J'ai adoré l'Angleterre. I relished England. I loved England. Avez-vous ressenti des douleurs corporelles récemment ? Have you experienced body aches recently? Have you experienced any body pain recently? La douleur lui était insupportable. The pain was more than he could stand. The pain was unbearable. Tu devrais d'abord en discuter avec tes parents. First of all, you should talk it over with your parents. You should discuss this with your parents first. Je crois qu'il est possible pour l'Homme de vivre sur la lune. I think it possible for man to live on the moon. I believe it is possible for man to live on the moon. C'est une chose à laquelle j'aurais dû faire plus attention. That's something I should have been more careful of. This is something I should have paid more attention to. Tom décida de quitter la société. Tom has decided to leave the company. Tom decided to leave the company. Les causes de la migraine sont encore inconnues. We still don't know what causes migraines. The causes of migraine are still unknown. Tom vous salue bien. Tom says hi. Tom salutes you well. Tom travaille avec Marie. Tom works with Mary. Tom works with Mary. J'aimerais faire un petit somme. I'd like to get a little shut eye. I'd like to make a small sum. As-tu lu le journal ce matin ? Did you read the newspaper this morning? Did you read the newspaper this morning? Où devrais-je mettre mes bagages ? Where should I put my baggage? Where should I put my luggage? Monte en grade ! Level up! Get up! Connais-tu quelqu’un qui joue de la guitare ? Do you know anybody who plays the guitar? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Quand j'essaie de marcher, j'ai une douleur affreuse ici. When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here. When I try to walk, I have terrible pain here. Ne disposez-vous pas d'un appareil pour l'air conditionné ? Don't you have an air conditioner? Do you not have an air conditioning unit? Je suis fatigué des devoirs. I am tired of homework. I am tired of homework. Dans une partie d'échecs, de nombreux mouvements tactiques sont basés sur la capacité des cavaliers d'attaquer simultanément deux pièces de l'adversaire. In a game of chess, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the knights to simultaneously attack two opponent's pieces. In a chess game, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the riders to simultaneously attack two pieces of the opponent. J'ai augmenté les salaires de mes ouvriers. I raised the wages of my workers. I have increased the wages of my workers. C'est une arnaque nigériane classique. It's a classic Nigerian 419 scam. This is a classic Nigerian scam. Quelque chose a eu lieu. Something happened. Something happened. Il ne t'aura rien donné. He will not have given you anything. He won't give you anything. Meg était la seule fille à porter un jeans. Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans. Meg was the only girl to wear jeans. Est-ce qu'il vous manque ? Do you miss it? Do you miss him? Elles ont été surprises par ce qu'elles ont vu. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. Nous devrions suivre Tom. We should follow Tom. We should follow Tom. Mon amie n’est pas encore revenue. My friend hasn't come back yet. My friend has not returned yet. Tom nage chaque jour. Tom goes swimming every day. Tom swims every day. « As-tu des enfants ? » « Oui, j'ai un fils. » "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." “Do you have children?” “Yes, I have a son.” J'écoute cette chanson quand je suis triste. I listen to this song when I'm sad. I listen to this song when I’m sad. En dépit de toute sa vantardise, c'est un lâche. With all his boasting, he is a coward. Despite all his bragging, he's a coward. C'est une photo d'un singe associée à l'Année du Singe. That's a picture of a monkey associated with the Year of the Monkey. This is a picture of a monkey associated with the Year of the Monkey. Elle joua du violon. She played the violin. She played the violin. Je sais que certains d'entre vous veulent revenir aux choses telles qu'elles étaient mais ça ne va pas arriver. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but that's not going to happen. I know some of you want to get back to things as they were, but it's not going to happen. Un sursis de l'exécution a été ordonné à la dernière minute. A stay of execution was ordered at the eleventh hour. A stay of execution was ordered at the last minute. Montre-moi où se trouve Dan sur cette photo. Show me where Dan is in this picture. Show me where Dan is in this picture. Je dispose d'un visa. I have a visa. I have a visa. Sa réponse dépend de son humeur. His answer depends on his mood. His response depends on his mood. Nous discutâmes longuement du problème. We discussed the problem at length. We discussed the problem at length. Es-tu prête à t'y mettre ? Are you ready to begin? Are you ready to go? Sortez du lit ! Get out of bed! Get out of bed! Il n'y avait pas de décision facile. There were no easy decisions. There was no easy decision. Tom ferait-il vraiment pareille chose ? Would Tom really do something like that? Would Tom really do that? De nombreuses personnes s’inquiètent pour l’Europe. Many people are worried about Europe. Many people are worried about Europe. Cette pièce ne correspond pas. This piece doesn't match. This piece doesn't fit. Continue de rêver. Keep dreaming. Keep dreaming. Comment t'es-tu impliqué dans ce projet ? How did you become involved in this project? How did you get involved in this project? Je suis le benjamin de la famille. I'm the youngest in the family. I am the youngest of the family. Elle viendra peut-être demain. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. Je pense que Tom est endormi. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom is asleep. Tom ne m'a rien laissé à manger. Tom didn't leave anything for me to eat. Tom left me nothing to eat. Une fille du premier Earl de Gowrie était courtisée par un jeune gentilhomme bien inférieur à elle en rang et en fortune. A daughter of the first Earl of Gowrie was courted by a young gentleman much her inferior in rank and fortune. A daughter of the first Earl of Gowrie was courted by a young gentleman much inferior in rank and fortune. Combien mesures-tu et combien pèses-tu ? How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? How much do you measure and how much do you weigh? Il est tombé une légère pluie hier. There was a light rain yesterday. There was a light rain yesterday. Peut-être que mon petit-enfant sera la première personne à poser le pied sur Mars. Maybe my grandchild will be the first person to set foot on Mars. Maybe my grandchild will be the first person to set foot on Mars. Yanni conserve sa confiture de figues dans des bocaux recyclés. Yanni keeps his fig jam in recycled jars. Yanni keeps her fig jam in recycled jars. C'est un grand poème. That's a great poem. It's a great poem. C'est pourquoi nous sommes ici. That's why we're here. That's why we're here. Ça a l'air assez calme. It seems quiet enough. Sounds pretty quiet. Tom n'a pas hurlé. Tom didn't scream. Tom didn't scream. J'ai toujours eu envie de visiter la Turquie. I've always wanted to visit Turkey. I have always wanted to visit Turkey. Ne laisse pas passer cette opportunité. Don't let this chance slip by. Do not miss this opportunity. Je vais acheter de l'eau. I'm going to buy some water. I'll buy some water. Il y avait beaucoup de circulation et les voitures avançaient tant bien que mal. There was a lot of traffic and the cars were chugging along. There was a lot of traffic and the cars were moving as well as they could. Pourquoi n’as-tu pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? Les partisans de ton père ne se réduisent pas à ses amis. Your father's friends aren't his only supporters. Your father's followers are not reduced to his friends. Tom veut que nous fassions ça. Tom wants us to do this. Tom wants us to do that. Je lui ai déjà pardonné. I have forgiven her already. I've already forgiven him. Demande à Trang s'il sort ce soir. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if he's going out tonight. Dis-lui de le leur donner. Tell him to give it to them. Tell him to give it to them. Tom garde chaque lettre que lui envoie sa mère. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Salut, les enfants ! Hi, kids! Hey, kids! Tout le monde s'amuse-t-il ? Is everybody having a good time? Is everyone having fun? Je penses que c'est la meilleure option. I think that's the best option. I think it's the best option. Prenez-vous de la nitroglycérine ? Do you take nitroglycerin? Do you take nitroglycerin? Qui nous a envoyé cela ? Who sent this to us? Who sent us this? Est-ce ce que vous voulez que je dise ? Is that what you want me to say? Is that what you want me to say? Elle a l'intention de prendre part à un concours de beauté. She intends to participate in a beauty contest. She plans to take part in a beauty pageant. Je n'ai pas besoin d'une raison. I don't need a reason. I don't need a reason. La maison était plus coûteuse que je ne l'avais espéré. The house was more expensive than I had expected. The house was more expensive than I had hoped. J'aimerais seulement qu'il ne fasse pas aussi chaud, aujourd'hui. I only wish it wasn't so hot today. I just wish it wasn't that hot today. Vous avez raison, Tom. You're right, Tom. You're right, Tom. Tom n'a jamais embrassé quelqu'un publiquement. Tom has never kissed anyone in public. Tom has never kissed anyone publicly. Souffres-tu d'allergies saisonnières ? Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Il disait la vérité. He told the truth. He was telling the truth. Autrefois, on voyageait en diligence. In the past, people used to travel by a diligence. We used to travel by stagecoach. L'essence coûte plus en France qu'aux Etats-Unis. Gasoline costs more in France than in the United States. Gasoline costs more in France than in the United States. Je suis cupide. I'm greedy. I'm greedy. Oui, j'arrive immédiatement. Yes, I'm coming immediately. Yes, I'll be right there. Je m'assis et ouvris mon ordinateur portable. I sat down and opened my notebook. I sat down and opened my laptop. Je suis disponible, ce soir. I am free this evening. I'm available tonight. Tout le monde vota oui. Personne n'objecta. Everyone voted yes. No one objected. Everyone voted yes. No one objected. Je suis fatigué d'avoir des horaires de travail neuf heures-cinq heures. I'm tired of working a nine-to-five job. I'm tired of having nine-and-five-hour work schedules. Sami est là pour un ordinateur. Sami is here for a computer. Sami is here for a computer. J'ai peint le portail en bleu. I painted the gate blue. I painted the portal in blue. Ça dépend de la situation. It depends on the situation. It depends on the situation. L'inspiration existe mais elle doit vous trouver en train de travailler. Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. Inspiration exists, but it must find you working. Prenez-vous des benzodiazépines comme le Klonopin, l'Ativan et le Xanax, qui ne vous ont pas été prescrites ? Do you use benzodiazepines like Klonopin, Ativan, and Xanax, that are not prescribed to you? Do you take benzodiazepines such as Klonopin, Ativan and Xanax, which have not been prescribed for you? Ce n'est pas la fin de l'histoire. That's not the end of the story. This is not the end of the story. Merci. Thank you! Thank you. L'homme qui a appelé il y a une heure était Frank. The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank. The man who called an hour ago was Frank. Tu n'es pas ma sœur. You are not my sister. You're not my sister. J'aime cuisiner. I love to cook. I like to cook. C'est toujours un bon signe. That's always a good sign. It's always a good sign. Je n'y ai jamais réussi. I never did get it right. I've never been successful. Nous devrions attendre. We should wait. We should wait. Les marchandises ont été transportées par bateau. The goods were transported by ship. The goods were transported by boat. Je vais chez mon oncle cette semaine. I'm going to my uncle's this week. I'm going to my uncle's this week. J'ai perdu mon gant droit quelque part. I have lost my right glove somewhere. I lost my right glove somewhere. Je sais qu'il lit. I know that he reads. I know he's reading. Mes parents peuvent être fiers de moi. My parents shall be proud of me. My parents can be proud of me. Les scientifiques débattent de sa théorie sur la disparition des dinosaures. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists debate his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs. On est entré dans l'église. We entered the church. We went into the church. Vous êtes mon ennemi. You're my enemy. You are my enemy. Ne m'obligez pas à y aller. Don't make me go. Don't make me go. Cela ne prouve-t-il pas quelque chose ? Doesn't that prove anything? Doesn't that prove something? Tom a regardé le sol. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Voici ce que tu es supposée faire. This is what you're supposed to do. Here's what you're supposed to do. Allaitez-vous votre enfant ? Are you breastfeeding your child? Were you feeding your child? « Ça va ? » « Oui. » "Are you okay?" "Yes." “Are you all right?” Nous voulons toutes des changements. We all want changes. We all want change. Vous n'avez pas le monopole du cœur. You don't have the monopoly of the heart. You don't have a monopoly on the heart. Le médecin examina ma gorge. The doctor examined my throat. The doctor examined my throat. Êtes-vous prêt à travailler ? Are you ready to work? Are you ready to work? Millie mange une banane. Millie is eating a banana. Millie eats a banana. Yanni se reposait. Yanni rested. Yanni was resting. Où sont les affaires de Tom ? Where're Tom's things? Where's Tom's business? Ce n'est pas le XIXe siècle. It isn't the 19th century. This is not the 19th century. Il but directement à la bouteille. He drank straight from the bottle. It goes straight to the bottle. As-tu déjà reçu un traitement contre la gonorrhée ? Have you ever received treatment for gonorrhea? Have you ever received treatment for gonorrhea? Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que tu dises quelque chose comme ça. I didn't expect you to say something like that. I didn't expect you to say something like that. Il l'a soulevé en l'air. He lifted him in the air. He lifted it up in the air. N'appelles-tu jamais Tom ? Don't you ever call Tom? Don't you ever call Tom? Il n'a pas de foyer. He has no house to live in. He doesn't have a home. Il avait l'impression de flotter. He felt as if he were floating. He felt like he was floating. Il regarda par-dessus son épaule. He looked back over his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder. C'est merveilleux ! It is marvelous. That's wonderful! Je faisais semblant d'être en train de dormir. I pretended that I was sleeping. I was pretending to be asleep. Il jouait du piano. He was playing the piano. He played the piano. Pourquoi courons-nous ? Why are we running? Why are we running? Tu me connais bien. You know me well. You know me well. Marchons jusqu'au lac. Let's walk to the lake. Let's walk to the lake. Je vous ai désobéi. I disobeyed you. I disobeyed you. Marie a posé la tête sur l'épaule de Tom. Mary rested her head on Tom's shoulder. Mary put her head on Tom's shoulder. Ma sœur tape bien à la machine. My sister is a good typist. My sister's doing a good job at the machine. Elle est vraiment belle. She's really good looking. She's really beautiful. Une robe rouge lui va bien. A red dress looks good on her. A red dress suits him well. Cela n'arrivera probablement jamais. That probably won't ever happen. This will probably never happen. J'ai besoin d'oublier, donc je bois. I need to forget, therefore I drink. I need to forget, so I drink. Il n'y a pas de preuve. There's no evidence. There's no evidence. Laisse-le faire ce qu'il veut. Let him do what he wants. Let him do what he wants. Comment a-t-elle été tuée ? How was she killed? How was she killed? Elle se plaignit à lui à propos du bruit. She complained to him about the noise. She complained to him about the noise. Madrid est la capitale de l'Espagne. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. J'étais juste devant toi. I was right in front of you. I was right in front of you. Contrairement à la plupart des sports reconnus par le Comité International Olympique, où la compétition peut être « mixte » (pour tous, quel que soit le sexe) ou accessible uniquement aux hommes ou uniquement aux femmes, aux échecs, les femmes peuvent concourir dans une division « ouverte » (y compris le Championnat du monde d'échecs) mais ils ont aussi un championnat exclusivement féminin. Unlike with most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where competition can be "mixed" (for all, regardless of gender) or accessible only to men or only to women, in chess women can compete in an "open" division (including the World Chess Championship) but they also have an exclusively female championship. Unlike most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where the competition can be "mixed" (for all, regardless of gender) or accessible only to men or only to women, in chess, women can compete in an "open" division (including the World Chess Championship) but they also have an exclusively women's championship. Manu veut être une licorne pour que les filles le montent. Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him. Manu wants to be a unicorn for the girls to ride. J'en n'ai rien à foutre. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit. En grandissant, nous découvrons que ce n'est pas toujours une bonne idée de dire la vérité. In growing up, we discover that it is not always a good idea to tell the truth. Growing up, we find that it’s not always a good idea to tell the truth. Dr Hideo Noguchi mourut en Afrique en 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Il sortit de sous la voiture. He got out from under the car. He got out of under the car. Pouvez-vous me fournir tout ce dont j'ai besoin ? Can you supply me with all I need? Can you provide me with everything I need? Va aider ton frère ! Go and help your brother. Go help your brother! Nous disparaîtrons avant que ces vieux oliviers ne disparaissent. We will disappear before these old olive trees disappear. We will disappear before these old olive trees disappear. Les cris des domestiques réveillèrent tout le monde. The servants' screams awakened everyone. The cries of the servants awakened everyone. Vous êtes-vous décidé ? Have you decided? Have you decided? Il a appris à nager. He learned how to swim. He learned to swim. J'ai noté son numéro de téléphone sur un morceau de papier. I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper. I wrote down his phone number on a piece of paper. C'est regrettable. It's regrettable. That's unfortunate. Il a fait des cauchemars. He had nightmares. He had nightmares. Ça a été assez agréable. It was quite pleasant. It was pretty nice. Mes pieds sont devenus des bâtons. My legs feel heavy as lead. My feet have become sticks. Prouve que Tom existe. Prove Tom exists. Proves that Tom exists. Ça me va de n'avoir qu'un ami. I'm OK with having just one friend. It's okay for me to have only one friend. Suis-je un chat ? Am I a cat? Am I a cat? Je refuse d'accepter ça. I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept that. Je suis enceinte. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Je t'apporterai quelque chose à manger. I'll bring you something to eat. I'll bring you something to eat. Ça a l'air épuisant. That sounds exhausting. Looks exhausting. Quel genre de pièce est-ce donc ? What kind of play is it? What kind of room is that? Sais-tu nager ? Are you able to swim? Can you swim? As-tu payé pour le livre ? Did you pay for the book? Did you pay for the book? M'en apporteriez-vous un autre, s'il vous plaît ? Would you bring me another one, please? Would you bring me another one, please? Les crimes sont en augmentation. Crime is on the increase. Crimes are on the rise. Pourquoi es-tu si anxieux ? Why are you so insecure? Why are you so anxious? Le singe danse pour de l'argent. The monkey dances for money. The monkey dances for money. Vous n'en êtes pas la seule responsable, je le suis aussi. You are not the only one responsible for it, I am too. You're not the only one responsible, I am too. Kumiko court aussi vite que Tom. Kumiko runs as fast as Tom. Kumiko runs as fast as Tom. Allons-y en taxi. Let's go by taxi. Let's go by taxi. Je suis inquiet pour la santé de ma mère. I'm worried about my mother's health. I'm worried about my mother's health. Attention ! Beware! Watch out! J'ai hâte que les vacances d'été arrivent. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I can't wait for the summer holidays to arrive. Il se dit qu'il a réussi l'examen. It is said that he has passed the examination. He says he passed the exam. Avant, il neigeait tous les jours en hiver. Before, it used to snow every day in winter. It used to snow every day in the winter. Avez-vous déjà reçu une transfusion sanguine ? Have you ever received a blood transfusion? Have you ever received a blood transfusion? Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you really think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Ses fils font ce qui leur chante. His sons do as they please. His sons do what sings to them. Elles ne pouvaient pas nous aider. They couldn't help us. They couldn't help us. Yanni fait de l'auto-stop. Yanni hitchhikes. Yanni's hitchhiking. À quelle heure vous réveillez-vous ? What time do you wake up? What time do you wake up? Quelqu'un est entré. Someone entered. Someone came in. Qu'est-ce qui déclenche tes crises d'asthme ? What triggers your asthma attacks? What triggers your asthma attacks? Les exercices lui ont fait du bien. The exercises did her good. The exercises did him good. Je ne peux pas accepter une telle ignorance de mes élèves : n'ont-ils rien appris l'an dernier ? I can't accept such ignorance from my students. Did they learn nothing last year? I can’t accept such ignorance from my students: did they learn anything last year? Il est parti en quête du point où le ciel touche la Terre. He went on a quest to find the point where the sky touches the Earth. He went in search of the point where the sky touches the Earth. Je déteste ce tapis. I hate this carpet. I hate that carpet. Il n'y a pas de réponse aisée. There is no easy answer. There is no easy answer. L'université porte le nom de son fondateur. The university bears the name of its founder. The university is named after its founder. Il va sans dire que rien n'est plus important que la santé. It goes without saying that nothing is more important than health. Needless to say, nothing is more important than health. Je suis né durant l'ère Showa. I was born during the Showa era. I was born in the Showa era. Je suis encore débutant en espéranto. I'm still a beginner at Esperanto. I am still a beginner in Esperanto. Utilisez-vous une quelconque forme de contraception ? Do you use any method of birth control? Do you use any form of contraception? Tom parle non seulement le français, mais aussi l'allemand, car il est alsacien. Tom speaks not only French, but also German, because he's Alsatian. Tom speaks not only French, but also German, because he is Alsatian. Ils te craignent. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. N'attendons plus ! Let's not wait any longer. Let's not wait! Tom a touché le fond. Tom hit rock bottom. Tom hit the bottom. Vous ne pouvez pas aller à la ville. You can't go to town. You can't go to town. Elle visa la cible. She aimed at the target. He is targeting the target. Une scène angoissante s'accompagne forcément d'une chouette qui hulule ou de loups qui hurlent à la pleine lune. In a scary scene, it never fails that there is either an owl hooting or wolves howling under the full moon. An agonizing scene is necessarily accompanied by an owl that huddles or wolves that howl at the full moon. J'ai un terrible mal de crâne. I'm suffering from a bad headache. I have a terrible headache. Je me suis fait porter pâle, ce matin. I called in sick this morning. I got pale this morning. Le train part à six heures. The train starts at six. The train leaves at six o'clock. Je me suis couchée avec mes vêtements. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed with my clothes. Elle nous craint. She's afraid of us. She's afraid of us. Mon dos me fait mal. My back aches. My back hurts. Ils n'ont pas changé d'avis. They haven't changed their mind. They haven't changed their minds. J'ai consulté le médecin. I saw the doctor. I consulted the doctor. Patientez une seconde. Hang on a second. Wait a second. Vous nous craignez. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of us. Apprête-toi ! Prepare yourself. Get ready! Je marche tous les jours. I walk every day. I walk every day. Je n'aime pas manger des glaces pendant l'hiver. I don't enjoy eating ice cream during the winter. I don’t like to eat ice cream during the winter. Tom mit une paire de gants en latex. Tom put on a pair of latex gloves. Tom put on a pair of latex gloves. Au Brésil, vous mangerez beaucoup de fruits délicieux. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruit. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruits. N'importe qui peut faire ça. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Parler français est difficile. To speak French is difficult. Speaking French is difficult. Au début, je croyais que Tom plaisantait, mais il le pensait sérieusement. At first, I believed that Tom was joking, but he was serious. At first, I thought Tom was joking, but he meant it seriously. Suis-je la seule à être d'accord avec vous ? Am I the only one who agrees with you? Am I the only one who agrees with you? Je pense que tu trouveras ceci intéressant. I think you'll find this interesting. I think you'll find this interesting. Espèce de pervers ! You pervert! You pervert! Comment parlez-vous habituellement dans votre famille ? How do you usually speak in your family? How do you usually speak in your family? Inutile de faire semblant d'être intéressé. You don't need to pretend to be interested. No need to pretend to be interested. Quoi que vous désiriez dans la vie, les objectifs, l'ambition et les activités des autres constituent des obstacles essentiels le long de votre chemin. No matter what you desire of life, other people's aims, ambitions and activities constitute vital obstructions along your pathway. Whatever you desire in life, the goals, ambition, and activities of others are essential obstacles along your way. Cette année-là, je suis allée au Brésil pour la première fois. That year, I went to Brazil for the first time. That year, I went to Brazil for the first time. C'est la maison où il est né. This is the house he was born in. This is the house where he was born. Un GM ne joue pas à la recherche de combinaisons, mais en vue de créer les conditions de leur apparition. A GM does not play looking for combinations, but with a view to creating conditions for them to appear. A GM does not play in search of combinations, but in order to create the conditions for their appearance. Je ne pense pas qu'il le faudra. I don't think that'll be necessary. I don't think we'll have to. Je n'oublierai jamais vous avoir vu. I will never forget seeing you. I'll never forget seeing you. J'ai soupé avec un ami hier soir. I had dinner with a friend last night. I had dinner with a friend last night. Le bleu vous sied superbement. You are very attractive in blue. The blue suits you beautifully. Ce ticket vaut pour trois jours. The ticket holds good for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Gardez la monnaie ! Keep the change! Keep the change! Sont-elles prêtes à discuter ? Are they ready to talk? Are they ready to talk? Il ne sert à rien de parler avec Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. There is no point in talking to Tom. Pouvez-vous vous mettre sur la balance, s'il vous plaît ? Can you stand on the scale, please? Can you get on the scale, please? Elle a un chat et deux chiens. She has a cat and two dogs. She has a cat and two dogs. Sa composition est sans aucune faute. His composition is free from mistakes. Its composition is without any fault. Ils s'amusaient. They were enjoying themselves. They were having fun. As-tu travaillé hier ? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Beaucoup parler de soi peut être aussi un moyen de se dissimuler. To talk about oneself a great deal can also be a means of concealing oneself. A lot of talking about yourself can also be a way to hide. Je ne te connais plus. I don't know you anymore. I don't know you anymore. C'est ce que je j'essaierai de faire - de dire la vérité du mieux que je peux, avec humilité devant la tâche qui nous attend, et ferme dans ma conviction que les intérêts que nous partageons comme êtres humains sont bien plus puissants que les forces qui nous séparent. That is what I will try to do – to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart. That is what I will try to do - to speak the truth as best I can, with humility in the face of the task before us, and firm in my conviction that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that separate us. Elles sont toutes les deux belles. They're both beautiful. They're both beautiful. Est-ce là tout ce que vous pouvez dire ? Is that all you can say? Is that all you can say? Paul adore le chocolat. Paul likes chocolate. Paul loves chocolate. Il a tenté de jouer deux personnages en même temps, mais ce fut un échec. He tried to play two roles at the same time and failed. He tried to play two characters at the same time, but it was a failure. Je me cachai derrière l'arbre. I hid behind the tree. I hid behind the tree. Je traverse juste pour aller chez le fleuriste. I'm just going across to the flower shop. I'm crossing just to go to the florist. Je sais que tu crois que c'est trop cher. I know you think this is too expensive. I know you think it's too expensive. Comment arrives-tu à te concentrer ? How can you concentrate? How do you manage to concentrate? J'ai froid ce matin. I feel cold this morning. I'm cold this morning. Il est un tantinet plus petit que moi. He's a bit shorter than me. He's a little smaller than me. La Lune est le seul satellite de la Terre. The Moon is the Earth's only satellite. The Moon is the only satellite on Earth. Je vous conseillerais fortement de faire ce que le patron vous a dit de faire. I would advise you strongly to do what the boss asked you to do. I would strongly advise you to do what the boss told you to do. Les filles aussi peuvent jouer au football. Girls can play soccer, too. Girls can also play football. Je préfère y aller à bicyclette. I prefer biking. I prefer to ride a bicycle. Skura a témoigné. Skura testified. Skura testified. C'est vraiment effarant. It's really awesome. It's really scary. As-tu aimé le film ? Did you enjoy the film? Did you like the movie? Il m'a dit, que je dois finir mon travail à six heures. He told me that I must finish the work by six. He told me I had to finish my job at six o'clock. Vous devriez vous vêtir. You should put on some clothes. You should get dressed. Quel âge avais-tu quand ton père s'est fait tué ? How old were you when your father was killed? How old were you when your father was killed? En quoi puis-je vous être utile ? What can I help you with? How can I help you? Tom a rénové sa maison. Tom renovated his house. Tom renovated his house. Aimerais-tu que j'y fasse quelque chose ? Would you like me to do something about it? Would you like me to do something about it? Lorsque vous êtes debout ? While standing? When you are standing? Je pense qu'on est arrivé plus tôt que prévu. I think we arrived earlier than we expected. I think we arrived earlier than expected. Les scientifiques regardèrent les données dendrologiques. The scientists looked at tree-ring data. The scientists looked at the dendrologic data. Tout le monde a le droit de devenir fou. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Désolées pour ce que nous avons dit plus tôt. Sorry about earlier. Sorry for what we said earlier. S'il te plaît, mange un peu de gâteau ! Please eat some cake. Please, eat some cake! Vous devez vous laver les mains. You need to wash your hands. You have to wash your hands. Cet enfant a résolu facilement ce problème mathématique compliqué. This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily. This child easily solved this complicated mathematical problem. Nous aurions dû acheter trois bouteilles de vin. We should've bought three bottles of wine. We should have bought three bottles of wine. Nous aimons toujours ceux qui nous admirent ; et nous n’aimons pas toujours ceux que nous admirons. We always love the people that admire us, but not always the ones we admire. We always love those who admire us; and we do not always love those we admire. Trois choses ne peuvent pas être cachées bien longtemps: le soleil, la lune et la vérité. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Three things cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Nous avons vu la femme emmenée à l'hôpital. We saw the lady carried away to the hospital. We saw the woman taken to the hospital. J'avais envie de lire le roman policier. I felt like reading the detective story. I wanted to read the detective novel. Tom est une mauvaise personne. Tom's a bad person. Tom is a bad person. Ce genre de choses peut arriver quand on est pressé. That sort of thing can happen when you're in a hurry. This kind of thing can happen when you’re in a hurry. Lave-toi les pieds. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Je suis trop fatigué pour rentrer chez moi en vélo. I'm too tired to ride my bicycle back home. I'm too tired to ride my bike home. Je ne sais pas pourquoi ça ne marche pas. I don't know why it's not working. I don't know why it doesn't work. Je veux que vous me disiez tout ce que vous savez à ce propos. I want you to tell me everything you know about that. I want you to tell me everything you know about this. Ma vie est comme un test pour lequel je n'ai pas étudié. My life is like a test I haven't studied for. My life is like a test I haven’t studied for. Le service dans ce restaurant n'est pas très rapide. The service in this restaurant is none too fast. The service in this restaurant is not very fast. Tom ne se sent pas bien. Tom's not feeling well. Tom is not feeling well. J'espère voir des rennes lors de mon voyage en Suède. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. Ce que tu as dit n'a pour moi ni queue ni tête. I can't make heads or tails of what you said. What you said has no tail or head for me. L'enfant apprend à parler. The child is learning how to speak. The child learns to speak. Nous savions cela. We knew that. We knew that. Nous mangeons de la viande. We eat meat. We eat meat. Je vais épargner plus d'argent. I'm going to save more money. I'll save more money. Je vous verrai en Corée mes amis ! I'll meet you guys in Korea! I'll see you in Korea, my friends! Tu devrais le savoir, à cette heure. You should know that by now. You should know at this time. Nous avons presque achevé ce travail. We're just about finished with this job. We have almost completed this work. Lorsque vous mangez ? While eating? When you eat? Je pensais que vous seriez satisfait. I thought you'd be pleased. I thought you'd be satisfied. Je n'avais jamais remarqué ça avant. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Dans les profondeurs de l'inconscient collectif de l'humanité, il faut trouver la façon de penser des troglodytes. Toki pona est un outil utile pour amener cela à la surface de notre conscience. In the depths of humanity's collective unconscious, the troglodytes' way of thinking must be found. Toki Pona is a useful tool to bring this to the surface of our consciousness. In the depths of humanity's collective unconscious, one must find the way of thinking of troglodytes. Toki pona is a useful tool to bring this to the surface of our consciousness. J'ai besoin de la rallonge électrique. La prise de courant est trop loin. I need the extension cord. The socket is too far. I need the extension cord, the power outlet's too far away. J’ai marché 10 kilomètres aujourd’hui. I walked 10 kilometers today. I walked 10 miles today. Je me souviens lui avoir écrit. I remember writing to her. I remember writing to him. Le français est-il une langue difficile à apprendre ? Is French a difficult language to learn? Is French a difficult language to learn? Pourriez-vous me l'écrire? Could you write that down? Could you write it to me? Elles apprécient le français. They like French. They appreciate French. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom t'aidera ? Do you really think that Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? Il faut qu'on sache si elle sera présente ou pas. We need to know if she will be present or not. We need to know if she'll be here or not. Cette phrase a-t-elle une intention sérieuse ? Bien sûr que non ! Is this sentence meant seriously? Of course not! Does this sentence have a serious intention? Of course not! Prends ton portable avec toi. Bring your phone. Take your cell phone with you. Elle maîtrise le français. She is proficient in French. She is fluent in French. Tom réalisa soudain qu'il n'était pas seul. Tom suddenly realized he wasn't alone. Tom suddenly realized that he was not alone. Ce n'est pas si facile d'apprendre une nouvelle langue après cinquante ans. It's not that easy to learn a new language after fifty. It is not so easy to learn a new language after fifty years. L'arôme du café m'a fait du bien au réveil. I was happy to wake up to the aroma of coffee brewing. The aroma of coffee made me feel good when I woke up. Je suis entré dans la chambre de quelqu'un d'autre par inadvertance. I entered someone else's room by mistake. I inadvertently entered someone else's room. J’étais nu. I was naked. I was naked. Montre-moi comment le faire ! Show me how to do that. Show me how to do it! Peux-tu mettre assez d'argent de côté pour la mise de base ? Can you save enough money for the down payment? Can you put enough money aside for the base bet? Sans vous, je ne suis rien. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Le norvégien est la langue officielle de la Norvège. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. J'en étais sûre. I was sure of it. I was sure of it. Tom et Mary ont rejoint le groupe. Tom and Mary joined the group. Tom and Mary joined the group. Il y a une télévision dans cette pièce. There is a television in this room. There is a TV in this room. Avez-vous attrapé quelque chose hier ? Did you catch anything yesterday? Did you catch anything yesterday? Voulons-nous vraiment cela ? Do we really want that? Do we really want that? C'est une trafiquante de drogue. She's a drug dealer. She's a drug dealer. Je pense que nous avons des souris dans le grenier. I think we have some mice in the attic. I think we have mice in the attic. Tom mange encore ? Is Tom still eating? Tom's eating again? « Avez-vous des enfants ? » « Oui, j’ai un fils. » "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." “Do you have children?” “Yes, I have a son.” Tom a perdu de la graisse. Tom lost fat. Tom lost fat. Tu ne peux pas te fier à quoi que ce soit qu'il dise. You can't trust anything he says. You can't trust anything he says. Je vous remercie pour votre temps. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your time. Il faisait chaud. Je n'ai pas pu le supporter plus longtemps. It was hot. I couldn't stand it any longer. It was hot. I couldn't stand it any longer. Je connais son secret. I know his secret. I know his secret. J'aime vivre. I love to live. I like to live. Eh, Tom, es-tu là ? Hey, Tom, are you here? Hey, Tom, are you here? Elle écrit une lettre à son ami. She is writing a letter to her friend. She wrote a letter to her friend. À quelle heure est le brunch ? What time is brunch? What time is brunch? La galette est divisée en parts. The pancake is divided into parts. The cake is divided into parts. Toutes ces personnes ont besoin d'être hospitalisées et soignées. All these people need to be hospitalized and treated. All of these people need to be hospitalized and treated. Savoir est savoir que vous ne savez rien. C'est la signification du vrai savoir. To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. To know is to know that you know nothing. This is the meaning of true knowledge. Ne le laisse pas le toucher. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. Je te prie de traduire cette lettre en français. Please translate this letter into French. Please translate this letter into French. Je l'attends depuis une heure. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting for him for an hour. Il faisait pousser une variété de cultures. He grew a variety of crops. It grew a variety of crops. Comment ça pourrait ne pas vous déranger ? How could it not bother you? How could that not bother you? Je suis allé à la boulangerie. I went to the baker's. I went to the bakery. C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne suis pas venu hier. This is the reason why I didn't come yesterday. That's why I didn't come here yesterday. Il grimaça tandis que l'infirmière enfonçait l'aiguille dans son bras. He winced as the nurse pushed the needle into his arm. He grinned as the nurse pushed the needle into his arm. Que puis-je aller vous chercher ? What can I get you? What can I get for you? Le médicament doit subir des essais cliniques avant autorisation. The drug must go through clinical trials before being approved. The drug must undergo clinical trials before authorization. Je suis fatigué, et je fais beaucoup de fautes quand je suis fatigué. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. I’m tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I’m tired. As-tu été mordu par un piranha? Were you bit by a piranha? Have you been bitten by a piranha? Filons ! Get moving! Let's go! Aussitôt qu'il fut au lit il s'endormit rapidement, car il était très fatigué. As soon as he went to bed, he fell fast asleep, for he was very tired. As soon as he was in bed he fell asleep quickly, for he was very tired. Je veux que vous couriez à la boutique pour moi. I want you to run to the store for me. I want you to run to the store for me. Mon père ne gaspille pas son temps. My father doesn't waste his time. My father is not wasting his time. J'ai tout essayé. I've tried everything I know of. I tried everything. Les Jackson ont trois chiens et trois chats. The Jacksons have three dogs and three cats. The Jacksons have three dogs and three cats. Je pense que vous êtes celle qui l'a cassée. I think you are the one who broke it. I think you're the one who broke it. Il a frappé doucement à la porte. He quietly knocked at the door. He knocked softly at the door. Cet album me rappelle mes joyeux jours d'école. This album reminds me of my happy school days. This album reminds me of my happy school days. Ma sœur prend une douche tous les matins. My sister takes a shower every morning. My sister takes a shower every morning. C'est sans doute une idée. That is surely an idea. It's probably an idea. Les Kabyles ont participé à la qualification pour la Coupe du monde de football de la ConIFA en 2018. Kabylia have played in the 2018 ConIFA World Football Cup qualification. The Kabyles took part in the qualification for the 2018 ConIFA World Cup. Comment se faisait-il qu'un parfait étranger connaisse son nom ? How did a total stranger know his name? How was it that a perfect stranger knew his name? Il y a quelque chose de pourri dans l'état du Danemark. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There's something rotten about the state of Denmark. Il ne reste plus de papier toilette. There's no loo roll left! There is no toilet paper left. Joyeux anniversaire, Karl Marx ! Happy birthday, Karl Marx! Happy birthday, Karl Marx! Voilà le secret du véritable bonheur. This is the secret of true happiness. This is the secret of true happiness. Tout univers suffisamment simple pour être compris est trop simple pour produire un esprit capable de le comprendre. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind capable of understanding it. Quel est ton restaurant de restauration rapide préféré? What is your favourite fast-food restaurant? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? As-tu déjà été hospitalisée pour une bronchite ou une pneumonie ? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Moi-même, je suis nouveau dans le coin. I'm a stranger here myself. I'm new around here myself. Il ne sera pas absent longtemps. He won't be away for long. He won't be out for long. Il eut tout fait pour satisfaire les désirs de sa bien aimée. Mais rien n'y faisait. He had done everything to satisfy his beloved's desires, but nothing worked. He had done everything to satisfy the desires of his beloved, but nothing did. Vous êtes ce que vous mangez. You are what you eat. You are what you eat. Je mange une poire. I'm eating a pear. I eat a pear. Je crois aux fantômes. I believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. Vous n'avez pas l'air très à l'aise. You don't look very comfortable. You don't look very comfortable. Caoimhe a un grand chien. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe has a big dog. Je suis sûre que tu l'as fait exprès, tu es méchante. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. Il laissa tomber la tasse, qui se cassa. He dropped the cup and broke it. He dropped the cup, which broke. Tu sais, je me suis bien amusée. You know, I had a lot of fun. You know, I had a lot of fun. J'ai cassé la verseuse qui va avec la cafetière. I broke the carafe that goes to the coffee maker. I broke the potter that goes with the coffee maker. Ramène-moi mon chapeau. Fetch me my hat. Bring me my hat. Tom ne mange pas de chocolat. Tom doesn't eat chocolate. Tom doesn't eat chocolate. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué un problème cardiaque ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart problem? Je connais très bien cet endroit. I know this area pretty well. I know this place very well. Ils n'ont nulle part où aller. They have nowhere to go. They have nowhere to go. Il l'admirait. He admired him. He admired her. En Algérie il y a le peuple arabe et le peuple kabyle. In Algeria there are the Arab people and the Kabyle people. In Algeria there is the Arab people and the Kabyle people. Il faut que vous soyez davantage patientes. You need to be more patient. You need to be more patient. J'ai déjà écrit ma part du rapport. I've already written my part of the report. I have already written my part of the report. Il m'a aidé à déménager. He helped me to move. He helped me move. Tu es la prunelle de mes yeux. You are the apple of my eye. You are the apple of my eyes. Cette robe tapageuse n'est pas appropriée pour moi. This showy dress isn't appropriate for me. This raucous dress is not appropriate for me. Je sais que je ne suis pas la fille la plus brillante au monde. I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world. I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world. Je vais vous donner encore une minute. I'll give you another minute. I'll give you another minute. Je suis fatiguée, et je fais beaucoup de fautes quand je suis fatiguée. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. I’m tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I’m tired. Un plus un égale deux. One plus one equals two. One plus one equals two. En moyenne, combien de tasses de café bois-tu par jour ? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day? Il faut que tu te brosses les dents avant de dormir. You are to clean your teeth before you go to bed. You have to brush your teeth before you sleep. Êtes-vous attardé mental ou quoi ? Are you retarded or something? Are you mentally retarded or what? L'architecte a obtenu l'approbation du maire pour un projet de logements. The architect secured the mayor's approbation for a new housing project. The architect obtained the mayor's approval for a housing project. Tom fut au bon endroit au bon moment. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Je mène une vie simple. I live a simple life. I lead a simple life. Ne te moque pas des étrangers. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Don't make fun of strangers. Êtes-vous abonné à un magazine ? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Are you subscribed to a magazine? L'infirmière vérifiera votre bras dans les 2 jours pour voir s'il y a une réaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. Si vous faites de votre mieux, vous réussirez probablement. If you do your best, you're likely to succeed. If you do your best, you will probably succeed. Je sais ce que tu penses. I know what you're thinking. I know what you think. Il commanda son livre à l'éditeur aux États-Unis. He ordered the book from the publisher in the United States. He ordered his book from the publisher in the United States. L'échelle est posée contre le mur. The ladder is propped against the wall. The ladder is placed against the wall. Lui avez-vous téléphoné ? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Tom a pensé que ce serait une bonne idée de voir un docteur. Tom thought it would be a good idea to see a doctor. Tom thought it would be a good idea to see a doctor. Elle a bon caractère. He is good-natured. She has good character. Quel type d'alcool buvez-vous habituellement ? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? À quel effet en avez-vous fait l'acquisition ? What did you buy it for? To what effect did you acquire it? J'espère que tu as trouvé tout ce dont tu as besoin. I hope you found everything you need. I hope you've found everything you need. Elle lui conseilla de voir un avocat, aussi le fit-il. She advised him to see a lawyer, so he did. She advised him to see a lawyer, so he did. Ne touchez pas la vitre. Don't touch the glass. Don't touch the window. Je ne souhaite pas apporter de commentaire. I don't want to comment. I do not wish to comment. On adore lire des livres. We enjoy reading books. We love to read books. Ils disent que l'armoire va tomber. They say that the cabinet will fall. They say the closet is going to fall. Ne te laisse pas impressionner. Don't let it scare you. Don't let yourself be impressed. Avec qui suis-je supposé y aller ? Who am I supposed to go with? Who am I supposed to go with? Je n'ai plus de souffle. I'm out of breath. I'm out of breath. Tom est assis entre ses amis. Tom is sitting between his friends. Tom is sitting with his friends. Il nous faut nous protéger. We need to protect ourselves. We need to protect ourselves. Mon frère s'est acheté une guitare électrique. My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought himself an electric guitar. J'ai été gardien de prison pendant dix ans. I was a prison warden for ten years. I was a prison guard for 10 years. Premier avertissement ! Strike one! First warning! Cela prit exactement une heure. It took exactly an hour. It took exactly one hour. Pensez-vous vraiment que Tom vous aidera ? Do you really think that Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? Parlez hongrois ! Speak Hungarian! Speak Hungarian! Ils ont abattu tous les arbres morts. They chopped down all the withered trees. They cut down all the dead trees. Il se peut que j'y aille, mais ça dépend des circonstances. I may go there, but that depends. I may go, but it depends on the circumstances. Il est très frugal. He's very frugal. He's very frugal. Je veux voyager à l'étranger. I want to travel abroad. I want to travel abroad. Ne parle pas ! Don't talk! Don't talk! Je déjeune. I'm eating lunch. I'm having lunch. Je m'en souvins. I remembered it. I remember. C'est très proche. It's very close. It's very close. Reste calme. Stay calm. Stay calm. Je m'appelle Stéphane. My name is Stephen. My name is Stéphane. Les USA sont l'endroit le plus dangereux du monde pour se faire couper les cheveux. The USA is the most dangerous place in the world to have a haircut. The United States is the most dangerous place in the world to get your hair cut. Pouvons-nous réparer ça ? Can we fix this? Can we fix this? Elle vendait des pommes au marché. She used to sell apples at the market. She sold apples at the market. Ceci est la maison où je suis né. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Nous devons procéder à quelques améliorations. We need to make some improvements. We need to make some improvements. Elle passe tout son temps à penser aux garçons. She spends all her time thinking about boys. She spends all her time thinking about boys. Je pensais que c'était bon. I thought it was good. I thought it was good. Viens et danse avec moi. Come and dance with me. Come and dance with me. En 1997, dans un deuxième match (le premier avait eu lieu l'année précédente), le supercalculateur Deep Blue, de IBM, a battu le grand maître Garry Kasparov par 3,5 X 2,5. In 1997, in a second match (the first one had occurred the year before), IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, in a second game (the first was the previous year), IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer beat Grandmaster Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. Cette robe va bien avec ses cheveux roux. That dress matches her red hair. This dress goes well with her red hair. Je suis l'infirmière du week-end. I am the weekend nurse. I'm the weekend nurse. Non, je ne m'en souviens pas. Je n'étais pas encore né. No, I don't remember. I wasn't born yet. No, I don't remember, I wasn't born yet. Est-ce un film d'action ? Is it an action movie? Is it an action movie? Il était mon meilleur ami. He was my best friend. He was my best friend. Soyez calmes. Si vous n'êtes pas calmes, on vous jettera dehors. Be quiet. If you aren't quiet, you'll be thrown out. If you're not calm, we'll throw you out. Vous devez passer une audition avant de pouvoir rejoindre le chœur. You have to have an audition before you can join the choir. You must have an audition before you can join the choir. La décoration de l'église est belle. The decoration of the church is beautiful. The decoration of the church is beautiful. Je suis affranchi. I know the ropes. I'm free. Quel est le rôle de l'Observatoire national du développement humain ? What is the role of the national monitoring centre for human development? What is the role of the National Human Development Observatory? Tous les opposants algériens sont en réalité des partisans du gouvernement algérien car ils participent à tous ses suffrages afin de réclamer quelques sièges et quelques privilèges. All Algerian opponents are actually supporters of the Algerian government because they participate in all its votes in order to claim some seats and some privileges. All Algerian opponents are actually supporters of the Algerian government because they participate in all its votes in order to claim some seats and some privileges. La paix est revenue après trois années de guerre. Peace has returned after three years of war. Peace has returned after three years of war. L'honnêteté est le premier chapitre du livre de la sagesse. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. Elle disparut. She vanished. She disappeared. C'est quoi la liberté d'expression ? What is freedom of speech? What is freedom of speech? Est-ce que la pièce est équipée de l'air conditionné ? Does the room have air conditioning? Is the room equipped with air conditioning? Je suis vraiment désolé d'avoir menti. I'm very sorry I lied. I'm so sorry I lied. Je ne suis jamais monté sur un cheval. I've never ridden a horse. I've never been on a horse. Vous avez fait cela. You did that. You did that. Ils vont très certainement me manquer. I will surely miss them. I will certainly miss them. Je présenterai mes excuses. I'll apologize. I'll apologize. La décision est pendante. The jury is still out. The decision is pending. Je parie que tu parles de Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. Tout le monde veut vous protéger. Everybody wants to protect you. Everyone wants to protect you. Tom ne boit pas de vodka. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Je ne veux pas devenir chauve quand je suis encore jeune. I don't want to go bald when I'm still young. I don't want to go bald when I'm still young. Valser avec toi, c'est le paradis. Waltzing with you is heaven. Valuing with you is paradise. C'est le régime criminel algérien qui crée le terrorisme en Algérie en enseignant les préceptes islamiques dans les écoles et en créant des groupes terroristes afin de maintenir un climat de peur qui permet de faire de sales affaires. Cela convient aux Algériens qui ne veulent pas supprimer l'enseignement religieux dans les écoles. Contrairement aux Kabyles qui se battent pour un État laïque et un système éducatif scientifique. It is the Algerian criminal regime that creates terrorism in Algeria by teaching Islamic prescepts in schools and by creating trerrorist groups in order to maintain a climate of fear that makes it possible to do durty business. This is convenient for Algerians who don't want to suppress religious education in schools. Contrary to the Kabyles who fight for a secular state and scientific educational system. It is the Algerian criminal regime that creates terrorism in Algeria by teaching Islamic precepts in schools and by creating terrorist groups in order to maintain a climate of fear that makes it possible to do dirty business. This is suitable for Algerians who do not want to suppress religious education in schools. Unlike Kabyles who fight for a secular state and a scientific education system. J'espère que tu seras en mesure de venir à cette fête. I hope you will be able to come to this party. I hope you will be able to come to this party. J'ai peur également, donc je ne vais pas m'y rendre. I'm scared too, so I'm not going to go. I’m scared too, so I’m not going to go there. Elle l'a prié de le lui lire car elle avait perdu ses lunettes. She asked him to read it for her because she had lost her glasses. She asked him to read it to her because she had lost her glasses. Montre-nous la chambre. Show us the room. Show us the room. Elles peuvent ajouter une traduction littérale. They can add a literal translation. They can add a literal translation. Pas mal. Mais je suis un peu fatigué. Not bad. But I'm a little tired. Not bad, but I'm a little tired. Tout ce qui peut foirer foirera. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Anything that can mess up will mess up. D'après cette preuve, il est innocent. From this evidence it follows that he is innocent. According to this evidence, he is innocent. Nous reparlerons dans la matinée. We'll talk again in the morning. We will talk again in the morning. Retire tous tes vêtements sauf tes sous-vêtements, s'il te plaît. Please remove all of your clothes, except your underwear. Take off all your clothes except your underwear, please. Il finit en tête. He came out on top. He ends up in the lead. Je pourrai te voir l'année prochaine. I'll be able to see you next year. I can see you next year. En Australie, il neige très rarement en décembre. In Australia, it very rarely snows in December. In Australia, it rarely snows in December. Mon nom est Shu. My name is Shu. My name is Shu. Un individu est la plus petite unité de la société. An individual is the smallest unit of the society. An individual is the smallest unit of society. Le temps file et n'attend personne. Time waits for no one. Time is running out and no one is waiting. Vous avez toujours habité ici ? Have you always lived here? Have you always lived here? J'ai envoyé le colis par avion. I sent the package by airmail. I sent the package by plane. Il grimpe facilement aux arbres. He climbs trees easily. He climbs trees easily. La météo dit qu'il va neiger demain. The forecast says it'll snow tomorrow. The weather says it's going to snow tomorrow. Peux-tu marcher les yeux fermés ? Can you walk with your eyes closed? Can you walk with your eyes closed? Je veux lui faire faire ce travail difficile. I want her to do the difficult work. I want him to do this hard work. Un ulcère se forme dans l'estomac. An ulcer forms in the stomach. An ulcer forms in the stomach. Les apparences sont souvent trompeuses. Appearances often are deceiving. Appearances are often misleading. Mary et Alice sont-elles vraiment sœurs ? Are Mary and Alice really sisters? Are Mary and Alice really sisters? Je l'ai fait comme ceci. I did it like this. I did it like this. N'es-tu pas un peu jeune pour faire ça ? Aren't you a little young to be doing this? Aren't you a little young to do that? Vous êtes une opportuniste. You're opportunistic. You are an opportunist. As-tu vraiment cru que j'avais oublié ? Did you really think I forgot? Did you really think I forgot? Tom était marié à l'époque. Tom was married back then. Tom was married at the time. J'ai dit à Tom que je l'aimais. I told Tom I loved him. I told Tom I loved him. Plus il a de loisirs, plus il est heureux. The more leisure he has, the happier he is. The more leisure he has, the happier he is. Je n'ai pas de chaussures qui conviennent pour cette sortie. I don't have suitable shoes for that event. I don’t have the right shoes for this trip. Ça te dit de visiter ce monument ? Do you want to visit this monument? Do you want to visit this monument? Je suis trop fatigué pour sortir courir. I'm too tired to go out for a run. I'm too tired to run. Bien calculé ! Nice timing. Well calculated! As-tu remarqué des bosses dans tes seins ? Have you noticed any lumps in your breasts? Have you noticed any bumps in your breasts? Mon mari est boulanger. My husband is a baker. My husband is a baker. Vous étiez en retard hier. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. Les États-Unis veulent devenir l'unique superpuissance dans le monde. United States want to be the World unique superpower. The United States wants to become the only superpower in the world. Tu aimes ? Do you like it? You like it? En 1943 le Japon était en guerre. In 1943, Japan was at war. In 1943, Japan was at war. Nous devons y aller. We need to go. We have to go. Parce que je l’aimais, je ne l’ai pas épousée. Because I loved her, I didn't marry her. Because I loved her, I didn’t marry her. Le cerf est plus rapide que fort. The deer is faster than it is strong. The deer is faster than strong. Combien de paquets de cigarettes fumez-vous par jour ? How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke daily? How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? Nul ne peut être poète. No one can be a poet. No one can be a poet. Quel type d'alcool bois-tu habituellement ? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? Voulez-vous le faire maintenant ? Do you want to do this now? Do you want to do it now? Il est mort à l'âge de 54 ans. He died aged 54 years. He died at the age of 54. Il rencontre des étrangers lors de ses voyages. He meets foreigners during his travels. He meets strangers on his travels. Les chats aiment courir après les pelotes de laine. Cats love to run after balls of wool. Cats love to run after wool balls. Il a écrit deux livres. He has written two books. He wrote two books. Que vas-tu faire avec ma photo ? What are you going to do with my picture? What are you gonna do with my picture? On n'a jamais rien dit de plus vrai. Truer words were never spoken. We've never said anything more true. Il y a des personnes qui ont peur des araignées. There are people who are afraid of spiders. There are people who are afraid of spiders. Ne confondez pas l'astrologie avec l'astronomie. Don't confuse astrology with astronomy. Do not confuse astrology with astronomy. Dans notre lycée, le français est une matière optionnelle. At our high school, French is an elective. In our high school, French is an optional subject. Laisse-toi aller ! Loosen up. Let it go! J'ai eu une querelle d'amoureux avec le monde. I had a lover's quarrel with the world. I had a love affair with the world. Ne regardez pas par le trou de la serrure. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look through the keyhole. L'Algérie est un pays du tiers monde qui s'enfonce de plus en plus et qui est au bord de la guerre civile. Algeria is a Third World country that is sinking deeper and deeper, and is on the brink of civil war. Algeria is a third world country that is sinking more and more and is on the brink of civil war. J'ai bien deviné. I guessed right. I guessed it. Comme il n'y avait pas de pont, Danilo a essayé de trouver un endroit peu profond où il pourrait traverser la rivière à gué. As there was no bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallow spot where he could ford the river. Since there was no bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallow spot where he could ford the river. Combien de temps durent généralement tes migraines ? How long do your migraines typically last? How long do your migraines usually last? Il m'intrigue. He intrigues me. He intrigues me. La date limite s'approche. The deadline is drawing near. The deadline is approaching. Vérifie tout encore une fois. Check everything once more. Check everything again. L'Algérie est dirigée par des violeurs, des voleurs, des analphabètes, des fous, des corrompus, des délinquants sexuels, et il y a des dizaines de vidéos sur Youtube qui le montrent. Algeria is ruled by rapists, thieves, illiterate people, madmen, corrupt people, sexual delinquents, and there are dozens of videos on Youtube that show it. Algeria is run by rapists, thieves, illiterates, crazy, corrupt, sex offenders, and there are dozens of videos on Youtube that show it. C'était hier que je l'ai vu descendre la rue. It was yesterday that I saw him walking down the street. It was yesterday that I saw him walking down the street. Comment avez-vous entendu parler de nous ? How did you hear about us? How did you hear about us? Est-ce que quelqu'un dans votre famille proche souffre d'hypertension artérielle ? Does anyone in your close family have high blood pressure? Does anyone in your immediate family have high blood pressure? Je ne suis pas sûr de quand il va faire surface. I'm not sure when he'll turn up. I’m not sure when it will surface. J'ai eu une révélation. I had a revelation. I had a revelation. Perdez-vous la tête ? Are you losing your mind? Are you losing your mind? Ne soyez pas désolé ! Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry! Je ne pouvais pas résister à l'attrait des grands profits. I could not resist the lure of great profits. I couldn’t resist the lure of big profits. Je dois utiliser une aiguille pour l'injecter sous ta peau. I have to use a needle to inject this under your skin. I need to use a needle to inject it under your skin. Nous étions folles l'une de l'autre. We were crazy about each other. We were crazy about each other. Peu de gens comprirent son commentaire. Few people understood his comment. Few people understood his comment. Notre catalogue peut vous être envoyé sur demande. Our catalog will be sent on demand. Our catalogue can be sent to you upon request. Où devrions-nous planter la tente ? Where should we pitch the tent? Where should we pitch the tent? La Première Guerre mondiale commença en 1914 et prit fin en 1918. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Aimes-tu le mien ? Do you like mine? Do you like mine? Tu me fais rêver. You make me dream. You make me dream. La rumeur s'avéra infondée. The rumor turned out to be false. The rumor turned out to be unfounded. Pourquoi voulez-vous apprendre cette langue ? Why do you want to learn this language? Why do you want to learn this language? Allez vous faire voir ! Up yours! Let's see you! Maria dépense beaucoup d'argent en vêtements. Maria is spending a lot of money on clothes. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. S'il te plait n'oublie pas de mettre un timbre sur la lettre avant de l'envoyer. Please don't forget to put a stamp on the letter before mailing it. Please do not forget to put a stamp on the letter before sending it. C'est vrai, elles ont été en retard deux fois déjà. That's right, they've been late twice already. That's right, they've been late twice already. Les ordinateurs ont appris à jouer aux échecs il y a de nombreuses années, mais ils n'ont pas toujours eu la force qu'ils ont aujourd'hui. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn't always have the strength they have today. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn’t always have the strength they have today. La pluie ne montre aucun signe de répit. The rain shows no sign of stopping. The rain shows no signs of respite. À quelle heure ça ferme ? What time does it close? What time does it close? Il fait froid à l'extérieur. Mets ton manteau. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside, put on your coat. Arrête de bouder. Stop pouting. Stop sulking. Tu n'es pas venu à l'école hier. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't come to school yesterday. Je ne l'ai pas reconnu, au premier abord. I didn't recognize it at first. I didn't recognize him at first. Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumée à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you got used to eating Japanese food yet? Have you finally gotten used to eating Japanese food? La pauvreté est à la racine de tout mal. Poverty is the root of all evil. Poverty is at the root of all evil. Les chauves-souris me font peur. Bats scare me. The bats scare me. Les anges regardent d'en haut alors que les hommes se battent entre eux. Angels watch from above as men fight amongst themselves. The angels look down from above as men fight among themselves. Juste une seconde. Laissez-moi finir. Just a second. Let me finish. Just a second, let me finish. Félicitez-le. Praise him. Congratulate him. Est-ce que tu as un avocat ? Do you have a lawyer? Do you have a lawyer? Je pense que c'est mal de mentir. I think it's wrong to lie. I think it's wrong to lie. C'est également vrai pour l'Allemagne. The same holds true for Germany. This is also true for Germany. Il y a eu deux-cent-quinze suffrages en faveur de la motion et quinze contre. There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it. There were two hundred and fifteen votes in favour of the motion and fifteen against. Il semble que vous avez raison. It looks as if you're right. Looks like you're right. Je me suis lavé les cheveux. I have washed my hair. I washed my hair. J'étais en train de danser. I was dancing. I was dancing. Je me suis faufilé hors de ma chambre. I snuck out of my room. I sneaked out of my room. T'a-t-il montré le tableau ? Did he show you the picture? Did he show you the picture? Combien coûtent ces choses ? How much do those things cost? How much do these things cost? C'est ce que j'ai toujours voulu faire. This is what I've always wanted to do. That's what I've always wanted to do. Est-ce que la musique de Ferhat Mehenni est bonne ? Is Ferhat Mehenni's music any good? Is Ferhat Mehenni's music good? La semaine du lundi au vendredi, de 9 heures à 17 heures. Weekdays Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. J'ai beaucoup de choses à faire ce soir. I have a great deal to do tonight. I have a lot to do tonight. Un chat a deux oreilles. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Vous devriez faire de l'exercice. You should exercise. You should exercise. Il est dépourvu de défauts. He has no faults. It is devoid of defects. Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît. Please stop. Stop, please. Je ne peux m'empêcher de me sentir quelque peu soulagé. I can't help but feel a little relieved. I can’t help feeling a little relieved. C'était horriblement gênant. Ils rirent de moi. It was mortifying. They laughed at me. It was horribly embarrassing. They laughed at me. Avez-vous des difficultés à uriner ? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have difficulty urinating? Je suis dur. I'm tough. I'm tough. Il voudrait que je l'aborde avec prudence. He wants me to approach it with care. He would like me to approach him with caution. Rejoins-moi dans le hall. Meet me in the lobby. Meet me in the hall. Ton école se situe-t-elle dans cette ville ? Is your school in this town? Is your school in this city? Bois-tu du thé vert ? Do you drink green tea? Do you drink green tea? Je suis l'infirmier de nuit. I'm the night shift nurse. I'm the night nurse. Attends dans la voiture. Wait in the car. Wait in the car. Je pus répondre à toutes. I could reply to all of them. I could answer all of them. Peu survivent à cette maladie. Not many survive this disease. Few survive this disease. Si elle n'était pas au bureau hier, elle était probablement à la maison. If she wasn't at the office yesterday, she was probably at home. If she wasn't in the office yesterday, she was probably home. Faites-moi savoir si vous vous sentez mal à l'aise. Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable. Let me know if you feel uncomfortable. Je seulement une chose à vous demander. I have just one thing to ask of you. I only have one thing to ask you. Ce n'est pas ce que Tom a dit, cependant. That's not what Tom said, though. That's not what Tom said, though. Tout le monde a un point de vue sur le sujet. Everybody has an opinion on this subject. Everyone has a point of view on the subject. Avez-vous régulièrement des saignements de nez ? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Je vais mettre fin à ton supplice. I'll put you out of your misery. I'm going to put an end to your torture. J'espère qu'ils sont amicaux. I hope they're friendly. I hope they are friendly. Tu n'as pas à avoir peur de faire des erreurs. You need not be afraid of making mistakes. You don't have to be afraid to make mistakes. C'est du mauvais temps, ça ne fait pas de doute, mais nous avons vu pire. It's bad weather, to be sure, but we've seen worse. It's bad weather, there's no doubt about it, but we've seen worse. Ma mère m'a fait un pull-over. My mother made a sweater for me. My mom made me a sweater. Mon avion part à six heures. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My plane leaves at six o'clock. Tom ne croit pas ce qu'il dit. Tom doesn't believe what he's saying. Tom doesn’t believe what he says. Ces figues sont toujours fermes. These figs are still hard. These figs are always firm. Ça blesse plus que tu ne peux l'imaginer. This hurts more than you can imagine. It hurts more than you can imagine. Êtes-vous japonais ? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? On lui donna une seconde fois de la soupe. He had a second helping of soup. He was given soup a second time. Ils ne s'aimaient plus, par conséquent, ils se sont séparés. They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up. They didn’t love each other anymore, so they broke up. Si l'armée en uniforme blanc emprisonne le roi en uniforme noir, cette armée gagne la partie. If the army in white uniform imprisons the king in black uniform, that army wins the game. If the army in white uniform imprisons the king in black uniform, this army wins the game. Ok ! Merci. Ok! Thanks. Okay, thanks. Il a été assez stupide pour y croire. He was foolish enough to believe it. He was stupid enough to believe it. Lorsque vous êtes assise ? While sitting? When you are sitting? L'Univers existe depuis toujours. The universe has always existed. The universe has always existed. Tu ne regardes pas la situation dans son ensemble. You're not looking at the big picture. You are not looking at the whole situation. Je ne savais pas qu'il buvait autant. I didn't know he drank so much. I didn't know he drank that much. Tom t'aime vraiment ! Tom does love you. Tom really loves you! Est-ce que Kumi joue au tennis ? Is Kumi playing tennis? Does Kumi play tennis? Combien cela coûte-t-il en plus de laisser la voiture de location à un autre endroit ? How much more does it cost to return the rental car to another location? How much does it cost to leave the rental car somewhere else? Tom va faire du jogging dans le parc tous les matins. Tom goes jogging in the park every morning. Tom goes jogging in the park every morning. Bienvenue aux États-Unis. Welcome to the USA. Welcome to the United States. L'ai-je mentionné ? Did I mention that? Did I mention it? Il n'est pas autorisé à quitter le pays. He's not allowed to leave the country. He is not allowed to leave the country. Si Facebook vaut 900 milliards de dollars et que vous êtes l'un de ses 3 milliards d'utilisateurs actifs, cela signifie que votre vie privée en ligne vaut 300 dollars. Avez-vous déjà reçu un chèque de Facebook pour la valeur de votre vie privée? If Facebook is worth $900 billions and you are one of its 3 billion active users, this means that your privacy online is worth $300. Have you yet received a check from Facebook for the value of your privacy? If Facebook is worth $900 billion and you are one of its 3 billion active users, it means your online privacy is worth $300. Have you ever received a check from Facebook for the value of your privacy? Ses parents n'approuvaient pas son aspiration à devenir journaliste. His parents did not sympathize with his hope to become a journalist. His parents did not approve of his aspiration to become a journalist. Ça a l'air un peu dangereux. That sounds a little dangerous. Sounds a little dangerous. As-tu des plaies ouvertes sur ton corps ? Do you have any open sores on your body? Do you have open wounds on your body? J'espère que tu vas accepter ma demande. I hope that you'll accept my request. I hope you will accept my request. Bienvenue à Dublin ! Welcome to Dublin! Welcome to Dublin! Demain est mon anniversaire. Tomorrow is my birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday. Elle n'est pas parue. She didn't show up. She's not out yet. Êtes-vous détendue ? Are you relaxed? Are you relaxed? Je ne veux pas que vous retourniez à Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. Quel idiot j'ai été ! What a fool I've been! What an idiot I was! Tu ne devrais pas dormir. You should not sleep. You shouldn't be sleeping. Jean gère très efficacement l'entreprise familiale. John runs the family business very efficiently. Jean manages the family business very efficiently. J'ai passé toute la journée à nettoyer la maison. I spent all day cleaning the house. I spent the whole day cleaning the house. Le pire est toujours possible. Worse is always possible. The worst is always possible. Je l'ai vu avec vous. I saw him with you. I saw him with you. Les employés d'Air France étaient en grève l'été passé. The employees of Air France were on strike last summer. Air France employees were on strike last summer. Je vous ai vues avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. On ne doit pas juger un livre sur sa reliure. You can't judge a book by its cover. A book should not be judged on its binding. Vous n'auriez pas dû lui dire une telle chose. You ought not to have said a thing like that to him. You shouldn't have said such a thing to him. Je suis allé directement au lit. I went straight to bed. I went straight to bed. Bien sûr ! Comment ai-je pu ne pas y penser ? Of course! How didn't I think of this? How could I not think about it? Nous n'oublions pas. We do not forget. We do not forget. Tom part tôt. Tom is leaving early. Tom leaves early. Je sais que tu ne parles pas très bien français. I know that you don't speak French very well. I know you don't speak French very well. On l'a repéré en train de dérober des biscuits. He was spotted stealing cookies. He was spotted stealing cookies. Ta maison est en vente. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Elle fut obligée d'épouser le vieil homme. She was obliged to marry the old man. She was forced to marry the old man. Es-tu déjà monté sur un cheval ? Have you ever ridden a horse? Have you ever been on a horse? Les planètes sont faciles à identifier parce qu'elles ne scintillent pas comme le font les étoiles. Planets are easy to identify because they don't twinkle like stars do. Planets are easy to identify because they don’t flicker like stars do. La clef de la chambre, s'il vous plaît. My room key, please. The key to the room, please. Je n'ai qu'un seul défaut. I have only one flaw. I have only one defect. Je ne suis pas Mark. I'm not Mark. I'm not Mark. Je reviens la semaine prochaine. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. C'était son choix. It was his choice. It was his choice. Ne le prenez pas personnellement ! Don't make this personal. Do not take it personally! Ils ont tous ri de ses blagues. They all laughed at his jokes. They all laughed at his jokes. Il faut sourire plus. You need to smile more. You have to smile more. Ils ont tous dit oui à cette proposition. They all said yes to this proposal. They all said yes to this proposal. Vous ne devriez pas veiller aussi tard. You shouldn't stay up so late at night. You shouldn't be watching that late. As-tu ressenti des douleurs corporelles récemment ? Have you experienced body aches recently? Have you experienced any body pain recently? Laissez-moi vous couper les cheveux ! Let me cut your hair! Let me cut your hair! La bonne a balayé le sol. The servant swept the floor. The maid swept the floor. Tom était le meilleur ami du défunt mari de Mary. Tom was Mary's late husband's best friend. Tom was the best friend of Mary's late husband. Nous ne sommes pas satisfaits. We're unhappy. We are not satisfied. J'ai un frère. I have one brother. I have a brother. Celui qui définit un problème l'a déjà à moitié résolu. The one that is able to define a problem, already solved half of it. The one who defines a problem has already half solved it. Je dois apprendre l'allemand. I must learn German. I have to learn German. Je n'aime aucune de ces images. I don't like any of these pictures. I don't like any of these pictures. Je n'ai rien appris de l'institutrice. I learned nothing from the teacher. I didn't learn anything from the teacher. Comment l'avez-vous appris? How did you find out about it? How did you learn? Existe-t-il des pastèques sans pépins ? Do seedless watermelons exist? Are there watermelons without seeds? Il ne leur a pas écrit depuis longtemps. He has not written to them for a long time. He hasn't written to them in a long time. Y a-t-il quoi que ce soit qui cloche ? Is anything wrong? Is there anything wrong? Il paraît que tu es à la recherche d'un emploi. I heard that you're looking for a job. I heard you're looking for a job. Est-ce que Tom t'a appelé ? Tom called you? Did Tom call you? Nous avons visité Boston le mois dernier. We visited Boston last month. We visited Boston last month. Sans vous, je ne suis pas bien. Without you, I am not well. Without you, I'm not well. Ces fleurs poussent dans les pays chauds. These flowers grow in warm countries. These flowers grow in warm countries. Fais attention quand tu transportes de l'huile de tournesol. Be careful when carrying sunflower oil. Be careful when transporting sunflower oil. Holmes n'était certainement pas un homme difficile à vivre. Holmes was certainly not a difficult man to live with. Holmes was certainly not a difficult man to live with. Il commence à se sentir désespéré. He's starting to feel desperate. He begins to feel desperate. Je vis un chalet au loin. I saw a cottage in the distance. I saw a cottage in the distance. Vous avez commencé à pleurer. You started crying. You started crying. Il aurait dû se retirer plus tôt. He should have bowed out earlier. He should have retired earlier. À présent qu'il est vieux, c'est ton devoir de veiller sur lui. Now that he is old, it is your duty to go look after him. Now that he's old, it's your duty to look after him. Je ne vous ai jamais vu. I never saw you. I've never seen you before. Ça s’est produit aujourd’hui. It arrived today. It happened today. Est-ce que les mecs qui ne boivent pas d'alcool sont toujours des mecs ? Are men who don't drink still men? Are guys who don’t drink alcohol still guys? En dépit de leur efforts, elles n'ont pas réussi. Despite their efforts, they didn't succeed. Despite their efforts, they did not succeed. Il a manqué se noyer dans la rivière. He came near to being drowned in the river. He missed drowning in the river. Tom croyait que Marie était morte. Tom thought Mary had died. Tom thought Mary was dead. Je n'ai pas d'argent pour acheter ce livre. I have no money to buy the book with. I have no money to buy this book. Qui a bu boira. Once a thief, always a thief. Who drank will drink. Il était réputé pour être un génie. He was reputed to be a genius. He was famous for being a genius. Tom m'a dit qu'il ne se sentait pas très bien. Tom told me he wasn't feeling very well. Tom told me he wasn't feeling well. Bill m'a téléphoné la nuit dernière. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. J'ai une question. I have got a question. I have a question. La police a arrêté trois hommes. The police arrested three men. Police arrested three men. Je suppose que tu as raison. I suppose you are right. I guess you're right. Elle avait justement ce jour-là de libre. She happened to have the day off. She had that day free. Je voudrais savoir si cela est vrai. I'd like to know if that's true. I would like to know if this is true. Je ne voulais pas que vous manquiez votre bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. La maison est bien isolée. The house is well insulated. The house is well insulated. Lorsque j'ai ouvert la porte, je l'ai trouvé endormi. When I opened the door, I found him asleep. When I opened the door, I found him asleep. Admission d'étudiants uniquement. Admission to students only. Admission of students only. Elles semblaient être sur le point de pleurer. They looked as if they would cry. They seemed to be about to cry. Échec. Check. Failed. Il se peut qu'il ne soit pas en capacité de venir. He may not be able to come. He may not be able to come. Fiche-moi la paix ! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Veuillez me dire quel bus prendre pour me rendre en ville. Please tell me which bus to take to go downtown. Please tell me which bus to take to get to town. Je vais attendre dans la voiture. I'll wait in the car. I'll wait in the car. C'est une autre histoire. That's another story. It's a different story. Les fascismes italien et espagnol sont nés au sein de monarchies constitutionnelles. Italian and Spanish fascism arose within constitutional monarchies. The Italian and Spanish Fascisms were born within constitutional monarchies. Prenez-vous de la benzylpipérazine ? Do you use bath salts? Do you take benzylpiperazine? Elle fut trop abasourdie pour parler. She was too stunned to talk. She was too stunned to talk. En voudrais-tu ? Do you want any? Would you like some? Je souhaite vous parler une fois que vous serez habillé. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Fais comme bon te semble. Do as you want. Do as you please. De nombreux livres furent volés. A number of books were stolen. Many books were stolen. Pourquoi ne vous portez-vous pas candidate au conseil des étudiants ? Why don't you run for student council? Why don't you run for student council? J'ai raté la compétition. I missed the competition. I missed the competition. Diriez-vous qu'elles se correspondent ? Would you say they match? Would you say they match? Tu ne croiras pas ce que j'ai dégoté. You won't believe what I've got. You won't believe what I got. Ce dont tu as besoin, c'est d'un ami. What you need is a friend. What you need is a friend. Tous les scientifiques kabyles soutiennent le projet pour l'indépendance de la Kabylie. All Kabyle scientists support the project for the independence of Kabylia. All Kabyle scientists support the project for the independence of Kabylia. Tu es très paresseuse. You're very lazy. You're very lazy. Tom est un étudiant. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. L'aimez-vous aussi ? Do you love him too? Do you love her too? Apportez l'échelle et placez-la contre le pommier. Bring the ladder and put it against the apple tree. Bring the ladder and place it against the apple tree. Je pense que vous êtes intéressant. I think you're interesting. I think you're interesting. Deuxième essai ! Strike two! Second try! Les deux pays ont négocié un traité. The two countries negotiated a treaty. Both countries have negotiated a treaty. Depuis combien de temps ta langue a-t-elle cette couleur ? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue had that color? Comme la règle le veut, je vais à l'école avant huit heures. As a rule, I go to school before eight o'clock. As the rule dictates, I go to school before eight o'clock. Est-ce que j'ai l'air d'être amoureuse ? Do I sound like I'm in love? Do I seem to be in love? Tu peux rester seulement si tu es tranquille. You can stay only if you are quiet. You can only stay if you are calm. Elles veulent juste quelqu'un à blâmer. They just want someone they can blame. They just want someone to blame. Je cours tous les jours. I run every day. I run every day. Je veux savoir tout ce que vous savez. I want to know everything you know. I want to know everything you know. Il est le conseiller le plus proche du roi. He's the king's most trusted advisor. He is the closest advisor to the king. As-tu remarqué un changement de taille ou de couleur des grains de beauté ? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of moles? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of the moles? Prends-tu du LSD, du PCP ou du peyotl ? Do you use LSD, PCP, or peyote? Do you take LSD, PCP or peyote? Il n'est pas aussi intelligent que son frère ainé. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. J'ai témoigné. I testified. I testified. J'ai froid. I feel cold. I'm cold. Nous avons marché. We walked. We walked. Nous ne te retiendrons pas trop longtemps. We won't keep you too long. We won't hold you back too long. Tu te souviens du titre ou du nom de l'auteur ? Do you remember the title or the author's name? Do you remember the title or the name of the author? C'était chaud dans tous les sens du mot. It was hot in every sense of the word. It was hot in every sense of the word. J'étudie le français et l'anglais. I'm studying French and English. I study French and English. Je t'ai amené un cadeau. I brought you a present. I brought you a present. Ceci a besoin d'un certain courage. That requires a certain courage. This needs some courage. Ce train se dirige vers New-York. This train is bound for New York. This train is heading to New York. Le Soleil est très loin de la Terre. The Sun is very far from the Earth. The sun is far away from the earth. Il y a plus de filles que de garçons dans cette école. There are more girls than boys in this school. There are more girls than boys in this school. Quand l'Algérien veut construire des mosquées sur toute la planète, le kabyle, lui, cherche à s'intégrer. When the Algerian wants to build mosques all over the world, the Kabyle seeks to integrate. When the Algerian wants to build mosques all over the planet, the Kabyle seeks to integrate. Nous cherches-tu ? Are you looking for us? Are you looking for us? Elle ne m'a pas oubliée. She didn't forget me. She hasn't forgotten me. Il m'a laissé m'en aller. He let me go. He let me go. Nancy a l'air idiote mais elle est vraiment maligne. Nancy looks a fool but she's really very clever. Nancy looks silly, but she's really smart. Je veux un véhicule qui fonctionne à l'énergie solaire. I want a car that runs on solar power. I want a vehicle that runs on solar energy. Smith aurait dû dire la vérité. Mr. Smith should have told the truth. Smith should have told the truth. Vous n'avez pas l'air si occupées. You don't look so busy. You don't seem so busy. J'ai un commentaire. I have a comment. I have a comment. Quel genre de voiture conduisaient-ils ? What kind of car were they driving? What kind of car did they drive? On peut écrire comme ça ? Can I write it like that? Can we write like that? J'avais confiance en lui pour l'argent. I trusted him with the money. I trusted him for the money. Il est accro. He's addicted. He's addicted. Il se dressa. He stood up. He stood up. Qu'as-tu fait de mon sac ? What have you done with my bag? What did you do with my bag? Je vais retourner dans ma chambre, là-bas je peux étudier. I am going to my room, where I can study. I'll go back to my room, I can study there. J'ai oublié de t'indiquer mon numéro de téléphone. I forgot to tell you my phone number. I forgot to give you my phone number. Elle l'appela un jour sur deux. She called him every other day. She called him every other day. Tom a dit qu'il pensait que Mary aurait faim. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be hungry. Tom said he thought Mary would be hungry. En cas d'urgence médicale, souhaites-tu que nous contactions quelqu'un ? In case of a medical emergency, would you like us to contact someone? In case of a medical emergency, would you like us to contact someone? Ta mère se fait du souci pour ta santé. Your mother is anxious about your health. Your mother is worried about your health. Êtes-vous toujours malade ? Are you still sick? Are you still sick? Elle tira la porte pour l'ouvrir. She pulled the door open. She pulled out the door to open it. Qui peut vous aider à apprendre l'allemand ? Who can help you guys learn German? Who can help you learn German? Cela te convient-il ? Does that float your boat? Is that right for you? Je suis contente que Tom ait pu te voir pendant que tu étais à Boston. I'm glad Tom was able to see you while you were in Boston. I'm glad Tom saw you while you were in Boston. Demandez Tom. C'est un de mes bons amis. Ask Tom. He's one of my good friends. Ask Tom, he's a good friend of mine. Mdr ! Lol! Mdr! Les policiers jouaient aux échecs au poste de police. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. The police were playing chess at the police station. Si tu veux être un bon citoyen du monde, tu dois t'efforcer de t'affranchir de tes préjugés. If you are to be a good world citizen, you should try to be free of any prejudices. If you want to be a good citizen of the world, you must strive to free yourself from your prejudices. Sur combien d'oreillers dors-tu ? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? How many pillows do you sleep on? Je dois gérer ceci toute seule. I have to deal with this alone. I have to deal with this alone. Je m'assis à côté d'elle. I sat down next to her. I sat next to her. C'est ma grand-mère. This is my grandmother. She's my grandmother. Vous avez gagné ! You won! You won! Elles ont de la chance d'être vivantes. They're lucky to be alive. They are lucky to be alive. Il la connaît depuis longtemps. He has known her for a long time. He's known her for a long time. Je dois garder à l'esprit cette importante question. I have to keep my mind on this important question. I have to keep this important question in mind. Je ne suis pas convaincue. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. Je n'ai aucune idée à quoi m'attendre. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Je pense que vous êtes sérieux. I think you really mean it. I think you're serious. J'ai encore fait ce rêve étrange, la nuit dernière. I had that weird dream again last night. I had this strange dream last night. Le public était en grande partie féminin. The audience was predominantly female. The audience was largely female. Ils sont étudiants. They're students. They're students. Je n'eus pas le bon sens de le faire. I didn't have the sense to do so. I didn't have the common sense to do that. La chance que cela se produise est inférieure à un millième de pour cent. The chance of that happening is less than a thousandth of a percent. The chance of this happening is less than a thousandth of a percent. " Sur un nuage ardent, au sommet de ces tours, / regarde : c'est Pallas, dont la main homicide / agite dans les airs l'étincelante égide. " "See, on the citadel, all grim with gore, / red-robed, and with the Gorgon shield aglow, / Tritonian Pallas bids the conflict roar." "On a fiery cloud, at the top of these towers, look: it is Pallas, whose homicidal hand shakes in the air the gleaming aegis." Je ne pense pas être le seul à avoir remarqué. I don't think I'm the only one who noticed. I don't think I'm the only one who noticed. Un comité est un groupe de gens qui ne peuvent rien faire individuellement mais qui peuvent tenir des réunions en tant que groupe et parvenir à la décision qu'on ne peut rien faire. A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done. A committee is a group of people who can do nothing individually but can hold meetings as a group and come to the decision that nothing can be done. Nous allons te chercher un autre avocat. We'll find you another lawyer. We'll get you another lawyer. Voudrais-tu aller dans ta chambre ? Would you go to your room? Would you like to go to your room? Méfiez-vous de ne pas manquer le train. Beware lest you should miss the train. Be careful not to miss the train. Viens déjeuner un de ces quatre ! Come over for dinner sometime. Come and have lunch one of these four! Je suis d’accord avec la proposition de Taro et Ayumi. I agree with Taro and Ayumi's proposal. I agree with Taro and Ayumi’s proposal. Nous quittons définitivement ce pays. We are definitely leaving this country. We are definitely leaving this country. Ces fleurs devraient être protégées de la pluie. These flowers should be sheltered from the rain. These flowers should be protected from rain. Marie a amené sa fille au travail. Mary brought her daughter to work. Mary brought her daughter to work. Vous êtes allés trop loin. You've gone too far. You've gone too far. Deux filles se tenaient suspendues aux bras de Tom. Two girls were hanging on to Tom's arms. Two girls were hanging from Tom’s arms. Donnez-moi du café s'il en reste. Give me some coffee if there is any left. Give me some coffee if there's any left. J'ai fait ce qui convenait. I did the right thing. I did what was right. Elle donna une pomme à Tom. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom an apple. Pourquoi as-tu invité Tom à la fête ? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Why did you invite Tom to the party? As-tu enlacé qui que ce soit ? Did you hug anybody? Have you hugged anyone? Il nous faut une méthode de travail complètement différente. We need a completely different way of working. We need a completely different way of working. Je ne connais pas son nom. I don't know what her name is. I don't know his name. J'ai peur de faire ça en hiver. I'm afraid to do that in the winter. I’m afraid to do that in the winter. As-tu déjà reçu une transfusion sanguine ? Have you ever received a blood transfusion? Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Yanni lit ce livre. Yanni is reading this book. Yanni is reading this book. Tom sortit de la baignoire. Tom got out of the bathtub. Tom came out of the bathtub. Je ne savais pas que tu étais médecin. I didn't know you were a doctor. I didn't know you were a doctor. Il a été enlevé par des extra-terrestres. He was abducted by aliens. He was abducted by aliens. Comment est la météo en Allemagne ? How is the weather in Germany? How is the weather in Germany? Je savais que tu apprécierais le concert. I knew you'd enjoy the concert. I knew you'd enjoy the concert. Maman et papa sont très nerveux. Mom and Dad are very nervous. Mom and Dad are very nervous. Il ne me dit mot de la journée. He didn't say a word to me all day. He didn’t say a word about the day. Tu as mal quand tu fais ça ? Do you feel pain when you do that? Do you hurt when you do this? Tom et Marie n'aiment pas le même genre de musique. Tom and Mary don't like the same kind of music. Tom and Mary don't like the same kind of music. Il vous faut choisir votre propre destin. You have to choose your own destiny. You have to choose your own destiny. Prenez-vous du spice ou du K2 ? Do you use spice or K2? Do you take spice or K2? Ça n'a pas de sens. This is pointless. It doesn't make sense. Occupée comme d'habitude ? Busy as usual? Busy as usual? J'ai une lettre de toi. I have got a letter from you. I have a letter from you. Elle a expiré. She exhaled. It's expired. Il vit à Ankara depuis six ans. He has been living in Ankara for six years. He has lived in Ankara for six years. Je suis en assez bonne forme. I'm in fair shape. I'm in pretty good shape. Tu n'aurais pas dû emprunter la voiture de Tom. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. La myrtille est mon fruit préféré. Bilberries are my favourite fruit. Blueberry is my favorite fruit. Je suis assez contente. I'm happy enough. I'm pretty happy. Tom me rend folle. Tom drives me nuts. Tom's driving me crazy. Les enfants ont couru vers l'aire de jeux. The kids ran toward the playground. The children ran to the playground. Elles doivent être lavées. They need washing. They need to be washed. La pomme et la rose sont de la même famille. The apple and the rose are from the same family. The apple and the rose are from the same family. La pénitence est l'un des sept sacrements. Penance is one of the seven sacraments. Penance is one of the seven sacraments. Certains musulmans ne sont pas tolérants. Some Muslims are not tolerant. Some Muslims are not tolerant. Personne ne peut m'arrêter ! Nobody can stop me! No one can stop me! Ces chaussures vont à mon pied. These shoes fit my feet. These shoes are on my foot. Tom est mon premier-né. Tom is my firstborn. Tom is my firstborn. Je vais devoir changer mes plans. I'll have to change my plans. I'm gonna have to change my plans. Retire tous tes vêtements à partir de la taille, s'il te plaît. Please take off all of your clothes from the waist up. Remove all your clothes from the waist, please. Même la Mort aime jouer aux échecs, comme je l'ai vu l'autre jour dans un film (Le Septième Sceau) d'Ingmar Bergman. Even Death likes to play chess, as I saw the other day in a movie (The seventh seal) by Ingmar Bergman. Even Death loves to play chess, as I saw the other day in a film (The Seventh Seal) by Ingmar Bergman. Êtes-vous esseulé ? Are you lonely? Are you lonely? J'ai une douleur lancinante ici. I have a throbbing pain here. I have a nagging pain here. Yanni est revenu. Yanni returned. Yanni is back. Il est difficile pour un vieil homme de changer sa façon de penser. It is hard for an old man to change his way of thinking. It is difficult for an old man to change his way of thinking. Yanni a surpris sa femme en train d'embrasser un autre homme dans sa voiture. Yanni caught his wife making out with another man in her car. Yanni caught his wife kissing another man in her car. Marcher est une excellente activité. Walking is an excellent exercise. Walking is an excellent activity. On dit que la limite que l'ELO d'un joueur d'échecs peut atteindre est de 3000. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, le maximum atteint était de 2882, par l'actuel champion du monde Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that a chess player's ELO can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that the ELO of a chess player can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. Elle est une vrai beauté. She is a real beauty. She's a real beauty. Je dois faire ça. I need to do that. I have to do this. J'ai dû abandonner la fac et prendre un boulot. I had to drop out of college and get a job. I had to drop out of college and take a job. Son histoire peut-elle être vraie ? Can his story be true? Can his story be true? Puis-je emprunter une règle ? May I borrow a ruler? Can I borrow a rule? Tom est un garçon chétif. Tom is a scrawny kid. Tom is a puny boy. Je m'apprêtais à partir. I was just leaving. I was about to leave. Ne lui prête pas attention. Don't pay attention to her. Don't pay attention to him. As-tu éprouvé des symptômes de sevrage dans le passé ? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Premier essai ! Strike one! First try! Je suis contente que tu te souviennes de moi. I'm glad you remembered me. I'm glad you remember me. Il te faut être plus organisée. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. Il y a plusieurs forces à l'œuvre. There are several forces at work. There are several forces at work. Tom est trois ans plus vieux que toi. Tom is three years older than you. Tom is three years older than you. Nous ne pouvons pas assez te remercier. We can't thank you enough. We can't thank you enough. Je suis celui qui sort les poubelles. I'm the one who takes out the garbage. I'm the one taking out the trash. Je n'ai pas assez mangé. I didn't eat enough. I haven't eaten enough. Je suis désolé de vous appeler au travail. I'm sorry I'm calling you at work. I'm sorry to call you at work. On met des majuscules en début de phrase. A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. We put capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. Pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue ? Why didn't she come? Why didn't she come? Apprendre à nager est une promenade. It's a cinch to learn to swim. Learning to swim is a walk. Tu te souviens de notre première rencontre ? Do you remember the day when we met first? Do you remember our first meeting? Il se tient sur la colline. He is standing on the hill. He's standing on the hill. A-t-il une grande maison ? Does he have a big house? Does he have a big house? À la radio, ils ont dit qu'il allait faire froid. On the radio, they said that it was going to be cold. On the radio, they said it was going to be cold. Les statistiques fournirent de l'eau à son moulin. The statistics gave ammunition to her argument. Statistics provided water to his mill. Elle est arrivée dernière. She came last. She came last. Est-ce que tu as déjà reçu un traitement pour une maladie sexuellement transmissible ? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Il était le premier homme à franchir le Pacifique. He was the first man to cross the Pacific. He was the first man to cross the Pacific. Vous voulez parler en français ? Do you want to speak in French? Do you want to speak French? Tom est assez compétent avec Photoshop. Tom is quite good at Photoshop. Tom is pretty proficient with Photoshop. Il est deux fois plus âgé que moi. He is twice as old as I. He's twice as old as me. On dirait que tu as vu un fantôme. You look like you saw a ghost. Looks like you saw a ghost. Je connais quelqu'un qui parle bien français. I know someone who speaks French well. I know someone who speaks French well. Je me demande s'il est vraiment malade. I wonder if he's really sick. I wonder if he's really sick. Ils représentent non seulement eux-mêmes mais également cette institution. They represent not only themselves but this institution as well. They represent not only themselves but also this institution. L'Amérique est un pays d'immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. Cet accident est survenu à cause de ma négligence. The accident came about through my carelessness. This accident happened because of my negligence. Aucun des deux ne résoudra la noirceur. Neither one will solve the darkness. Neither of them will solve the darkness. S'il y a une bonne façon de savoir si une femme a un petit ami ou non, dis-le-moi s'il te plaît. If there's a good way to sound out whether a woman has a boyfriend or not please tell me. If there is a good way to know if a woman has a boyfriend or not, please tell me. Nous sommes des gagneurs. We're winners. We are winners. Je dois le faire. I have to do this. I have to do it. Cette expérience était un échec. That experiment was a failure. This experience was a failure. Je suis trop habillé. I'm overdressed. I'm too dressed. La coupe est pleine ! The cup is full! The cup is full! « Tom, est-ce que tu m’aiderais ? » « Moi ? Tu es fou ? Bien sûr que non ! » "Tom, would you help me?" "Me? Are you out of your mind? Of course not." “Tom, would you help me?” “Me? Are you crazy? Of course not!” J'ai ouvert un œil. I opened one eye. I opened an eye. Ton bureau est plus beau que le mien. Your office is nicer than mine. Your office is more beautiful than mine. C'est également ce à quoi j'étais en train de penser. That's what I was thinking, too. This is also what I was thinking. Je ne retrouve pas mes gants. I can't find my gloves. I can't find my gloves. Je veux parler à ton gérant. I want to talk to your manager. I want to talk to your manager. L'union fait la force. United we stand. Union is strength. La reine a visité le musée. The queen visited the museum. The Queen visited the museum. Ce n'est pas près d'arriver. That isn't going to happen anytime soon. It's not about to happen. Êtes-vous souvent enrhumé ? Do you frequently get colds? Are you often cold? Fumes-tu ? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Nous nous sommes rencontrés à une rencontre surprise. We met on a blind date. We met at a surprise meeting. Tom pensait que c'était une terrible idée. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Quand as-tu fait tester ta vue pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had your eyes tested? Il abandonna tout espoir. He gave up hope. He gave up all hope. Je veux que vous et moi soyons heureux. I want you and me to be happy. I want you and me to be happy. J'ai visité la maison dans laquelle Shakespeare est né. I visited the house in which Shakespeare was born. I visited the house where Shakespeare was born. Peut-être devrions-nous aller à Boston l'été prochain. Maybe we should go to Boston next summer. Maybe we should go to Boston next summer. Je ne peux pas lire vos notes à cause de votre écriture. I can't read your notes because of your writing. I can't read your notes because of your writing. Les oies volent vers le sud. The geese are flying south. Geese fly south. Je dois y aller ! I have to go away. I have to go! Les jours anciens ne reviendront jamais. The old days have gone never to return. The old days will never return. Est-ce que vous sortez ? Are you going out? Are you going out? Pourquoi n'en ai-je pas été informé plus tôt ? Why wasn't I informed earlier? Why wasn't I informed earlier? Cette fois, je paie. This time I'm paying. This time, I'm paying. C'étaient des extraterrestres. It was aliens. They were aliens. Je te recommande de prendre le train. I recommend you to go by train. I recommend you take the train. Tu n’es pas non plus un saint. You're no saint, either. You are not a saint either. Je n'en ai pas lu l'intégralité. I didn't read the whole thing. I haven't read all of it. Ce sont de riches Anglaises en vacances en Italie. They are rich Englishwomen on a trip to Italy. They are rich English women on holiday in Italy. C'est insensé de ta part de mettre ta vie en jeu. It is crazy of you to put your life at risk. It makes no sense for you to put your life on the line. De nombreux Canadiens parlent français. Many Canadians speak French. Many Canadians speak French. Ce sont les siens. This is hers. They're his. Êtes-vous enseignante ? Are you a teacher? Are you a teacher? Je soupçonne que tu as tort. I suspect you're wrong. I suspect you're wrong. Mes chats sont mes enfants. My cats are my children. My cats are my children. Souviens-toi de ça ! Remember this! Remember that! Je peux mettre ça sur ton doigt ? Can I put this on your finger? Can I put this on your finger? Tu as l'air fatigué. You look tired. You look tired. La maison est vide. The house is empty. The house is empty. Je vous laissai une note. I left you a note. I left you a note. Ça ne peut pas être vrai. This can't be true. That can't be true. Je me suis fâché. I got upset. I got angry. Tom fut mon meilleur ami. Tom was my best friend. Tom was my best friend. Ne sois pas en retard à l'école demain. Don't be late to school tomorrow. Don't be late for school tomorrow. Ne fais rien de bizarre. Don't try anything funny. Don't do anything weird. Il était sept heures trente. It was seven thirty. It was seven-thirty. Ce fut un plaisir de vous servir. It was a pleasure to serve you. It was a pleasure to serve you. Je n'en vois pas l'objet. I don't see the point. I don't see the object. Regardez-vous la télévision ? Do you watch television? Do you watch TV? Je suis encore positif. I'm still positive. I'm still positive. Veuillez regarder le haut de mes lunettes. Please look at the top of my glasses. Please look at the top of my glasses. Cet Espagnol-là peut chanter une aria de Mozart. That Spanish boy can sing a Mozart aria. This Spaniard can sing an aria of Mozart. Je ne veux pas des excuses. Je veux une explication. I don't want an apology. I want an explanation. I don't want an apology, I want an explanation. Il est doué en anglais. He speaks English well. He's good at English. Nous ne devons jamais plus le faire. We must never do this again. We must never do it again. J'aimerais bien pouvoir aller au Japon. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. Je n'ai presque plus de monnaie maintenant. I'm very low on change right now. I have almost no money now. Quelles sont les alternatives? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Soyez tolérant. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Elle nous a oubliés. She forgot us. She forgot about us. Plus nous vieillissons, plus notre mémoire faiblit. The older we get, the weaker our memory becomes. The older we get, the weaker our memory becomes. Il est très dangereux de nager dans cette rivière. This river is very dangerous to swim in. It is very dangerous to swim in this river. Mets tes mains dans le dos. Put your hands behind your back. Put your hands behind your back. Avez-vous ces chaussures dans ma taille ? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes in my size? Finalement, la « féminité » est quelque chose dont une femme est naturellement dotée, il n'est point besoin de faire le moindre effort pour en faire état, et c'est une caractéristique telle que si l'on se mettait à faire des efforts conscients pour la cacher, cela n'aboutirait à rien. In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing. Finally, “femininity” is something that a woman is naturally endowed with, there is no need to make the slightest effort to report it, and it is such a characteristic that if one began to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would not result in anything. Ils sont très gros. They are very big. They're very big. Pourquoi as-tu consulté le médecin à ce moment-là ? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why did you consult the doctor at that time? Suis-je soupçonné, là ? Am I under suspicion here? Am I under suspicion here? Je crois que cela mérite des félicitations. I believe congratulations are in order. I think that deserves congratulations. Laissez-moi vous faire visiter notre maison. Let me show you around our house. Let me show you around our house. Le mariage est pour les femmes l'état le plus commun, et la quantité de relations sexuelles non-sollicitées subies par les femmes est probablement plus grande à l'intérieur du mariage que dans la prostitution. Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. Marriage is for women the most common state, and the amount of unsolicited sex experienced by women is probably greater within marriage than in prostitution. Je n'appartiens pas à ce monde. I'm not from this world. I do not belong to this world. C'est vous l'aînée. You're the oldest. You're the oldest. Je veux l'épouser. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. Elle haussa des épaules. She gave a shrug of the shoulders. She shrugged her shoulders. Sa famille émigra aux États-Unis d'Amérique. His family emigrated to the United States. His family emigrated to the United States of America. Je ne sais plus trop. I don't remember exactly. I don't know. Je ne suis pas pressé de partir. I'm in no hurry to leave. I'm in no hurry to leave. As-tu des vertiges ? Do you have vertigo? Are you dizzy? Les autres m'attendent. The others are waiting for me. The others are waiting for me. Je crois que tu te sous-estimes. I think that you're underestimating yourself. I think you're underestimating yourself. Ne sois pas une telle froussarde ! Don't be such a wimp! Don't be such a coward! L'endommagement de l'épiglotte est toujours une préoccupation lors de l'insertion d'une sonde endotrachéale. Epiglottal damage is always a concern when inserting an endotracheal tube. Damage to the epiglottis is always a concern when inserting an endotracheal probe. Tom tira une boîte de sous le lit. Tom pulled a box from under the bed. Tom pulled a box out of under the bed. Il est nouveau en ville. He's new in town. He's new in town. Pourquoi quiconque voudrait-il me faire du mal ? Why would anybody want to hurt me? Why would anyone want to hurt me? Il lui confectionna un gâteau. He baked her a cake. He made her a cake. Forcer une division par zéro est d'abdiquer la raison. Pushing a division by zero is tantamount to dropping reason. To force a division by zero is to abdicate reason. Nous devons nous en aller dès que possible. It's imperative that we leave right away. We must leave as soon as possible. Tu es l'institutrice. You're the teacher. You're the teacher. Vous avez écouté votre maman. You listened to your mother. You listened to your mom. Veuillez traduire cette lettre en français. Please translate this letter into French. Please translate this letter into French. Essayez de ne pas pleurer ! Try not to cry. Try not to cry! Veux-tu venir t'asseoir à mon côté ? Do you want to come sit by me? Would you like to sit next to me? Nous allons vous trouver une place bientôt. Soon we'll be able to send you to gaol. We will find you a place soon. Restez un moment tranquille. Be quiet for a moment. Stay a while. Il partira au Brésil en avion. He will go to Brazil by plane. He will fly to Brazil. Combien en as-tu eus ? How many have you had? How many did you get? Je ne connais pas le maire mais je voudrais le rencontrer. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I would like to meet him. Le bateau était en chemin vers Le Caire. The boat was heading to Cairo. The boat was on its way to Cairo. J'aime ton appartement. I like your place. I like your apartment. Tom rigole. Tom is laughing. Tom's laughing. Je vais au ciné. I'm going to the cinema. I'm going to the movies. Je n'ai pas vu leur visage. I didn't see their faces. I didn't see their faces. Je veux que tu viennes avec moi. I want you to come with me. I want you to come with me. Je suis une idéaliste. I'm an idealist. I am an idealist. La porte s'ouvrit soudain. The door opened suddenly. The door opened suddenly. Cet homme-là est votre esclave, non ? This person is your slave, right? That man is your slave, isn't he? Vous feriez la même chose à ma place. You'd do the same thing if you were me. You'd do the same thing for me. Ils savaient en quels périls elles se trouvaient. They knew how much danger they were in. They knew what dangers they were in. Vous avez appris. You learned. You've learned. On ne m'a pas consulté. I wasn't consulted. I haven't been consulted. Je pensais que tu étais le responsable. I thought you were in charge. I thought you were in charge. Êtes-vous prêt pour le voyage ? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Je ne parle pas espéranto. I don't speak Esperanto. I don't speak Esperanto. Apprenons quelque chose, par exemple, une nouvelle langue ! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Let’s learn something, for example, a new language! J'ai hâte de vous voir danser. I look forward to watching you dance. I can't wait to see you dancing. Chacun croit à une chose différente, mais il n'y a qu'une vérité. Everyone believes something different, but there is only one truth. Everyone believes in something different, but there is only one truth. Il y a une fleur sur la table. There is a flower on the table. There is a flower on the table. Tu es un rat de bibliothèque. You're a bookworm. You're a library rat. Nos priorités sont mauvaises. Our priorities are wrong. Our priorities are bad. Le 15 mars, nous fêterons nos vingt ans de mariage. On March 15 we will have been married for 20 years. On March 15th, we will celebrate our twenty years of marriage. Tu sembles un peu désespéré. You seem a little desperate. You seem a little desperate. Prends du gâteau s'il te plaît. Please help yourself to some cake. Take some cake, please. C'est ta première incarcération ? Is this your first time in jail? Is this your first incarceration? Nous avons encore quelques options. We still have a few options. We still have a few options. Les voleurs se sont partagé le butin. The thieves divvied up the stolen loot among themselves. The thieves shared the booty. Skura est parti. Skura left. Skura's gone. Se faire du souci ne fait jamais de bien. Worrying never does you any good. Worrying is never good. Que se passerait-il s'il devait échouer ? What if he should fail? What would happen if he failed? Est-ce que je peux vous accompagner ? May I go with you? Can I accompany you? La Kabylie ne sera en paix qu'une fois qu'elle sera indépendante. Kabylia will only be at peace once it is independent. Kabylia will only be at peace once it is independent. Peut-être nous verrons-nous de nouveau ce soir. Perhaps we will see each other again tonight. Maybe we'll see each other again tonight. Sami était très intelligent. Sami was very intelligent. Sami was very smart. Vous êtes dénué de compassion. You have no sympathy. You are devoid of compassion. Il a obtenu son permis de conduire en moins de temps que quiconque. He got his driving licence in less time than anyone. He got his driver’s license in less time than anyone else. Il y a des trous dans le toit. There are holes in the roof. There are holes in the roof. Son sourire la fit paraître encore plus belle. Her smile made her look even more beautiful. Her smile made her look even more beautiful. Je suis très inquiet à votre sujet. I'm very worried about you. I'm very worried about you. Ils étaient paisibles. They were peaceful. They were peaceful. C'est la dernière chose que je veux faire. That's the last thing I want to do. That's the last thing I want to do. Je n'ai pas besoin de me faire sermonner par vous. I don't need to be lectured by you. I don't need to be lectured by you. Il est encore en vie. He's still alive. He's still alive. J'ai échoué. I failed. I failed. Lundi prochain sera férié. Next Monday is a holiday. Next Monday will be a holiday. J'ai fait tomber mon téléphone. I dropped my phone. I dropped my phone. L'usage d'un VPN — réseau privé virtuel — avec votre ordiphone ajoute une couche de sécurité supplémentaire à la protection de votre vie privée en ligne. Using a VPN — Virtual Private Network — with your smartphone adds one more layer of security to protect your privacy online. Using a VPN – virtual private network – with your computer adds an extra layer of security to protecting your online privacy. Il était aussi gentil avec les animaux. He was also kind to animals. He was also kind to animals. Nous n'avions pas tant faim que ça. We weren't all that hungry. We weren't that hungry. À quelle heure t'es-tu réveillé ? At what time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? Il est une personne différente. He's a different person. He's a different person. Vous ne pouvez blâmer personne d'autre que vous-même. You have no one but yourself to blame. You cannot blame anyone but yourself. Nous aspirons à la paix. We long for peace. We aspire to peace. Comment se fait-il que vous ayez commis une telle erreur ? How come you made such a mistake? Why did you make such a mistake? Tout ce à quoi je pense, c'est toi. All I think about is you. All I'm thinking about is you. Les cellules nerveuses efférentes sont dirigées vers les organes cibles à partir du cerveau. Efferent neurons travel away from the brain to effect their target organs. Efferent nerve cells are directed to the target organs from the brain. Le parapluie est cassé. The umbrella is broken. The umbrella is broken. Comment s'est passé ton entretien ? How did your interview go? How was your interview? J'ai finalement trouvé ce qui n'allait pas dans ma télé. I finally found out what was wrong with my TV. I finally found what was wrong with my TV. Je pensais que nous disposions de davantage de temps. I thought we had more time. I thought we had more time. S’ils étaient en fait à l’abri, ils en avaient perdu le souvenir. They were, in fact, sheltered, but they had ceased to remember it. If they were in fact safe, they had lost the memory of it. Elles l'ont détruit. They ruined it. They destroyed it. Je suis de retour de vacances. I'm back from vacation. I'm back from vacation. Je crois que Tom a dit qu'il resterait à Boston pour trois semaines. I think Tom said he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. I think Tom said he'd stay in Boston for three weeks. Voilà, regarde ça ! Here, look at this. Here, look at this! Souviens-toi juste de prendre du bon temps. Just remember to have fun. Just remember to have a good time. Choisis des livres avec soin. Choose books carefully. Choose books carefully. Ce n'est pas aussi facile qu'on le croit. It's not as easy to do that as people think. It's not as easy as you think. Il a souri et est parti. He smiled and left. He smiled and left. Elle tenta de se donner la mort. She attempted to kill herself. She tried to kill herself. Et toi, comment vas-tu ? And you, how are you? How are you? Pesez-vous plus que Tom ? Do you weigh more than Tom? Do you weigh more than Tom? J'en ai obtenu un ! I got one! I got one! Je suis fatigué et je veux rentrer chez moi. I'm tired and I want to go home. I'm tired and I want to go home. Il nous montra un beau chapeau. He showed us a beautiful hat. He showed us a beautiful hat. Avez-vous déjà été blessé par balle ? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever been shot? Ma carte de crédit a été rejetée par le distributeur de billets. My credit card was rejected by the cashpoint. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. C'est le maire qui va marier les deux jeunes personnes. It's the mayor who will perform the marriage of the two young people. It is the mayor who will marry the two young people. Accélérez ! Go faster! Hurry up! Tu ne comprends pas ce qui se passe, non? You don't understand what's going on, do you? You don't understand what's going on, do you? J'ai été trop loin. I went too far. I've been too far. Considérons le chemin que tu as parcouru jusqu'à date. Consider the path. Consider the path you have traveled to date. Vous avez bu une bière pendant le déjeuner, n'est-ce pas ? You drank a beer at lunch, didn't you? You had a beer at lunch, didn't you? Je n'ai plus fait ça depuis le lycée. I haven't done this since high school. I haven't done this since high school. Tom a crié. Tom shouted. Tom screamed. Je ne parviens pas à trouver quoi que ce soit. I can't find anything. I can't find anything. Ce logiciel n'est pas utile ; supprimez-le. This software is not useful; delete it. This software is not useful; delete it. L'idée n'est pas mauvaise. The idea isn't bad. The idea is not bad. Tout le monde ignore où nous sommes. No one knows where we are. Everybody doesn't know where we are. Avez-vous déjà subi une intubation à cause d'une crise d'asthme ? Have you ever been intubated because of an asthma attack? Have you ever had an intubation due to an asthma attack? Elle a vécu là-bas environ cinq années. She lived there about five years. She lived there for about five years. J'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour y réfléchir. I need some time to think about it. I need some time to think about it. Je n'aime pas du tout qu'il se soucie toujours autant de Layla. I don't like it at all that he always care so much about Layla. I don't like that he still cares so much about Layla. Pour le théâtre, il fabriqua des coulisses et des rideaux. For the theater, he made coulisses and curtains. For the theatre, he made backstage and curtains. Tes mots ont provoqué sa colère. Your words provoked his anger. Your words angered him. Je ne vais rien faire que tu ne veux pas que je fasse. I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to. I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do. Je t'ai dit que j'ai une nana. I told you I have a girlfriend. I told you I have a girl. Avez-vous eu besoin d'une aide spéciale lorsque vous étiez à l'école ? Did you require any special assistance when you were in school? Did you need any special help when you were at school? Je ne peux pas venir travailler demain. I can't come to work tomorrow. I can't come to work tomorrow. Leur maison est en vente. Their house is for sale. Their house is for sale. Tu ne me fais plus peur. You don't scare me anymore. You don't scare me anymore. Ils vous veulent morte. They want you dead. They want you dead. Ça ne te dérange pas si je te pose quelques questions d'ordre médical ? Is it okay if I ask you a few medical questions? Don't you mind if I ask you some medical questions? Il ne reste aucune nourriture. There's no food left. There is no food left. Tous les gens sont bons au fond de leur cœur. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. Je ne peux rien promettre. I can't promise anything. I can't promise anything. Dis-le-lui, connard ! Tell him, asshole! Tell him, asshole! Il a dédié sa vie à la paix. He dedicated his life to peace. He dedicated his life to peace. Ça a été un succès retentissant. It was a resounding success. It was a resounding success. Il trouve ça difficile de résoudre ses problèmes. He is finding it difficult to solve his problems. He finds it difficult to solve his problems. Vous êtes en sécurité depuis longtemps maintenant. You've been safe for a long time now. You've been safe for a long time now. Elle essaya de cacher ses larmes. She tried to hide her tears. She tried to hide her tears. Je n'ai jamais bu une goutte d'alcool de ma vie. I have never drunk a drop of alcohol in my life. I've never had a drop of alcohol in my life. Le gâteau est un mensonge. The cake is a lie. The cake is a lie. Pendant son temps libre, elle aime être sur Internet. In her free time, she likes to be on the Internet. In her free time, she likes to be on the Internet. Ces roses viennent de Tom. These roses are from Tom. These roses are from Tom. Elle le loua pour son honnêteté. She praised him for his honesty. She praised him for his honesty. As-tu attrapé quelque chose hier ? Did you catch anything yesterday? Did you catch anything yesterday? Dès que tu regarderas plus en profondeur, tu le découvriras par toi-même. As you start to look deeper, you will find it out yourself. As soon as you look deeper, you will discover it for yourself. Le café était amer. The coffee was bitter. The coffee was bitter. Il m'a écrit une longue lettre. He wrote me a long letter. He wrote me a long letter. Les garçons se brossent les dents. The boys brush their teeth. The boys brush their teeth. C'est un dictionnaire ambulant. He is called a walking dictionary. It's a walking dictionary. Il ne mange que des fruits. