Tom er en verdensberømt dirigent. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Jag ska gå och hämta Tom. I'll go and get Tom. I'm gonna go get Tom. Hans virkelige navn er Tom Jackson. His real name is Tom Jackson. His real name is Tom Jackson. Jeg kan heller ikke lide kiks. I don't like cookies, either. I don't like biscuits either. Jag vet inte särskilt mycket om Boston. I don't know very much about Boston. I don't know much about Boston. Ni ljuger ju bara. You're just lying. You're just lying. Ett bi surrar. A bee buzzes. A bee buzzes. Jag såg på när den röda solen gick ner i väst. I was watching the red sun sinking in the west. I watched the red sun descend into the west. Det er for sent at lukke stalddøren efter at hesten er stukket af. It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. It's too late to close the stable door after the horse has run off. Ég starði til baka á hana í undrun. I stared back at her in surprise. I stared back at her in surprise. Hans handstil är oläslig. His handwriting is unreadable. His handwriting is unreadable. Det är gammal skåpmat. That's old news. It's old closet food. Jeg kan ikke forklare det da jeg kun er et geni. I can't explain that since I'm only a genius. I can't explain it because I'm just a genius. Jag gav dem lite mat. I gave them some food. I gave them some food. Jeg spekulerer på om de har en rebstige. I wonder if they have a rope ladder. I wonder if they have a rope ladder. Tom er prestur. Tom is a pastor. Tom's a priest. Vem är det som äger pistolen? Who does the gun belong to? Who owns the gun? Vill du ha en skvätt mjölk i teet? Would you like a dash of milk in your tea? You want some milk in the tea? Hvad mener du med det? What do you mean by that? What's that supposed to mean? Kærulausu mennirnir frusu í hel í leiðangrinum á Suðurskautslandið. The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic. The dear humans got lost in the driveway in Antarctica. Orkanen Sandy är på väg. Hurricane Sandy is coming. Orc Sandy's on his way. Sätt igång, Tom. Get to it, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Tog tog afsted kort efter. Tom left soon after. Train left shortly after. Layla havde en lesbisk affære. Layla had a lesbian affair. Layla had a lesbian affair. Jeg har en tid hos lægen klokken ti. I have an appointment at the doctor's office at ten o'clock. I have an appointment with the doctor at 10:00. Houston, vi har et problem. Houston, we have a problem. Houston, we have a problem. Ég er hrædd við uglur. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of owls. Jeg tror Tom vil kunne lide det. I think Tom will like it. I think Tom's gonna like it. Bilen förbrukar mycket bränsle. The car consumes a lot of fuel. The car consumes a lot of fuel. Jeg bor i Akasaka i Tokyo. I live at Akasaka in Tokyo. I live in Akasaka, Tokyo. Du måste gå. I need you to leave. You have to go. Tom är tyst. Tom's silent. Tom's quiet. Tab ikke tålmodigheden! Don't lose your patience. Don't lose patience! Tom er ude at lufte hunden. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's out to air the dog. Uden penge kan man ikke overleve. One cannot survive without money. Without money, you can't survive. Hon satte ringen på sitt finger. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Tom och Mary är i stort sett gifta. Tom and Mary are as good as married. Tom and Mary are basically married. Tom fick det inte heller. Tom didn't get it either. Tom didn't get it either. Jag är glad att jag gjorde det. I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I did. Tom taler fransk, ikke sandt? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Tom speaks French, doesn't he? Jag promenerar mycket. I walk a lot. I'm walking a lot. Er hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Hvernig líkar þér Singapúr? How did you like Singapore? How do you like Singapore? Þetta er sjúkrahús. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. I har begge ret. You're both right. You're both right. Giv ham tid. Han skal nok vænne sig til tanken. Give him time. He'll come around to the idea. Give him time, he'll get used to the thought. Tom arbejder på et lokalt hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Tom works in a local hospital. Þetta fiskabúrslíf er allt sem ég þarf. This fishbowl life is all I need. This fish farm life is all I need. Du behöver inte säga någonting om du inte känner för det. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. Tom hader dig som pesten. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you like the plague. Var der en anden i værelset? Was there someone else in the room? Was there someone else in the room? Vad är nytt? What is new? What's new? Jeg kan heller ikke danse. I can't dance either. I can't dance, either. Han er skuespiller. He is an actor. He's an actor. Det är jättestort. It's huge. It's huge. Tom har engang skrevet digte. Tom used to write poems. Tom once wrote poems. Hon kunde inte låta bli att skratta. She could not help but laugh. She couldn't help but laugh. Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. English is a common language for many Asians. English is a common language in many Asian lands. Du kunde ha stuckit. You could've gone. You could've left. Min bror døde i en trafikulykke. My brother died in a traffic accident. My brother died in a traffic accident. Er det derfor Tom ønskede at tale med dig? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Þögnin er gullin. Silence is golden. The silence is the gold. Katte er storartede. Cats are great. Cats are great. Ring honom i kväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Faðir minn dó úr krabbameini. My father died of cancer. My father died of cancer. Min søster stryger mine bukser. My sister irons my pants. My sister's ironing my pants. Hvor mange drenge er der i din klasse? How many boys are there in your class? How many boys are there in your class? Han er computerekspert. He is a computer expert. He's a computer expert. Du kan inte sluta nu. You can't quit now. You can't stop now. Han kom förbi mig. He got ahead of me. He came by me. Jeg læser ofte. I often read. I read often. Vem pratade du med? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? "Tom kan lide Mary." "Fortæl mig noget jeg ikke ved." "Tom likes Mary." "Tell me something I don't know." "Tom like Mary." "Tell me something I don't know." Jag har två utländska vänner. I have two foreign friends. I have two foreign friends. Er hann Japani? Is he Japanese? Is he Japanese? Tom er meget dygtig. Tom is very efficient. Tom's very good. Det vil ikke ske. That won't happen. It's not gonna happen. De spiser deres æbler. They are eating their apples. They eat their apples. Klaveret er dyrt. The piano is expensive. It's expensive. Jeg opdrætter araberheste. I raise Arabian horses. I'm raising an Arab horse. Jag vill träna. I want to workout. I want to practice. Ég er of gömul fyrir það. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. Tom arbejdede virkelig hårdt. Tom works really hard. Tom worked really hard. Se på mig. Watch me. Look at me. Ég ætla bara rétt að koma við á pósthúsinu. I'm just going to drop by the post office. I'm just gonna stop by the post office. Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you going to get married? When are you getting married? Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's have a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Er det farligt? Is it dangerous? Is it dangerous? "Jag älskar dig." "Säg inte det." "Nej, jag är seriös." "I love you." "Don't say that." "No, I'm serious." "I love you." "Don't say that." "No, I'm serious." Jeg har faktisk googlet det. I did google it, actually. Actually, I Googled it. Tom har aldrig haft ett jobb. Tom has never had a job. Tom's never had a job. Ställ bilen i garaget. Put the car into the garage. Get the car in the garage. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you finished talking? Jag kan inte låta dem fånga dig. I can't let them catch you. I can't let them catch you. Tom har mistet interessen for at studere fransk. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom's lost interest in studying French. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a 10-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Tak for din forklaring. Thank you for your explanation. Thank you for your explanation. Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ikke. I don't know whether he'll come or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Var respektfull. Be respectful. Be respectful. Jag vill bara kunna besöka mina barn när jag vill. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my kids whenever I want. Jeg kunne ikke i mine vildeste drømme forestille mig at jeg skulle gå med pels. I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine myself wearing fur. I couldn't imagine, in my wildest dreams, wearing fur. Jag spelade schack med Tom igår eftermiddag. I played chess with Tom yesterday afternoon. I played chess with Tom last afternoon. Millioner af amerikanere mistede deres hjem under den finansielle krise. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Millions of Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Är det kärlek? Is it love? Is that love? Tom har købt sin lastbil brugt. Tom bought his truck used. Tom bought his truck used. Vi visste allt om det. We knew all about it. We knew all about it. Jag var vacker en gång. I was beautiful once. I was beautiful once. Han udspreder usande rygter. He's spreading false rumors. He's exfoliating rumors. Måske er tiden inde til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. Maybe it's time to throw the towel in the ring. Berättade Tom för någon? Did Tom tell someone? Did Tom tell anyone? Jeg er klar til at betjene dig. I am ready to serve you. I'm ready to serve you. Han har skaffat sig vanan att stoppa händerna i fickorna. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He's got the habit of putting his hands in his pockets. Ég er seinn, er það ekki? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? De började skjuta. They started shooting. They started shooting. Hvor vover du at sige sådan noget til mig? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say something like that to me? Han taler ikke kun fransk, han taler også spansk. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. He not only speaks French, he also speaks Spanish. Algeriet har lært lektien og er fast bestemt på ikke at gentage de samme fejl. Algeria has learned the lesson and is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. Algeria has learned the lesson and is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. Hur ska jag göra det här? How do I do this? How am I supposed to do this? Du skylder mig fem dollars. You owe me five dollars. You owe me five dollars. Han vil komme til festen. He will be coming to the party. He's gonna come to the party. Jeg voksede op i Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. Var ligger närmaste bensinstation? Where's the nearest gas station? Where's the nearest gas station? Jeg er bange for kakerlakker. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of roaches. Jag kan bara inte sova. I just can't sleep. I just can't sleep. Sami är inte värd det. Sami isn't worth it. Sami's not worth it. Sami og Layla var næsten uadskillelige. Sami and Layla were almost inseparable. Sami and Layla were almost inseparable. I går blev jeg fanget af en regnskylle på vej hjem. Yesterday I was caught in a shower on my way home. Yesterday I was caught by a rainskill on my way home. Teheran ligger i Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is located in Iran. Det är lätt att glömma att mikrofonen är påslagen. It's easy to forget that the microphone costs extra. It's easy to forget the microphone's turned on. Jag kramade Emily. I hugged Emily. I hugged Emily. Jag såg Tom i kväll. I saw Tom tonight. I saw Tom tonight. I dag er det for varmt til at solbade. Today is too hot for sunbathing. Today it's too hot to sunbathe. Det skulle inte spela någon roll ändå. It wouldn't make any difference anyway. It wouldn't matter anyway. Jag tycker verkligen om rött. I really like red. I really like red. Tom undervisar. Tom teaches. Tom teaches. Vet någon var jag kunde hitta en sådan? Does anyone know where I could find one? Does anyone know where I could find one like that? Man bør holde sit løfte. You should keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Tom voksede op i Tyskland, men han bor nu i USA. Tom grew up in Germany, but he now lives in the United States. Tom grew up in Germany, but now he lives in the United States. Slå på tråden før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Hit the thread before you get there. Se i spegeln! Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror! Det är mycket mer än så. It's a lot more than that. It's a lot more than that. Hún dáði hann. She admired him. She loved him. Jag har lovat att aldrig göra det där igen. I've promised never to do that again. I've promised never to do that again. Förstår ni? Understand? Do you understand? Safnarðu ennþá frímerkjum? Are you still collecting stamps? Still collecting stamps? Ég þvæ sokkana mína. I wash my socks. I wash my socks. Var snäll med Tom. Be nice to Tom. Please, Tom. Tom gillade inte sin macka. Tom doesn't like his sandwich. Tom didn't like his sandwich. Hun er sparsommelig, for ikke at sige nærig. She is frugal, not to say stingy. She's cheap, not to say intimate. Hver einstaklingur borgaði þúsund dollara. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Every person paid a thousand dollars. Der er seks fisk inde i konservesdåsen. There are six fish inside the tin can. There are six fish in the can. Det er for sent. That's too late. It's too late. Hun hadede vanilje. She hated vanilla. She hated vanilla. Vi kan blive tre hundrede år, men når vi så hører op at være til her, bliver vi kun skum på vandet, har ikke engang en grav hernede mellem vore kære. Vi har ingen udødelig sjæl, vi får aldrig liv mere, vi er ligesom det grønne siv, er det engang skåret over, kan det ikke grønnes igen! Menneskene derimod har en sjæl, som lever altid, lever, efter at legemet er blevet jord; den stiger op igennem den klare luft, op til alle de skinnende stjerner! ligesom vi dykker op af havet og ser menneskenes lande, således dykker de op til ubekendte dejlige steder, dem vi aldrig får at se. We sometimes live for three hundred years, but when we cease to exist here, we become only foam on the surface of the water and have not even a grave among those we love. We have not immortal souls, we shall never live again; like the green seaweed when once it has been cut off, we can never flourish more. Human beings, on the contrary, have souls which live forever, even after the body has been turned to dust. They rise up through the clear, pure air, beyond the glittering stars. As we rise out of the water and behold all the land of the earth, so do they rise to unknown and glorious regions which we shall never see. We can become three hundred years, but when we end up being here, we only get foamed on the water, we don't even have a grave down here between our loved ones. We don't have an immortal soul, we never have life more, we're like the green silver, it's once cut over, it can't be greened again! On the other hand, humans have a soul that lives forever after the body has become earth; it rises up through the clear air, up to all the shining stars! just like we dive out of the sea and see people's countries, so they dive up to unidentified lovely places, those we never see. Taler din kæreste fransk? Does your girlfriend speak French? Is your girlfriend speaking French? Fór hann heim í gær? Did he go home yesterday? Did he go home last night? Du er doven. You're lazy. You're lazy. Bilbao er en by i Baskerlandet. Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country Bilbao is a town in the Basque Country. Tom lod som om han ikke forstod fransk. Tom pretended not to understand French. Tom pretended he didn't understand French. Det gäller även honom. That applies to him too. It's about him, too. Tað er í ordan! It's alright! The word is taken! Vores hund er løbet væk. Our dog has gone away. Our dog's gone. Jeg tror at du er blevet snydt. I believe you've been had. I think you've been cheated. Jag ska försöka att fixa det här, men det kan hända att jag inte lyckas. I'll try to fix this, but there's a chance that I won't be able to. I'll try to fix this, but I may not succeed. Vi ses igen imorgon. See you again tomorrow. I'll see you again tomorrow. Politiet arresterede to mænd og to kvinder. The police arrested two men and two women. The police arrested two men and two women. Katter är rädda för hundar. Cats are afraid of dogs. Cats are afraid of dogs. Gid mine forældre havde ladet være med at fortælle at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. I wish my parents had failed to tell me that I was an accident. Hvad er den længste flod i Australien? What's the longest river in Australia? What is the longest river in Australia? Du har brug for denne. You need this. You need this. Jag kommer sakna den där uniformen. I'm gonna miss that uniform. I'm gonna miss that uniform. Den, som har haft størst indflydelse på mit liv, var ingen anden end min nu afdøde mor Mary. The one who most influenced my life was no other than my late mother Mary. The one who has had the greatest influence on my life was none other than my now deceased mother Mary. Jeg vil give dig en cykel til din fødselsdag. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. I dag er det dagen for ikke-brændbart affald. Today is a non-burnable rubbish day. Today is the day of non-incinerated waste. Aldrig i livet! Never in a lifetime! No way! Jag såg ingen som åt. I didn't see anyone eating. I didn't see anyone as eating. Hvem har lært dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you how to play guitar? Skibet vil krydse ækvator i nat. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Jóhanna af Örk neitaði að afneita þeirri trú sinni að röddin sem hún heyrði væri frá Guði og engum öðrum. Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other. Joanna of Ark refused to deny her faith that the voice she heard was from God and no one else. Jeg vidste ikke du kunne lide Mary. I didn't know you liked Mary. I didn't know you liked Mary. Han bestämde sig inte för att bli författare förrän han var trettio. He did not decide to be a writer until he was thirty. He didn't decide to be a writer until he was 30. Vejen er lang. The road is long. The road is long. Jag beter mig inte som du. I don't act like you. I'm not acting like you. Hann fann mér leigubíl. He found me a taxi. He found me a cab. Står du bag alt dette? Are you behind all of this? Are you behind all this? Gå till era platser. Get in your places. Go to your places. Jeg havde svært ved at finde hans hus. I had a hard time finding his house. I had a hard time finding his house. Allt í lagi. Ég þýði fimmtán setningar í viðbót á þýsku og fer svo. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All right, I'm talking 15 more sentences in German, and then I'm going. Hugg tag i Tom. Grab Tom. Hang on to Tom. Hur säkert är Brasilien? How safe is Brazil? How safe is Brazil? Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. Hvilke valg har jeg tilbage? What choices do I have left? What choices do I have left? Har du set hende? Have you seen her? Have you seen her? Það óskiljanleglegasta við heiminn er að hann er skiljanlegur. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. The most understandable thing about the world is that it is understandable. Men bonden smilte til ham. But the farmer smiled at him. But the farmer smiled at him. En gång till? Again? One more time? Han var syg sidste uge. He was sick last week. He was sick last week. Du elsker en anden! You're in love with someone else. You love someone else! Jag visste att ni skulle komma till besinning. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd come to your senses. Jeg får fri fra arbejdet klokken halv seks. I get off of work at 5:30. I get off work at 6:30. Denne have er åben for publikum, og det er gratis. This garden is open to the public and it's free. This garden is open to the audience and it is free. Vi kan ikke ignorere Toms fortid. We can't ignore Tom's past. We can't ignore Tom's past. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berbisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood Berbian. Der er to ting man aldrig siger nej til: sex og tv-optræden. There are two things you never turn down: sex and appearing on television. There are two things you never say no to, sex and TV performance. Hvert sæki ég farangurinn minn? Where do I claim my baggage? Where do I get my luggage? Jag sa god natt. I said good night. I said good night. Gid han var på vores hold! I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team! Toms fransk er blevet meget bedre. Tom's French has gotten much better. Tom's French has become much better. Den, som har haft størst indflydelse på mit liv, var ingen anden end min salige mor Mary. The one who most influenced my life was no other than my late mother Mary. The one who's had the greatest influence on my life was none other than my sweet mother Mary. Tom døde næsten med det samme. Tom died almost instantly. Tom almost died immediately. Ég ferðaðist einn míns liðs. I traveled by myself. I traveled by myself. Tom syns inte till någonstans. Tom is nowhere to been seen. Tom can't be seen anywhere. Vad kan Tom mena? What could Tom mean? What can Tom mean? Tom køber kun skrabeæg. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys scrap eggs. Sittu kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit still. Tom sagde at han syntes at Marys straf var passende. Tom said that he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate. Tom said he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate. Av misstag svängde han vänster istället för höger. By mistake, he turned left instead of right. He accidentally turned left instead of right. For lang tid siden var der en bro her. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. Jeg har læst bogen. I have read the book. I read the book. De kalder mig Bob. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Jag vägrar hjälpa till. I refuse to help. I refuse to help. Vi tager altid bussen. We always take a bus. We always take the bus. Hur mycket vet du? How much do you know? How much do you know? Säg det bara. Go on and say it. Just say it. Rör dig inte! Don't move! Don't move! Anarki er ikke mangel på regler; det er mangel på magthavere. Anarchy isn't a lack of rules; it's a lack of rulers. Anarchy is not a lack of rules; it is a lack of rulers. Það er engin önnur leið til að skilja setninguna. There is no other way to understand the sentence. There is no other way to understand the sentence. Tom är en mäktig man. Tom is a great man. Tom is a mighty man. Jag ska studera engelska i eftermiddag. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm going to study English this afternoon. Tom rødmede som en skolepige. Tom blushed like a schoolgirl. Tom was raging like a schoolgirl. Jeg tilbringer juleaften med min familie. I'm spending Christmas Eve with my family. I spend Christmas with my family. Jag är hälsosam. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Gør ikke dig selv til grin! Don't make a fool of yourself! Don't make a fool of yourself! Jag skulle vilja åka till USA. I would like to go to the USA. I'd like to go to the United States. Hvorfor bekymre sig om Tom? Why worry about Tom? Why do you care about Tom? Det här är huset som han bor i. This is the house that he lives in. This is the house he lives in. Skal du rejse alene? Will you travel alone? Are you going alone? Ikke alle læger tjener en masse penge. Not all doctors make a lot of money. Not all doctors make a lot of money. "Hvor skal du hen?" "I biografen." "Where are you going?" "To the movies." "Where are you going?" "In the movies." Hvor interviewede du dem? Where did you interview them? Where'd you interview them? Barn behöver en lycklig hemmiljö. Children need a happy home environment. Children need a happy home environment. Der er en gris i svinestien. There's a pig in the sty. There's a pig in the pig trail. Tom hatar tv. Tom hates TV. Tom hates TV. Lucys mor bad hende om at tage sig af sin lillesøster. Lucy's mother told her to take care of her younger sister. Lucy's mother asked her to take care of her baby sister. Hvad skal vi have til middag i aften? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we having for dinner tonight? Jill er forlovet med Jack. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's engaged to Jack. Alle ved du er en løgnhals. Everybody knows that you are a liar. Everybody knows you're a liar. Mary sagde at hun ikke havde tilladelse til at gøre det. Mary said she didn't have the permission to do that. Mary said she didn't have permission to do it. Kan du sige noget på berbisk? Can you say something in Berber? Can you say something in Berbian? Kan jag träffa dig där? Can I meet you there? Can I see you there? Jag är ledsen att jag tog upp det. I'm sorry I brought it up. I'm sorry I brought it up. Vi måste gömma oss. We've got to hide. We have to hide. Ég hlakka til að heyra í þér bráðlega. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Tom imiterede Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Professorn lär tjeckiska. The professor teaches Czech. The professor learns Czech. Tom har stemmeret. Tom has the right to vote. Tom has the right to vote. Klag ikke. Don't complain. Don't complain. Han bor ensam. He lives alone. He lives alone. Jeg faldt i søvn på hendes skulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. I fell asleep on her shoulder. Tom tog sig faktisk tid til at tale med os. Tom actually took the time to talk to us. Actually, Tom took the time to talk to us. Han tog en bog frem og læste. He got out a book and read. He took out a book and read it. Jeg elsker kandiserede kastanjer, men de er meget søde. I love candied chestnuts, but they are very sweet. I love candid chestnuts, but they're very sweet. Gør det rent. Clean it up. Clean it up. Det vil måske regne i nat. It may rain tonight. Maybe it'll rain tonight. Visst älskar jag Finland, men jag står inte ut med finnarna. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. I love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. Glem ikke dine pas. Don't forget your passports. Don't forget your passports. Det er ikke let at skrive et kærestebrev på engelsk. It's not easy writing a love letter in English. It's not easy to write a girlfriend's letter in English. Han har aldrig hållit ett löfte. He has never kept a promise. He's never kept a promise. Har I fodret hunden? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed the dog? Tom sa att han hade huvudvärk. Tom said he had a headache. Tom said he had a headache. Við urðum uppiskroppa með mat. We ran out of food. We got fat with food. Jag kan bara lite franska. I only speak a little French. I just know a little French. Jeg hader vinteren. I hate the winter. I hate winter. Någon fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Tänker du berätta för Tom vad jag har gjort? Are you going to tell Tom what I did? Are you gonna tell Tom what I've done? Jag vill att du går på mötet imorgon. I'd like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. I want you to go to the meeting tomorrow. Tekniskt sett är hiragana en stavelseskrift, inte ett alfabet. Technically hiragana is a syllabary, not an alphabet. Technically, hiragana is a spelling, not an alphabet. Hold rebet. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. Tom sagde til mig at jeg skulle få mig en kæreste. Tom told me I should get myself a girlfriend. Tom told me to get a boyfriend. Mig langar til að deyja með Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Jeg har fået nok af dette. I've had enough of this. I've had enough of this. Tom kan inte stå still. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stand still. Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Det lykkedes ham omsider at få et job. He finally succeeded in getting a job. He finally managed to get a job. Hvers vegna? Why? Why? Jag föreslår att du skyndar dig. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry. Vi glömde. We forgot. We forgot. Hon kom inte förrän två. She did not come until two. She didn't show up until two. Hvað með að byrja að skokka? How about taking up jogging? Why don't you start running? Hvad sagde jeg! Den Europæiske Union har netop pålagt en af vores store virksomheder, Google, en bøde på fem milliarder dollar. De har virkelig udnyttet USA, men ikke ret meget længere! I told you so! The European Union just slapped a Five Billion Dollar fine on one of our great companies, Google. They truly have taken advantage of the U.S., but not for long! What I said is that the European Union has imposed a fine of five billion dollars on one of our big companies, Google, which really took advantage of the United States, but not much longer! Han dog i cancer förra året. He died of cancer last year. He died in cancer last year. Hvað er að? Is that wrong? What's wrong? I dag er det koldt. It is cold today. Today it's cold. Många företag gör reklam för sina produkter på tv. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Han satt i stolen. He sat in the chair. He was in the chair. De fångade räven med en fälla. They caught the fox with a trap. They caught the fox with a trap. Jag behöver säkra bevis. I need solid proof. I need certain evidence. Hørte du brølet fra løverne? Did you hear the roar of the lions? Did you hear the roar from the lions? Joe var talinn hafa skotið fangann. Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner. Joe was thought to have shot the prisoner. Vi er ikke bange for terrorister. We're not afraid of terrorists. We're not afraid of terrorists. Hann keyrir mjög hratt. He drives very fast. He's driving very fast. Bevis at P er en delvis ordnet mængde. Prove that P is a partially ordered set. Prove that P is a partially ordered quantity. Men jag har inte några pengar. But I don't have any money. But I don't have any money. Vem sjunger den här sången? Who sings this song? Who's singing this song? Hvornår tager du af sted? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Der er ingen printere her. There are no printers here. There are no printers here. Han forklarede detaljeret, hvad han havde set. He explained in detail what he had seen. He explained in detail what he had seen. Den blyga pojken mumlade sitt namn. The shy boy mumbled his name. The shy boy murmured his name. Han har boet længe i Island. He has lived in Iceland for a long time. He's been living in Iceland for a long time. Jag beställde kinesisk mat. I ordered Chinese food. I ordered Chinese food. Jeg hørte nogen skrige. I heard someone scream. I heard someone scream. Er það ekki ljúffengt? Isn't it delicious? Isn't that delicious? Vi lukkede kufferten. We closed the suitcase. We closed the suitcase. Mary ydmygede Tom foran alle. Mary humiliated Tom in front of everyone. Mary humiliated Tom in front of everyone. Tom er stolt af sin datter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Jag tog mig friheten att ringa henne. I took the liberty of calling her. I took the liberty of calling her. Den kvinde er stærk. That woman is strong. That woman is strong. Hvad studerer en sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a sovietologist study? Det sker en gang imellem. That happens sometimes. It happens once in a while. Tom har lige haft ringet. Tom just called. Tom just called. Stem på os! Vote for us! Voice us! Vilken fantastisk utsikt! What a great view! What a wonderful view! Tom og Mary er blevet skilt, helt ligesom du havde forudset. Tom and Mary got divorced, just like you predicted. Tom and Mary have been divorced, just like you'd anticipated. Det er kun en del af problemet. That's only a part of the problem. It's only part of the problem. Jeg samler på sjældne mønter. I collect rare coins. I collect rare coins. Er herra Jones á skrifstofunni? Is Mr Jones in the office? Is Mr Jones in the office? Eg eri ikki sjúkur. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Du måste välja ut en. You have to pick one. You have to choose one. Jeg har lyst til at fortælle ham hvad jeg mener om ham. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I want to tell him what I think of him. Han hemlighöll den. He kept it secret. He kept it secret. David vinder over Goliat i retten. David defeats Goliath in court. David wins over Goliath in court. Clyde var utilfreds med sit butikskøbte teleskop og besluttede at bygge ét selv. Clydes far tog et ekstrajob for at betale for de materialer, der var nødvendige for at bygge det. Clyde was dissatisfied with his store-bought telescope and decided to build one for himself. Clyde's father took a second job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Clyde was dissatisfied with his shop bought telescope and decided to build one himself. Clyde's father took an extra job to pay for the materials needed to build it. Han vil få et chok. He's in for a shock. He's gonna get a shock. Tom vill inte bli läkare, trots att han är väldigt på naturvetenskap. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, although he's very good in science. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, even though he's very much in science. Af en eller anden grund kunne jeg ikke få adgang til min e-mail. For some reason I couldn't access my e-mail. For some reason, I couldn't access my email. Har I et dobbeltværelse? Do you have a double room? Do you have a double room? Låt mig tänka en minut. Let me think a minute. Let me think a minute. Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hinna med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He slowed down so the child could catch up with him. Halló? Ertu þarna ennþá? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still there? Þegar ég var komin út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out of town, I threw the duck light. Den här pingvinungen är så söt! This baby penguin is too cute! This penguin is so cute! Jag var tvungen att göra någonting. I was obligated to do something. I had to do something. Engar áhyggjur. Don't worry. Don't worry. Tom tryckte sig fram genom folkhopen. Tom pushed his way through the crowd. Tom pushed his way through the crowd. Kongen længe leve! Long live the King! Long live the King! Sami och Layla började gräla. Sami and Layla started arguing. Sami and Layla started arguing. Vad är det för fel på honom? What is wrong with him? What's wrong with him? Hvad vil du sige til en drink? How about a drink? What do you want to say for a drink? Hún er hörmuleg að elda. She is an appalling cook. She's awful to cook. Hvor tit sker det? How often does that happen? How many times does this happen? Strax og við komumst að einhverju verðum við í sambandi við þig. As soon as we find out anything, we will contact you. As soon as we find out, we'll be in touch with you. Livet er ikke en dans på roser. Life is not a bed of roses. Life is not a dance on roses. Du har förlorat koncentrationsförmågan. You've lost the ability to concentrate. You've lost your ability to concentrate. Tom är knäpp. Tom is cranky. Tom's crazy. Det är för högt. It's too loud. It's too high. Tom skulle ikke vente længe. Tom didn't have to wait long. Tom shouldn't have waited long. Hún ráðlagði hinum um það mál. She advised the others on that matter. She advised the others on that matter. Tíkin mín lést á miðvikudaginn var. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My bitch died on Wednesday, and she was 16. Vanter er varmere end handsker. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Vants are warmer than gloves. Hvem taler jeg med? Who am I speaking to? Who am I talking to? Trafikken på gaden var virkelig forfærdelig. Traffic on the street was really terrible. Traffic on the street was really terrible. Våg efter våg rullade upp på stranden. Wave after wave surged upon the beach. Wing for waves rolled up on the beach. Museet er lukket nu. The museum is closed now. The museum is closed now. Hver á þennan blýant? Whose pencil is this? Who's got this pencil? Der er kun en dag tilbage. There's just one day left. There's only one day left. Städa upp den här röran. Clean up this mess. Clean up this mess. Jeg kan selv køre til lufthavnen. I can drive myself to the airport. I can drive to the airport myself. Översätt inte den här meningen! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence! Hvorfor sagde du ikke til mig at Tom var her? Why didn't you tell me Tom was here? Why didn't you tell me that Tom was here? Nafn mitt er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Forholdene blev bare ved med at gå ned ad bakke derfra. Things just kept going downhill from there. The conditions just kept going downhill from there. Du äger en bil, eller hur? You've got a car, right? You own a car, don't you? Hon förespråkade jämställdhet. She advocated equal rights for women. She advocated equality. Du började spela en gammal sång. You began to play an old song. You started playing an old song. Jeg vaskede op efter at jeg havde spist til aften. I washed the dishes after I'd eaten dinner. I washed up after I had eaten tonight. Straumurinn er til suðurs. The drift of the current is to the south. The current's south. Jag beundrar Tom mycket. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. Hvad betyder dette ord? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Ge Sami skjuts till busshållplatsen. Give Sami a ride to the bus stop. Give Sami a ride to the bus stop. Din cykel er bedre end min. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Han komponerade en begravningsmarsch till sin egen begravning. He composed a funeral march for his own funeral. He composed a funeral march for his own funeral. Mary er ikke særlig feminin. Mary isn't very feminine. Mary's not very feminine. Hon såg mer vacker ut än någonsin förrut. She looked more beautiful than ever. She looked more beautiful than ever before. Står du och ljuger mig rätt upp i ansiktet? Are you lying straight to my face? Are you gonna stand up and lie to me right in the face? Vad säger de? What are they saying? What do they say? Kom och ta en titt. Come and take a look. Come and have a look. Det är sant. It's true. It's true. Tirsdag var det rigtignok koldt. Tuesday was certainly cold. Tuesday was really cold. Þú kynnir að verða undrandi á útkomunni. You might be surprised at the outcome. You might be surprised at the outcome. Et stort jordskælv ramte Algeriet i 2003. A major earthquake hit Algeria in 2003. A large earthquake hit Algeria in 2003. Han strøg en tændstik. He struck a match. He ran a match. Titta. Watch. Look. Hvis en fyr har en buket blomster i hånden, betyder det, at han har planer om at engagere sig, ikke i botanik, men i anatomi. If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy. If a guy has a bouquet of flowers in his hand, that means he's planning to engage, not in botany, but in anatomy. Jag bad Gud om en cykel, men jag insåg att det var inte hans metod. Så jag stal en cykel och bad Gud om förlåtelse. I asked God for a bike, but I realized that that wasn't his method. So I stole a bike and asked God for forgiveness. I asked God for a bike, but I realized it wasn't his method, so I stole a bike, and I asked God for forgiveness. Kvinden klædt i hvidt er en berømt skuespillerinde. The woman in white is a famous actress. The woman dressed in white is a famous actress. Hur kunde Tom veta det? How could Tom know? How could Tom know? Tom öppnade sin resväska. Tom opened his suitcase. Tom opened his suitcase. Vad hemskt. That's awful. That's awful. De havde god kemi. They had good chemistry. They had good chemistry. Vi är inte ansvariga. We're not responsible. We're not responsible. Algeriet er plaget af korruption. Algeria is plagued by corruption. Algeria is plagued by corruption. Hunden blev ramt af en lastbil. A truck hit the dog. The dog was hit by a truck. Hvernig var stærðfræðikeppnin? How was the math test? How was the math contest? Hen grät. He cried. He cried. Þýðir það að þú komir ekki? Does that mean you won't come? Does that mean you're not coming? "Hvor bor du?" "Jeg bor i Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Ég hef loksins vanist borgarlífinu. I've finally got used to urban life. I've finally gotten used to city life. Tom behandlede Mary som et barn. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary as a child. Afrika är mänsklighetens vagga. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Sluta försöka. Stop trying. Stop trying. Jag hade en blixtrande huvudvärk. I had a splitting headache. I had a flashing headache. Allir þekktu raunverulegar tilfinningar hennar. Everybody knew her true feelings. Everyone knew her real feelings. Torden er blevet forklaret videnskabeligt, og folk tror ikke længere at det er et tegn på at guderne er vrede på dem, så også torden er blevet en smule mindre frygtindgydende. Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening. Thunders have been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe that this is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder has also become a little less fearsome. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Åbn den for mig. Open it for me. Open it for me. Er du gravid? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? Tom havde et slips på i går. Tom wore a tie yesterday. Tom had a tie on yesterday. Ég hitti hann í gær þegar hann sagði mér fréttirnar. I met him yesterday, when he told me the news. I met him yesterday when he told me the news. Lægen brød den hippokratiske ed. The doctor broke the Hippocratic Oath. The doctor broke the Hippocratic oath. Jag hade det trevligt. I was enjoying it. I had a good time. Jeg vil gerne tilbyde dig stillingen. I would like to offer you the position. I'd like to offer you the position. Hvor er badeværelset? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Tom er netop gået bort. Tom has just passed away. Tom just passed away. Tigern rymde från djurparken. The tiger escaped from the zoo. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Hon dog 1960. She died in 1960. She died in 1960. Hann er ekki eins feitur og hann var. He is not as fat as he was. He's not as fat as he was. Lucy er nemandi frá Ameríku. Lucy is a student from America. Lucy's a student from America. Finns det ett apotek i närheten? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Toget ankom til Kyoto til tiden. The train arrived in Kyoto on time. The train arrived at Kyoto on time. Hun slog armene om ham i forfærdelse. She threw her arms around him in horror. She threw her arms around him in horror. Gøende hunde bider ikke altid. Barking dogs don't always bite. Bad dogs don't always bite. Hun forblev ugift til sin død. She remained unmarried until death. She remained unmarried to her death. Hvad gik galt? What went wrong? What went wrong? Sonur minn hefur lent í vondum félagsskap. My son has got into bad company. My son has been in bad company. Hætti Mike að drekka áfenga drykki? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? Så snart jeg har det, vil jeg videresende det til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I feel it, I'll pass it on to you. Man bliver en god forfatter ligesom man bliver en god tømrer: ved at afhøvle sine sætninger. One becomes a good writer just as one becomes a good carpenter: by planing down one's sentences. You become a good writer, just as you become a good carpenter: by laying off your sentences. Jag ligger i luftvapnet. I'm in the air force. I'm in the air force. Hvem bragte dem? Who brought them? Who brought them? Tom ser utmattad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Jeg løste problemet på denne måde. I solved the problem in this way. I solved the problem this way. Hann fyrirlítur fólk úr lægri samfélagsstéttum. He despises people of a lower social class. He despises people from lower communities. Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann. Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise. It was hardly possible to hear her voice over the noise. Vad betyder det för mig? What's it to me? What does that mean to me? Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You didn't need to come so early. You wouldn't have had to come so early. Jag såg vad Tom gjorde. I saw what Tom did. I saw what Tom did. Jag åkte till Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Sami verkade full. Sami appeared to be drunk. Sami seemed drunk. Vit keyptu tað bíligasta teið. We bought the cheapest tea. White bought the busiest tea. Vem? Who? Who? Tom vil have os til at montere fjernsynet på væggen. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Tom wants us to mount the TV on the wall. Kan jeg sove her? Can I sleep here? Can I sleep here? Kabyliens infrastruktur er forholdsvis god. Kabylian infrastructure is relatively good. The infrastructure of Kabyli is relatively good. Jag trodde att Tom erkände. I thought Tom confessed. I thought Tom confessed. Layla var en transkvinde. Layla was a transgender woman. Layla was a transgender. Spädbarnet log mot mig. The baby smiled at me. The baby smiled at me. Þetta er svo sorgleg saga. This is such a sad story. It's such a sad story. Du kan regne med mig, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. Jag studerar konsthistoria. I'm studying art history. I'm studying art history. Jeg har købt en flaske solbærsirup i dag. I bought a bottle of black currant syrup today. I bought a bottle of sunflower syrup today. Jag kommer inte att vara tyst. I didn't come to be silent. I won't be quiet. Það er ekki skrítið að börnum fækki líka. It isn't strange that the number of children decreases, too. It's not weird that children are born, too. Tom er ikke uundværlig. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom's not necessary. Jeg er nødt til at gå. I have to go. I have to go. Tom spildte rødvin udover Marys hvide kjole. Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress. Tom spilled red wine besides Mary's white dress. Håll den åt mig. Hold it for me. Keep it for me. Skynda! Hurry! Hurry! Sitrón er súrur. Lemon is sour. Sitron's sour. Jeg håber ikke at jeg forstyrrer dig. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Jag tror inte att jag ska gå på college. I don't think I'll go to college. I don't think I'm going to college. Antalet människor som röker ökade under de senaste tio åren. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. The number of people who smoke increased over the last ten years. Jag sprang till min mamma. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mom. Tom taler fransk. Tom speaks French. Tom speaks French. Hvor er jeres forældre? Where are your parents? Where are your parents? Hestene er på gården. The horses are on the farm. The horses are on the farm. Jag klandrar dig inte det minsta. I don't blame you a bit. I don't blame you for the least. Mennesker, ikke mure skaber byerne. People, not walls create the cities. Humans, not walls create cities. Du har vist mine sko på. I think you're wearing my shoes. I think you're wearing my shoes. Ertu japönsk? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Var är fjärrkontrollen till tv:n? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the TV remote? Jag är ingen profet. I am not a prophet. I'm not a prophet. Jag kunde äta en häst. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. Þetta hof er sagt hafa verið byggt fyrir meira en fimm hundruð árum. This temple is said to have been built over 500 years ago. This temple is said to have been built more than five hundred years ago. Jag tar hand om det. I'll handle it. I'll take care of it. Hvad i helvede laver du? What the devil are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Tom var på rätt ställe vid rätt tidpunkt. Tom was at the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Hon vill hålla honom på avstånd. She wants to keep him at a distance. She wants to keep him at a distance. Jag äslkar också dig. I love you too. I love you, too. Det kommer att ta några dagar att gå in de här skorna. It'll take a few days to break in these shoes. It's gonna take a few days to get these shoes in. Du SMS'ede til mig, ikke sandt? You texted me, didn't you? You texted me, didn't you? Det är mina order. Those are my orders. Those are my orders. Tom gör 50 armhävningar varannan morgon. Tom does 50 push-ups every other morning. Tom does 50 push-ups every other morning. Vill ni inte höra min sida av saken? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my side of the case? Hon hatar spindlar. She hates spiders. She hates spiders. Græd ikke over spildt mælk. Don't cry over spilt milk. Do not cry over spilled milk. Jeg ser dit bord. I see your table. I'll see your table. Jag rev upp kuvertet. I ripped the envelope open. I pulled up the envelope. Jeg har et problem med det. I have a problem with that. I have a problem with that. Ge mig den där käppen. Give me that cane. Give me that stick. Jag kan inte hitta den. I can't find it. I can't find it. Han lød en smule skuffet. He sounded a little disappointed. He sounded a little disappointed. Det var stadig virkelig varmt selvom solen allerede stod ret lavt. It was still really hot, even though the sun had already gotten quite low. It was still really hot, even though the sun was already quite low. Tom gav mig lov til at køre hans bil. Tom gave me permission to drive his car. Tom gave me permission to drive his car. Här är lite vatten. Here is some water. Here's some water. Ge mig den där pistolen. Give me that gun. Give me that gun. Jeg har brug for nogen. I need somebody. I need someone. Tom regner med dig, ikke sandt? Tom is counting on you, isn't he? Tom's counting on you, isn't he? Han optrådte på tv i aftes. He appeared on television last night. He was on TV last night. Er der noget andet at spise? Is there anything else to eat? Is there something else to eat? Tom havde en konvolut i sin venstre hånd. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. Tom had a envelope in his left hand. Jag är sen. I'm late. I'm late. Jag kommer att skjuta dig. I'll shoot you. I'm gonna shoot you. Tala aldrig med främlingar. Never talk to strangers. Never talk to strangers. Du måste bli kvitt den där ovanan. You must get rid of that bad habit. You have to get rid of that above. Tom har ikke brug for en træner. Tom doesn't need a coach. Tom doesn't need a trainer. Betty kör snabbt. Betty drives fast. Betty's driving fast. Tack, älskling. Thank you, dear. Thank you, honey. Han er en helt. He's a hero. He's a hero. Mitt jobb är säkert. My job is safe. I'm sure my job is. Dette er mine principper. Hvis du ikke kan lide dem ..., så har jeg andre. Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. These are my principles, and if you don't like them, I have others. Hundar kan simma. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. Hallå, lyssna på mig. Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. Du er bange. You're afraid. You're scared. Tom kan kontakte mig på dette nummer på ethvert tidspunkt af dagen. Tom can reach me at this number any time of day. Tom can contact me at this number at any time of the day. Jeg vil gerne lære dig, hvordan du gør det. I want to teach you how to do that. I'd like to teach you how to do it. Hvornår holder butikscentret åbent? What hours is the shopping center open? When's the mall open? Jeg var nødt til at udskyde hotelreservationerne i Rom tre dage. I had to put back the hotel reservations for Rome by three days. I had to postpone the hotel reservations in Rome three days. Han skulle aldrig få se sina föräldrar igen. He was never to see his parents again. He'd never see his parents again. Tom beslutade sig för att börja med flugfiske. Tom decided to take up fly fishing. Tom decided to start fly fishing. Varför berättade du inte det här för polisen? Why didn't you tell this to the police? Why didn't you tell the police? Der er en vase på bordet. There is a vase on the table. There's a vase on the table. Vilken usel dag! What a lousy day! What a terrible day! Ingenting har gjorts. Nothing has been done. Nothing has been done. Tom är skyldig. Tom's guilty. Tom's guilty. Dette er et vanskeligt spørgsmål. This is a difficult question. This is a difficult question. Hallå, är det nån där? Hello, is there anybody there? Hello, is anyone there? Jeg forstår ikke fransk. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Mary, hvad laver du? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? De plantede æbletræer. They planted apple trees. They planted apple trees. Tom är hårdnackad. Tom's headstrong. Tom's out of his mind. Vilken är din favoritsaga? What's your favorite fairy tale? What's your favorite story? Tom kommer inte att få köra på ett tag. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Tom won't be able to drive in a while. Það er auðvelt fyrir mig að lesa þessa bók. It is easy for me to read this book. It is easy for me to read this book. Dette er blot en hypotese. This is just a hypothesis. This is just a hypothesis. Att lyssna på klassisk musik och att studera kompletterar varandra. Listening to classical music and studying complement one another. Listening to classical music and studying complements each other. Jeg købte en smartphone til min kone. I bought a smartphone for my wife. I bought a smartphone for my wife. Var specifik. Be specific. Be specific. Det er ikke blod. Det er tomatsauce. It's not blood. It's tomato sauce. It's not blood, it's tomato sauce. Tað er í ordan! It's all right! The word is taken! Han gillar indisk mat. He likes Indian food. He likes Indian food. Hur är ditt liv som gift? How's your married life? How's your life married? Jag fattar fortfarande inte. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. Fantasi är viktigare än kunskap. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Fantasia is more important than knowledge. Hon är kvart över nio. It's a quarter after nine in the morning. She's a quarter over nine. En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Er der liv på Mars? Is there life on Mars? Is there life on Mars? Tom skakade Marys hand våldsamt. Tom shook Mary's hand vigorously. Tom shook Mary's hand violently. Latin er et perfekt sprog. Latin is a perfect language. Latin is a perfect language. Jeg har mistet en værdifuld medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a valuable medal. Toms drøm er at bo i en lille by, i Sydfrankrig. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in the south of France. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in South France. Var så god och ge mig något att äta. Please, give me something to eat. Please give me something to eat. Äger du ett handeldvapen? Do you own a handgun? You own a trade weapon? DNA-testen frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test released him for all charges. Jeg har brug for et nyt USB-kabel til min mobiltelefon. I need a new USB cable for my cellphone. I need a new USB cable for my cell phone. Tom lovede at han ville holde op med at ryge. Tom promised he'd quit smoking. Tom promised he'd stop smoking. Intet er helligt. Nothing's sacred. Nothing is sacred. Af hverju keyptirðu sömu myndavél og ég á? Why have you bought the same camera as I have? Why did you buy the same camera I own? Jag brukade ofta leka med dockor då jag var en liten flicka. I used to play with dolls a lot when I was a little girl. I used to play with dolls when I was a little girl. Hur hamnade ni här? How did you end up here? How did you end up here? Vem vikarierar för Tom medan han är borta? Who will fill in for Tom when he is away? Who's working for Tom while he's gone? Rútan stoppar á Hótel Íslandi. The bus stops at Hótel Ísland. The bus stops in Iceland's Hotel. Jag kunde ställa upp på det. I'd be up for that. I could put up with it. Jag kände att jag bara var tvungen att komma av skeppet. I felt I just had to get off the ship. I just felt like I had to get off the ship. Tjek lige dæktrykket! Check the pressure of the tires. Check the tyre pressure! Megi Guð vera með okkur. May God be with us. May God be with us. Við komumst inn í húsið gegnum gluggann. We gained access to the house through the window. We'll get into the house through the window. Vad är deras syfte? What's their purpose? What is their purpose? Hvor mange gange om dagen fodrer du din hund? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day do you feed your dog? Stattu á fætur! Stand up! Get up! Nul, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Du sade att jag skulle bli bättre. You said I'd get better. You said I'd be better. Tom tabte sin nye smarttelefon. Tom dropped his new smartphone. Tom lost his new smartphone. Vi har ätit ägg. We have eaten eggs. We've eaten eggs. Hvad laver du i din fritid? What do you usually do in your free time? What are you doing in your spare time? Það er virkilega heimskulegt. That's really stupid. That's really stupid. Ta fram din plånbok. Get out your wallet. Bring out your wallet. John og Eva er bedste venner. John and Eva are best friends. John and Eva are best friends. Vad gör grannarna? What are the neighbors doing? What are the neighbors doing? Þú ert enn of ungur til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're still too young to get a driver's license. Tom er vant til at få sin vilje. Tom is used to getting his way. Tom's used to getting his way. Hur länge har Tom varit här? How long has Tom been here? How long has Tom been here? Vill ni äta något? Would you like anything to eat? You want to eat something? Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This electrical power plant alone supplies several cities with power. Vad hjälper det? What help is that? What does it help? Lad Tom tale færdig! Let Tom finish his sentence. Let Tom finish! I morgen er det tirsdag den tiende oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, October 10th. Skyd ikke! Don't shoot. Don't shoot! Är Tom galen? Is Tom crazy? Is Tom crazy? På 80-talet var det minsann andra bullar som gällde. In the 80's, things were really quite different. In the '80s, there were really other bulls. Lyssnade inte du? Weren't you listening? Didn't you listen? Tom är också jude. Tom is also a Jew. Tom's a Jew, too. Batman er gode venner med Robin. Batman is friends with Robin. Batman's good friends with Robin. Vilken färg har ditt hår? What color is your hair? What color is your hair? Sten, sax, påse. Rock, paper, scissors. Stone, scissors, bag. Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki. Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products. Foreign residents are issuing products in the highest quality category. Betty dræbte ham. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Bilen blev totalskadet. The car was totaled. The car was completely damaged. Jag stannar här. I'll be here. I'll stay here. Pojken gjorde sig lustig över flickan. The boy made fun of the girl. The boy was funny about the girl. Jeg studerer på et universitet i Boston. I study at a university in Boston. I'm studying at a university in Boston. Hvorfor opfandt man pengene? Why was money invented? Why was the money invented? Vask hænderne regelmæssigt. Wash your hands regularly. Wash your hands regularly. Han er en haj til matematik. He's a shark at math. He's a shark for mathematics. I latinet finns fem deklinationer. In Latin there are five declensions. In Latin there are five declinations. Vi så tårnet i det fjerne. We saw the tower in the distance. We saw the tower in the distance. Hvorfor er det så svært at beherske det franske sprog? Why is it so difficult to master French? Why is it so difficult to master the French language? Man må ikke spise for meget is og spaghetti. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. You can't eat too much ice and spaghetti. Efter den avis har der været et jordskælv i Mexico. According to the newspaper there was an earthquake in Mexico. After that newspaper, there has been an earthquake in Mexico. Hversu langt er til flugvallarins? How far is it to the airport? How far to the airport? Hur tog du dig in? How did you get in here? How did you get in? Tom ville att jag skulle spela schack med honom, så det gjorde jag. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Tom wanted me to play chess with him, so I did. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I have seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Marjane fangede katten. Marjane caught the cat. Marjane caught the cat. Sommerfugle er smukke. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflies are beautiful. Hann á sitt eigið hús. He has a house of his own. He owns his own house. Hvad skulle Tom her? What was Tom doing here? What was Tom supposed to do here? En färsk undersökning visar att antalet rökare minskar. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. A recent study shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. Jag har bara druckit två glas vin. I only had two glasses of wine. I've only had two glasses of wine. Jag vet att du försökte. I know you tried. I know you tried. Det er et almindeligt navn. It's a common name. It's a common name. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami emerged from his coma. Sami woke up from a coma. Tom havde skydevåben overalt i sit hus. Sami had guns all over his house. Tom had guns all over his house. Der blæste en kold vind. A cold wind was blowing. There was a cold wind blowing. Mina skor måste lagas. My shoes will have to be mended. My shoes have to be fixed. Moren ammede sit barn i bussen. The mother breastfed her child on the bus. The mother brought her baby on the bus. Varför är fru Yamada populär i din skola? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Why is Mrs Yamada popular in your school? Han tappade kontrollen över bilen i kurvan. His car spun out of control going around the curve. He lost control of the car in the curve. Följ med Tom. Go with Tom. Come with Tom. Jeg var lige ved at lave en fejl. I nearly made a mistake. I was about to make a mistake. Jeg har dræbt dem begge to. I killed them both. I killed them both. Draumur hennar er að fara til Parísar. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to go to Paris. Teven var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was on all the time. Mor er ved at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Vi er din familie. We're your family. We're your family. Vad jobbar ni med? What do you guys do? What do you do for a living? Vi ger tillbaka den. We'll give it back. We'll give it back. Jeg kan lide ørredfiskeri. I like trout fishing. I like trout fishing. Varje mening som är närvarande på Tatoeba är en lögn. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Any opinion present at Tatoeba is a lie. Tom är säker. Tom is certain. Tom's safe. Det er en bog. It is a book. It's a book. Tom drikker sort kaffe uden sukker. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Hvor længe har du været væk? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Jag ville skada dig. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to hurt you. Hur var återträffen? How was the reunion? How was the reunion? Sikken skuffelse! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Du er sindssyg. You're insane. You're insane. Jeg er også lærer. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. Hon har många goda egenskaper. She has many good qualities. She has many good qualities. Dette tog lugter forfærdeligt. This train smells horrible. This train smells terrible. Vad kan vi förvänta oss? What can we expect? What can we expect? Vilken söt tjej! What a cute girl! What a cute girl! Det kommer ikke til at gøre ondt. It isn't going to hurt. It's not gonna hurt. Han svävar i livsfara. His life was in danger. He's in danger of life. Hann er frá Genf. He comes from Geneva. He's from Geneva. Min bror er rig. My brother is rich. My brother's rich. Hur använder man ätpinnar? How do I use chopsticks? How do you use eating sticks? Jag kan inte gå någon annanstans. I can't go anywhere else. I can't go anywhere else. Fåglarna lägger ägg. Birds lay eggs. The birds lay eggs. Carol bor i Chicago. Carol lives in Chicago. Carol lives in Chicago. Jeg burde være gået i seng noget før. I should have gone to bed earlier. I should have gone to bed sooner. Tom är inte min fiende. Tom isn't my enemy. Tom is not my enemy. Jeg var ikke den der gjorde det. I wasn't the one who did that. I wasn't the one who did it. Et CV er bare en reklame. A resume is just an advertisement. A CV is just a commercial. Gorillan var ett år gammal vid det tillfället. The gorilla was one year old at the time. Gorilla was a year old at that time. Dette dyr er venligt. This animal is friendly. This animal is friendly. Brandarinn er á mér. The joke's on me. The joke's on me. Vad betyder det här ordet? What does this word mean? What does this word mean? Það sprakk á hjá mér. I got a flat tire. I blew up. Han visade mig hennes fotografi i smyg. He secretly showed me her photograph. He showed me her photograph in secret. Det här smakar typ som kyckling. This kind of tastes like chicken. This tastes like chicken. Jag drack inte te igår. I didn't drink tea yesterday. I didn't drink tea last night. Du har nog rätt. You're probably right. I think you're right. Jag kunde inte lägga band på mig själv. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't tie myself up. De tillbringade en underbar tid tillsammans. They spent a wonderful time together. They spent a wonderful time together. Allt eða ekkert. All or nothing. Everything or nothing. Der er ikke nok mangoer. There are not enough mangoes. There's not enough mangoes. Til sammenligning kan lava fra vulkanudbrud være alt mellem 700 °C og 1.200 °C. For comparison, lava from volcano eruptions can be anywhere between 700 and 1,200°C. For comparison, lava from volcanic eruptions may be between 700 °C and 1,200 °C. Tom har en høj IQ. Tom has a high IQ. Tom has a high IQ. Min morbror bor i New York City. My uncle lives in New York City. My uncle lives in New York City. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My mobile phone is handy. My cell phone is handy. Tom är alltid full av idéer. Tom is always full of ideas. Tom is always full of ideas. Katten sov på bordet. The cat slept on the table. The cat slept on the table. Han har aldrig varit i Amerika. He's never been to America. He's never been to America. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semesterdagar som slöseri med tid. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Work annoyances see holiday days as a waste of time. Skjut inte budbäraren. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger. Det var riktigt roligt. It was really funny. That was really funny. Sand kærlighed eksisterer ikke! True love doesn't exist! True love does not exist! Jag är Lin. I am Lin. I'm Lin. Hur kom Tom hem? How did Tom get home? How did Tom get home? Er der adgang for kørestolsbrugere? Is there wheelchair access? Is there access to wheelchair users? ”Tack.” ”Varsågod.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." ‘Thank you’. ‘There you go.’ Sverige är Skandinaviens största land. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is Scandinavia's largest country. Var lärde du dig att skriva? Where did you learn to write? Where did you learn to write? Jag har fått höra att jag behöver göra det där åtminstone en gång till. I've been told I need to do that at least one more time. I've been told I need to do that at least one more time. Tom glömde nästan bort mötet. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Tom är inte tjock. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Det vil snart regne. It is going to rain soon. It'll rain soon enough. Jag lät mina känslor fördunkla mitt omdöme. I let my emotions cloud my judgment. I let my feelings obscure my judgment. Hunden satte efter et egern og rykkede hårdt i snoren. The dog took off after a squirrel and yanked hard on the leash. The dog left behind a squirrel and moved hard on the cord. Duga tygum føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? Do you have any supplies before? Han var rädd att du skulle skjuta honom. He was scared you would shoot him. He was afraid you'd shoot him. Vi har flyttet projektet til en ny server. We moved the project to a new server. We moved the project to a new server. Du är en tålmodig man. You are a patient man. You're a patient man. Ísak var einn leiðtoga Gyðinga. Isaac was a leader of the Jewish people. Isaac was one of the Jewish leaders. Fingrene væk fra min cykel! Keep your hands off my bicycle. Get your hands off my bike! Her er din hund. Here is your dog. Here's your dog. Ég hjálpaði honum í gær. I helped him yesterday. I helped him yesterday. Þær vita ekki af hverju þær eru að missa. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know why they're losing. Forsigtig! Caution. Careful! Bussen stannade så att passagerarna kunde gå på. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped so the passengers could go on. Akta dig! Look out! Look out! Ertu með sektarkennd? Do you feel guilty? Do you have feelings of guilt? Nysgerrighed dræbte katten. Curiosity killed the cat. Recently, the cat was killed. Vi er folket. We are the people. We're the people. Varför hälsar Tom aldrig på oss längre? Why doesn't Tom visit us anymore? Why doesn't Tom ever say hello to us anymore? Exakt vad är det där? What exactly is that? Exactly what is that? Det kan vente til i morgen. It can wait until morning. It can wait until tomorrow. Tom bliver grebet af panik. Tom is panicking. Tom's panicking. Tom ville sælge sin bil. Tom wanted to sell his car. Tom wanted to sell his car. Varför tycker du om det? Why do you like it? Why do you like it? Låt mig fundera en minut. Let me think a minute. Let me think a minute. Hur gör de det? How do they do that? How do they do that? Han er kendt af alle i landsbyen. All the villagers know him. He's known to everyone in the village. Jag vill drömma. I want to dream. I want to dream. Det är hans svaga punkt. It's his weak spot. That's his weak point. Jeg tror ikke Tom kommer til vores fest. I think Tom won't come to our party. I don't think Tom's coming to our party. Tom sagde at han følte sig utilpas. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Pigen tror stadig på julemanden. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. The girl still believes in Santa Claus. Uden tvivl! Without a doubt! No doubt! Åbn døren. Open the door. Open the door. Ingen ved, om han elsker hende eller ej. No one knows if he loves her or not. Nobody knows if he loves her or not. Du leger med ilden. You're playing with fire. You're playing with the fire. Kan jag gå? May I go? Can I go? Jag var inte ens här. I wasn't even here. I wasn't even here. Nogle dage kræver mere kaffe end andre. Some days require more coffee than others. Some days require more coffee than others. Melanie vet sanningen. Melanie knows the truth. Melanie knows the truth. Tom må have haft en nøgle. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Jag ska köpa en öl till Tom. I'll buy Tom a beer. I'm gonna buy Tom a beer. Ég er svolítið þreyttur. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Jag älskar detta jobb. I love this job. I love this job. Jag kommer att gå och fråga Tom. I'll go ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. Tom kender ikke engang Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom luftede sine hunde hver morgen. Tom walked his dogs every morning. Tom aired his dogs every morning. Det Arabiske Forår var ikke en fejltagelse men en bevidst fejl. The Arab Spring was not a mistake but an intentional mistake. The Arab Spring was not a mistake but a deliberate mistake. Ni är uppriktiga. You're sincere. You're being honest. Husk på at du er gravid. Remember, you're pregnant. Remember, you're pregnant. Ken råbte om hjælp. Ken cried for help. Ken called for help. Emnet er lykke. The topic is happiness. The subject is good luck. Ge mig ett arbete. Give me a job. Give me a job. Vi kunde inte gå ut på grund av tyfonen. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. Með hverjum finnst þér skemmtilegast að hanga? Who's your favorite person to hang out with? Whom do you like to hang out with? Vem som än använder den här tandborsten är inte min mor. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Jeg er jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Hun gav ham et foragteligt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a despicable look. Jeg er en vegetar som spiser masser af kød. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian who eats lots of meat. Solen gik ned for et stykke tid siden. The sun set a while ago. The sun went down a while ago. Jeg føler mig bedre. I feel better. I feel better. Tyskland er i gang med midlertidigt at indføre grænsekontrol ved grænsen til Østrig. Germany is introducing temporary border controls with Austria. Germany is temporarily introducing border controls at the border with Austria. Verdens største teleskop er på De Kanariske Øer. The world's largest telescope is in the Canary Islands. The world's largest telescope is on the Canary Islands. Toms party var ganska roligt, faktiskt. Tom's party was kind of fun, actually. Tom's party was pretty funny, actually. Min bedste ven er kineser. My best friend is Chinese. My best friend is Chinese. Alice smilte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Ég þurfti að ýta hjólinu mínu af því að það sprakk á hjá mér. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because it blew up with me. De var medlemmar av medelklassen. They were members of the middle class. They were members of the middle class. Titanic sank i 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Titanic sank in 1912. Skidt med det! It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it! Toms efternamn är Jackson. Tom's last name is Jackson. Tom's last name is Jackson. Mér finnst það fyndið. I find that funny. I think it's funny. Jag väntar på min tur. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Kan jag använda din telefon? Can I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Tom är bakom dig. Tom is behind you. Tom's behind you. Jag kan inte böja min högerarm. I can't bend my right arm. I can't bend my right arm. Jeg er ikke ansvarlig for det Tom gjorde. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. I'm not responsible for what Tom did. Jag bor med Tom. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Ge oss detaljerna. Give us the details. Give us the details. Vi er glade fordi der er mange biler her. We are happy because there are many cars here. We're happy because there's a lot of cars here. Arbejder Tom i køkkenet? Does Tom work in the kitchen? Tom works in the kitchen? Han drikker vand. He's drinking water. He's drinking water. Maska inte. Don't waste your time. Don't mask. Hevur tú brævið við tær? Do you have the letter with you? Do you work with toes? Virkelig? You don't say. Really? I er et problem. You guys are a problem. You're a problem. Får jag se dem? Can I see them? Can I see them? Jag hann inte. I didn't make it in time. I didn't. Jeg ser frem til at høre fra Dem. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I look forward to hearing from you. Ni har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown. I går hjalp jeg min far. Yesterday I helped my father. Last night, I helped my father. Ég var veikur í gær. I was ill yesterday. I was sick yesterday. Jag kommer att vänta. I will wait. I'll wait. De er tvillinger. They're twins. They're twins. Der er mange lavprisflyselskaber i Europa. There are many low-cost airlines in Europe. There are many low-cost airlines in Europe. Öppna munnen. Open your mouth. Open your mouth. Men allra mest undrade hon vad hette henne. But most of all he wondered what her name was. But most of all, she wondered what her name was. Det kan jeg ordne med det samme. I can take care of that immediately. I can handle that right away. Ég ætlast til að hann komi. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Jag respekterar dig och dina åsikter. I respect you and your opinions. I respect you and your opinions. Upprorsmännen saboterade järnvägen. The rebels sabotaged the railroad. The rebels sabotaged the railroad. Vi matade just barnet. We just fed the baby. We just fed the baby. Þekkirðu hann? Do you know him? Do you know him? Hun rødmede da vi lavede grin med hende. When we made fun of her, she blushed. She was reddening when we were making fun of her. Tom är väldigt modig. Tom is being very brave. Tom is very brave. Tom är den ende man som Mary någonsin har älskat. Tom is the only man that Mary has ever loved. Tom is the only man Mary ever loved. Jag klara det inte nu. I can't do that now. I can't do it now. Hví ertu svo döpur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Ska vi påbörja mötet nu? Shall we start the meeting now? Shall we begin the meeting now? Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said that you would come. Tom said you'd come. Det var en tæt kamp. It was a tight contest. It was a close fight. Du kan inte ändra på Tom. You can't change Tom. You can't change Tom. Har du allerede spist kage? Have you already eaten some cake? Have you already eaten cake? Ulve angriber normalt ikke mennesker. Wolves don't usually attack people. Wolves usually don't attack humans. Han går alltid hemifrån klockan sju. He always leaves home at seven. He always leaves at 7:00. Egern kan løbe virkelig hurtigt. Squirrels can run really quickly. The estate can run really fast. Velkominn heim. Welcome home. Welcome home. Jeg ved ikke hvad der kunne være sket. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter to pieces? Den algeriske stat respekterer ikke menneskerettighederne, men den har underskrevet charteret. The Algerian state does not respect human rights yet it has signed the charter. The Algerian state does not respect human rights, but it has signed the Charter. Lad ikke ilden gå ud. Don't let the fire die down. Don't let the fire go out. 1. verdenskrig varede fra 1914 til 1918. WW1 lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. Gårdagen är historia. Morgondagen är ett mysterium. Dagen idag är en gåva. Det är därför den kallas för nuet. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present". Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Jag kommer inte att vänta för alltid. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Jeg fulgte Tom. I followed Tom. I followed Tom. Jeg ønskede ikke at lave mad. I didn't want to cook. I didn't want to cook. Ge mig den där. Give me that thing. Give me that. In i bilen med dig. Get in the car. Get in the car. Ég fór í uppáhalds kjólinn minn fyrir teitina. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I went to my favorite dress for the party. Jag önskar dig allt väl. I wish you well. I wish you well. Hvað mundir þú gera ef þú værir í mínum sporum? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my position? Er hann að drekka kaffi? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Vad betyder SSSR? What does USSR stand for? What does the SSSR mean? Jag mår inte så bra. Skulle du kunna ge mig lite medicin? I don't feel well. Could you give me some medicine? I'm not feeling so good, could you give me some medication? Tom är en hipster. Tom is a hipster. Tom's a hipster. Vi er mænd. We are men. We're men. Klarar vi det? Can we make it? Are we gonna make it? Det var inte nödvändigt att han skulle ta med ett paraply. It wasn't necessary for him to bring an umbrella. It wasn't necessary for him to bring an umbrella. Jeg vil gerne være dyrlæge. I'd like to be a veterinarian. I'd like to be a vet. Tom bor med sin faster. Tom lives with his aunt. Tom lives with his aunt. Þú ert mikilvægur. You are important. You're important. Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu. Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child. Bill took the river to save the drowning baby. Jeg gik over stregen. I went over the top. I crossed the line. Tom hjälper oss. Tom helps us. Tom will help us. Hans tal fångade vår uppmärksamhet. His speech captured our attention. His numbers caught our attention. De bliver gift i morgen. They are going to get married tomorrow. They'll be married tomorrow. Vi hinner förmodligen inte göra klart det idag. We probably don't have enough time to finish doing that today. We probably don't have time to finish it today. Jeg kan ikke omformatere min harddisk. Den er for stor. I can't reformat my harddrive. It's too big. I can't reformat my hard drive, it's too big. Jag vill inte höra några ursäkter. I don't want to hear any excuses. I don't want to hear any excuses. Lås dörren! Lock the door! Lock the door! Ta en drink med mig. Have a drink with me. Have a drink with me. Gæt hvem der vandt. Guess who won. Guess who won. Du vil aldrig være alene. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Han gav mig ett exempel. He gave me an example. He gave me an example. Jeg tager det dyreste af de to. I'll take the more expensive one. I'll take the most expensive of those two. Jag är berlinare. I am a Berliner. I'm a berlin. Jag vill inte vara hans vän. I don't want to be his friend. I don't want to be his friend. Jag tycker att du borde komma och stanna hos mig. I think that you should come and stay at my place. I think you should come and stay with me. Jag har en vän. I have a friend. I have a friend. Prinsesse Diana døde i et bilulykke. Princess Diana died in a car crash. Princess Diana died in a car accident. Du er den smukkeste pige jeg nogensinde har set. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Jag är din advokat. I'm your lawyer. I'm your lawyer. Hún er þögull kvenmaður. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Det finns också en toalett på fjärde våningen. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. En af børnene lod døren stå åben. One of the children left the door open. One of the children left the door open. Han er den dreng vi talte om den anden dag. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Det skal du ikke tænke på. Det er ikke dit problem. Don't worry about it. It's not your problem. Don't worry about that. Tom vil have alt alt for mange penge. Tom wants way too much money. Tom wants too much money. Stör det dig? Does it bother you? Does that bother you? Hver er det Tom kigger på? Who's Tom looking at? Who's that Tom looking at? Skrev du under det? Did you sign it? Did you write under it? Kommer ni ihåg det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He hit him in the face. Jag vet allt detta. I know all this. I know all this. Jeg er her! I'm here. I'm here! Kom og dans! Come dance! Come and dance! Jeg ser TV hver dag. I watch television every day. I watch TV every day. Vi fruktar. We're afraid. We fear. Hold så op! Give me a break! Stop it! Tom slap fuglen fri. Tom set the bird free. Tom set the bird free. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja. She advised him to stop smoking. She advised him to stop smoking. Er der en bus der kører til butikscentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Við erum öll ófullkomin. Við getum ekki búist við fullkominni ríkisstjórn. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. We are all imperfect, and we cannot expect a perfect government. Hur kommer det sig att du alltid är sen? Why is it that you're always late? How come you're always late? Eg havi mist min pengapung. I lost my wallet. I must have lost my money pung. Se saker som de är. See things as they are. Look at things they are. Hvordan siger man XXX på engelsk? How do you say XXX in English? How do you say XXX in English? Han taler fem sprog. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Hvem gjorde det? Who did it? Who did it? Tänker du följa med? Are you going along? Are you going with me? Undskyld, hvad er klokken? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Der er nogle æbler i kurven. There are some apples in the basket. There are some apples in the basket. Min søn tog til Iran. My son went to Iran. My son went to Iran. Tom, få os ud herfra! Tom, get us out of here! Tom, get us out of here! Jag tyckte inte om att skriva officiella brev. I didn't like to write official letters. I didn't like writing official letters. Det er ikke din kop. That is not your cup. It's not your cup. Hvor gamle var dine børn, da du flyttede til Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your children when you moved to Boston? Þjófarnir opnuðu allar skúffurnar í leit að peningum. The thieves pulled open all the drawers of the desk in search of money. The bulls opened all the drawers looking for money. Klokken er fire på mit ur. It's four o'clock by my watch. It's four o'clock on my watch. Pianoet er dyrt. The piano is expensive. The piano is expensive. Jag hatar min dator. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. Hvis du ikke ved hvad ordet betyder, så slå det op i ordbogen. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. Han är duktig med kort. He's good at cards. He's good with cards. Vilken säng som helst är bättre än ingen säng alls. Any bed is better than no bed. Any bed is better than no bed at all. Dyrnar opnuðust. The door opened. The door opened. New York er en af de største byer i verden. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Hon kom inte innan två. She didn't come before two. She didn't show up before two. Jag är på sidan tre. I'm on page three. I'm on page three. Vem träffar du? Who are you meeting? Who are you seeing? Hun giftede sig med en brandmand. She married a firefighter. She married a fireman. Jag är verkligen noggrann. I'm really careful. I'm really careful. Vi är annorlunda. We're different. We're different. Det där är flickan som jag känner väl. That is the girl whom I know well. That's the girl I know well. Det er ikke et svin; det er en abe. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. Vi ska skydda dig. We're going to protect you. We're gonna protect you. Tom taler fransk perfekt. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French perfectly. Ég get ekki fengið mig til að gera svona lagað. I cannot bring myself to do such a thing. I can't get myself to do stuff like that. Jag köpte mackan på macken. I bought the sandwich at the gas station. I bought the sandwich at the sandwich. Han talar jämt illa om sin fru. He is always speaking ill of his wife. He always talks bad about his wife. Jag har inte sett henne på nästan ett år. I have not seen her for almost a year. I haven't seen her in almost a year. Þú ert þreytt og það er ég líka. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. Är inte vi vänner? Aren't we friends? Aren't we friends? Kunnu tygum vísa mær? Can you show me? Could fabric point the sticker? Ef það sem þú segir er satt, fylgir að hann er með fjarvistarsönnun. If what you say is true, it follows that he has an alibi. If what you say is true, he has an alibi. Ingen blev träffad. No one was hit. No one was hit. Blev den her mur bygget for at holde folk ude eller for at holde dem inde? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Han är en riktig kuf. He's really an oddball. He's a real basket. Var satte jag den? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Toms svar överraskade Mary. Tom's reply surprised Mary. Tom's response surprised Mary. Det vil ikke hjælpe dig. It won't help you. It won't help you. Þú getur reitt þig á hans hjálp. You can depend on his help. You can count on his help. Tom gik over til kvinden der havde en drink i hånden og spurgte hende hvad hendes navn var. Tom walked over to the woman with a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Tom went over to the woman who had a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Den där slipsen passar bra till din skjorta. That tie goes well with your shirt. That tie fits well with your shirt. Jag är på väg dit. I'm on my way there. I'm on my way there. Barnið þarfnast móður sinnar. The baby needs its mother. The baby needs her mother. Jeg har lige så mange bøger som Tom har. I have as many books as Tom does. I have as many books as Tom has. Tom grälar med Mary. Tom is arguing with Mary. Tom's arguing with Mary. Ég ætla að eyða vikunni í Kanazawa. I am going to spend the weekend in Kanazawa. I'm going to spend the week in Kanazawa. Ingen spørger til mit land. Nobody asks me questions about my country. No one's asking my country. Vi ligger efter i tid. We're behind schedule. We're behind on time. Mary har falske bryster. Mary has fake tits. Mary has fake breasts. Hans hobby är styrketräning. His hobby is strength training. His hobby is strength training. Avisen er gratis. The newspaper is free. The newspaper is free. Spild ikke tid på bagateller. Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste time on pastels. Vad är allt det där? What is all that? What's all that? Kan du inte se det? Can't you see it? Can't you see? Ertu ekki þyrstur? Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? Jeg måtte vente til Tom sov. I had to wait until Tom was asleep. I had to wait till Tom slept. Tom á tvo bræður sem búa í Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Tom has two brothers living in Boston. Overvej det. Mull it over. Think about it. Jag har nyss ätit lunch. I've just had lunch. I just had lunch. Hún ráðlagði honum hvar hann ætti að gista. She advised him where he should stay. She advised him where to stay. Þetta er fallegt. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Ég hitti Tom áður en ég útskrifaðist úr framhaldsskóla, en ég hitti ekki Mary fyrr en mörgum árum seinna. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but didn't meet Mary until many years later. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but I didn't see Mary until many years later. Jag tänker inte gifta mig med dig. I'm not marrying you. I'm not gonna marry you. Kan du låsa dörren är du snäll? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door please? Jeg er i gang med at lære engelsk. I am studying English now. I'm learning English. Tom svømmede. Tom swam. Tom was swimming. Vil du have noget te? Do you want some tea? Would you like some tea? Jag bad inte om det här. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for this. Var har hon köpt de här böckerna? Where has she bought these books? Where did she buy these books? Det är inte nödvändigt för oss att närvara vid mötet. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. It is not necessary for us to be present at the meeting. Tom har mødt sin nabo på gaden. Tom met his neighbor in the street. Tom has met his neighbor on the street. Ken ákvað að fara til útlanda. Ken decided on going abroad. Ken decided to go abroad. Vil du hjælpe mig med at oversætte dette? Will you help me translate this? Will you help me translate this? Vi kommer att ses igen. We'll see each other again. I'll see you again. Mary kyssede ham på begge kinder. Mary kissed him on both cheeks. Mary kissed him on both cheeks. Han omfavnede hende. He hugged her. He embraced her. Ni får inte sluta nu. You can't quit now. You can't stop now. Det är osäkert om brevet någonsin kom fram eller inte. It is uncertain if the letter ever came or not. It is uncertain whether the letter ever emerged or not. Sagan hans hljómar sönn. His story sounds true. His story sounds true. Der var engang et stykke træ. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. There was once a piece of wood. Denne dæmning forsyner os med vand og elektricitet. This dam supplies us with water and electricity. This dam provides us with water and electricity. Kärlek är för tonåringar. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. Hon saknar honom. She misses him. She misses him. Der er mælk i køleskabet. There is some milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Kveðjur eru grundvöllur góðra mannasiða. Greetings are the basis of good manners. Greeting is the basis of good manners. Hon har marginaliserat sig själv. She has marginalized herself. She's marginalized herself. Jeg kan ikke bruge denne maskine. I can't use this machine. I can't use this machine. Tom og jeg er her for at hjælpe. Tom and I are here to help. Tom and I are here to help. Sjúklingarnir í þessari rannsókn samanstóðu af þrjátíu körlum og tuttugu og fimm konum. The patients in this study consisted of 30 males and 25 females. The patients in this study consisted of thirty men and twenty-five women. Stenen är tung. The stone is heavy. The stone is heavy. På vej til skole stødte Tom ind i en Mary. Tom bumped into a Mary on his way to school. On his way to school, Tom bumped into a Mary. Det gør ingen forskel om han kommer eller ej. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter if he comes or not. Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Mér tókst að láta kennarann skilja hugmyndina mína. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. I managed to let the teacher understand my idea. Var du i hæren? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Jag kommer tillbaka i tid. I'll be back in time. I'll be back in time. Det var hans beslut. It was his decision. That was his decision. Jeg kan ikke li' at studere. I don't like studying. I don't like studying. Jeg elsker dig, far. I love you, Dad. I love you, Dad. Bestilte du bogen? Did you order the book? Did you order the book? Mary har studeret sexologi. Mary studied sexology. Mary studied sexology. Jag har god syn. I have good eyes. I have good vision. Jag går inte ut. I'm not going out. I'm not going out. Han greps för skattefusk. He was arrested on charges of tax evasion. He was arrested for tax fraud. Släpp kniven, annars bryter jag din arm. Drop that knife or I'll break your arm. Drop the knife or I'll break your arm. Brødet er frisk. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Tom er meteorolog. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom's a meteorologist. Mina planer misslyckades rejält. My plans failed miserably. My plans really failed. Tyskland hedder "Deutschland" på tysk. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Hun sorterede filerne i alfabetisk orden. She sorted the files in alphabetical order. She sorted the files in alphabetical order. Er virkilega hægt að spá fyrir um jarðskjálfta? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Is there really a way to predict earthquakes? Hon tycker om rysk pop. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop. Varför hatar Tom er? Why does Tom hate you? Why does Tom hate you? Han læste bogen fra begyndelsen til enden. He read the book from start to finish. He read the book from the beginning to the end. Tom er far til tre børn. Tom is the father of three children. Tom's the father of three kids. Spring inte så fort, jag hinner inte med. Don't run so fast; I can't keep up with you. Don't run so fast, I can't make it. Jag kommer inte att förlora. I won't lose! I'm not going to lose. Hesin bilurin er vakrari enn tykkara. This car is prettier than yours. This gap is stronger than that. Jeg prøver at levne plads til dessert. I'm trying to save room for dessert. I'm trying to leave room for dessert. Jag borde antagligen gå. I should probably go. I should probably go. Hej. Hi. Hey. Vem uppfanns telefonen av? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Jeg interesserer mig overhovedet ikke for politik. I am not interested in politics at all. I am not interested in politics at all. Byg og hvede vokser på markerne rundt om landsbyen. Barley and wheat grow in the fields around the village. Barley and wheat grow in the fields around the village. Hún er ákveðin í að ná sér niðri á vinkonu sinni fyrir að hafa stungið sig í bakið. She's determined to get back at her friend for stabbing her in the back. She is determined to get down on her friend for sticking in her back. Tom lade på i örat på Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom put Mary's ear on. Edward Sapir var en amerikansk lingvist. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. Bliv nu ikke oppe hele natten. Don't stay up all night. Don't stay up all night. Vil du danse med mig? Do you want to dance with me? You wanna dance with me? Tom giver mig aldrig svar. Tom never gives me any answers. Tom's never gonna answer me. Hunden sover på verandaen. The dog is sleeping on the porch. The dog's sleeping on the porch. Tycker du om hjortkött? Do you like venison? Do you like deer meat? Jeg kan komme klokken tre. I can come at three. I'll be there at 3:00. Han løb hjemmefra tre gange før han var ti. He ran away from home three times before he was ten. He ran from home three times before he was ten. Middagen är klar! Dinner's ready! Dinner's ready! Jag vet att du är upprörd. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Det kunde inte vara någon annan än Tom. It couldn't be anyone else but Tom. It couldn't be anyone but Tom. Jeg plantede et æbletræ i min have. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. Tom synger sommetider på fransk. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sings sometimes in French. Dramatiskt musik skulle kunna vara en bra effekt i den här scenen. Dramatic music might be a good effect in this scene. Dramatic music could be a good effect in this scene. Rådhuset ligger ikke langt herfra. The city hall isn't far from here. The town hall is not far from here. Kætterne blev brændt levende. The heretics were burned alive. The vegetables were burned alive. Han kender hende. He knows her. He knows her. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I have to go now. I gotta go now. Jag var älskad. I was loved. I was loved. Jag mår bra, tack. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Tom er rigtig sej. Tom is really cool. Tom's really cool. Hun ønskede at sælge sin bil. She wanted to sell her car. She wanted to sell her car. Vet ni var vi är? Do you know where we are? Do you know where we are? Jason var en tystlåten typ, så det var alltid en överraskning när han sa någonting. Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything. Jason was a quiet guy, so it was always a surprise when he said something. Jeg er en kineser. I am Chinese. I'm a Chinese man. Tänk på din framtid. Think about your future. Think of your future. E.T., ring hjem! E.T. phone home. E.T., call home! Jag tvivlade aldrig på det. I never doubted it. I never doubted it. Hvor kommer du fra? Where are you from? Where did you come from? Þú ert vinur Toms, ekki satt? You're a friend of Tom's, eh? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Du måste ha tålamod. You have to be patient. You must be patient. Lad os snakke om det over en kop kaffe! Let's talk about it while we drink a cup of coffee. Let's talk about this over a cup of coffee! Hav en god tur. Have a nice trip. Have a good trip. Ja det sker en gang imellem. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens once in a while. Gør det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Hun ønsker at være en berømthed. She wants to be a celebrity. She wants to be a celebrity. Tåget avgick i tid. The train left the station on time. Train set off on time. Min bedstefar blev dræbt under 2. verdenskrig. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Den grimme ælling blev til en smuk svane. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. The ugly eel turned into a beautiful swan. Vi skal ikke til Australien. Vi skal til New Zealand. We aren't going to Australia. We're going to New Zealand. We're not going to Australia, we're going to New Zealand. Ég þarf hjálp. I need help. I need help. Hans hud var varm. His skin was warm. His skin was warm. Vad är det du räknar? What're you counting? What are you counting? Romarna förföljde kristna. The Romans persecuted Christians. The Romans persecuted Christians. Toms far er i fængsel. Tom's father is in jail. Tom's father is in prison. Floden er ikke mere så ren som den engang var. The river is no longer as clean as it used to be. The river is not as clean as it once was. Jag skriver en roman. I am writing a novel. I'm writing a novel. Tom är frånvarande. Tom is absent. Tom is absent. Vi klär julgranen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. Let's dress the Christmas tree. Ved vaskehallen ved siden af indkøbscenteret. At the car wash next to the shopping mall. At the laundry hall next to the mall. Tom tror at Jorden er flad. Tom believes that the Earth is flat. Tom thinks the Earth is flat. Det här är inte min åsikt, bara min översättning! It's not my opinion, but just my translation. This is not my opinion, just my translation! "Hvornår er du tilbage?" "Det afhænger af vejret." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Kom så, drenge! Det her kan vi godt klare! Come on boys, we can do this! Come on, boys, we can do this! Jeg drømte mig en drøm i nat om silke og fornemt stof eller om lighed og retfærdig dom. I dreamt a dream last night, about silk and fine cloth or about equality and fair trial. I dreamt of a dream last night about silk and strange matter or about equality and justice. De lurade alla. They deceived all. They all tricked. Kviksølv, altid flydende, korroderer metaller. Quicksilver, always liquid, corrodes metals. Mercury, always liquid, corrodates metals. Tom og Mary kommer ikke altid for sent, men tit. Tom and Mary aren't always late, but they often are. Tom and Mary aren't always too late, but often. Hjälp mig lyfta paketet. Help me lift the package. Help me lift the package. Han har sokker og sko på. He wears socks and shoes. He's wearing socks and shoes. Vi nåede London ved midnat. We reached London at midnight. We reached London at midnight. Du är så het. You're so hot. You're so hot. Jag antog att den var gratis. I assumed that it was free. I assumed it was free. Lisa låtsades inte höra. Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa didn't pretend to hear it. Jag är van vid att dricka kaffe utan socker. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. Í þann mund er hann opnaði dyrnar fann hann lykt af einhverju að brenna. The instant he opened the door, he smelt something burning. In the mouth when he opened the door, he smelled something burning. Han skød ham i knæet. He shot him in the knee. He shot him in the knee. Jag kommer snart träffa honom I'll go meet him soon. I'll see him soon. Jag bad inte om din hjälp. I didn't ask for your help. I didn't ask for your help. Du är ny, eller hur? You're new, huh? You're new, aren't you? Það var smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was some milk left in the bottle. Den här bilen ser glad ut. This car looks happy. This car looks happy. Tom har rymt. Tom's escaped. Tom's escaped. Tú kanst ikki hjálpa mær. You can't help me. You can't help me neither. Jag ska kolla. I'll check. I'll check. Borde du inte ta en paus? Shouldn't you take a break? Shouldn't you take a break? Rør ikke knappen. Don't touch the button. Don't touch the button. Af svip hans að dæma er hann ekki að segja sannleikann. Judging from his expression, he is not telling the truth. From his standpoint, he is not telling the truth. Spiser de æblet? Are they eating the apple? They eat the apple? Ved du hvem denne bil tilhører? Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know who this car belongs to? Alla stannade. Everybody stayed. Everybody stopped. Hvorfor kom han ikke? Why didn't he come? Why didn't he come? De är inte alltid där. They're not always there. They're not always there. Jeg var ikke stærk nok. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough. Jag önskar att jag kunde måla sådär. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. Jeg hørte det i radioen. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tom líkar ekkert alltof vel við Maríu. Tom doesn't like Mary very much. Tom doesn't like Mary too much. Också jag tycker om godis. I, too, like candy. I also like candy. Du kan inte göra det längre. You can't do that anymore. You can't do it anymore. Koreaner tycker inte om koriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Koreans don't like coriander. Jeg har ikke feber. I don't have a fever. I don't have a fever. Snaggra aðgerða er þörf. Prompt action is necessary. Smarter procedures are needed. Stjórnmálaferli hans er lokið. His political career has ended. His political process is over. Efter langfredag ​​kommer påske. After Good Friday comes Easter. After lunch comes Easter. Tom tog et billede af Mary og sendte det til John. Tom took a picture of Mary and sent it to John. Tom took a picture of Mary and sent it to John. Hvordan siger man "dampede ris" på vietnamesisk? How do you say "steamed rice" in Vietnamese? How do you say "spamped rice" in Vietnamese? Hun går ind i skoven midt om natten, og nu foregiver hun at være bange for mørke. She goes to the woods in the middle of the night and now, she pretends to be scared of the dark. She goes into the woods in the middle of the night, and now she pretends to be afraid of darkness. Tárin runnu niður vanga hennar. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Tears came down her habit. Vem fattar besluten? Who's making the decisions? Who makes the decisions? Affind dig med det. Deal with it. I want you to define it. Hvem i din klasse kan løbe hurtigst? Who can run fastest in your class? Who in your class could run as fast as possible? Han så til højre og gik. He looked right and left. He looked right and went. Jeg lærte hende at cykle. I taught her to ride a bicycle. I taught her how to ride. Ved du ikke hvad der foregår? Don't you know what's happening? Don't you know what's going on? Hun sover som en baby. She sleeps like a baby. She sleeps like a baby. Þú verður ekki sein, er það nokkuð? You won't be late, will you? You're not gonna be late, are you? Var ligger Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Var ligger den portugisiska ambassaden? Where is the Portuguese office? Where is the Portuguese embassy? Vi kan rädda många liv. We can save a lot of lives. We can save many lives. Spindlar spinner nät. Spiders spin webs. Spins spin nets. Den är för stor. It's too big. It's too big. Tom är naiv. Tom is naive. Tom's naive. Katten sidder på bordet. The cat is sitting on the table. The cat's on the table. Det kan jag förklara. I can explain that. I can explain. Snälla gå ut härifrån genast. Please get out of here immediately. Please get out of here right now. Eg dugi eitt sindur av fronskum. I speak a little French. I'll have one seat of frenzy. Layla är en fantastisk kock. Layla is a wonderful cook. Layla is a great cook. Har du någonsin snarkat? Have you ever snored? Have you ever lost your mind? Jag hittade faktiskt någonting. I did find something. Actually, I found something. Skælder mor hestens hamp ud? Is mom scolding the horse's hemp? Is Mom gonna throw out the horse's hemp? Tom undvek militärtjänstgöring. Tom avoided military service. Tom escaped military service. Løj de? Were they lying? They lied? Vil du gå til stationen med mig? Do you want to go to the station with me? You want to go to the station with me? Er du sikker på at du ikke bruger maskinoversættelser? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Tom var inte så säker själv. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Får jag äta den här kakan? Can I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? Tom begyndte at køre. Tom started driving. Tom started driving. Jag gillar det här. I like this. I like this. Jeg mangler selvtillid. I lack confidence. I lack confidence. Det var tydeligt at Tom forsøgte at få Marys opmærksomhed. It was obvious that Tom was trying to get Mary's attention. It was clear that Tom was trying to get Mary's attention. Gid jeg var anderledes! I wish I were different. I wish I was different! Ju mer du lär känna henne, desto mer kommer du att gilla henne. The more you get to know her, the more you'll like her. The more you get to know her, the more you'll like her. Jag visste att ni skulle sakna mig. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Áttu barnabörn? Do you have grandchildren? Do you have grandchildren? Köp en tandkrämstub åt mig när du är i affären. Get me a tube of toothpaste while you're at the store. Buy me a toothpaste stick while you're at the store. Tom kan köra bil. Tom can drive a car. Tom can drive a car. Jag tycker att du behöver tänka på framtiden. I think you need to think about the future. I think you need to think about the future. Vad har du inte gjort? What haven't you done? What haven't you done? Jeg så alt. I saw everything. I saw everything. Tom vill någonting annat. Tom wants something else. Tom wants something else. Jeg er lige så gammel som dig. I'm as old as you. I'm as old as you. Ég kvæntist þegar ég var 19 ára gamall. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I got married when I was 19. Mary er aldrig nogensinde blevet inviteret ud på en date. Mary has never ever been asked out on a date. Mary has never been asked out on a date. Ég hitti föður þinn í gær. I met your father yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Hon varnade dig. She warned you. She warned you. Markerne lå dækkede af et tykt lag sne. The fields lay covered with deep snow. The fields were covered with a thick layer of snow. Det startade en kedjereaktion. It started a chain reaction. It started a chain reaction. Jag fattar. I get the idea. I get it. Følg bilen. Follow the car. Follow the car. Jeg mødes med Tom i morgen. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. I'll meet Tom tomorrow. Hold det her! Hold this. Hold this! Jag behöver verkligen din hjälp. I really need your help. I really need your help. Ég er frá Ítalíu og tala ítölsku. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm from Italy speaking Italian. Hr. Johnson er ríkur maður. Mr Johnson is a rich man. Mr. Johnson is a rich man. Tag det hele. Take it all. Take it all. Vi hamnade i bråk. We got in a fight. We got into trouble. Tom er kommunistur. Tom is a communist. Tom's a communist. Jeg er fransklærer. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. De hjælper os. They help us. They're helping us. Du kommer att klara dig. You'll be fine. You're gonna be all right. Må jeg lukke vinduet op? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Lort! Shit! Shit! Han er en autoritet på sit område. He's an authority in his field. He's an authority in his field. Áhöfnin er upptekin við undirbúning fyrir ferðina út í geiminn. The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space. The crew is busy preparing for the journey to space. Min chef er en idiot. My boss is an idiot. My boss is an idiot. Hur ska jag hjälpa Tom? How do I help Tom? How am I supposed to help Tom? Låt oss göra affärer. Let's do business. Let's do business. Hun satte ringen på sin finger. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Såg Tom okej ut? Did Tom look OK? Did Tom look okay? Han är vis på några sätt. He is wise in some ways. He's wise in some ways. Ég vil meira. I want more. I want more. Eg skilji. Takki. Yes, I understand. Thank you. I understand. Sommeren er omme. Summer is over. Summer's over. Du tager gas på mig. You're pulling my leg. You're kidding me. Tom gav Mary 1000 dollar i en brun papirpose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary 1,000 dollars in a brown paper bag. Jag fick ett annat jobb. I got another job. I got another job. Tom er forpustet. Tom is panting. Tom's in the air. Þú verður að sjá heimilið hennar. You've got to see her home. You have to see her home. Lyfið virkar eins og galdur. The drug acts like magic. The medicine works like a spell. Spørgsmålet er hvor længe. The question is how long. The question is, how long? Hvem læser? Who is reading? Who reads? Aldrig i verden! No way! No way! Vi daser i sommersolen. We are basking in the summer sun. We're dancing in the summer sun. Takk. Gæti ég í staðinn skilað því til þín? Thanks. Could I return it to you instead? Could I give it back to you instead? Þessi skáldsaga var skrifuð af amerískum rithöfundi. This novel was written by an American writer. This novel was written by an American writer. Kate drekkur mikið af mjólk á hverjum degi. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Vi gick ut på en promenad efter frukost. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went out for a walk after breakfast. Tänker du verkligen göra det? Are you really planning to do that? Are you really gonna do that? Et æble om dagen holder doktoren væk! One apple a day keeps the doctor away! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Hon bet honom. She bit him. She bit him. Han beundrade min nya bil. He admired my new car. He admired my new car. Tom købte sin billet for tyve minutter siden. Tom bought his ticket twenty minutes ago. Tom bought his ticket 20 minutes ago. Tom är dyblöt. Tom is drenched. Tom's dry. Rummet är fullt av folk. The room is full of people. The room is full of people. Tom havde ikke sin skudsikre vest på. Tom wasn't wearing his bulletproof vest. Tom didn't have his bulletproof vest. Tom gav Mary lite choklad. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Tom gave Mary some chocolate. Jag måste ha passerat stationen medan jag tog en tupplur. I must have gone past the station while I was taking a nap. I must have passed the station while I took a nap. Tom tog fram sitt häfte och sin penna. Tom pulled out his notebook and pencil. Tom brought out his booklet and his pen. Det ska aldrig hända igen. That'll never happen again. It'll never happen again. Haglélið gerði sprungu í gluggann. The hail cracked the window. The Haglé did a crack in the window. Vill du ha ett jobb? Do you want a job? You want a job? Du känner honom bättre än jag. You know him better than I do. You know him better than I do. Garantien på mit tv er udløbet. The warranty for my TV is expired. The guarantee on my TV has expired. Jag lämnar inte den här polisstationen förrän jag får träffa Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I get to see Sami. Jag lovar. Jag kommer aldrig att göra det igen. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I'll never do it again. Jeg er omgivet af idioter! I'm surrounded by fuckwits! I'm surrounded by idiots! Måske har du lavet en fejl. Perhaps you've made a mistake. Maybe you made a mistake. Gör det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Jag har mer än nog. I have more than enough. I have more than enough. Vi holder tre hunde og en kat. We keep three dogs and a cat. We're holding three dogs and a cat. Tom er ikke længere patient her. Tom is no longer a patient here. Tom is no longer a patient here. Dette ur er vandtæt. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. Ska vi gå hem? Are we going home? Shall we go home? Sjung med. Sing along. Sing along. Jeg købte en Picasso. I bought a Picasso. I bought a Picasso. Sverige är det största landet i Skandinavien. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Tom klatrede op ad stigen og plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. De erobrede Rom i juni 1944. They captured Rome in June of 1944. They conquered Rome in June 1944. Æblet falder ikke langt fra træet. The apple does not fall far from the tree. