Tom gik over til kvinden der havde en drink i hånden og spurgte hende hvad hendes navn var. Tom walked over to the woman with a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Tom went over to the woman who had a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Dan är ganska stolt över sitt arbete. Dan is rather proud of his work. Dan is quite proud of his work. Tom lover skotterne guld og grønne skove. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the Scots gold and green forests. Huset var tyst. The house was silent. The house was quiet. Kom og se oss spille. Come to watch us play. Come and see us play. Montana grænser op til Canada. Montana borders Canada. Montana is bordering Canada. Jeg vil gjerne komme med et ønske. I would like to make a request. I'd like to make a wish. Hvad vil du skrive i dette brev? What will you write in this letter? What do you want to write in this letter? Min bror døde i en trafikulykke. My brother died in a traffic accident. My brother died in a traffic accident. Mig verkjar út um allt. I ache all over. I'm paining all over the place. Ég var í blackouti. I had a blackout. I was wearing a blackout. Jeg var nettopp i dusjen. I just took a shower. I was just in the shower. Jag oroar mig inte så mycket om mitt CV. I don't worry so much about my resume. I'm not so worried about my resume. Han växte upp i USA, men hans modersmål är japanska. He was raised in the United States, but his native language is Japanese. He grew up in the United States, but his mother tongue is Japanese. Jag kan leva utan vatten. I can live without water. I can live without water. Tvätta ditt ansikte. Wash your face. Wash your face. När jag ser tillbaka på den där tiden verkar allt som en dröm. When I look back upon those days, it all seems like a dream. When I look back at that time, everything seems like a dream. Det är nästan omöjligt. It's almost impossible. It's almost impossible. Jag måste gå på toaletten. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Noen ganger er Dick for sen til skolen. Dick is sometimes late for school. Sometimes Dick is late for school. Það er köttur í eldhúsinu. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Min kuglepen er lige løbet tør for blæk. My ballpoint pen just ran out of ink. My pen just ran out of ink. Har du boken? Do you have the book? Do you have the book? Vet Tom om det? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Det træ nær ved floden er et valnøddetræ. That tree near the river is a walnut tree. The tree near the river is a Walnut tree. Jag kommer att stanna. I'm going to stay. I'll stay. Jag håller inte med, det är inte rasistiskt att använda ordet ”ras”. I disagree. It's not racist to use the word "race." I do not agree, it is not racist to use the word 'ras'. Jag är en gammal man nu. I'm an old man now. I'm an old man now. Tom vill bli brandman. Tom wants to be a firefighter. Tom wants to be a fireman. Eg ser ei løve. I see a lion. I see a lion. Har du läst Sagan om ringen-trilogin? Have you read the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Have you read the saga about the ring trilogin? Jag är inte färdig än. I'm not finished yet. I'm not done yet. Den har ingen streckkod. It isn't barcoded. It has no barcode. Konan er høg. The woman is tall. The woman is tall. Jeg bliver fyldt med glæde hver gang jeg ser dig. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I'll be filled with joy every time I see you. Min farmors sjuksköterska är väldigt snäll. My grandmother's nurse is very kind. My grandmother's nurse is very nice. Läkaren rådde min pappa att sluta röka. The doctor advised my father to give up smoking. The doctor advised my father to stop smoking. Kan hun lide sport? Does she like sports? Does she like sports? Ni får inte komma för sent den här gången. You can't be late this time. You can't be late this time. Gör inte det här. Don't do this. Don't do this. Meg er lige så høj som Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Gjør det mens du kan. Do it while you can. Do it while you can. Allt är Toms fel. It's all Tom's fault. It's all Tom's fault. Kom tilbake! Come back. Come back! Det vil give os lidt tid. That will buy us some time. It'll give us some time. Hvorfor er det så varmt? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Tom var ekki feitur. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Det er et kæmpe træ. It is a huge tree. It's a giant tree. Først etter å ha fullført utdannelsen min innså jeg hvor viktig det er å studere. It was not until I left school that I realized the importance of study. Only after completing my education did I realize how important it is to study. Tom började gå mot dörren. Tom headed toward the door. Tom started walking towards the door. Vi kommer tillbaka imorgon. We're coming back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Tom har netop stillet træskoene. Tom has just kicked the bucket. Tom just put the wooden shoes. Jag har redan sagt det till dig. I already told you. I already told you. Jag visste att det skulle bli svårt att övertala Tom att hjälpa oss. I knew it was going to be tough to persuade Tom to help us. I knew it would be hard to persuade Tom to help us. Tom fandt ud af at hans far ikke var hans rigtige far. Tom found out his dad wasn't his real dad. Tom found out his father wasn't his real father. Han anknyter alltid till sin barndom i sina böcker. He always connects to his childhood in his books. He always connects to his childhood in his books. Du bør gå tidlig hjem. You should go home early. You should go home early. Snakker dere engelsk? Do you speak English? Are you talking English? Det æble er ikke rødt. That apple isn't red. The apple isn't red. Giv mig et kys! Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss! Han Tom er sjuk. Tom's sick. He's sick. Jeg spiste nettopp. I just ate. I just ate. Jag gillar inte det här stället. I don't like this place. I don't like this place. Tom går i panik. Tom is panicking. Tom panics. Algeriet er en stærk nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Jag börjar bli hungrig. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. Vær høflig over for dine forældre. Be polite to your parents. Be polite to your parents. Vem gav den till mig? Who gave it to me? Who gave it to me? Tom har svimmat. Tom has passed out. Tom's fainted. Vi kan skaffa hjälp åt dig. We can get you help. We can get you some help. Hvad gik der galt her? What went wrong here? What went wrong here? Jag tyckte att den här filmen var väldigt intressant. I found this movie very interesting. I thought this movie was very interesting. Denne fabrik producerer cd-afspillere. This factory produces CD players. This factory produces CD players. Skólinn mun sjá okkur fyrir tjöldum. The school will provide tents for us. The school will provide us with tents. Tom visste hur han skulle reparera datorn. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Tom knew how to fix his computer. Jag pratar inte tyska. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Jag fixar trasiga radioapparater. I fix broken radios. I'll get some broken radios. Hvilken vej fører til Central Park? Which way is Central Park? Which way leads to Central Park? Jeg er glad for, at jeg ikke er en mand. I'm happy that I am not a man. I'm glad I'm not a man. Hver er uppáhalds þátturinn þinn? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite part? George Washington är född i 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. Jag tror att han är ärlig. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Tom betalar nog. Tom'll pay. I think Tom's paying. Þú verður að gera það undir eins. You must do it at once. You have to do it immediately. Spiller du et musikkinstrument? Do you play a musical instrument? Are you playing a musical instrument? Inget är så enkelt som det verkar. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Jag älskar inte människor som du. I don't love people like you. I don't love people like you. Jeg vil gifte meg med henne en dag. I hope to marry that woman one day. I'll marry her one day. Han blev tilldelad en ansvarsfull position. He was appointed to a responsible post. He was assigned a responsible position. Når reiser du til Moskva? When will you depart for Moscow? When are you going to Moscow? De stod af ved det følgende busstoppested. They got off at the next bus stop. They got off at the following bus stop. Da jeg trådte ind i værelset, kunne jeg høre Mozart blive spillet på radioen. When I entered the room, I could hear Mozart playing on the radio. When I walked into the room, I could hear Mozart being played on the radio. Den här boken kommer att hjälpa dig att skriva effektivt. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you to write effectively. De fleste af Toms venner er piger. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Við töluðum hvor við annan sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. De jordfødte er ikke vant til den mindre tyngdekraft på Mars. The earthborn aren't accustomed to the lighter gravity on Mars. The earthlings are not used to the less gravity on Mars. Hvornår og hvor modtog du gaven? When and where did you receive the gift? When and where did you receive the gift? Jeg mistet nøklene mine. I dropped my keys. I lost my keys. Jag tycker om att spela tennis. I like playing tennis. I like to play tennis. Vi var i parken. We were at the park. We were in the park. Tom fandt en hundreddollarseddel på gaden. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred dollar note on the street. Jag ger det till Tom. I'm giving it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. De kommer att växa. They'll grow. They're gonna grow. Du må ikke spise noget i et par dage. You must not eat anything for a few days. Don't eat anything for a few days. Tom malkede koen. Tom milked the cow. Tom milked the cow. Här är ett exempel. Here's an example. Here's an example. Jag har en familj. I have a family. I have a family. Vinsamlegast skilaðu foreldrum þínum bestu kveðjum frá mér. Please give my best regards to your parents. Please give your parents my best regards. Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don't have much left over for Hollywood's superhero movies. Har du glömt? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten? Vi är oroliga. We're anxious. We're worried. Jag reser ofta. I often travel. I travel a lot. Tom sagde at han ville gøre det. Tom said he'd do that. Tom said he'd do it. Ring mig när du kommer tillbaka. Call me when you return. Call me when you get back. Hur var din dag idag? How was your day today? How was your day today? Hvad er de dårlige nyheder? What is the bad news? What are the bad news? Jeg så frygten i hans øjne. I saw the fear in his eyes. I saw the fear in his eyes. Du betyder alt for mig. Det gør du virkelig! You mean the world to me, you really do. You mean everything to me. Jag måste ha passerat stationen medan jag tog en tupplur. I must have gone past the station while I was taking a nap. I must have passed the station while I took a nap. Vem är det som äger pistolen? Who does the gun belong to? Who owns the gun? Hr. Johnsons hus ligger ved siden af mit hus. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is next to my house. Det er lite rom for tvil. There is little room for doubt. There's a little room for doubt. Undersök det. Examine it. Check it out. Tom har skrevet en bog om fugle. Tom has written a book about birds. Tom wrote a book about birds. Er du her for å forhandle? Are you here to negotiate? Are you here to negotiate? Tag en bid! Take a bite. Take a bite! John er klárari en Bill. John is cleverer than Bill. John's a smarter Bill. Han læser avisen. He is reading the newspaper. He reads the newspaper. Jag är glad att du är här, Tom. I'm happy you're here, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. Så sagtn dog farten! Hey, slow down! That's the speed! Det er helt normalt. It's totally normal. It's perfectly normal. Han er forelsket i den jenta. He's in love with that girl. He's in love with that girl. Hunden gøede meget. The dog barked a lot. The dog poured a lot. Du kan ikke kjøpe epler lenger! You can't buy apples any more! You can't buy apples anymore! Min ven er sytten år gammel. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend's 17 years old. Tom er sikkert OK. Tom should be OK. Tom's probably OK. Hun er hiv-inficeret. She is HIV-infected. She's infected with HIV. Han kom till Berlin som lärare. He came to Berlin as a teacher. He came to Berlin as a teacher. Jag har köpt någonting åt dig. I got you something. I bought you something. Benzin er billig nu. Gas is cheap now. It's cheap now. Jeg vil ikke finde mig i det her. I'm not going to put up with this. I don't want to get into this. Hvad bør jeg gøre nu? What should I do now? What should I do now? Denna salen tar 2000 personer. This hall is capable of holding 2,000 people. This hall takes 2,000 people. Sommetider er det meget vanskeligt at forklare sin ide. It is sometimes very hard to put your idea across. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain your idea. Det är dags att öppna den tredje garderoben. It's time to open the third wardrobe. It's time to open the third closet. Mary kan lide både Tom og John. Mary likes both Tom and John. Mary likes Tom and John. Hun flyttede hjemmefra med alt sit habengut. She left home bag and baggage. She moved away from home with everything she had. Ombord på vilket skepp var du? What ship were you on? On board which ship were you? Tom kan ikke synge så godt som Mary. Tom can't sing as well as Mary. Tom can't sing as well as Mary. Jeg hørte nogen skrige. I heard someone scream. I heard someone screaming. Jeg er Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Jeres bil er hurtig. Your car is fast. Your car's fast. Sami skikka ein e-post til sjefen. Sami e-mailed his boss. Same happened to an e-mail to the boss. Okej allihopa, hör på. OK people, listen up. All right, everybody, listen. Hon tittade på alla hus som gled förbi. He looked all the houses unfolding. She looked at all the houses that slipped by. Vi vet begge at dette ikke er riktig. We both know this isn't right. We both know that this isn't right. Hvordan blev han dræbt? How was he killed? How was he killed? Skal jeg fortelle deg en vits? Will I tell you a joke? Shall I tell you a joke? Vi byggde ett sandslott. We made a sand castle. We built a sand castle. Portugal er en republikk. Portugal is a republic. Portugal is a Republic. Hvor så du den kvinde? Where did you see that woman? Where did you see that woman? Du kan velge hvilken bok du ønsker. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Tom ropte etter hjelp. Tom yelled for help. Empty called for help. Dette er din eneste chance. This is your only chance. This is your only chance. Dette er mitt råd. This is my advice. This is my advice. Tom sov på en oppustelig madras. Tom slept on an inflatable mattress. Tom slept on an inflatable mattress. Jeg er højrehåndet. I'm right-handed. I'm right-handed. Vart jag gå, jag kommer med. Wherever I go, I bring myself with me. Where I'm going, I'm coming. Tom drunknar. Tom's drowning. Tom's drowning. Jeg læser denne bog. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Får jeg komme inn? May I come in? Can I come in? Það mun gera sárið verra. It will aggravate the wound. It will make the wound worse. Tom kände att något illa skulle hände. Tom sensed that something bad was going to happen. Tom felt something bad would happen. Nu er gode råd dyre. We are in a difficult situation. Now good advice is expensive. Jeg tror at hans liv er i fare. I think his life is in danger. I think his life is in danger. Gå runt den vägen. Go around that way. Go around that way. Det er din hat, er det ikke? This is your hat, isn't it? It's your hat, isn't it? Jag har bott här hela mitt liv. I've lived here my entire life. I've been living here all my life. Det her sker ikke. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Kakerlakker gjemmer seg om dagen. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Cockroaches hide by day. Det finns mat på bordet. There's food on the table. There's food on the table. Jag behöver den senast i morgon. I need it by tomorrow. I need it by tomorrow. Hvorfor er I så vrede? Why are you guys so angry? Why are you so angry? Hon tittade bort. She looked away. She looked away. Jeg ønsker ikke at hun tager afsted. I don't want her to leave. I don't want her to leave. Toms jobb er å selge bruktbiler. Tom's work is selling second-hand cars. Tom's job is to sell used cars. Jag önskar dig allt väl. I wish you well. I wish you all right. Tom overgav sig? Tom surrendered? Tom gave up? Þú lítur út fyrir að vera góð. You do look nice. You look good. Ordboken inneholder cirka en halv million ord. The dictionary contains about half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Det her skal du se. You've got to see this. I want you to see this. Tom kan laga mat. Tom can cook. Tom can cook. Stod ni två nära varandra? Were you two close? Were you two close? Det er bedre at vente til politiet ankommer. It's better to wait until the police arrive. It's better to wait until the police arrive. Jeg tvivler på alt, selv på mine tvivl. I doubt everything, even my own doubts. I doubt everything, even my doubts. Ekki hafa svona hátt. Don't make so much noise. Don't be so loud. Hvad mener du om ham? What do you make of him? What do you mean about him? Mannen snakket med lav stemme. The man spoke in a low voice. The man spoke with a low voice. Läste du den där? Did you read that? Did you read that? Ring meg opp! Call me! Call me up! Hur fick du tag i den här? How did you get this? How did you get this? Ég rak vitlausabeinið mitt í borðröndina. I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table. I fired my stupid leg in the dining area. Du har meir enn nok tid. You have plenty of time. You have more than enough time. Tom stiger upp före gryningen på de flesta morgnar. Tom gets up before dawn most mornings. Tom rises before the dawn of most mornings. Har du några syskon? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any siblings? Hun taler tre sprog. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. Han måste älska dig. He must love you. He must love you. Hvem skrev denne bog? Who wrote this book? Who wrote this book? Tom lét af störfum. Tom retired. Tom gave up his job. Þú ættir að læra að nota orðabókina þína. You should learn how to use your dictionary. You should learn how to use your dictionary. I kender mig. You guys know me. You know me. Jag var på jobbet. I was at work. I was at work. Hun lot ham gå alene. She allowed him to go alone. She let him go alone. Vart går han? Where is he going? Where's he going? Indenfor ét år brød aktiemarkedet sammen. Within one year, the stock market collapsed. Within one year, the stock market collapsed. Vi så hende ikke. We didn't see her. We didn't see her. Han selger sko. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. Har du något hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? De här stearinljusen är inte vita. These candles aren't white. These candles aren't white. Jag vet att jag borde ha gjort så. I know I should've done that. I know I should have done that. Jag blev förälskad. I fell in love. I fell in love. Heste har tre gangarter: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three gang species: step, step and gallop. Ikke vær redd for å gjøre feil når du snakker Engelsk. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak English. Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Även idag är temperaturen under noll. Even today the temperature is below zero. Even today the temperature is below zero. Det vore trevligt om du kunde komma. It would be nice if you could come. It would be nice if you could come. Það er töluð enska í Singapúr. English is spoken in Singapore. It's an English word in Singapore. Det var en voldelig forbrytelse. It was a violent crime. It was a violent crime. Það var ákaflega heit nótt. It was a very, very hot night. It was a very hot night. Jag är motiverad. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Gerir þú þér grein fyrir því hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you realize how much she loves you? Tom var tredive da han døde. Tom was thirty when he died. Tom was thirty when he died. Han sprider osanna rykten. He's spreading false rumors. He spreads other rumors. De kommer att heja på er. They'll be rooting for you. They'll cheer you up. Denne brosjyren er gratis. This booklet is free of charge. This brochure is free of charge. Han ser blek ut. He looks pale. He looks pale. Jeg foreslår at vi begge går nå, og lar Tom og Mary diskutere dette problemet på egen hånd. I suggest we both leave now and leave Tom and Mary to discuss this problem on their own. I suggest we both go now, and let Tom and Mary discuss this problem on our own. Jeg vil købe en sølvhalskæde. I want to buy a silver necklace. I want to buy a silver necklace. Det er imod reglerne. It's against the rules. It's against the rules. Farðu og vektu Mary. Go and wake Mary up. Go and weigh Mary. Einmitt! Exactly! Right! Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Han valde dem på måfå. He chose them at random. He chose them at random. Hun har blomster i sin hånd. She has flowers in her hand. She has flowers in her hand. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu komin. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street, and when you walk past the traffic lights, you're here. Jeg ønsker ikke en kæreste. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want a girlfriend. Jeg har aldri sett en så stor hval. Never have I seen such a big whale. I've never seen such a big whale. Get ég fengið bílinn þinn lánaðan? May I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. En slik god sjanse må man ikke la gå fra seg. Don't let such a good opportunity go by. Such a good chance you don't have to let go. Tom tilbragte en uge i Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. Toms bil har orangetonede ruder. Tom's car has orange-tinted windows. Tom's car has orange-toneed windows. Jeg bor i Ungarn. I live in Hungary. I live in Hungary. I gennemsnit går jeg i biografen en gang om ugen. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to the cinema once a week. Ingen kulturell bakgrunn er nødvendig for å forstå kunst. No cultural background is necessary to understand art. No cultural background is necessary to understand art. Jag hoppas att du hittar Tom. I hope you find Tom. I hope you find Tom. Det är min hund. That's my dog. It's my dog. Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal tolke orda hans. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Præsten sagde at Tom kommer til at brænde i helvede. The pastor said Tom's going to burn in hell. The priest said Tom's gonna burn in hell. Han skapte en ny formel. He worked out a new formula. He created a new formula. F i det hexadecimale system er lig med 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F of the hexadecimal system is equal to 15. Hvad? Jeg kan ikke høre jer. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you. Jeg skal gjøre mitt beste for ikke å forstyrre deg når du studerer. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to disturb you when you study. Það er skrýtið. It's peculiar. That's weird. Jag tappade kontrollen. I dropped the controller. I lost control. Fugle sang i himlen. Birds were singing in the sky. Birds sang in heaven. Ég fer á fætur klukkan sex þrjátíu. I get up at 6:30. I'll be up at 6:30. Jag måste ändå fråga Tom om lov. I still need to ask Tom for permission. I still have to ask Tom permission. Hun har god hukommelse også. She has a good memory, too. She's got a good memory too. Det er Toms mesterværk. It's Tom's masterpiece. It's Tom's masterpiece. Du er ikke særlig flink i det. You're not very good at it. You're not very good at it. Hon heter Irina. Her name's Irina. Her name is Irina. Hvad kan du lære mig? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? Er den stadig til salg? Is it still for sale? Is it still for sale? Det er for tidligt at gå i seng. It's too early to go to bed. It's too early to go to bed. De kommer hit någon enstaka gång. They come here occasionally. They come here once in a while. Ikke besvim. Don't pass out on me. Don't faint. Han lykkedes endelig. He finally succeeded. He finally succeeded. Jeg vil stå ved din side, uanset hvad. I will stand by you, no matter what. I'll stand by your side, no matter what. Jeg forstår det bare ikke. I just don't understand it. I just don't understand. Jeg elsker alt ved ham. I love everything about him. I love everything about him. Sami hamnade förlora matchen. Sami ended up losing the game. Sami ended up losing the game. Toms rygsæk er tom. Tom's knapsack is empty. Tom's backpack is empty. Enginn getur hjálpað mér. No one can help me. Nobody can help me. Du må snakke engelsk her. You have to speak English here. You have to speak English here. Tom blev aldrig fälld för brottet. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Det var ikke Toms skyld. It wasn't Tom's fault. It wasn't Tom's fault. Vi är båda mycket äldre nu. We're both a lot older now. We're both much older now. Tom har gått bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone. Klik på afspilningsikonet blev sætningen indtalt korrekt? Click the play icon. Did they say the sentence accurately? Click on the play icon the phrase was entered correctly? Hann er enn á lífi. He is still alive. He's still alive. Erfiðar ákvarðanir eru framundan. Tough decisions lie ahead. Hard decisions are ahead. Mor stannade i bilen medan far handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car while Dad was shopping. Han er altid utilfreds. He's always dissatisfied. He's always dissatisfied. Det tycker om att röka tobak. It likes to smoke tobacco. It likes to smoke tobacco. Tom er tydeligvis fuld. Tom is obviously drunk. Tom's obviously drunk. Jag vill lära mig tyska med mina vänner. I want to learn German with my friends. I want to learn German with my friends. Þú munt missa af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You will miss the train if you do not hurry. Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Tornet kommer att rasa. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will collapse. Hvorfor er havet salt, men ikke floderne som flyder ud i det? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salt, but not the rivers that float into it? Jag skulle göra vad som helst för kärlek. I would do anything for love. I'd do anything for love. Jag förlorade allt jag hade. I lost everything I had. I lost everything I had. Jag ansträngde mig verkligen. I tried really hard. I was really trying. Vi vill ha fred. We want peace. We want peace. Jag kan inte göra mitt bästa. I can't be at my best. I can't do my best. Han er altid forberedt. He is always prepared. He's always prepared. Tom påstod at han dræbte Mary i selvforsvar. Tom claimed he killed Mary in self-defense. Tom claimed he killed Mary in self-defense. Tom tar en snabb joggingtur runt kvarteret varje morgon innan frukost. Tom takes a quick jog around the block every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a quick jogging trip around the neighborhood every morning before breakfast. Eventyr begynder altid med: Der var engang. Fairy tales always begin the same: once upon a time. Adventure always begins with: There was once. Ekki hlaupa svona hratt. Don't run so fast. Don't run so fast. Jag hårdkokte ett ägg. I hard-boiled an egg. I really cooked an egg. Jag gillar inte klassisk musik. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. Fuglen er i himmelen. The bird is in the sky. The bird is in heaven. Det her spørgsmål er svært at besvare. This question is difficult to answer. This question is difficult to answer. Hvor er din nøgle? Where's your key? Where's your key? Hun bliver femten år i morgen. She will turn 15 tomorrow. She'll be fifteen tomorrow. Toms farfar kände min morfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Han blev snydt for 100 yen. He was cheated of 100 yen. He was cheated on 100 yen. Folket i landet ditt mangler mental disiplin. The people of your country have no mental discipline. The people of your country lack mental discipline. Jag tror inte jag skulle kunna göra vad Tom gör. I think I couldn't do what Tom is doing. I don't think I could do what Tom does. Hun kan lide at se på fugle. She likes birdwatching. She likes to look at birds. Det var i sidste uge. It was last week. It was last week. Jeg vil gerne sidde her for en stund. I'd like to sit here for a while. I'd like to sit here for a while. Ken er like høy som Bill. Ken is as tall as Bill. Ken is equal to Bill. Hvem står der? Who is standing there? Who's there? Jeg kan ikke ta imot denne gaven. I cannot accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Kald mig bare "Deres Majestæt". Just call me "Your Majesty". Just call me Your Majesty. Denne pens blæk er permanent. This pen's ink is indelible. This pen's ink is permanent. Jag gick inte och la mig. I didn't go to sleep. I didn't go to bed. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more each day. I love you more and more every day. Kælderen er fuld af vand. The basement is full of water. The basement is full of water. Jag åkte till flygplatsen för att träffa honom. I went to the airport to meet him. I went to the airport to see him. Okej allesamman, hör på nu. OK people, listen up. All right, everybody, listen to me. Jag åker och hämtar barnen från dagis. I will go and pick up my child from daycare. I'll go get the kids from daylight. Rita en linje med linjal. Draw a line with a ruler. Draw a line with a ruler. Var du i Boston med Tom forrige uke? Were you in Boston with Tom last week? Were you in Boston with Tom last week? Toms mamma dog 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. Tom's mom died in 2013. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've done very well. Tom är en mäktig man. Tom is a great man. Tom is a mighty man. Egget er hardt. The egg is hard. Eggs are hard. De fleste englændere er konservative. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most English are conservative. Harry är bara 40. Harry is only 40. Harry's only 40. Ta til venstre ved de neste trafikklysene. Turn left at the next traffic lights. Turn left at the next traffic lights. Hundurinn sefur. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. Kor mye er det verd? How much is it worth? How much is it worth? Vad ska du göra ikväll? What are you going to do this evening? What are you gonna do tonight? Við vitum eitthvað um það. We know something about it. We know something about that. Kog vandet. Boil the water. Cooked the water. Alle untatt en av arbeiderne gikk hjem. All the workers went home save one. Everyone except one of the workers went home. Kan vi interviewe dem? Can we interview them? Can we interview them? Hún kom aftur í því að ég var að fara. She came back just as I was leaving. She came back to me because I was leaving. Jeg har endnu aldrig set et rødt køleskab. I have never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red fridge yet. Hvem passer jeres hund i morgen? Who'll look after your dog tomorrow? Who's gonna watch your dog tomorrow? Är den här buren hajsäker? Is this cage shark-proof? Is this cage safe? Han ble sint og slo henne. He got angry and hit her. He became angry and struck her. Tom er skoleelev. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Han har lang nese. He has a long nose. He's got a long nose. Du kom in i mitt rum. You came into my room. You came into my room. Nafn mitt er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Till min förvåning så hade han en vacker röst. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. Hun lovte å skrive til meg hver uke. She made a promise to write to me every week. She promised to write to me every week. Tom glömde nästan bort mötet. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Tom almost forgot the meeting. Jag måste säga någonting. I must say something. I have to say something. Vem är hon? Who's she? Who is she? Hún frátók herbergi. She reserved a room. She took out a room. Tom bar nackkrage i flera månader efter att ha fått en pisksnärtskada i en bilolycka. Tom wore a neck brace for several months after receiving a whiplash injury in a car accident. Tom carried a neck collar for months after getting a whip injury in a car accident. Tom begynte å stønne av smerte. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom began to groan with pain. Varför åker inte Tom? Why won't Tom leave? Why doesn't Tom go? Jeg takker dig på forhånd for din hjælp. Thank you in advance for your help. I thank you in advance for your help. Hvordan kan vi få til en balanse mellom arbeid og privatliv? How is it possible to reconcile work and private life? How can we strike a balance between work and private life? Det var aldri vanskelig for oss å finne noe å snakke om. It was never hard for us to find something to talk about. It was never difficult for us to find anything to talk about. Det er koldere i år end sidste år. It is colder this year than last year. It's colder this year than last year. Vet du hva Tom hadde på seg? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Hvilken bil er din fars? Which car is your father's? What car is your father's? Er du sikker på du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Soldaten vendte hjem på permisjon. The soldier returned home on a furlough. The soldier returned home on leave. Svar ikke! Don't answer. Don't answer it! Tom var en god mann. Tom was a good man. Tom was a good man. Jag tror att han heter Tom. I believe his name is Tom. I think his name is Tom. Vær altid forberedt på det værste. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be prepared for the worst. Tom býr nær við skúlan hann gongur á. Tom lives near the school he goes to. Tom lives closer to the girl he goes on. Jag diskar. I'm washing the dishes. I'll wash. Jeg tænkte at det var et forsøg værd. I thought it was worth a try. I thought it was worth a try. Med Ubuntu følger der masser af software. Ubuntu includes lots of software. With Ubuntu there are plenty of software. Här är din hund. Var är min? Here is your dog. Where is mine? Here's your dog. Jeg ved at dette er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Jag visste att du skulle trivas här. I knew you'd be happy here. I knew you'd be happy here. Það er vindur í dag. It is windy today. There's a wind today. Endelig! Finally! Finally! Verkar det svårt? Does it seem that difficult? Does it seem difficult? Hans penge er i banken. His money is in the bank. His money's in the bank. Jeg liker ikke de noe særlig. I don't like them that much. I don't like them much. Säg mig vad jag ska tänka. Tell me what to think. Tell me what to think. Du vil bli vant til å bo alene veldig raskt. You'll get used to living alone very fast. You'll be used to living alone very quickly. Det avhenger av kontekst. That depends on the context. It depends on context. Den brune hatten er gammel. The brown hat is old. The brown hat is old. Tom gav mig tre gode råd. Tom gave me three good pieces of advice. Tom gave me three good advice. Bare gjør det du vanligvis gjør. Just do what you normally do. Just do what you normally do. Tom har meget brede skuldre. Tom has very broad shoulders. Tom has very broad shoulders. Var þér ekki kennd almenn skynsemi rétt eins og vélritun í skólanum sem þú sóttir? Didn't they teach you common sense as well as typing at the school where you studied? Were you not taught common sense, just as did typing at the school you attended? Han har en tendens til å si grusomme ting og overdrive sine klager. He is apt to say atrocious things and to exaggerate his grievances. He has a tendency to say cruel things and exaggerate his complaints. Har Tom berättat för Mary? Has Tom told Mary? Has Tom told Mary? Ég mun fylgjast með ykkur. I'll be watching you. I'll be watching you. Við ættum stundum að bera sólinni líkama okkar. We should sometimes expose our bodies to the sun. At times, we should carry our bodies to the sun. Jeg elsker det norske sprog! I love the Norwegian language! I love the Norwegian language! Det er ikke hvad jeg bestilte. It is not what I ordered. That's not what I ordered. Tom har fräknar. Tom has freckles. Tom's got freckles. Vi har inte börjat än. We haven't started yet. We haven't started yet. Jag är från Brasilien. I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Jeg kan ikke li' at studere. I don't like studying. I don't like studying. Tom kommer ikke, og Mary kommer heller ikke. Tom won't come, and Mary won't either. Tom's not coming, and Mary's not coming either. Politiet behandlet Tom som om han var en alminnelig kriminell. The police treated Tom like a common criminal. The police treated Tom like he was a common criminal. Tom modtog et telegram. Tom received a telegram. Tom received a telegram. Ég get kennt þér hvernig á að þýða. I can teach you how to translate. I can teach you how to translate. Jeg er ved at lære hebræisk. I am learning Hebrew. I'm learning Hebrew. Hur kan Tom göra så? How can Tom do that? How can Tom do that? Toms børn er syge. Tom's children are sick. Tom's kids are sick. Tom taler med fransk accent. Tom speaks with a French accent. Tom's talking to a French accent. Er det et ja eller et nej? Is that a yes or no? Is that a yes or a no? Slagteren er ved at veje kødet. The butcher is weighing the meat. The butcher is weighing the meat. Han skrattade sig fördärvad. He died laughing. He was laughing at me. Hun oversatte det ord for ord. She translated it word for word. She translated that word for word. Min bedstefar døde, da jeg var dreng. My grandfather died when I was a boy. My grandfather died when I was a boy. Om vädret är bra i morgon, går vi till floden och simmar. If the weather's good tomorrow, let's go to the river to swim. If the weather is good tomorrow, we'll go to the river and swim. DNA-testen frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test released him from all charges. Hversu mikið vegur ferðataskan þín? What's the weight of your suitcase? How much way does your suitcase go? Jeg leste boken hans. I read his book. I read his book. Du kan ikke have den hat på til skole. You can't wear that hat to school. You can't wear that hat to school. Bill var vitlaus í mótorhjól. Bill was crazy for a motorbike. Bill was crazy on a motorcycle. Tæl til hundrede. Count to one hundred. Count to a hundred. Tal, før det er for sent. Speak before it's too late. Talk before it's too late. Han var et medlem av en sosial elite heller enn de brede lag av folket. He was a member of a social elite rather than the masses. He was a member of a social elite rather than the broad layers of the people. Så kommer det inte att bli. That's not going to happen. It won't be like that. Han har en stor familie. He has a big family. He's got a big family. Ikke dårligt! Not bad! Not bad! Vi är båda galna. We're both insane. We're both crazy. Lad os sætte os ned og snakke om det. Let's get together and talk it over. Let's sit down and talk about it. Jag är inte din fru längre. Din fru är Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore, your wife is Tatoaba! Tom har bedt om at du signerer dokumenter elektronisk under påsyn av en notarius publicus. Tom has requested that you electronically sign documents while witnessed by a notary public. Tom has requested that you sign documents electronically under the supervision of a notary. Gå och tala med Tom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Kandidaten vinket til alle han så. The candidate waved his hand to whomever he saw. The candidate waved to everyone he saw. Tom er stenet. Tom's stoned. Tom's stoned. 1. Januar 2 . Februar 3 . Mars 4 . April 5 . Mai 6 . Juni 7. Juli 8 . August 9 . September 10 . Oktober 11 . November 12 . Desember Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. 1 January 2 . February 3 . March 4 . April 5 . May 6 . June 7. July 8 . August 9 . September 10 . October 11 . November 12 . December Du vil aldrig forstå, hvad jeg føler. You will never understand how I feel. You'll never understand what I feel. Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work by motorcycle. Tom commuter to work on a motorcycle. Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal fortolke hans ord. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Har du sett oppskriftsboka jeg skrev? Have you seen the recipe book that I wrote? Have you seen the recipe book I wrote? Hun fortalte meg hemmeligheten sin. She told me her secret. She told me her secret. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne dra på festen med deg. I wish I could go to the party with you. I wish I could go to the party with you. Han är tre år äldre än hon. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than her. Tom fryser, gør han ikke? Tom is cold, isn't he? Tom's freezing, isn't he? De fångade rävar med fällor. They caught foxes with traps. The trapped foxes with traps. Sommerferie? Hvad betyder "sommerferie"? Summer vacation? What does "summer vacation" mean? Summer holidays, what does "summer holidays" mean? Trädet brinner. The tree is burning. The tree burns. Har I et kursus for begyndere? Do you have a course for beginners? Do you have a course for beginners? Tom spiser vanligvis alene. Tom usually eats alone. Tom usually eats alone. Vi har opdaget en hemmelig gang. We discovered a secret passageway. We've discovered a secret time. Min jul er ødelagt nu. My Christmas is now ruined. My Christmas is ruined now. Mit land ligger i Nordafrika, syd for Middelhavet. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is located in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean. Det er en kvinne i rommet. There is a woman in this room. There's a woman in the room. Hun mistet sin nye klokke. She lost her new watch. She lost her new watch. Luften ble kaldere da jeg kom hjem på sykkelen min. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air became colder when I came home on my bike. Nygifte. Just married. New poison. Var satte jag den? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Vi ses i eftermiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. Lad mig præsentere mig selv. Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself. Jag chattar på nätet. I'm chatting online. I'm chatting online. Det här kommer att bli den varmaste sommaren på trettiosex år. This is going to be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. This will be the warmest summer of thirty-six years. Der kommer bussen. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Jeg husker at hun hadde på seg en grønn hatt. I remember that she wore a green hat. I remember that she was wearing a green hat. Er hun enlig? Is she single? Is she alone? Jeg ville heller hatt en katt enn en hund. I would rather have a cat than a dog. I'd rather have a cat than a dog. Kvar er naudutgangen? Where is the emergency exit? Where's the emergency exit? Äta bör man, annars dör man. Äta gör man, ändå dör man. You should eat, or you will die. If you do eat, you'll still die. You should eat, or you die. You eat, you die. Dette er gratis. This is "free of charge". This is free. Han fortalte meg at han skulle dra til Amerika. He said he would go to America. He told me he was going to America. Jeg trodde at Tom var død. I thought that Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Hvem er den mand? Who's that man? Who's that man? Jeg er ikke ambassadøren. I'm not the ambassador. I'm not the ambassador. Han er en klog dreng. He is a clever boy. He's a smart boy. Nesten river ingen mann fra hesten. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Almost rips no man from the horse. Jeg fandt det let at finde bygningen. I found it easy to find the building. I found it easy to find the building. Jeg studerer. I am studying. I'm studying. Tom trodde faktiskt på dig. Tom actually believed you. Tom actually believed in you. Prinsessen Maria ble fanget av den kraftig dragen som heter Tom. Princess Mary was captured by the powerful dragon named Tom. The princess Mary was caught by the powerful dragon called Tom. Jeg kan ikke forutse fremtiden, like lite som jeg kan fly. I can no more predict the future than I can fly. I can't predict the future, as little as I can fly. I dag er det fredag, og jeg har gjort det jeg gjør nesten hver fredag. Today is Friday, and I've done what I do almost every Friday. Today it's Friday, and I've done what I do almost every Friday. Ég er ekki syfjuð. I'm not sleepy. I'm not sleepy. Folk vil oversette ting som er mer interresant. The people want to translate things that are more interesting. People will translate things that are more interesting. Förlåt att jag har orsakat dig så mycket besvär. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. Jag skall gå till stranden. I'll go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. Dessa skorna är för dyra. These shoes are too expensive. These shoes are too expensive. En av Tom sine plikter er å rake lauv. Tom's duties include raking the leaves. One of Tom's obligations is to shave the leaves. Nancy er fra London. Nancy is from London. Nancy's from London. Får jag lov? May I? May I? Vi måste åka nu. We've got to go now. We have to go now. Sami rider på kameler, æsler og heste. Sami rides camels, donkeys, and horses. Sami rides on camels, donkeys and horses. Jeg har mavepine. My stomach hurts. I've got a stomachache. Mary sa att hon inte är redo att åka. Mary said she's not ready to go. Mary said she's not ready to go. Det er ikke lett å skrive et kjærlighetsbrev på engelsk. It's not easy writing a love letter in English. It's not easy to write a love letter in English. Jag har arbete att göra. I have work to do. I have work to do. Jeg græder ikke ret tit. I don't cry very often. I don't cry very often. Jeg var ikke med på samtalen. I wasn't following the conversation. I wasn't part of the conversation. Kvinnorna arbetar. The women are working. The women are working. Jeg har ingen småpenge. I don't have any small change. I don't have any money. Han kom fram tidigare än vanligt. He arrived earlier than usual. He appeared earlier than usual. Han älskade att resa. He loved to travel. He loved to travel. Dette skal nok muntre dig op. This ought to cheer you up. This'll cheer you up. Jag behöver svar. I need some answers. I need answers. Jag har ett bra arbetslag. I have a good crew. I have a good team. Hvad lavede de der? What were they doing there? What were they doing there? Vi sælger sko. We sell shoes. We sell shoes. Tom ville ikke gøre sig selv til grin. Tom didn't want to make a fool of himself. Tom wouldn't make a fool of himself. Min mor går til tannlegen annenhver dag for å få fikset tennene. My mother visits the dentist's every other day to get her teeth fixed. My mother goes to the dentist every other day to get her teeth fixed. Det er en vanskelig situation. This is a difficult situation. It's a difficult situation. Den är viktig. It's important. It's important. Hva er forskjellen? What is the difference? What's the difference? Tycker Tom om det? Does Tom enjoy it? Does Tom like it? Kan Tom få en hund? Can Tom get a dog? Can Tom have a dog? Hvað kom svona nokkurri hugmynd í kollinn á þér? What put such an idea into your head? What did any idea come up with your head? At tale fransk er let for mig. Speaking French is easy for me. Speaking French is easy for me. Dette dreier seg ikke om penger. This is not about money. This isn't about money. Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga hej till Mary. I thought Tom would say hello to Mary. I thought Tom was going to say hi to Mary. En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Tiden är ute. Time is up. Time's up. Sami ville vara romantisk. Sami wanted to be romantic. Sami wanted to be romantic. De ler ad ham bag hans ryg. They laugh at him behind his back. They're laughing at him behind his back. Han skjulte ikke sin skuffelse. He didn't hide his disappointment. He didn't hide his disappointment. Hun kan ikke elske dig. She can't love you. She can't love you. Jeg synes ikke det ville være en så god idé å oversette den setningen. I don't think that it would be a good idea to translate this sentence. I don't think it would be such a good idea to translate that sentence. Jag letar efter någon att förälska mig i. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with me. Það er stórt gat í sokkabuxunum þínum. There is a big hole in your stocking. There's a big hole in your stockings. Tæl til tredive. Count up to thirty. Count to thirty. Hun har ingen brødre. She doesn't have any brothers. She doesn't have any brothers. Den står på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Jag går till gymmet. I'm going to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Tom tycker inte om sättet hans mamma klipper hans hår på. Tom doesn't like the way his mother cuts his hair. Tom doesn't like the way his mom cuts his hair. Við fórum ekki langt. We didn't go very far. We didn't go far. Uppdraget är slutfört. Mission accomplished. Mission complete. I fanger mig aldrig levende! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! Vil du låne mig din cykel? Would you lend me your bicycle? You want to borrow me your bike? Jag behöver verkligen pengarna. I really need the money. I really need the money. Komdu hingað. Come here. Come here. Jeg kommer helt klart til å savne dem. I will surely miss them. I'm sure I'll miss them. Ha en fin kveld. Have a nice evening. Have a nice night. Jag kan inte låta er göra det. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do it. Hunden logrede med halen. The dog wagged its tail. The dog was on fire with the tail. Sig det på russisk! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian! Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think that Tom is stubborn. I think Tom's stubborn. Eg er veldig trist. I'm very sad. I'm very sad. De har etablert en Flyvåpnenes Felleskommando hvor sjefen og stabssjefen var fra henholdsvis Sjøforsvaret og Hæren. They have established an Air Force Joint Command where the manager and chief of staff come respectively from the Navy and the Army. They have established an Air Force Command, where the Chief and Chief of Staff were from the Navy and Army, respectively. Jeg låner deg noen av broren min sine bøker. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll borrow you some of my brother's books. Denne fugl er ikke i stand til at flyve. This bird cannot fly. This bird is not able to fly. Hvad er det? What's that? What's that? Kan du lære meg korleis eg speler sjakk? Will you teach me how to play chess? Can you teach me how to play chess? Morfar pratar väldigt långsamt. Grandfather speaks very slowly. Grandpa's talking very slowly. Varför är du arg på mig? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Jeg er 18 år gammel. I am 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Tom verka vera verkeleg forundra. Tom seemed genuinely puzzled. Tom seems really surprised. Gleymdirðu einhverju? Did you forget something? Did you forget something? Det där är okej. That's fine. That's okay. Sættum okkur við það; þetta er ómögulegt. Okkur mun aldrei takast það. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's sit down; it's impossible, we'll never make it. Inget mer, tack. Jag är mätt. No more, thank you. I'm full. Nothing more, thank you. Tom knäppte sin skjorta. Tom buttoned his shirt. Tom snapped his shirt. Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Mary jobbar i stadens offentliga bibliotek. Mary works in the town's public library. Mary works in the city's public library. Vi använder ätpinnar istället för kniv och gaffel. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. We're using a knife and a fork instead of a knife and a fork. Har I nogensinde været gift? Have you ever been married? Have you ever been married? Han bankede på døren. He knocked at the door. He knocked on the door. Vulkanudbruddet truede landsbyen. The volcanic eruption threatened the village. The Vulcan outbreak threatened the village. Hvor længe skal vi gå med masker? How long will we have to wear masks? How long are we gonna wear masks? Jeg troede at du var på arbejde. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Jeg har googlet dig og fundet ud af at du har været i fængsel. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I've Googled you and found out you were in prison. Þessi börn eiga engan að. Those children have no one to care for them. These children have none to do with. Kom in. Come inside. Come in. Varför sa du nej? Why did you say no? Why did you say no? Hun rev i stykker brevet. She tore up the letter. She broke the letter. Hvad sagde I til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you say to Tom? Enken var klædt i sort. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was dressed in black. I går købte hun grøntsager. She bought vegetables yesterday. Yesterday she bought vegetables. Jeg går av der også. I get off there, too. I'm going off there too. Solen gik ned for et stykke tid siden. The sun set a while ago. The sun went down a while ago. Vi er ni personer i min familie. There are nine people in my family. We're nine people in my family. Hvor ligger Algeriet? Where is Algeria situated? Where is Algeria? Noen mennesker er helt skruppelløs. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Han løftet hatten sin. He raised his hat. He lifted his hat. Tom skriv ned alt slik at han ikkje gløymer det. Tom writes everything down so he won't forget it. Tom writes everything so he doesn't forget it. Du bor på et fint sted. You live in a nice place. You live in a nice place. Måske ved nogen her, hvor Tom bor. Maybe someone here knows where Tom lives. Maybe somebody knows where Tom lives. Håll dig borta från Tom. Stay away from Tom. Stay away from Tom. Hún greiðir sér um hárið á morgnanna. She brushes her hair in the morning. She takes care of her hair in the morning. Var generösa. Be generous. Be generous. Barn dricker mer vatten, äter mer mat och andas mer luft per kilogram kroppsvikt än vuxna. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram of body weight than adults. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram body weight than adults. Mannen erkände till slut vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally acknowledged what he had done. Vad ritade Walt Disney? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney draw? Där är en katt i köket. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Kan jag fråga varför? Can I ask you why? Can I ask why? Jag åker till Stockholm. I'm going to Stockholm. I'm going to Stockholm. Jag trodde att du tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Du kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Giv os det vi ønsker. Give us what we want. Give us what we want. Tom är ledsen. Tom's sad. Tom's sorry. Är ni hungriga ännu? Are you hungry yet? Are you still hungry? Tom havde ingen ide om, hvad jeg snakkede om. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. När ska du gå? When will you go? When are you going? Tom taler fransk lige så godt som dig. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you. Han har ikke kommet enda. Han må ha mistet bussen. He hasn't come yet. He must have missed the bus. He hasn't come yet. Hver byggði það? Who built it? Who built it? Du veit at eg elskar Mary, ikkje sant? You know I love Mary, do you not? You know I love Mary, right? Útlendingurinn vandi sig fljótt á japanskan mat. The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food. The foreigner quickly bothered with Japanese food. Tom är chef. Tom is the boss. Tom's the boss. Din uforskammethed kender ingen grænser. Your impudence knows no bounds. Your insolence doesn't know any boundaries. Jeg må returnere noen bøker til biblioteket. I have to return some books to the library. I have to return some books to the library. Mine forældre bor i Kyoto. My parents live in Kyoto. My parents live in Kyoto. Jeg kan lide Maria, men hun er meget godtroende. I like Maria, but she's very naïve. I like Maria, but she's very good at it. Någon stal mitt pass. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. Eg kjem frå Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. I'm coming from Tokyo. Hver á þennan blýant? Whose pencil is this? Who owns this pencil? Lova mig att inte skratta. Promise me you won't laugh. Promise me you won't laugh. I dag er det Toms fødselsdag. Today's Tom's birthday. Today is Tom's birthday. Uden min regnfrakke ville jeg være blevet gennemblødt. Had it not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin. Without my rain coat, I'd have been bleeding through. Flygplan landar på flygplatser. Airplanes land at airports. Airplanes are landing at airports. Hun er trettitre. She's thirty-three. She's thirty-three. Tom kom hjem kl. 2:30. Tom arrived home at 2:30. Tom came home at 2:30. Tom är smärtsamt blyg. Tom is painfully shy. Tom is painfully shy. Det finns en smörgås här. There's a sandwich here. There's a sandwich here. Hún bauð honum á stefnumót en hann sagði nei vegna þess að hann taldi að stelpur ættu ekki að bjóða strákum á stefnumót. She asked him out on a date, but he said no since he thought girls should not ask boys out. She offered him a date, but he said no because he thought girls should not invite boys to a date. Tom tog av sig sina kläder och gick in i duschen. Tom took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. Tom took off his clothes and went into the shower. Mary er en klog pige. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. Ge mig era vapen. Give me your weapons. Give me your weapons. Hvorfor er du alene? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Alle lo ad Tom. Everybody laughed at Tom. Everyone laughed at Tom. Mor lavede frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made us lunch. Húsið hennar er nálægt garðinum. Her house is close to the park. Her house is near the park. Skru ned musikken litt. Please turn the music down a bit. Please turn down the music a little bit. Danmark er det sydligste af de nordiske lande og ligger sydvest for Sverige og syd for Norge. Denmark is, among the Nordic countries, the southernmost, and is to the southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Denmark is the southernmost of the Nordic countries and is located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Det skete omkring kl. halv fem. It happened at about half past four. It happened around 5:00. Þú verður að sinna skyldu þinni. You must perform your duty. You have to do your duty. Tom brukade stiga upp tidigt. Tom used to get up early. Tom used to get up early. England och Skottland är grannar. England and Scotland are neighbours. England and Scotland are neighbors. En hund vil altid elske dig betingelsesløst. A dog will always love you unconditionally. A dog will always love you unconditionally. Tom ville att jag skulle spela schack med honom, så det gjorde jag. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Hún hitti frænda sinn í búðinni. She met her uncle at the shop. She met her cousin at the store. Karen bad om at snakke med chefen. Karen asked to speak to the manager. Karen asked to talk to the boss. Jag förstår dig! I understand you! I understand you! Jeg har ekstremt hvit hud, og blir aldri brun. I have extremely light skin and never tan. I have extremely white skin, and I never get brown. Var är Tom född? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? Det kan jag respektera. I can respect that. I can respect that. Jeg har mistet en verdifull medaljong. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a valuable medallion. Der var tre tomme øldåser på spisebordet foran Tom. There were three empty beer cans on the dining room table in front of Tom. There were three empty beer cans on the dining table in front of Tom. Hun sang mens hun gikk. She sang as she walked. She sang while she went. Var ligger Algeriet? Where is Algeria situated? Where is Algeria? Kjolen är grön. The skirt is green. The skirt is green. Den bil er hans. That car is his. That car is his. Jeg kan se at du er bekymret. I can tell that you're worried. I see you're worried. Reykingar eru ekki vani heldur fíkn. Smoking is no habit but an addiction. Smoking is not a habit. It's a addiction. Jag vet inte vad jag vill. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. Hvordan kan det være? How can that be? How could that be? Sade Tom varför? Did Tom say why? Tom said why? Jag vet exakt var Tom befinner sig. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Vi gjorde ett sandslott. We made a sand castle. We made a sand castle. Jeg er overbevist om din uskyld. I'm convinced of your innocence. I'm convinced of your innocence. Ég fer oft að sigla um helgar. I often go sailing on weekends. I often start sailing on weekends. Jeg trenger noen som kan beskytte meg. I need someone to protect me. I need someone to protect me. Det beror på stolens storlek. It depends on the size of the chair. It depends on the size of the chair. Hennes nagellack hade börjat lossna. Her nail polish had begun to come off. Her nail polish had begun to unload. Jag vet vad det heter. I know what it's called. I know its name. Hur långt for den? How far did it go? How far for it? Du skal være forsigtig. You must be careful. You need to be careful. Vær skånselsløs! Be merciless. Be careless! Jag vill inte stava någonting fel. I don't want to misspell anything. I don't want to spell anything wrong. Det är inte Toms fel. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Jag borde inte ha ringt. I shouldn't have called. I shouldn't have called. Mit problem er ikke alkohol, men rygning. My problem isn't drinking, but smoking. My problem is not alcohol, it's smoking. Jeg har stor tålmodighet, men nå jeg må dra hjem. I am very patient, but I have to go home, now. I have great patience, but now I have to go home. Det gør ingen forskel om han kommer eller ej. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It doesn't make any difference whether he's coming or not. Jag läste brevet för honom. I read the letter for him. I read the letter to him. Hann hætti að reykja. He stopped to smoke. He stopped smoking. Presidenten sa at han ville dø for landet sitt. The president said that he would die for his country. The president said he'd die for his country. Säg till Tom att det är brådskande. Tell Tom it's urgent. Tell Tom it's urgent. Hva studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What's a sovietologist studying? Måske bliver jeg her indtil mandag. I may stay here until Monday. Maybe I'll stay here until Monday. Kan du gå, Tom? Could you leave, Tom? Tom, can you go? Jag vet inte varför. I don't know why. I don't know why. Har du ein hobby – måling, til dømes? Do you have a hobby - for example, painting? Do you have a hobby — measurement, for example? Hon ville veta om fotografen kunde ta bort hatten från bilden. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. Judits tyska uttal är vackert. Judith's German accent is beautiful. Judith's German pronunciation is beautiful. Vi overnattede i Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We spent the night in Hakone. Hann samþykkti hugmyndina mína. He accepted my idea. He accepted my idea. Husker du at vi har haft en telefon med drejeskive? Do you remember that we had a phone with a rotary dial? Do you remember we've had a phone with a dial? Kan du begynde i morgen? Can you start tomorrow? Can you start tomorrow? Dyrnar opnuðust. The door opened. The door opened. Jag skulle vilja hjälpa till. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. For en raring du er. You're such a weirdo. For a baby you are. Hvorfor har kaniner lange ører? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Inrättningen måste skyddas. The institution must be protected. The establishment must be protected. Spurðu mig hvers sem þú vilt. Ask me anything you like. Ask me anything you want. Hon skulle ha gjort det redan. She would have done it already. She should have done it already. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semester som tidsslöseri. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Workwives see holidays as timeless. Jag vill ha tillbaka mina tjugo dollar. I want my 20 dollars back. I want my twenty dollars back. Hold øjnene åbne. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. Jeg blev gift for 8 år siden. I married eight years ago. I got married eight years ago. Ni är så heta. You're so hot. You guys are so hot. De fleste amerikanere bifaldt hvad Coolidge gjorde. Most Americans approved of what Coolidge did. Most Americans welcomed what Coolidge did. Rummet var mörkt. The room was dark. The room was dark. Hvis vi skubber sammen, så er jeg sikker på at den gamle vakkelvorne dør vil give efter. If we push together, I'm sure that old rickety door will break. If we push together, I'm sure the old beautiful door will give in. Tom døde for tre år siden. Tom passed away three years ago. Tom died three years ago. Ni skulle inte tycka om det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't like it. Tom tog det forkerte tog. Tom took the wrong train. Tom took the wrong train. Jeg underviser. I am teaching. I teach. Mit sværd er mit liv. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Jeg drak det i én slurk. I drank it in a gulp. I drank it in one piece. Hún er að gráta. She is crying. She's crying. Æblet falder ikke langt fra træet. The apple does not fall far from the tree. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Är en av er Tom? Is one of you Tom? Is one of you Tom? Glædelig jul! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Detta är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Hvor er du? Where are you? Where are you? De visste ikke engang hva vi hette. They didn't even know what our names were. They didn't even know our name. Det er veldig kaldt nå. It's very cold now. It's very cold now. Tom går ofte rundt i huset helt uden tøj på. Tom often walks around the house without any clothes on. Tom often walks around the house completely without clothes on. Jeg kan ikke kjøre hjem. I can't drive home. I can't drive home. Han är alltid glad. He is always happy. He's always happy. Det var dengang, og det her er nu. That was then and this is now. It was then, and this is now. Jag beställde kinesiskt. I ordered Chinese food. I ordered Chinese. Kaffen han drak, var ret dyr. The coffee he drank was quite expensive. The coffee he drank was pretty expensive. Hver person betalte tusind dollar. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Det er et stort privilegium at være med dig i Tatoeba. It is a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. It's a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. Ein ispose vil hemja smerta. An ice pack will numb the pain. It's an ice bag that's trying to block a lot of pain. Finska är ett ganska konservativt språk. Finnish is a pretty conservative language. Finnish is a rather conservative language. God nat. Good night. Good night. Natten är ju ganska lång, eller hur? Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? The night is quite long, isn't it? Eg tørvi tíni hjálp. I need your help. I'll wipe your help. Dårlig vær forhindret dem fra å seile. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Tom har købt sit drømmehus. Tom bought his dream house. Tom bought his dream house. Jag trodde att ni gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Tom sjöng för Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Ég bankaði á hurðina en enginn kom til dyra. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked on the door, but no one came to the door. Du bløder! You're bleeding! You're bleeding! Når jeg var liten trodde jeg på julenissen. When I was little, I believed in Santa. When I was a kid, I believed in Santa Claus. De tok oss fort igjen. They caught up with us quickly. They took us fast again. Vi glömmer en sak. We're forgetting something. We'll forget about one thing. Tom hatade spenat. Tom hated spinach. Tom hated spinach. Ho lever eit ulukkeleg liv. She is living an unhappy life. She lives an incorruptible life. Jag kan inte gå någon annanstans. I can't go anywhere else. I can't go anywhere else. Jeg har ikke vært noen av de to stedene. I've been to neither of those places. I haven't been any of the two places. Mig klæjar í allan líkamann. My body itches all over. I wear all my body. Jag har rätt. I'm right. I'm right. Vissa saker säger man inte ens på skämt. Some things you shouldn't even say jokingly. Some things you don't even say for jokes. Yndæll dagur, ekki satt? Hví ekki að fara í göngutúr? A nice day, isn't it? Why not go out for a walk? Why not take a walk? Jeg hader dette sted. I hate this place. I hate this place. Jeg har købt to par benklæder. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two pairs of trousers. Tror du att vi borde överge skeppet? Do you think we should abandon ship? You think we should abandon the ship? Julenissen bur på Nordpolen. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus lives on the North Pole. Hvor lenge blir du i New York? How long will you remain in New York? How long are you staying in New York? Hon är pigg på att sticka utomlands. She is keen to go abroad. She's very excited to leave abroad. Eg tími ikki í skúla. I don't want to go to school. I don't have time for a school. Dóttir mín er að kaupa mjólk úr búðinni. My daughter is buying milk from the store. My daughter is buying milk from the store. Sverige är Skandinaviens största land. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is Scandinavia's largest country. Tom är groggy. Tom's groggy. Tom's a groggy. Jag valde att inte åka. I chose not to leave. I chose not to go. Det styrtregner i aften. It's raining cats and dogs tonight. It'll rain tonight. Tom er sædvanligvis helt flad ved udgangen af måneden. Tom is usually broke by the end of the month. Tom is usually completely flat by the end of the month. Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. Han barberer sig fire gange om ugen. He shaves four times a week. He shaves four times a week. Tom undervisar. Tom teaches. Tom is a teacher. Jeg har reddet jer. I saved you. I saved you. Ett sätt att minska antalet fel i Tatoebas korpus vore att uppmuntra folk att endast översätta till sina modersmål. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in Tatoeba's corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongues. Sover du någonsin? Do you ever sleep? You ever sleep? Børn har brug for meget søvn. Children require much sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Tør næsen. Wipe your nose. Dry your nose. Jeg har muligvis glemt mine nøgler. I might've forgotten my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Jeg er ikke bange. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Jag måste ge mig i väg. I have to get going. I have to go. Bid i det sure æble! Swallow your pride! Bite the sour apple! Hann þénaði meira en tíu dollara á dag. He earned no more than ten dollars a day. He earned more than ten dollars a day. Den er 8:30. It's eight-thirty. It's 8:30. Jag har sett en artikel på Tatoebabloggen om en ny version som ska komma ut snart. Har du läst den? I've seen an article on the Tatoeba blog about a new version coming soon. Have you read it? I have seen an article on the Tatoebabloggen about a new version that will come out soon. Have you read it? Þetta er fallegt. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Tom taler fransk, ikke sandt? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Det skjer med meg, også. It happens to me, too. It happens to me, too. En man som inte spenderar tid med sin familj kan inte vara en riktig man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family can't be a real man. "Hvad med en spadseretur?" "Ja, hvorfor ikke? Det vil jeg meget gerne." "How about going for a walk?" "Why not? I'd be glad to." "What about a stroll?" "Yes, why not? I would like that very much." Vad har Tom sett? What has Tom seen? What has Tom seen? Hon tillbringade större delen av dagen på sjukhuset. She spent most of the day at the hospital. She spent most of the day at the hospital. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til fjölskyldunnar þinnar. Please say hello to your family. Please say hello to your family. Opkaldet er gratis. The call is free of charge. The call is free. Jeg hænger ud med mine venner. I'm hanging out with my friends. I'm hanging out with my friends. Jag visste att ni skulle komma till besinning. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd come to your senses. Jag är gay. I am gay. I'm gay. Ég veit ekki hvernig þú gast gert okkur þetta. I don't know how you were able to do this to us. I don't know how you could do this to us. Hur gick det med allt? How did it all work out? How'd everything go? Det er det ingen tvil om. Without a doubt! There is no doubt about that. Vil du have kaffe eller noget? Do you want some coffee or something? Would you like some coffee or something? Vi malkede koen. We milked the cow. We milked the cow. Hvað ertu að læra af kennaranum? What are you learning from the teacher? What do you learn from the teacher? Tom er i bilen. Tom is in the car. Tom's in the car. Kan indeholde nødder. May contain nuts. May contain nuts. Tom var godt skåret for tungebåndet. Tom had the gift of the gab. Tom was well cut for the tongueband. Tom tackade ja till erbjudandet. Tom accepted the offer. Tom accepted the offer. Du måste återbetala dina skulder. You must repay your debts. You have to repay your debts. Vad väntar du på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Jeg har ikke drukket den mælk. I didn't drink that milk. I didn't drink that milk. Hvad sker der herinde? What's going on in here? What's going on in here? Mor har nettopp gått for å handle. Mum's just gone shopping. Mom's just gone shopping. Tom sad på en træstamme. Tom sat on a log. Tom was sitting on a tree trunk. Jeg har ikke mange venner. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Hun kan ikke lide sin egen mand. She doesn't like her husband. She doesn't like her husband. Politiet handsama Tom som om han var ein alminneleg kriminell. The police treated Tom like a common criminal. The police handled Tom as if he were a common criminal. De kommer inte förrän imorgon. They won't come until tomorrow. They won't be here until tomorrow. Tom bad Marys far om hennes hand. Tom asked Mary's father for her hand. Tom asked Mary's father for her hand. Tom skulle ønske han ikke måtte hjelpe til med husarbeidet. Tom wishes he didn't have to help with the housework. Tom would wish he could not help with the housework. Månen är mycket vacker i kväll. The moon is very beautiful this evening. The moon is very beautiful tonight. Tom kommer ikke til at løbe på ski med os, kommer han vel? Tom won't be skiing with us, will he? Tom's not going to ski with us, is he coming? Tom kom på toget. Tom got on the train. Tom came on the train. Min kone køber grøntsager fra et supermarked i nærheden. My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby. My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby. Tom gav inte upp. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Idag är det den 1 september. Today is September 1st. Today is September 1st. Tom blev skudt med strømpistol. Tom was tasered. Tom was shot with a gun. Tom drikker æblejuice. Tom is drinking apple juice. Tom drinks apple juice. Kan du huske hr. Saito? Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Jeg kan ikke leve et slikt liv. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live such a life. Jag är lite tokig. I am a bit crazy. I'm a little crazy. Spørg ikke hvorfor; bare gør det. Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask why, just do it. Han har allerede sagt ja. He has already said yes. He's already said yes. Hvad sker der derinde? What's going on in there? What's going on in there? Hann kom inn í herbergið mitt. He came into my room. He came into my room. Företagens arbetskraftskostnader har i Kina blivit så höga att ett omvänt Kina-fenomen håller på att bli allt vanligare. The company's labour costs in China have been so high that an unexpected China phenomenon is about to become the norm. Business labour costs in China have grown so high that a reverse Chinese phenomenon is becoming increasingly common. Du har förstört det! You've ruined it! You've ruined it! Þú ættir að hætta að drekka. You should give up drinking. You should stop drinking. Du har ikke feber. You don't have a temperature. You don't have a fever. John langaði til að vera fullkomlega óháður fjölskyldunni. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. Han fangede tyve sommerfugle. He caught twenty butterflies. He caught twenty butterflies. Ta inte emot presenter. Do not accept gifts. Don't accept presents. Ikke svar. Don't answer. No answer. Tom har en bil. Tom has a car. Tom's got a car. Mary er kniplerske. Mary is a lacemaker. Mary's crooked. Vi arresterede Tom. We arrested Tom. We arrested Tom. Folk klager tit over vejret. People often complain about the weather. People often complain about the weather. Lad være med at kaste en sten efter hunden. Don't throw a stone at the dog. Don't throw a stone after the dog. Get ég hjálpað þér? Could I help you? Can I help you? Visst älskar jag Finland, men jag står inte ut med finnarna. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. Sure, I love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. Tom genkendte Mary så snart han så hende. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Huset brant ned før brannbilen kom. The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived. The house burned down before the fire car arrived. Jeg havde blot brug for lidt luft. I just needed some air. I just needed a little air. Du hjelper ikke. You aren't helping. You're not helping. Ge Tom lite tid. Give Tom some time. Give Tom some time. Jag har fakturan. I have the invoice. I have the invoice. De klarar inte av verkligheten. They can't handle reality. They can't handle reality. Jag gillar kaffe mer än svart te. I like coffee more than black tea. I like coffee more than black tea. Ég hafði ekki hugmynd að þú værir að koma. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That's the point. Röker ni? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Jeg gjorde som Tom ba meg. I did what Tom asked me to do. I did as Tom asked me. Kunne du ikke ha fortalt meg om det i går? Couldn't you have told me about that yesterday? Couldn't you tell me about it yesterday? Det kommer ikke til at funke! It won't fly! It's not going to work! Jeg er ingens fjende. I am nobody's enemy. I'm nobody's enemy. Ég þarfnast þín. I need you. I need you. Hvem ejer disse rensdyr? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Dette er et historisk øjeblik. This is a historic moment. This is an historic moment. Jag förlorade medvetandet. I lost consciousness. I lost consciousness. Jag tror att vi borde åka. I think we should go. I think we should go. Vi spiller fotball hver lørdag. We play soccer every Saturday. We play football every Saturday. Jag kunde aldrig hålla en hemlighet. I never could keep a secret. I could never keep a secret. Kender du Toms rigtige navn? Do you know Tom's real name? Do you know Tom's real name? Jeg har holdt vekten lav selv om mange av mine venner har gått opp i vekt når de har blitt eldre. I've kept my weight down even though many of my friends have gained weight as they've grown older. I have kept the weight low even though many of my friends have gone up when they have grown older. Kan du lide at studere? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like to study? Hvaðan eru þau? Where are they from? Where are they from? Jeg fikk det ikke med meg. I couldn't get what you said. I didn't get it with me. Han er min lærer. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Han er en intelligent ung mand. He's an intelligent young man. He's an intelligent young man. Goddag! Good day! Hello! Du lovede du ville ikke forlade mig. You promised me you wouldn't leave me. You promised you wouldn't leave me. Jeg er dyrlæge. I'm a veterinarian. I'm a vet. Jeg endte i fængsel. I ended up in jail. I ended up in jail. Ge mig geväret. Give me the rifle. Give me the gun. De ender opp med rein jord. They end up with clean dirt. They end up with clean soil. Du har funnet en god mann. You've found a good man. You've found a good man. Jag skyller på ditt skägg. I blame your beard. I'll rinse your beard. Jeg har tilbragt fire fulde måneder i Kabylien. I spent four full months in Kabylie. I spent four full months in Kabylia. Flere emojis bruges i vid udstrækning under COVID-19-pandemien: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are being widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are used to a large extent during the COVID-19 pandemic: Du liker ikke å bo med foreldrene dine, ikke sant? You don't like living with your parents, do you? You don't like living with your parents, do you? Kan du räkna på franska? Can you count in French? Can you count in French? Það er ekki fyrr en við missum heilsuna að við gerum okkur grein fyrir verðmæti hennar. It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it. It is not until we lose our health that we realize its value. Jag önskar att vi kunde göra det. I wish we could do that. I wish we could do that. Det var allt jag ville säga. That's all I wanted to say. That's all I wanted to say. Eg sym i havet. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in the ocean. Han leter etter en jobb. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Jag har en gås oplockad med dig. I have a bone to pick with you. I got a goose picked up with you. Vi mistenkte at kassereren hadde stjålet pengene. We suspected our cashier of stealing the funds. We suspected that the cashier had stolen the money. Pigen tror stadig på julemanden. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. Tom umgås med Mary nästan varje dag. Tom hangs out with Mary almost every day. Tom hangs out with Mary almost every day. Det var omöjligt att finna ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Det er slett ingen kunst å greie det. It's actually very easy to do. There's absolutely no art to do that. Det är hans julklapp. It's his Christmas present. It's his Christmas present. Vinsamlegast talaðu hægar! Speak more slowly, please! Please talk slower! Jeg har noget som jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. Put den i en papirspose. Put it into a paper bag. Put it in a paper bag. Eg er Gregor. I am Gregor. I'm Gregor. Følg reglene. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Du hinner inte i tid till skolan. You are not going to make it in time for school. You don't have time for school. Jag tycker inte om det här godiset. I don't like this candy. I don't like this candy. Jag tycker verkligen om er musik. I really like your music. I really like your music. Toaletten är tillfälligt ur funktion. The toilet is out of order at the moment. The toilet is temporarily out of function. Hva er kursen? What is the exchange rate? What's the course? Han tänkte att det skulle vara vettigt att acceptera erbjudandet. He thought it would be wise to accept the offer. He thought it would make sense to accept the offer. Deras skepp ligger fortfarande i hamn. Their ship is still in port. Their ships are still in port. De kysset hverandre. They kissed each other. They kissed each other. Jag var inte tvungen att åka. I didn't have to go. I didn't have to go. Du ser godt ud! You're looking good! You look great! Hefur þú þekkt hana síðan nítjánhundruð og níutíu? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since nineteen hundred and ninety? Hun er min halvsøster. She's my half-sister. She's my half sister. Tal ikke mens du spiser. Don't talk while you're eating. Don't talk while you're eating. Vinsamlegast setjið stólana við gluggann. Please set these chairs by the window. Please insert the chairs at the window. Er du hjemme? Are you at home? Are you home? Maskinen tager meget plads. The machine takes a lot of room. The machine takes a lot of space. Den smukke enke stod ved kisten med tåreslørede øjne. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin, her eyes veiled with tears. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin with teary eyes. Han brydde seg aldri noe særlig om meg. He never cared much for me. He never cared much about me. Tom har gratis wi-fi på flyet. Tom has free WiFi on his flight. Tom's got free Wi-Fi on the plane. La oss sette vår i kontrast til høst. Let's contrast spring with fall. Let's contrast our spring to the harvest. Har vóru nógv fólk, eg ikki kendi. Many people were there, I didn't know. Have a lot of people I don't know. Jag väntar här. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Jeg kan ikke skjule mig for evigt. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. Tager du tit bilen på arbejde? Do you often drive your car to work? Do you often take the car to work? Længe leve Mary! Long live Mary! Long live Mary! Læknar eru almennt ekki þjálfaðir í uppeldi. Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. Doctors are generally not trained in training. Sami kommer inte få veta. Sami won't find out. Sami won't know. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim ofbeldisfullu. The world belongs to the violent. The world belongs to violent people. Aldrig hade jag sett en sådan fridfull syn. Never have I seen such a peaceful sight. Never would I have seen such a peaceful sight. Jeg har mødt Tom her til aften. I met Tom tonight. I've met Tom this evening. Vi leker jaga! Let's play catch. We're going hunting! Jeg møtte en ulv i en drøm. I met a wolf in a dream. I met a wolf in a dream. Skjut inte! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Det er ikke umuligt. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. Ertu geðveikur? Are you insane? Are you insane? På vej til skole stødte Tom ind i en Mary. Tom bumped into a Mary on his way to school. On the way to school, Tom ran into a Mary. Vad berättade du för Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you tell Tom? Du havde læst. You had read. You'd read. Dette værelse har balkon. This room has a balcony. This room has a balcony. Jeg kan ikke gjøre det. I'm not able to do that. I can't do that. Plötsligt kysste hon mig. She kissed me all of a sudden. Suddenly she kissed me. Vi sees! See you again. See you! Jag gjorde dig en tjänst. I did you a favor. I did you a favor. Allir vita að tveir plús tveir eru fjórir. Everyone knows that two plus two equals four. Everybody knows that two plus two is four. Dette er vand på hans mølle. This is grist to his mill. This is water on his mill. Han lader altid vinduet være åbent, når han sover. He always leaves the window open when he sleeps. He always leaves the window open when he sleeps. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at se Tom en gang til. I would like to see Tom one more time. I'd like to see Tom again. Dei hundre vanlegaste orda i engelsk er anglosaksiske ord. The 100 most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words. The hundred most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words. Jeg har ikke nået det endnu. I haven't gotten around to doing that yet. I haven't made it yet. Det här trädet är inte ens i närheten av att vara det högsta i socknen. This tree is not even close to being the tallest in the parish. This tree is not even near being the highest in the socks. Faren min kan symja, men ikkje mora mi. My father can swim, but my mother can't. My father can swim, but not my mother. Du var selv ude om det. You had it coming. You were on your own. Hvad siger du så! How about that! What do you say? Jag står inte ut med det här oljudet längre. I can not bear this noise any more. I can't stand this noise anymore. Vi kunne tale om Tom. We could talk about Tom. We could talk about Tom. Jeg kan snakke kinesisk, men ikke skrive det. I can speak Chinese, but not write it. I can speak Chinese, but I can't write it. Tom fortalte alle at han ikke kendte Mary. Tom told everyone that he didn't know Mary. Tom told everyone he didn't know Mary. Du har gjort det meget godt. You've done it very well. You've done very well. Jeg lette etter noe som ikke fantes. I was searching for something that didn't exist. I'm looking for something that didn't exist. Min kat har kræft. My cat has cancer. My cat has cancer. Slåss som en man! Fight like a man! Fight like a man! Ikkje høyr på denne mannen. Do not listen to this man. Don't listen to this man. Jeg har fået en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Håll ett öga på min väska ett slag. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Jeg er ved at læse en bog. I'm reading a book. I'm reading a book. Jeg burde kanskje ikke spørre Tom om å få det gjort for meg. I should probably not tell Tom to do that for me. I probably shouldn't ask Tom to get it done for me. Omkring! About face! Around! Din plan virker bedre enn min. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan works better than mine. Jeg vil have en papegøje. I want a parrot. I want a parrot. Hej världen! Hello, world! Hey, the world! Jag behöver dina åsikter. I need your opinions. I need your opinions. Visst kan det vara traumatiskt, men än sen? Sure, it might be traumatic, but so what? It can't be traumatic, can it? Jeg snakker ikke fransk like bra som Tom. I can't speak French as well as Tom. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Það er að segja; ég hef betri skilning á kínversku þjóðinni. That's to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese nation. That is, I have a better understanding of the Chinese people. Ja, så vitt jag vet. Yes, as far as I know. Yeah, as far as I know. Jeg sa at jeg skulle kjøpe deg en drink, så vær så god. I said I'd buy you a drink, so here. I said I'd buy you a drink, so please. Jeg drar hjem igjen i morgen. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll go home tomorrow. CIA overvåger dig. The CIA is watching you. The CIA is watching you. Tom simmar. Tom's swimming. Tom's swimming. På venstre side ser du en kaffesjappe. If you turn left, you'll see a coffee shop. On the left hand side you'll see a coffee jacket. Hon äter middag nu. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. Transplantationer räddar liv. Transplants save lives. Transplantations save lives. Det ösregnade så att basebollmatchen ställdes in. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It was raining, so the baseball game was cancelled. Det er natt. Familien spiser middag. It is night. The family is eating dinner. It's night, the family eats dinner. Hvor reparerede du dem? Where did you repair them? Where'd you fix them? Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need new glasses. Dette er også et æble. This is an apple, too. This is also an apple. Du lytter ikke! You don't listen! You're not listening! Ég varð ástfanginn af henni við fyrstu sýn. I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first sight. Jeg er ateist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Siden hvornår er du begyndt at interessere dig for politik? Since when do you care about politics? Since when have you begun to be interested in politics? Jag skulle kunna hjälpa Tom. I could help Tom. I could help Tom. Toms bøger er oversat til mange sprog. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom's books are translated into many languages. Jag klippte nyss naglarna. I just cut my nails. I just cut my nails. Mannen dro fra restauranten uten å betale regningen. The man left the restaurant without paying his bill. The man left the restaurant without paying the bill. Er du mindreårig? Are you underage? Are you a minor? Jag trodde att Tom skulle dyka upp. I thought Tom would show up. I thought Tom was gonna show up. Har du et juletræ? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Jeg har ingen fordommer. I have no prejudice. I don't have a prejudice. Ingen kan finde ud af hvor mange penge vi ødsler bort på et år. No one can determine the amount of money we waste in a year. No one can figure out how much money we're wasting in a year. Jeg er besat af at lære hebraisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. Vad mer kan jag göra? What else can I do? What else can I do? Jeg har allerede skrevet et brev. I have already written a letter. I already wrote a letter. "Tammi" med to m'er. Altså T-A-M-M-I. 'Tammi' with two m's. So that's T-A-M-M-I. "Tammi" with two m's, that's T-A-M-M-I. Det där behövde jag verkligen. I really needed that. I really needed that. Du kan inte neka det. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Det är för barnen. It's for the children. It's for the kids. Toget var forsinket her til morgen. The train was late this morning. The train was delayed this morning. Sá sem hefur það að starfi að skemmta fólki sem kemur á sýningu er skemmtikraftur. The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer. A person who has the job of entertaining people who come to a show is a entertaining force. Hvor har jeg lagt det? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Jeg tror at ​​det er et grantræ. I think that it's a fir tree. I think it's a tree tree. Solen skiner från en blå himmel. The sun is shining from a blue sky. The sun shines from a blue sky. Tom bluffer. Tom's bluffing. Tom's bluffing. Varför förvånas jag inte över det? Why am I not surprised by that? Why don't I be surprised? Dette er en plante. It's a plant. This is a plant. Hen grät. She cried. She cried. Jag får inte så mycket post. I don't get much mail. I don't get a lot of mail. Du må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You better get going. Ég er eins leið og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm as lonely as I can be. Jag tog mig friheten att ringa henne. I took the liberty of calling her. I took the freedom to call her. De havde god kemi. They had good chemistry. They had good chemistry. Jag föredrar te över kaffe. I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer tea over coffee. Jeg lærte at fremmedspråk er veldig gøy. I find foreign languages very interesting. I learned that foreign languages are very fun. Munkene mediterer. The monks are meditating. The monks meditate. Hvor var alle? Where was everyone? Where was everybody? Mundirðu vinsamlegast senda mér pöntunarlista í pósti? Would you please send me a catalogue by mail? Would you please send me a list of orders by e-mail? Han faldt i grøften. He fell into the ditch. He fell in the ditch. Vi måste komma på ett sätt att få den här maskinen att fungera under vatten. We have to figure out a way to get this machine to work under water. We need to figure out a way to make this machine work under water. Dronningen længe leve! Long live the Queen! The Queen's long live! Kan ni höra mig? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Læreren har ingen autoritet over sine elever. The teacher has no authority over her students. The teacher has no authority over his students. Gick du vilse? Did you get lost? Did you get lost? Også mig. Me too. Me, too. Ég þurfti að ýta hjólinu mínu af því að það sprakk á hjá mér. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because it blew up on me. Ég hlakka til að heyra í þér bráðlega. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I can't wait to hear you soon. Jeg har hørt hvert ord. I heard every word. I've heard every word. Hvad vil Tom? What does Tom want? What does Tom want? Köpte du läkemedlet? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the medicine? Det kommer ikke til å bli lett å velge. It's not going to be easy to decide. It's not going to be easy to pick. Jón vonast til að vera óháður foreldrum sínum. John hopes to be independent of his parents. John hopes to be independent of his parents. Det är kallt i dag. It's cold today. It's cold today. Jeg forstår ikke. I don't understand. I don't understand. Þau eru að spjalla yfir kaffibolla í mötuneytinu. They are talking over a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. They're talking about a cup of coffee in the canteen. Fröken Sato är presidentens nya sekreterare. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Vinden blåser fra vest. The wind is blowing from the west. The wind blows from the west. Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg har tid til det. I'm not sure I have time for that. I'm not sure I have time for this. Det var ikke min hensigt at afbryde noget. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. It wasn't my intention to interrupt anything. "Har du sett mobiltelefonen min?" "Den ligger på bordet." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Livet är en cirkus. Life is a circus. Life is a circus. Hún fékk stöðuhækkun. She was promoted. She got a promotion. Hur gör de det? How do they do that? How do they do that? Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no hurry. There is no need to hurry. Jag måste byta om nu. I need to change now. I have to change now. De kom inn; den ene etter den andre. They came in one after another. They came in; one after another. Jag vill inte bli vuxen. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to grow up. Om du vill vara lycklig, var lycklig. If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be happy, be happy. Þekki ég hann? Do I know him? Do I know him? Du burde starte så tidlig som mulig. You should start as early as possible. You should start as early as possible. I denne varmen føler jeg ikke for å gjøre noe som helst. I don't feel like doing anything when it's this hot. In this heat, I don't feel like doing anything. Jag fick reda på var hon var. I found out where she was. I found out where she was. Hollænderne er de højeste mennesker i verden. The Dutch are the world's tallest people. The Dutch are the highest people in the world. Beklager, det var en skrivefeil. Sorry, that's a typo. Sorry, it was a typing error. Þessi kassi mun þjóna sem borð. This box will serve as a table. This box will serve as a table. Den amerikanske regering har altid betragtet England som Amerikas kæledyr. The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet. The U.S. government has always regarded England as America’s pet. Priserna höjdes. Prices went up. Prices increased. Jern er et nyttigt metal. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Jag gillar te. I like tea. I like tea. Tom har svimmat. Tom's fainted. Tom's fainted. Har du läst ut boken? Have you finished reading the book? Have you read the book? Jeg troede at Tom bare var en musiker. I thought Tom was just a musician. I thought Tom was just a musician. Dyret kjempet for å komme seg ut av buret. The animal struggled to get out of the cage. The animal fought to get out of the cage. Det tårn, du ser derovre, er Eiffeltårnet. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. The tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. Han er ved at miste pusten. He's running out of steam. He's losing his breath. Hun er bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Jeg er så dum... Jeg forsøger at forklare dig ting jeg ikke selv forstår. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid, I'm trying to explain things to you I don't understand. Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I would like an apple. I want an apple. Det var en varm dag. It was a warm day. It was a hot day. Det är mycket. That's plenty. That's a lot. Man trodde att jorden var platt. It was believed that the earth was flat. It was thought that the earth was flat. Hvilke filmer går nå? Which films are showing now? What movies are going on now? Taler din ven esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Bill Gates är världens rikaste man. Bill Gates is the world's richest man. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Torden er blevet forklaret videnskabeligt, og folk tror ikke længere at det er et tegn på at guderne er vrede på dem, så også torden er blevet en smule mindre frygtindgydende. Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening. The thunder has been scientifically explained, and people no longer believe that it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so the thunder has become a little less frightening. Det kunne jeg forestille mig. I could imagine that. I could imagine that. Det var Toms mamma. That was Tom's mother. It was Tom's mom. Hvorfor tror vi det er så vigtigt at blive millionær? Why do we believe it's so important to become a millionaire? Why do we think it is so important to become a millionaire? Väckte jag er? Did I wake you guys? Did I wake you? Tom blev dyppet i tjære og rullet i fjer af folkemængden. Tom was tarred and feathered by the crowd. Tom was dipped in tar and rolled in feathers by the crowd. Det beste er å be en ekspert om å reparere den. The best thing to do is to ask an expert to repair it. The best thing is to ask an expert to repair it. John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Í næstu andrá náði Herkúles taki á skrímslinu. The next instant Hercules caught hold of the monster. In the next breath, Hercules reached the monster. Det vore oförskämt. That would be rude. That would be rude. Han bor i et amt med alkoholforbud. He lives in a dry county. He lives in a county with no alcohol. Medan jag var i vattnet stals alla mina ägodelar. While I was in the water, all my belongings were stolen. While I was in the water, all my possessions were stolen. Hann er engu meira flón en þú. He is no more a fool than you are. He's no more fool than you are. Jag står inte ut med tanken på att förlora dig för evigt. I can't stand the thought of losing you forever. I can't stand the thought of losing you forever. Har I noget imod at jeg slutter mig til jer? Mind if I join you guys? Do you mind if I join you? Hvis man afbrænder brændstoffer som kul, olie og gas, vil de afgive forskellige luftarter. If we burn fuels such as coal, oil and gas, they give off various gases. If you burn off fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, they will emit different gases. Jeg vet inte om han kommer att besöka oss nästa söndag. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday. I don't know if he'll be visiting us next Sunday. Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt. She advised him not to drive too fast. She advised him not to drive too fast. Kan jeg komme inn? Might I come in? Can I come in? Han er for feit til å løpe fort. He is too fat to run fast. He's too fat to run fast. Hann keyrir ákaflega hratt. He drives very fast. He's driving very fast. Barna var på randen av å gråte. The children were on the verge of crying. The children were on the brink of crying. Jag borde göra mig färdig. I should get ready. I should get ready. Tom lærte at køre da han var tretten. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Han är social av sig. He has a sociable disposition. He's social. Många unga romare åkte till Grekland. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. Jeg har også modtaget det. I've received it too. I got it, too. Hur upptagen kan Tom vara? How busy could Tom be? How busy can Tom be? Har De et hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Jeg har tre stykker bagage. I have three pieces of baggage. I've got three bags. Titta. Watch. Look. Alfabetiser denne navneliste. Alphabetize this list of names. Alphabetize this name list. Løverne dræbte gazellerne. The lions killed the gazelle. The lions killed the gazelles. Jeg tror det vil regne i morgen. I think it'll be raining tomorrow. I think it'll rain tomorrow. Er Tom i stand til at spise? Is Tom able to eat? Is Tom able to eat? Du har rigtignok mange spørgsmål! You certainly have a lot of questions. You have a lot of questions! Leiðtogi flokksins okkar hitti hina leiðtogana og ræddi vandamálið. The leader of our party met with the other leaders and talked about the problem. Our class leader met the other leaders and discussed the problem. Vilka vill du prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Jeg får brug for mere hjælp. I'm going to need more help. I'll need more help. Kor mykje kosta den? How much did it cost? How much does it cost? Tom är skadad. Tom's hurt. Tom's hurt. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Tom har kune tretten dollar i lommeboken sin. Tom has only thirty dollars in his wallet. Tom's got $13 in his wallet. Tom var ekki góður. Tom wasn't good. Tom wasn't good. Okay. Okay. Okay. Det är ett stort företag. It's a big company. It's a big company. Biljetterna kostar 20 yen styck. The tickets cost 20 yen apiece. The tickets cost 20 yen pieces. Är det din nya flickvän? Is that your new girlfriend? Is that your new girlfriend? Du verkar gilla det här lika mycket som jag. You seem to be enjoying this as much as I am. You seem to like this as much as I do. Tom frisknade till. Tom recovered. Tom was refreshed. Jeg begyndte at danse. I began to dance. I started dancing. Alla överlevde. Everyone survived. Everyone survived. Jag ska ringa några samtal. I'll make a few calls. I'll make some calls. Hun var majet ud. She was dressed to kill. She was mashed out. Han tog gift ved en fejltagelse. He took poison by mistake. He was married by mistake. Han är din vän. He's your friend. He's your friend. Vi frågade honom vad han hette. We asked him what he was called. We asked him his name. Brevet har nyss kommit fram. The letter has just arrived. The letter has just arrived. Það er ekki hægt að dæma fólk eingöngu út frá útliti þess. One cannot judge people only by their outward appearances. People cannot be judged solely on the basis of their appearance. Stilla. Be still. Configure. Borde du inte använda handskar? Shouldn't you wear gloves? Shouldn't you be using gloves? Jag ljög för dig. I lied to you. I lied to you. Vad är det värt? What's that worth? What's it worth? Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn? Would you lend me your pen? Could you lend me your pen? Jag bad inte om det här. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for this. Ställ er upp! Stand up! Stand up! De där är fina. Those are nice. Those are nice. Jag kan förklara det där. I can explain that. I can explain that. Låt oss klä julgranen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. Let's dress the Christmas tree. Kor er Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom learns English. Der er ikke nok vand. There's not enough water. There's not enough water. Jag hittar inte mina skor. I can't find my shoes. I can't find my shoes. Jag såg vad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Þú hefur skyldu til að útksýra þessa hegðun fyrir mér. You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me. You have a duty to ventilate this behavior to me. Hvad studerer en kremlolog? What does a Kremlinologist study? What's a Cremlologist studying? Vi kommer att behöva ett lån. We're going to need a loan. We'll need a loan. Jag lär mig italienska. I'm learning Italian. I'm learning Italian. Tom ville ikke ha et dyrt kamera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tom didn't want a expensive camera. Tom väntar på er. Tom is waiting for you. Tom's waiting for you. Der er en ål i vandet. There is an eel in the water. There's an eel in the water. Tom får inte betalt. Tom doesn't get paid. Tom can't pay. Hvad helvede laver du her? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Richard Dawkins er en berømt ateist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Drick inte för mycket vin. Go easy on the wine. Don't drink too much wine. Jeg har lige mødt din far. I met your father just now. I just met your father. Vad betydde allt det där? What did it all mean? What did all that mean? Husk på at du er gravid. Remember, you're pregnant. Remember, you're pregnant. Vissa människor gillar kaffe och andra människor gillar te. Some people like coffee and others prefer tea. Some people like coffee and other people like tea. Jag känner mig liksom lite sjuk. I feel kind of sick. I feel kind of sick. Vi er alle dumme, men på forskjellige felt. We are all stupid, but in different fields. We're all stupid, but in different fields. Jeg vil gerne have et værelse med aircondition. I would like an air-conditioned room. I want a room with air conditioning. Þetta er orðabókin sem ég nota á hverjum degi. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. När kan vi ses igen? When can we meet again? When can I see you again? Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at tage svævebanen, men jeg er bange for højder. I'd like to ride the cable car, but I'm afraid of heights. I'd like to take the hover course, but I'm afraid of heights. Så vitt jag vet är han inte lat. As far as I know, he isn't lazy. As far as I know, he's not lazy. Jeg svømmer en gang om ugen. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Tom er latterlig. Tom is ridiculous. Tom's ridiculous. Han beundrade min nya bil. He admired my new car. He admired my new car. Tom gråter. Tom is crying. Tom's crying. En tredjedel är mindre än en halva. A third is less than a half. One third is less than half. Jeg ville være takknemlig hivs du kjøpte et brød på veien tilbake. I'd be grateful if you'd buy some bread on the way back. I wanted to be grateful for the HIV you bought a bread on the way back. Varför dricker du kaffe vid midnatt? Why are you drinking coffee at midnight? Why are you drinking coffee at midnight? Du jobber for hardt. You work too hard. You work too hard. Du burde gøre noget ved det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should do something about that weed. Den er til Tom. It's for Tom. It's for Tom. Om en rig mand, der var karrig, sagde han: "Den mand ejer ikke sin ejendom, men hans ejendom ejer ham." Of a rich man who was niggardly he said, "That man does not own his estate, but his estate owns him." Of a rich man who was corrupt, he said, "This man doesn't own his property, but his property owns him." De är som dag och natt. They are as different as day and night. They're like day and night. Her er en bok. Here is a book. Here's a book. Detta är ett gott tecken. This is a good sign. This is a good sign. Du elskar kona di, ikkje sant? You love your wife, right? You love your wife, don't you? Hör och häpna! Lo and behold! Hear and imagine! Min storesøster er god til at spille på guitar. My older sister plays the guitar well. My older sister is good at playing at the guitar. Hans måde at tænke på er meget barnlig. His way of thinking is very childish. His way of thinking is very childish. Jeg troede du var en anstændig pige. I thought you were a decent young woman. I thought you were a decent girl. Jag har korrigerat misstaget. I've corrected the mistake. I've corrected the mistake. Jag är lite hungrig. I'm slightly hungry. I'm a little hungry. Jeg håber vi får en hvid jul. I hope we have a white Christmas. I hope we get a white Christmas. Hvilken klasse går du i? What grade are you in? What class are you in? Tom kan ikke lide pizza. Tom doesn't like pizza. Tom doesn't like pizza. Et helt tal er naturligt, hvis og kun hvis det er større end eller lig med 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. A whole number is natural if and only if it's greater than or equal to 0. Kan jeg få låne radioen din? Can I borrow your radio? Can I borrow your radio? Sunnudagur kemur á eftir laugardegi. Sunday comes after Saturday. Sunday will come after Saturday. Har du valgt en interessant bog til din søn? Did you choose an interesting book for your son? Have you chosen an interesting book for your son? Veit Tom afhverju? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Jag överlevde. I survived. I survived. Kvinden læser. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance! Give peace a chance! Det är samma. It's the same one. It's the same. Yugloslavia sier at landet ikke er ansvarlig for handlingene til det serbiske militæret i Bosnia som drepte tusener, la byer i ruiner, og gjorde 1.3 millioner folk til flyktninger i løpet av de siste 3 månedene. Yugoslavia says it's not responsible for the actions of Serbian militias in Bosnia which have killed thousands, ruined cities, and turned 1.3 million people into refugees over the last three months. Yugloslavia says that the country is not responsible for the actions of the Serbian military in Bosnia that killed thousands, laid cities in ruins, and made 1.3 million people refugees in the last 3 months. En það fyrsta sem við segjum er „halló.“ But the first thing we say is "hello." But the first thing we say is “Hello. ” Detta är vårt beslut. This is our decision. This is our decision. Vet du hvordan man bruker denne maskinen? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? Jeg beholder menyen som suvenir. I'll keep the menu as a souvenir. I keep the menu as a souvenir. Tom ville aldri ha spurt. Tom never would've asked. Tom would never have asked. Cyklisterne var trætte men lykkelige. The cyclists were tired, but happy. The bikers were tired but happy. Den står på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. De lufter deres hund. They're walking their dog. They air their dog. Jeg tænker kun på dig. I only think of you. I'm just thinking about you. Jeg har også en datter. I have a daughter, too. I also have a daughter. Du kunne have løbet. You could've run. You could've run. Offret låg med ansiktet ned i mattan. The victim's body was lying face down on the rug. The victim lay with his face down to the carpet. Släpp inte taget. Don't let go. Don't let go of the roof. Ég gisti hjá frænda mínum í síðustu viku. I stayed with my uncle last week. I stayed with my cousin last week. Það er áhugavert að enginn tók eftir þessum mistökum. It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake. It is interesting that no one noticed these mistakes. Det er en uge siden jeg sidst så Tom. It's been a week since I've seen Tom. It's been a week since I last saw Tom. Er romanen min god? Is my novel any good? Is my novel good? Jag behöver lära mig franska. I need to learn French. I need to learn French. Jeg liker deg ikke og kommer heller aldri til å like deg. I don't like you and I never will. I don't like you and I'm never going to like you either. Kan du skydda mig? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Ser Tom arg ut? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Lige nu ville jeg ikke have noget imod en øl. I wouldn't mind a beer right now. Right now, I didn't want anything against a beer. Stanna gärna kvar efter konserten. Vi kommer att skriva autografer. Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs. We'll write autographs. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á sjúkrahúsið. She advised him to go to the hospital. She advised him to go to the hospital. Såg du någon? Did you see someone? Did you see anyone? Ingen hörde på. No one was listening. Nobody was listening. Jeg var i perlehumør. I was in a great mood. I was in a pearl mood. Vad kan vi förvänta oss? What can we expect? What can we expect? Var respektfull. Be respectful. Be respectful. Vi steg upp tidigt så att vi kunde se soluppgången. We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. We got up early so we could see the sunrise. Man må ikke gå ud uden maske. You are not allowed to go out without a mask. You can't go out without a mask. Tom og Mary tror at deres hus er hjemsøgt. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Det kan inte vara så dåligt. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Det er for sent. That's too late. It's too late. Hold så op! Give me a break! Stop it! Jag heter Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. Det skulle ha varit roligt. It would have been fun. That would have been fun. Ægtefæller er også velkomne. Spouses are also welcome. Married couples are welcome too. Picasso er en berømt kunstner. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Hvis du noen gang kommer til Boston, er du velkommen til overnatte hos oss. If you ever come to Boston, you're welcome to stay with us. If you ever get to Boston, you're welcome to stay at our place. Katten ligger under bordet. The cat is lying under the table. The cat is under the table. Jeg kan lide din artikel. I like your article. I like your article. Jeg kan huske, hvordan det føltes. I can remember what it felt like. I remember how it felt. Att flyga drake kan vara farligt. Flying a kite can be dangerous. Flying a dragon can be dangerous. Bilen krasjet inn i veggen. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. Der boede en gammel mand i et gammelt hus. There lived an old man in the old house. There was an old man living in an old house. Jag kan knappt andas. I can hardly breathe. I can barely breathe. Det er meget sjældent at jeg spiser kinesisk mad. I eat Chinese food once in a blue moon. It's very rare that I eat Chinese food. At forudsige fremtiden er umuligt. Predicting the future is impossible. Predicting the future is impossible. Maria nikket. Mary nodded. Maria nodded. Jeg har aldri vært i Paris. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. Ég skal passa barnið þitt í kvöld. I will look after your child this evening. I'll watch your baby tonight. Tom sitter bakom Mary på fransklektionerna. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom's behind Mary in French lessons. Jeg studerer fra otte til elleve. I study from eight to eleven. I study from eight to eleven. Han måste köpa en ny cykel åt sin son. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He has to buy a new bike for his son. Hun gav en kat noget mælk. She gave a cat some milk. She gave a cat some milk. Hvem tror du komme til å ta over selskapet? Who do you think will take over the company? Who do you think will take over the company? Ég er svolítið upptekinn akkúrat núna. I'm kind of busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. Kan du snälla säga hur lång du är och din vikt? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Can you please say how long you are and your weight? Jag kommer att sakna dig, Tom. I'm going to miss you, Tom. I'm gonna miss you, Tom. Når jeg henter melk fra kjøleskapet, lukker jeg døren ved å gi den en dytt med albuen. Hvordan gjør du det? When I get the milk out of the fridge, I close the fridge door by giving it a shove with my elbow. How do you do it? When I get milk from the refrigerator, I close the door by giving it a push with the elbow. Tom gør alt. Tom does everything. Tom's doing everything. Om vinteren har vi meget sne. We have a lot of snow in the winter. In winter, we have a lot of snow. Finnes vannmeloner uten frø? Do seedless watermelons exist? Is there any watermelons without seeds? Doktorn sa till herr Smith att sluta röka. The doctor told Mr. Smith to give up smoking. The doctor told Mr Smith to stop smoking. Hvor er din mor? Where is your mother? Where's your mother? Den lille jenta snublet opp trappa. The little girl stumbled up the stairs. The little girl stumbled up the stairs. Hur länge har de varit här? How long have they been here? How long have they been here? Jag går som en pingvin. I walk like a penguin. I go like a penguin. Jag vill bara ha den. I just want it. I just want it. Dei kjem til å gjere feil. They're going to make mistakes. They're going to make mistakes. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami emerged from his coma. Sami woke up from a coma. Hversvegna ætti Tom að fara? Why should Tom go? Why should Tom go? Skynda dig! Hurry up. Hurry up! Det skete i oktober sidste år. It happened last October. It happened last October. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your granddaughter? Where's your granddaughter? Tom är annorlunda nu. Tom is different now. Tom's different now. Du bör följa skolans regler. You should observe the school rules. You should follow the school rules. Vad trodde du att jag skulle göra? What did you think I was going to do? What did you think I'd do? Vi måste prata. We must talk. We need to talk. I er for ærlige. You're being too honest. You're too honest. Jeg er fra Canada. I'm from Canada. I'm from Canada. Vinsamlegast taktu þetta sæti. Take this seat, please. Please take this seat. Denne stjerne kan ikke ses med det blotte øje. This star cannot be seen by the naked eye. This star cannot be seen with the naked eye. Du måste inte komma hit varje dag. You don't have to come here every day. You don't have to come here every day. Jag går inte till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Eller hur, Tom? Isn't that right, Tom? Right, Tom? Jag är inte alls frisk. I'm not at all well. I'm not at all healthy. Det ligger en bok på bordet. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. Det där var inte överenskommelsen. That wasn't the deal. That wasn't the deal. Tag det hele. Take it all. Take it all. Tom sagde til mig at jeg gik som en pingvin. Tom told me I walked like a penguin. Tom told me I was walking like a penguin. Tom er en mandschauvinist. Tom is a male chauvinist. Tom's a manscheuvinist. Eg segði tað, at hann ikki skuldi havt nakað. I said that he should not have anything. I say it's not supposed to have been called. Har du borstat tänderna? Did you brush your teeth? Have you brushed your teeth? Jag heter Farshad. My name is Farshad. I'm Farshad. Elskar þú móður þína? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Tony er en høflig gutt. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a polite boy. Tom säger att han inte kommer att rösta. Tom says he won't vote. Tom says he won't vote. Það væri í góðu lagi. That would be fine. That'd be fine. Sami og Layla var næsten uadskillelige. Sami and Layla were almost inseparable. Sami and Layla were almost indistinguishable. Lite vatten, tack. Some water, please. A little water, please. Min brevlåda är full. My mailbox is full. My mailbox is full. Vi har tre minuter. We have three minutes. We have three minutes. Pas på, den fyr har et jagttegn! Be careful, this guy has a shooting license! Watch out, that guy's got a hunting sign! Min bedstefar var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Vi er ikke sammen længere. We're not together anymore. We're not together anymore. Skit. Shit. Shit. Forretninga til Tom gjer det ganske bra. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's business is doing pretty good. Han er min ven. Kender I ham? He is my friend. Do you guys know him? He's my friend. Kan vi hyra en av de här båtarna? Can we rent one of these boats? Can we rent one of these boats? Jeg skal studere. I have to study. I'm going to study. Sno på er. Get a move on. Come on, come on, come on. Jag ljög aldrig för Tom. I never lied to Tom. I never lied to Tom. Du gjorde rätt som berättade för oss. You did the right thing by telling us. You did the right thing that told us. Kan du svømme? Can you swim? Can you swim? Hvor kan vi foretage et telefonopkald? Where can we make a phone call? Where can we make a phone call? Har Tom en? Does Tom have one? Does Tom have one? Var ligger den finska ambassaden? Where is the Finnish embassy? Where is the Finnish Embassy? Jag kunde knappt prata. I could barely speak. I couldn't talk. Sami började lära sig köra när han var 33. Sami started driving when he was 33. Sami started learning to drive when he was 33. Det bliver meget koldt i aften. It's going to be very cold tonight. It'll be very cold tonight. Han har inga vänner att leka med. He doesn't have any friends to play with. He doesn't have any friends to play with. I skyggen av det Skjeve Tårn i Pisa sitter byens eventyrforteller og spiser en tallerken ertesuppe. Etterpå forteller han barna eventyret "Prinsessen på erten". In the shadow of the Leaning Tower of Pisa sits the town storyteller, eating a bowl of pea soup. After that he tells some children the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea". In the shadow of the Skew Tower of Pisa, the city adventurer sits and eats a plate of peasuppee. After that, he tells children the adventure of "The Princess of the Pea". Det er ikke noe svar på spørsmålet ditt. There is not an answer for your question. There is no answer to your question. Alle vore lærere var unge, og de elskede at undervise. All our teachers were young and loved teaching. All our teachers were young, and they loved to teach. De valgte hende til præsident. They elected her president. They chose her as president. Vi kan inte bara sitta här och göra ingenting. We can't just sit by and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. En, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Þú getur reitt þig á hans hjálp. You can depend on his help. You can count on his help. Han har en stor familie. He has a large family. He's got a big family. Tag et kig på disse. Take a look at these. Take a look at these. Han havde vænnet sig af med at ryge. He got out of the habit of smoking. He'd gotten used to smoking. Jag är inte på humör just nu. I'm not in the mood right now. I'm not in the mood right now. Jeg kan forestille meg det. I can imagine that. I can imagine that. Jeg trenger fremdeles tid. I still need time. I still need time. Sömnbrist påverkade sångarens uppträdande. A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. Sleep deficiency affected the behaviour of the singer. Kan du gøre mig en tjeneste? Could you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? Det er ikke min mening, men kun min oversættelse. It's not my opinion, but just my translation. It's not my opinion, it's my translation. Fortsätt tala. Keep talking. Keep talking. President Truman var tvungen att fatta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Låt oss göra det någon annan gång. Let's make it some other time. Let's do it some other time. Gå hjem! Go home! Go home! Jeg fryser. I'm freezing. I'm freezing. Hon såg ledsen ut. She looked sad. She looked sad. Hans kläder har blivit för små. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes are too small. Tom snakket med Mary hele tiden. Tom used to talk about Mary all the time. Tom talked to Mary all the time. I Europa och Amerika ser de hunden som en familjemedlem. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, they see the dog as a family member. Hvor har I lært hinanden at kende? Where did you guys meet? Where'd you get to know each other? Når tror du at Tom vil være tilbake? What time do you think Tom will be back? When do you think Tom will be back? Det er ikke lovstridigt. It's not against the law. It's not illegal. Jeg kunne kysse Dem. I could kiss you. I could kiss you. Jag skulle vilja lära mig standardengelska. I would like to learn standard English. I'd like to learn standard English. Jeg har tre kyllinger i mit hus. I have three chickens in my house. I have three chickens in my house. Vi såg inget konstigt. We saw nothing strange. We didn't see anything weird. Du kan inte stanna här i kväll. You can not stay here tonight. You can't stay here tonight. Tom har fri. Tom is off duty. Tom's free. Roser blomstrer om våren. The roses bloom in spring. Roses bloom in the spring. Tom sa att han trodde Mary inte var trött. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't tired. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't tired. Jeg er ikke ansvarlig for det Tom gjorde. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. Vores hold har en god chance for at vinde. Our team has a good chance of winning. Our team has a good chance of winning. Hvornår blev du færdig med at skrive brevet? When did you finish writing the letter? When did you finish writing the letter? Ge mig en sked. Give me a spoon. Give me a spoon. Jeg fulgte Tom. I followed Tom. I followed Tom. Hvem som helst kunne gjort det. Anyone could do that. Anyone could do it. I hvilken retning vil Syrien udvikle sig efter regimeskiftet? In which direction will Syria develop after the regime change? In what direction will Syria develop after the regime changes? Jeg har fået nok af Tom og Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. Han reiser ofte til utlandet. He often travels to foreign countries. He often travels abroad. Rådet hans var ikke til nytte i det hele tatt. His advice didn't help at all. His council was not useful at all. Var ligger den amerikanska ambassaden? Where is the American embassy? Where is the American embassy? Skratta inte! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! John kom og flyttet noen av boksene. John came and moved some of the boxes. John came and moved some of the boxes. Det er muligvis sandt. Maybe it's true. That may be true. Jeg behøvede ikke at vide noget som helst andet. I didn't need to know anything else. I didn't have to know anything else. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. A small cup of coffee costs €2. Han var meget tilfreds med resultatet. He was very pleased with the result. He was very pleased with the results. Jeg går i seng nu. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed now. Oversettelsen er meget tro mot originalen. The translation is extremely faithful to the original. The translation is a great deal of faith against the original. Har du billigere siddepladser? Do you have any cheaper seats? Do you have cheaper seats? Hvad er dit ønske? What's your wish? What's your wish? Vi lever i et berbisktalende samfund. We live in a Berber-speaking society. We live in a berbic-speaking society. Hold det hemmelig. Please keep it a secret. Keep it secret. Jeg kan overhovedet ikke svømme. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Tom har paraplyen min fortsatt. Tom still has my umbrella. Tom still has my umbrella. Skulle du kunna ta den här, tack? Could you take this, please? Could you take this, please? Fordelen med freelancing er at du kan dele inn tiden din fritt. Bakgelen er det at du faktisk må arbide døgnet rundt. The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock. The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The background is that you actually have to work around the clock. Vilken fantastisk utsikt! What a great view! What a wonderful view! Selvom det regner i morgen, vil jeg tage derhen. Even if it rains tomorrow, I'll go there. Even if it rains tomorrow, I'll go there. Jag är inte på väg någonstans. I am not going anywhere. I'm not on my way anywhere. Kan du över huvud taget simma? Can you swim at all? Can you swim at all? Mamma arbeider. Mummy's working. Mom's working. Du behöver inte säga någonting om du inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Jeg måtte få fjernet tatoveringen min. I had to get my tattoo removed. I had to get my tattoo removed. Det er ikke alt sammen guld, det der glimrer. All that glitters is not gold. That's not all gold, that's what sparkles. Din ankomst har endret situasjonen. Your arrival changed the situation. Your arrival has changed the situation. Det är där jag sitter. That's where I sit. That's where I'm sitting. Vi kan inte ge upp utan en kamp. We can't give up without a fight. We can't give up without a fight. Vi ses igen. We will meet again. See you again. Þýskaland gekk í bandalag með Ítalíu. Germany made an alliance with Italy. Germany joined Italy. Du er en del av problemet. You're part of the problem. You're part of the problem. Tigern rymde från djurparken. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Tiger escaped from the zoo. Kaken din er kjempegod. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is great. Tom leker med sønnen sin. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Jeg tror ikke Tom kommer til vores fest. I think Tom won't come to our party. I don't think Tom's going to our party. Eg saknar spenninga. I miss the excitement. I don't have any excitement. Vi så tv da klokken ringede. We were watching TV when the bell rang. We saw TV when it called. Han var en formidabel motstander. He was a formidable opponent. He was a formidable opponent. Hvem forrådte os? Who betrayed us? Who betrayed us? Hun ønsker at være en berømthed. She wants to be a celebrity. She wants to be famous. Kan du höra dem? Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Han oppdaget en ny stjerne. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Den uudtalte spørgsmål er hvorfor. The unspoken question is why. The outstanding question is why. Jag talar japanska, engelska och franska. I speak Japanese, English, and French. I speak Japanese, English and French. Roma ble ikke bygd på en dag. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome was not built in one day. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað. She advised him to go there. She advised him to go there. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne en akkurat som den. I wish I could find one just like it. I wish I could find one just like that. Branden var på första våningen. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. Där fanns inte en levande själ så långt ögat kunde nå. There wasn't a living soul as far as the eye could see. There was not a living soul as far as the eye could reach. Tappa inte tilltron till mig. Don't give up on me. Don't take trust in me. Bill stod opp tidlig for å nå det første toget. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Bill got up early to reach the first train. Jag ska berätta för dig. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Hur många gånger i veckan äter du ris? How many times a week do you eat rice? How many times a week do you eat rice? Hann lyfti hendi. He raised his hand. He lifted his hand. Vi måste åka härifrån. We've got to leave. We need to get out of here. Vil du la meg se på det? Let me have a look at it, will you? Will you let me look at that? Det er fordi du ikke vil være alene. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Tom skænkede et glas skotsk whisky op til sig selv. Tom poured himself a glass of scotch. Tom gave up a glass of Scottish whiskey to himself. Tom, vågn op! Det er sent! Tom, wake up! It's late! Tom, wake up! Svaret er ja. The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Ert þú líka að fara? Are you going, too? Are you leaving too? Jag kommer att vänta här. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Hvad snakker du om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Hvem har lært dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you to play guitar? Størstedelen af hans indkomst går til at betale huslejen. The majority of his income goes to pay his rent. Most of his income goes to pay the rent. Jag har precis ätit middag. I've just had dinner. I just had dinner. De var begge nøgne. They were both naked. They were both naked. Du er fullstendig uvitende. You're totally ignorant. You're completely ignorant. Kom og dans! Come dance! Come and dance! Hun taler kinesisk. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Tom stemmer. Tom is voting. Tom's right. Dette er en dvd. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Alle levende væsner på Jorden indeholder kulstof. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All living creatures on Earth contain carbon. Jeg har åbnet vinduet. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Glad midsommar! Happy Midsummer! Happy Midsummer! Jeg kender din søn. I know your son. I know your son. Hvorfor kunne han ikke komme? What prevented him from coming? Why couldn't he come? Jag har läst engelska i fyra år. I have been studying English for four years. I've been reading English for four years. Vi var klar. We were ready. We were ready. Jag hatar alla slags insekter. I hate insects of all kinds. I hate all kinds of insects. Tryk på den knap. Push that button. Press the button. Jag åkte på en tiodagarsresa till Påskön. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. Gid jeg kunne hjælpe dig! I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you! Han torkade svetten från ansiktet. He wiped the sweat from his face. He dried the sweat from his face. Jag sov mycket gott. I slept very well. I slept very well. Jag har redan åstadkommit vad jag ville åstadkomma. I've already accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I've already achieved what I wanted to accomplish. Tom tog av sin gasmask. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Denne sø er dyb. This lake is deep. This lake is deep. Det är inget fel med Tom. Nothing is wrong with Tom. There's nothing wrong with Tom. Studenterna är på semester. The students are on holiday. The students are on vacation. Þetta loftslag hefur vond áhrif á heilsuna þína. This climate is having a bad effect on your health. This climate has a bad effect on your health. Du pratar inte mycket. You don't talk a lot. You don't talk much. Jeg utsetter turen til England frem til det blir varmere. I'll postpone my trip to England until it gets warmer. I'll postpone the trip to England until it gets warmer. Jeg klippede artiklen ud af tidskriftet. I cut the article out of the magazine. I cut the article out of the magazine. Jeg overså ingenting. I didn't miss anything. I didn't miss anything. Foreldrarnir eru að leika við börnin sín. The parents are playing a game with their children. The parents are playing with their children. Synes du at hun er tiltrækkende? Do you think she's attractive? You think she's attractive? Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor folk er bange for nye ideer. Jeg er bange for de gamle. I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones. I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas. Jag är bra på att köra bil. I'm a good driver. I'm good at driving a car. Det kan ikke være sant. It can not be true. It can't be true. Min engelsklärare rekommenderade mig att läsa de här böckerna. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended me to read these books. Solen er ikke stået op endnu. The sun hasn't risen yet. The sun hasn't risen yet. Kjenner hun deg? Does she know you? Does she know you? Vet du hvordan man starter et bål med bare trepinner? Do you know how to start a fire using just sticks of wood? Do you know how to start a fire with just three-pins? Jag skulle inte göra det. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do that. Det tror jeg ikke. I don't believe this. I don't think so. Læreren så over eksamenspapirene. The teacher looked over the exam papers. The teacher looked over the exam papers. Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. Excuse me, but I have to hurry and I have no time to explain it to you. Var bor din morbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Jag läser den här boken. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Kyrkja vi gjekk forbi braut saman fem minutt etterpå på grunn av eit enormt jordskjelv, og fleire enn 100 kyrkjefolk vart gravlagde levande. The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive. If we walked past the track five minutes later because of a huge earthquake, and more than 100 churchmen were buried alive. Han ger järnet. He's doing the best he can. He's giving the iron. Tommelfingerneglen min ble revet av. My thumbnail ripped off. My thumb was torn off. Der var en større menneskemængde ved koncerten, end vi havde forventet. There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated. There was a larger crowd at the concert than we expected. Du er Emily. You're Emily. You're Emily. Mary læser den. Mary is reading it. Mary's reading it. Han er den lillebror jeg aldrig har haft. He's the little brother I never had. He's the little brother I've never had. Han fortjener femogtyve stokkeslag. He deserves to be beaten with a stick twenty-five times. He deserves twenty-five jumps. Hans bærbare computer er allerede fem år gammel. His laptop is already five years old. His laptop is already five years old. Tom kommer ikke til å være der på møtet i dag. Tom isn't going to be at today's meeting. Tom will not be there at the meeting today. Han har allerede været under husarrest i to år. He's already been under house arrest for two years. He's already been under house arrest for two years. Priserne er høje. Prices are high. The prices are high. Søen er meget dyb. The lake is very deep. The lake is very deep. Mit navn er Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name is Hasimoto. Jeg er medlem af tennisklubben. I'm a member of the tennis club. I'm a member of the tennis club. Jeg er en helt. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Han er så glad. He is so gay. He's so happy. Vandet katten drak, var ikke salt. The water the cat drank was not salty. The water the cat drank was not salt. Hún trúir ekki á Guð. She doesn't believe in God. She doesn't believe in God. Jag studerar konsthistoria. I'm studying art history. I'm studying art history. Jeg var i London i nesten hele sommeren. I was in London for almost all the summer. I was in London for almost all summer. Och varför inte? And why not? And why not? Förlåt, jag tror inte att jag kan. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. Jag tog fotot. I took the photo. I took the photo. Titta hur jag gör det. Watch how I do it. Look how I do it. Vegurinn til Nagano er lokaður umferð. The road to Nagano is closed to traffic. The road to Nagano is closed round. Jag gillar inte modern jazz. I don't dig modern jazz. I don't like modern jazz. Min metode er overraskende enkel, men svært effektiv. My method is surprisingly simple, but highly effective. My method is surprisingly simple, but very effective. Vi spiste nogle æbler. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Hvorfor har de største banker brug for den største redningspakke? Why do the largest banks need the biggest bailout? Why do the biggest banks need the biggest rescue package? Vi äter lunch. We are having lunch. We'll have lunch. Skjer dette noen gang med deg? Does that ever happen to you? Does this ever happen to you? Fer nokkur rúta að verslunarmiðstöðinni? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Any bus to the mall? Systemet er manipuleret. The system is rigged. The system has been manipulated. Hun spiste ét æble. She ate one apple. She ate one apple. Tom vil have os til at montere fjernsynet på væggen. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Algeriet fortjener tillid og støtte. Algeria deserves trust and support. Algeria deserves trust and support. Kan jag beställa en? Can I order one? Can I order one? Jeg må innrømme at teorien min ikke dekker for det fakta. I must confess that my theory doesn't account for that fact. I have to admit that my theory does not cover that fact. Tom er allerede her, men Mary er ikke kommet ennå. Tom is already here, but Mary isn't here yet. Tom's already here, but Mary hasn't come yet. Jeg har trænet min hund til at hente avisen om morgenen. I trained my dog to bring me the newspaper in the morning. I trained my dog to pick up the newspaper in the morning. Allir geta orðið vinir, jafnvel þótt tungumál þeirra og siðir eru ólík. All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different. Everyone can become friends, even if their language and customs differ. Hún ráðlagði honum að reykja ekki. She advised him not to smoke. She advised him not to smoke. Jag går till min farmors hus. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother's house. Jeg har altid ønsket at se en drage, men drager er ikke virkelige skabninger. I have always wanted to see a dragon, but dragons are not real creatures. I always wanted to see a dragon, but dragons are not real creatures. Vi är i Boston. We're in Boston. We're in Boston. Hvem var det, Pizarro slog ihjel? Who did Pizarro kill? Who was it that Pizarro killed? Luigi er en gutt som elsker å lære. Luigi is a boy who loves studying. Luigi is a boy who loves to learn. Hur kommer det sig att du frågar? How come you ask? How come you're asking? Det har snødd i hele natt. It's been snowing all night. It's been snowing all night. Blomsten er gul. The flower is yellow. The flower is yellow. Min hund låtsas ofta sova. My dog often pretends to be asleep. My dog often pretends to sleep. Sami förstår Layla helt. Sami totally understands Layla. Sami understands Layla completely. Ha en bra dag. Have a nice day. Have a good day. Tom sade att han tyckte att jag verkade imponerad. Tom said that he thought that I seemed impressed. Tom said he thought I was impressed. Af útliti hans að dæma er hann veikur. Judging from his appearance, he is ill. From his appearance, he is sick. Jeg kan svømme veldig fort. I can swim very fast. I can swim very quickly. Hún var eins og hún hefði séð draug. She looks as if she had seen a ghost. She was like she'd seen a ghost. På grensen ble jeg bedt om å vise pass. I was asked to show my passport at the border. At the border I was asked to show passports. Jeg har ikke radio på mit værelse. I don't have a radio in my room. I don't have radio in my room. Vi var inte roade. We weren't amused. We weren't rowing. Lad være med at sige det bag min ryg. Don't say that behind my back. Don't say that behind my back. Sami var i tvättrummet. Sami was in the laundry room. Sami was in the laundry room. Jag visste inte att bäbisar kunde ha politiska åsikter. I didn't know that babies could have political opinions. I didn't know babies could have political opinions. Mor arbejder. Mom's working. Mom's working. Hur hittade du Tom? How did you find Tom? How did you find Tom? Skipet seiler mot Honolulu i morgen. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship sails against Honolulu tomorrow. Har du designat den här? Did you design this? Did you design this? Tom slukkede branden. Tom put out the fire. Tom turned off the fire. Mary er en rebelsk pige. Mary is a rebellious girl. Mary's a rebel girl. Jag vet att det gör ont. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Vill du köpa några ägg till mig? Do you want to buy some eggs for me? You want to buy me some eggs? Snälla, förlåt mig. Jag menade väl. Forgive me, please. I meant well. Please forgive me, I meant well. Ni ska alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You always do the right thing. Unga människor gillar populär musik. Young people like popular music. Young people like popular music. De är underbara. They're wonderful. They're wonderful. Það er mjög áhugavert að læra esperantó. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. Learning Esperanto is very interesting. Det var hans livs dröm. That was his life's dream. It was his life's dream. Da Tom så meg, løp han sin vei. When Tom saw me, he ran away. When Tom saw me, he ran his way. Du skulle vara bra på det. You'd be good at it. You'd be good at it. Jag kunde inte stå. I couldn't stand. I couldn't stand. Plugga. Study hard. Plug. Ge mig lite pengar. Give me some money. Give me some money. Orð þín jafnast á við ofbeldi. Your words are as good as violence. Your words are like violence. Jeg er ikke vant til den slags ting. I'm not used to this sort of thing. I'm not used to that kind of thing. Han var väldigt trött. He was very tired. He was very tired. I plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde I ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Tom ankom til Boston for mindre end tre uger siden. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Ekki er vitað um neinar stórvægilegar skemmdir eða meiðsl eftir jarðskjálftann sem mældis 3,0 á Richterkvarðann. No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale. No major damage or injury is known to occur after the earthquake reading 3.0 on the Richter scale. Jeg har en penn. I have a pen. I have a pen. Einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjö, átta, níu, tíu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hører du noe? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Wow! Tusindvis af fisk! Wow! Thousands of fish! Wow, thousands of fish! Er jeg i sikkerhed nu? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Hun er en slikkmunn. She loves sweets. She's a so-called queer. Hvorfor ikke spørre ham om råd? Why don't we ask his advice? Why not ask him for advice? Vi nåede London ved midnat. We reached London at midnight. We reached London at midnight. Jag kan åka skidor. I can ski. I can ski. Har det strejfet jeres tanker at lukke vinduerne? Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Has it crossed your mind to close the windows? Det är vackert väder idag. It's beautiful weather today. It's beautiful weather today. Du ringede altid til mig fra hendes hus. You always called me from her house. You always called me from her house. Kan du tælle på fransk? Can you count in French? Can you count in French? Han kunne vise sin følelse med musik i stedet for med ord. He could show his feeling with music instead of words. He could show his feeling of music instead of words. Han bröt reglerna. He broke the rules. He broke the rules. Har du för kallt? Are you too cold? You're too cold? Tom besluttede sig for at ringe efter hjælp. Tom decided to call for help. Tom decided to call for help. Du är aggressiv. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. Vi tog brusebad. We took showers. We took a shower. Jag lyssnar på Björks senaste låt. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's last song. Har någon gissat? Has anyone guessed? Has anyone guessed? Vennligst send dette dokumentet innen utløpet av denne måneden. Please send this document before the end of the month. Please send this document before the end of this month. Jeg går ikke i byen i aften. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going to town tonight. Publiken applåderade. The audience applauded. The audience applauded. Du måste bli kvitt den där ovanan. You must get rid of that bad habit. You need to get rid of that one. Stanna bilen nu! Stop the car now! Stop the car now! Jag undrar vem som skulle göra något sådant här. I wonder who'd do something like this. I wonder who would do something like this. Jag får inte så mycket betalt som jag skulle vilja. I don't get paid as much as I'd like. I don't get as much money as I would like. Jag skakade hand med Jane. I shook hands with Jane. I shaked my hand with Jane. Jeg troede ikke at dette ville ske. I didn't think that this would happen. I didn't think this would happen. Jag har säkert ätit någonting konstigt. I must've eaten something bad. I'm sure I ate something strange. Sånn er livet. Accidents are inevitable. That's life. Hittade du det du sökte efter? Did you find what you were looking for? Did you find what you were looking for? Var snäll och tala långsamt. Please speak slowly. Please speak slowly. Jeg har lige taget brusebad. I was just in the shower. I just took a shower. Jag behöver mer tid. I need more time. I need more time. Vinsamlegast standið til hliðar. Please step aside. Please stand aside. Spar mig for sympatien. Spare me the sympathy. Save me the sympathy. Det här är en bild på Toms familj. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Det er en ufærdig roman. It's an unfinished novel. It's an unfinished novel. 'I dag' er det 'i morgen' vi bekymrede os om i går. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. 'Today' it's 'Tomorrow' we were worried about yesterday. Han har en joker. He's got a joker. He's got a joker. Gör det nu. Do it now. Do it now. Jeg blir ensom når katten er ute hele dagen. I get lonely when the cat is outside all day. I get lonely when the cat's out all day. Jeg har forsøgt at stoppe med at ryge. I've been trying to quit smoking. I've been trying to stop smoking. Velkomen til Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Jeg føler mig allerede meget bedre. I feel much better already. I already feel much better. Det har varit en hemsk dag. I had an awful day. It's been a terrible day. Idag är det den internationella dagen mot korruption. Today is the international anti-corruption day. Today it is the international day against corruption. Lukk døren. Close the door. Close the door. Jag såg dig där. I saw you there. I saw you there. Lisa låtsades inte höra. Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa wasn't pretending to hear. Tom är halsstarrig. Tom's headstrong. Tom's necky. Jeg er den eneste i min familie der ikke kan tale fransk. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. Er det egentlig noe å gjøre stort nummer av? Is it really such a big deal? Is it really something to make big numbers of? Tom Jackson blev født i Boston den 20. oktober 1995. Tom Jackson was born in Boston on October 20, 1995. Tom Jackson was born in Boston on 20 October 1995. Jeg er glad for at jeg har funnet deg. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Det lønner seg ikke å vente på at noe skulle skje; du må ta affære med en gang. It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once. It does not pay to wait for something to happen; you must take action immediately. Leanne har blå ögon. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. Jeg har brug for nye dæk. I need new tires. I need new tires. Är ni arga? Are you mad? Are you angry? Han är säker på att det är curry. He is sure of it being curry. He's sure it's curry. Ha ett bra liv. Have a nice life. Have a good life. Der er få tatarisksprogede hjemmesider på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar language websites on the Internet. Der er regn på vej. It is going to rain soon. There's rain coming. Jeg elsker Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Da jeg var ti år gammel, tænkte jeg, at når jeg blev seksten, ville mit liv blive cool. When I was 10 years old, I thought that when I would be 16, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I was sixteen, my life would be cool. Vi kan redusere vår energiforbruk. We can cut down on our use of energy. We can reduce our energy consumption. Sluta att bita på naglarna. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your nails. Kys mig hvis du virkelig elsker mig. Kiss me if you really love me. Kiss me if you really love me. Jag har känt Tom länge. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom a long time. Der er noget galt. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Tom gav Mary 1000 dollar i en brun papirspose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary $1,000 in a brown paper bag. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad dette betyder. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. Tyvärr dog hon ung. Alas, she died young. Unfortunately, she died young. Jag kan inte heller dansa. I can't dance either. I can't dance either. Kor mange bøker les du i månaden? How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read this month? Jeg springer til det værst tænkelige scenarie. I'm jumping to the worst-case scenario. I'm running to the worst possible scenario. Tom skakade Marys hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Han har gjort det bedre enn sist gang. He has done better than last time. He's done better than the last time. Jag är lagen. I'm the law. I'm the law. Þið eruð öll iðin. All of you are diligent. You're all busy. Tom og Mary er tvillinger. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Mary are twins. Först visste jag inte vad jag skulle ta mig till. At first, I didn't know what to do. At first, I didn't know what to do with it. Tyska är inte ett enkelt språk. German is not an easy language. German is not a simple language. Vi sælger ikke øl. We don't sell beer. We're not selling beer. Der er ikke nok mad. There's not enough food. There's not enough food. Jag skulle kunna sälja den här. I could sell this. I could sell this. Vad är din e-postadress? What's your e-mail address? What's your e-mail address? Jeg går nu. I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now. Tom kom sig hurtigt. Tom recovered quickly. Tom made it fast. Han är alltid hemma på måndagar. He is always at home on Mondays. He's always home on Mondays. Jeg ringer så snart jeg er i lufthavnen. I'll call as soon as I am at the airport. I'll call you as soon as I'm at the airport. Det er ikke Tom. That isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Þetta er húsið þar sem ég fæddist. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Jeg elsker Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Jeg var på nippet til å gi opp da jeg plutselig fant løsningen. I was on the point of giving up when I suddenly hit upon the solution. I was in the mood to give up as I suddenly found the solution. Hvad har du spist? What did you eat? What did you eat? Det er for dyrt. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Jeg ville bare tjekke min e-mail. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my e-mail. Mary fyrede sin agent. Mary fired her agent. Mary fired his agent. Jeg har ledt efter dig overalt. I've been looking for it everywhere. I've been looking for you everywhere. Jeg ringer dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll phone them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Kan han prata japanska? Can he speak Japanese? Can he talk Japanese? Jag ska tänka på det. I am going to think about it. I'll think about it. Det är den andra. It's the other one. That's the other one. Jag vill inte ens ha er här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Hún var hissa að hann skyldi mæta. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised he was coming. Han sparka til meg med vilje. He kicked me on purpose. He kicks me on purpose. Hun er en bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Er du her sammen med nogen? Are you here with anyone? Are you here with someone? Jag förstod inte hans skämt. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand his joke. Innan jag kom till Berlin hade jag ett mycket litet intresse för tysk historia. Before coming to Berlin, I had very little interest in German history. Before I came to Berlin, I had a very small interest in German history. Du är Toms favorit. You're Tom's favorite. You're Tom's favorite. Hans teori er vanskelig at forstå. His theory is difficult to understand. His theory is hard to understand. Þessum blómum ætti að skýla fyrir regninu. These flowers should be sheltered from the rain. These flowers should cover for the rain. Ég er svo þreytt að ég get ekki lært. I am so tired that I can't study. I'm so tired I can't learn. Han är en storätare. He is a big eater. He's a big eater. I løpet av graviditet, er de tre første månedene de mest kritiske. In pregnancy, the first three months are the most critical. During pregnancy, the first three months are the most critical. Tom rødmede pludselig og så væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Planet har nyss lyft. The plane has just taken off. The plane has just lifted. Det er ikke blod. Det er tomatsovs. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood. Tom stod inte ut med det. Tom couldn't stand it. Tom couldn't stand it. Kan du passa barnen? Can you watch the kids? Can you watch the kids? Kan du huske hans navn? Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? Du kommer att klara dig. You'll be fine. You're gonna be all right. Det är någon som fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. En mand, der ville se dig, kom mens du var væk. A man who wanted to see you came while you were out. A man who wanted to see you came while you were gone. Det hadde vært deprimerende å gjøre det. It would've been depressing to do that. It would have been depressing to do that. Gæt engang hvad jeg så i morges! You'll never guess what I saw this morning. Guess what I saw this morning! Jag önskar er lycka till. I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. Jeg går til skolen til fods. I walk to school. I'm going to school on foot. Det är inte viktigt vad jag heter. It's not important what my name is. It's not important what my name is. Jeg holder af popmusik. I like pop music. I love pop music. Hva synes du om den nye leiligheten din? How do you like your new apartment? What do you think of your new apartment? Tom är skyldig. Tom's guilty. Tom's guilty. Du är en tålmodig man. You are a patient man. You're a patient man. Jeg skilte mig af med min gamle bil selvom jeg hadede at gøre det. I parted with my old car, though I hated to do so. I got rid of my old car even though I hated doing it. Dit hår er så smukt. Your hair is so pretty. Your hair is so beautiful. Det barn kan tælle til tyve. That child can count to twenty. That child can count to twenty. Varför tog du med Tom hit? Why did you bring Tom here? Why did you bring Tom here? Vem bryr sig? Who cares? Who cares? Vi så hende komme ind i værelset. We saw her enter the room. We saw her come into the room. Han overdrog al sin ejendom til sin søn. He handed over all his property to his son. He transferred all his property to his son. Tror du på det här? Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Tom er ikke vant til å kjøre på venstre siden av veien. Tom isn't used to driving on the left side of the road. Tom is not used to driving on the left side of the road. Du er ganske klog. You're quite smart. You're pretty smart. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at oversætte denne rapport til fransk. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I would like you to translate this report into French. Hversu lengi er opið hjá þér? How late are you open? How long are you open? Við erum svöng. We are hungry. We're hungry. Det är en slags katt. It is a kind of cat. It's a kind of cat. Jag trodde att du gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave each child three pieces like that. Ég skal láta þig fá símanúmer Shiegal læknis. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you Doctor Shiegal's number. Tre timer senere, slentret kongen rundt om i slottet etter noe å ta opp tiden med. "Faen som jeg kjeder meg," klaget han fortvilet. "Barna er på skolen, Gwo er på arbeid, Impa er på sykehuset, Ganon—" Plutselig hørte kongen et uforståelig skrik og snudde seg for å se, hvorpå Fari for forbi ham. "Dæven, Fari. Hva var det for noe?!" "Ryk og reis, Deres Majestet!" Ropte Fari av full hals. "Du verden... Du har mensen som vanlig, ser jeg," fortsatte kongen å mumle nedslått. "Helvete som jeg kjeder meg. Ingenting verdt å se på på TV. Ingenting kjekt på nett. Ingenting godt å spise." Idet han var i ferd med å forlate spisesalen, ble oppmerksomheten tatt opp av en ensom krukke kanel på bordet. En skje fylt med kanel var beleilig satt ned ved siden av den. Hadde kongen da vært mer tilregnelig, hadde han nok vært noenlunde mistenksom, men da han var så utmattet av kjedsomhet at enhver mulighet å slukke den om bare i et minutt føltes ut som en velsignelse. "Jeg lurer meg på hva malt kanel smaker," sa han likeglad idet han stappet skjea i munnen. Three hours later, the King was loitering around the castle, looking for something to busy himself with. "Fuck, I'm so bored," he grumbled in exasperation. "The kids are at school. Gwo's at work. Impa's at the hospital. Ganon—" Suddenly the King heard an incomprehensible cry and turned around to see Fari rush past him. "Damn, Fari, what was that?!" "Piss off, Your Majesty!" Fari yelled at the top of his lungs. "My... PMSing as usual, I see," the King continued to mutter dejectedly. "Shit, I'm so fucking bored. Nothing good on TV. Nothing good online. Nothing good to eat." As he was about to leave the dining hall, his eyes were drawn to a cinnamon jar standing lonely on the table. A spoon of cinnamon was placed conveniently next to it. In a saner state the King may have been reasonably suspicious about it, but now he was so exhausted from boredom that any opportunity to relieve it for a minute felt like a blessing. "I wonder what ground cinnamon tastes like," said he nonchalantly and put the spoon in his mouth. Three hours later, the king slendered around in the castle after something to take up the time. "The father whom I know," he complained anxiously. "The children are at the school, Gwo is at work, the Impa is at the hospital, the Ganon--" Suddenly the king heard an incomprehensible scream and turned to see, how far ahead of him. "The father, Fari. "What was it to do?" "Healed and clean, their Majesty!" cried danger of full neck. "You world... You have the time as usual, I see," continued the king to mutter down. "Healted as I know. Nothing worth looking on TV. Nothing was worth looking on the net. Nothing good at all." As he was about leaving the dining room, the attention was taken up by a lonely cinnam on the table. Er det det hun vil? Is that what she wants? Is that what she wants? Är det vad du ville köpa? Is that what you wanted to buy? Is that what you wanted to buy? Det er virkelig nemt. This is real easy. It's really easy. Jag är sen. I'm late. I'm late. Vi tar hand om det här senare. We'll deal with this later. We'll take care of this later. Kan Tom lide hunde? Does Tom like dogs? Tom likes dogs? Du skriver bedre end mig. You write better than I do. You write better than me. Það voru tvö morð í þessum mánuði. There were two murders this month. There were two murders in those months. Det kan komma att göra ont. It may hurt. It may hurt. Et hvert vektorrom har en basis. Every vector space has a basis. Each vector room has a base. Beviset er trivielt. The proof is trivial. The proof is trivial. Ingen kan göra det så bra som Tom kan. None can do it as good as Tom can. No one can do it as well as Tom can. Tyst! Silence! Quiet! Vi har en pave! We have a pope! We have a pope! Du er frustrert over jobben din. You're frustrated about your job. You're frustrated about your job. Tom sluttede næstsidst. Tom finished second-to-last. Tom ended the last time. Hvorfor ler du? Why are you laughing? Why are you smiling? Tom er kommet tilbage. Tom has come back. Tom's back. Du måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Billedet af ulykken giver mig kvalme. The picture of the accident makes me sick. The picture of the accident makes me sick. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Mina nya skor knarrar. My new shoes squeak. My new shoes are squeaking. Nei takk. No, thank you. No, thanks. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn down the TV? Jeg er ganske god til å spille golf. I'm a pretty good golfer. I'm pretty good at playing golf. Vad är det med Tom? What's up with Tom? What about Tom? Tom ville vite når Mary skulle komme hjem. Tom wanted to know when Mary would get home. Tom wanted to know when Mary was coming home. Vi måste varna Tom. We've got to warn Tom. We have to warn Tom. Ønsker du den? Like it? Do you want it? Mor dig mens du kan. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Jeg har skrevet mange setninger på esperanto. I wrote many phrases in Esperanto. I've written many sentences in Esperanto. Du er her! You're here. You're here! Jag vill bara ha roligt. I just want to have fun. I just want to have fun. Flere er redde for å sette seg et høyt mål i redsel for ikke å nå det. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Several are afraid of setting themselves a high target in fear of reaching it. Dette manglede. This was missing. This was missing. Dom här skorna är dyra, och dessutom är dom för små. These shoes are expensive, and what is more, they are too small. These shoes are expensive, and they're too small. Jeg trenger ikke din hjelp. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Jag är ingen tiggare. I'm not a beggar. I'm not a beggar. Det där är min pappa. That's my dad. That's my dad. Hon har en fin docka. She has a pretty doll. She's got a nice doll. Vi är båda vuxna. We are both adults. We're both adults. Det saknas en gaffel. There is a fork missing. There's a fork missing. Jeg er ateist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Hur fick Tom reda på det? How did Tom find out? How did Tom find out? Bill er på vej til New York. Bill is on his way to New York. Bill's on his way to New York. Det er min skyld. My mistake. It's my fault. Foreldrar Johns virtust því fegin að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. John’s parents seemed glad to hear that he was safe. Hur kan du äta det där? How can you eat that? How can you eat that? Din var bedre. Yours was better. Yours was better. Termitter spiser træ. Termites eat wood. Termites eat wood. Jeg var ikke på festen. I was absent from the party. I wasn't at the party. Tom, kunne du halde eit auge med borna? Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids? Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids? Jeg har en katt og en hund. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Tom er canadier. Tom is a Canadian. Tom is Canadian. Jeg ventede på ham i en time. I waited for him for an hour. I waited for him for an hour. Min far är frisk. My father is healthy. My father's healthy. Luk porten. Close the gate. Close the gate. Husker du hvor meget jeg elskede dig? Do you remember how much I loved you? Remember how much I loved you? Hann hittir kærustuna sína á laugardögum. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. Han är inte vad han utger sig för. He is not what he seems. He's not what he's about. Det var meget godt. That was very good. That was very good. Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Han slutade dricka. He stopped drinking. He stopped drinking. Klockan är två. The clock says two. It's two o'clock. Du måste gå. I need you to leave. You have to go. Den var ikke låst. It wasn't locked. It wasn't locked. Når starter det? What time does it start? When does it start? Fugle lærer at flyve per instinkt. Birds learn to fly by instinct. Birds learn to fly per instinct. Tatoeba holder lukket for julen. Tatoeba was closed for Christmas. Tatoeba is closed for Christmas. Han kommer att komma. He will come. He's coming. Fotografiet er på USB-stikket. The photograph is on the USB stick. The photograph's on the USB stick. Politik delar människor, men kultur förenar dem. Politics divides people, but culture unifies them. Policies share people, but culture unites them. Tror du att ni kan få in mig? Do you think you can get me in? You think you can get me in? Det ble ei vane. That became a habit. It became a habit. Tom arbetar. Tom is working. Tom's working. Der er noget du skal se. There's something I need to show you. There's something you need to see. Ni kan köpa frimärken på vilket postkontor som helst. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy postmarks at any post office. Jeg har aldri vært ranet. I've never been robbed. I've never been robbed. Du er ikke et barn længere. You're not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. I juni bliver I jo omsider gift. At long last, you will get married in June. In June, you'll finally be married. Tom tog Mary i hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom put Mary in hand. Begge Toms forældre er døve. Both Tom's parents are deaf. Both Tom's parents are deaf. De rige bliver rigere. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. Lærerne hilste på den lille dreng. The teachers greeted the little boy. The teachers greeted the little boy. Mannskapet er opptatt med å forberede reisen til det ytre rom. The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space. The crew is busy preparing the journey to the outer space. Det var en tæt kamp. It was a close match. It was a close fight. «Greit, hvis det er lett trening.» «OK, så skal vi tillate ballespark og utstikking av øyne?» "If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?" ‘Greit, if it's easy practice’, ‘OK, then shall we allow ballespark and eye protrusion?’ Hon gick ut. She went out. She went out. Höldum í háttinn. Let's hit the hay. Let's go to bed. Þú missir af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Du måste lämna Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Hvordan kan jeg skru opp ovnen? How can I turn up the stove? How can I turn up the oven? Jeg er på jakt etter oppskrifter for sjokoladekake uten sjokolade. I'm looking for recipes for a chocolate cake without any chocolate. I'm looking for recipes for chocolate cake without chocolate. Allir þekktu raunverulegar tilfinningar hennar. Everybody knew her true feelings. Everyone knew her real feelings. Það er sagt að honum muni líklega mistakast. It is said that he is likely to fail. It is said that he will likely fail. En dag fant jeg en boks der. One day I found a box there. One day I found a box there. Jeg har spørsmål. I have questions. I have questions. Han är österrikare. He's Austrian. He's an Austrian. Jeg har ikke billett. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Jeg hørte at Tom kyssede Mary. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. Det kommer inte att ske. That's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Hur firade ni jul? How did you spend Christmas? How did you celebrate Christmas? Er moren din hjemme? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Ingen har något problem. No one has a problem. No one has a problem. Þau eru með mjög skemmtilega verönd. They have a very nice veranda. They have a very fun porch. Jeg lurer på om Tom vet hvor paraplyen min er. I wonder if Tom knows where my umbrella is. I wonder if Tom knows where my umbrella is. Jeg besluttede at spise ude i aften. I decided to eat out tonight. I decided to eat out tonight. Jeg havde en travl morgen. I've had a busy morning. I had a busy morning. Jeg vil gerne have en kop iste. I want a cup of iced-tea. I want a cup of ice. Jag är ledsen, men jag har ingen växel. I'm sorry, but I don't have change. I'm sorry, but I don't have a change. Du er den bedste sanger jeg kender. You're the best singer I know. You're the best singer I know. Jeg holder ikke ut denne magepinen. I can't stand this stomach-ache. I don't hold this stomach ache. Jeg er dårlig til at svømme. I'm bad at swimming. I'm bad at swimming. Jeg har formatert din harddisk ved en feil. I've formatted your hard disk by mistake. I have formatted your hard drive on an error. Gæti ég fengið annan bjór? Could I have another glass of beer? Could I have another beer? Det er problemet, ikke sandt? That's the problem, isn't it? That's the problem, isn't it? Hvad i alverden er dette? What on earth is this? What in the world is this? Tom er en god trener. Tom is a good coach. Tom's a good coach. Det finns en annan möjlighet också. There's also another possibility. There's another possibility, too. Hann hevur lisið bókina úti. He has read the book outside. He's got the liss out there. Jag spelade Tennis med Bob. I played tennis with Bob. I played Tennis with Bob. Við urðum uppiskroppa með mat. We ran out of food. We got caught up with food. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad han snakker om. I have no idea what he's talking about. I have no idea what he's talking about. Han frågar alltid dumma frågor. He's always asking silly questions. He always asks stupid questions. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg vente og se, hvad der sker. If I were you, I'd wait and see what happens. If I were you, I'd wait and see what happens. Väntar du på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? Karlmenn eru almennt hávaxnari en konur. Generally, men are taller than women. Men are generally taller than women. Jeg er allerede ferdig å lese denne boken. I have already finished reading this book. I'm already done reading this book. Det är hans sätt att säga tack. It's his way of saying thank you. That's his way of saying thank you. Tom følgde nøye med på kva som skjedde. Tom was watching what was happening very carefully. Tom followed closely what happened. Opfør jer ordentligt, mens jeg er væk. Behave yourself during my absence. Be careful while I'm gone. I alfabetet kommer B efter A. In the alphabet, B comes after A. In the alphabet, B comes after A. Jeg stjal den ikke. Jeg lånte den kun. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it. Jeg må finne ut nøyaktig hva som gikk galt. I need to find out exactly what went wrong. I have to figure out exactly what went wrong. Vi kommer i problemer. We'll be in trouble. We're gonna get in trouble. Jag ringer en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a cab. Jag drog mig ur. I wimped out. I got out. Det fanns ingenting i lådan. There was nothing in the box. There was nothing in the box. Tom og Mary talte sammen over telefonen hver dag. Tom and Mary talked on the phone every day. Tom and Mary talked over the phone every day. Jag bara älskar blommor. I just love flowers. I just love flowers. Du er en god mand. You are a good man. You're a good man. Tom forblev single hele sit liv. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained single all his life. Han mister aldri nysgjerrigheten sin; han er som en evig ungdom. He never loses his curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal youth. He never loses his curiosity; he is like an eternal youth. Chiqui är en papegoja som pratar esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot who speaks Esperanto. Tom er en atlet. Tom is an athlete. Tom's an athlete. Han blåste på sina fingrar för att värma dem. He blew on his fingers to make them warm. He blew his fingers to warm them. "Er du alvorlig?" "Jeg er dødsens alvorlig." "Are you serious?" "I'm absolutely serious." "Are you serious?" "I'm serious." Jeg vil heller ikke være her. I don't want to be here either. I don't want to be here either. Hjólbarðar eyðast vegna núnings milli gúmmísins og vegyfirborðsins. Tires wear down because of friction between the rubber and the road surface. Ironing between the rubber and the road surface removes the sills. Jag älskar den här staden. I love this town. I love this city. Það gera þrjú þúsund jen. The total comes to 3,000 yen. That's three thousand yen. År 1912 dog den österrikiske skräddaren Franz Reichelt när han hoppade från första våningen på Eiffeltornet för att testa sin nya uppfinning, fallskärmsrocken, som inte fungerade... In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work... In 1912 the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died when he jumped from the first floor of the Eiffel Tower to test his new invention, the paratrooper, which did not work... Jag kände mig som ett stort fån. I felt like a big fool. I felt like a big son of a bitch. En fremmed er bare en ven, du ikke har mødt endnu. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. Noe rart foregår. Something strange is going on. Something nice's going on. Tom kunne ikke få sin bil startet. Tom couldn't get his car started. Tom couldn't get his car started. Tom spillede fodbold i går. Tom played soccer yesterday. Tom played football yesterday. Hon verkade inte intresserad. She didn't seem interested. She didn't seem interested. Húsið þitt er þrisvar sinnum stærra en mitt. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. Jag trodde att ni gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you guys went home. Giv mig et kram! Give me a hug. Give me a hug! Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Det er en ny restaurant på Cherry Avenue. There's a new restaurant on Cherry Avenue. It's a new restaurant on Cherry Avenue. Vintertidtabellen har trätt i kraft. The winter schedule has arrived. The winter schedule has entered into force. Min hund är mycket ren. My dog is very clean. My dog is very clean. Tom sms'er til Mary. Tom is texting Mary. Tom texted Mary. Jag letar efter en väninna till mig. I'm looking for a friend of mine. I'm looking for a friend for me. Vet Tom om hur du känner för honom? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Jeg er helt enig med deg. I agree with you absolutely. I fully agree with you. Kommer I stadigvæk sammen? Are you guys still dating each other? You guys still coming together? Din guitar er bedre end min. Your guitar is better than mine. Your guitar is better than mine. Öll laufin á trénu urðu gul. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree became yellow. Jag är kanske antisocial, men det betyder inte att jag inte pratar med folk. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I'm not talking to people. Glædelig mors dag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Se på dette billede af min bedstefars bil. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Kan du inte röra dig fortare? Can't you move faster? Can't you move faster? Det startade en kedjereaktion. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain reaction. Mary dugir japanskt. Mary can speak Japanese. Mary will do Japanese. Vi skiftedes til at køre. We took turns driving. We were changed to drive. Hvad tid starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? What time does the rodeo begin? Hvad spiste du til morgenmad i morges? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Jeg viser dig det kun en gang. I will show it to you only once. I'll only show you once. Er det det han vil? Is that what he wants? Is that what he wants? Han spelade piano. He was playing the piano. He played the piano. Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer dig om dit arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window, concentrate on your work. Alle vidste at han var en bogorm. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everyone knew he was a bookworm. Jeg glæder mig til jul. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas. Sitt inte på den där bänken är du snäll. Please don't sit on that bench. Don't sit on that bench, please. Maðurin er ikki ungur. The man is not young. Man is not young. Það er auðvelt fyrir mig að lesa þessa bók. It is easy for me to read this book. It is easy for me to read this book. Dette verbet brukes vanligvis bare i tredje person. This verb is normally used only in the third person. This verb is usually used only in third parties. Er allt í lagi með þig? Are you all right? Are you okay? Luftföroreningar är ett allvarligt globalt problem. Air pollution is a serious global problem. Air pollution is a serious global problem. Vi måste gå med en gång. We must leave right away. We have to go right away. Tom kørte Mary til hospitalet bag på sin motorcykel. Tom took Mary to the hospital on the back of his motorcycle. Tom drove Mary to the hospital behind his motorcycle. Det var to vegar i skogen eg kunne gå, og eg valde den som var tråkka av få, og all ting valde eg der og då. There were two roads in the forest for me to choose between, and I chose the one least trodden, and I made all my choices at that very moment. There were two directions in the woods I could walk, and I chose the one that was bored by a few, and all things I chose there and then. Skórnir þínir eru hér. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Tom klarte ikkje å finne ein plass å parkere. Tom wasn't able to find a place to park. Tom could not find a place to park. Det er naturligt for dig at tænke sådan. It's natural for you to think so. It's natural for you to think like that. Du er ikke canadisk. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Jag kom för att säga hej. I came by to say hi. I came to say hi. Du er gammel nok til at kunne opføre dig ordentligt. You are old enough to behave yourself. You're old enough to behave properly. Hallå, kan jag hjälpa till? Hey, can I help? Hello, can I help you? Alla mina grejor är här. All my stuff is here. All my stuff is here. Der er ikke det mindste gran af sandhed i det. There is not a ray of truth in it. There isn't the smallest spruce of truth in it. Lätt gånget lätt förgånget. Easy come, easy go. Easy walk easily gone. Þú hlýtur að vera staurblind ef þú sást það ekki. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. You must be blind if you didn't see it. En åpen diskusjon med en ateist fant sted nylig i en moské i Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kair. Hold øje med børnene. Keep an eye on the kids. Keep an eye on the kids. Det finns så mycket kvar att göra. There's so much left to do. There's so much left to do. Jeg forstod ham overhovedet ikke. I did not understand him at all. I didn't understand him at all. Hvorfor svarer Tom ikke? Why doesn't Tom answer? Why doesn't Tom answer? I forgårs kvittede jeg mit arbejde. Two days ago I quit my job. Last night, I got rid of my job. Jag vill veta vad som är roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's funny. Jag bor i Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. Sami er en dranker. Sami is a wino. Sami's a drunk. Vi har alltid varit vänner. We've always been friends. We've always been friends. Jeg har ikke brug for dine penge. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Tom er ældre end mig. Tom is older than I am. Tom's older than me. Vi behøver mere talentfulde mennesker. We need more talented people. We need more talented people. Jeg vil ikke ønske at være i hendes sko. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes. I don't want to be in her shoes. Ingen sa noe sånt. No one said anything like that. Nobody said anything like that. Min bedstemor er gået bort. My grandmother passed away. My grandmother's gone. Jeg ved ikke længere hvad jeg skal tro. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to think anymore. Eg trudde Tom hadde hund. I thought Tom had a dog. I thought Tom had a dog. Hva er det? What is it? What is it? Han snakka med stor entusiasme om teaterforestillinga. He spoke with great enthusiasm of the theatrical performance. He talks with great enthusiasm about the theatre performance. Du behöver den här. You need this. You need this. Du burde ikke se ned på ham. You shouldn't look down on him. You shouldn't look down on him. Jeg har ingen nære venner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Tom innrømte at han hadde stjålet sykkelen. Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike. Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike. Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. "Det er krig", sagde manden med leen og satte leen til side for at komme op i mejetærskeren. "It's war," said the Grim Reaper and put his scythe aside to get onto the combine harvester. "It's a war," said the man with the smile and put the smile aside to get up in the Empress. Nyhenda gjorde han trist. The news made him sad. Nyhenda made him sad. Tappa inte den där koppen. Don't drop that cup. Don't grab that cup. Mary er sin kærestes muse. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Mary's his girlfriend's museum. Rusland er ikke Preussen. Russia is not Prussia. Russia is not Preussen. Frændi minn kennir ensku við háskólann. My uncle teaches English at the university. My cousin teaches English at the university. Verð ég að fara þangað undir eins? Must I go there at once? Do I have to go there immediately? Andas han? Is he breathing? Is he breathing? Er romanen min god? Is my novel any good? Is my novel good? Hon skulle gärna kommit men hon var på semester. She would willingly come but she was on vacation. She'd love to come, but she was on vacation. Jeg cykler til arbejde. I cycle to work. I'm cycling to work. Äntligen fick Layla veta att Sami hade tre barn med olika kvinnor. Layla finally found out that Sami had three children by different women. Finally, Layla learned that Sami had three children with different women. Han bad mig att ställa mig upp. He asked me to stand up. He asked me to stand up. Hon skrek till av förvåning. She cried out in surprise. She screamed astonishment. Jeg forstår ikke fransk. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Jag retades bara. I was just teasing. I was just teasing. Hvor lang tid tog det dig at oversætte denne bog? How long did it take you to translate this book? How long did it take you to translate this book? Tom ga dette akkurat til meg. Tom just gave this to me. Tom gave this just to me. Der er en trafikprop på motorvejen. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's a traffic jam on the highway. Förum út að borða til tilbreytingar. Let's dine out for a change. Let's go out and eat for a change. Brödet är hårt som sten. The bread is as hard as a rock. The bread is hard as stone. Tom undrade om han någonsin skulle få se Maria igen. Tom wondered if he'd ever see Mary again. Tom wondered if he would ever see Mary again. Pua kommer til å synge i kirken. Pua is going to sing at church. Pua's going to sing in the church. De bråkade. They quarreled. They were fighting. Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga. She asked him some questions. She asked him a few questions. Sluta vara så dramatisk. Stop being so dramatic. Stop being so dramatic. Bron byggdes av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Han kløede sin arm med neglen. He scratched his arm with the nail. He hatched his arm with his fingernails. Vi trenger en blodprøve. We need to get a blood sample. We need a blood test. Rör mig inte. Get off me. Don't touch me. Fyren orket ikke å gå hele veien, så han tok bussen. The man didn't feel like walking all the way; so he took the bus. The guy didn't mean to go all the way, so he took the bus. Hur långt skulle Tom gå? How far would Tom go? How far would Tom go? Tom er møller. Tom is a miller. Tom's a miller. Jag kan köra själv. I can drive myself. I can drive myself. Jeg bor i byen. I live in the city. I live in town. Se. Watch. See. Vill du äta? Do you want to eat? You want to eat? Jeg sover i en stor seng. I sleep in a big bed. I'm sleeping in a big bed. Du bør ikke spise så mye godteri. You shouldn't eat too much candy. You shouldn't eat that much candy. Pabbi þinn er hávaxinn. Your father is tall. Your dad's tall. Toms fransk er fremragende. Tom's French is excellent. Tom's French is excellent. Sami lytter kun til klassisk musik. Sami only listens to classical music. Sami only listens to classical music. Han jaktet på svartbak. He hunted gulls. He was hunting blackback. Kan du sige mig vejen til biblioteket? Will you tell me the way to the library? Can you tell me the way to the library? Dette er selvforklarende. This is self-explanatory. This is self-explanatory. Vad är de gjorda av? What are they made of? What are they made of? Kristy Anderson er Larry Ewings hustru. Kristy Anderson is the wife of Larry Ewing. Kristy Anderson is Larry Ewing's wife. Min far plejede at sige at tid er kostbar. My father used to say that time is precious. My father used to say that time is precious. Han kan ha rätt. He may well be right. He may be right. Eld ska väl göra susen! I guess fire should do the trick! Fire's gonna do it! Vi har pratat färdigt. We're done talking. We're done talking. Tom fortalte mig at han og Mary har været kærester. Tom told me that Mary used to be his girlfriend. Tom told me that he and Mary have been boyfriends. Veistu hvar frú Hudson býr? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Han besluttede sig for at prøve lykken i Algeriet. He decided to try his luck in Algeria. He decided to try the good luck in Algeria. Femtiotvå procent av brittiska kvinnor föredrar choklad framför sex. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty-two percent of British women prefer chocolate over sex. Jag har kaffe, te, vatten och färsk fruktjuice. I have coffee, tea, water, and fresh fruit juice. I have coffee, tea, water and fresh fruit juice. Der er intet nyt under solen. There is nothing new under the sun. There's nothing new under the sun. Hur är läget? What's up? How's it going? Du trenger ikke unnskylde deg. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Drik ikke vandet i det beskidte glas! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water in the dirty glass! Vi overnattet i Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We spent the night in Hakone. Ni får inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Han skal dra til stasjonen en time før toget går. He will leave for the station an hour before the train leaves. He's got to go to the station for an hour before the train leaves. Tom önskar att han inte hade gjort det han gjorde. Tom wished he hadn't done what he did. Tom wishes he hadn't done what he did. Kender du den gamle dame der bor på tredje etage? You know this old lady that lives on second floor? Do you know the old lady who lives on the third floor? Det är autentiskt. It's genuine. It's authentic. Jeg kunne ikke lide den film. I didn't like that movie. I didn't like that movie. Varför skulle man gifta sig med en kvinna om man gillar män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Jeg har den samme ordboken som broren din. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Er du sikker på du kan svømme så langt? Are you sure you can swim that far? Are you sure you can swim that far? Það mikilvæga er ekki hversu margar bækur þú lest heldur hvaða bækur þú lest. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. The important thing is not how many books you read, but what books you read. Tom kunne ikke finde en tom parkeringsplads. Tom couldn't find an empty parking space. Tom couldn't find an empty parking lot. Er I på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you guys on Facebook? Tom vill ha en kyss. Tom wants a kiss. Tom wants a kiss. Tom hatade skolan. Tom hated school. Tom hated school. Det här ägde rum följande dag. This took place on the following day. This was the following day. Jeg vil forklare hændelsen. I'll explain the incident. I want to explain the incident. Jeg gemte ikke filen. I didn't save the file. I didn't save the file. Toms muligheder er begrænsede. Tom's options are limited. Tom's options are limited. Det var ikke første gang de havde gjort det. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It wasn't the first time they'd done it. Det har jeg gjort mange gange. I have done that many times. I've done that many times. Þau gerðu ekkert. They did nothing. They didn't do anything. Jeg løper. I am running. I'm running. Du ville ikke vite hvordan gjør dette, ikke sant? You wouldn't know how to do this, would you? You wouldn't know how to do this, right? Ho vaska rommet. She cleaned the room. That's the room. Tokyo er en stor by. Tokyo is a big city. Tokyo's a big town. Jag har mycket låg självkänsla. I have very low self-esteem. I have very low self-esteem. Vi har varit uppe hela natten. We have been up all night. We've been up all night. Giv mig dine penge eller jeg tæsker dig. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll beat you. Tom vil ikke blive udleveret til Australien. Tom won't be extradited to Australia. Tom will not be handed over to Australia. Higgsbóseindin hefur verið kölluð Guðeindin. The Higgs boson has been called the God particle. The Higgs bosene has been called The Deity. Æbler er knappe i år. Apples are scarce this year. Apples are barely this year. Alle medlemmene var til stede. All the members were present. All the members were present. Det vil sne i morgen. It's going to snow tomorrow. It'll snow tomorrow. Það mun ekki taka nema sekúndu. It'll just take a second. It will only take a second. Hun helte melk i koppen. She poured milk into the cup. She killed milk in the cup. Tom är smartare än Mary. Tom is smarter than Mary is. Tom's smarter than Mary. Det er lavet af messing. It's made of brass. It's made of brass. Paris är Frankrikes huvudstad. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is France's capital. Jag fattar. I understand. I get it. Dina pengar eller ditt liv! Your money or your life! Your money or your life! Det var en af ​​de sværeste beslutninger jeg nogensinde har måttet tage. It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. Der er ingen sukker i min te. There's no sugar in my tea. There's no sugar in my tea. Det er veldig vanskelig å vite hvilket land en person kommer fra. It is very hard to tell what country a person comes from. It's very hard to know which country a person comes from. Jeg lever alene i dette hus. I live in this house by myself. I live alone in this house. Tom måste göra ditt jobb. Tom has to do your work. Tom has to do your job. Han dog i cancer förra året. He died of cancer last year. He died in cancer last year. Det lykkedes ham omsider at få et job. He finally succeeded in getting a job. He finally managed to get a job. Jeg er fra Frankrig, og du? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Jeg tror ikke Tom vil gøre det vi har bedt ham om at gøre. I don't think that Tom will do what we asked him to do. I don't think Tom will do what we've asked him to do. Vår lärare är punktlig till lektionerna. Our teacher is punctual for the classes. Our teacher is punctual about lessons. Han steg upp klockan fem som han brukar. He got up at five as usual. He climbed up at five as he used to. Lægen sagde: "Der er ikke noget der er værre for dit helbred end tobak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said, "There is nothing worse for your health than tobacco." Er I to algeriere? Are you two Algerian? Are you two Algerians? Jeg kan ikke tale kannada. I can't speak Kannada. I can't talk Kannada. Hon bor i huset där borta. She lives in the house over there. She lives in that house over there. Tyskland ligger i Mellemeuropa. Germany is in Central Europe. Germany is located in Central Europe. Han hører på musikk. He's listening to music. He listens to music. Jeg var lige ved at lave en fejl. I nearly made a mistake. I was just making a mistake. Vad ska jag göra sedan? What do I do then? Then what do I do? Får jag stiga upp nu? Can I get up now? Can I get up now? Superman kan se gennem vægge. Superman can see through walls. Superman can see through walls. Jeg forstår dig ikke. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. Jag låg på sjukhus i några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in hospital for a few days. Färdens kostnad utan rabatt är två tusen euro. The cost of the trip without a discount is two thousand Euros. The cost of the ferry without discount is two thousand euros. Datorn är en komplicerad maskin. Computers are complicated machines. The computer is a complicated machine. Vi har vidst det i årevis. We've known that for years. We've known for years. Gutten kom løpende. The boy came running. The guy came running. Jeg reiste til Norge. I went to Norway. I went to Norway. Mette er Jørgens kone. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Mette's Jørgen's wife. Toms kop er tom. Tom's cup is empty. Empty cup is empty. Græd ikke over spildt mælk. Don't cry over spilt milk. Don't cry over wasted milk. Vi är människor. We are human. We're people. Talar du turkiska? Do you speak Turkish? You speak Turkish? Eg held fram med å kjempe til nokon slår meg. I'll keep fighting until somebody defeats me. I'm going to fight until someone beats me. Jag kunde inte bry mig mindre. I couldn't care less. I couldn't care less. Vi hade inget bättre för oss. We had nothing better to do. We had nothing better for us. Var lärde du dig att skriva? Where did you learn to write? Where did you learn to write? Huset gik billigt. The house went cheap. The house went cheap. Gå in nu. Now go on inside. Get in now. Det är måndag i dag. It is Monday today. It's Monday today. Ég er ekki alltaf heima á sunnudögum. I'm not always at home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Vad tycker du, Tom? What do you think, Tom? What do you think, Tom? Eg vil at de skal bli hos meg. I want them to stay with me. I want them to stay with me. Det er blevet varmere i dag. It's become warmer today. It's getting warmer today. Hvilken gate skal vi begynne med? Which street should we start with? What gate do we start with? Hur känns det? How does that feel? How's it feel? Hun besøgte ham den tyvende oktober. She visited him on October 20th. She visited him on October 20th. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi viðskipta. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time because of urgent business. Jeg skal skaffe Tom sin hjemmeadresse. I'll get Tom's home address. I'm gonna get Tom's home address. Tom er veldig rask. Tom is really fast. Tom's very fast. Vit eru lidnir. We're ready. We're past. Jag har en hushållerska. I have a housekeeper. I have a householder. Det glæder mig at du bliver. I'm glad you're staying. I'm glad you're staying. Hvaða heimspeking heldurðu mest upp á? Who's your favorite philosopher? Which philosopher do you think is the most? Kan jeg si noe nå? Can I say something now? Can I say something now? Han sover som et spedbarn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Jag ska byta om. I'll change. I'll change. Jag vill veta vad som är så roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's so funny. Håret ditt er for langt. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. Varför ser du så ledsen ut? Why are you looking so sad? Why do you look so sad? Du giver mig ikke noget valg. You leave me no choice. You don't give me a choice. Mary tror att hon har superkrafter. Mary believes she has special powers. Mary thinks she's got superpowers. Jag ska inte dö. I'm not going to die. I'm not gonna die. Du är livrädd, eller hur? You're scared to death, aren't you? You're terrified, aren't you? Ég er saddur! I'm full! I'm full! Hon gjorde så gott hon kunde. She did the best she could. She did the best she could. Sig altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Mary borde inte göra det. Mary shouldn't do that. Mary shouldn't do that. Grand Canyon er et velkendt turistmål. The Grand Canyon is a well-known tourist destination. Grand Canyon is a well-known tourist destination. Narkomanen døde af en overdosis. The addict died from a drug overdose. The Narcoma died of an overdose. De hatar spindlar. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Den som ikke kan et fremmed språk, vet ingenting om sitt eget. Those who don't know a foreign language know nothing about their own. Anyone who doesn't know a foreign language knows nothing about his own. Hun boede der i årevis. She lived there for years. She lived there for years. Hun anvendte et zoomobjektiv. She used a zoom lens. She used a zoom lens. Pengene ligger på bordet. The money is on the table. The money's on the table. Han er bedre enn oss alle. He's better than us all. He's better than all of us. Tom bär sällan hatt. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Jeg er fransklærer. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Han kan ingenting om anatomi. He knows nothing about anatomy. He doesn't know anything about anatomy. Mor, hvor er min bussemand? Mommy, where's my booger? Mom, where's my bus man? Jag brände soporna. I burned the trash. I burned the garbage. Jeg har noe til deg. I brought you a little something. I have something for you. Det er ikke hvad jeg hører. That's not what I hear. That's not what I hear. Jeg likte det meget godt. I enjoyed it very much. I liked it very well. Att oroa sig är som en gungstol; det ger en någonting att göra men leder ingenstans. Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere. Worrying is like a rock chair; it gives you something to do but leads nowhere. Hvilen farge har huset ditt? What color is your house? What color does your house have? Han är stolt över att vara läkare. He is proud of being a doctor. He's proud to be a doctor. Jag gillar det här. I like this. I like this. Jag visste att det där skulle hända. I saw that coming. I knew that would happen. Jag har fått höra att jag inte behöver göra det. I've been told that I'm not required to do that. I've been told I don't have to do it. Tom solgte sit gamle køleskab til mig. Tom sold his old refrigerator to me. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Kongen længe leve! Long live the King! Long live the King! Jeg intervjuet en kvinne som jobber for å beskytte miljøet. I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment. I interview a woman who works to protect the environment. Fugle flyver med deres vinger. Birds fly with their wings. Birds fly with their wings. Hvor stirrer du på mig på den måde? Why are you staring at me like that? How do you look at me like that? Tom tog sin skjorte på. Tom put his shirt on. Tom put on his shirt. Alt er godt. Everything is OK. Everything's good. Slå av lyset før du forlater rommet. Please turn off the lights when you leave the room. Turn off the light before leaving the room. Han blev skadad. He was hurt. He got hurt. Hun faldt ned af stigen. She fell down the ladder. She fell off the ladder. Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why ask me, wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Hvorfor gør du det du gør? Why do you do what you do? Why are you doing what you're doing? Overdriv ikke! Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it! Hvor har hun lært italiensk? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Hun giver hvert barn to æbler. She's giving each child two apples. She gives each child two apples. Han er lille af sin alder. He's small for his age. He's little of his age. Hvorfor liker du ikke meg? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Jag föddes i Boston, faktiskt. In fact, I was born in Boston. I was born in Boston, actually. Ég er með hjartavandamál. I have a heart problem. I have heart problems. Jag tänkte att det skulle vara värt det. I thought it'd be worth it. I thought it would be worth it. Toms første kone plukkede ham for alt hvad han havde, og han var ruineret da han mødte Mary. Tom's first wife fleeced him, and he was broke when he met Mary. Tom’s first wife picked him for everything he had, and he was ruined when he met Mary. Ser du min pen? Do you see my pen? Do you see my pen? Fortællingen er fuld af humor. The story is full of humor. The story is full of humor. Jag hade svårt för att bädda ner barnet. I had a hard time putting the kid to bed. I had a hard time making the baby sleep. Är det där hälsosamt? Is that healthy? Is that healthy? Þótt ég sé búinn að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til hennar. Though I've decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Even though I’ve decided to go to the party, I don’t look forward to it. Jeg er på vei til Toms hjem. I'm on my way to Tom's place. I'm on my way to Tom's house. Politiet er ikke på nakken vår lenger. The police aren't after us anymore. The police aren't on our neck anymore. Vem köpte den här? Who bought this? Who bought this? Denne hat er din. This hat is yours. This hat is yours. Tom gråter fortfarande. Tom is still crying. Tom's still crying. Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal gøre nu. I have no idea what to do now. I don't know what to do now. Ligg på din högra sida. Lie on your right side. Stay on your right. Ni dödade Tom. You killed Tom. You killed Tom. Vi ønsker naturlige oversettelser, ikke ordrette oversettelser. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want natural translations, not worded translations. Tom gick ner på knä för att se bättre. Tom knelt down for a better look. Tom went down on his knees to see better. Em ek svangr. Am I hungry! But she's hungry. Tom kan inte göra det. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Tom blev blek. Tom turned pale. Tom was pale. Har du hört vad som har hänt? Did you hear what happened? Have you heard what happened? Boken kostar fem dollar. The book costs five dollars. The book costs five bucks. Hvað kallarðu mann sem gætir fjár í haga? What do you call a man who takes care of sheep in the field? What do you call a man who could make a living? Noen av vennene mine snakker engelsk bra. Some of my friends can speak English well. Some of my friends speak English well. Tom burde definitivt ha fått dødsstraff. Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence. Tom should have definitely got the death penalty. Det var en gång en kung som hade tre döttrar. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. Once upon a time, a king had three daughters. Jeg arbejder lige nu. I'm working right now. I'm working right now. Cementen var stadig våd. The cement was still wet. The cement was still wet. Hun liker potetsalat. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Emet gillar inte den kvinnan. Emet doesn't like that woman. Emet doesn't like that woman. Vi løb tør for penge. We ran out of money. We ran out of money. Vintern kommer. Winter is coming. Winter comes. Du er yngre end Tom. You're younger than Tom. You're younger than Tom. Det er mitt sete. That's my seat. It's my seat. Vem pratar? Who's speaking? Who's talking? Ge mig mikrofonen. Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone. Hvad gør du når du bliver syg? What do you do when you get sick? What do you do when you get sick? Tom åndede ind i et alkometer. Tom breathed into the breathalyzer. Tom breathed into an alcometer. Jeg har en overraskelse til dig. I've got a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. "Er han alvorligt syg?" "Det håber jeg ikke." "Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not." "Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not." Vi åkte rakt norrut. We went due north. We went straight north. Er herra Jones á skrifstofunni? Is Mr Jones in the office? Is Mr Jones in the office? Hann getur lesið og skrifað. He can read and write. He can read and write. Tom dog i december. Tom died in December. Tom died in December. De var i Joe sin klasse i fjor. They were in Joe's class last year. They were in Joe's class last year. Toms yngre datter er gift. Tom's younger daughter is married. Tom's younger daughter is married. Kan du komma närmre? Can you come closer? Can you come closer? Jeg har rejst over hele Rusland. I've travelled through the whole of Russia. I've traveled all over Russia. Hvor er lokummet? Where's the loo? Where's the end? Hvor er møtet? Where is the meeting? Where's the meeting? Jag är gammal. I'm old. I'm old. Tom vaknade när han hörde någon knacka på dörren. Tom woke up when he heard someone knocking on the door. Tom woke up hearing someone knocking on the door. Han brände hål i rocken. He burned a hole in his coat. He burned holes in the rock. Det vil få store konsekvenser! Consequences will never be the same! This will have great consequences! Ho elskar han. She loves him. She loves him. Hon måste hjälpa honom. She needs to help him. She has to help him. Hon är frånvarande för att hon är sjuk. She's absent because she's sick. She's absent because she's sick. Gå före du, Tom. Go on ahead, Tom. Go before you, Tom. Ni kommer att åka till Irland. You'll go to Ireland. You will go to Ireland. Jag kan inte tacka dig nog för det du gjorde för mig. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. Du kan avbryta sökandet. You can call off the search. You can interrupt the search. Alle vil treffe deg. Du er berømt! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you, you're famous! Jag bestämde mig för att skriva 20 meningar om dagen på Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day at Tatoaba. Det er nederen at være alene. Being alone sucks. It's the bottom of being alone. Hun tog en graviditetstest. She took a pregnancy test. She took a pregnancy test. Fra og med 1950 begynder de europæiske lande indenfor rammerne af Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab at nærme sig hinanden økonomisk og politisk for at sikre varig fred. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. From 1950 onwards, European countries, within the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community, are starting to approach each other economically and politically in order to ensure lasting peace. Vis mig din hånd, vil jeg fortælle dig fremtiden. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Jeg tog til Australien som udvekslingsstudent. I went to Australia as an exchange student. I went to Australia as an exchange student. Tom tager en stor risiko. Tom is taking a big risk. Tom's taking a big risk. Har du en hund? Have you a dog? Do you have a dog? All logikk og sunn fornuft tilsier at Russland, EU og USA må handle sammen. Logic and common sense suggest that Russia, the European Union and the United States must act together. All logic and common sense suggest that Russia, the EU and the United States must act together. Jeg har ingen kærlighedsproblemer. I don't have any love problems. I don't have any love problems. Vi har en travel dag foran oss. We have a busy day ahead of us. We have a busy day ahead of us. Jeg har meget gode nyheder til dig. I have great news for you. I have very good news for you. Jeg ved, hvad der er rigtigt. I know what's right. I know what's right. Han prøvde å slutte å røyke flere ganger, uten hell. He tried to give up smoking several times, but failed. He tried to stop smoking several times, without luck. Hvað er klukkan? What time is it? What time is it? Ken ákvað að fara til útlanda. Ken decided on going abroad. Ken decided to go abroad. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Tom berättade en vits. Tom told a joke. Tom told me a joke. Hvis du opfører dig som et barn, så vil du blive behandlet som et barn. If you act like a child, you'll be treated like a child. If you act like a child, you'll be treated like a child. Han er ikke det minste interessert i hva som skjer i verden. He's not in the least interested in what is happening in the world. He's not the least interested in what's happening in the world. Jag bor med Tom. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Hur är det med din syster? How's your sister? How's your sister? Jeg er besat af at lære hebræisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I'm obsessed with learning Hebrew. Mary er en sild. Mary is a fox. Mary's a herring. Finns det en tvättmaskin i huset? Is there a washing machine in the house? Is there a washing machine in the house? Jeg kommer aldri til å glemme din barmhjertighet så lenge jeg lever. I will never forget your kindness so long as I live. I will never forget your mercy as long as I live. Denne ideologi er irrelevant for Algeriet. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. Hon var nära att svimma. She was on verge of fainting. She was close to fainting. Katten fangede en mus. The cat caught a mouse. The cat caught a mouse. Fungerar den här? Does this thing work? Is this working? Hann braust inn. He broke into a house. He broke in. Har du et budget? Do you have a budget? Do you have a budget? Hun nektet å ta imot pengene. She refused to take the money. She refused to accept the money. Alle ved, at Tom var i Boston. Everybody knows that Tom was in Boston. Everyone knows Tom was in Boston. Hun besøkte dyrehagen med ham. She visited the zoo with him. She visited the zoo with him. Jag beter mig inte som du. I don't act like you. I'm not acting like you. Han kan svømme. He can swim. He can swim. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." Give me the salt, please. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There is little chance she'll recover. Fadils plånbok var fortfarande i hans ficka. Fadil's wallet was still in his pocket. Fadil's wallet was still in his pocket. Hvaðan leggur hún af stað? Where does it leave from? Where does she proceed? Huset deres lå midt i en liten treklynge. Their house lay amid a small stand of trees. Their house lay in the middle of a small tree cluster. Jeg er helt normal. I'm perfectly normal. I'm perfectly normal. Jag rörde aldrig Tom. I never touched Tom. I never touched Tom. Jag vill bo i Brasilien. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Alle er klare. Everyone is ready. Everyone's ready. Arbejder du hårdt eller arbejder du knap nok? Working hard or hardly working? Are you working hard or are you barely working? Går Tom och Mary i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Tom and Mary go to school today? Kan jag få din uppmärksamhet? May I have your attention? Can I get your attention? Ringið eftir løgregluni! Call the police! Call for an onion rule! Hva er det nå du vil? What do you want now? What do you want? Jeg er en hankat. I'm a tomcat. I'm a cockcat. Ti, tyve, tredive, fyrre, halvtreds, tres, halvfjerds, firs, halvfems, hundrede. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, four, fifty, one hundred. Vem kan tvätta min bil för två euro?? Who'll wash my car for two Euros? Who can wash my car for two euros? Tack, jag förstår nu. Thanks, I understand now. Thank you. I understand now. Get ég freistað þín með að fá þér annan bita af kökunni? Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Can I try and get you another bite of the cake? Tom överlever nog. Tom'll live. I think Tom's gonna survive. Tekniskt sett är hiragana en stavelseskrift, inte ett alfabet. Technically hiragana is a syllabary, not an alphabet. Technically, hiragana is a spelling, not an alphabet. Se! Der er en sommerfugl. Oh, there's a butterfly! There's a butterfly. Jeg hjalp min mor i køkkenet. I helped my mother in the kitchen. I helped my mother in the kitchen. Vilken är din favoritsuperhjälte? Who's your favorite super hero? What's your favorite superhero? Hon hjälpte sin far med trädgårdsarbetet. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with the gardening work. Toms mor er sådan en sladretaske. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mother is such a gossip bag. Vad gav Tom dig i födelsedagspresent? What did Tom give you for your birthday? What did Tom give you in birthday present? Tom kom til at tage min skjorte på. Tom put on my shirt by mistake. Tom came to put my shirt on. Hvad fortalte du dem? What did you tell them? What did you tell them? Toms mor er sådan en sladdertante. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mother is such a gossiper. Faðir vár es ert í himinríki, verði nafn þitt heilagt. Til komi ríki þitt, verði vili þín svá á jǫrðu sem í himnum. Gef oss í dag brauð várt dagligt. Ok fyrirgefðu oss syndir várar, sem vér fyrirgefum þeim er við oss hafa misgert. Leiddu oss eigi í freistni, heldr leystu oss frá ǫllu illu. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. "Our Father is in the kingdom of heaven, your name will be holy. Your kingdom will come, and your will will will be on the earth as it is in heaven. Give us bread this day our daily. OK forgive us our sins which we forgive to those who have failed us. Don't lead us into temptation, keep us from evil. Jeg har en halvbror. I have a half brother. I have a half brother. Juvelen stals under natten. The jewel was stolen during the night. The jewel was stolen during the night. Fyrsten og hofnarren havde meget til fælles. The prince and the jester had a lot in common. The prince and the courtman had a lot in common. Varje student har sin egen dator. Each student has their own computer. Every student has his own computer. Kan du hämta mig på stationen? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you pick me up at the station? Jeg møtte foreldrene dine i går. I met your parents yesterday. I met your parents yesterday. Ég er ekki svöng lengur. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not hungry anymore. Det var stadig virkelig varmt selvom solen allerede stod ret lavt. It was still really hot, even though the sun had already gotten quite low. It was still really warm even though the sun was already quite low. Han är någonstans i parken. He's somewhere in the park. He's in the park somewhere. Vi har to børn. We have two kids. We have two kids. Jeg ser frem til at modtage dit svar snarest. I look forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving your answer as soon as possible. Jeg har bodd i Kobe før. I've lived in Kobe before. I've lived in Kobe before. Var är era barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Vi bliver nødt til at arbejde hurtigere. We should work faster. We have to work faster. Eruð þið nemendur? Are you students? Are you students? Hun er en grimrian. She's a dog. She's a grim. Hvernig berðu þetta orð fram? How do you say this word? How do you make that statement? Jag träffade Tom idag. I met Tom today. I met Tom today. Han misslyckades med att försöka simma över floden. He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. He failed to try to swim over the river. Hann ikki minnist meg. He doesn't remember me anymore. He doesn't remember me. Det glemte jeg. I forgot about that. I forgot. Han holdt pusten. He held his breath. He held his breath. Den som ikke bruger "brauchen" med "zu", burde slet ikke bruge "brauchen". He who doesn't use "brauchen" with "zu" shouldn't use "brauchen" at all. Whoever doesn't use the "brauchen" with "zu" shouldn't use the "brauchen." Är du färdig ännu? Are you finished yet? Are you done yet? Her er min bagage. Here is my baggage. Here's my luggage. Hur stor procent av alla giftermål slutar med skilsmässa? What percentage of marriages end in divorce? How percent of all marriages end in divorce? Et, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hun prøvde å ta selvmord. She tried to commit suicide. She tried to kill herself. De bildade en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. Pizzaen er her! The pizza's here! The pizza's here! Jag hittade nycklarna. I found the keys. I found the keys. Sverige är det största landet i Skandinavien. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Svarta katter betyder otur. Black cats are bad luck. Black cats mean bad luck. Hversu hátt geturðu hoppað? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Ge mig en dag eller två. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Hur långt borta är Tom? How far away is Tom? How far away is Tom? Jeg tror, jeg forstod. I think I understood. I think I understood. Åbn døren! Open the door. Open the door! Han pussar tennene etter måltider. He brushes his teeth after his meals. He kisses his teeth after meals. Det er åpenbart at han liker deg. It's very obvious that he likes you. It's obvious that he likes you. Det er et mirakel! It's a miracle. It's a miracle! Hvad kan du give os? What can you give us? What can you give us? Tom avskyr katter. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. Jag kommer aldrig att glömma den här dagen. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget this day. Ég hafði samúð með aumingja hundinum. I felt for the poor dog. I had sympathy for the poor dog. Jag trodde att Tom skulle stanna lite längre. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. Mere kaffe? More coffee? More coffee? Jeg heter Sally. My name is Sally. I'm Sally. Jag ser fram emot det. I am looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Man tager mig ofte for min bror. I am often mistaken for my brother. You take me for my brother a lot. Jeg burde være gået i seng noget før. I should've gone to bed earlier. I should've gone to bed a little before. Alle havde meget travlt. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was very busy. Vi har intet sukker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Gå och ta en öl. Go have a beer. Go get a beer. Har du skrivit ned telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write down the phone number? Han tabte sin tegnebog, og nu er det min. He dropped his wallet, and now it's mine. He lost his wallet, and now it's mine. Herrer først. Gentlemen first. Gentlemen first. Har I dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Er du en pige eller en dreng? Are you a girl or a boy? Are you a girl or a boy? Pabbi minn heitir Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Hvor gammel tror du hun er? Can you guess her age? How old do you think she is? Hon sprider osanna rykten. She's spreading false rumors. She spreads other rumors. Hur träffade Tom Mary? How did Tom meet Mary? How did Tom Mary meet? Han havde halvtreds dollar. He had fifty dollars. He had fifty dollars. Jeg har ting, som jeg gerne vil gøre. I have things I want to do. I have things I want to do. Tom bryr seg ikke om hva Mary gjør. Tom doesn't care what Mary does. Tom doesn't care what Mary does. Låt oss spatsera lite på stranden. Let's walk a little on the seashore. Let's have a little chat on the beach. Situationen er værre end jeg troede. The situation is worse than I thought. The situation is worse than I thought. Han böjde sig ner för att knyta skon. He bent down to tie his shoe. He bent down to tie his shoe. Jag hörde någon skrika alldeles nyss. I just heard someone scream. I heard someone screaming just now. Ingen bryr sig om vad du tycker. Nobody cares what you think. Nobody cares what you think. Har du läxor? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Ég þoli þennan sársauka ekki lengur. I can't stand this pain any more. I can't stand this pain anymore. Han blev ramt af Amors pil. He was struck by Cupid's arrow. He was hit by Amor's arrow. Ja. Nej. Måske. Jeg ved ikke. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. Hun byttet ut margarin med smør. She substituted margarine for butter. She replaced margarine with butter. Etter lang betenkning, ender jeg opp med å lage ting på slump. After long reflection, I decided to take things as they come. After a long thought, I end up doing things at random. Hon hjälpte honom. She helped him. She helped him. Tom arbejder i en lokal cykelforretning. Tom works at a local bike shop. Tom works in a local bike store. Kýótó fær mikið af ferðamönnum hvaðanæva úr heiminum. Kyoto gets lots of visitors from all over the world. Kyoto gets a lot of tourists from all over the world. Sami kan cykle. Sami can ride a bike. Sami can ride. Norsk, svensk og dansk er i høj grad indbyrdes forståelige. Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are mutually intelligible to a high degree. Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are to a large extent understandable to each other. Det gjorde ingen mening för mig. It didn't make sense to me. It didn't make any sense to me. Pludselig begyndte en hund at gø. Suddenly, a dog began to bark. Suddenly a dog started barking. Jag pratar franska också. I speak French, too. I speak French too. Vil du gøre noget for mig? Would you do something for me? You want to do something for me? Brøddeigen vi lagde i heimkunnskap endte opp som trolldeig. The bread dough we made in home economics class turned out as salt dough. The brother we put in home knowledge ended up as a wizard. Jag vill dricka något kallt. I want to drink something cold. I want to drink something cold. Hun viste mig sin nye bil. She showed me her new car. She showed me her new car. Jeg er glad for at du er kommet velbeholden hjem. I'm glad that you made it home in one piece. I'm glad you've come home well-preserved. Han skænkede instituttet en stor mængde penge. He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute. He gave the institute a lot of money. Jeg har ingen naboer. I have no neighbors. I don't have any neighbors. Dette skrivebordet er laget av tre. This desk is made of wood. This desktop is made of wood. Tom puster ikke mer. Tom's not breathing. Tom's not breathing anymore. Det kan inte vara sant. It can not be true. That can't be true. Den är cool. It's cool. It's cool. Vi spelade schack och hade det trevligt. We had a good time playing chess. We played chess and had a good time. I dag skal jeg besøke graven til bestefaren min. Today I'm going to visit my grandfather's grave. Today I shall visit the grave of my grandfather. Denne film er værd at se. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth seeing. Lova mig att du inte berättar för henne. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell her. Hvernig ertu, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Við hlökkum til frísins. We are looking forward to the holidays. We're looking forward to our vacation. Det var sjovt. That was fun. That was fun. Han försökte inte ens. He didn't even try. He didn't even try. Eg kan ikkje hugse å ha sett ein av desse før. I don't remember ever seeing one of these before. I can't remember having seen one of these before. Jag läste ut boken i går kväll. I finished reading the book last night. I read the book last night. Varför hatar ni Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Hvad er han ude på? What is he up to? What's he up to? ”Skicka mig saltet, tack.” ”Varsågod.” "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." “Send me the salt, please.” “There you go.” Han er ikke en mand der spilder tiden. He's not a man to waste time. He's not a man who's wasting time. Jag beklagar att jag inte gick dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. Þið eruð ungir strákar. You are young boys. You're young boys. Tom är inte tjock. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Hvem har skrevet dette brev? Who wrote this letter? Who wrote this letter? Jeg har fødselsdag den 20. oktober. My birthday is October 20th. I have my birthday on 20 October. Ertu að flýta þér? Are you in a hurry? You're hurrying? Katte kan ikke lide hunde. Cats don't like dogs. Cats don't like dogs. Arbeiderne er overarbeidet og underbetalt. The workers are overworked and underpaid. Workers are overworked and underpaid. I går hørte jeg en skøn sang. Yesterday I heard a beautiful song. Yesterday I heard a great song. Vi borde studera. We should study. We should study. Tom er høj. Tom is tall. Tom's tall. Jeg interesserer mig overhovedet ikke for politik. I am not interested in politics at all. I am not at all interested in politics. Du er ikke ung. You aren't young. You're not young. Jeg tror ikke at hun vil komme. I don't think that she will come. I don't think she'll come. Ég veit ekki hvernig ég get látið þakklæti mitt í ljós. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Tom holdt en pistol imod Marys pande. Tom held a gun to Mary's forehead. Tom held a gun against Mary's forehead. Lynet slog ned i Toms hus. Lightning struck Tom's house. The lightning hit Tom's house. Det er et vanskeligt spørgsmål at svare på. This is a hard question to answer. It is a difficult question to answer. Jag såg Tom komma in. I saw Tom come in. I saw Tom come in. Ni har rätt. You guys are right. You're right. Jag var hövlig. I was being polite. I was polite. Jeg gav ham en lussing. I slapped his face. I gave him a lussing. Stundum þegar það er mjög kalt get ég ekki komið bílnum mínum í gang. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car to start. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car started. Tom er fuld. Tom is drunk. Tom's drunk. Jeg bor nær sjøen, så jeg får ofte dratt til stranden. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I live near the sea, so I often get to the beach. Hvilken er dyrest av de to? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which is the most expensive of the two? Mykje røyking svekte helsa hans. Heavy smoking impaired his health. A lot of smoking sweated his healing. De er ute av kontroll. They are out of hand. They're out of control. Öll dýr eru jöfn. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Er jeg smuk eller ej? Am I handsome or not? Am I beautiful or not? Giv mad til de hjemløse. Give food to the homeless. Give food to the homeless. Ved du hvorfor Tom ikke vil have at jeg sidder ved siden af ​​ham? Do you know why Tom doesn't want me to sit next to him? You know why Tom doesn't want me sitting next to him? Hann er lærari. He is a teacher. He's a teacher. Vi tager et bad hver dag. We take a bath every day. We take a bath every day. Tom stillede det tomme glas fra sig. Tom set down the empty glass. Tom put away the empty glass. De solbadede på stranden. They were sunbathing on the beach. They were sunbathing on the beach. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Tom fortsatte gå. Tom kept on walking. Tom kept walking. Jeg elsker deg mer enn jeg elsker henne. I love you more than I love her. I love you more than I love her. Visst, jag förstår. Of course, I understand. Sure, I understand. Kofferten min er ødelagt. My suitcase is broken. My suitcase is ruined. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, så jeg fjernsyn. Having done my homework, I watched television. After I had done homework, I saw TV. Han mår bra. He is doing well. He's fine. Min bror har boet i London i mange år. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has lived in London for many years. Tom prøvede at overtale Mary til at være med i en trekant. Tom tried to convince Mary to have a threesome. Tom tried to persuade Mary to join a triangle. Þegar síminn hringdi, hljóp hann að svara honum. When the phone rang, he ran to answer it. When the phone called, he rang to answer him. Han ska övertala sin far att köpa en ny bil. She's going to talk her father into buying a new car. He's going to convince his father to buy a new car. Alt er o.k. Everything is OK. Everything's okay. Kom tillbaka! Come back. Come back! Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Jag sa åt Tom att han inte skulle komma idag. I told Tom not to come today. I told Tom he wasn't coming today. Glem ikke at oplade din mobiltelefon. Don't forget to charge your cell phone. Don't forget to charge your mobile phone. Hvor er din ven? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Öll önnur tungumál eru auðveldari en Úýgúrska. All the other languages are easier than Uighur. All other languages are easier than Ukrainian. Hvor er jeres skole? Where's your school? Where's your school? Vad gör du i dag? What're you doing today? What are you doing today? Tom er annerledes nå. Tom is different now. Tom is different now. Jeg har lyst til å gå en tur nå. I feel like taking a walk now. I want to go for a walk now. Vem. berättade för Tom att jag inte mådde bra? Who told Tom I wasn't feeling well? Who... told Tom I wasn't feeling well? Ekki ganga svona hratt. Ég get ekki haldið í við þig. Don't walk so fast. I can't keep up with you. Don't go so fast, I can't hold on to you. Jag behöver ett svar nu. I need an answer now. I need an answer now. Tom visade asken för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed the box to Mary. Tom kan godt lide sort lakrids. Tom likes black licorice. Tom likes black licorice. Ingen är upprörd. No one's upset. No one's upset. Hennes tal tråkade ut mig. Her speech bored me. Her speech bothered me. Jeg har vondt i halsen min. My throat hurts. I've been hurting my throat. Tom bliver henrykt når han ser dig. Tom will be tickled pink when he sees you. Tom's gonna be delighted when he sees you. Jag vet allt detta. I know all this. I know all this. Ingenting kan inte existera, för om det gjorde det så skulle det vara någonting. Nothing can't exist because if it did it would be something. Nothing can exist, because if it did, it would be something. Mange børn kan ikke lide grøntsager, men min lillebror elsker dem. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Many kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Uansett hvilket musikkinstrument du ønsker å lære å spille, er det viktigste å unngå å gjøre feil fra begynnelsen av, fordi feilene du gjør lettere fester seg i hodet ditt enn alt det du gjør rett. No matter which musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is not to make any mistakes from the beginning on, because mistakes are always imprinted on your mind more easily than everything you do right. Whatever musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is to avoid making mistakes from the beginning, because the mistakes you make easier attach themselves to your head than all you do is right. Jeg arbejdede under sne. I was working under snow. I was working under the snow. Han blev dræbt med et sværd. He was killed with a sword. He was killed with a sword. Hvor er pennen? Where is the pen? Where's the pen? Tom mumlede. Tom mumbled. Tom muttered. Mín kona doyði ikki. My wife didn't die. My wife didn't die. Mary försökte trösta Tom. Mary tried to comfort Tom. Mary tried to comfort Tom. Vi har saker att göra. We have things to do. We have things to do. Jeg kan lide at sove splitternøgen. I like to sleep in the buff. I like sleeping the splitter. Fortell meg noe om familien din. Tell me something about your family. Tell me something about your family. Det skjedde igjen. It happened again. It happened again. Den menneskelige hjerne veier omkring tre pund. The human brain weighs about three pounds. The human brain weighs about three pounds. Sluta göra omsvep och kom till saken. Quit going around in circles and get to the point. Stop restraining and come to the point. »Gangnam Style« er den mest sete video på YouTube. "Gangnam Style" is the most-watched video on YouTube. “Gangnam Style” is the most set video on YouTube. Jag behöver säkra bevis. I need solid proof. I need proof. Vi giftet oss for syv år siden. We married seven years ago. We got married seven years ago. Hva heter denne dyreparken? What's this zoo's name? What's the name of this zoo? Jeg stod op, og Tom gjorde ligeså. I got up and Tom did the same. I got up, and Tom did the same thing. Du måste skämta! You have to be joking! You gotta be kidding me! Der er ingen grund til at reparere noget som stadig fungerer. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. There is no need to repair anything that still works. Jag ska lära ut Esperanto i mitt land. I'll teach Esperanto in my country. I'm going to teach Esperanto in my country. Tom døde af leverkræft. Tom died of liver cancer. Tom died of liver cancer. Du betaler renter på penger du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on money you borrow. Tom är verkligen ledsen. Tom is really sorry. Tom's really sorry. Verden trenger meg ikke. The world has no need for me. The world doesn't need me. Var är fjärrkontrollen till tv:n? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the remote to the TV? Hann drap hann til að hefna látins föður síns. He killed him to avenge his dead father. He killed him to avenge his dead father. Der er regn på vej. It's going to rain soon. There's rain coming. Tom är samarbetsvillig. Tom is cooperative. Tom is cooperative. Hur många delfiner finns det på detta oceanarium? How many dolphins are there at this oceanarium? How many dolphins are there on this oceanarium? Mat koster penger. Food costs money. Food costs money. Jag tittar sällan på dokumentärer. I seldom watch documentaries. I don't think I'm looking at documentarys. Jag vill träna. I want to workout. I want to practice. Dette er virkelig sjokkerende. This is really shocking. This is really shocking. Giv mig en hånd. Could you lend me a helping hand? Give me a hand. Burde vi være bekymret? Should we be worried? Should we be worried? Detta är skandalöst! This is outrageous! This is scandalous! I stort sett håller jag med dig. On the whole I agree with you. Pretty much I agree with you. Jag fick lön igår. I got paid yesterday. I got paid last night. Bliv her! Stay here. Stay here! Hvad er dette hotels faxnummer? What's the fax number for this hotel? What is this hotel's fax number? Tom kjørte bilen. Tom drove the car. Tom drove the car. Hun narrede mig. She tricked me. She tricked me. Få bort dem. Get rid of them. Get them out of here. Efter langfredag ​​kommer påske. After Good Friday comes Easter. After a long day, Easter will come. Tom er min ægtemand. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Jeg oppdaget at bilen min var borte. I found my car missing. I discovered that my car was gone. Vi ved begge hvad du laver. We both know what you're doing. We both know what you're doing. Min lägenhet är i närheten. My apartment is near here. My apartment is nearby. De lurade alla. They deceived all. They fooled everyone. Den største strømmen av innvandrere kom fra og hørte til den skandinaviske gren av den germanske folkgruppen. The largest flow of immigrants came from and belonged to the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic people group. The greatest stream of immigrants came from and belonged to the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic people. Jag ska spela fotboll efter skolan. I am going to play soccer after school. I'm going to play football after school. Við beygðum til vinstri við gatnamótin og ókum norður. We turned left at the corner and drove north. We turned left at the side of the street and drove north. Det eneste spørgsmål er hvornår. The only question is when. The only question is when. Vi överlevde. We survived. We survived. Ødelæg dem! Destroy them! Kill them! Ett glas kallt vatten, tack! A glass of cold water, please! A glass of cold water, please! Du visste att det här kunde hända. You knew this might happen. You knew this could happen. Paul kommer av prinsippet ikke for sent for en avtale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul comes out of principle not too late for an agreement. Öl innehåller humle. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Samis styvfar var ganska tuff. Sami's stepdad was pretty cool. Sami's stepfather was pretty tough. Han er en mann av sterk vilje. He is a man of strong will. He is a man of strong will. Særskriving er et stort problem i Norge. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. Special writing is a major problem in Norway. Sikke et herligt vejr! What lovely weather! What a wonderful weather! Han er biseksuel. He's bisexual. He's bisexual. Finns det en bokhandel på hotellet? Is there a book store in the hotel? Is there a bookstore in the hotel? Lad os forsvinde herfra før Tom ser os. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Man kan aldri forgylle en lort så den ikke lukter. One can never gild shit so it does not smell. You can never gilt a shit so it doesn't smell. Du är lite sen. You're a little late. You're a little late. Berings sund avskiljer Asien från Nordamerika. The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America. Bering's healthy separating Asia from North America. Det verkar som om han är trött. He seems tired. Looks like he's tired. Vi er i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Hann býr hér ekki lengur. He no longer lives here. He doesn't live here anymore. Opnaðu flöskuna. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Det skulle inte förvåna mig om Tom och Mary gifte sig. It wouldn't surprise me if Tom and Mary got married. It wouldn't surprise me if Tom and Mary got married. Hvad betyder dette ord? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Jeg skrev et svar, men jeg glemte å trykke på send. I wrote a reply, but I forgot to press send. I wrote an answer, but I forgot to press send. Dette er alt etter planen min. This is all part of my plan. This is all according to my plan. Min katt dog igår. My pet cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Tom er en tilårskommen fotballspiller. Tom is an old footballer. Tom is a year-old football player. De gamle sange var meget, meget bedre. The old songs were much, much better. The old songs were much, much better. Jeg stoler ikke på snakkesagelige mennesker. I do not trust talkative people. I don't trust talking people. Var alt tilfredsstillende? Was everything satisfactory? Was everything satisfactory? Han lever nøjsomt. He lives frugally. He's being nice. Kommer I ikke? Aren't you guys coming? Aren't you coming? Säg hej till Tom från mig. Tell Tom hi for me. Say hello to Tom from me. Hun kunne synge pent da hun var et barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She could sing nicely when she was a child. Kirurgen glemte noget inde i patienten. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. Lad os slå plat og krone! Let's flip a coin. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ikke tro på ham. Don't believe him. Don't believe him. Eg har ein katt og ein hund. Katten er svart og hunden er kvit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. Det er mit, ikke hendes. It's mine, not hers. It's mine, not hers. Han glemmer tit hvad han har lovet. He will often forget his promise. He often forgets what he promised. Jeg kender nogen som kan gå på vandet. I know someone who can walk on water. I know someone who can walk on the water. Det hände över ett år sedan. It happened over a year ago. It happened over a year ago. Tom arbejder i en lokal restaurant. Tom works at a local restaurant. Tom works in a local restaurant. Målet til marketingavdelingen og salgsavdelingen er ikke nødvendigvis det samme. The objectives of the marketing department and the sales department are not necessarily the same. The goal of the marketing department and the sales department are not necessarily the same. Hvem er denne bils ejer? Who is the owner of this car? Who is this car's owner? Tom har tabt tredive kilo. Tom lost 30 kilograms. Tom's lost 30 pounds. Som jag sa, jag var upptagen. Like I said, I was busy. Like I said, I was busy. Bor ni här? Do you live here? Do you live here? Tom lämnade kranen på. Tom left the water running. Tom left the crane on. Jag kan inte se henne. I don't see her. I can't see her. Ikke gjem deg under sengen. Don't hide under the bed. Don't hide under the bed. Rødvin passer bra til kjøtt. Red wine goes well with meat. Red wine fits well for meat. Jag känner mig sårbar. I feel vulnerable. I feel vulnerable. Ett flertal människor skadades. Several people were injured. A lot of people were injured. Vi mødes her en gang om ugen. We meet here once a week. We meet here once a week. Sökum breytingar í lögum um giftingar í Kanada fóru margir samkynhneigðir Bandaríkjamenn til Kanada til að giftast. Because of the change in Canadian marriage laws, many American homosexuals came to Canada to get married. Because of changes in the laws on marriages in Canada, many homosexuals went to Canada to marry. Vilken märklig kvinna! What a strange woman! What a strange woman! Hversu gamall verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old are you next year? Tom lever fra hånden og i munden. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives from his hand and in his mouth. Jeg ved hvordan det skal gøres. I know how to do it. I know how to do it. Här är en mening, med stavelseantalet, som i en haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. Here's a sentence, with the number of syllables, like in a haiku. Tom är inte så stark. Tom isn't that strong. Tom's not that strong. Er það ekki ljúffengt? Isn't it delicious? Isn't that delicious? Jag var med någon. I was with someone. I was with someone. Var är dina nycklar? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Må jeg bruge din telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Hvað dettur þeim næst í hug? What'll they think of next? What next happens to them? Tom plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Han satte sig for at gøre noget der aldrig før var blevet gjort. He set out to do something that had never been done before. He set out to do something that had never been done before. Tasken har to udvendige lommer. The bag has two outer pockets. The bag has two outer pockets. Tom slukkede branden. Tom extinguished the fire. Tom turned off the fire. Han kiggede hende dybt i øjnene. He looked deeply into her eyes. He looked her deep in the eyes. Sami och Layla är nygifta. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Jag ser fram emot att äta japansk mat. I look forward to eating Japanese food. I look forward to eating Japanese food. Tom tittade på Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Tom was looking at Mary. Mange har lavet den samme fejl. Many people have made the same mistake. Many have made the same mistake. Jag ska spara det. I'll save it. I'll save it. Jag har fortfarande inte hittat det jag letar efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Du er kun en dreng. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Den der væg er kold. That wall is cold. That wall is cold. Han är rädd för ormar. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. Tom ønskede at se Marys værelse. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Dette bord er lavet af træ. This table is made of wood. This table is made of wood. Jeg skulle ønske jeg var litt høyere. I wish I were a little taller. I wish I was a little taller. Du må ikke spise for meget is og spaghetti. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. Don't eat too much ice and spaghetti. Jeg er her ofte. I'm often here. I'm here a lot. Du kan gå hvor du vil. You can go wherever you want to go. You can go wherever you want. Jeg går. I'll go. I'm going. Har jag glömt nåt? Have I forgotten anything? Have I forgotten anything? Det blev der talt om. That was being talked about. That's what was discussed. Sami tog til Egypten. Sami went to Egypt. Sami went to Egypt. Hur fattar du dina beslut? How do you make decisions? How do you make your decisions? Jeg kan ikke spise æblet. I can't eat the apple. I can't eat the apple. Það eru níu leikmenn í liði. Nine players make up a team. There are nine players. I Ming-dynastiet (tidlig 15. århundre) var den Forbudte Byen i sentrum av Beijing. In the Ming Dynasty (early 15th century) the centre of Beijing was the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty (early 15th century), the Forbidden City was at the centre of Beijing. Dette plastikegern blev lavet i Kina. This plastic squirrel was made in China. This plastic maker was made in China. Jeg har hatt nok av Tom. I have had it with Tom. I've had enough of Tom. Vi må rengjøre kjøkkenet. We must clean up the kitchen. We have to clean the kitchen. Tom dukade bordet för kvällsmaten. Tom set the table for supper. Tom did the dinner table. Stasjonen er hundre meter borte. The station is 100 meters away. The station is 100 meters away. Jeg ønsker at hjælpe hende, men jeg ved ikke hvordan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help her, but I don't know how. Hon gifte sig mot sin fars vilja. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. En þú? And you? What about you? Jeg taler fransk. I speak French. I speak French. Tom är inte petig. Tom isn't fussy. Tom's not petig. Tom saknar Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tom håber at alle tager afsted, så han kan komme i seng. Tom is hoping that everyone will leave, so he can go to bed. Tom hopes everyone leaves so he can get to bed. Jag föredrar låga klackar. I prefer low heels. I prefer low heels. Jag fick en massa myggbett. I got a lot of mosquito bites. I got a lot of mosquito bites. Och vad berättade de för mig? And what did they tell me? And what did they tell me? Han studerer. He's studying. He's studying. Återigen stort tack för ditt stöd! Again, many thanks for your support! Again, thank you very much for your support! Tom kan inte ställa sig upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Mange børn går i cowboybukser. A lot of kids wear jeans. Many children wear cowboys. Frændi minn býr í Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. My cousin lives in Tashkent. For få dage siden flyttede min veninde Sophie fra Edmonton, Alberta til Victoria, Britisk Columbia. A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. A few days ago, my friend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia. I går hjalp jeg min far. Yesterday I helped my father. Yesterday, I helped my father. Den er grim, lysegul og passer ikke til noget. Men du vil i det mindste ikke blive påkørt i mørket! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, light yellow and it doesn't match anything, but at least you won't be hit in the dark! Utan dig är jag ingenting. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Det var bare et kyss. It was just a kiss. It was just a kiss. Jeg møtte min venn som jeg ikke hadde sett på tre år. I met a friend I hadn't seen for three years. I met my friend who I had not seen in three years. Tom frågade Mary om hon kunde hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary if she'd help him. Tom asked Mary if she could help him. Tom kommer inte att komma i tid. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be in time. To sjeler, ein tanke. Two souls, one spirit. Two souls, one thought. Jeg så frygt i hans øjne. I saw fear in his eyes. I saw fear in his eyes. Tom elsker det. Tom loves that. Tom loves it. Hörde du det där? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Hajer er gode svømmere. Sharks are good swimmers. Sharks are good swimmers. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Ett år senare föddes Paul. One year later, Paul was born. A year later, Paul was born. Ingen kjenner meg i Boston. Nobody knows me in Boston. Nobody knows me in Boston. Tom är väldigt hemlighetsfull. Tom is being very secretive. Tom is very secretive. Den är inte billig. It isn't cheap. It's not cheap. Jeg er ikke din søn. I'm not your son. I'm not your son. Han sparkede til bolden. He kicked the ball. He kicked the ball. Det var en dröm. It was a dream. It was a dream. Hun havde ingen ide om, hvad jeg snakkede om. She had no idea what I was talking about. She had no idea what I was talking about. Hun lever! She's alive! She's alive! Må jeg spørge dig om noget? May I ask you something? Can I ask you a question? Jag vill köpa en svart. I want to buy a black one. I want to buy a black one. Tom sidder på det forreste passagersæde. Tom is sitting in the front passenger seat. Tom's sitting on the front passenger seat. Tom forlod Boston den 20. oktober. Tom left Boston on October 20th. Tom left Boston on 20 October. Skulle du vilja äta lunch tillsammans? Would you like to have lunch together? Would you like to have lunch together? Kan något bekräfta det? Can anyone verify that? Can anything confirm that? Jag ser fram emot att träffa dig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you. Jo mere, jo bedre. The more, the better. The more, the better. Hann er sekur um þjófnað. He is guilty of theft. He's guilty of stealing. Hvad er meningen med dette? What's the meaning of this? What's the point of this? Jeg ba dem sende meg en billett til. I told them to send me another ticket. I asked them to send me another ticket. Stol ikke på din hukommelse. Don't trust your memory. Don't trust your memory. Jag tycker om österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Tom kyssede spidsen af ​​Marys næse. Tom kissed the tip of Mary's nose. Tom kissed the tip of Mary's nose. Det er ikke et svin; det er en abe. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. Hvorfor så jeg ikke det? Why didn't I see that? Why didn't I see it? Algeriere lærer berbisk i grundskolen. Algerians learn Berber in primary school. Algerian teachers berbish in primary school. Det är bäst att jag stannar hemma. I'd better stay home. I better stay home. Den boken säljer bra. The book sells well. That book sells good. Toms begravelse er i dag. Tom's funeral is today. Tom's funeral is today. Jag kan fortfarande inte riktigt tro det. I still can't really believe it. I still can't really believe it. Skal vi stikke å kjøpe den? Should we go and buy that? Do you want us to go out and buy it? Jeg gav ham det lille av penger jeg hadde på meg. I gave him what little money I had with me. I gave him the small amount of money I had on me. Jeg har selv haft det samme problem. I've had that same problem myself. I've had the same problem myself. Jeg har funnet det. I've found it. I found it. Vad lär Tom ut? What does Tom teach? What does Tom teach? Jag klarar inte av synen av blod. I can't stand the sight of blood. I can't stand the sight of blood. Han, så vel som du, er en god golfspiller. He, just like you, is a good golfer. He, as well as you, is a good golfer. Tom vil tale med dig. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. Er ég ólétt? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Det är inte ett brott. It's not a crime. It's not a crime. Det Tom sagde, lød meget fornuftigt. What Tom said made a lot of sense. What Tom said was very sensible. Hva har du spist? What did you eat? What have you eaten? Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Ikke vær så egoistisk. Don't be so egoistic. Don't be so selfish. Vi valde eit hotell nær musea. We chose a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museum. Tom rynkade pannan. Tom frowned. Tom wrinkled his forehead. Hvorfor har du købt den her cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Vi klarar oss utan tv, eller hur? We can do without a television, can't we? We're gonna be fine without a TV, aren't we? Hon sover redan. She is already sleeping. She's already asleep. Det måste vara jag. It has to be me. It must be me. Det vil skade afgrøden. It will damage the crops. It'll hurt the crop. Það eru gæði en ekki magn sem skiptir máli. It is quality, not quantity that counts. It's good, but it's not the amount that matters. Mary manglede en hun kunne stole på. Mary needed somebody she could trust. Mary needed someone she could trust. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berbisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood Berbian. Jag litar inte på politiker. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. Ég er hræddur um að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I'm afraid you have got the wrong number. I'm afraid you have the wrong number. Vi har opstillet tredive bænke på vandrestierne rundt om vores landsby. We have erected thirty benches on the walking trails around our village. We have set thirty benches on the hiking trails around our village. Kati dricker varje dag. Kati drinks every day. Kati drinks every day. En af mine venner bad mig om at sende ham et postkort. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. A friend of mine asked me to send him a postcard. Jag har förfärliga nyheter. I have dreadful news. I've got terrible news. Han säger att hans son kan räkna till hundra nu. He says his son can count up to 100 now. He says his son can count to a hundred now. Er dine øjne åbne? Are your eyes open? Are your eyes open? Förstår du dig på den här rapporten? Does this report make any sense to you? Do you understand this report? Jag ska ta med er till mitt palats imorgon. I will take you to my palace tomorrow. I'll take you to my palace tomorrow. Er Tom stadig gift med Mary? Is Tom still married to Mary? Is Tom still married to Mary? Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How come you won't buy a blue? Jag gjorde bröllopstårtan. I made the wedding cake. I made the wedding cake. Jeg har mange penge på min opsparingskonto. I have a lot of money in my savings account. I have a lot of money in my savings account. Hendes læber var bløde. Her lips were soft. Her lips were soft. Ég hafði aldrei séð jafn spennandi ruðningsleik og þann sem ég sá í gær. I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday. I had never seen as exciting a football game as the one I saw yesterday. Jeg vil ikke melde meg for politiet. I don't want to turn myself in. I don't want to report myself to the police. Toms hus ligger kun tre blokke herfra. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is only three blocks from here. Hann borgaði tuttugu dollara fyrir varalitinn. He paid $20 for the lipstick. He paid twenty dollars for the lipstick. Tom strøg sine bukser. Tom ironed his pants. Tom pulled his pants. Marie har mistet sin paraply. Marie has lost her umbrella. Marie's lost her umbrella. Kendskab til fremmedsprog stimulerer hjerneaktiviteten. Knowledge of foreign languages stimulates brain activity. Knowledge of foreign languages stimulates brain activity. Hon bromsade. She braked. She braked. Hon svor högt. She cursed loudly. She swore loudly. Eg er ganske god til å spela golf. I'm a pretty good golfer. I'm pretty good at playing golf. Gentag hver sætning efter mig. Repeat each sentence after me. Repeat every sentence after me. Jeg kan ikke lide at lave mad når det er varmt udenfor. I don't like to cook when it's hot outside. I don't like cooking when it's hot outside. Tom ryger og drikker ikke. Tom doesn't smoke or drink. Tom doesn't smoke or drink. Tað er ein lygn! That's a lie! It's a lie! Jag promenerar mycket. I walk a lot. I'm walking a lot. Det var en stor flokk der. There was a large crowd there. It was a big flock there. Jeg er invitert til denne festen. I'm invited to this party. I'm invited to this party. For mange kokke fordærver maden. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many chefs are ruining the food. Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. Hvor mange damer vil du gifte deg med? How many women would you like to marry? How many ladies do you want to marry? Jú meiri, jú betri. The more, the better. The more, the better. Kom du her alene? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? Tom ligger på golvet. Tom is lying on the floor. Tom's on the floor. Hún getur skautað. She is able to skate. She can shoot. Det var en jevn økning av innbyggere. There was a steady increase in population. There was a steady increase in inhabitants. Jeg glæder mig til at se ham. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I look forward to seeing him. Står du och ljuger mig rätt upp i ansiktet? Are you lying straight to my face? Are you lying right in my face? Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende. Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look. Tom once described Mary as a woman with a glamorous look. En kat kom ud fra under skrivebordet. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out from under the desk. Hvorfor lader du mig ikke bare være? Why don't you give me a break? Why don't you just leave me alone? Gerðu það að kynna mig fyrir henni. Please introduce me to her. Please introduce me to her. Det förvånar mig inte. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Den här pojken är min son. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Hvor er biblioteket? Where is the library? Where's the library? Ikke snakk stygt om andre. Don't say bad things about others. Don't talk bad about anybody else. De är skådespelare. They are actors. They're actors. Vi har boet her siden juli. We've been living here since July. We've been living here since July. Bomuldsvanter forhindrer babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face. Cotton flutes prevent the baby from crawling in the face. Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. Jag ser silver, men jag ser inte guld. I see silver, but I don't see gold. I see silver, but I don't see gold. Tony bor i Kobe. Tony lives in Kobe. Tony lives in Kobe. Vi får se. We shall see. We'll see. Þekkirðu Tom vel? Do you know Tom well? Do you know Tom well? Jag skulle vilja prata med Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Elsker du din kone? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? Begge ben er svage. Both legs are weak. Both legs are weak. Gamli maðurinn var ekki eins illkvittinn og hann leit út fyrir að vera. The old man was not as mean as he looked. The old man was not as mean as he looked. Jeg leder efter mit ur. I'm looking for my watch. I'm looking for my watch. Hvad synes du om reggae? What do you think of reggae? What do you think of reggae? Algeriet er meget forskelligt fra USA. Algeria is very different from the United States. Algeria is very different from the United States. Tom døde. Tom died. Tom died. I den store have stod æbletræerne i blomst, og de duftende sirener bøjede deres lange grønne grene ned imod de bugtede kanaler. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. In the large garden stood the apple trees in flower, and the smelling sirens bent their long green branches down against the bowed canals. Tom hadde ingenting med kidnappingen å gjøre. Tom had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Tom had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Jag skulle vilja veta varför. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. Han lyssnar inte på någon. He won't listen to anyone. He doesn't listen to anyone. Tom frågade mig vad mitt andranamn var. Tom asked me what my middle name was. Tom asked me what my second name was. Han vender tilbage i morgen. He'll be coming back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Jeg liker kort hår. I like short hair. I like short hair. Jeg liker din artikkel. I like your article. I like your article. Bilen kørte ind i et autoværn. The car ran into a guardrail. The car ran into a car protection. Lad være med at ærgre dig for meget. Don't fret too much. Don't upset yourself too much. Naturligvis kan du ikke sige at det intet er værd, fordi det ikke er perfekt, ligeledes betyder det ikke at GTD er nyttesløst. Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless. Of course, you can’t say it’s worth nothing because it’s not perfect, also doesn’t mean GTD is useless. Ingen är där. No one is there. Nobody's there. "Du vækker min nysgerrighed", sagde jeg. "You arouse my curiosity," said I. "You wake up my curiosity," I said. Lucy kan inte använda ätpinnar. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. Lucy can't use dinner sticks. Eg skal reisa til Boston for å treffa Tom. I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom. I'm going to build to Boston to hit Tom. Astronomi er på en gang den ældste og den mest moderne videnskab. Astronomy is at the same time the most ancient and the most modern science. Astronomy is at once the oldest and most modern science. Ingen visste vart han hade tagit vägen. Nobody knew where he went. Nobody knew where he was going. Du har hvad der skal til for at slå igennem! You have what it takes to succeed. You have what needs to be done to get through! Ni borde stanna. You should stay. You should stay. Hann gerði betur en seinast. He did better than last time. He did better than last time. Það er dimmt svo passaðu hvar þú stígur. It's dark, so watch your step. It's dark so be careful where you step. Jag är glad att jag hittade dig. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Tom brugte en time på at skovle indkørslen fri for sne. Tom spent an hour shoveling the driveway. Tom spent an hour shoveling the driveway free of snow. Vänta här. Wait here. Wait here. Næsten alle studerende troede på rygtet. Almost all the students believed the rumor. Almost every student believed in the reputation. Den butik er lukket om mandagen. That store is closed Mondays. That store is closed on Monday. Jag är lite låg. I've got the blues. I'm a little low. Tom svedte. Tom was sweating. Tom was sweating. Jeg er vant til det. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. Läs detta först. Read this first. Read this first. Jag kan inte sova bara. I just can't sleep. I can't just sleep. Nogen stjal hendes penge. Someone stole her money. Someone stole her money. Tom är väldigt charmig. Tom is very charming. Tom's very charming. Inte en till mållös oavgjord match! Not another goalless draw! Not another goalless unmade match! Det finns ett vykort här. There's a postcard here. There's a postcard here. Jeg kan ikke se filmen. I can't see the movie. I don't see the movie. Jag var verkligen sen. I was really late. I was really late. Jag har rätt. I am right. I'm right. Det ser ut som om Tom alltid jobber. Tom always seems to be working. It looks like Tom's always working. Jag går till biblioteket två eller tre gånger i veckan. I go to the library two or three times a week. I go to the library two or three times a week. Når man leger med ilden, så brænder man sig til sidst. If you keep playing with fire, expect to get burned. When you play with the fire, you end up burning. Jeg har vært borte i tre uker. I've been gone three weeks. I've been gone for three weeks. Vi kan inte hjälpa er. We can't help you. We can't help you. Vad annat saknar du? Who else do you miss? What else do you miss? Talar du Portugisiska? Do you speak Portuguese? You speak Portuguese? Det er for meget! That's too much! It's too much! Det er nemt for min søster og mig at shoppe sammen, eftersom vi begge er vintertyper. It's easy for my sister and me to go shopping together, seeing as how we're both "winters." It's easy for my sister and me to shop together, because we're both winter types. Det är svårt att vara ung, men ge inte upp. It's hard to be young, but do not give up. It's hard being young, but don't give up. Du underskrev ikke alle dokumenterne. You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Ville du være villig til at hjælpe? Would you be willing to help? Would you be willing to help? Jeg bor hos min onkel i Tokyo. I am staying with my uncle in Tokyo. I live with my uncle in Tokyo. Det här är ett familjerederi och vi kommer aldrig att sälja det! This is a family shipping company, and we will never sell it! This is a family mess, and we'll never sell it! Jag förväntar mig inte att du ska vara min vän. I don't expect you to be my friend. I don't expect you to be my friend. Kom in och sitt ner, är du snäll. Please, come in and sit down. Come in and sit down, please. Jeg trenger et frimerke. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. Jag gillar manga. I like mangas. I like manga. Jag åkte till sjukhuset. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Tom vil ikke fortælle Mary hvorfor han gjorde det. Tom won't tell Mary why he did that. Tom won't tell Mary why he did it. Har I brug for hjælp? Can I help you? Do you need help? Han forstod ikke hendes joke. He did not understand her joke. He didn't understand her joke. Ken lærte seg mange japanske songar utanåt. Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart. Ken learned many Japanese songs outside. Jeg føler meg mye bedre i dag. I feel much better today. I feel much better today. Kjøpte du en tur-retur billett? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Did you buy a tour ticket? Så vart ska ni? So where're you going? So where are you going? Polisen hann ifatt honom. The police caught up with him. Police got him. Sami ved alt om katte. Sami knows everything about cats. Sami knows everything about cats. Det gör ont i mina öron. My ears hurt. It hurts in my ears. Etter flere forsinkelser, drog flyet endelig. After several delays, the plane finally left. After several delays, the plane finally pulled. Han ger ut böcker i Italien. He publishes books in Italy. He's giving out books in Italy. Tom frågade mig vad som hände. Tom asked me what happened. Tom asked me what happened. Spindlar skrämmer mig. Spiders scare me. Spindles scare me. Han har en plats i parlamentet. He has a seat in the Diet. He has a place in Parliament. Takk for påminnelsen. Thanks for reminding me. Thanks for the reminder. Jeg har levet her i tre hundrede år, og i al den tid har jeg ikke set et eneste menneske bortset fra dig. I have lived here for three hundred years, and all that time I have not seen a single human being but yourself. I've been living here for three hundred years, and for all that time, I haven't seen a single person except you. Jag har varit till Hong Kong en gång. I've been to Hong Kong once. I've been to Hong Kong once. Nogen så ham vaske sin bil. Someone saw him wash his car. Somebody saw him wash his car. Det er ikke første gang jeg ser denne setningen. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I see this sentence. Pionererne har overkommet en række forhindringer. The pioneers have overcome a series of obstacles. The pioneers have overcome a number of obstacles. Tom dyker oftast upp i tid. Tom usually shows up on time. Tom usually shows up in time. Jag kom med på listan. I joined the list. I came to the list. John bor i New York. John lives in New York. John lives in New York. Kristus är uppstånden! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Det tog ham tre måneder at lære at cykle. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn how to ride. Jeg begynner å lure på om det feiler meg noe. I'm slowly starting to wonder if I still have all of my marbles. I'm starting to wonder if there's anything wrong with me. Det er tydelig at han gjorde en stor tabbe. It is clear that he made a big mistake. It's obvious that he did a huge loss. Jag studerade utomlands. I studied abroad. I studied abroad. Var kan jag köpa äpplen? Where can I buy apples? Where can I buy apples? Vad innebar det? What did that mean? What did that mean? God tur! Have a nice trip. Good luck! Jeg vil have et jordbær. I want a strawberry. I want a strawberries. Skovhuggeren fælder et træ med en økse. The woodcutter fells a tree with an ax. The shovel will cut down a tree with an axe. Han är sitt vanliga jag. He is his usual self. He's his usual me. Mér líður ekki vel. I don't feel well. I don't feel well. Hvad ville du gøre, hvis du mødte en person fra en anden planet? What would you do if you met a person from another planet? What would you do if you met someone from another planet? Tom ser så glad ut. Tom looks so happy. Tom looks so happy. Kan det här hjälpa? Could this help? Can this help? Jeg ved at Tom er en ret god skiløber. I know that Tom is a pretty good skier. I know Tom's a pretty good skier. Det var en fugtig, grå sommerdag i slutningen af juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Giv mig noget tid til at lade det synke ind. Give me some time to let it sink in. Give me some time to let it sink in. Vad vill ni ha att dricka? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What do you want to drink? Varför vill du sälja det? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? Brödet är färskt. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Ge mig en till. Give me one more. Give me another one. Jag kan inte göra det här utan dig. I can't do this without you. I can't do this without you. Hun ville være alene. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to be alone. Hvor er det du jobber? May I ask where you work? Where are you working? Vinteren er over og våren har kommet. Winter is over and spring has come. The winter is over and the spring has arrived. Tom dreg til Boston neste månad. Tom will go to Boston next month. Tom's going to Boston next month. Jag känner inte någon här. I don't know anybody here. I don't know anyone here. Tom er bange for katte. Tom is afraid of cats. Tom's afraid of cats. Jeg er ikke flink i sport. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good at sports. Hann er ekki kærastinn minn. Bara vinur og bólfélagi. He's not my boyfriend. Just a friend with benefits. He's not my boyfriend, just a friend and a roommate. Jag stannade kvar. I stayed. I stayed. Vi är vad vi är. We are what we are. We're what we are. Är du ny? Are you new? Are you new? Du liker virkelig baseball, ikke sant? You really like baseball, don't you? You really like baseball, don't you? Vi var väldigt upptagna. We were very busy. We were very busy. Tom ville ikke i fængsel. Tom didn't want to go to jail. Tom didn't want to go to jail. Hur vet du det? How can you know that? How do you know that? Du borde sova. You should sleep. You should sleep. Han återvänder till sitt hem. He returns to his home. He's going back to his home. Jeg fór vild i skoven. I lost my way in the woods. I went wild in the woods. Kan du ge mig en filt? Could you bring me a blanket? Can you give me a blanket? Þú ættir ekki að reykja svona mikið. You ought not to smoke so much. You shouldn't smoke that much. Tom öppnade sin resväska. Tom opened his suitcase. Tom opened his suitcase. Talade Marika svenska? Did Marika speak Swedish? Did Marika speak Swedish? Jag ville skada dig. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to hurt you. Du opfører dig som en forkælet møgunge. You're behaving like a spoilt brat. You're acting like a spoiled son of a bitch. Tur-retur? Bare en vei. Return? Just a single. Just a road. Hvordan spreder denne sygdom sig? How does this disease spread? How does this disease spread? Loksins náðu þau fjallstindinum. At last, they reached the top of the mountain. At last they reached the top of the mountain. Tíkin mín lést á miðvikudaginn var. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My bitch died on Wednesday, 16 years old. Jeg håper ingen setter seg foran oss. I hope no one sits in front of us. I hope no one sits in front of us. Við ræddum margt. We talked of many things. We talked a lot. Egendom är stöld. Property is theft. Property is theft. Det siler ned. It is raining heavily. It's going down. Äter Marika på japanska restauranger? Does Marika eat at Japanese restaurants? Does Marika eat in Japanese restaurants? Vad patetiskt! How pathetic! That's pathetic! Jag behöver en cigarett. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. Tom sa att alla kommer att dö. Tom told me they're all going to die. Tom said everyone's gonna die. Flýtið ykkur! Tónleikarnir eru að byrja. Hurry up! The concert is starting. The concerts are about to begin. Undskyld at jeg lod jer vente. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I'm sorry I let you guys wait. Jeg vidste ikke at du arbejdede her. I didn't know you worked here. I didn't know you were working here. Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching television. Tom sees television. Jag mutade polisen. I bribed the policeman. I bribed the police. Eg dugi eitt sindur av fronskum. I speak a little French. I'll do one last of Fronsk's. Jag hoppas att min erfarenhet kan vara av intresse för någon. I hope my experience will be interesting to somebody. I hope my experience can be of interest to someone. En ældre kvinde går over vejen. An old woman is walking across the road. An older woman goes over the road. Tom drömmer. Tom's dreaming. Tom dreams. Det är en jättebra sång. It's a great song. It's a great song. Dette er et igangværende arbejde. This is a work in progress. This is an ongoing work. Tom vil garantert drage til Boston i sommar. Tom will visit Boston this summer for sure. Tom will certainly go to Boston this summer. Er der en bus der kører til storcentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus going to the mall? Jeg er sikker på at Tom vil hjelpe deg. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Það er bráð vöntun á kennurum með bakgrunn í vísindum. There is an urgent need for teachers with science backgrounds. There is an acute lack of teachers with a background in science. De snakker. They're talking. They're talking. Tom bestämde sig för att skjuta upp beslutet. Tom decided to postpone the decision. Tom decided to delay the decision. Jag ska till stranden. I will go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I dag vill Dan ha sina pengar. Dan wants his money today. Today, Dan wants his money. Hvor er boken? Where is the book? Where's the book? I Rotterdam tog en annan besättning över fartyget. In Rotterdam another crew took over the ship. In Rotterdam another crew took over the ship. Hun avviste forslaget hans. She turned down his proposal. She rejected his proposal. Mary var på badeværelset og ordnede sit hår. Mary was in the bathroom, fixing her hair. Mary was in the bathroom and took care of her hair. Jeg er ikke din hustru længere. Din hustru er Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Er du stadigvæk gal på mig? Are you still mad at me? Are you still mad at me? Vær ikke selvisk, unge pige! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, young girl! Hans bil sad fast i knædyb sne. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. Tom er Marys søn. Tom is Mary's son. Tom is Mary's son. I er børn. You are children. You're children. Varning! Vått golv. Caution! Wet floor. Wet floor. Ég er reið út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Jag är tillverkad av återvinningsbar plast. Vänligen använd mig igen eller återvinn mig! I'm made from recycled plastic. Please reuse or recycle me! I am made of recyclable plastic. Please use me again or recycle me! Giv ham tid. Han skal nok vænne sig til tanken. Give him time. He'll come around to the idea. Give him time, he'll get used to the thought. Tom kramar Mary. Tom hugs Mary. Tom's hugging Mary. Hvor mange kopper te drikker du om dagen? How many cups of tea do you drink a day? How many cups of tea do you drink a day? Hvilken bog har du købt? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Løva et kjøtt. The lion eats meat. Let's eat some meat. Jeg har lidt penge i denne måned. I have a little money this month. I've had some money this month. Með hverjum finnst þér skemmtilegast að hanga? Who's your favorite person to hang out with? With whom do you enjoy hanging? Jag gav tillbaka hennes ordbok I gave her her dictionary back. I returned her dictionary Kan jeg købe en billet i bussen? Can I buy a ticket on the bus? Can I buy a ticket in the bus? Vem älskar mig? Who loves me? Who loves me? Der er en appelsin på bordet. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Är du nöjd med resultatet? Are you satisfied with the result? Are you satisfied with the results? Tom håller på att bli ett problem. Tom is becoming a problem. Tom's becoming a problem. Vart går du oftast och klipper dig? Where do you usually go to get a haircut? Where do you usually go and cut yourself? Han begick många synder i sin ungdom. He committed many sins in his youth. He committed many sins in his youth. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnir fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're as good as ready for the cold winter. Hon bor ensam. She lives alone. She lives alone. Reyndar er það þér að kenna. Actually it's your fault. Actually, it's your fault. Du burde holde deg vekke fra Tom. You should stay away from Tom. You should stay away from Tom. Venedig har nu færre end 60.000 indbyggere. Venice now has fewer than 60,000 residents. Venice now has fewer than 60,000 inhabitants. Snakk tydelig. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Mår han bra? Is he all right? Is he okay? Får jag träffa dem? Can I see them? Can I see them? Lyver! Liar! Lyver! Vad gör tvättbjörnen i köket? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What's the raccoon doing in the kitchen? Þetta myndband er leiðinlegt. This video is boring. This video is boring. Jeg skal lage deg litt kaffe. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Tom använde sin machete för att rensa spåret. Tom used his machete to clear the trail. Tom used his machete to clear the trail. Jag har ingen aning om hur man spelar golf. I don't have a clue how to play golf. I have no idea how to play golf. Det är svårt att tala offentligt. It is difficult to speak in public. It's hard to speak publicly. Du vet at jeg ikke kan fortelle deg. You know I can't tell you. You know I can't tell you. Brandarinn er á mér. The joke's on me. The joke's on me. Jeg er træt af at rydde op efter dig. I'm tired of tidying up after you. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. Tom började må bättre. Tom began to feel better. Tom started feeling better. Skynd jer at få et værelse! Get a room already! Hurry up and get a room! Effektene av klimaendringene er langt mindre tydelige i Antarktis enn i de nordlige polarområdene. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Climate change impacts are much less evident in Antarctica than in northern polar regions. Jag kommer från Norge. I am from Norway. I come from Norway. Jag tänker kasta ut Tom. I'm going to throw Tom out. I'm gonna throw Tom out. Vent venligst her indtil han kommer. Please wait here until he comes. Please wait here until he arrives. Jeg købte en billet. I bought a ticket. I bought a ticket. Billedet hænger nu på væggen. The picture is on the wall now. The picture is now hanging on the wall. Vi lod fuglen flyve. We let the bird fly. We let the bird fly. Har du en hund? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Har du noen gang vært i Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Jeg håper de er vennlige. I hope they're friendly. I hope they're friendly. Det har alt i alt kostet 150.000 euro. It came to a grand total of 150,000 euros. The total cost has been 150,000 euros. Tom kan have ret. Tom might be right. Tom may be right. Han fik lukket for vandet, fordi han ikke betalte regningen. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. He was closed to the water because he didn't pay the bill. Spørgsmålet er hvem. The question is who. The question is who? Du trenger dette. You need this. You need this. Jeg stjal den ikke. Jeg lånte den bare. I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it. Hon känner mig. She knows me. She knows me. Att bli klar med detta jobb innan tisdag kommer att vara enkelt. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. Getting done with this job before Tuesday will be easy. Du er en god kok. You are a good cook. You're a good cook. Tom sidder fast i en trafikprop. Tom is stuck in a traffic jam. Tom's stuck in a traffic jam. Katten är under bordet. The cat is under the table. The cat's under the table. Jeg var så varm at jeg tok av meg frakken. It was so hot I took my coat off. I was so warm that I took off my coat. Jeg kan ikke leve uten en TV. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. Du er meget modig. You are very courageous. You're very brave. Han har ikke kommet enda. Kanskje noe har hendt ham. He has not come yet. Something may have happened to him. He hasn't come yet, maybe something has happened to him. Disse meningsløse drab vil ikke gå ustraffet hen. These senseless killings will not go unpunished. These pointless killings will not go unpunished. Det er penge ud ad vinduet. That is money down the drain. It's money out the window. Jeg spurte ikke om hjelp. I didn't ask for help. I didn't ask for help. Tom ønskede at synke i jorden af skam. Tom wished to sink into the ground for shame. Tom wanted to sink in the ground for shame. Tom er Marys ældste søn. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Når våren kjem, vert dagane lenger. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring arrives, the days go further. Hvad mere vil du gerne se? What else would you like to see? What else do you want to see? Jeg kan ikke gjøre det. I cannot do it. I can't do that. Tom og Mary arbejdede i en kulmine som børn. Tom and Mary worked in a coal mine as children. Tom and Mary worked in a coal mine as children. Han er stadig meget forelsket i dig. He's still very much in love with you. He's still very in love with you. Finns det ingen lösning, finns det inget problem. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there is no solution, there is no problem. Dine bukser er beskidte. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Jo før du begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you learn berbian, the better. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you make it? How did you make that? Tom kan inte gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Jag saknar mina vänner. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. "FIsh'n'chips" er den mest kjente engelske matretten. Fish'n'chips is the most famous English food. "Fish'n'chips" is the most famous English dish. Alt forandres svært fort og den fordrer et nytt tankesett blant dagens ansatte. Everything changes very quickly, which calls for a new mindset among today's employees. Everything is changing very quickly and it requires a new set of ideas among today’s employees. Du bad om min åsikt. You asked for my opinion. You asked for my opinion. Har hun børn? Does she have children? Does she have children? Vilka vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Tom kan kontakte mig på dette nummer på ethvert tidspunkt af dagen. Tom can reach me at this number any time of day. Tom can contact me on this number at any time of the day. Jag vet att du fortfarande älskar mig. I know you still love me. I know you still love me. De stoppet tre minutter senere. They stopped three minutes later. They stopped three minutes later. Tom kjemper mot kreft. Tom is fighting cancer. Tom fights cancer. Í þá tíð var ég vanur að fara í göngutúr fyrir morgunmat. In those days, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast. In those days, I used to take a walk before breakfast. Mari och Maki är systrar. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mari and Maki are sisters. Jeg liker det jeg gjør. I enjoy what I do. I like what I do. Það er erfitt að lifa á lágum launum. Living on a small income is hard. Living on low wages is hard. Jag är inte så glad. I am not so happy. I'm not so happy. Denne skuffe sidder fast. This drawer's stuck. This drawer is stuck. "Hvordan kommer Jim i skole?" "Han tager bussen." "How does Jim go to school?" "He goes by bus." "How does Jim get to school?" "He takes the bus." Innan hon flyttade till Frankrike bodde hon i Sverige. Before she moved to France, she lived in Sweden. Before moving to France, she lived in Sweden. Her er alt i orden. Everything's in order here. It's all right here. Hann hafði mikinn áhuga á ferðalögum. He had a great fancy for traveling. He was very interested in travel. Byggnaden uppe på kullen är vår skola. The building on the hill is our school. The building on the hill is our school. Jag kommer ihåg det nu. I remember it now. I remember now. Til sidst valgte hun en anden killing. Finally, she chose another kitten. Finally, she chose another kid. Vi glemmer ikke. We don't forget. We don't forget. Tom är kärleksfull. Tom is affectionate. Tom is loving. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at det er sandt. I can't imagine that's true. I can't imagine it's true. Vi står over for et vanskeligt valg. We are faced with a difficult choice. We are facing a difficult choice. Din andre knapp har begynt å løsne. Your second button is coming off. Your second button has begun to loosen. Vi tror ikke Tom har slået Mary ihjel. We don't think Tom killed Mary. We don't think Tom killed Mary. Það sést skírt í rannsókn Johnsons að óbeinar reykingar eru ákaflega skaðlegar. It is clearly shown in Johnson's investigation that passive smoking is very harmful. It is shown in Johnson’s study that indirect smoking is highly harmful. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said that you would come. Tom said you'd come. Han slåss mot väderkvarnar. He fights windmills. He fights the windmills. Vi mødtes klokken to om eftermiddagen. We met at two in the afternoon. We met at 2:00 in the afternoon. Tom er gået bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone. Fyrirtækið varð fyrir fimmtán prósenta lækkun í sölu. The company suffered a 15% drop in sales. The company suffered a 15 percent decrease in sales. En mystisk legende er overleveret om denne sø. A mysterious legend has been handed down about this lake. A mysterious legend has survived about this lake. Jeg lo godt av spøken hennes. I had a good laugh at her joke. I laughed good at her jokes. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at oversætte dette dokument til fransk. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I would like you to translate this document into French. Jag gav inte Tom något val. I gave Tom no choice. I didn't give Tom a choice. Skru ned volumet på radioen. Please turn down the radio. Turn down the volume on the radio. Han kan hjälpa dig. He can help you out. He can help you. Cookies kan inneholde nøtter eller peanøtter, selv om det ikke er inkludert i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the list of ingredients. Jeg tror ikke at det vil sne i morgen. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. Hesten er tørst. The horse is thirsty. The horse is thirsty. Man kan ikke sælge koen og drikke mælken. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. Ég veit ekki hvað þetta er. I don't know what that is. I don't know what this is. Det er for dyrt. That is too expensive. It's too expensive. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Eg hadde på meg solbriller. I was wearing sunglasses. I wore sunglasses. Kom fram. Come forward. Come out. Hej, allihopa! Hi, everybody! Hey, everybody! Vi må alle være veldig forsiktige. We all have to be very careful. We all have to be very careful. Målet med Minesweeper er å klarere minefeltet uten å detonere minene. The objective of Minesweeper is to clear the minefield without detonating the mines. The goal of Minesweeper is to clear the mine field without detonating the mines. Jeg beklager! Det er virkelig alt hvad jeg husker. I'm sorry. That's really all I remember. I'm sorry, that's all I remember. Du skulle se tio år yngre ut med en annan frisyr. With a different hairstyle, you'd look ten years younger. You were supposed to look ten years younger with another hairstyle. Fugle flyver sydpå om vinteren. Birds fly south in the winter. Birds fly south in the winter. Hvorfor har du en slik begrenset forstillingsevne? Why do you have such a restricted imagination? Why do you have such a limited propensity? Hvordan siger man det på fransk? How do you say that in French? How do you say that in French? Jag är mycket nöjd med min nya lägenhet. I'm very happy with my new flat. I'm very pleased with my new apartment. Tom synger sommetider på fransk. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sometimes sings in French. Den som går till kyrkan tror på Gud. Whomever goes to church believes in God. Whoever goes to church believes in God. Var hälsad, gillesbroder. Hail, guildbrother. Say hello, guerrilla brother. Jeg tror hun er en ærlig kvinde. I think she's an honest woman. I think she's an honest woman. Gull er langt tyngre enn vann. Gold is far heavier than water. Gold is much heavier than water. Hovedstaden i Japan er Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Bróðir minn og ég deildum herberginu. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Han sa att han inte vet. He said that he doesn't know. He said he doesn't know. Hvad har du ikke? What don't you have? What don't you have? Jag lade märke till att hon satt på första raden. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was in the first row. Tog du med frallor? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring coats? Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget gravitationsbølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Researchers have announced that they have discovered gravity waves. Ég er ekki lengur þreyttur. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. De skal emigrere til USA. They are going to emigrate to America. They're going to emigrate to the United States. Vi fandt sengene ganske komfortable. We found the beds quite comfortable. We found the beds quite comfortable. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go and change. Nästa konsert kommer att hållas i juni. The next concert will take place in June. The next concert will be held in June. Jag ringde polisen. I called the police. I called the police. Það er rosalega auðvelt! It's super easy! It's really easy! Amerika har femtio stater. There are fifty states in America. America has fifty states. Han skulle aldrig få se sina föräldrar igen. He was never to see his parents again. He would never see his parents again. Det regner udenfor. It's raining outside. It's raining outside. Naboens kat spildte sin kop mælk ud på gulvfliserne. The neighbor's cat spilled its cup of milk on the floor tiles. Neighbor's cat spilled his cup of milk on the floor tiles. Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni. He had the presumption to reject my proposal. He was so insolent that he rejected my proposal. Vi sprang hela vägen till stationen. We ran all the way to the station. We ran all the way to the station. Spindlar spinner nät. Spiders spin webs. Spindles spinning nets. Jag äter päron. I eat pears. I'm eating pears. Ég talaði við strákinn sem virtist eldri en stelpan. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. I spoke to the kid who seemed older than the girl. Forstyr ikke mine cirkler! Do not disturb my circles! Don't interrupt my circles! Ég rakst á gamlan vin minn í teiti um daginn. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I ran into my old friend at a party the other day. Forbindelsen er elendig i dag! The connexion is miserable today! The connection is terrible today! Hvað kostar það? What does it cost? How much? Tom blir tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom will be thirty in March. Satt að segja er hann trúaður. As a matter of fact, he is a man of faith. To tell you the truth, he's a believer. Var snäll med Tom. Be nice to Tom. Be nice to Tom. Vi var väldigt ledsna. We were very sad. We were very sorry. Vi kjappet oss, så vi ikke gikk glipp av den siste bussen. We hurried, so we didn't miss the last bus. We blew up, so we didn't miss out on the last bus. De hadde ikke kommet veldig langt da de møtte en gammel mann. They had not gone very far when they met an old man. They had not come very far when they met an old man. Jeg kan læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I can read French. Hraðbrautin var lokuð sökum meiriháttar slyss. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The freeway was closed because of a major accident. Jeg læste mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að taka leigubíl. I think you should go by taxi. I think you should take a cab. Han er en krigsfange. He's a prisoner of war. He's a prisoner of war. Apropos rejser, har du nogensinde været i Australien? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of travels, have you ever been to Australia? Vad är vi skyldiga Tom? What do we owe Tom? What do we owe Tom? Du er i gode hænder. You are in good hands. You're in good hands. Hur såg Tom ut? How did Tom look? What did Tom look like? Efter frokosten gik vi en tur. We went for a walk after lunch. After lunch, we went for a walk. Alle innbyggerne i byen kan anvende byens biblioteker. All the citizens of the city have access to the city library. All the city's inhabitants can use the city's libraries. Alla dörrar i huset var stängda. All the doors of the house were closed. All doors in the house were closed. Þannig er það. That's the way it is. That's the way it is. Jag ringer honom i kväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. Hon förklarade ett skämt. She explained a joke. She explained a joke. Tom gik på pension den 20. oktober 2013. Tom retired October 20, 2013. Tom retired on 20 October 2013. Mary er professionel poledancer. Mary is a professional pole dancer. Mary's a professional policeman. Computere er komplicerede maskiner. Computers are complicated machines. Computers are complicated machines. Ni skulle inte gilla Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. Du hjalp mig ikke. You didn't help me. You didn't help me. Hun har en perfekt krop. She has a perfect body. She has a perfect body. Han steg upp klockan fem som vanligt. He got up at five as usual. He rose up at 5:00 as usual. Stäng av radion. Shut off the radio. Turn off the radio. Hvernig finnst þér nautakjötskássan? How do you like your beef stew? How do you feel about the beef sauce? Har du syrisk pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? Do you have a Syrian passport? Är du nästan klar? Are you about ready? Are you almost done? Dom var utmärkta. They were fine. They were excellent. Hann fór heim í gær. He went home yesterday. He went home yesterday. Já, en það verður erfitt. Yes, but it'll be difficult. Yeah, but it's gonna be hard. Ikke spøk med det. Don't joke about that. Don't joke about it. De er ikke mine. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Nogle mennesker elsker at argumentere. Some people love to argue. Some people love to argue. Ekki blekkja hann. Don't deceive him. Don't fool him. Bilurin er brúnur. The car is brown. The car's brown. Tom är skicklig. Tom is competent. Tom's good. Han har ett stort ego. He has a huge ego. He's got a big ego. Jag vet att du har varit upptagen. I know you've been busy. I know you've been busy. Det er spaghetti. This is spaghetti. It's spaghetti. Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moské. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabyli has a mosque. Det er min CD. That's my CD. That's my CD. Hvem står der? Who is standing there? Who's there? Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Sådanne guder har aldrig eksisteret. Such gods have never existed. Such gods have never existed. Her hevur ikki verið nakar. No one has been here. This is not a valid one. Gefðu honum það. Give it to him. Give it to him. Hringdu í mig á eftir, okei? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, okay? Giv mig tre måneder. Give me three months. Give me three months. De var hendes yndlingsblomst. They were her favorite flower. They were her favorite flower. Jeg er ikke så god i engelsk ennå. I'm not good at speaking English yet. I'm not very good in English yet. Hun var ildsint. She was burning with anger. She was on fire. Har du några mynt i din plånbok? Have you got some coins in your wallet? Do you have any coins in your wallet? Når drar tom til Boston? When will Tom leave for Boston? When does Boston go empty? Jeg kan ikke leve uten TV. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Det holder meg våken om natten. It keeps me up at night. It keeps me awake at night. Børn er lykkelige, og dyr, og kvinder, men vi mennesker er det ikke. Children are happy, and animals, and women, but we humans are not. Children are happy, and animals, and women, but we humans are not. Tom kaster med sten efter fugle. Tom is throwing stones at birds. Tom throws stone for birds. Jeg købte en pen, men jeg mistede den. I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen, but I lost it. Det är ju helt befängt! That's absurd! That's ridiculous, isn't it? Jag har aldrig träffat Toms fru. I've never met Tom's wife. I've never met Tom's wife. Lort! Shit! Shit! Tom har et lille hus i Boston. Tom has a small house in Boston. Tom has a little house in Boston. Du hjelper ikkje. You aren't helping. You are not helping. Ég syndi í sjónum á hverjum degi. I swim in the sea every day. I swim in the sea every day. Det er ikke så slemt. It's not that bad. It's not that bad. Var kan man köpa bussbiljetter? Where do you buy bus tickets? Where to buy bus tickets? Sami torturerede katte. Sami tortured cats. Sami tortured cats. Kan vi rädda Tom? Can we save Tom? Can we save Tom? Eplin eru þroskuð. The apples are ripe. The apples are mature. Det här stämmer inte. This isn't right. This isn't right. Margir drekka vatn úr eldhúsvaskinum. Many people drink water out of the kitchen faucet. A lot of people drink water from the kitchen sink. Tom vet var Mary är. Tom knows where Mary is. Tom knows where Mary is. Hvor har du været? Where have you been? Where have you been? Jag lärde mig att cykla när jag var sex år gammal. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to bike when I was six years old. Við komumst inn í húsið gegnum gluggann. We gained access to the house through the window. We got into the house through the window. Hun smilte og sa farvel. She smiled and said goodbye. She smiled and said goodbye. Har du engelsk-ordbok? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have the English dictionary? Jag måste lämna dig. I have to leave you. I have to leave you. Selv jeg forstår ikke. Even I don't understand. Even I don't understand. De har mistet deres paraplyer. They've lost their umbrellas. They've lost their umbrellas. Essayet selv er ikke noe problem, men det er alle de fordervelige spørsmålene og ordforklaringene som gjør meg forferdelig gal! The essay itself isn't a problem, but all these pernicious questions and glossary make me awfully mad! Essayet himself is not a problem, but there are all the perverse questions and explanations that make me awfully mad! Kan du veksle en dollar? Have you got change for a dollar? Can you exchange a dollar? Tar ni emot dricks? Do you accept tips? Do you accept drinks? Det röda paraplyet påminde henne om hennes mormor. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandma. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Du skal blive i sengen indtil næste mandag. You have to stay in bed until next Monday. I want you to stay in bed until next Monday. Lad os gå et andet sted hen. Let's go someplace else. Let's go somewhere else. Jeg er ihvertfall eldre enn deg. At least I'm older than you. At least I'm older than you. Hon sitter i fängelse. She's in prison. She's in jail. Ek køm. I am coming. Get out of here. I hvilken retning er han taget hen? In which direction did he go? In what direction has he gone? Ja. Yes. Yes. Du kom ikke på skolen i går. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't come to school yesterday. Jeg spiste en burger og gik derefter i seng. I ate a burger, then went to bed. I ate a burger and then went to bed. Jeg forstod intet. I understood nothing. I didn't understand anything. Hvað ætti Tom að gera? What should Tom do? What should Tom do? Den här bilen ser glad ut. This car looks happy. This car looks happy. Mary røg en cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Tom lagde sin pung på bordet. Tom put his wallet on the table. Tom put his wallet on the table. Du tager gas på mig. You're pulling my leg. You're kidding me. Dette blir som å spørre en forelder om hvilket barn de liker best. This question is like asking a parent which child they love the most. This is like asking a parent which child they like best. Fattigdommen har lært ham at stå på egne ben. Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. The poverty has taught him to stand on his own legs. Ta hit deras vapen. Get their weapons. Bring in their weapons. Nyheten fyllde alla med fruktan. The news made everyone afraid. The news filled everyone with fear. Jeg elsker dig stadigvæk. I still love you. I still love you. Jag är verkligen ensam. I'm really lonely. I'm really alone. Jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at spise det. I could not bring myself to eat it. I couldn't make myself eat it. Hon blir sen till maten. She will be late for dinner. She'll be late for dinner. Har du klatret opp på Mt. Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you climbed up to Mt. Fuji? Tom og jeg har delt regningen. Tom and I split the bill. Tom and I split the bill. Jeg spiller tennis hver dag. I play tennis every day. I play tennis every day. Alle tror nok jeg er gal. Everybody probably thinks I'm crazy. Everybody thinks I'm crazy. Ön ligger på ungefär två mils avstånd från kusten. The island is about two miles off the coast. The island is about two miles from the coast. Ät vad du vill. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Jeg kan selv køre til lufthavnen. I can drive myself to the airport. I can drive to the airport myself. Jag har lust att vara ensam. I feel like being alone. I want to be alone. Lad ikke ilden gå ud. Don't let the fire die down. Don't let the fire go out. Du skal vide at jeg er forelsket i Mary. You should know that I'm in love with Mary. I want you to know I'm in love with Mary. Tom är väldigt sportintresserad. Tom is very interested in sports. Tom's very interested in sports. Det är obotligt. That's incurable. It's inescapable. Jeg har aldrig set ham i sådan en forfatning. I've never seen him in such a state. I've never seen him in such a constitution. Vi kan ikke gøre andet end at vente. We can't do anything but wait. We can't do anything but wait. Han går ofte med hånden i lommen. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. He often wears his hand in his pocket. Vis man förstår halvkväden visa. A word to the wise is enough. A wise man understands the half-sleeved wise. Nú er søgan øll. Now the story is over. Now there's some noise. Følg hans eksempel. Follow his example. Follow his example. Duga tygum enskt? Do you speak English? Do you think it's English? Hun har en kat. Katten er hvid. She's got a cat. The cat's white. She's got a cat, the cat's white. De kraschade. They crashed. They crashed. Tom är fortfarande min vän. Tom is still my friend. Tom's still my friend. I slutändan är det ändå talangen som räknas i musikens värld. After all, it is talent that counts in music. In the end, it is still the talent that counts in the world of music. Hör och häpna. Lo and behold. Hear and imagine. Jag öppnade dörren. I opened the door. I opened the door. Du stirrer alltid. You're always staring. You always stare. Tornet kan ses härifrån. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. Tom brækkede døren op med et koben. Tom forced open the door with a crowbar. Tom broke up the door with a cone. Jag trodde du hatade rödvin. I thought you hated red wine. I thought you hated red wine. Tom har forsøgt at få Mary ud af fængsel i årevis. Tom has been trying to get Mary out of prison for years. Tom's been trying to get Mary out of jail for years. Tom ønskede lidt mere albuerum. Tom wanted some more elbow room. Tom wanted a little more elbow room. "Har du set min mobiltelefon?" "Den er på bordet." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Jag borde veta det. I should know that. I should know. Till största delen stannar Tom hemma. Tom pretty much stays at home. For the most part, Tom stays home. Gid Tom stadig var i live! I wish Tom were still alive. I wish Tom was still alive! Tom är neurolog. Tom is a neurologist. Tom's a neurologist. Vi träffades en vinter. We met in winter. We met a winter. Tom är inte någon schyst kille. Tom isn't a nice guy. Tom's not a nice guy. Tom var ikke veldig god. Tom wasn't very good. Tom wasn't very good. Mindre enn en måned etter at han reiste utenlands ble han syk. Within a month of going abroad, he became sick. Less than a month after he left abroad, he was sick. Alla står. Everyone's standing. They're all standing. Världen är grym. The world is harsh. The world is awesome. Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg glemte det. I can't believe I forgot about that. I can't believe I forgot. Det hände så snabbt. It happened so fast. It happened so fast. Det är lätt som en plätt. It's a piece of cake. It's easy as a plain. Hvad hedder denne blomst? What is this flower called? What's the name of this flower? Tom böjde sig ned. Tom bent down. Tom bowed down. Tom såg videon. Tom saw the video. Tom saw the video. Jeg vidste det var dig. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. Kan du låne mig tredive dollar til en taxi? Can you loan me thirty dollars for a cab? Can you borrow me $30 for a cab? Jeg bliver hjulpet. I'm being helped. I'll be helped. Ég get ekki gert það vegna þess að ég á ekki næga peninga. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. I can't do that because I don't have enough money. Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought her son a camera. Han er både høj og fed. He's both tall and fat. He's both tall and fat. Tom är svarslös. Tom is nonplussed. Tom's unrestrained. Berlinmuren faldt i 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. Hvad skal du i aften? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Geturðu leyst vandamálið? Could you solve the problem? Can You Solve the Problem? Det är lättare än det ser ut. It's easier than it looks. It's easier than it looks. Der var en hel del rådne æbler i kurven. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. There were a lot of rotten apples in the basket. Jeg har ikke noe bedre å gjøre. I have nothing better to do. I have nothing better to do. Ett av svaren är korrekt. One of the answers is correct. One of the answers is correct. Varför vill du begå självmord? Why do you want to commit suicide? Why do you want to commit suicide? Nær skoven står et enligt beliggende hus. Near the forest stands an isolated house. Near the forest stands a located house. Ertu þreyttur núna? Are you tired now? Are you tired now? Lívið er stutt. Life is short. It's short. Layla är en fantastisk kock. Layla is a wonderful cook. Layla is a fantastic chef. Hon är utom sig av glädje. She is beside herself with joy. She's overjoyed. Tom sad alene i det ellers tomme rum. Tom sat alone in the otherwise empty room. Tom sat alone in the other empty room. Selv guder dør når ingen længere tror på dem. Even gods die when no one believes in them any longer. Even gods die when no one anymore believes in them. Det finns mjölk i kylskåpet. There is milk in the refrigerator. There's milk in the fridge. Han spiller tennis hver dag. He plays tennis every day. He plays tennis every day. Du verkar frånvarande. You seem distant. You seem absent. Hvad gør Mary forskellig fra andre unge kvinder efter din mening? What, in your opinion, makes Mary different from other young women? What does Mary do different from other young women in your opinion? Spørgsmålet er hvor længe. The question is how long. The question is for how long. Við stundum viðskipti við mörg lönd. We are doing business with many countries. Sometimes we do business with many countries. Ni kan inte kontrollera mig. You can't control me. You can't control me. Jag letade efter min dagbok. I was looking for my diary. I was looking for my diary. Jeg må snakke med deg om noe personelig. I need to talk to you about something personal. I need to talk to you about something personal. Jeg plantede et æbletræ i min have. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. YouTube er ikke et godt website. YouTube is not a good website. YouTube's not a good website. Jeg er en mand. I'm a man. I'm a man. Vi overrakte ham en klokke. We presented a watch to him. We overcame him a clock. Tom kan inte se dig. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Du klagar så gott som aldrig på någonting. You hardly ever complain about anything. You complain as much as you never complain about anything. Det var få elever kvar i klassrummet. There were few students left in the classroom. There were a few students left in the classroom. Vem jobbar vi för? Who are we working for? Who are we working for? Har du en kofot i verktygslådan? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a kofot in the tool box? Jeg liker å vanne hagen. I like to water the garden. I like to win the garden. Tom behöver sannerligen inte mer pengar. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. På den tiden var det få som kunde resa utomlands. In those days, few people could travel abroad. At the time, few people were able to travel abroad. Hvorfor tog du ikke mig? Why didn't you pick me? Why didn't you take me? Jeg venter indtil 14:30. I'll wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Jag vill inte ha denna. I don't want this. I don't want this. Jeg tror de er klar. I think they're ready. I think they're ready. Han bör följa mitt råd. He should follow my advice. He should follow my advice. De gav hestene sine vann. They gave their horses water. They gave their horses their water. De jobbar på övervåningen. They're working upstairs. They work upstairs. Hvor lang tid, tror du, at det ville tage dig at male mit hus? How long do you think that it would take you to paint my house? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Var är han född och uppvuxen? Where was he born and raised? Where was he born and raised? Fólki líður best þegar það er heima hjá sér. People feel most at ease when they are at home. People feel the best when they're at home. Jag kände mig väldigt lättad när jag hörde nyheterna. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. Giv mig en chance til. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. Hur länge har vi varit här? How long have we been here? How long have we been here? Esperanto er helt sikkert et enormt tidsspilde! Esperanto is surely an enormous waste of time! Esperanto is certainly a huge waste of time! Paradisfugle er smukke. Birds-of-paradise are beautiful. Paradise birds are beautiful. Det är för högt. It's too loud. It's too high. Föräldrar bokstaverar ofta ord och meningar som de inte vill att deras unga barn ska förstå. Parents often spell out words or sentences they don't want their young children to understand. Parents often write words and sentences that they do not want their young children to understand. Við horfðum á myndina og borðuðum saman kvöldmat. We saw the film and had dinner together. We watched the movie and ate dinner together. Tom er alene. Tom is alone. Tom's alone. Katten har två öron. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Jag var mycket artig. I was very polite. I was very polite. Det var ikke Tom som glemte å stenge kranen. It wasn't Tom who left the water running. It was not Tom who forgot to shut the crane. Vis mig det. Show me that. Show me. Jag önskar att jag var lika lång som Tom. I wish I were as tall as Tom. I wish I was as long as Tom. Í dag fleyg ein stórur bilur av vegnum. A big car flew off the road today. Today, a large car was thrown off the roads. Jag lärde mig franska på egen hand. I taught myself French. I learned French on my own. De här pengarna är mina. This money is mine. This money is mine. De fortsatte med at drikke. They kept drinking. They kept drinking. Hann er myndarlegur maður. He is a handsome man. He's a handsome man. Tom är vanvettig. Tom's insane. Tom's out of his mind. Dette fenomenet er veldig lett å forklare. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. Jeg ønsker ikke at arbejde under disse betingelser. I don't want to work under these conditions. I do not want to work under these conditions. Hvor er det vakreste stedet i verden? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Jeg ser dit bord. I see your table. I'll see your table. Ge mig ett halvt kilo äpplen. Give me half a kilo of apples. Give me half a pound of apples. Visa oss runt. Show us around. Show us around. "Hvor langt er der herfra til stationen?" "Omtrent 2 miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "About 2 miles." Bli inte så defensiv. Jag skyller inte på dig. Don't get defensive. I'm not blaming you. Don't get so defensive, I don't blame you. Snørebåndene på dine sko er gået op. Your shoes are untied. The cords on your shoes have gone up. Det är för mycket att göra. There are too many things to do! It's too much to do. Vi er nødt til at plukke de æbler med det samme, ellers rådner de. We have to pick those apples right now, otherwise they'll decay. We have to pick those apples right away, or they'll rot. Tack, älskling. Thank you, dear. Thank you, honey. Det er et monster under sengen min, det er jeg helt sikker på. There’s a monster under my bed, I’m certain of that. It's a monster under my bed, I'm sure. Den person som slutar lära sig är så gott som död. The man who stops learning is as good as dead. The person who stops learning is as good as dead. Akta dig! Look out! Watch out! Hvad laver du? What do you do for a living? What are you doing? Tyvärr är det sant. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, it's true. Det du fick lära dig är fel. What you were taught is wrong. What you learned is wrong. Tom ser förskräckt ut. Tom looks appalled. Tom looks awful. Jeg skal klippes på onsdag. I'm getting a haircut on Wednesday. I'm gonna be cut on Wednesday. Tom borde uppmuntras. Tom should be encouraged. Tom should be encouraged. Hyggelig å treffe deg, fru Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones. Jeg ringer dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll ring them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Tom hatar er. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Jeg elsker dig, far. I love you, Dad. I love you, Dad. Du kommer inte att ha något val. You'll have no choice. You won't have a choice. Jeg gjorde alt hvad jeg kunne for at få denne pris. I did everything I could to obtain this prize. I did everything I could to get this price. Jag blir uppraggad. I'm being picked up. I'm being taken up. Jag känner mig fortfarande inte säker. I still don't feel safe. I still don't feel safe. Han kuttet den med kniven. He cut it with the knife. He cut it with the knife. Jag gillar det, men jag älskar det inte. I like it, but I don't love it. I like it, but I don't love it. Noen ganger gjør det vondt å fortelle sannheten. Sometimes telling the truth hurts. Sometimes it hurts to tell the truth. Han har drabbats av afasi. He has suffered from aphasia. He's been hit by aphasia. Ingen av de inblandade hade några synliga skador. None of those involved had any visible injury. None of the people involved had any visible injuries. Ég vona bara að enginn hafi séð mig. I just hope no one saw me. I just hope nobody saw me. Jag har nariga läppar. I have chapped lips. I've got crazy lips. Jag ringer honom ikväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. Jeg er ordblind. I'm dyslexic. I'm word blind. Ge mig en timme. Give me one hour. Give me an hour. Esperanto talas i 120 länder runt om i världen. Esperanto is spoken in 120 countries of the world. Esperanto is spoken in 120 countries around the world. Jeg jobber i Tokyo nå. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo now. Jeg ønsker at lære. I want to learn. I want to learn. Hvernig gerirðu það? How do you do that? How do you do that? Må jeg få et glas vand? May I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water? Så, hva ville du snakke med meg om? So, what did you want to talk to me about? So, what would you talk to me about? Vi har en beholdning af wc-papir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a stock of toilet paper. Mina ögon gör ont. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Tom dricker inte. Tom doesn't drink. Tom's not drinking. Margir ungir menn fóru í stríð. Many young men went to war. Many young men went to war. Det har skjedd før. It happened before. It's happened before. Du är den bästa pappan någonsin. You're the best dad ever. You're the best dad ever. "Ved du hvor Lapland er?", spurgte hun rensdyret. "Do you know where Lapland is?" she asked the reindeer. "Do you know where Lapland is?" she asked the reindeer. Jeg elsker dig som du er. I love you the way you are. I love you the way you are. Vänta här tills jag kommer tillbaka. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Hur länge tar det till fots? How long does it take on foot? How long will it take? God natt. Goodnight. Good night. Det giver ingen mening. That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Mary gillar att festa. Mary likes to party. Mary likes to party. Det vidste jeg ikke. I did not know this. I didn't know that. Faðir Jóns hefur einhverja frönskuþekkingu. John's father has some knowledge of French. Jon’s father has some French knowledge. Er det noen frivillige? Are there any volunteers? Is there any volunteers? Tom er ikke autoriseret. Tom isn't licensed. Tom's not authorized. Hvilken vei skal vi gå? Which way will we go? Which way are we going? Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe? What action should we take? What measures should we take? Ni har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown. Jeg er træt, men jeg kan ikke falde i søvn. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. Vi måste göra det igen. We must do it again. We have to do it again. Hans kunskaper i kinesiska gjorde att vi kunde genomföra planen smidigt. His knowledge of Chinese enabled us to carry out our plan smoothly. His knowledge in Chinese enabled us to implement the plan smoothly. Kontakt med numret ni har valt fås ej. The number chosen can't be contacted. Contact with the number you selected is not available. Ég er með fréttir I've got good news. I've got news. Sá hlær best sem síðast hlær. He who laughs last, laughs best. The one who laughs best the last time. Huset som Tom bygget er fantastisk. The house Tom built is wonderful. The house that Tom built is fantastic. Mange steder er det ulovligt at gå tur med hunden på stranden. In many places it isn't legal to walk a dog on the beach. In many places it is illegal to walk with the dog on the beach. Dan hittade ett mänskligt kranium några meter från vägen. Dan found a human skull a few yards from the road. Dan found a human skull a few meters from the road. Hon grætur. She is crying. She's crying. Næsten tre. Nearly three. Almost three. Dagarna blir längre och längre. The days are getting longer and longer. Days are getting longer and longer. Mødet blev aflyst. The meeting was called off. The meeting was cancelled. Varför valde du Tom? Why did you pick Tom? Why did you choose Tom? Lad ham spille på din guitar. Let him play your guitar. Let him play on your guitar. Något är inte rätt här. Something isn't right here. Something's not right here. Universum är ett mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Hún brenndi sig aðeins á höndinni við eldamennskuna. She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking. She only burned her hand with cooking. Du vil bli dårlig hvis du spiser så mye. If you eat so much, you'll get sick. You'll be bad if you eat so much. Tom var aldri ambisiøs. Tom never was ambitious. Tom was never ambitious. Du er en gavtyv, Tom. You're a mischief, Tom. You're a gift thief, Tom. Er det din bog, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? Jag måste kila till banken. I've got to run to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Jag håller på att dra ner på sötsaker. I'm cutting down on sweets. I'm going down on sweets. Milan Kundera er uppáhalds rithöfundurinn minn. Milan Kundera is my favourite writer. Milan Kundra is my favorite writer. Gå och fråga Tom. Go ahead and ask Tom. Go ask Tom. Vilken sport tycker du mest om? What kind of sport do you like the best? What kind of sport do you like most? Gentag en løgn tit nok, og den bliver til sandheden. Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth. Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth. Han kan tala franska och engelska. He can speak French and English. He can speak French and English. Publikummet bestod hovedsagelig af studerende. The audience consisted mainly of students. The audience consisted mainly of students. Skynd deg! Hurry up. Hurry up! Mange politikere i USA har kritiseret Trumps beslutning. Many politicians in the U.S. have criticized Trump's decision. Many politicians in the United States have criticised Trump's decision. Svar på spørgsmålet. Answer the question. Answer the question. Sanningen är som månen: du kan bara se en sida av den. Truth is like the moon: you can only see one side of it. The truth is like the moon: you can only see one side of it. Garantien på mit tv er udløbet. The warranty for my TV is expired. The warranty on my TV has expired. Jeg håber, at jeg lykkes. I hope I succeed. I hope I succeed. Kan du gi meg mobilnummeret ditt? Can you give me your cell number? Can you give me your cell phone number? Jeg tror jeg har fået en for meget. I think I've had one too many. I think I've got one too much. Jag är ingen läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Det var roligt att höra! That's wonderful! It was nice to hear! Dette er mitt favorittprosjekt. This is my favourite project. This is my favorite project. Du kan læse fransk, ikke sandt? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? Det er det samme spørgsmål jeg stillede dig. That's the same question I asked you. That's the same question I asked you. Jag älskar honom. I love him. I love him. De afviste indbydelsen til vores fest. They declined the invitation to our party. They rejected the invitation to our party. Vad har vi här? What do we have here? What have we got here? En skål ris vejer omkring 180 gram. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. Ta et ark og skriv! Take a paper and write! Take a sheet and write! Du gjorde ditt beste. You did your best. You did your best. Faren fortalte oss en veldig interessant historie. Father told us a very interesting story. The father told us a very interesting story. Och återigen var han hur full som helst. And again he was drunk as anything. And again, he was drunk anyway. Kan jeg si deg noe? Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? De er begge forelsket i samme jente. They're both in love with the same girl. They're both in love with the same girl. Det gick inte. It wasn't working. It didn't work. Indiens huvudstad är New Dehli. India's capital city is New Delhi. The capital of India is New Dehli. Jag har en minut. I have a minute. I have a minute. Hur kan du göra sådär? How can you do that? How can you do that? Det her er over din lønklasse. This is above your pay grade. This is over your pay grade. Tom talte. Tom talked. Tom spoke. Mary lämnade rummet plötsligt. Mary left the room suddenly. Mary left the room suddenly. Den funkar. It's working. It's working. Vem är den här killen? Who's this guy? Who's this guy? Om jag vore du, skulle jag lyssna på Toms råd. If I were you, I'd listen to Tom's advice. If I were you, I'd listen to Tom's advice. Ingen av eleverna var sen till skolan. None of the students were late for school. None of the students were late for school. När jag pratar tyska är det bara Tom som förstår mig. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. When I speak German only Tom understands me. Mannen som leser avisen der borte er min onkel. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man who reads the newspaper over there is my uncle. Hun giftede sig igen da hun var i midten af fyrrerne. She remarried when she was in her mid-forties. She remarried when she was in the middle of the forty. I Europa startar skolorna i september. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe, schools start in September. Är du min läkare? Are you my doctor? Are you my doctor? Tom fyllde på sin kaffemugg. Tom refilled his coffee mug. Tom filled his cup of coffee. Hun giftede sig med en brandmand. She married a firefighter. She married a fireman. Tom fick det att se så lätt ut. Tom made it look so easy. Tom made it look so easy. Hon vill döda mig. She wants to kill me. She wants to kill me. Tom använde inte ordet ”omöjligt”. Tom didn't use the word "impossible." Tom did not use the word “impossible”. Skolens regler krever at elevene skal være iført skoleuniform. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms. School rules require students to wear school uniforms. Rödvin, tack. Red wine, please. Red wine, please. Det där är ett hjärta. That is a heart. That's a heart. Må jeg se dit kørekort? Can I see your driving license? Can I see your driver's license? Det verkar som att Mary är full igen. It looks like Mary is drunk again. Looks like Mary's drunk again. Jag är färdig. I'm finished. I'm done. Det er en aftale! It's a deal! It's a deal! Tom og hans veninde er i karantæne i deres eget hjem. Tom and his friend are quarantined at home. Tom and his friend are in quarantine in their own home. Þetta er ekki heldur appelsína. That is not an orange, either. It's not orange, either. Hvar fann hann peningana? Where did he find the money? Where did he find the money? Kor äter gräs. Cows eat grass. Cows eat weed. Jag vill ha alltsamman. I want it all. I want everything. Jeg kommer tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Kan du betjene en computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Can you operate a computer? Vi köpte en tidning. We bought a newspaper. We bought a magazine. Han ber alltid om pengar. He is always asking for money. He always asks for money. De bar in Tom på en bår. They brought Tom in on a stretcher. They carried Tom on a stretcher. Hon är en god simmare. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Jeg er oppvokst på landet. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Ta fatt! Fetch! Let's go! Maten var i grunnen ikke så dyr. The food was not actually all that expensive. The food was not so expensive. Min far er bøsse. My father is gay. My father's gay. Láttu ekki svona. Don't act like that. Come on. Detta är en bra sång. This is a great song. This is a good song. Han har boet i Algeriet siden 4. april. He has been living in Algeria since April 4. He has lived in Algeria since April 4. Jag vill bara vara med dig. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Broren min er god til å spille tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. Denne te kaldes grøn te. This tea is called green tea. This tea is called green tea. Jeg vil egentlig bare gå og sove. I just want to go to sleep. I really just want to go to sleep. Vi er ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel. We're not ready to throw the towel in the ring. Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know that I'm different. You know I'm different. På atomnivå ser vi kvantemekaniske effekter som ikke kan forklares med klassisk mekanikk. At the atomic scale we observe quantum mechanical effects that can not be explained by classical mechanics. At atomic level, we see quantum mechanical effects that cannot be explained by classical mechanics. Jeg følte mig dårlig. I felt bad. I felt bad. Má ég bjóða þér eitthvað meira? Can I offer you anything else? Can I offer you something else? Látum það gott heita í dag. Let's call it a day. Let's make it a good name today. Tom hade en benägenhet att titta bort när han blev tilltalad. Tom had a propensity for looking the other way when spoken to. Tom had a tendency to look away when he was accused. Jag är säker på att det inte är någonting. I'm sure it's nothing. I'm sure it's nothing. Jag avskyr min bror. I hate my brother. I hate my brother. Utbildning i den här världen besviker mig. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world disappoints me. Vår personlighet påverkas av omgivningen. Our character is affected by the environment. Our personality is affected by the environment. Tolv er et lige tal. Twelve is an even number. Twelve is an even number. Þú gerir mig hamingjusama. You make me happy. You make me happy. Får jag gå nu? Can I leave now? Can I go now? Vem som än använder den här tandborsten är inte min mor. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Whoever uses this toothbrush isn't my mother. Hvorfor har du købt denne cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Zamenhof, skaperen av det konstruerte språket esperanto, var en øyelege. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist. Zamenhof, the creator of the designed language esperanto, was an eye doctor. Dette er et historisk øjeblik. This is a historical moment. This is an historic moment. Jeg ved at Tom er forelsket i Mary. I know that Tom is in love with Mary. I know Tom's in love with Mary. Du har brug for denne. You need this. You need this. Du behöver bara be om den. You only have to ask for it. You just have to ask for it. Jeg holder meget af sne. I like snow a lot. I love snow. Han gav mig et stort knus. He gave me a big hug. He gave me a big hug. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading books is interesting. Læreren vår kommer til skolen med bil. Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teacher comes to school by car. Dyrnar opnast ekki. The door won't open. The door won't open. Han ændrede pludselig sin holdning. He changed his attitude suddenly. He suddenly changed his mind. Bouteflika blev tvunget til at træde tilbage i 2019. Bouteflika was forced to step down in 2019. Bouteflika was forced to step back in 2019. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor jeg er bange. I don't know why I'm scared. I don't know why I'm scared. Jeg besluttede at skrive 20 sætninger om dagen på Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day at Tatoaba. Vil du se? Do you want to take a look? You want to see? Tom har nogle nysgerrige naboer. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom's got some curious neighbors. Tom är vid sans. Tom's conscious. Tom's by the nose. Egentlig ikke. Not really. Not really. Tom tror han er klar. Tom thinks he's ready. Tom thinks he's ready. Studentens bil er gammel. The student's car is old. The student's car is old. Jag vet exakt var Tom är. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Fjern batteri fra røykvarsler. Remove battery from smoke detector. Remove battery from smoke notifications. Svaret missar poängen. The answer misses the point. The answer is missing the point. Det hade varit roligt. It would've been fun. It would have been fun. Tel til tretti. Count up to thirty. Count to thirty. Jag gör det gladeligen. I'm happy to do it. I'm happy to do it. Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka. I have no idea how long it will take. I have no idea how long it will take. Det är okej. It's OK. It's okay. Tom svarte umiddelbart. Tom's response was immediate. Empty immediately replied. Løva et kjøtt. The lion is eating meat. Let's eat some meat. Det rör mig inte i ryggen. I couldn't care less. It doesn't touch me in the back. Husker du hva Cathy gikk med på festen? Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Do you remember what Cathy joined at the party? Alle vores møder er på fransk. All of our meetings are in French. All our meetings are in French. Eg tenkte eg ville komme innom og ønskje deg lukke til. I thought I'd stop by and wish you luck. I thought I'd come in and want you to close up. Babyen har formentlig slugt sutten. The baby has presumably swallowed the pacifier. The baby probably swallowed the sugar. Jeg synes du bør hvile deg litt. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should rest a little. Den stackars mannen blev äntligen en känd artist. The poor man finally became a great artist. The poor man finally became a famous artist. Hversu gömul er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Jag är säker. I'm certain. I'm sure. Tom är sjuk. Tom's sick. Tom's sick. Overflaten på Mars er tilsynelatende veldig gjestevennlig. The terrain on Mars appears very hospitable. The surface of Mars is apparently very guest friendly. Han har sålt sin bil, så han tar tåget till kontoret. He has sold his car, so he goes to the office by train. He sold his car, so he takes the train to the office. Dette blir som å spørre en forelder om hvilket barn de liker best. This question is like asking a parent which child they love more. This is like asking a parent which child they like best. Hur kan vi stå till tjänst? How can we help you? How can we be of service? Jeg går til skolen på lørdag. I go to school on Saturday. I'm going to school on Saturday. Les oppgåveteksten nøye. Read the problem text thoroughly. Read the task text carefully. Gå ikke. Don't leave. Don't go. Blanda salt, torrjäst och vetemjöl i en stor skål. Mix the salt, dry yeast and flour in a big bowl. Mix salt, dry yeast and wheat flour in a large bowl. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde mer tid til å snakke med deg. I wish I had more time to talk with you. I wish I had more time to talk to you. Spørgsmålet nu er hvor. The question now is where. The question now is where. Det var hende der anmodede om skilsmissen. She was the one who demanded the divorce. She was the one who asked for the divorce. En hvid båd kom til syne. A white boat came into sight. A white boat appeared. Gæt hvis fødselsdag det er i dag! Guess whose birthday it is today. Guess whose birthday it is today! Universet er et mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Förhandlingarna kommer att ta tre dagar. The talks will last three days. The negotiations will take three days. Latinamerikanere vet veldig lite om historien til urbefolkningen som bodde her århundrer tilbake. Latin Americans know very little about the history of the indigenous peoples who used to live here several centuries ago. Latin Americans know very little about the history of the indigenous people who lived here years ago. Elsker du mig? Do you love me? Do you love me? Ganga er frábær æfing. Walking is an excellent exercise. It's a great exercise. Det är dags för dig att gå. It's time for you to leave. It's time for you to go. Det går inte att förutsäga vad som kommer hända nästa år. There is no telling what may happen next year. You can't predict what's going to happen next year. Prisene vil fortsette å stige. Prices will continue to rise. Prices will continue to rise. Fuglen spredte sine vinger. The bird spread its wings. The bird spread its wings. Jeg vil huske dine ord. I will bear your words in mind. I'll remember your words. Det känns riktigt bra. It feels really good. It feels really good. Den här stolen är ful. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. Du vet ingenting om basketball, eller? You don't know anything about basketball, do you? You don't know anything about basketball, do you? Þú verður að hætta að reykja. You must stop smoking. You have to stop smoking. Tom var ude på altanen og kiggede på solnedgangen. Tom was on the balcony, looking at the sunset. Tom was on the balcony looking at the sunset. Det er hvad hun sagde. That's what she said. That's what she said. Tom är ängslig. Tom's worried. Tom's anxious. De er evakuert til et amerikansk feltsykehus. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They're evacuated to an American field hospital. Sommetider går jeg i biografen. I sometimes go to the cinema. Sometimes I go to the movies. Jeg glemte din paraply i bussen. I left your umbrella on the bus. I left your umbrella in the bus. Igenting hände. Nothing happened. Ignition happened. Tom lufter hunden. Tom walks the dog. Tom's airing the dog. Tjenestepigen serverede teen. The maid served the tea. The maid served the tea. Tom är väldigt rädd. Tom is very frightened. Tom's very scared. Hví gréstu? For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? Denne motor har 6 cylindere. This engine has 6 cylinders. This engine has 6 cylinders. Fargen går ikke bort. The color will not go off. Colour does not go away. Tom købte sin billet for tyve minutter siden. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Afsakið mig, hvað er klukkan? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Tom tar en promenad varje eftermiddag. Tom goes for a walk every afternoon. Tom takes a walk every afternoon. Høyrer du noko? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Finnast þér epli ekki góð? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Tom har tre morbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Det er menneskelig å feile. To err is human. It's human to fail. Tom och Mary gjorde det jättesnabbt, eller hur? Tom and Mary did that very fast, didn't they? Tom and Mary did it really fast, didn't they? Jag stal det från Tom. I stole it from Tom. I stole it from Tom. Det får bli med dette. That's enough. It'll have to do with this. Þú verður að sjá heimilið hennar. You've got to see her home. You have to see her home. När kan vi mötas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Opvarmning af vand ændrer ikke dets kemiske sammensætning. Heating water does not change its chemical composition. The heating of water does not alter its chemical composition. Vedkommende er en god sanger. They're a good singer. He's a good singer. Tom sad og ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom was waiting. Kommer Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Will Tom and Mary go to school today? Vi har ikke kjent hverandre lenge. We haven't known each other long. We haven't known each other for a long time. Några barn leker i parken. Some kids are playing in the park. Some children play in the park. Er du sikker på at hans navn var Tom? Are you sure his name was Tom? Are you sure his name was Tom? Dette argumentet er helt latterlig. Glem det! This argument is totally ridiculous. Forget it! This argument is ridiculous. Hjälp oss, Tom. Help us, Tom. Help us, Tom. Det er delvist korrekt. That's partially correct. That's partially correct. Þessar myndir eru virkilega fallegar. These pictures are really very beautiful. These pictures are really beautiful. Hun fik elregningen i dag. She received the electricity bill today. She got the electricity bill today. Tom äter yoghurt med hackad mandel på till frukost. Tom has yogurt topped with slivered almonds for breakfast. Tom eats yogurt with chopped almond on for breakfast. Jeg håper du liker det. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Alla visste. Everybody knew. Everyone knew. Du har fortalt løgne. You've been telling lies. You've told lies. Som du vet är livet som en resa. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. As you know, life is like a journey. Dette er mitt tredje ekteskap. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Le. Smile. Le. Ég á enn einn vin í Kína. I still have one friend in China. I have another friend in China. När man frågar ”varför” är det sista svaret man vill ha ”därför”. When someone asks "why", the last reply they want is "because...". When asked ‘why’ is the last answer you want ‘why’. Inte en chans! Fat chance. No way! Du är bedårande. You're adorable. You're lovely. Han går til skole. He walks to school. He goes to school. Jag har inte sett henne på nästan ett år. I have not seen her for almost a year. I haven't seen her in almost a year. Kom hit en sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Sömnbrist är inte bra för kroppen. Lack of sleep is bad for the body. Sleep deficiency is not good for the body. Tænk på de ægyptiske pyramider. Hvordan blev de bygget? Think of the Egyptian pyramids. How were they built? Think of the Egyptian pyramids. Han är absolutist. He's a teetotaler. He's an absoluteist. Han är vis på några sätt. He is wise in some ways. He's wise in a few ways. Barnet kastade sten på katten. The child threw a stone at the cat. The child threw stones at the cat. Laurie älskar mig. Laurie loves me. Laurie loves me. Tom ville vara trevlig. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be nice. Jeg liker utfordringen med å oversette det uoversettelige. I like the challenge of translating the untranslatable. I like the challenge of translating it unforgetable. Tom är hårdnackad. Tom's headstrong. Tom's out of his mind. Jag vill inte lägga mig i. I don't wish to interfere. I don't want to get in. Tiden rusar. Time flies. Time is running. Hvor mange æg er der? How many eggs are there? How many eggs are there? Jag har inte pratat med Tom om det än. I haven't spoken to Tom about that yet. I haven't talked to Tom about it yet. Det är genomförbart. That's doable. It's feasible. Jeg er ikke en sladrehank. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a sneaker. Virkelig? Really? Really? Nancy vil ha et par røde sko. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Nancy wants a couple red shoes. När katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When the cat's gone, the rats dance on the table. De sad i sofaen i vor stue. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting in the couch in our living room. Supermarkedene er stengt nå, så vi må klare oss med det som er igjen i kjøleskapet. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. Supermarkets are closed now, so we have to deal with what's left in the refrigerator. Det finns en park i centrum. There is a park in the middle of the city. There is a park in the center. Han studerer. He's studying. He's studying. Jeg elsker hende og hun elsker mig. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. Kan jeg løpe med deg? May I run with you? Can I run with you? Barnið grét sig í svefn. The baby cried himself to sleep. The baby wept to sleep. Du skal have hjelm på når du kører på motorcykel. You should wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. You need to wear helmets when you drive on a motorcycle. Det går meg på nervene. It really gets on my nerves. It's getting on my nerves. I har rødvin. You have red wine. You have red wine. Enhörningen är ett fantastisk monster. The unicorn is a fabulous monster. The unicorn is a great monster. Katedralen dominerer bybildet. The cathedral dominates the cityscape. The cathedral dominates the city picture. Jag är mycket intresserad av fotboll. I am very interested in soccer. I'm very interested in football. Hvað er málið? What's the big idea? What's the matter? Du har fått det du ville, lämna mig ifred nu. You got what you wanted, now leave me alone. You've got what you wanted, leave me alone now. Kan vi prata ensamma? Can we talk alone? Can we talk alone? Han løp. He ran. He ran. Hämta lite mat åt Tom. Get Tom some food. Get Tom some food. Hun stillede et rigtig godt spørgsmål. She asked a very good question. She asked me a really good question. La oss sette oss på den benken. Let's sit down on that bench. Let's put ourselves on that bench. Harer og kaniner ser meget ens ud for mig. Hares and rabbits look very similar to me. Hares and rabbits look a lot the same to me. Hun kunne ikke holde tårerne tilbage. She could not hold back her tears. She couldn't hold her tears back. Jag vet att du är upprörd. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Vad är det för fel på mig? What is wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Tom og Maria delte et værelse. Tom and Mary shared a room. Tom and Maria shared a room. Jeg har mistet tidsfornemmelsen. I lost track of time. I've lost my sense of time. De opdrætter kvæg og heste. They breed cattle and horses. They breed cattle and horses. Aldersrelateret makuladegeneration kan forårsage blindhed. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Oljetillgångarna är inte oändliga. Supplies of oil are not infinite. The oil assets are not infinite. Jag går ut ett slag. I'm going out for a while. I'm going out for a fight. Tom spekulerede på, hvor dyb floden var. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Det här är inte min åsikt, bara min översättning! It's not my opinion, but just my translation. This is not my opinion, just my translation! Jeg har ikke penge nok til at betale denne måneds husleje. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. Du kan gå inn nå. You may enter now. You can go in now. Jag har lätt huvudvärk. I have a mild headache. I have a simple headache. Jag är hälsosam. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Taget på mit hus er rødt. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. Jag måste göra anteckningar. I need to take notes. I have to make notes. Jeg begriper ikke hvordan hun gjorde det. Det var et mirakel. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. I don't understand how she did it. Måste ni gå nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Lad os stå ud af bilen nu. Let's get out of the car now. Let's get out of the car now. Du stiller meg spørsmål som du allerede vet svarene på. You're asking me questions you already know the answers to. You ask me questions that you already know the answers to. Ulve angriber normalt ikke mennesker. Wolves don't usually attack people. Wolves usually don't attack people. Drengene og jeg kiggede på hinanden og stillede os et spørgsmål, som ingen er i stand til at svare på: Hvor længe skal det her vare? The boys and I looked at each other and asked ourselves a question no one is able to answer: How long is this going to last? The boys and I looked at each other and asked us a question that no one is able to answer: how long is this going to last? Jeg sætter mig ikke urealistiske mål. I don't set myself unrealistic goals. I'm not setting unrealistic goals. Ur syn ur sinn. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight. Du behøver ikke at forklare mig det. Jeg forstår det allerede. You don't need to explain it to me. I already understand it. You don't have to explain it to me. Algeriet har brug for flere renseanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Sú eldri af dætrunum tveim er í háskóla. The older of the two daughters is in college. The older of the two daughters is in college. För Guds skull. For heaven's sake. For God's sake. Är du tvåspråkig? Are you bilingual? Are you bilingual? Jag har bakjour i dag. I'm on call today. I have a back date today. Jag kommer att försöka. I'm going to try. I'll try. Forholdene blev bare ved med at gå ned ad bakke derfra. Things just kept going downhill from there. The conditions just kept going down the hill from there. Om du har ont i magen, drick örtte. If your stomach hurts, drink herbal tea. If you have stomach pain, drink herb. Hun er ikke min bedstemor. Hun er min mor. She's not my grandmother. She's my mother. She's not my grandmother, she's my mother. Förra året kollade jag på inte mindre än femtio filmer. Last year I watched no less than fifty films. Last year, I looked at no less than fifty films. Det finns en katt i köket. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Det regnede fem dage i træk. It rained five days in a row. It rained five days in a row. Måske er tiden inde til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. Maybe it's time to throw the towel in the ring. Hennes hår är torrt. Her hair is dry. Her hair is dry. Har du vänner i Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Hon gråter hela tiden. She cries all the time. She's crying all the time. Jag har inga barn. I have no kids. I don't have any kids. Jeg troede de ikke ville komme. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they wouldn't come. Hvad betyder »Tatoeba«? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does “Tatoaba” mean? Alle klappede ved slutningen af koncerten. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Engin er rós á þyrna. No roses without thorns. There's no rose on the thorns. Tom skrattade åt Marys idé. Tom laughed at Mary's idea. Tom laughed at Mary's idea. Han drak tidligere. He used to drink. He drank earlier. Det liknar en anka. It looks like a duck. It looks like an anchor. Hun er en stille kvinne. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Jag trodde att Tom var i skolan. I thought Tom was in school. I thought Tom was in school. Jeg har ikke noget imod at sove på gulvet. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. Det skulle sitta fint med en öl. I could use a beer. It was supposed to be nice with a beer. Han fikk tannen sin trukket. He had his tooth pulled. He got his tooth pulled. Jeg har aldrig hørt min mor synge. I've never heard my mother sing. I've never heard my mother sing. Den hvidklædte kvinde er en berømt skuespillerinde. The woman in white is a famous actress. The white-dressed woman is a famous actress. Jeg har kun halvparten så mange bøker som han. I have only half as many books as he does. I only have half as many books as he does. Tom ser fantastisk ut. Tom looks amazing. Tom looks great. Jeg føler meg ikke så bra. I don't feel so good. I don't feel so good. Jag tror att Mary tycker om mig. I think Mary likes me. I think Mary likes me. Tom! Vad håller du på med? Tom! What are you doing? Tom, what are you doing? Det glæder mig at se dig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. Ikke tenk. Don't think. Don't think. Jag överlever nog. I'll live. I think I'll survive. Det kjem ikkje til å gjera vondt. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. Nordmænd har normalt ikke store problemer med at forstå hvad en svensker siger. For Norwegians, it is normally not difficult to understand what a Swede is saying. Northmen usually don't have much trouble understanding what a Swede says. Kommer du ihåg dem? Do you remember them? Do you remember them? Ett kuvert och ett frimärke, tack. An envelope and a stamp, please. A envelope and a stamp, please. Det er så sandelig tid for at "tørlægge sumpen" i Washington DC! It is indeed time to 'drain the swamp' in Washington D.C.! It's so true time to "dry the swamp" in Washington DC! Tom är väldigt lång, eller hur? Tom is very tall, isn't he? Tom's very long, isn't he? Tom hørte et bilhorn dytte. Tom heard a car horn beep. Tom heard a car horn pushed. Han är tillbaka om tio minuter. He will be back in ten minutes. He'll be back in ten minutes. Jeg samler på sjældne mønter. I collect rare coins. I collect rare coins. Han kender hende. He knows her. He knows her. Latin er et evigvarende språk. Latin is a perpetual language. Latin is an eternal language. Hans reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. His reaction wasn't surprising at all. His reaction was not surprising at all. Da jeg kom hjem, oppdaget jeg at jeg hadde mistet lommeboken min. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I came home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Han kan mycket väl ha rätt. He may well be right. He may well be right. Min hund har spist mine lektier. My dog ate my homework. My dog ate my homework. Jeg pleide å spise pizza før, men aldri nå lenger. I used to eat pizza, but now I don't. I used to eat pizza before, but never now anymore. Livet er for grusomt. Life is too cruel. Life is too cruel. Det är bekvämt. It's comfortable. It's comfortable. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne hjelpe deg. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you. Hur är det relevant? How is this relevant? How is that relevant? Mars ligner vores planet på nogle måder. Mars resembles our planet in some ways. Mars looks like our planet in some ways. Vilka pratade du med? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Ingen hjälpte mig göra detta. No one helped me do this. Nobody helped me do this. Vi har sett vad Tom kan göra. We've seen what Tom can do. We've seen what Tom can do. Han promenerade hem. He walked home. He walked home. Vi ska slutföra det här. We're going to finish this. We're gonna finish this. Tom har mistet interessen for at studere fransk. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom's lost interest in studying French. Måndag börjar på söndag. Monday begins on Saturday. Monday begins on Sunday. Tom er meddeler for forbundspolitiet. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom's a federal agent. I dag er det tirsdag den første oktober. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Today it is Tuesday the first October. Jeg var nødt til at udskyde hotelreservationerne i Rom tre dage. I had to put back the hotel reservations for Rome by three days. I had to postpone hotel reservations in Rome three days. Hun græd sig selv i søvn. She cried herself to sleep. She was crying herself asleep. Hvor meget er der i dollar? How much is that in dollars? How much is it in dollars? Det er enklare enn eg trudde. It's easier than I thought. It's easier than I thought. Jeg kan ikke tale tysk. I can't speak German. I can't speak German. Ég veðja fimm dollurum að hann komi ekki. I bet five dollars that he will not come. I bet you five bucks he won't come. Tom er en slapsvans. Tom is a wimp. Tom's a slob. Han jobber til og med sent om nettene. He works even late at night. He even works late on the networks. Vi ønskede det bedste, du kender resten. We wanted the best, you know the rest. We wanted the best, you know the rest. Jeg har en gammel bil. I have an old car. I got an old car. Kast att ballen åt meg. Throw the ball back to me. Throw the ball for me. Vi skyndte oss til togstasjonen. We hurried to the train station. We ran to the train station. Jeg elsker at tage til stranden. I love going to the beach. I love going to the beach. Diktatoren havde alle sine hjælperes fuldstændige loyalitet. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides. The dictator had the complete loyalty of all his helpers. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan man får dette til å virke. I wish I could figure out how to make this work. I wish I could figure out how to make this work. Jag måste åka dit. I need to go there. I have to go there. Vad gör du där? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Hvordan holder man op med at ryge? How does one stop smoking? How do you stop smoking? Är det för svårt? Is that too hard? Is it too hard? Nei, dette er min sønns DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. Jag kan inte se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Dugir tú føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? Do you think you're the best? Jag tyckte aldrig om att gå i skola. I never liked school. I never liked going to school. Är du på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Den sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's on your bench. Tom spiller ikke efter reglerne. Tom is not playing by the rules. Tom doesn't play according to the rules. Jeg er nu 30 år gammel. I am 30 years old now. I'm now 30 years old. Det vil ikke hjælpe dig. It won't help you. It won't help you. Amerikanere er meget fantasifulde når de finder på navne. Americans have a great imagination when inventing names. Americans are very imaginative when they come up with names. Jag förtjänar inte att leva. I don't deserve to live. I don't deserve to live. Áttu nokkur ódýrari herbergi? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Jeg giver mig selv skylden. I blame myself. I blame myself. Hur många hästar finns det i Sverige? How many horses are there in Sweden? How many horses are there in Sweden? Det er spild af penge. It's a waste of money. It's a waste of money. Kan jag gömma mig här? Can I hide in here? Can I hide here? Jeg har fått nok av disse dumme reglene. I've had it with these stupid rules. I've had enough of these stupid rules. Vaner er vanskelige at bryde. Habits are difficult to break. It's hard to break habits. Denne kode kan ikke brydes. This code can't be cracked. This code cannot be broken. Jørgen underviser i græsk. Jörgen teaches Greek. Jørgen teaches in Greek. Þau búast við einhverri samvinnu af þér. They expect some cooperation of you. They expect some cooperation from you. Jeg er bange for kakerlakker. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of cockroaches. Jeg ringer deg i kveld klokken syv. I'll ring you up at seven this evening. I'll call you tonight at seven o'clock. Johannes kan lide at spille skak. Johannes likes to play chess. John likes to play chess. Mor Teresa ble født i Jugoslavia i 1910. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Brændt barn skyr ilden. A burnt child dreads fire. Burned child shoots the fire. Prinsen dræbte dragen. The prince slew the dragon. The prince killed the dragon. Vejret er ofte lummert om sommeren. There is often sultry weather in summer. Weather is often lumbered in the summer. Det är svårt att motstå. It's hard to resist. It's hard to resist. Tom hadde ingen grunn til å være sint. Tom had no reason to be angry. Tom had no reason to be angry. Det vil de ikke finde. They won't find it. They won't find it. Þekkiði hann? Do you know him? Did you know him? Din næse bløder. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose's bleeding. Tom ringer nog. Tom'll call. I think Tom's calling. Du kom for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You came too much sugar in your tea. Världen är ond. The world is evil. The world is evil. Vad kunde det betyda? What could that mean? What could that mean? Hafðu það gott í dag. Have a nice day. Have a good day. Han är ett matvrak. He is a glutton. He's a food wreck. Sex ára gamall hafði hann lært að nota ritvél og sagði kennaranum að hann þyrfti ekki að læra skrift. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. Six years old, he had learned how to use a typewriter and told his teacher that he did not need to learn writing. Tom dro ned elven på en gummiflåte. Tom went down the river on a rubber raft. Tom went down the river on a rubber sheet. Ég vil ekki fara í skólann. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tom är inte härifrån. Tom's not from around here. Tom's not from here. Skolor och vägar är tjänster som betalas för med skatter. Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. Schools and roads are services that are paid for with taxes. Ja, det er det jeg sagde. Yeah, that's what I said. Yeah, that's what I said. Jag tycker om choklad. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. Den båd var fuld af flygtninge fra Cuba. That boat was full of refugees from Cuba. That boat was full of refugees from Cuba. Hagsmunir okkar stangast á við þeirra. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests conflict with them. Er din kone god til at lave mad? Is your wife good at cooking? Is your wife good at cooking? Tröjan Tom hade på sig idag hade hans mamma gjort. The shirt Tom was wearing today was made by his mother. The Tröjan Tom was wearing it today, his mother would have done it. Enhver flod har to sider. There are two sides to each river. Every river has two sides. Jag måste ge mig av. I have to skedaddle. I have to go. Nedanför berget fanns en park. There was a park at the foot of the mountain. Below the mountain was a park. Lugna ner dig. Calm down. Calm down. Jeg kan lide at børste mine tænder med denne tandpasta. I like to brush my teeth with this toothpaste. I like to brush my teeth with this toothpaste. Stopp ham! Stop him! Stop him! En krokodille spiste Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. Ég vil að mömmu minni batni skjótt. I want my mother to get well soon. I want my mom to get better quickly. Tom skakade Marys hand våldsamt. Tom shook Mary's hand vigorously. Tom shaken Mary's hand violently. Har I taget en hårtørrer med? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a hairdryer? Hen grät. He was crying. She cried. En dråbe af giften er nok til at dræbe 160 mennesker. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. A drop of poison is enough to kill 160 people. Jeg kalte katten «Tama». I called the cat "Tama". I called the cat "Tama". Det gläder mig att du tycker om Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. Köpte du den på svarta marknaden? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Jag kommer alltid att behöva er. I'll always need you. I'll always need you. Vi har en stor trädgård. We have a big garden. We have a big garden. Titanic sökk á jómfrúarferð sinni. The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage. Titanic sank on her virgin voyage. Hvis frukten er gjæret burde du ikke spise den. If the fruit is fermented, you shouldn't eat it. If the fruit is fermented, you shouldn't eat it. Broren min bruker denne sykkelen. My brother uses this bike. My brother uses this bike. Overvej det. Mull it over. Consider it. Jag vet att ni är upptagna. I know you're busy. I know you're busy. Silvía átti strangan föður sem hældi henni aldrei. Silvia had a stern father who never praised her. Silvia had a strong father who never gave up on her. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. Stjernene ser mye vakre ut i kveld. The stars look very beautiful tonight. The stars look much beautiful tonight. Tom lämnade tv:n på hela natten. Tom left the TV on all night. Tom left the TV all night. Vanligvis kjøper jeg ikke noe på internett. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. Selvfølgelig ikke! Of course not! Of course not! Jeg bliver hjemme i dag. I'm staying home today. I'll stay home today. Hon kommer från Frankrike. She's from France. She's from France. Í Bandaríkjunum voru sett lög til að koma í veg fyrir tölvuglæpi. Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA. In the United States, laws were put in place to prevent computer crime. Tom är förtjusande. Tom is adorable. Tom is lovely. Sikkerhedskopier alt dit arbejde. Back up all your work. Back up all your work. Är inte det där Toms hatt? Isn't that Tom's hat? Isn't that Tom's hat? De ønskede at afsætte Fidel Castros kommunistiske regering. They wanted to oust the communist government of Fidel Castro. They wanted to set aside Fidel Castro's Communist government. Tom är otrogen. Tom is unfaithful. Tom's cheating. Glædelig jul og godt nytår til alle! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone. Merry Christmas and happy New Year for everyone! Mere kaffe, tak. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. Enhver sætning i denne bog er vigtig. Every sentence in this book is important. Every sentence in this book is important. Du hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You're not helping. Sikke et vejr. What weather ! What a weather. Jag är på nätet. I am on the Internet. I'm online. Olyckligtvis var min granne med om en trafikolycka och hamnade i koma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was in a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was in a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Hun har tyve børn. She has twenty children. She has twenty children. Kan du skilja på vete och korn? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you separate wheat and barley? Tivoli er åben! Your fly is open! Tivoli's open! Vi må alltid gjøre vårt beste. We must always do our best. We always have to do our best. Uddannelse består ikke blot i at lære en masse fakta. Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts. Education is not just learning a lot of facts. Vill du ha barn? Do you want kids? You want kids? Vi har valgt et hotell nær museene. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. Hur säger man ”adjö” på tyska? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say "adjö" in German? Vad fick du i julklapp? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas present? Jag observerade att hans händer var ostadiga. I observed that his hands were unsteady. I noticed that his hands were unsteady. Jag kan inte hjälpa er. I can't help you. I can't help you. Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu. Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child. Bill stuck in the river to save the drowning baby. Hold øje med fodgængerne når du kører bil. Look out for pedestrians when you drive a car. Keep an eye on the pedestrians when you drive a car. Du må hellere komme. You'd better come. You better come. Jag visste att du skulle sakna mig. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Områderne med mindst nedbør ligger på læsiden af bjergene. The areas with lowest precipitation are on the leeward side of the mountains. The areas with least rainfall are located on the base of the mountains. Vi har en beholdning af toiletpapir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a stock of toilet paper. Hun er kunstlet. She's artsy. She's artificial. Jeg har været i Boston siden oktober. I've been in Boston since October. I've been in Boston since October. Isen är väldigt tjock. The ice is very thick. The ice is very thick. Det mesta är på franska. Most of it's in French. Most of it's in French. Rétt eftir að hafa lagt diskana frá sér heyrði Joan dyrabjölluna hringja. Just after putting away the dishes, Joan heard the doorbell ring. Just after putting the plates down, Joan heard the doorbell ringing. Luft er usynlig. Air is invisible. Air is invisible. Jeg har studeret kinesisk i Beijing. I studied Chinese in Beijing. I've been studying Chinese in Beijing. Giv mig dit telefonnummer. Give me your phone number. Give me your phone number. Jag fick säga upp mig. I had to resign. I had to quit. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who says that I steal money? Who said I stole the money? Föraren vred ratten åt höger. The driver turned the wheel to the right. The driver turned the steering wheel to the right. Jeg holdt meg inne fordi det regnet. I stayed indoors because it rained. I held myself in because it rained. Ég vissi að þú kæmir til að bjarga mér. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come to save me. Kan du förklara vad det här är? Would you explain what this is? Can you explain what this is? Skapet ditt er allerede fullt. Det må gjøres plass til de nye klærne dine et annet sted. Your closet is already full. Space will have to be freed up somewhere else for your new clothes. Your cabinet is already full. You need to make room for your new clothes somewhere else. Island høyrde før til Danmark. Iceland used to belong to Denmark. Iceland used to listen to Denmark. Jeg har ingen sønn som heter Tom. I don't have a son named Tom. I don't have a son named Tom. Kan I reparere mit ødelagte dæk nu? Can you fix my broken tire now? Can you repair my damaged tire now? Jeg træner judo. I'm practising judo. I train judo. Jeg stiger af her. I get off here. I'm getting out of here. Jag luktar med näsan. I smell with my nose. I smell with my nose. Þegar ég var kominn út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out, the duck was lightened. Det är ett otroligt resultat. This is an incredible result. It's an incredible result. Vi ska ha barn. We are going to have a baby. We're having a baby. Tom är en mycket bra chaufför. Tom is an excellent driver. Tom is a very good driver. Við erum öll ófullkomin. Við getum ekki búist við fullkominni ríkisstjórn. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. We're all imperfect, we can't expect a perfect government. Løperen hadde nådd halvveismerket. The runner had reached the halfway mark. The runner had reached the halfway mark. Hallo. Hi. Hello. Är inte det planen? Isn't that the plan? Isn't that the plan? Sami verkade full. Sami appeared to be drunk. Sami seemed drunk. Du må holde op med at lyve over for dig selv. You need to stop lying to yourself. You have to stop lying to yourself. Þögnin er gullin. Silence is golden. The silence is the gold. Finns det en telefon här? Is there a telephone here? Is there a phone here? Tom har stadig en klaptelefon. Tom still has a flip phone. Tom still has a laptop. Han pressede sit øre mod væggen. He pressed his ear against the wall. He pressed his ear against the wall. Till och med under arbetstid ger jag i lönndom efter för mitt internetberoende. Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction. Even during working hours, I pay for my internet dependency. Min cykel er punkteret. My bicycle has a flat tire. My bike's flattened. Lag A tapte kampen mot lag B. Team A lost the game against team B. Layer A lost battle against layer B. Det är någonting lurt på gång här. Something is going on here. There's a trick going on here. Jag kan köra dig. I can drive you. I can drive you. ”Hon är död.” ”Nej, det är inte möjligt!” "She's dead." "No, it's not possible!" “She is dead.” “No, it is not possible!” Gætirðu útskýrt nánar? Could you elaborate? Could you explain further? Det ser ut til at han kommer hit neste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Varje dag är en ny dag. Every day is a new day. Every day is a new day. Tom kunde inte bestämma sig omedelbart. Tom couldn't make up his mind right away. Tom couldn't decide immediately. Við elskum þær. We love them. We love them. Ég hef gaman af djassi. I like jazz. I like ice cream. Jeg siger ikke dette for at såre dig, men det er sandheden. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's the truth. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's the truth. Vi är i en recession. We're in a recession. We're in a recession. Tag chancen! Take a chance! Take a chance! Hun trakk på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her shoulders. Jag har massor med vänner. I have lots of friends. I have lots of friends. Jeg har ikke længere brug for Toms hjælp. I don't need Tom's help anymore. I don't need Tom's help anymore. Jeg har drukket for meget øl; jeg er nødt til at få pisset af. I’ve had too much beer, I have to take a whiz. I've been drinking too much beer; I have to get pissed off. Ni behöver inte förstå allt just nu. You don't need to understand everything right now. You don't have to understand everything right now. Tom begyndte på at tømme sine lommer. Tom started to empty his pockets. Tom began to empty his pockets. Jeg vidste at jeg blev fotograferet. I knew that I was being photographed. I knew I was photographed. Har I lyst øl? Do you have any light beer? You want a beer? Det är mycket mer än så. It's a lot more than that. It's a lot more than that. Jag kan överleva ensam. I can survive alone. I can survive alone. Det gör säkert ont. I'll bet it hurts. I'm sure it hurts. Hele verden er blevet skør. The whole world went crazy. The whole world's gone crazy. De kör fast. They're stalling. They're stuck. Það er epli á skrifborðinu. There is an apple on the desk. There's apples on the desk. Hvis bare lægen var kommet lidt tidligere. If only the doctor had come a little sooner. If only the doctor had come a little earlier. Det är inte så enkelt som jag trodde. It's not so easy as I thought it was. It's not as simple as I thought. En servitrice kom og spurgte dem hvad de ønskede. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. A waiter came and asked them what they wanted. Vi klagar alltid. We're always complaining. We always complain. Derefter mistede hun bevidstheden. Then, she lost consciousness. Then she lost consciousness. Tom klatrede over muren. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom climbed over the wall. Ho har vore opptatt med å førebu turen sin til USA. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. She's been busy preparing her trip to the United States. Vidste du ikke at Tom har masser af katte? Didn't you know that Tom has lots cats? Didn't you know Tom has lots of cats? Hon hade en radio. She had a radio. She had a radio. Om du tror att det var mitt fel är du inne på fel spår. If you think it was my fault, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you think it was my fault, you're on the wrong track. Det er så keisamt. It is so boring. It's so cool. Det fortsatte att snöa i fyra dagar. The snow lasted four days. It continued to snow for four days. Broder eller syster, båda är syskon. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Här är vi! Here we are! Here we are! Mary er på badet i timevis. Mary spends hours in the bathroom. Mary's in the shower for hours. Jag går mycket. I walk a lot. I'm going a lot. Við verðum að flýta okkur ef við ætlum að ná á stöðina í tíma. We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. We must hurry if we are to reach the station in time. Ég er reiður út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Hvem vil mon hjælpe os? I wonder who's going to help us. Who will help us? Ég á ekki efni á að fara í onsen um helgina; ég er blankur. I can't afford to go to the onsen this weekend. I'm broke. I can't afford to go to the asses this weekend; I'm broke. Jeg kommer til å måtte fortelle ham det. I'm going to have to tell him. I'm going to have to tell him. jeg vil være væk resten af året. I'll be away for the rest of the year. I'll be gone for the rest of the year. Vilken smart idé! What a clever idea! That's a smart idea. Tom ser ut som du. Tom looks like you. Tom looks like you. Tom og hans kone bor hver for seg. Tom and his wife live separately. Tom and his wife live separately. Jeg vil gerne have at du slukker for radioen. I want you to turn off the radio. I want you to turn off the radio. Min far døde før jeg blev født. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Han er uberegnelig. You never know where you have got him. He's unpredictable. Langar þig í meira salad? Would you like some more salad? Would you like some more salad? Jag hämtar Tom åt dig. I'll get Tom for you. I'll get Tom for you. Hver er uppáhalds leikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor or actress? What's your favorite actor? Kom til rommet mitt. Come into my room. Come to my room. Ég klæðist jakkafötum en án bindis. I wear a suit but wear no tie. I wear a suit, but without a tie. Han studerade kinesiska i Beijing. He studied Chinese in Beijing. He studied Chinese in Beijing. Jeg plejer at gå tur med hunden om morgenen. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I usually walk with the dog in the morning. Du kan komme du også, om du vil. You can come, too, if you want to. You can come, too, if you like. Det var många människor i rummet. There were a lot of people in the room. There were a lot of people in the room. Vårt lag besegrade motståndaren med 5-4. Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. Our team defeated the opponent with 5-4. Jag ska av på nästa station. I'll get off at the next station. I'm leaving at the next station. Vad ska vi göra åt det? What will we do about it? What are we gonna do about it? Du slap billigt. You got off easy. You did it cheaply. Slutt å synes synd på deg selv. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann, sérstaklega þegar hann er á svæðinu. She always says nice things about him, especially when he's around. She always says beautiful things about him, especially when he's in the area. Jag drack inte te igår. I didn't drink tea yesterday. I didn't drink tea yesterday. Hvis du kører nu, er jeg sikker på du vil blive fanget i en trafikprop. If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. If you're driving now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. Jeg vil ha den største kaken. I want the biggest cake. I want the biggest cake. Pengene mine ble stjålet. I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. Hva skal du gjøre i sommerferien? What're you going to do during your summer vacation? What are you going to do during the summer break? Här, använd min penna. Here, use my pen. Here, use my pen. Tom är vaken. Tom's awake. Tom's awake. Ég ætla að eyða vikunni í Kanazawa. I am going to spend the weekend in Kanazawa. I'm going to spend the week in Kanazawa. Nok får være nok. Enough is enough. That's enough. Når man forteller at man er deprimert, så antar de naivt at du er lei deg eller opprørt, når de da mislykker å forstå hvor omfattende depressjon egentlig er. When you tell people you're depressed, they foolishly assume that you're sad or upset, failing to comprehend how profound an emotion depression truly is. When you say you're depressed, they're naively assuming that you're bored or upset, when they fail to understand how extensive the depression really is. Lad den være. Leave it. Leave it alone. Du kan ikke overleve uden vand. You cannot live without water. You can't survive without water. Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom's always complaining about me. Tom är inte bra på att ljuga. Tom isn't good at lying. Tom's not good at lying. Ekki snerta myndavélina mína. Don't touch my camera. Don't touch my camera. Min mor kjøpte to flasker med appelsinjuice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Það er í fleirtölu. It is plural. It's in the multiples. Tom åt upp ditt godis. Tom ate your candy. Tom ate your candy. klimaendring gjør at havnivået stiger. Climate change causes sea levels to rise. Climate change is increasing the sea level. Var vänlig, men bestämd. Be gentle, but firm. Be kind, but firm. Tom har været i Boston i en uge. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom's been in Boston for a week. Kom så tittar vi i garaget. Let's look in the garage. Let's go see the garage. Jag älskade att läsa då jag var liten. I loved to read when I was little. I loved reading when I was a kid. Hvornår købte du en fonograf? When did you buy a phonograph? When did you buy a phonograph? Ekki gleyma miðanum. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Prova den nu då. Go ahead, try it now. Try it now. Jeg ville ikke jobbe med ham, men jeg gjorde det beste ut av det. I didn't want to work with him, but I made the best of it. I didn't want to work with him, but I did the best of it. Låt oss göra affärer. Let's do business. Let's do business. Glaset är tomt. The glass is empty. The glass is empty. Mon vejret bliver godt i morgen. I wonder whether the weather will be good tomorrow. Can the weather be good tomorrow? Förlåt för igår. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about last night. Layla och Samis giftermål var en total katastrof. Layla and Sami's marriage was a total disaster. Layla and Sami's marriage was a total disaster. Tycker du om att resa? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Åt du något? Did you eat anything? Did you eat something? Jag drömde att jag flög. I dreamed I was flying. I dreamt I flew. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe den. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can you not speak English? Can't you speak English? Jeg vet ikke noe om han. I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. Du ljög för mig, inte sant? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Se upp var du går. Watch your step. Look where you're going. Vad skrattar du åt? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Jag ångrar att jag inte gick dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. Varför lämnade du oss? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave us? Tom verkade trevlig. Tom seemed nice. Tom seemed nice. Jag blev just biten. I just got bitten. I just got bitten. Hva er galt med deg? What is the matter with you? What's wrong with you? Smaklig måltid. Enjoy your meal. Have a nice meal. Jeg vil tænde op. I'm going to build a fire. I want to light up. Jeg forventer ikke noe fra deg. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Það er fyrir neðan hennar virðingu að segja svona lagað. It's below her to say such a thing. It's beneath her respect to say something like that. Tom har brug for nogle kontanter. Tom needs some cash. Tom needs some cash. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að við komumst að samkomulagi. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. I think it's time for us to reach an agreement. Flyet skal lande om en time. The plane will land in an hour. The plane has to land in an hour. Fodrer I nogensinde omstrejfende hunde? Do you ever feed stray dogs? You ever feed around dogs? Koffein er vanedannende. Caffeine is addictive. Caffeine is addictive. Nästa dag var juldagen. The next day was Christmas Day. The next day was Christmas. De kan ikke få nok af hinanden. They can't get enough of each other. They can't get enough of each other. Katte er natdyr. Cats are nocturnal creatures. Cats are nocturnal animals. Jag har två bröder. I've got two brothers. I have two brothers. När jag springer, blir jag svettig. When I run, I get sweaty. When I run, I get sweaty. Hun ledte efter sine børn, men kunne ikke finde dem nogen steder. She looked for her children, but couldn't find them anywhere. She was looking for her children, but she couldn't find them anywhere. Tom har vært gjennom nok. Tom has been through enough. Tom's been through enough. Giv mig en uge. Give me a week. Give me a week. Det vil måske regne i nat. It may rain tonight. Maybe it'll rain tonight. Skriv det ned på listen over ting, du ønsker at at gøre, før du stiller træskoene! Put that on your bucket list. Write it down on the list of things you want to do before you put the wooden shoes! Hann talar ensku. He speaks English. He speaks English. Vi er på vej. We're on our way. We're on our way. Du brøt reglene. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Jeg håper vi møtes igjen. I hope to see you again. I hope we meet again. Hun mangler almindelig sund fornuft. She is lacking in common sense. She lacks common sense. Jeg har aldrig set ham i jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. Bilurin er appelsingulur. The car is orange. Bilurine is orange yellow. Tom er ikke en journalist. Tom isn't a journalist. Tom's not a journalist. Mit ur er gået i stå. My watch has stopped. My watch's stopped. Vi har to døtre og to sønner. We have got two daughters and two sons. We have two daughters and two sons. Af hverju viltu ekki hlýða rödd skynseminnar? Why will you not listen to reason? Why don't you listen to the voice of reason? Luta er inte mot dörrarna. Don't lean against the doors. Don't lean on the doors. Han er sanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Tom kan ikke holde tritt med Maria. Tom can't keep up with Mary. Tom can't keep up with Maria. Du mumlede. You mumbled. You muttered. Storbritannien har stemt for at forlade EU. Great Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Britain has voted to leave the EU. Hvor glemte du dem? Where did you forget them? How did you forget them? Flyet Tom skal ta til Boston drar kl. 14.30. Tom's plane leaves for Boston at 2:30 p.m. Tom's going to Boston at 2:30. Efter den avis har der været et jordskælv i Mexico. According to the newspaper there was an earthquake in Mexico. After that newspaper, there's been an earthquake in Mexico. De studerer fransk og webdesign. They're studying French and web design. They're studying French and web design. Du trenger å trene mer. You need to exercise more. You need to train more. Det är mitt fel. I'm to blame. It's my fault. Jesus var född under kung Herodots tid. Jesus was born in the time of King Herod. Jesus was born in the days of King Herodot. Det var så länge sedan. It's been so long. It's been so long. Äter du kött eller är du vegetarian? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you eating meat or are you vegetarian? Jeg har fått nok av deg. I've had it with you. I've had enough of you. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Gør det til en delt mappe. Make that a shared folder. Make it a shared folder. Hann leggur hart að sér í vinnunni. He works very hard. He works hard at work. Han var sjuk i söndags. He was ill on Sunday. He was sick on Sunday. Jag är extremt hungrig. I'm extremely hungry. I'm extremely hungry. Jeg har sædvanligvis jeans på om søndagen. I usually wear jeans on Sunday. I usually have jeans on Sunday. Ingen vet. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Det är enormt. It's huge. It's huge. Jeg leste en bok i dag. I read a book today. I read a book today. Helt nyinflyttad i staden kände han sig stundvis ganska ensam. Once he moved to the city, there were times were he felt quite lonely. Completely recently immigrated in the city, he sometimes felt rather lonely. Toms næse begyndte at klø. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started itching. Min søster stryger mine bukser. My sister irons my pants. My sister irons my pants. Det her er brændevin af lav kvalitet. This is poor quality brandy. This is low-quality brandy. Han sa att han inte visste. He said that he didn't know. He said he didn't know. Tom havde brug for penge. Tom needed money. Tom needed money. Tala långsammare. Talk slower. Slower. Det smakar som skit. It tastes like shit. It tastes like shit. Tom är lite udda. Tom is a little odd. Tom's a little odd. Der kommer toget. There comes the train. There's the train. Jag är inte det minsta intresserad av kemi. I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. I'm not the least interested in chemistry. Hvem var det som skrev disse to brevene? Who was it who wrote these two letters? Who wrote these two letters? Jag vill rösta. I want to vote. I want to vote. Tom har stemmeret. Tom has the right to vote. Tom has the right to vote. Låna aldrig en bil. Never borrow a car. Never borrow a car. Jeg tror han hedder Tom. Tom is his name, I think. I think his name is Tom. Tom drog til ein skule for å lære korleis å stemme piano. Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos. Tom went to a school to learn how to vote the piano. Tom är en sympatisk kille. Tom's a likable guy. Tom's a sympathetic guy. Kan hun sykle? Can she ride a bicycle? Can she ride? Hva skal det være ? What would you like? What's that going to be? Jag är också lärare. I'm also a teacher. I'm also a teacher. De kan inte stoppa oss. They can't stop us. They can't stop us. Din cykel är mycket nyare än min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. "Hvis du bare spiser biff hele tiden, blir du til en ku!" "Tull og tøys!" "If you keep eating just beef, you'll turn into a cow!" "No way!" "If you're just eating steak all the time, you're going to be a cow!" Jeg vil vite hvor det er. I want to know where it is. I want to know where it is. Skulle Tom gilla det? Would Tom like that? Is Tom supposed to like it? Tom sover, men Mary är vaken. Tom is asleep, but Mary is awake. Tom's asleep, but Mary's awake. Du gjør meg glad You make me happy. You make me happy Tack för att ni kom. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Dette stykke land er min ejendom. This land is my property. This piece of land is my property. Tør dine tårer, mit barn. Dry your tears, my child. Dry your tears, my child. Jeg var bange for at gøre det. I was afraid to do that. I was afraid to do it. Mamma mín er sú eina sem saumar föt í fjölskyldunni minni. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in our family. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in my family. Kan jeg komme til at tale med oversygeplejersken? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the nurse? "Bedre død end rød" var en populær sætning under "Den Kolde Krig". "Better dead than red" was a popular phrase during the "Cold War". "Better dead than red" was a popular sentence under "The Cold War". At have ubeskyttet sex er farlig. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Jag måste lita på Tom. I have to trust Tom. I have to trust Tom. Tom smilte da han innså at Mary var i ferd med å kysse ham. Tom smiled when he realized Mary was about to kiss him. Tom smiled when he realized that Mary was about to kiss him. Þú ættir að vera búin undir það versta. You should be ready for the worst. You should be ready for the worst. Klag ikke. Don't complain. Don't complain. Tack så mycket! Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Tom og Mary bor på en bondegård og har 16 børn. Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children. Tom and Mary live in a farmhouse and have 16 children. Tom ville ha miste toget om han hadde stoppe for å kjøpe ein sjokolade. Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have lost the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate. Språkmakt burde ikke bli forvekslet med fornærmelse. "Verbal power" shouldn't be confused with "insult". The power of language should not be confused with insult. Jeg har beklageligvis ikke tid i dag. Unfortunately, I don't have time today. I'm sorry, I don't have time today. Inga men. Don't argue. None but. Han er hendes bedste ven. He is her best friend. He's her best friend. Hvorfor giver du hende ikke nogle blomster? Why don't you give her some flowers? Why don't you give her some flowers? Hans nya film är värd att se. His new film is worth seeing. His new movie is worth seeing. Tom håber at alle tager afsted, så han kan gå i seng. Tom is hoping that everyone will leave, so he can go to bed. Tom hopes everyone leaves so he can go to bed. Tom fer av Kobe fyrramorgin. Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom's leaving Kobe this morning. Jeg våget å støtte meningen hans. I dared to support his opinion. I dared to support his purpose. Vad har du för order? What are our orders? What order do you have? Kan jeg låne din pen? Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Vilken färg är de? What color are they? What color are they? Ved at undervise lærer vi. By teaching, we learn. By teaching, we learn. Jag följde inte med Tom. I didn't go with Tom. I didn't go with Tom. Augu þín minna mig á stjörnur. Your eyes remind me of stars. Your eyes remind me of stars. Jag har två katter. I have two cats. I have two cats. Vi är så glada över att ha dig här. We're so glad to have you here. We're so happy to have you here. Tom låter utmattad. Tom sounds exhausted. Tom sounds exhausted. Hvem har dræbt spionen? Who killed the spy? Who killed the spy? Disse ytterposisjonene er ikke forenlige. Those extreme positions are not compatible. These external positions are incompatible. Jag undrar varför hon inte berättade om det för honom. I wonder why she didn't tell him about it. I wonder why she didn't tell him. Hur reagerade hon på nyheten? What was her reaction to the news? How did she react to the news? Men hun holdt af børn og nød sit arbejde. But she liked children and she enjoyed her work. But she loved children and enjoyed her work. Jag har bara druckit två glas vin. I only had two glasses of wine. I've only had two glasses of wine. Hvor mange templer er der på denne ø? How many temples are there on this island? How many temples are there on this island? Hon kom först i tävlingen. He came first in the competition. She came first in the contest. La oss stoppe her og fortsette i morgen. Let's quit here and continue tomorrow. Let's stop here and continue tomorrow. Kan jag få köpa några vykort? I would like to buy some postcards. Can I get a few postcards? Tom liker å bokse. Tom likes to box. Tom likes to box. Mary, hvad laver du? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Dan blev også tortureret. Dan was also tortured. Dan was also tortured. Puss tennene dine hver dag. Brush your teeth every day. Kiss your teeth every day. Mina fingrar är domnade. My fingers are numb. My fingers are dead. Det behøver næppe nævnes, men helbred er vigtigere end rigdom. Needless to say, health is above wealth. It doesn't have to be mentioned, but health is more important than wealth. Stol aldrig på en statistik du ikke selv har forfalsket. Don't trust any statistics you did not fake yourself. Never trust a statistic you haven't faked yourself. Kent er den fødte leder. Kent is a born leader. Kent is the born leader. Tom tittade på golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Jeg troede at Tom var rig. I thought that Tom was rich. I thought Tom was rich. Tänker du åka snart? Are you leaving soon? You're leaving soon? Mary er enlig mor. Mary is a single mother. Mary's a single mother. Jeg kommer hjem halv tre. I come home at two thirty. I'll be home at 3:30. Hvor mye betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Tycker du fortfarande att jag är den som du vill tillbringa resten av ditt liv med? Do you still think I'm the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? Do you still think I'm the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? Våra ansträngningar medförde inte någon framgång. Our efforts did not result in success. Our efforts did not bring any success. Jag fick den av Tom. I got that from Tom. I got it from Tom. Tom var inte så säker själv. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Tom wasn't so sure of himself. Tom bor nu sammen med sin mor. Tom now lives with his mom. Tom now lives with his mother. Skulle det smaka med lite te? How about some tea? Would it taste a little tea? Vad är din idé? What is your idea? What's your idea? Vet noen hvor sønnen min er? Does someone know where my son is? Does anyone know where my son is? Talar du italienska? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? De gav dig intet. They gave you nothing. They didn't give you anything. Hans far kalder ham "Tom". His dad calls him Tom. His father calls him Tom. Artikeln var skriven på engelska. That article was written in English. The article was written in English. Det er en bog. It is a book. It's a book. Gullprisen varierer daglig. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The gold price varies daily. Hennes röst upprepades genom det tysta huset. Her voice echoed through the silent house. Her voice was repeated through the quiet house. Min søster har været gift i tre år. My sister has been married for three years. My sister's been married for three years. De fattige støtter de rige. The poor support the rich. The poor support the rich. Han hällde vatten över sig själv. He poured water over himself. He poured water on himself. Hvad laver han nu? What is he doing now? What's he doing now? Det er mye lettere enn jeg trodde. It's a lot easier than I thought. It's much easier than I thought. Jeg har en hvit hest. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. Han har taget på. He has gained weight. He's put on. Han har aldrig varit i Amerika. He's never been to America. He's never been to America. Skjut inte budbäraren. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger. Hun begynte for ti minutter siden. She started ten minutes ago. She began ten minutes ago. Jeg så Tom og Mary spille domino. I saw Tom and Mary playing a game of dominoes. I saw Tom and Mary play domino. Varför var inte Tom där? Why wasn't Tom there? Why wasn't Tom there? Du är singel, eller hur? You're single, right? You're single, aren't you? Det er en slags appelsin. It is a kind of orange. It's a kind of orange. Tom skriver ned alt slik at han ikke glemmer det. Tom writes everything down so he won't forget it. Tom writes down everything so he doesn't forget it. "Er du hetero- eller homoseksuel?" "Jeg er heteroseksuel." "Are you straight or gay?" "I'm straight." "Are you heterosexual or homosexual?" "I'm heterosexual." Strø salt i såret. Rub salt in the wound. Powerful salt in the wound. Ég beið eftir henni þar til það varð dimmt. I waited for her till it got dark. I waited for her until it was dark. Är du musiker? Are you a musician? Are you a musician? Stolen din er helt lik min. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is exactly like mine. Du bør skynde deg. You'd better hurry up. You should hurry. Du skal skifte tog i Shibuya. You have to change trains at Shibuya. You need to change trains in Shibuya. I dag er det dagen for ikke-brændbart affald. Today is a non-burnable rubbish day. Today is the day for non-flammable waste. Kom tillbaks in i bilen. Get back in the van. Get back in the car. Det er varmt i dag. It's warm today. It's hot today. Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Min tante har gitt meg blomster. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt has given me flowers. Køber du stadigvæk lottokuponer? Do you still buy lottery tickets? You still buying lottery tickets? Så, kommer du sammen med nogen? So, are you seeing anyone? So, are you dating someone? Hun begynte å snakke til hunden. She began to talk to the dog. She began to talk to the dog. Vil du ha mer potetstappe? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Would you like some more potatoes? Jeg er i stand til at læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I'm able to read French. Glædelig International Kvindedag! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Tag én af de to æbler. Take either of the apples. Take one of the two apples. När jag hittar något jag gillar är det alltid för dyrt. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. When I find something I like, it's always too expensive. Han vill fortfarande komma. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Hvad vil naboerne sige? What will the neighbours say? What will the neighbors say? Han begik selvmord. He commited suicide. He committed suicide. Varför bestämde du dig för att prata om det nu? Why did you decide to speak about that now? Why did you decide to talk about it now? Jag håller inte med dig på den punkten. I differ from you on that point. I do not agree with you on that point. I kan ikke begge have ret. You can't both be right. You both can't be right. Deras son har autism. Their son has autism. Their son has autism. De dannede en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. Kven snakkar russisk? Who speaks Russian? Who's talking Russian? Jeg hater vinter. I hate winter. I hate winter. Efter at jeg havde afprøvet min nye væv, redte jeg min seng og reparerede kaffemøllen. After I tried out my new loom, I made my bed and repaired the coffee grinder. After trying out my new tissue, I rode my bed and repaired the coffee mill. Der er mad i køleskabet. There's food in the fridge. There's food in the fridge. Använder du droger? Do you do drugs? Do you use drugs? Tom dömde en konsttävling. Tom was a judge in an art contest. Tom condemned an art contest. Af hverju ertu svona reiður? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Det är inte värt besväret. It's not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Du kommer tidligt. You're here early. You're coming early. Jeg hater lukten av hvitløk. I hate the smell of garlic. I hate the smell of garlic. Me keia oss. We were bored. Me keia us. Tom er god til fransk. Tom is good at French. Tom's good at French. Tom er vant til at få sin vilje. Tom is used to getting his way. Tom's used to getting his way. Er dette et trickspørgsmål? Is this a trick question? Is this a trick question? Tom er aldeles ikke redd slenger. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom is absolutely not afraid of slings. Spørsmålet kan bare tolkes på en måte. The question permits of only one interpretation. The question can only be interpreted in a way. Hvor ofte sker det? How often does that happen? How often does this happen? Gi meg litt vann, og det i en fei! Give me some water, and make it quick! Give me some water, and that in a coward! Tom så en western. Tom watched a Western. Tom saw a Western. Jeg bad Mike hjælpe mig. I asked Mike to help me. I asked Mike to help me. Vil du tage telefonen? Answer the telephone, will you? Do you want to pick up the phone? Kan du snakke fransk? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Jag fick ett annat jobb. I got another job. I got another job. Du behøver ikke sige noget, hvis du ikke har lyst. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Var ligger museet? Where is the museum? Where is the museum? Tom havde lyst til at danse. Tom felt like dancing. Tom wanted to dance. Jeg fandt ham venlig. I found him kind. I found him friendly. Jeg er interessert i fjellklatring. I am interested in mountain climbing. I'm interested in mountain climbing. Jag har planterat ett träd. I've planted a tree. I planted a tree. Jag har känt Tom sen vi var barn. I've known Tom since we were children. I've known Tom since we were children. Jag kände mig väldigt illa till mods. I felt very uneasy. I felt really bad about myself. Tom ankom ved porten og ringte på. Tom arrived at the gate and rang the bell. Tom arrived at the gate and called. Það slitnaði upp úr samningaviðræðum okkar. Our negotiations broke off. It just broke out of our negotiations. Vi så mange skibe i havnen. We saw many ships in the harbor. We saw a lot of ships in the harbour. Hun sværmer for sin lærer. She has a crush on her teacher. She swears for her teacher. Jag förstår inte hur den används. I don't understand how to use it. I don't understand how it's used. Vi fruktar. We're afraid. We fear. Jeg har nogle få franske bøger. I have a few French books. I have a few French books. Jag går till biblioteket två till tre gånger per vecka. I go to the library two or three times a week. I go to the library two to three times a week. Jag drömde om honom. I had a dream about him. I dreamed of him. Han besluttede sig for at blive læge. He made up his mind to be a doctor. He decided to become a doctor. Vad hände med dem? What became of them? What happened to them? Ikke alle var glade. Not everyone was happy. Not everyone was happy. Hvordan siger man XXX på engelsk? How do you say XXX in English? How do you say XXX in English? Mér fannst þetta vera góð bók en Jim var á annari skoðun. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Jim was in a different opinion. Klukkan hvað ferðu yfirleitt í háttinn? What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you usually go to bed? Makaroni og ost er Toms livret. Mac and cheese is Tom's favorite food. Macaroni and cheese are Tom's favorite dish. Han är duktig med kort. He's good at cards. He's good with cards. Jeg elsker poesi. I love poetry. I love poetry. Han matade kycklingarna med hirs. He fed the chickens millet. He fed the chickens with hirs. Forsøg ikke på at narre mig. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. Jag älskar det programmet. I love that program. I love that program. Kunden har altid ret. The customer is always right. The customer is always right. Dette firmaet solgte utrygge produkter. This company sold unsafe products. This company sold unsafe products. Får jag gå och surfa? Can I go surfing? Can I go surf? Det är inte så illa. It's not so bad. It's not that bad. Du fordreir alltid hvert ord jeg sier. You always twist what I say. You always demand every word I say. Vi stod ved døren og ventede. We stood at the door and waited. We were standing at the door waiting. Kan du inte stanna en stund till? Can't you stay a while longer? Can't you stop for a second? Glöm inte biljetten. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Jeg tænkte på om du vidste hvor Tom var. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki ein. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Du behøver kun at give ham en smule hjælp. You have only to give him a little help. All you have to do is give him a little help. England er et land jeg lenge har ønsket å besøke. England is a country that I've wanted to visit for a long time. England is a country I have long wanted to visit. Han snackar lita konstigt ibland. Sometimes he talks a little weird. He's talking a little weird sometimes. Jag gillar verkligen denna restaurang. I really like this restaurant. I really like this restaurant. Jag har inte råd att betala så mycket. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't afford to pay that much. I mitt land tål man inte dem som är intelligentare än en själv. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country you can't stand those who are smarter than yourself. Var är hissen? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Idrett har gjort ham til den han er. Sport has made him what he is. Idrett has made him who he is. Tom ville sannsynligvis ha gjort det. Tom would likely agree to do that. Tom would probably have done it. Var har du fått det ifrån? Where did you get it? Where'd you get that? Tom er bange for edderkopper. Tom is afraid of spiders. Tom's afraid of spiders. Kven skal du gjeve boka til? To whom are you going to give that book? Who do you want to give this book to? Jeg vil ha mer detaljert informasjon. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. Hur ska det sluta? How will it end? How's that gonna end? Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe end sort te. I like coffee better than black tea. I like coffee better than black tea. Jag har massvis med saker att göra. I've got plenty to do. I have lots of things to do. Andorra är ett litet furstendöme beläget mellan Spanien och Frankrike. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. Andorra is a small princely district located between Spain and France. Den här är väldigt billig. This is very cheap. This one's very cheap. Søg, og du vil finde. Seek, and you will find. Search and you'll find it. Er son uppvaktar min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son's gonna wake up my daughter. Hvat kostar tað? How much does that cost? What does it cost? Jeg er blind. I am blind. I'm blind. Kjernekraft er dyrt og farlig. The atomic energy is expensive and dangerous. Nuclear power is expensive and dangerous. Lysforurensing er eit alvorleg problem. Light pollution is a serious problem. Light pollution is a serious problem. Vilken säng som helst är bättre än ingen säng alls. Any bed is better than no bed. Any bed is better than no bed at all. Jag uppfattade inte riktigt namnet på den där designern. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn't really understand the name of that designer. Vi tog varandra i handen på det. We shook on it. We took each other in the hand. Du burde være begyndt med lettere spørgsmål. You should have started with simpler questions. You should have started with easier questions. Jeg vidste ikke du kunne danse. I didn't know you could dance. I didn't know you could dance. Nu er vi syv arabere. Now we are seven Arabs. Now we're seven Arabs. Dette sværd har en mærkelig forhistorie. This sword has a strange history. This sword has a strange history. Vand koger ved 100 grader. Water boils at 100 degrees. Water boiling at 100 degrees. Jeg spør deg som en venn. I'm asking you as a friend. I'm asking you as a friend. Jeg hader at slå dyr ihjel. I abhor killing animals. I hate killing animals. Det är irrelevant. That's unrelated. It's irrelevant. Tom behøvde ikke å kjøpe den boken. Tom didn't need to buy that book. Tom didn't have to buy that book. Tom ble nesten oppsagt. Tom almost got fired. Tom was almost cancelled. Nu har jag dåligt samvete. Now I feel guilty. Now I have a bad conscience. Jag ska hämta bilen. I'll get the car. I'll get the car. De er et par. They're a couple. They're a couple. Se hvad jeg har fundet. Look what I've found. Look what I found. Det er vår plikt å hjelpe hverandre. It is our duty to help one another. It's our duty to help each other. Jeg tror Tom vil kunne lide det. I think Tom will like it. I think Tom's gonna like it. Finns vi? Do we exist? Are we there? Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it secret. I promised him I'd keep it secret. Hvad ville din mor sige? What would your mother say? What would your mother say? Tom handler ofte ind alene. Tom often goes shopping alone. Tom often acts in alone. Vinsamlegast gakktu frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please leave these chairs. Han var tvungen att lämna staden, så han flyttade till Berlin. He had to leave the city, so he moved to Berlin. He had to leave town, so he moved to Berlin. Krakkarnir eru að gera mig vitlausan. The kids are driving me crazy. The kids are driving me crazy. Jeg falder let i søvn når jeg ser fjernsyn. I fall asleep easily while watching television. I get to sleep easily when I watch TV. Jag är kapten över detta skepp. I'm the captain of this ship. I'm captain of this ship. Jeg lånte Tom bilen. I lent Tom the car. I borrowed Tom's car. Hej, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom! Vi har inget problem. We don't have a problem. We don't have a problem. Dette kommer til at koste tredive euro. This is going to cost thirty euros. This is going to cost thirty euros. Hefurðu nokkurtíma komið til Hawaii, Takuja? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuja? Tom gillar att äta kall pizza till frukost. Tom likes to eat cold pizza for breakfast. Tom likes to eat cold pizza for breakfast. Tyvärr gick guiden fel. Unfortunately the guide went wrong. Unfortunately, the guide went wrong. Hunden løb efter katten. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran after the cat. Håll ett öga på den. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Fokk! Fuck! Fuck! Du ligner på din mor. You look like your mother. You look like your mother. Tom skulle aldrig tillåta det. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never allow it. Jag kunde inte gå på hans födelsedagskalas. I wasn't able to go to his birthday party. I couldn't go to his birthday party. Gjorde du någonting? Did you do anything? Did you do anything? När fick du reda på det? When did you find out? When did you find out? Han ringte systera si, Mary. He called his sister, Mary. He called the sister, Mary. Tom arbeider for eit stort selskap. Tom works for a large company. Tom works for a large company. Jag är yngre än John. I am younger than John. I'm younger than John. Jag har andra planer. I have other plans. I have other plans. Getur þú þekkt Jane og tvíburasystur hennar í sundur? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Can you know Jane and her twin sisters apart? Har du lyst øl? Do you have any light beer? You want a beer? Mit modersmål er fransk. My native language is French. My mother tongue is French. Jag skulle vilja ha något att dricka. I would like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Jag tycker inte om att tala inför människor. I don't like public speaking. I don't like to talk in front of people. Ég mun gera mitt besta. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Sköldpaddan dog. The turtle died. The turtle died. Tom satte en forlovelsesring på Marys finger. Tom put an engagement ring on Mary's finger. Tom put a engagement ring on Mary's finger. Gleður mig að sjá þig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. Det kan vi inte göra. We cannot do that. We can't do that. Jag skämtar inte. I'm not joking. I'm not kidding. In i bilen med dig. Get in the car. Get in the car with you. Sviss er ekki Svíþjóð. Switzerland isn't Sweden. Switzerland is not Sweden. Du måste göra dig av med den där ovanan. You must get rid of that bad habit. You have to get rid of that one. Österrike ligger i Centraleuropa. Austria is situated in Central Europe. Austria is located in central Europe. Er det farligt? Is it dangerous? Is that dangerous? Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Er Tom stadig i skole? Is Tom still at school? Is Tom still in school? Det her er den forkerte vej! This is the wrong way! This is the wrong way! Eg ser boka. I see the book. I see the book. Har du dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Skulle jag kunna få ett glas mjölk, tack? May I have a glass of milk, please? Could I have a glass of milk, please? Tom ligger på backen. Tom is lying on the ground. Tom's on the hill. Tom forstår mig ikke. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Trots kylan gick vi ut. Cold as it was, we went out. Despite the cold, we went out. Gifte ni er? Did you get married? You married? Dette er et hospital. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. Jag har lyssnat på klassisk musik hela dagen. I've been listening to classical music all day. I've been listening to classical music all day. Skrub af! Why don't you get lost. Get off! Mit ur er ti minutter bagefter. My watch is ten minutes slow. My watch is ten minutes later. Jag tycker inte om kaffe. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Man skal spise for at leve og ikke leve for at spise. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You have to eat to live and not live to eat. Hvor længe har du været væk? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Hans frånvaro igår berodde på förkylning. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. His absence was due to cold yesterday. Det bodde en vild folkstam där på den tiden. A savage tribe lived there in those days. There was a wild people's tribe back there. Vi må treffes oftere. We need to see each other more often. We have to do more often. Brekk sjokoladen i små biter. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Error chocolate in small pieces. Jag tar dina väskor. I'll grab your bags. I'll take your bags. Filmen var så sørgelig at alle græd. The movie was so sad that everybody cried. The movie was so sad that everyone was crying. Använd en skalpell, inte en yxa. Use a scalpel, not a hatchet. Use a scalpel, not an axe. Jeg hører stemmer i mit hoved. I hear voices in my head. I hear voices in my head. Trevlig resa! Godspeed! Have a nice trip! Hvor tit kommer der bus? How often do buses come? How often do you get a bus? Tom är artig. Tom is polite. Tom's polite. Ta appelsinene ut av kjøleskapet. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the oranges out of the refrigerator. Fortæl mig hvad der foregår! Tell me what's going on. Tell me what's going on! Du lyt ikkje li i togn. You needn't suffer in silence. You're not listening in silence. Ég er honum enginn jafnoki. I am no match for him. I'm not like him. Den officielle middag fandt sted i Det Hvide Hus. The official dinner took place at the White House. The official dinner took place in the White House. Det kan vi inte göra. We can't do that. We can't do that. Det var meget vanskeligt at svømme mod strømmen. It was very difficult to swim against the current. It was very difficult to swim against the current. Kabyliens infrastruktur er forholdsvis god. Kabylian infrastructure is relatively good. Kabylien's infrastructure is relatively good. Skoven vrimler med liv. The forest is teeming with life. The forest is wandering with life. Hunden gøede af hende. The dog barked at her. The dog was barking at her. Denne blomsten er den vakreste av alle blomster. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Jeg behøver ikke din hjælp. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Tom slo opp med Mary i dag. Tom broke up with Mary today. Tom broke up with Mary today. Kom bort därifrån. Get away from there. Get out of there. Var ligger den egyptiska ambassaden? Where is the Egyptian embassy? Where is the Egyptian embassy? Jeg taler kun fransk med Tom. I only speak French with Tom. I'm only speaking French to Tom. Dette er en vits. This is a joke. This is a joke. Hvat er kursurin? What is the exchange rate? What's the course trip? Han er virkelig en særling. He's really an oddball. He's really a weirdo. Hun var deprimeret. She felt blue. She was depressed. Du taler. You are talking. You're talking. Jeg har skrevet en roman akkurat slik jeg ønsket å skrive den. I wrote a novel exactly as I wanted to write it. I've written a novel just as I wanted to write it. Vanter er varmere end handsker. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Waters are warmer than gloves. Har I en særlig menu for vegetarer? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Tom tappade sina pengar. Tom lost his money. Tom lost his money. Jeg ved intet om dig. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about you. Vad var det du stal? What did you steal? What did you steal? I många delar av världen är det olagligt att skjuta vilt såsom hjort, älg eller fasan. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild game such as deer, moose or pheasant. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot game such as deer, elk or pheasant. Jag har sett dig på tv. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Jag kan simma bra. I can swim well. I can swim well. Jeg er sikker på at Tom fortalte deg det. I'm sure Tom told you that. I'm sure Tom told you. Luk dine øjne. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Hvor viktig? How important? How important? Han læser en bog på sit værelse. He is reading a book in his room. He reads a book in his room. Har du nøkkelene til dette rommet? Do you have the key to this room? Do you have the keys to this room? Hugbúnaðurinn hefur verið uppfærður. The software has been updated. Software has been updated. Æggeblommer er gule. Yolks are yellow. Egg yolks are yellow. Kan du stanna länge? Can you stay long? Can you stay long? Tom og Mary har drukket. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Jeg viser dig det kun en gang. I'm only going to show you once. I'll only show you once. Þessir stólar eru í veginum. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are on the road. Findes der et møntvaskeri her i nærheden? Is there a launderette around here? Is there a mint here nearby? Jeg er sikker på at du kan gøre det. I'm sure you can do that. I'm sure you can do it. Eg kann ikki fara higar. I can't leave here. I can't go there. Det må I ikke glemme! Don't you forget that. Don't forget that! Tom bliver grebet af panik. Tom is panicking. Tom's panicking. Det är dyrt med pianon. A piano is expensive. It's expensive with pianon. Toms hus har store vinduer. Tom's house has large windows. Tom's house has big windows. Hunden åt ikke kjøttet. The dog didn't eat the meat. The dog didn't eat the meat. Jorden, Mars og Jupiter er planeter. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. John þekkir til fyrirtækisins. John is familiar with the business. John knows about the company. Bedstemor tog til markedet for at købe mad til familien. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Hun besøgte ham i Boston. She visited him in Boston. She visited him in Boston. Jeg ejer en yacht. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Takk for den gode samtale. Thanks for the good conversation. Thanks for the good conversation. Han foregav at være læge. He pretended to be a doctor. He pretended to be a doctor. Ett språk er aldri nok. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. I Europa betragter man punktlighed som en selvfølge. In Europe, people regard punctuality as a matter of course. In Europe, timeliness is seen as a matter of course. Han går på krykker. He walks on crutches. He's on cracks. Tom vet ikke forskjellen mellom Irak og Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Tom satte spørgsmålstegn ved alt. Tom questioned everything. Tom questioned everything. Jag har inte ätit soppan och jag kommer inte att göra det. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't do it. Vinsamlegast lokaðu dyrunum. Close the door, please. Please close the door. Jag kan ta itu med det. I can deal with it. I can deal with it. Dette er en bog om England. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. De vil købe alt muligt. They'll buy anything. They'll buy everything. Hon gick ut. She went inside. She went out. Du ser precis ut som din pappa. You look just like your father. You look just like your dad. Det är så vi brukar göra. That's how we do it. That's how we usually do it. Vi kan lide ham. We like him. We like him. De lager et eller annet her. They're making something or other here. They're doing something here. Han är ärlig. He's honest. He's honest. Polisen har anhållit en misstänkt. The police have a suspect in custody. The police have arrested a suspect. Hvilken hylde er det på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is it on? Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hänga med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He walked slowly so the baby could keep up. En av dem var min. One of them was mine. One of them was mine. Vi var fattige, men glade. We were poor, but we were happy. We were poor, but happy. Jag slog aldrig Layla igen. I never hit Layla again. I never hit Layla again. Vad händer om det blir ett strömavbrott nu? What will happen if there's power failure now? What happens if there's a power outage now? Släpp kniven, annars bryter jag din arm. Drop that knife or I'll break your arm. Drop the knife, or I'll break your arm. Landsbyen var død efter solnedgang. The village was dead after sunset. The village was dead after sunset. Pengar är det sista han vill ha. Money is the last thing he wants. Money is the last thing he wants. Min dröm är att studera utomlands. My dream is to study abroad. My dream is to study abroad. Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. Burde du ikke være i skole lige nu? Aren't you supposed to be in school right now? Shouldn't you be at school right now? Jeg vet ikke enda om vi kommer til å dra til muséet. I still don't know if we'll go to the museum. I don't know yet if we're going to go to the museum. Jag måste jobba idag. I have to work today. I have to work today. Mig langar ekki í meira! I don't want any more! I don't want any more! Láttu ekki hugfallast! Cheer up! Don't be discouraged! Eg eri lækni. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Tom er skilt. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. Vi havde en behagelig aften. We had a pleasant evening. We had a pleasant evening. Hann er að læra við skrifborðið sitt. He is studying at his desk. He's learning at his desk. Ef þér væri sama þætti mér betra af þú gerðir það ekki. I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind. If you don't mind, I'd be better off if you didn't. Det värker i benet. My leg is aching. It hurts in the leg. Alle hønsene er allerede i hønsehuset. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the chicken house. Jeg går til skolen på gåben. I go to school on foot. I'm going to school on the walk. Tycker du om ditt jobb? Do you like your job? Do you like your job? Hva med noe kaldt å drikke? How about something cold to drink? What about something cold to drink? Det vi inte kan göra. That we are not able to do. What we can't do. Han bröt nacken i olyckan. He got his neck broken in the accident. He broke his neck in the accident. Ó nei! Ég sleit streng í spaðanum mínum. Oh, no. I broke a string in my racket. Oh, no, I broke a string in my savings. Jeg er ikke uorganisert. I'm not disorganized. I'm not unorganized. Passer det at I ikke kan svømme? Is it true that you can't swim? Is it true you can't swim? Jeg ved præcis hvordan du føler dig. I know exactly how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. Jeg pleide å tro at ingen brydde seg. I used to think no one cared. I used to think that nobody cared. Han har et hus i Kabylien, Algeriet. He has a house in Kabylie, Algeria. He's got a house in Kabylia, Algeria. Ingen kommer att överleva. No one will survive. No one will survive. Hils dine forældre fra mig. Say hello to your parents from me. Tell your parents about me. Jeg vil gerne ønskes tillykke personligt. I would like to be wished a happy birthday in person. I would like to congratulate you personally. Tom taler kun fransk. Tom only speaks French. Tom only speaks French. Kate drekkur mikið af mjólk á hverjum degi. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Tom blev arresteret. Tom got arrested. Tom was arrested. Jeg vil lære å svømme. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn how to swim. Du har bara en chans att svara rätt. You have only one chance to answer correctly. You only have one chance to answer correctly. Till hela stadens förvåning, arresterades borgmästaren. To the astonishment of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. To the surprise of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. Har du bestemt deg for å dra til Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? Jeg kan ikke åbne dokumentet. I can't open the document. I can't open the document. Jeg har kvalme. I have nausea. I'm sick. Jeg er klar til at betjene dig. I am ready to serve you. I'm ready to serve you. Hon talar ryska. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Hun skjelte ham ut for å være sen. She scolded him for being late. She skewed him out to be late. Åbn flasken. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Hans konvertering til islam var den bedste beslutning, han nogensinde havde taget i sit liv. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever made in his life. His conversion to Islam was the best decision he had ever made in his life. När jag kom hem, upptäckte jag att jag hade tappat bort min plånbok. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I came home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Vær så venlig at lave en milkshake til mig. Please make a milkshake for me. Please make me a milkshake. Tom behandlede Mary som et barn. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary as a child. Það var ekki fyrr en að ég las bókina að ég vissi af því. It was not until I read the book that I knew about it. It wasn’t until I read the book that I knew about it. Den är gjord av skinn. It's made of leather. It's made of skin. Jeg havde drukket en øl og foregav at være meget fuld. I had one beer and pretended to be very drunk. I had been drinking a beer and pretended to be very drunk. Alle vil sidde ved siden af hende. Everybody wants to sit beside her. Everyone wants to sit next to her. Jag skulle vilja lägga undan mina ägodelar. I'd like to put my belongings away. I'd like to put away my possessions. Min far, farfar, farfars far och farfars farfar hade alla samma namn som jag. My father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather all had the same name as I have. My father, my grandfather, my grandfather's father, and my grandfather's grandfather all had the same name as me. Hér eru bækurnar okkar. Here are our books. Here's our books. Min bil har ikke nok hestekræfter. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. Snälla ge mig ett plåster och lite medicin. Please give me a Band-Aid and some medicine. Please give me a patch and some medicine. Han blev ditsatt för mord. He was framed for murder. He was assigned to murder. De olympiske lege afholdes hvert fjerde år. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympic Games are held every four years. Jag visste inte ens vad hon hette. I didn't even know her name. I didn't even know her name. Vad behöver du veta? What do you need to know? What do you need to know? Vi är i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. For at gøre en lang historie kort, så begravede vi stridsøksen. To make a long story short, we buried the hatchet. To make a long story short, we buried the war chase. Österrikes kuperade landskap påminde herr Bogart om "Sound of Music". Austria's hilly landscapes reminded Mr. Bogart of The Sound of Music. Austria's hilly landscape reminded Mr. Bogart of "Sound of Music". Vilket företag arbetar du för? What company do you work for? Which company are you working for? Tom sneglade neråt. Tom glanced down. Tom snuck down. Hún er elskuð af vinum sínum. She's loved by her friends. She's loved by her friends. Jag litar verkligen på dig, Tom. I do trust you, Tom. I really trust you, Tom. Pappa jobber i banken. My father works for a bank. Dad works in the bank. Fejlslagne revolutioner går hurtigt i glemmebogen. Revolutions that don't succeed are soon forgotten. Faulty revolutions go quickly in the forgotten book. Gid han var på vores hold! I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team! Tom är mycket generös. Tom is very generous. Tom's very generous. Jag hoppas att vi har tagit det rätta beslutet. I hope we've made the right decision. I hope we have made the right decision. Eg fer í kirkju. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Hade du roligt på matchen? Did you enjoy the game? Did you have fun at the game? Ikke ta den telefonen. Don't pick up that phone. Don't take that phone. Du kan velge hvilken bok som helst. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose any book. Du är den jag älskar mest. You're the one I love the most. You're the one I love most. Tallinn är Estlands huvudstad. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is Estonia's capital. Vi søgte ly under et træ. We took shelter under a tree. We sought shelter under a tree. Hvor var du om aftenen den 20. oktober og natten til den 21.? Where were you on the night of October 20th? Where were you at the night of October 20 and the night of October 21. Jeg drikker kaffe. I am drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Hva er det gode liv? What is a good life? What's the good life? Det jeg skal til å fortelle deg, er helt uoffisielt. What I'm about to tell you is strictly off the record. What I'm about to tell you is totally unofficial. Mit blodtryk er ret højt. My blood pressure is quite high. My blood pressure is pretty high. Sæt alt på ét bræt! Go for broke! Put everything on one board! Jag säger åt dig att hålla käft. I'm telling you to shut up. I'll tell you to shut up. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að þrífa diskinn. All you have to do is wash the dish. All you have to do is clean the disc. Hans hud var varm. His skin was warm. His skin was warm. Du måste återvända. You need to go back. You have to come back. Biljetten, tack. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. He's no doubt much better than you. Tom må have glemt sin nøgle. Tom must've forgotten his key. Tom must have forgotten his key. Jeg sov tit på den bænk da jeg var hjemløs. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. Fá hana at flyta seg! Make her move! Make her move! Det är uppenbart, du behöver inte förklara det. That's obvious, you don't need to explain it. It's obvious, you don't have to explain it. Allt sem má misskilja verður misskilið. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. Hún bað hann um að kvænast sér. She asked him to marry her. She asked him to marry her husband. Hun drak ikke mælken. She didn't drink the milk. She didn't drink the milk. Han spurgte min mor. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. En lastbil ramte hunden. A truck hit the dog. A truck hit the dog. Kate är förkyld. Kate has a cold. Kate's cold. Jeg elsker oksekød. I love beef. I love beef. Har du noget imod at jeg ryger? Do you mind my smoking? Do you mind if I smoke? Okkur líkar ekki við rigningu. We don't like rain. We don't like rain. Búist er við því að eitt hundruð og fimmtíu þúsund pör muni gifta sig í Sjanghæ árið tvö þúsund og sex. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006. It is expected that one hundred and fifty thousand couples will get married in Shunghi in two thousand and six years. "Jeg gjør det i morgen." "Det sa du i går!" "I'll do it tomorrow." "You said that yesterday!" "I'll do it tomorrow." "That's what you said yesterday!" Tom ligger i koma och läkarna är inte säkra på om han kommer att överleva. Tom is in a coma and the doctors are not sure if he's going to live. Tom's in a coma and the doctors aren't sure if he's gonna survive. Dit navn er ikke Tom, er det vel? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Hvor er mine drager? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Hvad er den længste flod i Tyskland? What's the longest river in Germany? What is the longest river in Germany? Hendes kusine bor i Europa. Her cousin lives in Europe. Her cousin lives in Europe. Jeg løper. I run. I'm running. Får jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do that today? Jeg er en berliner. I am a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Han er høj og tynd. He's tall and slim. He's tall and thin. Jag ska skriva om det. I will write about it. I'll rewrite it. Tom mente at han havde masser af tid til at nå sit fly, men han nåede det kun på et hængende hår. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his plane, but he only just made it by the skin of his teeth. Tom thought he had plenty of time to reach his plane, but he only reached it on a hanging hair. Jeg drikker næsten aldrig instant kaffe. I hardly ever drink instant coffee. I hardly ever drink instant coffee. Det verkar vara brutet. It appears to be broken. It seems to be broken. Afrikanske elefanter har mindre hårvækst end asiatiske elefanter. African elephants have less hair than Asian elephants. African elephants have less hair growth than Asian elephants. Sverð minn er líf mitt. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Det er den højeste bygning i denne by. It's the highest building in this city. It's the tallest building in this town. Jeg ved ikke hvad der sker. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Globaliseringen ødelægger den sproglige diversitet. Globalization destroys the diversity of languages. Globalisation destroys linguistic diversity. Tom bor ikke længere her. Tom doesn't live here anymore. Tom doesn't live here anymore. Elsk meg i morgen! Love me tomorrow! Love me tomorrow! Du kunne klart det. You could have done it. You could've done it. Min hund åt min läxa. My dog ate my homework. My dog for my homework. Det är precis det det handlar om. That's precisely the point. That's exactly what it's about. Jeg kan bake brød. I can bake bread. I can make bread. Gartneren afbrænder visne blade i baghaven. The gardener is burning dead leaves in the backyard. The gardener burns in the backyard. það væri frábært ef ég gæti talað þrjú tungumál. It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! It would be great if I could speak three languages. Tom gav Mary lite choklad. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Eg ivi at hann er sakførari. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I know he's a prosecutor. Hun reagerte på det. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. Jag hatar regn. I hate the rain. I hate rain. Denna förordning träder i kraft från och med nästa år. This regulation will take effect from next year. This Regulation shall enter into force on the following year. Jag tål inte golf. I can't stand golf. I can't stand golf. Motoren har endnu ikke givet os nogen problemer. The engine has given us no trouble as yet. The engine has not given us any problems yet. Ja vill äta glass. I want to eat ice cream. I want ice cream. Framtiden tillhör dem som tror på skönheten i sina drömmar. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The future belongs to those who believe in beauty in their dreams. Jag fick dig att skratta, eller hur? I made you laugh, didn't I? I made you laugh, didn't I? Det här är en busshållplats. This is a bus stop. This is a bus stop. Jag har fortfarande några lektioner den här eftermiddagen. I still have a few more classes this afternoon. I still have some lessons this afternoon. Eftersom bussen var sen kom jag hem efter klockan nitton. Since the bus was late I came home after seven p.m. Since the bus was late, I came home after nineteen o'clock. Jag tänkte ringa. I meant to call. I was gonna call you. Min papegoja dog igår. My parrot died yesterday. My parrot died yesterday. Det sner. It's snowing. It's touching. Har du ein hund? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Jeg savner mine venner. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. Prøv å ikke lage noe lyd. Try not to make any noise. Try not to make a sound. Ég fór á útsölu með mömmu minni í gær og suðaði í henni að kaupa handa mér kjól. I went to a sale with my mother yesterday and kept hounding her to buy me a dress. I went to the store with my mom yesterday and sent her to buy me a dress. Jag ropade efter hjälp. I yelled for help. I called for help. Vet du hvem som oppfant kruttet? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the stew? Hva består aspirin av? What's aspirin made of? What does aspirin consist of? La meg spise først. Let me eat first. Let me eat first. Kabylien er beliggende i det nordøstlige Algeriet. Kabylie is located in northeastern Algeria. Kabylia is located in north-east Algeria. Han kan inte simma. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Det er for sent for ham. It is too late for him. It's too late for him. Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg skal begynde. I don't know where to start. I don't know where to start. Það birti yfir himninum. The sky brightened. It shined above the sky. Jag läser den här tidningen. I'm reading this newspaper. I'm reading this paper. Det er et smukt sværd. That's a beautiful sword. It's a beautiful sword. Kan någon förklara detta för mej? Could someone please explain this to me? Can anyone explain this to me? Her er baggen din. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. En liten vinst är bättre än en stor förlust. A small gain is better than a great loss. A small profit is better than a great loss. Hun ville hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Som tur var, var vädret bra. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, the weather was good. En af mine kusiner er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Antalet människor som röker ökade under de senaste tio åren. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. The number of people smoking increased in the last ten years. Du burde spise langsommere. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. Mér líkar mun betur við hann sökum þess. I like him all the better for it. I like him much better because of that. Hur är ditt liv som gift? How's your married life? How's your life married? Jeg havde en god grund til at sige det. I had a good reason for saying that. I had a good reason to say that. Tom ser äcklad ut. Tom looks disgusted. Tom looks disgusting. Hvis bare jeg kunne hjælpe dig. I wish I could help you. If only I could help you. Han besejrede sin fjende. He defeated his enemy. He defeated his enemy. Jag lär mig språket själv. I learn the language by myself. I'm learning the language myself. Null, ein, tveir, tríggir, fýra, fimm, seks, sjey, atta, níggju, tíggju. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, shey, one, nine, ten. Bob har vært forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Opnaðu dyrnar. Open the door. Open the door. Været er i ferd med å bli kjøligere. The weather is becoming cooler. The weather is getting colder. Jeg elsker bare smukke kvinder. I just love beautiful women. I just love beautiful women. Vi måste talas vid. We must talk. We need to talk. Om du talar om ditt namn för mig, talar jag om mitt för dig. If you tell me your name, I can tell you mine. If you're talking about your name to me, I'm talking about mine to you. Var ligger den ryska ambassaden? Where is the Russian embassy? Where is the Russian embassy? Der er noget galt her. There's something wrong here. Something's wrong here. Jeg så naboens hund løbe i min have. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running in my garden. Snúðu aftur á byrjunarreit. Get back to where you started. Return to the beginning row. Jeg har smurt syltetøj på min sandwich. I put jam on my sandwich. I made jams on my sandwich. Hvis det er et sted du må være akkurat nå, så er det jo her! If there's a place you gotta be right now, it is certainly here! If there's a place you have to be right now, it's here! Har du nogen kæledyr? Do you have any pets? Do you have any pets? I dette øjeblik åbnede nogen døren til min fængselscelle. At this moment someone opened the door to my prison cell. At this moment, someone opened the door to my prison cell. Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas station nearby? Är du säker på att det här är Toms kontor? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Þær þekktu allar Tom. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Hur tog Tom det? How did Tom take it? How did Tom take it? Jag avskyr skräckfilmer. I hate horror movies. I hate horror movies. Tom ser utpumpad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks pumped out. Hun er meget smuk. She is very pretty. She's very beautiful. Ég get ekki hætt að hnerra. I can't stop sneezing. I can't stop sneezing. Jag börjar så sakta tycka om Ken. I am beginning to like Ken little by little. I'm starting so slowly to like Ken. Denne kandidaten er kraftig forbedret i forhold til sin forgjenger. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate is greatly improved in relation to his predecessor. Eg har laga ei liste over matvarer eg ikkje kan ete. I've made a list of foods that I can't eat. I've created a list of food I can't eat. Sandheden er ubestridelig. The truth is undeniable. The truth is beyond question. Þeir gengu um. They walked around. They walked around. Ertu búinn með hann? Have you finished it? Have you finished it? Jeg er bange for at springe over grøften. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm afraid to jump over the ditch. Han er over tredive. He's over thirty. He's over thirty. Dødehavet er det laveste sted på Jorden. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth. Jeg lurer på hvilken vei jeg skal gå. I wonder which way to go. I wonder which way I'm going. Dan så Linda græde nær en mønttelefon. Dan saw Linda crying near the pay phone. Dan saw Linda crying near a coin phone. Men det är ju absurt. But that's absurd. But it's absurd. Hvor imponert jeg blir, når jeg overhører et tysk ord jeg forstår! How charmed I am when I overhear a German word which I understand! How impressed I am when I hear a German word I understand! Mit navn er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Mary er nysgerrig, er hun ikke? Mary is nosy, isn't she? Mary's curious, isn't she? Vi har inte beställt någonting. We didn't order anything. We didn't order anything. Tom begynte å knyte opp skoene sine. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom began to tie up his shoes. Nesa di blødde. Your nose was bleeding. Nesa was bleeding. Jag fick min välförtjänta lön. I sure had my due reward. I got my well-deserved salary. Jag vill veta exakt vad det är som händer. I want to know exactly what is going on. I want to know exactly what's going on. Jeg liker ikke varme vintre. I don't like warm winters. I don't like hot winters. I er farlige. You guys are dangerous. You're dangerous. Jag måste skynda mig! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Han viste seg ikke på festen i går kveld. He didn't show up at the party yesterday evening. He didn't show up at the party last night. Han er ikke lærer, men lege. He is not a teacher but a doctor. He's not a teacher, he's a doctor. Tom er aldrei á réttum tíma. Tom is never on time. Tom's never on time. Jeg giver ikke op. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. Jeg bor på landet. I live in a rural area. I live in the country. Týskland hevur tveir høvuðstaðir. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two main positions. Jag trodde att det var ett skämt. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was a joke. Det här vinet smakar gott. This wine tastes good. This wine tastes good. Jeg tenker, derfor er jeg. I think, therefore I am. I think, that's why I am. Dna-testen frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test released him from all charges. Skynda på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Hurry up, Tom. John er strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina. John is the boy who is reading the book. John is the boy reading the book. Jag vill inte ha detta. I don't want this. I don't want this. Han skrev upp sitt namn. He put his name down. He wrote his name. Vi har flyttet projektet til en ny server. We moved the project to a new server. We've moved the project to a new server. Katten är på mattan. The cat is on the mat. The cat's on the carpet. Sikken skuffelse! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Jeg har haft en hund der hed Cookie. I had a dog named Cookie. I've had a dog named Cookie. Varför tog du med den? Why did you bring it? Why did you bring it? Hvis hun kommer med fly, burde Sue ankomme meget snart. If Sue is coming by air, she ought to arrive very soon. If she comes by plane, Sue should arrive very soon. Du är väldigt energisk. You are really energetic. You're very energetic. Jeg læser en bog. I read a book. I'm reading a book. Nøkkelen ligger på bordet. The key is on the table. The key is on the table. Jeg går i skole hver dag. I go to school every day. I go to school every day. Tom drikker sort kaffe uden sukker. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Passionsugen er ugen før påskesøndag. Holy Week is the week just before Easter. Passion week is the week before Easter Sunday. Vi är hans söner. We are his sons. We're his sons. Hans nye job gav ham en god indtjening. His new job brought him a handsome income. His new job gave him a good profit. Hans nya film är sevärd. His new film is worth seeing. His new movie is worth seeing. De kyssede hinanden farvel. They kissed each other goodbye. They kissed each other goodbye. Håller ni med? Do you agree? You agree? Jag kan inte bryta mig loss. I can't break free. I can't break free. Många företag gör reklam för sina produkter på tv. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Ég lét hundinn minn leggjast. I made my dog lie down. I let my dog lie down. Säljer ni vin? Do you sell wine? Do you sell wine? Du vil høre fra oss snart. You'll be hearing from us soon. You'll hear from us soon. Tom dro til Australia sist sommer. Tom visited Australia last summer. Tom went to Australia last summer. Jeg kan heller ikke lide cookies. I don't like cookies, either. I don't like cookies either. Tom sin operasjon ville ha kosta ein halv formue. Tom's operation was going to cost a small fortune. Tom's operation would have cost half a fortune. Følg bilen. Follow the car. Follow the car. Kan du gøre dig forståelig på engelsk? Can you make yourself understood in English? Can you make yourself understandable in English? Det ligger en bok om dans på skrivbordet. There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book about dancing on the desk. Tom har jobb som bruktbilforhandler. Tom works as a used car salesman. Tom has a job as a used car dealer. Kommer jag att dö? Am I going to die? Am I going to die? Jag är led på skolan. I'm sick of school. I'm in school. Tom er meteorolog. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom's a meteorologist. Jag tyckte jag sa åt dig att inte stå i vägen för mig. I thought I told you to get out of my way. I thought I told you not to stand in my way. Tom vill verkligen åka till Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. Anvend det her. Use this. Use this. Var kommer det där ärret ifrån? What's that scar from? Where's that scar coming from? Ég veit að þið eruð ríkar. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Jag kommer inte att vänta för alltid. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. En del pojkar spelar tennis och andra spelar fotboll. Some boys play tennis and others play soccer. Some boys play tennis and others play football. Det är utan tvekan en av de värsta idéer jag någonsin hört. That is without a doubt one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. It's without a doubt one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. Jeg har full tiltro til hans evner. I have complete faith in his abilities. I have full faith in his abilities. Hon dukade av bordet efter middagen. She cleared the dishes from the table after dinner. She fell off the table after dinner. Han stod vid ingången. He stood by the entrance. He was at the entrance. Guld er tungere end sølv. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. John sitter vid Jack. John sits by Jack. John's at Jack's. På 80-talet var det minsann andra bullar som gällde. In the 80's, things were really quite different. In the '80s, there were a few other noises that were going on. Peter er kátur kappi. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter is a happy man. Det regnede i nat. It was raining last night. It was raining tonight. Þetta eru mér nýjar fréttir. This is my new news. This is new news to me. Han så hende aldrig igen. He never saw her again. He never saw her again. Jag pratar inte svenska. I don't speak Swedish. I don't speak Swedish. Du kan stole på ham til en viss grad, men ikke helt. You can trust him to some degree but not wholly. You can trust him to some degree, but not quite. Hvor kan jeg lære esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Hvor ble du av? Where did you go? Where'd you go? Tom alltid på sig en hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Hvernig líður Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary? Synes du virkelig at Tom og Mary er pålitelige? Do you really think Tom and Mary are trustworthy? Do you really think Tom and Mary are reliable? Ja, jeg er enig med dig. Det er også det. Yes, I agree with you. It's also that. Yeah, I agree with you. Jeg er gravid. I'm expecting. I'm pregnant. Sem prakkarastrik slepptu nokkrir nemendur þremur geitum lausum í skólanum þeirra eftir að hafa málað tölurnar 1, 2 og 4 á hliðar geitanna. Kennararnir eyddu stærstum hluta dagsins í að leita að geit númer 3. As a prank, some students let three goats loose inside their school after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of the goats. The teachers spent most of the day looking for goat number 3. After painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the side of the goats, several students released three goats at their school; the teachers spent most of the day looking for the goat number 3. Han har ikke noe til felles med henne. He has nothing in common with her. He has nothing in common with her. Mary är attraktiv. Mary is attractive. Mary's attractive. Hvor mange minutter skal jeg koge de her frosne asparges? How many minutes shall I boil this frozen asparagus? How many minutes do I have to cook these frozen asparagus? Guld är mer värdefullt än silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. Tom ringde och sa att han skulle bli sen. Tom called and said he would be late. Tom called and said he'd be late. Vi gjorde det i skolan. We did it in school. We did it at school. Firs procent af vores handlinger udfører vi ubevidst. We perform eighty percent of our actions unconsciously. Four percent of our actions we do unconsciously. Porten bliver lukket klokken otte. The gate is closed at eight. The gate will be closed at eight. Tom har aldrig klippt sina egna barns hår. Tom has never cut his own children's hair. Tom has never cut his own children's hair. Vær forsiktig der inne. Be careful in there. Be careful in there. Du trengte ikke skynde deg. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Han taler fem sprog. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Tom er ikke Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom's not Trump. Du kan ikke tape. You cannot lose. You can't lose. Jeg hørte aldrig fra hende igen. I never heard from her again. I never heard from her again. Jeg har købt et hus med de penge som jeg arvede efter min bedstefar. I bought a house with the money that I inherited from my grandfather. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. Även gudar dör när ingen tror på dem längre. Even gods die when no one believes in them any longer. Even gods die when no one believes in them anymore. Skíðatímabilið er búið. The skiing season has passed. The time period is over. Jeg kan ikke lyve. I can't lie. I can't lie. Hver er uppáhalds sjónvarpskokkurinn þinn? Who's your favorite TV chef? What's your favorite TV watch? En fransk oversættelse af denne bog blev udgivet i 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. Ni är tidiga igen. You're early again. You're early again. Han lyg aldri. He never lies. He never lied. Efter at en tandlæge havde dræbt Zimbabwes berømteste løve, var dyrerettighedsaktivister vrede over at han planlagde at sætte løvens hoved og glatte, buskede manke op på en kontorvæg. After a dentist killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion, animal-rights activists were angry that he planned to mount the lion's head and sleek, bushy mane on an office wall. After a dentist killed Zimbabwe’s most famous lion, animal rights activists were angry that he planned to put the lion’s head and smooth, bushed manke on an office wall. Du treng ikkje seie opp jobben. It is not necessary for you to quit the job. You don't have to cancel the job. Jeg rev i stykker alle brevene du skrev meg. I tore up all the letters that you wrote to me. I broke all the letters you wrote me. Mamma mín lét mig borða gulrætur á hverjum degi þegar ég var lítill. Mother made me eat carrots every day in my childhood. My mother made me eat carrots every day when I was little. Malingen på væggen skallede af. The paint was peeling off the wall. The paint on the wall peeled off. Jeg tar feil I am wrong. I'm wrong Jeg drømte at jeg spiste en æblekage. I dreamed I was eating an apple pie. I dreamt that I ate an apple cake. På vilket sätt är det annorlunda? How is it different? In what way is it different? Det tog os tre timer at komme til denne konklusion. It took us three hours to come to this conclusion. It took us three hours to reach this conclusion. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is ready. Breakfast's ready. Det er gledestårer. They are tears of joy. It's a glimmer. Vores virksomhed blev grundlagt i 1899 af min tiptipoldefar. Our company was founded in 1899 by my great-great-great-grandfather. Our company was founded in 1899 by my tiptipol grandfather. Er det et luftkastel? Is it a pipe dream? Is that an air castle? Jeg er fra Frankrig. I'm from France. I'm from France. Vad var det du drack? What were you drinking? What were you drinking? Du sade till honom. You told him. You told him. Vi har brug for en frivillig. We need a volunteer. We need a volunteer. Det sker kun på film. That only happens in the movies. It only happens on film. Dette dyr er venligt. This animal is friendly. This animal is kind. Kvinden er smuk. The woman is beautiful. The woman is beautiful. Hur var din dag? How was your day? How was your day? Ord må ordnes i rett rekkefølge og grammatikkregler må overholdes for å få en setning akseptert som en naturlig setning. Words must be arranged in the proper sequence and the rules of grammar must be followed for a sentence to be accepted as a natural-sounding sentence. Words have to be ordered in the right order and grammar rules have to be respected in order to get a sentence accepted as a natural sentence. Det ville ikke skade hvis du smilede lidt en gang imellem. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a little once in a while. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a bit once in a while. Jag tycker om dig också. I like you, too. I like you, too. Tom var skyldig i at sprede løgne om Mary. Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary. Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary. Tölvur eru vélar. Computers are machines. Computers are machines. Jag trodde att jag såg ett spöke. I thought I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. Du ska veta en sak. You should know something. I want you to know something. Konstiga saker hände på hennes födelsedag. Strange things happened on her birthday. Strange things happened on her birthday. Tom lagde to og to sammen. Tom put two and two together. Tom put two and two together. "Vi är framme," sa Tom, och stannade bilen. "We're here," said Tom, stopping the car. "We're there," said Tom, and stopped the car. I front av huset mitt var det et stort tre. There was a tall tree in front of my house. In front of my house it was a large tree. Jeg vil holde øje med jer. I'll be watching you. I want to keep an eye on you. Låter det vettigt? Does that make sense? Does that make sense? Hún byrjaði að tala við hundinn. She began to talk to the dog. She started talking to the dog. Passaðu höfuðið! Watch your head! Watch your head! Jeg blir fylt meg glede hver gang jeg ser deg. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I get filled with joy every time I see you. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en tychobrahesdag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is a tychobrahesday. Jim gick in i rummet tystlåtet så att han inte skulle väcka bebisen. Jim entered the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby. Jim went into the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby. Ég sakaði hann um að svindla. I accused him of cheating. I accused him of cheating. Hvussu gomul ert tú? How old are you? How gomul are you? Hämta! Fetch! Get it! När är begravningen? When's the funeral? When is the funeral? Det är något fel på dig. There is something wrong with you. There's something wrong with you. Jeg kan lære deg å reparere bilen din. I can teach you how to repair your car. I can teach you how to repair your car. Við viljum heildstæðar setningar. We want complete sentences. We want total sentences. Jag kom tidigare än vanligt. I came earlier than usual. I came earlier than usual. Tom är inte riktigt säker. Tom isn't really sure. Tom's not really sure. Hver synes best om sine barn. The crow thinks her own birds fairest. Everyone likes their children best. Allt är tillgängligt. Everything is available. It's all available. Han pratade väldigt högt. He spoke very loudly. He was talking very loudly. Det finns ett litet problem. There's one little problem. There's a small problem. Du passar bra i kort hår. You look nice with your hair short. You fit well in short hair. Jag gillar inte din attityd. I don't like your attitude. I don't like your attitude. Hans svar var kort och koncist. His reply was short and to the point. His answers were brief and concise. Sjung med. Sing along. Sing with me. Jeg var en uke med en palestinsk familie fra Gaza. I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza. I was a week with a Gazan family. Hvem vil ha varm sjokolade? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says, that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance! De tre kvinder smilede. The three women smiled. The three women smiled. Tú hevur veruliga hjálpt okkum nógv. You've really helped us a lot. You're really helpin' us many. Tom sa till mig att han var intresserad av att göra det. Tom told me that he was interested in doing that. Tom told me he was interested in doing it. Vore ansatte tager ikke imod drikkepenge. Our employees do not accept tips. Our employees don't accept tips. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne bli noen timer til. I wish I could've stuck around for a few more hours. I wish I could spend a few more hours. Det har varit varmt de senaste dagarna. It's been warm the last few days. It's been hot in the last few days. Det Europæiske Melodigrandprix har millioner af fans rundt om i verden. The Eurovision Song Contest has millions of fans around the world. The European Melodyprix has millions of fans around the world. Døren ble åpnet av en høy mann. The door was opened by a tall man. The door was opened by a tall man. Jag släckte elden. I put out the fire. I extinguished the fire. Sommerfugl er et veldig vakkert ord. Butterfly is a very nice word. Butterfly is a very beautiful word. Jeg, du, han, hun, det, vi, I, de er personlige stedord. I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they are personal pronouns. I, you, he, she, that, we, you, they are personal pronouns. Jag har bröder. I have brothers. I have brothers. Förresten såg jag honom igår. By the way, I saw him yesterday. By the way, I saw him yesterday. Tycker du om Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Tom undslap med nød og næppe. Tom had a narrow escape. Tom escaped with need and hardly. Har du hørt fra hende? Have you heard from her? Have you heard from her? Skynda er. Annars kommer vi försent till lunchen. Hurry up. Otherwise, we'll be late to lunch. Hurry, or we'll be late for lunch. Doktoren sa at Tom må bli i sengen de neste ukene. The doctor said that Tom has to stay in bed for the next few weeks. The doctor said that Tom has to stay in bed for the next few weeks. Jeg bryder mig ikke om måden hun taler til mig på. I don't like the way she speaks to me. I don't like the way she talks to me. Ni är oberäkneliga. You're unpredictable. You're inexplicable. Det eneste spørgsmål er hvem. The only question is who. The only question is who. Ég giftist þegar ég var 19 ára gömul. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I got married when I was 19 years old. Þótt Jane sé ekki góður hlaupari syndir hún hratt. Though Jane is not a good runner, she can swim very fast. Although Jane is not a good runner, she swims fast. Brevet var rettet til mig. The letter was addressed to me. The letter was addressed to me. Jag ville att Tom skulle skriva mig en rekommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. I wanted Tom to write me a recommendation. Vem kan jag sälja den till? Who can I sell it to? Who can I sell it to? Jeg foretok en analyse som viste at det ville trengs mye mer penger enn de tidligere hadde regnet med. I carried out an analysis that showed that much more money would be needed than they had previously anticipated. I carried out an analysis that showed that much more money would be needed than they had previously expected. Öðru hverju stoppaði hún og leit í kringum sig. From time to time she stopped and looked round. Other than that, she stopped and looked around. Jeg vil ikke gå på skole. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. I 1783 opdagede Caroline Herschel tre nye stjernetåger. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulae. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new star trains. Hvor mye kan du betale? How much can you pay? How much can you pay? Hann er unglegur. He looks young. He's young. Hon är en svår person att ha och göra med. She is a difficult person to deal with. She's a hard person to have and do with. Vertu viss um að taka afrit af öllum skjölunum þínum. Make sure to back up all your files. Make sure you make copies of all your documents. Tala långsammare. Speak slower. Slower. Tom hadde betre syn før i tida. Tom's eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Tom had a better vision before in time. Jag måste ha drömt det. I must have dreamt it. I must have dreamed it. Manden blev dømt til døden. The man was condemned to death. The man was sentenced to death. Få mig inte att skada dig. Don't make me hurt you. Don't make me hurt you. Havet kan man høre herfra. The sea can be heard from here. The sea can be heard from here. Van Horn-familien var rik. The Van Horn family was rich. The Van Horn family was rich. Min tante gav mig en bog til jul. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. Den første der kommer frem, vinder. First one to get there wins. The first one to arrive wins. Kan du säga namnet på en av deras låtar? Can you name one of their songs? Can you say the name of one of their songs? Du borde inte vara tillbaka här. You shouldn't be back here. You shouldn't be back here. Polisen häktade ett flertal misstänkta för förhör. The police detained several suspects for questioning. The police arrested a number of suspects for questioning. Du kan dra nå. You may leave now. You can go now. Ég tók klukkutíma. It took an hour. I took an hour. Hvad ønsker du til efterret? What do you want for the second course? What do you want for the dessert? Tom visste ikke grunnen til at Mary ikke godtok invitasjonen hans. Tom didn't know the reason why Mary wouldn't accept his invitation. Tom did not know the reason why Mary did not accept his invitation. Tom blev set stjæle æbler fra naboens træ. Tom was seen stealing apples from the neighbor's tree. Tom was seen stealing apples from the neighbor's tree. Þú getur kallað hann lygara, en þú getur ekki kallað hann vondan mann. You may call him a liar, but you cannot call him a bad man. You can call him a liar, but you can't call him a wicked man. Tina blev snart van vid japanskt mat. Tina soon got used to Japanese food. Tina soon became used to Japanese food. Ho er lærarinne. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Vad kan jag göra för dig? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Jeg betaler for mig selv. I'll pay my own way. I'll pay for myself. Tom kunne ikke tro at Maria virkelig hadde kysset ham. Tom couldn't believe that Mary had actually kissed him. Tom couldn't believe Maria had really kissed him. Det hjälper. It helps. It helps. Það er enginn glæpur að bara sóa heilum degi öðru hverju. It's no crime to just idle the whole day once in a while. It's no crime to just waste a whole day every other time. Einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjau, átta, níu, tíu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tom var den ældste i værelset. Tom was the oldest person in the room. Tom was the oldest in the room. Tom satt tålmodigt i sin stol och väntade på Mary. Tom sat patiently in his chair, waiting for Mary. Tom sat patiently in his chair and waited for Mary. Tom begynner å få viker. Tom's hairline is receding. Tom's starting to get a turnaround. Denne tjeneste er midlertidigt ude af drift. This service is temporarily out of order. This service is temporarily inoperative. Tom har købt sin lastbil brugt. Tom bought his truck used. Tom bought his truck used. USA er rigt på naturressourcer. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Tom såg det inte. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see it. Jeg kunne lide denne film. I liked this film. I liked this movie. Der er et reservehjul i bagagerummet. There's a spare tire in the trunk. There's a spare wheel in the trunk. Gomorron! Mornin'! Gomorron! Det er mitt sete. That's my seat. It's my seat. Jag borde få mig lite vila. I should get some rest. I should get some rest. Italiensk er mit modersmål. Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my mother tongue. Jag gillar att ha mycket att göra. I like having plenty to do. I like to have a lot to do. Pojken tog tag i kattens svans. The boy grabbed the cat by the tail. The boy grabbed the cat's tail. Jeg har købt blondegardiner til vinduet i soveværelset. I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window. I bought blond curtains for the window in the bedroom. Jeg var ikke så stærk som min far. I was not as strong as my father. I wasn't as strong as my father. Vil du ha fisk? Do you want fish? Do you want fish? Hvad sker der i dit land? What happens in your country? What's going on in your country? Kom hit, Tom. Get over here, Tom. Come here, Tom. Min far er holdt op med at ryge. My father gave up smoking. My father's quit smoking. Det han sagde, kan godt være sandt. What he said may well be true. What he said might be true. Vissa fiskar kan byta kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change sex. Vi står over for nye typer sygdomme. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We're facing new kinds of diseases. Tom klikket. Tom went bonkers. Empty clicked. Vad skulle du vilja äta? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Det måste duga. It'll have to do. It's got to do. Det var svårt för dem att ta sig till ön. It was hard for them to get to the island. It was hard for them to get to the island. Seriøst? Are you serious? Seriously? Hon hade precis börjat läsa boken när någon knackade på dörren. She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door. She had just started reading the book when someone knocked on the door. Stannar du och äter middag? Are you staying for dinner? Are you staying for dinner? De fik ham. They got him. They got him. Det är ett av mina favorituttryck. That's one of my favorite expressions. It's one of my favorite expressions. Den här kostar ingenting. This costs nothing. This one won't cost anything. Jag har många samtal att ringa. I have a lot of calls to make. I have a lot of calls to make. Jeg har mælkeallergi. I have an allergy to milk. I have a milk allergy. När är din födelsedag? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? John spelade gitarr och hans vänner sjöng. John played guitar and his friends sang. John played guitar and his friends sang. Hur kan vi rädda Tom? How can we save Tom? How can we save Tom? Min kropp är inte så smidig som den brukade vara. My body isn't as flexible as it used to be. My body isn't as smooth as it used to be. Jag sköt upp hushållsarbetet några timmar. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I shot up the housework for a few hours. Hva ville verden vært uten kvinner? What would the world be like without women? What would the world be without women? Jeg har købt dette kamera for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Þessi dýr voru í hættu með að deyja út. Those animals were in danger of dying out. These animals were at risk of death. Vores flag er rødt og sort. Our flag is red and black. Our flag is red and black. Du måste vara på stationen senast klockan fem. You must be at the station at five o'clock at the latest. You must be at the station by 5:00. Ge mig min väska. Give me my bag. Give me my bag. Jeg har købt en ny mobiltelefon. I bought a new cellphone. I bought a new cell phone. Far vander blomster. Father is watering flowers. Dad's watering flowers. Jeg kan også gøre det! I can do it too! I can do it, too! Efter dig. After you. After you. Ikke alle studentene var tilstede. Not all the students were present. Not all the students were present. Har Tom feber? Does Tom have a fever? Does Tom have a fever? Tom gjorde den. Tom made it. Tom did it. Den gamle lov om "øje for øje" efterlader alle blinde. The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The old law of eye to eye leaves all the blind. Mitt huvudämne på universitetet var kemi. I majored in chemistry at the university. My main subject at the university was chemistry. De sælger sko. They sell shoes. They sell shoes. Är det där franska? Is that French? Is that French? Om jag visste hennes namn och adress kunde jag skriva till henne. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. Du vil kunne kjøre bil etter noen dager. You'll be able to drive a car in a few days. You will be able to drive a car after a few days. Han vill inte prata om det. He doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to talk about it. Jag vet inte vad det är. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Kan jeg få noen rene håndklær? Can I get some clean towels? Can I get some clean towels? Förstår ni? Understand? Do you understand? Har du dem? Do you have them? Do you have them? Jag behöver din bil. I need your car. I need your car. Gisslan kommer att släppas i morgon. The hostages will be released tomorrow. The hostages will be released tomorrow. Italo Calvino blev født i 1923 i Cuba. Italo Calvino was born in 1923 in Cuba. Italo Calvino was born in 1923 in Cuba. Jeg har trodd på Kylie Minogue siden 12. juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since 12 June 1998. Vejret er ved at være ret forårsagtigt. It's getting quite springlike. The weather is about to be quite springlike. Hästen är min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Þetta er svæfandi tónlist. This music puts one to sleep. It's anaesthetic music. Jeg ønsker at lære standardengelsk. I want to learn standard English. I want to learn standard English. Forstår du hva jeg mener? Do you know what I mean? Do you understand what I mean? Jeg vil gjøre noe med livet mitt. I want to do something with my life. I want to do something about my life. Å lære engelsk er hardt arbeid. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Jag läste hans bok. I read his book. I read his book. Tom grälar med Mary. Tom is arguing with Mary. Tom argues with Mary. Ég er útlendingur. I'm a foreigner. I'm a stranger. Jag fick A på min uppsats. I got an A on my essay. I got an A on my paper. Här är vi igen. Here we are again. Here we are again. Du kan ikke si nei. You can't say no. You can't say no. Jag har ingen kostym. I don't have a suit. I don't have a suit. Jeg synes at jogging er god motion. I think jogging is good exercise. I think jogging is good exercise. Layla lejede en SUV. Layla rented an SUV. Layla rented a SUV. Hon pratar inte bara flytande engelska utan också flytande franska. She is not only fluent in English but speaks French fluently as well. She speaks not only fluent English but also fluent French. Eg fari at hyggja at sjónvarpi. I'll watch television. I think about TV. Han har bott på det där hotellet de fem senaste dagarna. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He's been living at that hotel for the last five days. Hon var inte snabb nog. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Hvor er du nu? Where are you now? Where are you now? En af børnene lod døren stå åben. One of the children left the door open. One of the kids left the door open. Það er erfitt fyrir útlendinga að ná tökum á japönsku. It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. It is difficult for foreigners to get hold of Japanese. Hun var behageligt overrasket. She was pleasantly surprised. She was pleasantly surprised. Huset ved havet tilhører mig. The house by the sea belongs to me. The house by the sea belongs to me. Er der nogen her? Is anybody here? Is anyone here? Du pønsker på noe. You're up to something. You're looking for something. Sami forsøgte at sælge sin bil. Sami tried to sell his car. Sami tried to sell his car. Jag har varit sämre. I've been a lot worse. I've been worse. Þú þarft ekkert að flýta þér. You have no need to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Var är din jacka? Where is your jacket? Where's your jacket? Gid jeg var anderledes! I wish I were different. I wish I was different! Det där är inte en kniv. Det HÄR är en kniv! That isn't a knife. THIS is a knife! That's not a knife. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag. He earns three times more than I do. He earns three times as much as I do. Alt er kjempebillig. Everything's dirt-cheap. Everything's really cheap. Intet er lettere end at finde fejl ved andre. Nothing is easier than finding fault with others. Nothing is easier than finding faults with others. Jag hatar att vara chef. I hate being a boss. I hate being a boss. Tror du verkligen på spöken? Do you really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? Jag var för snabb. I was too fast. I was too fast. Hun lider af anoreksi. She is suffering from anorexia. She suffers from anorexia. Jag hoppas verkligen att du har rätt. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. Mange spådommer slår feil. Many predictions fail. Many predictions fail. Tom gav Mary en hjerteformet småkage. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Jag lämnar inte den här polisstationen förrän jag får träffa Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I get to see Sami. Han stack ett strå i en myrstack. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He stuck a straw in an antsack. Kærastan þín verður svo reið við þig. Your girlfriend is going to be so mad at you. Your girlfriend will be so angry with you. Jag tvättade fönstren. I washed the windows. I washed the windows. Det han siger, er ikke sandt. What he says is not true. What he says is not true. Har du studerat utomlands? Have you studied abroad? Have you studied abroad? Græsset er for fugtigt til at man kan sidde på det. This grass is too wet to sit on. The grass is too moist for you to sit on it. Dette spædbarn er seks måneder gammelt. This baby is six months old. This infant is six months old. Jeg kender dem ikke. I don't know them. I don't know them. Var du i armén? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Denne hjemmeside indeholder seksuelt eksplicit materiale og er kun beregnet for voksne. This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults only. This website contains sexual explicit material and is intended for adults only. Ge den ett ögonblick. Give it a moment. Give it a moment. Ho har ingen fiendar. She has no enemies. She doesn't have any enemies. I min erfaring, kommer sykdom ofte av søvnløshet. From my own experience, illness often comes from sleeplessness. In my experience, illness often comes from insomnia. Tom försvann. Tom went missing. Tom disappeared. Hvad skulle Tom her? What was Tom doing here? What was Tom supposed to do here? Denne medisinen er en naturlig gift. This medicine is a natural poison. This medicine is a natural poison. Mange af soldaterne kyssede deres ægtefælle farvel. Many of the soldiers kissed their spouses goodbye. Many of the soldiers kissed their spouse goodbye. Jag sörjer över dig, du min broder Jonatan; mycket ljuvlig var du mig. Dyrbar var mig din kärlek, mer än kvinnokärlek. I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of a woman. I mourn for thee, O Jonathan my brother: thou art very sweet unto me: thy love was precious unto me, more than love of women. Ég hitti hana einstaka sinnum á skemmtistaðnum. I meet her on occasion at the club. I met her occasionally at the entertainment center. Vi måste städa vårt klassrum. We must clean our classroom. We have to clean our classroom. Min søn adlyder mig ikke. My son doesn't obey me. My son doesn't obey me. Det kalla vädret fortsatte i tre veckor. The cold weather continued for three weeks. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Tom prøvde å halde tårene attende. Tom tried to hold back his tears. Tom tried to keep the tears back. Det finnes noen tilfeller der denne regelen ikke gjelder. There are some cases where this rule does not apply. There are some cases where this rule does not apply. Dette æble smager meget surt. This apple tastes very sour. This apple tastes very sour. Ikke glem å sende brevet. Don't forget to send the letter. Do not forget to send the message. Hvad gør du? What do you do? What are you doing? Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. Still, he did. Han taler berbisk som en indfødt. He speaks Berber like a native. He speaks berbish as a native. Hun er vampyrjeger. She's a vampire hunter. She's a vampire hunter. Min mor har kørekort, men hun kører ikke bil. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive a car. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive. Tom ville ikke sige noget. Tom didn't want to say anything. Tom wouldn't say anything. Hun lovet å møte ham i kaffebaren. She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. She promised to meet him in the coffee bar. Hér kemur strætóinn. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Vertu með okkur. Join us. Stay with us. Er det en forbrydelse at brænde det amerikanske flag af i USA? Is it a crime to burn the American flag in the United States? Is it a crime to burn off the American flag in the United States? Hun var meget genert indtil hun tog sin eksamen. She was very shy until she graduated. She was very shy until she took her exam. Aarhus, Danmarks nest største by, har postnummeret 8000. Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the zip code 8000. Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city, has the postal code 8000. Tom gjorde som Mary ba han gjøre. Tom did what Mary asked him to do. Tom did as Mary asked him to do. Vatten, tack. Water, please. Water, please. Tom ville ha ett jobb. Tom wanted a job. Tom wanted a job. Hun bagte en æblekage til sin mand. She baked her husband an apple pie. She baked an apple cake for her husband. Her er din hund. Hvor er min? Here is your dog. Where is mine? Here's your dog. Du må ta telefonen! Answer the telephone, will you? You have to pick up the phone! Han sparkade honom medan han låg ner. He kicked him while he was down. He kicked him while he was lying down. Hvor interviewede du dem? Where did you interview them? Where did you interview them? Tom mejlade mig precis. Tom just sent me an email. Tom just e-mailed me. Ég kann ekki að keyra. I don't know how to drive. I don't know how to drive. Sten, sax, påse. Rock, paper, scissors. Stone, scissors, bags. Vi måste försvara vårt land till varje pris. We have to defend our country at any cost. We must defend our country at all costs. Hvað finnst þér um tillöguna hans? What do you think of his suggestion? How do you feel about his suggestion? Du har gode indfald. You have good ideas. You're in good shape. Flere æbler faldt fra træet. Several apples fell from the tree. More apples fell from the tree. Dette er alt hvad jeg ved. This is all that I know. This is all I know. Är du rädd nu? Are you scared now? Are you scared now? Trodde Tom på det? Did Tom believe it? Did Tom believe that? Det är inte riktigt mitt problem. That's not really my problem. That's not really my problem. Lad os komme til sagen og snakke forretning. Let's get down to brass tacks and talk business. Let's get to business. Han er min dobbeltgænger. He's my doppelganger. He's my double-timer. Vi åt lunch. We were having lunch. We had lunch. Bifreiðin hefur breytt lífi okkar. The automobile has changed our life. The car has changed our lives. Hur lång är den där bron? How long is that bridge? How long is that bridge? Han var redd for å gå dit. He was afraid to go there. He was afraid to go there. Jeg kan ikke lide rødbeder. I don't like beets. I don't like beetroot. Lad være med at være sådan en kriger for social retfærdighed. Don't be such a SJW. Don't be such a warrior for social justice. Jeg føler mig overophedet. I feel overheated. I feel overheated. Din ven er en tøsedreng. Your friend is a namby-pamby. Your friend is a girl boy. Við töluðum hvort við annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Jeg var heldig. I was lucky. I was lucky. Vad är det här till? What is this for? What's this for? Fadil och Layla var intima i ungefär en timme. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Jag kan hämta den. I can bring it. I can get it. Släpp det! Drop it! Let it go! Har ni fördomar? Are you biased? Do you have prejudices? Jag håller dig à jour. I'll keep you posted. I'll keep you up to date. Jag vill ha en advokat. I want an attorney. I want a lawyer. Denne website bruger cookies. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Jeg er blind, ikke døv. I'm blind, not deaf. I'm blind, not deaf. Jag bor i Qatar. I live in Qatar. I live in Qatar. Hvorfor vil jeg glemme at skrive til min familie? Why will I forget to write to my family? Why would I forget to write to my family? Jag jobbar här numera. I work here now. I work here now. Vi samler frimærker fra hele verden. We collect stamps from all around the world. We gather stamps from all over the world. Han ger järnet. He's hurrying up. He's giving the iron. Þú hefðir átt að vita betur en að taka próf án þess að undirbúa þig. You should have known better than to take an examination without preparing for it. You should have known better than to take a test without preparing yourself. Jeg ved hvad du går igennem. I understand what you're going through. I know what you're going through. När ska skeppet anlända? When is the ship due to arrive? When will the ship arrive? Du må ikke parkere bilen i denne gaten. You must not park the car in this street. You can't park the car in this street. Jag köpte den här nyss. I just bought this. I just bought this. Det jag skrev är inte engelska. What I write is not English. What I wrote is not English. Jag lär mig svenska och tyska. I am learning Swedish and German. I learn Swedish and German. Tom har betett sig väldigt konstigt. Tom has been acting very strange. Tom's been acting really weird. Hon talar aldrig illa om andra människor. She never talks bad about other people. She never talks bad about other people. Han har efterladt sin paraply i bussen. He left his umbrella in the bus. He left his umbrella in the bus. Fra hvilken retning? From which direction? From what direction? Jeg kan godt lide at spise fisk og skaldyr. I like eating seafood. I like eating seafood. I øjeblikket skriver du dine sætninger på det forkerte sted. Du skal vælge "Contribute" i toppen af siden og så "Add sentences". At the moment, you are entering your sentences in the wrong place. You should select "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentences". Currently, type your sentences in the wrong place. You have to select "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add Sentences". Jeg har altid ret. I'm always right. I'm always right. Ken er eldre enn Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. Ken's older than Seiko. Jag har fler kjolar än min storasyster. I have more skirts than my big sister. I have more dresses than my big sister. Ég er mjög svöng. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Du så ikke hvad jeg så. You didn't see what I saw. You didn't see what I saw. Hvis bare jeg havde været lidt højere! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I had been a little higher! Tom så en YouTube-video. Tom watched a YouTube video. Tom saw a YouTube video. Åker han buss till skolan? Does he go to school by bus? Is he going to school for a bus? Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know I'm different. You know I'm different. Vi diskuterar det. We're discussing that. We'll discuss it. Tom har alt drukke tre koppar kaffi. Tom has already drunk three cups of coffee. Tom has all three cups of coffee. Hvem var på festen utenom Jack og Mary? Who was at the party beside Jack and Mary? Who was at the party outside of Jack and Mary? Han skulle ha gjort det redan. He would have done it already. He should have done it already. I går har de ikke spillet tennis. They didn't play tennis yesterday. Yesterday they haven't played tennis. Jeg skjønner ingenting av noe du sier eller gjør. I can make nothing of what you do or say. I don't understand anything you say or do. Jeg tror det å elske penger, er noe vi alle har til felles. I think the love of money is common to us all. I think loving money is something we all have in common. Trots att jag har läst engelska 6 år i skolan talar jag det inte bra. Even though I studied English for 6 years in school, I'm not good at speaking it. Although I have read English 6 years in school, I don't speak well. Det er noget værre vrøvl. That's pure nonsense. It's a worse nonsense. Firmaet sa opp fem personer. The company laid off five people. The company gave up five people. Han har en utländsk bil. He has a foreign car. He's got a foreign car. Jeg byggede det. I built it. I built it. Hver einstaklingur borgaði þúsund dollara. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each individual paid a thousand dollars. Han klagede over at suppen var for varm. He complained that the soup was too hot. He complained that the soup was too hot. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður hennar að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. Han bruger for mange penge. He spends too much money. He spends too much money. Jeg ringte og spurte Tom om han visste når Mary skulle ankomme. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would be arriving. I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would arrive. Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl. She advised him not to buy a used car. She advised him not to buy a used car. Vill du ha fler kakor? Would you care for more cookies? Would you like more cookies? Jeg er enig. I'd agree. I agree. Tom går aldrig til fods i skole. Tom never walks to school. Tom never goes on foot at school. Þolirðu það hvernig hann hagar sér? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Do you tolerate the way he behaves? Har ni öppet nu? Are you open now? Are you open now? Þú vannst! You've won! You won! Jag hade glömde de här fotona. I had forgotten these photos. I forgot about these photos. Jeg tror det regner i morgen. I think it'll be raining tomorrow. I think it'll rain tomorrow. Verksmiðjan okkar þarf mikið af vélbúnaði. Our factory needs a lot of machinery. Our plant needs a lot of hardware. Jag vill ha två korv med bröd med mycket peppar. I want two hot dogs with lots of pepper. I want two sausages of bread with lots of pepper. Vad kunde det här vara? What could this be? What could this be? Han døde for ti år siden. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Tom er den eneste person, jeg kender, der drikker importerede øl. Tom is the only person I know who drinks imported beer. Tom is the only person I know who drinks imported beer. Ákvörðun hans um að hætta í gömlu vinnunni og hefja eigin rekstur borgaði sig svo sannarlega. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business really paid off. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business certainly paid off. Hann mun ekki sigra mig. He won't beat me. He won't beat me. Han är alltid villig att hjälpa andra. He is always willing to help others. He's always willing to help others. Eg plar ha på den gamle frakken min i slikt vêr. I wear my old coat in weather like this. I plar have on my old coat in such a weather. Hvad blev der stjålet? What was stolen? What was stolen? De slingrar sig. They're stalling. They're slinging. Såvidt jeg vet, finnes ikke det ordet. As far as I know, there is no such word. As far as I know, there's no word. Hele nabolaget blev overrasket over denne nyhed. The whole neighborhood was surprised at this news. The whole neighborhood was surprised by this news. Han kan lide alle dyr bortset fra heste. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all the animals except horses. Ég átti í útistöðum við lögregluna í gærnótt. I was in trouble with the police last night. I had camp with the police last night. De fleste sprog har bilabiale konsonanter. Most languages have bilabial consonants. Most languages have bibial consonants. Vi glömde. We forgot. We forgot. Hann var með grátt hár. He had grey hair. He had a gray hair. Marys mand er rig. Mary's husband is rich. Mary's husband is rich. Jeg har aldri sagt det til deg. I never said that to you. I never told you. De fleste af dem jeg spiller poker med på nettet, har været nybegyndere. Most of the online users I play poker with have been newbies. Most of the people I play poker with online have been novices. Du har tur. You are lucky. You're lucky. Tom gik ombord på skibet. Tom boarded the ship. Tom was on board the ship. Jeg ønsker ikke at han tager afsted. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to leave. Jag vill äta glass. I want to eat ice cream. I want to eat ice cream. Jeg er i bilen. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Mary ville ikke sælge sin bil. Mary didn't want to sell her car. Mary wouldn't sell her car. Vi kan prata om det i framtiden. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about it in the future. Du må have spist søm. You must be crazy. You must have eaten nails. Detta är början på en ny era. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Jeg kan ikke forklare det heller. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it either. Der var skjulte kameraer overalt. There were hidden cameras everywhere. There were hidden cameras everywhere. De kommer og henter inn posten klokken tre hver ettermiddag. They come to collect the post at three o'clock, every afternoon. They come in and pick up the mail at three every afternoon. Brátt féll kalt regnið. Soon the cold rain came down. Soon the cold rain fell. Detta är en riktigt salomonisk lösning. That's a real Solomonic solution. This is a truly Salomonic solution. Ge mig din arm. Give me your arm. Give me your arm. Vilt þú te eða kaffi? Do you want tea or coffee? Do you want some tea or coffee? Låt inte Tom se er. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Jag kommer. I am coming. I'll be right there. Tom ser TV. Tom is watching TV. Tom's watching TV. Jeg var trængt op i et hjørne. I was cornered. I was in a corner. Det blåser idag. It's windy today. It's blowing today. Jeg hører, det er den koldeste vinter, vi har haft de sidste ti år. I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years. I hear it's the coldest winter we've had in the last ten years. Du har et problem. You've got a problem. You have a problem. De flesta amerikanare tycker om hamburgare. Most Americans like hamburgers. Most Americans like hamburgers. Við verðum að kaupa þá frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Jeg traff en gammel venn på gata. I ran across an old friend in the street. I met an old friend on the street. Den är tom. It's empty. It's empty. Hun lider af en uhelbredelig sygdom. She suffers from an incurable disease. She suffers from an incurable disease. Det er helt normalt. It's completely normal. It's perfectly normal. Bara du kan göra detta. You alone can do this. Only you can do this. Du måste stiga upp. You have to get up. You have to get up. Kanntu að keyra bíl? Can you drive a car? You know how to drive a car? Jag har lagat radion åt honom. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed the radio for him. Den där slipsen passar bra till din skjorta. That tie goes well with your shirt. That tie is good for your shirt. Ringið eftir løgregluni. Call the police. Call for an onion rule. Det er ikke ret godt. It's not very good. It's not very good. Glöm inte vad jag sa till dig nyss. Don't forget what I just told you. Don't forget what I just told you. Alle av oss er meir eller mindre kunstinteresserte. Every one of us is more or less interested in art. All of us are more or less art interested. De ønsker ikke at gøre det selv. They don't want to do it by themselves. They don't want to do it themselves. Hvis jeg var rig, ville jeg købe det. If I were rich, I would buy it. If I was rich, I'd buy it. Der er fem blyanter her. There are five pencils here. There are five pencils here. Ég elska að lesa bækur. I love reading books. I love reading books. Nej, inte för mycket. No, not too much. No, not too much. Tycker du om lax? Do you like salmon? Do you like salmon? Vad mer kan ni göra? What else can you do? What else can you do? Tom solgte tre køleskabe i dag. Tom sold three refrigerators today. Tom sold three refrigerators today. Vad köpte Tom till dig? What did Tom get you? What did Tom buy you? Hvenær hittirðu hann? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Har du en særlig menu for vegetarer? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Både Tom og Mary tjekkede deres egne ure. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Takk! Cheers! Thank you! Jag hatar mig själv. I hate myself. I hate myself. Jeg skulle ønske du hadde kommet for å se meg i går. I wish you had come to see me yesterday. I wish you'd come to see me yesterday. Hva gjør du og kjæresten din vanligvis som forspill? What do you and your boyfriend usually do for foreplay? What do you and your girlfriend usually do as a foreplay? ”Föddes du i Boston?” ”Nej, jag föddes i Australien.” "Were you born in Boston?" "No, I was born in Australia." “Are you born in Boston?” “No, I was born in Australia.” Jag såg meddelandet. I saw the message. I saw the message. Jeg kigger efter T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. Han tok med seg lillesøsteren sin. He took his sister along. He brought his little sister. Det er en lille hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Jag ser fram emot i eftermiddag. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I look forward to this afternoon. Det är jättefint! That's wonderful! That's great! Jag vet att ni är upprörda. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Mørke er fravær af lys. Darkness is the absence of light. Dark is the absence of light. Jeg læste, at Brasiliens præsident er en kvinde. Hun hedder Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman named Dilma. Vem arbetar vi för? Who are we working for? Who are we working for? Engster du deg ikke for det? Don't you worry about that? Don't you worry about that? Hvad er der i tasken? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Den her er ikke min bil. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This isn't my car. Tom er akkurat ferdig med å vaske rommet sitt. Tom has just finished cleaning his room. Tom's just finished washing his room. Det er meget dyrt. That is very expensive. It's very expensive. Ertu ekki þyrstur? Aren't you thirsty? You're thirsty, aren't you? Tag hvad du vil. Take anything you like. Take whatever you want. Tom har købt et meget billigt fotografiapparat. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's have a ten-minute break. Let's take a 10-minute break. En evighet är en väldigt lång tid. Eternity is a really long time. An eternity is a very long time. Tom regner med dig, ikke sandt? Tom is counting on you, isn't he? Tom's counting on you, isn't he? Datamaskinen min lager en skikkelig rar lyd. My computer makes a really weird noise. My computer makes a really nice sound. Dette gamle hus er hjemsøgt. This old house is haunted. This old house is haunted. Kommer skovmurmeldyret til at se sin skygge? Will the groundhog see his shadow? Is the woodworm going to see its shadow? Jeg tok på meg jobben med å lese korrektur. I got myself a job proof-reading. I took on the job of reading proofreading. Tom ventede på Mary i lidt over en time. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited for Mary for a little over an hour. Mine meninger har måske ændret sig, men ikke det faktum at jeg har ret. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right. I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is the twentieth of October. Today it is October 20th. Han ser inte alls ut som sin pappa. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't look like his father at all. Han drikker vand. He's drinking water. He's drinking water. Jeg er uafhængig journalist. I'm a freelance journalist. I'm an independent journalist. Jag går ut på en promenad. I'll go for a walk. I'm going out for a walk. Jeg har mistet blyanten min. I have lost my pencil. I've lost my pencil. Les instruksjonene nøye. Read the instructions carefully. Read the instructions carefully. Tog du til Boston eller Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Fel. Wrong. Wrong. Spara den till senare. Save it till later. Save it for later. Vi har alle engang været børn. We were all children once. We've all been kids once. Tom är inte så säker. Tom isn't so certain. Tom's not so sure. Han er ikke grei mot henne. He is not kind to her. He's not okay with her. Igår var han väldigt sjuk men idag mår han mycket bättre. Yesterday he was seriously ill, but today he is much better. Yesterday he was very sick, but today he feels much better. Jordens måne er en naturlig satellit. The earth's moon is a natural satellite. Earth's moon is a natural satellite. Vi kunde inte gå ut på grund av tyfonen. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. Hur vet vi det? How do we know that? How do we know that? "Er du her sammen med nogen?" "Jeg er her sammen med min ven Mary." "Are you here with anyone?" "I'm here with my friend Mary." "Are you here with someone?" "I'm here with my friend Mary." Drenge tænker meget på piger. Boys think about girls a lot. Boys think a lot about girls. Hvorfor var de ikke der? Why weren't they there? Why weren't they there? Vi har rett til å leve hvor vi vil. We have the right to live where we please. We have the right to live wherever we want. Ekki rífast. Please don't argue. Don't argue. Stoppede du for rødt? Did you stop at the red traffic light? Did you stop too red? Du tok det fornærmelig opp, enda det var aldeles ikke meningen og det var ment som et morsom ord fra meg, men du så det ikke. You took it as offensive, even though that was not at all my intention. I meant it as something funny, but you didn't see it like that. You took it insultably up, yet it was absolutely not meant and it was meant to be a funny word from me, but you didn't see it. La meg spise i fred. Let me eat in peace. Let me eat in peace. Han frågade mig om jag gillade matematik. He asked me if I liked mathematics. He asked me if I liked mathematics. Jeg ønsker en mp3-afspiller! I want an MP3 player! I want a mp3 player! Vi så tårnet i det fjerne. We saw the tower in the distance. We saw the tower in the distance. Upp med dig! Get up! Get up! Tom er cosplayer. Tom is a cosplayer. Tom's a cosplayer. Jeg er ikke dum! Jeg er ordblind. I'm not dumb! I'm dyslexic. I'm not stupid! Okej! Förstår alla? Okay! Do you all understand? All right, do you understand? Sami røg en joint i sin bil. Sami was smoking a joint in his car. Sami smoked a joint in his car. Tom är ofarlig. Tom's harmless. Tom's not dangerous. Tom bragte blomster. Tom brought flowers. Tom brought flowers. Hun stillede kassen på bordet. She deposited the box on the table. She put the box on the table. Varför är du inte där? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Kom tillbaka hit. Come back here. Come back here. Du kan parkere her. You may park here. You can park here. Takk for informasjonen. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Tökum okkur stutt hlé. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. Koreaner tycker inte om koriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Jeg måtte forbli i senga hele dagen. I had to stay in bed all day. I had to stay in bed all day. Det är säkert att äta fiskarna. It's safe to eat the fish. I'm sure it's safe to eat the fish. Han accepterede vores tilbud. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Hvorfor har jeres hund ingen mundkurv på? Why doesn't your dog wear a muzzle? Why is your dog not wearing a mouth basket? Tom talte. Tom spoke. Tom spoke. Han gick inte upp tidigt. He did not get up early. He didn't go up early. Skriv det ned før du glemmer det. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget it. Solen gløder, fordi temperaturen er ca. 5.500 grader Celsius. The sun glows because its temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. The sun is glowing because the temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. Absolut ikke. No way. Absolutely not. Hvor skal du hen? Where are you going? Where are you going? Det var ett väldigt spännande spel. It was a very exciting game. It was a very exciting game. En mand kom på gaden hen til Tom og begyndte at tale til ham, men Tom havde ingen anelse om hvem han var. A man came up to Tom in the street and started talking to him, but Tom had no idea who he was. A man came on the street to Tom and began talking to him, but Tom had no idea who he was. Ring til Tom og fortæl ham at vi er på vej. Call Tom and tell him we're on the way. Call Tom and tell him we're on our way. Tusen takk for alt du har gjort for meg. Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me. Hon är lycklig. She is happy. She's happy. Jeg laver rav i den. I'm going to rock the boat. I'm making ravens in it. Han elsker at spille fodbold. He likes playing soccer. He loves to play football. Eg vonar at eg kan gjere det. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do that. Tom kom løbende med et brev fra Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came along with a letter from Judy. Du har købt flere frimærker end nødvendigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You've bought more stamps than necessary. Jeg venter her. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Við höfum upplifað margar breytingar á síðasta áratugi. We have experienced many changes over the last decade. We have experienced many changes in the last decade. Du må ikke røre ved det, da det går let i stykker. You mustn't touch it, because it'll break easily. Don't touch it because it's easy to break. Du hadde uflaks, jeg kom tilbake fem minutter etter at du gikk. You were unlucky; I came back five minutes after you'd left. You had a freak, I came back five minutes after you left. Tom sa han trodde piloten var full. Tom said he thought the pilot was drunk. Tom said he thought the pilot was drunk. Är det bra för hälsan att äta en vitlöksklyfta om dagen? Is eating a clove of garlic every day beneficial to your health? Is it good for health to eat a garlic elevator a day? Jag känner mig hungrig. I'm feeling hungry. I feel hungry. Jeg kan kun tale fransk. I can only speak French. I can only speak French. Jeg snakker litt engelsk. I can speak a little English. I'm talking a little bit English. Undskyld, jeg bliver nødt til at gå. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry, I have to go. Sami är inte värd det. Sami isn't worth it. Sami's not worth it. Hjälp mig bygga färdigt den här sorkstegen så ska jag bjuda dig på middag. Help me finish building this vole ladder and I'll treat you to dinner. Help me finish this sock ladder and I'll invite you to dinner. Á fætur með ykkur! Stand up! Get up! Familien havde en hård tid efter krigen. The family had a hard time after the war. The family had a hard time after the war. Tom tycker inte om vinter. Tom does not like the winter. Tom doesn't like winter. Tom kaldte Mary en forræder. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Olga og hendes mand solgte segle og leer i Volyn. Olga and her husband sold sickles and scythes in Volyn. Olga and her husband sold sails and smiles in Volyn. Hvilken algerisk by er vi i? What Algerian city are we in? What Algerian city are we in? Glöm det! Forget it. Forget it! Vill du komma med oss? Would you like to join us? You want to come with us? Hvad Tom så, ændrede hans liv. What Tom saw changed his life. What Tom saw changed his life. Du er veldig vakker. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Han neker å høre på noen av oss; du kunne like godt ha snakket med en stein. He will not listen to any of us; you might as well talk to a figure of stone. He refuses to listen to some of us; you might as well have talked to a stone. Jeg vælger dig. I choose you. I choose you. Har du tid att komma imorgon? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Glem hvad jeg sagde. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Vi er hjemme i dag. We are at home today. We're home today. Tom kjøpte den bilen fordi kona hans likte den. Tom bought that car because his wife liked it. Tom bought that car because his wife liked it. Jeg gråt hele natten. I cried all night long. I cried all night. Vi måste komma bort. We need to get away. We need to get out of here. Vi tager ikke imod drikkepenge her. We do not accept tips. We don't accept tips here. Hann skrifar bækur. He writes books. He's writing books. Norge heter "Norge" på norsk. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway is called "Norway" in Norwegian. Boten skall betalas i kontanter. The fine shall be paid in cash. The fine shall be paid in cash. Jag har glömt bort hans namn. I've forgotten his name. I've forgotten his name. Ég er glaður að þú hefur snúið heil aftur. I am glad that you have returned safe. I'm glad you've returned. Jag har alldeles nyss gett Tom sparken. I just fired Tom. I just fired Tom. Det virker som hun er interessert i ham. She seems to be interested in him. It seems she's interested in him. Känner vi dig? Do we know you? Do we know you? Tom er en chauvinist. Tom is a chauvinist. Tom's a chauvinist. Jeg har intet at prale af. I have nothing to boast about. I have nothing to boast of. Man skal ikke skue hunden på hårene. Don't judge a book by its cover. You don't want to see the dog on your hair. Þú mátt ekki færa þér sakleysi hennar í nyt. You must not take advantage of her innocence. You mustn't take advantage of her innocence. Tom havde en dåse øl i hånden og yderligere tre i rygsækken. Tom had one can of beer in his hand and three more in his pack. Tom had a can of beer in his hand and three more in his backpack. Hvad er dit navn? What's your name? What's your name? Jeg vet hva som gjør meg lykkelig. I know what makes me happy. I know what makes me happy. Han gjorde tit sin mor nervøs. He often worried his mother. He often made his mother nervous. Lærere lærer også af deres elever. Teachers also learn from their students. Teachers also learn from their students. Har du lyst å komme? Would you like to come? Do you want to come? Hvad venter I på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Derfor har det blitt til at jeg har bitt tennene sammen og blitt med. That's why I gritted my teeth and went along. Therefore, it has become that I have bitten my teeth together and joined. Det gjorde mig virkelig ked af det. It made me really sad. I was really sorry about that. Ég er góður. I'm doing great. I'm good. Ég er á sjúkrahúsinu. Það laust eldingu niður í mig. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital. John sitter bredvid Jack. John sits by Jack. John's sitting next to Jack. Hva driver du med? What are you doing? What are you doing? Tom tittade framåt. Tom looked ahead. Tom looked forward. Að kyssa reykingarmann er eins og að sleikja öskubakka. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Kissing a smoker is like licking ashtrays. Jeg vil gerne have to kilo æbler. I'd like two kilos of apples. I want two kilos of apples. Tycker du om Earl Grey-te? Do you like Earl Grey tea? Do you like Earl Grey tea? Hans rum är alltid i ordning. His room is always in good order. His room is always in order. Hvorfor opfandt man pengene? Why was money invented? Why was the money invented? Hur stavar man ditt efternamn? How is your surname written? How do you spell your last name? Ég fór í buxurnar. I put on my trousers. I put my pants on. Er der smør i køleskabet? Is there any butter in the refrigerator? Is there butter in the fridge? Det hele er et forferdelig mistak. This is all a terrible mistake. It's all a terrible mistake. Jeg besøkte henne i Tyskland. I visited her in Germany. I visited her in Germany. Ge mig den där pistolen. Give me that gun. Give me that gun. Jeg måtte fylle vann på akvariet. I needed to add water to my aquarium. I had to fill water on the aquarium. Tack för att du tröstade mig när jag var ledsen. Thank you for consoling me when I was sad. Thank you for comforting me when I was sorry. Den her ordbog er min. This dictionary is mine. This dictionary is mine. Tom är lång och smal. Tom is lean and tall. Tom is tall and narrow. Vi köpte en bit mark tillsammans. We bought a piece of land together. We bought a piece of land together. Du behøver ikke at gøre det nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do it now. Jeg er snart tilbake. I'll be back soon. I'll be right back. Jag har börjat röka igen. I've started smoking again. I've started smoking again. Jag accepterar det du säger, men jag tror fortfarande att jag har rätt. While I accept what you say, I still think I'm right. I accept what you say, but I still think I'm right. Det føles som om jeg har våknet fra et mareritt. I feel as if I've woken up from a nightmare. I feel like I've woken up from a nightmare. Jeg har fortalt dig at det var spild af tid. I told you this was a waste of time. I told you it was a waste of time. Jag talar spanska med Gud, italienska med kvinnor, franska med män och tyska med min häst. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak Spanish with God, Italian with women, French with men and German with my horse. Lad os tage en pause nu. Let's have a break now. Let's take a break now. Har du ett motto? Do you have a motto? Do you have a motto? Tom ringer mig nästan varje dag. Tom calls me almost every day. Tom calls me almost every day. Jag har också lust att spela. I feel like playing, too. I want to play too. Han drog sit sidste åndedrag. He breathed his last breath. He took his last breath. Er der adgang for kørestolsbrugere? Is there wheelchair access? Are wheelchair users available? Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than she loves you. Dette er en lang blyant. This is a long pencil. This is a long pencil. Damen är över åttio. The lady is over eighty. The lady's over eighty. Pappa är inte hemma. Dad isn't home. Dad's not home. Jag fattar vad du menar. I get what you mean. I get what you mean. Jag vet egentligen inte. I don't really know. I really don't know. Det er en katt under bordet. There is a cat under the desk. It's a cat under the table. Ég sagði þeim að senda mér annan miða. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another note. Oroa dig inte! Don't worry. Don't worry! Min kat og min hund kommer ud af det med hinanden. My cat and dog get along. My cat and dog get out of it with each other. Varför svarar du inte? Why don't you answer? Why don't you answer? Tom stör Mary. Tom is disturbing Mary. Tom's interrupting Mary. Hvad har I? What do you have? What do you got? Eg veit ikki nær fer hann. I don't know when he will come. I don't know when he's going. Tom og Mary er i samme båd. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Jeg er ikke bange. I am not afraid. I'm not afraid. Det mener du ikke. You can't be serious. You don't mean that. Tom har for nylig mistet sit arbejde. Tom recently lost his job. Tom recently lost his job. Det er godt at være hjemme. It's good to be home. It's good to be home. Den finansiella situationen förvärras vecka för vecka. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. Hur kunde jag missa det här? How did I miss this? How could I miss this? Tom är också jude. Tom is also a Jew. Tom's a Jew, too. Det var en vacker flicka med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. It was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Ég afbókaði tíma með henni. I canceled an appointment with her. I canceled my time with her. Pengene var ikke anskaffet på ærlig vis. The money was not honestly come by. The money was not acquired honestly. Er det noko å drikke i kjøleskapet? Is there anything to drink in the fridge? Is it something to drink in the fridge? Hur står det till? How are you? How are you? Jag är vid den norra grinden. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the northern gate. Till hans förvåning stannade tåget till kort. To his surprise, the train made a quick stop. To his surprise, the train stopped for short. Jeg har skrevet ferdig rapporten. I've finished typing the report. I've finished the report. Hetta er eitt orðtak. This is a proverb. This is one word. Tre mennesker savnes stadig. Three people are still missing. Three people are still missing. Kom fort! Come quickly! Come on! Vi borde komma igång. We should get going. We should get started. Himmelen er blå. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Tom er muligvis okay. Tom might be all right. Tom may be okay. Vertu sæl! Goodbye! Goodbye! Det här liknar trakasseri. This seems like harassment. This looks like harassment. Du vart lurad. You got cheated. You were fooled. Katten på bordet sover. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. Tom är nedstämd. Tom is depressed. Tom's down. Du har felstavat mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You've wronged my name. Varför gick ni inte först? Why didn't you go first? Why didn't you go first? Tom ødelagde sin nye smartphone. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. Jeg besluttede mig for at fortælle hende, at det var hende, jeg elskede. I decided to tell her that it was her that I loved. I decided to tell her it was her I loved. Det var så tråkigt att jag nästan gäspade. It was so boring that I almost yawned. I'm so sorry I almost puked. Hefði ég ekki sofið yfir mig hefði ég verið á réttum tíma í skólann. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. If I hadn’t been sleeping over, I would have been at school at the right time. Han besøgte Frankrig tre gange. He visited France three times. He visited France three times. Ég vil panta hótelbergi. I'd like a hotel reservation. I'd like to order a hotel room. Jeg tror denne boken vil være til stor hjelp for dere. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I think this book will be of great help to you. Var försiktig! Be careful! Be careful! Jeg fandt hendes mor død. I found her mother dead. I found her mother dead. Hvordan kan du finde dig i ham? How do you put up with him? How can you find yourself in him? Varför hälsar Tom aldrig på oss längre? Why doesn't Tom visit us anymore? Why doesn't Tom ever visit us anymore? De som ved og kan, handler. De som ved, men ikke kan, underviser. De som hverken ved eller kan, leder. Those who know and can, do. Those who know, but can't, teach. Those who neither know nor can, lead. Those who know and know, act, those who know, but they can't, teach, those who don't know or can, lead. Jag hjälper dig. I'll help you. I'll help you. Du är gammal nog att förstå. You're old enough to understand. You're old enough to understand. Vinsamlegast snúðu þessu á ensku. Please put this into English. Please turn this over in English. Intet syntes at fungere. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to work. Jag behöver lösenordet. I need the password. I need the password. Du lyder træt. You sound tired. You sound tired. Jeg har ikke hørt fra Tom i temmelig lang tid. I haven't heard from Tom in quite some time. I haven't heard from Tom for quite a while. Ved Tom hvor Mary blev født? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Men han ønsket seg virkelig en sønn. But he really wanted a son. But he really wanted a son. Varför är jag den enda de klagar på? De gör bara ett exempel av mig och använder mig som syndabock. Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat. Why am I the only one they complain about? They only do one example of me and use me as a scapegoat. Fyrirgefðu ástin. Ég er ennþá fastur á skrifstofunni. Sorry honey, I'm still stuck at the office. I'm sorry, I'm still stuck in the office. Det kommer til å regne snart, bare se på de mørke skyene. It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon, just look at the dark clouds. Han kan næsten ikke læse. He can barely read. He almost can't read. Jeg er sikker. I'm sure. I'm sure. Jag vet inte vad som kommer att hända. I don't want to know what's going to happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Hur firade du jul? How did you spend Christmas? How did you celebrate Christmas? "Hvad skal jeg gøre?" "Det ved jeg ikke. Gør noget." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know, do anything." Tom går på en anden high school. Tom goes to a different high school. Tom goes to another high school. Jeg kørte i bil til arbejde. I went to work by car. I drove in a car to work. Kan jeg bruge kreditkort? Can I use a credit card? Can I use a credit card? Tom, se på mig, når jeg taler til dig! Tom, look at me when I'm speaking to you. Tom, look at me when I talk to you! Jeg vil skrive et brev til Judy. I will write Judy a letter. I want to write a letter to Judy. Hún sættist við vinkonu sína. She reconciled with her friend. She'll make up with her friend. Hvad spurgte du hende om? What did you ask her? What did you ask her? Simbabve var eitt sinn bresk nýlenda. Zimbabwe was once a colony of Britain. Simbabve was once British colony. Jeg sælger tøj på internettet. I sell clothing online. I sell clothes on the Internet. Skulle jag kunna få prata med dig en stund? Can I speak to you for a moment please? Could I talk to you for a second? Har du en anelse om hvem som er i naborommet? Do you have any idea who's in the next room? Do you have any idea who's in the next room? Han sprang. He ran. He jumped. De forsøk tre ganger. They've taken three shots at it. They're trying three times. Ta inte ifrån mig det lilla hopp som finns kvar. Don't take away what little remaining hope I've still got. Don't take away the little hope that's left. Tom måtte gå tilbake samme veien som han kom fra. Tom had to go back the way he'd come. Tom had to go back the same way he came from. Jeg flytter i næste måned. I am moving next month. I'm moving out next month. Tom tømte affaldskurven. Tom emptied the waste basket. Empty emptied the wastebin. Jag kommer ifrån Turkiet. I'm from Turkey. I come from Turkey. Det skete i går. It happened yesterday. It happened yesterday. Nemendurnir eru uppteknir við undirbúning undir prófið. The students are busy preparing for the examination. The students are busy preparing for the test. Tom skrællede æblet. Tom peeled the apple. Tom peeled the apple. Hundurinn elti hann hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Gå och byt om. Go get changed. Go change. Jag skulle vilja tro dig. I'd like to believe you. I'd like to believe you. Har vi et? Do we have one? Do we have one? Det måste inte göras nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. It doesn't have to be done right now. Jeg kjenner ingen av dem. I know none of them. I don't know any of them. Hon har solglasögon. She has sunglasses. She has sunglasses. Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Den här filmen är ett mästerverk. This film is a masterpiece. This movie is a masterpiece. Hun taler engelsk flydende. She speaks English fluently. She speaks English fluently. Jag hörde att en sydamerikansk campare blev uppäten av en anakonda. I heard that a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. I heard a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. Tom gillar inte riktigt Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Har du hørt, at en synsk dværg netop er flygtet fra fængslet? Der er et lille medie på fri fod! Have you heard that a psychic dwarf just escaped from prison? There's a small medium at large! Have you heard that a psychic dwarf has just escaped from prison? There is a small medium at large! Jeg var så skuffet. I was so disappointed. I was so disappointed. Det her ur ser ikke ud til at virke som det skal. This clock seems to be malfunctioning. This watch doesn't seem to work the way it should. Jeg kunne vært der innen 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. Det står på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Toms pappa, som sitter i fängelse, skriver aldrig till honom. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to him. Tom's father, who's in prison, never writes to him. Tilsæt honningen, citronsaften, de hakkede mandler og de hakkede æbler. Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Add the honey, lemon juice, the pickled almonds and the pickled apples. Jeg vet ikke helt hvor jeg er. I don't know where I am exactly. I don't know exactly where I am. Tyckte ni om det? Did you like it? Did you like it? I dag fløy en stor bil av veien. A big car flew off the road today. Today, a large car flew off the road. Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom nu. I'd like to see Tom now. I'd like to see Tom now. Hann á sitt eigið hús. He has a house of his own. He has his own house. Jeg ble så skuffet over at ingen spiste den dyre sushien som jeg hadde servert. It was disappointing that nobody ate the expensive sushi I had served. I was so disappointed that no one ate the expensive sushi that I had served. Tom slog Mary. Tom hit Mary. Tom beat Mary. Man har brug for mad, tøj og et hjem for at kunne leve. We need food, clothes and a home in order to live. You need food, clothing, and a home to live. Var är din soptunna? Where is your garbage can? Where's your garbage can? Tom håller i en kniv. Tom is holding a knife. Tom's holding a knife. Jeg vil gerne se Dem igen i næste uge. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. Jag lovar. Jag kommer aldrig att göra det igen. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I'll never do it again. Da følte den sig ganske undseelig og stak hovedet om bag vingerne, den vidste ikke selv hvad! Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do. Then it felt quite unimaginable and stuck its head behind the wings, it did not even know what! Kald hundene til dig! Call off your dogs. Call the dogs to you! Tom fikk sparken på mandag. Tom was fired on Monday. Tom got fired on Monday. Guld er kongernes konge. Gold is the king of kings. Gold is the king of kings. Vi bør ikke spille morsomme på andres bekostning. We shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense. We shouldn't be playing funny at the expense of others. Hun er gammel. She is old. She's old. Det var ikke nemt at finde Toms kontor. It wasn't easy to find Tom's office. It wasn't easy to find Tom's office. Der var ingen i lokalet udover Mary og John. There was no one in the room besides Mary and John. There was no one in the room besides Mary and John. Den är ett problem. It's a problem. It's a problem. Spelar det någon roll? Does it even matter? Does it matter? Tom døde i fængsel for ti år siden. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Hans hus er nær floden. His house is near the river. His house is near the river. Var ligger tvättstugan? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry room? Tom hatade att gå i skola. Tom hated school. Tom hated going to school. Har du noen gang lurt på hvor mange stjerner det er på himmelen? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in heaven? Jeg gikk ikke glipp av noe. I didn't miss anything. I didn't miss anything. Tú krógvar tað eisini fyri Eiriki, so hann fær einki at vita. You are hiding it from Eric as well, so that he won't get to know anything. You require it just for Erik, so it won't be able to know. Du skal overholde loven. You must observe the law. You have to comply with the law. Turkiet var starkare än Grekland. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Sluta säga att det är mitt barn. Stop telling me it is my baby. Stop saying it's my baby. Det er ikke mulig! It can't be! It's not possible! Det kan inte vara så illa. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Vil du have noget te? Do you want some tea? Would you like some tea? Tom har stadig ikke mødt Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Jag har ett kännetecken. I have a badge. I have a characteristic. Folk og vejr må man tage som de er. You've got to take people and the weather as they come. People and weather must be taken as they are. Hvorfor kjøper du ikke et kjøretøy? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Jag klättrade upp i ett träd. I climbed a tree. I climbed a tree. Tom læser en novellesamling. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom's reading a novel collection. Mayuko tog en bid af mit æble. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Eg havi tvær kettur. I have two cats. I have two cats. Jeg ringte alle jeg kjente. I called everyone I know. I called everyone I knew. Kan I lide Tom? Do you guys like Tom? Do you like Tom? Neste gang skal jeg lage mer. Next time I'll make more. Next time I'll make more. Vi måste gå. We need to be going. We have to go. Fler och fler studenter ansluter sig till protesterna. More and more students are joining the protests. More and more students join the protests. Eg har hovudverk. I have a headache. I have a main job. Það var ekki hvað hann sagði heldur hvernig hann sagði það sem gerði mig tortrygginn. It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious. That's not what he said. It's how he said what made me suspicious. Han är en dålig chaufför. He is a bad driver. He's a bad driver. Det ska du ha jävligt klart för dig! Let's make that much very fucking clear! You're supposed to be so fucking clear! Kaffe vore trevligt. Coffee would be nice. Coffee would be nice. Har du varit fattig? Have you been poor? Have you been poor? Vet ni vem han var? Do you know who he was? Do you know who he was? God tur. Have a nice trip. Good luck. Jag har trott på Kylie Minogue sedan 12 juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I have believed in Kylie Minogue since 12 June 1998. Jag protesterar! I protest! I protest! Penge er magt. Money is power. Money is power. Jeg tjener hundrede euro om dagen. I make 100 euros per day. I make a hundred euros a day. Tað var ein fuktigur, gráur summardagur síðst í juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. One damp, grey summer day was last taken in June. Lommekalkulatorer er like billige å kjøpe som et par sokker, og like viktig for tusener av britiske skolebarn som blyant og viskelær. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser. The calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as important to thousands of British schoolchildren as pencils and erasers. Jag tycker att han är en skicklig person. I think he's a competent person. I think he's a good person. Tror du ikke det lenger? Don't you still believe that? You don't think so anymore? Það er réttlæti That's justice. That Is Justice Al-Mutanabbi dog med svärdet i hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with his sword in his hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with the sword in hand. Ég er líklegast týnd. I am probably lost. I'm probably lost. Clyde var utilfreds med sit butikskøbte teleskop og besluttede at bygge ét selv. Clydes far tog et ekstrajob for at betale for de materialer, der var nødvendige for at bygge det. Clyde was dissatisfied with his store-bought telescope and decided to build one for himself. Clyde's father took a second job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Clyde was dissatisfied with his shop purchase telescope and decided to build one himself. Clyde's father took an extra job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Kan noen ta telefonen? Can someone accept that phone call? Can anyone pick up the phone? Jag kände din pappa. I knew your father. I knew your father. Han tvingar mig att ge besked. He's forcing me to decide. He'll force me to let you know. Må jeg bruge denne ordbog? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? De konkluderer enstemmig med at han har brutt reglene om en illojal etterligning og god forretningsskikk i marknadsføringsloven. They unanimously concluded that he had violated the rules against unfair imitation as well as good business practices under marketing law. They conclude unanimously that he has broken the rules of unfair imitation and good commercial practice in the Marketing Act. Tom vil snakke med deg. Tom would like to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. Det här är mycket allvarligt. This is very serious. This is very serious. Vad är er fars namn? What's your father's name? What's your father's name? Skod dine cigaretter. Put out your cigarettes. Shoot your cigarettes. Det er fjærene som gjør fuglen vakker. It is the feathers that makes the bird beautiful. It's the feathers that make the bird beautiful. Det er det jeg elskede ved Tom. That's what I loved about Tom. That's what I loved about Tom. Vi är flexibla. We're adaptable. We're flexible. Ikke alle lamper er magiske. Not every lamp is magic. Not all lamps are magical. Jag kollade måttet. I checked the gauge. I checked the mat. Jeg har fået noget shampoo i øjnene. Det svier! I got some shampoo in my eyes. It burns! I've got some shampoo in my eyes. Gå och hämta din bil. Go get your car. Go get your car. Jeg vil ikke slås med dig. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to fight you. Har I et billigere kamera end det her? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Do you have a cheaper camera than this? De vet hva som skjer. They know what's happening. They know what's going on. Þau líta á hann sem hetju. They consider him a hero. They think of him as a hero. Ring honom ikväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Jeg har alltid likt mystiske karakterer mer. I always liked mysterious characters more. I always have the same mystical characters more. Hvorfor vasker du dine hænder? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Når vi kjeder oss, spiller vi hangman. When we're bored, we play hangman. When we get along, we play hangman. Er Tom enn þá veikur? Is Tom still sick? Is Tom still sick? Varför sa vi det där? Why did we say that? Why did we say that? Tom äter. Tom is eating. Tom's eating. Tom har på sig hatt nästan varje dag. Tom wears a hat almost every day. Tom's had almost every day. Det finns många gamla tempel i Kyoto. There are many old temples in Kyoto. There are many old temples in Kyoto. Jeg har sett Tom danse mange ganger. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom dance many times. Har du en kuglepen? Do you have a ballpoint pen? Do you have a pen? Vi endte med at betale mere end vi havde regnet med. We ended up paying more than we expected. We ended up paying more than we expected. Jag förälskade mig i en kvinna. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. Du bør gå tidligt hjem. You had best go home early. You should go home early. Ég fer þangað jafnvel þótt það rigni. I will go there even if it rains. I go there even if it rains. Det var ditt val. It was your choice. It was your choice. Alla tvekade. Everyone hesitated. Everyone hesitated. Vil du lige tage dig af tøjvasken? Would you mind doing the laundry? Would you mind taking care of the laundry? Þeim þótti spennandi að spila körfubolta á leikvellinum. They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground. They found it exciting to play basketball at the playground. I sin ungdom var min mor veldig vakker. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. In her youth, my mother was very beautiful. Snakk langsomt. Speak slowly! Talk slowly. Fransk er mit yndlingsfag. French is my favorite subject. French is my favorite. Katten overraskede mig! The cat caught me by surprise! The cat surprised me! Der findes sikkert en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I'm sure there's a very reasonable explanation. Vill ni att jag ska berätta en historia för er? Do you want me to tell you a story? You want me to tell you a story? Är Tom fortfarande kapten över ditt skepp? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Jag hade inga vidare förväntningar, så jag är inte vidare besviken. I didn't have any great expectations, so there are no big disappointments. I had no further expectations, so I'm not further disappointed. Hvornår tog du sidst et brusebad? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you took a shower? Bränslenivån är under tom. The fuel level is below empty. Fuel level is below zero. To kopper te og to kopper kaffe, tak! Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please. Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please! Kvinden jeg elsker, arbejder i Istanbul, og jeg savner hende meget. The woman I love works in Istanbul and I miss her very much. The woman I love works in Istanbul, and I miss her a lot. Synes du virkelig det er passende å legge inn en setning som det på Tatoeba? Do you really think it's appropriate to put a sentence like that on Tatoeba? Do you really think it's appropriate to add a sentence like that to Tatoeba? Jeg ønsker at se hende. I want to see her. I want to see her. Hvilken hylde er den på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is it on? Vakna, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Wake up, everybody. Tom sine klær er drypp våte. Tom's clothes are soaking wet. Tom's clothes are dripping wet. De hadede hinanden. They hated each other. They hated each other. Hur stora var de? How large were they? How big were they? Ge mig en dollar för boken. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Jeg satte mig. I sat down. I sat down. Tom åbnede køleskabet og tog mælken ud. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the fridge and took the milk out. Kan du høre bølgerne støje ved kysten. Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the waves noise on the coast? Hun ligner veldig på sin bestemor. She strongly resembles her grandmother. She looks very similar to her grandmother. Han er vekk He is gone. He's gone. Det er faktisk et spørgsmål, jeg tit får. That's actually a question that I get a lot. It's actually a question I often get. Sensationelle billeder! Skaber du selv disse fotomontager? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photomontages yourself? Sensational pictures! Are you even creating these photo monitors? Tom må være på vej til dig. Tom must be headed your way. Tom must be on his way to you. Problemet vedrørende Vestsahara skal løses for bestandigt. The Western Sahara problem has to be resolved for good. The problem of Western Sahara must be solved permanently. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Ghana? What's the minimum wage in Ghana? What's the minimum pay in Ghana? Vores COVID-19-strategi er den grønne kurve. Our COVID-19 strategy is the green curve. Our COVID-19 strategy is the green curve. Får jag se något ID-kort? Can I see some ID? Can I see an I.D. card? Kom, så går vi! Let's go! Come on, let's go! Han ville ha pengarna tillbaka. He wanted the money back. He wanted the money back. Er hesten din svart? Is your horse black? Is your horse black? Förresten, hur många av er för dagbok? By the way, how many of you are keeping a diary? By the way, how many of you for a diary? Jag skulle aldrig ha litat på Tom. I never should've trusted Tom. I should never have trusted Tom. Regner det nu? Is it raining now? Is it raining now? Jeg er mor. I'm a mother. I'm a mother. Det trodde jag aldrig om dig. I never thought that about you. I never thought of you. Tom begik et bankkup. Tom committed a bank robbery. Tom did a bank job. Tom var her hele tiden. Tom was in here the whole time. Tom was here all the time. Slepptu handleggnum mínum! Let go of my arm! Let go of my arm! Jag blev bortförd av rymdvarelser. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by space creatures. Einn af öðrum stóðu þeir upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of the others stood up and went out. När såg du Tom? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Tom er meget modig. Tom is very brave. Tom's very brave. Angela Merkel har en ph.d. i fysik. Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics. Angela Merkel has a PhD in physics. Utdanningssystemet vårt er elendig. Our education system is very poor. Our education system is miserable. Hun besøkte mannen sin i fengselet. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. Hun spiller tennis hver dag. She plays tennis every day. She plays tennis every day. Hun var kledd i en rød bluse og en svart skjørt. She was clothed in a red blouse and a black skirt. She was dressed in a red blouse and a black skirt. Það var barnalegt af honum að haga sér þannig. It was childish of him to behave like that. It was childish of him to behave like that. Jag var inte medveten om att du mådde så dåligt. I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad. I wasn't aware you felt so bad. Jeg har aldrig set Tom danse. I've never seen Tom dance. I've never seen Tom dance. Han försökte att göra sin fru lycklig, men han kunde inte. He tried to make his wife happy, but he couldn't. He tried to make his wife happy, but he couldn't. Tak for din gave. Thank you for your present. Thank you for your gift. Jeg har boet her siden jeg var dreng. I have lived here since I was a boy. I've been living here since I was a boy. Jeg kan lide hunden. I like the dog. I like the dog. Hon gråter. She is crying. She's crying. Jeg har en time hos øyelegen. I have an eye appointment. I've got an hour at the eye doctor's. Enginn hljóp fram úr honum. No one ran ahead of him. Nobody ran out on him. Min navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My navigator doesn't work abroad. Tom blev nervøs. Tom became nervous. Tom got nervous. Tom har aldrig ätit rått hästkött. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Har du nogensinde spist mexicansk mad? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Han förstår Er inte. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Tom har et blått øye. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a blue eye. Regnet stod som spön i backen. The rain came down in rods. The rain was like a rod in the hill. Du och jag har någonting gemensamt. You and I have something in common. You and I have something in common. Han drillede hende lidt. He teased her a little. He was teasing her a little. Jag är inte så förtjust i grönt te. I don't care for green tea. I'm not so fond of green tea. Þú ert frá Peking, er það ekki? You come from Beijing, right? You're from Beijing, aren't you? Ge mig den där käppen. Give me that cane. Give me that stick. Hon har sönder något varje gång hon städar rummet. She breaks something every time she cleans the room. She breaks something every time she cleans the room. Tom siger at han hellere vil gå end tage en bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Tom says he'd rather go than take a bus. Vi spelade schack inte så mycket för att vi gillade att spela som för att bara slå ihjäl tiden. We played chess not so much to enjoy the game as just to kill time. We played chess not so much because we liked to play as just to kill the time. Vi följer med dig, Tom. We're coming with you, Tom. We're coming with you, Tom. Det er omtrent tre tusen moskéer i Istanbul. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. Fadil älskade att skida. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved to ski. Varför lär du dig engelska? What do you learn English for? Why do you learn English? En bläckfisk har tio armar. A squid has ten arms. A octopus has ten arms. Jag vill gå till stan. I want to go to town. I want to go to town. Gjør så godt du kan! Do the best you can! Do as best you can! Jag hoppas att jag överlever. I hope I survive. I hope I survive. Jeg hadde ikke hørt fra henne på lenge. I haven't heard from her for a long time. I hadn't heard from her in a long time. Ég hjálpaði föður mínum í gær. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my father yesterday. Dryssa sukur á tá tær eru bakaðar. Sprinkle sugar on when they are baked. Drunks on toe are baked. Säkerheten förhöjdes i staden. Security was increased in the city. Security was increased instead. Det er en banal fejl. That's a trivial error. It's a banal mistake. Stör inte Tom medan han läser. Do not interfere with Tom while he is reading. Don't bother Tom while he reads. Tom säger att Mary är förkyld. Tom says Mary has a cold. Tom says Mary's cold. Tala högre så att alla kan höra dig. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Ég á fimm syni. Tveir þeirra eru verkfræðingar, einn er kennari og hinir eru í námi. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, another is a teacher and the others are students. I have five sons, two of them are engineers, one is a teacher, and the others are in school. Franska er rík af samheitum. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in sensibilities. Tom tog sin hjelm på og satte sig derefter op på sin motorcykel. Tom put on his helmet and then got on his motorcycle. Tom put on his helmet and then sat up on his motorcycle. Tom kunne ikke starte sin bil. Tom wasn't able to start his car. Tom couldn't start his car. Elbonien er en slyngelstat. Elbonia is a rogue nation. The Elbonia is a dung state. Jeg savner ord. Words fail me. I miss words. Jag behöver ställa er några frågor. I need to ask you some questions. I need to ask you a few questions. Bli inte arg! Don't be mad! Don't get mad! Jag oroar mig över hans hälsa. I'm worried because of his health. I'm worried about his health. Jeg forventet aldri dette. I never expected this. I never expected this. Er jeg ansvarlig for dette? Am I responsible for this? Am I responsible for this? De afisede broen med salt. They de-iced the bridge with salt. They newspapered the bridge with salt. Denne appelsin er velsmagende. This orange is delicious. This orange is tasty. Kolla in den här. Get a load of this. Check this out. Noe er i ferd med å skje. Something is coming. Something's about to happen. Tom dödade Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Vi skal handle hurtigt. We must act quickly. We need to act fast. Tom har været der i tre uger. Tom has been there for three weeks. Tom's been there for three weeks. Begge to er i live. Both are alive. Both are alive. Jeg tror stadig at Tom er uskyldig. I still think Tom is innocent. I still think Tom's innocent. Mange slags blomster blomstrer altid i hans have. Many kinds of flowers always come out in his garden. Many kinds of flowers always bloom in his garden. Tom köpte lite choklad till Mary. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Lisa fortalte mig at hun havde spist nattō. Lisa told me that she has eaten natto. Lisa told me she ate a night. Det er o.k. med mig. That's OK with me. It's okay with me. Det er varmt. It is warm. It's hot. Lærerinden var omgivet af sine studerende. The teacher was surrounded by her students. The teacher was surrounded by his students. Ta den, sa jag. I said take it. I said take it. Får jag tala nu? Can I talk now? May I speak now? Kvinder har ikke lov til at køre bil i Saudi-Arabien. Women are not permitted to drive cars in Saudi Arabia. Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Vad gör grannarna? What are the neighbors doing? What are the neighbors doing? Heather tror mig. Heather believes me. Heather believes me. Toms pung var tom. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's wallet was empty. Hvad synes I om jeres nye bil? How do you like your new car? What do you think of your new car? For noen rare folk blir vitenskap av et språk holdt hemmelig. Some strange people keep knowledge of a language secret. For some strange people, the science of a language is kept secret. Du elsker en anden! You're in love with someone else. You love someone else! Hvornår går du i seng lørdag aften? What time do you go to sleep Saturday night? When are you going to bed Saturday night? Kom æggene i det kogende vand. Put the eggs into the boiling water. Get the eggs in the boiling water. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú komir eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you're coming or not. Þú hefðir átt að læsa, eða að minnsta kosti loka, öllum hurðunum. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum við að þrífa bílskúrinn. She asked him to help his father clean the garage. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. Han sælger sko. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. "Jeg er sulten.", "Jeg også", "Skal vi spise?", "Ok." "I'm getting hungry." "Me, too." "Do you want to eat?" "OK." "I'm hungry." "I'm hungry too," "Let's eat?" "Okay." Hvorfor har du lagt det der? Why did you put that there? Why did you put that there? De snakket om politikk. They talked about politics. They talked about politics. Jeg kan lide ørredfiskeri. I like trout fishing. I like trout fishing. Ikke spis uten meg. Don't eat without me. Don't eat without me. Jag åker till Boston nästa månad. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Tom har giftet sig med en kvinde der er ældre end ham. Tom married a woman older than he is. Tom married a woman older than him. Hon var svimfärdig. She was on verge of fainting. She was faint. Det ser ud til at det også vil blive en kølig sommer i år. It seems that it will also be a cool summer this year. It seems that it will also be a cool summer this year. Oslo är Norges huvudstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is Norway's capital. Tycker du att jag är ful? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? De hjælper os. They help us. They're helping us. Jag har gjort det där säkert hundra gånger, tror jag. I've done that at least a hundred times, I think. I've probably done that a hundred times, I think. Tom gikk ut av døra igjen. Tom walked back out the door. Tom went out of the door again. Tom kom nærmere. Tom got closer. Tom came closer. Er du allergisk overfor dette medikament? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Jag fick en judisk uppfostran. I was raised Jewish. I got a Jewish education. Politibetjenten gjorde tegn til at jeg skulle stoppe. The policeman signaled me to stop. The police officer gave me signs that I should stop. Tom gör det sällan. Tom rarely does that. Tom doesn't do it very often. Uten din hjelp ville jeg ha mislyktes. Without your assistance I would have failed. Without your help, I would have failed. Kvinden fødte en pige. The woman gave birth to a baby girl. The woman gave birth to a girl. Jag är rädd för att åka hem. I'm afraid to go home. I'm afraid to go home. Sådan er livet. That's how life is. That's life. Tom dog den dagen. Tom died that day. Tom died that day. Han kan ikke føre en samtale. He can't hold a conversation. He can't hold a conversation. Du har inget att vara arg över. There is nothing for you to be angry about. You have nothing to be angry about. Den kvinde har en mund. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Det var en rapport fra naboene fordi fylliken lagde bråk i parken. Da politiet ankom stedet var Kusanagi alene, dødsfull og helt naken. There was a report from the neighbours because a drunkard was making noise in the park. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Kusanagi was alone, dead drunk and completely naked. It was a report from the neighbors because the drunkards broke up in the park. When the police arrived, Kusanagi was alone, dead and completely naked. Hvad sagde du til dem? What did you say to them? What did you say to them? Denne væg føles meget kold. This wall feels very cold. This wall feels very cold. Skal du ringe etter den allsidige karen, vårt flyktige bekjentskap fra Bergen? Are you going to call that versatile guy, our casual acquaintance from Bergen? Are you going to call for the versatile guy, our volatile acquaintance from Bergen? Jag ska gå med Tom. I'll go with Tom. I'm going with Tom. Sluta upp med det omedelbart. Stop it this minute! Stop it right away. Tom er hjemmeværende pappa. Tom is a stay-at-home dad. Tom's home dad. Det vil snart regne. It is going to rain soon. It'll be raining soon. Ég ætla bara rétt að koma við á pósthúsinu. I'm just going to drop by the post office. I'm just gonna come over to the post office right now. Adressen på det här paketet är fel. The address on this parcel is wrong. The address of this package is wrong. Jeg troede ikke at det ville ske. I didn't think that would happen. I didn't think that would happen. Min søster er vakker. My sister is pretty. My sister's beautiful. Situationen er meget værre end hvad vi oprindeligt troede. The situation is much worse than we originally thought. The situation is much worse than we originally thought. Hvað er að? Is that wrong? What's wrong? Tom var iført sin pyjamas da han åbnede døren. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Hvad er der i posen? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Han har et godt ry. He has a good reputation. He's got a good reputation. Han hörde illa och kunde inte gå. He had difficulty in hearing and could not walk. He heard bad and couldn't go. Tom råkade skära sig i handen när han skivade morötter. Tom accidentally cut his hand when he was slicing carrots. Tom happened to cut himself in the hand when he sliced carrots. Hvat kjøt smakkar best? Which meat tastes the best? What meat tastes best? Har du sovit? Have you slept? Did you sleep? Viðbúinn! Heads up! Ready! Tom kunde tala franska. Tom could speak French. Tom could speak French. Hun er meget gammel og døv. She is very old and deaf. She's very old and deaf. Vær venlig ikke at sende pakken endnu. Please do not send the package yet. Please don't send the package yet. Löven i parken har redan börjat få färg. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves in the park have already begun to color. Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft mere tid. I'd have done that if I'd had more time. I would have done it myself if I had had more time. Tal for dig selv. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Jag vill bara vila. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Den är i min ficka. It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Du har tabt dig, har du ikke? Spiser du ordentligt? You've lost some weight, haven't you? Are you eating properly? You've lost yourself, haven't you? Jeg har besluttet ikke at sælge min motorcykel. I've decided not to sell my motorcycle. I've decided not to sell my motorcycle. Jeg hørte dig hikke. I heard you hiccuping. I heard you hiccup. Der er en gris i svinestien. There's a pig in the sty. There's a pig in the pig path. Det regnede. It rained. It was raining. Den här stolen är väldigt bekväm. This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. Hvad? What? What? Du kjenner vel ikke tilfeldigvis til ett rimelig hotell i nærheten? You wouldn't happen to know of an affordable hotel nearby? You don't happen to know about a reasonable hotel nearby? Er du optaget? Are you busy? Are you busy? Jeg bestemte meg for å ta en siesta. I've decided to take a nap. I decided to take a siesta. Kaniner liker gulrøtter. Rabbits like carrots. Rabbits like carrots. Síðan nítjánhundruð hafa ellefu kvenkyns nemendur hlotið verðlaunin. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since the nineteenth century, eleven female students have received the prize. Þú gætir þekkt Tom. I may know Tom. You could know Tom. Jag gick på medicinska fakulteten. I went to med school. I went to the medical faculty. Mary hjälpte sin mor att laga mat. Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook. Jeg studerer matematikk. I study mathematics. I'm studying math. Efter at Tom havde hørt nyhederne, var han i den syvende himmel. After he heard the news, Tom was in seventh heaven. After hearing the news, Tom was in the seventh heaven. Du er en meget heldig mand. You are a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Det er ikke blod. Det er tomatsauce. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood, it's tomato sauce. Er det vanskelig å spise med spisepinner? Is it difficult eating with chopsticks? Is it hard to eat with food sticks? Det var en misforståelse. That was a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding. Har du nogensinde været i Rio? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Rentene utgjør tre tusen kroner i året. The interest amounts to NOK 3,000 a year. The interest rate is three thousand dollars a year. Eg haldi, tað er ein ávaring. I think it is a warning. I think it's a warning. Slaveri er en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden. Slavery is a crime against humanity. Slavery is a crime against humanity. Du vänjer dig snart vid din nya skola. You will soon get accustomed to your new school. You'll get used to your new school soon. Spild ikke tid på bagateller. Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste time on bakers. Hun taler arabisk. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Tom har åkt fast för rattfylleri två gånger. Tom has two DUIs. Tom's been stuck for a drunk on the wheel twice. Eftir kvöldmat labba ég á ströndinni. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I walk on the beach. Mange amerikanere er interesseret i jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Sittu kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit still. Jeg er stadig chefen her. I'm still the boss here. I'm still the boss here. Tom svetsade samman de två rören. Tom welded the two pipes together. Tom sweated the two pipes together. Stormen drog in. The storm was rolling in. The storm went in. Han skrev ned telefonnumret. He wrote down the telephone number. He wrote down the phone number. Dyrnar voru allan daginn áfram lokaðar. The door remained closed all day. The door was still closed all day long. Jeg gad vide hvad Tom skal lave i morgen eftermiddag. I wonder what Tom will be doing tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Tom's gonna do tomorrow afternoon. Tom måste inte gömma sig. Tom doesn't have to hide. Tom doesn't have to hide. Godt spørgsmål! Good question! Good question! Jeg har lige solgt det. I just sold it. I just sold it. Al Smiths föräldrar kom från Irland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Tom lå og sov. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. Kan du tala esperanto? Can you speak Esperanto? Can you speak Esperanto? Vi säljer inte den boken. We don't have that book for sale. We're not selling that book. Tom lukkede hurtigt døren. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom quickly closed the door. Algeriet skal modernisere sit uddannelsessystem. Algeria needs to modernize its education system. Algeria must modernise its education system. Det är bra. That's good. That's good. Mor arbejder. Mummy's working. Mom's working. Han köpte nya handskar. He bought new gloves. He bought new gloves. Jeg kan godt lide din ny frisure. I like your new hairstyle. I like your new hair. Den pige dér er Mary. That girl is Mary. That girl there is Mary. Och? So? And? Kan vi inte göra något? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Hej! God morgon! Hi! Good morning! Good morning! Fadil luftede hunden. Fadil walked the dog. Fadil aired the dog. Tom er tilbake før kl. 02.00. Tom will be back by 2:30. Empty is back before 02:00 p.m. Det är äkta. It's real. It's real. Hon är så stor! She's so big! She's so big! Hun etterlot meg en beskjed. She left me a note. She left me a message. Við hlökkum til frísins. We're looking forward to the holidays. We're looking forward to our vacation. Håll ett öga på dem. Keep an eye on them. Keep an eye on them. Jag väntar på dig. När är du klar? I'm waiting for you. When are you ready? I'm waiting for you. Det ska vi tala om snart. We'll talk about that soon. We'll talk about that soon. Du skulle vært her innen 2:30 You were supposed to be here by 2:30. You should be here by 2:30. Jag tänkte att jag kanske kan köpa dig en drink. I thought maybe I could buy you a drink. I thought maybe I could buy you a drink. Jag måste komma hem. I need to come home. I have to get home. Jag hade sönder en vas idag. I broke a vase today. I broke a vase today. Vi har ikke mere sæbe. We're out of soap. We don't have soap anymore. I er ikke så hurtige som jeg er. You guys aren't as fast as I am. You're not as fast as I am. Engelsken din har forbedret seg mye. Your English has improved a lot. Your English has improved a lot. Gjorde Tom sig illa? Did Tom hurt himself? Tom hurt himself? Jeg har fået nok af det her rod. I've had enough of this mess. I've had enough of this mess. Ordbogen indeholder omtrent en halv million ord. The dictionary contains about half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Hun selger dop på konserter. She's selling drugs at concerts. She sells baptisms at concerts. Safnarðu ennþá frímerkjum? Are you still collecting stamps? Are you still gathering stamps? Vi stänger kl. 19. We close at 7 p.m. We're closing at 7:00. Segði og fór avstað. Said and left. Saying and leaving. Jeg liker virkelig lagkameratene mine. I really like my teammates. I really like my teammates. Jag har en vän vars namn är Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. Tom vaks opp i ein farleg forstad. Tom grew up in a tough suburb. Tom is raised in a dangerous suburb. Hann keypti hund handa henni. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Han springer. He is running. He's running. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið reikninginn? May I have the check, please? Could I please get the account? Du er ikke lenger bare et barn. You are no longer a mere child. You're no longer just a child. Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone supplies several cities with electricity. Det er hvad Tom ville gøre. That is what Tom would do. That's what Tom would do. Jeg leter etter noen som snakker portugisisk. I'm looking for someone who can speak Portuguese. I'm looking for someone who speaks Portuguese. Hvordan kan jeg gøre dig gladere? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? Hur pass noggrann är den? How accurate is it? How accurate is it? Mary hjalp sin mor med at pynte juletræet. Mary helped her mother decorate the Christmas tree. Mary helped her mother to decorate the Christmas tree. Hunde kan ikke skelne mellem farver. Dogs can't distinguish between colors. Dogs can't distinguish colors. Jag hatar måndagar. I hate Mondays. I hate Mondays. Tom er min mand. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Jag vore väldigt tacksam. I'd be very grateful. I'd be very grateful. Edderkoppen kilder mig. The spider tickles me. The Spider is ticking me. Vi er stadig nødt til at stå op og fodre dyrene, for de er ligeglade med, om vi har COVID-19 eller ikke. We still have to get up and feed the animals, because they don't really care whether we have COVID-19 or not. We still have to get up and feed the animals, because they don't care if we have COVID-19 or not. Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Ha en trevlig flygresa. Have a good flight. Have a nice flight. Jag åkte till Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Välj ett nummer. Pick a number. Pick a number. Dei seier at Tom ikkje kjem til å gjera det. They say that Tom won't do that. They say Tom won't do it. Hvor er din datter nu? Where is your daughter now? Where's your daughter now? Det finns två stora sjöar i Sverige. There are two big lakes in Sweden. There are two large lakes in Sweden. Han säljer radioapparater. He sells radios. He sells radios. Atvinnumannahafnaboltinn er áhugaverður þessa dagana. Pro baseball is interesting these days. The professional football is interesting these days. Er der sket noget mellem dig og Tom? Did something happen between you and Tom? Has anything happened between you and Tom? Þau urðu óaðskiljanleg eftir þessa veislu. They became inseparable after that party. After that feast, they became indistinct. Jag hörde det på tv. I heard it on TV. I heard it on TV. Hvat ætlar tú at gera? What are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Jeg har en ny mailadresse. I have a new email address. I have a new e-mail address. Den sitter på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Jag såg dina fotografier. I saw your photos. I saw your photographs. Jag vill inte vara hans vän. I don't want to be his friend. I don't want to be his friend. När kan jag se dig igen? When can I see you again? When can I see you again? Takk fyrir daginn. Thank you for today. Thanks for the day. Mary er en flot kvinde. Mary is a good-looking woman. Mary is a beautiful woman. Hunden är människans bästa vän. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is man's best friend. Ljug inte. Don't lie. Don't lie. Matchen blev uppskjuten på grund av regn. The game was postponed due to rain. The game was postponed because of rain. Jag går ut en stund. I'm going out for a while. I'm going out for a while. Hetta er kona mín. This is my wife. This is my wife. Tom er sandsynligvis den ældste på kontoret. Tom is probably the oldest person in the office. Tom is probably the oldest in the office. Eg er best. I am the best. I'm the best. Vad ska vi säga till Tom? What do we tell Tom? What are we gonna tell Tom? Jeg bryder mig ikke om at gå i en andens tøj. I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes. I don't like wearing someone else's clothes. Jeg skal være læge. I'm going to be a doctor. I have to be a doctor. Japan har et stort forbrug af papir. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan has a large consumption of paper. Grace verka sur. Grace looked angry. Grace seems mad. Han frågade mig om jag ville åka utomlands. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. Ég á vin sem elskar mig. I have a friend who loves me. I have a friend who loves me. Tom rødmede pludselig og kiggede væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Tom blushed suddenly and looked away. Barnið var nakið. The baby was naked. The baby was naked. Beduiner bor i ørkenen. Bedouins live in the desert. Beduins live in the desert. Ja ba älskar såna saker. I just love that kind of stuff. Yeah, I love that kind of thing. Var ligger närmaste bensinstation? Where's the nearest gas station? Where is the nearest gas station? Tilmelding starter tyvende oktober. Registration starts October 20th. Registration starts on October 20th. Lad os prøve! Let's try! Let's try it! Jag skulle inte ljuga för dig. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Det eneste jeg ønsker at foretage mig lige nu, er at sove. The only thing I want to do right now is sleep. All I want to do right now is sleep. Vi skal ikke glemme. We shall not forget. We shouldn't forget. Jeg ville handle anderledes, hvis jeg var dig. I would act differently in your place. I'd act differently if I were you. Jag väntade i tio minuter. I waited for ten minutes. I waited ten minutes. Byt om. Get changed. Change. Skolen begynner i april. The month when school begins is April. School begins in April. Du har ikke en nøgle, vel? You don't have a key, do you? You don't have a key, do you? Titta inte in i lådan. Don't look into the box. Don't look into the box. Han är amerikan ut i fingerspetsarna. He is American to the soles of his feet. He's American in the fingertips. Vad jag heter är inte viktigt. My name isn't important. My name isn't important. Mér er sama þótt þú reykir. I don't mind if you smoke. I don't care if you smoke. Hun tog fyldige noter. She took copious notes. She took full notes. Sa de varför? Did they say why? Did they say why? Tokyo station er det tredje stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Jag förstår det inte. I can't understand it. I don't understand. Kunne du gitt meg noe å drikke? Will you give me a drink? Could you give me something to drink? Du trenger ikke å bruke ordbok når du leser denne boken. You don't have to use a dictionary when you read this book. You do not need to use a dictionary when reading this book. Problemet ditt ligner på mitt. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. I forgårs opsagde jeg mit job. Two days ago I quit my job. Last night, I quit my job. For mange penge? Too much money? Too much money? Jeg gad vide om Tom kan lide kinesisk mad eller ej. I wonder whether Tom likes Chinese food or not. I wonder if Tom likes Chinese food or not. Maten blir kald. The food is getting cold. The food's getting cold. Hvers er þessi bók? Whose is that book? What is this book? Det är möjligt. It's possible. It's possible. Jeg forlod Australien den tyvende oktober. I left Australia on October twentieth. I left Australia on October 20th. Jag kan inte leva med det. I can't live with it. I can't live with it. Vi träffar Tom senare. We'll meet Tom later. We'll see Tom later. Kvinnorna nådde sitt mål. The women achieved their goal. The women achieved their goal. Han prøvde å gå ned. He tried to reduce his weight. He tried to go down. For et vær ! What weather ! For a weather! Systir mín dámar bommini. My sister likes sweets. My sister loves the boom. Erlendis fá flest okkar menningarsjokk. In a foreign country most of us go through culture shock. A foreign country gets most of our cultural shock. Hvad kalder man den 31 december? What is the thirty-first of December called? What do you call December 31? Jag fryser om öronen. My ears are freezing. I'm freezing my ears. Tom er en god manager. Tom is a good manager. Tom's a good manager. Vi satt och väntade. We sat and waited. We were waiting. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. Ellers tak, men tak for venligheden. Thanks, though. I appreciate it. Otherwise, thank you, but thank you for your kindness. Solen går ned bak fjellet. The sun sets behind the mountain. The sun goes down behind the mountain. Jag har fyra datorer, men två av dem är så gamla att jag inte använder dem längre. I have four computers, but two of them are so old I don't use them anymore. I have four computers, but two of them are so old that I don't use them anymore. Kan du laga den? Can you fix it? Can you create it? Hunden skrämde katten. The dog scared the cat. The dog scared the cat. Hr. Johnson er ríkur maður. Mr Johnson is a rich man. Mr. Johnson is a rich man. Du kan forstå svensk. You can understand Swedish. You can understand Swedish. Den här fågeln kan inte flyga. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Hvem vet hvor han har blitt av. God only knows where he has gone. Who knows where he's been. Jeg har været over det hele. I've been all over. I've been all over it. Vi er veldig glade for å ha henne her. We are very pleased to have her here. We're very happy to have her here. Vi kan ændre det. We can change that. We can change it. Jag sa det fel. I said that wrong. I said it wrong. Jeg bor på det hotellet. I'm staying at that hotel. I live in that hotel. Hvernig sem við förum, verðum við að vera komin þangað fyrir klukkan sjö. However we go, we must get there by seven. Anyway, we have to be there before 7:00. Han faldt i søvn på min skulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. Jeg har to døtre. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Hun arbejder i et callcenter. She works in a call center. She works in a call center. Vem kan jag tala med? Who can I talk to? Who can I talk to? Jeg håber, Tom har ret. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Kvinder er ikke kønsobjekter. Women are not sex objects. Women are not gender objects. Världens största djurpark finns i Berlin, Tyskland. The world's largest zoo is in Berlin, Germany. The world's largest zoo is in Berlin, Germany. Hun lot vinduet stå åpent. She left the window open. She let the window stand open. Han har skaffat sig vanan att stoppa händerna i fickorna. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He's got the habit of putting his hands in his pockets. Fuglene gemte sig blandt bladene og begyndte at synge. The birds hid themselves among the leaves and started to sing. The birds hid among the leaves and began to sing. Hun vågner nu. She's waking up. She's waking up now. Jag hörde Tom sjunga i duschen. I heard Tom singing in the shower. I heard Tom sing in the shower. Vi pratar bara spanska hemma. At home we only speak Spanish. We're just talking Spanish at home. "Tom, vil du have Mary til din ægte hustru?" "Ja." "Do you, Tom, take Mary to be your wife?" "I do." "Tom, do you want Mary to be your wife?" "Yes." Ég er glorsoltinn! I'm starving! I'm starving! Måske har du lavet en fejl. Perhaps you've made a mistake. Maybe you made a mistake. Jag har bara femtio med rep. I only have fifty meters of rope. I only have fifty ropes. Þegar við erum lítil virðist allt svo stórt. When we are small, everything seems so big. When we're small, everything seems so big. Du kanske inte tittar så mycket på TV? Maybe you don't watch TV that often? Maybe you're not watching TV so much? Ved du hvor dine børn er? Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your kids are? Vilda djur bor i regnskogen. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the rainforest. Ekki traðka á grasinu. Don't trample on the grass. Don't trample on the grass. Hun bodde der i årevis. She lived there for years. She lived there for years. Solen skjuler sig bag skyerne. The Sun hides behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Akta er! Look out! Watch out! Sami var en framgångsrik affärsman. Sami was a successful businessman. Sami was a successful businessman. Hun vendte ikke tilbage til moskeen. She didn't return to the mosque. She didn't return to the mosque. Jeg har vært i Japan i tre år. I have been in Japan for three years. I've been in Japan for three years. Hun sms'ede til sin kæreste. She texted her girlfriend. She texted her boyfriend. Tom är inte död. Tom isn't dead. Tom's not dead. Du må prøve butikken på den anden side af vejen. You'll have to try the store across the street. You have to try the store on the other side of the road. Gulerødderne er klar til høst. The carrots are ready to harvest. Carrots are ready for harvest. Det er veldig varmt i dag. It is very hot today. It's very hot today. Han har alltid för lite pengar. He's always short of money. He always has too little money. Har ni de här skorna i min storlek? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes in my size? Har du lyst til å gå på konserten med meg? You want to come with me to the concert? Do you want to go to the concert with me? Jeg spiller i et band. I play in a band. I play in a band. Jag måste gå och handla. Jag är tillbaka om en timme. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'll be back in an hour. Raska på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Tom ser træt ud i dag. Tom looks tired today. Tom looks tired today. Tom hittade pengarna som saknades. Tom found the missing money. Tom found the missing money. Vil Algeriet udvikle sig til et velkonsolideret demokrati? Will Algeria become a consolidated democracy? Will Algeria develop into a well-consolidated democracy? Luftpútufarið hjá mær yður í álli. My hovercraft is full of eels. The air-puzzle is with you in the wind. Älskar du din mamma? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Hur hänger dessa händelser ihop? How are these events connected? How are these events linked? Jag tyckte om den där boken. I liked that book. I liked that book. Henni finnst gaman að taka ljósmyndir. She likes taking pictures. She likes to take photos. Jag kunde inte sova. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. Tom hørte en kat mjave i træet. Tom heard a cat meowing in the tree. Tom heard a cat mjave in the tree. Jag kan springa lika snabbt som Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. Hun kommer måske. She might come. Maybe she'll come. Hun fandt ringen som hun havde tabt under rejsen. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. Tom flyttede. Tom relocated. Tom moved. Spiser de æblet? Are they eating the apple? Are they eating the apple? Jeg tror ikke at Tom kunne finde på at købe en lyserød paraply. I don't think Tom would buy a pink umbrella. I don't think Tom could make it to buy a pink umbrella. Alla kvinnor är vackra. All women are beautiful. All women are beautiful. Du är helt värdelös. You're really useless. You're completely worthless. Bob har været forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Min motorsåg är trasig. My chain saw is broken. My chainsaw is broken. Hvor fandt han pengene? Where did he find the money? Where did he find the money? Du er ikke ansvarlig for det Tom gjorde. You aren't responsible for what Tom did. You're not responsible for what Tom did. Jag önskar att Tom vore här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom was here. Da bruste dens fjer, den slanke hals hævede sig, og af hjertet jublede den: "så megen lykke drømte jeg ikke om, da jeg var den grimme ælling!" Then he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, from the depths of his heart, "I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling." Its feathers were broken, and its slender neck lifted up, and from the heart cried out: "I didn't dream of so much happiness when I was the ugly bitch!" Jeg mente ikke å gjøre det. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. Her er boken. Here is the book. Here's the book. Skolan är på gångavstånd från mitt hus. The school is within walking distance of my house. The school is walking distance from my house. Jag öppnade asken. Den var tom. I opened the box. It was empty. I opened the box, it was empty. Jeg kan ikke finde mine bukser. I can not find my pants. I can't find my pants. Du er dum. You're stupid. You're stupid. Jag hoppas att vi ses igen snart. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Kommer du tilbake i morgen? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? Jeg kender et par franske sange. I know a few French songs. I know a few French songs. Den yngste var den smukkeste af dem allesammen, hendes hud var så klar og skær som et rosenblad, hendes øjne så blå, som den dybeste sø, men ligesom alle de andre havde hun ingen fødder, kroppen endte i en fiskehale. The youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all, her skin was as clear and bright as a rose leaf, her eyes as blue as the deepest lake, but like all the others she had no feet, her body ended up in a fishtail. Skriv med en kuglepen. Write with a ballpoint pen. Write with a pen. De kommer inte att dö. They won't die. They won't die. Vi måste försöka att få in alla i huset. We need to try to get everybody inside the house. We have to try and get everyone into the house. Jeg har glemt hvor jeg har lagt mit pas. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I forgot where I put my passport. Kan du sänka priset till tio dollar? Can you lower the price to ten dollars? Can you lower the price to ten dollars? Der er et æble i denne drengs lomme. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. Jeg innså ikke forskjellen mellom dem. I didn't realize the difference between them. I didn't realize the difference between them. Har du ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Kunne du tatt å poste dette brevet for meg? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Could you mail this letter for me? Vi var nästan klara. We were almost done. We were almost done. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful! You're so beautiful! Jag är väldigt upptagen hemma. I'm very busy back home. I'm very busy at home. Det talas katalanska i Andorra. Catalan is spoken in Andorra. It's Catalan in Andorra. Dick forsøgte forgæves at løse problemet. Dick tried to solve the problem, in vain. Dick tried to solve the problem in vain. Jag har en annan plan. I have another plan. I have another plan. Det er ikke langt unna hotellet. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Ég hló að brandaranum hans. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Den här boken handlar om Kina. This book is about China. This book is about China. Kan du kontakta Tom? Can you contact Tom? Can you contact Tom? Driver du med mig? You have got to be kidding me. Are you driving with me? Han strauk om att. He failed the examination again. He shuddered that. Tölvur eru mjög nytsamlegar. Personal computers are very useful. Computers are very useful. Hvor så du dem? Where did you see them? Where did you see them? Hun behandlede ham som en konge. She treated him like a king. She treated him like a king. Jag återvände till huset. I returned to the house. I returned to the house. Er hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Ég lærði mikið af þér. I learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. Undskyld! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Kolera er ikke almindelig i Japan. Cholera is uncommon in Japan. Cholera is not common in Japan. Tom har ikke vandet blomsterne endnu. Tom hasn't watered the flowers yet. Tom doesn't have the water flowers yet. Tom byggede en tømmerflåde. Tom built a raft. Tom built a timber fleet. Tom er en venn av en venn av meg. Tom is a friend of a friend of mine. Tom is a friend of a friend of mine. Hur svårt skadad var Tom? How bad was Tom hurt? How badly injured was Tom? Det är inte viktigt! It's not important. It's not important! Han er på ingen måte klok. He is by no means bright. He's in no way wise. Det låter som en bra överenskommelse. That sounds like a good deal. It sounds like a good deal to me. Jag ger en del av min lön till mina föräldrar för att hjälpa dem att betala räkningarna. I give part of my paycheck to my parents to help them pay the bills. I give part of my salary to my parents to help them pay the bills. Hvilken skostørrelse bruker du? What size shoes do you wear? What shoe size do you use? Jeg kan godt lide det kurdiske sprog. I like the Kurdish language. I like the Kurdish language. Sa de när? Did they say when? Did they say when? Skolen er lukket. The school is closed. School's closed. Han var inte anträffbar. He was not available. He wasn't reachable. Mye tyder på at mottakelsen, som er kjent for sine luksuriøse retter, vil gå litt på sparebluss i år. There are some indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be a bit more subdued this year. A lot of evidence suggests that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will go a little bit on savings blows this year. Huset med det ødelagte taket er blitt reparert. The house with the damaged roof has been repaired. The house with the damaged roof has been repaired. De fleste tyskere kan tale engelsk. Most Germans can speak English. Most Germans can speak English. Jeg har set dig gøre det. I've seen you doing that. I've seen you do it. Irriterar det dig? Does it bug you? Does that bother you? Kolla in den, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Gefðu mér bara smá. Give me just a little. Just give me a minute. Du skulle ha sett henne. You should have seen her. You should have seen her. Det gläder mig att ni kommer ihåg. I'm glad you remember. I'm glad you remember. Det där är boken som jag vill läsa. That is the book I want to read. That's the book I want to read. Tárin runnu niður vanga hennar. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her tears ran down her cheeks. Til jul sender vi julekort til vore venner. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. Hva skal du med alt dette? What're you going to do with all this? What are you going to do with all this? Han gör aldrig andningspauser när han pratar. He never stops to take a breath when he speaks. He never pauses breathing when he talks. Han er fortsatt på arbeid. He's still at work. He's still at work. Det viktiga är inte hur en man dör, utan hur han lever. It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The important thing is not how a man dies, but how he lives. Hanteras varsamt! Handle with care! Take care of yourself! Jeg har vært under en del press den siste tiden. I have been under a lot of pressure lately. I've been under a lot of pressure lately. Hvis Marys mors sønn er min bror, da er Mary søsteren min. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister. En tredjedel af Jordens overflade er ørken. One third of the earth's surface is desert. One third of Earth's surface is desert. Det är alltid mörkt under oljelampan. It is always dark beneath the oil lamp. It's always dark under the oil light. Jag var med om en allvarlig olycka. I had a serious accident. I was in a serious accident. Tom er allerede begyndt at date en anden. Tom has already started dating somebody else. Tom's already dating someone else. Det är bra med hans familj. His family is doing fine. His family's fine. Gør det hurtigt. Do it quickly. Do it fast. Detroit är känt för sin bilindustri. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is known for its automotive industry. Skal du rejse alene? Will you travel alone? You're leaving alone? Det här är ett postkontor och det där är en bank. This is a post office and that is a bank. This is a post office, and that's a bank. Tom är en stamgäst. Tom is a regular. Tom's a regular guest. Jeg kan bedre lide svag kaffe end stærk. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like weak coffee better than strong. Hvat fyri breyð etur tú? What sort of bread are you eating? What is it that you eat? Vinsamlegast kveiktu á sjónvarpinu. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. Skrev du under det här? Did you sign this? Did you sign this? Det er kommunisme. This is communism. It's Communism. Tom tycker inte om den här färgen. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. Det snødde kontinuerlig i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. It snowed continuously for four days. Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before going to bed. Lyndon Johnson tók við forsetaembættinu þegar John Kennedy var myrtur. Lyndon Johnson took over presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson took over the presidency when John Kennedy was murdered. Den här cd:n kostar tio dollar. This CD costs ten dollars. This CD costs $10. Kan jag använda telefonen en stund? May I use the telephone for a while? Can I use the phone for a while? Han skyldte henne mye. He owed a lot to her. He owed her a lot. Kan du fortælle mig, hvad det her er? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? Han er lidt som sin far. He is a bit like his father. He's a little like his father. Vejret er blevet varmere. The weather has become warmer. Weather's getting warmer. Vad är er plan? What's your plan? What's your plan? Oversæt ikke denne sætning! Do not translate this sentence! Do not translate this sentence! Hans hoved gør ondt. His head hurt. His head hurts. Jeg har en hund og to katte. I have a dog and two cats. I have a dog and two cats. Hvar meiðir það? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Róaðu þig. Calm down. Calm down. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi mála. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time on urgent matters. Mary bliver frustreret når hendes kolleger ikke genanvender. Mary gets frustrated when her colleagues do not recycle. Mary gets frustrated when her colleagues don't re-use. Tom må have fortalt os sandheden. Tom must've told us the truth. Tom must have told us the truth. Två personer kommer in på den här biljetten. Two people can enter with this ticket. Two people get into this ticket. Það var ekki hægt að opna dyrnar. The door could not be opened. The door could not be opened. Jag kan göra det för dig. I can do it for you. I can do it for you. Han griner. He smiled. He's laughing. Jag undrar om Tom och Mary är besvikna. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are disappointed. I wonder if Tom and Mary are disappointed. Er det meningen at jeg skal blive imponeret over det? Am I supposed to be impressed by that? Is that supposed to impress me? Jag måste göra någonting. I must do something. I have to do something. Mor er mer nervøs for eksamensresultatet enn jeg er. Mother is more anxious about the result of the examination than I am. Mom's more nervous about the exam results than I am. Hvad tid begynder det? What time does it start? What time does that begin? Tom pustar ikkje meir. Tom's not breathing. Tom is no longer breathing. Du vil kunne lide det. You'll like it. You'll like it. Jeg tror ikke at det kommer til at sne i morgen. I don't think it'll snow tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna snow tomorrow. Jeg har været i flere end ti fremmede lande indtil nu. I have been to more than ten foreign countries so far. I've been in more than ten foreign countries so far. Jeg ønsker ikke din medlidenhed. I don't want your pity. I don't want your compassion. Mötet avslutades vid lunchtid. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting ended at lunchtime. Hvad er din livret? What's your favorite food? What's your favorite? Jag följde efter dig. I was following you. I followed you. I har begge to ret. Both of you are right. You're both right. Kva har hendt mellom deg og Tom? What's up with you and Tom? What has happened between you and Tom? Ingen jobber på søndager. No one works on Sundays. No jobs on Sundays. Han sov i timen. He was asleep during the lesson. He slept for an hour. Jeg ved ikke hvad der vil ske dig. I don't know what's going to happen to you. I don't know what's gonna happen to you. Det var fönstret som Jack tog sönder igår. It was the window that Jack broke yesterday. That was the window Jack broke last night. Jag måste bege mig nu. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. Hon var modig. She was brave. She was brave. Kennarinn fylgdist með mér af því að hún hélt að ég væri að svindla. The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was cheating. The teacher watched me because she thought I was cheating. Vi hugger träd med en yxa. We cut trees with an axe. We cut trees with an axe. De är oss på spåren! They're getting onto us! They're on our tracks! Jag tror att jag gillar dig. I think I like you. I think I like you. Jag ville ha den bästa. I wanted the best. I wanted the best. Medan han pratade hördes ljudet av ett skott som avlossades. While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired. While he was talking, the sound was heard by a shot that was fired. Gör det på måndag. Do it Monday. Do it on Monday. Jag undviker inte er. I'm not avoiding you. I'm not avoiding you. Golden Gate-broen er lavet af jern. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who has eaten all the cookies? Who ate all the cookies? I går kväll skrev jag ett brev. Yesterday evening I wrote a letter. Last night I wrote a letter. Disse regler gælder for alle uden undtagelse. Those regulations all apply to everyone without a single exception. These rules apply to all without exception. Lad mig google det for dig. Let me google that for you. Let me Google it for you. Jeg sov ikke nok. I didn't sleep enough. I didn't sleep enough. Mig klæjar í augun. My eyes feel itchy. I'm getting dressed in my eyes. Tænk på døden. Think about death. Think of death. Ég hata pólitík. I hate politics. I hate politics. Tom ønsker at købe en drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Är ni redo att beställa nu? Are you ready to order now? Are you ready to order now? Er det et trickspørgsmål? Is that a trick question? Is that a trick question? Hun lægger børnene i seng. She puts the children to bed. She's gonna put the kids in bed. Han har inga vänner. He does not have any friends. He doesn't have any friends. Vores tog kørte igennem en lang tunnel. Our train went through a long tunnel. Our train ran through a long tunnel. Vent venligst et øjeblik. Please wait a moment. Please wait a minute. Ho har lyst på katt. She wants to keep a cat. She likes a cat. Teresa är ett portugisiskt namn. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Manden bagpå pickuppen begyndte at skyde efter os. The man in the back of the pickup truck started firing at us. The man behind the pickup began shooting at us. Jag vill inte ha något vin. I don't want any wine. I don't want any wine. En kopp kaffe, tack. One cup of coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Tom och Mary väntade inte på John. Tom and Mary didn't wait for John. Tom and Mary weren't waiting for John. Han tappade kontrollen över bilen i kurvan. His car spun out of control going around the curve. He lost control of the car in the curve. Alla ska gå. Everyone's going. Everyone's leaving. Har du dit pas på dig? Do you have your passport with you? Do you have your passport on you? Kommer du? Are you coming? You coming? Hans gode helbred gjorde det muligt for ham at arbejde til han blev 75 år. His good health enabled him to work till the age of seventy-five. His good health enabled him to work until he was 75 years old. Jeg tenkte det kunne være til nytte. I thought it might be of some use. I thought it might be helpful. Jeg er vokset op i en mineby. I grew up in a mining town. I grew up in a mine town. Sluta oroa dig. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Hvernig var stærðfræðikeppnin? How was the math test? How was the math contest? Tom är charmig. Tom is charming. Tom's charming. Har du en litt mindre? Do you have one a little smaller? Do you have a slightly smaller one? Du sidder på min plads. You're in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Du er ækel! You're disgusting! You're an ass! Tom slap fuglen fri. Tom set the bird free. Tom let the bird go. Boken din er på pulten. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the desk. Han ser en smule anspændt ud. He looks a little bit tense. He looks a little tense. Det er rent volapyk. It's all Greek to me. It's pure volapy. Skulle ni kunna ta en titt på mitt första inlägg och berätta vad ni tycker om det? Please, take a look at my first post and let me know what you think about it. Could you take a look at my first post and tell me what you think about it? En fiolinist jeg kjenner hevder at han eier en Stradivarius. A violinist I know claims that he owns a Stradivarius. A violinist I know claims he owns a Stradivarius. Jeg latet ikke som å være din venn. I didn't pretend to be your friend. I didn't pretend to be your friend. Jag vill bara prata. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. Dette er siste gang jeg ber deg om å gjøre noe. This is the last time I'll ask you to do anything. This is the last time I'm asking you to do something. Du är oartig. You are impolite. You're dishonest. Denne nye Macintosh-datamaskinen setter motstanderene i skam. This new Macintosh computer puts the competition to shame. This new Macintosh computer brings shame to your opponents. Når katten er borte, danser musene på bordet. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table. Tom kan bage rigtig gode æblekager. Tom can bake really good apple pies. Tom can make really good apple cakes. Jeg vil tage en taxi. I'll go by taxi. I want to take a cab. Dine læsere vil sætte pris på det. Your readers will appreciate it. Your readers will appreciate it. Den er lavet af messing. It's made of brass. It's made of brass. Tom har et farve-tv. Tom has a colour TV. Tom's got a color TV. Jag stannar här. I'll be here. I'll stay here. Du burde ha på deg en jakke. You should wear a coat. You should wear a jacket. Þú verður að viðurkenna mistök þín. You should acknowledge your failure. You have to admit your mistakes. Telefonen är trasig. The telephone is broken. The phone's broken. Mellem os to så sælger artiklen langsomt. Between ourselves, this article is selling slowly. Between the two of us then sells the article slowly. Alle pumper og alarmsystemer slo feil, og store mengder vann flommet inn i Oslofjordtunnelen for tre dager siden. All pumps and alarm systems failed, and large amounts of water flooded into the Oslofjord Tunnel three days ago. All pumps and alarm systems failed, and large amounts of water flooded into the Oslo Fjord tunnel three days ago. Jag föll för den. I fell for it. I fell for it. Tom er ein profesjonell fotballspelar. Tom is a professional football player. Tom is a professional football player. Jeg fant huset hans lett. I found his house easily. I found his house easily. Sidder du bekvemt? Are you sitting comfortably? Are you sitting comfortable? Se de snedækkede bjerge! Look at the mountains covered with snow. Look at the snowy mountains! Jag köpte en massa böcker. I bought a lot of books. I bought a lot of books. Jag ser Tom varje dag. I see Tom every day. I see Tom every day. Aviserne ofrede megen spalteplads på sagen. The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. The papers sacrificed a lot of column on the case. Min søn interesserede sig tidligt for politik. My son took an early interest in politics. My son was interested in politics early. Allir hafa rétt á að vera önugir öðru hverju. Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while. Everyone has the right to be impulsive in one another. Hva skal jeg kjøpe? What should I buy? What should I buy? Hur svårt kan det vara? How hard can it be? How hard can it be? De kan ikke lide mig. They don't like me. They don't like me. Tom försökte sälja sin gamla videobandspelare istället för att slänga den, men ingen köpte den, så det slutade med att han slängde den. Tom tried to sell his old VCR instead of throwing it away, but no one would buy it, so he ended up throwing it away. Tom tried to sell his old video recorder instead of throwing it, but no one bought it, so it ended up with him throwing it. Nå har han holdt på lenge. He has done it now for a long time. Now he's been doing it for a long time. Tom har ryggrad. Tom has guts. Tom has a spine. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Vindue eller gang? Window or aisle? Window or walk? Tom hade tur som hittade sina nycklar. Tom was lucky to find his keys. Tom was lucky to find his keys. Tom varsler nå at farens vilje nok vil skje fyllest. Tom now warns that his father's will will probably be carried out completely. Tom now warns that his father's will will will will be done. Var är alla? Where's everyone? Where is everybody? Man bör alltid tänka innan man talar. You should always think before you speak. You should always think before you speak. Han brukar glömma. He is apt to forget. He usually forgets. Kan du lide golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Vi vil snart ændre det. We'll soon change that. We'll change it soon. Han lyver aldri. He never tells lies. He never lies. Ingenting av det var äkta. None of it was real. None of it was real. Folk tog solbad i parken. People were sunbathing in the park. People took a sunbath in the park. Vi kommer alla att dö. We are all going to die. We're all gonna die. Hvorfor skulle jeg tro på din gud og ikke en anden gud? Why should I believe in your god and not some other god? Why should I believe in your god and not in another god? De blev gift juleaften. They married on Christmas Eve. They got married on Christmas Eve. Jeg brente alle brevene som du skrev til meg. I burned all the letters that you wrote me. I burned all the letters that you wrote to me. Súreplið fall av træsins. The apple fell from the tree. Drop the tree. Til að vera á réttum tíma hljóp ég. To be on time, I ran. To stay at the right time, I ran. Jag känner en som kan gå på vatten. I know someone who can walk on water. I know someone who can go on water. Jag tyckte om att simma. I enjoyed swimming. I liked swimming. Ræk mig den hammer. Pass me that hammer. Give me that hammer. Han tog hen til isenkræmmeren efter en skovl. He went to the hardware store to get a shovel. He went to the ice-cream after a shovel. Ikke bry deg om hva Tom sa. Ignore what Tom said. Don't worry about what Tom said. Skildpadden døde. The turtle died. The turtle died. Jesus gik på vandet. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on the water. Den var rund. It was round. It was round. Jag tar ett bad varannan dag. I take a bath every other day. I'll take a bath every other day. Hun ble på hotellet. She stayed at the hotel. She stayed at the hotel. Ég vil ekki að vinna við þessar aðstæður. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work in this situation. Dette skilt siger: "Dyrene må ikke fodres!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals!" This sign says, "Do not feed the animals!" Varför var Tom rädd? Why was Tom frightened? Why was Tom afraid? Det er kaldt her. It's cold here. It's cold here. Jag behöver Toms hjälp. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Dörren är öppen nu. The door is open now. The door is open now. Ég er bresk stelpa frá Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. Du er en god bassist. You're a good bass player. You're a good bassist. Dette vil aldrig se dagens lys. This will never see daylight. This will never see the light of day. Er hann Japani? Is he Japanese? Is he Japanese? Tom tog appelsinjuicen ud af køleskabet. Tom took the orange juice out of the refrigerator. Tom took the orange juice out of the fridge. Dette er meget vigtigt for os. This is very important to us. This is very important to us. Það er mjög ógætilegt af þér að skilja dyrnar eftir opnar. It is very careless of you to leave the door open. It's very scary of you to leave the door open. Håll dig i närheten. Stand by. Stay close. Vad betyder SSSR? What does USSR stand for? What does the SSSR mean? Oslo er den største by i Norge med en befolkning på 629 313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629 313. Jeg gav Mary en bog. I gave Mary a book. I gave Mary a book. Ich hatte eigentlich gar nicht vor, es jemandem zu sagen. I hadn't planned on telling anyone. Ich hat eigentlich gar nicht vor, es jemandem zu case. Vi sælger alt. We're selling everything. We sell everything. Jeg har kun smør i køleskabet. I only have butter in the refrigerator. I only have butter in the fridge. Det är dags. It's time. It's time. Han skulle hellre dö än att gå upp tidigt varje morgon. He would sooner die than get up early every morning. He'd rather die than go up early every morning. Ta lite åt mig också. Get me some, too. Take some for me, too. Vill du ha de där pralinerna? Do you want those chocolates? You want those pralines? Du kommer att tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Jag behöver verkligen din hjälp. I really need your help. I really need your help. Prisen på ris steg 3 procent. The price of rice rose by three percent. The price of rice increased 3 per cent. Hetta er mín telda. This is my computer. This is my tent. Da jeg var på din alder, kunne jeg allerede knytte skoene mine. At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes. When I was your age, I could already tie my shoes. Næstum öllum var boðið. Almost everybody was invited. Almost everyone was invited. Billedet er ikke skarpt. The picture is not sharp. The picture isn't sharp. Tjek lige dæktrykket! Check the pressure of the tires. Check the tyre pressure! Ge eld på mitt kommando. Fire on my command. Fire my command. Brott lönar sig inte i längden. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime does not pay in length. Hvem er han? Who's he? Who is he? Sønnen hennes er stasjonert i Vest-Tyskland. Her son is stationed in West Germany. Her son is stationed in West Germany. Gud skapade jorden på sex dagar. God created the earth in six days. God created the earth in six days. Hvordan forventer du at jeg skal få barn når jeg ikke har en livmor? How do you expect me to have children when I don't have a uterus? How do you expect me to have a baby when I don't have a womb? Personen vi forsøger at fange, er meget farlig. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. The person we're trying to capture is very dangerous. Jag tycker inte om att se Tom ledsen. I don't like seeing Tom sad. I don't like seeing Tom sad. Vi beundrer deg. We admire you. We admire you. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? You finished talking now? De ville ikke slippe os ind. They wouldn't let us in. They wouldn't let us in. Han har en hund og seks katte. He has one dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Vem är allsångsledare i år? Who's the lead singer of the group this year? Who's an all-gang leader this year? Tom så på meg og smilte. Tom looked at me and smiled. Tom looked at me and smiled. Vi kan alla gå hem. We can all walk home. We can all go home. Bröd bakas i ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread baked in an oven. Min mor er sådan en hykler. My mom is so hypocritical. My mother is such a hypocrite. Sånt är livet. That's life. That's life. Hún flýtti sér á stöðina svo hún mundi ekki missa af lestinni. He hurried to the station so he wouldn't miss the train. She hastened to the station so she wouldn't miss the train. Studerer du engelsk? Do you study English? Do you study English? Jeg har tatt av litt vekt. I've lost a little weight. I have taken some weight. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are hungry. Tom blev dræbt af en kæmpestor gedehams. Tom was killed by a giant hornet. Tom was killed by a huge goathams. Hva er formålet med dette essayet? What's the purpose of this essay? What's the purpose of this essay? Av en eller annen grunn virket ikke mikrofonen tidligere. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason the microphone did not work before. Tom är inte otrevlig. Tom isn't rude. Tom's not rude. Kan du tilføje mig? Could you add me? Can you add me? Tom spände sina armar. Tom flexed his arms. Tom strapped his arms. Jag har massor av begagnade böcker till salu, allt till överkomliga priser. I have lots of second-hand books for sale, all at affordable prices. I have lots of used books for sale, all at affordable prices. I dag er en tomme nøjagtig 2,54 centimeter. An inch is now precisely 2.54 centimeters. Today an inch is exactly 2.54 centimeters. Jag försöker att aldrig äta efter klockan åtta. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I'm never trying to eat after eight. Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit you're right. "Dårlig hårdag". "Bad hair day". "Dear hair day." Og nu et ord fra vor sponsor. And now a word from our sponsor. And now a word from our sponsor. Jeg er stolt over at jeg aldri har kommet for sent til skolen. I'm proud to think that I have never yet been late to school. I'm proud that I've never come to school too late. Mit kørekort udløber i slutningen af denne måned. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driving licence expires at the end of this month. Áttu hús á Ítalíu? Do you own a house in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? Tom slukkede sin cigaret. Tom put out his cigarette. Tom turned off his cigarette. Jag är rörd. I'm touched. I'm touched. Noen av oss synes slike synspunkter er det glade vanvidd. Some of us find such views to be sheer madness. Some of us think it's a happy madness. Varorna som beställdes från England förra månaden har inte anlänt än. The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet. The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet. Hissen verkar vara trasig. The elevator seems to be out of order. Looks like the elevator's broken. Ég fór í labbitúr. I took a walk. I went to a labyrinth. Kunne du vise mig vejen til stationen? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you show me the way to the station? Har du noget æblepie i dag? Do you have any apple pie today? Do you have any apple pie today? "Hur gammal är du?" "Nitton." "Har du legitimation?" "How old are you?" "Nineteen." "Have you got an ID?" "How old are you?" "Nitton." "Do you have identification?" Smertene kom tilbake neste dag. The following day the pain returned. The pain came back the next day. Köpte du dem? Did you buy them? Did you buy them? Bröd bakas i en ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread baked in an oven. Var god fyll i enkäten och skicka in den till oss. Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us. Please fill in the survey and send it in to us. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne si deg hvorfor, men jeg kan ikke. I wish I could tell you the reason, but I can't. I wish I could tell you why, but I can't. Du er overlegen. You're overconfident. You're superior. Politiet arresterede manden som myrdede pigen. The police arrested the man who had murdered the girl. The police arrested the man who killed the girl. Han har rotter på loftet. He has bats in the belfry. He's got rats on the ceiling. Jeg skulle ønske Tom var død. I wish Tom were dead. I wish Tom was dead. Pratar någon här ryska? Does anyone here speak Russian? Does anyone here speak Russian? Det var ett internt jobb. It was an inside job. It was an internal job. Dette er kun en af ​​de ting, vi fandt. This is only one of the things we found. This is only one of the things we found. Jeg er sikker på at han klarer den kommende eksamen. I'm sure he'll pass the coming exam. I'm sure he'll pass the next exam. Dine forældre elsker dig. Your parents love you. Your parents love you. Þú ættir að fara í regnfrakka. You had better put on a raincoat. You should wear a raincoat. Bilurin er gulur. The car is yellow. The car is yellow. Det är något med honom som jag inte gillar. There is something about him I don't like. There's something about him that I don't like. Hvað er símanúmerið hjá þér? What's your phone number? What's your number? Mor dig godt i Italien! Have fun in Italy! Have fun in Italy! Kan de se oss? Can they see us? Can they see us? Tom var ikke særlig energisk. Tom was not very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. Ta god tid på dig. Take your time. Take your time. Vilken sorts musik tyckte du om när du var yngre? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? Jeg liker å spille piano. I like playing the piano. I like to play piano. Hur mycket vet du? How much do you know? How much do you know? Hann féll aftur fyrir sig. He fell backward. He fell back for himself. Det var inte jag som började. It wasn't me who started. I wasn't the one who started it. Þeir sem nota gaffla eða matarprjóna halda oft að fólk sem gerir það ekki sé ósiðað. Those who use forks or chopsticks often think people who don't are uncivilized. Those who use forks or meals often think that people who do not do so are not unloved. Han tager tilbage til Amerika. He's going back to America. He's going back to America. Hann er að opna gluggann. He is opening the window. It's opening the window. Portugal er ikkje eit islamsk land. Portugal is not an Islamic country. Portugal is not an Islamic country. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne snakke engelsk. I wish I could speak English. I wish I could speak English. Det är vad jag har fått höra. That's what I've been told. That's what I've been told. Noen folk finner trøst i selvskading. Some people find self-harm comforting. Some people find comfort in self-harming. Lad os danse hele natten! Let's dance all night long! Let's dance all night! Det kommer an på sammenheng. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Jag ger upp. I give up. I give up. Familien bor i en jurte. The family lives in a yurt. The family lives in a jury. Oro gjorde mig sömnlös igår natt. Worrying deprived me of sleep last night. Oro made me sleepless last night. Er det dækket af min forsikring? Is that covered by my insurance? Is that covered by my insurance? Förklara det för mig. Explain that to me. Explain it to me. Hvað væri lífið án geislunar ástarinnar? What is life without the radiance of love? What would life be without love’s radiation? Man har oändliga möjligheter som artist. You have infinite possibilities as an artist. You have endless possibilities as an artist. Vad är alternativet? What's the alternative? What's the alternative? Jeg er lubben. I'm chubby. I'm lube. Vad är minimilönen i Ghana? What's the minimum salary in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Æbler er røde. Apples are red. Apples are red. Tom lärde mig att köra bil. Tom taught me how to drive. Tom taught me how to drive a car. Jeg vidste ikke du lavede mad. I didn't know you cooked. I didn't know you were cooking. Helsingfors är huvudstaden i Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Det vil ikke ske. That won't happen. It won't happen. Jeg ønsker virkelig ikke at gå glip af det. I really don't want to miss that. I really don't want to miss it. Vi ble ranet. We got robbed. We were robbed. Min engelska är inte bra. My English is not good. My English is not good. "Når er du tilbake?" "Det avhenger av været." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Pastafarianere tror at et usynlig og upåviselig Flygende Spagettimonster skapte universet. Pastafarians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. The Palestinians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spagetti monster created the universe. Vem vill slåss? Who wants to fight? Who wants to fight? Han mistede sin biografbillet. He lost his movie ticket. He lost his movie ticket. Da jeg var i din alder, kunne jeg allerede binde mine snørebånd. At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes. When I was your age, I could already tie my cords. Huset ditt er fantastisk. Your house is fantastic. Your house is amazing. Hvor er dine nøgler? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Jeg bor alene i dette huset. I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. Ge mig ett arbete. Give me a job. Give me a job. Vattnet frös till is. The water turned to ice. The water is frozen to ice. Jeg har vært i Roma. I have been to Rome. I've been to Rome. Det han sa visade sig vara en lögn. What he said turned out to be a lie. What he said turned out to be a lie. Tom er politiker. Tom is a politician. Tom's a politician. Kom och prata med mig. Come talk to me. Come and talk to me. Jeg liker ikke å jobbe i banken. I don't like working at the bank. I don't like working in the bank. Han spelar basgitarr. He plays bass guitar. He plays bass guitar. Katter har två öron. Cats have two ears. Cats have two ears. En tjej ringde mig. A girl phoned me. A girl called me. Lad os tage en smugkig. Let's take a sneak peek. Let's take a smug. Jeg tager til Danmark den 20. maj. I am going to Denmark on the 20th of May. I'm going to Denmark on 20 May. Hans analyse af årsagerne til opstanden var korrekt. His analysis of the causes of the uprising was correct. His analysis of the causes of the uprising was correct. Det såg roligt ut. It looked funny. It looked funny. Mamma stannade i bilen medan pappa handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car while Dad was shopping. Vems är de? Whose are they? Whose are they? Tiden är ute. Lämna in era uppsatser. Time is up. Hand in your papers. Time's up. Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Er der liv etter døden? Hva er betydningen med livet på jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Det var et stort jordskjelv i går natt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Jag kan inte stå ut med ljudet. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the sound. Jeg vidste ikke du talte fransk. I didn't know you spoke French. I didn't know you were speaking French. Jeg er lei av å spise fast food. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of eating solid food. Jag behöver en röd penna. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Ég þarf að koma barninu í rúmið. I have to put the baby to bed. I need to get the baby to bed. Använd apostlahästarna! Walk! Use the apostla horses! Han visade mig hennes fotografi i smyg. He secretly showed me her photograph. He showed me her photograph in secret. Behöver du något? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Jeg tror jeg lot vannet renne. I think I left the water running. I think I let the water run. Jeg blev gift da jeg var 19 år gammel. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I got married when I was 19 years old. Der er stadig lidt kaffe på kanden. There is little coffee left in the pot. There's still some coffee on the edge. Han er den dreng vi talte om den anden dag. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Du ved ikke engang hvem din far er. You don't even know who your father is. You don't even know who your father is. Her er stor mengde av mindre feil og ørsmå misforståelser som fordreier originalsetningens mening. There are many minor mistakes and tiny misunderstandings here that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Here's a lot of minor mistakes and minor misunderstandings that distort the original sentence's meaning. Jeg vet hva mine svakheter er. I know what my weaknesses are. I know what my weaknesses are. Tænk over det! Think about it. Think about it! Han satte henne med vilje i fare. He deliberately exposed her to danger. He deliberately put her in jeopardy. Jeg tror ikke det er sannheten. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. Det skulle kunna vara kul. It could be fun. It could be fun. Þau trúðu mér ekki. They did not believe me. They didn't believe me. Tom tappade bort sin franska lärobok. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom tog sin gasmaske af. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Han skumma raskt gjennom sida etter ordet han leita etter. He quickly scanned the page for the word he was looking for. He foams quickly through the page for the word he's looking for. Kunne du i det mindste give mig et hint? Could you at least give me a hint? Could you at least give me a hint? Du har hjelmen min. You've got my helmet. You have my helmet. Dette giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. This makes no sense. Ikke rør noe, OK? Don't touch anything, OK? Don't touch anything, OK? Hann lék mikilvægt hlutverk í nefndinni. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the committee. Det er for sent for meg. It's too late for me. It's too late for me. Meg er forvitin að vita allt um Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. Hún réðst á hann með skærum. She attacked him with a pair of scissors. She attacked him with scissors. På söndag ställer vi fram klockan. On Sunday we put the clock forward. On Sunday we're putting out the clock. Enginn er svo fátækur að eiga ekki efni á að vera snyrtilegur. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. No one is so poor that they cannot afford to be neat. Jag kan inte se något med mitt högra öga. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything with my right eye. Jag har inga nära vänner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Þýðir það að þú komir ekki? Does that mean you won't come? Does that mean you're not coming? Jeg svømmede i havet. I swam in the sea. I swam in the sea. Jeg har tre gange været i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. Han er forfatter. He is a writer. He's a writer. Jeg skal gjøre det. I'll do it. I'll do it. Jeg troede, at jeg var den eneste. I thought I was the only one. I thought I was the only one. Get ég fengið endurgreitt? Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? Kan du ikke tale fransk? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? Hun spiste æblet. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. Jeg la merke til at du ikke var hjemme i går kveld. I noticed you weren't at home last night. I noticed you weren't home last night. Du er en idiot! You are an idiot! You're an idiot! Jeg gik i biografen med min bror. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the movies with my brother. Vi väntar oss många besökare till ceremonin. We're expecting a lot of people to attend the ceremony. We expect many visitors to the ceremony. Han är mycket skicklig på att teckna. He is very skilled at drawing. He's very good at drawing. Hva studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist research? What's a sovietologist studying? Hon har stora bröst. She has large breasts. She's got big tits. Drengen har mistet sit øre i en gadekamp. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy has lost his ear in a street fight. Han har en utenlandsk bil. He has a foreign car. He's got a foreign car. Kanske jag kan hjälpa dig. Maybe I can help you. Maybe I can help you. Jag är medveten om dina problem. I'm aware of your problems. I'm aware of your problems. Min far, som nå jobber i USA skrev et brev til oss forrige uke. My father, who is now working in the United States, wrote us a letter last week. My father, who now works in the United States, wrote us a letter last week. Sami blev jätte aggressiv. Sami got extremely aggressive. Sami got really aggressive. Hun nægtede at skrive under på andragendet. She refused to sign the petition. She refused to sign the petition. Það lítur út fyrir að vera hlýtt úti. It seems warm outside. It looks like it's warm outside. Jeg kan vinde denne gang. I can win this time. I can win this time. Varför vill du att världen ska känna till japanska trädgårdar? Why do you want the world to know about Japanese gardens? Why do you want the world to know about Japanese gardens? Mor jer godt i Boston! Have fun in Boston. Have fun in Boston! Jag måste ändra den. I have to change it. I have to change it. Låt mig berätta för Tom. Let me tell Tom. Let me tell Tom. Du behøver ikke besvare dette spørgsmål. You don't have to answer this question. You do not have to answer this question. Han er normalt høy. He is of average height. He's usually tall. Ni har felstavat mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You've wronged my name. Tom kan være litt pratsom. Tom can be a little chatty. Tom can be a little chatty. Vart gick han? Where did he go? Where did he go? Tom var lamslået. Tom was petrified. Tom was paralysed. Han är alltid vänlig mot mig. He is always friendly to me. He's always kind to me. Tom mistede sin bamse. Tom lost his teddy bear. Tom lost his bear. Flyger du ofta? Do you fly frequently? Do you fly often? Han är välsituerad. He is affluent. He's well-situted. Viss du hadde følgd med, hadde du også vore bekymra. If you paid attention, you'd be worried too. If you'd been there, you'd be worried too. Sami försökte kyssa mig. Sami tried to kiss me. Sami tried to kiss me. Vi ska göra vårt bästa. We're going to do our best. We're gonna do our best. Der var engang et stykke træ. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. There was once a piece of wood. Tom forlot kona si og barna. Tom abandoned his wife and children. Tom left his wife and children. Tom mødte Marys forældre. Tom met Mary's parents. Tom met Mary's parents. Tag dine sokker på. Put on your socks. Put on your socks. Tom vågnede tidligt i morges. Tom woke up early this morning. Tom woke up early this morning. Athöfnin var einföld. The ceremony was simple. The ceremony was simple. De behandler mig som et barn. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Jeg kan ikke bebrejde Tom at han ikke ønsker at komme. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. Það er seinna en þú heldur. It's later than you think. It's later than you think. Vid hemkomsten upptäckte jag inbrottet. On arriving home, I discovered the burglary. At the time of my return, I discovered the burglary. Hun holdt på å stryke kjolen sin. She was ironing her dress. She was wearing her dress. Líf sjúklingsins var í hættu. The patient's life was in danger. The patient's life was in jeopardy. Säg åt Tom att vänta. Tell Tom to wait. Tell Tom to wait. Jeg spurte ham om han ville klø meg på ryggen. I asked him if he would scratch my back. I asked him if he would dress me on his back. Du får inte komma in här om du inte har ett pass. You can't enter here unless you have a pass. You can't come in here unless you have a passport. Tom, kig på mig, når jeg taler til dig! Tom, look at me when I'm speaking to you! Tom, look at me when I'm talking to you! Vi lander om femten minutter. We'll be landing in 15 minutes. We'll land in fifteen minutes. Hvad siger kvinden? What is the woman saying? What does the woman say? Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you. I understand everything. De vil kun tjene penger. De bryr seg ikke om noe annet. They just want to make money. They don't care about anything else. They just want to make money, they don't care about anything else. "Vad är 'Hungerspelen'?" "Inte vet jag. Jag hoppas att det inte handlar om människor som är hungriga." "What is ‘The Hunger Games’?" "I don't know. I hope it's not about people who are hungry." "What are the 'Hunger Games'?" "I don't know. I hope it's not about people who are hungry." Jag fick reda på det av en ren händelse. I only found out about it purely by accident. I found out by a clean incident. Jag kan inte komma på vad han heter. His name escapes me. I can't figure out his name. Alla är sjuka. Everyone's sick. Everyone's sick. Jeg er begyndt på at læse bogen. I started reading the book. I've started reading the book. Ge mig en dag. Give me a day. Give me one day. Tom undrade vad Mary's efternamn kunde vara. Tom wondered what Mary's last name was. Tom wondered what Mary's last name could be. Du kan snakke så mye du vil. You may talk as much as you like. You can talk as much as you like. Tom fikk håret sitt klipt i går. Tom had his hair cut yesterday. Tom got his hair clipped yesterday. Hun skrudde ned radioen. She turned down the radio. She turned down the radio. Han la seg ned på gulvet. He laid himself flat on the floor. He lay down on the floor. Markerne lå dækkede af et tykt lag sne. The fields lay covered with deep snow. The fields were covered with thick layers of snow. Hon har en papegoja som husdjur. She keeps a parrot as a pet. She has a parrot as a pet. Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching TV. Tom sees television. Hun blir skremt av høye lyder. She's frightened by loud noises. She gets frightened by loud sounds. Jeg læser mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Jeg vidste ikke at Tom havde en sportsvogn. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. Vi har stadig det bedste til gode. You ain't seen nothing yet. We still have the best thing to do. Må Gud beskytte dig fra dem der hader dig! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Afsakið, þú ert með vitlaust númer. Sorry, you have the wrong number. Excuse me, you have the wrong number. Jag läser en bok medan jag äter. I read a book while eating. I'm reading a book while I'm eating. Är du klar nu? Are you ready now? Are you done? Du må besvare disse spørsmålene. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Tom kommer fra nord. Tom comes from the north. Tom comes from the north. Ég kem aftur eftir klukkutíma eða svo. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in an hour or so. Hendes øjne var fulde af tristhed. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Bag vores hus er der tre smukke æbletræer med små røde æbler. Behind our house there are three beautiful apple trees with little red apples. Behind our house there are three beautiful apple trees with little red apples. Tom masserar sina knän. Tom is massaging his knees. Tom massages his knees. Fuglen var halvt så stor som en høg. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half as big as a hawk. Ég hef ekkert um þetta mál að segja. I have nothing to say on this matter. I have nothing to say about this. Katten sidder på stolen og kigger på kødet der ligger på køkkenbordet. The cat is sitting on the chair and looking at the meat that's lying on the kitchen table. The cat sits on the chair and looks at the meat on the kitchen table. Borðarðu brauð í hádegismat? Do you have bread for lunch? Do you eat bread for lunch? Jeg blev hjemme i går. I stayed home yesterday. I stayed home yesterday. Sex var inbjudna, pojken inkluderad. Six were invited, including the boy. Sex was invited, the boy included. Da det skete, var min bedstemor ikke hjemme. As it happened, my grandmother was not at home. When it happened, my grandmother wasn't home. Tom ble full og druknet sorgen sin i denne ene nattens utskeielser. Tom got drunk and drowned his sorrows in that one night of intemperance. Tom was drunk and drowned his grief in this one night's outskirts. Han är aldrig nöjd. He's never satisfied. He's never satisfied. Vi vill rösta. We want to vote. We want to vote. Jón ræsti bílinn. John started the car. John started the car. Eyðið peningum og njótið lífsins! Spend money and enjoy life! Ruin money and enjoy life! Låt mig fundera en minut. Let me think for a minute. Let me think about a minute. Du går for langt. You're going too far. You're going too far. Jeg foretrækker kaffe frem for te. I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee instead of tea. Hvilken er den lengste elven i verden? What is the longest river in the world? Which is the longest river in the world? Neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna. Necessity is the mother of invention. The force teaches a naked woman to spin. Tom har någonting på gång. Tom is up to something. Tom's got something going on. Jeg vet ikke hvorfor Mary ikke gjorde hva jeg ba henne om å gjøre. I don't know why Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. I don't know why Mary didn't do what I asked her to do. Vad är nytt? What is new? What's new? Jag sköt på mitt hushållsarbete några timmar. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I shot at my housework a few hours. Jag är kär i dig. I have a crush on you. I'm in love with you. Han er redd. He is afraid. He's scared. Guld er dyrere end bly. Gold is more expensive than lead. Gold is more expensive than lead. Om du ser ett lejon visa sina tänder, anta inte att den ler åt dig. If you see a lion showing its teeth, don't assume it's smiling at you. If you see a lion show her teeth, don't assume it's smiling at you. Jag är inte ett dugg trött. I'm not at all tired. I'm not a good tired man. Det var en dum beslutning. That was a stupid decision. It was a stupid decision. Tom kan endnu ikke svømme. Tom is not yet able to swim. Tom can't swim yet. Fræðilega er enginn munur á fræðum og raunveruleikanum; en í raunveruleikanum er hann til staðar. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. Scientifically, there is no difference between science and reality; but in reality, it is there. Mary var majet ud. Mary was dressed to kill. Mary was majestic. Du bør gjøre som de sier. You'd better do what they say. You should do what they say. "Er det det det er?" "Ja, det er det det er." "Is that what it is?" "Yes, that's what it is" "Is that what it is?" "Yes, that's what it is." Babyen sover. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Det finns inte plats för alla. There's not enough room for everybody. There's no room for everyone. Håll ut, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Tänk på din framtid. Think about your future. Think about your future. Tom tar buss til skolen. Tom goes to school by bus. Tom's taking a bus to school. Släpp mina armar. Let go of my arms. Let go of my arms. Det er en kolossalt dårlig idé at køre uden kørekort. It is a colossally bad idea to drive without a driver's license. It's a hugely bad idea to drive without a driver's license. Katte kan se, selv på mørke steder. Cats can see even in dark places. Cats can see, even in dark places. Talar hon franska? Does she speak French? Does she speak French? Ni är bedårande. You're adorable. You're lovely. Jeg bryder mig ikke om fyrværkeri. I don't like fireworks. I don't like fireworks. Hon satt och rökte. She sat and smoked. She was smoking. Det tok meg tre dager å lese denne boken. It took me three days to read this book. It took me three days to read this book. Matade du papegojorna? Did you feed the parrots? Did you feed the parrots? Hva er det du snakker om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Barnið þarfnast móður sinnar. The baby needs its mother. The baby needs her mother. Gæt hvem der vandt. Guess who won. Guess who won. Jeg lurer på hvor han er nå. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he is now. Det är antagligen hemsökt. It's probably haunted. It's probably haunted. Ingen er så irsk som Barack Obama! There's no one as irish as Barack Obama! Nobody's as Irish as Barack Obama! Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Det her er kedeligt. This is boring. This is boring. Säg till Tom att jag är sjuk. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tell Tom I'm sick. Har noget ændret sig? Has anything changed? Has something changed? Jeg synes det er unødvendig. I think it's unnecessary. I think it's unnecessary. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka fyrstu lestina um morguninn. She advised him to catch the first train in the morning. She advised him to take the first train in the morning. Er det muligt at hjælpe Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Hvilken fantastisk ide! What a terrific idea! What a great idea! Må jeg låne din pen? Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Tycker ni att jag är ful? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? Jag kan göra båda. I can do both. I can do both. Nýjustu tónverk hans eru bara tilbrigði við hans fyrri verk. His latest musical pieces are just variants of his earlier work. His newly adjusted music is merely a form of his earlier works. Tom blev dræbt ved en automobilulykke i aftes. Tom was killed in an automobile accident last night. Tom was killed in a car accident last night. Jag måste inte vara här. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Tom arbejdede som bygningsarbejder. Tom worked as a construction worker. Tom worked as a construction worker. Jeg tror at du er blevet snydt. I believe you've been had. I think you've been cheated. Jag är mätt. I'm full. I'm full. Jag gillar verkligen den här boken. I really like this book. I really like this book. Tama fer stundum í einn í göngutúr. Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself. Tama sometimes takes a walk. Hvem kommer til å være her? Who's going to be here? Who's going to be here? Det är skojigt. It's fun. It's funny. Jeg må si meg enig med deg. I have to agree with you. I have to say I agree with you. Emily hatar att klättra. Emily hates climbing. Emily hates climbing. Þú verður að gera það sjálf. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. Hann er maður aðgerða. He is a man of action. He's a man of action. Är Tom där än? Is Tom there yet? Is Tom still there? Mor er i gang med at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Hur många självmord tror du att det sker varje år i Japan? How many suicides do you think there are every year in Japan? How many suicides do you think that happens every year in Japan? Hun sendte meg et brev. She sent me a letter. She sent me a letter. Jeg gør kun mit arbejde. I'm just doing my job. I'm just doing my job. Vi måste jobba nu. We have to work now. We have to work now. Kan jag tala med dig? Could I talk to you? Can I talk to you? De har läst en intressant bok. They have been reading an interesting book. They've read an interesting book. Þú kannt að hafa lesið þessa bók nú þegar. You may have read this book already. You may have read this book already. Hon är nästan 20. She is almost 20. She's almost 20. Han är här med. He is also here. He's here too. Soldaten uppgav sitt namn. The soldier gave his name. The soldier gave his name. Sum tiðin gongur! How time flies! Some ten times! Det var en vacker dag i dag. Today was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful day today. Jag har fortfarande mycket att lära. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Kommer du, Tom? Are you coming, Tom? You coming, Tom? Känner du Tom? Do you know Tom? Do you know Tom? Jag har bara gjort detta en gång innan. I have only done this one time before. I've only done this once before. En gång fann jag en bok där. I once found a book there. One time I found a book there. Barna er helt i hundre. The children are all fired up. The kids are full of a hundred. Ingen idé att insistera. There's no need to insist. No idea to insist. I striden erövrade de vapen från fienden. In the battle they captured weapons from the enemy. In the battle, they conquered weapons from the enemy. Jag kommer att vara utanför stan. I'll be out of town. I'll be out of town. Tom gjorde en bra putt. Tom made a good putt. Tom did a good one. Tal ikke med to tunger. Keep not two tongues in one mouth. Don't talk with two tongues. Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með verkin í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with the works in the garden. Jeg har ikke søstre. I don't have any sisters. I don't have sisters. "Tycker ni om ormar?" "Självklart inte." "Do you like snakes?" "Obviously not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Han älskar det nya huset. He loves the new house. He loves the new house. Du kan se nå. You can look now. You can see now. Han flydde från teatern efter mordet. He had fled the theater after the murder. He ran away from the theater after the murder. Du gjorde ett dåligt jobb. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Godmorgen alle. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everybody. Jeg har tre fætre på min mors side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. Hva i all verden snakker du om? What are you on about? What in the world are you talking about? Det er min hensigt. That's my intention. That's my intention. Du bør være mer forsiktig. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. Ska Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Tom and Mary going to school today? Det är bäst att du inte väntar längre. You shouldn't wait any longer. You better not wait any longer. Det här är bilden som jag tog på Toms hus. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took at Tom's house. Han beskrev olyckan i detalj. He gave a detailed description of the accident. He described the accident in detail. Jag har sådan otur. I have such bad luck. I have such bad luck. Jag hatar mitt hår. I hate my hair. I hate my hair. Eg var på toget i tolv timer. I was on the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. Hver sagði Tom það? Who told Tom that? Who told Tom? Är du upptagen? Are you busy? Are you busy? Jag läste en bok. I read a book. I read a book. Hvad er den længste flod i Australien? What's the longest river in Australia? What is the longest river in Australia? Hvor stor? How big? How big? Hvad betyder "MILF"? What's the meaning of MILF? What does "MILF" mean? Det är en god idé att dricka flaskvatten. It's a good idea to drink bottled water. It's a good idea to drink bottled water. Jeg må tenke på det. I need to think about it. I have to think about it. Jeg venter barn på nyåret! I'm expecting a baby in the new year! I'm waiting for a baby for the New Year! Veien er i dårlig forfatning. The road is in a deplorable state. The road is in bad shape. Nogle mennesker kan ikke holde verden ud. Some people cannot cope with the world. Some people can't stand the world. Jeg ved at Tom er en temmelig god skiløber. I know Tom is a pretty good skier. I know Tom's a pretty good skier. Folk är konstiga. People are weird. People are weird. Kapteinen var den siste personen som forlot det synkende skipet. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. The captain was the last person who left the sinking ship. Det ser ut til å bli regn. It looks like rain. It seems to be raining. Jag tror att jag satt på den. I think I sat on it. I think I put it on. Regn ikke med at han låner dig penge. Don't count on him to lend you any money. Don't expect him to lend you money. Tom har en smuk bil. Tom has a beautiful car. Tom has a beautiful car. Han tok over styringen av familiebedriften etter hans far døde. He took charge of the family business after his father died. He took over the management of the family business after his father died. Hvordan udtales ordet? How is the word pronounced? How is the word spoken? Ha i honningen, sitronsaften, de ristede mandlene og de revne eplene. Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Have honey, lemon juice, roasted almonds, and grated apples. Sømmet gik gennem væggen. The nail went through the wall. The seam went through the wall. Hvor gammel er du? How old are you? How old are you? Tom brugte et brækjern til at bryde døren op. Tom used a crowbar to pry open the door. Tom used a iron to break the door. Er hans historie sand? Is his story true? Is his story true? Noreg er det rikaste landet i verda. Norway is the richest country in the world. Norway is the richest country in the world. Jeg vejer mig. I am weighing myself. I weigh myself. Fyrr eða seinna muntu sjá eftir iðjuleysinu. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you will regret the restlessness. Jag antar att du jobbar på att rätta felen. I assume you're working on correcting the mistakes. I guess you're working on correcting the mistakes. Er det hvad du ville købe? Is that what you wanted to buy? Is that what you wanted to buy? Vi snakker fortsatt. We're still talking. We're still talking. Chíleið brenndi mig á tungunni. The chili burnt my tongue. Chilpord burned me on my tongue. Kan jag ta med mig Tom hem? Can I take Tom home? Can I take Tom home? Hun sparede op til trange tider. She saved money for a rainy day. She saved it for a long time. Håret hennes er så langt at det når bakken. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. Her hair is so far that it reaches the ground. Undskyld, hvad er klokken? Excuse me, what time is it? I'm sorry, what time is it? Tom har en 10-gears cykel. Tom has a ten-speed bicycle. Tom has a 10-gear bike. Jeg leder efter et nyt hus. I am in search of a new house. I'm looking for a new house. Kokken kom hen til vores bord. The chef came over at our table. The cook came to our table. Tom försvann snabbt in i folkmassan. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom quickly disappeared into the crowd. Han vet hvor vi bor. He knows where we live. He knows where we live. ”Snön är vacker, eller hur?” ”Ja, men Mary, du är ännu vackrare.” "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." “Snow is beautiful, isn’t it?” “Yes, but Mary, you are even more beautiful.” Tom sin familie bur i Boston Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston Tom ser orolig ut nu. Tom looks worried now. Tom looks worried now. Jeg glemte at sætte min telefon i laderen i går aftes. I forgot to put my phone on the charger last night. I forgot to put my phone in the charger last night. Min nye kollega er en robot. My new colleague is a robot. My new colleague is a robot. Mary har en spiseforstyrrelse. Mary has an eating disorder. Mary has a eating disorder. Tom spiser mere is end jeg. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more ice than I do. Kunne du teke hand om det? Take care of that for me, will you? Could you take care of it? Bilen förbrukar mycket bränsle. The car consumes a lot of fuel. The car consumes a lot of fuel. Telefonen ringer! The telephone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Min far fick mig att tvätta bilen. My father had me wash the car. My father made me wash the car. Hun har bestemt seg for å dra til Amerika for å studere. She has made up her mind to go to America to study. She's decided to go to America to study. Han er den rigeste mand på jorden. He is the richest man on earth. He's the richest man on earth. Jag bestämde mig för att jag inte ville ha mer med Tom att göra. I decided I didn't want anything more to do with Tom. I decided I didn't want to have more to do with Tom. Vi ønsker fullstendige sætninger. We want complete sentences. We want complete sentences. Hvad laver din far? What does your dad do? What's your father doing? God tur! Godspeed! Good luck! Finns det en app för det? Is there an app for that? Is there an app for that? Universet er omkring 13,75 tusind millioner år gammel. The universe is about 13.75 thousand million years old. The universe is about 13.75 million years old. Tom tok det rette valet. Tom made the right choice. Tom made the right choice. Talade du om för Tom vad Mary hade gjort? Did you tell Tom about what Mary did? Did you tell Tom what Mary had done? Fortsätt söka. Keep searching. Keep searching. Jag tycker mer om katter än hundar. I like cats more than dogs. I like cats more than dogs. Han tog sin tid. He took his time. He took his time. Titta inte ut genom fönstret. Don't look out of the window. Don't look out the window. Jag var inte ens här. I wasn't even here. I wasn't even here. Ertu með sektarkennd? Do you feel guilty? Do you have feelings of guilt? Det var ingen respons. There was no response. There was no response. Når ble boken levert til deg? When was the book delivered to you? When was the book delivered to you? Alla tittade. Everyone looked. Everyone looked. Han foreslo at vi skulle spille baseball. He proposed that we should play baseball. He suggested we play baseball. Tom fyller tretten. Tom is turning thirteen. Tom's filling the thirteen. Det pludselige vindstød fyldte sejlene og slingrede båden fremad. The sudden gust of wind filled the sails and lurched the boat forward. The sudden gust filled the sails and slid the boat forward. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundemad. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he's never tried to eat dog food. Vi ventede. We waited. We were waiting. Jeg ser næsten aldrig fjernsyn. I almost never watch TV. I hardly ever see television. Brian har kjøpt en leppestift til Kate. Brian has bought Kate some lipstick. Brian bought Kate a lipstick. Det här är för svårt. This is too hard. This is too hard. Gjorde jag allt det där? Did I do all that? Did I do all that? Tom er syg. Tom is sick. Tom's sick. Det er svært vanskelig å omsette det som vi har sagt til praksis. It is difficult to put what we said in practice. It's very difficult to translate what we've said into practice. Huset omgavs av en stenmur. The house had a stone wall around it. The house was surrounded by a stone wall. Kva treng du? What do you need? What do you need? Hann er nógu skynsamur til að gera ekki þannig lagað. He is wise enough not to do such a thing. He's smart enough not to do that. Er Tom en god lærer? Is Tom a good teacher? Is Tom a good teacher? Mánin skínur. The moon is shining. The moon shines. Vad är framgångens hemlighet? What is the secret of success? What is the secret of success? Den här produkten är tillverkad i Italien. This product is made in Italy. This product is manufactured in Italy. Det sitter på katedern. It's on your desk. It's on the catheter. Min chef er et røvhul. My boss is an asshole. My boss is an asshole. Vil du gerne have fodmassage? Do you want a foot massage? Would you like a foot massage? Jag lämnade en lapp under dörren. I left a note under the door. I left a note under the door. Det er et fint flagg. It's a pretty flag. It's a great flag. Han gör inte en fluga förnär. He wouldn't harm a fly. He doesn't hurt a fly. Stoler du ikke på ham? Don't you trust him? You don't trust him? Þér er frjálst að nota þetta herbergi hvernig sem þér sýnist. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You're free to use this room no matter what. Tom sier han kan forutse fremtiden. Tom says he can predict the future. Tom says he can predict the future. Tom ljuger. Jag gjorde inte det som han sa att jag gjorde. Tom is lying. I didn't do what he says I did. Tom's lying, I didn't do what he said I did. Þú og ég erum mjög góðar vinkonur. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. Jag är pacifist. I'm a pacifist. I'm a pacifist. Jeg verdsetter vårt vennskap. I value our friendship. I value our friendship. Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt. Starting is half the task. It's a good start. It's half complete. Bakteriekultur är den enda kultur somliga besitter. Bacteria are the only culture some people have. Bacterial culture is the only culture some possessions. Tom tittade i golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Tom er en vanskabning. Tom is a deformed person. Tom's a freak. Tom arbejder nu som hundelufter. Tom now works as a dog walker. Tom is now working as dog air. Du får ta nästa. You get the next one. You'll have to take the next one. Vi följer med. We'll go with you. We'll go with you. Si meg hva du vil. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Dit blodtryk er lidt højt. Your blood pressure is a bit high. Your blood pressure is a little high. Sover han endnu? Is he still sleeping? Is he still asleep? Du kan låne bilen min når som helst. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car anytime. Vi är bättre än de. We're better than they are. We're better than them. Du skuffet Tom. You let Tom down. You disappointed Tom. Jag undrar vad som kommer att hända. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what's going to happen. Gör bara som jag gjorde. Just do what I did. Just do what I did. Tom smed den tomme kop i skraldebøtten. Tom tossed the empty cup in the trash. Tom threw the empty cup into the trash bin. Det blir troligtvis inte lätt. It probably won't be easy. It's probably not gonna be easy. Mary gav børnene en julekalender så de kunne tælle dagene til jul. Mary gave the children an Advent calendar to help them count the days until Christmas. Mary gave the kids a Christmas calendar so they could count the days of Christmas. Tom tog ett IQ-test. Tom took an IQ test. Tom took an IQ test. Gå lige til sagen. Don't beat about the bush. Go to the case. Þetta gerist. These things happen. This is happening. Þeir rifust. They quarreled. They argued. Thomas Edison opfandt elpæren. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb. Thomas Edison invented the electric folder. Gudskelov! Thank God. Thank God! En del döva personer väljer att inte använda teckenspråk. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language. Vi kommer att ta med mycket mat. We'll bring plenty of food. We'll bring a lot of food. Hilsener! Greetings! Greetings! Ég hef ekkert að gefa. I've nothing to give. I have nothing to give. Bróður mín er ikki her í dag. My brother isn't here today. My brother's not here today. Sam var bara skinn och ben efter år av undernäring. Sami was reduced to skin and bones by years of malnutrition. Sam was just skin and bones after years of malnutrition. Min kone er polak. My wife is Polish. My wife's a Pole. Ord kan ikke beskrive det. Words can't describe it. Words can't describe it. Hvad er der sket? What's happened? What happened? Han drak én øl færdig og bestilte endnu én. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another one. Det var nemt at finde Toms hus. It was easy to find Tom's house. It was easy to find Tom's house. Jeg missede toget. I could not make the train. I missed the train. Kva tid vart de dus? Since when are you two on a first name basis? What time were they? Jeg har købt et par støvler. I bought a pair of boots. I bought a couple of boots. Vi må have taget den forkerte vej. We must've taken the wrong road. We must have gone the wrong way. I går var jeg syg. Yesterday I was sick. Yesterday, I was sick. Dörren till huset stod på glänt. The door to the house was ajar. The door of the house was on the clearing. Han er ikke den rigtige mand for dig. He's not the right man for you. He's not the right man for you. Det är varmt i dag. It is hot today. It's hot today. Hon tvättade en matta. She washed a carpet. She washed a carpet. Heldigvis har jeg grønne fingre. Fortunately, I have a green thumb. Fortunately, I have green fingers. Jag går inte ut. I'm not going out. I'm not going out. Hun mener det alvorligt. She's being serious. She's serious. Jag vet att Tom inte är lycklig där. I know Tom isn't happy there. I know Tom's not happy there. Pokkers, jeg missede igen toget! Damn, I missed the train again! Damn, I missed the train again! Jeg har boet i dette hus i to år. I've lived in this house for two years. I've been living in this house for two years. Sig mig grunden til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not there. Du gjorde at jeg ble sen. You made me late. You made me late. Tom skäms. Tom is ashamed. Tom's ashamed. Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Jag ser ett mönster. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. Symjarane går uti. The swimmers are entering the water. The Symlars go into it. Den 27. januar 1945 blev Auschwitz befriet af Den Røde Hær. On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. On January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. Flýtið ykkur eða þið verðið seinar. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry or you'll be late. Århus, Danmarks næststørste by, har postnummeret 8000. Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the postal code 8000. Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city, has the postal code 8000. Jag hörde att Tom hade smugglat droger till Amerika i flera år innan han åkte fast. I heard that Tom had been smuggling drugs into America for years before he got caught. I heard Tom had smuggled drugs to America for years before he got caught. Kvinden er sygeplejerske. The woman is a nurse. The woman's a nurse. Bergen er kjent som byen mellom de syv fjell. Bergen is known as the city between the seven mountains. The mountains are known as the city between the seven mountains. Medicinen var hennes sista utväg. She relied on the medicine as a last resort. The medicine was her last way out. Hvad tid afgår næste tog? At what time does the next train leave? What time does the next train leave? Ingången till toaletten är mycket smutsig. The entrance to the toilet is very dirty. The entrance to the toilet is very dirty. Hun vil male hegnet i morgen. She'll paint the fence tomorrow. She'll paint the fence tomorrow. "Hvor længe har du boet her?" "I tre år." "How long have you been living here?" "For three years." "How long have you lived here?" "For three years." Vi gick till stranden. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Legg gjerne att peikarar hit på andre sider. Please feel free to link to my page. I would like you to draw points here on other pages. Aldri skriv orda "borsjtsj" og "sjtsji" på tysk! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "borshj" and "borshj" in German! Er du nysgerrig? Are you curious? Are you curious? Han hade ont i huvudet. He had a headache. He had a pain in his head. Hun kranglet alltid med sine brødre. She was always quarreling with her brothers. She always fought with her brothers. Han tog til London for at lære engelsk. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. Minns ni Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Han sukkede dybt. He gave a deep sigh. He sunk deep. Alle studerende i vores college kan gøre brug af computeren. Any student in our college can use the computer. Every student in our college can make use of the computer. Katte har ikke ejere; de har personale. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. Cats don't have owners; they have staff. I det tyske forbundsland Slesvig-Holsten er dansk anerkendt som et beskyttet mindretalssprog. Danish is recognised as a protected minority language in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the Federal Republic of Germany Schleswig-Holsten, Danish is recognised as a protected minority language. Tom sa att han inte var intresserad av Mary, men det verkade som att han alltid tittade åt den del av rummet som hon var i. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but it seemed like he always looked at the part of the room she was in. Hur kom du hit? How'd you get here? How did you get here? Det er ikke Toms skyld. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Gå tillbaka upp dit. Get back up there. Go back up there. Jag skulle ha stannat. I should've stayed. I should have stayed. Denne vælger, Mary Johnson, viste sig at være en demokrat. That voter, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a Democrat. This voter, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a democrat. Om inte den där gitarren vore så dyr, så skulle jag kunna köpa den. If that guitar weren't so expensive, I could buy it. If that guitar wasn't that expensive, I could buy it. Jeg kan ikke se noe. I can't see a thing. I can't see anything. Ikke skyt! Don't shoot. Don't shoot! Mange europæere kender ikke det moderne Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Han är en riktig kuf. He's really an oddball. He's a real queer. Tom visste med ein gong at noko var galt. Tom knew instantly that something was wrong. Tom immediately knew that something was wrong. Det finns ingen orsak till oro. There's no reason to worry. There is no cause for concern. Þú þarft ekki að vera svona formlegur. You don't have to be so formal. You don't have to be so formal. Tågen er lettet. The mist cleared. Trains are light. Grabba tag i någonting. Grab on to something. Grab something. Du er nødt til at smage en af mine cupcakes. You have to try one of my cupcakes. You have to taste one of my cupcakes. Det er ikke besværet værd. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the effort. Tom är inte småaktig. Tom isn't petty. Tom's not small. Det vil ikke blive et problem overhovedet. It's not going to be a problem at all. That will not be a problem at all. Tom lukket stille soveromsdøren. Tom quietly closed the bedroom door. Tom quietly shut the bedroom door. Tom säger att han inte har lust att dricka öl i kväll. Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight. Tom says he doesn't want to drink beer tonight. Han forsøgte at løse problemet. He tried solving the problem. He tried to solve the problem. Jag är inte din bror. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother. Ønsker du at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Jobbar du fortfarande med Tom? Are you still working with Tom? You still working with Tom? Denne plante er en hybrid. This plant is a hybrid. This plant is a hybrid. Dette er en hund. This is a dog. This is a dog. Hur dags gick du och lade dig igår? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? How time did you go to bed last night? Hon er ótrúliga vøkur. She is very pretty. She's incredible. Hon talar tillräckligt tydligt för att vara lätt att förstå. She speaks clearly enough to be easily understood. She speaks clearly enough to be easy to understand. Tom fortalte Mary at han ville tage til Boston i oktober. Tom told Mary that he'd go to Boston in October. Tom told Mary he was going to Boston in October. Ni kan skylla på mig. You can blame me. You can blame me. Han jobbar för mycket. He works too much. He works too much. Jag fann din dagbok. I found your diary. I found your diary. Han setter seg i gjeld. He's putting himself in debt. He's in debt. Du er ikke et barn længere. You are not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Fulgte nogen efter dig? Did anyone follow you? Did anyone follow you? Vad är mitt saldo? What is my balance? What's my balance? Wow! Wow! Wow! Jeg vil ikke bo i en stor enebolig. I don't want to live in a big mansion. I don't want to live in a big one-house. Hon är kvart över nio. It's a quarter after nine in the morning. She's a quarter over nine. Ég mun ekki fara þangað aftur. I won't go there again. I won't go back there. Han spillede en nøglerolle i bevægelsen. He played a key role in the movement. He played a key role in the movement. Det stemmer. This is true. That's right. Vi sticker imorgon Let's leave tomorrow morning. We're leaving tomorrow. Er din hund døv? Is your dog deaf? Is your dog deaf? Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. I don't know the difference between a seed and a toad. Behärska er. Control yourselves. Control yourselves. Betty dræbte ham. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Mennesker, ikke mure skaber byerne. People, not walls create the cities. Humans, not walls create the cities. De kommer från Sverige. They come from Sweden. They come from Sweden. Kan du tala högre? Can you speak up? Can you speak louder? Að lesa bækur er áhugamál mitt. Reading books is my hobby. Reading books is my hobby. Jeg vil være hjemme senest 14:30. I'll be home by 2:30. I'll be home by 2:30. Jag har inget behov av dem. I don't need them. I don't need them. Jag hörde ett ljud. I heard a noise. I heard a sound. Den är begagnad. It's second-hand. It's used. Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter to pieces? Hva i helvete vet en prest om det? What the hell does a priest know about that? What the hell does a priest know about that? Det hoppas jag verkligen inte. I really hope not. I really hope not. Det är hemskt att, medan det finns länder där människor lider av hunger, inom Japan finns det många hushåll och restauranger där mycket mat kastas bort. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. It is terrible that, while there are countries where people suffer from hunger, in Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. Ta av dig dina blöta kläder. Take off your wet clothes. Take off your wet clothes. Tom fick Mary att laga middag. Tom got Mary to cook dinner. Tom made Mary cook dinner. Tom blev nästan påkörd av en bil. Tom almost got hit by a car. Tom almost got hit by a car. Vi har absolut intet at vinde. We have absolutely nothing to gain. We have absolutely nothing to gain. Hva var det som gjorde at du ombestemte deg? What made you change your mind? What was it that made you change? Du er nødt til å gå. You've got to go. You have to go. Den är enorm. It's huge. It's huge. Tre dagar senare var Tom död. Three days later, Tom was dead. Three days later, Tom was dead. Jeg prøvde å snakke med deg. I was trying to talk to you. I tried to talk to you. Ingen har klaga på det. No one has ever complained about that. No one has complained about it. Jeg er ved at skrive en bog. I'm writing a book. I'm about to write a book. Sikke en tung taske! What a heavy bag! What a heavy bag! Þú þarft ekki að fara í teitina nema þú viljir. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. Vi måste hitta den. We need to find it. We have to find it. Vi er som brødre. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. For et halvt års tid siden han følte seg fri som fuglen. He felt free as a bird half a year ago. Half a year ago he felt free as the bird. Jag äter ett äpple. I eat an apple. I'm eating an apple. Ursäkta mig en sekund. Excuse me one second. Excuse me for a second. Det var til at forudse. That was predictable. It was to be expected. Å! Så vakker Taj Mahal er! Ah! How beautiful the Taj Mahal is! Taj Mahal is so beautiful! Vet ni när Tom kommer tillbaka? Do you know when Tom will get back? Do you know when Tom's coming back? Har ni sett min son? Have you seen my son? Have you seen my son? Hvor er Tom nu? Where's Tom now? Where's Tom now? Är det jag som är fadern? Am I the father? Am I the father? Det är jättestort. It's huge. It's huge. Har I nogen i blå? Do you have any in blue? Do you have anyone in blue? Hann gengur undir nafninu Kenchan. He goes by the name of Kenchan. He's named Kenchan. Ljudet kommer att väcka bebisen. The noise will wake the baby up. The sound will wake the baby. Vekk meg klokken syv i morgen, er du snill. Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning. Wake me up at 7:00 tomorrow, please. Skrev du under det? Did you sign it? Did you sign it? Við leyfum Tom að reyna. We'll let Tom try. We'll let Tom try. Hur hamnade du här? How did you end up here? How did you end up here? Kva må eg gjere for å overtyde svigerfaren min? What do I have to do to convince my father-in-law? What do I have to do to overwhelm my father-in-law? Någon har lagt ett kuvert på ditt skrivbord. Someone put an envelope on your desk. Someone put an envelope on your desktop. Det är verkligen inte mödan värt. It's really not worth the effort. It's really not worth the effort. Hvor ville Tom lære fransk? Why did Tom want to learn French? Where would Tom learn French? Han drikker for meget øl. He drinks too much beer. He's drinking too much beer. Det här är en liten bok. This is a small book. This is a little book. Jeg er her ute. I'm out here. I'm out here. Du får följa med. You may follow along. You'll have to come with me. Dette kommer aldri til å ta slutt. This is never going to end. This is never going to end. En ny filial åbner næste måned i Chicago. A new branch will be opened in Chicago next month. A new branch opens next month in Chicago. Jag har tappat min plånbok. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Tom snakker ikke mye fransk. Tom doesn't speak much French. Tom doesn't speak much French. Biblioteket har åbent fra kl. 9 til kl. 20. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 20 a.m. Hun elsker Tom, ikke meg. She loves Tom, not me. She loves Tom, not me. Det här är den vackraste blomman i trädgården. This is the most beautiful flower in the garden. This is the most beautiful flower in the garden. Jeg er nysgjerrig. I am curious. I'm curious. Du gör mig besviken. You disappoint me. You disappoint me. Den där är en av mina. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Förhandlingarna ska ta upp problemet om miljöförorening. The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. The negotiations will address the problem of environmental pollution. Det var hårdt som sten. It was as hard as rock. It was hard like stone. Jag hoppas att du förstår varför jag inte vill göra det. I hope you can understand why I'm reluctant to do that. I hope you understand why I don't want to do it. Härlig! Wonderful! Oh, my God! Vores chef er svær at stille tilfreds. Our boss is hard to please. Our boss is hard to satisfy. Du kan alltid räkna med honom i en nödsituation. You can always count on him in any emergency. You can always count on him in an emergency. Hvem har slukket lyset? Who turned off the light? Who turned off the light? Det är mycket som har hänt. A lot has happened. There's a lot that's happened. Jeg er allergisk over for katte. I am allergic to cats. I'm allergic to cats. Sneen er smeltet. The snow has melted. The snow's melted. Tom har ingen sociale færdigheder. Tom has no social skills. Tom has no social skills. Við höfum ekki tíma. We don't have time. We don't have time. Jeg gav ham det lille av penger jeg hadde. I gave him what little money I had. I gave him the little of the money I had. Kunne jeg få dem pakket ind hver for sig? Could you wrap them up separately? Could I have them wrapped up separately? Med dig er det sommer hele året rundt. With you it's summer all year round. With you, it's summer all year round. Jeg krever absolutt lojalitet fra alle mine ansatte. I require absolute loyalty from all my employees. I demand absolute loyalty from all my employees. Kvifor overser du meg? Why are you ignoring me? Why do you ignore me? Hvem gjorde det? Who did it? Who did it? Du har aldri tid til viktige ting! You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things! Allt sem þið þurfið að gera er að læra þessa setningu utanað. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is learn this sentence from the outside. Stolen er langt fra døren. The chair is far from the door. The chair is far from the door. Jeg var ikke den der gjorde det. I wasn't the one who did that. I wasn't the one who did it. Jeg gjør dette for Tom. I'm doing this for Tom. I'm doing this for Tom. Min far var ett träd. My father was a tree. My father was a tree. Var är din bil? Where's your car? Where's your car? Der er ikke luft nok i dette dæk. This tire doesn't have enough air in it. There's not enough air in this deck. Var ligger den japanska ambassaden? Where is the Japanese Embassy? Where is the Japanese embassy? Tom var med mig hela dagen. Tom was with me all day. Tom was with me all day. Det stjålne køretøj blev fundet på en parkeringsplads. The stolen car was found in the parking lot. The stolen vehicle was found in a parking lot. Jeg leder efter en læbestift der passer til denne neglelak. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that fits this nail polish. Okkar er ánægjan. It's our pleasure. It's our pleasure. Hvad med en drink? How about a drink? What about a drink? Hur knäckte du den? How did you break it? How did you break it? Tom är knäpp. Tom is cranky. Tom's crazy. Det finns ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Jeg tror jeg kommer til å stryke i et fag. I think I'm going to fail a subject. I think I'm going to iron out in a trade. Tom prater ofte om golf. Tom often talks about golf. Tom often talks about golf. Vill ni äta något? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like to eat something? Hun er ved at lave mad. She's cooking now. She's cooking. Hun har blondt hår. She has blonde hair. She's got blond hair. Jag fyller år i november. My birthday is in November. It's my birthday in November. Græsset er altid grønnere på den anden side af hegnet. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Vi frågade Tom om det. We asked Tom about that. We asked Tom. Jeg mistet kameraet mitt. I lost my camera. I lost my camera. Drik ikke så mange øl. Go easy on the beer! Don't drink too many beers. Tom er ótolandi. Tom is intolerant. Tom's intolerant. Okay. Undskyld. Okay. Sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. Borde vi sälja den lilla bilen och börja ta bussen till jobbet istället? Should we sell the small car and start taking the bus to work instead? Should we sell that little car and start taking the bus to work instead? Jag tänker inte ha på mig det här. I'm not wearing this. I'm not gonna wear this. Fletta upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in the dictionary. Kan vi prata med dig en sekund? Can we talk to you for a second? Can we talk to you for a second? Tom vill ha en. Tom wants one. Tom wants one. Det er min hustru. That's my wife. It's my wife. Prosit! Gesundheit! Bless you! Sätt dig ner bara, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Der er ingen pakvogn i dette tog. On this train there is no baggage car. There's no truck in this train. Stoler du på hende? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? Ég er jafnaldra. I am the same age. I'm just as old as you are. Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The world's world's fastest building poisoned Burdj Khalifa. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle dø. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want her to die. Jag trodde att du hatade Tom. I thought you hated Tom. I thought you hated Tom. Jag är inte ett dugg förvånad. I'm not the least bit surprised. I'm not surprised. Ekkert mál. No problem. No problem. Jag var på dåligt humör. I was in a bad mood. I was in a bad mood. Kommer ni med oss? Are you coming with us? Are you coming with us? Det er den tredje oktober. It's October the third. That's the third October. Når katten er ude, danser musene på bordet. When the cat's away, the mice do play. When the cat is out, the mice dance on the table. Reglerna är inte viktiga. The rules aren't important. The rules are not important. Tom er, tror jeg, enten homo- eller biseksuel. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. Tom is, I think, either gay or bisexual. Vær så snill og vis omsorg. Please show some consideration. Please take care of yourself. Kan jeg få noe å drikke? May I have something to drink? Can I get something to drink? Min hund följer efter mig överallt jag går. My dog follows me wherever I go. My dog follows me everywhere I go. Ég stóð hann að svindli í prófinu. I caught him cheating in the examination. I stood him cheating on the test. Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út. I don't feel like going out. I'm not in a mood to go out. Hon var väldigt rädd för honom. She was very afraid of him. She was very afraid of him. Tom är rädd. Tom is scared. Tom's scared. Men, det vil jeg si at du er nydelig. But I will say this: You are gorgeous. But, I'd say you're beautiful. Jeg troede at fjenden havde dræbt Tom. I thought the enemy had killed Tom. I thought the enemy had killed Tom. Ég ber fyrir mig vanþekkingu. I plead ignorance. I have an ignorance. Tom underviser i fransk. Tom teaches French. Tom's teaching in French. Hvilke valg har jeg tilbage? What choices do I have left? What choices do I have left? Hun er ingen helt. She's no heroine. She's not a hero. Hvilken te drikker du? Er citronte okay? What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay? What tea are you drinking? Tom sneg sig ubemærket ind i klassen. Tom slipped into the classroom unnoticed. Tom sneaked unnoticed into the class. Det är en gåva. It's a gift. It's a gift. Vad ska jag säga till Tom? What will I tell Tom? What am I supposed to tell Tom? Jeg er overbevist. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Jag vill inte höra några ursäkter. I don't want to hear any excuses. I don't want to hear any excuses. Ikke bli sentimental. Don't get sentimental. Don't get sentimental. Jeg liker bildet jeg ser på nå. I like the picture I'm watching now. I like the picture I'm looking at now. Vi satt mitt i rummet. We sat in the center of the room. We sat in the middle of the room. Jeg er sulten som en ulv. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm hungry like a wolf. Jeg antar du er sulten. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Jeg er nødt til at tage hjem og lave lektier. I have to go home and do my homework. I have to go home and do some homework. Tom hejste flaget. Tom hoisted the flag. Tom lifted the flag. Bröd är gjort på vete. Bread is made from wheat. Bread is made of wheat. En av Toms plikter er å rake løv. Tom's duties include raking the leaves. One of Tom's obligations is to shave leaves. Dei seiar at ho var rik. They say she was rich. They say it was rich. Tað er mín hundur. That's my dog. It's my dog. Jeg har spist en kat. I have eaten a cat. I ate a cat. Det blåste en kall vind. A cold wind was blowing. It blew a cold wind. Äpplena är inte plockmogna än. The apples are not ready to pick yet. The apples are not picky yet. Margir Asíubúar hafa ensku að sameiginlegu tungumáli. The common language of many Asians is English. Many Asians have English as a common language. Papiret er hvidt. Paper is white. The paper is white. Han lægger altid armen om mig. He always puts his arm around me. He always puts his arm around me. Vi har vært igjennom tykt og tynt. We've been through a lot together. We've been through thick and thin. Hvorfor har du købt en skildpadde? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. A nutritious soil is vital for good harvests. Vel, det er alt jeg har. Well, that's all I've got. Well, that's all I have. Han sa ingenting medan jag talade. While I was speaking, he said nothing. He didn't say anything while I was talking. Hvad koster denne smarttelefon? How much does this smartphone cost? How much does this smartphone cost? Hvor har I slubberter sat min stol? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did you guys put my chair? Tom smelte igjen soveromsdøren sin. Tom slammed his bedroom door closed. Tom again melts his bedroom door. Varje mening som är närvarande på Tatoeba är en lögn. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Det är lätt att glömma att mikrofonen är påslagen. It's easy to forget that the microphone costs extra. It's easy to forget that the microphone is switched on. Han uppnår lycka genom yoga. He attains happiness by means of yoga. He achieves happiness through yoga. Når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, tager han hele hånden. Give someone an inch, and they will take a mile. When you reach the damn little finger, he takes his whole hand. Håll er nere. Keep down. Stay down. Jørgen lærer sig græsk. Jørgen is learning Greek. Jørgen is learning Greek. Hun kan godt lide at gøre sig vigtig. She likes to show off. She likes to make herself important. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. "Hvad er du for én?" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. "Du er inderlig styg!" sagde vildænderne, "men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!" "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family." "What are you to one?" they asked, and the bitch turned to all sides, and greeted as best it could. "You're so bad!" said the savages, "but it can be us the same when you don't marry into our family!" Svenskans sj-ljud kan uttalas på flera olika sätt. The Swedish "sj" sound can be pronounced several different ways. The Swedish sj-sound can be spoken in a number of ways. Det är allt ni får. That's all you get. That's all you get. Hon har ett hjärta av guld. She has a heart of gold. She has a heart of gold. Hawaii har fint väder året runt. Hawaii enjoys good weather the year round. Hawaii has nice weather all year round. Han har købt en bil. He bought a car. He bought a car. Ett av dem var mitt. One of them was mine. One of them was mine. Vi er fra Russland. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. Du er så hvit som et laken. You are as white as a sheet. You're as white as a lake. Det behövs inte längre. That's no longer necessary. It's no longer necessary. Jeg regner med jer. I'm counting on you guys. I'm counting on you. Mennad er ránsmaður. Mennad is a robber. Human is a rapist. Hvad laver du i din fritid? What do you usually do in your free time? What are you doing in your spare time? Du er en god mand. You're a good man. You're a good man. Tom ser utmattad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Många unga i Japan äter bröd till frukost. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Samtykkja tit gjaldkort? Do you accept credit cards? Is it a lot of time to accept a credit card? Nyt måltidet ditt. Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your meal. Kann mann keypa eplir her? Is it possible to buy potatoes here? Can a man run an apple here? Han begik selvmord. He killed himself. He committed suicide. Hon borde ha gjort klart sina läxor. She ought to have finished her homework. She should have finished her homework. Jag pratar med läraren. I will speak with the teacher. I'm talking to the teacher. Er hann að drekka kaffi? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Værten fortalte mig en røverhistorie om hvorfor vi ikke havde varme på i tre dage. The landlord told me a cock and bull story about why we didn't have heat for three days. The weather told me a robbery story about why we didn't have heat for three days. Lærerern hoppet over oppgaven på side 21. The teacher skipped the exercise on page 21. The teacher skipped the task on page 21. Ska du resa ensam? Will you travel alone? You going alone? Han er en velinformeret person. He's a well-informed person. He's a well-informed person. Du husker det, ikke sant. You do remember that, don't you? You remember that, right? Jag beundrar Tom mycket. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. Eg kjem til å hugse denne hendinga for alltid. I'll remember this incident for good. I'm going to remember this event forever. Tom är inte Marys typ. Tom isn't Mary's type. Tom's not Mary's type. Huff da, så synd. Oh dear. What a shame. Huff dawg, so sorry. Är det sant? Is that true? Is that true? En del av meg døde sammen med deg, men du vil fortsette å leve gjennom meg for alltid. A part of me died with you, but you will live on in me forever. A part of me died with you, but you will continue to live through me forever. Kan du huske din bedstefar? Do you remember your grandfather? Remember your grandfather? Var så god och ge mig något att äta. Please, give me something to eat. Give me something to eat. "Det Gamle Testamente" er Bibelens første del. "The Old Testament" is the first part of the Bible. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. Hvor mange hovedstæder har Sydafrika? How many capital cities does South Africa have? How many capitals do South Africa have? Skadede bjørner er vanligvis veldig farlige. Wounded bears are usually very dangerous. Damaged bears are usually very dangerous. Jag är riktigt trött. Idag gick jag alldeles för mycket. I'm really tired. Today, I walked way too much. I'm really tired, but today I went too much. Tycker du inte om mig? Don't you like me? Don't you like me? Jeg liker måten du går på. I like the way you walk. I like the way you go. Cyklen ved døren er min. The bicycle by the door is mine. The bike at the door is mine. Folk som jobber for etterretningstjenesten vanligvis lærer mange språk, men de har å holde en masse hemmeligheter. People who work for an intelligence service usually learn many languages, but they have to keep a lot of secrets. People who work for intelligence usually teach many languages, but they have to keep a lot of secrets. Forresten, hvor mange af jer skriver dagbog? By the way, how many of you keep a diary? By the way, how many of you write a diary? Algeriet er ikke et farligt land. Algeria isn't a dangerous country. Algeria is not a dangerous country. Min mor er svensk, og min far er algerisk. My mom is Swedish and my dad is Algerian. My mother is Swedish, and my father is Algerian. Ingen røg uden ild. There's no smoke without fire. No smoke without fire. Den gamle mannen hadde et edelt ansikt. The old man had a noble countenance. The old man had a noble face. Du er en attraktiv pige. You're an attractive girl. You're an attractive girl. Hvad synes du om din nye bil? How do you like your new car? What do you think of your new car? Da jeg kom til skolen, var der ikke længere nogen. When I came to the school, there was nobody there anymore. When I got to school, no one was there anymore. Jeg vant igjen. I won again. I won again. Der er et hår i min suppe. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. Eg havi mist min pengapung. I lost my wallet. I have lost my pengapung. Jeg har tænkt mig at kalde ham Tom. I'm going to name him Tom. I'm going to call him Tom. Dan hvidvasker alle sine penge i lovlige aktiviteter i Canada. Dan launders all of his money in legal activities in Canada. Dan washes everyone's money in legal activities in Canada. Tom er uforskammet. Tom is insolent. Tom's rude. Jag anlände i går kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. Tom har tre farbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Vi forsøger at holde os ajour. We're trying to stay up to date. We're trying to stay up to date. Hennes frågor visar att hon är väl insatt i ämnet. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she is well aware of the subject. Gætirðu vinsamlegast lækkað í sjónvarpinu? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you please drop down on TV? De här blommorna blommar tidigare än vad andra gör. These flowers bloom earlier than others do. These flowers bloom before what others do. Utsett aldri til i morgen det du kan gjøre i overmorgen. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Never delay until tomorrow what you can do in the late morning. Vad betyder det för mig? What's it to me? What does that mean to me? Hun synger falskt. She sings out of tune. She sings falsely. I de zoologiske haver på Mars er der dyr fra Jorden. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. Tom går på skolen for grafisk formgivning. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom dolde sina bekymmer för sin fru. Tom hid his worries from his wife. Tom hid his concern for his wife. Faðir minn er mér reiður. Father is angry with me. My father is mad at me. Ég dýrka stjörnufræði. I love astronomy. I love astronomy. Jag vet inte precis när jag ska vara tillbaka. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when to be back. Hon fortsätter att stödja projektet. She continues to support the project. She continues to support the project. Er hann kennari? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Hr. Brown er vores finansrådgiver. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financier. Snigskytten kører i en hvid varevogn. The sniper is driving a white van. The sniper's driving in a white van. Han sprang av. He legged it. He ran away. Han fortalte ham om sine katte. He told him about his cats. He told him about his cats. Betra er seint en aldrei. Better late than never. Better than never. Tom är ensam. Tom's lonely. Tom's alone. Jeg skulle ønske jeg var mer spontan. I wish I could be more spontaneous. I wish I was more spontaneous. Jag vill inte gifta mig. I don't want to get married. I don't want to get married. Tom kan bage rigtig gode æbletærter. Tom can bake really good apple pies. Tom can bake really good apple pies. Han var forut for sin egen tid. He was ahead of his time. He was ahead of his own time. Hann langar að hitta þig. He wants to meet you. He wants to see you. Kom tillbaks in i skåpbilen. Get back in the van. Come back in the van. Jeg har faktisk googlet det. I did google it, actually. I've actually Googled it. Hämta deras vapen. Get their weapons. Get their guns. Tom gav mig nogle råd. Tom gave me some advice. Tom gave me some advice. Hver skyldi hafa byrjað þá Gróusögu? I wonder who started that rumor. Who, then, would have started Gro's story? Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I'd like to visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Ringde du? You called? Did you call? John är här om fem minuter. John will be here in five minutes. John's here in five minutes. De har gjort deres hjemmearbejde. They did their homework. They've done their homework. Jeg venter på bussen. I'm waiting for the bus. I'm waiting for the bus. Jag är rädd för bussen. I'm afraid of the bus. I'm afraid of the bus. Hvor er Mary? Where's Mary? Where's Mary? Serveren går af og til ned. The server goes down from time to time. The server sometimes goes down. Det finns fem fiskar i mitt akvarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. Hvilken overraskelse! What a surprise! What a surprise! Lägg tillbaka boken där du fann den. Put the book back where you found it. Put the book back where you found it. Jag sjunger en vacker sång. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a beautiful song. Tom vandt Giro d'Italia. Tom won the Giro d'Italia. Tom won Giro d'Italia. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died of a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Gentag det! Say that again. Repeat it! Han kjenner kona mi. He knows my wife. He knows my wife. Nul, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Gull er langt tyngre enn vann. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much heavier than water. Tom kan vara skadad eller död. Tom may be injured or dead. Tom could be hurt or dead. Berätta för Tom vad du vill göra. Tell Tom what you want to do. Tell Tom what you want to do. Jeg er fire måneder yngre end dig. I am four months younger than you. I'm four months younger than you. Han optrådte på tv i aftes. He appeared on television last night. He was on TV last night. Rør ikke blomsterne. Don't touch the flowers. Don't touch the flowers. Jag gav dem lite mat. I gave them some food. I gave them some food. Klokkeslæt og dato passede vores træner. The time and date suited our coach. Time and date fit our trainers. Jag känner till proceduren. I know the procedure. I know the procedure. Tom har fel, vet du. Tom's wrong, you know. Tom's wrong, you know. Skulle du vilja dansa med mig? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Tom er dygtig til fransk. Tom is proficient in French. Tom's good for French. Tom vil gerne være simultantolk. Tom wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. Tom wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. Jeg ønsker ikke at tale med dig i dag. I don't want to talk to you today. I don't want to talk to you today. Lägg av, sa jag! I said back off! Oh, come on, I said! Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You won't be able to get that fast through the book. Hugg tag i Tom. Grab Tom. Hugg get Tom. Tom är förbluffad. Tom is dumbfounded. Tom's amazed. Jeg har fremdeles ikke hørt fra ham. I still haven't heard from him. I still haven't heard from him. George er vores holdkaptajn. George is the captain of our team. George is our team captain. Når var din første kjærlighet? When was your first love? When was your first love? Gi meg nummeret. Give me the number. Give me the number. Dette er en DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Hans kone blev dræbt i ulykken. His wife was killed in the accident. His wife was killed in the accident. Tom rakte Mary bogen. Tom handed Mary the book. Tom reached Mary's book. Det här kommer att ta år. This is going to take years. This is going to take years. Du bør gå tidligt hjem. You should go home early. You should go home early. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda matinn. She is busy cooking dinner. She's busy cooking. Jag har ingenting att bära. I have nothing to wear. I have nothing to carry. Han er ovglad i barnebarnet sitt. He dotes on his grandson. He's overjoyed in his granddaughter. För inte oväsen här. Don't make noise here. Don't be rude here. Riffillinn minn er tómur. My rifle's empty. My rifle is empty. Já. Yes. Yeah. Hefurðu þvegið hendurnar? Have you washed your hands? Have you washed your hands? Vi skal tidlig op i morgen. We have to get up early tomorrow. We have to get up early in the morning. Skynda dig, tåget stannar bara här en kort stund. Hurry up, the train only stops here for a short while. Hurry up, the train just stays here for a little while. Kunne du venligst fortælle mig hvad klokken er? Can you tell me the time, please? Could you please tell me what time it is? Du ser upptagen ut. You look busy. You look busy. Ertu á Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Vad annat finns det? What else is there? What else is there? Man gir bort epler og pærer, men ikke gull og grønne skoger. One gives away apples and pears, and not gold and green forests. You give away apples and pears, but not gold and green forests. Du är inte misstänkt. You're not a suspect. You're not a suspect. Vi var panka. We were broke. We were broke. Ingen kommentar. No comment. No comment. Internet är en mötesplats för folk med gemensamma intressen. The Internet is a meeting point for people with common interests. The Internet is a meeting place for people with common interests. Sandt venskab varer for evigt. True friendships last forever. True friendship will last forever. Han skød ham i knæet. He shot him in the knee. He shot him in the knee. Min föraning visade sig vara rätt. My premonition turned out to be right. My premonition turned out to be right. Skillet mellom rik og fattig blir større. The gap between rich and poor is getting wider. The distinction between rich and poor is getting bigger. Jeg har ingen penger med meg. I have no money with me. I don't have any money. Gid jeg var rig! I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich! Stilla vatten rinner djupt. Still waters run deep. Still water flows deep. Han er her for at udspionere os. He is here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Dette er utvilsomt en pinlig situasjon for meg. This is, without a doubt, an embarrassing situation for me. This is undoubtedly a embarrassing situation for me. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge for et år siden. I quit smoking a year ago. I've stopped smoking a year ago. Er du kommet godt hjem? Did you arrive home safely? Have you come home well? Jag hatar att stryka. I hate to iron. I hate to iron. Jag fick schampo i ögonen och det svider. I got some shampoo in my eyes and it stings. I got shampoo in my eyes and it's over. Hunden sover. The dog is sleeping. The dog's asleep. Heimurinn okkar er bara einn smár hluti alheimsins. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is just one small part of the universe. Har du et brækjern i din værktøjskasse? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a brittle iron in your tool box? Drengen kastede et papirfly efter læreren. The boy threw a paper airplane at the teacher. The boy threw a paper plane after the teacher. Við töluðum hvor við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Det er en høflig måde at sige nej på. It's a polite way of saying no. It's a polite way of saying no. Æblerne er snart modne. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples are almost mature. Jag är belåten. I'm satisfied. I'm sorry. Er I trætte? Are you tired? Are you tired? Det spelar ingen roll vilket lag som vinner matchen. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. Er det langt til Tallinn? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is it far to Tallinn? Han tager af sted til skolen klokken syv. He leaves for school at seven. He's leaving for school at 7:00. Þú ættir að segja sannleikann. You should tell the truth. You should tell the truth. Vem uppfanns telefonen av? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Någon fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Det skal du få betalt. I'll get you for this. I'll pay you for that. Denne cykel er gammel, men den er bedre end ingenting. This bicycle is old, but it's better than nothing. This bike is old, but it's better than nothing. Hva gjør du der oppe? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Tom. Happy birthday, Tom! Happy birthday, Tom. Jag klarar det inte i dag. I can't do it today. I can't do it today. Tom er bipolar. Tom is bipolar. Tom's bipolar. Peking förändras så fort. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Peking's changing so fast. Tom er bløder. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's bleeding. Hvor meget skal du betale? How much will you have to pay? How much do you have to pay? Han gjorde ingenting feil. He did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. Jeg har et krav til. I have one more demand. I have a claim. Dette bjerg er dækket af sne hele året rundt. This mountain is covered with snow all year long. This mountain is covered by snow all year round. Ti stille! Be quiet! Shut up! Hur tidigt går du upp om morgnarna? How early do you get up in the morning? How soon do you get up in the morning? Varför berättade du inte det här för polisen? Why didn't you tell this to the police? Why didn't you tell the police? Tom er marsboer. Tom is a Martian. Tom's a marc. Jeg hader fransk. I hate French. I hate French. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, fik jeg en snak med mor. Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom. After my homework, I had a talk with my mother. Jag kan bekräfta det där. I can verify that. I can confirm that. Fandt du det du søgte efter? Did you find what you were looking for? Did you find what you were looking for? Ikke slå opp med meg. Don't break up with me. Don't look up with me. Jeg bor alene. I live alone. I live alone. Rotta er lítið dýr með langar, oddmjóar tennur og langan hala. A rat is a small animal with long, pointed teeth and a long tail. A rat is a small animal with long, odd teeth and long tails. Det er ikke muligt. No way! It's not possible. Det gjelder mannen min, doktor; han sover dårlig. It's about my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly. It concerns my husband, Doctor; he sleeps badly. Har du någon astmamedicin? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medicine? Trods bekymringerne var vejret pragtfuldt. Despite the concerns, the weather was magnificent. Despite the concerns, the weather was wonderful. Det armenske folkemord efterlod halvanden million døde, herunder mænd, kvinder og børn. The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children. Armenian genocide left one and a half million dead, including men, women and children. Bill blev dræbt af den mand. Bill was killed by that man. Bill was killed by that man. Jeg er liderlig. I am horny. I'm horny. Det er bortkasta å lata jorda liggje uutvunnen. It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle. It's a waste of letting the Earth lie unexpired. Ta Tom med dig. Bring Tom with you. Take Tom with you. Disketter er for lengst utdatert, men jeg har, og bruker dem fortsatt. Floppy disks became obsolete long ago, but I still have some, and I still use them. Floppys are too far out of date, but I have, and still use them. For guds skyld, sig ikke det! For goodness' sake, don't say that! For God's sake, don't tell me! Jag ska studera. I'm going to study. I'm going to study. Der er nogle ting som jeg ikke forstår. There are some things that I don't understand. There are some things I don't understand. De är nära. They're close. They're close. Detta handlar inte om er. This isn't about you. This is not about you. Du gjorde så bra du kunne. You did your best. You did the best you could. Jeg har ikke møtt ham en eneste gang. I haven't met him even once. I haven't met him once. Ekkjan var svartklædd. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was wearing black. Jeg har købt dette fotografiapparat for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Eg tosi enskt, franskt og spanskt. I speak English, French and Spanish. I hate English, French and Spanish. Jeg leger med min kat. I'm playing with my cat. I'm playing with my cat. Det sägs att han är den bästa tennisspelaren. They say he's the best tennis player. They say he's the best tennis player. Toms vänstra sko är borta. Tom's left shoe is missing. Tom's left shoe is gone. Det er et godt spørsmål. It is a good question. That's a good question. Vad skulle du göra om du såg ett spöke? What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you do if you saw a ghost? Tom og Mary småskændes. Tom and Mary are bickering with each other. Tom and Mary are scrambled. Jeg er fornøyd med jobben min. I am content with my job. I'm happy with my job. Min kæreste er canadier. My boyfriend is Canadian. My girlfriend's Canadian. Jag gör det om du stöttar mig. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it if you support me. Glem ikke din billet! Don't forget your ticket! Don't forget your ticket! Vi fandt en snapskildpadde. We found a snapping turtle. We found a snap turtle. Jag skulle göra samma sak. I'd do the same thing. I'd do the same thing. Varför köpte du det där? Why did you buy that? Why did you buy that? Til að taka smá frí frá rauðu kjöti, eldaði ég kalkúnabringur í sveppasósu í kvöldmatinn í kvöld. For a bit of a change from red meat, for tonight I've cooked turkey breasts in mushroom sauce. To take some time off from red meat, I cooked turkey breasts in a soup sauce at dinner tonight. Jeg er så tyk. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Maria hatar sitt arbete av många anledningar. Maria hates her job for many reasons. Maria hates her work for many reasons. Jag kom ihåg Tom. I remembered Tom. I remembered Tom. Jeg ønsker ikke jeres hjælp. I don't want your help. I don't want your help. Jeg takler ikke å være rundt irriterende personer. I can't stand being around abrasive people. I don't deal with being around annoying people. Jag tror inte att det kommer att regna i eftermiddag. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. Tennis är min favoritsport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Ég verð að biðja Ann afsökunar. I must apologize to Ann. I have to apologize to Ann. Alla hoppades att hon skulle vinna. Everyone hoped that she would win. Everyone was hoping she'd win. Undlad venligst at bruge fransk. Please don't use French. Please do not use French. Jag var kär. I was in love. I was in love. Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moske. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabyli has a mosque. Jeg vet godt hva han synes. I know quite clearly what he thinks. I know what he thinks. Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you please give me your cellphone number? Could you please give me your cell phone number? Ukrudt forgår ikke så let. Ill weeds grow apace. Weeds don't go that easy. Jeg kender en masse malere. I know a lot of painters. I know a lot of painters. Lisa Lillien er gift Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lilien is married to Dan Schneider. Þótt þetta sé mjög erfitt verk mun ég gera mitt besta. Although it is a very difficult task, I will do my best. Although this is a very difficult task, I will do my best. Pua sang i kirken. Pua sang at church. Pua sang in church. Jeg har ikke nok minne. I don't have enough RAM. I don't have enough memory. ”Han har varit sjuk.” ”Jaså, jag hoppas att det inte är någonting allvarligt.” "He's been sick." "Oh really, I hope it's nothing serious." “He has been sick.” “Well, I hope it’s nothing serious.” Tom brukte syv timer på å lese en bok på 220 sider. Mary brukte ni timer på å lese en bok på 280 sider. Hvem leser bøker raskest? It took Tom 7 hours to read a 220 pages book. It took Mary 9 hours to read a 280 pages book. Who is faster at reading books? Tom spent seven hours reading a book on 220 pages. Mary spent nine hours reading a book on 280 pages. Jeg får besøg af en ven i morgen. I have a friend coming over to visit tomorrow. I'll have a friend visit tomorrow. Skolen vår er nær stasjonen. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Jag var hemma nästan hela dagen. I was at home most of the day. I was home almost all day. Skal vi gå og spise ramen sammen en gang? Should we go have ramen together again? Shall we go and eat the frame together once? Tom kan inte stå upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Kan du hålla det en hemlighet? Can you keep it a secret? Can you keep it a secret? Tom ringede på dørklokken et par gange. Tom rang the doorbell a couple of times. Tom called the doorbell a few times. Þú getur allt eins undirbúið þig fyrir prófið. You may as well prepare for your examination. You might as well prepare for the test. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor han græder. I don't know why he's crying. I don't know why he's crying. Bryr du dig fortfarande? Do you still care? Do you still care? Ivan den Grusomme dræbte sin søn i 1581. Ivan the Terrible killed his son in 1581. Ivan the Horrible killed his son in 1581. Jag behöver män som du. I need men like you. I need men like you. Jeg vil ha min. I want mine. I want mine. Vores verden er kun en lille del af universet. Our world is only a small part of the universe. Our world is only a small part of the universe. Var är din bil, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Ni är monster. You're monsters. You're a monster. Tom bad Mary att hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary to help him. Tom asked Mary to help him. Tag det ikke bogstavelig. Han har det med at overdrive. Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate. Don't take it literally. Øl består af 90 % vand. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90% water. Vill du ha skjuts? Do you want a ride? You want a ride? Han klagade över att rätten smakade illa. He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complained that the court had a bad taste. Ekki lesa svona bók. Don't read such a book as this. Don't read a book like that. Ibland tar hon bussen, ibland åker hon bil. Sometimes she goes by bus, and sometimes by car. Sometimes she takes the bus, sometimes she leaves. Det kom att betyda mycket för byn. It will mean a lot for the village. It came to mean a lot to the village. Hur länge ska du vara i Japan? How long are you going to stay in Japan? How long are you going to be in Japan? Varför pratar du inte med mig om det? Why didn't you talk to me about it? Why don't you talk to me about it? Hún ráðlagði honum að tala um líf sitt í Ameríku. She advised him to talk about his life in America. She advised him to talk about his life in America. Moren ammede sit barn i bussen. The mother breastfed her child on the bus. The mother breast-feeded her child in the bus. Slík hugmynd er henni viðurstyggileg. Such an idea is abhorrent to her. Such an idea is disgusting to her. Vi må ikke kaste bort energilagrene våre. We mustn't waste our energy stocks. We must not waste our energy stocks. Dette æble er for lille. This apple is too small. This apple is too small. Varför gick du inte först? Why didn't you go first? Why didn't you go first? Publiken såg uttråkad ut. The audience looked bored. The crowd looked bored. Vad kan Tom göra? What can Tom do? What can Tom do? Blir ni ledsna av det? Does that make you sad? Are you sorry about that? Jeg forstår ikke helt hva du mener. I do not quite understand what you mean. I don't quite understand what you mean. Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I must study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Moren kildede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. The mother tickled her child with a feather. Man kan ikke leve uten vann. You can't live without water. You can't live without water. John var annar frábær leikmaður. John was another great player. John was another great player. Var är ditt rum? Where is your room? Where's your room? Tom drikker meget. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Lämna mig inte ensam. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Jag har haft en tung dag. I had a hard day. I've had a heavy day. Jeg elsker at tale med dig. I love talking to you. I love talking to you. Han har en stor restaurang nära sjön. He has a big restaurant near the lake. He has a large restaurant near the lake. Rådet til Tom var ganske hjempsamt. Tom's advice was very helpful. The Council of Tom was quite apathetic. Varför kysste Tom mig? Why did Tom kiss me? Why did Tom kiss me? Jeg taber aldrig. I never lose. I never lose. Bron var byggd av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Tom vet nok hva som må gjøres. Tom will probably know what needs to be done. Tom probably knows what has to be done. Tom hatade det. Tom hated it. Tom hated it. Fortsätt gräva. Continue digging. Keep digging. Ég er ekki í skapi til að læra. I don't feel like studying. I'm not in the mood to learn. Tom tog fram sitt häfte och sin penna. Tom pulled out his notebook and pencil. Tom pulled out his adhesive and pen. Kom in. Vi ska precis sätta i gång. Come on in. We're just about to get started. Come on in, we're just about to get started. Det var jeg ikke klar over. I didn't realize that. I wasn't aware of that. Andorra la Vella är huvudstaden i Andorra. Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Jeg har ikke bestilt fisk. I didn't order fish. I didn't order a fish. Jeg kan heller ikke forklare det. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it either. Mitt hus är hemsökt. My house is haunted. My house is haunted. Tom skulle kunna ha rättat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could have corrected himself. Hun gjorde meg til stjerne. She made me a star. She made me star. Vet Tom noe? Does Tom know anything? Does Tom know anything? Jeg er i live i Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. Hon bifogade ett foto. She enclosed a photo. She enclosed a photo. Tom kom för att be oss om hjälp. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came to ask us for help. Jag undervisar. I am teaching. I teach. Hann vinnur alla nóttina. He works all night. He works all night. Hon skrev så många som tio böcker. She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote as many as ten books. Klä på er. Get dressed. Get dressed. Han ble tvunget til å signere kontrakten mot sin vilje. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign the contract against his will. Jeg kan lide slik. I like sweets. I like things like that. Gartneren var en morder. The gardener was a murderer. The gardener was a killer. Jeg er en vegetar som spiser masser af kød. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian eating lots of meat. Byg og hvede vokser på markerne rundt om landsbyen. Barley and wheat grow in the fields around the village. Building and wheat grow in the fields around the village. Det var det jag tänkte säga. That's what I was about to say. That's what I was going to say. Såg ni min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Australien är inte Österrike. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Varför skakar du? Why are you shaking? Why are you shaking? Jag hatar det verkligen. I really hate it. I really hate it. Vad saknas? What is missing? What's missing? Katten fangede rotterne. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Eugene er en genealog. Eugene is a genealogist. Eugene is a genealogist. Ha en god aften. Have a nice evening. Have a good night. Det gav meg mye nytelse. That gave me a lot of pleasure. It gave me a lot of pleasure. Jeg har købt en flaske solbærsirup i dag. I bought a bottle of black currant syrup today. I bought a bottle of currant syrup today. Min bror er rig. My brother is rich. My brother is rich. Jag är från Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. Du har lagt på deg, har du ikke? You've put on weight, haven't you? You've hung up, haven't you? Tom er ganske lykkelig. Tom is quite happy. Tom's pretty happy. Mary kan ikke fordrage Tom. Mary hates Tom's guts. Mary can't betray Tom. Jeg kan høre noget. I can hear something. I can hear something. Jeg ser tv om aftenen. I watch television in the evening. I'll watch TV at night. Det var en vacker tjej med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. It was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Profeten Zepehaniah var tip-oldesøn af kong Hezekiah. The prophet Zephaniah was the great-great-grandson of King Hezekiah. The prophet Zepehaniah was tip-old son of King Hezekiah. Børnene er i sikkerhed. The children are safe. The children are safe. Glöm inte att signera med ditt namn. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign with your name. Jag är nästan aldrig hemma. I'm hardly ever home. I'm almost never home. Ring venligst til mig før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Please call me before you come. Jag struntar hellre i skolan och spelar tv-spel istället. I'd rather skip school and play video games. I'd rather not go to school and play video games instead. Jag fick inget svar från någon. I got no response from anyone. I didn't get an answer from anyone. Du bør besøge dette museum. You should visit this museum. You should visit this museum. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she makes. Jag läser. I'm reading. I'm reading. Jag gillar grönt te. I like green tea. I like green tea. Hvad gav Tom dig til jul? What did Tom give you for Christmas? What did Tom give you for Christmas? Tilraun okkar hefur leitt í ljós að skýrslan hans var ónákvæm. Our experiment has revealed that his report was inaccurate. Our attempt has revealed that his report was inaccurate. Välkommen till helvetet! Welcome to hell! Welcome to hell! Jag kunde inte tygla mig. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't chew myself. Han kanske ljög för mig. He might have lied to me. Maybe he lied to me. Stanna gärna. Feel free to stay. I'd love to stay. Dette rejser et meget interessant spørgsmål: Hvor lang tid tager det at sulte ihjel? This raises a most interesting question: how long does it take to starve to death? This raises a very interesting question: How long does it take to starve to death? Tag mig ikke for givet. Don't take me for granted. Don't take me for granted. Sikken stor lastvogn! What a big truck! What a big truck! Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you going to get married? When are you getting married? Min svigersøn arbejder hos et forsikringsselskab. My son-in-law works for an insurance company. My son-in-law works with an insurance company. Jeg har brug for en bedre ordbog. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Tom visste inte vad som hänt med Maria. Tom didn't know what had happened to Mary. Tom didn't know what happened to Maria. Er du fra USA? Are you from the United States? Are you from the United States? Vi er endnu ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel yet. We are not yet ready to throw the towel in the ring. Hvorfor var du i fængsel? Why were you in prison? Why were you in jail? Jeg elsker kandiserede kastanjer, men de er meget søde. I love candied chestnuts, but they are very sweet. I love candied chestnuts, but they're very cute. Hun liker læreren. She likes the teacher. She likes the teacher. Þú verður að fara að heiman klukkan sex. You have to leave home at six. You have to leave home at 6:00. Som dagene gik, tog vores kampagne til i fart. As the days passed, our campaign grew in momentum. As the days went by, our campaign went on. Tom sad på motorcyklen bag Mary. Tom sat on the motorcycle behind Mary. Tom was sitting on the motorcycle behind Mary. Nu har jag sett allt. Now I've seen everything. Now I've seen everything. Det får vänta. It'll have to wait. It'll have to wait. Ég beraði henni sál mína. I bared my soul to her. I carried my soul to her. Reyndar, það er það sem ég hélt. Actually, that's what I thought. Actually, that's what I thought. Hendes engelsk var overraskende godt. Her English was surprisingly good. Her English was surprisingly good. Tom sagde til Mary at han ikke var sułten. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Du pladdrar. You're babbling. You're lying. Hvar er ég núna? Where am I now? Where am I now? Der er ikke nok appelsiner. There are not enough oranges. There aren't enough oranges. Den fungerar. It's working. It's working. Vatten, tack. Some water, please. Water, please. Bedre sent enn aldri. Better late than never. Better late than never. Vad är er lösning? What's your solution? What is your solution? Julemanden kommer med gaver til børnene til jul. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa's bringing presents to the kids for Christmas. Eg er utsliten! I'm tired! I'm exhausted! Vi kan ikke se nogen stjerne i aften. We can't see any stars tonight. We can't see any star tonight. Nogen må have set noget. Someone must've seen something. Someone must have seen something. Vil du danse? Would you like to dance? You want to dance? Jag är en elev på den här skolan. I am a student of this school. I'm a student at this school. De två männen som satt på bänken var amerikaner. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. The two men who sat on the bench were Americans. Er du klar for sengen? Are you ready for bed? Are you ready for bed? Hon har små bröst, men jag har inget emot det. She has small breasts, but I don't mind. She has small breasts, but I don't mind. Ég meina það. I mean it. I mean it. Mäklaren gjorde en helt annan värdering av huset. The real estate agent did a completely different valuation of the house. The broker made a completely different valuation of the house. Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Bad jeg dig ikke om at holde døren lukket? I thought I told you to keep the door closed. Didn't I ask you to keep the door closed? Jag är inte läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Vart gick Tom? Where did Tom go? Where'd Tom go? Betty kör snabbt. Betty drives fast. Betty's driving fast. De er tvillinger. They're twins. They're twins. Vi du dele en appelsin med mig? Would you like to share an orange with me? We share an orange with me? Skidt med det! It doesn't matter. Never mind! Hur var resan? How was the trip? How was your trip? Projektet er undervejs. The project is underway. The project is on its way. Välkomna! Welcome! Welcome! Er du på Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I want an apple. I want an apple. Bring mig venligst en kop kaffe. Bring me a cup of coffee, please. Please bring me a cup of coffee. Til tross for det faktum at de alle var nederlendere, snakket de tysk med hverandre. Despite the fact that they were all Dutch people, they spoke German with each other. Despite the fact that they were all Dutch, they spoke German to each other. Jag tar den gula. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. Jag sover inte så mycket. I don't sleep that much. I don't sleep much. Vem bor här? Who lives here? Who lives here? Hun ønskede at sælge sin bil. She wanted to sell her car. She wanted to sell her car. Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. People in Brazil were proud of him. Tom har gået i katolsk skole. Tom went to a Catholic school. Tom went to Catholic school. Det er lige meget. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Mary har brug for mig. Mary needs me. Mary needs me. Er der breve til mig i dagens post? Are there any letters for me in today's mail? Are there letters to me in today's mail? Við spilum alltaf tennis á laugardagsmorngum. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis in Saturday mornings. Ég er frá Ítalíu og tala ítölsku. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm from Italy and speak Italian. Alle mennesker er født frie og med samme menneskeverd og menneskerettigheter. De er utstyrt med fornuft og samvittighet og bør handle mot hverandre i brorskapets ånd. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free and with the same human dignity and human rights; they are equipped with reason and conscience and should act against one another in the spirit of the brotherhood. Sjúklingnum batnaði smám saman. The patient got better little by little. The patient gradually improved. Vi så en baseball-kamp på TV. We watched a baseball game on television. We saw a baseball game on TV. Tänker du ligga i sängen hela dagen, eller? Are you going to stay in bed all day? Are you going to sleep in bed all day? Jeg tager hver dag en spadseretur i parken. I walk in the forest every day. I take a stroll every day in the park. Mary har røget en cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Mary smoked a cigar. Kunden har ikke altid ret. The customer is not always right. The customer is not always right. Du ser ut som en liten flicka i den klänningen. You look like a little girl in that dress. You look like a little girl in that dress. Jeg lå på min ryg. I lay on my back. I was lying on my back. Han var blot 36 år gammel. He was just thirty-six years old. He was just 36 years old. Hvorfor besluttede du dig for at lære at spille på engelskhorn? Why did you decide to learn to play the English horn? Why did you decide to learn how to play in English horn? Tom vidste ikke med sikkerhed hvornår han skulle ankomme. Tom didn't know for certain what time he should arrive. Tom didn't know when to arrive. Vi kan ikke være for forsigtige. We can't be too careful. We can't be too careful. Hvornår starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? When does the rodeo start? Den algeriske stat respekterer ikke menneskerettighederne, men den har underskrevet charteret. The Algerian state does not respect human rights yet it has signed the charter. The Algerian State does not respect human rights, but it has signed the Charter. Lad os gå en tur, når det holder op med at regne. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. Let's go for a walk when it stops counting. Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki. Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products. Foreign residents are giving out products of the highest quality. Der var ingen i værelset. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Rör inte mina prylar. Don't touch my stuff. Don't touch my stuff. Tom sagde at du taler fransk. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you speak French. Vad är det för filtillägg? What's the file extension? What kind of file extension is that? Skynda er! Hurry up! Hurry up! Tänker du verkligen göra det? Are you really planning to do that? Are you really going to do that? Jag erkänner att jag försummat mina plikter. I admit I neglected my responsibilities. I admit I've neglected my duties. Jag är inte hungrig längre. I am no longer hungry. I'm not hungry anymore. Såg Tom okej ut? Did Tom look OK? Tom looked okay? Det regnar fortfarande. It's still raining. It's still raining. Mary tog noget læbestift på. Mary put on some lipstick. Mary put on some lipstick. Ingen läkare är perfekt. No doctor is perfect. No doctor is perfect. Hun er veldig smart, ikke sant? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Þú ert ung. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gömul. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, but I'm very old. Jeg vet hvor farlig Tom er. I know how dangerous Tom is. I know how dangerous Tom is. Hjälp mig med det här är du snäll. Please help me with this. Help me with this, please. Han vet hur man flyger en helikopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. Var växte du upp? Where did you grow up? Where did you grow up? Du kan bli så lenge du vil. You can stay as long as you like. You can stay as long as you want. Hún bjó í Híróshíma þar til hún var tíu. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. Herra Johnson er eldri en ég hélt að hann væri. Mr Johnson is older than I thought he was. Mr. Johnson is older than I thought he was. Jag står inte ut med Laylas tjat mycket länge till. I can't put up with Layla's nagging much more. I can't stand Layla's cake for a long time. Jeg har ingen øl. I don't have any beer. I don't have any beer. Hun var høj. She was stoned. She was tall. Arkeologen studerer gamle romerske ruiner. The archaeologist is studying old Roman ruins. Archaeologist studies ancient Roman ruins. Jag kommer inte ihåg exakt var jag la nycklarna. I can't remember exactly where I put my keys. I don't remember exactly where I left the keys. Hvor lenge kommer du til å bli i London? How long will you remain in London? How long are you going to be in London? Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle tage afsted. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to leave. Stúlkum líkar að sýna fínu fötin sín. Girls like to show off their fine clothes. Girls like to show their fancy clothes. Der blæste en kold vind. A cold wind was blowing. There blew a cold wind. Fantasien påvirker alle sider av livene våre. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. The fantasy affects all sides of our lives. Vad kan Tom mena? What could Tom mean? What does Tom mean? Han friede til sin kæreste med en ring han havde stjålet i en lokal smykkebutik. He proposed to his boyfriend with a ring he had stolen from a local jewelry store. He proposed to his girlfriend with a ring he had stolen in a local jewelry store. Þetta fiskabúrslíf er allt sem ég þarf. This fishbowl life is all I need. This fishbowl life is all I need. Jeg er kald på hendene. My hands are cold. I'm cold on my hands. Det skulle jag inte ha gjort. I wouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have. Det här skämtet är urgammalt! This joke is ancient! This joke is ancient! Glöm inte att skriva under med ditt namn. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign with your name. Tom sover ikke. Tom isn't sleeping. Tom's not asleep. Þú þarfnast frís. You are in need of a holiday. You need a vacation. Jeg åpnet døren og så to gutter som sto side om side. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. I opened the door and saw two guys standing side by side. En mand skal enten være skaldet eller have langt hår! A man should either be bald or have long hair! A man must either be bald or have long hair! Tom likte ikke skolen, frem til han startet på ungdomsskolen. Tom didn't like school until he entered junior high school. Tom didn't like school until he started high school. Kvinderne kaster sig ikke ligefrem om halsen på mig. Women aren't exactly throwing themselves at me. Women don't even throw around my neck. Tom tyckte om den idén. Tom liked that idea. Tom liked that idea. Løsenet er "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The solution is "Muiriiel". Jag gjorde ett dåligt misstag på provet. I made a bad mistake on the test. I made a bad mistake on the test. Jag sade att jag inte var upptagen. I said I wasn't busy. I said I wasn't busy. Jeg forstår ikke denne setningen. I don't understand this sentence. I don't understand this sentence. New York er den største by i verden. New York is the biggest city in the world. New York is the largest city in the world. Dette er en topp bil! Den har sikkert kostet deg mye penger! What a nice car you have! You must have paid a lot for it. This is a top car! It has probably cost you a lot of money! Jeg havde en hamster som hed Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Det behöver inte innebära att du har rätt. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're right. It doesn't have to mean you're right. Kan du fortælle mig, hvordan man justerer lydstyrken? Could you tell me how to adjust the volume? Can you tell me how to adjust the volume? Finnes det et tilsvarende ordtak på japansk? Do you have a similar saying in Japanese? Is there a similar saying in Japanese? Hvor opfandt du dem? Where did you invent them? How did you invent them? Der er en rød rose i vasen. There is a red rose in the vase. There's a red rose in the vase. Kom og varm dig ved ilden. Come and warm yourself by the fire. Come and warm yourself by the fire. Nogen har stjålet min rygsæk. Someone stole my rucksack. Somebody stole my backpack. Hvorfor kan du ikke være mer som meg? Why can't you be more like me? Why can't you be more like me? Det er min lillebror der svømmer derovre sammen med Mary. The boy who's swimming over there with Mary is my younger brother. It's my little brother swimming over there with Mary. Han dækkede bordet med kopper, underkopper, tallerkner og dækketallerkner. He set the table with cups, saucers, plates and service plates. He covered the table with cups, underpants, plates, and plates. Tom ble banket opp forrige uke. Tom took a beating last week. Tom was beaten up last week. Jeg tror Tom sover endnu. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. Har du en bedre pris å tilby? Can you give me a better price? Do you have a better price to offer? Tom är övertygad. Tom's convinced. Tom's convinced. Du kan ikke slå os alle ihjel. You can't kill us all. You can't kill us all. Haruki har ikke mye penger med seg. Haruki doesn't have much money with him. Haruki doesn't have much money. Tornet är trehundratjugoen meter högt. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tower is three hundred twenty feet high. Festen er over. The party is over. Party's over. Ih du milde! Du er jo fuld! Oh my God, you're drunk. Oh, my God, you're drunk! När PC-fel saktar ner dig, vad kan du göra ? When PC problems slow you down, what can you do? When PC errors slow you down, what can you do? Människorna samlades på Hagnäs torg på valborgsmässoafton för att lyssna på tal och förbereda sig för förstamajtåget. People gathered at the Hakaniemi Market on Walpurgis Night to listen to speeches and prepare for the May Day train. The people gathered at Hagnäs Square at Valborgsmässafton to listen to speeches and prepare for the first May train. Försök att övertyga honom att hjälpa oss. Try to convince him to help us. Try to convince him to help us. Hvad håber du at finde her? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Hvor gammel er han? How old is he? How old is he? Foråret er kommet. Spring has come. Spring's here. Min engelsklärare rekommenderade mig att läsa dessa böcker. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended me to read these books. Stolen din er identisk til min. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is identical to mine. Uansett er det også den beste følelsen. However that's also the greatest feeling. Anyway, it's also the best feeling. Drengen sad på en stol. The boy sat on a chair. The boy was sitting on a chair. Måtte kraften være med deg. May the force be with you. May the power be with you. Jag borde ta den här. I should take this. I should take this. Hon ljög. She lied. She lied. Det blåser fra nord. The wind is blowing from the north. It blows from the north. Nej. No. No, no, no. Pabbi minn fór að veiða. My father went fishing. My dad started fishing. Børn er grusomme. Kids are cruel. Children are cruel. Vi vil høre det hele. We want to hear everything. We want to hear it all. Alkohol løser ingen problemer. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. I dag er det lørdag. Today is Saturday. Today's Saturday. Tom kunne ikkje symje. Tom wasn't able to swim. Can not get message: %s %s Hvornår sagde Tom det? When did Tom say that? When did Tom say that? Hvað með að fara út að borða til tilbreytingar? How about dining out for a change? What about going out to eat for a change? Jag vet exakt vad du menar. Föräldrar kan vara riktigt jobbiga. I know exactly what you mean. Parents can be really annoying. I know exactly what you mean, parents can be really tough. En god konjak kompletterar en fin måltid. A good brandy completes a fine meal. A good brandy complements a fine meal. Hur mår din mamma? How's your mother? How's your mom? Hitamælar fara oft undir frostmark. Thermometers often go below zero. Warm readings often fall below freezing. Jeg kan ikke tage telefonen lige nu. I can't answer the phone right now. I can't pick up the phone right now. Vi ændrer det snart. We'll soon change that. We'll change it soon. Har du skor och strumpor? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have shoes and socks? Kan jag träffa dig där? Can I meet you there? Can I see you there? Jeg er ikke overbevist. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. Det vil ikke ta lang tid før han blir frisk. It won't be a long time before he gets well. It won't take long for him to get well. Jeg er gift og har to børn. I am married and have two children. I'm married and I have two kids. Det är din först arbetsuppgift. This is your first assignment. It's your first job. Du luktar så gott. You smell so nice. You smell so good. Jeg fortalte Tom at jeg ikke ville gøre det. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I've grown up with money. Tom ville ikke give Mary sit plysegern. Tom did not want to give Mary his plush squirrel. Tom wouldn't give Mary his purse. Han holder af at se TV. He likes to watch TV. He likes watching TV. Mange børn går med jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids go with jeans. Hej. Hello! Hey. Vi åt sverdfisk. We ate swordfish. We ate swordfish. Tom satte seg ned på en av stolene. Tom sat down on one of the chairs. Tom sat down on one of the chairs. Hun har respekt for han. She thinks highly of him. She has respect for him. Nu börjar det dra ihop sig till något. Now it's starting to retract into something. Now it's starting to tighten up to something. Mette er Jørgens hustru. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Mette's Jørgen's wife. Det finns mycket mer att se. There's a lot more to see. There's a lot more to see. Prøv å ikke gråte. Try to keep from crying. Try not to cry. Prova det här. Det borde passa dig. Try this on. It should fit you. Try this. Han ønsker ikke at skabe problemer. He doesn't want to cause trouble. He doesn't want to cause any problems. Toms morfar kände min farfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Jeg har aldrig haft en smoking på. I've never worn a tuxedo. I've never had a tuxedo on. Ulykken skapte kaos i trafikken. The accident caused traffic confusion. The accident caused chaos in traffic. Hva var det du tenkte på? What came over you? What were you thinking? Det hadde snødd i en uke. It had been snowing for a week. It had snowed for a week. Tom andas inte. Tom isn't breathing. Tom's not breathing. Tom tilbød Mary og John nogle chips. Tom offered Mary and John some potato chips. Tom offered Mary and John some chips. Mary har konstiga bröst. Mary has weird breasts. Mary has weird breasts. Mary bed sig i underlæben. Mary bit her lower lip. Mary bed in the lower limb. Det är faktiskt en bra poäng. That's actually a good point. Actually, that's a good point. Vågn op eller du kommer for sent i skole! Would you wake up, you'll be late for school. Wake up or you're late for school! Vennligst kom når det passer deg. Please come when it suits you. Please come when it suits you. Tom är alltid full av idéer. Tom is always full of ideas. Tom is always full of ideas. Jeg viste ham vejen. I showed him the way. I showed him the way. Varför är Tom så upptagen? Why is Tom so busy? Why is Tom so busy? Tom trengte vann. Tom needed water. Tom needed water. Jeg ringer deg en annen gang. I'll call you some other time. I'll call you another time. Jeg var ret afslappet. I was pretty relaxed. I was pretty relaxed. Jeg ønsker ikke at du skal tabe. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Du hade mardrömslika drömmar. You had nightmarish dreams. You had nightmares like that. Læg ikke pungen oven på varmeapparatet. Don't put the wallet on the top of the heater. Do not put the barrel on top of the heater. Vi åker hem, Tom. Let's go home, Tom. Let's go home, Tom. I må være meget stolte af jeres søn. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Hur gjorde Tom det här? How did Tom do this? How did Tom do this? Man bør holde sit løfte. You should keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Vad finns i lådan? What's in the box? What's in the box? Hun har nesten ingen nære venner. She has nearly no close friends. She has almost no close friends. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I have seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Min GPS-navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. Varje familj har ett skelett i garderoben. Every family has a skeleton in the closet. Every family has a skeleton in the closet. Ég skildi eftir gjöf fyrir hana heima hjá mér. I had left a present for her at my house. I left her a present at my house. Þú skuldar mér afsökunarbeiðni fyrir það. You owe me an apology for that. You owe me an apology for that. Du kan tro nej! No way! You can believe no! Jóhanna af Örk neitaði að afneita þeirri trú sinni að röddin sem hún heyrði væri frá Guði og engum öðrum. Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other. Joanna of Ark refused to deny her faith that the voice she heard was from God and no one else. Hun takler ikke stress. She can't cope with stress. She doesn't deal with stress. Den rosa kudden är ren. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Han fløjtede en melodi. He was whistling a tune. He flew a tune. Þú veist talsvert mikið um súmóglímu. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about condoms. Perfekt! Perfect! Perfect! Hvorfor er Tom herude? Why is Tom out here? Why is Tom out here? Skatten var gravet ned på øen. The treasure was buried on the island. The treasure was buried on the island. Jag berättade allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I told Mom everything. Du känner antagligen till det som Tom gjorde. You probably know about what Tom did. You probably know what Tom did. Det er verdt et forsøk. It is worthwhile to have a try at it. It's worth an attempt. Makaroni og ost er Toms livret. Macaroni and cheese is Tom's favorite food. Macaroni and cheese are Tom's favorite dish. Tom og Mary besluttede sig for at tage afsted. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Det gör ont i knät när jag böjer på det. My knee hurts when I bend it. It hurts my knee when I bend it. Jag skulle dö utan er. I'd die without you. I'd die without you. Se mig i ögonen. Annars betyder det ingenting. Look me in the eyes. Otherwise, it means nothing. Look me in the eye, or it doesn't mean anything. Kom! Come! Come on! Det er fem år siden vi flyttet hit. It is five years since we moved here. It's been five years since we moved here. Ég er ekki tilbúin enn. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Jag måste lära mig ett språk. I have to learn a language. I have to learn a language. Jeg tog det billede for en uge siden. I took that picture a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. Hvad sagde piloten? What did the pilot say? What did the pilot say? Hun ser veldig glad ut i dag. She looks very happy today. She looks very happy today. Pluggar du kemi? Do you study chemistry? Are you putting on chemistry? Hvor kommer du fra? Where are you from? Where do you come from?