Hvilket land er størst, Japan eller England? Which is larger, Japan or England? Which country is the largest, Japan or England? Sami är en fågelälskare. Sami is a bird lover. Sami's a bird lover. Tom havde blå øjne. Tom had blue eyes. Tom had blue eyes. Tom kan ikke lide kvinder, der har alt for meget makeup på. Tom doesn't like women who wear way too much makeup. Tom doesn't like women who wear too much makeup. Auðveldara sagt en gert. Easier said than done. Easyer said than done. Hr. Smith glæder sig over sin søns succes. Mr Smith is pleased at his son's success. Mr Smith is pleased with the success of his son. Hér kemur strætóinn. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Måste jag skynda mig? Do I need to hurry? Do I have to hurry? Alle mennesker er skabt lige. All humans are created equal. Every human being has just been created. Er det et trickspørgsmål? Is that a trick question? Is that a trick question? Døren er låst. The door's locked. The door's locked. Den här hemlösa mannen spelar piano vackert. This homeless man plays piano beautifully. This homeless man plays a piano beautifully. Det er bedre, er det ikke? That's better, isn't it? It's better, isn't it? Tal venligst langsommere. Speak more slowly, please! Please talk slower. Þú lætur mig dreyma. You make me dream. You make me dream. Du använder verkligen mycket smör. You sure do use a lot of butter. You're really using a lot of butter. Vann du kappkörningen? Did you win the race? Did you win the race? Tre av de sårede som det er foreløpig uklart hvilken tilstand er i, er evakuert til et amerikansk felthospital. Three of the wounded, whose condition is unclear, have been evacuated to an American field hospital. Three of the wounded, in which the condition is currently unclear, have been evacuated to an American field hospital. Stilhed er guld. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Tom líkar ekkert alltof vel við Maríu. Tom doesn't like Mary very much. Tom doesn't like Mary too much. Jeg er ikke din far. I'm not your father. I'm not your father. Det er ikke min hustru. That's not my wife. It's not my wife. Se till att Tom håller sig borta från min dotter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Det er et fantastisk resultat. This is an amazing result. It's a great result. Alle universitetets studenter kan fritt benytte universitetsbiblioteket. All students are free to use the university library. All students of the university can freely use the University Library. Thai er det offisielle språket i Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Han tok meg for gitt. He took me for granted. He took me for granted. Det hele endte lige så brat som det begyndte. It all ended as suddenly as it started. It all ended as well as it started. Jag äter frukost klockan åtta. I eat breakfast at eight o'clock. I'm having breakfast at eight. Låt oss hålla kontakten med varandra. Let's keep in touch with each other. Let's keep in touch with each other. De kender Marys far. They know Mary's father. They know Mary's father. Bemærk at du har et ekstra mellemrum mellem disse to ord. Note that you have an extra space between these two words. Note that you have an extra gap between these two words. Jag har inga rena kläder att använda. I don't have any clean clothes to wear. I don't have clean clothes to wear. Tom vet ikke forskjellen mellom Irak og Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Du gjør meg glad You make me happy. You make me happy Roma ble ikke bygd på en dag. Rome wasn't built in a day. Roma was not built in one day. Ring efter en ambulans åt mig. Get me an ambulance. Call an ambulance for me. Regnbågsboor ser magiska ut. Rainbow boas look magical. Rainbows look magical. Jag tvättar inte håret på morgonen. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. Det är för mycket att göra. There are too many things to do! It's too much to do. Krigen brød ud i 1939. The war broke out in 1939. The war broke out in 1939. Hun liker russisk popmusikk. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop music. Jeg antar du er sulten. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Jeg er heldig at have sådan nogle vidunderlige venner, familie og kæreste. I am one lucky girl to have such wonderful friends, family, and boyfriend. I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends, family, and girlfriend. Og lige foran, ud af tykningen, kom tre dejlige, hvide svaner; de bruste med fjerene og flød så let på vandet. From a thicket close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water. And straight ahead, out of the thicket, came three lovely white swans; and they burst with the feathers, and flowed so lightly on the water. Han så til højre og gik. He looked right and left. He looked right and left. Katten på bordet sover. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. Skjaldbøkur hava ikki tenn. Turtles don't have teeth. Document books are not lit. Vi er ikke inviteret. We're not invited. We're not invited. Jeg går ikke tilbake. I'm not going back. I'm not going back. Jeg liker bilen din. I like your car. I like your car. Jeg har brødre. I have brothers. I have brothers. Bilen standsede ikke. The car didn't stop. The car didn't stop. Maria satte ild til sit hus. Mary set fire to her house. Mary set her house on fire. Vi ska gifta oss. We're going to get married. We're getting married. Beduiner bor i ørkenen. Bedouins live in the desert. Beduins live in the desert. Drengene og jeg kiggede på hinanden og stillede os et spørgsmål, som ingen er i stand til at svare på: Hvor længe skal det her vare? The boys and I looked at each other and asked ourselves a question no one is able to answer: How long is this going to last? The boys and I looked at each other and asked us a question that no one can answer: how long is this going to last? Tom blåste ut ljuset. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew the light. Tom är en av mina vänner. Tom is one of my friends. Tom is one of my friends. Tom stod med ansigtet mod muren. Tom stood facing the wall. Tom stood with his face against the wall. Hún verður of sein í matinn. She will be late for dinner. She'll be late for dinner. Jeg er træt af at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I'm tired of working here. Mjöl är gjort på vete. Flour is made from wheat. Flour is made of wheat. Pasienten ble overført til kardiologisk avdeling. The patient was transferred to the cardiology ward. The patient was transferred to the cardiovascular department. Jeg vil gerne have et værelse med aircondition. I would like an air-conditioned room. I want a room with air conditioning. Skrell og finriv pepperroten. Peel and finely chop the horseradish. Skrell and peel the pepper root. Jeg vågnede tidligere end normalt. I got up earlier than usual. I woke up earlier than usual. Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt. She advised him not to drive too fast. She advised him not to drive too fast. Framtida tilhøyrer dei som trur på venleiken i draumane sine. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The future belongs to those who believe in the friendship in their dreams. Du er ikke gammel nok til at få et kørekort. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. Vi har varit uppe hela natten. We have been up all night. We've been up all night. Jeg legger til side ti dollar hver måned. I put away 10 dollars each month. I add to page ten dollars every month. Det var ingen hjemme. There was no one home. There was no one at home. Vi måste komma på ett sätt att få den här maskinen att fungera under vatten. We have to figure out a way to get this machine to work under water. We need to figure out a way to make this machine work under water. Vi importerer te fra India. We import tea from India. We import tea from India. Jeg er glad for, at vi var i stand til at svømme. I'm happy that we were able to swim. I'm glad we were able to swim. Jag har redan åstadkommit vad jag ville åstadkomma. I've already accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I've already achieved what I wanted to do. Visst, jag förstår. Of course, I understand. Sure, I understand. Jag odlade tomater förra året och de var väldigt goda. I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good. I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good. Tom och Mary sålde sin bil förra veckan. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Tom and Mary sold their car last week. Månen är mycket vacker i kväll. The moon is very beautiful this evening. The moon is very beautiful tonight. Skynd jer! Koncerten begynder. Hurry up! The concert is starting. The concert's starting. Tom har giftet sig med en kvinde der er ældre end ham. Tom married a woman older than he is. Tom married a woman older than him. Tom vet att det är sant. Tom knows that's true. Tom knows it's true. Mér þætti gaman að heyra hvað þú hefur um þetta að segja. I'd like to hear what you have to say on this. I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. Jeg vil give dig en bog. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Er det en sommerfugl eller et møl? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is that a butterfly or a moth? Hva i all verden snakker du om? What are you on about? What the hell are you talking about? Min tante har givet mig blomster. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt gave me flowers. Krig startar inte bara som vintern startar, utan snarare är det människor som startar ett krig. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. War not only starts as winter starts, but rather people start a war. Jeg har en overraskelse til dig. I've got a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Dette æble er gult. This apple is yellow. This apple is yellow. Varför följer ni inte Toms exempel? Why don't you follow Tom's example? Why don't you follow Tom's example? Han har blå øjne. He has blue eyes. He has blue eyes. Lad mig vide, hvis du har brug for hjælp. Let me know if you need any help. Let me know if you need any help. Vi måste prata med er om Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. Han dro med all sin kraft, men steinen rikket seg ikke. He pulled with all his strength but the rock would not move. He left with all his power, but the stone did not prevail. Utstillingen vil være åpen i en måned til. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition will be open for another month. Ge Sami en kyss. Give Sami a kiss. Give Sami a kiss. Kirsebærrene er ormbefængte. The cherries are wormy. The cherries are worm-breathed. Jeg ser frem til å høre din tanker om denne saken. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. Vem tog emot det? Who received it? Who took it? Det här är vår bil. This is our car. This is our car. Kom og varm dig ved ilden. Come and warm yourself by the fire. Come and warm yourself by the fire. Är det där mina glasögon? Are those my glasses? Are those my glasses? Þessir stólar eru fyrir. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are already in use. Hvor er din nøgle? Where's your key? Where's your key? Hon bor i huset där borta. She lives in the house over there. She lives in the house over there. Gjør som han sier. Do whatever he tells you. Do as he says. Hún bakaði köku handa mér. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Emily skrev meningen. Emily wrote the sentence. Emily wrote the sentence. Tom är skrämmande. Då barn ser honom springer de alla iväg. Tom is intimidating. When children see him, they all run away. Tom is scary, and when kids see him, they all run away. Jenta byrja å gråte då ho såg den store hunden. The girl began to cry at the sight of the big dog. The girl started crying when she saw the big dog. Det er på tide å gå. It's time to go. It's time to go. Mary har en mening om alting. Mary has an opinion on everything. Mary has an opinion about everything. Jag tror inte att jag kommer att åka till Boston. I don't think I'll go to Boston. I don't think I'm going to Boston. Hvordan kan en se forskjell på god og dårlig engelsk? How can you tell good English from bad English? How can you see the difference between good and bad English? Din cykel är mycket nyare än min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. Hvor skal dette skrivebordet hen? Where does this desk go? Where is this desktop going? Mary er venstrehåndet. Mary is left-handed. Mary's left-handed. Lös problemet. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Bill græddi talsvert á prentverksmiðjunni. The printing business made Bill a small fortune. Bill made a lot of money at the printing plant. Jag har några till. I've got a few more. I've got a few more. Hun likte ikke å bo i byen. She didn't like living in the city. She didn't like living in town. En af mine veninder elsker at gå på homobar med mig. A female friend of mine loves to go to gay bars with me. One of my friends loves to go to gay with me. Góðan daginn. Good morning. Good morning. Han er ikke det minste interessert i hva som skjer i verden. He's not in the least interested in what is happening in the world. He's not the least interested in what's happening in the world. Du trenger ikke studere i dag. You don't need to study today. You don't have to study today. Ég vildi óska þess að hún hefði komið í gærkveldi. I wish she had come last night. I wish she had come yesterday. Kaffet var så varmt så jag inte kunde dricka det. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it. The coffee was so hot, I couldn't drink it. Der utfører de stabiliserende kirurgi og behandle kritiske skader, slik at pasientene kan forflyttes til sykehus med kapasitet til ferdigbehandling. There they perform stabilizing surgery and treat critical injuries, so that patients can be moved to a hospital with capacity for the remainder of their treatment. There, the stabilisation surgery carries out and treats critical injuries, enabling patients to move to hospitals with pre-treatment capacity. Jeg føler mig mere skotsk end nogensinde før. I feel more Scottish than ever before. I feel more Scottish than ever. Det är tyvärr sant. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid that's true. John tycker om sjuksköterskan. John likes the nurse. John likes the nurse. Tom blev stukket af en hveps. Tom got stung by a wasp. Tom was stabbed by a puppy. Han duer ikke. He is good for nothing. He's not good enough. Það var stór jarðskjálfti í gærnótt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Jeg dumpede eksamen fordi jeg ikke læste. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I dumped the exam because I didn't read. Äntligen är vi två ensamma. The two of us are finally alone. Finally, we are both alone. Försöket misslyckades. The attempt failed. The attempt failed. Lommekalkulatorer er like billige å kjøpe som et par sokker, og like viktig for tusener av britiske skolebarn som blyant og viskelær. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a couple of socks, and as important to thousands of British schoolchildren as pencil and eraser. Jeg tror at ​​du har brug for en advokat. I think that you need a lawyer. I think you need a lawyer. Han er bedre enn oss alle. He's better than us all. He's better than all of us. Jeg har mavepine. My stomach hurts. I've got a stomach ache. Jag har blå ögon. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Þú kynnir að verða undrandi á útkomunni. You might be surprised at the outcome. You may be surprised at the outcome. Jeg spiller på klaver. I play the piano. I play piano. Jeg er ateist. I am an atheist. I'm an atheist. Var de bra? Were they any good? Were they good? Þau eru með mjög skemmtilega verönd. They have a very nice veranda. They have a very fun porch. Þú ert að spurja ranga manneskju. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Han går alltid till jobbet kl. 8.00. He always goes to work at 8:00 a.m. He always goes to work at 8 a.m. Det er lange køen her så du må trekke kølapp. It's a long queue so you must take a number. There's a long line here, so you have to draw a keel. Ég fann eitthvað hreyfast á bakinu á mér. I felt something moving on my back. I felt something moving on my back. Það eru til margar stjörnur sem eru stærri en sólin okkar. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars larger than our sun. Tom blev kidnappet. Tom was kidnapped. Tom was kidnapped. Hvad er de dårlige nyheder? What is the bad news? What's the bad news? Ekki horfa á sjónvarpið! Don't watch television! Don't watch TV! Eingin veit. No one knows. No one knows. Klarar du dig på egen hand? Can you manage alone? You gonna be all right on your own? Jeg blev ydmyget. I was humiliated. I was humiliated. Denne blyant er ikke grå. This pencil is not gray. This pencil is not gray. Sist søndag dro familien min til dyrehagen og så pandaer. Last Sunday my family went to the zoo to see panda bears. Last Sunday my family went to the zoo and saw pandas. Det var et tilfeldig møte. It was an accidental meeting. It was a random meeting. Hur står det till? How are you? How are you? Her er et stort kart over Tyskland. Here's a big map of Germany. Here's a big map of Germany. Jeg var i gang med at male. I was painting. I was painting. Du snakker engelsk. You speak English. You speak English. Tom døde for landet sitt. Tom died for his country. Tom died for his country. Er Tom allergisk mot noe? Is Tom allergic to anything? Is Tom allergic to anything? Vi er ikke der det er meningen vi skal være. We aren't where we are supposed to be. We're not where we're supposed to be. Apple er et amerikansk firma. Apple is an American company. Apple's an American company. En hval er et pattedyr. A whale is a mammal. A whale is a mammal. Unnskyld meg, men kan du si meg veien til stasjonen? Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the station? Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the station? Følg bilen. Follow the car. Follow the car. Hann hittir kærustuna sína á laugardögum. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. He'll meet his girlfriend on Saturdays. Gjør det på din måte. Do it your way. Do it your way. Jeg kan ikke holde ud at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I can't keep working here. Mér er sama hver vinnur. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. Han er gladast når han er med barneborna sine. He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren. He's happier when he's with his grandchildren. Om du äter för mycket kommer du att bli tjock. If you eat too much, you will get fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Han eksploderte av latter. He burst into laughter. He exploded with laughter. Vad har du sagt till dem? What did you say to them? What did you tell them? Var vänlig, men bestämd. Be gentle, but firm. Be friendly, but firm. Jeg kommer ikke i dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Heraldik er hans kæphest: han styrer altid samtalen i den retning når han får muligheden for det. Heraldry is his hobbyhorse: he steers the conversation in that direction whenever he gets the chance. Heraldik is his kefest: he always controls the conversation in that direction when he gets the opportunity for it. Sættum okkur við það; þetta er ómögulegt. Okkur mun aldrei takast það. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's set it; it's impossible, we'll never make it. Se upp för ficktjuvar. Look out for pickpockets. Watch out for pocket thieves. Tom er ikke ret god til at lave mad. Tom doesn't know how to cook very well. Tom's not good at cooking. Jag vet att Tom fuskade. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom cheated. Kan du snakke fransk? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Hon sover redan. She is already sleeping. She's already asleep. Jag går och hämtar den nu. I'll go get it now. I'll go get it now. Ska vi tävla? How about a contest? Shall we compete? Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Den bog er ikke på tilbud. We're not selling that book at a reduced price. That book is not on offer. Det er en banal fejl. That's a trivial error. It's a banal mistake. Enhver bilist skal respektere færdselsreglerne. Every driver must follow the traffic rules. Every driver must respect traffic rules. Hvad betyder dette ord? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Tom har forsøgt at få Mary ud af fængsel i årevis. Tom has been trying to get Mary out of prison for years. Tom's been trying to get Mary out of prison for years. Hvaða ávöxtur er grænn? What fruit is green? What fruit is green? Hur dags gick du och lade dig i går? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? How time did you go to bed last night? Tilsæt vaniljeekstrakten. Add the vanilla extract. Add the vanilla extract. Vill du inte se dem? Don't you want to see them? Don't you want to see them? Ni var inte här då. You weren't here then. You weren't here then. Jeg støtter dig i dag og altid. I'll support you today and always. I support you today and always. For Gud er alle mennesker like. In the sight of God, all men are equal. For God all men are equal. Hvor druknede du dem? Where did you drown them? Where did you drown them? Toms näsa var röd. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Vilken underlig kvinna! What a strange woman! What a strange woman! Þetta var nú gott. That hit the spot. That was good. Det ville undre mig hvis Tom gjorde det. It would surprise me if Tom does that. I'd be surprised if Tom did. Tom åkte för tio minuter sedan. Tom left ten minutes ago. Tom left ten minutes ago. Jeg klarer dette. I'm handling this. I can handle this. Jeg er ikke din coach længere. I'm not your coach anymore. I'm not your coach anymore. Det här är en trollstav. This is a magic wand. This is a magic wand. Det ligger en sax på bordet. There is a pair of scissors on the desk. There's a scissors on the table. Ut med dig! Get out! Get out! Han er uten tvil mye flinkere enn deg. He is much better than you. He's no doubt much nicer than you. Formelt antrekk kreves. Formal dress must be worn. Formal gradients are required. Vi sticker imorgon Let's leave tomorrow morning. We're leaving tomorrow. Det är någonting som inte stämmer här. Something isn't right here. There's something wrong here. Skit. Shit. Shit. Har Tom mottatt en invitasjon ennå? Has Tom received an invitation yet? Has Tom received an invitation yet? Forstyr ikke mine cirkler! Do not disturb my circles! Don't spoil my circles! Det var ju ditt val. It was your choice. It was your choice. Ni är monster. You're monsters. You're monsters. Du är duktig på att kyssas. You're a good kisser. You're good at kissing. Jag vet att det är svårt att tro. I know that it's hard to believe. I know it's hard to believe. Byggnaden uppe på kullen är vår skola. The building on the hill is our school. The building up on the hill is our school. Æskýlos er ekki bundinn reglum North og Hillard. Aeschylus is not beholden to the rules of North and Hillard. Cinderella is not bound by the rules of North and Hillard. Det er simpelthen ikke muligt. That's simply not possible. That is simply not possible. Det vil ikke ta lang tid før han blir frisk. It won't be a long time before he gets well. It won't take long for him to get well. Græd ikke over spildt mælk. Don't cry over spilt milk. Don't cry for wasted milk. Dette mysteriet er løst. This mystery is solved. This mystery is solved. Du var sen på jobb. You were late for work. You were late for work. Är ni färdiga? Are you all set? Are you done? Han var meget tilfreds med resultatet. He was very pleased with the result. He was very pleased with the result. Tror du jeg bekymrer mig om hvad du synes om mig? Do you think I care what you think of me? Do you think I care what you think of me? De tre av oss spiste pølser med potetsalaten. The three of us ate hot dogs and potato salad. The three of us ate sausages with the potato salad. Jeg ønsker å kjøpe denne klokken men dessverre er den altfor dyr. I would like to buy this watch, but unfortunately it's just too expensive. I want to buy this watch but unfortunately it's too expensive. Med dig er det sommer hele året rundt. With you it's summer all year round. With you, it's summer all year round. Hun øver til pianoeksamen. She's practising for her piano exam. She's practicing for the piano exam. Tom ankom tre minutter tidlig. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom arrived three minutes early. Jeg vil skrive en bog. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Hon köper allt hon vill ha utan att bry sig om priset. She buys everything she wants without paying attention to the price. She buys everything she wants and doesn't care about the price. Vi fattar beslut tillsammans. We make decisions together. We make decisions together. Jeg er en kat. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Du behøver ikke at gøre det nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do this now. Det blir ingen bra soppa av billigt kött. Cheap meat doesn't make good soup. There won't be any good soup of cheap meat. Það er fótboltaleikur á morgun. There's a soccer match tomorrow. It's a football game tomorrow. Jeg hjalp hende med at hænge billedet op på væggen. I helped her hang the picture on the wall. I helped her hang the picture on the wall. Du behøver kun at give ham en smule hjælp. You have only to give him a little help. All you have to do is give him a little help. Jeg har selv haft det samme problem. I've had that same problem myself. I've had the same problem myself. Hun efterlod sin paraply i bussen. She left her umbrella in the bus. She left her umbrella in the bus. Har jeg ikke sett deg før? Haven't I seen you before? Haven't I seen you before? Gå hjem! Go home! Go home! Drik ikke vandet i det beskidte glas! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water in the dirty glass! Vi ska leka en lek. We're going to play a game. We're gonna play a game. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semester som tidsslöseri. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Worker arrivals see holiday as timelessness. Noen av oss synes slike synspunkter er det glade vanvidd. Some of us find such views to be sheer madness. Some of us seem such views are it happy madness. Ta anteckningar. Keep notes. Take notes. Jeg vil snart tilmelde mig et tyskkursus. I'll soon register for a course in German. I'll sign up for a German course soon. Tom gillar inte riktigt Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Jeg ser rosen. I see the rose. I see the rose. Sami forsøgte at sælge sin bil. Sami tried to sell his car. Sami tried to sell his car. Øll hava rætt til vernd av andaligum og evnisligum áhugamálum í sambandi við eitt og hvørt vísindaligt, bókmentaligt ella listarligt verk, sum avvarðandi hevur greitt úr hondum. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Others have discussed the protection of spiritual and European interests in relation to one and a certain scientific, biblical or artistic work, some of which are reprehensible. Eg veit hvar hann er. I know where he is. I know where he is. John är här om fem minuter. John will be here in five minutes. John's here in five minutes. Jeg har ikke sett ham på lenge. I've not seen him in a long time. I haven't seen him in a long time. DNA-tests viste at han var uskyldig. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Hún bauð vinkonum sínum í mat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends to dinner. Du må gå nu hvis du kommer tilbage klokken sytten. If you come back by five, you may go. You have to leave now if you come back at 7 o'clock. Äter Marika på japanska restauranger? Does Marika eat at Japanese restaurants? Marika eats in Japanese restaurants? Tom har på sig en svart hatt. Tom is wearing a black hat. Tom's wearing a black hat. Det fanns inga radioapparater i Japan på den tiden. There were no radios in Japan in those days. There were no radios in Japan back then. Hun var kledd i sort. She was dressed in black. She was dressed in black. Jeg er glad for at jeg har funnet deg. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. En af mine kusiner er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Ät vad du vill. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Han kan ikke komme fordi han er syk. He can't come, because he's sick. He can't come because he's sick. Hvordan skrev du dit navn på arabisk? How did you write your name in Arabic? How did you write your name in Arabic? Tom hældte æblejuice i et glas. Tom poured some apple juice into a glass. Tom poured apple juice in a glass. Jag kan simma bra. I can swim well. I can swim well. Endelig! Finally! Finally! Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Jag sov djupt. I was sound asleep. I slept deep. Jag känner mig bara dum. I just feel stupid. I just feel stupid. Varför hatar ni Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Vad skulle du vilja äta? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Den er grim, lysegul og passer ikke til noget. Men du vil i det mindste ikke blive påkørt i mørket! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, light yellow and doesn't fit anything, but at least you won't get hit in the dark! Jeg drømmer hver nat om hende. I dream about her every night. I dream every night about her. Jeg er gift. I am married. I'm married. Við hlökkum til frísins. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to our vacation. Jeg tror det var med vilje. I think it was intentional. I think it was on purpose. Dette er en lang blyant. This is a long pencil. This is a long pencil. Mor stannade i bilen medan far handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car while Dad was shopping. Han tycker inte om fisk. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Jag har gott om tid, så kan jag sova en stund? I have plenty of time, so I can sleep for a while? I have plenty of time, so can I sleep for a while? De gör så åt alla. They do that to everyone. They do that to everyone. Jeg tror de har set os. I think they saw us. I think they've seen us. Jeg har et problem med det. I have a problem with that. I have a problem with it. Hvorfor fyrede de Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Må jeg åbne vinduerne? May I open the windows? Can I open the windows? Finns det något jag kan göra för att hjälpa till? Is there something I can do to help? Is there anything I can do to help? Kan du skicka mig den där grunkamojen? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you send me that mischief? Kan det här hjälpa? Could this help? Can this help? Vi ønskede at hjælpe dem. We wanted to help them. We wanted to help them. Jeg vidste det var dig. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. Han studerer fransk og webdesign. He studies French and web design. He studies French and web design. Min mor er overbeskyttende. My mom is overprotective. My mother's overprotective. Hun købte et armbåndsur til mig. She bought me a wristwatch. She bought me a wristwatch. Efteråret er på vej. Autumn is coming. The autumn is on its way. Hve vel hún eldar! How well she cooks! How well she cooks! Läraren öppnade lådan och tog ut en boll. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. Ni ska alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You'll always do the right thing. Förlåt oss. Forgive us. I'm sorry. Jeg er mor. I'm a mother. I'm a mother. Genkender du mig stadig? Do you still recognize me? Do you still recognize me? Glödlampor förbrukar el. Lightbulbs consume electricity. Filament lamps consume electricity. Min mor elsker mig. My mother loves me. My mother loves me. Jag tror att jag missade min buss. I think I missed my bus. I think I missed my bus. John vil gerne spille skak. John wants to play chess. John wants to play chess. Hun stillede et rigtig godt spørgsmål. She asked a very good question. She asked a very good question. Låt honom vänta ett slag. Have him wait a moment. Let him wait for a hit. Katte har ikke ejere; de har personale. Cats don't have owners, they have staff. Katte doesn't have owners; they have staff. Tom må være der før kl. 2.30. Tom has to be there by 2:30. Tom must be there before 2:30. Måske burde vi ikke gøre dette. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. Maybe we shouldn't do this. Hvor længe skal jeg endnu blive på sygehuset? How much longer will I have to stay in the hospital? How long do I still have to stay at the hospital? Jag forska i det. I'll look into it. I'm researching it. Hon räckte upp handen för att få bussen att stanna. She raised her hand for the bus to stop. She raised her hand to make the bus stop. Han fortryller mig med sine gennemtrængende øjne. He enchants me with his piercing eyes. He enchantes me with his penetrating eyes. Hvor meget giver man i drikkepenge i Spanien? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much do you give in tips in Spain? Har nogen ringet til mig? Did anyone phone me? Did anyone call me? Mér tókst að láta kennarann skilja hugmyndina mína. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. I managed to let the teacher understand my idea. Alt som glimrer, er ikke guld. All that glitters is not gold. Everything that sparkles is not gold. Tom og jeg har delt regningen. Tom and I split the bill. Tom and I split the bill. Spillet var aftalt på forhånd. The game is rigged. The game was arranged in advance. En vandmelon er fuld af vand. A watermelon is full of water. A watermelon is full of water. Berlin är Tysklands största stad. Berlin is the largest city in Germany. Berlin is Germany's largest city. Hvor tit vasker du op? How often do you wash the dishes? How many times do you wash up? Ekki hafa þetta eftir mér. Don't quote me on this. Don't keep this after me. Billedet er ikke skarpt. The picture is not sharp. The picture is not sharp. Du kom in i mitt rum. You came into my room. You came into my room. Þær sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They suck fish into cans. Jeg glæder mig til at se dig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you. En hund gør ad fremmede. A dog barks at strangers. A dog likes strangers. Tom låg vaken länge och tänkte på vad han borde göra. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about what he should do. Tom lay awake for a long time and thought about what he should do. Í höllinni búa kóngurinn og drottningin. In the palace live the king and the queen. In the palace, the king and the queen live. Priset är inte rimligt. The price is not reasonable. The price is not reasonable. Jag slår vad om att det gör ont. I'll bet it hurts. I bet it hurts. Fyrst þú lítur lúinn út ættirðu að hvíla þig. Since you look tired, you had better take a rest. If you look like that, you should rest. Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Den kvinde har en mund. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Takk for kommentaren. Thanks for the comment. Thank you for the comment. Hun er viljesterk. She's strong-willed. She's strong in mind. Han förnekade sin inblandning i historien. He denied having been involved in the affair. He denied his involvement in history. Sover han? Is he asleep? Is he asleep? Jag fick precis ditt mejl. I just got your email. I just got your e-mail. Skal du ringe etter den allsidige karen, vårt flyktige bekjentskap fra Bergen? Are you going to call that versatile guy, our casual acquaintance from Bergen? Should you call for the versatile vessel, our volatile acquaintance from Bergen? Jeg ser du er klar. I see you are ready. I see you're ready. Stirra inte på folk. Don't stare at people. Don't stare at people. Det här är mycket allvarligt. This is very serious. This is very serious. Jag känner din bror? I know your brother. I know your brother? Hon börjar irritera mig. She's starting to annoy me. She's starting to irritate me. Jeg skammer meg over sønnen min sin latskap. I am ashamed of my son's laziness. I'm ashamed of my son's lance. Låt oss spela detta spel igen. Let us play this game again. Let's play this game again. Ég hlakka til að sjá athugasemdirnar þínar við skýrsluna. I look forward to your comments on the report. I look forward to seeing your comments on the report. Kunne jeg få lov til at se dit kørekort? Please show me your driver's license. Could I see your driver's license? Det vi inte kan göra. That we are not able to do. What we can't do. Det er ikke gull alt som glimrer. All that glitters is not gold. It's not gold everything that sparkles. Hvorfor ikke spørre ham om råd? Why don't we ask his advice? Why not ask him for advice? Hann gengur undir nafninu Kenchan. He goes by the name of Kenchan. He's under the name Kenchan. Elevatoren standsede på første sal. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped on the first floor. Hur ska det sluta? How will it end? How's it going to end? Det er hans problem, ikke mit. It's his problem, not mine. That's his problem, not mine. Hann mun aldrei ganga á bak loforði. He will never break his promise. He'll never walk behind a promise. Tom har gått ned 30 pund. Tom has lost 30 pounds. Tom's gone down 30 pounds. Jag längtar ofta hem. I often yearn for home. I often yearn for home. Du bør skynde deg. You'd better hurry up. You should hurry. När var första gången du träffade henne? When was the first time you met her? When was the first time you met her? Tom tycker om indisk mat. Tom likes Indian food. Tom likes Indian food. Idag är det onsdag. Today it's Wednesday. Today's Wednesday. Tommelfingerneglen min ble revet av. My thumbnail ripped off. My thumb fingernail was torn off. Pokkers, jeg har sprunget en sikring! Shit, I blew a fuse! Damn it, I've cracked a fuse! Tom är munter. Tom's cheerful. Tom's a jolly. Opvarmning af vand ændrer ikke dets kemiske sammensætning. Heating water does not change its chemical composition. The heating of water does not change its chemical composition. Kati dricker varje dag. Kati drinks every day. Kati drinks every day. Kan du stadig huske hvor vi mødtes første gang? Can you still remember where we first met? Do you still remember where we first met? Jeg hørte ikke ringeklokken. I didn't hear the doorbell. I didn't hear the bell. Han gjorde alt for dem. He did everything for them. He did everything for them. Låt mig ringa min advokat. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Aber er intelligente. Monkeys are intelligent. Aber is intelligent. Tom sad på molen med fødderne i vandet. Tom sat on the pier with his feet in the water. Tom was sitting on the pier with his feet in the water. Jeg kunne ikke ringe deg. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. När och var serveras frukost? When and where is breakfast served? When and where is breakfast served? Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's have a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Var ligger närmaste museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the nearest museum? Gresset er alltid grønnere på den andre siden av gjerdet. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Stasjonen er to engelske mil borte. The station is two miles away. The station is two miles away. Två män med skidmasker gick in i banken. Two men wearing ski masks entered the bank. Two men with ski masks went into the bank. Ingen har en fastnettelefon i dag. Nobody has a landline these days. No one's got a fixed phone today. Vi har set hende danse. We saw her dance. We've seen her dance. Hvorfor kan Tom ikke kramme Mary? Why can't Tom hug Mary? Why can't Tom hug Mary? Jeg har mange penge på min opsparingskonto. I have a lot of money in my savings account. I have a lot of money in my savings account. Hon vann en telefon. She won a phone. She won a phone. Jag har ett märke. I have a badge. I have a brand. Ég talaði við strákinn sem virtist eldri en stelpan. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. I talked to the kid who seemed older than the girl. Ég fer á fætur klukkan sex þrjátíu. I get up at 6:30. I'm getting up at 6: 30. Sami och Layla håller aldrig med om någonting. Sami and Layla never agree on anything. Sami and Layla never agree with anything. De kraschade. They crashed. They crashed. Han sluttet å røyke i fjor. He stopped smoking last year. He stopped smoking last year. Söker ni något? Are you looking for something? Are you looking for something? Við John erum góðir vinir. John and I are old friends. John and I are good friends. Barnet fik et hysterisk anfald fordi det ønskede legetøjet. The child threw a tantrum because he wanted the toy. The child had a hysterical attack because of the desired toy. Min bedstefar var overtroisk. My grandfather was superstitious. My grandfather was superstitious. Hvor mye koster en billett for konserten? How much does a ticket cost for the concert? How much does a ticket cost for the concert? Þú ert of klár til að leysa ekki erfiða dæmið. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You're too smart to solve the hard case. Vanligvis kjøper jeg ikke noe på internett. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. Normally I don't buy anything on the Internet. Hur kan du äta det där? How can you eat that? How can you eat that? Tom är inte så säker. Tom isn't so certain. Tom's not so sure. Það mundi gleðja hann að heyra það. He would be glad to hear that. He'd be happy to hear that. Hvorfor går du til fods, når du har en bil? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why do you walk on foot when you have a car? Får jag hjälpa? Can I help? Can I help you? Hvor fandt du denne kniv? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? Jeg har otte søskende. I have eight siblings. I have eight siblings. Det är ett rökmoln över provinsen. There is a smoke cloud over the province. It's a smoke cloud over the province. For lenge har overtrampene foregått ett skritt av gangen da krig endelig brøt ut. The rules were overstepped one step at a time for too long until war finally broke out. For a long time, the crossings have been taking place one step at a time when war finally broke out. Han flög till Paris. He flew to Paris. He flew to Paris. Tom fyldte tredive den 20. oktober. Tom turned thirty on October twentieth. Tom filled thirty on 20 October. Vil du gå til stationen med mig? Do you want to go to the station with me? Will you go to the station with me? Jag köpte en grön soffa igår, men den gick inte in genom dörren, så jag fick lämna tillbaka den. I bought a green couch yesterday, but I couldn't fit it through the door, so I had to return it. I bought a green sofa yesterday, but it didn't go in through the door, so I had to return it. Løb for livet! Run for your life! Run for life! Tänder du lyset? Turn on the light, please. You turn the lights on? Synes du at han er attraktiv? Do you find him attractive? Do you think he's attractive? Vi så hende komme ind i værelset. We saw her enter the room. We saw her come into the room. Hun venter barn til juni. She is expecting a baby in June. She's expecting a baby for June. Ge den åt Tom. Give it to Tom. Give it to Tom. Bananer er gule. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Jag ljög för dig. I lied to you. I lied to you. Ég kann vel við ensku en ég get ekki talað hana vel. I like English, but I cannot speak well. I like English, but I can't speak her well. Jeg bruker en stor gryte til å lage suppe. I use a big pot to cook soup. I use a big pot to make soup. Hvordan drepte du kakkerlakken? How did you kill the cockroach? How did you kill the cockroach? Jag vill träffa Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Jeg ved at det ikke er sandt. I know that's not true. I know it's not true. Tom ville ha mistet toget om han hadde stoppet for å kjøpe en sjokolade. Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have lost the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate. Tú hevur veruliga hjálpt okkum nógv. You've really helped us a lot. You've got a lot of real help. Folkets stemme er Guds stemme. The voice of the people is the voice of God. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Tom legede med sine katte. Tom played with his cats. Tom was playing with his cats. Tom har tre farbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Jag kollade måttet. I checked the gauge. I checked the dimensions. Toms seng er tom. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. Kva skreiv eg no? What have I just written? What did I write now? Hr. Wilder gav mig din e-mailadresse. Mr Wilder gave me your e-mail address. Mr. Wilder gave me your e-mail address. Tom og Mary kender sandheden. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Mary know the truth. Vi snakket blant annet om været. Among other things, we talked about the weather. We talked, among other things, about the weather. Han gjorde det nogle få gange. He did it a few times. He did it a few times. Ho er vakker. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. Tom kan ikke lide hunde. Tom doesn't like dogs. Tom doesn't like dogs. Tom er ofte oppe hele natten. Tom often stays up all night. Tom is often up all night. Ni måste memorera denna mening. You have to memorize this sentence. You need to memorise this opinion. Ammoniak är en bas. Ammonia is a base. Ammonia is a base. De varmte seg i solen. They basked in the sun. They warmed up in the sun. Det er ikke morsomt. It's not funny. It's not funny. Jag kommer inte stanna hos dig. I won't stay with you. I'm not gonna stay with you. Hallå, lyssna på mig. Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. Pigen redte håret på sin dukke. The girl combed her doll's hair. The girl rode her hair on her doll. Det holder meg våken om natten. It keeps me up at night. It keeps me awake at night. Jeg tvivler på hans succes. I am doubtful of his success. I doubt his success. Mér er létt. I feel relieved. I'm light. Renerne græssede fredeligt. The reindeer grazed peacefully. The reindeer grassed peacefully. Han har ett stort ego. He has a huge ego. He's got a big ego. Hur många flickvänner har Fadil? How many girlfriends does Fadil have? How many girlfriends have Fadil? Hunden blev ramt af en lastbil. A truck hit the dog. The dog was hit by a truck. Er det dækket af min forsikring? Is that covered by my insurance? Is it covered by my insurance? Hr. Johnsons hus ligger ved siden af mit hus. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is next to my house. Tog tog afsted kort efter. Tom left soon after. Train left shortly after. Jarðskjálfti, 8,9 á Richterskalanum, verður í Japan og veldur gríðarmikilli flóðbylgju. An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami. Earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, will be in Japan, causing a huge tsunami. Ikke kom på møtet! Don't come to the meeting! Don't come to the meeting! Fåglarna lägger ägg. Birds lay eggs. The birds lay eggs. Han er lige nu i gang med at lave lektier. He is doing his homework now. He's doing homework right now. Men tillad mig i det mindste at takke dig for dine storsindede ord. Sådan er der ingen der har talt til mig i meget lang tid. But let me thank you for your generous words, at least. I have had none spoken to me in so long. But at least let me thank you for your generous words, no one has spoken to me for a very long time. Hvad sagde jeg! Den Europæiske Union har netop pålagt en af vores store virksomheder, Google, en bøde på fem milliarder dollar. De har virkelig udnyttet USA, men ikke ret meget længere! I told you so! The European Union just slapped a Five Billion Dollar fine on one of our great companies, Google. They truly have taken advantage of the U.S., but not for long! What I said, the European Union has just imposed a fine of five billion dollars on one of our large companies, Google, and they have really used the United States, but not much longer! Du kan ikke stole på henne fordi hun er for uansvarlig. You cannot count on her because she's too irresponsible. You can't trust her because she's too irresponsible. Kan du gi meg noe å drikke? Will you give me a drink? Can you give me something to drink? Picasso er en berømt kunstner. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Hvis du ikke ved hvad ordet betyder, så slå det op i ordbogen. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. Vad är allt detta? What is all this? What is all this? Han er biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. Det här är Carrie Underwoods senaste album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. Dette brød er meget lækker. This bread is very delicious. This bread is very delicious. Hva høres det ut som ? What does it sound like? What does it sound like? Ég fór í uppáhalds kjólinn minn fyrir teitina. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I went to my favorite dress for the party. Þú verður að leggja harðar að þér við námið. You need to study harder. You must work hard at school. Jag är 18 år gammal. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Du måste skämta! You have to be joking! You gotta be kidding me! Marie tørrer sit hår foran spejlet. Marie is drying her hair in front of the mirror. Marie's wiping her hair in front of the mirror. De är homosexuella. They're homosexual. They're gay. Jeg er vred fordi nogen har stjålet min cykel. I'm angry because someone stole my bicycle. I'm angry because someone stole my bike. Den allerstørste gud har glemt at være Gud. The utmost God has forgotten to be God. The greatest God has forgotten to be God. Denne sø er dyb. This lake is deep. This lake is deep. Mary är attraktiv. Mary is attractive. Mary's attractive. Tilraunin okkar mistókst í síðustu viku. Our experiment went wrong last week. Our experiment failed last week. Är ni hungriga ännu? Are you hungry yet? Are you still hungry? Jag går och ser efter. I'll go and check. I'll go check. Han har lang nese. He has a long nose. He's got a long nose. Nu har jag sett allt. Now I've seen everything. Now I've seen everything. Damen är över åttio. The lady is over eighty. The lady's over eighty. Jag kommer att gå nu. I'm going to go now. I'm going to go now. Google er lygari. Google is a liar. Google is a liar. Jeg glæder mig virkeligt på jeres vegne. I'm really happy for you guys. I really look forward to your behalf. Undskyld, hvem er denne kvinde? Excuse me, who is this woman? I'm sorry, who's this woman? Jag tog mig friheten att ringa henne. I took the liberty of calling her. I took the liberty of calling her. Gå inte nära hunden. Don't go near the dog. Don't go near the dog. Du verkar ha förväxlat mig med min storebror. You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother. You seem to have confused me with my big brother. De sårede ble fraktet med sykebil. The injured were transported by ambulance. The wounded were transported by a sick car. Tom har planer. Tom has plans. Tom's got plans. Tom såg förbryllad ut. Tom looks confused. Tom looked puzzled. Vi kan ikke ha uendelig vekst på en begrenset planet. We cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. We can't have infinite growth on a limited planet. "Er du klar?" "Tvert imot; jeg har ikke engang begynt ennå." "Are you ready?" "On the contrary, I have not even started yet." "Are you ready?" "On the contrary; I haven't even begun yet." Jag måste leva som jag lär. I need to walk the talk. I have to live as I teach. Det är lätt att ta sig till ön med båt. The island is easy to reach by boat. It's easy to get to the island by boat. Ég er viss um að muni geta fundið það. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. I'm sure I can find it. Åbn aldrig døren på en bil der er i bevægelse. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the door of a moving car. Jag beställde två pizzor via nätet. I ordered two pizzas on-line. I ordered two pizzas online. Är det sant? Is that so? Is that true? Disse "venner" har en dårlig indflydelse på dig. These "friends" are a bad influence on you. These "friends" have a bad influence on you. Vi översatte rapporten från engelska till afrikaans. We translated the report from English into Afrikaans. We translated the report from English to African. Du får följa med. You may follow along. You'll have to come with me. Jag försöker lära mig engelska. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Stanna gärna och ät middag. Please stay for dinner. Please stop and have dinner. Jeg fandt ham venlig. I found him kind. I found him kind. Ég var þreyttur. I was tired. I was tired. En av dem ljuger. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Du bor på et fint sted. You live in a nice place. You live in a nice place. Jag kommer från Brasilien. I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Toms dager er talte. Tom's days are numbered. Tom's days are counted. Min lillebror ser tv. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. Du tek han snart igjen viss du lauper. You will soon come up with him if you run. You'll take him back soon if you release. Jag bjuder på middag. Dinner is on me. I'll have dinner. Han tok ikke rådet mitt. He disregarded my advice. He didn't take my advice. Sjön hade frusit till, så vi gick över isen. The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice. The lake had frozen, so we went over the ice. Angela Merkel har en ph.d. i fysik. Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics. Angela Merkel has a Ph.D. in physics. Hon var ung och oskyldig. She was young and innocent. She was young and innocent. Dine læsere vil sætte pris på det. Your readers will appreciate it. Your readers will appreciate it. Jeg fik en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Jag hittar inte det jag vill ha. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. Hur många gånger i veckan äter du ris? How many times a week do you eat rice? How many times a week do you eat rice? Jeg har aldrig haft en smoking på. I've never worn a tuxedo. I've never worn a tuxedo. Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal gøre nu. I have no idea what to do now. I don't know what to do now. Jeg tror at alt her er under kontrol. I think everything here is under control. I think everything here is under control. Han lagde sin hånd på min skulder. He rested his hand on my shoulder. He put his hand on my shoulder. Toms mor græd. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mother was crying. Solens masse er omkring 2 kvintillioner kilogram. The Sun weighs about two nonillion kilograms. The mass of the sun is about 2 cubits of kilograms. Han forsøgte at løse problemet. He tried solving the problem. He tried to solve the problem. Jag känner tjejen som spelar tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Það er mjög áhugavert að læra esperantó. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. Får jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do it today? Det er meget kontroversielt. That's very controversial. It's very controversial. Det er et levende væsen, så selvfølgelig skider det. It's a living being, so of course it shits. It's a living being, so of course it doesn't matter. Frankrig er et levende demokrati. France is a vibrant democracy. France is a living democracy. Hvad tid afgår lufthavnsbussen? What time does the airport bus leave? What time is the airport bus leaving? Hvilken algerisk by er vi i? What Algerian city are we in? What Algerian city are we in? Biblioteket har åbent fra kl. 9 til kl. 20. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. Det är mina order. Those are my orders. That's my orders. Jag är i San Diego och ni bara måste komma och hälsa på mig! I am in San Diego and you guys need to come visit me! I'm in San Diego and you just have to come see me! Við töluðum hvor við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Likte du måltidet? Did you like the meal? Did you like the meal? Vil du have kaffe eller noget? Do you want some coffee or something? Would you like some coffee or something? Basketlaget tränar inte på måndagar. The basketball team doesn't practice on Monday. The basketball team doesn't practice on Mondays. Hún ráðlagði hinum um það mál. She advised the others on that matter. She advised the others on that matter. Du har slutat röka. You've given up smoking. You quit smoking. Jeg vil skrive mange setninger. I want to write a lot of sentences. I want to write a lot of sentences. Det var min fejl. This was my mistake. It was my fault. Jag är här för att hjälpa er. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. De erstattede det defekte tv-apparat med et nyt. They replaced the defective TV with a new one. They replaced the defective TV set with a new one. Jeg taber aldrig. I never lose. I'll never lose. Já, ég held það líka. Yeah. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so too. Send mig ikke væk. Don't send me away. Don't send me away. Har I set hende? Have you guys seen her? Have you seen her? Låt oss göra det någon annan gång. Let's make it some other time. Let's do it some other time. Han ble plukket opp av et passerende skip. He was picked up by a passing ship. He was picked up by a passing ship. Äger du ett eldhandvapen? Do you own a handgun? Do you own a firearm? De valgte hende til præsident. They elected her president. They chose her as president. Eg heiter Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. I'm Ichiro Tanaka. Vores skole ligger nær stationen. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Tom kørte en hånd igennem sit hår. Tom ran a hand through his hair. Tom drove a hand through his hair. Hvor skal du? Where are you going? Where are you going? Jeg hadde ikke råd til det - med andre ord, var jeg for fattig til å kjøpe det. I couldn't afford it. In other words, I was too poor to buy it. I couldn't afford it--in other words, I was too poor to buy it. Återigen stort tack för ditt stöd! Again, many thanks for your support! Again, thank you very much for your support! Det vet jag om. I know about that. I know. Jeg tror du har rett. I think you're right. I think you're right. Köpte du den på svarta marknaden? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Jeg lovede ham at holde det hemmeligt. I promised him to keep it secret. I promised him I'd keep it secret. Datorn är en komplicerad maskin. Computers are complicated machines. The computer is a complicated machine. Hversu langt er til flugvallarins? How far is it to the airport? How far to the airport? Dugir tú føroyskt? Do you speak Faroese? Is that good enough for you? God eftermiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Hún er að gráta. She is crying. She's crying. Det han sagde, kan godt være sandt. What he said may well be true. What he said could be true. Der var så meget røg i værelset at jeg knap nok kunne få luft. The room was so full of smoke that I could hardly breathe. There was so much smoke in the room that I could barely get air. Den velgeren, Mary Johnson, viste seg å være en demokrat. That voter, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a Democrat. That selector, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a democrat. Tom är plastikkirurg. Tom is a plastic surgeon. Tom is a plastic surgeon. Þekkirðu hann? Do you know him? Do you know him? Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja. She advised him to stop smoking. She advised him to stop smoking. Efterskriften for gode hensigter er: næste gang. The postscript for good intentions is: next time. The postscript for good intentions is: next time. Han kan næsten ikke læse. He can barely read. He can't read. Jag ska fråga honom om det imorgon då. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Vi er på den forkerte vej. We're on the wrong road. We're in the wrong direction. Hann leit eftir börnunum meðan þau voru að synda. He watched after the children as they were swimming. He looked for the children while they were swimming. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You had better get going. You better get going. Jeg tror de er klar. I think they're ready. I think they're ready. Jag är inte så synisk. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that psychic. Jeg hørte aldrig fra hende igen. I never heard from her again. I never heard from her again. Jag släckte elden. I put out the fire. I extinguished the fire. Giv mig en chance til. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. De är unga. They're young. They're young. Grekland är ett gammalt land. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Jag tänker kasta ut Tom. I'm going to throw Tom out. I'm gonna throw Tom out. Gutten kom løpende. The boy came running. The guy came running. Jeg fik et A i fransk. I got an A in French. I got an A in French. Jeg hater foreldrene hennes. I hate her parents. I hate her parents. De var begge berusede. They were both drunk. They were both drunk. "Når er du tilbake?" "Det kommer an på været." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Þær þekktu allar Tom. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Hún hefur ekki enn komið í leitirnar. She hasn't turned up yet. She hasn't been in the search yet. Du vill ha dom här grejerna, inte sant? You want this stuff, don't you? You want these things, don't you? Sånt är livet. That's life. That's life. Liker de appelsiner? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? Jeg glemte at sætte et frimærke på konvolutten. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Tom gjorde det utan min hjälp. Tom did it without my help. Tom did it without my help. Var tålmodiga. Be patient. Be patient. Hvad ville din far tænke? What would your father think? What would your father think? Katten är på mattan. The cat is on the mat. Cat's on the carpet. Alle er her. All are present. Everybody's here. Carol bor i Chicago. Carol lives in Chicago. Carol lives in Chicago. Han var ansvarlig for bilulykken. He was responsible for the car accident. He was responsible for the car accident. Med Tom hade det varit annorlunda. With Tom, it would've been different. With Tom, it would have been different. Jeg er besat af at lære hebræisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I'm obsessed with learning Hebrew. Tom fortalte meg om det i går. Tom told me about that yesterday. Tom told me about it yesterday. Han tog gift ved en fejltagelse. He took poison by mistake. He got married by mistake. Vart är vi på väg? Where are we heading? Where are we going? Hollænderne er de højeste mennesker i verden. The Dutch are the world's tallest people. The Dutch are the tallest people in the world. Ja, tack. Yes, please. Yes, thank you. Hun er trettitre. She's thirty-three. She's thirty-three. Jag är från Brasilien. I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. Advar Tom. Warn Tom. Warning Tom. Det er meget farligt at svømme i denne flod. This river is very dangerous to swim in. It is very dangerous to swim in this river. Hun satte ringen på sin finger. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Hugbúnaðurinn hefur verið uppfærður. The software has been updated. The software has been updated. Han tager tilbage til Amerika. He's going back to America. He's going back to America. Du har vel rett. I guess you are right. I guess you're right. Vi har lært engelsk i tre år indtil nu. We have been studying English for three years now. We've been learning English for three years until now. Jeg er trøtt. I'm tired. I'm tired. Hvad er din blodtype? What is your blood type? What is your type of blood? Han er virkelig en skør kule. He's really an oddball. He's really a crazy bullet. Unnskyld, jeg mistet kniven min. I'm sorry, I dropped my knife. I'm sorry I lost my knife. Jag går och lägger mig klockan tio. I sleep at ten o'clock. I'll go to bed at ten. Skrivebordet er dekket av støv. The desk is covered with dust. The desktop is covered by dust. Tom är den perfekta pappan. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect father. Er dette 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Is this 223-1374? Hitamælar fara oft undir frostmark. Thermometers often go below zero. Heat meters are often below freezing level. Hvorfor bekymre sig om Tom? Why worry about Tom? Why worry about Tom? Ég hitti Tom áður en ég útskrifaðist úr framhaldsskóla, en ég hitti ekki Mary fyrr en mörgum árum seinna. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but didn't meet Mary until many years later. I met Tom before I graduated from high school, but I did not meet Mary until many years later. Get ég freistað þín með að fá þér annan bita af kökunni? Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Can I tempt you to have another bite of the cake? Tama fer stundum í einn í göngutúr. Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself. Tama sometimes walks for a walk. Tölvan er tiltölulega ný uppfinning. The computer is a relatively recent invention. The computer is relatively new. Harry kunne ikke holde følge med klassen. Harry couldn't keep up with the class. Harry couldn't keep up with the class. Jag tycker om att köra bil. I like driving. I like driving a car. Það lítur út fyrir að Bill muni fara í læknisfræði eftir allt saman. It looks like Bill will go to medical school after all. It looks like Bill will be going to medicine after all. Jeg ønsker at købe en bil. I want to buy an automobile. I want to buy a car. Det er veldig varmt i dag. It is very hot today. It's very hot today. Det bodde en vild folkstam där på den tiden. A savage tribe lived there in those days. There was a wild tribe of people living there back then. Jeg har mælkeallergi. I have an allergy to milk. I have milk allergy. Det vidste han ikke. He didn't know that. He didn't know that. Har I hørt noget fra Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Have you heard anything from Tom? Ska Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Is Tom and Mary going to school today? Han blev skadad. He was hurt. He got hurt. Sig mig grunden til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not here. Við fundum nagla fastan í dekkinu. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a nail stuck in the deck. Jeg er ugelønnet. I am paid weekly. I'm paid for the week. Jag hade en hamster som hette Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Man gir bort epler og pærer, men ikke gull og grønne skoger. One gives away apples and pears, and not gold and green forests. You give away apples and pears, but not gold and green forests. Min far købte bogen til mig. My father bought me the book. My dad bought me the book. Ingen är ferpekt. Nobody is ferpect. No one's clever. Vi har talt meget over telefonen. We've talked a lot on the phone. We've talked a lot over the phone. Soldatene hadde artilleri. The soldiers had artillery. The soldiers had artillery. Atleter skal være udholdende, ikke kun fysisk, men også mentalt. Athletes must be tough not only physically, but also mentally. Atlettes must be persevering, not only physically, but mentally. Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu. Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child. Bill stuck in the river to save his drowning baby. Tom er flink med ord. Tom is well-spoken. Tom's good with words. Ett högt träd kastar sin långa skugga på vattnet. A tall tree projects its long shadow on the water. A tall tree throws its long shadow on the water. Það mikilvæga er ekki hversu margar bækur þú lest heldur hvaða bækur þú lest. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. The important thing is not how many books you read but which books you read. Jeg har ingen småpenge. I don't have any small change. I don't have any small money. Græsset er altid grønnere på den anden side af hegnet. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Hun har en kat. Katten er hvid. She's got a cat. The cat's white. She has a cat, the cat is white. Så här kan vi inte fortsätta länge till. We can't keep this up for much longer. We can't go on like this much longer. Politibetjenten tog imod bestikkelse. The police officer accepted a bribe. The police officer took a bribe. Det regnede hele dagen i går. It rained all day yesterday. It rained all day yesterday. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to the boil. Bring the water to the boil. Jeg vet ikke om han vil besøke oss neste søndag. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday. I don't know if he'll visit us next Sunday. Jeg vil have en blå kage. I want a blue cake. I want a blue cake. Hvis I har brug for min hjælp, så lad mig det vide. If you guys need my help, please let me know. If you need my help, let me know. Eg drikk ikkje kaffi. I do not drink coffee. I didn't drink coffee. Dette var hans eneste håb. This was his one and only hope. This was his only hope. Jag förde Tom hem. I brought Tom home. I brought Tom home. Vad kallade ni mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Ekki eyðileggja matarlystina. Don't spoil your appetite. Don't ruin your appetite. Han hemlighöll den. He kept it secret. He kept it secret. Jag ska köpa en bil. I will buy a car. I'm gonna buy a car. Jeg voksede op på landet. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Ekkjan var svartklædd. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was wearing black. Innan jag kom till Berlin hade jag ett mycket litet intresse för tysk historia. Before coming to Berlin, I had very little interest in German history. Before I arrived in Berlin, I had a very small interest in German history. Han tror att han vet allt. He thinks he knows it all. He thinks he knows everything. Slysið eyðilagði allar hans vonir um árangur. The accident destroyed all his hopes for success. The disaster destroyed all his hopes for success. I skolan blev Tom ofta mobbad. In school, Tom was often bullied. At school, Tom was often bullied. Hun elsket ham fremdeles. She still loved him. She still loved him. Du høster stor respekt fra meg for din evne til å se din egen virksomhet utenfra og for å sette alminnelige menneskelige og moralske grenser. You have my respect for your ability to see your own enterprise from the outside and for operating within ordinary human and moral limits. You reap great respect from me for your ability to see your own business from outside and to set general human and moral limits. Spara den till senare. Save it till later. Save it for later. Ser du den här? Do you see this? See this? Kua Thusnelda er subjektet i denne setningen. Thusnelda the cow is the subject of this sentence. Kua Thusnelda is the subject of this sentence. Allt är Toms fel. It's all Tom's fault. It's all Tom's fault. Det blåser fra nord. The wind is blowing from the north. It's blowing from the north. Har du reserveret? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Ert tú inni? Are you at home? Are you inside? Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann, sérstaklega þegar hann er á svæðinu. She always says nice things about him, especially when he's around. She always says beautiful things about him, especially when he's in the area. Alt blev mørkt. Everything went dark. Everything got dark. Er den skrevet på finsk? Is it written in Finnish? Is it written in Finnish? Hann er sekur um þjófnað. He is guilty of theft. He's guilty of stealing. Það er virkilega heimskulegt. That's really stupid. That's really stupid. Har du en bedre pris å tilby? Can you give me a better price? Do you have a better price to offer? Hva som skjer i hodet mitt, blir i hodet mitt. What happens in my head stays in my head. What's going on in my head is going to be in my head. Jag behöver det där bandet. I need that tape. I need that tape. Tom kom til at skyde sig selv i foden. Tom accidentally shot himself in the foot. Tom got to shoot himself in the foot. Jeg spiste fisk til frokost. I had fish for lunch. I ate fish for lunch. Han har en hund og seks katte. He has one dog and six cats. He has a dog and six cats. Jeg hørte deg ikke banke. I didn't hear you knock. I didn't hear you knock. Læknirinn ráðlagði að þú ættir að hætta reykingum. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. Your doctor recommended that you stop smoking. Jag antar att det inte kan hjälpas. I guess it can't be helped. I guess it can't be helped. Det är bäst att vi gör som Tom säger. We'd better do as Tom says. We better do what Tom says. Sensationelle billeder! Skaber du selv disse fotomontager? Sensational pictures! Do you create these photomontages yourself? Sensational images! Do you create these photos yourself? Der er en slange i haven. There's a snake in the garden. There's a snake in the garden. Du skal være den beste. You're supposed to be the best. You're going to be the best. Jeg cykler til arbejde. I cycle to work. I ride for work. Jag skulle aldrig ha litat på Tom. I never should've trusted Tom. I would never have trusted Tom. Jeg tror ikke Tom kommer til vores fest. I think Tom won't come to our party. I don't think Tom's coming to our party. Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. Tom løb efter Mary. Tom ran after Mary. Tom ran after Mary. Vi går. We're going. Let's go. Jeg håper vi møtes igjen. I hope to see you again. I hope we meet again. Tycker ni att jag är larvig? Do you think I'm silly? Do you think I'm ridiculous? Han drog sit sidste åndedrag. He breathed his last breath. He took his last breath. Hvat kostar tað? How much does that cost? What is the cost of it? Algeriet er et land der er plaget af korruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Algeria is a country plagued by corruption. Til og med jeg hadde hjulpet deg. Even I would have helped you. Even I had helped you. Hvor meget skal du betale? How much will you have to pay? How much do you have to pay? Har du læst en interessant bog? Did you read an interesting book? Have you read an interesting book? Inte en chans! Fat chance. No way! Hun ønskede at sælge sin bil. She wanted to sell her car. She wanted to sell her car. Vem är han? Who is he? Who is he? Han tror han ved alt. He believes he knows everything. He thinks he knows everything. Kan din kone lide katte? Does your wife like cats? Your wife like cats? Tom ser trött ut. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Han tog æggene ud en efter en. He took the eggs out one by one. He took the eggs out one by one. Þetta er sjúkrahús. This is a hospital. It's a hospital. Det snør. It's snowing. It's snowing. Han er gartner. He's a gardener. He's a gardener. Tom låter utmattad. Tom sounds exhausted. Tom sounds exhausted. Jeg skulle ønske Tom var død. I wish Tom were dead. I wish Tom was dead. Varför ändra på det? Why change it? Why change that? Forskere har sekventeret hvedegenomet. Scientists have sequenced the wheat genome. Researchers have delayed the wheat genome. Tom bluffer. Tom's bluffing. Tom's bluffing. Vad är lufttemperaturen idag? What's the air temperature today? What's the air temperature today? Godt nytt år! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Gazpacho är en kall tomat- och grönsakssoppa från Spanien. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Du, kolla in det här. Hey, check this out. Hey, check this out. Hvad hedder du? What is your name? What's your name? Jeg er gammel nok til å bo alene. I'm old enough to live by myself. I'm old enough to live alone. Du er overlegen. You're overconfident. You're superior. Det her er over min lønklasse. This is above my pay grade. This is above my grade. Hvørji sást du í dansinum í gjár? Who did you see at the party yesterday? What did you see in the dance? Det är en present till dig. It's a present for you. It's a gift for you. Det kan ikke være sant. It can not be true. That can't be true. Når jeg gir mat til de fattige kaller de meg helgen. Når jeg spør hvorfor de fattige ikke har noe mat kaller de meg kommunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the poor, they call me the weekend, and when I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. Jag älskar att prata med er. I love talking to you. I love talking to you. Er dette din bil? Is this your car? Is this your car? Det er et område hvor der er vindstød på over femogtredive meter pr. sekund. It's an area where winds gust at over eighty miles an hour. It is an area where there is a gust of wind of more than twenty - five meters per second. Lad os stå ud af bilen nu. Let's get out of the car now. Let's get out of the car now. Tappa inte tilltron till mig. Don't give up on me. Don't take trust in me. Sahara er en stor ørken. The Sahara is a vast desert. Sahara is a great desert. Han är något av en musiker. He is something of a musician. He's something of a musician. De kör fast. They're stalling. They're getting stuck. Jeg hader edderkopper. I hate spiders. I hate spiders. Jeg drak te i går. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea last night. Det kommer antagligen att snöa i morgon. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Det lønner seg ikke å spise tastaturet. Eating the keyboard doesn't help. It doesn't pay to eat the keyboard. Tom besøker aldri Maria lenger. Tom never visits Mary anymore. Tom never visits Mary anymore. Engster du deg ikke for det? Don't you worry about that? Don't you look forward to it? Den politiske situation var mildest talt yderst ustabil i de næste ti år af hans regeringstid. The political situation was, to say the least, extremely unstable during the next ten years of his reign. The political situation was, of course, extremely unstable over the next ten years of his reign. Fingeravtrykkene på våpenet stemmer overens med den mistenktes. The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect's. The fingerprints of the weapon are consistent with the suspected one. Berätta bara vad som hände. Just tell us what happened. Just tell me what happened. Titta. Watch. Look. Øvelse gjør mester. Practice is the best teacher. Practice makes master. Má bjóða þér te eða kaffi? Would you like some tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? En del av meg døde sammen med deg, men du vil fortsette å leve gjennom meg for alltid. A part of me died with you, but you will live on in me forever. Part of me died with you, but you'll keep living through me forever. Har du slukket for komfuret? Did you turn the stove off? Have you turned the stove off? Vart vill du helst åka? Where would you rather go? Where would you like to go? Jeg kan ikke leve uten TV. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Jeg hader vinteren. I hate winter. I hate the winter. Jeg snakker ofte med Tom. I frequently talk to Tom. I talk to Tom a lot. Það er enginn kostur við að gera það. There is no advantage in doing that. There's no way to do it. Du är annorlunda. You're different. You're different. Ég fékk bréf frá vini mínum. I got a letter from my friend. I got a letter from my friend. Hefurðu þvegið hendurnar? Have you washed your hands? Have you washed your hands? Jeg har tre fætre på min mors side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. I have three cousins on my mother's side. Jeg har bestilt deg litt dessert. I've ordered you some dessert. I ordered you some dessert. Mange kinesiske turister besøger Algeriet. Many Chinese tourists visit Algeria. Many Chinese tourists visit Algeria. Hann er kurteis gagnvart yfirmönnum sínum. He behaves respectfully toward his superiors. He's polite to his superiors. Ég er karlmaður. I am a man. I'm a man. Ég rak hnéið í. I scraped my knee. I hit the knee. Du kanske kan föreslå något vi kan göra imorgon. Perhaps you could suggest something we can do tomorrow. Maybe you can suggest something we can do tomorrow. Hið þekkta þarf að greina frá hinu óþekkta. The known must be separated from the unknown. The known thing has to be reported. Tom fortalte Mary at han ville tage til Boston i oktober. Tom told Mary that he'd go to Boston in October. Tom told Mary that he was going to Boston in October. Den här hunden är min. This dog is mine. This dog is mine. Kanínur hafa stór eyru. Rabbits have big ears. Rabbits have big ears. Jeg har fået nok af dine løgne! I've had enough of your lies! I've had enough of your lies! Ge din sittplats till Tom. Give Tom your seat. Give your seat to Tom. Vi ska ha fest på fredag kväll. We're having a party Friday evening. We're having a party on Friday night. Hann má koma sunnanífrá. He must be from the South. He may come from the south. Han snackar lita konstigt ibland. Sometimes he talks a little weird. He talks a little weird sometimes. Jag vet inte vad mer jag kan göra för att få det här att fungera. I don't know what else I could do to make this work. I don't know what else I can do to make this work. Hun besøkte dyrehagen med ham. She visited the zoo with him. She visited the zoo with him. Jeg gav ham et kæmpe knus. I gave him a huge hug. I gave him a big hug. De to børn var jævnaldrende. The two children were of an age. The two children were peers. Han er kæderyger. He's a chain smoker. He's a chain smoker. Hennes favoritmat som barn var pizza. Her favourite food as a child was pizza. Her favorite food as a child was pizza. Jeg vil bare hvile. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Fröken Sato är presidentens nya sekreterare. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Miss Sato is the president's new secretary. Hun var ung og uskyldig. She was young and innocent. She was young and innocent. Jag låg på sjukhus i några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in a hospital for a few days. Du er uambitiøs. You're unambitious. You're unambitious. Tänk på din framtid. Think about your future. Think about your future. Sandheden er ikke altid velkommen! The truth isn't always welcome! The truth is not always welcome! Mary tog solbad på stranden. Mary was sunbathing on the beach. Mary took a sunbath on the beach. Hvad fortalte du dem? What did you tell them? What did you tell them? Prisen på uld falder. Wool prices are falling. The price of wool falls. Hallo. Hi. Hello. Vi må handle hurtigt. We have to act fast. We have to act fast. Jag promenerar mycket. I walk a lot. I walk a lot. Ég læri á bókasafninu. I study at the library. I'm learning from the library. Jag ska gå och hämta Tom. I'll go and get Tom. I'm gonna go get Tom. Lad os gå til køjs. Let's hit the sack. Let's go party. Hvad med at spille tennis på lørdag? How about playing tennis next Saturday? How about playing tennis Saturday? Hvad gik galt? What went wrong? What went wrong? Tom er en narcissist. Tom is a narcissist. Tom's a narcissist. Mit modersmål er spansk. My native language is Spanish. My mother tongue is Spanish. Jeg laver rav i den. I'm going to rock the boat. I'll put amber in it. Eg er i Boston. I'm in Boston. I'm in Boston. Dörren är låst. The door is locked. The door's locked. Pennen ligger på skrivebordet. The pen is on the desk. The pen is on the desktop. Jag överlevde. I survived. I survived. Þú mátt leggja hérna. You may park here. You can park here. Var bor ni nu? Where do you live now? Where do you live now? Ég kemst ekki burt. I can't get away. I can't get away. Hvad kan du lære mig? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? Jeg har efterhånden fået nok af socialretfærdighedskrigere. I'm getting fed up with social justice warriors. I've had enough of social justice warriors. Det er fornuftigt. It makes sense. That makes sense. Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit you're right. Er der nogen af jer der har set mine bilnøgler? Have any of you guys seen my car keys? Any of you guys seen my car keys? Jeg spiller på klaver. I play piano. I play piano. Ringið eftir løgregluni! Call the police! Call the police! Jeg læser en bog om USAs historie. I'm reading a book on American history. I read a book about the history of the United States. Hon lyckades avsluta arbetet själv. She managed to finish the work on her own. She was able to finish work herself. Ro i takt, alle sammen! Everybody row in concert! Everybody, calm down! Hvordan kan vi få til en balanse mellom arbeid og privatliv? How is it possible to reconcile work and private life? How can we balance work with privacy? Katten är under bordet. The cat is under the table. Cat's under the table. Ikke snakk så eplekjekt. Don't be so haughty in your speaking. Don't talk like apple pie. Han er syg. He is sick. He's sick. Hun forblev ugift til sin død. She remained unmarried until death. She remained single to her death. Kom du her alene? Did you come here alone? You came here alone? Vi kan! We can! We can! Vil du være hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Would you like to be home tonight? Hör du hemma här? Do you belong here? Do you belong here? Jag retades bara. I was just teasing. I was just teased. Håll Tom utanför detta. Leave Tom out of this. Keep Tom out of this. Jeg vil gerne være skovhugger. I want to be a lumberjack. I'd like to be a wood miner. Vi kommer att vara tillsammans. We're going to be together. We'll be together. Av finländarna är cirka 4,9 procent finlandssvenskar, det vill säga personer med svenska som modersmål. Approximately 4.9 percent of Finns are Finland-Swedes. In other words, people with Swedish as their mother tongue. Of the Finns, about 4.9 per cent are Finnish Swedish, i.e. people with Swedish as their native language. Denne computer har et 3½-tomme diskettedrev. This computer has a 3½″ floppy drive. This computer has a 31⁄2-inch floppy drive. Vi lander om femten minutter. We'll be landing in 15 minutes. We'll land in fifteen minutes. Jag tar det här paraplyet. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Har ni ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Hon hade ont i fötterna. Her feet ached. She had pain in her feet. Ni dödade Tom. You killed Tom. You killed Tom. Hvad slags hjælp har du brug for? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Jag är inte säker på att det kommer att hända när som helst snart. I'm not sure that's going to happen anytime soon. I'm not sure it'll happen any time soon. Gaffalnotendur hafa sögulega verið í minnihluta. Fork-users have historically been in the minority. Gaffal users have historically been in a minority. Mount Everest er det højeste bjerg i verden. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Vi kommer att ses igen. We'll see each other again. We'll see you again. Tom ringer nog. Tom'll call. Tom's probably calling. Skulle ni kunna ta en titt på mitt första inlägg och berätta vad ni tycker om det? Please, take a look at my first post and let me know what you think about it. Could you take a look at my first post and tell me what you think about it? Rommet mitt er en svinesti. My room is a pigsty. My room is a piggy. Mary låtsades jobba på sin dator, men egentligen tjuvlyssnade hon på samtalet. Mary pretended to be working on her computer, but in fact she was eavesdropping on the conversation. Mary was pretending to work on her computer, but she was actually listening to her phone call. Jeg skal sove. I have to sleep. I have to sleep. Kan du veksle en dollar? Have you got change for a dollar? Can you change a dollar? Dette land er rigt på kul. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. Eg har bestemt meg for å gje tilbake alle pengane eg stal. I've made up my mind to give back all the money I stole. I decided to give back all the money I stole. Hvor er dine marker? Where are your fields? Where's your chips? Ef þú fylgir mér skal ég sýna þér leiðina á sjúkrahúsið. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. Det er hvad hun sagde. That's what she said. That's what she said. Duga tygum enskt? Do you speak English? I mean, do the fabrics work in a way that's English? Læg mærke til hans ansigtsudtryk når vi nævner en pris. Look at the reaction on his face when we bring up a price. Note his facial expressions when we mention a price. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There's a small chance she'll get caught. Det siges at hun var skuespillerinde da hun var ung. People say she was an actress when she was young. They say she was an actress when she was young. Tom var en god mann. Tom was a good man. Tom was a good man. Hann lyfti hendi. He raised his hand. He lifted his hand. Var ligger tvättstugan? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry room? Þú getur kallað hann lygara, en þú getur ekki kallað hann vondan mann. You may call him a liar, but you cannot call him a bad man. You can call him a liar, but you can't call him a bad man. Jeg er ordblind. I'm dyslexic. I'm word-blind. Skipet kom gradvis til syne. The ship gradually came in sight. The ship gradually appeared. Tom er en berømt bollywoodskuespiller. Tom is a famous Bollywood actor. Tom is a famous bunnywood player. Han hoppede i floden. He hopped into the river. He jumped into the river. Jeg har et billede af min kæreste på min natbord. I have a photo of my girlfriend on my nightstand. I have a picture of my girlfriend on my night table. Viltu ekki annan bjór? Wouldn't you like another glass of beer? Don't you want another beer? Sluta skrika. Mitt huvud gör ont. Stop yelling. My head hurts. My head hurts. Jeg vil gjøre noe med livet mitt. I want to do something with my life. I want to do something about my life. Það var ekki hvað hann sagði heldur hvernig hann sagði það sem gerði mig tortrygginn. It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious. It was not what he said, but how he said what made me suspicious. Tom er fuld. Tom is drunk. Tom's drunk. Det vil ikke hjælpe dig. It won't help you. It won't help you. Ég er södd! I'm full! I'm soaked! Tom drikker kaffe. Tom drinks coffee. Tom drinks coffee. Du kan bruke denne bilen. You can use this car. You can use this car. Du ville ikke være i stand til å fortelle. You wouldn't be able to tell. You wouldn't be able to tell. Hun rev i stykker brevet. She tore up the letter. She broke the letter. Jag gillar den långsamma rytmen i den där sången. I like the slow rhythm of that song. I like the slow rhythm of that song. Det eneste jeg ønsker at foretage mig lige nu, er at sove. The only thing I want to do right now is sleep. All I want to do right now is sleep. Det skjeve tårn i Pisa er høyere enn kirken. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The shrewd tower in Pisa is higher than the church. Toilettet er bag trappen. The toilet is behind the staircase. The bathroom is behind the stairs. Pojken tog tag i kattens svans. The boy grabbed the cat by the tail. The boy took hold of the cat's tail. Tom var inte så säker själv. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Situationen er værre end jeg troede. The situation is worse than I thought. The situation is worse than I thought. Kommer han til mødet i næste uge? Will he come to the meeting next week? Is he coming to the meeting next week? Jeg kan selv køre til lufthavnen. I can drive myself to the airport. I can drive to the airport myself. Stanna gärna. Feel free to stay. I'd love to stay. Den smukke sorthårede pige var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful black-haired girl was in the park. Jag skulle vilja ha ett glas vin. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Jag såg ett. I saw one. I saw one. Bildet henger opp ned. The picture is hung upside down. The image is hanging up. Ég veit að þið eruð ríkar. I know you are rich. I know you guys are rich. Hr. Johnson er ríkur maður. Mr Johnson is a rich man. Mr. Johnson is a rich man. Tom kolade av. Tom passed out. Tom got off cold. Tom var hissa. Tom was surprised. Tom was surprised. Han la boken på hyllan. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Hun reagerte på det. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. Jag har för avsikt att göra det. I intend to do that. I intend to do it. Det her er kedeligt. This is boring. This is boring. Förlåt för igår. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Ih du milde! Du er jo fuld! Oh my God, you're drunk. Oh, my God, you're drunk! Dit ur er fem minutter bagefter. Your watch is five minutes slow. Your watch is five minutes behind. Tom är förlovad med Marys lillasyster. Tom is engaged to Mary's younger sister. Tom's engaged to Mary's little sister. Hvem har skrevet dette brev? Who wrote this letter? Who wrote this letter? Jag ska ringa. I'll call. I'll call you. Jag vet inte särskilt mycket om Boston. I don't know very much about Boston. I don't know much about Boston. Jeg er invitert til denne festen. I am invited to this party. I'm invited to this party. Det där var en utmärkt putt. That was an excellent putt. That was an excellent fart. Det finns otaliga stjärnor i galaxen. There are innumerable stars in the galaxy. There are countless stars in the galaxy. Hvordan siger man det på fransk? How do you say that in French? How do you say that in French? Vi är i en recession. We're in a recession. We're in a recession. Jeg møtte foreldrene dine i går. I met your parents yesterday. I met your parents yesterday. Mørke er fravær af lys. Darkness is the absence of light. Dark is the absence of light. Vänta här. Wait here. Wait here. Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som du er. I'm almost as old as you are. I'm almost as old as you are. Herr Wilson tvingade oss att upprepa meningen flera gånger. Mr Wilson made us repeat the sentence several times. Mr. Wilson forced us to repeat the sentence several times. Først innvandrere, da dere. Vår solidaritet er svaret på sosial kannibalisme. First the immigrants, next you. Our solidarity - is the answer to social cannibalism. First, immigrants, then you, our solidarity is the answer to social cannibalism. Jeg må sige at jeg misunder dig. I have to say I envy you. I have to say I envy you. Hører du noe? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Jag trodde att ni gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Tom kan godt lide at vise sig. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show off. Du liker ikke å bo med foreldrene dine, ikke sant? You don't like living with your parents, do you? You don't like living with your parents, do you? Den lyser i mørket. It glows in the dark. It lights up in the dark. Hon ser ledsen ut. She looks sad. She looks sad. Hvilken frugt er grøn? Which fruit is green? What fruit is green? En katt har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Hann langaði alltaf til að fara til Los Angeles. He always wanted to go to L.A. He always wanted to go to Los Angeles. Kennarinn benti á töfluna. The teacher pointed to the blackboard. The teacher pointed to the tablet. Toms læge foreslog ham at skære ned på sukkeret. Tom's doctor suggested that he cut down on sugar. Tom's doctor suggested that he cut the sugar. Der er et æble i denne drengs lomme. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. There's an apple in this boy's pocket. Det sner aldrig i dette land. It never snows in this country. It never snows in this country. Derefter mistede hun bevidstheden. Then, she lost consciousness. Then she lost consciousness. Jag har sådan otur. I have such bad luck. I have such bad luck. Tom hefur staðið sig vel. Tom has done well. Tom's done well. Pas på den farlige hund. Beware of the dangerous dog. Watch out for the dangerous dog. Min lillebror ser tv. My younger brother watches TV. My little brother's watching TV. Det er et løfte. That's a promise. It's a promise. Jeg forstår ikke hvordan du kan gjøre så mye. I don't understand how you can do so much. I don't understand how you can do that much. Við kusum gegn frumvarpinu. We voted against the bill. We chose against the bill. Sex var inbjudna, pojken inkluderad. Six were invited, including the boy. Six were invited, including the boy. Jag ska gå nu. I'm going to go now. I'll go now. Den var rund. It was round. It was round. Vi får færre og færre studerende. We're getting fewer and fewer students. We get fewer and fewer students. Gillar du orkidéer? Do you like orchids? Do you like orchids? Hún reifst við hann um peninga. She argued with him about money. She got caught up with him about money. Du tar tydeligvis feil. Clearly you are mistaken. You're obviously wrong. Tom var tæt på at blive ramt af en bil. Tom came close to being hit by a car. Tom was close to being hit by a car. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Skulle det smaka med lite te? How about some tea? Would you like some tea? Jag tog fotot. I took the photo. I took the photo. Er det greit om jeg drar tidlig? You don't mind if I leave early, do you? Is it okay if I leave early? Vi måste hitta den. We need to find it. We need to find it. Chauvinisterne blottede, i deres grusomme raseri, flere gange deres blodtørstige hugtænder for ham. In their cruel fury, the jingoists several times bared their bloodthirsty fangs to him. The Chauvinists exposed, in their cruel rage, several times their bloodthirsty fangs for him. Hvad venter I på? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Öllum er sama. Nobody will care. Nobody cares. Världen är grym. The world is harsh. The world is awesome. Jeg vil drikke teen. I will drink the tea. I want to drink the tea. Livet skulle kunna vara en dröm. Life could be a dream. Life could be a dream. Vad är framgångens hemlighet? What is the secret of success? What is the secret of success? Ég sá ekkert. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. Jag har en till fråga. I have another question. I have another question. Faðir vár es ert í himinríki, verði nafn þitt heilagt. Til komi ríki þitt, verði vili þín svá á jǫrðu sem í himnum. Gef oss í dag brauð várt dagligt. Ok fyrirgefðu oss syndir várar, sem vér fyrirgefum þeim er við oss hafa misgert. Leiddu oss eigi í freistni, heldr leystu oss frá ǫllu illu. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. A father who is in heaven, let your name be holy. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be as in heaven, as in heaven. Give us this day bread daily. Let us forgive our sins, which we forgive to those who have wronged us. Don't bring us into temptation, let us go free from evil. Många turister kommer för att se vattenfallet. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Many tourists come to see the waterfall. Tom visste hur han skulle reparera datorn. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Tom knew how to repair the computer. Han skulle hellre dö än att gå upp tidigt varje morgon. He would sooner die than get up early every morning. He'd rather die than go up early every morning. Vad vann jag? What did I win? What did I win? Här är vi! Here we are! Here we are! Han ankom forpustet til stationen. He arrived at the station out of breath. He arrived at the station. Tom er ofte våken hele natten. Tom often stays up all night. Tom is often awake all night. Han åbnede døren. He opened the door. He opened the door. Jeg liker alle språk. I like all languages. I like all languages. Denne fugl kaldes en måge. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a seagull. Hon måste hjälpa honom. She needs to help him. She has to help him. Jeg våget å støtte meningen hans. I dared to support his opinion. I ventured to support his sentence. Vi är i samma bransch. We're in the same business. We're in the same business. Bussen er lige kørt. The bus has just left. The bus just went. Skaðinn af völdum flóðsins nemur tíu milljónum dollara. Damages from the flood amount to ten million dollars. The damage caused by the Flood is 10 million dollars. Jeg har fået noget shampoo i øjnene. Det svier! I got some shampoo in my eyes. It burns! I've got some shampoo in my eyes. Denne ordboken har tolv bind. This dictionary has 12 volumes. This dictionary has twelve volumes. Tom er forpustet. Tom is panting. Tom's cleaned up. Vi kan lide ham. We like him. We like him. Tag den du bedst kan lide, lige meget hvilken det er. Take the one you like best, whichever it is. Take the one you like best, no matter which one it is. Han är varken för eller emot förslaget. He's neither for nor against the proposal. He is neither for nor against the proposal. Rökning kan orsaka impotens. Smoking can cause impotence. Smoking can cause impotence. Etniska minoriteter kämpar mot fördomar och fattigdom. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty. Ethnic minorities are fighting prejudice and poverty. Portugal er ikkje eit islamsk land. Portugal is not an Islamic country. Portugal is not an Islamic country. Hvad kan du bedst lide: forår eller efterår? Which do you like better, spring or fall? What do you like best: spring or autumn? John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Löven i parken har redan börjat få färg. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves in the park have already begun to color. I er for ærlige. You're being too honest. You're too honest. William Tell skød en pil efter æblet på hans søns hoved. William Tell shot an arrow at the apple on his son's head. William Tell shot an arrow after the apple on his son's head. Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med strøm. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone provides more cities with power. Tom underviser i fransk. Tom teaches French. Tom is teaching French. Strákurinn kann að hafa skrökvað til að þýðast foreldrum sínum. The boy may have told a lie to please his parents. The boy may have lied to his parents. Bogen er pinkfarvet. The book is pink. The book is pink. Jeg vidste ikke at Tom havde en sportsvogn. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. I didn't know Tom had a sports car. Låter det vettigt? Does that make sense? Does that make sense? Elaine liggur á sjúkrahúsinum. Elaine is in hospital. Elaine's in the hospital. Mary havde et lille lam. Mary had a little lamb. Mary had a little lamb. Það er erfitt að lifa á lágum launum. Living on a small income is hard. It's hard to live on low pay. Tom har fået gode karakterer i fransk. Tom got good grades in French. Tom's got good grades in French. Jeg traff en gammel venn på gata. I ran across an old friend in the street. I met an old friend on the street. Engelsk har ikke et ord for tidsånd. English has no word for "Zeitgeist". English does not have a word for time spirit. Han vil komme til festen. He will be coming to the party. He'll come to the party. Det gjelder mannen min, doktor; han sover dårlig. It's about my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly. It concerns my husband, doctor; he sleeps poorly. Jeg er aldrig her. I'm never here. I'm never here. Sami købte sin drømmebil. Sami bought his dream car. Sami bought his dream car. Jag undrar om Tom talar sanning. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I dag er det en af mine venners fødselsdag. Today is one of my friends' birthday. Today is one of my friends' birthdays. Är ni redo att beställa nu? Are you ready to order now? Are you ready to order now? Det kommer ikke til at funke! It won't fly! It's not gonna work! La ham komme inn. Let him enter. Let him come in. Varför kommer hon inte? How is it she does not come? Why isn't she coming? Jeg vil ikke at Tom skal bli opprørt. I don't want Tom getting upset. I don't want Tom to be upset. Ingen gjorde noget. Nobody did anything. Nobody did anything. 1. Saxið kjúklingabringuna. 1. Finely chop the chicken breast meat. 1st Sax the chicken breast. Hvordan kan jeg være til hjelp? How can I be of help? How can I help you? Jeg var i dyreparken i går. I went to the zoo yesterday. I was at the zoo last night. Jeg har ingen anelse om hva dette betyr. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. Du måste flytta nu. We have to move now. You have to move now. Hun var forelsket i meg, men jeg var ikke forelsket i henne. She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. Tom krammede sin bamse. Tom hugged his teddy bear. Tom hugged his bear. Det er enklare enn eg trudde. It's easier than I thought. It's easier than I thought. Det fanns ingen kärlek i Fadils hem. There was no love in Fadil's home. There was no love in Father's home. Tom så ikke ud til at være glad. Tom did not seem happy. Tom didn't look happy. Den tjocka flickan äter för mycket sötsaker med mycket socker i. The fat girl is eating too much sweets with lots of sugar. The fat girl eats too much sweets with a lot of sugar in. Jeg trodde jeg kunne stole på Tom. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could trust Tom. Tom satt tålmodigt i sin stol och väntade på Mary. Tom sat patiently in his chair, waiting for Mary. Tom sat patiently in his chair and waited for Mary. I går har de ikke spillet tennis. They didn't play tennis yesterday. Yesterday they haven't played tennis. Det er bedre at vente til politiet ankommer. It's better to wait until the police arrive. It's better to wait until the police arrive. Jeg forstår dig ikke. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. Tom tog Mary i hand. Tom shook Mary's hand. Tom took Mary by hand. Jeg overlever ikke uden kaffe efter maden. I can't do without coffee after meals. I'm not gonna survive without coffee after dinner. Vad slog han upp? What did he look up? What did he look up? Það getur ekki verið! It can't be! It can't be! Der er stadig lidt kaffe på kanden. There is little coffee left in the pot. There's still some coffee on the edge. Tað var bara ein dreymur. It was only a dream. It was only one dream. Det pludselige vindstød fyldte sejlene og slingrede båden fremad. The sudden gust of wind filled the sails and lurched the boat forward. The sudden gust of wind filled the sails and swung the boat forward. Er der adgang for kørestolsbrugere? Is there wheelchair access? Is there access for wheelchair users? Hun har en hvid kat. She has a white cat. She's got a white cat. Hvorfor er dine øjne så store? Why are your eyes so big? Why are your eyes so big? Jag var dålig på engelska. I was bad at English. I was bad in English. Enig. Agreed. Agreed. Sami flyttade in i Laylas lägenhet. Sami moved in to Layla's apartment. Sami moved into Layla's apartment. Aóí varð dansari. Aoi became a dancer. Ai became a dancer. Jeg er fornøyd med det jeg har. I'm happy with what I have. I'm satisfied with what I have. Jag kan inte komma underfund med de här siffrorna. I can't make out these figures. I can't get undercover with these numbers. Jag var inte redo för det här. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for this. Hann drap hann til að hefna látins föður síns. He killed him to avenge his dead father. He killed him to avenge his dead father. Maria er en ødeland når det gjelder penger. Mary is a big spender when it comes to money. Maria is a wasteland in terms of money. Særskriving er et stort problem i Norge. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. Special writing is a major problem in Norway. Ertu sammála? Do you agree? Do you agree? Slap af, det er bare et fugleskræmsel. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Hen grät. He cried. She cried. Han talar lite engelska. He speaks a little English. He's a little English-speaking. Jag är berlinare. I am a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Lad være at afbryde mig! Don't interrupt me. Don't interrupt me! Jag stannar här. I'll be here. I'll stay here. Tom er ved at lave aftensmad. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's making dinner. Visste inte du att Tom inte gillade Maria? Didn't you know that Tom didn't like Mary? Didn't you know Tom didn't like Maria? Ég þekki stelpuna sem er að spila tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who's playing tennis. Tom bestod ikkje på eksamen. Tom wasn't able to pass the examination. Tom did not pass the exam. Tom läste aldrig tyska. Tom never took German. Tom never read German. Den här tanden sitter löst. This tooth is wobbly. This tooth is loose. Sømmet gik gennem væggen. The nail went through the wall. The seam went through the wall. Jag går alltid. I always walk. I always go. Jeg håper de er vennlige. I hope they're friendly. I hope they're friendly. När jag springer, blir jag svettig. When I run, I get sweaty. When I run, I get sweaty. Vilken station är det här? What station is it? What station is this? Köp inga fler presenter åt mig. Don't buy me any more presents! Don't buy me any more gifts. Hur tidigt går du upp om morgnarna? How early do you get up in the morning? How early are you going up in the morning? Jag trodde att Tom skulle vara på baren. I thought Tom would be at the bar. I thought Tom was gonna be at the bar. Vatten, tack. Some water, please. Water, please. Jeg kan ikke forklare det da jeg kun er et geni. I can't explain that since I'm only a genius. I can't explain it because I'm just a genius. Tom var overbevist, men det var jeg ikke. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. En hel del er sket siden da. A lot has happened since that time. A lot has happened since then. Er alle søstrene dine eldre enn deg? Are all of your sisters older than you? Are all your sisters older than you? Jeg drømte mig en drøm i nat om silke og fornemt stof eller om lighed og retfærdig dom. I dreamt a dream last night, about silk and fine cloth or about equality and fair trial. I dreamed a dream last night about silk and fine fabric or about equality and just judgment. Tom sa att du lät det hända. Tom says you let it happen. Tom said you let it happen. Þetta er mjög vandræðalegt. This is really awkward. This is very embarrassing. Vilken är din favoritprotestsång? What's your favorite protest song? What's your favorite protest song? Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ikke. I don't know whether he'll come or not. I don't know if he's coming or not. Tom skal gifte seg neste måned. Tom will get married next month. Tom's going to get married next month. Kör fortare. Drive faster. Go faster. Jag kommer alltid att behöva er. I'll always need you. I'll always need you. Sätt på radion, är du snäll. Put the radio on, please. Put the radio on, please. Han var hemma. He was at home. He was home. Hun kranglet alltid med sine brødre. She was always quarreling with her brothers. She always quarreled with her brothers. Är Tom stor nog att dricka alkohol? Is Tom old enough to drink? Is Tom big enough to drink alcohol? Nul, putte! No way! Zero, put it! Hun strøk kjolen sin. She was ironing her dress. She took her dress. Jag vill be dig om en tjänst. I want to ask a favor of you. I want to ask you a favor. Du är den jag älskar mest. You're the one I love the most. You're the one I love the most. Jeg ser hen til at høre fra Dem. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'm looking to hear from you. Kristus är uppstånden! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Jag borde veta det. I should know that. I should know. Þau eru leikarar. They are actors. They're actors. Tað er alvíst um allar bygdir. That is common knowledge in every village. All districts are well - known. Hvers vegna? Why? Why? Han sover som et spedbarn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Skoðanir okkar fara saman við þeirra skoðanir hvað meginatriðin varðar. Our views are in agreement with theirs as to the essential points. Our views compare with those of the key points. Jag har en hund som kan springa snabbt. I have a dog that can run fast. I have a dog that can run fast. Tornet är trehundratjugoen meter högt. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tower is three hundred and twenty-seven feet high. Hønen havde ganske små lave ben, og derfor kaldtes den "Kykkelilavben;" den lagde godt æg, og konen holdt af den, som af sit eget barn. The hen had very short legs, so she was called "Chickie short legs." She laid good eggs, and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child. The chicken had quite small low legs, and therefore it was called the "Chicklilav bone";" it laid good eggs, and the wife loved it as of her own child. Tom sagde ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. En del af taget blæste af. Part of the roof blew off. Part of the roof blew off. De besøkte musikkfestivalen. They went to the music festival. They visited the music festival. Rolig nu, fortæl hvad der er sket. Calm down and tell us what happened. Calm down, tell me what happened. Ég er eins leið og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm just as lonely as I can be. 'I dag' er det 'i morgen' vi bekymrede os om i går. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. 'Today' is it 'to-morrow' we worried about yesterday. Jag försöker att lära mig engelska. I am trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Tom blev färdig. Tom finished. Tom finished. Lag A tapte kampen mot lag B. Team A lost the game against team B. Layer A lost match to Layer B. Jag har glömt bort hans namn. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Tornet stod mitt ibland ruinerna. The tower stood amid the ruins. The tower was standing in the middle of the ruins. Han tog dette foto. This picture was taken by him. He took this photo. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee meets twice a month. Hann var mjög hamingjusamur. He was very happy. He was very happy. Toaletten är tillfälligt ur funktion. The toilet is out of order at the moment. Toilet is temporarily out of function. Hjemme taler vi kun fransk. At home, we speak only French. Home we only speak French. Hvað heitir pabbi þinn? What's your dad's name? What's your dad's name? Overflaten på Mars er tilsynelatende veldig gjestevennlig. The terrain on Mars appears very hospitable. The surface of Mars is apparently very guest-friendly. Hans frånvaro berodde på sjukdom. His absence was due to illness. His absence was due to illness. Frankrike er i Vest-Europa. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Det var så jag gjorde det. That's how I did it. That's how I did it. Hun blev testet for hiv. She got tested for HIV. She was tested for HIV. Mødet blev aflyst. The meeting was called off. The meeting was cancelled. Jeg vil bare ud herfra. I just want out of here. I just want to get out of here. Er det noen sjanse for å låne skrivemaskinen din? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Is there any chance of borrowing your typewriter? Eldre menn er vanligvis veldig vise. Older men are usually very wise. Older men are usually very wise. Þú ert fallegur. You're beautiful. You look beautiful. Det er kaldt her. It's cold here. It's cold here. Hun bodde der alene. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Var ligger Mississippi? Where is Mississippi? Where's Mississippi? Er du gal? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? På atomnivå ser vi kvantemekaniske effekter som ikke kan forklares med klassisk mekanikk. At the atomic scale we observe quantum mechanical effects that can not be explained by classical mechanics. At atomic level we see quantum mechanical effects that cannot be explained by classical mechanics. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the rice stove. Sérðu nokkuð að verkefninu? Do you see any problems with the project? Don't you see what's going on? Sami verkade lite mer mogen. Sami seemed a little more mature. Sami seemed a little more mature. Denne fugl er ikke i stand til at flyve. This bird cannot fly. This bird is not able to fly. Han pratade väldigt högt. He spoke very loudly. He spoke very loudly. Tom blev dræbt ved en automobilulykke i aftes. Tom was killed in an automobile accident last night. Tom was killed by a car accident last night. Jeg sa at jeg skulle kjøpe deg en drink, så vær så god. I said I'd buy you a drink, so here. I said I would buy you a drink, so please. Hvorfor glor alle på os? Why is everyone staring at us? Why is everybody looking at us? Lægen gav mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Får jag träffa Tom idag? Can I see Tom today? Can I see Tom today? Jeg liker ikke bortskjemte barn. I don't like spoiled children. I don't like spoiled children. Pizzaen er her! The pizza's here! Pizza's here! Det är rätt åt honom. That serves him right. That's right for him. Giv mig en hånd. Give me a hand. Give me a hand. Tom hoppa over lunsjen fordi han hadde ikkje nok tid til å ete. Tom went without lunch because he didn't have enough time to eat. Tom skipped the lunch because he didn't have enough time to eat. "Vem pratade du med?" "Min mamma." "Jag visste inte att din mor har en manlig röst." "Who were you talking to?" "My mom." "I didn't know that your mom had a man's voice." "Who did you talk to?" "My mother." "I didn't know your mother has a male voice." Kan man rättfärdiga användandet av våld? Can one justify the use of violence? Can the use of violence be justified? Det var en voldelig forbrytelse. It was a violent crime. It was a violent crime. Tom begynte å knyte opp skoene sine. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom started tying up his shoes. Við verðum að ná markmiði okkar sama hvað það kostar. We must achieve our aim at any price. We must reach our goal no matter what its cost. Pedofili er sannsynlegvis vanlegare enn folk trur. Pedophilia is probably more common than people think. Pedophilia is probably more common than people think. Jeg vil ikke at folk skal hate meg. I don't want people to hate me. I don't want people to hate me. Er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig? Can someone help me? Is there anyone who can help me? Hún hlýtur að vera heimsk að segja svona lagað. She must be stupid to say such a thing. She must be stupid to say something like that. Tom har begynt å spille gitar igjen. Tom has started playing the guitar again. Tom has started playing guitar again. Jeg har mistet fotoapparatet mitt. I lost my camera. I've lost my camera. Er katten ute av huset, danser musene på bordet. When the landlord's away, the tenants will play. Is the cat out of the house, the mice dance on the table. Hon var gjort för det här. She was made for this. She was done for this. Jeg kører aldrig når jeg har drukket. I don't ever drink and drive. I never drive when I've been drinking. Varför ljuger du? Why are you lying? Why are you lying? Problemet ditt ligner på mitt. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. Mange engelske ord stammer fra latin. A lot of English words are derived from Latin. Many English words come from Latin. Vinden blæste stødvist. The wind blew in gusts. The wind was shocking. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge og drikke. I stopped smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Tom spillede Hamlet. Tom played the part of Hamlet. Tom played Hamlet. Visade han dig bilden? Did he show you the picture? Did he show you the picture? Der er fem æbler i kassen. There are five apples in the box. There are five apples in the box. Bli inte arg på mig. Don't get mad at me. Don't get mad at me. De glemte min fødselsdag. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Jag återlämnade den. I gave it back. I returned it. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne trylle. I wish I could use magic. I wish I could spell. Hvor kan jeg tjekke min bagage ind? Where can I check my luggage in? Where can I check my luggage in? Hun taler knap nok til mig længere. She barely speaks to me anymore. She's barely talking to me anymore. Skicka saltet. Pass me the salt. Send the salt. Du har bättre kondition än jag. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better condition than I am. Jeg er et ansvarlig menneske. I'm a responsible person. I'm a responsible person. Hvor mange tænder har et menneske? How many teeth does a human have? How many teeth does a person have? Det finns en fågel här. There is a bird here. There's a bird here. Vi ventede på dig hele dagen. We waited for you all day long. We were waiting for you all day. Jeg tror at det er Tom han hedder. Tom is his name, I think. I think it's Tom's name. Det är något som inte stämmer här. Something isn't right here. There's something wrong here. Husker du at vi har haft en telefon med drejeskive? Do you remember that we had a phone with a rotary dial? Do you remember we had a phone with a spindle? Din cykel er bedre end min. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Har du engelsk-ordbok? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Jeg ser hen til at høre fra dig. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'm looking to hear from you. Kyrkja vi gjekk forbi braut saman fem minutt etterpå på grunn av eit enormt jordskjelv, og fleire enn 100 kyrkjefolk vart gravlagde levande. The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive. The church we passed the course together five minutes afterwards because of a huge earthquake, and more than 100 churchmen were buried alive. Tom kilede kobenets klo ind under sømhovedet og trak sømmet ud. Tom wedged the claw of the crowbar under the nailhead and pulled out the nail. Tom wrapped the cow’s claw under the seamhead and pulled out the seam. Välkommen! Welcome! Welcome! Hva er forskjellen på religion og filosofi? What's the difference between religion and philosophy? What is the difference between religion and philosophy? Kan Tom få en hund? Can Tom get a dog? Can Tom get a dog? Tom lever fra hånden og i munden. Tom lives from hand to mouth. Tom lives from his hand and in his mouth. Det her er kedeligt. It's boring. This is boring. Jeg har en ny mailadresse. I have a new email address. I have a new e-mail address. Hversu margir eru á launaskránni? How many people are there on the payroll? How many people are on the payroll? Är du rädd nu? Are you scared now? Are you scared now? Känner du reglarna? Do you know the rules? Do you know the rules? Jeg svømmer hver dag. I go swimming every day. I swim every day. Jag är inte hungrig längre. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not hungry anymore. Vi ejer en hund og en kat. We own a dog and a cat. We own a dog and a cat. Jeg skrev et svar, men jeg glemte å trykke på send. I wrote a reply, but I forgot to press send. I wrote an answer, but I forgot to press the send. De här kängorna tillhör henne. These boots belong to her. These boots belong to her. Jeg troede ikke at dette ville ske. I didn't think that this would happen. I didn't think this was gonna happen. Tom gråter fortfarande. Tom is still crying. Tom's still crying. Att lyssna på klassisk musik och att studera kompletterar varandra. Listening to classical music and studying complement one another. Listening to classical music and studying complement each other. Mary har købt en falsk Gucci-håndtaske. Mary bought a fake Gucci handbag. Mary bought a fake Gucci case. Luftföroreningar är ett allvarligt globalt problem. Air pollution is a serious global problem. Air pollution is a serious global problem. Jag höll mig för mig själv. I kept to myself. I kept to myself. Ta av deg sokkene. Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks. Alla dessa böcker är mina. All of these books are mine. All these books are mine. Skjaldbøkur eru skriðdýr. Turtles are reptiles. The turtles are reptiles. Älskar du mig inte längre? Aren't you in love with me anymore? You don't love me anymore? Vi har en aftale. We have an agreement. We have a deal. I skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't you feel sorry for me. Ingen bryr sig om vad du tycker. Nobody cares what you think. Nobody cares what you think. Takk for den gode samtale. Thanks for the good conversation. Thank you for the good conversation. Hur länge sedan är det? How long's it been? How long has it been? Jeg holdt pusten i spenning. I held my breath in excitement. I kept my breath in a hurry. Jeg siger dette ud fra egen erfaring. I say this from my own experience. I say this on the basis of my own experience. Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching TV. Tom's watching television. Det är bara en dröm. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Det är våra order. Those are our orders. That's our orders. Jeg forklarede ham det. I explained it to him. I explained it to him. Det kommer inte att ske. That's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Det avhenger av kontekst. That depends on the context. It depends on context. Jeg læser så få bøger som muligt. I read as few books as possible. I read as few books as possible. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important. It's not important! Ham har vi som nabo. He lives next door to us. We have him as a neighbor. Jeg betaler gjerne kontant. I would like to pay with cash. I would like to pay in cash. Jag är skyldig honom 100 yen. I owe him 100 yen. I owe him 100 yen. Tom har fortalt mig at han ingen problemer har med det. Tom told me that he doesn't have a problem with that. Tom told me he has no problem with it. Toms pung var tom. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's wallet was empty. Det er noen i dette rommet. There is someone in this room. There's someone in this room. Geislunin lak úr kjarnorkuverinu. The radioactivity leaked out of the nuclear power plant. The radiation leaked from the nuclear plant. Jag hittade en lösning, men jag hittade den så fort att det inte kan vara den rätta. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. I found a solution, but I found it so fast it can't be the right one. Jag är medveten om dina problem. I'm aware of your problems. I'm aware of your problems. Min mor har kørekort, men hun kører ikke bil. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive a car. My mom's got a driver's license, but she's not driving a car. Til sammenligning kan lava fra vulkanudbrud være alt mellem 700 °C og 1.200 °C. For comparison, lava from volcano eruptions can be anywhere between 700 and 1,200°C. In comparison, lava from volcanic eruptions can range from 700 °C to 1,200 °C. Jag kunde inte tygla mig. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't chew. Ge henne det här brevet när hon kommer. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her this letter when she gets here. Ég mun lána þér hverja þá bók sem þú þarft. I will lend you whatever book you need. I'll lend you any book you need. Denne appelsin er velsmagende. This orange is delicious. This orange is tasty. Är du ombord? Are you on board? Are you aboard? Hver dag føler jeg meg bedre og bedre. Every day I feel better and better. Every day I feel better and better. Ett år består av tolv månader. One year has twelve months. One year consists of 12 months. Han kan inte simma. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Hvis jeg var en rig mand, ville jeg købe dig en diamantring. If I were a rich man, I would buy you a diamond ring. If I were a rich man, I'd buy you a diamond ring. Ordet "Entbindung" "fødsel" er tvetydig, det kan også bety "død". The word "Entbindung", meaning "birth", is ambiguous; it can also mean "death". The word "Entbindung" "birth" is ambiguous, it can also mean "death". Tro er vished uden beviser. Faith is certainty without evidence. Faith is wisdom without proof. Tyvärr dog hon ung. Alas, she died young. Unfortunately, she died young. Hende som skal vikariere for dig, er allerede blevet udvalgt. Your substitute has already been picked out. The one who's going to temporaryize for you has already been selected. Jag blev avskedad. I was fired. I was fired. Jag kan inte fatta att Tom kan teckenspråk. I can't believe Tom knows sign language. I can't believe Tom can sign language. Det tror jeg ikke. I don't believe this. I don't think so. Tænd lanternen, så vi kan se. Light the lantern so we can see. Turn the lantern on so we can see. Du har ett stort hål i strumpan. There is a big hole in your stocking. You've got a big hole in the sock. Vi klagar alltid. We're always complaining. We always complain. Har du nogensinde været til opera? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to opera? Vi är nästan färdiga. We're almost finished. We're almost done. Ikke bekymre deg for fortiden. Don't worry about the past. Don't worry about the past. Det er ikke umuligt. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. Jag klandrar dig inte. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Det har aldrig snöat på ön. It has never snowed on the island. It's never snowed on the island. Kan ni låsa dörren är ni snälla? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door, please? Jag ska göra det för dig. I'll do it for you. I'll do it for you. Det var så länge sedan. It's been so long. It's been so long. Bland dig udenom. Mind your own business. Stay out of it. Jeg laver te. I'm making tea. I'm making tea. De har ingen annanstans att gå. They have nowhere else to go. They don't have anywhere else to go. Jeg har det meget bedre. I'm feeling much better. I feel a lot better. Tom sov på en oppustelig madras. Tom slept on an inflatable mattress. Tom slept on an inflatable mattress. OK, hør efter! OK, listen up. All right, listen up! New York er størsti býurin i heimin. New York is the biggest city in the world. New York City is the world's largest beers. Lad Tom tale færdig! Let Tom finish his sentence. Let Tom finish! Jeg husker at hun hadde på seg en grønn hatt. I remember that she wore a green hat. I remember she was wearing a green hat. Jag går hem. I'm going home. I'm going home. Vi slår mynt om det. Let's decide by coin toss. We're going to flip it. Það er hvergi nokkur öruggur staður lengur í Japan. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There is no safe place in Japan anymore. Hvorfor snakker du om ham som om han var en gammel mann? Why do you talk about him as if he were an old man? Why are you talking about him like he was an old man? Byen er fyldt med turister. The town is packed with tourists. The city is filled with tourists. Väggarna i det gamla huset var inte raka. The walls in the old house were not straight. The walls of the old house were not straight. I har begge to ret. Both of you are right. You're both right. I går købte jeg en rød bil. Yesterday, I bought a red car. Yesterday, I bought a red car. Tom var overrasket over, at Mary stadig var oppe. Tom was surprised that Mary was still up. Tom was surprised that Mary was still up. Min mor kjøpte to flasker appelsinjuice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Ekki lesa svona bók. Don't read such a book as this. Don't read a book like that. Vektorer trenger ikke å svare til en fysisk størrelse; hva som helst kan være et vektorrom så lenge vektoraddisjon og skalarmultiplikasjon er definert. Vectors need not correspond to a physical quantity; anything can be a vector space as long as vector addition and scalar multiplication is defined. Vectors do not have to correspond to a physical size; anything may be a vector space as long as vector addition and scaling multiplication are defined. Geturðu gert það á einum degi. Can you do it in one day? You can do it in one day. Det var så tråkigt att jag nästan gäspade. It was so boring that I almost yawned. I'm so sorry I almost guessed. Jeg spiller fiolin. I play the violin. I play violin. Det är inte så illa. It's not so bad. It's not that bad. Mange mennesker har en drøm. Many people have a dream. Many people have a dream. Lægen undersøger ham lige nu. The doctor is examining him right now. The doctor's investigating him right now. Nú þegar þú ert kominn í háskóla ættirðu að vita betur. Now that you are a college student, you should know better. Now that you're in college, you should know better. De tog i biografen i går aftes. They went to the movies last night. They went to the cinema last night. Se, en agave! Look, an agave! Look, an agave! Du är gammal nog att förstå. You're old enough to understand. You're old enough to understand. Är du fortfarande hungrig? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Tog du med frallor? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring the chips? Vi älskar dig så mycket. We love you so much. We love you so much. Mor har nettopp gått for å handle. Mother has just gone shopping. Mom's just gone to shop. Det var hans beslut. It was his decision. It was his decision. Jeg hjalp ham med at krydse gaden. I helped him cross the street. I helped him cross the street. Han hadde så vidt faren heimantil då regnet byrja. He had hardly left home when it began to rain. He had so far the father at home when the rain began. Jeg har aldri vært der før. I've never been there before. I've never been there before. Det var riktigt roligt. It was really funny. That was really funny. Hun løj overfor mig. She lied to me. She lied to me. Hur länge har de varit här? How long have they been here? How long have they been here? Forbrydere bør straffes. Criminals should be punished. Criminals should be punished. Mary är intresserad av politik. Mary is interested in politics. Mary is interested in politics. Vad står på dagordningen? What's on the agenda? What's on the agenda? Tom och Mary sa till John att han inte behövde vänta på dem. Tom and Mary told John that he didn't have to wait for them. Tom and Mary told John he didn't have to wait for them. Ni har för mycket att göra. You have too much to do. You have too much to do. La oss stoppe her og fortsette i morgen. Let's quit here and continue tomorrow. Let's stop here and keep going tomorrow. Tom og Mary mundhugges. Tom and Mary are bickering with each other. Tom and Mary were mouth-cuffed. Ge Tom lite utrymme. Give Tom some room. Give Tom some space. Røyking er ikke tillatt her. Fôr kreften din utenfor! Smoking is not allowed here. Please feed your cancer outside! Smoking is not allowed here. Feed your cancer outside! Der var så mange mennesker. There were so many people. There were so many people. Tunglið var yfir sjóndeildarhringnum. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was over the horizon. Idag är det den internationella dagen mot korruption. Today is the international anti-corruption day. Today is the international day against corruption. Jeg vurderer å dra til Tyskland for å studere medisin. I'm thinking of going to Germany to study medicine. I consider going to Germany to study medicine. Ég er frá Egyptalandi. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. Finns vi? Do we exist? Is there? Dette er ikke sukker. This isn't sugar. This isn't sugar. Stolen din er identisk til min. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is identical to mine. Tom har bett mig gifta mig med honom. Tom has asked me to marry him. Tom has asked me to marry him. Tom är inte jude. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom's not Jewish. Jeg er fremdeles i sjokk. I'm still in shock. I'm still in shock. Tom er sandsynligvis bare et eller to år yngre end Mary. Tom is probably just a year or two younger than Mary. Tom is probably just one or two years younger than Mary. Äpplena är inte plockmogna än. The apples are not ready to pick yet. The apples aren't pick-up yet. Tsúbasa lestin er mjög hraðskreið. The Tsubasa is a very fast train. The Tsubas train is very fast. Tom har aldrig klippet et får. Tom has never sheared a sheep. Tom never cut a sheep. Jeg elsker Tom. I love Tom. I love Tom. Han kommer alltid att älska henne. He will always love her. He'll always love her. Nýi enskukennarinn okkar er nýbúinn með háskólann. Our new English teacher is fresh from college. Our new English teacher is just finished with the university. Tom säger att det här inte kan vara rättvist. Tom says this can't be fair. Tom says this can't be fair. Jag blöder om knät. My knee is bleeding. I'm bleeding around my knee. Tom og Mary har en lille gård. Tom and Mary have a small farm. Tom and Mary have a little farm. Jag lärde mig att skriva i skolan. I learned to write in school. I learned to write at school. Hur smakar den här soppan? How does this soup taste? How does this soup taste? Jag kan inte läsa arabisk skrift. I can't read Arabic script. I can't read Arabic writing. Har du lyst øl? Do you have any light beer? You want some beer? Vad hemskt. That's awful. That's terrible. Hun er en blond pige. She's a blonde girl. She's a blonde girl. Hur vet du det? How can you know that? How do you know that? Jag behöver en cigarett. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. Det där är okej. That's fine. That's okay. Kärlek och hosta kan inte döljas. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Tom synes ikke at filmen er interessant. Tom didn't think that movie was interesting. Tom doesn't think the movie's interesting. Jeg skylder dig ti dollar. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten bucks. Min flickvän är helt tokig i Forever 21, men det är åtminstone billigt. My girlfriend is crazy over Forever 21, but at least it's cheap. My girlfriend is crazy about Forever 21, but at least it's cheap. De forente stater grenser til Canada. The United States borders Canada. United States borders with Canada. Dei seier at Tom ikkje kjem til å gjera det. They say that Tom won't do that. They say Tom won't do it. Vi lod fuglen flyve. We let the bird fly. We let the bird fly. Hvordan kommuniserer de? How do they communicate? How do they communicate? Það mun ekki taka nema sekúndu. It'll just take a second. It won't take more than a second. Dette er din eneste chance. This is your only chance. This is your only chance. Katten er meget nuttet. The cat is very cute. The cat is very cute. Hon steg på bussen och tog plats långt fram. She got on a bus and took a seat in the front. She stepped on the bus and took place far ahead. Hur många länder finns det i Afrika? How many countries are there in Africa? How many countries are there in Africa? Vilket skepp var du på? What ship were you on? What ship were you on? Børn kastede sten efter ham. Children threw stones at him. Children threw stones at him. Alla fick panik. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Vill du se ett magitrick? Want to see a magic trick? You want to see a magic trick? Jag bad honom att koka lite té. I asked him to warm up some tea. I asked him to cook some tea. Hvem forrådte os? Who betrayed us? Who betrayed us? Þú mátt ekki reiða þig um of á útlit. You must not rely too much on appearance. You can't lean on too much looks. Hann er vinur hennar. He's her friend. He's her friend. Flere emojis bruges i vid udstrækning under COVID-19-pandemien: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. Several emojis are being widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: 🦠🌡🧼🤧😷🤒🤧🤮. More emojis are widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mor har lavet frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made us lunch. Vad snubblade jag på? What did I trip over? What was I tripping on? Jeg har aldri sagt det til deg. I never said that to you. I've never told you. Jag läste en bok. I read a book. I read a book. Han sagde, at han er pessimistisk. He said he's pessimistic. He said he's a pessimist. Hun var min kollega før de sa henne opp. She was my colleague before they fired her. She was my colleague before they gave her up. Mekaniska apparater är pålitligare än elektroniska. Mechanical devices are more reliable than electronic ones. Mechanical devices are more reliable than electronics. Hvor er du? Where are you? Where are you? Jeg tror at hun er fra Tyskland. I think that she is from Germany. I think she's from Germany. Vi håller kontakt. We'll keep in touch. We'll keep in touch. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad dette betyder. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what this means. I medicinsk forskning är ett av de största problemen att ta reda på orsaken till sjukdomen. In medical research, one of the first problems is to isolate the cause of the disease. In medical research, one of the biggest problems is finding out the cause of the disease. Mitt hus är hemsökt. My house is haunted. My house is haunted. Það er áhugavert að vingast við útlending. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It's interesting to make friends with a foreigner. Tom blir tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom will be thirty in March. I dag skal jeg besøke graven til farfaren min. Today I'm going to visit my grandfather's grave. Today I'm going to visit my grandfather's grave. Hur mår du? How're you feeling? How are you? Tom ritar på ett skissblock. Tom is drawing on a sketchpad. Tom's drawing on a sketch block. Vognen stod i skuret. The cart was in the shed. The wagon was in the shed. Jeg ønsker å lære sannheten om sønnens død. I want to know the truth about my son's death. I want to learn the truth about the son's death. Jeg er straks tilbake. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Vad vill du då? What do you want then? What do you want? Man kan ikke adskille sprog og kultur. You can't separate language from culture. You can't separate language and culture. Jeg viste ham vejen. I showed him the way. I showed him the way. Hon kände sig omtumlad. She felt dazed. She felt confused. Kom nu, Tom! Come on, Tom. Come on, Tom! De må være bekymrede. They must be worried. They must be worried. Tom har en bil. Tom has a car. Tom has a car. Tom bestämde sig för att läsa juridik. Tom decided to study law. Tom decided to read law. Har din mor gjort de där? Did your mother make those? Did your mother do these? Det nuvarande lösenordet är ”eosdigital”. The present password is "eosdigital". The current password is “eosdigital”. Tom verkade vilse. Tom seemed lost. Tom seemed lost. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the cafe. She met him in the café. De tvang mig til at lyve. They forced me to lie. They made me lie. Da følte den sig ganske undseelig og stak hovedet om bag vingerne, den vidste ikke selv hvad! Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do. Then it felt astounded and put its head behind its wings, and it didn't know what! Forsigtig! Caution. Careful! Han har en hund og seks katte. He has a dog and six cats. He has a dog and six cats. Den här boken tillhör mig. This book belongs to me. This book belongs to me. Jeg synes du skulle give Tom en chance. I think you should cut Tom some slack. I think you should give Tom a chance. Det stör mig mycket. It bothers me a lot. It bothers me a lot. Jeg har aldrig set så mange flotte mænd på ét sted. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many beautiful men in one place. Møtet er i morgen. The meeting is tomorrow. The meeting's tomorrow. Hennes frågor visar att hon är väl insatt i ämnet. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she is well aware of the subject. Jeg hørte det i radioen. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tryggingin fyrir fiðluna hans er tvö hundruð dollarar á ári. The insurance on his violin costs $200 a year. The insurance for his violin is two hundred dollars a year. Vil Algeriet udvikle sig til et velkonsolideret demokrati? Will Algeria become a consolidated democracy? Will Algeria develop into a well-consolidated democracy? Gid jeg var anderledes! I wish I were different. I wish I were different! Jeg tror ​​vi kan have et problem. I think we may have a problem. I think we might have a problem. Ég vil fara í bað. I want to take a bath. I want to take a bath. Tom fortalte os at Marys tilstand ikke var ændret. Tom told us Mary's condition hadn't changed. Tom told us Mary's condition had not changed. Alle landsbyer i Kabylien har en moské. Every village in Kabylie has a mosque. Every village in Kabylia has a mosque. Hon tycker om sagor. She likes fairy tales. She likes fairy tales. Jag håller inte med, det är inte rasistiskt att använda ordet ”ras”. I disagree. It's not racist to use the word "race." I do not agree, it is not racist to use the word ‘racial’. Jeg går selv med designertøj. I wear designer clothes myself. I'll wear my own designer clothes. Är det vad du ville säga? Is that what you wanted to say? Is that what you wanted to say? Det finns mat på bordet. There's food on the table. There's food on the table. Jag hoppas att vi ses igen snart. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope I see you again soon. Hon är gift med en utlänning. She's married to a foreigner. She's married to a foreigner. Giv disse børn tre stykker hver. Give these children three pieces each. Give these children three each. Min kæreste er algerier. My girlfriend is Algerian. My girlfriend is Algerian. Jag gillar inte att titta på tv. I don't like watching TV. I don't like watching TV. Hun prøvde å ta selvmord. She tried to commit suicide. She tried to kill herself. Jag älskar den affären. I love that store. I love that deal. Ég viðurkenni mistökin mín. I admit my mistake. I admit my mistake. Kyoto är känt för sina helgedomar och tempel. Kyoto is famous for its shrines and temples. Kyoto is known for its shrines and temples. Han tegnede et æble. He drew an apple. He drew an apple. Er det vigtigt? Is it important? Is that important? Græder du? Are you crying? Are you crying? Tom og hans kone bor hver for seg. Tom and his wife live separately. Tom and his wife live separately. Han elskede hende, og hun elskede også ham. He loved her, and she loved him, too. He loved her, and she also loved him. Til að taka smá frí frá rauðu kjöti, eldaði ég kalkúnabringur í sveppasósu í kvöldmatinn í kvöld. For a bit of a change from red meat, for tonight I've cooked turkey breasts in mushroom sauce. To take a little time off of red meat, I cooked turkey bread in a mushroom sauce tonight. Hva er det du prøver på? What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Men det är ju absurt. But that's absurd. But it's absurd. Jeg kan ikke huske å ha sett en av disse før. I don't remember ever seeing one of these before. I don't remember seeing one of these before. Mín kona doyði ikki. My wife didn't die. My wife didn't die. De kunne ikke reise fordi det hadde støtt til et problem. They couldn't travel because a problem occurred. They could not travel because it had encountered a problem. Jag gav den tillbaka. I gave it back. I gave it back. Nu behövs inte bara ord, utan också handling. Not words but action is needed now. Now, not just words are needed, but action is also needed. Hvad er der galt med dig? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Hann fer aldrei út eftir myrkur. He never goes out after dark. He's never going out after dark. Den här medicinen kommer att bota din förkylning. This medicine will cure your cold. This medicine will cure your cold. Kan jeg få et glas vand, tak? Can I have a glass of water, please? Can I have a glass of water, please? Det var en ny bok. It was a new book. It was a new book. Hun er en neger. She's a ghost writer. She's a nigger. Vi får nya. We'll get new ones. We'll get new ones. Hún ráðlagði honum hvar hann ætti að gista. She advised him where he should stay. She advised him where to stay. Layla luftede hver dag sine hunde. Layla walked her dogs every day. Layla vented her dogs every day. Jag skrattade. I laughed. I was laughing. Dags att stiga upp. Time to get up. Time to get up. Tom är sträng. Tom's strict. Tom's strict. Der står ingenting på dette papir. There's nothing written on this piece of paper. There's nothing on this paper. Jeg tror han siger sandheden. I think he's telling the truth. I think he's telling the truth. En liten vinst är bättre än en stor förlust. A small gain is better than a great loss. A small profit is better than a large loss. Sätt dig ned bara, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Ég er að vera þolinmóður. I'm being patient. I'm being patient. Det kommer att ta ett tag. It's going to take a while. It'll take a while. Tom og Mary talte sammen over telefonen hver dag. Tom and Mary talked on the phone every day. Tom and Mary talked on the phone every day. Jag tycker att vi borde separara. I think we should separate. I think we should separate. Korte nederdele er allerede blevet umoderne. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts have already become out of date. Det sner. It's snowing. It's snowing. Det har varit en tung dag. I had a hard day. It's been a heavy day. Äger du ett handeldvapen? Do you own a handgun? Do you own a gun? De fleste datamaskiner i dag er basert på von Neumann-arkitekturen. Most computers these days are based on the von Neumann architecture. Most computers today are based on von Neumann architecture. Að kyssa reykingarmann er eins og að sleikja öskubakka. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. En förbipasserande bil körde i en vattenpöl och stänkte ned hela mig. A passing car hit a puddle and splashed water all over me. A passer-by car ran in a pool of water and splashed all over me. Ég hef svo mikið að gera að ég verð að fresta ferðinni minni. I have so much work to do that I have to put off my trip. I have so much to do that I have to delay my journey. Killen hade en pistol. The guy had a gun. The guy had a gun. Það er engin fyrirhöfn. Í alvörunni. It's no trouble. Really. There's no trouble, really. Jeg hjelper noen ganger mine foreldre i butikken etter skolen. I sometimes help my parents in the shop after school. I sometimes help my parents at the store after school. Hun gik en tur i går. She went for a walk yesterday. She went for a walk yesterday. Det er en dejlig dag. It's a nice day. It's a nice day. Der er ingen trafikpropper. There's no traffic jam. There's no traffic jams. Stop! Der er en hjort på vejen. Stop! There's a deer on the road. There's a deer on the road. Jeg er ikke ekspert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Du har gode ideer. You have good ideas. You have good ideas. Jag höll på att titta på tv när telefonen ringde. I was watching TV when the telephone rang. I was watching TV when the phone called. Har du kondom? Do you have any condoms? Do you have a condom? Tystare! Quieter! Quiet! Vinden lyder skræmmende, ligesom skrigende spøgelser. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. Brödet är hårt som sten. The bread is as hard as a rock. The bread is hard like stone. Hämta vin. Bring wine. Get some wine. Hversu gömul er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Jeg har ikke lyst til at arbejde der mere. I don't want to work there anymore. I don't want to work there anymore. På dage med fint vejr tager min bedstefar en spadseretur. My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days. In days of fine weather, my grandfather takes a stroll. Algeriet er Afrikas største land. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Selv jeg forstår ikke. Even I don't understand. Even I don't understand. Det här är för svårt. This is too hard. This is too hard. Kan jeg si deg noe? Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Det er galt å lyge. It is wrong to tell lies. It's wrong to lie. Vil du virkelig risikere det? Do you really want to risk that? Do you really want to risk it? Du har en sønn, ikke sant? You have a son, don't you? You have a son, right? Hvem ødelagte denne? Who broke this? Who destroyed this? Vi tilbragte tre timer under åben himmel. We spent three hours in the open air. We spent three hours in the open sky. Det tog ham tre måneder at lære at cykle. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn how to ride. Det är ditt val, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. Þau eru að bora holu. They are boring a hole. They're drilling a hole. Þú syngur fallegt lag. You sing a beautiful song. You sing a beautiful song. Min far døde før jeg blev født. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Børn elsker at lege med legoklodser. Children love playing with Lego. Children love to play with mercenaries. De er evakuert til et amerikansk feltsykehus. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They're evacuated to an American field hospital. Jeg hader mine øjenbryn. I hate my eyebrows. I hate my eyebrows. Hennes tal tråkade ut mig. Her speech bored me. Her speech kicked me out. Hun er ikke hjemme nu. She's not at home now. She's not home now. Min bror hjälper mig med läxorna ibland. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. My brother helps me with the homework sometimes. Það er of dýrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Gid jeg var rig! I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich! Han er for gammel til mig. He's too old for me. He's too old for me. Det finns en park i centrum. There is a park in the middle of the city. There's a park in the city center. Den här staden är vacker året runt. This town is pretty year-round. This city is beautiful all year round. Kan jeg få et glass vann? A glass of water, please. Can I have a glass of water? Blæs lysene ud! Blow out the candles. Blow the lights out! Må jeg låne din blyant? Can I borrow your pencil? Can I borrow your pencil? Jeg har taget meget på siden jul. I've put on a lot of weight since Christmas. I've been up a lot since Christmas. Du har nog rätt. You're probably right. I think you're right. Jeg er ikke ferdig med å vanne blomstene. I've finished watering the flowers. I'm not done watering the flowers. Det här är en bra plats. This is a good spot. This is a good place. Jag har ett hjärta. I have a heart. I have a heart. Børn nyder at lave en vandplasker, når de kommer ned af en vandrutsjebane. Children enjoying making a splash in water as they come off a waterslide. Children enjoy making a pot of water when they come down from a water slide. Älskling, är du okej? Honey, are you OK? Honey, are you okay? Du hadde ingen grunn til å gjøre det der. You had no reason to do that. You had no reason to do it there. Jeg kan ikke skjule mig for evigt. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. Det var en fuktig, grå sommardag i slutet av juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Det är en del av mitt arbete. That's part of my job. It's part of my work. Ungt fólk lagar sig að hlutum hraðar en það eldra. Youth adapt to things more quickly than the elderly. Young people adapt to things faster than they are older. Eg tenkte eg ville komme innom og ønskje deg lukke til. I thought I'd stop by and wish you luck. I thought I'd come by and I'd like you to close up. En infraröd stråle består av elektromagnetisk strålning. An infrared ray is electromagnetic radiation. An infrared beam consists of electromagnetic radiation. Han var så upptagen att han skickade sin son istället för att gå själv. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy, he sent his son instead of walking on his own. Jeg vil gerne have at du læser dette engelske brev. I want you to read this English letter. I want you to read this English letter. Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. Donna ble født med sølvskje i munnen. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Donna was born with silver spoon in her mouth. Tom vill ha en. Tom wants one. Tom wants one. Glem ikke din billet! Don't forget your ticket! Don't forget your ticket! Sa någon någonting? Did anyone say anything? Did anyone say anything? Jag börjar känna mig trött. I'm starting to feel tired. I'm starting to feel tired. Den här är ren. This one is clean. This one's clean. Den kortklipte plenen er vakker sett med øynene til et folk med en nedarvet tendens til å finne glede ved tanken på et velholdt beitelandskap. The close-cropped lawn is beautiful in the eyes of a people whose inherited bent it is to readily find pleasure in contemplating a well-preserved pasture or grazing land. The short clipped lawn is beautiful seen with the eyes of a people with a inherited tendency to find joy at the thought of a well-maintained pasture landscape. Vi klär julgranen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. We dress the Christmas tree. Hun har bolle i ovnen. She is pregnant. She's got balls in the oven. Hver sagði Tom það? Who told Tom that? Who told Tom? Jeg liker røde frukter veldig godt. I like red fruits a lot. I like red fruit very well. Líttu á þennan. Look at that one. Look at this one. Grekiska är inget lätt språk. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Tom är knubbig. Tom is chubby. Tom's crazy. Rygtet fortæller at du fik jobbet. The word is that you got the job. Rumor says you got the job. Ég er ekki alltaf heima á sunnudögum. I'm not always at home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Varför gick du inte först? Why didn't you go first? Why didn't you go first? Tom rødmede som en skolepige. Tom blushed like a schoolgirl. Tom blubbered like a schoolgirl. Vis mig hvordan man gør det. Show me how to do it. Show me how to do it. Der er nogle ting som jeg ikke forstår. There are some things that I don't understand. There are some things I don't understand. Tom har tre morbröder. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Jag såg meddelandet. I saw the message. I saw the message. Hon räknar fort. She counts fast. She's counting fast. Er det et nylig tatt bilde? Is it a recent picture? Is it a recently taken picture? Eg veit. I know. I know. Diktatoren havde alle sine hjælperes fuldstændige loyalitet. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides. The dictator had the full loyalty of all his helpers. Jeg har ikke nogen børn endnu. I don't have any children yet. I don't have any kids yet. Jag är inte alls romantisk. I am not romantic at all. I'm not romantic at all. Här är en restaurang som jag ofta äter på. Here's a restaurant I often eat at. Here's a restaurant that I often eat at. Tom var en fiasko som far. Tom is a failure as a father. Tom was a failure as a father. Bill er besti vinur minn. Bill is my best friend. Bill's my best friend. Jag är ansvarig för hans beteende. I am responsible for his conduct. I'm responsible for his behavior. Hvorfor opfandt man pengene? Why was money invented? Why did you invent the money? Du er frustrert over jobben din. You're frustrated about your job. You're frustrated by your job. Vi snakket om en artikkel jeg hadde publisert. We spoke about an article that I had published. We talked about an article I had published. Kyoto er berømt for sine gamle templer. Kyoto is famous for its old temples. Kyoto is famous for its old temples. Kan du tala högre? Can you speak up? Can you speak louder? Tom burde aldri ha fått sparken. Tom should never have been fired. Tom should never have been kicked. Det var hans tystnad som gjorde henne arg. It was his silence that made her angry. It was his silence that made her angry. Det regnet uten stans hele dagen. It rained continuously all day. It rains without a stop all day. Min framtid ligger i era händer. My future is in your hands. My future lies in your hands. Somliga smackar när de äter. Some people talk while they eat. Some sandwiches when they eat. Det var hårdt som sten. It was as hard as rock. It was hard like stone. Jeg bliver hjulpet. I'm being helped. I'm getting help. Torsdag morgen er herlig for oss alle. Thursday morning is great for all of us. Thursday morning is lovely for all of us. Det er let for mig at løse problemet. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It's easy for me to solve the problem. Kan hun cykle? Can she cycle? Can she ride? Hvad er din naturlige hårfarve? What is your natural hair color? What is your natural hair color? Hun ville hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Bränt barn skyr elden. A burnt child dreads the fire. Burned children shoot the fire. Han har en ketsjer. He has a racket. He's got a cracker. Der ligger hunden begravet! That's the problem. There's the dog buried! Gör det i morgon. Do it tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Jag var inte tvungen att åka. I didn't have to go. I didn't have to go. Kom och ta en titt. Come and take a look. Come and take a look. Slösa inte bort din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Neymar er brasiliansk. Neymar is Brazilian. Neymar is Brazilian. Jag är ingen läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Min morfar hör lite dåligt. My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. My grandfather hears a little bad. Tom kunne ikkje symje. Tom wasn't able to swim. Tom could not hide. Gör det väldigt ont? Does it hurt much? Does it hurt very much? Det franske flagget er blått, hvitt og rødt. The French flag is blue, white and red. The French flag is blue, white and red. Han har en blid natur. He has a mild nature. He has a gentle nature. Alla ska gå. Everyone's going. Everybody's going. Om du talar om ditt namn för mig, talar jag om mitt för dig. If you tell me your name, I can tell you mine. If you're talking about your name to me, I'm talking about mine for you. Bill hringdi í mig í gærnótt. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. Det er dig der er ekspert. You are the expert. You're the expert. Du bør spørre ham på forhånd hvor mye det vil koste. You had better ask him in advance how much it will cost. You should ask him in advance how much it will cost. Jeg har bestilt et halvt dusin kemibøger fra New York. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I ordered half a dozen chemical books from New York. Kan du slå lidt af på prisen? Could you knock a little off the price? Can you turn off the price? Hvis du gjør det kommer folk til å tro at du er dum. People might think you're stupid if you do that. If you do, people will think you're stupid. Det er pen utsikt herfra. It is a nice view from here. That's a nice view from here. Han er min biologiske far. He's my biological father. He's my biological father. Hvad taler du om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I alfabetet kommer B efter A. In the alphabet, B comes after A. In the alphabet B comes after A. Äntligen! Finally! Finally! Det går faktiskt att säga precis samma sak på svenska. It is actually possible to say exactly the same thing in Swedish. You can actually say the same thing in Swedish. Ta en kaka. Have a cookie. Take a cake. De har ikke alle fakta. You don't have all the facts. They don't have all the facts. Det var en computerfejl. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. Jag gick inte och la mig. I didn't go to sleep. I didn't go to bed. Tom plöjde sig fram genom folkmassan. Tom plowed his way through the crowd. Tom plowed his way through the crowd. klimaendring gjør at havnivået stiger. Climate change causes sea levels to rise. Climate change increases the sea level. Tom kommer att vara här. Tom will be there. Tom will be here. Katten sover på stolen. The cat is sleeping on the chair. The cat sleeps on the chair. Babyen sover. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Han ved hvordan man får kvinder til at græde. He knows how to make women cry. He knows how to make women cry. Jeg var ret afslappet. I was pretty relaxed. I was pretty relaxed. Han savner familien sin. He misses his family. He misses his family. Hvorfor har du købt den her cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Den stackars mannen blev äntligen en känd artist. The poor man finally became a great artist. The poor man finally became a famous artist. Der må være en løsning på problemet. There must be some solution to the problem. There must be a solution to the problem. Det regnet i timesvis. It rained for hours and hours. It's calculated for hours. Tom är skadad. Tom has been hurt. Tom's hurt. Bliv hvor du er. Jeg tilkalder en ambulance. Stay put. I'm calling an ambulance. Stay where you are, I'll call an ambulance. Jeg behøvede ikke at vide noget som helst andet. I didn't need to know anything else. I didn't have to know anything else. Fadil träffade Layla på en buss. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Tom vil gerne være simultantolk. Tom wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. Tom wants to be a Simultan interpreter. Tom kom hjem kl. 2:30. Tom arrived home at 2:30. Tom came home at 2:30. Jeg vokste opp på landet. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Ég heyri tónlist. I hear music. I hear music. I har tre ordbøger. You have three dictionaries. You have three dictionaries. Du kan inte följa med oss. You can't go with us. You can't go with us. At bruge tid sammen med sin familie bør have første prioritet. Spending time with your family should be your priority. To spend time with your family should be the first priority. Tom býr nær við sína skrivstovu. Tom lives near his office. Tom lives closer to his writing assistant. Jag jobbar natt. I work nights. I'm working the night. Marjane fangede katten. Marjane caught the cat. Marjane caught the cat. Tal venligst så klart som muligt. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak as clearly as possible. Rør ikke knappen. Don't touch the button. Don't touch the button. Har du provat det här? Have you tried this? Have you tried this? Eg er sikker på at eg låste døra. I'm sure I locked the door. I'm sure I locked the door. Savner du mig? Do you miss me? Do you miss me? Dom talade inte. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Tom var der ikke i går. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Krakkarnir eru að gera mig vitlausan. The kids are driving me crazy. The kids are driving me crazy. Vi befinder os i en blindgyde. We're in a blind alley. We're in a dead end. Vems glas är det här? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is this? Hún ráðlagði honum hvað hann ætti að gera. She advised him about what to do. She advised him what to do. Et år har tolv måneder. A year has twelve months. A year has 12 months. Jeg tror det må være sket netop på den måde som Tom siger det gjorde. I think it must've happened just the way Tom said it did. I think it must have happened just the way Tom says it did. Sluta prata med mig. Stop talking to me. Stop talking to me. Vår lärare är en uppriktig person, så jag ser upp till honom. Our teacher is a sincere person, so I look up to him. Our teacher is a sincere person, so I look up to him. Han tog sitt liv genom att hoppa ner från en bro. He ended his life by jumping off a bridge. He took his life by jumping down from a bridge. John stóð alltaf hjá mér þegar ég var í vanda. John used to stand by me whenever I was in trouble. John always stood by me when I was in trouble. Vi begyndte arbejdet i april. We began the work in April. We started work in April. Hvor er toilettet? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Jag står inte ut med det här oljudet längre. I can not bear this noise any more. I can't stand this noise anymore. Han er ingen superhelt. He is not some superhero. He's not a superhero. Vem som än använder den här tandborsten är inte min mor. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother. Mars har to måner. Mars has two moons. Mars has two moons. Och vad sa de till mig? And what did they tell me? And what did they tell me? Søg, og du vil finde. Seek, and you will find. Search and you'll find. Tom kör aldrig för fort. Tom never drives above the speed limit. Tom never runs too fast. Hon är tystlåten. She is quiet. She's quiet. I den store have stod æbletræerne i blomst, og de duftende sirener bøjede deres lange grønne grene ned imod de bugtede kanaler. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. In the large garden the apple trees were in flower, and the fragrant sirens bent their long green branches down against the bayed canals. Tom verkade trevlig. Tom seemed nice. Tom seemed nice. Layla ville gerne have Samis penge men ikke ham. Layla wanted Sami's money but not him. Layla wanted Sami's money, but not him. Hann fann mér leigubíl. He found me a taxi. He found me a cab. Eg har noko viktig å snakke med deg om. I've got something important to discuss with you. I have something important to talk to you about. Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these conditions. I do not think they accept these conditions. Ég er sein, ekki satt? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Algeriet skal bekæmpe korruption. Algeria needs to fight corruption. Algeria must fight corruption. Hon skulle ha gjort det redan. She would have done it already. She should have done it already. Jag hämtar lite is. I'll get some ice. I'll get you some ice. Hun er min muse. She is my muse. She's my museum. Är dina ögon öppna? Are your eyes open? Are your eyes open? Uden min regnfrakke ville jeg være blevet gennemblødt. Had it not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin. Without my rain coat, I would have been soaked. Er det derfor Tom ønskede at tale med dig? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you? Vad är det i kaffet? What's in the coffee? What's in the coffee? Hun kunne synge pent da hun var et barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She could sing nicely when she was a child. Det jeg skal til å fortelle deg, er helt uoffisielt. What I'm about to tell you is strictly off the record. What I'm about to tell you is completely unofficial. Tom är annorlunda nu. Tom is different now. Tom's different now. Hún er hörmuleg að elda. She is an appalling cook. She's a terrible cook. Gætirðu vinsamlegast lækkað í sjónvarpinu? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you please drop off the TV? Eftersom bussen var sen kom jag hem efter klockan nitton. Since the bus was late I came home after seven p.m. Since the bus was late, I came home after 9:00. Vi hade en lång period av fint väder. We had a long period of good weather. We had a long period of nice weather. Jag är rädd för bussen. I'm afraid of the bus. I'm afraid of the bus. Jag kan göra det själv! I can do it myself! I can do it myself! Vær sød at række mig salt og peber. Please give me salt and pepper. Please reach me salt and pepper. Jody lítur út fyrir að hafa séð draug. Jody looks as if she had seen a ghost. Jody looks like he saw a ghost. Ég er ekki fæddur í gær. I wasn't born yesterday! I'm not born yesterday. Jeg begynte å lære kinesisk i forrige uke. I started learning Chinese last week. I started learning Chinese last week. Jag önskar att jag kunde måla sådär. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. Det han sier er på en måte sant. What he says is true in a sense. What he's saying is kind of true. Virusset kan overføres ved kys. The virus can be transmitted by kissing. The virus can be transmitted by kissing. Han er så ærlig som en kat når kødet er uden for rækkevidde. He is as honest as a cat when the meat is out of reach. He's as honest as a cat when the flesh is out of reach. Tom begyndte at køre. Tom started driving. Tom started driving. Fåglarna sjunger. The birds are singing. The birds sing. Har du hørt fra hende? Have you heard from her? Have you heard from her? Det er indian summer i de kommende dage, men koldt vejr nærmer sig. We'll be experiencing an Indian summer for the next few days, but after that, it'll be getting cold again. It is Indian sum in the coming days, but cold weather is approaching. Hur mår Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary? Hve heppin við erum að hafa fengið tækifæri til að vinna með þér! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! Tom tog appelsinjuicen ud af køleskabet. Tom took the orange juice out of the refrigerator. Tom took the orange juice out of the fridge. Hunden var i ei eske under bordet. The dog was in a box under the table. The dog was in a box under the table. Tom kommer att förstå. Tom'll understand. Tom will understand. Var finns närmaste toalett? Where's the nearest bathroom? Where's the nearest toilet? Toms øyer er blodrøde. Tom's eyes are bloodshot. Tom's eyes are red blood. Det forekommer mig at han er ærlig. It seems to me that he is honest. I think he's honest. Þú getur reiknað með henni. You can count on her. You can count on it. Du var bange. You were scared. You were scared. Det ligger en bok på bordet. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. Jag skapade en genväg på skrivbordet. I created a shortcut on the desktop. I created a shortcut on the desk. Hon avskyr honom. She despises him. She hates him. Da jeg ankom på flyplassen, hadde flyet allerede lettet. The plane had already taken off when I reached the airport. When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already relieved. Inte en till mållös oavgjord match! Not another goalless draw! Not another goalless match! Den står på ert bord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Hans virkelige navn er Tom Jackson. His real name is Tom Jackson. His real name is Tom Jackson. Tom og Mary tog på biltur rundt i Europa. Tom and Mary went on a road trip around Europe. Tom and Mary took a drive around Europe. Tom kan ikke køre bil. Tom is not able to drive a car. Tom can't drive. Jeg drak ikke meget. I didn't drink much. I didn't drink much. Þú hefðir getað gert það. You could have done it. You could've done that. Jag har massvis med saker att göra. I've got plenty to do. I have a lot of things to do. Jeg er fornøyd med jobben min. I am content with my job. I'm satisfied with my job. Tom hadde betre syn før i tida. Tom's eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. Tom had a better view before in time. De tog støvlerne af. They took off their boots. They took off the boots. Reyndar, það er það sem ég hélt. Actually, that's what I thought. Actually, that's what I thought. Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom. I've never spoken to Tom. I've never talked to Tom. Vill du ha något att äta? Do you want something to eat? You want something to eat? Gjev meg boka. Give me the book. Give me a book. Tom og Mary så på fyrværkeriet sammen. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Tom and Mary watched the fireworks together. Problemet är att vi inte har någonstans att vara ikväll. The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight. The problem is, we don't have anywhere to be tonight. Han har gått ur tiden. He passed away. He's gone out of time. Jackson kunne ikke stole på dem. Jackson could not trust them. Jackson couldn't trust them. Skatten var gravet ned på øen. The treasure was buried on the island. The treasure was buried on the island. Ja, jag förstår. Tack så mycket. Yes, I understand. Thanks a lot. Yes, I see, thank you very much. Du må ikke spise noget i et par dage. You must not eat anything for a few days. Don't eat anything for a couple of days. Richard Dawkins er en berømt ateist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Er du et vidunderbarn? Are you a wunderkind? Are you a granddaughter? Jag hoppas att du kommer fram med en bättre plan. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Er du sikker på du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Jeg drar ikke på piknik hvis det regner i morgen. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go on a picnic. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to the hospital. Jag ville aldrig ha den här. I never wanted this. I never wanted this. Jag tvivlar starkt på det. I seriously doubt it. I doubt it very much. Var snäll och kom med oss. Come with us, please. Please come with us. Hvem banker på døren? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on the door? De her er nye. These are new. These are new. Hvad forventer du at finde i Toms kælder? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? What do you expect to find in Tom's basement? Jeg trenger en bedre ordbok. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Skal vi gå og spise ramen sammen en gang? Should we go have ramen together again? Shall we go and eat the frame together once? Det finns ett glas här. There's a glass here. There's a glass here. Hvem eier denne maten? Who owns this food? Who owns this food? Má ég bjóða þér eitthvað meira? Can I offer you anything else? Can I offer you something more? Jeg har købt en T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Hawaii har fint väder året runt. Hawaii enjoys good weather the year round. Hawaii has nice weather all year round. Ved du ikke hvad der foregår? Don't you know what's happening? You don't know what's going on? Enhver flod har to sider. There are two sides to each river. Every river has two sides. Jag har en vän som bor i Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Eg merka ikkje at eg hadde mista lommeboka før eg fyrst vart komen heim. I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home. I did not notice that I had lost the wallet before I first got home. Det finnes ikke noe slikt som en uavhengig presse i dette stadiet verdenshistorien for USA. Du og jeg vet dette like godt. Det finnes ikke én eneste av dere som våger å skrive hva dere egentlig mener, og om dere gjorde, vet dere allerede at det aldri hadde kommet på trykk. Jeg blir betalt på ukentlig basis for å holde egne meninger borte fra avisa jeg har forbindelser til. Andre her blir betalt av liknende grunner, og dere som hadde vært dumme nok til å skrive hva dere egentlig mener, hadde føket rett på gata og vært på leting etter en ny jobb. Hvis jeg hadde tillatt mine egne meninger å dukke opp i én eneste utgave av en av avisene jeg skrive for, hadde stillingen min blitt likvidert innen de følgende tjuefire timene var omme. En journalist sin oppgave er å ødelegge sannheten, lyve rett til leserne, å forvrenge, å sverte, å krype ved føttene til Mammon og å gi opp landet sitt og rasen for å tjene litt småpenger. Du og jeg vet det like godt, og hva slags dumskap er denne feiringen av en uavhengig presse? Vi er sprellemennene; de drar i strengene, og vi danser. Talentene, mulighetene og livene våre er alle andre menns eiendom. Vi er intellektuelle ludder. There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in The United States of America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. There's no such thing as an independent press in this stage of world history for the United States. you and I know this as well. there's not one of you who dares to write what you really mean, and if you did, you already know that it had never come on pressure. I'm paid on a weekly basis to keep my own opinions away from the newspaper I've connected to. Others here being paid for similar reasons, and you guys who had been stupid enough to write what you really mean, had fumbled right on the street and been looking for a new job. If I had allowed my own opinions to appear in a single version of one of the newspapers I wrote for, my position had been liquidated within the next twenty-four hours was round. A journalist's task is to destroy the truth, lie right to the readers, to swear, to swear, to creep, to creep, to creep upon the feet of Mammon and to give up his country and the race to earn a little money. Har du några lektioner i eftermiddag? Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? Hvor har du været? Where have you been? Where have you been? Det gäller honom också. That applies to him too. It's about him, too. Är ni fortfarande gifta? Are you still married? Are you still married? Jeg var i huset. I was in the house. I was in the house. Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who has eaten all the cookies? Who ate all the cookies? Dette er mitt tredje ekteskap. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their granddaughter a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bike for their granddaughter for Christmas. Jag kan vänta här ute. I can wait out here. I can wait out here. Tom stal era pengar. Tom stole your money. Tom stole your money. Gör det fortfarande ont? Does it still hurt? Does it still hurt? Vem köpte den här? Who bought this? Who bought this? Ekkert verður skapað úr engu. Nothing can be produced out of nothing. Nothing will be created from nothing. Vi har inget socker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Jag gillar att spela Icy Tower. I like to play Icy Tower. I like to play Icy Tower. Når en kvinne er forent med det mannlige, blir hun skapende, når hun ikke er forent med det mannlige, blir hun destruktiv. When a woman is united with the male, she becomes creative, when she isn't united with the male, she becomes destructive. When a woman is united with the male, she becomes creative, when she is not united with the male, she becomes destructive. Afhverju var ég ekki spurður? Why wasn't I asked? Why wasn't I asked? Hon gifte sig mot sin fars vilja. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Tom, kunne du halde eit auge med borna? Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids? Tom, could you hold an eye with the kids? Tom gick in i cellen. Tom walked into the cell. Tom went into the cell. Jeg har full tiltro til hans evner. I have complete faith in his abilities. I have full faith in his abilities. Håll dig redo. Stand by. Stay ready. Þetta loftslag hefur vond áhrif á heilsuna þína. This climate is having a bad effect on your health. This climate has a bad effect on your health. Huset deres lå midt i en liten treklynge. Their house lay amid a small stand of trees. Their house was in the middle of a small wooden cluster. Han skrev en bog i Kina. He wrote a book in China. He wrote a book in China. Jeg rev i stykker alle brevene du skrev meg. I tore up all the letters that you wrote to me. I broke all the letters you wrote me. Den gamle mannen hadde et edelt ansikt. The old man had a noble countenance. The old man had a noble face. Han dro ut av landet for å studere. He left the country to study. He went out of the country to study. Ertu þreytt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Hvad er en ufo? What is a UFO? What's an ufo? Vi träffas utomhus. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. Það gleður mig að sjá þig aftur. I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Kor mye kan du betala? How much can you pay? How much can you pay? Jag var på jobbet. I was at work. I was at work. Vi måtte lukke vinduet på grund af myggene. We had to shut the window because of the mosquitoes. We had to close the window because of the mosquitoes. Håll ut dina händer. Hold out your hands. Hold your hands. Naboen min totalrenoverte huset sitt. My neighbor renovated his house completely. My nabo completely renovated his house. Din högra strumpa är utochinvänd. You have your right sock on wrong side out. Your right sock is unintroverted. Vår oppgave er å gjenoppbygge muren. Our task is to rebuild the wall. Our task is to rebuild the wall. Mig langar ekki í meira! I don't want any more! I don't want any more! Jeg kender ikke hans virkelige navn. I don't know his real name. I don't know his real name. Sommeren er forbi. The summer is over. Summer's over. Jag kommer att sakna er. I'm going to miss you guys. I'll miss you. Det er ein stor skilnad i å vera i stand til å snakka eit språk bra, og å vera i stand til å snakka eit språk flytande. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a great difference between being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. Jag har inte ätit soppan och jag kommer inte att göra det. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. Han mår bra. He's all right. He's fine. Boston har vuxit snabbt de senaste tio åren. Boston has grown rapidly in the last ten years. Boston has grown rapidly in the last ten years. Han sammenlignede kopien med originalen. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy to the original. Hva fant Tom? What did Tom find? What did Tom find? Tatoeba holder lukket for julen. Tatoeba was closed for Christmas. Tatoeba will be closed for Christmas. Eposten jeg sendte tidligere var kanskje ikke helt tydelig. Du trenger ikke å levere inn noe. The email that I sent previously was probably not clear. You don't need to submit anything. The e-mail I sent earlier may not have been clear. Människan är det enda djuret som kan använda elden. Humans are the only animals that can use fire. Man is the only animal that can use the fire. Við hvern er ég að tala? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? "Det er ikke min stil", sagde Casey. "That ain't my style," said Casey. "It's not my style," said Casey. Ken har flere bøker enn deg. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you do. Hon såg mer vacker ut än någonsin förrut. She looked more beautiful than ever. She looked more beautiful than ever before. Vi må advare dem. We must warn them. We have to warn them. Tom är min man. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Du är så vacker. You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. Var är era barn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Han holder altid sine løfter. He always keeps his promises. He always keeps his promises. Berätta för mig hur du känner dig. Tell me how you're feeling. Tell me how you feel. Vi tager ikke imod drikkepenge her. We do not accept tips. We're not taking tips here. Ingen av de inblandade hade några synliga skador. None of those involved had any visible injury. None of the involved had any visible damage. Bruket av kondom ved vaginalt og analt samleie og ved munnsex er det beste forebyggende tiltaket. The use of a condom during vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse is the best preventive measure. The use of condoms in vaginal and anal intercourse and in oral sex is the best preventive measure. Hendes navn er Lucifera. Her name is Lucifera. Her name is Lucifer. Jeg har mange problemer som jeg må løse. I have a lot of problems to solve. I have a lot of problems that I have to solve. Tom er meteorolog. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom's a meteorologist. Broder eller syster, båda är syskon. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Tom lærte at køre da han var tretten. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Tom learned to drive when he was thirteen. Það var mjög ánægjulegt að hitta gamla vin minn. Meeting my old friend was very pleasant. It was very nice to meet my old friend. Mødet i eftermiddag er blevet udsat til i morgen. This afternoon's meeting has been postponed till tomorrow. The sitting this afternoon has been suspended until tomorrow. Sauron vil have hver en hobbit til at frygte ham. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Våra ansträngningar medförde inte någon framgång. Our efforts did not result in success. Our efforts did not bring success. Jeg driller dig bare, Tom! I'm just teasing you, Tom. I'm just teasing you, Tom! Jeg er ikke beruset. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. For mange kokke fordærver maden. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many cooks spoil the food. Han har absolut ingen fjender. He has absolutely no enemies. He has absolutely no enemies. Husker du dem? Do you remember them? Do you remember them? Han är mycket oroad för sin sons framtid. He is very much concerned about the future of his son. He's very concerned about his son's future. Firmaet sa opp fem personer. The company laid off five people. The company gave up five people. Skynda er! Hurry up! Hurry up! Min far kan lide sit arbejde. My father likes his job. My dad likes his job. Hvad læser du? What are you reading? What are you reading? Tom skulle kunna ha rättat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could have fixed himself. Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Noll, en, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tom er canadier. Tom is a Canadian. Tom's Canadian. Jeg har ikke radio på mit værelse. I don't have a radio in my room. I don't have a radio in my room. Du burde ikke se ned på ham. You shouldn't look down on him. You shouldn't look down on him. Tyckte ni om det? Did you like it? Did you like it? Det där är ett hjärta. That is a heart. That's a heart. Hon har selektiv hörsel. She has selective hearing. She has selective hearing. Fadil älskade att skida. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved to ski. Det kommer ikke til at gøre ondt. It isn't going to hurt. It's not gonna hurt. Är det här etiskt? Is this ethical? Is this ethical? Det är inte möjligt. It's impossible. That's not possible. Tom ville ha mer utrymme. Tom wanted more space. Tom wanted more space. En gullnøkkel åpner alle dører. A golden key opens all doors. A gold key opens all doors. Gerðu skyssu af húsinu þínu. Make a sketch of your house. Make a kiss out of your house. Hva er det nå du vil? What do you want now? What do you want now? Hefurðu nokkurtíma komið til Hawaii, Takuja? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuja? Hvað amar að þér? What ails you? What's wrong with you? Dette værelse måler tyve fod gange fireogtyve fod. This room measures 20' X 24'. This room measures twenty-foot times twenty-four feet. Sommaren är över. Summer is over. Summer's over. Þessi gaur fer í taugarnar á mér. That guy annoys me. This guy's gonna get on my nerves. Han spelar alltid bra. He always plays well. He always plays well. Har du fri i kveld? Are you off tonight? Are you free tonight? Det kostede en halv bondegård. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost half a farmyard. Du mumlede. You mumbled. You muttered. Han er på sit kontor. He is at his office. He's in his office. Ég á smá pening. I have a little money. I got a little money. Tom är ensam. Tom's lonely. Tom's alone. Ingen vil skade deg. Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Bob tok oppvasken da. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob took the dishes then. Papiret er hvidt. Paper is white. The paper is white. Jeg har brændt mine fingre. I burned my fingers. I've burned my fingers. Var är ni? Where are you? Where are you? De gav vann til hestene deres. They gave their horses water. They gave water to their horses. De skyndade sig till olycksplatsen. They hurried to the scene of the accident. They hurryed to the scene of the accident. Slaveri er en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden. Slavery is a crime against humanity. Slavery is a crime against humanity. Mina ögon gör ont. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Stanna gärna kvar efter konserten. Vi kommer att skriva autografer. Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs. We'll write autographs. Jeg har lige taget brusebad. I was just in the shower. I just took a shower. Ég er þreyttur á vinnunni minni. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my work. Ett bi surrar. A bee buzzes. A bee sour. Pigerne hviskede sammen. The girls whispered among themselves. The girls whispered. Hneykslismálið hefur alvarlega skaðað hreinu ímyndina hans. The scandal has badly damaged his clean image. The scandal has seriously harmed his pure image. Vi måste stoppa Tom. We need to stop Tom. We have to stop Tom. Nå er det nok! I've had enough already! That's enough! Tanzanias president var tillsammans med sin fru på statsbesök i Finland år 1998. The president of Tanzania was on a state visit to Finland in 1998 together with his wife. The President of Tanzania was with his wife on state visits to Finland in 1998. Ikke svar. Don't answer. No answer. Jeg tror planen din ikke er realistisk. I think your plan is not realistic. I think your plan is not realistic. Jeg deler ikke din mening. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. Drømmen ble sann. The dream has come true. The dream was true. Du måste höra på. I need you to listen. You have to listen to me. Ertu laus seinni partinn á föstudag? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Are you free the second party on Friday? Leserne blir spent på pinebenken i minst tre måneder til før de får et svar. Readers had been waiting in suspense for at least three months before they got an answer. The readers get excited on the peg for at least three more months before they get an answer. Hun købte et ur til mig. She bought me a watch. She bought me a watch. Ett år senare föddes Paul. One year later, Paul was born. A year later Paul was born. Vi satt mitt i rummet. We sat in the center of the room. We were sitting in the middle of the room. Vi skal på kjøpesenteret. We're going to the mall. We're going to the mall. Gør det hurtigt. Do it quickly. Make it quick. Hva er det du snakker om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Hotelreceptionisten var vrissen og overhovedet ikke venlig. The receptionist at the hotel was surly and not at all friendly. The hotel receptionist was the twist and not at all friendly. Vi leker jaga! Let's play catch. We're playing hunting! Hva er dette? Spurte Tony. "What's this?" asked Tony. What's this? Jeg vil helt sikkert engang besøge Frankrig, men jeg ved bare ikke præcis hvornår. Sometime I'll definitely visit France. I just don't know exactly when. I'd like to visit France once, but I just don't know exactly when. Ring venligst til mig før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Please call me before you get here. För tillfället har jag inte nog med pengar. I don't have enough money at the moment. At the moment, I don't have enough money. Jag vet inte vad jag vill. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. Efter filmen somnade de. After the movie, they fell asleep. After the movie, they fell asleep. Du kører alt for langsomt. You're driving way too slow. You're driving way too slow. Du har inget att vara arg över. There is nothing for you to be angry about. You have nothing to be angry about. "Hvor er hagen ved det?" "Der er ingen. Det sværger jeg!" "What's the catch?" "There's no catch. I swear." "Where's the garden of it?" "There's no one. I swear!" Regnet varte i tre dager. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted for three days. Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I'm going to look up this word in the dictionary. Dette er et vanskeligt spørgsmål. This is a difficult question. This is a difficult question. De buteljerade vinet. They bottled the wine. They bottled the wine. Vi havde en behagelig aften. We had a pleasant evening. We had a pleasant night. Hvornår tog du sidst et brusebad? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you took a shower? Projektet er undervejs. The project is underway. The project is under way. Hann er maður aðgerða. He is a man of action. He's a man of action. Hvor gode er I? How good are you guys? How good are you? Ég rölti um göturnar til að drepa tímann. I strolled along the streets to kill time. I wandered through the streets to kill the time. Ho Dora er ein oppdagar. Dora is an explorer. Ho Dora is a discoverer. Det finns ett fel i meningen. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's an error in the meaning. Min mand slår mig ihjel. My husband's going to kill me. My husband will kill me. Vatnið er fallegt. The water is beautiful. The water is beautiful. Det faktumet at du ikke greier å føle medlidenhet viser at du er helt klart en psykopat. The fact that you're unable to feel compassion indicates clearly that you're a psychopath. The fact that you don't feel comfortable shows that you're clearly a psychopath. Er dere klar? Are you all ready? Are you ready? Ikke gjem deg under sengen. Don't hide under the bed. Don't hide under the bed. Svømmerne var følelsesløse af kulde. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were insensitive with coldness. Du er akkurat tidsnok. You're just in time. You're just in time. Tom er fortsatt ute. Tom is still outside. Tom's still out. Jag tänkte ringa. I meant to call. I was gonna call. Undersök den här. Examine this. Check this out. Tom är äventyrlig. Tom is adventurous. Tom is adventurous. Det här är den genväg till skolan som jag brukar ta. This is the shortcut that I usually take to school. This is the shortcut to the school I usually take. Tom skulle ønske han ikke måtte hjelpe til med husarbeidet. Tom wishes he didn't have to help with the housework. Tom would wish he didn't have to help with the housework. Han spurgte mig hvor min onkel boede. He asked me where my uncle lived. He asked me where my uncle lived. Toms forældre har masser af penge. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Tom's parents have lots of money. Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That's what I'm talking about. Tom innså at han hadde begått en feil. Tom realized he had made a mistake. Tom realized that he had made a mistake. Ég man ekki eftir að hafa boðið þér. I don't remember inviting you. I don't remember inviting you. Den som ikke bruger "brauchen" med "zu", burde slet ikke bruge "brauchen". He who doesn't use "brauchen" with "zu" shouldn't use "brauchen" at all. Anyone who doesn't use "brauchen" with "zu" should not use "brauchen" at all. Dette manglede. This was missing. This was missing. Hun er vakker. She is beautiful. She's beautiful. Sluta gå som katten kring en het gröt och kom till saken. Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Stop walking like the cat around a hot porridge and come to the point. Kan du huske det? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Jeg morer meg veldig. I'm enjoying myself a lot. I'm having a lot of fun. Við töluðum hvor við annan sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked each other all the time. Tom säger att han inte har lust att dricka öl i kväll. Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight. Tom says he doesn't want to drink beer tonight. Hon är utom sig av glädje. She is beside herself with joy. She's out of joy. Indtil videre har det været et spændende år. So far it has been an exciting year. So far, it's been an exciting year. Han er forfatter. He's an author. He's a writer. Det här är en fråga av stor betydelse. This is a matter of great importance. This is an issue of great importance. Han stack ett strå i en myrstack. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He put a straw in a mystack. Tom ville ikke ha oss på festen sin. Tom didn't want us at his party. Tom didn't want us at his party. Jag hade ingen aning om vad jag skulle göra. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to do. Hetta er kona mín. This is my wife. This is my wife. Eg skijli. I understand. I'll show you. Han är en riktig kuf. He's really an oddball. He's a real dick. Var är han född och uppvuxen? Where was he born and raised? Where is he born and raised? Jeg har brug for lidt alenetid. I need some alone time. I need a little alone. Jeg vet ikke enda om vi kommer til å dra til muséet. I still don't know if we'll go to the museum. I don't know yet if we're going to go to the museum. Det skete den 20. oktober. That happened on October 20th. It happened on October 20th. Hvad siger kvinden? What is the woman saying? What does the woman say? Hun har syv sønner. She has seven sons. She has seven sons. Förstör det här templet. Destroy this temple. Ruin this temple. Före andra världskriget gick gränsen mellan Finland och Sovjetunionen nära Leningrad. Before the second world war, the border between Finland and the USSR was near Leningrad. Before World War II, the border between Finland and the Soviet Union was close to Leningrad. Ni kan köpa frimärken på vilket postkontor som helst. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy stamps at any post office. Husker du hvor meget jeg elskede dig? Do you remember how much I loved you? Do you remember how much I loved you? Gjorde du någonting? Did you do anything? Did you do anything? Ef þú ætlar út í búð, geturðu keypt nokkrar appelsínur handa mér? If you're going to the supermarket, will you please bring me back some oranges? If you're going to a store, can you buy me some oranges? Denne hjemmeside er rimeligt brugbar. This site is quite useful. This website is reasonably usable. Hvor modig er du? How brave you are! How brave are you? Tom tog en kniv ur en låda i köket. Tom took a knife out of a drawer in the kitchen. Tom took a knife out of a box in the kitchen. Det er lige det vi har drømt om hele tiden. It's what we've always dreamed of. That's exactly what we've dreamed of all the time. Folk klager tit over vejret. People often complain about the weather. People complain about the weather all the time. Tom tycker inte om den här färgen. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. Stöter du på mig? Are you hitting on me? Are you hitting on me? Jeg efterlod min telefon i mødelokalet. I left my phone in the conference room. I left my phone in the meeting room. Han blinkade åt mig. He winked at me. He blinked for me. Mig langar að taka pilluna. I'd like to take the pill. I want to take the pill. Er du klar til å gå ut? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to go out? Han arbejder på den nye plan. He is working on the new plan. He's working on the new plan. Brasilien er omgivet af ti lande og Atlanterhavet. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic. Jag hör ingenting. I can't hear a thing. I can't hear anything. Han är på tåget. He's on the train. He's on the train. Spørg ikke hvorfor; bare gør det. Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask why; just do it. Tom sin død kom brått. Tom's death came as a surprise. Tom's death came quickly. Enginn getur hjálpað mér. No one can help me. No one can help me. En ulykke kommer aldrig alene. Misfortunes never come single. An accident never comes alone. Tel til tretti. Count up to thirty. Thirty count. Tom är missnöjd. Tom is disgruntled. Tom's dissatisfied. Tom la seg ved midnatt. Tom went to bed at midnight. Tom lay down at midnight. Hvem vet hvor han har blitt av. God only knows where he has gone. Who knows where he's gone. Er Tom endnu ikke ankommet? Hasn't Tom arrived yet? Is Tom not yet here? Hur kan du göra sådär? How can you do that? How can you do that? Det verkar vara brutet. It appears to be broken. It seems to be broken. Jeg var i bad da telefonen ringede. I was in the bath when the phone rang. I was in the bathroom when the phone called. När katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When the cat's gone, the rats dance on the table. Jag bor här. I live here. I live here. Jag läser den här tidningen. I'm reading this newspaper. I'm reading this magazine. Jeg vil gå litt saktere. I'd like to walk a bit slower. I'll go a little bit slower. Kan jag beställa en? Can I order one? Can I order one? Jag vet inte vad rätt svar är. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know what the right answer is. Jag tycker mer om katter än hundar. I like cats more than dogs. I like cats more than dogs. Situasjonen virket håpløs. The situation seemed hopeless. The situation seemed hopeless. Öðru hverju stoppaði hún og leit í kringum sig. From time to time she stopped and looked round. On another occasion, she stopped and looked around. Jeg spiste det. I ate it. I ate it. Kan du ikke tale fransk? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? I er ikke så hurtige som jeg er. You all aren't as fast as I am. You're not as fast as I am. Skælder mor hestens hamp ud? Is mom scolding the horse's hemp? Does Mom cut the horse's hip? Hversu hátt geturðu hoppað? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Sånt skjer. It happens. That's what happens. Høyrer du noko? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? De er ikke rike. They aren't rich. They're not rich. Framtiden ser mørk ut for Edmond Dantès etter han har blitt utsatt for et komplott, han ble dømt for forræderi og satt i fengsel på livstid. The future looked bleak for Edmond Dantes after he became the victim of a conspiracy, and he was convicted for treason and imprisoned for life. The future looks dark for Edmond Dantès after he's been exposed to a plot, he was convicted of treason and put in prison for life. Boken ligger på bordet. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Tom fandt en hundreddollarseddel på gaden. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Jeg blev udsat for et røverisk overfald på vej hjem i går aftes. I got mugged on my way home last night. I was subjected to a robbery on my way home last night. Jeg liker måten du går på. I like the way you walk. I like the way you go. Dessa skorna är för dyra. These shoes are too expensive. These shoes are too expensive. Jeg ser tv om aftenen. I watch television in the evening. I'm watching TV at night. Mine forældre er ikke hjemme. My parents are not home. My parents aren't home. Jag trodde att Tom hade stuckit. I thought Tom had left. I thought Tom had left. Jeg ringede på klokken. I rang the bell. I called the clock. I er et problem. You guys are a problem. You're a problem. Hvem oversatte Koranen til hebraisk? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Qur'an into Hebrew? Jeg har tilbragt fire fulde måneder i Kabylien. I spent four full months in Kabylie. I spent four full months in Kabylia. John var annar frábær leikmaður. John was another great player. John was another great player. Jag kan äta den här inne. I can eat it in here. I can eat this in here. Jeg troede vi var venner. I thought we were friends. I thought we were friends. De var i Joe sin klasse i fjor. They were in Joe's class last year. They were in Joe's class last year. Hun gjorde sin mor lykkelig. She made her mother happy. She made her mother happy. Har du talt håndklæderne? Have you counted the towels? Have you spoken the towels? Jeg har den samme ordboken som broren din. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Kan vi inte göra något? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Min mormor tycker om att sy korsstygn. My grandmother likes doing cross-stitch. My grandmother likes to sew crosshairs. Óhappið hendi knappliga. The accident happened all of a sudden. Unhappy hands scarcely. Lejonet är kungen av djungeln. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Vi kan ikke ignorere dette problem. We can't ignore this problem. We can't ignore this problem. Tyckte du om rundturen? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you like the tour? Han holder af at se TV. He likes to watch TV. He likes watching TV. Eg er heime. I am at home. I'm home. Det er ingenting jeg liker så godt som å se baseballkamper på tv. I like nothing so much as to watch baseball games on television. There's nothing I like as good as watching baseball games on TV. Gå på fortovet. Walk on the pavement. Go to the sidewalk. Er de lykkelige? Are they happy? Are they happy? Har du en ordbok? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? I dag er det den 20. oktober. Today's the 20th of October. Today it is October 20th. Dommeren dømte ham til fem års fængsel. The judge sentenced him to a jail term of five years. The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga hej till Mary. I thought Tom would say hello to Mary. I thought Tom was gonna say hello to Mary. Tom visste inte om han borde skratta eller gråta. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Det behövs inte längre. That's no longer necessary. It won't be necessary anymore. Ég hafði aldrei séð jafn spennandi ruðningsleik og þann sem ég sá í gær. I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday. I had never seen a football game as exciting as the one I saw yesterday. Historien slutter hvor den begyndte. The story ends where it began. History ends where it began. Tom gav inte upp. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Människor dör varje dag. People die every day. People die every day. Håll er borta. Stay away. Stay away from me. Hellre död än röd. Rather dead than red. Better dead than red. Du är tidig igen. You're early again. You're early again. Jag tror att du har rätt. I think that you're right. I think you're right. Han er en helt. He's a hero. He's a hero. Tom är lite udda. Tom is a little odd. Tom's a little odd. Nemandinn hefur þegar leyst allt dæmið. The student has already solved all the problems. The student has already solved the whole case. Kom æggene i det kogende vand. Put the eggs into the boiling water. Get the eggs in the boiling water. Ikke alle læger tjener en masse penge. Not all doctors make a lot of money. Not all doctors make a lot of money. Känner ni inte igen Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Don't you recognize Tom? Jag ska hämta upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'm going to pick up Tom. Den är övergiven. It's deserted. It's abandoned. Alle taler. Everybody's talking. Everybody's talking. Tom har ikke et kontor. Tom doesn't have an office. Tom doesn't have an office. Æblet er ikke grønt. The apple is not green. The apple is not green. Han komponerar vackra dikter. He composes beautiful poems. He composes beautiful poems. Jag är man nu. I'm a man now. I'm a man now. Allt det här är på grund av dig. All of this is because of you. All this is because of you. Jeg hørte at Tom ikke var en god lærer. I heard that Tom wasn't a good teacher. I heard Tom wasn't a good teacher. Bring mig venligst en kop kaffe. Bring me a cup of coffee, please. Please bring me a cup of coffee. Hann er í heit góðum lag í dag. He's in a good mood today. He's in a warm tune today. Firmaet går i rødt. The company is in the red. The company's in red. De är barfota allihop. They're all barefoot. They're all barefoot. Min ven er sytten år gammel. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is seventeen years old. Vi ska gå. We're going. We're going. Tom sitter i fängelse nu. Tom is in prison now. Tom's in jail now. Han mødte sin ven medens han badede i havet. He met his friend while bathing in the sea. He met his friend while he was bathing in the sea. Ingen kan forstå mig. Nobody can understand me. No one can understand me. Du måste följa reglerna. You have to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Alle veier fører til Rom. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Han mistede sin biografbillet. He lost his movie ticket. He lost his movie ticket. Ni är inte hundar. You're not dogs. You're not dogs. Min chef er et røvhul. My boss is an asshole. My boss is an asshole. Hún var frá skóla vegna kvefs. She was absent from school with a cold. She was from school for a cold. Han er den sidste person der vil tale dårligt om andre. He is the last person to speak ill of others. He's the last person who wants to talk bad about others. Jeg leverte inn klokken til reparasjon. I put my watch in for repair. I delivered the clock for repair. Hon bor i en annan stad. She lives in another city. She lives in another town. Ville du være villig til at hjælpe? Would you be willing to help? Would you be willing to help? Vad är jag här för? What am I here for? What am I here for? Tom såg bra ut. Tom looked good. Tom looked good. Gæt hvem der kommer til middag i aften! Guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Guess who's coming to dinner tonight! Han var modstander af monopoler. He was opposed to monopolies. He was a opponent of monopolies. Vi är hans söner. We are his sons. We're his sons. Hvilken er dyrest av de to? Which is the more expensive of the two? What's the most expensive of the two? De flesta tyskar kan tala engelska. Most Germans can speak English. Most Germans speak English. To kopper te og to kopper kaffe, tak! Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please. Two cups of tea and two cups of coffee, please! Klokkeslæt og dato passede vores træner. The time and date suited our coach. The time and date were right for our coach. Tom er ikke længere patient her. Tom is no longer a patient here. Tom's no longer a patient here. Hon kom inte förrän två. She did not come until two. She didn't come until two. Hversvegna ætti Tom að fara? Why should Tom go? Why should Tom go? Vem slutade? Who quit? Who stopped? Ja, det er det jeg sagde. Yeah, that's what I said. Yeah, that's what I said. Ef við dæmum framtíð hafrannsókna af fortíðinni, getum við sannarlega hlakkað til margra spennandi uppgötvana. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. If we judge the future of marine research from the past, we can certainly look forward to many exciting discoveries. Begge to kommer. The pair of them is coming. Both of you are coming. Ég hata pólitík. I hate politics. I hate politics. Hun trenger hjelp. She needs help. She needs help. Tom er ligeglad med hvad folk siger om Maria. Tom doesn't mind what people say about Mary. Tom doesn't care what people say about Maria. Tom kom tilbage til Boston i sidste uge. Tom came back to Boston last week. Tom came back to Boston last week. Kan vi bara gå hem? Can we just go home? Can we just go home? Det viktiga är inte hur en man dör, utan hur han lever. It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The important thing is not how a man dies, but how he lives. Puss tennene dine hver dag. Brush your teeth every day. Kiss your teeth every day. Mitt hår är längst i klassen. My hair is the longest in my class. My hair is the longest in the class. Kan jeg snakke med deg alene et øyeblikk? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a moment? Det er fem år siden vi flyttet hit. It is five years since we moved here. It's been five years since we moved here. Við gerum okkur ekki alltaf grein fyrir því að hversu miklu marki við stólum á aðra. We often fail to realize the extent to which we depend on others. We do not always realize how much we rely on others. Vad vill ni ha att dricka? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What do you want to drink? Se på dette billede af min bedstefars bil. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Look at this picture of my grandfather's car. Sama hvað þú segir, ég mun aldrei trúa þér. No matter what you say, I will never believe you. No matter what you say, I'll never believe you. Såg ni min katt? Did you see my cat? Did you see my cat? Har du forstået hvad han sagde? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Gøende hunde bider aldrig. Barking dogs never bite. Sucking dogs never bite. Jeg vant igjen. I won again. I won again. Vandet er rent. The water is pure. The water's clean. Jeg støtte på en gammel venn. I ran into an old friend. I trusted an old friend. Hon kan inte motstå glass. She can't resist ice cream. She can't resist ice cream. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to go now. I have to go now. Om to dage fylder jeg tretten. In two days, I'll turn 13. In two days, I'll fill thirteen. Mary borde inte göra det. Mary shouldn't do that. Mary shouldn't do that. Det är säkert att äta fiskarna. It's safe to eat the fish. It's safe to eat the fish. Vi har boet i denne by i tre år. We've lived in this town for three years. We've been living in this town for three years. Jag är en elev på den här skolan. I am a student of this school. I'm a student at this school. Tom hadde ikke renset tastaturet sitt på flere måneder, og det var fullt av støv, matrester, og gudene vet hva mer. Tom hadn't cleaned his keyboard for months, and it was clogged with dust, food particles, and God knows what else. Tom had not cleaned his keyboard in several months, and it was full of dust, food residues, and the gods know what more. Till hans förvåning stannade tåget till kort. To his surprise, the train made a quick stop. To his surprise, the train stopped short. Klósettið er þarna. The toilet is over there. The bathroom's over there. Tom er sandsynligvis den ældste på kontoret. Tom is probably the oldest person in the office. Tom is probably the oldest in the office. At have ubeskyttet sex er farlig. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Jeg fandt hendes mor død. I found her mother dead. I found her mother dead. Tom ligger på backen. Tom is lying on the ground. Tom's on the slope. Jeg har fået en e-bogslæser til jul. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Hvor mange templer er der på denne ø? How many temples are there on this island? How many temples are there on this island? Jeg elsker norsk! I love Norwegian! I love Norwegian! De fik ham. They got him. They got him. Ta lite. Have some. Have some. Jeg krydser fingre. I will cross my fingers. I'll cross my fingers. Tom kunne ikke starte sin bil. Tom wasn't able to start his car. Tom couldn't start his car. Jeg har ikke snekæder til min bil. I don't have chains for my car. I don't have snow chains for my car. Han er lærer. He is a teacher. He's a teacher. Vilka fina blommor! What pretty flowers! What fine flowers! Jag har alltid varit intresserad av politik. I've always been interested by politics. I've always been interested in politics. Tom trener på et treningssenter nært huset hans. Tom works out in a gym near his house. Tom is training in a gym near his house. Tom tog av örngottet från kudden. Tom took the pillowcase off the pillow. Tom took the gingo off the pillow. Algeriet er ikke et vestligt land og bliver det heller ikke. Algeria is not a Western country and will not become a Western country. Algeria is not a Western country, nor will it be. Jag kan inte stå ut med detta ljudet längre. I can't stand this noise anymore. I can't stand this sound anymore. Hans øjne strålede af glæde. His eyes were shining with joy. His eyes were glowing with joy. Det är skönt att vara hemma igen. It's good to be back home. It's nice to be home again. Vad är det med henne? What is her problem? What's wrong with her? Jag hade huvudvärk. I had a headache. I had a headache. Tom dro til Australia sist sommer. Tom visited Australia last summer. Tom went to Australia last summer. Min puls er høj. My pulse is fast. My pulse is high. Den lille Havfrue sukkede og så bedrøvet på sin fiskehale. The little mermaid sighed and looked sadly at her fish tail. The little mermaid sucked and looked sad at her fishtail. "Hvad sagde han?" "Det husker jeg ikke." "What did he say?" "I don't remember." "What did he say?" "I don't remember." En bil har fire hjul. An automobile has four wheels. A car has four wheels. Tom tycker inte om Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. Er Tom ikke musiker? Isn't Tom a musician? Tom's not a musician? Tigern rymde från djurparken. The tiger escaped from the zoo. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Under ingen omstændigheder. No way. Under no circumstances. Hun skrev ét brev. She wrote one letter. She wrote one letter. 1. verdenskrig varede fra 1914 til 1918. WW1 lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. Hvad mener du om ham? What do you think of him? What do you mean about him? Tom er altid åben for nye ideer. Tom is always open to new ideas. Tom is always open to new ideas. Mary har en spiseforstyrrelse. Mary has an eating disorder. Mary has a eating disorder. Det finns få webbsidor på tatariska på internet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar web pages on the Internet. Takk! Thanks! Thank you! Tom är vaken. Tom's awake. Tom's awake. Forbindelsen er elendig i dag! The connexion is miserable today! The connection sucks today! Jag kan inte se något med mitt högra öga. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything with my right eye. Jag läser spanska. I study Spanish. I read Spanish. Vil du være så venlig at lukke vinduet? Can you please close the window? Would you please close the window? Eru þetta bíllyklarnir þínir? Are these your car keys? Are those your car keys? Jag blir galen. I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. Sikke en grim kat! What an ugly cat. What a ugly cat! Rör sig jorden från öst till väst eller tvärtom? Does The Earth move from East to West or vice-versa? Does the earth move from east to west or vice versa? Hvorfor var du i fængsel? Why were you in prison? Why were you in jail? Hon är stolt över sin dotter. She takes pride in her daughter. She's proud of her daughter. Jag pratar inte tyska. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Du må leve etter dine prinsipper. You must live up to your principles. You have to live by your principles. Man tvang mig til at komme herhen. They made me come here. You forced me to come here. Tom är ängslig. Tom's anxious. Tom's anxious. Elskar þú móður þína? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Du har allerede betalt. You already paid. You already paid. Gamlir jálkar kunna að halda því fram að internetið hafi verið frjálsast á dögum Usenetsins. Old-timers might argue the Internet was freest during the Usenet days. Old elves may claim that the Internet was the most freed in the days of the United States. Eg veit ikkje. Beats me. I don't know. Jag är på väg dit. I'm on my way there. I'm on my way there. Fortæl mig din historie. Jeg er lutter øre. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story. Det er på høje tid at anskaffe sig en motorcykel. It's high time to get a motorcycle. It's high time we got a motorcycle. Jeg overdriver. I'm exaggerating. I'm exaggerating. Með nýju vinnunni hefur hann tekið á sig meiri ábyrgð. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new job, he has taken on greater responsibility. Tom måste ha haft en nyckel. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Sängen knarrade igen. The bed creaked again. The bed was knocking again. Tom är tillgiven. Tom is affectionate. Tom is devoted. Jeg elsker duften af kaffe om morgenen. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Og tjenestekarlen kom og huggede træet i små stykker. And the servant came and chopped the Tree into little pieces. And the servant came and cut the tree in pieces. Den här produkten är tillverkad i Italien. This product is made in Italy. This product is manufactured in Italy. Var i Turkiet bor du? Where in Turkey do you live? Where in Turkey do you live? Kiks kan indeholde nødder eller peanuts, selv om det ikke indgår i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Kiks may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the list of ingredients. Jørgen lærer sig græsk. Jørgen is learning Greek. Jørgen learns Greek. Goddag! Good day! Hello! Emily kommer att överraska mig. Emily will surprise me. Emily will surprise me. Anmelderne kritiserede os sønder og sammen. The critics shot us down. The reporters criticized us all together. Det krävs visdom för att förstå visdom: musiken är ingenting om publiken är döv. It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. It takes wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. Interlingua är ett modernt redskap för internationell kommunikation. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Tom såg sina dotterdöttrar dansa. Tom watched his granddaughters dance. Tom saw his granddaughters dancing. Katten overraskede mig! The cat caught me by surprise! The cat surprised me! Tom blev nysgerrig. Tom became curious. Tom got curious. Tom og Mary er polyamorøse. Tom and Mary are polyamorous. Tom and Mary are polyamorose. Han svävar i livsfara. His life was in danger. He's in danger. Loksins gerði hann sér grein fyrir því að hann hafði rangt fyrir sér. At last he realized that he was mistaken. Finally, he realized that he was wrong. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Jag behöver lära mig franska. I need to learn French. I need to learn French. Jag fick lön igår. I got paid yesterday. I got paid yesterday. Jeg blev 45 dage længere i landet end hvad mit visum gav mig ret til. I overstayed my visa for more than 45 days. I was 45 days longer in the country than my visa gave me the right. Hvis du støtter Trump, er du et dårligt menneske. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. Jag förstår vad problemet är. I see the problem. I understand what the problem is. Hun sang en sang. She was singing a song. She sang a song. Biljetterna är slutsålda. All the tickets are sold out. Tickets are exhausted. Han er i ferd med å gå. He's about to go. He's about to go. Ge mig tre minuter. Give me three minutes. Give me three minutes. Hans måde at tænke på er meget barnlig. His way of thinking is very childish. His way of thinking is very childish. Jeg er ikke helt med. I don't quite follow you. I don't get it. Du havde læst. You had read. You'd read. Ég er ekki ennþá búin að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Snälla, förlåt mig. Jag menade väl. Forgive me, please. I meant well. Please forgive me, I meant well. Inte här! Not here. Not here! Det kalla vädret fortsatte i tre veckor. The cold weather continued for three weeks. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Tom har kaniner. Tom has rabbits. Tom has rabbits. Jag drog mig ur. I wimped out. I pulled myself out. Är du på semester? Are you on vacation? Are you on vacation? Har Tom berättat för Mary? Has Tom told Mary? Tom told Mary? Noreg heiter "Norge" på bokmål. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway's called "Norway" on the books. Jeg får ikke sove. I can't sleep. I can't sleep. De planerar att ordna en fest. They plan to have a party. They're planning a party. En elefant äter en spindel. An elephant eats a spider. An elephant eats a spider. Mener du det alvorligt? Are you serious? Are you serious? Tom er en af ​​Marys forskningsassistenter. Tom is one of Mary's research assistants. Tom is one of Mary's research assistants. Ingen årsag! It was nothing. No problem! Ég sakna þín. I miss you. I miss you. Hun ønskede at hjælpe hans venner. She wanted to help his friends. She wanted to help his friends. Min tante er her allerede. My aunt is already here. My aunt's already here. Bob er min ven. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Loksins náðu þau fjallstindinum. At last, they reached the top of the mountain. Finally, they reached the top of the mountain. Tom dansede med Mary. Tom danced with Mary. Tom danced with Mary. Jag börjar ana ugglor i mossen. I'm beginning to smell a rat. I'm starting to smell owls in the moss. Talar du Portugisiska? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Kom ind! Døren er åben. Come in, the door's open. Come in, the door is open. John hadde en voldelig krangel med sin kone. John had a violent quarrel with his wife. John had a violent argument with his wife. Dette er alt etter planen min. This is all part of my plan. This is all according to my plan. De stoppet tre minutter senere. They stopped three minutes later. They stopped three minutes later. Har du sightseeing-turer i denne byen Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town? Do you have sightseeing trips in this city Han er fan af klingonsk opera. He's a fan of Klingon opera. He's the fan of Klingon opera. Din andre knapp har begynt å løsne. Your second button is coming off. Your second button has begun to loosen. Hún réðst á hann með skærum. She attacked him with a pair of scissors. She attacked him with scissors. Hún er elskuð af vinum sínum. She's loved by her friends. She's loved by her friends. Det här är dåligt för miljön. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. I morgen er det søndag. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow is Sunday. De er sangere. They are singers. They're singers. Får jeg hvad jeg ønsker? Will I get what I want? Do I get what I want? De onanerede hinanden. They masturbated each other. They masturbate each other. Tom kör elbil. Tom drives an electric car. Tom's driving an electric car. Bring vandet i kog. Bring the water to a boil. Bring the water to the boil. Jeg modtog breve fra en person, jeg aldrig har mødt. I got letters from a person I've never met. I received letters from someone I never met. Vill du inte se Tom? Don't you want to see Tom? Don't you want to see Tom? De har inga barn, så vitt jag vet. They have no children, for all I know. They don't have children, as far as I know. Hon älskar katter. She loves cats. She loves cats. Jag skulle vilja träffa dig igen nästa vecka. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. De sælger æbler, appelsiner, æg og så videre. They sell apples, oranges, eggs, and so on. They sell apples, oranges, eggs and so on. Jeg læser sjældent franske bøger. I seldom read French books. I rarely read French books. Det är svårt att få arbete för tillfället. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It is difficult to get work for the moment. Ni är uppriktiga. You're sincere. You're honest. Jeg læste bogen. I read the book. I read the book. Der er fire mænd og tre kvinder i vores hus. There are four men and three women in our house. There are four men and three women in our house. Livet er kort men årene lange. Life is short, but the years are long. Life is short but years long. I er børn. You are children. You're kids. Den är second hand. It's second-hand. It's second hand. Denne bog er lille. This book is small. This book is small. Tom frågade mig vad mitt andranamn var. Tom asked me what my middle name was. Tom asked me what my second name was. Satt að segja er hann trúaður. As a matter of fact, he is a man of faith. To be honest, he's a believer. Denne gade er mørk. This street is dark. This street is dark. Der er tre køer i stalden. There are three cows in the barn. There are three cows in the stable. Hallå, är det nån där? Hello, is there anybody there? Hello, is anyone there? Vi tycker att ni borde komma in. We think you should come in. We think you should come in. Jeg kender ikke det latinske sprog. I don't know the Latin language. I don't know the Latin language. De kommer og henter inn posten klokken tre hver ettermiddag. They come to collect the post at three o'clock, every afternoon. They come and pick up the post at three every afternoon. Det var ingen som ville ta emot oss. Nobody would see us. Nobody wanted to receive us. Er hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Min onkel gav mig en gave. My uncle gave me a present. My uncle gave me a present. Ekki trufla mig með svona smámunum. Don't bother me with such trifles. Don't interrupt me with the graduals. Jag tycker inte om att jobba på helger. I don't like working on weekends. I don't like working on weekends. Jeg fikk ikke beskjed. I wasn't told. I was not told. Tom använde inte ordet ”omöjligt”. Tom didn't use the word "impossible." Tom did not use the word ‘imposable’. Han studerer amerikansk historie. He studies American history. He's studying American history. Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you, I understand everything. Det är äkta. It's real. It's real. Jeg indhentede Tom. I caught up with Tom. I caught up with Tom. Du kan velge hvilken bok du ønsker. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Tom døde i fængsel for ti år siden. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Han ville ha pengarna tillbaka. He wanted the money back. He wanted the money back. Tycker du om att vandra? Do you like hiking? Do you like walking? Jeg leste en bok i dag. I read a book today. I read a book today. Ring doktorn! Call the doctor! Call the doctor! De är oss på spåren! They're getting onto us! They're on our tracks! Jag skriver en mening på tyska. I'm writing a sentence in German. I write a sentence in German. Hon hjälpte sin far med trädgårdsarbetet. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with her gardening. Mener du det seriøst? Are you joking or are you serious when you say this? Are you serious? Jeg vil ha et sverd! I want a sword! I want a sword! Han har fundet et godt job for nylig. He recently found a good job. He's found a good job recently. Studerar du kemi? Do you study chemistry? Are you studying chemistry? Hvorfor er havet salt, men ikke floderne som flyder ud i det? Why is the ocean salty, but rivers flowing into it are not? Why is the sea salt, but not the rivers that flow into it? Mary har strikket et sjal. Mary knitted a shawl. Mary has worked a shawl. Köpte ni medicinen? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the medicine? Jeg holder på å lære meg norsk. I am learning Norwegian. I'm learning Norwegian. Jeg købte en dukke til hende. I got her a doll. I bought her a doll. De er helt sikkert sultne. They must be hungry. I'm sure they're hungry. Ta av er skorna. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Han har efterladt sin paraply i bussen. He left his umbrella in the bus. He left his umbrella on the bus. Er jeg smuk eller ej? Am I handsome or not? Am I beautiful or not? Jeg tager til Danmark den 20. maj. I am going to Denmark on the 20th of May. I'm going to Denmark on 20 May. Mary, hvad laver du? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Jag kan knappt se honom. I can hardly see him. I can't see him. Gør det igen! Do it again! Do it again! Jeg har ikke hørt fra Tom i temmelig lang tid. I haven't heard from Tom in quite some time. I haven't heard from Tom for quite a long time. Här är vi igen. Here we are again. Here we are again. Ingen røg uden ild. There's no smoke without fire. No smoke without fire. Jag är bäst. I am the best. I'm the best. Jeg så din ven her i går. I saw your friend here yesterday. I saw your friend here yesterday. Kan jeg få en bit? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Du lyder træt. You sound tired. You sound tired. Denne have er åben for publikum, og det er gratis. This garden is open to the public and it's free. This garden is open to the audience and it is free. Hun er ingen helt. She's no heroine. She's not a hero. Tom tog sig af Marys katte, mens Mary var i Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while she was in Boston. Tom took care of Mary's cats while Mary was in Boston. De her er skumfiduser. These are marshmallows. These are foam figs. Jeg er et barn. I am a child. I'm a child. Ég rak vitlausabeinið mitt í borðröndina. I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table. I threw my stupid bone into the dining area. Er der liv på Mars? Is there life on Mars? Is there life on Mars? Vad tittar ni på mig för? Why are you looking at me? What are you looking at me for? Jeg er dessverre ikke kjent med det uttrykket. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that expression. I'm unfortunately not familiar with that expression. Jeg har muligvis glemt mine nøgler. I might have forgotten my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Tom lover skottene gull og grønne skoger. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the shots gold and green forests. Jag såg den där också. I saw that, too. I saw that too. Han er vant til å sitte lenge oppe om nettene. He is used to sitting up late at night. He's used to sitting up for a long time on the nets. Hon hungrade efter närhet. He felt hungry for affection. She was hungry for closeness. Tom är brandman. Tom is a firefighter. Tom's a fireman. Han forlangte at den vilde hund skulle være bundet. He demanded that the savage dog be kept tied up. He demanded that the wild dog be bound. Jag vet att Mary åkte utomlands. I know that Mary went abroad. I know Mary went abroad. Stolen er langt fra døren. The chair is far from the door. The chair is far from the door. Hur skulle jag kunna glömma? How could I forget? How could I forget? Planet gjorde en perfekt landning. The plane made a perfect landing. The planet made a perfect landing. Makaroni og ost er Toms livret. Macaroni and cheese is Tom's favorite food. Macaroni and cheese are Tom's favorite. Ikke bry deg om hva Tom sa. Ignore what Tom said. Don't worry about what Tom said. Succé! Detta är den femtusende klingonska meningen på Tatoeba! Success! This is the five-thousandth Klingon sentence on Tatoeba! Success! This is the five thousand Klingon sentence of Tatoaba! Ég ákvað að koma til Japans í fyrra. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to come to Japan last year. Jeg hader dette sted. I hate this place. I hate this place. Du kan komme du også, om du vil. You can come, too, if you want to. You can come, too, if you like. Han er iført en hvid bomuldstrøje. He's wearing a white cotton shirt. He's wearing a white cotton shirt. Vi hamnade i bråk. We got in a fight. We got into trouble. Moren kildede sit barn med en fjer. The mother tickled her child with a feather. The mother sourced her child with a feather. Nicholas og Maria elsker hinanden. Nicholas and Maria love each other. Nicholas and Maria love each other. Du luktar så gott. You smell so nice. You smell so good. Sätt igång, Tom. Get to it, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. Jeg har nogle juridiske problemer. I'm having some legal problems. I have some legal problems. Kan vi mennesker fordøye gresset og få næring ut av det? Can we humans digest grass and obtain nourishment from it? Can we humans digest grass and get nourished out of it? Hvor gammel er han? How old is he? How old is he? Tom og hans veninde er i karantæne i deres eget hjem. Tom and his friend are quarantined at home. Tom and his girlfriend are quarantined in their own home. Dette faktum beviser hans uskyld. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. Min ekskone ønsker at ødelægge mit nye forhold. My ex-wife wants to ruin my new relationship. My ex-wife wants to destroy my new relationship. Er det et postkontor i nærheten? Is there a post office around here? Is that a post office nearby? Ertu ekki þyrstur? Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? Tom bär sällan hatt. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears hat. Vem målade den där? Who painted that? Who painted that? Så fort som tjejen såg sin mamma så började hon att böla. The instant the girl saw her mother, she burst out crying. As soon as the girl saw her mother, she started blushing. Män är svin. Men are pigs. Men are pigs. Forskeren tror oppdagelsen altid kommer som lyn fra klar himmel. Researchers believe that discovery always comes like a bolt from the blue. The researcher believes the discovery always comes as lightning from clear sky. Tom fick antibiotika. Tom was given antibiotics. Tom had antibiotics. Det var inte planen. That wasn't the plan. It wasn't the plan. Takk. Gæti ég í staðinn skilað því til þín? Thanks. Could I return it to you instead? Can I return it to you instead? Jo før du begynder at lære berbisk, desto bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbish, the better. Hon försökte. She tried. She tried. Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How come you're not going to buy a blue? Lad mig google det for dig. Let me google that for you. Let me Google it for you. Det er imod reglerne. It's against the rules. It's against the rules. Jag kan inte hitta min mobil. I can't find my mobile. I can't find my cell phone. De havde god kemi. They had good chemistry. They had good chemistry. Tom kiggede Mary dybt i øjnene og smilede. Tom looked deeply into Mary's eyes and smiled. Tom looked Mary deep in her eyes and smiled. Jag önskar att Tom vore här. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom were here. Interesserer du dig for kunst? Are you interested in art? Are you interested in art? Han hörde illa och kunde inte gå. He had difficulty in hearing and could not walk. He heard bad, and he couldn't walk. Du borde stanna. You should stay. You should stay. Vi ønsker naturlige oversettelser, ikke ordrette oversettelser. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want natural translations, not word translations. Týskland hevur tveir høvuðstaðir. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two main locations. Ta et ark og skriv! Take a paper and write! Take a sheet and write! Det var väldigt svårt. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Du hjelper ikkje. You aren't helping. You are not helping. Det var et mareridt. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Það voru tvö morð í þessum mánuði. There were two murders this month. There were two murders in those months. Lufthavnen var lukket på grund af tågen. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the fog. Varför är du inte där? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Tom skannede QR-koden med sin telefon. Tom scanned the QR code with his phone. Tom scanned the QR code with his phone. Mange asiatere har engelsk som fællessprog. Many Asians have English as a common language. Many Asians have English as their language. Jeg studerer. I study. I'm studying. Jeg har aldri datet noen som er høyere enn meg. I've never dated anyone taller than me. I've never dated anyone higher than me. Du er veldig vakker. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Det lönar sig nog att vänta. We may as well wait. I think it'll pay you to wait. Hvis bare jeg havde været lidt højere! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I had been a little taller! När jag hittar något jag gillar är det alltid för dyrt. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. When I find something I like, it's always too expensive. Jag öppnade dörren. I opened the door. I opened the door. Hun ville ikke tale med den lærer. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. She didn't want to talk to that teacher. Jag sade att det var okej. I said it was all right. I said it was okay. Øll menniskju eru fødd fræls og jøvn til virðingar og mannarættindi. Tey hava skil og samvitsku og eiga at fara hvørt um annað í bróðuranda. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. A man's language is born of frogs, and of devils, and of respect, and of men's correction. Tey has understanding and conscience, and is to go through another in a brother's spirit. Vi säger bara ja. Let's just say yes. We're just saying yes. Tilbake, tilbake! Get back, get back! Back, back! Jeg bor i Nordsverige. I live in northern Sweden. I live in North Sweden. Nú man ég. Now I remember. I remember now. Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka. I have no idea how long it will take. I don't know how long it's going to take. Tom är Marys skyddsling. Tom is Mary's protege. Tom is Mary's guardian. Hun gråt krokodilletårer da han gikk. She cried crocodile tears when he left. She cried alligators when he left. Varför gjorde han det där? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? Ut ur mitt hus! Get out of my house! Get out of my house! Tom døde. Tom died. Tom died. Jag tycker om det jobbet. I like that job. I like that job. Behöver du någonting annat? Do you need something else? Do you need anything else? Den person som skal afløse dig, er allerede blevet valgt. Your replacement has already been chosen. The person to replace you has already been elected. Har du gjort det ferdig? Have you finished it? Did you finish it? Hvor satte dere rakkere stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did you pull my chair? Tom säger att ni är bra på tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Jeg har endnu aldrig set et rødt køleskab. I have never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red refrigerator before. Hvem snakker dere om? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Jag bor i Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. I live in Kakogawa. Har du en mobil? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a cell phone? Snakker dere engelsk? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Tom arbeider for eit stort selskap. Tom works for a large company. Tom works for a large company. Var kom det där skeppet ifrån? Where did that ship come from? Where did that ship come from? Jag skrev över bilen på min make. I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse. I wrote over the car on my husband. Hva er livets største glede? What is life's greatest pleasure? What is the greatest joy of life? Stjórnmálaferli hans er lokið. His political career has ended. His political process is over. Det går meg på nervene. It really gets on my nerves. It's getting on my nerves. Mínir hundarnir eru hvítu. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. Nær skoven står et enligt beliggende hus. Near the forest stands an isolated house. Near the forest is one according to the house. "Hvad skal jeg gøre?" "Det ved jeg ikke. Gør noget." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Du slap billigt. You got off easy. You got away cheaply. Min mand tjener 100.000 dollar om året. My husband earns $100,000 a year. My husband makes $100,000 a year. Er der noget andet at spise? Is there anything else to eat? Is there anything else to eat? Tom sagde at han følte sig utilpas. Tom said he felt uncomfortable. Tom said he felt unwell. Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig, I thought I'd lost you. I thought I lost you. Peter hefur ákveðið að fara á morgun. Peter has decided to leave tomorrow. Peter's decided to leave tomorrow. Jag betalar på mitt eget sätt. I'll pay my own way. I pay in my own way. Hur skulle du veta? How would you know? How would you know? De här är mycket ömtåliga. These are very fragile. These are very fragile. Jeg gad vide om Tom kan lide kinesisk mad eller ej. I wonder whether Tom likes Chinese food or not. I wonder if Tom likes Chinese food or not. Eruð þið nemendur? Are you students? Are you students? Hvor er Tom nu? Where's Tom now? Where's Tom now? Min søn adlyder mig ikke. My son doesn't obey me. My son doesn't obey me. Vi får se. We shall see. We'll see. Sluta kalla mig för Tom. Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me Tom. Jag vill drömma. I want to dream. I want to dream. Du jobber for hardt. You work too hard. You work too hard. Allt í lagi. Ég þýði fimmtán setningar í viðbót á þýsku og fer svo. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All right, I've got 15 more sentences in German and I'll go. Reglerna är inte viktiga. The rules aren't important. The rules aren't important. Pesto är Guds gåva till folket. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Pesto is God's gift to the people. Man får aldrig ge upp. Never give up! You must never give up. Hur övertygade du honom? How did you convince him? How did you convince him? Vitandi ekki hvað hann ætti að gera, bað hann mig um hjálp. Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help. Knowing what he should do, he asked me for help. Vi har intet vand. We have no water. We don't have any water. Jag sov inte bra. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well. Hendes mand bor for tiden i Tokyo. Her husband is currently living in Tokyo. Her husband currently lives in Tokyo. Min bror døde i en trafikulykke. My brother died in a traffic accident. My brother died in a traffic accident. Deilið kökunni meðal ykkar þriggja. Divide the cake among you three. Share the cake among you three. Tom er Marys svigersøn. Tom is Mary's son-in-law. Tom is Mary's son-in-law. Det finns inget varmvatten. There is no hot water. There's no hot water. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Du kunne klart det. You could have done it. You could handle it. Frokosten er klar. Lunch is ready. Breakfast's ready. Tom är rädd. Tom's scared. Tom's scared. Hvidt brød, tak. White bread, please. White bread, please. Tom er bevidstløs. Tom is out cold. Tom's unconscious. Hann er ekki eins feitur og hann var. He is not as fat as he was. He's not as fat as he was. Tom laget spagetti til middag. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Jag trodde att Tom skulle gripas av panik. I thought Tom would panic. I thought Tom was going to panic. Er hesten din svart? Is your horse black? Is your horse black? Tom sätter massor av socker i sitt kaffe. Tom puts lots of sugar in his coffee. Tom puts lots of sugar in his coffee. Temperaturer på op til 45 °C forventes på den iberiske halvø. Temperatures of up to 45°C are forecast on the Iberian peninsula. Temperatures up to 45 °C are expected on the Iberian peninsula. Tom sagde at han syntes at Marys straf var passende. Tom said that he thought that Mary's punishment was appropriate. Tom said he thought Mary's punishment was appropriate. Jeg købte en elcykel. I purchased an electric bicycle. I bought an electric bike. Hon hade precis börjat läsa boken när någon knackade på dörren. She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door. She had just started reading the book when someone knocked on the door. Hvilken by er vi i? What city are we in? What town are we in? Jeg vil ikke slås med dig. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to fight you. Hann hefur skrifað margar bækur um Kína. He has written many books about China. He's written a lot of books about China. Mistök hans virðast hafa haft eitthvað með persónuleika hans að gera. His failure seems to have something to do with his character. He seems to have had something to do with his personality. Vi vet hvem han er. We know who he is. We know who he is. Det är inte så enkelt som jag trodde. It's not so easy as I thought it was. It's not as simple as I thought. Vi valgte ham til borgmester. We elected him mayor. We chose him as mayor. Dette vil aldrig se dagens lys. This will never see daylight. This will never see the light of the day. Hugsum um það versta sem gæti gerst. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Consider the worst that could happen. Gjør deg sikker på at du ikke blir forfulgt. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you are not being persecuted. Vi har boet her siden juli. We've been living here since July. We've lived here since July. Hun har lovet at give mig en ring. She's promised to give me a ring. She promised to give me a ring. François, är detta ditt? François, is this yours? François, is this yours? Næsten alle studerende troede på rygtet. Almost all the students believed the rumor. Almost every student believed in the rumor. Jag stötte precis min tå. I just stubbed my toe. I just supported my toe. Tom og Mary har drukket. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Tom and Mary have been drinking. Jag hade mina dubier. I had my doubts. I had my dubes. Jeg forstår virkelig ikke spørsmålet. I really don't understand the question. I really don't understand the question. Ég var heima í gærkveldi. I stayed at home last night. I was home last night. Du kan ikke røyke her. You are not supposed to smoke here. You can't smoke here. Venter du på bussen? Are you waiting for the bus? Are you waiting on the bus? Kinas historie er ældre end Japans. The history of China is older than that of Japan. The history of China is older than that of Japan. Það er epli á skrifborðinu. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the desk. Tom siger at han aldrig har prøvet at spise hundemad. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he never tried to eat dog food. Det finns ett litet problem. There's one little problem. There's a little problem. Lärare måste förstå barn. Teachers must understand children. Teachers must understand children. Välkommen tillbaka. Vi har saknat dig! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back, we've missed you! Det fanns ingen där förutom jag. There was no one there besides me. There was no one there except me. Jag måste kila. I've got to run. I have to tickle. Ég þarf að biðja um greiða. I need a favor. I have to ask for a favor. Ok, I vinder. OK, you win. All right, you win. Det här är en bild på skeppet som jag var på. This is a picture of the ship I was on. This is a picture of the ship I was on. Vad hjälper det? What help is that? What's that gonna do? Mary forsøgte at forgifte Tom med et ukendt stof. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Mary tried to poison Tom with an unknown substance. Jag kan hjälpa dig. I can help you. I can help you. Kan jag göra det åt dig? Can I do it for you? Can I do that for you? Jag kan få in oss. I can get us in. I can get us in. Jeg taler fransk. I speak French. I speak French. Den opfattelse er latterlig. This notion is ridiculous. That view is ridiculous. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom speaks only French with his parents. Tom only talks to his parents in French. Jag ville bara ställa en fråga. I just wanted to ask a question. I just wanted to ask you a question. Jeg taler kun fransk. I can only speak French. I only speak French. Det sies at han skrev denne boken. It is said that he wrote this book. It's said he wrote this book. Det var en obeskrivlig situation. It was an indescribable situation. It was an indescribable situation. Jeg er ikke en sladrehank. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a sledgehog. Si til ham at jeg vil se telegrammet han sendte. Tell him that I want to see the telegram that he sent. Tell him I want to see the telegram he sent. Hela familjen hjälpte till med att skörda vetet. The whole family helped harvest the wheat. The whole family helped reap the wheat. Pua sang i kirken. Pua sang at church. Pua sang at the church. Jeg ønsker en mp3-afspiller! I want an MP3 player! I want an mp3 player! Det är inte värt besväret. It's not worth the trouble. It's not worth the trouble. Rommet var fullt av papirstrimlar. The room was littered with scraps of paper. The room was full of paper strips. Är det vitt? Is it white? Is that white? Vad kostar det här paraplyet? What's the price of this umbrella? How much does this umbrella cost? Tom er en sekstendedel skotsk og en sekstendedel engelsk. Tom is one-sixteenth Scottish and one-sixteenth English. Tom is a sixteenth Scotch and a sixteenth English. Tag chancen! Take a chance! Take your chances! Þú þekkir mig vel. You know me well. You know me well. Det är bekvämt. It's comfortable. It's comfortable. Jeg har mistet en verdifull medaljong. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a valuable medallion. Jeg låner deg noen av broren min sine bøker. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I loan you some of my brother's books. Mary kan ikke fordrage Tom. Mary hates Tom's guts. Mary can't prefer Tom. Jeg drikker aldrig alene. I never drink alone. I never drink alone. Tom kom nærmere. Tom came closer. Tom got closer. Mit hår er for langt. My hair is too long. My hair is too long. Er det noen medisiner du tar fast? Are you taking any medicine regularly? Are there any drugs you're putting on? Kom och träffa allihop. Come meet everybody. Come and see everyone. Städa upp den här röran. Clean up this mess. Clean this mess up. Jeg leder efter et nyt hus. I am in search of a new house. I'm looking for a new house. Huset är sålt. The house has been sold. The house is sold. Det där är flickan som jag känner väl. That is the girl whom I know well. That's the girl I know well. Jeg aner ikke hva som skjer. I've no idea what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Jeg vil ikke gå på skole. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Jag föreslår att du skyndar dig. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry. Jag är på din sida. I'm on your side. I'm on your side. Hun er sanger. She is a singer. She's a singer. Det var i det huset som jag föddes i. That house is the place where I was born. It was in the house I was born in. Ja, jag förstår. Tack. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yes, I understand. Sverð minn er líf mitt. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Jag sa god morgon. I said good morning. I said good morning. Ankomsttiden sköts upp tio minuter. The arrival time is delayed ten minutes. The arrival time was ten minutes. Vem sitter vanligtvis på åsnebänken? Who usually sits in the dunce's seat? Who's usually sitting on the ass bench? Jeg har sluttet å spise kjøtt. I've given up eating meat. I have stopped eating meat. Mennesker ser ut som maur. People look like ants. Humans look like ants. Vinden har roet seg. The wind calmed down. The wind has calmed down. Jag tycker om att simma, men inte här. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here. I like to swim, but not here. Tom sagde at John var et godt menneske. Tom said John is a good man. Tom said John was a good person. Var inte så negativ. Don't be so negative. Don't be so negative. Det vil sne i morgen. It's going to snow tomorrow. It'll snow tomorrow. Han visste inte ens vad vi hette. He didn't even know our names. He didn't even know our name. Knappliga leyp Tom á føtur. Tom sprang to his feet. Hard Leap Tom on his feet. Du kan snakke så mye du vil. You may talk as much as you like. You can talk as much as you like. Jag gjorde den här själv. I made this myself. I did this myself. Jeg bor i Oslo. I live in Oslo. I live in Oslo. Der skete ikke noget særligt i dag. Nothing special happened today. Nothing special happened today. Kald hundene til dig! Call off your dogs. Call your dogs! Bergen er kjent som byen mellom de syv fjell. Bergen is known as the city between the seven mountains. The mountains are known as the city between the seven mountains. Många träd tappar sina löv på vintern. Many trees lose their leaves in the winter. Many trees lose their leaves in the winter. Jeg håber vi får godt vejr i morgen. I hope we have good weather tomorrow. I hope we get good weather tomorrow. Det här är mitt hus. This is my house. This is my house. Jeg er sikker. I'm certain. I'm sure. Din guitar er bedre end min. Your guitar is better than mine. Your guitar is better than mine. Det er Tom du skal være sur på. It's Tom you should be angry with. It's Tom you need to be mad at. Tom är mentalsjuk. Tom's insane. Tom's mental. Jeg møter ham etter jeg kommer tilbake. I will see him after I get back. I'll meet him after I come back. Hvor stirrer du på mig på den måde? Why are you staring at me like that? Where are you staring at me like that? Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday, I read an interesting story. Tom vill ha en kyss. Tom wants a kiss. Tom wants a kiss. Eg misforstod. I misunderstood. I misunderstanded. I stort sett håller jag med dig. On the whole I agree with you. In general, I agree with you. Min far lagade en trasig stol. My father fixed a broken chair. My father made a broken chair. Har I noget imod at jeg slutter mig til jer? Mind if I join you guys? Do you mind if I join you? Er það ekki ljúffengt? Isn't it delicious? Isn't that delicious? Jag ger det till Tom. I'm giving it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Det vet jag redan. I already know that. I already know. Hva skal det være ? What would you like? What is it going to be ? De kan dö. They could die. They can die. Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. Excuse me, but I need to hurry. I don't have time to explain this to you. Den här boken tillhör skolbiblioteket. This book belongs to the school library. This book belongs to the school library. Du hører aldrig efter. Jeg kunne lige så godt tale til væggen. You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. You never listen, I might as well speak to the wall. Han blev meget fuld. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. Tom blev jaloux da han så Mary med en anden mand. Tom became jealous when he saw Mary with another man. Tom was jealous when he saw Mary with another man. Tom og Mary er berusede. Tom and Mary are drunk. Tom and Mary are drunk. Hon betalade för att gå på konserten. She paid to attend the concert. She paid to go to the concert. Jeg vil leve mit liv, med eller uden hende. I'm going to live my life, with or without her. I want to live my life with or without her. Gamli maðurinn var ekki eins illkvittinn og hann leit út fyrir að vera. The old man was not as mean as he looked. The old man was not as mean as he looked. Regnet varte i en uke. The rain lasted a week. The rain lasted for a week. Hun havde en sund baby. She had a healthy baby. She had a healthy baby. Professionelle oversættere specialiserer sig ret ofte kun inden for ét område, for eksempel jura eller medicin. Professional translators quite often specialize in just one field, for example law or medicine. Professional translators specialize quite often only in one area, such as law or medicine. Militæret knuste oprøret i løbet af få timer. The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours. The military broke the rebellion within a few hours. Du kan dra nå. You may leave now. You can go now. Det er din hat, er det ikke? This is your hat, isn't it? It's your hat, isn't it? Jeg vet ikke om jeg får tid. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I'll have time. Jag har alltid velat ha en hund. I've always wanted a dog. I always wanted a dog. Er det langt til Tallinn? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is it far to Tallinn? Gør dig ingen bekymringer. Don't worry about it! Don't worry. Skriv under på den prickade linjen. Sign on the dotted line. Sign the broken line. Jag litar inte på politiker. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. I den forgangne september var hun i Paris. Last September she was in Paris. In the past September, she was in Paris. Tom var min hjälte. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. Jag har ett bra arbetslag. I have a good crew. I have a good team. Han är på väg och kommer att anlända i sinom tid. He is on his way and will arrive in due course. He is on his way and will arrive in due time. Tom har lyst til å bli en tolk. Tom would like to become a simultaneous interpreter. Tom wants to be an interpreter. Hvað ætti Tom að gera? What should Tom do? What should Tom do? Jag kan inte gå någon annanstans. I can't go anywhere else. I can't go anywhere else. Vil du have en kop te mere? Will you have another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Skoene er slidte. The shoes are worn out. The shoes are worn out. Tal langsomt! Speak slowly! Speak slowly! Han har vært død i tre år. He has been dead for three years. He's been dead for three years. Mange amerikanere er interesseret i jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. A lot of Americans are interested in jazz. Kom och hjälp oss. Come and help us. Come and help us. Jag kan dö imorgon. I could die tomorrow. I can die tomorrow. Hví gréstu? For what reason did you cry? Why were you crying? Jag fick en judisk uppfostran. I was raised Jewish. I got a Jewish raise. Tom överlever nog. Tom'll survive. Tom's probably gonna survive. Var student har sin egen dator. Each student has their own computer. Where a student has his own computer. Ég fer ekki á skauta í dag. I won't go skating today. I'm not going skating today. Tom synger sommetider på fransk. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sings sometimes in French. Tom glemte at sende et julekort til Mary. Tom forgot to send Mary a Christmas card. Tom forgot to send a Christmas card to Mary. Storbritannien har stemt for at forlade EU. Great Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Britain has voted to leave the EU. Han ryger tyve cigaretter om dagen. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day. Når blir bøkene levert? When were your books delivered? When are the books delivered? Tom ville ikke ha et dyrt kamera. Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tom wouldn't have an expensive camera. Tom undrade om han någonsin skulle få se Maria igen. Tom wondered if he'd ever see Mary again. Tom wondered if he would ever see Mary again. Ge mig en servett. Hand me a tissue. Give me a napkin. De efterlyste ett slut på striderna. They called for an end to the fighting. They called for an end to the fighting. Det er blevet varmere i dag. It's become warmer today. It's getting warmer today. Han sköt först! Han shot first! He shot first! Cyklisterne var trætte men lykkelige. The cyclists were tired, but happy. The cyclists were tired but happy. Tom oppførte seg dårleg. Tom's behavior wasn't acceptable. Tom behaved badly. Han skrattade sig fördärvad. He died laughing. He laughed corruptly. "Hvordan er du kommet?" "Til fods." „How did you come?“ „By foot.“ "How did you get here?" "On foot." Hvad kom først, hønen eller ægget? What was first, the chicken or the egg? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Ef öll skordýr hyrfu af Jörðinni myndi allt líf á Jörðinni deyja út innan fimmtíu ára. Ef allar mannverur hyrfu af Jörðinni myndu allar gerðir lífs dafna innan fimmtíu ára. If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish. If all insects disappeared from Earth, all life on Earth would die within fifty years. If all human beings disappeared from Earth, all forms of life would thrive within fifty years. Jeg er sikker på at Tom vil hjelpe deg. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Strákurinn byrjaði að gráta. The boy began to cry. The kid started crying. Jeg bebrejder ham ikke. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. Jag älskar det här arbetet. I love this job. I love this job. Hvor er mine benvarmere? Where are my leg warmers? Where are my leg warmers? Folk har middag veldig sent i Spania People dine very late in Spain. People have dinner very late in Spain Jeg så naboens hund løbe i min have. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running in my garden. Du lyt ikkje li i togn. You needn't suffer in silence. You don't like trains. Varför hälsar Tom aldrig på oss längre? Why doesn't Tom visit us anymore? Why doesn't Tom ever visit us anymore? Hun har meget gode manerer. She has very good manners. She has very good manners. Þær vita ekki af hverju þær eru að missa. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know why they're losing. Indonesia er et enormt stort land bestående av mer enn 17 000 øyer, 300 stammer og 700 språk. Indonesia is an enormous country which consists of more than 17,000 islands, numbering over 300 tribes and over 700 languages. Indonesia is a huge country comprising more than 17 000 islands, 300 tribes and 700 languages. Hvem er det Toshio liker? Who does Toshio like? Who's that Toshio likes? Katten sidder på bordet. The cat is sitting on the table. The cat's sitting on the table. Jeg kan anbefale et godt hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. Det er usædvanligt. That's unusual. It's unusual. Du kan inte neka det. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Får jag tala nu? Can I talk now? Can I speak now? Jeg ved, at hun har haft travlt. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. Jeg er på vei til Toms leilighet. I'm on my way to Tom's place. I'm on my way to Tom's apartment. En af mine fætre er gift med en romanforfatter. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. One of my cousins is married to a novelist. Hver gang Toms forældre skændtes, græd han. Whenever Tom's parents argued, Tom would cry. Every time Tom's parents fought, he cried. Tom har aldrig haft ett jobb. Tom has never had a job. Tom never had a job. Dette er blot en hypotese. This is just a hypothesis. This is just a hypothesis. Jeg begynte å forberede meg. I started to prepare myself. I began to prepare. Det der fandt du bare lige på, gjorde du ikke? You just made that up, didn't you? You just made up your mind, didn't you? Det er den tredje oktober. It's October the third. It's October 3rd. Donna blev født med en sølvske i munden. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Donna was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Så sagtn dog farten! Hey, slow down! So slow down! Jo mer man vet, desto mer innser man at det er mye man ikke vet. The more you know, the more you understand that you know nothing. The more you know, the more you realize there's a lot you don't know. Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Jag vill dö med Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Ekkert mál. No problem. No problem. Jag ser ingen. I don't see anybody. I don't see anyone. Hvorfor snakker vi overhoved om det her. Why are we even talking about this? Why are we talking about this? Han er dig underlegen på alle måder. He is inferior to you in all respects. He's weird to you in every way. Vet du hvem som oppfant kruttet? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the crippled? Vilka är Toms vänner? Who are Tom's friends? Who are Tom's friends? De erklærte uavhengighet i 1847. In 1847, they declared independence. They declared independence in 1847. Tom bär alltid hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears hat. Duden er det tyske sprogs bibel. "Duden" is the bible of the German language. Duden is the Bible of the German language. Velg dine neste ord med omhu. Choose your next words carefully. Please select your next words carefully. Vad gör vi nu? What do we do now? What do we do now? Tom började prata. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Jeg trenger å vite det innen i morgen. I need to know by tomorrow. I need to know before tomorrow. Det var aldri vanskelig for oss å finne noe å snakke om. It was never hard for us to find something to talk about. It was never difficult for us to find anything to talk about. Jag behöver en vecka. I need a week. I need a week. Han fyldte vasen med vand. He filled the vase with water. He filled his vase with water. Han tittar på dinosaurier. He's looking at dinosaurs. He's watching dinosaurs. Min korttidshukommelse bliver kortere og kortere. My short-term memory is getting shorter and shorter. My short-term memory will be shorter and shorter. Jag måste vara full. I must be drunk. I have to be drunk. Hur firade du din födelsedag? How did you celebrate your birthday? How did you celebrate your birthday? I Japan er det en stasjon hvor stasjonsmesteren er en katt. In Japan there are train stations with a cat for a stationmaster. In Japan, there's a station where the station master is a cat. Vänta, skjut inte! Wait, don't shoot! Wait, don't shoot! Jeg er i bilen. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Hvor tog du dine sko af? Where did you take your shoes off? Where did you take your shoes off? Melanie dödade en spindel med handen. Melanie killed a spider with her hand. Melanie killed a spider with his hand. Av en eller annen grunn virket ikke mikrofonen tidligere. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason the microphone did not work before. Husker du det? You remember it? Do you remember? Tom sad på kantstenen. Tom sat on the curb. Tom was sitting on the edge. Kan du høre katten? Hun vil ind. Can you hear the cat? She's wanting in. Can you hear the cat? Nordmænd har normalt ikke store problemer med at forstå hvad en svensker siger. For Norwegians, it is normally not difficult to understand what a Swede is saying. Norwegians usually don't have much trouble understanding what a Swede says. Skala äpplet innan du äter det. Peel the apple before you eat it. Scaling the apple before you eat it. Jeg missede toget. I could not make the train. I missed the train. Ég er á sjúkrahúsinu. Það laust eldingu niður í mig. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital. Jag antar att du jobbar på att rätta felen. I assume you're working on correcting the mistakes. I guess you're working on correcting the flaws. Finns det ett apotek i närheten? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Siden 29. april 2017 har Wikipedia været blokeret i Tyrkiet. Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey since April 29, 2017. Since 29 April 2017, Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey. Egern er hurtige til at tage ved lære. Squirrels are quick learners. Eagle is quick to learn. Jeg bryder mig ikke om måden hun taler til mig på. I don't like the way she speaks to me. I don't like the way she talks to me. Der er ikke nok mad. There's not enough food. There's not enough food. De är på god fot med sina grannar. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They're on good foot with their neighbors. Bliver Donald Trump USA's næste præsident? Will Donald Trump be the next president of the United States? Is Donald Trump gonna be the next president of the United States? Ta med dig din verktygsback. Bring your tool box. Take your toolback with you. Frankrike, Østerrike og Russland formet en allianse mot Preussen. France, Austria and Russia formed an alliance against Prussia. France, Austria and Russia formed an alliance against Prussia. Jag har glömt min PIN-kod. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my PIN. Tom har betett sig väldigt konstigt. Tom has been acting very strange. Tom's been acting really weird. Hendes svar kunne man ikke forstå. Her answer couldn't be understood. Her answer could not be understood. Du er den bedste sanger jeg kender. You're the best singer I know. You're the best singer I know. Är jag misstänkt? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Det er ikke besværet værd. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the effort. Et hvert vektorrom har en basis. Every vector space has a basis. Each vector room has a base. Jag vill bo i Brasilien. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Hur kommer jag tillbaka? How do I get back? How do I get back? Ég vonast til að valda jákvæðum breytingum á heiminum. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to bring about a positive change in the world. Hon köpte lite rågbröd. She bought some rye bread. She bought some rye bread. Þau héldu sig í burtu frá staðnum. They stayed away from the place. They stayed away from the place. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúin fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're as good as we're ready for the cold winter. Barnen är vår framtid. The children are our future. The children are our future. Húsið þitt er þrisvar sinnum stærra en mitt. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times larger than mine. Hvad er din blodtype? What's your blood type? What is your type of blood? Of mikið ljós meiðir augun. Too much light hurts the eye. Too much light hurts your eyes. På tal om tv, vilket är ditt favoritprogram nuförtiden? Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays? Speaking of TV, which is your favorite program nowadays? Hvilken bog har du købt? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Vilket är ditt favoritprogram på tv? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite program on TV? Hvis flere havde stemt, ville vi have vundet valget. If more people had voted, we would have won the election. If more people had voted, we would have won the election. Det er ikke mit problem. Det er dit. It isn't my problem. It's yours. It's not my problem, it's yours. Jag har bara druckit två glas vin. I only had two glasses of wine. I've only had two glasses of wine. Tom hejste flaget. Tom hoisted the flag. Tom cheered the flag. Jeg tok ikke poenget til vitsen. I didn't get the joke. I didn't take the point of the joke. Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Toms meninger har ikke særlig betydning her. Tom's opinions don't carry much weight around here. Tom's opinions don't matter very much here. Han spurgte min mor. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Hun har vakre øyne. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful eyes. Han la ifrån sig mobilen när han var på stan. He put away his cellphone when he was in town. He left his cell phone when he was in town. Mig langar til þess að dýfa mér ofan í ána. I want to dive into the river. I want to dive into the river. Paradisfugle er smukke. Birds-of-paradise are beautiful. Paradise birds are beautiful. Repet gick av medan vi besteg berget. The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. The rope went off while we climbed the mountain. Jeg burde kanskje ikke spørre Tom om å få det gjort for meg. I should probably not tell Tom to do that for me. Maybe I shouldn't ask Tom to get it done for me. Min far fick mig att tvätta bilen. My father had me wash the car. My father made me wash the car. Det är här som Tom brukar hänga. This is where Tom hangs out. This is where Tom usually hangs. I Europa startar skolorna i september. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe, schools start in September. Takk! Thank you. Thank you! John er góður í skák. John is good at chess. John's good at chess. Algeriet ligger ikke i Mellemøsten. Algeria is not in the Middle East. Algeria is not located in the Middle East. Min kone er polak. My wife is Polish. My wife's a Polak. Tom fortæller mig ingenting. Tom doesn't tell me anything. Tom won't tell me anything. Hvad tid starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? What time does the rodeo start? Absolut ikke. No way. Absolutely not. Jeg krydser fingre. My fingers are crossed. I'll cross my fingers. Kylling! Chicken! Chicken! Han har tre døtre. He has three daughters. He's got three daughters. Vil du være en av dem? Do you want one of them? You want to be one of them? Disse handsker holdt hendes hænder varme. These gloves kept her hands warm. These gloves kept her hands warm. Jane er að tala við einhvern. Jane is talking with somebody. Jane's talking to someone. Kvinnan fastnade på något sätt mellan sin egen bildörr och något annat på uppfarten. Somehow the woman got stuck between her car door and something in the driveway. The woman somehow stuck between her own car door and something else on the driveway. Fyrr eða seinna muntu sjá eftir iðjuleysinu. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later you'll regret the lack of industry. Hvornår tager du af sted? When are you leaving? When are you going? Der er ingen sukker i min te. There's no sugar in my tea. There's no sugar in my tea. Vad vill du titta på? What do you want to watch? What do you want to look at? Toms fransk er blevet meget bedre. Tom's French has gotten much better. Tom's French has gotten much better. Jeg har allerede en konvolutt. I already have an envelope. I already have a envelope. Han leker med katten min. He's playing with my cat. He's playing with my cat. Han förälskade sig i den vackra prinsessan. He fell in love with a beautiful princess. He fell in love with the beautiful princess. Du fordreir alltid hvert ord jeg sier. You always twist what I say. You always turn every word I say. Himmelen er blå. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe den. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Så, kommer du sammen med nogen? So, are you seeing anyone? So, are you dating someone? Han har gjort det bedre enn sist gang. He has done better than last time. He's done better than last time. Det lille huset var rent og ryddig. That small house was clean and tidy. The little house was clean and clean. Tom regner med dig, ikke sandt? Tom is counting on you, isn't he? Tom's counting on you, right? Brændt barn skyr ilden. A burnt child fears the fire. Burned children shoot the fire. Jag visste att det skulle bli svårt att övertala Tom att hjälpa oss. I knew it was going to be tough to persuade Tom to help us. I knew it would be hard to persuade Tom to help us. Du kommer att klara dig. You'll be fine. You're gonna be okay. Kan du passa barnen? Can you watch the kids? Can you watch the kids? Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre lenger. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Hjälp mig att bli flytande i ditt språk. Help me become fluent in your language. Help me get liquid in your language. Det hele er et forferdelig mistak. This is all a terrible mistake. It's all a terrible mistake. Tro vad du vill. Believe what you like. Believe what you want. Hvilken vei skal vi gå? Which way will we go? Which way do we go? Tack för er gästfrihet. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Tom bluffar. Tom's bluffing. Tom's bluffing. Til vores store forbavselse trådte han tilbage. To our great surprise, he suddenly resigned. To our great astonishment, he returned. Forskere har meddelt at de har opdaget gravitationsbølger. Scientists have announced that they have discovered gravitational waves. Researchers have announced that they have discovered gravity waves. Hur kunde Tom veta det? How could Tom know? How did Tom know? Vi kan inte hjälpa er. We can't help you. We can't help you. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig en dag uden dig. I can't imagine a day without you. I can't imagine a day without you. Vad var det som Tom dödade? What killed Tom? What did Tom kill? Nogle siger at han var den største bokser nogensinde. Some say that he was the greatest boxer who ever lived. Some say he was the biggest boxer ever. Jeg har ikke mange venner. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Gör det ont att ta hål i öronen? Does it hurt to get your ears pierced? Does it hurt to put holes in your ears? Även du, min Brutus? You too, Brutus? You too, my Brutus? Børn er grusomme. Kids are cruel. Children are cruel. Han skulle aldrig få se sina föräldrar igen. He was never to see his parents again. He would never see his parents again. Eg har ein ven til i Kina. I have another friend in China. I have another friend in China. Jeg ved du har følelser for Tom. I know you have feelings for Tom. I know you have feelings for Tom. Jag skriver en roman. I am writing a novel. I'm writing a novel. Varför gav du upp? Why did you give up? Why did you give up? Tom tackade ja till erbjudandet. Tom accepted the offer. Tom accepted the offer. Fuglarnir syngja. The birds are singing. The birds sing. Alle innbyggerne i byen kan anvende byens biblioteker. All the citizens of the city have access to the city library. All city residents can use city libraries. Afrika är mänsklighetens vagga. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Dette faktum beviser hendes uskyld. This fact proves her innocence. This fact proves her innocence. Ring mig op før du kommer. Please telephone me before you come. Call me back before you get here. Det regner. It's raining. It's raining. Bob har været forlovet med Mary i over et år. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been engaged to Mary for over a year. Hur varmt blir det? How hot will it get? How hot does it get? Finska är ett ganska konservativt språk. Finnish is a pretty conservative language. Finnish is a rather conservative language. Vem ska ges skulden? Who's to blame? Who's to be blamed? Det här är en bild på Toms familj. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Jeg savner ord. Words fail me. I miss words. Hvorfor har I ikke fortalt mig at I ikke ønskede at tage på campingtur? Why didn't you guys tell me you didn't want to go camping? Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to go camping? Man kan ikke overleve uden penge. One can't survive without money. You can't survive without money. Det är inte mitt val. It's not my choice. It's not my choice. Han er ikke det mindste interesseret i hvad der sker i verden. He's not in the least interested in what is happening in the world. He is not at least interested in what is happening in the world. Vi beställde ingenting. We didn't order anything. We didn't order anything. Jeg gir ikke opp! I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up! Ta hand om Tom. Take care of Tom. Take care of Tom. Det var en af ​​de mest utrolige oplevelser i mit liv. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Hvis jeg havde en hund, ville jeg kalde den Tom. If I had a dog, I'd call it Tom. If I had a dog, I'd call it Tom. Det kostede spidsen af en jetjager. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost the tip of a jet hunter. Tom bað ekki. Tom didn't pray. Tom didn't pray. Den delen är i alla fall sann. At least that part's true. At least that part is true. Barnið grætur. The baby is crying. The baby's crying. Det är jättefint! That's wonderful! That's great! Fortæl ham ikke at du er betjent. Don't tell him you're a cop. Don't tell him you're a cop. Han är stolt över att vara läkare. He is proud of being a doctor. He's proud to be a doctor. Jeg er delvis enig med deg. I partly agree with you. I partly agree with you. Guld er dyrere end bly. Gold is more expensive than lead. Gold is more expensive than lead. Má ég sitja við hliðina á þér? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Hvem vil købe en motorcykel med hvinende bremser? Who wants to buy a motorcycle with squeaky brakes? Who wants to buy a motorcycle with harrowing brakes? Han sprang ud af sengen. He jumped out of bed. He jumped out of bed. Toms hus ligger kun tre blokke herfra. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is only three blocks away. Jeg kan ikke li' at studere. I don't like studying. I don't like studying. Døgnet har fireogtyve timer. A day has twenty-four hours. The night has twenty-four hours. Är inte Tom med dig? Isn't Tom with you? Is not Tom with you? Vi tog brusebad. We took showers. We took a shower. Jeg har tænkt mig at gøre det. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. Det sitter på din bänk. It's on your desk. It's on your bench. Vad betydde det? What did that mean? What did that mean? Jeg ville elske at tilbringe julen med dig. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. "Er det mørkt nu?" "Ja, det er!" "Is it dark now?" "Yes, it is." "Is it dark now?" "Yes, it is!" Vem är den killen? Who is that boy? Who's that guy? Det er mange folk som vil snakke med Tom. There are a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. There's a lot of people who want to talk to Tom. Skriv aldrig orden ”borsjtj” och ”sjtji” på tyska! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words “borschtj” and “sjtji” in German! Jeg vil ikke have at nogen rører ved den her. I don't want anyone to touch this. I don't want anyone touching this. Jeg må gå snart. I've got to leave soon. I have to go soon. Rådet hans var ikke til nytte i det hele tatt. His advice didn't help at all. His council was no use at all. Vi njöt av att simma i sjön. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. Vi är bättre än de. We're better than they are. We're better than them. Din cykel er meget nyere end min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. Lad ikke dørene stå åbne. Don't leave the doors open. Don't leave the doors open. Jeg hører på radio. I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Det är gammal skåpmat. That's old news. It's old cabinet food. Det er virkelig ulækkert. This is really gross. It's really disgusting. Jag gick inte, utan stannade hemma. I didn't go, but stayed at home. I didn't leave. I stayed at home. Læser du ikke tabloidaviserne? Don't you read the tabloids? Don't you read the tabloid visions? Tom var nød til at løbe for at nå bussen. Tom had to run to catch the bus. Tom had to run to reach the bus. Jag är alldeles ensam nu. I'm all alone now. I'm all alone now. Jag hatar regn. I hate the rain. I hate rain. Já. Yes. Yeah. Om du inte vill hålla tal, behöver du inte det. If you don't want to give a speech, you don't have to. If you don't want to talk, you don't have to. Vi tager et bad hver dag. We take a bath every day. We take a bath every day. Tom blinkade. Tom winked. Tom blinked. Han likte ikke å gå på skole. He didn't like going to school. He didn't like to go to school. Vad var det du drack? What were you drinking? What were you drinking? Jag håller inte med. I beg to differ. I don't agree. Det er ren tidsfordriv. That is a pure waste of time. It's a waste of time. "Känner du igen den här mannen?" "Nä, det kan jag inte säga att jag gör." "Do you recognize this man?" "Can't say I do." "Do you recognize this man?" "Now, I can't say I do." Eitt høgt hús vórðu reist fyri mítt húsið. A tall building was built next to my house. One high house was built for the middle house. Jag gjorde illa foten. I hurt my foot. I hurt my foot. Kommer hon att komma? Will she come? Is she coming? Havskildpadder har ikke tænder. Sea turtles don't have teeth. Sea turtles don't have teeth. Vem vill du tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hvis jeg dengang havde kunnet tale fransk, var jeg ikke løbet ind i problemer. If I'd been able to speak French then, I wouldn't have gotten into trouble. If I had then been able to speak French, I was not in trouble. Jeg har fått nok av han. I've had it with him. I've had enough of him. Jeg kan ikke drikke te uden sukker. I cannot drink tea without sugar. I can't drink tea without sugar. Min mor er sådan en hykler. My mom is so hypocritical. My mother's such a hypocrite. Það er ískallt í þessu herbergi, Cindy. Ég þoli ekki þennan kulda. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. Vi kommer att åka till Irland. We'll go to Ireland. We're going to Ireland. Vi har en bisonokse. We have a bison. We have a bison. Hun var deprimeret. She felt blue. She was depressed. Det kan være sant. It may be true. That could be true. Tilmelding starter tyvende oktober. Registration starts October 20th. Registration will begin on 20 October. Ikke alle lamper er magiske. Not every lamp is magic. Not all lamps are magic. Tom spiste resten af ​​pizzaen. Tom ate the rest of the pizza. Tom ate the rest of the pizza. Han har en japansk bil. He has a Japanese car. He's got a Japanese car. Du har taget fejl. You're barking up the wrong tree. You've been wrong. Du kan inte rädda mig. You can't save me. You can't save me. Er du sikker på at du vil jeg skal selge dette? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Slog I ham ihjel? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Jeg kom hertil i går. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Er ikke du Mary sin ektemann? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Detta är omöjligt. This is impossible. This is impossible. Vad skulle du säga om du var i den här situationen? What would you say if you were in this situation? What would you say if you were in this situation? Jeg vil bevise det. I'll prove it. I'll prove it. Al-Mutanabbi dog med svärdet i hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with his sword in his hand. Al-Mutanabbi died with the sword in hand. Ég er hrygg. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Jeg har smurt syltetøj på min sandwich. I put jam on my sandwich. I smeared jam on my sandwich. Lad ikke ilden gå ud. Don't let the fire die down. Don't let the fire go out. Han ved hvor du er. He knows where you are. He knows where you are. Ikkje rør meg. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Vandet er godt. The water is good. The water is good. Jeg føler at jeg ikke gjør det du forventer at jeg skal gjøre. I just feel like I'm not doing what you expect me to do. I feel like I'm not doing what you expect me to do. Hann keyrir mjög hratt. He drives very fast. He's driving very fast. Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu. I want to work with your company. I want to work with your company. Jobbar du fortfarande med Tom? Are you still working with Tom? Are you still working with Tom? Avbryt inte Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Don't interrupt Tom. Jeg spørger mig om dette er kærlighed. I wonder if this is love. I ask myself if this is love. Når kommer du tilbake? Det er alt avhengig av været. "When are you coming back?" "That all depends on the weather." When do you come back? Jeg har brug for nogen. I need somebody. I need someone. Hun var enda svak etter sykdommen. She was still weak after her illness. She was even weak after the disease. Der kommer bussen. Here comes the bus. There comes the bus. Jag önskar att Tom var här med oss idag. I wish Tom was here with us today. I wish Tom was here with us today. Vi kommer inte att sälja den. We're not going to sell it. We're not gonna sell it. Den är noggrann. It's accurate. It's accurate. Klósettið sturtar ekki almennilega niður. The toilet doesn't flush properly. The toilet doesn't flush properly down. Tom sang, mens han arbejdede. Tom sang while he worked. Tom sang while he was working. Algeriet har brug for flere rensningsanlæg. Algeria needs more sewage treatment plants. Algeria needs more treatment facilities. Ge den åt Tom bara. Just give it to Tom. Just give it to Tom. Ann kommer ikke til vores fest. Ann won't be coming to our party. Ann's not coming to our party. Nok er nok! Enough is enough. Enough! Hur länge var Tom här? How long was Tom here? How long was Tom here? Lad være med at spille kostbar! Stop playing hard to get. Don't play expensive! Hvaða ávöxtur er rauður? What fruit is red? What fruit is red? Ísak var einn leiðtoga Gyðinga. Isaac was a leader of the Jewish people. Isaac was one of the Jewish leaders. Flestir Japanir lifa á hrísgrjónum. Most Japanese live on rice. Most Japanese live on rice. Þeir gengu um. They walked around. They walked around. Min bror har boet i London i mange år. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has lived in London for many years. Jag skulle vilja spela tennis. I'd like to play tennis. I'd like to play tennis. Mit land ligger i Nordafrika, syd for Middelhavet. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is located in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean. Jeg har boet i dette hus i to år. I've lived in this house for two years. I've been living in this house for two years. Var inte orolig. Set your mind at ease. Don't worry. Vi har æg. We have eggs. We have eggs. Hils dine forældre fra mig. Say hello to your parents from me. Say hello to your parents from me. Skulle jag kunna få ett glas mjölk, tack? May I have a glass of milk, please? Could I have a glass of milk, please? Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. A nutritious soil is essential for good harvests. Jag kommer att göra det. I'll do it. I'll do it. Tom lover skotterne guld og grønne skove. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises the shots gold and green forests. Vad är klockan? What's the time? What time is it? Har du syrisk pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? Do you have a Syrian passport? Han så ud som han havde set et spøgelse. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. Han kommer inte att stanna i mer än fyra dagar. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. Þetta er fallegt. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Försäljaren väger osten på kopparvågen. The seller weighs the cheese on the copper scales. The salesman weighs the cheese on the copper wave. Jag har juryplikt. I have jury duty. I'm under a lawsuit. Hva skal du gjøre på fredag? What're you going to do on Friday? What are you going to do on Friday? Peter kann að þurfa nýja bleyju. Peter may need a new diaper. Peter may need a new diaper. Tom är den ende man som Mary någonsin har älskat. Tom is the only man that Mary has ever loved. Tom is the only man Mary ever loved. Vi kan ikke utsette møtet. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Tom kan endnu ikke svømme. Tom is not yet able to swim. Tom can't swim yet. For lang tid siden var der en bro her. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. A long time ago, there was a bridge here. Jag letar efter en man som ska bo här. I'm looking for a man who is supposed to live here. I'm looking for a man to live here. Far oppmuntrer ham hele tiden. Dad's always encouraging him. Dad encourages him all the time. Han faldt i søvn på min skulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. He fell asleep on my shoulder. Han var involverad i en skandal. He was involved in a scandal. He was involved in a scandal. Tom pustar ikkje meir. Tom's not breathing. Empty puzzle is no more. Tom gav lådan till Mary. Tom handed Mary the box. Tom gave the box to Mary. Du er nødt til at forbedre din kysseteknik. You need to improve your kissing technique. You have to improve your kissing technique. Alle studerende i vores college kan bruge computeren. Any student in our college can use the computer. All students in our college can use the computer. Og så hørte jeg, at man spiser blåskimmelost på brunkager i Sverige. Kan det være rigtigt? And then I heard that they eat blue cheese on thin ginger cookies in Sweden. Can that be right? And then I heard that you eat blue ice cream cheese on brown biscuits in Sweden. Can that be right? Han ger ut böcker i Italien. He publishes books in Italy. He's publishing books in Italy. Det er ikke et luftkastel. It's not a pipe dream. It's not an air castle. Hun er 31 år. She is thirty-one. She's 31. Må jeg spørge dig om noget? May I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Hvad kalder man denne grøntsag på engelsk? What do you call this vegetable in English? What do you call this vegetable in English? Tom ejer et pizzeria. Tom owns a pizzeria. Tom owns a pizzeria. Hvem skrev denne bog? Who wrote this book? Who wrote this book? Kig, kig! Look, look! Look, look! Bárðarbunga er i udbrud i Island. The Bárðarbunga is erupting in Iceland. Bårdarbunga is in an outbreak in Iceland. Jag är fransk medborgare. I'm a French citizen. I'm a French citizen. Han nektet for det øyeblikkelig. He instantly denied it. He refused for it immediately. Det var meget godt. That was very good. That was very good. Du har felstavat mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You have misplaced my name. Tal for dig selv. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Jeg finner ikke ord. I am at a loss for words. I can't find any words. Tag en pause. Take a break. Take a break. Tom frågade Mary om hon kunde hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary if she'd help him. Tom asked Mary if she could help him. Min søster kan lide at danse. My sister likes to dance. My sister likes to dance. Den Engelske Kanal skiller England og Frankrig. The English Channel separates England and France. The English Channel separates England and France. Gillar du lever? Do you like liver? Do you like living? Han älskar att resa. He loves traveling. He loves to travel. Hun bør ikke gå alene. She shouldn't go by herself. She shouldn't go alone. ”Hur gammal är du?” ”Jag är sexton år.” "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." “How old are you?” “I’m sixteen years old.” Hvad sker der i dit land? What happens in your country? What's going on in your country? La meg fatte meg i korthet, jeg er uenig. To put it briefly, I do not agree. Let me understand briefly, I disagree. Tom simmar. Tom's swimming. Tom's swimming. Þú þarfnast frís. You are in need of a holiday. You need some time off. Oslo er Norges hovedstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is Norway's capital. Tom var berfættur. Tom was barefoot. Tom was barefoot. Tom arbejdede meget hårdere end de andre. Tom worked much harder than anyone else. Tom worked a lot harder than the others. Tom ble nesten oppsagt. Tom almost got fired. Tom was almost dismissed. Hraðbrautin var lokuð sökum meiriháttar slyss. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was shut down because of a major accident. Vi måste gå. We need to be going. We have to go. De erobrede Rom i juni 1944. They captured Rome in June of 1944. They conquered Rome in June 1944. Jeg drikker enten kaffe eller te hver morgen. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. I drink either coffee or tea every morning. Du har rota alt til. You have put everything out of order. You've got everything to do. Vi ses igen. We will meet again. I'll see you again. Tom strøg sine bukser. Tom ironed his trousers. Tom took his pants. Jag tror inte att Tom gjorde något med det. I don't think Tom did anything with it. I don't think Tom did anything about it. Hører du hvor hurtig han taler? Do you hear how fast he speaks? Do you hear how fast he's talking? Lisa låtsades inte höra. Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa wasn't pretending to hear. Jag är inte på väg någonstans. I am not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. Kan jag säga det högt? Can I say it aloud? Can I say it out loud? Fadil och Layla var intima i ungefär en timme. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Fadil and Layla were intimate for about an hour. Jag somnade. I fell asleep. I fell asleep. Jag tror att jag svimmade. I think I fainted. I think I fainted. Gerir þú þér grein fyrir því hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you realize how much she loves you? Jag ringde i förväg. I called ahead. I called in advance. Hun er ikke hans søster, men hans mor. She's not his sister, but his mother. She's not his sister, she's his mother. Tom døde af en overdosis. Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom died of an overdose. Tom cyklede til stranden i sidste weekend. Tom rode his bicycle to the beach last weekend. Tom cycled to the beach last weekend. Jeg har skrevet denne sang kun for dig. I wrote this song just for you. I've only written this song for you. Jeg håper ingen setter seg foran oss. I hope no one sits in front of us. I hope no one sits in front of us. Hvad laver du? What do you do for a living? What are you doing? Mine hænder er bundet. My hands are tied. My hands are tied. Kender du den gamle dame der bor på tredje etage? You know this old lady that lives on second floor? Do you know the old lady who lives on the third floor? Det gjør ikke noe. It does not matter. It doesn't matter. Vi hade inget bättre för oss. We had nothing better to do. We had nothing better to do with it. Tom er bange. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. Han är inte tysk, utan österrikare. He's not German, but Austrian. He's not German, he's Austrian. Varför är du hemma? Why are you home? Why are you home? Du må ikke gjøre det nå, må du? You don't have to do that now, do you? You don't have to do it now, do you? Þetta er ekki þar. It's not there. It's not there. Sumarið virðist loksins vera komið. Summer seems to have come at last. The summer seems to have finally arrived. Vi förde ganska mycket oljud. We were pretty noisy. We made a lot of noise. Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why ask me, wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Hon hatar spindlar. She hates spiders. She hates spiders. Det er Toms mesterværk. It's Tom's masterpiece. It's Tom's masterpiece. Vi kan inte låta Tom dö. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. Vilkendera är tyngre? Which is the heavier of the two? Which ones are heavier? Jeg havde ingen anelse om hvem hun var. I had no idea who she was. I had no idea who she was. Grannhunden skäller alltid. The dog next door is always barking. The neighboring dog always barks. Det är inte en tillfällighet. It's not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence. Yumi er flink til å spille tennis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. ”Tack.” ”Varsågod.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." ‘Thank you.’ Kender vi hinanden? Are we acquaintances? Do we know each other? Tom kunde ha räddat sig själv. Tom could've saved himself. Tom could have saved himself. Tom är väldigt rik, eller hur? Tom is very rich, isn't he? Tom's very rich, isn't he? Marie manglede ideer. Marie was short of ideas. Marie was missing ideas. Det ska du ha jävligt klart för dig! Let's make that much very fucking clear! You're gonna be fucking ready for that! Tom er veldig rask. Tom is really fast. Tom is very fast. Hvorfor lærte du ikke tysk mens du var i Tyskland? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany? Är det dags? Is it time? Is it time? Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Din uforskammethed kender ingen grænser. Your impudence knows no bounds. Your impertinence knows no boundaries. Leiðtogi flokksins okkar hitti hina leiðtogana og ræddi vandamálið. The leader of our party met with the other leaders and talked about the problem. Our group leader met the other leaders and discussed the problem. Jag borde hjälpa Tom. I should help Tom. I should help Tom. Tom blev dræbt af en kæmpestor gedehams. Tom was killed by a giant hornet. Tom was killed by a giant goatham. Glem ikke dine pas. Don't forget your passports. Don't forget your passports. Döm inte andra efter dig själv. Don't judge others by yourself. Don't judge others after yourself. Jeg er arbeidsløs. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Jag mjölkade kon. I milked the cow. I milked my wife. Flere er redde for å sette seg et høyt mål i redsel for ikke å nå det. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Several are afraid to set a high goal in rides not to reach it. Ef þú lofar einhverju, stattu þá við það. If you promise something, keep your word. If you promise something, stick to it. Hann lá á grasinu. He was lying on the grass. He lay on the grass. Pas på, den fyr har et jagttegn! Be careful, this guy has a shooting license! Watch out, this guy's got a hunting sign! Jeg lå i koma i tre år. I was in a coma for three years. I was in a coma for three years. Ég get kennt þér hvernig á að þýða. I can teach you how to translate. I can teach you how to translate. Hvor reparerede du dem? Where did you repair them? Where did you repair them? Han klagade över att rätten smakade illa. He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complained that the court tasted bad. Jeg er enig med dig. I agree with you. I agree with you. Tom er ekki sonur minn. Tom is not my son. Tom's not my son. Tom er bipolar. Tom is bipolar. Tom's a bipolar. Den er beste av alle jeg har hørt hitill. This is the best thing I've heard so far. It's the best of all I've heard hereill. Krakkar, hlustið! Kids, listen! Guys, listen up! Solen gemmer sig bag skyerne. The Sun hides behind the clouds. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Hon antydde att hon kanske skulle studera utomlands. She hinted that she might study abroad. She suggested that she might study abroad. Mary ville ikke sælge sin bil. Mary didn't want to sell her car. Mary wouldn't sell her car. Jeg er borger i Sapporo. I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm a citizen of Sapporo. Kan du gi meg mobilnummeret ditt? Can you give me your cell number? Can you give me your cell phone number? Vinsamlegast gakktu frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please walk from these tools. Kan man drikke vann fra springen i Australia? Is tapwater drinkable in Australia? Can you drink water from the spring in Australia? Tom kastede æblet over til mig. Tom chucked me the apple. Tom threw the apple over to me. Maria vet at hennes viktigste våpen, et vakkert ansikt og en ung kropp, er forgjengelig verdi. Mary knows that her main weapons, a beautiful face and a young body, are of transient value. Mary knows that her main weapon, a beautiful face and a young body, is accessible value. Jag läser inte. I don't read. I'm not reading. Min far er holdt op med at drikke. My father quit drinking. My dad quit drinking. Ge inte Tom några idéer. Don't give Tom any ideas. Don't give Tom any ideas. Hallo. Hello! Hello. Tom gik over til kvinden der havde en drink i hånden og spurgte hende hvad hendes navn var. Tom walked over to the woman with a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Tom went over to the woman who had a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. Ok, vi har en aftale. OK, we've got a deal. Okay, we have a deal. Hon var tvungen att dela ett sovrum med sin syster. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Eg er heime. I'm at home. I'm home. Vi kan ikke gøre andet end at vente. We can't do anything but wait. We can't do anything but wait. Vore ansatte tager ikke imod drikkepenge. Our employees do not accept tips. Our employees don't accept tips. Det er helt forståeligt. That's totally understandable. That's completely understandable. Jeg vil ikke skrive under på det. I'm not signing it. I don't want to sign it. Hun er ikke sygeplejerske, men læge. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, she's a doctor. Tom vet att ni är här. Tom knows you're here. Tom knows you're here. Jag gör som jag vill. I'll do as I please. I'll do as I please. Jag hoppas att du förstår varför jag inte vill göra det. I hope you can understand why I'm reluctant to do that. I hope you understand why I don't want to. Jeg liker ikke kaker. I don't like cookies. I don't like cakes. Jag vill ha fläkten. I want the fan. I want the fan. Hon svor högt. She cursed loudly. She swore loudly. Min papegoja dog igår. My parrot died yesterday. My parrot died yesterday. Jag beter mig inte som du. I don't act like you. I'm not acting like you. Bor han här? Does he live here? Does he live here? Hur länge har du stått och väntat? How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting? "Brann" ropte han. "Fire!", he cried. "Brond" he cried out. Hon förespråkade jämställdhet. She advocated equal rights for women. She was in favour of equality. Tom hadde knapt nok penger til å betale regningene sine forrige måned. Tom had barely enough money to pay his bills last month. Tom had barely enough money to pay his bills last month. Jeg var ikke så mye trist som jeg var sint. I wasn't so much sad as I was angry. I wasn't as sad as I was. Tom sagde at han havde brug for lidt mere tid. Tom said that he needed a little more time. Tom said he needed a little more time. Vänta på din tur. Wait until your turn comes. Wait for your turn. Da jeg kom hjem, oppdaget jeg at jeg hadde mistet lommeboken min. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I came home, I discovered that I had lost my wallet. En af børnene lod døren stå åben. One of the children left the door open. One of the children left the door open. Tom er bare en tøsedreng. Tom is nothing but a sissy. Tom's just a girl boy. Har nokon her nokon gong sett nattehimmelen ei mørk natt borte frå lysforurensing? Has anyone here ever seen the night sky on a dark night, away from light pollution? Has anyone ever seen the night sky a dark night away from light pollution? Han er den rigeste mand på jorden. He is the richest man on earth. He's the richest man on earth. Jeg har fået en god idé. I've got a good idea. I've got a good idea. Jag hårdkokte ett ägg. I hard-boiled an egg. I had a hard-boiled egg. Har du fundet dine kontaktlinser? Have you found your contact lenses? Have you found your contact lenses? Komið mér í burtu. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Snigskytten kører i en hvid varevogn. The sniper is driving a white van. The sniper is driving in a white van. Du har inget bra minne. You do not have a good memory. You don't have a good memory. Jeg kan heller ikke danse. I can't dance either. I can't dance, either. Han er syg. Det er derfor han ikke er her. He is ill. That is why he is not here. That's why he's not here. Du løj overfor mig. You lied to me. You lied to me. Vi tänker flytta till Boston. We're going to move to Boston. We're moving to Boston. Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big science fiction fan. He's a great fan of scientific fiction. Det er en flertrinnsprosess. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multistage process. Sandheden er ubestridelig. The truth is undeniable. The truth is unquestionable. Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you take a shower? How many times do you take a shower? Det er et spørsmål om personlig smak. It's a question of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. Ställ dig inte upp. Don't stand up. Don't stand up. Han tok over styringen av familiebedriften etter hans far døde. He took charge of the family business after his father died. He took over the management of the family enterprise after his father died. Han har intyg på att han är anställd. He has proof that he's employed. He's certified that he's an employee. Meirihluti nefndarinnar kaus gegn frumvarpinu. The majority of the committee voted against the bill. The majority of the committee chose against the bill. Du har mitt ord på det. I give you my word. You have my word on it. Jag kunde inte låta det ske. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let that happen. Håll ett öga på den. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Jeg betaler for mig selv. I'll pay my own way. I'll pay for myself. Jag har inte mycket till övers för Hollywoods superhjältefilmer. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I don't have much left over for Hollywood's superhero movies. Du bliver nødt til at følge reglerne. You need to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Jag åker till Stockholm. I'm going to Stockholm. I'm going to Stockholm. Hvorfor snakker du ikke bare med Tom om det? Why don't you just talk to Tom about it? Why don't you just talk to Tom about it? Hvor mange stjerner er synlige med det blotte øye fra jorden? How many stars are visible with the naked eye from earth? How many stars are visible with the naked eye from the earth? Tom hejsede flaget. Tom raised the flag. Tom cheered up the flag. Min mor er imod rygning. My mother is against smoking. My mother's against smoking. Broren din var ikkje på skulen i dag. Your brother was not at school today. Your brother wasn't at school today. Jeg skal drikke en øl. I'm going to drink a beer. I need to drink a beer. Jeg må si meg enig med deg. I have to agree with you. I have to say I agree with you. Der er mad i køleskabet. There's food in the fridge. There's food in the fridge. Dette firmaet solgte utrygge produkter. This company sold unsafe products. This company sold unsafe products. Ljug inte. Don't lie. Don't lie. Tom är väldigt charmig. Tom is very charming. Tom is very charming. Vi kan lita på Tom. We can rely on Tom. We can trust Tom. Tom är inte här längre. Tom isn't here anymore. Tom's not here anymore. Tom är redan hemma. Tom is already home. Tom's already home. Han blev kidnappet af Nordkorea. He was kidnapped by North Korea. He was kidnapped by North Korea. De flanerade en hel eftermiddag på stan. They spent part of the afternoon strolling through the city. They flaned an entire afternoon in town. Hva gjør du der oppe? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Säg nej till droger. Say no to drugs. Say no to drugs. Vinsamlegast sitjið kyrr. Please remain seated. Please sit still. Hún sannfærði mig um að allt væri í lagi. She assured him that everything was OK. She convinced me everything was okay. Kristy Anderson er Larry Ewings hustru. Kristy Anderson is the wife of Larry Ewing. Kristy Anderson is Larry Ewing's wife. Jeg vil have et jordbær. I want a strawberry. I want a strawberries. Tom er ikke redd slanger i det hele tatt. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. USA är en republik medan Storbritannien inte är det. The USA is a republic, but the United Kingdom isn't. The United States is a republic, while Britain is not. Vilken sport tycker du mest om? What kind of sport do you like the best? What sport do you like most about? Barnet følte seg redd når han så et spøkelse. The child felt scared when he saw a ghost. The child felt scared when he saw a ghost. Jeg håber at du har det godt. I hope you're well. I hope you're all right. Ned med neutralismen! Down with neutralism! Down with neutralism! Keiar de dykk ikkje når de er åleine? Don't you get bored when you're alone? They didn't show up when they were alone? Vi blev angrebet af zombier. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. Det finns ingen tvål. There's no soap. There's no soap. Der er ingen pakvogn i dette tog. On this train there is no baggage car. There is no passenger car in this train. Hver er uppáhaldsleikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite player? Du måste köra. I need you to drive. You have to drive. Jag tycker om gräslök i soppan, men inte i salladen. I like chives in my soup, but not in my salad. I like weeds in the soup, but not in the salad. Hva skal du gjøre på ferie? What will you do on vacation? What are you going to do on vacation? Hvar er vesi? Where is the toilet? Where's a wallet? Ég er að reyna að leysa þetta vandamál. I'm trying to work out this problem. I'm trying to solve this problem. Vi er ikke klar til at kaste håndklædet i ringen. We're not ready to throw in the towel. We're not ready to throw the towel in the ring. Hvor arresterede du dem? Where did you arrest them? Where did you arrest them? Tom är extremt lat. Tom is extremely lazy. Tom is extremely lazy. Hovedstaden i Japan er Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Hann var upptekinn við að undirbúa sig fyrir ferðina. He was busy getting ready for his journey. He was busy preparing for the trip. Jag fann mina skor. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Hann er myndarlegur maður. He is a handsome man. He's a handsome man. Jane ger aldrig med sig. Jane never backs down. Jane never gives in. Jag minns inte hur gammal jag var när jag för första gången träffade Tom. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first met Tom. I don't remember how old I was when I first met Tom. Får jag stiga upp nu? Can I get up now? Can I get up now? Det er ved at blive skyet. It's getting cloudy. It's getting cloudy. Jag hörde Tom sjunga i duschen. I heard Tom singing in the shower. I heard Tom sing in the shower. Buksene dine er skitne. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Shakespeare er anerkjent som den største dramatikeren. Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist. Shakespeare is recognised as the greatest dramatist. Vi mødtes klokken to om eftermiddagen. We met at two in the afternoon. We met at 2:00 in the afternoon. Ingen hackade på mig. Nobody picked on me. Nobody hacked me. Tom lejede et par skøjter. Tom rented a pair of ice skates. Tom rented a couple of skates. Vad ska jag göra sedan? What do I do then? What am I supposed to do then? Der blæser en nordenvind. A north wind is blowing. There's a north wind blowing. Får jag ta den? Can I have it? Can I have it? Jeg antok Tom jobbet sammen med dere. I assumed that Tom was working with you guys. I took on Tom's job with you. Tooghalvtreds procent af britiske kvinder foretrækker chokolade frem for sex. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty - two percent of British women prefer chocolate rather than sex. Da han havde arbejdet længere end normalt, var han træt. Since he had worked longer than usual, he felt tired. When he worked longer than usual, he was tired. Jag är stolt över er alla. I'm proud of all of you. I'm proud of all of you. Jag blir hämtad. I'm being picked up. I'll be picked up. Jag är lite låg. I've got the blues. I'm a little low. Du har brug for en tolk. You need an interpreter. You need an interpreter. Som barn tog jeg altid til stranden hver sommer. When I was a child, I used to go to the beach every summer. As a child, I always went to the beach every summer. Hun pleier å snakke fort. She tends to speak rapidly. She tends to speak quickly. Han är en storätare. He is a big eater. He's a big eater. Det var falsk alarm. It was a false alarm. It was a false alarm. Det siler ned. It is raining heavily. It's sinking. Hun er hiv-inficeret. She is HIV-infected. She's HIV-infected. Ska vi sätta punkt här. Let's call it a day. Let's put a point here. Jag trodde att Tom var i skolan. I thought Tom was in school. I thought Tom was at school. Hon tittade på några klänningar och valde ut den dyraste. She looked at a few dresses and picked the most expensive one. She looked at some dresses and picked out the most expensive. Er broen sikker? Is the bridge safe? Is the bridge safe? Hur fattar du dina beslut? How do you make decisions? How do you make your decisions? Utdannelsen din er viktig. Your education is important. Your education is important. Hann stendur enn. He is still standing. He's still standing. Toms drøm er at bo i en lille by, i Sydfrankrig. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in the south of France. Tom's dream is to live in a small town in South France. Tom kan inte tro att Mary är över trettio. Tom can't believe Mary's over thirty. Tom can't believe Mary's over thirty. Voldelig kriminalitet spredde seg til forstedene. Violent crime spread into the suburbs. Violent crime spread to the suburbs. Kan du tala kinesiska? Can you speak Chinese? Can you speak Chinese? Du är helt värdelös. You're really useless. You're completely worthless. Det er vår plikt å hjelpe hverandre. It is our duty to help one another. It's our duty to help each other. Alle æbler er røde. All apples are red. All apples are red. Han jobbar för mycket. He works too much. He works too much. Jeg er i gang med at lære engelsk. I am studying English now. I'm learning English. Jag önskar att vi kunde göra det. I wish we could do that. I wish we could. Det verkar som om han är trött. He seems tired. Looks like he's tired. Tom ville ikke gøre sig selv til grin. Tom didn't want to make a fool of himself. Tom wouldn't make a fool of himself. Jean äter en banan. Jean eats a banana. Jean's eating a banana. Han har skyhøje ambitioner. He has a soaring ambition. He's got sky-high ambitions. Vinsamlegast gangið frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please close these chairs. Der er ikke mere toiletpapir. There is no TP left. There's no more toilet paper. Glem ikke at poste dette brev. Don't forget to mail this letter. Do not forget to post this letter. Jeg spiller tennis. I play tennis. I play tennis. Hvorfor sagde du ikke bare sandheden? Why didn't you just tell the truth? Why didn't you just tell the truth? Kan vi flytta den? Can we move it? Can we move it? Hold dig fra den fyr. Stay away from that guy. Stay away from that guy. Problemet er ikke så meget pengene, som det er tiden. The problem isn't so much the money as it is the time. The problem is not as much money as it is time. Tom kan inte ersättas. Tom can't be replaced. Tom can't be replaced. Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the café. She met him in the café. Har du bil? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Jeg ville have sagt ja. I would've said yes. I'd have said yes. Jeg kan ikke sove om natten. I can't sleep at night. I can't sleep at night. Þú ert mjög hávaxinn. You're very tall. You're very tall. ”Kebabmorden” verkar ha lösts. The "kebab murders" appear to be solved. The “Kebab murder” seems to have been solved. Detta är deras hus. This is their house. This is their house. „Ég þarf að míga.“ „Jonny, svona á maður ekki að segja. Segðu: „Afsakið mig, ég þarf að fara á klósettið.““ "I have to pee." "Jonny, that's not the right thing to say. Say, 'Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet.'" “ I have to piss. ” “Jonny, you shouldn’t say that, say, “Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom. ” Hon erövrade guldmedaljen. She took the gold medal. She conquered the gold medal. Hvilken vin går bedst til rødt kød? Which wine goes best with red meat? What wine is best for red meat? Han er en høj dreng. He is a tall boy. He's a tall boy. Sami sendte en e-post til sjefen. Sami e-mailed his boss. Sami sent an e-mail to the boss. Roser blomstrer om foråret. The roses bloom in spring. Roses bloom in the spring. Skriv till mig. Write me. Write to me. Man brukar dela upp svenska substantiv i fem deklinationer. Swedish nouns are generally divided into five declinations. You usually divide Swedish noun into five declinations. Jeg studerer fra otte til elleve. I study from eight to eleven. I'm studying from eight to eleven. Tónlistin sem við hlustuðum á í gær var yndisleg. The music we listened to last night was wonderful. The music we listened to yesterday was wonderful. Ekki traðka á grasinu. Don't trample on the grass. Don't trample on the grass. Jeg lærer meg fransk hver dag etter kveldsmat. I study French after dinner every day. I learn French every day after dinner. Betjenten eftersatte indbrudstyven. The policeman chased the burglar. The officer left the burglar. Du er bare en gutt. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Tom stack för länge sedan. Tom left a long time ago. Tom left a long time ago. Tom gikk ut av døra igjen. Tom walked back out the door. Tom left the door again. Hún gekk tuttugu mílur á dag. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked 20 miles a day. Eg gloymi teg ongantíð. I'll never forget you. I'm glad to see you. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "Put me the salt, please." "Værsgo!" Det er koldere i år end sidste år. It is colder this year than last year. It's colder this year than last year. Bomuldsvanter vil forhindre babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face. Cotton guns will prevent the baby from scratching his face. Det var stadig virkelig varmt selvom solen allerede stod ret lavt. It was still really hot, even though the sun had already gotten quite low. It was still really hot, even though the sun was already quite low. Vad köpte Tom till dig? What did Tom get you? What did Tom buy you? Vertu viss um að taka afrit af öllum skjölunum þínum. Make sure to back up all your files. Make sure to copy all your documents. Jag lärde mig mycket om grekisk kultur. I learned a lot about Greek culture. I learned a lot about Greek culture. Dette er hendes hus. This is her house. This is her house. Tom kom løbende med et brev fra Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom kept coming with a letter from Judy. Utan dig är jag ingenting. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Honum mistókst að vekja Harry. He failed to wake Harry up. He failed to wake Harry. Jeg kan ikke se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Har du hørt hende tale engelsk? Have you heard her speaking English? Have you heard her speak English? Det er hendes problem, ikke mit. It's her problem, not mine. It's her problem, not mine. Þegar ég var kominn út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out, I threw the duck lightly. Det er synd at du ikke kan komme. It's a pity that you can't come. It's a shame you can't come. Ge Tom lite tid. Give Tom some time. Give Tom some time. Det er rigtigt! No kidding. That's right! Jeg vil ikke bo i en stor enebolig. I don't want to live in a big mansion. I don't want to live in a big one-bedroom home. Hon skrev så många som tio böcker. She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote as many as ten books. Jeg elsker jer! I love you guys! I love you! Ég meina það. I mean it. I mean it. Forurensing er eit alvorleg problem. Pollution is a serious problem. Pollution is a serious problem. Ég á fimm syni. Tveir þeirra eru verkfræðingar, einn er kennari og hinir eru í námi. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, another is a teacher and the others are students. I have five sons, two of whom are engineers, one is a teacher, and the others are studying. Það er mjög leiðinlegt að vera veikur. Being sick is very boring. It's very sad to be sick. Han innrømmet at han stjal gullet. He admitted that he stole the gold. He admitted he stole the gold. Detta är riktigt illa. This is really bad. This is really bad. Hun gav Tom et tilbud han ikke kunne afslå. She made Tom an offer he couldn't refuse. She offered Tom an offer he could not refuse. Tom afsonede 30 år for bevidst uagtsomt manddrab. Tom served 30 years for second degree murder. Tom was serving 30 years for deliberate accidental manslaughter. Släpp min hand. Let go of my hand. Let go of my hand. Selvom hun skyndte sig, missede den ældre kvinde det sidste tog. Even though she rushed, the elderly woman missed the last train. Even though she hurryed, the older woman missed the last train. Folkmassan demonstrerade för mänskliga rättigheter. The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. The crowd demonstrated human rights. Ingen har bedt om din hjælp! Nobody asked for your help. No one has asked for your help! Tom er hjemmeværende pappa. Tom is a stay-at-home dad. Tom's a homecoming dad. Har du någonsin blivit bestulen? Have you ever been robbed? Have you ever been robbed? For nylig er jeg blevet vant til hans måde at tale på. Recently, I've gotten used to his way of speaking. Recently, I have become accustomed to his way of speaking. Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He hit him in the face. Vi har ikke hele eftermiddagen. We don't have all afternoon. We don't have the whole afternoon. Hann leggur hart að sér í vinnunni. He works very hard. He is working hard at work. Mary drepte kakkerlakken med en sko. Mary killed the cockroach with a shoe. Mary killed the cockroache with a shoe. Jeg har drevet med sport hele livet. I've played sports all my life. I've been playing sports all my life. Det måste vara jag. It has to be me. It must be me. Jobbade Tom där? Did Tom work there? Did Tom work there? Vi bør respektere hverandres tro. We should respect each other's beliefs. We should respect each other's faith. Ég veit ekki hvernig ég get látið þakklæti mitt í ljós. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Far kjøpte boken til meg. Father bought me the book. Dad bought me the book. Jag gör det gladeligen. I'm happy to do it. I'm happy to do it. Fra et praktisk synspunkt er der mange mangler i hans plan. From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. From a practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. Tom har ødelagt noget igen. Tom has broken something again. Tom's ruined something again. Hvussu komi eg til bussteðgiplássið? How do I get to the bus station? How do I get to the bus station? Eg var på toget i tolv timer. I was on the train for twelve hours. I was on the train for 12 hours. Tom kan inte se dig. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. De har gått sönder. They're broken. They've broken. India er verdens sjuende største land. India is the seventh largest country in the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world. Lisa fortalte mig at hun havde spist nattō. Lisa told me that she has eaten natto. Lisa told me she ate the night. Det går bra för Tom och Mary. Tom and Mary are doing well. Tom and Mary are fine. Tilsæt honningen, citronsaften, de hakkede mandler og de hakkede æbler. Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Add the honey, lemon juice, the chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Jeg er begyndt på at læse bogen. I started reading the book. I've started reading the book. Þetta er ekki heldur appelsína. That is not an orange, either. It's not orange either. Det var godt, mens det varede. It was good while it lasted. It was good while it lasted. Han såg genom fingrarna med det. He turned a blind eye. He looked through his fingers with it. Peter er kátur kappi. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter's a happy man. Mary var bekymret for sin ven. Mary was worried about her friend. Mary was worried about her friend. Jeg forelsket meg i henne ved første blikk. I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first glance. Det är kul att dansa. Dancing is fun. It's nice to dance. Trots att jag har läst engelska 6 år i skolan talar jag det inte bra. Even though I studied English for 6 years in school, I'm not good at speaking it. Although I have read English 6 years in school, I do not speak well. Hun venter. She is waiting. She's waiting. Om jag visste hennes namn och adress kunde jag skriva till henne. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. Hon slöt sina ögon. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. Tom drak ikke noget. Tom didn't drink anything. Tom didn't drink anything. Tom hade tur som hittade sina nycklar. Tom was lucky to find his keys. Tom was lucky to find his keys. Kristoffer Columbus landet en gang på månen, men han tok den for å være Antarktika. Christopher Columbus once landed on the moon, but mistook it for Antarctica. Kristoffer Columbus land once on the moon, but he took it to be Antarctica. Jeg skjønte ikke vitsen. I didn't get the joke. I didn't get the point. Han går til skole. He walks to school. He's going to school. Tom vidste ikke med sikkerhed hvornår han skulle ankomme. Tom didn't know for certain what time he should arrive. Tom didn't know for sure when to arrive. Vem som helst kan göra misstag. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes. Sömnbrist är inte bra för kroppen. Lack of sleep is bad for the body. Sleep shortages are not good for the body. En nyfödd baby är benägen att bli sjuk. A newborn baby is liable to fall ill. A newborn baby is inclined to get sick. Er din kone flink å lage mat? Is your wife a good cook? Is your wife nice to cook? Lad os prøve! Let's try it. Let's try! Sand kærlighed eksisterer ikke! True love doesn't exist! True love doesn't exist! Tom lovede mig at han ville betale sin gæld. Tom promised me he'd pay his debts. Tom promised me he'd pay his debt. Virkelig? You don't say. Really? Tom sitt ansikt er raudt. Tom's face is red. Tom's face is red. Ja, selvfølgelig. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Tom vil have alt alt for mange penge. Tom wants way too much money. Tom wants too much money. Tom lämnade kranen på. Tom left the water running. Tom left the crane on. Þau búa í nýju húsi nærri almenningsgarðinum. They live in a new house near the park. They live in a new house near the park. På 80-talet var det minsann andra bullar som gällde. In the 80's, things were really quite different. In the '80s, there were other noises that applied. Hann er ekki eins gáfaður og eldri bróðir hans. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He is not as smart as his older brother. Passasjerene ble engstelige da flyet begynte å riste. Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate. Passengers became anxious when the plane began to shake. Han gör inte en fluga förnär. He wouldn't harm a fly. He doesn't hurt a fly. De færreste elefanter ville frivillig flyttet til Europa. Few elephants would volunteer to move to Europe. Fewest elephants would voluntarily move to Europe. Det er politiet! Smid våbnene! Police! Drop your weapon! It's the police! Tror ni att det kommer att regna idag? Do you think it'll rain today? Do you think it's gonna rain today? Hvorfor er himmelen blå? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Það er orðið nokkuð áliðið. Ég held ég þurfi að fara að koma mér. It is getting rather late. I think I must be going now. I think I gotta get going. Du gjorde rätt som berättade för oss. You did the right thing by telling us. You did the right thing that told us. Disse politifolk er korrupte. These police officers are corrupt. These cops are corrupt. Þannig smjaður gagnast þér ekkert. That sort of flattery will get you nowhere. That's nothing to do with you. Jeg har vært i Japan i tre år. I have been in Japan for three years. I've been in Japan for three years. Hun gjorde rent i værelset. She cleaned the room. She cleaned the room. I har fire hunde. You have four dogs. You have four dogs. Kan man skabe noget af intet? Can we create something out of nothing? Can you create anything of nothing? Det är lätt som en plätt. It's a piece of cake. It's easy. Jeg har nu et andet arbejde. I have another job now. I now have another job. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að þrífa diskinn. All you have to do is wash the dish. All you have to do is clean the disc. Han innså til slutt at Mary hadde gjort ham til latter. He finally realized that Mary had made a fool of him. He finally realized that Mary had made him laugh. Dette glas kan indeholde to liter varmt vand. This jar can hold two liters of hot water. This glass may contain two litres of hot water. Det gick inte. It wasn't working. It didn't work. Jeg talte fra min sjel. I spoke from the heart. I spoke from my soul. Har du nya skor? Do you have new shoes? Do you have new shoes? Vilken användbar manick! What a useful gadget! What a useful manic! Hvað ertu kominn langt á veg? How far along are you? How far are you? Er Mary Toms kone? Is Mary Tom's wife? Is Mary Tom's wife? Tom vandt valget. Tom won the election. Tom won the election. Du er dum. You're stupid. You're stupid. Jeg har ikke vært noen av de to stedene. I've been to neither of those places. I haven't been any of these two places. Må jeg følge dig hjem? Can I walk you home? Can I take you home? Har du set hvor meget denne telefon koster? Den koster en halv bondegård! Did you see how much this phone costs? It costs an arm and a leg! Have you seen how much this phone costs? Den næste dag var juledag. The next day was Christmas Day. The next day was Christmas Day. Polisen arresterade honom för smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. Sjúklingurinn mun brátt ná sér af veikindum sínum. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon recover from his illness. Sommeren er omme. Summer is over. Summer's around. Jag har haft roligt. I have had fun. I've had fun. Hvis du behandler en kunde bra, vil han være kunde for livet. If you treat a customer well, he'll be a customer for life. If you treat a customer well, he'll be a customer for life. Lådan är för tung för att lyftas. The box is too heavy to carry. It's too heavy to lift. Tom sover med strumporna på. Tom sleeps with his socks on. Tom's sleeping with the socks on. Tom hadde tenkt å be sjefen om en lønnsøkning, men han ombestemte seg. Tom intended to ask his boss for a raise, but he reconsidered. Tom was going to ask the boss for a salary increase, but he changed his mind. Hvad skete der den 20. oktober? What happened on October 20th? What happened on October 20? Jeg tar meg gjerne av babyen din. I'd be happy to take care of your baby. I'd love to take care of your baby. Aldrig i verden! No way! Never in the world! Eg veit ikki loyniorðsins. I don't know the password. I do not know the password. En te med citron, tak! A tea with lemon, please. A tea with lemon, please! Tom var tørstig. Tom was thirsty. Tom was thirsty. Jag trivs verkligen i Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. I really like Georgia. Jag kan inte fatta att jag glömde det. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. Tom ser skikkelig ut som John, gjør han ikke? Tom does look a lot like John, doesn't he? Tom looks real John, doesn't he? Tom og Mary offentliggjorde deres forlovelse i dag. Tom and Mary announced their engagement today. Tom and Mary published their engagement today. Hvor er de andre af hendes billeder? Where are her other pictures? Where are the other pictures of her? Þú ert veik. Þú verður að hvílast. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you have to rest. Kan jag gömma mig här? Can I hide in here? Can I hide here? Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Får vi också komma? Can we come, too? Can we come too? Han har ikke kommet enda. Han må ha mistet bussen. He hasn't come yet. He must have missed the bus. He hasn't come yet, he must have lost the bus. Hon är en drama queen. She's a drama queen. She's a drama queen. Jag har inte ont någonstans. I'm not in any pain. I don't feel hurt anywhere. Jag kan inte ändra på det. I can't change that. I can't change it. Tom kunde inte bestämma sig omedelbart. Tom couldn't make up his mind right away. Tom couldn't decide immediately. Tack för att du hjälpte mig att reparera bilen. Thanks for helping me fix my car. Thank you for helping me repair the car. Vi gjorde ikke noget forkert. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Du var inte borta länge. You weren't gone long. You weren't gone long. Du er ikke et barn længere. You're not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Tom planlægger at stå tidligt op i morgen. Tom is planning to get up early tomorrow. Tom's planning to get up early tomorrow. Jeg vil sørge for at Tom har alt han har brug for. I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs. I want Tom to have everything he needs. Jeg spiser frugt. I am eating fruit. I eat fruit. Jeg lovet at det aldri skulle skje igjen. I promised it would never happen again. I promised that it would never happen again. Jag ger den till Tom. I'm giving it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Jag gjorde det inte. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Hur kan ni inte tycka om honom? How can you not like him? How can you not like him? Jeg kan ikke forstå hvordan hun kan sove roĺigt om natten. I don't know how she sleeps at night. I can't understand how she can sleep calmly at night. Hvilken fantastisk ide! What a terrific idea! What a great idea! Jeg er en turist. I am a tourist. I'm a tourist. Varför är ni alla här? Why are you all here? Why are you all here? Hur länge tänker du stanna här? How long do you plan on staying here? How long are you gonna stay here? Jeg bestilte et halvt dusin kemibøger fra New York. I ordered half a dozen books on chemistry from New York. I ordered half a dozen chemical books from New York. Han er næsten seks fod høj. He's almost six feet in height. He's almost six feet high. Denne regelen gjeld deg òg. This rule applies to you, too. This rule also applies to you. Hun skriver altid ethvert ord ned som hendes lærer siger. She always writes down every word her teacher says. She always writes down every word that her teacher says. Tom begår altid de samme fejl. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Tom always makes the same mistakes. Tom tror det er noe som feiler enkelte politikere. Tom thinks there is something wrong with some politicians. Tom thinks there's something wrong with some politicians. Se fotnoten på side 5. See the footnote on page 5. See footnote on page 5. Han stjal mit ur. He stole my watch. He stole my watch. Damen förblev tyst. The lady remained silent. The lady remained silent. Uten det kartet, ville han nok ha gått seg vill. Without the map, he would have gotten lost. Without that map, he would probably have gone wild. Hun kyssede ham på kinden. She kissed him on the cheek. She kissed him on the cheek. Jeg ble så skuffet over at ingen spiste den dyre sushien som jeg hadde servert. It was disappointing that nobody ate the expensive sushi I had served. I was so disappointed that no one ate the expensive sushi I had served. Et rensningsanlæg udledede giftige kemikalier i byens vandforsyning. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. A sewage treatment plant derived toxic chemicals in the city's water supply. Du skylder mig fem dollars. You owe me five dollars. You owe me five bucks. Följ den bilen. Follow that car. Follow that car. Jeg er næsten sikker på at du tager fejl vedrørende det. I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that. I'm almost sure you're wrong about that. Velkommen til Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Nej, det är jag inte, utan du! No I'm not; you are! No, I'm not, but you! Lad os prøve endnu en gang. Let's try once again. Let's try again. Jeg bliver seksten næste gang. I'll be sixteen on my next birthday. I'll be sixteen next time. Drenge tænker meget på piger. Boys think about girls a lot. Boys think a lot about girls. Tom och Mary väntade inte på John. Tom and Mary didn't wait for John. Tom and Mary weren't waiting for John. Jag måste gå, Tom. I've got to go, Tom. I have to go, Tom. Hans forældre hjalp enhver der bad om deres hjælp. His parents helped whoever asked for their help. His parents helped anyone who asked for their help. Mygg är smittbärare. Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases. Mygs are infectious carriers. Hvad kom først: ægget eller hønen? What came first: the egg or the chicken? What came first: the egg or the chicken? Hun behandlede blomsterne med sprøjtemidler. She sprayed pesticide on the flowers. She treated the flowers with sprays. Er sønnen god? Is the son good? Is the son good? Han holdt meget af hendes datter. He held her daughter dear. He loved her daughter a lot. Håll dig varm. Keep warm. Stay warm. Hvem i din klasse kan løbe hurtigst? Who can run fastest in your class? Who in your class can run faster? Toms huvudämne var franska. Tom majored in French. Tom's main subject was French. Ge Tom en sekund. Give Tom a second. Give Tom a second. Jag borde göra mig färdig. I should get ready. I should get ready. Hans nya film är sevärd. His new film is worth seeing. His new film is worth seeing. Det kommer til å regne snart, bare se på de mørke skyene. It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon, just look at the dark clouds. Inte alla fåglar kan flyga. Not all birds can fly. Not all birds can fly. Jag struntar hellre i skolan och spelar tv-spel istället. I'd rather skip school and play video games. I'd rather not go to school and play video games instead. Jeg er lege. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Vilken fin målning. Vem fick du den av? What a beautiful painting. Who did you get it from? Who did you get it from? Jag har tre barn. I have three children. I have three children. Kan ni höra mig? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Tyskland ligger i Mellemeuropa. Germany is in Central Europe. Germany is located in Central Europe. Polismannen bär en gasmask. The policeman carries a gas mask. The policeman wears a gas mask. Jag måste göra det nu. I have to do it now. I have to do it now. Jeg har også modtaget det. I've received it too. I got it, too. Hún fór með vinum sínum. She left with her friends. She took her friends. Du bör alltid tänka innan du talar. You should always think before you speak. You should always think before you speak. Vi ska äta biff ikväll. We're having steak tonight. We're gonna eat beef tonight. Tom trodde att Mary kanske inte kände John. Tom thought Mary might not know John. Tom thought Mary might not know John. En flaske rose, tak. A bottle of rosé, please. A bottle of rose, please. Må jeg bruge denne ordbog? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Hun er bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. She's a body builder. Så sulten er jeg ikke. I'm not that hungry. I'm not that hungry. Hvem vil mon hjælpe os? I wonder who's going to help us. I wonder who's gonna help us. Allt var väldigt bra. Everything was very good. Everything was very good. Lad os se på de store linjer. Let's look at the big picture. Let's look at the big lines. Vill du ha ett jobb? Do you want a job? You want a job? Hvad var det du sagde du gav hende til hendes fødselsdag? What did you say you gave her for her birthday? What did you say you gave her for her birthday? Vad spännande! How exciting! That's exciting! Tom stillede for mange spørgsmål. Tom asked too many questions. Tom asked too many questions. Jeg takker dig på forhånd for din hjælp. Thank you in advance for your help. I thank you in advance for your help. Kan jag tala med dig? Could I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Jag vet vad som dödade Tom. I know what killed Tom. I know what killed Tom. Ég meinti það ekki. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Det regner måske i nat. It may rain tonight. It might rain tonight. Kan jag få en? Can I have one? Can I have one? Svar ikke! Don't answer. Don't answer that! Kan jag tänka på saken? Can I think about it? Can I think about it? Jag hittade den precis. I just found it. I just found it. Jeg har aldrig set Tom danse. I've never seen Tom dance. I've never seen Tom dance. Hún frátók herbergi. She reserved a room. She took away a room. Ekki gleyma að sturta niður. Don't forget to flush the toilet. Don't forget to flush. Hun trakk på skuldrene. She shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her shoulders. Tom tog imod udfordringen. Tom accepted the challenge. Tom accepted the challenge. Hans svar är i princip ett nej. His answer amounts to a refusal. His answer is, in principle, no. Solen er en mellemstor stjerne. The sun is a medium-sized star. The sun is a medium star. Varför är fru Yamada populär i din skola? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Ministeren blev taget i at lyve over for korruptionsundersøgelsen og blev tvunget til at træde tilbage. The minister was caught lying to the corruption enquiry and was forced to resign. The Minister was taken to lie to the corruption investigation and was forced to resign. Takk skal du ha. Thank you. Thank you. Tom lagde plastfolie over maden. Tom put a plastic wrap over the food. Tom put plastic foil over the food. Det er ikke til at tro at hun gjorde det mod mig - hun viste sig at være en rigtig frenemy. I can't believe she did that to me - she turned out to be a real frenemy. It's not like she did it to me - she turned out to be a real Frenny. Hunden er på stolen. The dog is on the chair. The dog's on the chair. Eg eigi at fara til Danmarkar i morgin. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I should go to Denmark in the morning. Jag vill sova. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Hun skjelte ham ut for å være sen. She scolded him for being late. She shelled him out to be late. Næsten alle var glade. Almost everyone was happy. Almost everyone was happy. Flýtið ykkur eða þið verðið seinar. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry or you'll be late. Jag har ingen aning. I haven't got the slightest idea. I have no idea. Toms mor er sådan en sladdertante. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mother is such a gossiper. Ég verð heima í dag. I'll stay home today. I'll be home today. Jag tycker fortfarande om Tom. I still like Tom. I still like Tom. Jeg købte en rød bil. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. Jeg har lige så mange bøger som Tom har. I have as many books as Tom does. I have as many books as Tom has. Hvor lang tid tager det at komme fra A til B? How much time does it take to get from A to B? How long does it take to get from A to B? Tom är motbjudande. Tom is disgusting. Tom is repulsive. Dette skilt siger: "Dyrene må ikke fodres!" This sign says: "Don't feed the animals!" This sign says, "Do not feed the animals!" Tom vill inte prata med dig. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Åbn flasken. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Tom malkede koen. Tom milked the cow. Tom milked the cow. Jeg så frygt i hans øjne. I saw fear in his eyes. I saw fear in his eyes. Gleðilig jól! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jag spelade fotboll. I played football. I played football. Han er en mand som vi alle respekterer. He's a man who we all respect. He's a man we all respect. Denne bog handler om en konge der mistede sin krone. This book is about a king who lost his crown. This book is about a king who lost his crown. Allir voru glaðir. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. Är din fru fortfarande i Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Din ven er en tøsedreng. Your friend is a namby-pamby. Your friend's a girl boy. Tom er næsten døv, er han ikke? Tom is almost deaf, isn't he? Tom's almost deaf, isn't he? Þú veist talsvert mikið um súmóglímu. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about a symoglim. Tom begynte å brette ut papirlappen som Mary gav ham. Tom started to unfold the piece of paper Mary handed him. Tom began to fold out the note of paper that Mary gave him. Tom kunne gjerne ha spist kjøtt og poteter hver dag i uken. Tom wouldn't mind eating meat and potatoes every day of the week. Tom could have eaten meat and potatoes every day of the week. Jeg spør deg som en venn. I'm asking you as a friend. I'm asking you as a friend. Tom forstår kritikken. Tom understands the criticism. Tom understands the criticism. Jeg overdrev. I exaggerated. I exaggerated. Han kommer jämt för sent till skolan. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Jag vet att du har rätt. I know you're right. I know you're right. Tá órættvísi gerst lóg, gerst mótstøða ein skylda. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. A word of infidelity has become a lie, and an oath has become a duty. Tom begynte å stønne av smerte. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom began to groan of pain. Vi har flyttet projektet til en ny server. We moved the project to a new server. We moved the project to a new server. Jeg har endnu ikke lært meget. I haven't learned much yet. I haven't learned much yet. Það ringdi í heila viku. It kept on raining for a week. It rang for a week. Du har såret meg mye. You've hurt me a lot. You've hurt me a lot. Ég hef geymt það. I've kept it. I've kept it. Jeg fortalte ham hva han skulle gjøre. I told him what to do. I told him what to do. Jeg ved hvor det er. I know where it is. I know where it is. Skeppet är på väg till Finland. The ship is on its way to Finland. The ship is on its way to Finland. Det er lige meget. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Ursäkta mig en sekund. Excuse me one second. Excuse me for a second. Lukk døren. Shut the door. Close the door. Hørte du ikke at jeg ropte på deg? Didn't you hear me shouting to you? Didn't you hear me call you? Jeg inviterede Jane til middag. I invited Jane to dinner. I invited Jane to dinner. Min storasyster är bra på att sjunga. My older sister is good at singing. My big sister is good at singing. Økologiske grønsager er populære fordi de er sikre og velsmagende. Organic vegetables are popular because they're safe and tasty. Organic vegetables are popular because they are safe and tasty. Min mor er udenfor. My mother is outdoors. My mother's outside. Tusen takk for alt du har gjort for meg. Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me. Room service, tack. Room service, please. Room service, please. Hr. Brown er vores finansrådgiver. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financial advisor. Jag har bara varit där en gång. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Har du været væk? Have you been away? Have you been gone? Jeg elsker å gå på kino. I love going to the cinema. I love going to the cinema. Jag ska behöva deras hjälp. I will need their help. I'm gonna need their help. Það eru yfir 2500 tegundir snáka í heiminum. There are over 2,500 types of snakes in the world. There are over 2,500 species of snakes in the world. Jeg behøver ikke besvare dit spørgsmål. I don't have to answer your question. I don't have to answer your question. Din næse bløder. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose's bleeding. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Jag är led på skolan. I'm sick of school. I'm at school. Hvem sa det ville være lett? Who said that it would be easy? Who said it would be easy? Ingen med namnet Tom Jackson har blivit anmäld som saknad. No one named Tom Jackson has been reported missing. No one named Tom Jackson has been notified as missing. Är det vad du vill? Is this what you want? Is that what you want? Jeg hadde ikke hørt fra henne på lenge. I haven't heard from her for a long time. I had not heard from her in a long time. Tað var eitt meistaraverk, teir ofta tosaðu um. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. There was one masterpiece, often fooling around. Tom är förtjusande. Tom is adorable. Tom is lovely. Ingen blev träffad. No one was hit. No one was hit. Kan jeg tilby deg en drink? May I offer you a drink? Can I offer you a drink? Jag hatar lögnare. I hate liars. I hate liars. Alle er velkomne. All are welcome. Everyone's welcome. Apropos rejser, har du nogensinde været i Australien? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Det kanske inte spelar någon roll. Maybe it won't make any difference. Maybe it doesn't matter. Hví ekki að afsaka þig og biðja hann fyrirgefningar? Why not apologize and ask for his pardon? Why not excuse you and ask him for forgiveness? Kor mykje kosta den? How much did it cost? How much does it cost? Tom har jobb som bruktbilforhandlar. Tom works as a used car salesman. Tom has jobs as a used car dealer. Það er í lagi. It's OK. It's okay. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Hon tvärnitade. She slammed on the brakes. She crossed. Olíuflutningaskip er skip sem flytur olíu. A tanker is a ship carrying oil. Oil carrier is a ship that carries oil. Går klokken din rett? Is your watch correct? Is your watch going right? Du er den smukkeste pige jeg nogensinde har set. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Röker ni? Do y'all smoke? Are you smoking? Jag fick panik. I panicked. I panicked. Sandt venskab varer for evigt. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. Segðu mér hvað þú vilt að ég geri. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want me to do. Katten har två öron. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Hun blir skremt av høye lyder. She's frightened by loud noises. She gets frightened by loud sounds. Sæt det på din træskoliste. Put that on your bucket list. Put it on your wooden shoe list. "Hvor kyssede han dig?" "På munden." "Nej, jeg mener, hvor var du, da han kyssede dig?" "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?" "Where did he kiss you?" "On your mouth." "No, I mean, where were you when he kissed you?" Tom är ängslig. Tom is anxious. Tom's anxious. Hun er kort og fed. She's short and fat. She's short and fat. Vad kan Tom göra? What can Tom do? What can Tom do? Han er ikke det værd. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. Jag har alltid föredragit mysteriösa karaktärer. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always preferred mysterious characters. Har allt det här faktiskt hänt? Did all this really happen? Did all this actually happen? Tom har to brødre. Den ene bor i Boston og den anden bor i Chicago. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Tom has two brothers, one lives in Boston, the other lives in Chicago. Han förklarade varför experimentet misslyckades. He explained why the experiment failed. He explained why the experiment failed. Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að halda sig heima. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him that he should stay at home. Som du vet är livet som en resa. As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. As you know, life is like a journey. "Jag älskar dig." "Väldigt?" "Ja." "Jag älskar dig också." "I love you." "Really?" "Yes." "I love you, too." "I love you." "Very?" "Yes." "I love you too." Þessi búð lokar klukkan níu um kvöld. This store closes at nine in the evening. This store will close at 9:00 a.m. Du liker virkelig baseball, ikke sant? You really like baseball, don't you? You really like baseball, don't you? De fleste huse blev totalt ødelagt. Most houses were destroyed to pieces. Most houses were completely destroyed. Du er grusom. You are cruel. You're cruel. Båda svaren är korrekta. The two answers are both correct. Both answers are correct. Tom fick faktiskt Mary till att dansa med honom. Tom actually got Mary to dance with him. Tom actually made Mary dance with him. Vilken sorts musik tyckte du om när du var yngre? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? Denne cykel er gammel, men den er bedre end ingenting. This bicycle is old, but it's better than nothing. This bike is old, but it's better than nothing. Jeg studerer ikke nå. I am not studying now. I'm not studying now. Kan du släppa av mig vid biblioteket? Could you drop me off at the library? Can you let me off at the library? Har du et brækjern i din værktøjskasse? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a brittle iron in your toolbox? Jag ringde polisen. I called the police. I called the police. Nogen har stjålet min tennisketsjer. Someone has stolen my tennis racket. Someone stole my tennis racket. Tom fortjener det beste. Tom deserves the best. Tom deserves the best. Ikke rør sykkelen min. Don't touch my bike. Don't touch my bike. Giv mig dine penge eller jeg tæsker dig. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll beat you. Mary er tekstilkunstner. Mary is a textile artist. Mary's a textile artist. Det var en fugtig, grå sommerdag i slutningen af juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Nogen har stjålet min frokost. Somebody stole my lunch. Someone stole my lunch. Med Ubuntu følger der masser af software. Ubuntu includes lots of software. Ubuntu comes with lots of software. Efter at jeg havde afprøvet min nye væv, redte jeg min seng og reparerede kaffemøllen. After I tried out my new loom, I made my bed and repaired the coffee grinder. After trying out my new tissue, I rode my bed and repaired the coffee mill. Hun ble frastjålet vesken sin. She had her handbag stolen. She was dissipated from her purse. Það eirir enn af þessari hjátrú meðal þeirra. This superstition still lingers on among them. It still consists of this superstitiousness among them. Jeg holder meget af sne. I like snow a lot. I like snow a lot. Hvad gør jeg i mellemtiden? What do I do in the meantime? What do I do in the meantime? Synes du Tom er kjekk? Do you think Tom is handsome? Do you think Tom's all right? Tom gjorde en dårlig jobb. Tom did a bad job. Tom did a bad job. Hvør er hesin vinur? Who is this friend? Where's your friend? Du är längre än mig. You are taller than me. You're longer than me. När man talar om trollen står de i farstun. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. When you talk about the troll, they're in the trunk. Han somnade med radion på. He fell asleep with the radio on. He fell asleep with the radio on. Tom klikket. Tom went bonkers. Tom clicked. Har du läst ut boken? Have you finished reading the book? Have you read the book? Det blåser fra vest. The wind is blowing from the west. It blows from the west. Hun er en dårlig løgner. She's a bad liar. She's a bad liar. Tom har ofta på sig en hatt. Tom often wears a hat. Tom wears a hat a lot. De kommer til å gjøre feil. They're going to make mistakes. They're going to make mistakes. Tom har en smuk bil. Tom has a beautiful car. Tom has a beautiful car. Mary kysste sin mans kind. Mary kissed her husband's cheek. Mary kissed her husband's cheek. Hämta! Fetch! Get! Jag dricker alltid två koppar kaffe varje morgon. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I always drink two cups of coffee every morning. Han småsov hele tiden. He dozed all the while. He sleeps all the time. Hva sikler du etter? What do you wish for? What are you looking for? Jeg tvivler på alt, selv på mine tvivl. I doubt everything, even my own doubts. I doubt everything, even my doubts. Vi vet vad vi vill ha. We know what we want. We know what we want. Jag varnade honom för faran. I warned him of the danger. I warned him about the danger. Var är vi nu? Where are we now? Where are we now? Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg har tid til det. I'm not sure I have time for that. I'm not sure I have time for this. Du er sindssyg. You're insane. You're insane. Han satte sig for at gøre noget der aldrig før var blevet gjort. He set out to do something that had never been done before. He settled to do something that had never been done before. Jag ringde på dörrklockan. I rang the doorbell. I called the doorbell. Hon var på brottsplatsen. She was on the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Jeg ønsker ikke at tale med dig i dag. I don't want to talk to you today. I don't want to talk to you today. Tom købte drinks til alle. Tom bought drinks for everybody. Tom bought everyone drinks. Katten spiser. The cat is eating. Cat's eating. De ved hvor jeg er. They know where I am. They know where I am. Jag vill att Tom ska åka till Boston för att besöka sin morbror. I want Tom to go to Boston to visit his uncle. I want Tom to go to Boston to visit his uncle. Við skulum ekki taka neinar ákvarðanir í flýti. Við skulum sofa á þessu. Let's not make any hasty decisions. Let's sleep on it. Let us not make quick decisions, let us sleep on them. Jag vet att du inte ville att Tom skulle åka in i fängelse. I know you didn't want Tom going to jail. I know you didn't want Tom to go to jail. Katter er smarte. Cats are smart. Cats are smart. Tom ønsker at tale med os alle. Tom wants to talk to all of us. Tom wants to talk to all of us. Har du noen ganger sett en edderkopp spinne spindelvev? Have you ever seen a spider spinning its web? Have you ever seen a spider spinning spider tissue? Man siger at hendes far blev dræbt i en trafikulykke. It is said that her father was killed in a traffic accident. They say her father was killed in a traffic accident. Bli inte arg! Don't be mad! Don't get mad! Þessi blekblettur næst ekki úr. This ink stain will not wash out. This ink can't be extracted. Kom tillbaks in i skåpbilen. Get back in the van. Get back into the van. Ulven åd kongen. The wolf ate the king. The wolf ate the king. Jag pluggade en stund i morse. I studied for a while this morning. I studied for a while this morning. Tom hadde på seg ein ny frakk på skulen i dag. Tom wore a new coat to school today. Tom had a new coat on him today. Tom kan ikke lide at hænge ud med Mary. Tom doesn't enjoy hanging out with Mary. Tom doesn't like hanging out with Mary. Jag behöver inte övertyga dom. I don't need to convince them. I don't have to convince them. Det er jenta som jeg kjenner godt. That is the girl whom I know well. It's the girl that I know well. Tom är fri. Tom's free. Tom's free. Jag ska studera. I'm going to study. I'm going to study. Kofferten min er ødelagt. My suitcase is broken. My suitcase's ruined. Der er en vagt udenfor. A guard is outside. There's a guard outside. Du gav mig næsten et hjerteanfald. You almost gave me a heart attack. You almost gave me a heart attack. Tack för att du tröstade mig när jag var ledsen. Thank you for consoling me when I was sad. Thank you for comforting me when I was sorry. I dag vill Dan ha sina pengar. Dan wants his money today. Today Dan wants his money. Dette bjerg er dækket af sne hele året rundt. This mountain is covered with snow all year long. This mountain is covered by snow all year round. Hvor har du været? Where've you been? Where have you been? Det uttrykket er meg desverre ikke bekjent. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that expression. That expression is me unfortunately not confessed. Hun har lite kunnskap om fysikk. She has little knowledge of physics. She has little knowledge of physics. Tom mumlede. Tom mumbled. Tom mumbled. Det er et dumt spørsmål! That's a stupid question. That's a stupid question! Tom begynner å få viker. Tom's hairline is receding. Tom's starting to get the folds. Hon blev exkommunicerad. She was excommunicated. She was excommunicated. Indiens huvudstad är New Dehli. India's capital city is New Delhi. The capital of India is New Dehli. Jeg er nu 30 år gammel. I am 30 years old now. I'm now 30 years old. Eg nýti róma út í mínum kaffi. I put cream in my coffee. I use a rhyme in my coffee. Er det muligt at hjælpe Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Is it possible to help Tom? Eg høyrer på radio. I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Han gav ikke tilstrækkelig varsel. He didn't give enough notice. He didn't give enough notice. Doktor, jeg har kløe i skridtet. Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch. Doctor, I have a claw in my step. Yokohama er en koselig havneby. Yokohama is a beautiful port town. Yokohama is a lovely harbour town. Fem tusen dollar er mye penger. Five thousand dollars is a large sum of money. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. Jag gillade Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Sam var bara skinn och ben efter år av undernäring. Sami was reduced to skin and bones by years of malnutrition. Sam was just skin and bones after years of malnutrition. Ta det lugnt. Pace yourself. Take it easy. Hvem ble boken skrevet av? Who was the book written by? Who was the book written by? Skeppet genomsöktes noggrant, men inga illegala droger hittades. The ship was searched thoroughly, but no illegal drugs were found. The ship was carefully searched, but no illicit drugs were found. Det er ikke Tom. That isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Hvaða heimspeking heldurðu mest upp á? Who's your favorite philosopher? Which philosopher do you think is the greatest? Vi är här för att skydda dig. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Bland deg ikke i andres affærer! You should mind your own business. Do not interfere in other people's affairs! Tom er heroinmisbruger. Tom is a heroin addict. Tom is a heroin addict. Tom fortalte mig, at han ikke vil have det. Tom told me he doesn't want that. Tom told me he doesn't want it. Tom tyckte om den idén. Tom liked that idea. Tom liked that idea. Hvat feilar? What's wrong? What fails? Han overdrog al sin ejendom til sin søn. He handed over all his property to his son. He transferred all his property to his son. Ég gleymi aldrei deginum sem ég sá hann fyrst. I will never forget the day when I first met him. I'll never forget the day I first saw him. Tyget är väldigt mjukt. This fabric is very soft. It's very soft. Han forblev tavs for ikke at inkriminere sig selv. He remained silent so as to not incriminate himself. He remained silent not to criticize himself. Har du hodepine? Do you have a headache? Do you have a headache? Ég er búinn með peningana. I've run out of money. I'm done with the money. Sverige är Skandinaviens största land. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is Scandinavia's largest country. Hvorfra afgår busser der kører mod centrum? Where do the buses headed downtown leave from? Where do buses go to the city center? Han er stærkere end nogensinde. He is stronger than ever. He's stronger than ever. I går var jeg syg. Yesterday I was ill. Yesterday I was sick. Jeg har lidt penge i denne måned. I have a little money this month. I have some money this month. Vi tror ikke Tom har slået Mary ihjel. We don't think Tom killed Mary. We don't think Tom killed Mary. De bodde sammen i to år før de giftet seg. They lived together for two years before they got married. They lived together for two years before they got married. Det lämnas utrymme för diskussion. There's room for discussion. There is room for discussion. Nú eða aldrei. It's now or never. Now or never. Juryen fandt at Samsung havde krænket Apples patenter. The jury found that Samsung had infringed upon Apple's patents. The jury found that Samsung had violated Apple's patents. Hun ønsker ikke at sælge sin bil. She doesn't want to sell her car. She doesn't want to sell her car. Jag har köpt någonting åt dig. I got you something. I bought you something. I gennemsnit går jeg i biografen en gang om ugen. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to the cinema once a week. Tom är Mary trogen. Tom is faithful to Mary. Tom's faithful to Mary. Hun har brugt alle sine kreditkort til maksimum. She's maxed out all her credit cards. She's used all her credit cards to maximum. Tom drog opp glidelåsen på frakken sin. Tom zipped up his coat. Tom pulled up the zipper on his coat. Jag ljög för er. I lied to you. I lied to you. Lovade Tom att göra det? Did Tom promise to do that? Did Tom promise to do that? Fantasien påvirker alle sider av livene våre. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. The fantasy affects all aspects of our lives. Tom og Mary småskændes. Tom and Mary are bickering with each other. Tom and Mary are fighting. Jeg ønskede at møde dig. I wanted to meet you. I wanted to meet you. Jeg kan svømme veldig fort. I can swim very fast. I can swim very quickly. Hvorfor lyttede du ikke? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? Vad ville Tom äta? What did Tom want to eat? What did Tom want to eat? Det vil ikke vare længe, ​​før han vender hjem. It won't be long before he returns home. It won't be long before he returns home. Vi vill ha fred. We want peace. We want peace. Jeg elsker også dig. I love you, too. I love you, too. Jeg havde en travl morgen. I've had a busy morning. I had a busy morning. At danse er ingen forbrydelse. Dancing is not a crime. Dancing is not a crime. Dit hus er fantastisk. Your house is fantastic. Your house is amazing. Jeg ved, hvad der er rigtigt. I know what's right. I know what's right. Oscar var min mors hund. Oscar was my mom's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. Esperanto skrives fonetisk ved hjælp af et alfabet på 28 bogstaver. Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters. Esperanto is phenetically written using a 28 - letter alphabet. Er den for salt? Is it too salty? Is it too salty? Du lytter ikke! You don't listen! You're not listening! Du skulle vært her innen 2:30 You were supposed to be here by 2:30. You should be here by 2:30. Tom står inför några allvarliga problem. Tom is facing a few serious problems. Tom is facing some serious problems. Behold skoene på! Keep your shoes on. Keep your shoes on! Ved du hvorfor himlen er blå? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Vad gör din son? What does your son do? What's your son doing? Sådanne guder har aldrig eksisteret. Such gods have never existed. Such gods have never existed. Jeg er din samvittighet. I'm your conscience. I'm your conscience. Skeppet var inte redo för strid. The ship wasn't ready for battle. The ship wasn't ready for battle. Titta på hajarna. Look at the sharks. Look at the sharks. Han er alltid oppmerksom på sine barns oppførsel. He always pays attention to his children's behavior. He's always aware of his children's behavior. Han skulle have været her for ti minutter siden. He should have been here ten minutes ago. He should have been here 10 minutes ago. Jag har köpt lite aspirin till dig I brought you some aspirin. I bought you some aspirin. Hvad snakker du om? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Vad är det där värt? What's that worth? What's that worth? Hvordan kan du finde dig i ham? How do you put up with him? How can you find yourself in him? Tyska är inte ett enkelt språk. German is not an easy language. German is not a simple language. Jag litade aldrig på dem. I never trusted them. I never trusted them. Jeg vet ikke men jeg har tid før det. I don't know, but I've got time before that. I don't know, but I have time before that. Jag hörde det på tv. I heard it on TV. I heard it on TV. Taler du esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Are you talking Esperanto? Vattnet är rent. The water is clean. The water's clean. Gutten kastet steiner på hunden. The boy threw stones at the dog. The guy threw rocks on the dog. Nancy vil ha et par røde sko. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Nancy wants a pair of red shoes. Synes du virkelig det er passende å legge inn en setning som det på Tatoeba? Do you really think it's appropriate to put a sentence like that on Tatoeba? Do you really think it's appropriate to put a sentence like that in Tatoaba? Fåglar flyger. Birds fly. Birds fly. Toms mamma sa alltid till honom att han borde äta mer grönsaker. Tom's mother always told him he should eat more vegetables. Tom's mom always told him he should eat more vegetables. Han har en stor familie. He has a large family. He's got a big family. Denne telefon fungerer ikke. This telephone doesn't work. This phone is not working. "Sami älskar dig." "Tror du verkligen det?" "Ja, det gör jag." "Sami loves you." "You really think so?" "Yes, I do." "Sami loves you." "Do you really believe that?" "Yes, I do." Hvor ofte kommer Tom her? How often does Tom come here? How often does Tom come here? Bedre sent enn aldri. Better late than never. Better late than never. Skibet vil krydse ækvator i aften. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Tom løber en stor risiko. Tom is taking a big risk. Tom is at high risk. Jag är faktiskt här för att hjälpa dig. I'm here to help you, actually. Actually, I'm here to help you. Jú meiri, jú betri. The more, the better. The more, the better. Jag är pacifist. I'm a pacifist. I'm a pacifist. Ser ni någonting? Do you see anything? Do you see anything? Jag älskar dig, Spanien. I love you, Spain. I love you, Spain. Man skal lære så længe man lever. You never stop learning. You have to learn as long as you live. Och slutligen, tolv poäng till Estland! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! And finally, twelve points to Estonia! Du är bedårande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Vi har kun kysset. We only kissed. We've only kissed. Älskar du din mor? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Einhver er að kalla á hjálp. Someone is calling for help. Somebody's calling for help. Han fornærmer Gud. He's insulting God. He insults God. Da Tom vågnede, lagde han mærke til at Mary læste en bog ved skrivebordet. When Tom woke up, he found Mary reading a book at the desk. When Tom woke up, he noticed that Mary was reading a book at the desk. Men allra mest undrade hon vad hette henne. But most of all he wondered what her name was. But most of all, she wondered what her name was. Det er kaldt. It is cold. It's cold. Tom har det meget bedre i dag. Tom is a lot better today. Tom's feeling a lot better today. Varför måste jag gå? Why do I have to go? Why do I have to go? Tom har solgt sit hus. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Restauranten var ikke fuld. The restaurant wasn't full. The restaurant wasn't full. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi viðskipta. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time for urgent business. Hvar er eldhúsið? Where is the kitchen? Where's the kitchen? Sami var i hypoglykæmisk koma. Sami was in a hypoglycemic coma. Sami was in hypoglycaemia. Vi snakket om mange ting. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Tom er generøs. Tom is generous. Tom is generous. Man måste läsa mellan raderna. You have to read between the lines. You have to read between the lines. Det vil intet ændre. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Jeg vil ikke starte rykter. I don't want to start rumors. I don't want to start rumors. Du giver mig ikke noget valg. You leave me no choice. You don't give me a choice. Hvilken bog købte du? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Tom så et par kønne piger gå forbi. Tom saw a few good looking girls walk past. Tom saw a couple of pretty girls pass by. Hvem sine sko er det? Whose shoes are those? Who's his shoe? Tom er alene. Tom's alone. Tom's alone. John, hæsti strákurinn í bekknum okkar, er kallaður „herra Hár“. John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High". John, the tallest boy in our class, is called “Lord High. ” Jeg var ikke den der gjorde det. I wasn't the one who did that. I wasn't the one who did it. Du SMS'ede til mig, ikke sandt? You texted me, didn't you? You texted me, didn't you? Segði og fór avstað. Said and left. Said and left. Hvordan kan det være? How can that be? How can that be? Hvad vil du skrive i dette brev? What will you write in this letter? What would you like to write in this letter? Du og jeg er gode venner. You and I are good friends. You and I are good friends. Du bör inte lämna barnet ensamt. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. You should not leave the child alone. John sitter vid Jack. John sits by Jack. John's sitting at Jack's. Pengarna var redan utomlands. The money was already abroad. The money was already abroad. Du behöver inte göra det där nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do that now. Jag har rätt. I am right. I'm right. Var bor din farbror? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Lad os gå et andet sted hen. Let's go someplace else. Let's go somewhere else. Et stort jordskælv ramte Algeriet i 2003. A major earthquake hit Algeria in 2003. A major earthquake hit Algeria in 2003. Der er to ting man aldrig siger nej til: sex og tv-optræden. There are two things you never turn down: sex and appearing on television. There are two things you never say no to: sex and TV performance. Du husker det, ikke sant. You do remember that, don't you? You remember that, don't you? På början var det jättebra. It was great at first. At first, it was great. Hun tok seg av barnet. She looked after the child. She took care of the child. Hur var resan? How was the trip? How was your trip? De spiser deres æbler. They are eating their apples. They eat their apples. Det är sant. It's true. It's true. Jeg er en kineser. I am Chinese. I'm a Chinese. Jag är er advokat. I'm your lawyer. I'm your lawyer. De fleste af Toms venner er piger. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Most of Tom's friends are girls. Tom og jeg var på bølgelængde. Tom and I were on the same wavelength. Tom and I were on a wavelength. Min chef er en idiot. My boss is an idiot. My boss is an idiot. La oss vente og se. Let's wait and see. Let's wait and see. Tom försvann just. Tom just disappeared. Tom just disappeared. Han elsker hende stadig. He still loves her. He still loves her. Det tok meg tre dager å lese denne buken. It took me three days to read this book. It took me three days to read this bouquet. Han kiggede hende i øjnene. He looked into her eyes. He looked her in the eye. Á fimmtándu öld blómstruðu listir á Ítalíu. The fine arts flourished in Italy in the 15th century. In the fifteenth century, art flourished in Italy. Jeg vidste hvad Tom mente. I knew what Tom meant. I knew what Tom meant. Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You can't be too careful when driving. You can't be too careful when you're driving. Tom var själv inte så säker. Tom wasn't so sure himself. Tom himself wasn't so sure. Ó vissulega. Oh, sure. I don't think so. Ingen bor i byggnaden. No man lives in the building. Nobody lives in the building. Hvor lang tid tror du det ville tage at cykle til Boston? How much time do you think it would take to ride a bicycle to Boston? How long do you think it would take to ride to Boston? Öll laufin á trénu urðu gul. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves of the tree became yellow. Tom blev aldrig fälld för brottet. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Det er virkelig vidunderlig. It is really wonderful. It's really wonderful. Jag har en akademisk examen. I have a diploma. I have an academic degree. Jag har kaffe, te, vatten och färsk fruktjuice. I have coffee, tea, water, and fresh fruit juice. I have coffee, tea, water and fresh fruit juice. Tom har inget lokalsinne. Tom has no sense of direction. Tom doesn't have a local mind. Har du ikke set mine fugle? Haven't you seen my birds? Haven't you seen my birds? Tokyo station er det tredje stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo station is the third stop. Jag beundrar ditt mod. I admire your pluck. I admire your courage. Lyssnade inte du? Weren't you listening? Didn't you listen? Italienerne spiser alltid spagetti. The Italians always eat spaghetti. The Italians always eat spaghetti. Láttu ekki hugfallast! Cheer up! Don't let go! Såg du matchen? Did you watch the game? Did you see the game? Ég fer oft að sigla um helgar. I often go sailing on weekends. I often start sailing on weekends. Jeg kan ikke køre hjem. I can't drive home. I can't drive home. Paul kommer av prinsippet ikke for sent for en avtale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul does not come, on principle, too late for an agreement. Der er to elever fraværende i dag. Two students are absent today. Two students are absent today. Tom kommer ikke, og Mary kommer heller ikke. Tom won't come, and Mary won't either. Tom's not coming, and Mary's not coming, either. Jeg spiste en kat. I ate a cat. I ate a cat. Tom malede væggen pink. Tom painted the wall pink. Tom painted the wall pink. Hvorfor har du lagt det der? Why did you put that there? Why did you put that there? En 90-gradig vinkel kallas en rät vinkel. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle. Jeg gav ham det lille av penger jeg hadde. I gave him what little money I had. I gave him the little of the money I had. Det er for dyrt. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Hun gør en fjer til fem høns. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She makes a feather to five chickens. Har I lyst øl? Do you have any light beer? Would you like a beer? Alle vet at månen er lagd av ost. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. Hun kommer fra Tyskland. She comes from Germany. She's from Germany. Hur överlevde Tom? How did Tom survive? How did Tom survive? Nu för tiden får man betala trettio kronor för en ynka liten kopp kaffe. Nowadays you get to pay thirty crowns just for a small cup of coffee. Now you get to pay thirty dollars for a nice little cup of coffee. Hva med å prøve en av disse? Why don't you try one of these? What about trying one of these? Man kan lära sig många ord genom att läsa. You can pick up a lot of words by reading. You can learn many words by reading. Hon försökte att inte gråta. She tried not to cry. She tried not to cry. Ställ bilen i garaget. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Lämna mig ifred! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Gerum rannsókn. Let's conduct a study. Let's do a little research. Tom spiste en halv pose chips. Tom ate half a bag of potato chips. Tom ate half a bag of chips. Tager jeg fejl? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Kom och hämta mig. Come pick me up. Come and get me. Julemanden kommer med gaver til børnene til jul. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa brought presents to the children for Christmas. Ég er að leita mér að frönskum pennavini. I'm looking for a French penpal. I'm looking for a French pen friend. Tom hittade Mary gråtandes i badrummet. Tom found Mary crying in the bathroom. Tom found Mary crying in the bathroom. Tog du til Boston eller Chicago? Did you go to Boston or Chicago? You went to Boston or Chicago? Varför köpte du det där? Why did you buy that? Why did you buy that? Æblehøsten begynder snart. The apple harvest will soon come. The apple harvest will begin soon. Han heter Tom. His name is Tom. His name is Tom. Jeg kender din søn. I know your son. I know your son. Vet du vilken dag det är i dag? Do you know what day it is today? Do you know what day it is today? Går det bra med dere? Are you guys OK? Are you all right? Hvert kongresmedlem kunne stemme. Each congressman could vote. Every Congressman could vote. At dræbe mennesker mens de beder, er det usleste, man kan forestille sig. Killing people while they pray is the lowest thing imaginable. Killing people while they pray is the worst thing you can imagine. Långa kjolar är på modet. Long skirts are in fashion. Long skirts are fashionable. Har du stadig brug for en babysitter for mandag aften. Do you still need a babysitter for Monday night? You still need a babysitter for Monday night. Tycker du om ditt jobb? Do you like your job? Do you like your job? Vår engelsklärare är både sträng och snäll. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. Tom er ved sine fulde fem, er han ikke? Tom is sane, isn't he? Tom's at his full five, isn't he? Är det där hälsosamt? Is that healthy? Is that healthy? Den person som slutar lära sig är så gott som död. The man who stops learning is as good as dead. The person who stops learning is as good as dead. Jeg vil vite hvor det er. I want to know where it is. I want to know where it is. Er der nogen besked? Can I take a message? Is there a message? Jeg kommer til å måtte fortelle ham det. I'm going to have to tell him. I'm going to have to tell him. Får jag röka? May I smoke? Can I smoke? Nej tak. No, thanks. No, thank you. Det stör inte Tom. That doesn't bother Tom. It doesn't bother Tom. Mor er i gang med at lave mad i køkkenet. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mom's cooking in the kitchen. Lad os tage ti minutters pause. Let's take a 10-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Hela dagen var min pappa på dåligt humör för att han tappat bort sin plånbok. All that day my father was out of humor because he had lost his wallet. All day long, my dad was in a bad mood because he lost his wallet. Deres tur blev udsat på grund af regnen. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their turn was delayed because of the rain. Der er pres på hornhinden fra indersiden af ​​øjet. There is pressure on the cornea from the inside of the eye. There's pressure on the cornea from the inside of the eye. Latin er et evigvarende språk. Latin is a perpetual language. Latin is an eternal language. Den nye paven kommer fra Argentina. The new pope comes from Argentina. The new pope comes from Argentina. Tro du mig. Believe you me. You believe me. Hvad er det? What's that? What's that? Det var lättare att göra än jag hade tänkt mig. It was easier to do than I had expected. It was easier to do than I had planned. Er det sikkert at bo i Algeriet? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Is it safe to live in Algeria? Hvorfor kigger du på dit ur hele tiden? Why do you keep looking at your watch? Why are you looking at your watch all the time? Robotene blir aldri syk og klager aldri, og de kan jobbe 24 timer om dagen. The robots never get sick or complain and they can work 24 hours a day. The robots never get sick and never complain, and they can work 24 hours a day. Hvordan staves dit navn? Could you spell your name, please? How's your name spelled? Jeg tror at Tom nok allerede har en kæreste. I think Tom probably has a girlfriend already. I think Tom might already have a boyfriend. Jag funderade på planen. I was thinking about the plan. I was thinking about the plan. Vi blev väldigt besvikna över att höra nyheterna. We were very disappointed to hear the news. We were very disappointed to hear the news. Jeg fik det for næsten ingenting. I got it for next to nothing. I got it for almost nothing. Jeg har brug for et nyt USB-kabel til min mobiltelefon. I need a new USB cable for my cellphone. I need a new USB cable for my cell phone. Han vil gerne gøre noget klart. He wants to make something clear. He wants to make something clear. Jeg har ondt af dem, der ikke kan lide ham. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I feel sorry for those who don't like him. Jag retades bara. I was only teasing. I was just teased. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að skrifa móður minni annað bréf. I think it's time for me to write my mother another letter. I think it's time to write my mother another letter. Jag blir upphämtad. I'm being picked up. I'm being picked up. Enligt tv-nyheterna har det skett en flygkrasch i Indien. According to TV news, there was a plane crash in India. According to the news, there has been an air crash in India. Spøgelser eksisterer ikke. Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist. Hun var sen igjen. She was late once again. She was late again. Det er gratis. That's free. It's free. Desto mer man äter, desto mer vill man ha. The more one eats, the more one wants. The more you eat, the more you want. Hvor meget har du betalt for den? How much did you pay for that? How much have you paid for it? Tom är ängslig. Tom's worried. Tom's anxious. Jeg har mistet interessen for golf. I've lost interest in golf. I've lost interest in golf. Diktatorn hade den absoluta lojaliteten av alla hans medhjälpare. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his assistants. The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his helpers. Ég sakaði hann um að svindla. I accused him of cheating. I accused him of cheating. Har alla hittat sina misstag? Has everybody found their mistakes? Has everyone found their own mistakes? Én gang i året skader ikke. Once a year does not hurt. Once a year, don't hurt. Hur kan jag hjälpa till? How can I help? How can I help? Rettferdigheten må skje fyllest. Justice must be done. Justice must be filled. Kom i gang! Get started. Let's go! Jag måste bege mig nu. I've got to go now. I have to go now. Med dessa betyg kan du inte gå vidare till universitet. With these grades you can continue on to college. With these grades you can't go on to university. Bill tók yfirlýsingu mína sem sanna. Bill accepted my statement as true. Bill took my statement as true. Tom kunne knapt tro det. Tom could scarcely believe it. Tom could hardly believe it. Fru Smith har født sit barn nummer to. Mrs. Smith gave birth to her second child. Mrs. Smith has born her second child. Skolan ligger en halv mils promenad från mitt hus. The school is a half-mile walk from my house. The school is half a mile's walk from my house. Jeg var målløs. I was speechless. I was out of my mind. Hvorfor ikke begge to? Why not both? Why not both of them? Jag hoppas att ni hade en trevlig resa. I hope you enjoyed your trip. I hope you had a nice trip. Tom så Mary. Tom saw Mary. Tom saw Mary. Jag skulle ha stannat. I should've stayed. I should have stayed. Jag är redan rik. I'm already rich. I'm already rich. Du fick betalt, eller hur? You got paid, didn't you? You got paid, didn't you? Han læser avisen. He is reading the newspaper. He's reading the newspaper. Tom slog Mary. Tom hit Mary. Tom hit Mary. Jag tror att han heter Tom. I believe his name is Tom. I think his name is Tom. Det är hemskt att, medan det finns länder där människor lider av hunger, inom Japan finns det många hushåll och restauranger där mycket mat kastas bort. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. It is terrible that, while there are countries where people suffer from hunger, in Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. Rygning dræber. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Hversvegna fóru þau ekki? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they go? Det var i sidste uge. It was last week. It was last week. TV:n var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was on all the time. Sami kan cykle. Sami can ride a bike. Sami can ride. Tyvärr är det sant. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid it's true. Han fik en bøde for at køre over for rødt. He was fined for going through a red light. He got a fine to run over too red. Der er en hund der følger efter os. There's a dog following us. There's a dog following us. Varför provade du inte klänningen innan du köpte den? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? Jag vill inte översätta den här meningen. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate this sentence. Jag väntar på min tur. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Du kommer inte att ha något val. You'll have no choice. You won't have a choice. Bliv! Stay! Stay! Jeg har også en datter. I have a daughter, too. I have a daughter, too. Jag fryser om öronen. My ears are freezing. I'm freezing around my ears. Hur länge tänker du stanna här i Brasilien? How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? How long are you gonna stay here in Brazil? Tí trúgvi eg ikki! I don't believe it! I don't believe you! Får jag fråga vem? Can I ask who? May I ask who? Hvenær hittirðu hann? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Ta av deg skoene. Please take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Hvad synes at være problemet i dag? What seems to be the problem today? What seems to be the problem today? Et par gamle bygninger bør rives. A few old buildings need to be demolished. A few old buildings should be demolished. Glædelig International Kvindedag! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Det skulle ha varit roligt. It would have been fun. That would have been fun. Kan jeg prate med Bill? Can I speak with Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Tom er en bonderøv. Tom is a redneck. Tom's a peasant. Oversæt ikke denne sætning! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence! Fången var bakom galler i två månader. The prisoner was behind bars for two months. The prisoner was behind bars for two months. Vi kommer ganska bra överens, men vi är inte bästa vänner. We get on quite well but we're not best friends. We're getting along pretty well, but we're not best friends. Jag var där först. I was there first. I was there first. Hun var forelsket i sin lærer. She had a crush on her teacher. She was in love with her teacher. Gid jeg havde en ven som dig! I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you! Hva med 12:45? How about 12:45? What about 12:45? Jag är hälsosam. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Hvor glemte du dem? Where did you forget them? How did you forget them? Låt oss anordna en fest. Let's have a party. Let's organise a party. Hvem vil ha varm sjokolade? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? En fløyte lød, og båten begynte sakte å forlate havnen. A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port. A flute sounded, and the boat began slowly to leave the harbour. De flesta gillar inte söndagar, men det gör jag. People don't tend to like Sundays, but I do. Most people don't like Sundays, but I do. Är det säkert? Are you sure? Is it safe? Kom så, drenge! Det her kan vi godt klare! Come on boys, we can do this! Come on, boys, we can do this! Der er noget galt. There's something wrong. Something's wrong. Han skrev ner det för att inte glömma det. He wrote it down lest he should forget it. He wrote it down in order not to forget it. Om hvad? About what? About what? Dette blir som å spørre en forelder om hvilket barn de liker best. This question is like asking a parent which child they love more. This becomes like asking a parent about which child they like best. Det skjer fortsatt. It still happens. It's still happening. Du kan ikke få mig til at oversætte. You can't make me translate. You can't make me translate. Det regnede fem dage i træk. It rained five days in a row. It was five consecutive days. Jag var med om en allvarlig olycka. I had a serious accident. I had a serious accident. Tom flåsade. Tom was panting. Tom was skinned. Var toleranta. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. De hører ikke på meg. They don't listen to me. They don't listen to me. Sluta plåga mig. Stop badgering me. Stop torturing me. IBM mener at svaret ligger i blockchain-teknologien. IBM thinks that the answer lies in blockchain technology. IBM believes that the answer lies in blockchain technology. Ingen ved, om han elsker hende eller ej. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows if he loves her or not. Jeg er begyndt på at lære esperanto. I’ve started learning Esperanto. I've started learning Esperanto. Jag avskyr att ha med kräsna barn att göra. I hate dealing with children who are picky eaters. I hate to have with cricket children to do. Tom gick tillbaka. Tom went back. Tom went back. Der er et fuglebad i haven. There's a birdbath in the garden. There's a bird bath in the garden. Jag har aldrig sett så många stiliga män på ett ställe. I've never seen so many good-looking men in one place. I've never seen so many handsome men in one place. Hva svarte du? What did you answer? What did you answer? Hún greiðir sér um hárið á morgnanna. She brushes her hair in the morning. She'll take care of her hair in the morning. Jeg har en ven, hvis far er en kendt pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a well-known pianist. Þýðir það að þú komir ekki? Does that mean you won't come? Does that mean you're not coming? Jag är Marys pojkvän. I'm Mary's boyfriend. I'm Mary's boyfriend. Har ni sett den här? Have you seen this? Have you seen this? Ég hef loksins vanist borgarlífinu. I've finally got used to urban life. I've finally used to life. I går var det søndag, ikke lørdag. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Han ser blek ut. He looks pale. He looks pale. Ég er vakandi. I'm awake. I'm awake. Jeg vil aldri forlate deg. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Tom mistede sin bamse. Tom lost his teddy bear. Tom lost his bear. Er du hjemme i aften? Will you be at home tonight? Are you home tonight? Ég skil bækurnar eftir hér. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. Hundurinn tilheyrir mér. The dog is mine. The dog belongs to me. Alt ordner seg nok skal du se. I'm sure everything'll be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. You'll see. Det fanns nästan ingenting i rummet. There was almost nothing in the room. There was almost nothing in the room. Tom kunne ikke finde en tom parkeringsplads. Tom couldn't find an empty parking space. Tom couldn't find an empty parking lot. Jag tycker om att titta på gamla familjebilder. I enjoy looking at old family pictures. I like to look at old family pictures. Jag äter päron. I eat pears. I'm eating pears. Har du nokre som er billegare? Do you have any cheaper ones? Do you have anyone who's cheap? Vad är de gjorda av? What are they made of? What are they made of? Jag är uttråkad på lektionen. I am bored in class. I'm bored in class. Telefonen är trasig. The phone is out of order. The phone's broken. Det er faktisk et spørgsmål, jeg tit får. That's actually a question I get a lot. It's actually a question I often get. Du måste ta med dig ditt pass till banken. You must bring your passport with you to the bank. You have to take your passport to the bank. Sluta hacka på Tom. Stop picking on Tom. Stop hacking Tom. Jeg skulle gjerne hatt en liste over italienske ord som ikke forekommer i korpuset. I would prefer to have a list of Italian words which aren't in the corpus. I should like to have a list of Italian words that are not present in the corpus. Jeg savner mine forældre. I miss my parents. I miss my parents. Vandet frøs. The water was freezing. The water froze. Uppenbarligen tycker Mary inte om mig Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Apparently Mary doesn't like me. Ekki snerta þessa flösku nokkurntíma aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't ever touch that bottle again! Hvem er han? Who's he? Who is he? Det är väldigt varmt i dag. It's very hot today. It's very hot today. Kva treng du? What do you need? What do you need? Kampen er snart over. The game's almost over. The fight's almost over. En dag, da han var i et godt humør, lavede djævlen et forstørrelsesglas der var i stand til at få alt godt eller smukt der blev spejlet deri, til at skrumpe ind til næsten ingenting, medens alt som var værdiløst og dårligt, tog sig større og værre ud end nogensinde. One day, when he was in a merry mood, the demon made a looking-glass which had the power of making everything good or beautiful that was reflected in it almost shrink to nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad looked increased in size and worse than ever. One day when he was in a good mood, the devil made a magnifying glass that was able to get anything good or beautiful that was mirrored in, to shrink into almost nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad, got bigger and worse out than ever. Udmærket, vi vil gøre en undtagelse i dit tilfælde. Very well, we'll make an exception in your case. Well, we'll make an exception in your case. Sätt dig ner bara, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Just sit down, Tom. Hví grætur tú? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Han är inte sjuk. He's not sick. He's not sick. Mannen erkände slutligen vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally acknowledged what he had done. Ég tala á spænsku við Guð, á ítölsku við kvenfólk, á frönsku við karlmenn og á þýsku við hestinn minn. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak in Spanish with God, in Italian with women, in French with men, and in German with my horse. Hendes næse bløder. Her nose is bleeding. Her nose's bleeding. Hvor er badeværelset? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Peningar eru mælikvarði velgengninnar. Money is the measure of worth. Money is the measure of success. Vil du ha fisk? Do you want fish? You want some fish? Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know I'm different. You know I'm different. Der er en appelsin på bordet. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Jeg så hvad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Du stirrer alltid. You're always staring. You always stare. De gjorde så godt de kunne. They did their best. They did the best they could. Hun kom for sent på skolen. She was late to school. She was late for school. Har du allerede læst bogen? Have you read the book already? Have you already read the book? Alla skrattade utom hon. Everyone laughed except her. Everyone was laughing, except her. Klä på dig snabbt. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed quickly. Þessar myndir eru virkilega fallegar. These pictures are really very beautiful. These pictures are really beautiful. Tom kan komme når som helst. Tom may come at any time. Tom can come any time. Jag måste ändra den. I have to change it. I have to change it. Du är så het. You're so hot. You're so hot. Min far lytter til klassisk musikk. My father listens to classical music. My father listens to classical music. Det er et stort privilegium at være med dig i Tatoeba. It is a great privilege to be with you in Tatoeba. It's a great privilege to be with you in Tatoaba. Hvor mye penger har du? How much money have you got? How much money do you have? Mitt jobb är säkert. My job is safe. I'm sure my job is. Trädet är ruttet och stendött och kan falla när som helst. The tree is rotten and stone dead, and could fall at any time. The tree is routed and stoned and can fall at any time. Jag är också kanadensare. I'm Canadian, too. I'm also a Canadian. Jeg trodde det var mulig. I thought it was possible. I thought it was possible. To gange to er fire. Twice two is equal to four. Two times two is four. Lämna Tom i fred. Get away from Tom. Leave Tom alone. Tom är en rymling. Tom is a fugitive. Tom's a fugitive. Fjernbetjeningen er under sofaen. The TV remote control is under the couch. The remote is under the sofa. Den vil koste cirka femten dollar. It will cost around fifteen dollars. It'll cost about fifteen dollars. Filmen var så sørgelig at alle græd. The movie was so sad that everybody cried. The movie was so sad, everyone was crying. Hon gillade den. She liked it. She liked it. Det canadiske sundhedssystem betales over skatterne. The Canadian health care system is paid for by tax revenue. The Canadian health system is paid over taxes. Jag är mycket nöjd med min nya lägenhet. I'm very happy with my new flat. I'm very happy with my new apartment. Tom skreg. Tom was screaming. Tom screamed. Er hun enlig? Is she single? Is she alone? Dette biblioteket har over 50 000 titler. This library has over 50,000 volumes. This library has over 50,000 titles. Han taler knap nok til mig længere. He barely speaks to me anymore. He's barely talking to me anymore. Denne fugl kan flyve. This bird can fly. This bird can fly. Hvernig fékkstu það? How did you get it? How'd you get it? Eg er keisam. I am boring. I'm cool. Jeg kan ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Alle taler. Everyone is talking. Everybody's talking. Går alt bra her? Is everything alright here? Everything all right here? Jeg hørte dig hikke. I heard you hiccuping. I heard you whining. Ni kan inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Det är inte en lek. It's not a game. It's not a game. Tom er Marys kærestes bror. Tom is Mary's boyfriend's brother. Tom is Mary's girlfriend's brother. Du trenger godt utstyr for å bestige det fjellet. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. Ligger skolen din langt fra der du bor? Is your school far from your home? Is your school far from where you live? Jeg har ventet veldig lenge for dette. I've waited a long time for this. I've waited a very long time for this. Använder du redan Amikumu? Do you already use Amikumu? Do you already use Amikumu? Vi överlevde. We survived. We survived. Jag måste träffa dig. I have to see you. I need to see you. Er denne plads ledig? Is this seat free? Is this seat available? Hvernig líkar þér Singapúr? How did you like Singapore? How do you like Singapore? I eftermiddag bliver vejret dårligere. This afternoon the weather is going to get worse. This afternoon the weather is getting worse. Jeg begyndte på at forberede mig. I started to prepare myself. I started preparing. Var någon annan frånvarande? Was anybody else absent? Was anyone else absent? Spring inte så fort, jag hinner inte med. Don't run so fast; I can't keep up with you. Don't run so fast, I don't have time for this. Tom studsade tillbaka. Tom bounced back. Tom bounced back. Sluta vara så dramatisk. Stop being so dramatic. Stop being so dramatic. Kan vi prata franska? Can we speak French? Can we talk French? Tom vert tretti i mars. Tom will be thirty in March. Tom will be thirty in March. Hvis jeg havde vidst det, var jeg ikke kommet. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come. If I had known, I wouldn't have come. Brekk sjokoladen i små biter. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Error smudged in small pieces. Fengselsvaktene vil streike i tre dager fra midnatt. The prison guards will strike from midnight in three days. Prison guards will strike for three days from midnight. Min tørst er slukket. My thirst is quenched. My thirst is off. Min farbror är en usel bilförare. My uncle is a lousy driver. My uncle is a bad driver. Jeg bad Mike hjælpe mig. I asked Mike to help me. I asked Mike to help me. Han böjde sig ner för att knyta skon. He bent down to tie his shoe. He bowed down to tie his shoe. Jeg tænker hele dagen på Tom. I think about Tom all day. I'm thinking all day about Tom. Ups, jeg gjorde det igen. Oops, I did it again. Oops, I did it again. Vad innebar det? What did that mean? What did that mean? Si meg grunnen til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not there. Samis video gik viralt på YouTube. Sami's video went viral on YouTube. Sami's video was viral on YouTube. Hvordan bliver vejret i morgen? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? How's the weather tomorrow? Það er það sem fólk segir. That's what people say. That's what people say. Jag blev nästan påkörd av en bil. I narrowly escaped being hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. Toms far var veteran fra 2. verdenskrig. Tom's father was a World War II veteran. Tom's father was the veteran of World War II. Det er litt rart for meg. It's a bit strange to me. It's a little strange for me. Det skjedde en natt. It happened one night. It happened one night. Jag tänker inte hindra er. I'm not stopping you. I'm not gonna stop you. Vi har hinanden. We've got each other. We got each other. Vi er venner. We're friends. We're friends. Vem har vi att tacka för penicillinets upptäckt? To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin? Who do we have to thank for the discovery of penicillin? Mannen erkände till sist vad han hade gjort. The man finally confessed what he had done. The man finally acknowledged what he had done. Gillar du ost? Do you like cheese? You like cheese? Tom får inte skada mig. Tom can't hurt me. Tom can't hurt me. Hvor er jeres børn? Where are your children? Where are your children? Hun har avgått ved døden. She has passed away. She has died at death. Jag klara det inte nu. I can't do that now. I can't do it now. Stenen är tung. The stone is heavy. The stone is heavy. Såvidt jeg vet, finnes ikke det ordet. As far as I know, there is no such word. As far as I know, that word doesn't exist. Hann kemur ekki í tímann á morgun. He won't come to class tomorrow. He's not coming in tomorrow. Allt var fortfarande i skogen. All was still in the woods. Everything was still in the woods. Det spelar ingen roll. That's unimportant. It doesn't matter. Några människor har sagt till mig att jag ser japansk ut. Some people have told me that I look Japanese. Some people have told me I look Japanese. Jeg måtte gå gennem ild og vand for at få mit kørekort. I had to go through hell and high water to get my driver's licence. I had to go through fire and water to get my license. Jeg kan lide popmusik. I like pop music. I like pop music. Jeg studerer. I am studying. I'm studying. Vilken färg har ditt hår? What color is your hair? What color has your hair? Hon tillbringade större delen av dagen på sjukhuset. She spent most of the day at the hospital. She spent most of the day at the hospital. Det behöver inte innebära att du har rätt. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're right. It doesn't have to mean you're right. Hvor ofte vasker du op? How often do you wash the dishes? How often do you wash up? Húsið hans er gegnt mínu. His house is across from mine. His house is across from me. Du gjorde ditt beste. You did your best. You did your best. Du blir gammal när folk börjar säga att du ser ung ut. You get old when people start to say you look young. You get old when people start saying you look young. Giv freden en chance. Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance. Den var mørkeblå. It was dark blue. It was dark blue. Det er fordi du ikke vil være alene. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Jag vet att ni är upptagna. I know you're busy. I know you're busy. Pulver kan løses opp i vann. Powder is soluble in water. Powder may be dissolved in water. Washington er höfuðborg Bandaríkjanna. Washington is the capital of the United States. Washington is the capital of the United States. Sama hvað þú tekur þér fyrir hendur, gerðu þitt besta. No matter what you do, do your best. No matter what you do, do your best. Godmorgen alle. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende. Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look. Tom once described Mary as a woman with a gamine-like look. Tom dör. Tom's dying. Tom dies. Jag förstår vad ni säger. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Tom begyndte på at tømme sine lommer. Tom started to empty his pockets. Tom started emptying his pockets. Tom sade att han gick dit för ett jobb Tom said he went there for a job. Tom said he went there for a job Tom tog ett IQ-test. Tom took an IQ test. Tom took an IQ test. Vi tog varandra i handen på det. We shook on it. We took each other's hands on it. Har du ingenting å fortelje han? Don't you have anything to tell him? Do you have nothing to tell him? Han løftet hatten sin. He raised his hat. He lifted his hat. Det är en av livets realiteter. It's a fact of life. It is one of the realities of life. Jag behöver dessa pengar. I need this money. I need this money. Du har satt et dårlig eksempel. You've set a bad example. You've set a bad example. Finnes det et tilsvarende ordtak på japansk? Do you have a similar saying in Japanese? Is there a similar word tag in Japanese? Kylie Minogue er den bedste sangerinde jeg nogensinde har set! Kylie Minogue is the best singer I've ever seen! Kylie Minogue is the best singer I've ever seen! Jeg har det godt. I'm doing well. I'm fine. Jag överlever nog. I'll live. I'm gonna survive. Jag ser fram emot att få ditt brev. I'm looking forward to getting your letter. I look forward to getting your letter. Fabrikken bestemte seg for å kvitte seg med de gamle maskinene. The factory decided to do away with the old machinery. The factory decided to get rid of the old machines. Undskyld! Hvad koster det? Excuse me, how much is it? I'm sorry, what's the price? Våren er kommet. Spring has come. Spring's here. Hvem tror du gjorde dette? Who do you think did this? Who do you think did this? Jag är mållös. I'm speechless. I'm speechless. Hvor er han fra? Where is he from? Where is he from? Du måste återvända. You need to go back. You must return. Låt inte Tom se dig. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Vi tummade på det. We shook on it. We tumbled it. Tom løj om hvor han havde været i aftes. Tom lied about where he'd been last night. Tom lied about where he was last night. Jeg er fire måneder yngre end dig. I am four months younger than you. I'm four months younger than you. Du er i gode hænder. You are in good hands. You're in good hands. Tom har hemlängtan. Tom's homesick. Tom's got the homesick. Vad studerade du? What did you study? What did you study? Kan du frysa ned den? Can you freeze it? Can you freeze it down? Vad gjorde du med den här boken? What did you do with that book? What did you do with this book? Himlen er blå. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Ville det vært greit om jeg tok ferie neste uke? Would it be OK if I took a vacation next week? Would it be okay if I took a vacation next week? Keiro er størsti býur í Afrika. Cairo is the biggest city in Africa. Keiro is the greatest bee in Africa. Om du tror att det var mitt fel är du inne på fel spår. If you think it was my fault, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you think it was my fault, you're on the wrong track. Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe? What action should we take? What measures should we take? Jag har goda nyheter. I've got good news. I have good news. Tillad mig at invitere dig. Allow me to invite you. Allow me to invite you. Ge mig ett halvt kilo äpplen. Give me half a kilo of apples. Give me half a pound of apples. Ég steig út úr leigubílnum. I got out of the taxi. I stepped out of the cab. Tag dine sko af. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Du är ny, eller hur? You're new, huh? You're new, aren't you? Tom har aldrig sett Mary så arg. Tom has never seen Mary so angry. Tom has never seen Mary so angry. Tom landede på månen. Tom landed on the moon. Tom landed on the moon. Nå er det nok! Enough, already! That's enough! Jeg motionerer en time hver dag. I exercise for an hour every day. I exercise an hour every day. At slå to fluer med ét smæk. To kill two birds with one stone. Hitting two flies with one smear. Supermarkedene er stengt nå, så vi må klare oss med det som er igjen i kjøleskapet. The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator. Supermarkets are now closed, so we have to deal with what's left in the refrigerator. Se i spegeln! Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror! Jag har gjort det där säkert hundra gånger, tror jag. I've done that at least a hundred times, I think. I've probably done that a hundred times, I think. Jag kunde inte stoppa Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. Hún bað hann um að kvænast sér. She asked him to marry her. She asked him to marry her. Hvernig er pappírinn viðkomu? How does the paper feel? How is the paper presented? Ég er að laga útvarpið sem ég fann á leiðinni heim. I'm fixing the radio which I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I found on my way home. Jag har varit till Hong Kong en gång. I've been to Hong Kong once. I've been to Hong Kong once. Tom er tydeligvis fuld. Tom is obviously drunk. Tom's obviously drunk. Dyrnar opnast ekki. The door won't open. The door won't open. Jeg kan lide at vande haven. I like to water the garden. I like to water the garden. Vi kommer i problemer. We'll be in trouble. We'll get into trouble. Tað var ein fuktigur, gráur summardagur síðst í juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was one damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think that Tom is stubborn. I think Tom's stubborn. Spiser du ostekaken uten meg? Are you eating the cheesecake without me? Are you eating the cheese cake without me? Har du en tid? Do you have an appointment? Do you have a time? Vi lander om 15 minutter. We will be landing in 15 minutes. We'll land in 15 minutes. När man frågar ”varför” är det sista svaret man vill ha ”därför”. When someone asks "why", the last reply they want is "because...". When you ask 'why' is the last answer you want 'that's why. Tom og Maria delte et værelse. Tom and Mary shared a room. Tom and Maria shared a room. Gå och ta en öl. Go have a beer. Go get a beer. Takk fyrir daginn. Thank you for today. Thanks for today. Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. Tom sagde at du ville komme. Tom said that you would come. Tom said you'd come. Jag älskar arabiska. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Planen vår mislykkes. Our plan was unsuccessful. Our plan fails. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I've seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Tom vet vad Marys hund heter. Tom knows Mary's dog's name. Tom knows Mary's dog's name. Hann er upptekinn maður svo þú getur einungis náð í hann símleiðis. He is a busy man, so you can only get in touch with him by telephone. He's busy so you can only get him by phone. Hör du mig bra nu? Do you hear me well now? Can you hear me well now? Jag spisar inte modern jazz. I don't dig modern jazz. I don't eat modern jazz. Glædelig Hanukkah! Happy Hanukah. Happy Hanukkah! Jag tror inte att de accepterar dessa villkor. I don't think they will accept these conditions. I do not think they accept these conditions. Í gær rakst ég á gamlan vin minn á flugvellinum. Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport. Yesterday, I ran into my old friend at the airport. Var kan den svarta katten vara? Where can the black cat be? Where could the black cat be? Din bil brinner. Your car is on fire. Your car's burning. Den är gjord av skinn. It's made of leather. It's made of skin. Hun undslap med nød og næppe. She had a narrow escape. She escaped with need and hardly. Ekki rífast. Please don't argue. Don't fight. Jeg var i bad. I was in the shower. I was in the shower. Jag borde antagligen gå. I should probably go. I should probably go. Tom är säker. Tom is confident. Tom's safe. Jeg hader overraskelser. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Bet Tom dig? Did Tom bite you? Bet you? Dramatiskt musik skulle kunna vara en bra effekt i den här scenen. Dramatic music might be a good effect in this scene. Dramatic music could be a good effect in this scene. Han lyssnar inte på någon. He won't listen to anyone. He doesn't listen to anyone. Jeg har lyst til at fortælle ham hvad jeg mener om ham. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I want to tell him what I mean about him. Alle studerende i vores college kan gøre brug af computeren. Any student in our college can use the computer. Every student in our college can make use of the computer. Það er ekki svo langt. It's not that far. It's not that far. Årh shit! Holdbarhedsdatoen er overskredet. Det er derfor du kastede op! Oh crap, it's past the consume-by date. That's why you threw up! That's why you threw up! Það er rosalega auðvelt! It's super easy! How easy that is! Jag sade att jag inte var upptagen. I said I wasn't busy. I said I wasn't busy. Jeg har stor tålmodighet, men nå jeg må dra hjem. I am very patient, but I have to go home, now. I have great patience, but now I have to go home. Jeg tror de lyver. I think they're lying. I think they're lying. Jeg trenger et dobbeltrom. I need a double room. I need a double room. Tom arbejder på et lokalt hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Håller inte Tom på och äter frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Don't Tom have breakfast? Den funkar. It's working. It's working. Tom kramar Mary. Tom hugs Mary. Tom hugs Mary. Hej världen! Hello, world! Hey, world! Mange tak for blomsterne! Thank you for the flowers! Thank you very much for the flowers! Jag beundrar Tom mycket. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. De snakket om politikk. They talked about politics. They talked about politics. Den där dockan är skrämmande. That doll is scary. That doll is scary. Jag studerade utomlands. I studied abroad. I studied abroad. Jag vill vara en ärlig person. I want to be an honest person. I want to be an honest person. Jag tappar mina tänder. Jag dör bitvis. I'm losing my teeth. I'm dying by bits. I'm losing my teeth. Jag är lika lång som du. I'm as tall as you. I'm as long as you. Jag kan känna det. I can feel that. I can feel it. Det är min cd. It's my CD. It's my CD. Tað er í ordan! It's all right! It's in the order! Toms hest stejlede. Tom's horse reared up. Tom's horse was rolling. Svenskans sj-ljud kan uttalas på flera olika sätt. The Swedish "sj" sound can be pronounced several different ways. Svenskans s-sound can be expressed in several ways. Jag såg honom en gång. I saw him once. I saw him once. Tror Tom på mig? Does Tom believe me? Tom believes me? Jeg troede at Tom var rig. I thought that Tom was rich. I thought Tom was rich. Vores projekt faldt til jorden. Our project collapsed. Our project fell to the ground. Hvilken klasse går du i? What grade are you in? What class are you in? Har du varit fattig? Have you been poor? Have you been poor? När kan vi mötas igen? When can we meet again? When can we meet again? Tom är inte här. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Jeg ser frem til at se dig til jul. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Hon kunde inte låta bli att skratta. She could not help but laugh. She couldn't help laughing. Jag var på dåligt humör. I was in a bad mood. I was in a bad mood. Skolen er lukket. The school is closed. School's closed. Tom bladde frenetisk gjennom sidene. Tom flipped furiously through the pages. Tom leaf fenetically through the sides. Jeg kan ikke tale tysk. I cannot speak German. I can't speak German. Tom er timbraður. Tom has a hangover. Tom's timber. Tom prøver at beskytte mig. Tom is trying to protect me. Tom's trying to protect me. De kyssede hinanden farvel. They kissed each other goodbye. They kissed each other goodbye. Køer giver os mælk. Cows give us milk. Cows give us milk. Tack för att ni kom. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Du er ikke mistænkt. You're not a suspect. You're not a suspect. Jag öppnade den precis. I just opened it. I just opened it. Jeg har ondt i halsen. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Var ligger den japanska ambassaden? Where is the Japanese Embassy? Where's the Japanese embassy? Det er ikke det samme. It isn't the same. It's not the same thing. Eg har min eigen jobb. I have my own job. I have my own job. Jag glömde min väska. I forgot my bag. I forgot my bag. Hun sa noe. She said something. She said something. Eg las aldri boka. I never read the book. I never read the book. Den där är en av mina. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Jag antog att den var gratis. I assumed that it was free. I assumed it was free. Jeg vidste ikke du talte fransk. I didn't know you spoke French. I didn't know you were speaking French. Ég skal láta þig fá símanúmer Shiegal læknis. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you the phone number of Dr. Shiegal. Hvers er þessi bók? Whose is that book? What is this book? Ditt arbeid er langt fra tilfredsstillende. Your work is far from being satisfactory. Your work is far from satisfying. For meg kan Tom gjøre akkurat det han vil. Tom can do whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned. For me, Tom can do whatever he wants. Du løy for meg. You hid the truth from me. You lied to me. Det er ikke min mening, men kun min oversættelse. It's not my opinion, but just my translation. It's not my opinion, it's just my translation. Denne verden styres af ondsindede kræfter. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is governed by malicious forces. Malaria är en sjukdom som myggor bär på. Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. Jeg elsker mine forældre. I love my parents. I love my parents. Der skete en ulykke. There was an accident. There was an accident. Ég notaði tækifærið til að fara á safnið. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. I used this opportunity to go to the museum. Vi er ikke bange for terrorister. We're not afraid of terrorists. We're not afraid of terrorists. Jag kommer inte att förlora. I won't lose! I'm not gonna lose. Jeg kan heller ikke lide cookies. I don't like cookies, either. I don't like cookies either. Banken åpner klokken 9 og stenger klokken 15. The bank opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. The bank opens at 9 p.m. and closes at 15 p.m. Betty fór til sjóvar gjár. Betty went to the sea yesterday. Betty went to the sea with a rock. Hon hade alldeles för mycket smink på sig. She had entirely too much makeup on. She had way too much makeup on her. Æblet ligger oven på bogen. The apple is on top of the book. The apple is on top of the book. Tom är bra på att spela piano. Tom plays the piano well. Tom's good at playing the piano. Pass, takk. Your passport, please. Pass, please. Jeg bor i gåavstand til skolen. I live within walking distance of school. I live in walking distance to school. Ken beordrede sin hund til at vente der. Ken told his dog to wait there. Ken ordered his dog to wait there. Jag har fyra datorer, men två av dem är så gamla att jag inte använder dem längre. I have four computers, but two of them are so old I don't use them anymore. I have four computers, but two of them are so old that I don't use them anymore. Jeg kan ikke læse hendes pokerfjæs. I can't read her poker face. I can't read her poker face. Jag har inte tillgång till denna byggnad. I can't get into this building. I don't have access to this building. Tag det fra hinanden hvis det er nødvendigt. Take it apart if necessary. If necessary, take it apart. Jag reser ofta. I often travel. I travel a lot. De her er ikke dine gafler. These are not your forks. These aren't your forks. Jeg hardkokte et egg. I hard-boiled an egg. I cooked an egg. Ég er þreitt. I'm tired. I'm three. Jeg løste problemet på denne måde. I solved the problem in this way. I solved the problem this way. Ekki tala svona hratt. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. John spelade gitarr och hans vänner sjöng. John played guitar and his friends sang. John played guitar and his friends singing. Han har dyp stemme. He has a deep voice. He's got a deep voice. Det ligner en maskinoversættelse. It looks like a machine translation. Looks like a machine translation. Var snäll och stäng dörren efter dig. Please shut the door behind you. Please close the door after you. Skrifaðu það niður áður en þú gleymir því. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget it. Toms hund hedder Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Hvad er hvidvaskning helt præcist? What exactly is money laundering? What is money laundering exactly? Vis mig din hånd, vil jeg fortælle dig fremtiden. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Show me your hand, I'll tell you the future. Katte er natdyr. Cats are nocturnal creatures. Cats are nocturnal. Der er børn i Afrika, der sulter. There are starving children in Africa. There are children in Africa who are starving. Jeg har altid villet skrive en børnebog. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I always wanted to write a children's book. Jeg troede, at du muligvis har brug for det. I thought that you might need this. I thought you might need it. Vilken våning bor du på? Which floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Du kan slutte nå. You can stop now. You can stop now. Småkryp attraheras av ljus. Bugs are attracted to light. Small crickets attracted by light. Hvem lærte deg å danse? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you how to dance? Hva synes du om moderne kunst? What do you think of modern art? What do you think of modern art? Jeg ved at Tom er en temmelig god skiløber. I know Tom is a pretty good skier. I know Tom's a pretty good skier. Detta är ett litet steg för en människa men ett jättekliv för mänskligheten. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step for a human being but a giant race for humanity. Tom er holdt op med at ryge. Tom quit smoking. Tom quit smoking. Jeg ringer dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll phone them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Hefurðu einhverntíma farið á skrifstofuna þar sem pabbi þinn vinnur? Have you ever visited the office where your father works? Have you ever gone to the office where your dad works? Er du stadig fuld, eller er du fuld igen? Are you still drunk or are you drunk again? Are you still drunk, or are you drunk again? Tom kollade tiden. Tom checked the time. Tom checked the time. Dei sameinte statane grensar opp til Canada. The United States borders Canada. United States is branching up to Canada. Väckte jag er? Did I wake you guys? Did I wake you? Hon skämdes för sin obetänksamhet. She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness. She was ashamed of her indiscriminateness. Jag vill verkligen veta vad det är som pågår här. I really want to know what's going on here. I really want to know what's going on here. Tom er i smult vande. Tom is out of the woods. Tom's in a dirty water. Jag visste att du skulle gilla det. I knew you'd like it. I knew you'd like it. Jag respekterar dig och dina åsikter. I respect you and your opinions. I respect you and your opinions. Är Tom din son? Is Tom your son? Is Tom your son? Ønsker De en portion tærte mere? Would you like another helping of pie? Would you like a portion of pie more? Jag hämtar gevären. I'll get the guns. I'll get the guns. Drømmen min har blitt virkelighet. My dream has come true. My dream has become reality. Sluta larva dig. Don't be silly. Stop fooling around. Jeg fant pengene. I found the money. I found the money. Hun har nesten ingen nære venner. She has nearly no close friends. She has almost no close friends. Vi har alla våra hemligheter. We all have our secrets. We all have our secrets. Han åpnet munnen sin. He opened his mouth. He opened his mouth. Tom ser fjernsyn. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching television. Jag har bestämt mig för att gå i pension. I have decided to retire. I've decided to retire. Jag letade efter min dagbok. I was looking for my diary. I was looking for my diary. Har I noget der er billigere? Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have anything cheaper? Tom ville sidde ved siden af Mary. Tom wanted to sit next to Mary. Tom would sit next to Mary. Du vet, gjør du ikke? You know, don't you? You know, don't you? Jag hörde att en sydamerikansk campare blev uppäten av en anakonda. I heard that a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. I heard a South American camper was eaten by an anaconda. Ég vil panta hótelbergi. I'd like a hotel reservation. I want to order a hotel room. Jeg studerer engelsk. I'm studying English. I study English. Møtet var forrige måned. The meeting was last month. The meeting was last month. Vi skal ikke til Australien. Vi skal til New Zealand. We aren't going to Australia. We're going to New Zealand. We're not going to Australia, we're going to New Zealand. Jag fick veta att det var svårt för henne att lösa det problemet. I found out that it was difficult for her to solve that problem. I was told it was hard for her to solve that problem. Toms morfar och Marys farfar slogs tillsammans i andra världskriget. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Denne plante er en hybrid. This plant is a hybrid. This plant is a hybrid. Kvinder har ikke lov til at køre bil i Saudi-Arabien. Women are not permitted to drive cars in Saudi Arabia. Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Pas på hunden! Beware of the dog! Watch out for the dog! "Tom, hvad hedder din hund?" spurgte naboen. "Tom, what is your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. "Tom, what's your dog's name?" asked the neighbor. Kan de ikke tale fransk? Can't they speak French? Can't they speak French? Tony er en høflig dreng. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a polite boy. Jag är tacksam för er hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Tom spiser tit røræg til morgenmad. Tom often eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tom often eats eggs for breakfast. Hún fékk skó frá pabba. She got a pair of shoes from Father. She got shoes from my dad. Det er meir enn nok plass til ein bil til. There is more than enough room for another car. There's more than enough room for one more car. Det finns ingen anledning att bli onödigt orolig av utbrottet. There is no reason to be unnecessarily worried about the outbreak. There is no reason to be unduly concerned by the outbreak. Alkohol löser inga problem. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you spoken through now? Jeg oversætter ikke for dig! I don't translate for you! I don't translate for you! Jeg ringer så snart jeg er i lufthavnen. I'll call as soon as I am at the airport. I'll call you as soon as I get to the airport. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvad han snakker om. I have no idea what he's talking about. I have no idea what he's talking about. Katten fangede rotterne. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Linealen er kort. The ruler is short. The line is short. Tom er sædvanligvis helt flad ved udgangen af måneden. Tom is usually broke by the end of the month. Tom is usually completely flat at the end of the month. Jeg vil rydde opp huset før foreldrene mine kommer. I'll clean up the house before my parents come. I'll clean up the house before my parents come. I Sverige godkändes pronomenet "hen". The pronoun "hen" has been approved in Sweden. In Sweden, the pronoun was approved "here". Har du nøkkelene til dette rommet? Do you have the key to this room? Do you have the keys to this room? Det populäraste spelet i världen görs av svenskar. The most popular game in the world is made by Swedes. The most popular game in the world is made by Swedes. Jeg var nettopp i dusjen. I just took a shower. I was just in the shower. "Er du fremdeles sammen med Tom?" "Nei, vi slo opp i begynnelsen av forrige måned." "Are you still dating Tom?" "No, we broke up at the beginning of last month." "Are you still with Tom?" "No, we beat up at the beginning of last month." Jeg har købt en gave til dig. I bought you a present. I bought you a present. Släpp det. Let it go. Let it go. Någon fattas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Man må skik følge eller land fly. When in Rome, do as the Romans. You have to follow or land planes. De hater edderkopper. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Kan jeg få noe å drikke? May I have something to drink? Can I get something to drink? Jeg hørte hvert ord. I heard every word. I heard every word. Det är bara ett talesätt. That's nothing but a figure of speech. It's just a saying. Tom sade att han tyckte att jag verkade imponerad. Tom said he thought that I seemed impressed. Tom said he thought I was impressed. Jeg intervjuet en kvinne som jobber for å beskytte miljøet. I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment. I interviewed a woman who works to protect the environment. Han är social av sig. He has a sociable disposition. He's social. Du har tabt dig, har du ikke? Spiser du ordentligt? You've lost some weight, haven't you? Are you eating properly? You've lost yourself, haven't you? Jeg regnede med at jeg måske kunne finde dig her. I figured I might find you here. I figured maybe I could find you here. Hengdu jakkann á snagann við dyrnar. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Hang your jacket on the snake at the door. Ni är bedårande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Du har brug for denne. You need this. You need this. Jag tittade på tv när telefonen ringde. I was watching TV when the telephone rang. I was watching TV when the phone called. Är det din bok, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? Vad sägs om den här röda mössan? How about this red hat? How about this red hat? Jag är inte din fru längre. Din fru är Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Elsker du din mor?‎ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Han behandlar mig alltid som ett barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Børnene legede i baghaven. The children were playing in the backyard. The kids played in the backyard. Þú mátt nota nýja bílinn minn. You may use my new car. You can use my new car. Tom bryter reglene. Tom breaks the rules. Tom violates the rules. Jag kan svara på det. I can answer that. I can answer that. Jag behöver de här pengarna. I need this money. I need this money. Toms guldfisk är deprimerad. Tom's goldfish is depressed. Tom's goldfish is depressed. Det kompliserer saken. That is complicating the matter. It's complicated. Vi älskar picknickar. We love picnics. We love picnics. Du vil kunne lide det. You'll like it. You'll like it. Studerende har ikke adgang til lærerværelset. Students may not enter the teachers' room. Students don't have access to the teacher's room. En skål ris vejer omkring 180 gram. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. Tom har blivit skadad. Tom has been hurt. Tom's been hurt. Jeg mistet skriveblokken min i dag. I lost my notebook today. I lost my notebook today. Jag hörde dörren stängas. I heard the door close. I heard the door shut. Den menneskelige hjerne veier omkring tre pund. The human brain weighs about three pounds. The human brain weighs about three pounds. Ég vil giftast þér. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Jeg tror at det er det rette å gjøre. I think that's the right thing to do. I think it's the right thing to do. En evighet är en väldigt lång tid. Eternity is a really long time. Eternity is a very long time. Dotter mi søv djupt. My daughter is fast asleep. My daughter slept deep. Jag går inte ut. I'm not going out. I'm not going out. Tað er ein lygn! That's a lie! It's a lie! Hva med å ta en svømmetur? How about going for a swim? What about taking a swim? Ett bra vin behöver inte annonseras. There's no need to advertise a good wine. A good wine doesn't need to be advertised. Han er en helt. He is a hero. He's a hero. Du trenger å trene mer. You need to exercise more. You need to train more. Jag vill veta vad det är som är roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's funny. Du har puttet for meget sukker i din te. You put too much sugar in your tea. You put too much sugar in your tea. Vilken skitstövel! What an asshole! Son of a bitch! Min mobiltelefon er handy. My cell phone is handy. My cell phone is handy. Hold op med at være så nysgerrig. Stop being so curious. Stop being so curious. Tom sa til Mary at han ville flytte til Boston. Tom told Mary he wanted to move to Boston. Tom told Mary that he wanted to move to Boston. Til sidst valgte hun en anden killing. Finally, she chose another kitten. Finally, she chose another kid. Jeg har ikke vasket håret mitt. I haven't washed my hair. I haven't washed my hair. Edderkoppen er død. The spider is dead. Spider is dead. Det ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Kan du forestille dig at være frugtar? Can you imagine being a fruitarian? Can you imagine being fruity? Jeg arbejdede under sne. I was working under snow. I worked under snow. Der er noget under sengen. There's something under the bed. There's something under the bed. Tom sagde at han helst ikke ville bede Mary om at gøre det. Tom said he'd rather not ask Mary to do that. Tom said he'd rather not ask Mary to do it. Hun vågner nu. She's waking up. She's waking up now. Du klagar så gott som aldrig på någonting. You hardly ever complain about anything. You complain as good as never about anything. Jeg har bygget det. I built it. I built it. Du blev tillsagd att stanna på skeppet. You were told to stay on the ship. You were told to stay on the ship. Skovhuggeren fælder et træ med en økse. The woodcutter fells a tree with an ax. The wood cutter drops a tree with an axe. Har du nogensinde røget? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever smoked? Mange har lavet den samme fejl. Many people have made the same mistake. Many have made the same mistake. Jeg tager det dyreste af de to. I'll take the more expensive one. I'll take the most expensive of the two. Han griner. He smiled. He's laughing. Maten blir kald. The food becomes cold. The food will be cold. En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. A bird's hand is better than ten on the roof. Tom brukte syv timer på å lese en bok på 220 sider. Mary brukte ni timer på å lese en bok på 280 sider. Hvem leser bøker raskest? It took Tom 7 hours to read a 220 pages book. It took Mary 9 hours to read a 280 pages book. Who is faster at reading books? Tom spent seven hours reading a book on 220 pages, and Mary spent nine hours reading a book on 280 pages. När kan jag se dig igen? When can I see you again? When can I see you again? Ég er að þýða þessa setningu úr ensku yfir á íslensku. I'm translating this sentence from English into Icelandic. I'm translating this sentence from English to Icelandic. Är Tom så usel? Is Tom that bad? Is Tom that bad? Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Tom är inte otrevlig. Tom isn't rude. Tom's not rude. Denne blomsten er den vakreste av alle blomster. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Hun flettede mit hår. She braided my hair. She plattered my hair. Jag köper aldrig socker. I never buy sugar. I never buy sugar. Vi stänger vid kl. 19. We're closing around 7 p.m. We're closing at 7:00. Deras favoritämne var eskatologi. Their favourite subject was eschatology. Their favorite subject was eskatology. Det var en af ​​de sværeste beslutninger jeg nogensinde har måttet tage. It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. It was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. De mest almindelige peberfrugter er grøn, rød og gul peberfrugt. The most common bell peppers are green, red or yellow. The most common peppers are green, red and yellow peppers. Hon gillar varken ormar eller matematik. She likes neither snakes nor mathematics. She doesn't like snakes or mathematics. Tom har vundet prisen. Tom has won the prize. Tom won the prize. Jeg venter her indtil hun kommer tilbage. I will wait here until she comes back. I'll wait here until she gets back. Jeg beholder menyen som suvenir. I'll keep the menu as a souvenir. I keep the menu as a souvenir. Ég get hlaupið. I can run. I can run. Taler du ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Du är en bra sångare. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. Hun bed i æblet. She bit into the apple. She bit the apple. Du er på tynd is. You're treading on thin ice. You're on thin ice. Hvárt er hann úlfr? Is it a wolf? What's he got? Kojan stacks i brand. The hut was set on fire. The cow was set on fire. Det såg roligt ut. It looked funny. It looked fun. Tom behandler mig som et barn. Tom treats me like a child. Tom treats me like a child. Burde du ikke gøre det? Shouldn't you be doing that? Shouldn't you? Det er hvad Tom ville gøre. That is what Tom would do. That's what Tom would do. Hvem skal betale for alt det her? Who's going to pay for all of this? Who's gonna pay for all this? Jag tänker inte ha på mig det här. I'm not wearing this. I'm not gonna wear this. Han læser en bog på sit værelse. He is reading a book in his room. He reads a book in his room. Ég opnaði augun. I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes. Mary har falske bryster. Mary has fake tits. Mary has fake breasts. Det hade varit så enkelt. It would've been so easy. It would have been so simple. Vi har kalium i kroppen. We have potassium in our bodies. We have potassium in our body. Mitt huvudämne på universitetet var kemi. I majored in chemistry at the university. My main subject at the university was chemistry. Jag var på banken. I went to the bank. I was at the bank. Tom kan ikke holde tritt med Maria. Tom can't keep up with Mary. Tom can't keep up with Maria. Den står på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Lad os se om det gør det. Let's see if that does the trick. Let's see if it does. Jag kunde göra det igen. I could do it again. I could do it again. Dei hundre vanlegaste orda i engelsk er anglosaksiske ord. The 100 most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words. The hundreds of most common words in English are Anglosaxian words. Jag delar gärna. I'm willing to share. I'd love to share. Jeg liker bølgene i Svartehavet. I like the waves of the Black Sea. I like the waves in the Black Sea. Jeg elsker deg. I love you. I love you. Jeg har mødt en ældre kvinde. I met with an old woman. I've met an older woman. Falt maten i smak? Did you like the meal? Did the food get tasted? Er der nogen her der taler fransk? Does someone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? I morgenstunden sad den stakkels lille pige, med blege kinder og smil om munden, lænet op mod muren. Hun var frosset ihjel den sidste aften i det gamle år. Nytårsmorgen gik op over det lille lig! In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall. She had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New Year's sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! In the morning, the poor little girl, with pale cheeks and smiles about her mouth, sat up against the wall. She was frozen to death the last night of the old year. The New Year's morning went up over the little corpse! La meg spise først. Let me eat first. Let me eat first. Jag gillar inte klassisk musik. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. Hvem har hængt vasketøjet op? Who hung up the laundry? Who hung up the laundry? Hvornår var det at Tom besøgte Mary på hospitalet? When was it that Tom visited Mary in the hospital? When was Tom visiting Mary at the hospital? Varför kan vi inte göra om det? Why can't we do it again? Why can't we do it again? Han tyckte inte att det var roligt. He didn't think it was funny. He didn't think it was funny. Bill geigaði á fyrsta boltanum. Bill missed the first ball. Bill was on the first ball. Bystyret vedtok å bevilge én million kroner til forprosjektering av nytt teater i Bergen. The City Council voted to grant one million for the preliminary engineering work on the new theater in Bergen. The City Council decided to grant one million dollars to pre-project a new theatre in Bergen. Tack för att du tog hand om min hund. Thanks for taking care of my dog. Thank you for taking care of my dog. Feilen kostet ham hodet. The mistake cost him his head. The fault cost him his head. Kong Knud beordrede, at hans stol skulle placeres i strandkanten, netop som tidevandet var på vej ind. King Canute ordered his chair to be placed on the sea-shore as the tide was coming in. King Knud ordered his chair to be placed on the shoreside, just as the tide was on its way in. Ég kem aftur eftir klukkutíma eða svo. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in an hour or so. Hvordan var det? How was that? How was it? Eg går på skolen kvar dag. I go to school every day. I go to school every day. Holder bussen her? Does the bus stop here? Is the bus holding here? Ein gomul kona gongur yvir vegnum. An old woman is walking across the road. One goomed woman walks yvir road. Ikke spøk med det. Don't joke about that. Don't joke about it. På grunn av feilberegningen har de tapt verdifull tid. Due to the miscalculation, they lost valuable time. Due to their error calculation, they have lost valuable time. Det ser ut som om Tom alltid jobber. Tom always seems to be working. It looks like Tom always works. Har I nogen i blå? Do you have any in blue? Do you have anyone in blue? Jeg har dræbt dem begge to. I killed them both. I killed them both. Nei, dette er min sønns DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. No, this is my son's DVD. Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill take the letter apart? De fejrer julen med gaver. They celebrate Christmas with presents. They celebrate Christmas with gifts. Ég fann jörðina skjálfa. I felt the earth shake. I found the earth shaking. Femtio familjer bor i denna lilla by. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this little town. Du kan ikke forvente at han kjenner til historien når han ikke har lest den. You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it. You can't expect him to know the story when he hasn't read it. Han er uberegnelig. You never know where you have got him. He's unpredictable. Ser de himlen? Do they see the sky? Do they see heaven? Vi måste försvara vårt land till varje pris. We have to defend our country at any cost. We must defend our country at all costs. Du måste ha blandat ihop mig med någon annan. You must have me confused with someone else. You must have mixed me up with someone else. Ju mer vi har desto mer vill vi ha. The more we have, the more we want. The more we have the more we want. Hun drømte at hun var en prinsesse. She dreamed that she was a princess. She dreamed she was a princess. Han et. He eats. He's one. Det kan inte vara så illa. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Tror du på älvor? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairies? Hvad er meningen? What's the big idea? What's the point? Det vil gå over av seg selv i løpet av to uker. It will go away by itself in two weeks. It'll go over itself in two weeks. Han besluttede sig for at blive advokat. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. Ég er giftur og á tvö börn. I am married and have two children. I'm married and I have two children. Hun synes, at det er spild af tid. She thinks it's a waste of time. She thinks it's a waste of time. Jeg vil leke. I want to play. I want to play. Du og jeg er jævnaldrende. You and me are the same age. You and I are peers. Vi har opdaget en hemmelig gang. We discovered a secret passageway. We've discovered a secret time. Skal du bruka dette? Will you use this? Do you want to use this? Øl består af 90 % vand. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90 % water. Behöver jag en? Do I need one? Do I need one? Hvor skjulte du dem? Where did you hide them? Where did you hide them? Er du i godt humør? Are you in a good mood? Are you in a good mood? Æblet er på bordet. The apple is on the table. The apple is on the table. Vi måste prata. We've got to talk. We need to talk. Hvilke filmer går nå? Which films are showing now? What movies are going on now? Jag kan allt det här. I know all this. I know all this. Jag kan inte äta. I can't eat. I can't eat. Vill du ha mer kakor? Would you care for more cookies? Want some more cookies? Du behøver ikke besvare dette spørgsmål. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer this question. Þú verður að yfirstíga erfiðleikana. You have to overcome the difficulties. You must overcome the difficulties. Avisa har ikke publisert artikkelen vår enda. The newspaper hasn't published our article yet. Avisa hasn't published our article yet. Tom har gått bort. Tom has passed away. Tom's gone away. Hvad har Tom for? What's Tom up to? What's Tom got for? «Jeg er sulten,» sa den lille hvite kaninen, så de stoppet og åt blomsten av en stor hyasint. "I'm hungry," said the small white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower from a large hyacinth. “I’m hungry,” said the little white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower of a large hyasin. Jag satte upp en liten koja i trädgården. I put up a small hut in the backyard. I put a little cabin in the garden. Du undervurderer han. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Katte kan ikke lide hunde. Cats don't like dogs. Cats don't like dogs. Ég kem ekki í dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Han flippede helt ud. He went ballistic. He freaked out. Det är ingen tvekan om vem som blir vald. There is no doubt as to who will be elected. There is no doubt as to who will be elected. Det är normalt. It's normal. It's normal. Säg till Tom att jag är färdig. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm done. Tom kan kontakte mig på dette nummer på ethvert tidspunkt af dagen. Tom can reach me at this number any time of day. Tom can contact me on this number at any time of the day. Niksen biksen! No way! Niksen bikken! Var ligger den ryska ambassaden? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian embassy? I femten år har jeg været lærer. I've been a teacher for 15 years. For fifteen years, I've been a teacher. Latterligt! Ridiculous! I'm sorry! När behöver jag lämna tillbaka bilen? When should I return the car? When do I have to return the car? Vi kan leke med språket. We can play with the language. We can play with the language. Ikke døm etter utseende. Don't judge by appearances. Do not judge by appearance. Tom arbejder på deltid. Tom works part-time. Tom works part-time. Jeg visste at han var forskjellig. I knew he was different. I knew he was different. Jeg er glad med det jeg har. I'm happy with what I have. I'm happy with what I have. Det påverkade egentligen inte oss. It really didn't affect us. It didn't really affect us. Etter at jeg hadde gjort leksene mine kunne jeg endelig se på TV. Having done my homework, I could finally watch television. After I had done my homework, I could finally watch TV. Er du klar til å ta over hvis Tom ikke kunne gjøre lenger? Are you ready to take over if Tom can't work anymore? Are you ready to take over if Tom couldn't do any more? Vennligst kom når det passer deg. Please come when it suits you. Please come when it suits you. Der er ingen ko på isen. There is no cause for concern. There's no cow on the ice. Kun få mennesker regnede med at han vandt. Few people expected him to win. Only a few people expected him to win. Jim er ikke advokat, men læge. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. I går ramte en lastbil denne mur. Yesterday a truck hit this wall. Yesterday, a truck hit this wall. Var det du som gjorde det här? Did you do this? Are you the one who did this? Jag åker till Boston nästa månad. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Jag har aldrig träffat dig i verkligheten. I have never met you in person. I've never met you in reality. Jag förstår mig inte på det här. This doesn't make any sense. I don't understand this. Han vender tilbage i morgen. He'll be coming back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Nä, säger du det? You don't fucking say. Is that what you're saying? Det var ett tag sedan sist. It's been a while since last time. It was a while ago. Titta inte ut genom fönstret. Don't look out of the window. Don't look out the window. Jag brände papperet. I burned the paper. I burned the paper. Manden har mere brød end sin kone. The man has more bread than his wife. The man has more bread than his wife. Vil du smake? Would you like a taste? Would you like a taste? Jeg har ikke lyst til å høre flere av de dumme vitsene dine. I don't want to hear any more of your stupid jokes. I don't want to hear more of your stupid jokes. Brødet er frisk. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Jeg likte å svømme i elva. I enjoyed swimming in the river. I liked swimming in the river. Bliv nu ikke oppe hele natten. Don't stay up all night. Don't stay up all night. O.k., du vinder. OK, you win. Okay, you win. Min engelsklärare rekommenderade mig att läsa dessa böcker. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended me to read these books. Du skulle inte njuta av det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't enjoy it. Hun tror ikke på Gud. She doesn't believe in God. She doesn't believe in God. Små børn holder ofte af bøger om drager og andre monstre. Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Young children often like books about dragons and other monsters. Til slutt klarte Mario å vinne prinsessens kjærlighet. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love. Finally, Mario was able to win the love of the princess. Jag svettades under armarna. I perspired under the arms. I was sweating under my arms. Tom tok frem en fløyte og blåste i den. Tom pulled out a whistle and blew it. Tom took out a flute and blew it. Tom vil bare have fred og ro. Tom only wants some peace and quiet. Tom just wants peace and quiet. Klarar vi det? Can we make it? Can we do this? Jeg mangler ord. Words fail me. I don't have any words. Jag köpte en bok. I bought a book. I bought a book. Tom är gift med en lärare. Tom is married to a teacher. Tom's married to a teacher. Din plan vil bestemt lykkes. Your plan is sure to succeed. Your plan will certainly succeed. Jag gillar bowling. I like bowling. I like bowling. Ingen vinter varar för alltid. No winter lasts forever. No winter lasts forever. Jeg gjorde alt automatisk. I did everything automatically. I did everything automatically. Jag anlände i går kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. Det kommer an på sammenheng. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Verbet "att vara" har oregelbunden böjning i alla språk. The verb “to be” has an irregular conjugation in all languages. The verb "to be" has irregular conjugation in all languages. Det är den bästa vi har. It's the best we have. That's the best we got. Jeg tror tom er fra Australia. I think Tom is from Australia. I think empty is from Australia. En god konjak kompletterar en fin måltid. A good brandy completes a fine meal. A good brandy complements a nice meal. Jeg snakker interlingua. I speak Interlingua. I'm talking interlingua. Jag undviker inte er. I'm not avoiding you. I'm not avoiding you. Hon är lycklig. She is happy. She's happy. Tom fick det inte heller. Tom didn't get it either. Tom didn't get it either. Jag minns detta ord. I remember this word. I remember this word. Ni skulle ha gillat det. You would've liked it. You should have liked it. Tror du på det här? Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Er det jeres? Is it yours? Is that yours? Den er otte tredive. It's eight-thirty. It's eight thirty. Det huset er mitt. That house belongs to me. That house is mine. Mary synes at Tom er en ussel fnatmide. Mary thinks Tom is an utter wankstain. Mary thinks Tom's an ugly face. Ønsker du at spise? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Det tog mig en halvtimme att lösa det här problemet. It took me half an hour to work out this problem. It took me half an hour to solve this problem. De dannede en ny regering. They formed a new government. They formed a new government. De er bevæbnet. They're armed. They're armed. Till och med mamma vet om det. Even my mom knows it. Even Mom knows about it. Han er lige kommet. He has just arrived. He just got here. Var der en anden i rummet? Was there someone else in the room? Was there someone else in the room? Eg kjem til å hugse denne hendinga for alltid. I'll remember this incident for good. I'm going to remember this event forever. Jag älskar den här bilen. I love this car. I love this car. Jeg besluttede at spise ude i aften. I decided to eat out tonight. I decided to eat out tonight. Á erfiðisstundum leitaði hún til trúarinnar. In times of trouble, she would turn to faith. In difficult times, she looked for the faith. Hvad sagde jeg? What did I say? What did I say? Det ble ventet av ham at han skulle ta en bestemmelse. He was expected to make a decision. It was expected of him that he would take a decision. Gennemsnitsbilens anbefalede dæktryk er cirka 2,20 bar. The recommended tyre pressure of the average car is around 32 psi. The average recommended tyre pressure is approximately 2.20 bar. Den her ordbog er min. This dictionary is mine. This dictionary is mine. Jag vill bara ha roligt. I just want to have fun. I just want to have fun. Vi bruker mye vann hver dag. We use a lot of water every day. We use a lot of water every day. Jag ska hämta min kappa. I'll get my coat. I'll get my coat. Geturðu leyst vandamálið? Could you solve the problem? Can You Solve the Problem? Tom ønskede en undskyldning. Tom wanted an apology. Tom wanted an apology. Bilen krasjet inn i veggen. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. Er det et luftkastel? Is it a pipe dream? Is that an air-castle? I juni bliver I jo omsider gift. At long last, you will get married in June. In June, you're finally getting married. Helen er að leika sér í garðinum. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the park. Du skulle kunna ha sagt nej. You could've said no. You could have said no. Hvor kan jeg købe cigaretter her? Where can I buy cigarettes around here? Where can I buy cigarettes here? Jag var verkligen sen. I was really late. I was really late. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've done very well. Vissa fiskar kan ändra sitt kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change their sex. Det var ingen skikkelige bevis mot Tom. There was no real evidence against Tom. There was no real evidence against Tom. Tom er ved at komme til bevidsthed. Tom is regaining consciousness. Tom's coming to consciousness. Vi ska ha en diskussion angående prognosen. We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis. We're going to have a discussion about the prognosis. Jeg elsker at tage til stranden. I love going to the beach. I love going to the beach. Tom tycker inte riktigt om Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Tom doesn't really like Mary. Hatten är din. The hat is yours. The hat is yours. Ikke alle er klar. Not everyone is ready. Not everyone's ready. Min favoritsangerinde er Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. Han likte ikkje å gå på skule. He disliked school. He didn't like to go to school. Drengen der svømmer, er min lillebror. The boy who is swimming is my younger brother. The boy who swims is my little brother. Vi beklager meget. We're very sorry. We're very sorry. De har brug for en tolk. They need an interpreter. They need an interpreter. Vil dette blive et problem? Is this going to be a problem? Will this be a problem? At bruge tid sammen med din familie bør have første prioritet for dig. Spending time with your family should be your priority. To spend time with your family should be the first priority for you. I må være meget stolte af jeres søn. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Jag är på sidan tre. I'm on page three. I'm on page three. Af hverju ertu svona sein? Why are you so late? Why are you so late? Þessir bitar munu ekki halda þyngd þaksins. These beams will not carry the weight of the roof. These pieces will not keep the weight of the roof. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað. She advised him to go there. She advised him to go there. Dette kommer aldri til å ta slutt. This is never going to end. This is never going to end. Það virðist sem ríki hluti mannkyns varði sig lítið um vandamál fátæka hlutans. It seems that the rich part of humanity doesn't care much for the problems of the poor part. It seems that part of mankind’s kingdom did not protect itself from the problems of the poor. Eldri bróðir minn fékk stöðu í stóru fyrirtæki. My older brother got a position in a big business. My older brother had a position in a big business. Er du sikker på at du ikke bruger maskinoversættelser? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? De gik direkte i seng. They went straight to bed. They went straight to bed. Jag hoppas att jag överlever. I hope I survive. I hope I survive. Jeg kan fortelle deg at dette ikke har skjedd. I can tell you that this has not happened. I can tell you that this has not happened. Du trenger førerkort for å kjøre bil. You need a license to drive a car. You need a driving licence to drive a car. Peningar eru allstaðar velkomnir. Money is welcome everywhere. Money is welcome everywhere. Han har spelat schack sedan han gick på high school. He has been playing chess since he was in high school. He's been playing chess since he went to high school. Jeg hører at du lige er blevet gift. I hear you just got married. I hear you just got married. Det överraskar mig inte. That doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Hvad planlægger du? What are you planning? What are you planning? Jeg er ikke et monster. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. Hun gjorde en rekke medisinske oppdagelser. She made a series of medical discoveries. She made a number of medical discoveries. Branden var på första våningen. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. I tager altid tingene alt for alvorligt. You always take things too seriously. You always take things too seriously. Jag kan inte äta choklad. I can't eat chocolate. I can't eat chocolate. Ett kuvert och ett frimärke, tack. An envelope and a stamp, please. A envelope and a stamp, please. Kvar sette de rakkarar stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did they shave my chair? Den her er ikke min bil. Det er Toms. This car isn't mine. It's Tom's. This isn't my car. Tom er Marys chauffør. Tom is Mary's chauffeur. Tom's Mary's driver. Tom är en alv. Tom is an elf. Tom's an elf. Tågen er lettet. The mist cleared. Trains are light. Hvar getum við hist? Where can we meet? Where can we meet? Tom behandlede Mary som et barn. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary as a child. Hvorfor er Tom herude? Why is Tom out here? Why is Tom out here? Hun skrudde ned radioen. She turned down the radio. She turned the radio down. Tom merket ikke engang at Mary flørtet med han. Tom didn't even notice that Mary was flirting with him. Tom didn't even notice that Mary flirted with him. Hon vaknade. She woke up. She woke up. Hún var hissa á útlitinu á honum. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised at his appearance. Hvorfor er ikke Tom her? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Han taler ikke kun fransk, han taler også spansk. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. He not only speaks French, he also speaks Spanish. Denne her bog er til dig. This book is for you. This book is for you. Jeg vil ha noe varmt å drikke. I want something hot to drink. I want something warm to drink. Jeg ba om hans hjelp. I asked for his help. I asked for his help. Han strauk om att. He failed the examination again. He ran around again. Tom hatar katter. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. Han bor ensam. He lives alone. He lives alone. Vi er veldig glade for å ha henne her. We are very pleased to have her here. We're very happy to have her here. De kunne ikke holde op med at le. They couldn't stop laughing. They couldn't stop laughing. kom tillbaka om en timme. Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour. Tom er endnu ikke teenager. Tom isn't a teenager yet. Tom's not yet a teenager. Vi har hatt mye regn denne måneden. We've had a lot of rain this month. We've had a lot of rain this month. Han er en misdeder, er du klar over det? He is an evildoer, are you aware of that? He's a misdeeder, are you aware of that? Nej, det er ikke sandt. No, that's not true. No, that's not true. Tyskland er i gang med midlertidigt at indføre grænsekontrol ved grænsen til Østrig. Germany is introducing temporary border controls with Austria. Germany is in the process of introducing temporary border controls at the Austrian border. Det gør så ondt! Hold op! It's so painful. Stop it! It hurts so much! Allt ordnade sig. It all worked out OK. Everything was all right. Hvor mange drenge er der i din klasse? How many boys are there in your class? How many boys are in your class? Jeg håper du liker det. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Den unge mand er læge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. Jeg forventer ikke noe fra deg. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Jag klarar det inte i dag. I can't do it today. I can't do it today. Þú mátt haga þér eins og þú vilt. You may act as you wish. You can behave as you please. Børn har brug for meget søvn. Children require much sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Hvor tit tager du et brusebad? How often do you shower? How many times do you take a shower? Ungfrú Brown er orðin vön japönskum mat. Miss Brown has gotten used to eating Japanese food. Miss Brown has become used to Japanese food. Jag tar dina väskor. I'll grab your bags. I'll take your bags. Intet er lettere end at tale. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing's easier than talking. Tom är ganska glömsk. Tom is quite forgetful. Tom's pretty forgetful. Prøv å meditere noen minutter om dagen noen dager. Det hjelper meg masse. Try meditating a few minutes a day once in a while. Honestly, it helps me a lot. Try to meditate a few minutes a day a few days. Tom är inte så stark. Tom isn't that strong. Tom's not that strong. Kanskje du har rett. You may be right. Maybe you're right. Dette er en af mine yndlingsbøger. This is one of my favorite books. This is one of my favorite books. Lad os snakke om det. Let us discuss. Let's talk about it. Bróðir minn og ég deildum herberginu. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Jeg gikk ikke glipp av noe. I didn't miss anything. I didn't miss anything. Ég hafði samúð með aumingja hundinum. I felt for the poor dog. I had sympathy for the poor dog. I slutändan är det ändå talangen som räknas i musikens värld. After all, it is talent that counts in music. In the end, however, it is the talent that counts in the world of music. Eg ser boka. I see the book. I see the book. Tom mødte Marys forældre. Tom met Mary's parents. Tom met Mary's parents. Tom hatar er. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Jag visste inte ens vad hon hette. I didn't even know her name. I didn't even know her name. Jeg må sige at jeg misunder jer. I have to say I envy you. I must say I envy you. Mér þótti erfitt að framkvæma það. I found it difficult to put it into practice. I found it hard to do that. Av di han stava det ordet gale, vart han send ut av tevlinga. His misspelling of that word eliminated him from the contest. Of you he spelled that word crazy, he was sent out of the TV. Ät så mycket du vill. Eat as much as you like. Eat as much as you want. Jeg besluttede at skrive 20 sætninger om dagen på Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day at Tatoaba. Stäng din bok. Close your book. Close your book. De vill att vi ska tro att vi lever i en demokrati. They want us to believe that we are in a democracy. They want us to think that we're living in a democracy. Mød mig klokken halv tre. Meet me at 2:30. Meet me at 3:30. Dette er den korteste vej til Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. This is the shortest route to Paris. Han er lille af sin alder. He's small for his age. He's little of his age. I er ikke så hurtige som jeg er. You guys aren't as fast as I am. You're not as fast as I am. Gangbrautarverðir eru gerðir út á skólatímum til að leiðbeina börnum örugglega yfir götur með mikilli umferð. Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets. Road prices are made in school hours to guide children safely across the streets by a lot of traffic. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you do it? How did you make it? De behandler mig som et barn. They are treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Hun liker læreren. She likes the teacher. She likes the teacher. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Jeg har været i Boston siden oktober. I've been in Boston since October. I've been in Boston since October. I har rødvin. You have red wine. You have red wine. Är ni finländare eller ryssar? Are you Finns or Russians? Are you Finns or Russians? Bifreiðin hefur breytt lífi okkar. The automobile has changed our life. The car has changed our lives. Sjúklingarnir í þessari rannsókn samanstóðu af þrjátíu körlum og tuttugu og fimm konum. The patients in this study consisted of 30 males and 25 females. The patients in this study consisted of thirty men and twenty five women. Jag har helljuset på. My lights are on full beam. I'm wearing the headlight. Hun gned sine øjne. She rubbed her eyes. She rubbed her eyes. Japan og Sør-Korea er naboland. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighbouring countries. Manden opførte sig meget mærkelig. The man's behavior was very odd. The man behaved very strangely. Hun undgik at svare på mine spørgsmål. She avoided answering my questions. She didn't answer my questions. Jeg aner ikke hvem hun er. I have no idea who she is. I don't know who she is. Vet du varför vårrullar kallas vårrullar? Do you know why spring rolls are called spring rolls? You know why spring rollers are called spring rollers? Hör och häpna. Lo and behold. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Solen er en stjerne. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Vi så tårnet i det fjerne. We saw the tower in the distance. We saw the tower in the distance. Häng upp din kappa, tack. Hang up your coat, please. Hang your coat, please. Kunne jeg få telefonnummeret ditt? May I have your phone number? Could I have your phone number? Har du flere tricks i ærmet? Do you have any more tricks up your sleeve? Do you have any more tricks in your sleeve? De här skorna är gjorda i Italien. These shoes are made in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. Hur mycket blir det? How much will it be? How much is it going to be? Lífið er ekki nema leiftur, fegurðin endist einn enstakan dag! Hugsaðu um hauskúpur hinna dauðu sem allar eru eins. Life is but a flash of lightning and beauty lasts only a day! Think of the skulls of the dead that all are alike. Life is only lightning, beauty lasts one day! Think of the skulls of the dead, all alike. Det er klart som mudder. It's as clear as mud. It's clearly like mud. Tag mig ikke for givet. Don't take me for granted. Don't take me for granted. Flere æbler faldt fra træet. Several apples fell from the tree. More apples fell from the tree. Tom är sjuk. Tom's sick. Tom's sick. Jeg vil stå ved din side, uanset hvad. I will stand by you, no matter what. I'll stand by your side, no matter what. Drengen sad på en stol. The boy sat on a chair. The boy was sitting on a chair. Köp en tandkrämstub åt mig när du är i affären. Get me a tube of toothpaste while you're at the store. Buy me a toothpaste powder when you're at the store. Han er dj. He's a DJ. He's a dj. Æblerne fra vores eget træ smager meget bedre end de sprøjtede æbler fra supermarkedet. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. Tom er min ægtemand. Tom is my husband. Tom is my husband. Hvad er navnet på det højeste bjerg i Tyskland? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What is the name of the highest mountain in Germany? Mary har långa ben. Mary has long legs. Mary has long legs. Det er en fugl. It is a bird. It's a bird. Jag har något i ögat. I have something in my eye. I got something in my eye. Jeg tager snart til Rusland. I'm going to Russia soon. I'll go to Russia soon. Mamma mín eldar góðan mat. My mother cooks well. My mom cooks good food. Að mínu mati er áfengi ekki nauðsynlega vont fyrir heilsuna. In my opinion, alcohol is not necessarily bad for your health. In my opinion, alcohol is not necessary for health. København er en cykelvenlig by. Copenhagen is a bike-friendly city. Copenhagen is a bicycle-friendly city. Af útliti hans að dæma er hann veikur. Judging from his appearance, he is ill. Because of his appearance, he's sick. Jeg har besluttet at fortælle Tom at jeg elsker Mary. I've decided to tell Tom that I love Mary. I've decided to tell Tom that I love Mary. Stilla. Be still. Hold still. Jeg er sulten. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Tom fortalte mig at han drikker mindst tre kopper kaffe om dagen. Tom told me that he drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Tom told me he drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Var arbetar du? Where do you work? Where are you working? Hissen verkar vara trasig. The elevator seems to be out of order. The elevator seems to be broken. Hon var modig. She was brave. She was brave. Jeg drikker ikke så mye øl. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink much beer. Við spilum alltaf tennis á laugardagsmorngum. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis in Saturday mornings. Mamma ætlar að líta eftir barninu meðan ég fer á dansleikinn. My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance. My mom's gonna watch the baby while I go to the ball. Vad har hänt med din hand? What happened to your hand? What happened to your hand? Það skiptir engu. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Denne regelen gjelder deg også. This rule applies to you as well. This rule also applies to you. Tom ville ha miste toget om han hadde stoppe for å kjøpe ein sjokolade. Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would have lost the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate. Allir vita að tveir plús tveir eru fjórir. Everyone knows that two plus two equals four. Everybody knows that two plus two are four. Noen mennesker er helt skruppelløs. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Some people are completely unscrupulous. Ni är oansvariga. You're irresponsible. You're irresponsible. Är ni säkra på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Han gick sakta så att barnet kunde hinna med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He went slowly so that the child could make it. Vi börjar mötet när Bob kommer. We will begin the meeting when Bob comes. We'll start the meeting when Bob gets here. Vissa saker säger man inte ens på skämt. Some things you shouldn't even say jokingly. Some things you don't even say at jokes. Du har virkelig et problem. You do have a problem. You really have a problem. Finns det någon som kan svara? Is there anyone who can answer? Is there anyone who can answer? Tom hyste stor kärlek för sitt land. Tom had a great love for his country. Tom had great love for his country. Når jeg var liten trodde jeg på julenissen. When I was little, I believed in Santa. When I was a kid, I believed in Santa Claus. Dette er ordbogen jeg bruger hver dag. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Vi hepper på "Spartacus"! We're cheering for "Spartacus"! We're cheering at Spartacus! Jag börjar bli hungrig. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Jag har inte ätit på ett par dagar. I haven't eaten for a couple of days. I haven't eaten in a couple of days. Hvad studerer en kremlolog? What does a Kremlinologist study? What does a cremlinologist study? Blir ni ledsna av det? Does that make you sad? Are you sorry about that? Ingen kulturell bakgrunn er nødvendig for å forstå kunst. No cultural background is necessary to understand art. No cultural background is necessary for an understanding of art. Vennligst send dette dokumentet innen utløpet av denne måneden. Please send this document before the end of the month. Please send this document before the end of this month. Välkommen till asfaltdjungeln! Welcome to the asphalt jungle! Welcome to the asphalt jungle! Du er på rett spor. You're on the right track. You're on the right track. Jag ska aldrig gå och handla med Jason igen. I will never go shopping with Jason again. I'll never go shopping with Jason again. Har De et hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Jeg begynner jobben min første juli. I'll start my work on the first of July. I'm starting my job first July. Hun er en intelligent ung kvinde. She's an intelligent young woman. She's an intelligent young woman. Tom ville ikke ha gått dit. Tom wouldn't go there. Tom wouldn't have gone there. Dømt til døden. Condemned to death. Judged to death. Tom tror ikke at Mary er lykkelig. Tom doesn't think Mary is happy. Tom doesn't think Mary's happy. Du er bange. You're afraid. You're scared. Du har mistet dine paraplyer. You've lost your umbrellas. You've lost your umbrellas. Hvor lenge kommer du til å bli i London? How long will you remain in London? How long are you going to be in London? Hvem skrev brevet? Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the letter? Tom ligger i en hospitalsseng. Tom is lying in a hospital bed. Tom is in a hospital bed. Enligt upphovsmännen till Oxford English Dictionary finns det över 800 000 ord i det engelska språket. According to the makers of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. According to the authors of Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. Sammenlignet med kineserne er japanerne dårlige lingvister. Compared with the Chinese, the Japanese are poor linguists. Compared to the Chinese, the Japanese are bad linguists. Jag är ganska hungrig. I'm fairly hungry. I'm pretty hungry. Vem var det som ringde mig? Who called me? Who called me? Kom i overmorgen. Come the day after tomorrow. Come over in the morning. Tom grep tag i sin väska. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom grabbed his bag. Jag är här som turist. I'm here as a tourist. I'm here as a tourist. Skipið var upp á náð hafsins komið. The ship was at the mercy of the sea. The ship had arrived at the sea's grace. Vi har inte beställt någonting. We didn't order anything. We haven't ordered anything. Jag måste gå på toaletten. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. I det övre vänstra hörnet står det ”Till salu”. In the upper left corner it says "For sale". In the upper left corner it says “For Sale”. I skyggen av det Skjeve Tårn i Pisa sitter byens eventyrforteller og spiser en tallerken ertesuppe. Etterpå forteller han barna eventyret "Prinsessen på erten". In the shadow of the Leaning Tower of Pisa sits the town storyteller, eating a bowl of pea soup. After that he tells some children the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea". In the shadow of the Skyve Tower in Pisa sits the city's adventurer and eats a plate pea soup. Then he tells the children the adventure "Prince on the pea". Han satt alldeles tyst och tittade rakt fram. He sat in silence and was looking straight ahead of him. He kept his mouth shut and looked straight ahead. Er du sikker på at du aldrig har mødt ham? Are you sure you've never met him? Are you sure you've never met him? Det er ikke mulig! It can't be! That's not possible! Vil I have te eller kaffe? Would you like tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? "Har du sett mobiltelefonen min?" "Den ligger på bordet." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." Jeg kunne ikke gå ut på grunn av det dårlige været. I couldn't go out on account of the bad weather. I couldn't go out because of the bad weather. Jag hoppas att jag en dag kan åka till Sverige. I hope I can go to Sweden one day. I hope one day I can go to Sweden. Jag tror att vi står på tur. I think we're next. I think we're next. Jag hatar när det händer. I hate when that happens. I hate it when it happens. Jag läser en bok. I read a book. I'm reading a book. Jag är inte ett dugg trött. I'm not at all tired. I'm not a good tired. Jeg mistet nøklene mine. I dropped my keys. I lost my keys. Jeg begynner å lure på om det feiler meg noe. I'm slowly starting to wonder if I still have all of my marbles. I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything wrong with me. Ég hef ekkert um þetta mál að segja. I have nothing to say on this matter. I don't have anything to say about this. Ikke rør noe uten å spørre. Don't touch anything without asking first. Don't touch anything without asking. Alla elever måste lära sig båda de inhemska språken på det finska fastlandet. All students have to learn both national languages ​​in mainland Finland. All students must learn both the native languages of the mainland Finland. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I'm out of money. Kast att ballen åt meg. Throw the ball back to me. Throw that ball at me. Vilken är din favoritsuperhjälte? Who's your favorite super hero? What's your favorite superhero hero? Medan du kör, borde du ha fokus på vägen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. While you're driving, you should have a focus on the road. Svar mig. Answer me. Answer me. Barnen var inte imponerade. The kids weren't impressed. The kids weren't impressed. Hur gjorde Tom det där? How did Tom do that? How did Tom do that? Tom er sandsynligvis den bedste sanger i vores klasse. Tom is probably the best singer in our class. Tom is probably the best singer in our class. Enhver sætning i denne bog er vigtig. Every sentence in this book is important. Any phrase in this book is important. Vad beställde du? What did you order? What did you order? Det er mange vakre parker i London. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Du står fritt til å reise hvor du vil. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You're free to travel where you want to go. Tom og Mary kan ikke udstå hinanden. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Tom and Mary can't stand each other. Du er ikke et barn længere. You are not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Tom er en slapsvans. Tom is a wimp. Tom's a slob. Hann er of stór. It's too large. He's too big. Ég hugsa að það sé kominn tími á að ég labbi í burtu frá þessu skaðræðismáli. I think it's time for me to walk away from this mess. I think it's time I walked away from this criminal case. Finns det en telefon här? Is there a telephone here? Is there a phone here? Giv mad til de hjemløse. Give food to the homeless. Give food to the homeless. Det sker en gang imellem. That happens sometimes. It happens once in a while. Han ljuger aldrig. He never tells lies. He never lies. Mamma stannade i bilen medan pappa handlade. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. My mom stopped in the car while my dad was shopping. Sover du någonsin? Do you ever sleep? Do you ever sleep? Det greier seg. That's enough. It's okay. Hon hade redan somnat. She had already fallen asleep. She had already gone to sleep. Ég fór í veisluna bara til að sýna smá félagslyndi. I attended the party just to be sociable. I went to the party just to show some social depression. Det er ingen hemmelighed at Tom ikke kan lide Maria. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like Mary. It's no secret Tom doesn't like Maria. Jag förlorade allt jag hade. I lost everything I had. I lost everything I had. Jeg har ikke spist suppen og jeg vil ikke. I haven't eaten the soup and I won't. I haven't eaten the soup and I don't want to. Sluta oroa dig. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Ingen har bett dig att hålla med, men du kan väl åtminstone acceptera att det finns personer som har andra åsikter än dig? Nobody has asked you to agree, but can't you at least accept that there are people who hold different views from you? No one has asked you to agree, but at least you can accept that there are people who have opinions other than you? Han ble tvunget til å signere kontrakten mot sin vilje. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign the contract against his will. Mig klæjar í augun. My eyes feel itchy. I'm choking my eyes. Kan jeg gjøre noe for deg? Can I do anything for you? Can I do something for you? Det var ett förskräckligt väder. It was dreadful weather. It was a terrible weather. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan man kan reparere dette. I wish I could figure out how to fix this. I wish I could figure out how to repair this. Du förtjänar det här. You deserve this. You deserve this. Han har ikke penge nok til at rejse. He doesn't have enough money to travel. He doesn't have enough money to travel. Vi har vin. We have wine. We have wine. Tom skulle ynskje at han var betre i fransk. Tom wishes that he could be a better French speaker. Tom would love that he was better in French. Jag hatar alla slags insekter. I hate insects of all kinds. I hate all kinds of insects. Hun har malet en mur. She painted a wall. She painted a wall. Vi kunde inte gå ut på grund av tyfonen. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon. Jeg trenger noen som kan beskytte meg. I need someone to protect me. I need someone to protect me. Tom är dyblöt. Tom is drenched. Tom's a mess. Jag kommer ihåg er. Vi träffades för tre år sedan. I remember you. We met three years ago. I remember you, we met three years ago. Jeg vil ikke gøre det mere. I won't do it anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. Piken er en sykesøster. The girl is a nurse. The girl's a sick sister. Það er bók hérna. There's a book here. There's a book here. Din var bedre. Yours was better. Yours was better. Hvis jeg har forstået det rigtigt, så er jeg blevet taget ved næsen. If I understand correctly, I've been taken for a ride. If I've understood correctly, I've been caught by my nose. Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, så jeg fjernsyn. Having done my homework, I watched television. After I did homework, I saw TV. Jag var hövlig. I was being polite. I was polite. Jeg elsker dig mere og mere for hver dag der går. I love you more and more each day. I love you more and more every day. Jag gillar grönt te. I like green tea. I like green tea. England och Skottland är grannar. England and Scotland are neighbours. England and Scotland are neighbours. Hun sprang til stasjonen fordi hun var redd for ikke å nå toget. She ran to the station for fear that she would miss the train. She ran to the station because she was afraid not to reach the train. Lad os tage en 10 minutters pause her. Let's take a 10-minute break here. Let's take a 10 minute break here. Tom brukade köra buss. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom har nogle nysgerrige naboer. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom has some curious neighbors. Tom lo højt. Tom laughed out loud. Tom laughed loud. Både Magdalena och Ania är från Polen. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Noen spiller piano. Somebody is playing the piano. Some people play piano. Han är helt hopplöst dålig. He is bad beyond correction. He's completely hopelessly bad. Legg deg på venstre side. Lie down on your left side. Put on the left-hand side. Alla tre män log. All three men smiled. All three men smiled. Ni kunde ha dött. You could've died. You could've died. Hun er en grimrian. She's a dog. She's a Grimrian. Tú skal lesa bókina. You must read this book. I want you to read the book. Om du lærer norsk, bør du kunne ordet "koselig". Du kommer langt bare ved å kunne det ene ordet. If you're learning Norwegian, you should know the word "koselig". You're getting far just by knowing that one word. If you're learning Norwegian, you should be able to say "good-looking." You're just getting far by being able to use one word. Jag lär mig ungerska. I am learning Hungarian. I'm learning Hungarian. Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni. He had the presumption to reject my proposal. He was so rude to reject my suggestion. Passer det at I ikke kan svømme? Is it true that you can't swim? Is it true you can't swim? Þú ert enn of ungur til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're still too young to get a driver's license. Tom liker å bokse. Tom likes to box. Tom likes to box. "Din plan dur slet ikke." "Ha, så nu er det »min« plan!" Your plan's no good. - Ha, so now it's "my" plan! "Your plan doesn't work at all." "Ha, so now it's my plan!" Hur svårt skadad var Tom? How bad was Tom hurt? How hard was Tom hurt? Två gånger sju är fjorton. Two times seven is fourteen. Two times seven is fourteen. Jeg liker hundene dine. I like your dogs. I like your dogs. Ég þoli þetta ekki lengur! Ég hef ekki sofið í þrjá daga! I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days! I can't stand it anymore, I haven't slept in three days! Min bror bruger den cykel. My brother uses that bike. My brother's using that bike. Hvorfor kan du ikke komme? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? En øl til mig, tak! A beer for me, please! A beer for me, please! Jag går till min farmors hus. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother's house. Tom arbejder i en lokal cykelforretning. Tom works at a local bike shop. Tom works in a local bike shop. Vad har du för planer? What are your plans? What are your plans? Þú verður að leggja af stað undir eins. You must set off at once. You've got to get going right now. Sami känner till Laylas förflutna. Sami knows Layla's past. Sami knows Layla's past. Det är orsaken till varför vi skilde oss. That's the reason we got divorced. That's why we got divorced. Mary manglede en hun kunne stole på. Mary needed somebody she could trust. Mary needed someone she could trust. Klip dine fingernegle. Cut your fingernails. Cut your fingernails. Det här borde hjälpa. This ought to help. This should help. Faren min drar ikke til Tokyo i dag. My father does not go to Tokyo today. My father's not going to Tokyo today. New York er den største by i verden. New York is the biggest city in the world. New York is the largest city in the world. Jag kom ihåg Mary. I remembered Mary. I remembered Mary. Hun er i live! She's alive! She's alive! Öga för öga. An eye for an eye. Eye for eye. Hvat er kursurin? What is the exchange rate? What's the course? Husk på at tid er penge. Remember that time is money. Remember, time is money. Konan er høg. The woman is tall. The woman's tall. En kat kom ud fra under skrivebordet. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out from under the desk. Hur kan vi hjälpa till? How can we help? How can we help? Det var ganske kjedelig. It was rather boring. It was pretty boring. Jag behöver ett kuvert. I need an envelope. I need an envelope. Hvernig dirfistu að tala svona? How dare you speak like that? How dare you talk like that? Rør ikke ved min cykel. Keep your hands off my bicycle. Don't touch my bike. Lyfið virkar eins og galdur. The drug acts like magic. This medicine works like a spell. Der var en masse skriverier om homoseksualitet. There were a lot of writings about homosexuality. There was a lot of writing about homosexuality. Talade du om för Tom vad Mary hade gjort? Did you tell Tom about what Mary did? Did you tell Tom what Mary had done? Jag behöver en kniv. I need a knife. I need a knife. Vi daser i sommersolen. We are basking in the summer sun. We dance in the summer sun. Folk som jobber for etterretningstjenesten vanligvis lærer mange språk, men de har å holde en masse hemmeligheter. People who work for an intelligence service usually learn many languages, but they have to keep a lot of secrets. People who work for intelligence usually learn many languages, but they have to keep a lot of secrets. Vi är båda galna. We're both insane. We're both crazy. Hvad hedder denne grøntsag på engelsk? How do you call this vegetable in English? What is the name of this vegetable in English? Það skiptir engu hvort liðið vinnur leikinn. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter whether the team wins the game. Jag säger åt dig att hålla käft. I'm telling you to shut up. I'll tell you to shut up. Hann tók starfinu. He accepted the job. He took the job. Alle lo, og Tom lo højest af alle. Everybody laughed, Tom loudest of all. All laughed, and Tom laughed most of all. Tala tydligt! Speak clearly! Speak clearly! Han gir henne alltid en gave på fødselsdagen. He never fails to give her a birthday present. He always gives her a present on his birthday. Håll er nere. Keep down. Stay down. Det är en månad tills min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month until my birthday. Jeg har nøglen. I have the key. I have the key. De verkar så lyckliga. They seem so happy. They seem so happy. Jeg har en overraskelse til deg. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Hver á þessa bók? Whose book is this? Who's got this book? Vil du ha litt eggerøre? Do you want some scrambled eggs? Do you want some eggs? Strumporna luktar illa. The socks smell bad. The socks smell bad. Det är något med honom som jag inte gillar. There is something about him I don't like. There's something about him that I don't like. Mange børn går i jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Many kids wear jeans. Det er kun en del af problemet. That's only a part of the problem. It's only part of the problem. Dem, som bor i glashuse, burde ikke kaste med sten. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those living in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu komin. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street and when you pass the traffic lights, you're here. Jeg elsker at lave mad. I love cooking. I love cooking. Dokumenterne er gulnet med tiden. The documents have yellowed with age. The documents are yellowed over time. Kom hen til mig i eftermiddag. Come to my house this afternoon. Come to me this afternoon. Má ég opna dós? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Jeg drar hjem igjen i morgen. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll go back home tomorrow. Mötet avslutades vid lunchtid. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting ended at lunchtime. Det regnar fortfarande. It's still raining. It's still raining. Konst har inga gränser. Art has no limits. Art has no boundaries. Kan du inte röra dig fortare? Can't you move faster? Can't you move faster? I USA er du mindreårig dersom du er under 18 år gammel. In America, you are a minor if you are under 18 years old. In the United States, you're a minor if you're under 18 years old. Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal tolke orda hans. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Jeg har aldri vært i Afrika. I've never been to Africa. I've never been to Africa. Tak for din indsats. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Jag måste lösa problemet på egen hand. I have to solve the problem myself. I have to solve the problem on my own. Det her er meget vigtigt for os. This is very important to us. This is very important to us. Tom är en mycket bra chaufför. Tom is an excellent driver. Tom is a very good driver. Det var tydeligt at Tom forsøgte at få Marys opmærksomhed. It was obvious that Tom was trying to get Mary's attention. It was clear that Tom tried to get Mary’s attention. Alle er iværksættere. Everyone is an entrepreneur. Everyone's an entrepreneur. Har vi brug for et verdenssprog? Do we need a world language? Do we need a world language? Stjæl pengene. Steal the money. Stealing the money. Han besluttede sig for at prøve lykken i Algeriet. He decided to try his luck in Algeria. He decided to try happiness in Algeria. När sa ni det? When did you say that? When did you say that? Stör inte Tom medan han läser. Do not interfere with Tom while he is reading. Don't bother Tom while he's reading. Jeg har ikke billett. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Jag körde bilen. I drove the car. I drove the car. Tom fikk håret sitt klipt i går. Tom had his hair cut yesterday. Tom got his hair clipped yesterday. Hva synes du om reggae? What do you think of reggae? What do you think of reggae? Må jeg se dit kørekort? Can I see your driving license? Can I see your driver's license? Hann hóf fyrirlestur sinn á Meiji endurreisninni. He began his lecture with the Meiji Restoration. He began his lecture at the Meiji Rehabilitation. Tom følte sig som et nyt menneske. Tom felt like a new man. Tom felt like a new person. Jeg har vært her i tre måneder. I've been here for three months. I've been here for three months. Det är bra med hans familj. His family is doing fine. It's good for his family. Har du något annat? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Tom brugte alle de penge han havde, på at købe en julegave til Mary. Tom spent all the money he had to buy Mary a Christmas present. Tom spent all the money he had on buying a Christmas present for Mary. La meg lage deg noe å spise. Let me make you something to eat. Let me make you something to eat. Jeg spiser ikke æbleskroget. I don't eat the apple core. I don't eat the apple hook. Mjölk är en populär dryck. Milk is a popular beverage. Milk is a popular drink. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Ég get ekki gert það vegna þess að ég á ekki næga peninga. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. I can't do that because I don't have enough money. Kan du svømme? Can you swim? Can you swim? Hvor skal alle sammen? Where's everyone going? Where's everybody going? Om du inte snart kommer på en ursäkt så blir det besvärligt. If you don't think of an excuse quickly, things will become awkward. If you don't come up with an apology soon, it'll be difficult. Kom deg av banen! Get your ass out of here! Get out of the way! Tråkar jag ut dig? Am I boring you? Do I stretch you out? Jeg kan ikke holde smerten ud længere. I can't stand the pain any more. I can't stand the pain anymore. Har du boken? Do you have the book? Do you have the book? Jag såg dina fotografier. I saw your photos. I saw your photographs. Marys hund er meget lydig. Mary's dog is very obedient. Mary's dog is very obedient. Tom ville aldri ha spurt. Tom never would've asked. Tom would never have asked. Algeriet ligger i Afrika. Algeria is in Africa. Algeria is located in Africa. Drager er skabninger, så lange som slanger, med vinger som fugle og så kloge som mennesker. Dragons are creatures long like snakes, winged like birds, and wise like man. Dragons are creatures, as long as snakes, with wings as birds and as smart as humans. Gud har en plan for dig. God has a plan for you. God has a plan for you. Denne by er kold og ensom uden dig. This city is cold and lonely without you. This town is cold and lonely without you. Hun begyndte at græde. She began crying. She started crying. Seriøst? Are you serious? Seriously? Jeg kan ikke leve uten en TV. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. Det stod i tidningen att ännu ett krig har brutit ut i Afrika. The newspaper said another war broke out in Africa. It was stated in the newspaper that another war has broken out in Africa. Mor arbejder. Mom's working. Mom works. Hun ga meg et motstridende svar. She gave me an incongruent answer. She gave me a conflicting answer. Hun ligner veldig på sin bestemor. She strongly resembles her grandmother. She looks very much like her grandmother. Han var velkommen alle steder. He was welcomed everywhere. He was welcome everywhere. Finlands konkurrenskraft kräver fler personer som kan franska och tyska än sådana som kan svenska. Finland's competitiveness requires more people who can speak French and German than Swedish. Finland's competitiveness requires more people who know French and German than those who can Swedish. Du verkar lycklig. You seem happy. You seem happy. Hvor har du lagt mine nøgler? Where did you put my keys? Where did you put my keys? Hun taler kinesisk. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Jag älskar barn. I love children. I love kids. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. Ordbogen indeholder omtrent en halv million ord. The dictionary contains about half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Alice har en blomst i håret. Alice has a flower in her hair. Alice has a flower in her hair. En meter är hundra centimeter. A metre is 100 centimetres. One meter is a hundred inches. Det er veldig vanskelig å spille Vivaldis fagottkonsert på saksofon. It's very hard to play Vivaldi's bassoon concerto on the saxophone. It's very difficult to play Vivaldi's professional concert on the saxon. Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need new glasses. Tom tittade i golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked in the floor. Tom tog ett foto på Mary. Tom took a picture of Mary. Tom took a photo of Mary. Hann dugir ivaleyst betur enn teg. He is much better than you. He's more efficient than he is. Jag vill ha en advokat. I want an attorney. I want a lawyer. Nogen har stjålet mit ur. Someone stole my watch. Someone stole my watch. Tycker du att jag är ful? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? När ska du gå? When will you go? When are you going? Jeg er glad for at se dig! I'm glad to see you! I'm glad to see you! Hundene gør, men karavanen drager videre. The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. The dogs do, but the caravan moves on. Han är bra på att simma. He's good at swimming. He's good at swimming. Þú ert þreytt og það er ég líka. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. Jag gjorde några ändringar. I made a few changes. I made some changes. Vi kan ikke se nogen stjerne i aften. We can't see any stars tonight. We can't see any star tonight. Ég er frá Ítalíu og tala ítölsku. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm from Italy and I speak Italian. Varför trodde du inte på mig? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Hon är mörkhyad. She is dark-skinned. She's darkly covered. Det året föll julen på en lördag. Christmas fell on Saturday that year. That year Christmas fell on a Saturday. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are so much. Han pratade aldrig om det. He never talked about it. He never talked about it. Jeg liker din artikkel. I like your article. I like your article. Bland deg ikke i andres affærer! You'd better mind your own business. Do not interfere in other people's affairs! Det vil de ikke finde. They won't find it. They won't find it. Arbejdere kan gå i strejke for højere løn eller bedre arbejdsforhold. Workers can go on strike for higher wages, or for better working conditions. Workers can strike for higher wages or better working conditions. Hun fortalte ham at hun havde været forelsket i ham. She told him that she had been in love with him. She told him she was in love with him. Varför skildes ni egentligen om ni fortfarande bor tillsammans? Why did you actually get divorced if you still live together? Why did you really get divorced if you're still living together? Jeg solgte bilen. I sold the car. I sold the car. Han er min lærer. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Kan jag träffa dig senare? Can I see you later? Can I see you later? Hvad koster et æble? How much is an apple? How much is an apple? Jeg har lige vasket bilen. I've just washed the car. I just washed the car. Det er sket med dig. Your number is up. It's happened to you. Fortæl Tom hvilken bus han skal tage. Tell Tom which bus to take. Tell Tom what bus to take. Vi ger tillbaka den. We'll give it back. We'll give it back. Han talar jämt illa om sin fru. He is always speaking ill of his wife. He's always talking bad about his wife. Vad ritade Walt Disney? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney do? Lisa Lillien er gift Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lilien is married to Dan Schneider. Murene var dækket af graffiti. The walls were covered with graffiti. The walls were covered with graffiti. Jag vill inte ens ha er här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Jag hoppas att det är sant. I hope that's true. I hope it's true. Hundurinn fylgdi honum hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Meddela Tom när du är klar. Tell Tom when you're ready. Tell Tom when you're done. Runt staden flyter en flod. Around the city ran a river. Around the city is floating a river. Jag vet inte med vilka vapen det tredje världskriget kommer att utkämpas, men det fjärde världskriget kommer att utkämpas med käppar och stenar. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I do not know with which weapons the Third World War will be fought, but the Fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones. Jeg åpnet døren og så to gutter som sto side om side. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. Jag har ingen aning om hur man spelar golf. I don't have a clue how to play golf. I have no idea how to play golf. Jag äter ris. I eat rice. I'm eating rice. Det får bli med dette. That's enough. We're going to have to deal with this. Jag mår inte alls bra. I don't feel well at all. I'm not feeling good at all. Jeg gav ham en lussing. I slapped his face. I gave him a lice. Jag tyckte om din historia. I liked your story. I liked your story. Hon hade en aprikosfärgad klänning på sig. She wore an apricot-colored dress. She had a apricot dress on her. Afsakið, þú ert með vitlaust númer. Sorry, you have the wrong number. Excuse me, you have the wrong number. Tom forsikrede Mary om at han ville hjælpe hende med at male loftet i hendes køkken. Tom assured Mary that he'd help her paint the ceiling of her kitchen. Tom assured Mary that he would help her paint the ceiling in her kitchen. Jeg gav hvert barn tre stykker slik. I gave each child three pieces of candy. I gave each child three pieces of candy. Hvem bestilte pizza? Who ordered pizza? Who ordered pizza? Hun flyttede til Tyskland. She moved to Germany. She moved to Germany. Han sparka til meg med vilje. He kicked me on purpose. He kicks me on purpose. Interlingua er et moderne redskap for internasjonal kommunikasjon. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication. Norsk ligner svensk og dansk. Norwegian is similar to Swedish and Danish. Norwegian looks like Swedish and Danish. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Could you turn down the TV? Could you turn down the TV? Skynd deg, så rekker du det. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, and you'll get it. Människor är konstiga. People are strange. People are weird. Hun lot vinduet stå åpent. She left the window open. She left the window open. Min franska är kass. My French is shitty. My French is cass. Nästa konsert kommer att hållas i juni. The next concert will take place in June. The next concert will be held in June. Jeg leder efter en læbestift der passer til denne neglelak. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that suits this nail polish. Når katten er borte, danser musene på bordet. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table. Jag är stolt över min son. I am proud of my son. I'm proud of my son. Tom er í býnum. Tom is in town. Tom's in the field. Mállæran er sera torfør. Grammar is very complicated. The cause is a serious torturer. Føler du deg trøtt? Are you feeling tired? Do you feel tired? Jeg husker huset, som jeg er vokset op i. I remember the house where I grew up. I remember the house I grew up in. På hvilken etage bor du? What floor do you live on? Which floor do you live on? Eg heiter ikkje "du"; eg heiter Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. I'm not called "you"; I'm called Ricardo. Hvilken bil er din fars? Which car is your father's? What car is your father's? Vad tycker du om det japanska utbildningssystemet? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? How do you feel about the Japanese education system? Det ser ut som Tom vill köpa allt från butiken. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything in the store. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything from the store. Vi använder ätpinnar istället för kniv och gaffel. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. We use eatsticks instead of knife and fork. Liker du svarte katter? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Þeir eru ekki góðir. They're no good. They're not good. Sittu vinsamlegast kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit still, please. Er disse bananene modne? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas mature? Han bor i et amt med alkoholforbud. He lives in a dry county. He lives in a county with alcohol bans. Hatta var sera gott. That was very good. Hat was very good. Måste du åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to leave now? Det är ju hur bra som helst! How awesome is that? It's so good! Det står ett piano i rummet. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Använde du den? Did you use it? Did you use it? Jeg spiser. I am eating. I'm eating. Það var ekki hægt að opna dyrnar. The door could not be opened. The door could not be opened. "Hvor langt er der herfra til stationen?" "Omtrent 2 miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "About 2 miles." Der var blod på Toms skjorte. There was blood on Tom's shirt. There was blood on Tom's shirt. Jag fick en massa myggbett. I got a lot of mosquito bites. I got a lot of mosquito bites. Han hadde et solid alibi. He had a strong alibi. He had a solid alibi. George er fattig, men han er altid glad. George is poor, but he's always happy. George's poor, but he's always happy. Vi har ikke gjort noget forkert. Det var kun et kys. We did nothing wrong. It was only a kiss. We didn't do anything wrong, it was just a kiss. Hann gerði vinum sínum ljóst að hann hygðist ekki bjóða sig fram til kosninganna. He made it known to his friends that he was unwilling to run for the election. He made it clear to his friends that he did not think that he would volunteer for the election. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en tychobrahesdag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is a Tychobra day. Var snäll och ge oss två knivar och fyra gafflar. Give us two knives and four forks, please. Please give us two knives and four forks. Ni är tidiga igen. You're early again. You're early again. Han kan ingenting om anatomi. He knows nothing about anatomy. He doesn't know anything about anatomy. Der er ikke nok bananer. There are not enough bananas. There's not enough bananas. Herrefred, folk finner virkelig det vanskelig når de må påpeke ditt og datt om deg, dine holdninger eller utseende ditt, for eksempel. Dear God, people really find it difficult when they have to point out one thing or another about you, such as your attitudes or your appearance. Gentlemen, people really find it difficult when they have to point your attention and fall around you, your attitudes or your looks, for example. Flaggermusen flykter fra lyset. The bat flees the light. The bat escapes from the light. Vi skiftedes til at køre. We took turns driving. We were replaced to drive. Kom tilbake! Come back. Come back! Jag höll i repet hårt så att jag inte skulle falla. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I was holding the rope hard so I wouldn't fall. Ég var svo fúll. I was so unhappy. I was so pissed. Par i avstandsforhold vet at de løper en risiko - for ikke å snakke om oppofrelsene de må gjøre. Couples in long distance relationship know that they run a risk - not to mention the sacrifices they have to make. Couples in distance know that they run a risk-- not to talk about the sacrifices they have to do. En gigantisk fugl kom flyvende imod ham. A gigantic bird came flying toward him. A giant bird came flying against him. Du trengte ikke skynde deg. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Hér er svalt og notalegt. It is nice and cool here. It's cool and nice here. Gjesten satt overfor meg. The visitor sat across from me. The guest sat against me. När frågade du Tom? When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? Tom så en flok heste græsse fredeligt i det fjerne. Tom saw a herd of horses grazing peacefully in the distance. Tom saw a bunch of horses grass peacefully in the distance. Var är din bil, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Where's your car, Tom? Svifnökkvinn minn er fullur af álum. My hovercraft is full of eels. My coyote's full of eels. Ertu með eða á móti þessu? Are you for or against this? Are you in or against this? Han er den ældste af de to. He is the older of the two. He's the oldest of the two. Vet du hvor mye dette betyr for meg? Do you know how much this means to me? Do you know how much this means to me? Det var et vindu Tom ødela i går. It was a window that Tom broke yesterday. There was a window Tom destroyed yesterday. Denne papegøje har grønne fjer. This parrot has green feathers. This parrot has green feathers. Hann fyrirlítur fólk úr lægri samfélagsstéttum. He despises people of a lower social class. He despises lower classes of people. Það sem hann sagði mundu gerast hefur gerst. What he said would happen has happened. What he said would happen has happened. Du måste göra dig av med den där ovanan. You must get rid of that bad habit. You gotta get rid of that thing. Dette er Ken. Han elsker sin hund. This is Ken. He loves his dog. This is Ken, he loves his dog. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important! It's not important! Jeg ser frem til det. I look forward to it. I look forward to it. Tom ville aldri ha såret deg. Tom never would've hurt you. Tom would never hurt you. Du bør følge lærerens råd. You should follow your teacher's advice. You should follow the teacher's advice. Jag kan inte böja min högerarm. I can't bend my right arm. I can't bend my right arm. Jag pratar med läraren. I will speak with the teacher. I'm talking to the teacher. Þess vegna var ég seinn í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That's why I was late last night. Er moren din hjemme? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Vi er ikke venner; vi er bare kollegaer. We're not friends, we're just coworkers. We're not friends; we're just colleagues. Tom forstår fransk. Tom understands French. Tom understands French. Jag vill färga mitt hår rött. I want to dye my hair red. I want to color my hair red. Vinsamlegast aðeins hljóðlátar. A little quieter, please. Please only silent. Tom bor ikke længere her. Tom doesn't live here anymore. Tom doesn't live here anymore. Hvis du kunne bo hvor som helst i verden, hvor ville du ha bodd? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you have lived? Han har ikke rett til å fortelle meg hva jeg skal gjøre. It's not his place to tell me what to do. He doesn't have the right to tell me what to do. Hvis det ikke er ødelagt, ikke reparér det. If it's not broken, don't fix it. If it's not ruined, don't repair it. Været er i ferd med å bli kjøligere. The weather is becoming cooler. The weather is getting colder. Vi erbjuder inte den boken. We don't have that book on offer. We're not offering that book. Gör honom inte besviken. Don't let him down. Don't disappoint him. Du kommer til å få mange gaver på burdsdagen din. You'll get a lot of presents on your birthday. You're going to get a lot of presents on your birthday. Kunne du anbefale en fin restaurant i nærheten? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? Would you recommend a nice restaurant nearby? Undlad venligst at bruge fransk. Please don't use French. Please do not use French. Vilka vill ni prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hvor savede du dem? Where did you saw them? Where did you swear them? Han verkar snäll. He seems kind. He seems nice. Konstiga saker skedde på hennes födelsedag. Strange things happened on her birthday. Strange things happened on her birthday. Jeg vil være bodyguard. I want to be a bodyguard. I want to be bodyguard. Jag är extremt hungrig. I'm extremely hungry. I'm extremely hungry. En diskret hyllning till olycksoffren hölls igår. A discreet homage to the accident victims was carried out yesterday. A discreet tribute to the accident victims was held yesterday. Jeg har slægtninge i Milano. I have relatives in Milan. I have relatives in Milan. Hún harðsauð eggin. She hard-boiled the eggs. The hard-eated eggs. Jag kan inte låta dem fånga mig. I cannot let them catch me. I can't let them catch me. Ég þekki hann mjög vel. I know him very well. I know him very well. Stem på mig! Cast your vote for me! Just stare at me! Barnet kastade sten på katten. The child threw a stone at the cat. The child threw stones at the cat. Jag vill ha en gitarr. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Peking förändras så fort. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Peking is changing so quickly. Om du inte går härifrån omedelbart blir jag tvungen att kalla på ordningsvakterna. If you don't leave immediately, I'll have to call security. If you don't get out of here immediately, I'm gonna have to call the security officers. Til að vera á réttum tíma hljóp ég. To be on time, I ran. To be on time, I ran. Tom er meddeler for FBI. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom's in charge of the FBI. Jag hatade det först. I hated it at first. I hated it first. Hans første militære erfaringer fandt sted i krigen mellem det britiske kolonirige og boerne, som ønskede uafhængighed. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence. His first military experience took place in the war between the British colonial and the Boers, who wanted independence. Tom är inte lång. Tom isn't tall. Tom's not long. Sidder du bekvemt? Are you sitting comfortably? Are you comfortable? Känner du till Tom? Do you know Tom? Do you know Tom? Vad gjorde Jean? What did Jean make? What did Jean do? Du har inget val. You don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. Vinsamlegast taktu þetta sæti. Take this seat, please. Please take this seat. Kände du det där? Did you feel that? Did you know that? Skibet vil krydse ækvator i nat. The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. Tom skrællede æblet. Tom peeled the apple. Tom peeled the apple. Det er ikke til at tro at hun gjorde det mod mig - hun viste sig at være en rigtig vennefjende. I can't believe she did that to me - she turned out to be a real frenemy. It's not like she did it to me - she turned out to be a real friend. Hun er afhængig af stoffer. She's addicted to drugs. She's addicted to drugs. Det är inte du som bestämmer. You're not in charge. You're not the boss. Hvem sagde det? Who said that? Who said that? Sannheten vinner ikke alltid. The truth doesn't always win. Truth doesn't always win. Jeg løper. I am running. I'm running. Den klæder dig godt. That looks good on you. It suits you well. Nancy inviterte han til ein fest. Nancy invited him to a party. Nancy invited him to a party. Tom er ein profesjonell basketballspelar. Tom is a professional basketball player. Tom is a professional basketball player. Tom grät. Tom was crying. Tom was crying. Jag måste bege mig nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Jeg synes det er unødvendig. I think it's unnecessary. I think it's unnecessary. Jeg elsker dig mere end nogensinde. I love you more than ever. I love you more than ever. Hunden gøede meget. The dog barked a lot. The dog was barking a lot. Han kommer alltid för sent till timmen. He's always late for class. He's always late for the hour. Jag hoppas att du hittar Tom. I hope you find Tom. I hope you find Tom. Den brune hat er gammel. The brown hat is old. The brown hat is old. Australien eksporterer en masse uld. Australia exports a lot of wool. Australia exports a lot of wool. Tom måste komma med mig. Tom has to come with me. Tom has to come with me. Har du inte diskat än? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? Don't you have a plate yet? Tom siger han er meget rig. Tom says he's very rich. Tom says he's very rich. Kan någon bevisa det? Can anyone verify that? Can anyone prove it? Tom ønsker ikke at blive skovhugger. Tom doesn't want to become a lumberjack. Tom doesn't want to be a wood miner. Tom er mangemillionær. Tom is a multi-millionaire. Tom's a millionaire. Jeg ønskede ikke at han skulle dø. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want him to die. Jeg betalte 5 dollars for maden. I paid 5 dollars for the food. I paid $5 for the food. Jeg er hundetræner. I'm a dog trainer. I'm a dog coach. Jag är inte din mamma. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Der var ingen på stranden. There was no one on the beach. There was no one on the beach. Jag förstår det inte heller. I don't understand either. I don't understand it either. Du kunne have løbet. You could've run. You could have run. Jag var väldigt upptagen. I was very busy. I was very busy. Hva ligger på skrivebordet? What is on the desk? What's on the desktop? Jeg mangler selvtillid. I lack confidence. I lack confidence. Jorden var dækket af blade. The ground was covered with leaves. The earth was covered in leaves. Vi har ingen mat. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Gå och tala med Tom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Það er kominn tími til að þú farir í skóla. It is about time you went to school. It's time for you to go to school. Der findes adskillige arter af måger som varierer i størrelse. There are multiple species of seagulls which vary in size. There are several species of seagulls that vary in size. Han kunne ikke lide at være fattig. He didn't like being poor. He didn't like to be poor. Du forstår fransk, gør du ikke? You understand French, don't you? You understand French, don't you? Tom hade sönder Marys favoritdocka. Tom broke Mary's favourite doll. Tom broke Mary's favorite doll. Vi kørte en tur. We went for a drive. We went for a ride. Vem sålde den här bilen till dig? Who sold you this car? Who sold this car to you? Jag känner inte honom. I don't know him. I don't know him. Du kan godt komme ind. You can come in. You can come in. Jag beklagar att jag inte gick dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't go there. Jeg tenker du skjønner hva jeg mener. I think you know what I mean. I think you see what I mean. Hvor skal du hen? Where are you going? Where are you going? Jag var förälskad. I was in love. I was in love. Berings sund avskiljer Asien från Nordamerika. The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America. Bering healthy separates Asia from North America. När kan vi flytta in? When can we move in? When can we move in? Tom kanska dámar teg. Maybe Tom likes you. Tom may be a monster. Herra Johnson er eldri en ég hélt að hann væri. Mr Johnson is older than I thought he was. Mr. Johnson is older than I thought he was. Tom har et farve-tv. Tom has a colour TV. Tom's got a color TV. Jag har trott på Kylie Minogue sedan 12 juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I have believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Pennen din er bedre enn min. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Dan blev også tortureret. Dan was also tortured. Dan was also tortured. Faðir Jóns hefur einhverja frönskuþekkingu. John's father has some knowledge of French. John's father has some French knowledge. Ge mig ett tecken. Give me a sign. Give me a sign. Varför bestämde du dig för att prata om det nu? Why did you decide to speak about that now? Why did you decide to talk about it now? Mit navn er ikke Tom. My name isn't Tom. My name's not Tom. Jag har två utländska vänner. I have two foreign friends. I have two foreign friends. Jag lämnade en lapp under dörren. I left a note under the door. I left a note under the door. Hvor er dit barnebarn? Where's your grandson? Where's your granddaughter? Ormehullet er stabilt. The wormhole is stable. The wormhole is stable. Jag gjorde det en gång. I did that once. I did it once. Australien är inte Österrike. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Hvem har skrevet et brev? Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? Tom verka vera verkeleg forundra. Tom seemed genuinely puzzled. Tom seems to be really surprised. Algeriet er mit land. Algeria is my country. Algeria is my country. Við áttum góða stund við skák. We had a good time playing chess. We had a good time at chess. Jeg kunne ikke holde ud at se dig græde. I couldn't stand to see you cry. I couldn't stand to see you crying. Jeg har ikke tid. I don't have the time. I don't have time. Er det ikke på tide at I to blev gift? Isn't it about time you two got married? Isn't it time you two got married? Det er din eneste chance. It's your only chance. It's your only chance. "Hvor var du?" "Hos en ven." "Where were you?" "I was at a friend's house." "Where were you?" "She's a friend." Jeg har meget gode nyheder til dig. I have great news for you. I have very good news for you. Vi tänker ge dig huset. We're giving you the house. We're gonna give you the house. Jeg er holdt op med at ryge for et år siden. I quit smoking a year ago. I quit smoking a year ago. Hvad er han ude på? What is he up to? What's he up to? Ferdigmatprodusenter gir konsumentene inntrykk av at de forbereder maten selv. Pre-cooked food manufacturers give the consumer the impression that they themselves prepare the food. Food manufacturers give consumers the impression that they are preparing the food themselves. Huset til Tom brant ned i 2013. Tom's house burned down in 2013. The house to Tom burned down in 2013. Jeg troede at du havde ret. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Tárin runnu niður vanga hennar. Tears rolled down her cheeks. The tears broke down her cheeks. Jag kan bo i gästrummet. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. Må jeg bruge din telefon? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Jeg har en penn. I have a pen. I have a pen. Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. English is a common language for many Asians. English is the common language of many Asians. Håll dig nere. Keep down. Stay down. Hún hélt áfram að vinna. She kept working. She kept working. Det är mig veterligen den enda möjliga översättningen. As far as I know, that's the only possible translation. It is, of course, the only possible translation. Vi har et arbejde der skal gøres. We have a job to do. We have a job to do. Vi måste berätta det för dem. We have to tell them. We have to tell them. Dumme svin! Son of a bitch! You stupid son of a bitch! Paret hade ett lyckligt liv. The couple led a happy life. The couple had a happy life. Dronning Victoria blev gift i 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Queen Victoria was married in 1840. Tom døde i fengsel. Tom died in jail. Tom died in prison. Tom har stadig ikke mødt Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Jeg er ældre end dig. I'm older than you. I'm older than you. Muren er dækket af graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. Hvor meget skal den algeriske regering betale for det? How much does the Algerian government have to pay for that? How much does the Algerian government have to pay for this? Leveomkostningerne stiger. The cost of living is rising. The cost of living is increasing. Du trenger ikke svare på det brevet. You don't need to answer that letter. You don't have to answer that letter. Tom är en haj. Tom is a shark. Tom's a shark. Tom är halsstarrig. Tom's headstrong. Tom's out of his neck. Hendes mand bor nu i Tokyo. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband now lives in Tokyo. Tom er høj. Tom is tall. Tom's tall. Jeg har ordet på læberne. I have the word on the tip of my tongue. I have the word on my lips. Jag vill vinna. I want to win. I want to win. Lämna dörren på glänt när du går. Leave the door ajar when you go. Leave the door on the clearing when you leave. Du ser upptagen ut. You look busy. You look busy. Gentag det! Say that again. Repeat it! Jag orkar inte ta mig ned på stan. I'm not in the mood to go downtown. I can't get down in town. Hur stavar man ditt efternamn? How is your surname written? How do you spell your last name? Mér er alvara. I'm serious. I'm serious. Hun avbrøt meg. She interrupted me. She interrupted me. Jeg drak ikke te i går. I didn't drink tea yesterday. I didn't drink tea yesterday. Af hverju ertu að þurrka á þér hárið? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you wiping your hair? Tom sidder fast i en trafikprop. Tom is stuck in a traffic jam. Tom's stuck in a traffic jam. Tom så mig ikke. Tom didn't see me. Tom didn't see me. Det er en uge siden jeg sidst så Tom. It's been a week since I've seen Tom. It's been a week since I last saw Tom. Kvinner er særs sårbare. Women are very vulnerable. Women are particularly vulnerable. Þau héldu áfram að vera í Tennessee. They remained in Tennessee. They continued to be in Tennessee. Hvor kan jeg lære esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Where can I learn Esperanto? Hur länge blev du kvar? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Iran er ikke Irak. Iran is not Iraq. Iran is not Iraq. Han lader altid vinduet være åbent, når han sover. He always leaves the window open when he sleeps. He always lets the window open when he's asleep. Hva er det du vil vite? What is it you want to know? What do you want to know? Seine flyter genom Paris. The Seine flows through Paris. Seine flows through Paris. Tom vil huske dette hele sitt liv. Tom will remember this his whole life. Tom will remember this whole life. Jeg ønsker at lære standardengelsk. I want to learn standard English. I want to learn standard English. Ved I hvad UNESCO står for? Do you know what UNESCO stands for? You know what UNESCO stands for? Vi kan inte bevisa att Tom ljuger, men vi är ganska säkra på att han gör det. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove Tom's lying, but we're pretty sure he does. Atlantis er virkelig. Atlantis is real. Atlantis is real. Jeg ønsker virkelig en motorcykel. I really want a motorcycle. I really want a motorcycle. Der er ikke luft nok i dette dæk. This tire doesn't have enough air in it. There's not enough air in this deck. Vem vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hvorfor er du taget til Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? Why are you going to Tokyo? Bränslenivån är under tom. The fuel level is below empty. Fuel levels are below blank. Hagsmunir okkar stangast á við þeirra. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests conflict with them. Vad som helst blir bra. Anything will be fine. Anything's gonna be fine. Tom er bevidstløs. Tom's out cold. Tom's unconscious. Vi mister kontrol over situationen. We're losing control of the situation. We lose control of the situation. Ni borde vara noggrannare nästa gång. You should be more careful the next time. You should be more careful next time. Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. Jag var ansvarig. I was in charge. I was responsible. Du ved at jeg er anderledes. You know that I'm different. You know I'm different. Hvem har lært dig at spille guitar? Who taught you how to play the guitar? Who taught you how to play guitar? Jag kan känna lukten av rädsla. I can smell fear. I can smell fear. Jeg snakker stadig ikke meget fransk. I still don't speak much French. I still don't speak very French. Tack! Thank you! Thank you. Min vän studerar koreanska. My friend studies Korean. My friend is studying Korean. Jag känner mig lättare än luft. I feel lighter than air. I feel easier than air. Leonardo da Vinci begyndte på at male Mona Lisa i 1503. Leonardo da Vinci began painting Mona Lisa in 1503. Leonardo da Vinci began painting Mona Lisa in 1503. Romerne ville aldri hatt nok tid til å ta over verden hvis de måtte lære seg latin først. The Romans would never have had enough time for conquering the world if they had first been required to study Latin. The Romans would never have enough time to take over the world if they had to learn Latin first. Var är fjärrkontrollen till tv:n? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the remote to the TV? Har Tom sänt dig? Did Tom send you? Tom sent you? Jeg elsker julemusik. I love Christmas music. I love Christmas music. Solen går ned bak fjellet. The sun sets behind the mountain. The sun goes down behind the mountain. Hvem kyssede du? Who did you kiss? Who did you kiss? Tom tog fram en penna och började skriva. Tom took out a pencil and started to write. Tom took out a pen and started writing. Ég fór í göngutúr. I took a walk. I took a walk. Tom har lige haft ringet. Tom just called. Tom just called. Tom tog lynhurtigt sin mobiltelefon frem for at tage et billede. Tom whipped out his cellphone to take a picture. Tom quickly took his cell phone instead of taking a picture. Skulle du kunna förklara vägen till Madame Tussaud? Could you tell me the way to Madame Tussaud's? Could you explain the way to Madame Tussaud? Livet er for grusomt. Life is too cruel. Life is too cruel. Hvor meget betalte du for den? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Hvorfor har du en slik begrenset forstillingsevne? Why do you have such a restricted imagination? Why do you have such a limited preference? Jeg håber, Tom har ret. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Hun bruger så mange penge som hun tjener. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much money as she makes. Kan jag gå? May I go? Can I go? Alle fødevarer er økologiske og lokalt producerede. All the food is organic and local. All food products are organic and locally produced. Hon kände att vi var för olika. She felt that we were too different. She felt like we were too different. Tom backade inte ut. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't back out. Vi måste tala med dig om Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. We need to talk to you about Tom. I denne tid med postfaktuel politik er det nemt at håndplukke data og komme til hvilken som helst konklusion man ønsker. In this era of post-truth politics, it's easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire. In this time of post-actual policy, it is easy to hand-pick data and come to any conclusion you want. Det är inte ett brott. It's not a crime. It's not a crime. Lokale partimedlemmer prøver å få valgkretsene for distriktet lagt slik at det gavner deres parti. Local party members are trying to gerrymander the district. Local party members are trying to get the district constituencies laid so that it benefits their party. Tom og Mary var ment til å gjøre det alene. Tom and Mary were supposed to do that by themselves. Tom and Mary were supposed to do it alone. Fem gange syv er tretifem. Five times seven is thirty-five. Five times seven is thirty-five. Katten ligger oppå bordet. The cat is on the table. The cat is on top of the table. Sommaren är över. The summer is over. Summer's over. Tom bliver henrykt når han ser dig. Tom will be tickled pink when he sees you. Tom will be delighted when he sees you. Wikipedia är den bästa encyklopedin på nätet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedin online. Jeg er ved at lave mine lektier. I'm busy with my homework. I'm doing my homework. Jag ska hålla tummarna. I will cross my fingers. I'll hold my thumbs. Hún var hissa að hann skyldi mæta. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised to see him. Hetta er eitt ross. This is a horse. This is one rose. Tom har bedt om at du signerer dokumenter elektronisk under påsyn av en notarius publicus. Tom has requested that you electronically sign documents while witnessed by a notary public. Tom has requested that you sign documents electronically under the supervision of a notary. Hún fékk inngöngu í Waseda háskólann. She was admitted to Waseda University. She got into Waseda University. Jag är kall. I am cold. I'm cold. Jag hoppas att ingen såg mig dansa. I hope no one saw me dancing. I hope nobody saw me dance. Er faxen en moderne udgave af telegrafen? Is the fax a modern form of the telegraph? Is the fax a modern version of the telegraph? Det føles som om jeg har våknet fra et mareritt. I feel as if I've woken up from a nightmare. I feel like I've woken up from a nightmare. Tom sin tale var temmeleg interessant. Tom's speech was quite interesting. Tom's speech was very interesting. Jag ville ha den bästa. I wanted the best. I wanted the best. Dette sværd har en mærkelig forhistorie. This sword has a strange history. This sword has a strange history. Kom in här. Come on in here. Come in here. Jeg tror at hans liv er i fare. I think his life is in danger. I think his life is in danger. Er dere begge klare til å gå? Are both of you ready to go? Are you both ready to go? Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. I denne varmen føler jeg ikke for å gjøre noe som helst. I don't feel like doing anything when it's this hot. In this heat I don't feel like doing anything. Fienden till bra är bättre. The enemy of "good" is "better". The enemy of good is better. Lad os vente og se. Let us wait and see. Let's wait and see. Hur var din dag idag? How was your day today? How was your day today? Har du badat än, Takashi? Have you taken a bath yet, Takashi? Have you bathed yet, Takashi? Han ventede på sin tur. He waited his turn. He was waiting for his turn. Siden hvornår er du begyndt at interessere dig for politik? Since when do you care about politics? Since when have you become interested in politics? DNA-testen frikendte ham for alle anklager. The DNA test cleared him of all charges. The DNA test released him for all charges. Ég þarf að koma barninu í rúmið. I have to put the baby to bed. I need to get the baby to bed. Ég fór í buxurnar. I put on my trousers. I put my pants on. Jag vill köpa en tjeckisk tröja. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech sweater. Han växte upp i USA, men hans modersmål är japanska. He was raised in the United States, but his native language is Japanese. He grew up in the United States, but his mother tongue is Japanese. To sa at denne filmen ikke var spesielt bra. Tom said this movie wasn't very good. Two said this film wasn't very good. Språkdrakten endres over tid. The form of language ​​changes over time. The language theme changes over time. Är du säker på att det här är Toms kontor? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Publikummet bestod hovedsagelig af studerende. The audience consisted mainly of students. The audience consisted mainly of students. Hon har små bröst, men jag har inget emot det. She has small breasts, but I don't mind. She's got small tits, but I don't mind. Var snäll och stäng av motorn. Please turn off your engine. Please turn off the engine. Jag måste gå och handla. Jag är tillbaka om en timme. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'll be back in an hour. Vad betydde allt det där? What did it all mean? What did all that mean? Vi kommer tillbaka imorgon. We're coming back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Jag gillar inte den här boken. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Prinsessen bor i et stort slot. The princess lives in a large castle. The princess lives in a big castle. På grund af sygdom måtte han holde op med at ryge. Due to illness, he had to give up smoking. Because of illness, he had to stop smoking. Skidt med det! It doesn't matter. Fuck it! Ég er frá Ástralíu. I come from Australia. I'm from Australia. Han luftede sine tre hunde hver dag. He walked his three dogs every day. He vented his three dogs every day. Det var inte alls vad jag trodde. That's not what I thought at all. That's not what I thought at all. Der er ingen andre muligheder. There are no other options. There are no other options. Fá hana at flyta seg! Make her move! Get her to move! Mary og Alice er søstre. Mary and Alice are sisters. Mary and Alice are sisters. Hvis du havde taget telefonen, ville jeg have inviteret dig til festen hjemme hos Tom. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to the party at Tom's house. If you had taken the phone, I'd have invited you to the party at Tom's house. Han er vekk He is gone. He's gone. Han er min stedbror. He's my stepbrother. He's my stepbrother. Ingen trøstet dere når dere var triste. Nobody consoled you when you were sad. No comfort when you were sad. Har du noen gang sett en flygende tallerken? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever seen a flying plate? Tom sa att han trodde Mary inte var trött. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't tired. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't tired. Talar hann ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does he speak English, French or German? Does he speak English, French, or German? Läraren och eleverna är i museet. The teacher and the pupils are in the museum. The teacher and the students are in the museum. Jeg liker bildet jeg ser på nå. I like the picture I'm watching now. I like the picture I'm looking at now. Vi ved begge hvad du laver. We both know what you're doing. We both know what you're doing. Vad heter din nya vän? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? Du er ansvarlig for det du har gjort. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Jag lyssnar på Björks senaste låt. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's last song. Vi blev goda vänner. We became good friends. We became good friends. Lad øjnene være lukkede indtil jeg siger at du må åbne dem. Keep your eyes closed until I say that you should open them. Leave your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Jeg elsker denne restauranten. I really like this restaurant. I love this restaurant. Skolen som Tom går på, søger en ny fransklærer. The school Tom goes to is looking for a new French teacher. The school that Tom goes to is looking for a new French teacher. I 1783 opdagede Caroline Herschel tre nye stjernetåger. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulae. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new star trains. Har du dem? Do you have them? Do you have them? Bestefaren min var soldat under krigen. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Jag vill dricka något kallt. I want to drink something cold. I want to drink something cold. Tom spiste alle vingummibamserne. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the wine gum bears. Hvornår går du i seng lørdag aften? What time do you go to sleep Saturday night? When are you going to bed Saturday night? Jeg ønsker at tjekke noget. I want to check something. I want to check something out. Ertu búinn að lesa þessa skáldsögu? Have you finished reading that novel? Have you read this novel? Tak for billetterne! Thanks for the tickets! Thanks for the tickets! Borde du inte ta en paus? Shouldn't you take a break? Shouldn't you take a break? Jeg drikker gløgg. I'm drinking mulled wine. I drink pudding. Var det Tom eller John han hed? Was his name Tom or John? Was it Tom or John his name? Jeg kan bedre lide kaffe end sort te. I like coffee better than black tea. I like coffee better than black tea. Denne kasse indeholder æbler. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Det är dags att gå till gymmet. It's time to go to the gym. It's time to go to the gym. Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Er der liv efter døden? Hvad er meningen med livet på Jorden? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth? Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on Earth? Jag bor i norra Sverige. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Gi meg et stykke pai. I want a piece of pie. Give me a piece of pie. Algerierne har mange grunde til at være stolte af deres land. Algerians have many reasons to be proud of their country. Algeria has many reasons to be proud of their country. Hvad er Tom bange for? What's Tom afraid of? What's Tom afraid of? Kroatien heter ”Hrvatska” på kroatiska. Croatia is called "Hrvatska" in Croatian. Croatia is called ‘Hrvatska’ in Croatian. Jag behöver bara lite frisk luft. I just need a little air. I just need some fresh air. Toms børn er syge. Tom's children are sick. Tom's kids are sick. Jeg er på udkig efter et nyt hus. I am in search of a new house. I'm looking for a new house. Jeg bor på andre siden av gaten. I live across the street. I live on the other side of the street. Jeg går ikke i byen i aften. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going to town tonight. Et æble om dagen holder doktoren væk! One apple a day keeps the doctor away! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Kan du bevisa det? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? Jeg vil savne deg veldig hvis du forlater Japan. I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. I'll miss you very much if you leave Japan. Vores skole begynder klokken otte. Our school begins at eight. Our school begins at eight o'clock. Han spiser alltid frokost her. He always eats breakfast here. He always eats lunch here. Hún eldar illa. She is a poor cook. She's a bad cook. Hvor er pennen? Where is the pen? Where's the pen? Gör som jag säger åt dig. Do like I tell you. Do as I tell you. Ni har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown. Jeg snakker ikke fransk like bra som Tom. I can't speak French as well as Tom. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Jag tror att Tom ljög för oss. I think Tom lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. Var älskad! Be loved! Be loved! Tom står. Tom is standing. Tom's standing. De malkede koen. They milked the cow. They milked the cow. Jeg drar ofte til sentrum på søndager. I often go downtown on Sunday. I often go to the center on Sundays. Jag är inte läkare. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Han läser en bok. He reads a book. He's reading a book. Jeg er hundre prosent enig med Tom. I agree with Tom one hundred percent. I'm a hundred percent in agreement with Tom. Hej, allesammans! Hi, everybody! Hey, everybody! Tom var meget uhøflig. Tom was very rude. Tom was very rude. Vejret er ofte lummert om sommeren. There is often sultry weather in summer. The weather is often lurked in the summer. Du kunde ha sagt nej. You could've said no. You could have said no. Hun ble varm av raseri. She got hot with rage. She got warm with rage. Dette verbet brukes vanligvis bare i tredje person. This verb is normally used only in the third person. This verb is usually used only in the third person. Uden fingeraftryk havde politiet ikke noget at gå efter. Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go on. Without prints, the police had nothing to go after. Jeg tror ikke at Tom kunne finde på at købe en lyserød paraply. I don't think Tom would buy a pink umbrella. I don't think Tom could come up with a pink umbrella. Det skulle vara trevligt om jag kunde resa till Japan. It would be nice if I could travel to Japan. It would be nice if I could go to Japan. Rør ikke ved kameraet. Don't touch the camera. Don't touch the camera. Den amerikanske regering har altid betragtet England som Amerikas kæledyr. The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet. The American government has always considered England to be the pet of America. Alla är överens. Everyone agrees. Everyone agrees. Jeg hader kolde vinterdage. I hate cold winter days. I hate cold winter days. Hvor tit kommer der bus? How often do buses come? How many times does a bus come? Det känns som om jag har sett den här filmen förut. I feel like I've already seen this movie. I feel like I've seen this movie before. Jag tar hand om den här. I'll handle this one. I'll take care of this. Det är roligt att spela baseball. It is fun to play baseball. It's fun to play baseball. Ingenting av det var äkta. None of it was real. None of it was real. Dagar hennar eru taldir. Her days are numbered. Her days are counted. Hon sjunger otroligt bra. She sings in an unbelievable way. She sings incredibly good. Hur kan vi stå till tjänst? How can we help you? How can we be of service? Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann. Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise. It was hardly possible to hear her voice over the noise. Har du svikit oss? Have you betrayed us? You let us down? Jeg elsker menn med skjegg. I love men with beards. I love men with beards. Jag kände mig mycket ful. I felt like I was very ugly. I felt very ugly. Jag behöver inte mera hjälp. I don't need any more help. I don't need any more help. Tom tek seg eit laug minst tre gonger i veken. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom takes a lie at least three times a week. Jeg har to katte. I have two cats. I have two cats. Det kan komma att göra ont. It may hurt. It may hurt. Har du sett Tom än? Have you seen Tom yet? Have you seen Tom yet? Jag såg när Tom kom. I saw Tom coming. I saw Tom coming. En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird's hand is better than ten on the roof. De bråkade. They quarreled. They fought. Hann er frá Genf. He comes from Geneva. He's from Geneva. Lad os være ærlige. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. Hon är online flera timmar varje dag. She goes online for several hours every day. She's online for hours every day. De kan inte heller höra mig. They can't hear me either. They can't hear me either. Du er velkommen til å komme med oss. You're welcome to join us. You're welcome to come with us. Han neker å høre på noen av oss; du kunne like godt ha snakket med en stein. He will not listen to any of us; you might as well talk to a figure of stone. He refuses to listen to any of us; you might as well have talked to a stone. Hva er ting du liker å gjøre alene? What do you like doing alone? What are the things you like to do alone? Vem ska du gå med? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? Jag ska flytta tillbaka hem. I'm moving back home. I'll move back home. Jeg vil ikke gøre det igen. I will not do it again. I don't want to do it again. Detta är inte något misstag. This is not a mistake. This is not a mistake. Hun er interesseret i mode. She's interested in fashion. She's interested in fashion. Hún á enga vini. She doesn't have any friends. She doesn't have any friends. Dörren till huset stod på glänt. The door to the house was ajar. The door to the house was on the clearing. Fuglene lægger æg. Birds lay eggs. Birds lay eggs. Hun har blondt hår. She has blonde hair. She's got blonde hair. Jeg vet ikke hvordan den 3. verdenskrig vil se ut, men jeg vet at den fjerde vil bli utkjempet med treklubber. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what the Third World War will look like, but I know the fourth one will be fought with three clubs. Tom sagde at du var kommet. Tom said you had come. Tom said you came. Stundom vurderer eg å skilja meg frå han. Now and then I think of divorcing him. Sometimes I consider separating myself from him. Dere er sprø. You guys are nuts. You're crazy. Du har ikke en nøgle, vel? You don't have a key, do you? You don't have a key, do you? Regner det nu? Is it raining now? Is it raining now? Fór hann heim í gær? Did he go home yesterday? Did he go home last night? Alla sa samma sak till mig. Everyone told me the same thing. Everyone said the same thing to me. Han bestämde sig inte för att bli författare förrän han var trettio. He did not decide to be a writer until he was thirty. He didn't decide to be a writer until he was thirty. Jeg er dyrlæge. I'm a veterinarian. I'm a vet. Tom har ingen prinsipper. Tom has no principles. Tom has no principles. Jeg så nogen kysse Tom. I saw someone kissing Tom. I saw someone kiss Tom. Jeg kunne vært der innen 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could have been there by 2:30. Einn af öðrum stóðu þeir upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of the others stood up, and went out. Ég er jafnaldra. I am the same age. I'm the same age. Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg glemte det. I can't believe I forgot about that. I can't believe I forgot. Sjåfører bør bruke sikkerhetsbelte. Drivers should wear seat belts. Drivers should use safety belts. De tog alle muligheder i betragtning. They took every possibility into consideration. They took every opportunity into account. Jeg har købt dette kamera for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Hun er den eneste veninde jeg har. She is the only friend I have. She's the only friend I have. Han er en færdig mand. He's a goner. He's a finished man. Hvorfor skifter du tøj? Why are you changing your clothes? Why are you changing clothes? Jeg gad vide hvad der skete hjemme hos Tom i aftes. I wonder what happened at Tom's house last night. I wonder what happened at Tom's house last night. Hun har en perfekt krop. She has a perfect body. She has a perfect body. Jag vill inte vara rik. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to be rich. Italiens befolkning är hälften så stor som Japans. The population of Italy is about half as large as that of Japan. The population of Italy is half as large as that of Japan. Mundirðu vinsamlegast senda mér pöntunarlista í pósti? Would you please send me a catalogue by mail? Would you please send me a list of orders by mail? I den där affären säljs köksredskap. That store sells kitchen-ware. In that store, they sell kitchenware. Profeten Zepehaniah var tip-oldesøn af kong Hezekiah. The prophet Zephaniah was the great-great-grandson of King Hezekiah. The prophet Zepehaniah was the tip-old son of King Hezekiah. Den här skjortan behöver tvättas. This shirt needs washing. This shirt needs washing. Mor dig godt i Italien! Have fun in Italy! Have fun in Italy! Þessir fuglar fljúga ekki vel en þeir eru frábærir hlauparar. These birds don’t fly well but they are excellent runners. These birds don't fly well, but they're great runners. Tom synger altid falsk. Tom always sings out of tune. Tom always sings fake. Skynd dig! Hurry! Hurry! Han er en rigtig muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a real Muslim. Ég trúi ekki þeirri sögu. I don't believe that story. I don't believe that story. Ja. Nej. Måske. Jeg ved ikke. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah, no, maybe, I don't know. Er du klar til å spille? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? Anklager du meg for noe? Are you accusing me of something? Do you accuse me of anything? Jeg vil bli naturfotograf. I want to be a nature photographer. I want to be a natural photographer. Jeg har spist de røde æbler. I ate the red apples. I ate the red apples. Jag lär mig också amhariska. I'm also learning Amharic. I also learn Amharic. Tom är blyg och feg. Tom is shy and cowardly. Tom's shy and coward. Jag ska precis till att skriva en mening på tyska. I am about to write a sentence in German. I'm just going to write a sentence in German. Dette er den bedste bog, jeg nogensinde har læst. This is the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Det här är det bästa skepp som jag någonsin varit på. This is the best ship I've ever been on. This is the best ship I've ever been to. Du er ikke innlogget. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi mála. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my time for urgent matters. Det er svært naturlig for et menneske at en alltid gir seg selv forrang fremfor hensynet til andre. It is very natural for a human being that one always give himself precedence over the interests of others. It is very natural for a human to always give himself over to others. Det står en man med en pistol i handen vid dörren. There's a man with a gun in his hand standing at the door. There's a man with a gun in his hand at the door. Jag arbetar på ambassaden. I work at the embassy. I work at the embassy. Jeg føler mig bedre. I feel better. I feel better. Dalida døde af en overdosis sovetabletter. Dalida died from an overdose of sleeping pills. Dalida died of an overdose of sleeping tablets. Du visste att det här kunde hända. You knew this might happen. You knew this could happen. Har du smakat det här? Have you tried this? Have you tasted this? Du har skudt dig selv i foden! You shot yourself in the foot! You shot yourself in the foot! Vad tycker du, Tom? What do you think, Tom? What do you think, Tom? Tom ser ung ud af sin alder. Tom looks young for his age. Tom looks young out of his age. Rapporterna ska lämnas in kommande måndag. Reports are due next Monday. The reports shall be submitted on the following Monday. Stjärnorna blinkade på himlen. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars flashed in the sky. Jag fixar trasiga radioapparater. I fix broken radios. I'll get you some broken radios. Jeg har en ordbog. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Hvað með að byrja að skokka? How about taking up jogging? What about getting started? Nøt du ferien? Did you enjoy your holiday? Did you enjoy your vacation? Tom drikker som en svamp. Tom drinks like a fish. Tom drinks like a sponge. Du må bruge min plæneklipper, hvis du vil. You may use my lawnmower if you want to. You can use my lawn mower if you want. Sami ville vara romantisk. Sami wanted to be romantic. Sami wanted to be romantic. Det har varit en hemsk dag. I had an awful day. It's been a terrible day. Ég tók tíu þrjátíu lestina sem var tíu mínútum of sein. I took the 10:30 train, which was ten minutes late. I took the ten-thirty train, which was ten minutes late. Det sidste fly til Osaka er blevet annulleret. The last flight for Osaka has been canceled. The last flight to Osaka has been cancelled. Jeg har en sort hund og en hvid hund. I have a black dog and a white dog. I have a black dog and a white dog. Frændi minn býr í Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. Tom og Mary kyssede hinanden farvel. Tom and Mary kissed each other goodbye. Tom and Mary kissed each other goodbye. John var þreyttur af yfirvinnu. John was tired from working overtime. John was tired of overtime. Vil du at jeg skal ringe etter en ambulanse? Do you want me to call an ambulance? You want me to call an ambulance? Är ni roade av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you satisfied with this? Jeg har en bil, en motorcykel og to cykler. I have a car, a motorcycle, and 2 bicycles. I have a car, a motorcycle and two bikes. Toget var så fullt at vi måtte stå heile vegen til Osaka. The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka. The train was so full that we had to stand all the way to Osaka. Alle havde meget travlt. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was very busy. En kvinna vars man har dött är en änka. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. Jag hoppas att min erfarenhet kan vara av intresse för någon. I hope my experience will be interesting to somebody. I hope my experience can be of interest to someone. Hefur íbúðin þrjú svefnherbergi? Has the flat got three bedrooms? Does the apartment have three bedrooms? Hví ertu svo döpur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Apor är intelligenta. Apes are intelligent. Apes are intelligent. Burde vi være bekymret? Should we be worried? Should we be worried? Það kom á óvart. It was a surprise. That was a surprise. Jeg bor ikke i Helsingfors. I don't live in Helsinki. I don't live in Helsinki. Jeg kan ikke se noe. I can't see a thing. I can't see anything. Jag behöver lite hjälp. I need a little help. I need some help. Hissa seglen! Hoist the sails! Hush the sail! Bliv her! Stay here. Stay here! Du kan lita på Tom. You can rely on Tom. You can trust Tom. Tom ser arg ut. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. Drik det her! Drink this. Drink this! Mary og Tom har en hestebil. Mary and Tom have a horse truck. Mary and Tom have a horse car. Det er den fineste gaven jeg noen gang har fått. That's the most beautiful gift I've ever received. That's the finest gift I've ever got. Varför gjorde Tom det? Why did Tom do it? Why did Tom do that? De tændte stearinlys på deres værelse. They lit candles in their room. They turned candles on in their room. Hun anvendte et zoomobjektiv. She used a zoom lens. She used a zoom lens. Hørte du det? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Tom beslutade sig för att börja med flugfiske. Tom decided to take up fly fishing. Tom decided to start fly fishing. De två männen som satt på bänken var amerikaner. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. The two men sitting on the bench were Americans. Klokken er næsten seks. It's almost six. It's almost 6:00. Hann hafði mikinn áhuga á ferðalögum. He had a great fancy for traveling. He was very interested in travel. Keyptirðu það á svarta markaðinum? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it in the black market? Det är dags att stiga upp. Time to get up. It's time to get up. Jeg siger ikke dette for at såre dig, men det er sandheden. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's the truth. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but that's the truth. Tom går på samme skule som Mary. Tom goes to the same school as Mary. Tom goes on the same school as Mary. Systir mín dámar bommini. My sister likes sweets. My sister loves boom. Om du äter tre maltider om dagen så ska din kropp ha energin den behöver. If you eat three meals a day, your body will find the energy it needs. If you eat three orthodox times a day, your body should have the energy it needs. Ibland vill man bara äta choklad. Sometimes you just want to eat chocolate. Sometimes you just want to eat chocolate. Soldaten uppgav sitt namn. The soldier gave his name. The soldier gave up his name. Barna er helt i hundre. The kids are all fired up. The kids are all in one hundred. Eg tími ikki í skúla. I don't want to go to school. I don't have time for a skating. Jeg ville have gjort det selv, hvis jeg havde haft mere tid. I'd have done that if I'd had more time. I would have done it myself if I had had more time. Jag ringer en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call you a cab. Tom besvarede ikke spørgsmålene som Mary stillede. Tom didn't answer Mary's questions. Tom did not answer the questions Mary asked. Lad os spise ude i aften! Let's eat out tonight! Let's eat out tonight! Har vi et? Do we have one? Do we have one? Ég svaf aðeins í hádegishléinu af því að ég var svo þreyttur. I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired. I slept only at lunch break because I was so tired. Afrikanske elefanter har mindre hårvækst end asiatiske elefanter. African elephants have less hair than Asian elephants. African elephants have less hair growth than Asian elephants. Jeg er træt af at spille. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til fjölskyldunnar þinnar. Please say hello to your family. Please say goodbye to your family. Mig verkjar út um allt. I ache all over. I'm a pain all over the place. Tom planlegger å være i Boston neste mandag. Tom plans to be in Boston next Monday. Tom plans to be in Boston next Monday. Her er din hund. Hvor er min? Here is your dog. Where is mine? Here's your dog. Der er et par æbler på træet, er der ikke? There are a few apples on the tree, aren't there? There's a pair of apples on the tree, aren't there? Vi er stadig nødt til at stå op og fodre dyrene, for de er ligeglade med, om vi har COVID-19 eller ikke. We still have to get up and feed the animals, because they don't really care whether we have COVID-19 or not. We still have to stand up and feed the animals, because they don't care if we have COVID-19 or not. "Bedre død end rød" var en populær sætning under "Den Kolde Krig". "Better dead than red" was a popular phrase during the "Cold War". "Better Dead Than Red" was a popular sentence during the Cold War. Han slog rekordet. He broke the record. He hit the record. Gott kvöld. Good evening. Good evening. Delfiner er meget intelligente dyr. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. dolphins are very intelligent animals. Hur ska jag göra det här? How do I do this? How am I supposed to do this? Han liker sladder. He is fond of gossip. He likes gossip. Hvor er din jakke? Where is your jacket? Where's your jacket? Dags att gå upp. Time to get up. Time to go upstairs. Det er eit nydeleg flagg. It's a beautiful flag. It's a nice flag. Denne cykel har været efterladt her siden begyndelsen af denne måned. This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. This cycle has been left here since the beginning of this month. De reste tillsammans. They traveled together. They traveled together. De smakar på riset. They're tasting the rice. They taste the rice. Jag är trettio år gammal. I am 30 years old. I'm thirty years old. Han är i femtioårsåldern. He's in his fifties. He's 50 years old. Du er ikke ung. You aren't young. You're not young. Alle de æbler der falder, bliver spist af grisene. All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. I min erfaring, kommer sykdom ofte av søvnløshet. From my own experience, illness often comes from sleeplessness. In my experience, illness often comes from insomnia. Han älskar tåg. He loves trains. He loves trains. Lad os komme til sagen og snakke forretning. Let's get down to brass tacks and talk business. Let's get to the point and talk business. Ég sá hann fara yfir götuna þegar ég steig úr vagninum. I saw him cross the street as I got off the bus. I saw him cross the street when I got out of the bus. Þú þarft ekki að vera svona formlegur. You don't have to be so formal. You don't have to be so formal. Vi ønskede det bedste, du kender resten. We wanted the best, you know the rest. We wanted the best, you know the rest. Ken lærte seg mange japanske songar utanåt. Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart. Ken learned a lot of Japanese songs by the way. USA og Storbritannien har forskellige tegnsprog. Det mexicanske tegnsprog er også forskellig fra det spanske tegnsprog. The United States and Britain have different sign languages. Mexican Sign Language also differs from Spanish Sign Language. The United States and the United Kingdom have different sign languages; the Mexican sign language is also different from the Spanish sign language. Leser du en interessant bok? Are you reading an interesting book? Are you reading an interesting book? Min ferie gik hurtigt. My vacation went by quickly. My vacation was fast. Vinsamlegast finndu frakkann minn. Please find me my overcoat. Please find my coat. President Truman var tvungen att ta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Ta appelsinene ut av kjøleskapet. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the oranges out of the refrigerator. Ni får inte sluta nu. You can't quit now. You can't stop now. Det gør ikke noget! It doesn't matter! It's okay! Du tappade din penna. You dropped your pencil. You dropped your pen. Kragen sitter åt för hårt runt min hals. The collar is too tight round my throat. The collar sits around my neck too hard. De senaste medicinska framgångarna är anmärkningsvärda. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The latest medical success is remarkable. Ni kan inte rädda mig. You can't save me. You can't save me. Innan hon flyttade till Frankrike bodde hon i Sverige. Before she moved to France, she lived in Sweden. Before moving to France, she lived in Sweden. Mundu eftir að póstleggja bréfið á leiðinni í skólann. Remember to post the letter on your way to school. Remember to post the letter on the way to school. Hvordan var I i stand til at gøre det så hurtigt? How were you guys able to do that so quickly? How were you able to do it so fast? Jeg har gått og tenkt på det i hele dag. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I've been thinking about it all day. Ég er örvhent. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Sov! Sleep! Sleep! En gång räcker inte. Once is not enough. Once it's not enough. Han lot oss vente i mer enn en time. He kept us waiting for more than an hour. He let us wait more than an hour. Skrattar du någonsin? Do you ever laugh? Are you ever yelling at me? Vi har en pave! We have a pope! We have a pope! Tom er min fætter. Tom is my cousin. Tom's my cousin. Hvis du kører nu, er jeg sikker på du vil blive fanget i en trafikprop. If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. If you're driving now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. Jeg ringer dem i morgen når jeg kommer hjem. I'll ring them tomorrow when I come home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Mesteparten av pasientene mine kommer fra utenfor byen. The majority of my patients come to me from out of town. Most of my patients come from outside the city. Det bliver varmt. It'll be hot. It's gonna be hot. Hon gav mig de här gamla mynten. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. I denne uge var vejret meget omskifteligt. This week the weather was very unpredictable. This week the weather was very changeable. Det verkar som att jag har en lätt förkylning. It seems I have a slight cold. Looks like I'm having a light cold. Hämta lite mat åt Tom. Get Tom some food. Get Tom some food. Jag vet att detta är svårt. I know this is hard. I know this is difficult. Undskyld, jeg bliver nødt til at gå. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry. I have to go. Jeg håper jeg ikke behøver å bruke denne pistolen. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use this gun. Athugasemdin þín eru röksemdafærslunni okkar óviðkomandi. Your remark is irrelevant to our argument. Your comments are unaccompanied by our reasoning. Tom kan lide at lege med ilden. Tom likes playing with fire. Tom likes to play with the fire. Ein ispose vil hemja smerta. An ice pack will numb the pain. An ice cream bag will mask the butter. Jag kommer att sakna det. I'll miss that. I'm gonna miss it. När byggdes det här templet? When was this temple built? When was this temple built? Kabylien er beliggende i det nordøstlige Algeriet. Kabylie is located in northeastern Algeria. Kabylia is located in north-eastern Algeria. En lastbil ramte hunden. A truck hit the dog. A truck hit the dog. Toms musikksmak er ganske like min. Tom's taste in music is similar to mine. Tom's music taste is quite like mine. Håret mitt har samme lengde som Janes. My hair is the same length as Jane's. My hair has the same length as Janes. Jeg forsørger min familie. I sustain my family. I care for my family. Hvor studerer Tom og Mary? Where do Tom and Mary study? Where are Tom and Mary studying? Mary barberer benene oftere end Alice. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice does. Mary shaves her legs more often than Alice. Alle har stemt. Everyone has voted. Everyone voted. Hans bærbare computer er allerede fem år gammel. His laptop is already five years old. His laptop is already five years old. For at gøre tingene værre begyndte det at regne. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it began to rain. De må være politibetjente. They must be cops. They must be police officers. Jörðin er um sex sinnum stærri en tunglið. The earth is about six times as large as the moon. The earth is about six times the moon. Hún var nógu snjöll til að láta hann ekki blekkja sig. She was clever enough not to be deceived by him. She was smart enough not to be deceived by him. Tom har dörrarna låsta om natten. Tom keeps his doors locked at night. Tom has the doors locked at night. Hvad koster disse briller? How much do these glasses cost? How much do these glasses cost? Glem hvad jeg sagde. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Jag vill lära mig tyska med mina vänner. I want to learn German with my friends. I want to learn German with my friends. Jeg må huske at poste brevet. I must remember to mail the letter. I have to remember to post the letter. Tom strøg sine bukser. Tom ironed his pants. Tom took his pants. Hvad glor du på? What are you staring at? What are you looking at? Jeg kan lære deg å reparere bilen din. I can teach you how to repair your car. I can teach you how to repair your car. Hún vill prófa japanskan mat. She wants to try Japanese food. She wants to try Japanese food. Er det moralsk forkert at spise kød? Is it morally wrong to eat meat? Is it morally wrong to eat meat? Din far elsker dig. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. Manden, der skød haren, er jæger. The man who shot the hare is a hunter. The man who shot the hare is a hunter. Jeg reddede dit liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Vi väntar oss många besökare till ceremonin. We're expecting a lot of people to attend the ceremony. We expect a lot of visitors to the ceremony. Stop med at ryge. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Det er så fantastisk. This is so amazing. It's so amazing. Det tvivlar jag verkligen på. I truly doubt it. I really doubt that. Jag ska försöka att fixa det här, men det kan hända att jag inte lyckas. I'll try to fix this, but there's a chance that I won't be able to. I'm gonna try and fix this, but maybe I won't succeed. Mary giftede sig tidligt. Hun er nu 80 år gammel og har seks oldebørn. Mary married young. She is now 80 years old and has 6 great grandchildren. Mary married early, now 80 years old, and has six great-grandparents. Det regnar idag. Var är mitt paraply? It's raining today. Where is my umbrella? It's raining today, where's my umbrella? Vill du se ditt rum? Do you want to see your room? You want to see your room? Jeg trodde vi ville være komfortable her. I thought we'd be comfortable here. I thought we'd be comfortable here. Slottet står ved en vakker innsjø. The castle stands facing a beautiful lake. The castle is at a beautiful lake. Vad skulle Tom kunna göra? What could Tom do? What could Tom do? Det har varit varmt de senaste dagarna. It's been warm the last few days. It's been hot for the last few days. Jeg kender nogen som kan gå på vandet. I know someone who can walk on water. I know someone who can walk on the water. Det är dödligt gift! It's a deadly poison! It's deadly poison! Han förklarade för min son varför det regnar. He explained to my son why it rains. He explained to my son why it rains. Armenien hedder "Hayastan" på armensk. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. Kan jag få tre? Can I have three? Can I have three? Liker du golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Tom læser en novellesamling. Tom is reading a book of short stories. Tom reads a collection of novels. Ge mig en till. Give me one more. Give me another one. Att vara söt har också nackdelar. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being cute also has disadvantages. Denne boken duger. This book will do. This book is good enough. Tom tycker inte om vinter. Tom does not like the winter. Tom doesn't like it in winter. Hvornår slutter denne krise? When is this crisis going to end? When will this crisis end? Kva har hendt mellom deg og Tom? What's up with you and Tom? What happened between you and Tom? Hvis I stikker os, kommer vi så ikke til at bløde? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you get out of here, don't you think we're going to bleed? Tiden rusar. Time flies. Time is rushing. Skulle jag kunna få prata med dig en stund? Can I speak to you for a moment please? Could I talk to you for a second? Salige er de sagtmodige, for de skal arve jorden. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Han fortalte mig ikke alt. He didn't tell me everything. He didn't tell me everything. Hvorfor køber du ikke et køretøj? Why don't you buy a vehicle? Why don't you buy a vehicle? På trods af rygter om det modsatte giver en sølvpapirshat ingen beskyttelse mod coronavirus. Despite rumors to the contrary, a tinfoil hat is not effective against coronavirus. Despite rumors of the opposite, a silver paper hat gives no protection against the corona virus. Såg du det där, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? Jeg er arkeolog. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. Tom kører 100 km i timen på motorvejen for at spare brændstof. Tom drives at 60 mph on the highway in order to save fuel. Tom drives 100 km an hour on the highway to save fuel. Det ble ei vane. That became a habit. It became a habit. Min far er holdt op med at ryge. My father gave up smoking. My dad quit smoking. Jeg rydder kontoret mitt. I am tidying my office. I'll clear my office. Du hører ikke efter! You don't listen! You're not listening! Tom er ikke så hårdtarbejdende, som han plejede at være. Tom isn't as hardworking as he used to be. Tom's not as hard-working as he used to be. Var trevligare mot er syster. Be nicer to your sister. Be nicer to your sister. Katrine og Martine er venninner. De bor i Oslo og studerer språk på universitetet. Katrine and Martine are friends. They live in Oslo and study languages at the university. Katrine and Martine are friends, they live in Oslo studying languages at the university. Snälla gå ut härifrån genast. Please get out of here immediately. Please get out of here right now. Jag tänker inte hindra dig. I'm not stopping you. I'm not gonna stop you. Jeg er en mand. I'm a man. I'm a man. Hans bil sad fast i knædyb sne. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was stuck in a knee deep snow. Tom är min brorson. Tom is my nephew. Tom's my nephew. Svar venligst på fransk. Please answer in French. Please answer in French. Det er grunden. That's the reason. That's why. Jag chattar på nätet. I'm chatting online. I'm chatting online. Hvaða háskóla stefnirðu á? Which college are you aiming for? Which college are you heading for? Jag kommer att vara tillbaka till dess. I'll be back by then. I'll be back until then. Tja, vad är det för fel med det? Well, what's wrong with that? Well, what's wrong with that? Jag tar ett bad varannan dag. I take a bath every other day. I'll take a bath every other day. Vi är försenade. We're behind schedule. We're late. Tilføj mayonnaisen. Add the mayonnaise. Add the mayonnaise. Det verkar som att Mary är full igen. It looks like Mary is drunk again. Looks like Mary's drunk again. Tom är uppe på vinden. Tom is in the attic. Tom's up on the wind. Tom forsøgte at redde mig. Tom tried to save me. Tom tried to save me. Lad os tage en smugkig. Let's take a sneak peek. Let's take a sneaky. Þú ættir að vera búin undir það versta. You should be ready for the worst. You should be prepared for the worst. Något är inte rätt här. Something isn't right here. Something's not right here. Jag måste börja gå hemåt. I must be going home. I have to go home. Får jag titta på tv nu? May I watch TV now? Can I watch TV now? Jeg var ikke på festen. I was absent from the party. I wasn't at the party. Forfatteren har en smuk stil. The author has a beautiful style. The author has a beautiful style. Ikke kunne ha forutsett dette. No one could've predicted this. Could not have predicted this. På tom mave tog Tom ud for at købe dagligvarer ind og købte meget mere end han havde tænkt sig. Tom went grocery shopping on an empty stomach and bought much more than he had intended. On an empty stomach, Tom went out to buy food and bought much more than he had planned. Din kat er sort. Your cat is black. Your cat's black. Berätta för mig hur man gör. Tell me how to do it. Tell me how to do it. Jeg vet ikke om du er klar til å se det jeg har lyst å vise deg. I don't know whether you are ready to see what I want to show you. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you. Tom ødelagde sin nye smartphone. Tom broke his new smartphone. Tom destroyed his new smartphone. Men kan du lide det? But do you like it? But do you like it? Han har købt noget til Mary. He has bought something for Mary. He bought something for Mary. Rósa er ein vøkur blóma. A rose is a beautiful flower. Rosa is a writ of flowers. Les instruksjonene nøye. Read the instructions carefully. Please read the instructions carefully. Vi ska nog gå nu. We'll be on our way. I think we should go now. Tom sa att han inte kunde gå. Tom said he couldn't walk. Tom said he couldn't leave. Du skylder mig en tjeneste. You owe me a favor. You owe me a favor. Spiser man masser af kød i Australien? Do people in Australia eat a lot of meat? Do you eat lots of meat in Australia? Kan jag använda din telefon? Can I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Varning! Vått golv. Caution! Wet floor. Wet floor. Gå hjem og bliv hjemme. Go home and stay home. Go home and stay home. Ingen har något problem. No one has a problem. No one has a problem. Känner vi dig? Do we know you? Do we know you? Jeg kan bedre lide Los Angeles. I like L.A. better. I like Los Angeles better. Hur var det idag? How was it today? How was today? Det var bare et kyss. It was just a kiss. It was just a kiss. Du blir ikke sen vel? You won't be late, will you? You're not gonna be late, are you? Vad är mitt saldo? What is my balance? What's my balance? Spar mig for sympatien. Spare me the sympathy. Save me for sympathy. Eg skilji. Takki. Yes, I understand. Thank you. I understand, thank you. Hvad kan børn lide at lave? What do kids like to do? What do children like to do? Låt oss spatsera litet på stranden. Let's walk a little on the seashore. Let's take a little spat on the beach. Jeg kan høre noget. I can hear something. I can hear something. Dette gamle hus er hjemsøgt. This old house is haunted. This old house is haunted. Jeg tænkte at det var et forsøg værd. I thought it was worth a try. I thought it was worth a try. Vill du äta? Do you want to eat? You want to eat? Tom satte en drink foran Mary. Tom set a drink in front of Mary. Tom put a drink in front of Mary. Tom är vanvettig. Tom's insane. Tom's unconscious. Når reiser du til Moskva? When will you depart for Moscow? When are you going to Moscow? Var är hennes bild? Where is her picture? Where's her picture? Tom hejsede flaget. Tom hoisted the flag. Tom cheered up the flag. Við erum öll ófullkomin. Við getum ekki búist við fullkominni ríkisstjórn. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. We are all imperfect, we cannot expect a perfect government. De fleste af dem jeg spiller poker med på nettet, har været nybegyndere. Most of the online users I play poker with have been newbies. Most of them I play poker with online have been novices. Porten bliver lukket klokken otte. The gate is closed at eight. The gate will be closed at eight o'clock. Kan jag tänka på det? Can I think about it? Can I think about it? Vem kan tvätta min bil för två euro?? Who'll wash my car for two Euros? Who can wash my car for two euros? En træskoliste er en liste over ting man ønsker at gøre før man dør. A bucket list is a list of things that you want to do before you die. A wooden shoe list is a list of things you want to do before you die. Hvad helvede laver du her? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The world's present tallest building poisons Burdj Khalifa. Jesus gik på vandet. Jesus walked on water. Jesus went on the water. Jeg er en fri mand. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Ég er svolítið upptekinn akkúrat núna. I'm kind of busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. Tom er på vei hjem. Tom is going home. Tom's on his way home. Jeg blev født for 20 år siden. I was born 20 years ago. I was born 20 years ago. Hun er fattig, men hun ser glad ud. She is poor, but she looks happy. She's poor, but she looks happy. Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought a camera for her son. Det gjorde mig ytterst glad. It made me supremely happy. It made me very happy. Hann mun ekki sigra mig. He won't beat me. He won't beat me. Tom er fremdeles utenfor. Tom is still outside. Tom is still outside. Begge mine forældre er algeriske. Both my parents are Algerian. Both my parents are Algerian. Tom brukade hata Mary. Nu älskar han henne. Tom used to hate Mary. Now he loves her. Tom used to hate Mary. Barnet slutade gråta. The baby stopped crying. The baby stopped crying. Det ene øje er dilateret. One eye is dilated. One eye is dilated. Katten er bange for børn. The cat is afraid of children. The cat is afraid of children. Jag vägrar hjälpa till. I refuse to help. I refuse to help. Du er en god bassist. You're a good bass player. You're a good bassist. Kan hun lide sport? Does she like sports? She likes sports? Hva vekket deg? What woke you up? What woke you up? Tom ser utmattad ut. Tom looks exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Tom dyttede af Mary. Tom honked his horn at Mary. Tom pushed Mary. Jag är inte bra på att dansa. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not good at dancing. Ni verkade inte förstå vad Tom sa. You didn't seem to understand what Tom was saying. You didn't seem to understand what Tom said. Tom flyttede. Tom relocated. Tom moved. Broren min er god til å spille tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. My brother's good at playing tennis. Er dette en hingst eller en hoppe? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a stallion or a jump? Líttu á myndina þarna. Look at that picture. Look at that picture over there. Hún sakaði hann um að hafa logið að sér. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying. Hon har ett hjärta av guld. She has a heart of gold. She has a heart of gold. Viltu vinna í Þýskalandi? Do you want to work in Germany? You want to work in Germany? Jeg vil ikke se dette igjen. I don't want to see this again. I don't want to see this again. Hans frånvaro igår berodde på förkylning. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. His absence yesterday was due to cold. Der var en stor kakkelovn som gav dejlig varme og hygge. There was a large stove that gave lovely warmth and coziness. There was a large tile oven that gave nice warmth and fun. Tag ikke chancer. Don't take chances. Don't take chances. Hvor lang tid, tror du, at det ville tage dig at male mit hus? How long do you think that it would take you to paint my house? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Hvad stod han og lavede da du så ham? What was he doing when you saw him? What was he doing when you saw him? Hvad i djævlens navn laver du? What the devil are you doing? What in the devil's name are you doing? Hun tok seg av babyen sin. She looked after her baby. She took care of her baby. Jag har fortfarande inte hittat det jag letar efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Jeg brækkede armen. I broke my arm. I broke my arm. Er det et ja eller et nej? Is that a yes or no? Is that a yes or a no? I de zoologiske haver på Mars er der dyr fra Jorden. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In the zoos on Mars there are animals from the Earth. Vi ville ha Tom. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. Hvor høyt kan du hoppe? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Vi vil hellere spise indendørs. Det er for koldt udenfor. We'd rather eat indoors. It's too cold outside. We'd rather eat indoors, it's too cold outside. Detta är min häst. This is my horse. This is my horse. Han oppdaget en ny stjerne. He discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Það var smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was a small amount of milk left in the bottle. Tom siger at han ikke kan arbejde på tom mave. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Tom says he can't work on an empty stomach. Min franska är värdelös. My French is shitty. My French is worthless. Hvor kunne hun være? Where could she be? Where could she be? Jag samåker med Tom. I carpool with Tom. I'm sharing with Tom. Það er ekki fyrr en við missum heilsuna að við gerum okkur grein fyrir verðmæti hennar. It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it. It is not until we lose our health that we realize its value. Hvem siger det? Who says that? Who says that? Hvorfor er det så varmt? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Er du den nye barnepiken? Are you the new nanny? Are you the new babysitter? Jag sov som en stock. I slept like a dog. I slept like a log. Kunne du skrue ned for fjernsynet? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you turn down the TV? Det låter logiskt. That sounds logical. That makes sense. Vi är kvinnor. We are women. We're women. Þeir voru á móti þróunarkenningu Darwins. They opposed Darwin's theory of evolution. They were against Darwin’s theory of evolution. Regnið fylgir mér hvert sem er! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain follows me anywhere! Það sprakk á hjá mér. I got a flat tire. I got blown up. Tökum okkur stutt hlé. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. Ég er saddur! I'm full! I'm full! Du köpte något till Mary. You bought something for Mary. You bought something for Mary. Det gör ont i mina öron. My ears hurt. My ears hurt. Han stjæler alt muligt. He half-inches all sorts. He steals everything. Lad os slå plat og krone! Let's toss a coin. Let's beat it and roll it! Tom er skilt. Tom's divorced. Tom's divorced. Eg er glad for at du lika han. I'm happy you liked it. I'm glad you like him. Tom tror ikke at han er så kreativ som Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary. Hver er tilgangur þess að vinna svona mikið? What's the sense of working so hard? What is the purpose of working so hard? Hún spurði mig hvað hefði orðið af honum. She asked me what had become of him. She asked me what happened to him. Jeg voksede op i Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. I grew up in Shiraz. Jeg elsker dig mere end i går og mindre end i morgen. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Hon grät sig till sömns. She cried herself to sleep. She cried to sleep. Takk! Cheers! Thank you! Jag ska göra mitt bästa. I'll try my best. I'll do my best. Ertu með vekjaraklukku í herberginu þínu? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Han bor i en luksusleilighet i nærheten av Central Park. He lives in a luxury apartment close to Central Park. He lives in a luxury apartment near Central Park. Våg efter våg rullade upp på stranden. Wave after wave surged upon the beach. Wave after wave rolled up on the beach. Það er ekki mikilvægt. It's not important. It's not important. Ni är oberäkneliga. You're unpredictable. You're incalculable. Vilket år var det Berlinmuren föll? What year was it that the Berlin Wall fell? What year was the Berlin Wall falling? Jag kommer inte låta det här hända mig. I won't let this happen to me. I'm not gonna let this happen to me. Vi är femton, allt som allt. We are fifteen in all. We're fifteen, all right. Hvad koster en øl? What is the cost of a beer? How much is a beer? När såg du Tom? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Tycker ni om att spela spel? Do you like to play games? Do you like playing games? Den är cool. It's cool. It's cool. Det ville ikke skade hvis du smilede lidt en gang imellem. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a little once in a while. It wouldn't hurt if you smiled once in a while. Han behandler mig altid som et barn. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Tom har fräknar. Tom has freckles. Tom's got freaks. Tom går på en promenad varje morgon med sin hund. Tom goes for a walk every morning with his dog. Tom walks on a walk every morning with his dog. Store personer er ikke altid stærke. Big people aren't always strong. Large people aren't always strong. Tør dine tårer. Dry your tears. Dry your tears. Etter det som skjedde den natten, stoppet hun å snakke med meg. After what happened that night, she stopped talking to me. After what happened that night, she stopped talking to me. Hver er uppáhalds Bítillinn þinn? Who's your favorite Beatle? What's your favorite studio? Jeg troede du var en anstændig pige. I thought you were a decent young woman. I thought you were a decent girl. Problemet vedrørende Vestsahara skal løses for bestandigt. The Western Sahara problem has to be resolved for good. The problem of Western Sahara must be resolved permanently. De gick in i djungeln. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. De hjælper os. They help us. They're helping us. Prisene vil fortsette å stige. Prices will continue to rise. Prices will continue to rise. Om du ser ett lejon visa sina tänder, anta inte att den ler åt dig. If you see a lion showing its teeth, don't assume it's smiling at you. If you see a lion showing his teeth, don't assume it's smiling at you. Mønten er af sølv. The coin is silver. The coin is made of silver. Hvor er din skole? Where is your school? Where's your school? Jeg er lykkelig. I am happy. I'm happy. Det er værd at gentage. That's worth repeating. It's worth repeating. Lægen sagde: "Der er ikke noget der er værre for dit helbred end tobak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." Jag vill äta något som inte är sött. I want to eat something that isn't sweet. I want to eat something that's not cute. Han är smart. He's smart. He's smart. Hún fór þangað í gær. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Hur kommer det sig att du alltid är sen? Why is it that you're always late? How come you're always late? Vi støtte på mange vanskeligheter på ekspedisjonen. We encountered a lot of difficulties on the expedition. We supported many difficulties in the expedition. Jeg tenker de skjønner hva jeg mener. I think you know what I mean. I think they understand what I mean. Jeg er helt normal. I'm perfectly normal. I'm totally normal. Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do that? Berättade du för Tom? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Hun så mange dyr på vejen. She saw many animals on the way. She saw a lot of animals on the road. Han frågade mig vem jag var. He asked me who I was. He asked me who I was. Når kommer du hjem? When will you come home? When are you coming home? Jag tar hand om det. I'll handle it. I'll take care of it. Jeg skilte mig af med min gamle bil selvom jeg hadede at gøre det. I parted with my old car, though I hated to do so. I got rid of my old car, even though I hated it. Man behöver kramsnö för att göra bra snöbollar. You need wet snow to make good snowballs. You need crumbs to make good snowballs. Mina läppar är förseglade. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Du förtjänar mer. You deserve more. You deserve more. Han undervisar i arabiska. He teaches Arabic. He teaches Arabic. Det var ditt val. It was your choice. It was your choice. Det är kul att titta på tv. Watching TV is fun. It's good to watch TV. Þýskaland kom á fót velferðarkerfi á níunda áratug nítjándu aldar. Germany adopted a social security system in the 1880's. Germany has established a well - being system in the 1980 ’ s. Tom har en sølvpapirshat på for at beskytte hjernen mod skadelig stråling. Tom wears a tinfoil hat to protect his brain from harmful radiation. Tom has a silver hat on to protect the brain from harmful radiation. Dette er et æbletræ. This is an apple tree. This is an apple tree. Eg var heime. I was at home. I was home. To sjeler, ein tanke. Two souls, one spirit. Two souls, one thought. Man må ikke spise for meget is og spaghetti. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. You can't eat too much ice and spaghetti. Ég les gjarnan bækur. I like reading books. I'd love to read books. Jag vill köpa en ordbehandlare. I want to buy a word processor. I'd like to buy a word processor. Tyskarna börjar att tvivla på Europa. The Germans are starting to have doubts about Europe. The Germans are beginning to doubt Europe. Du er en smart gutt. You're a smart boy. You're a smart boy. Min nätförbindelse är långsam. My Internet connection is slow. My network connection is slow. Jag tyckte om att simma. I enjoyed swimming. I liked swimming. Kommer du ihåg dem? Do you remember them? Do you remember them? Tom fejllæste ordet. Tom misread the word. Tom misreaded the word. Toms mor har dødd. Tom's mother has died. Tom's mother has died. Eg har bestemt meg for å lære å spele harpe. I've made up my mind to learn how to play the harp. I've decided to learn how to play harp. Þess vegna var ég sein í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That's why I was late last night. Hans kläder har blivit för små. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes have become too small. Jag kommer fortfarande ihåg hans namn. I still remember his name. I still remember his name. To børn sidder på hegnet. Two children are sitting on the fence. Two kids sitting on the fence. Hun lever under fattige kår. She lives in poor circumstances. She's living under poor conditions. Jag kan inte göra det själv. I can't do it alone. I can't do it myself. Frakken har ingen lommer. The coat doesn't have any pockets. The coat has no pockets. Han var meget beruset. He was very drunk. He was very drunk. Han kan tale ti sprog. He is able to speak ten languages. He can speak ten languages. Mary har mistet sin yndlingspen. Mary lost her favorite pen. Mary lost her favorite pen. Han har inga vänner att leka med. He doesn't have any friends to play with. He doesn't have any friends to play with. Har du en e-postadress? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an e-mail address? Ég veit að þið eruð rík. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Har du vært i Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you been to Kyushu? Tom fick det att se så lätt ut. Tom made it look so easy. Tom made it look so easy. Tom hjälper oss. Tom helps us. Tom will help us. Hun tog en kniv og skar tomaten i skiver. She took out her knife and sliced the tomato. She took a knife and cut the tomato in records. Mér til undrunar hafnaði hann boðinu mínu. To my surprise, he refused my offer. To my surprise, he rejected my invitation. Manden var hønefuld. The man was drunk as a mouse. The man was drunk. Jo før man begynder at lære berbisk, jo bedre. The sooner you start learning Berber, the better. The sooner you start learning Berbish, the better. Hader du ham? Do you hate him? Do you hate him? Ikke alt kan købes for penge. Not everything can be bought with money. Not everything can be bought for money. Kom og besøg os! Do come and visit us. Come and visit us! Arabisken min er ikke særlig god. My Arabic isn't very good. My Arabic isn't very good. Jeg kan se Tom. I can see Tom. I can see Tom. Jeg ønskede ikke at hun skulle gå. I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want her to leave. Eg innsåg ikkje skilnaden mellom dei. I didn't realize the difference between them. I didn't realize the difference between them. Alle sover ennå. Everyone's still asleep. Everyone's still asleep. Sama hversu langan tíma það tekur mun ég ljúka verkinu. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job. No matter how long it takes, I'll finish the job. Jeg vil gjerne se trærne du plukket disse eplene fra. I would like to see the trees from which you picked these apples. I want to see the trees you picked these apples from. Vem har dött? Who died? Who died? Tom er Marys helt. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is Mary's hero. Dóttir mín er að kaupa mjólk úr búðinni. My daughter is buying milk from the store. My daughter is buying milk from the store. Begravde du noe på den øyen? Did you bury something on that island? Did you bury anything on that eye? Det viser seg at han tar feil. It appears that he is mistaken. Turns out he's wrong. Ég líka. Me, too. Me, too. Käften! Shut up! Shut up! Der er en stor park nær ved vores skole. There is a big park near our school. There's a big park near our school. Skådespelerskan har ett väldigt vackert namn. The actress has a very beautiful name. The actor has a very beautiful name. Banken lukker om tre minutter. Skynd dig! The bank closes in three minutes. Hurry! The bank will close in three minutes. Hvad er din blodtype? What's your blood group? What is your type of blood? Dette klarer jeg selv. I can do this on my own. I can do this myself. Mary er mellembarn. Mary is a middle child. Mary's an interim. Den hund sprang. That dog jumped. That dog jumped. Det är en ordbok. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. I sidste uge læste jeg en meget interessant bog. Last week I read a very interesting book. Last week I read a very interesting book. Vi må alle være veldig forsiktige. We all have to be very careful. We all have to be very careful. Jeg er bange for kakerlakker. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of cockroaches. Jeg visste ikke at hun var syk. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. Du må studere engelsk skritt for skritt. You have to study English step by step. You must study English steps by step. Ikke våg å svare på det. Don't you dare answer that. Don't you dare answer that. När hon kom till Berlin för att studera var hon ännu väldigt ung. When she came to Berlin to study, she was still very young. When she came to Berlin to study, she was still very young. Jag vet inte exakt vilken tid hon kommer. I don't know exactly what time she's coming. I don't know exactly what time she's coming. Du verkar gilla det här lika mycket som jag. You seem to be enjoying this as much as I am. You seem to like this as much as I do. Við biðum fyrir utan. We waited outside. We waited outside. Jeg er interesseret. I'm interested. I'm interested. Hun gik ned ad kirkegulvet i stil, iført sin prægtige brudekjole med tyl og havfruesnit. She walked down the aisle in style, wearing her gorgeous mermaid-cut tulle wedding gown. She walked down the church floor in style, wearing her magnificent bride’s dress with tyl and mermaid. La barna gå av bussen først! Let the kids off the bus first! Let the children get off the bus first! Jeg har købt en flaske solbærsirup i dag. I bought a bottle of black currant syrup today. I bought a bottle of currant syrup today. Denna bok verkar intressant. This book seems interesting. This book seems interesting. Stil vækkeuret. Set the time on the alarm. Quiet alarm. Jag vill inte gifta mig. I don't want to get married. I don't want to get married. Artikeln var skriven på engelska. That article was written in English. The article was written in English. Jeg har ikke tid til gæster i dag. I don't have time for guests today. I don't have time for guests today. Uttalen av esperanto er enkelt. Esperanto pronunciation is easy. The statement of Esperanto is simple. Præcist! Exactly! Exactly! Hendes øjne var fulde af tristhed. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were full of sadness. Jeg kan ikke huske det. I can't remember it. I don't remember. Tom havde ingen anelse om at Mary havde en kæreste. Tom had no idea that Mary had a girlfriend. Tom had no idea Mary had a girlfriend. Jag trodde att Tom var död. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Det är långt ifrån sommar än. Summer is still a long way away. It's a long way from summer. Toms hälsa är inte den bästa. Tom isn't in the best of health. Tom's health isn't the best. Jeg kan håndtere dette. Det er let nok. I can handle this, no problem. I can handle this. Vi är i Paris. We are in Paris. We're in Paris. Hur kan vi bevisa det? How can we prove it? How can we prove that? Att oroa sig är som en gungstol; det ger en någonting att göra men leder ingenstans. Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere. Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives one something to do but leads nowhere. Pludselig begyndte det at regne meget kraftigt. Suddenly, it started to rain very hard. Suddenly, it began to count very strongly. Hvad har du spist til frokost i dag? What did you eat for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch today? Mary har brug for mig. Mary needs me. Mary needs me. Tokyo er levende. Tokyo is bustling with life. Tokyo is alive. Jeg har allerede vært i Amerika. I have already visited America. I've already been to America. Men hva gjør du hvis han ikke kommer? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what do you do if he doesn't come? Hvordan klarte du det? How did you manage to do that? How did you do that? Vi behöver en ambulans. We need an ambulance. We need an ambulance. Att spela piano kräver fingerfärdighet. Playing the piano requires manual dexterity. To play piano requires fingering skills. Du er i bedre form end jeg er. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. "De er bange for mig fordi jeg er så styg." sagde han. "They are afraid of me because I am ugly," he said. "They're afraid of me because I'm so bad." He said. Om inte människan tar hand om miljön kanske miljön eliminerar mänskligheten. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. Unless man takes care of the environment, the environment may eliminate humanity. Jag har fakturan. I have the invoice. I have the invoice. Det knackar på dörren. It knocks on the door. It's knocking on the door. Lägg av! Back off! Come on! Ég er ekki vanur að vakna svona snemma. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early. I'm not used to waking up so early. Jag hör skratt. I hear laughing. I hear laughter. Jag värmer inte upp deras hus åt dem. I don't heat their house for them. I'm not heating up their house for them. Är du klar nu? Are you ready now? Are you done now? Han står ikke opp tidlig. He does not get up early. He's not getting up early. Det var svårt för dem att ta sig till ön. It was hard for them to get to the island. It was hard for them to get to the island. Håll er varma. Keep warm. Stay warm. Du skulle vært der innen 2:30. You were supposed to be there by 2:30. You should be there by 2:30. Jeg pleide å tro at ingen brydde seg. I used to think no one cared. I used to think that nobody cared. Rumrejser ansås for at være umuligt. Space travel was thought to be impossible. Space travel was considered impossible. Du är bara nervös. You're just nervous. You're just nervous. Takk så mye. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Tom havde intet at læse. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Jeg burde være gået i seng noget før. I should've gone to bed earlier. I should've gone to bed before. Du kan ikke have den hat på til skole. You can't wear that hat to school. You can't wear that hat to school. Hent meg litt kaldt vann. Bring me some cold water. Get me some cold water. Vi ligger efter i tid. We're behind schedule. We're behind in time. Mange steder er det ulovligt at gå tur med hunden på stranden. In many places it isn't legal to walk a dog on the beach. In many places it is illegal to walk with the dog on the beach. Við keyptum vörurnar á þrjá dollara fyrir tylftina. We bought the goods at $3 a dozen. We bought the goods for three dollars for the dozens. Det er farligt at svømme i dammen. Swimming in the pond is dangerous. It's dangerous swimming in the pond. Det ved jeg ikke; det har jeg aldrig spurgt ham om. I don't know, I never asked him about that. I don't know. I never asked him that. De kommer att växa. They'll grow. They're gonna grow. Jag har lovat att aldrig göra det där igen. I've promised never to do that again. I promised never to do that again. Det japanska vädret är mildare än det engelska. The Japanese weather is milder than the English weather. The Japanese weather is milder than the English weather. Tom sad alene i det ellers tomme rum. Tom sat alone in the otherwise empty room. Tom sat alone in that otherwise empty room. Jeg har ikke nået det endnu. I haven't gotten around to doing that yet. I haven't reached it yet. Ikke stikk hendene ut vinduet. Don't leave your hands outside the window. Don't stick your hands out the window. Har du nogensinde overvejet at gøre det? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever considered doing that? Jag träffade honom nyligen. I met him recently. I just met him. Man bør aldrig opgive håbet. You shouldn't give up hope. You should never give up hope. Att bli klar med detta jobb innan tisdag kommer att vara enkelt. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. To finish this job before Tuesday will be easy. Hon gick ut. She went inside. She went out. Ha en bra dag. Have a good day. Have a good day. Algeriet har lært lektien og er fast bestemt på ikke at gentage de samme fejl. Algeria has learned the lesson and is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. Algeria has learned the lesson and is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. Lad os gå et sted hen hvor det er varmt! Let's go somewhere warm. Let's go somewhere where it's warm! Det er rent volapyk. It's all Greek to me. It's pure volapy. Dit navn er ikke Tom, er det vel? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Jag har en ung fru. I have a young wife. I have a young wife. Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os. I believe you can help us. I think you can help us. Farvæl! Farewell! Nasty! Han kliade sig i huvudet av vana. He scratched his head out of habit. He put himself in the head of the habit. Eg er ikki tín móður. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Moren min snakker ikke engelsk så særlig bra. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. Du vil trenge penger. You'll need money. You'll need money. Jeg har fået nok af Tom og Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. I've had enough of Tom and Mary. Mannen dro fra restauranten uten å betale regningen. The man left the restaurant without paying his bill. The man left the restaurant without paying the bill. Hverju misstirðu af ? What did you miss? What did you miss? Hún kom aftur í því að ég var að fara. She came back just as I was leaving. She came back in because I was leaving. Hvor lang tid tog det dig at oversætte denne bog? How long did it take you to translate this book? How long did it take you to translate this book? Ut ur min säng innan jag dödar dig. Get out of my bed before I kill you. Get out of my bed before I kill you. Varför skulle Tom vilja hjälpa oss? Why would Tom want to help us? Why would Tom want to help us? Jag nyser hela tiden. I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time. Vi är båda vuxna. We are both adults. We're both adults. Alla gjorde det. Everyone did it. Everyone did it. "Hvis du bare spiser biff hele tiden, blir du til en ku!" "Tull og tøys!" "If you keep eating just beef, you'll turn into a cow!" "No way!" "If you just eat beef all the time, you become a cow!" "Tull and shit!" Jag visste att jag måste sluta. I knew I had to stop. I knew I had to stop. Var är äpplena? Where are the apples? Where are the apples? Þú ert mikilvæg. You are important. You're important. Jeg tror han hedder Tom. Tom is his name, I think. I think his name is Tom. Godnat, Tatoeba. Vi ses i morgen. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good night, Tatoeba. Jeg har set masser af koncerter. I have seen loads of concerts. I've seen lots of concerts. Tom är positiv, eller hur? Tom is positive, isn't he? Tom's positive, isn't he? Vill du ha fisk? Do you want fish? You want some fish? Tom så en western. Tom watched a Western. Tom saw a Western. Vakna, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Wake up, everybody. Hvorfor har du brug for en motorsav? Why do you need a chainsaw? Why do you need a chainsaw? Han glemmer tit hvad han har lovet. He will often forget his promise. He often forgets what he has promised. Lønnen hans gir ham mulighet til å leve komfortabelt. His salary enables him to live in comfort. His pay gives him the opportunity to live comfortably. Tre fjerdedeler av jordens overflate er vann. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water. Three quarters of the Earth's surface is water. Tom drikker meget. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Vi kan inte ge upp utan en kamp. We can't give up without a fight. We can't give up without a fight. Saknade du mig? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Jag vann. I've won. I won. Johns kone er engelsklærer. John's wife is an English teacher. John's wife is an English teacher. Jag använder datorn. I'm using the computer. I'm using the computer. Jag såg vad Tom gjorde. I saw what Tom did. I saw what Tom did. Hvorfor ler du? Why are you laughing? Why are you smiling? Hvorfor kan du ikke være mer som meg? Why can't you be more like me? Why can't you be more like me? Tom begynte å arbeide igjen. Tom went back to work. Tom started working again. Vi lever på ris. We live on rice. We're living on rice. Har du noen gang vært i utlandet? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Det kommer ikke til å bli lett å velge. It's not going to be easy to decide. It's not going to be easy to pick. Hvornår var du sidste gang fuld? When was the last time you got drunk? When was the last time you were drunk? Jag skulle vilja ställa en fråga. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask you a question. Jeg håber du er enig. I hope you'll agree. I hope you agree. Kommer du tilbake i morgen? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? Den ser ut som en kaktus. It looks like a cactus. It looks like a cactus. Jag tycker om att åka till nya platser och se nya saker. I like to go to new places and see new things. I like to go to new places and see new things. Mig langar til að nýta tækifærið til að tala við ríkisstjórann. I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. Åt Tom middag? Did Tom eat dinner? Tom's dinner? Jag klippte mig i fingret. I cut my finger. I cut my finger. Tom hittade bevis. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. Latin er fremtidens sprog! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future! Hun er vampyrjeger. She's a vampire hunter. She's a vampire hunter. Hún labbaði stöðugt um herbergið. Hún virtist of óróleg til að sitja kyrr. She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still. She kept walking around the room, seemed too nervous to sit still. Tycker du inte om mig? Don't you like me? Don't you like me? Hvorfor er far i køkkenet? Why is dad in the kitchen? Why is Dad in the kitchen? En gång fann jag en bok där. I once found a book there. Once I found a book there. Við stöndum frammi fyrir nýjum tegundum sjúkdóma. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We face new types of disease. Det var kun for sjov. I am only joking. It was just for fun. Af hverju varstu ekki hjá okkur? Why didn't you stay with us? Why weren't you with us? Det er første juledag den femogtyvende december. The twenty-fifth of December is the first day of Christmas. It's Christmas Day on the twenty-fiveth of December. Det är dags. It's time. It's time. I er hjemme. You are at home. You're home. Tom liker å se på at andre spiller tennis. Tom likes to watch other people play tennis. Tom likes to see that others play tennis. Jeg har glemt telefonnummeret ditt. I forget your telephone number. I forgot your phone number. Vem talar? Who's speaking? Who's talking? Det er tydelig at han gjorde en stor tabbe. It is clear that he made a big mistake. It is clear that he made a great tabbee. Jeg møtte henne for en time siden. I met her an hour ago. I met her an hour ago. Hvor mange æbler vil du have? How many apples do you want? How many apples do you want? Ester er holocaustoverlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Ester's a holocaust survivor. Tom prater ofte om golf. Tom often talks about golf. Tom often talks about golf. Jeg har ingen nære venner. I don't have any close friends. I don't have any close friends. Jeg så naboens hund løbe rundt i haven. I saw my neighbor's dog running around in the yard. I saw the neighbor's dog running around the garden. Tom kan ikke lide irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Jeg har været tre gange i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been three times in Australia. Det er en løgn! That's a lie! It's a lie! Jag är skild. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. Jeg har en kat og en hund. Katten er sort og hunden er hvid. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Jeg kan forstå fransk bedre end jeg kan tale det. I can understand French better than I can speak it. I can understand French better than I can speak it. Det er min hustru. That's my wife. That's my wife. Tom försökte väcka Mary. Tom tried to wake Mary up. Tom tried to wake Mary. Sigrið Risana! Beat the Giants! Win the Risana! Hur är det med din syster? How's your sister? How's your sister? Tom arbejdede som bygningsarbejder. Tom worked as a construction worker. Tom worked as a building worker. Han er virkelig en særling. He's really an oddball. He's really a weirdo. Fortæl ikke Tom sandheden. Don't tell Tom the truth. Don't tell Tom the truth. Var ligger den spanska ambassaden? Where is the Spanish embassy? Where's the Spanish embassy? Är ni fortfarande hemma? Are you still at home? Are you still home? Vinsamlegast talaðu hægar! Speak more slowly, please! Please speak more slowly! Så praktiskt! So practical! So practical! Jag kan förklara det där. I can explain that. I can explain that. Hun siger at hun kan lide blomster. She says, that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Zamenhof, skaperen av det konstruerte språket esperanto, var en øyelege. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist. Zamenhof, the creator of the designed language Esperanto, was an eye doctor. Er det egentlig noe å gjøre stort nummer av? Is it really such a big deal? Is there really something to do big numbers of? Er Tom en god lærer? Is Tom a good teacher? Is Tom a good teacher? Det är lättare än det ser ut. It's easier than it looks. It's easier than it looks. Jeg er tolv år gammel. I'm twelve years old. I'm 12 years old. Spørgsmålet er hvor længe. The question is how long. The question is how long. Bouteflika formåede at afslutte borgerkrigen i Algeriet. Bouteflika managed to end the civil war in Algeria. Bouteflika managed to end the civil war in Algeria. Sami och Layla började gräla. Sami and Layla started arguing. Sami and Layla started fighting. Ni borde stanna. You should stay. You should stay. Tom kunde inte besvara en endaste fråga på gårdagens test. Tom couldn't answer even one question on yesterday's test. Tom could not answer a single question on yesterday's test. Hvilken type information finder du på internettet? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information can you find on the Internet? Tom har meget mere travlt i denne uge, end han havde i sidste uge. Tom is a lot busier this week than he was last week. Tom is much more busy this week than he had last week. Synes du at hun er tiltrækkende? Do you think her attractive? Do you think she's attractive? Vent venligst et øjeblik. Please hold on a moment. Wait a minute. Nagoya er millum Tokyo og Osaka. Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka. Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka. I Sverige ska tågen i Skåne stå stilla från och med torsdag förmiddag. In Skåne, Sweden the trains will be out of service from Thursday noon. In Sweden the trains in Skåne will stand still from Thursday morning. Han har det bättre än någonsin. He is better off than ever before. He's better than ever. Ég byrjaði að læra kínversku í seinustu viku. I started learning Chinese last week. I started learning Chinese last week. Driver du med mig? You have got to be kidding me. You're driving with me? Dette er den mest interessante boken jeg noen gang har lest. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. Disse meningsløse drab vil ikke gå ustraffet hen. These senseless killings will not go unpunished. These senseless killings will not go unpunished. Hva? Hva sa du? What? What did you say? What? Du hadde uflaks, jeg kom tilbake fem minutter etter at du gikk. You were unlucky; I came back five minutes after you'd left. You had a bad time, I came back five minutes after you left. Ég var við það að fara þegar dyrabjallan hringdi. I was about to leave when the doorbell rang. I was about to leave when the doorbell called. Enginn kom. Nobody came. Nobody came. Tom er vår beste spiller. Tom is our best player. Tom is our best player. Berätta för mig varför han gråter. Tell me why he is crying. Tell me why he's crying. Der var for mange mennesker til koncerten. There were too many people at the concert. There were too many people for the concert. Jane är fet, ohövlig och röker för mycket. Men Ken tycker att hon är förtjusande och härlig. Det är därför de säger att kärleken är blind. Jane is fat and rude, and smokes too much. However, Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind. Jane is fat, rude and smokes too much, but Ken thinks she's lovely and lovely, and that's why they say love is blind. Disse dyr er venlige. These animals are friendly. These animals are friendly. Det er spaghetti. This is spaghetti. It's spaghetti. Lad os komme til sagen. Let's get to the point. Let's get to it. Dette er siste gang jeg ber deg om å gjøre noe. This is the last time I'll ask you to do anything. This is the last time I ask you to do something. Jag ska inte dö. I'm not going to die. I'm not gonna die. Nú er søgan øll. Now the story is over. Now it's hot beer. Hun gik på en pigeskole. She went to a single-sex school. She went to a girl's school. Etteraping av gester, handlinger og væremåter kan, men behøver ikke være, en bevisst handling. Imitation of gestures, actions and manners may or may not be a conscious act. The finishing of gestures, actions and behaviors can, but need not be, a deliberate action. Gomorron, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Gomorron, Mike. Jeg har brændt fingrene. I burned my fingers. I burned my fingers. Det er din skønhed. That is your beauty. It's your beauty. Han er min ven. Kender I ham? He is my friend. Do you guys know him? He's my friend. Jag tyckte jag sa åt dig att inte stå i vägen för mig. I thought I told you to get out of my way. I thought I told you not to stand in my way. Vi er canadiere. We're Canadians. We're Canadians. Hvor skal du i ferien? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? Tom har kanske rätt. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Den motorcykel er ikke dyr. That motorcycle isn't expensive. That motorcycle isn't expensive. Penger bringer ikke alltid lykke. Money does not always bring happiness. Money doesn't always bring happiness. Vi visste ikke at du var der. We didn't know you were there. We didn't know you were there. Ég er að borða hádegismat. I'm eating lunch. I'm having lunch. Det här kommer att bli den varmaste sommaren på trettiosex år. This is going to be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. This will be the warmest summer in thirty-six years. Jeg bor i Boston nu. I live in Boston now. I live in Boston now. Du kan læse fransk, ikke sandt? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? Har Hendes Højhed sovet godt? Has her Highness slept well? Has her Highness slept well? Ingen kommer att få reda på det. No one will find out. No one's gonna find out. Segðu hvað sem er. Say what you want. Tell me anything. Han vill inte vänta på dig. He doesn't want to wait for you. He doesn't want to wait for you. Polisen häktade ett flertal misstänkta för förhör. The police detained several suspects for questioning. The police arrested a number of suspects for questioning. Hur varm är den? How hot is it? How hot is it? Det är möjligt att Jane inte är hemma just nu. Jane may not be at home now. It's possible Jane isn't home right now. Alla tvekade. Everyone hesitated. Everyone hesitated. Jag behöver säkra bevis. I need solid proof. I need proof. Hvem gjorde det? Who did it? Who did it? Julenissen bur på Nordpolen. Santa lives at the North Pole. The Christmas girl lives in the North Pole. Jag är van vid att dricka kaffe utan socker. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Hun har ingenting mot det. She has nothing against it. She has nothing against it. Det kan jag respektera. I can respect that. I can respect that. Han kuttet den med kniven. He cut it with the knife. He cut it with the knife. Tom kaldte mig en bangebuks. Tom called me a scaredy-cat. Tom called me a coward. Jag tror inte att hon skulle förstå det. I don't think she would understand it. I don't think she'd understand. Fienden lurade oss i en fälla. The enemy lured us into a trap. The enemy tricked us into a trap. Tag dine sokker på. Put on your socks. Put your socks on. Hvorfor fascinerer talen min fra i går deg? What did you find so fascinating about the speech that I gave yesterday? Why is my speech fascinating from yesterday? Man skal spise for at leve og ikke leve for at spise. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You have to eat to live and not live to eat. Jeg har købt to par bukser. I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two pairs of pants. Han bad Lincoln sige nogle få ord. He asked Lincoln to say a few words. He asked Lincoln to say a few words. Dette er selvforklarende. This is self-explanatory. This is self-explanatory. Jeg elsker lasagne. I love lasagna. I love lasagna. Dette dreier seg ikke om penger. This is not about money. This isn't about money. Tom är glad av sig. Tom's cheerful. Tom's happy. Einmitt! Exactly! Right! Det smakar som skit. It tastes like shit. It tastes like shit. Hvað þýðir „precise“ nákvæmlega? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? What exactly does “precise ” mean? Í alvöru? Really? Really? Da jeg var ti år gammel, tænkte jeg, at når jeg blev seksten, ville mit liv blive cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I would be sixteen, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I was sixteen, my life would be cool. Mari og Maki er søstre. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mari and Maki are sisters. Utviklingen innenfor det teknologiske området går med lynets hastighet. Development in the technological area is proceeding at lightning speed. Developments in the field of technology are at the speed of lightning. Vänta inte. Don't wait. Don't wait. Mary jobbar i stadens offentliga bibliotek. Mary works in the town's public library. Mary works in the city's public library. Om ni är trötta, så gå och lägg er. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Tom tror att han vet varför. Tom thinks he knows why. Tom thinks he knows why. Dan var inte nöjd med Lindas landning. Dan wasn't satisfied with Linda's landing. Dan wasn't happy with Linda's landing. Dette er Copacabana! This is Copacabana! This is Copacabana! Han drak én øl færdig og bestilte endnu én. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another beer. Hvem banker på min dør? Who is knocking at my door? Who knocks on my door? Hva sier du til å bli ferdig for dagen? What do you say to calling it a day? What are you saying to finish the day? Vilka pratade du med? Who did you talk with? Who were you talking to? Hvor er forår? Where is spring? Where's spring? Jag var mycket glad. I was very happy. I was very happy. Toms næse begyndte at klø. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started to puke. Jeg er langhåret. I've got long hair. I'm long-haired. Jeg vil ikke miste deg igjen. I don't want to lose you again. I won't lose you again. Han leter etter en jobb. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Jag vill inte gå till skolan. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Jag svärmar för dig. I have a crush on you. I'm smearing for you. Jag har planterat ett träd. I planted a tree. I planted a tree. Ég á vin sem býr í Sapporó. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. Dette elværk alene forsyner flere byer med elektricitet. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant alone provides more cities with electricity. Newton troede at verden var blevet skabt i år 4000 før Kristus. Newton thought the world had been created in 4000 BC. Newton believed that the world had been created in the year 4,000 before Christ. Ni ska tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You will speak Swedish. Skoven vrimler med liv. The forest is teeming with life. The woods are crawling with life. Tom rynkade pannan. Tom frowned. Tom wrinkled his forehead. Kan du si fra når Tom kommer hit? Could you let me know when Tom gets here? Can you tell me when Tom gets here? Hann gaf mér 10 þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Tom taler fransk. Tom speaks French. Tom speaks French. Hun elsker barnet som om det var hendes eget. She loves the child as if it were her own. She loves the baby as if it were her own. Jeg fortalte ikke Tom at Mary var her. I didn't tell Tom that Mary was here. I didn't tell Tom Mary was here. Varför är du inte redan ombord på skeppet? Why aren't you already on board the ship? Why aren't you already on the ship? Jeg har brug for en bedre ordbog. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Jag tror att jag äntligen ska pensionera mig. I think I am finally going to retire. I think I'm finally going to retire. Har du lyst til at gå til stationen med mig? Do you want to go to the station with me? Would you like to go to the station with me? Jag är inte så säker nu. I'm not so sure now. I'm not so sure now. Jeg har livsforsikring. I have life insurance. I have life insurance. Jeg har et krav til. I have one more demand. I have a requirement. Silvía átti strangan föður sem hældi henni aldrei. Silvia had a stern father who never praised her. Silvia had a strict father who never poured her. Han tittade på en svensk film. He watched a Swedish movie. He was watching a Swedish movie. Hvor er din bror? Where is your brother? Where's your brother? Han var synligt nervøs. He was visibly nervous. He was obviously nervous. Þú mátt eiga bókina. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. Höldum í háttinn. Let's hit the hay. Let's go to bed. Mary læser den. Mary is reading it. Mary's reading it. Min mor lavede en julekage til mig. My mother made me a Christmas cake. My mother made me a Christmas cake. Hon kittlade honom tills han tjöt av skratt. She tickled him until he shrieked with laughter. She tickled him till he snuck with laughter. Dette års mode er helt forskellig fra sidste års mode. This year's fashions are completely different to last year's. This year's fashion is quite different from last year's fashion. Vi har ennå ikke lykkes. We haven't yet succeeded. We have not yet succeeded. Ég ætla að skrifa bréf til Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. I'm gonna write a letter to Judy. Du kan klæde dig på nu. You can get dressed now. You can dress up now. Jag kan ta itu med det. I can deal with it. I can deal with it. Vi var väldigt upptagna. We were very busy. We were very busy. Mjölken surnade. The milk went sour. The milk melted. Cookies kan inneholde nøtter eller peanøtter, selv om det ikke er inkludert i ingredienslisten. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the list of ingredients. Jeg undervurderede Tom. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. For en heldig person han er! What a lucky person he is! For a lucky person he is! Jag behöver is. I need ice. I need ice cream. Finns jag på den listan? Am I on that list? Am I on that list? Disse fyres dumhed chokerer mig. The stupidity of these guys just baffles me. These guys' stupidity shocks me. Hur skulle det se ut? How would that look? What would that look like? Enligt Tom är danska världens vackraste språk. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Ibland förstår jag inte honom. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don't understand him. Och varför inte? And why not? And why not? Bussen er her om et par minutter. The bus will be here in a few minutes. The bus's here in a couple of minutes. Hvad? Jeg kan ikke høre jer. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you. Hon vill hålla honom på avstånd. She wants to keep him at a distance. She wants to keep him away. Hvordan udtaler man hendes navn? How do you pronounce her name? How do you pronounce her name? Gid regntiden snart vil ende! I wish the rainy season would end soon. I wish the rain will end soon! Ég er laus í nótt. I'm free tonight. I'm free tonight. Blomsterne er magenta. The flowers are magenta. The flowers are magenta. Jag leker i trädgården. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. Jeg har dårlig tid, kan du forte deg? I don't have much time. Could you hurry? I don't have a lot of time, can you hurry? Han vet för mycket. He knows too much. He knows too much. Jeg visste allerede sannheten. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Hann var fjarverandi þann ákveðna dag. He was absent on the particular day. He was absent that particular day. Ni måste göra som jag säger. You must do as I say. You have to do what I say. Hvis det ikke findes i Tatoeba, så er det ikke en sætning. If you can't find it on Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. If it doesn't exist in Tatoeba, it's not a sentence. Her er boka. Here is the book. Here's a book. Hvis du har fler teblader i kannen, smaker teen bedre. If you put more tea-leaves in the teapot, the tea will taste better. If you have more tea leaves in the chute, the tea tastes better. Alver har spetsiga öron. Elves have pointy ears. Alves have sharp ears. Ég trúi því ekki að þú hafir aldrei heyrt um hana. I don't believe I've ever heard of her. I can't believe you never heard of her. Ett språk er aldri nok. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Mig dreymdi góðan draum í nótt. I had a good dream last night. I had a good dream last night. Han är alltid hemma på måndagar. He is always at home on Mondays. He's always home on Mondays. Det är min fru. That's my wife. It's my wife. Jeg formoder at du ikke var der. I guess you weren't there. I suppose you weren't there. Vem vill du prata med? Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Vi går tillbaka till skeppet. We're going back to the ship. Let's go back to the ship. Kvinnen spiser brød. The woman is eating bread. The woman eats bread. Du har nådd bunnen. You've reached the bottom. You've reached the bottom. Onanerar tjejer också? Do girls also masturbate? Onanerates girls, too? Solen er ikke stået op endnu. The sun hasn't risen yet. The sun hasn't risen yet. Jag vet redan. I already know. I already know. Jag kunde inte tala. I couldn't speak. I couldn't talk. Það er ekkert alvarlegt. It's nothing serious. It's nothing serious. Tom forlod Australien for tre år siden. Tom left Australia three years ago. Tom left Australia three years ago. Har tråkar ut allihopa. He bores everybody. I've pulled everyone out. Afsakið en ég hugsa að þú sért með vitlaust númer. Sorry, but I think you've got the wrong number. I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong number. Endelig har vi alle feltnavne på norsk, og det vil være til stor hjælp for vore brugere. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, and this will be of great help to our users. Åbn jeres øjne! Open your eyes, people! Open your eyes! Jeg håber Tom ved hvad han gør. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. I hope Tom knows what he's doing. Tom har ingen interesse for vitenskap. Tom has no interest in science. Tom has no interest in science. Jeg vil snakke med Tom alene. I want to talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom alone. Ég þurfti ekki að læra í gær. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn't have to learn yesterday. Hon tittade bort. She looked away. She looked away. Kassen var åben og tom. The box was open and empty. The case was open and empty. Hva tror du jeg har gjort? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've done? Elizabeth II er Englands dronning. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Jag känner mig helt hjälplös. I feel completely helpless. I feel totally helpless. Det är vanligt. It's normal. It's common. Har du en elsker? Do you have a lover? Do you have a lover? Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg købe det. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Mange barn lever fra hånd til munn i dette landet. A lot of children live from hand to mouth in this country. Many children live from hand to mouth in this country. Húsgögnin eru í eigu móður minnar. The furniture belongs to my mother. The furniture is in my mother's possession. Jeg tror jeg lot vannet renne. I think I left the water running. I think I let the water flow. Riffillinn minn er tómur. My rifle's empty. My rifle's empty. Vi vill rösta. We want to vote. We want to vote. Det er ikke mitt. It's not mine. It's not mine. Det var ingen respons. There was no response. There was no response. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at football. He's good at playing football. Tom vill vara med på festen. Tom wants to attend the party. Tom wants to be at the party. Røyker du? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Jag trodde aldrig att det skulle vara såhär svårt att skapa en iPad-app. I never thought it'd be this hard to create an iPad app. I never thought it would be this hard to create an iPad app. Det bibliske tårnet Babel er det som arkitekter kaller en ziggurat. The biblical Tower of Babel is what architects call a ziggurat. The biblical tower Babel is what architects call a ziggurat. Det är hans svaga punkt. It's his weak spot. That's his weak point. Är du polisman? Are you a policeman? Are you a cop? "Hjælp" linket tager dig til en side med ofte stillede spørgsmål. The "Help" link takes you to a page of frequently asked questions. The "Help" link takes you to a page with frequently asked questions. Du er så smuk! You're so beautiful! You're so beautiful! Tom voksede op i Tyskland, men han bor nu i USA. Tom grew up in Germany, but he now lives in the United States. Tom grew up in Germany, but now he lives in the United States. Lyndon Johnson tók við forsetaembættinu þegar John Kennedy var myrtur. Lyndon Johnson took over presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson accepted the president’s office when John Kennedy was murdered. Ni har stavat fel på mitt namn. You've misspelled my name. You've spelled the wrong name. Marie har mistet sin paraply. Marie has lost her umbrella. Marie lost her umbrella. Ærlighed er en dyd. Honesty is a virtue. honesty is a virtue. Skjorten er veldig skitten. Før du går på skolen, må den vaskes. The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. The shirt is very dirty, and before you go to school, it needs to be washed. Hun er ung og umoden. She is young and immature. She's young and green. Mina föräldrar älskar varandra. My parents love each other. My parents love each other. Tom kender ikke engang Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Tom doesn't even know Mary. Sluk dine cigaretskod før du smider dem væk! Put out your cigarette butts before throwing them away! Turn off your cigarette codes before you throw them away! Vold er det eneste språket de forstår. Violence is the only language they understand. Violence is the only language they understand. Kan vi bevisa det? Can we prove it? Can we prove it? Detta är hyddan som han levde i. This is the hut in which he lived. This is the hut in which he lived. Pas på! Det er ikke et legetøj! Be careful. It's not a toy. It's not a toy! Ikke la det stoppe deg. Don't let that stop you. Don't let that stop you. Eg er veldig trist. I'm very sad. I'm very sad. Jag uppskattar hjälpen. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Kommunism har aldrig funkat i praktiken. Communism has never worked in practice. Communism has never worked in practice. Du passar bra i kort hår. You look nice with your hair short. You fit well in short hair. Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before going to bed. Du skulle inte gilla Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. Jag hade bara tur. I was just lucky. I was just lucky. Det vil sandsynligvis sne i morgen. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Jeg gik hjem. I went home. I went home. Det siges at fredag ​​den 13. er en uheldig dag. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is an unfortunate day. Han går ofte med hånden i lommen. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. Gissa vem som kommer i kväll. Guess who's coming tonight. Guess who's coming tonight. Tom var den ende som inte kunde franska. Tom was the only one who didn't know how to speak French. Tom was the only one who couldn't French. Jeg ser jenta. I see the girl. I see the girl. Det er absolutt ingenting å bekymre seg for. That's certainly nothing to worry about. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Jeg vil ha den største kaken. I want the biggest cake. I want the biggest cake. Sluta upp med det omedelbart. Stop it this minute! Stop it right now. Ert þú líka að fara? Are you going, too? Are you going too? Tom är otrogen. Tom is unfaithful. Tom's cheating. Ég er að fara í gegnum skápinn minn til að finna föt til að gefa til góðgerðamála. I'm going through my closet to find clothes to give to charity. I'm going through my closet to find clothes for charity. De fleste computere, der laves i dag, er udstyret med flerkernede processorer. Most computers made today are equipped with multi-core processors. Most computers today are equipped with multi-core processors. Uret er ti minutter bagefter. The clock is ten minutes slow. The watch is ten minutes behind. Augu hennar voru full sorgar. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were filled with grief. Hvilken af de to er billigst? Which one is cheaper? Which of the two is the cheapest? Skrid! Take a hike! Get out! Eg er så lei av deg. I'm so tired of you. I'm so tired of you. Du skal sende et detaljeret CV til [e-mailadresse]. Send us your detailed CV at [e-mail]. You must send a detailed CV to [e-mail address]. Vad tyckte du om konserten? What did you think about the concert? What did you think of the concert? Mary var majet ud. Mary was dressed to kill. Mary was majestic. Jag kommer inte att låta det hända. I won't let it happen. I'm not gonna let that happen. Jag tycker inte om kaffe. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Jag börjar så sakta tycka om Ken. I am beginning to like Ken little by little. I'm starting to so slowly like Ken. Jag vill rösta. I want to vote. I want to vote. Bussen kommer. The bus is coming. The bus's coming. Tom är alltid full av idéer. Tom is always full of ideas. Tom is always full of ideas. Tom drog til Boston for tre år siden. Tom went to Boston three years ago. Tom went to Boston three years ago. Ser ut til at alle tror jeg er forelsket i Mary. I guess everybody thinks that I'm in love with Mary. Looks like everyone thinks I'm in love with Mary. Jeg vil give dig mit hjerte for evigt. I want to give you my heart for ever. I will give you my heart forever. Tom er en af Marys naboer. Tom is one of Mary's neighbors. Tom is one of Mary's neighbors. Du vandrar. You are wandering. You're walking. Æbler er normalt grønne, gule eller røde. Apples are usually green, yellow, or red. Apples are usually green, yellow or red. Jag går inte till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Det er varmt nok til å svømme. It's warm enough to swim. It's hot enough to swim. Du kan alltid räkna med honom i en nödsituation. You can always count on him in any emergency. You can always count on him in an emergency. Gefðu mér bara smá. Give me just a little. Just give me a little. De fattige bøndene spiste poteter. The poor peasants ate potatoes. The poor farmers ate potatoes. Jeg er dybest set et ærligt menneske. Basically, I am a honest person. I'm basically an honest person. Dette er et flag. This is a flag. This is a flag. Hvad ville din mor sige? What would your mother say? What would your mother say? Tasken har to udvendige lommer. The bag has two outer pockets. The bag has two outer pockets. Gisslan släpps fri imorgon. The hostages will be released tomorrow. The hostages are released tomorrow. De studerer fransk og webdesign. They're studying French and web design. They study French and web design. Hetta er eitt vakurt land. This is a beautiful country. This is one beautiful country. De gamla gudarna vaknar. The elder gods are waking up. The old gods are waking up. Säg det bara. Go on and say it. Just say it. Jag skulle vilja ha en stek I'll take a steak. I'd like a steak. Hvem er den der mand? Who is that man? Who is this man? Du får inte komma in här om du inte har ett pass. You can't enter here unless you have a pass. You can't come in here if you don't have a passport. Gorillan var ett år gammal vid det tillfället. The gorilla was one year old at the time. The gorilla was one year old at that time. Tolv er et lige tal. Twelve is an even number. Twelve is a straight number. Jag önskar dig en trevlig resa. I wish you a good trip! I wish you a nice trip. Tom masserar tinningarna med sina fingrar. Tom massages his temples with his fingers. Tom massages his teeth with his fingers. Eg skal veksla eitt sindur av pengum. I'd like to change some money. I'm going to change one mind of the money. Berlinmuren faldt i 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. The Berlin Wall fell in 1990. Du har rett for nå. You're right for now. You're right for now. Är Tom galen? Is Tom mad? Is Tom crazy? Gillar ni New York? Do you like New York? Do you like New York? Dessverre var vi ikke i stand til å registrere din deltakelse. Dette kan skyldes at du allerede har deltatt i denne undersøkelsen, eller det kan skyldes mistanke om brudd på våre vilkår og betingelser. Du vil bli videreført til ditt panel. Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform. Unfortunately, we were unable to register your participation. This may be because you have already participated in this investigation, or it may be due to suspicion of breach of our terms and conditions. Han er god til å spille fotball. He is good at soccer. He's good at playing football. Eg fati ikki hetta orðið. I don't understand this word. I don't think this is the word. Jag är gammal. I'm old. I'm old. Universum är ett mysterium. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Du bør gå tidlig hjem. You should go home early. You should go home early. Er denne boken din? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Svaret er ja. The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Því meira súkkulaði sem þú borðar, því feitari verðurðu. The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you'll get. The more chocolate you eat, the more fat you get. Hon valde ut en rosa skjorta för mig att prova. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try on. She picked out a pink shirt for me to try. Tom er død. Tom is dead. Tom's dead. Jeg håber at du ikke synger. I hope you won't sing. I hope you don't sing. Hei, Chicago! Hello, Chicago! Hey, Chicago! Jeg købte en Picasso. I bought a Picasso. I bought a Picasso. Jag lånade den bara. I just borrowed it. I just borrowed it. Hann tók hattinn ofan. He took off his hat. He took his hat down. Hon pratar om Paris som om hon har varit där flera gånger. She talks about Paris as if she had been there many times. She talks about Paris as if she's been there several times. Han har ry for at være en don juan. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a Don Juan. Ég er uppgefinn. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Får jag lov? May I? May I? Toms bil løb tør for benzin. Tom's car ran out of gas. Tom's car ran out of gas. Jeg vidste at jeg blev fotograferet. I knew that I was being photographed. I knew I was photographed. Det er en holdindsats. It's a team effort. It's a team effort. Ifølge vejrudsigten vil der komme tordenvejr i morgen aften. The weather report said that there will be thunderstorms tomorrow evening. The weather forecast says there will be thunderstorms tomorrow night. Hvad er hurtigst, en taxi eller metroen? What's faster, a taxi or the subway? What's the fastest, a taxi or the metro? Vi når ikke til Boston før det bliver mørkt. We won't get to Boston until after dark. We're not gonna make it to Boston until it's dark. Hvor parkerede du dem? Where did you park them? Where did you park them? Det är mycket mer än så. It's a lot more than that. It's a lot more than that. Jeg er en hurtig svømmer. I'm a fast swimmer. I'm a fast swimmer. Jag önskar bara att jag kunde vara så lycklig som du verkar. I only wish I could be as happy as you seem to be. I just wish I could be as happy as you seem. Kan du betjene en computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Can you operate a computer? Efter oss syndafloden. After us, the Deluge. After us the flood. Han fik hende til at græde. He made her cry. He made her cry. Förlåt, det var inte min mening att sparka dig. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kick you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you. Har brevbäraren redan kommit? Has the mailman already come? Has the postman already arrived? Þú ert ung. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gömul. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, but I'm very old. Det var väldigt duktigt. That was very clever. That was very good. Jeg forventer at han kommer. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Tennis är min favoritsport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Kan ni reparera den här? Can you repair this? Can you repair this? Jag skadade min vänstra arm. I hurt my left arm. I hurt my left arm. Er Tom eitthvað betri? Is Tom any better? Is Tom any better? Vissa läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. Some people read books to kill time. Some people read books to kill time. Jag är tacksam för din hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Tom er barþjónn. Tom is a bartender. Tom's a bartender. Tom går uden undertøj i dag. Tom's going commando today. Tom wears no underwear today. "Ét æg er ikke udklækket endnu." sagde anden. "One egg is not hatched yet," said the duck. "One egg is not hatched yet." said the other. Jag skulle vilja boka ett flyg till Vancouver. I'd like to book a flight to Vancouver. I'd like to book a flight to Vancouver. Din fars vens ven er ikke altid din fars ven. A friend of your father's friend is not always your father's friend. Your father's friend's friend isn't always your father's friend. Tom kunde inte hacka sig in i den. Tom couldn't hack it. Tom couldn't hack into it. Ann elsker chokolade mere end noget andet. Ann loves chocolate more than anything. Ann loves chocolate more than anything. Du ringede altid til mig fra hendes hus. You always called me from her house. You always called me from her house. Vis mig dine papirer. Show me your documents. Show me your papers. Hvor er din søn nu? Where is your son now? Where's your son now? Ta appelsinane ut av kjøleskåpet. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Take the oranges out of the refrigerator. Jag har inte hört någonting. I've heard nothing. I haven't heard anything. Nyt måltidet ditt. Enjoy your meal! Enjoy your meal. Det er ikke din kop. That is not your cup. It's not your cup. I så mig begge, ikke sandt? You both saw me, didn't you? You both saw me, didn't you? Nogen så ham vaske sin bil. Someone saw him wash his car. Someone saw him wash his car. Jeg fandt dette svært at forklare. I found this hard to explain. I found this hard to explain. Nancy havde aldrig set en kæmpepanda. Nancy had never seen a giant panda. Nancy had never seen a woman. Gloymið tað. Forget about it. Are you sure you want to forget it? Det er vigtigt at køre forsigtigt. It is important to drive carefully. It's important to drive carefully. Jag skulle vilja hjälpa till. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. Låt oss spatsera lite på stranden. Let's walk a little on the seashore. Let's take a little spat on the beach. Det ser ud til at han kommer her i næste måned. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Tom gör 50 armhävningar varannan morgon. Tom does 50 push-ups every other morning. Tom does 50 push-ups every other morning. Du har fått det du ville, lämna mig ifred nu. You got what you wanted, now leave me alone. You've got what you wanted, leave me alone now. Hade du roligt? Did you have fun? Did you have fun? Respekterer deg selv. Respect yourself. Respect yourself. Jeg er bange for at jeg ikke kan følge dig. I'm afraid that I don't follow. I'm afraid I can't follow you. Leggðu harðar að þér ef þú ætlar að ná árangri. Work harder if you are to succeed. If you are going to succeed, work hard. Han trodde inte sina ögon. He could not believe his eyes. He didn't believe his eyes. Hvar meiðir það? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Jeg har en sort og en hvid hund. I have a black and a white dog. I have a black and white dog. Jeg har mistet min pung. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Tom er bange for katte. Tom is afraid of cats. Tom's afraid of cats. Hun pleide å spille basketball. She used to play basketball. She used to play basketball. Tror du Tom lyver for os? Do you think Tom is lying to us? You think Tom's lying to us? Tom og Mary flúgva til Boston í morgin. Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow. Tom and Mary fled to Boston in the morning. Jag är lite tokig. I am a bit crazy. I'm a little crazy. Tom taler kun fransk med sine forældre. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Tom only talks to his parents in French. Bill fer oft í garðinn. Bill often goes to the park. Bill goes to the park a lot. Vem vill slåss? Who wants to fight? Who wants to fight? Jeg vil heller ikke være her. I don't want to be here either. I don't want to be here either. Det er meget pinligt. This is very embarrassing. It's very embarrassing. Det här ägde rum följande dag. This took place on the following day. This happened the following day. Ta av dig skorna. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Hej. Hello! Hey. Jeg leste boken hans. I read his book. I read his book. Ni gav den till oss. You gave it to us. You gave it to us. Þú brást mér. You let me down. You let me down. Han døde i går. He died yesterday. He died yesterday. Jeg hater matematikk. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Går detta att utföra? Can this be done? Is this possible? Tom er ganske ondskabsfuld. Tom is quite mean. Tom is quite evil. Landið hefur milt loftslag. That country has a mild climate. The country has a mild climate. De här pengarna är mina. This money is mine. This money is mine. Måste ni åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to leave now? Flodens övre lopp är mycket vackert. The upper reaches of the river are very beautiful. The upper course of the river is very beautiful. Kan du klare det alene? Can you manage alone? Can you handle this alone? Keyrum. Let's go by car. Come on, let's go. Kan I lide Tom? Do you guys like Tom? You like Tom? Har du nogensinde spist mexicansk mad? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Tom hittade de försvunna pengarna. Tom found the missing money. Tom found the missing money. En øl, tak! A beer, please. A beer, please! Hun er en smule bedugget. She's a bit tipsy. She's a little bit saddened. Kanntu að keyra bíl? Can you drive a car? You know how to drive a car? Jeg blir til i morgen. I'll stay until tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. Ring til mig. Call me. Call me. Er det noen frivillige? Are there any volunteers? Are there any volunteers? Vad är er fars namn? What's your father's name? What's your father's name? Tom har varit till stor hjälp. Tom has helped a lot. Tom's been a great help. Är du fortfarande ensam? Are you still alone? Are you still alone? Dette brev kom mens du var ude. This letter arrived while you were out. This letter came while you were out. Vad berättade han för dig? What did he tell you? What did he tell you? Du så ikke hvad jeg så. You didn't see what I saw. You didn't see what I saw. For mig er det vigtigt. For me, it's important. It's important to me. Tom kan undværes. Tom is expendable. Tom can be spared. Jag vill åka dit en gång till. I want to go there once again. I want to go back there one more time. Jeg troede, at jeg var den eneste. I thought I was the only one. I thought I was the only one. Og så gik ællingen; den flød på vandet, den dykkede ned, men af alle dyr var den overset for sin grimhed. So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. And the ephod went; and it flowed upon the water, and it dived down, and it was overlooked of all the animals. Tom är väldigt intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Kom hit en sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Vi är från Ryssland. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. Kan du sänka priset till tio dollar? Can you lower the price to ten dollars? Can you lower the price to ten bucks? Þú verður að viðurkenna mistök þín. You should acknowledge your failure. You have to admit your mistake. Da Tom kiggede ned på æblet han var ved at spise, blev han klar over at han havde spist en halv orm. When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a worm. When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a snake. Levnadskostnaderna har sjunkit. The cost of living has gone down. The cost of living has fallen. Du kan lika gärna säga det till honom i förväg. You may as well say it to him in advance. You might as well tell him in advance. Vet du vart din pappa gick? Do you know where your dad went? Do you know where your dad went? Jeg kan hverken tale fransk eller engelsk. I can speak neither French nor English. I can't speak French or English. Du må studere hardt og lære mye. You must study hard and learn many things. You must study hard and learn much. Han sier ikke hva han tenker. Han skjuler noe. He doesn't say what he thinks. He is hiding something. He doesn't say what he thinks. Hvor mange timer har Tom allerede brugt på det? How many hours has Tom already spent doing that? How many hours has Tom already spent on it? Han är en dålig chaufför. He is a bad driver. He's a bad driver. Områderne med mindst nedbør ligger på læsiden af bjergene. The areas with lowest precipitation are on the leeward side of the mountains. The areas with least rainfall are located on the side of the mountains. Det röda paraplyt påminde henne om sin farmor. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Prova det här. Det borde passa dig. Try this on. It should fit you. Try this. Eg eri muslimur. I am a Muslim. I'm a Muslim. Tom arbejder på en olieboreplatform. Tom works on an oil rig. Tom works on an oil drilling platform. Jeg vinder aldrig. I never win. I never win. Hvor gammel tror du hun er? Can you guess her age? How old do you think she is? Tom lå vågen i lang tid og tænkte over hvad han burde gøre. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about what he should do. Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about what he should do. Detta är inget misstag. This is not a mistake. This is not a mistake. Dette er et merkelig brev. This is a very strange letter. This is a strange letter. Tom hjälper inte till något. Tom isn't helping any. Tom doesn't help anything. I många delar av världen är det olagligt att skjuta vilt såsom hjort, älg eller fasan. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild game such as deer, moose or pheasant. In many parts of the world, it is illegal to shoot game such as deer, elk or pheasant. Her er en kort liste. Here's a short list. Here's a short list. Her er baggen din. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Ska jag bli utbytt? Am I being replaced? Should I be replaced? Han förklädde sig till en kvinna. He disguised himself as a woman. He disguised himself as a woman. Har du noget at læse? Do you have anything to read? Do you have anything to read? Tryk på den knap. Push that button. Press that button. Han er nysgjerrig på alt mulig. He is curious about everything. He's curious about everything. Gruppen springer på stranden. The group is running on the beach. The group is running on the beach. Hann sær tín hestin. He sees your horse. He hurts your horses. Var bor ni just nu? Where do you live at the moment? Where do you live right now? Politiet troede ikke på hendes historie. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe in her story. Borde inte ni gå hem? Shouldn't you go home? Shouldn't you go home? Lyset er tændt i Toms værelse. The light is on in Tom's room. The light is on in Tom's room. Jeg ville aldrig såre dig. I never would have hurt you. I would never hurt you. Jag ska göra som du säger. I'll do as you say. I'll do what you say. Jag är hungrig eftersom jag inte åt frukost. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast. Han har två bilar. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. Det er ikke så slemt. It's not that bad. It's not that bad. En servitrice kom og spurgte dem hvad de ønskede. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. A waitress came and asked them what they wanted. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help his father clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. Jag vill äta kinesiska nudlar. I want to eat Chinese noodles. I want to eat Chinese noodles. Købte du den bog? Did you buy that book? Did you buy that book? Tom är en väldigt dålig kille. Tom's a very bad guy. Tom's a very bad guy. Jeg har lige fundet dem. I just found them. I just found them. Við rannsökuðum málið frá öllum sjónarhornum. We investigated the matter from all angles. We examined the matter from every point of view. Hvar er bókan? Where is the book? Where's the book? Gjør det mens du kan. Do it while you can. Do it while you can. Jag tror att hon är ärlig. I believe that she is honest. I think she's honest. Við gætum séð tom. We could see Tom. We could see empty. Spørgsmålet er hvem. The question is who. The question is who. Jeg mente det ikke. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Det er hvad jeg har set. That's what I saw. That's what I've seen. Algeriet kæmper for at holde trit med coronavirusset. Algeria is struggling to keep up with the coronavirus. Algeria fights to keep track of the corona virus. Många företag gör reklam för sina produkter på tv. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Many companies advertise their products on TV. Mange unge går med jeans. A lot of kids wear jeans. Many kids wear jeans. Dette dyr er venligt. This animal is friendly. This animal is friendly. Han lyg aldri. He never lies. He never lied. Tom vil ikke have børn. Tom doesn't want kids. Tom doesn't want kids. Denne fisk lugter dårligt. This fish has a bad smell. This fish smells bad. Jag brukar dricka kaffe utan socker. I usually drink coffee without sugar. I usually drink coffee without sugar. Du er verdens dårligste løgner. You're the worst liar in the world. You're the worst liar in the world. Han så aldrig sin søster igen. He never saw his sister again. He never saw his sister again. Antananarivo er hovedstaden i Madagaskar. Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. Hvem ser efter børnene? Who looks after the children? Who's looking for the kids? Jag är vacker. I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful. Det är något fel på min bil. There is something wrong with my car. There's something wrong with my car. Politik delar människor, men kultur förenar dem. Politics divides people, but culture unifies them. Politicians share people, but culture unites them. Det er utrolig. It's unbelievable. It's amazing. Öppna dörren. Open the door. Open the door. Hun nægtede at skrive under på andragendet. She refused to sign the petition. She refused to sign the petition. Mor, hvor er katten? Mom, where's the cat? Mom, where's the cat? Jag tror inte att politiker alltid är ärliga. I don't believe policies are always honest. I don't think politicians are always honest. Jeg er en ensom mann. I am a lonely man. I'm a lonely man. Tala om för mig vad problemet är. Tell me what the problem is. Tell me what the problem is. Hva synes du om neseringen til Tom? What do you think of Tom's nose ring? How do you feel about Tom's nose? Hun bodde der i årevis. She lived there for years. She lived there for years. Tom er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen. Tom isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Tom is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Eg har ein venn. I have a friend. I have a friend. Hämta deras vapen. Get their weapons. Get their weapons. När flyttade du till Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? Når man leger med ilden, så brænder man sig til sidst. If you keep playing with fire, expect to get burned. When you play with the fire, you burn eventually. Ægtefæller er også velkomne. Spouses are also welcome. Husbands are also welcome. Jag får inte så mycket betalt som jag skulle vilja. I don't get paid as much as I'd like. I'm not getting paid as much as I would like. Den enes terrorist er den andens frihedskæmper. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One's terrorist is the freedom fighter of the other. Hvor mange gange har Tom været gift? How many times has Tom been married? How many times has Tom been married? Det är ett av mina favoritord. That's one of my favorite words. It's one of my favorite words. Spurðu mig hvers sem þú vilt. Ask me anything you like. Ask me anything you want. Hann greip í hálsmálið á mér. He grabbed me by the collar. He grabbed my neck. Det där är inte en kniv. Det HÄR är en kniv! That isn't a knife. THIS is a knife! That's not a knife. Varför går inte människor i ide? Why don't people hibernate? Why don't people go to the idea? Glædelig mors dag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Tom gat ekki hjálpað. Tom couldn't help. Tom couldn't help. Jeg vet ikke. Dunno. I don't know. De flygtede fra den dødsdømte virksomhed som rotter der forlader et synkende skib. They fled the doomed company like rats deserting a sinking ship. They fled from the doomed establishment as rats leaving a sinking ship. Din far vil ikke købe det. Your father will not buy it. Your father won't buy it. Säljer ni väckarklockor? Do you sell alarm clocks? Do you sell alarm bells? Mit yndlingsord i tysk er ordet for handsker: 'Handschuhe'. My favourite word in German is the word for gloves: 'Handschuhe'. My favorite word in German is the word for gloves: 'Handschuhe'. Tom är olycklig. Tom is miserable. Tom's unhappy. Føler noen seg dårlig? Does somebody feel unwell? Does anyone feel bad? Jeg var ikke i skolen, for jeg var syg. I wasn't at school, because I was sick. I wasn't in school because I was sick. 2016 er det internationale år for bælgfrugter. 2016 is the International Year of Pulses. 2016 is the international year for legumes. Du må innse at rikdom ikke varer for alltid. You must realize that prosperity does not last forever. You must realize that wealth does not last forever. Vi måste hitta det. We must find it. We need to find it. Høner flyver ikke over mure. Hens don't fly over walls. Chickens don't fly over walls. Tom og Mary har altid været venner. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Emilía skrivaði tann setningin. Emily wrote the sentence. Emilia wrote the tooth sentences. Det var Toms mamma. That was Tom's mother. It was Tom's mom. Fortalte Tom Mary hvor mange æbler hun skulle købe? Did Tom tell Mary how many apples to buy? Did Tom Mary tell you how many apples she was going to buy? Han lade boken på hyllan. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the shelf. Hans hoved gør ondt. His head hurt. His head hurts. Du er ikke lenger bare et barn. You are no longer a mere child. You're no longer just a child. Såg du blicken han gav mig? Did you see how he looked at me? Did you see the look he gave me? Du er en meget heldig mand. You are a very lucky man. You're a very lucky man. Min föraning visade sig vara rätt. My premonition turned out to be right. My preoccupation turned out to be right. Et helt tal er naturligt, hvis og kun hvis det er større end eller lig med 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. A whole number is natural if and only if it's greater than or equal to 0. Du blev meget fuld. You got very drunk. You got very drunk. Hvem lod hende komme ind? Who allowed her in? Who let her in? Tom er ejendomsmægler. Tom is a real estate agent. Tom is a real estate agent. De ender opp med rein jord. They end up with clean dirt. They end up with pure soil. Vart ska du ta vägen? Where are you going? Where are you going? "Jag älskar dig." "Säg inte det." "Nej, jag är seriös." "I love you." "Don't say that." "No, I'm serious." "I love you." "Don't say that." "No, I'm serious." Da har vi et problem... Then there is a problem... Then we have a problem... Jeg ved intet om dig. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about you. Jag behöver mer pengar. I need more money. I need more money. Hvordan klarte Sovjetunionen å skape en atombombe? How did the Soviet Union manage to create a nuclear bomb? How did the Soviet Union manage to create an atomic bomb? Jag ville skada dig. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to hurt you. Har du melk? Do you have some milk? You got milk? Hon gillar att springa. She likes to run. She likes to run. Jag övade varje dag. I practiced every day. I practiced every day. Hun var kledd i svart bluse og rødt skjørt. She was clothed in a black blouse and red skirt. She was dressed in black blouse and red skirt. Kate vart tvingt til å lesa boka. Kate was forced to read the book. Kate was forced to read the book. Du kommer til at spille fodbold i morgen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Fletta upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in the dictionary. Jag hörde att Tom hade smugglat droger till Amerika i flera år innan han åkte fast. I heard that Tom had been smuggling drugs into America for years before he got caught. I heard Tom had been smuggling drugs to America for years before he got caught. Hvis Tom kommer, vil det ødelegge dagen til Mary. If Tom shows up, it's going to ruin Mary's day. If Tom comes, it'll ruin Mary's day. De er virkelig gode til at lave tøj. They're really good at making clothes. They're really good at making clothes. Det var helt sikkert Toms skyld. It was definitely Tom's fault. It was definitely Tom's fault. Släpp Tom. Get off of Tom. Drop Tom. Hvem er læreren din? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Han är en sann muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a true Muslim. Jeg skrev et brev til Jim. I wrote a letter to Jim. I wrote a letter to Jim. De fleste englændere er konservative. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most English are conservative. Jeg snakker dansk, svensk og engelsk. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. Jeg håber vi får en hvid jul. I hope we have a white Christmas. I hope we get a white Christmas. Eld ska väl göra susen! I guess fire should do the trick! Fire will do the trick! Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. Ég þekki ekki konuna sem er að tala við kennarann okkar. I do not know the woman talking to our teacher. I don't know the woman who's talking to our teacher. God natt! Good night! Good night! Lysforurensing er eit alvorleg problem. Light pollution is a serious problem. Light pollution is a serious problem. Hur mycket tjänar du? How much do you make? How much do you earn? Det kan bruges som en kniv. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. Toms hus hjemsøges. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's house is haunted. Var kan jag köpa äpplen? Where can I buy apples? Where can I buy apples? Vet du varför himlen är blå? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Er det farlig å ta T-banen alene? Is it dangerous to take a subway alone? Is it dangerous to take the T-way alone? Opkaldet er gratis. The call is free of charge. The call is free. Jeg er ganske god til å spille golf. I'm a pretty good golfer. I'm pretty good at playing golf. Heima er best. There is no place like home. Home's the best. I dag er det tirsdag den første oktober. Today is Tuesday, October 1st. Today is Tuesday, first October. Jag tänker inte gå till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Vad är Finlands huvudstad? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Ég er á móti giftingunni. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the wedding. Vill ni äta något? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like to eat something? Ken råbte om hjælp. Ken cried for help. Ken called for help. Er du single? Are you single? Are you single? Du ønsker at hjælpe mig. You want to help me. You want to help me. Smid de her rådne bananer væk. Throw away these rotten bananas. Throw away these rotten bananas. Någon ringde. Someone called. Somebody called. Kan du lære meg kunsten å gjenkjenne matsutake-sopparter? Can you tell me the art of recognizing matsutake mushrooms? Can you teach me the art of recognising food-sutake soups? Skit samma. Whatever. Never mind. Alle blev syge. Everybody got sick. Everyone got sick. Tom arbejder på et hospital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom works at a hospital. Föräldrar bokstaverar ofta ord och meningar som de inte vill att deras unga barn ska förstå. Parents often spell out words or sentences they don't want their young children to understand. Parents often spell words and sentences that they do not want their young children to understand. Ditt svar på frågan visade sig vara fel. Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong. Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong. Ég kaupi alltaf vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki, jafnvel þótt þær séu aðeins dýrari. I always buy a top quality product even if it is slightly more expensive. I always buy products in the highest quality category, even if they are only more expensive. Hon schickade mig sin adress för att jag kunde hitta hennes hus. She sent me her address so that I could find her house. She paid me her address because I could find her house. Han vande sig snart vid det kalla vädret. He soon accustomed himself to cold weather. He soon won by the cold weather. Jag är glad att jag hittade dig. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Han spelade piano. He was playing the piano. He played piano. Tom lukkede hurtigt døren. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom quickly closed the door. Hun giftede sig penge til. She married money. She married a lot of money. Ég átti í útistöðum við lögregluna í gærnótt. I was in trouble with the police last night. I had an affair with the police last night. Det vanskelige spørgsmål er hvordan. The difficult question is how. The difficult question is how. Hvad skal du i aften? What are you doing this evening? What are you doing tonight? Tänker du åka snart? Are you leaving soon? Are you going to leave soon? Vad har du att erbjuda? What can you offer? What do you have to offer? Mary er sin kærestes muse. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Mary's her girlfriend's museum. Ég á dóttur. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Jag är född i Israel. I was born in Israel. I was born in Israel. Jag trodde att du tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Jag betalade mina skatter. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. Jag kan vara rättvis. I can be fair. I can be fair. Min moster opdragede mig efter at mine forældre døde i et flystyrt. My maternal aunt brought me up after my parents died in a plane crash. My aunt raised me after my parents died in a plane crash. Den bygning er vores skole. That building is our school. That building is our school. Pratar någon här ryska? Does anyone here speak Russian? Does anyone here speak Russian? Jag kan övertalas. I can be persuaded. I can be persuaded. Tror du på gud? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? Han gick upp i vikt. He gained weight. He went up in weight. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde vært med deg da. I wish I had been with you then. I wish I had been with you then. Jeg så Mary med ham. I saw Mary with him. I saw Mary with him. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne en akkurat som den. I wish I could find one just like it. I wish I could find one just like it. Var är Tom född? Where was Tom born? Where's Tom born? "Du vækker min nysgerrighed", sagde jeg. "You arouse my curiosity," said I. "You wake up my curiosity," I said. Alt, hvad der kunne gå galt, gik galt. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Tom rødmede pludselig og kiggede væk. Tom suddenly blushed and looked away. Tom rimmed suddenly and looked away. Vi har et problem med overvektige i dette landet. We have an obesity problem in this country. We have a problem with overweight people in this country. Tom kjem att neste veke. Tom will return next week. Tom will be back next week. Jeg leder efter mit ur. I'm looking for my watch. I'm looking for my watch. Mit navn er Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name is Hashimoto. Naboens kat spildte sin kop mælk ud på gulvfliserne. The neighbor's cat spilled its cup of milk on the floor tiles. The neighbor's cat spilled his cup of milk on the floor tiles. Jeg lærte hende at cykle. I taught her to ride a bicycle. I taught her how to ride. Takk for informasjonen. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Hur kom ni in hit? How did you get in here? How did you get in here? Han valgte å bo i Tokyo og ikke i Osaka. He chose to live in Tokyo instead of Osaka. He chose to live in Tokyo and not Osaka. Det er mitt sete. That's my seat. It's my seat. Deres arbejde er at malke køerne. Their job is to milk the cows. Their job is to milk the cows. Hvar er sjúkrahúsið? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? Har jag inte rätt? Aren't I right? Am I right? Er allt í lagi með þig? Are you all right? Are you okay? Denne mand er kriminalbetjent, ikke en kriminel. This man is a police officer in the crime squad, not a criminal. This man is a detective, not a criminal. Ekki er vitað um neinar stórvægilegar skemmdir eða meiðsl eftir jarðskjálftann sem mældis 3,0 á Richterkvarðann. No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale. No major damage or injury after the earthquake measured 3.0 on the Richter scale is known. Maria er en ødeland når det gjelder penger. Mary is greedy when it comes to money. Maria is a wasteland in terms of money. Denne berømte skuespillerinde var også en modeikon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. Hvor gammel er din far? How old is your father? How old is your father? Hur långt borta är Tom? How far away is Tom? How far is Tom? Jeg elsker dig. I love you. I love you. Tom havde lyst til at danse. Tom felt like dancing. Tom wanted to dance. Jag sitter och studerar på biblioteket. I'm studying in the library. I'm studying at the library. Tom er aggressiv. Tom is aggressive. Tom's aggressive. Landið okkar á landamæri að nokkrum löndum. Our country borders on several countries. Our country is bordering several countries. Jeg respekterer dem ikke. I don't respect them. I don't respect them. Tom ser blek ut. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. Lad os byde det forlovede par, Tom og Mary, velkommen. Let's welcome the engaged couple: Tom and Mary. Let's welcome the engaged couple, Tom and Mary. Var hälsad, gillesbroder. Hail, guildbrother. Well, say hello, darling brother. Han bar hendes taske. He carried her bag. He wore her bag. Jeg tror ikke du ville være enig i måten Tom har oppført seg. I take it you don't approve of the way Tom's been behaving. I don't think you'd agree with the way Tom behaved. Vikl dig ikke ind i selvmodsigelser. Don't get all tied up in knots. Do not turn into contradictions. Han greb min arm. He grabbed my arm. He grabbed my arm. Är du musiker? Are you a musician? Are you a musician? Jag älskar den berättelsen. I love that story. I love that story. Får jag vara ärlig? Can I be honest? Can I be honest? Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I must study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Lukter det ikke godt? Doesn't that smell great? Doesn't that smell good? I fremtiden vil alle køre elbil. In the future, everyone will drive an electric car. In the future, everyone will drive an electric car. Jeg hørte deg ikke helt. I didn't quite hear you. I didn't really hear you. Jag rörde den aldrig. I never touched it. I never touched it. Det er ikke noe noen kan gjøre noe med. No one can do anything about it. There's nothing anyone can do about. Eg segði tað, at hann ikki skuldi havt nakað. I said that he should not have anything. I told you that he didn't owe you anything. Vi har absolut intet at vinde. We have absolutely nothing to gain. We have absolutely nothing to win. Stólarnir eru undir trénu. The chairs are under the tree. The chairs are under the tree. Jeg bor også i Boston. I live in Boston, too. I live in Boston, too. Lagnerne var gennemblødt af sved. The sheets were soaked with sweat. The sheets were soaked with sweat. Nyhenda gjorde han trist. The news made him sad. Nyhenda made him sad. Sverige har sitt eget språk. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. Jag rev upp kuvertet. I ripped the envelope open. I pulled up the envelope. Den butik er lukket om mandagen. That store is closed Mondays. That store is closed on Monday. Hvordan har du det, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Jag behöver verkligen din hjälp. I really need your help. I really need your help. Jag bor intill leksaksaffären. I live next door to the toy shop. I live next to the toy store. Jeg liker å spille piano. I like playing the piano. I like to play the piano. Hun liker potetsalat. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Jeg er allergisk over for katte. I am allergic to cats. I'm allergic to cats. Unnskyld, kan du gjenta det? Pardon me, can you repeat that? I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Det kommer ikke mig ved. It's not my business. It's none of my business. Alle elsker deres far. Everyone loves their father. Everyone loves their father. Han tog med henne till vårt ställe. He brought her to our place. He brought her to our place. Du måste gå nu. You need to go now. You have to go now. Kanskje jeg skal ta med meg en paraply for sikkerhets skyld. Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case. Maybe I'll bring with me an umbrella for safety. Til den store åbningfest planlagde butiksejerne at udlevere gratis gaver til de første tredive kunder i køen. For their grand opening, the store owners were planning giveaways for the first thirty customers in line. For the big opening party, shop owners planned to deliver free gifts to the first thirty customers in the queue. Er dette et trickspørgsmål? Is this a trick question? Is this a trick question? Hvar er klósettið? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Du hatar Tom, eller hur? You hate Tom, right? You hate Tom, don't you? Jeg har tabt min nøgle. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Du vænner dig snart til din nye skole. You will soon get accustomed to your new school. You'll get used to your new school soon. Tom er et røvhul. Tom is an asshole. Tom's an asshole. Eg tullar ikkje. It's not a joke. I'm not kidding. Rygtet er ikke sandt. The rumor isn't true. Rumor is not true. Tom var eins og ég. Tom was like me. Tom was like me. Det kommer att ta tre månader för vår nya skolbyggnad att bli färdig. It will be three months before our new school building is completed. It will take three months for our new school building to be completed. Jeg ved ikke hvad der sker. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Du sa jo det. You did say that. You told me. Han har ti børn. He has ten children. He's got ten kids. Hjälper du alltid Tom att städa sitt rum? Do you always help Tom clean his room? Do you always help Tom clean his room? Vi behöver bara en minut. We just need a minute. We just need a minute. Æggeblommer er gule. Yolks are yellow. Egg flowers are yellow. Hvor meget fik du i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse? How much severance pay did you get? How much did you get in retirement allowances? De åker till Spanien i Juni och sedan åker de bort igen. They are going to Spain in June, and then they are going away again. They go to Spain in June and then they go away again. Jag chartrade ett jetplan. I chartered a jet. I chartered a jet plane. Tom sagde til Mary at han ikke var sułten. Tom told Mary he wasn't hungry. Tom told Mary he wasn't the guy. De lager et eller annet her. They're making something or other here. They make something here. Hvor er nord? Where's the North? Where's the north? Luta er inte mot dörrarna. Don't lean against the doors. Don't lean towards the doors. Jag lovar att vi ska lyssna på allting du säger. I promise that we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise we'll listen to everything you say. Det har du rigtig godt af. That serves you right. You're very good at that. Betty slog ham ihjel. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Klag ikke. Don't complain. Don't complain. Jeg boede i Boston for tre år siden. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. De lærer esperanto. They're learning Esperanto. They teach Esperanto. Viltu eins eða tveggja manna herbergi? Would you like a single or a double? You want one or two people's room? Han lavede ikke andet end at se fjernsyn hele dagen. He did nothing but watch TV all day. He did nothing but watch TV all day. Tom hjälpte Mary att ta av sig jackan. Tom helped Mary take off her jacket. Tom helped Mary take off her jacket. Åbn døren og luk hunden ind. Open the door and let the dog in. Open the door and let the dog in. Jeg så ham med mine egne øjne. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw him with my own eyes. Jeg vil ikke leve resten av livet sammen med en kvinne som jeg kan respektere, men ikke elske. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a woman that I can respect but can't love. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a woman who I can respect, but I don't love. Hun er en talentfuld kunstner. She is a gifted artist. She's a talented artist. Jeg er jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. La meg se deg spise det. Let me see you eat it. Let me see you eat it. Tom blev arresteret. Tom got arrested. Tom was arrested. Jeg har penge. I have money. I have money. Det her er Toms motorcykel, tror jeg. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. Tom är rädd. Tom is scared. Tom's scared. Var är det här ifrån? Where's this from? Where is this from? Han är världens rikaste man. He is the richest man on earth. He's the richest man in the world. Min cykel behöver lagas. My bicycle is in need of repair. My bike needs to be fixed. Tom försvann. Tom went missing. Tom disappeared. Jo tidligere jeg legger meg, desto tidligere står jeg opp. The earlier I go to bed, the earlier I get up. The sooner I lay down, the earlier I stand up. Fordelen med freelancing er at du kan dele inn tiden din fritt. Bakgelen er det at du faktisk må arbide døgnet rundt. The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock. The advantage of freelancing is that you can share your time freely. The background is that you actually have to work around the clock. Han kunde inte gå längre. He could not walk any further. He couldn't go any further. En ishockeypuck är inte klotformad. An ice hockey puck isn't ball-shaped. A hockey puck is not claw-shaped. Spiller du et musikkinstrument? Do you play a musical instrument? Do you play a musical instrument? Är jag välkommen här? Am I welcome here? Am I welcome here? Jag älskade pjäsen. I loved the play. I loved the play. Rødvin passer bra til kjøtt. Red wine goes well with meat. Red wine is good for meat. Hun ringede sin søn Pierre op på hans mobil, fordi han aldrig tog fastnettelefonen derhjemme. She called her son Pierre on his mobile-phone because he never picked up their landline at home. She called her son Pierre on his cell phone because he never picked up the main phone at home. Det räcker! Enough! Enough! Jeg har aldrig set ham i jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans. Jeg er sygeplejerske. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Jeg kunne ikke holde kulden ud. I couldn't stand the cold. I couldn't keep the cold. Någon måste stoppa honom. Somebody has to stop him. Someone has to stop him. Läs detta först. Read this first. Read this first. Jeg har fået nok af at arbejde her. I'm fed up with working here. I've had enough working here. Tom sad på motorcyklen bag Mary. Tom sat on the motorcycle behind Mary. Tom was sitting on the motorcycle behind Mary. Femtiotvå procent av brittiska kvinnor föredrar choklad framför sex. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty-two percent of British women prefer chocolate in front of sex. Vänta en minut, tack! Wait a minute, please! Wait a minute, please! De behandler mig som et barn. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. Jag har säkert ätit någonting konstigt. I must've eaten something bad. I've probably eaten something weird. Jeg vil at du skal komme med oss. I want you to come with us. I want you to come with us. Ég verð að biðja Ann afsökunar. I must apologize to Ann. I have to apologize to Ann. Mördade du Tom? Did you murder Tom? Did you kill Tom? Vi har lukket kufferten. We've closed the suitcase. We've closed the suitcase. När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked at a factory. Tom har dårlig konsentrasjonsevne. Tom has a short attention span. Tom has poor concentration. Mary sprang. Mary ran. Mary ran. Jag behöver mina tabletter. I need my pills. I need my pills. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að taka leigubíl. I think you should go by taxi. I think you should take a cab. Jag visste att du skulle komma till besinning. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd come to prison. Tom pratade Esperanto. Tom spoke in Esperanto. Tom spoke Esperanto. Är de där till mig? Are those for me? Are they there for me? Jeg kan ikke holde op med at ryge. I can't give up smoking. I can't stop smoking. Först visste jag inte vad jag skulle ta mig till. At first, I didn't know what to do. At first, I didn't know what to do. Vedkommende er en god sanger. They're a good singer. He's a good singer. Vad såg du? What did you see? What did you see? Mere end hundrede mennesker savnes stadig. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Han behövde inte ta med sig ett paraply. He didn't need to bring an umbrella. He didn't have to bring an umbrella. Jeg er glad for at du er kommet velbeholden hjem. I'm glad that you made it home in one piece. I'm glad you've come home safe. Tom tabte kæben. Tom dropped his jaw. Tom lost his jaw. Du sammenligner æbler og appelsiner! You're comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples and oranges! Denne film er værd at se. This movie is worth seeing. This film is worth watching. Dere trenger denne. You need this. You need this. Jeg læser denne bog. I'm reading this book. I read this book. Jeg må indrømme at du har ret. I have to admit you're right. I have to admit you're right. Målet speglar av kvardagslege opplevingar. Language reflects daily experience. The goal reflects everyday experiences. Min far är frisk. My father is healthy. My father's healthy. Hur ska jag hjälpa Tom? How do I help Tom? How am I supposed to help Tom? Denne kandidaten er kraftig forbedret i forhold til sin forgjenger. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate is greatly improved compared to his predecessor. Tom har et dårligt syn. Tom has bad eyesight. Tom has a bad sight. Tom skal have sig et pas. Tom needs to get a passport. Tom needs a passport. Búist er við því að eitt hundruð og fimmtíu þúsund pör muni gifta sig í Sjanghæ árið tvö þúsund og sex. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006. It is expected that one hundred and fifty thousand couples will marry in Sinai in two thousand and six years. Det oroar mig mycket. This worries me a lot. I'm very worried about that. Ein fugl kan flyge. A bird can fly. A bird may fly. Jag ska ta min kappa. I'll get my coat. I'll take my coat. Jag vill inte spela. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Vad är det för filtillägg? What is the file extension? What is that file supplement? En påstand er ikke et bevis. An assertion isn't a proof. A claim is not a proof. Du havde masser af tid. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. Han sto på gulvet. He was standing on the floor. He was standing on the floor. Jeg drømte at jeg spiste en æblekage. I dreamed I was eating an apple pie. I dreamed I ate an apple cake. Tom siger at han hellere vil gå end tage en bus. Tom says he'd rather walk than take a bus. Tom says he'd rather go than take a bus. Læknar eru almennt ekki þjálfaðir í uppeldi. Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. Doctors are generally not trained in training. Jeg vil gerne bestille en pizza. I'd like to order a pizza. I'd like to order a pizza. Þú getur tekið þinn tíma. You can take your time. You can take your time. Mange tak. Thank you. Thank you. Katrine har en kjæreste som heter Truls, og de er forlovet og skal snart gifte seg. Katrine has a boyfriend named Truls. They are engaged and will soon get married. Katrine has a girlfriend named Truls, and they're engaged and are about to get married. Bladen är gula. The leaves are yellow! The leaves are yellow. Eg havi nógvan fepur. I have a high temperature. I'm having a lot of fun. Vi snakker fortsatt. We're still talking. We're still talking. Sådana är reglerna. Those are the rules. These are the rules. Når vi kjeder oss, spiller vi hangman. When we're bored, we play hangman. When we get bored, we play the hangman. Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. Jag skrattade mycket. I laughed a lot. I laughed a lot. Tomtenissar är jultomtens små hjälpredor. Elves are Santa's little helpers. Tomtenissa is Santa's little helper. Jag visste ingenting. I didn't know anything. I didn't know anything. Jeg er ikke din søn. I'm not your son. I'm not your son. Har det ikke strejfet dine tanker at lukke vinduerne? Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Hasn't it struck your thoughts to close the windows? Jag kan springa lika snabbt som Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. I can run as fast as Bill. Vad annat ser du? What else do you see? What else do you see? Tycker du om de här örhängena? Do you like these earrings? Do you like these earrings? Å! Så vakker Taj Mahal er! Ah! How beautiful the Taj Mahal is! That's how beautiful Taj Mahal is! Hún ráðlagði honum að tala um líf sitt í Ameríku. She advised him to talk about his life in America. She advised him to talk about her life in America. De har fortjent det. They deserved it. They earned it. Tom købte nye handsker. Tom bought new gloves. Tom bought new gloves. Jag blev förälskad. I fell in love. I fell in love. Rummet var mörkt. The room was dark. The room was dark. Det er en blodappelsin. That's a blood orange. It's a blood orange. Hvilke språk snakker du? What languages do you speak? What language do you speak? Jag vill inte förråda dig. I won't betray you. I don't want to betray you. Maten er billig i Tyskland. Food is cheap in Germany. The food is cheap in Germany. Jeg går på arbejde hver dag. I go to work every day. I go to work every day. Hvem har slukket lyset? Who turned off the light? Who turned the lights off? Hvor lenge vil dette tauet holde? How long will this rope hold? How long will this rope last? Jeg vil gerne have dig til at oversætte denne rapport til fransk. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I want you to translate this report into French. Han må være vanvittig når han siger sådan noget. He must be crazy to say such a thing. He must be crazy when he says something like that. Jag lärde mig att cykla när jag var sex år gammal. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to ride when I was six years old. Ge mig listan nu. Now give me the list. Give me the list now. Restauranten er fuld. The restaurant is full. The restaurant is full. Det kan jag tro på. I can believe that. I can believe that. Du ser precis ut som din pappa. You look just like your father. You look just like your dad. Finns det många lagårdar i denna by? Are there many cowsheds in this village? Is there a lot of gardens in this village? Jag kunde knappt prata. I could barely speak. I could barely talk. Tom har alt drukke tre koppar kaffi. Tom has already drunk three cups of coffee. Tom has everything drunk three cups of coffee. Hvor mange mennesker er der på dette kontor? How many people are there in this office? How many people are there in this office? Við völdum John til að vera fyrirliðann okkar. We chose John to be our captain. We chose John to be our leader. Kan du säga namnet på en av deras låtar? Can you name one of their songs? Can you say the name of one of their songs? Jeg underviser. I'm a teacher. I'm teaching. Man bør have hjelm på når man kører på motorcykel. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You should wear helmets when driving a motorcycle. Bill hreykir sér af því að eiga stærsta bílinn í hverfinu. Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood. Bill boasts of having the largest car in the neighborhood. Få bort dem. Get rid of them. Get them out of here. Jeg skal skaffe Tom sin hjemmeadresse. I'll get Tom's home address. I'm gonna get Tom his home address. Tom sagde nej. Tom said no. Tom said no. Jeg har læst bogen. I have read the book. I read the book. Det talas katalanska i Andorra. Catalan is spoken in Andorra. It's Catalan in Andorra. Tom købte en rød bil. Tom bought a red car. Tom bought a red car. Skynda på och ät upp. Hurry up and finish eating. Hurry up and eat up. Rusland er ikke Preussen. Russia is not Prussia. Russia is not Prussia. Gør det til en delt mappe. Make that a shared folder. Make it a shared folder. Jag kör en Porsche. I drive a Porsche. I'm driving a Porsche. Han er enig med meg. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with me. Hvem gav Tom det blå øje? Who gave Tom that black eye? Who gave Tom the blue eye? Tom slutade aldrig leta efter Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. Tom never stopped looking for Mary. Ingen av eleverna var sen till skolan. None of the students were late for school. None of the students were late for school. Gå på offensiven. Go on the offensive. Go to the offensive. Tåget avgår om tio minuter. The train leaves in ten minutes. Train leaves in 10 minutes. Kan jag tala med Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Han var barfodet med nøgen overkrop. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was barefooted with naked upper body. Toms familj bor i Australien. Tom's family lives in Australia. Tom's family lives in Australia. Ett stort djur rymde från zoo. A big animal ran away from the zoo. A big animal escaped from the zoo. Tom sköt mig i benet. Tom shot me in the leg. Tom shot me in the leg. Jag kände din fader. I knew your father. I knew your father. Hr. Johnson er eins konar gangandi orðabók. Mr Johnson is, as it were, a walking dictionary. Mr. Johnson is a kind of walking dictionary. Vem är din lärare? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Jag måste sträcka på mig. I have to stretch. I've got to go. John gerðist lögreglumaður. John became a policeman. John became a policeman. Du brøt loven. You broke the law. You broke the law. Hörde du det där? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Hun har et hus. She has a house. She's got a house. Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. The dog's asleep. Mary har allerede dratt. Mary has already left. Mary's already gone. Sten, sax, påse. Rock, paper, scissors. Stone, scissors, bag. Jeg har en stedbror. I have a stepbrother. I have a step brother. Han skrev ned telefonnumret. He wrote down the telephone number. He wrote down the phone number. Tom skriver ned alt slik at han ikke glemmer det. Tom writes everything down so he won't forget it. Tom writes down everything so that he doesn't forget it. Det kan jeg ordne med det samme. I can take care of that immediately. I can handle it right away. Jeg forventer ikke at de vil støtte mit synspunkt. I don't expect that they will support my view. I do not expect them to support my view. Natten är ju ganska lång, eller hur? Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? The night is pretty long, isn't it? Gör det er ledsna? Does that make you sad? Does that make you sad? Det kan du ændre. You can change that. You can change that. Du hjälper inte till. You're not helping. You're not helping. Förtjänar jag det här? Do I deserve this? Do I deserve this? Tom dödade spindeln. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Det hoppas jag verkligen inte. I really hope not. I really hope not. Er han taxachauffør? Is he a taxi driver? He's a taxi driver? Jeg drikker ikke så meget øl. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink much beer. Vær forsiktig der inne. Be careful in there. Be careful in there. Några referenser hävdar att han ljög. Some references claim that he lied. Some references say he lied. Tom kommer tilbake neste uke. Tom will return next week. Tom will be back next week. Ikke si noe til Tom. Don't say anything to Tom. Don't say anything to Tom. Tom kan ikke gå. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Hvorfor tager vi ikke hen og ser en film? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go see a movie? Det regnar i Sverge. It rains in Sweden. It's raining in Sverge. Vaskemaskine er et must i et hus. A washing machine is a must for a house. Washing machine is a must in a house. ”Min klocka har blivit stulen.” utropade min far. ”My watch has been robbed.”exclaimed my father. “My watch has been stolen.” cried my father. De kämpade för religionsfrihet. They fought for freedom of religion. They fought for religious freedom. Vælg en. Choose one. Pick one. Jag kan inte bara gå. I can't just leave. I can't just go. Mine meninger har måske ændret sig, men ikke det faktum at jeg har ret. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right. Jag gömde den i min frysbox. I hid it in my freezer. I hid it in my freezer. Forresten, hvor mange af jer skriver dagbog? By the way, how many of you keep a diary? By the way, how many of you write a diary? Jeg kan godt lide mit liv. I like my life. I like my life. Mit ur er gået i stå. My watch has stopped. My watch is standing. Jag träffade Mary i går. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Hann var átakanlega mjór. He was painfully skinny. He was incredibly thin. Jag hoppas att Tom och Mary inte dyker upp. I'm hoping Tom and Mary don't show up. I hope Tom and Mary don't show up. Mannen som leser avisen der borte er min onkel. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man who reads the newspaper over there is my uncle. Tom drog til ein skule for å lære korleis å stemme piano. Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos. Tom went to a school to learn how to vote the piano. Tom kan inte läsa. Tom can't read. Tom can't read. Var generösa. Be generous. Be generous. Du har købt flere frimærker end nødvendigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You bought more stamps than you need. Mér til undrunar var hann með fallega rödd. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. Tom er fortsatt nummer én. Tom is still the champ. Tom's still number one. Ta på denne genseren. Put on this sweater. Put this genre on. Jeg kan lide at købe tøj. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. Drogens effekter är intensiva men kortvariga. The effects of the drug are intense but brief. The effects of drugs are intense but short-term. Må jeg se dit pas? May I look at your passport? Can I see your passport? Hva er du så nærvøs for? What are you so nervous about? What are you so close to? De siste bøkene ble solgt for en uke siden. The last books were sold a week ago. The last books were sold a week ago. Hun går til markedet hver dag. She goes to market every day. She goes to the market every day. Dan och Linda flyttade så småningom till London. Dan and Linda eventually moved to London. Dan and Linda eventually moved to London. Hva skulle jeg gjort uten ham? What would I do without him? What would I do without him? Det kabylske folk beundrer det jødiske folk meget. The Kabyle people are very admiring of the Jewish people. The Kabyl people admire the Jewish people very much. Jeg ønsker ikke jeres hjælp. I don't want your help. I don't want your help. Við hlökkum til frísins. We're looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to our vacation. Vi ska söka genom hela skeppet. We're going to search the whole ship. We're going to search through the entire ship. Det är verkligen inte mödan värt. It's really not worth the effort. It's really not worth the effort. Ég geng í skóla. I go to school. I'm going to school. Jeg tog til Sverige. I went to Sweden. I went to Sweden. Det är vad alla säger. It is what everybody says. That's what everyone says. Här kommer Tom. Here comes Tom. Here comes Tom. Jag kommer inte att vara tyst. I didn't come to be silent. I won't be quiet. Familien bor i en jurte. The family lives in a yurt. The family lives in a jurte. Jag är den rikaste. I'm the richest. I'm the richest. Jeg hedder Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. I'm Ahmad. Jeg ligner Tom. I look like Tom. I look like Tom. Kunsten at tabe er ikke svær at mestre. The art of losing isn't hard to master. The art of losing is not difficult to master. Han ønsker ikke at skabe problemer. He doesn't want to cause trouble. He doesn't want to create problems. Toget var kørt før de kom til stationen. The train left before they got to the station. The train was run before they got to the station. Fem multipliceret med syv er femogtredive. Five times seven is thirty-five. Five multiplied by seven is twenty-five. Det er vanskelig å forutsi hvordan været vil være i morgen. It's hard to predict what the weather will be like tomorrow. It is difficult to predict how the weather will be tomorrow. Min bror er forelsket i dig. My brother is in love with you. My brother is in love with you. Jag gillar din scarf. I like your scarf. I like your scarf. Din næse løber. Your nose is running. Your nose's running. Allt är nytt för mig. It's all new for me. It's all new to me. I mitt land tål man inte dem som är intelligentare än en själv. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, you can't stand those who are smarter than yourself. Heste og æsler er forskellige. Horses and donkeys are different. Horses and donkeys are different. Søg; find; opdag! Search; find; discover! Search;find; discover! Lad mig være. Let me alone! Leave me alone. Han døde inden ambulancen kom. He died before the ambulance arrived. He died before the ambulance arrived. Þú verður að biðja hana afsökunar og það strax. You must apologize to her, and that at once. You have to apologize to her right away. Drej til venstre. Turn left. Turn left. Tom og Mary tog på en tougers bryllupsrejse til Hawaii. Tom and Mary went on a two week honeymoon to Hawaii. Tom and Mary went on a two-week honeymoon to Hawaii. Kan du e-maile det? Can you send that by email? Can you e-mail it? Jeg forstår ikke helt hva du mener. I do not quite understand what you mean. I don't quite understand what you mean. At lære esperanto er meget interessant. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. Learning Esperanto is very interesting. Slutt å bite neglene dine. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your nails. Det där är inte billigt. That's not cheap. That's not cheap. Tom og Mary hadede hinanden. Tom and Mary hated each other. Tom and Mary hated each other. Han ger järnet. He's doing the best he can. He gives the iron. Gefðu mér vinsamlegast annað tækifæri. Please give me another chance. Please give me another chance. Jeg så det aldri engang. I never even saw it. I never saw it. Folk siger at han aldrig dør. People say he never dies. People say he never dies. Tom ville vite når Mary skulle komme hjem. Tom wanted to know when Mary would get home. Tom wanted to know when Mary was coming home. I Rotterdam tog en annan besättning över fartyget. In Rotterdam another crew took over the ship. In Rotterdam, another crew took over the ship. Dine forældre elsker dig. Your parents love you. Your parents love you. Hvorfor har kaniner lange ører? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Kan jeg komme inn? Might I come in? Can I come in? Toms föräldrar är lärare. Tom's parents are teachers. Tom's parents are teachers. Hvordan går det? How are you? How's it going? Har du lust med det? Do you feel up to it? Do you like it? Vi gjorde vad vi måste för att överleva. We did what we had to to survive. We did what we had to do to survive. Tom tok det rette valget. Tom made the right choice. Tom made the right choice. Fuglar syngja hér og þar í almenningsgarðinum. Birds are singing here and there in the park. Birds sing here and there in the park. Jag trodde att du slutat. I thought you quit. I thought you quit. Mina nya skor knarrar. My new shoes squeak. My new shoes are squeaking. Vad skrattar du åt? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Der kommer vores bus! There's our bus. There's our bus! I hvilken mappe har du gemt filen? In which folder did you save the file? In which directory did you save the file? Jag gillar verkligen hårdkokta ägg. I really like hard boiled eggs. I really like hard-cooked eggs. Tom fikk sparken på mandag. Tom was fired on Monday. Tom got fired on Monday. Hun så to skibe. She saw two ships. She saw two ships. Det är mycket. That's plenty. That's a lot. Var bor du? Where do you live? Where do you live? Sami blev jätte aggressiv. Sami got extremely aggressive. Sami got very aggressive. Alle borgere skulle respektere loven. All citizens should respect the law. Every citizen should respect the law. Kan du lide film? Do you like movies? You like movies? Det är 99,9 procent effektivt. It's 99.9% effective. It's 99.9 percent effective. Toms begravelse er i dag. Tom's funeral is today. Tom's funeral is today. Al Smiths föräldrar kom från Irland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Al Smith's parents came from Ireland. Velkomin til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Tom stillede det tomme glas fra sig. Tom set down the empty glass. Tom put the empty glass away. En paraply er nyttig i let regn, men når det styrtregner, er en paraply ikke til megen hjælp. An umbrella is useful in a mild rain, but when it rains cats and dogs an umbrella is of little help. An umbrella is useful in light rain, but when it steers, an umbrella is not for much help. Hvordan kommer du deg til skolen? How do you get to school? How do you get to school? Jag måste bege mig nu. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. Í dag fleyg ein stórur bilur av vegnum. A big car flew off the road today. Today, one big breach of the road is tossed. Jag ska till Paris i helgen. I am going to Paris this weekend. I'm going to Paris this weekend. Vi kan skaffa hjälp åt dig. We can get you help. We can get you some help. Þú þarft einungis að fylgja leiðbeiningunum. You have only to follow the directions. You only have to follow the instructions. Tom glemte at vandene blomsterne. Tom forgot to water the flowers. Tom forgot that the water flowers. Han kysste mig på pannan. He kissed me on the forehead. He kissed me on the forehead. Klockan är sju i London nu. It is seven in London now. It's 7:00 in London now. Jag går och hämtar det nu. I'll go get it now. I'll go get it now. Har du allerede spist middag? Have you already eaten dinner? Have you already had dinner? Jeg vil være livvagt. I want to be a bodyguard. I want to be bodyguard. Jeg er bange for vilde dyr. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild animals. Sama hver hringir, segðu að ég sé ekki við. Whoever telephones, tell them I'm out. No matter who's calling, tell me I'm not around. Jeg er meget ældre end du tror jeg er. I'm much older than you think I am. I'm a lot older than you think I am. Tjald skipti herberginu í tvennt. A screen divided the room into two. The tent divided the room into two. Hvornår sagde Tom det? When did Tom say that? When did Tom say that? Havet kan man høre herfra. The sea can be heard from here. You can hear the sea from here. Vad kan Tom mena? What could Tom mean? What can Tom mean? Jag klippte nyss naglarna. I just cut my nails. I just cut my nails. Han forklarede detaljeret, hvad han havde set. He explained in detail what he had seen. He explained in detail what he had seen. Du är oberäknelig. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. Tom er min ven. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, otte, ni og ti er tal. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten are numbers. Jag gör det ändå. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. "Hvor bor du?" "Jeg bor i Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Nå snakker vi her om et langsiktig historisk perspektiv. Now we're here talking about a long-term historical perspective. Now we're talking about a long-term historical perspective. Hur knäckte du den? How did you break it? How did you break it? Fangen er stille i cellen i dag. The prisoner is being quiet in the cell today. The prisoner's still in the cell today. Kom og dans! Come dance! Come and dance! Tom kan godt lide lakrids. Tom likes licorice. Tom likes liquorice. I dag är det årets varmaste dag. Today is the warmest day of the year. Today is the warmest day of the year. Samtliga höll sig lugna. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone kept calm. Tom så på meg og smilte. Tom looked at me and smiled. Tom looked at me and smiled. Etter min mening er han ikke arbeidsdyktig. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. In my opinion, he's not fit for work. Jag tror inte Tom vet hur man gör det. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. I don't think Tom knows how to do it. Tom inviterte Mary på date, men hun sa nei. Ett år senere var de gift. Tom asked Mary out on a date, but she said no. A year later they were married. Tom invited Mary on a date, but she said no. Sommerferie? Hvad betyder "sommerferie"? Summer vacation? What does "summer vacation" mean? What does "summer holiday mean"? Det er min CD. That's my CD. That's my CD. Jeg spiser. I am eating. I'm eating. Jag förstår att Volapük är ett bra språk. I see that Volapük is a good language. I understand Volapük is a good language. Það er rétt! That's right! That's right! Det här är en mycket märklig bokstav. This is a very strange letter. This is a very strange letter. Hva var det som gjorde at du ombestemte deg? What made you change your mind? What made you change your mind? Tom förtjänade inte att dö så där. Tom didn't deserve to die that way. Tom didn't deserve to die like that. Vem älskar mig? Who loves me? Who loves me? Han bodde i London da krigen brøt ut. He was living in London when the war broke out. He lived in London when the war broke out. Det er første gang nogensinde jeg har talt dansk. This is the first time I've ever spoken in Danish. It's the first time I've ever spoken Danish. Det där är min pappa. That's my dad. That's my dad. Er du med? Are you in? You understand? Hún flýtti sér á stöðina svo hún mundi ekki missa af lestinni. He hurried to the station so he wouldn't miss the train. She ran to the station so she wouldn't miss the train. Ég hata flugelda. I hate fireworks. I hate fireworks. Tom kiggede ned på sit glas og så at det var tomt. Tom looked down at his glass and saw that it was empty. Tom looked down at his glass and saw that it was empty. Han sagde, at hvis han havde kendt hendes adresse, ville han have skrevet til hende. He said that if he knew her address, he would write to her. He said that if he had known her address, he would have written to her. Han lever nøjsomt. He lives frugally. He's having a good life. Hvor stor? How big? How big? Röker ni? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Jeg klippede artiklen ud af tidskriftet. I cut the article out of the magazine. I cut the article out of the magazine. Kan du hjælpe mig med at finde mine nøgler? Can you help me find my keys? Can you help me find my keys? Tom savnede sin kone og deres børn. Tom missed his wife and their children. Tom missed his wife and their children. Hvor kan jeg købe printere? Where can I buy printers? Where can I buy printers? Ingen kan finde ud af hvor mange penge vi ødsler bort på et år. No one can determine the amount of money we waste in a year. No one can find out how much money we spend in a year. Tom är enveten. Tom is implacable. Tom's unconscious. Fortell meg sannheten. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. Må Gud beskytte dig fra dem der hader dig! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Tom mistede hurtigt interessen. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom quickly lost interest. Han reiser ofte til utlandet. He often travels to foreign countries. He often travels abroad. Hun er lige så god en kok som sin mor. She's as good a cook as her mother. She's just as good a cook as her mother. Min mor har aldrig lært mig at vaske tøj. My mother never taught me how to do laundry. My mother never taught me to wash clothes. Tom havde skydevåben overalt i sit hus. Sami had guns all over his house. Tom had guns all over his house. Jeg myrdet ingen. I didn't murder anyone. I didn't kill anybody. Sluta spela pajas! Quit clowning around! Stop playing pajas! Næsten hver dag giver jeg penge til velgørenhed. I give charity almost every day. Almost every day I give money to charity. Eg har ein katt og ein hund. Katten er svart og hunden er kvit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. Det är inte säkert att köra bil utan bilbälte. It isn't safe to drive without a seatbelt. It's not safe to drive a car without a seat belt. Mina föräldrar är väldigt stränga. My parents are very strict. My parents are very strict. I en vellykket forhandling vinner gjerne begge parter, og ingen handler på måter som skader egne langsiktige interesser, selv om det finnes ofte en liten margin som en kan forhandle om. In a successful negotiation both parties usually win, and no one acts in a way that damages their own long-term interests, even though there is often a small margin that one can negotiate about. In a successful negotiation, both parties win, and no one acts in ways that harm their own long-term interests, although there is often a small margin on which one can negotiate. Er du ukrainsk? Are you Ukrainian? Are you Ukrainian? Jeg har en følelse av at Tom vil ringe politiet. I have a feeling that Tom wants to call the cops. I have a feeling Tom's gonna call the police. Dette vannet er et av de dypeste i landet. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This water is one of the deepest in the country. Det vil måske regne i nat. It may rain tonight. Maybe it'll rain tonight. Jag kan bara tala för mig själv. I can only speak for myself. I can only speak for myself. Tom är en låssmed. Tom is a locksmith. Tom's a locksmith. Kan vi hyra en av de här båtarna? Can we rent one of these boats? Can we rent one of these boats? Hun taler tysk. She speaks German. She speaks German. Tom svømmer. Tom's swimming. Tom's swimming. Diane er líka hálfsystir þín, George. Diane is your half-sister too, George. Diane is also your half sister, George. Mér til mikillar undrunar höfðaði lagið mitt til margra ungra. Much to my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. To my surprise, my song appealed to many young ones. Har du glömt? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten? Sade jag inte just det? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Österrike ligger i Centraleuropa. Austria is situated in Central Europe. Austria is located in Central Europe. En lille kop kaffe koster 2 euro. A small cup of coffee is two euro. A small cup of coffee costs 2 euros. Hvad har du sagt til Tom? What did you say to Tom? What did you tell Tom? Jag trodde att du skulle vara glad för Toms skull. I thought you'd be happy for Tom. I thought you'd be happy for Tom. Om du pratar för snabbt, kommer jag inte att förstå. If you speak too fast, I will not be able to understand. If you talk too fast, I won't understand. Hon er so vøkur sum mamma sín. She is as beautiful as her mother is. She's so sick some of her mom's. Søndag er ikke en almindelig dag for mig. Sunday is not an ordinary day to me. Sunday is not a normal day for me. Herbergi Hr. Johnsons var stórt. Mr Johnson's was a large room. Mr. Johnson's room was large. Jeg vil ikke mæle et ord. I won't breathe a word. I don't want to speak a word. Nýjustu tónverk hans eru bara tilbrigði við hans fyrri verk. His latest musical pieces are just variants of his earlier work. His recent music is just a form of his previous works. Vis mig dine dokumenter. Show me your documents. Show me your documents. Han valde dem på måfå. He picked them at random. He picked them at random. Tom kan komma på vår fest i morgon. Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. Tom can come to our party tomorrow. Gi meg tre av hver. I'll take three of each kind. Give me three of each. Jeg trådte forsiktig på gasspedalen. I stepped carefully on the accelerator. I stepped carefully on the accelerator. Arbejdere kan nedlægge arbejdet for at få højere løn eller bedre arbejdsforhold. Workers can go on strike for higher wages, or for better working conditions. Workers can put down work to get higher wages or better working conditions. Han har allerede hatt lunsj. He has already had lunch. He's already had lunch. Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You won't be able to get through that book so fast. Lugna ner dig. Calm down. Calm down. Þetta eru mér nýjar fréttir. This is my new news. This is new news to me. Hun vidste at hendes reaktion havde været dum. She knew her reaction had been stupid. She knew her reaction had been stupid. Vem uppfanns telefonen av? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Jeg kjente straks læreren igjen, fordi jeg hadde møtt ham før. I recognized the teacher at once, because I had met him before. I immediately knew the teacher again, because I had met him before. Jag tappade tålamodet. I lost my patience. I lost my patience. Er du allergisk mot noe? Are you allergic to anything? Are you allergic to something? Jag tar någonting att dricka. I'll have a drink. I'll have something to drink. Tom ringer mig nästan varje dag. Tom calls me almost every day. Tom's gonna call me almost every day. Jag vill inte lägga mig i. I don't wish to interfere. I don't want to get in. Jeg forstår ikke dette ord. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. Hav ikke ondt af dig selv. Vi er alle i samme båd. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Don't feel sorry for yourself, we're all in the same boat. Nej, inte för mycket. No, not too much. No, not too much. Sami har blivit lurad. Sami has been fooled. Sami's been fooled. Hún bjó í Híróshíma þar til hún var tíu. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. Samtykkja tit gjaldkort? Do you accept credit cards? Do you often accept credit cards? De var hendes yndlingsblomst. They were her favorite flower. They were her favorite flower. En kat har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Tom såg sig omkring. Tom looked around. Tom looked around. Jag är berlinare. I'm a Berliner. I'm a berliner. Tom har åkt fast för rattfylleri två gånger. Tom has two DUIs. Tom's been stuck for wheel filling twice. Ég er upptekinn. I'm busy. I'm busy. Han beskrev flygresan i detalj. He described the flight in detail. He described the flight in detail. Lögnare! Liar! Liar! Nu til dags foretrækker flere og flere mennesker livet på landet frem for bylivet. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today, more and more people prefer life on the land rather than urban life. Hör du det? Do you hear it? Do you hear me? I stedet for at vente på en kontrakt, kan vi klare det over telefonen. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone. Tom pegede på den tomme plads ved siden af ​​sig. Tom pointed to the empty seat next to him. Tom pointed to the empty space next to him. Jag skulle inte ljuga för er. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Denne ideologi er irrelevant for Algeriet. This ideology is irrelevant to Algeria. This ideology is irrelevant for Algeria. Rita en linje med linjal. Draw a line with a ruler. Draw a line with a ruler. Hringdu í mig á eftir, okei? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, okay? Hva er det du mener? What are you on about? What are you talking about? Mitt hus ligger tio minuters gångväg från stationen. My house is ten minutes' walk from the station. My house is ten minutes' walk from the station. Jeg besluttede, ikke at tage til Europa. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Jag är kvinna. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Låt oss spela Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Let's play Minecraft! Hun bagte en kage til mig. She made me a cake. She baked me a cake. Tom och Maria gifte sig i smyg. Tom and Mary got married secretly. Tom and Maria got married sneaking up. Eg hyggji at sjónvarpi. I'm watching television. I think it's TV. Hvorfor stirrer han på meg. Why is he staring at me? Why is he staring at me? Jag behöver en hatt. I need a hat. I need a hat. Hun prøver veldig hardt. She's trying really hard. She's trying very hard. Jeg elsker dessert. I love dessert. I love dessert. Sitrón er súrur. Lemon is sour. Sitron is sour. Vent venligst her indtil han kommer. Please wait here until he comes. Please wait here until he gets here. Sami læste Bibelen på arabisk. Sami read the Bible in Arabic. Sami read the Bible in Arabic. Jeg ønsker at gå på pension. I want to retire. I want to retire. Tom är usel på att köra bil. Tom is a really bad driver. Tom's bad at driving a car. Jeg har haft en hund der hed Cookie. I had a dog named Cookie. I've had a dog named Cookie. Tom sier han må vente på Maria. Tom says he has to wait for Mary. Tom says he must wait for Mary. Vi åt lunch. We were having lunch. We had lunch. Vid hemkomsten upptäckte jag inbrottet. On arriving home, I discovered the burglary. At home, I discovered the break-in. Kaffen faldt ikke rigtig i min smag. The coffee was not much to my liking. The coffee didn't really come in my taste. Island hörde till Danmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Den syge mands liv er i fare. The sick man's life is in danger. The sick man's life is in danger. De eneste våpen jeg har i mitt hjem er vannpistoler. The only weapons I have in my home are water pistols. The only weapons I have in my home are guns. Hvorfor vasker du dine hænder? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Tom kan ikke tale fransk, kan han vel? Tom can't speak French, can he? Tom can't speak French, can he? Sami kan ikke lide hunde. Sami doesn't like dogs. Sami doesn't like dogs. Hun fortalte mig at hendes mor havde været læge. She told me her mother had been a doctor. She told me that her mother was a doctor. Hvis hun kommer med fly, burde Sue ankomme meget snart. If Sue is coming by air, she ought to arrive very soon. If she comes by plane, Sue should arrive very soon. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde spurt deg om råd. I wish I had asked you for advice. I wish I had asked you for advice. Jeg tror hun lyver. I think she's lying. I think she's lying. Jeg ringer til dig senere. I will telephone you later on. I'll call you later. Tom är charmig. Tom is charming. Tom's charming. Hún og vinir hennar elska tónlist. She and her friends love music. She and her friends love music. Tom tycker att danska är världens vackraste språk. Tom thinks that Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Tom thinks Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Det er iskaldt. It is ice cold. It's freezing. Ég trúi að það sem þú segir sé satt. I think what you say is true. I believe what you're saying is true. Jag skulle vilja ha en chokladglass. I would like a chocolate ice cream. I'd like a chocolate glass. Hafiði hljótt. Quiet down. Be quiet. "Den Nye Aftale" er Bibelens anden del. "The New Testament" is the second part of the Bible. The New Agreement is the second part of the Bible. Hvorfor blev de forskrækket? Why were they scared? Why were they scared? Jag gillar te. I like tea. I like tea. Hur högt är detta berg? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Tom undslap med nød og næppe. Tom had a narrow escape. Tom escaped with need and hardly. Teven fungerar inte. The television doesn't work. The TV is not working. Tom ønskede at se Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. Tom wanted to see Mary. De snakker. They're talking. They're talking. Var ligger damernas? Where is the ladies' room? Where's the ladies' place? Hva heter denne dyreparken? What's this zoo's name? What's the name of this zoo? Du låter besviken. You sound disappointed. You sound disappointed. Kan du skilja på vete och korn? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you distinguish wheat and barley? Heilinn er bara flókin vél. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complex machine. Vi är inte i fara nu. We're in no danger now. We're not in danger now. Thailand ligger i Asien. Thailand is in Asia. Thailand is in Asia. Jeg lærer tyrkisk. I learn Turkish. I teach Turkish. Jag tycker om koreansk mat. I like Korean food. I like Korean food. Hvorfor tager vi ikke til stranden sammen? Why don't we go to the beach together? Why don't we go to the beach together? Dette er en plante. It's a plant. This is a plant. Oversettelsen er meget tro mot originalen. The translation is extremely faithful to the original. The translation is very faithful to the original. Skru ned volumet på radioen. Please turn down the radio. Turn down the volume on the radio. Låt inte Tom spela piano. Don't let Tom play piano. Don't let Tom play the piano. Vi har intet sukker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Din plan virker bedre enn min. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan works better than mine. Þegar ég kom heim var systir mín að spila á gítar. When I came home, my sister was playing the guitar. When I got home, my sister was playing guitars. Jeg sover i en stor seng. I sleep in a big bed. I sleep in a big bed. Tom slog rotten ihjel med stokken. Tom killed the rat with his cane. Tom killed the rat with the stick. Tom glömde att köpa bröd. Tom forgot to buy bread. Tom forgot to buy bread. Disse regler gælder for alle uden undtagelse. Those regulations all apply to everyone without a single exception. These rules apply to everyone without exception. Hann á þennan bíl. That car is his. He's got this car. Tom dricker inte rödvin. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Tom doesn't drink red wine. Fick han ett kvitto? Did he get a receipt? Did he get a receipt? Jag vet ingenting om dinosaurier. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. Giv mig én god grund. Give me one good reason. Give me one good reason. Du burde gå til lægen. You should go see a doctor. You should go to the doctor. Ég er með hjartavandamál. I have a heart problem. I have heart problems. Tom tränade. Tom exercised. Tom trained. Tom døde ikke i en bilulykke. Tom didn't die in a car accident. Tom didn't die in a car accident. Hon är som mitt eget barn. She is like my own child. She's like my own child. Det är uppenbart, du behöver inte förklara det. That's obvious, you don't need to explain it. It's obvious, you don't have to explain it. Det gav meg mye nytelse. That gave me a lot of pleasure. It gave me a lot of pleasure. Hun skremte bort katten. She scared the cat away. She scared the cat away. Personer af angelsaksisk eller tysk oprindelse betragtes som hundredeprocentsamerikanere. Persons of Anglo-Saxon or German origin are considered one hundred percent Americans. Persons of Anglo-Saxon or German origin are considered as hundreds of percent Americans. Den savnede gutten ble identifisert etter klærne hans. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. The missing boy was identified after his clothes. Der er ikke nok appelsiner. There are not enough oranges. There are not enough oranges. Ég hélt að hann væri upptekinn en þvert á móti var hann ekki að gera neitt. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he was idle. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary, he wasn't doing anything. Romarna förföljde kristna. The Romans persecuted Christians. The Romans persecuted Christians. Jag hatar arbete. I hate work. I hate work. Hur kommer det sig att du frågar? How come you ask? How come you're asking? Tom burde definitivt ha fått dødsstraff. Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence. Tom should definitely have got the death penalty. Hvor mange timer tager det at flyve til Boston? How many hours does it take to fly to Boston? How many hours does it take to fly to Boston? I kender mig. You guys know me. You know me. Latin er et perfekt sprog. Latin is a perfect language. Latin is a perfect language. Hvor tog du dine bukser af? Where did you take your pants off? Where did you take your pants off? Stormen har orsakat fruktansvärda skador. The storm has caused terrible damage. The storm has caused terrible damage. Spørg Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Jeg vet ikke helt hvor jeg er. I don't know where I am exactly. I don't know where I am. Importen av brittiska varor ökade. Imports of British goods increased. Imports of British goods increased. Hvis det regner i morgen, vil turen blive aflyst. If it rains tomorrow, the tour will be cancelled. If it rains tomorrow, the trip will be cancelled. Dricker Tom kaffe? Does Tom drink coffee? Is Tom drinking coffee? Jag ska vänta en vecka. I'll wait a week. I'm gonna wait a week. Hvor ble du av? Where did you go? Where did you go? Han kan lide at se TV. He likes watching TV. He likes watching TV. Jag fick reda på det av en ren händelse. I only found out about it purely by accident. I found out about a clean incident. Det øser ned. It is raining heavily. It's pouring down. Jag behöver mer tid. I need more time. I need more time. Det måste vara skrämmande. It must be frightening. It must be scary. Mary är nu en glad liten flicka. Mary is now a happy little girl. Mary is now a happy little girl. Ge mig en dag eller två. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Tom sa ingen var i klassrummet. Tom said nobody was in the classroom. Tom said no one was in the classroom. Hon sprider osanna rykten. She's spreading false rumors. She's spreading the rumors. Tom var ikke særlig energisk. Tom was not very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. Jeg ved at det her er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Lad os sætte os ned og snakke om det. Let's get together and talk it over. Let's sit down and talk about it. Han tog en taxa til hospitalet. He took a taxi to the hospital. He took a cab to the hospital. Hva ville du at hun skulle gjøre? What did you want her to do? What would you want her to do? Hun beskyldte dem for tyveri. She accused him and her of theft. She accused them of stealing. Tom leker med sin leksakslastbil. Tom is playing with his toy truck. Tom's playing with his toy truck. Pas på! Beware! Watch out! Det är väldigt snällt av dig att säga det. That's very kind of you to say that. That's very kind of you to say that. Tycker du om de här? Do you like these? Do you like these? Det är mitt. That is mine. It's mine. Tom ønsker at købe en drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom wants to buy a drone. Tom verkar sova. Tom seems to be asleep. Tom seems to be asleep. Jag trodde att ni gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you guys were going home. Snakker du om oss? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Studerer du engelsk? Do you study English? Are you studying English? Ikke her. Not here. Not here. Tom er far til tre børn. Tom is the father of three children. Tom is the father of three children. Jeg bliver fyldt med glæde hver gang jeg ser dig. I'm filled with joy every time I see you. I get filled with joy every time I see you. Er du nogensinde blevet bidt af en hund? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you ever been bit by a dog? Hur skiljer sig din åsikt från hans? How does your opinion differ from his? How does your opinion differ from his? Tom klatrede op ad stigen og plukkede et æble fra træet. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom climbed up the ladder and picked an apple from the tree. Tom kiggede på et billede af Mary. Tom was looking at a picture of Mary. Tom looked at a picture of Mary. Min mobiltelefon er handy. My mobile phone is handy. My cell phone is handy. Tror du att vi borde överge skeppet? Do you think we should abandon ship? You think we should abandon the ship? Jag har redan sagt det till dig. I already told you. I already told you. Använd en skalpell, inte en yxa. Use a scalpel, not a hatchet. Use a scalpel, not an axe. Hvor mange minutter skal jeg koge de her frosne asparges? How many minutes shall I boil this frozen asparagus? How many minutes do I have to cook these frozen asparagus? Ni måste gå. You guys have to go. You have to go. Hvilken dato er det i dag? What is the date today? What date is it today? Det er verkeleg trist. It's really sad. It's really sad. Jag kan lita på Tom. I can trust Tom. I can trust Tom. Tom og Mary er nygifte. Tom and Mary are newlyweds. Tom and Mary are newlyweds. Ég tók klukkutíma. It took an hour. I took an hour. Jag gav inte Tom något val. I gave Tom no choice. I didn't give Tom a choice. Spindeln är död. The spider is dead. Spider's dead. Tom er i lufthavnen. Tom is at the airport. Tom's at the airport. Hon har studerat engelska sedan tioårsåldern. She has been studying English since the age of ten. She has studied English since her ten - year - old. Sá sem hefur það að starfi að skemmta fólki sem kemur á sýningu er skemmtikraftur. The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer. The one who has the job of entertaining people who come to a show is an entertaining force. Dette er utroligt godt. This is incredibly good. This is incredibly good. Mary luftede sine hunde hver morgen. Mary walked her dogs every morning. Mary aired her dogs every morning. Jeg har en meget god nyhed til dig. I have great news for you. I have a very good news for you. Jeg er her! I'm here. I'm here! Jag ska hjälpa dig. I will help you. I'll help you. Allir vita að tunglið er úr osti. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon's cheese. Det var omöjligt att finna ett svar. It was impossible to find an answer. It was impossible to find an answer. Hun rødmede da vi lavede grin med hende. When we made fun of her, she blushed. She cried when we made fun of her. Jag var kär. I was in love. I was in love. Vi vil hjælpe jer. We'll help you. We'll help you. Tom håber at se dig i oktober. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom hopes to see you in October. Mina fötter är ömma. My feet are sore. My feet are sore. Denne bakterie er resistent over for penicillin. This bacterium is resistant to penicillin. This bacterium is resistant to penicillin. Tom är inte riktigt säker. Tom isn't really sure. Tom's not really sure. Tom är inte lat. Tom isn't lazy. Tom's not lazy. Læreren har ingen autoritet over sine elever. The teacher has no authority over his students. The teacher has no authority over his students. Jag skulle vilja lära mig standardengelska. I would like to learn standard English. I'd like to learn standard English. Forhandlingerne er i fuld gang. The negotiations are in full swing. The negotiations are under way. Det börjar bli dags att gå hem. It's about time I was going home. It's getting time to go home. Jag spelade tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Lyver! Liar! Lyver! Hann er lærari. He is a teacher. He's a teacher. Hon bet honom. She bit him. She bit him. Hun arbejder som sygeplejerske på det lokale hospital. She works as a nurse in the local hospital. She works as a nurse at the local hospital. Hun kalte meg mange forferdelig ting. She called me many terrible things. She called me many terrible things. Mér þykir auðveldast að muna orð með gagnyrtum skilgreiningum. I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember. I find it easier to remember words with critical definitions. Island høyrde før til Danmark. Iceland used to belong to Denmark. Iceland heard before to Denmark. Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. You must not draw an untimely conclusion. Komdu hingað. Come here. Come here. Tom brækkede næsen. Tom broke his nose. Tom broke his nose. Spædbarnet sover. The baby is sleeping. The baby's asleep. Hvenær fæ ég borgað? When do I get paid? When do I get paid? Hjólinu mínu var stolið í gærnótt. I had my bicycle stolen last night. My bike was stolen last night. Tom er ein profesjonell fotballspelar. Tom is a professional soccer player. Tom is a professional football player. Det er ikke Toms skyld. It's not Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Jeg kommer og besøger dig, John. I'll call on you, John. I'll come see you, John. Jag tycker om att simma. I like swimming. I like swimming. Jeg vil gerne se Dem igen i næste uge. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. Musik är hennes passion. Music is her passion. Music is her passion. Han gik rundt og spredte løgne om hende. He went around spreading lies about her. He went around and spread lies about her. Jeg må leve med konsekvenserne af de valg jeg har taget. I must live with the consequences of the choices I've made. I must live with the consequences of the choices I have made. Tom kom för att be oss om hjälp. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came to ask us for help. Jeg har forsøgt at stoppe med at ryge. I've been trying to quit smoking. I've tried to stop smoking. Jeg vokste opp på landsbygda. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the countryside. Gå till jobbet, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Jag är riktigt trött. Idag gick jag alldeles för mycket. I'm really tired. Today, I walked way too much. I'm really tired, and today I went too much. Det er min, ikke hans. It's mine, not his. It's mine, not his. Hon har stora bröst. She has large breasts. She's got big tits. Hon har axellångt hår. She has shoulder-length hair. She's shoulder-long hair. Heather tror mig. Heather believes me. Heather believes me. Superman kan se gennem vægge. Superman can see through walls. Superman can see through walls. Det var roligt att höra! That's wonderful! I'm glad to hear it! Det var det hele værd. It was all worth it. It was all worth it. Du har poser under øjnene. You've got bags under your eyes. You got bags under your eyes. Nej, jag lider inte av astma. Jag stönar av lust! No, I'm not suffering from asthma. I'm moaning in lust! No, I don't suffer from asthma. Han ber alltid om pengar. He is always asking for money. He always asks for money. Hvem venter du på? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Hvordan døde hans søn? How did his son die? How did his son die? Hvor er klokken min? Where is my watch? Where's my time? Han sydde en ny dress til meg. He sewed a new suit for me. He sewed me a new suit. Hotellet har en hemtrevlig atmosfär. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. The hotel has a homely atmosphere. Maria lavede garagen om til et kontor. Mária turned the garage into an office. Maria turned the garage into an office. Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðurinn útilokaði nokkur ný lán til landsins. The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country. The International Monetary Fund excluded some new loans to the country. Tað er í ordan! It's alright! It's in the order! Hvilke valg har jeg tilbage? What choices do I have left? What choices do I have left? Middagen är klar! Dinner's ready! Dinner's over! Paul, vi kan låne op til 8 bøger. Paul, we can borrow up to 8 books. Paul, we can borrow up to 8 books. Tom er forsvundet. Tom has vanished. Tom's gone. Jeg føler meg mye bedre i dag. I feel much better today. I feel much better today. Åbn porten! Open the gate. Open the gate! En av fördelarna med att bo i en demokrati är att man får säga vad man tycker och tänker. One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is permitted to say whatever he thinks. One of the benefits of living in a democracy is to say what you think and think. Eg vil skriva einn bók. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Talentfulde mennesker bliver født hver dag. Talented people are born every day. Talenty people are born every day. Jag tror jag aldrig har sett dig så full förut. I think I've never seen you so drunk before. I think I've never seen you so drunk before. Denne te er for bitter. This tea is too bitter. This tea is too bitter. Familien min bor i det huset. My family live in that house. My family lives in that house. Hun er solist. She's a soloist. She's a soloist. Hvor mange kopper kaffe drakk du? How many cups of coffee did you drink? How many cups of coffee did you drink? Jeg kan ikke spise æblet. I can't eat the apple. I can't eat the apple. Hvem bragte dem? Who brought them? Who brought them? Jag hittade min bok. I found my book. I found my book. De er ikke mine. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Jag skriver ett brev till min fru. I am writing this letter to my wife. I'll write a letter to my wife. Klubben har flere end 50 medlemmer. The club has more than fifty members. The club has more than 50 members. Jag väntar på dig. När är du klar? I'm waiting for you. When are you ready? I'm waiting for you. Jeg skulle ønske du kunne være stille. I wish you would be quiet. I wish you could be quiet. Tom blev forvirret. Tom got confused. Tom was confused. Det er ikke en undskyldning. That's no excuse. It's not an excuse. Jeg så dem omringe ham. I saw them surrounding him. I saw them surrounding him. Det är ett gammalt manuskript. It is an old manuscript. It's an old manuscript. Han har inga vänner. He does not have any friends. He doesn't have any friends. Þú hefðir átt að læsa, eða að minnsta kosti loka, öllum hurðunum. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have locked up, or at least shut down, all the doors. Du malede væggene. You painted the walls. You painted the walls. I går regnede det hele dagen. Yesterday it rained the whole day. Yesterday it rained all day. Finns det en bank i närheten? Is there a bank near here? Is there a bank nearby? Tom kommer ikke til at løbe på ski med os, kommer han vel? Tom won't be skiing with us, will he? Tom's not going to ski with us, is he? Snabbare! Faster! Faster! Tom väntar. Tom's waiting. Tom's waiting. Jeg innrømmer feilen min. I admit my mistake. I admit my fault. Jag tänkte att det skulle vara värt det. I thought it'd be worth it. I thought it would be worth it. Kavla upp din högerärm. Roll up your right sleeve. Squeeze up your right sleeve. Hvor kildede du dem? Where did you tickle them? Where did you source them? Jeg kender jer ikke. I don't know you guys. I don't know you guys. Tom falt ned trappene og slo hodet. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Tom fell down the stairs and struck his head. Jag vet exakt vad du menar. Föräldrar kan vara riktigt jobbiga. I know exactly what you mean. Parents can be really annoying. I know exactly what you mean, parents can be really hard. Dette minder mig om hjem. This reminds me of home. This reminds me of home. Tom tænkte det samme som mig. Tom thought the same thing I did. Tom was thinking the same thing as me. Uighurisk er et tyrkisk sprog. Uyghur is a Turkic language. Uighurisk is a Turkish language. Der var kun to muligheder tilbage for ham for at få noget at spise. Han måtte enten arbejde eller tigge. There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat. He had either to work or to beg. There were only two options left for him to get something to eat, either working or begging. Tom har netop stillet træskoene. Tom has just kicked the bucket. Tom just put his shoes on. Hva ser du etter? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Jag skulle vilja studera arabiska. I would like to study Arabic. I'd like to study Arabic. Tom vet vad det betyder. Tom knows what that means. Tom knows what that means. Jeg ville heller ikke have stolet på Tom. I wouldn't have trusted Tom either. I wouldn't have trusted Tom either. Nu er vi syv arabere. Now we are seven Arabs. Now we're seven Arabs. Jag tvivlar faktiskt på det. I really doubt it. Actually, I doubt it. Det finns mer än 70 miljoner Minecraft-videor på YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are over 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. Hvaðan eru þau? Where are they from? Where are they from? Tá hann hevði latið seg í, fór hann út i køkin. He dressed up and went to the kitchen. To the extent that he insisted, he went out into the queue. Å være, eller ikke være, det er spørsmålet. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be or not be, that's the question. Tom rider på en kapivar på arbejde. Tom rides a capybara to work. Tom rides on a capivar at work. Han bor alene. He lives by himself. He lives alone. Han bor helt alene ude på landet. He lives all by himself in the country. He lives in the country all by himself. Tom så en YouTube-video. Tom watched a YouTube video. Tom saw a YouTube video. De har alle samme størrelse. They're all the same size. They all have the same size. Han sagde at engelsk var hans modersmål, men hans accent afslørede ham. He said that English was his maternal language, but his accent was a dead giveaway. He said English was his mother tongue, but his accent revealed him. Toms familie bor i Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Amman er Jordans hovedstad. Amman is Jordan's capital. Amman is Jordan's capital. Det finns några undantag. There are some exceptions. There are a few exceptions. Sælger du sportssko? Do you sell sport shoes? Are you selling sports shoes? Jag måste ge mig av nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Tom är en mycket stark man. Tom is a very strong man. Tom is a very strong man. Det är dig som hon älskar, inte mig. It's you that she loves, not me. You're the one she loves, not me. Muiriel er 20 no. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is 20 now. Jag vill bara prata. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. Når kommer hun hjem igjen? When will she return home? When does she come home? Han är sitt vanliga jag. He is his usual self. He's his regular self. Ikke alle svaner er hvide. Not all swans are white. Not all swans are white. Jag undrar vart det där skeppet är på väg. I wonder where that ship is headed. I wonder where that ship is headed. Jeg har allerede sjekket alle disse mulighetene. I've already checked those possibilities. I've already checked all of these possibilities. Tom tog Marys oskuld. Tom plucked Mary's flower. Tom took Mary's virginity. Jeg vil ha min. I want mine. I want mine. Det er vanskeligt at levere en god oversættelse uden hjælp fra en korrekturlæser. It is difficult to provide a good translation without the help of a proofreader. It is difficult to deliver a good translation without the help of a proofreader. När jag kom hem, upptäckte jag att jag hade tappat bort min plånbok. When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I discovered that I lost my wallet. Vilken rörig dag. What a chaotic day. What a messy day. Tom berättade inte sanningen. Tom didn't tell the truth. Tom didn't tell me the truth. Jeg gav Tom mine bilnøgler. I gave Tom my car keys. I gave Tom my car keys. Efter stoppet accelererade tåget snabbt. After the stop the train accelerated quickly. After stopping, the train accelerated quickly. Ertu geðveikur? Are you insane? Are you insane? Ni borde komma och hälsa på oss! You should come visit us! You should come see us! Det er meget farligt. That's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Han endrer ofte mening. He often changes his mind. He often changes his mind. Japanska är mitt modersmål. Japanese is my native language. Japanese is my native language. Sig det på russisk! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian! Vi hadde ikke noe sted å bo. We had nowhere to live. We had no place to live. Jeg lurer på hvorfor Tom gjør det. I wonder why Tom is doing that. I wonder why Tom does it. Der er en god chance for at han vil blive valgt. There's a good chance that he'll be chosen. There's a good chance he'll be elected. Gör ett försök bara. Just give it a try. Just try it. Tom fik sceneskræk. Tom got stage fright. Tom got stage fright. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið að nota salernið hjá þér? Can I use your toilet, please? Could I please use your bathroom? Jeg har fått nok av deg. I've had it with you. I've had enough of you. Jeg ser din kat i haven. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. Jeg var heldig. I was lucky. I was lucky. Vad fick du i julklapp? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Tom er netop gået bort. Tom has just passed away. Tom just passed away. Hon borde ha gjort klart sina läxor. She ought to have finished her homework. She should have finished her homework. Hun kunne ikke komme på grunn av sykdom. She was unable to come because of illness. She couldn't come because of disease. Hun nektet å ta imot pengene. She refused to take the money. She refused to accept the money. Han var en formidabel motstander. He was a formidable opponent. He was a formidable opponent. Jeg er ikke ambassadøren. I'm not the ambassador. I'm not the ambassador. Tom har ikke kommet tilbake ennå. Tom has not come back yet. Tom hasn't come back yet. Alle de bøkene er mine. All those books are mine. All those books are mine. De oppdagelsesreisende fortsatte sin ferd. The explorers continued their journey. The explorers continued their journey. Jeg leste at presidenten i Brasil er en kvinne. Hun heter Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Það eru enn nokkur fylki í Bandaríkjunum þar sem áfengi er bannað. There are still some dry states in the U.S. There are still some countries in the United States where alcohol is banned. Hvor ofte sker det? How often does that happen? How often does it happen? Tom valde att inte kommentera saken. Tom declined to comment on the matter. Tom chose not to comment on the matter. Synes du virkelig at Tom og Mary er pålitelige? Do you really think Tom and Mary are trustworthy? Do you really think Tom and Mary are reliable? Tom var på rätt ställe vid rätt tidpunkt. Tom was at the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Jeg skal være læge. I'm going to be a doctor. I need to be a doctor. Fortell meg noe om familien din. Tell me something about your family. Tell me something about your family. Hann lærði frönsku þegar hann var ungur. He acquired French when he was young. He learned French when he was young. Att bo i en storstad har många fördelar. Living in a large city has many advantages. Living in a big city has many advantages. Eg standi og hugsi um mínum børn. I am thinking about my children. I stand and think of my children. Vi løb tør for penge. We ran out of money. We ran out of money. Ett glas kallt vatten, tack! A glass of cold water, please! A glass of cold water, please! Är du rädd för rysare? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of Russians? Jeg følte mig dårlig. I felt bad. I felt bad. Snertu þessa flösku aldrei aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Never touch that bottle again! Lad os tage elevatoren! Let's take the elevator. Let's get the elevator! OK, da kan dere gå hjem. OK, you're free to go home. Okay, then you can go home. Han är ogift. He is unmarried. He's not married. När kan jag träffa Tom igen? When can I see Tom again? When can I see Tom again? Ég er of gömul fyrir það. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. Var ligger den nederländska ambassaden? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Dutch embassy? Denne by kaldes det japanske Danmark. This city is called the Japanese Denmark. This city is called Japanese Denmark. Varför sa du nej? Why did you say no? Why did you say no? Tom døde. Tom has passed away. Tom died. Líttu á stjörnurnar. Look at the stars. Look at the stars. Jag hoppas att det stämmer. I hope that's true. I hope that's true. Hún var gáfuð jafnt sem falleg. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was smart as well as beautiful. Vad sade Tom? What did Tom say? What did Tom say? Folk i Brasilien var stolte af ham. People in Brazil were proud of him. People in Brazil were proud of him. Eitt mál er als ikki nóg mikið. One language is never enough. One thing isn't enough. Du är fortfarande ung. You're still young. You're still young. Vi klarar oss. We'll be just fine. We'll be fine. Ingen kommer til å stoppe meg. Nobody is going to stop me. No one's going to stop me. Toms egern havde en udklædning på. Tom's squirrel wore a costume. Tom's squirrel wore a dress. För min del föredrar jag öl framför whisky. As for me, I prefer beer to whisky. For my part, I prefer beer in front of whiskey. Hvornår har du sidst cyklet? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? When did you last ride? En bold fløj ind gennem vinduet. A ball flew in through the window. A ball flew in through the window. Hann hlustar á allt sem þú segir. He listens to whatever you say. He listens to everything you say. Jeg elsker den slags musik Tom spiller. I love the kind of music Tom plays. I love that kind of music Tom plays. Tom upptäckte Marias hemska hemlighet. Tom discovered Mary's terrible secret. Tom discovered Maria's terrible secret. Tom kommer inte låta Mary att göra det. Tom isn't going to let Mary do that. Tom won't let Mary do that. Tom fyllde på sin kaffemugg. Tom refilled his coffee mug. Tom filled his coffee mold. Jeg vet alt. I know everything. I know everything. I må hellere se at komme af sted. You'd better get going. You better get going. Jag kan hämta den. I can bring it. I can get it. Du pratar snabbt. You talk fast. You're talking fast. Jag kunde knappt säga vem som var vem. I could hardly tell who was who. I could hardly tell you who was who. Vi kommer att måsta senarelägga mötet. We will have to postpone the meeting. We will have to delay the meeting. Jeg tror denne medisinen vil hjelpe deg mye. I think this medicine will do you a lot of good. I think this medicine will help you a lot. Regnet stod som spön i backen. The rain came down in rods. The rain was like a bucket in the hill. Jag tänker inte gifta mig med dig. I'm not marrying you. I'm not marrying you. Halvdelen af æblerne var rådne. Half of the apples were rotten. Half the apples were rotted. Han studerer fransk og webdesign. He's studying French and web design. He studies French and web design. Jag tar den gula. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. Vi har inte gjort någonting. We haven't done anything. We didn't do anything. Tom dog i december. Tom died in December. Tom died in December. Jag är inte en affärsman. I am not a businessperson. I'm not a businessman. Det var en båttävling igår kväll. There was a boat race last night. It was a boat competition last night. Tom studerer ikke fransk mer. Tom doesn't study French anymore. Tom doesn't study French anymore. I morgen er det tirsdag den tiende oktober. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October. Tomorrow is Tuesday, the 10th of October. Jag köpte en massa böcker. I bought a lot of books. I bought a lot of books. Jag gillar utmaningar. I like challenges. I like challenges. Vad är jag skyldig dig? What do I owe you? What do I owe you? Jag kan inte röka. I can't smoke. I can't smoke. Hvor har hun lært italiensk? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Alle vidste at han var en bogorm. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everyone knew he was a bookworm. Jeg kan lide at skrive sange på fransk. I like to write songs in French. I like writing songs in French. Det var hende der anmodede om skilsmissen. She was the one who demanded the divorce. She was the one who asked for the divorce. Hann er að opna gluggann. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Jag tvivlar på att Tom kommer att hålla med dig. I doubt if Tom will agree with you. I doubt Tom will agree with you. Har du hørt det? Have you heard that? Did you hear that? När jag ser tillbaka på den där tiden verkar allt som en dröm. When I look back upon those days, it all seems like a dream. When I look back at that time, everything seems like a dream. Bliv her. Stay here. Stay here. Tom såg festen som ett bra tillfälle att skapa nya kontakter. Tom saw the party as a good networking opportunity. Tom saw the party as a good opportunity to create new contacts. Du sover virkelig mye! You really sleep a lot! You're sleeping a lot! Arabiska är ett mycket viktigt språk. Arabic is a very important language. Arabic is a very important language. Helvedesild forårsages af skoldkoppevirus og manifesterer sig som et båndformet, smertefuldt udslæt. Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus and manifests itself by a belt-shaped, painful skin rash. Hell is caused by varicella virus and manifests itself as a tapered, painful rash. Bare download applikationen, installér den og kør den. Så let er det! Just download the app, install it, and run it. It's as easy as that! Just download the application, install it and run it. Fuglene sang i træerne. The birds used to sing in the trees. The birds sang in the trees. Der er et æbletræ i haven. There's an apple tree in the garden. There's an apple tree in the garden. Ég er þýðandi. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Denne hat er din. This hat is yours. This hat is yours. Han feirer navnedagen sin. He's celebrating his name day. He celebrates his name day. Jeg har tatt av litt vekt. I've lost a little weight. I've taken some weight off. Varför följer ni efter mig? Why are you following me? Why are you following me? Det er for sent at lukke stalddøren efter at hesten er stukket af. It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. It's too late to close the stable door after the horse's gone. Tom är inte härifrån. Tom's not from around here. Tom's not from here. Det var ikke min hensigt at afbryde noget. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. It wasn't my intention to interrupt anything. Jeg er sikker. I am sure. I'm sure. Det var mitt fel. I was to blame. It was my fault. Tom glemte at låse sin cykel, og da han kom tilbage, var den væk. Tom forgot to lock his bike up, and when he came back it was gone. Tom forgot to lock his bike, and when he got back, it was gone. Det er for farligt! It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous! Ingen är där. No one is there. No one's there. Vi hinner förmodligen inte göra klart det idag. We probably don't have enough time to finish doing that today. We probably don't have time to finish it today. Jeg har lest denne boken før. I have read the book before. I've read this book before. Þú ættir að gefa drykkju upp á bátinn. You should give up drinking. You should give up on the boat. Sig til Mary at jeg elsker hende. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Mary I love her. En liter mælk og tolv æg, tak! A liter of milk and a dozen eggs, please. One litre of milk and twelve eggs, please! Om någon är politiker är det han. He is a politician, if ever there was one. If anyone's a politician, it's him. Faen! Jeg har punktert! Shit! I've got a flat. Oh, shit, I've got a point! All elsker sin far. Everyone loves their father. Everyone loves his father. Jeg læste mit horoskop hver dag. I read my horoscope every day. I read my horoscope every day. Minns du det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Remember this game? Hann getur lesið og skrifað. He can read and write. He can read and write. Má ég nota á klósettið? May I use the toilet? Can I use the bathroom? Tom trodde på allt som Maria sa. Tom believed everything that Mary said. Tom believed in everything Mary said. Nej virkelig? Really? No, really? Du skal ikke have ondt af mig. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't you feel sorry for me. Har ikke vi møttes før? Haven't we met before? Haven't we met before? Hvor lenge blir vi i Paris? How long will we remain in Paris? How long do we stay in Paris? Hva er fornavnet ditt? What's your first name? What's your first name? Tom savner sin kone og deres børn. Tom misses his wife and their children. Tom misses his wife and their children. Síðan nítjánhundruð hafa ellefu kvenkyns nemendur hlotið verðlaunin. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since 19 centuries, eleven female students have received the prize. Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki. Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products. In the rest of the world, goods of the highest quality are being released. Måske behøver du ikke at tage af sted. You may not have to go. Maybe you don't have to go. Tom er bløder. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's bleeding. Är det varmt ute? Is it hot outside? Is it hot out there? Jeg lurer på hva som har skjedd. I wonder what happened. I wonder what has happened. Jeg er ikke bange. I am not afraid. I'm not afraid. Når jeg blir stor vil jeg bli konge. When I grow up, I want to be king. When I grow up, I'll be king. Jeg kan ikke lide at du bander. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you fucking. Han er bundet av sitt løfte. He is bound by his promise. He is bound by his promise. God tur! Have a nice trip. Good trip! Färdens kostnad utan rabatt är två tusen euro. The cost of the trip without a discount is two thousand Euros. The cost of the ferry without a discount is two thousand euros. Titta på hur jag gör det. Watch how I do it. Look at how I do it. Tom kaster med sten efter fugle. Tom is throwing stones at birds. Tom throws rocks after birds. Gymnaster är bland de vigaste av alla idrottare. Gymnasts are among the most flexible of all athletes. Gymnasts are among the most important of all athletes. Tom kan inte ställa sig upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Jag skulle vilja följa med Tom. I'd like to go with Tom. I'd like to go with Tom. Vi er ni personer i min familie. There are nine people in my family. We're nine people in my family. Det er kul eller sod. It's carbon or soot. It's fun or soot. De vil have mere. They want more. They want more. Mary har studeret sexologi. Mary studied sexology. Mary studied sexology. Jeg har lige spist. I just ate. I just ate. Hun så aldrig sin far igen. She never saw her father again. She never saw her father again. Han blev sårad. He was hurt. He got hurt. Antalet européer som besöker Thailand varje år, är mycket stort. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand every year is very large. Nogen har efterladt en sæk på bænken. Someone has left a bag on the bench. Someone left a sack on the bench. Å mestre et fremmed språk krever tålmodighet. Mastering a foreign language calls for patience. Mastering a foreign language requires patience. Ekki leggja hér. Don't park here. Don't leave here. Polisen genomsökte det huset för att vara säkra på att de stulna skorna inte var där. The police searched that house to be sure the stolen shoes were not there. The police searched that house to make sure the stolen shoes weren't there. Det här är inte korrekt. This isn't correct. This isn't right. Jag hatar folk som Tom. I hate people like Tom. I hate people like Tom. Det fanns inte ett moln på himlen. No clouds were in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. De ønskede at afsætte Fidel Castros kommunistiske regering. They wanted to oust the communist government of Fidel Castro. They wanted to set aside the Communist Government of Fidel Castro. Hur länge ska du vara i Japan? How long are you going to stay in Japan? How long are you supposed to be in Japan? Vet du vad det betyder? Do you know what it means? You know what that means? Ønsker du virkelig at gå til fods? Do you really want to walk? Do you really want to walk on foot? Kom tillbaka så snart du kan. Come back as soon as you can. Come back as soon as you can. Årh hold op! Give me a break! Oh, stop it! Det er nedverdigende for henne. It is degrading for her. It's discouraging to her. Nej, han har inte sagt någonting om det. No, he hasn't said anything about it. No, he hasn't said anything about it. Tom sover ikke. Tom isn't asleep. Tom's not sleeping. Jeg vet hva mine svakheter er. I know what my weaknesses are. I know what my weaknesses are. Af hverju gerði hún svona nokkuð? Why did he do such a thing? Why did she do something like that? I front av huset mitt var det et stort tre. There was a tall tree in front of my house. In front of my house there was a big tree. Tom samlede kvas til bålet. Tom gathered sticks for the fire. Tom collected the quaz to the fire. Om morgenen begyndte fuglene at synge. In the morning, the birds started to sing. In the morning, the birds began singing. Allt eða ekkert. All or nothing. Everything or nothing. Japan är fullt av vackra landskap. Japan is rich in beautiful scenery. Japan is full of beautiful landscapes. Et slikt prosjekt har selvsagt fordret et revidert budsjett. Such a project has of course demanded a revised budget. Of course, such a project has required a revised budget. Sommerfugle er smukke. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflies are beautiful. Han blev fuldstændig frikendt for sigtelsen mod ham. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. He was completely acquitted of the charges against him. Du är inte misstänkt. You're not a suspect. You're not a suspect. Mennesker kan ikke leve på Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Jag skulle kunna hjälpa Tom. I could help Tom. I could help Tom. Har du noen gang lurt på hvor mange stjerner det er på himmelen? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in heaven? Kære Julemand, jeg ønsker mig en kæreste til jul. Dear Santa, I want a girlfriend for Christmas. Dear Santa, I want a girlfriend for Christmas. Glöm vad jag sa. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Er Haruki Murakami populær i Vietnam også? Is Haruki Murakami popular in Vietnam as well? Is Haruki Murakami popular in Vietnam too? Fråga Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Mitt sto har fölat. My mare foaled. My chair has paleened. Undskyld at jeg lod jer vente. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Vi havde ikke hørt denne nyhed. We hadn't heard this news. We hadn't heard this news. Hvor gamle var dine børn, da du flyttede til Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your children when you moved to Boston? Vad heter han? What's his name? What's his name? Jeg ved ikke hvorfor han græder. I don't know why he's crying. I don't know why he's crying. Hun tog en sweater på, for at hun ikke skulle blive forkølet. She put on a sweater so she wouldn't catch a cold. She put on a sweater so she wouldn't get cold. Kan jeg give dig et lift? Can I give you a lift? Can I give you a ride? Lad os tale om din barndom. Let's talk about your childhood. Let's talk about your childhood. Kan du oversætte dette for mig? Can you please translate this for me? Can you translate this for me? Vil du danse med mig? Do you want to dance with me? You wanna dance with me? Jeg snakker ikke Klingon. I can't speak Klingon. I'm not talking Klingon. Han åt inte lunch. He didn't have lunch. He didn't eat lunch. Tom lovede at han ville holde op med at ryge. Tom promised he'd quit smoking. Tom promised he'd stop smoking. Förr eller senare kommer jag att slå dig. Someday I'll beat you. Sooner or later, I'll beat you. Nej, du kan inte använda min bil! No, you can't use my car! No, you can't use my car! La oss gå hjem. Let us go home. Let's go home. En snøplog prøvde å holde motorveien nær Oslo fri for snø torsdag morgen. A snowplow tried to keep the highway near Oslo free of snow on Thursday morning. A snowplough tried to keep the highway near Oslo free of snow Thursday morning. Hun har røde blomster. She has red flowers. She has red flowers. Hvordan vidste man at jeg ikke var canadisk? How did people know I wasn't Canadian? How did you know I wasn't Canadian? Tom syntes huset Maria hadde lyst til å kjøpe var litt lite. Tom thought the house Mary wanted to buy was a little too small. Tom thought the house Mary wanted to buy was a little bit small. Jeg har overtalt Tom til at blive i Boston indtil mandag. I've persuaded Tom to stay in Boston until Monday. I've convinced Tom to stay in Boston until Monday. Du måste öva dig att skriva svenska. You must practice writing Swedish. You must practice writing Swedish. Det är inte lätt att lösa problemet. It's not easy to solve the problem. It's not easy to solve the problem. Jag är. I am. I am. Är du ledsen? Are you sad? Are you sorry? Han drillede hende lidt. He teased her a little. He was teasing her a little bit. Jeg tror, at alle ved det. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows. Heldur þú að við náum heim til hans fyrir hádegi? Do you think we'll reach his house before noon? Do you think we'll get to his house by noon? Hun er klædt i hvidt. She is dressed in white. She's dressed in white. Tar ni emot dricks? Do you accept tips? Do you accept drinks? Er det det han vil? Is that what he wants? Is that what he wants? Vi spiste akkurat middag. We just ate dinner. We just ate dinner. Við verðum að kaupa þær frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Vi har alltid varit vänner. We've always been friends. We've always been friends. Tom bestilte en øl. Tom ordered a beer. Tom ordered a beer. Jeg kan forsikre dig om, at jeg har overvejet den mulighed. I assure you I've considered that possibility. I can assure you I've considered that opportunity. Hendes tilstand vendte sig til det værre i går. Her condition turned for the worse yesterday. Her condition turned to the worse yesterday. Vi har stadig det bedste til gode. You ain't seen nothing yet. We still have the best for you. Tom valgte en interessant bok for Maria. Tom picked out an interesting book for Mary to read. Tom chose an interesting book for Maria. Var specifik. Be specific. Be specific. Han er så glad. He is so gay. He's so happy. Du borde nog berätta för Tom att du älskar honom. I think you should tell Tom that you love him. You should probably tell Tom you love him. Tom sa till Mary att han inte var trött Tom told Mary that he wasn't tired. Tom told Mary he wasn't tired. Það verður að gera þetta. This must be done. This has to be done. Verden udenfor er meget frygtindgydende. The world outside is very scary. The outside world is very fearsome. Ni kommer att behöva en nyckel. You will need a key. You'll need a key. Jag såg dina foton. I saw your photos. I saw your photos. Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt, en hann hlustaði ekki á hana. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he did not listen to her. Var vänliga. Be friendly. Please. Jeg var i London i nesten hele sommeren. I was in London for almost all the summer. I was in London for almost all summer. Tom insåg att Mary hade något för sig. Tom realized Mary was up to something. Tom realized Mary had something to do with her. Hon äter middag nu. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. Tom er en rigtig cowboy. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cowboy. Mere end 300 rensdyr blev dræbt af et lynnedslag i Norge. More than 300 reindeer were killed by a lightning strike in Norway. More than 300 reindeer were killed by a lightning strike in Norway. Ska vi påbörja mötet nu? Shall we start the meeting now? Shall we begin the meeting now? Það var nákvæmlega þar sem Tom sagði að það yrði. It was right where Tom said it would be. It was exactly where Tom said it would be. Dette æble er for lille. This apple is too small. This apple is too small. Tom är grym. Tom is awesome. Tom's awesome. Har du stadig en nøgle til Toms lejlighed? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Det är fritt inträde under jullovet. Admission is free during Christmas break. It is free entry during the Christmas holidays. Kvinnor vill också ha sex. Women want to have sex too. Women also want to have sex. Det här är Toms skola. This is Tom's school. This is Tom's school. Det regnede. It rained. It was raining. Tom og Mary mødtes da de begge var ude at lufte hund. Tom and Mary met when they were both walking their dogs. Tom and Mary met when they were both flying a dog. Kunne du tatt å poste dette brevet for meg? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Could you post this letter to me? Það er ekkert vatn eftir í flöskunni. There is no water left in the bottle. There is no water left in the bottle. Jag gjorde Tom besviken. I let Tom down. I disappointed Tom. Ikke alle var glade. Not everyone was happy. Not everyone was happy. Tom kan ha vært syk. Tom may have been sick. Tom may have been sick. Det vore oförskämt. That would be rude. That would be rude. Jag tror inte att Tom skulle hålla med. I think Tom would disagree. I don't think Tom would agree. Jo eldre du er, desto vanskeligere er det å lære et språk. The older you are, the more difficult it is to learn a language. The older you are, the harder it is to learn a language. Jeg læste ikke. I didn't read. I didn't read. Köpte ni en hund till Tom? Did you buy Tom a dog? Did you buy Tom a dog? Du borde köpa en telefonsvarare. You should buy an answering machine. You should buy a answering machine. Karrieren hennes var full av suksesser. Her carrier was full of successes. Her career was full of success. Har du brug for læsebriller? Do you need glasses to read? Do you need glasses? Det er farligt at gå derhen alene. It's dangerous to go there alone. It's dangerous to go there alone. Ég elska hana vegna þess hve þolinmóð hún er. I love her because of how patient she is. I love her because she is patient. Tom önskar att han inte hade gjort det han gjorde. Tom wished he hadn't done what he did. Tom wish he hadn't done what he did. Margir sem hafa hingað til eytt pening í að skemmta sér þurfa nú að spara. A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money. Many who have so far spent money entertaining themselves now need to save. Det er moskito selv i Hellas. There are mosquitoes even in Greece. It's muskito even in Greece. Tom kan have ret. Tom might be right. Tom can be right. Hur ska vi skydda oss själva? How will we protect ourselves? How are we supposed to protect ourselves? Jeg taler berbisk med mine søskende. I speak Berber with my siblings. I speak Berbish with my siblings. Han har inte en hatt på sig. He is not wearing a hat. He doesn't have a hat on him. Ég var veikur í gær. I was ill yesterday. I was sick yesterday. Det er en myte at fattige mennesker er dovne. It's a myth that poor people are lazy. It's a myth that poor people are lazy. Jeg malede. I was painting. I painted. Den här bilen ser glad ut. This car looks happy. This car looks happy. Ég á engan pening. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Tom tittade på golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Du er en attraktiv pige. You're an attractive girl. You're an attractive girl. Var är era väskor? Where are your bags? Where are your bags? Þetta er ástæðan fyrir því að ég kom aftur. This is why I came back. That's why I came back. Måste jag göra någonting? Do I have to do anything? Do I have to do something? Tom är vansinnig. Tom is demented. Tom's crazy. Hr. Sato stillede mig mange spørgsmål om valget. Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election. Mr Sato asked me many questions about the elections. Tom är groggy. Tom's groggy. Tom's a groggy. Vi er folket. We are the people. We're the people. Jag drömde att jag flög. I dreamed I was flying. I was dreaming I was flying. Gå inte nära dem. Do not go near them. Don't go near them. Hann hleypur mjög hratt. He runs very fast. He's running very fast. Loksins leysti hann vandamálið. At last, he solved the problem. He finally solved the problem. Eg har laga ei liste over matvarer eg ikkje kan ete. I've made a list of foods that I can't eat. I have created a list of foods that I cannot eat. Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka svona mikið geturðu vel orðið alkóhólisti. If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic. If you continue to drink so much, you can well become an alcoholic. Þú þarft ekkert að flýta þér. You have no need to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Tom elskede Mary, men hun kunne slet ikke lide ham. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Tom loved Mary, but she didn't like him at all. Har du redan bokat våra platser på flygplanet? Have you already booked our seats on a plane? Have you already booked our seats on the plane? Du kan ordna allt det här. You can fix all this. You can fix all this. Skogen var mørk. The forest was dark. The forest was dark. Vi har en ny granne. We have a new neighbour. We have a new neighbor. Är du färdig ännu? Are you finished yet? Are you done yet? Gid jeg havde lært fransk da jeg var barn! I wish I had learned French when I was a kid. I wish I had learned French when I was a child! Tað finnast ongir býttir spurningar. There are no stupid questions. There are some important questions to ask. Vær så snill og kom. Jeg vil veldig gjerne møte deg. Please come. I really want to meet you. Please come. Ingen vet. Nobody knows. No one knows. Du behøver ikke at forklare mig det. Jeg forstår det allerede. You don't need to explain it to me. I already understand it. You don't have to explain it to me. Jeg hadde reparert bilen. I would have repaired the car. I had repaired the car. Tom sitter bakom Mary på fransklektionerna. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom's behind Mary in the French lessons. Nej, det er secondhand. No, it's second hand. No, it's the second hand. Hvor langt er der til lufthavnen? How far is it to the airport? How far is it to the airport? Du er så hvit som et laken. You are as white as a sheet. You're as white as a lake. Tom plejer at tabe i kortspillet enogtyve. Tom usually loses at blackjack. Tom usually loses in the card game twenty-one. Dette flag er meget smukt. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Det var det här du ville, eller hur? You wanted this, didn't you? This is what you wanted, right? Tom ser TV. Tom is watching TV. Tom's watching TV. Jeg ønsker at spise æblekage. I want to eat apple pie. I want to eat apple cake. Det er irriterende å jobbe med Tom fordi han aldri innrømmer sine feil. Tom's an irritating person to work with because he'll never admit it when he's made a mistake. It's annoying to work with Tom because he never admits his faults. Fuglen var halvt så stor som en høg. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half as big as a hawk. Jag ansträngde mig verkligen. I tried really hard. I made a real effort. Det er bortkastet å la jorden ligge uutvunnet. It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle. It is waste to leave the earth unveried. Vilken årstid gillar du mest, våren eller hösten? Which season do you like best, spring or autumn? Which season do you like the most, spring or autumn? Ekki blekkja hann. Don't deceive him. Don't fool him. Vad tyckte de? What did they think? What did they think? Toms sønn ble drept i en trafikkulykke sist vinter. Tom's son was killed in a traffic accident last winter. Tom's son was killed in a traffic accident last winter. Hvad håber du at finde her? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Jeg har ingen steder at sove. Kan jeg overnatte på din sofa? I have nowhere to sleep. Can I crash on your sofa? I don't have anywhere to sleep. Vänta ett ögonblick. Hold on a moment. Wait a minute. Ved Gud, jeg lyver aldrig. By God, I never tell a lie. By God, I never lie. Jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska förvänta mig. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Hvem ejer disse rener? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Ord må ordnes i rett rekkefølge og grammatikkregler må overholdes for å få en setning akseptert som en naturlig setning. Words must be arranged in the proper sequence and the rules of grammar must be followed for a sentence to be accepted as a natural-sounding sentence. Words must be ordered in the correct order and grammar rules must be respected in order to have a sentence accepted as a natural sentence. Hallå, var är vi någonstans? Hey, where are we? Hey, where are we? Han har boet i Algeriet siden 4. april. He has been living in Algeria since April 4. He's lived in Algeria since April 4. Jag kommer nog över det. I'll get over it. I think I'll get over it. Tvätta händerna innan du äter. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before you eat. Jeg har mistet en værdifuld medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I've lost a valuable medal. Hvordan foregår det? How does that work? How's it going? Når kan du komme? What time can you come? When can you come? Skillet mellom rik og fattig blir større. The gap between rich and poor is getting wider. The distinction between rich and poor is getting bigger. Tom er allerede begyndt at gå ud med en anden. Tom has already started dating someone else. Tom's already going out with someone else. Ursäkta mig, jag har en förfrågan. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Jeg bor alene i dette huset. I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. Jeg har ikke tænkt mig at lade dig være alene på din fødselsdag. I'm not going to let you spend your birthday alone. I'm not gonna leave you alone on your birthday. Min cykel skal repareres. My bicycle needs fixing. My bike has to be repaired. Stanna där du är! Stand where you are! Stay where you are! Du kan aldri vite med mindre du prøver. You'll never know until you try. You can never know unless you try. Jag önskar att alla tyckte om mig. I wish everybody liked me. I wish everyone liked me. Han tog på sig den svarta överrocken. He put on the black coat. He took on the black overcoat. Han er en idiot. He is an idiot. He's an idiot. Jeg ledte efter et passende ord. I was looking for appropriate words. I was looking for a suitable word. Har du hovedpine? Do you have a headache? Do you have a headache? Hun lider af anoreksi. She is suffering from anorexia. She's suffering from anorexia. Vi trengte ikke skynde oss. We didn't need to hurry. We didn't have to hurry. Ingen ved at vi er søskendebørn. No one knows that we're cousins. No one knows we're siblings. Hva synes Tom om Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? What does Tom think of Mary? Bröd bakas i ugn. Bread is baked in an oven. Bread is baked in the oven. Han kiggede gennem mikroskopet. He looked through the microscope. He looked through the microscope. Jeg har købt dette fotografiapparat for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this photography machine for 35,000 yen. Tom er aldeles ikke redd slenger. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom's not scared of slingles. Jeg rydder rommet mitt nesten hver dag. I tidy my room almost every day. I clean my room almost every day. De siger at han har været død i to år. They say that he has been dead for two years. They say he's been dead for two years. Han dog ung. He died young. He died young. Hon grætur. She is crying. She's crying. Jeg tror denne boken vil være til stor hjelp for dere. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I think this book will be of great help to you. Hann lítur grunsamlega út. He looks suspicious. He looks suspicious. Tennis er veldig populært blant studenter. Tennis is very popular amongst students. Tennis is very popular among students. Veistu hvar stelpan býr? Do you know where the girl lives? Do you know where the girl lives? Jeg kjøpte ny datamaskin forrige måned. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. Alt sker af en grund. Everything happens for a reason. Everything's happening for a reason. Du er ikke ved dine fulde fem. You've lost your marbles. You're not at your full five. Jeg burde nok være gået i seng noget før. I should've gone to bed earlier. I should've gone to bed before. Jag skulle dö utan er. I'd die without you. I would die without you. Han uttrykte alltid sine egne antagelser som om de var uimotsigelige fakta. He would always project his own suppositions as undeniable facts. He always expressed his own assumptions as if they were irresistible facts. Du har et problem. You've got a problem. You have a problem. Uppdraget är slutfört. Mission accomplished. The mission is complete. Tom är bilförsäljare. Tom is a car salesman. Tom's a car salesman. Tom ville ha ett jobb. Tom wanted a job. Tom wanted a job. Vem går först? Who's first? Who's going first? Tom kaldte Mary en forræder. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Vinteren er over og våren har kommet. Winter is over and spring has come. Winter's over and spring's over. Jeg ønsker, at hun ville holde op med at ryge. I wish that she would stop smoking. I want her to stop smoking. Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. He did so anyway. Tom er fortsatt jomfru. Tom is still a virgin. Tom's still a virgin. Tom tog av sig tröjan. Tom took off his shirt. Tom took off his shirt. Han har stjålet mit armbåndsur. He stole my watch. He stole my wristwatch. Er du begyndt at lære engelsk? Have you begun studying English? Have you started learning English? Dans er ingen forbrydelse. Dancing is not a crime. Dance is no crime. Schweiz har brug for bedre æbler. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. Hun har på den samme kjolen hun hadde på i går. She is wearing the same dress that she had on yesterday. She wears the same dress she wore yesterday. Vi var väldigt lyckliga. We were very happy. We were very happy. Du er forelsket. You're in love. You're in love. Lægen rådede mig til at tabe mig. The doctor advised me to lose weight. The doctor advised me to lose me. Nogen ringede. Somebody called. Somebody called. En skola i Storbritannien har frångått läroböcker till förmån för iPads i klassrummet. One school in the U.K. has abandoned textbooks in favour of iPads in the classroom. A school in Great Britain has moved from textbooks to the benefit of iPads in the classroom. Þessi bíll tilheyrir honum. That car is his. This car belongs to him. Jag stannade kvar. I stayed. I stayed. Hun introducerede sin datter til klassisk musik. She acquainted her daughter with classical music. She introduced her daughter to classical music. Jeg er kvinde. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Det gør ingen forskel om han kommer eller ej. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter whether he comes or not. Kvar er utgangen? Where is the exit? Where's the exit? Hvor jeg hader dette sted. This place sucks. Where I hate this place. Hans reaktion var ikke overraskende overhovedet. His reaction wasn't surprising at all. His reaction was not surprising at all. Hvilke gjenstander er i rommet? Which objects are in the room? What items are in the room? Jeg solgte den for ti dollars. I sold it for ten dollars. I sold it for $10. Ég get ekki fengið mig til að gera svona lagað. I cannot bring myself to do such a thing. I can't make myself do this kind of thing. Min mamma har kommit fram. My mother has arrived. My mom's here. Kommer du? Are you coming? Are you coming? Tom bor ikke med oss lengre. Tom doesn't live with us anymore. Tom doesn't live with us anymore. Vandet katten drak, var ikke salt. The water the cat drank was not salty. The water the cat drank was not salty. Jeg ønsker at se hende igen. I'd like to see her again. I want to see her again. Han mår bra. He is doing well. He's fine. Vi kommer att åka till Irland. We'll go to Ireland. We're going to Ireland. Jag fick en rutten en. I got a bad one. I got a rotten one. Jag vill egentligen bara skaffa vänner. I really just want to make friends. I really just want to make friends. Jeg er så glad for at der er en bæk nær Grønnebakken. I'm so glad there's a brook near Green Gables. I'm so glad there's a brook near the green tray. Tom vidste ikke hvorfor. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Hon kunde inte hindra sin dotter från att gå ut. She could not keep her daughter from going out. She couldn't stop her daughter from going out. Tom är orolig. Tom's worried. Tom's worried. Ni kan välja vilken ni vill. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose which one you want. Ha en trevlig flygresa. Have a good flight. Have a nice flight. Håll utkik efter en skallig och svettig kille. Look for a bald and sweaty guy. Look out for a bald and sweaty guy. Sami kommer inte få veta. Sami won't find out. Sami won't know. Det är för barnen. It's for the children. It's for the kids. Du kan ikke si nei. You can't say no. You can't say no. Han sagde farvel til familien. He said good-bye to the family. He said goodbye to the family. Jeg har tre gange været i Australien. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. Denne boken skal hjelpe deg å skrive effektivt. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write effectively. Du är farlig. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. Det er det samme spørgsmål jeg stillede dig. That's the same question I asked you. That's the same question I asked you. Jag önskar att alla gillade mig. I wish everybody liked me. I wish everyone liked me. Mary har konstiga bröst. Mary has weird breasts. Mary has weird breasts. Det är något fel på honom. There's something wrong with him. There's something wrong with him. Jag köpte någonting smått att äta åt dem. I bought them snacks. I bought something small to eat for them. Jag skulle vilja lära mig finska. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Jeg blev gift for 8 år siden. I married eight years ago. I got married eight years ago. Hvor mye koster en inngangsbillett? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much does an entrance ticket cost? Det finns ingen ost kvar. There is no more cheese left. There's no cheese left. Tom sa ikke et ord. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. Du er doven. You're lazy. You're lazy. Matchen slutade oavgjort. The match ended in a draw. The match ended adjourned. Jeg kan ikke huske navnet hennes for øyeblikket. I can't recall her name at the moment. I don't remember her name right now. Það er töluð enska í Singapúr. English is spoken in Singapore. It's spoken English in Singapore. Hon hjälpte de fattiga. She helped the poor. She helped the poor. Hvis du ikke ved det, hvem gør så? If you don't know, who does? If you don't know, who will? Núverandi ójafnvægi milli framboðs og eftirspurnar er talið benda til formbreytinga á sviði eftirspurnar frekar en að það sé lotubundið fyrirbæri. The current imbalance between supply and demand is considered to reflect structural changes on the demand side, rather than being a cyclical phenomenon. The current imbalance between supply and demand is thought to indicate changes in the requested form rather than the fact that it is a circadian phenomenon. Hvis du har brug for min hjælp, så lad mig det vide. If you need my help, please let me know. If you need my help, let me know. Vi elsker begge poesi. We both love poetry. We both love poetry. Han er en mann av bred erfaring. He is a man of wide experience. He's a man of extensive experience. Jeg hater vinter. I hate winter. I hate winter. Din bil blev vasket af Ken. Your car was washed by Ken. Your car was washed by Ken. Tom är en illegal invandrare. Tom is an illegal immigrant. Tom's an illegal immigrant. Tom søgte hjælp for ludomani. Tom sought help for problem gambling. Tom was looking for help for ludomani. Min fru är läkare. My wife is a physician. My wife's a doctor. Kan du skjutsa oss hem? Can you give us a ride home? Can you drive us home? Strengt tatt er tomat en frukt. Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit. Hardly speaking, tomato is a fruit. Hvor mange gange har Tom gjort det selv? How many times has Tom done that by himself? How many times has Tom done it himself? Giraffen är här. The giraffe is here. The giraffe's here. Få bort Tom härifrån. Get Tom away from here. Get Tom out of here. Ham og hans datter sms'ede ofte til hinanden inde i deres eget hus. His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home. He and his daughter often texted each other inside their own house. Skynda! Hurry up. Hurry! Jeg er overbevist om din uskyld. I'm convinced of your innocence. I'm convinced of your innocence. Jeg kan se at du er bekymret. I can tell that you're worried. I see you're worried. Bra jobbat, gubbar. Well done, guys. Good job, guys. Tom er Marys svoger. Tom is Mary's brother-in-law. Tom's Mary's brother-in-law. Heste har tre former for bevægelse: Skridt, trav og galop. Horses have three modes of locomotion: Walk, trot and gallop. Horses have three kinds of movement: Steps, trots and gallop. Vart gick han? Where did he go? Where did he go? Hon är ute nu. She is out now. She's out now. Hade du drömmar? Did you have dreams? Did you have dreams? Gi meg beskjed når du er klar. Let me know, when you are ready! Let me know when you're ready. Vi ska göra det igen. We're going to do it again. We're gonna do it again. Jeg ved hvordan det skal gøres. I know how to do it. I know how to do this. Lad være med at gøre det! Please don't do it. Don't do that! Vi planterade träd. We were planting trees. We planted trees. Tom sa att han kunde laga den. Tom said he could fix it. Tom said he could fix it. Vær så snill ikke å si det. Please don't say that. Please don't say that. Vad tänker du på? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Jag visste att du skulle sakna mig. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Bíllinn bilaði. The car broke down. The car broke down. Tom var ikke en konfliktsøgende person. Tom wasn't a confrontational person. Tom wasn't a conflict seeker. Den bil er hans. That car is his. That car is his. Opnaðu flöskuna. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Jeg vil bare være med deg. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Dette er et billede af min mor. This is a picture of my mother. This is a picture of my mother. Við ættum heldur betur að gefa okkur svolítinn tíma. We'd better make some time. Rather, we should give ourselves a little time. Den här kameran är liten, men mycket bra. This camera is small, but very good. This camera is small, but very good. Tom er en uhelbredelig optimist. Tom is an incurable optimist. Tom is an incurable optimist. Eg har hatt en veldig tøff dag. I've had a really tough day. I've had a very tough day. Jag kunde ställa upp på det. I'd be up for that. I could set it up. Det är lugnet innan stormen. It is the calm before the storm. It's calm before the storm. Þú og ég erum mjög góðar vinkonur. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. Det er irriterande å jobbe med Tom fordi han innrømmer aldri feila sine. Tom's an irritating person to work with because he'll never admit it when he's made a mistake. It's annoying to work with Tom because he never admits his errors. Dette skjønner jeg rett og slett ikke. I simply don't understand this. I simply don't understand this. Først etter å ha fullført utdannelsen min innså jeg hvor viktig det er å studere. It was not until I left school that I realized the importance of study. Only after completing my education did I realize how important it is to study. Tom håller på att söka efter ett bättre jobb. Tom is looking for a better job. Tom is looking for a better job. Jeg tror stadig at Tom er uskyldig. I still think Tom is innocent. I still think Tom's innocent. Hvorfor var de ikke der? Why weren't they there? Why weren't they there? Ett fruktansvärt kaos härskar i vardagsrummet. A horrible chaos reigns in the living room. A terrible chaos prevails in the living room. Jeg ønsker ikke at hun tager afsted. I don't want her to leave. I don't want her to go. Denne hest er hvid. This horse is white. This horse is white. Folk säger att han aldrig dör. People say he never dies. People say he never dies. Ignorer ham bare. Just ignore him. Just ignore him. Jag tror inte att jag ska gå på college. I don't think I'll go to college. I don't think I'm going to college. Hvad koster appelsinerne? How much are the oranges? How much do the oranges cost? Han holder sit ord. He keeps his word. He keeps his word. Det er meget dyrt! It is very expensive. It's very expensive! Varför behöver du den här? Why do you need this? Why do you need this? Vi går normalt i seng ved midnat. We usually go to bed at midnight. We normally go to bed at midnight. Jeg klarer ikke gå videre. I can't go any farther. I can't go on. Jorden er en planet. Earth is a planet. The earth is a planet. Först till kvarn får först mala. First come, first served. First to mill, first to grind. Sätt dig i lastbilen. Get in the truck. Get in the truck. "FIsh'n'chips" er den mest kjente engelske matretten. Fish'n'chips is the most famous English food. "Fish'n'chips" is the most famous English dish. Ta min. Take mine. Take mine. Tak for din gave. Thank you for your present. Thank you for your gift. Det trækker her. There is a draught in here. It's pulling here. Er du klar for sengen? Are you ready for bed? Are you ready for the bed? Jeg har lyst til å spise en mango. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat a mangoe. Jeg har levet af kartoffelchips i mere end tre år. I've been living on potato chips for more than three years. I've been living with potato chips for more than three years. Jag hoppas att vi kan hjälpa. I hope we can help. I hope we can help. Kun nogle få forstod hvad han sagde. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few people understood what he said. På den tiden var det få som kunde resa utomlands. In those days, few people could travel abroad. At that time there were few who could travel abroad. Jag tycker om hur du talar. I like the way you talk. I like how you talk. Mennesket består af 70 % vand. Man is 70% water. Man consists of 70 % water. Æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen. The apple does not fall far from the trunk. The apple doesn't fall far from the tribe. Han hoppade över diket. He jumped over a ditch. He jumped over the poem. Hvornår har du sidst rigtigt kunnet græde ud? When was the last time you had a really good cry? When did you last really cry out? Jeg tar ikke feil. I don't make mistakes. I'm not wrong. Vilken stor katt! What a big cat! What a big cat! Vi tog en taxi. We took a cab. We took a cab. Sväng vänster. Turn left. Turn left. Hvornår skal du giftes? When are you getting married? When are you getting married? Toms far er i fængsel. Tom's father is in jail. Tom's dad's in jail. Han hører på musikk. He's listening to music. He listens to music. John hefur áhuga á golfi. John is interested in golf. John's interested in golf. Tom bad Mary att hjälpa honom. Tom asked Mary to help him. Tom asked Mary to help him. Vi gjorde ett sandslott. We made a sand castle. We made a sand castle. Jeg arbejder lige nu. I'm working right now. I'm working right now. Min laptop kører linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running linux. Jeg er ikke interesseret i politik. I'm not interested in politics. I'm not interested in politics. Tak fordi du er min ven. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being my friend. Eg ser ei løve. I see a lion. I see a lion. Jag har tråkigt. I am bored. I'm sorry. Penge er magt. Money is power. Money is power. Hvor meget har det kostet? How much did it cost? How much has it cost? Hvad er årsagen? What's the cause? What's the reason? De er løbet tør for sukker nu. They're out of sugar now. They're out of sugar now. Varför vill du att världen ska känna till japanska trädgårdar? Why do you want the world to know about Japanese gardens? Why do you want the world to know about Japanese gardens? Det regner kraftigt. It is raining heavily. It's raining hard. Arbeiderne er overarbeidet og underbetalt. The workers are overworked and underpaid. Workers are overworked and underpaid. Vi vill inte vänta längre. We don't want to wait any longer. We don't want to wait any longer. Skræl æblet før du spiser det. Peel the apple before you eat it. Scare the apple before you eat it. Jag sa det fel. I said that wrong. I said it wrong. Tom frågade om jag skulle vilja laga mat. Tom asked me if I would like to cook. Tom asked if I'd like to cook. Du burde gøre noget ved det ukrudt. You should get rid of these weeds. You should do something about that weed. Tom skrev postkort til os. Tom wrote us postcards. Tom wrote us a postcard. Kvinnor är människor. Women are people. Women are people. Detta är skandalöst! This is outrageous! This is scandalous! Vi har pratat färdigt. We're done talking. We've finished talking. Han fortalte meg at han skulle dra til Amerika. He said he would go to America. He told me he was going to America. Þú ættir að biðjast afsökunar. You should apologize. You should apologize. Mary er ganske attraktiv. Mary is quite attractive. Mary is quite attractive. Hur hänger dessa händelser ihop? How are these events connected? How are these events linked? Vet Tom? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Min kone, som er vokst opp i Norge, gjorde det svært klart fra første stund at det ikke var aktuelt å stå på pinne for mannen til alle døgnets tider. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it very clear, from the first moment, that it wasn't practice to be of service to the husband at all times. My wife, who has grown up in Norway, made it very clear from the first moment that it was not appropriate to stand on the torment of the man until all the days of the day. Förstår ni? Understand? Do you understand? Jeg kender enken efter Tom. I know Tom's widow. I know the widow after Tom. Vad trodde du att jag skulle göra? What did you think I was going to do? What did you think I'd do? Jeg skjærer en løk. I'm cutting up an onion. I'll cut one onions. Ja det kan vi. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Tom är listig. Tom is crafty. Tom's a good-looking guy. Hur vet du om någon är en löpare? How do you know someone is a runner? How do you know if someone's a runner? Afrika er ikke et land. Africa is not a country. Africa is not a country. Rökning dödar. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Mary och Jane är kusiner. Mary and Jane are cousins. Mary and Jane are cousins. Hun er langt fra ærlig. She is far from honest. She's a long way from being honest. En ældre kvinde går over vejen. An old woman is walking across the road. An older woman walks through the road. Jag tycker att killar som kan spela piano är coola. I think that guys who can play piano are cool. I think guys who can play the piano are cool. Tom er Marys ældste søn. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Tom is Mary's oldest son. Du borde sova. You should sleep. You should sleep. Du kan stole på ham til en vis grad, men ikke helt. You can trust him to some degree but not wholly. You can trust him to some degree, but not quite. Det är bättre. That's better. That's better. Jeg klarer ikke bestemme meg for hva jeg skal gjøre. I can't decide what to do. I can't decide what to do. Vi sælger sko. We sell shoes. We sell shoes. Goddag. Hvad ønsker du? Good day. What do you want? What do you want? Tom Jackson blev 93 år gammal. Tom Jackson lived to be 93. Tom Jackson was 93 years old. Dyrnar eru stundum opnar. The door is sometimes open. The door is sometimes open. Jag är konstnärlig. I'm artistic. I'm artistic. Ni är arroganta. You're arrogant. You're arrogant. Er dette bussen til Park Ridge? Is this the bus for Park Ridge? Is this the bus to Park Ridge? Jag vill åka tillbaka. I want to go back. I want to go back. Maturinn verður kaldur. The food becomes cold. The food will be cold. Är den vit? Is it white? Is it white? Jeg står i gæld til dig. I'm indebted to you. I owe you. Den uudtalte spørgsmål er hvorfor. The unspoken question is why. The outstanding question is why. Det är sand. It's sand. It's sand. Det står på schemat. It's on the schedule. It's on schedule. Hvorfor købte du denne cykel? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Välkommen! Welcome. Welcome! Der var ikke nogen i værelset. There wasn't anyone in the room. There wasn't anyone in the room. Hur ofta händer det? How often does that happen? How often does it happen? Jag hör inte ett skvatt. I don't hear a thing. I can't hear a mud. Han har fornærmet Gud. He insulted God. He has offended God. Vis at P er en delvis ordnet mengde. Prove that P is a partially ordered set. Show that P is a partially ordered quantity. Han spiller tennis hver dag. He plays tennis every day. He plays tennis every day. Jeg gik til fods i skole. I walked to school. I went to school on foot. Jag har aldrig sett ett rött kylskåp. I've never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red refrigerator. Ég þoldi ekki að húsið mitt væri rifið. I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't stand my house being torn. Tom så vred ud. Tom looked angry. Tom looked angry. Tom sa att han var hemma igår. Tom said he was at home yesterday. Tom said he was home last night. Við munum búa á Englandi. We will be living in England. We'll live in England. En kopp kaffe, tack. One cup of coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Jeg går. I'm going. I'm going. Både pojkar och flickor borde studera hemkunskap. Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school. Both boys and girls should study homework. Gammal i skinnet men ung i sinnet. Old in body but young at heart. Old in skin but young in mind. Er de her canadiske penge? Is this Canadian money? Are these Canadian money? Sami hade hemlängtan. Sami was homesick. Sami had homesickness. Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål. He's always asking silly questions. He keeps asking stupid questions. Ertu að flýta þér? Are you in a hurry? Are you hurrying? Han fortalte ham om sine katte. He told him about his cats. He told him about his cats. Tom har aldrig ätit rått hästkött. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Tom never ate raw horse meat. Jag förstår. I got it. I see. Emily stillede mig et spørgsmål. Emily asked me a question. Emily asked me a question. En mand, der ville se dig, kom mens du var væk. A man who wanted to see you came while you were out. A man who wanted to see you came while you were gone. Jeg har ingen penger med meg. I have no money with me. I don't have any money with me. Eleverne er i klasseværelset. The students are in the classroom. The students are in the classroom. Alle man, överge skeppet! All hands, abandon ship! All men, abandon the ship! Jag är sjuk. I am sick. I'm sick. Vi sælger ikke øl. We don't sell beer. We don't sell beer. Den ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Kolla in den, Tom. Check it out, Tom. Tom, check it out. Jag känner mig liksom lite sjuk. I feel kind of sick. I feel kind of sick. Har du en Mac eller PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Do you have a Mac or a PC? Är du där ute? Are you out there? Are you out there? Lige nu ville jeg ikke have noget imod en øl. I wouldn't mind a beer right now. Right now, I didn't want anything against a beer. Mange venner kom for at vinke farvel til mig. A lot of friends came to wave goodbye to me. A lot of friends came to wave goodbye to me. Nej, inte alls. No, not at all. No, not at all. Min far glemmer alt. My father forgets everything. My father forgets everything. Tom ska köra Maria till flygplatsen. Tom is going to drive Mary to the airport. Tom's driving Maria to the airport. Kan du hjälpa mig? Can you help me? Can you help me? Han læste bogen fra begyndelsen til enden. He read the book from start to finish. He read the book from the beginning to the end. Tom är road. Tom is amused. Tom's on the road. Tré búa til súrefni. Trees make oxygen. Trees make oxygen. Hon är ansvarsfull. She is responsible. She's responsible. Jag undervisar. I am teaching. I teach. Hun er stofafhængig. She's addicted to drugs. She's a drug addict. De kan inte stoppa oss. They can't stop us. They can't stop us. Jeg kan ikke løbe fordi jeg er meget træt. I cannot run because I am very tired. I can't run because I'm very tired. Der er en gris i svinestien. There's a pig in the sty. There's a pig in the pig path. Sami er et røvhul. Sami is an asshole. Sami's an asshole. Tom är inte så galen. Tom isn't that crazy. Tom's not that crazy. Jeg forstår ikke selv hvordan det er sket. I myself do not understand how it happened. I don't understand how it happened. Jag har nariga läppar. I have chapped lips. I've got dirty lips. Jag har varit sämre. I've been a lot worse. I've been worse. Vilken märklig kvinna! What a strange woman! What a strange woman! Talar du japanska? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak Japanese? Jag skulle vilja tala ett slag med Tom mellan fyra ögon. I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment. I'd like to talk to Tom in between four eyes. Jag såg Tom ge sig av. I watched Tom leave. I saw Tom leave. Ska vi inte pausa en stund och dricka lite kaffe? Why don't we break off for a while and have some coffee? Why don't we pause for a while and drink some coffee? Taliði þýsku? Do you speak German? Taliy German? Jag ville inte se honom. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to see him. Tom är illojal. Tom is disloyal. Tom's jealous. Þú hefðir átt að vita betur en að taka próf án þess að undirbúa þig. You should have known better than to take an examination without preparing for it. You should have known better than to take tests without preparing. Jag är nästan aldrig hemma. I'm hardly ever home. I'm almost never home. Jeg vil gerne have en flaske hostesaft. I would like a bottle of cough mixture. I want a bottle of cough juice. Han spelar basgitarr. He plays bass guitar. He plays bass guitars. Stig på bussen! Get on the bus. Get on the bus! Det här är inte en fisk. This is not a fish. This isn't a fish. Ekki koma of seint í vinnuna! Don't come too late to work. Don't be late for work! Han satt och läste en bok. He sat reading a book. He was reading a book. Það er svo satt. That's so true. It's so true. Bilen blev totalskadet. The car was totaled. The car was completely damaged. Historien likner vals: den følger evig de tre trinnene krig, fred og revolusjon. History is like a waltz, eternally following the three steps of war, peace and revolution. History looks like waltz: it forever follows the three stages of war, peace and revolution. Sitt ner, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Du kan spørge mig om alt hvad du vil. You can ask me about anything you want to know. You can ask me everything you want. Det er en liten hund. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Jeg har ikke noget. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. Min hund är mycket ren. My dog is very clean. My dog is very clean. Denna byggnad håller på att rasa samman. This building is about to collapse. This building is falling apart. Tom är för ung. Tom is too young. Tom's too young. Løven spiser kjøtt. The lion eats meat. The lion eats meat. Du får tre forsøk på å gjette hvor jeg var i går. You get three tries to guess where I was yesterday. You get three attempts to guess where I was yesterday. Denne sang er en klassiker. This song is a classic. This song is a classic. Deras skepp ligger fortfarande i hamn. Their ship is still in port. Their ships are still in port. Jeg kan ikke ta imot denne gaven. I cannot accept this gift. I cannot accept this gift. Åt du frukost? Did you eat breakfast? You're having breakfast? Liz har været død i otte år. Liz has been dead for eight years. Liz's been dead for eight years. Ég er á móti stríðinu. I'm against the war. I'm against the war. Alice har fantastiska ben. Alice has stunning legs. Alice has amazing legs. Kijev er Ukraines hovedstad. Kiev is Ukraine's capital city. Kijev is Ukraine's capital. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I have to go now. I have to go now. Jag gillar inte modern jazz. I don't like modern jazz. I don't like modern jazz. Understreg alle udsagnsordene i fremtid i denne tekst. Underline all the verbs in the future tense in this text. Underline all the statements in the future in this text. Tom masserar sina knän. Tom is massaging his knees. Tom massages his knees. Det här är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is wrong. Jag tror inte att kärlek finns. I think love doesn't exist. I don't think there's love. Jeg har fått nok av frekkheten hans. I've had quite enough of his impudence. I've had enough of his infidelity. Tom älskar att titta på japanska serier gjorda för småtjejer. Tom loves watching Japanese cartoons made for little girls. Tom loves to watch Japanese series made for little girls. Tom leker med sønnen sin. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Lunchen är färdig. Lunch is on. Lunch's done. Tack. Thanks. Thank you. Gør det rent. Clean it up. Clean it. Intet syntes at fungere. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to work. Tom hade en mardröm. Tom had a bad dream. Tom had a nightmare. Du er en døgenigt. You're a good-for-nothing. You're a deaf man. Klukkan er næstum tólf. It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost twelve o'clock. Kunne du lide cyklen? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like the bike? Mina väskor är packade. My bags are packed. My bags are packed. Håll dig borta! Be gone! Stay away from me! Jeg heter Sally. My name is Sally. I'm Sally. Gå! Go. Go! Go! De bor där. They live there. They live there. Det är inte vad jag ville höra. That's not what I wanted hear. That's not what I wanted to hear. Tom äter bara vid måltider. Tom only eats at mealtimes. Tom only eats at meals. Jeg er ved at læse en bog. I'm reading a book. I'm reading a book. Hon tappade bort handväskan. She lost her purse. She lost her handbag. Varför dricker du kaffe vid midnatt? Why are you drinking coffee at midnight? Why are you drinking coffee at midnight? Det här måste få ett slut. This has got to stop. This must end. Tom tog av sig sina kläder och gick in i duschen. Tom took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. Tom took off his clothes and went into the shower. Jeg så hende i dag. I saw her today. I saw her today. Det lukter som om noen har røykt her inne. It smells as though someone has been smoking in here. It smells like someone's been smoking in here. Ég ferðaðist ein. I traveled by myself. I was traveling alone. Tom gjorde en bra putt. Tom made a good putt. Tom did a good one. Han sover under dagarna och jobbar under nätterna. He sleeps during the day and works at night. He sleeps during the days and works during the nights. Jag kan sjunga det på engelska. I can sing it in English. I can sing it in English. Vi kan inte hålla med dig på denna punkt. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you at this point. Tom har sagt upp sig. Tom's resigned. Tom's quit. Det finns ingenting på jorden som inte påverkas av solen. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun. Får jag äta den här kakan? Can I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? Det här är min häst. This is my horse. This is my horse. Jag har bara ätit lunch. I've just had lunch. I've only had lunch. Du måste vänta på nästa buss. You must wait for the next bus. You have to wait for the next bus. Hvordan laster jeg ned filen? How do I download the file? How do I download the file? Vi måste jobba nu. We have to work now. We have to work now. Hon åt ett äpple. She ate an apple. She ate an apple. Jeg gav ham to pund. I gave him two pounds. I gave him two pounds. Han höll det hemligt. He kept it secret. He kept it secret. Tom har vært overalt. Tom has been everywhere. Tom's been everywhere. Jag såg honom med mina egna ögon. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw him with my own eyes. Det er ikke min skyld. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Finns det mycket haj här i trakten? Are there lots of sharks around here? Is there a lot of shark in this area? Jeg kan overhovedet ikke høre noget. I can't hear anything at all. I can't hear anything at all. Jeg må snakke med deg om noe personelig. I need to talk to you about something personal. I need to talk to you about something personal. Tænk på døden. Think about death. Think of death. Det var fortroligt. It was confidential. It was confidential. Hvor googler du det ikke bare? Why don't you just google it? Where don't you just Google it? Jeg forklarer det senere. I'll explain later. I'll explain it later. Jag vill bara vara med dig. I just want to be with you. I just want to be with you. Hún blaðraði leyndarmálinu í vin sinn. She babbled out the secret to her friend. She wrote the secret to her friend. Hún dáði hann. She admired him. She admired him. Døde hunde kan ikke bide. Dead dogs cannot bite. Dead dogs can't bite. Dette er den mest vidunderlige gave jeg nogensinde har fået. This is the most wonderful present I have ever received. This is the most wonderful gift I've ever received. Har Tom någonsin berättat för dig hur han bröt benet? Has Tom ever told you how he broke leg? Did Tom ever tell you how he broke his leg? Hej, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom! Jeg støtte på en gammel venn på bussen. I bumped into an old friend on the bus. I encountered an old friend on the bus. Nei takk. No, thank you. No, thank you. Mér til undrunar var mannfræðingurinn sakaður um morð. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. Tom sa att han inte var intresserad av Mary, men det verkade som att han alltid tittade åt den del av rummet som hon var i. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but it seemed that he always looked at the part of the room in which she was in. Þau líta á hann sem hetju. They consider him a hero. They think of him as a hero. Tom taler altid fransk. Tom always speaks French. Tom always speaks French. Sami er en dranker. Sami is a wino. Sami's a drunkard. Hun har bestemt seg for å dra til Amerika for å studere. She has made up her mind to go to America to study. She has decided to go to America to study. Tað er mín hundur. That's my dog. It's my dog. Eg er sikker på at Tom fortalde deg det. I'm sure Tom told you that. I'm sure Tom told you. Jeg har sett Tom danse mange ganger. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom dance many times. Der er en rød rose i vasen. There is a red rose in the vase. There's a red rose in the vase. Tack, jag förstår nu. Thanks, I understand now. Thank you. I understand now. Emily blev förvånad. Emily was surprised. Emily was surprised. Han er den dreng vi talte om forleden dag. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Kan du huske hr. Saito? Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? Þú varst svo almennilegur við mig og ég átti virkilega ánægjulega ferð. Þakka þér kærlega. You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much. You were so nice to me and I had a really happy trip. Gör det nu. Do it now. Do it now. Tom började bli nedstämd. Tom began to get downhearted. Tom began to be depressed. Ikke kast det bare fordi det er ødelagt. Don't throw it away just because it's broken. Don't throw it just because it's broken. E.T., ring hjem! E.T. phone home. E.T., call home! Hun kyssede ham. She kissed him. She kissed him. Har du en litt mindre? Do you have one a little smaller? Do you have a little bit smaller? De afisede broen med salt. They de-iced the bridge with salt. They de-issued the bridge with salt. Tryllekunstneren fik pigen til at svæve i den blå luft. The magician made the girl float in thin air. The magician made the girl hover in the blue air. Betty dræbte ham. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Är de förälskade i varandra? Are they in love? Are they in love with each other? Skadede bjørner er vanligvis veldig farlige. Wounded bears are usually very dangerous. Damaged bears are usually very dangerous. Dette spelet er så vanskeleg. This game is so hard. This game is so hard. Jag älskade att läsa då jag var liten. I loved to read when I was little. I loved reading when I was a kid. Må jeg tænde for fjernsynet? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Han Tom er sjuk. Tom is sick. Tom's sick. Mit navn er Jisung. My name is Jisung. My name is Jisung. Ég vaknaði um sexleitið. I got up about six. I woke up about six. Det såg billigt ut. It looked cheap. It looked cheap. Jeg har glemt min pinkode. I've forgotten my pin number. I forgot my pin code. Hvordan udtales ordet? How is the word pronounced? How is the word spoken? Jeg troede hun var syg. I thought she was sick. I thought she was sick. Det måste inte göras nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. It doesn't have to be done right now. Varför behöver jag hjälp? Why do I need help? Why do I need help? Jobben går for det meste ut på å fjerne kratt og rydde søppel. The work mostly consists of removing undergrowth and clearing away litter. The job is mostly to remove scrub and clean the trash. Er det en katt eller en hund? Is that a cat or a dog? Is that a cat or a dog? Jeg var ikke så stærk som min far. I was not as strong as my father. I wasn't as strong as my father. Lämna mig inte ensam. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Jeg købte et hus med de penge, jeg arvede efter min bedstefar. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. I bought a house with the money I inherited from my grandfather. Jeg elsker det norske sprog! I love the Norwegian language! I love the Norwegian language! Vi är utom fara. We're in the clear. We're safe. Du gjorde ett dåligt jobb. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Jeg kommer fra Thailand. I'm from Thailand. I'm from Thailand. Vi har bara tre alternativ. We only have three options. We only have three options. Mina ögon är blåa. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Tom ljuger. Jag gjorde inte det som han sa att jag gjorde. Tom is lying. I didn't do what he says I did. Tom's lying, I didn't do what he said I did. Hon blev förälskad i honom, men visste inte ens vad han hette. She fell in love with him, but didn't even know his name. She fell in love with him, but she didn't even know his name. Þegar þú talar ert þú aðeins að endurtaka það sem þú veist nú þegar. En ef þú hlustar gætir þú lært eitthvað nýtt. When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. When you speak, you are just repeating what you already know, but if you listen, you might learn something new. Jag rörde aldrig Tom. I never touched Tom. I never touched Tom. Tom tog et koldt brusebad. Tom took a cold shower. Tom took a cold shower. Kan du være så snill og kjøre meg hjem? Could you please drive me home? Can you please drive me home? Jag stavade ordet fel. I misspelled the word. I spelled the word wrong. Jag kommer inte att behöva dig. I won't need you. I won't need you. Sno på dig. Get a move on. Sneak on you. I er ikke gravide. You are not pregnant. You're not pregnant. Denne bog er for vanskelig for mig at forstå. This book is too difficult for me to understand. This book is too difficult for me to understand. Min kones familie er meget rig. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. Jag gav det ett försök och tänkte att allting är värt ett försök. Men att sätta ihop ett sånt här program klarar jag inte av. I gave it a try figuring that anything is worth a try. But putting together a program like this is something I'm no match for. I gave it a try and I thought everything is worth a try, but putting together a program like this I can't do. Tom har halsbrand. Tom has heartburn. Tom has a heartburn. Du kom ikke på skolen i går. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't come to school yesterday. Ég mundi glöð hjálpa þér en ég er mjög upptekin. I would be glad to help you, but I am very busy. I'd be happy to help you, but I'm very busy. Arbejder din kone? Does your wife work? Is your wife working? Det er jeg som betaler. It is me who is paying. I'm the one who pays. Ni vet att jag älskar er båda. You know I love you both. You know I love you both. Súreplið fall av træsins. The apple fell from the tree. Supple the fall of the tree. Det är trist. That's sad. It's sad. Jeg får inntrykk av at han er ganske arrogant. I have the impression that he is quite arrogant. I get the impression that he's quite arrogant. Vil du se en total solformørkelse som vil legge Svalbard i mørke 20. mars 2015.? Do you want to see the total solar eclipse that will leave Svalbard in the dark on March 20, 2015? Would you like to see a total solar darkening that will put Svalbard in the dark on 20 March 2015. Det berbiske sprog forener os. The Berber language unites us. The Berbian language unites us. Jeg samler på sjældne mønter. I collect rare coins. I collect rare coins. Tom är förvirrad. Tom's confused. Tom's confused. Batman og Robin er de eneste helte i Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Batman and Robin are the only heroes in Gotham. Jag är en hundmänniska. I am a dog person. I'm a dog man. Jeg besøkte henne i Tyskland. I visited her in Germany. I visited her in Germany. Han kan lidt engelsk. He knows a little English. He knows English. Har du allerede spist kage? Have you already eaten some cake? Have you already eaten cake? Låt mig ta en titt. Let me take a gander. Let me take a look. Telefonen ringde. The telephone rang. The phone rang. Havde jeg vidst det, var jeg ikke kommet. Had I known that, I wouldn't have come. If I had known, I wouldn't have come. Ég fer þangað jafnvel þótt það rigni. I will go there even if it rains. I'm going there even if it rains. Hun er tennisspiller. She's a tennis player. She's a tennis player. Jag är närmast i tur. I'm next. I'm next. Han besøkte henne aldri. He never visited her. He never visited her. Han bröt nacken i olyckan. He got his neck broken in the accident. He broke his neck in the accident. Jag kan inte bryta mig loss. I can't break free. I can't break free. Min bedstemor er gået bort. My grandmother passed away. My grandmother passed away. Ingen kommer att överleva. No one will survive. No one's gonna survive. Et æble vil flyde på vandet, en pære vil ikke. An apple will float in water, a pear won't. An apple will float on the water, a pear won't. Skrev du under det? Did you sign it? You signed it? Hvem lot døren stå åpen? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? Alice log. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Þetta gerist. These things happen. This is what happens. Jeg venter barn i midten af januar. I'm expecting my baby in the middle of January. I'm expecting a baby in the middle of January. Det er penge ud ad vinduet. That is money down the drain. It's money out of the window. Jane låtsades alltid att hon var väldigt rik. Jane always pretended that she was very rich. Jane always pretended she was very rich. Jag trodde att du gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Hvílík óvænt uppákoma! What a surprise! What a surprise! Vad gör tvättbjörnen i köket? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What's the raccoon doing in the kitchen? De lurade alla. They deceived all. They all fooled. Hana langaði að fá skilnað. She wanted to get a divorce. She wanted a divorce. Vent lidt! Just a minute. Wait a minute! Tom er min mand. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Hvor meget kostede det? How much did it cost? How much did it cost? Eg má tosa við teg. I have to speak with you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Är vi alla här? Are we all here? Are we all here? Jag är glad att vi är överens. I'm glad we agree, Tom. I'm glad we're in agreement. Við vonumst til að sjá þig aftur. We hope to see you again. We hope to see you again. Jeg ønsker dig en god weekend. I wish you a good weekend. I wish you a good weekend. Fungerar den här? Does this thing work? Does this work? Eg kann ikki bara vera eftir her. I can't just stay here. I can't just stay here. Er son uppvaktar min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son is raising my daughter. Tom tror at Jorden er flad. Tom believes that the Earth is flat. Tom thinks the Earth is flat. Irriterar det dig? Does it bug you? Does that bother you? Fyld blomstervasen med vand. Fill the flower vase with water. Fill the flower vase with water. Tom är inte en bra kock. Tom isn't a good cook. Tom's not a good cook. Ingen kan lide Tom. Nobody likes Tom. No one likes Tom. Jeg er nødt til at gå på toilettet. I've got to go to the men's room. I have to go to the bathroom. Ærgr dig ikke alt for meget! Don't fret too much. Don't bother yourself too much! Säg till Tom att jag är sjuk. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tom tager en stor risiko. Tom is taking a big risk. Tom's taking a big risk. Vill du ha en skvätt mjölk i teet? Would you like a dash of milk in your tea? Do you want a dried milk in the tea? Se upp var du går. Watch your step. Watch where you're going. Eg er ikkje lege. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Er virkilega hægt að spá fyrir um jarðskjálfta? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Jeg skal studere. I must study. I'm going to study. Han deltog i mötet. He took part in the meeting. He attended the meeting. Jag minns den första gången. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Mary har fortalt mig at hun vil skrive en bog. Mary has told me she wants to write a book. Mary told me she's gonna write a book. Sami hade ett jobb och en lön. Sami had a job and an income. Sami had a job and a salary. Hjálp! Help! Help! Den der væg er kold. That wall is cold. That wall is cold. Kjøpte du ny bil? Did you buy a new car? Did you buy a new car? Þér var gefið súkíjakí í kvöldmat, svo gistirðu og fékkst morgunmat. Finnst þér þú ekki hafa verið að ónáða? You were served sukiyaki for dinner, then spent the night and had breakfast. Don't you think you were imposing? You were given schichijah for dinner, so you stayed and had breakfast. Don't you think you've been disturbed? Verden trenger meg ikke. The world has no need for me. The world doesn't need me. Kvenfólkið í þessum bæ mun vilja blóm til að setja í húsin sín. The women in this town will want flowers to put in their houses. The women in this town will want flowers to put in their houses. Er I på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? De spiser sunde fødevarer. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy foods. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan man får dette til å virke. I wish I could figure out how to make this work. I wish I could figure out how to make this work. Þau rifust. They quarreled. They had a fight. Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga. She asked him some questions. She asked him a few questions. En sjukdom förhindrade honom från att gå ut. Sickness prevented him from going out. A disease prevented him from going out. Han besluttede at holde op med at ryge. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to stop smoking. Vi vil snart kende sandheden. We'll soon know the truth. We'll soon know the truth. Snälla sänk volymen lite till. Please turn down the volume a little bit more. Please lower the volume a little more. Vi endte med at betale mere end vi havde regnet med. We ended up paying more than we expected. We ended up paying more than we expected. Neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna. Necessity is the mother of invention. The nebula teaches a naked woman to spin. Jag trodde att polisen letade efter Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. Hun malede væggen rød. She painted the wall red. She painted the wall red. Herra og frú West eru í brúðkaupsferð sinni. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Det er dårlig folkeskikk å peke på folk. It is bad manners to point at people. It's bad peopley to point out people. Tom tog knäcken på sig. Tom cracked up. Tom took the cracks on him. Hvorfor spilder vi vores tid med dette? Why are we wasting time with this? Why are we wasting our time with this? Man bliver en god forfatter ligesom man bliver en god tømrer: ved at afhøvle sine sætninger. One becomes a good writer just as one becomes a good carpenter: by planing down one's sentences. You become a good writer just as you become a good carpenter: by depriving your phrases. Jag måste hjälpa till. I have to help. I have to help. Egernene sprang fra gren til gren. The squirrels jumped from branch to branch. The owners sprang from branch to branch. Hún ráðlagði honum að reykja ekki. She advised him not to smoke. She advised him not to smoke. Det er meningen du skal hvile nå. You're supposed to be resting. You're supposed to rest now. Hvad vil naboerne sige? What will the neighbours say? What will the neighbors say? Skal vi gå hjem? Why don't we go home? Shall we go home? Sami hamnade förlora matchen. Sami ended up losing the game. Sami lost the game. Sen då? Then what? Then what? Det här är en dålig idé. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. Tom sms'er til Mary. Tom is texting Mary. Tom textes to Mary. Beklager, men du kan ikke gifte deg med Susanne. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susanne. Jag uppskattar ert arbete. I appreciate your work. I appreciate your work. Vi ska skydda dig. We're going to protect you. We're gonna protect you. Jag träffade just henne på gatan. I just met her on the street. I just met her on the street. Var du fornøyd med resultatene? Were you happy with the results? Were you satisfied with the results? Den smukke pige med det sorte hår var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful girl with the black hair was in the park. Jeg har vondt i halsen min. My throat hurts. I've hurt my throat. Jag vet inte. Jag kan inte komma ihåg. I don't know. I can't remember. I don't know, I can't remember. Hún er þó nokkru eldri en hann. She is a good deal older than he. Yet, she is ever older than he is. Er dette godt fransk? Is this good French? Is this good French? Mindst 10 russere er omkommet i år mens de tog selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year taking selfies. At least 10 Russians have died this year while they took selfies. Vi måste ringa Tom. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. Jeg er gladest når jeg sover. I am happiest when I sleep. I'm happy when I'm asleep. Lægen brød den hippokratiske ed. The doctor broke the Hippocratic Oath. The doctor broke the hippocratic oath. Jeg troede, at jeg hørte en stemme. I thought I heard a voice. I thought I heard a voice. Spela den sången igen. Play that song again. Play that song again. Det begyndte at blæse op. The wind began to blow. It started to blow up. Den står i garaget. It's in the garage. It's in the garage. Han tillverkade en liten hundkoja. He made a small dog house. He made a little dog cow. Hann er fullkomlega hunsaður. Ég er undrandi á því að hann vinni hérna enn. He's completely shunned. I'm surprised he's still working here. I'm surprised he's still working here. Skal jeg fortelle deg en vits? Will I tell you a joke? Shall I tell you a joke? Jeg kan ikke se gennem mure. I can't see through walls. I can't see through walls. Det er for dyrt. That is too expensive. It's too expensive. Det eneste spørgsmål er hvem. The only question is who. The only question is who. Takk igjen for din hjelp. Thanks again for your help. Thank you again for your help. Han anknyter alltid till sin barndom i sina böcker. He always connects to his childhood in his books. He's always related to his childhood in his books. La oss vite om du kan komme. Let us know if you can come. Let's know if you can come. Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom nu. I'd like to see Tom now. I'd like to see Tom now. "Jeg forstår det ikke." "Det gør jeg heller ikke." "I don't understand this" "I don't understand it either." "I don't understand." "I don't understand either." Tom läser nästan inga böcker alls. Tom reads almost no books at all. Tom reads almost no books at all. Jag kunde inte stå. I couldn't stand. I couldn't stand it. Hon är en god simmare. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Han likte ikke å gå på skole. He disliked school. He didn't like to go to school. Jag kom hit i går. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Kan du laga den? Can you fix it? Can you make it? Det är kallt i dag. It's cold today. It's cold today. Har ni fördomar? Are you biased? Do you have prejudices? Hvem bor i værelset nedenunder? Who lives in the room below? Who lives in the room downstairs? Så där behandlar han mig jämt. That is how he always treats me. So that's how he treats me all the time. Alla skrattade. Everybody laughed. Everyone was laughing. Tom er syg. Tom is sick. Tom's sick. Det är en månad till min födelsedag. My birthday's not for another month. It's a month for my birthday. Hvad kan du give os? What can you give us? What can you give us? Du har rigtignok mange spørgsmål! You certainly have a lot of questions. You really have a lot of questions! I går kveld høyrde eg på radio. I listened to the radio last night. Last night I listened to the radio. Jeg har sædvanligvis jeans på om søndagen. I usually wear jeans on Sunday. I usually wear jeans on Sunday. Jag är säker på att det skulle vara ett misstag att berätta för Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. Moskeen har et alarmsystem. The mosque has an alarm system. The musk has an alarm system. Tom forsvandt uden at efterlade sig et spor. Tom disappeared without leaving a trace. Tom disappeared without leaving a lead. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til hans. Please say hello to him for me. Please say goodbye to him. Tom vill bara ha en muffins och en kopp kaffe. Tom just wants a muffin and a cup of coffee. Tom just wants a cup of muffin and a cup of coffee. Han sa att han inte vet. He said that he doesn't know. He said he doesn't know. Var bodde ni? Where did you stay? Where did you live? Det här är mina byxor. These are my pants. These are my pants. Jeg kan godt vente. I don't mind waiting. I can wait. Hvor længe har du været væk? How long have you been away? How long have you been gone? Jag antar att du har rätt. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Tom ljög för dig, eller hur? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Tom lied to you, didn't he? Tom är en mäktig man. Tom is a great man. Tom is a mighty man. Vil du ha hjelp? Could you use some help? Do you want help? Rita en linje här. Draw a line here. Draw a line here. Tom og hans kone er fra Australien. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom and his wife are from Australia. Tom har besøkt Boston. Tom has visited Boston. Tom's been to Boston. Tom og Mary tror at deres hus er hjemsøgt. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Tom and Mary think their house is haunted. Við verðum að kaupa þá frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Du tok det fornærmelig opp, enda det var aldeles ikke meningen og det var ment som et morsom ord fra meg, men du så det ikke. You took it as offensive, even though that was not at all my intention. I meant it as something funny, but you didn't see it like that. You took it insultingly up, yet it was absolutely not the meaning and it was meant as a funny word from me, but you didn't see it. Den yngste var den smukkeste af dem allesammen, hendes hud var så klar og skær som et rosenblad, hendes øjne så blå, som den dybeste sø, men ligesom alle de andre havde hun ingen fødder, kroppen endte i en fiskehale. The youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all, her skin was as clear and bright as a rose leaf, her eyes as blue as the deepest lake, but like all the others she had no feet, the body ended up in a fishtail. Pappa skriver i dagboken sin hver dag. My father writes in his diary every day. My dad writes in his diary every day. Jesus gick på vatten. Jesus walked on water. Jesus went to water. Dette er gratis. This is "free of charge". This is free. Det skete i oktober sidste år. It happened last October. It happened last October. Drik ikke så meget! Do not drink so much! Don't drink so much! Det är samma. It's the same one. It's the same. "Hvornår er du tilbage?" "Det afhænger af vejret." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Hvor er Mary? Where's Mary? Where's Mary? Talar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Jeg er omgivet af idioter! I'm surrounded by fuckwits! I'm surrounded by idiots! Du kan kalla mig vid mitt förnamn. You can call me by my first name. You can call me by my first name. Tom sin son vart drepen i ei trafikkulukka sist vinter. Tom's son was killed in a traffic accident last winter. Tom's son was killed in a traffic accident last winter. Jag hörde det på radion. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Tack gode Gud. Thank God. Thank God. Jeg læser bogen. I read the book. I'm reading the book. God tur. Have a pleasant trip. Good trip. Är du galen? Are you mad? Are you crazy? Jag minns ingenting. I can't remember anything. I don't remember anything. Det är deras rätt att rösta. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. De köpte ett hus på Parkgatan. They bought a house on Park Street. They bought a house on Parkgatan. Ikke glem at vi har plikter. Don't forget that we have chores. Don't forget we have duties. Jeg er en vegetar som spiser masser af kød. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian who eats lots of meat. Myren var rød. The ant was red. The ant was red. Enginn veit af hverju hann yfirgaf bæinn. Nobody knows why he left the town. Nobody knows why he left town. Forbudt for grilling her. Grilling prohibited here. Prohibited for barbecue here. Her, tag min frakke. Du hundefryser jo. Here, take my coat. You're freezing. Here, take my coat. Du er gammel nok til at kunne opføre dig ordentligt. You are old enough to behave yourself. You're old enough to act properly. Släpp henne. Let her go. Let her go. Ikke ta den telefonen. Don't pick up that phone. Don't take that phone. De har varit väldigt snälla mot mig. They have been very nice to me. They've been very kind to me. Køerne malkes klokken seks. The cows are milked at six. The cows are milked at six o'clock. Dine øjenlåg er lukkede, men jeg ved at du er vågen. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you're awake. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you're awake. Hyran ska betalas imorgon. The rent is due tomorrow. The rent will be paid tomorrow. For en raring du er. You're such a weirdo. For a darling you are. Tom har ingen allergier. Tom has no allergies. Tom has no allergies. Hefur þú þekkt hana síðan nítjánhundruð og níutíu? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since the nine hundred and ninety? Hvor er møtet? Where is the meeting? Where's the meeting? Tom kommer inte att få köra på ett tag. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Jeg vil at du skal analysere dette. I want you to analyze this. I want you to analyze this. Ikke løp over gata. Don't run across the street. Don't run over the street. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag gör. He earns three times more than I do. He makes three times as much as I do. Þetta er orðabókin sem ég nota á hverjum degi. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Hun sværmer for sin lærer. She has a crush on her teacher. She swears to her teacher. Ju mer jag lyssnar på henne, desto mindre gillar jag henne. The longer I listen to her, the less I like her. The more I listen to her, the less I like her. Vi har forbedret kvaliteten. We improved the quality. We've improved quality. Eg retta skytaren mot målet. I aimed my gun at the target. I'll set the shooter against the target. Jeg er ikke din hustru længere. Din hustru er Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Jeg bliver ikke betalt godt nok. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not paid well enough. Det er et godt spørsmål. That is a good question. That's a good question. Eg geri tað ikki soleiðis vanliga. I don't usually do it like this. I don't make it normal. Hun hater ham. She hates him. She hates him. Tom är bara rädd. Tom is just frightened. Tom's just scared. Jeg tror præsidentens tweet taler for sig selv. I think the president's tweet speaks for itself. I think the President's tweet speaks for himself. Jeg taler svensk. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Móðir mín var dansari. My mother was a dancer. My mother was a dancer. Ingen vidste hvem hun var. No one knew who she was. Nobody knew who she was. Jag är på dåligt humör. I'm in a bad mood. I'm in a bad mood. Det tycker om att röka tobak. It likes to smoke tobacco. It likes smoking tobacco. Tom og Mary er biavlere. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Tom and Mary are beekeepers. Hvad slags planer har du for weekenden? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? Snøen fortsatte å falle i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. Snow continued to fall for four days. Jeg bor i Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Kan I huske Tom? Do you guys remember Tom? Remember Tom? Hann missti stjórn á skapi sínu og öskraði á mig. He lost his temper and shouted at me. He lost control of his temper and yelled at me. De gick hand i hand. They went hand in hand. They went hand in hand. Far kom hjem for rundt ti minutter siden. Father came home about ten minutes ago. Dad came home about ten minutes ago. Tom är samarbetsvillig. Tom is cooperative. Tom is cooperative. Vår tid er begrenset. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Við fórum ekki langt. We didn't go very far. We didn't go far. Du bør tage et andet slips på. You should change your tie. You should put on another tie. Jeg tænkte på om du vidste hvor Tom var. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. I was wondering if you knew where Tom was. Kan du høre bølgerne støje ved kysten. Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the waves sound on the coast? Du är för aggressiv. You're too aggressive. You're too aggressive. Unnskyld! Jeg mente det ikke. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Jag talar japanska, engelska och franska. I speak Japanese, English, and French. I speak Japanese, English and French. Det er den højeste bygning i denne by. It's the highest building in this city. It's the tallest building in this town. Jeg bliver hjemme i dag. I'm staying home today. I'm staying at home today. Jag köpte en chokladask på arbetsresan som present åt mina kollegor. I bought a box of chocolates on the way to work as a gift for my colleagues. I bought a chocolate box on the work trip as a gift for my colleagues. De oppnådde sine mål. They accomplished their goals. They achieved their goals. Tom har købt en hybridbil. Tom bought a hybrid car. Tom bought a hybrid car. Du borde inte vara tillbaka här. You shouldn't be back here. You shouldn't be back here. Ge mig den där käppen. Give me that cane. Give me that stick. Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Hver er det Tom kigger på? Who's Tom looking at? Who's Tom looking at? Bilurin er hvítur. The car is white. It's white. Opfør dig ikke som en elefant i en glasbutik! Don't act like a bull in a china shop. Don't act like an elephant in a glass shop! Det er naturligt for dig at tænke sådan. It's natural for you to think so. It's natural for you to think like that. Leanne har blå ögon. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. Møtet finn stad to gonger i månaden. The meeting is held twice a month. The meeting will find it twice a month. Alle klappede ved slutningen af koncerten. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Everyone clapped at the end of the concert. Båten din er ikkje stor. Your boat is not big. Your boat is not big. Jag vet att du är upprörd. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Ju mer du lär känna henne, desto mer kommer du att gilla henne. The more you get to know her, the more you'll like her. The more you get to know her, the more you will like her. Du pønsker på noe. You're up to something. You're looking for something. Behöver du den nu? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Er dette en skuespiller? Is this an actor? Is this an actor? Jag ville inte ha mjölk. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. Prinsessen forelskede sig øjeblikkelig i prinsen. The princess fell in love with the prince instantly. The princess immediately fell in love with the prince. Tom är gammal nog att dricka alkohol. Tom is old enough to drink. Tom's old enough to drink alcohol. Jeg er i fængslet. I'm at the prison. I'm in jail. Du er på alder med min kæreste. You're the same age as my girlfriend. You're old with my girlfriend. Tom somnade till slut. Tom finally fell asleep. Tom finally fell asleep. Är ni båda fulla? Are you both drunk? Are you both drunk? Katten ligger under bordet. The cat is lying under the table. Cat's under the table. Tom går sjældent ud efter mørkets frembrud. Tom rarely goes out after dark. Tom rarely goes out after dark. Ge mig ett ögonblick. Give me a moment. Give me a second. Ingen orsak. Don't mention it. You're welcome. Hun taler engelsk flydende. She speaks English fluently. She speaks English fluently. Du är aggressiv. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. Tom er alene i huset. Tom is alone in the house. Tom's alone in the house. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnir fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're as good as we're ready for the cold winter. Hvordan blev han dræbt? How was he killed? How did he get killed? Någon stal mitt körkort. Someone stole my driver's license. Someone stole my license. Hur gammal är din morbror? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Jeg lærte af mine fejltagelser. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Á sunnudaginn vorum við á ströndinni að fljúga flugdreka. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. Tom betaler normalt for alt med kontanter. Tom usually pays for everything in cash. Tom normally pays for everything with cash. Du måste lämna Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Tom er kommunistur. Tom is a communist. Tom's a communist. Þú verður að hætta að reykja. You must stop smoking. You have to stop smoking. Ser du TV? Are you watching TV? Do you see TV? Kaptajnen stod til søs som nittenårig. The captain went to sea when he was nineteen. The captain was at sea when he was nineteen. Kan jag göra det idag? Can I do it today? Can I do it today? Visst är det möjligt om man vill. It is certainly possible if you want it. Sure, it's possible if you want to. Det är mitt beslut. It's my decision. It's my decision. Jag fattar fortfarande inte. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. Vi hører dig ofte synge. We often hear you sing. We often hear you sing. Tom bor med Mary i Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Tom lives with Mary in Memphis. Han blev falsk anklaget. He was accused falsely. He was falsely accused. Jag har två bröder. I've got two brothers. I have two brothers. Norges hovedstad er Oslo. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. Norway's capital is Oslo. Jag ska hämta mina nycklar. I'll get my keys. I'll get my keys. Alla stannade. Everybody stayed. Everybody stopped. Läs inte vad som är i brevet. Bara ge det till Tom. Don't read what's in the envelope. Just give it to Tom. Don't read what's in the letter, just give it to Tom. Jag tycker inte om honom, men jag gillar henne. I do not like him, but I like her. I don't like him, but I like her. Kan du någon franska? Do you know any French? Do you know any French? De solbadede på stranden. They were sunbathing on the beach. They sunbathed on the beach. Ekki labba svona hratt. Don't walk so fast. Don't walk so fast. Han anmärker jämt på andra. He is always finding fault with others. He takes note of others all the time. Jag spelade tennis med Tom i går. I played tennis with Tom yesterday. I played tennis with Tom yesterday. Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Det er ikke Toms skyld. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Jeg kan høre en kat kradse ved vinduet. I can hear a cat scratching at the window. I can hear a cat scratch by the window. Hon dog av syrebrist. She died of oxygen deprivation. She died of an acid deficiency. De blåa byxorna kostar mer än de gröna. The blue pants cost more than the green ones. The blue pants cost more than the green ones. Pak den venligst ind i gavepapir. Please gift-wrap this. Please wrap it up in gift paper. Følg med mig. Come along with me. Come with me. Hvorfor er de ikke bekymret? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? Ikke røre! Hands off! Don't touch it! Tom kan ikke svømme så godt som Mary. Tom can't swim as well as Mary. Tom can't swim as well as Mary. Det er kommunisme. This is communism. It's Communism. Ögonen är själens spegel. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Har du billigere siddepladser? Do you have any cheaper seats? Do you have cheaper seats? Vi ser sjældent Tom cykle. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We rarely see Tom bike. Har du eit innandørs symjebasseng, er du truleg ganske rik. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you're probably pretty rich. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you are probably quite rich. Chris tilintetgjorde vampyrridderen! Chris defeated the vampire knight! Chris destroyed the vampire knight! Han var rädd att du skulle skjuta honom. He was scared you would shoot him. He was afraid you'd shoot him. Denne blomst er sort. This flower is black. This flower is black. Gerðu þinn hluta og ég skal gera afganginn. You do your part and I'll do the rest. Do your part and I'll do the rest. Vejen er glat. Kør langsomt! The road is slippery. Drive slowly. The road is smooth. Tom sine klær var gamle, men rene. Tom's clothes were old, but clean. Tom's clothes were old, but clean. "Når er du tilbake?" "Det avhenger av været." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you back?" "It depends on the weather." Läraren demonstrerade idén med ett experiment. The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. The teacher demonstrated the idea of an experiment. Tom var inte på Marys fest. Tom wasn't at Mary's party. Tom wasn't at Mary's party. Sikke en dejlig nat! What a wonderful night! What a lovely night! Tom smelte igjen soveromsdøren sin. Tom slammed his bedroom door closed. Tom melts again his bedroom door. Hvað er klukkan? What time is it? What time is it? Hvad tog tager du? What train you are going to take? What took you? Vinter er favorittsesongen min. Winter is my favorite season. Winter's my favorite season. Jag också. Me too. Me too. Jeg har ikke brug for dine penge. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Tom gik med klipklapper og hawaiiskjorte. Tom was wearing flip-flops and a Hawaiian shirt. Tom was wearing clippings and Hawaiian shirts. Låt oss glömma alltsammans, okej? Let's forget the whole thing, OK? Let's forget everything, all right? Tom var alene på den tomme strand. Tom was alone on an empty beach. Tom was alone on the empty beach. Maðurin er ikki ungur. The man is not young. Man is not young. Det var denne gutten som knuste vindusruten. It was this boy that broke the windowpane. It was this boy who broke the window pane. Han bor inuti ett äpple. He lives inside an apple. He lives inside an apple. Det høres ganske bra ut. That sounds pretty good. That sounds pretty good. Ingenting är gratis. Nothing is free. Nothing's free. Det Tom gjorde var otroligt. What Tom did was incredible. What Tom did was incredible. Ditt kräk. Wanker. You son of a bitch. Mamma arbeider. Mummy's working. Mom's working. Tom är underhållande. Tom is amusing. Tom's entertaining. Är du i fara? Are you in danger? Are you in danger? Alt er over. It's all over. Everything's over. Ingen har klaga på det. No one has ever complained about that. No one's ever complained about it. Hei, hva er dette? Hey, what's this? Hey, what's this? Eg havi mist min pengapung. I lost my wallet. I've lost my money. Tom er sikker på at han vil vinde. Tom is sure that he'll win. Tom's sure he'll win. Kan du lide æbler? Do you like apples? You like apples? Det gör ont i knät när jag böjer på det. My knee hurts when I bend it. My knee hurts when I bend it. Genetiska sjukdomar är oftast obotliga. Genetic diseases are mostly irremediable. Genetic diseases are usually incurable. Biljetten, tack. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. Du har förstört det! Du har förstört allt! You've ruined it! You've ruined everything! You've ruined it! Det var bara början. It was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. Jag ser fram emot det. I am looking forward to it. I look forward to it. Bliv ikke i sengen, hvis ikke du kan tjene penge i sengen. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed if you can't make money in bed. Läraren välkomnade de nya studenterna. The teacher welcomed the new students. The teacher welcomed the new students. Vad kan de göra? What can they do? What can they do? Jeg ved at dette er svært. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Er ikke det sprøtt? Isn't that crazy? Isn't that crazy? Hvað verður um allan viðinn? What happens to all the wood? What's going to happen to the whole wood? Kom hit, unge man. Come here, young man. Come here, young man. Denne vælger, Mary Johnson, viste sig at være en demokrat. That voter, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a Democrat. This elector, Mary Johnson, turned out to be a democrat. Er der en bus der kører til storcentret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is there a bus driving to the mall? Når begynner filmen? When does the movie start? When does the film start? Jag kommer att vara ensam. I'll be on my own. I'll be alone. Jag söker arbete. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. Til og med jeg forstår denne setningen. Den er veldig enkel å forstå. Even I can understand this sentence. It's very easy to understand. Even I understand this sentence, it's very easy to understand. Han er en sefardiske jøde. He's a Sephardic Jew. He's a Sepharic Jew. Jag tycker att Marys kjol är för lång. I think Mary's skirt's too long. I think Mary's skirt is too long. Jeg har et godt liv nå. I have a good life now. I have a good life now. Det här är inte något misstag. This is not a mistake. This is not a mistake. Jeg fik min cykel repareret. I got my bicycle repaired. I got my bike repaired. Løven spiser kjøtt. The lion is eating meat. The lion eats meat. Tom er Marys mand. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom is Mary's man. Hennes dröm är att besöka Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Lad os komme i gang. Let's get the show on the road. Let's get started. Det här är ett bra jobb. This is a good job. This is a good job. Det här är den genväg som jag oftast tar till skolan. This is the shortcut that I usually take to school. This is the shortcut I usually take to school. Jeg så fjernsyn. I was watching TV. I saw TV. Har du dechiffrerat den? Have you decoded it? Did you decipher it? Jeg slog plat og krone med mønten. I flipped the coin. I beat it and I crowned it with the coin. Jag räddade ditt liv. I saved your life. I saved your life. Kattungen leker i regnet. The kitten is playing in the rain. Kattungen's playing in the rain. Sa Tom varför? Did Tom say why? Did Tom say why? Ég hafði ekki hugmynd að þú værir að koma. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. Tom tillrådde Mary att inte tro på allt hon läser på webben. Tom advised Mary not to believe everything she reads on the Web. Tom advised Mary not to believe everything she reads on the web. Din nya frisyr gör att du ser äldre ut. Your new hair style makes you look older. Your new hair will make you look older. Tom har allereie gjeve Maria det ho spurde etter. Tom has already given Mary what she asked for. Tom has already given Mary what she asked for. Jag betalade mina räkningar. I paid my bills. I paid my bills. Jeg kan ikke lide at lære uregelmæssige verber. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular verbs. Tom borde ha följt Marys råd. Tom should have followed Mary's advice. Tom should have followed Mary's advice. Jeg har en tid hos lægen klokken ti. I have an appointment at the doctor's office at ten o'clock. I've got a doctor's appointment at 10:00. De kan tänka och tala. They can think and speak. They can think and talk. Hvor kan jeg få toiletpapir? Where can I get toilet paper? Where can I get toilet paper? Stod ni två nära varandra? Were you two close? Did you two stand close together? Jeg har en fætter og en kusine. I have two cousins. I have a cousin and a cousin. Gjør det deg glad? Does that make you happy? Does that make you happy? Han steg upp klockan fem som vanligt. He got up at five as usual. He stepped up at 5:00 a.m. as usual. Jorden, Mars og Jupiter er planeter. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Bilurin er ringur. The car is bad. It's a ring. Jeg bestilte ikke fisk. I didn't order fish. I didn't order fish. Der er en mand ved døren. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Jeg ønsker et svar. I want an answer. I want an answer. När PC-fel saktar ner dig, vad kan du göra ? When PC problems slow you down, what can you do? When PC errors slow you down, what can you do? Du kan parkere her. You may park here. You can park here. Det var første gang at jeg nogensinde havde set Tom danse. That was the first time that I'd ever seen Tom dance. It was the first time I had ever seen Tom dance. Vilka vill du prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Hon har ännu fler böcker. She has even more books. She has even more books. Hej. Det är du som är Tom va? Det var längesen. Hi. You're Tom, right? It's been a while. Hey, it's you who's Tom, isn't it? Ved du hvorfor Tom ikke vil have at jeg sidder ved siden af ​​ham? Do you know why Tom doesn't want me to sit next to him? Do you know why Tom doesn't want me to sit next to him? Tom må være meget vred på Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. Tom must be very angry with Mary. Jag läser inte så många böcker som jag gjorde tidigare. I don't read as many books as I used to. I don't read as many books as I did before. Jeg er blevet hjemme på grund af vejret. I stayed home because of the weather. I'm staying home because of the weather. Huset var inte särskilt anmärkningsvärt. The house wasn't particularly remarkable. The house wasn't very remarkable. De flesta tror att jag är galen. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Tom tar en snabb joggingtur runt kvarteret varje morgon innan frukost. Tom takes a quick jog around the block every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a quick jogging trip around the neighborhood every morning before breakfast. Þeir sjóða niður fisk í dósir. They can fish. They boil down fish in cans. Hon äter inte kött, eller hur? She doesn't eat meat, does she? She doesn't eat meat, does she? Tala inte ens med mig. Don't even talk to me. Don't even talk to me. Fyrir hvað er það? What is it for? What's that for? Aberne afluser hinanden. The apes groom each other. The monkeys are bugging each other. Karen bad om at snakke med chefen. Karen asked to speak to the manager. Karen asked to talk to the boss. Jeg lå på min ryg. I lay on my back. I was lying on my back. Alt ændrer sig efter en krig. Everything changes after a war. Everything changes after a war. Jag är inte intresserad av Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. Han er afroamerikaner. He's an African American. He's an African American. Planeterne kredser om solen. The planets revolve around the sun. The planets orbit around the sun. Tom fortalte Mary hvad han gerne ville have at spise. Tom told Mary what he wanted to eat. Tom told Mary what he wanted to eat. Jeg har aldri vært i Paris. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. Jeg leste aldri boka. I never read the book. I never read the book. Kunne du lide den film vi så i går? Did you like the movie we watched yesterday? Did you like the movie we saw last night? Hvor er min hest? Where's my horse? Where's my horse? Du bör tala med din mamma oftare. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mom more often. Det er jeg bange for. I fear so. I'm afraid so. Jeg liker språk. I like languages. I like language. Jag tycker att du borde komma och stanna hos mig. I think you should come stay at my place. I think you should come and stay with me. Vilken tid passar er? What time is good for you? What time is yours? Þeim þótti spennandi að spila körfubolta á leikvellinum. They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground. They found it exciting to play basketball on the playground. Tom är bakom dig. Tom is behind you. Tom's behind you. Du kan inte ändra på Tom. You can't change Tom. You can't change Tom. Em ek svangr. Am I hungry! Who's hungry? Médus knackar på dörren. Médus is knocking on the door. Médus knocks on the door. Hvad er mindstelønnen i Ghana? What's the minimum wage in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Har du skrivit ned telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write down the phone number? Mary är verkligen en riktigt söt tjej. Mary really is a very cute girl. Mary is really a really cute girl. Jeg har brug for en sav. I need a saw. I need a saw. Du hade rätt hela tiden. You were right all along. You were right all the time. Tom har flettet skjegget sitt. Tom has braided his beard. Tom has merged his beard. Kan någon hjälpa mig? Can someone help me? Can someone help me? Kan du vakta ungarna? Can you watch the kids? Can you watch the kids? Det er lige om hjørnet. It's just around the corner. It's right around the corner. Jeg foretrekker å jobbe alene. I prefer to work alone. I prefer to work alone. Jag tycker fortfarande inte om det. I still don't like it. I still don't like it. Han er oppslukt med å lære latin. He is absorbed in the study of Latin. He is enraged with learning Latin. Finns de? Do they exist? Are they there? Leg ikke med taburetten. Don't play with the stool. Don't play with the taboo. Jag var med någon. I was with someone. I was with someone. Hvem er han? Who is he? Who is he? Jeg er lige stået af toget og jeg står stadig på perronen. I just got off the train and I'm still on the platform. I just got off the train and I'm still standing on the platform. Tom grät. Tom cried. Tom was crying. Tom er gartner. Tom is a gardener. Tom's a gardener. Hur hittade ni oss? How did you find us? How did you find us? Jeg så din far. I saw your father. I saw your father. Han pussar tennene etter måltider. He brushes his teeth after his meals. He kisses his teeth after meals. Til salg. For sale. For sale. Vil du la meg se på det? Let me have a look at it, will you? Would you let me look at that? De började skjuta. They started shooting. They started shooting. Du kan välja vilken bok du vill. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. Får jag se ditt ID-kort? May I see your ID? Can I see your ID? Jag talar japanska väl. I speak good Japanese. I speak Japanese well. Gør jeg det her forkert? Am I doing this wrong? Am I doing this wrong? Han kan svømme fort. He can swim fast. He can swim fast. Er det rettferdig? Is that fair? Is that fair? Gør det snarest muligt. Do it as soon as possible. Do it as soon as possible. Hans översättning ligger nära originalet. His translation is close to the original. His translation is close to the original. Du bør høre på hva Tom sier. You should listen to what Tom says. You should listen to what Tom says. Han var tilfreds med resultatet. He was satisfied with the result. He was pleased with the result. Plötsligt kysste hon mig. She kissed me all of a sudden. Suddenly, she kissed me. Jag tog det lugnt. I took it easy. I took it easy. Trädet brinner. The tree is burning. The tree's burning. Rådet til Tom var ganske hjempsamt. Tom's advice was very helpful. The Council of Tom was quite hesitant. "Vi är framme," sa Tom, och stannade bilen. "We're here," said Tom, stopping the car. "We're here," said Tom, and stopped the car. Gulerødder og majroer er spiselige rødder. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. Carrots and sweets are edible roots. Vi er ved at lære fransk. We're learning French. We're learning French. Trodde du på Tom? Did you believe Tom? Did you believe Tom? Hvor længe har du været ryger? How long have you been a smoker? How long have you been a smoker? Han visade mig massor av vackra bilder. He showed me a lot of beautiful photos. He showed me lots of beautiful pictures. Han har to katter, en hvit og en svart. He's got two cats, one white and one black. He has two cats, one white and one black. Hun tar alt for gitt. She takes everything for granted. She's taking it all for granted. I er svenske. You guys are Swedish. You're Swedish. Passionsugen er ugen før påskesøndag. Holy Week is the week just before Easter. The passion week is the week before Easter Sunday. Portugal er ein republikk. Portugal is a republic. Portugal is a Republic. "Tycker ni om ormar?" "Självklart inte." "Do you like snakes?" "Obviously not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Det tog kun omkring tre minutter. It only took about three minutes. It only took about three minutes. Hon följde honom hem. She followed him home. She followed him home. Är jag för krävande? Am I too demanding? Am I too demanding? Tom tabte sin nye smartphone. Tom dropped his new smartphone. Tom lost his new smartphone. Den smukke enke stod ved kisten med tåreslørede øjne. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin, her eyes veiled with tears. The beautiful widow stood by the coffin with tearsy eyes. John dro til Frankrike igår. John left for France yesterday. John went to France yesterday. Den som är född i Sverige är svensk. He who is born in Sweden is Swedish. The one born in Sweden is Swedish. Stå inte bara där, säg något! Don't just stand there - say something! Don't just stand there, say something! Tom talte. Tom spoke. Tom spoke. Jag har en fråga. I have one question. I have a question. Han prøver å imponere sine venner. He tries to impress his friends. He's trying to impress his friends. Skjer dette noen gang med deg? Does that ever happen to you? Does this ever happen to you? Det er det dummeste jeg noensinne har sagt. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. Eg havi hoyrt um teg. I've heard about you. I've heard about teg. Varför tog du med den? Why did you bring it? Why did you bring it? Jeg bor nær sjøen, så jeg får ofte dratt til stranden. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I live near the sea, so I often get to the beach. De kan lägga till en ordagrann översättning. They can add a literal translation. They can add a verbatim translation. Det virker som hun er interessert i ham. She seems to be interested in him. It seems she's interested in him. Tom satte en ny rulle film i sit kamera. Tom put a new roll of film into his camera. Tom put a new roll movie in his camera. Hon har många vänner i Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. She has many friends in Hong Kong. Hvenær borðum við? Ég er svöng! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? Jeg er i stand til at læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I'm able to read French. Jag kan väl skjutsa dig? Why don't I drive you? Why don't I give you a ride? Pennen Sarah gav mig, er ikke blå. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. Jeg går på skole fordi jeg ønsker å lœre. I go to school because I want to learn. I go to school because I want to learn. Der er ingen grund til at være uhøflig. There's no need to be rude. There's no need to be rude. Jeg er besat af at lære hebraisk. I am obsessed with learning Hebrew. I'm obsessed with learning Hebrew. Jeg troede at Tom bare var en musiker. I thought Tom was just a musician. I thought Tom was just a musician. Hvorfor besluttede du dig for at lære at spille på engelskhorn? Why did you decide to learn to play the English horn? Why did you decide to learn to play English horns? Tom må have glemt sin nøgle. Tom must've forgotten his key. Tom must have forgotten his key. Jeg har på det seneste taget på. I've put on weight recently. I'm wearing it lately. Tom och Mary är i stort sett gifta. Tom and Mary are as good as married. Tom and Mary are largely married. De som ved og kan, handler. De som ved, men ikke kan, underviser. De som hverken ved eller kan, leder. Those who know and can, do. Those who know, but can't, teach. Those who neither know nor can, lead. Those who know and can, those who know and can, those who know but cannot, teach, those who don't know or can't, lead. Har du en motorcykel? Do you have a motorcycle? Do you have a motorcycle? Getur þú þekkt Jane og tvíburasystur hennar í sundur? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Can you identify Jane and her twin sister apart? Mindstelønnen er 2,13 dollar i timen. The minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. The minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. Jag spelade schack med Tom igår eftermiddag. I played chess with Tom yesterday afternoon. I played chess with Tom yesterday afternoon. Borde vi inte säga någonting? Shouldn't we say something? Shouldn't we say anything? Hon lever ett bekymmerslöst liv. Her life is carefree. She's living a careless life. Tom er en veldig smart mann. Tom is a very wise man. Tom is a very smart man. Er du utvekslingsstudent? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Dette vil ta tid. This will take time. This will take time. Disse sko er hendes. These shoes are hers. These shoes are hers. Han sålde några äpplen på marknaden. He sold some apples at the market. He sold some apples on the market. Tom trodde ikke Maria kunne svømme. Tom didn't think that Mary knew how to swim. Tom didn't think Mary could swim. Hvussu eita tygum? What's your name? What kind of fabric? Alt er bedre uden dig. Everything is better without you. Everything's better without you. Blomstene har helt visnet. The flowers have all withered. The flowers have completely faded. Är det någon hemma? Is anybody home? Anybody home? Det är ett stort företag. It's a big company. It's a big company. Kan du se dem? Can you see them? Do you see them? Hur är det relevant? How is this relevant? How is that relevant? Naturligvis kan du ikke sige at det intet er værd, fordi det ikke er perfekt, ligeledes betyder det ikke at GTD er nyttesløst. Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless. Of course, you can't say that it's nothing worth because it's not perfect, too, it doesn't mean that GTD is useless. For å være ærlig så er jeg ikke enig. To tell the truth, I don't agree. To be honest, I do not agree. Ertu hér til að hjálpa mér? Are you here to help me? Are you here to help me? Jag tycker om att vara här. I like to be here. I like being here. Er fransk udtale svært? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is French pronunciation difficult? Mine karakterer i skolen var gennemsnitlige. My school marks were average. My grades at school were average. Yokohama er en vakker havneby. Yokohama is a beautiful port town. Yokohama is a beautiful harbour town. Hvilken film har dere sett? Which film did you see? What movie have you seen? Det huset tilhører meg. That house belongs to me. That house belongs to me. Ring til hende i morgen. Call her tomorrow. Call her tomorrow. Vi är lite sena. We're a bit late. We're a little late. God morgon, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Tom var den ældste i værelset. Tom was the oldest person in the room. Tom was the oldest in the room. Varje dag gjorde han samma i åtta timmar och sedan gick han hem. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours and then he went home. Every day he did the same for eight hours, and then he went home. Jeg har en stor bogsamling med amerikansk litteratur. I have a large library on American literature. I have a large collection of American literature. Glo ikke på mig. Don't stare at me. Don't look at me. Jeg vil ikke spise mer. I don't want to eat any more. I don't want to eat anymore. Simbabve var eitt sinn bresk nýlenda. Zimbabwe was once a colony of Britain. Simbabve was once a British colony. Vad tänker du på just nu? A penny for your thoughts! What are you thinking about right now? Tom ligger i koma. Tom is in a coma. Tom's in a coma. Tal, før det er for sent. Speak before it's too late. Talk before it's too late. Alle har vært der. Everyone has been there. Everyone's been there. Sami och Layla är nygifta. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Sami and Layla are newlyweds. Jag måste hämta Tom. I have to get Tom. I have to get Tom. Tom har ryggrad. Tom has guts. Tom's got the spine. Tom gik bananas. Tom went bananas. Tom went banana. Jag måste fokusera. I need to focus. I need to focus. Har du en ordbok? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Ég hlakka til að hitta þig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. John borde vara här när som helst nu. John should be here any minute now. John should be here any minute now. Hann sefur eins og barn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Hun oversatte et digt. She translated a poem. She translated a poem. Japan är ett vackert land. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Jeg kan ikke kende forskel på en frø og en tudse. I can't tell a frog from a toad. I don't know the difference between a seed and a toad. Kan du hämta mig på stationen? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you pick me up at the station? Þú mátt alveg eins fá frídag þar sem þú hefur unnið of mikið þessa daga. You may as well have a day off, because you have been overworking those days. You may as well have a day off, since you have worked too hard these days. Tom kan inte stå still. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stand still. Hengdu jakkann þinn á krókinn við dyrnar. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Hang your jacket on the hook at the door. Du förtjänar det. You deserve it. You deserve it. Jeg kunne ikke snakke. I couldn't speak. I couldn't talk. Jag går och hämtar min bil. I'll go get my car. I'll go get my car. Du er høy, men han er høyere. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's taller. Jeg har fått nok av disse dumme reglene. I've had it with these stupid rules. I've had enough of these stupid rules. Eg eri lækni. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Var är mina stövlar? Where are my boots? Where are my boots? Jag har inte sett honom på några år. I haven't seen him in a few years. I haven't seen him in a few years. Hun er en beskidt løgner. She's a filthy liar. She's a dirty liar. Han drog det kortaste strået. He drew the shortest straw. He pulled the shortest straw. Hún elskaði mig sem og ég hana. She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me as well as I loved her. Hold øjnene åbne. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. Tom føntørrede sit hår. Tom blew his hair dry. Tom dried his hair. Hun sang bedre enn vanlig. She sang better than usual. She sang better than usual. Kan du komma närmre? Can you come closer? Can you come closer? Kaken din er kjempegod. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is great. Þú ert ógeðsleg! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Det er ikke nok. This is not enough. That's not enough. Tom avrättades i elektriska stolen. Tom was electrocuted. Tom was executed in the electric chair. Taler du fransk hver dag? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? Jag kan leva utan vatten. I can live without water. I can live without water. Ég hlakka til að heyra í þér bráðlega. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I can't wait to hear you soon. Föräldrar älskar sina barn. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. Ge oss tre minuter. Give us three minutes. Give us three minutes. Tom er stolt af sin datter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Han har allerede været under husarrest i to år. He's already been under house arrest for two years. He's already been under house arrest for two years. Vi ved ikke noget om ham. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. Ingen forstår mig. Nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. Må Gud forbarme sig over os alle. May God have mercy on us all. May God have mercy on all of us. Det är ganska kallt. It is pretty cold. It's pretty cold. Hvilken vej fører til Central Park? Which way is Central Park? Which way to Central Park? Sitt kvar här nu. Now just stay put. Stay here now. Tom telefonerede. Tom phoned. Tom telephoned. God natt. Goodnight. Good night. Han har fundet denne pung på natbordet. He found this wallet on the nightstand. He found this wallet on the night table. Det är möjligt. It's possible. It's possible. Jeg bliver tit forkølet. I often catch cold. I get cold all the time. Tom har købt sit drømmehus. Tom bought his dream house. Tom bought his dream house. Krigen havde forenet det amerikanske folk. The war had united the American people. The war had united the American people. Glædelig jul! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jeg prøvde å snakke med deg. I was trying to talk to you. I tried to talk to you. Jeg slog ham i skak. I beat him at chess. I beat him up. Arbejder Tom i køkkenet? Does Tom work in the kitchen? Tom works in the kitchen? Han er FBI-agent. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. Hele verden er blevet skør. The whole world went crazy. The whole world's gone crazy. Tom vil ikke fortælle Mary hvorfor han gjorde det. Tom won't tell Mary why he did that. Tom won't tell Mary why he did it. Hur gammal är den här? How old is this? How old is this? Jeg er døv. I am deaf. I'm deaf. Et renseanlæg udledede giftige kemikalier i byens vandforsyning. A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. A sewage treatment plant derived toxic chemicals in the city's water supply. Jag kommer inte ihåg hur gammal jag var när jag för första gången träffade Tom. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first met Tom. I don't remember how old I was when I first met Tom. Alt er godt. All is well. Everything's good. Frukt og grønt er sunt, men vi vet ikke hvorfor. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but we don't know why. Fruit and green are healthy, but we don't know why. Tom ble full og druknet sorgen sin i denne ene nattens utskeielser. Tom got drunk and drowned his sorrows in that one night of intemperance. Tom was drunk and drowned his grief in this one night's excuses. Vi frågade honom vad han hette. We asked him what he was called. We asked him his name. Var är rulltrappan upp? Where's the up-escalator? Where's the escalator up? Tom var framgångsrik. Tom was successful. Tom was successful. Hon tycker om rysk pop. She likes Russian pop. She likes Russian pop. Hjernen er blot en kompliceret maskine. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Det rådde brist på importerad olja. There was a shortage of imported oil. There was a lack of imported oil. Jeg ved hvilken vej Tom gik. I know which way Tom went. I know which way Tom went. Eplin eru þroskuð. The apples are ripe. Apples are ripe. De kommer att heja på er. They'll be rooting for you. They're gonna cheer you up. Det var jeg ikke klar over. I didn't realize that. I wasn't aware of that. Du må prøve butikken på den anden side af vejen. You'll have to try the store across the street. You have to try the shop on the other side of the road. Han gick till affären för att köpa lite apelsiner. He went to the store to buy some oranges. He went to the store to buy some oranges. Nu har jag dåligt samvete. Now I feel guilty. Now I have a bad conscience. Jag har bara sett den en gång. I've only seen it once. I've only seen it once. Jag kan inte dansa. I can't dance. I can't dance. Var ska jag stiga av? Where do I get off? Where am I gonna get out of here? Jag kan inte se dig. I can't see you. I can't see you. Fremtiden er nærmere end du tror. The future is closer than you think. The future is closer than you think. Han har ry for at være en skørtejæger. He has a reputation for being a skirt chaser. He's got a reputation for being a crazy hunter. Vi er i knibe. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Hon tycker om den ljusgröna behån. She likes the light green bra. She likes the light green beer. Jag är inte det minsta intresserad av kemi. I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. I'm not at least interested in chemistry. Han är alltid snäll mot djur. He is always kind to animals. He's always nice to animals. Hans fötter är smutsiga. His feet are dirty. His feet are dirty. Jeg er sikker på jeg aldri har sett henne. I'm sure I've never seen her. I'm sure I've never seen her. Er dit navn Tom? Is your name Tom? Is your name Tom? Vad var det i kuvertet? What was in the envelope? What was in the envelope? Anvend det her. Use this. Use this. Det er ikke jul. It's not Christmas. It's not Christmas. Röstade Tom? Did Tom vote? Tom voted? Han tog benene på nakken. He legged it. He took his legs on his neck. Schalke spiller mod Inter Milan i aften. Schalke are playing Inter Milan tonight. Schalke is playing against Inter Milan tonight. Tom talar om det för dig när han känner för det. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Jag hoppas kunna vara med. I hope to be there. I hope I can join you. Sygeplejersken har taget mit blodtryk. The nurse has taken my blood pressure. The nurse has taken my blood pressure. Jeg legger meg rundt ti om kvelden. I go to bed at around ten at night. I lay around ten in the evening. Hur länge tar det till fots? How long does it take on foot? How long does it take? Tom behandler altid Mary som et barn. Tom always treats Mary like a child. Tom always treats Mary as a child. Tom åbnede ikke døren. Tom didn't open the door. Tom didn't open the door. Är du uttråkad ännu? Are you bored yet? Are you bored yet? Du luktar gott. You smell nice. You smell good. Eg er ganske god til å spela golf. I'm a pretty good golfer. I'm pretty good at playing golf. Han så hende aldrig igen. He never saw her again. He never saw her again. Nogen skreg. Someone screamed. Someone screamed. Vattnet frös till is. The water turned to ice. The water froze to ice. Ég er með fréttir I've got good news. I have news. Jag såg du-vet-vem i dag på torget. I saw you-know-who at the market today. I saw you-know-who today in the square. Jag kan åka skidor. I can ski. I can ski. Tjener, tre kaffe, tak! Waiter, three coffees, please. Waiter, three coffees, please! Jeg håber det ikke sner i morgen. I hope it won't snow tomorrow. I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow. Jeg fikk bli med i klubben. I gained admission to the club. I got to join the club. Jeg mistede besindelsen. I lost my temper. I lost my mind. Det sägs att han föddes i Tyskland. They say that he was born in Germany. They say he was born in Germany. Kassen var blevet beskadiget, men indholdet var intakt. The box had been damaged, but its contents were intact. The case had been damaged, but the contents were intact. Detta handlar inte om dig. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Det er bedst at vi går hjem nu. We'd better go home now. We better go home now. Udlændingen vænnede sig hurtigt til den japanske mad. The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food. The stranger quickly became accustomed to the Japanese food. Han tycker om att vara busig. He likes to be mischievous. He likes to be upset. De sover i hver sin seng. They sleep in separate beds. They sleep in each one's bed. George Bush tog på ferie med sin kone. George Bush went on a vacation with his wife. George Bush went on vacation with his wife. Nogle mennesker kan ikke holde verden ud. Some people cannot cope with the world. Some people can't stand the world. Fra og med 1950 begynder de europæiske lande indenfor rammerne af Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab at nærme sig hinanden økonomisk og politisk for at sikre varig fred. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. From 1950 onwards, the European countries, within the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community, will begin to approach each other economically and politically in order to ensure lasting peace. Kvar kan eg setja frå meg ølet? Where can I place these beers? Where can I put the beer from? Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Regningen, tak. The bill, please. The bill, please. Tom kunne ikke få sin bil til at starte. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom couldn't get his car started. Jag tror att det är en bluff. I think that's a hoax. I think it's a fake. Se dig runt. Have a look around. Look around you. Kom til rommet mitt. Come into my room. Come to my room. De flesta amerikanare tycker om hamburgare. Most Americans like hamburgers. Most Americans like hamburgers. Morötter och rovor är ätbara rötter. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. Carrots and beets are edible roots. Han glimrede ved sit fravær. He was conspicuous by his absence. He stared at his absence. Þú verður að vera á stöðinni fyrir klukkan fimm. You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. You have to be at the station by 5:00. Jeg spilte gitar med Tom i et band. I used to play guitar in a band with Tom. I played guitar with Tom in a band. Pengene ligger på bordet. The money is on the table. The money's on the table. Viðskiptavinum hans fækkaði eftir að nýja verslunarmiðstöðin hóf starfsemi. His customers dropped off after the new supermarket opened for business. His customers decreased after the start of the new business center. Mor lavede frokost til os. Mom made lunch for us. Mom made us lunch. Hun er en flot kvinde. She's a good-looking woman. She's a beautiful woman. Tökum okkur tíu mínútna hlé. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Det royale bryllup var en storslået begivenhed. The royal wedding was a magnificent occasion. The royal wedding was a grand event. Sammenlign dine svar med lærerens. Compare your answers with the teacher's. Compare your answers to the teacher's. Tökum til í herberginu okkar. Let's clean our room. Let's go to our room. Tom ville ikke give Mary sit plysegern. Tom did not want to give Mary his plush squirrel. Tom wouldn't give Mary his plow. Alice smilte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Jag skulle inte göra det. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do that. Ingen har klagd på det. No one has ever complained about that. No one's ever complained about it. Allir í fjölskyldunni hans eru hávaxnir. Everyone in his family is tall. Everyone in his family is tall. Drengene begyndte at slås. The boys started fighting. The boys started fighting. Nara er en by jeg liker veldig godt. Nara is a city which I like very much. Nara is a city I like very well. Eg hadde på meg solbriller. I was wearing sunglasses. I wore sunglasses. Hvad er der i posen? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Jeg har noget jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. Ge Tom allting. Give Tom all of it. Give Tom everything. Slips passar dig. Ties suit you. Let's go. Let's go. Algeriet skal modernisere sit uddannelsessystem. Algeria needs to modernize its education system. Algeria must modernise its education system. Jeg kigger efter T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. I'm looking for T-shirts. Hann reiðist auðveldlega. He easily gets angry. He is easily angry. Der er næppe nogen fare for jordskælv. There is hardly any danger of an earthquake. There's hardly any danger of earthquakes. Dette er en frukt. It's a fruit. This is a fruit. Þú ert mikilvægur. You are important. You're important. Jeg har netop spist. I just ate. I just ate. Paul kommer af princip ikke for sent til en aftale. Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments. Paul, on principle, does not come too late for an agreement. Tom har gået i katolsk skole. Tom went to a Catholic school. Tom went to Catholic school. Hun takler ikke stress. She can't cope with stress. She doesn't deal with stress. Jag klandrar dig inte det minsta. I don't blame you a bit. I don't blame you at all. Sami behövde lämna Layla. Sami needed to leave Layla. Sami needed to leave Layla. Avsky er som å drikke gift, og deretter håpe at det vil drepe din fiende. Resentment is like drinking poison, and then hoping it will kill your enemy. Afraid is like drinking poison, and then hoping that it will kill your enemy. Jag vet inte heller. I don't know either. I don't know, either. Din er større end min. Yours is bigger than mine. Yours is bigger than mine. Tom är upptagen, eller hur? Tom is busy, isn't he? Tom's busy, isn't he? La oss sette oss på den benken. Let's sit down on that bench. Let's put that bench on. Eg spring kvar dag. I run every day. I run every day. Kan du forestille deg hvordan livene våre hadde vært uten elektrisitet? Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Can you imagine how our lives had been without electricity? Jag har aldrig ätit mango förut. I have never eaten a mango before. I've never eaten mango before. Ho vaska rommet. She cleaned the room. She's washing the room. Jeg misunder ikke folkene i Det Hvide Hus. I do not envy the people at the White House. I do not envy the people of the White House. Ég er alls ekki þreytt. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Jeg tror ikke det nytter noget at forsøge på at overbevise ham. I think there is no point in trying to persuade him. I don't think there's anything to try to convince him. De er ute av kontroll. They are out of hand. They're out of control. Jag gillar ingenting. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Jeg holder ikke ut denne magepinen. I can't stand this stomach-ache. I'm not holding on to this stomachache. Tom jobbet for eit byggjefirma i Boston. Tom worked for a construction company in Boston. Tom worked for a construction company in Boston. Doktorn funderar noggrant innan han bestämmer sig för vilken medicin han ska ge. The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine to give. The doctor will think carefully before he decides which medicine to give. Tom var klädd helt i svart. Tom was dressed all in black. Tom was dressed completely in black. Hvor mange språk snakker du? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Tom mistede forældremyndigheden over sine børn. Tom lost custody of his children. Tom lost custody of his children. Kön till provhytterna ringlade sig genom butiken. The queue to the fitting rooms was winding through the store. Gender for the test cabins ringed through the store. Jeg tror hun er syg. I think she is sick. I think she's sick. Sami var en youtuber. Sami was a YouTuber. Sami was a tube. Tom gråter. Tom is crying. Tom's crying. John var í svo miklum flýti að hann hafði engan tíma til að spjalla. John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking. John was in such a hurry that he had no time to talk. De fleste sprog har bilabiale konsonanter. Most languages have bilabial consonants. Most languages have bilateral consonants. Hør nu efter! Now listen up. Listen to me! Har du Whatsapp? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have Whatsapp? Det er menneskelig å feile. To err is human. It's human to fail. Mon vejret bliver godt i morgen. I wonder whether the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather will be good tomorrow. Manden blev dømt til døden. The man was condemned to death. The man was sentenced to death. En av Tom sine plikter er å rake lauv. Tom's duties include raking the leaves. One of Tom's duties is to shave leaves. Tom vil mødes med jer alle kl. 2:30. Tom will meet with all of you at 2:30. Tom will meet with you all at 2:30. Dette er en DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. I dag er det den tyvende oktober. Today is October twentieth. Today is the twentieth October. Kan man finde en telefon i nærheden? Can one find a telephone near by? Can you find a phone nearby? Det finns många olika slags ur, bland annat armbandsur, väggur, digitalur, guldur, gökur, kvartsur, stoppur, tidtagarur och tornur. There are many different kinds of clocks, including wristwatches, wall clocks, digital watches, gold watches, cuckoo clocks, quartz watches, stopwatches, timer and tower clocks. There are many different kinds of watches, including wristwatch, wall clock, digital watch, gold watch, gullet, quartz watch, stopwatch, time watch, and tower clocks. Hvorfor surmuler hun? Why is she sulking? Why is she sourming? Låt mig tänka en minut. Let me think a minute. Let me think for a minute. Kvinden er sygeplejerske. The woman is a nurse. The woman's a nurse. Vi har to børn. We have two kids. We have two kids. Skadades någon? Did anybody get hurt? Did someone get hurt? Ingen af ​​dem stoler på ham. None of them trusts him. None of them trust him. Misunnelsen begynner å formørke Toms sinn. The jealousy is starting to darken Tom's mind. The envy begins to darken Tom's mind. For nylig er vi kommet ind i hundedagene. Lately, we've entered the dog days of summer. Recently, we've come into the dog days. Jeg kan lide ørredfiskeri. I like trout fishing. I like trout fishing. Jag behöver ingen hjälp. I don't need help. I don't need any help. De første få sætninger af hans tale kunne jeg forstå, men resten forstod jeg ikke et muk af. I could understand the first few sentences, but the rest of his speech was all Greek to me. The first few phrases of his speech I could understand, but the rest I did not understand. Gør det igen. Do it again. Do it again. Mary sender mig uopfordrede kærlighedsbreve. Mary is sending me unsolicited love letters. Mary sends me unsolicited love letters. USA anmoder om udlevering af Julian Assange. The United States is seeking extradition of Julian Assange. The United States is requesting the extradition of Julian Assange. Jeg spiser nudler. I am eating noodles. I eat noodles. Jag gjorde ett försök att simma över floden. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim over the river. Jeg vil gjerne få introdusere noen venner av meg. I'd like to introduce some friends of mine. I'd like to introduce some friends of mine. Faðir minn er mér reiður. Father is angry with me. My father is angry with me. Du kan ikke kjøpe epler lenger! You can't buy apples any more! You can't buy apples anymore! Hvor vil du rejse hen? Where do you want to travel? Where are you going? Han slutade dricka. He stopped drinking. He stopped drinking. Du bør besøge dette museum. You should visit this museum. You should visit this museum. Þegar ég var komin út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I was out, I threw my breath lightly. Jeg tror vi har funnet ut av det nå. I think we've got it figured out now. I think we've figured it out now. I dag er det den første dag i resten af dit liv. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Today is the first day of your life. Tom vill inte bli läkare, trots att han är väldigt på naturvetenskap. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, although he's very good in science. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor, even though he's very much in science. Hvad siger du så! How about that! What do you say? Er du klar til å bestille nå? Are you ready to order now? Are you ready to order now? Spild ikke tid på bagateller. Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste any time on bagatelles. Det är utan tvekan en av de värsta idéer jag någonsin hört. That is without a doubt one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. It is undoubtedly one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. Tina blev snart van vid japanskt mat. Tina soon got used to Japanese food. Tina soon became accustomed to Japanese food. Jag tycker om att spela tennis. I like playing tennis. I like to play tennis. Aóí dansar. Aoi dances. A year's dancing. Vinsamlegast útskýrðu af hverju þú getur ekki komið. Please explain why it is that you can't come. Please explain why you cannot come. I dag er det Toms fødselsdag. Today's Tom's birthday. Today's Tom's birthday. Har I dræbt ham? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Vi ser inte saker som de är, utan som vi är. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Politiet stormede baren. The police charged into the bar. The police stormed the bar. Vent her til jeg kommer tilbake. Wait here till I come back. Wait here until I get back. Det är varmt i dag. It is hot today. It's hot today. Þú getur reitt þig á hans hjálp. You can depend on his help. You can count on his help. Það gagnast þér ekkert að ræða málið frekar. Discussing the matter further will get you nowhere. There is no point in discussing the matter. Vandamálið er að ég er ekki með neinn pening á mér. The trouble is that I have no money with me. The problem is, I don't have any money on me. Alle hønsene er allerede i hønsehuset. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the chicken house. Tom forlod byen. Tom left town. Tom left town. Tom så ensom ut. Tom looked lonely. Tom looked lonely. Tom har svimmat. Tom has passed out. Tom's fainted. Du har jättefin hatt. I love your hat. You have a great hat. Jag blev nästan rånad. I almost got robbed. I almost got robbed. Þú ættir alltaf að eyða tíma í hluti sem hjálpa börnunum þínum að komast áfram í lífinu. You should always spend time doing things that help your children get ahead in life. You should always spend time in things that will help your children to get on with their lives. Jag behöver en röd penna. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Fyrir hvern vinnurðu? Who is it that you're working for? Who do you work for? Hvornår har du sidst hørt fra Tom? When did you last hear from Tom? When's the last time you heard from Tom? Hatta er sín hestur. That's his horse. Hat's a horse. Tom vill någonting annat. Tom wants something else. Tom wants something else. Tom har hjälpt till mycket. Tom has helped a lot. Tom has helped a lot. Passaðu höfuðið! Watch your head! Watch your head! Tom visste ikke grunnen til at Mary ikke godtok invitasjonen hans. Tom didn't know the reason why Mary wouldn't accept his invitation. Tom did not know the reason Mary did not accept his invitation. Du måste hem. You must go home. You have to go home. Regeringen har ændret forfatningen. The government changed the constitution. The government has changed the Constitution. Kan du spela gitarr? Can you play guitar? Can you play guitar? Han malede alle væggene grønne. He painted all the walls green. He painted all the walls green. Nå har han holdt på lenge. He has done it now for a long time. Now he's been holding on for a long time. Tom dödade Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Jag trodde att jag såg ett spöke. I thought I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. Þögn er sama og samþykki. Silence gives consent. Silence is the same as consent. Jag föreställde mig det. I imagined that. I imagined it. Har du en kuglepen? Do you have a ballpoint pen? Do you have a pen? Han hadde ikke hatt på. He had no hat on. He had not worn. Jag vill inte ha detta. I don't want this. I don't want this. Það lítur út fyrir að vera hlýtt úti. It seems warm outside. It looks like it's warm out there. Jag är inte det minsta förvånad. I am not in the least surprised. I'm not surprised at all. Jeg mødte ham efter arbejde. I met him after work. I met him after work. Han fick jobbet. He got the job. He got the job. Kan jag lita på dem? Can I trust them? Can I trust them? John langaði til að vera fullkomlega óháður fjölskyldunni. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. Nästa artist är fantastisk. The next artist is amazing. The next artist is amazing. Jag läser. I'm reading. I'm reading. Man hittar inte sådana saker överallt. One can not find such things everywhere. You can't find these things everywhere. Tom går sommetider med solbriller indendørs. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors. Håll dig till sanningen. Go with the truth. Stay with the truth. Tom kan ikke fordrage den slags mennesker. Tom can't stand people like that. Tom can't seduce people like that. Han skapte en ny formel. He worked out a new formula. He created a new formula. Du kan gå inn nå. You may enter now. You can go in now. Denne beholderen er fullstendig vanntett. This container is completely watertight. This container is completely waterproof. Han satte in en annons i tidningen. He put an announcement in the newspaper. He put an ad in the newspaper. Jeg kunne ikke tale fransk. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Tom sa ikke hvor mange ganger han hadde vært der. Tom didn't say how many times he had been there. Tom did not say how many times he had been there. Det borde vi göra tillsammans. We should do that together. We should do that together. Jag vill ha alltihop. I want it all. I want everything. Selv en mesterdetektiv som Tom klarer ikke brasene uten god hjelp av kolleger og allierte. Even a chief detective like Tom fails in doing his job, without the huge help of colleagues and associates. Even a master detective like Tom can't cope without good help from colleagues and allies. Jeg kan lide at spise æbler. I like to eat apples. I like to eat apples. Den som kommer først til mølla får først male. First come, first served. Whoever comes first to the moth gets painted first. Jag läser inte. I do not read. I'm not reading. Jag skulle göra vad som helst för kärlek. I would do anything for love. I'd do anything for love. Er I snart klare? Are you almost ready? Are you almost ready? Tal ikke mens du spiser. Don't talk while you're eating. Don't talk while you're eating. Toget er ved at afgå. The train is about to leave. The train is about to leave. Jag gillar inte den här platsen. I don't like this place. I don't like this place. En sætning er aldrig uskyldig. A sentence is never innocent. A sentence is never innocent. Jeg aner ikke hva som skjedde. I have no idea what happened. I don't know what happened. Gör det dig ledsen? Does that make you sad? Does that make you sad? Jón ræsti bílinn. John started the car. John started the car. Här är mitt kvitto. Here's my receipt. Here's my receipt. Jag trodde ni tyckte om mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Har du läst den? Have you read it? Have you read it? Der var få mennesker på stranden. There were few people on the beach. There were few people on the beach. Mit ur er ti minutter bagefter. My watch is ten minutes slow. My watch is ten minutes behind. Hur hittade du Tom? How did you find Tom? How did you find Tom? Tom og Mary har sex cirka en gang om ugen. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom and Mary have sex about once a week. Tom spiser vanligvis alene. Tom usually eats alone. Tom usually eats alone. Hvor var alle? Where was everyone? Where was everybody? Hvem er hurtigst, du eller Tom? Who's faster, you or Tom? Who's fastest, you or Tom? Jeg tror ikke det er sannheten. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. Strø salt i såret. Rub salt in the wound. Streak salt in the wound. Tom tømte affaldskurven. Tom emptied the waste basket. Empty the wastebin. Ikke skyt! Don't shoot. Don't shoot! Tom er med meg nå. Tom is with me now. Tom is with me now. Hun er gravid. She is pregnant. She's pregnant. Det var en tæt kamp. It was a tight contest. It was a close fight. Av ren nyfikenhet, vad skulle du göra? Just out of curiosity, what would you do? Out of curiosity, what would you do? Við ræddum margt. We talked of many things. We talked a lot. Það er ekkert frelsi fyrir þá fávísu. There is no freedom for the ignorant. There is no freedom for the foolish. Du sagde at du elskede dem. You said you loved them. You said you loved them. Varför vill du sälja det? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? Vi ses til jul. See you at Christmas. I'll see you at Christmas. Tom hatar löpning. Tom hates running. Tom hates running. Pappen min sa ikke et eneste ord under middagen. My father didn't say a word during dinnertime. My dad didn't say a single word during dinner. ”Vårt tåg går klockan 9” - ”Oroa dig inte. Vi hinner.” "Our train leaves at 9" - "Don't worry. We'll make it." “Our train leaves at 9” - “Don’t worry. We have time.” Ta reda på vem Tom har pratat med. Find out who Tom has been talking to. Find out who Tom talked to. Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Det är dyrt. It's expensive. It's expensive. Slipset ditt har løsnet. Your tie has come undone. Your tie's gone loose. Jeg foretrækker et hotel tæt på lufthavnen. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel close to the airport. Det är okej. It's OK. It's okay. Ertu með spurningu? Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Hur såg rånaren ut? What did the mugger look like? What did the robber look like? Er det OK at jeg drar hjem nå? Is it OK if I go home now? Is it OK that I go home now? Du gav den till mig. You gave it to me. You gave it to me. Ja, eller? Yeah, and? Yeah, right? I Brasilien er der stemmepligt. In Brazil, voting is mandatory. In Brazil there is a voting obligation. Tom ville vara trevlig. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be nice. Hva er brevet om? What is the letter about? What's the letter about? Disse juveler er dyre. These jewels are expensive. These jewels are expensive. Jag kan inte vänta längre. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Jeg putter ikke sukker i min kaffe. I don't put sugar in my coffee. I don't put sugar in my coffee. Tom har mange venner. Tom has many friends. Tom has a lot of friends. Vinden susar i säven. The wind blows in the willows. The wind sucks. Rene hænder redder liv. Clean hands save lives. Clean hands save lives. Den kvinde er stærk. That woman is strong. That woman is strong. Etter det jeg hørte dro han til USA for å studere biologi. According to what I heard, he went over to the United States to study biology. After what I heard, he went to the United States to study biology. Han stjæler alt muligt. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He steals everything. Hur långt skulle Tom gå? How far would Tom go? How far would Tom go? Denne væg føles meget kold. This wall feels very cold. This wall feels very cold. Han kommer att älska henne för alltid. He will love her forever. He'll love her forever. Jag är på ett gräsligt humör i dag för jag har inte tillräckligt med pengar. I’m in a terrible mood today because I don’t have enough money. I'm in a terrible mood today because I don't have enough money. Han er komen heilt frå London. He came here all the way from London. He's come all the way from London. Mange hajarter er truet af udryddelse. Many shark species are threatened with extinction. Many sharks are threatened by extinction. Vad har du gjort idag? What did you do today? What have you done today? Mitt hår är så smutsigt! My hair is so dirty! My hair is so dirty! Tom har mødt sin nabo på gaden. Tom met his neighbor in the street. Tom met his neighbor on the street. Jeg må være forsiktig. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Det er en lang historie. That's a long story. It's a long story. Interoperabilitet betyr forenlighet med andre systemer. Interoperability means compatibility with other systems. Interoperability means compatibility with other systems. Hun giftet seg med ham i fjor. She married him last year. She married him last year. Otroligt, eller hur? Incredible, isn't it? Incredible, isn't it? Tom spilder masser af penge. Tom wastes a lot of money. Tom is wasting a lot of money. Vejrmeldingen siger at det vil regne i morgen eftermiddag. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. Hvorfor skulle jeg tro på din gud og ikke en anden gud? Why should I believe in your god and not some other god? Why would I believe in your God and not in another god? Han vill fortfarande komma. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Han er en mann av sterk vilje. He is a man of strong will. He's a man of a strong will. Jeg sagde til Tom at jeg ikke ville gøre det. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. Prova den nu då. Go ahead, try it now. Well, then try it. Tom är vänlig. Tom's friendly. Tom's friendly. Inget av detta är verkligt. None of this is real. None of this is real. De olympiske lege afholdes hvert fjerde år. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympic Games are held every four years. Jag måste försöka. I need to try. I have to try. Han ligner sin far. He resembles his father. He looks like his father. Jeg var så skuffet. I was so disappointed. I was so disappointed. När behöver Tom det? When does Tom need it? When does Tom need it? Drengen har mistet sit øre i en gadekamp. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. Han bruger for mange penge. He spends too much money. He's spending too much money. Du ser så blek ut. You look very pale. You look so pale. Använd apostlahästarna! Walk! Use the apostla horses! I er stadigvæk unge. You're still young. You're still young. Tom har en pizzaovn i sin baghave. Tom has a pizza oven in his backyard. Tom's got a pizza oven in his back yard. Hann ætti að koma aftur hvað úr hverju. He should be back any minute now. He should come back to what? Har ni sett min son? Have you seen my son? Have you seen my son? Jeg opholdt mig indendørs fordi det regnede. I stayed indoors because it rained. I stayed indoors because it rained. Vi hade roligt på stranden i går. We had a good time at the beach yesterday. We had fun on the beach last night. Den här boken handlar om Kina. This book is about China. This book is about China. Jeg har købt en ny mobiltelefon. I bought a new cellphone. I bought a new cell phone. I dag er det koldt. It's cold today. Today it's cold. Publiken såg uttråkad ut. The audience looked bored. The crowd looked bored. Jag vill inte ens ha dig här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Han er så gamal at han ikkje kan gå fort. He is so old that he cannot walk quickly. He's so old he can't go fast. Jag skulle vilja gå in. I'd like to go inside. I'd like to go in. Du bør besøke tannlegen. You ought to see a dentist. You should visit the dentist. Ég á hund og kött. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. Tom er definitivt tilbake. Tom is definitely back. Tom is definitely back. Både Tom og Mary tjekkede deres egne ure. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Both Tom and Mary checked their own watches. Jag vet inte varför Tom gjorde som han gjorde. I don't know why Tom did what he did. I don't know why Tom did what he did. Jag förväntar mig inte att du ska vara min vän. I don't expect you to be my friend. I don't expect you to be my friend. Jeg glæder mig til jul. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to Christmas. Ät inte som en gris! Don't eat like a pig! Don't eat like a pig! Hamraðu járnið meðan það er heitt. Strike while the iron is hot. Hit the iron while it's hot. Jeg interesserer mig overhovedet ikke for politik. I am not interested in politics at all. I am not at all interested in politics. Han har ikke sygesikring. He doesn't have a health insurance policy. He doesn't have health insurance. Hagen er bak huset. The garden is behind the house. The garden is behind the house. Det er på tide at du begynner å vaske bordet. It's about time you set about cleaning the table. It's time you started washing the table. Var är era barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Jeg kan tale en smule fransk. I can speak French a little. I can talk a little French. Tom og Mary er i samme båd. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Soldaten bøtet med livet for å redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier fined his life to save his friend's life. Tom datt av lastebilen mens han foret reinsdyrene. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. Tom fell off the truck as he fed the reindeer. Jeg forventet det! I was expecting it! I expected it! Við náðum þjófinum. We caught the thief. We got the thief. Lægen har givet mig en indsprøjtning. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor has given me an injection. Faren min har en bra jobb. My father has a good job. My father has a good job. Vet du hvordan man bruker denne maskinen? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? Dette matematikproblem fatter jeg ikke. This math problem beats me. I don't understand this math problem. Portugal er en republikk. Portugal is a republic. Portugal is a Republic. Säg till Tom att det är brådskande. Tell Tom it's urgent. Tell Tom it's urgent. Det glæder mig at se dig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm so glad to see you, Tom. Tom ville ikke sige noget. Tom didn't want to say anything. Tom wouldn't say anything. Det har skjedd. It has happened. It's happened. Han har mistet sin biografbillet. He lost his movie ticket. He's lost his cinema ticket. Enginn meiddist. Nobody was injured. Nobody got hurt. Bomuldsvanter forhindrer babyen i at kradse sig i ansigtet. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face. Cotton guns prevent the baby from scratching his face. Hans lønn kan ikke holde følge med inflasjonen. His salary can't keep pace with inflation. His wages cannot keep up with inflation. Dette fjellet er dekket av snø hele året. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. This mountain is covered with snow all year long. Må jeg? May I? May I? Är inte vi vänner? Aren't we friends? Aren't we friends? Vær ikke selvisk, unge pige! Don't be selfish, young girl! Don't be selfish, young girl! Ångrar du det som du gjorde? Do you regret what you did? Do you regret what you did? En slik god sjanse må man ikke la gå fra seg. Don't let such a good opportunity go by. Such a good chance, you don't have to let go. Hvat fyri breyð etur tú? What sort of bread are you eating? What do you mean, you're eating? Hvorfor arbejder du ikke hårdere? Why don't you work harder? Why don't you work harder? För inte oväsen här. Don't make noise here. Don't bother around here. Hvem læser? Who is reading? Who reads? Skolen vår er nær stasjonen. Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. Kannski kemur hann. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Der boede en gammel mand i et gammelt hus. There lived an old man in the old house. There was an old man living in an old house. Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a cab. En vagt er udenfor. A guard is outside. A guard is outside. Vi drack lite vin. We drank some wine. We drank some wine. Vi er nødt til at finde et nyt marked for disse produkter. We have to find a new market for these products. We need to find a new market for these products. Min bil är en tysk bil. My car is German. My car is a German car. Hann var með grátt hár. He had grey hair. He had a gray hair. Tom åbnede køleskabet og tog mælken ud. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the refrigerator and took the milk out. Han är en av Spaniens mest kända författare. He is one of Spain's most famous authors. He's one of Spain's most famous writers. Ingen spørger til mit land. Nobody asks me questions about my country. Nobody's asking my country. Tom dömde en konsttävling. Tom was a judge in an art contest. Tom sentenced an art contest. Jag hjälpte Tom en gång. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom once. Ville du have noget imod at jeg satte mig her? Would you mind if I sat here? Would you mind if I sat down here? Han havde ønsket hende god ferie. He had wished her happy holidays. He had wanted her a good vacation. Tag det hele. Take it all. Take it all. Tom kan godt lide at gå i skole. Tom likes to go to school. Tom likes to go to school. Ordet kommer fra gresk. The word comes from Greek. The word comes from Greek. Hun ble en postdame. She became a postman. She became a postmate. Är någonting av detta sant? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Politiet har ikke en mistænkt. The police don't have a suspect. The police don't have a suspect. Han översatte Homeros från grekiska till engelska. He translated Homer from the Greek into English. He translated Homeros from Greek to English. Jag var närvarande i skolan igår. I was present at school yesterday. I was at school yesterday. Jag vill fortfarande gå. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom, se hvad jeg fandt under sofaen. Tom, look what I found under the sofa. Tom, look what I found under the couch. Jeg ble slengt et stygt blikk da jeg spurte etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret. I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. I was flogged when I asked for my prescription at the local medical office. Kunne jeg få dem pakket ind hver for sig? Could you wrap them up separately? Could I have them packed in separately? Er De fuld? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Du ser Tatoeba-TV. You're watching Tatoeba TV. You're watching Tatoeba TV. Han är min fiende. He is my enemy. He's my enemy. Jeg har svært ved at huske navne. I have trouble remembering names. I have a hard time remembering names. Brug ikke for meget lim. Don't use too much glue. Don't use too much glue. Góða nátt Tatoeba. Vit síggjast í morgin. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good night, Tatoaba. For himlens skyld. For heaven's sake. For heaven's sake. Mary er katolsk, men hendes kæreste er ateist. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Mary's Catholic, but her girlfriend's an atheist. Finnast þér epli ekki góð? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Jeg kom for sent til den sidste bus. I was late for the last bus. I was late for the last bus. Algeriet har en øst-vest-motorvej. Algeria has an East-West motorway. Algeria has an east-west motorway. Du er gammel nok til å vite bedre. You're old enough to know better. You're old enough to know better. Tom lo højt. Tom laughed aloud. Tom laughed loud. Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I have to study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Madeira er nafn á víni. Madeira is the name of a wine. Madeira is the name of a wine. Jeg vil ikke arbejde der mere. I don't want to work there anymore. I don't want to work there anymore. Vart fan ska du? Where the hell are you going? Where the hell are you going? Hun kysser ham. She is kissing him. She kisses him. Jeg hadde på meg solbriller. I was wearing sunglasses. I wore sunglasses. Hele byen stod i flammer. The whole city was in flames. The whole city was in flames. Vi är sena. We're running late. We're late. Uden penge kan man ikke overleve. One cannot survive without money. Without money, you can't survive. Vi skiftedes til at køre. We took turns with the driving. We were replaced to drive. Sista anmälningsdag är nästa fredag. The last day to apply is next Friday. The deadline for the registration is next Friday. När jag öppnade dörren hade jag sönder låset. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. When I opened the door, I had broken the lock. Tom er omtrent på Marys alder. Tom is approximately Mary's age. Tom's about Mary's age. Det fortsatte att snöa i fyra dagar. The snow lasted four days. It continued to snow for four days. Mange tak for alt. Thank you very much for everything. Thank you very much for everything. Børn er lykkelige, og dyr, og kvinder, men vi mennesker er det ikke. Children are happy, and animals, and women, but we humans are not. Children are happy, and animals, and women, but we humans are not. Naturlige teakskove findes kun i fire lande: Indien, Laos, Burma og Thailand. Natural teak forests occur in only four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Natural teaks forests are only found in four countries: India, Laos, Burma and Thailand. Kan vi åka nu? Can we hit the road, please? Can we go now? Eleverna lyssnar på en historieföreläsning. The students are listening to a history lecture. The students listen to a history lecture. Dette er en person jeg vil du skal møte. This is someone I want you to meet. This is a person I want you to meet. Det var sjovt. That was fun. That was fun. Tom visade asken för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed Mary the box. Kommer Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag? Are Tom and Mary going to school today? Will Tom and Mary go to school today? Hvor mange sprog er der i Europa? How many languages are there in Europe? How many languages are there in Europe? Hversvegna spurðir þú? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Trods bekymringerne var vejret pragtfuldt. Despite the concerns, the weather was magnificent. Despite the worries, the weather was magnificent. Tom gav mig noget. Tom gave something to me. Tom gave me something. Han døde da han var 70 år. He died at the age of 70. He died when he was 70 years old. Det finns inte plats för alla. There's not enough room for everybody. There's no room for everyone. De planlægger at blive gift i morgen. They plan to get married tomorrow. They're planning on getting married tomorrow. Við höfum útskýrt hvernig HTML er, í grundvallaratriðum, liðir merktir með byrjunar- og lokunarmerkjum We have explained that HTML is, as a basic rule, elements marked up with open and close tags. We've explained how HTML is, in principle, joints marked with initial and closing marks. Han er en velinformeret person. He's a well-informed person. He's a well-informed person. Det er kun alt for sandt. It is only too true. It's just too true. Tom hade helt rätt. Tom was spot on. Tom was right. Tom satte æbletærten og kaffekanden på bordet. Tom put the apple pie and the pot of coffee on the table. Tom put the apple pie and the coffee oven on the table. Hon ringde mig flera gånger. She called me many times. She called me several times. Hun lå på gulvet, kvelt av en harpestreng. She was lying on the floor, strangled by a harp string. She lay on the floor, suffocated by a harp string. Jeg ønskede ikke at nogen af ​​mine venner skulle vide at jeg var i fængsel. I didn't want any of my friends to know I was in prison. I did not want any of my friends to know that I was in prison. Kumelk smaker bedre enn soyamelk Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow’s milk tastes better than soya milk Jag är kanske antisocial, men det betyder inte att jag inte pratar med folk. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. Jeg står til Deres tjeneste. I am ready to serve you. I am at your service. Vad är på modet nu? What is popular now? What's up now? Giv ham tid. Han skal nok vænne sig til tanken. Give him time. He'll come around to the idea. Give him time, he'll get used to the idea. Kender du Sherif Gaber, den egyptiske blogger, der deler sine videnskabelige og humoristiske videoer om islam? Do you know Sherif Gaber, the Egyptian blogger who shares his scientific and humorous videos about Islam? Do you know Sheriff Gaber, the Egyptian blogger who shares his scientific and humorist videos on Islam? Har du et juletræ? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Hun viste mig sin nye bil. She showed me her new car. She showed me her new car. Jag tar en promenad. I'm going for a walk. I'll take a walk. Hvem står der? Who is standing there? Who says? Vi skulle vilja ha en flaska rosé. We'd like a bottle of rosé. We'd like a bottle of rosé. Jeg liker å bygge broer. I like to build bridges. I like to build bridges. Hvad gav Tom dig til jul? What did Tom give you for Christmas? What did Tom give you for Christmas? Hans namn är Tom. His name is Tom. His name is Tom. Den her nederdel er lidt for stram. This skirt is a little too tight. This skirt is a little too tight. De har snød fortsatt i fire dager. The snow lasted four days. They've been snowing for four days. Jeg spekulerer på om de har en rebstige. I wonder if they have a rope ladder. I wonder if they have a rebel. Visa mig. Show me. Show me. Er det mange av dere som har sommerferie nå ? Do many of you have summer vacation now ? Is there many of you that have summer holidays now? Jag får inte så mycket post. I don't get much mail. I don't get much mail. Tom kan inte skada mig. Tom can't hurt me. Tom can't hurt me. Han er, så at sige, en omvandrende ordbog. He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. Du kan låne bilen min når som helst. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car anytime. Han kom ikke i tide på grunn av en trafikkulykke. His delay of coming here on time is due to a traffic accident. He did not come in time because of a traffic accident. Det här kommer aldrig att ta slut. This is never going to end. This is never gonna end. Ég er reiður út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Och så förälskade sig lejonet i tackan. And thus the lion fell in love with the ewe. And then the lion fell in love with me. "Hvad med en spadseretur?" "Ja, hvorfor ikke? Det vil jeg meget gerne." "How about going for a walk?" "Why not? I'd be glad to." "What about a stroll?" "Yes, why not? Tom kände att något illa skulle hände. Tom sensed that something bad was going to happen. Tom felt that something bad was going to happen. Jag älskar den sången. I love that song. I love that song. Áttu fjölskyldu? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Jag tycker om österrikisk musik. I like the music of Austria. I like Austrian music. Nästa år ska jag åka till Amerika. Next year I'm going to America. Next year, I'm going to America. Jag vill bara att människor ska vara försiktiga. I just want people to be careful. I just want people to be careful. Inga skämt, tack! No jokes please! No jokes, please! Jeg købte et par støvler. I bought a pair of boots. I bought a couple of boots. Jag vet hur svårt det är att göra så. I know how hard it is to do that. I know how hard it is to do that. Du har gjort rätt. You've done it right. You've done the right thing. Der var skjulte kameraer overalt. There were hidden cameras everywhere. There were hidden cameras everywhere. Gud skapade världen på sex dagar. God created the world in six days. God created the world in six days. Min bror vil dræbe mig. My brother will kill me. My brother will kill me. Jeg kan ikke tale kannada. I can't speak Kannada. I can't talk Kannada. Tom ser ut som du. Tom looks like you. Tom looks like you. Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi. He put milk in his coffee. He used milk in his coffee. Det här är en väldigt tidsödande uppgift. This is a very time-consuming task. This is a very time-consuming task. Har du set mit blad? Have you seen my magazine? Have you seen my magazine? Jeg er sexet og jeg ved det! I'm sexy and I know it! I'm sexy and I know it! Månen skinner. The moon is shining. The moon shines. Huset är mycket gammalt. Det behöver repareras innan ni säljer det. The house is very old. It needs repairing before you sell it. The house is very old, and it needs repair before you sell it. Jag visste att du skulle sansa dig. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd sense yourself. Hun gav ham et foragteligt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a deplorable look. Vad är det för dag? What day is it? What day is it? Við ættum að fara. We'd better leave. We should go. Gå til fots. Go on foot. Go on foot. Hvis du opfører dig som et barn, så vil du blive behandlet som et barn. If you act like a child, you'll be treated like a child. If you act like a child, you'll be treated like a child. Jag låg och vred mig hela natten. I tossed and turned all night. I was asleep all night. Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl who is playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. Du er tidendes beste pappa. You're the best dad ever. You're the best dad in the Official Journal. Hvorfor gør du det du gør? Why do you do what you do? Why are you doing what you're doing? Vi ses! See you. I'll see you later. Du må tro jeg er dum. You must think I'm stupid. You must think I'm stupid. Tom smilte da han innså at Mary var i ferd med å kysse ham. Tom smiled when he realized Mary was about to kiss him. Tom smiled when he realized that Mary was about to kiss him. Hur gamla var ni när ni slutade tro på jultomten? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Kan jag få köpa några vykort? I would like to buy some postcards. Can I get some postcards? Sami är inte värd det. Sami isn't worth it. Sami's not worth it. Jeg vet bare ikke hva jeg skal si. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Varför låter du inte bara Tom hjälpa till? Why don't you just let Tom help? Why don't you just let Tom help? Tom är tävlingsinriktad. Tom is competitive. Tom is competitive. Sivet bøjer sig i vinden. The reed bends in the wind. Sivet bends in the wind. Det har hänt. It's happened. It's happened. Meinaru þetta? Did you mean this? - Meinara, this? Det här är allt jag vill ha. This is all I want. This is all I want. Det er vores eneste chance. It's our only chance. It's our only chance. Barna er helt i hundre. The children are all fired up. The kids are all in one hundred. Vi har absolut ingenting gemensamt. We have absolutely nothing in common. We have absolutely nothing in common. Franska er rík af samheitum. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in synonyms. Jeg var hjemme. I was home. I was home. Vad betyder det för mig? What's it to me? What does that mean to me? Sport er godt for dit helbred. Sport is good for your health. Sports is good for your health. Det er en is. It's an ice cream. It's an ice cream. Tom är en idrottskille. Tom is a jock. Tom's a sports divider. Jag är väldigt upptagen hemma. I'm very busy back home. I'm very busy at home. Absolut, jag håller helt med. Oh yeah, I totally agree. Absolutely, I agree. Dette er ikke det bedste eksempel. That's not the best example. This is not the best example. Använder du droger? Do you do drugs? Are you using drugs? Mary tycker om att köpa kläder till Tom i present. Mary likes to buy Tom clothes as gifts. Mary likes to buy Tom's clothes for a present. Det var dårlig vær, så flyet var forsinket. Due to bad weather, the plane was late. It was bad weather, so the plane was delayed. Ég borðaði ekkert nema brauð og smjör. I ate nothing but bread and butter. I ate nothing but bread and butter. Du har blivit tjock. You've grown fat. You're getting fat. Du betaler renter på penger du låner. You pay interest on money that you borrow. You pay interest on the money you borrow. Jeg kjøpte et dusin blyanter i dag. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pencils today. Tom tog av sin gasmask. Tom took off his gas mask. Tom took off his gas mask. Jeg vil ikke komme for sent igen. I won't be late again. I don't want to be late again. Min franska är kass. My French is crappy. My French is cass. Hvem skal du på ballet med? Who are you going to the prom with? Who are you going to go to the dance with? Idéen er at du synger. The idea is that you sing. The idea is that you sing. Det var en stor flokk der. There was a large crowd there. There was a large herd there. Jag har en begäran. I have one request. I have a request. Tom si yngre dotter er gift. Tom's younger daughter is married. Tom's younger daughter is married. „Mun hann koma?“ „Nei, það held ég ekki.“ "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." “ Will he come? ” “No, I don’t think so. ” Tom gav Mary 1000 dollar i en brun papirspose. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary $1,000 in a brown paper bag. Den lilla pojken är klyftig. The little boy is crafty. The little boy is smart. Hun er omtrent like høy som deg. She's almost the same height as you. She's about as high as you. Jag behöver Toms hjälp. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help.