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Det er en dum lov. It's a stupid law. It's a stupid law. Det er ikke blod, det er tomatpure. It's not blood, it's tomato paste. It's not blood, it's tomato puree. Han er ikke den rigtige mand for dig. He's not the right man for you. He's not the right man for you. När frågade du Tom? When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? Han hældte mælk i sin te og rørte rundt. He put milk into his tea and stirred it. He poured milk into his tea and touched it. Jeg er ikke bange. I am not afraid. I'm not afraid. Jörðin er eins og bolti með stórt segulstál að innan. The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it. The earth is like a ball with a large magnetic steel inside. Han drikker alt for meget øl. He drinks far too much beer. He's drinking too much beer. Sluta gnäll! Stop your bellyaching. Stop whining! Han kan lide alle dyr bortset fra heste. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all animals except horses. Varför tog du med Tom hit? Why did you bring Tom here? Why did you bring Tom here? Jeg misunder ikke folkene i Det Hvide Hus. I do not envy the people at the White House. I don't envy the people of the White House. USA er rigt på naturressourcer. The United States is abundant in natural resources. The United States is rich in natural resources. Regningen, tak. The bill, please. The rule, please. Jeg hjælper dig selvfølgelig. Of course I'll help you. Of course I'll help you. Dette er en lang blyant. This is a long pencil. This is a long pencil. En skål ris vejer omkring 180 gram. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. Tom ser lättad ut. Tom looked relieved. Tom looks relieved. Helens ord fyllde mig plötsligt med ny kraft. Helen's words suddenly filled me with new energy. Helen's words suddenly filled me with new power. Jag köper silver från en man som äger en gruva. I buy silver from a man who owns a mine. I buy silver from a man who owns a mine. Hvor tog du dine briller af? Where did you take your glasses off? Where'd you take your glasses off? Jeg kan lide at købe tøj. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. Jag behöver ditt nummer. I need your number. I need your number. Den var högljudd. It was noisy. It was loud. Du er en god mand. You are a good man. You're a good man. Goddag. Hvad ønsker du? Good day. What do you want? What do you want? Der er ikke en kone jeg vil have, men en sexveninde. It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend. There's not a wife I want, there's a six-friend. Detta handlar inte om dig. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Tom har vundet prisen. Tom has won the prize. Tom won the prize. Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget gravitationsbølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Researchers have announced that they have discovered gravity waves. Layla går med hijab. Layla is a hijabi. Layla goes with Hijab. Kan du ge mig den, snälla? Could you give me that, please? Can you give it to me, please? Hvad koster dette kamera? How much is this camera? How much does this camera cost? Boken föll på golvet. The book fell to the floor. The book fell on the floor. Det er min fars skyld. The fault is on the part of my father. It's my father's fault. De fleste huse blev totalt ødelagt. Most houses were destroyed to pieces. Most houses were completely destroyed. Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How come you won't buy a blue? Jag är ganska hungrig. I'm fairly hungry. I'm pretty hungry. Håller isen? Will the ice bear? Is the ice holding? Æblet blev spist af mig. The apple was eaten by me. The apple was eaten by me. Að sjálfsögðu hjálpa ég þér. Of course I'll help you. Of course, I'll help you. Jeg har ikke brug for dine penge. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Hvad kom først: ægget eller hønen? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What first came: the egg or the chicken? Tom överlevde flygkraschen. Tom survived the plane crash. Tom survived the plane crash. Efter regn kommer solsken. Every cloud has a silver lining. After the rain comes the sunshine. Jag tror jag aldrig har sett dig så full förut. I think I've never seen you so drunk before. I don't think I've ever seen you so drunk before. Hvor mange gange om dagen bør man fodre en hund? How many times a day should you feed a dog? How many times a day should you feed a dog? Mange elever har købt bogen. Many students bought the book. A lot of students bought the book. Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Sami er en berømt youtuber. Sami is a famous YouTuber. Sami is a famous youtube. Við höfum ekki tíma. We don't have time. We don't have time. Tror du det var ham der smadrede vinduet? Do you think he is the guy that broke the window? You think he broke the window? Jag hindrar dig inte. I'm not stopping you. I'm not stopping you. Du hatar Tom, eller hur? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, don't you? Jeg vil gerne have et kort over Texas i størrelsesforholdet 1:250.000. I want a map of Texas on a scale of 1 to 250000. I'd like a map of Texas at 1:250,000. Drej til venstre. Turn left. Turn left. Jeg kan lide at vande haven. I like to water the garden. I like to water the garden. Tom vill verkligen åka till Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. Tom really wants to go to Boston. Ni verkade inte förstå vad Tom sa. You didn't seem to understand what Tom was saying. You didn't seem to understand what Tom said. Kan I reparere mit ødelagte dæk nu? Can you fix my broken tire now? Can you repair my damaged deck now? Ingenting kan inte existera, för om det gjorde det så skulle det vara någonting. Nothing can't exist because if it did it would be something. Nothing can exist, because if it did, it would be something. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their granddaughter a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their grandson for Christmas. Tom och Mary spelar Minecraft tillsammans. Tom and Mary are playing Minecraft together. Tom and Mary play Minecraft together. Hvor har du været? Where've you been? Where have you been? Jeg tror at Tom nok allerede har en kæreste. I think Tom probably has a girlfriend already. I think Tom may already have a girlfriend. Jag har känt Tom länge. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom for a long time. Tom är väldigt rädd. Tom is very frightened. Tom's really scared. Sæt navnene på denne navneliste i alfabetisk orden. Alphabetize this list of names. Place the names of this list in alphabetical order. Bættu meira salti í súpuna. Add more salt to the soup. Add more salt to the soup. Far har bygget et nyt hus til mig. Father built me a new house. Dad built me a new house. Þú ert ekki Japani. You are not Japanese. You're not Japan. Vær skånselsløs! Be merciless. Be ruthless! Han har ti børn. He has ten children. He's got ten kids. Hvorfor er I så vrede? Why are you guys so angry? Why are you so angry? Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka svona mikið geturðu vel orðið alkóhólisti. If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic. If you keep drinking that much, you can become an alcoholic. Jag ska delta i en demonstration. I'm going to join a demonstration. I'm going to a demonstration. Det armenske folkemord efterlod halvanden million døde, herunder mænd, kvinder og børn. The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children. The Armenian genocide left one and a half million dead, including men, women and children. Jag behöver lösenordet. I need the password. I need the password. Ge den åt Tom. Give it to Tom. Give it to Tom. Aldrig hade jag sett en sådan fridfull syn. Never have I seen such a peaceful sight. I had never seen such a peaceful sight. Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it a secret. I promised him I'd keep it secret. Vi er ved at lære fransk. We're learning French. We're learning French. Jeg har mistet dit telefonnummer. I lost your phone number. I lost your phone number. Tom løb efter Mary. Tom ran after Mary. Tom ran after Mary. Jú meiri, jú betri. The more, the better. The more, the better. Viltu gjöra svo vel að kalla á leigubíl fyrir mig? Will you please call me a taxi? Would you please call me a cab? Stäng din bok. Close your book. Close your book. Hvem var det, Pizarro slog ihjel? Who did Pizarro kill? Who was Pizarro's killer? Han är tre år äldre än hon. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than she is. Pengarna kom ifrån Algeriet. The money was coming from Algeria. The money came from Algeria. Tom diskuterade problemet med Mary. Tom discussed the problem with Mary. Tom discussed the problem with Mary. Jag vill bara ha den. I just want it. I just want it. Är det bra eller dåligt? Is that a good or a bad thing? Is it good or bad? Ég er að laga útvarpið sem ég fann á leiðinni heim. I'm fixing the radio which I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I found on my way home. Tom og Mary er berusede. Tom and Mary are drunk. Tom and Mary are drunk. Jag känner bra till Boston. I know Boston well. I know about Boston. Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Tom kunne ikke huske, hvad de havde talt om. Tom couldn't remember what they'd been talking about. Tom couldn't remember what they were talking about. Jeg er begyndt på en ny slankekur. På to uger har jeg tabt fjorten dage! I started a new diet. In two weeks I lost fourteen days! I've started a new diet, and in two weeks I've lost 14 days! Du är väldigt energisk. You are really energetic. You're very energetic. Alle elsker deres far. Everyone loves their father. Everybody loves their father. Hvis bil er den her? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Hun er 31 år. She is thirty-one. She's 31. Ved at undervise lærer vi. By teaching, we learn. By teaching, we learn. Tom tittade ut genom fönstret på skeppet som kom in i hamnen. Tom looked out the window at the ship that was coming into port. Tom looked out the window of the ship that entered the harbor. Det er for varmt. It's too hot. It's too hot. Jag tittar alltid på dokumentärer. I always watch documentaries. I always look at documentarys. Jeg tænkte på om du vidste hvor Tom var. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. ”Varför ska du inte åka?” ”För att jag inte vill.” "Why aren't you going?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you go?" "Because I don't want to." Har du en telefon? Do you have a phone? Do you have a phone? Han er fotogen. He's photogenic. He's kerosene. Jeg ønsker et svar. I want an answer. I want an answer. Tom vill bara ha en muffins och en kopp kaffe. Tom just wants a muffin and a cup of coffee. Tom just wants a muffin and a cup of coffee. Ingen her spiser kød. Nobody here eats meat. Nobody here eats meat. Hvis du ikke kan lide det, så lad være med at spise det. If you don't like it, then don't eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Jeg må indrømme at jeg aldrig har hørt om ham. I must admit that I've never heard of him. I have to admit, I've never heard of him. Tom dör. Tom's dying. Tom dies. Jeg er munk. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Gör det inte. Don't do it. Don't do it. Dette er et billede af min mor. This is a picture of my mother. This is a picture of my mother. Den här är väldigt billig. This is very cheap. This one's very cheap. Det blåste en kall vind. A cold wind was blowing. It blew a cold wind. Húsið þitt er þrisvar sinnum stærra en mitt. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. Jag är nykter. I'm sober. I'm sober. Vart gick han? Where did he go? Where'd he go? Jag sa god morgon. I said good morning. I said good morning. Du har kanske rätt. You may be correct. Maybe you're right. Forstyr mig ikke mens jeg studerer. Don't disturb me while I'm studying. Don't bother me while I'm studying. Tom så ikke ud til at være glad. Tom didn't seem happy. Tom didn't look happy. I morgen vil vi proklamere en republik. Tomorrow we shall proclaim a republic. Tomorrow we will proclaim a republic. Kan vi använda den här? Can we use this? Can we use this? Mig langar til að nýta tækifærið til að tala við ríkisstjórann. I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity to talk to the governor. Sluta hacka på Tom. Stop picking on Tom. Stop hacking Tom. Hr. Jordan settist við hliðina á honum. Mr Jordan sat down beside him. Mr. Jordan sat next to him. Jag behöver mer tid. I need more time. I need more time. Jeg er ikke din coach længere. I'm not your coach anymore. I'm not your coach anymore. Man er nødt til at spise for at kunne leve. We need to eat in order to live. You have to eat in order to live. Hvad lavede de der? What were they doing there? What were they doing there? Der er en mand ved døren. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Det verkar som att jag har en lätt förkylning. It seems I have a slight cold. Looks like I've got a light cold. Paul kommer af princip ikke for sent til en aftale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul will not, in principle, be late for an agreement. Det här är en dålig plan. This is a bad plan. This is a bad plan. Amman er Jordans hovedstad. Amman is Jordan's capital. Amman is Jordan's capital. Það er hundur við dyrnar. There's a dog by the door. There's a dog at the door. Jeg kan ikke. Det er for tungt. I can't. It's too heavy. I can't, it's too heavy. Det påverkade egentligen inte oss. It really didn't affect us. It didn't really affect us. Prova det! Try it on. Try it! Du gjorde mig forskrækket! You startled me. You scared me! Var bodde du någonstans? Where did you live? Where did you live somewhere? Toms hus hjemsøges. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's house is haunted. Sikke et herligt vejr! What lovely weather! What a wonderful weather! Honum mistókst að vekja Harry. He failed to wake Harry up. He failed to wake Harry. Hvad blev der stjålet? What was stolen? What was stolen? Mary er enlig mor. Mary is a single mother. Mary's a single mother. Húsið hrundi í jarðskjálfta. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house fell into an earthquake. Mördade du Tom? Did you murder Tom? Did you kill Tom? Du måste gå nu. You need to go now. You have to go now. Tom köpte Mary lite choklad. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Det æble dér er stort. That apple is big. That apple is big. Jag ska betala dig. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Ég er með nefrennsli. My nose is running. I've got a runny nose. Der er regn på vej. It is going to rain soon. There's rain coming. Jeg drak ikke meget. I didn't drink much. I didn't drink much. Hvad? What? What? Du är livrädd, eller hur? You're scared to death, aren't you? You're terrified, aren't you? Jeg siger altid ja! I always say yes! I always say yes! Þú þekkir mig vel. You know me well. You know me well. Många träd tappar sina löv på vintern. Many trees lose their leaves in the winter. Many trees lose their leaves in winter. Hvor tog du dem af? Where did you take them off? Where'd you take them? Løs problemet. Solve the problem. Fix the problem. Hvornår spiste du sidst aftensmad med dine forældre? When was the last time you ate dinner with your parents? When was the last time you had dinner with your parents? Endelig har vi alle feltnavne på norsk, og det vil være til stor hjælp for vore brugere. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally, we all have field names in Norwegian, and that will be of great help to our users. Hun taler kurdisk. She speaks Kurdish. She speaks Kurdishly. Det är varmt i dag. It is hot today. It's hot today. Jeg snakker stadig ikke meget fransk. I still don't speak much French. I still don't talk much French. Tom sade att jag skulle göra det. Tom told me to do it. Tom said I would. Sami sagde følgende til mig. Sami told me the following. Sami said the following to me. Þú ofmetur hann. You overestimate him. You overestimate him. Tom spekulerede på, hvor dyb floden var. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Tom wondered how deep the river was. Hvorfor tager vi ikke hen og ser en film? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go see a movie? Vi hade en lång period av fint väder. We had a long period of good weather. We had a long period of nice weather. Han er forfatter. He's an author. He's a writer. Dette var hans eneste håb. This was his one and only hope. This was his only hope. Den er til Tom. It's for Tom. It's for Tom. Vi sælger alt. We're selling everything. We sell everything. Vi har inte bestämt ännu vart vi ska åka imorgon. We haven't yet decided where we'll go tomorrow. We haven't decided where to go tomorrow yet. Der kommer bussen. Here comes the bus. There comes the bus. Tom gick ner på knä för att se bättre. Tom knelt down for a better look. Tom went down on his knees to see better. Sex ára gamall hafði hann lært að nota ritvél og sagði kennaranum að hann þyrfti ekki að læra skrift. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. When he was six years old, he had learned to use a typewriter and told the teacher that he did not have to learn writing. Ég er glorsoltinn! I'm starving! I'm starving! Denne fisk lugter dårligt. This fish has a bad smell. This fish smells bad. Hvárt er hann úlfr? Is it a wolf? What kind of wolf is he? Jeg drikker for at slappe af. I drink to relax. I drink to relax. Det kunne jeg godt tænke mig at prøve. I'd like to try it. I'd like to try that. Hej! Howdy! Hey! Vad är din idé? What is your idea? What's your idea? Vad gjorde Tom här? What was Tom doing here? What did Tom do here? Det är inte du som bestämmer. You're not in charge. You're not the boss. Hvorfor hader teknologien mig? Why does technology hate me? Why does technology hate me? Vad är det här för någonting? What is this thing? What is this? Tom kan ikke lide at hænge ud med Mary. Tom doesn't enjoy hanging out with Mary. Tom doesn't like to hang out with Mary. Jag måste ändå fråga Tom om lov. I still need to ask Tom for permission. I still have to ask Tom for permission. Af hverju geturðu ekki komið? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Tom är inte härifrån. Tom's not from around here. Tom's not from here. Hur gick det, Tom? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Det hände så snabbt. It happened so fast. It happened so fast. Vidste du ikke at Tom har masser af katte? Didn't you know Tom has lots of cats? Didn't you know that Tom has lots of cats? Kan du lide denne have? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? Jag överlever nog. I'll live. I'm sure I'll survive. Tom var tørstig. Tom was thirsty. Tom was thirsty. Det skete den 20. oktober. That happened on October 20th. It happened on October 20th. Får jag lov? Shall we dance? May I? Det var som tusan! What the hell! Oh, shit! Jag är här som turist. I'm here as a tourist. I'm here as a tourist. Han kan tale 10 sprog. He can speak 10 languages. He can speak 10 languages. Kristus är uppstånden! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Ert hus är stort. Your house is big. Your house is big. Hún ráðlagði honum gegn því. She advised him against doing it. She advised him against it. Tom och Mary är i stort sett gifta. Tom and Mary are practically married. Tom and Mary are basically married. Já, en það verður erfitt. Yes, but it'll be difficult. Yeah, but it's gonna be hard. Algeriet fortjener tillid og støtte. Algeria deserves trust and support. Algeria deserves trust and support. Jag tycker om gräslök i soppan, men inte i salladen. I like chives in my soup, but not in my salad. I like onions in the soup, but not in the salad. Det var en obeskrivlig situation. It was an indescribable situation. It was an indescribable situation. Tom er interesseret i australsk historie. Tom is interested in Australian history. Tom is interested in Australian history. Við áttum góða stund við skák. We had a good time playing chess. We had a good time at chess. Þótt þetta sé mjög erfitt verk mun ég gera mitt besta. Although it is a very difficult task, I will do my best. Although this is a very difficult job, I will do my best. Norsk ligner svensk og dansk. Norwegian is similar to Swedish and Danish. Norwegian looks like Swedish and Danish. Jag var på banken. I went to the bank. I was at the bank. Låna aldrig en bil. Never borrow a car. Never borrow a car. Det måste vara jag. It has to be me. It must be me. Vikl dig ikke ind i selvmodsigelser. Don't get all tied up in knots. Do not become involved in contradictions. Vi ses senare, Tom. Catch you later, Tom. See you later, Tom. Góðan daginn. Good morning. Good morning. Gipsplader er lavet af gips. Drywall is made from gypsum. Gypsum plates are made of plaster. Jag har gott om tid, så kan jag sova en stund? I have plenty of time, so I can sleep for a while? I've got plenty of time, so can I sleep for a while? Snertu þessa flösku aldrei aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Never touch this bottle again! Jeg har ikke set en heteroseksuel i over en uge. I haven't seen a heterosexual person in over a week. I haven't seen a heterosexual in over a week. Tom kan ikke fordrage hunde. Tom hates dogs. Tom can't seduce dogs. Stúlkan brast í grát. The girl burst into tears. The girl broke into tears. Han har skrevet et brev. He wrote one letter. He wrote a letter. Vi er sikker på at det ikke var en ulykke. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Har du inte diskat tallrikarna än? Haven't you washed the plates yet? You haven't washed the plates yet? Tom är smärtsamt blyg. Tom is painfully shy. Tom is painfully shy. Österrikes kuperade landskap påminde herr Bogart om "Sound of Music". Austria's hilly landscapes reminded Mr. Bogart of The Sound of Music. Austria's hilly landscape reminded Mr. Bogart of the sound of Music. En af mine fætre er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjö, átta, níu, tíu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hun er en intelligent ung kvinde. She's an intelligent young woman. She's an intelligent young woman. Regn ikke med at han låner dig penge. Don't count on him to lend you any money. Don't expect him to lend you money. Det er ingen hemmelighed at Tom ikke kan lide Maria. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Mary. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Maria. Tom äter yoghurt med hackad mandel på till frukost. Tom has yogurt topped with slivered almonds for breakfast. Tom eats yoghurt with a chopped almond on for breakfast. Jeg kører på motorcykel. I am riding a motorcycle. I'm on a motorcycle. Tom kolade av. Tom passed out. Tom colded off. Vis mig dine dokumenter. Show me your documents. Show me your documents. Det gør så ondt! Stop det! It's so painful. Stop it! It hurts so much! Hún spurði mig hvað hefði orðið af honum. She asked me what had become of him. She asked me what happened to him. Det er klart som mudder. It's as clear as mud. It's clear like mud. Jag vill äta något som inte är sött. I want to eat something that isn't sweet. I want to eat something that's not cute. Dörrar är inte så illa som du tror. Doors ain't as bad as you think. Doors aren't as bad as you think. Jag pratade för mycket. I talked too much. I was talking too much. Känner ni inte igen Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Varifrån kommer du? Where do you come from? Where do you come from? Behåll den här. Keep this. Keep this. Jeg håber du ikke lider af klaustrofobi. I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. Skynda på dig. Get a move on. Hurry up. Det var min fejl. This was my mistake. It was my fault. Nok er nok! Enough already! Enough is enough! Vi ställer julgranen här. Let's put the Christmas tree here. We'll put the Christmas tree here. Någon ringde på dörrklockan. Someone rang the doorbell. Somebody called the doorbell. Sú eldri af dætrunum tveim er í háskóla. The older of the two daughters is in college. The older one of the two daughters is in college. Vi måste jobba nu. We have to work now. We have to work now. Dyrnar eru stundum opnar. The door is sometimes open. The door is sometimes open. Tom besvarede ikke spørgsmålene som Mary stillede. Tom didn't answer Mary's questions. Tom didn't answer the questions Mary asked. Alle vidste at han var en bogorm. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everybody knew he was a bookworm. Jeg forstod næsten intet. I understood almost nothing. I almost didn't understand anything. Lykilspurningin er ekki hvað ég get grætt heldur hverju ég hef að tapa. The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose. The key question is not what I can do but what I have to lose. Ge den ett ögonblick. Give it a moment. Give it a minute. Jag gör det om du stöttar mig. I will do it on condition that you support me. I'll do it if you support me. Hann er hrifinn af Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikkawa. Hvad er der galt nu? What's wrong now? What's wrong now? Jag är säker på att det skulle vara ett misstag att berätta för Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. Du gav mig för mycket. You gave me too much. You gave me too much. Skórnir þínir passa ekki við jakkafötin. Your shoes do not go with the suit. Your shoes don't fit your suit. Samis video gik viralt på YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Sami's video showed up on YouTube. Vi ventede på dig hele dagen. We waited for you all day long. We waited all day for you. Han har alltid för lite pengar. He's always short of money. He always has too little money. Klokkeslæt og dato passede vores træner. The time and date suited our coach. It was time and day for our coach. O.k., du vinder. OK, you win. Okay, you win. Vilken tid stänger postkontoret? What time does the post office close? What time does the post office close? Vilken underlig kvinna! What a strange woman! What a strange woman! Her er din kaffe. Here's your coffee. Here's your coffee. Jag har gjort det i tre och ett halvt år. I've been doing that for three and a half years. I've been doing it for three and a half years. Tom är lite udda. Tom is a little odd. Tom's a little odd. Gjorde Tom sig illa? Did Tom hurt himself? Did Tom hurt himself? Det skete i går. It happened yesterday. It happened yesterday. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You better get going. Den är second hand. It's second-hand. It's second hand. Var är han född och uppvuxen? Where was he born and raised? Where was he born and raised? Hvad kan I give os? What can you give us? What can you give us? Han knäckte nötter. He cracked nuts. He cracked nuts. Solbrillerne koster tyve euro. The sunglasses cost twenty euros. Sunbrills cost twenty euros. Room service, tack. Room service, please. Room service, please. Jeg foretrækker stadigvæk at skrive breve i hånden. I still prefer to write letters by hand. I still prefer to write letters in my hand. Hvor er min hest? Where's my horse? Where's my horse? Påminner det här dig om någon? Does this remind you of anybody? This reminds you of someone? Það eru níu leikmenn í liði. Nine players make up a team. There are nine players in the team. Jag kommer ännu ihåg Tom. I still remember Tom. I still remember Tom. Det är väldigt varmt i dag. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Ég hef engann tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don't have time to explain it to anyone. Jeg kan ikke sove om natten. I can't sleep at night. I can't sleep at night. Har alla hittat sina misstag? Has everybody found their mistakes? Everybody find their mistakes? Det er cirka 8 kilometer væk. It's about 8 kilometers away. It's about five miles away. Tag dine sko af. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Jag tror inte Tom vet hur man gör det. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. I don't think Tom knows how to do it. Vinsamlegast skilaðu foreldrum þínum bestu kveðjum frá mér. Please give my best regards to your parents. Please give your parents my best wishes. Mér líður ekki vel. I don't feel well. I don't feel good. Tom bad mig gå. Tom asked me to leave. Tom asked me to go. Vilken rörig dag. What a chaotic day. What a moving day. Tom går aldrig til fods i skole. Tom never walks to school. Tom never goes to school on foot. Jeg er langhåret. I've got long hair. I'm hairy. Tað eru oyggjar í sjónum. There are islands in the sea. The sea is unsightly. Jag vill egentligen bara skaffa vänner. I really just want to make friends. I really just want to make friends. Jag vet att du har varit upptagen. I know you've been busy. I know you've been busy. Mine forældre er ikke hjemme. My parents are not home. My parents aren't home. Jag skulle inte ljuga för dig. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Det regnede. It rained. It was raining. Jeg har en sort og en hvid hund. I have a black and a white dog. I have a black and a white dog. Det är antagligen hemsökt. It's probably haunted. It's probably haunted. For nylig er vi kommet ind i hundedagene. Lately, we've entered the dog days of summer. Recently, we have entered the dog days. Han havde halvtreds dollar. He had fifty dollars. He had fifty dollars. Burstaðu tennurnar. Brush your teeth. Bury your teeth. Jeg plejer at gå tur med hunden om morgenen. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I usually walk with the dog in the morning. Ett stort djur rymde från zoo. A big animal ran away from the zoo. A big animal escaped from the zoo. Jag är bra på mitt jobb. I'm good at my job. I'm good at my job. Du vet verkligen inte? You really don't know? You really don't know? Jeg er på arbejde nu, så jeg vil ringe til dig senere. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. Rusland har netop lanceret en ny offentlig sikkerhedskampagne kaldet "Sikre Selfies". Russia has just launched a new public safety campaign called "Safe Selfies". Russia has just launched a new public security campaign called Safe Selfies. Det är otroligt dumt. That's unbelievably stupid. It's incredibly stupid. Han är en storätare. He is a big eater. He's a big eater. Dom var utmärkta. They were fine. They were excellent. Fuglene gemte sig blandt bladene og begyndte at synge. The birds hid themselves among the leaves and started to sing. The birds hid among the leaves and began to sing. Jag tror att jag satt på den. I think I sat on it. I think I put it on. Tala långsammare. Speak slower. Talk slower. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to the boil. Bring the water in the cook. Tom har kaniner. Tom has rabbits. Tom has rabbits. Øl består af 90 % vand. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90 % water. Jag ser ingen. I don't see anybody. I don't see anyone. Tom fik ikke noget gjort i dag. Tom didn't get anything done today. Tom didn't get anything done today. Hann kom inn í herbergið mitt. He came into my room. He came into my room. Kunne du venligst fortælle mig hvad klokken er? Can you tell me the time, please? Could you please tell me what time it is? Tom tycker om att sticka. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to leave. Vi har hjulpet Tom med at luge haven. We helped Tom weed the garden. We've helped Tom hatch the garden. Det var allerede ved at være daggry. Dawn was already drawing near. It was already dawning. Berätta sanningen för dem. Tell them the truth. Tell them the truth. Det här är bilden som jag tog på Toms hus. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took at Tom's house. Vissa fiskar kan ändra sitt kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change their sex. Man får aldrig ge upp. Never give up! You must never give up. Du er ikke ung. You aren't young. You're not young. Berätta för mig hur du känner dig. Tell me how you're feeling. Tell me how you feel. Hvorfor ikke? Why not? Why not? Jeg drikker ikke meget øl. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Tom valde att inte kommentera saken. Tom declined to comment on the matter. Tom chose not to comment. Jag är upprörd. I'm upset. I'm upset. Han er canadisk. He is Canadian. He's Canadian. Vi hade inget bättre för oss. We had nothing better to do. We had nothing better to do. Min far dyrker ris. My father grows rice. My father's growing rice. Tom og Mary er polyamorøse. Tom and Mary are polyamorous. Tom and Mary are polyamorous. När jag pratar tyska är det bara Tom som förstår mig. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. When I speak German, only Tom understands me. Jag var där först. I was there first. I was there first. Du kan inte kontrollera mig. You can't control me. You can't control me. Du elsker at danse. You love dancing. You love dancing. Judy smilte til mig. Judy smiled at me. Judy smiled at me. Vi är i samma bransch. We're in the same business. We're in the same business. Der er en kat på bordet. There's a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. Dette er vand på hans mølle. This is grist to his mill. This is water on his mill. Hon är gift med en utlänning. She's married to a foreigner. She's married to a foreigner. Hur är det med din pappa? How is your dad? How's your dad? Kom nu, Tom! Come on, Tom. Come on, Tom! Vi är inte ens gifta ännu. We're not even married yet. We're not even married yet. Jag vill bara veta. I just want to know. I just want to know. Toms bil har tonede vinduer. Tom's car has tinted windows. Tom's car has tinted windows. Han är bra på att simma. He's good at swimming. He's good at swimming. De här är mycket ömtåliga. These are very fragile. These are very fragile. Hur vet du det? How can you know that? How do you know that? Sam var bara skinn och ben efter år av undernäring. Sami was reduced to skin and bones by years of malnutrition. Sam was just skins and bones after years of malnutrition. Det var inte fantastiskt. It wasn't sensational. It wasn't amazing. Kör du ofta bil till arbetet? Do you often drive a car to work? Do you often drive a car to work? Tom lagde plastfolie over maden. Tom put a plastic wrap over the food. Tom put a plastic foil over the food. Det är svårt att hålla konversation med någon som bara säger ja och nej. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It's hard to keep conversation with someone who just says yes and no. Molly har et stort ur. Molly has a large clock. Molly's got a big watch. Vem kan jag sälja den till? Who can I sell it to? Who can I sell it to? Hvaða háskóla stefnirðu á? Which college are you aiming for? What university are you headed for? Noget salt vil få det til at smage bedre. Some salt will make it taste better. Something salt will make it taste better. Tom og Mary kyssede hinanden farvel. Tom and Mary kissed each other goodbye. Tom and Mary kissed each other goodbye. Ég gat ekki fengið mig til að sjá hryllingsmyndina aftur. I couldn't bring myself to see the horror movie again. I couldn't get myself to see the horror movie again. Hun har brugt alle sine kreditkort til maksimum. She's maxed out all her credit cards. She's used all her credit cards for maximum use. Fólk undir átján getur ekki gifst. People under 18 cannot get married. People under eighteen can't marry. Vi steg upp tidigt så att vi kunde se soluppgången. We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. We got up early so we could see the sunrise. De tog i hand. They shook hands. They took hands. Socker drar till sig myror. Sugar draws ants. Sugar's drawing ants. I dag er det den første dag i resten af dit liv. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Today is the first day of your life. Hun blev testet for hiv. She got tested for HIV. She was tested for HIV. Tom landede sin helikopter på en øde ø. Tom landed his helicopter on a desert island. Tom landed his helicopter on a desert island. Mary købte sit drømmehus. Mary bought her dream house. Mary bought her dream house. Flyger du ofta? Do you fly frequently? Do you fly a lot? Ertu einbirni? Are you an only child? Are you alone? Han er stadig meget forelsket i dig. He's still very much in love with you. He's still very much in love with you. Tom har brug for nogle kontanter. Tom needs some cash. Tom needs some cash. Stig ind. Jeg vil køre dig et eller andet sted hen. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. I'm gonna take you somewhere. Jag kommer alltid att älska dig. I will always love you. I'll always love you. Dette er et igangværende arbejde. This is a work in progress. This is an ongoing work. Jeg håber, Tom har ret. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Tom sagde at John var et godt menneske. Tom said John is a good man. Tom said John was a good man. Jag väntar på dig. I'll wait up for you. I'm waiting for you. Jeg voksede op på landet. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Tom är fortfarande rädd för Mary. Tom is still afraid of Mary. Tom's still afraid of Mary. Ekki ganga yfir götuna! Don't cross the street! Don't cross the street! Vad mer kan jag säga? What more can I say? What else can I say? Ska vi dansa? Shall we dance? Shall we dance? Jeg må hellere sige det til ham. I'd better tell him. I'd better tell him. Trädet är ruttet och stendött och kan falla när som helst. The tree is rotten and stone dead, and could fall at any time. The tree is rotted and stone dead and can fall at any time. Vi har æg. We have eggs. We have eggs. Der er et æble i denne drengs lomme. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. Vi måste gå. We need to be going. We have to go. Kan du hålla det en hemlighet? Can you keep it a secret? Can you keep it a secret? Jag har köpt någonting åt dig. I got you something. I got you something. Gefðu honum það. Give it to him. Give it to him. Tom och Mary verkar inte hungriga. Tom and Mary don't seem to be hungry. Tom and Mary don't seem hungry. Alla ska gå. Everyone's going. Everyone's leaving. Älskar du din mamma? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Selv hvis jeg havde ønsket at holde op så kunne jeg ikke. Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. Han har blå øjne. He has blue eyes. He's got blue eyes. Hvordan fandt hun ud af det? How did she find out about that? How did she find out? Aviserne ofrede megen spalteplads på sagen. The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. The papers sacrificed a lot of space on the case. Glöm inte att andas. Don't forget to breathe. Don't forget to breathe. Det er ikke så nemt som jeg troede det var. It's not so easy as I thought it was. It's not as easy as I thought it was. Hvor mange æbler vil du have? How many apples do you want? How many apples do you want? Jag såg dina fotografier. I saw your photos. I saw your photographs. Elskar tú mammu tína? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mam? Vi måste bränna alla de här grejerna innan polisen kommer. We need to burn all this stuff before the police get here. We need to burn all of this stuff before the police arrive. Du har bara en chans att svara rätt. You have only one chance to answer correctly. You only have one chance to answer correctly. Tom býr nær við sína skrivstovu. Tom lives near his office. Tom lives near his writing bag. Jag kommer inte ihåg exakt var jag la nycklarna. I can't remember exactly where I put my keys. I don't remember exactly where I left the keys. Der er ingen tvivl om, at universet er uendeligt. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Hvað með að fara út að borða til tilbreytingar? How about dining out for a change? What about going out to dinner for a change? De ønskede at afsætte Fidel Castros kommunistiske regering. They wanted to oust the communist government of Fidel Castro. They wanted Fidel Castro's Communist government. Það kann að vera að hann muni aldrei verða frægur. It may be that he will never be famous. Maybe he'll never be famous. Tom er sædvanligvis helt flad ved udgangen af måneden. Tom is usually broke by the end of the month. Tom is usually completely flat by the end of the month. Han er hendes bedste ven. He is her best friend. He's her best friend. Hon fortsätter att stödja projektet. She continues to support the project. She continues to support the project. Heldigvis har jeg grønne fingre. Fortunately, I have a green thumb. Fortunately, I have green fingers. Jeg kender hendes hemmelighed. I know her secret. I know her secret. Jeg kan anbefale en god læge. I can recommend a good doctor. I can recommend a good doctor. Var är han? Where is he? Where is he? Min kropp är inte så smidig som den brukade vara. My body isn't as flexible as it used to be. My body isn't as smooth as it used to be. Har du en kofot i verktygslådan? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a cocoon in the toolbox? Lad være med at sige "vent". Do not say "wait". Don't say "vent." Mig skortir fé. I'm short of money. I don't have any money. Hvor mange timer tager det at flyve til Boston? How many hours does it take to fly to Boston? How many hours does it take to fly to Boston? Jag läser den här boken. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Han tar cykeln till skolan. He cycles to school. He takes the bike to school. Jeg får det skidt når jeg ser blod. I feel sick whenever I see blood. I don't feel good when I see blood. Tom forblev single hele sit liv. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained single all his life. Hun undgik at svare på mine spørgsmål. She avoided answering my questions. She avoided answering my questions. Det är inte ett problem. It's not a problem. It's not a problem. Passer den her? Does this fit? Does this fit? Når man taler om solen, så skinner den. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. When you talk about the sun, it shines. Det er godt at være hjemme. It's good to be home. It's good to be home. Hur vet vi det? How do we know that? How do we know that? Du måste lämna Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova till mitt på dagen. I thought Tom would sleep until noon. I thought Tom was going to sleep in the middle of the day. Layla ville gerne have Samis penge men ikke ham. Layla wanted Sami's money but not him. Layla wanted Sami's money, but not him. Skriv aldrig orden ”borsjtj” och ”sjtji” på tyska! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words “borshjj” and “shetji” in German! Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. Gazpacho är en kall tomat- och grönsakssoppa från Spanien. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Vi kommer tillbaka imorgon. We're coming back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Vad är lufttemperaturen idag? What's the air temperature today? What's the air temperature today? Mygg är smittbärare. Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases. Mog is a carrier. Om någon är politiker är det han. He is a politician, if ever there was one. If anyone's a politician, it's him. Jeg kan ikke tage telefonen lige nu. I can't answer the phone right now. I can't answer the phone right now. Hjálp! Help! Help! Hvad skal der blive af hende? What will become of her? What's to become of her? Vi är bättre än de. We're better than they are. We're better than them. Vi kan alla gå hem. We can all walk home. We can all go home. De ville ikke slippe os ind. They wouldn't let us in. They wouldn't let us in. Hvis jeg har forstået det rigtigt, så er jeg blevet taget ved næsen. If I understand correctly, I've been taken for a ride. If I get it right, I've been taken by my nose. Jag såg en möjlighet. I saw an opportunity. I saw an opportunity. Folk opfordrede til en øjeblikkelig invasion af Cuba. People called for an immediate invasion of Cuba. People called for an immediate invasion of Cuba. Jeg omfavnede hende. I hugged her. I embraced her. Ef það væri ekkert loft mundi fólk ekki einu sinni geta lifað í tíu mínútur. If there were no air, people could not live for even ten minutes. If there was no air, people wouldn't even be able to live for ten minutes. Har du set mit blad? Have you seen my magazine? Have you seen my magazine? Tom smed æbleskrogene i kompostbeholderen. Tom tossed the apple cores in the compost bin. Tom threw the apple hooks in the compost container. Jag har inte ätit på ett par dagar. I haven't eaten for a couple of days. I haven't eaten in a couple of days. Det är ingen tvekan om vem som blir vald. There is no doubt as to who will be elected. There is no doubt about who will be elected. Fyrretræsmøbler er ikke ret populære for tiden. Pine furniture is not very popular at the moment. Firewood furniture is not quite popular for the time being. Artikeln var skriven på engelska. That article was written in English. The article was written in English. Du har ødelagt alt. You've ruined everything. You've ruined everything. Jag tycker inte om att jobba på helger. I don't like working on weekends. I don't like working weekends. Det är inget fel med Tom. Nothing is wrong with Tom. There's nothing wrong with Tom. Jeg har ikke tid til gæster i dag. I don't have time for guests today. I don't have time for guests today. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. That's very funny. Mary er venstrehåndet. Mary is left-handed. Mary's left-handed. Vær så venlig at lave en milkshake til mig. Please make a milkshake for me. Please make me a milkshake. Jeg er gladest når jeg sover. I am happiest when I sleep. I'm happier when I'm asleep. De är oss på spåren! They're getting onto us! They're onto us! Var inte en sådan surpuppa! Don't be such a curmudgeon! Don't be such a soup! Du er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Mobbning är så klart ett allvarligt problem, men samtidigt måste vi inse att en nollvision här är omöjlig. Bullying is a serious problem, but we have to understand that setting out to eliminate it entirely isn't a realistic proposition. Bullying is of course a serious problem, but at the same time we must realise that a zero vision here is impossible. Raska på, Tom. Get on with it, Tom. Go on, Tom. Tom har ikke en hund. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. Jag är kittlig. I'm ticklish. I'm kinky. Jeg gjorde ingenting. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Einhvern daginn kaupi ég kandíflossvél. Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine. One day, I'll buy a canoeing machine. Temperaturer på op til 45 °C forventes på den iberiske halvø. Temperatures of up to 45°C are forecast on the Iberian peninsula. Temperatures up to 45 °C are expected on the Iberian peninsula. Tom klättrade ner. Tom climbed down. Tom climbed down. Mary gav børnene en julekalender så de kunne tælle dagene til jul. Mary gave the children an Advent calendar to help them count the days until Christmas. Mary gave the kids a Christmas calendar so they could count the days of Christmas. Gör honom inte besviken. Don't let him down. Don't disappoint him. Tom såg förbryllad ut. Tom looks confused. Tom looked confused. Missade jag mycket? Did I miss much? Did I miss a lot? Hun boede der i årevis. She lived there for years. She lived there for years. Han har brunt hår. He has brown hair. He's got brown hair. Dér er han en stor kanon, men her er han intet. He's a big fish there, but here he's nothing. There he is, he's a big gun, but here he is nothing. "Hvad skulle det være?" "To kilo kartofler, tak." "What do you want?" "Two kilos of potatoes, please." "What would it be?" "Two kilos of potatoes, please." Mary var casual klædt. Mary dressed casually. Mary was casually dressed. Jeg kan ikke lide at blive behandlet som et barn. I don't like being treated like a child. I don't like being treated like a child. Flýtið ykkur eða þið munuð ekki ná honum. Hurry up, or you won't catch up with him. Hurry up or you won't catch him. Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt. She advised him not to drive too fast. She advised him not to drive too fast. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more each day. I love you more and more every day. Leggðu harðar að þér ef þú ætlar að ná árangri. Work harder if you are to succeed. If you are going to succeed, work hard. Kom så tittar vi i garaget. Let's look in the garage. Come on, let's go look in the garage. Du ska inte behöva dagtinga med ditt samvete. You shouldn't need to compromise with your conscience. You shouldn't have to do dating with your conscience. Tom vidste ikke hvorfor. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Han tror han ved alt. He believes he knows everything. He thinks he knows everything. Det har varit intressant. It's been interesting. It's been interesting. Ja, jag förstår. Tack så mycket. Yes, I understand. Thanks a lot. Yes, I understand. Det är för att du inte vill vara ensam. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Finns det något jag kan göra för att hjälpa till? Is there something I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Det röda paraplyt påminde henne om sin farmor. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Vi ses i eftermiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. Byggdes denna mur för att hålla människor ute eller inne? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or inside? Tom nämnde inte det. Tom didn't mention that. Tom didn't mention that. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að þrífa diskinn. All you have to do is wash the dish. All you have to do is clean the disk. Tom ägnade hela sitt liv åt att studera hajar. Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks. Tom spent his whole life studying sharks. Alla tavlor i rummet hängde på sned. All the paintings in the room hung crooked. All the boards in the room were hanging on fire. Hvad har du sagt til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you tell Tom? Var ligger tvättstugan? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry room? Är du ledig i eftermiddag? Are you free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon? Allt det här är på grund av dig. All of this is because of you. All this is because of you. Tom måste komma med mig. Tom has to come with me. Tom has to come with me. Manden har mere brød end sin kone. The man has more bread than his wife. The man has more bread than his wife. Har du et kronometer? Do you have a chronometer? Do you have a centimetre? Vi har ikke hele eftermiddagen. We don't have all afternoon. We don't have all afternoon. Jeg ville have mine penge tilbage. I wanted my money back. I wanted my money back. Jeg vælger dig. I choose you. I choose you. Jag är helt ensam nu. I'm all alone now. I'm all alone now. Tak for din indsats. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your effort. Tom tilbragte en uge i Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. Du är en idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. Jag räddade ditt liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Dette er nyttig information. This is useful information. This is useful information. Kim og jeg er jævnaldrende. Kim and I are the same age. Kim and I are peers. Tom og hans veninde er i karantæne i deres eget hjem. Tom and his friend are quarantined at home. Tom and his girlfriend are quarantined in their own home. Du og jeg er jævnaldrende. You and I are the same age. You and I are the same age. Jag ska spela fotboll efter skolan. I am going to play soccer after school. I'm gonna play football after school. Guld är mer värdefullt än silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. En kat har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Tom holdt op med at tale da han så Mary træde ind i rummet. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary enter the room. Tom stopped talking when he saw Mary step into space. Han skriver sjældent til sin far. He rarely writes to his father. He rarely writes to his father. Det blir troligtvis inte lätt. It probably won't be easy. It's probably not going to be easy. Var vänliga. Be friendly. Please. Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Jeg giver mit ord på det. I give my word. I'm giving it to my word. Hann sefur eins og barn. He's sleeping like a baby. He's sleeping like a child. Tom överlever nog. Tom'll survive. Tom's gonna make it. Han har spelat schack sedan han gick på high school. He has been playing chess since he was in high school. He's been playing chess since he went to high school. Interesserer du dig for kunst? Are you interested in art? Are you interested in art? Har du ett hus i Italien? Do you have a home in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? Har det strejfet jeres tanker at lukke vinduerne? Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Has it crossed your mind to close the windows? Tom och Mary sålde sin bil förra veckan. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Jeg skal være læge. I'm going to be a doctor. I have to be a doctor. Det röda paraplyet påminde henne om hennes mormor. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandma. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Fortæl ham ikke at du er betjent. Don't tell him you're a cop. Don't tell him you're a cop. En del pojkar spelar tennis och andra spelar fotboll. Some boys play tennis and others play soccer. Some boys play tennis and others play football. Verdens ressourcer er begrænsede. The world's resources are limited. The world's resources are limited. Är någon sugen på fika? Anyone want coffee? Is anyone interested in coffee? Vi är medvetna om problemet. We're aware of the problem. We are aware of the problem. Jeg besluttede mig for at fortælle hende, at det var hende, jeg elskede. I decided to tell her that it was her that I loved. I decided to tell her that I loved her. Jeg cyklede. I rode a bicycle. I was riding. Hon började springa. He began running. She started running. Vill ni inte höra min version? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my version? Þú sjálfur verður að ljúka því. You yourself have to finish it. You have to finish it yourself. YouTube er ikke et godt website. YouTube is not a good website. YouTube is not a good website. Tom sagde hej til mig på fransk. Tom said hi to me in French. Tom said hello to me in French. Han prøvede at skjule sin vrede. He tried to hide his anger. He tried to hide his anger. Vad är det värt? What's that worth? What's it worth? Jag sjunger en skön sång. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a nice song. Farvæl! Farewell! Farts! Lätt gånget lätt förgånget. Easy come, easy go. Easy walk. Easy walk. Tysk er et germansk sprog. German is a Germanic language. German is a German language. Det var en båttävling igår kväll. There was a boat race last night. It was a boat competition last night. Hun har hasselnøddebrune øjne. She has hazel eyes. She has hazelnut brown eyes. Jeg er tilbage om en time. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Doktorn sa till herr Smith att sluta röka. The doctor told Mr. Smith to give up smoking. The doctor told Mr. Smith to stop smoking. Jag var på jobbet. I was at work. I was at work. Hvor er din søn nu? Where is your son now? Where's your son now? Jeg blev overrasket. I was taken by surprise. I was surprised. Staden förstördes under kriget. The town was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Katten er bange for børn. The cat is afraid of children. The cat is afraid of children. Hon vill döda mig. She wants to kill me. She wants to kill me. Hvorfor er det så varmt? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Tom tyckte inte om den idén. Tom didn't like that idea. Tom didn't like that idea. Har du pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du honom eller henne? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them? Do you have a boy or a girlfriend? I dag har jeg ingen energi. I have no energy today. Today I have no energy. Jeg er ikke din hustru længere. Din hustru er Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore, your wife's Tatoaba! Tvätta ditt ansikte. Wash your face. Wash your face. Tom verkar sova. Tom seems to be asleep. Tom seems to be sleeping. Risarnir töpuðu leiknum með tuttugu stigum. The Giants lost the game by 20 points. The giants lost the game by 20 points. Jag har fyra datorer, men två av dem är så gamla att jag inte använder dem längre. I have four computers, but two of them are so old I don't use them anymore. I have four computers, but two of them are so old that I don't use them anymore. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvors tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvorn ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are options and flaws at each of you's views, so I'm not going to decide which one I'm going to support. Du kan inte klandra henne för vad hon gjorde. You can't blame her for what she did. You can't blame her for what she did. Jag äter ett äpple. I eat an apple. I'm eating an apple. Jeg inviterede mine venner over til en kop kaffe. I invited my friends over for coffee. I invited my friends to a cup of coffee. Tom kastede æblet over til mig. Tom chucked me the apple. Tom threw the apple over to me. Jag är inte det minsta intresserad av kemi. I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. I'm not the least interested in chemistry. Rökning kan orsaka impotens. Smoking can cause impotence. Smoking may cause impotence. Løven dræbte gazellen. The lion killed the gazelle. The lion killed the gazelle. Giv mad til de hjemløse. Give food to the homeless. Give food to the homeless. Jeg venter barn i midten af januar. I'm expecting my baby in the middle of January. I'll be expecting a baby in the middle of January. Hon gav mig de här gamla mynten. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. Augu hennar voru full sorgar. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. Kom nu, I to! Come on, you two. Come on, you two! Vintertidtabellen har trätt i kraft. The winter schedule has arrived. The winter schedule has come into force. Jag ser ingen. I don't see anyone. I don't see anyone. Såg du verkligen att Tom hjälpte Mary? Did you actually see Tom helping Mary? Did you really see Tom helping Mary? Hvorfor spilder vi vores tid med dette? Why are we wasting time with this? Why do we waste our time with this? Jeg ved hvad Tom taler om. I know what Tom is talking about. I know what Tom's talking about. Detta är konstigt. This is weird. This is weird. Tom mente at han havde masser af tid til at nå sit fly, men han nåede det kun på et hængende hår. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his plane, but he only just made it by the skin of his teeth. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his flight, but he only reached it on a hanging hair. Det kan komma att göra ont. It may hurt. It may hurt. Tom äter. Tom is eating. Tom's eating. Der er noget galt. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Hún spurði um vin sinn. She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend. De verkar så lyckliga. They seem so happy. They seem so happy. Eg gleði meg til jóla. I am looking forward to Christmas. My joy is for Christmas. Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Fisk, tack. Fish, please. Fish, please. Jag var mycket imponerad. I was very impressed. I was very impressed. Lägg inte plånboken ovanpå elementet. Don't put the wallet on the top of the heater. Do not put the wallet on top of the item. Du måste inte säga någonting om du inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Hvad med dig? Stoler du på denne mand? What about you? Do you trust this man? Do you trust this man? Hon försökte inte att översätta brevet. She didn't try to translate the letter. She didn't try to translate the letter. Þetta er svæfandi tónlist. This music puts one to sleep. It's anaesthetic music. Hvað finnst þér um hann? What do you think of him? How do you feel about him? Jeg genkendte hr. Jones ved første øjekast. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. Vad har du på dig för kläder? What are you wearing? What kind of clothes are you wearing? Tom är gift. Tom's married. Tom's married. Jeg bliver her indtil han kommer. I'll stay here until he arrives. I'll stay here until he gets here. Du är helt värdelös. You're really useless. You're completely useless. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading a book is interesting. Skriv under på den prickade linjen. Sign on the dotted line. Sign the dotted line. Tom hoppade av sin häst. Tom got off his horse. Tom jumped off his horse. Enhver flod har to sider. There are two sides to each river. Each river has two sides. Eg eri ein maður. I am a man. I'm one man. Tom fik sceneskræk. Tom got stage fright. Tom got a scene fright. Stanna gärna kvar efter konserten. Vi kommer att skriva autografer. Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs. Please stay behind after the concert. We will write autographs. Var växte du upp? Where did you grow up? Where did you grow up? Vejret var storslået. The weather was magnificent. The weather was grand. Tyvärr är det sant. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid it's true. Håll Tom utanför det här. Leave Tom out of this. Hold Tom outside of this. Spøgelser eksisterer ikke. Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist. Denne film er meget kontroversiel. This movie is highly controversial. This film is very controversial. Jag måste hålla mig lugn. I have to stay calm. I need to stay calm. Jeg tænker, derfor er jeg. I think, therefore I am. I'm thinking, that's why I'm here. Selv guder dør når ingen længere tror på dem. Even gods die when no one believes in them any longer. Even gods die when no one believes in them anymore. Kan du tilføje mig? Could you add me? Can you add me? Giv mig én god grund. Give me one good reason. Give me one good reason. Det giver ingen mening for mig. It makes no sense to me. That doesn't make any sense to me. Jag kommer ifrån Turkiet. I'm from Turkey. I'm from Turkey. Det här är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is wrong. Prinsessan låg och blundade. The princess lay with her eyes closed. The princess was lying close. Ég hitti hann í fyrsta skipti í gær. I met him yesterday for the first time. I met him the first time yesterday. Denne kniv skærer ikke godt. This knife doesn't cut well. This knife won't cut well. Mary är min före detta flickvän. Mary is my ex-girlfriend. Mary's my ex-girlfriend. Jag kunde inte tygla mig. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't chew myself. Denne cykel er min, ikke Toms. This bicycle is mine, not Tom's. This bike is mine, not Toms. De her farver harmonerer meget godt. These colors harmonize very well. These colors harm very well. Jag har arbete att göra. I have work to do. I have work to do. Jeg stod og malede. I was painting. I was painting. De er mine brødre. They are my brothers. They're my brothers. Låt mig hjälpa dig upp. Let me help you up. Let me help you up. De flanerade en hel eftermiddag på stan. They spent part of the afternoon strolling through the city. They flew a whole afternoon in town. Kvadratroden af ​​3 er √3 eller -√3. The square root of 3 is √3 or -√3. The quadrath of 3 is -3 or -3. Du kommer tidligt. You're here early. You're coming early. Jag har ett hjärta. I have a heart. I have a heart. Jag förde Tom hem. I brought Tom home. I brought Tom home. Vad tyckte du? What did you think? What did you think? Ég vil ekki fara í skólann. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Det där var en utmärkt putt. That was an excellent putt. That was an excellent putt. Mina kunskaper i latin börjar bli rostiga. My Latin is getting rusty. My Latin knowledge is getting rusty. Alle fødevarer er økologiske og lokalt producerede. All the food is organic and local. All foods are organic and locally produced. Der var en hel del rådne æbler i kurven. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. There were a lot of rotten apples in the basket. Man kan ikke købe noget hvis man ingen penge har. You can't buy anything if you have no money. You can't buy anything if you don't have money. Det skete omkring kl. halv fem. It happened at about half past four. It happened about 8:30 a.m. Hun flyttede til Tyskland. She moved to Germany. She moved to Germany. Har du någon legitimation? Do you have any ID? Do you have any ID? Jag börjar så sakta tycka om Ken. I am beginning to like Ken little by little. I'm starting so slowly to like Ken. Jeg er ret god til at svømme. I'm very good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming. Mange lande har lavet love der forbyder rygning på offentlige steder. Many countries have passed laws to prohibit people from smoking in public places. Many countries have made laws prohibiting smoking in public places. Hvor har du været? Where have you been? Where have you been? Hans teori er vanskelig at forstå. His theory is difficult to understand. His theory is difficult to understand. Jeg kan godt lide boxerhundenes korte snude. I like the short snout of boxers. I like the short snout of boxer dogs. Tom är inte särskilt upptagen, eller hur? Tom isn't very busy, is he? Tom's not very busy, is he? Der venter ham dødsstraf. Death penalty is waiting for him. There's a death penalty waiting for him. Jeg glemte at sætte et frimærke på konvolutten. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to post a stamp on the envelope. Tom älskar att titta på japanska serier gjorda för småtjejer. Tom loves watching Japanese cartoons made for little girls. Tom loves watching Japanese comics for little girls. Jeg aner ikke hvem hun er. I have no idea who she is. I don't know who she is. Han har hår på bröstet. He has a hairy chest. He's got hair on his chest. Hvorfor arbejder du ikke hårdere? Why don't you work harder? Why don't you work harder? Jag skulle vilja spela tennis. I'd like to play tennis. I'd like to play tennis. Er de brødre? Are they brothers? Are they brothers? Jag såg honom en gång. I saw him once. I saw him once. Kan du inte göra det? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Jag måste lära mig ett språk. I have to learn a language. I have to learn a language. Den er otte tredive. It's eight-thirty. It's eight thirty. Hví? Why? Why? Använde du den? Did you use it? Did you use it? Hamraðu járnið meðan það er heitt. Strike while the iron is hot. Stir the iron while it's hot. Det här är vad jag har letat efter. This is what I've been looking for. This is what I've been looking for. Hun er ikke smuk. She is not beautiful. She's not beautiful. En dag modtog Mary et dusin roser. One day, Mary received a dozen roses. One day Mary received a dozen roses. Jag kanske inte återvänder. I may not return. Maybe I'm not going back. Han ventede på sin tur. He waited his turn. He was waiting for his turn. Jeg er meget utålmodig. I'm very impatient. I'm very impatient. Jeg glemte at sætte min telefon i laderen i går aftes. I forgot to put my phone on the charger last night. I forgot to put my phone in the charger last night. Telefonen ringer. The phone rings. The phone's ringing. Ge Tom ett handtag. Give Tom a hand. Give Tom a handle. Han læste brevet igen og igen. He read the letter over and over. He read the letter over and over. Jag erkänner att jag försummat mina plikter. I admit I neglected my responsibilities. I confess to neglecting my duties. Tom är lyckligt lottad. Tom's lucky. Tom's lucky. Det är vackert väder idag. It's beautiful weather today. It's beautiful weather today. Vi träffas utomhus. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. Olyckligtvis avslöjade Tom hemligheten. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom revealed the secret. Hvor stirrer du på mig på den måde? Why are you staring at me like that? Where are you staring at me like that? Ska vi gå långt? Are we going far? Shall we go far? Mér leiddist ræðan hans. I was bored with his speech. I was bored with his speech. Jag bor i Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia. Tom er tydeligvis fuld. Tom is obviously drunk. Tom's obviously drunk. Kolera er ikke almindelig i Japan. Cholera is uncommon in Japan. Cholera is not common in Japan. Jag såg honom med mina egna ögon. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw him with my own eyes. Jag önskar dig lycka till. I wish you well. I wish you luck. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle dø. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want her to die. Det är så typiskt dig. That's so you. It's so typical of you. Der er ikke mere toiletpapir. There is no TP left. There's no more toilet paper. Jeg betalte 5 dollars for maden. I paid 5 dollars for the food. I paid $5 for the food. Det är irrelevant. That's unrelated. It's irrelevant. Jag önskar att Tom var här med oss idag. I wish Tom was here with us today. I wish Tom was here with us today. Jag behöver lite hjälp. I need a little help. I need some help. Tom försvann precis. Tom just disappeared. Tom just disappeared. Min far var græsk. My father was Greek. My father was Greek. Vi ser sjældent Tom køre på cykel. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom riding on a bike. Vad sa du? Jag är ledsen, jag var försjunken i tankar. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, I was sinking in mind. Det her er kedeligt. This is boring. This is boring. Jeg kører aldrig bil i alkoholpåvirket tilstand. I don't ever drink and drive. I never drive a car in an alcoholic state. Jeg er bedre end dig. I am better than you. I'm better than you. Du kom tillbaka. You came back. You came back. Har du förrått oss? Have you betrayed us? Have you betrayed us? Jeg hørte aldrig fra hende igen. I never heard from her again. I never heard from her again. Der var en dyb dam der for ti år siden. There was a deep pond there ten years ago. There was a deep lady there ten years ago. Det är bäst att vi inte åker fast. We'd better not get caught. We better not get caught. Tom holdt kniven på denne måde. Tom held the knife like this. Tom held the knife this way. Der er nogle ting vi kan ændre, hvis vi bare prøver. There are some things we can change if we only try. There are some things we can change if we just try. Vad är vi skyldiga Tom? What do we owe Tom? What do we owe Tom? Hvad er navnet på Toms storesøster? What's Tom's older sister's name? What's the name of Tom's big sister? Jag hoppas att du förstår varför jag inte vill göra det. I hope you can understand why I'm reluctant to do that. I hope you understand why I don't want to. Boston har vuxit snabbt de senaste tio åren. Boston has grown rapidly in the last ten years. Boston has grown rapidly over the last ten years. Sitt kvar här nu. Now just stay put. Stay here now. Jag skulle vilja låna den här. I'd like to borrow this. I'd like to borrow this. Þú ert að spurja ranga manneskju. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Hann trúir Tom. He believes Tom. He believes Tom. Ring til mig. Call me. Call me. Jeg ved intet om dig. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about you. Tom hatar att dansa. Tom hates dancing. Tom hates dancing. Hon försökte att inte gråta. She tried not to cry. She tried not to cry. Ég hef dregið mig í hlé. I've retired. I've retired. Läkaren rådde min pappa att sluta röka. The doctor advised my father to give up smoking. The doctor advised my dad to stop smoking. Jag kan inte göra det nu. I can't do that now. I can't do it now. Jag tar danslektioner. I take dance lessons. I'll take dance lessons. Varje dag är en ny dag. Every day is a new day. Every day is a new day. Jag har hört den låten sjungen på franska. I have heard that song sung in French. I've heard that song sung in French. Dette er utroligt godt. This is incredibly good. This is incredibly good. Samtykkja tit gjaldkort? Do you accept credit cards? Do you often use a credit card? Jeg bad Mike hjælpe mig. I asked Mike to help me. I asked Mike to help me. Han är alltid ivrig att få höra skvaller. He's always anxious to pick up gossip. He's always eager to hear gossip. Han är rädd för ormar. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. Tom har kysset Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Det har ikke noget med dig at gøre. This has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you. Tom dricker inte rödvin. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Jag behöver gå ner i vikt, så jag håller på med en diet. I have to lose weight, so I'm going on a diet. I need to lose weight, so I'm doing a diet. Tom har ikke et kontor. Tom doesn't have an office. Tom doesn't have an office. Hun gjorde sit bedste for at overtale ham. She did her best to persuade him. She did her best to convince him. Alla mina bröder har arbeten. All of my brothers have jobs. All my brothers have jobs. Jag hatar den också. I hate it, too. I hate it, too. Vent lidt! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Der er en rød rose i vasen. There is a red rose in the vase. There's a red rose in the vase. Verðið á gulli flöktir daglega. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The price of gold swells daily. Det verkar som om du har bestämt dig till slut. It looks like you've finally decided. Looks like you've finally decided. Eg eri ikki lækni. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Hjälp oss, Tom. Help us, Tom. Help us, Tom. Han spiller golf, selvom det regner. He'll play golf even if it rains. He's golfing, even if it rains. Om det inte låter engelskt är det inte engelska. If it doesn't sound English, it's not English. If it doesn't sound English, it's not English. Vi förknippar namnet Darwin med evolutionsteorin. We associate the name of Darwin with the theory of evolution. We associate the name Darwin with the theory of evolution. Hans kone går med ham, hvor end han går. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. Børn har brug for meget søvn. Children require much sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Sig mig, hvem er denne unge mand? Tell me; who is this young man? Tell me, who is this young man? Ég borgaði um fimmtíu dollara. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid you about 50 bucks. Ekorrar älskar ekollon. Squirrels love acorns. Escorts love acorns. Jeg er ikke her for at kæmpe. I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to fight. Þér er frjálst að fara heim. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Tal for dig selv. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Tak for informationen. Thank you for the information. Thanks for the information. Tom talte stjernerne på himlen. Tom counted the stars in the sky. Tom spoke the stars of the sky. Du bør tage et andet slips på. You ought to change your tie. You should wear another tie. Ursäkta mig en sekund. Excuse me one second. Excuse me for a second. Det er det jeg elskede ved Tom. That's what I loved about Tom. That's what I loved about Tom. Allt ordnade sig. It all worked out OK. Everything was fine. Det vore trevligt om du kunde komma. It would be nice if you could come. It would be nice if you could come. Mars er den røde planet. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the red planet. Tom borde definitivt ha fått dödsstraff. Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence. Tom should definitely have had the death penalty. Få bort dem. Get rid of them. Get them out of here. Tom sa alltid att han ville lära sig spela mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn how to play mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn to play mahjong. Jag mår bra, tack för att du frågar! I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thanks for asking! Hun var meget genert indtil hun tog sin eksamen. She was very shy until she graduated. She was very shy until she took her exam. Vilket stort hus du har! What a big house you have! What a big house you have! De to bjerge er lige høje. The two mountains are of equal height. The two mountains are just high. Jeg læser bogen. I read the book. I read the book. Jag stötte precis min tå. I just stubbed my toe. I just bumped my toe. Jeg ved at du har hyret en advokat. I know you hired a lawyer. I know you hired a lawyer. "Vil du køre, eller skal jeg." "Det er lige meget. Hvad foretrækker du?" "Begge dele er OK for mig." "Nå, så vil jeg køre. Så får du mulighed for at hvile en smule på turen." "Would you like to drive, or shall I?" "Oh, no matter. What's your preference?" "I don't mind; either way is fine." "Well, then, I'll drive. That'll give you a chance to rest a bit on the way." "Do you want to drive or should I drive?" "It doesn't matter. What do you prefer?" "Begg parts are OK for me." "Well, I'll drive. Then you'll have the opportunity to rest a bit on the trip." Hurra! Hurray! Hurrah! Jag vet inte var mina kryckor är. Har du sett dem? I don't know where my crutches are. Have you seen them? I don't know where my crutches are. I Sverige ska tågen i Skåne stå stilla från och med torsdag förmiddag. In Skåne, Sweden the trains will be out of service from Thursday noon. In Sweden the trains in Skåne are to stand still from Thursday morning. Din bror har brug for hjælp. Your brother needs help. Your brother needs help. Jeg har nogle juridiske problemer. I'm having some legal problems. I have some legal problems. Vilken hemsk dag! What a terrible day! What a terrible day! Hann liggur á sjúkrahúsinum. He is in hospital. He's in the hospital. Er hun taxichauffør? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a taxi driver? Det er menneskeligt at fejle. To err is human. It's human to fail. Tom ser ung ud af sin alder. Tom looks young for his age. Tom looks young from his age. Hon är inte gift. She isn't married. She's not married. Jeg forklarer det senere. I'll explain later. I'll explain later. De säljer diverse varor i den affären. They sell various kinds of goods at that store. They sell various goods in that store. Kanske jag borde göra det. Maybe I should do it. Maybe I should. Hversu gamall verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Tom slog Mary. Tom hit Mary. Tom hit Mary. Jag är glad att du är här. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. Han sælger sko. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. Jeg har slået Toms græsplæne. I mowed Tom's lawn. I hit Tom's lawn. Det er vanvittigt. That's crazy. This is crazy. Tala högre så att alla kan höra dig. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Jag har fortfarande inte hittat det jag letar efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Jag har en gammal bil. I have an old car. I have an old car. Du skal have hjelm på når du kører på motorcykel. You should wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. I want you to wear helmets when you ride a motorcycle. Mary forsøgte at rejse sig, men det kunne hun ikke. Mary tried to stand up, but she couldn't. Mary tried to get up, but she couldn't. Vitandi ekki hvað hann ætti að gera, bað hann mig um hjálp. Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help. I don't know what to do, he asked me for help. Håll dig borta. Stay away. Stay away from me. Damerne havde aftenkjoler på. The ladies were in evening dress. The ladies wore evening dresses. Réttur einstaklingsins eru mikilvægustu réttindi í frjálsu samfélagi. The rights of the individual are the most important rights in a free society. The individual’s right is the most important right in a free society. Tom satte en ny rulle film i sit kamera. Tom put a new roll of film into his camera. Tom put a new roll film in his camera. Väntar du på oss på stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Are you waiting for us at the station? Við gátum ekki farið út sökum rigningarinnar. We couldn't go out because of the rain. We could not go out because of the rain. Min mor har aldrig lært mig at vaske tøj. My mother never taught me how to do laundry. My mother never taught me how to wash clothes. Við verðum að ná markmiði okkar sama hvað það kostar. We must achieve our aim at any price. No matter what the cost, we must reach our goal. Tom har gået i katolsk skole. Tom went to a Catholic school. Tom went to Catholic school. Tom er en muhamedaner. Tom is a Muslim. Tom is a muhamedan. Jo før man begynder at lære berbisk, jo bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbian, the better. Tom har aldrig sett Mary så arg. Tom has never seen Mary so angry. Tom's never seen Mary so angry. Du havde masser af tid. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. Hvorfor er dine øjne så store? Why are your eyes so big? Why are your eyes so big? En katt låg och sov i bastrumman. A cat was sleeping in the bass drum. A cat slept in the bass room. För henne är det en förolämpning. It is an insult to her. For her, it's an insult. Tom læser biblen. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom reads the Bible. Hur tidigt går du upp om morgnarna? How early do you get up in the morning? How early do you get up in the morning? Vinsamlegast sitjið kyrr. Please remain seated. Please sit still. Ég er jafnaldra. I am the same age. I'm an old man. En ny skolebygning er under opførelse. A new school building is under construction. A new school building is under construction. Jag vet att det gör ont. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Varför vill du att världen ska känna till japanska trädgårdar? Why do you want the world to know about Japanese gardens? Why do you want the world to know Japanese gardens? Du spiser kartoffelchips. You eat potato chips. You're eating potato chips. For at gøre tingene værre begyndte det at regne. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it started to rain. Jeg tog til Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Ungfrú Brown er orðin vön japönskum mat. Miss Brown has gotten used to eating Japanese food. Miss Brown has become used to Japanese food. Rör mig inte. Get off me. Don't touch me. Tom holder ferie for tiden. Tom is currently on vacation. Tom's taking a vacation for the time being. De är inom hörhåll. They are within earshot. They're in the middle of hearing. Jeg har ingen steder at sove. Kan jeg overnatte på din sofa? I have nowhere to sleep. Can I crash on your sofa? I have nowhere to sleep, can I stay on your couch? Tom bestämde sig för att skjuta upp beslutet. Tom decided to postpone the decision. Tom decided to postpone the decision. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Det är faktiskt mycket enklare än vad det ser ut. It's actually a lot of easier than it looks. It's actually much easier than it looks. Jag kände mig väldigt lättad när jag hörde nyheten. I felt very relieved when I heard the news. I felt really relieved when I heard the news. Han sov under et træ. He slept under a tree. He slept under a tree. Jag skulle vilja betala kontant. I'd like to pay in cash. I'd like to pay you cash. Tom og Mary kan ikke udstå hinanden. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Du passar bra i kort hår. You look nice with your hair short. You look great in short hair. Tycker du om att promenera? Do you like walking? Do you like walking? De andra barnen kallar henne Piggy. The other children call her Piggy. The other kids call her Piggy. Här är mitt kvitto. Here's my receipt. Here's my receipt. Það er of dýrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Þú verður að skera niður aukaútgjöld til að lifa ekki um efni fram. You must cut down on extra expenses in order to live within your means. You need to cut down extra expenses in order not to live on material. Þau eru með mjög skemmtilega verönd. They have a very nice veranda. They have a very fun porch. Jeg ønskede ikke at de skulle dø. I didn't want them to die. I didn't want them to die. Tom er parat til at kæmpe. Tom is ready to fight. Tom is ready to fight. Amerika har femtio stater. There are fifty states in America. America has fifty states. Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't tell a frog from a toad. I don't know the difference between a frog and a toad. Þetta myndband er leiðinlegt. This video is boring. This video is boring. Han blåste på sina fingrar för att värma dem. He blew on his fingers to make them warm. He blew his fingers to warm them. Köpte du läkemedlet? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the medicine? Jag ska ta med er till mitt palats imorgon. I will take you to my palace tomorrow. I'll take you to my palace tomorrow. Hefur íbúðin þrjú svefnherbergi? Has the flat got three bedrooms? Does the apartment have three bedrooms? Du vart lurad. You got cheated. You were fooled. Tom åndede ind i et alkometer. Tom breathed into the breathalyzer. Tom breathed into an alcometer. Dans er ingen forbrydelse. Dancing is not a crime. Dance is not a crime. Jag känner mig lättare än luft. I feel lighter than air. I feel lighter than air. Får jag gå nu? Can I leave now? Can I go now? Naturen är full av mysterium. Nature is full of mystery. Nature is full of mystery. Du kan ikke overleve uden vand. You cannot live without water. You can't survive without water. Förlusten av hennes far var väldigt smärtsamt för henne. The loss of her father was very painful for her. The loss of her father was very painful for her. Ingen kan forstå mig. Nobody can understand me. No one can understand me. Jag ska hämta nycklarna. I'll get my keys. I'm gonna get the keys. Jag kan inte komma i dag, och inte heller i morgon. I can't come today, and not tomorrow, either. I can't come today, nor tomorrow. John ætlar að segja Lucy frá uppruna ruðnings. John is going to tell Lucy about the origin of rugby. John's gonna tell Lucy about the origin of football. Varför provade du inte klänningen innan du köpte den? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? 2016 er det internationale år for bælgfrugter. 2016 is the International Year of Pulses. 2016 is the international year of legumes. Har du været væk? Have you been away? Have you been gone? I går var i dag endnu i morgen, men i morgen vil i dag allerede være i går. Yesterday, today was still tomorrow, but tomorrow, today will already be yesterday. Yesterday was tomorrow, but tomorrow will be yesterday. Det tog en månad för min förkylning att gå över. It took me a month to get over my cold. It took a month for my cold to pass. Det finns en pojke i det här rummet. There is a boy in this room. There's a boy in this room. Har du en motorcykel? Do you have a motorcycle? Do you have a motorcycle? Lad os drikke en skål for vores charmerende værtinde! Let's drink to our charming hostess! Let's drink a toast to our charming hostess! Den här staden är vacker året runt. This town is pretty year-round. This city is beautiful all year round. Krukan var min. The pot was mine. The pot was mine. Hvad studerer en kremlolog? What does a Kremlinologist study? What does a cremologist study? Jag dödade mössen. I killed the mice. I killed the mice. Hann hætti að reykja. He stopped to smoke. He stopped smoking. Jag betalade mina skatter. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. Det er tid at gå i skole. It is time to go to school. It's time to go to school. Tom har købt sit drømmehus. Tom bought his dream house. Tom bought his dream house. Dan har precis blivit erbjuden ett jobb någon annanstans. Dan has just been offered a job elsewhere. Dan has just been offered a job somewhere else. Du er Emily. You're Emily. You're Emily. Den bog er ikke på tilbud. We're not selling that book at a reduced price. That book is not on offer. Jag är sen till arbetet. I'm late for work. I'm late for work. Fler korta frågor, tack. Some more brief questions, please. More short questions, please. ”Föddes du i Boston?” ”Nej, jag föddes i Australien.” "Were you born in Boston?" "No, I was born in Australia." “Did you be born in Boston?” “No, I was born in Australia.” Det er min forlovede. That's my fiancée. That's my fiancée. Ef þú telur þig skilja skammtafræði, þá skilurðu ekki skammtafræði. If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics. If you think you understand doserology, you don't understand doserology. I har tre ordbøger. You have three dictionaries. You have three dictionaries. Min katt dog igår. My pet cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Damen är över åttio. The lady is over eighty. The lady's over 80. Tom trodde att du var full. Tom thought you were drunk. Tom thought you were drunk. Du skulle se tio år yngre ut med en annan frisyr. With a different hairstyle, you'd look ten years younger. You were supposed to look ten years younger with another hairstyle. I morgen er det søndag. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Han skrev ned telefonnumret. He wrote down the telephone number. He wrote down the phone number. Jag tackade Tom för hans hjälp. I thanked Tom for his help. I thanked Tom for his help. Koncentrera dig på vårt uppdrag! Concentrate on the mission! Focus on our mission! Hvor fandt du denne kniv? Where did you find this knife? Where'd you find this knife? Hvad diskuterer de? What are they discussing? What are they discussing? Ertu geðveikur? Are you insane? Are you insane? Tom läser en bok med noveller. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom's reading a book of novels. I er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Hon försökte. She tried. She tried. Jeg ejer to katte. I have two cats. I own two cats. Han gick långsamt upp för trappan. He went slowly up the stairs. He walked slowly up the stairs. Politibetjenten tog imod bestikkelse. The police officer accepted a bribe. The police officer accepted bribery. Hjälper du alltid Tom att städa sitt rum? Do you always help Tom clean his room? Do you always help Tom clean up his room? Tom och jag, vi båda saknar dig väldigt mycket. Tom and I both miss you very much. Tom and I, we both miss you very much. Jeg har et midlertidigt kørekort. I've got a provisional licence. I have a temporary driver's license. Mænd er så nytteløse! Men are so useless. Men are so useless! Jag såg dig där. I saw you there. I saw you there. Är det jag som är fadern? Am I the father? Is it me who's the father? Hon säger att hon älskar blommorna. She says she loves flowers. She says she loves the flowers. Tom og Mary tror at deres hus er hjemsøgt. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Han er dig underlegen på alle måder. He is inferior to you in all respects. He's a wonder to you in every way. Kyss Tom. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Þau gerðu ekkert. They did nothing. They didn't do anything. Du bör tala med din moder oftare. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mother more often. Slösa inte bort din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Jag hämtar din kappa. I'll get your coat. I'll get your coat. Att vara söt har också nackdelar. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being cute also has disadvantages. Tom fortalte mig at han drikker mindst tre kopper kaffe om dagen. Tom told me that he drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Tom told me that he drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Mycket ogräs växte bland blommorna. Many weeds were growing among the flowers. Much weed grew among the flowers. Tom er bipolar. Tom is bipolar. Tom's a bipolar. Han bor her ikke længere. He no longer lives here. He doesn't live here anymore. Hvor tog du dine sko af? Where did you take your shoes off? Where'd you take your shoes off? Dette er min japanske ven. This is my Japanese friend. This is my Japanese friend. Hvis ikke du har lyst til at holde en tale, behøver du ikke. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. Min storasyster är bra på att sjunga. My older sister is good at singing. My big sister is good at singing. Tom slog rotten ihjel med stokken. Tom killed the rat with his cane. Tom killed the rat with the stick. Åt Tom middag? Did Tom eat dinner? To Tom's dinner? Mér líður eins og þetta muni ekki enda vel. I feel like this is not going to end well. I feel like this isn't gonna end well. Lige meget hvor meget jeg prøver, så kan jeg ikke huske hendes adresse. I can't remember her address no matter how much I try. No matter how much I try, I can't remember her address. Hon rörde om i kaffet med en sked. She stirred her coffee with a spoon. She touched the coffee with a spoon. Kom hit en sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. "Hvem var den pige du var sammen med på stranden i dag?" "Hvad for en pige?" "Who was that girl you were with at the beach today?" "What girl?" "Who was the girl you were with on the beach today?" "What kind of girl?" Jeg er blottet for penge. I'm broke. I'm exposed to money. Disse regler gælder for alle uden undtagelse. Those regulations all apply to everyone without a single exception. These rules apply to all persons without exception. Till min förvåning var han bra på att sjunga. To my surprise, he was good at singing. To my surprise, he was good at singing. Ekki hafa þetta eftir mér. Don't quote me on this. Don't leave this for me. Han fick inte av sig byxorna. He couldn't get his trousers off. He didn't get his pants off. Hún safnaði hundrað dollurum. She saved a hundred dollars. She picked up a hundred bucks. Tom forlod Australien for tre år siden. Tom left Australia three years ago. Tom left Australia three years ago. Det er umuligt. That's impossible. That's impossible. Många använder uttagsautomater för att ta ut pengar. Many people use ATMs to withdraw money. Many use ATMs to withdraw money. Såg du det där, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Hvornår så I filmen? When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? Varför köpte du det där? Why did you buy that? Why did you buy that? Jeg ved at Tom gjorde det med vilje. I know Tom did it on purpose. I know Tom did it on purpose. Jeg falder let i søvn når jeg ser fjernsyn. I fall asleep easily while watching television. I go to sleep easily when I watch TV. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semester som tidsslöseri. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Work annoyances see vacation as timeless. Hún bakaði handa mér köku. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Hvorfor gik du ikke i skole i dag? Why didn't you go to school today? Why didn't you go to school today? Drik ikke så meget! Do not drink so much! Don't drink much! Italienerne drikker aldrig cappuccino efter et måltid. Italians never drink cappuccino after a meal. The Italians never drink cappuccino after a meal. Það var kolsvart úti. It was pitch black outside. It was very black out there. Jag hatar det verkligen. I really hate it. I really hate it. Du måste inte komma hit varje dag. You don't have to come here every day. You don't have to come here every day. Tom sa att han inte kunde gå. Tom said he couldn't walk. Tom said he couldn't go. Folk og vejr må man tage som de er. You've got to take people and the weather as they come. People and weather must be taken as they are. Sa jag för mycket? Did I say too much? Did I say too much? Jag gick upp tidigt för att hinna med tåget. I got up early so as to be in time for the train. I went up early to catch up with the train. Har du dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Hvor er vodkaen? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn í sund. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Maria lavede garagen om til et kontor. Mária turned the garage into an office. Maria turned the garage into an office. Kvinder har ikke lov til at køre bil i Saudi-Arabien. Women are not permitted to drive cars in Saudi Arabia. Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Har det ikke strejfet dine tanker at lukke vinduerne? Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Hasn't it crossed your mind to close the windows? Han behövde inte ta med sig ett paraply. He didn't need to bring an umbrella. He didn't have to bring an umbrella. Gør det til en delt mappe. Make that a shared folder. Make it a shared directory. Jag vet ingenting om dinosaurier. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. Tom försökte öppna dörren. Tom tried to open the door. Tom tried to open the door. Släpp mina armar. Let go of my arms. Drop my arms. Alice log. Alice smiled. Alice log. Du behöver bara vara lite kreativ. You just have to be creative. You just need to be a little creative. Det fanns inga radioapparater i Japan på den tiden. There were no radios in Japan in those days. There were no radios in Japan at that time. Hvor længe vil dette kolde vejr fortsætte? How long will this cold weather continue? How long will this cold weather continue? Det japanska vädret är mildare än det engelska. The Japanese weather is milder than the English weather. Japanese weather is milder than English. Dette bord er hvidt. This table is white. This table is white. Hur är läget? What's up? How's it going? Vi bråkar ofta. We fight a lot. We fight a lot. Tom må være på vej til dig. Tom must be headed your way. Tom must be on his way to you. Er það satt? Really? Is that true? Fodrer I nogensinde omstrejfende hunde? Do you ever feed stray dogs? Do you ever feed surrounding dogs? Det du sade övertygade honom. What you said convinced him. What you said convinced him. Jeg ved, at hun har haft travlt. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. Hvorfor har kaniner lange ører? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do that? Han delte sin suppe med mig. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Nu til dags er mobiltelefoner meget populære. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Today mobile phones are very popular. Du kan engelsk? You know English? You know English? Jeg ser TV. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Hon grät sig till sömns. She cried herself to sleep. She cried to sleep. Batman og Robin er de eneste helte i Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Jag undrar vart det där skeppet är på väg. I wonder where that ship is headed. I wonder where that ship's headed. Der var næsten ingen biler på parkeringspladsen. There were almost no cars in the parking lot. There were almost no cars in the parking lot. Hún sættist við vinkonu sína. She reconciled with her friend. She made peace with her friend. Tom er en uhelbredelig optimist. Tom is an incurable optimist. Tom is an immeasurable optimist. Hann er fullkomlega hunsaður. Ég er undrandi á því að hann vinni hérna enn. He's completely shunned. I'm surprised he's still working here. I'm surprised he's still working here. Den lille dreng mistede en vante da han legede i sneen. The little boy lost a mitten playing in the snow. The little boy lost a habit playing in the snow. Jag åt ingenting annat. I didn't eat anything else. I didn't eat anything else. Jag ska ringa. I'll call. I'll call you. Vad skulle du vilja äta? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Det var hårdt som sten. It was as hard as rock. It was hard like stone. Alla dessa böcker är mina. All of these books are mine. All these books are mine. Tom slog mig. Tom hit me. Tom hit me. En bläckfisk har tio armar. A squid has ten arms. A octopus has ten arms. Vores verden er kun en lille del af universet. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is only a small part of the universe. Mål! Goal! Goal! Jeg kan ikke finde mine bukser. I can not find my pants. I can't find my pants. Hans bil sad fast i knædyb sne. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was stuck in knee deep snow. Du kan alltid räkna med honom i en nödsituation. You can always count on him in any emergency. You can always count on him in an emergency. Hvorfor ville du til Armenien? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Hvernig berðu þetta orð fram? How do you say this word? How do you make that statement? Vad studerade du? What did you study? What did you study? Jag tycker inte om att se Tom ledsen. I don't like seeing Tom sad. I don't like to see Tom sad. Lægen sagde: "Der er ikke noget der er værre for dit helbred end tobak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said, "There is nothing worse for your health than tobacco." Små børn holder ofte af bøger om drager og andre monstre. Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Little children often love books about dragons and other monsters. Jag köper möbler från Ikea. I buy furniture from IKEA. I'll buy furniture from Ikea. Din fråga är ologisk. Your question is illogical. Your question is illogical. Jeg sagde godnat til ham. I told him good night. I said good night to him. Der kommer toget. There comes the train. There's the train coming. Jag drog mig ur. I wimped out. I pulled myself out. Ertu að flýta þér? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Tom holdt en pistol imod Marys pande. Tom held a gun to Mary's forehead. Tom held a gun against Mary's forehead. Jag heter Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Jag har en fruktansvärd tandvärk. I have a terrible toothache. I have a terrible toothache. Det er for dyrt. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Esperanto skrives fonetisk ved hjælp af et alfabet på 28 bogstaver. Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters. Esperanto is written phoneticly using a 28-letter alphabet. Passaðu þig á Tom. Look out for Tom. Watch out for Tom. Fienden lurade oss i en fälla. The enemy lured us into a trap. The enemy set us up in a trap. Tom og Mary danser. Tom and Mary are dancing. Tom and Mary are dancing. Han gillar grönsaker, framförallt vitkål. He likes vegetables, especially cabbage. He likes vegetables, especially cabbage. Vi bør holde vort løfte. We should keep our promise. We should keep our promise. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögreglunnar? She advised him to go to the police. She advised him to go to the police? Men den stakkels ælling, som sidst var kommet ud af ægget, og så så fæl ud, blev bidt, puffet og gjort nar af, og det både af ænderne og hønsene. But the poor duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry. But the poor fool, who had finally come out of the egg, and saw the trap, was bitten, puffed, and made fun of, both of the ducks and of the chickens. Jag valde att inte åka. I chose not to leave. I chose not to leave. John er klárari en Bill. John is cleverer than Bill. John's smarter than Bill. Sömnbrist påverkade sångarens uppträdande. A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. The lack of sleep affected the behaviour of the singer. Lad os gå til køjs. Let's hit the sack. Let's go to bed. Gå och fyll ispåsen. Go fill the ice pack. Go fill up the ice bag. Alla studenterna i klassen gillar herr Smith. All the students in the class like Mr. Smith. All the students in the class like Mr. Smith. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Fuglen var halvt så stor som en høg. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half as big as a hawk. Tom er ved sine fulde fem, er han ikke? Tom is sane, isn't he? Tom's at his full five, isn't he? Hún lokaði öllum gluggunum á herberginu. She closed all the windows in the room. She closed all the windows in the room. John er mjög hávaxinn. Hann er um sjö fet. John is very tall. He stands about seven feet. John's very tall, he's about seven feet. Tom har bygget en igloo i sin baghave. Tom built an igloo in his backyard. Tom built an igloo in his backyard. Jag ska hämta bilen. I'll get the car. I'm gonna go get the car. Tom synes at Mary stak halen mellem benene. Tom thinks Mary chickened out. Tom seems Mary put the tail between her legs. Kan du simma? Can you swim? Can you swim? Du bör tala med din mamma oftare. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mother more often. Hans brev gjorde mig arg. His letter made me angry. His letter made me angry. Japan är ett vackert land. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Guld er kongernes konge. Gold is the king of kings. Gold is the king of kings. Skolan ser ut som ett fängelse. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Jeg købte et hus med de penge, jeg arvede efter min bedstefar. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. Jag skrev inte någonting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Nej. No. No, no, no. Jag vill inte ha dina hus. I do not want your houses. I don't want your houses. Det värker i benet. My leg is aching. It's a pain in the leg. Hur mår du nu? How are you now? How are you now? Jag behöver ett svar nu. I need an answer now. I need an answer now. Það er annað mál. That's another matter. That's different. Tom ønskede lidt mere albuerum. Tom wanted some more elbow room. Tom wanted a little more elbow room. Var trevligare mot er syster. Be nicer to your sister. Be nicer to your sister. Tom tackade ja till erbjudandet. Tom accepted the offer. Tom accepted the offer. Mamma mín eldar góðan mat. My mother cooks well. My mother cooks good food. Vi kan lita på Tom. We can rely on Tom. We can trust Tom. Kodeordet er "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The code word is "Muiriel". Jeg troede at du var på arbejde. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Tom tror att han vet varför. Tom thinks he knows why. Tom thinks he knows why. Han brød sit løfte. He broke his promise. He broke his promise. Vi måste hitta henne. We must find her. We have to find her. Op med humøret! Alt vil snart være godt. Cheer up! Everything will soon be all right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Hann langar að hitta þig. He wants to meet you. He wants to see you. Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That's the thing. Jeg begynder at blive sulten. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Jag hoppas att det är sant. I hope that's true. I hope it's true. Jag är belåten. I'm satisfied. I'm pleased. Det var en fuktig, grå sommardag i slutet av juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Jane ger aldrig med sig. Jane never backs down. Jane never gives up. Pressade Tom dig? Did Tom push you? Did Tom pressure you? Jeg deler lejlighed med Tom. I share an apartment with Tom. I'm sharing an apartment with Tom. De drømmer om den dag hvor de svømmer i penge. They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money. They dream about the day they swim in money. Jeg troede at du havde ret. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Det er nyt. It's new. That's new. Athugasemdin þín eru röksemdafærslunni okkar óviðkomandi. Your remark is irrelevant to our argument. Your comment is that our argument is not applicable. Det här behöver jag verkligen. I really need this. I really need this. Den første sne faldt i dag. The first snowfall has come today. The first snow fell today. Þú hlýtur að vera morgunsvæfur. You must be a late riser. You must be a breakfast bum. Paulina har en rosa hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Stormen drog in. The storm was rolling in. The storm pulled in. Min fru är läkare. My wife is a physician. My wife is a doctor. Hví grætur tú? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Den allerstørste gud har glemt at være Gud. The utmost God has forgotten to be God. The greatest God has forgotten to be God. Det ska bli kallare och snöa senare idag. It's supposed to get colder and snow later today. It's gonna be colder and snow later today. Jeg har ikke tænkt mig at lade dig være alene på din fødselsdag. I'm not going to let you spend your birthday alone. I'm not gonna leave you alone on your birthday. Jag hjälper dig. I'll help you. I'll help you. Om to dage fylder jeg tretten. In two days, I'll turn 13. In two days, I'm going to fill the thirteen. Hann getur lesið og skrifað. He can read and write. He can read and write. Det er en encellet organisme. That is a unicellular organism. It's a single-celled organism. Lämna Tom i fred. Get away from Tom. Leave Tom alone. Jag måste leva som jag lär. I need to walk the talk. I have to live the way I learn. Gerðu svo vel að róa þig. Please relax. Please calm down. Jag är inte hungrig längre. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not hungry anymore. Der er nogle fluer på væggen. There are some flies on the wall. There's some flies on the wall. Vänta här tills jag kommer tillbaka. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Det är dags för tårta. It's time for cake. It's time for cake. Ska inte Tom äta frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Isn't Tom supposed to have breakfast? Hunden följde med mig. The dog followed along with me. The dog came with me. Vi kan inte dödas. We can't be killed. We can't be killed. Jesus gik på vandet. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on the water. Der er mange smukke parker i London. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Algeriet har en øst-vest-motorvej. Algeria has an East-West motorway. Algeria has an east-west highway. Tom går sjældent ud efter mørkets frembrud. Tom rarely goes out after dark. Tom rarely goes out after dark. Sväng vänster. Turn left. Turn left. Hun ønsker at vente til brylluppet. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait for the wedding. Kommer I stadigvæk sammen? Are you guys still dating? Are you still coming together? Fortæl os hvad der foregår. Tell us what's going on. Tell us what's going on. Den første der kommer frem, vinder. First one to get there wins. The first to come out wins. Jeg ved ikke, hvilke våben man vil bruge i den tredje verdenskrig, men jeg er sikker på, at i den fjerde vil man kæmpe med stokke og sten. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I do not know what weapons will be used in World War III, but I am sure that in the fourth you will fight with sticks and stones. Ég borðaði ekkert nema brauð og smjör. I ate nothing but bread and butter. I ate nothing but bread and butter. Jeg har aldrig set så mange flotte mænd på ét sted. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Fadil var tio år äldre än Layla. Fadil was ten years older than Layla. Fadil was ten years older than Layla. Lad os hvile her indtil Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here until Tom catches us up. Jeg ser frem til at se dig til jul. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. I look forward to seeing you for Christmas. I hvilken retning er han taget hen? In which direction did he go? In which direction has he gone? Fugle synger her og der i parken. Birds are singing here and there in the park. Birds sing here and there in the park. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." Give me the salt, please. Detta är riktigt illa. This is really bad. This is really bad. Atomenergi kan användas för fredliga ändamål. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic Energy may be used for peaceful purposes. Jeg kan ikke lide hvad jeg ser. I don't like what I see. I don't like what I see. Taktu dyrnar úr lás. Unlock the door. Take the door out of the lock. Ta inga risker. Don't take any chances. Don't take any chances. Alla elever måste lära sig båda de inhemska språken på det finska fastlandet. All students have to learn both national languages ​​in mainland Finland. All pupils must learn both native languages in the Finnish mainland. Du är singel, eller hur? You're single, right? You're single, aren't you? Jag vill inte ha det här. I don't want this. I don't want this. Hvem sagde det? Who said that? Who said that? Jeg har aldrig forstået dig. I've never understood you. I've never understood you. I byn finns inga tjuvar. In the village there are no thieves. There are no thieves in the village. Kreationister var i mine bønner i dag da jeg så et program om en tysk vingård nær Bodensøen. De sagde at jorden var meget frugtbar, skabt af en vulkan for 15 millioner år siden. Creationists were in my prayers today when I saw a program about a German vineyard near Lake Constance. They said the soil was very rich, created by a volcano 15 million years ago. Creationists were in my prayers today when I saw a program about a German vineyard near Lake Boden. They said that the earth was very fertile, created by a volcano 15 million years ago. Unga människor gillar populär musik. Young people like popular music. Young people like popular music. Tom vågnede tidligt i morges. Tom woke up early this morning. Tom woke up early this morning. Jeg arbejder for dette firma. I work for this company. I work for this company. Seansdeltagare försöker få kontakt med de döda. Participants in a seance try to contact the dead. Seans are trying to get in touch with the dead. Kan du se efter Tom? Can you watch Tom? Can you watch Tom? Jeg bor på landet. I live in a rural area. I live in the country. Jeg er ved at lære hebræisk. I am learning Hebrew. I'm learning Hebrew. Andra forskare diskuterar hans teori om dinosauriernas försvinnande. Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs. Other scientists discuss his theory of the disappearance of dinosaurs. Tom klarar sig nog. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna be okay. Hún brenndi sig aðeins á höndinni við eldamennskuna. She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking. She only burned her hand with cooking. Kender du Toms fulde navn? Do you know Tom's full name? Do you know Tom's full name? John tilstod, hvad der angik ham. John testified concerning him. John confessed to what happened to him. Har du en ordbog? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Man siger at vikingerne opdagede Amerika før Columbus. It is said that the Vikings preceded Columbus in discovering America. They say the Vikings discovered America before Columbus. Skulle du kunna skriva ner länken till den sajten? Would you be able to write down the link to the site? Could you write down the link to that site? Toms yndlingsskuespillerinde er Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. Vi var begge trætte. We both were tired. We were both tired. Hade du drömmar? Did you have dreams? Did you have dreams? Harry blev allvarligt sjuk. Harry fell seriously ill. Harry got seriously ill. Tom og María eru það par bankaræningja sem hvað mest er leitað að í heimsálfunni. Tom and Mary are the most wanted pair of bank robbers in the continent. Tom and Mary are a couple of bank robbers looking for anything in the continent. Þau eru gott fólk. They are good people. They're good people. Elbonien er en slyngelstat. Elbonia is a rogue nation. The Elbonie's a badass state. Jag heter Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. My name is Wang Jiaming. Denna kvinna har två väskor. This woman has two bags. This woman has two bags. Staden var öde. The town was deserted. The city was fate. Jag skulle vilja boka ett flyg till Vancouver. I'd like to book a flight to Vancouver. I'd like to book a flight to Vancouver. Hör och häpna! Lo and behold! Hear and wonder! Katten har två öron. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Jag har gjort det där säkert hundra gånger, tror jag. I've done that at least a hundred times, I think. I've probably done that a hundred times, I think. Hur har Tom och Mary det? How are Tom and Mary? How's Tom and Mary? Svømmerne var følelsesløse af kulde. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were insensitive to cold. Jag känner dig knappt. I hardly know you. I hardly know you. Alt ændrer sig efter en krig. Everything changes after a war. Everything changes after a war. Det får vänta. It'll have to wait. It's got to wait. Tom er klistret til sin smartphone. Tom is glued to his smartphone. Tom's stuck to his smartphone. Skrub af! Why don't you get lost. Get out of here! Vad har du? What have you got? What do you got? Tom kan prata flytande franska. Tom can speak French fluently. Tom can speak fluent French. Jag är inte hemma nästa söndag. I'm not in on Sunday. I'm not home next Sunday. Hun behandlede blomsterne med sprøjtemidler. She sprayed pesticide on the flowers. She treated the flowers with injectors. Tom är mycket fotogenisk. Tom is quite photogenic. Tom is very photogenic. De har brug for en tolk. They need an interpreter. They need an interpreter. Om du pratar för snabbt, kommer jag inte att förstå. If you speak too fast, I will not be able to understand. If you talk too fast, I won't understand. Þetta er líka í fyrsta skiptið sem ég hef komið á þetta svæði. This is also the first time I've been to this area. This is also the first time I've been in this area. Þú skuldar mér afsökunarbeiðni fyrir það. You owe me an apology for that. You owe me an apology for that. De bøger er mine. Those books are mine. These books are mine. Tom og Mary er helikopterforældre. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Tom and Mary are helicopter parents. Jeg tror, at alle ved det. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows. Tom er ekki sonur minn. Tom is not my son. Tom's not my son. Jag tycker inte om honom, men jag gillar henne. I do not like him, but I like her. I don't like him, but I like her. Du är det vackraste flickan jag någonsin sett. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "Hvordan er du kommet?" "Til fods." „How did you come?“ „By foot.“ "How did you get here?" "On foot." Det ser ud til at han kommer her i næste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he'll be here next month. Det her er et smukt træ. This is a beautiful tree. This is a beautiful tree. Tom er den ældste af de tre brødre. Tom is the oldest of the three brothers. Tom is the oldest of the three brothers. Jag undrar vilket land som kommer att censurera Tatoeba först. I wonder what country will censor Tatoeba first. I wonder which country will censor Tatoeba first. Har du hørt fra hende? Have you heard from her? Have you heard from her? Det var meget godt. That was very good. That was very good. Ligg nu bara stilla. Now just lie still. Just lie still. Är vi trygga än? Are we safe yet? Are we safe yet? Röstade Tom? Did Tom vote? Tom voted? Jag har inte ätit någonting på sex dagar. I haven't eaten anything in six days. I haven't eaten anything in six days. Vejrmeldingen siger at det vil regne i morgen eftermiddag. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. Jag vet inte hur man köper en biljett. I don't know how to buy a ticket. I don't know how to buy a ticket. Det ligger en sax på bordet. There is a pair of scissors on the desk. There's a scissors on the table. Vi ønsker fullstendige sætninger. We want complete sentences. We want full-scale sentences. "Hvor er hagen ved det?" "Der er ingen. Det sværger jeg!" "What's the catch?" "There's no catch. I swear." "Where's the chin about it?" "There's nobody. Ge dem pengar. Give them money. Give them money. Stöter du på mig? Are you hitting on me? Are you hitting on me? Jag stavade ordet fel. I misspelled the word. I spelled the word wrong. Kunden har altid ret. The customer is always right. The customer is always right. Vi søgte ly under et træ. We took shelter under a tree. We searched for shelter under a tree. Allt virðist ganga vel. Everything appears to be going well. Everything seems to be going well. Vad finns där inne? What's in there? What's in there? Jag läste din rapport. I read your report. I read your report. Tom tog sig af Marys katte, mens Mary var i Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while she was in Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while Mary was in Boston. Kønnet på Marys barn er blevet fastslået. The sex of Mary's baby has become apparent. The love of Mary's child has been established. Musen kiggede ud af hullet. The mouse peeked out of the hole. The mouse looked out of the hole. Hvor meget skal den algeriske regering betale for det? How much does the Algerian government have to pay for that? How much does the Algerian Government have to pay for it? Jeg forstår fransk bedre end jeg kan tale det. I understand French better than I can speak it. I understand French better than I can talk about it. Ég veit í alvöru ekki mikið um það. I really don't know much about that. I really don't know much about that. Jeg oversætter ikke for dig! I don't translate for you! I'm not translating for you! Ha tålamod. Be patient. Be patient. Jag ville bara kolla min mejl. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my e-mail. Håll er borta. Stay away. Stay away from me. Jag berättade allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I told Mom everything. Það er erfitt að lifa á lágum launum. Living on a small income is hard. It's hard to live on low wages. Jeg må indrømme at jeg aldrig har hørt om det. I must admit that I've never heard of it. I have to admit, I've never heard of it. Jeg tager til Irland denne sommer. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Hon är nästan 20. She is almost 20. She's almost 20. Ingen såg någonting. No one saw a thing. Nobody saw anything. Hvem vil mon hjælpe os? I wonder who's going to help us. Who wants to help us? Jag ansträngde mig verkligen. I tried really hard. I made a real effort. Jeg har netop gjort mit værelse rent. I have just cleaned my room. I just cleaned my room. Pratar du med din hund? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Han svarede enhver sit. He paid everyone his due. He answered every one of his own. Jeg googler alle jeg har til jobsamtale. I google everyone that I interview for a job. I Google everyone I've got for a job interview. Tag en pause. Take a break. Take a break. Ingen är där. No one is there. No one's there. Tom bliver tredive i marts. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom's going to be 30 in March. Tröjan Tom hade på sig idag hade hans mamma gjort. The shirt Tom was wearing today was made by his mother. Tom's shirt was wearing today, his mom would have done it. De är barfota allihop. They're all barefoot. They're all barefoot. Hann á sitt eigið herbergi. He has his own room. He's got his own room. Tom stod op til endnu en grå morgen. Tom awoke to another gray morning. Tom stood up for another gray morning. Grinar du? Are you crying? Are you crying? Det er trist at se Maria så ulykkelig. It's sad to see Mary so unhappy. I'm sorry to see Mary so unhappy. Tom råkade ta sönder sin favoritkopp. Tom accidentally broke his favorite coffee mug. Tom happened to break his favorite cup. Det er spild af penge. It's a waste of money. It's a waste of money. Væk ikke katten. Don't wake the cat. Don't wake up the cat. Ég kom með te handa þér. I brought you some tea. I brought you some tea. Sýningin var frábær, en miðarnir voru of dýrir. The show was wonderful, but the tickets were too expensive. The show was great, but the tickets were too expensive. Jeg ejer en yacht. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Tom är artig. Tom is polite. Tom's polite. Jag hatar de här orden. I hate these words. I hate these words. Þýðingin er frumeintakinu trú. The translation is true to the original. The original copy is the original one of faith. Sätt dig, sa jag. I said sit down. I said sit down. Dagarnir koma akandi. The days are dragging slowly by. The days are coming. Hon räckte upp handen för att få bussen att stanna. She raised her hand for the bus to stop. She raised her hand to make the bus stop. Fransk er ikke mit modersmål. French isn't my first language. French is not my native language. Tom kan komma på vår fest i morgon. Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. Tom can come to our party tomorrow. Lestu eins margar bækur og þú getur. Read as many books as you can. Read as many books as you can. Jag skulle vilja se dem igen. I'd like to see them again. I'd like to see them again. Jag skulle vilja veta varför. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. Ge mig en servett. Hand me a tissue. Give me a napkin. Tom arbejder i en lokal cykelforretning. Tom works at a local bike shop. Tom works in a local bike shop. Jag behöver en kniv. I need a knife. I need a knife. Det var en stor en. That's a big one. It was a big one. Dugir tú eingilskt? Do you speak English? Do you have any privacy? Hvad der end sker. Whatever may happen. Whatever happens. Pink er ikke kun for piger. Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Hon är tystlåten. She is quiet. She's quiet. Har du en mobil? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a phone? Dette er din eneste chance. This is your only chance. This is your only chance. Jag skulle hellre vara och fiska. I'd rather be fishing. I'd rather be fishing. Snefnuggene blev større og større, til sidst så de ud, som store hvide høns. The snow-flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens. The snowflakes got bigger and bigger, eventually they looked like big white chickens. Du är duktig på att kyssas. You're a good kisser. You're good at kissing. Hvad er din livret? What is your favorite food? What's your favorite? I dag vill Dan ha sina pengar. Dan wants his money today. Today, Dan wants his money. Hele verden er blevet skør. The whole world has gone crazy. The whole world's gone crazy. Du måste berätta det för Tom. You have to tell Tom. You have to tell Tom. Det är bäst att jag stannar hemma. I'd better stay home. I better stay home. Dette æble er gult. This apple is yellow. This apple is yellow. Minns du när hon fyller år? Do you remember when her birthday is? Remember when she's birthday? Jeg er træt af at spille. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Jeg drikker gløgg. I'm drinking mulled wine. I'm drinking grumpy. TV:n var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was on all the time. I sælger sko. You sell shoes. You sell shoes. Det är en gåva. It's a gift. It's a gift. Ég er bresk stelpa frá Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. Bryr du dig inte? Don't you care? Don't you care? Han bad om nogle penge. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Förum út að borða til tilbreytingar. Let's dine out for a change. Let's go out for dinner for a change. Polismannen bär en gasmask. The policeman carries a gas mask. The policeman's wearing a gas mask. Det er farligt at svømme i dammen. Swimming in the pond is dangerous. It's dangerous to swim in the pond. Jeg har tre gange så mange bøger som du har. I have three times as many books as you do. I have three times as many books as you have. God nat. Good night. Good night. Jag kände mig genast lite bättre. I felt immediately a bit better. I felt a little better right away. Jag hoppas verkligen att ni har rätt. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. Jeg blev hjemme i går. I stayed home yesterday. I stayed home last night. Glem ikke at tage skraldet ud! Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take the trash out! Klä på er. Get dressed. Get dressed. Detta är en riktigt salomonisk lösning. That's a real Solomonic solution. This is a truly Salomonic solution. Hvor meget skal vi betale Tom i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse? How much severance pay will we have to pay Tom? How much do we have to pay Tom in severance compensation? Han har en lang arbejdsdag. He works long hours. He's got a long day's work. Vår lärare är en uppriktig person, så jag ser upp till honom. Our teacher is a sincere person, so I look up to him. Our teacher is an honest person, so I look up to him. Jag tycker inte om det här godiset. I don't like this candy. I don't like this candy. Bor ni här? Do you live here? You live here? Hon lyckades avsluta arbetet själv. She managed to finish the work on her own. She was able to finish the job herself. Ok, I vinder. OK, you win. All right, you win. Hvad er der sket? What's happened? What happened? Enig. OK. Agreed. Min bedstefar kører ikke bil længere. My grandfather no longer drives. My grandfather doesn't drive a car anymore. Kimchi er en traditionel koreansk ret. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish. Se upp för ficktjuvar. Look out for pickpockets. Watch out for pockets. Der er en have foran huset. There is a garden in front of the house. There's a garden in front of the house. Brevet har nyss kommit fram. The letter has just arrived. The letter has just arrived. Amerikanere er meget fantasifulde når de finder på navne. Americans have a great imagination when inventing names. Americans are very imaginative when they find names. Väckte jag er? Did I wake you guys? Did I wake you? De var någon annanstans. They were somewhere else. They were somewhere else. Kan du skaffe mig noget mælk? Can you get me some milk? Can you get me some milk? Tänker du åka snart? Are you leaving soon? Are you gonna leave soon? Það er óvíst að Bill komi. It is doubtful whether Bill will come. Bill's not sure he's coming. Hvad tid begynder det? What time does it start? What time does it start? Jeg kan ikke forestille mig en dag uden dig. I can't imagine a day without you. I can't imagine a day without you. Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. Årh shit! Holdbarhedsdatoen er overskredet. Det er derfor du kastede op! Oh crap, it's past the consume-by date. That's why you threw up! That's why you threw up! Klukkan hvað ferðu yfirleitt í háttinn? What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you usually go to bed? Kokken kom hen til vores bord. The chef came over at our table. The cook came to our table. Det här är den kallaste vintern som vi har haft på trettio år. This is the coldest winter that we have had in thirty years. This is the coldest winter we've had in thirty years. Villaen harmonerede med landskabet. The villa was harmonious with the scenery. The villa was attuned to the landscape. Páll var að hringja. Paul telephoned just now. Paul was calling. Du burde starte så tidligt som muligt. You should start as early as possible. You should start as early as possible. Hefði ég ekki sofið yfir mig hefði ég verið á réttum tíma í skólann. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. If I hadn’t slept over, I would have been on time at school. Skulle du kunna förklara reglerna för mig, tack? Would you please explain the rules to me? Could you explain the rules to me, please? Var hälsad, gillesbroder. Hail, guildbrother. Say hello, glasses brother. Dækket taber luft. The tire leaks air. The tire loses air. Till hela stadens förvåning, arresterades borgmästaren. To the astonishment of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. To the surprise of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. Loksins leysti hann vandamálið. At last, he solved the problem. Finally, he solved the problem. Þetta er allt sem er vitað hingað til. This is all that is known so far. This is all that's known so far. For at gøre en lang historie kort, så begravede vi stridsøksen. To make a long story short, we buried the hatchet. To make a long story short, we buried the battlefield. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sjálfur. Please help yourself. Please have yourself. Tre fjerdedele af Jordens overflade er vand. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water. Three-quarters of Earth's surface is water. Vi når ikke til Boston før det bliver mørkt. We won't get to Boston until after dark. We can't reach Boston until it's dark. Jeg er aldrig her. I'm never here. I'm never here. Tom betaler normalt for alt med kontanter. Tom usually pays for everything in cash. Tom usually pays for everything with cash. Jag gick längs huvudgatan. I walked along the main street. I walked down the main street. Han brukar glömma. He is apt to forget. He usually forgets. Jag måste vara full. I must be drunk. I must be drunk. Jag vet bara inte. I just don't know. I just don't know. Jeg stod op, og Tom gjorde ligeså. I got up and Tom did the same. I got up, and Tom did the same thing. Jeg troede, at jeg var den eneste. I thought I was the only one. I thought I was the only one. Der er to elever fraværende i dag. Two students are absent today. There are two students absent today. Jag slängde ut den. I threw it out. I threw it out. Notebooken ligger på bordet. The notebook is lying on the table. The Notebook is on the table. Vi måste alla dö. We all have to die. We all have to die. Vi måste vara säkra. We need to be sure. We need to be safe. På grund af sygdom måtte han holde op med at ryge. Due to illness, he had to give up smoking. Because of sickness, he had to stop smoking. Þú syngur fallegt lag. You sing a beautiful song. You're singing a beautiful song. Så, kommer du sammen med nogen? So, are you seeing anyone? So, are you dating someone? Jag har aldrig ätit kinesisk mat. I have never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. Det har inte alltid varit lätt. It hasn't always been easy. It hasn't always been easy. Tatoeba holder lukket for julen. Tatoeba was closed for Christmas. Tatoeba's off for Christmas. "Oh, var jeg dog sådant et stort træ, som de andre!" sukkede det lille grantræ. "Oh, if I were only as great a tree as the others!" sighed the little Fir. "Oh, though, I was such a big tree as the others!" sighed the little tree. Tom har sagt at han ikke kommer til vores fest. Tom said he won't come to our party. Tom said he's not coming to our party. Jag ska flytta tillbaka hem. I'm moving back home. I'm moving back home. Hvor er dine marker? Where are your fields? Where are your chips? Politibetjenten gjorde tegn til at jeg skulle stoppe. The policeman signaled me to stop. The police officer signaled me to stop. Jeg vil gerne tale fransk flydende. I'd like to speak French fluently. I'd like to speak French fluently. Það er enn þá þarna. It's still there. It's still there. Er din kone god til at lave mad? Is your wife good at cooking? Is your wife good at cooking? Jag vet vad som dödade Tom. I know what killed Tom. I know what killed Tom. Jag trodde du hatade rödvin. I thought you hated red wine. I thought you hated red wine. Hvad er der i køleskabet? What's in the fridge? What's in the fridge? Yachten sejlede rundt om en bøje. The yacht sailed around a buoy. The yacht sailed around a bend. Gud är död. Vi dräpte honom. God is dead. We killed him. God is dead, and we killed him. Vad heter din nya vän? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? Jag ska vänta en vecka. I'll wait a week. I'm gonna wait a week. Jeg er ikke bange for terrorister. I am not afraid of terrorists. I'm not afraid of terrorists. Selv min mor ved det. Even my mom knows. Even my mother knows. Barnen är blommorna i våra liv. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers of our lives. Tom kan have ret. Tom might be right. Tom could be right. Äpplena han skickade mig var utsökta. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apple he sent me was delicious. Á morgun fer ég til Tyrklands. Tomorrow I will travel to Turkey. Tomorrow I'm going to Turkey. Det här blir intressant. This is going to be interesting. This is gonna be interesting. Vad är minimilönen i Kenya? What's the minimum salary in Kenya? What is the minimum wage in Kenya? Jag visste att Tom inte skulle förlora. I knew that Tom wasn't going to lose. I knew Tom wouldn't lose. Hun har mistet en bog. She lost a book. She lost a book. Fandt du det du søgte efter? Did you find what you were looking for? Did you find what you were looking for? Peter er kátur karl. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter's a happy man. Når katten er ude, danser musene på bordet. When the cat's away, the mice do play. When the cat's out, the mice dance on the table. Personen från Egypten talar arabiska. The person from Egypt speaks Arabic. The person from Egypt speaks Arabic. Jag vill vinna. I want to win. I want to win. Det här är mitt hus. This is my house. This is my house. Á sunnudaginn vorum við á ströndinni að fljúga flugdreka. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. On Sunday, we were on the beach flying a kitten. Jag är fransk medborgare. I'm a French citizen. I'm a French citizen. Tom fer ekki á markaðinn. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom's not going to the market. Hittade du det du sökte efter? Did you find what you were looking for? Did you find what you were looking for? Jag har ingenting att bära. I have nothing to wear. I have nothing to wear. Vem vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Tom kan bara inte komma överens med Mary. Tom just can't get along with Mary. Tom just can't agree with Mary. Enligt upphovsmännen till Oxford English Dictionary finns det över 800 000 ord i det engelska språket. According to the makers of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. According to the authors of Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800 000 words in the English language. Jag vet inte. I don't know. I don't know. Hún er dáinn. She is dead. She's dead. Jag vet att Tom inte är lycklig där. I know Tom isn't happy there. I know Tom's not happy there. Min bedstemor er gået bort. My grandmother passed away. My grandmother's gone away. Någon stal mitt körkort. Someone stole my driver's license. Somebody stole my driver's license. Þú verður að leggja af stað undir eins. You must set off at once. You're gonna have to leave immediately. Säljer ni väckarklockor? Do you sell alarm clocks? Do you sell alarm clocks? Det här ägget är färskt. This egg is fresh. This egg is fresh. Tom verkade vilse. Tom seemed lost. Tom seemed lost. Jag var oförmögen att titta henne i ansiktet. I was unable to look her in the face. I was unable to look her in the face. Ni är farliga. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Två män med skidmasker gick in i banken. Two men wearing ski masks entered the bank. Two men with ski masks went into the bank. Jeg har tre stykker bagage. I have three pieces of baggage. I have three pieces of luggage. Hvor er din tryllestav? Where's your magic wand? Where's your wand? Mjölk är en populär dryck. Milk is a popular beverage. Milk is a popular drink. Reykingar valda miklum skaða en engu góðu. Smoking does much harm but no good. Smoking causes a lot of damage, but nothing good. Ég kann ekki að keyra. I don't know how to drive. I don't know how to drive. Han er et velinformeret menneske. He's a well-informed person. He's a well-informed human being. Hvilken bog har du købt? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Myren var rød. The ant was red. The ant was red. Hun er canadisk. She's Canadian. She's Canadian. Hans kläder har blivit för små. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes have become too small. Vad ska vi göra nu? Now what do we do? What are we gonna do now? Jag vill rösta. I want to vote. I want to vote. Tilsæt vaniljeekstrakten. Add the vanilla extract. Add the vanilla extract. Vi har kun kysset. We only kissed. We've only kissed. Jag bodde i Tokyo för något år sedan, men nu bor jag i Kyoto. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. I lived in Tokyo about a year ago, but now I live in Kyoto. Hen grät. He was crying. He cried. Jag är mätt. I'm full. I'm full. Han har en blid natur. He has a mild nature. He has a gentle nature. Vad kände du? What did you feel? What did you feel? Jeg har reddet dit liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Hur kan vi rädda Tom? How can we save Tom? How can we save Tom? Jag hämtar de andra. I'll get the others. I'll get the others. Tom har bett mig gifta mig med honom. Tom has asked me to marry him. Tom asked me to marry him. Vi kommer att vara tillsammans. We're going to be together. We'll be together. Tom såg festen som ett bra tillfälle att skapa nya kontakter. Tom saw the party as a good networking opportunity. Tom saw the party as a good opportunity to create new contacts. Hun er for gammel til dig. She's too old for you. She's too old for you. Fortæl os om din plan. Tell us about your plan. Tell us about your plan. Jeg har ikke noget. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. Han fortjener femogtyve stokkeslag. He deserves to be beaten with a stick twenty-five times. He deserves twenty-five decks. Åbn ikke de der vinduer. Do not open those windows. Don't open those windows. Han sætter sine egne interesser over alt andet. He puts his own interests above everything else. He puts his own interests above everything else. Han bröt reglerna. He broke the rules. He broke the rules. Hvad ville du ændre ved dig selv, hvis du kunne? What would you change about yourself if you could? What would you change for yourself if you could? Hvorfor tog du ikke mig? Why didn't you pick me? Why didn't you take me? Tom vill ha en puss. Tom wants a kiss. Tom wants a kiss. Jag visste att du skulle trivas här. I knew you'd be happy here. I knew you'd be happy here. Det är väldigt snällt av dig att säga det. That's very kind of you to say that. It's very kind of you to say that. Hvad mener du om ham? What do you make of him? What do you think of him? Jag är inte så säker nu. I'm not so sure now. I'm not so sure now. Jag skrattade mycket. I laughed a lot. I laughed a lot. Det hände egentligen inte. That didn't really happen. It didn't really happen. Vad är mitt saldo? What is my balance? What's my balance? Lufthavnen er tæt på. The airport is close at hand. The airport's close. Vad är problemet med det? What's the problem with that? What's the problem with that? Han gav mig et stort knus. He gave me a big hug. He gave me a big hug. það væri frábært ef ég gæti talað þrjú tungumál. It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! It would be great if I could speak three languages. Hvis man afbrænder brændstoffer som kul, olie og gas, vil de afgive forskellige luftarter. If we burn fuels such as coal, oil and gas, they give off various gases. If you burn fuels like coal, oil and gas, they will deliver various gases. Rökning dödar. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Hun vågnede af sig selv. She woke up on her own. She woke up by herself. Långa kjolar är på modet. Long skirts are in fashion. Long dresses are on the move. Detta är ett geni. This is a genius. This is a genius. Tom er stenet. Tom's stoned. Tom's stoned. Tunglið var yfir sjóndeildarhringnum. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was above the horizon. Jag tål inte golf. I can't stand golf. I can't stand golf. Mit hus ligger ved siden af Toms hus. My house is next to Tom's house. My house is next to Tom's house. Du kan regne med hende. You can count on her. You can count on her. Jeg er interesseret. I'm interested. I'm interested. Tager jeg fejl? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Disse fyres dumhed chokerer mig. The stupidity of these guys just baffles me. These guys' stupidity shocks me. Hvor mange gange skal jeg sige det til dig? How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do I have to tell you? Hon var svimfärdig. She was on verge of fainting. She was faint. Sig til Tom at det var en fejl. Tell Tom it was a mistake. Tell Tom it was a mistake. Jeg kan se at Tom ikke overdrev. I can see Tom wasn't exaggerating. I see Tom wasn't exaggerating. Lad os forsvinde herfra før Tom ser os. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. De kör fast. They're stalling. They're stuck. Dykarna hittade ett skeppsvrak på havsbottnen. The divers found a wreck on the sea-bed. The divers found a wreck on the ocean floor. Sjúklingurinn mun brátt ná sér af veikindum sínum. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon recover from his illness. Vi måste försöka att få in alla i huset. We need to try to get everybody inside the house. We have to try to get everyone into the house. Tom inviterede mig ikke. Tom didn't invite me. Tom didn't invite me. Hon är vår granne. She's our neighbour. She's our neighbor. "Hvor skal vi hen på ferie?" "Canada". "Where are we going on vacation?" "Canada." "Where are we going on vacation?" "Canada." Alt blev mørkt. Everything went dark. Everything got dark. Vi er ikke sammen længere. We're not together anymore. We're not together anymore. Tom dog den dagen. Tom died that day. Tom died that day. Hefurðu nokkurntíma fengið þér ost með eplaköku? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Vi var panka. We were broke. We were broke. „Hvar býrð þú?“ „Ég bý í Tókýó.“ "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." “ Where do you live? ” Jag tror att han heter Tom. I think his name is Tom. I think his name's Tom. Du måste höra på. I need you to listen. You have to listen to me. Er Tom i stand til at spise? Is Tom able to eat? Is Tom able to eat? Hetta er eitt súreplatræ. This is an apple tree. This is one spherical tree. Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit you're right. Ég drekk ekki mikinn bjór. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Hon pratar inte bara flytande engelska utan också flytande franska. She is not only fluent in English but speaks French fluently as well. She speaks not only fluent English but also liquid French. Jag vet hur gammal Tom är. I know how old Tom is. I know how old Tom is. Tom säger inte varför. Tom isn't saying why. Tom doesn't say why. Hverju er hann svona reiður yfir? What is he so angry about? What's he so angry about? Hversu djúpt er vatnið? How deep is the lake? How deep is the water? Tom är lortig. Tom's filthy. Tom's a piece of shit. Vi mister kontrol over situationen. We lose control of the situation. We're losing control of the situation. Magsmärtorna är borta. The stomach pains are gone. The stomach pain's gone. De hadede hinanden. They hated each other. They hated each other. Jag trodde att du åkt. I thought you'd left. I thought you left. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle dø. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want him to die. Bilen kører hurtigt. The car is moving fast. The car's running fast. Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðurinn útilokaði nokkur ný lán til landsins. The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country. The International Monetary Fund excluded some new loans from the country. Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom's always complaining about me. Tom hejsede flaget. Tom raised the flag. Tom cheered the flag. Han ser trött ut. He looks tired. He looks tired. Tom reddede mit liv. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Hvordan går det? How are you? How's it going? Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Foreldrarnir eru að leika við börnin sín. The parents are playing a game with their children. Parents are playing with their children. Detta är början på en ny era. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Fá hana at flyta seg! Make her move! Get her to move say! Hon är på intet vis självisk. She is by no means selfish. She's in no way selfish. Han är något av en musiker. He is something of a musician. He's something of a musician. Tom stängde av radion. Tom turned off the radio. Tom shut down the radio. Tom förlovade sig. Tom got engaged. Tom engaged himself. Hun gik ned ad kirkegulvet i stil, iført sin prægtige brudekjole med tyl og havfruesnit. She walked down the aisle in style, wearing her gorgeous mermaid-cut tulle wedding gown. She walked down the church floor in style, wearing her magnificent wedding dress with bull and Mermaid. Gleðileg jól! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! På tal om tv, vilket är ditt favoritprogram nuförtiden? Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays? Speaking of TV, which is your favorite program nowadays? Katten sover på stolen. The cat is sleeping on the chair. The cat's sleeping on the chair. Halló. Hi. Hello. Afbrudt samleje beskytter ikke mod kønssygdomme. Coitus interruptus does not protect against STDs. Broken sexual intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Jeg vil være bodyguard. I want to be a bodyguard. I want to be a bodyguard. Tom är förlovad. Tom's engaged. Tom's engaged. Hann var með grátt hár. He had grey hair. He had gray hair. Jeg er nødt til at gøre et forsøg. I have to try. I have to try. Jeg kan bare google det. I can just google it. I can just Google it. Hengdu jakkann þinn á krókinn við dyrnar. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Hang your jacket on the hook at the door. Ég les gjarnan bækur. I like reading books. I like to read books. Ég er eins leið og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm as lonely as I can be. Þú bara getur ekki unnið dag hvern frá morgni til kvölds. Þú verður að taka þér frí öðru hverju. You can't just work all day every day. You need to take a vacation once in a while. You just can't work every day from morning to night. Hvar vorum við? Where were we? Where were we? Sami tog droger. Sami was doing drugs. Sami took drugs. Sami luftede sine hunde. Sami was walking his dogs. Sami was airing his dogs. Nu för tiden får man betala trettio kronor för en ynka liten kopp kaffe. Nowadays you get to pay thirty crowns just for a small cup of coffee. Now you get to pay $30 for a little cup of coffee. De gamla gudarna vaknar. The elder gods are waking up. The old gods are waking up. Toms hest stejlede. Tom's horse reared up. Tom's horse pointed. När spelar de fotboll? When do they play soccer? When do they play football? På hvilken etage bor du? What floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Det är något fel på dig. There is something wrong with you. There's something wrong with you. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður hennar að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. Læg mærke til hans ansigtsudtryk når vi nævner en pris. Look at the reaction on his face when we bring up a price. Note his facial expressions when we mention a price. Marknaden öppnar klockan nio på morgonen. The market opens at 9:00 a.m. The market opens at nine o'clock in the morning. Vad är det där värt? What's that worth? What's that worth? Min plastflaske er gået i stykker. My plastic bottle broke. My plastic bottle's broken. Vi är oroliga. We're anxious. We're worried. Ég á dóttur. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Tom ville ha ett arbete. Tom wanted a job. Tom wanted a job. Musikern är känd i utlandet såväl som i Japan. The musician is famous abroad as well as in Japan. The musician is known abroad as well as in Japan. Hur fick du slut på det? How did you stop it? How did you end that? Släpp Tom. Get off of Tom. Drop Tom. Hon valde ut en rosa skjorta för mig att prova. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try on. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try. Sluk dine cigaretskod før du smider dem væk! Put out your cigarette butts before throwing them away! Turn off your cigarette code before you throw them away! Ekki lesa svona bók. Don't read such a book as this. Don't read a book like that. Den der væg er kold. That wall is cold. That wall is cold. Penge er magt. Money is power. Money is power. Vad är minimilönen i Ghana? What's the minimum salary in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Jeg fik det for næsten ingenting. I got it for next to nothing. I got it for almost nothing. Hur skulle du veta? How would you know? How would you know? De är inte upptagna. They're not busy. They're not busy. Tom er på stranden. Tom is at the beach. Tom's on the beach. Dagene er blevet kortere og kortere. The days have gotten shorter and shorter. The days have become shorter and shorter. Gætirðu opnað bílgluggann? Could you open the car window? Could you open the car window? Vem vill du tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? I går regnede det hele dagen. Yesterday it rained the whole day. Yesterday it rained all day. Kan du ikke tale fransk? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? Ramte jeg hovedet på sømmet? Have I hit the nail on the head? Did I hit my head on the seam? Sami har fått vad han ville ha. Sami has got what he wanted. Sami's got what he wanted. Har tråkar ut allihopa. He bores everybody. Got everybody out of here. Videnskaben løser ikke alle livets problemer. Science does not solve all the problems of life. Science does not solve all the problems of life. Hvad bager du? What are you baking? What are you making? Jeg har på det seneste taget på. I've put on weight recently. I've been going on lately. Jeg er en mand nu. I'm a man now. I'm a man now. Tom är en bra grabb. Tom is a great kid. Tom's a good kid. Han är stolt över att vara musiker. He is proud of being a musician. He's proud to be a musician. Hur mår de andra? How are the others? How are the others? Lige et øjeblik! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Vinsamlegast málaðu dyrnar hvítar. Please paint the door white. Please paint the door white. Tycker du om ditt jobb? Do you like your job? Do you like your job? Både pojkar och flickor borde studera hemkunskap. Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school. Both boys and girls should study home skills. Tom är inte någon schyst kille. Tom isn't a nice guy. Tom's not a good guy. Hvad vil der stå i aviserne? What will the newspapers say? What will the newspapers say? Vi ska ha barn. We are going to have a baby. We're having a baby. Han kan ingenting om anatomi. He knows nothing about anatomy. He doesn't know anything about anatomy. Það verður að gera þetta. This must be done. This has to be done. Tranen, i modsætning til hunden, har aldrig drømt om at flyve. The crane, unlike the dog, has never dreamed of flying. The crane, unlike the dog, never dreamed of flying. Den sitter på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Tom är en stamgäst. Tom is a regular. Tom is a regular guest. Ég á vin sem býr í Sapporó. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. Mina nycklar är borta. My keys are gone. My keys are gone. Tre av mina barn dog. Three of my children died. Three of my children died. Jeg stoler ikke på snakkesagelige mennesker. I do not trust talkative people. I don't trust talking people. Jag kommer att sakna er. I'm going to miss you guys. I'm gonna miss you guys. Kan du gøre mig en tjeneste? Could you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? Jag hoppas att jag kan göra det. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do that. Vær ved stationen præcis kl. elleve. Be at the station at 11 o'clock sharp. Be at the station right at 11 o'clock. Toms næse begyndte at klø. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started scratching. Är jag välkommen här? Am I welcome here? Am I welcome here? Han fortalte mig at hun var syg. He told me that she was sick. He told me she was sick. Tom bor i den indre by. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives in the inner city. Vi tar hand om det här senare. We'll deal with this later. We'll take care of this later. Vill du gifta dig först eller skaffa barn först? Do you want to get married first or have a child first? Do you want to get married first or have a baby first? Vi gjorde ikke noget forkert. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Udfyld nedenstående formular for at finde ud af hvem du kunne have været i et tidligere liv. Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life. Fill out the form below to find out who you could have been in a previous life. Sami ved alt om katte. Sami knows everything about cats. Sami knows everything about cats. Jeg er ingens fjende. I am nobody's enemy. I'm nobody's enemy. Uighurisk er et tyrkisk sprog. Uyghur is a Turkic language. Uighurisk is a Turkish language. Det är alltid mörkt där. It's always dark there. It's always dark there. Jafnvel þótt hann sé í vanda er Mac alltaf bjartsýnn. Even if he is in trouble, Mac is always optimistic. Even if he's in trouble, Mac is always optimistic. Transplantationer räddar liv. Transplants save lives. Transplants save lives. Við ættum heldur betur að gefa okkur svolítinn tíma. We'd better make some time. Rather, we should take some time. George Bush tog på ferie med sin kone. George Bush went on a vacation with his wife. George Bush went on vacation with his wife. Vit halda hetta loyndarmálið okkara millum, takk. Please keep this secret. We'll keep this between you and me, please. Tom hefur staðið sig vel. Tom has done well. Tom's been doing a great job. Hvað ertu að fara gera í kvöld? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Vi er endnu ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel yet. We are not yet ready to throw the towel into the ring. Tölvur eru mjög nytsamlegar. Personal computers are very useful. Computers are very useful. Leiðtogi flokksins okkar hitti hina leiðtogana og ræddi vandamálið. The leader of our party met with the other leaders and talked about the problem. Our leader met the other leaders and discussed the problem. Det må I ikke glemme! Don't you forget that. Don't forget that! Det får räcka för i dag. Let's call it a day. That must be enough for today. Hann er plötusnúður. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Bill fer oft í garðinn. Bill often goes to the park. Bill goes to the garden a lot. Vi kan ta itu med det. We can deal with it. We can deal with it. Drogens effekter är intensiva men kortvariga. The effects of the drug are intense but brief. The effects of the drug are intense but short-term. Tom arbejder på deltid. Tom works part-time. Tom works part time. Tom bor med Mary i Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Tom skænkede et glas skotsk whisky op til sig selv. Tom poured himself a glass of scotch. Tom gave a glass of Scottish whiskey to himself. Jag önskar att jag hade vetat. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Tom talar om det för dig när han känner för det. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom har ikke interesse for politik. Tom is not interested in politics. Tom doesn't have any interest in politics. Här kommer Tom nu. Here comes Tom now. Here comes Tom. Behöver du något? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Du er meget smuk. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Han er bange. He is afraid. He's scared. Hon har solglasögon. She has sunglasses. She's got sunglasses. Du kan skriva på vilket språk du vill. På Tatoeba är alla språk jämlika. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Tom drömmer. Tom's dreaming. Tom dreams. Jag hatar folk som Tom. I hate people like Tom. I hate people like Tom. Jeg kan lide at skrive på fransk. I like to write in French. I like writing in French. Kanntu að synda? Can you swim? Do you know how to swim? Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why ask me, wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Bilen standsede ikke. The car didn't stop. The car didn't stop. Även du, min Brutus? You too, Brutus? Even you, my Brutus? Vem som helst kan göra misstag. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes. Vi insåg inte att vi var så högljudda. We didn't realize we were being so loud. We didn't realize we were so loud. Han kan inte simma. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Jeg har rejst over hele Rusland. I've travelled through the whole of Russia. I've traveled all over Russia. Tom tycker att det är roligt. Tom thinks it's funny. Tom thinks it's funny. "Nu, drenge." sagde han. "Now, boys." he said. "Now, boys," he said. Vil du have hvidvin eller rødvin? Would you like white wine or red? Do you want white wine or red wine? Hún fór með vinkonum sínum. She went off with her friends. She went with her friends. Att bo i en storstad har många fördelar. Living in a large city has many advantages. Living in a big city has many advantages. Det finns otaliga stjärnor i galaxen. There are innumerable stars in the galaxy. There are countless stars in the galaxy. Var älskad! Be loved! Be loved! Få mig inte att skada dig. Don't make me hurt you. Don't make me hurt you. Þekkiru þetta? Do you know this? Do you know this? Det är en månad till min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month for my birthday. Bli inte stött. Tom är så där med alla. Don't be offended. Tom's that way with everyone. Tom's like that with everyone. Strákurinn sem rær bátnum er vinur minn. The boy rowing the boat is a friend of mine. The boy who robs the boat is my friend. Tom er allerede begyndt at date en anden. Tom has already started dating somebody else. Tom's already started dating someone else. Eplin eru þroskuð. The apples are ripe. The apples are mature. Spela den sången igen. Play that song again. Play that song again. Ni känner inte mig över huvud taget. You don't know me at all. You don't know me at all. Vem är först i tur? Who's first? Who's first in turn? Glad midsommar! Happy Midsummer! Happy Midsummer! Jag skickade ett mejl till dig. I sent you an e-mail. I sent you an e-mail. Brott lönar sig inte i längden. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Det var väldigt roligt. It was very funny. That was very funny. Tænk over det! Think about it. Think about it! Har nogen ringet til mig? Did anyone phone me? Did anyone call me? Hún keypti tólf egg. She bought a dozen eggs. She bought 12 eggs. Den där kostade mig en förmögenhet. That cost me a fortune. That one cost me a fortune. Jeg skal studere. I have to study. I have to study. Ég vona að þú njótir flugsins. I hope you enjoy your flight. I hope you enjoy your flight. Vi kan ikke finde årsagen. We can't find the cause. We can't find the reason. Stórmarkaðirnir eru nú lokaðir svo við verðum að láta okkur nægja það sem er eftir í ísskápnum. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. The big markets are now closed, so we must be content with what is left in the fridge. Måske skulle jeg tage en paraply med for en sikkerheds skyld. Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case. Maybe I should bring an umbrella for a safety reason. Matchen slutade oavgjort. The match ended in a draw. The game definitely ended. Nu har jag sett allt. Now I've seen everything. Now I've seen everything. Tom har ett gymmedlemskap. Tom has a gym membership. Tom has a gym membership. Vi hade stora svårigheter att hitta busshållplatsen. We had much difficulty in finding the bus stop. We had a lot of trouble finding the bus stop. Juryen fandt at Samsung havde krænket Apples patenter. The jury found that Samsung had infringed upon Apple's patents. The jury found that Samsung had violated Apple's patents. Jag borde få mig lite vila. I should get some rest. I should get some rest. Toms forældre er lærere. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Han sov i timen. He was asleep during the lesson. He slept an hour. Han har många böcker. He has many books. He's got a lot of books. Vandet katten drak, var ikke salt. The water the cat drank was not salty. The watered cat drank was not salt. Tom er en meget god landmand. Tom is a very good farmer. Tom is a very good farmer. Kan indeholde nødder. May contain nuts. May contain nuts. De talar engelska i Amerika They speak English in America. They speak English in America Tom sade att han tyckte att jag verkade imponerad. Tom said he thought that I seemed impressed. Tom said that he thought I seemed impressed. Tom elskede Mary, men hun kunne slet ikke lide ham. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Detta är ett litet steg för en människa men ett jättekliv för mänskligheten. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step for a human being but a huge step for humanity. Deras favoritämne var eskatologi. Their favourite subject was eschatology. Their favorite subject was escadetology. Hvorfor blev de forskrækket? Why were they scared? Why were they scared? Jag kan aldrig bli kär igen. I'll never be able to love you again. I can never fall in love again. Det havde jeg ikke set. I hadn't seen that. I hadn't seen that. Tom har tabt 30 kg. Tom lost 30 kilograms. Tom's lost 30 pounds. Toms tal var ganska underhållande. Tom's speech was quite entertaining. Tom's speech was pretty entertaining. De bråkade. They quarreled. They were fighting. Þetta var fögur sjón. It was a beautiful sight. That was a beautiful sight. Ég rakst á gamlan vin minn í teiti um daginn. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I ran into my old friend in a party the other day. Du milde Moses! Holy cow! Oh, my God, Moses! Hversu oft á dag skoðar þú sjálfan þig í speglinum? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How often a day do you examine yourself in the mirror? Den är övergiven. It's deserted. It's abandoned. Du vil få mange gaver på din fødselsdag. You'll get a lot of presents on your birthday. You're gonna get a lot of presents on your birthday. I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is the twentieth of October. Today is October 20th. Hvorfor lærte du ikke tysk mens du var i Tyskland? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Jag tittade på en film på franska med engelska undertexter. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I was watching a movie in French with English subtitles. Bogen er lyserød. The book is pink. The book is pink. Það er tími til kominn að þú farir í háttinn. It is high time you went to bed. It's time you went to bed. Kan du nævne et par interessante franske film? What are some good French movies? Can you mention a few interesting French films? Jorden, Mars og Jupiter er planeter. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Hun kan godt lide at gøre sig interessant. She likes to show off. She likes to be interesting. Þetta er ekki eldflaugavísindi. It's not rocket science. It's not rocket science. Það er mikilvægt að sameina eins marga verkamenn og hægt er. It's important to unite as many workers as possible. It is important to combine as many workers as possible. Hun var gået ind i værelset og havde lagt sig på sengen. She went into the room and lay on the bed. She had gone into the room and laid down on the bed. Tom gjorde det utan min hjälp. Tom did it without my help. Tom did it without my help. Håll bollen i rullning. Keep the ball rolling. Keep the ball rolling. Hur många gånger i veckan äter du ris? How many times a week do you eat rice? How many times a week do you eat rice? Hún á enga bræður. She doesn't have any brothers. She doesn't have any brothers. Til våben! To arms! To arms! Drick inte så mycket öl. Don't drink so much beer. Don't drink a lot of beer. Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Er det langt til Tallinn? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is it far to Tallinn? Det här borde hjälpa. This ought to help. This should help. Lad os prøve! Let's try! Let's try it! Hvat ætlar tú at gera? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Vejret er blevet varmere. The weather has become warmer. The weather has become warmer. Þau líta á hann sem hetju. They consider him a hero. They think of him as a hero. Jeg trøstede ham med hans livret. I consoled him with his favorite food. I comforted him with his right to life. Toms hus ligger kun tre blokke herfra. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is just three blocks away. Tom är sjuk. Tom's sick. Tom's sick. Kan du give ham førstehjælp? Can you give him first aid? Can you give him first aid? Tom bestilte en øl. Tom ordered a beer. Tom ordered a beer. Vi hugger träd med en yxa. We cut trees with an axe. We'll cut trees with an axe. Jag spelade tennis med Tom i går. I played tennis with Tom yesterday. I played tennis with Tom last night. Tom er måske okay. Tom might be all right. Tom might be okay. Hvað mun það taka langan tíma? How long will it take? How long will it take? Försökt inte att fly från ansvar. Do not try to avoid responsibility. Don't try to escape responsibility. Hvis I stikker os, kommer vi så ikke til at bløde? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you get out of here, we're not gonna bleed? Hun bor i New York. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. Jeg har fået nok af dig. I've had enough of you. I've had enough of you. Slap af, det er bare et fugleskræmsel. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Hetta er mín telda. This is my computer. This is my tent. Berätta för Tom vad du vill göra. Tell Tom what you want to do. Tell Tom what you want to do. Han dur ikke. He is good for nothing. He's not gonna make it. Det där behövde jag verkligen. I really needed that. I really needed that. Mayday, mayday! Mayday, mayday! Mayday, mayday! Jag har bott här hela mitt liv. I've lived here my entire life. I've lived here my whole life. Hver tapaði? Who's the loser? Who lost? Þau búast við einhverri samvinnu af þér. They expect some cooperation of you. They expect some cooperation from you. Hon såg upp mot himlen. She looked up at the sky. She looked up to heaven. Tom är vaken. Tom's awake. Tom's awake. Mere end hundrede mennesker savnes stadig. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Jag gjorde upp en affär. I made a deal. I made a deal. Detta är hans bil, tror jag. This is his car, I think. This is his car, I think. Min favoritsangerinde er Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. Det fanns lite dagg imorse. There was some dew this morning. There was a little day this morning. Dette minder mig om hjem. This reminds me of home. This reminds me of home. Jeg elsker dig stadigvæk. I still love you. I still love you. Kör långsamt. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Tom har et hus. Tom has a house. Tom has a house. Han kiggede hende dybt i øjnene. He looked deeply into her eyes. He looked her deep into the eyes. Jag tycker att vi borde separara. I think we should separate. I think we should separate. Jag gillar verkligen hårdkokta ägg. I really like hard boiled eggs. I really like hard cooked eggs. Købte du den bog? Did you buy that book? You bought that book? Dette er kun en af ​​de ting, vi fandt. This is only one of the things we found. This is just one of the things we found. Það var rakur, grár sumardagur í lok júní. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp gray summer day at the end of June. Hvor mange børn har du? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? Hvor meget kostede det? How much did it cost? How much did it cost? Han bestämde sig för den röda bilen. He decided on the red car. He decided on the red car. Þú þarft einungis að fylgja leiðbeiningunum. You have only to follow the directions. You only need to follow the instructions. De havde engang hjulpet hinanden. They had once helped each other. They had once helped each other. Så vitt jag vet är han inte lat. As far as I know, he isn't lazy. As far as I know, he's not lazy. I striden erövrade de vapen från fienden. In the battle they captured weapons from the enemy. In the battle they conquered weapons from the enemy. Jag är på dåligt humör. I'm in a bad mood. I'm in a bad mood. Sex blev inbjudna, inklusive pojken. Six were invited, including the boy. Six were invited, including the boy. Gör er av med Tom. Get rid of Tom. Get rid of Tom. Han kommer att hjälpa dig. He is going to help you. He's gonna help you. Tyvärr dog hon ung. Alas, she died young. Unfortunately, she died young. Vi var unga då. We were young then. We were young then. Mary hjälpte sin mor att laga mat. Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook. Jag sa aldrig att det inte var en bra idé. I never said that it wasn't a good idea. I never said it wasn't a good idea. Du skal gå nu. I need you to leave now. You have to go now. Mennad er ránsmaður. Mennad is a robber. Men are robbers. Ég fann fyrir kuldahrolli þegar fór út úr húsinu. I felt a chill when I went out of the house. I felt chills when I left the house. Og træet var ofte alene. And the tree was often alone. And the tree was often alone. Tom hørte et bilhorn dytte. Tom heard a car horn beep. Tom heard a car horn dived. Det var inte sensationellt. It wasn't sensational. It wasn't sensational. Jeg må huske at poste brevet. I must remember to mail the letter. I have to remember mailing the letter. Jeg har en ny mailadresse. I have a new email address. I have a new email address. När kan vi mötas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Han bliver let træt. He tires easily. He gets very tired. Min tante har været død i to år. My aunt has been dead for two years. My aunt's been dead for two years. Ni borde följa skolans regler. You should observe the school rules. You should follow the school rules. Vad gör du i dag? What're you doing today? What are you doing today? Hunden är människans bästa vän. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is man's best friend. Tom och Mary var dom två sista att ge sig av. Tom and Mary were the last two to leave. Tom and Mary were the last two to leave. Jag älskar den sången. I love that song. I love that song. Jag har redan betalat för den. I've already paid for it. I already paid for it. Kom tillbaks in i skåpbilen. Get back in the van. Come back in the van. Jag vill köpa en tjeckisk tröja. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech shirt. Það er ekkert svar við spurningunni þinni. There is no answer to your question. There's no answer to your question. Vet du var fru Hudson bor? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Jeg kender et par franske sange. I know a few French songs. I know a couple of French songs. Hvornår får jeg min bil tilbage? When do I get my car back? When do I get my car back? Jag har inte ätit något sedan i går. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Inga men. Don't argue. None but. Vad gör du där? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Tom har en smuk bil. Tom has a beautiful car. Tom has a beautiful car. Jeg har altid ret. I'm always right. I'm always right. Jeg ved ikke hvad du mener. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Jag ska hjälpa dig. I will help you. I'll help you. Skipið var upp á náð hafsins komið. The ship was at the mercy of the sea. The ship was on the shore of the sea. Hugsum um það versta sem gæti gerst. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Consider the worst that could happen. Det där är plast. That's plastic. That's plastic. Du er på tynd is. You're treading on thin ice. You're on thin ice. Man ska aldrig säga aldrig. You should never say "never". You never say never. Det hade varit roligt. That would've been fun. That would have been fun. Stöðin er nærri. The station is near at hand. The state is close. Jeg så din far. I saw your father. I saw your father. Siden 29. april 2017 har Wikipedia været blokeret i Tyrkiet. Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey since April 29, 2017. Since 29 April 2017, Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey. Det ser ut som Tom vill köpa allt från butiken. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything in the store. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything from the store. Du ønsker at se en fransk film, gør du ikke? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? Han reser runt. He travels around. He's traveling around. Tom säger att han är hungrig. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Hun er Allans kone. She is Alan's wife. She's Allen's wife. När och var serveras frukost? When and where is breakfast served? When and where is breakfast served? Hví ekki að afsaka þig og biðja hann fyrirgefningar? Why not apologize and ask for his pardon? Why not excuse yourself and ask him for forgiveness? Jeg vil prøve at betale hans regninger i morgen. I'll try to pay this bill tomorrow. I'll try to pay his bills tomorrow. kom tillbaka om en timme. Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour. Låt oss göra det någon annan gång. Let's make it some other time. Let's do it another time. Hvad er der i tasken? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Sommetider går jeg i biografen. I sometimes go to the cinema. Sometimes I go to the movies. Du forstår fransk, gør du ikke? You understand French, don't you? You understand French, don't you? Kan de se oss? Can they see us? Can they see us? Jag vill inte gifta mig. I don't want to get married. I don't want to get married. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kan göra för att få det här att fungera. I don't know what else I could do to make this work. I don't know what else I can do to make this work. Doktor, mit navn er Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Við verðum að kaupa þá frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Jag måste göra anteckningar. I need to take notes. I have to make notes. Jag vet att detta är svårt. I know this is hard. I know this is difficult. Jag har faktiskt kul ikväll. I'm actually having fun tonight. Actually, I'm having fun tonight. Hon är orolig för sin vikt. She worries about her weight. She's worried about her weight. Herren tog sine handsker og sin cylinderhat af. The gentleman took off his gloves and top hat. The Lord took off his gloves and his cylinder hat. Svar på spørgsmålet. Answer the question. Answer the question. Jeg forstår ikke hvad han siger. I don't understand what he's saying. I don't understand what he's saying. Algeriet er et land i Nordafrika. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Hvussu eitur tú? What is your name? How does a poison you look? "Du vækker min nysgerrighed", sagde jeg. "You arouse my curiosity," said I. "You wake up my curiosity," I said. Er kabylske kvinder smukke? Are Kabyle women beautiful? Is Kabylian women beautiful? Det ser ud til at jeg er kommet her for tidligt. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I've been here too early. Hún ráðlagði honum að léttast. She advised him to lose weight. She advised him to lose weight. Dragen er et fantasivæsen. The dragon is an imaginary creature. The dragon is an imagination. Jag har alltid varit intresserad av politik. I've always been interested by politics. I've always been interested in politics. Många unga romare åkte till Grekland. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. Tom forlod værelset. Tom left the room. Tom left the room. Han begick många synder i sin ungdom. He committed many sins in his youth. He committed many sins in his youth. Ombord på vilket skepp var du? What ship were you on? On which ship were you? Er det ikke på tide at I begraver stridsøksen og lader fortiden være fortid? Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? Isn't it time for you to bury the war axe and let the past be past? Pesto är Guds gåva till folket. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Pesto is God's gift to the people. Er du parat til at få sandheden at vide? Are you ready for the truth? Are you ready to know the truth? Det är inte stor skillnad. There's not a big difference. It's not a big difference. Jeg blev i sengen hele dagen i stedet for at gå på arbejde. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. Liz har været død i otte år. Liz has been dead for eight years. Liz's been dead for eight years. Gå inte ut bara. Just don't go outside. Don't just go out there. Tom förstår inte vad du säger. Tom doesn't understand what you're saying. Tom doesn't understand what you're saying. Jag minns detta ord. I remember this word. I remember this word. Varför sa du nej? Why did you say no? Why did you say no? Vem kan tvätta min bil för två euro?? Who'll wash my car for two Euros? Who can wash my car for two euros? Taler du ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Do you speak barnino? Se upp var du går. Watch your step. Watch where you're going. Professionelle oversættere specialiserer sig ret ofte kun inden for ét område, for eksempel jura eller medicin. Professional translators quite often specialize in just one field, for example law or medicine. Professional translators specialize fairly often only in one area, such as law or medicine. Köpte ni Tom en hund? Did you buy Tom a dog? Did you buy Tom a dog? Vinden susar i säven. The wind blows in the willows. The wind blows in the saw. Arbejdere kan gå i strejke for højere løn eller bedre arbejdsforhold. Workers can go on strike for higher wages, or for better working conditions. Workers may be in strikes for higher wages or better working conditions. Ge mig en sked. Give me a spoon. Give me a spoon. Hon grät. She cried. She cried. Hvis bare jeg kunne hjælpe dig. I wish I could help you. If only I could help you. Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga hej till Mary. I thought Tom would say hello to Mary. I thought Tom would say hello to Mary. Den största skillnaden mellan bandy och innebandy är att bandy spelas på is. The biggest difference between bandy and floorball is that bandy is played on ice. The biggest difference between bandy and indoor bandy is that bandy is played on ice. Min storesøster tager brusebad hver dag. My older sister takes a shower every day. My big sister takes a shower every day. Må jeg bruge jeres telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Gör det inte! Don't do it! Don't do it! Ned med korrupte politikere! Down with corrupt politicians! Down with corrupt politicians! Hvad synes I om jeres nye bil? How do you like your new car? How do you like your new car? Det vil sandsynligvis sne i morgen. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Der er et rygte i min mors landsby om at vi har japanske forfædre. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal mene om det. There's a rumor in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors. I don't know what to make of it. There's a rumor in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors, I don't know what to think about it. Jeg har tabt ansigt. I lost face. I've lost my face. Ég fór til Ecuador þegar ég var átta ára gömul. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Jeg vil gerne tilføje mine sætninger under CC0 1.0-licensen, så mine sætninger kan bruges i Common Voice-projektet. I would like to contribute my sentences under the CC0 1.0 license, so my sentences can be used in the Common Voice project. I would like to add my phrases under the CC0 1.0 license so that my phrases can be used in the Common Voice project. Låt mig ta hand om Tom, okej? Let me handle Tom, OK? Let me take care of Tom, okay? Du er her! You're here. You're here! Det er lige det vi har drømt om hele tiden. It's what we've always dreamed of. That's just what we've been dreaming about all along. Vi frågar läraren frågor varje dag. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask the teacher questions every day. Era skor är här. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Tom tog en kniv ur en låda i köket. Tom took a knife out of a drawer in the kitchen. Tom took a knife out of a box in the kitchen. Fra nu af vil vi kun tale fransk. From now on, we'll only speak French. From now on, we only want to speak French. Tom har tre farbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Läraren välkomnade de nya studenterna. The teacher welcomed the new students. The teacher welcomed the new students. Tom har ikke tillid til politiet. Tom doesn't trust the police. Tom doesn't trust the police. Jeg er sulten. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Han vred min arm. He twisted my arm. He wreaked my arm. Jeg kender nogle af disse piger. I know some of these girls. I know some of these girls. Ég þvæ mér. I wash myself. I'll wash. Hvad fortalte du dem? What did you tell them? What did you tell them? Jag är vid den norra porten. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the northern gate. Stanna bilen nu! Stop the car now! Stop the car! Den er grim, lysegul og passer ikke til noget. Men du vil i det mindste ikke blive påkørt i mørket! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, light yellow and it doesn't fit anything, but at least you won't be run over in the dark! Jeg har ikke hørt fra Tom i temmelig lang tid. I haven't heard from Tom in quite some time. I haven't heard from Tom in a very long time. Kom og besøg os! Do come and visit us. Come and see us! Tom vill ha hjälp. Tom wants to help. Tom wants help. Den bygning er vores skole. That building is our school. That building is our school. Det ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Vad ska vi säga till Tom? What do we tell Tom? What are we gonna tell Tom? Det här är en väldigt tidsödande uppgift. This is a very time-consuming task. This is a very time-consuming task. Det var det jag tänkte säga. That's what I was about to say. That's what I was gonna say. Jeg står til Deres tjeneste. I am ready to serve you. I'm at your service. Hvor mange lande er medlem af De Forenede Nationer? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? En evighet är en väldigt lång tid. Eternity is a really long time. An eternity is a very long time. Systir mín er í vinnu. My sister has a job. My sister's at work. Tom är ofarlig. Tom's harmless. Tom's harmless. Det er for dyrt. That is too expensive. It's too expensive. Han uppnår lycka genom yoga. He attains happiness by means of yoga. He's achieving happiness through yoga. Jeg elsker min mor. I love my mum. I love my mother. Tom anlände trettio minuter sent. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom arrived 30 minutes late. Vad är det som är så roligt? What's so funny? What's so funny? Jag hämtar det. I'll get it. I'll get it. Det er sket med dig. Your number is up. It's happened to you. Eg havi lisið ein bók. I have read the book. I'd like to read a book. Ser Tom arg ut? Does Tom look angry? Tom looks angry? Jag tycker mer om katter än hundar. I like cats more than dogs. I like cats more than dogs. Du kan kalla mig vid mitt förnamn. You can call me by my first name. You can call me by my first name. Detta är väldigt lätt. This is very easy. This is very easy. I øjeblikket skriver du dine sætninger på det forkerte sted. Du skal vælge "Contribute" i toppen af siden og så "Add sentences". At the moment, you are entering your sentences in the wrong place. You should select "Contribute" at the top of the page and then "Add sentences". Currently you type your phrases in the wrong place. You need to select "Contend" at the top of the page and then "Add sensations". Jag planerar att bo på hotell tills vidare. For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel. I plan to stay in a hotel until further notice. Tom har undantagsrätt. Tom has immunity. Tom's got an exception. Man behöver kramsnö för att göra bra snöbollar. You need wet snow to make good snowballs. You need hugsnö to make good snowballs. Jag kommer inte att låta det hända. I won't let it happen. I'm not gonna let that happen. När man talar om trollen står de i farstun. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. When you talk about the troll, they're in the farthest. Eg haldi, at hatta ikki er nøkur býtt loysn. I think that's not a daft solution. I don't think the hat's got anything to do with it. Han gik rundt og udbredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He walked around spreading lies about her. Vi har tre minuter. We have three minutes. We've got three minutes. Du har brug for det her. You need this. You need this. Min näsa är för stor. My nose is too big. My nose's too big. Till och med mamma vet om det. Even my mom knows it. Even Mom knows about it. Problemet vedrørende Vestsahara skal løses for bestandigt. The Western Sahara problem has to be resolved for good. The problem of Western Sahara must be resolved for a long time. Tom ankom til Boston for mindre end tre uger siden. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. Tom kom ud fra omklædningsrummet kun iført et håndklæde. Tom came out of the locker room wearing nothing but a towel. Tom came out of the dressing room only wearing a towel. Hun taler tysk. She speaks German. She speaks German. Hur sen är jag? How late am I? How am I? Tjek denne oversættelse med originalen. Check this translation with the original. Check this translation with the original. Dugir tú føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? You think you're good for it? Jeg vil sende nogle penge til Tom. I'm going to send Tom some money. I want to send some money to Tom. Tom kom för att hjälpa. Tom came to help. Tom came to help. Har du träffat Tom? Have you met Tom? Have you met Tom? Hvem er han? Who's he? Who is he? Det blir ingen bra soppa av billigt kött. Cheap meat doesn't make good soup. There won't be a good soup of cheap meat. Rumrejser ansås for at være umuligt. Space travel was thought to be impossible. Space travel was considered impossible. Tusindvis af udlændinge rejser til Japan hvert år. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of foreigners travel to Japan every year. Gleymdu vandamálum þínum um stund og borðaðu kvöldmat með okkur. Forget your troubles for a while and come and have dinner with us. Forget your problems for a while and have dinner with us. Ja, jag förstår. Tack. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yes, I understand. Hvor gammel er din far? How old is your father? How old is your father? Stoler du på hende? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? 1. Saxið kjúklingabringuna. 1. Finely chop the chicken breast meat. 1. Tox the chicken breast. Jag gillar verkligen den här boken. I really like this book. I really like this book. Tom ville ikke hoppe over grøften. Tom didn't want to jump across the ditch. Tom wouldn't jump over the ditch. Det er grunden. That's the reason. That's why. Försök att komma på det. Try to figure it out. Try to figure it out. Jag måste hjälpa honom. I must help him. I have to help him. Jeg så frygt i hans øjne. I saw fear in his eyes. I saw fear in his eyes. Jeg har gentagne gange bedt dig gøre det. I've asked you repeatedly to do that. I've repeatedly asked you to do it. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að taka leigubíl. I think you should go by taxi. I think you should take a cab. Tom vil ikke blive udleveret til Australien. Tom won't be extradited to Australia. Tom won't be handed over to Australia. Ta av dig skorna. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Hun så to skibe. She saw two ships. She saw two ships. Vi överlevde. We survived. We survived. Säg till Tom att jag är färdig. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm done. En kopp kaffe, tack. One cup of coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Jag gillar österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Taler du portugisisk? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Ég vonast til að valda jákvæðum breytingum á heiminum. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to bring about a positive change in the world. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your granddaughter? Where's your grandson? Jeg har coolt kluns og coole solbriller på. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I'm wearing cool cluns and cool sunglasses. Skam dig! Shame on you! Shame on you! Vilket är ditt favoritschampo? What's your favorite shampoo? What's your favorite shampoo? Ég er að leita að fastri vinnu. I'm looking for some regular work. I'm looking for a regular job. Tom er en mandschauvinist. Tom is a male chauvinist. Tom's a manschauvinist. Köttur birtist undan skrifborðinu. A cat appeared from under the desk. A cat appears from the desk. Huset omgavs av en stenmur. The house had a stone wall around it. The house was surrounded by a stone wall. Vi har inte gjort någonting. We haven't done anything. We haven't done anything. John hefur áhuga á golfi. John is interested in golf. John's interested in golf. Hvis jeg havde muligheden så ville jeg ganske bestemt rejse til Beijing. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. If I had the opportunity, I would certainly go to Beijing. Jag föredrar franska filmer. I prefer French movies. I prefer French films. Din far vil ikke købe det. Your father will not buy it. Your father won't buy it. Tom kunde knappt gå. Tom could hardly walk. Tom could barely walk. Jeg kender det helt rigtige sted. I know the perfect place. I know the right place. En minderårig är beroende av sina föräldrar. A minor is dependent on his parents. A minor is dependent on his parents. Denne ordbog er meget dyr, men den er værd at købe. This dictionary is very expensive, but is worth buying. This dictionary is very expensive, but it is worth buying. Det internationella språket interlingue offentliggjordes 1922 under namnet Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The international language interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. Kan du läsa det? Could you read it? Can you read it? Hvor er det forfærdeligt. How horrible! That's terrible. Ég ætla að skrifa bréf til Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. I'm gonna write a letter to Judy. Tom har tre morbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know that I'm different. You know I'm different. Du er en meget heldig kvinde. You're a very lucky woman. You're a very lucky woman. Det kommer det att finnas mycket tid för senare. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There will be a lot of time later. Jeg begyndte på at forberede mig. I started to prepare myself. I started preparing. Vilket tåg tänker du ta? What train you are going to take? What train are you gonna take? Tom har på sig hatt nästan varje dag. Tom wears a hat almost every day. Tom wears his hat almost every day. Ni borde vara försiktigare nästa gång. You should be more careful the next time. You should be more careful next time. Det skal du få betalt. I'll get you for this. I'll pay you for that. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? Which house are you staying in? What house are you staying at? Hon ville veta om fotografen kunde ta bort hatten från bilden. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. Berätta för mig hur man gör. Tell me how to do it. Tell me how to do this. Gå hjem og bliv hjemme. Go home and stay home. Go home and stay home. Han er gartner. He's a gardener. He's a gardener. Athöfnin var einföld. The ceremony was simple. The ceremony was simple. Grabba tag i någonting. Grab on to something. Talk to me about something. Sömnbrist är inte bra för kroppen. Lack of sleep is bad for the body. Sleep failure is not good for the body. I dag er det tirsdag den første oktober. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Var ligger den ryska ambassaden? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian embassy? Hvad havde han gang i? What was he up to? What was he doing? Vad är klockan i Boston? What time is it in Boston? What time is it in Boston? Gerðu það að kynna mig fyrir henni. Please introduce me to her. Please, introduce me to her. Han er lige nu i gang med at lave lektier. He is doing his homework now. He's doing homework right now. Hon erövrade guldmedaljen. She took the gold medal. She conquered the gold medal. En hund skäller. A dog is barking. A dog barks. Det här landet heter Ryssland. This country is called Russia. This country is called Russia. Overdriv ikke! Don't overdo it. Don't overdo it! Mary er en klog pige. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. Hendes øjne er blå. Her eyes are blue. Her eyes are blue. Livet är inte lätt. Life isn't easy. Life isn't easy. Vil du give mig et hjerteanfald eller hvad? Do you want to give me a heart attack or what? Will you give me a heart attack or something? Der er stor forskel på hastighed og kvalitet på bredbånd fra land til land. There are big differences in broadband speed and quality from country to country. There is a great difference in speed and quality of broadband from country to country. Tom gav mig ikke noget til jul. Tom didn't give me anything for Christmas. Tom didn't give me anything for Christmas. Jeg tror han hedder Tom. Tom is his name, I think. I think his name is Tom. Han går alltid till jobbet kl. 8.00. He always goes to work at 8:00 a.m. He always goes to work at 8:00. John er laus við áhyggjur þessa dagana. John is free from worry these days. John is free from anxiety these days. Jeg vil ikke have en sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. I don't want a sandwich. Vet du ens var skolan ligger? Do you even know where the school is? Do you even know where the school is? Luk jeres beskidte næb, I forbandede fugle! Shut your filthy beaks, you fucking birds! Shut your dirty beaks, you fucking birds! Vet du vad hon tycker om för färg? Do you know what color she likes? You know what she likes about color? Hann er ríkur. Hann þarf ekki á peningum að halda! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He's rich, he doesn't need money! Når jeg lukker mine øjne, forestiller jeg mig at jeg er en fugl og kan flyve. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. Tager du tit bilen på arbejde? Do you often drive your car to work? Do you often take the car to work? Jeg købte en dukke til hende. I got her a doll. I bought her a doll. Jag saknar det verkligen. I really miss it. I really miss it. Tom arbejder på en pastafabrik. Tom works in a pasta factory. Tom works at a pasta factory. Hon läser en bok. She is reading a book. She's reading a book. Enginn er svo fátækur að eiga ekki efni á að vera snyrtilegur. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. Jag kan hämta den. I can bring it. I can get it. Vissa sjukdomar är obotliga. Some diseases are incurable. Some diseases are incurable. Jag visste att du skulle sansa dig. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd make yourself feel better. Løsenet er "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The solution is "Muiriel." Tom började må bättre. Tom began to feel better. Tom started to feel better. Det var omöjligt att hitta ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Vad berättade du för Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you tell Tom? Hvorfor har du valgt at bo i Australien? Why did you choose to live in Australia? Why did you choose to live in Australia? Tom er gået bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn i julegave. Tom and Mary bought their granddaughter a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their grandson on Christmas Eve. Vi søgte læ under et træ. We took shelter under a tree. We searched for shelter under a tree. Tann vakra konan er høg. The beautiful woman is tall. The watchful woman is a hawk. Visa henne vad du går för. Show her what you can do. Show her what you're going for. Han har ry for at være en don juan. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He has a reputation for being a Don Juan. Tom skannede QR-koden med sin telefon. Tom scanned the QR code with his phone. Tom scanned the QR code with his phone. Du er yngre end Tom. You're younger than Tom. You're younger than Tom. När han kom tillbaka hem, sov barnen redan. When he returned home, the kids were already asleep. When he came back home, the kids already slept. Orð þín jafnast á við ofbeldi. Your words are as good as violence. Your words are like violence. Ge mig en timme. Give me one hour. Give me an hour. Tom gör det sällan. Tom rarely does that. Tom rarely does it. Vänta, skjut inte! Wait, don't shoot! Wait, don't shoot! Jag har bröder. I have brothers. I have brothers. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act fast. We need to act quickly. Åbn aldrig døren på en bil der er i bevægelse. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the door of a moving car. Tom læste Marys navneskilt. Tom read Mary's name tag. Tom read Mary's signature sign. Jag har aldrig sett så många stiliga män på ett ställe. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Visa mig. Show me. Show me. Hringið á lögregluna! Call the police! Call the police! Han er næsten seks fod høj. He is almost six feet tall. He's almost six feet tall. Havde han prøvet én gang til, ville det være lykkedes for ham. Had he tried it once more, he would have succeeded in it. If he had tried one more time, he would have succeeded. Tom har inget lokalsinne. Tom has no sense of direction. Tom doesn't have a sense of space. Den här är inte bra. This one's no good. This one's not good. De är korta och smala. They are short and thin. They're short and narrow. Hvorfor var du i fængsel? Why were you in prison? Why were you in prison? Det är en present till dig. It's a present for you. It's a present for you. Vilka vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Jeg bor i Boston nu. I live in Boston now. I live in Boston now. Jag undrar vem som namngav detta skepp. I wonder who named this ship. I wonder who named this ship. Goddag! Good day! Hello! Han er lidt som sin far. He is a bit like his father. He's kind of like his father. Jeg er ved at spise en pære. I am eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Varför lär du dig engelska? What do you learn English for? Why do you learn English? Hvernig segirðu „takk“ á japönsku? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say “thanks ” in Japanese? Var är din soptunna? Where is your garbage can? Where's your garbage can? Þú og ég erum mjög góðar vinkonur. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. En gång räcker inte. Once is not enough. Once, it's not enough. Människan är det enda djuret som kan använda elden. Humans are the only animals that can use fire. Man is the only animal that can use the fire. Vi kan inte hålla med dig på denna punkt. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you on this point. Jag vet inte. Jag kan inte komma ihåg. I don't know. I can't remember. I don't know, I can't remember. Blanda salt, torrjäst och vetemjöl i en stor skål. Mix the salt, dry yeast and flour in a big bowl. Mix salt, dry yeast and wheat flour in a large bowl. Han kommer fra Wales. He comes from Wales. He's from Wales. Jag såg ett. I saw one. I saw one. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Tom gav inte upp. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Här anrikar man malm. Ore is enriched here. This is where you anchor ore. Han högg ner ett körsbärsträd. He cut down a cherry tree. He cut down a cherry tree. Hör du hemma här? Do you belong here? Do you hear me? Herr Wilson tvingade oss att upprepa meningen flera gånger. Mr Wilson made us repeat the sentence several times. Mr. Wilson forced us to repeat the sentence several times. Har du provat det här? Have you tried this? Have you tried this? Vad är den där värd? What's that worth? What's that worth? Jag kan inte göra detta utan er. I can't do this without you. I can't do this without you. Jeg afskyr edderkopper. I abhor spiders. I hate spiders. Det tror jeg ikke på. I do not believe in that. I don't believe it. Vi bestilte nogle nye bøger fra udlandet. We ordered some new books from abroad. We ordered some new books from abroad. Mark tog sina saker och gick. Mark took his things and left. Mark took his things and left. Det regnar i Sverge. It rains in Sweden. It's raining in Sverge. Du er en døgenigt. You're a good-for-nothing. You're a... you're a... you're a... you're a... you're a Tom har en benprotese. Tom has a prosthetic leg. Tom has a bone prosthesis. Det är någonting lurt på gång här. Something is going on here. There's something small going on here. Der er ikke nok vand. There's not enough water. There's not enough water. Afsakið mig, hvað er klukkan? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Jeg vil købe en sølvhalskæde. I want to buy a silver necklace. I want to buy a silver necklace. Jag valde mellan två alternativ. I chose between two options. I chose between two options. Herrer først. Gentlemen first. Gentlemen first. Jeg troede du var en anstændig pige. I thought you were a decent young woman. I thought you were a decent girl. Jag har allt jag ville. I have everything I wanted. I have everything I wanted. Ni gav den till oss. You gave it to us. You gave it to us. Jeg kan ikke se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Jeg er ikke skyldig. I'm not guilty. I'm not guilty. Jeg taler kun fransk. I can only speak French. I only speak French. Tom ønskede at Mary skulle lære fransk. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Han är varken för eller emot förslaget. He's neither for nor against the proposal. He's neither in favour of the proposal nor against it. Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. Tom kan inte gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. När jag inte har min mobil, känner jag mig ensam. When I don't have my cell phone, I feel lonely. When I don't have my phone, I feel alone. Jeg tager oftere til Bryssel end til Paris. I more often go to Brussels than Paris. I go to Brussels more often than Paris. Tom og Mary hadede hinanden. Tom and Mary hated each other. Tom and Mary hated each other. Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. The common language of many Asians is English. English is a common language in many Asian lands. Mange har lavet den samme fejl. Many people have made the same mistake. Many have made the same mistake. Berlin är Tysklands största stad. Berlin is the largest city in Germany. Berlin is Germany's largest city. Er þér sama þótt ég reyki? Do you mind if I smoke? Do you mind if I smoke? Hans frånvaro i går berodde på förkylning. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. His absence last night was due to cold. Er din mor hjemme? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Vi bør ikke spille morsomme på andres bekostning. We shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense. We should not be amusing at the expense of others. "Hvor mange øl havde du drukket før jeg kom på besøg?" "Kun fem eller seks øl." "How many beers did you have before I came over?" "I only had five or six." "How many beers did you drink before I came to visit?" "Only five or six beers." Din kone er dig utro. Your wife is cheating on you. Your wife is cheating on you. Enginn getur aðskilið þau. No one can separate them. No one can separate them. Hon var modig. She was brave. She was brave. Det eneste spørgsmål er hvem. The only question is who. The only question is who. Hvad sagde jeg? What did I say? What did I say? Jag var dålig på engelska. I was bad at English. I was bad in English. Af skáldsögunum hans líkar mér þessi best. Among his novels, I like this best. From his novels, I like the best. Det är inte mitt val. It's not my choice. It's not my choice. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til tannlæknis en hann sagðist ekki hafa nægan tíma til þess. She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. She advised him to go to a dentist, but he said that he did not have enough time to do so. Jeg har et billede af min kæreste på min natbord. I have a photo of my girlfriend on my nightstand. I have a picture of my boyfriend on my nightstand. Nästa dag var juldagen. The next day was Christmas Day. The next day was Christmas. Talarðu arabísku? Do you speak Arabic? You speak Arabic? Kan du lide film? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Jag behöver mina tabletter. I need my pills. I need my pills. Hann á alls enga ættingja. He does not have any relatives at all. He doesn't have any relatives at all. Það mun gera sárið verra. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Det var hans tystnad som gjorde henne arg. It was his silence that made her angry. It was his silence that made her angry. Är ni färdiga? Are you all set? Are you done? Það birti yfir himninum. The sky brightened. It was shining in the sky. Uppenbarligen tycker Mary inte om mig Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Apparently Mary doesn't like me. De är underbara. They're wonderful. They're wonderful. Det här formuläret ser rätt komplicerat ut. Hjälp mig att fylla i det. This form looks kind of complicated. Help me fill it out. This form looks really complicated, so help me fill it out. Tom sagde at du taler fransk. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you speak French. Min far er gået ud for at købe postkort. My father has gone out to buy postcards. My father has gone out to buy postcards. Hörde du det där? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Jeg savner bylivets travlhed og larm. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life. I miss the bustle of city life and noise. Jag var ansvarig. I was in charge. I was responsible. Vi behöver inte ett nytt internationellt hjälpspråk. Engelskan uppfyller redan den rollen. We don't need a new international auxiliary language. The English language already fills that role. We do not need a new international aid language. English already fulfils that role. Tom sagde at han var ved at spise. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Ég vil giftast þér. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Han sålde några äpplen på marknaden. He sold some apples at the market. He sold some apples on the market. Verbet "att vara" har oregelbunden böjning i alla språk. The verb “to be” has an irregular conjugation in all languages. The world "to be" has irregular bending in all languages. Jag har säkert ätit någonting konstigt. I must've eaten something bad. I'm sure I've eaten something weird. Jeg byggede det. I built it. I built it. Fru Smith har født sit barn nummer to. Mrs. Smith gave birth to her second child. Mrs. Smith gave birth to her child's number two. Vi kan prata om det i framtiden. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about it in the future. Ingen kom med mig. No one came with me. Nobody came with me. En kat kan se i mørke. A cat can see in the dark. A cat can see in the dark. Det kan du ændre. You can change that. You can change that. Tom är fortfarande min vän. Tom is still my friend. Tom's still my friend. De kommer att växa. They'll grow. They'll grow. Hvad lavede du i går? What were you doing yesterday? What were you doing yesterday? Vad skulle Tom kunna göra? What could Tom do? What could Tom do? Det här är ett bra jobb. This is a good job. This is a good job. Han bor i et amt med alkoholforbud. He lives in a dry county. He lives in a county with no alcohol. Hvad laver din far? What does your father do? What's your father doing? Hur lång är den där bron? How long is that bridge? How tall is that bridge? Studenterna är på semester. The students are on holiday. The students are on vacation. Tom lär sig att dansa tango. Tom is learning to dance the tango. Tom learns to dance tango. Tom er blevet en rigtig sofakartoffel. Det eneste han laver, er at se tv hele tiden. Tom has become a real couch potato. All he does is watch television all the time. Tom's become a real sofa potato, and all he's doing is watching TV all the time. Það var mjög ánægjulegt að hitta gamla vin minn. Meeting my old friend was very pleasant. It was a pleasure to meet my old friend. Vem är allsångsledare i år? Who's the lead singer of the group this year? Who's the All-Wing Leader this year? Tom sa att han var hemma igår. Tom said he was at home yesterday. Tom said he was home last night. Hvor kan jeg købe cigaretter her? Where can I buy cigarettes around here? Where can I buy cigarettes here? Tom är en främling i den här staden. Tom is a stranger in this town. Tom is a stranger in this town. Fuldmånen kan ses i aften. A full moon can be seen tonight. The full moon can be seen tonight. Detta är deras hus. This is their house. This is their house. Tom ryckte till sig sin väska. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom picked up his bag. Jag ger den till Tom. I'm giving it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Ég get ekki hætt að hnerra. I can't stop sneezing. I can't stop sneezeing. Kontrasten mellan himlen och berget är slående. The contrast between the sky and the mountain is striking. The contrast between heaven and mountain is striking. Jag var på väg ut. I was going out. I was on my way out. Han anknyter alltid till sin barndom i sina böcker. He always connects to his childhood in his books. He's always connected to his childhood in his books. Undersök det. Examine it. Check it out. Oljetillgångarna är inte oändliga. Supplies of oil are not infinite. Oil resources are not infinite. Min mor elsker mig. My mother loves me. My mother loves me. Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Hun er meget gammel og døv. She is very old and deaf. She's very old and deaf. Det Tom gjorde var otroligt. What Tom did was incredible. What Tom did was incredible. Þú verður að grípa gæsina meðan hún gefst. You must strike while the iron is hot. You're gonna have to grab the goose while she gives. Tom tror att han vet allt. Tom thinks he knows it all. Tom thinks he knows everything. Det var söndag i går, inte lördag. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. It was Sunday yesterday, not Saturday. Jeg kan lide at spille piano. I like playing the piano. I like to play piano. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe den. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Dette er et historisk øjeblik. This is a historical moment. This is a historic moment. Tom rakte Mary den tomme flaske. Tom handed the empty bottle to Mary. Tom carried Mary the empty bottle. Tom krammede sin bamse. Tom hugged his teddy bear. Tom hugged his bear. Hvorfor besluttede du dig for at lære at spille på engelskhorn? Why did you decide to learn to play the English horn? Why did you decide to learn how to play in an English horn? Tom er en hengiven lærer. Tom is a dedicated teacher. Tom is a devoted teacher. Han har en stor familie. He has a big family. He's got a big family. Omöjligt! Impossible! That's impossible! Vilka musikgenrer gillar du? What genres of music are you into? Which music genre do you like? Jeg bor i Kairo. I live in Cairo. I live in Cairo. Han er enhvers ven. He's everybody's friend. He's someone's friend. Vil du have kød eller fisk? Would you like meat or fish? You want meat or fish? Det vil skade afgrøden. It will damage the crops. It will damage the crop. Jag måste göra det. I need to do that. I have to do it. Endelig faldt babyen i søvn. At last, the baby fell asleep. Finally, the baby fell asleep. Hann braust inn í hús. He broke into a house. He broke into a house. Vinden avtog. The wind calmed down. The wind slowed down. Kun fire heste deltog i kapløbet. Only four horses competed in the race. Only four horses participated in the race. Ég er þreitt. I'm tired. I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... Tør næsen. Wipe your nose. Dry your nose. Jag kan inte stå ut med detta ljudet längre. I can't stand this noise anymore. I can't stand this sound anymore. Þau þekktu öll Tom. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Það er auðveldara að reyna við fólk á internetinu en á götunni. It is easier to hit on people on the Internet than in the street. It's easier to hit people on the Internet than on the street. Þú þarft ekki að tala svona harkalega til mín. You don't have to use such a harsh tone with me. You don't have to talk so hard to me. Jag tar hand om den här. I'll handle this one. I'll take care of this. Hún var nógu snjöll til að láta hann ekki blekkja sig. She was clever enough not to be deceived by him. She was smart enough not to let him deceive herself. Jag har en akademisk examen. I have a diploma. I have an academic degree. Vi fick det analyserat. We've had it analyzed. We got it analyzed. Jeg holder meget af pizza. I like pizza very much. I love pizza. Hvernig kynntist þú honum? How did you get to know him? How did you get to know him? Kast anker! Drop the anchor! Throw anchor! Hvor er jeres børn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Der var en masse skriverier om homoseksualitet. There were a lot of writings about homosexuality. There were a lot of writings about homosexuality. Má bjóða þér eitthvað að drekka? Would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? Eg havi nógvan fepur. I have a high temperature. I'm having a lot of pussies. Jag har inga lektioner idag. I don't have classes today. I don't have any lessons today. Tom kan tala flytande franska. Tom can speak French fluently. Tom can speak fluent French. Katten er under sofaen. The cat is under the sofa. Cat's under the couch. Vi ville ha Tom. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. Jag bor i Kanton. I live in Canton. I live in Kanton. Jeg er enig med dig. I agree with you. I agree with you. Han har en hvid kat. He has a white cat. He's got a white cat. Tom kemst ekki burt. Tom won't go away. Tom can't get away. Jag är inte alls upptagen. I'm not at all busy. I'm not busy at all. Han skjulte ikke sin skuffelse. He didn't hide his disappointment. He didn't hide his disappointment. Apor är intelligenta. Apes are intelligent. Monkeys are intelligent. Min mor er svensk, og min far er algerisk. My mom is Swedish and my dad is Algerian. My mother is Swedish, and my father is Algerian. Jeg kunne lide denne film. I liked this film. I liked this movie. Hvorfor bliver du ved med at give ham penge? Why do you keep giving him money? Why do you keep giving him money? Är du säker på att det här är Toms kontor? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Han kom fortfarande inte ihåg mitt namn. He still couldn't remember my name. He still didn't remember my name. Ved første øjekast syntes spørgsmålet at være ligetil. At first glance, the question seemed easy. At first glance, the question seemed to be straightforward. Ég skildi eftir gjöf fyrir hana heima hjá mér. I had left a present for her at my house. I left her a present at home. Vi samler frimærker fra hele verden. We collect stamps from all around the world. We gather stamps from all over the world. Stol ikke på din hukommelse. Don't trust your memory. Don't trust your memory. Jeg er skræmt. I'm frightened. I'm scared. Det er første juledag den femogtyvende december. The twenty-fifth of December is the first day of Christmas. It's Christmas Day, December 15th. Jag kan inte förstå allt. I can't quite understand. I can't understand everything. Jag hade en hamster som hette Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. På træet voksede der guldæbler. The tree bore golden apples. On the tree, gold apples grew. Hvaðan eru þau? Where are they from? Where are they from? Ja, tack. Yes, please. Yes, please. Hans förklaring var inte tillräcklig. His explanation wasn't satisfying. His explanation wasn't enough. Jag ringer honom ikväll. I'll call him tonight. I'll call him tonight. Jag kan inte bestämma var vi ska äta lunch... I can't decide where to eat lunch. I can't decide where we're going to have lunch. Fang mig! Catch me. Get me! Hún málar á hverjum degi sama hversu upptekin hún er. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. Klockan är sju. It's seven o'clock. It's 7:00. Latin er fremtidens sprog! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future! Tom var ekki með. Tom wasn't in. Tom wasn't in it. Þú ættir að fara í regnkápu. You had better put on a raincoat. You should go get some rain. Tycker du om att springa? Do you like running? Do you like running? Han gik amok. He went ballistic. He went crazy. Han er en færdig mand. He's a goner. He's a finished man. Þú mátt leggja hérna. You may park here. You can park here. Jeg vil gerne have dig til at tage skraldet ud. I want you to take out the garbage. I want you to take the trash out. Loksins náðu þau fjallstindinum. At last, they reached the top of the mountain. At last they reached the top of the mountain. Hún gekk tuttugu mílur á dag. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked 20 miles a day. Loksins tókst Mario að vinna ástir prinsessunnar. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love. At last, Mario was able to win Princess’s love. Vad mer kan ni göra? What else can you do? What else can you do? De opdrætter kvæg og heste. They breed cattle and horses. They breed cattle and horses. Du är en sådan flörtis. You're such a flirt. You're such a flirt. Kortet er på væggen. The map is on the wall. The card's on the wall. De fejrer julen med gaver. They celebrate Christmas with presents. They celebrate Christmas with gifts. Denne bog er lille. This book is small. This book is small. När kan jag träffa Tom igen? When can I see Tom again? When can I see Tom again? Min bedstemor brugte sin symaskine meget indtil for omkring tre år siden. My grandmother used to use her sewing machine a lot up until about three years ago. My grandmother used her sewing machine a lot until about three years ago. Du har bättre kondition än jag. You're in better shape than I am. You're better conditioned than I am. Jag är tacksam för er hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Den sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's on your bench. Mary försökte trösta Tom. Mary tried to comfort Tom. Mary tried to comfort Tom. Hun har blomster i sin hånd. She has flowers in her hand. She's got flowers in her hand. Tom har stemt. Tom voted. Tom voted. Simbalarnir skullu saman. The cymbals clashed. The Simbals together. Sami lytter kun til klassisk musik. Sami only listens to classical music. Sami only listens to classical music. Ek em. I am! Eek em. Han snubblade till, men var snabbt uppe på fötterna igen. He stumbled but quickly got up on his feet again. He tripped another one, but he was quick on his feet again. Hon var på humör för en promenad. She was in the mood for a walk. She was in the mood for a walk. Har du någon lösning? Do you have a solution? Do you have a solution? Að lesa bækur er áhugamál mitt. Reading books is my hobby. Reading books is my hobby. Jag kan inte stå ut med ljudet. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the sound. Han ligner sin far. He resembles his father. He looks like his father. Tak for suppen. Thanks for the soup. Thanks for the soup. Hon gillar varken ormar eller matematik. She likes neither snakes nor mathematics. She doesn't like snakes or mathematics. Kan du lide heste? Do you like horses? Do you like horses? Öll laufin á trénu urðu gul. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree became yellow. Ég líka. Me, too. Me too. Öll önnur tungumál eru auðveldari en Úýgúrska. All the other languages are easier than Uighur. All languages are easier than Ughursk. Han har redan gått. He's already left. He's already gone. Talar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Do I talk too fast? Jeg fik min cykel repareret. I got my bicycle repaired. I got my bike repaired. Jag sov inte bra i natt, så jag har inte så mycket energi i dag. I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have much energy today. I didn't sleep well tonight, so I don't have much energy today. Det kan inte vara så illa. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Vi forsøgte at bryde fjendens linjer. We attempted to break the lines of the enemy. We tried to break the enemy lines. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let in the dog. Open the door and let the dog in. Hur ofta cyklar du? How often do you ride a bicycle? How often do you ride? Der er ingen trafikpropper. There's no traffic jam. There's no traffic jams. Jeg kørte i bil til arbejde. I went to work by car. I was driving a car to work. Han er stærkere end nogensinde. He is stronger than ever. He's stronger than ever. Jag kommer att gå av vid nästa hållplats. I am going to get off at the next stop. I'm going to go off at the next stop. Ég hef svo mikið að gera að ég verð að fresta ferðinni minni. I have so much work to do that I have to put off my trip. I have so much to do that I have to delay my trip. Engelsk er et sprog der tales over hele verden. English is a language spoken all over the world. English is a language spoken all over the world. Láttu eins og þú sért heima hjá þér. Please make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. Det er sygt. It's sick. That's sick. Eg tørvi tíni hjálp. I need your help. I dare help you. Hunden skal luftes. The dog needs to be walked. The dog has to be aired. Tom står inför några allvarliga problem. Tom is facing a few serious problems. Tom is facing some serious problems. Mary var besatt av Japan. Mary was obsessed with Japan. Mary was obsessed with Japan. Jeg googlede jer, før I kom her. I googled you before you got here. I Googled you before you came here. Må Gud beskytte dig fra dem der hader dig! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Tom gav lådan till Mary. Tom handed Mary the box. Tom gave the box to Mary. Gid jeg kunne tilbringe lidt tid alene sammen med Tom. I just wish I could have some alone time with Tom. I wish I could spend some time alone with Tom. Ditt kräk. Wanker. You son of a bitch. Jeg har ingen småpenge. I don't have any small change. I don't have a penny. Jag tror inte att det kommer att regna i eftermiddag. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. Hversu mikið vegur ferðataskan þín? What's the weight of your suitcase? How much way does your suitcase go? Alla drömmer. Everyone dreams. Everybody dreams. Det skulle ha varit roligt. It would have been fun. That would have been fun. Glem det ikke! Don't you forget that. Don't forget it! Egentligen inte. Not really. Not really. Jeg håber vi får en hvid jul. I hope we have a white Christmas. I hope we have a white Christmas. Jag såg Tom för mindre än en timme sen. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. I saw Tom less than an hour ago. Den lille dreng er klog. The little boy is clever. That little boy is smart. Ingen vidste hvem hun var. No one knew who she was. Nobody knew who she was. Al Smiths föräldrar kom från Irland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Jag har en sådan. I have one of those. I got one of those. Sluta upp med det omedelbart. Stop it this minute! Stop it right now. Det är ingen leksak! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Hann liggur aldri. He never lies. He's old. Du almægtige! Jeg kommer for sent til undervisningen. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. Vad kan de göra? What can they do? What can they do? Han lade boken på hyllan. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Jeg har glemt hvor jeg har lagt mit pas. I've forgotten where I put my passport. I forgot where I left my passport. Ég hló að brandaranum hans. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Kasta bollen till mig. Throw me the ball. Throw the ball to me. Hästar är farliga djur. Horses are dangerous animals. Horses are dangerous animals. Jeg har set ham før. I've seen him before. I've seen him before. Gartneren var en morder. The gardener was a murderer. The Gartner was a killer. Den här möjligheten kan inte uteslutas. This possibility cannot be ruled out. This possibility cannot be excluded. Jag kommer ihåg det nu. I remember it now. I remember now. Hún fylgdi honum til Japan. She accompanied him to Japan. She followed him to Japan. Der Spiegel er et tysk ugemagasin, og det betyder også "Spejlet". Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine and it also means "The Mirror". There Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, and that also means "Speech." Jeg elsker julemusik. I love Christmas music. I love Christmas music. Stórmarkaðurinn réð marga hlutastarfsmenn. The supermarket hired many part-timers. The big market employs many part workers. Hun har indvilliget i at lede partiet. She has consented to take the leadership of the party. She has agreed to lead the party. Det er et meget lille træ. That's a very small tree. It's a very small tree. De vann faktiskt. They did win. They actually won. Vad är det med dig? What is it with you? What's the matter with you? Når jeg bliver stor, vil jeg være brandmand. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. When I grow up, I want to be a fireman. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Jag kunde inte bry mig mindre. I couldn't care less. I couldn't care less. Maður uppsker eins og maður sáir. You must reap what you have sown. You reap as you sow. Vi behöver en ambulans. We need an ambulance. We need an ambulance. Jeg vil sørge for at Tom har alt han har brug for. I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs. I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs. Jag har köpt lite aspirin till dig I brought you some aspirin. I bought you some aspirin. Tom frågade mig om där jag fick det här. Tom asked me where I got this. Tom asked me where I got this. Tom kan være skræmmende til tider. Tom can be very scary sometimes. Tom can be scary at times. Deildu lengd og breidd þess með tíu. Divide its length and breadth by ten. Share the length and width of it with ten. Flere emojier bruges i vid udstrækning under COVID-19-pandemien: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are being widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several Emojis are widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: Jeg vendte håndtaget. I turned the handle. I turned the handle. Gifte ni er? Did you get married? You married? Mary har lange, slanke ben. Mary has long slender legs. Mary has long, slim legs. Hur mycket kostar apelsinerna? How much do the oranges cost? How much does oranges cost? Tom ville være en god lærer. Tom would be a good teacher. Tom would be a good teacher. Väck Tom och säg att frukosten är färdig. Go wake Tom up and tell him breakfast is ready. Wake up Tom and tell him breakfast's ready. Jag vill bo i staden. I want to live in the city. I want to live in town. Mit navn er Jisung. My name is Jisung. My name is Jisung. Du kommer att dö snart. You'll die soon. You'll die soon. Vertu sæl! Goodbye! Goodbye! Enken var klædt i sort. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was dressed in black. Hvad er du ellers bange for? What else are you scared about? What else are you afraid of? Tom bad Mary om at holde op med at ryge. Tom asked Mary to quit smoking. Tom asked Mary to stop smoking. Tom tappade bort sin franska lärobok. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom lost his French textbook. I Brasilien er der stemmepligt. In Brazil, voting is mandatory. In Brazil there is a voting obligation. Tycker du fortfarande att jag är den som du vill tillbringa resten av ditt liv med? Do you still think I'm the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? Do you still think I'm the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? Urets batteri løb tør for strøm. The watch's battery ran out. The clock's battery ran out of power. Hur många månar har Mars? How many moons does Mars have? How many moons does Mars have? Det var ikke så svært. That wasn't so hard. It wasn't that hard. Han är här med. He is also here. He's here too. Jag kan köra själv. I can drive myself. I can drive myself. Du går glip af al den dejlige sne. You're missing all the lovely snow. You're missing out on all the lovely snow. De kan lägga till en ordagrann översättning. They can add a literal translation. They can add a word - for - word translation. Vi har inte beställt någonting. We didn't order anything. We didn't order anything. Undersök den här. Examine this. Check this out. Tom var ekki sofandi. Tom wasn't asleep. Tom wasn't sleeping. Min tante gav mig en bog til jul. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. Tom fortalte ikke Mary alt. Tom didn't tell Mary everything. Tom didn't tell Mary everything. Riktiga män dricker te. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Niðurstaðan er enn óviss. The result is still in doubt. The conclusion is still uncertain. Þú ættir að biðjast afsökunar. You should apologize. You should apologize. Heilaga rómverska keisaradæmið leið undir lok árið átján hundruð og sex. The Holy Roman Empire came to an end in the year 1806. The Holy Roman Empire ended in eighteen hundred and six years. Min hund åt min läxa. My dog ate my homework. My dog ate my homework. Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you shower? How many times do you take a shower? Sikken stor lastvogn! What a big truck! What a big truck! Jeg kan ikke takke dig nok. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. Tom sover, men Mary är vaken. Tom is asleep, but Mary is awake. Tom's asleep, but Mary's awake. Heildarskuldir okkar nema tíu þúsund dollurum. Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars. Our totals are only ten thousand dollars. Han fick malaria medan han bodde i djungeln. He contracted malaria while living in the jungle. He got malaria while he lived in the jungle. Motoren har endnu ikke givet os nogen problemer. The engine has given us no trouble as yet. The engine has not yet given us any problems. Jag vill bara vara med dig. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Hvad gør jeg i mellemtiden? What do I do in the meantime? What do I do in the meantime? Vem sa att jag har en pistol? Who says that I have a gun? Who said I had a gun? Tycker inte du att det är lite konstigt? Don't you think that's a little strange? Don't you think it's a little weird? Tom håber at alle tager afsted, så han kan komme i seng. Tom is hoping that everyone will leave, so he can go to bed. Tom hopes that everyone will leave so he can get to bed. Kunne du lide cyklen? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like the bike? Jeg forsøger at hjælpe hende. I'm trying to help her. I'm trying to help her. Det er for sent for ham. It is too late for him. It's too late for him. När sa ni det där? When did you say that? When did you say that? Min yndlingspizza er Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. Var hänsynslösa. Be ruthless. Be ruthless. Tom började prata. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Jag behöver att du förklara vad som hänt. I need you to explain what happened. I need you to explain what happened. Är det sant? Is that true? Is that true? Det latinska verbet har sex infinitiver. The Latin verb has six infinitives. The Latin verb has six infinitives. Hon äter middag nu. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. Har du nogensinde pløjet en mark med en hest? Have you ever plowed a field with a horse? Have you ever plowed a field with a horse? Jeg har overtalt Tom til at blive i Boston indtil mandag. I've persuaded Tom to stay in Boston until Monday. I've persuaded Tom to stay in Boston until Monday. John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að flýta þér. You need not have hurried. You wouldn't have had to hurry. Jeg tror vi skal ringe 991. I think we need to call 911. I think we should call 991. Skjaldbøkur eru skriðdýr. Turtles are reptiles. Shields are creeps. Hun bor i huset derovre. She lives in the house over there. She lives in the house over there. Var är hissen? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Hver sagði Tom það? Who told Tom that? Who told Tom? Den cykel der er ikke hans. That bicycle isn't his. That bike isn't his. Jag tänker ge det till Tom. I'm giving it to Tom. I'm gonna give it to Tom. Ég læri Kóresku. I study Korean. I'm learning Korean. Det er for dyrt! It is too expensive. It's too expensive! Tom är min hjälte. Tom is my hero. Tom is my hero. Tom tittade framåt. Tom looked ahead. Tom looked forward. Det borde vi göra tillsammans. We should do that together. We should do that together. Byt om. Get changed. Change. Jag får inte så mycket post. I don't get much mail. I don't get much mail. Jeg har endnu ikke lært meget. I haven't learned much yet. I haven't learned much yet. Lad os se på de store linjer. Let's look at the big picture. Let's look at the big lines. De var sårbara. They were vulnerable. They were vulnerable. Och så förälskade sig lejonet i tackan. And thus the lion fell in love with the ewe. And that's how the lion fell in love with her. Tom höll med om allting Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Han var velkommen alle steder. He was welcomed everywhere. He was welcome everywhere. Stjernerne blinkede over hende. The stars twinkled above her. The stars flashed over her. Hun købte grønsager i går. She bought vegetables yesterday. She bought vegetables yesterday. Allt är tillgängligt. Everything is available. Everything is available. Hvad er der galt med dig? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Hvorfor vil du gerne være sygeplejerske? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Hvad er det I går og laver, børn? What are you kids doing? What are you doing, kids? Jag ska hämta min jacka. I'll get my coat. I'm gonna go get my jacket. Varför uppför sig män som apor, och vice versa? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why conduct men like monkeys, and vice versa? Ok. Jeg bøjer mig. Okay. I give in. All right, I'll bend. Hon hjälpte honom. She helped him. She helped him. Hvernig fékkstu það? How did you get it? How'd you get it? Betty lagde sig på sengen. Betty laid herself on the bed. Betty hung up on the bed. Andra världskriget tog slut 1945. World War II ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. Jeg vil gerne have et værelse med aircondition. I would like an air-conditioned room. I'd like a room with air conditioning. Vælkomin. Welcome. You're welcome. Det er ikke forbudt. It's not against the law. It's not forbidden. Þér var gefið súkíjakí í kvöldmat, svo gistirðu og fékkst morgunmat. Finnst þér þú ekki hafa verið að ónáða? You were served sukiyaki for dinner, then spent the night and had breakfast. Don't you think you were imposing? You were given chocolate for dinner, so you stayed for breakfast, don't you think you've been having trouble? Har du en bog? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Jag gav tillbaka hennes ordbok I gave her her dictionary back. I gave her back her dictionary Han vender tilbage i morgen. He'll be coming back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Eg hyggji at sjónvarpi. I'm watching television. I'm going to TV. Jag är lagen. I'm the law. I'm the law. Mary er gravid med tvillinger. Mary is pregnant with twins. Mary's pregnant with twins. Sami ska inte arbeta idag. Sami is not supposed to work today. Sami's not going to work today. Tom ringede på dørklokken et par gange. Tom rang the doorbell a couple of times. Tom called the doorbell a couple of times. Det er et problem du selv må løse. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. It's a problem you have to solve yourself. Til salg. For sale. For sale. Ég hef ekkert að segja þér sem stendur. I have nothing to tell you for the moment. I don't have anything to tell you at the moment. Min pappa tycker om tennis. My dad likes tennis. My dad likes tennis. Den är begagnad. It's second-hand. It's used. Han har købt en bil. He bought a car. He bought a car. Eg gloymi teg ongantíð. I'll never forget you. Eg gloymi teg ongantid. Det var fönstret som Jack tog sönder igår. It was the window that Jack broke yesterday. It was the window that Jack broke yesterday. Alle studerende i vores college kan bruge computeren. Any student in our college can use the computer. All students in our colleges can use the computer. Vi befinder os i en blindgyde. We're in a blind alley. We're in a dead end. Jag vet inte. Jag kan inte komma ihåg. I don't know. I can not remember. I don't know, I can't remember. De her er kager hun selv har bagt. These are cakes that she baked herself. These are the cakes she made herself. Kælderen er fuld af vand. The basement is full of water. The basement is full of water. Han kan lidt engelsk. He knows a little English. He's a little English. Han skrev upp sitt namn. He put his name down. He wrote his name. Sport er godt for dit helbred. Sport is good for your health. Sport is good for your health. Hon är en fanatiker. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Jeg har også en datter. I have a daughter, too. I have a daughter, too. Kan ni höra mig? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? I år tilbyder vi det samme sprogkursus som sidste år. This year we offer the same language course as last year. This year we offer the same language course as last year. Dette stykke land er mit eje. This land is my property. This piece of land is my possession. Jag lånade honom en skiva. I lent him a record. I borrowed him a record. Tom taler kun fransk. Tom only speaks French. Tom only speaks French. Hvorfor skifter du tøj? Why are you changing your clothes? Why are you changing your clothes? Manden var hønefuld. The man was drunk as a mouse. The man was hefty. Huvudstaden i Ukraina är Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. De är där inne allesammans. They're all in there. They're all in there. Forstod du det? Did you understand it? Did you understand that? Så snart jeg har det, vil jeg sende det til dig. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I feel it, I'll send it to you. Jag ringer efter en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a cab. Han begik selvmord. He killed himself. He committed suicide. Jeg er en sulten edderkop. I am a hungry spider. I'm a hungry spider. Jeg bliver ikke betalt godt nok. I'm not being paid enough. I don't get paid well enough. Sama hvað gerist, þá er ég reiðubúinn. No matter what happens, I am prepared. No matter what happens, I'm ready. Titta på hur jag gör det. Watch how I do it. Look at how I do it. Jag är inte alls frisk. I'm not at all well. I'm not well at all. Han har delvis rätt. He's partially right. He's partly right. Är din fru fortfarande i Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Vi har ingen mat. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Min lillebror ser tv. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. Han är välavlönad. He is well paid. He's well paid. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euro. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. Varning! Vått golv. Caution! Wet floor. Warning, wet floor. Det vet jag redan. I already know that. I already know. Það er köttur í eldhúsinu. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Hvor kan jeg tjekke min bagage ind? Where can I check my luggage in? Where can I check my baggage in? Jeg har ikke søstre. I don't have any sisters. I don't have sisters. Har Tom någonsin bett dig ljuga för honom? Has Tom ever asked you to lie for him? Tom ever asked you to lie to him? De måste älska henne. They must love her. They must love her. Tom har stadig en klaptelefon. Tom still has a flip phone. Tom's still got a tap phone. Har Tom et kæledyr? Does Tom have a pet? Does Tom have a pet? Onkur fortaldi mær tað. Someone told me that. Onkur told me. Tvätta dina händer. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Vart fan ska du? Where the hell are you going? Where the hell are you going? Hann var mjög hamingjusamur. He was very happy. He was very happy. Jag går och hämtar min bil. I'll go get my car. I'm gonna go get my car. Ursäkta mig, jag har en förfrågan. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Min kniv är vass. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Jag kan inte behålla det här. I can't keep this. I can't keep this. Hvaða ávöxtur er rauður? What fruit is red? What fruit is red? Dig og mig vil overleve. You and I will survive. You and me will survive. Arbejde gør fri. Work makes free. Work is free. Det ska du ha jävligt klart för dig! Let's make that much very fucking clear! You're gonna be fucking clear on that! Varför skulle man gifta sig med en kvinna om man gillar män? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Við munum ræða vandamálið við þau. We will discuss the problem with them. We'll talk to them about the problem. Segðu hvað sem er. Say what you want. Say anything. Tom tog ett foto på Mary. Tom took a picture of Mary. Tom took a picture of Mary. För inte oväsen här. Don't make noise here. Don't worry about it here. Jeg vil ikke komme for sent igen. I won't be late again. I don't want to be late again. Enligt tv-nyheterna har det skett en flygkrasch i Indien. According to TV news, there was a plane crash in India. According to the news, there has been a crash in India. Det skulle inte göra någon skillnad. It wouldn't make any difference. That would make no difference. Kläd på dig fort. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed quickly. Han skød sig selv på grund af ulykkelig kærlighed. He shot himself because of unrequited love. He shot himself because of unhappy love. Olyckligtvis pratade Tom bredvid mun. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom spoke next to her mouth. Alle lo af min idé. Everyone laughed at my idea. Everybody laughed at my idea. Tom kiggede under bilen for at se om der lå olie på fortovet under bilen. Tom looked under the car to see if there was any oil on the pavement under the car. Tom looked under the car to see if there was oil on the pavement under the car. Får den här lådan plats i skåpbilen? Is there place for this box inside the van? Does this box fit in the van? Du vil kunne lide det. You'll like it. You'll like it. Vi gillade mycket varann. We really liked each other. We liked each other a lot. Jeg besluttede, ikke at tage til Europa. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Jeg ville elske at tilbringe julen med dig. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. Hon bor ensam. She lives alone. She lives alone. Jeg elsker at gå i biografen. I love going to the cinema. I love going to the movies. Underteckna på den här raden. Sign on this line. Sign this line. Jeg vil ikke gøre det igen. I won't do it again. I don't want to do it again. Tom lever ur hand i mun. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives out of hand in mouth. Jag kan inte ens göra en omelett. I can't even cook an omelet. I can't even make an omelet. I den store have stod æbletræerne i blomst, og de duftende sirener bøjede deres lange grønne grene ned imod de bugtede kanaler. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. In the large garden the apple trees flourished, and the fragrant sirens bent their long green branches against the bent channels. Gud skapade jorden på sex dagar. God created the earth in six days. God created the earth in six days. Tom dricker te. Tom is drinking tea. Tom's drinking tea. Jag behöver en cigarett. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. Efter att ha gått ur duschen, så torkade Tom bort dimman från spegeln och rakade sig. After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved. After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped away the fog from the mirror and shaved. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the rice stove. Ofta kommer han inte till skolan. He often doesn't come to school. Often he doesn't come to school. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn down the TV? Hvorfor køber du ikke et køretøj? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Jag har lyssnat på klassisk musik hela dagen. I've been listening to classical music all day. I've been listening to classical music all day. De har dannet en ny regering. They formed a new government. They have formed a new government. Jag har en båt och en bil. I have a boat and a car. I have a boat and a car. Hvem har været på mit værelse? Who has been in my room? Who's been to my room? Såg ni min son? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Jag avskyr att ha med kräsna barn att göra. I hate dealing with children who are picky eaters. I hate to deal with grumpy kids. Du måste vara på stationen senast klockan fem. You must be at the station at five o'clock at the latest. You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. Hun er allerede gift. She's already married. She's already married. Ja, lite grand. Yes, a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Der er fem blyanter her. There are five pencils here. There are five pencils here. Ég hata að taka áhættu. I hate taking risks. I hate to take risks. Det ser ud til at jeg kom her for tidligt. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I came here too early. Jeg accepterer dette forslag. I accept this proposal. I accept this proposal. Så vart ska du gå? So where're you going? So where are you going? Den er helt ny. It's brand new. It's brand-new. Det är meningslöst. It's futile. It's pointless. Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I would like to visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Jag överlevde. I survived. I survived. Meg er forvitin að vita allt um Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. Meg is curious to know all about Japan. Þeir stríddu mér. They bullied me. They fucked me. Tom vandt Boston Marathon. Tom won the Boston marathon. Tom won Boston Marathon. Du vil aldrig forstå, hvad jeg føler. You will never understand how I feel. You'll never understand what I'm feeling. Ertu með spurningu? Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Menneskehjernen vejer cirka tre pund. The human brain weighs about three pounds. The human brain weighs about three pounds. Jag fick min välförtjänta lön. I sure had my due reward. I got my well-earned salary. Diktatoren havde alle sine hjælperes fuldstændige loyalitet. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides. The Dictator had the complete loyalty of all his helpers. Ni hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You're not helping. Jag åt kaviar. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Vandet er godt. The water is good. The water is good. Tað finnast ongir býttir spurningar. There are no stupid questions. There are no questions. Tom vet vad Marys hund heter. Tom knows Mary's dog's name. Tom knows Mary's dog's name. Hann býr einn. He lives alone. He lives alone. Ge Tom en sekund. Give Tom a second. Give Tom a second. Du kan komma in igen. You can come back in. You can come back in. Vi lär oss om antikens Rom och Grekland. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. Tom ville ikke give Mary sit plysegern. Tom did not want to give Mary his plush squirrel. Tom wouldn't give Mary his lukewarm. Jag förlorade allt jag hade. I lost everything I had. I lost everything I had. Ingen brådska. Take your time. No rush. Jag känner mig fortfarande inte säker. I still don't feel safe. I still don't feel safe. Vad ritade Walt Disney? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt draw? Ingen kunne finde hulen. No one could find the cave. No one could find the cave. Hans frånvaro igår berodde på förkylning. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. His absence last night was due to cold. Jeg vil ikke gøre det igen. I will not do it again. I don't want to do it again. Han gjorde tit sin mor nervøs. He often worried his mother. He often made his mother nervous. Þau vinna ekki hót. They are not working even a bit. They don't run a threat. Det är din först arbetsuppgift. This is your first assignment. It's your first job. Han kunne mærke det varme solskin og han hørte lærkerne synge og så at det var dejligt forår overalt. He felt the warm sun shining, and heard the lark singing, and saw that all around was beautiful spring. He felt the warm sunshine and heard the teachers sing and saw that it was a beautiful spring everywhere. Må jeg låne din ordbog? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? Ni är inte så galna. You're not that crazy. You're not that crazy. Hon bifogade ett foto. She enclosed a photo. She attached a photo. Smaklig måltid. Enjoy your meal. Enjoy your meal. Jeg springer til det værst tænkelige scenarie. I'm jumping to the worst-case scenario. I'm running to the worst possible scenario. Vad tyckte de? What did they think? What did they think? Någon har lagt ett kuvert på ditt skrivbord. Someone put an envelope on your desk. Someone's put an envelope on your desk. Spurðu mig hvers sem þú vilt. Ask me anything you like. Ask me anything you want. Ég er reið út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Hun døde efter at hun havde været syg i lang tid. She died after she had been ill for a long time. She died after she had been sick for a long time. Jag visade för dem hur man gör. I showed them how to do it. I showed them how to do it. Jeg kan læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I can read French. Han är säkerhetsvakt på flygplatsen. He is a security guard at the airport. He's a security guard at the airport. Kom fram. Come forward. Come out. Jag har inte ett öre. I don't have a cent. I don't have a ear. Se till att Tom håller sig borta från min dotter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Geturðu synt eins hratt og hann? Can you swim as fast as he? Can you swim as fast as he is? Tom vaknade när han hörde någon knacka på dörren. Tom woke up when he heard someone knocking on the door. Tom woke up when he heard someone knock on the door. Obefläckad avlelse betyder enbart att Jungfru Maria själv föddes utan arvsynd. Kristi födelse kallas jungfrufödelse. Immaculate conception simply means that the Virgin Mary herself was born without original sin. Virgin birth is how Christ came about. Undefiled reproduction only means that Virgin Mary herself was born without inheritance. Christ’s birth is called virgin birth. Det är enormt. It's huge. It's huge. Jeg kan ikke huske det. I can't remember it. I don't remember. Jeg bliver fyldt med glæde hver gang jeg ser dig. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I get filled with joy every time I see you. Alle lo, og Tom lo højest af alle. Everybody laughed, Tom loudest of all. Everyone laughed, and Tom laughed most of all. Jag har mina egna problem. I have my own problems. I have my own problems. Hun fik drengene til at male huset. She had the boys paint the house. She made the boys paint the house. Liisa er en aktiv og energisk ung kvinde. Liisa is an active and energetic young woman. Liisa is an active and energetic young woman. Annað hvort okkar verður valið. You or I will be chosen. Either of us will be selected. Du kan tro nej! No way! You can believe no! Nej! No! No! No! Jag vill inte spela. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Blanda Tom en drink. Mix Tom a drink. Mix Tom with a drink. Du er en drømmer, ikke sandt? You're a dreamer, aren't you? You're a dreamer, aren't you? Jeg vil gerne have dig til at oversætte denne rapport til fransk. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I want you to translate this report into French. Du bliver nødt til at være høflig You have to be polite. You'll have to be polite Jag vet egentligen inte. I don't really know. I don't really know. Rör sig jorden från öst till väst eller tvärtom? Does The Earth move from East to West or vice-versa? The earth moves from east to west or vice versa? Toms hænder er fedtede. Tom's hands are greasy. Tom's hands are awesome. Det glæder mig at møde dig. I'm pleased to meet you. I'm glad to meet you. Svar venligst på fransk. Please answer in French. Please respond to French. Hvor druknede du dem? Where did you drown them? Where'd you drown them? Hon er á Majorca og sólar sær. She is in Mallorca, sunbathing by the sea. She's at Majorca and the sun hurts. Der var en større menneskemængde ved koncerten, end vi havde forventet. There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated. There was a larger crowd at the concert than we expected. Tom solbadede. Tom sunbathed. Tom sunbathed. Tom kan bage rigtig gode æbletærter. Tom can bake really good apple pies. Tom can bake really good apple pies. Avgifterna ska snart gå upp. Fees are about to go up. The fees will be up soon. Mary og Alice er søstre. Mary and Alice are sisters. Mary and Alice are sisters. Ekkert verður skapað úr engu. Nothing can be produced out of nothing. Nothing will be created from nothing. Om det inte finns någon lösning, så finns det inte heller något problem. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there is no solution, there is no problem either. Hunden har gøet. The dog has been barking. The dog's been barking. Tom använde inte ordet ”omöjligt”. Tom didn't use the word "impossible." Tom did not use the word “inconceivable”. Vi måste tala med dig om Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. Benytter du standardindstillingerne? Are you using the default settings? Are you using the default settings? Jeg kan gentage det igen og igen. I can repeat it again and again. I can repeat it over and over again. Du vandrar. You are wandering. You're walking. Den der butik sælger herretøj. That store sells men's wear. The one who sells men's clothes. Vad slog han upp? What did he look up? What'd he break up with? Tom upptäckte Marias hemska hemlighet. Tom discovered Mary's terrible secret. Tom discovered Mary's terrible secret. Hvem kyssede du? Who did you kiss? Who were you kissing? Tom sagde ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. Til að vera á réttum tíma hljóp ég. To be on time, I ran. To be on time, I ran. Hvor opfandt du dem? Where did you invent them? Where did you find them? Afrikanske elefanter har mindre hårvækst end asiatiske elefanter. African elephants have less hair than Asian elephants. African elephants have less hair growth than Asian elephants. Jag bestämde mig för att skriva 20 meningar om dagen på Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day in Tatoeba. Först visste jag inte vad jag skulle ta mig till. At first, I didn't know what to do. At first, I didn't know what to do. Berlinmuren faldt i 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. Du skriver bedre end mig. You write better than I do. You write better than me. Du skal tage bus nummer tolv. You have to take bus number 12. I want you to take bus number 12. Det er for sent for dig. It is too late for you. It's too late for you. Undskyld, noget er gået galt. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something's gone wrong. De blåa byxorna kostar mer än de gröna. The blue pants cost more than the green ones. The blue pants cost more than the green ones. Du pratar snabbt. You talk fast. You're talking fast. Det er ikke værd at vente på. It isn't worth waiting for. It's not worth waiting for. Madeira er nafn á víni. Madeira is the name of a wine. Madeira is a wine name. Af hverju segir maður „góðan daginn“ þegar dagurinn er ekki góður? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why do you say “good morning ” when the day is not good? Jag dricker kaffe. I'm drinking coffee. I'm having coffee. Han drog sit sidste åndedrag. He breathed his last breath. He drew his last breath. Pabbi minn heitir Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Den gamle lov om "øje for øje" efterlader alle blinde. The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The old law on eye for eye leaves all blind. Mår han bra? Is he all right? Is he okay? Han tog med henne till vårt ställe. He brought her to our place. He took her to our place. Det rådde brist på importerad olja. There was a shortage of imported oil. There was a shortage of imported oil. Det skete for tre dage siden. That happened three days ago. It happened three days ago. Jeg ønsker ikke at han tager afsted. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to leave. Den smukke sorthårede pige var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful black-haired girl was in the park. Það er rosalega auðvelt! It's super easy! How easy that is! Jag skulle vilja gå in. I'd like to go inside. I'd like to go in. Lad os gå ud og spise middag sammen fra tid til anden. Let's go out and eat dinner together from time to time. Let's go out and have dinner together from time to time. När fick du reda på det? When did you find out? When did you find out? Efter frokosten gik vi en tur. We went for a walk after lunch. After lunch, we went for a walk. Jeg har skrevet denne sang kun for dig. I wrote this song just for you. I've written this song only for you. Jag fick precis ditt mejl. I just got your email. I just got your e-mail. Jag kan inte läsa franska, och ännu mindre tala det. I can't read French, let alone speak it. I can't read French, and even less speak French. Det siges at hun var skuespillerinde da hun var ung. People say she was an actress when she was young. They say she was an actress when she was young. Så vidt jeg ved, er det den eneste oversættelse. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only translation available. As far as I know, this is the only translation. Jeg skrev et brev. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Når han ikke får sin vilje, surmuler han. When he doesn't get his way, he sulks. When he doesn't get his way, he surmulates. Tom fick antibiotika. Tom was given antibiotics. Tom got antibiotics. Huset var inte särskilt anmärkningsvärt. The house wasn't particularly remarkable. The house wasn't very remarkable. Sami kiggede sig omkring og der var ingenting. Sami looked around and nothing was there. Sami looked around and there was nothing. Vi uppfattar inte saker som dom är, utan som vi är. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. We don't understand things that they are, we understand things that we are. Helsingfors är huvudstaden i Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Kör fortare. Drive faster. Drive faster. Ingefær er meget nyttig om vinteren. Ginger is very useful in the winter period. Ginger is very useful in winter. Alfabetiser denne navneliste. Alphabetize this list of names. Alphabet this list of names. Det finns knappast några böcker i detta rum. There are hardly any books in this room. There are hardly any books in this room. Hur ser Tom ut? How does Tom look? What does Tom look like? Ingen kunde förklara hur saken var gjord. Nobody could explain how the thing was made. No one could explain how it was done. Det er et dårligt eksempel. It's a bad example. That's a bad example. Skildpadden døde. The turtle died. The turtle died. Chíleið brenndi mig á tungunni. The chili burnt my tongue. Chileda burned my tongue. Det har du godt af. That serves you right. You're all right. Jag skulle kunna sälja den här. I could sell this. I could sell this. Jeg drak det i én slurk. I drank it in a gulp. I drank it in one sip. Jeg kan lide slik. I like sweets. I like candy. Man kan lära sig många ord genom att läsa. You can pick up a lot of words by reading. You can learn many words by reading. Jeg taler berbisk med mine søskende. I speak Berber with my siblings. I speak bitterly with my siblings. Tom fick nöja sig med vatten till maten eftersom han inte hade någon öl hemma. Tom had to make do with a glass of water with his food because he had no beer at home. Tom had to settle down with water for dinner because he didn't have any beer at home. Du har rigtignok mange spørgsmål! You certainly have a lot of questions. You really have a lot of questions! Våran har kommit. Spring has come. Ours has arrived. Och slutligen, tolv poäng till Estland! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! Det är rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. It's pure Greek. Varför trodde du inte på mig? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Det er problemet, ikke sandt? That's the problem, isn't it? That's the problem, isn't it? TV:n är trasig. The TV is broken. The TV's broken. Jag undrar vad som kommer att hända. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what's going to happen. Alle kan lide is. Everyone likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Það er bráð vöntun á kennurum með bakgrunn í vísindum. There is an urgent need for teachers with science backgrounds. There is an urgent lack of teachers with a background in science. Hversu hátt geturðu hoppað? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Betty kører hurtigt. Betty drives fast. Betty's driving fast. Husk på at tid er penge. Remember that time is money. Remember, time is money. Ester er hebraisklærer. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Det behøver næppe nævnes, men helbred er vigtigere end rigdom. Needless to say, health is above wealth. It hardly needs to be mentioned, but health is more important than wealth. Skrik inte. Don't yell. Don't scream. Hon skrev så många som tio böcker. She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote as many as ten books. Við stöndum frammi fyrir nýjum tegundum sjúkdóma. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We are facing new kinds of diseases. Tom blåste ut ljuset. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew out the light. Heste har tre gangarter: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three gangs: Steps, trotting and gallop. Var är Toms saker? Where are Tom's things? Where's Tom's stuff? Han försökte igen. He tried again. He tried again. Vejret er skyet. The weather is cloudy. The weather is cloudy. Kan du klare dig uden bilen i morgen? Jeg skal nemlig bruge den. Can you do without the car tomorrow? I need it. Can you manage without the car tomorrow? Jag har alldeles nyss gett Tom sparken. I just fired Tom. I just fired Tom. Mina fingrar är domnade. My fingers are numb. My fingers are dominated. Det er en kat. It is a cat. It's a cat. Tatsuya á vini sem búa í New York. Tatsuya has some friends who live in New York. Tatsuya has friends who live in New York. Hvar get ég fengið símkort? Where can I get a telephone card? Where can I get a phone card? Jag hoppas att vi har tagit det rätta beslutet. I hope we've made the right decision. I hope we have made the right decision. Huset gik billigt. The house went cheap. The house went cheap. De lyfte från Arlanda tidigt på morgonen. They took off from Arlanda early in the morning. They took off from Arlanda early in the morning. Tom ønsker ikke køre. Tom doesn't want to drive. Tom doesn't want to drive. Kan jag göra det för dig? Can I do it for you? Can I do that for you? Jag behöver mer hjälp. I need more help. I need more help. Jeg er så glad for at der er en bæk nær Grønnebakken. I'm so glad there's a brook near Green Gables. I'm so glad there's a stream near the green tray. Brunnen har sedan länge sinat. The well has long since dried up. The well has been on fire for a long time. Jag valde en annan stig. I chose another path. I chose another path. Han er sanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Jeg har allerede fortalt Tom hvordan man gør det. I've already told Tom how to do that. I already told Tom how to do it. Dette skilt siger: "Dyrene må ikke fodres!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals!" This sign says, "Does not feed!" Tyskland ligger i Mellemeuropa. Germany is in Central Europe. Germany is located in Central Europe. Min bedstefar var overtroisk. My grandfather was superstitious. My grandfather was unfaithful. Var ligger Malta? Where's Malta? Where's Malta? Du ville att det skulle bli så här, eller hur? You wanted this to happen, didn't you? You wanted it to be like this, didn't you? Ghulja har rigtig mange slags æbler. Ghulja has very many kinds of apples. Ghulja has many kinds of apples. Mit ur er gået i stå. My watch has stopped. My watch has stopped. Är detta dina pengar? Is this your money? Is this your money? Hon gillar att sjunga. She likes to sing. She likes to sing. Jag såg den där också. I saw that, too. I saw it there, too. Det er ikke alt sammen guld, det der glimrer. All that glitters is not gold. It's not all gold, it glitters. Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende. Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look. Tom once described Mary as a woman with a hazy look. Är du rädd för rysare? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of Russians? Tom tog Mary i hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom took Mary by hand. Tom er heroinmisbruger. Tom is a heroin addict. Tom's a heroin addict. Han var jättebra. He was great. He was great. Jag tror inte att de kommer att acceptera dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these terms and conditions. I do not think they will accept these conditions. Jag känner inte riktigt för att dansa. I don't really want to dance. I don't really feel like dancing. Jag går och hämtar dem nu. I'll get them now. I'm gonna go get them now. Tom tømte affaldskurven. Tom emptied the waste basket. Tom emptied the trash basket. Dronning Victoria blev gift i 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Paradisfugle er smukke. Birds-of-paradise are beautiful. Paradise birds are beautiful. Såg du min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Kan du förklara vad det här är? Would you explain what this is? Can you explain what this is? Jeg troede at Tom ikke drak. I thought Tom didn't drink. I thought Tom didn't drink. Ég ber fyrir mig vanþekkingu. I plead ignorance. I don't know what I'm saying. Hun blev en berømt maler. She became a famous painter. She became a famous painter. Tom sade att han gick dit för ett jobb Tom said he went there for a job. Tom said he went there for a job. Tom er min fætter. Tom is my cousin. Tom is my cousin. Det verkar som om han är trött. He seems tired. Looks like he's tired. Hej, allesammans! Hi, everybody! Hey, everybody! Jeg var i bad. I was in the shower. I was in the shower. Tom kan ännu vara vid liv. Tom might still be alive. Tom can still be alive. John var upptekinn við að undirbúa ferðina sína. John was busy preparing for his trip. John was busy preparing his trip. Jeg så hvad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Må jeg bruge din telefon? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Läste du den där? Did you read that? Did you read that? Har du studerat utomlands? Have you studied abroad? Have you studied abroad? Det berbiske sprog forener os. The Berber language unites us. The Berbian language unites us. Jag har en vän som bor i Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Den här kameran är liten, men mycket bra. This camera is small, but very good. This camera is small, but very good. I morse klarnade det. This morning it cleared up. This morning it was clear. Jag vet att du har haft fullt upp. I know you've been busy. I know you've been busy. Jeg håber du har haft en god tur. I hope you had a nice trip. I hope you had a good trip. Och vad sa de till mig? And what did they tell me? And what did they tell me? Var så god, Tom. Here you are, Tom. Here you go, Tom. Var bor din farbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Läraren underströk vikten av att föra anteckningar. The teacher stressed the importance of taking notes. The teacher stressed the importance of making notes. Jag är en vegetarian som äter massor av kött. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian who eats lots of meat. Gå och hämta din bil. Go get your car. Go get your car. Får jag fråga vem? Can I ask who? May I ask who? Stolen er langt fra døren. The chair is far from the door. The chair is far from the door. Jeg har bedt Tom om at komme. I asked Tom to come. I've asked Tom to come. På begge sider af vejen er der kirsebærtræer. On both sides of the road there are cherry trees. On both sides of the road there are cherry trees. Mary følte det som om at Tom klædte hende af med øjnene. Mary felt like Tom was undressing her with his eyes. Mary felt like Tom was putting her off with her eyes. Polisen genomsökte det huset för att vara säkra på att de stulna skorna inte var där. The police searched that house to be sure the stolen shoes were not there. The police searched that house to make sure the stolen shoes weren't there. I morgenstunden sad den stakkels lille pige, med blege kinder og smil om munden, lænet op mod muren. Hun var frosset ihjel den sidste aften i det gamle år. Nytårsmorgen gik op over det lille lig! In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall. She had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New Year's sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! In the morning hour the poor little girl, with pale cheeks and smiles about her mouth, leaned up against the wall. She was frozen dead the last night of the year. Hon kände att vi var för olika. She felt that we were too different. She felt we were too different. Jag ser silver, men jag ser inte guld. I see silver, but I don't see gold. I see silver, but I don't see gold. En lille kop kaffe koster to euro. A small cup of coffee costs €2. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. Et æble faldt fra træet. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell from the tree. Tom gav mig några dollar. Tom gave me a few dollars. Tom gave me a few bucks. Jag minns tydligt min barndom. I remember my childhood clearly. I remember my childhood very clearly. Jeg vil skrive en sætning på tysk. I'm going to write a sentence in German. I want to write a sentence in German. Jag vill veta vad det är som är roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's funny. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig nú í apríl. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. I look forward to seeing you this April. Der er få tatarisksprogede websites på internettet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few tattoo language websites on the Internet. Kan jag beställa en? Can I order one? Can I order one? Tom er Marys mand. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom is Mary's husband. Ni var inte här då. You weren't here then. You weren't here then. Jeg hjalp min mor i køkkenet. I helped my mother in the kitchen. I helped my mother in the kitchen. Þú verður að vera á stöðinni fyrir klukkan fimm. You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. You have to be at the station by 5:00. Börjar din träning bli enformig? Are your exercising becoming dull? Is your training starting to take shape? Får jag röka? May I smoke? Can I smoke? Jag har ett bra arbetslag. I have a good crew. I've got a good team. Tom är väldigt lång, eller hur? Tom is very tall, isn't he? Tom's very tall, isn't he? Han drak ikke vin. He didn't drink wine. He didn't drink wine. Tag venligst tre kopier af denne side. Please make three copies of this page. Please take three copies of this page. Tom började gå mot dörren. Tom headed toward the door. Tom started going to the door. Är du verkligen klar? Are you really done? Are you really done? Genetiska sjukdomar är oftast obotliga. Genetic diseases are mostly irremediable. Genetic diseases are usually incurable. Jag var tillsammans med vänner hela förra natten. I was with friends all last night. I was with friends all last night. Du är annorlunda. You're different. You're different. Det var många människor i rummet. There were a lot of people in the room. There were a lot of people in the room. Þú varst seinn í gær. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. Min ferie gik hurtigt. My vacation went by quickly. My vacation went fast. Tom sov på sofaen. Tom slept on the sofa. Tom slept on the couch. Har du fundet dine kontaktlinser? Have you found your contact lenses? Have you found your contact lenses? Jag kan svara på det. I can answer that. I can answer that. Vem är han? Who is he? Who is he? Han græder altid når han er fuld. He always cries when he is drunk. He's always crying when he's drunk. Jeg var kun en 7-årig pige dengang. I was only a seven-year-old girl at that time. I was only a 7-year-old girl back then. Min hörsel är dålig. My hearing is bad. My hearing's bad. Jag flyttade inte på någonting. I didn't move a thing. I didn't move anything. Jeg er ved at lave mine lektier. I'm busy with my homework. I'm doing my homework. Undskyld, jeg bliver nødt til at gå. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry, I have to go. Alla skrattade utom hon. Everyone laughed except her. Everyone laughed but her. Jeg ønsker en mp3-afspiller! I want an MP3 player! I want an mp3 player! Hon sitter i fängelse. She's in prison. She's in jail. Min puls er høj. My pulse is fast. My pulse is high. Ingen vill det. Nobody wants it. No one wants to. Kann eg koyra tína orðabók? Can I use your dictionary? Can I run your dictionary? Jag tycker om att simma. I like swimming. I like swimming. Derhjemme taler vi ungarsk. At home, we speak Hungarian. At home we talk Hungarian. Wow! Wow! Wow! Han är sällan hemma. He is seldom home. He's rarely home. Tom er politiker. Tom is a politician. Tom's a politician. Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Jeg vil gerne tjekke ud. I'd like to check out. I'd like to check out. Jeg drømmer hver nat om hende. I dream about her every night. I dream about her every night. Jeg er for doven. I am too lazy. I'm too lazy. Har I lyst øl? Do you have any light beer? You want a beer? Jeg så tre film i går. I watched three movies yesterday. I saw three movies last night. Hon har inte många böcker. She doesn't have many books. She doesn't have many books. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim huguðu. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to the thoughtful. Vi säger bara ja. Let's just say yes. Let's just say yes. Det är ett rökmoln över provinsen. There is a smoke cloud over the province. It's a smoke cloud over the province. Skólinn mun sjá okkur fyrir tjöldum. The school will provide tents for us. The school will provide us with tents. Dette er ren poesi. This is pure poetry. This is pure poetry. Tom är inte så galen. Tom isn't that crazy. Tom's not that crazy. Tom är tävlingsinriktad. Tom is competitive. Tom's in competition. Att tala utan att tänka är som att skjuta utan att titta. Speaking without thinking is like shooting without looking. Talking without thinking is like shooting without looking. Hvorfor har jeres hund ingen mundkurv på? Why doesn't your dog wear a muzzle? Why isn't your dog wearing a mouth basket? Mit mål i livet er at blive statsminister. My goal in life is to be Prime Minister. My goal in life is to become Prime Minister. Jeg vil drikke teen. I will drink the tea. I want to drink the tea. Tom havde ingen ide om, hvad jeg snakkede om. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Hún hélt á barninu sínu í örmum sér. She held her baby in her arms. She held her baby in her arms. Han är säker på att det är curry. He is sure of it being curry. He's sure it's curry. Nogen stjal hendes penge. Someone stole her money. Someone stole her money. Hvor parkerede du dem? Where did you park them? Where did you park them? De store svaner svømmede rundt omkring den og strøg den med næbbet, som en velkomst. The great swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck with their beaks, as a welcome. The big swans swam around it and whipped it with the beak, as a welcome. Tom er ejendomsmægler. Tom is a real estate agent. Tom's a real estate agent. Dörrarna var låsta utifrån. The doors were locked from the outside. The doors were locked from the outside. Mina nya skor knarrar. My new shoes squeak. My new shoes are snorting. Priserne på japanske biler er stadig relativt høje. The prices of Japanese automobiles are still comparatively high. The prices of Japanese cars are still relatively high. Vi vil snart ændre det. We'll soon change that. We'll change it soon. Jag sjunger en vacker sång. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a beautiful song. Han viste mig billeder af sin nye cykel. He showed me pictures of his new bicycle. He showed me pictures of his new bike. Om du någonsin kommer till Boston, är du välkommen hit för att bo med oss. If you ever come to Boston, you're welcome to stay with us. If you ever come to Boston, you're welcome here to live with us. Fyrirgefðu mér. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Min bror er en idiot. My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. Ett fruktansvärt kaos härskar i vardagsrummet. A horrible chaos reigns in the living room. A terrible chaos prevails in the living room. Mér finnst hljómur hörpunnar afar fallegur. I like the sound of harpsichord very much. I think the sound of the harp is very beautiful. Tyckte du om rundturen? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you like the tour? Jag blir uppraggad. I'm being picked up. I'm gonna be upset. Jeg er flat-earther. I'm a flat-earther. I'm flat-earther. Ég klæðist jakkafötum en án bindis. I wear a suit but wear no tie. I wear a suit, but I don't have a tie. Det har snöat i två dagar. It has snowed for two days. It's been snowing for two days. Får jag träffa dem? Can I see them? Can I see them? Den lille Havfrue sukkede og så bedrøvet på sin fiskehale. The little mermaid sighed and looked sadly at her fish tail. The little Mermaid sighed and saw saddened on her fishing tail. Han älskar det nya huset. He loves the new house. He loves the new house. Dessa skorna är för dyra. These shoes are too expensive. These shoes are too expensive. Hans far kommer inte. Han är väldigt upptagen. His father won't come. He's very busy. His father's not coming, he's very busy. Mine forældre er ikke hjemme. My parents aren't home. My parents aren't home. En kopp kaffe kostar en krona. A cup of coffee costs one crown. A cup of coffee costs a crown. Tom är en låssmed. Tom is a locksmith. Tom's a locksmith. Er I sultne? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Tom ledte efter Mary overalt. Tom looked for Mary everywhere. Tom was looking for Mary everywhere. Har du tid att komma imorgon? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Min smarttelefon er dum. My smartphone is stupid. My smart phone's stupid. Han får ikke lov at komme her igen. He shall not come here again. He won't be allowed to come back here. Det er for meget! That's too much! It's too much! Tað er lýtt. It is warm. Taken's smooth. Hon har köpt en ny dator. She has bought a new computer. She bought a new computer. Australien eksporterer en masse uld. Australia exports a lot of wool. Australia exports a lot of wool. I går aftes brækkede jeg mig. Last night I barfed. Last night, I broke my heart. Jeg hader edderkopper. I hate spiders. I hate spiders. Egernet hostede i sin albue. The squirrel coughed into its elbow. The estate coughed in its elbow. I dag er det den 20. oktober. Today is October 20th. Today is October 20th. Jeg er glad for, at jeg ikke er en mand. I'm happy that I am not a man. I'm glad I'm not a man. Jeg er i bilen. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Mine jeans krøb i vask. My jeans shrank in the wash. My jean's crawling in the sink. Får jag fråga varför? Can I ask you why? May I ask why? Han mistede sin biografbillet. He lost his movie ticket. He lost his movie ticket. Jag talar svenska. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Håll ut, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Jag hämtar den åt dig. I'll get that for you. I'll get it for you. Tað er alvíst um allar bygdir. That is common knowledge in every village. Every village is under siege. Jag hämtar upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'll go get Tom. Tom siger at han ikke var her i går. Det må have været en anden du så. Tom says he wasn't here yesterday. It must've been someone else you saw. Tom says he wasn't here yesterday. Så kan Tom inte göra. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Sami förstår Layla helt. Sami totally understands Layla. Sami fully understands Layla. Lova mig att du inte berättar för henne. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell her. Jeg vil gerne have et æble. I would like an apple. I'd like an apple. Tom lade ned boken. Tom put the book down. Tom dropped the book. Jeg tror stadig at Tom er uskyldig. I still think Tom is innocent. I still think Tom's innocent. Läkarna säger att det var ett mirakel att Tom överlevde natten. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom made it through the night. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom survived the night. Viltu einfalda eða tvöfalda? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want simple or double? Kan jag tala med dig? Could I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Sami var en framgångsrik affärsman. Sami was a successful businessman. Sami was a successful businessman. Det är faktiskt ganska smart. That's actually pretty clever. Actually, it's pretty smart. Jag vill bli läkare. I want to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Har du noget særligt for i denne weekend? Is there anything special you want to do this weekend? Do you have anything special for this weekend? Tom kan inte ställa sig upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Lämna dörren öppen när du går! Leave the door open when you go. Leave the door open when you leave! Tom är brandman. Tom is a firefighter. Tom's a fireman. Du förtjänar det här. You deserve this. You deserve this. Är du allvarlig? Are you serious? Are you serious? Hur skulle det se ut? How would that look? What would that look like? Jag har tre barn. I have three kids. I have three children. Tom malkede koen. Tom milked the cow. Tom milked the cow. Gennemsnitsbilens anbefalede dæktryk er cirka 2,20 bar. The recommended tyre pressure of the average car is around 32 psi. The average vehicle's recommended tyre pressure is about 2.20 bar. Gör inte detta. Don't do this. Don't do this. Vi tog brusebad. We took showers. We took the shower. Så här kan vi inte fortsätta länge till. We can't keep this up for much longer. We can't go on like this for much longer. Jag har goda nyheter. I've got good news. I have good news. Vad hade du? What did you have? What did you have? Tæl til hundrede. Count to one hundred. Count to one hundred. Tom är road. Tom is amused. Tom's a road. Er du ikke canadier? Aren't you a Canadian? Aren't you Canadians? Jeg har levet af kartoffelchips i mere end tre år. I've been living on potato chips for more than three years. I've lived off potato chips for more than three years. Han satt på en liten sten och såg ut över havet. He sat on a small rock and looked out to sea. He sat on a small stone and looked out over the sea. Är Tom medlem? Is Tom a member? Is Tom a member? Jag kom för att säga hej. I came by to say hi. I came to say hi. Katte er natdyr. Cats are nocturnal creatures. Cats are nocturnal. Varför avbryter du mig hela tiden? Why do you interrupt me all the time? Why are you interrupting me all the time? Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought her son a camera. Jag har saknat er, barn. I missed you kids. I missed you, children. Kaffet var så varmt så jag inte kunde dricka det. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it. The coffee was so hot, I couldn't drink it. Det regnede fem dage i træk. It rained five successive days. It rained five days in a row. Við horfðum á myndina og borðuðum saman kvöldmat. We saw the film and had dinner together. We watched the movie and had dinner together. Jeg ønsker ikke at fornærme nogen. I don't want to offend anyone. I don't want to insult anyone. Har du en reservation? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Vad ska jag göra sedan? What do I do then? Then what am I supposed to do? Allvarligt? Seriously? Seriously? Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died of a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Hún kom mér til varnar þegar ég var sakaður um ritstuld. She came to my defence when I was accused of plagiarism. When I was accused of writing, she defended me. Vem dödade henne? Who killed her? Who killed her? Nu när jag har haft sex med en tjej, så tänker jag inte på honom lika ofta. Now that I've had sex with a girl, I no longer think about him as often. Now that I've had sex with a girl, I don't think about him as often. Far alt fyri eitt, annars verða tú ov sein. Go at once, otherwise you will be late. Go everything for one, or you'll be late. Tom gjorde sina föräldrar lyckliga. Tom made his parents happy. Tom made his parents happy. Ég þarf pappír. I need some paper. I need paper. Hendes måde at snakke på irriterer os. Her way of speaking irritates us. Her way of speaking annoys us. I dag er en tomme nøjagtig 2,54 centimeter. An inch is now precisely 2.54 centimeters. Today an inch is exactly 2.54 centimeters. Hvussu gongur? How is it going? How do you look? Kan du böja det här verbet? Can you conjugate this verb? Can you bend this verb? Heldurðu að það hafi verið hann sem braut rúðuna? Do you think he is the guy that broke the window? You think he broke the window? För att bli en bra översättare så tror jag att Tom behöver finslipa sina kunskaper lite till. To be a good translator, I think Tom needs to hone his skills a bit more. To be a good translator, I think Tom needs to hone his skills a little bit more. Det är 99,9 procent effektivt. It's 99.9% effective. It's 99.9% effective. John var þreyttur af yfirvinnu. John was tired from working overtime. John was tired of overtime. Han er den sidste person der vil tale dårligt om andre. He is the last person to speak ill of others. He's the last person who wants to talk bad about others. Við ættum að senda Jordan á sjúkrahús. We ought to send Jordan to the hospital. We should send Jordan to the hospital. Leit er hafin að strokufanganum. A hunt is on for the runaway. Search has begun for the escaped prisoner. Takk fyrir að minna mig á fundinn sem ég þarf að mæta á. Thank you for reminding me about the meeting I have to attend. Thank you for reminding me of the meeting I have to attend. Låter det vettigt? Does that make sense? Does that make sense? I begyndelsen var vi alle overbevist om at Tom var uskyldig. At first, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. In the beginning, we were all convinced that Tom was innocent. Han gik hele vejen hjem. He walked all the way home. He went all the way home. Vem är den här killen? Who's this guy? Who's this guy? Hvis ikke hun havde lavet ballade, havde hun aldrig fået sine penge tilbage. If she hadn't made waves about it, she never would have got her money back. If she hadn't made a mess, she wouldn't have gotten her money back. Tom är groggy. Tom's groggy. Tom's a groggy. Tom er meget modig. Tom is very brave. Tom is very brave. Jag litar inte på politiker. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. Tom är talför. Tom is articulate. Tom's a speaker. Ni ska tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You're going to speak Swedish. Tom behöver mig. Tom needs me. Tom needs me. Jag kommer att undersöka denna fråga mer. I'll look into this issue more. I will examine this issue more. Jag är trettio år gammal. I am 30 years old. I'm thirty years old. Jag tror att det är en bluff. I think that's a hoax. I think it's a hoax. Hvar er klósettið? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Vi singlar slant om det. Let's decide by coin toss. We don't know what to do. We don't know what to do. Það er fótboltaleikur á morgun. There's a soccer match tomorrow. There's a football game tomorrow. Hon er ótrúliga vøkur. She is very pretty. She's incredible. Láttu ekki hugfallast! Cheer up! Don't be discouraged! Glem ikke at lukke døren. Please don't forget to shut the door. Don't forget to close the door. En elefant äter en spindel. An elephant eats a spider. An elephant eats a spider. Vad är er fars namn? What's your father's name? What's your father's name? Han återvände hem efter att ha varit borta under tio månader. He returned home after being away for ten months. He returned home after he had been gone for ten months. Passer det at Tom ikke kommer til vores fest? Is it true that Tom won't come to our party? Is it true that Tom isn't coming to our party? Skulle du vilja dansa med mig? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Hann keyrir ákaflega hratt. He drives very fast. He's driving really fast. "Vad är 'Hungerspelen'?" "Inte vet jag. Jag hoppas att det inte handlar om människor som är hungriga." "What is ‘The Hunger Games’?" "I don't know. I hope it's not about people who are hungry." "What are the 'Hungry Games'?" "I don't know. I hope it's not about people who are hungry." Tom blev dyppet i tjære og rullet i fjer af folkemængden. Tom was tarred and feathered by the crowd. Tom was dipped in tar and rolled in feathers of the crowd. Jeg har nogle franske bøger. I have some French books. I have some French books. Hele nabolaget blev overrasket over denne nyhed. The whole neighborhood was surprised at this news. The whole neighborhood was surprised by this news. George Washington är född i 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. George Washington was born in 1732. Jag har redan sagt det till dig. I already told you. I already told you. Alla jämrar sig. Everybody groans. Everybody moans. Fallhlífastökkvarinn féll í sjóinn og druknaði. The parachutist fell into the ocean and drowned. The paratrooper fell into the sea and drowned. Það er smám saman að dimma úti. It's getting dark little by little outside. It's gradually darking out. Vad gör dig så överlägsen? Just what makes you so high and mighty? What makes you so superior? Tom kiggede på et billede af Mary. Tom was looking at a picture of Mary. Tom looked at Mary's picture. "Liszt", den ungarske komponist Franz Liszts efternavn, betyder "mel" på ungarsk. "Liszt", the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's family name, means "flour" in Hungarian. "Liszt", Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's surname, means "mel" in Hungarian. Et helt tal er naturligt, hvis og kun hvis det er større end eller lig med 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. A whole number is natural if and only if it is greater than or equal to 0. Han säljer radioapparater. He sells radios. He sells radios. Jeg har en kuglepen, men jeg vil gerne have en anden. I have a ball-point pen, but I want another. I've got a pen, but I'd like someone else. Det er blevet varmere i dag. It's got warmer today. It's getting warmer today. I mörkret är alla katter grå. All cats are grey in the dark. In the dark, all cats are gray. Mary fortalte politiet at hun havde set Tom. Mary told the police that she had seen Tom. Mary told the police that she had seen Tom. Det er hvad der foregår. That's what's going on. That's what's going on. Við erum ekki hræsin í svefni. We are not hypocrites in our sleep. We're not the hypocrites in our sleep. Rygning er ikke tilladt inde i elevatoren. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Tom går altid i sort tøj. Tom always dresses in black. Tom always wears black clothes. Það mun taka fimm til tíu ár áður en tæknin verður tilbúin. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. It will take five to ten years before technology is ready. Jag brände papperet. I burned the paper. I burned the paper. Man inviterede ham ikke. He was not invited. You didn't invite him. Én, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Jeg havde ikke så meget tid, så jeg skimmede artiklen. I didn't have much time so I just skimmed through the article. I didn't have much time, so I skied the article. Har du et juletræ? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Tom säger att Mary är förkyld. Tom says Mary has a cold. Tom says Mary's cold. Var är de? Where are they? Where are they? Ég veit að ég veit ekki. I know that I don't know. I know I don't know. Hur var din dag? How was your day? How was your day? Jeg har ondt af dem, der ikke kan lide ham. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I feel sorry for those who don't like him. Jeg har blå øjne. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Det var så länge sedan. It's been so long. It was so long ago. Hun svarede ham igen. She retorted against him. She answered him again. Hon var frånvarande på grund av en förkylning. She was absent due to a cold. She was absent because of a cold. Vi är inte gudar, utan bara män. We're not gods, but mere men. We're not gods, we're just men. Tom tittade på Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Tom was looking at Mary. Jeg lå i koma i tre år. I was in a coma for three years. I was in a coma for three years. De flesta amerikanare tycker om hamburgare. Most Americans like hamburgers. Most Americans like hamburgers. Toms föräldrar är lärare. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Børn kastede sten efter ham. Children threw stones at him. Kids threw stones at him. Men vi kan ikke forstå ham. But we can't understand him. But we can't understand him. Pappan behandlade sin adoptivson grymt. The dad treated his adoptive son cruelly. The father treated his adoptive son cruelly. Tom bliver henrykt når han ser dig. Tom will be tickled pink when he sees you. Tom gets excited when he sees you. Enginn gleymdi verkefninu sínu, er það nokkuð? No one forgot their assignment, did they? No one forgot his assignment, didn't they? Siden sin barndom ønskede han at blive pilot, og han blev det. He wanted to become a pilot ever since he was a child, and he did. Since his childhood, he wanted to be a pilot, and he became a pilot. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to go now. I gotta go now. Vart är smöret? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Jeg studerer. I study. I'm studying. I har rødvin. You have red wine. You have red wine. Det han sa visade sig vara en lögn. What he said turned out to be a lie. What he said turned out to be a lie. Jag hoppas att Tom stannar i Boston åtminstone tre dagar till. I hope Tom stays in Boston for at least another three days. I hope Tom stays in Boston for at least three more days. Det var en dröm. It was a dream. It was a dream. Hur kommer jag tillbaka? How do I get back? How do I get back? Du kommer säkert på nånting. I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure you'll think of something. Er Tom ikke advokat? Isn't Tom a lawyer? Tom's not a lawyer? Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi. He put milk in his coffee. He used milk in his coffee. President Truman var tvungen att ta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Tilmelding starter 20. oktober. Registration starts October 20th. Registration starts October 20th. Sann kärlek existerar inte. True love doesn't exist! True love does not exist. Tom gav mig nogle råd. Tom gave me some advice. Tom gave me some advice. Vi åt lunch. We were having lunch. We had lunch. For hollændere er engelsk et let sprog at lære. English is an easy language for Dutch people to learn. For Dutch, English is an easy language to learn. Lad være med at kaste en sten efter hunden. Don't throw a stone at the dog. Don't throw a stone after the dog. Jesus gick på vatten. Jesus walked on water. Jesus went to water. Ni kan köpa frimärken på vilket postkontor som helst. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy stamps at any post office. Akta er! Look out! Watch out! Hvørji sást du í dansinum í gjár? Who did you see at the party yesterday? Whom did you see in the dance in the gallows? Eg mátti fara til Boston. I had to go to Boston. I was allowed to go to Boston. Oro gjorde mig sömnlös igår natt. Worrying deprived me of sleep last night. Oro made me sleepless last night. Jag hatar regn. I hate the rain. I hate rain. Lad os slå plat og krone! Let's toss a coin. Let's hit it! Den här stolen är väldigt bekväm. This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. Nu til dags foretrækker flere og flere mennesker livet på landet frem for bylivet. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today more and more people prefer rural life rather than urban life. Tom arbejder i en lokal restaurant. Tom works at a local restaurant. Tom works in a local restaurant. Min kones familie er meget rig. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. Måste jag skynda mig? Do I need to hurry? Do I have to hurry? Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft mere tid. I'd have done that if I'd had more time. I would have done it myself if I had had more time. Ég hlakka til að sjá athugasemdirnar þínar við skýrsluna. I look forward to your comments on the report. I look forward to seeing your comments on the report. Jag måste jobba idag. I have to work today. I've got work to do today. Dette faktum beviser hans uskyld. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. Han taler berbisk som en indfødt. He speaks Berber like a native. He speaks bitterly like an native. Hvad spiser man i Egypten? What do people eat in Egypt? What do you eat in Egypt? Har du hørt det? Have you heard that? Did you hear that? Jag tjänar 100 euro om dagen. I make €100 a day. I make 100 euros a day. Ég er frá Egyptalandi. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. Jag vill ha två korv med bröd med mycket peppar. I want two hot dogs with lots of pepper. I want two sausages of bread with a lot of pepper. Han er meget sparsommelig, men ikke nærig. He is very frugal, but not stingy. He's very thrifty, but he's not close. Får jag kyssa dig? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Það gleður mig að sjá þig aftur. I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Hun er sin egen direktør. She's her own boss. She's her own director. Tom hló ekki. Tom didn't laugh. Tom didn't laugh. Tom tycker om indisk mat. Tom likes Indian food. Tom likes Indian food. Min far är inte hemma. My father is out. My father's not home. Tom visade asken för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed Mary the box. Det är min brors. It's my brother's. That's my brother's. Hej. Hey. Hey. Præsten sagde at Tom kommer til at brænde i helvede. The pastor said Tom's going to burn in hell. The priest said Tom's gonna burn in hell. Jag tycker om det nya huset mer än det gamla. I like the new house more than the old one. I like the new house more than the old one. Ta lite. Have some. Have a little. Denne smarttelefon har en ARM-processor. This smartphone uses an ARM processor. This smart phone has an ARM processor. Ser du den här? Do you see this? See this? Tom bor nu sammen med sin mor. Tom now lives with his mom. Tom now lives with his mother. Den var svart. It was black. It was black. Það breytir engu. That doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter. Vi har en bisonokse. We have a bison. We've got a bison. Jag tycker om att vara här. I like to be here. I like being here. Vi kommer att åka till Irland. We'll go to Ireland. We're going to Ireland. Sólin skínur. The sun is shining. The sun shines. Jeg troede at jeg ville besvime. I thought I was going to faint. I thought I'd faint. Skynda er. Annars kommer vi försent till lunchen. Hurry up. Otherwise, we'll be late to lunch. Hurry, or we'll be late for lunch. Det er vigtigt at køre forsigtigt. It is important to drive carefully. It's important to drive carefully. Häng upp din kappa, tack. Hang up your coat, please. Hang your coat, please. Jag må vara galen, men jag är inte dum. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Óhappið hendi knappliga. The accident happened all of a sudden. Unlucky hand. Tom sa ingen var i klassrummet. Tom said nobody was in the classroom. Tom said no one was in the classroom. Vi skal til Ibiza. We are going to Ibiza. We're going to Ibiza. "Hvordan har min mor det, doktor?" "Jeg er ked af det. Hun klarede det ikke." "How's my mom, Doctor?" "I'm sorry. She didn't make it." "How's my mother doing, doctor?" "I'm sorry. Jeg har aldrig set ham i jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer jer om jeres arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window, concentrate on your work. Jeg så Tom her til aften. I saw Tom tonight. I saw Tom tonight. Sensationelle billeder! Skaber du selv disse fotomontager? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photomontages yourself? Sensational images! Are you making these photographs yourself? Han behandler mig altid som et barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Tom är road. Tom's amused. Tom's a road. Margir nemendur líta upp til herra Browns. A lot of students look up to Mr Brown. A lot of students are looking up to Mr. Browns. Hun taler engelsk flydende. She speaks English fluently. She speaks English fluently. Jeg sov tit på den bænk da jeg var hjemløs. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. I used to sleep on that bench when I was homeless. Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Er der nogle souvenirbutikker her? Are there any souvenir shops here? Are there any souvenir shops here? Jag är utled på det. I'm fed up with it. I'm out of it. Hversu gömul verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Mange børn kan ikke lide grøntsager, men min lillebror elsker dem. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. A lot of kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Han ser blek ut. He looks pale. He looks pale. Jag bor i Boston med min familj. I live in Boston with my family. I live in Boston with my family. Jag är en hundmänniska. I am a dog person. I'm a dog man. Du måste flytta nu. We have to move now. You have to move now. Var på din vakt. You've got to be on your toes. Stay on your guard. Säg till Mary att jag inte ska åka till Boston med henne. Tell Mary I won't go to Boston with her. Tell Mary I'm not going to Boston with her. Tom blinkade. Tom winked. Tom blinked. Dagar hennar eru taldir. Her days are numbered. Her days are numbered. For lang tid siden var der en bro der. A long time ago, there was a bridge there. A long time ago, there was a bridge there. Tom ryger og drikker ikke. Tom doesn't smoke or drink. Tom doesn't smoke and drink. Tom är gift med en lärare. Tom is married to a teacher. Tom's married to a teacher. Varför gör de det? Why do they do it? Why do they do that? Tom ved ikke, hvordan man spiller golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Jag läste att Brasiliens president är en kvinna. Hon kallas Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that Brazil's president is a woman, she's called Dilma. Han är min bror, inte min far. He is my brother, not my father. He's my brother, not my father. Jag är ingen läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Tom vandt Giro d'Italia. Tom won the Giro d'Italia. Tom won Giro d'Italia. Ég hugsa að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I think you have the wrong number. I think you got the wrong number. Hun havde en hvid nederdel på. She was wearing a white skirt. She was wearing a white skirt. Ég meinti það ekki. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Mange europæere kender ikke det moderne Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Det här är den genväg till skolan som jag brukar ta. This is the shortcut that I usually take to school. This is the shortcut to school that I usually take. Tom håller på att bli ett problem. Tom is becoming a problem. Tom's becoming a problem. Dette bjerg er dækket af sne hele året rundt. This mountain is covered with snow all year long. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Hvis du opfører dig som et barn, så vil du blive behandlet som et barn. If you act like a child, you'll be treated like a child. If you act like a child, you will be treated as a child. Jeg er blevet hjemme på grund af vejret. I stayed home because of the weather. I've stayed home because of the weather. Tom og jeg begyndte begge at le. Tom and I both started laughing. Tom and I both started smiling. Det var aldrig vanskeligt for os at finde noget at snakke om. It was never hard for us to find something to talk about. It was never difficult for us to find anything to talk about. Hvort tveggja umhverfi og erfðir hafa áhrif á okkur. We are influenced both by environment and by heredity. Both environment and genetics affect us. Þau urðu óaðskiljanleg eftir þessa veislu. They became inseparable after that party. After that feast, they became unintelligible. Hur gamla var ni när ni slutade tro på tomten? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Eg eri róligur. I'm quiet. I'm calm. Det er i dag lørdag den syvende oktober. Today is Saturday, the seventh of October. It is today Saturday, 7 October. Hvad tid afgår lufthavnsbussen? What time does the airport bus leave? What time does the airport bus leave? Eg eigi at fara til Danmarkar i morgin. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I'm not going to Denmark this morning. Er han allerede kommet? Has he already come? Has he already arrived? John har en bil der er fremstillet i Japan. John has a car made in Japan. John has a car made in Japan. Skal jeg ringe efter en ambulance? Should I call for an ambulance? Should I call an ambulance? Vi kan ikke gøre andet end at vente. We can't do anything but wait. We can't do anything but wait. Yoko er i London nu. Hun studerer engelsk. Yoko is in London now. She's studying English. Yoko's in London now. Birken har hvid bark. The birch has white bark. The berry has white bark. Þekkti erindrekinn tók reglulegan þátt nefndinni. The noted diplomat readily participated in the committee. The known ambassador was regularly involved in the committee. Tänker du ligga i sängen hela dagen, eller? Are you going to stay in bed all day? Are you gonna lie in bed all day? Jeg skriftede. I confessed. I confessed. Hvor fandt han pengene? Where did he find the money? Where did he find the money? Är det din nya flickvän? Is that your new girlfriend? Is that your new girlfriend? Tom kom hjem kl. 2:30. Tom arrived home at 2:30. Tom came home at 2:30. Har De hørt noget fra Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Did you hear anything from Tom? Är det vitt? Is it white? Is it white? Jeg må sige at jeg misunder dig. I have to say I envy you. I have to say I envy you. Tom kommer inte låta Mary att göra det. Tom isn't going to let Mary do that. Tom won't let Mary do it. Du er ikke canadisk. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Medicinen var hennes sista utväg. She relied on the medicine as a last resort. The drugs were her last resort. Det er ikke et luftkastel. It's not a pipe dream. It's not an air casket. Mistök hans virðast hafa haft eitthvað með persónuleika hans að gera. His failure seems to have something to do with his character. He seems to have had something to do with his personality. Jag kunde ha drunknat. I could've drowned. I could have drowned. Er dette godt fransk? Is this good French? Is this good French? Gerðu skyssu af húsinu þínu. Make a sketch of your house. Take a dump on your house. Kan du lide æbler? Do you like apples? Do you like apples? Vi har intet sukker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Talar du japanska? Do you speak Japanese? You speak Japanese? Musik är hennes passion. Music is her passion. Music is her passion. Plötsligt kysste hon mig. She kissed me all of a sudden. Suddenly she kissed me. Han tog sin hat på. He put on his hat. He put on his hat. Tom nickar. Tom is nodding. Tom's nocturnal. Han har et hus i Kabylien, Algeriet. He has a house in Kabylie, Algeria. He has a house in Kabylia, Algeria. Jeg skal bruge toilettet. I'm going to go use the restroom. I need the bathroom. Det är kvavt här inne. It's stuffy in here. It's squawking in here. Jag önskar bara att det var så enkelt. I only wish it were that simple. I just wish it was that simple. Hon var tvungen att dela ett sovrum med sin syster. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Han studerar juridik på Harvard. He is studying law at Harvard. He studies law at Harvard. Du opfører dig som en forkælet møgunge. You're behaving like a spoiled brat. You're acting like a spoiled son of a bitch. Han textade mig nyss. He just texted me. He just texted me. Linda bad Dan krama henne hårt. Linda asked Dan to embrace her tightly. Linda asked Dan to hug her hard. Jag kan göra det själv! I can do it myself! I can do it myself! Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to a boil. Bring the water in the cook. Jag hörde det på tv. I heard it on TV. I heard it on TV. Jag pratar inte svenska. I don't speak Swedish. I don't speak Swedish. Tom drikker meget. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken ringe. I didn't hear the doorbell ring. I didn't hear the ringbell ringing. Det ser ud til regn i dag. It looks like rain today. Looks like rain today. Tom är erfaren. Tom is experienced. Tom's experienced. Läste du den? Did you read it? Did you read it? Har du småpenge? Do you have any small change? You got pennies? Hon såg förvirrad ut. She looked confused. She looked confused. Hun ringede til ham hver anden dag. She called him every other day. She called him every other day. Hvussu gongur tað? How are you? How does it look? Jag är ingen tiggare. I'm not a beggar. I'm not a beggar. I stort sett håller jag med dig. On the whole I agree with you. Pretty much I agree with you. De har stemt. They voted. They have voted. Vi måste ta risken. We've got to take the risk. We have to take the risk. Jag tänker inte gå till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Han er min ven. Kender I ham? He is my friend. Do you guys know him? He's my friend. Varför lämnade du oss? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave us? Ég hafði aldrei séð jafn spennandi ruðningsleik og þann sem ég sá í gær. I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday. I had never seen a football game as exciting as the one I saw yesterday. Jag behövde verkligen det där. I really needed that. I really needed that. Är Tom fortfarande kapten över ditt skepp? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Der er altid problemer efter midnat i store byer. There is always trouble after midnight in big cities. There are always problems after midnight in big cities. Er det din bil? Is this your car? Is that your car? Han dækkede bordet med kopper, underkopper, tallerkner og dækketallerkner. He set the table with cups, saucers, plates and service plates. He covered the table with cups, saucers, dishes and decks. Jeg må leve med konsekvenserne af de valg jeg har taget. I must live with the consequences of the choices I've made. I must live with the consequences of the choices I have made. Tom skulle kunna vara en polis. Tom could be a cop. Tom could be a cop. Har du varit i Boston? Have you been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle sige til ham. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to say to him. Bliv her! Stay here. Stay here! Þau héldu áfram að vera í Tennessee. They remained in Tennessee. They continued to be in Tennessee. Jag är den rikaste. I'm the richest. I'm the richest. Til vores store forbavselse trådte han tilbage. To our great surprise, he suddenly resigned. To our great surprise, he returned. Jeg ville ønske jeg var ung igen. I wish I were young again. I wish I was young again. Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Tom kunde inte förstå Marys nervositet inför uppträdanden innan han själv fick känna på rampfeber. Tom couldn't understand Mary's nervousness before the act before he himself got stage fright. Tom couldn't understand Mary's nervousness in front of his performance before he felt himself in ramp fever. Hans fru är svenska. His wife is Swedish. His wife is Swedish. Hávaxni maðurinn kom út úr húsinu. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man came out of the house. Tom kunde inte hjälpa oss. Tom couldn't help us. Tom couldn't help us. Du har gode indfald. You have good ideas. You're in good shape. Den amerikanske regering har altid betragtet England som Amerikas kæledyr. The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet. The American government has always regarded England as America's pet. Dna-testen frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test released him for all charges. Æbler er normalt grønne, gule eller røde. Apples are usually green, yellow, or red. Apples are usually green, yellow or red. Jeg betaler for mig selv. I'll pay my own way. I'm paying for myself. Tom är inte jude. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom's not a Jew. Jag borde veta det. I should know that. I should know. Jeg har en hund. Den er sort og hedder Tiki. I have a dog. He is black and his name is Tiki. I got a dog, it's black and it's called Tiki. Sviss er ekki Svíþjóð. Switzerland isn't Sweden. Switzerland is not Sweden. Það gerir 50 jen. It's 50 yen. That's 50 yen. Tom fryser, gør han ikke? Tom is cold, isn't he? Tom's freezing, isn't he? Hvornår kører det sidste tog? When does the last train leave? When's the last train running? Døren er låst. The door's locked. The door is locked. Það skiptir engu. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Ni är allt som de har. You're all they have. You're all they have. Får jag komma med? Can I join in? Can I come? Den långa resan förvärrade hennes skada. The long trip aggravated her injury. The long journey worsened her injury. Der er noget galt med motoren. Something is wrong with the engine. There's something wrong with the engine. Fortsätt springa. Keep running. Keep running. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are the ones. Giv mig dit telefonnummer. Give me your phone number. Give me your phone number. Jag skulle vilja tala ett slag med Tom mellan fyra ögon. I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment. I'd like to talk to Tom about a blow between four eyes. Låt mig berätta för dig om fallet. Let me tell you about the case. Let me tell you about the case. Nästa konsert kommer att hållas i juni. The next concert will take place in June. The next concert will be held in June. Memorera dikten till nästa vecka. Memorize the poem by next week. Memorize the poem to next week. Jag skickade hem Tom. I sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Alla verkar gilla golf. It seems that everybody likes golf. Everyone seems to like golf. Gjorde du det? Did you do that? Did you? Meg er lige så høj som Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Meg is as tall as Ken. Tom har druckit en hel del. Tom has had a lot to drink. Tom's been drinking a lot. Ég er örvhent. I'm left-handed. I'm a left-handed man. De kan inte stoppa oss. They can't stop us. They can't stop us. Tom er virkelig jaloux, og han bliver sur, når andre fyre taler til mig. Tom is really jealous and he gets mad when other guys talk to me. Tom's really jealous, and he gets mad when other guys talk to me. I gennemsnit går jeg i biografen en gang om ugen. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to the cinema once a week. Tror du verkligen på spöken? Do you really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? Er tú tilfriðs nú? Are you satisfied now? Are you at peace now? En dag kommer det nya forskningsarbetet att bli färdigt. Someday the new research work will be completed. One day the new research work will be completed. Din gamle bedstemor danser godt. Your old grandma dances well. Your old grandmother is dancing well. Jag hade glömde de här fotona. I had forgotten these photos. I forgot these photos. Det var dengang, og det her er nu. That was then and this is now. It was then, and this is now. Hún ráðlagði honum ekki að gera það. She advised him not to do that. She did not advise him to do so. Det er en ufærdig roman. It's an unfinished novel. It's an unfinished novel. Ég var í blackouti. I had a blackout. I was in a blackout. Jeg må hellere skynde mig i bad. I should hurry and take a shower. I'd better go showering. Jag lär mig ungerska. I am learning Hungarian. I'm learning Hungarian. Den nye lærer er i klassen. The new teacher is in the class. The new teacher is in the class. Þið eruð öll iðin. You are all diligent. You're all busy. Hundrinn er hvítr. The dog is white. The dog's white. Jeg læste, at Brasiliens præsident er en kvinde. Hun hedder Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Har du en e-postadress? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an email address? Helvedesild forårsages af skoldkoppevirus og manifesterer sig som et båndformet, smertefuldt udslæt. Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus and manifests itself by a belt-shaped, painful skin rash. Healing is caused by chickenpox virus and manifests itself as a tapered, painful rash. Mitt hus ligger tio minuters gångväg från stationen. My house is ten minutes' walk from the station. My house is 10 minutes walk from the station. Dit spørgsmål er ulogisk. Your question is illogical. Your question is illogical. Æblet ligger ovenpå bogen. The apple is on top of the book. The apple is on top of the book. Hun ville ikke tale med den lærer. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. Nej, jag tittar inte på CNN. No, I don't watch CNN. No, I'm not looking at CNN. Ég gisti hjá frænda mínum í síðustu viku. I stayed with my uncle last week. I spent the last week staying with my uncle. Om jag visste hennes namn och adress kunde jag skriva till henne. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. Tom kröp under taggtråd. Tom crawled under the barbed wire. Tom crawled under the barbed wire. Hendes næse bløder. Her nose is bleeding. Her nose's bleeding. Hon har små bröst, men jag har inget emot det. She has small breasts, but I don't mind. She has little breasts, but I don't mind. Allt var fortfarande i skogen. All was still in the woods. Everything was still in the woods. Hundurinn gelti eins og hann skildi hvað ég hafði sagt. The dog barked as if it understood what I'd said. The dog barked as he understood what I had said. Jag behöver Toms hjälp. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Har du det bra? Are you doing well? Are you okay? Tom och Mary gjorde det jättesnabbt, eller hur? Tom and Mary did that very fast, didn't they? Tom and Mary did it really fast, didn't they? Det regnar fortfarande. It's still raining. It's still raining. En mans ansikte är hans självbiografi. En kvinnas ansikte är hennes skönlitterära verk. A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction. A man's face is his autobiography, a woman's face is her literary work. Allt är lugnt igen. All is quiet again. Everything's fine again. Den er 8:30. It's half past eight. It's 8:30. Vi möter er där. We'll meet you there. We'll meet you there. Der står tre mænd og venter på dig udenfor. There are three men waiting for you outside. There's three men waiting for you outside. Sjön ser ut som ett hav. That lake looks like an ocean. The lake looks like a sea. Om jag vore du, skulle jag lyssna på Toms råd. If I were you, I'd listen to Tom's advice. If I were you, I'd listen to Tom's advice. Her er adressen. Here's the address. Here's the address. Jag ska aldrig gå och handla med Jason igen. I will never go shopping with Jason again. I'll never go shopping with Jason again. Ég kemst ekki burt. I can't get away. I can't get out of here. Jeg har googlet dig og fundet ud af at du har været i fængsel. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I've Googled you and found out you've been in jail. Han kunde inte gå längre. He could not walk any further. He couldn't go any further. Ég þekki sjálfan mig. I know myself. I know myself. Han er ikke algerisk. He is not Algerian. He's not Algerian. Han flyttede til Tyskland. He moved to Germany. He moved to Germany. "Sami älskar dig." "Tror du verkligen det?" "Ja, det gör jag." "Sami loves you." "You really think so?" "Yes, I do." "Sami loves you." "Do you really believe that?" "Yes, I do." Jag beställde kinesiskt. I ordered Chinese food. I ordered Chinese. Det er på tide at gå over til dagsordenen. It's time to get down to business. It is time to move to the agenda. De afviste indbydelsen til vores fest. They declined the invitation to our party. They rejected the invitation to our party. I den där affären säljs köksredskap. That store sells kitchen-ware. In that shop, kitchen utensils are sold. Tom tog av sig sin rock och sina handskar. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Jag gjorde det för Tom. I did it for Tom. I did it for Tom. Jeg ville ikke tro Mary over en dørtærskel. I wouldn't trust Mary an inch. I wouldn't believe Mary over a door threshold. Það er áhugavert að enginn tók eftir þessum mistökum. It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake. Interestingly, no one noticed these mistakes. Lad os hvile her til Tom indhenter os. Let's rest here until Tom catches up with us. Let's rest here till Tom catches us up. Ikke alle var glade. Not everyone was happy. Not everyone was happy. Lyv ikke for Tom. Don't lie to Tom. Don't lie to Tom. Jeg har besluttet ikke at sælge min motorcykel. I've decided not to sell my motorcycle. I've decided not to sell my motorcycle. Tom fortalte os at Marys tilstand ikke var ændret. Tom told us Mary's condition hadn't changed. Tom told us Mary’s condition had not changed. Låt oss hålla kontakten med varandra. Let's keep in touch with each other. Let's keep in touch. De här pengarna är mina. This money is mine. This money is mine. Tom lagde to og to sammen. Tom put two and two together. Tom put two and two together. Jeg passer en kat og en hund. I look after a cat and a dog. I'm looking after a cat and a dog. Mary är attraktiv. Mary is attractive. Mary's attractive. Okej allesamman, hör på nu. OK people, listen up. All right, everybody, listen up. Det är svårt att få arbete för tillfället. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It's hard to get a job at the moment. Tom vann inte tävlingen. Tom didn't win the contest. Tom didn't win the contest. Hvad bør jeg gøre nu? What should I do next? What should I do now? Jeg har bestilt et halvt dusin kemibøger fra New York. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I ordered half a dozen chemical books from New York. Jag blev förvånad när Tom berättade det där för mig. I was surprised when Tom told me about that. I was surprised when Tom told me that. I begyndelsen skabte Gud himlen og jorden. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. Tom var overbevist, men det var jeg ikke. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Jeg er ikke bange. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Var bor du? Where do you live? Where do you live? Gammal i skinnet men ung i sinnet. Old in body but young at heart. Old in the skin, but young in the mind. Det kan ikke være sandt. That can't be true. That can't be true. Tom købte nye handsker. Tom bought new gloves. Tom bought new gloves. Mary er ganske attraktiv. Mary is quite attractive. Mary is quite attractive. Jag höll mig för mig själv. I kept to myself. I kept myself to myself. Han tycker inte om nötkött. Det gör inte jag heller. He doesn't like beef. Neither do I. He doesn't like beef, nor do I. Matarbirgðir okkar eru þrotnar. Our supply of food is exhausted. Our food supply is running out. Interlingua är ett modernt redskap för internationell kommunikation. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Det finns inget varmvatten. There is no hot water. There's no hot water. Hvat leitar tú eftir? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Jeg har en masse blomster. I have a lot of flowers. I have lots of flowers. Sumarið virðist loksins vera komið. Summer seems to have come at last. The summer finally looks like it's here. Det är mitt liv! It's my life! It's my life! Jeg hader computere. I hate computers. I hate computers. Heste og æsler er forskellige. Horses and donkeys are different. Horses and donkeys are different. Ska jag fortsätta? Shall I go on? Do you want me to keep going? Tom bor på en båt. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives on a boat. Tom rødmede pludselig og så væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. I mean, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Det ser ud til at det vil regne. It seems that it will rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Vi ger det ett försök. Let's give it a go. Let's give it a try. Tom venter på at Mary ringer. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call. Tom er godt 30 centimeter højere end Mary. Tom is at least a foot taller than Mary. Tom's over 30 centimeters taller than Mary's. Tycker du om att resa? Do you like to travel? Do you like to go? Hve heppin við erum að hafa fengið tækifæri til að vinna með þér! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! Hvad er det? What's that? What is it? Der er nogle ting som jeg ikke forstår. There are some things that I don't understand. There are some things I don't understand. Ætli við getum lent í vandamálum gagnvart fyrirtækinu? I wonder if we could run into any problems with the company. I wonder if we can have problems with the company. Det här svärdet är i gott skick. This sword is in fair condition. This sword is in good condition. Gerðu þinn hluta og ég skal gera afganginn. You do your part and I'll do the rest. Do your part and I'll do the rest. Den vil koste cirka femten dollar. It will cost around fifteen dollars. It'll cost you about fifteen bucks. Jeg ønsker du kunne komme tidligere. I wish you'd come sooner. I wish you could come earlier. Tom bad mig om hjälp. Tom asked for my help. Tom asked me for help. Vem pratade ni med? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Det gäller honom också. That applies to him too. It's about him, too. Klukkan er næstum tólf. It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost 12 o'clock. Tom er ikke ret god til at lave mad. Tom doesn't know how to cook very well. Tom's not good at cooking. Den 15 januari är ”Interlinguadagen” med aktiviteter och publicitet för att sprida interlingua i hela världen. January 15 is Interlingua Day, with activities and publicity to spread Interlingua across the whole world. On 15 January, the "Interlingua Day" is with activities and publicity to spread interlingua throughout the world. Dette er meget vigtigt for os. This is very important to us. This is very important to us. Tokyo är huvudstad i Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tom havde ingen anelse om at Mary havde en kæreste. Tom had no idea that Mary had a girlfriend. Tom had no idea Mary had a girlfriend. Vatten, tack. Some water, please. Water, please. Tom vet att det är sant. Tom knows that's true. Tom knows it's true. Mary er tekstilkunstner. Mary is a textile artist. Mary's a textile artist. Eldri systir hans er eldri en elsti bróðir minn. His elder sister is older than my eldest brother. His older sister is older than my oldest brother. Vi er sultne. We are hungry. We're hungry. Först trodde jag att han var lärare, men det var han inte. At first, I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't. At first I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't. Vill du ha skjuts? Do you want a ride? You want a ride? Jag vill fortfarande fara. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom råkade skära sig i handen när han skivade morötter. Tom accidentally cut his hand when he was slicing carrots. Tom accidentally cut his hand when he sliced carrots. Jeg blev udsat for et røverisk overfald på vej hjem i går aftes. I got mugged on my way home last night. I was subjected to a robbery attack on my way home last night. Tom är knubbig. Tom is chubby. Tom's a pusher. Ég stóð kyrr. Öll athygli mín einbeitt á hreyfingu fingra hennar. I stood still, my whole attention fixed on the movements of her fingers. I stood still, all my attention focused on the movement of her fingers. Knivspetsen är vass. The tip of the knife is sharp. The tip of the knife is sharp. Tom er allerede begyndt at date en anden. Tom has already started dating someone else. Tom's already started dating someone else. Vad tyckte du om konserten? What did you think about the concert? How did you like the concert? Er det et ja eller et nej? Is that a yes or no? Is that a yes or a no? God ferie! Enjoy your holidays. Happy holidays! Jag hade ingen aning om att Tom inte var lycklig här. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. Jag spisar inte modern jazz. I don't dig modern jazz. I don't eat modern jazz. Sikke en kæmpestor hund! What a huge dog! What a big dog! Mange børn går i cowboybukser. A lot of kids wear jeans. A lot of kids wear cowboy pants. Hvem banker på døren? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on the door? Han älskar katter. He loves cats. He loves cats. Italiensk er mit modersmål. Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my native language. Tom vill ha vår hjälp. Tom wants our help. Tom wants our help. Har du rökt? Have you been smoking? You smoked? Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt. Starting is half the task. Well, good start is half done. Det var aldrig et problem før. It was never a problem before. It was never a problem before. Kvällen innan bröllopet var Mary fortfarande lugn som en filbunke. The evening before the wedding, Mary was still calm as a cucumber. The evening before the wedding Mary was still calm like a file pile. Hvor kan vi købe det? Where can we buy it? Where can we buy it? Þau eru leikarar. They are actors. They're actors. Mycket snack och lite verkstad. A lot of talk, no action. A lot of talk and a little workshop. Jag blir hämtad. I'm being picked up. I'm getting picked up. IBM mener at svaret ligger i blockchain-teknologien. IBM thinks that the answer lies in blockchain technology. IBM believes that the answer lies in blockchain technology. Allir geta orðið vinir, jafnvel þótt tungumál þeirra og siðir eru ólík. All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different. Everyone can become friends, even if their language and customs are different. Tom är påklädd. Tom is dressed. Tom's dressed. Finnast þér epli ekki góð? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Han är talterapeut till yrket. He works as a speech therapist. He's a speech therapist to the profession. De fleste af de bønder der bor i denne gudsforladte landsby, kan hverken læse eller skrive. The majority of the peasants living in this godforsaken village cannot read nor write. Most of the farmers living in this God - given village cannot read or write. Tom väntar på dig. Tom is waiting for you. Tom's waiting for you. Det der fandt du bare lige på, gjorde du ikke? You just made that up, didn't you? That thing you just made up, didn't you? Kan hun lide appelsiner? Does she like oranges? Does she like oranges? Overdriv ikke! Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it! Jeg kaldte katten "Tama". I called the cat "Tama". I called the cat "Tama." Tom är rädd för Marys hund. Tom is afraid of Mary's dog. Tom is afraid of Mary's dog. Han er biseksuel. He's bisexual. He's bisexual. Jag har inga pengar men jag har drömmar. I have no money, but I have dreams. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. De gav dig intet. They gave you nothing. They didn't give you anything. Beviset er trivielt. The proof is trivial. The evidence is trivial. Tom og Mary har drukket. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Det är bäst att ni inte berättar för honom. You'd better not tell him. You better not tell him. Eleverna är lata. The students are lazy. The students are lazy. Þú vannst! You've won! You won! Jag visste att det inte skulle vara lätt. I knew it wouldn't be easy. I knew it wouldn't be easy. Eftir því sem ég veit hefur hann ekki verið viðriðinn svindlið. To my knowledge, he has not been involved in the fraud scheme. As far as I know, he hasn't been involved in cheating. Vad var problemet? What was the problem? What was the problem? Jeg troede at du havde brug for penge. I thought that you needed money. I thought you needed money. Jag avskyr karaoke. I hate karaoke. I hate karaoke. Hvem er denne bils ejer? Who is the owner of this car? Who's this car's owner? Hvor vover du! How dare you! How dare you! Hversvegna fóru þau ekki? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they go? Du får inte komma för sent den här gången. You can't be late this time. You can't be late this time. Hur länge har det snöat? How long has it been snowing? How long has it been snowing? Naturlige teakskove forekommer kun i fire lande: Indien, Laos, Burma og Thailand. Natural teak forests occur in only four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Natural teak forests only occur in four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Jag chartrade ett jetplan. I chartered a jet. I chartered a jet. Tom gør alt. Tom does everything. Tom's doing everything. Jag cyklade enhjuling idag. I rode a unicycle today. I was riding a one-wheeler today. Min kat spiser kun vådkost. My cat only eats wet food. My cat only eats wet food. Hvorfor vil jeg glemme at skrive til min familie? Why will I forget to write to my family? Why would I forget to write to my family? Tom løber en stor risiko. Tom is taking a big risk. Tom's running a big risk. Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með verkin í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with the works in the garden. Jeg er sygeplejerske. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. A-kraft er dyr og farlig. The atomic energy is expensive and dangerous. A-power is expensive and dangerous. Afhverju var ég ekki spurður? Why wasn't I asked? Why wasn't I asked? En dag, da han var i et godt humør, lavede djævlen et forstørrelsesglas der var i stand til at få alt godt eller smukt der blev spejlet deri, til at skrumpe ind til næsten ingenting, medens alt som var værdiløst og dårligt, tog sig større og værre ud end nogensinde. One day, when he was in a merry mood, the demon made a looking-glass which had the power of making everything good or beautiful that was reflected in it almost shrink to nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad looked increased in size and worse than ever. One day when he was in a good mood, the devil made a magnifying glass that was able to get everything good or beautiful that was mirrored in it, to shrink into almost nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad got bigger and worse than ever. Ljudet väckte mig från min sömn. The noise awoke me from my sleep. The sound woke me out of my sleep. Eitt høgt hús vórðu reist fyri mítt húsið. A tall building was built next to my house. One mocked house was built for the other house. Tom satte spørgsmålstegn ved alt. Tom questioned everything. Tom questioned everything. Datorn är en komplicerad maskin. Computers are complicated machines. The computer is a complicated machine. Han greb min arm. He grabbed my arm. He grabbed my arm. Sikke en skam! What a shame. What a shame! Jag har inga nära vänner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Du er en meget smuk ung mand. You're a very handsome young man. You're a very beautiful young man. Jag börjar känna mig trött. I'm starting to feel tired. I'm getting tired. Kan vi besøge landsbyerne hvor jeres sprog stadig tales? Can we visit the villages where your language is still spoken? Can we visit the villages where your language is still spoken? Vi er nødt til at plukke de æbler med det samme, ellers rådner de. We have to pick those apples right now, otherwise they'll decay. We have to pick those apples right away, or they'll rot. Han var inte anträffbar. He was not available. He wasn't reachable. Kan du klare det alene? Can you manage alone? Can you handle it alone? Jeg har mødt Tom her til aften. I met Tom tonight. I've met Tom tonight. Han är aldrig nöjd. He's never satisfied. He's never satisfied. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en uheldig dag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is an unfortunate day. Dette er en isterning. This is an ice cube. This is an ice cube. Jeg blev hjemme på grund af regnen. I stayed home because of the rain. I stayed home because of the rain. Hun havde brug for pengene. She needed the money. She needed the money. Har du dem? Do you have them? Do you have them? Jag skulle vilja prata med Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Tænd for radioen. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. Du döljer någonting för mig. You're hiding something from me. You're hiding something from me. Jeg har muligvis glemt mine nøgler. I might have forgotten my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Är han lärare? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Jeg er nysgerrig. I am curious. I'm curious. Hvenær borðum við? Ég er svöng! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? Fortæl mig din historie. Jeg er lutter øre. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story. Mamma mín er sú eina sem saumar föt í fjölskyldunni minni. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in our family. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in my family. Vi följer med. We'll go with you. We're going with you. Jeg ønsker at købe en bil. I want to buy an automobile. I want to buy a car. En del af taget blæste af. Part of the roof blew off. Some of the roof blew off. Hann var átakanlega mjór. He was painfully skinny. He was a pain in the ass. Sanningen är som månen: du kan bara se en sida av den. Truth is like the moon: you can only see one side of it. The truth is like the moon: you can only see one side of it. Tom tror på älvor. Tom believes in fairies. Tom believes in elves. Tom kommer hit så gott som varje dag. Tom comes here practically every day. Tom comes here as good as every day. Dette rejser et meget interessant spørgsmål: Hvor lang tid tager det at sulte ihjel? This raises a most interesting question: how long does it take to starve to death? This raises a very interesting question: How long does it take to starve to death? Många turister kommer för att se vattenfallet. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Betyder det att du vill göra slut? Does that mean you want to break up? Does that mean you want to break up? Gå! Go. Go! Go! Hvornår er det Toms fødselsdag? When is Tom's birthday? When's Tom's birthday? Det var ikke første gang de havde gjort det. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It wasn't the first time they did it. Tom var med mig hela dagen. Tom was with me all day. Tom was with me all day. Rygtet fortæller at du fik jobbet. The word is that you got the job. Rumor has it you got the job. Jeg giver dig ikke skylden. I don't blame you. I'm not gonna blame you. Hon måste vara död. She must be dead. She must be dead. Jag gillar bowling. I like bowling. I like bowling. De förhandlar med sin arbetsgivare om sina löner. They negotiate with their employer about their wages. They negotiate with their employer on their salaries. Der var så meget røg i værelset at jeg knap nok kunne få luft. The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe. There was so much smoke in the room that I could barely get air. Alla tvekade. Everyone hesitated. Everyone hesitated. Jag kommer att börja äta mindre kött. I'm going to cut down on meat. I'm going to start eating less meat. Jag går inte till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Jag kunde inte säga nej. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Helvete! Damn it! Fuck! Minns du vad hon sa? Do you remember what she said? Remember what she said? Du bör inte lämna barnet ensamt. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. You should not leave the child alone. Låt oss spela Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Han kliade sig i huvudet av vana. He scratched his head out of habit. He scratched his head off the habit. Fader! Tilgiv dem, thi de ved ikke, hvad de gør. Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing. Góða þakkargjörðarhátíð! Have a nice Thanksgiving! Happy birthday to you! Jag bjuder. It's on me. My treat. Är det vad du ville säga? Is that what you wanted to say? Is that what you wanted to say? Ef þú lofar einhverju, stattu þá við það. If you promise something, keep your word. If you promise something, stick to it. Jeg er begyndt på at læse bogen. I started reading the book. I've started reading the book. Þú verður að yfirstíga erfiðleikana. You have to overcome the difficulties. You're gonna have to overcome the troubles. Var ligger närmaste museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the nearest museum? Tom är väldigt sportintresserad. Tom is very interested in sports. Tom is very interested in sports. Tom tager en stor risiko. Tom is taking a big risk. Tom's taking a big risk. Eg eri ikki errin av framferð mínari. I'm not proud of my behaviour. I'm not the only one who's got my way. Det skøre egern hører til i et galehus! That crazy squirrel belongs in a nuthouse! The crazy squirrel belongs in a madhouse! Giv mig en chance til. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. Han talar inte engelska. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Ég þrábið yður í einlægri meðaumkun, sjáið þann möguleika að þér kunnið að hafa rangt fyrir yður. I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. I yearn for you with sincere compassion, see the possibility that you may be wrong. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important. It's not important! Hvor skjulte du dem? Where did you hide them? How did you hide them? Træneren gav mig nogle råd. The coach gave me some advice. The coach gave me some advice. Jeg ønsker at bo i Italien. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. Þú getur stólað á hana. You can rely on her. You can sit on her. Vort TV virker ikke. Our TV isn't working. Our TV doesn't work. "Hjælp" linket tager dig til en side med ofte stillede spørgsmål. The "Help" link takes you to a page of frequently asked questions. "Help" link takes you to a page with frequently asked questions. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who says that I steal money? Who said I stole the money? Hur tror ni att jag känner mig? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Dette stykke land er min ejendom. This land is my property. This piece of land is my property. Jeg står af her. I get off here. I'm out of here. De mennesker er indianere. Those people are Indians. These people are Indians. Tom Jackson blev 93 år gammal. Tom Jackson lived to be 93. Tom Jackson was 93 years old. I de fleste europæiske lande skal biler køre i højre side af vejen. In most of the countries in Europe, cars have to keep to the right. In most European countries, cars have to drive on the right side of the road. Är det för svårt? Is that too hard? Is it too hard? Jeg har ikke radio på mit værelse. I don't have a radio in my room. I don't have a radio in my room. De stod af ved det følgende busstoppested. They got off at the next bus stop. They were off at the next bus stop. Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. Han hejste flaget. He raised the flag. He cheered the flag. Jag tror att hon kommer att komma. I think that she will come. I think she's gonna come. Militæret knuste oprøret i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military broke the rebellion in a few hours. Jeg er bange for vilde dyr. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild animals. Vi er i en blindgyde. We're in a blind alley. We're in a dead end. Se fodnoten på side 5. See the footnote on page 5. See footnote on page 5. Bomull absorberar vatten. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. Vi har et arbejde der skal gøres. We have a job to do. We have a job to do. Jag åkte till flygplatsen för att träffa honom. I went to the airport to meet him. I went to the airport to see him. Du är den bästa pappan någonsin. You're the best dad ever. You're the best dad ever. Hver er þessi stúlka? Who's that girl? Who is this girl? Frankrig er et levende demokrati. France is a vibrant democracy. France is a living democracy. Tak for i dag. Thank you for today. Thank you for today. Tom blev avvisad. Tom was turned down. Tom was rejected. Er den rød? Is it red? Is it red? Din hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Diktatorn hade den absoluta lojaliteten av alla hans medhjälpare. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his assistants. The conductor had the absolute loyalty of all his assistants. Är det säkert? Are you sure? Are you sure? Taler de engelsk? Are they speaking English? Do they speak English? Hon ringde mig flera gånger. She called me many times. She called me several times. Jag skulle vilja lägga undan mina ägodelar. I'd like to put my belongings away. I'd like to put away my possessions. Jeg bebrejder mig selv. I blame myself. I blame myself. Vær venlig at ringe til ham. Please call him. Please call him. Jag hade lite problem. I had some trouble. I had some problems. Er Tom Jackson dit rigtige navn? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Hun var både klog og smuk. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was smart and beautiful. Du luktar gott. You smell nice. You smell good. Du har jättefin hatt. I love your hat. You got a really nice hat. Jeg har en sort hund som hedder Tiki. I have a black dog named Tiki. I have a black dog called Tiki. Jeg går ikke i byen i aften. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going to town tonight. Jag gjorde det här själv. I did this myself. I did this myself. Jag känner ägaren. I know the owner. I know the owner. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave each child three pieces of candy. Tom tog ikke et brusebad. Tom didn't take a shower. Tom didn't take a shower. Hvor reparerede du dem? Where did you repair them? Where'd you fix them? Vi gør reklame for vores produkter på tv. We advertise our products on TV. We make advertising for our products on TV. Fattig är inte den som har lite utan den som behöver mycket. The poor are not those who have little but rather those who need much. Poor is not the one who has little but the one who needs a lot. Min navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My navigator doesn't work abroad. Hvað í veröldinni er þetta? What in the world is this? What in the world is this? Tom ville ta en promenad. Tom wanted to go for a walk. Tom wanted to take a walk. Det här är löjligt! This is ridiculous! This is ridiculous! Kan vi rädda Tom? Can we save Tom? Can we save Tom? Sangen minder mig om mit hjem. The song reminds me of my home. The song reminds me of my home. Tom är konstig. Tom's strange. Tom's weird. Synes du at hun er tiltrækkende? Do you think her attractive? Do you think she's attractive? Kan du höra dem? Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Varför är jag den enda de klagar på? De gör bara ett exempel av mig och använder mig som syndabock. Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat. Why am I the only one they complain about? They only make one example of me and use me as a scapegoat. Jag har precis kommit hem. I've just gotten home. I just got home. Det var så tråkigt att jag nästan gäspade. It was so boring that I almost yawned. I'm so sorry I almost gasped. Jeg har en fætter og en kusine. I have two cousins. I have a cousin and a cousin. Bakteriekultur är den enda kultur somliga besitter. Bacteria are the only culture some people have. Bacterial culture is the only culture some possessors. Jeg så kun ét æble. I only saw one apple. I only saw one apple. De omfamnade varandra. They embraced. They embraced each other. Använd den här! Use this. Use this! Tom ser arg ut. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. De avisade bron med salt. They de-iced the bridge with salt. They newspapered the bridge with salt. Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ikke. I don't know whether he comes or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Jeg ville aldrig såre dig. I never would have hurt you. I would never hurt you. Tom vill ha en. Tom wants one. Tom wants one. Ingen gjorde noget. Nobody did anything. Nobody did anything. Elevatoren standsede på første sal. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped on the first floor. Hvad ville du gøre hvis jeg var dig utro? What would you do if I were untrue to you? What would you do if I were cheating on you? Mange steder er det ulovligt at gå tur med hunden på stranden. In many places it isn't legal to walk a dog on the beach. In many places walking with the dog on the beach is illegal. Vi er alle enige med jer. We all agree with you. We all agree with you. Tom arbejder. Tom's working. Tom works. Hvad er en ufo? What is a UFO? What's a UFO? Vi ska äta biff ikväll. We're having steak tonight. We're gonna eat steak tonight. Jeg tror de er klar. I think they're ready. I think they're ready. Några barn leker i parken. Some kids are playing in the park. Some kids play in the park. Vad skrattar du åt? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Lad os komme til sagen og snakke forretning. Let's get down to brass tacks and talk business. Let's get to the point and talk business. Jag fattar vad du menar. I get your drift. I get what you mean. Han är bara en amatör. He's just an amateur. He's just an amateur. Allt är nytt för mig. It's all new for me. It's all new to me. Tom undrar om det är sant. Tom wonders if it's true. Tom wants to know if it's true. Fletta upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in the dictionary. En af dem lyver. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Kan ni reparera den här? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Hur kan vi stå till tjänst? How can we help you? How can we be of service? Ja, eller? Yeah, and? Yeah, right? Eru aðrir alheimar utan okkar eigin? Are there other universes outside our own? Are there other universes outside of our own? Jeg har det på samme måde. I share your feelings. I feel the same way. Jag känner mig väldigt olycklig. I feel very unhappy. I feel very unhappy. Jeg ved hvad du går igennem. I understand what you're going through. I know what you're going through. Det behövs inte längre. That's no longer necessary. It's no longer necessary. Gå inte nära hunden. Don't go near the dog. Don't go near the dog. Barn dricker mer vatten, äter mer mat och andas mer luft per kilogram kroppsvikt än vuxna. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram of body weight than adults. Children drink more water, eat more food and breathe more air per kilogram of body weight than adults. Du bør stille os spørgsmål. You should ask us questions. You should ask us questions. Dr Patterson kommunicerade med en gorilla genom teckenspråk. Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language. Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla through sign language. Det er farligt at gå derhen alene. It's dangerous to go there alone. It's dangerous to go there alone. Jag vet att det nog inte är lika roligt att lägga till meningar på ditt modersmål eller starkaste språk som att öva på främmande språk, men var vänlig och lägg inte till meningar i Tatoebas korpus om du inte är fullständigt säker på att de är korrekta. Om du vill öva på språk du studerar, vänligen gör det på en hemsida avsedd för det ändamålet, såsom I know that adding sentences only in your native or strongest language is probably not as much fun as practicing writing foreign languages, but please don't add sentences to the Tatoeba Corpus if you are not absolutely sure they are correct. If you want to practice languages that you are studying, please do so by using a website designed for that purpose such as I know it may not be as fun to add sentences in your native language or strongest language as to practice in foreign languages, but please do not add sentences in Tatoeba's corpus if you are not absolutely sure that they are correct. If you want to practice in languages you study, please do so on a website intended for that purpose, such as Carlos klättrade upp för berget. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed up to the mountain. Hún ráðlagði honum að spara. She advised him to save money. She advised him to save. Kvinnan är rik, men mannen är fattig. The woman is rich, but the man is poor. The woman is rich, but the man is poor. Vent venligst et øjeblik. Please wait a moment. Wait a minute. Jeg tror at det er Tom han hedder. Tom is his name, I think. I think it's Tom his name. Eld ska väl göra susen! I guess fire should do the trick! Why don't you fire me? Jeg er mor. I'm a mother. I'm a mother. Avslöja det inte. Don't give it away. Don't expose it. Han fyldte vasen med vand. He filled the vase with water. He filled his vase with water. Hendes reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. Her reaction wasn't surprising at all. Her reaction was not surprising at all. Vad är alternativet? What's the alternative? What's the alternative? Hur kunde jag missa det här? How did I miss this? How could I miss this? Du är anhållen. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Lad nu være, vil du ikke nok? Give me a break, will you? Don't, please. Søg, og du vil finde. Seek, and you will find. Search and you'll find. Den stackars mannen blev äntligen en känd artist. The poor man finally became a great artist. The poor man finally became a famous artist. Algeriet ligger i Afrika. Algeria is in Africa. Algeria is located in Africa. Vi behøver talentfulde mennesker. We need talented people. We need talented people. Jag är så stolt över dig. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. Fejlslagne revolutioner går hurtigt i glemmebogen. Revolutions that don't succeed are soon forgotten. Misfired revolutions quickly go into the forgetbook. Da Tom satte sig, stødte han til bordet, og hans kaffe blev spildt ud over dugen. As Tom sat down, he bumped the table and his coffee spilled onto the tablecloth. When Tom sat down, he bumped to the table, and his coffee was spilled over the table. Mary er katolsk, men hendes kæreste er ateist. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Mary's Catholic, but her boyfriend's an atheist. Lägg tillbaka boken där du fann den. Put the book back where you found it. Put it back in the book where you found it. Vilka fina blommor! What pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! Hun stillede kassen på bordet. She deposited the box on the table. She put the box on the table. Vilda djur bor i regnskogen. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the rain forest. Hur hittade du Tom? How did you find Tom? How did you find Tom? Han åt inte lunch. He didn't have lunch. He didn't eat lunch. Australien är inte Österrike. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Jag tog med mig min kamera. I took my camera along. I brought my camera. Jeg vasker op. I'm doing the dishes. I'm washing up. Det här är inte korrekt. This isn't correct. This isn't right. Dörren är öppen. The door is open. The door is open. Är ni tokiga? Are you people nuts? Are you crazy? Det sker automatiskt. It happens automatically. It happens automatically. Min far, farfar, farfars far och farfars farfar hade alla samma namn som jag. My father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather all had the same name as I have. My father, my grandfather, my grandfather's father and my grandfather's grandfather all had the same name as me. Mér til mikillar undrunar unnum við! To my great surprise, we won! To my surprise, we won! Naoko simmar. Naoko swims. Naoko's swimming. Han är lika lång som jag. He's as tall as me. He's as tall as me. Fyrir hvaða manneskju finnst þér skemmtilegast að elda? Who's your favorite person to cook for? For what person do you find cooking most enjoyable? Han har en bil. He has a car. He's got a car. Vem mer är där inne? Who else is in there? Who else is in there? Hvis du ikke ved hvad et ord betyder, så slå det op i en ordbog. If you don't know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary. If you don't know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary. Han beskrev i detalj vad som hade hänt. He described what had happened in detail. He described in detail what had happened. Vi är flexibla. We're adaptable. We're flexible. Han är smart. He's smart. He's smart. Om du inte studerar mer så kommer du helt säkert att misslyckas. If you don't study harder, you'll fail for sure. If you don't study more, you'll certainly fail. Get ég fengið bílinn þinn lánaðan? May I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? Jeg ønsker at se ham. I want to see him. I want to see him. Tom har stadig ikke mødt Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Jeg tilbringer dagen med at tale i telefon. I spend the day talking on the phone. I spend the day talking on the phone. Hann tók af sér hattinn. He took off his hat. He took off his hat. Huset är målat i vitt. The house is painted white. The house is painted in white. Malingen på væggen skallede af. The paint was peeling off the wall. The paint on the wall was peeled off. Hon má koma sunnanífrá. She must be from the South. She can come from the sun. Noget vidunderligt skete i dag. Something wonderful happened today. Something wonderful happened today. Vad tittade du på? What did you watch? What were you looking at? Äger du ett eldhandvapen? Do you own a handgun? You own a firearm? Hvordan vidste man at jeg ikke var canadisk? How did people know I wasn't Canadian? How did they know I wasn't Canadian? Þetta er strætóstoppustöðin. That is the bus stop. This is the bus stop. Toms hund har sorte og hvide pletter. Tom's dog has black and white spots. Tom's dog has black and white spots. Hér kemur strætóinn. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Har du en særlig menu for vegetarer? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Jag gör det ändå. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. Vet ni när Tom kommer tillbaka? Do you know when Tom will get back? Do you know when Tom will be back? Jeg har haft en hund der hed Cookie. I had a dog named Cookie. I had a dog named Cookie. Det ösregnade så att basebollmatchen ställdes in. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It rained so that the baseball game was cancelled. Tom bad Marys far om hennes hand. Tom asked Mary's father for her hand. Tom asked Mary's father for her hand. Jeg var i gang med at male. I was painting. I was painting. Vad mer kan jag göra? What else can I do? What else can I do? Den kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the head of a jet hunter. Jag har huvudvärk. I have a headache. I have a headache. Det är faktiskt inte sant. That's actually not true. Actually, that's not true. Jag kan köra dig. I can drive you. I can drive you. Ingen vet. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Kan du lide golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal gøre nu. I have no idea what to do now. I don't know what to do now. Null, ein, tveir, tríggir, fýra, fimm, seks, sjey, atta, níggju, tíggju. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Null, one, two, trigger, four, five, six, shey, atta, nigga, tiger. Tom og Mary flúgva til Boston í morgin. Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow. Tom and Mary fled to Boston by morning. Hún læsti dyrunum. She locked the door. She locked the door. Tom hatar er. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Jag drömde att jag flög. I dreamed I was flying. I dreamt I flew. Lunchen är klar. Lunch is on. Lunch's ready. Han taler som om han var en ekspert. He speaks as if he were an expert. He talks like he was an expert. Tom tog sig en lur. Tom was taking a nap. Tom took a nap. Han er højere end sin bror. He is taller than his brother. He's taller than his brother. Hun arbejdede i Belgien. She worked in Belgium. She worked in Belgium. Kom in. Vi ska precis sätta i gång. Come on in. We're just about to get started. Come on in, we're just about to get started. Kan du slå det? Can you beat that? Can you beat it? Hun stillede et rigtig godt spørgsmål. She asked a very good question. She asked me a really good question. Brug ikke for meget lim. Don't use too much glue. Do not use too much glue. Det hände så fort. It happened so fast. It happened so fast. Við hvern er ég að tala? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Hur träffade Tom Mary? How did Tom meet Mary? How did Tom Mary meet? Bring mig venligst en kop kaffe. Bring me a cup of coffee, please. Please bring me a cup of coffee. Jeg kan ikke finde Tom. Er han allerede gået? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Tom efterlignede Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom har aldrig set Mary uden makeup. Tom has never seen Mary without makeup. Tom's never seen Mary without makeup. Han var i flåden. He was in the Navy. He was in the Navy. Jag pratar med läraren. I will speak with the teacher. I'll talk to the teacher. Jeg har noget jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. Jag såg er aldrig. I never saw you. I never saw you. Tom lover skotterne guld og grønne skove. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the Scots gold and green forests. Jag trodde att du hatade Tom. I thought you hated Tom. I thought you hated Tom. Kan jag få tre? Can I have three? Can I have three? Så vad gjorde du? So what did you do? So what did you do? John är här om fem minuter. John will be here in five minutes. John's here in five minutes. Kan du snälla säga hur lång du är och din vikt? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Can you please tell me how long you are and your weight? Jeg bruger kontaktlinser. I wear contact lenses. I'm using contact lenses. Er broen sikker? Is the bridge safe? Is the bridge safe? Þú munt ekki ná í skólann á réttum tíma. You won't be in time for school. You're not gonna get to school at the right time. Ingenting saknas. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. Toms namn var på listan. Tom's name was on the list. Tom's name was on the list. Det var i sidste uge. It was last week. It was last week. Håll käft Tom, ingen frågade dig! Shut up, Tom. No one asked you! Shut up, Tom! Nobody asked you! Låt mig ringa min advokat. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Glödlampor förbrukar el. Lightbulbs consume electricity. Light bulbs consume electricity. Jag har inga barn. I have no kids. I don't have any children. Han er min lærer. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Jag hoppas att ni hade en trevlig resa. I hope you enjoyed your trip. I hope you had a nice trip. Jeg leder efter en læbestift der passer til denne neglelak. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that suits this nail polish. Hvorfor var du fraværende i går? Why were you absent yesterday? Why were you absent yesterday? Toms mamma sa alltid till honom att han borde äta mer grönsaker. Tom's mother always told him he should eat more vegetables. Tom's mom always told him he should eat more vegetables. Min yndlingskanal på YouTube er Deutsche Welle. My favorite YouTube channel is Deutsche Welle. My favorite YouTube channel is Deutsche Welle. Det jag skrev är inte engelska. What I write is not English. What I wrote is not English. Det är inte söndag varje dag. Not every day is Sunday. It's not Sunday every day. Ég tala á spænsku við Guð, á ítölsku við kvenfólk, á frönsku við karlmenn og á þýsku við hestinn minn. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak in Spanish to God, in Italian to women, in French to men, and in German to my horse. Egernene sprang fra gren til gren. The squirrels jumped from branch to branch. The estates ran from branch to branch. Det bliver kun værre nu. It's only going to get worse now. It's only gonna get worse now. De flesta av våra anställda är unga. Most of our employees are young. Most of our employees are young. Jeg kan forstå fransk bedre end jeg kan tale det. I can understand French better than I can speak it. I can understand French better than I can talk about it. Vad äter du till frukost? What do you eat for breakfast? What are you eating for breakfast? Wenjin är en kinesisk kvinna. Wenjin is a Chinese woman. Wenjin is a Chinese woman. Om du äter för mycket kommer du att bli tjock. If you eat too much, you will get fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Du borde ha kommit med oss. You should have come with us. You should have come with us. Ikke dårligt! Not bad! Not bad! Har du den her i min størrelse? Do you have this in my size? Do you have this in my size? Hún ráðlagði honum að trúa ekki öllu sem kennarinn segir. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. Er det sikkert at bo i Algeriet? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Jeg taler fransk. I speak French. I speak French. Tom glömmer aldrig ett ansikte. Tom never forgets a face. Tom never forgets a face. Han var sjuk i söndags. He was ill on Sunday. He was sick on Sunday. Min far lagade en trasig stol. My father fixed a broken chair. My father made a broken chair. Den hvidklædte kvinde er en berømt skuespillerinde. The woman in white is a famous actress. The white-dressed woman is a famous actress. Frændi minn kennir ensku við háskólann. My uncle teaches English at the university. My uncle teaches English at the university. Tack! Thank you! Thank you! I mitt land tål folk inte de som är mer intelligenta än vad de själva är. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, people can't stand those who are more intelligent than they are. Leanne har blå ögon. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. Studerar du kemi? Do you study chemistry? You study chemistry? Jag skojar bara med er. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding with you guys. Det är en buss här. There's a bus here. There's a bus here. Det såg jag till. I saw to that. I made sure of that. Åt du något? Did you eat anything? Did you eat something? Han fortalte hende aldrig hvor han skjulte diamanterne. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. Han tog til London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. Ingen kan finde ud af hvor mange penge vi ødsler bort på et år. No one can determine the amount of money we waste in a year. No one can figure out how much money we're wasting in a year. Ertu þreytt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Jeg spurgte Tom om hvad han ønskede til jul. I asked Tom what he wanted for Christmas. I asked Tom what he wanted for Christmas. Jag såg slagsmålet. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Latin er et dødt sprog. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Mit barnebarn elsker historien om Snehvide. My grandson loves the story of Snow White. My grandson loves the story of Snow White. De gick in i djungeln. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Öga för öga. An eye for an eye. Eye for eye. Tom ville gerne se Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Hon är pigg på att sticka utomlands. She is keen to go abroad. She's very keen to leave abroad. Jag övade varje dag. I practiced every day. I practiced every day. Der er et hår i min suppe. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. Vi har aldrig behövt den. We've never needed it. We never needed it. Jag var för snabb. I was too fast. I was too fast. Tom brækkede næsen. Tom broke his nose. Tom broke his nose. Tom lejede et par skøjter. Tom rented a pair of ice skates. Tom rented a pair of skates. Að kyssa reykingarmann er eins og að sleikja öskubakka. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Det bliver koldere dag for dag. It is getting colder day by day. It's getting colder every day. Är du svårt skadad? Are you badly hurt? Are you badly hurt? Tom fandt ud af at hans far ikke var hans rigtige far. Tom found out his dad wasn't his real dad. Tom found out his father wasn't his real father. Ég fór í bíó í gær. I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the movies yesterday. Tror du på älvor? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in elves? Femtio familjer bor i denna lilla by. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small town. Har du brug for nøglerne? You need the keys? Do you need the keys? Við gerum okkur ekki alltaf grein fyrir því að hversu miklu marki við stólum á aðra. We often fail to realize the extent to which we depend on others. We do not always realize that how much we value others. Hvor er I? Where are you guys? Where are you? Jag älskar det. I love it. I love it. Han trodde inte sina ögon. He could not believe his eyes. He didn't believe his eyes. I de flesta fall likställs modernisering med västernisering. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernisation is similar to Westernisation. Æblerne er snart modne. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples are almost ripe. Og lige foran, ud af tykningen, kom tre dejlige, hvide svaner; de bruste med fjerene og flød så let på vandet. From a thicket close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water. And straight ahead, out of the thick, came three lovely white swans: they burst with their feathers, and flowed so easily upon the water. Telefonen ringer! The telephone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Der var ikke nogen i værelset. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Tom säger att det här inte är rättvist. Tom says this can't be fair. Tom says this isn't fair. Haven var fuld af smukke gule blomster. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers. I fremtiden vil alle køre elbil. In the future, everyone will drive an electric car. In the future, everyone will be driving an electric car. Det börjar bli dags att gå hem. It's about time I was going home. It's about time to go home. Den her nederdel er lidt for stram. This skirt is a little too tight. This skirt is a little too tight. Du opfører dig som en forkælet møgunge. You're behaving like a spoilt brat. You're acting like a spoiled son of a bitch. Af hverju hefur fæðingartíðnin fallið svona snögglega? Why has the birthrate declined so sharply? Why has the birth rate fallen so quickly? Katten sover. The cat is sleeping. The cat's asleep. Du kanske inte tittar så mycket på TV? Maybe you don't watch TV that often? Maybe you don't watch a lot of TV? Lívið er sum ein stórur motorvegur. Life is like a big highway. Live is some one big highway. Tom sagde at han ville gøre det. Tom said he'd do that. Tom said he'd do it. Dette bord er lavet af træ. This table is made of wood. This table is made of wood. Har I set hende? Have you guys seen her? Have you seen her? Í hvaða númer á ég að hringja í neyðartilfellum? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in emergency situations? Kan du tala högre? Can you speak up? Can you talk louder? Jag känner mig så vacker. I feel so pretty. I feel so beautiful. Var god fyll i enkäten och skicka in den till oss. Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us. Please fill in the survey and send it to us. Sigrið Risana! Beat the Giants! Conquer the Giants! Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg har tid til det. I'm not sure I have time for that. I'm not sure I have time for this. Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt en hann neitaði því. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. De var ansvariga för olyckan. They were responsible for the accident. They were responsible for the accident. Hun ønsker ikke at sælge sin bil. She doesn't want to sell her car. She doesn't want to sell her car. Mary gillar att titta på tv. Mary likes watching TV. Mary likes watching TV. Tilraun okkar hefur leitt í ljós að skýrslan hans var ónákvæm. Our experiment has revealed that his report was inaccurate. Our attempt has revealed that his report was inaccuracies. Hon är aggressiv. She's aggressive. She's aggressive. Ammoniak är en bas. Ammonia is a base. Ammonia is a base. Han var modig. He was brave. He was brave. På fredag kl. 16:30 er der skole-hjem-samtale på skolen. This Friday at 4:30 p.m. there is a parent-teacher meeting at the school. On Friday at 4:30, there's a school-home interview at the school. Hvad er dit brugernavn til Skype? What's your Skype login name? What is your Skype username? Jag går om du insisterar. I'll go if you insist. I'll go if you insist. Hans kunskaper i kinesiska gjorde att vi kunde genomföra planen smidigt. His knowledge of Chinese enabled us to carry out our plan smoothly. His knowledge of Chinese enabled us to implement the plan smoothly. Du ska veta en sak. You should know something. I want you to know something. Tom sa att han ville komma bort från stan ett tag. Tom said he wanted to get out of town for a while. Tom said he wanted to get away from town for a while. Jag är precis som du. I'm just like you. I'm just like you. Gid mine forældre havde afholdt sig fra at fortælle mig at jeg var et uheld. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was a mistake. I wish my parents had stopped telling me that I was an accident. Det fanns ingen där förutom jag. There was no one there besides me. There was no one there but me. Hans svar var kort och koncist. His reply was short and to the point. His answer was short and concise. Kan du stanna länge? Can you stay long? Can you stay long? Hvernig sem við förum, verðum við að vera komin þangað fyrir klukkan sjö. However we go, we must get there by seven. No matter how we go, we'll have to be there by 7:00. Är det där mina glasögon? Are those my glasses? Are those my glasses? Hún er sjálfselsk manneskja. She is a selfish person. She's a selfish person. Jag läser inte så många böcker som jag gjorde tidigare. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don't read as many books as I used to. Du, kolla in det här. Hey, check this out. Hey, check this out. Vem gav den till mig? Who gave it to me? Who gave it to me? Tom rakte Mary bogen. Tom handed Mary the book. Tom passed Mary's book. Hon gick ut. She went out. She went out. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvordan. The difficult question is how. The difficult question is how. Kassinn var tómur. The box was empty. The box was empty. Der er ikke det mindste gran af sandhed i det. There is not a ray of truth in it. There's not the slightest tree of truth in it. Mit modersmål er spansk. My native language is Spanish. My native language is Spanish. Det var begyndt at regne. It had started to rain. It had begun to rain. Jeg vil holde øje med jer. I'll be watching you. I'll keep an eye on you. Tom har boet her i tre år. Tom has lived here for three years. Tom's been living here for three years. Hur illa är det? How bad is it? How bad is it? Jag ska göra mitt bästa. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Jag sover inte så mycket. I don't sleep that much. I don't sleep much. Tom är lång och smal. Tom is lean and tall. Tom's tall and thin. Låt mig leva. Let me live. Let me live. Jeg vil gerne have en flaske hostesaft. I would like a bottle of cough mixture. I'd like a bottle of cough juice. Hun er min muse. She is my muse. She's my mouse. Det går ett rykte att Mary gillar Tom. There's a rumor that Tom likes Mary. There's a rumor Mary likes Tom. Jeg kan ikke. I can't. I can't. Følg hans eksempel. Follow his example. Follow his example. Den här filmen är sevärd. This film is worth seeing. This movie is worth seeing. Jag beställde två pizzor via nätet. I ordered two pizzas on-line. I ordered two pizzas online. Citroner er sure. Lemon is sour. Lemons are mad. Der har tidligere været en kaffebar nær ved parken. There used to be a coffee shop near the park. There's been a coffee bar in the past near the park. Mig langar til að eyða lífinu með þér. I want to spend my life with you. I want to spend my life with you. Gør dig ingen bekymringer. Don't worry. Don't worry. Tom må være canadier. Tom must be Canadian. Tom must be Canadian. Jag börjar komma ihåg det. I am beginning to remember it. I'm starting to remember that. Hun tog en sweater på, for at hun ikke skulle blive forkølet. She put on a sweater so she wouldn't catch a cold. She put on a sweater to keep her from getting cold. Sýndu mér vinsamlegast myndirnar. Show me the photos, please. Please show me your pictures. Min tante har givet mig blomster. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt gave me flowers. Það var erfitt. It was tough. It was hard. Tornet kan ses härifrån. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. Du kan ikke lide mig. You don't like me. You don't like me. Min hund låtsas ofta sova. My dog often pretends to be asleep. My dog pretends to sleep a lot. Han förnekade sin inblandning i historien. He denied having been involved in the affair. He denied his involvement in history. Var är det här ifrån? Where's this from? Where is this from? Tom må have været syg. Tom must've been sick. Tom must have been sick. Augun mín eru aum. My eyes are sore. My eyes are tender. Ég mun lána þér hverja þá bók sem þú þarft. I will lend you whatever book you need. I will lend you any book you need. Jag sade att jag inte var upptagen. I said I wasn't busy. I said I wasn't busy. Afrika er ikke et land. Africa is not a country. Africa is not a country. Askepot havde to onde stedsøstre. Cinderella had two evil stepsisters. Ashpot had two bad stepkids. Jeg er vred. I'm angry. I'm angry. Jeg ønsker at lære standardengelsk. I want to learn standard English. I want to learn standard English. Deres tur blev udsat på grund af regnen. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Toms børn er syge. Tom's children are sick. Tom's kids are sick. Åbn vinduet en smule. Open the window a little. Open the window a little bit. Jag retades bara. I was only teasing. I was just teasing. Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom learns English. Kan jeg komme til at tale med oversygeplejersken? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the head nurse? Han gav mig det. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Ég elska að lesa bækur. I love reading books. I love reading books. Du bør besøge dette museum. You should visit this museum. You should visit this museum. Hvíta byggingin þarna er líkhús. That white building is a morgue. The white building there is a morgue. Reykingar eru ekki vani heldur fíkn. Smoking is no habit but an addiction. Smoking is not a habit. It's addiction. Det var så jag gjorde det. That's how I did it. That's how I did it. Jag kan aldrig bli förälskad igen. I'll never be able to love you again. I can never get in love again. Vi kan inte hjälpa er. We can't help you. We can't help you. Jag vill ha en gitarr. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Han drillede hende lidt. He teased her a little. He used to tease her a little bit. Ég kann ekki að syngja. I can't sing. I don't know how to sing. Det har sneet konstant i fire dage. The snow lasted four days. It's been snowing all the time for four days. Alt er o.k. Everything is OK. Everything's all right. Vil du have østers, eller vil du hellere have muslinger? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Do you want oysters, or would you rather have clams? Inbillar jag mig det här? Am I imagining this? Do I imagine this? Den var ikke låst. It wasn't locked. It wasn't locked. Jeg har en lastbil. I have a truck. I got a truck. Den høje kvinde er smuk. The tall woman is beautiful. The tall woman is beautiful. Tom skulle vilja byta plats med Maria. Tom would like to change seats with Mary. Tom would like to switch places with Maria. Han tog hendes cykel. He took her bicycle. He took her bike. Har du en Mac eller PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Do you have a Mac or PC? Mér er sama hver vinnur. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. Jeg kender din søn. I know your son. I know your son. Barnet kastade sten på katten. The child threw a stone at the cat. The child threw rocks at the cat. Han föll aldrig för frestelsen. He never gave in to temptation. He never fell for the temptation. Bröd bakas i ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread is baked in the oven. Det var et mareridt. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Jag trodde att Tom var död. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Vi er hjemme i dag. We are at home today. We're home today. DNA-tests viste at han var uskyldig. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Jeg bor hos min onkel i Tokyo. I am staying with my uncle in Tokyo. I live with my uncle in Tokyo. John var annar frábær leikmaður. John was another great player. John was another great player. Jag älskar den sjalen. I love that scarf. I love that shawl. Det här är mina byxor. These are my pants. These are my pants. Ég er karlmaður. I am a man. I'm a man. Der var engang en konge der havde tre døtre. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. Once upon a time, there was a king who had three daughters. Det finns en annan möjlighet också. There's also another possibility. There is another possibility, too. Jag håller inte med dig på den punkten. I differ from you on that point. I don't agree with you on that point. Tom og Mary småskændes. Tom and Mary are bickering with each other. Tom and Mary are in trouble. Kennarinn okkar var myndarleg en ekki sú gerð sem klæddi sig upp. Our teacher was a beautiful lady, but was not the type of person who dressed up. Our teacher was handsome, not the kind that dressed up. Det här är mitt skepp. This is my ship. This is my ship. Fast han är mycket fattig, är han ändå för god för att ljuga. Though he is very poor, he is above telling a lie. Although he's very poor, he's still too good to lie. Min morfar firar sin sextionde födelsedag i morgon. My grandfather on my mother's side is celebrating his 60th birthday tomorrow. My grandfather's celebrating his sexy birthday tomorrow. Jeg tror, jeg forstod. I think I understood. I think I understand. Við erum Arabar. We are Arabs. We're Arabs. Af hverju ertu að þurrka á þér hárið? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you drying your hair? Det finns folk som läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. There are people who read books to kill time. There are people who read books to kill time. Vi drack lite vin. We drank some wine. We had some wine. Bli inte överkörd. Don't get run over. Don't get overrun. Jeg husker den dag tydeligt. I remember that day clearly. I remember that day clearly. Tyfonen Megi går på land i Filippinerne. Typhoon Megi makes landfall in the Philippines. The Typhoon Megim walks on land in the Philippines. Han kommer alltid att älska henne. He will always love her. He'll always love her. Der var kun ét problem. There was only one problem. There was only one problem. Man bör alltid tänka innan man talar. You should always think before you speak. One should always think before speaking. Det er ikke min skyld. That's not my fault. It's not my fault. Tom ringde och sa att han skulle bli sen. Tom called and said he would be late. Tom called and said he'd be late. Jag pratar med rektorn. I'm speaking with the principal. I'll talk to the principal. Hon har många vänner i Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. Spørg en politimand! Ask a policeman! Ask a policeman! Hajer er gode svømmere. Sharks are good swimmers. Sharks are good swimmers. Det finns ett glas här. There's a glass here. There's a glass here. Ta ett glas till. Have another drink. Have another drink. Dan tog fire sovepiller. Dan took four sleeping pills. Dan took four sleeping pills. Tom är svarslös. Tom is nonplussed. Tom's answerless. Talar hann ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does he speak English, French or German? Does he speak English, French, or German? Jeg er ikke din søn. I'm not your son. I'm not your son. Om jag ska säga sanningen minns jag ingenting jag sa i går. To tell the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. If I'm going to tell you the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. Det afgik klokken to og ankom til Rom klokken fire. It left at two, reaching Rome at four. It ran off at 2:00 and arrived in Rome at 4:00. Það er fyrir neðan hans virðingu að segja slíkt. It is beneath him to say such a thing. It is above his dignity to say such things. Jeg stødte på en gammel ven. I ran into an old friend. I came across an old friend. Prøv ikke på at narre mig. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. Din kat er sort. Your cat is black. Your cat's black. Tom var nød til at løbe for at nå bussen. Tom had to run to catch the bus. Tom had to run to get to the bus. Við erum svöng. We are hungry. We're hungry. Jeg drikker altid en kop kaffe hver morgen. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. I always drink a cup of coffee every morning. Du är upprörd. You're upset. You're upset. Dette spædbarn er seks måneder gammelt. This baby is six months old. This baby is six months old. Tanzanias president var tillsammans med sin fru på statsbesök i Finland år 1998. The president of Tanzania was on a state visit to Finland in 1998 together with his wife. The president of Tanzania was with his wife on a state visit to Finland in 1998. Vilken tid passar er? What time is good for you? What time does it suit you? De må være bekymrede. They must be worried. You must be worried. Är Tom där än? Is Tom there yet? Is Tom still there? Ta av dig dina blöta kläder. Take off your wet clothes. Take off your wet clothes. Tom är mycket generös. Tom is very generous. Tom is very generous. Jag vill ha lite löksoppa. I want some onion soup. I want some onion soup. Huset kunne have godt af en gang maling. The house could do with a lick of paint. The house could benefit from once paint. Det har varit en mycket svår vinter. We've had a very hard winter. It's been a very difficult winter. Har du nogensinde røget? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever smoked? Dette er et billede af Toms familie. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Det er ikke hvad jeg bestilte. It is not what I ordered. That's not what I ordered. Håll still. Keep still. Hold still. Ønsker De at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Hun var lige ved at miste et øje. She almost lost her eye. She was about to lose an eye. Jag måste gå och handla. Jag är tillbaka om en timme. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'll be back in an hour. Jeg sendte det til dig for to dage siden. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. Júlía er trúlofuð Jakobi. Jill is engaged to Jack. Julia is engaged to Jacob. Hún var honum sammála um hvað ætti að gera við gamla bílinn. She agreed with him on what to do with the old car. She agreed with him on what to do with the old car. Ég hélt það. I thought as much. I thought so. Mars har to måner. Mars has two moons. Mars has two moons. Jeg måtte gå gennem ild og vand for at få mit kørekort. I had to go through hell and high water to get my driver's licence. I had to go through fire and water to get my license. Jeg spildte kaffe på din dug. I spilled coffee on your tablecloth. I spilled coffee on your dew. Hver er uppáhalds Bítillinn þinn? Who's your favorite Beatle? Who's your favorite Beatle? Något kommer att hända. Jag känner det på mig. Something's going to happen. I can feel it. Something's gonna happen. Jag går till biblioteket två till tre gånger per vecka. I go to the library two or three times a week. I'm going to the library two to three times a week. Ekki gleyma miðanum. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Spiser du ikke til aften sammen med os? Won't you join us for dinner? Don't you eat tonight with us? Har I en særlig menu for vegetarer? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Hun gik en tur i går. She went for a walk yesterday. She went for a walk yesterday. Jag är bra på att köra bil. I'm a good driver. I'm good at driving. Hon dukade av bordet efter middagen. She cleared the dishes from the table after dinner. She fell off the table after dinner. Burde vi være bekymret? Should we be worried? Should we be worried? Toms huvudämne var franska. Tom majored in French. Tom's main subject was French. Gør jeres hund ad hende? Does your dog bark at her? Your dog's doing her? Sover du någonsin? Do you ever sleep? You ever sleep? Lad være med at gøre det! Please don't do it. Don't do this! Ef þú ætlar út í búð, geturðu keypt nokkrar appelsínur handa mér? If you're going to the supermarket, will you please bring me back some oranges? If you're going to a store, can you buy me some oranges? Mange studerende købte bogen. Many students bought the book. Many students bought the book. Jag kan gå till skolan på tio minuter. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can go to school in ten minutes. Jag behöver också förbättra min engelska. I also need to improve my English. I also need to improve my English. Hvordan kan det være? How can it be? How is that possible? Hun har begravet sin eneste søn. She has buried her only son. She buried her only son. Tom är listig. Tom is crafty. Tom's a funny guy. Tom og Mary blev skilt sidste år. Tom and Mary got divorced last year. Tom and Mary were divorced last year. Hendes violette pupiller er uforglemmelige. Her violet pupils are unforgettable. Her violet pupils are unforgettable. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Vælg en. Choose one. Pick one. Hur ska det här kunna hjälpa? How can this help? How is this supposed to help? Jag håller på att bli uppraggad. I'm being picked up. I'm getting amused. Jones fæddist í Bandaríkjunum. Jones was born in the United States. Jones was born in America. Tom genkendte Mary så snart han så hende. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Alle borgere skulle respektere loven. All citizens should respect the law. Every citizen should respect the law. Tom säger att ni är bra på tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Vi var väldigt ledsna. We were very sad. We were very sorry. Livet är vackert. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Låt oss gå och sova. Let's go to sleep. Let's go to sleep. Jag vill ha tillbaka mina tjugo dollar. I want my 20 dollars back. I want my twenty dollars back. Stundum þegar það er mjög kalt get ég ekki komið bílnum mínum í gang. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car to start. Sometimes when it's very cold, I can't get my car started. Tom er Marys ven. Tom is Mary's friend. Tom is Mary's friend. Hur hamnade du här? How did you end up here? How did you end up here? Hvis jeg var en rig mand, ville jeg købe dig en diamantring. If I were a rich man, I would buy you a diamond ring. If I was a rich man, I'd buy you a diamond ring. I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is October twentieth. Today is October 20th. Tom sa att han kunde laga den. Tom said he could fix it. Tom said he could fix it. Du är Toms favorit. You're Tom's favorite. You're Tom's favorite. Det er ikke nok. This is not enough. That's not enough. Prisen på uld falder. Wool prices are falling. The price of wool falls. Ikke alle er dumme svin. Not all are sons of bitches. Not everyone's stupid. Jeg ønsker ikke at han går. I don't want him to leave. I don't want him to leave. Jag rörde den aldrig. I never touched it. I never touched it. Öll dýr eru jöfn. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Han visste inte ens vad vi hette. He didn't even know our names. He didn't even know our names. En sætning er aldrig uskyldig. A sentence is never innocent. A sentence is never innocent. Hur gammal var du när du slutade tro på jultomten? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Jeg bliver vred når min fyr taler med andre piger. I get angry when my boyfriend talks to other girls. I get angry when my guy talks to other girls. Jeg har købt blondegardiner til vinduet i soveværelset. I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window. I bought blonde curtains for the window in the bedroom. Min kæreste er canadier. My boyfriend is Canadian. My boyfriend's a Canadian. Jeg har det ikke godt i dag. I'm not feeling well today. I'm not feeling well today. Peter er kátur kappi. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter is a happy man. Jeg er medlem af tennisklubben. I'm a member of the tennis club. I'm a member of the tennis club. Denne larve vil blive til en smuk sommerfugl. This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. This caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly. Jeg har ikke penge nok til at betale denne måneds husleje. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. Jeg har ikke drukket den mælk. I didn't drink that milk. I didn't drink that milk. Við fórum snemma til að tryggja að við gætum fengið sæti. We went early to make certain that we could get seats. We went early to make sure that we could have a seat. Jag söker arbete. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. Ormehullet er stabilt. The wormhole is stable. The wormhole is stable. Spild ikke tiden på det luftkastel. Don't waste your time on that pipe dream. Don't waste your time on that air castle. Tom begår altid de samme fejl. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Vems är de? Whose are they? Whose are they? Havet kan man høre herfra. The sea can be heard from here. You can hear from here. Tom är fri. Tom's free. Tom's free. Det är deras rätt att rösta. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. Pas på hunden! Beware of the dog! Look out for the dog! Spiser hun æblet? Does she eat the apple? Does she eat the apple? Tom har nogle nysgerrige naboer. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom has some curious neighbors. Tom fick en fortkörningsbot. Tom got a speeding ticket. Tom got a drivebot. Hun havde en sund baby. She had a healthy baby. She had a healthy baby. Algeriet er mit land. Algeria is my country. Algeria is my country. Jeg har penge. I have money. I have money. Får jag tala nu? Can I talk now? Can I talk now? Þessi blekblettur næst ekki úr. This ink stain will not wash out. This spot cannot be removed. Mount Everest er det højeste bjerg i verden. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Jeg troede de ikke ville komme. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they wouldn't come. Þegar ég kom heim var systir mín að spila á gítar. When I came home, my sister was playing the guitar. When I got home, my sister was playing guitar. Vad är det här till? What is this for? What's this for? Fuska inte. Don't cheat. Don't fuzz. Þar sem hún er skrifuð á einfaldri ensku er bókin auðlesin. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. Because it is written in simple English, the book is easy to read. Tom är kärleksfull. Tom is affectionate. Tom is loving. Jeg er den yngste af fem børn. I am the youngest of five children. I'm the youngest of five kids. Hey, hvor har du lagt brugervejledningen til bilens navigationssystem? Hey, where did you put the car navigation system's user's manual? Hey, where did you put the user guide to the car's navigation system? Mary er en rig pige. Mary is a rich girl. Mary's a rich girl. Det er farligt at bade i denne flod. It is dangerous to bathe in this river. Bathing in this river is dangerous. Mary tror att hon har superkrafter. Mary believes she has special powers. Mary thinks she has superpowers. Jag måste bege mig nu. I must go now. I gotta go now. Jag har fått nog! I have enough! I've had enough! Han er syg. Det er derfor han ikke er her. He is ill. That is why he is not here. That's why he's not here. Jag kan också göra det. I can do it, too. I can do it, too. Skoleåret begynder den 10. april. The school year begins on the 10th of April. The school year begins on 10 April. Tom var lamslået. Tom was petrified. Tom was paralyzed. Min kuglepen er lige løbet tør for blæk. My ballpoint pen just ran out of ink. My pen just ran out of ink. Gjorde Tom Mary illa? Did Tom hurt Mary? Did Tom Mary hurt? Hur kan jag nå Tom? How can I reach Tom? How can I reach Tom? Hur länge var Tom här? How long was Tom here? How long was Tom here? Var snäll och vänta i fem minuter. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Jeg så en kat jage en hund. I saw a cat chasing a dog. I saw a cat chasing a dog. Jeg må ikke glemme mit pas. I mustn't forget my passport. I'm not supposed to forget my passport. Min kæreste er algerier. My girlfriend is Algerian. My boyfriend's a Algerian. Algeriet har brug for flere renseanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more treatment facilities. Jag antar att det inte kan hjälpas. I guess it can't be helped. I guess it can't be helped. Hunden kommer att skälla. The dog will bark. The dog will bark. Hon böjde sig ned. She bent down. She bent down. Han gav den til mig. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Jag vill köpa en ordbehandlare. I want to buy a word processor. I want to buy a word processor. Ingen av eleverna var sen till skolan. None of the students were late for school. None of the students were late for school. Brevet var rettet til mig. The letter was addressed to me. The letter was addressed to me. Jo før du begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbian, the better. Du ser godt ud! You're looking good! You look good! Jag stal det från Tom. I stole it from Tom. I stole it from Tom. Han tog en rövare. He made a bold attempt. He took an ass. Han kender denne by ud og ind. He knows this town inside out. He knows this city in and out. Húsið hans er gegnt mínu. His house is across from mine. His house is in front of me. Tom blev født den 20. oktober 2013. Tom was born October 20, 2013. Tom was born on 20 October 2013. Löven i parken har redan börjat få färg. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves of the park have already begun to be coloured. Hann gaf mér 10 þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Är du säker på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Lægen rådede mig til at tabe mig. The doctor advised me to lose weight. The doctor advised me to lose me. Gick du vilse? Did you get lost? Did you get lost? I kender mig. You guys know me. You know me. Jorden adskiller sig fra de andre planeter ved at der findes vand på den. The earth is different from the other planets in that it has water. The earth differs from the other planets by having water on it. Jag skulle vilja ha något att dricka. I would like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Sami sagde at han havde en slæde. Sami said he had a ride. Sami said he had a sled. Du lytter ikke! You don't listen! You're not listening! Mette er Jørgens kone. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Mette is Jørgen's wife. Andorra la Vella är huvudstaden i Andorra. Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Tað er ein lygn! That's a lie! It's a lie! Hun kommer fra England. She is coming from England. She's from England. Ni behöver inte förstå allt just nu. You don't need to understand everything right now. You don't have to understand everything right now. Hver planaði þetta? Whose plan is it? Who set this up? Tom sprang efter Mary. Tom chased after Mary. Tom ran after Mary. Manstu? Do you remember? Do You Recall? Mig dreymdi góðan draum í nótt. I had a good dream last night. I had a good dream last night. Han ønskede ikke at sælge sin bil. He didn't want to sell his car. He didn't want to sell his car. Jag visste att jag måste sluta. I knew I had to stop. I knew I had to stop. Han er nu 40 år gammel. He is now 40 years old. He's now 40 years old. Ég þarf stöðugt að vera að snýta mér. I have to blow my nose all the time. I need to be constantly turning around. Kan denne jumper maskinvaskes? Is this jumper machine washable? Can this jumper be machined? Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you. I understand everything. Jag har ont i huvudet. I have a headache. My head hurts. Det er meget sjældent at jeg spiser kinesisk mad. I eat Chinese food once in a blue moon. It's very rare for me to eat Chinese food. Eldgosið virðist vera að réna. The eruption seems to be waning. The Eldgosse seems to be throbbing. Jag funderade på planen. I was thinking about the plan. I was thinking about the plan. Hun er meget ferm med en sav. She's very handy with a saw. She's very fit with a saw. Han lykkedes endelig. He finally succeeded. He finally succeeded. Jeg kan ikke holde smerten ud længere. I can't stand the pain any more. I can't take the pain anymore. Han vill fortfarande komma. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Det är Marys tur att diska. It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. It's Mary's turn to wash. Han vet hur man flyger en helikopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. He knows how to fly a helicopter. Är dina ögon öppna? Are your eyes open? Are your eyes open? Má ég opna dós? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Kan jeg få en portion til? Can I have seconds? Can I have another portion? Tom är villrådig. Tom is doubtful. Tom's a wild man. I er farlige. You guys are dangerous. You're dangerous. Hun købte grøntsager i går. She bought vegetables yesterday. She bought vegetables last night. Jeg har tre fætre på min mors side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. Tom ville ikke sige noget. Tom didn't want to say anything. Tom wouldn't say anything. Hun kaldte sin bjørn Ted. She called her bear Ted. She called her bear Ted. Tom kaldte Mary en forræder. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Du kom in i mitt rum. You came into my room. You came into my room. Ég heyrði börnin syngja saman. I heard the children singing together. I heard the children sing together. Der er stadig plads til forbedringer. There's still room for improvement. There is still room for improvement. Jeg vil gerne se Dem igen i næste uge. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. Det var mørkt. It was dark. It was dark. De er virkelig gode til at lave tøj. They're really good at making clothes. They're really good at making clothes. Nepp. Nope. Nice. Ja vill äta glass. I want to eat ice cream. I want to eat ice cream. Kom fort! Come quickly! Come quickly! En krokodille spiste Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. A crocodile ate Thomas. Hun er en berømt sopran. She is famous as a soprano. She's a famous soprano. Älskar du honom fortfarande? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Hvad tid ankommer du i morgen? What time do you arrive tomorrow? What time do you arrive tomorrow? Det regnar. It is raining. It's raining. Sex þeirra eru að brenna. Six of them are burning. Six of them are burning. Det är inte ett brott. It's not a crime. It's not a crime. Det kommer att snöa. It is going to snow. It's gonna snow. Situationen er meget værre end hvad vi oprindeligt troede. The situation is much worse than we originally thought. The situation is much worse than we originally thought. Jag måste vara försiktig. I've got to be careful. I have to be careful. Han hvilte i et stykke tid. He rested for a while. He slept for a while. Bor han här? Does he live here? Does he live here? Mary har ingen viljestyrka. Mary has no will power. Mary has no willpower. Detta är vad jag ska göra. Here's what I'll do. This is what I'm going to do. Algeriet er en stærk nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Algeria is a strong nation. Godmorgen alle. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Úrið mitt er ekki rétt. My watch is not correct. My watch's not right. Dette er ikke det bedste eksempel. That's not the best example. This is not the best example. Tom har brunt hår. Tom has brown hair. Tom has brown hair. Sami är en fågelälskare. Sami is a bird lover. Sami's a bird lover. Tom är skyldig Mary trehundra dollar. Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars. Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad dette betyder. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. Kvinden fødte en pige. The woman gave birth to a baby girl. The woman gave birth to a girl. Vi ska ha fest på fredag kväll. We're having a party Friday evening. We're having a party Friday night. Hvað með það ef ég er samkynhneigður? Er það glæpur? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm gay? Var finns närmaste toalett? Where's the nearest bathroom? Where's the closest toilet? Ni är så heta. You're so hot. You guys are so hot. Hun er stofafhængig. She's addicted to drugs. She's a drug addict. Hvad forventer du at finde i Toms kælder? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? Vill du se ett magitrick? Want to see a magic trick? You want to see a magic trick? Hvis det regner i morgen, vil turen blive aflyst. If it rains tomorrow, the tour will be cancelled. If it rains tomorrow, the trip will be cancelled. Tog du til Boston eller Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? Sami havde en kærlighedsaffære på nettet. Sami had a love affair online. Sami had a love affair online. Jag vet inte precis när jag ska vara tillbaka. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when to be back. Sami vågnede fra koma. Sami woke up from his coma. Sami woke up from a coma. Tom var nyfiken. Tom was nosy. Tom was curious. Hun er en dårlig løgner. She's a bad liar. She's a bad liar. Jeg spiller tennis. I play tennis. I'm playing tennis. Du verkar ledsen. You seem sad. You seem sorry. Tycker du om Earl Grey-te? Do you like Earl Grey tea? Do you like Earl Grey-te? Peter líkist móður sinni frekar en föður. Peter takes after his mother more than his father. Peter looks more like his mother than his father. Hav ikke ondt af dig selv. Vi er alle i samme båd. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Don't feel sorry for yourself, we're all in the same boat. Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a cab. Du skal tage tyren ved hornene. You have to take the bull by the horns. I want you to take the bull by the horns. Når en kvinde ved noget, så ved hele verden det. If a woman knows, the whole world knows. When a woman knows something, the whole world knows. Han bad mig ställa mig upp. He asked me to stand up. He asked me to stand up. Jag talade om allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I told Mom everything. Der er intet fysisk galt med hende. There's nothing physically wrong with her. There's nothing physically wrong with her. Jeg kommer sandsynligvis. I'll probably come. I'm probably coming. Da jeg var barn, troede jeg på julemanden. When I was a child, I believed in Father Christmas. When I was a kid, I believed in Santa Claus. Vi ses nästa vecka! See you next week! I'll see you next week! Är Tom så usel? Is Tom that bad? Is Tom that bad? Hvem er du? Who are you? Who are you? Hun vendte ikke tilbage til moskeen. She didn't return to the mosque. She didn't return to the mosque. Deres arbejde er at malke køerne. Their job is to milk the cows. Their job is to milk the cows. Ég mundi glöð hjálpa þér en ég er mjög upptekin. I would be glad to help you, but I am very busy. I'd be happy to help you, but I'm very busy. Jag orkar inte ta mig ned på stan. I'm not in the mood to go downtown. I can't get in town. Det er en dejlig dag. It's a nice day. It's a lovely day. Hun gav Tom et tilbud han ikke kunne afslå. She made Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. She offered Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. Tom var den eneste der ikke lo ad Marys joke. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Var ligger den finska ambassaden? Where is the Finnish embassy? Where's the Finnish Embassy? Hur var resan? How was the trip? How was your trip? Hvað langar þig til að gera? What would you like to do? What do you want to do? Ekki er vitað um neinar stórvægilegar skemmdir eða meiðsl eftir jarðskjálftann sem mældis 3,0 á Richterkvarðann. No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale. There is no known major damage or injury after the earthquake of 3.0 on the Richter scale. Glöm det! Forget it. Forget it! Han är inte arg. He is not mad. He's not angry. De har alle samme størrelse. They're all the same size. They all have the same size. Jody lítur út fyrir að hafa séð draug. Jody looks as if she had seen a ghost. Jody looks like he's seen a ghost. Välkommen till Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Emily er bange for edderkopper. Emily is afraid of spiders. Emily's scared of spiders. Det är tyvärr sant. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid that's true. Han var kun fjorten år gammel. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen years old. Jeg ventede på ham i en time. I waited for him for an hour. I waited for him for an hour. Min GPS-navigator virker ikke i udlandet. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. My GPS navigator doesn't work abroad. Han barberer sig fire gange om ugen. He shaves four times a week. He shaves himself four times a week. Vad var din plan egentligen? What was your plan anyway? What was your plan? Jeg, du, han, hun, det, vi, I, de er personlige stedord. I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they are personal pronouns. I, you, he, she, what we, you, they are personal landmarks. Katten, der ikke kunne nå pølsen, siger: "Under alle omstændigheder er det fredag". The cat that couldn't reach the sausage says, "In any case it's Friday". The cat who couldn't reach the sausage says, "In any case, it's Friday." Jag gillar inte kvinnor utan personalitet. I don't like women without personalities. I don't like women without personality. Dörren är låst. The door is locked. The door is locked. Ingen smärta varar för evigt. No pain will last forever. No pain lasts forever. Tom vet vad det betyder. Tom knows what that means. Tom knows what that means. I Sverige godkändes pronomenet "hen". The pronoun "hen" has been approved in Sweden. In Sweden, the pronomy was approved "to". Kan du låne mig tredive dollar til en taxi? Can you loan me thirty dollars for a cab? Can you lend me 30 bucks to a cab? Jag kan inte bara gå. I can't just leave. I can't just go. Nogen må have set noget. Someone must've seen something. Someone must have seen something. Þú getur allt eins undirbúið þig fyrir prófið. You may as well prepare for your examination. You may as well prepare yourself for the test. Sneen er endelig smeltet. The snow has finally melted. The snow has finally melted. Hvorfor er du så træt? Why are you so tired? Why are you so tired? Vem kör? Who's driving? Who's driving? Ég horfði á sjónvarpið í gærkveldi. I watched TV last night. I watched TV last night. Stranden var full av turister. The beach was crowded with tourists. The beach was full of tourists. Det är bara ett talesätt. That's nothing but a figure of speech. It's just a saying. Tom gjorde mål. Tom scored a goal. Tom scored. Jeg fór vild i skoven. I lost my way in the woods. I went wild in the woods. Man har oändliga möjligheter som artist. You have infinite possibilities as an artist. You have endless possibilities as an artist. Jag tar en kopp kaffe, tack. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. I'll have a cup of coffee, please. Jag vet att ni har viktigare saker att tänka på. I know you've got more important things to think about. I know you have more important things to think about. Tom frågade mig vad mitt andranamn var. Tom asked me what my middle name was. Tom asked me what my second name was. De är lika starka som vi. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as us. Jag ska tänka på det. I am going to think about it. I'll think about it. Jag delar gärna. I'm willing to share. I'd love to share. Hendes navn er Lucifera. Her name is Lucifera. Her name is Lucifer. Denne kuffert har en overvægt på fire kilogram. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This suitcase has an overweight of four kilograms. Jeg har reddet jer. I saved you. I saved you. Han var iført en jakke, hvis farve jeg ikke kunne bestemme. He wore a jacket whose color I couldn't determine. He was wearing a jacket whose color I couldn't decide. De er nogle hårde fyre. They're tough guys. They're tough guys. Vit tendraðu sjónvarpið. We turned on the TV. I'm sure you'll be happy to share your TV. Tom svarer ikke. Tom isn't responding. Tom's not answering. Tom grep tag i sin väska. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom grabbed his bag. Jag måste ha drömt det. I must have dreamt it. I must have dreamt it. Það lítur út fyrir að Bill muni fara í læknisfræði eftir allt saman. It looks like Bill will go to medical school after all. It looks like Bill's gonna go to medicine after all. CIA overvåger dig. The CIA is watching you. The CIA is watching you. Av ren nyfikenhet, vad skulle du göra? Just out of curiosity, what would you do? Out of curiosity, what would you do? Nogen skreg. Someone screamed. Someone was screaming. „Mun hann koma?“ „Nei, það held ég ekki.“ "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." “ Will he come? ” “ No, I don’t think so. ” Jag skulle ha gjort exakt det som du gjorde. I would've done exactly what you did. I should have done exactly what you did. Vi har inget socker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Din kritik er ubegrundet. Your criticism is unfounded. Your criticism is unfounded. Ju mer vi har desto mer vill vi ha. The more we have, the more we want. The more we have, the more we want. Vilken är din favoritsvordom? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite baddom? Jag kan skydda dig. I can protect you. I can protect you. Alle levende væsner på Jorden indeholder kulstof. All living things on Earth contain carbon. Every living creature on Earth has carbon. Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. Han ser ung ut. He looks young. He looks young. De köpte något till Mary. They bought something for Mary. They bought something for Mary. Ni måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You've got to work fast. Jeg er så tyk. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Något är inte rätt här. Something isn't right here. Something's not right here. Är du avundsjuk? Are you envious? Are you jealous? Jag skulle dö utan er. I'd die without you. I'd die without you. Hvert år er anderledes ... nogle år fanger man en masse hummere, andre år gør man ikke. Every year is different … some years you catch a lot of lobsters, some years you don't. Every year is different... some years you catch a lot of lobsters, other years you don't. At slå to fluer med ét smæk. To kill two birds with one stone. Hit two flies with one hit. Del og spred ordet! Share and spread the word! Share and spread the word! Hvordan udtaler man det? How do you pronounce that? How do you say that? Katten är under bordet. The cat is under the table. Cat's under the table. Jeg håber at du ikke er alene. I hope you're not alone. I hope you're not alone. Bliv ikke beruset! Don't get drunk. Don't get drunk! Hur länge tänker du stanna här i Brasilien? How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? How long are you gonna stay here in Brazil? Den där är en av mina. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Jag är man nu. I'm a man now. I'm a man now. Du er meget modig. You are very courageous. You're very brave. När man talar om trollen! Talk of the devil! When you talk about the troll! Her er et billede af Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Here's a picture of Tom. Kan du laga den? Can you fix it? Can you fix it? Hvidt brød, tak. White bread, please. White bread, please. Du måste vara så stolt. You must be so proud. You must be so proud. Håll utkik efter en skallig och svettig kille. Look for a bald and sweaty guy. Look out for a bald and sweaty guy. Jag gillar ingenting. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Jeg tog det for givet, at du var bekendt med faren. I took it for granted that you were aware of the danger. I took it for granted that you were familiar with the father. Det är min cd. It's my CD. That's my CD. Tom såg det inte. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see it. Det er rapporteret i de lokale nyheder. It is reported in the local news. It has been reported in the local news. Tom höll med om allt Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Hvorfor kigger du på dit ur hele tiden? Why do you look at your watch all the time? Why are you looking at yours all the time? Snørebåndene på dine sko er gået op. Your shoes are untied. The cords on your shoes have gone up. Vi kan inte anta att de här pengarna är Toms. We can't assume this money is Tom's. We can't assume that this money is Tom's. Jag minns inte exakt vem som sa det till mig. I can't remember exactly who told me that. I don't remember exactly who said that to me. Du kan godt komme ind. You can come in. You can come in. Jag låg och vred mig hela natten. I tossed and turned all night. I was lying and angry all night. Det spelar ingen roll vilket lag som vinner matchen. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter which team wins the match. Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Vi köpte något till Mary. We bought something for Mary. We bought Mary something. Vi är i Boston. We're in Boston. We're in Boston. Bet Tom dig? Did Tom bite you? Tom bet you? Jeg ønsker en mellemstørrelse. I'd like a medium size. I want a middle size. Tom synger altid falsk. Tom always sings out of tune. Tom always sings fake. Jeg kan lide både katte og hunde. I like both dogs and cats. I like both cats and dogs. Offret låg med ansiktet ned i mattan. The victim's body was lying face down on the rug. The victim was lying face in the carpet. Har ni sett Tom än? Have you seen Tom yet? Have you seen Tom yet? Jag har en vän vars namn är Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. Alle kan købes, men de største horer er politikere. Everyone can be bought, but the biggest whores are politicians. Everyone can be bought, but the biggest whores are politicians. Ställ dig inte upp. Don't stand up. Don't stand up. Tom er sandsynligvis bare et eller to år yngre end Mary. Tom is probably just a year or two younger than Mary. Tom is probably just one or two years younger than Mary. Någon stal mitt pass. Someone stole my passport. Somebody stole my passport. Skal jeg ringe 911? Should I call 911? Do you want me to call 911? Er du mindreårig? Are you underage? Are you a minor? Vilken station är det här? What station is it? What station is this? Tror du rent faktisk at jeg kan hjælpe dig? Do you think I can actually help you? You really think I can help you? Han pressede sit øre mod væggen. He pressed his ear against the wall. He pressed his ear against the wall. Men vad gör du om han inte kommer? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what do you do if he doesn't come? Sluk din mobil. Please turn off your cellphone. Turn off your phone. Jag bor i norra Sverige. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Hur firade du din födelsedag? How did you celebrate your birthday? How did you celebrate your birthday? Måste ni gå nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Han forblev tavs for ikke at inkriminere sig selv. He remained silent so as to not incriminate himself. He remained silent not to implicate himself. Du siger ikke sandheden. You're not telling the truth. You're not telling the truth. Jag sa det till Tom. I told Tom that. I told Tom. Dette er en japansk dukke. This is a Japanese doll. This is a Japanese doll. Eg havi hoyrt um teg. I've heard about you. I've heard about tea. Det har du rigtig godt af. That serves you right. You're doing very well. Han har drabbats av afasi. He has suffered from aphasia. He's been hit by aphasia. Der er et par æbler på træet, er der ikke? There are a few apples on the tree, aren't there? There's a couple of apples on the tree, isn't there? Jeg har aldrig mødt dig personligt. I have never met you in person. I've never met you personally. Hun troede jeg var læge. She thought that I was a doctor. She thought I was a doctor. För mig är det rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. For me, it's pure Greek. Skaðinn af völdum flóðsins nemur tíu milljónum dollara. Damages from the flood amount to ten million dollars. The damage caused by the Flood is $10 million. Í dag fleyg ein stórur bilur av vegnum. A big car flew off the road today. Today, one big gap is thrown off the road. Jeg er i lufthavnen nu. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. Tom gik bananas. Tom went bananas. Tom left the banana. Är det faktiskt så ohälsosamt att äta äggulor? Is eating egg yolks really that unhealthy? Is it actually so unhealthy to eat egg yolks? Du kan stole på ham til en vis grad, men ikke helt. You can trust him to some degree but not wholly. You can trust him to a degree, but not quite. Skræl æblet før du spiser det. Peel the apple before you eat it. Get rid of the apple before you eat it. Jeg synes at jogging er god motion. I think jogging is good exercise. I think jogging is good exercise. Nogle mennesker siger at Japan er et mandsdomineret samfund. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say that Japan is a male - dominated society. Hun er min drømmepige. She is my dream girl. She's my dream girl. Tom forstår mig ikke. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Jag har tappat min plånbok. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Jeg vil vædde på at det har ingen tænkt på før. I bet you no one's thought of this before. I bet nobody ever thought of that before. Han svarede ikke på mit spørgsmål. He didn't respond to my question. He didn't answer my question. Stúlkum líkar að sýna fínu fötin sín. Girls like to show off their fine clothes. Girls like to show their nice clothes. Tom bär alltid hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Tom sa att han ville dö. Tom said he wanted to die. Tom said he wanted to die. Tom er en ægte kunstner. Tom is a true artist. Tom is a real artist. En mand skal enten være skaldet eller have langt hår! A man should either be bald or have long hair! A man must either be bald or have long hair! Tom väntade. Tom waited. Tom was waiting. Et år har tolv måneder. A year has twelve months. A year has twelve months. Babyen sover. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Jag lärde mig att cykla när jag var sex år gammal. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to cycle when I was six years old. Vem sålde den här bilen till dig? Who sold you this car? Who sold this car to you? Jeg har drømt om dig. I dreamed about you. I've been dreaming about you. Du beskyldte ham for at have stjålet cyklen. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You accused him of stealing the bike. Vores skole begynder klokken otte. Our school begins at eight. Our school starts at 8:00. Kender du Sherif Gaber, den egyptiske blogger, der deler sine videnskabelige og humoristiske videoer om islam? Do you know Sherif Gaber, the Egyptian blogger who shares his scientific and humorous videos about Islam? Do you know Sheriff Gaber, the Egyptian blogger who shares his scientific and humorous videos about Islam? Vinsamlegast komdu heim til mín um eftirmiðdaginn. Please come to my house in the afternoon. Please come to my house that afternoon. Jag kommer inte att hjälpa dig. I will not help you. I'm not gonna help you. Tag ikke chancer. Don't take chances. Don't take chances. Polisen häktade ett flertal misstänkta för förhör. The police detained several suspects for questioning. The police arrested a number of suspects for questioning. Tom sa att han inte var intresserad av Mary, men det verkade som att han alltid tittade åt den del av rummet som hon var i. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but it seemed like he was always looking at that part of the room she was in. Du är överflödig. You aren't needed. You're unnecessary. Hún verður í sjónvarpinu í kvöld. She is appearing on TV tonight. She'll be on TV tonight. Jag var inte alltför trött. I wasn't overly tired. I wasn't too tired. Denne medicin virkede. That medicine worked. This drug worked. Smickra inte dig själv. Don't flatter yourself. Don't flatter yourself. Han er min mands bedste ven. He is my husband's best friend. He's my husband's best friend. Jag är rädd att jag åt något dåligt. I am afraid I ate something bad. I'm afraid I ate something bad. Är det där franska? Is that French? Is that French? Hverju misstirðu af ? What did you miss? What did you miss? Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. Hun har aldrig fortalt mig at hun havde en kat. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að leggja þetta á þig. You needn't have gone to the trouble. You wouldn't have had to put this on. Måske vinder Tom. Maybe Tom will win. Maybe Tom's gonna win. Der var kun to muligheder tilbage for ham for at få noget at spise. Han måtte enten arbejde eller tigge. There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat. He had either to work or to beg. There were only two options left for him to get something to eat, either to work or to beg. Jeg foretrækker et hotel tæt på lufthavnen. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel close to the airport. Han elsker hende stadig. He still loves her. He still loves her. Han är inte tysk, utan österrikare. He's not German, but Austrian. He's not German, he's Austrian. Tom kan ikke klare synet af blod. Tom can't stand the sight of blood. Tom can't stand the sight of blood. Vad älskar du? What do you love? What do you love? Hér eru bækurnar okkar. Here are our books. Here's our books. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, fik jeg en snak med mor. Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom. After my homework, I got to talk to my mom. Tom hældte æblejuice i et glas. Tom poured some apple juice into a glass. Tom poured apple juice in a glass. Tom vil måske vidne. Tom might testify. Tom might want to testify. Ég er laus á sunnudaginn. I'm free on Sunday. I'm free on Sunday. Við unnum orustuna. We won the battle. We won the battle. Kan I lide Tom? Do you guys like Tom? Do you like Tom? Mange venner kom for at vinke farvel til mig. A lot of friends came to wave goodbye to me. Many friends came to wave goodbye to me. Jag trodde att det skulle vara värt det. I thought it'd be worth it. I thought it would be worth it. Han har en bror och två systrar. He has a brother and two sisters. He's got a brother and two sisters. De fleste computere, der laves i dag, er udstyret med flerkernede processorer. Most computers made today are equipped with multi-core processors. Most computers are today equipped with multi-core processors. Jag går ut på en promenad. I'll go for a walk. I'm going out for a walk. Læg nøglen under måtten. Put the key under the mat. Put the key under the mat. Han bor alene. He lives by himself. He lives alone. Derefter mistede hun bevidstheden. Then, she lost consciousness. Then she lost consciousness. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can you not speak English? Can't you speak English? Du har det med at komme for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You're having too much sugar in your tea. Han ser inte alls ut som sin pappa. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't look at all like his dad. Jeg behøver ikke din hjælp. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Jag har en annan plan. I have another plan. I have another plan. Tom har dusinvis af elskerinder. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Jag gjorde det inte. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Min tante er her allerede. My aunt is already here. My aunt's already here. Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Han brände hål i rocken. He burned a hole in his coat. He burned holes in the rock. Í gær rakst ég á gamlan vin minn á flugvellinum. Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend at the airport. Vad gör tvättbjörnen i köket? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What's the raccoon doing in the kitchen? Min lägenhet är i närheten. My apartment is near here. My apartment is nearby. Tom ønskede ikke at bryde Marys hjerte. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Ni är bedårande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Hvenær fæ ég borgað? When do I get paid? When do I get paid? Jeg hader at man kalder mig "brilleabe". I hate that they call me "four-eyes". I hate that they call me "brillabe." Hann þekkir ekki muninn á réttu og röngu. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. En bil har fire hjul. An automobile has four wheels. A car has four wheels. I har haft travlt, har I ikke? You guys have been busy, haven't you? You've been busy, haven't you? Jeg hedder Tom. Hvad hedder du? My name is Tom. What's yours? I'm Tom, what's your name? Tom og Mary forlangte bedre arbejdsbetingelser. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Det er ekstremt dyrt. It's extremely expensive. It's extremely expensive. Veistu hvar stelpan býr? Do you know where the girl lives? Do you know where the girl lives? Hun er en velhavende kvinde. She is a wealthy woman. She's a wealthy woman. Han dricker enbart i berusningssyfte. He drinks only for the sake of getting drunk. He only drinks for drunken purposes. Vi var ett perfekt par. We were a perfect couple. We were a perfect couple. Hvilken hylde er den på? Which shelf is it on? What shelf is it on? Tom hade mycket att göra. Tom had a lot to do. Tom had a lot to do. Tom svetsade samman de två rören. Tom welded the two pipes together. Tom welded the two pipes together. Bróðir minn og ég deildum herberginu. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Det står ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Hvert værelse har eget bad. Each room has its own bathroom. Every room has its own bath. Við munum búa á Englandi. We will be living in England. We're gonna live in England. Computere er komplicerede maskiner. Computers are complicated machines. Computers are complicated machines. Han sukkede dybt. He gave a deep sigh. He sighed deeply. Lad ikke som om du ikke hørte spørgsmålet. Don't act like you didn't hear the question. Don't pretend you didn't hear the question. Þýðingin var frumeintakinu trú. The translation was true to the original. The original copy was faith. Hon kommer förmodligen. It is probable that she will come. She's probably coming. Jag fryser om öronen. My ears are freezing. I'm freezing over my ears. Tom är neurolog. Tom is a neurologist. Tom's a neurologist. Hur står det till? How are you? How are you? Aóí varð dansari. Aoi became a dancer. Aoi became a dancer. Et renseanlæg udledede giftige kemikalier i byens vandforsyning. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. A treatment plant drew toxic chemicals into the city’s water supply. Jag skriver en mening på tyska. I'm writing a sentence in German. I'm writing a sentence in German. Jag tror att jag ska raka huvudet. I think I'll shave my head. I think I should shave my head. Jeg beundrer hans mod. I admire his courage. I admire his courage. Vi är vad vi är. We are what we are. We are what we are. Toms hälsa är inte den bästa. Tom isn't in the best of health. Tom's health isn't the best. Vi har tre dage tilbage. We've got three days left. We have three days left. Marys mor fattede sympati for Tom fra det øjeblik hun mødte ham. Mary's mother took a liking to Tom the moment she met him. Mary's mother felt sympathy for Tom from the moment she met him. Það er fyrir neðan hennar virðingu að segja svona lagað. It's below her to say such a thing. It's a respect to her to say something like that. De fleste kvinder elsker at shoppe. Most women enjoy shopping. Most women love shopping. De tog støvlerne af. They took off their boots. They took off the boots. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the cafe. She met him in the café. Hvis det ikke findes i Tatoeba, så er det ikke en sætning. If you can't find it on Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. If it doesn't exist in Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. Da jeg var i din alder, kunne jeg allerede binde mine snørebånd. At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes. When I was your age, I could already tie my shoelaces. Jeg sælger tøj på internettet. I sell clothing online. I'm selling clothes on the Internet. Han är i femtioårsåldern. He's in his fifties. He's in his 50s. Jag är i Ryssland. I am in Russia. I'm in Russia. Vi er i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Størstedelen af hans indkomst går til at betale huslejen. The majority of his income goes to pay his rent. Most of his income is due to pay the rent. Han är mycket skicklig på att teckna. He is very skilled at drawing. He's very good at drawing. Fremtiden er nærmere end du tror. The future is closer than you think. The future is closer than you think. Flere end halvtreds piger var til stede ved festen. There were more than fifty girls at the party. More than fifty girls attended the party. Jag vinner. I'm winning. I win. Jag kan inte komma på texten. I can't remember the lyrics. I can't think of the text. Vem pratade hon med? Who was she talking to? Who was she talking to? Jeg har fået nok af Tom og Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. Jeg ringer til dig senere. I will telephone you later on. I'll call you later. Læknirinn sagði: „Það er ekkert verra fyrir heilsuna þína en tóbak.“ The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said: “It’s nothing worse for your health than tobacco. ” Detta är skandalöst! This is outrageous! This is scandalous! „Má bjóða þér eitthvað að drekka?“ „Nei, en takk fyrir að spurja.“ "Would you like something to drink?" "No, but thanks for offering." “ May I offer you something to drink? ” “No, but thank you for asking. ” Det er lavet af messing. It's made of brass. It's made of brass. Jag ska hämta upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'm gonna go get Tom. Jag önskar att jag var lika lång som Tom. I wish I were as tall as Tom. I wish I was as tall as Tom. Jag avskyr skräckfilmer. I hate horror movies. I hate horror movies. Hann kom með strætó. He came by bus. He brought the bus. Vi skattade oss lyckliga som överlevde. We esteemed ourselves happy to have survived. We loved the happy ones who survived. Antalet européer som besöker Thailand varje år, är mycket stort. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand every year is very large. Jeg er i fængslet. I'm at the prison. I'm in prison. Áður fór ég nokkuð oft í veiði en nú fer ég sjaldan. I used to go fishing quite often, but now I rarely go. Before that, I fished quite often, but now I rarely go. Einn af öðrum stóðu þeir upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of them stood up and went out. Þú ættir að læra að nota orðabókina þína. You should learn how to use your dictionary. You should learn to use your dictionary. Han kan lide at se TV. He likes watching TV. He likes to watch TV. Jag vill gå till stan. I want to go to town. I want to go to town. Æblerne fra vores eget træ smager meget bedre end de sprøjtede æbler fra supermarkedet. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the apples sprayed from the supermarket. En av er ljuger. One of you is lying. One of you is lying. Tom är munter. Tom's cheerful. Tom's a cheerful man. Hvor kan jeg få toiletpapir? Where can I get toilet paper? Where can I get toilet paper? Det är bättre. That's better. It's better. De har varit väldigt snälla mot mig. They've been very nice to me. They've been very nice to me. Hade du kul på turnén? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you have fun on the tour? Við hvern er ég að tala? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Gjorde jag allt det där? Did I do all that? Did I do all that? Han har rotter på loftet. He has bats in the belfry. He's got rats in the attic. Bra fråga. Good question. Good question. Ertu sammála? Do you agree? Do you agree? De har gjort deres hjemmearbejde. They did their homework. They've done their homework. Jeg købte en rød bil. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. Ta Tom till stationen. Take Tom to the station. Take Tom to the station. Sami luftede hundene. Sami walked the dogs. Sami aired the dogs. Han deltog i mötet. He took part in the meeting. He attended the meeting. Tom har demens. Tom has dementia. Tom has dementia. Du kommer att tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Den sitter på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Vilket företag arbetar du för? What company do you work for? What company are you working for? Har du læst Toms bog? Have you read Tom's book? Did you read Tom's book? Se på dette billede af min bedstefars bil. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Hvad hedder du? What is your name? What's your name? Det eneste spørgsmål er hvornår. The only question is when. The only question is when. Ingen skulle have adgang til masseødelæggelsesvåben. No one should have access to a weapon of mass destruction. No one should have access to weapons of mass destruction. Hon har ännu fler böcker. She has even more books. She's got even more books. Nej, han har inte sagt någonting om det. No, he hasn't said anything about it. No, he didn't say anything about it. Jag har ett märke. I have a badge. I have a mark. Tom er i stand til at gøre det. Tom is capable of doing it. Tom is able to do it. Eg eri lækni. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Hvad slags bil kører Tom i? What kind of car does Tom drive? What kind of car is Tom driving? Tom kom på toget. Tom got on the train. Tom came on the train. Jeg tvivler på alt, selv på mine tvivl. I doubt everything, even my own doubts. I doubt everything, even my doubts. Jeg hører at du lige er blevet gift. I hear you just got married. I hear you just got married. Du sa att det var för lätt. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. Jag kan springa lika snabbt som Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. Vi tog en taxi. We took a cab. We took a cab. Tom är Marys skyddsling. Tom is Mary's protege. Tom is Mary's guardian. Tom overgav sig? Tom surrendered? Tom surrendered? Sankt Petersborg er en russisk by. St. Petersburg is a Russian city. St. Petersburg is a Russian town. Hur är det möjligt? How is that possible? How is that possible? Tom är besvärlig. Tom is awkward. Tom's a pain in the ass. Gå nu! Go now. Go on! Min far älskar min mor. My father loves my mother. My father loves my mother. Kirurgen glemte noget inde i patienten. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. The surgeon forgot something inside the patient. Klokken er næsten seks. It's nearly six o'clock. It's almost six o'clock. Veit Tom afhverju? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Den står på ert bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Það var stór jarðskjálfti í gærnótt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Mina vänner svek mig inte under rättegången. My friends stood by me during the court case. My friends didn't let me down during the trial. Gör det väldigt ont? Does it hurt much? Does it hurt a lot? En av dem var min. One of them was mine. One of them was mine. Det är inte vad jag ville höra. That's not what I wanted hear. That's not what I wanted to hear. Det hade varit så enkelt. It would've been so easy. It would have been so easy. Medan han pratade hördes ljudet av ett skott som avlossades. While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired. While he was talking, the sound of a shot was heard. Berätta bara inte för Tom. Just don't tell Tom. Just don't tell Tom. Dessa fabriker förorenar miljön. These factories are polluting the environment. These factories pollute the environment. Hun ryger altid. She is always smoking. She always smokes. Jag kommer från Brasilien. I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Jag har ont i fötterna. My feet hurt. My feet hurt. Dette giver ingen mening. This doesn't make any sense. This doesn't make any sense. Svaret er ja. The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Var du i armén? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Taler din ven esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Der var nogle mænd der spiste frokost under træerne foran biblioteket. There were some men eating their lunches under the trees in front of the library. Some men ate lunch under the trees in front of the library. Dette er min paraply. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Låt honom vänta ett slag. Have him wait a moment. Let him wait for a blow. Den är enorm. It's huge. It's huge. Jeg blev født for 20 år siden. I was born 20 years ago. I was born 20 years ago. Jag tycker fortfarande inte om det. I still don't like it. I still don't like it. Jeg vidste ikke at Tom havde en sportsvogn. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. Är du ny? Are you new? Are you new? Jag blev just biten. I just got bitten. I just got bit. Hun har en hvid kat. She has a white cat. She's got a white cat. Tom er uden tvivl den ældste person her. Tom is unquestionably the oldest person here. Tom is undoubtedly the oldest person here. Efter søndag kommer mandag. After Sunday comes Monday. After Sunday comes Monday. Öppna dörren. Open the door. Open the door. Jeg kan ikke spise æblet. I can't eat the apple. I can't eat the apple. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your grandson? Where's your grandson? En skola i Storbritannien har frångått läroböcker till förmån för iPads i klassrummet. One school in the U.K. has abandoned textbooks in favour of iPads in the classroom. A school in Britain has deviated from textbooks in favor of iPads in the classroom. Sólin kemur upp í eystri og setur í vestri. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun comes up in the east and sets in the west. Jag skulle vilja träffa dig igen nästa vecka. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. Tom kommer inte att komma i tid. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be here on time. Hvis hun kommer med fly, burde Sue ankomme meget snart. If Sue is coming by air, she ought to arrive very soon. If she comes with a plane, Sue should arrive very soon. När kan jag se dig igen? When can I see you again? When can I see you again? Jag klippte mig i fingret. I cut my finger. I cut my finger. Jeg har ikke lyst til at gå ud i aften. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Ska jag öppna den nu? Should I open it now? You want me to open it now? Han deltog i en nätundersökning. He participated in an online survey. He took part in a network survey. Det här är underligt. This is weird. This is weird. Den kinesiske dyrekreds' tolv dyr kommer fra elleve dyrearter som findes i naturen: rotten, oksen, tigeren, haren, slangen, hesten, vædderen, aben, hanen, hunden og svinet samt dragen fra mytologien; de bruges som kalender. The twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac come from eleven types of animals we find in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig, and the mythological dragon; they're used as a calendar. The twelve animals of the Chinese animal circle come from eleven animal species found in nature: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the hare, the snake, the horse, the ram, the male, the dog and the pig, and the dragon from mythology; they are used as a calendar. Ég kann vel við ensku en ég get ekki talað hana vel. I like English, but I cannot speak well. I like English, but I can't speak it well. Toilettet er bag trappen. The toilet is behind the staircase. The toilet is behind the stairs. Jeg følte mig dårlig. I felt bad. I felt bad. Bägge svaren är korrekta. The two answers are both correct. Both answers are correct. Jag hjälpte Tom en gång. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom once. Jag är i bilen. I'll be in my car. I'm in the car. Mary var på badeværelset og ordnede sit hår. Mary was in the bathroom, fixing her hair. Mary was in the bathroom, fixing her hair. Billedet hænger nu på væggen. The picture is on the wall now. The picture is now hanging on the wall. Du babblar. You're babbling. You're babbling. jeg vil være væk resten af året. I'll be away for the rest of the year. I'll be gone for the rest of the year. Det finns ännu några vilda folkstammar på den där ön. There are still some savage tribes on that island. There are still some wild tribes on that island. Denne website bruger cookies. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Livet är inte permanent. Life is not permanent. Life isn't permanent. Han älskade att resa. He loved to travel. He loved to travel. Jag jobbade sent. I was working late. I worked late. Hvem har hængt vasketøjet op? Who hung up the laundry? Who hung the laundry? Han sagde til mig at han elskede mig. He told me he loved me. He told me he loved me. Kunne du vise mig vejen til stationen? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you show me the way to the station? Tryllekunstneren fik pigen til at svæve i den blå luft. The magician made the girl float in thin air. The magician made the girl float in the blue air. Polisen har anhållit en misstänkt. The police have a suspect in custody. The police have arrested a suspect. Häng din hatt på kroken. Hang your hat on the hook. Hang your hat on the hook. Han har købt noget til Mary. He has bought something for Mary. He bought Mary something. Hur kan du göra sådär? How can you do that? How can you do that? Jag är trött. Jag går och lägger mig. I'm tired. I'm going to lie down. I'm gonna go to bed. Það geta ekki allir verið skáld. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Jag borde sluta skjuta upp saker och ting. I should stop procrastinating. I should stop shooting up things. Þú getur ráðfært þig við mig hvenær sem er. You can consult with me any time. You can talk to me anytime. Þekki ég hann? Do I know him? Do I know him? Han forsøgte at løse problemet. He tried solving the problem. He tried to solve the problem. Han kan ikke føre en samtale. He can't hold a conversation. He can't hold a conversation. Ti stille! Be quiet! Shut up! Är ni fortfarande arga på mig? Are you still mad at me? Are you still mad at me? De gör så åt alla. They do that to everyone. They do that for everyone. Hur kom du in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Vad föreslår du istället? What do you propose instead? What do you suggest instead? Italien er et meget smukt land. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Vi er de eneste der kan redde dem. Only we can save them. We're the only ones who can save them. Jag gjorde det en gång. I did that once. I did it once. Mér þykir milt kaffi betra en sterkt. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like mild coffee better than strong. Jag trodde att det var ett skämt. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was a joke. Hjúkrunakonan huggaði grátandi barnið. The nurse soothed the crying child. The nurse comforted the crying child. Det påminde mig om dig. It reminded me of you. It reminded me of you. Jeg savner det sted. I miss that place. I miss that place. Jag trodde att jag såg ett spöke. I thought I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. Hvad er dit password? What is your password? What's your password? Tom kan ikke synge. Tom can't sing. Tom can't sing. Tom är glad. Tom's glad. Tom's happy. Han drog det kortaste strået. He drew the shortest straw. He pulled the shortest straw. Giv freden en chance! Give peace a chance! Give peace a chance! Jeg vil give dig mit hjerte for evigt. I want to give you my heart for ever. I will give you my heart forever. Í þá tíð var ég vanur að fara í göngutúr fyrir morgunmat. In those days, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast. In those days, I used to go for a walk before breakfast. Danmark er et fængsel. Denmark’s a prison. Denmark is a prison. Við keyptum vörurnar á þrjá dollara fyrir tylftina. We bought the goods at $3 a dozen. We bought three dollars for the dozen. Gå tillbaka upp dit. Get back up there. Go back up there. Ekki hlaupa svona hratt. Don't run so fast. Don't run so fast. Er det moralsk forkert at spise kød? Is it morally wrong to eat meat? Is eating meat morally wrong? Du kan inte rädda mig. You can't save me. You can't save me. Jeg hader mine øjenbryn. I hate my eyebrows. I hate my eyebrows. Jeg kan ikke lide den ide. I don't like that idea. I don't like that idea. Du pladdrar. You're babbling. You're gossiping. Tom har et farve-tv. Tom has a color TV. Tom has a color TV. Du är oberäknelig. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. Det här är dåligt för miljön. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. Hela familjen hjälpte till med att skörda vetet. The whole family helped harvest the wheat. The whole family helped harvest the wheat. Han er en rigtig muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a real Muslim. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle gå. I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want her to leave. En hund vil altid elske dig betingelsesløst. A dog will always love you unconditionally. A dog will always love you unconditionally. Jag vill färga mitt hår rött. I want to dye my hair red. I want to dye my hair red. Berättade du för Tom? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Hur tog du dig in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Tom er nonbinær. Tom is nonbinary. Tom's a nonbinary. Kommer jag att dö? Am I going to die? Will I die? Følg efter bilen. Follow the car. Follow the car. Jeg vil gerne have en kop iste. I want a cup of iced-tea. I'd like a cup of ice cream. Latterligt! Ridiculous! Lame! Så där behandlar han mig alltid. That is how he always treats me. That's how he always treats me. Hun taler arabisk. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Er det chokolade? Is that chocolate? Is that chocolate? Við spilum alltaf tennis á laugardagsmorngum. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis on Saturday mornings. Allir vita að tunglið er úr osti. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everybody knows the moon is from cheese. Har du ringt henne än? Have you called her yet? Did you call her yet? Aben er i buret. The monkey is in the cage. The monkey's in the cage. Hon måste hjälpa honom. She needs to help him. She's got to help him. Tom är äventyrlig. Tom is adventurous. Tom is adventurous. Jag gillar grönt te. I like green tea. I like green tea. Juvelen stals under natten. The jewel was stolen during the night. The jewel was stolen during the night. USA anmoder om udlevering af Julian Assange. The United States is seeking extradition of Julian Assange. U.S. asking for Julian Assange's extradition. Hur pass noggrann är den? How accurate is it? How accurate is it? I dag är det årets varmaste dag. Today is the warmest day of the year. Today is the warmest day of the year. Efter at jeg havde afprøvet min nye væv, redte jeg min seng og reparerede kaffemøllen. After I tried out my new loom, I made my bed and repaired the coffee grinder. After testing my new tissue, I rode my bed and repaired the coffee mill. Jag har en hund som kan springa snabbt. I have a dog that can run fast. I have a dog that can run fast. Jag vill ha den där bilen. I want that car. I want that car. Han bad om min hjälp. He asked for my help. He asked for my help. Vänta här. Wait here. Wait here. Vart är du på väg? Where are you headed? Where are you going? De ser honom som en hjälte. They consider him a hero. They see him as a hero. Jeg elsker dig mere end nogensinde. I love you more than ever. I love you more than ever. Marys hund er meget lydig. Mary's dog is very obedient. Mary's dog is very obedient. Folkmassan demonstrerade för mänskliga rättigheter. The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. The crowd protested for human rights. Det saknas en gaffel. There is a fork missing. There's a fork missing. Vi gick till stranden. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Hvordan siger man det på fransk? How do you say that in French? How do you say that in French? Tom ønsker ikke at blive skovhugger. Tom doesn't want to become a lumberjack. Tom doesn't want to be a lumber. Tom är vänlig. Tom's friendly. Tom's friendly. Tom og Mary er biavlere. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Du er i bedre form end jeg er. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Tað var bara ein dreymur. It was only a dream. It was just one dream. Jeg tjekkede Google, men jeg fandt ikke noget. I checked Google, but I didn't find anything. I checked Google, but I didn't find anything. Han ber alltid om pengar. He is always asking for money. He always asks for money. Hon kunde inte tänka sig att träffa honom igen. She couldn't imagine meeting him again. She wouldn't want to see him again. Jag kommer inte låta det här hända mig. I won't let this happen to me. I'm not gonna let this happen to me. "Vem pratade du med?" "Min mamma." "Jag visste inte att din mor har en manlig röst." "Who were you talking to?" "My mom." "I didn't know that your mom had a man's voice." "Who did you talk to?" "My mother." "I didn't know your mother had a male voice." Har du vanter? Do you have mittens? Do you have mittens? Säg till Tom att det är brådskande. Tell Tom it's urgent. Tell Tom it's urgent. Dokumenterne er gulnet med tiden. The documents have yellowed with age. The documents are yellow in time. Hann sat á rúminu. He sat on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Jag lät Tom vinna. I let Tom win. I let Tom win. Það er stórt gat í sokkabuxunum þínum. There is a big hole in your stocking. There's a big hole in your tights. Gør din hund ad hende? Does your dog bark at her? Does your dog do her? Landið hefur milt loftslag. That country has a mild climate. The country has a mild climate. Lad os gå et andet sted hen. Let's go someplace else. Let's go somewhere else. Ég skal lána þér penna. I will lend you a pen. I'll lend you a pen. Tom vidste ikke, hvad Mary talte om. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Varför tog du med den? Why did you bring it? Why did you bring it? Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You can't be too careful when driving. You can't be too careful when you're driving. Saker har förändrats. Things have changed. Things have changed. Jag ska gå till stranden. I'll go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. Var ligger den amerikanska ambassaden? Where is the American embassy? Where's the American Embassy? Jeg har ikke snekæder til min bil. I don't have chains for my car. I don't have snow chains for my car. Ingen vet om han älskar henne eller inte. No one knows whether he loves her or not. No one knows if he loves her or not. Tom är tidig. Tom's early. Tom's early. Tom ligger i en hospitalsseng. Tom is lying in a hospital bed. Tom's in a hospital bed. Jeg er en hankat. I'm a tomcat. I'm a male. De kender mig. They know me. They know me. Varför skildes ni egentligen om ni fortfarande bor tillsammans? Why did you actually get divorced if you still live together? Why did you really divorce if you were still living together? Hann mun ekki sigra mig. He won't beat me. He won't beat me. Spørgsmålet nu er hvor. The question now is where. The question now is where. Ingen har bedt om din hjælp! Nobody asked for your help. No one has asked for your help! Tom pratar ofta med sig själv. Tom often talks to himself. Tom often talks to himself. Husker du Tom? Do you remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Han lyssnar inte på någon. He won't listen to anyone. He's not listening to anyone. Ni är för aggressiva. You're too aggressive. You're too aggressive. Jag vill inte lägga mig i. I don't wish to interfere. I don't want to interfere. Hversu oft á viku ferðu í bað? How often a week do you take a bath? How many times a week do you take a bath? Jag oroar mig över hans hälsa. I'm worried because of his health. I'm worried about his health. Træið er grønt. The tree is green. The tree is green. Hun besøgte ham i Boston. She visited him in Boston. She visited him in Boston. Hvorfor svarer Tom ikke? Why doesn't Tom answer? Why doesn't Tom answer? Jag har tre barn. I've got three kids. I have three children. Tom blev nervøs. Tom became nervous. Tom got nervous. Jag hoppas att vi hittar Tom. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Kør Sami til busstoppestedet. Give Sami a ride to the bus stop. Take Sami to the bus stop. Taler du engelsk? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Mary gillar att festa. Mary likes to party. Mary likes to party. Du kom for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You got too much sugar in your tea. Kameran som du köpte är bättre än min. The camera you bought is better than mine. The camera you bought is better than mine. Jeg drikker ikke, og jeg ryger heller ikke. I neither drink nor smoke. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. Hvornår vil sneen smelte? When will the snow melt? When will the snow melt? Föräldrar älskar sina barn. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. Jeg ville ønske vi kunne høre hvad Tom siger. I wish we could hear what Tom is saying. I wish we could hear what Tom says. Jag har den hemma. I have it at home. I got it at home. Sig til Mary at jeg elsker hende. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Mary I love her. Er Tom endnu ikke ankommet? Hasn't Tom arrived yet? Tom hasn't arrived yet? Það er frekar satt. It's quite true. That's pretty true. Han tycker om djur. He loves animals. He likes animals. Tom drikker som en svamp. Tom drinks like a fish. Tom drinks like a sponge. Han er en klog dreng. He is an intelligent boy. He's a smart boy. I ved alle hvad I skal gøre. You all know what you have to do. You all know what to do. Jag reser ofta. I often travel. I travel a lot. Hvem ejer disse rensdyr? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Vi blev goda vänner. We became good friends. We became good friends. Jeg tilføjer eksempler i mange sprog til Tatoeba. I add examples to Tatoeba in many languages. I am adding examples in many languages to Tatoeba. Bilden ser konstig ut, eftersom den inte har något perspektiv. The picture looks strange because it has no perspective. The picture looks strange, because it has no perspective. Tom á enga bræður. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Min åsikt är irrelevant. My opinion is irrelevant. My opinion is irrelevant. De buteljerade vinet. They bottled the wine. They bottled the wine. Tom sa att de kommer att dö allihop. Tom told me they're all going to die. Tom said they're all gonna die. Góða nótt, öllsömul! Good night, everyone! Good night, everybody! Jag blir upphämtad. I'm being picked up. I'm getting picked up. Bob är min vän. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Hvad betyder »Tatoeba«? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does ‘Tatoeba’ mean? Erlendis fá flest okkar menningarsjokk. In a foreign country most of us go through culture shock. On the other hand, most of us get culture. Har du skickat in din anmälan än? Have you sent in your application yet? Have you sent your notification yet? De sad i sofaen i vor stue. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting in the couch in our living room. Vad är det här för? What is this for? What's this for? Hvor er din bror? Where is your brother? Where's your brother? Ni borde komma och hälsa på oss! You should come visit us! You should come see us! Vi har saker att göra. We have things to do. We have things to do. Vi er for sårbare. We're too vulnerable. We're too vulnerable. Gå runt den vägen. Go around that way. Go around that road. Tom grät. Tom wept. Tom cried. Det här var första gången någonsin Tom hade sett ett skrotbilsrally. This was the first time Tom had ever seen a demolition derby. This was the first time Tom had ever seen a junk car rally. Pengar växer inte på träd. Money doesn't grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Är Tom din son? Is Tom your son? Is Tom your son? Jag tycker att Marys kjol är för lång. I think Mary's skirt's too long. I think Mary's skirt is too long. Þetta er ekki heldur appelsína. That is not an orange, either. This isn't orange, either. Han malede alle væggene grønne. He painted all the walls green. He painted all the walls green. Hvor er min bil? Where's my car? Where's my car? Stilla vatten rinner djupt. Still waters run deep. Still water flows deep. Man må skik følge eller land fly. When in Rome, do as the Romans. You have to follow or land a plane. Hennes vita skor lämnar mörkröda spår. Her white shoes leave dark red traces. Her white shoes leave dark red marks. Tom og Mary har sex cirka en gang om ugen. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Du har brug for en tolk. You need an interpreter. You need an interpreter. Lægen gav mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Detta är också ett äpple. This is an apple, too. This is also an apple. Jag bad många människor om hjälp, men hittills har jag inte haft någon lycka. I asked many people for help, but so far I haven't had any luck. I asked many people for help, but so far I have had no happiness. Tom håller på att söka efter ett bättre jobb. Tom is looking for a better job. Tom's looking for a better job. Han är lagkapten. He's the captain of a team. He's the captain. Jeg ved ikke hvad det er. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Jeg gik i biografen med min bror. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the movies with my brother. Tom gav Mary 1000 dollar i en brun papirspose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary 1,000 dollars in a brown paper bag. Inom islam måste kvinnor täcka sina huvuden när de går ut. In Islam, women should cover their heads when they go out. In Islam, women have to cover their heads when they go out. Hvad er din yndlingsfarve? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? Jag hörde det på radion. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Han vidste ikke at jeg forstod berberisk. He did not know that I understood Berber. He didn't know I understood Berberish. Tom körde tillbaka till farmen. Tom drove back to the farm. Tom drove back to the farm. Tom, kig på mig, når jeg taler til dig! Tom, look at me when I'm speaking to you! Tom, look at me when I talk to you! Jeg vil leve mit liv, med eller uden hende. I'm going to live my life, with or without her. I want to live my life with or without her. Jane låtsades alltid att hon var väldigt rik. Jane always pretended that she was very rich. Jane always pretended she was very rich. Jeg fór vild. I got lost. I went wild. Tom fortalte en vittighed. Tom told a joke. Tom told a joke. Tom har fået gode karakterer i fransk. Tom got good grades in French. Tom's got good grades in French. Vi borde komma igång. We should get going. We should get started. Stå upp. Stand up! Stand up. Þú ættir ekki að segja honum neitt um kærustuna þína. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. Se. Watch. Look. Stil vækkeuret. Set the time on the alarm. Set the alarm. Man har brug for mad, tøj og et hjem for at kunne leve. We need food, clothes and a home in order to live. You need food, clothing, and a home to live. I Europa betragter man punktlighed som en selvfølge. In Europe, people regard punctuality as a matter of course. In Europe, specificity is seen as a matter of course. Skärp dig, Tom. Get a grip, Tom. Get ahold of yourself, Tom. Läraren läser en bok. The teacher is reading a book. The teacher reads a book. Garaget är dammigt. The garage is dusty. The garage is dusty. Jeg er en kat. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Veistu hvar frú Hudson býr? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Ég sá hann fara yfir götuna þegar ég steig úr vagninum. I saw him cross the street as I got off the bus. I saw him cross the street when I got out of the bus. Gid Tom stadig var i live! I wish Tom were still alive. I wish Tom was still alive! Det här är väldigt färskt. This is very fresh. This is very fresh. Få minutter senere ringede telefonen. A few minutes later, the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Vi er ikke i biografen. We are not at the cinema. We're not in the movies. Ég gefst upp. I give up. I give up. Mannen erkände slutligen vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally admitted what he had done. Algerierne har mange grunde til at være stolte af deres land. Algerians have many reasons to be proud of their country. Algeria has many reasons to be proud of their country. Ef þú fylgir mér skal ég sýna þér leiðina á sjúkrahúsið. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. Jag föredrar låga klackar. I prefer low heels. I prefer low heels. Ekkert gæti verið nytsamlegra en ljósritunarvél. Nothing could be more useful than a copying machine. Nothing could be more useful than a photocopier. Hur kan jag lösa detta problem? How can I solve this problem? How can I solve this problem? Han er ung, men erfaren. He is young, but experienced. He's young, but he's experienced. Jeg så naboens hund løbe rundt i haven. I saw my neighbor's dog running around in the yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running around in the garden. Vilken sorts musik tyckte du om när du var yngre? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at leve sådan. I can't imagine living like that. I can't imagine living like that. Man kan kende et menneske på dets venner. You can know a man by his friends. You know a man by his friends. Jeg tør vædde på at det har ingen tænkt på før. I bet you no one's thought of this before. I bet nobody ever thought of that before. Det var en dum beslutning. That was a stupid decision. It was a stupid decision. Hvor så du den kvinde? Where did you see that woman? Where'd you see that woman? Denne fugl kaldes en måge. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a seagull. Åkte ni allihopa? Did you all go? Did you all leave? Jeg har brødre. I have brothers. I have brothers. Farvel, Tom! Have a nice day, Tom. Goodbye, Tom! Mange kriminelle i Amerika er afhængige af narkotika. Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. Kvinnor vill också ha sex. Women want to have sex too. Women also want sex. Har någon gissat? Has anyone guessed? Has anyone guessed? Han komponerar vackra dikter. He composes beautiful poems. He's composing beautiful poems. Sover han stadig? Is he still sleeping? Does he still sleep? Tom blev stor. Tom got big. Tom got big. Det var inte en tävling. It wasn't a race. It wasn't a competition. Jag har haft kul. I have had fun. I've had fun. Þú missir af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Han frågade mig om jag ville åka utomlands. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. Tom är utomlands. Tom is abroad. Tom's abroad. Stop. Det gør ondt. Stop. It hurts. It hurts. Sommaren är över. Summer is over. Summer's over. Enten han eller jeg skal deltage i mødet. Either he or I am to attend the meeting. Either he or I have to attend the meeting. Han åbnede buret og slap fuglene fri. He opened the cage and set the birds free. He opened the cage and freed the birds. Jeg kan ikke holde støjen ud. I can't stand the noise. I can't keep the noise out. Han faldt i søvn på min skulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. Det er begyndt at regne. It has started to rain. It's starting to rain. USA og Storbritannien har forskellige tegnsprog. Det mexicanske tegnsprog er også forskellig fra det spanske tegnsprog. The United States and Britain have different sign languages. Mexican Sign Language also differs from Spanish Sign Language. The United States and Britain have different sign languages, and the Mexican sign language is also different from the Spanish sign language. Grytan var min. The pot was mine. The pot was mine. Ég sýndi dyraverðinum miðann minn og fór inn í leikhúsið. I showed my ticket to the doorman and went into the theatre. I showed the doorkeeper my ticket and went into the theater. Hendes kusine bor i USA. Her cousin lives in the U.S. Her cousin lives in the United States. Om du inte snart kommer på en ursäkt så blir det besvärligt. If you don't think of an excuse quickly, things will become awkward. If you don't come up with an apology soon, it'll be awkward. Hann tók starfinu. He accepted the job. He took the job. Kan du hjälpa mig en minut? Will you help me for a minute? Can you help me for a minute? Det är därför jag är här, faktiskt. That's why I'm here, actually. That's why I'm here, actually. Við erum í harðri samkeppni við þetta fyrirtæki. We are in a fierce competition with that company. We're in a lot of competition with this company. Han var meget beruset. He was very drunk. He was very drunk. Algeriet har masser af naturressourcer. Algeria has plenty of natural resources. Algeria has plenty of natural resources. Han gik rundt og spredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He walked around spreading lies about her. Vad har vi här? What do we have here? What have we got here? Jag höll på att titta på tv när telefonen ringde. I was watching TV when the telephone rang. I was watching TV when the phone rang. Et, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni, ti. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Det var lättare att göra än jag hade tänkt mig. It was easier to do than I had expected. It was easier to do than I had planned. Vad hände i Boston? What happened in Boston? What happened in Boston? Ring brandkåren! Call the fire department! Call the fire department! Skyskrabere vil i fremtiden blive lavet af træ. The skyscrapers of the future will be made of wood. In the future, skyscrapers will be made of wood. Der er intet toiletpapir. There is no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Ég vildi óska þess að hún hefði komið í gærkveldi. I wish she had come last night. I wish she had been here yesterday. Hvor er jeres skole? Where's your school? Where's your school? Forstyr ikke mine cirkler! Do not disturb my circles! Don't disturb my circles! Elefanter har to ører. Elephants have two ears. Elephants have two ears. Mohand är min halvbror. Mohand is my half brother. Mohand is my half brother. Betyder det att du går med på det? Does that mean you agree? Does that mean you agree to that? Ta Tom med dig. Bring Tom with you. Take Tom with you. Tom och Mary kanske inte gjorde det alla säger de gjorde. Maybe Tom and Mary didn't do what everybody says they did. Maybe Tom and Mary didn't do what everybody says they did. Innan jag kom till Berlin hade jag ett mycket litet intresse för tysk historia. Before coming to Berlin, I had very little interest in German history. Before coming to Berlin, I had a very little interest in German history. Jag kommer att försöka. I'm going to try. I'll try. Tom vill inte prata med dig. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Han kunne vise sin følelse med musik i stedet for med ord. He could show his feeling with music instead of words. He could show his sense of music instead of words. Lad være med at rakke noget ned før du har prøvet det. Don't knock it until you've tried it. Don't shave anything before you try. Hvordan skrev du dit navn på arabisk? How did you write your name in Arabic? How did you write your name in Arabic? Jag tvivlar på att Tom kommer att hålla med dig. I doubt if Tom will agree with you. I doubt Tom will agree with you. De var temmelig trætte efter at have arbejdet hele dagen. They were pretty tired after having worked all day. They were pretty tired after working all day. Jag är bäst. I am the best. I'm the best. Jag kunde knappt prata. I could barely speak. I could barely talk. Dette æble er rødere. This apple is redder. This apple is redder. Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people in Brazil were proud of him. Hon lyssnar inte på någon. She won't listen to anyone. She's not listening to anyone. Ryom-Verzeichnis, et katalog over Antonio Vivaldis værker, er opkaldt efter Peter Ryom, en dansk musikolog. The Ryom-Verzeichnis, a catalogue of the works of Antonio Vivaldi, is named after Peter Ryom, a Danish musicologist. Ryom-Verzeichnis, a catalogue of Antonio Vivaldi's works, is named after Peter Ryom, a Danish musicologist. Ég veit ekkert um hann. I know nothing about him. I don't know anything about him. Jag fick reda på det av en ren händelse. I only found out about it purely by accident. I found out by a mere incident. De kan reparera datorer. They can repair computers. They can repair computers. Hana langaði að fá skilnað. She wanted to get a divorce. She wanted a divorce. Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom. I've never spoken to Tom. I never talked to Tom. Gæt hvis fødselsdag det er i dag! Guess whose birthday it is today. Guess whose birthday it is today! Jeg har aldrig vundet nogen som helst præmie. I have never won any kind of prize. I've never won any prize. Drengirnir ruku samtímis í átt að dyrunum. The boys rushed for the door at the same time. The boys rushed at the same time toward the door. Jag råder dig att inte åka. I advise you not to go. I advise you not to leave. Jeg kan lide din ide. I like your idea. I like your idea. Det smakar som skit. It tastes like shit. It tastes like shit. De lagde sig. They lay down. They lay down. Peter kom rennandi niður hæðina á sleðanum sínum. Pete came coasting down the hill on his sled. Peter came running down the hill on his sleigh. Tom skrællede æblet. Tom peeled the apple. Tom peeled the apple. I ser Tatoeba-TV. You're watching Tatoeba TV. You're watching Tatoeba TV. "Det er ikke min stil", sagde Casey. "That ain't my style," said Casey. "That's not my style," said Casey. Jeg vil bare hvile. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Jag såg en gammal vän. I saw an old friend of mine. I saw an old friend. Jeg betalte ham de penge tilbage som jeg skyldte ham. I repaid him the money I owed him. I paid him back the money I owed him. Gætir þú sent það á þetta heimilisfang? Could you send it to this address? Could you send it to this address? Jag knäckte koden. I cracked the code. I cracked the code. Jeg boede i Boston for tre år siden. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Jag tror att Tom inte förstod skämtet. I think Tom didn't understand the joke. I don't think Tom understood the joke. Á fætur með ykkur! Stand up! Get up! Jag har inget behov av dem. I don't need them. I don't need them. Hvaða íþróttagrein þykir þér skemmtilegast að horfa á? What's your favorite spectator sport? What sport do you find most enjoyable to watch? Gud har en plan for dig. God has a plan for you. God has a plan for you. Ta den, sa jag. I said take it. I said take it. Disse æbler er rådne. These apples are rotten. These apples are rotten. Venus har ingen naturlige satellitter. Venus does not have any naturally occurring satellites. Venus has no natural satellites. Jag tror att jag missade min buss. I think I missed my bus. I think I missed my bus. Han bor sammen med sin bedstemor. He lives with his grandmother. He lives with his grandmother. Jeg læser ofte tegneserier. I often read comic books. I often read comic books. Det sted er et skodsted. That place is a shithole. This place is a shithole. Eruð þið nemendur? Are you students? Are you students? Jag är inte på väg någonstans. I am not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. Var är hennes bild? Where is her picture? Where's her picture? Hader du ham? Do you hate him? You hate him? Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe? What action should we take? What steps should we take? Jeg kender en masse malere. I know a lot of painters. I know a lot of painters. Dette er ikke sukker. This isn't sugar. This isn't sugar. Har du några syskon? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any siblings? Visste du inte det? Didn't you know that? Didn't you know that? Hvornår har du sidst hørt fra Tom? When did you last hear from Tom? When was the last time you heard from Tom? Du borde inte gå ut. You'd better not go out. You shouldn't go out. Man skal spise for at leve og ikke leve for at spise. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You have to eat to live and not live to eat. Tilgiv Tom! Forgive Tom. Forgive Tom! Alla tittade. Everyone looked. Everyone looked. Det er naturligt for dig at tænke sådan. It's natural for you to think so. It's natural for you to think like that. Tom visste hur han skulle reparera datorn. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Hun ville hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Jeg forsøger at lære fransk. I'm trying to learn French. I'm trying to learn French. Inledningsvis hatade jag det. I initially hated it. Initially, I hated it. Jag hade inga vidare förväntningar, så jag är inte vidare besviken. I didn't have any great expectations, so there are no big disappointments. I didn't have any further expectations, so I'm not further disappointed. Jeg drak te i går. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea last night. Far vander blomster. Father is watering flowers. Dad waters flowers. Det är ganska spännande. It's pretty exciting. It's kind of exciting. Stod du tidligt op? Did you get up early? Did you get up early? Han säger att hans son kan räkna till hundra nu. He says his son can count up to 100 now. He says his son can count to a hundred now. Jag gillar inte den här boken. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Stirra inte. Don't stare. Don't stare. Printeren fungerer ikke. The printer doesn't work. The printer's not working. Jag kan inte låta er göra det. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do it. Tom er bevidstløs. Tom is out cold. Tom's unconscious. Klokken elleve passer mig fint. Eleven o'clock is good for me. 11 o'clock is good for me. Vi har gått runt hela sjön. We've walked all around the lake. We've been walking all over the lake. Billedet af ulykken giver mig kvalme. The picture of the accident makes me sick. The picture of the accident makes me sick. Det er en lille hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Ég læri á bókasafninu. I study at the library. I'll study at the library. Jeg regner med det. I'm counting on it. I'm counting on it. Vi ser sjældent Tom cykle. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom's bike. Han er dj. He's a DJ. He's a devil. Du er ganske klog. You're quite smart. You're very smart. Jag ser fram emot att äta japansk mat. I look forward to eating Japanese food. I look forward to eating Japanese food. Þær þekktu allar Tom. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Gjorde ni det? Did you do it? Did you do it? Mér fannst þetta vera góð bók en Jim var á annari skoðun. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Jim had another opinion. De behandler mig som et barn. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Fugle flyver sydpå om vinteren. Birds fly south in the winter. Birds fly south in winter. Der er kun to uger til jul. Christmas is only two weeks off. It's only two weeks till Christmas. Slutet är nära. The end is nigh. The end is close. Jag presenterade mig på mötet. I presented myself at the meeting. I introduced myself to the meeting. Vilken del av Kanada kommer du ifrån? What part of Canada do you come from? What part of Canada do you come from? Dine bukser er beskidte. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Hvad gik der galt her? What went wrong here? What went wrong here? Vad tittar ni på? What're you watching? What are you looking at? Det her er den forkerte vej! This is the wrong way! This is the wrong way! Han kunne ikke forstå sætningen. He couldn't understand the sentence. He couldn't understand the sentence. Jag gjorde ett försök att simma över floden. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim across the river. Mat! Food! Food! Knuffas inte. Don't push. Don't fuck with me. Den var ikke større end en fodbold. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It wasn't bigger than a football. Det vore oförskämt. That would be rude. That would be rude. Jag lyssnar på Björks senaste låt. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's last song. Skolor och vägar är tjänster som betalas för med skatter. Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. Schools and roads are services that are paid for by taxes. Dette er et hospital. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. Jag betalar på mitt eget sätt. I'll pay my own way. I'll pay you in my own way. Disse bøger er dine. These books are yours. These books are yours. 80 procent af vores handlinger udfører vi ubevidst. We perform eighty percent of our actions unconsciously. Eighty percent of our actions are unconscious. Ég á engan pening. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Vi vet inte var vi är. We don't know where we are. We don't know where we are. Var bor du, förresten? By the way, where do you live? Where do you live, by the way? Tom er ikke her i dag. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. Hvis noget er et æble, så er det enten rødt eller grønt eller måske begge dele. If something is an apple, then it's either red or green, or possibly both. If anything is an apple, it's either red or green or maybe both. Þú sérð ekki skóginn fyrir trjánum. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the forest for the trees. Jeg taler en smule spansk. I speak a little Spanish. I'm talking a little Spanish. Jag tog det för givet att du skulle följa med. I took it for granted that you would come with us. I took it for granted you were coming with me. Tjena, grabben! Hiya, kiddo! Hey, kid! Han så aldrig sin søster igen. He never saw his sister again. He never saw his sister again. I de zoologiske haver på Mars er der dyr fra Jorden. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In the zoos on Mars there are animals from Earth. Þú ert ábyrg fyrir því sem þú hefur gert. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Vaskemaskine er et must i et hus. A washing machine is a must for a house. Washing machine is a must in a house. Er dette jeres bog? Is this your book? Is this your book? Han læser. He is reading. He's reading. Har du något hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Han drak ikke den mælk. He didn't drink that milk. He didn't drink that milk. Dinosaurer kan opdeles i aviære dinosaurer og ikkeaviære dinosaurer. Dinosaurs can be divided into avian dinosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs. Dinosauruses can be divided into aviary dinosaurs and nonaviary dinosaurs. Det var nemt at finde Toms hus. It was easy to find Tom's house. It was easy to find Tom's house. Dette er et flag. This is a flag. This is a flag. Jeg glæder mig virkeligt på jeres vegne. I'm really happy for you guys. I'm really looking forward to you. Vad kunde det betyda? What could that mean? What could that mean? Jag uppskattar ditt arbete. I appreciate your work. I appreciate your work. Det er min hustru. That's my wife. That's my wife. Jeg har kun smør i køleskabet. I only have butter in the fridge. I only have butter in the fridge. Nogle gange laver vi fejl. We sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes we make mistakes. Hundurinn sefur. The dog sleeps. The dog's sleeping. Han sköt först! Han shot first! He shot first! Ljósið breyttist úr rauðu í grænt. The signal turned from red to green. The light changed from red to green. Kys mig hvis du virkelig elsker mig. Kiss me if you really love me. Kiss me if you really love me. Du kan avbryta sökandet. You can call off the search. You can interrupt the search. Jag hittade en lösning, men jag hittade den så fort att det inte kan vara den rätta. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. I found a solution, but I found it so soon that it can't be the right one. Det er slut. It's over. It's over. Jag kommer hit varje dag. I come here every day. I come here every day. Mary er en kvinde. Mary is a woman. Mary's a woman. Ni borde fråga honom om råd. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Tom kender ikke Marys efternavn. Tom doesn't know Mary's last name. Tom doesn't know Mary's last name. Tom simmar. Tom's swimming. Tom's swimming. Bøsse! Fag. Boog! Denne pens blæk er permanent. This pen's ink is indelible. This pen's ink is permanent. Tom ønsker at sove på stranden. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Hún á þrjá bræður. She has three brothers. She has three brothers. Du pratar inte mycket. You don't talk a lot. You don't talk much. Tom är en ganska bra korgbollsspelare. Tom is a pretty good basketball player. Tom is a pretty good basket ball player. Vänta. Skjut inte än. Wait. Don't shoot yet. Don't shoot yet. Tom ser alldeles skräckslagen ut. Tom looks absolutely terrified. Tom looks terrified. Jeg har muligvis glemt mine nøgler. I might've forgotten my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Jag önskar att jag ringt Tom. I wish I'd called Tom. I wish I called Tom. Det ska vi tala om snart. We'll talk about that soon. We'll talk about that soon. Jag hade en förkänsla av det. I had a premonition. I had a feeling about it. Det er mørkt. It's dark. It's dark. Du burde spise langsommere. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. Där kan man äta mycket bra. You can eat very well there. There you can eat very well. Jag trodde att Tom skulle stanna lite längre. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. Hún byrjaði að tala við hundinn. She began to talk to the dog. She started talking to the dog. Vi har kalium i kroppen. We have potassium in our bodies. We have potassium in our body. Har du flere tricks i ærmet? Do you have any more tricks up your sleeve? Do you have any more tricks in your sleeve? Deilið kökunni meðal ykkar þriggja. Divide the cake among you three. Share the cake with the three of you. Ved du hvorfor himlen er blå? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Þýskaland gekk í bandalag með Ítalíu. Germany made an alliance with Italy. Germany joined Italy. Andlit hans sýndi að hann var í fýlu. His face showed that he was annoyed. His face showed that he was in flames. Tom spiser tit røræg til morgenmad. Tom often eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tom often eats eggs for breakfast. Sverige heter ”Sverige” på svenska. Sweden is called "Sverige" in Swedish. Sweden is called “Sweden” in Swedish. Han känner sig illa till mods. He feels disturbed. He doesn't feel comfortable. Tom ødelagde sin nye smartphone. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. USA avskaffade slaveriet 1863. America did away with slavery in 1863. The United States abolished slavery in 1863. Mjölk är en vanlig dryck. Milk is a common beverage. Milk is a normal drink. Tom tabte kæben. Tom dropped his jaw. Tom lost his jaw. Från och med 1950 börjar en rad europeiska länder samarbeta ekonomiskt och politiskt för att bevara freden. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. From 1950 onwards, a number of European countries will start cooperating economically and politically to preserve peace. Absolut ikke. No way. Absolutely not. Jeg er dybest set et ærligt menneske. Basically, I am a honest person. I'm basically an honest person. Ønsker du at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Min storebror är lärare. My older brother is a teacher. My big brother's a teacher. De glemte min fødselsdag. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Gå och tala med Tom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Talaðu hægar. Talk slower. Talk more slowly. Varför har du inte klänning på dig? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? Jag måste vara där. I must be there. I have to be there. Du kan ordna allt det här. You can fix all this. You can handle all of this. Eg geri tað ikki soleiðis vanliga. I don't usually do it like this. I won't make it regular. Han har inte bytt kläder på två veckor. He hasn't changed his clothes in two weeks. He hasn't changed clothes in two weeks. Älskling, är du okej? Honey, are you OK? Honey, are you okay? Hvem tog pengene? Who took the money? Who took the money? Disneyworld er lukket. Disneyworld is closed. Disneyworld is closed. Nästa gång ska jag anstränga mig mera. Next time, I'll try harder. Next time, I'll try harder. Vinteren 2013/2014 var usædvanlig mild i Nordeuropa og usædvanlig streng i Nordamerika. The winter of 2013-2014 was unusually mild in northern Europe and unusually severe in North America. The winter 2013/2014 was unusually mild in Northern Europe and exceptionally strict in North America. Toms egern havde en udklædning på. Tom's squirrel wore a costume. Tom's squirrel was wearing an outfit. Kærastan þín verður svo reið við þig. Your girlfriend is going to be so mad at you. Your girlfriend's gonna be so mad at you. Han blev förälskad i henne, men visste inte ens vad hon hette. He fell in love with her, but didn't even know her name. He fell in love with her, but he didn't even know her name. Ge mig ett tecken. Give me a sign. Give me a sign. Jag ringer Tom igen. I'm calling Tom again. I'll call Tom again. Sikke et vejr. What weather ! What a weather. Det är hemskt att, medan det finns länder där människor lider av hunger, inom Japan finns det många hushåll och restauranger där mycket mat kastas bort. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. It is terrible that, while there are countries where people suffer from hunger, in Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. Der er noget råddent i Danmarks rige. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There's something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark. Vil du med hen til akvariet? Would you like to go to the aquarium with me? Do you want to go to the aquarium? Sandsynligheden for at blive angrebet af en haj er meget ringe. The likelihood of being attacked by a shark is very low. The probability of being attacked by a shark is very poor. När kan vi träffas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Hvem har fortalt dig historien? Who told you the story? Who told you the story? Kan vi laga den här? Can we fix this? Can we fix this? Hon hade ont i hela kroppen. She was aching all over. She had pain in her whole body. Jeg har tænkt mig at tage nogle billeder. I'm going to take some pictures. I'm gonna take some pictures. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge og drikke. I stopped smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Buschaufføren så ikke fodgængeren. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. Fransk er mit yndlingsfag. French is my favorite subject. French is my favorite. Du måste skämta! You have to be joking! You gotta be kidding me! Det kommer ikke mig ved. It's not my business. It's none of my business. Du kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Jeg håber det var en spøg! I hope it was a prank! I hope it was a joke! Hvorfor er livet så vanskeligt? Why is life so difficult? Why is life so difficult? Igen? Again? Again? Min kat og min hund kommer ud af det med hinanden. My cat and dog get along. My cat and my dog get out of it with each other. Ég er of þreytt til að hlaupa. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Jeg ville overraske hende. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to surprise her. Det var en hundreddollarseddel. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a $100 bill. Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big science fiction fan. He's a great fan of science fiction. Vil dette blive et problem? Is this going to be a problem? Will this be a problem? Jeg er meget glad for at se dig. I am very happy to see you. I'm very happy to see you. Tom är bra på att spela piano. Tom plays the piano well. Tom's good at playing piano. Giv mig dit telefonnummer. Give me your telephone number. Give me your phone number. Þetta var nú gott. That hit the spot. That was good. Har du talt håndklæderne? Have you counted the towels? Did you talk about the towels? Så sulten er jeg ikke. I'm not that hungry. I'm not that hungry. Det är mitt beslut. It's my decision. That's my decision. Vi har sat tredive bænke op på vandrestierne rundt om vores landsby. We have erected thirty benches on the walking trails around our village. We've put thirty benches on the hiking trails around our village. Vent et øjeblik. Wait one second. Wait a minute. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Hur knäckte du den? How did you break it? How did you break it? En retur til Birmingham, tak. A return ticket to Birmingham, please. But return to Birmingham, please. Tom kan inte se dig. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Du bliver min. You'll be mine. You're gonna be mine. Tom undrade vad Mary's efternamn kunde vara. Tom wondered what Mary's last name was. Tom wondered what Mary's last name could be. Har du valgt en interessant bog til din søn? Did you choose an interesting book for your son? Have you chosen an interesting book for your son? Var student har sin egen dator. Each student has their own computer. Where the student has his own computer. Det er lige om hjørnet. It's just around the corner. It's right around the corner. Jag ser fram emot det. I am looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Þetta er strákurinn sem heitir Tom Fisher. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. This is the boy called Tom Fisher. Döm inte andra efter dig själv. Don't judge others by yourself. Don't judge others after yourself. Tom og Mary talte sammen over telefonen hver dag. Tom and Mary talked on the phone every day. Tom and Mary spoke together over the phone every day. Branden var på första våningen. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. Enginn getur neitað því að enginn er reykur á elds. No one can deny the fact that there is no smoke without fire. No one can deny that there is no smoke on fire. Du plejede at sælge køleskabe, gjorde du ikke? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? You used to sell refrigerators, didn't you? Hon går. She walks. She's leaving. Han växte upp i USA, men hans modersmål är japanska. He was raised in the United States, but his native language is Japanese. He grew up in the United States, but his native tongue is Japanese. Ég þarf að biðja um greiða. I need a favor. I need to ask you a favor. Han tyckte inte att det var roligt. He didn't think it was funny. He didn't think it was funny. Jeg tror ikke at hun vil komme. I don't think that she will come. I don't think she's coming. Begge to kommer. The pair of them is coming. Both of you are coming. Það var nákvæmlega þar sem Tom sagði að það yrði. It was right where Tom said it would be. It was exactly where Tom said it would be. Jag visste att du skulle gilla det. I knew you'd like it. I knew you'd like it. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let the dog in. Open the door and let the dog in. Jeg er overbevist om din uskyld. I am convinced of your innocence. I'm convinced of your innocence. Jeg ved at det her er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Jag gifte mig ung. I got married young. I married young. Jag vill ha ett par handskar. I want a pair of gloves. I want a pair of gloves. Hvad helvede laver du her? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Tom bebrejder sig selv for hvad der skete med Mary. Tom blames himself for what happened to Mary. Tom blames himself for what happened to Mary. Har du någon pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du honom eller henne? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them? Do you have any boy or girlfriend? Tom har så mange penge at han ikke ved hvad han skal gøre med dem. Tom has so much money that he doesn't know what to do with it. Tom has so much money that he doesn't know what to do with them. Vad fanns inuti? What was inside? What was inside? Så där behandlar han mig jämt. That is how he always treats me. That's how he treats me all the time. Ge mig vinet. Give me the wine. Give me the wine. Vad äter du? What are you eating? What are you eating? Sex var inbjudna, pojken inkluderad. Six were invited, including the boy. Six were invited, the boy included. Det sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's on your bench. Simning är en form av träning. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a form of training. Har du købt en ny bil? Did you buy a new car? You bought a new car? Ég er vakandi. I'm awake. I'm awake. Vi genomförde vår utredning med största noggrannhet. We conducted our investigation with the greatest care. We carried out our investigation with utmost care. Toms rygsæk er tom. Tom's knapsack is empty. Tom's backpack is empty. Tom är övertygad. Tom's convinced. Tom is convinced. Forurening er et voksende problem. Pollution is a growing problem. Pollution is a growing problem. Hade du roligt på matchen? Did you enjoy the game? Did you have fun at the game? Rene hænder redder liv. Clean hands save lives. Clean hands save lives. Jag är beredd att dela. I'm willing to share. I'm ready to share. Det här stämmer inte. This isn't right. This is not true. Toms mor græd. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mother cried. Vilken våning bor du på? Which floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Han læser avisen. He is reading the newspaper. He's reading the paper. Þrösturinn syngur hvert lag tvisvar í gegn. The thrush sings each song twice over. The voice sings every song two through. Tom är klarvaken. Tom is wide awake. Tom's awake. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Vi påverkas av vår omgivning. We're influenced by our environment. We are affected by our environment. Jag håller dig à jour. I'll keep you posted. I'll keep you up to speed. Det var en tæt kamp. It was a close match. It was a close fight. Jag kommer att vara med dig inom fem minuter. I'll be with you in five minutes. I'll be with you in five minutes. Tom brugte et brækjern til at bryde døren op. Tom used a crowbar to pry open the door. Tom used an iron to break the door. Militæret knuste opstanden i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military crushed the rise in a few hours. Jag trodde att du tyckte om Tom. I thought you liked Tom. I thought you liked Tom. Jeg vil ikke se ham. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Jag vet inte om jag har tid. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. Tom var en fiasko som far. Tom is a failure as a father. Tom was a failure as a father. Han skänkte bort alla sina gamla möbler. He gave away all his old furniture. He gave away all his old furniture. Jag är redan rik. I'm already rich. I'm already rich. De taler spansk i Mexico. They speak Spanish in Mexico. They speak Spanish in Mexico. Jeg ønsker at gå på pension. I want to retire. I want to retire. Jag var på dåligt humör. I was in a bad mood. I was in a bad mood. Hvad skjuler du? What are you hiding? What are you hiding? Ett slukhål har bildats mitt i motorvägen. A sinkhole has appeared in the middle of the highway. A bolt hole has been formed in the middle of the highway. Trevlig resa! Godspeed! Nice trip! Viðskiptavinum hans fækkaði eftir að nýja verslunarmiðstöðin hóf starfsemi. His customers dropped off after the new supermarket opened for business. His customers declined after the new mall began to operate. Hvorfor lærte du fransk? Why did you learn French? Why did you learn French? Jag trodde att du gillade Tom. I thought you liked Tom. I thought you liked Tom. Har du nogensinde overvejet at sige op? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever considered resigning? Jeg tror Tom sover endnu. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að hitta hana þar. All you have to do is to meet her there. All you have to do is meet her there. Jag såg dig i tidningen i dag. I saw you in the newspaper today. I saw you in the paper today. De gamle sange var meget, meget bedre. The old songs were much, much better. The old songs were much, much better. Hvor mange mennesker er der på dette kontor? How many people are there in this office? How many people are there in this office? Tom lekte med sina katter. Tom played with his cats. Tom was playing with his cats. Tom gav Mary en hjerteformet småkage. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Mér líkar mun betur við hann sökum þess. I like him all the better for it. I like him much better because of it. Hún spurði mig spurningar. She asked me a question. She asked me a question. Jag vet att jag har fel. I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Jag får inte upp den här burken. I can't open this jar. I can't get this can up. En dag kommer du att ångra det här. Someday you'll regret this. One day you'll regret this. Tom er marsbo. Tom is a Martian. Tom's a marsbo. Du verkade glad här. You seemed happy here. You seemed happy here. Såvitt jag vet är det den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. As far as I know, it's the only possible translation. En dreng eller en pige? Is it a boy or a girl? A boy or a girl? Der er nogle butikker der giver rabat. There are some stores that'll give you a discount. There are some shops that provide discount. Jeg elsker at tale med dig. I love talking to you. I love talking to you. Emily hatar att klättra. Emily hates climbing. Emily hates climbing. Jag har en stor familj. I have a big family. I have a big family. Hvor mange eskimoer bor der i Grønland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? Säg vad problemet är. Tell me what the problem is. Tell me what the problem is. Sælger du sportssko? Do you sell sport shoes? You sell sports shoes? Arbejdere kan nedlægge arbejdet for at få højere løn eller bedre arbejdsforhold. Workers can go on strike for higher wages, or for better working conditions. Workers may reduce their jobs in order to obtain higher wages or better working conditions. Hver tekur við af Cynthiu þegar hún fer á eftirlaun. Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires? Who will accept from Cynthia when she retires. Jeg har åbnet vinduet. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Jag fann mina skor. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Jeg ved overhovedet ikke hvordan man spiller golf. I don't know how to play golf at all. I don't know how to play golf at all. Lærerinden var omgivet af sine studerende. The teacher was surrounded by her students. The teacher was surrounded by his students. Jag går inte på mötet. I'm not going to the meeting. I'm not going to the meeting. Han gav det til mig. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Sami var i tvättrummet. Sami was in the laundry room. Sami was in the laundry. Jeg har trænet min hund til at hente avisen om morgenen. I trained my dog to bring me the newspaper in the morning. I've trained my dog to pick up the newspaper in the morning. Det er min lillebror der svømmer derovre sammen med Mary. The boy who's swimming over there with Mary is my younger brother. It's my little brother swimming over there with Mary. Hann segist ekki munu hætta að reykja. He says he will not give up smoking. He says he won't quit smoking. Bilurin er bláur. The car is blue. The problem is blue. Jag är inte så synisk. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that psychic. Jeg rejser til Hawaii med skib. I'm going to Hawaii by ship. I'm going to Hawaii by ship. Lovade Tom att göra det? Did Tom promise to do that? Did Tom promise to do that? Tom är upptagen, eller hur? Tom is busy, isn't he? Tom's busy, isn't he? Emet gillar inte den kvinnan. Emet doesn't like that woman. The subject doesn't like that woman. Er du alene? Are you alone? Are you alone? Tom har ikke vandet blomsterne endnu. Tom hasn't watered the flowers yet. Tom doesn't have the flowers yet. Jeg kunne ikke lide den film. I didn't like that movie. I didn't like that movie. Fadil och Layla var intima i ungefär en timme. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Fåglarna är röda. The birds are red. The birds are red. Keiro er størsti býur í Afrika. Cairo is the biggest city in Africa. Keiro is the biggest resident in Africa. Jeg har været over hele verden. I've been all over the world. I've been all over the world. Sikke en skam! What a pity! What a shame! Fyrst þetta er mikilvægt vil ég að þú sjáir um það sjálfur. Since this is important, I'd like you to attend to it yourself. Since this is important, I want you to take care of it yourself. Jag tycker att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. Hún var eins og hún hefði séð draug. She looks as if she had seen a ghost. She was like she'd seen a ghost. Har du ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Följer du med mig till affären? Are you coming to the store with me? Are you coming to the store with me? Engelska är svårt, inte sant? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? Mitt hår är så smutsigt! My hair is so dirty! My hair is so dirty! Det finns en smörgås här. There's a sandwich here. There's a sandwich here. Tom måste ha haft en nyckel. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Jag tappade tålamodet. I lost my patience. I lost my patience. Det er ikke Toms skyld. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Hun gik på en pigeskole. She went to a single-sex school. She went to a girls' school. Jeg taler kun fransk med Tom. I only speak French with Tom. I only speak French with Tom. I dag er det lørdag. Today is Saturday. Today is Saturday. Ég trúi að það sem þú segir sé satt. I think what you say is true. I believe what you say is true. Se hvad jeg har fundet. Look what I've found. Look what I found. Udbred esperanto! Spread Esperanto! Spread Esperanto! Hvor jeg hader dette sted. This place sucks. Where I hate this place. Burde du ikke gøre det? Shouldn't you be doing that? Shouldn't you? Tom måste göra ditt jobb. Tom has to do your work. Tom has to do your job. Hvor er toilettet? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Hvor tog du dine bukser af? Where did you take your pants off? Where'd you take your pants off? Jag är inte någon expert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Jeg hører, det er den koldeste vinter, vi har haft de sidste ti år. I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years. I hear it's the coldest winter we've had in the last ten years. Hur långt skulle Tom gå? How far would Tom go? How far would Tom go? Natten er stadig ung. The night's still young. The night is still young. Du står i vejen. You are in the way. You're in the way. Håll ett öga på den. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Elefanter er planteædere. Elephants are herbivores. Elephants are herbicides. Hans telefon har været optaget i en time. His phone has been busy for an hour. His phone's been busy for an hour. Mange tak for den fremragende kaffe. Thank you very much for the excellent coffee. Thank you very much for the excellent coffee. Han är en av Spaniens mest kända författare. He is one of Spain's most famous authors. He's one of Spain's most famous writers. Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Du får inte komma in här om du inte har ett pass. You can't enter here unless you have a pass. You can't come in here unless you have a passport. Hon dog ung. She died young. She died young. Jeg hører at du er holdt op med at ryge. I hear you've quit smoking. I hear you quit smoking. Hon har ett hjärta av guld. She has a heart of gold. She has a heart of gold. Lägg av! Back off! Come on! Komælk er til kalve og indeholder væksthormoner som de har brug for. Jeg er ikke en kalv og ikke ønsker at vokse op som en. Cow's milk is for calves and contains growth hormones which they need. I am not a calf and do not want to grow up like one. Cow milk is for calves and contains growth hormones that they need. I am not a calf and do not want to grow up as one. Är det varmt ute? Is it hot outside? Is it hot out there? Vi mødtes klokken to om eftermiddagen. We met at two in the afternoon. We met at 2:00 in the afternoon. Sama hver hringir, segðu að ég sé ekki við. Whoever telephones, tell them I'm out. No matter who calls, tell them I'm not here. När var första gången du träffade henne? When was the first time you met her? When was the first time you met her? Hver er tilgangur þess að vinna svona mikið? What's the sense of working so hard? What is the purpose of working so hard? Þú gerir mig hamingjusama. You make me happy. You make me happy. Ég er alls ekki þreytt. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Jeg har haft en god sommerferie. I had a good summer vacation. I've had a good summer holiday. Här är ett exempel. Here's an example. Here's an example. Vi lever her. We live here. We live here. Vi njöt av att simma i sjön. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. Dom talade inte. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Skidt med det. Never mind. Never mind. Sneen forsvinder snart. The snow will soon disappear. The snow will be gone soon. Tom var pavestolt. Tom was as proud as a peacock. Tom was proud. Það er þér fyrir bestu að fylgja ráðleggingum læknisins. It would be best for you to follow the doctor's orders. It is best for you to follow the advice of your doctor. Mary sa att hon inte är redo att åka. Mary said she's not ready to go. Mary said she's not ready to go. Jeg efterlod min telefon i mødesalen. I left my phone in the conference room. I left my phone in the Chamber. Til højre side er der en bygmark, mens der til venstre er en hvedemark. On the right, there is a field of barley; while on the left, there is a field of wheat. On the right, there is a barley field while on the left there is a wheat field. Kan du släppa av mig vid biblioteket? Could you drop me off at the library? Can you drop me off at the library? Tom låter utmattad. Tom sounds exhausted. Tom sounds exhausted. Sygeplejersken tog sin temperatur. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse took his temperature. Jeg har brug for det. I need that. I need it. Jag tyckte jag sa åt dig att inte stå i vägen för mig. I thought I told you to get out of my way. I thought I told you not to stand in my way. Enginn getur hjálpað mér. No one can help me. No one can help me. Tom ventede. Tom was waiting. Tom was waiting. Gå före du, Tom. Go on ahead, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Tom begyndte på at tømme sine lommer. Tom started to empty his pockets. Tom started emptying his pockets. Min bil har ikke nok hestekræfter. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. Hvis det regner i morgen, så skipper jeg mødet. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going to the meeting. If it rains tomorrow, I'll skip the meeting. Når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, så tager han hele armen. Give someone an inch, and they will take a mile. When you reach a fucking finger, he's gonna take the whole arm. Hon kom emot oss med ett leende på läpparna. She walked towards us with a smile on her face. She came up against us with a smile on her lips. Kan du sätta på tv:n? Will you turn on the TV? Can you turn on the TV? Tær rosinurnar eru súrar. The grapes are sour. The roses are sour. Þetta gerist. These things happen. This is happening. Tom kom för att be oss om hjälp. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came here to ask us for help. Han är ogift. He is unmarried. He's not married. Han fortalte mig ikke alt. He didn't tell me everything. He didn't tell me everything. Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål. He's always asking silly questions. He keeps asking stupid questions. Kan De ride på en hest? Do you know how to ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Den här boken tillhör skolbiblioteket. This book belongs to the school library. This book belongs to the school library. Borde vi inte säga någonting? Shouldn't we say something? Shouldn't we say anything? Vad berättade han för er? What did he tell you? What did he tell you? Kom ut med oss. Come out with us. Come out with us. Att bli klar med det här jobbet innan tisdag kommer att vara enkelt. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. To finish this job before Tuesday will be easy. Solen gemmer sig bag skyerne. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Alt sker af en grund. Everything happens for a reason. Everything's happening for a reason. Känner du henne? Do you know her? Do you know her? Guld er tungere end sølv. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Denne by er kold og ensom uden dig. This city is cold and lonely without you. This town is cold and lonely without you. I går var det söndag, inte lördag. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday it was Sunday, not Saturday. Aberne afluser hinanden. The apes groom each other. The monkeys shut each other down. Mary er kniplerske. Mary is a lacemaker. Mary's a cracker. Tom gik med klipklapper og hawaiiskjorte. Tom was wearing flip-flops and a Hawaiian shirt. Tom was wearing clippers and Hawaiian shirts. Skit. Shit. Shit. Du behöver inte vara rädd. Han kommer inte att göra dig illa. There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you. You don't have to be afraid, he won't hurt you. Du har gode ideer. You have good ideas. You have good ideas. Hann lærði frönsku þegar hann var ungur. He acquired French when he was young. He learned French when he was young. Der er stadig lidt kaffe på kanden. There is little coffee left in the pot. There's still a little coffee on the edge. Jag står inte ut med Laylas tjat mycket länge till. I can't put up with Layla's nagging much more. I can't stand Layla's shit for much longer. Má ég sitja við hliðina á þér? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Tom købte en gave til sin søn. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought a gift for his son. Bilurin er gulur. The car is yellow. The problem is yellow. Snälla ge mig ett plåster och lite medicin. Please give me a Band-Aid and some medicine. Please give me a patch and some medication. Jeg elsker mine forældre. I love my parents. I love my parents. Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you please give me your cellphone number? Could you please give me your cell number? Ég get ekki gert það vegna þess að ég á ekki næga peninga. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. I can't do that because I don't have enough money. Hans hus ligger precis över gatan. His house is just over the road. His house is just across the street. Låt mig berätta för Tom. Let me tell Tom. Let me tell Tom. Tom lånte Mary alle de penge han havde på sig. Tom lent Mary all the money he had on him. Tom lent Mary all the money he had. Att spela piano kräver fingerfärdighet. Playing the piano requires manual dexterity. Playing piano requires finger skills. Tom kom løbende med et brev fra Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom kept coming up with a letter from Judy. Se mig i ögonen. Annars betyder det ingenting. Look me in the eyes. Otherwise, it means nothing. Look me in the eye, or it doesn't mean anything. Jag kände mig deppig. I was feeling blue. I felt sad. Vi har opdaget en hemmelig gang. We discovered a secret passageway. We've discovered a secret time. Det är dags att inse att det är omöjligt. Vi kommer aldrig att klara det. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. It's time to realize it's impossible. Den här tanden sitter löst. This tooth is wobbly. This tooth is loose. Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I'm wearing designer clothes myself. Tom blinkade med helljusen. Tom flashed his headlights. Tom blinked with the lights. Du kan tage min bil, hvis du vil. You can use my car, if you want to. You can take my car if you want. Hon var på brottsplatsen. She was on the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Hun er en beskidt løgner. She's a filthy liar. She's a dirty liar. Hvor var du? Where were you? Where were you? För min del föredrar jag öl framför whisky. As for me, I prefer beer to whisky. For my part, I prefer beer in front of whiskey. Sami torturerede katte. Sami tortured cats. Sami tortured cats. Hvem er den mand? Who's that man? Who's that man? Det verkar ta en evighet och tre dagar. It seems like it'll take forever and three days. It seems to take forever and three days. Cristiano Ronaldo er en af verdens bedste fodboldspillere. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best soccer players. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world's best football players. Sårede jeg dine følelser? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I hurt your feelings? Tom är besviken. Tom is disappointed. Tom's disappointed. Oddsen för att Reds vinner är 2 mot 1. The odds are two-to-one that the Reds win. The odds that Reds wins are 2 to 1. Jeg har brug for smertelindrende behandling. I need palliative care. I need pain relief. Håll dig redo. Stand by. Get ready. Þau rifust. They quarreled. They had a fight. Det forekommer mig at han er ærlig. It seems to me that he is honest. It seems to me that he is honest. Jeg læser musik på et universitet i Boston. I study music at a university in Boston. I'm reading music at a Boston University. Mit problem er ikke alkohol, men rygning. My problem isn't drinking, but smoking. My problem is not alcohol, it's smoking. Tom ser ut som du. Tom looks like you. Tom looks like you. Við vorum allir þreyttir. We were all tired. We were all tired. Jeg har lige googlet hvordan det skal gøres. I just googled how to do that. I just Googled how to do it. Jag tycker att tysk satslära är svårt. I think that German syntax is difficult. I think German labourstrate is difficult. Örnen fångar inte flugor. The eagle does not catch flies. Eagles don't catch flies. Det er ikke min mening, men kun min oversættelse. It's not my opinion, but just my translation. It's not my opinion, it's just my translation. Hvad er dit telefonnummer? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Jeg besluttede at skrive 20 sætninger om dagen på Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day at Tatoeba. Jim er að vökva garðinn. Jim is watering the garden. Jim's watering the garden. Vi vil snart vide sandheden. We'll soon know the truth. We'll soon know the truth. Spørg Trang om hun skal ud i aften. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if she's going out tonight. Han blev ramt af Amors pil. He was struck by Cupid's arrow. He was hit by Cupid's arrow. Tom dukade för middag. Tom set the table for supper. Tom was working for dinner. Barnen var inte imponerade. The kids weren't impressed. The children were not impressed. Þú hefur skyldu til að útksýra þessa hegðun fyrir mér. You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me. You have a duty to excavate this behavior for me. Låt mig ta en titt. Let me take a gander. Let me take a look. Skrik inte. Don't scream. Don't scream. Tom tror ikke at han er så kreativ som Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Det är dags för mig att sova. It's time for me to go to bed. It's time for me to sleep. Vilken är din favoritprotestsång? What's your favorite protest song? What's your favorite Protest song? Jag trodde att Tom skulle plantera de där blommorna nära eken. I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak tree. I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak. Mina föräldrar älskar varandra. My parents love each other. My parents love each other. Den fungerar. It's working. It works. Hvor ligger den danske ambassade? Where is the Danish embassy? Where is the Danish Embassy? Brød og cirkus. Bread and circuses. Bread and circus. Kanínur hafa stór eyru. Rabbits have big ears. Rabbits have big ears. Eg tími ikki í skúla. I don't want to go to school. I don't have time for a shoe. Du ser pragtfuld ud i den kjole. You look gorgeous in that dress. You look great in that dress. De her er nye. These are new. These are new. God tur! Have a nice trip. Have a good trip! Takk fyrir allt. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Var vänlig, men bestämd. Be gentle, but firm. Be kind, but firm. Der er en ål i vandet. There is an eel in the water. There's an eel in the water. Ryg og rejs! Get lost! Back up and get up! Var vaksam. Be vigilant. Be vigilant. Hun mener det alvorligt. She's being serious. She's serious. Tror ni att det kommer att regna idag? Do you think it'll rain today? You think it's gonna rain today? Mig vantar poka til að bera það í. I need a bag to carry it in. I need a bag to carry it in. Hade du en trevlig kväll? Did you have a nice evening? Did you have a nice night? Hvorfor snakker vi overhoved om det her. Why are we even talking about this? Why are we talking about this? Tom er blevet testet positiv for marihuana. Tom has tested positive for marijuana. Tom has been tested positive for marijuana. Það sem þú varst að segja minnir mig á undarlega reynslu sem ég varð fyrir fyrir nokkrum árum. What you have said reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago. What you were saying reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago. Hvor mange gange har Tom været gift? How many times has Tom been married? How many times has Tom been married? Ég syndi í sjónum á hverjum degi. I swim in the sea every day. I swim in the sea every day. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, så jeg fjernsyn. Having done my homework, I watched television. After I did my homework, I saw TV. Ge mig en dollar för boken. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Dette land er rigt på kul. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. Er han taxachauffør? Is he a taxi driver? Is he a taxi driver? Vilken är din favoritsnabbmatsrestaurang? What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? What's your favorite snack restaurant? Hvis det ligner en and og rapper som en and, så er det nok ikke et egern. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably not a squirrel. If it looks like a duck and raps like a duck, I don't think it's a squirrel. Jeg har hørt den franske version af denne sang. I've heard the French version of this song. I've heard the French version of this song. Der er ingen eksempler. There are no examples. There are no examples. Emily kommer att överraska mig. Emily will surprise me. Emily will surprise me. Låt henne oroa sig för det. Let her worry about it. Let her worry about it. Det gör ont i mina öron. My ears hurt. My ears hurt. De säger att han har varit död i två år. They say that he has been dead for two years. They say he's been dead for two years. Hans kone er en af mine venner. His wife is one of my friends. His wife is a friend of mine. Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think that Tom is stubborn. I think Tom's stubborn. Jag tittar sällan på dokumentärer. I seldom watch documentaries. I'm rarely looking at documentarys. Tom kunde inte tro på det som hänt. Tom couldn't believe what had happened. Tom couldn't believe what happened. Ó vissulega. Oh, sure. Oh certainly. Du har ett meddelande här. You have a message here. You have a message here. Denne kuffert har fire kilo overvægt. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This suitcase has four kilos overweight. Min onkels hund bed mig. My uncle's dog bit me. My uncle's dog bit me. Bob er min ven. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Hjartað mitt slær svo hratt! My heart's beating so fast! My heart beats so fast! Lucy kan inte använda ätpinnar. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. Lucy can't use eating sticks. Nemandinn hefur þegar leyst allt dæmið. The student has already solved all the problems. The student has already solved the whole case. Hur länge har vi varit här? How long have we been here? How long have we been here? Fienden till bra är bättre. The enemy of "good" is "better". The enemy to good is better. Vi fandt en snapskildpadde. We found a snapping turtle. We found a snapped turtle. Jag skriver ett brev. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Han snackar lita konstigt ibland. Sometimes he talks a little weird. He speaks strangely sometimes. Jag borde inte ha ringt. I shouldn't have called. I shouldn't have called. Om du verkligen vill lyckas måste du tycka om att äta gift. To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison. If you really want to succeed, you must enjoy eating poison. Skriv in ditt användarnamn följt av ditt lösenord. Enter your username, followed by your password. Enter your username followed by your password. Ægtefæller er også velkomne. Spouses are also welcome. Couples are also welcome. Tom fortalte mig, at han ikke vil have det. Tom told me he doesn't want that. Tom told me he doesn't want it. Það er tími til að fara í háttinn. It's bedtime. It's time to go to bed. Jag måste sluta. I've got to quit. I gotta go. Alle æbler er røde. All apples are red. All apples are red. Hun tog fyldige noter. She took copious notes. She took rich notes. Jag är skild. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. Lätt fånget, lätt förgånget. Easy come, easy go. Easy catch, easy gain. Jag har en inbjudan. I have an invitation. I have an invitation. Ég afbókaði tíma með henni. I canceled an appointment with her. I set aside time with her. Vad är jag skyldig dig? What do I owe you? What do I owe you? Hvem har skrevet dette brev? Who wrote this letter? Who wrote this letter? Jeg har lige talt med Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just talked to Tom. Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Rumænien! Happy Birthday, Romania! Happy birthday, Romania! Går du eller ej? Are you going or not? Are you leaving or not? Kan vi hyra en av de här båtarna? Can we rent one of these boats? Can we rent one of these boats? Ni måste alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You must always do the right thing. Är det en seriös fråga? Is that a serious question? Is that a serious question? Stop med at ryge. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I must leave now. I gotta go now. Jag hoppas att få se renar under min resa till Sverige. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. I hope to see reindeer during my trip to Sweden. Det är mig veterligen den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. I am, of course, the only possible translation. Hún hikar stundum áður en hún svarar. She sometimes hesitates before answering. Sometimes she hesitates before answering. Jag måste ge mig i väg. I have to get going. I've got to get out of here. Þetta er húsið hennar. That is her house. This is her house. Tack för allt du gjort. Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for everything you've done. Han gik for vidt. He went too far. He went too far. Þeim er veitt fjárhagsaðstoð. Financial support is given to them. They're being given financial assistance. Hur övertygade du honom? How did you convince him? How did you convince him? Hun oversatte brevet fra japansk til fransk. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. She translated the letter from Japanese to French. Kennarinn benti á töfluna. The teacher pointed to the blackboard. The teacher pointed to the tablet. Jag kunde inte gå på hans födelsedagskalas. I wasn't able to go to his birthday party. I couldn't go to his birthday party. Tom er dranker. Tom is a wino. Tom's a drunk. Denne rose er meget smuk. This rose is very beautiful. This rose is very beautiful. Jeg er lige stået af toget og jeg står stadig på perronen. I just got off the train and I'm still on the platform. I just got off the train, and I'm still on the platform. Du skulle ha sett henne. You should have seen her. You should have seen her. Hvernig get ég sofið? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Ég fór að heiman klukkan sjö. I left home at seven. I left home at 7:00. Tycker du om att vandra? Do you like hiking? Do you like walking? Gå på offensiven. Go on the offensive. Go on the offensive. Vad är det för filtillägg? What's the file extension? What's the file extension? Ikke alle tyskere kan lide at drikke øl. Not all Germans like to drink beer. Not all Germans like to drink beer. Jeg cyklede på en cykel. I rode a bicycle. I rode on a bike. Företaget är en attraktiv arbetsgivare. The company is an attractive employer. The company is an attractive employer. Jeg har aldrig været i cirkus. I've never been to a circus. I've never been to the circus. Gør aldrig sådan igen. Never ever do it like this again. Don't ever do that again. Ingen läkare är perfekt. No doctor is perfect. No doctor is perfect. Förlåt, jag tror inte att jag kan. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. I'm sorry, I don't think I can. Vi ønsker at opbygge et nyt Algeriet. We want to build a new Algeria. We want to build a new Algeria. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi mála. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time for urgent matters. Begge ben er svage. Both legs are weak. Both legs are weak. Helen er að leika sér í garðinum. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the park. Ég er að frjósa. I'm freezing. I'm freezing. Behöver du någonting annat? Do you need something else? Do you need anything else? Det fanns ingen kärlek i Fadils hem. There was no love in Fadil's home. There was no love in Fadil's home. En þú? And you? What about you? Vad ska du göra ikväll? What are you going to do this evening? What are you gonna do tonight? Tom kommer ikke til at løbe på ski med os, kommer han vel? Tom won't be skiing with us, will he? Tom's not going skiing with us, is he? Hvad er mindstelønnen i Ghana? What's the minimum wage in Ghana? What's the minimum wage in Ghana? Hvis flere havde stemt, ville vi have vundet valget. If more people had voted, we would have won the election. If more people had voted, we would have won the election. Var är ditt rum? Where is your room? Where's your room? Lad være at afbryde mig! Don't interrupt me. Don't interrupt me! Folk klager tit over vejret. People often complain about the weather. People complain about the weather a lot. Hon skulle gärna kommit men hon var på semester. She would willingly come but she was on vacation. She would love to come, but she was on vacation. Han er sidst i halvtredserne. He's in his late fifties. He's in the late fifties. Han studerer amerikansk historie. He studies American history. He's studying American history. Get ég freistað þín með að fá þér annan bita af kökunni? Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Can I tempt you to have another bite of the cake? Det er helt forståeligt. That's totally understandable. That's quite understandable. De bor där. They live there. They live there. Det er vigtigt at vide, hvad der skal gøres. It's important to know what has to be done. It is important to know what to do. Tom behandler mig som et barn. Tom treats me like a child. Tom treats me like a child. Regnið fylgir mér hvert sem er! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain follows me anywhere! Vi har to hunde; den ene er sort og den anden er hvid. We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. We have two dogs; one is black and the other is white. Vad är det som tar en sådan tid? What's taking so long? What's taking such a time? Jag har aldrig träffat Toms fru. I've never met Tom's wife. I've never met Tom's wife. Hvor har jeg lagt det? Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Du kan vælge en hvilken som helst af dem. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. Det där var Toms mamma. That was Tom's mother. That was Tom's mom. Det er ikke hvad jeg hører. That's not what I hear. That's not what I hear. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. Har Tom märkt någonting ännu? Has Tom noticed yet? Has Tom noticed anything yet? Hvorfor bruger du Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? Why are you using Tatoeba? Hvem taler du om? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? Jeg har mange venner. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. De som ved og kan, handler. De som ved, men ikke kan, underviser. De som hverken ved eller kan, leder. Those who know and can, do. Those who know, but can't, teach. Those who neither know nor can, lead. Those who know and can act, those who know, but cannot, teach, those who neither know or can lead. Inget mer, tack. Jag är mätt. No more, thank you. I'm full. No more, thank you. Má ég nota á klósettið? May I use the toilet? Can I use the bathroom? Om det bara vore så enkelt. I only wish it were that simple. If it was that simple. Denne kasse indeholder æbler. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. De sa att de skulle göra läxorna, fast de gick på bio. They said that they would do homework, though they went to the movies. They said they'd do the homework, but they went to the movies. Der er plads til forbedringer. There's room for improvement. There's room for improvement. Jag skulle ha gjort exakt som du gjorde. I would've done exactly what you did. I should have done exactly what you did. Jag kanske inte är nog snygg. Maybe I'm not pretty enough. Maybe I'm not good-looking enough. Du kan ikke slå os alle ihjel. You can't kill us all. You can't kill us all. Kan vi inte berätta för Tom? Can't we tell Tom? Can't we tell Tom? Är du anställd här? Do you work here? Are you employed here? Jag gillar dina speglar. I like your mirrors. I like your mirrors. Ut med dig! Get out! Get out! Tom fick det att se så lätt ut. Tom made it look so easy. Tom made it look so easy. Du måste ha blandat ihop mig med någon annan. You must have me confused with someone else. You must have mixed me up with someone else. Jag ska äta lunch med Tom. I'll be having lunch with Tom. I'm having lunch with Tom. Röker ni? Do y'all smoke? You smoke? Tom kom nærmere. Tom got closer. Tom came closer. Jag har tre barn. I have three children. I have three children. Ákvörðunin liggur hjá honum. The decision rests with him. The decision lies with him. Varför sa vi det där? Why did we say that? Why did we say that? Jeg kan godt lide at køre. I like to drive. I like driving. En fransk oversættelse af denne bog blev udgivet i 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. Tom har et farve-tv. Tom has a colour TV. Tom has a color TV. Barnen är vår framtid. The children are our future. The children are our future. Når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, tager han hele hånden. Give someone an inch, and they will take a mile. When you reach a fucking finger, he takes his whole hand. Kristy Anderson er Larry Ewings hustru. Kristy Anderson is the wife of Larry Ewing. Kristy Anderson is Larry Ewing's wife. Jeg kan overhovedet ikke høre noget. I can't hear anything at all. I can't hear anything at all. Du blev meget fuld. You got very drunk. You got very drunk. Tom kan godt lide sort lakrids. Tom likes black licorice. Tom likes black liquorice. Alt, hvad der kunne gå galt, gik galt. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Ég vildi óska að fólk mundi hætta að segja hluti á vegu sem rústa ungum draumum. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that destroy young dreams. Det er et kæmpe træ. It is a huge tree. It's a huge tree. Hún er að gráta. She is crying. She's crying. Vores virksomhed blev grundlagt i 1899 af min tiptipoldefar. Our company was founded in 1899 by my great-great-great-grandfather. Our company was founded in 1899 by my Tiptipoldefar. Varför är den inte här? Why isn't it here? Why isn't it here? Tom använde sin machete för att rensa spåret. Tom used his machete to clear the trail. Tom used his machete to clear the track. Han har allerede været under husarrest i to år. He's already been under house arrest for two years. He's already been under house arrest for two years. Hann er að þrífa bílinn. He is washing the car. He's cleaning the car. Af hverju komst þú seint heim? Why did you come home late? Why did you come home late? Ni kommer att åka till Irland. You'll go to Ireland. You will go to Ireland. Put det op på væggen. Put it on the wall. Put it on the wall. Vi sprang hela vägen till stationen. We ran all the way to the station. We ran all the way to the station. Sjúklingnum batnaði smám saman. The patient got better little by little. The patient gradually improved. Visst kan det vara traumatiskt, men än sen? Sure, it might be traumatic, but so what? Can't it be traumatic, but then? Vad är det med Tom? What's up with Tom? What's the matter with Tom? Lad ikke dørene stå åbne. Don't leave the doors open. Don't let the doors open. Lisa fortalte mig at hun havde spist nattō. Lisa told me that she has eaten natto. Lisa told me she had dinner at night. Studerende har ikke adgang til lærerværelset. Students may not enter the teachers' room. Students don't have access to the teacher's room. Alt er godt. All is well. Everything's fine. Det virker som om du tænker på noget andet. You seem to be thinking of something else. Looks like you're thinking about something else. Jag önskar att Tom var här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom was here. Det er rent volapyk. It's all Greek to me. It's pure volapy. Ég skal sjá um reikninginn. I'll foot the bill. I'll take care of the bill. Det här är din hållplats. This is your stop. This is your stop. Du måste göra som hon säger. You must do as she says. You have to do what she says. Jeg motionerer en time hver dag. I exercise for an hour every day. I exercise an hour every day. Jeg troede ikke at det var din plads. I didn't think this was your seat. I didn't think it was your place. Velkomin á heimasíðu Tatoeba verkefnisins. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to Tatoeba's website. Hur ska jag förklara det? How do I explain it? How am I supposed to explain that? Du är farlig. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Tom har meget brede skuldre. Tom has very broad shoulders. Tom has very broad shoulders. Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need new glasses. Vi tänker flytta till Boston. We're going to move to Boston. We're moving to Boston. Han sprider osanna rykten. He's spreading false rumors. He's spreading bad rumors. Tom drack en alkoholfri öl. Tom drank a non-alcoholic beer. Tom drank an alcohol-free beer. Det knackar på dörren. It knocks on the door. It's knockin' on the door. Jeg tager næsten hver dag til stranden. I go to the beach almost every day. I go almost every day to the beach. Vems rum är det här? Whose room is this? Whose room is this? Kamelmælk er godt for mennesker med sukkersyge. Camel milk is good for people with diabetes. Camel milk is good for people with diabetes. Jeg forlader Boston i morgen. I'm leaving Boston tomorrow. I'm leaving Boston tomorrow. Tom har fået sine tænder bleget. Tom got his teeth whitened. Tom's got his teeth dazzled. Jeg er dyrlæge. I'm a veterinarian. I'm a vet. En fremmed er bare en ven, du ikke har mødt endnu. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. Politiet troede ikke på hendes historie. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe in her story. Jag gillar inte din attityd. I don't like your attitude. I don't like your attitude. Tom säger att han inte kommer att rösta. Tom says he won't vote. Tom says he won't vote. Høner flyver ikke over mure. Hens don't fly over walls. Chickens don't fly over walls. Aber er intelligente. Monkeys are intelligent. Aber is intelligent. Jag sätter in tiotusen yen på banken varje månad. I put ten thousand yen into the bank every month. I put ten thousand yen in the bank every month. Ég á vin sem elskar mig. I have a friend who loves me. I have a friend who loves me. Det var bara en tursam gissning. It was just a lucky guess. It was just a lucky guess. De har ingen annanstans att gå. They have nowhere else to go. They have nowhere else to go. Tvätta händerna. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Släpp ut mig! Let me out! Let me out! Var der frisk brød i kassen? Was there fresh bread in the box? Was there any fresh bread in the box? "Hvordan ønsker du din kaffe?" "Med mælk og to teskefulde sukker, tak." "How do you have your coffee?" "White with two, thanks." "How do you want your coffee?" "With milk and two teaspoons of sugar, please." Ni skrämmer mig inte. You don't scare me. You don't scare me. Du er holdt med at ryge, ikke sandt? You've quit smoking, right? You don't smoke, do you? De sad i sofaen i vores stue. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting in the couch in our living room. Hneykslismálið hefur alvarlega skaðað hreinu ímyndina hans. The scandal has badly damaged his clean image. The scandal has seriously damaged his pure image. Jag sålde den där redan. I already sold that. I already sold that. Tom, titta på mig! Tom, look at me! Tom, look at me! Gamlir jálkar kunna að halda því fram að internetið hafi verið frjálsast á dögum Usenetsins. Old-timers might argue the Internet was freest during the Usenet days. Old English may argue that the Internet was the most free of charge in the United States. Tom havde lyst til at danse. Tom felt like dancing. Tom wanted to dance. Tom er enebarn. Tom is an only child. Tom's an only child. Jag hämtar dig efter jobbet. I will pick you up after work. I'll pick you up after work. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor han græder. I don't know why he's crying. I don't know why he's crying. Hvornår går du i seng lørdag aften? What time do you go to sleep Saturday night? When are you going to bed Saturday night? Put den i en papirspose. Put it into a paper bag. Put it in a paper bag. Ni skulle ha gillat det. You would've liked it. You guys would've liked it. Jeg efterlod min telefon i mødelokalet. I left my phone in the conference room. I left my phone in the conference room. Låt inte folk göra dig galen över pengar, hår och kläder. Don't let people make you crazy about money, hair and clothes. Don't let people drive you crazy about money, hair and clothing. Du är inte en pojke. You're not a boy. You're not a boy. Har du nogensinde rejst alene? Have you ever traveled alone? Have you ever gone alone? De förorsakade oss knappt några problem. They gave us very little trouble. They barely caused us any problems. Der er noget galt her. There's something wrong here. Something's wrong here. Det engelske hold slog det brasilianske hold i den internationale fodboldturnering. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The British team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. Har du designat den här? Did you design this? Did you design this? Kvinden er parat. The woman is ready. The woman is ready. Får jag be om matsedeln och vinlistan? May I have the menu and the wine list? May I ask for the menu and the wine list? Lagnerne var gennemblødt af sved. The sheets were soaked with sweat. The layers were soaked with sweat. Jag gillade aldrig biologi. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Þessi hamborgari er ódýr miðað við japanska hamborgara. This hamburger is inexpensive for a Japanese hamburger. This hamburger is cheap compared to Japanese hamburgers. Jeg kan se Tom. I can see Tom. I see Tom. Vi har aldrig gjort det förut. We've never done it before. We've never done it before. Han er både høj og fed. He's both tall and fat. He's high and fat. Hún ráðlagði honum að koma fyrir klukkan 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. Du är nästa trettio. You're almost thirty. You're the next thirty. Det er den højeste bygning i denne by. It's the highest building in this city. It is the highest building in this city. Vårt lag besegrade motståndaren med 5-4. Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. Our team defeated the opponent with 5-4. Hur är det relevant? How is this relevant? How is this relevant? Hún var hissa að hann skyldi mæta. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised he was coming. Vi kan ikke se nogen stjerne i aften. We can't see any stars tonight. We can't see any star tonight. Isen är väldigt tjock. The ice is very thick. The ice is very thick. Góða nátt Tatoeba. Vit síggjast í morgin. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Tatoeba, good night. Stå ansigt til ansigt. Stand face to face. Face it. Är Tom stor nog att dricka alkohol? Is Tom old enough to drink? Is Tom big enough to drink alcohol? Vi giver ham æblet. We're giving him the apple. We'll give him the apple. Det må have været en anden. It must've been someone else. It must have been someone else. Var är dina barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Han så ud som han havde set et spøgelse. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. Er dette en ny hammer? Is this a new hammer? Is this a new hammer? Du borde ha slutat tidigare. You should've quit earlier. You should've quit earlier. I kan parkere her. You can park here. You can park here. Við syntum í sjónum. We swam in the sea. We're swimming in the sea. Tom solgte sit hus. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Jag älskar arabiska. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Låt inte Tom se er. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Lestin gengur á hálftíma fresti. The train runs every thirty minutes. The train goes every 30 minutes. Det er farligt at sms'e under kørslen. It isn't safe to text while you drive. It's dangerous to text while driving. Jag hatar den här sången. I hate this song. I hate this song. Dette er første gang nogensinde at jeg har slået min hund. This is the first time I've ever beaten my dog. This is the first time I ever hit my dog. Hvordan var I i stand til at gøre det så hurtigt? How were you guys able to do that so quickly? How were you able to do it so fast? Du känner antagligen till det som Tom gjorde. You probably know about what Tom did. You probably know what Tom did. Jag måste byta om nu. I need to change now. I have to change now. Jag kommer att åka till Irland. I'll go to Ireland. I'm going to Ireland. Jeg har brændt mine fingre. I burned my fingers. I've burned my fingers. Tom er omrejsende sælger. Tom is a traveling salesman. Tom's a traveling salesman. Skådespelerskan har ett väldigt vackert namn. The actress has a very beautiful name. The actor has a very beautiful name. Vi behöver Toms hjälp. We need Tom's help. We need Tom's help. Han har fornærmet Gud. He insulted God. He's offended God. Tom er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen. Tom isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Tom's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Jeg er ikke sikker på udtalen af ordet. I am not sure how to pronounce the word. I am not sure about the statement of the word. Tom är redan hemma. Tom is already home. Tom's already home. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad han snakker om. I have no idea what he's talking about. I have no idea what he's talking about. Tom håber at alle tager afsted, så han kan gå i seng. Tom is hoping that everyone will leave, so he can go to bed. Tom hopes that everyone will leave so he can go to bed. Jag gillar färgerna. I like the colors. I like the colors. Dö inte. Don't die. Don't die. Hvor mange æg er der? How many eggs are there? How many eggs are there? Hans bror kan inte sjunga. His brother can't sing. His brother can't sing. Var Tom vred? Was Tom angry? Was Tom angry? Tom är den perfekta pappan. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect father. Jeg tvivler på om han kommer. I am doubtful whether he will come. I doubt he's coming. Hvor mange hustruer har Tom haft? How many wives has Tom had? How many wives has Tom had? København er en cykelvenlig by. Copenhagen is a bike-friendly city. Copenhagen is a bicycle-friendly village. Han var själv. He was alone. He was himself. Hur stora var de? How large were they? How big were they? Ved du hvem der har opfundet krudtet? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the gun? Din skjorta är inte instoppad. Your shirt's not tucked in. Your shirt's not stuffed. Han vil aldrig besøge byen igen. He will never visit the town again. He'll never visit the city again. Jag är väldigt upptagen hemma. I'm very busy back home. I'm very busy at home. Thomas Edison opfandt elpæren. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb. Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb. God morgon, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Tom måste stoppas. Tom must be stopped. Tom has to be stopped. Det lämnas utrymme för diskussion. There's room for discussion. There is room for discussion. Tom hatade spenat. Tom hated spinach. Tom hated spinach. Tom har hemlängtan. Tom's homesick. Tom's got homesickness. Jeg har kendt ham i mere end ti år. I've known him for more than ten years. I've known him for more than 10 years. Hvordan udtales det? How is that pronounced? How is that expressed? Ég hata pólitík. I hate politics. I hate politics. Vi måste prata med er om Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. Jeg bruger internet på badeværelset. I use the internet in the bathroom. I use the Internet in the bathroom. Det du ser med øjnene er nødvendigvis ikke sande. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily true. Hversu lengi hefurðu þekkt hana? How long have you known her for? How long have you known her? Vi har lært engelsk i tre år indtil nu. We have been studying English for three years now. We've been learning English for three years until now. Jag hoppas verkligen att du har rätt. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. Jeg kan ikke besvare jeres spørgsmål. I can't answer your questions. I can't answer your questions. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda matinn. She is busy cooking dinner. She's busy cooking. Jag är så trött på dig. I'm so tired of you. I'm so tired of you. Livvagten gik med øresnegl. The bodyguard was wearing an earpiece. The bodyguard was wearing a earpiece. Hun er stærk. She is strong. She's strong. Vad kostar en öl? How much is one beer? How much does a beer cost? Tom vil få brug for det. Tom will need it. Tom will need it. En fågel sket på min mosters bil. A bird shat on my aunt's car. A bird happened on my aunt's car. Hun sagde sandheden. She was telling the truth. She told the truth. Jeg har boet her hele mit liv. I've been living here my whole life. I've lived here my whole life. Paris är Frankrikes huvudstad. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Der må være en eller anden måde at krydse floden på. There must be some way to cross the river. There must be some way to cross the river. Lad os gå et sted hen hvor det er varmt! Let's go someplace warm. Let's go somewhere warm! Det här är inkorrekt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Ég er að borða hádegismat. I'm eating lunch. I'm having lunch. Ge mig ett ögonblick. Give me a moment. Give me a second. Bilen kørte ind i et autoværn. The car ran into a guardrail. The car ran into an auto-guard. Trodde du på Tom? Did you believe Tom? Did you believe in Tom? Jag vet att du gör så bara för att reta mig. I know you're just doing that to annoy me. I know you're doing this just to tease me. Jeg ønsker ikke at se ham. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Vilken är din favoritsuperhjälte? Who's your favorite super hero? What's your favorite super hero? Vi så hende komme ind i værelset. We saw her enter the room. We saw her get into the room. Det er meget farligt. It's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Din cykel er meget nyere end min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. Jag vill bo i Brasilien. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Jeg gik for vidt. I went too far. I went too far. Jag låg på sjukhus i några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in the hospital for a few days. Jag gjorde ingenting. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Þessi kassi mun þjóna sem borð. This box will serve as a table. This box will serve as a table. Jag satte upp en liten koja i trädgården. I put up a small hut in the backyard. I put a little cow in the garden. Tar du dörren? Get the door, will you? You take the door? Han tog hævn. He took revenge. He took revenge. Det här gör mig arg. This makes me mad. This makes me angry. Var ligger den nederländska ambassaden? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Dutch Embassy? Jenny dansar samba. Jenny dances the samba. Jenny's dancing samba. Är inte det vad de vill ha? Isn't that what they want? Isn't that what they want? Vi har talt meget over telefonen. We've talked a lot on the phone. We've talked a lot about the phone. Hon hjälpte den gamla mannen över vägen. She helped the old man cross the road. She helped the old man across the road. Hur lång tid har vi? How long have we got? How long do we have? Jeg så slet intet. I saw nothing at all. I didn't see anything. Denne berømte skuespillerinde var også en modeikon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. Vad hände med dem? What became of them? What happened to them? I hvilken mappe har du gemt filen? In which folder did you save the file? In which folder have you saved the file? Borgmesteren vil snart bekendtgøre sin beslutning om at træde tilbage. The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign. The mayor will soon announce his decision to resign. Hun taler kinesisk. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Betjentene smed tåregasgranater ind i bygningen. The cops threw tear-gas bombs into the building. Officers threw tear gas grenades into the building. Hvad laver han derude? Inviter ham indenfor! What's he doing out there? Invite him inside! What's he doing out there? Det kommer det att finnas mycket tid till senare. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There will be a lot of time until later. Åbn døren! Open the door. Open the door! Vill du gifta dig med min dotter blir du tvungen att respektera våra familjetraditioner. If you want to marry my daughter, you will have to respect our family traditions. If you want to marry my daughter, you'll have to respect our family traditions. Ég er ekki alltaf heima á sunnudögum. I'm not always at home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Det var ikke mig der oversatte det. It wasn't me who translated this. I didn't translate it. Han spelar alltid bra. He always plays well. He always plays well. Hann var mjög þolinmóður. He was very patient. He was very patient. Diane er líka hálfsystir þín, George. Diane is your half-sister too, George. Diane's your half sister, too, George. Jag tycker om frukt. I like fruit. I like fruit. Får jag träffa Tom idag? Can I see Tom today? Can I see Tom today? Det här skrivbordet som jag köpte igår är väldigt stort. This desk, which I bought yesterday, is very big. This desk I bought last night is very big. Hans hälsa blir sämre och sämre. His health is getting poorer and poorer. His health is getting worse and worse. Vær ikke for streng ved dig selv! Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't be too strict about yourself! Det er en fugl. It is a bird. It's a bird. Wow! Tusindvis af fisk! Wow! Thousands of fish! Wow! Alice har fantastiska ben. Alice has stunning legs. Alice has amazing legs. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom speaks only French with his parents. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Tom berättade för mig att vi har slut tid. Tom told me that we're out of time. Tom told me we're out of time. Bílnum mínum var stolið í nótt. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen tonight. Jag behöver is. I need ice. I need ice. Det kan vi ikke garantere. We can't guarantee that. We can't guarantee that. Ham og hans datter sms'ede ofte til hinanden inde i deres eget hus. His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home. He and his daughter often texted each other inside their own house. Hur gjorde Tom det där? How did Tom do that? How did Tom do that? Jag vet inte varför Tom gjorde som han gjorde. I don't know why Tom did what he did. I don't know why Tom did what he did. Tom ser äcklad ut. Tom looks disgusted. Tom looks disgusting. Mary satte några blommor i vasen. Mary put some flowers in the vase. Mary put some flowers in her vase. Jeg lavede noget lignende. I did something similar. I did something like that. Min kone har lavet en lækker æblekage til mig. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. My wife made me a delicious apple cake. Vad är det för skillnad mellan en by och en stad? What's the difference between a village and a town? What's the difference between a village and a town? Han skrev ner sina tankar i sin anteckningsbok. He put down his thoughts in his notebook. He wrote down his thoughts in his notebook. Hendes læber var bløde. Her lips were soft. Her lips were soft. Í næstu andrá náði Herkúles taki á skrímslinu. The next instant Hercules caught hold of the monster. In the next fight, Hercules caught up with the monster. Hon bor i huset där borta. She lives in the house over there. She lives in that house over there. Vi mister kontrol over situationen. We're losing control of the situation. We're losing control of the situation. Sami gjorde tjeneste i Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Sami served in Vietnam. Jeg gav Mary en bog. I gave Mary a book. I gave Mary a book. Jag älskade pjäsen. I loved the play. I loved the play. Sade de när? Did they say when? Did they say when? Jeg er ked af det sene svar. I'm sorry for the delay in responding. I'm sorry about the late answer. Kate är förkyld. Kate has a cold. Kate's cold. Er jeg i sikkerhed nu? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Jag åkte på en tiodagarsresa till Påskön. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. I went on a ten-day trip to Easter. Min ekskærestes eks ringede mig lige pludselig op. My ex-boyfriend's ex just called me out of the blue. My ex-boyfriend's ex-boyfriend just called me up suddenly. När bröt andra världskriget ut? When did World War II break out? When did World War II break out? Hvem oversatte Koranen til hebraisk? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Qur'an into Hebrew? Vi betalar. We're paying. We're paying. Tom behandler altid Mary som et barn. Tom always treats Mary like a child. Tom always treats Mary as a child. Hur gick det för dig? How did you make out? How'd it go for you? Tom har nästan alltid på sig en hatt. Tom almost always wears a hat. Tom's almost always wearing a hat. De spiser sunde fødevarer. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy foods. Tag hvad du vil. Take anything you like. Take whatever you want. Nok er nok! Enough is enough. Enough is enough! Ég er útlendingur. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Jag bor hellre ensam. I'd rather live alone. I'd rather live alone. Hon har studerat engelska sedan tioårsåldern. She has been studying English since the age of ten. She has studied English since the age of ten. Hun var bredhoftet. She has wide hips. She was a broad hip. Er du gift? Are you married? Are you married? Tú ert skít! You are drunk! You're shit! Du är bedårande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Den här är ren. This one is clean. This one's clean. Tom er et røvhul. Tom is an asshole. Tom's an asshole. Sami bor stadig i Egypten. Sami still lives in Egypt. Sami still lives in Egypt. Sex er vigtigt for mig. Sex is important to me. Sex is important to me. Ég er ekki svöng lengur. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not hungry anymore. Det är bäst att vi gör som Tom säger. We'd better do as Tom says. We better do what Tom says. Jag tycker om att titta på gamla familjebilder. I enjoy looking at old family pictures. I like watching old family pictures. Hun argumenterede for at der var en "malplaceret optimisme" omkring AI-teknologi. She argued that there is "misplaced optimism" about AI technology. She argued that there was a "malplaced optimism" about AI technology. Använder du droger? Do you do drugs? Do you use drugs? Hvad er der bag muren? What's behind the wall? What's behind the wall? Bad jeg dig ikke om at holde døren lukket? I thought I told you to keep the door closed. Didn't I tell you to keep the door closed? Ég er viss um að muni geta fundið það. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. I'm sure you'll be able to find it. Vi ska mötas på stationen klockan nio. We're meeting at the station at nine o'clock. We're meeting at the station at nine o'clock. Koffein er vanedannende. Caffeine is addictive. Caffeine is addictive. Hur ser den ut? What's it like? What does it look like? Tom tog ett beslut. Tom made a decision. Tom made a decision. Jeg tænker kun på dig. I only think of you. I'm only thinking of you. Jag sa åt Tom att ta det lugnt. I told Tom to calm down. I told Tom to take it easy. Hunden är död. The dog is dead. The dog's dead. Jag förstår. I understand. I see. Jag vet redan. I already know. I already know. Han tog af sted for tre dage siden. He left three days ago. He left three days ago. Gid jeg var rig! I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich! Gör vad han än säger till dig. Do whatever he tells you. Do whatever he says to you. Þegar þú talar ert þú aðeins að endurtaka það sem þú veist nú þegar. En ef þú hlustar gætir þú lært eitthvað nýtt. When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. When you speak, you are just repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you might learn something new. Jeg begyndte at danse. I began to dance. I started dancing. Það kom á óvart. It was a surprise. That was surprising. Holder bussen her? Does the bus stop here? Is this the bus? Mér til undrunar var mannfræðingurinn sakaður um morð. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. Hon tatuerade en räv bakom örat. She tattooed a fox behind her ear. She tattooed a fox behind the ear. Den är gjord av skinn. It's made of leather. It's made of leather. Visa oss runt. Show us around. Show us around. Jag vore väldigt tacksam. I'd be very grateful. I'd be very grateful. Det har varit en tung dag. I had a hard day. It's been a heavy day. Du er nødt til at være skør for at gøre sådan noget. You've got to be crazy to do something like that. You have to be crazy to do something like that. Brödet är färskt. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Hämta! Fetch! Get! Den her juice ville være endnu bedre med to isterninger. This juice would be even better with two ice cubes. This juice would be even better with two ice cubes. Ikke alle bøger er gode bøger. Not all books are good books. Not all books are good books. Vad ska du ta? What are you having? What are you gonna take? Kun nogle få forstod hvad han sagde. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few understood what he said. Vi måste hitta honom. We must find him. We have to find him. Ibland tar hon bussen, ibland åker hon bil. Sometimes she goes by bus, and sometimes by car. Sometimes she takes the bus, sometimes she rides. Han satte in en annons i tidningen. He put an announcement in the newspaper. He put an ad in the paper. Passer det at I ikke kan svømme? Is it true that you can't swim? Is it possible that you can't swim? Din son har sällskap med min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son has company with my daughter. Jeg var rasende over hvad han sagde. I was burned up by what he said. I was furious at what he said. Jeg kan godt lide det kurdiske sprog. I like the Kurdish language. I like the Kurdish language. Jag förstår det inte heller. I don't understand either. I don't understand either. Mina fingrar har domnat. My fingers are numb. My fingers have been numb. Min far glemmer alt. My father forgets everything. My father forgets everything. Jag ville att Tom skulle sticka iväg och lämna mig i fred. I wanted Tom to go away and leave me in peace. I wanted Tom to leave me alone. Pas på! Beware! Look out! Her styrter det ned. It's raining cats and dogs here. Here it comes down. Du kører alt for langsomt. You're driving way too slow. You drive way too slow. Hún elskaði mig sem og ég hana. She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me like I loved her. Han boede i en lille by i nærheden. He lived in a small town nearby. He lived in a small town nearby. Denne film er værd at se. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth seeing. Mor lavede frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made us lunch. Alle er iværksættere. Everyone is an entrepreneur. Everyone's an entrepreneur. Jag måste se den. I need to see it. I need to see it. Det var precis vad jag behövde. That's just what he needed. That's exactly what I needed. Tom er ikke bange for slanger. Tom isn't scared of snakes. Tom's not afraid of snakes. Tanken på att hon skulle möta den berömda sångaren fick henne att rysa av spänning. She thrilled at the thought that she would meet the famous singer. The thought of her meeting the famous singer caused her to shudder with excitement. Vem ska ges skulden? Who's to blame? Who's to be blamed? Tom tycker att det är tillräckligt bra. Tom thinks that's good enough. Tom thinks it's good enough. Layla er en beskidt so. Layla is a dirty slut. Layla's a dirty bitch. Du ser precis ut som din pappa. You look just like your father. You look just like your dad. Ég vissi að þú kæmir til að bjarga mér. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come to save me. Det er Toms mesterværk. It's Tom's masterpiece. It's Tom's masterpiece. Ég er ekki í skapi til að læra. I don't feel like studying. I'm not in the mood to learn. Tom sa att han tycker om färgen på min T-shirt. Tom said he likes the color of my T-shirt. Tom said he likes the color of my T-shirt. Jeg må hellere gå nu. I'd better go now. I'd better go now. Är ni roade av detta? Are you enjoying this? Are you enjoying this? Det har alt i alt kostet 150.000 euro. It came to a grand total of 150,000 euros. The total cost has been EUR 150,000. Nogen har stjålet min frokost. Somebody stole my lunch. Someone stole my lunch. Opnaðu dyrnar. Unlock the door. Open the door. Det har varit varmt de senaste dagarna. It's been warm the last few days. It's been hot in the last few days. När? When? When? Efter min mening er tysk det bedste sprog i verden. In my opinion, German is the best language in the world. In my opinion, German is the best language in the world. Idiot! Idiot! You idiot! Vad heter han? What's his name? What's his name? Var är alla? Where's everyone? Where is everybody? Han skar den med kniven som han havde fået som gave fra sin bror. He cut it with the knife that he received as a present from his brother. He cut it with the knife he had received as a gift from his brother. Ljug aldrig igen. Never tell a lie again. Never lie again. Du sir myggen fra og sluger en kamel. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You're gonna take off your mosquito and swallow a camel. Är detta din hund? Is this your dog? Is this your dog? Hún ráðlagði honum að ganga frekar en að taka strætisvagn. She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus. She advised him to walk rather than take a bus. Jag kom med Tom. I came with Tom. I came with Tom. England åker ut på straffar igen. England go out on penalties again. England is going out for punishment again. Kan man rättfärdiga användandet av våld? Can one justify the use of violence? Can violence be justified? Hennes hår är torrt. Her hair is dry. Her hair's dry. Ég er þreyttur á vinnunni minni. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my job. Det är mycket mer komplicerat än så. It's much more complicated than that. It's much more complicated than that. Ingen ville hjælpe mig, ikke engang Tom. No one would help me, not even Tom. No one would help me, not even Tom. Vilken spännande match! What an exciting game! What an exciting match! En man som inte spenderar tid med sin familj kan inte vara en riktig man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man. A man who doesn't spend time with his family can't be a real man. Ég er ekki fæddur í gær. I wasn't born yesterday! I'm not born yesterday. Er du sikker på at hans navn er Tom? Are you sure his name is Tom? Are you sure his name is Tom? Ju mer jag lyssnar på henne, desto mindre gillar jag henne. The longer I listen to her, the less I like her. The more I listen to her, the less I like her. Ingen skriver till mig. Nobody writes to me. No one's writing to me. Jag blev blöt ända in på skinnet. I got wet to the skin. I got wet all the way into my skin. Jag vill inte fria till dig! I don't want to propose to you! I don't want to propose to you! Var snäll och vänta en stund medan jag gör klart ditt kvitto. Please wait a moment while I write out your receipt. Please wait a minute while I finish your receipt. Det var et meget godt forsøg. That was a very good try. It was a very good attempt. Luk for gassen! Please turn off the gas. Shut the gas! Hon förklarade ett skämt. She explained a joke. She explained a joke. Hen grät. She cried. He cried. Köpte du dem? Did you buy them? Did you buy them? Han steg upp klockan fem som vanligt. He got up at five as usual. He got up at five o'clock as usual. Tom fyldte tredive den 20. oktober. Tom turned thirty on October twentieth. Tom filled 30 on October 20. Mig langar að fara út með þér í kvöld. I want to go with you tonight. I want to go out with you tonight. Jag åker om tio minuter. I'm leaving in ten minutes. I'm leaving in 10 minutes. Du måste vänta på nästa buss. You have to wait for the next bus. You have to wait for the next bus. Tom bad Mary att hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary to help him. Tom asked Mary to help him. Vi är hans söner. We are his sons. We're his sons. "Hvad er du for én?" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. "Du er inderlig styg!" sagde vildænderne, "men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!" "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family." "What are you to one?" they asked, and the eel turned to all sides, and greeted as well as it could. "You are a sore sore!" said the savages, "but it may be to us the same thing when you do not marry into our family!" Ingen hjälpte mig göra detta. No one helped me do this. Nobody helped me do this. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you make it? How did you make it? Det fanns ingen kvar utom mig. There was no one left but me. There was no one left but me. Det var ikke større end en fodbold. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It wasn't bigger than a football. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. Har ni fördomar? Are you biased? Do you have prejudices? Tom var iført sin pyjamas da han åbnede døren. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Tom was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door. Toms morfar och Marys farfar slogs tillsammans i andra världskriget. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Vilken tunnelbanelinje går till stadskärnan? What subway goes to the center of town? Which subway line goes to the city center? Mörg tungumál nota ensk orð. Many languages use English words. Many languages use English words. När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked at a factory. Gammal är äldst. Old is eldest. Old age is the oldest. Toms læge foreslog ham at skære ned på sukkeret. Tom's doctor suggested that he cut down on sugar. Tom's doctor suggested cutting the sugar. Tom gör världens bästa spagetti. Tom makes the best spaghetti in the world. Tom's doing the best pagetti in the world. Jeg bebrejder ham ikke. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. Var hurðin opin? Was the door open? The door was open? Lås døren! Lock the door! Lock the door! Hvorfor lader du mig ikke bare være? Why don't you give me a break? Why don't you just leave me alone? Jag försöker lära mig engelska. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Min tørst er slukket. My thirst is quenched. My thirst's off. Jag hämtar lite is. I'll get some ice. I'll get you some ice. Huset är sålt. The house has been sold. The house is sold. Tom är förvånad. Tom is astonished. Tom's surprised. Jeg sælger tøj på nettet. I sell clothing online. I'm selling clothes online. Jag är uttråkad på lektionen. I am bored in class. I'm bored with class. Det kalla vädret fortsatte i tre veckor. The cold weather continued for three weeks. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Er den for salt? Is it too salty? Is it too salty? Vilken årstid gillar du mest, våren eller hösten? Which season do you like best, spring or autumn? Which season do you like most, spring or fall? Han taler knap nok til mig længere. He barely speaks to me anymore. He barely talks to me anymore. Jeg er ikke interesseret i politik. I'm not interested in politics. I'm not interested in politics. Du har tur. You are lucky. You're lucky. Tom vet att ni är här. Tom knows you're here. Tom knows you're here. Við hvíldum okkur ein á eftir annarri. We took a rest one after the other. We rest alone after another. Hann kemur aftur klukkan sex. He'll return at six. He'll be back at 6:00. Italienska är enligt många världens vackraste språk. Many consider Italian to be the world's most beautiful language. Italian is according to many of the world’s most beautiful languages. Jag har fått nog! I'm fed up! I've had enough! Detta är en bra sång. This is a great song. This is a good song. Jag har två bröder. I've got two brothers. I have two brothers. Självfallet! Definitely! Of course! Har du några mynt i din plånbok? Have you got some coins in your wallet? Do you have any coins in your wallet? Försök att övertyga honom att hjälpa oss. Try to convince him to help us. Try to convince him to help us. Jeg er sikker på at der findes en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Kan du skicka mig den där grunkamojen? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you send me that gringo? Du kommer til at spille fodbold i morgen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Det var sort. It was black. It was black. Han stod bakom stolen. He stood behind the chair. He was behind the chair. Vart går du oftast och klipper dig? Where do you usually go to get a haircut? Where do you usually go and cut yourself? Hvorfor har du købt denne cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Savner du mig? Do you miss me? Do you miss me? Situationen är mycket värre än vi föreställt oss. The situation is a lot worse than we imagined. The situation is much worse than we imagined. Hur stavas ”pretty”? How do you spell "pretty"? How is “pretty” spelled? Hvad er din livret? What's your favorite food? What's your favorite? Önska dig nånting först. Make a wish first. Wish you something first. Både Tom og Mary tjekkede deres egne ure. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Tom avskyr katter. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. Han accepterede vores tilbud. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Vær høflig over for dine forældre. Be polite to your parents. Be courteous to your parents. Tom tog upp telefonen. Tom picked up the phone. Tom picked up the phone. Jag gillar det inte. I don't like that. I don't like it. Jeg glæder mig til jul. I am looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to Christmas. Det stod i tidningen att ännu ett krig har brutit ut i Afrika. The newspaper said another war broke out in Africa. It was stated in the paper that another war has broken out in Africa. Situationen forværres. Things are getting worse. The situation is getting worse. En plus to er lig med tre. One plus two equals three. One plus two is equal to three. Ertu búinn með hann? Have you finished it? Are you done with it? Det ligger affärer längs gatan. There are stores along the street. There are shops along the street. Jeg er enig. I agree. I agree. I går aftes skrev jeg et brev. Yesterday evening I wrote a letter. Last night, I wrote a letter. Gid jeg kunne hjælpe dig! I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you! Vad ska ske nu? What's next? What's going to happen now? Vi blev väldigt besvikna över att höra nyheterna. We were very disappointed to hear the news. We were very disappointed to hear the news. I skolan blev Tom ofta mobbad. In school, Tom was often bullied. At school, Tom was often bullied. Der står en taxa og venter. A cab is waiting. There's a cab waiting. Det er ikke raketvidenskab. It's not rocket science. It's not rocket science. Är du galen? Are you mad? Are you crazy? Vi går. We're going. Let's go. Den nya lagen gäller hela delstaten. This new law will apply statewide. The new law applies to the entire state. Ég hnerra mikið. I sneeze a lot. I sneeze a lot. Tom är nöjd. Tom is contented. Tom's happy. Du bør holde dit løfte. You should keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Hvor mange kilo vejer du? How many kilograms do you weigh? How many pounds do you weigh? Hun er ikke gammel nok til at få kørekort. She's not old enough to get a driver's license. She's not old enough to get a license. En av fördelarna med att bo i en demokrati är att man får säga vad man tycker och tänker. One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is permitted to say whatever he thinks. One of the benefits of living in a democracy is that you have to say what you think and think. Það er ekkert frelsi fyrir þá fávísu. There is no freedom for the ignorant. There is no freedom for the foolish. Det kan vara ett vapen. It could be a weapon. It could be a weapon. Jag väntar på att affärens ska öppna. I am waiting for the store to open. I'm waiting for the store to open. I Sydafrika må hekse flyve på kosteskaft, men ikke højere end 150 meter. In South Africa, witches can fly on broomsticks, but they cannot fly above the 150 metres limit. In South Africa, witches have to fly a broom but not more than 150 metres. Håll dig varm. Keep warm. Stay warm. Här är en mening, med stavelseantalet, som i en haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. Here's a meaning, with the spelling number, like in a haiku. Den står på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Maður verður að fylgja reglunum. One must observe the rules. You have to follow the rules. Stod ni två nära varandra? Were you two close? Did you two get close? Glöm inte att signera med ditt namn. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign with your name. Tom fortalte mig at han ikke ønskede at komme tomhændet hjem. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom told me that he did not want to come home empty - handed. Hvernig er kvefið þitt? How's your cold? How's your cold? Jeg er sikker. I am sure. I'm sure. Jag vet att du saknar din familj. I know you miss your family. I know you miss your family. Jeg har det godt. I'm fine. I'm fine. ”Hon är död.” ”Nej, det är inte möjligt!” "She's dead." "No, it's not possible!" “She is dead.” “No, it is not possible!” Rita en liten cirkel. Draw a small circle. Draw a little circle. Det tog nätt och jämnt en timme. It took little more than an hour. It took just about an hour. Tom har en tendens till att överdriva saker och ting. Tom's prone to exaggeration. Tom has a tendency to exaggerate things. Tom er i meget god form. Tom is in very good shape. Tom's in very good shape. Hon tycker om kemi. She likes chemistry. She likes chemistry. Tom landede på havet. Tom landed on the sea. Tom landed on the sea. Hatta er sín hestur. That's his horse. Hatta's his horse. Jag älskar att undervisa. I love to teach. I love to teach. Jeg gav ikke op. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Flestir háskólanemar nota tölvur aðallega til að skrifa ritgerðir. Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers. Most university students use computers primarily to write essays. Hetta er eitt vakurt land. This is a beautiful country. This is one watchful country. Konan er høg. The woman is tall. The woman's a hawk. Taler Tom fransk flydende? Does Tom speak French fluently? Tom speaking French fluently? Jag vet. I know. I know. Við erum með tvo hávaxna leikmenn í hafnaboltaliðinu okkar. We have two tall players in our baseball team. We have two tall players in our baseball team. Hela dagen var min pappa på dåligt humör för att han tappat bort sin plånbok. All that day my father was out of humor because he had lost his wallet. All day long my dad was in a bad mood because he lost his wallet. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've done very well. Cathy ætlar að koma að sjá barnið okkar í kvöld. Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight. Cathy's coming to see our baby tonight. Förlåt, det var inte min mening att sparka dig. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kick you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fire you. Jag hittar inte mina skor. I can't find my shoes. I can't find my shoes. Den politiske situation var mildest talt yderst ustabil i de næste ti år af hans regeringstid. The political situation was, to say the least, extremely unstable during the next ten years of his reign. The political situation was mildly extremely unstable in the next ten years of his reign. Við hlökkum til frísins. We're looking forward to the holidays. We're looking forward to our vacation. Kald mig bare "Deres Majestæt". Just call me "Your Majesty". Just call me Your Majesty. Håller inte Tom på att äta frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Jeg har aldrig set Tom danse. I've never seen Tom dance. I've never seen Tom dance. Endelig knagede det ene æg efter det andet: "pip! pip!" sagde det, alle æggeblommerne var blevet levende og stak hovedet ud. At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, "Peep, peep." Finally, one egg knucked after another, "Pip! Pip!" it said that all the egg yolks had grown alive and put their heads out. Strudse kan ikke flyve. Ostriches can't fly. The ostrich can't fly. Hur kan vi hjälpa till? How may we help? How can we help? Hann fékk kvef. He came down with a cold. He got a cold. I dag er det en af mine venners fødselsdag. Today is one of my friends' birthday. Today is one of my friends' birthdays. Jag har sådan otur. I have such bad luck. I'm so bad luck. Att flyga drake kan vara farligt. Flying a kite can be dangerous. Flying dragons can be dangerous. Hun beskar et træ. She pruned a tree. She's in love with a tree. Jag är stolt över er. I'm proud of all of you. I'm proud of you. Han købte en avis. He bought a newspaper. He bought a newspaper. Den här jakten är väldigt dyr. This yacht is very expensive. This hunt is very expensive. Vilken trevlig överraskning! What a nice surprise! What a nice surprise! Hvenær á bróðir minn afmæli? When is my brother's birthday? When's my brother's birthday? Jag vänjer mig. I'll get used to it. I'm getting used to it. Det är svinkallt! It's wretchedly cold. It's freezing! Partiet påstår sig tjäna folket. The party claims to serve the people. The party claims to serve the people. Vår butik är stor. Our store is large. Our store is big. Jobbar de här? Do they work here? They work here? Terry var mjög ánægður með fréttirnar. Terry was very pleased with the news. Terry was very pleased with the news. Var snäll och ge oss två knivar och fyra gafflar. Give us two knives and four forks, please. Please give us two knives and four forks. Dette er den korteste vej til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. Hann tapaði trúverðuleika sínum vegna þess að hann sveik vin sinn. He lost his credibility because he betrayed a friend. He lost his credibility because he betrayed his friend. Tom fyllde på sin kaffemugg. Tom refilled his coffee mug. Tom filled his cup of coffee. Tom sagde til mig at jeg gik som en pingvin. Tom told me I walked like a penguin. Tom told me I was walking like a penguin. Hun er den eneste veninde jeg har. She is the only friend I have. She's the only friend I have. Tom tycker om dig. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Við getum ekki breytt dagskránni okkar. We can't make a change in our schedule. We cannot change our schedule. Kikærter er hovedingrediensen i hummus. Chickpeas are the main ingredient in hummus. Kikærter is the main ingredient in hummus. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I'm beginning to think of money. Det er helt tydeligt at du ikke ønsker at gøre dette for mig. It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me. It is quite clear that you do not want to do this for me. Hr. Brown er vores finansrådgiver. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financial advisor. Jag vill inte översätta den här meningen. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate this sentence. Lösenord? Password? Password? Det finns ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Jeg kender hans hemmelighed. I know his secret. I know his secret. Hur länge har du gillat Tom? How long have you liked Tom? How long have you liked Tom? Denne ideologi er irrelevant for Algeriet. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. Vi er af forskellig alder. Han er ældre end mig. We are different ages. He is older than me. We're of different ages, he's older than me. Vegurinn til Nagano er lokaður umferð. The road to Nagano is closed to traffic. The road to Nagano is closed round. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu komin. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street, and when you pass the traffic lights, you're here. Jag var förälskad. I was in love. I was in love. Jag gick inte med Tom. I didn't go with Tom. I didn't go with Tom. Jag joggar varje dag. I run every day. I jog every day. Jag fixar trasiga radioapparater. I fix broken radios. I'll get you some broken radios. Eg haldi, tað er ein ávaring. I think it is a warning. I think it's a warning. Gå in nu. Now go on inside. Go in now. Har jag glömt nåt? Have I forgotten anything? Have I forgotten anything? Jag känner inte Tom längre. I don't know Tom anymore. I don't know Tom anymore. Jag har planterat ett träd. I've planted a tree. I planted a tree. De her er Toms briller, ikke mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. Tom er død. Tom is dead. Tom's dead. Tom var en af mine patienter. Tom was one of my patients. Tom was one of my patients. Jeg er nødt til at skrive et brev. I have to write a letter. I have to write a letter. Tom umgås med Mary nästan varje dag. Tom hangs out with Mary almost every day. Tom has sex with Mary almost every day. Den er for stor. It's too big. It's too big. John og Ann holder af hinanden. John and Ann like each other. John and Ann love each other. I morgon kommer jag att veta vem som är den nya presidenten. Tomorrow, I'll know who the new president is. Tomorrow I'll know who the new president is. Ska du resa ensam? Will you travel alone? You're going alone? Ingen forstår mig. Nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. Sluta skrika. Mitt huvud gör ont. Stop yelling. My head hurts. Stop yelling, my head hurts. De taler kurdisk. They speak Kurdish. They speak Kurdish. Hvorfor vasker du hænderne? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Jeg er ikke en sladrehank. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a rat. Jag klarar det inte i dag. I can't do it today. I can't do it today. Já. Yes. Yeah. Hvad er dine bekymringer? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Hun er bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Takk fyrir daginn. Thank you for today. Thanks for the day. Förlåt för igår. I'm sorry about yesterday. Sorry about last night. Har vi et problem? Do we have a problem? Do we have a problem? I denne gudsforladte landsby er de fleste bønder analfabeter. Most of the peasants living in this godforsaken village are illiterate. In this godforsaken village, most peasants are illiterate. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There is little chance of her getting caught. Har du redan pratat med honom? Have you already talked to him? Have you already talked to him? Ég var eina barnið sem fór í háskóla. I was the only child to enroll in college. I was the only child who went to college. Jag gick aldrig och lade mig. I never went to sleep. I never went to bed. Ég var vanur að vaka langt fram á nótt. I used to stay up long into the night. I used to stay up late in the night. Manden bagpå pickuppen begyndte at skyde efter os. The man in the back of the pickup truck started firing at us. The man behind the pickup started shooting at us. Gør jeg det her forkert? Am I doing this wrong? Am I doing this wrong? Hvorfor har du købt en skildpadde? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Hvem var dronning Elizabeth? Who was Queen Elizabeth? Who was Queen Elizabeth? Jag undrar om Tom talar sanning. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I was wondering if Tom was telling the truth. Hun købte forleden dag et nyt hus. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house the other day. Det beror på sammanhanget. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. Þú ert frjáls til að fara heim. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Reglerna är inte viktiga. The rules aren't important. The rules are not important. Det här är ett postkontor och det där är en bank. This is a post office and that is a bank. This is a post office and that is a bank. Låt Tom leva. Let Tom live. Let Tom live. Tom har besteget bjerge over hele verden. Tom has climbed mountains all over the world. Tom has climbed mountains all over the world. Hann leit út fyrir að sofa, en í raun var hann dáinn. He looked asleep, but he was really dead. He looked like he slept, but in fact he was dead. Tom är illojal. Tom is disloyal. Tom is disloyal. Han ville ha pengarna tillbaka. He wanted the money back. He wanted the money back. Du hører aldrig efter. Jeg kunne lige så godt tale til væggen. You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. You never listen, I might as well talk to the wall. Jag ska göra det för dig. I'll do it for you. I'll do it for you. Blir ni ledsna av det? Does that make you sad? Will you be saddened by that? Kan I tale ladino? Do you guys speak Ladino? Can you talk to Ladino? Tom var inte på Marys fest. Tom wasn't at Mary's party. Tom wasn't at Mary's party. Kan jag inte stanna här med dig? Can't I stay here with you? Can't I stay here with you? Tom rødmede. Tom turned red. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Kolla det där. Check that. Look at that. Han var involverad i en skandal. He was involved in a scandal. He was involved in a scandal. Tom skrev postkort til os. Tom wrote us postcards. Tom wrote us postcards. Kragen sitter åt för hårt runt min hals. The collar is too tight round my throat. The collar is too hard around my neck. Hvorfor kigger du hele tiden på dit ur? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Det beror på stolens storlek. It depends on the size of the chair. It depends on the size of the chair. Tom vil bare have fred og ro. Tom only wants some peace and quiet. Tom just wants peace and quiet. Tom er den bedste der er. Tom's the best there is. Tom's the best there is. Tom hittade pengarna som saknades. Tom found the missing money. Tom found the missing money. Hvat sært tú? What did you see? What did you hurt? Är du musiker? Are you a musician? Are you a musician? Jeg hedder Tom, og jeg er narkoman. I'm Tom and I'm an addict. I'm Tom, and I'm a drug addict. Tom taler med fransk accent. Tom speaks with a French accent. Tom's talking to a French accent. Hver byggði það? Who built it? Who built it? Han är absolutist. He's a teetotaler. He's an absoluteist. Vi spelade schack inte så mycket för att vi gillade att spela som för att bara slå ihjäl tiden. We played chess not so much to enjoy the game as just to kill time. We didn't play chess that much because we liked to play like to just kill time. Brødet var muggent, men Tom spiste det alligevel. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. The bread was moldy, but Tom ate it anyway. Jag har en överraskning åt dig. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Hon övertalade honom att göra det fastän hon visste att det inte var en god idé. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. She persuaded him to do it even though she knew it wasn't a good idea. Tom og Mary er bange for at deres fly kan blive aflyst. Tom and Mary are worried that their flight might be cancelled. Tom and Mary are afraid their planes will be cancelled. Leg ikke med taburetten. Don't play with the stool. Don't play with the taboo. Sådant kan hända då och då. Such things can happen from time to time. This can happen from time to time. Solen gemmer sig bag skyerne. The Sun hides behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Hun mangler almindelig sund fornuft. She is lacking in common sense. She lacks common sense. Jag ska gå och handla. I'll go shopping. I'm going shopping. Jag ringer en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a cab. Ursäkta, var ligger posten? Excuse me, where is the post office? Excuse me, where's the mail? Jag hoppas att du kommer fram med en bättre plan. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Hvis du ikke bryder dig om moderne musik, så er denne koncert ikke noget for dig. If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert. If you don't like modern music, this concert isn't for you. Það virðist vera að enginn viti sannleikann. It seems that no one knows the truth. It seems that no one knows the truth. Jeg ved aldrig hvad jeg skal sige. I never know what to say. I never know what to say. Var generösa. Be generous. Be generous. Hun venter. She is waiting. She's waiting. Hvad ønsker du til efterret? What do you want for the second course? What do you want for the dessert? Hun flyttede hjemmefra med alt sit habengut. She left home bag and baggage. She moved away from home with all her crew. Jeg vil give dig en bog. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Det sägs att han är den bästa tennisspelaren. They say he's the best tennis player. They say he's the best tennis player. Jag har också lust att spela. I feel like playing, too. I also want to play. Skildpadder har ikke tænder. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Tökum okkur tíu mínútna hlé. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a 10 minute break. Du har aldrig varit bra på att rita. You were never good at drawing. You've never been good at drawing. Tom sagde til Mary at han ikke var sułten. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Tom told Mary he wasn't sued. Jag skulle vilja vara ensam. I would like to be alone. I'd like to be alone. Du måste förbereda dig för det värsta! You must prepare yourself for the worst. You have to prepare for the worst! Du er for tynd. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Fyrir hvern vinnurðu? Who is it that you're working for? Who do you work for? Låt oss anordna en fest. Let's have a party. Let's set up a party. Det är dags att gå till gymmet. It's time to go to the gym. It's time to go to the gym. Hvor har du lagt mine nøgler? Where did you put my keys? Where'd you put my keys? Hvað ertu að drekka, hvítt eða rautt? What are you drinking, white or red? What are you drinking, white or red? Det var sjovt. That was fun. That was fun. Skoðaðu síðuna mína á Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Look at my page on Facebook. Folk säger att han aldrig dör. People say he never dies. People say he never dies. Min søn taler kun med mig når han har brug for penge. The only time my son talks to me is when he needs some money. My son only talks to me when he needs money. Vi erbjuder inte den boken. We don't have that book on offer. We're not offering that book. F i det hexadecimale system er lig med 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in the hexadecimal system is equal to 15. Hun skrev ét brev. She wrote one letter. She wrote one letter. Det råder ingen tvekan om att hon älskar honom, men hon vill inte gifta sig med honom. No doubt she loves him, but she won't marry him. There is no doubt that she loves him, but she does not want to marry him. Jeg er ugelønnet. I am paid weekly. I'm paid the week. Min bror vil dræbe mig. My brother will kill me. My brother will kill me. Rolig nu, fortæl hvad der er sket. Calm down and tell us what happened. Calm down, tell me what happened. Ge Sami en kyss. Give Sami a kiss. Give Sami a kiss. Han skrattade sig fördärvad. He died laughing. He was laughing at himself. Det var omöjligt att finna ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Jag kollade måttet. I checked the gauge. I checked the dimensions. Tom spurgte Mary om vej. Tom asked Mary for directions. Tom asked Mary about the way. Jeg viste hende vejen. I showed her the way. I showed her the way. Tom är vid sans. Tom's conscious. Tom's at his senses. Har du brug for læsebriller? Do you need glasses to read? Do you need reading glasses? Jeg er ofte her. I'm often here. I'm here a lot. Två tredjedelar av eleverna kom till mötet. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Jag litar verkligen på dig, Tom. I do trust you, Tom. I really trust you, Tom. Hold dig fra den fyr. Stay away from that guy. Stay away from that guy. Denne fabrik producerer cd-afspillere. This factory produces CD players. This factory produces CD players. Tom røg før i tiden. Tom used to smoke. Tom used to smoke. Det bor få människor på ön. Few people live on the island. Few people live on the island. Gå och gör popcorn. Go make popcorn. Go make popcorn. Några människor har sagt till mig att jag ser japansk ut. Some people have told me that I look Japanese. Some people have told me I look Japanese. Ég sakna þín. I miss you. I miss you. Det fandt jeg irriterende. I found that irritating. I found that annoying. Jag hatar mitt hår. I hate my hair. I hate my hair. Du er den eneste. You're the only one. You're the only one. En vagt er udenfor. A guard is outside. A guard is outside. De efterlyste ett slut på striderna. They called for an end to the fighting. They called for an end to the fighting. Ég kem ekki í dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Hann tók þunga kassann niður af hillunni. He took the heavy box down from the shelf. He took the heavy box off the shelf. Hun gned sine øjne. She rubbed her eyes. She rubbed her eyes. Jeg er ikke længere bange for hunde. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. Að foreldrum hans undanskildum mundi enginn verja hinn ákærða. Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. Except for his parents, no one would defend the accused. Jeg elsker Tom. I love Tom. I love Tom. Tom vandt Det Europæiske Melodigrandprix. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom won the European Melodigrandprix. Tom satte sig i förarsätet och körde iväg. Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off. Tom sat in the driver's seat and drove away. Kiks kan indeholde nødder eller peanuts, selv om det ikke indgår i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. biscuits may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the list of ingredients. Han har en bil der har fire døre. He has a car that has four doors. He's got a car with four doors. Har Tom en? Does Tom have one? Does Tom have one? Jag skulle inte ljuga för er. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Sara har enogtredive kuglepenne. Sara has 31 pens. Sara has thirty-one pen pens. Tom berättade en vits. Tom told a joke. Tom told me a joke. Hvad er meningen? What's the big idea? What's the point? Alle har stemt. Everyone has voted. Everyone has voted. Jeg troede Tom var rig. I thought Tom was rich. I thought Tom was rich. Forvitni drap köttinn. Curiosity killed the cat. Annoyance killed the cat. GloFish er genetisk modificerede akvariefisk. GloFish are genetically modified aquarium fish. Glofish is genetically modified aquarium fish. Jag vägrar arbeta. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. Det är lätt som en plätt. It's a piece of cake. It's easy like a placard. Han sov i bilen. He slept in the car. He slept in the car. Vi valgte ham til borgmester. We elected him mayor. We chose him as mayor. Det var begripligt. It was understandable. That was understandable. Hvor er forår? Where is spring? Where's spring? Vad är klockan? What's the time? What time is it? Kan du hjälpa mig att diska? Can you help me wash the dishes? Can you help me wash? Jag anlände i går kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. De kan komme på mandag eller tirsdag, men ikke på onsdag eller torsdag. They can come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday. They may come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday. Ett högt träd kastar sin långa skugga på vattnet. A tall tree projects its long shadow on the water. A tall tree throws its long shadow on the water. Jag trodde att ni åkte hem. I thought you went home. I thought you guys were going home. Madame de Pompadour var Ludvig 15.s elskerinde. Madame de Pompadour was Louis XV's mistress. Madame de Pompadour was Louis 15's mistress. Vad tyckte Tom? What did Tom think? What did Tom think? Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moské. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabylia has a mosque. Ni kommer att behöva en nyckel. You will need a key. You'll need a key. Sluta vara så dramatisk. Stop being so dramatic. Stop being so dramatic. Har du billigere siddepladser? Do you have any cheaper seats? Do you have cheaper seats? Spørgsmålet nu er hvem. The question now is who. The question now is who. Det sker kun på film. That only happens in the movies. It's only on film. Hun var deprimeret. She felt blue. She was depressed. Det er sædvanligvis mig der står for opvasken. I usually do the dishes. It's usually me who stands for the dishes. Jag har redan bett Tom att inte åka tidigt. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. I've already asked Tom not to leave early. Þetta er ekki mín gerð. This is not my type. This isn't my type. Hvor mange billeder har du brug for? How many pictures do you need? How many photos do you need? Tom pendler til arbejde på motorcykel. Tom commutes to work by motorcycle. Tom comms for motorbike work. Hvad laver du? What do you do for a living? What are you doing? Hvad sagde I til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you say to Tom? Ég er saddur! I'm full! I'm full! Ved Gud, jeg lyver aldrig. By God, I never tell a lie. God knows, I never lie. Gomorron! Morning! Morning! Den här pojken är min son. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Det gjorde jag för första gången. I did it for the first time. I did that for the first time. Min søn interesserede sig tidligt for politik. My son took an early interest in politics. My son took an interest in politics early. Þú ættir að borða eitthvað áður en þú ferð. You should eat something before you go. You should eat something before you leave. Mamma ætlar að líta eftir barninu meðan ég fer á dansleikinn. My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance. My mom's gonna look after the baby while I'm at the ball. En tredjedel är mindre än en halva. A third is less than a half. A third is less than half. Är ni hungriga ännu? Are you hungry yet? Are you hungry yet? Han är stolt över att ha tagit examen vid Tokyo Universitet. He is proud of having graduated from Tokyo University. He's proud to graduate at Tokyo University. Alle blev syge. Everybody got sick. Everybody got sick. Af hverju ertu svona reiður? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Aldersrelateret makuladegeneration kan forårsage blindhed. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Age-related macular degeneration can cause blindness. Alle klappede ved slutningen af koncerten. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Han tog til posthuset for at poste brevet. He went to the post office to mail the letter. He went to the post office to mail the letter. Jag väntade i tio minuter. I waited for ten minutes. I waited ten minutes. Naboens hund gør hele tiden. The dog next door is always barking. The neighbour's dog does all the time. Hvað er símanúmerið hjá þér? What's your phone number? What's your number? Hon är envis. She is stubborn. She's stubborn. Toaletten är bakom trappuppgången. The toilet is behind the staircase. The toilet is behind the stairwell. Jag trodde att Tom skulle tala bättre franska än Mary. I thought Tom would speak French better than Mary. I thought Tom would speak better French than Mary. Jeg er tolv. I'm twelve. I'm 12. I det övre vänstra hörnet står det ”Till salu”. In the upper left corner it says "For sale". In the upper left corner it says “For sale”. Vad finns i garderoben? What's in the closet? What's in the closet? Hvad er meningen med dette? What's the meaning of this? What is the point of this? Idag är fredag den tjugonde oktober. Today is Friday, the twentieth of October. Today is Friday, October 20th. Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who has eaten all the cookies? Who's been eating all the cookies? Fyrr eða seinna muntu sjá eftir iðjuleysinu. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Hvað væri lífið án geislunar ástarinnar? What is life without the radiance of love? What would be life without the radiation of love? Der skete en ulykke. There was an accident. There was an accident. Ég er með fréttir I've got good news. I've got news. Jeg ønsker ikke at du skal tabe. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Giv mig noget tid til at lade det synke ind. Give me some time to let it sink in. Give me some time to let it sink in. Við þurftum ekki að flýta okkur. We didn't need to hurry. We didn't have to hurry. Hvad gør du når du bliver syg? What do you do when you get sick? What do you do when you get sick? Tja, vad är det för fel med det? Well, what's wrong with that? Well, what's wrong with that? Var ligger den brittiska ambassaden? Where is the British embassy? Where's the British Embassy? Einmitt! Exactly! Right! Þess vegna var ég seinn í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That's why I was late for class yesterday. Jeg venter mig. I'm expecting. I'm expecting you. Restauranten er fuld. The restaurant is full. The restaurant is full. Bliver Donald Trump USA's næste præsident? Will Donald Trump be the next president of the United States? Is Donald Trump gonna be the next president of the United States? Han er ikke utilfreds. Han er bare træt. He's not discontented. He's just tired. He's not dissatisfied, he's just tired. Tom var i udlandet. Tom was abroad. Tom was abroad. Jag är inte bra för dig. I'm no good for you. I'm not good for you. Tycker du om sommar? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Jag körde bilen. I drove the car. I drove the car. Kan du gå, Tom? Could you leave, Tom? Tom, can you go? Det är mitt fel. I'm to blame. It's my fault. Tom underviser i fransk. Tom teaches French. Tom's teaching French. Tom skændtes med Mary. Tom had a fight with Mary. Tom had a fight with Mary. Vad är er lösning? What's your solution? What is your solution? Han såg på kapplöpningen med sin kikare. He watched the horse race with his binoculars. He saw the race with his binocular. Vinsamlegast komið eins fljótt og auðið er. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. Saknade du mig? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Trädgårdsmästaren var en mördare. The gardener was a murderer. The gardener was a killer. Han gick ut trots ösregnet. He went out in spite of the heavy rain. He went out in spite of the rain. Vil du være hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? You want to be home tonight? Jeg betalte for dem. I paid for them. I paid for them. De rige bliver rigere. The rich are getting richer. The rich get richer. Som en gør det selv-mand, lavede han et hundehus. As a do-it-yourselfer, he made a doghouse. As one does it himself, he made a doghouse. Tom tog fram en penna och började skriva. Tom took out a pencil and started to write. Tom took a pen and started writing. Jeg elsker dig, og jeg ønsker ikke at der skal ske dig noget. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Jag kan inte läsa arabisk skrift. I can't read Arabic script. I can't read Arabic writing. Jag är rädd för hundar. I'm afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Jeg har et stort antal bøger i min bogreol. I have a large number of books on my bookshelf. I have a large number of books in my book chair. Har du dit pas på dig? Do you have your passport with you? Do you have your passport? Det er et område hvor der er vindstød på over femogtredive meter pr. sekund. It's an area where winds gust at over eighty miles an hour. It is an area where there is wind at more than thirty - five feet per second. Tom är plastikkirurg. Tom is a plastic surgeon. Tom's a plastic surgeon. Det vil intet ændre. That won't change anything. It's not gonna change anything. Vi måste åka nu. We've got to go now. We have to go now. Må jeg bede om en kop kaffe mere? I'd like to have another cup of coffee. May I have another cup of coffee? Hann mun ekki segja „já“. He will not say yes. He will not say “yes. ” Komdu heim fyrir myrkur. Come home before dark. Come home before dark. Jeg håber Tom ved hvad han gør. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. Det här är Toms sköldpadda. Hon heter Mary. This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary. This is Tom's turtle. Hvad hedder du? What's your name? What's your name? Såg du min bror? Did you see my brother? Did you see my brother? Sydde du den här för hand? Did you sew this by hand? Did you take this by hand? Tom spiste det gratis brød og gik derefter ud af restauranten. Tom ate the free bread and then walked out of the restaurant. Tom ate the free bread and then went out of the restaurant. Tann dúgvan ímyndar ein frið. The dove is a symbol of peace. The dove imagines one peace. Jeg føler mig overophedet. I feel overheated. I feel overheated. Jag antar att Tom har rätt. I guess Tom is right. I guess Tom's right. Tyven løb væk. The thief ran away. The thief ran away. Såsen brände fast i botten av kastrullen. The sauce got burnt and stuck to the bottom of the pan. The sauce burned to the bottom of the pan. Taget på mit hus er rødt. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. Sem prakkarastrik slepptu nokkrir nemendur þremur geitum lausum í skólanum þeirra eftir að hafa málað tölurnar 1, 2 og 4 á hliðar geitanna. Kennararnir eyddu stærstum hluta dagsins í að leita að geit númer 3. As a prank, some students let three goats loose inside their school after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of the goats. The teachers spent most of the day looking for goat number 3. As a barbell, after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the side of the goats, a few students released three goats at their school; the teachers spent most of the day looking for a goat number 3. Lögnare! Liar! Liar! Tom blev kidnappet. Tom was kidnapped. Tom was kidnapped. Jag forska i det. I'll look into it. I'll research it. Russin är torkade vindruvor. Raisins are dried grapes. Russin is dried grapes. Jag tror inte att hon skulle förstå det. I don't think she would understand it. I don't think she'd understand. Ég kaupi alltaf vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki, jafnvel þótt þær séu aðeins dýrari. I always buy a top quality product even if it is slightly more expensive. I always buy products in the highest quality category, even if they are only more expensive. Tom er Marys lærer. Tom is Mary's teacher. Tom is Mary's teacher. Vi måste varna Tom. We've got to warn Tom. We need to warn Tom. Jeg har for mange ting i hovedet for tiden. I have too many things on my mind these days. I've got too many things in my head right now. Jag följde efter dig. I was following you. I followed you. Hr. Smith glæder sig over sin søns succes. Mr Smith is pleased at his son's success. Mr Smith is pleased with his son's success. Sjön var tillfrusen. The lake was frozen. The lake was enchanted. Hvor er mine drager? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Jeg er meget ældre end du tror jeg er. I'm much older than you think I am. I'm a lot older than you think I am. Håll dig nere. Keep down. Stay down. Hendes engelsk var overraskende godt. Her English was surprisingly good. Her English was surprisingly good. Jeg er ikke beruset. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. Rensdyret græssede fredeligt. The reindeer grazed peacefully. The reindeer grazed peacefully. Klokken er næsten seks. It's almost six. It's almost six o'clock. Jag har haft en tung dag. I had a hard day. I've had a heavy day. Jeg tror ikke Tom vil gøre det vi har bedt ham om at gøre. I don't think that Tom will do what we asked him to do. I don't think Tom's gonna do what we asked him to do. Om Tom hade pratat franska hade han haft mer kul. If Tom could've spoken French, he'd have had more fun. If Tom had spoken French, he'd have had more fun. Mín maður doyði ikki. My husband didn't die. My man didn't die. Det låter bekant. That sounds familiar. That sounds familiar. Tom ser bekant ut. Tom looks familiar. Tom looks familiar. Hvem gav Tom det blå øje? Who gave Tom that black eye? Who gave Tom the blue eye? Canada er et stort land. Canada is a large country. Canada is a big country. Geturðu losnað frá foreldrum þínum? Can you get away from your parents? Can You Be Saved From Your Parents? Gør det igen. Do it again. Do it again. Jeg så ham med mine egne øjne. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw him with my own eyes. Jag behöver ett kuvert. I need an envelope. I need an envelope. Vandamálið er að ég er ekki með neinn pening á mér. The trouble is that I have no money with me. The problem is, I don't have any money on me. Við urðum svolítið leið hvort á öðru. We got a little bored with each other. We got a little tired of each other. Tolv er et lige tal. Twelve is an even number. Twelve are equal. Allting var förberett långt i förväg. Everything was prepared well in advance. Everything was prepared long in advance. Tom är ganska glömsk. Tom is quite forgetful. Tom's pretty forgetful. Tom og Mary besluttede sig for at tage afsted. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Tom and Mary decided to leave. Ett flertal människor skadades. Several people were injured. A lot of people were injured. Kender du den gamle dame der bor på tredje etage? You know this old lady that lives on second floor? Do you know that old lady who lives on third floor? Tom klappade ihop. Tom cracked up. Tom patted up. Han har tre sønner. He has three sons. He has three sons. Det är kallt i dag. It's cold today. It's cold today. Lad os snakke om det. Let us discuss. Let's talk about it. Jeg synes at du burde tage dig et hvil; du ser syg ud. I think you'd better take a rest; you look ill. I think you should take a rest; you look sick. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who said I stole the money? Who said I stole the money? Hun spiste æblet. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. Kaffen han drak, var ret dyr. The coffee he drank was quite expensive. The coffee he drank was pretty expensive. Ibland vill man bara äta choklad. Sometimes you just want to eat chocolate. Sometimes you just want to eat chocolate. Du bestemmer. You decide. You're in charge. Kom och hämta mig. Come pick me up. Come and get me. Boghvede er blevet dyrere. Buckwheat has become more expensive. Bogwjet has become more expensive. Hún giftist gegn vilja föður síns. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Tom är en väldigt dålig kille. Tom's a very bad guy. Tom's a very bad guy. Hans hår er gråt. His hair is gray. His hair is gray. Tycker du om lax? Do you like salmon? Do you like salmon? Okkar er ánægjan. It's our pleasure. It's our pleasure. Du behöver inte säga någonting om du inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Hun græd sig selv i søvn. She cried herself to sleep. She cried herself to sleep. Varför är ni inte där? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Kan du forestille dig at være frugtar? Can you imagine being a fruitarian? Can you imagine being a fruiter? Dette er ikke første gang jeg kører på cykel. This is not my first time riding a bicycle. This is not the first time I ride a bike. Tom är säker. Tom is confident. Tom's safe. Vil du have et æble til? Would you like another apple? You want another apple? Jeg ønsker at rejse med fly. I want to travel by airplane. I want to travel by plane. Tom är vansinnig. Tom is demented. Tom's crazy. I det här fallet tror jag att han har rätt. In this case, I think he is correct. In this case, I think he's right. Jeg har en tudse i halsen. I've got a frog in my throat. I've got a toad in my throat. Jag hatar att vara chef. I hate being a boss. I hate being the boss. Børn elsker at lege med legoklodser. Children love playing with Lego. Kids love to play with legoclodosis. Du gör mig besviken. You disappoint me. You disappoint me. Hvorfor fortæller du ikke hende det? Why don't you tell her that? Why don't you tell her? Universum är ett mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Det gjorde mig ytterst glad. It made me supremely happy. That made me very happy. Tom fick faktiskt Mary till att dansa med honom. Tom actually got Mary to dance with him. Actually, Tom made Mary dance with him. Er du stadig fuld, eller er du fuld igen? Are you still drunk or are you drunk again? Are you still drunk or are you drunk again? Du burde gøre noget ved det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should do something about that weeds. Har ni förutfattade meningar? Are you biased? Do you have preconceived sentences? Ég er laus í nótt. I'm free tonight. I'm out tonight. Hej, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom! Indtil videre har det været et spændende år. So far it has been an exciting year. So far, it's been an exciting year. Mindst ti russere er omkommet i år mens de tog selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year taking selfies. At least ten Russians have died this year while taking selfies. Han hjælper mig. He's helping me. He's helping me. Det är normalt. It's normal. That's normal. Alt i denne butik er hele tiden på tilbud. Everything is always on sale at this store. Everything in this store is on offer all the time. Tom kan ikke gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Ég giftist þegar ég var 19 ára gömul. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I got married when I was 19. Er De fuld? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Þú kannt að hafa lesið þessa bók nú þegar. You may have read this book already. You may have read this book already. Damen förblev tyst. The lady remained silent. The lady remained silent. Fordi batteriet i mit ur er meget lille, kan jeg ikke selv udskifte det. Because the battery of my watch is very small, I can't change it by myself. Because the battery in my watch is very small, I can't replace it myself. Jag ser ett hus. I see a house. I see a house. Hawaii har fint väder året runt. Hawaii enjoys good weather the year round. Hawaii has nice weather all year round. Jeg har lidt penge i denne måned. I have a little money this month. I've got some money this month. Har du vänner i Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Do you have friends in Boston? Hon är grym. She's awesome. She's awesome. Find et job! Find a job. Find a job! Jeg har ikke sunget i et stykke tid. I haven't sung in a while. I haven't sung in a while. Hur skulle jag kunna glömma? How could I forget? How could I forget? Du är en soldat nu. You're a soldier now. You're a soldier now. Tom och Mary väntade inte på John. Tom and Mary didn't wait for John. Tom and Mary didn't wait for John. Tom skakade Marys hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. ”Vad är det där?” ”Hur ska jag kunna veta?” "What's that?" "How am I supposed to know?" “What is that?” “How am I supposed to know?” Tyvärr, jag har ingen aning. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm sorry, I have no idea. Jag har en katt och en hund. Katten är svart och hunden är vit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, and the cat is black and the dog is white. Vinsamlegast komið inn einn af öðrum. Please come in one by one. Please come in one of the others. Tom är omtyckt. Tom is popular. Tom's loved. Var han fallskärmsjägare? Was he a paratrooper? He was paratroopers? Der er noget galt. There is something wrong. Something's wrong. Han siger ikke et ord. He doesn't say a word. He doesn't say a word. Tom hade en benägenhet att titta bort när han blev tilltalad. Tom had a propensity for looking the other way when spoken to. Tom had a tendency to look away when he was accused. Ég á smá pening. I have a little money. I've got some money. Pengar är makt. Money talks. Money is power. En katt har en svans och fyra ben. A cat has a tail and four legs. A cat has a tail and four legs. Jag pluggade en stund i morse. I studied for a while this morning. I studied for a while this morning. Ingen rök utan eld. No smoke without fire. No smoke without fire. Hans øjne strålede af glæde. His eyes were shining with joy. His eyes glowed with joy. Du skulle inte njuta av det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't enjoy it. Dan var inte nöjd med Lindas landning. Dan wasn't satisfied with Linda's landing. Dan wasn't happy with Linda's landing. Mange tak. Thank you. Thank you. Hvem har slukket lyset? Who turned off the light? Who turned off the lights? Vad tänker du på? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Det glæder mig at se dig igen. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Kom och hjälp oss. Come and help us. Come and help us. Nu börjar det dra ihop sig till något. Now it's starting to retract into something. Now it's pulling itself into something. Jeg ønsker at spise æblekage. I want to eat apple pie. I want to eat apple cake. Tom är för ung. Tom is too young. Tom's too young. Skulle du vilja äta lunch tillsammans? Would you like to have lunch together? Would you like to have lunch together? Er jeg gravid? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Om du vill vara lycklig, var lycklig. If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be happy, be happy. Þar sem ég gekk eftir götunni rakst ég á gamlan vin. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. As I walked down the street, I ran into an old friend. Kom æggene i det kogende vand. Put the eggs into the boiling water. Get the eggs in the boiling water. Det her er over din lønklasse. This is above your pay grade. This is above your grade. Mit yndlingsord i tysk er ordet for handsker: 'Handschuhe'. My favourite word in German is the word for gloves: 'Handschuhe'. My favorite word in German is the word for gloves: 'Handschuhe'. Han fik en bøde for at køre over for rødt. He was fined for going through a red light. He was fined to hit red. Jag studerade utomlands. I studied abroad. I studied abroad. Þú verður að skila honum bókinni. You must return him the book. You have to give him the book. Jag behöver din bil. I need your car. I need your car. Það er óhætt að borða fiskana. The fish are safe to eat. It's safe to eat the fish. Här, prova min penna. Here, try my pen. Here, try my pen. Hún eldar ekki vel. She isn't a good cook. She doesn't cook well. Flere amerikanske krigsskibe blev sendt til Panama. Several American warships were sent to Panama. Several American warships were sent to Panama. Vi spelade baseboll. We played baseball. We played baseball. Jólin eru að nálgast og allar búðirnar keppast um að kalla: "Kaupið! Kaupið! Kaupið!" It's coming up to Christmas here and all the shops are like "Buy! Buy! Buy!" Christmas is near, and all the camp strives to call, "Buy! Buy! Buy!" Jag har för avsikt att göra det. I intend to do that. I intend to. Ih du milde! Du er jo fuld! Oh my God, you're drunk. Oh, my God, you're drunk! Det hele endte lige så brat som det begyndte. It all ended as suddenly as it started. It all ended as well as it started. Det holdt op med at regne. The rain stopped. It stopped raining. Jag har sömnsvårigheter. I'm having trouble sleeping. I have trouble sleeping. Er denne plads ledig? Is this seat free? Is this seat available? Han klagar alltid på maten. He's always complaining about the food. He always complains about the food. Du var med Tom natten han dog, eller hur? You were with Tom the night he died, weren't you? You were with Tom the night he died, weren't you? Kan du vakta ungarna? Can you watch the kids? Can you watch the kids? Þú þarft ekki að fara í teitina nema þú viljir. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. Tom fortalte Mary hvor gammel han var. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary how old he was. Du är en fånge. You are a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Det är svårt att vara ung, men ge inte upp. It's hard to be young, but do not give up. It's hard to be young, but don't give up. Við náðum þjófinum. We caught the thief. We got the thief. Hún ráðleggur honum hvernig hann eigi að halda sér í heilsu. She advises him on how to stay healthy. She advises him on how to stay healthy. Æblet er på bordet. The apple is on the table. Apple's on the table. Jeg bad Tom om at google det. I told Tom to google it. I told Tom to Google it. Det skulle jag vilja höra. I'd like to hear that. I'd like to hear that. Stannar du hemma? Will you stay at home? You staying home? Litar du på Tom? Do you trust Tom? You trust Tom? Nu har jag dåligt samvete. Now I feel guilty. Now I'm having a bad conscience. De nykläckta fågelungarna var alldeles duniga. The newly hatched baby birds were way too feathery. The newly hatched birdlings were all fluffy. Hvad synes I, piger? What do you think, girls? What do you think, girls? Bill hreykir sér af því að eiga stærsta bílinn í hverfinu. Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood. Bill is proud to have the biggest car in the neighborhood. Jag skulle vilja lära mig finska. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I'm going to look up this word in the dictionary. Smid din pistol! Throw down your gun. Drop your gun! Spelar du golf? Do you play golf? You play golf? Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don't have much left over for Hollywood's superhero movies. Heraldik er hans kæphest: han styrer altid samtalen i den retning når han får muligheden for det. Heraldry is his hobbyhorse: he steers the conversation in that direction whenever he gets the chance. Heraldics is his klephest: he always controls the conversation in that direction when he gets the chance. Jag måste inte vara här. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnir fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're as good as ready for the cold winter. De valgte hende til præsident. They elected her president. They chose her as president. Hvorfor bor de så her? Why do they live here then? Then why do they live here? Jag överlåter det till dig. I leave it to you. I'll leave it to you. Glöm inte att det finns undantag. Don't forget that there are exceptions. Don't forget there's exceptions. Hun har røde blomster. She has red flowers. She's got red flowers. Tsúbasa lestin er mjög hraðskreið. The Tsubasa is a very fast train. The Tubasa train is very fast. Det begynder at regne. It's starting to rain. It's starting to rain. Om du tror att det var mitt fel är du inne på fel spår. If you think it was my fault, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you think it was my fault, you're on the wrong track. Jag blev genomblöt av störtregnet. I was utterly soaked by the downpour. I was soaked up by the crash rain. De gik lige i seng. They went straight to bed. They just went to bed. Vår fransklärare var väldigt sträng. Our French teacher was very strict. Our French teacher was very strict. Jeg er stadig chefen her. I'm still the boss here. I'm still the boss here. Tom är en naturlig idrottsbegåvning. Tom is a natural athlete. Tom is a natural sports gift. Har du några lektioner i eftermiddag? Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? Jeg er træt af dig. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of you. Hún bauð vinkonum sínum í mat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends to dinner. Hur högt är detta berg? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Filmen var så sørgelig at alle græd. The movie was so sad that everybody cried. The film was so sad that everyone was crying. Har Tom någonsin berättat för dig hur han bröt benet? Has Tom ever told you how he broke leg? Tom ever told you how he broke his leg? Jeg vil aldrig nogensinde drikke igen. I will never, ever drink again. I'll never drink again. Tom mistede forældremyndigheden over sine børn. Tom lost custody of his children. Tom lost custody of his children. Jeg har det godt. I'm doing well. I'm fine. Vad ville Tom äta? What did Tom want to eat? What did Tom want to eat? Folk sitter på gräset. People are sitting about on the grass. People are sitting on the grass. Du er ikke ung. You're not young. You're not young. De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. Døde din familie i Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Det var meget svært. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Jeg er trist. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Han skrev mange sætninger på esperanto. He wrote many phrases in Esperanto. He wrote many phrases at Esperanto. Betyder sandheden noget? Does truth matter? Does the truth matter? Du er meget genert. You are very shy. You're very shy. Han gör aldrig andningspauser när han pratar. He never stops to take a breath when he speaks. He never makes breath breaks when he talks. Tom ser fortfarande förvånad ut. Tom still looks surprised. Tom still looks surprised. Tom så en flok heste græsse fredeligt i det fjerne. Tom saw a herd of horses grazing peacefully in the distance. Tom saw a bunch of horses graze peacefully in the distance. Rygning dræber. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Varför vill du sälja det? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? Hvat fyri breyð etur tú? What sort of bread are you eating? What is wrong with you? Vad är de gjorda av? What are they made of? What are they made of? Hvor længe er toget forsinket? How long is the train delayed? How long has the train been delayed? Det er bedst at vi går hjem nu. We'd better go home now. We better go home now. Peking förändras så fort. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Peking's changing so fast. Nancy havde aldrig set en kæmpepanda. Nancy had never seen a giant panda. Nancy had never seen a fighter. Förstår du dig på den här rapporten? Does this report make any sense to you? Do you understand this report? Byggeholdet bliver nødt til at arbejde hele natten for at færdiggøre opgaven til tiden. The construction team will have to work through the night to finish the job on time. The building team will have to work all night to complete the task on time. Tom fick mig att göra det. Tom made me do that. Tom made me do it. Jag hatar överraskningar. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Jag beklagar. Det är för sent. I'm sorry. It's too late. I'm sorry, it's too late. Tom kom salt i kaffen i stedet for sukker. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in the coffee instead of sugar. Edderkoppen er død. The spider is dead. Spider is dead. Tom är väldigt hemlighetsfull. Tom is being very secretive. Tom's very secretive. Tom er en narcissist. Tom is a narcissist. Tom's a narcissist. Hon sprider osanna rykten. She's spreading false rumors. She's spreading bad rumors. Er jeg ansvarlig for dette? Am I responsible for this? Am I responsible for this? Hvar er pabbi þinn? Where is your father? Where's your dad? Han er syg. He is sick. He's sick. Jag ljög aldrig för Tom. I never lied to Tom. I never lied to Tom. Inte alla fåglar kan flyga. Not all birds can fly. Not all birds can fly. Du har förstört det! Du har förstört allt! You've ruined it! You've ruined everything! You've ruined it! Jag är utbytesstudent från Sverige. I'm an exchange student from Sweden. I am an exchange student from Sweden. Jag ser ett mönster. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. Tom är en av mina närmsta vänner. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom har fortalt mig at han ingen problemer har med det. Tom told me that he doesn't have a problem with that. Tom told me that he has no problem with it. Hun er en sød pige. She's a sweet girl. She's a sweet girl. Ligegyldigt hvad der sker, vil jeg ikke blive overrasket. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised. Han tager af sted til skolen klokken syv. He leaves for school at seven. He's leaving for school at 7:00. En kvinna vars man har dött är en änka. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. A woman whose husband died is a widow. Við hvíldum okkur eitt á eftir öðru. We took a rest one after the other. We rested one after another. Jag var tvungen att göra min plikt. I had to do my duty. I had to do my duty. "Har du set min mobiltelefon?" "Den er på bordet." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Hur mår din mamma? How's your mother? How's your mom? Þú verður að gera það sjálf. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. Man ser kun klart med hjertet. Det væsentlige er usynligt for øjet. One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. One sees only clearly with the heart, the essentials are invisible to the eye. Der er ingen ko på isen. There is no cause for concern. There's no cow on the ice. Jeg elsker alt ved ham. I love everything about him. I love everything about him. Vi köpte en bit mark tillsammans. We bought a piece of land together. We bought a piece of land together. Kommer han til mødet i næste uge? Will he come to the meeting next week? Is he coming to the meeting next week? Jag har inte gjort det! I haven't done that! I didn't do it! Er det ikke på tide at I to blev gift? Isn't it about time you two got married? Isn't it time you two got married? Nogen har stjålet min tennisketsjer. Someone has stolen my tennis racket. Somebody stole my tennis pager. Han torkade svetten från ansiktet. He wiped the sweat from his face. He wiped the sweat out of his face. Hver á þessa stílabók? Whose notebook is that? Who's got this style book? Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom isn't able to drive a car. Tom can't drive a car. Hur hittade ni oss? How did you find us? How did you find us? Drick inte för mycket vin. Go easy on the wine. Don't drink too much wine. Jeg drikker enten kaffe eller te hver morgen. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. Mitt sto har fölat. My mare foaled. My sto has faded. Jag vill ha fläkten. I want the fan. I want the fan. Jeg kender jer ikke. I don't know you. I don't know you guys. Det er for dyrt! That is too expensive. It's too expensive! Mars ligner vores planet på nogle måder. Mars resembles our planet in some ways. Mars looks like our planet in some ways. Hundurinn leit niður í vatnið. The dog looked into the water. The dog looked down into the water. Jeg troede ikke at dette ville ske. I didn't think that this would happen. I didn't think this would happen. Det viktiga är inte hur en man dör, utan hur han lever. It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The important thing is not how a man dies, but how he lives. Detta handlar inte om er. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Det här är en liten bok. This is a small book. This is a little book. Är ni båda fulla? Are you both drunk? Are you both drunk? Þau eru að bora holu. They are boring a hole. They're drilling a hole. I så mig begge, ikke sandt? You both saw me, didn't you? You both saw me, didn't you? Layla tager sin hijab af derhjemme. Layla takes her hijab off at home. Layla's taking her hijab off at home. Lad os vente og se. Let us wait and see. Let's wait and see. Moren kildede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. The mother gave birth to her baby with a feather. Tom hjälpte Mary att ta av sig jackan. Tom helped Mary take off her jacket. Tom helped Mary take off her jacket. Tom gråter fortfarande. Tom is still crying. Tom's still crying. Du er gammel nok til at vide bedre. Opfør dig ordentligt. You are old enough to know better. Behave yourself. You're old enough to know better. En student vill träffa dig. A student wants to see you. A student wants to see you. Jeg er fra Portugal. I am from Portugal. I'm from Portugal. Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. You must not draw premature conclusions. Jeg forstår ikke. I do not understand. I don't understand. Jag trodde du tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Det er ikke besværet værd. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Það gagnast þér ekkert að ræða málið frekar. Discussing the matter further will get you nowhere. It's no good for you to talk about it any more. Lad os stå ud af bilen nu. Let's get out of the car now. Let's get out of the car now. Noget gik helt galt. Something went terribly wrong. Something went wrong. I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Våra mammor är starka kvinnor. Our mothers are strong women. Our mothers are strong women. Verksmiðjan okkar þarf mikið af vélbúnaði. Our factory needs a lot of machinery. Our plant needs a lot of hardware. Tom prøvede at erindre navnet på lægen, men det lykkedes ham ikke. Tom tried to remember the doctor's name, but he couldn't. Tom tried to recall the name of the doctor, but he didn't succeed. Jeg kom. I came. I came. Hundurinn elti hann hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Verkar det svårt? Does it seem that difficult? Does it seem difficult? Tom är ute och går med hunden. Tom is out walking the dog. Tom's out with the dog. Du får ta nästa. You get the next one. You'll have to take the next one. Ekki minna en þrjú hundruð dollara þurfti fyrir verkið. No less than three hundred dollars was needed for the work. No less than three hundred dollars needed for the job. Vi lagde en hvid dug på bordet. We placed a white tablecloth over the table. We put a white doll on the table. Du forstår mig. You understand me. You understand me. En af æblerne faldt på jorden. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell on the ground. Detta kan inte undvikas. This can't be avoided. This cannot be avoided. Jag kan lita på Tom. I can trust Tom. I can trust Tom. Han stod vid ingången. He stood by the entrance. He was standing at the entrance. Tom hittade bevis. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. Flýtið ykkur! Tónleikarnir eru að byrja. Hurry up! The concert is starting. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Jeg drikker næsten aldrig instant kaffe. I hardly ever drink instant coffee. I almost never drink instant coffee. Jag är inte din mamma. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Jag kommer att behöva lite hjälp med det här. I'll need some help with this. I'm gonna need some help with this. Det är svårt att motstå. It's hard to resist. It's hard to resist. Sømmet gik gennem væggen. The nail went through the wall. The seam went through the wall. Á morgun verð ég að leggja fyrr af stað. Tomorrow I must leave earlier. Tomorrow I'll have to leave sooner. Tom hefur búið í Chicago í ár. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom's been in Chicago this year. Min katt älskar räkor. My cat loves shrimp. My cat loves shrimp. USA är en republik medan Storbritannien inte är det. The USA is a republic, but the United Kingdom isn't. The United States is a republic while Britain is not. Han blev sårad. He was hurt. He was hurt. Hur kan du äta det där? How can you eat that? How can you eat that? Det är äkta. It's real. It's real. Er vi enige? Are we clear? Do we agree? Gulrót eða banani? Carrot or banana? Carrot or banana? Tala inte ens med mig. Don't even talk to me. Don't even talk to me. Hvor savede du dem? Where did you saw them? Where'd you miss them? Algeriet er ikke et farligt land. Algeria isn't a dangerous country. Algeria is not a dangerous country. Vetenskap är viktigt för våra liv. Science is important for our lives. Science is important to our lives. Oroa dig inte. Han kan inte tyska. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. Don't worry, he can't German. Tom var yr. Tom was dizzy. Tom was dizzy. Jag trodde att jag hörde musik. I thought I heard music. I thought I heard music. Han er over tredive. He's over thirty. He's over thirty. Lägg köttet i kylen, annars kommer det ruttna. Put the meat in the refrigerator, or it will rot. Put the meat in the fridge, or it'll rot. Hur når jag NHK? How do I get to NHK? How do I get NHK? Luk vinduer og døre! Please close the windows and doors! Close the windows and doors! Gid jeg var død! I wish I were dead. I wish I was dead! Ser du min pen? Do you see my pen? See my pen? Edderkoppen kilder mig. The spider tickles me. Spider's got me. Ég er hrygg. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Jag brukar dricka kaffe utan socker. I usually drink coffee without sugar. I usually drink coffee without sugar. Hann drap hann til að hefna látins föður síns. He killed him to avenge his dead father. He killed him to avenge his dead father. Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hänga med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He slowed down so the child could keep up. Jag börjar ana ugglor i mossen. I'm beginning to smell a rat. I'm starting to get owls in the bog. Jeg købte en elcykel. I purchased an electric bicycle. I bought an electric bike. Vær ikke uforskammet. Don't be rude. Don't be rude. Noll, en, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Han tänkte att det skulle vara vettigt att acceptera erbjudandet. He thought it would be wise to accept the offer. He thought it would make sense to accept the offer. Din hund er her. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Jag gillar kaffe mer än svart te. I like coffee more than black tea. I like coffee more than black tea. Han ønsker at sælge sin bil. He wants to sell his car. He wants to sell his car. Phoenix er höfuðborg Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix is Arizona's capital. Jag älskar det här företaget. I love this company. I love this company. Vi ønskede at hjælpe dem. We wanted to help them. We wanted to help them. Hur fick Tom reda på det? How did Tom find out? How did Tom find out? Arbejder din kone? Does your wife work? Is your wife working? Hungang í munni og eitur í hjarta. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Ur syn ur sinn. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight. Nej, jag gick ut. No, I went out. No, I went out. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. Har du redan bokat våra platser på flygplanet? Have you already booked our seats on a plane? Have you already booked our seats on the plane? Jag är extremt hungrig. I'm extremely hungry. I'm extremely hungry. Jag har en ung fru. I have a young wife. I have a young wife. "Hvor langt er der herfra til stationen?" "Omtrent 2 miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "About 2 miles." Ge mig de där pappren. Hand me those papers. Give me those papers. Hur kan det vara sant? How can this be true? How can that be true? Jag kommer aldrig att förstå. I'll never understand. I'll never understand. Tom vet var Mary är. Tom knows where Mary is. Tom knows where Mary is. Hon hjälpte de fattiga. She helped the poor. She helped the poor. Hvorfor er du alene? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Hun viste mig sin nye bil. She showed me her new car. She showed me her new car. Jeg hører stemmer i mit hoved. I hear voices in my head. I hear voices in my head. Sami bar Layla. Sami carried Layla. Sami wore Layla. Han går. He is walking. He's leaving. Sig mig grunden til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not present. Vill du ha fler kakor? Would you care for more cookies? Do you want any more cookies? Mary havde et lille lam. Mary had a little lamb. Mary had a little lamb. Mød mig klokken halv tre. Meet me at 2:30. Meet me at 2:30. Tom tog sit tøj af. Tom took his clothes off. Tom took off his clothes. Sådan er livet. Shit happens. That's life. Det såg roligt ut. It looked funny. It looked funny. Prøv at se tingene som de er. Try to see things as they are. Try to see things as they are. Tom er allerede faldet i søvn. Tom has already gone to sleep. Tom has already fallen asleep. Du er en meget heldig mand. You're a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Hvad synes du om din nye bil? How do you like your new car? How do you like your new car? Gangbrautarverðir eru gerðir út á skólatímum til að leiðbeina börnum örugglega yfir götur með mikilli umferð. Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets. Railway guards are made out in school hours to guide children safely across the streets with great traffic. Hvor er de andre af hendes billeder? Where are her other pictures? Where are the other pictures of her? Jag behöver nycklarna. I need the keys. I need the keys. Han, så vel som du, er en god golfspiller. He, just like you, is a good golfer. He, as well as you, is a good golfer. Tom har halsbrand. Tom has heartburn. Tom's got heartburn. Hun vil tage på forretningsrejse til London i næste uge. She will make a business trip to London next week. She'll be on a business trip to London next week. Þessir stólar eru í veginum. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are in the way. Jag önskar att Tom vore här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom would be here. Selv om Tom er i fyrrerne, bor han stadig hos sine forældre. Even though Tom's in his forties, he still lives at home with his parents. Even though Tom is in the 40s, he still lives with his parents. Í neyðartilvikum, skal hringja í lögregluna. In case of an emergency, call the police. In an emergency, call the police. Tölvur eru vélar. Computers are machines. Computers are machines. Samtliga höll sig lugna. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone stayed calm. Gör som läkaren sagt. Do what the doctor said. Do as the doctor said. Vädret är sämre i dag än i går. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather is worse today than yesterday. Självklart inte! Of course not! Of course not! Jeg synes at det er spild af tid. I think it's a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time. Jeg kan huske, hvordan det føltes. I can remember what it felt like. I remember how it felt. Jeg vil skrive et brev til Judy. I will write Judy a letter. I want to write a letter to Judy. Tom og Mary er tømrere. Tom and Mary are carpenters. Tom and Mary are carpenters. Vad är er plan? What's your plan? What's your plan? Jeg ville ønske, at jeg kunne gå med dig i dag. I wish I could go with you today. I wish I could go with you today. Kom tillbaka hit. Come back here. Come back here. Det här vinet smakar gott. This wine tastes good. This wine tastes good. Tom började bli nedstämd. Tom began to get downhearted. Tom began to be depressed. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she earns. Han berättelse låter sann. His story sounds true. He's a story that sounds true. Tom er mangemillionær. Tom is a multi-millionaire. Tom's a millionaire. Nogen har stjålet mit ur. Someone stole my watch. Someone stole my watch. Den opfattelse er latterlig. This notion is ridiculous. That view is ridiculous. Hetta er kona mín. This is my wife. This is my wife. Han går som en anka. He walks like a duck. He's walking like an anchor. Angela Merkel har en ph.d. i fysik. Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics. Angela Merkel has a PhD in physics. Du är allt bra dum. You're really quite stupid. You're all right, you're all right. Kan jeg få et glas vand, tak? Can I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water, please? Hvor tit kommer der bus? How often do buses come? How many times is the bus coming? Klósettið er þarna. The toilet is over there. The toilet's over there. Ég borða morgunmat á hverjum morgni. I eat breakfast every morning. I eat breakfast every morning. Ved I hvad UNESCO står for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? Kom och träffa allihop. Come meet everybody. Come and see everybody. Det er bare noget du forestiller dig. It is just your imagination. It's just something you imagine. De fleste af Toms venner er piger. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Det virker fuldstændig latterligt. It seems absolutely ridiculous. It seems ridiculous. Til hvers langar þig í það? What do you want it for? What do you want to do that for? Vi nød vores rejser i Europa. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. Tom tog solbad i parken. Tom was sunbathing in the park. Tom took a sunbath in the park. Dit ur er fem minutter bagefter. Your watch is five minutes slow. Your watch is five minutes behind. Hur kommer vi in? How can we get in? How do we get in? Bíllinn er tilbúinn. The car is ready. The car's ready. Tom är inte en bra kock. Tom isn't a good cook. Tom's not a good cook. Vi ska göra vårt bästa. We're going to do our best. We're gonna do our best. Jeg gav ham to pund. I gave him two pounds. I gave him two pounds. Han måste älska dig. He must love you. He must love you. Jag förstår dig! I understand you! I understand you! Han valdes till president. He was elected president. He was elected President. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til hans. Please say hello to him for me. Please say hello to him. Här är nycklarna. Here are the keys. Here are the keys. Dette er kød. This is meat. This is meat. Jag har glömt min PIN-kod. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my PIN code. Ég geri ráð fyrir því að þú sért fyllilega kunnugur staðreyndunum. I take it that you are fully acquainted with the facts. I assume you're fully familiar with the facts. Om en rig mand, der var karrig, sagde han: "Den mand ejer ikke sin ejendom, men hans ejendom ejer ham." Of a rich man who was niggardly he said, "That man does not own his estate, but his estate owns him." Of a rich man who was cardy, he said, "This man does not own his property, but his property owns him." Det er penge ud ad vinduet. That is money down the drain. It's money out the window. Jag behövde det här. I needed this. I needed this. I har brug for hinanden. You guys need each other. You need each other. Det er en meget dyr smartphone. It's a very expensive smartphone. It's a very expensive smartphone. Disse er Toms briller, ikke mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. These are Tom's glasses, not mine. Kan det vara Tom? Could that be Tom? Could it be Tom? Toms bil har orangetonede ruder. Tom's car has orange-tinted windows. Tom's car has orange-tone windows. Ingen er fuldkommen. Nobody's perfect. No one's perfect. Hvorfor strides I hele tiden? Why do you guys always fight? Why are you guys always fighting? Hun besøgte ikke nogen. She didn't visit anybody. She didn't visit anyone. Den kvinde har en mund. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Mit sværd er mit liv. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Hvad ville du gøre, hvis du mødte en person fra en anden planet? What would you do if you met a person from another planet? What would you do if you met someone from another planet? Kan jeg give dig et lift? Can I give you a lift? Can I give you a ride? Tom är en mycket bra chaufför. Tom is an excellent driver. Tom is a very good driver. Stick härifrån! Get out of here! Get out of here! Jeg laver te. I'm making tea. I'm making tea. Kýótó fær mikið af ferðamönnum hvaðanæva úr heiminum. Kyoto gets lots of visitors from all over the world. Cyoto gets a lot of tourists from all over the world. Jag träffade honom nyligen. I met him recently. I just met him. Han havde vænnet sig af med at ryge. He got out of the habit of smoking. He was used to smoking. Jag kunde knappt säga vem som var vem. I could hardly tell who was who. I could hardly tell who was who. Hann er ákaflega sterkur. He is extremely strong. He's very strong. Jeg lærte af mine fejltagelser. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Það voru tvö morð í þessum mánuði. There were two murders this month. There were two murders this month. Varför gick ni inte först? Why didn't you go first? Why didn't you go first? Tom så Mary. Tom saw Mary. Tom saw Mary. Hun trak på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her shoulders. Hvad fandt du? What did you find? What did you find? Min bedstemor har en tvillingebror. My grandmother has a twin brother. My grandmother has a twin brother. Vi må have taget den forkerte vej. We must've taken the wrong road. We must have gone the wrong way. Þetta er aspassúpa. This is asparagus soup. It's an aspass soup. Han havde ikke nogen penge. He had no money. He didn't have any money. Sätt dig i lastbilen. Get in the truck. Get in the truck. Det styrtregner i aften. It's raining cats and dogs tonight. It's raining tonight. Jag kan inte se något med mitt högra öga. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything with my right eye. Hur stor kommer den att vara? How big will it be? How big will it be? Tom og Mary blev gift i en lille kirke. Tom and Mary got married in a small church. Tom and Mary got married in a little church. Nej, jag lider inte av astma. Jag stönar av lust! No, I'm not suffering from asthma. I'm moaning in lust! No, I don't suffer from asthma. Luftpútufarið hjá mær ýir í álli. My hovercraft is full of eels. The airbag in the middle of the crib. Mundirðu kenna mér að búa til ost? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Do you remember teaching me how to make cheese? Er du sikker på at du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Den butik er lukket om mandagen. That store is closed Mondays. That shop is closed on Monday. Hann er ekki eins gáfaður og eldri bróðir hans. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He is not as smart as his older brother. De pratade hela natten. They talked all night. They talked all night. Fugle flyver med deres vinger. Birds fly with their wings. Birds fly with their wings. Hvor længe skal jeg endnu blive på sygehuset? How much longer will I have to stay in the hospital? How long do I have to stay at the hospital? Hur långt borta är Tom? How far away is Tom? How far away is Tom? Han stoppade näsduken i sin ficka. He tucked the handkerchief in his pocket. He put the handkerchief in his pocket. Tom modtog et telegram. Tom received a telegram. Tom got a wire. Kan jag få en kram? Can I have a hug? Can I have a hug? Jag vet inte när jag kommer att kunna hjälpa dig. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. I don't know when I'll be able to help you. De bryster ser falske ud. Those boobs look fake. Those tits look fake. Ha en bra dag. Have a good day. Have a good day. Tom har to brødre. Den ene bor i Boston og den anden bor i Chicago. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Tom has two brothers, one lives in Boston and the other lives in Chicago. Brottsligheten ökar stadigt. Crime is increasing steadily. Crime is increasing steadily. Det kanske inte spelar någon roll. Maybe it won't make any difference. Maybe it doesn't matter. Lämna mig ifred. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Jeg har købt en ny mobiltelefon. I bought a new cellphone. I bought a new cell phone. Ångrar du det som du gjorde? Do you regret what you did? Do you regret what you did? Man kan ikke sælge koen og drikke mælken. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. Du burde gå til lægen. You should go see a doctor. You should go to the doctor. Jag måste göra någonting. I must do something. I have to do something. Vad väntar du på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? "Det Gamle Testamente" er Bibelens første del. "The Old Testament" is the first part of the Bible. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. Jeg læste mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Projektet blev afbrudt. The project was aborted. The project was interrupted. Jag fick dig att skratta, eller hur? I made you laugh, didn't I? I made you laugh, didn't I? Ég er ekki vitund þreyttur. I'm not at all tired. I'm not feeling tired. Glædelig Hanukkah! Happy Hanukah. Happy Hanukkah! Der er ingen grund til at reparere noget som stadig fungerer. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. There is no need to repair anything that still works. Jeg synes Mary er smukkere end Alice. I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice. I think Mary's more beautiful than Alice. Hagsmunir okkar stangast á við þeirra. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests conflict with them. Hur varm är den? How hot is it? How hot is it? Tom er faldet i søvn. Tom has fallen asleep. Tom's gone to sleep. Det hjälper. It helps. It helps. Við vorum fátæk, en við vorum hamingjusöm. We were poor, but we were happy. We were poor, but we were happy. Välkommen till helvetet! Welcome to hell! Welcome to hell! När såg du Tom? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Detta är vårt beslut. This is our decision. This is our decision. Jag hade svårt för att bädda ner barnet. I had a hard time putting the kid to bed. I had a hard time bed the baby. Tom sover ikke. Tom's not asleep. Tom's not sleeping. Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't distinguish a frog from a toad. I don't know the difference between a frog and a toad. Faðir vár es ert í himinríki, verði nafn þitt heilagt. Til komi ríki þitt, verði vili þín svá á jǫrðu sem í himnum. Gef oss í dag brauð várt dagligt. Ok fyrirgefðu oss syndir várar, sem vér fyrirgefum þeim er við oss hafa misgert. Leiddu oss eigi í freistni, heldr leystu oss frá ǫllu illu. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Your father is in heaven. Let your name be holy. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be in heaven. Give us this day bread, daily. For forgive us the sins of those who have sinned with us. Let us not be tempted. Let us not depart from evil. Det finns regler att följa. There are rules to observe. There are rules to follow. Ingen har en fastnettelefon i dag. Nobody has a landline these days. No one's got a fixed phone today. Ta en titt på det där. Take a look at that. Take a look at that. Jeg vil have en blå kage. I want a blue cake. I want a blue cake. Har værelset et bad? Does the room have a bath? Does the room have a bath? Jag måste gå och byta om. I have to go change. I have to go change. Ni får inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Þú verður að leggja harðar að þér við námið. You need to study harder. You have to work hard at studying. Þú mátt ekki sofna. You can't fall asleep. You can't go to sleep. Dine sko er her. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Jeg har ingen penge på mig. I have no money with me. I don't have any money on me. Gefðu mér vinsamlegast annað tækifæri. Please give me another chance. Give me a second chance, please. Jag undrar varför. I wonder why. I wonder why. Nogen ringede. Somebody called. Someone called. Vad var det i kuvertet? What was in the envelope? What was in the envelope? Tusen tack! Many thanks. Thank you so much! Viltu ekki annan bjór? Wouldn't you like another glass of beer? Don't you want another beer? Tack för informationen. Thanks for the information. Thanks for the information. Var är hon? Where is she? Where is she? Pratar någon här ryska? Does anyone here speak Russian? Does anyone here speak Russian? När jag besökte deras lägenhet, var paret mitt i ett gräl. When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument. When I visited their apartment, the couple were in the middle of a fight. Det var ju ditt val. It was your choice. That was your choice. Fler och fler studenter ansluter sig till protesterna. More and more students are joining the protests. More and more students join the protests. Der var ingen på stranden. There was no one on the beach. There was no one on the beach. Sverige har sitt eget språk. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. Han bruger for mange penge. He spends too much money. He spends too much money. Du är bara nervös. You're just nervous. You're just nervous. Han spillede en nøglerolle i bevægelsen. He played a key role in the movement. He played a key role in the movement. Jeg spiller på klaver. I play the piano. I'm playing the piano. Vil du gøre noget for mig? Would you do something for me? Will you do something for me? Tom er ved at komme til bevidsthed. Tom is regaining consciousness. Tom's getting to consciousness. Der er regn på vej. It's going to rain soon. There's rain coming. Hendes nyligt udkomne novellesamling begejstrer elskere af postmoderne værker på esperanto. Her recently-released short story collection thrills enthusiasts of postmodern works in Esperanto. Her recently published collection of short stories impresses lovers of postmodern works at Esperanto. Det var så bullrigt därinne. It was so noisy in there. It was so noisy in there. Hun inviterede ham ud på en date. She asked him out on a date. She asked him out on a date. Jeg elsker dig som du er. I love you the way you are. I love you the way you are. Hon är frånvarande för att hon är sjuk. She's absent because she's sick. She's absent because she's sick. Hun er kort og fed. She's short and fat. She's short and fat. Jag blev bortförd av rymdvarelser. I was abducted by aliens. I was abducted by aliens. Tom behöver köpa en ny regnrock. Tom needs to buy a new raincoat. Tom needs to buy a new raincoat. Krigen brød ud i 1939. The war broke out in 1939. The war broke out in 1939. Hvor er din ven? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Kan du skilja på vete och korn? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you distinguish wheat and barley? Jag behöver en dator. I need a computer. I need a computer. Hun elskede hende, som jeg elskede hende. She loved her, as I loved her. She loved her like I loved her. Jag ser henne två, tre gånger i månaden. I see her two, three times a month. I see her two, three times a month. Rygtet er ikke sandt. The rumor isn't true. Rumor is not true. Hur många länder finns det i Afrika? How many countries are there in Africa? How many countries are there in Africa? Jag går och hämtar den nu. I'll go get it now. I'm gonna go get it now. Du måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Jag ska köpa en bil. I will buy a car. I'm going to buy a car. Fönstret är öppet. The window is open. The window is open. Vi tog en promenad. We went for a walk. We took a walk. Jag har ingen kommentar. I have no comment. I have no comment. En kat kom ud fra under skrivebordet. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of under the desk. Jag tänker inte ha på mig den där. I'm not wearing that. I'm not wearing that. Tom strøg sine bukser. Tom ironed his trousers. Tom stroked his pants. Jeg tror Mary har en affære. I think Mary is having an affair. I think Mary's having an affair. Læg ikke pungen oven på varmeapparatet. Don't put the wallet on the top of the heater. Don't put your wallet on top of the heater. Tom er studerende på universitetet. Tom is a student at the university. Tom is a student at the university. Jag vill inte ha denna. I don't want this. I don't want this. Tom gav mig kikaren. Tom handed me the binoculars. Tom gave me the binocular. Hann er mjög góður á gítar. He's very good at guitar. He's very good at guitar. Det sner. It's snowing. It's snowing. Jag vill dricka något kallt. I want to drink something cold. I want to drink something cold. Jeg regnede med at jeg måske kunne finde dig her. I figured I might find you here. I figured maybe I could find you here. Hvað amar að þér? What ails you? What's wrong with you? Låt mig hjälpa till. Let me help. Let me help. Tom samlade på kaffekoppar. Tom collected coffee cups. Tom collected coffee cups. Jag har aldrig träffat dig i verkligheten. I have never met you in person. I've never met you in real life. Jeg skal være her hele eftermiddagen. I am supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Under ingen omstændigheder! No way! Under no circumstances! Tom blev forvirret. Tom got confused. Tom was confused. Hvad sad han og lavede da du så ham? What was he doing when you saw him? What was he doing when you saw him? Tom är en smart grabb. Tom is a smart kid. Tom's a smart kid. Vi har sorte tal på bundlinjen i denne måned. We're in the black this month. We have black numbers on the bottom line this month. At danse er ingen forbrydelse. Dancing is not a crime. Dancing is not a crime. När jag ser tillbaka på den där tiden verkar allt som en dröm. When I look back upon those days, it all seems like a dream. When I look back at that time, everything seems like a dream. Bara du kan göra detta. You alone can do this. Only you can do this. Tom havde en dåse øl i hånden og yderligere tre i rygsækken. Tom had one can of beer in his hand and three more in his pack. Tom had a can of beer in his hand and three more in his backpack. Jeg besøgte byer som New York, Chicago og Boston. I visited cities such as New York, Chicago and Boston. I visited cities like New York, Chicago and Boston. Udenforstående er tilbøjelig til at skose esperanto for at være et idealistisk tidsspilde. Outsiders tend to scoff at Esperanto as an idealistic waste of time. Outsiders tend to shoe Esperanto to be an idealistic waste of time. Ett av svaren är korrekt. One of the answers is correct. One of the answers is correct. Hunden er min. The dog is mine. The dog's mine. Við hlökkum til að hitta þig bráðlega. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. We're looking forward to seeing you soon. Hon sjöng en sång. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Jeg har mavepine. My stomach hurts. I'm having a stomachache. Tímea är en ungrare som bor i Polen. Tímea is a Hungarian living in Poland. Timea is a Hungarian living in Poland. Tom sang, mens han arbejdede. Tom sang while he worked. Tom sang while he was working. Jag visste att du skulle komma till besinning. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd come to visit. Tom ljög för dig, eller hur? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Katten er i kassen. The cat is in the box. The cat's in the box. Telefonen ringde igen. The phone rang again. The phone called again. Mamma mín lét mig borða gulrætur á hverjum degi þegar ég var lítill. Mother made me eat carrots every day in my childhood. My mom made me eat carrots every day when I was a kid. Jeg undervurderede Tom. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. Tom åkte fast för fortkörning. Tom got caught speeding. Tom got caught for speeding. Hvad gav Tom dig? What did Tom give you? What did Tom give you? Jeg har ikke stjålet den. Jeg har bare lånt den på permanent basis. I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it permanently. I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it on a permanent basis. Maðurin er ikki ungur. The man is not young. The man is not young. Tom äter bara vid måltider. Tom only eats at mealtimes. Tom only eats at meals. De är så irrelevanta. They are so irrelevant. They're so irrelevant. Min bror har boet i London i mange år. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has lived in London for many years. I dag er det den 11. oktober. Today is October 11th. Today is October 11th. Jag vet inte vad jag ska öppna den med. I don't know what to open it with. I don't know what to open it with. Försöker du blåsa mig? Are you hustling me? Are you trying to blow me? Der er ikke nok mad. There's not enough food. There's not enough food. Þrífum herbergið okkar. Let's clean our room. Let's clean up our room. Denne port trænger til at blive malet. This gate needs painting. This gate needs to be painted. Haltu bátnum stöðugum svo við komumst örugglega um borð. Steady the boat so we can get on safely. Keep the boat steady so we'll be safe on board. Jeres hus er stort. Your house is big. Your house is big. Jeg kommer ikke i dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Mér til undrunar hafnaði hann boðinu mínu. To my surprise, he refused my offer. To my surprise, he rejected my offer. Hon uppför sig som ett barn. She acts like a child. She's acting like a child. Han kommer alltid för sent till timmen. He's always late for class. He'll always be late for the hour. Hvorfor bor Tom i Boston? Why's Tom staying in Boston? Why does Tom live in Boston? I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Jeg har glemt at købe en blomst til Eva. I forgot to buy a flower for Éva. I forgot to buy Eva a flower. Han er en tyv. He is a thief. He's a thief. Det sitter på ditt bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Jag stannar här tillsvidare. I shall stay here for the time being. I'll stay here until further notice. Du overraskede alle. You surprised everybody. You surprised everyone. Jeg læser en bog. I read a book. I'm reading a book. Græsset må ikke betrædes. Please do not walk on the grass. The grass shall not enter. Þessir fuglar fljúga ekki vel en þeir eru frábærir hlauparar. These birds don’t fly well but they are excellent runners. These birds don't fly well, but they're great runners. Tom slukkede branden. Tom put out the fire. Tom turned off the fire. Hur klarade de sig? How did they do? How did they manage? Du måste springa nu. We have to run now. You've got to run now. Drik dig ikke fuld! Don't get drunk. Don't get drunk! Toms hund nyder at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being vacuumed. Tom's dog enjoys vacuuming. Var någon annan frånvarande? Was anybody else absent? Was anyone else absent? Hvem er denne mand? Who is this man? Who is this man? Mig vantar einhvern til að tala við. I need someone to talk with. I need someone to talk to. Han frågade mig om jag gillade matte. He asked me if I like maths. He asked me if I liked math. Foråret er kommet. Spring has come. Spring has arrived. Ég er hættur störfum. I've retired. I quit my job. Jag kysste nästan Tom. I almost kissed Tom. I almost kissed Tom. Tom var meget alvorlig. Tom was very serious. Tom was very serious. Han bruger næsten aldrig sin telefon. He almost never uses his phone. He's hardly ever using his phone. Han har en kat og to hunde. He has a cat and two dogs. He's got a cat and two dogs. Jag vill veta exakt vad det är som händer. I want to know exactly what is going on. I want to know exactly what's going on. Við verðum að styrkja samtökin okkar. We must beef up our organization. We must strengthen our organization. Jag gillar yoghurten utan konserveringsmedel. I like the yogurt without preservatives. I like yoghurten without preservatives. Vi kommer med dig, Tom. We're coming with you, Tom. We're coming with you, Tom. Du gjorde rätt som berättade för oss. You did the right thing by telling us. You did the right thing to tell us. Jeg sårede dem muligvis. Maybe I hurt them. I may have hurt them. Han sa ingenting medan jag talade. While I was speaking, he said nothing. He didn't say anything while I was talking. Gillar du ost? Do you like cheese? You like cheese? Min hund är mycket ren. My dog is very clean. My dog is very clean. Tom satte sig i en tom stol. Tom sat down on an empty chair. Tom sat in an empty chair. Det kan inte vara så dåligt. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Bröd bakas i en ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread is baked in an oven. Är de förälskade i varandra? Are they in love? Are they in love with each other? Drengen der svømmer, er min lillebror. The boy who is swimming is my younger brother. The boy who swims is my little brother. Har du saknat mig? Have you missed me? Did you miss me? Jeg er ikke ambassadøren. I'm not the ambassador. I'm not the ambassador. Jag rörde ingenting. I didn't touch anything. I didn't touch anything. Sex þeirra snúa aftur. Six of them return. Six of them return. Talar du turkiska? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom cannot drive. Tom can't drive a car. Säkerheten förhöjdes i staden. Security was increased in the city. Security increased in the city. Jeg elsker duften af kaffe om morgenen. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Jeg er totalt smadret. I'm completely knackered. I'm all fucked up. Du måste välja en. You have to pick one. You have to choose one. Jeg havde hjemve. I was homesick. I had homesicks. Jeg kan ikke bare ignorere Tom. I can't just ignore Tom. I can't just ignore Tom. Enginn veit af hverju hann yfirgaf bæinn. Nobody knows why he left the town. Nobody knows why he left town. Sa verkligen Tom det? Did Tom actually say that? Did Tom really say that? Er det hvad du ville købe? Is that what you wanted to buy? Is that what you wanted to buy? Denne bus kører til Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. Jag vill åka tillbaka. I want to go back. I want to go back. Alle ved at I er nogle racistiske bøller. Everyone knows you're racist punks. Everybody knows you're racist bullies. Vi råkar ha två exemplar av "Räddaren i nöden". It happens that we have two copies of Catcher in the Rye. We happen to have two copies of "The Rider in Distress". Ge mig din arm. Give me your arm. Give me your arm. I er utrolige. You guys are amazing. You guys are amazing. Mary er en rebelsk pige. Mary is a rebellious girl. Mary's a rebel girl. Enginn gat gefið rétta svarið. Nobody could give the correct answer. No one could give the right answer. Jeg fortalte ikke Tom at Mary var her. I didn't tell Tom that Mary was here. I didn't tell Tom that Mary was here. Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Jeg har aldrig forstået det her. I've never understood this. I've never understood this. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go change. Den klæder dig godt. That looks good on you. It looks good on you. Håll ut, Tom. Hang in there, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Tom säger att han inte har lust att dricka öl i kväll. Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight. Tom says he doesn't want to drink beer tonight. Tokyo är Japans huvudstad. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is Japan's capital. Tom trodde på allt som Maria sa. Tom believed everything that Mary said. Tom believed in everything Mary said. Situationen var yderst farlig; det var et spørgsmål om liv og død. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. Ek hata þik. I hate you. An oak hates a valedictorian. Jeg er stolt over at tage del i dette projekt. I am proud to be a part of this project. I am proud to take part in this project. Tre dagar senare var Tom död. Three days later, Tom was dead. Three days later, Tom was dead. Hon skämdes för sin obetänksamhet. She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness. She was ashamed of her indifference. Vi ser en ny film. We are watching a new film. We'll see a new movie. Tom sagde at du talte fransk. Tom said you spoke French. Tom said you spoke French. Det är en månad tills min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month until my birthday. Er det blåt? Is it blue? Is that blue? Tom lo. Tom was laughing. Tom laughed. Behöver du den nu? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Tökum okkur stutt hlé. Let's take a short break. Let's take a break. Tom mumlede. Tom mumbled. Tom mummed. Kommer I ikke? Aren't you guys coming? You're not coming? Tann høga konan er vøkur. The tall woman is beautiful. The skank woman's a wee woman. Vet Tom? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Er ég ólétt? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Jeg vil bare ud herfra. I just want out of here. I just want to get out of here. Udviklingen indenfor digital teknologi skrider frem i et halsbrækkende tempo. Digital technology is advancing at a breakneck pace. The development of digital technology is progressing at a break in the neck. Han lignede en læge. He looked like a doctor. He looked like a doctor. Foreldrar Johns virtust því fegin að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. So John’s parents seemed glad to hear that he was safe. Jobbade Tom där? Did Tom work there? Tom worked there? Bedstemor tog til markedet for at købe mad til familien. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Tom har været alkoholist. Tom used to be a heavy drinker. Tom's been an alcoholic. Hann lítur grunsamlega út. He looks suspicious. He looks suspicious. Min fødselsdag er først om en måned. My birthday's not for another month. My birthday's only in a month. Han genomforskade Amazonas regnskog. He explored the Amazon jungle. He was investigating Amazon's rain forest. Þær gengu í hjónaband. They got married. They got married. Mér líður vel núna. I'm feeling fine now. I'm fine now. Tom är underhållande. Tom is amusing. Tom is entertaining. Det bodde en vild folkstam där på den tiden. A savage tribe lived there in those days. There was a wild tribe there at that time. Tom kan inte göra det. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do it. Jeg ved at du vil få svært ved at forstå det. I know it's going to be hard for you to understand. I know you'll find it hard to understand. Jag struntar hellre i skolan och spelar tv-spel istället. I'd rather skip school and play video games. I'd rather not go to school and play video games instead. At bruge tid sammen med sin familie bør have første prioritet. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spending time with your family should be a top priority. Það þýðir ekki neitt. It doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. Jeg mødte en ulv i en drøm. I met a wolf in a dream. I met a wolf in a dream. Jag tycker om tennis. I like tennis. I like tennis. Jag känner er bror. I know your brother. I know your brother. Der er en lang vej herfra til skolen. It's a long way from here to school. There's a long way from here to school. Glædelig mors dag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Den var blevet forfulgt og forhånet for sin grimhed, og nu hørte den dem sige, at den var den dejligste af alle fuglene. He had been persecuted and despised for his ugliness, and now he heard them say he was the most beautiful of all the birds. It had been persecuted and feared for its uglyness, and now it heard them say that it was the most beautiful of all the birds. Vi var i parken. We were at the park. We were in the park. Eftersom konserten inte börja förran klockan tio kan vi äta middag på en trevlig restaurang tidigare på kvällen. Since the concert doesn't start until ten o'clock, we can have dinner at a nice restaurant earlier in the evening. Since the concert does not begin before ten o'clock, we can have dinner at a nice restaurant earlier in the evening. Det var jeg ikke klar over. I didn't realize that. I didn't realize that. Tom bagte en æblekage. Tom baked an apple pie. Tom baked an apple cake. Má ég nota ritvélina þína. Can I use your typewriter? Let me use your typewriter. Tjener, tre kaffe, tak! Waiter, three coffees, please. Waiter, three coffees, please! Jag skyller på ditt skägg. I blame your beard. I blame your beard. Bolden hoppede over muren. The ball bounced over the wall. The ball jumped over the wall. Jeg kan ikke læse hendes pokerfjæs. I can't read her poker face. I can't read her poker face. Tom hjälper inte till något. Tom isn't helping any. Tom doesn't help anything. Tom dog i december. Tom died in December. Tom died in December. Mange tak for blomsterne! Thank you for the flowers! Thank you very much for the flowers! Hurdan är han? What is he like? What's he like? Lad være med at sige det bag min ryg. Don't say that behind my back. Don't say that behind my back. Jeg har glemt at låse døren. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. Hon tillät mig gå. She allowed me to go. She let me go. Jag försöker att aldrig äta efter klockan åtta. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I'm trying never to eat after 8:00. Man skal lære så længe man lever. You never stop learning. You have to learn as long as you live. Du har fortalt løgne. You've been telling lies. You told lies. Jag gjorde det för tre år sedan. I did it three years ago. I did it three years ago. Jag skämtar med dig bara. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding you. Ég skal sækja hann. I'll get it. I'll get him. Vær altid forberedt på det værste. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be prepared for the worst. Jag svettades under armarna. I perspired under the arms. I was sweating under my arms. Det er allerede jul i Europa. It's already Christmas in Europe. It is already Christmas in Europe. Vi höll på att frysa ihjäl. We were nearly frozen to death. We were freezing to death. Han har absolut ingen fjender. He has absolutely no enemies. He has absolutely no enemies. Hvorfor fyrede de Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Fyrirgefðu, ég er ekki að fylgja þér. I'm sorry, I don't follow. I'm sorry, I'm not following you. Han fortalte ham om sine katte. He told him about his cats. He told him about his cats. Hvad er navnet på det højeste bjerg i Tyskland? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What is the name of the highest mountain in Germany? Alle man, överge skeppet! All hands, abandon ship! All men, abandon ship! Spis, for du er sulten. Eat, for you are hungry. Eat 'cause you're hungry. Ikke alle dyr er bange for ild. Not all animals are scared of fire. Not all animals are afraid of fire. Jeg er nødt til at gå på toilettet. I've got to go to the men's room. I have to go to the bathroom. Jeg vidste ikke du talte fransk. I didn't know you spoke French. I didn't know you were speaking French. Hraðbrautin var lokuð sökum meiriháttar slyss. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was closed because of a major accident. Þú hefur gefið mér svo marga. You have given me so many. You've given me so many. Vi vill inte vänta längre. We don't want to wait any longer. We don't want to wait any longer. Vi er på den forkerte vej. We're on the wrong road. We're on the wrong path. Jeg synger. I sing. I'm singing. Vi bor i New York. We live in New York. We live in New York. Fékkstu það lánað? Did you borrow it? Did you borrow it? Vad kostar en öl? How much does a beer cost? How much does a beer cost? Jeg vil huske dine ord. I will bear your words in mind. I'll remember your words. Det är tomt. It's empty. It's empty. Vort hold vinder. Our team is winning. Our team wins. Jag tycker om att sjunga och spela gitarr. I like singing and playing the guitar. I like to sing and play guitar. Hvor var du om aftenen den 20. oktober og natten til den 21.? Where were you on the night of October 20th? Where were you at the evening of October 20 and the night of the 21st? Tom gillar att äta kall pizza till frukost. Tom likes to eat cold pizza for breakfast. Tom likes to eat cold pizza for breakfast. Tom behøver ikke tage til Boston i næste uge. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. Tom doesn't have to go to Boston next week. Vem är din lärare? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Lad være med at ødsle dine nyligt tjente penge bort! Don't squander your newly earned money! Don't waste your recently made money! Tom är inte lat. Tom isn't lazy. Tom's not lazy. Han kan svømme. He can swim. He can swim. Går detta att utföra? Can this be done? Is this possible? Hún söng ansi vel. She sang pretty well. She sings pretty good. Rævestregerne på Wall Street har sendt økonomien i frit fald. The shenanigans on Wall Street have sent the economy into a tailspin. The raids on Wall Street have sent the economy free of charge. Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Børn er lykkelige, og dyr, og kvinder, men vi mennesker er det ikke. Children are happy, and animals, and women, but we humans are not. Children are happy and expensive, and women, but we humans are not. Passionsugen er ugen før påskesøndag. Holy Week is the week just before Easter. Passion Week is the week before Easter Sunday. Jeg har allerede læst dagens avis. I've already read today's paper. I've already read today's newspaper. Jag hatar arbete. I hate work. I hate work. Rusland er ikke Preussen. Russia is not Prussia. Russia is not Prussia. Tom hävdade, att han såg en man bli ätit levande av pirayor. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by piranhas. Tom claimed that he saw a man being eaten alive by pirayor. Huset står i brand. The house is on fire. The house is on fire. Jeg er sikker. I'm sure. I'm sure. Susan pudsede sin fars sko. Susan shined her father's shoes. Susan powdered her father's shoe. Tom är föräldralös. Tom is an orphan. Tom's an orphan. Jeg ønsker ikke jeres hjælp. I don't want your help. I don't want your help. Jeg er for lille. I'm too small. I'm too small. Sami hade ett jobb och en lön. Sami had a job and an income. Sami had a job and a salary. Gerðu það eins og hann segir þér. Do it the way he tells you to. Do as he tells you. Ég rakst fljótlega á kassa merktan Terry Tate. I soon came across a box labeled Terry Tate. I soon bumped into a box marked Terry Tate. Du är inte så galen. You're not that crazy. You're not that crazy. Tom får gode karakterer i fransk. Tom gets good grades in French. Tom gets good grades in French. Hún og vinir hennar elska tónlist. She and her friends love music. She and her friends love music. Kan du huske det? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Jeg laver en dukke til Anna. I'm making a doll for Anna. I'll make a doll for Anna. Tåget avgår om tio minuter. The train leaves in ten minutes. Train leaves in 10 minutes. Jag tror att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. Mig langar að taka pilluna. I'd like to take the pill. I want to take the pill. Toms første kone plukkede ham for alt hvad han havde, og han var ruineret da han mødte Mary. Tom's first wife fleeced him, and he was broke when he met Mary. Tom’s first wife picked him up for everything he had, and he was ruined when he met Mary. Thailand ligger i Asien. Thailand is in Asia. Thailand is in Asia. Illusioner är kortlivade. Illusions are short lived. Illusions are short-lived. Försäljaren väger osten på kopparvågen. The seller weighs the cheese on the copper scales. The salesman weighs the cheese on the copper wave. Jeg gjorde ikke noget ulovligt. I did nothing unlawful. I didn't do anything illegal. Tom och Maria är lika gamla. Tom and Mary are the same age. Tom and Maria are just as old. Vår engelsklärare är både sträng och snäll. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Dette er en af mine yndlingsbøger. This is one of my favorite books. This is one of my favorite books. Jag kommer att sakna dig, Tom. I'm going to miss you, Tom. I'm gonna miss you, Tom. Han har cancer. He has got cancer. He's got cancer. Hvad er Toms efternavn? What's Tom's last name? What's Tom's last name? Jeg tager den dyreste. I'll take the most expensive one. I'll take the most expensive. Sen då? Then what? Then what? Mor stannade i bilen medan far handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stopped in the car while Dad was shopping. Snúðu aftur á byrjunarreit. Get back to where you started. Go back to the starting position. Det tog dem två år att bygga huset. It took them two years to build the house. It took them two years to build the house. Du har beskyldt ham for at have stjålet cyklen. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You accused him of stealing the bike. Vi har absolut intet at vinde. We have absolutely nothing to gain. We have absolutely nothing to win. Ég er hraustur. I'm healthy. I'm strong. Har du nogensinde været til opera? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to opera? Tom är inte glad. Tom isn't happy. Tom's not happy. Sådan er livet. That's how life is. That's life. Vad kallade du mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Solen er ikke stået op endnu. The sun hasn't risen yet. The sun hasn't risen yet. Tom arbetar. Tom is working. Tom works. Mindst 10 russere er omkommet i år mens de tog selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year taking selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year while taking selfies. Alt er godt. Everything is OK. Everything's fine. Läkaren kom i grevens tid. The doctor arrived in the nick of time. The doctor came in time for the count. Det er meget farligt. That's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Det er en af mine hunde. That's one of my dogs. It's one of my dogs. Eg segði tað, at hann ikki skuldi havt nakað. I said that he should not have anything. I told you that he wasn't going to be naked. Tom spiste en halv pose chips. Tom ate half a bag of potato chips. Tom ate half a bag of chips. Jag äter ris. I eat rice. I'm eating rice. Sami bestilte en pizza klokken seks om morgenen. Sami ordered a pizza at six in the morning. Sami ordered a pizza at 6:00 in the morning. Tog du med frallor? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring the coats? Det sner aldrig i dette land. It never snows in this country. It never spins in this country. En dag kommer du att glömma bort mig. You'll forget about me someday. One day you'll forget about me. Þannig er það. That's the way it is. That's the way it is. Den som går till kyrkan tror på Gud. Whomever goes to church believes in God. Whoever goes to the church believes in God. Den der intet frygter, er lige så mægtig som den der frygtes af alle. The man who fears nothing is as powerful as he who is feared by everybody. The fearer is as powerful as the fearer of all. Til jul sender vi julekort til vores venner. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. Við beygðum til vinstri við gatnamótin og ókum norður. We turned left at the corner and drove north. We turned left at the intersection and drove north. Han er en mand som vi alle respekterer. He's a man who we all respect. He's a man we all respect. Jeg er i gang med at læse en interessant bog. At the moment, I'm reading an interesting book. I'm reading an interesting book. Jag har ett kännetecken. I have a badge. I have a character. Ertu með eða á móti stríðinu? Are you for or against the war? Are you in or against the war? Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu. I want to work with your company. I want to work with your company. Du måste göra dig av med den där ovanan. You must get rid of that bad habit. You need to get rid of that thing above. Vi sælger ikke øl. We don't sell beer. We're not selling beer. Han var synligt nervøs. He was visibly nervous. He was obviously nervous. Det är okej med mig. I'm fine. It's okay with me. Hver morgen, mens han spiser morgenmad, kigger hans hund på ham. Every morning, while he is eating his breakfast, his dog looks at him. Every morning, while he's eating breakfast, his dog looks at him. Tom har på sig en svart hatt. Tom is wearing a black hat. Tom's wearing a black hat. Er hún Japani? Is she Japanese? Is she Japanese? Tom brødes med Mary. Tom wrestled with Mary. Tom broke with Mary. De kommer att leta efter hjälp. They'll be looking for help. They'll be looking for help. Vi behöver ett säkerhetsnät. We need a safety net. We need a safety net. Jag gillade Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Tom forlod Boston den 20. oktober. Tom left Boston on October 20th. Tom left Boston on October 20th. Solen er gået ned. The sun has gone down. The sun's gone down. Þú mátt ekki reiða þig um of á útlit. You must not rely too much on appearance. You can't lean too much on your looks. Tom har købt en hybridbil. Tom bought a hybrid car. Tom bought a hybrid car. Jag planerar att ge min son en dator i slutet av månaden. I plan to give my son a computer at the end of the month. I plan to give my son a computer at the end of the month. Ingen ved at vi er søskendebørn. Nobody knows we're cousins. No one knows we're siblings. Hon dog av syrebrist. She died of oxygen deprivation. She died of hypoxia. Stirra inte på folk. Don't stare at people. Don't stare at people. Tal venligst så klart som muligt. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak as clearly as possible. Gud skabte mennesket. God created man. God created man. Toms forudsigelse var korrekt. Tom's prediction was correct. Tom's prediction was correct. Hvem passer jeres hund i morgen? Who'll look after your dog tomorrow? Who's gonna watch your dog tomorrow? Min far kan lide sit arbejde. My father likes his job. My father likes his work. Hann sá ekki stöðvunarskiltið við gatnamótin og keyrði á bíl sem kom á móti. He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car. He did not see the stop sign at the intersections and drove a car. Der er for mange turister her. There are too many tourists here. There's too many tourists here. Folk tog solbad i parken. People were sunbathing in the park. People took sunbaths in the park. Líkurnar eru að frumvarpinu verði hafnað. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. Hvað er klukkan? What time is it? What time is it? Du betaler renter på penge som du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on money that you borrow. Hún flutti yndislega ræðu í brúðkaupsveislu vinkonu sinnar. She made a wonderful speech at her friend's wedding reception. She gave a wonderful speech at a friend’s wedding feast. Hvør er hesin vinur? Who is this friend? Who's this friend? Tala långsammare. Talk slower. Talk slower. Tom är beslutsam. Tom is determined. Tom is determined. Jag är ledig. I'm free. I'm free. Hvad Tom ikke ved om biler, er ikke værd at vide. What Tom doesn't know about cars isn't worth knowing. What Tom doesn't know about cars is not worth knowing. Hvad har I? What do you have? What do you got? Gamli maðurinn var ekki eins illkvittinn og hann leit út fyrir að vera. The old man was not as mean as he looked. The old man was not as mean as he looked. Vi nød en behagelig aften. We enjoyed a relaxed evening. We enjoyed a pleasant evening. Det är hans sätt att säga tack. It's his way of saying thank you. That's his way of saying thank you. Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Hvad er der i pakken? What's in the package? What's in the package? Jag är på väg mot Boston nu. I'm heading towards Boston now. I'm on my way to Boston now. Ég er á móti giftingunni. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the marriage. Tom kan inte vägra. Tom can't refuse. Tom can't refuse. Det regner udenfor. It's raining outside. It's raining outside. De er bevæbnet. They're armed. They're armed. Tom og hans kone er fra Australien. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Godt spørgsmål! Good question! Good question. Eg er ikki tín móður. I'm not your mother. I'm not even a mother. Hans nya film är värd att se. His new film is worth seeing. His new movie is worth seeing. Det er mandag. It's Monday. It's Monday. Tom friede til Mary foran kirken. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church. Kan du skriva det med hiragana, är du snäll? Can you write that in hiragana please? Can you write it with hiragana, please? Vill du ha lite mer nötkött? Would you like some more beef? Would you like some more beef? Toms morfar kände min farfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Vi var nødt til at lukke vinduet på grund af myggene. We had to shut the window because of the mosquitoes. We had to close the window because of the mosquitoes. Jag kan förklara det här. I can explain this. I can explain this. Hvor mange mennesker med navnet Tom kender du? How many people do you know who are named Tom? How many people named Tom do you know? Det gör säkert ont. I'll bet it hurts. I'm sure it hurts. Vad skulle du säga om du var i den här situationen? What would you say if you were in this situation? What would you say if you were in this situation? Importen av brittiska varor ökade. Imports of British goods increased. Imports of UK goods increased. Om vinteren har vi meget sne. We have a lot of snow in the winter. In winter, we have a lot of snow. Följ reglerna. Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Jeg er træt af at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I'm tired of working here. Har du nogensinde været i Rio? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Vil du danse? Would you like to dance? You want to dance? Har jag gjort allt rätt? Have I done everything correctly? Did I do everything right? Hvem fortalte dig at vi var nødt til at gøre det? Who told you that we had to do that? Who told you that we had to do it? Jag åkte flygplan till Kyushu. I went to Kyushu by airplane. I went to Kyushu. Japan og Suður Kórea eru nágrannaríki. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighboring countries. Jag tycker om det jobbet. I like that job. I like that job. Öðru hverju stoppaði hún og leit í kringum sig. From time to time she stopped and looked round. Every other thing, she stopped and looked around. Tom sagde at han syntes at Marys straf var passende. Tom said he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate. Tom said he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate. Hvad gav Tom dig til jul? What did Tom give you for Christmas? What did Tom give you for Christmas? „Ég þarf að míga.“ „Jonny, svona á maður ekki að segja. Segðu: „Afsakið mig, ég þarf að fara á klósettið.““ "I have to pee." "Jonny, that's not the right thing to say. Say, 'Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet.'" “ I have to urinate. ” “Jonny, you don’t have to say, ‘ Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. ’ ” Jag hör skratt. I hear laughing. I hear laughs. Ikke her. Not here. Not here. For mig er det vigtigt. For me, it's important. For me, it's important. Mange asiatere har engelsk som fællessprog. Many Asians have English as a common language. Many Asians have English as common languages. Jag ska göra som du säger. I'll do as you say. I'll do what you say. Tag dine sokker på. Put on your socks. Put your socks on. Vil du låne mig din cykel? Would you lend me your bicycle? You want to borrow me your bike? Er du kommet godt hjem? Did you arrive home safely? Have you come home well? Tom er adopteret. Tom's adopted. Tom's adopted. To plus to giver fire. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two gives four. Du taler. You are talking. You're talking. Þú mundir ekki græða neitt á slíkri aðferð. You wouldn't gain anything by a method like that. You wouldn't pay for anything like that. Kylling! Chicken! Chicken! I denne uge var vejret meget omskifteligt. This week the weather was very unpredictable. This week the weather was very changing. Man kan ikke overleve uden penge. One can't survive without money. You can't survive without money. Hann hevur lisið bókina úti. He has read the book outside. He's taken the book outside. Jag har mitt eget jobb. I have my own job. I've got my own job. Ég mun fylgjast með þér. I'll be watching you. I'll be watching you. Min hobby er at samle på mønter. My hobby is collecting coins. My hobby is to collect coins. Jag är vid mitt skrivbord. I'll be at my desk. I'm at my desk. Tilsæt honningen, citronsaften, de hakkede mandler og de hakkede æbler. Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Add the honey, lemon juice, the chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Ég er reiður út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Jeg gør kun mit arbejde. I'm just doing my job. I'm only doing my job. Varför gav du upp? Why did you give up? Why'd you give up? Tom går inte till jobbet på söndagar. Tom doesn't go to work on Sunday. Tom's not going to work on Sundays. Augun hennar urðu kringlótt af undrun. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes were surrounded by wonder. USA og Cuba ønsker at etablere diplomatiske forbindelser efter et halvt århundredes fjendskab. The United States and Cuba wish to establish diplomatic relations after a half century of enmity. The United States and Cuba want to establish diplomatic relations after half a century of hostility. De flesta tror att jag är galen. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Har Tom sänt dig? Did Tom send you? Tom sent you? Médus knackar på dörren. Médus is knocking on the door. Medus knocks on the door. Jag behöver en hatt. I need a hat. I need a hat. Av, kaffen er brandvarm! Ah, the coffee is really hot! Off, the coffee's hot! Þú verður að hætta að reykja. You must stop smoking. You have to stop smoking. Jag har ett rött hus. I have a red home. I have a red house. Vet Tom om hur du känner för honom? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Jag är en gammal man nu. I'm an old man now. I'm an old man now. Var tolerant. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Jeg vil have en guitar. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Hann gerði betur en seinast. He did better than last time. He did better than late. Äter du kött eller är du vegetarian? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you eating meat or are you vegetarian? Han hvilede under et træ da et æble faldt på hans hoved. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He rested under a tree when an apple fell on his head. Jag tror att jag kommer att kunna träffa dig snart. I think that i will be able to meet you soon. I think I'll be able to see you soon. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My cell phone is handy. My cell phone is handy. Jag arbetar på ambassaden. I work at the embassy. I work at the embassy. Var är Toms klassrum? Where is Tom's classroom? Where's Tom's classroom? Lyset er tændt i Toms værelse. The light is on in Tom's room. The lights are on in Tom's room. Tom kan vara skadad eller död. Tom may be injured or dead. Tom could be hurt or dead. Teven fungerar inte. The television doesn't work. The TV's not working. En, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hun bad mig om at se efter hendes baby mens hun var borte. She asked me to look after her baby in her absence. She asked me to look after her baby while she was gone. Kald hundene til dig! Call off your dogs. Call the dogs! Den står på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvorfor. The difficult question is why. The difficult question is why. Hun fandt ringen som hun havde tabt under rejsen. She found the ring that she had lost during the journey. She found the ring she had lost while travelling. Hon tillbringade större delen av dagen på sjukhuset. She spent most of the day at the hospital. She spent most of the day at the hospital. Förresten, hur många av er för dagbok? By the way, how many of you are keeping a diary? By the way, how many of you for a diary? Það var ekki alltaf svona. It was not always this way. It wasn't always like that. Varför är du så trött idag? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Ställ er upp, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Everybody, stand up. Jeg har ikke lyst til at spise sushi. I don't feel like eating sushi. I don't want to eat sushi. Jeg tænker for meget. I think too much. I'm thinking too much. Tom er den ældste her, ingen tvivl om det. Tom is the oldest person here, no question about it. Tom's the oldest here, no doubt about that. De er cirka fire uger gamle. They're about four weeks old. They're about four weeks old. Tom kiggede ned på sit glas og så at det var tomt. Tom looked down at his glass and saw that it was empty. Tom looked down on his glass and saw it was empty. Var hittade du Tom? Where did you find Tom? Where did you find Tom? Du ljög för mig, inte sant? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Ertu með nokkra eins dollara seðla? Do you have any one dollar bills? Do you have any one-dollar bills? Tom er danselærer. Tom is a dance teacher. Tom's a dance teacher. Han sprang av. He legged it. He ran off. Han er min oldefar. He is my great-grandfather. He's my great-grandfather. Jeg troede ikke at det ville ske. I didn't think that would happen. I didn't think it would happen. Vad annat ser du? What else do you see? What else do you see? Fågeln är i himlen. The bird is in heaven. The bird is in heaven. Da han havde arbejdet længere end normalt, var han træt. Since he had worked longer than usual, he felt tired. After working longer than usual, he was tired. Kan du förstå det här språket? Can you understand this language? Can you understand this language? Slysið svipti hana einkasyni sínum. The accident deprived her of her only son. The accident took her away her only son. Bill græddi talsvert á prentverksmiðjunni. The printing business made Bill a small fortune. Bill made a lot of money on the printing plant. Tom såg sig omkring. Tom looked around. Tom looked around. Hon älskar Tom. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. Der skete ikke noget særligt i dag. Nothing special happened today. Nothing special happened today. Han vill vara anonym. He wants to be anonymous. He wants to be anonymous. Jag har pyjamasen på mig. I'm in my pajamas. I'm wearing my pajamas. Lägg dina böcker i ditt skåp. Put your books in your locker. Put your books in your locker. Það var barnalegt af honum að haga sér þannig. It was childish of him to behave like that. It was childish of him to behave in that way. Jeg er tredive år gammel. I am thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Du är konstig. You're weird. You're weird. Hann lyfti hendi. He raised his hand. He lifted his hand. Mötet avslutades vid lunchtid. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting was closed at lunchtime. Din plan vil bestemt lykkes. Your plan is sure to succeed. Your plan will certainly succeed. Lad os prøve! Let's try it. Let's try it! Jag trodde att ni var annorlunda. I thought you were different. I thought you were different. I vanliga fall, vilket diskussionsforum brukar franskt folk använda för att prata om politik och liknande? Normally, which discussion forums do French people use to talk about politics and similar things? Usually, what discussion forum do French people usually use to talk about politics and the like? Kan du fortælle mig, hvad det her er? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? Disse sommerfugle er sjældne i vores land. These butterflies are rare in our country. These butterflies are rare in our country. Lad være at stirre på mig. Don't stare at me. Don't stare at me. Nagoya er millum Tokyo og Osaka. Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka. Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka. Det är inte värt besväret. It's not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Tjald skipti herberginu í tvennt. A screen divided the room into two. Closed divided the room into two parts. Tom tog afsted til skole ved daggry. Tom left for school at the break of dawn. Tom left for school at dawn. Kavla upp din högerärm. Roll up your right sleeve. Pick up your right arm. Bill Gates är världens rikaste man. Bill Gates is the world's richest man. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Tom åbnede døren for hende. Tom opened the door for her. Tom opened her door. Hun er gammel. She is old. She's old. Han byggde ett nytt hus. He built a new house. He built a new house. Tom kaldte mig en bangebuks. Tom called me a scaredy-cat. Tom called me a frightful. Varje dag gjorde han samma i åtta timmar och sedan gick han hem. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours and then he went home. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours, and then he went home. Det är min hund. That's my dog. That's my dog. Mødet blev aflyst. The meeting was called off. The meeting was cancelled. Fylla hann. Fill it up. Fill him up. Er I snart klare? Are you almost ready? Are you guys almost ready? Lägg av, sa jag! I said back off! I said stop! Hvordan bliver vejret i morgen? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather tomorrow? Vi ska gifta oss. We're going to get married. We're getting married. Tom är missnöjd. Tom is disgruntled. Tom is dissatisfied. Hvor blev du af?" "Jeg tog hen til togstationen for at sige farvel til en ven." "Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to see a friend off." Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to say goodbye to a friend." Vi ønskede det bedste, du kender resten. We wanted the best, you know the rest. We wanted the best you know about the rest. Fotografiet er på USB-stikket. The photograph is on the USB stick. The photograph is on the USB jack. Snälla rätta mig när jag gör fel. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please correct me when I'm wrong. Det är Babas röst. It's Baba's voice. It's Baba's voice. Jeg giftede mig med en canadier. I married a Canadian. I married a Canadian. Hún er farin í ferð. She's gone on a trip. She's gone. Mary manglede en hun kunne stole på. Mary needed somebody she could trust. Mary needed someone she could trust. Kan du skjutsa oss hem? Can you give us a ride home? Can you give us a ride home? Han har inga vänner att leka med. He doesn't have any friends to play with. He doesn't have any friends to play with. Det är så vi brukar göra. That's how we do it. That's how we usually do it. Tom købte et meget billigt fotografiapparat. Tom bought a very cheap camera. Tom bought a very cheap photographic device. Jag simmar nästan aldrig. I hardly ever swim. I almost never swim. Tom solgte sit gamle køleskab til mig. Tom sold me his old refrigerator. Tom sold me his old fridge. Jeg deler ikke din mening. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. Jag lär mig italienska. I'm learning Italian. I'm learning Italian. Tom är väldigt intresserad av grekisk mytologi. Tom is really interested in Greek mythology. Tom is very interested in Greek mythology. Vi har igen sovet for længe! We've overslept again! We've slept too long again! Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before going to bed. Det haglar. It's hailing. It's hailing. Tom siger at han ikke kan arbejde på tom mave. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Snillingar geta stundum verið ókurteisir. A genius can sometimes have rude manners. Well, geniuses may at times be rude. Jeg ringede på klokken. I rang the bell. I called at the bell. Ljug inte. Don't lie. Don't lie to me. Jeg har ondt i halsen. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Det är ett stort företag. It's a big company. It's a big company. Jag har andra planer. I have other plans. I have other plans. Denne appelsin er velsmagende. This orange is delicious. This orange is tasty. Washington er höfuðborg Bandaríkjanna. Washington is the capital of the United States. Washington is the capital of the United States. Vi var väldigt lyckliga. We were very happy. We were very happy. Han ger ut böcker i Italien. He publishes books in Italy. He's publishing books in Italy. I övrigt hade han inget att tillägga. Otherwise he had nothing to add. Otherwise, he had nothing to add. Sitt inte på den där bänken är du snäll. Please don't sit on that bench. Don't sit on that bench, please. Jag har spenderat mycket pengar på mitt hus. I have spent a lot of money on my house. I spent a lot of money on my house. Mine venner kalder mig Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. Den 27. januar 1945 blev Auschwitz befriet af Den Røde Hær. On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. On January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. Jag skördar råg. I am harvesting rye. I'm reaping rye. Ulven åd kongen. The wolf ate the king. The wolf ate the king. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Jeg opdagede ikke, at Tom og Mary ikke fortalte sandheden. I didn't realize that Tom and Mary weren't telling the truth. I didn't realize that Tom and Mary didn't tell the truth. Han blev meget fuld. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. Tyvärr gick guiden fel. Unfortunately the guide went wrong. Unfortunately, the guide went wrong. Denne væg føles meget kold. This wall feels very cold. This wall feels very cold. Jeg troede, at dette var almindeligt kendt. I thought this was common knowledge. I thought this was common knowledge. Olyckligtvis var min granne med om en trafikolycka och hamnade i koma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was in a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was in about a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Jag mätte hans kroppstemperatur. I took his temperature. I measured his body temperature. I går kväll skrev jag ett brev. Yesterday evening I wrote a letter. Last night, I wrote a letter. Förlåt att jag har orsakat dig så mycket besvär. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. Får jag fråga varför inte? Can I ask why not? May I ask why not? Vi arresterede Tom. We arrested Tom. We arrested Tom. Jeg har en bog. I have a book. I have a book. En bi fløj ud af vinduet. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out of the window. Það er enginn kostur við að gera það. There is no advantage in doing that. There's no way to do that. Är inte Tom med dig? Isn't Tom with you? Isn't Tom with you? Det hela är ett stort skämt. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. Skulle jag kunna få ett glas öl, tack? May I have a glass of beer, please? Could I have a glass of beer, please? Tom bemærkede at Mary stirrede på ham. Tom noticed that Mary was staring at him. Tom noticed Mary was staring at him. Han døde for ti år siden. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Telefonen ringde. The telephone rang. The phone rang. Tom klatrede over muren. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom pratade Esperanto. Tom spoke in Esperanto. Tom was talking Esperanto. I hader mig alle, ikke sandt? You all hate me, don't you? You all hate me, don't you? Vi har absolut ingenting gemensamt. We have absolutely nothing in common. We have absolutely nothing in common. Þetta var nú gott. That was good. That was good. Jag är mycket nöjd med min nya lägenhet. I'm very happy with my new flat. I'm very happy with my new apartment. Jeg er hundetræner. I'm a dog trainer. I'm a dog coach. Det är en slags katt. It is a kind of cat. It's some kind of cat. Han försökte få mig att skratta. He tried to make me laugh. He tried to make me laugh. Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Segði og fór avstað. Said and left. Said and left. De är för upptagna med att kämpa mot varandra för att bry sig om gemensamma ideal. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. Det vidste han ikke. He didn't know that. He didn't know that. Jag tog för givet att du skulle ansluta dig till oss. I took it for granted that you would join us. I took for granted that you would join us. Hvad er hvidvaskning helt præcist? What exactly is money laundering? What is money laundering exactly? Tom fattade ett beslut. Tom made a decision. Tom made a decision. Det er svinekød eller ingenting! It's pork or nothing. It's pork or nothing! Jag vill ha en förklaring och jag vill ha den nu! I want an explanation and I want it now. I want an explanation and I want it now! Jeg kender ikke hans virkelige navn. I don't know his real name. I don't know his real name. Tror du jeg er en idiot? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm an idiot? Mary lämnade rummet plötsligt. Mary left the room suddenly. Mary left the room suddenly. Kan jag låna en penna? Can I borrow a pen? Can I borrow a pen? Har jag råd med den? Can I afford it? Can I afford it? Jeg har glemt min pinkode. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my pin code. Tom var overrasket over, at Mary stadig var oppe. Tom was surprised that Mary was still up. Tom was surprised Mary was still up. Svaret er nej. The answer's no. The answer is no. Fang tyven! Get the thief! Get the thief! Den brune hat er gammel. The brown hat is old. The brown hat is old. Hun spiste ét æble. She ate one apple. She ate one apple. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag. He earns three times more than I do. He earns three times as much as I do. Den der har pengene, har også magten. He who has the money, also has the power. Whoever has the money also has the power. Den här fågeln kan inte flyga. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Han havde ønsket hende god ferie. He had wished her happy holidays. He'd wanted her to have a good vacation. Hvem ler du af? Who are you laughing at? Who are you laughing at? Jag litar på läraren. I trust the teacher. I trust the teacher. Tom är en rymling. Tom is a fugitive. Tom's a fugitive. Slysið átti sér stað fyrir tveimur klukkustundum. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident occurred two hours ago. Min mor lavede en julekage til mig. My mother made me a Christmas cake. My mother made me a Christmas cake. De lämnade återbud. They canceled. They left returnees. Vi klarar oss utan tv, eller hur? We can do without a television, can't we? We'll be fine without TV, right? Betjenten bad mig om at oplyse mit navn. The police officer asked me what my name was. The officer asked me to give you my name. Tom blev dræbt af en kæmpestor gedehams. Tom was killed by a giant hornet. Tom was killed by a huge goat-ham. I er begge canadiere, ikke sandt? You're both Canadians, aren't you? You're both Canadians, right? Mit land ligger i Nordafrika, syd for Middelhavet. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean. Det skulle kunna vara kul. It could be fun. That could be fun. Med Ubuntu følger der masser af software. Ubuntu includes lots of software. With Ubuntu, there's plenty of software. Han är social av sig. He has a sociable disposition. He's social. Verden udenfor er meget frygtindgydende. The world outside is very scary. The world outside is very scary. Föredrar du en manlig eller kvinnlig doktor? Do you prefer a male or female doctor? Do you prefer a male or female doctor? Er Tom eitthvað betri? Is Tom any better? Is Tom anything better? Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg skal begynde. I don't know where to start. I don't know where to start. Det är en timmes promenad till stationen. It's an hour's walk to the station. It's an hour's walk to the station. Han tjänar inte mer än femtio dollar i veckan. He earns not more than 50 dollars a week. He doesn't make more than 50 bucks a week. Kom hit, Tom. Get over here, Tom. Come here, Tom. Jeg fandt det let at finde bygningen. I found it easy to find the building. I found it easy to find the building. Hvad havde du forventet? What did you expect? What did you expect? Stanna gärna och ät middag. Please stay for dinner. Please stay and have dinner. Taliði þýsku? Do you speak German? Did German count? Dina pengar eller ditt liv! Your money or your life! Your money or your life! Tom er høj. Tom is tall. Tom's tall. Jag vill bara vila. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Jag ska spara det. I'll save it. I'll save it. Jag tänkte på det. I thought about it. I was thinking about it. Það sem hún sagði var fullkomlega merkingarlaust. What she said was completely meaningless. What she said was completely meaningless. Tom kan lide rockmusik. Tom likes rock. Tom likes rock music. Jeg var trængt op i et hjørne. I was cornered. I was in a corner. Tom är en hemmaman. Tom is a househusband. Tom's a homeman. Jeg kan ikke stoppe. Bremserne... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. Sover du? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Jag vill dricka en kopp te. I want to drink a cup of tea. I want to have a cup of tea. Hvem banker på min dør? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on my door? Væri þér sama þótt ég reykti? Would you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I smoked? Skrid! Take a hike! Get out of here! Siger de to sætninger virkelig det samme? Do both sentences really say the same thing? Are those two phrases really saying the same thing? Uppdraget är slutfört. Mission accomplished. Mission accomplished. Hvor þessara tveggja er þyngri? Which is the heavier of the two? Which of the two is heavier? Eg vaknaði tíðliga fyrrapartin. I woke up early this morning. I woke up a lot early. Hun kunne lide den. She liked it. She liked it. Det er muligvis sandt. Maybe it's true. That may be true. Jag lärde mig att skriva i skolan. I learned to write in school. I learned to write at school. I går har de ikke spillet tennis. They didn't play tennis yesterday. Yesterday they haven't played tennis. Giraffen kan ikke svømme fordi dens tyngdepunkt ligger så højt at den ville vælte. The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would topple over. The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would overthrow. Jag tror bara att Tom var full. I just think Tom was drunk. I just think Tom was drunk. Är du klar nu? Are you ready now? Are you done now? Sami går med paryk. Sami is wearing a wig. Sami's wearing wigs. Jeg cykler til arbejde. I cycle to work. I cycle to work. I går var jeg syg. Yesterday I was ill. Yesterday I was sick. Tom kyssede spidsen af ​​Marys næse. Tom kissed the tip of Mary's nose. Tom kissed Mary's nose tip. Var det du som gjorde det här? Did you do this? Did you do this? Det her sker ikke. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Tom sa att du tycker om hundar. Tom told me you liked dogs. Tom said you like dogs. Jeg forstår ikke selv hvordan det er sket. I myself do not understand how it happened. I don't even understand how this happened. Jeg er et meget stabilt geni. I'm a very stable genius. I'm a very stable genius. Vi har en beholdning af toiletpapir. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a stock of toilet paper. Hanako har glömt sitt paraply igen. Hanako has forgotten her umbrella again. Hanako has forgotten his umbrella again. Jag läser. I'm reading. I read. Biskopen förbarmade sig över de förtvivlade immigranterna. The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants. The bishop was merciful to the desperate immigrants. Vit mugu fara. We have to go. White moss go. Det var i alla fall inte tråkigt. At least it wasn't boring. At least it wasn't boring. Titta inte. Don't look. Don't look. Mary ser hot ud. Mary looks hot. Mary looks hot. Mandag er en hård dag. Monday is a hard day. Monday is a tough day. Det kommer inte att ske. That's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Undskyld! Hvad koster det? Excuse me, how much is it? I'm sorry, how much? Tom sa till mig att han var intresserad av att göra det. Tom told me that he was interested in doing that. Tom told me he was interested in doing that. Du er grusom. You are cruel. You're cruel. Lad hende ikke gå ud når det er mørkt. Don't let her go out after dark. Don't let her go out when it's dark. Tom har været i Boston i en uge. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom's been in Boston for a week. Hvad mere vil du gerne se? What else would you like to see? What else do you want to see? Toms hund nyder at blive støvsuget. Tom's dog enjoys being hoovered. Tom's dog enjoys vacuuming. Var kom det där skeppet ifrån? Where did that ship come from? Where did that ship come from? Titta inte på kameran. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Hvorfor har du lagt det der? Why did you put that there? Why did you put that there? Jag är en sjusovare. I'm a late riser. I'm a seaweed. Fadil og Layla havde et kæmpe skænderi. Fadil and Layla had a huge argument. Fadil and Layla had a huge fight. Hun børstede mit hår. She brushed my hair. She brushed my hair. Gör gott mot dem som hatar er. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Nyheten fyllde alla med fruktan. The news made everyone afraid. The news filled everyone with fear. Dette vand er godt at drikke. This water is good to drink. This water is good to drink. Jag sitter och studerar på biblioteket. I'm studying in the library. I'm studying at the library. På den tiden bodde han i huset ensam. In those days, he lived in the house alone. At that time he lived in the house alone. Det var svalt och skönt, men nu börjar det bli kallt. It was nice and cool, but it is getting cold now. It was cool and nice, but now it's getting cold. Du bliver ikke fyret. You won't be fired. You're not gonna get fired. Kossan säger ”mu”, tuppen säger ”kuckeliku”, grisen säger ”nöff, nöff”, ankan säger ”kvack, kvack” och katten säger ”mjau”. The cow goes "moo," the rooster goes "cock-a-doodle-doo," the pig goes "oink, oink," the duck goes "quack, quack" and the cat goes "meow." The kiss says ‘mu’, the cock says ‘kuckeliku’, the pig says ‘nöff, nafff’, the duck says ‘kvek, wack’ and the cat says ‘mjau’. Tycker Tom om mig? Does Tom like me? Tom likes me? Hun er ikke min bedstemor. Hun er min mor. She's not my grandma; she's my mom. She's not my grandmother. Har du Whatsapp? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have Whatsapp? Det er ikke min skyld. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Jeg burde være i gang med at lave frokost. I should be making lunch. I should be doing lunch. Tom er Marys søn. Tom is Mary's son. Tom is Mary's son. Gå och hälsa på Tom. Go and see Tom. Go see Tom. Må jeg bruge denne ordbog? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Næsten alle var glade. Almost everyone was happy. Almost everyone was happy. Der kommer vores bus! There's our bus. There comes our bus! Hun taler meget. She talks a lot. She talks a lot. Denne blyant er ikke grå. This pencil is not gray. This pencil is not gray. Du har inget val. You don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. Hún er eldri systir mín. She's my older sister. She's my older sister. Og tjenestekarlen kom og huggede træet i små stykker. And the servant came and chopped the Tree into little pieces. And the servant came and cut the tree into small pieces. Din telefon ringer, Tom. Your telephone's ringing, Tom. Your phone's ringing, Tom. Vem körde likbilen? Who was driving the hearse? Who was driving the car? Jag åker till Boston nästa månad. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Vejkrydset, hvor ulykken skete, ligger her i nærheden. The intersection where the accident happened is near here. The roadblock, where the accident happened, is near here. Det er et smukt flag. It's a beautiful flag. It's a beautiful flag. Varför köpte du en blomma? Why did you buy a flower? Why did you buy a flower? Jag tror att jag äntligen ska pensionera mig. I think I am finally going to retire. I think I'm finally going to retire. Okkur bauð við skítugu diskunum á veitingastaðnum. The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. We offered the dirty plates at the restaurant. Hvorfor købte du denne cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Är du nöjd med resultatet? Are you satisfied with the result? Are you satisfied with the result? Nancy, her er et brev til dig. Nancy, here's a letter for you. Nancy, here's a letter for you. Vitnin gátu hrakið rangan framburð hins grunaða. The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect. The Witnesses were able to dispel the wrong appearance of the suspect. Lengi lifi Sovétríkin! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Jeg kom for sent til den sidste bus. I was late for the last bus. I was late for the last bus. Jag lånade ut en del pengar till min vän. I lent my friend some money. I borrowed some money from my friend. Er du nogensinde blevet bidt af en hund? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Men varför? But why? But why? Det är risk att du blir en rejäl karl. You're in danger of becoming a good man. There's a risk that you'll be a real man. Det kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the head of a jet hunter. Ja ba älskar såna saker. I just love that kind of stuff. Yeah, I love things like that. Hold vasen med begge hænder. Hold the vase with both hands. Hold your vase with both hands. Lestu í gegnum greinina. Read through the article. Read through the article. Dette værelse måler tyve fod gange fireogtyve fod. This room measures 20' X 24'. This room measures twenty feet times twenty-four feet. Vi så slet ingen børn. We didn't see any children at all. We didn't see any kids at all. Har du skrivit ned telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write down the phone number? I sidste uge læste jeg en meget interessant bog. Last week I read a very interesting book. Last week I read a very interesting book. Tom plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Tom picked an apple from the tree. Ég stóð hann að svindli í prófinu. I caught him cheating in the examination. I was cheating on him during the test. Sund er góð líkamsrækt. Swimming is good exercise. Sund is a good exercise. Aoi blev danser. Aoi became a dancer. Aoi became a dancer. Jeg foretrækker kaffe frem for te. I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee over tea. Hvad er dit navn? What's your name? What's your name? Blomman är röd. The flower is red. The flower is red. Jag bar mig ohyfsat åt. I forgot my manners. I used to carry myself unscrupulously. Goddag! Hvordan går det? Good day, how are you? Hello, how's it going? Ingen er i stand til at forudsige fremtiden. Nobody can predict the future. No one is able to predict the future. Svar ikke! Don't answer. Don't answer! Ég er ekki enn búin að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't made up my mind yet. Jag trodde att polisen letade efter Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. Du bör följa skolans regler. You should observe the school rules. You should follow the school rules. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge for et år siden. I quit smoking a year ago. I quit smoking a year ago. Kasta inte bort den här tidningen! Don't throw this paper away! Don't throw this magazine away! Tom fortæller mig ingenting. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tom won't tell me anything. Jag går till jobbet klockan sju. I go to work at seven o'clock. I'm going to work at 7:00. Jeg sætter virkelig pris på dit selskab. I really appreciate your company. I really appreciate your company. Vattnet är rent. The water is clean. The water is clean. Hann er mjög hrifinn af vísindaskáldsögum. He's very fond of science fiction. He's very fond of scientific novels. Gå till jobbet, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Fortæl altid sandheden. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. De pærer vi spiser i Japan, ligner næsten æbler. The pears we eat in Japan look almost like apples. The pears we eat in Japan are almost like apples. Opnaðu dyrnar. Open the door. Open the door. Hur kan ni inte tycka om honom? How can you not like him? How can you not like him? Jag är student. I am a student. I'm a student. "Hvordan kommer Jim i skole?" "Han tager bussen." "How does Jim go to school?" "He goes by bus." "How's Jim going to school?" "He's taking the bus." Vinden blæser op. The wind is beginning to blow. The wind blows up. Bröd är gjort på vete. Bread is made from wheat. Bread is made in wheat. Jeg har set dig gøre det. I've seen you doing that. I've seen you do it. Tom lagde sin pung på bordet. Tom put his wallet on the table. Tom put his wallet on the table. Katten sidder på stolen og kigger på kødet der ligger på køkkenbordet. The cat is sitting on the chair and looking at the meat that's lying on the kitchen table. The cat sits on the chair and looks at the meat on the kitchen table. Hann má koma sunnanífrá. He must be from the South. He can come from the sun. Jeg vågnede tidligere end normalt. I got up earlier than usual. I woke up earlier than normal. Skjut inte! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Forlad os. Leave us. Leave us. Han er ikke min type. He isn't my type. He's not my type. Gå ikke. Don't leave. Don't go. Hästarna galloperade. The horses galloped. The horses galloped. Det är just den här ordboken som jag har letat efter. This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for. It's just this dictionary that I've been looking for. Dette er begyndelsen på en ny æra. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Var ligger den spanska ambassaden? Where is the Spanish embassy? Where's the Spanish Embassy? Han holder altid sine løfter. He always keeps his promises. He always keeps his promises. Det mesta är på franska. Most of it's in French. Most things are in French. Virkelig? Really? Really? Jeg har bygget det. I built it. I built it. Jag hoppas att det ordnar sig. I hope it works out. I hope it'll be all right. John sitter vid Jack. John sits by Jack. John's sitting at Jack's. Det æble er ikke rødt. That apple isn't red. That apple is not red. Hvordan har du det for tiden? How are you doing these days? How are you feeling at the moment? Håll dig till sanningen. Go with the truth. Stick to the truth. Vad tycker du, Tom? What do you think, Tom? What do you think, Tom? Du sier myggen fra og sluger en kamel. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You suck the mosquito off and swallow a camel. Þú þarft ekki að fara í skólann á sunnudaginn. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. Jag går mycket. I walk a lot. I'm leaving a lot. Jag gör det gladeligen. I'm happy to do it. I'm happy to do it. Kig på alle de blomster. Look at all these flowers. Look at all those flowers. Vad såg du? What did you see? What did you see? Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en tychobrahesdag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday the 13th is a Tychobrahesday. Jag letade efter min dagbok. I was looking for my diary. I was looking for my diary. Du har slutat röka. You've given up smoking. You've stopped smoking. Hvor meget giver man i drikkepenge i Spanien? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much do you give in Spain? Hvem er den der mand? Who is that man? Who's that man? "Hvor kyssede han dig?" "På munden." "Nej, jeg mener, hvor var du, da han kyssede dig?" "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?" "Where did he kiss you?" "On his mouth." "No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?" Hvad er din naturlige hårfarve? What is your natural hair color? What's your natural hair color? Jag läste en bok. I read a book. I read a book. Jag ringde i förväg. I called ahead. I called you in advance. Fyrir hvað er það? What is it for? What's that for? Behöver du paraply? Do you need an umbrella? Do you need an umbrella? Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas station nearby? Ég er strákur. I am a boy. I'm a boy. Han ankom forpustet til stationen. He arrived at the station out of breath. He arrived at the station. Mellem os to så sælger artiklen langsomt. Between ourselves, this article is selling slowly. Between you and me, the article sells slowly. Han är en sann muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a true Muslim. Tom håller alltid hastighetsbegränsningen. Tom never drives above the speed limit. Tom always keeps the speed limit. Jag vill att Tom ska åka till Boston för att besöka sin morbror. I want Tom to go to Boston to visit his uncle. I want Tom to go to Boston to visit his uncle. Skatten var gravet ned på øen. The treasure was buried on the island. The treasure was buried on the island. Vi takserede skaden til 1000 dollar. We estimated the damage at $1,000. We charged the damage to a thousand dollars. Picasso er en berømt kunstner. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Tomtenissar är jultomtens små hjälpredor. Elves are Santa's little helpers. Santa Clauses are little helpers of Santa Claus. Jeg bestilte ikke fisk. I didn't order fish. I didn't order fish. Jag är glad att jag såg honom. I'm glad I saw him. I'm glad I saw him. Ett lågtrycksområde täcker hela Skandinavien med växlande vind och molnighet. A low pressure area, cloudy with wind and sunny intervals, covers all of Scandinavia. A low pressure area covers the whole of Scandinavia with changing wind and cloudiness. Her er Tatoeba. Here is Tatoeba. Here's Tatoeba. Jag är elev. I'm a student. I'm a student. Nogle gange taler han lidt underligt. Sometimes he talks a little weird. Sometimes he speaks a little strange. Jeg blev født den 10. oktober 1972. I was born on October 10th, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. Var arbetar du? Where do you work? Where do you work? Jeg har lånt et bord. I've borrowed a table. I borrowed a table. Mary kan ikke fordrage Tom. Mary hates Tom's guts. Mary can't seduce Tom. Þér er frjálst að nota þetta herbergi hvernig sem þér sýnist. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You are free to use this room any way you like. Jag har aldrig ätit kinesisk mat. I've never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. Någon stal mitt körkort. Someone stole my driving licence. Somebody stole my driver's license. Är ni färdiga? Are you guys ready? Are you done? Det er bedre at vente til politiet ankommer. It's better to wait until the police arrive. It's better to wait until the police arrive. Jag vet att Tom fuskade. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom cheated. Varför frågar du det? Why would you ask that? Why do you ask that? Jag önskar att alla tyckte om mig. I wish everybody liked me. I wish everyone liked me. Jeg tror ikke at Tom kunne finde på at købe en lyserød paraply. I don't think Tom would buy a pink umbrella. I don't think Tom could come up with a pink umbrella. Hun lægger børnene i seng. She puts the children to bed. She's gonna put the kids in bed. Eftir kvöldmat labba ég á ströndinni. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I walk on the beach. Jag vill ha en advokat. I want an attorney. I want a lawyer. Við vorum einmitt að tala um þig þegar þú hringdir. We were just talking about you when you called. We were just talking about you when you called. Jag undrar varför Tom gick. I wonder why Tom left. I wonder why Tom left. Han lader altid vinduet være åbent, når han sover. He always leaves the window open when he sleeps. He always leaves the window open when he sleeps. I Amerika er der højrekørsel. In America traffic keeps to the right. In America, there's a right-hand drive. Tom och Maria gifte sig i smyg. Tom and Mary got married secretly. Tom and Maria got married secretly. En taxi står och väntar. A cab is waiting. A cab's waiting. Hur gjorde du det? How could you do that? How did you do that? Det er så sandelig tid for at "tørlægge sumpen" i Washington DC! It is indeed time to 'drain the swamp' in Washington D.C.! It's such a real time to wipe the swamp in Washington DC! Allir hafa einhvers konar ósk. Everyone has a wish of some kind. Everybody's got some kind of a wish. Jeg kan først gå når jeg ved hvem Tom er. I can't leave until I find out who Tom is. I can only walk when I know who Tom is. Hvað þýðir „precise“ nákvæmlega? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? What does “precise ” mean? Låt mig prata med Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Let me talk to Tom. En mand ved navn Slim blev dræbt i ulykken. A man called Slim was killed in the accident. A man named Slim was killed in the accident. Neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna. Necessity is the mother of invention. It teaches a naked woman to spin. Tom har meget mere travlt i denne uge, end han havde i sidste uge. Tom is a lot busier this week than he was last week. Tom is much more busy this week than he had last week. En drage bor inde i hulen. A dragon lives inside the cavern. A dragon lives inside the cave. Jag var inte i tjänst. I was off duty. I wasn't on duty. Jag tror att vi borde åka. I think we should go. I think we should go. Jag nyser hela tiden. I sneeze all the time. I breathe all the time. Vi har opstillet tredive bænke på vandrestierne rundt om vores landsby. We have erected thirty benches on the walking trails around our village. We've set thirty benches on the hiking trails around our village. Han gjorde det nogle få gange. He did it a few times. He did it a few times. Hvað kom til að þú gerðir svona mistök? How come you made such a mistake? What happened to you making such a mistake? Það er mjög áhugavert að læra esperantó. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. Learning Esperanto is very interesting. Vi rejser på et stramt budget. We are traveling on a tight budget. We're going on a tight budget. Låt inte Tom se dig. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Ingen af disse busser kører til Shinjuku. None of these buses go to Shinjuku. None of these buses drive to Shinjuku. Tom købte tre kilogram æbler. Tom bought three kilograms of apples. Tom bought three kilograms of apples. Hann var nógu hugrakkur til að koma upp um hneykslið. He had the courage to expose the scandal. He was brave enough to expose the scandal. Jag ville varna Tom. I wanted to warn Tom. I wanted to warn Tom. Jag kan inte komma ihåg den låtens melodi. I can't remember the melody of that song. I can't remember that song's melody. Tom læser en novellesamling. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom's reading a novel collection. Jag önskar att alla gillade mig. I wish everybody liked me. I wish everyone liked me. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér mjög bráðlega. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Nu kryper vi till kojs. We'll sneak into bed now. Now we're crawling to shit. Boken kostar fem dollar. The book costs five dollars. It's a five-dollar book. Jorden är ingen stjärna, utan en planet. The earth is not a star, but a planet. The Earth is not a star, it's a planet. Dette er et æbletræ. This is an apple tree. This is an apple tree. Kunne jeg få dem pakket ind hver for sig? Could you wrap them up separately? Could I have them wrapped up separately? Lufthavnen var lukket på grund af tågen. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the train. Vem förstörde denna? Who broke this? Who destroyed this? I burde være mere forsigtige. You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful. Det er en grå hest. It's a gray horse. It's a gray horse. När är din födelsedag? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Denne bog handler om en konge der mistede sin krone. This book is about a king who lost his crown. This book is about a king who lost his crown. Vem går på vakt? Who's on watch? Who's on duty? Når man leger med ilden, så brænder man sig til sidst. If you keep playing with fire, expect to get burned. When you're playing with the fire, you're gonna burn at last. Ein gomul kona gongur yvir vegnum. An old woman is walking across the road. One good woman gong over the roads. "Denne samtale har aldrig fundet sted." - "Hvilken samtale?" "This conversation never occurred." - "What conversation?" "This conversation has never taken place." - "What conversation?" Hendes mand bor nu i Tokyo. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband now lives in Tokyo. Jag går som en pingvin. I walk like a penguin. I'm walking like a penguin. Jag har blivit ombedd att informera dig om att din far har dött i en olycka. I was told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident. I've been asked to inform you that your father has died in an accident. Han var väldigt trött. He was very tired. He was very tired. Vad är det med henne? What is her problem? What's the matter with her? Sýndu mér leiðina til strætóstoppustöðvarinnar. Show me the way to the bus stop. Show me the way to the bus stop. Jag hatar skräckfilmer. I hate horror movies. I hate horror movies. John teygði úr sér á sófanum. John stretched out on the couch. John stretched out on the couch. Fuck dig! Fuck you! Fuck you! Singapúr á við eitt stórt vandamál að stríða. Singapore has one big problem. Singapore has one big problem. Om vädret är bra på torsdag ska vi gå till parken. If the weather is good on Thursday, we will go to the park. If the weather is good on Thursday, we'll go to the park. Jeg takker dig på forhånd for din hjælp. Thank you in advance for your help. I thank you in advance for your help. Mary er neurotisk. Mary is neurotic. Mary's neurotic. Jag skulle kunna göra det. I could do that. I could do that. Jeg spiste en burger og gik derefter i seng. I ate a burger, then went to bed. I ate a burger and then went to bed. Jeg ville ikke satse på det. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on it. Kvinnorna nådde sitt mål. The women achieved their goal. The women achieved their goal. Tom er meget handlekraftig. Tom is very efficient. Tom's very active. Jeg træner judo. I'm practising judo. I'm training judo. Jag antar att du har bil. I assume you have a car. I guess you have a car. Jag jobbar här numera. I work here now. I'm working here now. Det är möjligt. It's possible. It's possible. Min väckarklocka ringde inte i morse. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. My alarm clock didn't ring this morning. Hvorfor har de største banker brug for den største redningspakke? Why do the largest banks need the biggest bailout? Why do the largest banks need the largest rescue package? Auðveldara sagt en gert. Easier said than done. It's easier said than done. Du ser træt ud. You're looking tired. You look tired. De snakker. They're talking. They're talking. Ég sé til þess. I'll see to it. I'll see to it. Vad ska vi göra åt det? What will we do about it? What are we gonna do about it? Það halda allir að ég sé skrítinn. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal sige til Tom. I don't know what to say to Tom. I don't know what to say to Tom. Jeg er træt, men jeg kan ikke falde i søvn. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. I'm tired, but I can't sleep. Behärska er. Control yourselves. Control yourselves. Jeg slog mit knæ da jeg spillede fodbold. I hurt my knee when I was playing soccer. I hit my knee when I played football. Tom har en stor hund. Tom has a big dog. Tom has a big dog. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundefoder. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he never tried to eat dog food. Som I allesammen ved, er vi midt i en global pandemi. As you all know, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. As you all know, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Jeg havde drukket en øl og foregav at være meget fuld. I had one beer and pretended to be very drunk. I had been drinking a beer and I pretended to be very drunk. Tom var ekki þreyttur Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't tired. Það eru yfir 2500 tegundir snáka í heiminum. There are over 2,500 types of snakes in the world. There are over 2,500 species of snakes in the world. Mary kom inte hem i går kväll. Mary didn't come home last night. Mary didn't come home last night. Garaget var tomt. The garage was empty. The garage was empty. Jeg ved det heller ikke. I don't know either. I don't know either. Han gillade inte att straffas. He didn't like to be punished. He didn't like being punished. Der er fem æbler i kassen. There are five apples in the box. There are five apples in the box. Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg skal begynde. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You won't be able to get so fast through the book. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is ready. Breakfast's ready. Mary er sin kærestes muse. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Mary is her boyfriend's mouse. Er dette et trickspørgsmål? Is this a trick question? Is this a trick question? Är ni roade av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you enjoying this? Tom är inte på. Tom's not in. Tom's not on. Denne bogs forfatter er stadig ung. The author of this book is still young. This book's author is still young. Má ég fara að hátta? May I go to bed? Can I go to bed? Ögonen är själens spegel. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Japan og Sydkorea er nabolande. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighbouring countries. Hun er dybt forelsket i ham. She's deeply in love with him. She's deeply in love with him. Hvussu eita tygum? What is your name? What does it look like and contents of the pack? Godmorgen, min solstråle. Good morning my sunshine. Good morning, my sunshine. Jag saknar min fru. I miss my wife. I miss my wife. När såg du Tom senast? When was the last time you saw Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Vi har alla ett pris. We all have a price. We all have a price. Brasilien er omgivet af ti lande og Atlanterhavet. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Ég á ánægður að við hittumst. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Tom är väldigt intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Hvad er du interesseret i? What are you interested in? What are you interested in? Å ena sidan är han snäll men å andra sidan är han lat. On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy. On the one hand, he's nice, but on the other hand, he's lazy. Vi kan ikke ignorere dette problem. We can't ignore this problem. We cannot ignore this problem. Nu ved jeg alt. I know everything now. Now I know everything. Jag trodde att jag förlorat er. I thought I'd lost you. I thought I lost you. Tom har dörrarna låsta om natten. Tom keeps his doors locked at night. Tom's got his doors locked at night. Tom er næsten døv, er han ikke? Tom is almost deaf, isn't he? Tom's almost deaf, isn't he? Vi använder ätpinnar istället för kniv och gaffel. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. We use eating sticks instead of knife and fork. Ni verkar glada. You seem happy. You seem happy. Du kan se den stora utställningen på köpcentret vilken tid som helst. You can see the large exhibition at the department store anytime. You can see the big exhibition at the mall any time. Det finns ingen ost kvar. There is no more cheese left. There's no cheese left. Hun har meget gode manerer. She has very good manners. She has very good manners. Pas på! Det er ikke et legetøj! Be careful. It's not a toy. It's not a toy! Han nød de besøg. He enjoyed those visits. He had them visit. Hur långt for den? How far did it go? How far is it? Jorden, Mars og Jupiter er planeter. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Du måste vänta på nästa buss. You must wait for the next bus. You have to wait for the next bus. Kan du ikke lide æbler? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Við stundum viðskipti við mörg lönd. We are doing business with many countries. At times, we trade with many countries. Tom masserar sina knän. Tom is massaging his knees. Tom's massing his knees. Fra et lille agern vokser der et højt egetræ. From a small acorn grows a tall oak tree. From a small field, a high oak grows. Det här är allt jag vill ha. This is all I want. This is all I want. Anne sagde til mig, at mit hår var for langt. Anne told me that my hair was too long. Anne told me my hair was too long. Hann er að opna gluggann. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Mina föräldrar dog när jag var mycket ung. My parents died when I was very young. My parents died when I was very young. Jag fattar. I understood. I get it. Jag leker i trädgården. I'm playing in the garden. I'm playing in the garden. Tom tog fra Boston til Chicago. Tom went from Boston to Chicago. Tom went from Boston to Chicago. Det er værd at gentage. That's worth repeating. It's worth repeating. Han brækkede den låste dør åben med et brækjern. He pried open the locked door with a crowbar. He broke the locked door open with an iron. Tom är ledsen. Tom's sad. Tom's sorry. Jag sörjer över dig, du min broder Jonatan; mycket ljuvlig var du mig. Dyrbar var mig din kärlek, mer än kvinnokärlek. I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of a woman. I am sorry for you, my brother Jonathan. You were very sweet to me. Your love was precious to me more than the love of women. Kärlek och hosta kan inte döljas. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Jag trodde att ni gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. De kommer hit någon enstaka gång. They come here occasionally. They come here once in a while. Jeg fryser. I'm freezing. I'm cold. Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary's happy. Tom burde i det mindste bære et slips. Tom should at least wear a tie. At least Tom should wear a tie. Jeg svømmede i havet. I swam in the sea. I swam into the sea. Du använder verkligen mycket smör. You sure do use a lot of butter. You really use a lot of butter. Hun er kunstlet. She's artsy. She's a piece of work. Måste du åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Jag bor i Peru. I live in Peru. I live in Peru. Jeg har ikke stjålet det. Du må gerne tjekke min lommer. I didn't steal it. You can check my pockets. I didn't steal it. Kig, kig! Look, look! Look, look! Papiret er hvidt. Paper is white. The paper is white. Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. The world's current slowest building poison Burdj Khalifa. Þú verður að gera það undir eins. You must do it at once. You're gonna have to do it right now. Ni kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Det är roligt att spela tennis. It's fun to play tennis. It's fun playing tennis. Jeg vil ikke arbejde der mere. I don't want to work there anymore. I don't want to work there anymore. Jag är lite uppskakad. I'm a little shook up. I'm a little shaken up. Jag vet exakt var Tom är. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Gå inte nära dem. Do not go near them. Don't go near them. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the café. She met him in the café. Hun behandlede ham som en konge. She treated him like a king. She treated him like a king. Mig langar að fara til Þýskalands. I want to go to Germany. I want to go to Germany. Det er koldere i år end sidste år. It is colder this year than last year. It's colder this year than last year. Tom er i live. Tom is alive. Tom's alive. Er dette din cykel? Is this your bike? Is this your bike? Efter at Tom havde hørt nyhederne, var han i den syvende himmel. After he heard the news, Tom was in seventh heaven. After hearing the news, Tom was in the seventh heaven. Jeg ved at Tom er en temmelig god skiløber. I know Tom is a pretty good skier. I know Tom's a pretty good skier. Varför är du hemma? Why are you home? Why are you home? Der er mad i køleskabet. There's food in the fridge. There's food in the fridge. "Dårlig hårdag". "Bad hair day". "Freaky hard." Det är för mycket att göra. There are too many things to do! It's too much to do. Hon kan inte motstå glass. She can't resist ice cream. She can't resist ice cream. Jeg læser så få bøger som muligt. I read as few books as possible. I read as few books as possible. Jag vill ha alltihop. I want it all. I want it all. Han overdrog al sin ejendom til sin søn. He handed over all his property to his son. He gave all his property to his son. Síðan nítjánhundruð hafa ellefu kvenkyns nemendur hlotið verðlaunin. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since nineteen centuries, eleven female students have been awarded the prize. Der findes ikke en mere fantastisk kvinde i hele verden end dig. There is no more fantastic woman in the world than you. There's no more amazing woman in the world than you. Han er næsten seks fod høj. He's almost six feet in height. He's almost six feet tall. Har allt det här faktiskt hänt? Did all this really happen? Did all of this actually happen? Han har bott på det där hotellet de fem senaste dagarna. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He's been staying at that hotel for the last five days. Það var árið 1912 sem Titanic sökk á jómfrúarferð sinni. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage. It was in 1912 that Titanic sank on his Christmas tour. Jag är kall. I am cold. I'm cold. I går læste jeg en bog, som desværre var meget kedelig. Yesterday I read a book that was unfortunately very boring. Yesterday I read a book, which, unfortunately, was very boring. Vi ønsker hele sætninger. We want complete sentences. We want whole phrases. Tom bestilte en drink. Tom ordered a drink. Tom ordered a drink. Min mand slår mig ihjel. My husband's going to kill me. My husband's gonna kill me. Eg eri muslimur. I am a Muslim. I'm a Muslim. Tom var der ikke i går. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Han är inte galen. He is not mad. He's not crazy. Jag ska berätta för de andra. I'll tell the others. I'll tell the others. Han tog benene på nakken. He legged it. He took his legs off his neck. Min cykel er punkteret. My bicycle has a flat tire. My bike is flat. De erbjöd gästerna lite kaffe. They offered the guests some coffee. They offered the guests some coffee. Har du badat än, Takashi? Have you taken a bath yet, Takashi? Have you been bathing yet, Takashi? Mary strikkede et sjal. Mary knitted a shawl. Mary knitted a shawl. ”Hur gammal är du?” ”Jag är sexton år.” "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." “How old are you?” “I am sixteen.” De sælger æbler, appelsiner, æg og så videre. They sell apples, oranges, eggs, and so on. They sell apples, oranges, eggs and so on. Ég vona bara að enginn hafi séð mig. I just hope no one saw me. I just hope no one ever saw me. Dette skal nok muntre dig op. This ought to cheer you up. This will cheer you up. Ringið eftir løgregluni! Call the police! Call for onion! Der var blod på Toms skjorte. There was blood on Tom's shirt. There was blood on Tom's shirt. Han stod på gadehjørnet. He was standing at the street corner. He was standing on the street corner. Vi försökte att kontakta det andra skeppet. We tried to contact the other ship. We tried to contact the other ship. Jag kommer att vara utanför stan. I'll be out of town. I'll be out of town. Hon kan inte stoppa mig. She can't stop me. She can't stop me. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful! Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal fortolke hans ord. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Tom går sommetider med solbriller indendørs. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. Hvordan gik det til? How did that happen? How did that happen? Han spurgte mig hvor min onkel boede. He asked me where my uncle lived. He asked me where my uncle lived. Er du sikker på du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Jag kan stanna. I can stay. I can stay. Slap af! Calm down. Relax! Jag gav det ett försök och tänkte att allting är värt ett försök. Men att sätta ihop ett sånt här program klarar jag inte av. I gave it a try figuring that anything is worth a try. But putting together a program like this is something I'm no match for. I gave it a try and I thought everything was worth a try, but to put together this kind of program, I can't handle it. Hvort þér líki það eða ekki skiptir ekki máli. Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. Whether you like it or not does not matter. Min bil är en tysk bil. My car is German. My car is a German car. Ég er timbraður. I have a hangover. I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I Hold øje med børnene. Keep an eye on the kids. Keep an eye on the kids. Kennarinn getur séð þig. The teacher can see you. The teacher can see you. Jeg har smurt syltetøj på min sandwich. I put jam on my sandwich. I've got jams on my sandwich. Ég hafði ekki hugmynd að þú værir að koma. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. Hann ger ting truplari uttan orsøk. He is making things more difficult for no reason. He gives things to a soldier without a battle. Hur kallt är det? How cold is it? How cold is it? De här stearinljusen är inte vita. These candles aren't white. These candles aren't white. Jag älskar Polska! I love Polish! I love Polska! De hjalp mig ikke. They didn't help me. They didn't help me. At bruge tid sammen med din familie bør have første prioritet for dig. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spending time with your family should be a top priority for you. Vasaþjófar kunna að starfa á þessu svæði. Pickpockets may operate in this area. Vasa thieves may work in this area. Jeg hader interviews. I hate interviews. I hate interviews. Du så ikke hvad jeg så. You didn't see what I saw. You didn't see what I saw. Jag måste säga det här. I have to say this. I have to say this. Giv freden en chance. Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance. Vi ved hvem han er. We know who he is. We know who he is. I morgen lander han på månen. Tomorrow he lands on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. "Mørkets herre" betyder "Satan". "The prince of darkness" means "Satan". "Lord of the darkness" means "Satan." Ska jag bli utbytt? Am I being replaced? Shall I be replaced? Kanntu að keyra bíl? Can you drive a car? You know how to drive a car? Hun klager altid over sit arbejde. She is always complaining of her job. She always complains about her work. Hesten er min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Jeg mødte ham den anden dag. I met him the other day. I met him the other day. Get ég hjálpað þér? Could I help you? Can I help you? Hvis ikke jeg dumper, kan jeg tage kørekortet i år. If I don't fail, then I can get my driving license this year. If I don't dump, I can take my license this year. Hvað kallast maður sem gætir fjár í haga? What do you call a man who takes care of sheep in the field? What is called a man who can afford money? Luft er usynlig. Air is invisible. Air is invisible. Ved brand alarmér 119. In case of fire, call 119. Fire alarm 119. Han pratade aldrig om det. He never talked about it. He never talked about it. Klubben har trettio medlemmar. The club has thirty members. The club has thirty members. Det är faktiskt en bra poäng. That's actually a good point. Actually, that's a good point. Hvem er den nye cheftræner? Who's the new head coach? Who's the new chief coach? Hon svor högt. She cursed loudly. She swore loudly. Du borde inte vara här bak. You shouldn't be back here. You shouldn't be back here. Det är inte viktigt vad jag heter. It's not important what my name is. It's not important what my name is. Tom hader lyden af vindspil. Tom hates the sound of wind chimes. Tom hates the sound of windplay. Han ryger tyve cigaretter om dagen. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. År 1912 dog den österrikiske skräddaren Franz Reichelt när han hoppade från första våningen på Eiffeltornet för att testa sin nya uppfinning, fallskärmsrocken, som inte fungerade... In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work... In 1912, Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died as he jumped from the first floor of the Eiffel Tower to test his new invention, the paratrooper rock, which did not function... At forudsige fremtiden er umuligt. Predicting the future is impossible. And predicting the future is impossible. Hur dags gick du och lade dig i går? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? How time did you go to bed last night? Hvar er bókan? Where is the book? Where's the book? Jag skulle vilja ställa en fråga. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask you a question. Jeg bliver tit forkølet. I often catch cold. I get cold a lot. Find et arbejde! Find a job. Find a job! Hon stod käpprak. She stood bolt upright. She stood sticky. Tom siger at han hellere vil gå end tage en bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Jag köpte den här åt dig. I got you this. I bought this for you. Vi har styrede missiler og vildledte mennesker. We have guided missiles and misguided men. We have controlled missiles and misled people. Det betyder at han kan lide dig. It means that he likes you. That means he likes you. Girafferna har släkt sin törst. The giraffes have quenched their thirst. The Giraffs have their thirst. Lista de fem bästa sakerna du gillar att göra när du inte jobbar. List the top five things you like to do when you're not working. List the five best things you like to do when you're not working. Darwin ændrede verden. Darwin changed the world. Darwin changed the world. Det gläder mig att du tycker om Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. Jag tog det lugnt. I took it easy. I took it easy. Den här boken kommer att hjälpa dig att skriva effektivt. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write effectively. Konkurrensen blir hårdare och hårdare. The competition is getting tougher and tougher. Competition is getting harder and harder. Er allt í lagi með þig? Are you all right? Are you all right? Den yngste var den smukkeste af dem allesammen, hendes hud var så klar og skær som et rosenblad, hendes øjne så blå, som den dybeste sø, men ligesom alle de andre havde hun ingen fødder, kroppen endte i en fiskehale. The youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all, her skin was as clear and as bright as a rose leaf, her eyes as blue as the deepest lake, but like all the others she had no feet, her body ended up in a fishing hall. Jeg elsker lasagne. I love lasagna. I love lasagna. Tom får inte skada mig. Tom can't hurt me. Tom can't hurt me. Jeg vil ikke tage nogen chancer. I don't want to take any chances. I don't want to take any chances. Tom dog ensam. Tom died alone. Tom died alone. Vill du äta? Do you want to eat? You want to eat? Hann náði takmarkinu sínu. He reached his goal. He reached his goal. Hans namn är Tom. His name is Tom. His name is Tom. Varför vill du ha den? Why do you want it? Why do you want it? Hvis du kører nu, er jeg sikker på du vil blive fanget i en trafikprop. If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. If you drive now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. Klockan är sju i London nu. It is seven in London now. It's 7:00 in London now. Det var hans livs dröm. That was his life's dream. It was the dream of his life. Jag satte Tom på listan. I put Tom on the list. I put Tom on the list. Han tog sin pen og begyndte at skrive. He took up his pen and began to write. He took his pen and started writing. Godaften! Good evening! Good evening! Han hoppade över diket. He jumped over a ditch. He jumped over the diet. Lad være med at ærgre dig for meget. Don't fret too much. Don't get too upset. Tom blev dræbt ved en automobilulykke i aftes. Tom was killed in an automobile accident last night. Tom was killed in a car accident last night. Hun er i live! She's alive! She's alive! Tror du jeg er dum? Do you think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? Jag frågade honom vad han hette. I asked him for his name. I asked him his name. Hon hjälpte sin far med trädgårdsarbetet. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with the gardening work. Till och med en bra dator kan inte klå dig på schack. Even a good computer cannot beat you at chess. Even a good computer can't beat you to chess. Má ég setja það hérna? May I put it here? Can I put it here? Vi ska gå. We're going. We're going. Hvilken by er vi i? What city are we in? What town are we in? Jeg vil ikke arbejde over i dag. I won't work overtime today. I don't want to work late today. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You did not need to come so early. You wouldn't have had to come so early. Vi skal tidlig op i morgen. We have to get up early tomorrow. We're due early tomorrow. Har ni sett den här? Have you seen this? Have you seen this? Hann er sekur um þjófnað. He is guilty of theft. He's guilty of stealing. Vi ses! See you. See you! Han har sålt sin bil, så han tar tåget till kontoret. He has sold his car, so he goes to the office by train. He's sold his car, so he's taking the train to the office. Tom verkar veta vem den där kvinnan är. Tom seems to know who that woman is. Tom seems to know who that woman is. Ek em. I am. Eek em. Jeg vidste at jeg blev fotograferet. I knew that I was being photographed. I knew I was photographed. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee meets twice a month. Jag tror inte att politiker alltid är ärliga. I don't believe policies are always honest. I don't think politicians are always honest. Jeg er bange for at jeg ikke kan følge dig. I'm afraid that I don't follow. I'm afraid I can't follow you. Ta det lugnt. Pace yourself. Take it easy. Hvor studerer Tom og Mary? Where do Tom and Mary study? Where's Tom and Mary studying? Hvad sker der herinde? What's going on in here? What's going on in here? Vad spännande! How exciting! How exciting! "Kommer han?" "Nej, det tror jeg ikke." "Is he coming?" "No, I think not." "Is he coming?" "No, I don't think so." Avbryt inte Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Lad os være ærlige. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. Egern er hurtige til at tage ved lære. Squirrels are quick learners. The estate is quick to learn. Jag återlämnade den. I gave it back. I returned it. Hann er fyndinn og töff. He's funny and cool. He's funny and slow. Jag vill inte bo i en stor stad. I don't want to live in a big city. I don't want to live in a big town. Passaðu höfuðið! Watch your head! Watch your head! Skibet synker. The ship is sinking. The ship's sinking. Intet barn må lades i stikken. No child should be left behind. No child must be left in the lurch. Mina ögon är blåa. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Vad tittar ni på mig för? Why are you looking at me? What are you looking at me for? Verden er fuld af inkompetente læger. The world is full of incompetent doctors. The world is full of incompetent doctors. Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know I'm different. You know I'm different. Það var líklegast það sem hafði áhrif á ákvörðunina þeirra. That was probably what influenced their decision. This was probably what affected their decision. Lad os banke på træ, så vores drøm går i opfyldelse. Let's knock on wood so that our dream will come true. Let's knock on a tree, so our dream comes true. Sa jag inte just det? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Tom kan undværes. Tom is expendable. Tom can be spared. Þú ert mjög hávaxinn. You're very tall. You're very tall. Det är rätt åt honom. That serves him right. He's right. Ett DNA-test visade att han var oskyldig. A DNA test showed he was innocent. A DNA test showed he was innocent. Ursäkta, kan du sänka rösten lite? Excuse me, can you lower your voice a little bit? Excuse me, can you lower your voice? Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their grandson for Christmas. Jag kan inte låta dem fånga mig. I cannot let them catch me. I can't let them catch me. Eg fati ikki hetta orðið. I don't understand this word. I don't get this name. Någon måste ha tagit mitt paraply av misstag. Someone must have taken my umbrella by mistake. Someone must have taken my umbrella by mistake. Du er en god danser. You're a good dancer. You're a good dancer. En bild säger mer än tusen ord. A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture says more than a thousand words. Tom har aldrig ätit rått hästkött. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Jeg håber at du ikke synger. I hope you won't sing. I hope you don't sing. Varför behöver jag hjälp? Why do I need help? Why do I need help? Jeg kan ikke se hende. I don't see her. I can't see her. Alt hvad Tom sagde, var løgn. Everything Tom said was a lie. Everything Tom said was a lie. Jeg vidste ikke du lavede mad. I didn't know you cooked. I didn't know you were cooking. Opnaðu flöskuna. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Är du tillräknelig? Are you sane? Are you sure you're okay? Sami var så ked af det. Sami was so upset. Sami was so sorry. Sådana är reglerna. Those are the rules. That's the rules. Vinsamlegast standið til hliðar. Please step aside. Please stand aside. Jag uppskattar ert arbete. I appreciate your work. I appreciate your work. Det er din skønhed. That is your beauty. It's your beauty. Jag ska precis till att skriva en mening på tyska. I am about to write a sentence in German. I'm just going to write a sentence in German. Pennen Sarah gav mig, er ikke blå. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. Det är vad alla säger. It is what everybody says. That's what everybody says. Håller inte Tom på och äter frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Is Tom not eating breakfast? Jeg går i seng nu. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed now. Mary har konstiga bröst. Mary has weird breasts. Mary's got weird tits. Du förstör alltid allting. You always destroy everything. You always ruin everything. Det är dyrt. It's expensive. It's expensive. Hjälp mig bygga färdigt den här sorkstegen så ska jag bjuda dig på middag. Help me finish building this vole ladder and I'll treat you to dinner. Help me finish this sour step and I'll invite you to dinner. Bilurin er brúnur. The car is brown. The problem is brown. Jag får inte upp skåpdörren. The closet door won't open. I can't get the locker door up. Er Tom også en amerikaner? Is Tom an American too? Is Tom an American, too? Mary har en spiseforstyrrelse. Mary has an eating disorder. Mary has a eating disorder. Jag går tillbaka till sängen. I'm going back to bed. I'm going back to bed. Jeg har læst mit horoskop i dag. I read my horoscope today. I've read my horoscope today. Understreg alle udsagnsordene i fremtid i denne tekst. Underline all the verbs in the future tense in this text. Underline all the statements in the future in this text. Vi håller kontakt. We'll keep in touch. We'll keep in touch. Ertu upptekinn? Are you busy? Are you busy? Vi fortsatte att prata. We continued talking. We kept talking. Sá hlær best sem síðast hlær. He who laughs last, laughs best. The laughs best the last laughs. Jag mutade polisen. I bribed the policeman. I bribed the police. Peter hefur ákveðið að fara á morgun. Peter has decided to leave tomorrow. Peter has decided to leave tomorrow. Hästen är min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Influensor och förkylningar är mycket smittsamma. The flu and the common cold are very contagious. The influences and colds are very contagious. Skriv med en kuglepen. Write with a ballpoint pen. Write with a pen. Jag skulle vilja att du betalar i förskott. I'd like you to pay the money in advance. I'd like you to pay in advance. Hun malte en væg. She painted a wall. She painted a wall. Patricia kommer att hålla i turneringen. Patricia will organize the tournament. Patricia will be holding the tournament. Tom spiser mere is end jeg. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more ice than I do. Tom försvann snabbt in i folkmassan. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom quickly disappeared into the crowd. Jag vet inte riktigt än. I don't quite know yet. I don't know yet. Jag såg du-vet-vem i dag på torget. I saw you-know-who at the market today. I saw you-know-what today in the square. Klukkan er hálf níu. It's half past eight. It's 8:30. Jag kan inte fatta att jag glömde det. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. Hon är ungefär i min ålder. She's about the same age as me. She's about my age. God rejse! Godspeed! Have a safe trip! Han forstod ikke begrebet "differentialligninger". He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He did not understand the concept of differential equations. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge og drikke. I quit smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Vad gör din son? What does your son do? What's your son doing? Åbn jeres øjne! Open your eyes, people! Open your eyes! Det här är mitt öl. This is my beer. This is my beer. Vem är hon? Who's she? Who is she? Hvad skal du i aften? What are you doing this evening? What are you doing tonight? Jag hoppas kunna vara med. I hope to be there. I hope I can join you. Uttalar jag ert namn korrekt? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Do I speak your name correctly? Jeg har en ven der bor i Boston. I have a friend living in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Jag känner för att vara ensam. I feel like being alone. I feel like I'm alone. Vinsamlegast lokaðu dyrunum. Close the door, please. Please close the door. Den pige dér er Mary. That girl is Mary. That girl is Mary. Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely exonerated from the charge against him. Det är inte riktigt mitt problem. That's not really my problem. It's not really my problem. Kan du e-maile det? Can you send that by email? Can you e-mail it? Jag ville aldrig ha den här. I never wanted this. I never wanted this. Jag kan vara snäll. I can be good. I can be nice. Här är vi! Here we are! Here we are! Jag vet inte vad jag vill. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. Vi planerar en resa till New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We're planning a trip to New York. Tycker ni att jag är larvig? Do you think I'm silly? Do you think I'm ridiculous? Jeg bryder mig ikke om fyrværkeri. I don't like fireworks. I don't like fireworks. Muren er dækket af graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. Finns de? Do they exist? Are they? Markku verkade glatt överraskad. Markku seemed pleasantly surprised. Markku seemed pleasantly surprised. Tom undrade om Maria tyckte om att simma. Tom wondered whether Mary liked swimming. Tom wondered if Maria liked to swim. Brændt barn skyr ilden. A burnt child fears the fire. Burned children cover the fire. Vi glemmer ikke. We don't forget. We don't forget. Dekkið lekur. The tire leaks air. The tire's leaking. Er kvefið í Tom að skána? How's Tom's cold? Is Tom's cold getting better? Hon vann en telefon. She won a phone. She won a phone. Lova mig att inte skratta. Promise me you won't laugh. Promise me not to laugh. Jeg er nødt til at lære fransk. I have to learn French. I have to learn French. Hun beskyldte dem for tyveri. She accused him and her of theft. She accused them of stealing. Hur var föreställningen? How was the show? How was the show? Läraren öppnade lådan och tog ut en boll. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. Tom hade en mardröm. Tom had a bad dream. Tom had a nightmare. Han förälskade sig i den vackra prinsessan. He fell in love with a beautiful princess. He fell in love with the beautiful princess. Læknirinn lagði áherslu á að sjúklingurinn ætti einungis fáeina daga ólifaða. The doctor emphasized that the patient only had a few days to live. The physician stressed that the patient should only be left alive for a few days. Hur ska jag tacka dig? How do I thank you? How am I supposed to thank you? Hur kan jag stoppa Tom? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? Denne motor har 6 cylindere. This engine has 6 cylinders. This engine has 6 cylinders. De købte den. They bought it. They bought it. Vi bor här. We live here. We live here. Jag trodde att Tom hade stuckit. I thought Tom had left. I thought Tom left. Han kom till Berlin som lärare. He came to Berlin as a teacher. He came to Berlin as a teacher. Hefurðu nokkurtíma komið til Hawaii, Takuja? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuja? Hún bað hann afsökunar fyrir að vera sein. She apologized to him for being late. She apologized for being late. Han er på sit kontor. He is at his office. He's in his office. Har brevbäraren redan kommit? Has the mailman already come? Has the mailman already arrived? Tom tar en promenad varje eftermiddag. Tom goes for a walk every afternoon. Tom takes a walk every afternoon. Tom drunknar. Tom's drowning. Tom's drowning. Vis mig din hånd, vil jeg fortælle dig fremtiden. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Jeg kan ikke skjule mig for evigt. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. Över fyra miljoner syrier är flyktingar. More than four million Syrians are refugees. More than four million Syrians are refugees. Getum við búið til eitthvað úr engu? Can we create something out of nothing? Can we make something out of nothing? Jag äter päron. I eat pears. I'm eating pears. Ligg på din högra sida. Lie on your right side. Lie on your right. Mayuko tog en bid af mit æble. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Tal ikke med to tunger. Keep not two tongues in one mouth. Don't talk to two tongues. De gifte sig, trots att de knappt talade varandras språk. They married, even though they barely spoke each other's language. They married, even though they barely spoke each other’s languages. Kan jag ringa er? Can I call you? Can I call you? Jag behöver bara lite frisk luft. I just need a little air. I just need some fresh air. Du är så vacker. You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. Bill hatar att hans far röker mycket. Bill hates his father smoking heavily. Bill hates that his father smokes a lot. Tom är förtjusande. Tom is adorable. Tom's lovely. Við töluðum hvort við annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Opvarmning af vand ændrer ikke dets kemiske sammensætning. Heating water does not change its chemical composition. The heating of water does not change its chemical composition. Har du nogensinde snorket? Have you ever snored? Have you ever snorted? Æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen. The apple does not fall far from the trunk. The apple doesn't fall far from the tribe. Har I hørt noget fra Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Did you hear anything from Tom? Hvor kan jeg lære esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Sig til Tom at du ikke kan gøre det. Tell Tom you can't do it. Tell Tom you can't do it. Hon tittade på alla hus som gled förbi. He looked all the houses unfolding. She looked at every house that slipped by. Tom vil købe en gave til Mary. Tom wants to buy a present for Mary. Tom wants to buy Mary a present. Vinsamlegast gangið frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please move away from these pillars. Han satte sig for at gøre noget der aldrig før var blevet gjort. He set out to do something that had never been done before. He set out to do something that had never been done before. Ég er lögreglumaður. I'm a police officer. I'm a police officer. Tom kommer inte att stanna. Tom won't stay. Tom won't stay. Tom spillede meget bedre i dag. Tom played much better today. Tom played a lot better today. Engelsk har ikke et ord for tidsånd. English has no word for "Zeitgeist". English doesn't have a word for time spirit. Det måste duga. It'll have to do. That's got to do it. Ville du være villig til at hjælpe? Would you be willing to help? Would you be willing to help? Et æble vil flyde på vandet, en pære vil ikke. An apple will float in water, a pear won't. An apple will float on the water, a pear won't. Han holdt mig med selskab. He kept me company. He kept me company. Jag har en hushållerska. I have a housekeeper. I have a housekeeper. Följ den bilen. Follow that car. Follow that car. Alle taler. Everyone is talking. Everybody's talking. Det er en dag som enhver anden. It's a day like any other. It's one day like any other. Ditt hår är för långt. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. „Góðan daginn“, sagði Tom með bros á vör. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. “ Good morning, ” said Tom with a smile. Sikringen er sprunget. The fuse has blown. The safe's blown. Henni finnst gaman að taka ljósmyndir. She likes taking pictures. She likes to take photographs. Tom mistede sin bamse. Tom lost his teddy bear. Tom lost his bear. Jeg var hjemme. I was at home. I was home. Ertu búinn að lesa þessa skáldsögu? Have you finished reading that novel? Have you read this novel yet? Pratar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Jeg er uafhængig journalist. I'm a freelance journalist. I'm an independent journalist. Max er ferm på fingrene. Max is clever with his fingers. Max's strapped his fingers. Tom dödade spindeln. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Bill var vitlaus í mótorhjól. Bill was crazy for a motorbike. Bill was crazy for a motorcycle. Du kan inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Ég þarf að fara núna. I have got to go now. I have to go now. Vem var det som faktiskt genomförde operationen? Who actually performed the surgery? Who actually did the operation? Jeg savner min kat. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. Jeg dumpede eksamen fordi jeg ikke læste. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I dumped the exam because I didn't read. Er du læge, hr.? Are you a doctor, sir? Are you a doctor, sir? Jag stannade kvar. I stayed. I stayed. Er det et trickspørgsmål? Is that a trick question? Is that a trick question? Ge mig tre veckor. Give me three weeks. Give me three weeks. Eg má tosa við teg. I have to speak with you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hur långt borta var det? How far was it? How far was it? Känner vi dig? Do we know you? Do we know you? Mary og Tom har en hestebil. Mary and Tom have a horse truck. Mary and Tom have a horse car. Den här boken är uppdelad i kapitel. This book is divided into chapters. This book is divided into chapters. Tack för er gästfrihet. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Tom kan köra gaffeltruck. Tom can operate a forklift. Tom can drive forklift. Min mor er bange for elevatorer. My mother is afraid of elevators. My mom's scared of elevators. Tør dine tårer, mit barn. Dry your tears, my child. Dry your tears, child. Gör dig av med pistolen. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun. De smakar på riset. They're tasting the rice. They taste the rice. Vi er alle i samme båd. We're all in the same boat. We're all in the same boat. Intet syntes at fungere. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to work. Jag kunde aldrig hålla en hemlighet. I never could keep a secret. I could never keep a secret. Tror du på det här? Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Ef við dæmum framtíð hafrannsókna af fortíðinni, getum við sannarlega hlakkað til margra spennandi uppgötvana. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. If we judge the future of a marine study of the past, we can indeed look forward to many exciting discoveries. Firs procent af vores handlinger udfører vi ubevidst. We perform eighty percent of our actions unconsciously. Five percent of our actions are unconscious. Nogle mennesker elsker at argumentere. Some people love to argue. Some people love to argue. Tom tog Marys oskuld. Tom plucked Mary's flower. Tom took Mary's virgin. Jeg er slet ikke med. I am lost. I don't get it. Först till kvarn får först mala. First come, first served. First until the mill gets to grind. I forgårs opsagde jeg mit job. Two days ago I quit my job. Yesterday, I quit my job. Hvar er vesi? Where is the toilet? Where's a weasel? En ven af din fars ven er ikke altid din fars ven. A friend of your father's friend is not always your father's friend. A friend of your father's friend isn't always your father's friend. Han kanske ljög för mig. He might have lied to me. Maybe he lied to me. Der ligger hunden begravet! That's the problem. There's the dog buried! Du måste skämta! You have to be joking! You gotta be kidding me! Äta bör man, annars dör man. Äta gör man, ändå dör man. You should eat, or you will die. If you do eat, you'll still die. Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat Tråkar jag ut dig? Am I boring you? Am I boring you? Tom og Mary så på fyrværkeriet sammen. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Tom and Mary saw the fireworks together. Jag måste ta mig hem. I have to get home. I have to get home. Var kan jag köpa äpplen? Where can I buy apples? Where can I buy apples? Esther er en lesbisk jøde. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Kvinder har en bedre lugtesans end mænd. Women have a better sense of smell than men. Women have a better sense of smell than men. Jeg tror de lyver. I think they're lying. I think they're lying. Det var det hele værd. It was all worth it. It was worth it. Jeg hader at slå dyr ihjel. I abhor killing animals. I hate killing animals. Är han död? Is he dead? Is he dead? Skulle jag kunna få ett glas vin, tack? May I have a glass of wine, please? Could I have a glass of wine, please? Hvis mobiltelefon er den her? Whose cell phone is this? Whose cell phone is this? Skil dig af med skydevåbnet! Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun! Jeg har en ordbog. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Skibet vil krydse ækvator i aften. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Vad berättade han för dig? What did he tell you? What did he tell you? Øll hava krav um rættindi og frælsi, sum eru nevnd í hesi yvirlýsing, uttan mun til ættarslag (rasu), húðarlit, kyn, mál, átrúnað, politiska ella aðra sannføring, tjóðskaparligan ella samfelagsligan uppruna, ognarviðurskifti, føðing ella aðra støðu. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. They are subject to marketing requirements, some of which are required in this description, without distinction to family type (rasu), skin colour, gender, language, believed, political or other proof, diocese or colegislative origin, alternation, birth or other media. Fugle synger. Birds sing. Birds are singing. Han var tilfreds med resultatet. He was satisfied with the result. He was satisfied with the results. Hun bor kun en stenkast fra skolen. She lives within a stone's throw of the school. She only lives a stone's throw from school. Får jag ett pris? Do I get a prize? Do I get a price? Hvorfor stiller I mig alle disse spørgsmål? Why are you asking me all these questions? Why do you ask me all these questions? I går stod jeg tidlig op. I got up early yesterday. Yesterday I got up early. Sem brúðkaupsferð fóru þau í heimsreisu. For their honeymoon they took a voyage around the world. As a honeymoon, they went on a world journey. Var kan man köpa bussbiljetter? Where do you buy bus tickets? Where can you buy bus tickets? Det er et mirakel! It's a miracle! It's a miracle! Är du nästan klar? Are you about ready? You almost done? Jo før man begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbian, the better. Hvenær sem besta vinkona konunnar minnar kemur í heimsókn sitja þær á sófanum og slúðra tímunum saman. Whenever my wife's best friend comes over, they sit on the couch and dish for hours. Whenever my wife’s best friend comes to visit, they sit on the couch and gossip for hours. Han är alltid sen till lektionen. He's always late for class. He's always late for class. Farðu og vektu Mary. Go and wake Mary up. Go wake Mary. Hvordan udtales ordet? How is the word pronounced? How is the word spoken? Jag börjar aldrig slåss. I never pick fights. I'm never gonna fight. Jag bryr mig inte ett skit. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. Det är mitt jobb. It's my job. It's my job. Jag är redan sen. I am already late. I'm already late. Han kommer att komma. He will come. He's coming. Jag letar efter någon att förälska mig i. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with. Disse æsker har samme størrelse. These boxes are the same size. These boxes have the same size. Ingen vill ha krig. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. På den tiden kunde få människor resa utomlands. In those days, few people could travel abroad. Back then, few people could travel abroad. Jag kan allt det här. I know all this. I know all of this. Jag har något i ögat. I have something in my eye. I got something in my eye. Ét, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Han tog hen til isenkræmmeren efter en skovl. He went to the hardware store to get a shovel. He went to the hardware store after a shovel. Jeg modtog et brev fra Tom. I received a letter from Tom. I received a letter from Tom. Undskyld mit franske. Pardon my French. I'm sorry about my French. Þú ættir að hætta að drekka. You should give up drinking. You should stop drinking. Það er utan sérfræðisviðs míns. That's outside my area of expertise. It's outside my field of expertise. Disse sommerfugle er sjældne i vort land. These butterflies are rare in our country. These butterflies are rare in our country. Det er rigtigt! No kidding. That's right! Juryn fann mannen skyldig till mord. The jury found the man guilty of murder. The jury found the man guilty of murder. Ég trúi ekki þeirri sögu. I don't believe that story. I don't believe that story. Udmærket, vi vil gøre en undtagelse i dit tilfælde. Very well, we'll make an exception in your case. Very well, we'll make an exception in your case. Dine forældre elsker dig. Your parents love you. Your parents love you. Minns ni Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Remember Tom? Jag protesterar! I protest! I protest! Det er meget kontroversielt. That's very controversial. That's very controversial. Han har hovedpine. He's got a headache. He's got a headache. Reta inte honom bara för att han inte kan skriva sitt namn. Don't make fun of him because he cannot write his name. Don't push him just because he can't write his name. De svømmede med delfinerne. They swam with the dolphins. They were swimming with dolphins. Ingen løj. Nobody lied. Nobody lied. Mer än femhundra personer blev skadade. More than five-hundred were wounded. More than five hundred people were injured. Hvad spiste du til morgenmad i morges? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Grikkaland er eitt gamalt land. Greece is an old country. Grikkaland is an old country. Jag satte den tillbaka. I put it back. I put it back. Hon kvävde honom med en kudde. She suffocated him with a pillow. She suffocated him with a pillow. Ég er í tíma á morgun. I have class tomorrow. I'm on class tomorrow. Man tvang mig til at komme herhen. They made me come here. They forced me to come here. Vejen er glat. Kør langsomt! The road is slippery. Drive slowly. The road is smooth. Hvad betyder det? What does it mean? What does that mean? Tom er fattig, men han er lykkelig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor, but he's happy. Jeg har altid forstået dig. I've always understood you. I've always understood you. Ég vil panta hótelbergi. I'd like a hotel reservation. I want to order hotel rooms. Jeg har levet her i tre hundrede år, og i al den tid har jeg ikke set et eneste menneske bortset fra dig. I have lived here for three hundred years, and all that time I have not seen a single human being but yourself. I've lived here for three hundred years, and for all that time I haven't seen a single person except you. Hann var gerður að þjóninum mínum. He was made my servant. He was made my servant. Det finns inget ont som inte har något gott med sig. It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. There is no evil that has no good with it. Faðir hans hafði góð áhrif á hann. His father had a good influence on him. His father had a good effect on him. Lífið er ekki nema leiftur, fegurðin endist einn enstakan dag! Hugsaðu um hauskúpur hinna dauðu sem allar eru eins. Life is but a flash of lightning and beauty lasts only a day! Think of the skulls of the dead that all are alike. Life is only a flash, beauty lasts a single day! Think of the skulls of the dead, all of whom are alike. Vil du lige tage dig af tøjvasken? Would you mind doing the laundry? Would you like to take care of the laundry? Ingen medicin kan bota denna sjukdom. No medicine can cure this disease. No medicine can cure this disease. Það breytir engu. That changes nothing. It doesn't matter. Han är alltid glad. He is always happy. He's always happy. Folket tørster efter frihed. The people thirst for freedom. The people thirst for freedom. Denna förordning träder i kraft från och med nästa år. This regulation will take effect from next year. This Regulation shall enter into force from next year. Tom har tabt tredive kilo. Tom lost 30 kilograms. Tom's lost 30 pounds. Du skal overholde loven. You must observe the law. You have to respect the law. Hjólinu mínu var stolið í gærnótt. I had my bicycle stolen last night. My dress was stolen last night. Hon är en god simmare. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Hun er skræmmende. She's scary. She's scary. Ingen med namnet Tom Jackson har blivit anmäld som saknad. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. Fienden förstörde många av våra skepp. The enemy destroyed many of our ships. The enemy destroyed many of our ships. Vi begyndte arbejdet i april. We began the work in April. We started work in April. Hvilken vin går bedst til rødt kød? Which wine goes best with red meat? Which wine goes best for red meat? Er Hr. Brown kennari? Is Mr Brown a teacher? Is Mr. Brown a teacher? Er du træt af den daglige trummerum? Are you tired of the daily grind? Are you tired of the daily trauma? Nej, inte för mycket. No, not too much. No, not too much. Tæmdu úr skúffunum. Empty the drawer of its contents. Take off your drawers. Astronomi er på en gang den ældste og den mest moderne videnskab. Astronomy is at the same time the most ancient and the most modern science. Astronomy is at once the oldest and the most modern science. Maður giftist ekki einhverjum sem maður getur lifað með — maður giftist manneskjunni sem maður getur ekki lifað án. You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without. You can’t marry someone you can live with — you can marry the person you can’t live without. Vi visste inte vad vi skulle göra. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know what to do. Ræk mig kartoflerne. Pass me the potatoes. Give me the potatoes. Det var ett misstag från deras sida. It was a mistake on their part. It was a mistake on their part. Han tog gift ved en fejltagelse. He took poison by mistake. He married by mistake. Hur gick det med allt? How did it all work out? How'd everything go? Vent på mig ved indgangen. Wait for me at the entrance. Wait for me at the entrance. Jeg kan ikke acceptere din undskyldning. I don't accept your apology. I can't accept your apology. Vi hører dig ofte synge. We often hear you sing. We hear you singing a lot. Tom lever fra hånden og i munden. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives from his hand and mouth. Det har jeg aldrig sagt! I never said that. I never said that! Dette kamera er Toms. This camera is Tom's. This camera is Toms. Hvad tid begynder filmen? When does the movie start? What time does the film start? Varför gjorde han det där? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? Dagarna blir längre och längre. The days are getting longer and longer. The days are getting longer and longer. Tom har grædt hele natten. Tom cried all night long. Tom's been crying all night. Jeg vidste du var skør, men jeg vidste ikke at du var så skør. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were this crazy. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were so crazy. Det finns ett par här. There's a couple here. There's a couple here. Hvad er dette hotels faxnummer? What's the fax number for this hotel? What's this hotel's fax number? Hæren blev uventet angrebet. The army was unexpectedly attacked. The army was unexpectedly attacked. Jeg ser tv om aftenen. I watch television in the evening. I'll watch TV at night. Hur stort är ditt rum? How big is your room? How big is your room? Det var en av mitt livs mest makalösa upplevelser. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It was one of my life's most merciless experiences. Tom åbnede køleskabet og tog mælken ud. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the fridge and took the milk out. Tom har på sig hatt varje dag. Tom wears a hat every day. Tom wears his hat every day. Du är oansvarig. You're irresponsible. You're irresponsible. Hvordan har du det, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Vis mig det. Show me that. Show me. Han er meget ensom. He's very lonely. He's very lonely. Toms hus er til salg. Tom's house is for sale. Tom's house is for sale. Jag är riktigt stolt över dig. I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you. Tom blev nysgerrig. Tom became curious. Tom became curious. Það væri í góðu lagi. That would be fine. That'd be fine. Denne bil er ikke min. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This car isn't mine. Tom slukkede sin cigaret. Tom put out his cigarette. Tom turned off his cigarette. Får jeg hvad jeg ønsker? Will I get what I want? Do I get what I want? Jeg er ikke din far. I'm not your father. I'm not your father. Det var oturligt. That's unlucky. That was unfortunate. Jag blev förälskad. I fell in love. I fell in love. Det finns ett litet problem. There's one little problem. There's a little problem. Hur länge har de varit här? How long have they been here? How long have they been here? Kommer du att vänta på oss vid stationen? Will you wait for us at the station? Will you wait for us at the station? Sunnudagur er síðsti dagur í vikuni. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Gud være med os. God be with us. God be with us. De här kängorna tillhör henne. These boots belong to her. These boots belong to her. Jeg ønsker at tjekke noget. I want to check something. I want to check something out. Det var inte så lätt som jag trodde att det skulle vara. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Vad betydde det? What did it mean? What did that mean? Tom ville ikke tale om det. Tom didn't want to talk about that. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Du behøver ikke komme og hente mig. I don't need you to come and get me. You don't have to come and get me. Hej, rør ikke ved noget! Hey, don't touch anything! Hey, don't touch anything! Næstum öllum var boðið. Almost everybody was invited. Almost everyone was invited. Hvem har mon givet Tom det blå øje? I wonder who gave Tom that black eye. Who gave Tom the blue eye? Jeg kom hertil i går. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Vi måste gå med en gång. We must leave right away. We have to go right now. Dette faktum beviser hendes uskyld. This fact proves her innocence. This fact proves her innocence. Mor har lavet frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made us lunch. Vi köpte en tidning. We bought a newspaper. We bought a magazine. Men hvorfor? But why? But why? Det er bedre, ikke sandt? That's better, isn't it? That's better, isn't it? Mit navn er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Tom saknar Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tom misses Mary. Kvöldmaturinn er tilbúinn. Dinner's ready. Dinner's ready. Eitt af öðru stóðu þau upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of them stood up and went out. Har de to sætninger virkelig den samme betydning? Do the two sentences really have the same meaning? Do the two phrases really have the same meaning? Jag kommer inte vara hemma från morgonen så jag kan inte kolla min mejl på PC:n så skicka till min mobil istället. I'm not going to be home that morning so I won't be able to check my email on my computer, so text me it instead. I won't be home from morning till I can't check my e-mails on the PC, so send me to my phone instead. Þú hefur val á milli súpu eða salats. You have the choice of soup or salad. You have a choice between soup or salads. Hún verður sex ára á næsta ári. She is going to be six next year. She'll be six next year. Der er en slange i haven. There's a snake in the garden. There's a snake in the garden. Fattigdommen har lært ham at stå på egne ben. Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. Poverty has taught him to stand on his own feet. Han har ikke sygesikring. He doesn't have a health insurance policy. He doesn't have a health insurance. Tom mejlade mig precis. Tom just sent me an email. Tom just emailed me. Hun bed i æblet. She bit into the apple. She bit in the apple. Man gav mig et tilbud jeg ikke kunne afslå. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. You gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. Kursen är uppdelad i fyra mindre delar. The course is divided into four smaller units. The course is divided into four smaller parts. Tiden verkade stanna. Time seemed to stop. The time seemed to stop. "Jeg tror jeg har forstået alt," sagde Tom, "men jeg er ikke helt sikker." "I think I understood everything," Tom said, "but I'm not absolutely sure." "I think I understood everything," said Tom, "but I'm not quite sure." Jag är bara ärlig. I'm just being honest. I'm just being honest. Finns det många ladugårdar i denna by? Are there many cowsheds in this village? Are there many barns in this village? Det er så fantastisk. This is so amazing. It's so amazing. Jag odlade tomater förra året och de var väldigt goda. I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good. I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good. Krigen havde forenet det amerikanske folk. The war had united the American people. The war had united the American people. Ég flýtti mér heim. I hurried home. I got home fast. Jag skulle vilja fråga om priset på den där modellen där i fönstret. I would like to ask about the price of that model in the window. I'd like to ask you about the price of that model in the window. Kan du svømme? Can you swim? Can you swim? Hon säljer en ny hatt. She is selling a new hat. She sells a new hat. Nu gör vi det på mitt sätt. Let's do it my way. Let's do it my way. Hon följde honom hem. She followed him home. She followed him home. Vi går i biografen. We are going to the cinema. Let's go to the movies. Var bor din morbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Augu þín minna mig á stjörnur. Your eyes remind me of stars. Your eyes remind me of stars. Vi kommer ganska bra överens, men vi är inte bästa vänner. We get on quite well but we're not best friends. We're getting along pretty well, but we're not best friends. Toget var kørt før de kom til stationen. The train left before they got to the station. The train was driven before they came to the station. Jeg vidste ikke at du arbejdede her. I didn't know you worked here. I didn't know you were working here. Tom lufter sine hunde. Tom is walking his dogs. Tom's airing his dogs. Englendingarnir mátu frelsið mikils. The English set a high value on freedom. The English enjoyed freedom. Jeg vil stå ved din side, uanset hvad. I will stand by you, no matter what. I'll stand by your side, no matter what. Læknirinn gaf mér sprautu. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me a shot. Det här är inte en fisk. This is not a fish. This isn't a fish. Opfør dig ikke som en elefant i en glasbutik! Don't act like a bull in a china shop. Don't act like an elephant in a glass shop!