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He only eats fruit. Je rigole quand les gens font des gaffes. I laugh when people mess up. I laugh when people make jokes. Les toilettes sont là-bas. The toilet is over there. The toilets are there. Je pense que tu vas y arriver si nous ne restons pas coincés dans un embouteillage. I think you'll make it if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam. I think you're gonna make it if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam. Je sais que mes amies chinoises aiment bien quand je les corrige. I know that my Chinese female friends enjoy my disciplining them. I know my Chinese friends like it when I correct them. J'espère réussir mes examens. I hope to pass my exams. I hope to pass my exams. Il m'écrivit de temps à autre. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me from time to time. Ainsi soit-il. Let it be. So be it. Es-tu sûr que tu n'imagines pas des choses ? Are you sure you're not imagining things? Are you sure you can't imagine things? Tom joue assez bien de l'accordéon. Tom plays accordion quite well. Tom plays the accordion pretty well. Je ne me sens pas bien et j'aimerais rester à la maison aujourd'hui. I'm not feeling well and would like to stay home today. I'm not feeling well and I'd like to stay home today. « Es-tu Russe ? » « Oui. » "Are you Russian?" "Yes." “Are you Russian?” J'ai modifié la phrase française. I changed the French sentence. I changed the French phrase. Puis-je te tester pour la Covid-19 ? Can I test you for COVID-19? Can I test you for the Covid-19? Quel est l'intérêt de la connaissance si vous ne pouvez pas la partager avec les autres ? What's the point of knowledge if you can't share it with others? What is the point of knowledge if you cannot share it with others? Je ne suis pas ton jouet. I am not your toy. I'm not your toy. Je t'ai dit mille fois de ne pas faire ça. I've told you a thousand times not to do that. I told you a thousand times not to do that. La machine à laver est une invention merveilleuse. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. J'enseigne la géographie. I teach geography. I teach geography. Le règlement scolaire exige le port d'un uniforme par les élèves. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms. School regulations require students to wear a uniform. Je ne croyais pas que ça finirait comme ça. I didn't think that it would turn out like this. I didn't think it would end that way. Nous voulons tous aller à la maison. We all want to go home. We all want to go home. J'aimerais acquérir une machine à laver. I'd like to buy a washing machine. I would like to buy a washing machine. Les jours s'allongent. The days are growing longer. The days are getting longer. Que penses-tu qu'elle soit en train de faire ? What do you think she is doing now? What do you think she's doing? Je n’ai jamais travaillé dans un restaurant. I've never worked in a restaurant. I have never worked in a restaurant. Je sais que Tom est rasant. I know that Tom is boring. I know Tom's shaved. Combien d'argent avez-vous dépensé pour vos dernières vacances ? How much money did you spend on your last holiday? How much money did you spend on your last vacation? Une pizza ? Ça peut aller, oui. A pizza? Yea, that works. Pizza? It's okay, yeah. Ils ont fait une overdose. They overdosed. They overdosed. Je mets mes chaussures. I'm putting on my shoes. I'm putting on my shoes. Vous êtes quelqu'un de méchant. You're a mean person. You're a bad guy. C'est tout ce que j'ai pour toi. That's all I have for you. That's all I have for you. Veuillez me montrer la blessure. Please show me the wound. Please show me the injury. Essayons quelque chose. Let's try something. Let's try something. Il n'est pas aussi bête qu'il en a l'air. He isn't as stupid as he looks. He's not as stupid as he looks. Être beau a aussi son revers. Being handsome also has its downside. Being beautiful also has its reverse. L'eau pure est nécessaire à notre vie quotidienne. Pure water is necessary to our daily life. Pure water is necessary for our daily lives. J’aime les chameaux. I like camels. I like camels. Sa chambre est très petite. Her room is very small. Her room is very small. Sam, qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? As-tu déjà été blessé par balle ? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever been shot? Disposez-vous de petite monnaie ? Do you have any small change? Do you have small currency? Je reste optimiste. I continue to be optimistic. I remain optimistic. Vous devez les traiter avec davantage de considération. You must treat them with more consideration. You have to treat them with more consideration. Je ne suis pas sûre que ça soit une bonne idée. I'm not sure that that's a good idea. I'm not sure it's a good idea. C'est tout ce que j'avais à dire. That's all I had to say. That's all I had to say. Quel livre as-tu acheté ? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Il a témoigné. He testified. He testified. Les 3 R sont Réduire, Réutiliser et Recycler. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Pourquoi n’as-tu pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? J'aimerais avoir une petite conversation avec toi. I'd like to have a little talk with you. I'd like to have a little conversation with you. Où a été prise cette photo ? Where was this photo taken? Where was this picture taken? Tom a goûté le gâteau. Tom tasted the cake. Tom tasted the cake. Tu peux laisser ton sac ici. You may leave your bag here. You can leave your bag here. Je n'arrive pas à comprendre comment faire fonctionner cet engin. I can't figure out how to operate this machine. I can't figure out how to make this machine work. Je ne puis accepter ton cadeau. I cannot accept your present. I cannot accept your gift. Elle a changé de sujet. She changed the subject. She changed the subject. Les analystes politiques ont commencé à discourir sur l'allocution présidentielle. Political pundits have begun weighing in on the president's speech. Political analysts began talking about the presidential address. Je pense que tu devrais rester ici jusqu'à ce qu'il cesse de pleuvoir. I think you should stay here until it stops raining. I think you should stay here until it stops raining. J'ai marché le long de la rivière. I walked along the river. I walked along the river. Voici mon ordinateur. This is my computer. This is my computer. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce dont Tom parle. I have no idea what Tom's talking about. I have no idea what Tom is talking about. Nous pouvons attendre. We can wait. We can wait. Le centre du jeu d'échecs, formé par les cases e4, e5, d4 et d5, a une importance stratégique exceptionnelle. Quiconque a un centre fort aura toujours un avantage dans la conduite des opérations d'attaque et de défense. The center in the game of chess, formed by the e4, e5, d4, and d5 squares, has exceptional strategic importance. Whoever has a strong center will always have an advantage in carrying out both attack and defense operations. The centre of the chess game, formed by boxes e4, e5, d4 and d5, is of exceptional strategic importance. Anyone with a strong centre will always have an advantage in the conduct of attack and defense operations. Je t'ai dit que c'était une perte de temps. I told you it was a waste of time. I told you it was a waste of time. Je suis habitué aux basses températures. I am used to low temperatures. I am used to low temperatures. Le Japon est en tête de l'industrie mondiale des hautes technologies. Japan is a leader in the world's high-tech industry. Japan leads the global high-tech industry. L'équateur divise la Terre en deux hémisphères : l'hémisphère nord et l'hémisphère sud. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern and the southern hemisphere. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Tu es ponctuel. You're punctual. You're punctual. Nous en avons déjà parlé. We've already talked about this. We've already talked about it. J'espère que tu n'es pas seul. I hope you're not alone. I hope you're not alone. Je veux boire du lait. I want to drink milk. I want to drink milk. Tom a épluché la pomme. Tom peeled the apple. Tom peeled the apple. Tu es très talentueux. You're very talented. You're very talented. J'ai vu quelque chose de très brillant voler dans le ciel nocturne. I saw something very bright fly across the night sky. I saw something very bright flying in the night sky. Il a raccroché. He hung up. He hung up. Je pense que c'est un homme bien. I think he is a good man. I think he's a good man. La grève a nui à l'économie nationale. The strike affected the nation's economy. The strike has hurt the national economy. Si vous voulez discuter, discutons ! If you want to talk, let's talk. If you want to talk, let's talk! Soyez hardis ! Be bold! Be bold! Ne sous-estime pas ta propre force ! Don't underestimate your own strength. Do not underestimate your own strength. Je déteste les femmes jalouses. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. Il y a cinquante états dans l'union. There are fifty states in the union. There are fifty states in the union. La nourriture est avariée. The food is spoiled. The food is spoiled. J'ai ma voiture à sa disposition. I put my car at his disposal. I have my car at his disposal. Je ne vous ai pas demandé ça. I didn't ask you that. I didn't ask you that. Nous vendons notre bateau. We're selling our boat. We sell our boat. Il m'a donné une pomme. He gave me an apple. He gave me an apple. Je souhaite vous parler une fois que vous serez habillée. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Laisse ça tranquille ! Leave that alone. Leave it alone! Elles ne te diront pas la vérité. They won't tell you the truth. They won't tell you the truth. Est-il difficile d'apprendre le français ? Is it difficult to learn French? Is it difficult to learn French? La faim est l'une des afflictions les plus dures. Hunger is one of the strongest griefs. Hunger is one of the hardest afflictions. On dit que c'est un médecin qui a des compétences. He is said to be qualified as a doctor. They say he's a doctor with skills. Travailleriez-vous au SMIC ? Would you work for minimum wage? Would you work at the SMIC? Il est tombé amoureux d'un femme plus jeune. He fell in love with a younger woman. He fell in love with a younger woman. Yanni utilise le rasoir très soigneusement pour retirer l'autocollant. Yanni is using the razor blade very carefully to take the sticker off. Yanni uses the razor very carefully to remove the sticker. Elle rapporta le livre à la bibliothèque. She took the book back to the library. She brought the book to the library. La conférence n'a pas totalement été un succès. The conference was not a complete success. The conference was not entirely a success. Je ressens la même chose. I feel the same. I feel the same. Depuis le début de la pandémie, nous avons pris des décisions reposant sur la science, les données et les preuves des experts de la santé. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on science, data and evidence from health experts. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on science, data and evidence from health experts. Je me suis remarié. I've remarried. I remarried. Je suis tout ouïe. I am all ears to what you say. I'm all ears. Tout le monde a le droit au repos et aux loisirs, y compris à une limitation raisonnable du temps de travail et à des congés payés réguliers. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including a reasonable limitation of working time and regular paid leave. Tom ne peut pas t'aider. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. Qu'il l'aimât était certain. That he loved her was certain. That he loved her was certain. Il parle russe. He speaks Russian. He speaks Russian. J'espère ne pas vous avoir indisposé. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable. I hope I didn't upset you. Mon opinion diffère de la sienne. My opinion differs from hers. My opinion differs from his. Qu'avez-vous l'intention d'en faire ? What do you intend to do with her? What do you intend to do with it? L’exception qui confirme la règle. An exception which confirms the rule. The exception that confirms the rule. J'ai tenté d'installer un nouveau navigateur. I tried to install a new browser. I tried to install a new browser. Nous n'avons pas besoin de visa pour voyager vers la France. We don't need a visa to go to France. We do not need a visa to travel to France. En français, il est préférable d’utiliser des mots français. In French it's best to use French words. In French, it is best to use French words. Le temps est écoulé. Time is up. Time is up. À quelle heure avez-vous fermé le magasin la nuit dernière ? What time did you close the store last night? What time did you close the store last night? Il doit être le frère de Tom. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Souffrez-vous d'allergies saisonnières ? Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis ? Do you have many friends? Do you have a lot of friends? Je regrette d'avoir dit la vérité. I regret having told the truth. I'm sorry I told the truth. Tu peux toujours refuser un traitement, cependant, je dois t'expliquer les conséquences potentielles si c'est ton choix. You always have the right to refuse treatment, however, I must explain the potential consequences if that will be your choice. You can always refuse treatment, however, I have to explain the potential consequences if that is your choice. J'ai essayé de parler aux gens de la table d'à côté, mais ils m'ont snobé. I tried to talk to the people at the next table, but they snubbed me. I tried to talk to people at the table next door, but they snubbed me. Je vais te rejoindre à la gare routière. I'll meet you at the bus station. I'll meet you at the bus station. À qui est cette bicyclette ? Whose bicycle is this? Whose bicycle is this? Tom n'oublie jamais rien. Tom never forgets anything. Tom never forgets anything. Ce parapluie est celui de Tom. That umbrella is Tom's. This umbrella is Tom's. Avez-vous des douleurs en urinant ? Do you have pain when urinating? Do you have pain while urinating? L'été est long à venir cette année. Summer is slow in coming this year. Summer is a long time coming this year. La vue depuis cette pièce est magnifique. The view from this room is wonderful. The view from this room is beautiful. Il faut que j'y aille ! I've got to go! I have to go! Tom ne sait rien à ce sujet. Tom doesn't know anything about it. Tom knows nothing about it. J'ai un parapluie dans ma voiture. I have an umbrella in my car. I have an umbrella in my car. Il ne voulait pas danser avec moi. He didn't want to dance with me. He didn’t want to dance with me. Il économise pour acheter une maison. He is saving in order to buy a house. He saves money to buy a house. Vous ne le ferez pas changer d'avis. You won’t change his mind. You won't change his mind. Il est parti fâché. He went out in anger. He's gone mad. C'est pourquoi il me faut le faire. That's why I have to do this. That's why I have to do it. Prends place, veux-tu ? Have a seat, won't you? Take a seat, will you? Où te diriges-tu ? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Le docteur a informé son patient du nom de sa maladie. The doctor informed his patient of the name of his disease. The doctor informed his patient of the name of his illness. Je n'ai rien trouvé du tout. I didn't find a single thing. I couldn't find anything. Tu nous as tous manqué. We all have missed you. We've all missed you. Le bœuf est fort onéreux. Beef is very expensive. Beef is very expensive. Regarde, une hermine ! Look, a stoat! Look, an ermine! C'était la première fois, dans l'histoire des échecs, qu'une machine (Deep Blue) battait un Grand Maître (Garry Kasparov). That was the first time, in the history of chess, that a machine (Deep Blue) defeated a Grand Master (Garry Kasparov). It was the first time in chess history that a machine (Deep Blue) beat a Grand Master (Garry Kasparov). Bien que l'accident date déjà d'il y a six mois, mon cou me fait encore mal. Even though the accident was six months ago, my neck still hurts. Although the accident was six months ago, my neck still hurts. Yanni sortit. Yanni left. Yanni went out. Je me suis trempée. I got soaking wet. I soaked. Est-ce que Tom te connaît ? Does Tom know you? Does Tom know you? Elle a essayé de diminuer ses dépenses. She tried to lower her expenses. She tried to reduce her expenses. Ce n'est pas l'espèce la plus forte, qui survit, ni la plus intelligente, mais la plus réactive aux changements. It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. It is not the strongest species, which survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most reactive to change. Lorsque la ville fut libérée, les gens s'alignèrent le long des rues en jetant des confettis. When the city was liberated, people lined the streets throwing confetti. When the city was liberated, people lined the streets throwing confetti. Vous apprenez beaucoup en essayant de résoudre des problèmes d'échecs - par exemple, comment les Blancs peuvent échouer et mater dans une certaine position en trois coups. You learn a lot by trying to solve chess problems - for example, how in a given position white will checkmate in three moves. You learn a lot by trying to solve chess problems - for example, how whites can fail and subdue in a certain position in three strokes. C'est le meilleur concert que j'ai jamais vu. It's the best concert I've ever seen. This is the best concert I've ever seen. C’est juste trop bizarre. It's just too weird. It’s just too weird. Sur un cheval de manège, vous n'irez pas très loin ! On a carousel horse, you will not go very far! On a horse ride, you will not go very far! Si je sème ce caillou, une montagne poussera-t-elle ? If I sow this pebble, will a mountain grow? If I sow this rock, will a mountain grow? Plus une personne est unique, plus elle contribue à la sagesse des autres. The more unique each person is, the more he contributes to the wisdom of others. The more unique a person is, the more he contributes to the wisdom of others. Nous défendons la démocratie. We stand for democracy. We defend democracy. Je voudrais construire une nouvelle maison. I'd like to build a new house. I would like to build a new house. Nous devions prendre une décision. We had to make a decision. We had to make a decision. Tom déteste les légumes. Tom can't stand vegetables. Tom hates vegetables. J'ai un merveilleux plan. I have a wonderful plan. I have a wonderful plan. Tom ne lave pas la voiture. Tom isn't washing the car. Tom doesn't wash the car. Essaie-la encore une fois. Try it once again. Try it again. Heureusement les récoltes ne furent pas endommagées par le typhon. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Fortunately, the crops were not damaged by the typhoon. Elle a fait une overdose. She overdosed. She overdosed. Ils prennent le thé à cinq heures. They have tea at five. They have tea at five o'clock. Les ailes du moineau sont brisées. The wings of the sparrow are broken. The wings of the sparrow are broken. Ma montre n'est pas aussi chère que la tienne. My watch isn't as expensive as yours. My watch is not as expensive as yours. Quand ma mère était jeune, elle était très belle. When my mother was young, she was very beautiful. When my mother was young, she was beautiful. Qu'attendent-elles ? What are they waiting for? What are they waiting for? J'ai du mal à concevoir qu'il y ait de la vie sur une autre planète. I can't imagine life on another planet. I can't imagine there's life on another planet. Où se situe la Kabylie ? Where's Kabylia? Where is Kabylia? Aimeriez-vous entendre ma nouvelle chanson ? Would you like to hear my new song? Would you like to hear my new song? Merci. Arrêtez-vous ici, s'il vous plaît. Thank you. Please stop here. Thank you. Stop here, please. Le capitalisme est une pyramide de Ponzi. Capitalism is a pyramid scheme. Capitalism is a Ponzi pyramid. Le soleil se lève pour tous. The sun rises for everyone. The sun rises for everyone. Je me demande où Tom et Marie sont allés. I wonder where Tom and Mary went. I wonder where Tom and Mary went. Que diriez-vous ? What would you say? What would you say? Tom a l'air inquiet. Tom looks very anxious. Tom seems worried. J'ai été droguée. I was drugged. I've been drugged. M. Smith commence toujours ses cours en faisant une blague. Mr Smith always begins his lectures with a joke. Mr. Smith always starts his classes by making a joke. Presque tout le monde crut la rumeur. Almost everyone believed the rumor. Almost everyone believed the rumor. À quelle date vos dernières règles ont-elles commencé ? On what date did your last period start? When did your last period start? Combien de temps as-tu l'intention de rester en Allemagne? How long do you intend to stay in Germany? How long do you intend to stay in Germany? Elles les craignent. They're afraid of them. They fear them. Je sais que Tom est fini. I know Tom is finished. I know Tom is done. Je ne sais pas comment vous joindre. I don't know how to reach you. I don't know how to reach you. Je commence demain. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. J'aimerais avoir ton boulot. I wish I had your job. I wish I had your job. J'ai emprunté de l'argent non seulement à Tom, mais aussi à sa femme. I not only borrowed money from Tom, but also from his wife. I borrowed money not only from Tom, but also from his wife. Elles m'ont oubliée. They forgot me. They forgot me. J'espère que nous pouvons encore être amies. I hope we can still be friends. I hope we can still be friends. Où que tu ailles, je te suivrai. No matter where you go, I'll follow you. Wherever you go, I will follow you. Personne suivante ! Next person! No one next! Ça prend des heures. This is taking forever. It takes hours. Ce n'est vraiment pas drôle. That really isn't funny. It's really not funny. On dit que Marie a été une grande chanteuse durant sa jeunesse. Mary is said to have been a great singer in her youth. It is said that Mary was a great singer during her youth. En espéranto l’accent tonique se place toujours sur l’avant-dernière syllabe. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto the tonic accent is always placed on the penultimate syllable. Levez vos deux bras comme ceci. Raise both of your arms up like this. Raise your two arms like this. Nous n'avons pas vu trace de lui depuis qu'il s'est enfui avec sa petite amie. We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he eloped with his girlfriend. We haven't seen a trace of him since he ran away with his girlfriend. Haussez les épaules. Shrug your shoulders. Raise your shoulders. J'ai fait acquisition de ce tableau lors d'une vente aux enchères. I obtained the painting at an auction. I bought this painting at an auction. Tu n'as pas besoin de me le dire. You don't need to tell me. You don't have to tell me. Vos points de suture seront retirés au bout de quelques jours. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. Your stitches will be removed after a few days. Dans quel mois sommes-nous ? What is the current month? What month are we in? Ils ont témoigné. They testified. They testified. Pouvez-vous me donner l'adresse de Tom ? Can you give me Tom's address? Can you give me Tom's address? Ce sont des questions importantes. These are questions that matter. These are important questions. Un second miroir est suspendu à côté de la porte. A second mirror is hanging next to the door. A second mirror hangs next to the door. J'ai chanté une chanson. I sang a song. I sang a song. Diriger un pays n'est pas une tâche facile. To rule a country is no easy task. Leading a country is not an easy task. Pourriez-vous être plus précis ? Could you be more specific? Could you be more specific? Voulez-vous essayer ceci ? Do you want to try this? Would you like to try this? Vous tenez là un argument. You have a point there. You have an argument here. Mon père va à son bureau de Shinjuku tous les autres jours. Father goes to his office in Shinjuku every other day. My father goes to his office in Shinjuku every other day. Au secours ! au secours ! cria Pierrette, on me tue ! "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" Help! help! cried Pierrette, they kill me! Je suis asexuel. I'm ace. I'm asexual. Pouvez-vous découper le poulet ? Can you carve the chicken? Can you cut the chicken? Je vous ai méjugée. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. Vas-tu acheter cela ? Are you going to buy that? Will you buy this? Ils veulent un avocat. They want a lawyer. They want a lawyer. Casse-toi ! Get lost! Get out of here! On doit se laver les mains. We must wash our hands. We need to wash our hands. Écoutez ce podcast. Listen to this podcast. Listen to this podcast. As-tu pensé à regarder le niveau d'huile ? Have you thought of checking the oil level? Have you thought about looking at the oil level? On m'a dissuadé. I was discouraged. I was dissuaded. Qu'est-ce qui le lui a fait faire ? What made her do so? What made him do it? Vous passez trop de temps à l'ordinateur. You're spending too much time on the computer. You spend too much time on the computer. Je veux que vous compreniez que ça ne va pas être aisé. I want you to understand this isn't going to be easy. I want you to understand that it's not going to be easy. Les algériens et les mexicains ont un point en commun : la sieste. Algerians and Mexicans have one thing in common: the nap. Algerians and Mexicans have one thing in common: a nap. Qui t'a dit de faire ça ? Who told you to do that? Who told you to do this? Tom a fait mauvaise impression. Tom made a poor impression. Tom made a bad impression. Nous devenons ce que nous pensons. We become what we think. We become what we think. On cherche quelqu'un qui peut parler français dans un contexte professionnel. We are looking for someone who is proficient in French. We are looking for someone who can speak French in a professional context. L'ours a attrapé un saumon dans la rivière et l'a mangé. The bear caught a salmon in the river and ate it. The bear caught a salmon in the river and ate it. Je suis à vous dans une minute. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. Vous n'en ressortez que ce que vous y mettez. You get out only what you put in. You only get out of it what you put into it. Tu n'as pas l'habitude de montrer tes sentiments. You don't have the habit of showing your feelings. You're not used to showing your feelings. Quelque chose m'est apparu. Something's dawned on me. Something happened to me. Son mari ne sait même pas pourquoi elle est morte. Her husband doesn't even know why she died. Her husband doesn't even know why she died. Active le travail et termine-le cette semaine. Push the job and get it done this week. Activate the work and finish it this week. Êtes-vous Turcs ? Are you Turks? Are you Turkish? Je n'ai pas honte de te dire. I'm not ashamed to tell you. I'm not ashamed to tell you. Vous devriez suivre son conseil. You should follow his advice. You should follow his advice. Il est impossible de s’extriquer de vos problèmes. It's not possible to get away from your problems. It is impossible to extricate yourself from your problems. Beaucoup de prisonniers ont été décapités. Many of the prisoners were decapitated. Many prisoners were beheaded. Comment est ton audition ? How is your hearing? How's your audition? J'ai pensé qu'il pourrait venir. I thought he might come. I thought he might come. Quel est votre animal favori ? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal? Faites-moi une tasse de café, s'il vous plaît. Please make me a cup of coffee. Give me a cup of coffee, please. Quand le soleil de la culture se couche, les nains aussi paraissent géants. When the sun of culture sets, the dwarfs too look like giants. When the sun of culture sets, the dwarves also appear giant. J’ai travaillé comme enseignant pendant quinze ans. I worked as a teacher for fifteen years. I worked as a teacher for 15 years. Conformons-nous ! Let's conform! Let's conform! Arrête de faire le pitre ! Stop fooling around! Stop making a fuss! Il a été arrêté pour recel de marchandises volées. He was arrested for fencing stolen goods. He was arrested for receiving stolen goods. C'était assez évident. It was pretty obvious. It was pretty obvious. Tu es une véritable amie. You're a true friend. You're a real friend. Ne pas fumer dans le restaurant. No smoking in the restaurant. Do not smoke in the restaurant. Elle l'a exhorté à examiner la demande. She urged him to consider the request. She urged him to consider the request. Dévisse-le. Unscrew it. Unscrew it. L'être humain est le plus paresseux des animaux. Humans are the laziest animals. Humans are the most lazy of animals. Yanni travaille. Yanni works. Yanni is working. Personne ne déteste la violence plus que moi. I yield to no one in abhorrence of violence. No one hates violence more than I do. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir fait ça. I don't remember doing that. I don't remember doing that. Je lui ai acheté une horloge. I bought him a clock. I bought him a clock. Je n'ai pas de petite amie. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend. Connais-tu le nom de la copine de Tom ? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know the name of Tom's girlfriend? Après avoir marché un moment, nous parvînmes au lac. After we walked for a while, we got to the lake. After walking for a while, we reached the lake. Il a un énorme braquemard. He has a huge cock. He's got a huge heist. La législation proposée piétine au moins trois amendements à la constitution. The proposed legislation runs roughshod over at least three amendments to the constitution. The proposed legislation tramples on at least three amendments to the constitution. Tu seras endormi au moment où ton père arrivera à la maison. You'll be asleep by the time your father gets home. You'll be asleep by the time your father gets home. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je sois là. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm here. Je n'avais pas compris un mot de ce que John venait de dire. I didn't hear a word of what Tom just said. I didn’t understand a word John had just said. Voici votre numéro de chambre. Your room number, please. This is your room number. Nous ne faisons que passer. We’re just passing by. We're just passing by. Il existe des longueurs d'onde de la lumière que l'œil humain ne peut percevoir. There are wavelengths of light that the human eye cannot perceive. There are wavelengths of light that the human eye cannot perceive. Prenez ses clés de voiture. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. Tu as un bon cœur. You've got a good heart. You have a good heart. Pourquoi l'étudie-t-on ? Why are we studying it? Why are we studying it? Personne ne peut partir. No one can leave. No one can leave. Il est parfois difficile de résister à une furieuse envie d'éclater de rire. Sometimes it's hard to resist the impulse to burst out laughing. It is sometimes difficult to resist a furious desire to burst out laughing. Tom n'est pas votre frère. Tom isn't your brother. Tom is not your brother. Tu peux me préparer un casse-croûte ? Can you make me a snack? Can you make me a snack? Il est toujours gai et souriant. He is always cheerful and smiling. He is always cheerful and smiling. A-t-il des enfants ? Has he any children? Does he have children? Je vais essayer de résoudre le problème par moi-même. I'll try to solve the problem by myself. I will try to solve the problem on my own. Toi aussi, Brutus ? You too, Brutus? You too, Brutus? Je me suis bourré la gueule, hier soir. I got hammered last night. I got drunk last night. Je pense que c'est toi qui l'a fait. I think you did it. I think it was you who did it. Je pense que je suis determiné. I think I'm determined. I think I'm determined. Ils peuvent avoir besoin d'aide. They may require assistance. They may need help. Tu n'as pas besoin de dire quoi que ce soit. You don't need to say anything. You don't have to say anything. Je transmets la facture par fax. I am sending the invoice by fax. I send the invoice by fax. As-tu été vaccinée dans ton enfance ? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Were you vaccinated in your childhood? Je dois utiliser une aiguille pour l'injecter sous votre peau. I have to use a needle to inject this under your skin. I need to use a needle to inject it under your skin. Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler de ce qui s'est produit. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. L'oreiller de Tom est rose, avec une image de fée. Tom's pillow is pink and has a picture of a fairy on it. Tom's pillow is pink, with a fairy image. Elle ne nous a pas oubliés. She didn't forget us. She hasn't forgotten us. Il n'a pas pu venir à cause du mauvais temps. Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. He couldn't come because of the bad weather. Tu es fort craintive. You're very timid. You're very fearful. Ce n'est qu'une pourriture. He's just a scumbag. It's just a rot. Je ferai de mon mieux pour rester dans tes faveurs, afin d'éviter d'être coupé en deux par cette langue acerbe qui est la tienne. I'll try to stay on your good side, lest I get cut in two by that acerbic tongue of yours. I will do my best to stay in your favor, so as not to be cut in half by this sharp tongue that is yours. Cela me rend si heureuse. It makes me so happy. It makes me so happy. Ils espèrent que leur train arrivera à l'heure. They hope that their train will arrive on time. They expect their train to arrive on time. Le médicament se révéla être pire que la maladie. The medicine turned out to be worse than the disease. The drug turned out to be worse than the disease. Pouvez-vous venir ? Can you come? Can you come? La peinture se décollait du mur. The paint was coming off the wall. The painting was taking off from the wall. Cela n'est évidemment pas vrai. This is, of course, not true. This is obviously not true. Qui lui avait dit? Where did she hear that from? Who told him? Il se peut qu'il gèle la semaine prochaine. We might have frost next week. It may freeze next week. Je n'aime pas le jeu vidéo PubG. I don't like PubG video game. I don't like the PubG video game. Le capitaine ira à la station météorologique pour avoir un compte-rendu météorologique. The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing. The captain will go to the weather station to get a weather report. Nous devons accepter la réalité. We must accept the reality. We have to accept reality. Je suis sûr que c'est quelque part dans le coin. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. I'm sure it's somewhere around here. Je veux savoir ce que vous voyez, à l'instant. I want to know what you see right now. I want to know what you're seeing right now. Je resterai à la maison aujourd'hui. I'll stay at home today. I'll stay home today. Beaucoup de gens te vénèrent. Ne les déçois pas. Many people worship you. Do not disappoint them. A lot of people worship you. Don't disappoint them. Je chasse l'élan pendant mon temps libre. I hunt elk in my leisure-time. I chase the momentum in my free time. Grouille ! Hurry up! Hurry up! Combien de temps êtes-vous restée à la fête ? How long did you stay at the party? How long did you stay at the party? Est-ce que je peux l'essayer ? May I try it? Can I try it? Je suis à mon aise. I'm comfortable. I'm comfortable. Sa chemise était tachée de sauce. Her shirt was stained with sauce. His shirt was stained with sauce. Sont-elles en mesure de me voir ? Can they see me? Are they able to see me? Tatoeba aide non seulement les étudiants, mais aussi ses collaborateurs, à apprendre une nouvelle langue. Tatoeba not only helps students learn a new language, but also its contributors. Tatoeba not only helps students, but also its collaborators, to learn a new language. Ça a l'air d'une blessure par balle. This looks like a gunshot wound. It looks like a gunshot wound. Cela n'est pas très logique à mes yeux, mais Tom a décidé de ne pas aller à l'université. It doesn't make much sense to me, but Tom has decided not to go to college. It doesn’t make much sense to me, but Tom decided not to go to college. Pendant un moment, j'aimais vraiment le cola - j'en buvais tous les jours. For a while, I was really into cola- drinking it every day. For a while, I really liked cola - I drank it every day. Tom attendit Mary pendant trois heures. Tom waited for Mary for three hours. Tom waited for Mary for three hours. Je sais que Tom l'aurait fait. I know that Tom might do that. I know Tom would have done it. Notre frigo ne marche pas. Our refrigerator doesn't work. Our fridge is not working. La vie est si injuste parfois. Life is so unjust sometimes. Life is so unfair sometimes. Prends autant de temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as much time as you want. La nuit dernière, je suis resté à la maison, pour pouvoir recevoir votre appel téléphonique. Last night I stayed home to be able to receive your call. Last night, I stayed at home, so I could get your phone call. Fais bouillir de l'eau, on va préparer du thé. Boil some water. We're going to make some tea. Boil some water, we'll make some tea. Tom est sur le campus. Tom is on campus. Tom is on campus. Ça sera différent. This'll be different. It'll be different. Je ne veux pas que vous soyez contrarié. I don't want you to be upset. I don't want you to be upset. Que font les professeurs ? What are the teachers doing? What do the teachers do? Demetrius me calomnie ! Demetrius is slandering me! Demetrius slanders me! Au fait. In fact. By the way. Fous le camp d'ici ! Je ne veux plus te parler ! Get out! I don't want to talk to you anymore! Get out of here, I don't want to talk to you anymore! J’habite à Maastricht. I live in Maastricht. I live in Maastricht. Je déteste l'humour noir. I hate black humor. I hate black humor. Le rouge n'est pas votre couleur. Red is not your colour. Red is not your color. Nous vivons dans une société obésogène. We live in an obesigenic society. We live in an obesogenic society. Gardons une belle nature autour de nous. Let's keep beautiful nature around us. Let's keep a beautiful nature around us. C'était un attentat-suicide. It was a suicide bombing. It was a suicide bombing. Comment se déplace le cavalier ? How does the knight move? How does the rider move? « Parlez-vous espéranto ? » « Je ne le parle presque pas, mais je le comprends assez bien. » "Do you speak Esperanto?" "I barely speak it, but I can understand it quite well." “Do you speak Esperanto?” “I almost don’t speak it, but I understand it quite well.” La chaleur de leur accueil m'a rendu heureux. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. J'aime cette chanson. I like that song. I like this song. C’est un miracle que Tom ait survécu à l’accident. It's a miracle Tom survived the accident. It is a miracle that Tom survived the accident. Il y a un chien ! There is a dog! There's a dog! Vos chevilles sont-elles enflées lorsque vous vous réveillez le matin ? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Il s'avère qu'on n'avait pas besoin de faire ça, de toute façon. It turns out that we didn't need to do that anyway. Turns out we didn't need to do that anyway. Il semblait que c'était une bonne idée. It seemed to be a good idea. It seemed like a good idea. Quand avez-vous vomi pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you vomited? When was the last time you vomited? Dès que le résultat sera rendu public, je te le ferai savoir. As soon as the results are made public, I'll let you know. As soon as the result is made public, I will let you know. Êtes-vous vous fière de ce que vous êtes devenue ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? J'aime ta nouvelle coiffure. I like your new hairstyle. I love your new hairstyle. Qui était votre professeur de français? Who was your French teacher? Who was your French teacher? Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas vu Tom ? Why did he not see Tom? Why didn't he see Tom? Elle m'a fixé. She stared at me. She fixed me. Elle a un livre. She has got a book. She has a book. Ce train vous y emmènera en moitié moins de temps. This train will get you there in half the time. This train will take you there in half the time. Il te faut savoir quand laisser tomber. You need to know when to give up. You need to know when to give up. À cet égard, je n'ai rien à dire. I have nothing to say in this regard. In this respect, I have nothing to say. Je sais comment faire. I know how to do it. I know how to do it. Nous sommes les 99%. We are the 99%. We are the 99%. Tom le trouvera. Tom will find it. Tom will find it. Quand es-tu revenu de Londres ? When did you get back from London? When did you come back from London? Nous n'avons pas cela en Europe. We don't have that in Europe. We don’t have that in Europe. La Kabylie fait partie de l'UNPO, l'organisation des nations sans États. Kabylia is part of the UNPO, the organization of nations without states. Kabylia is part of UNPO, the organization of nations without states. Depuis combien de temps vous sentez-vous constipé ? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been feeling constipated? L'équation de Schrödinger décrit l'évolution temporelle de la mécanique quantique. Schrodinger's equation describes the time evolution of quantum mechanics. The Schrdinger equation describes the temporal evolution of quantum mechanics. Ce chien court très vite. That dog runs very fast. This dog runs very fast. À cause de tes symptômes, tu dois être placé en isolement médical temporaire. Because of your symptoms, you must be temporarily medically isolated. Because of your symptoms, you must be placed in temporary medical isolation. Le vieil homme a trébuché. The old man tripped over his own feet. The old man stumbled. Il a obtenu ce qu'il voulait. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Ce problème est-il du type asservissement ou régulation ? Is this a servo or a disturbance-rejection problem? Is this problem of the type of enslavement or regulation? Il laissait tout au hasard. He left everything to chance. He left everything to chance. Les entreprises se concurrencent pour remplir le vide. Corporations are competing to fill the vacuum. Companies compete to fill the void. Tu as besoin d'un examen de lucidité. You need a reality check. You need a lucidity exam. Nettoyez votre chambre. Clean your room. Clean your room. Elles sont derrière toi. They are behind you. They're behind you. Tout le monde est d'accord avec vous. All agree with you. Everyone agrees with you. Je ne perdrai pas ! I won't lose! I won't lose! Quel pays avez-vous visité et combien de temps êtes-vous resté ? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? Mon chien a peur de l'eau. My dog is afraid of water. My dog is afraid of water. Tom pleure souvent quand il est ivre. Tom often cries when he's drunk. Tom often cries when he is drunk. Je te conseille de ne plus aider Tom. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. C'est ainsi. This is how it is. That's the way it is. Aimerais-tu faire un test de dépistage du VIH ? Would you like to be tested for HIV? Would you like to have an HIV test? Nous prendrons le déjeuner à midi. We'll take lunch at noon. We will have lunch at noon. À qui parles-tu ? With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? Je suis aussi grand que lui. I am as tall as he. I'm as tall as him. Tom est élégant. Tom is handsome. Tom is elegant. Il a continué à chanter. He kept singing. He continued to sing. Avec le gros salaire que tu obtiens, j'imagine que tu as épargné un bon peu. With that big salary you're getting I guess you've saved up quite a lot. With the big salary you get, I guess you saved a little bit. Je peux essayer. I can give it a shot. I can try. Nous parlions souvent de notre avenir. We would often talk about our future. We often talked about our future. Ne connais-tu pas son nom ? Don't you know his name? Don't you know his name? Je me suis faufilé hors de ma chambre. I sneaked out of my room. I sneaked out of my room. Je vais retourner travailler au bureau. I'm going to head back to the office. I'm going back to the office. Il n'aimait être séparé de sa famille. He didn't like being separated from his family. He didn’t like being separated from his family. Ma nouvelle robe est rouge. My new dress is red. My new dress is red. Es-tu de langue maternelle française ? Are you a native French speaker? Are you a native French speaker? Viens à la maison. Come home. Come home. Ma mère est tellement hypocrite. My mom is so hypocritical. My mother is so hypocritical. Je serai discrète. I'll be discreet. I'll be discreet. Je suis sûr que Tom serait ravi. I'm sure Tom would be delighted. I'm sure Tom would be delighted. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là? How did we get to this point? How did we get here? J'ai perdu mes clés. I've lost my keys. I lost my keys. Il a été blessé pendant la bataille. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded during the battle. Arrêtez de cracher ! Stop spitting! Stop spitting! Où t'es-tu fait cette cicatrice ? Where did you get that scar? Where did you get that scar? Vous êtes superbe. You look incredible. You look great. Tom portera un costume. Tom is going to be wearing a suit. Tom will wear a suit. Merci pour votre commentaire. Thank you for your comment. Thank you for your comment. L'Algérie ne soutient que les causes perdues et les fausses causes juste pour entretenir la haine avec le Maroc, la Tunisie, Israël, l'Égypte, la France... etc. Algeria only supports lost causes and false causes just to maintain hatred with Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, Egypt, France and so on. Algeria only supports lost and false causes just to foster hatred with Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, Egypt, France... etc. Que dit-il dans sa lettre ? What does he say in his letter? What does he say in his letter? Je suis censée ne le dire à personne. I'm not supposed to tell anybody. I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Ne traduisez pas mot à mot. Don't translate word for word. Do not translate word for word. Je vous rendrai visite un jour dans le futur proche. I'll visit you sometime in the near future. I will visit you one day in the near future. Osamu Dazai s'est suicidé. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. J'ai acheté ce livre-ci à la librairie à côté de l'arrêt de bus. I bought this book at the bookstore near the bus stop. I bought this book at the bookstore next to the bus stop. Vous avez choisi le meilleur. You have chosen the best. You have chosen the best. Nous célébrons le Festival des Étoiles en juillet. We celebrate the Star Festival in July. We celebrate the Star Festival in July. Il n'y a rien que vous et moi ne ferons pas ensemble. There's nothing you and I won't do. There's nothing you and I won't do together. Elles étaient dehors. They were outside. They were outside. Faites-lui honte de sa paresse. Make him feel ashamed of his laziness. Shame on him for his laziness. Il s'habitua bientôt au temps froid. He soon accustomed himself to cold weather. He soon got used to the cold weather. Je pensais que votre père vous avait retiré votre carte de crédit. I thought your dad took away your credit card. I thought your father took your credit card away from you. Après plusieurs retardements, l'avion finit par décoller. After several delays, the plane finally left. After several delays, the plane finally took off. Ces cahiers sont tous à moi. These notebooks are all mine. These notebooks are all mine. Le fait de pouvoir regarder un drame sans sous-titres fait que je suis très heureux d'avoir étudié le japonais. Being able to watch a drama without subtitles made me very glad I studied Japanese. Being able to watch a drama without subtitles makes me very happy to have studied Japanese. Est-ce que je peux aider ? Can I be of help? Can I help? Où as-tu appris l'espagnol ? Where did you learn Spanish? Where did you learn Spanish? Tu devrais jeter un coup d'œil à ta garde-robe et ajouter un peu de couleur à tes vêtements. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a bit of colour to your clothes. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add some color to your clothes. Elle a fait des cauchemars. She had nightmares. She had nightmares. Mange tant que c'est chaud. Eat while it's warm. Eat as long as it's hot. Je ne suis pas en train de faire quoi que ce soit. T’es juste parano. I'm not doing anything. You're just paranoid. I'm not doing anything. You're just paranoid. Tu es la seule personne sur qui je puisse compter. You're the only person that I can trust. You're the only person I can count on. Tout le monde se bat pour une place au soleil. Everyone is fighting for a place in the sun. Everyone is fighting for a place in the sun. Il a le pied dans l'herbe. He has the foot in the grass. He has his foot in the grass. Tom aime écouter de la musique pendant qu'il fait ses devoirs. Tom likes to listen to music while he's doing his homework. Tom likes to listen to music while he's doing his homework. À qui sont ces crayons ? Whose pencils are these? Whose crayons are these? Ôte tes sales pattes de moi ! Keep your dirty hands off me! Get your dirty paws off of me! Êtes-vous toujours effrayées ? Are you still scared? Are you still scared? Cet hôtel est loin de mériter les quatre étoiles que le guide lui décerne. This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it. This hotel is far from deserving of the four stars that the guide awards it. Il est facile de répondre à la question. It is easy to answer the question. It is easy to answer the question. Cela dépend de toi. It depends on you. It's up to you. Dites-moi juste ce qui s'est passé ! Just tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened! Celui-ci est toujours en vie. This one's still alive. This one's still alive. Tu as la permission de nager. You may swim. You have permission to swim. La pierre est lourde. The stone is heavy. The stone is heavy. C'est précisément ce qu'il nous faut. That's just what we need. That is exactly what we need. Le brochet n'est pas encore ferré. The pike is not yet struck. The pike is not yet ironed. Les Américains sont nos amis. The Yanks are our friends. Americans are our friends. Sous certains systèmes d'exploitation, avec les caractères pleine chasse, on obtient du charabia en guise de noms de fichiers. Alors lorsque vous téléchargez, changez-les pour des noms de fichiers adéquats. On some OS's you get gibberish for filenames with full-width characters so when downloading please change to a suitable filename. Under some operating systems, with full cast characters, you get gibberish as filenames, so when you download, change them to appropriate filenames. Je veux que Tom et toi le fassiez ensemble. I want you and Tom to do that together. I want you and Tom to do it together. J'apprécie vraiment toute ton aide. I really appreciate all your help. I really appreciate all your help. Je connais Tom mieux que je vous connais. I know Tom better than I know you. I know Tom better than I know you. Penses-tu que Tom a envie de manger, maintenant ? Do you think Tom wants to eat now? Do you think Tom wants to eat now? Tom a dîné avec ses parents. Tom had dinner with his parents. Tom had dinner with his parents. Est-il difficile d'être végétalien ? Is it hard to be vegan? Is it hard to be vegan? Elle montra son courage face au danger. She showed her courage in the face of danger. She showed her courage in the face of danger. Cet article est de qualité supérieure. This article is high quality. This item is of superior quality. Je te verrai plus tard, d'accord ? I'll see you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? Il y a une télécommande sous le canapé. There is a TV remote control under the couch. There is a remote control under the sofa. Il s'évanouit de faim et de fatigue, mais revint à lui peu après. He fainted with hunger and fatigue, but came to after a while. He fainted from hunger and fatigue, but returned to him shortly afterwards. Je suis venue hier. I came yesterday. I came yesterday. Il n'est pas si mignon. He's not that cute. He's not that cute. Vous permettez que je vous pose quelques questions sur vos antécédents médicaux ? Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? May I ask you a few questions about your medical history? As-tu la monnaie de cinquante ? Do you have change for a fifty? Do you have the 50's coin? La chose la plus importante dans le jeu d'échecs est de savoir évaluer les positions. The most important thing in the game of chess is knowing how to evaluate positions. The most important thing in chess is to know how to evaluate positions. J'étudie afin de pouvoir maîtriser le quechua. I am studying with the purpose of being able to speak Quechua. I study so I can master Quechua. Nous avons découvert que ce n'était pas vrai. We found out that that wasn't true. We found out it wasn't true. Il n'y a pas de frais d'admission pour les enfants de moins de cinq ans. There is no admission fee for children under five. There is no admission fee for children under the age of five. Le printemps est devant nous, l'automne derrière. Spring ahead, fall behind. Spring is ahead of us, autumn behind us. Pourquoi Neptune est-elle bleue ? Why is Neptune blue? Why is Neptune blue? Allumes ton cerveau ! Turn on your brain! Turn on your brain! Nous allâmes tôt au théâtre, de sorte que nous puissions être assurés que chacun puisse disposer d'un fauteuil. We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat. We went early to the theatre, so that we could be sure that everyone could have a chair. Prends courage et recommence. Take heart and do it again. Take courage and start again. Cette tâche est la cerise sur mon gâteau. This task is the icing on my cake. This task is the icing on my cake. Nous ne pouvons nous le permettre. We cannot afford it. We cannot afford it. Je l'ai caché quelque part. I hid it somewhere. I hid it somewhere. Elle m'a écrit une longue lettre. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. L'année prochaine sera pire. Next year will be worse. Next year will be worse. As-tu une chambre ? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Je vois un lion blanc. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Est-ce que je t'ai déjà laissé tomber ? When have I ever let you down? Have I ever let you down? Longue vie et prospérité. Live long and prosper. Long life and prosperity. Envoie des renforts ! Send reinforcements. Send reinforcements! Je ne peux pas en parler maintenant. I can't talk about that right now. I can't talk about it now. Ton dernier repas contenait-il des fruits, des noix, des œufs ou des crustacés ? Did your last meal contain fruit, nuts, eggs, or shellfish? Did your last meal contain fruits, nuts, eggs or crustaceans? Layla a énormément manqué à Sami. Sami missed Layla so much. Layla missed Sami immensely. Je veux tout savoir. I want to know everything. I want to know everything. Nous sommes toutes des lâches. We're all cowards. We are all cowards. Est-ce que Tom vous connaît ? Does Tom know you? Does Tom know you? Les langues officielles de l’ONU sont l’arabe, le chinois, l’anglais, le français, le russe et l’espagnol. The official languages of the UN are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The official languages of the UN are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué une insuffisance rénale ? Have you ever been diagnosed with renal failure? Have you ever been diagnosed with kidney failure? Conserver à température ambiante. Store at room temperature. Store at room temperature. Je te veux hors d'ici. I want you out of here. I want you out of here. Es-tu capable de sauter par dessus une chaise à partir de la station debout ? Can you jump over a chair from a standing position? Are you able to jump over a chair from standing? Qu'est-ce qui vous donne le droit de demander ? What gives you the right to ask? What gives you the right to ask? Peut-être que ce n'est pas une si bonne idée. Maybe that's not such a good idea. Maybe it's not such a good idea. Tu crois qu'on nous pardonnera un jour? Do you think we can ever be forgiven? Do you think we'll ever be forgiven? Qui peut contester les droits des Juifs sur la Palestine ? Mon Dieu, historiquement c'est bien votre pays ! Who can contest the rights of the Jews to Palestine? My God, historically, it is your country! Who can challenge the rights of the Jews to Palestine? My God, historically this is your country! Un visage apparut à la fenêtre. A face appeared at the window. A face appeared at the window. La lingua franca nova est une langue facile et belle. Lingua Franca Nova is an easy and beautiful language. The lingua franca nova is an easy and beautiful language. J'ai été condamnée. I was convicted. I've been convicted. Je crois que Tom a acheté la maison qu’il a regardée la semaine dernière. I think Tom bought the house he was looking at last week. I think Tom bought the house he looked at last week. La campagne présidentielle commence à prendre de la vitesse. Tous les coups seront permis. Ça va saigner ! The presidential campaign starts getting speed. All moves will be allowed. There will be blood! The presidential campaign is starting to pick up steam. Every blow will be allowed. It's going to bleed! En es-tu sûre ? Are you sure about that? Are you sure? Sommes-nous à l'antenne ? Are we on the air? Are we on the air? Tom est météorologue. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom is a meteorologist. Le maire a attribué les prix en personne. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor awarded the prizes in person. Ce n'est pas loin d'ici. It's not far from here. It's not far from here. Quelqu'un doit l'avoir laissé là. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left it there. Elle a déchiré la lettre après l'avoir lue. She tore the letter up after reading it. She tore up the letter after reading it. La corruption fut révélée. The bribery came to light. Corruption was revealed. Elle n'a rien payé. She paid nothing. She didn't pay anything. Il se révéla être son père. He turned out to be her father. He turned out to be his father. Pourquoi ne restez-vous pas là ? Why don't you stay there? Why don't you stay here? Je serai en mesure de l'achever d'ici un jour ou deux. I'll be able to finish it in a day or two. I'll be able to finish it in a day or two. Ce n'est qu'un salaud. He's just a bastard. He's just a bastard. Ken sait bien nager. Ken is good at swimming. Ken knows how to swim. Tu es chrétien ? Are you a Christian? Are you a Christian? Nous nous sommes éloignés l'un de l'autre. We moved away from each other. We moved away from each other. Commençons à traduire ! Let's start translating! Let's start translating! Si le téléphone sonne de nouveau, j'ai l'intention de l'ignorer. If the phone rings again, I plan to ignore it. If the phone rings again, I intend to ignore it. Lorsque Pierre Gringoire arriva sur la place de Grève, il était transi. By the time Pierre Gringoire had arrived at the Place de Grève, he was numb. When Pierre Gringoire arrived at the Place de Grève, he was transi. As-tu enfin décodé le message ? Have you decoded the message yet? Have you finally decoded the message? Ces habits te vont bien. These clothes suit you. These clothes look good on you. Vous payerez pour ça ! You will pay for this! You'll pay for it! Pour aller au musée, marchez vers le fleuve et, quand vous y arrivez, tournez à droite. To go to the museum, walk toward the river, and when you get there, turn right. To go to the museum, walk towards the river and, when you get there, turn right. C'est une catholique dévote. She's a devout Catholic. She's a devout Catholic. Il la mentionna. He mentioned it. He mentioned it. Êtes-vous capable de lire dans cette langue ? Are you able to read in this language? Are you able to read in this language? Ils s'ennuient. They are bored. They're bored. Fais ce que tu as à faire. Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do. Comparez les signatures. Compare the signatures. Compare the signatures. Les personnes ont-elles réellement besoin de se haïr mutuellement? Do people really have to hate one another? Do people really need to hate each other? En moyenne, combien de tasses de café buvez-vous par jour ? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day? Comment vont ta mère et ton père ? How are your mother and father? How are your mother and father? T'ai-je montré ceci ? Did I show you this? Did I show you this? Combien ça t'a coûté d'aller à Boston ? How much did it cost you to get to Boston? How much did it cost to go to Boston? Bobby Fischer est le joueur d'échecs le plus connu des États-Unis. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Bobby Fischer is the most famous chess player in the United States. Ne m'oblige pas à le dire. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it. Elle a trop confiance en elle-même. She's overconfident. She has too much confidence in herself. Avant ma femme restait à la maison, mais maintenant elle travaille. My wife used to stay home, but she works now. Before my wife stayed at home, but now she works. Cette femme est très belle. This woman is very good looking. This woman is very beautiful. J'y ai réfléchi et ai décidé de ne pas m'y rendre. I thought it over and decided not to go. I thought about it and decided not to go there. Père est en colère contre moi. Father is angry with me. Father is angry with me. Il y eut une folle ruée vers la sortie. There was a mad rush toward the exit. There was a mad rush to the exit. Vous avez tous l'air si heureux. You all look so happy. You all look so happy. Tu sais t'y prendre avec les femmes. You have a way with women. You know how to deal with women. Est-ce votre réponse ? Is that your answer? Is that your answer? J'ai été désorientée. I got confused. I was confused. Paula a-t-elle étudié pour l'examen d'aujourd'hui ? Did Paula study for today's test? Did Paula study for today's exam? Faites ce qui vous paraît juste. Do whatever you think is right. Do what you think is right. Elle a disparu il y a deux jours. She disappeared two days ago. She disappeared two days ago. Accroche tes vêtements ici, s'il te plaît. Please hang your clothes over here. Hang your clothes here, please. Je vais essayer de t'aider. I'll try to help you. I'll try to help you. Il finira tôt ou tard par tout me dire. He will tell me everything sooner or later. Sooner or later he will tell me everything. Il y a des animations musicales, de neuf heure à minuit. There's musical entertainment from nine o'clock to midnight. There are musical animations, from nine o'clock to midnight. Nous allons avoir un bébé. We are going to have a baby. We're gonna have a baby. Quatre-vingt pour cent des mots anglais proviennent d'autres langues. 80% of all English words come from other languages. Eighty percent of English words come from other languages. Il nous faut mieux faire. We have to do better. We need to do better. Nous nous dirigeons vers l'est. We're going east. We're heading east. Double-cliquez sur l'icône. Double-click the icon. Double-click the icon. Je ne peux pas courir parce que je suis très fatigué. I cannot run because I am very tired. I can't run because I'm very tired. Il veut juste s'amuser. He just wants to have fun. He just wants to have fun. Nous considérâmes ce rapport comme faux. We considered the report as false. We considered this report to be false. Tu peux remercier Jim pour ton échec. You have Jim to thank for your failure. You can thank Jim for your failure. N'entre pas dans la cuisine ! Don't go in the kitchen! Don't go into the kitchen! J'ai mis mes vêtements dans la sécheuse. I put my clothes in the dryer. I put my clothes in the dryer. Elle ignore les choses scientifiques les plus simples. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. It ignores the simplest scientific things. C’est parvenu aujourd’hui. It arrived today. It happened today. Avais-tu eu beaucoup d'expériences heureuses durant ton enfance ? Did you have a lot of happy experiences during your childhood? Did you have a lot of happy experiences in your childhood? Ils ont porté l'eau dans des seaux. They carried water in buckets. They carried the water in buckets. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you actually think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Vous avez aimé ce film, n'est-ce pas ? You liked that movie, didn't you? You liked this movie, didn't you? Il dirigea ses pas vers le village. He bent his steps toward the village. He directed his steps towards the village. Tom veut savoir si ça fait mal. Tom wants to know if it hurts. Tom wants to know if it hurts. Il s'enfuit avec le diamant. He ran away with the diamond. He runs away with the diamond. Réfléchissez-y s'il vous plaît et faites-moi part votre décision. Please think it over and let me know your decision. Please think about it and let me know your decision. Tom, qui est gentil, sera heureux de faire quoi que ce soit pour moi. Tom, who is kind, will be glad to do anything for me. Tom, who is nice, will be happy to do anything for me. Je n'ai aucun désir de vous faire du mal. I have no desire to hurt you. I have no desire to hurt you. Tout le monde ne peut pas être poète. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. J'aimerais beaucoup y aller. I'd very much like to go. I'd love to go. Je n'ai pas du tout cru le vieil homme. I didn't believe the old man at all. I didn't believe the old man at all. Avez-vous déjà été hospitalisée pour une bronchite ou une pneumonie ? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Quelque chose cloche au royaume des phrases. Something’s wrong in the realm of sentences. Something is wrong in the realm of phrases. Je ne sais pas ce que tu cherches. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Il faut que Tom voie ça. Tom needs to see this. Tom needs to see this. Comment pouvez-vous en être tellement sûres ? How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure? Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui joue de la guitare ? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Nous avons regardé par la fenêtre, mais nous n'avons rien vu. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. Il m'a prévenu que j'échouerais. He warned me that I would fail. He warned me that I would fail. Maman a dit la même chose. Et alors ? Cela ne me concerne pas. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Mom said the same thing. Ils nous ont reçues à dîner hier soir. They entertained us at dinner last night. They received us for dinner last night. Tu ne comprends pas. Il te tuera. You don't understand. He'll kill you. You don't understand, he'll kill you. Les joueurs doivent respecter les règles. The players must obey the rules. Players must follow the rules. Accélère ! Go faster! Hurry up! Pour améliorer la situation, il faut travailler plus dur. To improve the situation, we must work harder. To improve the situation, you have to work harder. Il ne l'approuverait pas. He would not approve. He wouldn't approve of it. Il te faut porter un smoking. You need to wear a tuxedo. You have to wear a tuxedo. L'important est de garder cela en tête. What is important is to keep this in mind. The important thing is to keep this in mind. Les absents ont toujours tort. The absent are always in the wrong. Absentees are always wrong. Je vous arracherai la tête ! I'll rip your head off! I'll rip your head off! Vous pouvez me prendre en photo ? Can you take a picture of me? Can you take a picture of me? Une guêpe l'a piqué et il a eu une réaction allergique. A wasp stung him and he had an allergic reaction. A wasp stung him and he had an allergic reaction. Pourquoi ai-je fait cela ? What did I do that for? Why did I do that? Ils n'ont rien vu. They didn't see anything. They didn't see anything. C'est la vie ! C'est la vie! That's life! M. Parker tenta de manger avec des baguettes. Mr Parker tried eating with chopsticks. Mr. Parker tried to eat with chopsticks. Si tu racontes trop de mensonges, les gens ne te croiront jamais. If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe you. If you tell too many lies, people will never believe you. Le coureur a atteint le point de mi-parcours. The runner had reached the halfway mark. The runner has reached the halfway point. La cuisine de ce restaurant n'est pas bonne, les prix sont élevés et le service est nul. Bref, n'allez pas dans ce restaurant. The food at this restaurant is not good, the prices expensive, and the service lousy. In short, don't go to this restaurant. The cuisine of this restaurant is not good, the prices are high and the service is zero. In short, do not go to this restaurant. Je suis un habitué de ce restaurant dans ce quartier. Allons déjeuner ici aujourd'hui. I'm a regular at a restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch there today. I'm a regular at this restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch here today. J'ai essayé de le lui expliquer, mais il ne comprend pas. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. Il vend des légumes dans ce magasin. He deals in vegetables at that shop. He sells vegetables in this store. Elle vit encore. It's still alive. She's still alive. Alors ça c'est réduit à cela. So it has come to this. So that's reduced to that. Il serait prêt à donner un bras et une jambe pour l'avoir. He would give an arm and a leg for that. He would be willing to give an arm and a leg to have it. J'ai changé la phrase en français. I changed the French sentence. I changed the sentence to French. Pourquoi vous ne dites rien ? Why aren't you saying anything? Why don't you say anything? Te sens-tu nerveuse au bureau aujourd'hui ? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Vous ne pouvez pas tous les deux dire la vérité. You can't both be telling the truth. You can't both tell the truth. Il est plus beau que tu le penses. He is more handsome than you think. He's more beautiful than you think. Ouvre la bouteille. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Quelqu'un a-t-il vu Tom partir ? Did anybody see Tom leave? Has anyone seen Tom go? Y a-t-il un problème avec ceci ? Is there a problem with this? Is there a problem with this? Traduisez ceci. Translate this. Translate this. Yanni a réagi de façon excessive. Yanni overreacted. Yanni overreacted. La restauration rapide provoque-t-elle une épidémie d'obésité ? Nous reviendrons pour parler de ce sujet après cette publicité McDonald's. Is fast food causing an obesity epidemic? More about that after this McDonald's commercial. Does fast food cause an obesity epidemic? We'll come back to talk about it after this McDonald's ad. Est-ce qu'il pourra venir demain ? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Puis-je vous faire un câlin ? Can I give you a hug? Can I give you a hug? Tom ne m'a pas dit ceci. Tom didn't tell me this. Tom didn't tell me this. Qui est le grand type aux longs cheveux noirs qui joue de la guitare ? Who is the tall guy with long dark hair playing the guitar? Who is the big guy with long black hair who plays the guitar? Ma clé USB contient un virus. My pen-drive has a virus. My USB drive contains a virus. Je croyais que tu m'avais dit que tu ne connaissais pas Tom. I thought you told me you didn't know Tom. I thought you told me you didn't know Tom. Ooh, ça brille. Ooh, shiny. Ooh, it's shining. Les Palestiniens continueront à résister. Palestinians will continue to resist. The Palestinians will continue to resist. J'amènerai des casse-croûtes. I'll bring sandwiches. I'll bring some snacks. Il est l'un de nos présidents les plus expérimentés. He is one of our most experienced chairmen. He is one of our most experienced presidents. Tu es la prunelle de mes yeux. You are the apple of my eyes. You are the apple of my eyes. Il n'y a pas de lézard entre nous. Tant mieux ! There is no problem between us. So much the better! There's no lizard between us. Je veux acheter une chemise pour ma petite soeur. I want to buy a shirt for my little sister. I want to buy a shirt for my little sister. Nous payons le fils des voisins pour qu'il tonde notre pelouse. We pay the kid next door to mow our lawn. We pay the neighbor's son to mow our lawn. Je dois y être à 2 h 30. I have to be there at 2:30. I have to be there at 2:30. Tom était bien. Tom was OK. Tom was fine. Les deux équipes sont arrivées sur le terrain. The two teams arrived on the field. Both teams arrived on the field. Si tu t'y rends par le bus, tu peux y être dans environ le tiers du temps. If you go by bus, you can get there in about one-third of the time. If you get there by bus, you can be there in about a third of the time. La Kabylie a son propre drapeau, son hymne national et sa propre constitution. Kabylia has its own flag, its national anthem and its own constitution. Kabylia has its own flag, national anthem and constitution. Sors les ordures. Take the rubbish out. Get the garbage out. Je prends plaisir à travailler. I enjoy working. I enjoy working. Nous n'avons pas le temps de faire cela maintenant. We don't have time to do that right now. We don't have time to do that now. Va à l'accueil pour demander des renseignements. Go to the welcome desk to ask for some information. Go to the reception to ask for information. Je n'arrive pas à faire ça par moi-même. I can't do this on my own. I can't do this on my own. Êtes-vous complètement devenue folle ? Have you gone completely insane? Have you completely gone crazy? Suis ton rêve. Si tu trébuches, n'arrête pas et ne perds pas de vue ton objectif. Continue vers le sommet, car ce n'est qu'au sommet que tu auras une vue d'ensemble. Follow your dream. If you stumble, don't stop and lose sight of your goal. Press to the top. For only on top can we see the whole view. Follow your dream. If you stumble, don't stop and lose sight of your goal. Continue to the top, because only at the top will you have an overview. Avez-vous eu des écoulements du mamelon ? Have you had any nipple discharge? Have you had nipple discharge? Je me fais des soucis pour sa sécurité. I am concerned for her safety. I'm worried about his safety. Je ferais mieux de faire quelque chose avant que le problème n'empire. I'd better do something before the problem gets any worse. I'd better do something before the problem gets worse. L'homme ne peut vivre sans sel. Man cannot live without salt. Man cannot live without salt. Est-ce que ce bâtiment est ouvert au public ? Is this building open to the public? Is this building open to the public? J'aime jouer au tennis. I like to play tennis. I like to play tennis. Il peut parler japonais et anglais avec facilité. He can speak both Japanese and English with facility. He can speak Japanese and English with ease. Michiko en parle comme si elle avait fait l'Arctique. Michiko talks as if she had been to the Arctic herself. Michiko talks about it as if she had made the Arctic. Comment cela va-t-il ? How's that going? How's it going? Vous appartenez à la génération suivante. You belong to the next generation. You belong to the next generation. Ce mot a trois syllabes. This word has three syllables. This word has three syllables. Ne fais pas l'idiot ! Don't be such a chump! Don't be a fool! Ce programme est encore loin d'être parfait. That program is still far from perfect. This program is still far from perfect. Vous êtes aussi une belle blonde. You are also a beautiful blonde. You are also a beautiful blonde. Le Japon a produit plus de voitures que jamais cette année. Japan has produced more cars than ever this year. Japan has produced more cars this year than ever before. Procédons avec les points de l'ordre du jour. Let's proceed with the items on the agenda. Let's proceed with the agenda items. Le français est leur langue maternelle. French is their mother tongue. French is their mother tongue. Avant, les prêtres disaient la messe en latin. Before, the priests used to say mass in Latin. The priests used to say Mass in Latin. Tout est très bon marché. Everything's very cheap. Everything is very cheap. J'ai été fiancée à un homme pendant cinq ans. I was engaged to a man for five years. I was engaged to a man for five years. Tatoeba : Grand Frère pleurerait s'il voyait jamais notre site. Tatoeba: Big Brother would cry if he ever saw our site. Tatoeba: Big Brother would cry if he ever saw our site. Ça semble être le genre de chose qu'il ferait. That sounds like the kind of thing he'd do. It seems to be the kind of thing he would do. Je pense que vous avez fait un excellent boulot. I think you did an excellent job. I think you did a great job. Je ne vous suivrai pas. I won't follow you. I won't follow you. Je peux t'apprendre à pêcher. I can teach you how to fish. I can teach you how to fish. Je suis inquiet pour le bébé. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. Ce sont des chants pour les enfants. These are nursery rhymes. These are songs for children. Le plaisir est à l'opposé de la tristesse. Delight is the opposite of sorrow. Pleasure is the opposite of sadness. C'est possible que j'aie oublié mes clefs. It is possible that I forgot my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Je pense avoir une idée. I think I have an idea. I think I have an idea. J'aurais dû savoir que c'était vous. I should've known it was you. I should have known it was you. Vous avez un bel appartement. You have a beautiful flat. You have a nice apartment. À première vue, ce n'est pas une mauvaise idée. At first glance this is not a bad idea. At first glance, this is not a bad idea. Tu ne peux pas nous garder ici. You can't keep us here. You can't keep us here. C'est affaire de goût personnel. It's a question of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. C'est personnel. This is personal. It's personal. Ma petite-fille vient d’avoir un bébé, de telle sorte que je suis désormais arrière-grand-père. My granddaughter just had a baby, so now I'm a great-grandfather. My granddaughter just had a baby, so I’m now a great-grandfather. Tom savait que Marie devait le faire. Tom knew Mary had to do that. Tom knew Mary had to do it. Cette ville est à deux milles de la côte. The town is two miles away from the coast. This town is two miles from the coast. Sont-ils français ? Are they French? Are they French? Tom m'a promis qu'il viendrait. Tom promised me he'd come. Tom promised me he would come. Avez-vous régulièrement la bouche sèche ? Do you regularly experience dry mouth? Do you have a dry mouth regularly? Est-ce qu'on t'a traité pour une infection après ton opération ? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? Have you been treated for an infection after your surgery? Que pense Tom de Mary ? What does Tom think of Mary? What do you think of Tom de Mary? Tom n’est pas aussi grand que moi. Tom isn't as tall as I am. Tom is not as big as me. J'ai mangé. I ate. I ate. À en juger par ce qu'il dit, il paraît un homme capable. Judging from what he says, he seems to be a man of ability. Judging by what he says, he seems a capable man. Je n'aime absolument pas le fromage de chèvre. I absolutely do not like goat cheese. I don't like goat cheese at all. Vous êtes le professeur. You're the teacher. You're the teacher. Mon grand-père adore se remémorer sa jeunesse. My grandfather loves to reminisce about his youth. My grandfather loves to remember his youth. Il est rond comme une queue de pelle. He's hammered. It's round like a shovel's tail. La plupart des élèves vont à l'école à pied. Most students walk to school. Most students go to school on foot. Pouvez-vous décrire votre mal de ventre ? Can you describe your stomach pain? Can you describe your stomach pain? Quelqu'un a tenté de me tuer. Somebody tried to kill me. Someone tried to kill me. Ce n'est pas son seul problème. That's not his only problem. That's not his only problem. Tous tes problèmes ont été résolus. All your problems have been solved. All your problems have been solved. J'ai fait marche arrière. I reversed. I backtracked. L'été est presque terminé. Summer is almost over. The summer is almost over. Oubliez ça tout de suite. Forget about that right now. Forget it right now. Portez-vous un dentier ? Do you wear dentures? Do you wear dentures? Vos idées sont les bienvenues. Your ideas are welcome. Your ideas are welcome. Pose-toi un instant. Settle down for a while and concentrate. Sit down for a moment. La Kabylie couvre plusieurs provinces : Tizi Ouzou et Bejaia, une partie de Bouira et des parties de la ville de Boumerdes, Jijel, Sétif et Bordj Bou Arreridj. Le parc national de Gouraya et le parc national du Djurdjura sont également situés en Kabylie. Kabylia covers several provinces: Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia, part of Bouira and parts of the city of Boumerdes, Jijel, Setif and Bordj Bou Arreridj. Gouraya National Park and Djurdjura National Park are also located in Kabylia. Kabylie covers several provinces: Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia, part of Bouira and parts of the city of Boumerdes, Jijel, Setif and Bordj Bou Arreridj. Combien de livres enregistrés as-tu sur ton baladeur numérique ? How many audiobooks do you have on your mobile MP3 player? How many books do you have on your digital music player? Merci d'éteindre la lumière lorsque tu quittes la pièce. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. Ce fut la meilleure soirée de tous les temps. It was the best party ever. It was the best night of all time. Puis-je vraiment prendre le risque ? Can I really risk it? Can I really take the risk? Le religieux est resté à genoux pendant des heures. The religious man remained kneeling for hours. The religious remained on his knees for hours. Je pense qu'il lui manque une case. I don't think he's playing with a full deck. I think he's missing a box. Tom a dit qu'il aimerait être un poisson. Tom said he'd like to be a fish. Tom said he'd like to be a fish. Elle est esclave de la mode. She's a fashion slave. She is a slave to fashion. Pouvons-nous disposer d'un moment seules ? Can we have a moment alone? Can we have a moment alone? Le sucre n'est pas bon pour la santé. Sugar isn't good for your health. Sugar is not good for your health. Si après 1.e4 des blanches, les noires jouent 1. ... c5, l'ouverture s'appelle Défense Sicilienne, qui est l'une des préférées parmi de nombreux joueurs d'échecs célèbres. If after 1.e4 from White, Black plays 1. ... c5, the opening is called Sicilian Defense, which is one of the favorites among many famous chess players. If after 1.e4 of the whites, the blacks play 1....c5, the opening is called Sicilian Defense, which is one of the favorite among many famous chess players. Il avait besoin de se reposer. He needed to rest. He needed to rest. Est-ce la ville où Mika est né ? Is this the town where Mika was born? Is this the city where Mika was born? Je l'ai entendu descendre les escaliers. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him come down the stairs. La pluie tombe et le vent souffle. It is raining and the wind is blowing. The rain falls and the wind blows. Il est intransigeant ! He is uncompromising! He is intransigent! La maire pensa qu'il devrait enquêter sur la chute des recettes fiscales. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The mayor thought he should investigate the fall in tax revenues. Il a honte de son échec. He is ashamed of his failure. He is ashamed of his failure. Je sais que vous vous cachez quelque part dans cette pièce. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. Tom est important. Tom is important. Tom is important. La soupe que j'avais était tellement chaude que je ne pouvais pas la manger. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot that I couldn’t eat it. Le gouvernement tente de museler la presse. The government is trying to muzzle the press. The government is trying to muzzle the press. La paix est très importante. Peace is very important. Peace is very important. Le batteur a été enterré la semaine dernière. The drummer was buried last week. The drummer was buried last week. En règle générale, c'est l'été qu'il grêle. As a rule, hail falls in summer. As a rule, it is summer that it hails. Elle est aussi intelligente que lui. She is as intelligent as he. She's as smart as him. Il y a beaucoup trop de monde dans cette pièce. There are way too many people in this room. There are too many people in this room. Un poisson peut nager. A fish can swim. A fish can swim. De combien de cylindres un moteur a-t-il besoin ? How many cylinders does an engine need? How many cylinders does an engine need? J'étais juste derrière vous. I was right behind you. I was right behind you. Personne n'a de meilleure idée ? Anybody got a better idea? No one has a better idea? Je ne voulais pas vous interrompre. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I didn't want to interrupt you. Comment la maladie se diffuse-t-elle ? How does this disease spread? How does the disease spread? Prends un peu de sommeil. Get some sleep. Get some sleep. J'ai découvert quelque chose d'intéressant, aujourd'hui. I found out something interesting today. I found something interesting today. Je ne dispose pas de ces réponses. I don't have those answers. I do not have these answers. Je veux savoir qui a fait ça. I want to know who did that. I want to know who did this. Je n'habitais pas à Boston l'année dernière. I wasn't living in Boston last year. I didn't live in Boston last year. Le monde entier nous regarde. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching us. Tom n'est pas en train de boire de la vodka. Tom isn't drinking vodka. Tom's not drinking vodka. Quelque chose n'allait pas. Something was wrong. Something was wrong. Il est récemment décédé. He died recently. He recently passed away. Les promesses sont faites pour ne pas être tenues. Promises are made to be broken. Promises are made not to be kept. Paul étudie très fort ces temps-ci. Paul studies very hard these days. Paul is studying hard these days. Elle est bien plus grande que moi. She is much taller than I. She's much bigger than me. Il fut fait prisonnier et tué lors de la Révolution. He was imprisoned and killed during the revolution. He was taken prisoner and killed during the Revolution. Les Français aiment les cuisses de grenouille. The French love frog legs. The French love frog legs. Pouvez-vous vérifier cela ? Can you verify that? Can you verify that? Est-ce qu'on peut jouer un peu plus longtemps ? Can we play a little longer? Can we play a little longer? Tom est tombé dans l'eau glacé de la rivière. Tom fell into the ice-cold water of the river. Tom fell into the frozen water of the river. Rubén est père de trois enfants. Rubén is the father of three children. Rubén is a father of three children. Avez-vous des difficultés à respirer lorsque vous vous allongez à plat ? Do you have difficulty breathing when you lie down flat? Do you have trouble breathing when lying flat? Vas-tu oser lui poser des questions sur l'accident ? Dare you ask him about the accident? Do you dare to ask him about the accident? Un coca s'il vous plaît. A coke, please. A coke, please. Donnez-moi un café, je vous prie. Give me a coffee, please. Give me a cup of coffee, please. Votre jardin est vraiment petit. Your garden is really small. Your garden is really small. La règle ne s'applique pas dans ce cas. The rule doesn't apply in this case. The rule does not apply in this case. Il y a des choses que vous devez savoir. There are things you need to know. There are things you need to know. Se croire un personnage est fort commun en France. To think one is a character is very common in France. Thinking of yourself as a character is very common in France. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué une hémophilie ? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? L'aventure en vaut la peine. Adventure is worthwhile. The adventure is worth it. Malgré la pluie, le match n'a pas été annulé. In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled. Despite the rain, the match was not cancelled. Le soleil est sur le point de se coucher. The sun is about to set. The sun is about to set. Nul n'est parfait. Nobody is perfect. No one is perfect. Je pense souvent à vous. I think about you often. I think of you often. J'étais habitué à la chaleur. I was used to the heat. I was used to the heat. Elles sont là. They are here. They're here. Je suis sûre de pouvoir persuader Tom. I'm sure I can persuade Tom. I'm sure I can persuade Tom. Quand vous barrez-vous d'ici ? When are you getting out of here? When do you get out of here? J'achète du lait presque tous les jours. I buy milk almost every day. I buy milk almost every day. " Votre nom m'est très familier, M. Holmes, " dit-il en souriant. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," said he, smiling. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," he said with a smile. Avez-vous rendu votre rapport ? Have you turned in your report? Have you submitted your report? Google est mon professeur. Google is my teacher. Google is my teacher. Tu es chanceux que personne ne t'ait vu faire ça. You're lucky nobody saw you do that. You're lucky no one saw you do that. Merci de prendre soin de tout ceci. Thanks for taking care of all of this. Thank you for taking care of all of this. Les édifices en bois prennent facilement feu. Wooden buildings catch fire easily. Wooden buildings easily catch fire. Éprouves-tu toujours des sentiments pour lui ? Do you still have feelings for him? Do you still have feelings for him? Y avait-il qui que ce soit d'autre aux alentours ? Was there anyone else around? Was there anyone else around? Mon ami n'a aucun intérêt pour le mariage. My friend has no interest in marriage. My friend has no interest in marriage. Deux glaces, s'il te plaît. Two ice creams, please. Two ice creams, please. Plus on devient vieux, moins on devient innocent. The older we grow, the less innocent we become. The older you get, the less innocent you become. Vous êtes plutôt bonne. You're pretty good. You're pretty good. Tu prêches un convaincu. You're preaching to the choir. You preach a convinced man. Tom n'est pas aussi audacieux qu'il semble l'être. Tom isn't as daring as he seems. Tom is not as bold as he seems to be. Mon amie est ici. My friend is here. My friend's here. Souhaitez-vous parler à un prestataire de services de santé mentale ? Would you like to speak with a mental health provider? Would you like to talk to a mental health service provider? Votre nom, s'il vous plaît. Your name, please. Your name, please. Quand vient le printemps, les jours rallongent de jour en jour. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, the days get longer by the day. Sa sœur ne va pas en Amérique. Her sister is not going to America. His sister is not going to America. Voilà pourquoi je souris. That's why I'm smiling. That's why I smile. C'est dans ce palais qu'habitent le roi et la reine. In the palace live the king and the queen. It is in this palace that the king and queen live. En effet, c'est une belle surprise de vous voir ici. In fact, it's a great surprise to see you here. Indeed, it is a nice surprise to see you here. Je veux juste être ton ami, rien de plus. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. C'est votre première incarcération ? Is this your first time in jail? Is this your first incarceration? Je n'ai jamais tué, ni blessé personne. I have never killed nor injured anybody. I never killed or hurt anyone. Pourrais-tu me rappeler demain, s'il te plait ? Could you please call me back tomorrow? Could you call me tomorrow, please? Ça vous évoque quelque chose ? Does this ring a bell? Does that sound like something to you? Puis-je revenir ? May I come again? May I come back? Au contraire. Far from it. On the contrary. Tom en a-t-il déjà parlé à Mary ? Has Tom told Mary yet? Have you ever talked to Mary about this? Rester à la maison est ennuyeux. Staying home is boring. Staying at home is boring. Tu iras à l'école. You will go to school. You'll go to school. Je suis occupé à me préparer pour demain. I'm busy getting ready for tomorrow. I'm busy getting ready for tomorrow. Mon père cuisine souvent. My father often cooks. My father cooks often. Le véhicule roulant à vive allure glissa et s'enfonça tête la première dans l'arrière d'un camion avant que son conducteur n'ait pu dire Jack Robinson. The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The high-speed vehicle slipped and drove headfirst into the back of a truck before its driver could tell Jack Robinson. Juste un instant. Je ne me suis pas encore décidé. Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind yet. Just a moment. I haven't decided yet. Désolé, mais je n'ai pas envie de sortir aujourd'hui. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like going out today. Sorry, but I don't want to go out today. Il te faut être davantage organisée. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. Ce n'est pas mon stylo. That is not my pen. It's not my pen. Comment retire-t-on les taches de vin de son tapis ? How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet? How do you remove wine stains from your carpet? Je te le promets. You have my word. I promise. D'où tient-elle cette connaissance sur les poissons ? How did she get to know so much about fish? Where does this knowledge of fish come from? Elle dépense autant qu'elle gagne. She spends as much money as she earns. She spends as much as she earns. Un homme averti en vaut deux. Forewarned is forearmed. An informed man is worth two. Elle m'a enseigné la conduite. She taught me how to drive. She taught me driving. Nous sommes tous déçus. We're all disappointed. We are all disappointed. Nous n'avons pas eu à faire face à cela auparavant. We haven't had to deal with this before. We have not had to deal with this before. Alice pourra te dire qu'au Pays des merveilles, tout est sens dessus dessous. Alice will tell you that in Wonderland everything is topsy-turvy. Alice can tell you that in Wonderland, everything is upside down. Elle est fière de sa fille. She takes pride in her daughter. She is proud of her daughter. Ignorez-les. Ignore them. Ignore them. Jessie fait bouillir de l'eau pour faire le café. Jessie is boiling water to make coffee. Jessie boils water to make coffee. Ils ont dit que vous étiez virée. They said you were fired. They said you were fired. Il est handicapé mental. He is mentally handicapped. He is mentally handicapped. Peut-être que Tom aimerait cela. Maybe Tom would like that. Maybe Tom would like that. Enseigner nous apprend. By teaching, we learn. Teaching teaches us. Pendant la réunion, le directeur a avancé une proposition. The manager advanced a proposal at the meeting. During the meeting, the Director put forward a proposal. Tu peux aller chercher du pain à la boulangerie, deux petites et une grosse, s'il te plait ? Et s'ils n'en ont plus, tu peux prendre quatre ficelles à la place. Could you please go buy bread at the baker's, two small ones and a large one please? And if they ran out, you can buy four thin baguettes instead. Can you get some bread from the bakery, two small and one big, please? Yanni est né à Bejaia en Algérie. Yanni was born in Bejaia, Algeria. Yanni was born in Bejaia, Algeria. On dirait qu'il est en train de gagner. It looks like he's winning. Looks like he's winning. Des trois enfants, c'est le plus jeune le plus attirant. Of the three boys, the youngest is the most attractive. Of the three children, he is the youngest and most attractive. Es-tu sûre que tu n'es pas fatiguée ? Are you sure you're not tired? Are you sure you're not tired? Je ne vois pas un seul client dans ce magasin. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don’t see a single customer in this store. J'ai besoin que vous traduisiez ce document en russe. I need you to translate this document into Russian. I need you to translate this document into Russian. D'après Tom, le danois est la plus belle langue du monde. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Ils les craignent. They're afraid of them. They fear them. Voudriez-vous me monter ceci au premier étage ? Would you carry this up to the second floor for me? Would you like to put this on the first floor? As-tu remarqué des changements dans tes cheveux ou tes ongles ? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Y a-t-il une boîte aux lettres près d'ici ? Is there a mailbox near here? Is there a mailbox near here? Vénus est pareille à l'enfer. Sa température de surface, telle une fournaise, s'élève à plus de quatre-cent-cinquante degrés Celsius. Venus is like Hell. The oven-like surface temperature hovers over 450 degrees Celsius. Venus is like hell; its surface temperature, like a furnace, rises to more than four hundred and fifty degrees Celsius. Je pense que tu te trompes. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. Je suis heureux de voir tant de visages amicaux. I'm happy to see so many friendly faces. I am glad to see so many friendly faces. Premier coup ! Strike one! First shot! Le curry est composé d'épices variées. Curry powder is composed of several spices. Curry is made up of various spices. J'ai mangé une tranche de pain grillée au petit déjeuner. I ate toast for breakfast. I ate a slice of toast for breakfast. Je suis vraiment désolée d'être rentré à la maison aussi tard. I'm very sorry I came home so late. I'm so sorry I came home so late. Je suis encore en train de penser à l'énigme. I'm still thinking about the riddle. I'm still thinking about the riddle. Quelle cuisson voudrais-tu pour ton bifteck ? How would you like your steak? What cooking would you like for your steak? Faire du monocycle est un truc auquel je suis pas très bon. Riding a unicycle is one thing I'm not very good at. Making a unicycle is something I’m not very good at. Il a fermement insisté pour faire valoir son opinion. He strongly persisted in arguing his opinion. He strongly insisted on his opinion. Je te donne la parole. I give you the floor. I'll give you the floor. Il ne lui manquait qu'un seul défaut pour être parfaite. To be perfect she lacked just one defect. He only needed one fault to be perfect. Portons un toast à l'invité d'honneur ! Let's toast the guest of honor! Let's toast the guest of honor! Sois originale. Be original. Be original. Les gens aux États-Unis parlent anglais. People in the United States speak English. People in the United States speak English. J’ai tendu une tasse de café à Tom. I handed Tom a cup of coffee. I gave Tom a cup of coffee. Voulez-vous que je vienne au Japon pour vous voir ? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Prends un livre et lis ! Take a book and read! Take a book and read! L'homme au mauvais endroit peut faire toute la différence dans le monde. Alors réveillez-vous Monsieur Freeman. Réveillez-vous et sentez les cendres. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up Mister Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. The man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. J'aime bien le toki pona. I like Toki Pona. I like the toki pona. J'aimerais voyager plus souvent, mais le manque d’argent ne me le permet pas. I'd like to tavel more often but the lack of money doesn't allow me to do so. I would like to travel more often, but the lack of money does not allow me. Arrête de m'ennuyer, je suis occupé. Stop pestering me. I'm busy. Stop getting bored, I'm busy. Je savais que Tom m'aurais aidé. I knew Tom would help me. I knew Tom would help me. Tu peux choisir n'importe quel livre que tu aimes. You may choose any book you like. You can choose any book you like. La sagesse vaut plus que les perles. The price of wisdom is above pearls. Wisdom is worth more than pearls. Donne la maison à ma fille. Give the house to my daughter. Give the house to my daughter. Il entra dans la pièce, pour être confronté à un policier. He entered the room, to be confronted by a policeman. He entered the room to be confronted by a policeman. Je sais juste que ce n'est pas correct. I just know that it's not right. I just know it's not right. Sont-elles nouvelles ? Are they new? Are they new? Marie est vétérinaire. Mary is a veterinarian. Marie is a veterinarian. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué des problèmes de thyroïde ? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid problems? Le fond de l'air est frais ce matin. The air feels somewhat cold this morning. The bottom of the air is fresh this morning. Les voix dans la tête de Tom parlent français. The voices in Tom's head speak French. The voices in Tom’s head speak French. Utilise la douche autant que tu voudras. Shower as much as you want. Use the shower as much as you like. Les arbres étaient emplis d'oiseaux. The trees were full of birds. The trees were full of birds. Je pense que Tom a raconté à Marie ce que nous avons fait l'été dernier. I think Tom told Mary about what we did last summer. I think Tom told Marie what we did last summer. À ce moment, je regardais la télé. I was watching TV then. At that moment, I was watching TV. Elles ouvrent la fenêtre. They are opening the window. They open the window. Je pense que c'est évident, pas toi ? I think it's obvious, don't you? I think it's obvious, don't you? Avez-vous un sifflet ? Do you have a whistle? Do you have a whistle? Il a pris le fusil puis a visé la cible. He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target. He took the gun and then targeted the target. Pour cette raison, la crédibilité des auteurs du livre dépend de la crédibilité de leurs sources. For this reason, the credibility of the book's authors rests on the credibility of their sources. For this reason, the credibility of the authors of the book depends on the credibility of their sources. J'ai consommé toute mon énergie. I consumed my whole energy. I consumed all my energy. Je n'avais pas le droit de partir. I wasn't allowed to leave. I had no right to leave. Souriez, je vous prie ! Please smile. Smile, please! Les cerisiers sont en pleine floraison. The cherry trees are in full blossom. The cherry trees are in full bloom. Il est devenu accro aux drogues à un jeune âge. He got hooked on drugs at a young age. He became addicted to drugs at a young age. Les États-Unis ont été surnommés le "gendarme du monde", mais certains intellectuels américains n'hésitent pas à appeler leur propre pays "État voyou." The United States have been dubbed the "world policeman", but some American intellectuals do not hesitate to call their own country "rogue state." The United States has been dubbed the “world’s steward,” but some American intellectuals do not hesitate to call their own country a “rogue state.” Je suis le plus grand de la classe. I'm the tallest one in the class. I am the biggest in the class. Il a réussi le test comme prévu. He passed the test as was expected. He passed the test as planned. Elle dit ne sortir avec personne à l'heure actuelle, mais je ne la crois pas. She says she's not dating anyone now, but I don't believe her. She says she's not dating anyone right now, but I don't believe her. Je n'avais pas le cœur au travail. My heart wasn't in the work. I didn’t have my heart at work. Tu dois le faire, que ça te plaise ou non. Like it or not, you must do it. You have to do it, whether you like it or not. Si vous travaillez dur et n'abandonnez jamais, vous pouvez tout accomplir... si vous avez de la chance. If you work hard, and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. If you work hard and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. L'aigle survole, plonge et avec ses griffes capture un petit animal, puis revient dans le ciel. From high above, the eagle dives toward its prey, captures it with its claws, and flies back into the sky. The eagle flies, dives and with its claws captures a small animal, then returns to the sky. Ma mère déteste quand je prononce des jurons. My mother hates it when I use expletives. My mother hates it when I swear. Plaît-il ? Pardon me? Please? Tu as l'air un peu remuée. You look a little shaken. You look a little moved. On a sauvé un petit oiseau qui était tombé du nid. We saved a little bird who had fallen out of the nest. We saved a little bird that had fallen from the nest. Êtes-vous sexuellement actif ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Le problème est qu'elle a pratiquement perdu sa voix. The trouble is, she's almost lost her voice. The problem is that she almost lost her voice. Kobe est la ville où je suis né. Kobe is the city which I was born in. Kobe is the city where I was born. Jimmy était habitué à ce que ses amis se moquent de lui. Jimmy was accustomed to his friends making fun of him. Jimmy was used to his friends making fun of him. Comparez votre phrase avec celle du tableau. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence with the one in the table. J'ai eu un bon instituteur. I had a good teacher. I had a good teacher. Je me suis endormi en classe. I fell asleep in class. I fell asleep in class. Cette porte ne voulait pas s'ouvrir. This door would not open. That door didn't want to open. C'est très amusant. It's very fun. It's a lot of fun. Comment Tom pourrait-il faire une telle chose? How could Tom do such a thing? How could Tom do such a thing? Le prix de tout augmenta. The price of everything increased. The price of everything went up. Ma montre marche très bien. My watch is running all right. My watch works very well. La petite fille ne sait pas monter à vélo. The little girl is not capable of riding a bicycle. The little girl can't ride a bike. Mets les œufs dans le réfrigérateur. Put the eggs in the fridge. Put the eggs in the refrigerator. En anglais, certains mots proviennent du japonais. In English there are some words borrowed from Japanese. In English, some words come from Japanese. Elles vont toujours au ski en hiver. They always go skiing in the winter. They always go skiing in winter. Je t'ai dit que je pouvais t'aider. I told you I could help you. I told you I could help you. Cette photo, je l'ai faite la semaine passée. I took this picture a week ago. This photo I did last week. Avez-vous déjà bénéficié d'un traitement contre la tuberculose ? Have you ever been treated for tuberculosis? Have you ever received treatment for tuberculosis? Père a rencontré de nombreux problèmes en préparant le dîner pour les invités. Father went to a lot of trouble to prepare dinner for our guests. Father encountered many problems preparing dinner for the guests. Je n'ai rien sur quoi me rabattre. I have nothing to fall back on. I have nothing to fall back on. Tom est habitué à rester debout toute la nuit. Tom is used to staying up all night. Tom is used to staying up all night. Votre accent vous trahit. Your accent gives you away. Your accent betrays you. J'ai aussi appris à admirer ces joueurs d'échecs : Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres et Carlsen. Il y a donc douze grands joueurs d'échecs de mon choix. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres, and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my choice. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres and Carlsen, so there are twelve great chess players of my choice. Tom a abordé ce point. Tom addressed that point. Tom touched on this. Elle se rendit en Italie pour étudier la musique. She went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. She went to Italy to study music. Pouvez-vous me prendre à la gare ? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you take me to the station? Tu as été génial aujourd'hui. You were great today. You were great today. J'ai regardé autour de moi. I looked around me. I looked around. Ta sœur est mon amie. Your sister is my friend. Your sister is my friend. Tu auras besoin de cette clé pour rentrer dans le bâtiment. You'll need this key to get into the building. You'll need this key to get into the building. Tom ne boit que du café. Tom only drinks coffee. Tom only drinks coffee. Bien que ces projets aient vu le jour, ils n'ont pas donné de résultats tangibles. Although those projects did get off the ground, they didn't produce any tangible results. Although these projects have emerged, they have not yielded tangible results. J'ai un grand frère et deux petites sœurs. I have one big brother and two little sisters. I have a big brother and two little sisters. Le drogué est mort d'une surdose. The addict died from a drug overdose. The drug addict died of an overdose. Le ciel lui est tombé sur la tête. The sky has fallen on his head. The sky fell on his head. Vous devriez avoir fait un séjour linguistique à l'étranger. You should have done a language study abroad. You should have taken a language course abroad. Je suis déjà préparée. I am already prepared. I'm already prepared. Ce fut une fête plutôt normale. It was a pretty normal party. It was a pretty normal party. Quelqu'un a frappé Yanni dans les parages. Somebody hit Yanni in those areas. Someone hit Yanni around here. Je ne vais pas disparaître. I'm not going to disappear. I'm not going to disappear. Est-ce que tu t'es déjà sentie déprimée pendant la majeure partie de la journée pendant 14 jours consécutifs ? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Ils ont ri à gorge déployée. They guffawed. They laughed at each other. Je veux entendre de vos nouvelles. I want to hear from you. I want to hear from you. Je la ferme. I'm keeping my mouth shut. I'll shut up. OK, papy. OK, gramps. Okay, Grandpa. Change ta photo de profil ! Change your profile picture. Change your profile picture! Qu'attends-tu qu'il se passe ? What do you expect to happen? What are you waiting for? Le sexe n'est pas un trophée. Sex isn't a trophy. Sex is not a trophy. On te mettra sur la liste. We'll put you on the list. We'll put you on the list. Je crois cet homme perdu. I believe this man is lost. I believe this lost man. Nous t'avons attrapée. We caught you. We caught you. Laisse-moi te lire quelque chose ! Let me read you something. Let me read you something! Tom aime quand c'est chaud. Tom likes it hot. Tom likes it when it's hot. Je me demande pourquoi je suis si fatiguée. I wonder why I'm so tired. I wonder why I am so tired. Cette maison est célèbre. This house is famous. This house is famous. Elles traitent bien leurs employés. They treat their employees well. They treat their employees well. Donne-moi une raison. Give me a reason. Give me a reason. J'ai foi en l'avenir. I have faith in the future. I have faith in the future. Est-ce ce que Tom voulait dire ? Is that what Tom meant? Is that what Tom meant? Personne n'en réchappa vivant. No one escaped alive. No one escaped alive. Ce n'est pas pour cela que je le fais. That's not why I do this. That's not why I do it. Que souhaitez-vous commander, Messieurs ? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What would you like to order, gentlemen? Avez-vous été vacciné dans votre enfance ? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Were you vaccinated in your childhood? Prends mes lunettes. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Boire ou conduire, il faut choisir ! Don't drink and drive! Drink or drive, you have to choose. Tom disait aimer apprendre le français. Tom said he likes studying French. Tom said he likes to learn French. Quand de violents extrémistes opèrent dans un coin de montagne, des gens sont mis en danger de l'autre coté de l'océan. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean. When violent extremists operate in one corner of the mountain, people are put at risk across the ocean. Nous étions dans le couloir du deuxième étage de l'hôpital. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. We were in the hallway on the second floor of the hospital. Mon ami est gay et il trouve que les cunnilingus sont dégoûtants. My friend is gay and he thinks that cunnilingus is disgusting. My friend is gay and he finds cunnilingus disgusting. Il a tiré sur mon chat, ce cinglé ! He shot my cat, that lunatic! He shot my cat, that crazy guy! Nos portefeuilles ont été volés. Our wallets were stolen. Our wallets have been stolen. Êtes-vous intolérante au lactose ? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you lactose intolerant? Arrêtez de faire cela, s'il te plaît. Stop doing that, please. Stop doing that, please. Nous n'avons pas encore de plan. We don't have a plan yet. We don't have a plan yet. Mon propre bien-être est ma priorité absolue. My own welfare is my top priority. My own well-being is my top priority. La bière est bonne. Beer's good. The beer is good. J'oublie déjà le visage de ma grand-mère. I am already forgetting my grandmother's face. I forget my grandmother's face. Nous devrions être partis. We should be on our way. We should be gone. Finalement, ils ont pris une décision. At last, they came to a decision. Eventually, they made a decision. Tu ferais mieux d'y aller maintenant. You had better go now. You better go now. C'est une personne vraiment sympathique. She's a really nice person. She's a really nice person. Je ne comprends toujours pas de quoi vous parlez. I still don't understand what you're talking about. I still don't understand what you're talking about. Je peux vous apprendre à cuisiner. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. Laissez-moi tranquille ou j'appelle la police ! Leave me alone or I'll call the police. Leave me alone or I'll call the police! À mon avis, cette pastèque est exceptionnelle. I think this watermelon is exceptional. In my opinion, this watermelon is exceptional. On ne peut pas travailler sans électricité. We can't work without electricity. You can’t work without electricity. Ce chien est presque humain. This dog is almost human. This dog is almost human. Il est l'heure de rentrer chez moi. It's about time I was going home. It's time to go home. Il est une autorité en Chine. He is an authority on China. He is an authority in China. Sur les arbres, les feuilles sont devenues rouges. The leaves on trees have turned red. On the trees, the leaves turned red. Elles doivent être fatiguées. They must be tired. They must be tired. Il y a un traitre parmi nous. There's a traitor among us. There is a traitor among us. Tu veux lui dire? Do you want to tell her? You want to tell him? Le Canada compte environ 26 millions d'habitants. The population of Canada is about 26 million. Canada has about 26 million people. Je n'ai amené ici que mon linge et mon cheval. I have brought here only my clothes and my horse. I brought here only my clothes and my horse. Il est très honnête, donc nous pouvons nous reposer sur lui. He's very honest, so we can depend on him. He is very honest, so we can rely on him. Comment avez-vous dit qu'il s'appelait ? What did you say his name was? What did you say his name was? Je ne peux pas continuer ça. I can't go on with this. I can't go on with this. La frontière est ténue entre la bravoure et la stupidité. There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Tu es la seule qui puisse m'aider. You're the only one who can help. You're the only one who can help me. Vous pêchez ? Do you fish? Are you fishing? Votre sœur est mon amie. Your sister is my friend. Your sister is my friend. Ces stylos sont à lui. These pens are his. These pens are his. Ne me claque pas dans les pattes ! Don't die on me. Don't smack me in the paws! Il s'agit d'une urgence ! It's an emergency! This is an emergency! Tu m'as sauvé. You saved me. You saved me. Inclinez-la. Tilt it. Tilt her. Nous ne devrions rien faire à ce sujet pour le moment. We shouldn't do anything about that right now. We shouldn't be doing anything about it right now. A-t-il un frère ou une sœur ? Does he have a brother or a sister? Does he have a brother or sister? Il n'y a rien là. There's nothing there. There's nothing there. Ne rentre pas dans la chambre avant que je ne te dise « c'est bon ». Don't enter the room until I say "All right." Don't go into the room until I say, "That's good." Dans cet incroyable « zugzwang », le joueur avait toutes ses pièces et ses pions sur l'échiquier et n'était sous aucune menace directe, mais n'avait que des mouvements suicidaires disponibles, ce qui l'a conduit à perdre la partie. In that amazing "zugzwang", the player had all his pieces and pawns on the board and was not under any direct threat, but had only suicidal moves available, which led him to lose the game. In this incredible "zugzwang", the player had all his pieces and pawns on the chessboard and was under no direct threat, but had only suicidal movements available, which led him to lose the game. Je suis sûr que vous l'avez fait exprès, vous êtes méchant. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. Je me suis senti affreusement mal. I felt awful. I felt awful. Nous avons séjourné dans une chambre d'hôtes pittoresque au bord de la mer. We stayed in a quaint bed and breakfast by the sea. We stayed in a quaint bed and breakfast by the sea. La sonde de Rosetta, Philae, s'est posée avec succès sur la comète 67P/Tchourioumov-Guérassimenko. Rosetta's probe, Philae, has successfully landed on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta's probe, Philae, landed successfully on Comet 67P/Churiumov-Guerassimenko. Où allez-vous ? Where are you going to? Where are you going? Je dois aussi faire ça de temps en temps. I have to do that sometimes, too. I also have to do this from time to time. Il est venu en bus. He came by bus. He came by bus. Elle jouait du piano, pendant que son frère jouait dehors avec ses amis. She played the piano while her brother played with his friends outside. She played the piano, while her brother played outside with his friends. Il tua le temps dans un café en regardant les filles passer. He killed time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by. He killed time in a coffee shop while watching the girls pass by. Marie a acheté une jupe et une chemise. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Marie bought a skirt and a shirt. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir. You didn't need to come. You didn't have to come. Je ne l'apprécie plus. I don't like this anymore. I don't like it anymore. Ressens-tu plus fréquemment l'envie d'uriner ? Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently? Do you feel the urge to urinate more often? Nous avons une propension à commettre des erreurs. We are apt to make mistakes. We have a propensity to make mistakes. Verriez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je vous embrasse ? Would you mind if I kissed you? Would you mind if I kissed you? Les enfants aiment la neige. Kids like snow. Kids love the snow. J'ai quitté la pièce. I left the room. I left the room. Il passa la soirée à lire. He spent the evening reading. He spent the evening reading. Es-tu une enfant unique ? Are you an only child? Are you an only child? Cette maison a été achetée. The house has been bought. This house was bought. Je vous avais prévenus. I did warn you. I warned you. Les fusées ont été lancées depuis une rampe de lancement. The rockets were fired from a launching pad. The rockets were launched from a launch pad. Vous êtes ambitieuses. You're ambitious. You are ambitious. Il a voté en faveur de la proposition. He voted for the proposal. He voted in favour of the proposal. J'espère que nous ne t'avons pas réveillé. I hope we didn't wake you. I hope we didn't wake you up. Voudriez-vous nous excuser un moment ? Will you excuse us for one moment? Would you excuse us for a moment? Je me baigne tous les jours. I take a bath every day. I bathe every day. Laisse-le s'en aller! Let him go. Let him go! Une chaîne se compose de nombreux maillons. A chain is made up of many links. A chain consists of many links. Le français était la langue de la diplomatie. French was the language of diplomacy. French was the language of diplomacy. J'avoue qu'au début, je n'ai pas cru à tes promesses. I admit that I didn't believe in your promises at first. I admit that at first I didn't believe your promises. Je ne voyais pas suffisamment bien pour pouvoir dire si la tache noire sur le plafond était une araignée ou une mouche. My eyes weren't sharp enough to tell whether the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. I didn’t see well enough to tell if the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. Sa voiture faisait trois mètres de long. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. J'aimerais devenir un astronaute. I'd like to become an astronaut. I would like to become an astronaut. Il cherche toujours les compliments. He is always looking for praise. He is always looking for compliments. Nous ne pouvons pas simplement agir comme si rien ne s'était passé. We can't just act as if nothing has happened. We cannot simply act as if nothing has happened. Nous mettrons en œuvre un dispositif de coopération Nord Sud repensé. We will implement a reconsidered North-South cooperation mechanism. We will implement a redesigned North-South cooperation mechanism. Salut, les garçons. Hello, boys. Hey, boys. Pourriez-vous trouver comment se rendre là-bas ? Could you find out how to get there? Can you figure out how to get there? Je n'arrive pas à croire que personne ne l'ait entendu. I can't believe no one heard that. I can't believe no one heard it. J'ai froid. Pourrais-tu allumer le chauffage ? I'm cold. Would you mind turning the heating on? I'm cold. Could you turn on the heater? As-tu des douleurs en urinant ? Do you have pain when urinating? Do you have pain while urinating? L'Angleterre était la favorite au début du match, puisqu'elle jouait à domicile devant des dizaines de milliers de fans. England was the favorite at the start of the game, as it was playing at home in front of tens of thousands of fans. England were the favourite at the start of the match, as they played at home in front of tens of thousands of fans. As-tu eu des problèmes de prostate ? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Have you had prostate problems? Je joue aux jeux vidéo. I play video games. I play video games. J'ai été enfermé dehors ! Il se passe vraiment quelque chose de louche. I was locked out! There's got to be something fishy going on. I've been locked out, something really shady is going on. Nous ne sommes pas habillées. We're not dressed. We're not dressed. Elle le laissa partir. She let him go. She let him go. Quel âge pourrait bien avoir son grand-père ? How old might his grandfather be? How old could her grandfather be? Nous sommes bourrés. We're plastered. We're drunk. Ils aiment bien les filles. They like girls. They like girls. Nous sommes toujours actifs. We're still active. We are always active. Tom a tout réparé. Tom fixed everything. Tom fixed everything. Je ne voudrais pas qu'il t'arrive quelque chose. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Merci d'avance. Thank you in advance. Thanks in advance. Il vend des fruits. He sells fruit. He sells fruit. Ce n'est probablement que mon imagination. It's probably just my imagination. This is probably just my imagination. Cela fera deux ans que nous vivons ici avril prochain. We'll have lived here for two years next April. We have been living here for two years next April. C'est une tocade. It's a fad. It's a tocade. Avez-vous jamais été vous baigner nus ? Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever been swimming naked? La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German. The first victim was one of my best friends, and his loss caused me great grief; the second was simply a German. Je la connais un peu. I know her a bit. I know her a little. Nous prenons notre petit déjeuner à la cuisine. We have breakfast in the kitchen. We have our breakfast in the kitchen. Le groningois est-il une langue ou un dialecte ? Is Gronings a language or a dialect? Is Groningen a language or dialect? Vous appréciez tout le monde. You like everyone. You appreciate everyone. Peu de personnes savent que M. Itsumi est originaire de Kansai. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. J'ai presque fini. Donne-moi juste une minute. I'm almost done. Just give me a minute. I'm almost done, just give me a minute. Tom aimait jouer aux échecs. Tom liked to play chess. Tom loved to play chess. Je peux personnellement vous en assurer. I can give you my personal assurance of that. I can personally assure you of that. Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de rire à le voir danser. I can not help laughing to see him dance. I can't help laughing at him dancing. Êtes-vous allergique à certains aliments ? Are you allergic to any foods? Are you allergic to certain foods? Lorsque tu es assise ? While sitting? When you're sitting down? Il connaît peu de choses sur cet animal. He knows little about that animal. He knows very little about this animal. Voulez-vous que je dise à Tom qu'il vous fasse ceci ? Do you want me to ask Tom to do that for you? Do you want me to tell Tom to do this to you? Ce sont de très bons conseils. That's very good advice. This is very good advice. La Kabylie a son propre parlement. Kabylia has its own parliament. Kabylia has its own parliament. Je t'appellerai dans quelques jours. I'll call you in a couple of days. I'll call you in a few days. La douleur te réveille-t-elle la nuit ? Does the pain wake you up at night? Does the pain wake you up at night? Elle a l'habitude de faire la cuisine. She is used to cooking. She's used to cooking. Il est responsable de cet accident. He is responsible for the accident. He is responsible for this accident. Tu ne devrais pas porter de manteau de fourrure. You should not wear a fur coat. You shouldn't wear fur coats. J'aime le disco. I like disco music. I like disco. Je n'ai pas de tronçonneuse mais je connais quelqu'un qui en a une. I don't have a chain saw, but I know someone who does. I don't have a chainsaw, but I know someone who has one. M. Jackson est un professeur super. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment aller à la gare ? Can you tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Yanni s'est excusé. Yanni apologized. Yanni apologized. Tom est décidé à aider Mary. Tom is determined to help Mary. Tom is determined to help Mary. Nous l'avons perdu de vue. We have lost sight of him. We lost sight of him. J'aimerais que tu restes avec moi. I would like you to stay with me. I'd like you to stay with me. À quelle heure votre avion part-il demain ? What time does your plane leave tomorrow? What time is your plane leaving tomorrow? Personne n'est ici. Nobody is here. No one's here. Tu en as assez vu. You've seen enough. You've seen enough. Tom emmena Mary à l'hôpital. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Tom took Mary to the hospital. Tom a écrit une lettre à Marie en français. Tom wrote a letter to Mary in French. Tom wrote a letter to Marie in French. J'ai vérifié. I've checked. I checked. Elles ont fait ce qu'on leur avait dit. They did what they were told. They did what they were told. Je ne le fais plus. I'm not doing it anymore. I don't do it anymore. Elle eut la permission d'utiliser la voiture. Permission to use the car was accorded to her. She was allowed to use the car. Tom aussi vient à la fête. Tom is coming to the party, too. Tom also comes to the party. Où se trouve la gare Hakata ? Where is Hakata station located? Where is Hakata Station? Vous disposez de suffisamment de temps. You have enough time. You have enough time. Ce cidre est vraiment bon. This cider tastes really good. This cider is really good. Dites à Tom que je reviendrai. Tell Tom I'll be back. Tell Tom I'll be back. Qu'as-tu fait de tes vacances ? What did you do on your vacation? What have you done with your vacation? Je déteste cet endroit. I hate this place. I hate this place. Le poisson commence à puer par la tête. A fish stinks from the head. The fish begins to stink from the head. Dites-moi comment vaincre l'insomnie. Tell me how to beat sleeplessness. Tell me how to beat insomnia. Je ne les remorque pas. I don't drag them. I'm not towing them. Qu'est-ce qui est vraisemblable ? What is plausible? What is likely? Vous êtes tous les deux jolis. You're both pretty. You're both pretty. Ne faites pas une généralité. Don't make generalizations. Do not make a generality. Mon frère est étudiant de première année. My brother is a first-year student. My brother is a first year student. Ça pue. It smells bad. It stinks. Barre-toi, cabot ! Scram, mutt! Get out of here! Tom n'avait pas l'habitude de parler travail à la maison. Tom wasn't used to talking about work at home. Tom wasn’t used to talking about work at home. Il n'a pas été à l'université pour rien. He did not go to college for nothing. He didn't go to college for nothing. Je suis allé me coucher avec mes vêtements. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed with my clothes. Tom doit rentrer à la maison. Tom has to go home. Tom has to go home. Vous pouvez partir. You may go. You can go. Je lui ai demandé, mais elle n'a pas répondu. I asked her but she didn't respond. I asked her, but she didn't answer. Il me semble que tu as, par erreur, mis mon chapeau. It appears to me that you put on my hat by mistake. It seems to me that you mistakenly put on my hat. C'est une Allemande. Donc elle ment ! She's German, so she must be lying! She's a German, so she's lying. Une douleur aiguë transperça son estomac. A sharp pain pierced her stomach. A sharp pain pierced his stomach. J'ai besoin de dormir maintenant. I need to sleep now. I need to sleep now. Il voyage souvent dans des pays étrangers. He often travels to foreign countries. He often travels to foreign countries. Incline-la. Tilt it. Incline it. Tom est un amasseur compulsif. Tom is a compulsive hoarder. Tom is a compulsive amassor. Epstein ne s'est pas suicidé. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein did not commit suicide. Je pense que nous devrions demander de l'aide. I think we should get help. I think we should ask for help. Plus tard, les autres sont arrivés. Later on, others arrived. Later, the others arrived. Dans quel pays avez-vous reçu vos vaccins lorsque vous étiez enfant ? In what country did you receive your immunizations as a child? In which country did you receive your vaccines when you were a child? Tu n'as pas remarqué que nous sortions de la pièce ? Didn't you notice us going out of the room? Didn't you notice we came out of the room? En raison du manque de soutien du gouvernement pour le sport, dit Rafael Leitão, le joueur d'échecs professionnel au Brésil n'a aucune stabilité financière. Donc, si vous voulez prendre les échecs au sérieux, vous devez voyager tout le temps en Europe et aux États-Unis pour jouer dans les grands tournois. Due to the lack of government support for sport, says Rafael Leitão, the professional chess player in Brazil has no financial stability at all. So, if you want to take chess seriously, you need to travel all the time to Europe and the United States to play in the big tournaments. Due to the lack of government support for the sport, says Rafael Leitao, the professional chess player in Brazil has no financial stability. So, if you want to take chess seriously, you have to travel all the time to Europe and the United States to play in the big tournaments. Chaque langue, comme toute espèce vivante, est porteuse de valeur et digne de protection et de soutien. Every language, like every living thing, is inherently valuable and worthy of protection and support. Every language, like every living species, carries value and is worthy of protection and support. Marie s'est fait une sortie entre filles. Mary had a girls' night out. Marie went out with the girls. Je dors dans ma chambre. I sleep in my room. I sleep in my room. Que le chemin sera long avant que nous atteignions notre but ! How long the road will be until we reach our goal! How long will it be before we reach our goal! Même les joueurs d'échecs les plus talentueux doivent étudier avec un dévouement extrême et faire de gros sacrifices pour devenir grands maîtres ou remporter des titres internationaux. Très peu ont la gloire d'être champions du monde. Even the most talented chess players have to study with extreme dedication and make heavy sacrifices to become Grand Masters or to win international titles. Very few have the glory of being world champions. Even the most talented chess players have to study with extreme dedication and make big sacrifices to become great masters or win international titles. Very few have the glory of being world champions. Tom n'est pas un chat. Tom isn't a cat. Tom is not a cat. Lis davantage. Read more. Read more. Une certaine marque de sagesse est la réjouissante bienveillance que cela confère. A certain hallmark of wisdom is the cheerful benevolence it confers. A certain mark of wisdom is the rejoicing benevolence that this confers. Je leur suis reconnaissant. I am grateful to them. I am grateful to them. Tom a donné la moitié de la pomme à Mary. Tom gave Mary half of the apple. Tom gave Mary half the apple. Ne fais pas de plaisanteries stupides ! Don't make stupid jokes. Don't make stupid jokes! Combien de verres avez-vous bu ce soir ? How many drinks have you had tonight? How many drinks have you had tonight? Ils savaient en quels périls ils se trouvaient. They knew how much danger they were in. They knew what dangers they were in. Jusqu'à quel point es-tu bon danseur ? How well can you dance? How good are you as a dancer? Je suis né à Osaka le 5 mars 1977. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. Tout ira bien aujourd'hui. Everything will go well today. It'll be all right today. Il ne fait pas aussi chaud aujourd'hui qu'hier. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. Ne me tentez pas ! Do not tempt me. Don't tempt me! Ça s’est passé aujourd’hui. It arrived today. It happened today. C'est une société étasunienne. It's an American company. It is a U.S. company. Vous n'êtes simplement pas la personne que je pensais. You're just not the person I thought you were. You're just not the person I thought you were. Tom s'est fait attaquer par un essaim d'abeilles. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Il semblait assez fatigué. He looked pretty tired. He seemed pretty tired. L'œil est naturellement doté de vision. The eye has the natural ability to see. The eye is naturally endowed with vision. Y a-t-il des taxis par ici ? Are there taxis around here? Are there taxis around here? La mer était aussi lisse que le verre. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was as smooth as glass. Je suis déjà vieux. I am already old. I'm already old. Trouves-tu que ton humeur change fréquemment sur de courtes périodes de temps ? Do you find that your mood changes frequently in short periods of time? Do you find that your mood changes frequently over short periods of time? Je vous dois un dîner. I owe you a dinner. I owe you a dinner. Comment as-tu perdu autant de poids ? How did you lose so much weight? How did you lose so much weight? Il est conducteur de bus. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Il est interdit de fumer ici. Smoking is not permitted here. Smoking is not allowed here. J'ai le sentiment de l'avoir déjà rencontrée quelque part. I have a feeling I've met her somewhere before. I feel like I've met her somewhere before. Je ne considère pas cela suffisant. I don't consider that adequate. I do not consider that sufficient. Elles apprécient le jazz. They like jazz. They love jazz. Est-ce de l'ukrainien ? Is that Ukrainian? Is it Ukrainian? Je n'ouvrirais pas la porte à ce voisin bizarre. I would not open the door to this weird neighbor. I wouldn't open the door to that weird neighbor. Grimper au sommet du mont Blanc est plus facile à dire qu'à faire. To climb to the top of Mont Blanc is easier said than done. Climbing to the top of Mont Blanc is easier said than done. Je me suis échappé à grand-peine du bateau qui sombrait. I escaped from the sinking boat with difficulty. I escaped with great difficulty from the sinking boat. Il se moque juste de toi. He's just kidding you. He's just making fun of you. Est-ce que qu'on t'a déjà dit que tu t'arrêtais de respirer quand tu dormais ? Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing when you are asleep? Have you ever been told that you stop breathing when you sleep? Arrête d'essayer de m'embrasser. Stop trying to kiss me. Stop trying to kiss me. Tom déteste perdre. Tom hates to lose. Tom hates to lose. J'allais lui demander de sortir avec moi, mais au dernier moment, mon courage a vacillé. I was going to ask her out, but at the last moment my courage faltered. I was going to ask him to go out with me, but at the last moment, my courage wavered. J'adore cuisiner pour ma famille. I love cooking for my family. I love cooking for my family. Avez-vous des frères et sœurs ? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters? L'homme a le don de la parole. Man has the gift of speech. Man has the gift of speech. Sont-elles françaises ? Are they French? Are they French? Je sais que quelque chose te tracasse. I know when something's bothering you. I know something's bothering you. Est-ce que tu t'es déjà lavé les mains ? Have you washed your hands yet? Have you ever washed your hands? Je veux t'avertir. I want to warn you. I want to warn you. A quoi ressemble ta sœur ? What is your sister like? What does your sister look like? Travaillez-vous le lundi ? Do you work on Mondays? Do you work on Mondays? Yanni témoigna. Yanni testified. Yanni testified. La mort soudaine de son frère les a surpris. The sudden death of his brother surprised them. The sudden death of his brother surprised them. J'ai donné mon accord à la proposition. I agreed to the proposal. I agreed to the proposal. C'est une étudiante qui étudie sérieusement. She is a student who studies very hard. She is a student who is seriously studying. Les réformes de l'éducation ont encore un bout de chemin à faire. Educational reforms still have a long way to go. Education reforms still have a long way to go. Je veux que vous alliez à l'étage. I want you to go upstairs. I want you to go upstairs. Ses mains tremblent. Her hands are shaking. His hands tremble. Une langue est un dialecte avec une armée et une marine. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. Sens ça ! Feel this. Feel it! Pouvez-vous me faire de la monnaie sur un billet de mille yens ? Can you break a 1000 yen bill? Can you make me money on a thousand yen bill? Elle n'était pas amoureuse de moi. She wasn't in love with me. She wasn't in love with me. Fais-le travailler pour ! Make him work for it. Make him work for it! À chaque fois que je vais à l'étranger, je souffre à cause du décalage horaire et j'ai la diarrhée. Whenever I go abroad, I suffer from jet lag and diarrhea. Every time I go abroad, I suffer from jet lag and diarrhea. Le meilleur est encore à venir. The best is yet to come. The best is yet to come. Ma tante est morte vieille fille. My aunt died an old spinster. My aunt died an old girl. Entre, Tom. Come in, Tom. Come in, Tom. Tu devrais prendre ton manteau au cas où il ferait froid. You must take your coat in case it should become cold. You should take your coat in case it gets cold. J'ai finalement réussi à la persuader de me prêter le livre. I finally talked her into lending me the book. I finally managed to persuade her to lend me the book. Les livres appartiennent à ma sœur. The books belong to my sister. The books belong to my sister. La nourriture est-elle prête ? Is the food ready ? Is the food ready? Aide-moi, si tu le peux ! Help me if you can. Help me, if you can! Est-ce que les enfants dorment déjà ? Are the children already asleep? Are the children already sleeping? Tom est au téléphone. Tom is on his phone. Tom's on the phone. Je ne peux plus supporter cette chaleur. I can't stand this hot summer. I can't stand that heat anymore. Je suis satisfait de sa performance. I'm pleased with her performance. I am pleased with his performance. L'honnêteté n'est pas toujours la meilleure politique. Honesty isn't always the best policy. Honesty is not always the best policy. Assurez-vous de sauvegarder tous vos fichiers. Make sure to back up all your files. Make sure to back up all your files. Que voulez-vous boire ? What will you have to drink? What do you want to drink? Nous nous sommes complètement laissés trompé par la publicité. We were entirely deceived by the advertisement. We were completely misled by the advertising. T'as vu Paul aujourd'hui ? Have you seen Paul today? Did you see Paul today? Je suis assis au soleil, mais j'ai toujours froid. I'm sitting in the sun, but I'm still cold. I'm sitting in the sun, but I'm always cold. Le mauvais temps affecta sa santé. The bad weather affected his health. Bad weather affected his health. Mes enfants sont des jumeaux. My children are twins. My children are twins. J'ai trouvé une pierre qui a la forme d'un cœur. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. À quand remonte ta dernière visite chez le dentiste ? When was the last time you visited the dentist? When was your last visit to the dentist? Il m'a étrillée. He beat the shit out of me. He slammed me. Le train est déjà parti. The train has already left. The train is already gone. Les enfants ont couru vers la cour de récréation. The kids ran toward the playground. The children ran to the playground. Qui vous a prêté ce livre ? Who lent you that book? Who loaned you this book? Je suis impartial. I'm unbiased. I'm impartial. Tu mérites le prix. You deserve the prize. You deserve the prize. Arrête-les ! Stop them! Stop them! « Est-ce que tu t’es lavé les mains ? » « Oui maman. » « Avec du savon ? Laisse-moi les sentir ! » "Have you washed your hands?" "Yes, Mom." "With soap? Let me smell them!" “Did you wash your hands?” “Yes mom.” “With soap? Let me feel them!” Je n'apprécie pas les films d'horreur. I don't like horror movies. I don't like horror movies. Il a la capacité d'accomplir le travail. He has the ability to do the work. He has the ability to do the work. Mon père est né à Matsuyama en 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. Tom s'est amélioré récemment. Tom has been doing much better lately. Tom has improved recently. Est-ce que tu utilises un contraceptif chaque fois que tu as des rapports sexuels ? Do you use birth control every time you engage in sexual activity? Do you use a contraceptive every time you have sex? S'il avait été là, il vous aurait dit de vous tenir. If he'd been there, he'd have told you to mind your manners. If he had been there, he would have told you to stand. Le travail sera-t-il terminé demain ? Will the work be finished by tomorrow? Will the work be finished tomorrow? Je ne priais pas contre vous ; je priais pour vous. I was not praying against you; I was praying for you. I wasn’t praying for you; I was praying for you. Je peux enfin marcher sans boiter. I can finally walk without a limp. I can finally walk without limping. Nous sommes assez pressés. We're in kind of a hurry. We're in quite a hurry. Ils ont été défavorisés. They got the short end of the stick. They have been disadvantaged. Y a-t-il quelque chose qui soulage ta douleur ? Is there anything that makes your pain better? Is there anything that relieves your pain? J'ai apprécié passer l'après-midi avec toi. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with you. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with you. C'est exactement là que cela s'est produit. This is exactly where it happened. This is exactly where it happened. Arrête de parler quand le professeur entre. Stop talking when the teacher comes in. Stop talking when the teacher comes in. Je veux savoir d'où c'est venu. I want to know where it came from. I want to know where it came from. Je ne pourrais jamais être comme cela. I could never be like that. I could never be like that. Il tire. It fires. He's shooting. Finalement, j'ai ma propre voiture. Finally, I have my own car. Finally, I have my own car. J'ai besoin de connaître votre réponse d'ici vendredi. I need to know your answer by Friday. I need to know your answer by Friday. Il resta silencieux tout le temps. He remained silent the whole time. He remained silent all the time. Tom le sait. Tom knows that. Tom knows that. Menez-les moi ici ! Bring them here to me. Lead them here! Je suis épileptique. I'm epileptic. I'm epileptic. Ne les invitons pas. Let's not invite them. Don't invite them. Je n'ai pas compris ce que le professeur a dit. I didn't understand what the teacher said. I didn't understand what the professor said. Un original écrit avec simplicité et clarté rend les traducteurs heureux. A simply and clearly written original makes translators happy. An original written with simplicity and clarity makes translators happy. Skier est très amusant. Skiing is very fun. Skiing is a lot of fun. Certains médicaments nous sont nuisibles. Some medicine does us harm. Some medications are harmful to us. Les vents de mer sont humides. Winds from the sea are humid. The sea winds are humid. Quelle couleur avait le mucus que tu as expulsé ? What color was the phlegm that you coughed up? What color was the mucus you expelled? Je ne saurais pas par où commencer. I wouldn't know where to start. I don't know where to start. J'espère l'épouser. I hope to marry her. I hope to marry her. Je veux être ici avec vous. I want to be here with you. I want to be here with you. Ils sont partis en vacances ensemble. They went on vacation together. They went on vacation together. Cliquez ici pour davantage d'information. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Tu ne vas pas à la fête de Tom? Aren't you going to Tom's party? You're not going to Tom's party? Le vent souffle de l'est. The wind is blowing from the east. The wind blows from the east. Sa proposition ne mérite pas qu'on en parle. His proposal is not worth talking about. His proposal does not deserve to be discussed. Je pense que le temps résoudra le problème. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve the problem. L'ami de mon ennemi est mon ennemi. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Le pion blanc a pris le pion noir « en passant ». The white pawn took the black pawn "en passant". The white pawn took the black pawn "by the way". Tu ne dois pas lui parler. You must not talk to him. You don't have to talk to him. Vous vous êtes arrêté. You stopped. You stopped. C'est justement ça, le plaisir ! That's the fun of it. That's the pleasure! Notre voiture est tombée en panne en plein milieu de la rue. Our car broke down in the middle of the street. Our car broke down in the middle of the street. Je suis enceinte de quatre mois. I am four months pregnant. I am four months pregnant. Je possède une vieille voiture. I have an old car. I have an old car. Tom savait-il quoi faire ? Did Tom know what to do? Did Tom know what to do? Nous n'avons pas été payés, cette semaine. We didn't get paid this week. We haven't been paid this week. C’était un lapin diabolique. That was an evil bunny. He was a diabolical rabbit. Je n'aime pas voyager en groupes importants. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don’t like to travel in large groups. Tout est prêt. Everything is set. Everything's ready. Ceci vous arrive-t-il souvent ? Does this happen to you often? Does this happen to you often? On allait proposer un compromis. We were going to suggest a compromise. We were going to propose a compromise. J'aime cette maison. Elle est vraiment spacieuse. I like this house. It's quite roomy. I love this house. It's really spacious. Sonne l'alarme ! Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Son haleine sent le fromage de chèvre. His breath smells like goat cheese. His breath smells like goat cheese. Il voyagea à travers le pays. He traveled around the country. He traveled across the country. Avez-vous vu mes bretelles ? Have you seen my suspenders? Have you seen my braces? Les ânes sont gris. The donkeys are gray. Donkeys are grey. Les pauvres s'appauvrissent davantage. The poor are getting poorer. The poor are getting poorer. Je serai à tes côtés quoi qu'il arrive. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be by your side no matter what. S'ils veulent se détruire les poumons... If they wish to destroy their lungs... If they want to destroy their lungs... Est-ce que vous en avez une plus grosse ? Do you have a bigger one? Do you have a bigger one? Je suis sincèrement désolé pour vous. I sincerely feel sorry for you. I am sincerely sorry for you. Je lis deux livres par semaine. I read two books a week. I read two books a week. Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a quelques semaines. We met a few weeks ago. We met a few weeks ago. Tu fous en l'air l'atmosphère. You're spoiling the mood. You're blowing the air. Il doit bien y avoir une solution. There's got to be a solution. There must be a solution. Elle alla faire des emplettes. She went shopping. She went shopping. Une petite ampoule nue était la seule source de lumière. A small, naked bulb gave the only illumination. A small, bare bulb was the only source of light. Comment puis-je déposer une plainte ? How can I file a complaint? How can I file a complaint? Il faut que j'emprunte de l'argent. I need to borrow some money. I need to borrow money. Avec qui êtes-vous allée ? With whom did you go? Who did you go with? Elle a perdu la mémoire suite à un accident de la circulation. She lost her memory in a traffic accident. She lost her memory due to a traffic accident. Elles ont ri à gorge déployée. They guffawed. They laughed at each other. Combien de temps durera notre civilisation ? How long will our civilization last? How long will our civilization last? Je vous promets que je n'ai jamais mangé quelque chose d'aussi bon. I swear I've never eaten anything better. I promise you, I've never eaten anything so good. Il peut rester ici pour une nuit, pas davantage. He can stay here for one night, no longer. He can stay here for one night, no more. Depuis que nous avons isolé la maison, nous avons beaucoup économisé sur le mazout. Since we insulated the house we've saved a lot on heating oil. Since we isolated the house, we have saved a lot on fuel oil. Je n'ai plus besoin de votre aide. I don't need your help anymore. I don't need your help anymore. Vous avez besoin d'un permis pour conduire une voiture. You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to drive a car. Nous sommes désolés, la personne que vous essayez de contacter n'est pas disponible. We are sorry, the person you are trying to contact is not available. We are sorry, the person you are trying to contact is not available. Sais-tu combien tu pèses ? Do you know how much you weigh? Do you know how much you weigh? Il régla le problème en un éclair. He fixed the problem in a jiffy. He solved the problem in a flash. As-tu une assurance médicale ? Do you have health insurance? Do you have medical insurance? J'ai mangé du curry hier soir. I ate curry last night. I ate curry last night. C'est pour ça que j'ai menti. That's why I lied. That's why I lied. La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits. The only real science is the knowledge of facts. The only true science is the knowledge of facts. L'échelle de Planck est incompréhensive dans son infinitésimalité. The Planck scale is incomprehensible in its minuteness. The Planck scale is incomprehensible in its infinitesimal form. Clive veut être ingénieur en électronique. Clive wants to be an electronic engineer. Clive wants to be an electronics engineer. Il était alors en train de lire un livre. He was reading a book at that time. He was then reading a book. Je me sens piégée. I feel trapped. I feel trapped. Ce bâtiment a plus de 300 ans. That building is more than three hundred years old. This building is over 300 years old. Il a fait tout le travail d'enquête. He did all the legwork. He did all the investigative work. Cette phrase est absolument intraduisible en toki pona. Un homme des cavernes n'aurait aucune idée de ce que cela signifie. That phrase is absolutely untranslatable into Toki Pona. A caveman would have no idea what it means. This sentence is absolutely untranslatable in toki pona. A caveman would have no idea what it means. Cette bibliothèque a été construite en 2013. This library was built in 2013. This library was built in 2013. On ne sait pas ce qui s'est mal passé. It's unclear what went wrong. We don't know what went wrong. Votre attitude, non votre aptitude, détermine votre altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. Je sais ce que vous avez fait la nuit dernière. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. Sydney est loin d'ici. Sydney is far from here. Sydney is far from here. Quelle terreur ! What a terror! What a terror! Tom et Marie décidèrent de se donner une seconde chance. Tom and Mary decided to give things another chance. Tom and Marie decided to give themselves a second chance. J'ai passé toute la matinée au lit. I spent the entire morning in bed. I spent the whole morning in bed. Ce n'est pas son genre de se mettre en colère à ce point. It's unlike him to get so angry. It's not his kind to get so angry. Te sens-tu nerveux au bureau aujourd'hui ? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Le téléphone est sur la table. The phone is on the table. The phone is on the table. Le chien est sous la table. The dog is under the table. The dog is under the table. Je vais discuter avec Marty et voir ce qu'il en pense. I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks. I'll talk to Marty and see what he thinks. Êtes-vous de langue maternelle française ? Are you a native French speaker? Are you a native French speaker? Vous êtes pire que Tom. You're worse than Tom. You're worse than Tom. Je dois le rappeler. I must return his call. I have to call him back. Vous n'êtes pas aussi petits que moi. You aren't as short as I am. You're not as small as I am. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Can you help me? Can you help me? Il est dans le pétrin. He's in hot water. He's in trouble. Elles ont établi un nouveau record du plus long baiser. They set a new record for the longest kiss. They set a new record for the longest kiss. Pendant les vacances de Noël, je vais skier dans les Alpes. During the Christmas vacation, I'm going skiing in the Alps. During the Christmas holidays, I go skiing in the Alps. Tout le monde sait toujours ce que les politiciens font de travers et comment ils devraient s'y prendre, mais seule une partie infime de la population est prête à s'engager elle-même en politique. Everybody always knows when the politicians do something wrong and how they should do it better, but only a tiny fraction of the population is ready to commit themselves to politics. Everyone still knows what politicians are doing wrong and how they should go about it, but only a tiny fraction of the population is willing to engage themselves in politics. C'est la première fois ? First time? Is this the first time? Il ne vous est point nécessaire de me remercier. Je suis ici pour vous servir. You don't need to thank me. I'm here to serve you. You don't have to thank me. I'm here to serve you. Et le thé n'est pas bon non plus. And the tea isn't good either. And tea is not good either. Pua chante à l'église. Pua sings at church. Pua sings in church. Est-ce que tout va bien à la maison ? Is everything all right at home? Is everything all right at home? Sans surprise, il avait beaucoup à dire sur la question. Unsurprisingly, he had a lot to say on the matter. Unsurprisingly, he had a lot to say about the issue. Tom a l'air un peu nerveux. Tom seems a little nervous. Tom looks a little nervous. Je veux vous examiner à nouveau demain. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I want to examine you again tomorrow. Je ne mettrais pas ça dans le fond de la cuisine. I wouldn't put that in the back of the kitchen. I wouldn't put that in the back of the kitchen. Le magazine a divulgué le scandale trop hâtivement. The magazine jumped the gun and reported on the scandal. The magazine leaked the scandal too hastily. Reste attentive à quoi que ce soit qui se présente ! Keep on the watch for anything to come. Pay attention to anything that comes up! Je retire beaucoup de satisfactions de mon travail. I get a lot of satisfaction out of my work. I get a lot of satisfaction from my work. Si tu continues à ce rythme, tu échoueras sûrement. If you go on at that rate, you will surely fail. If you continue at this pace, you will fail. Tiens-tu un journal de rêves ? Do you keep a dream diary? Do you have a dream journal? Un homme de paille vaut une femme en or. A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. A straw man is worth a golden woman. Peux-tu venir dimanche soir ? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come on Sunday night? Nous sommes sûres de pouvoir faire cela. We're sure we can do that. We are sure we can do that. Parlez lentement et distinctement. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and distinctly. Tu sais jouer au mahjong ? Do you know how to play mahjong? Can you play mahjong? Les jeunes épouses des vieux maris ont coutume de penser de bonne heure à choisir celui qui essuiera leurs larmes de veuves. The young wives of old husbands have the habit of thinking early on about choosing the one who will wipe their widow tears. The young wives of old husbands are accustomed to think early about choosing the one who will wipe away their tears from widows. Je préfère l'eau minérale. I prefer mineral water. I prefer mineral water. J'ai piqué du nez. I dozed off. I've got a nose. Il est dans sa bibliothèque. He is in his library. He's in his library. Tu peux me donner ton numéro de téléphone ? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? Tom joue au tennis avec Marie. Tom is playing tennis with Mary. Tom plays tennis with Marie. Le président de la France se rend au Japon le mois prochain. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The president of France will travel to Japan next month. Nous ne pouvons pas dormir à cause du bruit. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Je vais maintenant raccrocher. I'm going to hang up now. I'll hang up now. Il fit comme s'il n'entendait pas son patron. He pretended not to hear his boss. He acted as if he could not hear his boss. Voudrais-tu me prêter un peu d'argent ? Would you lend me some money? Would you like to lend me some money? Il a l'air d'une fille. He looks like a girl. He looks like a girl. Une personne qui pourchasse deux lapins n'en attrapera aucun. A person who chases two rabbits won't catch either. A person who hunts two rabbits will not catch any. Cette maison se louera facilement. This house will rent easily. This house will be easily rented. Après que tu aies mangé ? After eating? After you ate? Il y a quelque chose dont je veux m'entretenir avec toi. There's something I want to discuss with you. There's something I want to talk to you about. Partageons l'argent ! Let's share the money. Let's share the money! Hier soir nous avons entendu le président parler à la télévision. Yesterday evening we heard the President talk on television. Last night we heard the president speaking on television. Heureux que vous ayez trouvé cette leçon utile. Glad you found this lesson useful. Glad you found this lesson useful. Tu ne devrais pas abandonner l'espoir. You shouldn't give up hope. You shouldn't give up hope. Sa famille et son docteur le supplièrent de ne pas partir. His family and his doctor urged him not to go. His family and his doctor begged him not to leave. Entrez dans la pièce après moi. Come into the room after me. Enter the room after me. Nous ne sommes pas vieux. We're not old. We're not old. Sa voix porte très bien. His voice carries very well. His voice carries very well. L'expérience sembla bien se dérouler. The experiment seemed to be going well. The experience seemed to go well. Tu as l'air resplendissante. You look fabulous. You look resplendent. Elle est parfaite ! She's perfect! She's perfect! Reste vigilante ! Keep aware! Stay alert! Elle se sentit très seule. She felt very lonely. She felt very alone. Dégage, cabot ! Scram, mutt! Get out of here! Il vient chaque jour rendre visite à son ami malade. He comes every day to visit his sick friend. He comes to visit his sick friend every day. J'ai appelé la sécurité. I called security. I called security. Ils étaient en vacances en octobre dernier. They were on vacation last October. They were on vacation last October. L'objectif est de réduire la dépendance vis-à-vis de pays comme Taiwan pour les circuits intégrés. The aim is to curtail dependence on countries such as Taiwan for chips. The goal is to reduce dependence on countries like Taiwan for integrated circuits. Les journalistes exigèrent de savoir pourquoi le maire ne voulait pas leur parler. The reporters demanded to know why the mayor wouldn't talk to them. The journalists demanded to know why the mayor did not want to talk to them. Je veux le faire, mais je ne peux pas. I want to do it, but I can't. I want to do it, but I can't. Nous ne nous sommes pas vus depuis. We haven't seen each other since then. We haven't seen each other since. Le candidat a fini par colporter des thèses conspirationnistes. The candidate ended up peddling conspiracy theories. The candidate ended up peddling conspiracy theories. Le moteur s'est arrêté. The motor stopped. The engine stopped. La pendule s'arrêta. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Je t'ai réveillé. I woke you up. I woke you up. Je dois raser votre poitrine pour l'électrocardiogramme. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. Préviens-moi quand tu n'arriveras plus à entendre ça. Please tell me when you can't hear this anymore. Let me know when you can't hear that. Tout est naze. Everything sucks. It's all crazy. Damas est la capitale de la Syrie. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Je m'en occupe cet après-midi. I'll look after it this afternoon. I'll take care of it this afternoon. Pourquoi tous les trucs sympa t'arrivent-ils ? Why do all the cool things happen to you? Why do all the nice stuff happen to you? Ce fut un après-midi très agréable. It was a very pleasant afternoon. It was a very pleasant afternoon. Quand as-tu pris pour la dernière fois des benzodiazépines qui ne t'ont pas été prescrites ? When was the last time you used benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? When was the last time you took benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? J'ai dû louper quelque chose. I must've missed something. I must have missed something. Je me sens un peu responsable. I feel a little responsible. I feel a little responsible. C'est une photographie de ma sœur. That's a photo of my sister. It's a photograph of my sister. Couvrez vos yeux comme ça, s'il vous plaît. Cover your eye like this please. Cover your eyes like that, please. Son bureau se situe au huitième étage. His office is on the eighth floor. His office is on the eighth floor. Adaptons-nous ! Let's adapt! Let's adapt! J'entends parfaitement bien. I can hear perfectly well. I hear perfectly well. Le joueur avec les pièces noires a de nombreuses options pour répondre à 1. e4. The player with the black pieces has numerous options to answer to 1. e4. The player with the black coins has many options to meet 1. e4. Connaissez-vous le chinois ? Do you know Chinese? Do you know Chinese? Tu ne dois pas te hérisser à propos d'une telle broutille. You don't have to go getting so hairy about such a small thing. You don't have to laugh about such a blunder. L'infirmière autorisée a généralement un rôle plus administratif que l'infirmière auxiliaire autorisée. The Registered Nurse usually has more of an administrative role than the Licensed Practical Nurse. The registered nurse generally has a more administrative role than the registered practical nurse. La lecture est importante. Si vous savez lire, alors le monde entier s'ouvre à vous. Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you. Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you. Qu'il neige à cette période de l'année est inhabituel. Snowing at this time of the year is unusual. That it snows at this time of year is unusual. Depuis combien de temps connais-tu Jack ? How long have you known Jack? How long have you known Jack? Je ne m'inquiète plus de ce genre de choses. I don't worry about those kinds of things anymore. I don't worry about that kind of thing anymore. J'étais blessée. I was injured. I was hurt. Il y a un petit chien marron sous cette table. There's a small brown dog under the table. There's a little brown dog under that table. À quand remonte votre dernier rappel de tétanos ? When was your last tetanus booster? When was your last tetanus booster? Ce livre est fascinant. This book is fascinating. This book is fascinating. Elles sont ici. They're here. They're here. Je pensais qu'une poignée de gens serait venue faire du ski-nautique avec nous, mais absolument personne ne se manifesta. I thought a bunch of people would go water skiing with us, but absolutely no one else showed up. I thought a handful of people would have come to ski with us, but absolutely no one showed up. Où dormez-vous ce soir ? Where are you sleeping tonight? Where are you sleeping tonight? Tu dois la trouver. You need to find her. You have to find her. Je prie pour Tom. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. Soit dit en passant, non seulement l'Algérie n'a pas d'industrie, mais elle ne peut même pas percer une aiguille à coudre. Enfin, l'Algérie est un énorme tube digestif ! By the way, Algeria not only has no industry, it can't even put a hole in a sewing needle. Finally, Algeria is a huge digestive tract! By the way, not only does Algeria have no industry, but it can't even pierce a sewing needle. Finally, Algeria is a huge digestive tract! Puis-je vous parler un moment ? Can I talk to you for a moment? Can I talk to you for a moment? J'ai feuilleté le magazine. I leafed through the magazine. I flipped through the magazine. L'opération a-t-elle été réalisée en ambulatoire ? Was the operation an outpatient procedure? Was the operation performed on an outpatient basis? Je tourne la page du livre. I turn over a page of the book. I turn the page of the book. Moi, Tabnit, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, fils d'Eshmunazar, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, je suis couché dans ce sarcophage. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, am lying in this sarcophagus. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, lie in this sarcophagus. Elle retira ses vieilles chaussures et passa les nouvelles. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and passed on the news. Jouais-tu au tennis hier matin ? Were you playing tennis yesterday morning? Did you play tennis yesterday? Il boirait un vin blanc ou un vin rouge. He would drink a white or red wine. He would drink a white wine or a red wine. Souvent, l'avantage d'un pion suffit pour gagner la partie. Oftentimes, the advantage of a pawn is enough to win the game. Often, the advantage of a pawn is enough to win the game. Prends-tu du kratom ? Do you use kratom? Do you take kratom? Ils ne m'ont pas oublié. They didn't forget me. They haven't forgotten me. Cela m'inquiète. I'm worried about it. I'm worried about that. Tu es mon obsession. You are my obsession. You're my obsession. J'ai été invité à une fête demain. I've been invited to a party tomorrow. I was invited to a party tomorrow. Je sais ce que vous êtes en train de faire. I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. Tom n'a pas l'air de m'aimer. Tom doesn't seem to like me. Tom doesn't seem to like me. Nous avons des problèmes plus importants. We've got bigger problems. We have bigger problems. Mon grand-père était soldat pendant la guerre. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Dan donna à Linda de nombreuses occasions de s'expliquer. Dan gave Linda numerous chances to explain. Dan gave Linda many opportunities to explain herself. Je veux que tu ailles me chercher une boisson pétillante. I want you to get me a soda. I want you to go get me a fizzy drink. Je peux comprendre. I can relate. I can understand. Elle fit du bon boulot. She did a good job. She did a good job. Je ne parle pas très bien Toki Pona. I cannot speak Toki Pona very well. I don't speak very well to Toki Pona. En fait, je n'aime pas l'Amérique. In fact, I don't like America. In fact, I don't like America. Tom enseigne le français aux enfants. Tom teaches French to children. Tom teaches French to children. Il n'importe pas que tu le saches. That's not important for you to know. It doesn't matter if you know. Il fut embarrassé, comme j'insistai pour lui lire les critiques de son nouveau livre. He was embarrassed when I insisted on reading the criticism of his new book. He was embarrassed, as I insisted to read him the criticisms of his new book. Êtes-vous drogués ? Are you on dope? Are you drugged? Je lirai le livre. I will read the book. I'll read the book. Qui connaissez-vous à Boston ? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? L'école algérienne enseigne seulement la haine contre les juifs et les chrétiens. The Algerian school teaches only hatred against Jews and Christians. The Algerian school teaches only hatred against Jews and Christians. Le bébé babille dans son berceau, il parle à son ours en peluche. The baby is babbling in his cot; he is talking to his teddy bear. The baby babbles in his crib, he talks to his teddy bear. Nous devons d'abord finir nos devoirs. We must finish our homework first. We have to finish our homework first. Où puis-je louer une voiture ? Where can I rent a car? Where can I rent a car? J'ai besoin que vous partiez, maintenant. I need you to leave now. I need you to leave now. Nous ne pouvons pas nous accorder avec vous sur ce point. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you on this point. Merci de m'ajouter en tant qu'ami. Thanks for adding me as a friend. Thank you for adding me as a friend. J'aimerais m'asseoir ici un instant. I'd like to sit here for a while. I'd like to sit here for a moment. Cette dame est indienne. This lady is Indian. This lady is Indian. Nous sommes tout à fait seuls. We're quite alone. We are quite alone. J'ai emménagé ici hier. I moved here yesterday. I moved here yesterday. Ce billet est valable pendant quinze jours. This ticket is valid for a fortnight. This ticket is valid for 15 days. De quoi te souviens-tu ? What do you remember? What do you remember? Pour chaque nationalité, le yiddish a des mots distincts pour les juifs et les non-juifs. For every nationality, Yiddish has separate words for Jews and non-Jews. For every nationality, Yiddish has distinct words for Jews and non-Jews. J'ai écrit une chanson pour toi. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Elle devrait me remercier. She should thank me. She should thank me. Personne n'a compris ce que Tom voulait. Nobody understood what Tom wanted. No one knew what Tom wanted. Ça doit s'être passé ainsi. It must've happened that way. It must have happened that way. Le coca cola me picota la langue. The cola made my tongue tingle. The coca cola pricked my tongue. La rue était déserte. The street was very empty. The street was deserted. J'ai une vague idée d'où ça se trouve. I have a rough idea where it is. I have a vague idea where it is. Prenez autant de biscuits que vous voulez. Take as many cookies as you want. Take as many cookies as you want. C'est mon jour de congé. It's my day off. It's my day off. J'étais capable de le faire. I was able to do it. I was able to do that. Cet endroit est parfait. This place is all right. This place is perfect. Je ne te parlerais jamais comme ça. I would never speak to you that way. I would never talk to you like that. Ne touche pas à quoi que ce soit sans demander ! Don't touch anything without asking. Don't touch anything without asking! Tom sourit sans enthousiasme. Tom smiled halfheartedly. Tom smiled without enthusiasm. Vive la Révolution ! Long live the Revolution! Long live the Revolution! Je me sens mal aujourd'hui. I feel a little bad today. I feel bad today. Comment c'est dans une école privée ? How is it in a private school? How is it in a private school? Nous avons encore un vieux téléviseur à lampe. We still have an old tube television. We still have an old lamp TV. Sa raison de ne pas y aller est encore obscure. His reason for not going is still unclear. His reason for not going is still obscure. Une fois seule, elle s'est sentie complètement épuisée. Left alone, she felt very tired. Once alone, she felt completely exhausted. J'aime les cornichons. I love pickles. I like pickles. J'ai oublié ton nom. I forgot your name. I forgot your name. Les choses ont mal tourné pour lui. Everything went wrong for him. Things went wrong for him. Halte ! Vous n'avez pas le droit de vous garer ici. Stop! You're not allowed to park here. You don't have the right to park here. Sami et Layla jouaient aux dames. Sami and Layla were playing checkers. Sami and Layla were playing ladies. Mon fils croit au Père Noël. My son believes in Santa Claus. My son believes in Santa Claus. Le ramadan est terminé. Ramadan finished. Ramadan is over. Pourquoi ne pas dresser notre tente ici ? Why don't we pitch our tent here? Why don't we pitch our tent here? Je ne peux qu'attendre. I can but wait. I can only wait. Êtes-vous fatigué de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? Dévissez-le. Unscrew it. Unscrew him. Je m'en suis douté. I thought so. I thought so. Dan a participé à un marathon. Dan participated in a marathon. Dan took part in a marathon. Tu n'es pas obligé de le faire immédiatement. You don't have to do it immediately. You don't have to do it right away. Je trouverai des amis où que j'aille. I'll find friends wherever I go. I'll find friends wherever I go. J'aime contenter ma femme. I like to make my wife happy. I like to please my wife. C'est un petit égoïste méprisable. He's a selfish little snot. He's a small, despicable egoist. Apprenons le français. Let's learn French. Let's learn French. Vos paupières étaient-elles collées quand vous vous êtes réveillé ce matin ? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyes glued when you woke up this morning? Il y a ici un restaurant. There's a restaurant here. There is a restaurant here. Tom mourut en Australie, en 2013. Tom died in Autralia in 2013. Tom died in Australia in 2013. Si nous devions choisir une seule langue à parler, nous choisirions le français. If we had to choose just one language to speak, we would choose French. If we had to choose one language to speak, we would choose French. Désolée ! Tout est de ma faute. Sorry. It's all my fault. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Le vin répandu ne sera pas recueilli. Don't cry over spilt milk. The spilled wine will not be collected. Je l'ai poussée à aller à la fête. I goaded her into going to the party. I pushed her to go to the party. C'est toi qui as loupé une tache. You missed a spot. You're the one who missed a spot. Tom est ambulancier. Tom is an ambulance driver. Tom is a paramedic. Je t'ai averti une fois. I warned you once. I warned you once. Adressez-vous à mon collègue. Go and speak to my colleague. Talk to my colleague. Cette encre est la meilleure. This ink is the best. This ink is the best. Te considères-tu quelqu’un d’honnête ? You consider yourself an honest person? Do you consider yourself an honest person? As-tu déjà subi un traumatisme crânien ? Have you ever had a head injury? Have you ever had a head trauma? Je ne peux pas rattraper Tom. I can't catch up with Tom. I can't catch Tom. La boîte est toute sale. The box is all dirty. The box is all dirty. La partie pharyngée de la gorge se situe derrière le nez et la bouche. The pharyngeal part of the throat is behind the nose and mouth. The pharyngeal part of the throat is behind the nose and mouth. Êtes-vous productives ? Are you productive? Are you productive? As-tu du mal à respirer lorsque tu t'allonges à plat ? Do you have difficulty breathing when you lie down flat? Do you have trouble breathing when lying flat? Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé sous le canapé. Look what I found under the sofa. Look what I found under the couch. Je ne vous ai pas entendues. I did not hear you. I didn't hear you. Tu aurais dû voir l'exposition. You ought to have seen the exhibition. You should have seen the exhibition. Tom remplit le formulaire d'inscription. Tom filled out the application form. Tom completes the registration form. Elles ont témoigné. They testified. They testified. Tom aida. Tom helped. Tom helped. Avez-vous déjà ressenti une douleur à la poitrine ? Have you ever experienced chest pain? Have you ever felt chest pain? Nous ne pouvons en être certaines, si ? We can't be sure, can we? We can't be sure, can we? J'ai quelques amis ici. I have a few friends here. I have a few friends here. Oh, sympa ! Oh, nice. Oh, nice! Je sais à quel point Tom est important pour vous. I know how important Tom is to you. I know how important Tom is to you. N'y vas-tu vraiment pas ? Are you really not going? Aren't you really going? Je me suis dépêché. I hurried. I rushed. Tiens, voilà l'autre clown qui en redemande ! There, here is the other clown asking for more! Here's the other clown. J'ai entendu qu'il y a eu un séisme à Shizuoka. I hear there was an earthquake in Shizuoka. I heard there was an earthquake in Shizuoka. Il craqua une allumette mais l'éteignit bientôt. He struck a match, but quickly put it out. He cracked a match but soon turned it off. Dan a de l'attirance pour Linda. Dan was romantically interested in Linda. Dan has an attraction for Linda. Comment sera-ce ? What'll it be like? How will it be? Allez-y seul. Go alone. Go alone. Tom a sorti son pistolet et a tiré. Tom drew his gun and shot. Tom pulled out his gun and shot. L'ascenseur s’arrêta au deuxième étage. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped on the second floor. Je lui parlerai seul à seul. I'll speak with him alone. I'll talk to him alone. J'attends toujours votre réponse. I'm still waiting for your answer. I'm still waiting for your answer. Il ne laisse pas Kate boire du vin. He doesn't let Kate drink wine. He doesn't let Kate drink wine. Je ne trouve pas ma veste. I can't find my jacket. I can't find my jacket. Ceci est un hectolitre de vin. This is a hectoliter of wine. This is a hectolitre of wine. Comment l'amour peut-il aimer l'amour ? How can love love love? How can love love? Prenez-vous de la kétamine ? Do you use ketamine? Do you take ketamine? Quelle merveilleuse fête ! What a wonderful party! What a wonderful party! Je ne suis pas celui qui devrait y aller. I'm not the one who should go. I'm not the one who should go. Vous devriez arrêter ça. You should stop that. You should stop that. Ce fut la meilleure chose qui m'est jamais arrivée. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. La Kabylie n'a pas beaucoup de ports. Kabylia doesn't have many ports. Kabylia does not have many ports. Yidir est un artiste connu dans le monde entier. Yidir is a universal artist. Yidir is an artist known all over the world. Pour chaque langue que l’on parle, on vit une nouvelle vie. Celui qui ne connaît qu’une seule langue ne vit qu’une seule fois. You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once. For every language we speak, we live a new life. He who knows only one language lives only once. La chambre est trop petite. The room is too small. The room is too small. Je suis resté au Japon seulement quelques mois, pendant lesquels j'ai fait face à de nombreuses difficultés les unes après les autres. I stayed in Japan only a few months, during which time I went through a series of hardships. I stayed in Japan only a few months, during which I faced many difficulties one after the other. Il est condamné à perpétuité. He has a life sentence. He is sentenced to life imprisonment. Il fait très chaud, n'est-ce pas ? It's very hot, isn't it? It's very hot, isn't it? Ça ne devrait pas prendre trop longtemps. This shouldn't take too long. It shouldn't take too long. Tu ressembles à la femme de Tom. You look like Tom's wife. You look like Tom's wife. Noël est fêté le 25 décembre. Christmas is celebrated on December twenty-fifth. Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Je ne suis pas fier de vous. I'm not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Vous a-t-on déjà dit que vous vous arrêtiez de respirer quand vous dormiez ? Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing when you're asleep? Have you ever been told that you stop breathing when you sleep? Mon portefeuille a été volé, alors je vais appeler la police. My wallet has been stolen, so I'm going to call the police. My wallet was stolen, so I'll call the police. Tom a été assassiné la nuit dernière. Tom was murdered last night. Tom was murdered last night. Je veux que tu ailles voir l'infirmière. I want you to go see the nurse. I want you to go see the nurse. Républicains et Démocrates, Chrétiens, Athées, Musulmans et tous les autres cultes, Étasuniens et immigrants, chacun était uni dans la douleur de la dévastation du onze septembre. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other faiths, Americans and Immigrants, everyone was united in grief for the devastation of 9/11. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other cults, Americans and immigrants, each was united in the pain of the devastation of 9/11. Je n'apprécie pas d'être à l'intérieur. I don't like being inside. I don't like being inside. Ann a plusieurs amis. Ann has many friends. Ann has several friends. Je veux que nous gagnions. I want us to win. I want us to win. J'étais très fatigué. I was very tired. I was very tired. J'aime les villes. I like cities. I like cities. J'apprends vite. I'm a fast learner. I'm learning fast. Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit ? What's making that noise? What's making that noise? Je doute qu'il soit sorti hier. I doubt it was released yesterday. I doubt he came out yesterday. As-tu déjà été diagnostiqué séropositif ? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Cette nouvelle est officielle. This news is official. This news is official. Appelle le médecin pour qu'il confirme le rendez-vous. Call the doctor so that he confirms the appointment. Call the doctor to confirm the appointment. La chatte s'est assise sur le tapis. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the carpet. Es-tu suivi ? Are you being followed? Are you being followed? Notre nouveau magasin doit ouvrir ses portes en octobre. Our new store is due to open in October. Our new store is scheduled to open in October. Effectuez vos devoirs par vous-mêmes. Do your homework by yourself. Do your homework on your own. Il ne pleut pas encore. It's not raining yet. It's not raining yet. Tom et Mary travaillent dans le même bureau. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary work in the same office. J'ai pensé qu'il devait s'agir de quelque chose du genre. I thought it must be something like that. I thought it had to be something like that. Tom a aidé la vieille dame à traverser la rue. Tom helped the old lady cross the street. Tom helped the old lady cross the street. Je suis gavée. I'm stuffed. I'm fed up. Vous voulez vous rendre à l'océan. You want to go to the ocean. You want to go to the ocean. T'es-tu amusé, hier soir ? Did you enjoy yourself last evening? Did you have fun last night? Nous devons nous débarrasser de ces vieilles règles. We must do away with these old rules. We need to get rid of those old rules. Je ne vous ai jamais vu ainsi. I've never seen you like this. I've never seen you like that. C'est une de mes préférées. It's one of my favorites. It's one of my favorites. Je suis venu vous dire que Sami vient de démissionner. I came to tell you that Sami has just resigned. I have come to tell you that Sami has just resigned. Les billets sont disponibles en ligne ou sur place. Tickets are available online or at the door. Tickets are available online or on site. Quelle merveilleuse idée ! What a wonderful idea! What a wonderful idea! Est-ce de l'amour ? Is it love? Is it love? Elle a quitté l'hôpital il y a une heure. She left the hospital an hour ago. She left the hospital an hour ago. Yanni a payé. Yanni paid. Yanni paid. Je pense qu'ils seront en retard. I think they'll be late. I think they'll be late. Peut-on boire cette eau sans risque ? Is it safe to drink this water? Can you drink this water without risk? Je vous ai eus. I've got you. I got you. Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de médecin. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Elle aime beaucoup cuisiner. She has a strong liking for cooking. She likes to cook a lot. Je ne veux pas que tu me voies nu. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Aucun acte de bonté, peu importe à quel point il est petit, n'est jamais gaspillé. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Si j'avais beaucoup d'argent, je m'achèterais une maison au bord de la mer. If I was rich I'd buy a house by the sea. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house by the sea. Sa paralysie progresse et bientôt, il ne sera plus en mesure de sortir du lit. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis is progressing and soon he will no longer be able to get out of bed. Nous voulons saisir le caractère unique de chaque langue. Et nous voulons aussi saisir leur évolution à travers le temps. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to capture the uniqueness of each language, and we also want to capture their evolution over time. Tom n'aime pas partager. Tom doesn't like to share. Tom doesn’t like to share. A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez toi un trouble de l'apprentissage ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Il a laissé toutes les fenêtres ouvertes. He kept all the windows open. He left all the windows open. Nous souffrons d'un mal incurable qui s'appelle l'espoir. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. We suffer from an incurable evil called hope. Tom parle aussi bien anglais que vous. Tom speaks English as well as you. Tom speaks as much English as you do. Skura a fait une overdose. Skura overdosed. Skura has overdosed. J'ai l'intention de le faire. I intend to do so. I intend to do it. Avez-vous déjà été diagnostiqué avec une hépatite ? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Je suis intersexe. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. J'ai pris ma retraite l'an dernier. I retired last year. I retired last year. Il parle anglais comme une vache espagnole. He murders English. He speaks English like a Spanish cow. Mon chien aboyait et montrait ses crocs. My dog was barking and showing its fangs. My dog was barking and showing his fangs. Tom est venu chez moi. Tom came to my home. Tom came to my house. Je ne suis pas du même avis. I would beg to differ. I don't think so. Il tire. He shoots. He's shooting. Oh, il a pété. Oh, he broke wind. Oh, he farted. Traduisez-le. Translate it. Translate it. Fais preuve d'originalité. Be original. Be original. Tom a rougi. Tom blushed. Tom's red. Une vie sans but est une mort précoce. A pointless life is a premature death. A life without purpose is an early death. Je n'ai rien compris à ce qu'il a dit. I didn't catch anything he said. I didn't understand what he said. Je ne vous vends pas ma voiture. I'm not selling you my car. I'm not selling you my car. La police a exercé un mandat de perquisition dans l'appartement de mon frère. The police executed a search warrant on my brother's apartment. The police carried out a search warrant in my brother's apartment. Portes-tu des jeans au travail ? Do you wear jeans to work? Do you wear jeans at work? Il a fait marche arrière. He reversed. He's backtracked. En moyenne, combien de boissons gazeuses consommez-vous par jour ? On average, how many carbonated beverages do you drink daily? On average, how many soft drinks do you consume per day? Êtes-vous sûr qu'ils n'ont pas raison? Are you sure they are not right? Are you sure they're not right? Tom traduit ce livre en neuf langues différentes. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. Tom translates this book into nine different languages. Je pense que nous nous sommes rencontrées auparavant, mais si ça ne vous évoque rien, il se peut que je me trompe. I think we've met before, but if I don't ring a bell, maybe I'm wrong. I think we've met before, but if it doesn't sound like you, I might be wrong. Pourrais-tu me mettre au courant ? Could you fill me in? Could you let me know? Je suis un homme d'une absolue sincérité. I am a man of absolute sincerity. I am a man of absolute sincerity. Je n'y parviens pas. I can't do it. I can't do it. Envoyez-la ! Send her in. Send it! Tu dois te lever un peu plus tôt. You must get up a little earlier. You have to get up a little earlier. Elle détient une photo. She has a picture. She has a photo. Avez-vous consulté d'autres médecins pour ce problème ? Have you seen any other doctors for this issue? Have you consulted other doctors about this problem? Où est mon saxophone ? Where is my saxophone? Where's my saxophone? Définissez la qualité. Define quality. Define the quality. Une rafale de vent soudaine lui faisant perdre l'équilibre, le funambule fit une chute mortelle. Losing his balance from a sudden gust of wind, the tightrope walker fell to his death. A sudden gust of wind causing him to lose his balance, the tightrope walker made a fatal fall. Son planning a été modifié. His schedule has been changed. His schedule has been changed. Il n'y a pas d'autre explication. There's no other explanation. There is no other explanation. Ses études l'absorbent. His study absorbs him. His studies absorb it. Je me demande quand un homme des cavernes a dit quelque chose comme ça. I wonder when a caveman said something like this. I wonder when a caveman said something like that. Y a-t-il quelque chose que tu voudrais que je dise à Tom ? Isn't there something you want to say to Tom? Is there anything you want me to tell Tom? Aimeriez-vous sortir prendre un verre après le travail ? Would you like go out for a drink after work? Would you like to go out for a drink after work? Ils préféreraient que nous attendions. They would prefer that we wait. They'd rather we wait. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué des ulcères ? Have you ever been diagnosed with ulcers? Have you ever been diagnosed with ulcers? Je me sens confuse. I'm feeling confused. I feel confused. Je suis sûre que vous avez d'autres compétences. I'm sure you have other skills. I'm sure you have other skills. Il était bleu de froid. He was blue from the cold. It was cold blue. Tom ne savait même pas qu'il était ici. Tom didn't even know it was here. Tom didn't even know he was here. Je suis l'infirmière de nuit. I'm the night shift nurse. I'm the night nurse. A cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. On a given horse we do not look at the teeth. Je ne pense pas que je parvienne à faire cela. I don't think I can do that. I don't think I can do that. Il est devenu aveugle. He has gone blind in both eyes. He's gone blind. Commandons quelque nourriture ! Let's order something to eat. Let's order some food! Il ne sait pas prendre soin de lui-même. He can't take care of himself. He does not know how to take care of himself. Ce volcan entre en éruption à intervalles réguliers. The volcano erupts at regular intervals. This volcano erupts at regular intervals. Il est probable que je suis juste paranoïaque. I'm probably just paranoid. I'm probably just paranoid. Je pense que nous descendrons à la prochaine station. I think we'll get off at the next station. I think we'll get off at the next station. Vous ressemblez à quelqu'un avec qui j'ai été au lycée. You look like somebody I went to high school with. You look like someone I've been with in high school. Je pense que notre avion arrivera en retard à cause de la neige. I think that our plane will arrive late because of the snow. I think our plane will arrive late because of the snow. Ça compte. It matters. It matters. Si tu passes trop de temps au soleil sans mettre de crème solaire, il est probable que tu attrapes un coup de soleil. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, it’s likely that you’ll catch a sunburn. Avec des glaçons, s'il vous plaît. On the rocks, please. With ice, please. Bonne conversation. Good talk. Good conversation. Ne laissez pas les apparences vous tromper ! Don't let appearances fool you. Don’t let appearances fool you. Comment n'y ai-je pas pensé... How did I not think of it? How did I not think about it... Laisse ça où tu l'as trouvé. Leave it where you found it. Leave it where you found it. Je veux entendre tout ce que vous avez à dire. I want to hear anything you have to say. I want to hear everything you have to say. Je suis un traditionaliste. I'm conservative. I am a traditionalist. Vous êtes parfois si puériles. You are so childish sometimes. Sometimes you are so childish. Tout ce que tu dois faire est d'appuyer sur ce bouton rouge. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press that red button. J'ai bien peur de devoir vous demander de partir. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. Le professeur a donné à Tom la permission de faire tout ce qu'il désire. The teacher has given Tom permission to do whatever he wants. The teacher gave Tom permission to do whatever he wanted. Sur un cheval de manège, tu n'iras pas très loin ! On a carousel horse, you will not go very far! On a horse ride, you will not go very far! Si vous considérez l'objectif de l'hibernation, je pense que c'est la réponse des animaux qui essaient de survivre d'une manière ou d'une autre à la saison hivernale avec son manque de nourriture. If you consider the objective of hibernation, I think it's the response of animals trying to somehow survive the winter season with its lack of food. If you consider the goal of hibernation, I think it’s the response of animals trying to somehow survive the winter season with its lack of food. Si je lui dis la vérité, elle ne me pardonnera jamais. If I tell him the truth, she will never forgive me. If I tell her the truth, she will never forgive me. Ils n'ont pas perdu espoir. They did not give up hope. They have not lost hope. Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit. I cannot stand this noise. I can't stand that noise. Petit futé ! Smart kid! Smart boy! Tout le monde est resté debout. Everyone stayed standing. Everyone stayed up. Je suis allé à Paris. I went to Paris. I went to Paris. C'est une pacifiste. She's a pacifist. She's a pacifist. Dégagez, les gamins ! Beat it, kids! Get out of here, kids! Tom, quelqu'un est ici pour te voir. Tom, someone is here to see you. Tom, someone's here to see you. Elle changea son style de coiffure pendant les vacances d’été. She changed her hairstyle during summer vacation. She changed her style of hairdressing during the summer holidays. Marie se sent négligée par son mari. Mary feels that her husband doesn't pay enough attention to her. Mary feels neglected by her husband. Tom écrit très bien. Tom writes very well. Tom writes very well. Mon entreprise est un succès. My company is a success. My company is a success. J'ai perdu mon nouveau stylo plume. I have lost my new fountain pen. I lost my new fountain pen. Une tempête se prépare. A storm is brewing. A storm is preparing. Où piochez-vous vos idées ? Where do you get your ideas from? Where do you get your ideas? Je le cuisis pour vous. I baked it for you. I cook it for you. Tom ne m'en avait rien dit. Tom didn't mention any of this to me. Tom didn’t tell me. Je suis content d'être ici. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to be here. Tu m'as empoigné les fesses ! You grabbed my ass! You grabbed my ass! Je les rencontrai. I met them. I met them. J'ai entendu un fracas venant du ciel et j'ai eu peur. Y a-t-il un homme très puissant là-haut ? I heard a crash from the sky and I was afraid. Is there a very powerful man up there? I heard a crash from the sky and I was scared. Is there a very powerful man up there? Arrête de t'inquiéter pour ça. Stop worrying about that. Stop worrying about that. Sans blague !? No kidding!? No joke!? J'ai sauté une ligne en lisant. I have left out one line in reading. I skipped a line while reading. Je n’extermine pas vos rats. I don't exterminate your rats. I'm not exterminating your rats. Il semble honnête. He seems to be honest. He seems honest. « Où étais-tu ? » « J'étais à la gare pour déposer mon ami. » "Where were you?" "I was at the railway station to drop off my friend." "Where were you?" "I was at the station to drop off my friend." J’ai acheté trois différentes sortes de fleurs. I bought three different kinds of flowers. I bought three different kinds of flowers. Ma vie est devenue un naufrage. My life has become a wreck. My life has become a shipwreck. Tu es dans une propriété privée, ici. You're trespassing here. You're on private property here. Merci de m'aider à faire mes devoirs. Thank you for helping me to do my homework. Thank you for helping me with my homework. Enlève tous tes vêtements de la taille aux pieds, s'il te plaît. Please take off all of your clothes from the waist down. Take off all your clothes from waist to toe, please. Ma mère m'adore. My mother loves me. My mother loves me. Je me suis rendu à la banque pour retirer de l'argent. I went to the bank to take out money. I went to the bank to withdraw money. Je ne sais pas s'il nous rendra visite dimanche prochain. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday. I don't know if he'll visit us next Sunday. Les Européens aiment boire du vin. Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Les progrès de la Science ont apporté de grands changements dans nos vies. The progress of science has brought about great change in our lives. The progress of science has brought great changes in our lives. J'ai arrêté de jouer de la basse. I quit playing the bass guitar. I stopped playing bass. Le temps change souvent. Weather changes often. Time changes often. Les amis s'entraident. Friends help each other. Friends help each other. Fais-le nous savoir, je te prie ! Please let us know. Please let us know! Divise ce gâteau entre vous trois. Divide this cake among you three. Divide this cake between the three of you. On servit des pommes comme dessert. Apples were served as the dessert. Apples were served as dessert. Tom est fier de sa collection de timbres. Tom is proud of his stamp collection. Tom is proud of his stamp collection. Je ne veux pas lire ça. I don't want to read it. I don't want to read that. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas appelé plus tôt ? Why didn't you call me sooner? Why didn't you call me earlier? Avez-vous la moindre idée de qui a écrit ce livre ? Do you have any idea who wrote this book? Do you have any idea who wrote this book? Pouvez-vous un peu parler de cela ? Can you talk about that a little? Can you talk a little bit about that? J’ai un stylo. I have a pen. I have a pen. Son récit de la collision correspond au mien. His story of the collision agrees with mine. His account of the collision corresponds to mine. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Elle se porta volontaire pour aller à la réunion avec lui. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. Le capitaine donne l'ordre d'embarquer sur le navire. The skipper is giving the order to board the ship. The captain gives the order to board the ship. Je prie presque chaque jour pour Tom. I pray for Tom almost every day. I pray for Tom almost every day. Quel pays as-tu visité et combien de temps es-tu resté ? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? La vérité est une trahison dans l'empire des mensonges. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. Truth is betrayal in the empire of lies. Nous aurons des bonnes notes. We'll get good grades. We will have good grades. La population de la Chine est huit fois celle du Japon. The population of China is 8 times that of Japan. The population of China is eight times that of Japan. Arrête de filer. Stop spinning. Stop running. Votre présence est obligatoire. Attendance is compulsory. Your presence is mandatory. D'abord nous devons renvoyer le cuisinier. First of all, we must dismiss the cook. First we have to fire the cook. Le garçon se perdit dans la forêt. The boy got lost in the forest. The boy got lost in the forest. Tu ne peux pas admettre ta défaite. You can't give up. You can't admit defeat. Je vois que vous êtes prêts. I see you are ready. I see you're ready. Son père l'appelle "Tom". His dad calls him Tom. His father called him “Tom.” Je ne suis pas surprise que vous ne connaissiez pas la réponse. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. J'ai vraiment adoré travailler ici. I really loved working here. I really loved working here. Pense à siroter ta boisson au lieu de l'engloutir. Remember to sip your drink, not gulp it. Think about sipping your drink instead of engulfing it. Je pense que ce fait est très grave. I think that this fact is very serious. I think that fact is very serious. Vous commettrez la même erreur si les choses se poursuivent de cette manière. You'll make the same mistake if things continue in this way. You will make the same mistake if things continue in this way. La société a abandonné ce projet. The company abandoned that project. The company abandoned this project. Le président du Congrès mondial amazigh, une « ONG internationale qui défend et promeut les droits individuels et collectifs des Berbères » a été convoqué et interrogé pendant deux heures par la police algérienne sur ses activités et ses rapports de violations des droits de l'homme en Kabylie. The president of the Amazigh World Congress, an "international NGO that defends and promotes the individual and collective rights of the Berbers" was summoned and interrogated for two hours by the Algerian police about its activities and reports of violations of human rights in Kabylia. The president of the Amazigh World Congress, an “international NGO that defends and promotes the individual and collective rights of Berbers” was summoned and questioned for two hours by the Algerian police about its activities and reports of human rights violations in Kabylia. Tu as une odeur corporelle étrange. You have a weird smell. You have a strange body odor. Je te rembourserai la semaine prochaine l'argent que je te dois. I'll pay you back the money I owe you next week. I'll pay you back next week the money I owe you. Je veux t'examiner à nouveau demain. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I want to examine you again tomorrow. Modeste et court d'imagination, Justin ne connaissait le mal que par ouï-dire. Humble and not imaginative, Justin only knew evil through hearsay. Modest and short of imagination, Justin knew evil only by hearsay. Il a acheté une voiture. He bought a car. He bought a car. Je lui ai fait balayer ma chambre. I had her sweep my room. I had him sweep my room. Tom accordait une grande importance à la propreté. Tom was a stickler for cleanliness. Tom attached great importance to cleanliness. Nous n'aimons pas nos voisins et ils ne nous aiment pas non plus. We don't like our neighbors, and they don't like us, either. We don’t love our neighbors and they don’t love us either. C'est ta chance. This is your chance. This is your chance. Il chanta en travaillant. He sang while working. He sang while working. Pendant le ramadan, les musulmans doivent s'abstenir de manger, de boire et d'avoir des relations sexuelles pendant la journée. In Ramadan, Muslims need to abstain from eating, drinking, and having sex during the day. During Ramadan, Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking and having sex during the day. Je voulais vivre seule, pas en maison de retraite. I wanted to live alone, not in a retirement home. I wanted to live alone, not in a nursing home. Aucun Canadien n'a été blessé. No Canadians were injured. No Canadians were injured. Shota a dit qu'il était gêné de la voir. Shota said that he was shy about seeing her. Shota said he was embarrassed to see her. En additionnant cent et mille vous obtenez mille cent. If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred. By adding a hundred and a thousand you get a thousand cents. Y en a marre ! Enough is enough! I'm tired of it! Ils me demandèrent si je pouvais les aider. They asked me if I'd help them. They asked if I could help them. La santé est plus importante que tout le reste. Health is more important than everything else. Health is more important than anything else. Il est trop tôt pour que tu viennes. It's too early for you to come. It's too early for you to come. Comme tu veux. Whatever you say. Whatever you want. Préférerais-tu être examinée par une infirmière ? Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse? Would you rather be examined by a nurse? Tom a répondu qu’il était désolé. Tom replied that he was sorry. Tom said he was sorry. Nos condoléances, nos pensées et notre sympathie vont aux survivants, aux familles et aux amis des victimes et à tout le peuple israélien en cette période difficile. Our condolences, thoughts and sympathy go out to the survivors, families and friends of the victims and to the entire Israeli people at this difficult time. Our condolences, thoughts and sympathies are with the survivors, the families and friends of the victims and the entire Israeli people at this difficult time. Ce médicament n'a pas d'effets secondaires indésirables. This medicine has no harmful side-effects. This medication has no unwanted side effects. Tom consolait Marie. Tom comforted Mary. Tom comforted Mary. Vous ne dormez pas suffisamment. You're not sleeping enough. You're not getting enough sleep. Vous devriez aller vous entretenir avec lui. You should go talk to him. You should go talk to him. Comment résistes-tu ? How are you holding up? How do you resist? As-tu eu des écoulements du mamelon ? Have you had any nipple discharge? Have you had nipple discharge? Tom ne parle toujours pas très bien français. Tom still doesn't speak French very well. Tom still doesn’t speak French very well. J'aimerais que tu gardes ceci secret. I'd like you to keep this a secret. I'd like you to keep this a secret. Mon frère est stupide. My brother is stupid. My brother is stupid. Vous ne devriez pas vous trouver là-dedans. You shouldn't be in here. You shouldn't be in there. Ce document est incompréhensible. This document is impossible to understand. This document is incomprehensible. Le restaurant se situe au rez-de-chaussée. The restaurant is on the ground floor. The restaurant is located on the ground floor. Il se planque. He's gone into hiding. He's hiding. Je ne comprends pas votre question. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Se moucher sans cesse le nez pendant la saison des allergies. Constantly blowing his nose in allergy season. Constantly blow your nose during allergy season. Tom posa la carte, face cachée, sur la table. Tom put the card face down on the table. Tom placed the card, face down, on the table. J’ai corrigé la traduction. I corrected the translation. I corrected the translation. Tu n'es qu'un sous-fifre. Reste à ta place ! You're just an underling. Know your place! You're just an underling, stay in your shoes! Pas de mais ! No buts! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Elle ne peut plus vous faire de mal. She can't hurt you anymore. She can't hurt you anymore. Ce genre de musique n'est pas du goût de tout le monde. This sort of music is not to the taste of everybody. This kind of music is not to everyone’s taste. Lequel des livres n'as-tu pas encore lu ? Which of the books have not you read yet? Which of the books have you not read yet? Tu t'y feras des amis. You will get friends there. You'll make friends. J'ai travaillé dur, jour après jour. I worked hard day after day. I worked hard, day after day. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir aussi tôt. You need not have come so early. You didn't have to come that early. J'ai été discrédité. I was discredited. I've been discredited. Chante, je te prie ! Please sing. Sing, please! Ma ville est près de la mer. My town is by the sea. My city is near the sea. Les enfants faisaient encore du bruit. The kids got noisy again. The kids were still making noise. Je peux t'apprendre à nager. I can teach you how to swim. I can teach you how to swim. Dépêche-toi et tu attraperas l'autobus. Hurry up, and you'll catch the bus. Hurry up and you'll catch the bus. Tu ne peux pas exiger autant d'argent. You can't charge that much. You can't demand that much money. Le meilleur miroir, c'est un vieil ami. The best mirror is an old friend. The best mirror is an old friend. Tom décrivit le problème en détail. Tom described the problem in detail. Tom described the problem in detail. C'est difficile de convaincre John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. J'étais terrifié. I was terrified. I was terrified. Il se tourna vers ses amis pour obtenir de l'aide. He turned to his friends for help. He turned to his friends for help. Les pièces sont en métal. The coins are made of metal. The pieces are made of metal. Toutes ces pommes sont très douces. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. J'ai voyagé à travers toute l'Europe. I've been all over Europe. I have traveled all over Europe. Trouvez-vous que votre humeur change fréquemment sur de courtes périodes ? Do you find that your mood changes frequently in short periods of time? Do you find that your mood changes frequently over short periods of time? Le plutonium a un goût métallique. Plutonium has a metallic taste. Plutonium has a metallic taste. Que faites-vous chez vous, d’ordinaire ? What do you usually do at home? What do you usually do at home? N'y pense pas maintenant. Don't think about it now. Don't think about it now. La température est encore aujourd'hui en dessous de zéro. The temperature is below zero today, too. The temperature is still below zero today. Laisse-moi juste terminer cette phrase. Let me just finish this sentence. Just let me finish this sentence. Je ne parviens pas à faire deux choses à la fois. I can't do two things at the same time. I can't do two things at once. Assieds-toi ! Ne te lève pas. Sit down! Don't stand up. Sit down, don't get up. Quelqu'un peut-il te les apporter si tu en avez besoin ? Can someone bring them for you if you need them? Can someone bring them to you if you need them? Dis lequel tu voudrais. Say which one you would like. Tell me which one you'd like. Tu as l'air fort ravi. You look very delighted. You look very happy. C'est pas pour les fillettes ! Not for the faint-hearted! It's not for the girls! J'ai senti un tremblement de terre. I felt the earth shake. I felt an earthquake. J'aime les langues étrangères. I like foreign languages! I like foreign languages. Je n'oublierai jamais t'avoir vu. I will never forget seeing you. I'll never forget seeing you. Cela me conduit toujours ici. It always leads me here. It always leads me here. Je suis arrivé à Toronto au début du mois de juin. I came to Toronto at the beginning of June. I arrived in Toronto in early June. Je ne me sens pas si spécial. I don't feel so special. I don't feel that special. Marie est probablement riche. Mary is probably rich. Mary is probably rich. On s'est bien entendu dès le départ. We hit it off right off the bat. We got along right from the start. Ne lui faites pas confiance. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Vous auriez dû faire un séjour linguistique à l'étranger. You should have done a language study abroad. You should have taken a language course abroad. Les troglodytes disaient « pont » lorsque l'un d'eux traversait une rivière, marchant sur le tronc d'un grand arbre qui y était tombé par hasard. Malheureusement, personne ne sait ce qu'était ce mot. The troglodytes said "bridge" when one of them crossed a river, walking on the trunk of a tall tree that had fallen there by chance. Unfortunately, however, no one knows what that word was. The troglodytes said "bridge" when one of them crossed a river, walking on the trunk of a large tree that had fallen by chance. Unfortunately, no one knows what this word was. C'est le père de mon mari. C'est mon beau-père. He's my husband's father. He's my father-in-law. He's my husband's father, he's my father-in-law. Tom déteste faire la queue. Tom hates waiting in line. Tom hates to stand in line. Est-ce que ça te dérangerait de garder mes enfants ? Would you mind babysitting my kids? Would you mind looking after my children? Je ne suis pas intéressé par ton opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. Le jury a acquitté Sami de toutes les charges. The jury acquitted Sami of all charges. The jury acquitted Sami of all charges. Il est fauché comme les blés. He is poor as a church mouse. He's broke like wheat. Nous devons savoir si elle sera présente ou non. We need to know if she will be present or not. We need to know whether it will be there or not. Le choix est difficile. The choice is difficult. The choice is difficult. Êtes-vous Tom ? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? Tom est bibliothécaire. Tom is a librarian. Tom is a librarian. Je n'en suis pas certain. I am not certain about that. I'm not sure. Tu es fort courageux. You're very brave. You're very brave. Mes bagages sont manquants. My baggage is missing. My luggage is missing. Noël est seulement dans trois semaines. Christmas is only three weeks off. Christmas is only in three weeks. Je crois que tu vas te régaler en le faisant. I think you'll have fun doing that. I think you're gonna enjoy doing it. Le climat de la Nouvelle-Zélande est similaire à celui du Japon. The climate of New Zealand is similar to that of Japan. The climate of New Zealand is similar to that of Japan. Il est tenancier de bar. He's a bartender. He's a barkeeper. La confiture de figues a refroidi. The fig jam has cooled off. The fig jam has cooled down. Je glisserai un mot en ta faveur. I'll put in a word for you. I'll put a word in your favor. Le but a été refusé car le joueur avait touché le ballon avec son bras. The goal was disallowed because the player had touched the ball with his arm. The goal was refused because the player had touched the ball with his arm. iTunes s'est révélé être une véritable vache à lait pour Apple. iTunes has turned out to be a real cash cow for Apple. iTunes turned out to be a real cash cow for Apple. Quand vas-tu terminer ça ? When are you going to finish this? When are you gonna finish this? Est-ce du russe ? Is that Russian? Is it Russian? Nous avons beaucoup vécu. We have lived a full life. We have lived a lot. Tom a été attrapé la main dans le sac. Tom was caught red-handed. Tom was caught with his hand in the bag. Demande-lui s'il vient ou pas. Ask him if he comes or not. Ask him if he's coming or not. J'aimais aller à la plage. I loved going to the beach. I loved going to the beach. Pas de détritus, s.v.p. No littering. No rubbish, please. Je peux comprendre ça. I can understand that. I can understand that. L'égalité est le résultat le plus fréquent des matchs fermés, dans lesquels chaque joueur cherche avant tout à restreindre les actions de l'adversaire. A draw is the most frequent result of closed matches, in which each player seeks, above all, to restrict the opponent's actions. Equality is the most common result of closed matches, in which each player seeks above all to restrict the actions of the opponent. Les prix sont sujets à changement sans préavis. The prices are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to change without notice. Tom ne m'a pas dit son nom. Tom didn't tell me her name. Tom didn't tell me his name. Je pensais que j'avais vu quelque chose. I thought I saw something. I thought I'd seen something. Il n'y avait rien que j'eusse pu faire. There was nothing I could've done. There was nothing I could have done. Halloween était à l'origine une fête celtique. Halloween was originally a Celtic festival. Halloween was originally a Celtic holiday. Mon frère m'a emmené au musée. My brother took me to the museum. My brother took me to the museum. C'est hilarant. This is hilarious. It's hilarious. J'ai couru aussi vite que j'ai pu mais je n'ai pas réussi à prendre le dernier train à temps. I ran as fast as possible, but I wasn't in time for the last train. I ran as fast as I could but couldn’t get the last train on time. Je n'aime pas sa façon grossière. I don't care for his rudeness. I don't like his rude way. Je ne connais pas tous mes étudiants. I don't know all of the students. I don’t know all my students. Je ne peux pas te donner ça. I can't give you this. I can't give you that. Je crève la dalle ! Quand est-ce qu'on mange ? I'm starving! When do we eat? When do we eat? C'était vous qui aviez tort. It was you that were wrong. It was you who was wrong. Peut-être vous apprécie-t-elle de même. Maybe she likes you, too. Maybe she likes you the same. As-tu des bleus ou des saignements inexpliqués ? Do you have any unexplained bruising or bleeding? Do you have unexplained bruising or bleeding? C'est difficile de parler trois langues. It's hard to speak three languages. It’s hard to speak three languages. J'ai entendu une détonation. I heard an explosion. I heard a detonation. D'autres ont pleuré. Others cried. Others cried. Je me souviens avoir posté ta lettre hier. I remember mailing your letter yesterday. I remember posting your letter yesterday. Elle me prit au dépourvu. She caught me off-guard. She caught me off guard. Je veux le meilleur. I want the best. I want the best. Yanni a disparu. Yanni disappeared. Yanni's gone. Il est très peu probable que je sois arrêtée pour avoir fait ça. I'm not very likely to be arrested for doing that. I am very unlikely to be arrested for doing this. Je tiens à vous remercier d'avance pour l'évaluation de cet article. I want to thank you in advance for evaluating this article. I would like to thank you in advance for the evaluation of this article. As-tu une tronçonneuse que je pourrais emprunter ? Do you have a chain saw I could borrow? Do you have a chainsaw that I could borrow? Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. That is not what I meant to say. That's not what I meant. Ils ne disent jamais rien concernant leur famille. They never say anything about their family. They never say anything about their family. Miel dans la bouche et poison dans le cœur. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Qu'allez-vous faire s'il pleut ? What are you going to do if it rains? What will you do if it rains? Les émeutiers étaient comme des animaux en proie à une frénésie primitive. The rioters were like animals in the grip of a primitive frenzy. The rioters were like animals in the throes of a primitive frenzy. De quoi ris-tu ? What makes you laugh like that? What are you laughing at? Je veux que mes enfants atteignent leur plein potentiel. I want my children to reach their full potential. I want my children to reach their full potential. Mike vient souper ce soir. Mike is coming to dinner this evening. Mike's coming to dinner tonight. Il nous faut sortir d'ici. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. Le travail était très dur. The work was very difficult. The work was very hard. Veuillez vous retourner ! Turn around, please. Please turn around! Je ne vous suis pas. I don't follow you. I'm not following you. Elle l'entendit pleurer au milieu de la nuit. She heard him cry in the middle of the night. She heard him crying in the middle of the night. Ils vous craignent. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. Je sais où trouver de l'eau. I know where to find water. I know where to find water. Sans toi je ne suis rien. Without you I am nothing. Without you I am nothing. Votre maison est en vente. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Le projet de loi fut fortement allégé avant d'être voté par le parlement. The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature. The bill was heavily lightened before being voted on by parliament. Tu n'as certainement pas la bonne nature de ta mère. You definitely don't have the good nature of your mother. You certainly don't have your mother's good nature. Vous êtes une sale menteuse ! You're a filthy liar! You're a dirty liar! Je suis profondément attristé de savoir que votre père est décédé. It saddens me greatly to know that your father died. I am deeply saddened to know that your father has passed away. Elles sont jaunes. They are yellow. They're yellow. Tu ne devrais pas lui parler. You shouldn't talk to him. You shouldn't talk to him. Je suis en train de manger une banane. I am eating a banana. I'm eating a banana. Je suis professeur, j'habite à Uberlândia pour le moment, et j'adore la musique. I'm a professor, I'm living in Uberlândia at present, and I love music. I am a teacher, I live in Uberlândia at the moment, and I love music. Elle fit des cauchemars. She had nightmares. She had nightmares. Tenez bon ! Hang on. Hold on! Je suis venue ici pour vous secourir. I came here to save you. I came here to rescue you. Je vais être votre professeur. I'll be your teacher. I'm gonna be your teacher. Le prix du pétrole est en baisse cette semaine. The price of oil is down this week. Oil prices are down this week. C'est ce que tu gagnes à ne pas écouter. That's what you get for not listening. That's what you get by not listening. Je fais de l'exercice pour me maintenir en forme. I work out to stay in shape. I exercise to keep myself in shape. Aucun homme extrêmement gros n'a jamais tenté une telle chose. No extremely fat man has ever attempted such a thing. No extremely fat man has ever attempted such a thing. Consommez-vous de la marijuana ? Do you use marijuana? Do you use marijuana? Il proposa d'aller avec lui au théâtre, mais il n'y avait aucune représentation ce soir-là. He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night. He offered to go with him to the theater, but there was no performance that night. Il te faut être prêt à tout. You have to be prepared for anything. You have to be ready for anything. Elle ne dit jamais du mal des autres. She never talks bad about other people. She never speaks ill of others. As-tu régulièrement des problèmes de sinus ? Do you regularly have sinus issues? Do you regularly have sinus problems? C'est un mot difficile à traduire. It's a difficult word to translate. This is a difficult word to translate. Elle est venue pour me voir. She came here to see me. She came to see me. Quelqu'un de ton entourage s'est-il déjà suicidé ? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Has anyone around you ever committed suicide? Tom est le plus jeune des quatre. Tom is the youngest of the four. Tom is the youngest of the four. Ce ticket est valable trois jours. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Je peux conduire. I can drive. I can drive. A moins qu'une belle femme ne soit un ange, son mari est le plus malheureux des hommes. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most wretched of men. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most unhappy of men. Tom est stone. Tom's stoned. Tom is stone. Il sait très bien jouer au tennis. He can play tennis very well. He knows how to play tennis very well. Ken a plus de livres que toi. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you. Elle lui conseilla de faire de l'exercice. She advised him to exercise. She advised him to exercise. Le satanisme n'est qu'un christianisme inversé. Satanism is just inverted Christianity. Satanism is just reverse Christianity. La maison prit feu. The house caught fire. The house caught fire. Reste dehors ! Stay outside! Stay out! Sortons nous asseoir dans le jardin. Let's go outside and sit in the garden. Let's go out and sit in the garden. Je suppose que vous savez que vous m'avez manquées. I guess you know I've missed you. I guess you know I missed you. Tu n'es pas obligé de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. J'étais belle. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. Tu ne veux pas un autre enfant? Don't you want to have another child? Don't you want another child? Qu'est-ce qu'un porc-épic ? What's a porcupine? What is a porcupine? Tom et moi sommes tout deux des professeurs. Both Tom and I are teachers. Tom and I are both teachers. Tom est un monstre. Nous avons nourri ce monstre et maintenant il nous dévore. Tom is a monster. We have nurtured this monster and now it is devouring us. Tom's a monster. We fed that monster and now he's eating us. Laquelle de ces raquettes est la tienne ? Which of these rackets is yours? Which of these rackets is yours? Il faut que tu sois poli. You must be polite. You have to be polite. J'ai besoin d'acheter de la nourriture, mais je n'ai pas assez d'argent. I need to buy food, but I don't have enough money. I need to buy food, but I don't have enough money. J'espère la rencontrer ce soir. I hope that I will meet her this evening. I hope to meet her tonight. Voici une lettre pour toi. Here is a letter for you. Here is a letter for you. Je ne servirais pas ce fromage à mes invités. I would not serve this cheese to my guests. I wouldn't serve this cheese to my guests. Voir la femme au chapeau jaune m'a remémoré une histoire. Seeing the woman with the yellow hat reminded me of a story. Seeing the woman in the yellow hat reminded me of a story. J'ai poli le plancher et les meubles. I polished up the floor and furniture. I polished the floor and the furniture. Je peux voir un bateau au loin. I can see a ship in the distance. I can see a boat in the distance. Si vous avez un bon jardin, cela augmentera la valeur de votre maison. If you have a good garden, it will enhance the value of your house. If you have a good garden, it will increase the value of your home. Mon oiseau chante si merveilleusement. My bird sings so beautifully. My bird sings so wonderfully. Je veux juste que tu saches que je pense que tu es la plus belle femme que j'ai jamais vue. I just want to let you know that I think you're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen. I just want you to know that I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. As-tu reçu ton vaccin contre la grippe saisonnière ? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Have you received your seasonal flu vaccine? Ce n'est pas toujours comme ceci. It's not always like this. It's not always like this. Ramasse tes jouets. Pick your toys up. Pick up your toys. Les visiteurs ne sont pas autorisés à nourrir les animaux. Visitors may not feed the animals. Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals. Les seules réponses utiles sont celles qui posent de nouvelles questions. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. The only useful answers are those that ask new questions. Anne était sur le point de quitter la maison lorsque le téléphone a sonné. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave the house when the phone rang. Tom était trop affairé pour m'aider. Tom was too busy to help me. Tom was too busy to help me. Puis-je avoir ce doigt ? Can I have this finger? Can I have that finger? Tu ne sembles pas si malin. You don't seem so smart. You don't seem so smart. Ma femme aussi est morte. My wife is also dead. My wife died too. Nombreux sont ceux qui, en Angleterre, veulent voir disparaître le financement public de la monarchie. Many in England want to see the public subsidy of the monarchy done away with. There are many in England who want to see the public financing of the monarchy disappear. Je ne peux plus en prendre ! I can't take any more! I can't take it anymore! Vous a-t-on déjà dit que vous vous arrêtiez de respirer quand vous dormiez ? Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing when you are asleep? Have you ever been told that you stop breathing when you sleep? Ouvre les fenêtres ! Open the windows. Open the windows! Il mangea le steak et en commanda un autre. He ate up the steak and ordered another. He ate the steak and ordered another. Il a des nausées. He has nausea. He's got nausea. Consommez-vous des substances illicites ? Do you use any illegal substances? Do you use illegal substances? C'était une nuit très très chaude. It was a very, very hot night. It was a very hot night. Donne-moi mon épée. Give me my sword. Give me my sword. Certains aiment les chats, d'autres préfèrent les chiens. Some people like cats, others prefer dogs. Some like cats, others prefer dogs. Tu adorais le chocolat. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Certains scientifiques prévoient que les réserves mondiales de pétroles seront épuisées d'ici un siècle. Some scientists predict that the world oil reserves will be used up within a century. Some scientists predict that the world's oil reserves will be depleted within a century. Je vais étudier ton rapport. I'll study your report. I'll look into your report. Je veux manger un truc. I want to eat something. I want to eat something. Je pense que je suis prêt à partir. I think I'm ready to leave. I think I'm ready to go. Le rugby est un jeu de plein air. Rugby is an outdoor game. Rugby is an outdoor game. Qu'est-ce que l'Univers ? What is the universe? What is the Universe? Prends-tu actuellement des médicaments qui t'ont été prescrits par un psychiatre ? Do you currently take any medication prescribed to you by a psychiatrist? Do you currently take any medications that have been prescribed by a psychiatrist? De nombreuses personnes vous détestent déjà. A lot of people hate you already. Many people already hate you. Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement contre la chlamydiose ? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Ils étudient l'industrie. They study industry. They study industry. Ce scandale sera connu de tous un jour. That scandal will be known to everybody in the course of time. This scandal will be known to all one day. Quand la pomme de terre fut-elle introduite au Japon ? When were potatoes introduced into Japan? When was the potato introduced in Japan? Aimes-tu étudier ? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like to study? Soyez originale. Be original. Be original. Ce journal paraît de manière hebdomadaire. This paper comes out once a week. This newspaper appears weekly. Ils ne sauraient être trop prudents en orthographe. They cannot be too careful about spelling. They cannot be too careful in spelling. Arrête de faire de la lèche à la prof ! Stop sucking up to the teacher. Stop licking the teacher! Je possède cet endroit. I own this place. I own this place. Yanni a ajouté quelques centaines de milliers de phrases copiées-collées. Yanni added some hundred thousand copy-paste sentences. Yanni added a few hundred thousand copied-pasted sentences. C’est la nouvelle terreur du quartier Tatoeba. He’s the new kid on the block at Tatoeba. This is the new terror of the Tatoeba neighborhood. Je voulais la surprendre. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to surprise her. Quelles sont les nouvelles? What's the news? What's the news? Ce distributeur automatique est en panne. That vending machine is out of order. This vending machine is down. Le peuple kabyle, qui veut un État laïque et une éducation scientifique, est détesté par les Algériens qui, eux, veulent coûte que coûte un État islamique et donc arabe ! Enfin, faire vivre deux peuples diamétralement opposés est d'une absurdité sans nom et un crime impardonnable ! The Kabyle people who want a secular state and a scientific education are hated by the Algerians who, for their part, want an Islamic and therefore Arab state at all costs! Finally, to make two diametrically opposed peoples live together is an absurdity without name and an unforgivable crime! The Kabyle people, who want a secular state and a scientific education, are hated by Algerians who, at all costs, want an Islamic State and therefore an Arab! Finally, to make two diametrically opposed peoples live is an unforgivable absurdity and an unforgivable crime! Tu frappes comme une fillette ! You punch like a girl. You hit like a little girl! Quand vous êtes-vous mariées ? When did you get married? When did you get married? Le singe saute de branche en branche. The monkey jumps from branch to branch. The monkey jumps from branch to branch. Tes maux d'estomac sont-ils sourds, aigus, accompagnés de crampes ou d'autres symptômes ? Is your stomach pain dull, sharp, cramping, or something else? Are your stomach upsets deaf, acute, accompanied by cramps or other symptoms? La bissexualité de Bert troublait Tom et excitait Mary. Bert's bisexuality was troubling Tom and excited Mary. Bert’s bisexuality troubled Tom and excited Mary. Nous vous inscrirons sur la liste. We'll put you on the list. We will put you on the list. Attrape-les si tu peux ! Catch them if you can. Catch them if you can! La belle fille aux cheveux noirs était dans le parc. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful black-haired girl was in the park. Je dois recouvrir le dîner de ma sœur de film plastique. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in cling film. I have to cover my sister's dinner with plastic film. Je suis soumis à une autre obligation. I have another obligation. I am subject to another obligation. Je suis allé à l'aéroport pour accueillir mon père. I went to the airport to meet my father. I went to the airport to greet my father. C'est mon métier. It's my job. That's my job. Marie est étudiante en physique. Mary is a student of physics. Marie is a physics student. Nombre furent massacrés. Many were slain. Many were massacred. Le résultat confirma mon hypothèse. The result confirmed my hypothesis. The result confirmed my hypothesis. Vous n'êtes pas si vieux. You're not that old. You're not that old. Ce n'est pas très facile. It's not very easy. It's not very easy. Je n'ai pas pu dormir à cause du bruit. I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. Les gens devraient être maîtres de leur propre destin. People should be the masters of their own destinies. People should be masters of their own destiny. Alors, c'est une solution ad hoc, elle est bonne en pratique mais théoriquement faible. Thus, this is an ad hoc solution - good in practice but theoretically weak. So it is an ad hoc solution, it is good in practice but theoretically weak. Il va peut-être venir. He is likely to come. Maybe he'll come. Vous parlez vraiment vite. You talk really fast. You talk really fast. Que puis-je faire pour t'aider là maintenant ? What can I do to help you right now? What can I do to help you here now? Je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point je suis heureux que vous soyez venus nous rendre visite. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come to visit us. I can't tell you how happy I am that you came to visit us. Notre chien enterre ses os dans le jardin. Our dog buries its bones in the garden. Our dog buries his bones in the garden. Nous devons travailler dur à abattre les barrières sociales. We must work hard to break down social barriers. We must work hard to break down social barriers. Vous êtes plus grandes que moi. You're taller than me. You're bigger than me. Je peux à peine comprendre ce qu'il dit. I can barely understand what he's saying. I can barely understand what he's saying. As-tu des brûlures d'estomac après avoir mangé certains aliments ? Do you get heartburn after eating certain foods? Do you have heartburn after eating certain foods? Je me demande qui est venu. I wonder who has come. I wonder who came. Le bouquin était tellement captivant que j'ai à peine pu le poser. The book was so gripping, I could hardly put it down. The book was so captivating that I could barely put it down. La foi déplace les montagnes. Faith moves mountains. Faith moves mountains. Allo ! Speaking. Hello! Tom est plus riche que la plupart d'entre vous. Tom is richer than most of you. Tom is richer than most of you. Saturne a de beaux anneaux. Saturn has beautiful rings. Saturn has beautiful rings. L'alunissage fut une réussite monumentale. The moon landing was a monumental achievement. The landing was a monumental achievement. Qui devrais-je croire ? Who should I believe? Who should I believe? Nous avons passé un très bon moment la nuit dernière. We had a very good time last night. We had a great time last night. Elle apprécie mes plaisanteries. She likes my jokes. She likes my jokes. Quand avez-vous fait tester votre vue pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had your eyes tested? L'ignorance n'a pas de limites. Ignorance has no limits. Ignorance has no limits. De quelle couleur est le chandail de Tom ? What color is Tom's sweater? What color is Tom's shirt? Demain est-il un jour férié ? Is tomorrow a holiday? Is tomorrow a holiday? Tom arrête de fumer. Tom's quitting smoking. Tom quit smoking. Je pense que vous devriez dire à Tom que vous l'aimez. I think you should tell Tom you love him. I think you should tell Tom that you love him. Je fais souvent des erreurs quand je parle français. I often make mistakes when speaking in French. I often make mistakes when I speak French. T'es-tu entiché de lui ? Do you have a crush on him? Are you infatuated with him? Le romancier a rassemblé des documents pour son travail. The novelist gathered materials for his work. The novelist gathered documents for his work. J'ai fait ceux-ci. I made these. I made these. Il vous procurera ce dont vous avez besoin. He will provide you with what you need. He will give you what you need. Je ne trouve pas mon sécateur. I can't find my pruning shears. I can't find my pruner. Je pensais que nous allions l'emporter. I thought we were going to win. I thought we were going to win. À cause de ma maladie, je n'ai pu te rendre visite. Due to my illness, I couldn't visit you. Because of my illness, I couldn't visit you. Ils se vantent de leur pont. They boast of their bridge. They boast of their bridge. Elle veut être designer. She wants to be a designer. She wants to be a designer. Tu vas étudier le français ? Are you going to study French? Are you going to study French? Ils sont similaires. They're similar. They're similar. Elle a fait marche arrière. She reversed. She backtracked. Il met quelque argent de côté tous les mois. He puts aside some money every month. He puts some money aside every month. C'est comme cela qu'il a découvert la comète. That's how he discovered the comet. That’s how he discovered the comet. Tom aime-t-il les tomates ? Tom likes tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? Tom est trop petit pour faire cela. Tom is too small to do that. Tom is too small to do that. J’ai annulé. I canceled. I canceled. Je suis allée au cinéma mais le film ne m'a pas beaucoup plu. I went to the cinema, but I didn't enjoy the film much. I went to the movies, but I didn’t like the movie very much. Vous êtes épuisées. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. Tom a plongé dans la piscine. Tom dove into the swimming pool. Tom dived into the pool. De nombreuses personnes ont des problèmes d'allergies, actuellement. A lot of people are dealing with allergies now. Many people have allergy problems right now. Je n'ai jamais vu de réfrigérateur rouge. I have never seen a red refrigerator. I have never seen a red refrigerator. Ça passe le lundi soir à 9 heures. It's on on Monday evenings at 9. It's Monday night at 9 o'clock. Qu’as-tu mangé pour le déjeuner aujourd'hui ? What did you eat for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch today? Ce fut une chouette fête. It was a nice party. It was a great party. Vous avez l'air un peu remuées. You look a little shaken. You look a little jittery. Il y avait des survivantes. There were survivors. There were survivors. Tu dois y penser. You need to think about it. You have to think about it. Je ne souhaite pas la mort à quelqu'un. I don't wish anyone dead. I do not wish death to anyone. La meilleure chose serait pour vous de faire le travail par vous-même. The best thing would be for you to do the work yourself. The best thing would be for you to do the work for yourself. Combien de livres pesez-vous ? How many pounds do you weigh? How many pounds do you weigh? Comment puis-je avouer à mes parents que je suis enceinte ? How do I tell my parents that I’m pregnant? How can I tell my parents that I am pregnant? L'avion a effectué un atterrissage parfait. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane made a perfect landing. J'étais probablement en train de rêver. I was probably dreaming. I was probably dreaming. Elle m'a oublié. She forgot me. She forgot me. Ici, vous pouvez prendre une douche. Here's where you can shower. Here you can take a shower. Vous êtes plus forts que nous. You're stronger than us. You are stronger than us. Elle décida de ne pas s'y rendre. She decided not to go. She decided not to go there. Dix, c'est dix pour cent de cent. Ten is ten percent of one hundred. Ten is ten per cent. Le dragon est une créature imaginaire. The dragon is an imaginary creature. The dragon is an imaginary creature. Je ne suis pas intéressé par votre opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. As-tu l'impression d'avoir de la fièvre ? Do you feel like you have a fever? Do you feel like you have a fever? Il aura des vacances un de ces jours. He shall have a holiday one of these days. He'll be on vacation one of these days. Je vous ai prévenu auparavant. I've warned you before about this. I warned you before. Connais-tu l'arabe ? Do you know Arabic? Do you know Arabic? Tom essuya ses lunettes. Tom wiped his glasses. Tom wiped his glasses. J'étais rassuré d'entendre qu'il était en sécurité. I was relieved to hear that he was safe. I was relieved to hear that he was safe. Elle est gentille avec les personnes âgées. She is kind to old people. She is kind to the elderly. Attache ton lacet de chaussure. Tie your shoe. Tie your shoelace. Le magasin a définitivement fermé. The store closed down for good. The store has definitely closed. Quelque chose est-il différent ? Is something different? Is something different? J'ai beaucoup de fleurs. I have a lot of flowers. I have a lot of flowers. Elle a un mari et deux filles. She has a husband and two daughters. She has a husband and two daughters. Qui est ton comique favori ? Who's your favorite comedian? Who is your favorite comic? Elle est contente de son succès. She's pleased at his success. She is happy with her success. J'ai parlé à l'actrice elle-même. I spoke to the actress herself. I talked to the actress herself. Il est déjà onze heures. It's already 11 o'clock. It's already eleven o'clock. As-tu vu ma nouvelle auto ? Have you seen my new car? Have you seen my new car? Tu es doté d'une assez bonne mémoire. You've got a pretty good memory. You have a pretty good memory. Le soleil se lèvera et la fête continuera encore. The sun will rise and the party will still continue. The sun will rise and the party will continue. Pourquoi les singes sont-ils si amusants ? Why are monkeys so funny? Why are monkeys so fun? Je vois que vous vous êtes fait une amie. I see you've made a friend. I see you've made a friend. Le panneau de commandes de l'instrument a une disposition très ergonomique. The instrument panel has a very ergonomic layout. The instrument control panel has a very ergonomic layout. Je ne connais aucun art martial. I don't know any martial arts. I don’t know any martial arts. Par ici, s'il vous plait. Please come this way. This way, please. Peux-tu être ici dans les cinq minutes qui viennent ? Can you be here within five minutes? Can you be here in the next five minutes? Combien d'assiettes désires-tu? How many plates do you want? How many plates do you want? Mon père écoute de la musique classique. My father listens to classical music. My father listens to classical music. Tu es une femme très attirante. You're a very attractive woman. You're a very attractive woman. De quoi parlez-vous ? What are you talking about!? What are you talking about? Elle lui sourit en retour. She smiled back at her. She smiled at him in return. Nous avons beaucoup ri. We laugh a lot. We laughed a lot. Il y a beaucoup de fleurs rouges dans le jardin. There are many red flowers in the garden. There are many red flowers in the garden. Nos femmes nous manquent vraiment. We really miss our wives. We really miss our women. Ryoko a une jolie petite frimousse. Ryoko has a cute little face. Ryoko has a cute little face. Je suis prêt, et vous ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, and you? Tokyo semble avoir reçu le message de Washington. Tokyo seems to have gotten the message from Washington. Tokyo seems to have received the message from Washington. Tenez-vous un journal de rêves ? Do you keep a dream diary? Do you keep a dream journal? Je suis citoyen romain. I am a Roman citizen. I am a Roman citizen. Il lui a offert une poupée. He presented her with a doll. He gave her a doll. Il va me falloir y réfléchir. I'm going to have to think about that one. I'll have to think about it. Elle déteste courir. She hates running. She hates to run. « J'ai décidé de divorcer avec ta mère. » « Pourquoi ? » « Excuse-moi pour mon choix de mots, mon fils, mais ta mère n'est vraiment qu'une salope infidèle. » "I've decided to divorce your mother." "Why?" "I'm sorry to put it this way, son, but your mother is nothing but a cheating whore." “I decided to divorce your mother.” “Why?” “Excuse me for my choice of words, my son, but your mother is really just an unfaithful bitch.” Le Premier Ministre a signé un accord commercial entre les deux pays. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. Il se pourrait que je vote pour toi. I might vote for you. I might vote for you. Descendez au prochain arrêt et prenez un bus à destination de l'aéroport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus to the airport. Je suis juste allongé. I'm only lying down. I'm just lying down. Les langues vivantes changent tout le temps. Modern languages change all the time. Modern languages change all the time. Vous êtes bavarde. You're talkative. You're talkative. Je ne suis pas né ici mais j'y ai passé toute ma prime enfance. I wasn't born here, but I spent all of my early childhood here. I wasn’t born here, but I spent my entire childhood there. Je n'avais aucun travail hier. I had no work yesterday. I had no job yesterday. Quel dommage que tu ne puisses venir ! What a pity you can't go. It's a shame you can't come! Ma phrase est-elle correcte ? Is my sentence correct? Is my sentence correct? N'y pensons plus. Let's not think about it anymore. Don't think about it. Désolé, j'ai dû composer le mauvais numéro. Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry, I had to dial the wrong number. Il a écrit une brillante préface pour cette pièce. He wrote a fine preface to the play. He wrote a brilliant preface to this play. Je me sens souffrante ces deux derniers jours. I've been feeling poorly for the last couple of days. I've been feeling sick the last couple of days. Mon père a la même voiture que Monsieur Kimura. My father has the same car as Mr Kimura's. My father has the same car as Mr. Kimura. Elles vous craignent. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. Les trois furent arrêtés. The three were arrested. All three were arrested. Mon père me tuera. My dad will kill me. My father will kill me. C'est compliqué. It's complicated. It's complicated. Je m'en rends compte. I'm fully aware of that. I realize that. Sami pourrait revenir à la maison pour quelques jours. Sami might come home for a couple of days. Sami could come home for a few days. À vrai dire, je voulais être une damoiselle, dans une tour gardée par sept dragons, et alors un prince sur un cheval blanc aurait coupé la tête des dragons et m'aurait délivrée. Actually I wanted to be a damsel in a tower guarded by seven dragons, and then a prince on a white horse would chop off the dragons' heads and liberate me. To tell the truth, I wanted to be a damsel, in a tower guarded by seven dragons, and then a prince on a white horse would have cut off the dragons’ heads and delivered me. J'avais travaillé dur toute la journée, donc j'étais très fatigué. I worked hard all day, so I was very tired. I had been working hard all day, so I was very tired. J'ai dix minutes pour attraper ma correspondance. I have ten minutes to catch my connection. I have ten minutes to catch my correspondence. Tom est celui qui m'a réveillé. Tom is the one who woke me up. Tom was the one who woke me up. Je déteste attendre ainsi. I hate waiting like this. I hate to wait like that. J'aime cette maison. Elle est plutôt spacieuse. I like this house. It's quite roomy. I like this house, it's pretty spacious. Il faut être trois pour apprécier une bonne histoire : un pour la raconter bien, un pour la goûter et un pour ne pas la comprendre. Car le plaisir des deux premiers est doublé par l'incompréhension du troisième. It takes three to enjoy a good story: One to tell it right, one to relish it and one to fail to understand it. The pleasure of the first two is doubled by the lack of understanding of the third. It takes three to appreciate a good story: one to tell it well, one to taste it and one not to understand it, because the pleasure of the first two is doubled by the incomprehension of the third. Est-ce la clé que vous cherchiez ? Is this the key you were looking for? Is that the key you were looking for? Nous sommes déçus. We're disappointed. We are disappointed. Les passagers sont-ils tous à bord ? Are all passengers on board? Are all passengers on board? Tom ne porte pas de nouveau chapeau. Tom isn't wearing a new hat. Tom is not wearing a new hat. Pouvez-vous me donner votre numéro de téléphone? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? Je pense qu'il est temps que je demande des indications. I think it's time for me to ask for directions. I think it's time for me to ask for directions. Les policiers sont là. The cops are here. The police are here. Marie vit loin de moi, mais je pense souvent à elle. Mary lives far from me, but I often think about her. Mary lives far away from me, but I often think of her. Pouvez-vous manger la peau d'un kiwi ? Can you eat the skin of a kiwifruit? Can you eat the skin of a kiwi? Il nous cria de venir. He shouted to us to come. He yelled at us to come. C'est une pièce de musée ! This is a museum piece! It's a museum piece! J'ai vraiment très soif. I really am very thirsty. I'm really thirsty. Nous nous excusons pour l'erreur. We apologize for the mistake. We apologize for the mistake. Sami est imprévisible. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami is unpredictable. Tom déteste Mary. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. J'aimerais vous donner un conseil. I'd like to give you a piece of advice. I'd like to give you some advice. Mary transporte un spray au poivre dans son sac. Mary carries pepper spray in her purse. Mary carries a pepper spray in her bag. Au paresseux donnez un œuf, il vous dira de l'écaler. Give an egg to the lazy, they'll tell you to peel it. To the lazy give an egg, he will tell you to scale it. Elle obtint qu'il fasse tout ce qu'elle voulait. She got him to do anything she wanted him to do. She got him to do whatever she wanted. Pouvez-vous justifier votre absence de vendredi dernier ? Can you account for your absence last Friday? Can you justify your absence last Friday? Tony parle bien l'anglais. Tony speaks English well. Tony speaks English well. « Tu es fatigué ? » « Non, je peux continuer. » "Are you tired?" "No, I can keep going." “Are you tired?” “No, I can go on.” T'es-tu fait de quelconques nouveaux amis ? Did you make any new friends? Have you made any new friends? Je pensais que vous diriez ça. I thought you'd say that. I thought you'd say that. Qui t'a mordu ? Who bit you? Who bit you? Il a trois filles, l'une est mariée mais pas les autres. He has three daughters; one is married, but the others aren't. He has three daughters, one is married but not the others. Nous devons être certains que nous faisons ça. We have to make sure we do that. We have to be sure that we are doing this. Dieu nous en préserve. God forbid. God forbid. Je suis conscient de la situation. I'm aware of the situation. I am aware of the situation. Tom a dit qu'il aimerait être un poisson. Tom said that he'd like to be a fish. Tom said he'd like to be a fish. J'aime les romans de science-fiction. I like science fiction novels. I like science fiction novels. Je veux celles-là. I want these. I want those. Je décore les pages de mon livre avec les couleurs de divers drapeaux. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. Tout renard loue sa queue. Every fox praises its tail. Every fox rents his tail. J'irai si je dois. I will go if I must. I'll go if I have to. J'ai finalement rattrapé mes amis. I finally caught up with my friends. I finally caught up with my friends. Marie est étudiante en physique. Mary is a physics student. Marie is a physics student. C'est un type tellement sympa ! He's such a great guy. He's such a nice guy! Quelle est la longueur de la frontière entre l'Allemagne et l'Autriche ? How long is the border between Germany and Austria? How long is the border between Germany and Austria? Est-il si difficile de choisir entre le paradis et l'enfer ? Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell? Is it so hard to choose between heaven and hell? Assieds-toi, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Tom est un très bon sculpteur. Tom is a very good sculptor. Tom is a very good sculptor. J'ai sollicité un visa. I applied for a visa. I applied for a visa. Il fait froid : nous avons allumé un feu. It being cold, we made a fire. It's cold; we've lit a fire. Puis-je placer ça sur votre bras ? Can I put this on your arm? Can I put this on your arm? Combien d'élèves y a-t-il dans votre université ? How many students are there in your university? How many students are there at your university? Je me demande ce qu'il adviendra de l'enfant. I wonder what ever will become of the child. I wonder what will happen to the child. Le sentiment anti-étrangers est souvent attisé par le gouvernement chinois pour encourager un nationalisme de pacotille. Anti-foreign sentiment is often stoked by the Chinese government in order to bolster cheap nationalism. Anti-foreign sentiment is often stoked by the Chinese government to encourage cheap nationalism. La mort est un acte du cœur. Death is an act of the heart. Death is an act of the heart. Vous voulez vraiment le faire, non ? You really want to do this, don't you? You really want to do it, don't you? Je serais déçue de vous voir le faire. I'd be disappointed if I saw you doing that. I'd be disappointed to see you do that. Je n'ai aucun ami avec qui en parler. I don't have a friend with whom I can talk about this. I have no friends to talk to. Dans une conversation, il est probable que quelqu'un découvre assez facilement certaines choses à propos de l'autre personne. In conversation, one is likely to find out certain things about the other person quite easily. In a conversation, it’s likely that someone discovers some things about the other person quite easily. As-tu dit à Tom pourquoi tu es ici ? Did you tell Tom why you're here? Did you tell Tom why you're here? Je suis un an plus jeune que Tom. I'm a year younger than Tom. I am a year younger than Tom. Quand avez-vous remarqué pour la première fois que vous perdiez vos cheveux ? When did you first notice that you were losing your hair? When did you first notice that you were losing your hair? Marche ! March on! Walk! C'est douloureux. This is painful. It's painful. Quoiqu'il arrive, je tiendrai ma promesse. No matter what happens, I'll keep my promise. Whatever happens, I will keep my promise. Il a écrit un livre sur la porcelaine. He wrote a book on china. He wrote a book on porcelain. Voilà déjà longtemps que tu es en sécurité. You've been safe for a long time now. You've been safe for a long time. La ville est devenue populaire grâce au parc d'attractions construit l'an dernier. Thanks to the amusement park built last year, the city has become popular. The city has become popular thanks to the amusement park built last year. J'ai écrit une lettre à ma mère. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. Cette nuit la terre a tremblé. Tonight the earth trembled. That night the earth shook. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant d’être en mesure de le faire. I'm indeed grateful to be able to do this. I am truly grateful to be able to do so. C'est un membre estimé. He is a member in good standing. He is an esteemed member. Il ne savait pas nager. He could not swim. He couldn’t swim. Elle est en train de cuisiner pour lui. She is cooking for him. She's cooking for him. L'allemand est la meilleure langue du monde. German is the best language in the world. German is the best language in the world. Que résulte-t-il de 5814 si on l'arrondit au millier ? What is 5814 rounded to the nearest thousand? What is the result of 5814 if it is rounded to a thousand? Je l'étreignis. I hugged her. I hugged him. Ce qui est haïssable pour toi, ne le fais pas à ton prochain ; c'est là toute la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Maintenant, va et étudie. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor; this is the whole Torah, the rest is only commentary. Now, go and study. Tom a ordonné à Mary de le faire. Tom ordered Mary to do it. Tom ordered Mary to do it. J'attends mes amis à la gare. I'm waiting for my friends at the station. I'm waiting for my friends at the station. Avez-vous jamais été amoureuses ? Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been in love? Je portais un costume et de faux crocs de vampire. I wore a vampire costume, and had fake fangs. I was wearing a costume and fake vampire fangs. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui va arriver. I have no idea what'll happen. I have no idea what's going to happen. En Europe et aux États-Unis, ils considèrent le chien comme un membre de la famille. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and the United States, they consider the dog as a member of the family. De manière générale, les petites filles adorent les poupées. Generally speaking, little girls are fond of dolls. In general, little girls love dolls. Il avait servi en tant que député et sénateur. He had served as a congressman and senator. He had served as a member of Parliament and a senator. Tom me traite toujours comme un enfant. Tom always treats me like a child. Tom always treats me like a child. Cette entreprise espionnait ses employés. This company has been spying on its employees. This company was spying on its employees. Il m'a demandé si j'étais heureux. He asked me if I was happy. He asked me if I was happy. Êtes-vous en train de me regarder ? Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me? Ses yeux bleus étaient clairs et brillants. His blue eyes were clear and bright. His blue eyes were bright and clear. Nous savons que le travail est dangereux. We know the work is dangerous. We know that work is dangerous. Au temps pour moi. My bad. In time for me. Tu as l'air heureux aujourd'hui. You seem happy today. You look happy today. Pourquoi ne pas simplement lui dire non ? Why not just say no to him? Why not just say no? Je suis Azeri. I'm Azeri. I'm Azeri. C'est tout toi. That's just like you. It's all you. Le déjeuner a une odeur délicieuse. Dinner smells delicious. Lunch has a delicious smell. J'ai accouché naturellement. Last time it was a natural childbirth. I gave birth naturally. Viens-tu d'Afrique ? Are you from Africa? Are you from Africa? Qui t’a prêté ce livre ? Who lent you that book? Who loaned you this book? Marie me suit. Mary is following me. Mary follows me. Tom n'obtiendra certainement pas mon vote. Tom certainly won't get my vote. Tom certainly won't get my vote. Ma chambre est un peu en désordre. My room's a little messy. My room is a bit messy. Peux-tu imaginer ? En fait, le carré de moins un est 'i'. Can you imagine? Indeed, the square root of minus one is 'i'. Can you imagine? In fact, the square of minus one is 'i'. Envoyons une invitation à Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Nous ne sommes pas encore désespérées. We're not desperate yet. We are not yet desperate. Sur sa chemise se trouvait une tache de sauce. On his shirt there was a sauce stain. On his shirt was a stain of sauce. J'espère que vous vous arrêterez de me raconter des mensonges. I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you stop telling me lies. Où les avez-vous peintes ? Where did you paint them? Where did you paint them? Elle est dans la douche. She's in the shower. She's in the shower. As-tu une idée de ce qu'il est arrivé ? Do you have any idea what happened? Do you have any idea what happened? Tom et Mary étaient effrayés. Tom and Mary were frightened. Tom and Mary were scared. Marcus s'est abstenu. Marcus abstained. Marcus abstained. Un pélican peut placer beaucoup de poisson dans son bec. A pelican can fit a lot of fish in its beak. A pelican can place a lot of fish in its beak. À Tatoeba, il y a un excellent professeur de Toki Pona nommé Tepan. At Tatoeba there is a great Toki Pona teacher named Tepan. In Tatoeba, there is an excellent teacher of Toki Pona named Tepan. Vous êtes maintenant en voie de rétablissement. You are now on the way to recovery. You are now recovering. Avez-vous déjà été traité pour une infection urinaire ? Have you ever been treated for a urinary tract infection? Have you ever been treated for a UTI? Nous sommes confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés. We're faced with many difficulties. We are facing many difficulties. Mon groupe sanguin est A positif. My blood type is A positive. My blood type is A positive. Il a l'air fatigué, ce soir. He seems tired this evening. He looks tired tonight. Pourquoi me regardes-tu ? Why are you looking at me? Why are you looking at me? Elle n'a pas besoin de travailler. She doesn't need to work. She doesn't have to work. "Quelle heure est-il ?" se demanda-t-il. "What time is it?" he wondered. “What time is it?” he asked. Faites preuve d'originalité. Be original. Be original. Je n'ai jamais dit que ce n'était pas une bonne idée. I never said that it wasn't a good idea. I never said it wasn't a good idea. Le son de la radio est un peu fort. The radio is a bit loud. The sound of the radio is a bit loud. Quelle heure votre montre indique-t-elle, maintenant ? What time does your watch say it is now? What time does your watch tell you now? Faites-le faire au nouveau type. Make the new guy do it. Get it done to the new guy. Est-ce que M. Nakamura est chez lui ? Is Mr Nakamura at home? Is Mr. Nakamura home? Es-tu allergique à certains aliments ? Are you allergic to any foods? Are you allergic to certain foods? C'est pour moi. It's on me. It's for me. Le garçon a plus que confirmé l'opinion favorable qu'ils s'étaient fait de lui. The boy more than justified the favourable opinion they had formed of him. The boy more than confirmed the favorable opinion they had had of him. À vrai dire, je ne l'ai pas remarqué. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. Actually, I didn't notice. Laisse-moi expliquer ce qui s'est passé. Let me explain what's happened. Let me explain what happened. Pourquoi est-ce notre problème ? Why is this our problem? Why is this our problem? Vous avez mal quand vous faites ça ? Do you feel pain when you do that? Do you hurt when you do this? L'église est édifiée dans le style gothique. The church is built in Gothic style. The church is built in the Gothic style. Tom travaillera dur. Tom will work hard. Tom will work hard. Le train partit à l'heure. The train left on time. The train left on time. J'ai travaillé dans un restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Le prix du chou chuta à cause de la surproduction. The price of cabbage fell because of overproduction. The price of cabbage fell because of overproduction. Quel est le prénom de Mr. Jackson ? What's Mr. Jackson's first name? What is Mr. Jackson's first name? Ouvririez-vous la fenêtre, s'il vous plait ? Would you open the window, please? Would you open the window, please? Regarde ça. Check this. Look at this. Mes repas sont confectionnés par ma mère. My meals are prepared by my mother. My meals are made by my mother. Je pense que nous avons déjà gaspillé trop de temps. I think we've already wasted too much time. I think we have already wasted too much time. J’ai joué au tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Vous connaissez probablement déjà notre entreprise. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know our company. Mon fils est occupé à étudier pour les examens demain. My son is busy studying for the examinations tomorrow. My son is busy studying for exams tomorrow. Je suis très désorientée. I'm all confused. I'm very disoriented. Vous ne croirez pas ce qui vient d'arriver ! You won't believe what just happened! You won't believe what just happened! Garde l'œil sur elle. Keep your eye on her. Keep an eye on her. N'ennuyez pas vos parents avec une chose si insignifiante. Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing. Don't bore your parents with such an insignificant thing. Serait-il possible de réserver un taxi pour demain matin ? Would it be possible to book a taxi for tomorrow morning? Would it be possible to book a taxi for tomorrow morning? Je me suis mise en colère. I got angry. I got angry. Mes parents ne m'auraient pas autorisé à faire ça lorsque j'étais plus jeune. My parents wouldn't allow me to do that when I was younger. My parents wouldn’t have allowed me to do this when I was younger. Ça me rend très heureux. This makes me very happy. It makes me very happy. As-tu déjà partagé des aiguilles lorsque tu as utilisé des drogues intraveineuses ? Have you ever shared needles when you used IV drugs? Have you ever shared needles when you used intravenous drugs? Je ne veux que toi. I want only you. I only want you. Je souhaite te parler une fois que tu seras habillé. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. J'ai besoin de laver mes vêtements. I need to wash my clothes. I need to wash my clothes. « Quel âge as-tu ? » « Seize ans. » "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." “How old are you?” “Sixteen years old.” Les gens faisaient la queue autour du pâté de maisons en attendant que le théâtre ouvre. People were lined up around the block waiting for the theater to open. People were lining up around the block waiting for the theater to open. Je suis nerveux. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. J’ai quitté la maison de Tom à 14h30. I left Tom's house at 14:30. I left Tom’s house at 2:30. Il avait le cœur brisé. He was heartbroken. He was heartbroken. Vous êtes le professeur de mon enfant. You're my kid's teacher. You are my child's teacher. Mon oreille me gratte. I have an itch in my ear. My ear is scratching me. J'aime tout particulièrement cette scène. I like this scene in particular. I particularly like this scene. Les choses en sont-elles à ce point ? Are things that bad? Are things at this point? Tout change. Everything changes. Everything changes. Elle n'a que la peau sur les os. She is all skin and bone. She only has skin on her bones. Je sais que ce n'est pas vrai, mais il semble vraiment que le Soleil tourne autour de la Terre. I know it's not true, but it definitely seems like the sun revolves around the Earth. I know it's not true, but it really seems like the Sun is spinning around the Earth. Je connais votre mère. I know your mother. I know your mother. On te réclame au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. We're calling you on the phone. J'étais pétrifié. I was petrified. I was petrified. Comment savez-vous de quelle épaisseur c'est ? How do you know how thick it is? How do you know how thick it is? C'est tellement propre. It's so clean. It's so clean. Je bricolais. I was doing some DIY. I was tinkering. Descends du train immédiatement. Get off the train immediately. Get off the train immediately. Tu chantes tout le temps. You're always singing. You sing all the time. Tu as commencé à t'échauffer. You've started warming up. You started to warm up. Lancez le dé ! Roll the die! Throw the dice! Voulez-vous visiter ce monument ? Do you want to visit this monument? Would you like to visit this monument? Je ne veux pas de petit ami. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want a boyfriend. Son entreprise a crû tellement vite qu'elle s'est mise à franchiser. Her company grew so quickly that she began franchising. Her business grew so fast that she began to franchise. La serveuse m'a donné du café, alors que j'avais commandé du thé. The waitress gave me coffee, even though I'd ordered tea. The waitress gave me coffee when I ordered tea. Fais-moi savoir si tu te sens mal à l'aise. Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable. Let me know if you feel uncomfortable. J'ai terminé d'écrire le rapport. I finished writing the report. I finished writing the report. Je n'ai pas moins d'un millier de disques. I have no less than one thousand records. I have no less than a thousand records. On veut voir le nouveau-né quand il est bien réveillé. We want to see the newborn when he is wide awake. We want to see the newborn when he's awake. Tes rêves se réaliseront. Your dreams will come true. Your dreams will come true. J'ai de la famille à Munich. I have family in Munich. I have family in Munich. C'est une blonde. She's a dumb blonde. She's a blonde. L'échec est le condiment qui donne au succès sa saveur. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. Marie est une très jolie fille. Mary is a very pretty girl. Marie is a very pretty girl. Les gens accepteront beaucoup plus volontiers votre idée si vous leur dites que Benjamin Franklin l'a dit en premier. People will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first. People will much more readily accept your idea if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin said it first. J'ai déjà lu ce livre avant. I have read this book before. I have read this book before. C'est un truc de filles. It's a girl thing. It's a girl thing. Il nous faut faire un léger détour. We need to make a slight detour. We need to take a slight detour. Nous allons avoir un bébé ! We're going to have a baby! We're gonna have a baby! Viens-tu avec moi au café ? Are you going with me to the cafe? Are you coming with me to the cafe? Il ne comprend pas les règles du jeu. He does not understand the rules of the game. He doesn’t understand the rules of the game. C'est beaucoup mieux. This is way better. It's much better. Sa voix tremblante trahissait sa nervosité. His tremulous voice betrayed his nervousness. His trembling voice betrayed his nervousness. Ce virus est un problème dans le monde entier. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a worldwide problem. Le café est déjà fermé. The cafe is already closed. The cafe is already closed. Soyez ambitieux, les enfants. Be ambitious, children. Be ambitious, children. Tom a vraiment l'air contrarié. Tom really sounds upset. Tom looks really upset. Un animal sauvage ne devrait pas être gardé comme animal de compagnie. You shouldn't keep a wild animal as a pet. A wild animal should not be kept as a pet. Je serais ravi de t'aider. I'd be happy to help you. I'd love to help you. Je pense qu'ils t'ont aperçu. I think they saw you. I think they saw you. Vous êtes la seule en qui j'ai confiance. You're the only one I trust. You're the only one I trust. Je me suis entraîné. I exercised. I've been training. Nous le ferons, ne t'en déplaise. We will do it, don't bother. We'll do it, don't you mind. Il se sentit perdu et mal à l'aise. He felt lost and uncomfortable. He felt lost and uncomfortable. Il déambule aux alentours, en transe. He is wandering around in a trance. He wanders around, in trance. Je vous prêterai les outils dont vous avez besoin pour faire cela. I'll lend you the tools that you need to do that. I will lend you the tools you need to do this. Connais-tu le chinois ? Do you know Chinese? Do you know Chinese? Si on raconte un mensonge suffisamment de fois, on se met à le croire. If you tell a lie enough times, you begin to believe it. If you tell a lie enough times, you start to believe it. Pouvez-vous me dire où vous êtes en ce moment ? Can you tell me where you are right now? Can you tell me where you are right now? L'équipe a besoin de moi. The team needs me. The team needs me. Il perdit ses deux parents à un jeune âge. He lost both his parents at an early age. He lost both his parents at a young age. Il tombe amoureux dès qu'il voit une fille aux yeux verts. He falls in love as soon as he sees a girl with green eyes. He falls in love as soon as he sees a girl with green eyes. Mate un peu sa taille ! Look at the size of it! Get a bit of her size! La vie est comme un tour sur les montagnes russes. Life is like a roller coaster ride. Life is like a ride on the roller coaster. Mon chinois n'est pas très bon. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not very good. Veuillez tourner autour ! Turn around, please. Please turn around! Il nous aide. He helps us. He's helping us. Vous n'êtes pas de mes amis. You're no friend of mine. You're not my friends. La pluie a continué pendant 40 jours. The rain continued for 40 days. The rain continued for 40 days. Le regardiez-vous ? Were you looking at him? Were you looking at him? En principe, pas seulement chez les humains mais aussi chez les animaux, une « parade sexuelle » survient, consciemment ou inconsciemment, à l'égard des individus de sexe opposé. As a rule, not only in humans, but also in animals, "sexual display" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, towards individuals of the opposite sex. In principle, not only in humans but also in animals, a "sexual parade" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, towards individuals of the opposite sex. Nous ne pouvons pas vivre sans eau. We cannot live without water. We cannot live without water. Elle le vit briser la fenêtre. She saw him break the window. She saw him break the window. Yanni fut d'accord. Yanni agreed. Yanni agreed. Comment puis-je me débarrasser de lui ? How can I get rid of him? How can I get rid of him? J'aimerais t'accompagner, si tu n'y vois pas d'inconvénient. I'd like to come along if you don't mind. I'd like to go with you, if you don't mind. Pourquoi te tiens-tu là ? Why are you standing there? Why are you standing here? C'est insuffisant. It's not enough. That's not enough. Tom entendit un coup de feu. Tom heard a shot. Tom heard a gunshot. La Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie est l'une des meilleures équipes de football d'Algérie. Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie is one of Algeria's best soccer teams. The Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie is one of the best football teams in Algeria. J'ai presque quarante ans et suis toujours célibataire. I am nearly forty and still unmarried. I am almost 40 years old and still single. Il y a un chien ! There's a dog! There's a dog! Tu est libre de partir maintenant. You're free to leave now. You're free to go now. Il est préférable de retourner en arrière plutôt que de se perdre. It's better to walk back than to get lost. It is better to go back rather than get lost. Son doigt saigne. Her finger bleeds. His finger is bleeding. Je l'ai fait une fois. I did that once. I did it once. Ça va également vous être bénéfique. This is going to be good for you too. It will also benefit you. N'es-tu pas convaincue? Aren't you convinced? Aren't you convinced? Il n'y a pas de lait dans le verre. There isn't any milk in the glass. There is no milk in the glass. Je pense que tu es allé trop loin. I think you went too far. I think you've gone too far. Vous êtes-vous adonnée à la peinture corporelle ? Have you ever tried body painting? Have you devoted yourself to body painting? Je suis sûre que Tom sera acquitté. I believe Tom will be acquitted. I'm sure Tom will be acquitted. Je suis perdu. I'm lost. I'm lost. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire comment faire ça ? Can anybody tell me how to do this? Can anyone tell me how to do that? Les deux premiers élèves arrivent. The first two students arrive. The first two students arrive. Vous êtes ma seule joie. You're my only joy. You are my only joy. J'aimerais aller à la fac. I'd like to go to college. I'd like to go to college. Ce fut une erreur. This was a mistake. It was a mistake. Aïe ! Aïe ! Aïe ! L'eau du bain est trop chaude. Oww! Oww! Oww! The bath water is too hot. Ouch! Ouch! The bath water is too hot. Il a un peu plus de quarante ans. He is a little over forty. He's a little over forty years old. Tom regrette de ne pas être allé au théâtre hier. Tom wishes he had gone to the theater last night. Tom's sorry he didn't go to the theater yesterday. Nous prenons notre thé avec du sucre. We take our tea with sugar. We take our tea with sugar. Yanni ne raccompagne pas Skura. Yanni isn't taking Skura back. Yanni doesn't go with Skura. Aimes-tu les surprises ? Do you like surprises? Do you like surprises? Elles oublièrent de fermer la porte à clé. They forgot to lock the door. They forgot to lock the door. Il est allergique à la vérité. He is allergic to the truth. He is allergic to the truth. Je me demande où sont Tom et Marie. I wonder where Tom and Mary are. I wonder where Tom and Mary are. Nous devrions faire une pause café. We should take a coffee break. We should take a coffee break. Ils font grève pour obtenir plus d'argent. They are on strike for money. They go on strike to get more money. Pourrais-tu fermer les yeux là-dessus pour cette fois ? Could you please overlook it this time? Could you close your eyes to it this time? Sait-elle faire du vélo ? Can she ride a bicycle? Can she ride a bike? Mary a retiré son casque. Mary took off her helmet. Mary took off her helmet. Nous sommes impitoyables. We're ruthless. We are ruthless. Les hautes vagues submergèrent leur bateau. The high waves covered their boat. The high waves overwhelm their boat. Je suis allé à la plage hier. I went to the beach yesterday. I went to the beach yesterday. T'es un gamin bizarre. You're a weird kid. You're a weird kid. Comment épelez-vous votre nom de famille ? How do you spell your family name? How do you spell your last name? J'avais très sommeil et je me suis endormi tout de suite. I was very sleepy and fell asleep right away. I was very sleepy and fell asleep right away. Nous admirons Tom. We admire Tom. We admire Tom. Alors, que voulez-vous faire ce soir, les mecs ? So, what do you guys want to do tonight? So, what do you guys want to do tonight? Quelle est votre adresse ? What is your address? What's your address? Tom est plus grand que Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is bigger than Mary. Marie est jeune et attrayante. Mary is young and attractive. Mary is young and attractive. Je connais la véritable raison de son absence. I know the real reason for his absence. I know the real reason for his absence. Elle a pris un gros risque. She took a big risk. She took a big risk. Le café du café d'à côté coûte moitié moins cher. The coffee in the café next door costs half as much. The next coffee shop is half as expensive. Nous ne faisons rien de mal. We're not doing anything wrong. We're not doing anything wrong. J'avais les jambes douloureuses le jour suivant. I had sore legs the next day. My legs were sore the next day. Je me suis trompé d'adresse sur l'enveloppe. I wrote a wrong address on the envelope. I got the wrong address on the envelope. Elle fut accusée d'être hérétique. She was accused of being a heretic. She was accused of being a heretic. Je me sentis trahie. I felt cheated. I felt betrayed. Il est intéressant de se faire des amis avec un étranger. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It is interesting to make friends with a stranger. Les bactéries ne se reproduisent pas dans l'alcool. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. Bacteria do not reproduce in alcohol. Un aller simple pour Birmingham, s'il vous plait. A one-way ticket to Birmingham, please. One way to Birmingham, please. Elle essaya d'ouvrir la porte, mais s'aperçut que c'était impossible. She tried to open the door, which she found impossible. She tried to open the door, but realized it was impossible. Ces insectes piquent-ils ? Do those insects sting? Do these insects bite? Il demeure inflexible. He heeds not – stirs not. He remains inflexible. Je ne veux pas que mon cœur se brise une seconde fois. I don't want to lose my heart a second time. I don’t want my heart to break a second time. Par qui ces poèmes ont-ils été écrits ? By whom were these poems written? By whom were these poems written? As-tu tué Tom ? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Le fleuve Shinano est plus long que n'importe quelle rivière du Japon. The Shinano River is longer than any river in Japan. The Shinano River is longer than any other river in Japan. J'ai besoin de plus d'exemples pour savoir comment ce mot est utilisé. I need more examples to know how this word is used. I need more examples of how this word is used. Il sera bientôt là. He'll be here soon. He'll be here soon. Finalement, j'ai achevé un tableau. Finally, I finished a painting. Finally, I finished a painting. Remettez-nous vos papiers. Turn your papers in. Give us your papers. Ma mère se lève tôt chaque matin. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother gets up early every morning. Quel temps fait-il ? How is the weather? What's the weather like? Tom est en train d'attendre à l'aéroport. Tom is waiting at the airport. Tom is waiting at the airport. Tom n'a jamais été très bon en français. Tom has never been very good at French. Tom was never very good at French. Pourriez-vous le mettre sur ma chambre ? Could you charge it to my room? Could you put it on my room? Je ne sais tout simplement pas quoi faire. I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. Tom ne sait pas combien tu es fort. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. Attends une minute ! Hold on a minute. Wait a minute! Tom est dans sa chambre, en train d'écrire une lettre à sa grand-mère. Tom is in his room, writing a letter to his grandmother. Tom is in his room, writing a letter to his grandmother. Les cigales ne sont pas dangereuses pour l'Homme. Cicadas aren't harmful to humans. Cicadas are not dangerous to humans. Je serai ton professeur. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Je vous conduirai quelque part. I'll drive you somewhere. I'll take you somewhere. Personne n'a rien vu. Nobody saw anything. No one saw anything. Ne sors pas sans parapluie. Don't go out without an umbrella. Don't go out without an umbrella. J'aime voyager en train. I like to travel by train. I like to travel by train. Vous souvenez-vous lorsque vous avez vu Tom pour la dernière fois? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? C'est un crayon. That is a pencil. It's a pencil. La traduction du titre en français est ridicule. The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. The translation of the title into French is ridiculous. Elle ne peut plus te faire de mal. She can't hurt you anymore. She can't hurt you anymore. Il faut que je sorte d'ici. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here. Ce virus est un problème partout dans le monde. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a problem all over the world. Dernier appel ! Last call! Last call! Si cela n'est pas satisfait, on ne peut pas dire que la fonction est monotone croissante. If this does not obtain, we cannot say that the function is monotone increasing. If this is not satisfied, it cannot be said that the function is increasing monotonous. Elle se plaint de maux de tête, et cela très souvent. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains of headaches, and this very often. Elle l'a exhorté à réfléchir à la demande. She urged him to consider the request. She urged him to think about the request. Notre professeur de musique me conseilla de visiter Vienne. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Personne ne s'en rappelle. Nobody remembers. Nobody remembers. Grâce au génie génétique, le maïs peut produire ses propres pesticides. Through genetic engineering, corn can produce its own pesticides. Thanks to genetic engineering, corn can produce its own pesticides. Laisse-moi aller prendre ta sœur à la gare, s'il te plait. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Let me take your sister to the station, please. Tom se sent coupable. Tom feels guilty. Tom feels guilty. L'explosion a réduit les installations en ruines. The explosion reduced the facilities to ruins. The explosion reduced the facilities to ruins. Tom va porter un costume. Tom is going to be wearing a suit. Tom's going to wear a suit. De mon point de vue il n'est pas fait pour ce travail. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. From my point of view it is not made for this job. Elle doit travailler fort pour rattraper les autres dans sa classe. She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class. She has to work hard to catch up with others in her class. J'achète une rose. I'm buying a rose. I'm buying a rose. Je suis ici, mes amis. I'm here, my friends. I'm here, my friends. Tom a causé tout un tas d'ennuis. Tom caused quite a lot of trouble. Tom caused a lot of trouble. Tu n'es pas content, si ? You're not satisfied, are you? You're not happy, are you? Personne ne doute de son aptitude pour le poste. No one doubts her fitness for the post. No one doubts his suitability for the job. Je n'aime pas ton patron. I don't like your boss. I don't like your boss. Il nie avoir cassé la fenêtre. He denies having broken the window. He denies breaking the window. Plusieurs personnes gisaient blessées. Several people lay wounded. Several people were injured. J'apprécie la marmelade d'orange. I love orange marmalade. I like the orange marmalade. Il travailla très dur. He worked very hard. He worked very hard. Je ne me souviens pas l'avoir fait. I can't remember doing that. I don't remember doing it. Le train n'était pas aussi bondé que je le pensais. The train wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. The train wasn’t as crowded as I thought. Je ferai semblant de coopérer. I'll play along. I'll pretend to cooperate. Les humains ne peuvent pas vivre sur Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Humans cannot live on Mars. Prends une autre photo. Take another picture. Take another picture. Combien est-ce que ça coûte ? What does it cost? How much does it cost? Il faut que je me mette en route. I've got to get going. I need to get going. Je n'étais pas certain d'y arriver. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I wasn't sure I could do it. En êtes-vous sûres ? Are you certain? Are you sure? J'aimerais bien être chinois. I'd like to be Chinese. I wish I was Chinese. Tom te salue bien. Tom says hi. Tom salutes you well. Mon frère Tom est un homme irascible. My brother Tom is an irascible man. My brother Tom is an irascible man. J'ai une réunion à 2h30. I've got a meeting at 2:30. I have a meeting at 2:30. J'attends mon tour devant l'épicerie. I'm waiting for my turn in front of the grocery store. I'm waiting for my turn in front of the grocery store. C'est une idée intelligente. That's a clever idea. It's a smart idea. Pour autant que je sache, c'est un chic type. As far as I know, he's a nice guy. As far as I know, he's a nice guy. Veuillez me prévenir quand vous n'arriverez plus à entendre cela. Please tell me when you can't hear this anymore. Please let me know when you can't hear this anymore. Où est-il ? Where is he? Where is he? Arrête de me hurler dans les oreilles ! Stop screaming in my ears. Stop yelling in my ears! Ils sont jaloux de nous. They are jealous of us. They are jealous of us. Tu savais que c'était mal. You knew it was wrong. You knew it was wrong. Tom ne voulait pas avancer plus. Tom didn't want to go any further. Tom didn’t want to go any further. Une voiture arrive. There's a car coming. A car is coming. Je voulais juste passer pour dire bonjour. I just wanted to drop by to say hi. I just wanted to come by and say hello. En cas d'incendie, utilisez les escaliers. In case of a fire, use the stairs. In case of fire, use the stairs. Il est impossible de s’extriquer de tes problèmes. It's not possible to get away from your problems. It is impossible to get rid of your problems. J'ai demandé à Nancy de rester à la maison. I asked Nancy to stay at home. I asked Nancy to stay home. As-tu donné un nom à ton nouveau-né ? Have you named your new born baby? Did you give your newborn a name? Notre ministre est un végétarien et un athée. Our minister is a vegetarian and an atheist. Our minister is a vegetarian and an atheist. Ne détestes-tu pas que ça survienne ? Don't you hate it when that happens? Don't you hate it happening? Je ressentis une douleur soudaine au côté. I felt a sudden pain in my side. I felt a sudden pain in my side. Tu ne sembles pas si occupée. You don't seem so busy. You don't seem so busy. J'aime beaucoup ça. I like it very much. I really like that. Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle n'est pas dans mes rêves. Sans doute, en n'étant pas là, ne veut-elle pas me déranger. I don't know why she isn't in my dreams. Maybe she doesn't want to be there in order not to disturb me. I don't know why she's not in my dreams. Probably, by not being there, she doesn't want to bother me. As-tu déjà subi un test de dépistage de la tuberculose ? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Elle est allée en réhabilitation et s'en est sortie. She went to rehab and straightened herself out. She went into rehabilitation and got out. Il est vêtu d'un jean moulant et d'un marcel. He's wearing skinny jeans and a tank top. He is dressed in tight jeans and a marcel. C'est le moment propice. That's fortunate. It's the right time. Dan parla de son père violent. Dan talked about his abusive father. Dan talked about his violent father. Retourne au travail. Get back to work. Go back to work. Vous vous couchez quand le soleil se lève ? You go to bed when the sun rises? Do you go to bed when the sun rises? Quand je suis rentrée chez moi, mon frère faisait ses devoirs. When I returned home, my brother was doing his homework. When I got home, my brother was doing his homework. J'y suis parvenu en avance. I got there ahead of time. I did it in advance. Pour dîner, nous retournâmes chez moi. For dinner, we went back to my place. For dinner, we went home. Les hommes ne pensent qu'à une chose. Men only think about one thing. Men think only of one thing. Je dois vérifier votre pression sanguine. I need to check you blood pressure. I need to check your blood pressure. Il y a un étang au milieu du parc. There is a pond in the middle of the park. There is a pond in the middle of the park. Allons-nous vraiment à Boston la semaine prochaine ? Are we really going to Boston next week? Are we really going to Boston next week? Aujourd'hui, je désire simplement rester à la maison et ne rien faire. Today I just feel like staying at home and doing nothing. Today, I just want to stay home and do nothing. Je te rejoindrai à l'extérieur. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. J'ai été récompensé par votre agréable compagnie. I was rewarded by your pleasant company. I was rewarded by your pleasant company. As-tu vu ce qui s'est passé là-bas? Did you see what happened out there? Did you see what happened there? Exprimez-vous le plus clairement possible. Express yourself as clearly as possible. Express yourself as clearly as possible. N'ayez pas le toupet de toucher quoi que ce soit ! Don't you dare touch anything. Don't have the nerve to touch anything! Quelle langue on parle en Égypte ? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Est-ce que ça te plaît de vivre ainsi ? Do you enjoy living like that? Do you like living this way? Il a fait fortune en spéculant en bourse. He made a killing by speculating on the stock market. He made his fortune speculating on the stock market. S'est-il moqué de toi ? Did he laugh at you? Did he make fun of you? Voudriez-vous m'excuser un moment ? Would you excuse me just one moment? Would you excuse me for a moment? J'ai dû pousser mon vélo, car j'avais un pneu à plat. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because I had a flat tire. Tu es le grand amour de ma vie. You are the great love of my life. You are the great love of my life. Qu'aimerais-tu faire demain ? What would you like to do tomorrow? What would you like to do tomorrow? Dan a exprimé ses convictions racistes en public. Dan expressed his racist beliefs in public. Dan expressed his racist beliefs in public. Je comptais toujours les marches en montant. I always used to count the steps while going up. I always counted the steps when I went up. C'est sur le canapé. It's on the sofa. It's on the couch. Uranus est pleine de méthane. Uranus is full of methane. Uranus is full of methane. Il part à huit heures. He leaves at eight. He leaves at eight o'clock. Cette porte ne sera pas fermée à clé. This door won't lock. This door will not be locked. Je viens d'apprendre que Tom et Mary déménagent à Boston. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. Avec quoi vous ont-ils frappé ? What did they hit you with? What did they hit you with? Tout change après une guerre. Everything changes after a war. Everything changes after a war. Ne te rappelles-tu pas mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Les artistes ne sont qu’une vue de l’esprit. Artists are but a figment of the imagination. Artists are only a view of the mind. Je pense que Tom est ici le seul à savoir où Marie habite. I think Tom is the only one here who knows where Mary lives. I think Tom is the only one who knows where Mary lives. Les pêchers ont besoin de beaucoup d'ensoleillement. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Fishermen need a lot of sunshine. Comment l’ai-je laissé entrer ? How did I let him through? How did I let him in? C'est une vraie plaie. It's such a pain in the ass. It's a real wound. Cette arme a une portée de 300 mètres. This gun has a range of 300 meters. This weapon has a range of 300 meters. Savez-vous pourquoi Tom rit ? Do you know why Tom is laughing? Do you know why Tom laughs? S'il continue de boire trop, il tombera malade tôt ou tard. If he continues drinking too much, he will fall ill sooner or later. If he continues to drink too much, he will get sick sooner or later. Tout le village connaît bien le bonhomme. The whole village knows the man well. The whole village knows the man well. Sauf exceptions, tout le monde est autorisé à entrer dans l'immeuble. Except in special circumstances, anyone is allowed to enter the building. With some exceptions, everyone is allowed to enter the building. Alors, que s'est-il passé ? So what happened? So, what happened? Quelqu'un doit porter le chapeau pour sa mort. Somebody has to be held accountable for his death. Someone has to wear the hat for his death. J'ai besoin de ton consentement pour te tester pour la Covid-19. I need your consent to test you for COVID-19. I need your consent to test you for Covid-19. À samedi ! See you on Saturday. See you on Saturday! Tu pourrais me prêter le livre ? Could you lend me the book? Could you lend me the book? À quel point tu aimes Tom ? How much do you love Tom? How much do you love Tom? Reste là-bas. Stay there. Stay there. As-tu eu des nouvelles de lui, récemment ? Have you heard from him recently? Have you heard from him lately? Je n'y pense même pas. I'm not even thinking about it. I don't even think about it. Tom achète un costume. Tom is buying a suit. Tom buys a suit. Savez-vous ce qu'elles veulent ? Do you know what they want? Do you know what they want? Ils seront prêts pour ça. They'll be ready for that. They'll be ready for that. Tout sournois que vous soyez, vous ne pouvez jamais vous surprendre vous-mêmes. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. Quoi que tu dises, je n'abandonnerai pas. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. Le chien est beau. The dog is beautiful. The dog is beautiful. As-tu un crayon ? Have you got a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Est-ce qu'au cours des 14 derniers jours, tu as été en contact étroit avec une personne qui a été testée positive à la Covid-19 ? Within the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Have you been in close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days? Cette arme n'est pas chargée. This gun isn't loaded. This gun is not loaded. Elle l'entendit hurler et elle courut donc dans sa chambre. She heard him scream, so she ran into his bedroom. She heard him screaming, so she ran to her room. Ce sac est le mien. That bag is mine. This bag is mine. Selon Rafael Leitão, il est très difficile pour un joueur d'échecs professionnel d'obtenir un parrainage au Brésil, car les échecs ne sont pas populaires dans notre pays. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. According to Rafael Leitao, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get a sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. J’ai travaillé comme enseignante pendant quinze ans. I worked as a teacher for fifteen years. I worked as a teacher for 15 years. Elle avait l'air très fatiguée. She looked very tired. She looked very tired. Elle était vêtue de blanc. She was dressed in white. She was dressed in white. Est-ce que tu utilises une quelconque forme de contraception ? Do you use any method of birth control? Do you use any form of contraception? Seras-tu à Boston ce week-end ? Will you be in Boston this weekend? Will you be in Boston this weekend? Je ne suis pas riche, et ne souhaite pas l'être. I am not rich, nor do I wish to be. I'm not rich, and I don't want to be. Je suis désolée, je suis occupée maintenant. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, I'm busy now. J'ai manqué le film. L'as-tu vu ? I missed seeing the film. Did you see it? I missed the movie, did you see it? Je dois me grouiller. I must hurry. I have to hurry. Quels âges ont tes enfants ? How old are your kids? How old are your children? Ma mère avait l'air drôle avec un masque d'argile sur le visage et des bigoudis dans les cheveux. My mom looked funny with a mud mask on her face and rollers in her hair. My mother looked funny with a clay mask on her face and curlers in her hair. Elle était incapable de lui parler. She wasn't able to talk to him. She was unable to talk to him. Sont-ils nos frères éloignés? Are they our distant brethren? Are they our distant brothers? Qu'y a-t-il à en dire ? What's there to say? What's there to say? Je me lève tôt. I get up early. I get up early. Qu'est-ce que j'y gagne ? What do I get? What do I gain from it? Quelqu'un a pris ma place. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. Est-ce une bonne idée de recruter d'anciens pirates informatiques comme professionnels de la sécurité ? Is it a good idea to hire former hackers to work as security professionals? Is it a good idea to recruit former hackers as security professionals? Change la photo de ton profil ! Change your profile picture. Change your profile picture! Je pense que vous avez fait le mauvais choix. I think you've made the wrong choice. I think you made the wrong choice. Une bonne nuit de sommeil vous fera un bien fou. A good night's sleep will do you a world of good. A good night’s sleep will make you feel good. L'alphabet marathi est composé de 11 voyelles et de 36 consonnes. The Marathi alphabet consists of 11 vowels and 36 consonants. The Marathi alphabet is composed of 11 vowels and 36 consonants. J'économise autant que je peux. I am saving as much as I can. I save as much as I can. Je n'ai vu personne d'autre. I didn't see anyone else. I haven't seen anyone else. Tout le monde est là, maintenant. Everyone is here now. Everybody's here now. Ils nous rattrapent. They're catching up with us. They're catching us. J'appellerai ce soir à sept heures. I'll call this evening at seven. I'll call tonight at seven o'clock. Vous avez besoin de changer de vie. You need to change your life. You need to change your life. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué des problèmes de thyroïde ? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid problems? Je suis désolée que tu n'aies pas bien dormi. I'm sorry that you didn't sleep well. I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. Le misanthrope prend plaisir à sa solitude. The misanthrope enjoys his solitude. The misanthrope takes pleasure in his solitude. Lequel est-ce que je préfère ? Le sexe ou les échecs ? Cela dépend de la position. Which do I prefer? Sex or chess? It depends on the position. Which do I prefer? Sex or chess? It depends on the position. Anne aime beaucoup la musique. Ann likes music very much. Anne loves music very much. Son anniversaire tombe dimanche. His birthday falls on Sunday. His birthday falls on Sunday. J'ai Internet sur mon téléphone. I have the internet on my phone. I have internet on my phone. Je vous rejoindrai dehors. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. Parlons-en maintenant ! Let's talk about it now! Let's talk about it now! Sois aussi spécifique que possible. Be as specific as possible. Be as specific as possible. Notre plan place les gens au premier plan de chaque décision, et il nous guidera tout au long du printemps et de l’été en veillant à ce que ceux qui ont le plus besoin du vaccin le reçoivent le plus tôt possible. Our plan puts people at the forefront of every decision, and our immunization rollout will guide us through the spring and summer, ensuring that those who are most in need of the vaccine will receive it as soon as possible. Our plan puts people at the forefront of every decision, and it will guide us through the spring and summer by ensuring those who need the vaccine most receive it as soon as possible. Ils sont naturels. They're natural. They're natural. Il aime la culture occidentale. He likes Western culture. He likes Western culture. Tom et Marie sont en train de te chercher. Tom and Mary are looking for you. Tom and Mary are looking for you. Je vais aller pleurer au lit. I'll go crying to bed. I'm going to cry in bed. La nouvelle maison n'était pas à la hauteur de mes attentes. The new house didn't live up to expectations. The new house did not live up to my expectations. Comment l’ai-je laissé pénétrer ? How did I let him through? How did I let him in? J'ai suivi son exemple. I followed his example. I followed his example. Des larmes coulaient sur ses joues. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Ton Dieu, où est-il maintenant ? Where is your God now? Your God, where is he now? Tout en agitant le café instantané, elle lui ajoutait du lait. She stirred the instant coffee and poured in milk. While stirring the instant coffee, she added milk to it. J'ai tort. I am wrong. I'm wrong. Quiconque est-il blessé ? Is anybody hurt? Anyone who is injured? Que prévois-tu de faire ce soir ? What do you plan on doing tonight? What are you planning to do tonight? Ma sœur a chanté une chanson anglaise à la fête. My sister sang an English song at the party. My sister sang an English song at the party. C'est possible pour moi de parler à Tom ? Would it be possible for me to talk to Tom? Is it possible for me to talk to Tom? Vous êtes lunatiques. You're temperamental. You are lunatic. Que s'est-il produit, exactement ? What happened exactly? What happened, exactly? Quelles langues apprenez-vous ? What languages are you learning? What languages do you learn? Quel homme tu es ! What a man you are! What a man you are! Je suis à ton côté. I'm by your side. I'm by your side. Soyez plus flexible. Be more flexible. Be more flexible. Tu n'es pas supposé manger sur le lieu de travail. You're not supposed to eat on the job. You're not supposed to eat in the workplace. Tom est tout à fait capable de prendre soin de lui-même. Tom is quite capable of looking after himself. Tom is quite capable of taking care of himself. Es-tu sûre de ne vouloir que de l'eau ? Are you sure you just want water? Are you sure you only want water? Les serpents sont des reptiles. Snakes are reptiles. Snakes are reptiles. Nous nous trouvons dans une situation impossible. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. Les champs ont produit une bonne moisson. The fields yielded a good harvest. The fields produced a good harvest. C'est peut-être le 1er avril, mais votre farce a dépassé les bornes. Sérieusement, je suis très en colère ! Today may be April Fool's Day, but your prank went overboard. Seriously, I'm pretty angry! It may be April 1st, but your prank has crossed the line. Seriously, I'm very angry! Honnêtement, je préfèrerais me tromper. Honestly, I would rather be wrong. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong. Je ne suis toujours pas sûre que je puisse faire ça. I'm still not sure I can do that. I'm still not sure I can do that. Nous exigeons des actes. We demand action. We demand action. Je joue avec mon fils tous les soirs. I play with my son every night. I play with my son every night. Tu peux au moins dire merci. The least you can do is to say thank you. You can at least say thank you. Les plantules de brocoli protègent contre le cancer . Broccoli seedlings protect against cancer. Broccoli seedlings protect against cancer. Peu importe ce qu'il se passe, tu dois être ici avant neuf heures. No matter what happens, you must be here by nine. No matter what happens, you have to be here before nine o'clock. L'homme est mort. The man died. The man is dead. La kabylie est un pays tolérant contrairement à l'Algérie. Kabylie is a tolerant country unlike Algeria. Kabylia is a tolerant country unlike Algeria. Il est un des candidats aux présidentielles américaines. He is one of the American presidential candidates. He is one of the American presidential candidates. Commence à lire où tu t'es arrêté. Start reading where you left off. Start reading where you left off. C'est de loin la meilleure nouvelle qui a été publiée cette année. This is by far the best novel that has been published this year. This is by far the best news that has been published this year. Je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi. I am currently looking for a job. I am currently looking for a job. Vous êtes surmenée. You're overworked. You're overworked. Je regardais la télé lorsque Yumi arriva. I was watching TV when Yumi came. I was watching TV when Yumi arrived. Il va encore pleuvoir cet après-midi. It'll rain again this afternoon. It will rain again this afternoon. Marie ne dance plus beaucoup maintenant, mais je sais qu'il fut un temps où c'était le cas. Mary doesn't dance much now, but I know she used to a lot. Mary doesn’t dance much now, but I know there was a time when that was the case. Nous savons tous ce qui est arrivé ici. We all know what happened here. We all know what happened here. Tu as changé la taille ? You changed the size? Have you changed the size? Tu me ramènes, s'il te plaît ? Will you take me home? Will you bring me back, please? Je n'ai pas besoin de conseillers. I don't need advisers. I don't need advisors. Je te promets que je te protègerai. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit du tout curieux. But I don't think it's at all odd. But I don't think it's at all curious. Mon oncle possède une grande richesse. My uncle possesses great wealth. My uncle has a lot of wealth. Êtes-vous certains de n'avoir rien fait ? Are you sure you didn't do anything? Are you sure you didn't do anything? N'oubliez pas de venir me voir demain matin. Don't forget to see me tomorrow morning. Don't forget to come see me in the morning. Le mal n'est pas né, il est formé. Evil isn't born, it is taught. Evil is not born, it is formed. Je sais que vous l'avez fait. I know you did that. I know you did. Tu commences vraiment à tester ma patience, Jérémie ! You're really starting to try my patience Jimmy! You're really starting to test my patience, Jeremy! Nous ne vous retiendrons pas trop longtemps. We won't keep you too long. We won't hold you back too long. Comment trouves-tu ta nouvelle voiture ? How do you like your new car? How do you find your new car? Il ne voulait pas qu'elle parte. He did not want her to leave. He didn't want her to leave. Pourquoi ne le faites-vous pas vous-même ? Why don't you do that by yourself? Why don't you do it yourself? Le médecin est corrompu. The doctor is corrupt. The doctor is corrupt. Comment cela pourrait-il ne pas avoir d'importance ? How could it not matter? How could this not matter? Je suis affolée. I'm frantic. I'm freaked out. Je souhaite vous parler une fois que vous serez habillé. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Il y a des pommes dans le panier. There are some apples in the basket. There are apples in the basket. Les requins ont une mauvaise réputation à cause de leur nature assoiffée de sang. Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures. Sharks have a bad reputation because of their bloodthirsty nature. Le pont leur a fait gagner pas mal de temps et épargné beaucoup de soucis. The bridge saved them a lot of time and trouble. The bridge saved them a lot of time and saved them a lot of trouble. Je veux quelque chose à boire. I want something to drink. I want something to drink. Il fait un temps horrible aujourd'hui. It is terrible weather today. It's a horrible time today. Préféreriez-vous qu'un infirmier vous examine ? Would you prefer to be examined by a male nurse? Would you rather a nurse examine you? Je vous ai entendues siffler. Vous devez être heureuses. I heard you whistling. You must be happy. I heard you whistling, you must be happy. La Kabbale est une tradition ésotérique interne au judaïsme. Kabbalah is an esoteric tradition within Judaism. Kabbalah is an esoteric tradition within Judaism. Je ne peux pas m’arrêter d'écrire. I can't stop writing. I can’t stop writing. Tu ne peux pas te débarrasser de moi. You can't get rid of me. You can't get rid of me. Est-ce que tu couches avec elle ? Are you sleeping with her? Are you sleeping with her? Arrête de glander ainsi et mets-toi au travail ! Stop this goofing around and get to work! Stop sagging like that and get to work! Je déteste faire ça. I hate doing that. I hate doing that. Nous ne sommes pas encore certaines de ça. We're not certain of that yet. We're not sure of that yet. Cette zone de la bibliothèque est fermée au public. This area of the library is closed to the public. This area of the library is closed to the public. Il s'y trouve une table. There's a table. There is a table there. Les sœurs de Tom sont toutes les deux mariées. Tom's sisters are both married. Tom's sisters are both married. Tom aurait dû faire attention à ne pas embrasser Marie devant tout le monde. Tom should have been careful not to kiss Marie in front of everyone. Tom should have been careful not to kiss Mary in front of everyone. Pourquoi avez-vous cela ? Why do you have that? Why do you have that? Quelle fut sa réponse à votre proposition ? What was her answer to your proposal? What was his response to your proposal? Le plan consiste à vacciner en premier lieu les personnes les plus susceptibles de contracter une maladie grave et de mourir, notamment les résidents des établissements de soins de longue durée et les travailleurs de la santé qui s’occupent d’eux, les communautés autochtones éloignées et à risque, et les aînés. The plan starts by first immunizing those who are most vulnerable to severe illness and death, including long-term-care residents and the health care workers who care for them, remote and at-risk Indigenous communities, and seniors. The plan is to first vaccinate those most at risk of severe illness and death, including residents of long-term care facilities and their caregivers, remote and at-risk Indigenous communities, and seniors. Je viens tous les jours sauf le samedi et le dimanche. I come every day except Saturday and Sunday. I come every day except Saturday and Sunday. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué un diabète ? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Il y a à manger sur la table. There's food on the table. There is food on the table. N'as-tu rien à faire ? Don't you have anything to do? Don't you have anything to do? С’est vachement compliqué ! It's complicated as hell. “It’s really complicated! Nous avons fait une grande fête de Noël. We had a big Christmas party. We had a great Christmas party. Tout est fait à sa place. Everything is done for him. Everything is done in its place. Nous pouvons facilement résoudre ce problème. We can solve this problem easily. We can easily solve this problem. L'usage de nouvelles technologies attire davantage de clients. The use of new technology is attracting more customers. The use of new technologies attracts more customers. Ce qu'on ressent est incroyable ! That feels amazing. What you feel is incredible! Hier, c'était lundi. Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday. As-tu vu la version non approuvée ? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the unapproved version? Il était couvert de sueur. He was covered with sweat. He was covered in sweat. Je ne veux pas disputer ta théorie. I don't mean to challenge your theory. I don't want to dispute your theory. C'est vrai. That's true. That's right. N'importe quel enfant peut répondre à ça. Any child can answer that. Any child can answer that. À quelle distance devons-nous nous rendre ? How far do we have to go? How far do we have to go? Ne dis pas ça ! Don't you say this! Don't say that! Je me sens juste un peu prise de vertiges. I just feel a little dizzy. I just feel a little dizzy. J'ai eu le billet pour trois fois rien. I got the ticket for nothing. I got the ticket for three times nothing. Comment as-tu perdu ton bras ? How did you lose your arm? How did you lose your arm? Notre rêve s'est réalisé, enfin ! Our dream has come true, at last! Our dream has finally come true! Ne le laisse pas connaître la vérité. Don't let him know the truth. Don't let him know the truth. Arrêtez de me suivre. Stop following me. Stop following me. J'en doute. I doubt it. I doubt it. Je lave mes vêtements habituellement dans une laverie. I usually wash my clothes at a launderette. I usually wash my clothes in a laundry room. Ce n'est pas trop épicé ? It's not too spicy? Isn't it too spicy? Je n'arrive pas à croire à tout ce qui vient de se produire. I can't believe everything that just happened. I can't believe everything that just happened. Vous permettez que je vous pose quelques questions sur vos antécédents médicaux ? Is it OK if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? May I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Sois toi-même. Be yourself. Be yourself. Il jouait au tennis toute la journée. He played tennis all day long. He played tennis all day. Ton front est très chaud ; je pense que tu as de la fièvre. Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever. Your forehead is very hot; I think you have a fever. J'aime étudier l'espagnol. I like to study Spanish. I like to study Spanish. Tous les garçons regardèrent leurs pieds. All the boys looked down. All the boys looked at their feet. Quelqu'un est parti. Someone left. Someone's gone. Un instant, s'il vous plaît. Just one moment, please. Just a moment, please. Je me sens un peu frustrée. I feel kind of frustrated. I feel a little frustrated. J'ai écrit trois livres. I've written three books. I wrote three books. Hé ! Nicki, comment apprécies-tu cette classe ? Hey Nicki, how do you like that class? Hey, Nicki, how do you like this class? Nous nous sommes embrassées. We hugged each other. We kissed. Sautons tous deux dans l'eau au même moment ! Let's both jump into the water at the same time! Let's both jump into the water at the same time! Avez-vous perdu connaissance après l'accident ? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Je viens d'arriver de Paris. I've just arrived from Paris. I just came from Paris. Prends celui qui te chante. Take whichever one you like. Take the one who sings to you. Un week-end, tous les hôtels de la ville étaient complets car il y avait un grand congrès. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large convention. One weekend, all the hotels in the city were full because there was a big congress. Mon frère est maintenant en Australie. My brother's in Australia now. My brother is now in Australia. Ils m'ont laissée m'en aller. They let me go. They let me go. Il ne sera pas prêt. He will not be ready. He won't be ready. C’est très touchant. That's very touching. It’s very touching. Il n'est point besoin de se soucier de précision, cette fois ; estime-la juste !» There's no need to worry about accuracy this time; just eyeball it. There is no need to worry about precision this time; think it right!” Tu parles en quelle langue avec Tom, d’habitude ? What language do you usually use when talking with Tom? What language do you usually speak with Tom? Elle a néanmoins un gros problème. She has a big problem, though. But she has a big problem. Un T-shirt n'est pas une tenue appropriée pour un entretien d'embauche. A T-shirt is not appropriate attire for a job interview. A T-shirt is not an appropriate outfit for a job interview. Arrêtez d'essayer de m'embrasser. Stop trying to kiss me. Stop trying to kiss me. J'achète un chiot. I'm buying a puppy. I'm buying a puppy. Maintenant que Poezio est sur GitLab, j'ai de nouveau envie de contribuer. Il suffisait de pas grand-chose. Now that poezio is up on GitLab, I feel like contributing again. It didn't take much. Now that Poezio is on GitLab, I want to contribute again. It was enough not much. Je viens de découvrir que mon petit ami m'a trompée. I just found out that my boyfriend has been stepping out on me. I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me. Mon ami et moi partirons au Japon en août. My friend and I will go to Japan in August. My friend and I will be going to Japan in August. Enchanté ! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! Avez-vous l'impression que votre avenir est sans espoir ? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Il n'y a aucune chance. There's not a chance. There's no chance. Appelle Yanni. Call Yanni. Call Yanni. Nous sommes les quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent. We are the ninety-nine percent. We are the ninety-nine percent. Tu ne devrais pas laisser les enfants jouer avec le couteau de cuisine. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. You shouldn't let the kids play with the kitchen knife. Eux croient en Dieu. They believe in God. They believe in God. La Terre est inclinée d'un angle de 23.4 degrés. The Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.4 degrees. The Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.4 degrees. Mon père est plus fort que le tien. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than yours. Quand as-tu utilisé de l'héroïne ou de la méthadone pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you used heroin or methadone? When was the last time you used heroin or methadone? Pourquoi êtes-vous si bonne pour expliquer les choses ? Why are you so good at explaining things? Why are you so good at explaining things? Je ne joue pas au tennis après l'école. I don't play tennis after school. I don’t play tennis after school. Elle m'a déposé à mon appartement. She dropped me off at my apartment. She dropped me off at my apartment. Je ne me suis pas sentie si heureuse depuis longtemps. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Nous y serons tous ensemble. We'll all be there together. We'll all be there together. À l'heure actuelle, nous avons des myrtilles, des mûres, des cerises, des fraises, des pêches et des nectarines. Right now, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. Right now we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. Mon frère est étudiant de première année. My brother is a freshman. My brother is a first year student. Elle a abandonné ses enfants. She left her children behind. She abandoned her children. Es-tu fatigué ? Are you sleepy? Are you tired? Comment sais-tu ce que j'ai entendu ? How do you know what I heard? How do you know what I heard? Je suis touché. I'm touched. I'm touched. Je pars ce soir. I leave this evening. I'm leaving tonight. C'est assez génial ! That is pretty awesome! That's pretty awesome! Chacun peut décider librement. Each can decide freely. Everyone can decide freely. Merci de m'aider à porter mes valises. Thank you for helping me carry my suitcases. Thank you for helping me carry my bags. Il se tenait derrière moi. He stood behind me. He was standing behind me. On ne peut pas l'arracher. You can't pull it off. We can't rip it off. Les premiers joueurs d'échecs que j'ai appris à admirer étaient Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer et Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer, and Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer and Mecking. Hausse les épaules. Shrug your shoulders. Raise your shoulders. Ce qu'on ignore peut nous faire du mal. What you don't know can hurt you. What we don't know can hurt us. Tom a perdu son porte-monnaie. Tom lost his wallet. Tom lost his wallet. Attendez un instant. Hang on just one moment. Wait a minute. N'allez pas avec des souliers dans cette mosquée. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Do not go with shoes in this mosque. Pourriez-vous m'expliquer le sens de cette phrase ? Will you please explain the meaning of this sentence to me? Could you explain the meaning of this sentence? Il fut davantage surpris que ne m'y attendais. He was more surprised than I had expected. He was more surprised than expected. Nous avons besoin d'aide ici. We need some help here. We need help here. C'était une très grande pièce. It was a very big room. It was a very large room. Regarde où tu poses le pied. Watch your step. Look where you put your foot. Qu'est-ce que tu préfères, le printemps ou l'automne ? Which do you like better, spring or autumn? What do you prefer, spring or autumn? Arrête de me mordre. Quit biting me. Stop biting me. Que fais-tu pendant ton temps libre ? What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your free time? Pourquoi rirais-je ? Why would I laugh? Why would I laugh? Il y a eu un accident de la route ici. A traffic accident happened there. There was a traffic accident here. Je suis sûr que Tom avait une bonne raison. I'm sure Tom had a good reason. I'm sure Tom had a good reason. J'avais eu l'intention de me rendre à l'étranger. I had intended to go abroad. I had intended to go abroad. Est-ce que tu as demandé aux autres ? Did you ask the others? Did you ask the others? Je ne suis pas là pour vous. I'm not here for you. I'm not here for you. Viennent-ils aussi ? Are they coming, too? Are they coming too? T'es plantée. You're stuck. You're screwed. Avance plus vite ! Walk faster! Move faster! L'opulence de la fête émerveilla tout le monde. The lavishness of the party amazed everybody. The opulence of the party amazed everyone. Jiro, qui n'avait jusque-là jamais pleuré en public, se mit à fondre en larmes. Jiro, who had never cried in front of anyone before, started crying. Jiro, who had never cried in public before, began to burst into tears. Nous t'attraperons. We'll catch you. We'll catch you. Un membre de ta famille proche est-il diabétique ? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Is a member of your immediate family diabetic? C'est précisément le livre que j'ai voulu lire depuis longtemps. This is the very book that I have long wanted to read. This is the book I’ve wanted to read for a long time. C'est un gentleman et il faut le traiter comme tel. He is a gentleman and ought to be treated as such. He's a gentleman and he needs to be treated as such. L'anglais n'est pas ma langue natale. English is not my native language. English is not my native language. Ma femme était furieuse. My wife was mad. My wife was furious. Attrape le ballon. Catch the ball. Grab the ball. Ça peut sembler fou, mais je crois que je suis encore amoureux de Marie. It might sound crazy, but I think I'm still in love with Mary. It may sound crazy, but I think I'm still in love with Mary. Ils haïssaient Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Je dois me rendre chez moi. I have to go home. I have to go home. Nul doute que tu dois être exténué après avoir travaillé toute la journée. You must be worn out after working all day. No doubt you must be exhausted after working all day. Nous aimons notre école. We like our school. We love our school. Les résultats étaient très mauvais. The results were very bad. The results were very bad. Ils savent ce qui se passe. They know what's going on. They know what's going on. Je n'ai pas suffisamment d'argent pour mon voyage. I am short of money for my trip. I don’t have enough money for my trip. Je n'aime pas beaucoup le poulet. I don't like chicken very much. I don't like chicken very much. Je parlais de toi. I was talking about you. I was talking about you. Fais passer le mot ! Spread the word! Spread the word! C'est ce sur quoi nous devons nous concentrer en premier lieu. That's what we need to focus on doing first. This is what we need to focus on in the first place. Je n'ai pas un centime. I don't have a cent. I don't have a penny. As-tu déjà emporté les cartons au grenier ? Have you already brought the cartons up to the attic? Have you ever taken the boxes to the attic? Comment tout ce truc est-il survenu ? How did that whole thing happen? How did this whole thing happen? Je ne dois pas écouter ça. I do not have to listen to that. I mustn't listen to that. Il est spationaute. He's a spationaut. He's a astronaut. Pourquoi Tom démissionne-t-il ? Why is Tom quitting? Why is Tom resigning? Huit frères et aucune sœur ? Pas étonnant qu'elle soit un garçon manqué. Eight brothers and no sisters? No wonder she's a tomboy. Eight brothers and no sister? No wonder she's a tomboy. Chantez avec moi ! Sing along! Sing with me! On n'a toujours pas trouvé Tom. Je me demande où est-ce qu'il est passé. We still haven't found Tom. I wonder where he could be. We still haven't found Tom. I wonder where he went. Je désire parler à une avocate. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. As-tu une allumette ? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? T'es-tu déjà demandé combien il y avait d'étoiles dans le ciel ? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky? Je ne bois pas, mais je suis ivre à cause de toi. I don't drink, but I'm drunk because of you. I don't drink, but I'm drunk because of you. As-tu été vacciné dans ton enfance ? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Were you vaccinated in your childhood? On n'en ressort que ce qu'on y a introduit. You get out only what you put in. We only get out of it what we brought in. J'ai refusé. I refused. I refused. Il a réussi à entrer à l'université. He succeeded in entering the university. He managed to get into college. C'est très bien. This is very good. That's fine. Merci pour votre aide. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Si tu agis comme un idiot, tu dois être traité comme tel. If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such. If you act like an idiot, you must be treated like one. Que je sois damné si je laisse ça m'arrêter ! I'll be damned if I let this stop me! I'll be damned if I let this stop me! Souviens-en-toi. Remember it. Remember that. Savez-vous lire et écrire ? Do you know how to read and write? Can you read and write? Il n'est pas médecin. He's no doctor. He's not a doctor. J'aime lire avec de la musique en fond sonore. I like to read with music playing in the background. I like to read with music in the background. Je n'ai rien à te dire. I don't have anything to say to you. I have nothing to tell you. Je n'ai pas envie de me lever. I don't feel like getting up. I don't want to get up. Ne me suis pas ! Don't follow me. Don't follow me! Je ne comprends pas vraiment le problème. I don't really understand the problem. I don't really understand the problem. Le produit de deux nombres négatifs est positif. The product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is positive. Il la laissa partir. He let her go. He let her go. Vos souliers sont ici. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Marie cherche son chat. Marie is looking for her cat. Mary is looking for her cat. Tout marche comme Tom l'avait prédit. Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. Everything is going as Tom predicted. Tu dois payer le prix. You have to pay the price. You have to pay the price. C'est votre argent. It's your money. It's your money. Son idée est très différente de la vôtre. His idea is very different from yours. His idea is very different from yours. Elle parle de tout avec ses parents. She talks about everything with her parents. She talks about everything with her parents. Tu n'aurais pas dû aller pêcher aujourd'hui. You shouldn't have gone fishing today. You shouldn't have gone fishing today. Nous avons agi en toute confiance. We acted in good faith. We acted with confidence. À quand remonte votre dernière visite chez le dentiste ? When was the last time you visited the dentist? When was your last visit to the dentist? Tom nage mieux que Marie. Tom swims better than Mary. Tom swims better than Mary. La décision du gouvernement a eu des conséquences économiques désastreuses. The government's decision had disastrous economic consequences. The government’s decision had disastrous economic consequences. On ne peut pas compter sur son aide. You can't count on his help. We can't count on his help. Pourquoi lui racontait-il ça ? Why was he telling her this? Why did he tell her that? Tom habite et travaille à Boston. Tom lives and works in Boston. Tom lives and works in Boston. Tu as gagné le loto. You've won the lottery. You won the lottery. Il est plus vieux que moi de deux ans. He's two years older than I am. He's two years older than me. Je sais que Tom voulait vous rencontrer. I know Tom wanted to meet you. I know Tom wanted to meet you. Je retourne au Japon demain. I'm going back to Japan tomorrow. I'm going back to Japan tomorrow. Tom est devenu plus gros depuis la dernière que je l'ai vu. Tom's gotten fatter since the last time I saw him. Tom has gotten bigger since the last one I saw. C'est une punaise. N'y touchez pas. That's a stink bug. Don't touch it. It's a bug, don't touch it. Vous a-t-on dit quand vous êtes attendu ici ? Have you been told when you are expected to be here? Have you been told when you are expected here? Je ne suis pas habitué à la chaleur. I'm not used to the heat. I am not used to the heat. As-tu une minute pour discuter ? Do you have a minute to talk? Do you have a minute to talk? Je suis fatigué, mais je ne peux pas m'endormir. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep. La maison puait. The house stank. The house stinks. Le monde n'est pas parfait. The world isn't perfect. The world is not perfect. Comment puis-je me rendre à la gare ? How can I get to the train station? How do I get to the station? Je ne pouvais m'empêcher de penser qu'il était mort. I could not but think that he had died. I couldn't help but think he was dead. J'aime ceux-ci. I like these. I like these. Le plus lent à promettre est toujours le plus fidèle à tenir. The slowest one to make a promise is the most faithful one in keeping it. The slowest to promise is always the most faithful to hold. Portes-tu un dentier ? Do you wear dentures? Do you wear a denture? Essaies-tu de me tuer ? Are you trying to kill me? Are you trying to kill me? Vous devez continuer à vous exercer. You must continue to train. You must continue to exercise. Est-ce que tu aimes les gaufres ? Do you like waffles? Do you like waffles? Il a enfin terminé le travail. He finally accomplished the work. He finally finished the job. Tu es sûr qu'elle est en train de parler portugais ? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Cette phrase est écrite en allemand. This sentence is written in German. This sentence is written in German. C'est officiel. This is official. It's official. Marie aide sa mère. Marie is helping his mother. Mary helps her mother. Tom a étudié, mais il n'a pas étudié beaucoup. Tom did study, but he didn't study very much. Tom studied, but he didn't study much. Un trépied à pizza est un petit bout de plastique qui empêche la pizza de coller sur le dessus du carton. The pizza saver is a small piece of plastic which prevents the pizza from sticking to the top of the cardboard box. A pizza tripod is a small piece of plastic that prevents the pizza from sticking to the top of the carton. Je vous protègerai. I will protect you. I'll protect you. Je vais lui faire une proposition sérieuse. I am going to make him a serious offer. I'll make him a serious proposal. Puis-je vous poser une question personnelle ? Can I ask you a personal question? May I ask you a personal question? Tom m'avait prévenu que ce serait bruyant ici. Tom warned me it would be noisy here. Tom warned me it would be noisy here. L'avion s'est écrasé sur la maison. The plane crashed into the house. The plane crashed into the house. Je ne l'ai pas lavé. I didn't clean it. I didn't wash it. Je vais essayer de les trouver pour toi. I'll try to find them for you. I'll try to find them for you. J'ai couru aussi vite que j'ai pu mais je n'ai pas réussi à prendre le dernier train à temps. I ran as fast as possible, but I was not in time for the last train. I ran as fast as I could but couldn’t get the last train on time. Dans les notes de bas de pages, les titres d'ouvrages et les noms de journaux sont écrits en italique. In footnotes, book titles and journal names are written in italics. In footnotes, book titles and newspaper names are written in italics. Elle était plus belle que tous les autres. She was more beautiful than all of the others. She was more beautiful than everyone else. Tom a entendu un bruit. Tom heard a noise. Tom heard a noise. Tom est vice-président de l'Association des apiculteurs de Berlin. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is vice-president of the Berlin Beekeepers Association. Je n'aime pas le café avec du sucre. I don't like coffee with sugar. I don’t like coffee with sugar. C'est mon dictionnaire. That's my dictionary. That's my dictionary. Peux-tu me prêter ton vélo ? Will you lend me your bicycle? Can you lend me your bike? As-tu eu besoin d'une aide spéciale lorsque tu étais à l'école ? Did you require any special assistance when you were in school? Did you need any special help when you were in school? J'y croirai lorsque je le verrai. I'll believe it when I see it. I'll believe it when I see it. Elle nous a servi un bon repas. She served us a good meal. She served us a nice meal. Le Ministère de la Justice des États-Unis et le Bureau fédéral d’investigation (FBI) ont pris pour cible des musulmans américains lors d’opérations d’infiltration abusives menées dans le cadre de la lutte antiterroriste et basées sur des critères d’identité religieuse et ethnique, ont affirmé Human Rights Watch et l'Institut des droits de l'homme. The US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have targeted American Muslims in abusive counterterrorism “sting operations” based on religious and ethnic identity, Human Rights Watch and Human Rights Institute said. The U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have targeted American Muslims in abusive anti-terrorism undercover operations based on religious and ethnic identity criteria, Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Institute said. Ils sont maintenant seuls. They're now alone. They are now alone. Il doit payer pour faire refaire sa plaque d'immatriculation. He must pay to have his registration plate re-made. He has to pay to get his license plate redone. Comment vous êtes-vous impliquée dans ce projet ? How did you become involved in this project? How did you get involved in this project? Mon père s'améliore progressivement. My father is getting better by degrees. My father is gradually improving. J'écris un livre en toki pona qui contient déjà 7700 phrases, mais il est toujours en cours de révision. I'm writing a book in Toki Pona that already contains 7700 sentences, but it's still under review. I am writing a book in toki pona that already contains 7,700 sentences, but it is still being revised. Elle a eu plus de peur que de mal. Aside from fright, she was not injured. She was more afraid than bad. Je lui ai demandé de partir immédiatement. I asked him to leave at once. I asked him to leave immediately. As-tu quitté l'État au cours des 14 derniers jours ? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you left the state in the last 14 days? Pourquoi êtes-vous si gentils avec moi ? Why are you being so kind to me? Why are you so nice to me? C'est du déchet. This is rubbish. It's waste. Je suis asexuelle. I'm ace. I'm asexual. Du point de vue de Kate, il travaille trop. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's point of view, he works too hard. Mon grand-père conte des centaines d'anecdotes. My grandfather tells hundreds of anecdotes. My grandfather has hundreds of anecdotes. Tom est retourné dans la voiture. Tom got back in the car. Tom returned to the car. N'y prête pas attention. Never mind! Don't pay attention. Les vices d'hier sont les coutumes de demain. Yesterday's vices are tomorrow's customs. The vices of yesterday are the customs of tomorrow. Mais le café, ça n'est pas bon. But coffee is not good. But coffee is not good. N'oublie pas de poster cette lettre sur le chemin de l'école. Don't forget to mail this letter on your way to school. Don't forget to post this letter on the way to school. De nombreux amis vinrent lui faire leurs adieux. Many friends saw him off. Many friends came to bid him farewell. J'avais peur de ne jamais la revoir. I was afraid I'd never see her again. I was afraid I'd never see her again. Le papiamento est une belle langue. Papiamento is a beautiful language. Papiamento is a beautiful language. Il ne comprend pas les risques. He doesn't understand the risks. He doesn’t understand the risks. J'avais compté sur lui à la réunion. I had expected him at the meeting. I counted on him at the meeting. Dans le jeu d'échecs, chaque armée a un roi, une dame, deux fous, deux cavaliers, deux tours et huit pions. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a lady, two fools, two horsemen, two towers and eight pawns. Je ne veux pas en parler pour l'instant. I don't want to talk about this now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Je l'ai mise dans votre chambre. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. C’est dans l’eau que la vie a commencé. Life began in water. It was in the water that life began. Avez-vous d'autres questions ? Have you any further questions? Do you have any further questions? Il a arraché quelques feuilles de menthe et les a mises dans sa bouche. He yanked off a few mint leaves and put them in his mouth. He ripped out some mint leaves and put them in his mouth. Es-tu déjà venu ici ? Have you ever been here? Have you ever been here? Marie est de 21 ans la cadette de Tom, mais Tom est 22 fois plus riche que Marie. Mary is 21 years younger than Tom, but Tom is 22 times richer than Mary. Mary is 21 years younger than Tom, but Tom is 22 times richer than Mary. Je ne dispose pas des réponses à toutes les questions. I don't have the answers to all of the questions. I do not have the answers to all the questions. Je ne peux pas t'aider si tu ne me fais pas confiance. I can't help you if you don't trust me. I can't help you if you don't trust me. Tom vous a aidé, n'est-ce pas ? Tom helped you, didn't he? Tom helped you, didn't he? Taipei est la capitale de Taïwan. Taipei is Taiwan's capital. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. Comment vas-tuyau de poêle ? What's up, dawg? How's the stove pipe? Je me rappelle avoir dit ça. I remember saying that. I remember saying that. Pourquoi les bulles de champagne remontent à la surface ? Why do champagne bubbles rise to the surface? Why do champagne bubbles rise to the surface? Les avions sont chers. Planes are expensive. Planes are expensive. Voulez-vous un plateau avec ? Do you want a tray with that? Do you want a tray with it? Était-elle française ? Was she French? Was she French? Je veux te montrer ce que Tom m'a donné. I want to show you what Tom gave me. I want to show you what Tom gave me. Je me suis occupée de tout. I've taken care of everything. I took care of everything. Les deux voitures sont entrées en collision à l'intersection. The two cars collided at the intersection. Both cars collided at the intersection. Je vais vous donner de l'argent si vous en avez besoin. I'll give you money if you need some. I'll give you money if you need it. Cette pièce se réchauffe facilement. This room heats easily. This room warms up easily. Je veux simplement être différente. I just want to be different. I just want to be different. J'ai reçu ton message hier. I received your message yesterday. I got your message yesterday. La fille engagée par ce magasin pour attirer les clients est assez jolie et à chaque fois que j'y vais je finis par acheter beaucoup de trucs. The girl hired by the shop to attract customers is quite cute and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of things. The girl hired by this store to attract customers is pretty pretty and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of stuff. Tom est un très bon charpentier. Tom is a very good carpenter. Tom is a very good carpenter. Ils ne virent que peu d'intérêt à des syndicats. They saw little need for labor unions. They saw little interest in trade unions. Désolé... Sorry... I'm sorry. Avez-vous achevé le traitement prescrit ? Did you complete the prescribed treatment? Have you completed the prescribed treatment? Je n'ai pas de téléphone cellulaire. I don't have a cellphone. I don't have a cell phone. Tom traversa la pièce et ouvrit la fenêtre. Tom walked across the room and opened the window. Tom walked through the room and opened the window. Je ne devrais pas être ici. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. Êtes-vous vous fières de ce que vous êtes devenues ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? Les enfants ne sont pas autorisés sur le siège avant. Children are not allowed in the front seat. Children are not allowed in the front seat. Ce qui rend malheureux en amour, c'est moins de ne pas être aimé quand on aime, que d'être encore aimé quand on n'aime plus. What makes one sad about love, it is not so much to not be loved when you love, but to still be loved when you do not love anymore. What makes you unhappy in love is less about not being loved when you love, than about being loved when you no longer love. Prenez-vous des médicaments pour des problèmes de santé ? Do you take any medication for any medical issues? Are you taking medication for health problems? Le meilleur aspect du travail en équipe est que si quelque chose va de travers, on peut toujours le mettre sur le dos de quelqu'un d'autre. The best thing about working in a team is that, when something goes wrong, you can always blame someone else. The best aspect of teamwork is that if something goes wrong, you can always put it on someone else’s back. Tes paupières étaient-elles collées quand tu t'es réveillée ce matin ? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyes glued when you woke up this morning? Je ne lui dois rien. I owe her nothing. I don't owe him anything. J'habite dans la capitale. I live in the capital. I live in the capital. Tom se mit à pleurer. Tom started crying. Tom started crying. C'était pathétique. That was pathetic. It was pathetic. Je mange plus rarement de la viande que du poisson. I eat meat more rarely than fish. I rarely eat meat than fish. Le plaisir est le contraire de la tristesse. Delight is the opposite of sorrow. Pleasure is the opposite of sadness. Ne faites pas ça ! Ce n'est pas votre boulot. Don't do that. It's not your job. Don't do that, it's not your job. Ils se cramponnèrent l'un l'autre pour garder leur chaleur. They clung together for warmth. They hugged each other to keep each other warm. Il ne m'a pas oublié. He didn't forget me. He hasn't forgotten me. J'ai pris part à la compétition. I took part in the contest. I took part in the competition. Pourrais-tu simplement répondre à la question, s'il te plaît ? Nous n'avons pas toute la journée ! Could you just please answer the question? We don't have all day. Could you just answer the question, please? We don't have all day! Le livre est blanc. The book is white. The book is white. Le cadeau exprime mes sentiments. The gift is expressive of my feelings. The gift expresses my feelings. Je veux me remettre à faire ce que je faisais avant que tu m'interrompes. I want to go back to doing what I was doing before you interrupted me. I want to get back to doing what I was doing before you interrupted me. Je pense à toi en tant qu'ami. I think of you as a friend. I think of you as a friend. Il a deux amis étrangers. He has two friends who are foreigners. He has two foreign friends. Il a félicité son fils. He patted his son on the back. He congratulated his son. Nous nous sommes tous deux séparés l'année dernière. The two of us split up last year. We both separated last year. Où as-tu appris à faire des pizzas ? Where did you learn to make pizza? Where did you learn to make pizza? Il a un corps de rêve. He has a body to die for. He has a dream body. Savez-vous qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who his father is? Je ne peux pas vous raconter ce que nous avons fait hier soir. I can't tell you what we did last night. I can't tell you what we did last night. Savez-vous ce qu'est le bonheur ? Do you know what happiness is? Do you know what happiness is? Vous ne le regretterez pas ! You won't regret it! You won't regret it! J'écris une lettre à ma mère une fois par mois. I write to my mother once a month. I write a letter to my mother once a month. Relisez cet article. Read the article again. Read this article again. Troisième coup ! Strike three! Third shot! Les mots m'ont échappé des lèvres. The words escaped my lips. The words escaped my lips. Il parle comme s'il connaissait tout. He talks as though he knew everything. He speaks as if he knows everything. Je n'ai pas de bonne réponse à cette question. I don't have a good answer to that question. I don't have a good answer to that question. On ne peut vous forcer à témoigner contre votre mari. You can't be forced to testify against your husband. You can't be forced to testify against your husband. Ça a l'air bon. This looks good. Sounds good. Tom ne connait rien de Boston. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. Tu n'en auras pas besoin. You won't need that. You won't need it. J'aime ton t-shirt. I like your T-shirt. I like your t-shirt. J'aime ma vieille théière en laiton. I like my old brass tea pot. I love my old brass teapot. À moins que vous n'aies des preuves, tu ne peux pas l'accuser de vol. You can't accuse him of stealing unless you have proof. Unless you have evidence, you can't charge him with theft. Comme ma mère était malade, je suis resté à la maison au lieu d'aller à l'école. Since my mother was sick, I stayed home from school. Since my mother was sick, I stayed at home instead of going to school. Pensez-vous que je doive lui dire ? Do you think I should tell her? Do you think I have to tell him? Que fera Tom demain ? What'll Tom do tomorrow? What will Tom do tomorrow? Tom a été escorté hors du bâtiment. Tom was escorted out of the building. Tom was escorted out of the building. Les contributeurs de Tatoeba dorment-ils ? Do Tatoeba contributors sleep? Do Tatoeba contributors sleep? Yanni jurait. Yanni swore. Yanni swore. Il préférerait mourir que de travailler pour cet homme. He would sooner rather die than work for that man. He would rather die than work for this man. Elle a travaillé toute la nuit. She worked through the night. She worked all night. Elles sont au courant. They know. They know about it. Je me suis rendu deux fois à Paris. I've been to Paris twice. I went to Paris twice. Qu'y a-t-il de plus à savoir ? What more is there to know? What's more to know? Le canal relie les océans Atlantique et Pacifique. The canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. T'es-tu enfin accoutumé à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you got used to eating Japanese food yet? Are you used to eating Japanese food? J'attendrai dehors. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. Depuis combien de temps vous sentez-vous constipée ? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been feeling constipated? On va se mettre d'accord. We'll settle on that. We're gonna make a deal. Salut, les petits ! Hi, kids! Hey, kids! Ils donnent des stylos gratuits. They're giving out free pens. They give free pens. André Danican Philidor avait l'habitude de jouer trois matchs simultanément, deux à l'aveugle et un regardant le plateau. Diderot et D'Alembert l'ont cité dans l'Encyclopédie comme « l'une des manifestations les plus phénoménales de l'esprit humain. » André Danican Philidor used to play three games at the same time, two blindly and one looking at the board. Diderot and D'Alembert cited it in the Encyclopedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind". André Danican Philidor used to play three games simultaneously, two blind and one looking at the set. Diderot and D'Alembert cited it in the Encyclopaedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind." Nous sommes ennemies. We're enemies. We are enemies. Je suis brésilien, et toi ? I'm Brazilian, and you? I'm Brazilian, what about you? Au moment où ils auront collecté les fonds nécessaires, ils pourront relancer leur projet. As soon as they have collected the necessary funds, they can restart their project. Once they have raised the necessary funds, they will be able to restart their project. Tom descendit le seau dans le puits. Tom lowered the bucket into the well. Tom lowered the bucket into the well. L’obéissance de tous à des règles, même absurdes, assure à la société une cohésion plus grande. The obedience of everyone to rules, even absurd ones, promotes a greater cohesion within society. The obedience of all to rules, even absurd ones, assures society a greater cohesion. J'apprends le basque. I'm learning the Basque language. I am learning Basque. Il semble que Wataru se consacrait à ses études. It seems that Wataru devoted himself to his studies. It seems that Wataru devoted himself to his studies. Nous devrions aller par là. We should go this way. We should go this way. Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait. Thank you very much for all you have done. Thank you for everything you've done. Il est difficile de trouver un flipper entièrement mécanique. De nos jours, ils sont tous électroniques. It's hard to find a totally mechanical pinball machine. These days, they're all electronic. It is difficult to find a fully mechanical pinball machine. Nowadays, they are all electronic. Je me suis bien amusé pendant la fête. I had a lot of fun at the party. I had a lot of fun during the party. As-tu perdu la tête ? Have you lost your mind? Have you lost your mind? Si un homme n'a rien à manger, le jeûne est la chose la plus intelligente qu'il puisse faire. If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the most intelligent thing he can do. If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the smartest thing he can do. Hier, j'étais chez Tom. Yesterday, I was at Tom's house. I was at Tom's yesterday. C'est la chemise de Tom, pas la mienne. This is Tom's shirt, not mine. It's Tom's shirt, not mine. Ne t'en fais pas à propos de ton discours au mariage ; tu peux simplement l'improviser quand tu seras sur place. Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there. Don’t worry about your speech at the wedding; you can just improvise it when you’re there. C'est beaucoup d'argent liquide. That's a lot of cash. That's a lot of cash. Non seulement l'Algérie est un pays qui ne respecte pas les droits de l'homme mais s'en fiche royalement. Algeria is not only a country that doesn't respect human rights but doesn't care at all. Not only is Algeria a country that does not respect human rights but does not care royally. Tu es mon ange. You are my angel. You're my angel. Je suis si mauvais aux échecs qu'une fois, je me suis fait mater après seulement deux coups ! I'm so terrible at chess, I once got checkmated after only two moves! I'm so bad at chess that once I got screwed after just two shots! Je serai de retour dans 10 minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in 10 minutes. Personne ne connaît tant de contes que le dieu du sommeil. Nobody knows as many bedtime stories as the god of the dream. No one knows so many tales as the god of sleep. Jésus leur répondit. Jesus answered them. Jesus answered them. Je suis sûr que Tom ne sait pas nager. I'm sure Tom can't swim. I'm sure Tom can't swim. Je suis au-dessus. I'm upstairs. I'm on top. Je ne t'ai pas dit de faire ça. I didn't tell you to do that. I didn't tell you to do that. Vous serez tout à fait remises dans quelques jours. You'll be all right again in a couple of days. You will be fully recovered in a few days. N'est-ce pas malhonnête ? Isn't that dishonest? Isn't that dishonest? Où se trouve l'entrée du musée ? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where is the museum entrance? Bob franchit le premier la ligne d'arrivée. Bob reached the finish line first. Bob crosses the finish line first. Pourrais-tu me lire ça ? Could you read this for me? Could you read this to me? Avez-vous été en mesure de résoudre le problème ? Were you able to solve the problem? Have you been able to solve the problem? Envisages-tu sérieusement de te marier ? Are you serious about getting married? Are you seriously considering getting married? Regarde autour de toi. Look around. Look around. Traduire, c'est trahir. Translator, traitor. To translate is to betray. L'histoire est le mensonge communément admis. History is the lie commonly agreed upon. History is the commonly accepted lie. L'extérieur du bâtiment a conservé son aspect d'origine, mais l'intérieur a été entièrement rénové. The exterior of the building looks much as it always has, but the interior has been thoroughly remodeled. The exterior of the building has retained its original appearance, but the interior has been completely renovated. Les étudiants de cette école sont aimables. The students of this school are kind. The students at this school are friendly. Nous prendrons soin de cela pour toi. We will take care of this for you. We will take care of that for you. Nous devrions l'emporter. We ought to win. We should win. J'étais agacée. I was frustrated. I was annoyed. Nous ne devrions pas nous disputer. We shouldn't be fighting with each other. We shouldn't be arguing. Mon père était sur le point de partir lorsque le téléphone sonna. My father was about to leave when the telephone rang. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. Je ne parle pas le turc. I don't speak Turkish. I don't speak Turkish. "Pourquoi tu n'y vas pas ?" "Parce que je ne veux pas." "Why aren't you going?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you go?" "Because I don't want to." Cookie suivait Tom partout où il allait. Cookie followed Tom wherever he went. Cookie followed Tom wherever he went. Vous le connaissez ? Do you know him? You know him? Je n'apprécie pas le chocolat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Que peux-tu m'enseigner ? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? La foudre précède le tonnerre. Lightning precedes thunder. Lightning precedes thunder. Dans leur famille, ils ont toujours été agriculteurs de père en fils. In their family, they have always been farmers from father to son. In their family, they have always been farmers from father to son. L'as-tu bien connue ? Did you know her well? Did you know her well? Ils ont expiré. They exhaled. They've expired. Choisissez votre arme. Choose your weapon. Choose your weapon. Elle lui a recommandé d'aller au poste de police mais il avait peur de le faire. She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to. She advised him to go to the police station but he was afraid to do so. Dégote-moi quelque chose à manger. Get me something to eat. Get me something to eat. Il est l'heure de démarrer. It's about time to start. It's time to get started. Avant l'arrivée des européens, la fièvre jaune n'avait pas été un problème. Before the arrival of the Europeans, yellow fever hadn't been a problem. Before the arrival of the Europeans, yellow fever had not been a problem. N'as-tu jamais embrassé une fille ? Haven't you ever kissed a girl? Have you ever kissed a girl? Il avertissait ses élèves. He warned his students. He warned his students. Bouge-toi le cul ! Move your ass! Move your ass! Elle descendit au cinquième étage. She went down to the fifth floor. She went down to the fifth floor. Il n'a pas parlé du tout. He did not speak at all. He didn't talk at all. Tu ne connais pas ta chance. You don't realize how lucky you are. You don't know your chance. Il m'a tourné le dos au moment où j'avais le plus besoin de lui. He turned his back on me when I needed him most. He turned his back on me when I needed him most. Je l'ai informée de mon départ. I informed her of my departure. I told her I was leaving. À quelle fréquence avez-vous vomi ? How often have you been vomiting? How often did you vomit? Je me tenais à côté de lui. I was standing next to him. I was standing next to him. Je suis prêt à vous aider dans votre travail. I'm willing to help you with your work. I am ready to help you in your work. Je pense que c'est le meilleur plan. I think this is the best plan. I think that's the best plan. Êtes-vous sûr que vous ne voulez rien ? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? Le connaissez-vous par hasard ? Do you know him, by any chance? Do you know him by chance? Hommes et femmes sont faits pour vivre et créer, vivre et créer. Jusqu’aux larmes. Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears. Men and women are made to live and create, to live and create. To tears. Le noble chevalier retint son souffle tandis qu'il regardait fixement la belle princesse. The noble knight held his breath as he gazed at the beautiful princess. The noble knight held his breath as he stared at the beautiful princess. Est-ce que tu parles ma langue ? Do you speak my language? Do you speak my language? Il ne regarde pas du tout la télé. He doesn't watch television at all. He's not watching TV at all. Il a soif de pouvoir. He's hungry for power. He thirsts for power. Je ne connais pas mon chemin. I don't know my way around. I don't know my way. Elle était assise sur une chaise, à regarder la télé. She was sitting in a chair, watching TV. She was sitting in a chair watching TV. J'aimerais ta permission pour l'utiliser. I'd like your permission to use it. I'd like your permission to use it. Elle ne s'est pas montrée. She didn't show up. She didn't show up. Je veux quelque chose pour écrire. I want something to write on. I want something to write. Quel type de contraception utilises-tu ? What type of birth control do you use? What type of contraception do you use? Il n'est pas trop tard. It's not too late. It's not too late. Le cours est terminé. Class dismissed. The course is over. Elle peut s'en occuper. She can handle it. She can take care of it. Penses-tu vraiment que je veuille faire ce que je fais ? Do you really think I want to do what I do? Do you really think I want to do what I do? J'ai écrit la réponse très attentivement. I wrote the answers carefully. I wrote the answer very carefully. J'ai sauté. I jumped. I jumped. Espérons qu'ils n'y songent même pas ! Let's hope they don't even think about it. Let's hope they don't even think about it! As-tu eu des démangeaisons, des éruptions ou une sécheresse persistantes sur une partie de ton corps ? Have you had any persistent itching, rash, or dryness anywhere on your body? Have you had persistent itching, rashes, or dryness on any part of your body? Il adore son petit-fils. He dotes on his grandson. He loves his grandson. Il a rencontré un gentil jeune homme. He met a nice young man. He met a nice young man. Il est fou amoureux. He's head over heels in love. He's crazy in love. C’est un miracle que Tom ait survécu à l’accident. It's a miracle that Tom survived the accident. It is a miracle that Tom survived the accident. Je suis tellement amoureuse ! I'm so in love! I'm so in love! Il y a des choses que tu dois savoir. There are things you need to know. There are things you need to know. Je ne pense pas que ça va arriver. I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think it's gonna happen. Avez-vous essayé de jouer ce morceau sur votre guitare ? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Have you tried playing this song on your guitar? Je veux y réfléchir. I want to think about it. I want to think about it. Veux-tu quelque chose à boire ? Do you want something to drink? Would you like something to drink? Si vous ne bougez pas immédiatement, vous serez arrêtés. If you do not move immediately, you will be arrested. If you do not move immediately, you will be arrested. Sur quel bateau te trouvais-tu ? What ship were you on? What boat were you on? Tom est en train de traire la vache. Tom is milking the cow. Tom is milking the cow. Les Japonais vivent de riz et de poisson. The Japanese live on rice and fish. The Japanese live on rice and fish. Ne vous donnez pas des airs ! Don't give yourself airs. Don't give yourself airs! Le seul moment où les imprimantes ne fonctionnent pas c'est lorsque vous en avez besoin. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time printers don’t work is when you need them. Vous utiliserez l’ordinateur pour étudier, et pas pour jouer aux jeux vidéo. You'll use the computer for studying, and not for playing games. You will use the computer to study, not to play video games. La famille de Tom n'est pas très grande. Tom's family isn't very big. Tom's family is not very big. Ils l'ont bloquée. They blocked it. They blocked him. Sami est le seul amour de Layla. Sami is Layla's only love. Sami is Layla's only love. Il était droit debout. He stood in an upright position. He was standing up. L'homme propose, Dieu dispose. Man proposes, God disposes. Man proposes, God disposes. Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home but he can't. L'essence est un peu moins chère en libre service, maintenant que la dérégulation entre en vigueur. Gas is a little cheaper with self-service, now that deregulation is kicking in. Gasoline is a little cheaper in self-service, now that deregulation comes into effect. Les amis s'aident. Friends help each other. Friends help each other. Tom a dit qu'il essayerait. Tom said he would try. Tom said he would try. Il ne s'est pas montré. He didn't show up. He didn't show up. Ils étaient mécontents de sa décision. They were angered at his decision. They were unhappy with his decision. Nous sommes allés à la fête et avons passé un bon moment. We went to the party and had a pleasant time. We went to the party and had a great time. Je pense que tu devrais nager. I think you should swim. I think you should swim. Les marchandises sont-elles transportées par bateau ou par avion ? Are the goods transported by ship or air? Are the goods transported by boat or by air? Oui, je suis allé hier. Yes, I went yesterday. Yeah, I went yesterday. Je ne suis pas ta servante. I'm not your servant. I'm not your maid. Ils ne sont courageux qu'en paroles. They are only bold in what they say. They are brave only in words. Accomplir plusieurs tâches à la fois peut conduire à être moins productif. Multi-tasking can lead to being less productive. Doing several tasks at once can lead to being less productive. Je dois m'occuper de mes enfants. I need to take care of my kids. I have to take care of my children. Nous pouvons essayer cela. We can try that. We can try that. Ne le dis à quiconque ! Don't tell anybody. Don't tell anyone! Je dispose de beaucoup d'argent. I've got plenty of money. I have a lot of money. Elle me versa une tasse de thé. She poured a cup of tea for me. She poured me a cup of tea. Puis-je vous tester pour la Covid-19 ? Can I test you for COVID-19? Can I test you for the Covid-19? Tom retira ses vêtements et les mit dans la machine à laver. Tom took his clothes off and put them into the washing machine. Tom took off his clothes and put them in the washing machine. Nous avons été pleinement satisfaits. We were fully satisfied. We were fully satisfied. Traduis ce texte. Translate this text. Translate this text. La dette de tous nos péchés est déjà entièrement payée. The debt for all of our sins is already paid in full. The debt of all our sins is already paid in full. Il nous faut encore fournir du travail. We still have some work to do. We still need to provide work. Ce n'est qu'une théorie. It's just a theory. It's just a theory. La pomme est tombée de l'arbre. The apple fell from the tree. The apple fell off the tree. Je suis rentré un peu tard, hier soir. I got home a little late last night. I came home a little late last night. As-tu eu une toux persistante au cours des derniers jours ? Have you had a persistent cough within the past few days? Have you had a persistent cough in the past few days? Y a-t-il quelque chose qui aggrave votre douleur ? Is there anything that makes your pain feel worse? Is there anything that makes your pain worse? Tu es en mesure d'y aller. You can go there. You're able to go. Yanni a essayé. Yanni tried. Yanni tried. Nous avons utilisé des mesures d'urgence pour réanimer le patient victime d'un arrêt cardiaque. We used emergency measures to revive the cardiac arrest patient. We used emergency measures to resuscitate the cardiac arrest patient. J'ignore si je peux le gérer seule. I don't know if I can handle this alone. I don't know if I can handle it alone. Nous gâchons un temps précieux. We're wasting valuable time here. We waste precious time. En musique comme en rhétorique, une pause est souvent utilisée pour créer un effet dramatique. In music or speaking, a pause is frequently used for dramatic effect. In music as in rhetoric, a pause is often used to create a dramatic effect. Je ne veux pas être impliqué dans cette affaire. I don't want to get involved in that business. I don't want to be involved in this case. Personne ne te croira. No one will believe you. No one will believe you. Si on nourrit son chien correctement, on peut accroître sa durée de vie. If you feed your dog properly, you can increase his lifespan. If you feed your dog properly, you can increase its lifespan. Le nouveau passe-temps de Tom est d'attraper et de relocaliser des taupes vivantes. Tom's new hobby is catching and moving live moles. Tom's new hobby is to catch and relocate live moles. Restez debout. Keep standing. Stand still. Faites attention aux serpents. Beware of snakes. Beware of snakes. Cette phrase ne sera jamais traduite. This sentence will never be translated. This sentence will never be translated. Les choses sont-elles si mauvaises ? Are things that bad? Are things so bad? Elle l'a regardé, lui et les autres garçons, jouer au baseball. She watched him and the other boys playing baseball. She watched him and the other boys play baseball. Je ne serais pas contre un petit somme. I could use a little sleep. I wouldn’t be against a small amount. Pourriez-vous me montrer cela ? Could you show me that? Could you show me that? Nous nous battons tous contre notre propre remède; car la mort est le remède à tous les maux. We all labour against our own cure; for death is the cure of all disease. We are all fighting against our own remedy; for death is the remedy for all evils. Jamais on n'a capturé le meurtrier. They never caught the murderer. We never captured the murderer. Je n'accepte pas l'invitation ! I don't accept the invitation! I don't accept the invitation! Tom menaça Mary. Tom threatened Mary. Tom threatened Mary. Je connais le français, l’anglais et l’allemand. I know French, English, and German. I know French, English and German. Avez-vous des difficultés à respirer ? Are you having any trouble breathing? Do you have difficulty breathing? Arrête de défendre Sami. Stop defending Sami. Stop defending Sami. Veuillez monter ici, puis vous asseoir sur cette table. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Please come up here, and then sit on this table. C'est quelque chose de nouveau. This is something new. It's something new. Ben a couru un 100 mètres avec Karl. Ben ran a 100-meter race with Carl. Ben ran a 100 meters with Karl. Pratiques-tu régulièrement l'auto-examen des seins ? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly practice breast self-examination? Pour perdre du poids, certaines personnes sautent les repas. In order to lose weight some people skip meals. To lose weight, some people skip meals. Un étranger m'a parlé dans le bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. Avez-vous déjà été diagnostiqué séropositif ? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Il dut partager une chambre avec son frère. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to share a room with his brother. Je ne savais pas que Marie était la fille de Tom. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Vous êtes responsable de l'accident. You are to blame for the accident. You are responsible for the accident. Il est plein aux as, mais il n'est pas heureux. He's loaded, but he's not happy. He's full of aces, but he's not happy. Fais bon voyage ! Have a safe journey. Have a good trip! J'ignore ce qu'est la peur. I don't know what fear is. I don't know what fear is. Ils discutèrent du temps. They chatted about the weather. They discussed time. Où devrais-je mettre mon linge ? Where should I put my laundry? Where should I put my laundry? Bien qu'il soit riche, il n'est pas heureux. Though he is rich, he is not happy. Although he is rich, he is not happy. Je n'ai pas compris la blague. I didn't understand the joke. I didn't understand the joke. Cette rivière est belle. This river is beautiful. This river is beautiful. Est-ce que je jure trop ? Do I curse too much? Am I swearing too much? Quels sont les aliments que tu manges habituellement avec une cuillère ? What are some foods you usually eat with a spoon? What foods do you usually eat with a spoon? Je n’ai pas de petits-enfants. I don't have grandchildren. I have no grandchildren. Vous sentez-vous nerveux au bureau aujourd'hui ? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Elle enseigne des leçons de mathématiques, de physique et de biologie. She teaches lessons in math, physics, and biology. She teaches lessons in mathematics, physics and biology. Vous êtes un peu plus grand que moi. You're a bit taller than I am. You're a little taller than me. Nous sommes toutes célibataires. We're all single. We are all single. L'export d'armes était interdit. Arms export was prohibited. The export of weapons was prohibited. Êtes-vous sûr que c'est nécessaire ? Are you sure that's necessary? Are you sure this is necessary? Il y a du vent. The weather is windy. There's wind. La dernière chose que j'ai mangé hier était une pomme. The last thing I ate yesterday was an apple. The last thing I ate was an apple. Combien de romans avez-vous lus l'année dernière ? How many novels did you read last year? How many novels did you read last year? Je pense qu'il nous faut plus de troupes. I think we need more troops. I think we need more troops. Ne me renvoie pas chez moi, je t'en prie ! Don't send me home, please. Don't send me home, please! Si vous voyez Tom, dites-lui s'il vous plaît qu'il doit m'appeler. If you see Tom, please tell him that he has to call me. If you see Tom, please tell him he needs to call me. Son frère est plus patient qu'il ne l'est. His brother is more patient than he is. His brother is more patient than he is. C'est plutôt incroyable. It's pretty incredible. It's pretty amazing. Le kabyle est ma langue maternelle. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Vous avez dit que vous étiez occupés. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. Ils se sont rencontrés au collège. They met in high school. They met in college. Si nous pouvons rassembler nos ressources, il sera d'autant plus facile de résoudre le problème. If we pool our resources, it'll be that much easier to solve the problem. If we can pool our resources, it will be all the easier to solve the problem. Nous échouerons. We'll fail. We will fail. Je serai bientôt chauve. I'll be bald soon. I'll be bald soon. Les gens adorent parler. People love to talk. People love to talk. Il me raccompagna chez moi en voiture. He gave me a ride home. He took me home by car. Je l'ai fait moi-même. I did this myself. I did it myself. Il fit un voyage autour du monde. He made a journey around the world. He took a trip around the world. Savez-vous qui nous sommes ? Do you know who we are? Do you know who we are? De quelle école quelqu'un est issu, ne joue absolument aucun rôle. What school a person graduated from counts for nothing. From what school someone is from, plays absolutely no role. Occupons-nous d'abord de cela. Let's deal with that first. Let's deal with that first. La porte est en train de se fermer. The door is closing. The door is closing. Il est très difficile de garder propres des tapis blancs. White carpets are very hard to keep clean. It is very difficult to keep white carpets clean. Ce que tu penses ne m'intéresse pas. I'm not interested in what you think. I'm not interested in what you think. Il a eu un problème en se garant. He had a problem while parking. He had a problem in guaranteeing himself. Il écrit encore des romans de temps en temps, mais pas autant qu'avant. He still writes novels from time to time, but not as often as he used to. He still writes novels from time to time, but not as much as before. Je fus capable de finir le travail plus tôt que je l'avais prévu. I was able to finish the work earlier than I had expected. I was able to finish the job earlier than I had planned. Bravo ! Kudos! Bravo! Il n'y a plus de temps à perdre. There is no more time to waste. There's no more time to lose. Non, les plats chinois sont les meilleurs. No, Chinese dishes are the best. No, Chinese dishes are the best. Je ne pense pas que les dieux existent. I don't think gods exist. I don’t think the gods exist. Que faites-vous pour l'arrêter ? What are you doing to stop this? What are you doing to stop him? Le docteur prit mon pouls. The doctor felt my pulse. The doctor took my pulse. Vous nous avez manqué. We missed you. We missed you. N'oublie pas que Tom est aveugle. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Elles ont gagné. They won. They won. On va faire un château de sable. Let's make a sandcastle. We're gonna make a sand castle. La télé-réalité n'est-elle pas réelle ? Reality TV isn't real? Isn't reality TV real? Tout est fait à sa place. Everything is done for her. Everything is done in its place. Je ne crains personne. I'm not scared of anybody. I'm not afraid of anyone. Nous parvînmes finalement au lac. We finally arrived at the lake. We finally reached the lake. Le même jour, Apollo 11 réussit à atterrir sur la surface de la Lune. On the same day, Apollo 11 succeeded in landing on the moon's surface. On the same day, Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the Moon. Donner un œuf, pour avoir un bœuf. Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel. Give an egg to get an ox. Nous nous accordâmes entre nous. We agreed among ourselves. We agreed among ourselves. Êtes-vous une criminelle ? Are you a criminal? Are you a criminal? Pourrais-je avoir un reçu ? Could I get a receipt? Could I have a receipt? Il n'y a personne ici. There's no one here. There's no one here. Nous nous sommes rencontrés jeudi dernier. We met last Thursday. We met last Thursday. Les médecins hospitaliers ne sortent pas souvent car leur travail leur prend tout leur temps. Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time. Hospital doctors don’t go out often because their work takes up all their time. Dois-je enfiler l'aiguille pour toi ? Must I thread the needle for you? Should I put the needle on for you? Ça pourrait ne pas être possible. That might not be possible. It might not be possible. Personne n'achètera ce truc. Nobody will buy this stuff. No one will buy this thing. Je désire rester dans mes quartiers. I want to stay in my quarters. I want to stay in my quarters. Brisez le silence. Break the silence. Break the silence. C'est toi qui m'a donné ça. You were the one who gave this to me. You're the one who gave me this. « Ça sent pas trop bon ? » « C’est clair ! » "Doesn't that smell fantastic?" "Yeah!" “Doesn’t that smell too good?” “That’s clear!” De qui es-tu le fils ? Whose son are you? Whose son are you? Elles en ont également un. They have one too. They also have one. Ma grand-mère est devenue vieille. My grandmother has become old. My grandmother is getting old. Êtes-vous sexuellement active ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Cookie a été élevé par Kate. Cookie was raised by Kate. Cookie was raised by Kate. Est-ce que tu veux partir aujourd'hui ? Do you want to leave today? Do you want to leave today? Londres est l'une des plus grandes villes mondiales. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Le fruit est acide. The fruit is sour. The fruit is acidic. Il est absent de l'école parce qu'il est malade. He is absent from school because he is ill. He's out of school because he's sick. Je veux savoir ce qui lui est arrivé. I want to know what happened to him. I want to know what happened to him. Pourquoi n'ai-je pas de petite copine ? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Faites bouillir de l'eau, nous allons faire du thé. Boil some water. We're going to make some tea. Boil some water, we'll make tea. L'amharique est-il une langue sémitique ? Is Amharic a Semitic language? Is Amharic a Semitic language? C'était notre plan depuis le début. That was our plan the whole time. That was our plan from the beginning. Elles l'ont livré à la police. They turned him over to the police. They handed him over to the police. Nous prévoyons de rester une semaine. We plan on staying a week. We plan to stay a week. Je veux boire quelque chose de frais. I want something cold to drink. I want to drink something fresh. La gestuelle est un autre moyen de communication. Gesture is another way of communication. Gestures are another means of communication. C'est un article fort populaire. This is a real popular item. This is a very popular article. Ce n'était pas plus gros qu'un ballon de foot. It wasn't any bigger than a soccer ball. It was no bigger than a football. Êtes-vous vous fière de ce que vous êtes devenues ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? Je pense qu'il faut être honnête dans son couple. I think you should be honest in a relationship. You have to be honest with your couple. Nous sommes mortels, mais certaines parties d'échecs sont immortelles. We die, but some chess games are everlasting. We are mortal, but certain chess games are immortal. Comme ce fruit est délicieux ! How delicious this fruit is! How delicious this fruit is! Pourquoi est-ce si drôle ? Why is that so funny? Why is it so funny? Comprends-tu le chinois ? Do you understand Chinese? Do you understand Chinese? Est-ce que tu le crois ? Do you believe him? Do you believe him? Tom dit qu'il ne buvait pas de café. Tom said he didn't drink coffee. Tom says he doesn't drink coffee. La serviette ne fut pas du tout utile. The towel wasn't at all useful. The towel was not helpful at all. Ne voilà-t-il pas encore que ça resurgit ! Here it comes again. Hasn't it resurfaced yet? J'ai été invité à leur mariage. I was invited to their wedding. I was invited to their wedding. La neige n'en finissait pas de tomber. The snow did not stop falling. The snow kept falling. Apporte à déjeuner ! Bring a lunch. Bring it to lunch! Elle n'est pas assez grande pour obtenir son permis de conduire. She isn't old enough to get a driving license. She's not big enough to get her driver's license. Au cours des 14 derniers jours, avez-vous été en contact étroit avec une personne qui a été testée positive à la Covid-19 ? Within the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Over the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19? Il a reconnu ses fautes. He acknowledged his faults. He acknowledged his faults. J'éprouvais de la compassion. I was sympathetic. I felt compassion. Si vous voulez que quelque chose soit fait correctement, il suffit parfois de le faire soi-même. If you want something to be done right, sometimes you've just got to do it yourself. If you want something done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself. Demandez à la guérite là-bas. Ask at the police box over there. Ask the gatekeeper there. Est-ce qu'elle a reçu ma lettre ? Has she received my letter? Did she get my letter? Je ne vous ai pas entendues entrer. I didn't hear you come in. I didn't hear you come in. Dans l'image suivante, nous voyons un cliché aérien du quartier général de la société. In this next slide we see an aerial shot of the company headquarters. In the following image, we see an aerial snapshot of the company’s headquarters. Nous l'avons vu. We saw it. We've seen it. Le Titanic coula en 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Mais à quoi songiez-vous, Bon Dieu ? What the fuck were you thinking? But what are you thinking, God? Il s'est rendu à la bibliothèque. He went to the library. He went to the library. Elle ne savait pas que George Sand était une femme. She didn't know George Sand was a woman. She didn’t know George Sand was a woman. Cela me rend triste de penser que demain c'est le dernier jour. It saddens me to think that tomorrow is the last day. It makes me sad to think that tomorrow is the last day. Nous ne te demanderions pas de faire ça. We wouldn't ask you to do that. We wouldn't ask you to do that. À quelle heure est le lever du soleil ? What time is sunrise? What time is the sunrise? J'ai envie de pouvoir me reposer suffisamment. I want to get enough rest. I want to be able to get enough rest. Je n'ai jamais eu l'intention de te mettre en quelconque danger. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never intended to put you in any danger. Je cherche mes clés. Les as-tu vues ? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Vos enfants sont si charmants ! Your children are so charming! Your children are so charming! Nous devons trouver un moyen de nous sortir de ce pétrin. We need to find a way out of this mess. We need to find a way out of this mess. Bien dit ! Well said! Well said! Vous feriez mieux de commencer tout de suite. You'd better start at once. You better get started right away. Ne t'ont-ils rien appris à Harvard ? Didn't they teach you anything at Harvard? Didn't they teach you anything at Harvard? Les verres sont sur mon compte. Drinks are on me. The drinks are on my account. Aucun de nous ne prévoit de s’y trouver. None of us plan on being there. None of us plan to be there. L'extérieur de cette boîte est vert, mais l'intérieur est rouge. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. Elle a divorcé après de longues années de tristesse. She divorced him after many years of unhappiness. She divorced after many years of sadness. Nous vous aimions. We loved you. We loved you. Je suis attristé de constater à quel point tu nous as mal compris. It saddens me to see how much you've misunderstood us. I am saddened to see how badly you have misunderstood us. Je suis un espion. I am a spy. I'm a spy. Qu'avez-vous dit à Paula ? What did you say to Paula? What did you say to Paula? Vous n'avez pas l'air convaincue. You don't seem convinced. You don't seem convinced. As-tu ressenti récemment une douleur ou une raideur inexpliquée au niveau du cou ? Have you recently felt any unexplained pain or stiffness in your neck? Have you recently experienced unexplained pain or stiffness in your neck? Je pourrais réciter l'histoire par cœur. I could recite the story by heart. I could recite the story by heart. La mort plutôt que le déshonneur ! Death before dishonor! Death rather than dishonor. Elle habite une énorme maison. She lives in an enormous house. She lives in a huge house. Le crime ne paie pas. Crime doesn't pay. Crime does not pay. L'entreprise a un slogan accrocheur. The company has a catchy slogan. The company has a catchy slogan. Le chien aboie contre toutes les personnes étrangères. The dog barks at all strangers. The dog barks at all strangers. J'y étais hier. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Il nous acheta de bons livres. He bought us nice books. He bought us good books. Tom a été frappé par une crise cardiaque. Tom was struck down by a heart attack. Tom was hit with a heart attack. Parlez des anges et vous entendez le battement de leurs ailes. Speak of angels and you hear their wings. Speak of the angels and you hear the beating of their wings. Jim est parti pêcher à la jetée. Jim went fishing from the pier. Jim went fishing at the pier. Si tu vois les dents du lion surgir, ne crois surtout pas que le lion te sourit. If you see the lion baring its teeth, don't think that the lion is smiling at you. If you see the lion’s teeth coming out, don’t think the lion is smiling at you. Il est plus jeune que moi. He's younger than me. He's younger than me. Il a la capacité à élaborer un bon plan. He has the ability to make a good plan. He has the ability to make a good plan. J'espère ne pas perdre. I hope I don't lose. I hope I don't lose. Je fais partie de la mafia de l'alphabet. I take part of the alphabet mafia. I am part of the alphabet mafia. C'est comme ça depuis la nuit des temps. It’s been like this since the dawn of time. It's been like that since time immemorial. Parfois, tout va mal. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Ils dansèrent maladroitement ensemble. They danced awkwardly together. They danced awkwardly together. J'ai été déçu par votre papier. I was disappointed with your paper. I was disappointed with your paper. « Tu es amoureux de ce garçon ! » « Non, ce n'est pas vrai ! » "You've got a crush on this boy." "No, I don't!" “You’re in love with this boy!” “No, that’s not true!” Dis-moi ce qui est arrivé cette nuit-là. Tell me what happened that night. Tell me what happened that night. Je suis plus petite que vous. I am shorter than you. I'm smaller than you. Quelle impression cela fait-il d'être constamment suivi par des gens autour de vous ? What does it feel like to always have people following you around? How does it feel to be constantly being followed by people around you? Je ne peux pas lire tes notes à cause de ton écriture. I can't read your notes because of your writing. I can't read your notes because of your writing. Je suis à la plage en train de jouer au volley-ball. I'm on the beach playing volleyball. I'm at the beach playing volleyball. Le pilote n'arrivera pas en retard. The pilot won't arrive late. The pilot will not arrive late. Nous ne devons pas nous plaindre. We must not complain. We must not complain. Ce que vous ignorez ne peut vous faire de mal. What you don't know can't hurt you. What you don't know can't hurt you. Sami a dit à Layla qu'il avait attendu toute sa vie pour rencontrer une fille comme elle. Sami told Layla that he had been waiting all his life to meet a girl like her. Sami told Layla that he had waited all his life to meet a girl like her. Ah ! Maintenant, je comprends. Aah. Now I understand. Oh, now I understand. Ils m'ont forcé à prendre le médicament. They forced me to take the medicine. They forced me to take the medicine. Nous n'avons pas encore terminé ce que nous avons à faire. We haven't yet finished what we have to do. We have not yet finished what we have to do. Tous les oiseaux ne construisent pas de nids. Not all birds build nests. Not all birds build nests. Nous nous sommes excusés. We apologized. We apologized. Pensez-vous que quiconque puisse nous voir ? Do you think anyone can see us? Do you think anyone can see us? Ne me tente pas ! Do not tempt me. Don't tempt me! J'ai toujours payé le loyer. I've always paid the rent. I always paid the rent. Ne t'inquiète pas, je suis certain que cela te conviendra à la perfection. No worries, I'm sure it will be a perfect fit for you! Don't worry, I'm sure it'll suit you perfectly. Portez-le sur le compte de ma chambre. Charge it to my room. Put it on my room account. Tu tomberas ! You'll fall! You'll fall! Qu'avez-vous répondu ? How did you reply? What did you say? Vous parlez trop doucement pour que je puisse entendre ce que vous dites. You're speaking too quietly for me to hear what you're saying. You speak too softly for me to hear what you are saying. Quand Marie était jeune, sa famille était très pauvre. When Mary was a child, her family was dirt poor. When Mary was young, her family was very poor. Tes chances de mourir pendant que tu remplis tes tickets de loterie sont plus importantes que tes chances de gagner. Your chances of dying while filling out your lottery tickets is greater than your chances of winning. Your chances of dying while you fill out your lottery tickets are more important than your chances of winning. Ces pêches ne sont pas très sucrées. These peaches aren't very sweet. These peaches are not very sweet. Tu as enfreint les règles. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. M'accusez-vous d'être une menteuse ? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Tu es de retour. You're back. You're back. Protège-moi de tous ceux qui veulent me faire du mal. Keep me safe from all those who want to harm me. Protect me from anyone who wants to hurt me. Qu'avez-vous mangé pour le petit-déjeuner ? What did you eat for breakfast? What did you eat for breakfast? Avez-vous trouvé Tom ? Did you find Tom? Did you find Tom? Si le temps le permet, nous partirons dans une heure. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time permits, we will leave in an hour. Whaou ! J'ai perdu mon portefeuille. Waaahhh! I lost my wallet. Wow, I lost my wallet. Quand avez-vous bu de l'alcool pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you drank alcohol? When was the last time you drank alcohol? On a été satisfaits des résultats. We were satisfied with the results. We were satisfied with the results. J'ai raté la fin du match ; quel était le score ? I missed the end of the game; what was the score? I missed the end of the game; what was the score? Quel est votre dentifrice préféré ? What's your favorite toothpaste? What is your favorite toothpaste? Êtes-vous allés à la fête de Tom samedi dernier ? Did you go to Tom's party last Saturday? Did you go to Tom's party last Saturday? Pourquoi n'as-tu pas fermé la porte ? Why didn't you close the door? Why didn't you close the door? Il faut que tu y ailles. It is necessary for you to go. You have to go. Ne reconnais rien ! Don't admit anything. Don't recognize anything! Je n'attends pas de cadeaux de gens que je ne connais pas. I don't expect presents from people I don't know. I don't expect gifts from people I don't know. Je sais que Tom est sérieux. I know that Tom is serious. I know Tom is serious. Ne perdez pas votre temps à essayer de convaincre Tom. Don't waste your time trying to convince Tom. Don't waste your time trying to convince Tom. Cette bicyclette m'appartient. The bicycle is mine. This bike belongs to me. Tu devrais passer un peu de temps chaque jour à revoir du vocabulaire. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. You should spend a little time every day reviewing vocabulary. Ce n'est pas une bonne idée de faire ça. Doing that isn't a good idea. It's not a good idea to do that. Pardonne ma paresse. Forgive my laziness. Forgive my laziness. Vous devez la trouver. You need to find her. You have to find her. Ce que vous vous faites est de la roupie de sansonnet, comparé au salaire de la patronne. What you make is small potatoes compared to the boss's salary. What you do to yourself is the rupee of sansonnet, compared to the salary of the boss. Des réfugiés ont afflué en provenance de tout le pays. Refugees poured in from all over the country. Refugees have been pouring in from all over the country. J’adore la distribution des cadeaux. I love the distribution of gifts. I love the distribution of gifts. Voudrais-tu encore un peu de salade ? Would you like a little more salad? Would you like some more salad? J'ai beaucoup réfléchi à ça. I've given this quite a lot of thought. I've been thinking about this a lot. Tu peux donner le livre à qui le voudra. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to anyone you want. Quel en est le délai ? What is the delay? What is the deadline? Je voudrais que mon français soit aussi bon que ton anglais ! I wish my French was as good as your English. I want my French to be as good as your English! Qu'est-ce qui, selon vous, a causé la perte de son emploi ? What do you think caused him to lose his job? What do you think caused the loss of his job? J'aimerais sortir ce soir. I would like to go out tonight. I'd like to go out tonight. J'ai acheté une nouvelle planche à découper. I bought a new cutting board. I bought a new cutting board. Dans une heure, il partira. He'll leave in an hour. In an hour, he'll leave. Dis à Tom que je suis en colère. Tell Tom that I'm angry. Tell Tom I'm angry. Il critiqua la guerre après avoir quitté les armes. He criticized the war after leaving the military. He criticized the war after leaving the guns. Je suis vraiment désolé pour ce que les Etats-Unis ont fait en Iraq. Cette guerre a été une tragédie pour tout le monde. I'm very sorry about what the U.S. has done in Iraq. This war has been a tragedy for everyone. I am very sorry for what the United States has done in Iraq. This war has been a tragedy for everyone. Tu n'as pas besoin d'y aller avec Tom. You don't have to go with Tom. You don't have to go with Tom. Je vais vous donner une chance additionnelle. I'm going to give you one more chance. I'll give you an extra chance. Tu devrais suivre son conseil. You should follow his advice. You should follow his advice. Ne penses-tu pas que Tanaka l'as fait ? Don't you think Tanaka is the one who did it? Don't you think Tanaka did it? Le grand mec en train de fumer un cigare là-bas est un réalisateur célèbre. The tall guy smoking a cigar over there is a famous director. The big guy smoking a cigar out there is a famous director. J'ai toujours désiré acheter un sac de cette marque. I have always wanted to buy this brand of bag. I have always wanted to buy a bag from this brand. Il souffre d'un rhume. He is suffering from a cold. He's got a cold. Ne vous rappelez-vous pas ce que vous avez dit ? Don't you remember what you said? Don't you remember what you said? Tom est allé à Boston avec Mary. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom went to Boston with Mary. Regarde-moi tous ces nombres. Look at all these numbers. Look at all these numbers. Quand avez-vous commencé à étudier le latin ? When did you start studying Latin? When did you start studying Latin? C'est rigolo. It's fun. That's funny. La climatisation ne fonctionne pas. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioning does not work. Est-ce que je devrais couper le fil rouge ou le fil vert ? Should I cut the red wire or the green one? Should I cut the red thread or the green thread? Je fais ce travail pour aider un ami. I'm doing this job to help a friend. I'm doing this job to help a friend. Je ne pouvais pas entendre ce qui se passait dans la pièce d'à côté. I couldn't hear what was happening in the next room. I couldn't hear what was going on in the next room. Je n'écris pas à votre sujet. I'm not writing about you. I'm not writing about you. Il s'est cassé le bras pendant qu'il jouait au foot. He got his arm broken while he was playing soccer. He broke his arm while playing football. J'aime les sites de réseaux sociaux. I like social networking web sites. I like social networking sites. Les enfants devraient jouer à l'extérieur. Children should play outside. Children should play outside. Je viens de Tokyo, Japon. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I am from Tokyo, Japan. Nous n'aurions aucune chance. We wouldn't stand a chance. We wouldn't have a chance. Lorsque tu es allongée ? While lying down? When you're lying down? Il y a des déchets éparpillés partout dans la chambre. Mais c'est quand la dernière fois que tu l'as rangée ? There is trash strewn everywhere in the room. When on earth did you last clean it? There's garbage scattered all over the room, but when was the last time you put it away? Je ne vous décevrai jamais. I'll never deceive you. I'll never disappoint you. Je vais vendre ma voiture. I will sell my car. I'm gonna sell my car. Tom te donne le bonjour. Tom says hi. Tom gives you a good morning. Elle trouva barbant d'habiter à la campagne. She found it dull living in the country. She found it boring to live in the country. Cela n'est pas possible. This is impossible! That is not possible. Pourquoi l'amour nous rend-il si heureux ? Why does love make us so happy? Why does love make us so happy? Elle a laissé crier le bébé. She left the baby crying. She let the baby scream. J'aurais pu être tué. I could have been killed. I could have been killed. Je vais être papa. I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a dad. Elle boit chaque jour une bouteille de vin. She drinks a bottle of wine every day. She drinks a bottle of wine every day. Personne ne va te faire de mal. No one is going to harm you. No one's gonna hurt you. Vous êtes précisément l'homme que je veux voir. You are the very man I want to see. You are precisely the man I want to see. Comment pouvez-vous être à ce point aveugle ? How can you be so blind? How can you be so blind? Il y avait plusieurs pommes pourries dans le panier. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. There were several rotten apples in the basket. Je n'ai pas très envie de manger. I don't feel much like eating. I don't really want to eat. A-t-elle de l'argent? Does she have money? Does she have any money? Je ne sais pas quand je devrais venir. I don't know when I should come. I don't know when I should come. La dernière fournée de biscuits est encore dans le four. The last batch of cookies is still in the oven. The last batch of cookies is still in the oven. Je t'ai posé cette question auparavant. I've asked you this question before. I've asked you this question before. Essayez ! Take a chance! Try it! Je vous ai vus au parc, hier. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw you at the park yesterday. Je viens juste d'arriver ici. I have just come here. I just got here. Le Carême est une période importante pour les catholiques. Lent is an important time for Catholics. Lent is an important time for Catholics. Il n'y avait pas de quoi se vanter. It was nothing to brag about. There was nothing to brag about. Où d'autre ? Where else? Where else? Où as-tu été à la fac ? Where did you go to college? Where'd you go to college? Ils n'y parviendront jamais. They'll never make it. They'll never be able to. C'est vous qui m'avez entraîné. You're the one who trained me. You're the one who trained me. Il n'est pas nécessaire qu'il travaille. There is no need for him to work. He doesn't have to work. Pouvons-nous continuer à les devancer ? Can we stay ahead of them? Can we keep ahead of them? En tant que première de sa classe, c'est elle qui prononça le discours de fin d'études. She was the valedictorian of her class. As the first in her class, she gave the graduation speech. Ses désirs étaient des ordres. His request was equivalent to an order. His desires were orders. Écrivez avec un stylo, s'il vous plaît. Write with a pen, please. Write with a pen, please. Nous attendons le bon moment. We're waiting for the right moment. We are waiting for the right time. J'ai bu une partie du lait et j'ai conservé le reste au réfrigérateur. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator. Vous êtes mignon, dans votre genre. You're kind of cute. You're kind of cute. C'est la vie ! This is life! That's life! Il peut neiger dans la soirée. It may snow in the evening. It can snow in the evening. Je vais essayer de faire ça la semaine prochaine. I'll try to do that next week. I'll try to do that next week. J’ai oublié d’acheter des carottes. I didn't remember to buy carrots. I forgot to buy carrots. Les enfants grandissent vraiment vite. Children grow up very quickly. The kids are growing really fast. Il se pourrait que vous vouliez jeter un œil à ceci. You might want to take a look at this. You might want to take a look at this. Elle continuait à marcher dans la pièce. She kept walking about the room. She kept walking in the room. Il dansa toute la nuit. He danced all night long. He danced all night. De quoi devrions-nous avoir peur ? What do we have to be afraid of? What should we be afraid of? Je sais à quel point tu aimes Tom. I know how much you love Tom. I know how much you love Tom. J'aimerais que tu arrêtes de faire ça. I wish you'd stop doing that. I'd like you to stop doing this. Personne ne croit en son innocence. No one believes that she is innocent. No one believes in his innocence. Il est tombé amoureux de son meilleur ami. He fell in love with his best friend. He fell in love with his best friend. Bonjour Madame ! Hello Madam! Hello, ma'am! Nous avons une fuite. We've got a leak. We have a leak. Est-ce qu'on peut éteindre la télé ? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Nous nous rendîmes à Rome où nous séjournâmes une semaine. We went to Rome, where we stayed a week. We went to Rome where we stayed for a week. L'eau est bonne. The water is good. The water is good. Il reste un peu de vin au fond du verre. There is a little wine left in the bottom of the glass. There is a little wine at the bottom of the glass. Il est si âgé qu'il ne peut pas marcher vite. He is so old that he cannot walk quickly. He's so old he can't walk fast. Ne me questionne pas et je ne mentirai pas. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Don't ask me, and I won't lie. Vous êtes un génie. You are a genius. You're a genius. Ne parle de notre plan à personne. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't tell anyone about our plan. Que faisaient-elles ici ? What were they doing here? What were they doing here? Il joue là. He is playing there. He's playing there. Ça me donne mal au crâne. This is giving me a headache. It makes my head hurt. Les policiers jouaient aux échecs au commissariat. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. The police were playing chess at the police station. Tu n'es pas le problème. You're not the problem. You're not the problem. Cela va prendre quelque jours. It's going to take a few days. It will take a few days. Je suis un idéaliste. I'm an idealist. I am an idealist. Garde-la à l'œil ! Keep an eye on her. Keep an eye on her! Les statistiques montrent que notre niveau de vie s'est élevé. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living has risen. As-tu souffert de douleurs thoraciques récemment ? Have you had chest pain recently? Have you had chest pain recently? Ne le traduis pas littéralement. Don't translate it literally. Don’t translate it literally. Il s'entend bien avec M. Brown. He is on good terms with Mr Brown. He gets along well with Mr. Brown. Ça n'était pas dans mon intention. It was not my intention. It wasn't my intention. C'est un héros. He is a hero. He's a hero. Le coïtus interruptus ne protège pas des maladies sexuellement transmissibles. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Elle dit qu'elle était heureuse. She said she was happy. She said she was happy. Tout est super. Everything is great. Everything is great. Peux-tu manger la peau d'un kiwi ? Can you eat the skin of a kiwifruit? Can you eat the skin of a kiwi? Elle prend toujours des airs, agissant comme si elle était une reine. She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were a queen. She always takes airs, acting as if she were a queen. Pourquoi n’as-tu pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? La société dans laquelle il travaillait auparavant a fait faillite le mois dernier. The company he used to work for went into bankruptcy last month. The company he previously worked for went bankrupt last month. Les problèmes de sommeil sont appelés l'insomnie. Sleep problems are called insomnia. Sleep problems are called insomnia. Tout est fait pour son compte. Everything is done for her. Everything is done on his behalf. Capturez-le ! Seize him! Capture him! Voici un de mes tableaux. Here is one of my pictures. Here is one of my paintings. Noël est bientôt là. Christmas is almost here. Christmas is coming soon. As-tu pris un médicament pour le dysfonctionnement érectile dans les dernières 24 heures ? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken any medication for erectile dysfunction in the last 24 hours? L'armée arabe tiers-mondialiste algérienne n'est pas une armée, c'est un système qui produit des assassins et des voyous. The Algerian Third World Arab Army is not an army, it's a system that produces assassins and thugs. The Algerian Third World Arab Army is not an army, it is a system that produces murderers and thugs. Le pain est vieux. The bread is old. The bread is old. Il lui conseilla de faire davantage d'exercice. She was advised by him to get more exercise. He advised her to exercise more. Est-ce que c'est comme "L'Inspecteur Harry" ? Is it like "Dirty Harry"? Is it like "Inspector Harry"? Je t’emmène dans un endroit sympathique. I'm taking you somewhere nice. I’ll take you to a nice place. J'ai apporté des renforts. I brought reinforcements. I brought reinforcements. La rencontre d'athlétisme a été reportée d'une semaine. The athletic meet was put off until next week. The athletics match was postponed by a week. Ne lui parlez pas tandis qu'il étudie. Don't talk to him while he's studying. Don't talk to him while he's studying. Les réponses sont toutes deux incorrectes. The answers are both incorrect. The answers are both incorrect. Bien qu'il y avait du bruit dans la rue, j'ai pu entendre que l'on m'appelait. Though it was noisy on the street, I could hear my name being called. Although there was noise on the street, I could hear that I was being called. Tu sais comment ça s'appelle ? Do you know what this thing's called? You know what it's called? C'était un bordel dans le grand magasin. It was a mess in the department store. It was a mess in the department store. Que seras-tu en train de faire à cette heure, demain ? What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? What will you be doing at this hour tomorrow? Elle est vraiment attentive et patiente. She is very thoughtful and patient. She is really attentive and patient. Aucune femme n'aime porter une robe qu'une autre a mise au rebut. Avec les hommes, elles ne sont pas si difficiles. No women like to wear a dress that another discarded. With men, they're not so choosy. No woman likes to wear a dress that someone else has scrapped. With men, they're not that hard. Elle a dit qu'elle a une idée. She said she has an idea. She said she has an idea. Tom n'avait pas peur de la police. Tom wasn't scared of the police. Tom was not afraid of the police. Elle est morte des suites d'un choc. She died of shock. She died from a shock. Il nous a dit de quitter immédiatement la pièce. We were told by him to leave the room at once. He told us to leave the room immediately. Il est possible que tu aies raison à ce propos. It's possible that you are right in that respect. You may be right about that. Elle lui a demandé où il vivait mais il était trop malin pour lui dire. She asked him where he lived, but he was too smart to tell her. She asked him where he lived but he was too smart to tell her. Va te faire voir ! Up yours! Fuck you! Tu le connais ? Do you know him? You know him? L'Homme ne pourrait vivre sans air. Men can not exist without air. Man could not live without air. Où se trouve ton école ? Where is your school? Where's your school? Ne mangez pas pendant au moins trois heures. Don't eat for at least three hours. Do not eat for at least three hours. Notre équipe a remporté le tournoi intercollégial. Our team won in the intercollegiate tournament. Our team won the intercollegiate tournament. Mon père s'est opposé à ce que j'aille au concert. My father disapproved of my going to the concert. My father objected to me going to the concert. Tom est un père célibataire. Tom is a single father. Tom is a single father. La police compara les empreintes digitales sur l'arme avec celles sur la porte. The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with those on the door. The police compared the fingerprints on the weapon with those on the door. Sami est de garde la nuit. Sami is on night duty. Sami is on guard at night. Tom a appris le langage des signes. Tom learned sign language. Tom learned sign language. Vous ne pouvez pas rivaliser avec Tom. You can't compete with Tom. You can't compete with Tom. A quoi sert de rapiécer une trop grande déchirure? What's the point of patching such a big tear? What is the point of patching up a too big tear? Quel genre de tatouage veux-tu ? What kind of tattoo do you want? What kind of tattoo do you want? Chantez avec nous ! Sing along! Sing with us! La mort de Tom fut un accident. Tom's death was an accident. Tom’s death was an accident. Il n'existe pas de chemin vers le bonheur. Le bonheur est le chemin. There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Tu peux utiliser mon bureau si tu le souhaites. You may use my desk if you'd like. You can use my office if you want. Arrêtez-vous chez le fleuriste pour acheter des roses. Stop by the florist's to buy some roses. Stop by the florist to buy roses. Il y avait de la sueur sur son visage. The sweat stood on his face. There was sweat on his face. Ne t'en fais pas pour ton chien. Je m'occuperai de lui. Don't worry about your dog. I'll take care of him. Don't worry about your dog, I'll take care of him. Je pensais que vous étiez intelligentes. I thought you were smart. I thought you were smart. Il peut beaucoup prospérer. He can prosper a lot. It can prosper a lot. As-tu dit à Tom qu'il pouvait emprunter ta voiture ? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Avez-vous quitté l'État au cours des 14 derniers jours ? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you left the state in the last 14 days? Je me suis entraînée. I exercised. I've been training. Avez-vous été piqué par une abeille ? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been bitten by a bee? Je voudrais que mon français soit aussi bon que ton anglais ! I wish that my French was as good as your English. I want my French to be as good as your English! Personne ne lui a répondu. No one answered him. No one answered him. Il y a une voiture de police garée devant notre maison. There is a police car parked outside our house. There's a police car parked in front of our house. Je lui ai demandé à quoi il avait assisté mais il n'était pas très engageant. I asked him about what he witnessed, but he wasn't very forthcoming. I asked him what he had attended but he wasn't very engaging. Je ne fais qu'ergoter, bien sûr. I'm just nitpicking, of course. I'm just fussing, of course. J'aimerais être riche. I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich. Je me sens seule. I'm lonely. I feel alone. Nous nous sommes abritées sous un arbre. We took shelter under a tree. We took shelter under a tree. Parle hongrois ! Speak Hungarian! Speak Hungarian! Des questions ? Anymore questions? Any questions? Je dois m'habiller pour l'école. I've got to get dressed for school. I have to get dressed for school. La diaspora kabyle fait tout pour aider la Kabylie. The Kabyle diaspora is doing everything to help Kabylia. The Kabyle diaspora is doing everything to help Kabylia. Nous sommes entrés par la porte de derrière, de peur que quelqu'un nous voie. We came in through the back door lest someone should see us. We walked in through the back door, afraid someone would see us. Chaque fois que je lis ce livre, je découvre quelque chose de nouveau. Every time I read this book, I discover something new. Every time I read this book, I discover something new. Où trouver un miroir ? Where's a mirror? Where to find a mirror? Tom donna à Mary une tasse de café. Tom handed Mary a mug of coffee. Tom gave Mary a cup of coffee. Il se peut que j'y accorde trop de réflexions. I may be overthinking this. I may give it too much thought. Je m'en soucie comme d'une guigne ! I don't care a fig about it! I don't care about it. Ce n’était pas vraiment si surprenant. It wasn't really that surprising. It wasn’t really that surprising. J'en ai fort honte. I'm very ashamed of it. I'm ashamed of it. Nous avons des avis différents. We have different opinions. We have different opinions. Je t'aime, ma déesse ! I love you, my goddess! I love you, my goddess! Je ne serai pas là demain. I won't be here tomorrow. I won't be here tomorrow. Vous n'avez pas l'air si occupé. You don't look so busy. You don't look so busy. La douche ne fonctionne pas. The shower doesn't work. The shower does not work. Il le regrettait déjà. He was already regretting it. He was already regretting it. C'est à peu près tout ce qu'il te faut savoir. That's pretty much everything you need to know. That's pretty much all you need to know. Je vais seulement courir jusque la banque. I'm just going to run down to the bank. I'll just run to the bank. Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde rigole ? Why is everyone laughing? Why is everyone laughing? Je vais écrire une phrase en allemand. I'm going to write a sentence in German. I will write a sentence in German. Ils n'ont pas tenu leur promesse. They didn't keep their promise. They did not keep their promise. J'agirai suivant votre conseil. I'll act on your advice. I will act on your advice. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu y étais. A little birdie told me you were there. My little finger told me you were there. Ils vont démolir le vieux bâtiment en deux jours. They will tear down the old building in two days. They will demolish the old building in two days. Quels résultats attends-tu ? What results do you anticipate? What results do you expect? Arrêtez de vous conduire en bébé ! Stop acting like a baby. Stop behaving like a baby! C'est le moment pour vous de jouer votre carte maîtresse. The time has come for you to play your trump card. Now is the time for you to play your master card. J'ai besoin que tu le voies. I need you to see this. I need you to see him. Ça va ? How are you going? Are you okay? On va te protéger. We're going to protect you. We'll protect you. Les âmes qui ont oublié comment frémir sont superficielles. Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder. Souls that have forgotten how to shudder are superficial. Nous sommes prêts à partir. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous avez une réaction allergique ? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? Vous devriez rester ici quelques jours. You should stay here a few days. You should stay here a few days. Comment es-tu entrée dans notre chambre ? How did you get into our room? How did you get into our room? Conduire nonchalamment provoque des accidents. Careless driving causes accidents. Driving nonchalantly causes accidents. Un plat peut être épicé sans être brûlant. A dish can be spicy without being hot. A dish can be spicy without being hot. Il a soulevé un problème. He posed a problem. He raised a problem. Dis-moi ce qui te déprime autant. Tell me what makes you so depressed. Tell me what makes you so depressed. Ai-je mis le doigt dessus ? Have I hit the nail on the head? Did I put my finger on it? Faisons un dernier effort. Let's make one last effort. Let's make one last effort. Il n'y a eu aucun dommage. There was no damage. There was no damage. Les lumières sont toutes éteintes. The lights are all off. The lights are all off. Belle femme, n'est-ce pas ? Beautiful woman, isn't she? Beautiful woman, isn't it? Elle choisit la robe la plus chère. She picked the most expensive dress. She chooses the most expensive dress. La vie est dure pour tout le monde. Life is hard for everybody. Life is hard for everyone. Rien ne semblait fonctionner. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to work. Où est le bureau de Tom ? Where's Tom's office? Where's Tom's office? Motus et bouche cousue. Mum's the word. Motus and mouth sewn. Ne te souviens-tu pas de mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Je vous ai dit de ne pas venir ici. I told you not to come here. I told you not to come here. Il faut que j'y aille ! I have to go away. I have to go! J'ai attrapé un mauvais rhume pendant le voyage. I caught a bad cold during the trip. I caught a bad cold during the trip. Je suis surprise que Tom ne parle pas français. I'm surprised that Tom doesn't speak French. I'm surprised Tom doesn't speak French. Il travaille pour elle. He waits on her. He works for her. Apportez-moi le vinaigre et l'huile, s'il vous plaît. Bring me the vinegar and oil, please. Bring me the vinegar and the oil, please. Avez-vous des sifflements dans les oreilles ? Do you have ringing in your ears? Do you have whistling in your ears? J'ai transmis un message à Tom. I transmitted a message to Tom. I sent a message to Tom. Notre bureau est du côté nord de l'immeuble. Our office is on the northern side of the building. Our office is on the north side of the building. N'avez-vous jamais pensé à devenir enseignant ? Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? Ce n'est pas juste du tout. It's not fair at all. It's not fair at all. Je ne sais pas écrire en chinois. I can't write in Chinese. I can't write in Chinese. Je ne veux jamais vous faire de mal. I don't ever want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Le bonheur n'est qu'un léger papillon. Happiness is only a light butterfly. Happiness is just a small butterfly. Arrêtez de tourner. Stop spinning. Stop turning. L'apprentissage ne devrait pas être forcé. L'apprentissage devrait être encouragé. Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged. Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged. Les Druzes suivent une religion ésotérique. The Druze follow an esoteric religion. The Druze follow an esoteric religion. L'auteur nous révèle le but que chacun des deux joueurs avait en effectuant chaque mouvement. The author reveals to us the purpose that each of the two players had when making each move. The author reveals to us the goal that each of the two players had when performing each movement. Il a semblé très sympa. He seemed very nice. It seemed very nice. Laissez-moi rejoindre votre mouvement. Let me join your cause. Let me join your movement. J'aimerais avoir une chambre simple avec un bain pour deux nuits. I'd like to have a single room with a bath for two nights. I would like to have a single room with a bath for two nights. Je savais que Tom était très en colère. I knew Tom was very angry. I knew Tom was very angry. À quand remonte ton dernier rappel de tétanos ? When was your last tetanus booster? When was your last tetanus booster? Je m'appelle Tom. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Je travaille le lundi. I work on Monday. I work on Mondays. J'aime faire de la traduction. I like translating. I like to do translation. Elle est riche mais malheureuse. She's rich but miserable. She is rich but unhappy. Avez-vous entendu dire qu'un cambrioleur a forcé la maison du voisin ? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? Je pense qu'elle réussira. I think she'll succeed. I think she'll succeed. Le garçon est seul. The boy is alone. The boy is alone. Le garçon avait le ventre plein. The boy was full. The boy had a full stomach. Cet homme portait un masque de tigre. That man was wearing a tiger mask. This man was wearing a tiger mask. Le toki pona est une jeune femme charmante. Toki Pona is a charming young lady. The toki pona is a charming young woman. N'est-ce pas votre dictionnaire ? Isn't that your dictionary? Isn't that your dictionary? C'est ce qu'on doit dire à Tom. That's what we need to tell Tom. That's what we have to tell Tom. Nous sortons parfois faire un tour en voiture. We sometimes go out for a drive. Sometimes we go out for a ride by car. Pour aller au musée, marchez vers la rivière, et quand vous y arrivez, tournez à droite. To go to the museum, walk toward the river, and when you get there, turn right. To go to the museum, walk to the river, and when you get there, turn right. Nous étions toutes deux saoules. We were both drunk. We were both drunk. Tom ne peut pas dire avec certitude quand Mary arrivera. Tom can't say for sure when Mary will arrive. Tom can’t say for sure when Mary will arrive. Les mouches du temps aiment une flèche ; les drosophiles aiment une banane. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. Quel orteil suis-je en train de toucher ? Which toe am I touching? What toe am I touching? Tom pense que ce prix est raisonnable. Tom thinks this price is reasonable. Tom thinks this price is reasonable. J'ai quelque chose à vous faire faire. I have something for you to do. I have something for you to do. Ses lèvres effleurèrent les miennes. His lips brushed against mine. His lips touched mine. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ma façon de m'habiller ? What's wrong with the way I'm dressed? What's wrong with the way I dress? Avez-vous écrit ce livre ? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? Un angle de 90 degrés est appelé un angle droit. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle. Ce n'est pas mon jour. It is not my day. It's not my day. Ce n'est plus notre problème. That's not our problem now. That's not our problem anymore. Ils sont d'accord. They agree. They agree. Tom a enfreint les règles et a été exclu de l'équipe. Tom broke the rules and was kicked off the team. Tom broke the rules and was kicked out of the team. Est-ce que tu veux y aller maintenant ? Do you want to go there now? Do you want to go now? Je ne sais rien encore. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. C'est une belle journée et j'ai envie de faire une promenade. It's a nice day and I feel like taking a walk. It’s a beautiful day and I want to take a walk. Comment fait-on le pluriel des noms ? How do you make nouns plural? How do we make the plural of names? Avez-vous pris un médicament contre les troubles de l'érection au cours des dernières 24 heures ? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken any erectile dysfunction medication in the last 24 hours? Elle vous a trahie. She betrayed you. She betrayed you. Reposez-vous ici. Rest here. Rest here. L’as-tu vue ? have you seen it ? Have you seen her? Choisissez ce que vous voulez dans le menu. Choose what you want from the menu. Choose what you want from the menu. Je ne vais rien y faire. I'm not gonna do anything about it. I'm not gonna do anything about it. Laisse-moi tranquille. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Tous ces livres vous appartiennent-ils ? Are all these books yours? Do all these books belong to you? Avez-vous déjà été traitée pour une infection urinaire ? Have you ever been treated for a urinary tract infection? Have you ever been treated for a UTI? Un évènement inoubliable s'est produit. An unforgettable event occurred. An unforgettable event happened. Chaque dimanche, Takashi adore régler le moteur de sa voiture. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust his car's engine. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust the engine of his car. J'en ai plus qu'assez de son impudence. I've had quite enough of his impudence. I'm tired of his impudence. T'en a-t-elle parlé ? Did she talk to you about it? Did she tell you about it? Pourquoi est-ce que les lapins ont de grandes oreilles ? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have large ears? Je veux que tu dises que tu ne retournes pas à Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. C'est drôle. It's funny. That's funny. Et les jours ensoleillés, tous les pigeons retournaient à la maison. And on sunny days all the pigeons flew home. On sunny days, all the pigeons returned home. Comment pouviez-vous ne pas le remarquer ? How could you not notice? How could you not notice it? Je suis désolé, je ne peux te laisser entrer. I'm sorry. I can't let you in. I'm sorry, I can't let you in. C'était presque impossible. It used to be nearly impossible. It was almost impossible. J'imagine que je pourrais être en colère après ce qui m'est arrivé. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me. I guess I might be angry at what happened to me. Elles prévoient de faire une fête. They plan to have a party. They're planning a party. Exprimons le désespoir de l'homme devant l'absurdité de l'existence. Let us express man's despair in the face of the absurdity of existence. Let us express man’s despair at the absurdity of existence. Voulez-vous vous joindre à moi pour déjeuner ? Do you want to join me for lunch? Would you like to join me for lunch? Je n'ai aucune idée du nombre de personnes qui viendront au pique-nique. I have no idea how many people will be at the picnic. I have no idea how many people will come to the picnic. Il arrivera dans la soirée du cinq. He'll arrive in the evening of the fifth. He will arrive on the evening of the fifth. J'ai apprécié ce livre. I liked that book. I enjoyed this book. Nous avons été amis. We've been friends. We've been friends. C'était un beau jour, alors je suis allé pique-niquer. It was a fine day so I went on a picnic. It was a beautiful day, so I went for a picnic. Y a-t-il de mignonnes filles, dans ta classe ? Are there any cute girls in your class? Are there any cute girls in your class? Tu es la meilleure chanteuse que je connaisse. You're the best singer I know. You're the best singer I know. Mon manteau a une capuche, mais je ne l'utilise presque jamais. My coat has a hood, but I hardly ever use it. My coat has a hood, but I almost never use it. Avez-vous l'impression que vous n'arrivez pas à nouer des liens avec d'autres personnes ? Do you feel like you cannot connect with other people? Do you feel like you can’t connect with other people? Allons-nous toutes mourir ? Are we all going to die? Are we all going to die? Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui te fait peur quand tu es chez toi ? Is someone making you feel afraid when you are at home? Is there anyone who scares you when you are at home? Avez-vous souffert de douleurs thoraciques récemment ? Have you had chest pain recently? Have you had chest pain recently? Allons nager après l’école ! Let's go swimming after school. Let’s go swimming after school! Merci pour les fruits. Thanks for the fruit. Thanks for the fruit. Comment le fait-elle ? How does she do it? How does she do it? Les sorcières savent voler sur des manches à balais. Witches can fly on broomsticks. Witches know how to fly on broomsticks. Nous sommes les quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent. We are the 99 percent. We are the ninety-nine percent. Elle ferme la porte. She closes the door. She closes the door. Allaites-tu ton enfant ? Are you breastfeeding your child? Were you feeding your child? Il est arrivé cinq minutes après l'heure convenue. He came five minutes behind the appointed time. He arrived five minutes after the agreed time. J'étais inconsciente. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. C'est combien le billet d'entrée ? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much is the entrance ticket? La dictature c'est "ferme ta gueule", la démocratie c'est "cause toujours". Dictatorship can be summed up by "shut up!", democracy by "keep talking". Dictatorship is "shut your mouth", democracy is "always cause". J'ai rencontré une Américaine. I met an American girl. I met an American. Tom veut apprendre le serbe. Tom wants to learn Serbian. Tom wants to learn Serbian. Je dois changer cette lampe fluorescente. I must replace that fluorescent lamp. I have to change that fluorescent light. Il y a de la moisissure dans les douches. There's some mould in the showers. There is mold in the showers. Je connais un moyen. I know a way. I know a way. Elles m'ont laissé partir. They let me go. They let me go. Une personne qui expose sa vie privée en ligne fait du bruit. Un million de personnes qui exposent leur vie privée en ligne font des milliardaires. One person who exposes his privacy online makes noise. One million people who expose their privacy online makes billionaires. A person who exposes their privacy online makes a noise. A million people who expose their privacy online make billionaires. Vise un peu ce qu'il porte ! Look at what he's wearing! Take a look at what he's wearing! Tom vit dans un quartier difficile. Tom lives in a rough neighborhood. Tom lives in a tough neighborhood. Ce me sera un grand plaisir de traduire cette histoire et de vous la lire. It will be a great pleasure for me to translate the story and to read it to you. It will be a great pleasure to translate this story and read it to you. S'il te plaît, dis-moi. Je veux savoir. Please, tell me. I wanna know. Please tell me, I want to know. As-tu déjà tenté de te faire du mal ? Have you ever attempted to harm yourself? Have you ever tried to hurt yourself? Je voudrais venir à neuf heures. I'd like to come at nine. I'd like to come at nine o'clock. Ce mot lui a échappé. That word dropped from his mouth. That word escaped him. Je suis très occupée aujourd'hui. I'm very busy today. I am very busy today. Ton argument est stupide. Your argument is stupid. Your argument is stupid. Elle est étudiante à l'université. She is a college student. She's a college student. Tom a dit que Mary était fiable. Tom said that Mary was reliable. Tom said Mary was reliable. Sais-tu à quelle heure elles sont venues ? Do you know what time they came? Do you know what time they came? Les extra-terrestres sont souvent dépeints avec des yeux noirs en amandes. Aliens are often depicted with dark, almond-shaped eyes. Aliens are often depicted with black almond eyes. Elle avait une peur bleue de son mari. She was scared to death of her husband. She had a blue fear of her husband. Aujourd'hui, les voleurs ont attaqué une autre banque en plein jour. The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery. Today, the thieves attacked another bank in broad daylight. Que fais-tu ici à cette heure de la nuit ? What are you doing here this time of night? What are you doing here at this hour of the night? Une arête est coincée dans ma gorge. A fish bone has stuck in my throat. A bone is stuck in my throat. Tu serais celui qui est au courant. You'd be the one to know. You would be the one who knows. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué une hémophilie ? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? As-tu déjà été blessée par balle ? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever been shot? Elle est malade aujourd'hui. She is sick today. She's sick today. Il m'a aidé à faire mes devoirs. He helped me do my homework. He helped me with my homework. Regarde ta carte. Look at your map. Look at your card. Ils nous ont menotté. They put handcuffs on us. They handcuffed us. Il me faut quelqu'un à qui je puisse parler. I need somebody to talk to. I need someone I can talk to. L'armée algérienne est composée de voyous, d'assassins et d'officiers corrompus du haut gradé au plus bas rang. The Algerian army is composed of thugs, assassins and corrupt officers from the highest to the lowest ranks. The Algerian army is composed of thugs, assassins and corrupt officers of the highest rank at the lowest rank. Tom a été embrassé par Mary. Tom was kissed by Mary. Tom was kissed by Mary. Trouveras-tu la solution de cette énigme ? Can you guess this riddle? Will you find the solution to this puzzle? Je suis juste un garçon face à une fille à laquelle il demande de l'aimer. I'm just a boy in front of a girl asking her to love him. I'm just a boy in front of a girl he asks to love. Le temps est prédit de manière scientifique. The weather is forecast scientifically. Time is predicted scientifically. Dans les dernières années, la science a fait des progrès remarquables. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. Aux échecs, pourquoi les hommes et les femmes participent-ils à des tournois séparés ? What is the reason for separating male and female chess championships? In chess, why do men and women participate in separate tournaments? Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui vous fait peur quand vous êtes chez vous ? Is someone making you feel afraid when you are at home? Is there anyone who scares you when you are at home? Ça pourrait arriver à n'importe qui. It could happen to anyone. It could happen to anyone. Je serai là à sept heures et demie. I'll be there at half seven. I'll be there at seven and a half. Il est tard. It's late. It's late. Arrêtons-nous et faisons une pause. Let's stop and take a rest. Let's stop and take a break. Tunis est la capitale de la Tunisie. Tunis is Tunisia's capital. Tunis is the capital of Tunisia. Prends-tu de la digitaline ? Do you take digitalis? Do you take digital? On devrait passer les moindres moments qu'il nous reste avec nos amis. You should spend what little time you have left with your friends. We should spend every moment we have with our friends. Je n'ai pas aimé la façon dont vous avez fait cela. I didn't like the way you did that. I didn’t like the way you did that. Je veux que Tom lise ceci. I want Tom to read this. I want Tom to read this. Je ne suis pas sûre que quoi que ce soit ait eu lieu. I'm not sure anything happened. I'm not sure anything happened. J'ai demandé à plusieurs personnes s'ils connaissaient ce magasin, mais personne n'en avait entendu parler. I asked many persons about the store, but no one had heard of it. I asked several people if they knew about this store, but no one had heard of it. De quoi penses-tu que ceci soit fait ? What do you think this is made of? What do you think this is about? Vous auriez pu me le dire. You could've told me. You could have told me. Rester à la maison est barbant. Staying at home is boring. Staying at home is boring. Où se trouve la Kabylie ? Where's Kabylia? Where is Kabylia? Je me sens vraiment mal à ce sujet. I feel really bad about this. I feel really bad about it. Quelle excellente idée ! What an excellent idea! What a great idea! Elle se vante toujours de sa chance. She always boasts of her luck. She always brags about her luck. Cette question doit être posée. This question needs to be asked. This question needs to be asked. Appelez Yanni. Call Yanni. Call Yanni. Je me suis endormi rapidement hier soir. I fell asleep quickly last night. I fell asleep fast last night. Je suis ravi et honoré de me trouver ici. I'm delighted and honored to be here. I am delighted and honored to be here. Sois le chasseur ou le gibier, mais ne sois pas le chien qui amène le gibier au chasseur. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the prey to the hunter. Be the hunter or the game, but do not be the dog that brings the game to the hunter. Tom fait quelque chose de stupide. Tom is doing something stupid. Tom is doing something stupid. Est-ce que tout le monde est étranger à Tatoeba ou pas ? Is everyone a foreigner at Tatoeba, or not? Is everyone a stranger to Tatoeba or not? Je suis asexuel. I'm asexual. I'm asexual. Tout ce que tu dois faire, c'est apprendre cette phrase par cœur. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is learn this phrase by heart. Les enfants pleurent encore. The children are crying again. The children are still crying. Je n'aime pas les cieux gris. I don't like gray skies. I don't like grey skies. Il lui a conseillé d'arrêter de fumer. She was advised by him to give up smoking. He advised her to stop smoking. La neige fond. The snow is melting. The snow is melting. L'anglais est très utile dans la diplomatie et le tourisme. English is useful in diplomacy and tourism. English is very useful in diplomacy and tourism. Est-ce que tu t'es déjà senti déprimé pendant la majeure partie de la journée pendant 14 jours consécutifs ? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Notre dette totale s'élève à dix mille dollars. Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars. Our total debt is ten thousand dollars. Je suis conscient des conséquences. I am aware of the consequences. I am aware of the consequences. Sur quelle étagère ? On which shelf? On what shelf? Évite de fumer. Avoid smoking. Avoid smoking. Si l'échiquier est dans la bonne position, le carré h1 à droite des blancs est une case blanche. Par conséquent, la case a8 à droite des noirs est également un carré blanc. If the chessboard is in the right position, the square h1 to the right of White is a white square. Consequently, the square a8 to the right of Black is also a white square. If the chessboard is in the correct position, the square h1 to the right of the whites is a white square. Therefore, the square a8 to the right of the blacks is also a white square. Je pense que nous étions d'accord sur ça. I thought we had agreed on this. I think we agreed on that. Si je n'avais pas vu comment ils s'étaient embrassés, j'aurais cru qu'ils ne pouvaient pas s'encadrer. If I hadn't seen the way they kissed, I'd have thought they couldn't stand each other. If I hadn't seen how they kissed, I'd have thought they couldn't frame themselves. Faut-il vraiment que l'on rentre aussi tôt à la maison ? Do we really have to go home so early? Do we really need to get home so early? Je vais passer chez toi. I'll come to your place. I'm gonna go over to your place. C'était vraiment sympa. That was really nice. It was really nice. Nous sommes prêtes à tout. We're ready for anything. We are ready for anything. Je me suis senti salie, après l'avoir aidé. I felt dirty after helping him. I felt dirty after helping him. Je ne peux pas le supporter. I can't stand him. I can't stand it. J'étais dans ma chambre, en train de ressasser l'opportunité manquée. I was in my room, brooding over the missed opportunity. I was in my room, looking at the missed opportunity. Tom commença à aimer Mary de plus en plus. Tom started to like Mary more and more. Tom began to love Mary more and more. Skura a fait marche arrière. Skura reversed. Skura has gone backwards. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, 11 décembre 1969) est un grand maître indien. Il a été nommé « sportif indien du millénaire » et a permis à 11 millions d'enfants de son état, le Tamil Nadhu, d'étudier les échecs à l'école. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, December 11, 1969) is an Indian Grand Master. He was named "Indian Sportsman of the Millennium" and got 11 million children in his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess at school. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, 11 December 1969) is an Indian grandmaster who has been named "Indian Sportsman of the Millennium" and has allowed 11 million children in his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess in school. Ne parlez pas tous en même temps. Don't all speak at the same time. Don't all talk at the same time. Heureusement, il a survécu à l'accident. Fortunately he survived the accident. Fortunately, he survived the accident. Je ne m'attends pas à recevoir d'aide. I don't expect help. I don't expect any help. Personne ne se trouvait dans la voiture. No one was in the car. No one was in the car. Veuillez me montrer votre passeport. Show me your passport, please. Please show me your passport. Je ne savais pas cela à cette époque. I didn't know that at the time. I didn’t know that at that time. Tuez les tous, Dieu reconnaitra les siens. Kill them all. God will recognize his own. Kill them all, God will recognize His own. Je pense que Tom nous regarde. I think Tom is looking at us. I think Tom is looking at us. Je pensais que Tom était fermier. I thought Tom was a farmer. I thought Tom was a farmer. Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider, je vous prie ? Can somebody please help me? Can someone help me, please? Il aime la routine et s'inquiète des changements. He likes routine and worries about changes. He likes routine and is worried about changes. Non ! No! Don't! As-tu été piquée par une abeille ? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been bitten by a bee? Tom monta les escaliers. Tom went up the stairs. Tom went up the stairs. As-tu l'impression que ton avenir est sans espoir ? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Do you feel like your future is hopeless? Je n'ai vraiment pas de temps pour ça. I really don't have time for this. I really don't have time for that. Tu ne trouveras jamais ce que tu cherches ici. You'll never find what you're looking for here. You'll never find what you're looking for here. La symétrie, c'est l'ennui. Symmetry is boring. Symmetry is boredom. « Pourquoi Tom reste-t-il à la maison ? » « Il reste à la maison parce qu'il est malade. » "Why is Tom staying home?" "He's staying home because he's sick." "Why is Tom staying at home?" "He's staying at home because he's sick." Utilisez votre tête ! Use your head! Use your head! Il est facile de prendre de mauvaises habitudes. A bad habit is easily acquired. It is easy to make bad habits. Vos points de suture devront être retirés dans quelques jours. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. Puis-je écouter ce disque ? Can I hear a little bit of this record? Can I listen to this record? Je t'ai fait un sandwich. I made a sandwich for you. I made you a sandwich. Est-ce qu'au cours des six derniers mois, tu as perdu quelqu'un de proche ? Within the last six months, have you experienced a significant loss? Have you lost someone close to you in the last six months? Tom a oublié de dire merci. Tom forgot to say thank you. Tom forgot to say thank you. Je ne veux vraiment pas décevoir Tom. I really don't want to disappoint Tom. I really don't want to disappoint Tom. Je t'ai sauvé. I saved you. I saved you. Les trucs que j'ai mis à la poubelle ne sont plus utiles. The things I put in the trash can are no longer useful. The stuff I put in the trash is no longer useful. Pourquoi lui portes-tu autant d'intérêt ? Why are you so interested in him? Why are you so interested in him? Le vent a arraché le parapluie de ses mains. The wind blew the umbrella out of her hand. The wind pulled the umbrella out of his hands. Il est riche, et, ce qui est encore mieux, il est extrêmement gentil. He is rich, and, what is better, very kind. He is rich, and, what is even better, he is extremely kind. Yanni a rougi. Yanni blushed. Yanni turned red. Princesse, ne buvez pas la potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Une fois, j'ai agrafé mon doigt par accident, ça n'a même pas fait tellement mal. I stapled my finger by accident once. It didn't even hurt that much. Once, I stapled my finger by accident, it didn't even hurt so much. Quand vas-tu enfin sortir de la salle de bains ? When will you eventually get out of the bathroom? When will you finally get out of the bathroom? Il a travaillé pendant cinq heures d'affilée. He worked for five hours on end. He worked for five hours in a row. Qu'as-tu fait dimanche dernier ? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Le président algérien est soigné en Allemagne tandis que des Algériens meurent dans les hôpitaux pourris d'Algérie. The Algerian President is being treated in Germany while Algerians are dying in the rotten hospitals of Algeria. The Algerian president is being treated in Germany while Algerians die in the rotten hospitals of Algeria. Fais-lui un câlin ! Give her a hug. Give him a hug! Elle l'embrassa. She kissed him. She kissed him. Partez sans délai, je vous prie ! Please go right away. Leave without delay, please! Vous est-il venu à l'esprit que vous pourriez être celui qui a le problème ? Has it occurred to you that you might be the one with the problem? Did it come to your mind that you could be the one with the problem? As-tu régulièrement des saignements de nez ? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Je pense qu'on va passer une bonne journée. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think we're gonna have a good day. Nous réalisons toutes sortes de réparations. We do all kinds of repairs. We carry out all kinds of repairs. Je parle le bas-sorabe. I speak Lower Sorbian. I speak Low Sorbian. Fiez-vous juste à moi ! Just trust me. Just trust me! Je souhaiterais que tu fasses comme on te dit. I wish you would do as you're told. I wish you'd do as you're told. Apparemment, il n'y a rien qui ne puisse se produire aujourd'hui. Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today. Apparently, there's nothing that can't happen today. Ne vous mettez pas en colère, s'il vous plaît. Please don't get angry. Don't get angry, please. N'ayez pas peur de la mort. Don't fear death. Don't be afraid of death. Sa beauté le charma. Her beauty cast a spell over him. His beauty charmed him. La folie est quelque chose de rare chez les individus, mais dans les groupes, les partis, les peuples, les âges, c'est la norme. Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule. Madness is something rare in individuals, but in groups, parties, peoples, ages, it is the norm. Comment oses-tu lui faire ça ! How dare you do that to him! How dare you do that to her! Il a été explicite sur ce point. He clearly stated that point. It has been explicit on this point. La situation au Kirghizistan est un vrai désordre. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. Je regarde les informations tous les matins. I watch the news every morning. I look at the news every morning. Tu ne peux pas utiliser cette machine à laver. You can't use this washing machine. You can't use this washing machine. Personne ne sait son nom. No one knows her name. No one knows his name. L'une des fonctions du génitif en russe est de désigner la possession. One of the functions of the genitive case in Russian is to denote possession. One of the functions of the genitive in Russian is to designate possession. Il ne nous a pas oubliés. He didn't forget us. He hasn't forgotten us. L'as-tu emporté ? Did you win? Did you take it away? Il est devenu toxico-dépendant à un jeune âge. He got hooked on drugs at a young age. He became a drug addict at a young age. Même un conducteur expert peut faire une faute. Even an expert driver can make a mistake. Even an expert driver can make a mistake. L'équipe de football kabyle est l'équipe qui représente le peuple kabyle, qui vit en Kabylie. Elle n'est pas affiliée à la FIFA ou à la CAF, et ne peut donc pas participer à la Coupe du monde de la FIFA ou à la Coupe d'Afrique des Nations. The Kabylia football team is the team representing the Kabyle people, who live in Kabylia. They are not affiliated with FIFA or CAF, and therefore cannot compete for the FIFA World Cup or the Africa Cup of Nations. The Kabyle football team is the team that represents the Kabyle people, who live in Kabylia, and is not affiliated with FIFA or CAF, and therefore cannot participate in the FIFA World Cup or the African Cup of Nations. Elle a abîmé ses vêtements. She's ruined her clothes. She ruined her clothes. C'est à vous de décider ce qu'il faut faire. It's up to you to decide what to do. It's up to you to decide what to do. Il entra dans la pièce sur la pointe des pieds. He tiptoed into the room. He entered the room on tiptoes. Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne pouvais pas manger de poisson cru. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. Tu travailles dur. You're working hard. You're working hard. Tom attend Marie à Boston. Tom is waiting for Mary in Boston. Tom is waiting for Marie in Boston. Mon chien rêve d'un chat. My dog is dreaming of a cat. My dog dreams of a cat. Un chat m'a griffé. I was scratched by a cat. A cat scratched me. Personne ne répond. No one is responding. No one answers. Sami jouait. Sami was gambling. Sami was playing. Puis-je en emprunter un pour deux semaines environ ? Can I borrow one for about two weeks? Can I borrow one for about two weeks? Attends une seconde ! Wait one second. Wait a second! Je n'ai pas peur. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Les écoles sont fermées pour Noël. Schools are closed for Christmas. Schools are closed for Christmas. Elle dansa avec lui. She danced with him. She danced with him. Il fait tout ce que je veux. He does everything I want. He does whatever I want. Tom décida de demander de l'aide auprès de Marie. Tom decided to ask for Mary's help. Tom decided to ask Mary for help. Que dirais-tu si je te demandais de rester ? What if I asked you to stay? What would you say if I asked you to stay? Elle courut dans sa chambre en pleurant. She ran to her room, crying. She ran to her room crying. Je suis prête, et vous ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, what about you? De quoi veux-tu me parler ? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Je ne veux pas écrire avec ce stylo à bille. I don't want to write with this ballpoint pen. I don't want to write with that ballpoint pen. Comme il ne pouvait en supporter plus, il prit ses jambes à son cou. As he couldn't endure, he took to his heels. Since he couldn’t stand it anymore, he took his legs to his neck. Elles la craignent. They're afraid of her. They fear her. Puis-je dire quelque chose ? May I say something? May I say something? Nous disposons d'un mandat pour fouiller votre propriété. We have a warrant to search your property. We have a warrant to search your property. Elle n'a pas de frère. She has no brothers. She doesn't have a brother. L'homme des cavernes parlait toki pona. The cave-man spoke Toki Pona. The caveman spoke toki pona. Je me sens drôle. I feel funny. I feel funny. C'était des extraterrestres. It was aliens. They were aliens. Je croyais que Tom aimait les énigmes. I thought Tom liked riddles. I thought Tom liked puzzles. Je compte sur vous, les gars. I'm counting on you guys. I'm counting on you guys. Je vis la personne que j'attendais se tenir là. I saw the person I expected standing there. I saw the person I was waiting for standing there. Il est étrange que tu n'aies pas réussi. It is strange that you should fail. It's strange that you didn't succeed. Je dois raser ta poitrine pour l'électrocardiogramme. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. Tom a arrêté de fêter Noël. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. Il y a ceux qui prétendent qu'une catastrophe se produira en 2012. There are those who claim that a catastrophe will occur in 2012. There are those who claim that a disaster will occur in 2012. Restons-en au plan. Let's stick with the plan. Let's stick to the plan. Je me demande combien de gens se trouvent au parc. I wonder how many people are in the park. I wonder how many people are in the park. J'ai envoyé une lettre à mes parents. I sent a letter to my parents. I sent a letter to my parents. Cela fait-il longtemps que vous travailler là-bas ? Have you been working there for long? Have you been working there for a long time? Cet édifice est très grand. This building is very large. This building is very large. Il est sur mon bureau. It's on my desk. It's on my desk. Inutile de préciser qu'il a raison. Needless to say, he is right. Needless to say, he's right. Hé, ne sois pas stupide. Hey! Don't be silly. Hey, don't be stupid. Elle est très gentille envers moi. She is most kind to me. She's very nice to me. Suis-je gros ? Am I fat? Am I fat? Ils l'attachèrent à un arbre. They tied him to a tree. They tied it to a tree. J'ai peur de tuer les animaux. I'm scared of killing animals. I'm afraid to kill the animals. Je n'ai jamais été à Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Tout le monde savait déjà cela. Everybody already knew that. Everyone already knew that. Noël arrive bientôt. Christmas is soon. Christmas is coming soon. Vous êtes un petit menteur. You're a little liar. You're a little liar. Bougez-vous les fesses, les filles ! Hurry up, girls. Move your butts, girls! J'ai besoin que vous uriniez dans ce récipient. I need you to urinate in this cup. I need you to urinate in this container. Il est assez riche pour acheter deux voitures. He is rich enough to buy two cars. He is rich enough to buy two cars. Il l'aimait vraiment beaucoup. He loved her very much. He really loved her. Parmi des millions de joueurs d'échecs à travers le monde, un peu plus de 1500 détiennent actuellement le titre de grand maître. Among millions of chess players around the world, just over 1500 currently hold the title of Grand Master. Among millions of chess players around the world, just over 1,500 currently hold the title of Grandmaster. Tom a trouvé un travail de mécanicien. Tom found a job as a mechanic. Tom found a job as a mechanic. Je ne vais tout de même pas payer dix dollars. I am not about to pay ten dollars. I'm not going to pay ten dollars. C’est l’été à Paris. It’s summer in Paris. It is summer in Paris. Ouvrez les yeux. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Tom est habituellement à l'heure, mais il lui est arrivé d'être en retard de plusieurs heures. Tom is usually on time, but there have been times when he's been several hours late. Tom is usually on time, but he happened to be several hours late. Le soleil se lèvera bientôt. The sun will come up soon. The sun will rise soon. As-tu l'habitude de prendre un petit-déjeuner ? Do you usually eat breakfast? Are you used to having breakfast? J'apprécie ton style. I like your style. I appreciate your style. J'aime faire des trucs comme ça. I like doing stuff like that. I like to do things like that. Mon nom est Dorje. My name is Dorje. My name is Dorje. « Y a-t-il beaucoup de dieux ? » « Ça dépend de tes croyances. » "Are there many gods?" "Depends on your beliefs." “Are there many gods?” “It depends on your beliefs.” Lyssenko croyait que la génétique moderne était un complot impérialiste occidental conçu pour saper la Russie. Lysenko believed that modern genetics was a Western imperialist plot designed to undermine Russia. Lysenko believed that modern genetics was a Western imperialist plot designed to undermine Russia. Toutes ces querelles m'usent les nerfs. All this bickering is starting to fray my nerves. All these quarrels wear out my nerves. Je veux être certaine que vous êtes celui que vous déclarez être. I want to be certain you are who you say you are. I want to make sure you are who you say you are. Quelle connasse ! What an asshole! What a jerk! Tu n'es pas mon fils. You are no son of mine. You're not my son. En allemand, tous les noms prennent une majuscule. In German, all nouns are capitalized. In German, all names are capitalized. L'Algérie soutient l'existence d'un Sahara occidental alors qu'en fait c'est un prétexte pour que les soldats algériens pratiquent le terrorisme et le chantage à la frontière marocaine. Algeria supports the existence of a Western Sahara when in fact it is a pretext for Algerian soldiers to practice terrorism and blackmail on the Moroccan border. Algeria supports the existence of a Western Sahara when in fact it is a pretext for Algerian soldiers to practice terrorism and blackmail on the Moroccan border. J'espère ne pas être trop en retard. I hope I'm not too late. I hope I'm not too late. Tom regarde les nouvelles. Tom is watching the news. Tom looks at the news. Tom a exactement le même âge que toi. Tom is exactly the same age as you. Tom is exactly the same age as you. Depuis combien de temps tes joues sont-elles gonflées ? How long have your cheeks been swollen? How long have your cheeks been swollen? Les joueurs d'échecs qui ont des mémoires prodigieuses accomplissent des exploits incroyables, comme jouer à l'aveugle, en même temps, un grand nombre de matchs. Chess players with prodigious memories perform incredible feats, such as playing blindly, at the same time, a large number of matches. Chess players with prodigious memories accomplish incredible feats, such as playing blindly, at the same time, a large number of matches. J'ai failli dire la vérité. I almost blurted out the truth. I almost told the truth. Le garçon qui joue de la guitare est mon frère. The guitar player is my brother. The guy who plays the guitar is my brother. Commencez. Proceed. Get started. Sauve-toi ! Run for it! Run! Je suis trop fatigué pour conduire. Pourriez-vous conduire ? I'm too tired to drive. Could you drive? I'm too tired to drive. La Guerre des Étoiles est un film de science-fiction. Star Wars is a science fiction film. Star Wars is a science fiction movie. John n'est pas le genre d'homme à te trahir. John is not a man to betray you. John's not the kind of man to betray you. Thomas a gravi l'Everest sans oxygène. Thomas climbed Everest without oxygen. Thomas climbed Mount Everest without oxygen. Es-tu déjà venue ici ? Have you ever been here? Have you ever been here? J'arrose les fleurs. I water the flowers. I water the flowers. Ça ne fait pas longtemps que tu es enseignant, pas vrai ? You haven't been a teacher very long, have you? You haven't been a teacher for a long time, have you? Pourquoi êtes-vous déprimé ? Why are you depressed? Why are you depressed? Je ne pouvais pas me permettre de faire ça. I couldn't afford to do that. I couldn't afford to do that. Vers le sud. To the south. To the south. Je dirai à Tom de rester dehors. I'll tell Tom to stay outside. I'll tell Tom to stay out. Thomas est un voyeur. Tom is a Peeping Tom. Thomas is a voyeur. J'apprend le français depuis longtemps. I've been studying French for a very long time. I have been learning French for a long time. Il est temps de prendre une décision. It's time to make a decision. It's time to make a decision. Tom n'a pas beaucoup aimé le concert. Tom didn't like the concert very much. Tom didn’t like the concert very much. Il était assis entre Tom et Marie. He was sitting between Mary and Tom. He sat between Tom and Mary. — Pourquoi as-tu menti ? dit-il à voix basse. C’est ton amoureux. — Mais non, je te jure ! cria-t-elle. "Why did you lie?" he asked quietly. "He's your boyfriend." "He's not, I promise you!" she cried. "Why did you lie?" he said in a low voice. "She's your lover." "No, I swear!" she cried. La verrue sur mon pouce saignait abondamment après l'avoir grattouillée toute l'après-midi. The wart on my thumb bled badly after picking at it all afternoon. The wart on my thumb was bleeding profusely after scraping it all afternoon. Ne vous approchez pas du chien. Don't approach the dog. Do not approach the dog. Qu'a-t-il été dit ? What was said? What's been said? Il n'y a pas beaucoup de neige sur le sol. There isn't much snow on the ground. There is not much snow on the ground. Cet endroit est vraiment venteux. This place is really windy. This place is really windy. « Pourquoi as-tu besoin de la voiture ? » « Pour aller en ville. » "Why do you need the car?" "To go to the town." “Why do you need the car?” “To get to town.” Plus d'un étudiant étudie le français dans notre classe. More than one student studies French in our class. More than one student is studying French in our class. Je veux devenir un koala. I want to become a koala. I want to become a koala. Elle la craint. She's afraid of her. She fears her. Cet insecte est toujours vivant. The bug is still alive. This insect is still alive. Nous avons apprécié nager. We enjoyed swimming. We enjoyed swimming. Il me donne du mal, comme il fait toujours. He gives me a bad time, as he always does. It hurts me, as it always does. Il garda son énergie pour le prochain match. He conserved his energy for the next game. He saved his energy for the next game. Tokyo est la plus grande ville du Japon. Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. Il roule très vite. He is driving very fast. He drives very fast. Je prends un bain chaque matin en été. I take a bath every morning in summer. I take a bath every morning in the summer. Il est censé être chez lui aujourd'hui. He is supposed to be at home today. He's supposed to be home today. Laissez-moi ça ! Leave that to me. Leave it to me! En 1996, Garry Kasparov a disputé un match à 6 jeux contre Deep Blue, le supercalculateur d'IBM, et a remporté 4 x 2. In 1996, Garry Kasparov played a 6-game match against Deep Blue, IBM's supercomputer, and won 4 x 2. In 1996, Garry Kasparov played a 6-game match against IBM supercomputer Deep Blue, and won 4x2. On me pose beaucoup cette question. I get asked that question a lot. I am asked this question a lot. C'est une fille très chouette. She's a very nice girl. She's a very nice girl. Combien de paquets de cigarettes fumes-tu par jour ? How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke daily? How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? A-t-il réussi à l'examen? Did he succeed in the examination? Did he pass the exam? Est-ce que je suis un chat ? Am I a cat? Am I a cat? Est-ce un pingouin ? Is that a penguin? Is it a penguin? Il n'y a aucun pays de la terre où l'amour n'ait rendu les amants poètes. There is no country in this world where love has not turned lovers into poets. There is no country on earth where love has not made lovers poets. Vous êtes très chouette. You're very nice. You're very nice. L'eau est trop froide. The water is too cold. The water is too cold. Chaque étape lui était difficile. Every step was difficult for him. Every step was difficult for him. Aujourd'hui est un nouveau jour ! Today is a new day! Today is a new day! Notre chèvre a donné naissance à une portée de trois chevreaux. Our goat gave birth to a litter of three kids. Our goat gave birth to a litter of three kids. Assieds-toi. Seat yourself. Sit down. Je ne veux pas que tu changes quoi que ce soit. I don't want you to change a thing. I don't want you to change anything. Son sourire indique qu'elle m'a pardonnée. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. J'avais pensé te parler de ça. I was meaning to ask you about that. I thought I'd tell you about this. Ça fait un moment que je ne t'ai pas vu et tu as grandi ! Haven't seen you for a while, and you've grown taller! It's been a while since I've seen you and you've grown up! Son passe-temps était de collectionner les pièces de monnaie anciennes. Her hobby was collecting old coins. His hobby was collecting old coins. Il n'y a guère d'espoir qu'il remporta les élections. There's hardly any hope that he'll win the election. There is little hope that he will win the election. Elle devrait être là à midi. She should be there at noon. She should be here at noon. Il n'est pas nécessaire qu'il en soit ainsi. It doesn't have to be like this. It does not have to be that way. Ajoute-moi sur Facebook, si tu le souhaites. Là, je m'appellerai Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook, if you wish. There, I'll be called Ryck Vernaut. Tom sèche les cours trop souvent. Tom skips classes too often. Tom skips classes too often. Le bébé survivra-t-il? Will the baby survive? Will the baby survive? Une chaussure dépareillée était abandonnée sur le seuil. An odd shoe was left on the doorstep. A mismatched shoe was dropped on the threshold. As-tu peur de l'obscurité ? Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the dark? C'est humiliant. This is humiliating. It's humiliating. Est-ce que tu as déjà mangé ? Have you already eaten? Have you ever eaten? J'ai vu quelque chose de très inhabituel. I saw something very unusual. I saw something very unusual. Elles s'accordèrent pour travailler ensemble. They agreed to work together. They agreed to work together. Je ne mange pas autant que toi. I don't eat as much as you. I don't eat as much as you do. Le corps de Tom a été incinéré. Tom's body has been cremated. Tom's body was cremated. Toute l'après-midi, une violente tempête doucha les rues de la bourgade. All afternoon a violent storm scoured the little town's streets. All afternoon, a violent storm showered the streets of the town. Peux-tu croire que ce soit déjà en train d'arriver ? Can you believe this is already happening? Can you believe this is already happening? Connaissez-vous quelqu'un que vous pouvez appeler si vous avez besoin de parler ? Do you have anyone who you can call if you need to talk? Do you know someone you can call if you need to talk? Son père est japonais. His father is Japanese. His father is Japanese. Puis je vous dirai. Then I will tell you. Then I'll tell you. On doit lui prendre sa pression artérielle chaque jour. He has to have his blood pressure taken every day. We have to take his blood pressure every day. J'aime votre cravate. I like that tie of yours. I like your tie. Tu as dû dépenser un pont pour cette bague de mariage ! You must have dropped a bundle for that wedding ring! You must have spent a bridge on that wedding ring! Je vais jouir. I'm about to cum. I'm gonna cum. Je pense que j'ai des problèmes avec ma femme. I think I'm in trouble with my wife. I think I'm having problems with my wife. Je ne peux pas le rendre heureux. I can't make him happy. I can't make him happy. Quel était le score à la mi-temps ? What was the score at halftime? What was the score at half-time? Ceci t’arrive-t-il souvent ? Does this happen to you often? Does this happen to you often? Elles auraient pu te tuer. They could've killed you. They could have killed you. Il a pris une importante décision. He has made a significant decision. He made an important decision. Si jamais tu me touches encore, je te tuerai. If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you. If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you. Êtes-vous encore en colère après moi ? Are you still mad at me? Are you still angry with me? Ne veillez pas pour moi ! Don't wait up for me. Don't watch for me! Je ne planifie pas leur travail. I do not plan their work. I'm not planning their work. J'apprécierais toute information que vous pourriez nous faire parvenir. I would appreciate any information you can send to us. I would appreciate any information you could send us. Ma fille est la prunelle de mes yeux. My daughter is the apple of my eye. My daughter is the apple of my eyes. Restez debout. Remain standing. Stand still. Tom vous donne le bonjour. Tom says hi. Tom gives you a good morning. Il a marché dans une merde de chien. He stepped into dog shit. He walked in a dog shit. Coupez le fil rouge. Cut the red wire. Cut the red thread. Fais attention avec ce truc. Be careful with that thing. Be careful with this thing. Je vous avez avertis de ne pas venir ici. I warned you not to come here. I warned you not to come here. Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu envisages de faire ça. I can't believe you're considering doing that. I can't believe you're planning on doing this. Il a plutôt raison. He is quite right. He's pretty much right. J'ai pas envie de jouer au cartes. I don't feel like playing cards. I don't want to play cards. Aujourd'hui c'est pour moi. Today it is on me. Today is for me. J'adore faire des desserts. I love making desserts. I love making desserts. Je ne peux pas vous dire combien je suis heureuse que vous soyez venues nous rendre visite. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come to visit us. I can't tell you how happy I am that you came to visit us. Puis-je m'y rendre ? May I go? Can I get there? À quand remonte ton opération ? How long ago did you have surgery? When was your operation? Est-ce que tu as eu des difficultés à respirer récemment ? Have you experienced shortness of breath recently? Have you had trouble breathing recently? Tu gagnes ? Are you winning? You win? Ses critiques étaient très sévères. His criticisms were very severe. His criticisms were very harsh. Comment ça se fait que tu ne dormes pas encore ? How come are you still not sleeping? How come you're not sleeping yet? Ceci est un lion. This is a lion. This is a lion. L'entreprise a décidé de confier l'entretien à un sous-traitant. The company decided to farm out the maintenance to a subcontractor. The company decided to entrust the maintenance to a subcontractor. Reste juste ici ! Stay right here. Stay right here! Nous ferions mieux de faire quelque chose. We'd better do something. We better do something. Personne ne croit en son innocence. No one believes she is innocent. No one believes in his innocence. Nous leur conseillâmes de commencer de bonne heure. We advised them to start early. We advised them to start early. Quand la réunion s'est-elle terminée ? When did the meeting end? When did the meeting end? J'ai réparé la maison pour vous. I fixed the house because of you. I fixed the house for you. L'appartement était silencieux. The apartment was silent. The apartment was quiet. J'aime broder. I enjoy embroidering. I like embroidering. Les arabes algériens voilent leurs sœurs et leurs femmes mais passent leur temps à regarder des films pornographiques. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters and their wives but spend their time watching pornographic films. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters and wives but spend their time watching pornographic films. La bagnole est prête. The car is ready. The car is ready. Avez-vous eu des maux de tête persistants récemment ? Have you had persistent headaches recently? Have you had persistent headaches recently? Jésus est bon. Jesus is good. Jesus is good. Tu devrais au moins porter une cravate. You should at least wear a tie. You should at least wear a tie. Ai-je déjà fait mention que j'étais fou ? Did I mention that I'm crazy? Did I mention I was crazy? Tom, nous l'admirons. We admire Tom. Tom, we admire him. Oui bien sûr. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. C'est un évènement important. This is an important event. This is an important event. Les clameurs venimeuses d'une femme jalouse empoisonnent plus sûrement que la dent du chien enragé. The venom clamours of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a mad dog’s tooth. The venomous clamor of a jealous woman poisons more surely than the tooth of the rabid dog. Il se vêtit et sortit. He got dressed and went outside. He dressed and went out. Ensemble, ils rassemblèrent des fleurs. They gathered flowers together. Together they gathered flowers. Montrez-moi comment faire, s'il vous plaît. Show me how to do it, please. Show me how to do it, please. Il serait préférable de traîner à la maison aujourd'hui. It would be better to stay home today. It would be better to hang out at home today. Les amis du peuple kabyle sont les bienvenus en Kabylie qui ne les oubliera jamais. Friends of the Kabyle people are welcome in Kabylia who will never forget them. Friends of the Kabyle people are welcome in Kabylia who will never forget them. Sais-tu t'y prendre ? Can you handle it? Do you know how to do it? Elle a acheté une nouvelle maison l'autre jour. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house the other day. Appelez le médecin pour qu'il confirme le rendez-vous. Call the doctor so that he confirms the appointment. Call the doctor to confirm the appointment. Depuis combien de temps sortez-vous ensemble ? How long have you been dating? How long have you been dating? Elle se fit toute belle pour son grand rendez-vous. She got all dolled up for her big date. She made herself beautiful for her big date. Ici, nous cultivons le blé. We grow wheat here. Here we grow wheat. Au petit déjeuner, j'ai mangé du pain avec du beurre et bu du café. At breakfast, I ate bread with butter and drank coffee. For breakfast, I ate bread with butter and drank coffee. Ne me fais pas rire. Don't make me laugh. Don't make me laugh. Tom a imité Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Ne me raccrochez pas au nez ! Don't you hang up on me. Don't hang up on me! Puis-je manger ce gâteau ? May I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? C'est un beau travers de porc. That's a nice rack of pork chops. It's a beautiful pig's cross. Tu n'as aucune idée de ce que ça signifie pour moi. You have no idea how much that means to me. You have no idea what that means to me. Il fit des cauchemars. He had nightmares. He had nightmares. Vas-y, Tom, nous t'écoutons. Go on, Tom, we're listening. Come on, Tom, we're listening. Plus tard, j'aimerais être professeur d'histoire. I want to teach history when I grow up. Later, I'd like to be a history teacher. As-tu sorti le chien aujourd'hui ou pas encore ? Did you take the dog out today or not yet? Did you take the dog out today or not yet? « La mort de Tom était un accident. » « En êtes-vous sûr ? » "Tom's death was an accident." "Are you sure?" “Tom’s death was an accident.” “Are you sure?” Les médecins arrêtaient de fumer en nombre. Doctors were quitting smoking in droves. Doctors stopped smoking in large numbers. Elle mangea son dîner. She ate her dinner. She ate her dinner. Elle ignore tout des oiseaux et des abeilles. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. She knows nothing about birds and bees. Où Tom est-il enterré ? Where is Tom buried? Where is Tom buried? Elles ont découvert le truc. They found out. They found out about the thing. Je vis un bateau en amont du pont. I saw a boat upstream of the bridge. I saw a boat up the bridge. Veuillez retirer tous vos vêtements, à l'exception de vos sous-vêtements. Please remove all of your clothes, except your underwear. Please remove all clothing except your underwear. Tu souffres ? Are you suffering? Are you suffering? Vous avez pris assez de risques. You've risked enough. You've taken enough risks. Si j'étais à votre place, je ne ferais pas ça. If I were in your position, I wouldn't do that. If I were in your place, I wouldn't do that. Je fais ça aussi ! I do this too! I do that too! Elle lui a recommandé de ne pas conduire trop vite mais il a refusé de l'écouter. She advised him not to drive too fast, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him not to drive too fast, but he refused to listen. Tom est un grand séducteur. Tom is a great seducer. Tom is a great seducer. Je me brosse toujours les dents avant d'aller au lit. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I always brush my teeth before going to bed. Ils m'ont envoyé un échantillon gratuit. They sent me a free sample. They sent me a free sample. « Si tu tombes, c'est la chute. Mais si tu chutes, c'est la tombe ! », a dit Arnaud Vannay. "If you trip, you'll fall down. And if you fall down, that will be your downfall", said Arnaud Vannay. "If you fall, it's the fall, but if you fall, it's the grave!" said Arnaud Vannay. L'homme ne peut pas vivre sans eau. Man cannot live without water. Man cannot live without water. Il a acheté une voiture rapide. He bought a fast car. He bought a fast car. Qui a inventé les castagnettes ? Who invented the castanets? Who invented castanets? Repose-toi ici. Rest here. Sit down here. Elle s'est mise à transpirer. She began to sweat. She started sweating. Regarde! Behold. Look! Je me réjouis que tu comprennes. I'm glad that you understand. I'm glad you understand. As-tu déjà vécu à Boston ? Have you ever lived in Boston? Have you ever lived in Boston? Ces nuages blancs font penser à un troupeau de moutons. These white clouds are reminiscent of a flock of sheep. These white clouds are reminiscent of a flock of sheep. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas reçu votre réponse. Regrettably, we have not received your reply. Unfortunately, we have not received your response. Cela ne te vient-il pas à l'esprit que c'est bizarre ? Doesn't that strike you as odd? Doesn't it come to your mind that it's weird? Je pense que ce que tu fais est dangereux. I think what you're doing is dangerous. I think what you're doing is dangerous. Hier, il m'a dit la vérité. Yesterday, he told me the truth. Yesterday he told me the truth. Préféreriez-vous être examinée par une infirmière ? Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse? Would you rather be examined by a nurse? Yanni remplit les conditions requises. Yanni qualifies. Yanni meets the required conditions. Tom est un inspecteur. Tom is an inspector. Tom is an inspector. Tom était assis à l'avant de l'autobus. Tom was sitting in the front of the bus. Tom was sitting in the front of the bus. Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement pour une maladie sexuellement transmissible ? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Nous nous déshabillons. We're undressing. We're undressing. Celui qui lutte contre les monstres doit veiller à ne pas le devenir lui-même. Or, quand on regarde trop longtemps au fond d'un abîme, l'abîme, lui aussi, vous regarde. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. He who fights against monsters must be careful not to become one himself, but when you look too long into the depths of an abyss, the abyss also looks at you. Le professeur Brown explique très bien les choses. Professor Brown explains things very well. Professor Brown explains it very well. C'est l'idéal. It's the gold standard. That's ideal. Enfant, j'étais grassouillet. As a child, I was chubby. As a child, I was fat. Réfléchissez avant de parler s'il vous plaît. Please think before speaking. Think before you speak, please. Le blanc éclaircira la pièce. White paint will brighten the room. The white will lighten the room. Tom agrandissait les photos. Tom was enlarging the photos. Tom enlarged the photos. Il a sauvé le garçon de la noyade mais au prix de sa propre vie. He saved the boy from drowning, but only at the cost of his own life. He saved the boy from drowning but at the cost of his own life. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi, le vingt et un octobre. Today is Saturday, the twenty-first of October. Today is Saturday, October 21st. Je me suis brossé les dents. I brushed my teeth. I brushed my teeth. J'ai reçu une lettre de l'un de mes amis au Japon. I got a letter from a friend of mine in Japan. I received a letter from one of my friends in Japan. Cette traduction ne vaut pas un sou. This translation is not worth a red cent. This translation is not worth a penny. Arrêtez de crier. Stop shouting. Stop yelling. Je sais que je ne suis pas parfait. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. C'était à mon tour de jouer et mon roi n'était pas attaqué, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'était pas mis en échec. Mais aucune de mes pièces ne pouvait faire de mouvement valable. Ainsi, ce qu'on appelle « roi noyé » ou « égalité par noyade » a été caractérisé. La partie était un match nul. It was my turn to play and my king wasn't being attacked, that is, wasn't put in check. But, none of my pieces could make any valid move. Thus, what is called "drowned king" or "draw by drowning" was characterized. The match was a draw. It was my turn to play and my king was not attacked, that is, he was not defeated. But none of my pieces could make a valid move. Thus, what is called "drowned king" or "equality by drowning" was characterized. The game was a draw. Je prétendis ne pas l'avoir vu. I pretended that I didn't see it. I pretended I didn't see him. Une nation ne lèvera plus l'épée contre une autre, et l'on n'apprendra plus la guerre. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. One nation will no longer lift up its sword against another, and war will no longer be learned. Ça ne me dérange pas que tu ouvres la fenêtre. I don't mind if you open the window. I don't mind you opening the window. Tom fume-t-il ? Does Tom smoke? Does Tom smoke? Tout le monde l'adore. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves it. Je voudrais acheter quelques bottes. I would like to purchase some boots. I would like to buy some boots. Les autruches sont les plus gros oiseaux du monde. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Ken était en train de lire quand je suis rentrée à la maison. Ken was reading when I came home. Ken was reading when I got home. Les parents de Marie sont riches. Marie's parents are rich. Mary’s parents are rich. Il a écrit une nouvelle basée sur un mythe. He wrote a novel based on ancient myths. He wrote a story based on a myth. Voici un panier plein de légumes. Here is a basket full of vegetables. Here is a basket full of vegetables. Tom a toujours été timide. Tom has always been shy. Tom has always been shy. Qu'insinuez-vous ? What are you implying? What are you implying? Attrape mon fusil ! Get my rifle. Grab my gun! Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Toute religion ou philosophie peut être poussée à l'excès. Any religion or philosophy can be taken to excess. Any religion or philosophy can be pushed to excess. Vous êtes tous les deux le noyau de l'équipe. You two are the nucleus of the team. You are both the core of the team. Je suis végétarienne. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Elle doit trouver du travail. She must find work. She has to find a job. Je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi. I'm currently looking for a job. I am currently looking for a job. Il passe trop de temps à regarder la télé. He's spending too much time watching TV. He spends too much time watching TV. J'ai arrêté de fumer il y a trois ans. I quit smoking three years ago. I quit smoking three years ago. Pour cette recette, un seul oignon est nécessaire. For this recipe, only one onion is necessary. For this recipe, only one onion is needed. Tom est toujours vierge. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still a virgin. Mon plan pour l'été est de me rendre en Europe. My plan for the summer is to go to Europe. My plan for the summer is to go to Europe. C'est une question qui me tient très à cœur. I feel strongly about this. This is a question that is very close to my heart. J'ai le temps pour moi. Time is on my side. I have time for myself. Il pleut fort. It's raining hard. It's raining hard. Ils ont gardé leur amour secret. They kept it secret that they were in love. They kept their love secret. J’ai tendu une tasse de café à Tom. I handed a cup of coffee to Tom. I gave Tom a cup of coffee. Dans les écoles algériennes, on apprend aux enfants à égorger un mouton et à laver les morts. Bien entendu, aucun mélange entre garçons et filles n'est autorisé. Les Kabyles combattent ce fléau depuis longtemps mais sans succès. In Algerian schools, children are taught how to cut the throat of a sheep and how to wash the dead. Of course no mixing between boys and girls is allowed. The Kabyles have been fighting this scourge for a long time but without any success. In Algerian schools, children are taught to slaughter a sheep and wash the dead. Of course, no mix between boys and girls is allowed. The Kabyles have been fighting this scourge for a long time but without success. Tom a frappé à la porte d'entrée. Tom knocked on the front door. Tom knocked on the front door. Est-ce que vous voulez cette chemise ? Do you want this shirt? Do you want that shirt? Elle vit au mois le mois. She lives paycheck to paycheck. She lives in the month. Chaque jour, j'aime la personne que je vois dans le miroir. Every day I love the person I see in the mirror. Every day, I love the person I see in the mirror. Elle vit de l'autre côté de la rue. She lives across the street. She lives across the street. Tu t'y habitueras. You get used to it. You'll get used to it. Ça coûtait moins de quinze dollars. It was less than fifteen dollars. It cost less than fifteen dollars. Je suis désolé, je ne vous remets pas. I'm sorry, I don't recognize you. I'm sorry, I'm not putting you back. Je veux mettre un terme à ceci. I want to end this. I want to put an end to this. Sont-elles mortes ? Are they dead? Are they dead? Je vais m'en occuper immédiatement. I'll take care of it right now. I'll take care of it immediately. Ne nourrissez pas le chien ! Don't feed the dog. Do not feed the dog! Je dois escalader cette montagne. I have to climb this mountain. I have to climb this mountain. Possèdes-tu des animaux domestiques ? Do you have any pets? Do you have any pets? Attention à la voiture ! Watch out for the car! Watch out for the car! Pouvez-vous parler plus vite ? Can you speak faster? Can you speak faster? Les enfants se sont perdus dans le camping. The children got lost at the campground. The children got lost in the camp. Tom n'est toujours pas très convaincu. Tom still isn't quite convinced. Tom is still not convinced. Si seulement. If only. If only. Ils n'ont pas tenu parole. They did not keep their word. They didn't keep their word. Entre, la porte est ouverte. Come in, the door's open. Come in, the door is open. Vieillir est obligatoire. Grandir est facultatif. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. Growing older is mandatory. Growing older is optional. Rafael Leitão souligne que l'insertion des échecs dans les écoles brésiliennes est un fait positif, mais il estime que nous sommes encore loin du niveau minimum acceptable pour quelqu'un de gagner des revenus stables en tant que joueur d'échecs professionnel. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leito points out that the inclusion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable income as a professional chess player. Je ne sais pas ce que j'espérais. I don't know what I was expecting. I don't know what I was hoping for. Veuillez me pardonner ! Please forgive me! Please forgive me! Pourquoi es-tu dans ma maison ? Why are you in my house? Why are you in my house? Je suis toujours heureux. I'm always happy. I'm always happy. Le gujari n'est pas la même langue que le gujarati. Gujari isn't the same language as Gujarati. Gujari is not the same language as Gujarati. À quel point as-tu faim ? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Vous ressemblez exactement à ma sœur. You look just like my sister. You look exactly like my sister. Quand avez-vous pris un repas complet pour la dernière fois ? Petit-déjeuner, déjeuner ou dîner ? When did you last have a full meal? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? When was the last time you had a full meal? Breakfast, lunch or dinner? J'ignore pourquoi c'est arrivé. I don't know why it happened. I don't know why it happened. De nombreux Américains sont intéressés par le jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Ce qui m'a le plus surpris c'est que j'étais le seul à me faire virer. What really surprised me most was that I was the only one who got fired. What surprised me the most was that I was the only one who got fired. Vous devez mettre en œuvre votre plan de départ. You must carry out your first plan. You need to implement your starting plan. Tom lui a cassé le nez. Tom broke his nose. Tom broke his nose. Essaie de te mettre à sa place et comprends ce qu'il a dû traverser ! Try to put yourself in his shoes and understand what he's been through. Try to put yourself in his shoes and understand what he had to go through! Avez-vous déjà eu des complications lors de vos précédentes grossesses ? Have you ever had any complications during past pregnancies? Have you ever had any complications during your previous pregnancies? Il vivait dans une maison éloignée du village. He lived in a house remote from the village. He lived in a house far from the village. Mes devoirs m'ont pris plus de temps que je ne pensais. My homework took longer than I expected. My homework took longer than I thought. Pourquoi devez-vous partir ? Why do you have to go? Why do you have to go? Qu'est-ce que tu crois branler ? What the fuck do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? Cette année, as-tu planté des citrouilles ? Did you plant pumpkins this year? Did you plant pumpkins this year? Savez-vous de quoi tout ça retourne ? Do you know what this is all about? Do you know what all this is all about? Je donnerai une chemise à mémé pour Noël. I'll give grandma a shirt for Christmas. I'll give my mom a shirt for Christmas. Il me faut partir. I ought to go. I have to go. C'est ma chambre à coucher. It is my bedroom. This is my bedroom. Il s’est décidé à devenir docteur. He made up his mind to be a doctor. He decided to become a doctor. Vous êtes le maître. You're the master. You're the master. Tom est-il encore intéressé ? Is Tom still interested? Is Tom still interested? C'est beaucoup à se rappeler. That's a lot to remember. It's a lot to remember. Ma chambre est exposée à l'est. My room faces east. My room is exposed to the east. Il est allé à la maison hier. He went home yesterday. He went home yesterday. Prenez, s'il vous plait, votre temps, avant de décider ce qu'il faut faire. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Je pensais que vous apprécieriez. I thought you'd enjoy that. I thought you'd appreciate it. Tom fait la sieste. Tom is taking a nap. Tom takes a nap. Qu'il soit d'accord ou pas, nous ne changerons pas nos plans. Whether he agrees or not, we won't change our plans. Whether he agrees or not, we will not change our plans. Un ensemble totalement ordonné est souvent appelé une "chaîne". A totally ordered set is often called a "chain". A totally ordered set is often called a "chain". Ça marche bien. It works fine. It's working well. C'est pas tes affaires. That is no business of yours. It's none of your business. Tom est constamment grippé. Tom is constantly seized. Tom is constantly in trouble. Je l'ignore encore mais je vais bientôt le découvrir. I don't know yet, but I'll find out soon enough. I don't know yet, but I'll find out soon. J'aimerais essayer de le faire sans votre aide. I'd like to try doing this without your help. I'd like to try and do it without your help. Il est différent de son frère. He differs from his brother. He is different from his brother. Tomas boit toujours du thé le matin. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Tomas always drinks tea in the morning. L'opération ne peut attendre. The operation cannot wait. The operation cannot wait. Monsieur, avez-vous vu monsieur de Cyrano ? Sir, have you seen Sir Cyrano? Sir, have you seen Monsieur de Cyrano? Est-ce votre bicyclette ? Is this your bicycle? Is it your bicycle? Vas-tu travailler jusqu'à dix heures ? Are you going to work until 10:00? Are you going to work until ten? Sentez-vous le besoin de vous automutiler en ce moment ? Do you feel like you want to hurt yourself now? Do you feel the need to self-harm right now? Ils l'ont dit encore faible, suite à une récente maladie. They said he was still weak from a recent sickness. They said it was still weak, following a recent illness. Je ne comprends pas ce qu'il veut dire. I don't understand what he means. I don't understand what he means. Tu m'as déçu. You disappointed me. You disappointed me. Tom ne peut pas se permettre de l'acheter. Tom can't afford to buy that. Tom can't afford to buy it. Il s'est mis en colère. He got angry. He got angry. Je me suis senti obligé de l'aider. I felt constrained to help her. I felt compelled to help him. Je ne l'ai pas vu récemment ; passe-lui le bonjour. I haven't seen him lately; give him my regards. I haven't seen him recently; say hello to him. Presque tout le monde a participé. Almost everyone participated. Almost everyone participated. Quand Vin Diesel fait des pompes, ce n'est pas lui qui se pousse en haut - c'est la terre qui est poussée en bas. When Vin Diesel does pushups, he's not pushing himself up - he's pushing the Earth down. When Vin Diesel makes pumps, it is not he who pushes himself up - it is the earth that is pushed down. N'essaie pas ça chez toi ! Do not attempt this at home. Don't try this at home! Ma chanteuse favorite est Whitney Houston. My favorite singer is Whitney Houston. My favorite singer is Whitney Houston. Quelqu'un peut-il vous les apporter si vous en avez besoin ? Can someone bring them for you if you need them? Can someone bring them to you if you need them? Je pensais que les choses allaient s'améliorer mais en fait elles ne font qu'empirer. I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse. I thought things were going to get better, but in fact they're only getting worse. À quand remonte votre opération ? How long ago did you have surgery? When was your operation? Sortez ou entrez. Get out or come in. Come out or come in. Ce couteau m'a beaucoup servi. This knife was very useful to me. This knife has served me well. Yanni a souri. Yanni smiled. Yanni smiled. Votre vision est-elle mauvaise ? Are your eyes bad? Is your vision bad? Elle est vraiment belle en kimono. She really looks beautiful in a kimono. She is really beautiful in kimono. Même Tom n'a pas put répondre aux questions du professeur. Even Tom wasn't able to answer the teacher's questions. Even Tom couldn't answer the teacher's questions. En position de départ du match, les blancs ont les tours en a1 et h1, les cavaliers en b1 et g1, les fous en c1 et f1, la dame en d1 et le roi en e1. Ses huit pions occupent la deuxième rangée du plateau, de a2 à h2. In the starting position of the game, White has the rooks in a1 and h1, the knights in b1 and g1, the bishops in c1 and f1, the queen in d1, and the king in e1. Its eight pawns occupy the second row of the board, from a2 to h2. In the starting position of the match, the whites have the rounds in a1 and h1, the riders in b1 and g1, the madmen in c1 and f1, the lady in d1 and the king in e1. La vie peut être très chère à Dubaï. Life in Dubai can be very expensive. Life can be very expensive in Dubai. Ça a pris juste un peu plus d’une heure. It took just a little over an hour. It took just over an hour. La dame a la capacité de se déplacer autant que si elle était une tour, c'est-à-dire sur des lignes et des colonnes, comme si elle était un fou, c'est-à-dire sur des diagonales. The queen has the ability to move as much as if she were a rook, that is, over the rows and columns, as if she were a bishop, that is, over the diagonals. The lady has the ability to move as much as if she were a tower, i.e. on lines and columns, as if she were a madman, i.e. on diagonals. Quand monsieur tout-le-monde envoie un message dans une bouteille, c'est juste un amusement enfantin. Quand Christophe Colomb envoie un message dans une bouteille, c'est le sort d'un pays entier qui est en jeu. When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish fantasy. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake. When Mr. All-World sends a message in a bottle, it's just childish fun. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, it's the fate of an entire country that's at stake. Je suis occupé pour l'instant. I'm busy right now. I'm busy right now. Vous devriez manger plus, sinon vous ne vous rétablirez pas avant longtemps. You should eat more, or you won't get well soon. You should eat more, otherwise you will not recover for a long time. Tom était absent hier. Tom was absent yesterday. Tom was absent yesterday. Arrêtez de me mordre. Quit biting me. Stop biting me. Il n'y a donc plus de différence entre les Juifs et les non-Juifs, entre les esclaves et les hommes libres, entre les hommes et les femmes. Unis à Jésus-Christ, vous êtes tous un. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. So there is no difference between Jews and non-Jews, between slaves and free men, between men and women. United with Jesus Christ, you are all one. C'est incroyable, n'est-ce pas ? It's incredible, isn't it? That's incredible, isn't it? Les Russes ne sourient jamais. Russians never smile. The Russians never smile. Je veux aller voir un film. I want to go to see a movie. I want to go see a movie. Cela prendra cinq à dix ans avant que la technologie ne soit prête. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. It will take five to ten years before the technology is ready. Avancez plus vite ! Walk faster! Move faster! Arrête simplement de m'ennuyer, d'accord ? Just stop bugging me, okay? Just stop bothering me, okay? Ce rapport est écrit sans aucun soin. This report is very sloppily written. This report is written without any care. Tu fumes beaucoup trop. Tu devrais freiner ta consommation. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. You smoke too much, you should curb your consumption. On a dû faire sauter un fusible. We must have blown a fuse. We must have blown a fuse. Elle est violente maintenant. Ce serait mieux de l'éviter. She's violent right now. It'd be better to avoid her. She's violent now. It'd be better to avoid her. Ah, lui ! S'il te dit d'aller te laver, mieux vaut te barbouiller ! Ah, him! If he tells you to go wash yourself, you should rather slather your face! If he tells you to go wash up, it's better to smear yourself. Je dois d'abord m'y habituer. I have to get used to it first. I have to get used to it first. Étais-tu occupée ? Were you busy? Were you busy? Après tout, cet homme a tenté de tuer mon père à un moment. After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time. After all, this man tried to kill my father at some point. Il m'a fallu de l'argent. I needed money. It took me money. C'est un bâtiment élevé, n'est-ce pas ? That is a high building, is it not? It's a tall building, isn't it? Il me semble que vous êtes honnête. It seems to me that you are honest. I think you're being honest. Tom et Mary gagnent-t-ils toujours? Do Tom and Mary still always win? Do Tom and Mary always win? La ville compte nombre d'avenues. The city has many broad streets. The city has many avenues. Je suis tout seul. I'm all alone. I'm all alone. Je sais que vous bluffez. I know that you're bluffing. I know you're bluffing. Je respecte toujours mes promesses. I always keep promises. I always keep my promises. La maison est blanche. The house is white. The house is white. Je l'ai oublié. I forgot it. I forgot about it. Les fantômes sont-ils réels ? Are ghosts real? Are ghosts real? Si elles avaient suivi les conseils de leurs médecins, elles ne seraient peut-être pas décédées. If they'd taken their doctors' advice, they might not have died. If they had followed the advice of their doctors, they might not have died. Il est toujours alité. He is still on his back. He's always in bed. Avez-vous déjà construit une maison ? Have you ever built a house? Have you ever built a house? Je ne suis pas si maligne. I'm not all that smart. I'm not so smart. Je voulais seulement te dire que je suis réellement désolé de ce que j'ai dit. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for what I said. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for what I said. Je ne veux pas être grossier. I don't mean to be rude. I don't want to be rude. Va-t-il pleuvoir aujourd'hui ? Is it going to rain today? Will it rain today? Je l'ai mise sur ton bureau. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Je ne suis pas très patiente. I'm not very patient. I'm not very patient. J'ai ceci sous contrôle complet. I've got this all under control. I have this under complete control. Tom n’a plus besoin de notre aide. Tom doesn't need our help anymore. Tom doesn’t need our help anymore. M. Smith a perdu son chemin dans l'épais brouillard. Mr Smith lost his way in the dense fog. Mr. Smith lost his way in the thick fog. Étais-je supposé simplement l'ignorer ? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Prenez-vous de la digitaline ? Do you take digitalis? Do you take digital? Moi non plus. Neither do I. Neither do I. J'essaye d'arrêter Tom. I'm trying to stop Tom. I'm trying to stop Tom. Les cultures ont besoin de pluie. The crops need rain. The crops need rain. Et ton bruit, est-il gaussien ? And is your noise Gaussian? And your noise, is it Gaussian? Quoi ? Tu dis que la semaine dernière, tu as vu deux castors jouer au ping-pong avec leur grande queue plate ? What? You say that last week you saw two beavers playing ping-pong with their big flat tails? You're saying last week you saw two beavers playing ping-pong with their big flat tails? Oh, rien de particulier. Oh, nothing special. Oh, nothing special. Quelle belle journée, n'est-ce pas ? It's a pleasant day, isn't it? What a beautiful day, isn't it? Tom n'a peut-être pas tort. Tom may not be wrong. Tom might not be wrong. Qui parle français ? Who speaks French? Who speaks French? Je me fiche de ce que le docteur dit. Je vais manger ce que je veux. I don't care what the doctor says. I'm going to eat whatever I want. I don't care what the doctor says, I'll eat whatever I want. Ce sont les propriétés qu'elles possèdent. Those are the properties that she owns. These are the properties they own. Elle est bien venue ici. She did come here. She came here. Assurez-vous de couper la planche dans le sens contraire du fil. Make sure you cut the board against the grain. Be sure to cut the board in the opposite direction of the wire. Tu es toujours en retard. You are always late. You're always late. J'espère que tout va bien pour lui. I hope he's all right. I hope all is well for him. Il allait se coucher à onze heures d'habitude. He usually went to bed at eleven. He would usually go to bed at eleven. Qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf. He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. Whoever steals an egg steals an ox. Je n'aime pas votre goût pour les couleurs. I don't like your taste in color. I don't like your taste for colors. Je n'ai pas pu le rencontrer à la gare parce que je suis tombé en panne d'essence. I couldn't meet him at the station because my car ran out of gas. I couldn't meet him at the station because I ran out of gas. Vous me dîtes être en train de manger. You told me that you are eating. You tell me you're eating. Dites-moi comment faire cela. Tell me how to do that. Tell me how to do that. Je ne peux pas accepter ce cadeau. I cannot accept this gift. I cannot accept this gift. La vérité finit par éclater à son procès. The truth finally came out at his trial. The truth finally comes out at his trial. Que vous arrive-t-il ? What is the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Les étudiants sont exposés à l'influence de leurs professeurs. Students are open to the influence of their teachers. Students are exposed to the influence of their teachers. La plus grande défaite pour un athée est de se retrouver au paradis. The biggest defeat for an atheist is ending up in paradise. The greatest defeat for an atheist is to find himself in heaven. J'aurais dû le dire à Tom. I should've told Tom. I should have told Tom. Lorsque tu es assis ? While sitting? When you're sitting down? Pensez-vous que je sois mignon ? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm cute? Je ne me sens pas bien et j'aimerais rester à la maison aujourd'hui. I'm not feeling well and I'd like to stay home today. I'm not feeling well and I'd like to stay home today. Avez-vous des projets pour la soirée ? Do you have any plans for tonight? Do you have plans for the evening? Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir menti. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying to her. Il y a beaucoup de sucre dans cette boîte noire. There is much sugar in this black box. There's a lot of sugar in that black box. Pourquoi êtes-vous ici si tôt ? Why are you here so early? Why are you here so early? Laissez-nous faire notre boulot ! Let us do our job. Let us do our job! Vous êtes-vous déjà remis de votre rhume ? Have you gotten over your cold yet? Have you ever recovered from your cold? J'avais juste besoin d'eau. I just needed some water. I just needed water. On a vraiment besoin d'eau. We are badly in want of water. We really need water. Je veux juste que vous me disiez pourquoi vous avez menti. I just want you to tell me why you lied. I just want you to tell me why you lied. Connais-tu pour sûr le prix de cette voiture? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Do you know the price of this car? Ce sont des chiens pleins de vie. They're lively dogs. They are dogs full of life. À quand remonte ta dernière crise d'asthme ? When was your last asthma attack? When was your last asthma attack? Je crois que c'est le problème. I think that's the problem. I think that's the problem. Je ne me suis jamais fait de souci à votre sujet. I was never worried about you. I've never worried about you. Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumé à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you gotten used to eating Japanese food yet? Have you finally gotten used to eating Japanese food? Je n'ai rien fait des vacances. I did nothing during the holidays. I didn't do anything on vacation. Dès que j'ai les moyens d'acquérir une maison, je le ferai. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. Tom a trois filles. Tom has three daughters. Tom has three daughters. Il n'y a rien à annuler. There is nothing to cancel. There's nothing to cancel. Ne faites-vous pas toujours ce qui est attendu ? Don't you always do what's expected? Don’t you always do what is expected? Une avalanche de neige obstruait la route. A snowslide obstructed the road. A snow avalanche blocked the road. Est-ce notarié ? Is that notarized? Is it notarized? Je travaille à temps plein dans une librairie jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre. I'm working full time in a bookshop until the end of September. I work full-time in a bookstore until the end of September. Elles ont dit qu'elles cesseraient de faire ça. They said they'll quit doing that. They said they would stop doing that. Je ne suis pas fier de vous. I am not proud of you. I'm not proud of you. Elle est restée à l'étranger depuis lors. She has remained abroad ever since. She has remained abroad ever since. Tu as trois ans de plus que Tom. You're three years older than Tom. You're three years older than Tom. Nous étions en fait assez chanceux. We were actually pretty lucky. We were actually quite lucky. Il est grotesque que vous montiez une bicyclette alors que vous êtes une femme. Les femmes devraient arrêter d'essayer d'imiter les hommes. It's outrageous that you're riding a bicycle even though you're a woman. Women should stop trying to imitate men. It is grotesque that you ride a bicycle while you are a woman. Women should stop trying to imitate men. Pensez-vous que la télévision fasse du mal aux enfants ? Do you think television does children harm? Do you think television hurts children? Ton permis est suspendu. Your license is suspended. Your license is suspended. Et qui est la mariée ? And who is the bride? And who is the bride? As-tu achevé le traitement prescrit ? Did you complete the prescribed treatment? Have you completed the prescribed treatment? De quel niveau sont les dommages ? How bad is the damage? At what level are the damages? Le temps s'est refroidi. The weather has cooled. The weather has cooled down. On a acheté le journal. We bought the newspaper. We bought the newspaper. N'as-tu pas une petite amie ? Don't you have a girlfriend? Don't you have a girlfriend? J'ai trouvé une pierre qui avait la forme d'un cœur. I found a stone shaped like a heart. I found a stone that had the shape of a heart. C'est vrai qu'il a vu un monstre. It's true that he saw a monster. He saw a monster. Avez-vous reçu votre vaccin contre la grippe saisonnière ? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Have you received your seasonal flu vaccine? Nous devons agir. We have to act. We must act. Elle est chinoise ? Is she Chinese? Is she Chinese? Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir répondu plus tôt. I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner. I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier. Elle étala une belle nappe sur une table. She spread a beautiful cloth on a table. She put a beautiful tablecloth on a table. Des camions transportant d'énormes tas de charbon attendaient à l'entrée. Lorries carrying huge piles of coal waited at the entrance. Trucks carrying huge piles of coal were waiting at the entrance. Mon nom est Tom. My name's Tom. My name is Tom. Prends-tu de la kétamine ? Do you use ketamine? Do you take ketamine? Je voulais te faire sentir comme chez toi. I wanted to make you feel at home. I wanted to make you feel at home. As-tu apporté ce que j'ai demandé ? Did you bring what I asked? Did you bring what I asked for? Le bonheur est plus important que la richesse. Happiness is more important than wealth. Happiness is more important than wealth. Nous l'avons attaché pour qu'il ne s'échappe pas. We tied him up so that he wouldn't be able to escape. We tied him up so he wouldn't escape. Passez-moi le marteau. Hand me the hammer. Give me the hammer. Elle doit faire très attention quand elle traverse la rue. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She has to be very careful when crossing the street. Il est temps que nous changions cela. It's time we changed that. It is time for us to change that. Regardez ce gros chien. Look at that big dog. Look at that big dog. Ouvre l'armoire de gauche, les bouteilles sont là. Open the cupboard to the left, the bottles are in there. Open the cabinet on the left, the bottles are there. Quoi de neuf, mon pote ? 'Sup, dude? What's up, buddy? Quelle est ta chanson préférée des Beatles? What's your favorite Beatles song? What is your favorite Beatles song? Je suis prêt, et toi ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, what about you? Tom est un parasite vivant aux dépens des autres, qui gagnent de l'argent durement. Tom is a parasite who lives at the expense of others who earn money through hard work. Tom is a parasite living at the expense of others, who make hard money. Je ne l'entends pas. I can't hear her. I can't hear it. Il y a eu trois morts et plusieurs blessés. There were three lethal victims and several injured. Three people were killed and several injured. Il ne nous a pas oubliées. He didn't forget us. He hasn't forgotten us. Je connais déjà la réponse. I know the answer already. I already know the answer. Qui m'aime, aime aussi mon chien. Love me, love my dog. Who loves me, loves my dog too. On devrait se taire dans une bibliothèque. You ought to be quiet in a library. We should shut up in a library. Résoudre un exercice tactique, comprendre une fin de jeu difficile, suivre un match en direct et essayer de « deviner » les coups qui seront joués. Tout cela est amusant. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live match and trying to "guess" the moves that will be played. All of this is fun. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult endgame, watching a live match and trying to “guess” what moves will be played. All of this is fun. Elle lit le journal chaque matin. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the newspaper every morning. La Fondation Gairdner, créée en 1957 par James Arthur Gairdner, donne les prix les plus prestigieux du Canada dans le domain de la science. The Gairdner Foundation, established in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner, is Canada's most prestigious science award. The Gairdner Foundation, created in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner, is the recipient of Canada’s most prestigious awards in the field of science. Arrives-tu à voir ? Can you see? Can you see? Quelqu'un veut se faire couper les cheveux. Somebody wants a haircut. Someone wants to get their hair cut. Profite bien de tes vacances ! Enjoy your vacation. Enjoy your holiday! Y a-t-il qui que ce soit, ici ? Is anyone here? Is there anyone here? Tu es juste différent. You're just different. You're just different. Le paresseux travaille deux fois plus. The lazy work twice as much. The lazy man works twice as much. Vous aurez beau vivre dans une communauté civilisée ou densément peuplée, vous devrez tout de même comprendre votre propre nature et celle des autres. So long as you live in a civilized or thickly populated community you will still need to understand your own nature and the natures of other people. You may live in a civilized or densely populated community, but you still need to understand your own nature and that of others. Cela te plaît-il ? Are you enjoying it? Do you like it? Essayez ces chaussures et voyez si elles vous vont. Try these shoes on and see if they fit you. Try these shoes and see if they fit you. Je refusai son invitation à dîner. I declined his invitation to dinner. I refused his invitation to dinner. J'ai quelque chose d'important à te dire. I have something important to tell you. I have something important to tell you. Qu'espères-tu trouver ici ? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Au Brésil, tu mangeras beaucoup de fruits délicieux. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruit. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruits. Je suis une lionne. I'm a lioness. I'm a lioness. Tom ne mérite pas cela. Tom doesn't deserve this. Tom doesn’t deserve that. Ne sois pas impoli ! Don't be rude. Don't be rude! La vue du homard frais me donna de l'appétit. Seeing the fresh lobster made me hungry. The sight of the fresh lobster gave me an appetite. Il me l'a reproché. He blamed it on me. He blamed me. Laurie a vingt ans. Laurie is twenty years old. Laurie is 20 years old. À quand remonte ton dernier test auditif ? When was your last hearing test? When was your last hearing test? Nous ne sommes pas des imbéciles. We're not fools. We are not fools. Je veux devenir une personne riche. I want to become a rich person. I want to become a rich person. Couvrez votre bouche quand vous toussez, éternuez, ou bâillez. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Le roseau courbe sous le vent. The reed bends in the wind. The reed bends downwind. Ça tombe plutôt dru dehors ! It's pouring pretty hard out there! It's kind of drudgery out there! Tu as sommeil, donc va te coucher. You're sleepy, so go to bed. You're asleep, so go to bed. Ils ont tous bu. They all drank. They all drank. Cette phrase ne sera pas traduite. This sentence shall not be translated. This sentence will not be translated. Nous détruirons cette dictature. We'll topple this dictatorship. We will destroy this dictatorship. Dis-moi ton adresse s'il te plaît. Please tell me your address. Please tell me your address. Tom était le conducteur désigné. Tom was the designated driver. Tom was the designated driver. Que suis-je censé dire à Tom maintenant ? What am I supposed to tell Tom now? What am I supposed to say to Tom now? Tes points de suture devront être retirés dans quelques jours. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. Tom est très occupé récemment. Tom has been quite busy recently. Tom has been busy lately. Il me faut refuser. I must refuse. I have to refuse. Pourquoi voulez-vous vous suicider ? Why do you want to commit suicide? Why do you want to commit suicide? J'ai besoin de votre réponse avant la fin de la journée. I need your answer by the end of the day. I need your answer before the end of the day. Que dirais-tu d'arrêter pour aujourd'hui ? How about calling it a day? How about stopping for today? Qui prend la responsabilité de cette pagaille ? Who's taking responsibility for this mess? Who is responsible for this mess? Tom m'a emprunté ma gomme. Tom borrowed my eraser. Tom borrowed my gum. Je sais où vous résidez. I know where you dwell. I know where you live. On a le droit de dire du mal des femmes ; on n'a pas le droit de dire du mal d'une femme. One has the right to speak ill of women; one does not have the right to speak ill of a woman. One has the right to speak ill of women; one has no right to speak ill of a woman. La famille vivait dans une misère profonde. The family lived in the depths of misery. The family lived in deep misery. Oui, Monsieur ! Yes, Sir! Yes, sir! Ce n'est pas équitable. It's not fair. It's not fair. Vous avez des problèmes. You have problems. You're in trouble. Je considère cela comme de la discrimination raciale. I consider that racial discrimination. I see this as racial discrimination. Reste assise, je te prie. Remain seated, please. Sit down, please. Ça colle pour moi. I'm fine with it. It sticks for me. Sais-tu te tourner dans ce sens ? Can you turn that way? Do you know how to turn in that direction? À première vue, cela peut sembler être une idée destinée à ne jamais aboutir. At first blush, it may seem like an idea destined never to get anywhere. At first glance, this may seem like an idea destined to never come to fruition. Nous avons un lave-vaisselle. We have a dishwasher. We have a dishwasher. Bien sûr que tu peux te fier à moi. T'ai-je déjà refilé un mauvais tuyau ? Of course you can trust me. Have I ever given you a bum steer before? Of course you can trust me. Have I ever given you a bad tip? Donne-moi le sac à dos. Give me the backpack. Give me the backpack. Je sais que Tom a disparu. I know Tom has gone. I know Tom is missing. Ne vire personne ! Don't fire anyone. Don't fire anyone! L'amharique est une langue sémitique. Amharic is a Semitic language. Amharic is a Semitic language. Je vous ferai un procès. I will sue you. I'll sue you. Nous sommes plus ou moins sortis ensemble tout au long de nos études à la fac. We dated on and off through college. We more or less went out together throughout our college studies. Quel genre de nourriture manges-tu le jour de Noël ? What kind of food do you eat on Christmas Day? What kind of food do you eat on Christmas Day? Tu devrais être en mesure de marcher dans quelques jours. You should be able to walk in a few days. You should be able to walk in a few days. Le roi se présentera en personne demain soir. The king will appear in person tomorrow evening. The king will appear in person tomorrow night. Je ne savais pas que vous étiez riche. I didn't know you were rich. I didn't know you were rich. Tom nous appelle un taxi. Tom is calling us a taxi. Tom calls us a taxi. Personne n'achètera ce truc. No one will buy this stuff. No one will buy this thing. J'ai dormi toute la journée d'hier. I slept all day yesterday. I slept all day yesterday. Tu sais où réside le problème. You know where the problem lies. You know where the problem lies. Soyez prudents ! Be careful. Be careful! Sa colère était sincère. Her anger was genuine. His anger was sincere. Permettez-moi de vous présenter M. Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouve-t-il à la maison ? Is anyone else home? Is anyone else at home? Ma vie est comme un test pour lequel je n'ai pas étudié. My life is like a test that I haven't studied for. My life is like a test I haven’t studied for. Essaie de faire bonne impression. Try to make a good impression. Try to make a good impression. Tous les touristes prirent les mêmes photos. All the tourists took the same pictures. All the tourists took the same photos. Est-il possible que tu sois enceinte ? Is there a possibility that you are pregnant? Is it possible that you are pregnant? Vous devez étudier plus assidument. You need to study harder. You have to study more diligently. S'il vous plaît, attendez jusqu'à mon retour. Please wait until I come back. Please wait until I get back. Je vous ai regardée étudier. I've been watching you study. I watched you study. Parfois, c'est plus facile de dire oui que d'expliquer pourquoi non. Sometimes it's easier to say yes than explain why not. Sometimes it’s easier to say yes than to explain why not. Crains-moi ! Fear me! Fear me! Aimeriez-vous faire un test de dépistage du VIH ? Would you like to be tested for HIV? Would you like to have an HIV test? Allez vers l'ouest. Go west. Go west. Ne me faites pas attendre ! Don't keep me waiting. Don't make me wait! L'agent de police suspecta que l'homme était coupable. The policeman suspected the man was guilty. The police officer suspected that the man was guilty. Allez, chante avec moi. Come on, sing with me. Come on, sing with me. Il pouvait toujours dire dans quelle direction soufflait le vent. He could always tell which direction the wind was blowing. He could always tell in which direction the wind was blowing. Est-ce que tu as récemment eu des palpitations ou l'impression que ton cœur s'emballait ? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently had any palpitations or the feeling that your heart was burning? Vous sentez-vous en sécurité chez vous ? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? Les tortues marines ont une haute espérance de vie. Sea turtles have a long lifespan. Sea turtles have a high life expectancy. Je n'ai pas pu entendre ce qu'ils disaient. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I couldn't hear what they were saying. Vive la langue ido ! Long live Ido! Long live the Ido language! Ces souliers sont coûteux et de plus, ils sont trop petits. These shoes are expensive, and what is more, they are too small. These shoes are expensive and moreover, they are too small. Il n'en a pas le courage. He doesn't have the courage. He doesn't have the courage. Es-tu sexuellement actif ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Ça semble correct. This feels right. Sounds okay. «les scientifiques sont-ils sur le point de répliquer un être humain ?» «Loin de là.» "Are scientists close to cloning a human being?" "Not by a long shot." “Are scientists about to replicate a human being?” “Far from it.” Depuis qu'il a visité Paris, il ne parle que de ça. Ever since he visited Paris, he only talks about that. Ever since he visited Paris, he's only been talking about that. Un cas vraiment malheureux fut soumis à notre attention il y a plusieurs années. A very unfortunate case came to our attention several years ago. A truly unfortunate case was brought to our attention several years ago. Nous étions paralysées par la peur. We were frozen with fear. We were paralyzed by fear. Il mourut avant mon arrivée. He died previous to my arrival. He died before I arrived. C'est tout ce que je possède. I've got it right here. That's all I have. Je te laisse en décider. I leave it up to you. I'll let you decide. Nous n'avons rien eu à payer. We didn't need to pay anything. We didn't have to pay anything. Où Tom passera-t-il Noël ? Where will Tom spend Christmas? Where will Tom spend Christmas? Ce n'est pas ma taille. It's not my size. It's not my size. Combien d'heures travaillez-vous normalement ? How many hours do you normally work? How many hours do you normally work? La ville était pleine d'activité. The town was full of activity. The city was full of activity. Elle a davantage besoin de lui que lui d'elle. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than he needs her. Les enfants jouent avec les jouets. Children play with toys. Children play with toys. Vous êtes responsable de l'accident. You're to blame for the accident. You are responsible for the accident. De l'eau, s'il vous plaît. Water, please. Water, please. La conférence est déjà finie. The conference is already over. The conference is already over. Je le rencontrerai demain. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll meet him tomorrow. Je suis célibataire. I am a bachelor. I'm single. Elle parle espéranto et portugais. She speaks Esperanto and Portuguese. She speaks Esperanto and Portuguese. Un dictionnaire définit les mots. A dictionary defines words. A dictionary defines words. Pourquoi ces adolescents sont-ils en train de rire ? Why are these teenagers laughing? Why are these teenagers laughing? Nous n’oublierons pas Tom. We won't forget Tom. We won't forget Tom. Je préfère la science fiction. I like science fiction better. I prefer science fiction. Viens calmement. Come calmly. Come calmly. La phrase était si élaborée que je n'ai pas immédiatement compris de quoi il en retournait. The sentence was so elaborate that I did not understand immediately what it was about. The sentence was so elaborate that I didn’t immediately understand what it was all about. Prends-tu des méthamphétamines ? Do you use methamphetamines? Do you take methamphetamines? Je n'ai pas souvent l'occasion de parler avec des locuteurs natifs. I don't get very many opportunities to talk with native speakers. I don’t often have the opportunity to speak with native speakers. Je ne suis pas comme la plupart des gens. I'm not like most people. I am not like most people. Un faucon est un oiseau de proie. A falcon is a bird of prey. A falcon is a bird of prey. Il a parlé de ses expériences. He talked about his experiences. He talked about his experiences. Je n'aime simplement pas qu'on me laisse à la traîne. I just don't like getting left behind. I just don't like being left behind. J'ai ma clé du Paradis. I have the key of Paradise. I have my key to heaven. Le train prit de la vitesse. The train gathered speed. The train picked up speed. Vous êtes celle qui m'a formée. You're the one who trained me. You're the one who trained me. Reste à l'extérieur. Stay outside. Stay outside. Elle fixa son reflet dans le miroir. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She fixed her reflection in the mirror. Vous voulez connaître la vérité, n'est-ce pas ? You want to know the truth, don't you? You want to know the truth, don't you? Depuis combien de temps vos joues sont-elles gonflées ? How long have your cheeks been swollen? How long have your cheeks been swollen? J'étudie le mandarin, à Pékin. I study Chinese in Beijing. I studied Mandarin in Beijing. Nous aimons jouer au football. We like playing soccer. We like to play football. Putain de salope. Fucking whore. Fucking bitch. Quelle est ta spécialité ? What is your specialty? What is your specialty? Enseignez-vous l'espéranto ? Do you teach Esperanto? Do you teach Esperanto? Ferme la fenêtre pour éviter de t'enrhumer. Shut the window to prevent catching a cold. Close the window to avoid getting cold. Ça ne vous dérange pas si je vous pose quelques questions d'ordre médical ? Is it OK if I ask you a few medical questions? Don't you mind if I ask you some medical questions? Certaines personnes disent que le Japon est une société dominée par la gent masculine. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say that Japan is a male dominated society. Elle était toute troublée quand le garçon qu'elle aime vint lui parler. She got all flustered when the boy she likes came over to talk to her. She was very upset when the boy she loved came to talk to her. Ma petite sœur sait très bien comment m'énerver. My little sister sure knows how to push my buttons. My little sister knows very well how to upset me. Combien de jours Tom a-t-il été malade ? How many days was Tom ill? How many days was Tom sick? Je me réjouis que les choses se soient passées aussi bien. I'm glad things went so well. I am glad that things have gone so well. J'irai si vous allez. I will go if you go. I'll go if you go. Son corps est parfait. Her body is perfect. His body is perfect. L'Éternel dit à Abram : Va-t-en de ton pays, de ta patrie, et de la maison de ton père, dans le pays que je te montrerai. The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country, and your birthplace, and your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you." And the LORD said to Abram, Go out of thy land, and out of thy country, and out of thy father's house, into the land which I will show thee. Les scandales sexuels présidentiels font toujours bien vendre du papier. Presidential sex scandals always make good copy. Presidential sex scandals always sell paper. Veuillez corriger cette phrase. Please correct this sentence. Please correct this sentence. J'adore le soleil. I love the sun. I love the sun. Ils ont besoin de boire et manger tous les jours, n'est-ce pas ? They need to eat and drink every day, don't they? They need to eat and drink every day, right? C'était négligent de sa part de faire une telle erreur. It was careless of him to make such a mistake. It was negligent of him to make such a mistake. Je ne suis pas sûre d'être d'accord. I'm not sure I agree. I'm not sure I agree. Vous vous sentez bien ? Are you feeling OK? Are you all right? L'arbre se coucha. The tree fell down. The tree lay down. Je joue du jazz. I played jazz. I play jazz. Ces enfants ont jeté les miettes de pain aux canards, je les ai vus. These children threw the bread crumbs to the ducks, I saw them. These kids threw the bread crumbs at the ducks, I saw them. Tout le monde sera satisfait. Everyone will be satisfied. Everyone will be satisfied. Je souhaite vous parler une fois que vous serez habillée. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Je vérifie les possibilités. I'm checking options. I'm checking the possibilities. On prétend juger les gens sur leur contenu, mais en fin de compte, ne les juge-t-on pas simplement sur leur apparence ? We say that we judge people based on their contents, but in the end, don't we just judge them based on their exterior? We pretend to judge people by their content, but at the end of the day, aren’t we judging them simply by how they look? Mayuko m'a rappelé. Mayuko called me back. Mayuko called me back. Je suis membre de ce club de musique. I belong to the music club. I am a member of this music club. Tu aimes regarder la télé. You like watching TV. You like to watch TV. Êtes-vous sûr que vous ne voulez pas que je vous amène à l'hôpital ? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Il te faut être davantage organisé. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. Montrez-vous ! Show yourself! Show yourself! Lorsque vous êtes allongée ? While lying down? When you are lying down? J'ai eu l'occasion de le voir à Paris. I had the opportunity to see him in Paris. I had the opportunity to see him in Paris. Je dois rentrer à la maison avant qu'on ne voit plus rien. I have to get home before it gets dark. I have to go home before we can see anything. Vous êtes revenus ici en courant. You ran back here. You came back here running. Avez-vous vécu un deuil majeur au cours des six derniers mois ? Within the last six months, have you experienced a significant loss? Have you experienced any major grief in the past six months? Nous sommes tous deux tendus. We've both been under stress. We're both tense. Voulez-vous perdre du poids ? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to lose weight? Tom ne sait pas qu'il est adopté. Tom doesn't know that he's adopted. Tom doesn't know he's adopted. « Est-ce que ça va ? » « Non. » "Are you okay?" "No." “Are you okay?” “No.” Buvez-vous de l'alcool tous les jours ? Do you drink alcohol every day? Do you drink alcohol every day? Mon passe-temps est d'écouter de la musique. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is to listen to music. Je veux que vous détruisiez tout ceci. I want you to destroy all this. I want you to destroy all of this. Elle a accepté. She agreed. She agreed. J'ai beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. J'avais faim et soif. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. J'ai commencé à pleurer. I burst into tears. I started crying. Regarde le haut de mes lunettes, s'il te plaît. Please look at the top of my glasses. Look at the top of my glasses, please. Le chat n'est pas mort. The cat is not dead. The cat is not dead. Tom est seul dans sa chambre. Tom is alone in his bedroom. Tom is alone in his room. Tom n'attend plus rien de la vie. Tom doesn't expect anything from life anymore. Tom doesn’t expect anything from life anymore. Mary pensait qu'elle était seule. Mary thought she was alone. Mary thought she was alone. Ce fut un désastre complet. It was a complete clusterfuck. It was a complete disaster. Il demanda un peu d'argent. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Mon père avait l'habitude de voyager. My father used to travel. My father used to travel. Il y a des fautes de grammaire dans cette composition. There are grammar mistakes in this composition. There are grammatical errors in this composition. Il va pleuvoir bientôt. It's going to rain soon. It will rain soon. J'aimerais que tu fasses de ton mieux. I'd like you to do your best. I'd like you to do your best. Je n'arrive pas à trouver l'adresse de mon hôtel. I can't find the address of my hotel. I can't find the address of my hotel. Quelqu'un me déroba tout mon argent. Someone stole all my money. Someone stole all my money. Tom se demandait quand la réunion commencerait. Tom wondered when the meeting would start. Tom wondered when the meeting would begin. Évitez-la à tout prix. Avoid it at all cost. Avoid it at all costs. Ils prétendent avoir des pouvoirs psychiques. They claim that they have psychic powers. They claim to have psychic powers. Vous n'auriez vraiment pas dû faire cela. You really shouldn't have done that. You really shouldn't have done that. On mange ensemble. We eat together. We eat together. L'addition s'il vous plaît. Check, please. The addition please. A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez vous un trouble de l'apprentissage ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Où penses-tu que tu passeras tes congés ? Where do you suppose you'll spend your vacation? Where do you think you'll spend your vacation? Il faut travailler, pas penser. You have to work, not think. You have to work, not think. Je vois le chien presque tous les jours. I see the dog almost every day. I see the dog almost every day. Viswanathan Anand, également connu sous le nom de Vishy Anand, est devenu le premier grand maître indien en 1988, à l'âge de 18 ans. Il est le joueur d'échecs non russe le plus fort depuis Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grand Master in 1988, when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian grandmaster in 1988, at the age of 18. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Je ne peux être vu en votre compagnie. I can't be seen with you. I can't be seen in your company. C'est un de ces pauvres types ! He's such a jerk. He's one of those poor guys! Elle a l'air vraiment jolie. She really looks pretty. She looks really pretty. Attrapez-les si vous pouvez ! Catch them if you can. Catch them if you can! Ça ne te dérange pas si je te pose quelques questions d'ordre médical ? Is it OK if I ask you a few medical questions? Don't you mind if I ask you some medical questions? Il se tint près d'elle et essaya de la protéger du typhon. He stood close to her and tried to protect her from the typhoon. He stood by her and tried to protect her from the typhoon. J'ai acheté du shampooing et du dentifrice. I bought shampoo and toothpaste. I bought shampoo and toothpaste. Je décore la salle de cours. I'm decorating the classroom. I'm decorating the classroom. J'attends un train. I'm waiting for a train. I'm waiting for a train. « As-tu acheté l'Audi ? » « Non, c'était trop cher. » "Did you buy the Audi?" "No, it was so expensive." “Did you buy the Audi?” “No, it was too expensive.” Il découvrit comment ouvrir la boîte. He discovered how to open the box. He figured out how to open the box. Est-ce que vous arrivez à voir ça ? Can you see this? Can you see that? Préféreriez-vous être examiné par une infirmière ? Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse? Would you rather be examined by a nurse? Je vous suis reconnaissant pour votre hospitalité, et l'hospitalité du peuple de l'Égypte. I am grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt. I am grateful to you for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt. Il a trop bu, il ne sait pas ce qu'il dit. He drank too much, he doesn't know what he is saying. He's drunk too much, he doesn't know what he's saying. Vas-y seul. Go alone. Go alone. Autrefois, les choses étaient différentes. In days gone by, things were different. In the past, things were different. Ils étaient fermés. They were closed. They were closed. Le groupe séparatiste de Ferhat Mehenni a conclu un compromis avec le groupe islamiste radical Rachad pour la déstabilisation de l'Algérie. C'est ce qui a conduit l'Algérie à officiellement considérer les deux groupes comme des organisations terroristes. Ferhat Mehenni's separatist group cut a deal with the radical Islamist group Rachad to destabilize Algeria. That's what led Algeria to officially consider both groups as terrorist organizations. The separatist group of Ferhat Mehenni reached a compromise with the radical Islamist group Rachad for the destabilization of Algeria, which led Algeria to officially consider the two groups as terrorist organizations. Voici un échantillon du travail d'un de nos ouvriers. Here is a sample of the work of one of our workmen. Here is a sample of the work of one of our workers. Tom chante dans un chœur d'église. Tom sings in a church choir. Tom sings in a church choir. Elle ne veut pas qu'il cueille les fleurs. She doesn't want him to pick the flowers. She doesn't want him picking flowers. Il s'attendait à échouer à l'examen. He expected to fail the exam. He expected to fail the exam. Bien sûr que je me sens coupable. Of course, I feel guilty. Of course I feel guilty. Ils ont tout misé là-dessus. They've bet the farm on it. They bet everything on it. La poule n'a pas pondu d'œufs récemment. The chicken hasn't laid eggs lately. The chicken has not laid eggs recently. L'océan Atlantique sépare l'Amérique de l'Europe. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. Skura a acheté un chien. Skura bought a dog. Skura bought a dog. Il croit fermement qu'il a été enlevé par un OVNI et a fait l'objet d'expérimentations par des extra-terrestres. He firmly believes that he was abducted by a UFO and experimented on by aliens. He firmly believes that he was abducted by a UFO and experimented with by aliens. Sami a écrit un livre à propos de cette histoire. Sami wrote a book about this story. Sami wrote a book about this story. L'infirmier vérifiera votre bras dans les 2 jours pour voir s'il y a une réaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. Tu ferais mieux de faire comme le médecin te l'a recommandé. You'd better do as the doctor advised you. You better do what the doctor told you to do. En 1985, Garry Kasparov a joué simultanément contre 32 ordinateurs et a remporté tous les matchs. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simultaneous against 32 computers and won all of the games. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played simultaneously against 32 computers and won all matches. Une pluie de printemps raviva la fleur. A spring rain revived the flower. A spring rain rekindled the flower. Avez-vous déjà escaladé le Mont Aso? Have you ever climbed Mt. Aso? Have you ever climbed Mount Aso? Ne raconte ceci à personne. Don't tell anyone about this. Don't tell anyone this. A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez toi une hypertension artérielle ? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Tu ferais mieux d'aller chez toi le plus tôt possible. You'd better go home as soon as possible. You better go home as soon as possible. Je te prie de te conformer aux règles de l'école. Please follow the school rules. Please follow the school rules. Tu es désormais un adulte. You are now an adult. You are now an adult. Et si je vous disais que je souhaite vraiment devenir enseignante ? What if I told you I really want to be a teacher? What if I told you that I really want to be a teacher? Il est souvent absent de l'école. He is often absent from school. He is often absent from school. Je rendrai le livre aussi vite que je peux. I will return the book as soon as I can. I will return the book as soon as I can. Je te reçois bien. I can hear you well. I'm getting you right. Serait-il possible pour moi de parler à Tom ? Would it be possible for me to talk to Tom? Would it be possible for me to talk to Tom? Quel dommage que vous ne puissiez venir ! What a pity you can't go. It's a shame you can't come! Avez-vous eu des démangeaisons, des éruptions ou une sécheresse persistantes sur une partie de votre corps ? Have you had any persistent itching, rash, or dryness anywhere on your body? Have you had persistent itching, rashes or dryness on any part of your body? Ma voiture est vieille. I have an old car. My car is old. L'espéranto est une langue flexible, facile à apprendre, pratique et mémorisable. Esperanto is a flexible and practical language, easy to learn and memorize. Esperanto is a flexible, easy-to-learn, convenient and memorable language. Elle est inquiète à propos de la santé de son fils. She is concerned about her son's health. She's worried about her son's health. Tom est un manipulateur. Tom is a manipulative person. Tom is a manipulator. Il a fait du bon boulot. He did a good job. He did a good job. Il y a des raisons d'être optimiste. There's reason for optimism. There are reasons to be optimistic. Un homme approcha de Yoshi en dissimulant le bruit de ses pas. A man approached Yoko, concealing the sound of his footsteps. A man approached Yoshi, concealing the sound of his steps. Pourquoi tout le monde pleure-t-il ? Why is everyone crying? Why is everyone crying? Il lui fallut l'après-midi entière pour effectuer ce travail. She needed the entire afternoon for that job. It took him the entire afternoon to do this work. Pourquoi est-ce qu'un corbeau ressemble à un pupitre ? Why is a raven like a writing-desk? Why does a crow look like a desk? Tu es ambitieuse. You're ambitious. You're ambitious. Tu te souviens de la date de naissance de ton père ? Do you remember your father's birthday? Do you remember your father's date of birth? Il emménage avec sa petite amie. He's moving in with his girlfriend. He's moving in with his girlfriend. Où as-tu appris un mot si compliqué? Where'd you learn such a difficult word? Where did you learn such a complicated word? Sami a appelé le 911. Sami made a call to 911. Sami called 911. Avec qui veux-tu t'entretenir ? Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Se battre ne résoudra rien. Fighting won't settle anything. Fighting won't solve anything. Tom boit une bière. Tom is drinking a beer. Tom's having a beer. Cette expérience compte beaucoup dans sa vie. This experience counts for much in his life. This experience matters a lot in his life. Je déteste mon ordinateur. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. Tu vas adorer notre nourriture. You're going to love our food. You'll love our food. Combien coûte l'excursion par personne ? How much is the tour per person? How much does the tour cost per person? Elle souhaite porter plainte. She wishes to press charges. She wants to file a complaint. C'est comme jeter des perles aux pourceaux. This is like casting pearls before swine. It's like throwing pearls at swine. As-tu fini le livre que je t'ai prêté la semaine dernière ? Have you finished reading the book I lent you last week? Did you finish the book I lent you last week? Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme. A dog is a man's best friend. The dog is man’s best friend. Ce n'était pas assez. It wasn't enough. That wasn't enough. Non, je ne veux pas. No, I don't want to. No, I don't. Donc qui ? Then who? So who? Sa conduite ne se prête à aucune critique. His behavior allows of no criticism. His conduct does not lend itself to criticism. Lors de mon adolescence, je détestais la vie et j'étais continuellement au bord du suicide, mais j'en étais écarté par le désir de connaître plus de mathématiques. In adolescence, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, from which, however, I was restrained by the desire to know more mathematics. When I was a teenager, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, but I was sidelined by the desire to know more about mathematics. Vous rappelez-vous ce que Tom portait hier ? Do you remember what Tom was wearing yesterday? Do you remember what Tom was wearing yesterday? Merci de m'avoir envoyé une belle lettre. Thank you for sending me a nice card. Thank you for sending me a beautiful letter. Les chambres sont en haut et le salon est en bas. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. The rooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. Ce nuage ressemble pour moi à un lapin. That cloud looks like a rabbit to me. This cloud looks like a rabbit to me. Ne te moque pas des pauvres. Don't make a fool of the poor. Don't make fun of the poor. Je suis pratiquement sûr que Tom n'était pas là. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't there. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't there. Nous n’avons pas peur de n’importe quelle détresse. We're not afraid of any difficulties. We are not afraid of any distress. Tom ne pleure pas. Tom isn't crying. Tom is not crying. Tu n'es pas un monstre. You're not a monster. You're not a monster. Un membre de votre famille proche est-il atteint d'un cancer ? Does anyone in your close family have cancer? Does a member of your immediate family have cancer? Je lui ai demandé de me ramener chez moi. I asked him to drive me home. I asked him to take me home. J'ai appris à conduire à ma femme. I taught my wife how to drive. I learned to drive my wife. Où êtes-vous allés, exactement ? Where exactly did you go? Where did you go, exactly? L'ami de tout le monde n'est l'ami de personne. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Everyone's friend is nobody's friend. Je sais exactement quoi porter. I know exactly what to wear. I know exactly what to wear. Il ne l'a jamais dit à quiconque. He never told anyone. He never told anyone. Rentrez chez vous. Go home. Go home. Il a assez d'argent. He has enough money. He's got enough money. C'est notre seul espoir. This is our only hope. That's our only hope. Tom économise de l'argent pour un voyage en Australie. Tom is saving money for a trip to Australia. Tom saves money for a trip to Australia. Le jury délibère. The jury is deliberating. The jury deliberates. Nous n'aurons pas cours la semaine prochaine. We won't have class next week. We won't have class next week. Personne de sa classe n'a su résoudre le problème. No one in his class was able to solve the problem. No one in his class has solved the problem. Vous auriez pu tuer quelqu'un. You could've killed somebody. You could have killed someone. Cet hiver a été très doux. This winter has been very mild. This winter has been very mild. Lis-tu « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo » ? Are you reading "The Count of Monte Cristo"? Do you read "The Count of Monte Cristo"? Il ne sait même pas écrire son propre nom. He cannot so much as write his own name. He can’t even write his own name. Une enquête de police a été ouverte. The police have opened an investigation. A police investigation has been opened. Je dois à mes parents d'être en aussi bonne santé. I owe it to my parents that I am so healthy. I owe it to my parents to be so healthy. Ils viennent de partir. They just left. They just left. Je m'en sortirai, si j'ai un endroit où dormir. I'll get by if I have a place to sleep. I'll make it if I have a place to sleep. Elle est clairement en train de mentir. She's clearly lying. She is clearly lying. Je crois cet homme perdu. I believe this lost man. I believe this lost man. Comment se fait-il que vous sachiez tout ça ? How come you know all this? How come you know all this? Je lis le New York Times. I read The New York Times. I read the New York Times. Nous en sommes en partie responsables. We are in part responsible for it. We are partly responsible for that. Même avec la démocratisation de toute l'Algérie, le peuple kabyle sera toujours une minorité détestée. Even with the democratization of the whole of Algeria, Kabyle people will always be a hated minority. Even with the democratization of all of Algeria, the Kabyle people will still be a hated minority. Je ne suis pas le moins du monde intéressée par ce genre de choses. I'm not in the least interested in such things. I’m not in the least interested in this sort of thing. Mange ! Eat! Eat! Qui a brisé la vitre ? Who broke the window? Who broke the window? Les mathématiques sont la base de toute science. Mathematics is basic to all sciences. Mathematics is the basis of all science. Le pot est à l'envers. The jar is upside down. The pot is upside down. Le bonheur ne consiste pas seulement à avoir de nombreux biens. Happiness isn't merely having many possessions. Happiness is not just about having many possessions. Est-il italien ? Is he Italian? Is he Italian? J'ai entendu dire que Tom ne parle pas français. I heard that Tom doesn't speak French. I heard that Tom doesn't speak French. Elle lui expliqua pourquoi elle n'aimait pas ses parents. She explained to him why she didn't like his parents. She explained to him why she didn’t like her parents. Je le considère comme mon meilleur ami. I look on him as my best friend. I consider him my best friend. Maria l'attendait, mais il n'est pas venu. Maria awaited him, but he did not come. Maria was waiting for him, but he didn't come. Pouvez-vous supporter la manière qu'il a de se comporter ? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you stand the way he behaves? Je n'en suis pas tout à fait sûr. I'm not exactly sure. I'm not quite sure. Mets-la dans l'entrée, s'il te plaît. Put it in the hall, please. Put it in the entrance, please. Avez-vous jamais effectué un travail volontaire ? Have you ever done any volunteer work? Have you ever done any voluntary work? Suis-je sur la mauvaise route ? Am I on the wrong road? Am I on the wrong road? Je me sers d'animaux pour instruire les hommes. I use animals to instruct men. I use animals to teach people. Il n'est pas paresseux. Au contraire, je pense que c'est un bourreau de travail. He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a workaholic. He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a workaholic. Qui que ce soit d'autre a-t-il été blessé ? Was anyone else injured? Has anyone else been injured? Je le vis marcher seul dans le parc. I saw him walking alone in the park. I saw him walking alone in the park. Vais-je avoir besoin d'un avocat ? Am I going to need a lawyer? Will I need a lawyer? Regarde cette grande montagne. Look at that high mountain. Look at this big mountain. Tes points de suture seront retirés au bout de quelques jours. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. Your stitches will be removed after a few days. Elle adore les animaux. She adores animals. She loves animals. Je t'ai dit ça cent fois. I've told you that a hundred times. I told you that a hundred times. Je laisserai simplement ceci ici. I'll just leave this here. I'll just leave this here. Votre prononciation est excellente. Your pronunciation is excellent. Your pronunciation is excellent. Elle a confectionné une tourte. She baked a pie. She made a pie. Je veux apprendre à chanter comme toi. I want to learn to sing like you. I want to learn to sing like you. Tom aime chanter. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Elle est heureuse et contente. She's happy and satisfied. She is happy and content. Ne sors pas de la pièce en laissant la fenêtre ouverte. Don't leave the room with the window open. Do not leave the room with the window open. Un chemin vers le bonheur n'existe pas. Le bonheur est le chemin. A path to happiness doesn't exist. Happiness is the path. A path to happiness does not exist. Happiness is the path. Cessez de faire ceux qui ne sont pas intéressés ! Stop playing hard to get. Stop making those who are not interested. Personne n'a compris ce que Tom voulait. No one understood what Tom wanted. No one knew what Tom wanted. Je pris soin de ne laisser aucune preuve. I was careful to not leave any evidence. I took care not to leave any evidence. Son visage était trempé de sueur. Her face was drenched with sweat. His face was soaked in sweat. Les prises de thon sont en diminution. The tuna catch is declining. Tuna catches are decreasing. Je suis intéressé par l'histoire du Japon. I'm interested in the history of Japan. I am interested in the history of Japan. J'ai entendu une portière de voiture s'ouvrir et se fermer. I heard a car door open and close. I heard a car door open and close. Notre toit a été soufflé par le vent. We had our roof blown off. Our roof was blown by the wind. Fais de l'exercice avec modération. Exercise moderately. Exercise in moderation. Yanni a sauté. Yanni jumped. Yanni jumped. Je suis seule depuis longtemps. I've been alone for a long time. I've been alone for a long time. Les clés étaient dans mon sac. The keys were in my bag. The keys were in my bag. La vie ne consiste pas à attendre que la tempête passe, elle consiste à apprendre à danser sous la pluie. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. Je dois me rendre à la banque. I have to go to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Donne-moi ton arme ! Give me your gun. Give me your gun! Il nous craint. He's afraid of us. He's afraid of us. Il n'y avait personne. There was nobody. There was no one there. C'est un lac privé. Il est interdit de pêcher ici. This lake is private. Fishing here is forbidden. It's a private lake and it's not allowed to fish here. N'écoute que la radio kabyle. Only listen to Kabyle radio. Just listen to Kabyle radio. Ne dites pas une telle chose en son absence. Don't say such a thing in her absence. Do not say such a thing in his absence. Elle va s'y habituer rapidement. She's going to get used to it quickly. She'll get used to it quickly. Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always be a secret. J'étais à Boston lundi dernier. I was in Boston last Monday. I was in Boston last Monday. Qui y sera ? Who's gonna be there? Who will be there? La moitié des pommes sont pourries. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of the apples are rotten. Il semble que le monde soit un endroit d'une complexité infinie. The world is a place of seemingly infinite complexity. It seems that the world is a place of infinite complexity. Ne soyez pas alarmée. Don't be alarmed. Don't be alarmed. Nous avons sauvé un petit oiseau qui était tombé du nid. We saved a little bird who had fallen out of the nest. We saved a little bird that had fallen from the nest. Quant à moi, je veux rester avec toi. I want to stay with you. As for me, I want to stay with you. Rien ne peut nous arrêter, désormais. There's nothing that can stop us now. Nothing can stop us now. Tu ne peux pas partir tant que tu n'as pas dit au revoir à Tom. You can't leave until you've said goodbye to Tom. You can't leave until you say goodbye to Tom. Je me sens tout à fait bien. I feel all right. I feel quite good. Tom s'est aussi amusé. Tom was also having fun. Tom had fun too. Après que vous ayez mangé ? After eating? After you've eaten? Excusez-moi, parlez-vous portugais ? Excuse me, do you speak Portuguese? Excuse me, do you speak Portuguese? J'ai commandé ce livre il y a plus d'une semaine. I ordered that book over a week ago. I ordered this book over a week ago. Je me réjouis de vous voir danser. I'm looking forward to seeing you dance. I look forward to seeing you dancing. Je ne parviens pas à le résoudre. I can't figure this out. I can't solve it. Il boit trop. He drinks too much. He drinks too much. L'homme mince se reposa à l'ombre de la chapelle. The thin man took a rest in the shade of a shrine. The slender man rested in the shadow of the chapel. Ne me fais pas une tête aussi triste. Don't give me such a sad look. Don't make me so sad. Quel numéro devrais-je composer en cas d'urgence ? In case of an emergency, what number should I call? What number should I call in an emergency? Tom pouvait tout faire lui-même. Tom could do everything by himself. Tom could do everything himself. Ce n'est pas ce que je m'attendais à entendre. That isn't what I expected to hear. That's not what I expected to hear. Arrêtez de bailler. Stop yawning. Stop bailing. Quelle heure est-il à Londres ? What time is it in London? What time is it in London? Est-elle sa femme ? Is she his wife? Is she his wife? Dans le monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux. In a world that is really upside down, the true is a moment of the false. In the real upside-down world, the true is a moment of the false. C'est ce sur quoi nous comptons. That's what we're counting on. That's what we're counting on. Je crois que la Chine jouera un rôle actif. I think that China will play an active role. China will play an active role. Nous t'aimons toutes. We all like you. We all love you. Ce n'est même pas la peine de le mentionner. It's not even worth mentioning. It's not even worth mentioning. Votre fils est un génie. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Il s'est saoulé à mort. He drank himself to death. He got drunk to death. J'ai détecté une grosse erreur. I've detected a big mistake. I detected a big mistake. Je ne capte simplement pas. I just don't get it. I just don't catch. Nous serons toujours amis. We'll always be friends. We will always be friends. Vos maux d'estomac sont-ils sourds, aigus, accompagnés de crampes ou d'autres symptômes ? Is your stomach pain dull, sharp, cramping, or something else? Are your stomach upsets deaf, acute, accompanied by cramps or other symptoms? Je pense que Tom croit que ce qu'il dit est vrai, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit le cas. I think Tom believes what he's saying is true, but I don't think it is. I think Tom believes what he says is true, but I don't think it is. Vous n'êtes pas très organisés, hein ? You're not very organized, are you? You're not very organized, are you? C'est un bon garçon et il est très fort. He is a good boy, and he is very strong. He's a good boy and he's very strong. Celui-là est-il à vendre ? Is that one for sale? Is this one for sale? Les livres étrangers sont vendus à la boutique. Foreign books are sold at the shop. Foreign books are sold at the shop. Nous avons fait notre travail. We did our work. We did our job. À quand remonte ton dernier examen médical ? When was the last time you had a physical? When was your last medical exam? Je ferai n'importe quoi pour obtenir un emploi. I will do anything to get a job. I'll do anything to get a job. Veuillez cesser de vous disputer, s'il vous plaît. Please cease from quarreling. Please stop arguing. J'ai vu en mon temps cent artisans, cent laboureurs, plus sages et plus heureux que des recteurs de l'université. I have seen in my time a hundred craftsmen, a hundred farmers, wiser and happier than university presidents. I saw in my time a hundred artisans, a hundred plowmen, wiser and happier than university rectors. Qui avez-vous acheté ? Whom did you buy? Who did you buy? Ma mère oublie constamment le nom des gens. My mother is constantly forgetting people's names. My mother constantly forgets people’s names. Quelles sont tes qualifications ? What are your qualification? What are your qualifications? Je vais chercher nos manteaux au vestiaire. I'll collect our coats from the cloakroom. I'll get our coats in the locker room. Garde la bicoque pendant que je suis parti. Hold down the fort while I'm gone. Keep the boat while I'm gone. Je pense que ça aurait un effet dissuasif. I think this would act as a deterrent. I think it would have a deterrent effect. Elle l'incinéra, contrairement à ses dernières volontés. She cremated him against his wishes. She incinerates him, contrary to her last wishes. Je dois vérifier ta pression sanguine. I need to check you blood pressure. I need to check your blood pressure. Nous avons parlé du plan avec lui. We talked over the plan with him. We talked about the plan with him. Je suis convaincu que mon fils est innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. Tu la répareras, non ? You will fix it, won't you? You'll fix it, won't you? Vous devez vous reposer un peu. You have to rest a little. You need to rest a little. Ça n'a pas été concluant. It was not conclusive. It wasn't conclusive. Je suis allé à deux concerts la semaine dernière. I went to two concerts last week. I went to two concerts last week. Tu devrais aller tôt au lit. You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. Je pense que Yumi est souffrante. I think that Yumi is sick. I think Yumi is suffering. Est-ce que Marika a aimé son voyage au Japon ? Did Marika like her trip to Japan? Did Marika like her trip to Japan? Quelle direction prenez-vous ? What direction are you going? Which way are you going? L'alphabet marathi est composé de 47 lettres. The Marathi alphabet consists of 47 letters. The Marathi alphabet consists of 47 letters. Prenez votre imperméable au cas où il pleuvrait. Take your coat in case it rains. Take your raincoat in case it rains. Elle peut utiliser cette machine à écrire. She may use this typewriter. She can use this typewriter. Les preuves abondent. The evidence is overwhelming. The evidence abounds. Il travaille de longues heures. He works long hours. He works long hours. Pour conduire, il faut un permis. To drive a car, you need a license. To drive, you need a license. Le noir te va bien. Black becomes you. Black is good for you. Elle m'a laissé les clefs. She left me the keys. She left me the keys. Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement contre la syphilis ? Have you ever received treatment for syphilis? Have you ever received treatment for syphilis? Il est trop petit pour atteindre le livre sur l'étagère. He is too short to get at the book on the shelf. It is too small to reach the book on the shelf. J'ai rencontré mes amis. I met my friends. I met my friends. Je ne bois pas beaucoup de bière. I don't drink a lot of beer. I don’t drink a lot of beer. Ce sont de graves problèmes. These are serious difficulties. These are serious problems. Baisse-toi ! Duck! Get down! Mes cheveux sont en désordre. My hair is a mess. My hair is messy. Elle habite à Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. Le langage humain est capable de former un nombre infini de phrases. Human language is capable of forming an infinite number of sentences. Human language is capable of forming an infinite number of sentences. Les gros titres parlent souvent de cet acteur. The headlines often talk about this actor. The headlines often talk about this actor. Il a essayé de retenir sa colère. He tried to restrain his anger. He tried to restrain his anger. As-tu des difficultés à uriner ? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have difficulty urinating? Je n'y arrive pas. I can't do that. I can't do it. Nous avons découvert une grande nouveauté. We have discovered a great novelty. We discovered a great novelty. C'est à toi de choisir. The choice is entirely yours. It's up to you. Tu peux l'avoir pour une bouchée de pain. You can have it for a bite of bread. You can get it for a bite of bread. Je ne veux jamais te faire de mal. I don't ever want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Tu l'as fait ! You've done it! You did it! Terrible accident d'hélicoptère dans un cimetière belge, les sauveteurs ont déjà dégagé plus de 500 corps. Horrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, the rescuers have already salvaged more than 500 corpses. Terrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, rescuers have already cleared more than 500 bodies. Le professeur a donné une présentation sur l'histoire de France. The teacher gave a presentation on the history of France. The professor gave a presentation on the history of France. Bill a arrêté de fumer. Bill stopped smoking. Bill quit smoking. Quelle tragédie ! What a tragedy! What a tragedy! C'est l'homme le plus riche de la Terre. He is the richest man on earth. He is the richest man on earth. Votre bureau est plus beau que le mien. Your office is nicer than mine. Your office is more beautiful than mine. Les couleurs du drapeau américain sont rouge, blanc et bleu. The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue. The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue. Ça c'est mes livres, les siens sont là-bas. These are my books, those are his. These are my books, his are over there. Quand partez-vous en vacances cette année ? When are you going on holiday this year? When are you going on vacation this year? Il a disparu en un instant. He disappeared in an instant. He disappeared in an instant. J'espère que tu t'amuses bien. I hope you're having fun. I hope you're having a good time. Soutenir un criminel, c'est cautionner le crime. To support a criminal is to condone crime. To support a criminal is to condone crime. Le temps est un mystère. Time is a mystery. Time is a mystery. Mon opinion était sans importance. My opinion was irrelevant. My opinion was unimportant. Je me sens honteux. I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed. Il doit être condamné pour avoir rompu sa promesse. He must be condemned for breaking his promise. He must be condemned for breaking his promise. Elle avait un mal de tête dû au manque de sommeil. She had a headache from lack of sleep. She had a headache due to lack of sleep. Pourquoi jures-tu ? Why are you cursing? Why do you swear? Je sais que Tom se montrera juste. I know Tom will be fair. I know Tom will be right. Un d'eux m'a parlé. One of them spoke to me. One of them talked to me. Il est son ami. He's his friend. He's her friend. Nous sommes en train de travailler. We're working. We are working. La cafetière bout. The coffeepot is boiling. The coffee maker's done. Tom a déclaré qu'il était effrayé que son téléphone soit plus intelligent que lui. Tom said that he's scared that his phone is smarter than himself. Tom said he was scared his phone was smarter than him. Personne n'a voulu se porter volontaire. No one wanted to volunteer. No one wanted to volunteer. J'ai tout d'abord refusé. I refused at first. I refused at first. Elles ont expiré. They exhaled. They've expired. Prenez la fleur que vous aimez. Take whichever flower you like. Take the flower you love. Elle ne voulait pas m'embrasser même si nous étions fiancés. Even though we're engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. She didn't want to kiss me even though we were engaged. Nous ferions mieux de le laisser tranquille. We'd better leave him alone. We'd better leave him alone. Il est mon cousin germain éloigné au premier degré. He is my first cousin once removed. He is my distant first cousin. Il n'a pas expliqué pourquoi il avait été absent. He gave no explanation why he had been absent. He did not explain why he was absent. L'Algérie alimente le terrorisme islamiste en enseignant la charia à l'école, de la maternelle à la 12e année. Bien sûr, l'écrasante majorité des Algériens ne trouve pas cela insensé, au contraire ils veulent instaurer la loi islamique dans tous les domaines. Algeria is fueling Islamist terrorism by teaching charea in school from kindergarten to 12th grade. Of course the overwhelming majority of Algerians do not find it wrong, on the contrary they want to establish Islamic law in all fields. Of course, the overwhelming majority of Algerians do not find this insane, on the contrary they want to establish Islamic law in all areas. -Combien je te dois ? -Quatre euros, s'il te plait. How much do I owe you? - Four euro, please. -How much do I owe you? -Four euros, please. Ne tombez pas ! Don't fall off! Don't fall! Je regardais un match de football. I was watching a soccer match. I was watching a football game. Beaucoup de cartes d'anniversaire arriveront bientôt. A lot of birthday cards will arrive soon. A lot of birthday cards will be coming soon. Vous me mettez mal à l'aise. You're embarrassing me. You're making me uncomfortable. Je pense que je devrais probablement rentrer chez moi et dormir un peu. I think I should probably go home and get some sleep. I think I should probably go home and sleep a little. J'avais envie de pleurer à ces nouvelles. I felt like crying at the news. I wanted to cry at this news. Ma plus jeune fille s’appelle Marie. My youngest daughter is called Mary. My youngest daughter’s name is Marie. Il n'a pas de notion de l'espace. He has no spatial awareness. He has no notion of space. Elle lui expliqua comment résoudre l'énigme. She explained to him how to solve the puzzle. She explained to him how to solve the riddle. Nous vous aimons tous les deux. We both love you. We love you both. Dans quel pays êtes-vous né ? In what country were you born? What country were you born in? Elle était impatiente de jouer au ping-pong avec lui. She was looking forward to playing table tennis with him. She was eager to play ping-pong with him. Tom était la première personne à arriver. Tom was the first person to arrive. Tom was the first person to arrive. Quand reviendrez-vous à Melbourne ? When are you coming to Melbourne again? When will you be back in Melbourne? Je ne dors jamais. I never sleep. I never sleep. Je n'ai rencontré aucun de ses fils. I have met neither of his sons. I didn't meet any of his sons. Vous devriez vous lever pour parler. You should stand up to speak. You should get up and talk. Il a beaucoup de connaissance économique. He has much economic knowledge. He has a lot of economic knowledge. Tom ne tue pas les animaux. Tom doesn't kill animals. Tom doesn't kill animals. Le palace a une grande tour. The palace has a tall tower. The palace has a large tower. Hé toi, petit, comment t'appelles-tu ? Hey you, boy, what is your name? Hey, kid, what's your name? La femme est jeune. The woman is young. The woman is young. Il me faut y aller. I've got to get going. I have to go. Chacune d'elles reçut un cadeau. They each received a present. Each of them received a gift. Je sais que tu bluffes. I know that you're bluffing. I know you're bluffing. À quand remonte votre dernière crise d'asthme ? When was your last asthma attack? When was your last asthma attack? Qui est cette mignonne fille avec laquelle je t'ai vue à la galerie commerciale ? Who's that cute girl I saw you with at the mall? Who's that cute girl I saw you with at the mall? La vie commence après le café. Life begins after coffee. Life begins after coffee. S'il te plaît, conseille-moi quoi faire. Please advise me what to do. Please advise me what to do. Je l'ai dit en plaisantant. I said it in jest. I said it jokingly. Je doute qu'il soit sorti hier. I doubt it came out yesterday. I doubt he came out yesterday. Elle est tombée amoureuse de moi. She has fallen in love with me. She fell in love with me. Cette guitare est tellement chère que je ne peux pas l'acheter. That guitar is so expensive that I can't buy it. This guitar is so expensive that I can’t buy it. Quelle est ta spécialité ? What's your major? What is your specialty? Je voudrais nettoyer la maison avant que mes parents ne viennent. I would like to clean up the house before my parents come. I would like to clean the house before my parents come. Le ténor a très bien chanté ce soir. The tenor sang very well tonight. The tenor sang very well tonight. J'adore être en ta compagnie. I love hanging out with you. I love being in your company. Pouvez-vous décrire le voleur en quelques mots ? Can you quickly describe the thief? Can you describe the thief in a few words? Attrape le voleur! Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Elles mouraient. They were dying. They were dying. Les non l’emportent ! The noes have it ! The Nos take it! Tes chevilles sont-elles enflées lorsque tu te réveilles le matin ? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Savez-vous combien de gens dans le monde meurent de faim tous les ans ? Do you know how many people in the world starve to death every year? Do you know how many people in the world die of hunger every year? Un vaisseau est en détresse. A ship is in distress. A ship is in distress. As-tu vu Tom dernièrement ? Have you seen Tom lately? Have you seen Tom lately? Nous aboyons comme des chiens. We are barking like dogs. We bark like dogs. Tu ne m'as même pas dit bonjour ! You didn't even say "hello" to me! You didn't even say hello to me! L'infirmier vérifiera ton bras dans les 2 jours pour voir s'il y a une réaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. Je veux que tu rencontres quelqu'un. I want you to meet someone. I want you to meet someone. Vous étiez toujours très gentil. You were always very kind. You were always very kind. Tom et Marie se sont embrassés dans l'escalier. Tom and Mary kissed in the staircase. Tom and Marie kissed on the stairs. Vous êtes tellement difficiles ! You're so picky. You are so difficult! Ne me dis pas que Tom est déjà ivre. Don't tell me Tom is drunk already. Don't tell me Tom's already drunk. Le juge l'a condamné à un an d'emprisonnement. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Il sait parler français et encore mieux parler anglais. He can speak French, not to mention English. He can speak French and even better speak English. Son passeport néerlandais lui permettait de voyager facilement. His Dutch passport allowed him to travel easily. His Dutch passport allowed him to travel easily. Je ne peux pas regarder ce film, il y a trop de violence. I can't watch this film, there is too much violence in it. I can't watch this movie, there's too much violence. T'es vraiment une poule mouillée. You're such a wimp. You're really a chicken. La tempête occasionna beaucoup de dommage. The storm caused a lot of damage. The storm caused a lot of damage. Nous devons penser à nos fils et petits-fils. We have to think about our children and our grandchildren. We need to think about our sons and grandsons. Je suis trop vieux pour ce genre de choses. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for that kind of thing. J'ai changé d'adresse le mois dernier. I changed my address last month. I changed my address last month. Elle le pria de ne pas quitter son emploi. She asked him to not quit his job. She begged him not to quit his job. La musique de Tom est magnifique. Tom's music is beautiful. Tom's music is beautiful. Donnez la maison à ma fille. Give the house to my daughter. Give the house to my daughter. Le football est mon sport préféré. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite sport. Que dis-tu de nous arrêter ? What do you say to calling it a day? What do you say to stop us? Il est allé pêcher au lieu de jouer au tennis. He went fishing instead of playing tennis. He went fishing instead of playing tennis. Je l'ai cassée. I broke it. I broke it. Je veux le partager avec toi. I want to share it with you. I want to share it with you. Sami ne reviendra plus ici. Sami won't show up here again. Sami won't come back here. Je suis vraiment occupée. I'm really busy. I'm really busy. Ça ne s'achète pas, la confiance. You can't buy trust. It can't be bought, trust. Cela apporte une lueur d'espoir. It brings a beacon of hope. This brings a glimmer of hope. Cette chaise est à toi. This chair is yours. This chair is yours. Enfant, il n'a jamais eu la varicelle. He never had chicken pox as a child. As a child, he never had chickenpox. Elles ne m'ont pas invité à leur mariage. They did not invite me to their wedding. They didn't invite me to their wedding. Vous avez été suspendues. You've been suspended. You've been suspended. Vous êtes maigrichonne. You're skinny. You're skinny. J'ai acheté une maison. I bought a house. I bought a house. Apportez de l'argent. Bring some money. Bring some money. La poésie n'est pas un relâchement de l'émotion mais une évasion hors de l'émotion ; ce n'est pas l'expression de la personnalité mais une évasion hors de la personnalité. Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. Poetry is not a relaxation of emotion but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. Des arbres sont plantés le long de la rue. Trees are planted along the street. Trees are planted along the street. Le problème, c'est que vous n'êtes pas assez patiente. Your problem is you're not patient enough. The problem is that you are not patient enough. Voulez-vous ouvrir votre propre restaurant ? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? Do you want to open your own restaurant? En contournant cet obstacle, vous retrouverez votre chemin. Bypassing this obstacle, you find your way again. By bypassing this obstacle, you will find your way back. Marie a deux belles joues rouges. Mary has two beautiful red cheeks. Mary has two beautiful red cheeks. Ô qu'est-ce qui peut te sauver, chevalier en armes, seul et errant hagard ? O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, alone and palely loitering? What can save you, knight in arms, alone and wandering haggard? Connais-tu l'espéranto ? Do you know Esperanto? Do you know Esperanto? Il m'a collé un coup de pied dans les testicules. He kicked me in the balls. He kicked me in the testicles. Il n'y a pas de papier toilette. There's no toilet paper. There is no toilet paper. Ne me traite pas comme si j'étais un enfant. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like I'm a child. Il m'a écrit des lettres d'amour. He wrote me love letters. He wrote me love letters. Je ne pourrais penser à rien de pire. I couldn't think of anything worse. I couldn't think of anything worse. L'automne est finalement en train d'arriver ! Fall is finally coming! Autumn is finally coming! On habite en Serbie. We live in Serbia. We live in Serbia. Avez-vous vu mon chat ? Did you see my cat? Have you seen my cat? L'eau est assez chaude pour y nager. The water's warm enough for a swim. The water is warm enough to swim in. Quelqu'un nous a apporté des raisins. Someone has brought us some grapes. Someone brought us some grapes. Il faut que je trouve quelque chose à manger. I need to find something to eat. I need to find something to eat. Elle sait couramment parler le français. She can speak French fluently. She is fluent in French. D'après le journal, il y a eu un grand tremblement de terre au Chili hier. According to today's paper, there was a big earthquake in Chile yesterday. According to the newspaper, there was a big earthquake in Chile yesterday. Je suis ravi d'entendre cela. I'm delighted to hear that. I'm glad to hear that. Puis-je avoir votre attention, s'il vous plaît ? May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please? Tu dois tout abandonner. You have to leave everything. You have to give up everything. Ils ont toujours quelque chose à dire lorsqu'on commence à parler de la politique. They always have something to say when people start talking about politics. They always have something to say when we start talking about politics. Le nez de Cléopâtre eût-il été plus court, l'histoire du monde en eût été changée. If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the history of the world would be different. If Cleopatra’s nose had been shorter, the history of the world would have been changed. Avez-vous un plan ? Do you have a plan? Do you have a plan? Il a manqué sa chance. He missed his chance. He missed his chance. L'Australie est environ vingt fois plus grande que le Japon. Australia is about twenty times larger than Japan. Australia is about 20 times larger than Japan. Voudrais-tu une autre bière ? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? Il s'est remis de son mauvais rhume. He has recovered from his bad cold. He recovered from his bad cold. Avez-vous été piquée par une abeille ? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been bitten by a bee? Les bateaux de pêche ont quitté le port. The fishing boats left the harbour. Fishing boats have left the port. Tom est aussi âgé que Marie. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom is as old as Mary. Une goutte de poison est suffisante pour tuer 160 personnes. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is enough to kill 160 people. C'est mieux d'être un gagnant qu'un perdant. It's better to be a winner than a loser. It’s better to be a winner than a loser. Combien de fois me faut-il dire cela ? How many times do I have to say that? How many times do I have to say that? Son échec est-il attribuable à de l'incompétence ou à un malheureux hasard? Is his failure ascribable to incompetence or to bad luck? Is his failure due to incompetence or unfortunate chance? Plus dure sera la chute. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The harder the fall will be. Quel genre de pain est-ce que tu manges en général ? What kind of bread do you usually eat? What kind of bread do you usually eat? La plupart des étudiants ne lisent pas le plan du cours très en détail. Most students don't read the syllabus very carefully. Most students do not read the course plan very thoroughly. J'ai besoin de ça pour un test de grossesse. I need this for a pregnancy test. I need this for a pregnancy test. Et si on commandait une autre tournée ? Why don't we order another round of drinks? What if we ordered another tour? Elle ne fait rien d'autre que se plaindre. She does nothing but complain. She does nothing but complain. Elles vont essayer. They're going to try. They'll try. La jeune fille fronça les sourcils. The girl frowns. The girl frowned. Il essuya la sueur de son front. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. Tu as été le meilleur chien qu'on puisse avoir ! You've been the best dog one could desire! You were the best dog we could have. Ceci devrait résoudre tous vos problèmes. This should solve all your problems. This should solve all your problems. Es-tu convaincu ? Have I convinced you? Are you convinced? On dit que la maison est hantée. It is said the house is haunted. They say the house is haunted. Il a considéré cette histoire comme une plaisanterie. He regarded the story as a joke. He considered this story a joke. La technique de suture du chirurgien minimise les cicatrices. The surgeon's suture technique minimizes scarring. The surgeon’s suture technique minimizes scarring. C'est vous le doyen. You're the oldest. You're the dean. Les choses que je mets à la poubelle ne sont plus utiles. The things that I put in the trash can aren't useful anymore. The things I put in the trash are no longer useful. C'est tout ce qu'il vous faut savoir. That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know. Il nous a oubliées. He forgot us. He forgot about us. Tom a dû le faire même s'il ne le voulait pas. Tom had to do it even though he didn't want to. Tom had to do it even if he didn't want to. Je suis vraiment déçue. I'm really disappointed. I'm really disappointed. Je sais comment Tom pense. I know how Tom thinks. I know how Tom thinks. À après-demain ! See you in two days. See you the day after tomorrow! Il a surmonté de nombreux obstacles. He has overcome many obstacles. He has overcome many obstacles. Tom écrit son autobiographie. Tom is writing his autobiography. Tom wrote his autobiography. Pensons à ce qui pourrait arriver de pire. Let us think about the worst that could happen. Let’s think about what could happen worse. Ils ont infiltré notre réseau. They have infiltrated our network. They have infiltrated our network. Le travail doit être terminé avant midi. The work must be finished before noon. The work must be completed by noon. Je veux oublier. I want to forget about it. I want to forget. Je n'en crois rien. I don't believe any of it. I don't believe it. Chacun dans sa classe l'aime. Everyone in her class likes her. Everyone in his class loves him. Êtes-vous sûres d'avoir assez chaud ? Are you sure you're warm enough? Are you sure you're hot enough? Peux-tu m'accorder une faveur ? Could you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? On connaîtra un jour la vérité. The truth will eventually be known. We will one day know the truth. Est-ce que ça fait mal seulement là où j'appuie, ou ailleurs ? Does it only hurt where I am pressing, or somewhere else? Does it hurt only where I lean, or somewhere else? Notre fille s'est brûlé le doigt avec une allumette. Our daughter burned her finger with a match. Our daughter burned her finger with a match. T'es-tu jamais soumis à l'épreuve d'un détecteur de mensonges ? Have you ever taken a lie detector test? Have you ever been tested by a lie detector? J'ai dû supplier mes amis de venir à ma fête. I had to beg my friends to come to my party. I had to beg my friends to come to my party. Je crains que vous ne soyez descendue au mauvais endroit. I'm afraid you got off at the wrong place. I'm afraid you've come down to the wrong place. Avez-vous régulièrement des problèmes de sinus ? Do you regularly have sinus issues? Do you regularly have sinus problems? Soyez prudents en manipulant des allumettes ! Be careful handling matches! Be careful when handling matches! J'ai oublié mes sandales. I forgot my sandals. I forgot my sandals. Elle n'essaya pas de traduire la lettre. She didn't try to translate the letter. She did not try to translate the letter. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. The perfect is the enemy of the good. The best is the enemy of the good. Personne ne nous trouvera jamais ici. Nobody'll ever find us here. No one will ever find us here. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué une hypertension artérielle ? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Un rythme plus lent serait mieux. A slower tempo would be better. A slower pace would be better. Je dois y aller. I need to go. I have to go. Son visage rayonnait de bonheur. Her face was radiant with happiness. His face radiated happiness. Toute personne ne pouvant envisager qu'une seule manière d'orthographier un mot manque visiblement d'imagination. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word is obviously lacking in imagination. Que devrais-je faire ensuite ? What should I do next? What should I do next? Elle a dit qu'elle était infirmière, ce qui est un mensonge. She said she was nurse, which was a lie. She said she was a nurse, which is a lie. J'entends dire qu'elle est une actrice célèbre. I hear that she's a famous actress. I hear she's a famous actress. Que lui as-tu fait ? What have you done to her? What did you do to her? Mes amis me félicitèrent pour mon succès. My friends congratulated me on my success. My friends congratulated me on my success. Rien ne me rendrait plus heureux que de vous voir heureuse. Nothing would make me happier than to see you happy. Nothing would make me happier than to see you happy. Êtes-vous vous fier de ce que vous êtes devenus ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? Ne fais pas encore sauter le champagne. Don't break out the champagne yet. Don't pop the champagne yet. Je veux juste le regarder, c'est tout. I just want to look at it, that's all. I just want to watch it, that's all. J'ai été expulsé. I've been evicted. I was evicted. Dormez maintenant. Sleep now. Sleep now. Il n'y a pas suffisamment de temps. There's not enough time. There's not enough time. C'est moi-même qui ai cueilli ces fleurs. I'm the one who picked those flowers. I'm the one who picked those flowers. Je ne vous aurais jamais tiré dessus. I never would've shot you. I would never have shot you. As-tu quelque chose de moins cher ? Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have something cheaper? L'écureuil est en train de manger de la pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. Je veux que tu me dises tout ce qui s'est produit. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. Et s'il revenait maintenant ? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back now? Je dois te tester pour la tuberculose. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. Je suis à la recherche d'une chambre avec des lits jumeaux. I am looking for room with twin beds. I am looking for a room with twin beds. Je ne comprends pas ce que l'instituteur est en train de dire. I don't understand what the teacher is saying. I don't understand what the teacher is saying. À quelle fréquence te douches-tu ? How often do you take a shower? How often do you shower? Si tu pousses le bouton, le moteur s'arrêtera. If you push the button, the engine will stop. If you push the button, the engine will stop. La nuit, cette rue est très tranquille. At night, this street is very peaceful. At night, this street is very quiet. Pas de vie sans musique. No music, no life. No life without music. La guerre des tranchées caractérisa la guerre de 14-18. Trench warfare characterized the 1914-1918 War. The trench war characterized the war of 14-18. Je ne vais pas venir aujourd'hui. I'm not coming today. I'm not coming today. Tu pourrais chercher dans le monde entier, jamais tu ne trouveras une femme plus belle que Marie. You could search the world over and never find another woman more beautiful than Mary. You could search all over the world, you would never find a woman more beautiful than Mary. Je voulais y aller. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go. Elle a tenu sa promesse. She kept her promise. She kept her promise. Quels sont les aliments que tu manges habituellement avec tes enfants ? What are some foods you usually eat with your children? What foods do you usually eat with your children? Mon radio réveil ne s'est pas déclenché. C'est pour cette raison que je suis en retard. My alarm clock didn't work. That's why I was late. My alarm clock didn't go off, which is why I'm late. À partir de quelle date tes dernières règles ont-elles commencé ? On what date did your last period start? When did your last period start? Avez-vous des parents à l’étranger ? Do you have relatives abroad? Do you have parents abroad? Je dois aller chez le boucher. I need to go to the butcher's. I have to go to the butcher. Les médias ne rendent pas compte de ces histoires. The media are not reporting these stories. The media does not report on these stories. Ça a été fait à la main. It was handmade. It was done by hand. Tom peut compter sur Mary. Tom can count on Mary. Tom can count on Mary. Tu es un vrai pique-assiette ! Tu me piques toujours des bonbons mais tu ne m'en donnes jamais. You're such a freeloader! You're always taking candy from me but you never give me any. You always bite me sweets, but you never give me any. Pépé fut un vrai grincheux jusqu'à la toute fin. Grandpa was a real curmudgeon to the very end. Pepe was a real crank until the very end. Je voudrais savoir s'ils sont arrivés. I'd like to know if they have arrived. I'd like to know if they've arrived. C'est chaud, ça. This is hard. That's hot. A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez toi de l'asthme ? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Mon père m'a emmené au cinéma hier soir. My father took me to the movies last night. My dad took me to the movies last night. Je ne sais s'il faut que je sois heureux ou pas. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don’t know if I should be happy or not. Il dit au tenant de la librairie qu'il reviendrait dans l'après-midi pour acheter le livre. He told the bookstore keeper that he would come there again to buy the book that afternoon. He told the bookstore owner that he would come back in the afternoon to buy the book. Lequel est cassé ? Which one is broken? Which one is broken? Permets-moi de t'arrêter à ce point. Nous ne voulons pas en entendre parler. Let me stop you right there. We don't want to hear about that. Let me stop you at this point, we don't want to hear about it. Je ne veux pas que tu commettes d'erreurs, un point c'est tout. I just don't want you making any mistakes. I don't want you to make mistakes, that's all. Ces crayons ont besoin d'être taillés. These pencils need sharpening. These crayons need to be trimmed. Elle fait de l'urticaire lorsqu'elle mange des œufs. She gets hives when she eats eggs. She does hives when she eats eggs. La grue se tenait sur une patte. The crane was standing on one leg. The crane was standing on one leg. Je n'aime pas la façon dont il me parle. I don't like the way he speaks to me. I don't like the way he talks to me. Pourquoi portez-vous ceux-là ? Why are you wearing those? Why are you wearing these? Il doit bien y avoir une solution. There has to be a solution. There must be a solution. Nous montâmes la tente près de la rivière. We set up the tent next to the river. We set up the tent by the river. As-tu déjà écrit une lettre au Père Gel? Have you already written a letter to Father Gel? Have you ever written a letter to Father Gel? Elle va devenir une excellente pianiste. She will grow up to be a very good pianist. She will become an excellent pianist. As-tu déjà séjourné dans un hôpital psychiatrique ? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? Have you ever been to a psychiatric hospital? Je veux présenter mes excuses. I'm willing to apologize. I want to apologize. Ils m'ont demandé mon aide. They asked for my help. They asked for my help. Ce genre de machine reste encore à être inventée. That kind of machine is yet to be invented. This kind of machine has yet to be invented. J'étais juste en train de bricoler. I was just messing around. I was just tinkering. Sami est toujours marié. Sami is still married. Sami is still married. Arrêtez d'être aussi idiots ! Stop being so silly! Stop being so stupid! À quoi es-tu bon ? What are you good at? What are you good at? Peut-on être chrétien et en même temps soutenir le mariage homosexuel ? Can you be a Christian and support gay marriage at the same time? Can one be a Christian and at the same time support same-sex marriage? J'ai bu trop de café. I've been drinking too much coffee. I drank too much coffee. Prenons une photo. Let's take a picture. Let's take a picture. C’est un jeu de mots. This is a pun. It is a game of words. Quoiqu'il arrive, je veux que tu saches que je t'aime. Whatever happens, I want you to know I love you. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you. Une phrase inspirée ? An inspired sentence? An inspired phrase? Pourquoi nos écoles ont-elles l'air de prisons ? Why do our schools look like prisons? Why do our schools look like prisons? Davantage de véhicules ont été recensés cette année que jamais auparavant. More vehicles have been registered this year than ever before. More vehicles have been registered this year than ever before. Es-tu en train de dire que ce n'est pas vrai ? Are you saying that's not true? Are you saying that's not true? J'ai un mal de tête depuis hier. I've had a headache since yesterday. I've had a headache since yesterday. Pourquoi ne me jouez-vous pas quelque chose ? Why don't you play something for me? Why don't you play me something? À quelle heure prenez-vous votre service ? What time are you going on duty? What time do you take your service? Tom a pris une douche froide. Tom took a cold shower. Tom took a cold shower. « Pour te dire la vérité, j'ai le vertige. » « Tu es un lâche ! » "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "To tell you the truth, I'm dizzy." "You're a coward!" Mary me fit promettre de ne pas le dire à Tom. Mary made me swear not to tell Tom. Mary made me promise not to tell Tom. Avant que tu manges ? Before eating? Before you eat? Tom prit rapidement une douche. Tom took a quick shower. Tom quickly took a shower. J'ai accepté de rester. I agreed to stay. I agreed to stay. Pensez-vous que nous avons une chance de gagner? Do you think we have any chance of winning? Do you think we have a chance to win? Nous devons l'avertir. We have to warn him. We have to warn him. Mon ordinateur s'est figé. My computer has frozen. My computer froze. Un silence s'est installé dans la pièce. A hush fell over the room. There was silence in the room. Je serais heureux que ça se reproduise. I'd be happy if that happened again. I'd be happy if this happened again. Comment se fait-il que vous soyez toujours en retard ? Why is it that you are always late? Why are you always late? As-tu déjà reçu un traitement pour une infection urinaire ? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever received treatment for a urinary tract infection? Ne sois pas contrariée ! Don't be upset. Don't be upset! Fréquentez-vous l'église ? Do you go to church? Do you frequent the church? J'ai trouvé une pierre qui avait la forme d'un cœur. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. I found a stone that had the shape of a heart. Le déjeuner est d'ordinaire pris sur le pont. Lunch is usually on the deck. Lunch is usually taken on deck. J'étais si occupé la semaine dernière. I was so busy last week. I was so busy last week. Je ne parle plus du tout français. I never speak French anymore. I no longer speak French at all. Tom souffre de narcolepsie. Tom has narcolepsy. Tom suffers from narcolepsy. Vous aurez beau étudier l'anglais de toutes vos forces, vous ne pouvez pas le maîtriser en un an et quelques. No matter how hard you may study English, you cannot master it in a year or so. You will study English with all your strength, you can not master it in a year and a few. Chaque mouvement du danseur était parfait. Each movement of the dancer was perfect. Every move of the dancer was perfect. Il s'est conduit comme un enfant. He behaved like a child. He behaved like a child. Le vieux couple le prit pour mort. The old couple gave him up for lost. The old couple took him for dead. Sami a passé la bouteille à Layla. Sami passed Layla the bottle. Sami passed the bottle to Layla. Nous devons vraiment accélérer. We've really got to step on it. We really need to accelerate. Nous avons eu de nombreuses plaintes au sujet de la manière avec laquelle tu traites tes camarades de classe. We've had a lot of complaints about how you treat your classmates. We’ve had a lot of complaints about how you treat your classmates. Je la considère comme ma meilleure amie. I look on her as my best friend. I consider her my best friend. Bon maintenant regarde, nous avons risqué notre peau pour toi. Tu pourrais au moins montrer un peu de reconnaissance. Now look here, we've risked life and limb for you. At least you can show a little appreciation. Well now look, we risked our skin for you. You could at least show some recognition. Je viens de me lever. Donne-moi quelques minutes pour me préparer. I just got up. Give me a few minutes to get ready. I just got up. Give me a few minutes to get ready. Avez-vous eu des problèmes de prostate ? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Have you had prostate problems? Je ne suis pas un serpent. I'm not a snake. I'm not a snake. Essayons ça. Let's try that. Let's try this. C'est ce que tu dois faire. This is what you must do. That's what you have to do. Je vais attendre ma sœur ici. I will wait for my sister here. I'll wait for my sister here. La farine est faite à partir de blé. Flour is made from wheat. The flour is made from wheat. Je veux vous questionner au sujet de l'argent que vous avez trouvé. I want to ask you about the money you found. I want to ask you about the money you found. Je ne suis pas habitué à me lever tôt. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. C'est ma paire de chaussures préférée. These are my favorite pair of shoes. This is my favorite pair of shoes. Ta sœur est belle comme toujours. Your sister is beautiful as ever. Your sister is beautiful as always. Pourquoi nous rendez-vous visite ? Why are you visiting us? Why do you visit us? Je suis intéressé par l'Histoire japonaise. I am interested in Japanese history. I am interested in Japanese history. Vous n'avez pas besoin de gagner des millions pour être heureux. You don't need millions to be happy. You don’t have to make millions to be happy. Quelle est cette pierre ? What's this stone? What is this stone? Il est trop jeune pour y aller seul. He is too young to go there alone. He's too young to go alone. C'est un homme simple. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. J'ignore si c'est sage ou pas. I don't know if that's wise or not. I don't know if it's wise or not. Les échecs sont un instrument d'enseignement et d'apprentissage plus ancien que les tableaux noirs, les livres imprimés, la boussole et le télescope. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than blackboards, printed books, compass and telescope. Vous sentez-vous nerveuse au bureau aujourd'hui ? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Inspectez avec soin les buissons où les ennemis pourraient se cacher. Investigate thoroughly the bushes where the enemy may be hiding. Carefully inspect the bushes where enemies might be hiding. « Elle s'est enquise de vous. » « De moi ? » "She asked about you." "About me?" “She asked about you.” “About me?” Tom ne veut pas habiter à Boston. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Je voulais te le dire. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you. Je n'ai jamais voulu être un millionnaire. Je voulais simplement vivre comme je suis. I've never wanted to be a millionaire. I just wanted to live like one. I never wanted to be a millionaire, I just wanted to live the way I am. Ne t'inquiète pas pour tes examens de demain. You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam. Don't worry about your exams tomorrow. Tu ferais mieux d'être à la maison avant minuit. You'd best be home before midnight. You better be home before midnight. Quelle distance devons-nous parcourir avant d'admettre que nous sommes perdus ? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? How far do we have to go before we admit that we are lost? Nous irons nous promener, à moins qu'il ne pleuve. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We'll go for a walk, unless it rains. Qui as-tu rencontré là-bas ? Whom did you meet there? Who did you meet there? Nous allons bien tous les deux. We're both fine. We're both fine. Pouvez-vous me donner le nom et numéro de téléphone d'un docteur ? Could you give me the name and phone number of a doctor? Can you give me a doctor's name and phone number? Tom et moi nous estimons fortunés. Tom and I consider ourselves fortunate. Tom and I feel fortunate. Mélange le riz avec les œufs et la sauce soja. Mix the rice with the eggs and the soy sauce. Mix the rice with the eggs and soy sauce. Il ne l'a pas crue une seconde. He didn't believe her for a second. He didn't believe her for a second. Tom et François se sont mis dans le rang par deux. Tom and François lined up in pairs Tom and François were in the row by two. Elles savaient quels danger ils encouraient. They knew how much danger they'd be in. They knew what danger they were in. J'ai fait ceci pour mon fils. I did this for my son. I did this for my son. Ce médicament te fera du bien. This medicine will do you good! This medicine will do you good. Nous sommes nouvelles en ville. We're new in town. We are new in town. Je peux vérifier ta glycémie ? Can I check your blood sugar? Can I check your blood sugar? L'Algérie est une déception pour tous les Algériens qui s'enfuient par barque de fortune chaque jour par dizaines de milliers. Algeria is a disappointment for all Algerians who run away from it by makeshift boat every day by tens of thousands. Algeria is a disappointment for all Algerians who run away by makeshift boat every day by the tens of thousands. Avec le temps, son respect pour lui devint de l'amour. With the time passing, his respect for him became love. With time, his respect for him became love. Lisez davantage. Read more. Read more. La gloire est le soleil des morts. Glory is the sun of the dead. Glory is the sun of the dead. On en sait peu sur Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Little is known about Tom. La faim est l'une des misères sociales les plus grandes. Hunger is one of the largest social misfortunes. Hunger is one of the greatest social miseries. As-tu envie de te faire du mal en ce moment ? Do you feel like you want to hurt yourself now? Do you want to hurt yourself right now? Aïe ! Une pomme est tombée sur ma caboche. Ow! An apple fell on my bonce. An apple fell on my caboche. Tu peux te reposer. You can rest. You can rest. Nous n’avions pas un bon plan. We didn't have a good plan. We didn’t have a good plan. Le bébé grandit. The baby is growing up. The baby is growing. Est-ce que ça te dérange d'allumer la télé ? Do you mind turning on the TV? Do you mind turning on the TV? Mon explication n'était pas suffisante. My explanation was not sufficient. My explanation was not enough. Il ne va nulle part sans sa voiture. He doesn't go anywhere without his car. He's not going anywhere without his car. Sami s'est caché dans la salle de bains. Sami hid in the bathroom. Sami hid in the bathroom. Tom est aussi actif qu'une abeille. Tom is as busy as a bee. Tom is as active as a bee. C'était facile. That was easy. It was easy. Où est la pharmacie la plus proche ? Where's the closest pharmacy? Where is the nearest pharmacy? J'ai tout essayé. I've tried everything. I tried everything. Si tu fais une sieste ici, tu vas attraper froid. If you take a nap here, you'll catch a cold. If you take a nap here, you'll catch a cold. Elles la voient. They see her. They see her. Accorde-nous s'il te plait un créneau de 20 à 30 minutes pour notre présentation. Please give us a 20-30 min. time slot for our presentation. Please give us a 20 to 30 minute window for our presentation. Quelqu'un vous a-t-il déjà dit que vous ronfliez en dormant ? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Has anyone ever told you that you snore while sleeping? Donnez-lui cette lettre lorsqu'elle arrivera. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her this letter when she arrives. Je voudrais avoir une autre tasse de café. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. Avez-vous perdu connaissance ? Did you lose consciousness? Have you lost consciousness? La prostitution est légale en Allemagne. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Cela me revient maintenant. It's all coming back to me. It comes back to me now. As-tu eu des maux de tête persistants récemment ? Have you had persistent headaches recently? Have you had persistent headaches recently? Pouvez-vous appuyer sur le bouton ? Could you press this button? Can you press the button? Vous êtes toutes heureuses. You're all happy. You're all happy. Phileas Fogg avait gagné son pari. Il avait accompli en quatre-vingts jours ce voyage autour du monde ! Phileas Fogg had won his wager. He had made his journey around the world in eighty days! Phileas Fogg had won his bet. He had completed in eighty days this journey around the world! Tom était le meilleur ami de Marie, au lycée. Tom was Mary's best friend in high school. Tom was Marie's best friend in high school. Que vous a-t-il dit ? What did he say to you? What did he tell you? Son visage exprimait qu'il était ennuyé. His face showed that he was annoyed. His face said he was bored. Donnez-moi le ballon ! Give me the ball! Give me the ball! Que mangerez-vous demain? What will you eat tomorrow? What will you eat tomorrow? Différentes personnes peuvent décrire les mêmes idées ou choses de base de manière complètement différente. Different people may describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Different people can describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Nous avons des invités. We have guests. We have guests. C'est parce que vous ne voulez pas être seuls. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Le vernis que nous dénommons civilisation est seulement superficiel. The veneer we call civilisation is only skin deep. The varnish we call civilization is only superficial. À quelle heure est servi le dîner ? At what time is dinner served? What time is dinner served? Ne touchez pas la blessure. Don't touch the wound. Do not touch the wound. Calmons-nous tous simplement ! Let's all just calm down. Let's all just calm down! Manger avec des baguettes est-il difficile ? Is eating with chopsticks difficult? Is eating with chopsticks difficult? Je veux une photo de ce chien. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of that dog. Votre réponse est incorrecte. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is incorrect. Je suis déjà allé à Londres. I have been to London. I've been to London before. Ça fait des années que je n'ai pas dessiné. I haven't drawn for years. I haven't drawn for years. Est-ce que j'ai l'air d'être amoureux ? Do I sound like I'm in love? Do I seem to be in love? Quel animal est grand ? Which animal is big? Which animal is big? Tu les as ? Do you have them? Do you have them? Avez-vous déjà subi un traumatisme crânien ? Have you ever had a head injury? Have you ever had a head trauma? L'amour vrai n'existe pas ! True love doesn't exist! True love does not exist! T'a-t-on dit quand tu es attendue ici ? Have you been told when you are expected to be here? Did we tell you when you're expected here? Il avait espéré qu’on le présenterait à ces demoiselles, dont il avait ouï vanter la beauté ; mais il ne vit que le père. Ces dames furent plus heureuses ; elles eurent l’avantage de s’assurer, par une des fenêtres, qu’il portait un habit bleu et montait un cheval noir. He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window that he wore a blue coat, and rode a black horse. He had hoped that he would be introduced to these ladies, whose beauty he had heard extolled; but he saw only the father. These ladies were happier. They had the advantage of making sure, through one of the windows, that he wore a blue robe and rode a black horse. J'espère que quelque chose de bien va se produire avant que la journée soit finie. I hope something good happens before the day is over. I hope something good happens before the day is over. Quoi ? Tu as encore perdu ton portable ? What? You've lost your mobile again? Have you lost your cell phone again? Tommy n'a pas su répondre à la dernière question. Tommy couldn't answer the last question. Tommy couldn't answer the last question. Comment vous êtes-vous blessés ? How did you get hurt? How did you get hurt? Quand j'étais au lycée, j'avais l'habitude de me faire de l'argent de poche en gardant des enfants. When I was in high school, I used to earn extra money babysitting. When I was in high school, I used to make pocket money by babysitting kids. Je pensais que Tom était en Australie. I thought that Tom was in Australia. I thought Tom was in Australia. Nous, les étudiants, nous aimons tous le baseball. We students all like baseball. As students, we all love baseball. Je ne saisis toujours pas. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. Ce boulot m'ennuie à mourir. That job bores me to death. This job annoys me to die. Tom vient de l'école. Tom goes to school. Tom is from school. Ces poissons sentent mauvais. These fish smell bad. These fish smell bad. Ils ont eu une réception chaleureuse. They got a warm reception. They had a warm reception. Tu t'en sors toujours en accusant les autres. You always excuse your faults by blaming others. You always get away with blaming others. Le français est la langue native de Tom. French is Tom's native language. French is Tom’s native language. Il y a une fille dans cette chambre. There is a girl in this room. There's a girl in this room. Je veux que vous me disiez quoi faire. I want you to tell me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do. As-tu déjà bénéficié d'un traitement pour abus de drogues ou d'alcool ? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? As-tu l'impression que tu n'arrives pas à nouer des liens avec d'autres personnes ? Do you feel like you cannot connect with other people? Do you feel like you can’t connect with other people? Tom avait certainement un but quand il a dit que nous devrions permettre plus de temps pour compléter le projet. Tom certainly had a point when he said we should allow more time to complete the project. Tom certainly had a purpose when he said we should allow more time to complete the project. Est-ce moi que tu désignes ? Are you pointing at me? Are you referring to me? Nous plantons des graines. We're sowing seeds. We plant seeds. Je vous ai trouvé. I found you. I found you. Je voulais une veste. I wanted a jacket. I wanted a jacket. Ça va beaucoup se produire dorénavant. This is going to happen a lot from now on. This is going to happen a lot from now on. Nous avons tout perdu dans l'incendie. We lost everything in the fire. We lost everything in the fire. Elle est partie en pique-nique. She went on a picnic. She went on a picnic. Tom et Marie m'ont dit qu'ils aimaient faire ça. Tom and Mary told me that they like doing that. Tom and Marie told me they liked to do this. Certains des étudiants aiment jouer de la guitare. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some of the students like to play guitar. Quel est le plus haut niveau d'études que vous avez atteint ? What is the highest level of school you completed? What is the highest level of education you have achieved? Il est monté dans le train. He got on the train. He got on the train. L'école algérienne enseigne la haine contre les juifs et les chrétiens. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. Il me faut faire mes tâches ménagères. I've got to do my chores. I have to do my housework. Merci de voter. Please vote. Thank you for voting. Leur relation se détériore. Their relationship is deteriorating. Their relationship is deteriorating. "Tom, j'ai faim." "Moi aussi." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." Il a apporté son chien à l'école. He brought her dog to school. He brought his dog to school. Ses cheveux sont si longs qu'ils atteignent le sol. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. His hair is so long that it reaches the ground. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom t'aidera ? Do you really think Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? Je ne sais pas comment je devrais me comporter. I don't know how I should behave. I don't know how I should behave. Des quatre saisons, c'est l'été que je préfère. I like summer best of the four seasons. Of the four seasons, it is the summer I prefer. Je dois recommencer à zéro. I need to start again from zero. I have to start over. La vie est très chère ici. Life here is very expensive. Life is very expensive here. Peux-tu décrire ton mal de ventre ? Can you describe your stomach pain? Can you describe your stomach pain? Comment oses-tu virer un de mes chauffeurs? How dare you fire one of my drivers? How dare you fire one of my drivers? Les sentinelles se tenaient droites comme des piquets et immobiles. The sentries were standing bolt upright and motionless. The sentinels stood upright like pickets and motionless. Elle lui a demandé pourquoi il pleurait, mais il n'a pas répondu. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn’t answer. La cuisine française me plaît énormément. I like French food very much. I really like French cuisine. Je pensais que vous vous seriez perdue. I thought you'd got lost. I thought you'd get lost. Je ne l'ai pas fait pour toi. I didn't do it for you. I didn't do it for you. Je me suis habituée à vivre seule. I've gotten used to living alone. I got used to living alone. Je nageais dans la rivière. Un énorme crocodile est venu vers moi pour me manger. Je l'ai combattu et je l'ai tué. Il a coulé dans l'eau. I was swimming in the river. A huge crocodile came towards me to eat me. I fought it and killed it. It sank into the water. I was swimming in the river. A huge crocodile came up to me to eat me. I fought him and killed him. He sank in the water. Non, pas moi, mais toi ! No, not me, but you! No, not me, but you! As-tu souvent des vertiges lorsque tu te lèves rapidement du lit ? Do you often become dizzy if you get up from bed quickly? Do you often get dizzy when you get out of bed? Elle veut étendre la zone non-fumeurs. She wants to extend the no-smoking area. She wants to expand the non-smoking area. Le souci donne souvent une grande ombre à une petite chose. Worry often gives a small thing a large shadow. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Me montreras-tu ton album ? Will you show me your album? Will you show me your album? Je pris un bain. I took a bath. I took a bath. Il parle anglais comme une vache espagnole. He speaks English like a Spanish cow. He speaks English like a Spanish cow. Merci de toute ton aide. Thank you for all your help. Thank you for all your help. Ton oncle a péri par le fer ; tu vas périr par l’eau ; ta Marie par le feu ! Your uncle perished by the sword; you will perish by water; and your Mary by fire! Your uncle has perished by the iron; you will perish by the water; your Mary by the fire! Elle n'a aucune vraie amie. She doesn't have any real friends. She has no real friends. Il était si furieux qu'il en oublia de souper. He was so mad that he forgot to eat dinner. He was so angry that he forgot to eat dinner. Je vais acheter un livre pour Tom. I'll buy a book for Tom. I'm going to buy a book for Tom. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ma tenue ? What's wrong with the way I'm dressed? What's wrong with my outfit? Tout le monde rit, mais personne ne m'explique ce qui s'est passé. Everyone's laughing, but no one will explain to me what happened. Everyone laughs, but no one explains what happened. Qui est ce mignon garçon avec lequel je t'ai vu hier ? Who's that cute guy I saw you with yesterday? Who's that cute boy I saw you with yesterday? Tom a décidé de vendre sa voiture. Tom has decided to sell his car. Tom decided to sell his car. Que faites-vous, vendredi soir ? What are you doing Friday night? What are you doing on Friday night? Oh mon Dieu ! Qu'est-ce que vous faites ?! Oh my God! What are you doing!? Oh, my God, what are you doing? Cette maison correspond exactement à mes besoins. The house exactly corresponds with my needs. This house corresponds exactly to my needs. Ticket s'il vous plaît. Ticket, please. Ticket please. J'ai une nouvelle adresse e-mail. I have a new e-mail address. I have a new email address. Quel pays as-tu visité et combien de temps es-tu restée ? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? Peu de gens n'ont aucun souci. Few people are free from cares. Few people have no worries. Est-ce que Lucy a déjà appelé ? Has Lucy already called? Has Lucy called yet? Je veux devenir un grand scientifique. I want to grow up to be a great scientist. I want to become a great scientist. Avez-vous souvent des vertiges lorsque vous vous levez rapidement du lit ? Do you often become dizzy if you get up from bed quickly? Do you often feel dizzy when you get out of bed quickly? Je travaille comme maîtresse d'école. I work as a teacher. I work as a school teacher. Tout le monde paniqua. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Peux-tu croire que ce soit vraiment en train de se produire ? Can you believe this is really happening? Can you believe this is really happening? Je le verrai demain. I'll be seeing him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. Arrête de cracher ! Stop spitting! Stop spitting! Tom et moi ne sommes pas occupés. Both Tom and I aren't busy. Tom and I are not busy. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué un trouble épileptique ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder? Have you ever been diagnosed with an epileptic disorder? Elle se lève à sept heures du matin. She gets up at seven in the morning. She gets up at seven in the morning. Cette robe vous va bien. That dress looks good on you. This dress suits you well. Il était Anglais. He was English. He was English. L'ascenseur monte et descend. The elevator is moving up and down. The elevator goes up and down. Il le savait depuis le départ. He knew it all along. He knew that from the start. C'est très mature de ta part. That's very mature of you. It's very mature of you. Elle a refusé ma demande pour devenir amis. She refused my friend request. She refused my request to become friends. Elle le frappa au visage. She slapped him in the face. She hit him in the face. Ce n'est pas exactement ce que je voulais dire. That's not exactly what I meant. That's not exactly what I meant. Ça avait l'air réel. It looked real. It looked real. J'aimerais te parler. I'd like to talk to you. I'd like to talk to you. Je peux passer chez toi demain ? May I visit you tomorrow? Can I come over to your house tomorrow? Jamais on n'a capturé le meurtrier. The murderer was never caught. We never captured the murderer. Ajoute-la. Add her. Add it. Les jeans sont en rupture de stock. We're sold out of jeans. The jeans are out of stock. Tout ceci est-il nécessaire ? Is it all necessary? Is all this necessary? Il a plus d'argent que moi. He has much more money than I have. He has more money than me. Ô Roméo Roméo, pourquoi es-tu Roméo ? O Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Romeo Romeo, why are you Romeo? Comment je fais cela ? How do I do that? How do I do that? Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué un diabète ? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Quelqu'un t'a-t-il déjà dit que tu ronfles quand tu dors ? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Mike Brant est un chanteur israélien de renommée internationale. Il est très apprécié par les algériennes. Mike Brant is an Israeli singer of international renown. He is very appreciated by the Algerian women. Mike Brant is an Israeli singer of international renown. He is much appreciated by Algerians. Il a encore gagné la course. He won the race again. He won the race again. Je voudrais te voir demain. I'd like to see you tomorrow. I'd like to see you tomorrow. Nous le découvrirons bientôt. We'll soon find out. We'll find out soon. Traduisez ceci pour moi, s'il vous plaît. Please translate this for me. Translate this for me, please. À quoi bon faire cela ? What's good in doing that? What's the point of doing that? Qu’attends-tu de nous ? What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Comment saviez-vous que nous étions là ? How did you know we were here? How did you know we were there? Elle a acheté une chemise pour lui. She bought a shirt for him. She bought a shirt for him. Je veux que vous poussiez contre ma main aussi fort que vous le pouvez. I want you to push against my hand as hard as you can. I want you to push against my hand as hard as you can. Le petit garçon a un nez retroussé. The little boy has a snub nose. The little boy has a raised nose. Tout le monde pense à la mort. Everyone thinks about death. Everyone thinks about death. Je veux te parler seule. I want to talk to you alone. I want to talk to you alone. Bois un coup, Tom. Have a drink, Tom. Have a drink, Tom. Que penses-tu qu'il se produise alors ? What do you think happens then? What do you think happens then? C'est à mon goût et à mon gré. That's quite to my taste. It's to my taste and my will. As-tu déjà reçu un traitement contre la tuberculose ? Have you ever been treated for tuberculosis? Have you ever received treatment for tuberculosis? Je souffre d'ostéoporose. I suffer from osteoporosis. I have osteoporosis. Voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je retourne maintenant dormir ? Do you mind if I go back to sleep now? Do you see any downside to my going back to sleep now? Comment épelles-tu "pretty" ? How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "pretty"? Mes initiales sont sur ma valise. My initials are on my briefcase. My initials are on my suitcase. La crise aurait pu être prévue. The crisis could've been foreseen. The crisis could have been foreseen. Lorsque vous tournerez à gauche, vous verrez un bâtiment blanc. When you turn to the left, you'll see a white building. When you turn left, you will see a white building. Les prix de l'immobilier au Japon ont anormalement augmenté. Fixed prices in Japan are abnormally raised. Property prices in Japan have risen abnormally. J'entendis les voix joyeuses d'enfants. I heard the gay voices of children. I heard the joyful voices of children. Ne dis rien à ma nana ! Don't tell my girlfriend. Don't tell my girl! Maman ouvre la porte. Mum opens the door. Mom opens the door. Le suédois est facile. Swedish is easy. Swedish is easy. Je veux que vous soyez revenue aujourd'hui. I want you back today. I want you back today. C'était une merveilleuse surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. Vos gencives saignent-elles lorsque vous vous brossez les dents ? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? La voix de Tony est agréable. Tony's voice is nice. Tony's voice is nice. À l'issue de trois jours complets d'entretiens, nous nous sommes limités à deux candidats. After three full days of interviews we've narrowed it down to two candidates. After three full days of interviews, we limited ourselves to two candidates. Ne lui parlez pas comme ça. Don't talk to him like that. Don't talk to him like that. Il n'est pas du tout honnête. He is not honest at all. He's not at all honest. Plus j'apprends l'espéranto, plus j'aime cette langue. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like that language. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I love this language. Si tu vois ou entends quelque chose, fais-le moi savoir. If you see or hear anything, let me know. If you see or hear anything, let me know. Ce n'est plus un enfant. He is no longer a child. He's not a child anymore. Référez-vous à la page 10, s'il vous plaît. Please refer to page ten. Please refer to page 10. Le précédent est inférieur au suivant par certains aspects. The former is inferior to the latter in some respect. The former is inferior to the latter in some respects. Qui est la fille dans ta voiture ? Who is the girl in your car? Who is the girl in your car? L'entreprise est dirigée par mon frère ainé. The company is managed by my older brother. The company is run by my older brother. Je sais que tu ne nous fais pas confiance. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Où est ta valise ? Where's your suitcase? Where's your suitcase? La langue officielle de Grenade est l'anglais. The official tongue of Grenada is English. The official language of Grenada is English. La Californie est ennuyeuse. California is boring. California is boring. C’est à qui, ce vélo ? Whose bicycle is that? Whose bike is this? Elles agitèrent des drapeaux pour souhaiter la bienvenue à la princesse. They waved flags to welcome the princess. They waved flags to welcome the princess. Le train était à l'heure. The train was on time. The train was on time. Plus j'ai de choses, plus il me faudra nettoyer. The more things I have, the more I am going to have to clean. The more things I have, the more I'll have to clean up. Prends ce remède après les repas. Take this medicine after meals. Take this remedy after meals. Elles essayèrent de me remonter le moral. They tried to cheer me up. They tried to cheer me up. Son français s'est beaucoup amélioré. Her French has gotten much better. His French has improved a lot. N'oublions pas que Tom ne comprend pas le français. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Let’s not forget that Tom doesn’t understand French. Je n'apprécie pas que les gens me regardent. I don't like people looking at me. I don't like people looking at me. Je te laisse t'en occuper. I'll leave you to it. I'll let you take care of it. C'est un frelon, pas une abeille. That's a hornet, not a bee. He's a hornet, not a bee. Il veut sa vengeance. He wants vengeance. He wants his revenge. Tiens-toi prêt au pire ! Be prepared for the worst. Be prepared for the worst! J'aime celle-ci encore davantage. I like this one even better. I love this one even more. Le gouvernement devrait abroger ces réglementations. The government should do away with these regulations. The government should repeal these regulations. Il déteste faire des courses. He hates shopping. He hates to run errands. J'ai bu trois tasses de café ce matin. I drank three cups of coffee this morning. I had three cups of coffee this morning. Je déteste l'ignorance. I loathe ignorance. I hate ignorance. Je sais que tu ne prévois pas de rester ici longtemps. I know you're not planning on staying here for a long time. I know you don't plan to stay here long. J'aime vos chaussures. I like your shoes. I like your shoes. Mangeons dans le parc, comme nous le faisions auparavant. Let's eat in the park like we used to. Let’s eat in the park, as we did before. Ira-t-elle en Amérique l'an prochain ? Will she go to America next year? Will she go to America next year? Peut-être que nous pouvons nous entraider. Maybe we can help each other out. Maybe we can help each other. As-tu déjà ressenti une douleur à la poitrine ? Have you ever experienced chest pain? Have you ever felt chest pain? Le film était trop long. The movie was too long. The film was too long. Dans quel pays as-tu reçu tes vaccins lorsque tu étais enfant ? In what country did you receive your immunizations as a child? In which country did you get your vaccines when you were a child? Les bateaux de pêche ont quitté le port. The fishing boats were leaving the harbour. Fishing boats have left the port. Ils sont probablement tous morts, à l'heure qu'il est. They are probably all dead now. They're probably all dead by now. On s'est excusé. We apologized. We apologized. Je veux de la reconnaissance pour le travail que j'ai effectué. I want credit for the work I've done. I want recognition for the work I have done. Personne ne sait pourquoi Tom voulait faire ça. No one knows why Tom wanted to do that. No one knows why Tom wanted to do this. Lorsque je me trouve avec toi, je suis heureuse. When I'm with you, I'm happy. When I am with you, I am happy. Consommes-tu de la marijuana ? Do you use marijuana? Do you use marijuana? Ce n'est pas ainsi que je le vois. That's not how I see it. That's not how I see him. J'ai vu quelque chose bouger. I see something moving. I saw something move. Je me couche vers 10 heures. I go to bed about ten. I'm going to bed around 10. Nous étions si inquiètes. We were so worried. We were so worried. Deux cafés, s'il vous plait. Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. As-tu besoin d'autant de licences que tu as de systèmes d'exploitation installés sur un PC ayant un multi-boot ? Do you need as many licenses as you have operating systems installed in a multi-boot PC? Do you need as many licenses as you have operating systems installed on a PC with a multi-boot? Je ne pourrais simplement pas me résoudre à le faire. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Tom est considéré comme le candidat ayant le plus de chances de l'emporter. Tom is considered the candidate with the best chance of winning. Tom is considered the most likely candidate to win. Le matin de Noël, les enfants ne tiennent pas en place. The children are giddy with excitement on Christmas morning. On Christmas morning, the kids don’t fit in. Vivre sans illusions, c'est le secret du bonheur. Living without illusions is the secret to happiness. Living without illusions is the secret to happiness. Si tu pouvais le faire pour moi, je l'apprécierais. If you could do that for me, I'd appreciate it. If you could do it for me, I'd appreciate it. Sur combien d'oreillers dormez-vous ? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? How many pillows do you sleep on? Je ne peux pas croire que Tom soit mort. I can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Il y a une règle qui fonctionne pour chaque calamité. Que ce soit la peste, la guerre ou la famine ; les riches s'enrichissent et les pauvres s'appauvrissent. Les pauvres y contribuent, même. There is one rule that works in every calamity. Be it pestilence, war, or famine, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. The poor even help arrange it. There is a rule that works for every calamity, whether it be pestilence, war, or famine; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The poor even contribute to it. Cependant, je ne suis pas doué pour parler anglais. However, I'm not good at speaking English. However, I am not good at speaking English. Vous pouvez parler tant que vous voulez. You may talk as much as you like. You can talk as much as you want. Elles ont un rêve. They have a dream. They have a dream. Yanni s'en souvient. Yanni remembers. Yanni remembers that. Elle fit du mieux qu'elle pouvait. She did the best she could. She did the best she could. Les réglementations protègent les consommateurs. Regulations protect consumers. Regulations protect consumers. Comment t'en souviens-tu ? How do you remember that? How do you remember? Prends-tu de la benzylpipérazine ? Do you use bath salts? Do you take benzylpiperazine? Montre-moi la blessure, s'il te plaît. Please show me the wound. Show me the wound, please. Tu es l'une des rares personnes à savoir où est Tom. You're one of the few people who know where Tom is. You're one of the few people who knows where Tom is. Veux-tu utiliser le mien ? Do you want to use mine? Do you want to use mine? Mon tailleur est spécialisé dans les costumes sur mesure pour hommes. My tailor specialises in men's bespoke suits. My tailor is specialized in custom suits for men. Je suis comme toi. I am like you. I'm just like you. Paul aime le chocolat. Paul likes chocolate. Paul loves chocolate. Fais-le selon les possibilités. Do it any way you can. Do it according to the possibilities. Enfile ton pantalon. Put your pants on. Put on your pants. Il avait l'air vraiment nerveux. He seemed really nervous. He looked really nervous. Es-tu souvent enrhumée ? Do you frequently get colds? Are you often cold? Je suppose que peu importe le club de natation auquel je m'affilie. I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join. I guess it doesn't matter which swimming club I'm affiliated with. C'est un homme de lettres. He is a man of letters. He's a man of letters. Êtes-vous pour ou contre l'avortement ? Are you for or against abortion? Are you for or against abortion? Les choses se présentent bien. Things are looking good. Things look good. Nettoyez ça. Clean that up. Clean this up. Servez-vous à boire ! Help yourself to a drink. Serve yourself a drink! Je sais ce qu'ils voudront que je fasse. I know what they'll want me to do. I know what they want me to do. Dans un almanach, on peut trouver les informations concernant les phases de la lune. In an almanac you can find information about the phases of the moon. In an almanac, you can find information about the phases of the moon. "Air" et "Heir" sont homophones entre eux. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. "Air" and "Heir" are homophones between them. Vas-y et parle. Go ahead and talk. Go ahead and talk. Il est temps déjà que les diverses nations comprennent qu’une langue neutre pourra devenir pour leurs cultures un véritable rempart contre les influences monopolisatrices d'une ou deux langues seulement, comme ceci apparaît maintenant toujours plus évident. Je souhaite sincèrement un progrès plus rapide de l'espéranto au service de toutes les nations du monde. It is time for many nations to understand that a neutral language can become a real stronghold for their cultures against the monopolizing influences of just one or two languages, as it is now becoming more and more evident. I sincerely wish for more rapid progress in Esperanto at the service of all the nations of the world. It is already time for the various nations to understand that a neutral language can become a real bulwark for their cultures against the monopolistic influences of only one or two languages, as is now becoming increasingly evident. J'aime la natation. I enjoy swimming. I like swimming. Arrêtons de parler de ça. Let's quit talking about this. Let's stop talking about this. Elle a placé une boîte de légumes devant sa porte. She left a box of fresh vegetables on his doorstep. She put a box of vegetables in front of her door. Mon université comporte des dortoirs. My university has dormitories. My university has dormitories. Cela m'a presque fait rire. That almost made me laugh. It almost made me laugh. À quelle fréquence consommes-tu de l'alcool ? How often do you drink alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? Je suis désolé, je dois prendre congé des invités, maintenant. I'm sorry, I have to see off the guests now. I'm sorry, I have to take leave of the guests now. Il parlait trop vite pour les élèves. He spoke too fast for the student. He spoke too fast for the students. Richard Dawkins est un célèbre athéiste. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Il l'a fait sans que je le sache. He did it without me knowing. He did it without me knowing. Nous devons tirer le meilleur parti de la situation. We have to make the most of this situation. We need to make the most of the situation. Ne me parle pas de lui. Don't talk to me about him. Don't tell me about him. Dans lequel de ces verres as-tu bu ? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? In which of these drinks did you drink? Votre réponse diffère de la mienne. Your answer differs from mine. Your answer is different from mine. Le prince a presque cent ans. The prince is almost a hundred years old. The prince is almost 100 years old. Il me faut mon propre espace pour étudier. I need my own space to study. I need my own space to study. Elle est sur le point de s'en aller. She's about to go. She's about to leave. Je me réjouis que vous puissiez venir. I'm glad that you can come. I'm glad you can come. Où as-tu acheté cette vaisselle ? Where did you buy this crockery? Where did you buy that dish? Le visage de Tom est rugueux car il a besoin de se raser. Tom's face feels rough because he needs to shave. Tom's face is rough because he needs to shave. Cette chaussure est une taille plus grande. This shoe is a size bigger. This shoe is a larger size. Marc drague tout ce qui bouge. Mark hits on everything that moves. Marc flirts with everything that moves. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I really didn't expect that from you. Il était trop fatigué pour aller plus loin à pied. He was too tired to walk any farther. He was too tired to walk further. Tu n'as pas souvent tort. You're not often wrong. You're not often wrong. Le thé est brûlant. The tea is scalding hot. Tea is hot. Rendez-vous à la réception pour demander des informations. Go to the welcome desk to ask for some information. Go to the reception to request information. Tu dois parler à Tom. You need to talk to Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Bill est bon en mathématiques. Bill is good at mathematics. Bill is good at mathematics. Je ne peux pas te payer ce que tu demandes. I can't pay you what you're asking. I can't pay you what you're asking for. Peut-être voudrais-tu prendre un peu de sommeil. You might want to grab some sleep. Maybe you want to get some sleep. Je freine. I am braking. I'll brake. J'ai encore du mal à y croire. I still have trouble believing it. I still can't believe it. Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? Oublie les injures, n'oublie jamais les bienfaits. Forget insults, but never forget favors. Forget the insults, never forget the benefits. Je connais l'homme avec lequel tu es venu. I know the man you came with. I know the man you came with. Y a-t-il des problèmes majeurs autres que ta situation actuelle qui t'inquiètent ? Are you worried about any major problems other than your current situation? Are there any major problems other than your current situation that worry you? Avez-vous déjà fait l'objet d'une admission dans un hôpital psychiatrique ? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? Have you ever been admitted to a psychiatric hospital? Tom et Marie construisent un bonhomme de neige à l’extérieur. Tom and Mary are outside building a snowman. Tom and Marie build a snowman outside. Les amants ont échangé de nombreuses lettres. The lovers exchanged numerous letters. The lovers exchanged many letters. Je serai sur le point d'être aimé. I will be about to be loved. I will be about to be loved. Veuillez serrer mes doigts. Please squeeze my fingers. Please tighten my fingers. S'il te plaît, donne-moi ce livre. Please give me that book. Please, give me this book. Je suis assise à la table. I am sitting at the table. I'm sitting at the table. Il ne peut pas se permettre d'acheter une voiture. He cannot afford to buy a car. He cannot afford to buy a car. J'étudie. I study. I'm studying. Il risque de ne pas venir. He might not come. He might not come. Je l'aime beaucoup. I like it very much. I love him very much. Il emploie une femme de ménage. He employs a maid. He employs a housekeeper. Quelle est la couleur naturelle de vos cheveux? What is your natural hair color? What is the natural color of your hair? Nous prendrons la décision pour vous. We'll make the decision for you. We will make the decision for you. Tom est marrant. Tom is funny. Tom is funny. Personne n'est trop vieux pour apprendre. You will never be too old to learn. No one is too old to learn. Avez-vous récemment ressenti des palpitations ou l'impression que votre cœur s'emballait ? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently felt palpitations or the feeling that your heart was burning? Je pense qu'il est temps de faire une pause. I think it's time to take a break. I think it's time to take a break. Vous êtes naïve. You're naive. You're naive. Foule inconstante ! Fickle rabble. Inconstant crowd! J'ai déjà bu trois bières. I've drunk three beers already. I've had three beers. Utilisez-vous un moyen de contraception chaque fois que vous avez des rapports sexuels ? Do you use birth control every time you engage in sexual activity? Do you use contraception every time you have sex? Mélanie boit du lait. Melanie is drinking milk. Melanie drinks milk. Est-ce grave ? Is it important? Is it serious? Ne fais pas de bruit pendant le cours. Be quiet during the lesson. Do not make noise during class. Mary était traumatisée. Mary was traumatized. Mary was traumatized. Je suis prête si vous l'êtes. I'm ready if you are. I'm ready if you are. Elle m'a montré son album. She showed her album to me. She showed me her album. A-t-on déjà diagnostiqué chez vous de l'asthme ? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Une telle occasion doit être saisie ! An opportunity like this must be seized! Such an opportunity must be seized! Au Royaume des Aveugles le borgne est roi. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is king. In the Kingdom of the Blind, the one-eyed man is king. Il est déjà neuf heures. It's already nine o'clock. It's already nine o'clock. Je dois y aller maintenant. I must go now. I have to go now. Tu devrais suivre le conseil de ton professeur. You should follow your teacher's advice. You should follow your teacher's advice. Les jeunes aiment le jeu vidéo PubG. Young people love PubG video game. Young people love the video game PubG. Choisissez quelque chose. Choose something. Choose something. Où est ton chapeau ? Where's your hat? Where's your hat? J'ai attendu un moment. I waited a while. I waited a while. Je n'ai pas d'objection. I have no objection. I have no objection. Ces feux d'artifice sont spectaculaires ! These fireworks are spectacular! These fireworks are spectacular! Vous m'avez donné faim. You made me hungry. You made me hungry. De tels manuels devraient être écrits dans un langage plus simple. Such manuals should be written in simpler language. Such manuals should be written in simpler language. Nous avons tous raté la cible. We all missed the target. We all missed the target. Cet artiste est très populaire. That artist is very popular. This artist is very popular. Ce sac est-il le tien ou le sien ? Is this bag yours or his? Is this bag yours or yours? Les verts sont contre tout. The Greens are against everything. Greens are against everything. Il m'a invitée personnellement. He invited me personally. He invited me personally. Pourquoi avez-vous refusé de le faire ? Why did you refuse to do that? Why did you refuse to do so? Est-ce ton premier voyage ici ? Is it your first trip here? Is this your first trip here? La foule en colère retourna des voitures et brisa des vitrines. The angry mob overturned cars and smashed storefront windows. The angry crowd returned from the cars and smashed windows. Son idée a été mise en avant lors de la réunion. His idea got a boost at the meeting. His idea was put forward at the meeting. Mets les pinces dans la boîte à outils. Put the pliers in the tool box. Put the tweezers in the toolbox. Les guêpes piquent. Wasps sting. The wasps are stinging. Nous avons hérité du don de la musique d'animaux tels que les insectes et les oiseaux. We have inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds. We inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds. Vous n'êtes pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Les deux villes sont reliées par cette autoroute. The two cities are connected by this highway. The two cities are connected by this highway. L'agresseur s'est jeté sur moi et a volé mon sac à main. The mugger lunged at me and stole my purse. The attacker threw himself at me and stole my purse. La noble comtesse d’Ahlefeld rougit et pâlit. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushed and grew pale. The noble countess of Ahlefeld blushed and pale. Personne n'a répondu. No one responded. No one answered. C'est très impressionnant. That's very impressive. It's very impressive. Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce soir ? What are you doing tonight? What are you doing tonight? « Serveuse, que fait cette mouche dans ma soupe ? » - « Je dirais du dos crawlé, monsieur ! » "Waitress, what's this fly doing in my soup?" "Looks to me to be backstroke, sir!" “Servant, what is this fly doing in my soup?” – “I’d say with my back crawled, sir!” Je serai une bonne fille. I'll be a good girl. I'll be a good girl. Je vous assure que je ne serai pas en retard. I assure you that I won't be late. I assure you, I won't be late. As-tu appris qu'un cambrioleur a forcé la maison du voisin ? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? As-tu un frère jumeau ? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? La palissade avait besoin d'un coup de peinture. The fence needed painting. The fence needed a paint job. Cette entreprise cherche à réduire le nombre de ses employés en mettant à disposition beaucoup d'argent pour les départs volontaires. That company aims to reduce employee numbers by arranging a lot of retirement money for voluntary redundancies. This company seeks to reduce the number of its employees by making available a lot of money for voluntary departures. Y avait-il un problème avec la voiture ? Was there something wrong with the car? Was there a problem with the car? Tu as l'air intelligente. You look smart. You look smart. Veux-tu entrer ? Do you want to come in? Will you come in? Plus personne ne lui fait confiance. No one trusts him any more. No one trusts him anymore. J'ai entendu une voix que je n'ai pas reconnue. I heard a voice I didn't recognize. I heard a voice I didn't recognize. Ne mangez pas de cochonneries. Don't eat garbage. Don't eat junk. Ma femme est bon imprésario. My wife is a good manager. My wife is a good impresario. Mon père me lisait des histoires pour dormir. My father used to read me bedtime stories. My father used to read me stories for sleep. Mon grand-père fut tué pendant la 2e guerre mondiale. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed in World War II. Vous étiez celui qui était derrière ça. You were the one behind this. You were the one behind it. Ce n'est pas ton seul problème. That isn't your only problem. That's not your only problem. De quelles preuves disposes-tu ? What evidence do you have? What evidence do you have? Quand j'étais étudiant, je vivais à Paris. When I was a student I lived in Paris. When I was a student, I lived in Paris. T'es un bon garçon ! You're a good boy. You're a good boy! Ce n'est pas vraiment nécessaire. That's not really necessary. It's not really necessary. Que faisais-tu dans sa chambre ? What were you doing in his room? What were you doing in her room? Connaître l'histoire des grands jeux et des grands tournois nous rend plus intéressés par la compréhension du jeu fascinant des échecs. Knowing the history of big games and big tournaments makes us more interested in understanding the fascinating game of chess. Knowing the history of great games and tournaments makes us more interested in understanding the fascinating game of chess. Je veux voir ta photo. I want to see your picture. I want to see your picture. Tu as fait sa connaissance récemment ? Did you meet him recently? Did you meet him recently? Je n'ai pas mangé hier. I didn't eat yesterday. I didn't eat yesterday. On ne devrait pas faire de blague au dépens des autres. We shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense. We shouldn’t make jokes at the expense of others. Il l'a détournée de son mari. He lured her away from her husband. He turned her away from her husband. Je n'ai pas réalisé que vous étiez éveillés. I didn't realize you were awake. I didn't realize you were awake. Sois le chasseur ou le gibier, mais ne sois pas le chien qui amène le chasseur au gibier. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the hunter to the prey. Be the hunter or the game, but do not be the dog that brings the hunter to the game. Tom l'a enlevé. Tom abducted him. Tom took it away. Nulle part on ne put trouver l'anneau. The ring couldn't be found anywhere. Nowhere was the ring found. Il a l'habitude de parler à des étrangers. He is used to talking to foreigners. He used to talk to strangers. Sami déposa Layla à son lieu de destination. Sami dropped Layla at her destination. Sami dropped Layla off at her destination. Partout, il y avait des fruits et de douces et adorables fleurs. Everywhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers. Everywhere there were fruits and sweet and adorable flowers. Sais-tu comment parvenir chez nous ? Do you know how to get to our place? Do you know how to get to our house? Ses parents sont-ils divorcés ? Are her parents divorced? Are his parents divorced? Je souhaite te parler une fois que tu seras habillée. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Tu peux être tout ce que tu veux. You can be anything you want. You can be anything you want. J'ignorais que vous aviez le rhume des foins. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Ce n'est pas le travail qui manque, par ici. There's no shortage of work around here. It's not the work that's missing around here. Que dis-tu si on sort dîner ce soir ? What do you say to dining out tonight? What do you say if we go out for dinner tonight? Shivaji Maharaj fut le fondateur de l'Empire marathe. Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire. Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire. Je ne crois pas que ça soit la vérité. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. Où sommes-nous supposés nous asseoir ? Where are we supposed to sit? Where are we supposed to sit? Je me demande quel est son nom. I wonder what his name is. I wonder what his name is. Tu nous crains. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of us. La famille Van Horn était prospère. The Van Horn family was prosperous. The Van Horn family was prosperous. Vous avez l'air satisfait. You look satisfied. You look satisfied. Nous prévoyons de passer notre lune de miel à l'étranger. We're planning to spend our honeymoon abroad. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. Vous conduisez. You drive. You're driving. J'étais sûr que vous changeriez d'avis. I was sure that you'd change your mind. I was sure you'd change your mind. Tu dormais. You were asleep. You were asleep. J'adore étudier le français. I love studying French. I love studying French. Il partit tôt. He left early. He left early. C'était très facile. That was very easy. It was very easy. Je ne voudrais jamais faire partie d'un club qui m'accepterait pour membre. I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member. I would never want to be part of a club that would accept me as a member. Comment puis-je supprimer une phrase en double ? How can I delete a repeated sentence? How do I delete a duplicate sentence? Mes amies me manquent. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. Je pensais que tu pourrais m'aider. I thought you could help me. I thought you could help me. Je ne sais quoi essayer d'autre. I don't know what else to try. I don't know what else to try. Pourquoi as-tu quitté ton dernier travail ? Why did you leave your last job? Why did you leave your last job? Je l'ai beaucoup aimé. I liked it a lot. I liked it very much. Il a fait de gros efforts pour pouvoir passer cet examen. He did serious effort, in order to pass an examination. He made great efforts to be able to pass this examination. Si tu m'avais demandé de t'épouser, j'aurais dit oui. If you had asked me to marry you, I would have said yes. If you had asked me to marry you, I would have said yes. J'ai peur des dentistes. I'm scared of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Son visage semble entièrement restructuré. Her face looks completely restructured. His face seems completely restructured. Vous trouverez le livre à la bibliothèque. You'll find the book in the library. You will find the book in the library. Je suis heureux d'aider. I'm happy to help. I'm happy to help. Il est plutôt optimiste. He is rather optimistic. He is rather optimistic. Adam doit s'inquiéter pour lui-même. Adam has to worry about himself. Adam must be worried about himself. Je suis de la côte Est. I'm from the East Coast. I'm from the East Coast. J'ai entendu dire qu'en Angleterre l'herbe était verte même en hiver. I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England. I have heard that in England the grass is green even in winter. Que dirais-tu de midi quarante-cinq ? How about 12:45? How about midday forty-five? Les animaux n'ont pas de raison. Animals have no reason. Animals have no reason. Ne restez pas plantée là ! Don't just stand there. Don't stand there! Je ne sais pas exactement quand il arrivera. I don't know exactly when he will arrive. I don't know exactly when he'll arrive. Marie travaille pour une ONG en Afrique. Mary works for an NGO in Africa. Marie works for an NGO in Africa. Elle a un chat blanc. She has a white cat. She has a white cat. Mon fils est allé faire ses études de médecine aux États-Unis d'Amérique. My son went to the United States to study medicine. My son went to study medicine in the United States of America. La plupart des villes européennes sont très anciennes. Most European cities are very old. Most European cities are very old. Ne bougez pas ou je tire. Stop, or I'll shoot. Don't move or I'll shoot. Ce garçon a fait exprès de frapper son fils. That boy hit her child on purpose. This boy purposely hit his son. Ils éternuèrent. They sneezed. They sneeze. Prends quelques jours de congé. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. Le budget de Tom contenait beaucoup d'estimations approximatives. Tom's budget contained a lot of guesstimates. Tom's budget contained a lot of rough estimates. Il est absent en congés. He's away on vacation. He is absent on leave. Est-ce du tchèque ? Is that Czech? Is it Czech? Ne parlez pas de ma famille ! Don't talk about my family. Don't talk about my family! Hé, Tom, je peux te demander quelque chose ? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Le déclenchement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1939, a rendu impossible la réalisation du match entre Alexander Alekhine et Paul Keres pour le championnat du monde d'échecs à cette époque. The outbreak of World War II, in 1939, made it impossible to carry out the match between Alexander Alekhine and Paul Keres for the World Chess Championship at that time. The outbreak of World War II, in 1939, made it impossible to achieve the match between Alexander Alekhine and Paul Keres for the World Chess Championship at that time. Tom pèse plus de 80 kg. Tom is over 80 kilos. Tom weighs more than 80 kg. Regardez ! Look. Look! Vous êtes la personne la plus incroyable que j'aie jamais rencontrée. You're the most incredible person I've ever met. You're the most incredible person I've ever met. Un prince vint sur un cheval blanc. A prince came on a white horse. A prince came on a white horse. Il ne voulait pas la voir. He didn't want to see her. He didn't want to see her. Il y a des personnes qui pensent que l'espagnol et le portugais sont la même langue. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. There are people who think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Parler l'anglais est difficile. Speaking English is difficult. Speaking English is difficult. Ta voiture est plus chère que la mienne. Your car is more expensive than mine. Your car is more expensive than mine. Il a embouti sa voiture parce que quelqu'un avait trafiqué les freins. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He hit his car because someone had tampered with the brakes. M'appréciez-vous aussi ? Do you like me, too? Do you like me too? Vous n'êtes pas si intéressantes. You're not that interesting. You're not that interesting. Tom ne voulait même pas manger. Tom didn't even want to eat. Tom didn’t even want to eat. Quand deux armées s'affrontent, ceux qui peuvent se battre doivent se battre, ceux qui ne peuvent pas se battre doivent protéger, ceux qui ne peuvent pas protéger doivent fuir, ceux qui ne peuvent pas fuir doivent se rendre, et ceux qui ne peuvent pas se rendre doivent mourir. When two armies oppose one another, those who can fight should fight, those who can't fight should guard, those who can't guard should flee, those who can't flee should surrender, and those who can't surrender should die. When two armies clash, those who can fight must fight, those who cannot fight must protect, those who cannot protect must flee, those who cannot flee must surrender, and those who cannot surrender must die. J'ai joué au catch avec mon père. I played catch with my father. I played wrestling with my father. Une armée de nettoyeurs de phrases a débarqué sur Tatoeba. Ils n’auront de cesse que d’avoir éliminé tout ce qui ne rentre pas dans leurs normes étriquées. An army of sentence purifiers landed on Tatoeba. They will not rest until they eliminate everything that does not fit their narrow standards. An army of sentence cleaners has landed on Tatoeba, and they will only have to eliminate everything that does not fit into their narrow standards. En Kabylie, on parle le kabyle. In Kabylia they speak Kabyle. In Kabylia, we speak kabyle. Je ne veux pas que tu restes. I don't want you to stay. I don't want you to stay. Mais lorsque je suis arrivé en Chine cette fois là, j'avais une famille pour m'accueillir. But when I arrived in China that time, I had a family waiting for me. But when I arrived in China this time, I had a family to welcome me. J'ai l'impression que tu te moques de moi. I get the impression that you are kidding me. I feel like you're making fun of me. Mohand Georges Iguerbouchène est le premier compositeur kabyle de musique classique. Mohand Georges Iguerbouchène is the first Kabyle composer of classical music. Mohand Georges Iguerbouchene is the first Kabyle composer of classical music. Vous êtes-vous regardé dans un miroir dernièrement ? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately? Have you looked in a mirror lately? Nous avons deux enfants. We have two children. We have two children. Il court fort vite. He runs very fast. He runs very fast. Vous êtes trop jeunes pour savoir ce qu'est une règle à calcul. You're too young to know what a slide rule is. You are too young to know what a rule is. Quelle bonne danseuse est Aoi! What a good dancer Aoi is! What a good dancer is Aoi! Le Rhin est la limite séparant la France et l'Allemagne. The Rhine is the boundary between France and Germany. The Rhine is the boundary between France and Germany. Tu parles trop doucement pour que je puisse entendre ce que tu dis. You're speaking too quietly for me to hear what you're saying. You're talking too slowly for me to hear what you're saying. Je sais que tu as peur. I know that you're afraid. I know you're scared. Tu n'étais pas sérieuse, si ? You weren't serious, were you? You weren't serious, were you? Il y a une machine à laver dans la cave. There's a washing machine in the cellar. There is a washing machine in the cellar. J'ai été trop abasourdi pour parler. I was too stunned to talk. I was too stunned to talk. Fournissez-moi une bonne raison. Give me one good reason. Give me a good reason. Je suis reconnaissant envers mes parents pour avoir fait tout ce qu'ils ont fait pour moi. I'm grateful to my parents for doing everything they've done for me. I am grateful to my parents for doing everything they have done for me. Je ne parviens pas à me rappeler quand était la dernière fois que je l'ai vue sourire. I can't remember when was the last time I've seen her smile. I can't remember when was the last time I saw her smile. Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement pour une infection urinaire ? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever received treatment for a urinary tract infection? Tu as mangé. You've eaten. You ate. Vous ne semblez pas très sûre. You don't seem very sure. You don't seem very sure. Nous serons toutes là pour toi. We'll all be here for you. We will all be there for you. Je me couche à dix heures et demie. I go to bed at 10.30. I go to bed at half past ten. N'est-ce pas profitable ? Isn't it profitable? Isn't it profitable? Ils sont venus la semaine passée. They came last week. They came last week. Il fanfaronne chaque fois qu'il est en présence de femmes. He swaggers whenever he's near women. He flaunts every time he is in the presence of women. Je suis fier de faire partie de ce projet. I am proud to be a part of this project. I am proud to be part of this project. Il avait promis de venir et il n'est pas venu. He promised to come, and didn't. He promised to come and he didn’t. Tom ne mange rien d'autre que les plats de sa mère. Tom eats nothing but his mother's cooking. Tom eats nothing but his mother's food. Tom a dit que j'avais l'air malheureux. Tom said I looked unhappy. Tom said I looked unhappy. Je voudrais gagner ma nourriture pendant que je séjourne chez toi. I'd like to earn my keep while I'm staying with you. I would like to earn my food while I stay with you. Pourquoi ne vous étendez-vous pas un moment ? Why don't you lie down for a while? Why don't you lie down for a moment? Les arabes algériens voilent leurs soeurs mais violent et tabassent les femmes qui ne sont pas voilées. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters but violate and beat women who are not veiled. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters but rape and beat women who are not veiled. Elle n'est pas apte pour le poste. She isn't fit for the job. She's not fit for the job. J'ai un frère aîné et deux sœurs cadettes. I have one big brother and two little sisters. I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Pensez-vous vraiment que Tom vous aidera ? Do you really think Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? Honnêtement, je préfèrerais me tromper. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong. Honestly, I'd rather be wrong. Il est précisément celui que tu cherches. He is precisely the one you are looking for. He is precisely the one you are looking for. Les médias sont l'entité la plus puissante sur terre. Ils ont le pouvoir de rendre coupable l'innocent et innocent le coupable et c'est ça le pouvoir. Parce qu'ils contrôlent les esprits des masses. The media's the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to convict the innocent and innocent the guilty and that is power. Because they control the minds of the masses. J'habite ici depuis que je suis marié. I've lived here since getting married. I've lived here since I was married. Je ne peux pas laisser Tom continuer à faire ça. I can't let Tom keep doing that. I can't let Tom continue to do that. Cette fleur bleue est magnifique. This blue flower is beautiful. This blue flower is beautiful. Ils ont même prénommé leur garçon en ton honneur. They even named their boy after you. They even named their boy after you. Je suis désolée d'être tellement en retard. J'avais complètement oublié le rendez-vous. I'm sorry to be so late. The meeting completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry I'm so late. Je veux que vous soyez mon ami. I want you to be my friend. I want you to be my friend. Tom a l'air très heureux. Tom seems very happy. Tom looks very happy. Il me semble que tu es honnête. It seems to me that you are honest. I think you're being honest. Elle a éclaté de rire. She burst into laughter. She burst out laughing. J'aimerais finir le travail. I'd like to finish the job. I'd like to finish the job. Qui est-ce qui joue du piano ? Who is playing the piano? Who plays the piano? Un homme est venu te voir la nuit dernière. A man called on you last night. A man came to see you last night. Apprendre l'ido est si facile que vous pourrez l'utiliser presque aussitôt. Learning Ido is so easy that you will be able to use it almost immediately. Learning the ido is so easy that you can use it almost immediately. Je peux vérifier votre tension artérielle ? Can I check your blood pressure? Can I check your blood pressure? Comment payerai-je mes dettes, désormais ? How will I pay my debts now? How will I pay off my debts now? Rien d'extraordinaire ne s'est produit. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Nothing extraordinary happened. Je n'avais pas préparé d'exposé. Je l'ai donc fait à l'esbroufe. I didn't prepare a presentation. So I just blagged it. I didn't prepare a presentation, so I did it with a slingshot. Comme vous êtes grand ! How tall you are! How big you are! Elles n'aiment pas faire cela. They don't like to do that. They don't like to do that. Mon passe-temps consiste à collectionner les insectes. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is collecting insects. Ann ne viendra pas à notre fête. Ann will not come to our party. Ann won't come to our party. J'ai de la compagnie. I've got company. I have company. Cette eau a bon goût. This water tastes good. This water has good taste. Mademoiselle March m'a donné un dictionnaire anglais. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Je sais ce qu'elles veulent que je fasse. I know what they want me to do. I know what they want me to do. Voulez-vous voir mon chat ? Do you want to see my cat? Would you like to see my cat? Je n'ai pas pu obtenir un autre exemplaire du livre. I couldn't get another copy of the book. I couldn’t get another copy of the book. Les trois furent arrêtées. The three were arrested. All three were arrested. Combien de pièces le premier étage de votre maison comporte-t-il ? How many rooms are there on the second floor of your house? How many rooms does the first floor of your house have? La cantine est sous-utilisée mais toujours sale et négligée. The canteen is underused, but always dirty and neglected. The canteen is underused but still dirty and neglected. Vous en a-t-elle parlé ? Did she talk to you about it? Did she tell you about it? Comment allez-vous payer pour ça ? How are we going to pay for that? How are you going to pay for that? Je n'ai rien appris de nouveau. I learned nothing new. I didn't learn anything new. La justice suivra son cours. Justice will take its course. Justice will take its course. Veuillez voter. Please vote. Please vote. L'homme est un organisme complexe. Man is a complex organism. Man is a complex organism. Tu n'as qu'à appeler Jean. You simply have to call Jean. All you have to do is call Jean. Je me suis endormi en faisant mes devoirs. I fell asleep while I was doing my homework. I fell asleep doing my homework. Je n'aime pas la viande. I don't like meat. I don't like meat. Tiens le poids au-dessus de ta tête jusqu'à ce que tes bras commencent à faiblir. Hold the weight above your head until your arms begin to falter. Hold the weight over your head until your arms start to weaken. Je ne peux plus supporter son arrogance. I can't stand his arrogance any longer. I can no longer bear his arrogance. Tout le monde tombe amoureux au moins une fois dans sa vie. Everybody falls in love at least once in their lives. Everyone falls in love at least once in their life. As-tu récemment changé de savon ou de détergent à lessive ? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed from soap or laundry detergent? Elles sont tombées. They fell. They fell. Le dauphin et le dresseur communiquaient beaucoup mieux que nous ne nous y attendions. The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected. The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected. Ils étaient des amis soudés. They were close-knit friends. They were close friends. Sans les femmes le commencement de notre vie serait privé de secours, le milieu de plaisirs et la fin de consolation. Without women, the beginning of our life would be helpless; the middle, devoid of pleasure; and the end, of consolation. Without women the beginning of our life would be deprived of help, the middle of pleasures and the end of consolation. J'aime les hérissons. I love hedgehogs. I like hedgehogs. Elle lui fit un au revoir de la main. She waved goodbye to him. She said goodbye to him with her hand. Jamais je n'ai rêvé de t'épouser. Never have I dreamed of marrying you. I never dreamed of marrying you. Je comprends le problème. I understand the problem. I understand the problem. Le mont Everest est la plus grande montagne du monde. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the whole world. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the world. C'est trois heures de porte-à-porte. It's three hours door-to-door. It's three hours door-to-door. Actuellement, les joueurs d'échecs ont des programmes informatiques avancés, tels que Alpha Zero, Deep Mind et Stockfish, pour analyser n'importe quelle position dans une partie d'échecs. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs, such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind, and Stockfish, to analyze any position in a chess game. Currently, chess players have advanced computer programs, such as Alpha Zero, Deep Mind, and Stockfish, to analyze any position in a chess game. Je pense que vous êtes drôle. I think you're funny. I think you're funny. Je n'en suis pas sûr. I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure. Êtes-vous prêtes à faire la fête ? Are you ready to party? Are you ready to party? L'Amazone a un grand nombre d'affluents. The Amazon is fed by a large number of tributaries. The Amazon has a large number of affluents. Où est l'éponge ? Where's the sponge? Where's the sponge? Je te laisserai en décider. I'll leave it up to you. I'll let you decide. As-tu la moindre idée de combien je me sens désormais idiote ? Do you have any idea how stupid I feel right now? Do you have any idea how stupid I feel now? Je dois vous tester pour la tuberculose. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. Elle fit un pari avec lui. She made a bet with him. She made a bet with him. Quelle est votre type d'art préféré ? What's your favorite kind of art? What is your favorite type of art? Les singes sont des parents proches des humains. Monkeys are closely related to humans. Monkeys are close relatives of humans. Quand Josefa a reçu la lettre, elle est devenue vraiment heureuse. L'expéditeur était une camarade de classe de l'école dont elle n'avait pas entendu parler depuis des années. When Josefa received the letter, she got really happy. The sender was a classmate from school she hadn't heard from in years. When Josefa received the letter, she became really happy. The sender was a school comrade she hadn't heard of in years. Je ne peux pas le faire. I can't do it. I can't do it. Allez-vous au théâtre ce soir ? Are you going to the theater tonight? Are you going to the theater tonight? Il est tellement idiot ! He's so stupid. He's so stupid! Vous retireriez-vous ? Would you step aside? Would you retire? Il devrait déjà être arrivé. He should have arrived already. He should have already arrived. Il faut être patient quand on apprend une nouvelle langue. You have to be patient when you learn a new language. You have to be patient when learning a new language. Le jour du festival coïncide avec celui de l'examen. The date of the festival coincides with that of the exam. The day of the festival coincides with the day of the exam. J'allais partir quand tu as appelé. I was about to leave when you telephoned. I was going to leave when you called. Tom a trouvé de l’argent. Tom found some money. Tom found the money. J'ai décidé d'arrêter de porter des sous-vêtements. I've decided to stop wearing underwear. I decided to stop wearing underwear. L'Algérie a ratifié le Traité sur le droit des peuples à l'autodétermination, qui soutient, d'une part, la Palestine et le Sahara occidental uniquement parce qu'ils sont soit disant États arabo-islamiques, mais d'autre part, assassine tout opposant kabyle qui aspire à l'indépendance de la Kabylie. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara only because they are so-called Arab-Islamic States, but on the other hand, assassinates any Kabyle opponent who aspires to the independence of Kabylia. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara only because they are so-called Arab-Islamic states, but on the other hand, murders any Kabyle opponent who aspires to the independence of Kabylia. À la prochaine intersection, piquez à droite. At the next intersection, take a right. At the next intersection, take a right. Tu ne manques à personne. No one misses you. No one misses you. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de fournir des explications. You don't have to explain. You do not have to provide explanations. J'ai préparé à déjeuner. I made dinner. I prepared for lunch. Qu'est-ce que l'Ido ? What's Ido? What is Ido? Chacun loue le garçon. Everyone praises the boy. Everyone praises the boy. Je ne suis pas en train d'essayer de pinailler. I'm not trying to nitpick. I'm not trying to pin it. Tu n'as pas d'alibi pour le jour du meurtre. You've got no alibi for the day of the murder. You don't have an alibi for the day of the murder. Avez-vous vu cette vidéo ? Have you seen this video? Have you seen this video? L'Algérie n'est pas seulement contre l’État d'Israël mais contre toute entité juive. Bien sûr, l'Algérie déteste non seulement les kabyles mais déteste tout ce qui constitue une odeur de kabylité. Algeria is not only against the State of Israel but against any Jewish entity. Of course Algeria hates not only Kabyles but everything that constitutes a smell of Kabylity. Algeria is not only against the State of Israel but against any Jewish entity. Of course, Algeria not only hates kabyles but hates everything that constitutes a smell of kabylity. Comment le fais-tu ? How do you do this? How do you do it? Ma maison a été cambriolée pendant mon absence. My house was robbed while I was away. My house was robbed while I was away. J'ai douze ans. I am 12 years old. I'm twelve. Il était assis les jambes croisées. He sat with his legs crossed. He was sitting cross-legged. À quoi passez-vous la plupart de votre temps sur votre ordinateur ? What do you spend most of your time on the computer doing? What do you spend most of your time on your computer? Ce matin, la température est descendue en dessous de zéro. The temperature has fallen below zero this morning. This morning, the temperature dropped below zero. On l'a appelé Horatio comme son oncle. He was named Horatio after his uncle. He was called Horatio as his uncle. Je suis abasourdi. I'm flabbergasted. I'm stunned. Peu d'étudiants peuvent lire le latin. Few students can read Latin. Few students can read Latin. Je suis content que vous vous souveniez de moi. I'm glad you remembered me. I'm glad you remember me. Puis-je entrer ? Might I come in? May I come in? Je dois vérifier ta température. I need to check your temperature. I need to check your temperature. Pourquoi avoir refusé de le faire ? Why did you refuse to do that? Why did you refuse to do so? Je parle couramment l'anglais. I speak English fluently. I am fluent in English. Il m'a attendu jusqu'à mon arrivée. He waited for me until I arrived. He waited for me until I arrived. Je ne sais pas ce que vous faites. I don't know what you do. I don't know what you're doing. Comment est-ce que je vais pouvoir arriver à rencontrer l'échéance pour ce document ? How can I make the deadline for this document? How will I be able to meet the deadline for this document? Tu ne peux pas nous faire nous arrêter. You can't make us stop. You can't make us stop. De quelle partie de l'Australie venez-vous ? What part of Australia are you from? What part of Australia are you from? Nous croyons que c'est possible. We believe it's possible. We believe it is possible. Vous devriez lui présenter des excuses pour être arrivée en retard. You should apologize to him for coming late. You should apologize to him for being late. J'aime l'été mais je ne supporte pas la chaleur. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I love summer, but I can’t stand the heat. Que peux-tu dire ? What can you say? What can you say? Couvre tes yeux comme ça, s'il te plaît. Cover your eye like this please. Cover your eyes like that, please. Sais-tu qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who his father is? Mon père conduit une très vieille voiture. My father drives a very old car. My father drives a very old car. Il n'y a pas de raison logique à ceci. There's no logical reason for this. There is no logical reason for this. L'entreprise connaît des difficultés financières. The company is in financial trouble. The company is experiencing financial difficulties. Cet enfant déborde d'énergie ! C'est incroyable. The liveliness of that kid is incredible. That kid's full of energy! Elle a regardé autour de sa chambre. She looked around her room. She looked around her room. Pesez bien vos mots ! Weigh your words well. Weigh your words well! Sami n'a rien fait. Sami didn't do anything. Sami didn't do anything. Le dernier lion d'Irak a été tué en 1918. Iraq's last lion was killed in 1918. The last lion in Iraq was killed in 1918. Nous nous dépêcherons. We'll hurry. We'll hurry. Restez vigilant ! Keep aware! Stay alert! Le ciel est rempli d'étoiles. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. Éternels débutants, restez sur la touche. Forever tiroes, stay on the side aisle. Eternal beginners, stay on the sidelines. Petit à petit l'eau devient moins profonde. Little by little the water gets shallower. Gradually the water becomes less deep. Un gouvernement provisoire fut instauré. A temporary government was established. A provisional government was established. J’ai oublié de prendre un parapluie. I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. I forgot to take an umbrella. Que ne veux-tu pas que je fasse ? What don't you want me to do? What don't you want me to do? Il était incapable de faire passer ses idées aux étudiants. He couldn't get his ideas across to the students. He was unable to convey his ideas to the students. Tu es fabuleux. You are fabulous. You're fabulous. Nous avons vu cet oiseau lorsqu'on a visité Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw this bird when we visited Okinawa. Ça ne sert à rien d'aller à l'école si tu ne vas pas étudier. It is no use going to school if you are not going to study. There's no point in going to school if you don't go to school. J'ai donné ta voiture. I gave your car. I gave your car away. Je nous emprunterai des outils. I'll borrow us some tools. I'll borrow some tools. Ce n'est pas difficile à trouver. It's not hard to find. It's not hard to find. Tom a gagné. Tom won. Tom won. Que dites-vous de payer une tournée à tout le monde ? What do you say we buy everyone a drink? What do you say to pay everyone a tour? Veuillez remplir cette bouteille d'eau. Please fill this bottle with water. Please fill this bottle with water. Il n'y a rien d'impossible pour nous. There's nothing we can't do. There is nothing impossible for us. Elle utilisa des pommes pour faire la confiture. She used apples to do the jam. She used apples to make jam. Il semble qu'il puisse pleuvoir cette après-midi. It seems like it might rain this afternoon. It seems to be raining this afternoon. Je veux rendre mon père fier. I want to make my father proud. I want to make my father proud. Vous êtes trop curieuses des affaires des autres. You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs. You're too curious about other people's business. "N’est-ce pas que cet homme est des moins ordinaires ?" "Ah ! c’est le plus exquis des êtres sublunaires !" "Don't you agree that this man is one of the least ordinary men?" "Oh! He's the most exquisite of earthly beings!" "Isn't this man less ordinary?" "Ah! he is the most exquisite of sublunar beings!" Quelqu'un doit-il nous rencontrer ? Is someone meeting us? Does anyone have to meet us? Toki pona est une tentative de recréer la première langue parlée dans les grottes d'Afrique. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Toki pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Je suis certain qu'il y a un lien. I'm sure there's a connection. I'm sure there's a connection. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir ? Would you like to sleep with me tonight? Will you sleep with me tonight? Il a deux chats, un blanc et un noir. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He has two cats, one white and one black. J'aimerais louer une voiture, s'il vous plaît. I'd like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car, please. Avez-vous apporté ce que j'ai demandé ? Did you bring what I asked? Did you bring what I asked for? Nous sortons manger vendredi. We're going out for a meal on Friday. We go out to eat on Friday. Dites-moi, dites-moi ! Tell me, tell me. Tell me, tell me! Il est dangereux de sauter d'un train en marche. It's dangerous to jump off a moving train. It is dangerous to jump off a running train. Avez-vous déjà subi un test de dépistage de la tuberculose ? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Veuillez me dire comment il faut prononcer ce mot. Please tell me how to pronounce this word. Please tell me how to pronounce this word. L'hélium, le néon, l'argon, le krypton, le xénon et le radon sont des gaz nobles. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Un jour, je l'ai rencontré. One day I met him. One day, I met him. Peut-être que tu reviendras vers moi ? Maybe you'll come back to me? Maybe you'll come back to me? Tom joue encore très rarement de la clarinette. Tom very rarely plays the clarinet anymore. Tom rarely plays the clarinet. Ne te sens-tu pas coupable ? Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel guilty? Je ne leur reproche pas ceci. I don't blame them for this. I do not blame them for this. Je ne peux pas lire sans lunettes. I cannot read without glasses. I can't read without glasses. Il fait feu. It fires. He's firing. Je me sentais seul. I felt lonely. I felt alone. Mon nom est John. My name is John. My name is John. Tom enfila son manteau et partit. Tom put on his coat and left. Tom put on his coat and left. Prenez-vous du kratom ? Do you use kratom? Do you take kratom? Je ne me sens pas à l'aise dans ces nouvelles chaussures. I am uncomfortable in these new shoes. I don't feel comfortable in these new shoes. Je grattai une allumette dans l'obscurité. I struck a match in the darkness. I scratched a match in the dark. Il parlait en chuchotant. He spoke under his breath. He spoke whispering. Il défend la démocratie. He stands for democracy. He defends democracy. Si tu comptes réaliser ton rêve, tu dois travailler davantage. If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder. If you are going to make your dream come true, you have to work harder. Ne vous fiez à quiconque ! Don't trust anyone. Do not trust anyone! La liberté, c’est toujours la liberté de celui qui pense autrement. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. Freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently. As-tu déjà recouvert un mur de chaux ? Have you ever coated a wall with lime? Have you ever covered a wall with lime? Tu serais surprise de ce que tu peux apprendre en une semaine. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You would be surprised what you can learn in a week. Tu es en sécurité aussi longtemps que tu restes ici. You're safe as long as you stay here. You're safe as long as you stay here. Connaissez-vous l'arabe ? Do you know Arabic? Do you know Arabic? Soyez original. Be original. Be original. Zéro, dix, cent, mille, un million, un milliard. Zero, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion. Zero, ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion. Je n'ai qu'une bouche, mais j'ai deux oreilles. I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué un problème cardiaque ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart problem? Marie a été arrêtée pour vol à l'étalage. Mary was arrested for shoplifting. Marie was arrested for shoplifting. Les fleurs éclosent au printemps. The flowers bloom in the spring. The flowers bloom in the spring. Montez en grade ! Level up! Go up in rank! Des mauvaises herbes ont poussé dans le jardin. Weeds sprang up in the garden. Weeds grew in the garden. Je veux acheter un cadeau pour Tom. I want to buy a present for Tom. I want to buy a present for Tom. Je peux vérifier ta température ? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Tu pourrais accomplir beaucoup si tu y consacrais l'esprit. You could do a lot if you put your mind to it. You could accomplish a lot if you dedicated your mind to it. J'ai simplement pensé qu'il se pourrait que vous vouliez venir skier avec nous. I just thought you might want to go skiing with us. I just thought you might want to come skiing with us. Imbécile ! Blockhead! Stupid! Seul Tom en est capable. Only Tom is capable of that. Only Tom can do that. Comment dit-on « bonjour » en allemand l'après-midi ? How do you say "bonjour" in German in the afternoon? How do you say “hello” in German in the afternoon? Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, parler le plus lentement possible ? Could you speak as slowly as possible? Could you please speak as slowly as possible? Elle a témoigné. She testified. She testified. Tom dit à Mary qu'il ne lui mentirait jamais. Tom told Mary he'd never lie to her. Tom tells Mary that he would never lie to her. La guerre était perdue. The war was lost. The war was lost. Veuillez attendre pendant cinq minutes. Please wait five minutes. Please wait for five minutes. Il était tard dans la nuit quand Tom est enfin arrivé chez lui. It was late at night when Tom finally got home. It was late at night when Tom finally arrived home. Est-ce la clé que tu cherchais ? Is this the key you were looking for? Is that the key you were looking for? Comment passez-vous la fin de semaine, d'habitude ? How do you usually spend your weekends? How do you usually spend the weekend? Qui t’a prêté cet ouvrage ? Who lent you that book? Who loaned you this book? Tout le monde parle de lui en bien. He is well spoken of by everybody. Everyone is talking about him well. J'aimerais que vous soyez tous bien sages. I want you all to be on your best behavior. I wish you all were wise. Ne gaspillez pas de munitions. Don't waste ammunition. Don't waste ammunition. Tom est dangereux. Tom is dangerous. Tom is dangerous. Pour autant que je sache, il est de ceux qui respectent leurs promesses. As far as I know, he is a person who keeps his promises. As far as I know, he is one of those who keep their promises. Puis-je placer ça sur ton bras ? Can I put this on your arm? Can I put this on your arm? J'adore le cinéma. I love movies. I love cinema. Combien d'entre-nous étaient-elles là ? How many of us were there? How many of us were there? Êtes-vous tous les deux occupés ? Are you two busy? Are you both busy? Tout est une erreur. This is all a mistake. It's all a mistake. La rivière se jette dans la Mer du Japon. The river flows into the Sea of Japan. The river flows into the Sea of Japan. Sa conscience s'est soudainement réveillée en lui. His conscience suddenly awoke in him. His consciousness suddenly awakened in him. Il refusa catégoriquement de me laisser entrer. He flatly refused to let me in. He categorically refused to let me in. Le Président français a visité Okinawa. The President of France visited Okinawa. The French president visited Okinawa. Soyez polis avec tout le monde ! Be polite to everyone. Be polite to everyone! S'il vous plait, gardez ma place dans cette rangée. Please keep my place in this line. Please keep my place in this row. Chaque fois que la densité de masse est augmentée, son poids augmente. Each time the mass density is increased, its weight increases. Each time mass density is increased, its weight increases. Autre pays, autres mœurs. When in Rome... Other country, other manners. Vois-tu un inconvénient à ce que je fume ? Do you mind if I smoke? Do you have a problem with what I smoke? Elle te prêtera un livre. She'll lend you a book. She'll lend you a book. Une d'elles m'a parlé. One of them spoke to me. One of them spoke to me. Trop d'alcool vous rendra malade. Too much drinking will make you sick. Too much alcohol will make you sick. Mon frère a raté le train, parce qu'il s'est levé trop tard. My father missed the train because he got up too late. My brother missed the train because he got up too late. C'est ton devoir de voter. It's your duty to vote. It is your duty to vote. Je dois être en train de fatiguer. J'ai sommeil dès que termine de dîner. I must be getting tired. I feel sleepy as soon as I finish eating supper. I must be tired. I'm asleep as soon as I finish dinner. C'est à ton avantage. It's to your advantage. It's to your advantage. Nous devons avoir foi dans le président. We must have faith in the president. We must have faith in the president. Tom parla français. Tom spoke French. Tom spoke French. Ces fleurs sont belles, n'est-ce pas ? These flowers are beautiful, aren't they? These flowers are beautiful, aren't they? Quand êtes-vous né ? When were you born? When were you born? Tu veux acheter cette jupe. You want to buy this skirt. You want to buy that skirt. Je pense qu'ils devraient imposer une lourde taxe à l'importation. I think they should put a heavy tax on imports. I think they should impose a heavy import tax. Il compte au nombre de mes amis, depuis des années. He's been a friend of mine for years. He's been one of my friends for years. Puisque vous êtes fatigué, vous devriez vous reposer. Since you're tired, you should rest. Since you are tired, you should rest. Il a ouvert le coffre. He opened the boot. He opened the trunk. La communauté était organisée et soudée. The community was organized and close-knit. The community was organized and united. Si vous êtes fatiguées, allez au lit. If you're tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Y a-t-il un message ? Is there a message? Is there a message? Luc, je suis ton fils. Luke, I am your son. Luc, I'm your son. C'est ce que je pensais. Actually, that's what I thought. That's what I thought. C'est à votre gauche. It's to your left. It's on your left. Ce n'est pas si difficile que tu le penses. It is not so difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. Impossible de savoir ce qui va se passer demain. There is no telling what will happen tomorrow. It's impossible to know what's going to happen tomorrow. Ces garçons sont dans leur prime jeunesse. Those boys are in the first flush of youth. These boys are in their early youth. Les voitures bon marché vous font économiser de l'argent. Economy cars save you money. Cheap cars save you money. L'amour est en grande partie une question de chance. Love is largely a matter of luck. Love is largely a matter of luck. Il serait ravi d'entendre ça. He would be glad to hear that. He'd love to hear that. Les droits des femmes sont des droits de l'homme. Women's rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. Un environnement riche et stimulant est important dans le développement cognitif de l'enfant. A rich and stimulating environment is important for a child's cognitive development. A rich and stimulating environment is important in the cognitive development of the child. La crise financière a touché tous les secteurs de l'économie. The financial crisis affected all parts of the economy. The financial crisis affected all sectors of the economy. J'ignore comment conduire une voiture. I do not know how to drive a car. I don't know how to drive a car. Tout le monde a-t-il entendu ça ? Did everybody hear that? Did everyone hear that? Fastoche ! Piece of cake! Fastoche! Je ne sais pas ce qui te soucie tant. I don't know what you're so worried about. I don't know what you care so much about. Quelle quantité d'héroïne ou de méthadone consommes-tu habituellement par jour ? How much heroin or methadone do you usually use per day? How much heroin or methadone do you usually consume per day? Il passe le temps. He idles away his time. He's passing the time. Juges-en par toi-même ! Judge for yourself. Judge for yourself! Beaucoup de gens font ça là. A lot of people do that here. A lot of people do that. Tom donna tout ce qu'il possédait. Tom gave away everything he owned. Tom gave everything he had. Quel âge a ton grand-père ? How old is your grandpa? How old is your grandfather? J'ai vraiment passé du bon temps avec votre famille. I had a really great time with your family. I really had a great time with your family. Plus dure sera la chute. The higher you fly, the harder you fall. The harder the fall will be. Whoua ! C'est une côte raide. Mais la descente sera un vrai plaisir. Whew! This is a tough hill. But coming back sure will be a breeze. It's a steep hill, but the descent will be a real pleasure. Nous avons deux chiennes. L'une est noire et l'autre est blanche. We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. We have two bitches, one is black and the other is white. J'aime courir sous la pluie. I like running in the rain. I like to run in the rain. Tout le monde se fiche de qui tu es. Nobody cares who you are. Everybody doesn't care who you are. Cela n'aide pas. That's not helping. It doesn't help. Je n'ai pas parlé longtemps. I didn't speak for long. I didn't talk long. Combien de temps va durer ce beau temps ? How long will this nice weather last? How long will this beautiful time last? Avez-vous eu des douleurs abdominales récemment ? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Devinez qui a gagné. Guess who won. Guess who won. Je suis l'enfant unique de mes parents. I am the only child of my parents. I am the only child of my parents. Tom est un personnage très controversé. Tom is a very controversial figure. Tom is a very controversial character. Tom n'a pas de téléviseur chez lui. Tom doesn't have a TV at home. Tom doesn't have a TV in his house. Il attacha son chien à l'arbre pendant qu'il allait dans le magasin. He tied his dog up to the tree while he went into the store. He tied his dog to the tree while he went into the store. C'est une manne du ciel. It's manna from heaven. It is a manna from heaven. Si Dieu avait ordonné un onzième commandement, je me demande ce que ça aurait été. If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been. If God had ordained an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been. Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he go to Mongolia? Vous pouvez me compter au nombre de vos amis. You can number me among your friends. You can count me among your friends. Ella a placé une boîte de légumes sur le pas de sa porte. She left a box of fresh vegetables on his doorstep. Ella placed a box of vegetables on the step of her door. J'ai appelé ton bureau aujourd'hui, mais tu n'y étais pas. I called your office today, but you weren't in. I called your office today, but you weren't there. Combien de voitures a Alex ? How many cars does Alex have? How many cars does Alex have? Je suis Edgar Degas. I am Edgar Degas. I'm Edgar Degas. L'auditoire se composait essentiellement d'étudiants. The audience consisted mainly of students. The audience consisted mainly of students. Il se couvrit la tête de ses mains. He buried his head in his hands. He covered his head with his hands. Vous vous êtes arrêtée. You stopped. You stopped. Jette un coup d'œil à ce rapport. Take a look at this report. Take a look at this report. Tom craigna que Mary ne change d'avis. Tom was afraid that Mary might change her mind. Tom feared Mary would change her mind. Il a mis le feu au bâtiment de l'école. He set fire to the school building. He set fire to the school building. Que penses-tu de demain ? How about for tomorrow? What do you think of tomorrow? Je suis certain que Mary comprendra. I'm sure Mary will understand. I'm sure Mary will understand. Il se pourrait que je rentre tard chez moi. Dans ce cas, je te téléphonerai. It could be that I'll return home late. In that case, I'll call you. I might be home late, then I'll call you. Elle va le regretter. She's going to regret this. She'll regret it. Le riz est la récolte principale dans cette région. Rice is the main crop in this area. Rice is the main crop in this region. Je retourne avec mon ex petite amie. I'm getting back together with my ex-girlfriend. I'm going back with my ex-girlfriend. Ne dis pas une chose pareille. Don't say such a thing. Don't say such a thing. Il est temps de faire une pause. It's time for a break. It's time to take a break. Je l'aime tout de même. I love him anyway. I love him anyway. Tom a atterri sur la planète rouge. Tom has landed on Mars. Tom landed on the Red Planet. Je veux ce qui est mien. I want what's mine. I want what's mine. Ce sont de vrais disciples de Jésus. They're true followers of Jesus. They are true disciples of Jesus. Je suis déshydratée. I'm dehydrated. I'm dehydrated. Les tables faisaient trois mètres de long. The tables were made three meters long. The tables were three meters long. Il est déjà 22 h. It's already 10 p.m. It's already 10:00. Vous prenez combien ? How many are you taking? How much do you take? Cette situation était difficile à gérer. That situation was tough to deal with. This situation was difficult to manage. Nous commençons une nouvelle vie. We're starting a new life. We start a new life. Il se pourrait que je rentre tard chez moi. Dans ce cas, je vous téléphonerai. I might have to come home late. In that case, I'll phone you. I might be home late, then I'll call you. Il n'y a aucune chaise dans cette chambre. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Je crois que j'ai convaincu Tom. I think I've persuaded Tom. I think I convinced Tom. Je ne peux ni ne veux m'en aller. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't or won't leave. Ces crayons sont de la même couleur. These pencils are the same color. These crayons are of the same color. Ta vie en dépend. Your life depends on it. Your life depends on it. C'est à mon tour de parler. It's my turn to speak. It's my turn to talk. Elle le fit. She did it. She did. J'ai obtenu ce dont vous aviez besoin. I got what you needed. I got what you needed. Sa grossièreté me rendit sans voix. I was rendered speechless by his rudeness. His rudeness made me speechless. Il habite à la campagne. He dwells in the country. He lives in the country. Je ne m'attendais pas à te trouver ici. I didn't expect to find you here. I didn't expect to find you here. Il faut avoir bon goût pour étudier l'art. It requires a good taste to study art. You have to have good taste to study art. Mon copain a copié mes devoirs et la prof s'en est aperçue. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. My friend copied my homework and the teacher noticed it. Je me sentis trompé. I felt cheated. I felt wrong. De nombreux instituteurs se sentent mal préparés à enseigner la lecture et le calcul. Many new teachers feel ill-prepared to teach basic literacy and numeracy. Many teachers feel unprepared to teach reading and numeracy. Elle se plaint toujours de mon faible salaire. She is always complaining about my small salary. She always complains about my low salary. Nous sommes toutes des mères. We're all mothers. We are all mothers. C'est une histoire intéressante. This is an interesting story. It's an interesting story. Merci de rester assis dans votre siège jusqu'à notre arrivée au terminus. Please stay seated until we reach the terminal. Thank you for sitting in your seat until we arrive at the terminus. Nous avons fait du garçon notre guide. We made the boy our guide. We made the boy our guide. Prenez-vous de l'héroïne ou de la méthadone ? Do you use heroin or methadone? Do you take heroin or methadone? Vous n'êtes pas non plus un saint. You're no saint, either. You are not a saint either. Quel est le salaire minimum à Cuba ? What's the minimum salary in Cuba? What is the minimum wage in Cuba? Il m'a fallu aller chercher quelque chose dans ma chambre. I had to get something from my room. I had to go get something in my room. Si tu n'étais pas aussi suffisant, tu aurais peut-être plus d'amis. If you weren't so smug, you might have more friends If you weren't enough, you might have more friends. Je veux juste vous en entendre parler. I just want to hear you talk about it. I just want to hear from you. Je fus incapable d'empêcher ceci. I was unable to prevent this. I was unable to prevent this. C'est exactement ce que je veux entendre. That's exactly what I want to hear. That's exactly what I want to hear. « Comment est le français de Tom ? » « Assez bien. » "How's Tom's French?" "Pretty good." "How's Tom's French?" "Good enough." Donne-le-lui. Give it to him. Give it to him. Il ne pleut pas, il neige. It doesn't rain, it snows. It's not raining, it's snowing. Même maintenant, je pense parfois que j'aimerais te voir. Pas la personne que tu es aujourd'hui, mais celle dont je me rappelle. Even now, I occasionally think I'd like to see you. Not the you that you are today, but the you I remember from the past. Even now, I sometimes think I'd like to see you, not the person you are today, but the one I remember. Je mange du fromage. I'm eating cheese. I eat cheese. Cette radio est-elle la tienne ? Is this radio yours? Is this radio yours? "Qui est dans la voiture ?" "Tom." "Who is in the car?" "Tom is." "Who's in the car?" "Tom." C'est elle le soutien de famille. She's the breadwinner in this family. She is the family supporter. Je suis juste allongé. I am only lying down. I'm just lying down. J'en garde un souvenir très vivace. I remember it vividly. I have a vivid memory of it. Le travail rend libre. Work makes free. Work makes you free. Il m'a pardonné de n'avoir pas tenu ma promesse. He forgave me breaking my promise. He forgave me for not keeping my promise. Tom n'est pas sûr. Tom's unsure. Tom is not sure. Il a pressé le pas en me dépassant, sans s'arrêter pour discuter. He hurried past me without stopping to speak. He hastened past me, without stopping to talk. Où t'es-tu rendu pour les congés de printemps ? Where did you go for spring break? Where did you go for the spring break? Je voudrais manger quelque chose. I want to eat something. I'd like to eat something. J'aurais dû simplement me taire. I should've just shut up. I should have just shut up. J'ai une confession à faire. I have a confession to make. I have a confession to make. Qu'il réussisse ou qu'il échoue, il doit faire de son mieux. Whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best. Whether he succeeds or fails, he must do his best. Voici votre monnaie ! Here's your change. Here's your change! Jamais je n'avais vu un tel bazar. Never had I seen such a mess. I've never seen such a mess before. Êtes-vous occupés vendredi soir ? Are you busy Friday night? Are you busy on Friday night? Je vous donnerai cet argent. I'll give you this money. I'll give you that money. Non, non et non ! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no and no! Apprends ces mots, un par un. Learn these words, one by one. Learn these words, one by one. Où est la pharmacie la plus proche ? Where's the nearest drugstore? Where is the nearest pharmacy? Ce logiciel n'est pas utile ; supprime-le. This software is not useful; delete it. This software is not useful; delete it. Tu es en grave danger. You're in serious danger. You're in serious danger. Est-ce que ça se recycle ? Does it recycle? Does it recycle? Ça ajoute une nouvelle dimension à notre problème. That adds a new dimension to our problem. It adds a new dimension to our problem. Je veux juste voir ce qui se passera. I just want to see what will happen. I just want to see what happens. C'est juste faux. That's just false. It's just not true. Rien ne pourrait être plus utile qu'une photocopieuse. Nothing could be more useful than a copying machine. Nothing could be more useful than a photocopier. Sami est le clown de la famille. Sami is the clown of the family. Sami is the family clown. Tu es très observatrice. You're very observant. You're very observant. On doit mettre de côte l’idée d’un temps unique ; seuls comptent les temps multiples, ceux de l’expérience. We must put aside the idea of a single time; only multiple times, those of experience, count. We must put aside the idea of a single time; only count the multiple times, those of the experience. Je suis certain que tu ne veux pas faire ça. I'm sure you don't want to do that. I'm sure you don't want to do that. Tom a dit qu'il croyait que Mary était seule. Tom said he thought Mary was lonely. Tom said he believed Mary was alone. Arrêtez de bouder. Stop pouting. Stop sulking. C'est le pire de tout. This is the worst of all. It's the worst of all. Les infirmières doivent veiller au confort de leurs patients. The nurses must see to the comfort of their patients. Nurses need to ensure the comfort of their patients. Il avait peur de l'obscurité. He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of the darkness. Tu peux prendre le mien. You can have mine. You can take mine. Je me suis coupée. I cut myself. I cut myself off. Il écrit une longue lettre. He's writing a long letter. He wrote a long letter. Elles ne peuvent pas me donner ce que je veux. They can't give me what I want. They can't give me what I want. Rompre ta promesse est irresponsable de ta part. It is irresponsible of you to break your promise. Breaking your promise is irresponsible on your part. Il perdit son travail. He lost his job. He lost his job. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Je pensais que ça deviendrait plus facile. I thought it'd get easier. I thought it would get easier. Il est avec toi. He is with you. He's with you. Prends-tu de l'héroïne ou de la méthadone ? Do you use heroin or methadone? Do you take heroin or methadone? Tom posa quelques questions à l'enseignant. Tom asked the teacher some questions. Tom asked the teacher a few questions. J'ai laissé mon parapluie ici, hier au soir. I left my umbrella here last night. I left my umbrella here last night. Ça ne changera pas. That will not change. It won't change. Il vous faut savoir quand laisser tomber. You need to know when to give up. You need to know when to give up. Je ne peux pas faire ce boulot sans vous. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. J'ai décidé de bafouer les règles et de rester dehors après le couvre-feu. I decided to flout the rules and stay out past curfew. I decided to flout the rules and stay out after the curfew. As-tu un médecin traitant ? Do you have a primary care doctor? Do you have a doctor? J'ai capturé votre dame. I captured your queen. I captured your lady. Son pull est gris. His sweater is gray. Her sweater is grey. Je serai pas contre passer une bonne soirée. I'm not averse to a good night out. I won't be against having a good night. Êtes-vous des citoyens des États Unis ? Are you US citizens? Are you a citizen of the United States? J'ai eu une journée vraiment bizarre. I've had a really weird day. I had a really weird day. Le Paraguay a deux langues officielles : l'espagnol et le guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Peux-tu le prendre ? Can you pick it up? Can you take it? Ma langue maternelle est le polonais. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. J'ai beaucoup d'amour pour vous. I have a lot of love for you. I have a lot of love for you. Je pense que vous savez que c'est déplacé. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know it's out of place. Je voulais venir. I wanted to come. I wanted to come. La foule acclamait le vainqueur. The crowd hailed the winner. The crowd cheered the winner. Le nouveau médicament lui sauva la vie. The new medicine saved his life. The new medicine saved his life. Vous n'avez aucune chance. You don't stand a chance. You have no chance. Je ne suis pas intimidée. I'm not intimidated. I'm not intimidated. Elle frissonnait de froid. She shuddered with cold. She shuddered with cold. Comment vous êtes-vous débrouillées pour faire ça ? How did you manage to do that? How did you manage to do that? Une vaste étude clinique est en cours. A large clinical study is underway. A large clinical study is underway. Ils ont dit qu'ils arrêteraient de faire ça. They said they'll quit doing that. They said they would stop doing that. Va tout droit dans cette rue. Go straight on down this street. Go straight down this street. S'ils avaient suivi les conseils de leurs médecins, ils ne seraient peut-être pas morts. If they'd taken their doctors' advice, they might not have died. If they had followed the advice of their doctors, they might not have died. Je t'avais prévenu. I warned you. I warned you. Ne m'as-tu pas dit hier que toi et ton petit ami aviez rompu ? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend had broken up? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend broke up? J'ai failli ne pas réussir ce test. I almost didn't pass that test. I almost didn't pass that test. Vous achetez du pain. You buy bread. You buy bread. Tom fera usage de la force. Tom will use force. Tom will use force. Va chez toi, maintenant. Go home now. Go home now. Pourquoi est-ce que je ne comprends pas l'anglais ? Why don't I understand English? Why do I not understand English? Ne fumez pas ici, c'est un hôpital ! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! La combinaison est une manœuvre tactique, généralement en une séquence de deux coups ou plus, qu'un joueur effectue en sacrifiant du matériel, souvent de manière spectaculaire, afin de mettre le roi de l'adversaire en échec ou de le mettre dans une situation irrémédiablement désavantageuse. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs sacrificing material, often in a spectacular way, in order to checkmate the opponent's king or put him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. The combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs by sacrificing material, often dramatically, in order to put the opponent's king in check or put him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. Je suis en sécurité. I'm safe. I'm safe. Hey Pandark, comment ça se fait que tu sois devenu si célèbre que Pharamp commence à écrire des phrases sur toi ? Hey Pandark, how did you became so famous that Pharamp started writing sentences about you? Hey Pandark, how come you've become so famous that Pharamp starts writing sentences about you? Raumschach (en allemand, « échecs spatiaux ») est une modalité d'échecs inventée en 1907 par Ferdinand Maack et qui ajoute une troisième dimension au plateau. Raumschach (in German, "space chess") is a modality of chess invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack. It adds a third dimension to the board. Raumschach (German: "space chess") is a chess modality invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack that adds a third dimension to the board. Tu devrais être circonspect dans le choix de tes amis. You should be careful in your choice of friends. You should be careful in choosing your friends. Donnez-moi la balle ! Give me the ball. Give me the ball! C'est complètement fini. It's all over. It's all over. Mon nom est connu de tous dans mon école. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone in my school. Je suis jaloux. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. J'ai rencontré un de mes amis sur le trajet en rentrant à la maison. I met one of my friends on my way home. I met a friend of mine on the way home. Savez-vous comment l'écrire ? Do you know how to write it? Do you know how to write it? Un époux et une épouse promettent toujours de s'aimer l'un l'autre. A husband and wife promise always to love each other. A husband and wife always promise to love each other. Je ne sais pas quoi faire ensuite. I don't know what to do from now on. I don't know what to do next. J'ai voyagé à Tokyo. I took a trip to Tokyo. I traveled to Tokyo. Y a-t-il une différence ? Is there a difference? Is there a difference? Elle fait du poulet comme je l'aime. She cooks chicken the way I like. She makes chicken the way I like it. Il me faut prendre des photos pour mon élocution. I have to take some photos for my class project. I have to take pictures for my speech. Le travail est presque terminé. The job is almost finished. The work is almost done. Je l'ai fait à temps. I made it on time. I did it on time. Il haletait. He was panting. He was panting. Je suis sûre qu'il y a un autre chemin de sortie. I'm sure there's another way out. I'm sure there's another way out. Je veux regarder ceci. I want to watch this. I want to watch this. Je ne pense pas qu'il soit possible de faire ceci. I don't think it's possible to do this. I don't think it's possible to do this. Les enfants ne pouvaient contenir leur excitation. The children couldn't contain their excitement. Children could not contain their excitement. Nous n'attendrons que trois heures de plus. We'll only wait three more hours. We'll only wait another three hours. Y a-t-il quelque chose qui aggrave ta douleur ? Is there anything that makes your pain feel worse? Is there anything that makes your pain worse? Cela est vrai aussi. That's true as well. This is also true. Il y a trois problèmes. There are three problems. There are three problems. Je n'ai pas vu mon ex-femme depuis notre divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. Ne fume pas quand tu es en service. Don't smoke while you are on duty. Don't smoke when you're on duty. Puis-je lui parler ? Can I speak to him? Can I talk to him? Comment est votre audition ? How is your hearing? How's your hearing? Ils ont attrapé le renard avec un piège. They caught the fox with a trap. They caught the fox with a trap. Commençons par les bases. Let's start with the basics. Let’s start with the basics. Je ne trouve pas ça amusant. I don't find that funny. I don't think that's funny. Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. Please take a seat. Sit down, please. À lundi ! See you on Monday! See you on Monday! Je vais aller fair un tour, tu viens avec moi ? I'm gonna go for a walk; will you come with me? I'll go for a ride, will you come with me? On m'a confisqué mon permis. I've had my driving license confiscated. My license was confiscated. Un feu de forêt se déclara dans cette zone. A forest fire broke out in this area. A forest fire broke out in this area. Certains serpents sont venimeux. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are venomous. Je pense qu'il va être malade. I think he's going to be sick. I think he's gonna be sick. Je suis allergique aux langoustes. I'm allergic to Japanese spiny lobster. I am allergic to lobsters. Comment vas-tu aider Tom ? How are you going to help Tom? How are you going to help Tom? Tout le monde a continué à parler. Everyone kept talking. Everyone kept talking. Mon appartement est rempli de bazar que je n'utilise jamais. My apartment is filled with stuff that I never use. My apartment is full of bazaar that I never use. Tu ne peux le nier. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Raconte-nous une histoire de fantômes. Tell us a ghost story. Tell us a story of ghosts. Ne buvez pas dans mon verre. Don't drink out of my glass. Don't drink from my glass. Noël est une période joyeuse. Christmas is a happy time. Christmas is a joyful time. Je trouve ça déplaisant. I find that offensive. I don't think so. Pourquoi ne pas essayer ce vin délicieux ? Why not try that delicious wine? Why not try this delicious wine? Vous êtes plein de surprises. You're full of surprises. You're full of surprises. Je pense que tu en as assez vu. I think you have seen enough. I think you've seen enough. Il a fait preuve de courage face à un grand danger. He showed courage in the face of great danger. He showed courage in the face of great danger. Nous vous attraperons. We'll catch you. We'll catch you. Il était capable de nager à travers la rivière quand il était adolescent. He could swim across the river when he was in his teens. He was able to swim across the river when he was a teenager. J'eus une bonne nuit de repos. I had a good night's rest. I had a good night's rest. Il veut me rendre jalouse, mais il n'y arrive pas. He wants to make me jealous, but he isn't able to. He wants to make me jealous, but he can't. Mary, cette espiègle, vint coller son nom au début de cette phrase, pour ne pas en laisser le monopole à Tom, alors que ce n'était pas du tout nécessaire. Mary, this mischievous girl, came sticking her name at the beginning of this sentence, in order to not leave that monopoly to Tom, although it wasn't necessary at all. Mary, this mischievous, came to stick her name at the beginning of this sentence, so as not to leave it to Tom, when it was not necessary at all. J'ai déjà préparé le petit déjeuner. I've already prepared breakfast. I've already cooked breakfast. J'ai moins de livres que toi. I have fewer books than you. I have fewer books than you. Elle m'a dit où aller. She told me where to go. She told me where to go. Avez-vous remarqué des changements dans vos cheveux ou vos ongles ? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Comment es-tu raccordée ? How are you connected? How are you connected? Elle va vite s'y habituer. She's going to get used to it quickly. She'll get used to it soon. Je n'ai jamais été amoureuse auparavant. I've never been in love before. I've never been in love before. Mes voisins sont mes amis. My neighbors are my friends. My neighbors are my friends. J'ai modifié la phrase anglaise. I changed the English sentence. I changed the English sentence. Il faut que vous laissiez courir. You need to let go. You have to let it run. Qui a organisé cette réunion ? Who organized that meeting? Who organized this meeting? Ruy López de Segura, prêtre et célèbre joueur d'échecs espagnol du XVIe siècle, a écrit un livre de 150 pages, appelé Libro del Ajedrez, sur les études exhaustives qu'il a faites sur l'ouverture (1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5) qui porte son nom. Ruy López de Segura, a priest and a famous Spanish chess player of the 16th century, wrote a book of 150 pages, called Libro del Ajedrez, about exhaustive studies he made on the opening (1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5) that is named after him. Ruy Lopez de Segura, a priest and famous Spanish chess player of the 16th century, wrote a 150-page book, called Libro del Ajedrez, about the exhaustive studies he made on the opening (1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5) that bears his name. L'heure d'aller te coucher est largement dépassée. It's way past your bedtime. The time to go to bed is long gone. Il a été en France. He has been to France. He was in France. Elles descendirent la rue en chantant une chanson. They walked down the street singing a song. They walked down the street singing a song. Essaie de ne pas y penser ! Try not to think about it. Try not to think about it! Des communautés juives remontant à l'époque pré-islamique ont été expulsées comme « pieds-noirs » lors de la prétendue « décolonisation » de l'Afrique du Nord. Jewish communities dating to pre-Islamic times were driven out as "Pieds-Noirs" during the so-called decolonization of North Africa. Jewish communities dating back to pre-Islamic times were expelled as “blackfoot” during the so-called “decolonization” of North Africa. Merci de le ramener demain. Please bring it back tomorrow. Thank you for bringing it back tomorrow. Elle a besoin de trouver un emploi. She needs to find a job. She needs to find a job. Nous sommes ici avec nos enfants. We're here with our children. We are here with our children. Que se passe-t-il lorsque tu as une réaction allergique ? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? What happens when you have an allergic reaction? La première étape est terminée. Step one is done. The first step is over. Je veux un gros tube de dentifrice. I want a large tube of toothpaste. I want a big tube of toothpaste. Je veux quelque chose de sucré. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. C'est une relation sans issue. It's a dead-end relationship. It's a dead end relationship. Les efforts déployés pour maîtriser le feu avec des seaux ont rapidement échoué. Efforts to bring the blaze under control using buckets soon failed. Efforts to control the fire with buckets quickly failed. Lorsque tu manges ? While eating? When you eat? Elle ne m'a pas oublié. She didn't forget me. She hasn't forgotten me. Il adore se rendre au théâtre. He loves going to the theater. He loves going to the theater. Chaque printemps, la glace de l'hiver fond dans les ruisseaux, les rivières et les lacs. Every spring, the winter ice melts into the streams and rivers and lakes. Every spring, winter ice melts in streams, rivers and lakes. Si tu as tort, admets-le. Si tu as raison, sois calme. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you're wrong, admit it, if you're right, be calm. Laurie est une véritable amie. Laurie is a true friend. Laurie is a true friend. As-tu déjà été diagnostiquée séropositive ? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Ce n'est pas assez bien pour toi. That's not good enough for you. It's not good enough for you. Les échecs enchaînent leur maître, en soumettant son esprit et son cerveau de telle manière que la liberté intérieure même des plus forts en souffrira. Chess shackles its master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. Failures chain their master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. Nous étions choquées. We were shocked. We were shocked. Tom pourrait être le traître. Tom might be the traitor. Tom could be the traitor. Tout bien considéré, mon père a eu une vie heureuse. All things taken into consideration, my father's life was a happy one. All in all, my father had a happy life. J'ai eu le même problème lorsque j'avais votre âge. I had the same problem when I was your age. I had the same problem when I was your age. Ne vous ennuyez pas à faire cela maintenant. Don't bother doing that now. Don’t get bored doing this now. Mettez-le dans le hall, s'il vous plaît. Put it in the hall, please. Put him in the lobby, please. Je pense que vous devriez y aller. I think you should go. I think you should go. Salut, maman ! Hello, Mum! Hey, Mom! Il est impossible de trouver à se garer autour d'ici. It's impossible to find parking around here. It is impossible to find parking around here. Je parle français pour que Tom ne me comprenne pas. I'm talking in French so that Tom doesn't understand me. I speak French so Tom doesn't understand me. Quand j'ai emménagé à New York, tous les gens que je rencontrais me considéraient comme un plouc. When I moved to New York, everyone I met treated me like a rube. When I moved to New York, everyone I met thought of me as a slut. Prenez-vous des opiacés comme la morphine, le Percocet, le Vicodin et l'OxyContin qui ne vous ont pas été prescrits ? Do you use opiates like morphine, Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin, that are not prescribed to you? Do you take opiates such as morphine, Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin that have not been prescribed for you? Vas-tu t'en servir ? Will you use this? Will you use it? Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit déjà ? What did he say again? What'd he say? Qu’est-ce que tu préfères dans ta ville ? What's your favorite thing about your city? What do you prefer in your city? Je n'aime pas vraiment les chevaux. I don't really like horses. I don't really like horses. Avez-vous eu des nausées récemment ? Have you experienced nausea recently? Have you had any nausea recently? Vous n'avez pas de raison de craindre pour votre sécurité. There's no reason for you to fear for your safety. You have no reason to fear for your safety. Vas-y seule. Go alone. Go alone. Tom a commandé un jus d'orange. Tom ordered orange juice. Tom ordered an orange juice. Il a nié avoir laissé la porte ouverte. He denied leaving the door open. He denied leaving the door open. Amenez votre frère avec vous. Bring your brother with you. Bring your brother with you. Je ne suis pas sûre de pouvoir me fier à elle. I'm not sure I can trust her. I'm not sure I can trust her. Monsieur Tanaka, vous êtes demandé au téléphone. Mr Tanaka, you are wanted on the phone. Mr. Tanaka, you're asked on the phone. Qu'est ce qui te fait mal ? What hurts you? What's wrong with you? Certaines familles passent leurs vacances près de la plage. Some families spend their vacation near the beach. Some families spend their holidays near the beach. Après une courte paix, la guerre éclata à nouveau. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After a short peace, the war broke out again. Pourquoi ne me dites-vous pas ce que vous voulez entendre ? Why don't you tell me what you want to hear? Why don't you tell me what you want to hear? J'ai trop bu, hier au soir. I had too much to drink last night. I drank too much last night. Imagine ça ! Imagine that! Imagine that! Je peux vous parler une seconde ? Can I talk to you for a sec? Can I talk to you for a second? Pourrais-tu ouvrir la porte ? Would you open the door? Could you open the door? Il s'en est déjà allé. He's already left. He's already gone. Mes parents s'opposent à ce que ma sœur épouse un étranger. My parents are opposed to my sister marrying a foreigner. My parents are against my sister marrying a stranger. Je sais de quoi vous voulez parler. I know what you want to talk about. I know what you're talking about. Monte ici, s'il te plaît, puis assieds-toi sur cette table. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Get up here, please, then sit on this table. Nous savons ce que nous sommes, mais nous ne savons pas ce que nous pouvons être. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. We know what we are, but we don’t know what we can be. Papa est impatient aujourd'hui. Dad's in an impatient mood today. Dad is impatient today. Tout semble être en ordre. Everything seems to be in order. Everything seems to be in order. Il a visité la France trois fois. He has been to France three times. He visited France three times. Ma mère ne pensait à rien d'autre qu'à ma visite. Mother thought of nothing but my coming home. My mother thought of nothing but my visit. Appelez-moi à ce numéro. Call me at this number. Call me at this number. Enlevez son nom de la liste des candidats. Delete his name from the list of the applicants. Remove his name from the list of candidates. Tom a l'air malade. Tom is looking ill. Tom looks sick. Aimerais-tu cela ? Would you like that? Would you like that? Ces jouets conviennent aux filles. These toys are suitable for girls. These toys are suitable for girls. Je ne l'ai pas fait. I didn't do it. I didn't. Leur maison a été brûlée par l'incendie. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was burned by the fire. J'ai été secouée. I was shaken. I was shaken. Les prix dépendent de l'offre et de la demande. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prices depend on supply and demand. Tom se souvient du temps qu'il a passé avec Marie. Tom remembers the time that he spent with Mary. Tom remembers the time he spent with Marie. Je suis contre. I stand against it. I'm against it. J'espère que tu n'as pas attrapé froid. I hope you haven't caught a cold. I hope you didn't catch cold. Elles sont naturelles. They're natural. They are natural. J'attends mon tour. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Waouh ! Intéressant ! Wow! Interesting! Wow! Interesting! Va vers l'ouest. Go west. Go west. Pensez-vous que vous auriez plaisir à être renommées ? Do you think that you would enjoy being famous? Do you think you would enjoy being famous? Ils ont refusé l'invitation. They declined the invitation. They refused the invitation. Allons prendre l'air dehors. Let's go outside for some fresh air. Let's get some fresh air outside. Les trucs que j'ai mis à la poubelle ne sont plus utiles. The things that I put in the trash can aren't useful anymore. The stuff I put in the trash is no longer useful. Vous a-t-on diagnostiqué un souffle cardiaque ? Have you been diagnosed with a heart murmur? Have you been diagnosed with a heart murmur? Y a-t-il des tremblements de terre en Allemagne ? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Le colonialisme algérien et ses relais parlent de « séparatisme kabyle » alors qu'en réalité il ne s'agit que de souverainisme. Cela dit, retrouver sa liberté est l'un des droits fondamentaux. De toute évidence, l'Algérie coloniale a ratifié la charte des droits de l'homme mais ne l'a jamais respectée. Algerian colonisalism and its relays speak of "Kabyle separatism" when in reality it is only sovereignism. That said, recovering one's freedom is one of the fundamental rights. Obviously colonial Algeria ratified the human rights charter but never respected it. Algerian colonialism and its relays speak of "Kabyle separatism" when in reality it is only about sovereignism. That said, regaining one's freedom is one of the fundamental rights. Obviously, colonial Algeria has ratified the Charter of Human Rights but has never respected it. Pourquoi avez-vous besoin d'eux ? Why do you need them? Why do you need them? De temps en temps, elle est en retard à l'école. Once in a while, she is late for school. From time to time, she is late for school. Tu n'as rien à te reprocher. You don't have to blame yourself for that. There's nothing wrong with you. J'ai perdu la montre. I lost the watch. I lost the watch. Son jardin est une œuvre d'art. His garden is a work of art. His garden is a work of art. Cela fait-il mal ? Does it hurt? Does it hurt? L'homme ne peut pas vivre sans eau. Men can't live without water. Man cannot live without water. Je viens d'Amérique. I come from America. I'm from America. Skura est rentrée et Yanni a accepté de la raccompagner. Skura returned home and Yanni agreed to take her back. Skura has returned and Yanni has agreed to accompany her. Aimez-vous le chocolat blanc ? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Tom s'est vite rendu compte que quelque chose n'allait pas. Tom quickly realized that something was wrong. Tom quickly realized that something was wrong. Connais-tu le hongrois ? Do you know Hungarian? Do you know Hungarian? Ce n'est pas la meilleure réponse. That isn't the best answer. That's not the best answer. Penses-tu que je sois trop vieux pour retourner à l'école ? Do you think I'm too old to go back to school? Do you think I'm too old to go back to school? Cette eau est-elle potable ? Is this water drinkable? Is this water safe to drink? Tu me demandes de faire quelque chose que je ne veux pas faire. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. J'ai oublié mon numéro de téléphone. I forgot my telephone number. I forgot my phone number. Quand avez-vous pris pour la dernière fois des benzodiazépines qui ne vous avaient pas été prescrites ? When was the last time you used benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? When was the last time you took benzodiazepines that weren’t prescribed for you? Tout est fait à ta place. Everything is done for you. Everything is done in your place. Ils sont derrière toi. They are behind you. They're behind you. Jésus pleura. Jesus wept. Jesus wept. Pourquoi as-tu besoin d'un médecin ? What do you need a doctor for? Why do you need a doctor? Je voulais étudier le français. I wanted to study French. I wanted to study French. Je vous prêterai quelques livres de mon frère. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll lend you some of my brother's books. Que veux-tu que le message soit ? What do you want the message to be? What do you want the message to be? Nous avons un peu de temps. We have some time. We have some time. Regarde toute la camelote dans cette maison ! Look at all the trash in this house! Look at all the junk in this house! Maintenant je suis vraiment fatiguée. Now I'm really tired. Now I'm really tired. Tom et John sont tous les deux tombés amoureux de Mary. Tom and John both fell in love with Mary. Tom and John both fell in love with Mary. Il a commis une erreur. He made a mistake. He made a mistake. J'aimerais voir la fête. I would like to see the festival. I'd like to see the party. Il ira maintenant chez le dentiste et attendra, car il ne peut pas risquer de se tromper sur l'heure du rendez-vous. He will go to the dentist now and wait, as he can't risk getting the time of the appointment wrong. He will now go to the dentist and wait, because he can not risk being wrong on the time of the appointment. Il n'y a pas de liberté pour l'ignorant. There is no freedom for the ignorant. There is no freedom for the ignorant. J'ai de bonnes raisons de ne pas aimer Tom. I've got a good reason not to like Tom. I have good reason not to like Tom. Je fus à court de mots. I was speechless. I was running out of words. Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible with the gods. As-tu régulièrement la bouche sèche ? Do you regularly experience dry mouth? Do you have a dry mouth regularly? Ils m'ont bombardé de questions. They plied me with questions. They bombarded me with questions. Veuillez suivre mon doigt sans bouger votre tête. Please follow my finger without moving your head. Please follow my finger without moving your head. Je n'ai pas réellement couché avec lui. I haven't actually slept with him. I didn't really sleep with him. Tom est inspecteur des impôts. Tom is a tax inspector. Tom is a tax inspector. Nous ne pouvons plus faire confiance à personne maintenant. We can't trust anyone now. We can’t trust anyone anymore. J'ai eu l'occasion de le rencontrer à Paris. I had a chance to meet him in Paris. I had the opportunity to meet him in Paris. La chambre est nettoyée par Tom. The room is cleaned by Tom. The room was cleaned by Tom. Je suis affamé ! I'm famished! I'm hungry! Qui a cuisiné ? Who cooked? Who cooked? Que préférez-vous, l'automne ou le printemps ? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? What do you prefer, autumn or spring? J'étais quelque peu surprise. I was slightly surprised. I was a little surprised. Tout le monde t'apprécie. Everyone likes you. Everybody likes you. Tom portait des lunettes de protection. Tom wore protective goggles. Tom was wearing protective glasses. Il n'y a pas de lumière sans ombre. There's no light without a shadow. There is no light without shadow. À la fin seulement on comprend le titre. Only at the end does one understand the title. At the end, we understand the title. Le petit-déjeuner est prêt. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Euh, répète-moi ça ? Wait, what? Uh, repeat that to me? Es-tu sexuellement active ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Qui est assis là à l'autre bout de la table ? Who is sitting at the other end of the table? Who is sitting at the other end of the table? Donnez-moi le journal, je vous prie, une fois que vous en aurez fini. Please give me the paper when you have done with it. Give me the paper, please, once you're done with it. Tom est tombé dans l'eau. Tom fell into the water. Tom fell into the water. Le coton absorbe l'eau. Cotton sucks up water. Cotton absorbs water. Travaille lentement ! Work slowly. Work slowly! L'Algérie a construit la plus grande mosquée du monde tandis que les Algériens quittent le pays par des bateaux de fortunes et ses dignitaires prennent bien soin d'eux-mêmes et passent leurs vacances à l'étranger. Algeria has built the biggest mosque in the world as Algerians leave the country by boats of fortune and its dignitaries take good care of themselves and spend their holidays abroad. Algeria has built the largest mosque in the world while Algerians leave the country by makeshift boats and its dignitaries take good care of themselves and spend their holidays abroad. Elle est dotée d'un talent spécial. She is endowed with a special talent. She has a special talent. J'ai été prudente. I was careful. I was careful. J'adore entendre carillonner une horloge à pendule. I love to hear a grandfather clock chime. I love hearing a clock chime. Il n'y a aucun problème du tout. There's no problem whatsoever. There's no problem at all. Il me rend chèvre. He drives me crazy. He makes me a goat. M. et Mme. West sont en lune de miel. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Je pense que nous avons assez d'argent pour acheter tout ce dont nous avons besoin. I think we've got enough money to buy everything we need. I think we have enough money to buy everything we need. Les documents ont jauni avec l'âge. The documents have yellowed with age. The documents have yellowed with age. Il était coupable de meurtre. He was guilty of murder. He was guilty of murder. Tu ne peux pas le nier. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Je t'ai vue avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. Êtes-vous capable de tourner dans ce sens ? Can you turn that way? Are you able to turn in that direction? Comment est votre vue ? How is your vision? How's your sight? Notre chèvre a eu une portée de trois chevreaux. Our goat had a litter of three kids. Our goat had a litter of three kids. J'étais impatient de te rencontrer. I was looking forward to meeting you. I was looking forward to meeting you. Il ajouta un peu de sucre et du lait à son thé. He added a little sugar and milk to his tea. He added some sugar and milk to his tea. Tu es difficile. You're fussy. You're difficult. J'ai encore dû lui repasser ses chemises ! C'est la dernière fois ! I had to iron his shirts again! It's the last time! I had to iron his shirts again, it's the last time! Au travail ! Let's get it done! Get to work! La glace craqua sous le poids. The ice cracked under the weight. The ice cracked under the weight. Tu dois arrêter de t'inquiéter. You have to stop worrying. You have to stop worrying. Le suspect s'était caché dans les montagnes pendant trois semaines. The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks. The suspect had been hiding in the mountains for three weeks. Ces boîtes sont lourdes. These boxes are heavy. These boxes are heavy. Bienvenue ! Welcome. Welcome! Nous faisons beaucoup d'argent. We make great money. We make a lot of money. Ne fais pas l'effarouchée avec moi ! Don't play coy with me. Don't be scared with me! Des histoires comme Cendrillon peuvent se trouver en Chine, au Japon, et dans n'importe quel pays du monde. Stories like Cinderella can be found in China, Japan and in every land of the world. Stories like Cinderella can be found in China, Japan, and any country in the world. Il est ce qu'on appelle un pionnier. He is what we call a pioneer. He is what we call a pioneer. Êtes-vous fatiguées de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? Le sexe n'est pas un trophée. Sex is not a trophy. Sex is not a trophy. Tom n'aime pas voyager. Tom doesn't like to travel. Tom doesn’t like to travel. N'êtes-vous pas satisfaite ? Aren't you satisfied? Aren't you satisfied? Il demanda à ma mère. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Le vin est fait à partir du raisin. Wine is made from grapes. Wine is made from grapes. Tom n'a jamais vu Mary. Tom never saw Mary. Tom has never seen Mary. « Comment as-tu aimé ça, chère amie, » dit Tom avec un sourire, « cet échec et mat que je t'ai offert avec ma dame ? » Marie a été choquée au début. Avais-je manqué de voir quelque chose ? Mais alors elle a souri aussi et a répondu : « Eh bien, que penseriez-vous si je capturais votre dame avec mon cavalier ? » Et après avoir déplacé le cavalier, elle a retiré la dame du plateau. "How did you like that, dear friend," said Tom with a smile, "this checkmate that I gave you with my queen?" - Mary was shocked at first. Would she have missed something? But she soon smiled too and replied, "Well, what would you think if I captured your queen with my knight?" And having moved the knight, she removed the queen from the board. “How did you like it, dear friend,” Tom said with a smile, “that failure and matt I gave you with my lady?” Marie was shocked at first. Had I missed seeing something? But then she also smiled and said, “Well, what would you think if I captured your lady with my rider?” And after moving the rider, she pulled the lady off the tray. Tom est bien plus vieux qu'il n'en a l'air. Tom is much older than he looks. Tom is much older than he looks. Lana Turner était une belle blonde. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. L’as-tu vu ? have you seen it ? Have you seen him? J'ai appris quelque chose aujourd'hui, grâce à toi. I learned something today, thanks to you. I learned something today, thanks to you. Finalement, il a réalisé son objectif. In the end he achieved his objective. Eventually, he achieved his goal. Je suis prêt, et quant à toi ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, what about you? C'est le secrétaire particulier du patron. He is the boss's private secretary. He's the boss's private secretary. L'effet du médicament fut impressionnant. The effect of the medicine was amazing. The effect of the drug was impressive. J'ai peur. I'm scared. I'm scared. La neige a fondu. The snow has melted. The snow has melted. Élever des enfants, ce n’est pas du gâteau. Raising children isn't easy. Raising children is not cake. As-tu déjà aimé quelqu'un qui ne t'a jamais aimé en retour ? Have you ever loved someone who never loved you back? Have you ever loved someone who has never loved you in return? J'ai une douche spacieuse. I have a spacious shower. I have a spacious shower. Formant une infrastructure d'informations, le réel impact de l'autoroute de l'information est une attente du développement de la nouvelle économie due au passage d'une industrie de matériel informatique tangible à une industrie de logiciels intelligents. Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry. Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of the development of the new economy due to the transition from a tangible hardware industry to an intelligent software industry. J'étais juste en colère. I was just angry. I was just angry. Anne n'a pas de sœur. Ann doesn't have a sister. Anne has no sister. Peu importe la route que tu suis, le trajet jusqu'à la ville ne te prendra pas plus de vingt minutes. No matter which road you follow, the drive to town won't take you more than twenty minutes. No matter which road you follow, the journey to the city will take you no more than twenty minutes. Le virus a causé la mort de plusieurs éléphants en Afrique. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus has caused the deaths of several elephants in Africa. Sens ça. Smell this. Feel that. La Russie est grande. Russia is big. Russia is big. Elle est allée chez elle et elle a pleuré. She went home and cried. She went to her house and cried. À cette époque, le Mexique n'était pas encore indépendant de l'Espagne. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. Nous mangeons rarement dehors. We rarely eat out. We rarely eat outside. Je n'ai pas besoin de petite amie. I don't need a girlfriend. I don't need a girlfriend. La famille a connu des heures difficiles après la guerre. The family had a hard time after the war. The family had a difficult time after the war. Dans un mois je serai en vacances. In a month, I'll be on vacation. In a month I will be on vacation. Ce n'est pas cher, pas vrai ? That's cheap, isn't it? It's cheap, isn't it? Je pensais que vous seriez parties et m'auriez quittée. I thought you'd gone and left me. I thought you'd be gone and leave me. Je n'arrive simplement pas à te comprendre, parfois. I just can't understand you sometimes. I just can't understand you sometimes. J'ai eu un bon entraîneur. I had a good coach. I had a good coach. Philidor était considéré comme le meilleur joueur d'échecs du monde à son époque. La Défense Philidor, qui est l'un des jeux ouverts, porte son nom. Philidor was considered the best chess player in the world in his time. The Philidor Defense, which is one of the open games, is named after him. Philidor was considered the best chess player in the world at the time. The Philidor Defense, which is one of the open games, is named after him. Avez-vous eu une toux persistante au cours des derniers jours ? Have you had a persistent cough within the past few days? Have you had a persistent cough in the past few days? Selon Vladimir Chizhov, le mot « chatte » est indécent. According to Vladimir Chizhov, the word "pussy" is indecent. According to Vladimir Chizhov, the word “pussy” is indecent. S'aider soi-même est la meilleure aide. Self-help is the best help. Helping yourself is the best help. La prospérité d'un pays dépend de ses citoyens. The prosperity of a country depends upon its citizens. The prosperity of a country depends on its citizens. Aimez-vous ce jardin ? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? Si cela n'est pas satisfait, on ne peut pas dire que la fonction est monotone croissante. If this is not satisfied, we cannot say that the function is monotone increasing. If this is not satisfied, it cannot be said that the function is increasing monotonous. Je sais que Tom n'est pas Canadien. I know Tom isn't a Canadian. I know Tom is not Canadian. Quelqu'un a laissé les lumières allumées. Somebody left the lights on. Someone left the lights on. Je vais à Mayence puis à Cologne l'an prochain. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mainz and then Cologne next year. Avez-vous une chambre ? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Cette sucette est trop sucrée. This lollipop is too sweet. This lollipop is too sweet. En quoi seras-tu réincarnée ? What will you be reincarnated as? In what will you be reincarnated? On ne peut pas opprimer les peuples qui n'ont plus peur. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. We cannot oppress people who are no longer afraid. Elle ne sait pas encore faire de vélo. She can't ride a bicycle yet. She doesn’t know how to ride a bike yet. Ce n'est pas normal. This is not normal. That's not normal. J'espère que je ne vous ai pas réveillée. I hope I haven't woken you up. I hope I didn't wake you up. Tu es demandé au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. You're asked on the phone. J'ai hâte de te revoir dimanche prochain. I am looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday. J'aime les chants de Noël. I love Christmas songs. I like Christmas songs. Et elle fait encore la grimace. And she still makes a funny face. And she's still grinning. Je vais t'envoyer les informations par courriel. I'll email you the information. I'll email you the information. Écoutez, voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que j'emporte ceci ? Listen, do you mind if I take this with me? Look, do you see any downside to me taking this? C’est bourré de paranos. It's full of paranoia. It’s full of paranoids. Êtes-vous sûr que ce soit une bonne idée ? Are you sure this is a good idea? Are you sure this is a good idea? Je ne suis pas très heureux non plus. I'm not very happy, either. I'm not very happy either. Je ne sais pas ce que tu as entendu dire à mon sujet. I don't know what you heard about me. I don't know what you heard about me. C'est déjà un homme. He's already a man. He's already a man. Aussi dur que vous essayiez, vous ne pouvez pas le terminer en un jour. However hard you try, you can't finish it in a day. As hard as you try, you can’t finish it in a day. Nous nous sommes mariés le 20 octobre 2013. We got married on October 20, 2013. We were married on October 20, 2013. J'ai gribouillé son adresse au dos de mon journal. I scribbled down his address in the back of my diary. I scribbled his address on the back of my newspaper. J'ai oublié où se trouvait la voiture. I forgot where the car was. I forgot where the car was. Lire la suite. Read more. Read more. As-tu perdu connaissance après l'accident ? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? La société a coulé à cause d'un manque de capitaux. The firm went under due to lack of capital. The company sank due to a lack of capital. Elle lui a demandé s'il était étudiant à cette école. She asked him if he was a student at this school. She asked him if he was a student at that school. Tom n'aime pas ce jeu. Tom doesn't like this game. Tom doesn’t like this game. Je pensais que je te trouverais ici. I thought I'd find you here. I thought I'd find you here. J'en suis vraiment fière. I'm really proud of this. I'm really proud of that. Je vous l'avais dit ! I told you so. I told you! Ah ! Si j'étais riche, je m'achèterais une maison en Espagne. Ah! If I were rich, I'd buy myself a house in Spain. If I were rich, I would buy a house in Spain. Je ne l'ai jamais même dit à mon mari. I've never even told my husband. I never even told my husband. Tom parle. Tom is talking. Tom is talking. Faites attention à ne pas attraper froid. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful not to catch cold. Avez-vous déjà été blessée par balle ? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever been shot? J'ai vu quelque chose. I saw something. I saw something. J'ai une meilleure idée maintenant. I have a better idea now. I have a better idea now. Et je n'ai pas tiré. Je n'ai pas pu... Au dernier moment, c'est honteux à dire... Je n'ai pas eu le courage de tirer. And I did not shoot. I couldn't... At the last moment, it's shameful to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. And I didn't shoot. I couldn't... at the last moment, it's shameful to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. Il est un peu énervé aujourd'hui. Si j'étais toi, je ne le chercherais pas trop. He's a little on edge today. I wouldn't rattle his cage if I were you. He's a little upset today, and if I were you, I wouldn't be looking for him too much. Je suis lente à m'adapter à de nouvelles situations. I'm slow to adapt to new situations. I am slow to adapt to new situations. Sinon, tu mourras. Otherwise, you will die. Otherwise, you'll die. Les oiseaux construisent un nid au printemps pour élever leurs petits dedans. Birds make a nest in the springtime to raise their babies in. Birds build a nest in the spring to raise their young in. Il n'a pas le billet. He doesn't have the ticket. He doesn't have the ticket. Il se mit à pleuvoir. It began to rain. It began to rain. Est-ce que tu as eu récemment des vertiges ou des étourdissements inexpliqués ? Have you recently had any unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Have you recently experienced unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Il joue aux échecs depuis qu'il est au Lycée. He has been playing chess since he was in high school. He's been playing chess since he was in high school. Je passe une mauvaise journée. I'm having a bad day. I'm having a bad day. Pourquoi n'y allons-nous pas tous ? Why don't we all go? Why don't we all go? Je déteste la cravate que tu portes. I hate the tie you're wearing. I hate the tie you wear. Le Mont Aso est un volcan actif. Mt. Aso is an active volcano. Mount Aso is an active volcano. Comment ? Non, bien sûr que non. Whaat? No, of course not. No, of course not. Quand l'écoulement inhabituel a-t-il commencé ? When did the unusual discharge begin? When did the unusual flow begin? C'est une nuit importante. This is an important night. It's an important night. L'événement s'est ouvert avec une interprétation émouvante de l'hymne national. The event opened with a stirring rendition of the national anthem. The event opened with a moving interpretation of the national anthem. Il a dit quoi ?! He said what?! What did he say?! Avez-vous déjà été diagnostiquée séropositive ? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIV? Tom a probablement juste peur. Tom is probably just scared. Tom is probably just scared. Je l’ai complètement oublié. I completely forgot about it. I completely forgot about it. Elle a travaillé en France toute sa vie. She worked in France all her life. She has worked in France all her life. Je vais à la campagne avec mes amis. I'm going to the country with my friends. I'm going to the country with my friends. Il fit un pas en avant. He took a step forward. He took a step forward. Ils la voient. They see her. They see her. Mon père enseigne l'anglais au lycée. My father teaches English at a high school. My father taught English in high school. On peut acheter toutes sortes de provisions au supermarché. You can buy all kinds of groceries at the supermarket. You can buy all kinds of groceries at the supermarket. Je suis heureux d'être de retour. I'm happy to be back. I'm glad to be back. Je pense que Tom aime son travail. I think that Tom likes his job. I think Tom likes his job. Tom est un écrivain mondialement connu. Tom is a world-famous writer. Tom is a world famous writer. Elle a consacré sa vie à l'aide aux handicapés. She devoted her life to helping the handicapped. She devoted her life to helping the disabled. Que feraient-ils sans nous ? What would they do without us? What would they do without us? Pensez-vous que je l'aie fait ? Do you think I did it? Do you think I did it? Ça a l'air très intéressant. This sounds very interesting. Sounds very interesting. Je pense que c'est la meilleure manière. I think it's the best way. I think that's the best way. Aide-moi à charger le camion. Help me to load the truck. Help me load the truck. Pion blanc à f3, pion noir à e6, pion blanc à g4, dame noire à h4 - échec et mat ! C'est ce qu'on appelle en plaisantant dans les cercles d'échecs le « mat du fou ». White pawn to f3, black pawn to e6, white pawn to g4, black queen to h4 - checkmate! This is jokingly referred to in chess circles as "fool's mate". White pawn at f3, black pawn at e6, white pawn at g4, black lady at h4 - failure and matte! This is what is jokingly called in chess circles the "matte of the madman". Mon équipe est composée de dix personnes. My team consists of ten people. My team is made up of ten people. Il se mit soudain à pleuvoir. It suddenly started raining. It suddenly started to rain. Y a-t-il quelque chose qui soulage votre douleur ? Is there anything that makes your pain better? Is there anything that relieves your pain? Quel est ton plus haut niveau d'études ? What is the highest level of school you completed? What is your highest level of education? J'ai toujours été intéressé par la science. I've always been interested in science. I have always been interested in science. La Kabylie est représentée dans le monde entier. Kabylia is represented all over the world. Kabylia is represented all over the world. Je te souhaite la meilleure des chances. Best of luck to you. I wish you the best of luck. Avez-vous l'impression d'avoir des pensées incontrôlées dont vous ne pouvez vous débarrasser ? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you feel like you have uncontrolled thoughts that you can’t get rid of? Je ne m'en soucie guère. I don't particularly care. I don't care. Cela va à l’encontre de mes convictions. That goes against my beliefs. This goes against my convictions. Il m'a menti. Je ne peux plus lui faire confiance. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me. I can't trust him anymore. Enregistre-le sur le disque dur externe. Save it on the external hard drive. Save it to the external hard drive. Consacre-toi entièrement à tes obligations. Devote your whole attention to your duties. Dedicate yourself entirely to your obligations. Je pense être prêt. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready. Nous avons accompli beaucoup de choses. We've accomplished a lot of things. We have accomplished a lot. J'aimerais tout expliquer mais je ne pense pas que nous ayons suffisamment de temps. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have enough time. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have enough time. Il semble satisfait de mon explication. He seems satisfied with my explanation. He seems pleased with my explanation. Avez-vous déjà reçu un traitement contre la gonorrhée ? Have you ever received treatment for gonorrhea? Have you ever received treatment for gonorrhea? Elle lui conseilla de s'y rendre en vélo. She advised him to go by bicycle. She advised him to go by bike. Tom est mort du cancer. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. Il se souvient lui avoir écrit toutes les semaines. He remembers writing to her every week. He remembers writing to her every week. Je t'aime et t'aimerai toujours ! I love you and I will always love you. I love you and will always love you! Ne t'inquiète pas à ce sujet. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Ce chapeau est trop serré pour moi. This hat is too tight for me. This hat is too tight for me. Tom et Mary ont tous deux l'air triste. Both Tom and Mary look sad. Tom and Mary both look sad. Il me donna son numéro de téléphone. He gave me his phone number. He gave me his phone number. "J'ai oublié", répondit-elle. "I forgot," she said. “I forgot,” she replied. Ne demandez pas ce qu'ils pensent. Demandez ce qu'ils font. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. C'est une vieille image. It's an old picture. It's an old picture. Pouvez-vous me frotter les épaules ? Can you rub my shoulders? Can you rub my shoulders? Je ne serai pas prêt. I won't be ready. I won't be ready. Félicitations pour ton anniversaire. Congratulations on your anniversary. Congratulations on your birthday. Tous les pays arabes souhaitent la disparition d'Israël. De même que toute l'Algérie ne songe qu'à l'anéantissement de la Kabylie. Deux peuples distincts mais le même destin ! All Arab countries want Israel to disappear. Just as all of Algeria thinks only of the annihilation of Kabylia. Two distinct peoples but the same fate! All the Arab countries wish for the disappearance of Israel, just as all Algeria thinks only of the annihilation of Kabylia, two distinct peoples but the same destiny! Il ne me donna pas seulement des conseils, mais aussi de l'argent. He gave me not only advice but also money. He gave me not only advice, but also money. C'est tout nous. It's all us. That's all we do. Pourquoi prenez-vous ce médicament ? Why do you take that medicine? Why are you taking this medicine? "Je n'aime pas te voir pleurer." "C'est vrai, mon amour?" "I don't like to see you crying." "Is that true, love?" "I don't like to see you cry." "Is that true, my love?" Tom a lavé la voiture ce matin. Tom washed the car this morning. Tom washed the car this morning. Tom a une grosse verge. Tom has a large penis. Tom has a big rod. Les marchés à terme des matières premières sont devenus hautement spéculatifs. Commodity futures markets have become highly speculative. Commodity futures markets have become highly speculative. On devient distrait en vieillissant. We become forgetful as we grow older. You become distracted as you get older. Dites à Tom que je suis désolée, s'il vous plaît. Please tell Tom I'm sorry. Tell Tom I'm sorry, please. Il s'assied souvent à côté de moi et écoute de la musique. He often sits by me and listens to music. He often sits next to me and listens to music. Crois-tu au destin ? Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in destiny? Vous a-t-on dit les raisons pour lesquelles nous ne vous avons pas embauchée ? Have you been told the reasons why we didn't hire you? Have you been told the reasons why we didn’t hire you? Il nettoie sa carabine. He's cleaning his rifle. He cleans his rifle. Il est décédé le jour de l'arrivée de son fils. He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day his son arrived. Ecrivez votre nom ici s'il vous plaît. Please write your name here. Please write your name here. Je suis un mec bien. I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. Je ne sais pas où vivra Tom l’année prochaine. I don't know where Tom will live next year. I don’t know where Tom will live next year. Combien de poupées avais-tu quand tu étais une petite fille ? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? Divisez le gâteau entre vous trois ! Divide the cake among the three of you. Divide the cake between the three of you. Je suis allé voir l'avocat pour obtenir une aide juridique. I went to the lawyer for legal help. I went to the lawyer for legal help. Une âme seine ne se trouve que dans un corps sain. A healthy soul is only to be found in a healthy body. A soul seine is found only in a healthy body. Est-ce que l'amharique est une langue sémitique ? Is Amharic a Semitic language? Is Amharic a Semitic language? Tom est modeste. Tom is modest. Tom is modest. Il n'aime pas se battre. He doesn't like fighting. He doesn't like to fight. Il a été choisi pour capitaine. He was chosen captain. He was chosen as captain. Comment en as-tu entendu parler ? How did you come to hear that? How did you hear about it? Est-il possible que vous soyez enceinte ? Is there a possibility that you are pregnant? Is it possible that you are pregnant? Si tu manges autant, tu vas devenir gros. If you eat that much, you'll get fat. If you eat that much, you're going to get fat. Tom n'est probablement pas heureux en ce moment. Tom is probably not happy right now. Tom is probably not happy right now. Cela semble être un plan réalisable. That sounds like a workable plan. This seems to be an achievable plan. Quelle journée délicieuse. What a lovely day! What a delightful day. Quelle quantité de sucre utilises-tu ? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Il y avait un canard qui pataugeait dans la mare. There was a duck wading in the pond. There was a duck wading in the pond. L'accident s'est produit il y a deux heures. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident happened two hours ago. Alors, quel est le programme maintenant ? So what's the plan now? So, what's the program now? Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter ? Do you have anything to add? Do you have anything to add? Je suis très modeste. Je m'en vante tout le temps. I'm very modest. I brag about it all the time. I'm very modest, and I always brag about it. Ce n'est pas le XIXe siècle. It's not the 19th century. This is not the 19th century. Avez-vous vu la nouvelle ? Did you see the news? Have you seen the news? Il me faut commencer quelque part. I have to start somewhere. I have to start somewhere. Es-tu devenu fou ? Have you lost your reason? Have you gone crazy? Hier il a vu un grand homme. Yesterday, he saw a large man. Yesterday he saw a great man. Quelle est sa taille ? How tall is he? What is its size? Je vais commencer à travailler ici le 20 octobre. I'll start working here on October 20th. I will start working here on October 20. Je crois qu'il faut réfléchir avant de prendre cette décision. I think we must think it over before making this decision. I think we need to think before we make that decision. T'ai-je allouée suffisamment de temps ? Did I give you enough time? Did I give you enough time? Voulez-vous que nous nous fassions tuer tous les deux ? Do you want to get us both killed? Do you want us both killed? Cela semble fort intéressant. That sounds really interesting. Sounds very interesting. N'ayez pas peur ! Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid! J'ai anticipé sa question. I anticipated his question. I anticipated his question. Ce n'est pas un enfant. He is not a child. He's not a child. Avez-vous fréquemment mal aux oreilles ? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you have frequent ear pain? Tu sais que je déteste cela. You know that I hate it. You know I hate it. Je n'arrive pas à croire que j'aie fait ça. I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I did that. Avez-vous déjà tenté de vous faire du mal ? Have you ever attempted to harm yourself? Have you ever tried to hurt yourself? Le cavalier ne se déplace pas comme ça. The knight does not move like that. The rider doesn't move like that. Je ne permettrais jamais cela. I would never allow that. I would never allow that. Je veux aller nager avec Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. Il y a un grand parc près de mon école. There is a big park near my school. There is a large park near my school. Nous mangeons de sorte que nous pouvons vivre. We eat so we may live. We eat so that we can live. J'ignorais comment. I didn't know how. I didn't know how. Pourquoi portes-tu un chandail ? Why are you wearing a sweater? Why are you wearing a sweater? Perdre me fatigue. I'm getting tired of losing. Losing makes me tired. Il est armé jusqu'aux dents. He is armed to the teeth. He's armed to the teeth. Le rapport indique qu'une autre piste d'atterrissage pourrait être prête d'ici la fin de cette année. The report says another airstrip could be ready by the end of this year. The report indicates that another airstrip may be ready by the end of this year. Elle va tous les trois jours au supermarché. She goes to the supermarket every three days. She goes to the supermarket every three days. J'aime vraiment ma grand-mère. I really love my grandmother. I really love my grandmother. Ils se séparèrent sur une poignée de main ferme. They parted with a firm handshake. They separated on a firm handshake. Les patates poussent dans la terre, tandis que les pommes poussent sur les arbres. Potatoes grow in the ground, whereas apples grow on trees. Potatoes grow in the ground, while apples grow on trees. Nous avons de la chance que Tom soit là pour nous aider à faire ça. We're lucky Tom is here to help us do this. We’re lucky Tom is here to help us do that. Je l'ai regardée partir. I watched her leave. I watched her leave. Pourquoi aimes-tu tant Boston ? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you love Boston so much? Ta vie privée est-elle importante pour toi ? Do you care about your privacy? Is your privacy important to you? Dieu, je suis un pécheur. God, I am a sinner. God, I'm a sinner. Pour le dire clairement : l'odeur de ta transpiration est abominable. To put it bluntly, your sweat smells awful. To put it plainly: the smell of your perspiration is abominable. Il semble que nous soyons tous les deux seuls. It looks like it's just the two of us. It looks like we're both alone. Pendant que le peuple kabyle combattait le colonialisme français dans les années 40 et 50, les Algériens disaient : « Quel est le problème des Kabyles avec la France ? ». Puis, après l'indépendance de l'Algérie, les rôles ont été inversés par les faux médias algériens. Les Kabyles sont devenus des « zouaves » et les arabes algériens des héros qui ont libéré l'Algérie. Mais les statistiques et les documents historiques sont là pour témoigner de la vérité historique. While the Kabyle people were fighting French colonialism in the 1940s and 1950s, the Algerians said: "What is the Kabyle problem with France?" Then, after the independence of Algeria, the roles were reversed by the fake Algerian media. The Kabyles have become "Zouaves" and the Algerian Arabs heroes who liberated Algeria. But statistics and historical documents are there to testify to the historical truth. While the Kabyle people were fighting French colonialism in the 1940s and 1950s, the Algerians were saying, “What is the Kabyle problem with France?” Then, after Algeria’s independence, the roles were reversed by the fake Algerian media. The Kabyles became “zouaves” and the Algerian Arabs heroes who liberated Algeria. But the historical statistics and documents are there to testify the truth. Pourquoi ne te portes-tu pas candidate au conseil des élèves ? Why don't you run for student council? Why don't you run for student council? J'ai besoin que tu urines dans ce récipient. I need you to urinate in this cup. I need you to urinate in this container. Moscou est en Russie. Moscow is in Russia. Moscow is in Russia. C'est comme ça. That's how it is. That's the way it is. Vous êtes d'accord avec lui. You agree with him. You agree with him. Nous entendîmes quelque chose bouger dans la pièce d'à côté. We heard something moving in the next room. We heard something move in the next room. J'adore Ken le survivant ! I love Fist of the North Star! I love Ken the Survivor. Je ne supporte plus d'être ici. I can't take being here anymore. I can't stand being here anymore. Nous sommes désormais adultes. Now we're adults. We are now adults. Es-tu souvent enrhumé ? Do you frequently get colds? Are you often cold? Le soleil est notre source d'énergie la plus importante. The sun is our most important energy source. The sun is our most important source of energy. Les garçons mangent du pain. The boys eat bread. The boys eat bread. Tom devint populaire auprès des adolescents dès qu'il fit ses débuts à l'écran. Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom became popular with teenagers as soon as he made his screen debut. Laisse-moi te payer un verre. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. Tu ne sens pas bon du tout. You don't smell good at all. You don't feel good at all. Faites sauter. Fry. Blow it up. Je m'en suis occupé. I handled it. I took care of it. Vous étiez dans le coma. You were in a coma. You were in a coma. Sami va payer. Sami is gonna pay. Sami will pay. Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Il pleut et le vent souffle. It is raining and the wind is blowing. It's raining and the wind is blowing. À sa mort, Harry a laissé 200 millions de yens à sa famille. Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died. When he died, Harry left 200 million yen to his family. Qui le trouve peut le garder. Finders keepers. Whoever finds it can keep it. Ils ont parlé tous les deux en même temps. They both spoke at the same time. They both spoke at the same time. Est-elle la corneline une fleur ? Is carnelian a flower? Is the cornelian a flower? C'est la matière que je préfère. This is my favourite subject. This is the subject I prefer. Tu as entendu quelque chose avant de te réveiller? Did you hear anything before you woke up? Did you hear anything before you woke up? Est-ce qu'on est obligé de laisser un pourboire en France ? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué un trouble épileptique ? Have you ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder? Have you ever been diagnosed with an epileptic disorder? Tu vas le payer cher ! You will pay for this! You're gonna pay for it! Vous êtes-vous jamais cassée un os ? Have you ever broken a bone? Have you ever broken a bone? Personne ne fait rien. No one's doing anything. Nobody's doing anything. Tom est déjà en train de dormir. Tom is already sleeping. Tom is already sleeping. Elle rejeta notre proposition de l'aider. She turned down our offer of help. She rejected our offer to help her. C'est une tentative d'assassinat. It is an attempt at assassination. It's an assassination attempt. C’est l’opinion d’un dilettante. That's the opinion of a dilettante. This is the opinion of a dilettante. Il sait tout ce qu'il faut savoir à propos du jazz. He knows everything that there is to know about jazz. He knows everything you need to know about jazz. Puis-je vous voir dans mon bureau une minute ? Can I see you in my office for a minute? Can I see you in my office for a minute? Dix personnes ont été blessées dans l'accident. Ten people were injured in the accident. Ten people were injured in the accident. Il paraît que tu es à la recherche d'un emploi. I heard you're looking for a job. I heard you're looking for a job. Il possède une voiture étrangère. He has a foreign car. He owns a foreign car. Tu as l'air européen. You look European. You look European. Je pensais que tu apprécierais peut-être de savoir qui vient déjeuner. I thought you might like to know who's coming over for dinner. I thought maybe you'd like to know who's coming for lunch. Cela est-il disponible en une quelconque autre couleur ? Does this come in any other colour? Is it available in any other color? En tant qu'allégorie de la guerre, les échecs sont un jeu d'attaque et de défense. As an allegory of war, chess is a game of attack and defense. As an allegory of war, chess is a game of attack and defense. Il est parfait en tout. He's perfect at everything. It's perfect in everything. Tatoeba est-elle le bon endroit pour les manifestations et les campagnes politiques ? Is Tatoeba the right place for protests and political campaigns? Is Tatoeba the right place for protests and political campaigns? Le frère de Sami est gay. Sami's brother is gay. Sami's brother is gay. L'Italie envahit l'Éthiopie en mille-neuf-cent-trente-cinq. Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Italy invaded Ethiopia in nineteen hundred and thirty-five. Pourquoi êtes-vous si silencieuse ? Why are you so quiet? Why are you so quiet? Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? Il ne pouvait pas bouger et a dû appeler à l'aide. He couldn't move and had to call for help. He couldn't move and had to call for help. Voudriez-vous que je répète la question ? Would you like me to repeat the question? Would you like me to repeat the question? Les gens croient ce qu'ils voient. People believe what they see. People believe what they see. Yanni a dit qu'elle se sentait vraiment mal. Yanni said he felt horrible. Yanni said she felt really bad. C'est en Sciences qu'elle est la plus faible. She is weakest at science. It is in science that it is the weakest. Tom est distrait. Tom is forgetful. Tom is distracted. Pourquoi est-il si silencieux ? Why is he so quiet? Why is he so silent? T'es-tu décidé ? Have you decided? Have you decided? J'ai pris vos clés par erreur. I took your keys by mistake. I took your keys by mistake. J'ai envie de lire quelque chose dans le train. I want something to read on the train. I want to read something on the train. Il est temps ! It's about time. It's time! Quelles sont les sources du bonheur ? What are the sources of happiness? What are the sources of happiness? Avez-vous été vaccinée dans votre enfance ? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Were you vaccinated in your childhood? Elle lui annonça que son père était décédé. She told him that her father had died. She told him that her father had died. Je dis que je l'aimais. I said I liked it. I said I loved her. J'ai un voisin de droite. I have a conservative neighbor. I have a neighbor on the right. Je me sens affreusement mal à ce sujet. I feel awful about that. I feel awful about it. Tu sembles fatigué. You look tired. You look tired. Il est jeune et en bonne santé. He's young and healthy. He is young and healthy. La direction informe ses clients que le téléviseur est équipé d'un système antivol. The management wishes to inform guests that the television has been fitted with an anti-theft device. The management informs its customers that the TV is equipped with an anti-theft system. Tom veut venir avec nous à Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. Je ne suis pas sûre que je puisse me fier à elle. I'm not sure I can trust her. I'm not sure I can trust her. Veuillez retirer tous vos vêtements à partir de la taille. Please take off all of your clothes from the waist up. Please remove all your clothes from the waist. Trotski était un bolchevik. Trotsky was a bolshevik. Trotsky was a Bolshevik. Depuis combien de temps étiez-vous malade avant de voir le médecin ? How long had you been sick before you saw the doctor? How long have you been sick before seeing the doctor? Je gagne cent euros par jour. I make 100 euros a day. I earn a hundred euros a day. Je dois me souvenir de mettre la lettre à la boîte. I have to remember to mail the letter. I have to remember to put the letter in the box. Il connaît bien M. Davidson. He knows Mr. Davidson well. He knows Mr. Davidson well. Es-tu fatiguée de faire la queue ? Are you tired of waiting in line? Are you tired of waiting in line? Il ne faut pas juger une personne à son apparence. Don't judge a person by his appearance. You should not judge a person by their appearance. La tempête de neige se poursuivit. The snowstorm continued. The snow storm continued. Ils m'ont dit qu'ils ont trouvé quelque chose. They told me that they found something. They told me they found something. L'année dernière, les revenus ont augmenté pour toutes les races, tous les groupes d'âge, pour les hommes et pour les femmes. Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women. Last year, incomes increased for all races, all age groups, for both men and women. Son frère s'est perdu en ville. His brother was lost in the town. His brother got lost in town. Comment peux-tu ne pas voir cela ? How can you not see that? How can you not see that? Tu aimes regarder la télé. You like to watch TV. You like to watch TV. Vous dîtes que vous ne vous en souciiez pas. You said you didn't care. You say you don't care. J'espère que c'était assez clair ! I hope that was clear enough! I hope it was clear enough! Je vais manger. I'm going to eat. I'll eat. Ce n'est pas mon seul problème. That's not my only problem. That's not my only problem. Je ne dispose d'aucune nourriture. I have no food. I have no food. J'ai acheté plusieurs guides, mais aucun d'eux ne m'a aidé. I bought several guidebooks, none of which helped me. I bought several guides, but none of them helped me. Je veux acheter un ordinateur portable. I want to buy a laptop computer. I want to buy a laptop. Vous êtes-vous déjà senti déprimé la majeure partie de la journée pendant 14 jours consécutifs ? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Have you ever felt depressed most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Je suis déjà prête. I'm already ready. I'm already ready. Elle pourrait porter des chaussures moins moches. She could wear less ugly shoes. She could wear less ugly shoes. À quoi êtes-vous bonnes ? What are you good at? What are you good at? Quand as-tu pris des opiacés pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you used opiates? When was the last time you took opiates? J'enseigne le français dans un collège du coin. I teach French at a nearby junior high school. I teach French at a local college. Tes gencives saignent-elles lorsque tu te brosses les dents ? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Il est avide et impitoyable. He's greedy and ruthless. He is greedy and ruthless. Je veux voir Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Je dois être au travail à 7h30. I need to be at work by 7:30. I must be at work at 7:30. La population de cette ville diminue chaque année. The population of this city is decreasing every year. The population of this city is decreasing every year. Veuillez déposer ce paquet chez Jones lorsque vous irez au travail s'il vous plait. Please drop off this package at the Jones' when you go to work. Please drop this package off at Jones when you go to work. Quelqu'un a déchiré deux pages de ce livre. Someone has torn two pages out of this book. Someone has torn two pages of this book. Je ne sais pas ce qui arrivera. I don't know what will pass. I don't know what will happen. J'ai trouvé un hôtel dans le centre de Paris. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. Venise est l'une des villes les plus romantiques d'Europe. Venice is one of Europe's most romantic cities. Venice is one of the most romantic cities in Europe. Chacun entretient sa propre vérité. Everyone maintains their own truth. Everyone has their own truth. Il a eu le culot de dire ça. He had the nerve to say that. He had the nerve to say that. Elle cria à l'aide mais personne ne vint. She cried out for help, but no one came. She screamed for help, but no one came. Tu dis vraiment des obscénités ! You have a really foul mouth! You really mean obscenities! Mon oreille me gratte. My ear is itching. My ear is scratching me. N'est-ce pas simplement beau ? Isn't this simply beautiful? Isn't that just beautiful? Le sénateur fut réprimandé par le comité d'éthique du congrès. The senator was censured by the congressional ethics committee. The senator was reprimanded by the ethics committee of the congress. Il n'est pas revenu à la base hier. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. He didn't come back to base yesterday. Ça va être serré. It's going to be close. It's gonna be tight. Tout le monde vous appréciait. Everybody liked you. Everyone appreciated you. Je n'ai toujours pas eu de nouvelles de lui. I have had no news from him yet. I still haven't heard from him. Quand avez-vous pris de l'héroïne ou de la méthadone pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you used heroin or methadone? When was the last time you took heroin or methadone? Nous signons un nouveau bail la semaine prochaine. We're signing a new lease next week. We are signing a new lease next week. Vous devriez aller lui parler. You should go talk to her. You should go talk to him. C'est quelque chose que je dois faire seul. This is something I need to do alone. It's something I have to do alone. Tom a une brillante carrière en tant que médecin. Tom has a bright career as a medical doctor. Tom has a brilliant career as a doctor. C'est tout ce que nous pouvons faire pour le moment. That's all we can do for now. That's all we can do right now. Je veux juste dormir ! I just want to sleep! I just want to sleep! C’est précisément parce que je l’aimais que je voulais l’épouser. It was because I loved her that I wanted to marry her. It was precisely because I loved her that I wanted to marry her. Je pensai que nous avions tout mangé dans la maison mais je trouvai une autre boîte de biscuits. I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought we had eaten everything in the house but found another box of cookies. Les oiseaux ont évolué à partir des dinosaures. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Viens mon garçon, assieds-toi. Assieds-toi et repose-toi. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. Come on boy, sit down, sit down and rest. Il était une fois une belle princesse... Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Pourquoi voulez-vous apprendre le portugais ? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? Why do you want to learn Portuguese? Je suis désolé pour ce malentendu. I'm sorry about my mistake. I'm sorry about that misunderstanding. Il est déjà par monts et par vaux. He is already a long way from here. It is already by mountains and by valleys. Elle lui a écrit une longue lettre mais ne l'a pas postée. She wrote him a long letter, but she didn't mail it. She wrote him a long letter but did not post it. Je ne sais encore rien. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. Qu'as-tu eu ? What did you get? What'd you get? Il vient de se mettre à neiger. It began snowing just now. He just started snowing. Yanni a hésité. Yanni hesitated. Yanni hesitated. Votre ami a une mauvaise influence sur vous. Your friend has a bad influence on you. Your friend has a bad influence on you. Tom pense que Mary ne dort pas assez. Tom thinks Mary doesn't get enough sleep. Tom thinks Mary isn't getting enough sleep. Les étrangers se sentent souvent de trop ici. Foreigners often feel unwelcome here. Strangers often feel too much here. Je suis vraiment déçu. I'm really disappointed. I'm really disappointed. Tu auras beau essayer, tu ne seras pas capable de finir cela en un jour. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish that in one day. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to finish it in a day. Que veulent dire ces conneries? What the fuck does that mean? What do you mean by that bullshit? Alger est en Algérie. Algiers is in Algeria. Algiers is in Algeria. As-tu subi récemment un gonflement inexpliqué de tes bras ou de tes jambes pendant des périodes d'inactivité ? Have you recently had unexplained swelling of your arms or legs during periods of inactivity? Have you recently experienced unexplained swelling of your arms or legs during periods of inactivity? Ne soyez pas folle ! Don't be crazy. Don't be crazy! Tom aime voyager. Tom likes to travel. Tom likes to travel. Je me suis battu. I got into a fight. I fought. Tout le monde savait ce qui avait déconné. Everyone knew what went wrong. Everyone knew what had messed up. Je dois prendre mon déjeuner. I have to eat lunch. I have to have my lunch. Je veux sentir davantage et voir moins. I want to feel more and see less. I want to feel more and see less. C'est notre voisin. He's our neighbor. He's our neighbor. Ce semestre est important. This semester is important. This semester is important. En avez-vous un un peu plus petit ? Do you have a little smaller one? Do you have a little smaller? Je ne puis vous approuver, ma fille, d’attacher ainsi votre admiration à un inconnu, que vous ne reverrez jamais sans doute. I cannot approve of you, my dear daughter, in having taken a liking to a stranger, whom you will probably never meet again. I cannot approve of you, my daughter, attaching your admiration to a stranger whom you will no doubt never see again. Ils félicitèrent le vétéran, pour sa promotion. They congratulated the veteran on his promotion. They congratulated the veteran on his promotion. J'aimerais soumettre une demande de visa. I'd like to apply for a visa. I would like to apply for a visa. Mon père vit à Nagoya depuis plus de quinze ans. My father has lived in Nagoya for more than fifteen years. My father has lived in Nagoya for over fifteen years. Nous ne voulions pas être dans vos pattes. We didn't want to get in your way. We didn’t want to be in your hands. J'ai écrit un livre sur la Chine. I wrote a book about China. I wrote a book about China. Prends tes livres et mets-les dans ta chambre. Take your books and put them in your room. Take your books and put them in your room. Je dois prendre un peu de sommeil. I need to get some sleep. I need to get some sleep. La librairie est ouverte. The bookstore is open. The bookstore is open. Tom était journaliste. Tom used to be a journalist. Tom was a journalist. Les investissements directs en Chine s'élevaient à 3 milliards de dollars l'année dernière. Foreign direct investments in China amounted to $3 billion last year. Direct investment in China was $3 billion last year. Si vous voulez faire du bon travail vous devriez employer les outils adéquats. If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools. If you want to do a good job, you should use the right tools. Je me suis imaginée que je pourrais te trouver là. I figured I might find you here. I figured I could find you there. Il est plus doux de donner que de recevoir. It is sweeter to give than to receive. It is sweeter to give than to receive. Les saumons remontent le courant pour frayer. Salmon swim upstream to spawn. The salmon go up the stream to spawn. Le soleil brille. The sun is shining. The sun is shining. Trouvez-moi un verre. Find me a glass. Get me a drink. Tom était en fuite. Tom was on the run. Tom was on the run. Je souhaite te parler une fois que tu seras habillé. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Nous sommes arabes. We are Arabs. We are Arabs. Avez-vous eu des vomissements récemment ? Have you been vomiting recently? Have you had vomiting recently? Je ne le connais que de nom. I only know him by name. I only know him by name. J'ai décidé de prendre son parti contre les autres. I decided to take his side against the others. I decided to take his side against the others. Quel âge a ton chat ? How old is your cat? How old is your cat? Tu devrais cesser de fumer et de boire. You should give up smoking and drinking. You should stop smoking and drinking. C'est tout ce qu'il a dit. That is all that he said. That's all he said. Cela n'est pas assez bien pour Tom. That's not good enough for Tom. That's not good enough for Tom. Il travaille comme nègre. He works as a ghost writer. He works as a nigger. Sami aime l'histoire et il aime particulièrement l'histoire de l'Égypte. Sami loves history and he especially loves the history of Egypt. Sami loves history and he particularly loves the history of Egypt. Tom s'est coupé le doigt. Tom has cut his finger. Tom cut his finger. J'ai besoin de votre consentement pour vous tester pour la Covid-19. I need your consent to test you for COVID-19. I need your consent to test you for Covid-19. Vous devriez essayer, un de ces jours. Someday you should give it a try. You should try one of these days. Les enfants ont enlevé leurs chaussures pour faire un tour dans la pataugeoire. The children took off their shoes to walk around in the wading pool. The children took off their shoes to take a ride in the paddling pool. Tom ne sait pas à qui Marie a décidé de donner sa vieille guitare. Tom doesn't know who Mary has decided to give her old guitar to. Tom doesn’t know who Marie decided to give her old guitar to. Si je peux faire quelque chose pour toi, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. If I can do something for you, don't hesitate to let me know. L'école est finie, désormais. School is over now. School is over now. J'ai pensé que tu pourrais avoir besoin d'aide. I thought you might need help. I thought you might need some help. J'aurais aimé être plus grand. I wish I were taller. I wish I was bigger. C'est réglé, alors. It's settled then. It's settled, then. Je veux t'entendre le dire. I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say it. Cet hôtel s'est-il montré à la hauteur de vos attentes ? Did that hotel meet your expectations? Did this hotel live up to your expectations? C'est bien, là ; ni trop lourd ni trop léger. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. That's good; not too heavy or too light. En lisant un livre, je me suis endormi. While reading a book, I fell asleep. When I read a book, I fell asleep. Tu ne connais rien d'Istanbul. You don't know anything about Istanbul. You don't know anything about Istanbul. Comment oses-tu m'en accuser ! How dare you accuse me of that! How dare you accuse me! Je ne peux pas danser, un verre à la main. I can't dance holding a drink. I can't dance with a drink in my hand. Nous allons commencer. We're going to begin. We'll get started. Nous avons toutes beaucoup pleuré. We all cried a lot. We all cried a lot. Il a un crédit de trois-mille dollars à sa banque. He has a credit of $3000 at his bank. He has a loan of three thousand dollars to his bank. Nous sommes en train de nous déshabiller. We're undressing. We're getting undressed. Les acariens se nourrissent des cellules de la peau. Dust mites feed on skin cells. Mites feed on skin cells. Je suis habitué à conduire un camion. I am used to driving a truck. I am used to driving a truck. J'aime rire. I like to laugh. I like to laugh. Comment est ta vue ? How is your vision? How's your sight? C'est un marcheur rapide. He's a quick walker. He's a fast walker. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, chérie ? What's the matter, darling? What's the matter, honey? Êtes-vous intolérant au lactose ? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you lactose intolerant? Non, je ne chante pas. No, I'm not singing. No, I'm not singing. Je suis distrait. I'm forgetful. I'm distracted. Nous avons besoin de batteries neuves. We need new batteries. We need new batteries. Tom a fait tout ce qu'il a pu pour aider. Tom did all he could do to help. Tom did everything he could to help. Nous allons devoir reporter la réunion. We will have to postpone the meeting. We'll have to postpone the meeting. Ils doivent la connaitre. They must know it. They must know her. Je ne vous ai même pas remarqué. I didn't even notice you. I didn't even notice you. Va le chercher ! Go look for it. Go get him! Est-ce que Tom va bien ? Is Tom alright? Is Tom okay? Le nom générique du Prozac est la fluoxétine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. The generic name of Prozac is fluoxetine. Si tu sors vêtue aussi légèrement, tu vas attraper froid. If you go out so lightly dressed, you'll catch a cold. If you go out dressed so lightly, you'll catch cold. Pour combien de temps a-t-il été absent ? How long has he been absent? How long was he absent? Viens-tu d'Europe ? Are you from Europe? Are you from Europe? Il vit dans la banlieue de Londres. He lives in the suburbs of London. He lives in the suburbs of London. Est-ce de temps dont tu as besoin ? Is it time you need? Is that time you need? Yutaka a deux frères plus âgés. Yutaka has two older brothers. Yutaka has two older brothers. Il s'est tenu à l'écart de la vie publique. He stayed out of public life. He kept away from public life. S’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous me donner votre nom ? Please tell me your name. Please, can you give me your name? Elle lui écrit chaque semaine. She writes to him every week. She writes to him every week. Ses parents m'adoraient. His parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Je me sentis nu dans un monde étrange. Je ressentis peut-être ce qu'un oiseau peut ressentir dans la clarté de l'air, sachant que le faucon bat des ailes au-dessus et va plonger. I felt naked in a strange world. I felt as perhaps a bird may feel in the clear air, knowing the hawk wings above and will swoop. I felt naked in a strange world. I felt perhaps what a bird can feel in the clarity of the air, knowing that the falcon flaps its wings above and will dive. Votre vie privée en ligne est très précieuse, ne la cédez pas pour rien. Your privacy online is very valuable, do not give it away for free. Your online privacy is very valuable, don’t give it up for nothing. Ces chaussettes sont dépareillées. These socks do not match. These socks are mismatched. Quiconque a joué aux échecs plusieurs fois comprend à quel point cela peut être fascinant. Anyone who has played chess a few times understands how it can be engrossing in the extreme. Anyone who has played chess many times understands how fascinating it can be. Ça sent le poisson. It smells like fish. It smells like fish. Elle est plus mignonne que belle. She is pretty rather than beautiful. She's more cute than beautiful. Les constructeurs automobiles sont aux prises avec une pénurie de semi-conducteurs. Automakers are grappling with semiconductor shortages. Automakers are struggling with a shortage of semiconductors. Je te le vole. I steal it from you. I'm stealing it from you. Je l'ai dit en manière de plaisanterie. I said it as a joke. I said it as a joke. Cette voiture n'est pas vieille, mais neuve. This car isn't old. It's new. This car is not old, but new. Êtes-vous vous fiers de ce que vous êtes devenus ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? Vote s'il te plaît. Please vote. Please vote. C'est honteux. This is shameful. It's shameful. Je ne pourrais davantage le supporter. I couldn't stand it any longer. I couldn't stand it anymore. Qu'aimerais-tu ? What would you like? What would you like? Le problème est dans le moteur. The trouble lies in the engine. The problem is in the engine. Ils ont tous disparu. They're all gone. They're all gone. J'espère qu'elle est saine et sauve. I hope she's safe. I hope she is safe and sound. Veuillez vous asseoir ! Please sit down! Please sit down! La société est toujours en train de changer. Society is always changing. Society is always changing. Je suis citoyenne française. I'm a French citizen. I am a French citizen. Il faut que vous voyiez un docteur. You need to see a doctor. You need to see a doctor. Je n'ai rien trouvé, à part des ciseaux. I found nothing but a pair of scissors. I couldn't find anything but scissors. C'est un gaspillage. It's a waste. It's a waste. Je veux la vie éternelle ! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! Il faut que tu rentres chez toi. You've got to go home. You have to go home. Peu d'étrangers goûtent la nourriture japonaise. Not a few foreigners like Japanese food. Few foreigners taste Japanese food. Il y a un message urgent pour vous. There is an urgent message for you. There is an urgent message for you. Avez-vous facilement le souffle court lorsque vous marchez ? Do you get short of breath easily when walking? Do you have a short breath when you walk? Notre projet s'est planté. Our project collapsed. Our project has crashed. J'espère que nous pourrons nous arranger pour venir à ta fête. I hope we can make it to your party. I hope we can arrange to come to your party. Vous êtes dans une propriété privée, ici. You're trespassing here. You're on private property here. Je ferais mieux d'y aller avant qu'il ne commence à pleuvoir. I'd better get going before it starts raining. I'd better go before it starts raining. Avez-vous déjà reçu un vaccin contre la Covid-19 ? Have you already received a COVID-19 vaccine? Have you ever had a Covid-19 vaccine? J'ai une demande. I have a request. I have a request. J'ai une bicyclette du dernier modèle. I have a bicycle of the latest model. I have a bicycle of the latest model. Cette maison est disponible. This house is vacant. This house is available. Cette fleur sent bon. That flower smells sweet. This flower smells good. Tom était à la maison toute la journée. Tom was home all day. Tom was home all day. Lire des livres vous rendra plus intelligente. Reading books will make you smarter. Reading books will make you smarter. J'avais peur de l'opinion des gens. I was afraid of what people would think. I was afraid of people’s opinions. Tu es au bon endroit. You're in the right place. You're in the right place. C'est tout ce qui reste du pays. This is all that is left from the country. That's all that's left of the country. Mon fils ne sait pas encore compter. My son can't count yet. My son doesn't know how to count yet. Personne n'a jamais vu chose pareille. No one ever saw such a thing. No one has ever seen such a thing. Vive la république démocratique du Vietnam ! Long live the Democratic Republic of Vietnam! Long live the Democratic Republic of Vietnam! Tu as fait la même erreur que la dernière fois. You made the same mistake as last time. You made the same mistake you did last time. Je sais tout ce que vous avez fait. I know everything that you've done. I know everything you've done. J'ai presque renversé du café sur mon clavier. I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard. I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard. Excusez mon indiscrétion, mais avez-vous des problèmes à la maison? I don't mean to pry, but are you having problems at home? Excuse my indiscretion, but do you have problems at home? Si le vaccin contre la Covid-19 était disponible, souhaiterais-tu le recevoir ? If the COVID-19 vaccine was available, would you like to receive it? If the Covid-19 vaccine was available, would you want to receive it? Vous n'êtes pas obligées de répondre. You don't have to respond. You don't have to answer. Avez-vous des plaies ouvertes sur votre corps ? Do you have any open sores on your body? Do you have open wounds on your body? Venez-vous d'Europe ? Are you from Europe? Are you from Europe? Parfois, des images peuvent tromper les gens. Sometimes, pictures can fool people. Sometimes images can fool people. Le stress est aujourd'hui le premier risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans le monde. Today, stress is the number one risk for the health of workers in the world. Stress is now the number one risk to the health of workers in the world. Peut-être ne se rappelle-t-elle pas de mon anniversaire. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe she doesn’t remember my birthday. Je ne suis plus un jeune homme. I'm not a young man anymore. I am no longer a young man. Les carcajous peuvent parcourir des centaines de kilomètres au cours de leur vie. Wolverines can travel for hundreds of kilometers over their lifetime. Wolverine can travel hundreds of miles in their lifetime. Dans le jardin il n'y avait personne. There was nobody in the garden. In the garden there was no one. On n'a rien mangé de la journée. We haven't eaten anything all day. We didn't eat anything all day. Je l'ai eu pour Noël. I got it for Christmas. I got it for Christmas. Ma radio est cassée. My radio is broken. My radio is broken. Nous sommes chez nous. We're home. We're home. J’aime faire la cuisine et lire. I like cooking and reading. I like to cook and read. La Turquie était plus forte que la Grèce. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Veuillez me prévenir quand vous n'arriverez plus à entendre cela. Please tell me when you cannot hear this anymore. Please let me know when you can't hear this anymore. Magdalena étudie à l'école japonaise de Lodz. Magdalena is studying at the Lodz Japanese School. Magdalena studied at the Japanese school in Lodz. Elle est raide dingue de lui. She's completely crazy about him. She's crazy about him. Nous devons trouver un endroit pour nous cacher. We need to find somewhere to hide. We need to find a place to hide. Devenir pâtissier était un rêve d'enfant. From childhood I dreamt of being a pastry cook. Becoming a pastry chef was a childhood dream. La rentrée d'argent inattendue a placé mon frère et son épouse à l'abri du besoin. The unexpected windfall has put my brother and his wife on easy street. The unexpected cash flow put my brother and his wife out of need. J'accorde une très haute valeur à ton amitié. I value your friendship very much. I highly value your friendship. Je viens d'inventer un nouveau processeur de mots permettant de les prononcer à l'envers. I just invented a new word-processor enabling to pronounce them backwards. I just invented a new word processor to pronounce them backwards. Tom écrit un livre sur son grand-père. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom writes a book about his grandfather. Je ne peux pas te raconter ce que Tom m'a dit. I can't tell you what Tom told me. I can't tell you what Tom told me. Est-ce qu'on t'a diagnostiqué un emphysème ? Have you been diagnosed with emphysema? Have you been diagnosed with emphysema? Il travaille dans une banque. He works in a bank. He works in a bank. En Septembre le raisin est mûr. In September the grapes are ripe. In September the grapes are ripe. Je suis scandalisée ! I'm outraged! I'm outraged! Tout le monde est devenu fou. Everyone has gone crazy. Everybody's gone crazy. Appelez Tom. Give Tom a call. Call Tom. Il semble qu'il pleuve. It looks like rain. It seems to be raining. Les enjeux étaient élevés. The stakes were high. The stakes were high. Bu Xiangzhi est l'un des grands maîtres chinois les plus talentueux. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grand Masters. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented great Chinese masters. Les remèdes homéopathiques ne contiennent rien d'autre que de l'eau, étant donné que la substance d'origine a été diluée jusqu'au point où pas une molécule n'en subsiste. Homeopathic remedies contain nothing but water since the original substance has been diluted to the point where not a single molecule remains. Homeopathic remedies contain nothing but water, since the original substance has been diluted to the point where no molecule remains. Excusez-moi, parlez-vous hongrois ? Excuse me, do you speak Hungarian? Excuse me, do you speak Hungarian? Je lui ai parlé pendant une heure. I spoke with her for one hour. I talked to him for an hour. Je suis terriblement occupée, vous comprenez. I'm terribly busy, you understand. I'm terribly busy, you know. La maison est vide depuis des années. The house has been empty for years. The house has been empty for years. Il y a probablement eu une erreur. There has probably been a mistake. There was probably a mistake. Avez-vous entendu la bonne nouvelle ? Have you heard the good news? Have you heard the good news? Nous n'avons pas le temps. We have no time. We don't have time. Nous avons joué aux échecs. We played chess. We played chess. Il a été envoyé à l'étranger en tant que correspondant. He was sent abroad as a correspondent. He was sent abroad as a correspondent. Vous êtes en état d'arrestation ! You're under arrest! You're under arrest! On ôte son chapeau quand on entre dans une salle de classe. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. You take off your hat when you walk into a classroom. Tom a été choisi parmi trois cents candidats. Tom was chosen from among 300 applicants. Tom was chosen from three hundred candidates. Cette séquence vous est offerte par la Société des Moteurs Ford. This segment is brought to you by the Ford Motor Company. This sequence is offered to you by the Ford Motor Company. Je pense qu'il se pourrait que tu aies besoin de moi. I think you might need me. I think you might need me. Avez-vous bu ? Have you been drinking? Did you drink? C'est tout ce que tu as à dire ? Is that all you've got to say? Is that all you have to say? Ne vous en faites pas. Je vous ai dit que tout irait bien. Don't worry. I told you everything would be OK. Don't worry, I told you everything would be fine. Quelle est la chose la plus étrange que tu aies jamais mangée ? What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Quand il y avait du désespoir dans les régions atteintes par la sécheresse et la crise économique à travers le pays, elle a vu une nation qui conquérait la peur elle-même avec un New Deal, de nouveaux emplois et d'un nouveau sens d'un but commun. Oui, nous pouvons. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes, we can. When there was despair in areas affected by drought and economic crisis across the country, she saw a nation conquering fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of a common purpose. À quand remonte votre dernier test auditif ? When was your last hearing test? When was your last hearing test? J'ignore ce que je sais. I don't know what I know. I don't know what I know. Aucun de nos autres problèmes n'aura d'importance si le monde devient inhabitable. None of our other problems are going to matter if the world becomes uninhabitable. None of our other problems will matter if the world becomes uninhabitable. Je l'ai souvent entendu jouer du piano. I often heard him playing the piano. I have often heard him play the piano. Si tu veux vendre ton vieux canapé, pourquoi ne pas mettre une annonce dans le journal local ? If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an advertisement in the local paper? If you want to sell your old couch, why not put an ad in the local newspaper? Il avait plaisir à faire du vélo. He enjoyed cycling. He enjoyed riding a bike. Ce n'est pas là que j'ai garé ma voiture. This isn't where I parked my car. That's not where I parked my car. La fête chrétienne de Pâques est la célébration de la résurrection de Jésus-Christ. The Christian festival of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian feast of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Où est ton chien ? Where's your dog? Where's your dog? Combien de temps êtes-vous resté à la fête ? How long did you stay at the party? How long did you stay at the party? Les tarifs postaux internationaux varient en fonction de la destination. International postal rates differ according to destination. International postal rates vary depending on the destination. La sainteté de cet endroit a été désacralisée. The sanctity of this place has been fouled. The sanctity of this place has been desecrated. La patience est la mère de la science. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. Les échecs sont le jeu le plus excitant au monde. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. Toutes les trois furent tuées. All three were killed. All three were killed. L'air est un mélange de gaz que nous ne pouvons pas voir. Air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see. The air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see. Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un comme vous. I've never seen anyone like you. I've never seen anyone like you. Il ne pensa pas que ce fut drôle. He didn't think it was funny. He didn’t think it was funny. Le bœuf est très cher. Beef is very expensive. Beef is very expensive. Inclinez-le. Tilt it. Incline it. Je souhaite te parler une fois que tu seras habillée. I want to talk with you when you're dressed. I want to talk to you once you’re dressed. Si on ne peut pas obtenir l'argent de quelconque autre manière, on peut, en dernier recours, vendre la voiture. If we can't get the money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car. If you can't get the money in any other way, you can, as a last resort, sell the car. J'aimerais aller skier avec elle. I'd like to go skiing with her. I'd like to go skiing with her. Ils vous aideront à vous réchauffer. They will help you to get warm. They will help you warm up. Tout le monde sera content. Everyone will be happy. Everyone will be happy. En France, il y a des gens qui veulent utiliser l'écriture inclusive qui ne différencie pas les hommes et les femmes. In France, there are people who want to use inclusive writing which does not differentiate between men and women. In France, there are people who want to use inclusive writing that does not differentiate men and women. Sommes-nous prêtes à partir ? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Il a utilisé des pigeons dans son expérience. He used pigeons in his experiment. He used pigeons in his experiment. Je suis un bleu. Descends-moi ! I'm a noob, shoot me. I'm a blue man. Gardez Tom en sécurité. Keep Tom safe. Keep Tom safe. Pourquoi le lui as-tu fait ? Why did you do that to her? Why did you do it to her? Je l'ouvrirai. I'll open it. I'll open it. Puis-je payer par carte de crédit ? May I pay with a credit card? Can I pay by credit card? On dirait que nous allons avoir un Noël blanc cette année. It looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year. Looks like we're having a white Christmas this year. Je pense que Delbert est fou. I think that Delbert is crazy. I think Delbert is crazy. Tom a demandé à Mary pourquoi elle était en retard. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Mon oncle a fait de moi ce que je suis. My uncle has made me what I am. My uncle made me what I am. Avez-vous récemment changé de savon ou de détergent à lessive ? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed from soap or laundry detergent? A-t-il perdu connaissance ? Did he lose consciousness? Has he lost consciousness? Avez-vous déjà bénéficié d'un traitement pour abus de drogues ou d'alcool ? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse? Bon Dieu de merde ! Holy shit! God damn it! Je ne les envie pas. I don't envy them. I don't envy them. Au revoir et bonne chance. Goodbye and good luck. Goodbye and good luck. La famille royale habite dans le palais impérial. The royal family lives in the Imperial Palace. The royal family lives in the Imperial Palace. Nous allons en Allemagne. We're going to Germany. We are going to Germany. Il reste tant de choses à faire. There are so many things left to be done. There is still so much to do. C'est complètement faux. That's all wrong. That's completely untrue. Quel État as-tu visité et combien de temps es-tu resté ? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? Elle m'accompagna au piano. She accompanied me on the piano. She accompanied me to the piano. Il fut condamné à dix ans de prison. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. Je ne vais pas te dire mon nom. I'm not going to tell you my name. I'm not gonna tell you my name. Tom sait qu'il a un problème. Tom knows he has a problem. Tom knows he has a problem. Entouré par la mer, le Japon a un climat doux. Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate. Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate. Je ne sais pas comment te remercier. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to thank you. Ma vie est vide sans lui. My life is empty without him. My life is empty without him. Je pense savoir ce que c'est. I think I know what this is. I think I know what it is. Nous proposons des maisons préfabriquées à prix modérés. We offer low-cost prefabricated houses. We offer prefabricated houses at moderate prices. De quoi le sang est-il composé ? What is blood made up of? What is blood composed of? Je suis allé en Europe via Anchorage. I went to Europe by way of Anchorage. I went to Europe via Anchorage. Ne précipitez pas les choses. Don't rush things. Don't rush things. Le problème devrait être résolu. The problem should be solved. The problem should be solved. Toute règle a ses exceptions. There is no rule without an exception. Every rule has its exceptions. Les temps changent. Times change. Times are changing. Je préfère des vêtements en rouge et noir. I prefer black- and red-colored clothes. I prefer clothes in red and black. J'étais seul. I was alone. I was alone. Ton père n'a jamais voulu de toi. Your father never wanted you. Your father never wanted you. Tom ne comprend absolument rien. Tom doesn't understand anything. Tom doesn’t understand anything. Mon opinion divergeait souvent de celles de mes parents. I was often at odds with my parents. My opinion often diverged from that of my parents. Deuxième coup ! Strike two! Second shot! Cultivez-vous des tomates dans votre jardin ? Do you grow tomatoes in your garden? Do you grow tomatoes in your garden? Je le lui donnerai. I'll give that to her. I'll give it to him. Tu peux utiliser sa bibliothèque. You may make use of his library. You can use his library. C'est l'une des miennes. It's one of mine. It's one of mine. Il est trop saoul. He's too drunk. He's too drunk. Bonjour tout le monde ! Hello everyone ! Hello everyone! Je veux le faire maintenant. I want to do that now. I want to do it now. Oh, Tom ! Ça tombe bien. Il y a quelque chose que je voulais te demander. Oh, Tom! This is great timing. There's something I wanted to ask you. Oh, Tom, it's okay, there's something I wanted to ask you. Le garage est poussiéreux. The garage is dusty. The garage is dusty. Allez au lit ! Get to bed. Go to bed! Je suis monté sur une chaise pour pouvoir atteindre l'étagère du haut. I stood on a chair so I could reach the top shelf. I got on a chair so I could get to the top shelf. Tom a besoin de se faire couper les cheveux. Tom needs a haircut. Tom needs to get his hair cut. Tom se demandait s'il serait difficile de trouver un travail à Boston. Tom wondered whether it would be hard to find a job in Boston. Tom wondered if it would be hard to find a job in Boston. Ouvre. Open up. Open it. L'amende pour crachat est de cinq livres. The penalty for spitting is five pounds. The fine for spitting is five pounds. Elle est d'accord. She agrees. She agrees. J'ai l'intention d'enfoncer cette idée dans la tête des étudiants. I intend to hammer this idea into the student's heads. I intend to push this idea into the minds of the students. Pensez-vous qu'il s'agisse d'un genre de jeu ? Do you think this is some kind of game? Do you think this is a kind of game? Je n'avais jamais voulu que les choses se passent de cette manière. I never meant for things to happen the way they did. I never wanted things to happen that way. Je me suis spécialisé en philosophie, à mon université. I majored in philosophy at my university. I specialized in philosophy at my university. « Veux-tu aller te promener ? » – « Par ce temps ? Il pleut à torrents. » "Do you want to go take a walk?" "In this weather? It's pouring." “Do you want to go for a walk?” – “In this weather? It rains in torrents.” Combien de temps va durer ce froid ? How long will this cold weather go on? How long will this cold last? Où étions-nous ? Where were we? Where have we been? Il n'y avait personne dans la pièce. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Avez-vous subi récemment une tuméfaction de vos bras ou de vos jambes pendant des périodes d'inactivité ? Have you recently had unexplained swelling of your arms or legs during periods of inactivity? Have you recently experienced swelling of your arms or legs during periods of inactivity? Nous avons été incapables d'en déterminer la cause. We've been unable to determine the cause. We were unable to determine the cause. Cette règle ne s'applique pas à l'affaire. This rule does not apply to the case. This rule does not apply to the case. Je les avais prévenus. I did warn them. I warned them. Profitez-en ! Save now! Enjoy it! Je vais boire une bière. I'm going to have a beer. I'll have a beer. Je prends soin de lui. I take care of him. I'll take care of him. Ne mettez pas les coudes sur la table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Do not put your elbows on the table. T’as déjà entendu comment il parle vite ? Have you heard how fast he talks? Have you ever heard how fast he speaks? Allons lui parler. Let's go talk to him. Let's talk to him. Je suis sûr qu'il ne serait pas trop difficile de déterminer qui a pénétré notre système. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find out who hacked into our system. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to determine who entered our system. Je n'ai personne d'autre à blâmer que moi-même. I have no one to blame but myself. I have no one to blame but myself. Le médecin a dit à Tom de boire plus l'eau. The doctor told Tom that he should drink more water. The doctor told Tom to drink more water. Je ferais mieux de sortir. I would rather go out. I'd better get out. Si tu veux venir, tu peux. If you want to come, you can. If you want to come, you can. Où est-ce que tout le monde se rend ? Where's everyone going? Where does everyone go? Après le travail d'abattage que le patron a fait sur mes suggestions, je ne suis pas sûr de vouloir travailler encore longtemps ici. After the hatchet job my boss did on my proposal, I'm not sure how long I want to keep on working here. After the slaughter job that the boss did on my suggestions, I'm not sure I want to work here any longer. Donnez-moi de l'eau ! Give me some water! Give me some water! Vous n'avez pas souvent tort. You're not often wrong. You're not often wrong. Il n'y a pas le choix. There's no choice. There's no choice. Il a quitté le bureau en toute hâte. He left the office in great haste. He left the office in a hurry. Elles furent surprises de ce qu'elles virent. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised at what they saw. Ne tombe pas dans son piège ! Don't fall into her trap. Don't fall into his trap! Yanni a vendu tout ce qu'il avait pour pouvoir s'acheter un billet et rentrer chez lui. Yanni sold everything he had to raise money for a ticket home. Yanni sold everything he had so he could buy a ticket and go home. Mon nouveau travail est plus difficile que l'ancien. My new job is harder than my old one. My new job is harder than the old one. Je ne peux les laisser vous attraper. I cannot let them catch you. I can't let them catch you. Je crois que je suis suivi. I think I'm being followed. I think I'm being followed. Il m'a fallu le faire. I had to do it. I had to do it. Je suis heureux de pouvoir être d'une certaine utilité. I'm glad I could be of some assistance. I am glad I can be of some use. Un bardot est un croisement entre un étalon et une ânesse. A hinny is a cross between a male horse and a female donkey. A bardot is a cross between a stallion and a donkey. Vous n'êtes pas encore prêt, n'est-ce pas ? You're not ready yet, are you? You're not ready yet, are you? Tu n'en es pas la seule responsable, je le suis aussi. You are not the only one responsible for it, I am too. You're not the only one responsible, I am too. Laissez tomber ! C'est trop risqué. Forget it. It's too risky. It's too risky. Avez-vous un médecin traitant ? Do you have a primary care doctor? Do you have a doctor? Ce ne sont que des feuilles et des branches. It's only leaves and branches. They are just leaves and branches. Les dommages ont été faits. The damage has been done. The damage was done. Je suis heureux d'avoir un ami comme vous à qui me confier. I'm glad I have a friend like you to confide in. I'm glad to have a friend like you to confide in. Ça semble suspect. This sounds fishy. Sounds suspicious. Tom nous a dit de ne pas nager ici. Tom told us not to swim here. Tom told us not to swim here. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce fouillis? What's this mess? What is this mess? Le printemps est en retard cette année. Spring is late this year. Spring is late this year. J'ai répondu. I answered. I answered. Ai-je déjà mentionné que je suis fou ? Did I mention that I'm crazy? Have I ever mentioned that I’m crazy? Combien de temps allez-vous rester à Boston ? How long are you going to stay in Boston? How long are you going to stay in Boston? Kyoto est une ville exceptionnellement jolie. Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. La guerre a été perdue. The war was lost. The war was lost. Ils ne nous ont pas oubliés. They didn't forget us. They haven't forgotten us. Qu'êtes-vous en train d'écrire ? What're you writing? What are you writing? Une horloge est accrochée au-dessus de la cheminée. Over the fireplace hangs a clock. A clock hangs over the fireplace. Avez-vous trouvé une solution ? Did you find a solution? Have you found a solution? Cela ne sert à rien d'essayer quoique ce soit. It's no use trying anything. There is no point in trying anything. Pouvez-vous vous rapprocher de moi ? Can you move closer to me? Can you get closer to me? Il a peur de moi. He's afraid of me. He's afraid of me. Je ne suis pas si occupé en général. I'm not usually this busy. I’m not so busy in general. Voulez-vous rester ? Do you want to stay? Would you like to stay? Non, je l'ignore. No, I don't know. No, I don't know. Personne ne vous a reconnu. No one recognized you. No one recognized you. Je suis un homme prudent. I'm a careful man. I'm a careful man. Je suis conscient des conséquences. I'm aware of the consequences. I am aware of the consequences. Tatoeba a maintenant 555 phrases en Klingon. Tatoeba now contains five hundred fifty-five Klingon sentences. Tatoeba now has 555 sentences in Klingon. C'est ce que je pense. That's what I think. That's what I think. Je n'aime pas les baquets à eau chaude. I don't like hot tubs. I don't like hot water tubs. Puis-je manger ceci ? May I eat this? Can I eat this? Il y a beaucoup de choses que je veux te demander. There are a lot of things I want to ask you. There are a lot of things I want to ask you. Quiconque vous a-t-il vu ? Did anybody see you? Who's seen you? Je sais que tu as traversé beaucoup de choses. I know you've been through a lot. I know you've been through a lot. Je le ferai lorsque les poules auront des dents. I'll do it when Hell freezes over. I'll do it when the chickens have teeth. Je fus amèrement déçu. I was bitterly disappointed. I was bitterly disappointed. Tom et moi y allons tous deux. Tom and I are both going. Tom and I are both going. Mon père et ma mère ont une grande ferme là-bas. My father and mother have a big farm there. My mom and dad have a big farm there. Cette salle de conférence est trop petite. This conference room is too small. This conference room is too small. Un gars a failli nous rentrer dedans. A guy nearly ran into us. A guy almost got us inside. Je te montrerai mon album. I'll show my album to you. I'll show you my album. Aimé-je les inversions interrogatives ? Do I like interrogative inversions? Do I like interrogative inversions? Je ne peux pas travailler avec vous si vous ne me faites pas confiance. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. Qui était-ce avec toi la nuit dernière ? Who was that you were with last night? Who was it with you last night? Dois-je vous appeler plus tard ? Shall I call you up later? Should I call you later? Combien de temps prévoyez-vous de rester à Boston ? How long do you plan to stay in Boston? How long do you plan to stay in Boston? Vous n'êtes pas obligée de venir. You don't have to come. You don't have to come. Nous sommes restées en contact. We kept in touch. We stayed in touch. J'adore faire la nouba. I love to party. I love to do Nouba. J'ai passé du très bon temps. I had a fantastic time. I had a great time. Il n'a rien fait à part rester au lit toute la journée. He did nothing but lie in bed all day. He did nothing but stay in bed all day. Nous pouvons discuter dehors. We can talk outside. We can talk outside. Badigeonne-toi de crème solaire. Slather yourself with sunscreen. Wear sunscreen. Le temps passe vite. Time passes by quickly. Time passes quickly. Tom est un passionné de télévision. Tom is a television enthusiast. Tom is a television enthusiast. Mon surnom est « Itch ». My nickname is "Itch." My nickname is “Itch”. Quelque chose d'étrange m'est arrivé aujourd'hui. Something strange happened to me today. Something strange happened to me today. Chacun connaît monsieur Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr. Hashimoto. Je vois que vous êtes prête. I see you are ready. I see you're ready. Arrivez-vous à croire qu'elle a vendu sa virginité sur eBay ? Can you believe that she sold her virginity on eBay? Can you believe she sold her virginity on eBay? Judy est intelligente. Judy is smart. Judy's smart. J'ai besoin de davantage d'argent. I need more money. I need more money. C'est une lecture fascinante. It's a fascinating read. This is a fascinating read. Comment vont vos achats de Noël? How's your Christmas shopping coming along? How are your Christmas shopping? Je veux d'abord laver la vaisselle. I want to wash up first. I want to wash the dishes first. La vie est dure et pénible. Life is hard and difficult. Life is hard and painful. Tu ne devrais pas manger ça. You shouldn't eat that. You shouldn't eat that. Nous comprenons déjà cela. We understand that already. We already understand that. Ce médicament fera des miracles en cas de nez bouché. This medicine will do wonders for a stuffed nose. This medicine will work wonders in case of a stuffy nose. On ne peut apercevoir des Koalas qu'en Australie. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Est-il difficile d'apprendre le grec ? Is it difficult to learn Greek? Is it hard to learn Greek? L'accident s'est produit près de chez lui. The accident took place near his home. The accident occurred near his home. Nous tenons une réunion une fois par mois. We hold a meeting once a month. We have a meeting once a month. Tu as volé mon vélo, et maintenant je vais te casser la figure. You stole my bike, and now I'm going to break your face. You stole my bike, and now I'm gonna bust your face. Je suis en train de lire cette lettre. I am reading this letter. I am currently reading this letter. Mais qu'est-ce que c'était que ça ? What on earth was that? But what was that? Son succès n'était rien moins qu'un miracle. His success was nothing short of a miracle. His success was nothing short of a miracle. Bien qu'elle vive à proximité, je la vois rarement. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. Nous sommes très différents, toi et moi. We're very different, you and I. We are very different, you and me. Connais-tu l'homme sur cette photo ? Do you know this man in the picture? Do you know the man in this picture? Où est la balle ? Where's the ball? Where's the ball? Connais-tu quelqu’un qui joue de la guitare ? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Je veux simplement que vous sachiez toutes que vous pouvez compter sur moi. I just want you all to know you can depend on me. I just want you all to know that you can count on me. Que dis-tu ? What are you saying? What do you say? J'ai estimé nécessaire de requérir de l'assistance. I found it necessary to get assistance. I felt it was necessary to ask for assistance. Elles la connaissent. They know her. They know her. Vous devez lire ce passage pour la semaine prochaine. You have to read this passage for next week. You need to read this passage for next week. J'ai oublié mon déjeuner et j'ai acheté un casse-croûte à l'école. I forgot my lunch and bought a sandwich at school. I forgot my lunch and bought a snack at school. Tom a l'intention de s'établir à demeure au Japon. Tom intends to live in Japan for good. Tom intends to settle permanently in Japan. Nous avons tous deux concouru. We both competed. We both competed. Ses yeux étaient emplis de larmes. Her eyes were filled with tears. His eyes were full of tears. Quel est le mot grec pour « hibou » ? What is the Greek word for "owl"? What is the Greek word for owl? Elle a essayé de rester calme. She tried to stay calm. She tried to stay calm. Pour se cacher de la police, Dima passa la nuit dans une benne à ordure. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. To hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. Connaissez-vous quiconque, ici ? Do you know anyone here? Do you know anyone here? Il fut dans l'incapacité de l'épouser. He was not able to marry her. He was unable to marry her. Vu de loin, ça ressemble à une balle. Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball. Seen from a distance, it looks like a bullet. En quoi une vie vaut-elle d'être vécue ? What is a life worth living? How is a life worth living? Tout ce qui peut être mal compris le sera. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Plutôt que de réduire la cigarette, pourquoi ne la laissez-vous pas simplement tomber ? Rather than cutting down on cigarettes, why don't you just give them up? Rather than cutting down on cigarettes, why don’t you just drop them? Quel âge avait-il ? How old was he? How old was he? Où, quand, vers où, d'où, pourquoi, dans quel but et comment ? Where, when, to where, from where, why, to what purpose, and how? Where, when, where, where, why, for what purpose and how? Quelle quantité d'alcool consommez-vous habituellement ? How much alcohol do you usually drink? How much alcohol do you usually consume? Beaucoup perdirent leurs maisons après le tremblement de terre. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. Ils ont tous changé. They all changed. They've all changed. Je ne savais pas que Marie était la fille de Tom. I didn't know that Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Le mot de passe a été changé. The password has been changed. The password has been changed. Quel est le rôle de l'Observatoire national du développement humain ? What is the role of the national human development watch? What is the role of the National Human Development Observatory? Venez calmement. Come calmly. Come calmly. Ne grimpe pas au mur. Don't climb up the wall. Don't climb the wall. Il a raconté son secret à ses amis. He told his friends his secret. He told his secret to his friends. Et ce soir, je pense à tout ce qu'elle a vu tout au long de son siècle en Amérique. Le chagrin et l'espoir, la lutte et les progrès. Les fois où l'on nous a dit que nous ne pouvions pas, et les gens qui ont persisté avec ce crédo : Oui, nous pouvons. And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes, we can. And tonight, I think of everything she's seen throughout her century in America. Grief and hope, struggle and progress. The times we've been told we can't, and the people who have persisted with this creed: Yes, we can. J'aime les biscuits. I like cookies. I like biscuits. Est-ce que tu arrives à voir ça ? Can you see this? Can you see that? Vous avez torturé un prisonnier. You tortured a prisoner. You tortured a prisoner. Je ne m'inquiète pas pour Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. Il se peut qu'elle n'attende pas plus longtemps. She may not wait any longer. She may not wait any longer. Je suis celui qui devrait s'excuser. I'm the one who ought to apologize. I'm the one who should apologize. Je l’ai complètement oubliée. I completely forgot about it. I completely forgot about it. Répondez honnêtement. Answer honestly. Answer honestly. Tom est connu. Tom's famous. Tom is well known. Tôt ou tard, la vérité éclatera. Sooner or later, the truth'll come out. Sooner or later, the truth will come out. Ne pensez-vous pas que ça pourrait être un peu lourd ? Don't you think it might be a bit heavy? Don't you think it could be a little heavy? Enfant, il allait à la mer tous les étés. As a boy, he would go to the seaside every summer. As a child, he went to the sea every summer. Sami est mon voisin. Sami is my neighbor. Sami is my neighbor. La moralité de nos politiciens a été corrompue. The morals of our politicians have been corrupted. The morality of our politicians has been corrupted. Tu n'es pas mon frère. You're not my brother. You're not my brother. Avez-vous des guides de musée en japonais ? Do you have any museum guides in Japanese? Do you have museum guides in Japanese? Comment la vie a-t-elle commencé ? How did life begin? How did life begin? C'est une question de principe. It's a question of principle. It's a matter of principle. « Comment as-tu connu Tom ? » « Ah ! C'est une longue histoire. » "How did you know Tom?" "Ah, it's a long story." “How did you know Tom?” “Ah, that’s a long story.” Un grand changement est intervenu depuis la guerre. A great change has come about after the war. A great change has taken place since the war. Quelle quantité d'alcool consommes-tu habituellement ? How much alcohol do you usually drink? How much alcohol do you usually drink? Tous les dirigeants algériens ont des avoirs à l'étranger, des résidences, des comptes bancaires et même des passeports étrangers alors qu'ils utilisent le nationalisme algérien artificiel contre le peuple kabyle accusé de tous les maux dont souffre l'Algérie. All Algerian leaders have assets abroad, residences, bank accounts and even foreign passports while they use Algerian nationalism which is artificial against the Kabyle people who are accused of all the evils that Algeria is suffering. All Algerian leaders have foreign assets, residences, bank accounts and even foreign passports as they use artificial Algerian nationalism against the Kabyle people accused of all the evils that Algeria suffers. Que veux-tu que j'y fasse ? What do you want me to do about it? What do you want me to do? Jouer à la roulette russe n'est pas vraiment une bonne idée. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Playing Russian roulette is not a good idea. Ça a l'air facile. It looks easy. Sounds easy. Il fait vraiment chaud, là-bas. It's really hot there. It's really hot there. Salut à tous. Hi everybody. Hi, everybody. L'elefen est une langue facile et belle. Lingua Franca Nova is an easy and beautiful language. Elefen is an easy and beautiful language. À quelle heure te lèves-tu d'habitude ? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? C'est précisément ce que je voulais. This is just what I wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. Elle ne se montra pas polie à son endroit. She wasn't polite to him. She was not polite to him. Qu'aimes-tu manger au déjeuner ? What do you like to eat for lunch? What do you like to eat for lunch? Vous vous en êtes très bien sorti. You have done very well. You did very well. Il y a du jus de canneberge dans le réfrigérateur. There is cranberry juice in the fridge. There is cranberry juice in the refrigerator. Je n'ai pas de machine à laver. I don't have a washing machine. I don't have a washing machine. Aidez-moi à nettoyer la maison s'il vous plaît. Please help me clean the house. Please help me clean the house. Il y avait une énorme araignée dans la salle de séjour. There was a huge spider in the living room. There was a huge spider in the living room. Comme il est gentil, il est aimé de chacun. Being kind, he is loved by everyone. Since he is kind, he is loved by everyone. Si vous le voulez, nous irons. If you want to, we'll go. If you want, we'll go. Je suppose que c'est vrai. I suppose that's true. I guess it's true. Tom ne boit pas de jus. Tom doesn't drink juice. Tom doesn't drink juice. Je lui ai suggéré ça. I suggested that to him. I suggested that. Avez-vous éprouvé des symptômes de sevrage dans le passé ? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Je peux vérifier votre température ? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Tom, qui est devenu millionnaire par son propre travail, a vécu dans la misère quand il était enfant. Tom, a self-made millionaire, had lived in abject poverty as a child. Tom, who became a millionaire by his own work, lived in misery when he was a child. Je ne pouvais pas m'arrêter de rire. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. La plupart des gens sont idiots. Most people are idiots. Most people are idiots. C'est techniquement impossible. This is technically impossible. This is technically impossible. Veux-tu boire quoi que ce soit ? Would you like to drink anything? Do you want to drink anything? Mon chat me suit. My cat is following me. My cat is following me. S'il pleut, rentre le linge. If it rains, bring the washing in. If it rains, get the laundry in. Toutes les fleurs sont tombées des cerisiers. All of the blossoms have fallen from the cherry trees. All the flowers fell from the cherry trees. Je n'ai pas de compte dans cette filiale de la Tokai Bank. I don't have an account at that branch of Tokai Bank. I don't have an account in this subsidiary of Tokai Bank. Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir volé de l'argent. She accused him of stealing her money. She accused him of stealing money. Je veux une troisième alternative. I want a third alternative. I want a third alternative. On peut largement en avoir pour son argent dans ce magasin. You can get a lot of bang for your buck at this store. You can get a lot of money from this store. Le garçon s'est sali les mains. The boy got his hands dirty. The boy got his hands dirty. Tout est fait à leur place. Everything is done for them. Everything is done in their place. Il connait ce sujet sur le bout des doigts. He has the subject at his fingertips. He knows this on his fingertips. J'ai vu quelque chose d'intéressant. I saw something interesting. I saw something interesting. Veux-tu venir, avec moi, jusqu'à la gare ? Do you want to go to the station with me? Will you come with me to the station? J'ai fait infuser un sachet de thé dans de l'eau bouillante. I steeped a tea bag in boiling water. I brewed a tea bag in boiling water. Je te prie de rediriger ceci à autant de gens que possible. Please forward this to as many people as possible. Please redirect this to as many people as possible. Elle se comportait comme si elle avait une bonne connaissance du français. She acted as if she knew French well. She behaved as if she had a good knowledge of French. On se remet encore de la nuit dernière ? Still recovering from last night? Are we still recovering from last night? Quel âge a Tony ? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? Il rentrera chez lui à la pleine lune. He'll come home when the moon is full. He'll be home at the full moon. J'espère que ça ira demain. I hope it'll be fine tomorrow. I hope it's all right tomorrow. La nourriture naturelle n'est pas toujours bonne pour la digestion. Natural food is not always good for our digestion. Natural food is not always good for digestion. Fais attention où tu mets les pieds, Tom. Watch your step, Tom. Be careful where you step, Tom. La population de ce village avait diminué. The population of this village had decreased. The population of this village had declined. Pour maîtriser ses émotions, il faut d'abord maîtriser l'interoception. The first step in mastering your emotions is mastering the skill of interoception. To control your emotions, you must first master interoception. Cette ville comporte de nombreux bâtiments de grande taille. There are many tall buildings in that town. This city has many large buildings. À quelle heure penses-tu que Tom rentrera ? What time do you think Tom will get home? What time do you think Tom will be back? Les villages dans les Alpes sont très pittoresques. The villages in the Alps are very picturesque. The villages in the Alps are very picturesque. Traduis ceci. Translate this. Translate this. Quel est le prochain jour férié majeur ? When is the next major holiday? What is the next major holiday? Garde ta chambre propre ! Keep your room clean. Keep your room clean! Ils la craignent. They're afraid of her. They're afraid of her. Cette maison est massive. That house is big. This house is massive. Notre équipe est en train de gagner. Our team is winning. Our team is winning. Au milieu de chaque difficulté se cache une opportunité. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. In the midst of every difficulty lies an opportunity. Il me baisa la main. He kissed my hand. He kissed my hand. Tom sourit toujours. Tom always smiles. Tom is always smiling. Sami savait que sa femme avait une liaison avec un homme marié. Sami knew that his wife was having an affair with a married man. Sami knew his wife was having an affair with a married man. Il semble qu'il puisse emporter le premier prix. It looks like he might win first prize. It looks like he can win the first prize. Elle lui a donné l'argent. She gave him the money. She gave him the money. Il s'approcha d'elle. He moved close to her. He approached her. J'ai besoin d'être seul. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Je vais devoir parler à Tom à ce propos. I'll have to talk to Tom about it. I'm gonna have to talk to Tom about it. La voiture est en panne. Nous ne pouvons pas continuer. The car is broken down. We can't go on. The car's broken down. We can't go on. Tom sait bien raconter les histoires. Tom is good at telling stories. Tom knows how to tell the stories. Il n'est qu'un enfant. He is only a child. He's just a kid. Napoléon est mort sur une île dans l'Atlantique. Napoleon died on an island in the Atlantic. Napoleon died on an island in the Atlantic. Hier il pleuvait. Yesterday it was raining. Yesterday it was raining. Nous ne sommes pas contentes. We're not happy. We're not happy. Comment vous êtes-vous intéressé à l'art ? How did you get interested in art? How did you become interested in art? Tom se sent souvent coupable. Tom often feels guilty. Tom often feels guilty. Le magazine recherche les insectes les plus dégoûtants de la planète. The magazine is researching the most disgusting insects on the planet. The magazine is looking for the most disgusting insects on the planet. Tom est débutant, mais il apprend vite. Tom's a beginner, but he catches on fast. Tom is a beginner, but he learns quickly. Ne me donne pas ça ! Don't give me that! Don't give me that! Ils ont raconté la fin. They gave away the ending. They told the end. Désolé. Je vous ai interrompu. Sorry. I interrupted you. I'm sorry, I interrupted you. On m'a interdit de faire cela. I am prohibited from doing that. I was forbidden to do that. Je veux cuisiner pour toi. I want to cook for you. I want to cook for you. Veuillez le servir en premier. Please wait on him first. Please serve it first. Penses-y, j'ai vraiment besoin d'un téléphone mobile. Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone. Think about it, I really need a mobile phone. J'aimerais rencontrer Tom le plus tôt possible. I'd like to meet Tom as soon as possible. I would like to meet Tom as soon as possible. Est-ce que Tom est dans le vrai ? Is Tom correct? Is Tom in the real world? Personne ne pense cela. No one thinks so. Nobody thinks that. Je voulais faire une réservation dans mon restaurant préféré, mais il est fermé la veille de Noël. I wanted to make a reservation at my favorite restaurant, but it's closed on Christmas Eve. I wanted to make a reservation at my favorite restaurant, but it is closed on Christmas Eve. Les escargots sont lents. Snails are slow. Snails are slow. Je suis devenue folle. I've gone mad. I went crazy. « C'est un tigre quand il se met en colère » est un exemple de métaphore. "He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor. “He’s a tiger when he gets angry” is an example of a metaphor. Je crois que Tom a acheté la maison qu’il a regardée la semaine dernière. I think that Tom bought the house he was looking at last week. I think Tom bought the house he looked at last week. Il est très difficile de se connaître soi-même. It's very difficult to know oneself. It is very difficult to know yourself. Mon fils est entré au lycée. My son entered high school. My son went into high school. Tom ne savait pas quel était le nom de famille de Mary. Tom didn't know what Mary's last name was. Tom didn't know Mary's last name. Es-tu en train de dire que ma vie est en danger ? Are you saying that my life is in danger? Are you saying my life is in danger? Yanni est au courant. Yanni knows. Yanni knows about it. Je vis de l'autre côté de la rue. I live across the street. I live on the other side of the street. La douleur est-elle lancinante ou constante ? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Il m'a fait boire de la tequila toute la soirée. He plied me with tequila all evening. He made me drink tequila all night. Les semences de l'homme proviennent des tubules séminifères qui sont situés dans les testicules. The sperm from male humans originates in the seminiferous tubules which are located in the testes. The seeds of man come from the seminiferous tubules that are located in the testicles. Il a rencontré une jeune femme séduisante à la fête. He met a seductive young woman at the party. He met an attractive young woman at the party. Ce livre est meilleur que celui-là. This book is better than that one. This book is better than this one. Je pense qu'il t'apprécie. I think he likes you. I think he likes you. Je veux passer du temps avec ma fille. I want to spend some time with my daughter. I want to spend time with my daughter. Je veux rêver. I want to dream. I want to dream. La vanité et la fierté sont choses différentes, bien que ces mots soient souvent employés comme synonymes. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. Vanity and pride are different things, although these words are often used as synonyms. Je rends visite à une amie à moi à l'hôpital. I'm visiting a friend of mine in the hospital. I'm visiting a friend of mine at the hospital. L'un d'eux est allé se cacher. One of them went to hide. One of them went into hiding. Les garçons ont parlé de football. The boys talked about football. The boys talked about football. Je suis tombée amoureuse. I fell in love. I fell in love. L'infirmière vérifiera ton bras dans les 2 jours pour voir s'il y a une réaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. Je l'ai rencontrée à la gare de Tokyo. I met her at Tokyo Station. I met her at Tokyo Station. Je ne pourrais te dire pourquoi. I couldn't tell you why. I couldn't tell you why. Dans tout Alger il n'y a que deux piscines publiques qui sont exclusivement réservées à la gente masculine car la mixité est très mal perçue. In the whole of Algiers there are only two public swimming pools and they are exclusively reserved for men because co-education is very badly perceived. In all Algiers there are only two public swimming pools that are exclusively reserved for men because the diversity is very poorly perceived. Je pense que nous devrions être autorisés à aller où bon nous semble. I think we should be allowed to go anywhere we want. I think we should be allowed to go wherever we want. Les Étasuniens noirs continuaient à endurer le racisme. Black Americans continued to suffer from racism. Black Americans continued to endure racism. Tôt ou tard, tu regretteras ta paresse. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you'll regret your laziness. Il s'est assis à son côté. He sat down next to her. He sat next to her. Une personne proche de vous s'est-elle déjà suicidée ? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? Écoute, je suis sérieux. Look, I'm being serious. Look, I'm serious. Il a rejeté notre proposition. He rejected our offer. He rejected our proposal. La crise avait pu être prévue. The crisis could've been foreseen. The crisis could have been foreseen. Elle est à court d'argent pour poursuivre ses études. She's short of money to continue her studies. She runs out of money to continue her studies. Yanni a fait une overdose. Yanni overdosed. Yanni has overdosed. Pourquoi ne me dis-tu pas que je suis belle ? Why haven't you told me I'm beautiful? Why don't you tell me I'm beautiful? Ils ont immédiatement commencé à discuter. They fell into the conversation immediately. They immediately started talking. Un cadeau pour vous. A gift for you. A gift for you. Elles n'ont pas tenu parole. They did not keep their word. They did not keep their word. Le poisson commun nage délicieusement. The common fish swims beautifully. The common fish swims deliciously. C'est commencé. It's started. It's started. Regarder les photos de tes amis Face-de-bouc est une perte de temps. Looking at your Facebook friends' photos is a waste of time. Watching photos of your friends face-to-face is a waste of time. Les gens aiment parler. Moi pas. People love to talk. I don't. People like to talk, I don't. Je voulais te parler de quelque chose. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to you about something. As-tu consulté d'autres médecins pour ce problème ? Have you seen any other doctors for this issue? Have you consulted any other doctors about this problem? À quand remonte votre dernier électrocardiogramme ? When was your last electrocardiogram? When was your last electrocardiogram? Je bande. I've got a boner. I'm outta here. Traduire littéralement cette phrase était une erreur stupide. Le sens était totalement différent. Translating that sentence literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. Literally translating this sentence was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. Il est trop jeune. He is too young. He's too young. Dites-moi juste quoi faire ! Just tell me what to do. Just tell me what to do! À qui profite cet attentat? Who benefits from this attack? Who benefits from this attack? Pourrais-tu te rapprocher juste un peu ? Could you move just a little closer? Could you just get a little closer? Personne n'a parlé avec moi. Nobody spoke with me. No one spoke with me. Il est important de lire des livres. It's important to read books. It is important to read books. Es-tu déjà réveillée ? Are you awake yet? Have you ever woken up? Les mots ne peuvent pas l'exprimer. Words cannot express it. Words cannot express it. Tu ne peux pas payer quelqu'un pour dormir à ta place. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. Les lignes bleues sur la carte désignent des fleuves. Blue lines on the map designate rivers. The blue lines on the map designate rivers. Ne serait-il pas préférable que nous allions au cinéma plutôt qu'au théâtre ? Wouldn't it be better for us to go to the movies rather than to a theater? Wouldn't it be better if we went to the movies instead of the theater? Il l'a injuriée. He called her bad names. He insulted her. Tu comprendras quand tu auras des enfants. You'll understand when you have children. You will understand when you have children. J'ai toujours pensé que c'était la bonne chose à faire. I always thought this would be the right thing to do. I always thought it was the right thing to do. J'aurais pu faire ça, mais je ne l'ai pas fait. I could've done that, but I didn't. I could have done that, but I didn't. Ils ne m'ont pas oubliée. They didn't forget me. They haven't forgotten me. Mendier dans la rue est interdit par la loi. By law, begging in the street is forbidden. Begging on the street is prohibited by law. Pourquoi ne nous l'as-tu pas dit ? Why didn't you tell us that? Why didn't you tell us? Qui a planté l'arbre ? Who planted the tree? Who planted the tree? S'il vous plaît, parlez plus fort pour que tout le monde vous entende. Please speak louder so everybody can hear you. Please speak louder so that everyone can hear you. Ils l'ont laissé sous la table. They left it under the table. They left it under the table. La pièce sera peinte demain. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Il va faire monter Gilles à la chambre. He will send Gilles up to the room. He's gonna take Gilles up to the room. Vous ne devez pas dire de mensonge. You must not tell a lie. You must not tell a lie. Je suis l'infirmier du week-end. I am the weekend nurse. I'm the weekend nurse. J'ai traversé le parc en marchant. I walked across the park. I walked through the park. Nous étions saouls tous les deux. We were both drunk. We were both drunk. Envoyez des renforts ! Send reinforcements. Send reinforcements! Je peux tout manger sauf les oignons. I can eat anything but onions. I can eat anything but onions. Ce que vous pensez ne m'intéresse guère. I'm not interested in what you think. I'm not interested in what you think. Elle ne l'a rencontré que récemment. She met him only recently. She only met him recently. Tom a rencontré John en prison. Tom met John in prison. Tom met John in prison. Il semble que nous ayons fait fausse route. Looks like we barked up the wrong tree. We seem to have gone the wrong way. Avez-vous déjà été diagnostiquée avec une hépatite ? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Sans vous je ne suis rien. I am nothing without you. Without you I am nothing. Marie a un chat mais elle veut un chien. Mary has a cat, but she wants a dog. Mary has a cat, but she wants a dog. Je veux lui dédier cette chanson. I want to dedicate this song to him. I want to dedicate this song to him. Mary est une fille chanceuse. Mary is a lucky girl. Mary is a lucky girl. Ils ne me dépasseront pas. They won't get past me. They won't overtake me. Miracle ! Le lien fonctionne ! It's a miracle! The link works! Miracle! The link works! Le sol doit être conservé propre. The floor must be kept clean. The soil should be kept clean. Merci beaucoup pour l'explication qui est, comme toujours, très facile à comprendre ! Thank you so much for your always easily understandable explanations. Thank you very much for the explanation which is, as always, very easy to understand! Mieux vaut être sourd que d'entendre cela. Better to be deaf than to hear that. Better to be deaf than to hear that. « Aime-t-il la musique ? » « Oui. » "Does he like music?" "Yes." “Does he like music?” Qui diable es-tu ? Who the hell are you? Who the hell are you? Sami a une petite sœur. Sami has a little sister. Sami has a little sister. Bois-le, tant que c'est chaud. Drink it while it's hot. Drink it as long as it's hot. Est-ce moi que vous cherchez ? Are you looking for me? Are you looking for me? Je ne fais pas attention à ce qu'ils disent. I don't care about what they say. I'm not paying attention to what they're saying. Avez-vous quitté le pays au cours des 30 derniers jours ? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you left the country in the last 30 days? Ferme-la juste et écoute ! Just shut up and listen. Just shut up and listen! Elle était toujours prête à aider ceux dans le besoin. She was always ready to help people in trouble. She was always ready to help those in need. J'ai envie de travailler dans un hôpital. I want to work in a hospital. I want to work in a hospital. C'est un plaisir que de finalement vous rencontrer. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Ce problème a tout naturellement attisé les discussions. That problem naturally invited discussion. This problem has naturally stoked discussions. Passer du temps ensemble est important pour moi. Spending time together is important to me. Spending time together is important to me. Pourris-moi la vie ! Fuck my life. Put my life down! Tu vas où lundi ? Where are you going on Monday? Where are you going on Monday? J'ai entendu dire qu'une manière de rester en bonne santé est d'éviter de manger de la nourriture contenant des ingrédients imprononçables. I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients. I’ve heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating food with unpronounceable ingredients. J'ai perdu ma clé. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Tout va bien maintenant. Everything is all right now. It's all right now. Ai-je déjà mentionné que je suis fou ? Did I mention I'm crazy? Have I ever mentioned that I’m crazy? J'aimerais que tu puisses rester un peu plus longtemps. I wish that you could stay a little longer. I wish you could stay a little longer. Les examens ADN montrèrent qu'il était innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Je suis certain que vos intentions sont honnêtes. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I am sure your intentions are honest. Ses conseils sont tombés dans l'oreille d'un sourd. His advice fell on deaf ears. His advice fell into the ear of a deaf man. Tout à fait par chance, je rencontrai mon vieil ami à l'aéroport. Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport. Luckily, I met my old friend at the airport. On dit que les Américains considèrent le revenu d'un homme comme critère majeur de ses capacités. Americans are said to regard the amount of money a man makes as a criterion of his ability. It is said that Americans consider a man's income as a major criterion of his abilities. Je ne veux pas la mettre en colère. I don't want to piss her off. I don't want to make her angry. Je ne trouve pas ça si difficile. I don't find it that difficult. I don't think it's that hard. Je suis allé au jardin public ce matin. I went to a park this morning. I went to the public garden this morning. Il a dû manquer son train habituel. He must have missed his usual train. He must have missed his usual train. Désolé, quelque chose est allé de travers. Sorry, something went wrong. Sorry, something went wrong. Puis-je emprunter votre crayon ? Could I borrow your eyeliner? Can I borrow your pencil? Nous sommes allées effectuer une promenade dehors après le petit-déjeuner. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went for a walk outside after breakfast. On n'aime pas vraiment se sentir vieux. You don't really like feeling old. We don’t really like to feel old. Je me suis longtemps tut. I have been silent for a long time. I've been quiet for a long time. Pourrais-tu me dire la vérité, s'il te plaît ? Could you please tell me the truth? Could you tell me the truth, please? Puis-je te dire quelque chose de très personnel ? Can I tell you something very personal? Can I tell you something very personal? Je suis heureuse de le faire. I'm happy to do it. I'm happy to do that. Il te faut être prudent. You must be cautious. You have to be careful. Pourquoi as-tu refusé de le faire ? Why did you refuse to do that? Why did you refuse to do that? Tom est plus sportif que Charles. Tom is sportier than Charles. Tom is more athletic than Charles. Elle m'a baptisé. C'est ma marraine. She baptized me. She's my godmother. She baptized me, she's my godmother. La violence à l'école est un gros problème. School violence is a big problem. School violence is a big problem. Est-il vraiment possible de procéder à une transplantation de cerveau ? Is it really possible to do a brain transplant? Is it really possible to perform a brain transplant? Tom fait toujours cela. Tom always does that. Tom always does that. À qui est-ce la faute ? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it? Je n'ai pas de problème avec ça. I have no problem with this. I don't have a problem with that. La France va laminer Cristiano Ronaldo et le Portugal. France is going to steamroll Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal. France will beat Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal. J'ai confessé. I confessed. I confessed. Il n'y avait pas un chat. There wasn't a soul. There was no cat. J'aimerais vous parler dans mon bureau. I'd like to talk to you in my office. I'd like to talk to you in my office. Elles éternuèrent. They sneezed. They sneeze. À cause de ce virus, de nombreux éléphants perdirent la vie. Because of that virus, many elephants lost their lives. Because of this virus, many elephants lost their lives. Christophe Colomb détestait les erreurs historiques. Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies. Christopher Columbus hated historical errors. Je veux rester un peu plus longtemps. I want to stay a bit longer. I want to stay a little longer. N'est-il pas effrayant ? Isn't it scary? Isn't it scary? Yanni a rempli les pots avec de la confiture de figues. Yanni filled the jars up with fig jam. Yanni filled the jars with fig jam. Regarder les photos de vos amis de Facebook est une perte de temps. Looking at your Facebook friends' photos is a waste of time. Watching your Facebook friends’ photos is a waste of time. Il est mon unique passion dans la vie. He is my only passion in life. He is my only passion in life. La confiture de figues de Yanni est presque prête. Yanni's fig jam is almost ready. Yanni's fig jam is almost ready. Ça doit être difficile à faire. It must be hard to do that. Must be hard to do. Je suis l'infirmier de nuit. I am the night shift nurse. I'm the night nurse. On dit qu'il y a des fantômes dans cette vieille maison. They say there are ghosts in this old house. They say there are ghosts in this old house. Pourquoi voulez-vous être médecin ? Why do you want to be a doctor? Why do you want to be a doctor? Est-ce que tu sais lire dans cette langue ? Are you able to read in this language? Can you read in that language? C'est tel que je l'espérais. That's what I expected it to be like. That's what I was hoping for. Beaucoup de jeunes de ton âge travaillent déjà et ont fondé une famille. A lot of young people your age are already working and have a family. Many young people your age are already working and have started a family. Contacte-moi dès que tu arrives ici. Get in touch with me as soon as you arrive here. Contact me as soon as you get here. Je fais partie de la mafia alphabétique. I take part of the alphabet mafia. I am part of the alphabet mafia. Tom joue très bien du vibraphone. Tom plays the vibraphone exceptionally well. Tom plays the vibraphone very well. Est-il difficile de monter des escaliers ? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Is it difficult to climb stairs? De tels incidents sont assez courants. Such incidents are quite common. Such incidents are quite common. Fais aux autres ce que tu voudrais qu'ils te fassent. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Do to others what you want them to do to you. Je suis célibataire. I am single. I'm single. Il ne fait que se plaindre. He is constantly complaining. He just complains. Elle adore cuisiner. She loves cooking. She loves to cook. Sois prudent. C’est la place parfaite pour une embuscade. Be careful. It's the perfect place for an ambush. Be careful. This is the perfect place for an ambush. Explique-moi la règle, je te prie. Please explain the rule to me. Please explain the rule to me. Qu'est-ce qu'une pandémie ? What's a pandemic? What is a pandemic? Des mouches pour des enfants espiègles, voilà ce que nous sommes pour les dieux ; ils nous tuent pour leur divertissement. As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods ; they kill us for their sport. Flies for mischievous children, this is what we are for the gods; they kill us for their amusement. Tom est un homme très discret. Tom is a very private man. Tom is a very discreet man. Je ne boirai plus jamais, au grand jamais. I will never, ever drink again. I will never drink again, ever. Je n'ai jamais pensé que ça aurait lieu. I never thought that would happen. I never thought it would happen. Tu ferais mieux d'aller chez toi immédiatement. You'd better go home at once. You better go home immediately. Cette route est trop étroite pour le passage des camions. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. Jouez dehors au lieu de regarder la télévision. Play outside instead of watching TV. Play outside instead of watching TV. La seconde guerre mondiale n'était pas encore terminée. The Second World War was not yet over. The Second World War was not yet over. Le parc se situe au centre-ville. The park is in the center of the city. The park is located in the city center. Vous devriez y être habituées maintenant. You should be used to this by now. You should be used to it now. Les menteurs doivent posséder une bonne mémoire. Liars must have a good memory. Liars must have a good memory. Ce n'est efficace qu'à courte portée. It's only effective at close range. It is only effective at short range. Tom ne veut pas abandonner son rêve de devenir un cosmonaute. Tom doesn't want to give up his dream of becoming an astronaut. Tom doesn’t want to give up his dream of becoming a cosmonaut. Ce thé est bon. This tea is good. This tea is good. Ce thé est vraiment sucré. This tea is really sweet. This tea is really sweet. Ce code source ouvert a donné naissance à des centaines de projets. This open source code spawned hundreds of projects. This open source code has given rise to hundreds of projects. Elle a une peur bleue des chiens. She's very afraid of dogs. She has a blue fear of dogs. Il consacra beaucoup de temps à étudier. He devoted much time to study. He spent a lot of time studying. Je lui ai demandé de me tenir au courant. I asked him to keep me posted. I asked him to keep me informed. Le criminel a tenté de blanchir de l'argent. The criminal attempted to launder money. The criminal tried to launder money. Les magasins sont calmes les jours de semaine. Shops are quiet on weekdays. Shops are quiet on weekdays. J'ai attrapé une grosse araignée à la cave et elle est maintenant dans un bocal dans ma chambre. I caught a big spider in the cellar and she's now in a jar in my room. I caught a big spider in the cellar and it is now in a jar in my room. J'ai trouvé le livre par hasard. I found the book by chance. I found the book by chance. Une pluie légère tombait. A light rain was falling. A light rain fell. Je sais que Tom est sans emploi. I know Tom is unemployed. I know Tom is out of work. Je ne veux pas être différente. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be any different. Bill ne fait que dire des plaisanteries. Bill did nothing else but joke. Bill's just talking jokes. Est-ce que Tom a raison ? Is Tom correct? Is Tom right? Je viens de manger un falafel. I just ate a falafel. I just ate a falafel. Tom a de gros ennuis. Tom is in big trouble. Tom's in big trouble. Tu veux encore un truc facile ? Would you like another piece of cake? You want one more easy thing? Les femmes idéales sont les joueuses d'échecs : elles peuvent passer des heures en silence, bien suivre les manœuvres et connaître de nombreuses positions intéressantes. Chess players are ideal women: they can spend hours in silence, follow the maneuvers well and get to know many interesting positions. The ideal women are the chess players: they can spend hours in silence, follow the maneuvers well and know many interesting positions. Vous vous promènerez dans les rues de Paris. You will walk in the streets of Paris. You will walk through the streets of Paris. Y a-t-il quelqu'un que vous vouliez appeler ? Is there somebody you want to call? Is there anyone you wanted to call? J'ai du faire une liste des choses que j'avais besoin de faire. I had to make a list of things I needed to do. I had to make a list of things I needed to do. Je ne l'ai pas pris au sérieux. I didn't take it seriously. I didn't take it seriously. Vous ne pouvez pas vous en débarrasser. You can't get rid of it. You can't get rid of them. L'homme qui aime normalement sous le soleil, adore frénétiquement sous la lune. The man who normally loves under the sun frantically worships under the moon. The man who normally loves under the sun, loves frantically under the moon. C'étaient des soldats. They were soldiers. They were soldiers. J'ai parlé à la fille dont tu m'as parlé. I talked to the girl you told me about. I talked to the girl you told me about. Elle lance. She throws. She's throwing. Il sait à peine parler anglais. He can hardly speak any English. He can barely speak English. Et si vous preniez une photo ? Why don't you take a picture? What if you took a picture? C'était mon choix. It was my choice. It was my choice. Mary travaille dans un supermarché. Mary works in a supermarket. Mary works in a supermarket. Je te déconseille d'y aller. You'd better not go there. I don't recommend you go. Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is the same as mine. J'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas si je pars tôt. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. Tom ne sait pas si Mary aime la tarte à la citrouille. Tom doesn't know if Mary likes pumpkin pie or not. Tom doesn't know if Mary likes pumpkin pie. L'Afrique est le continent le plus pauvre. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. Ils ont un problème. They have a problem. They have a problem. Je suis en train de tomber amoureux de toi. I'm falling in love with you. I'm falling in love with you. Je pensais devenir médecin. I thought I was going to become a doctor. I thought I was going to be a doctor. Nous sommes tombés amoureux au premier rendez-vous. We fell in love on the first date. We fell in love on the first date. Bien essayé, mais pas de chocolat. Nice try, but no cigar. Nice try, but no chocolate. La vie est un jeu d'échecs. Life is a game of chess. Life is a game of chess. Parfois, les auteurs traduisent leur propre texte. Sometimes, authors translate their own text. Sometimes authors translate their own text. Qu'est-ce que vos enfants mangent d'habitude au petit-déjeuner ? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? Au vingtième siècle, les échecs ont permis aux informaticiens de créer des machines intelligentes. In the twentieth century, chess enabled computer scientists to create intelligent machines. In the twentieth century, failures allowed computer scientists to create intelligent machines. Il déplorait le fait que la Silésie ne soit plus prussienne. He deplored the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. He deplored the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. Ce magasin est juste en face du théâtre. This shop is just in front of the theatre. This store is right in front of the theater. Pouvez-vous m'enseigner comment faire cela ? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do that? Il était au septième ciel. He was in the seventh heaven. He was in the seventh heaven. Ce serait très bénéfique. That would be very beneficial. That would be very beneficial. Je fus incapable de la regarder en face. I was unable to look her in the face. I was unable to look her in the face. Personne ne déteste mon pays. Nobody hates my country. No one hates my country. Le 2 mai 2011 est le jour des élections fédérales canadiennes: n'oubliez pas d'aller voter ! The 2nd of May 2011 is the date of the Canadian Federal Elections: Don't forget to go vote! May 2, 2011 is Canadian federal election day: don’t forget to vote! Où dois-je vous attendre ? Where shall I wait for you? Where should I wait for you? Je me suis senti assez bien. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. Dans combien de situations de combat vous êtes-vous retrouvé ? How many combat situations have you been in? How many combat situations did you find yourself in? Tout le monde est saoul. Everyone is drunk. Everybody's drunk. Nous avons pris un peu de soupe de poulet. We had some chicken soup. We had a little chicken soup. Tom a dit quelque chose en français que je n'ai pas compris. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. Tom doit-il être présent ? Does Tom have to be present? Does Tom have to be there? Avec les animaux je veux passer ma vie ; ils sont si bonne compagnie ! With animals I wish to live my life; they're such great companions! With animals I want to spend my life; they are so good company! Le fusible a brûlé. The fuse has blown. The fuse burned. Combien de temps penses-tu rester ici ? How long are you planning to stay here? How long do you think you're staying here? L'argent peut acheter beaucoup de choses. Money can buy a lot of things. Money can buy a lot of things. Toute cette affaire pue au plus haut point. This whole affair stinks to high heaven. This whole thing stinks to the highest degree. John écrit à ses parents une fois par mois. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Ça ne me semble pas si terrible. It doesn't sound too bad to me. I don't think it's that bad. Elle a eu pitié de lui. She took pity on him. She felt sorry for him. Ce n'est pas mon seul problème. That isn't my only problem. That's not my only problem. Je pèle le céleri et les pommes de terre. I'm peeling the celery and the potatoes. I peel celery and potatoes. J'ai lâché la corde. I let go of the rope. I let go of the rope. Tom s'est versé un grand verre de lait. Tom poured himself a tall glass of milk. Tom poured himself a large glass of milk. Traitons ceci un problème à la fois ! Let's handle this one problem at a time. Let’s treat this one problem at a time! Je ne peux pas juste rester ici. I can't just stay here. I can't just stay here. Nous avons étudié le français ensemble. We studied French together. We studied French together. Sur une échelle de 0 à 10, où 10 est la plus intense, pouvez-vous évaluer votre douleur ? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you rate your pain? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the most intense, can you assess your pain? L'événement sera diffusé en direct sur Internet. The event will be streamed live. The event will be broadcast live on the Internet. Je suis très occupée depuis ce matin. I've been very busy since this morning. I've been very busy since this morning. Qui pourrait attendrir ce cœur de pierre que tu as ? Who could melt that stone heart of yours? Who could soften that heart of stone that you have? Je ne peux pas venir te voir chaque jour. I can't visit you every day. I can't come to see you every day. Dire que vous préféreriez apprendre l'espagnol plutôt que l'espéranto équivaut à dire que vous préféreriez courir un marathon plutôt qu'aller faire une promenade du dimanche; bien sûr, vous finirez par ne faire ni l'un ni l'autre. Saying that you would rather learn Spanish than Esperanto is like saying you would rather run a marathon than go for a Sunday walk; of course you end up doing neither. To say that you would rather learn Spanish than Esperanto is to say that you would rather run a marathon than go for a Sunday walk; of course, you will end up doing neither. Comment vous êtes-vous fait mal au cou ? How did you hurt your neck? How did you hurt your neck? Il nous faut peu de mots pour exprimer l’essentiel. We need few words to express the essential. We need few words to express the essential. Il est tout à fait probable que la FIFA est pourrie jusqu'à l'os. It's quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the core. It is quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the bone. Je sais que tu mens. I know that you're lying. I know you're lying. Je voudrais pouvoir remonter le temps. I wish I could turn back the clock. I wish I could go back in time. Passe de bonnes vacances d'été. Have a nice summer vacation. Have a great summer vacation. J'ai perdu ma clé. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Ça ne vaut pas la peine de s'en soucier. It's not worth worrying about it. It's not worth worrying about. M'écoutes-tu ? Are you listening? Are you listening to me? Je préfère la montagne à la mer. I like the mountains more than I like the sea. I prefer the mountains to the sea. Vous m'avez touché au cœur. You touched my heart. You touched my heart. Veuillez fermer la porte. Shut the door, please. Please close the door. Que Dieu vous bénisse tous. God bless all of you. God bless you all. Te sens-tu en sécurité chez toi ? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? Oui, chef ! Yes, Sir! Yes, sir! Seriez-vous assez aimable pour fermer cette fenêtre ? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be kind enough to close that window? Combien de temps comptes-tu rester ? How long do you plan to stay? How long do you plan to stay? Mary s'intéresse à la politique. Mary is interested in politics. Mary is interested in politics. La tasse est pleine. The cup is full. The cup is full. J'apprécie vraiment ça. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Ce n'est pas du chiqué. It's not fake. It's not shit. Je viens juste de rater le train. I just missed the train. I just missed the train. Quel fruit aimes-tu le plus ? What fruit do you like the best? Which fruit do you like the most? Ils n'écoutèrent pas. They did not listen. They didn't listen. Savez-vous où se trouve la gare ? Do you know where the train station is? Do you know where the station is? Il est impossible de prédire ce qui va se passer. It's impossible to predict what'll happen. It is impossible to predict what will happen. Elle était jeune. She was young. She was young. C'est une parodie. It's a travesty. It's a parody. Il a trouvé mon vélo. He found my bike. He found my bike. Les deux choses ne sont pas nécessairement mutuellement exclusives. The two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. The two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Apporte l'échelle et pose-la contre le pommier. Bring the ladder and put it against the apple tree. Bring the ladder and lay it against the apple tree. Je veux m'entrainer avec toi. I want to practice with you. I want to practice with you. Mes voisins sont presque tous sympathiques. Almost all of my neighbors are nice. My neighbors are almost all friendly. Cette guerre prit fin en 1954. That war ended in 1954. This war ended in 1954. De battre, mon cœur s'est arrêté. My heart stopped beating. To beat, my heart stopped. Il réagit. He reacts. He's reacting. Préférerais-tu être examiné par une infirmière ? Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse? Would you rather be examined by a nurse? Ça fait drôle. This feels weird. It's funny. Le NHS a été créé en 1948. The NHS was created in 1948. The NHS was established in 1948. Elles ont été endommagées. They've been damaged. They were damaged. Je n'ai pas besoin de votre boulot. I don't need your job. I don't need your job. As-tu fréquemment mal aux oreilles ? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you have frequent ear pain? Pensez-vous sérieusement à partir ? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously thinking about leaving? La moitié des pommes que Tom m'a données était pourrie. Half the apples Tom gave me were rotten. Half of the apples Tom gave me were rotten. La Terre tourne autour du Soleil en 365 jours. The earth moves around the sun in 365 days. The Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days. Nous nous sommes excusées. We apologized. We apologized. Cela t'agace-t-il lorsque les personnes de ton entourage se plaignent de leurs problèmes ? Do you get annoyed when the people close to you complain about their problems? Does it bother you when people around you complain about their problems? Ce n'est pas un jouet ! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Bergen est une ville de Norvège. Bergen is a Norwegian town. Bergen is a city in Norway. L'instrument de soin des cheveux le plus ancien est le peigne, inventé il y a plus de 5000 ans en Perse. The oldest haircare tool is the comb, invented more than 5000 years ago in Persia. The oldest hair care instrument is the comb, invented more than 5,000 years ago in Persia. Utilisez un engrais une fois par an après la floraison. Use a fertilizer once a year after blooming. Use a fertilizer once a year after flowering. Les roses ont des épines. Roses have thorns. Roses have thorns. Combien de fois avez-vous été amoureuses dans votre vie ? How many times have you been in love in your life? How many times have you been in love in your life? J'étais un peu surpris. I was slightly surprised. I was a little surprised. Je pars pour le Canada demain. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. À l'heure actuelle, les États-Unis ont décidé de faire cavalier seul. At present the Unites States have decided to go it alone. Right now, the United States has decided to go it alone. Dan avait un garage plein de voitures de collection. Dan had a garage full of collection cars. Dan had a garage full of vintage cars. Tom a dit qu'il ne connaissait pas l'adresse de Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary's address. Tom said he didn't know Mary's address. Elle ignorait comment prendre le problème. She didn't know what to do with the problem. She didn't know how to take the problem. Apparemment, ce n'est pas exact. Apparently, that's not correct. Apparently, that's not correct. Jusqu'à quand ton passeport est-il valable ? When is your passport valid until? How long is your passport valid? Ce mec est bizarre par moment. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. This guy is weird at times. Tu aurais pu juste le leur dire. You could have just told them. You could have just told them. Puis-je te montrer quelque chose ? May I show you something? Can I show you something? Il devint célèbre dans le monde entier, pour sa découverte. He became world-famous for his discovery. He became famous all over the world for his discovery. On devrait abandonner cette coutume. This custom should be done away with. We should give up this custom. Est-ce que vous comprenez tout ? Do you understand everything? Do you understand everything? J'ai déjà écris trois livres. I've already written three books. I have already written three books. Vous êtes humains. You are human. You're human. Il a quitté sa famille. He has left his family. He left his family. Si je ne le fais pas, cela ne sera pas fait. If I don't do it, it won't get done. If I don't, it won't be done. Avez-vous déjà eu un décollement de la rétine ? Have you ever had a detached retina? Have you ever had a retinal detachment? L'instructeur m'a conseillé de faire de l'exercice tous les jours. The instructor advised me to get exercise every day. The instructor advised me to exercise every day. Quel État avez-vous visité et combien de temps êtes-vous restée ? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? What state did you visit and how long did you stay? Décidons d'un jour et d'une heure pour déjeuner ensemble. Let's set a time and day and have lunch together! Let's decide a day and an hour to have lunch together. Il n'était pas très loin derrière. He was not far behind. He was not far behind. Il souffre d'un mal de dents. He is suffering from a toothache. He suffers from a toothache. T'es givrée ! You're nuts! You're so drunk! Je veux juste que tu me dises pourquoi tu as menti. I just want you to tell me why you lied. I just want you to tell me why you lied. Je prévois de rester à l'hôtel. I'm planning to stay at the hotel. I plan to stay at the hotel. Quand la fête a-t-elle lieu ? When is the party? When does the party take place? Respire, nom de Dieu ! Breathe, damn you! Take a breath, Goddamn it! « Vous êtes enseignant ? » « Oui, c'est cela. » "Are you a teacher?" "So I am." “Are you a teacher?” “Yes, that’s it.” Prenez-vous actuellement des médicaments qui vous ont été prescrits par un psychiatre ? Do you currently take any medication prescribed to you by a psychiatrist? Are you currently taking any medications that have been prescribed by a psychiatrist? Décroche de ça ! Come off it! Pick that up! Étiez-vous nerveux au cours de l'entretien d'embauche? Were you nervous during the job interview? Were you nervous during the job interview? Ce fut une année difficile pour nous. It was a difficult year for us. It was a difficult year for us. La machine était couverte de poussière. The machine was covered in dust. The machine was covered with dust. L'allemand et l'anglais sont des langues parentes. English and German are two related languages. German and English are parent languages. Elle s'est cachée sous les draps. She hid under the sheets. She hid under the sheets. Tu ne m'échapperas pas. You won't escape me. You won't escape me. Le Mozambique ? Il ne sait même pas où c'est. Mozambique? He doesn't even know where that is. Mozambique? He doesn't even know where it is. La route a été bouchée par des arbres qui sont tombés. The road was obstructed by fallen trees. The road was blocked by trees that fell. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Vous avez l'air d'une personne très intelligente. You seem like a very smart person. You look like a very intelligent person. Il a ri. He laughed. He laughed. As-tu déjà reçu un traitement contre la chlamydiose ? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Have you ever received treatment for chlamydia? Il ne le sait pas encore, mais il est déjà mort. He doesn't know it yet, but he's already dead. He doesn't know it yet, but he's already dead. Quand je serai grand, je veux être conducteur de train. When I grow up, I want to be a train conductor. When I grow up, I want to be a train driver. J'en ai besoin. I need some. I need it. Son appareil photo est 3 fois plus cher que le mien. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera is three times more expensive than mine. Elle va. She goes. She's fine. Ce n'est pas ton seul problème. That's not your only problem. That's not your only problem. Que dis-tu de rester pour le dîner ? Je suis en train de faire une grande marmite de ragoût. How about staying for dinner? I'm making a big pot of stew. How about staying for dinner? I'm making a big pot of stew. Il m'a enseigné à nager. He taught me how to swim. He taught me to swim. Me comprends-tu ? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Staline était une mauvaise personne. Stalin was a bad person. Stalin was a bad person. Il a dit à ses enfants de ne pas faire autant de bruit. He told his children not to make so much noise. He told his children not to make so much noise. Je suis toujours membre. I'm still a member. I'm still a member. Un peu plus tôt ce soir, j'ai reçu un appel extraordinairement élégant du Sénateur McCain. Le Sénateur McCain a combattu longuement et durement dans cette campagne. Et il a combattu plus longtemps et durement encore pour le pays qu'il aime. Il a enduré des sacrifices pour l'Amérique que la plupart d'entre nous ne peuvent commencer à imaginer. Nous nous portons mieux grâce au service rendu par ce leader, brave et désintéressé. A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. Earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily elegant call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he fought longer and harder for the country he loves. He endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off because of the service of this brave and selfless leader. Cette voiture se manie bien. This car handles well. This car is doing well. Ton mari est mort. Your husband is dead. Your husband's dead. Je ne peux pas vivre sans télé. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je me tracasse pour toi. I don't know why I bother with you. I don't know why I'm worrying about you. Il est sûr de réussir. He is sure to succeed. He's sure to succeed. Je suis aveugle. I'm blind. I'm blind. Ça a très bon goût. It tastes very good. It tastes very good. De quoi parle le livre ? What is the book about? What is the book about? Les minorités ethniques luttent contre les préjugés, la pauvreté et l'oppression. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty and oppression. Je peux mettre ça sur votre doigt ? Can I put this on your finger? Can I put this on your finger? Sami voulait empêcher Layla d'avorter. Sami wanted to stop Layla from having an abortion. Sami wanted to prevent Layla from having an abortion. J'ai fait exprès d'échouer. I failed on purpose. I purposely failed. C’est arrivé aujourd’hui. It arrived today. It happened today. Mon père a beaucoup de livres. My father has many books. My father has a lot of books. Nous organisâmes une fête d'adieu pour elle. We organized a farewell party for her. We had a farewell party for her. Il est plein aux as, mais il n'est pas heureux. He's minted, but he's not happy. He's full of aces, but he's not happy. Les phrases sont composées de mots. Sentences are made up of words. Sentences are made up of words. Je suis transgenre. I'm transgender. I am transgender. Chacun fait à sa guise. Each one does as he likes. Everyone does their own thing. Dépêchez-vous. Le train part dans quelques minutes. Nous ne voulons pas le rater. Hurry up. The train leaves in ten minutes. We don't want to miss it. Hurry up. The train leaves in a few minutes. We don't want to miss it. Le connaissais-tu ? Did you know him? Did you know him? Elles ne s'aimaient plus, par conséquent, elles se sont séparées. They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up. They didn’t like each other anymore, so they separated. J'ai maintenant faim. I'm hungry now. I'm hungry now. Tom est fainéant, mais pas Mary. Tom is lazy, but Mary isn't. Tom is lazy, but not Mary. J'y pense souvent. I think about it often. I think about it often. Il dispose de sa propre chambre. He has his own room. It has its own room. Le paysage est magnifique. The countryside is magnificent. The landscape is beautiful. Harry est tombé gravement malade. Harry fell seriously ill. Harry got seriously ill. Voulez-vous vraiment mettre votre argent dans cette banque ? Do you really want to put your money in that bank? Do you really want to put your money in this bank? Je ne fermerai pas la porte. I won't close the door. I won't close the door. Allons-nous faire une promenade ? Are we going for a walk? Shall we take a walk? Pourquoi vous sentez-vous si peu sûrs de vous ? Why are you so insecure? Why do you feel so insecure? Quelle formidable coïncidence ! What an amazing coincidence! What a wonderful coincidence! Bonjour, maman ! Hello, Mum! Hello, Mom! Tom a dû mettre sa guitare en gage pour payer ses factures. Tom had to pawn his guitar so he could pay his bills. Tom had to pawn his guitar to pay his bills. J'ai deux chiens, trois chats et six poulets. I have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. I have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Peut-être peut-elle vous en dire plus. Maybe she can tell you more. Maybe she can tell you more. Ton nom ne figure pas sur la liste. Tu n'es pas invité à la fête. Your name doesn't appear on the list. You're not invited to the party. You're not on the list, you're not invited to the party. Marchez ! March on! Walk! Comprendre ce qu'on fait, c'est déjà le faire autrement. Understanding what we do is already doing it differently. To understand what you are doing is to do it differently. J'ai seulement une sœur. I only have one sister. I only have one sister. Elle nous a oubliées. She forgot us. She forgot about us. Dors bien, Timmy. Sleep well, Timmy. Sleep well, Timmy. Tu aurais pu me dire la vérité. You could've told me the truth. You could have told me the truth. La crise financière a touché tous les secteurs de l'économie. The financial crisis affected all sectors of the economy. The financial crisis affected all sectors of the economy. On l’attacherait contre un arbre, et un singe, derrière lui, le frapperait sur la tête avec une pierre. He would be tied to a tree, and a monkey, placed behind him, would hit him on the head with a rock. He would be tied to a tree, and a monkey behind him would strike him on the head with a stone. J'essaie de ne jamais manger après huit heures. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I never try to eat after eight. J'ai entendu cette phrase dans la rue il y a environ une heure. I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago. I heard that phrase on the street about an hour ago. Je sais que Tom est un peu éméché. I know Tom is a bit tipsy. I know Tom's a little upset. On ne parle pas la bouche pleine. You must not speak with your mouth full. We don't talk with our mouths full. Vous ai-je demandé votre opinion ? Did I ask your opinion? Have I asked your opinion? Le Mexique est un pays d’Amérique du Nord. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a North American country. Tu ne trouves pas que ce collier est un peu voyant ? Don't you think that necklace is a bit gaudy? Don't you think that necklace is a bit of a sight? Tom boit. Tom drinks. Tom's drinking. La sécheresse conduisit à une pénurie de nourriture. The drought led to an insufficiency of food. Drought led to a shortage of food. Il devrait pleuvoir bientôt. It may rain soon. It should rain soon. Prends un autre verre ! Have another drink. Have another drink! Je ne suis pas si mauvais. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. Je ne sors pas avec Tom ! I'm not dating Tom! I'm not going out with Tom. J'ai proposé que nous allions au cinéma. I suggested that we should go to the movies. I suggested we go to the cinema. Il y a une chose que j'aimerais savoir. There's one thing I'd like to know. There's one thing I'd like to know. Ils sont tous restés silencieux. All of them remained silent. They all remained silent. La qualité du riz diminue. The quality of rice is going down. The quality of rice is decreasing. Pendant un certain temps, je n'ai pas réalisé ce qui se passait. For a while, I didn't realize what was going on. For a while, I didn’t realize what was going on. Les lions mangent-ils du poisson ? Do lions eat fish? Do lions eat fish? Nul ne doit être inquiété pour ses opinions, mêmes religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l'ordre public établi par la loi. No one may be questioned about his opinions, and the same for religious opinions, provided that their manifestation does not trouble the public order established by the law. No one shall be disturbed for his opinions, even religious, provided that their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. D'autres pleuraient. Others cried. Others were crying. Ne le niez pas ! Don't deny it. Don't deny it! Je peux entendre le son de ton esprit. I can hear the sound in your mind. I can hear the sound of your mind. As-tu déjà subi une intubation à cause d'une crise d'asthme ? Have you ever been intubated because of an asthma attack? Have you ever had an intubation due to an asthma attack? La valse et la samba sont des danses. The waltz and the samba are dances. The waltz and samba are dances. Les échecs peuvent rendre heureux quiconque souhaite percer ses mystères. Chess can make anyone who wishes to unravel its mysteries happy. Failures can make anyone happy who wants to unravel their mysteries. Ne vous souvenez-vous pas de quoi que ce soit ? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Nous partirons demain. We're leaving tomorrow. We'll leave tomorrow. Neige-t-il beaucoup en hiver ? Does it snow much in winter? Does it snow a lot in winter? La confiture de figues n'est pas encore épaisse. The fig jam is not yet thick. Fig jam is not yet thick. Qui aime lire les livres ? Who likes reading books? Who likes to read books? Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment aller à la gare ? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Le capital est mort. Capital is dead. Capital is dead. Ce que je veux dire, c'est qu'il y a des limites qui doivent être instaurées et respectées. What I mean is that there are limits that need to be established and respected. What I mean is that there are limits that need to be established and respected. Je suis juste une fille face à un garçon auquel elle demande de l'aimer. I'm just a girl in front of a boy asking him to love her. I'm just a girl in front of a boy she asks to love. Je ne fais pas ça pour l'argent. I'm not doing this for money. I'm not doing this for the money. Nous avons trois options. We have three options. We have three options. Sami va devoir partir. Sami will have to leave. Sami's gonna have to go. Il faut que j'aille à la banque prendre encore plus d'argent. I must go to the bank to get more money. I have to go to the bank and take even more money. Ecrivez un paragraphe sur le climat en Provence. Write a paragraph on the climate in Provence. Write a paragraph about the climate in Provence. Tu comprends, n'est-ce pas ? You understand, right? You understand, don't you? Je veux avoir en mains un rapport écrit à la première heure, demain matin. I want a written report in my hands first thing tomorrow morning. I want to have a written report in hand at the first hour, tomorrow morning. Que faites-vous dimanche ? What do you do on Sunday? What are you doing on Sunday? Quiconque t'a vu ? Anybody see you? Anyone seen you? Vous avez bien deviné. You guessed right. You guessed it. Pensez-vous que ceux-là soient véritables ? Do you think those are real? Do you think these are true? Avez-vous eu des nouvelles d'elle récemment ? Have you heard from her recently? Have you heard from her recently? C'est un grand farceur. He is a big prankster. He's a great prankster. Depuis combien de temps votre langue a-t-elle cette couleur ? How long has your tongue been that color? How long has your tongue had this color? J'ai claqué tout mon fric en conneries. I spent all my money on stupid stuff. I screwed up all my money. Cet ordinateur nous épargne beaucoup de travail. This computer saves us a lot of work. This computer saves us a lot of work. Elle lui a donné un coup de pied dans les parties. She gave him a kick in the balls. She kicked him in the games. Tom m'a dit ne l'avoir pas encore fait. Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet. Tom said he hasn't done it yet. C'est dur à trouver. It's hard to find. It's hard to find. Il entendit un cri. He heard a shout. He heard a cry. Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Can somebody help me? Can someone help me? J'adorais lire quand j'étais petit. I loved reading when I was a child. I loved reading when I was little. Il ne sera pas d'accord avec nous. He will not agree with us. He won't agree with us. Content que nous soyons ensemble. Glad we're together. I'm glad we're together. Tom oublia de dire à Mary ce qu'il y avait à faire. Tom forgot to tell Mary what needed to be done. Tom forgot to tell Mary what to do. Il faut que j'y aille maintenant. I must be going now. I have to go now. Tu as besoin d'une manette de jeu. You need a joystick. You need a gamepad. Je ne me suis jamais excusé de toute ma vie. Excuse-moi mais je suis comme ça. I've never apologized in my life. Sorry, but that's just how I am. I've never apologized in my whole life, but I'm like that. Elle restitua le livre à la bibliothèque. She returned the book to the library. She returned the book to the library. C'est une mauvaise heure. It's a bad time. It's a bad hour. Les parents de Tom ne lui font pas confiance. Tom's parents don't trust him. Tom's parents don't trust him. La plupart des Suisses parlent deux ou trois langues. Most Swiss citizens speak two or three languages. Most Swiss speak two or three languages. Je n'ai pas compris votre explication. I didn't understand your explanation. I didn't understand your explanation. T'es-tu fait virer de ton dernier emploi ? Did you get fired from your last job? Did you get fired from your last job? Personne ne t'a forcé à m'aider. Nobody forced you to help me. No one forced you to help me. Il perdit tout ce qu'il possédait. He lost everything he owned. He lost everything he owned. À quelle fréquence consommez-vous de l'alcool ? How often do you drink alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? Ils apprécient le français. They like French. They appreciate French. J'adore ma vie. I love my life. I love my life. Il a arrêté de boire de l'alcool. He stopped drinking alcohol. He stopped drinking alcohol. Tom a atterri sur la planète rouge. Tom landed on Mars. Tom landed on the Red Planet. Vous devriez écouter votre mère. You ought to listen to your mother. You should listen to your mother. Il se peut que je n'aie pas une autre occasion. I may not get another chance. I may not have another opportunity. Prends une bouchée ! Take a bite. Take a bite! Il te faut le faire immédiatement. You ought to do it at once. You have to do it immediately. Je suis désolée mais je n'ai pas la moindre petite monnaie. I'm sorry, but I don't have any small change. I'm sorry, but I don't have any change. C'est plus fort à gauche ou à droite ? Is it louder on the left or the right? Is it stronger to the left or to the right? Tu dois rester en forme. You have to stay fit. You have to stay in shape. Il me faut un casque. I need a helmet. I need a helmet. Ne fais rien que tu pourrais regretter. Don't do anything you might regret. Don't do anything you might regret. Trop tard ! Tom nous a déjà vus. Too late! Tom has already left. Too late! Tom has already seen us. Ma voiture n'a pas assez de chevaux. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. My car doesn’t have enough horses. Le cottage de Pierre est très grand. Peter's cottage is very big. Peter's cottage is very large. La vérité ? The truth? The truth? Je voulais simplement voir comment c'était. I just wanted to see what it was like. I just wanted to see how it was. Comment es-tu entrée en possession de cette peinture ? How did you come by this painting? How did you come into possession of this painting? C'est difficile de prouver l'existence des fantômes. It is difficult to prove that ghosts exist. It's hard to prove the existence of ghosts. Elle n'aurait pas pu sortir. She couldn't have gotten out. She couldn't have gone out. Quel est ta matière préférée ? What's your favorite subject? What is your favorite subject? En mangeant, je lis un bouquin. I read a book while I eat. When I eat, I read a book. Je suis désolée mais j'ai déjà un petit ami. I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend. I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend. C'est interdit. It's forbidden. It's forbidden. Tom acheta un dictionnaire japonais-chinois. Tom bought a Japanese-Chinese dictionary. Tom bought a Japanese-Chinese dictionary. Ce n'est pas un mot que j'utiliserais jamais. That isn't a word I'd ever use. This is not a word I would ever use. Je me demande où il se cache. I wonder where he is hiding. I wonder where he's hiding. Il s'arrêta brusquement et regarda en arrière. He stopped short and looked back. He stopped abruptly and looked back. Il n'y a plus un seul endroit sécuritaire au Japon. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There is no longer a safe place in Japan. Je pense qu'il est temps pour moi d'acheter une voiture digne de ce nom. I think it's time for me to buy a decent car. I think it’s time for me to buy a car worthy of the name. Je ne pense pas que cela soit autorisé ici. I don't think that's allowed here. I don't think that's allowed here. Le magazine s'adresse aux adolescents. The magazine is aimed at teenagers. The magazine is aimed at teenagers. J'ai l'impression de t'avoir toujours connu. I feel like I've known you forever. I feel like I've always known you. Elle lui conseilla de prendre davantage soin de lui-même. She advised him to take better care of himself. She advised him to take more care of himself. Tom est assis à son bureau. Tom is sitting at his desk. Tom is sitting at his desk. Qui est dans la maison? Who is in the house? Who's in the house? Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous ne soyez pas disposé à au moins envisager la possibilité qu'il y ait une autre explication. I can't believe that you aren't at least willing to consider the possibility that there's another explanation. I can't believe you're not willing to at least consider the possibility that there's another explanation. Tom n'est pas né à Boston. Il est né à Chicago. Tom wasn't born in Boston. He was born in Chicago. Tom wasn't born in Boston, he was born in Chicago. Je ne suis pas doué pour raconter des blagues. I'm not good at telling jokes. I'm not good at telling jokes. Pourquoi as-tu peint le banc en rouge ? Why did you paint the bank red? Why did you paint the bench red? Pourquoi ne nous y rendons-nous pas sur-le-champ ? Why don't we go right away? Why don't we get there right away? Il a dit qu'il était très choqué. He said that he was very shocked. He said he was very shocked. Il est temps que vous arrêtiez vos enfantillages. It is time you left off your childish ways. It's time for you to stop your childishness. Jouons à cache-cache ! Let's play hide and seek. Let's play hide and seek! Mon frère est au chômage. My brother is out of work. My brother is unemployed. Elle habite dans une énorme maison. She lives in an enormous house. She lives in a huge house. Je suis l'homme le plus heureux au monde. I'm the happiest man in the world. I am the happiest man in the world. Je savais que j'allais être punie. I knew I was going to be punished. I knew I was going to be punished. Je plaisante. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. J'aime être une petite vedette ; être une grande vedette, c'est trop de pression et je n'aime pas du tout la pression. I like being a little star, being a big star is too much pressure and I don't like pressure at all. I like being a little star; being a big star is too much pressure and I don’t like the pressure at all. Je pense que nous devrions partir maintenant. I think we should leave now. I think we should leave now. Charlemagne fut couronné par le pape. Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope. Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope. Je ne sais pas jouer aux échecs. I don't know how to play chess. I don't know how to play chess. Laissez ce mot de côté ! Leave out this word. Leave that word aside! Il s'est enfui dès qu'il m'a aperçu. Hardly had he seen me when he ran away. He ran away as soon as he saw me. J'ai la tête qui tourne à chaque fois que je me lève. I feel dizzy every time I get up. My head turns every time I get up. La météo est au beau fixe. We're going to have good weather for awhile. The weather is fine. Tes paupières étaient-elles collées quand tu t'es réveillé ce matin ? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyes glued when you woke up this morning? Oublie ça. Il est notre ami commun, après tout. Forget it. He is our mutual friend, after all. Forget it, he's our mutual friend, after all. Elles ne m'autoriseront pas à faire ce pour quoi je suis payé. They won't allow me to do what I'm being paid to do. They won't allow me to do what I'm paid to do. Ça va si je te pose quelques questions sur tes antécédents médicaux ? Is it OK if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? How's it going if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Elles ont refusé l'invitation. They declined the invitation. They refused the invitation. Ils doivent faire très attention. They have to be very careful. They have to be very careful. En décembre 2013, le département de l'Agriculture a annoncé qu'il consacrerait jusqu'à 250 millions de dollars pour aider les entreprises et les clients particuliers des régions rurales à réduire leurs factures d'énergie au moyen de mesures d'optimalisation énergétique et d'utilisation d'énergies renouvelables. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced it will provide up to $250 million to help businesses and residential customers in rural areas cut their energy bills through energy efficiency and renewable energy use. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced that it would spend up to $250 million to help businesses and individual customers in rural areas reduce their energy bills through energy optimization and renewable energy use measures. Ça roule, papy. OK, gramps. It's rolling, Grandpa. Je suis jaloux de lui, tu l'aimes plus que moi. I'm jealous of him, you love him more than me. I'm jealous of him, you love him more than I do. Reprenons là où nous en sommes restées hier. Let's continue where we left off yesterday. Let's go back to where we left off yesterday. Un lapin cendré apparut et dès que je m'approchai, il sauta et retourna dans les bois en courant. An ash-colored rabbit appeared and as soon as I drew near, it hopped and ran into the woods again. An ash rabbit appeared and as soon as I approached, he jumped and ran back into the woods. Elle le persuada de l'épouser. She persuaded him to marry her. She persuaded him to marry her. Comment pouvez-vous être si cruelle ? How can you be so cruel? How can you be so cruel? Tom est un excellent avocat. Tom is an excellent lawyer. Tom is an excellent lawyer. Je les ai laissées s'en aller. I let them go. I let them go. Je me souviens l'avoir rencontré à Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. Elles te faisaient confiance. They trusted you. They trusted you. J'aime beaucoup danser. I really like to dance. I like to dance a lot. Fais attention aux voleurs autour d'ici. Watch out for thieves around here. Watch out for thieves around here. Tom n'aime ni la bière ni le vin. Tom likes neither beer nor wine. Tom doesn't like beer or wine. Penses-tu vraiment pouvoir faire ça ? Do you really think you can do that? Do you really think you can do that? La Suisse est le pays à l'est de la France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. J'ai promis d'aller à la fête avec Jane, et je ne peux pas la laisser tomber. I promised to go to the party with Jane, and I can't let her down. I promised to go to the party with Jane, and I can't let her down. Libre à vous de le croire, moi je ne peux pas faire de commentaires. You might think that; I couldn't possibly comment. Please believe me, I can’t comment. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir requis ton opinion. I don't remember asking for your opinion. I don't remember asking for your opinion. Y a-t-il qui que ce soit là-dedans ? Anybody in here? Is there anyone in there? J'ai trois chiens. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. Les chevaux sont dans la ferme. The horses are on the farm. The horses are on the farm. Nous sommes du même côté. We're on the same side. We're on the same side. Pourquoi ne m'aimez-vous pas ? Why don't you love me? Why don't you love me? Comment dis-tu ? How's that again? How do you say? Comment prévoyez-vous de payer ça ? How do you plan on paying for that? How do you plan to pay for this? Les voleurs à la tire ont le droit d'opérer dans cette zone. Pickpockets may operate in this area. Pickpockets have the right to operate in this area. C'est un heureux événement. This is a happy occasion. It's a happy event. Dans ce métier on voit tout de suite les résultats. In this activity one immediately sees the result. In this job we immediately see the results. Je dus boire le café à petites gorgées parce qu'il était trop chaud. I had to sip the coffee because it was too hot. I had to drink the coffee in small sips because it was too hot. Tom ne semblait pas au courant qu'il était censé le faire. Tom didn't seem to be aware that he was supposed to do that. Tom didn't seem to know he was supposed to. Le comportement de Tom a changé. Tom's behavior has changed. Tom’s behavior has changed. Tom est un ami proche. Tom is a close friend of mine. Tom is a close friend. Ils étaient mus par la vengeance. They were motivated by revenge. They were driven by revenge. Me l'enseignerais-tu ? Would you teach me? Would you teach it to me? Ce chapeau est trop petit. Apportez-m'en un autre, s'il vous plaît. This hat is too small. Please show me another one. This hat is too small. Bring me another one, please. C'est pas bon. This is bad. It's not good. Tom veut que son père soit enterré à côté de sa mère. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Avez-vous jamais été renversée ? Have you ever been run over? Have you ever been overthrown? J'étais un peu tendu. I was a bit tense. I was a little tense. Sais-tu comment ceci s'appelle ? Do you know what this is called? Do you know what this is called? Je préfère les œufs de caille. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer quail eggs. Bonjour mon trésor. Hello, my treasure. Hello, sweetheart. La musique de Ferhat Mehenni est-elle bonne ? Is Ferhat Mehenni's music any good? Is Ferhat Mehenni's music good? C'est exactement ce que je voulais éviter. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. That's exactly what I wanted to avoid. Venez vite. C'est urgent. Come quickly. It's urgent. Come on, it's urgent. Ce n'est pas votre seul problème. That's not your only problem. That's not your only problem. Elle a félicité son fils. She patted her son on the back. She congratulated her son. Elle vient de sortir de l'université, donc elle n'a pas d'expérience. She is fresh from college, so she has no experience. She just graduated from college, so she has no experience. Elle a pris son temps. She took her time. She took her time. Je pense que tu vas aimer le dessert. I think you'll like the dessert. I think you’ll like dessert. Prends-tu des opiacés comme la morphine, le Percocet, le Vicodin et l'OxyContin qui ne t'ont pas été prescrits ? Do you use opiates like morphine, Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin, that are not prescribed to you? Do you take opiates like morphine, Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin that have not been prescribed for you? Elle semble être partie pour Tokyo hier. She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday. She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday. Es-tu blessé ? Are you injured? Are you hurt? Dans ce cas, je pense qu'il a raison. In this case, I think he is correct. In that case, I think he's right. Ces deux dernières semaines, as-tu été en contact étroit avec quelqu'un présentant des symptômes de la grippe ? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? In the past two weeks, have you been in close contact with someone with flu symptoms? «Parlez-vous l'allemand ?» «Non, je ne le parle pas.» "Do you speak German?" "No, I don't." “Do you speak German?” “No, I don’t speak it.” Après avoir travaillé toute la semaine, nous nous sommes bien reposés dimanche. After working all week, we took it easy on Sunday. After working all week, we rested well on Sunday. Ne voilà-t-il pas encore que ça resurgit ! Here it is again. Hasn't it resurfaced yet? Pour en venir à l'essentiel, tu me dois quelque chose. To come down to brass tacks, you owe me something. To get to the point, you owe me something. Yanni a sifflé. Yanni whistled. Yanni whistled. J'espère que tu es couvert par une assurance. I hope you have insurance. I hope you are covered by insurance. Ne me crie pas dessus. Don't yell at me. Don't yell at me. Vous devez rester ici ! You have to stay here! You have to stay here! Qui sait tout cela ? Who all knows about this? Who knows all this? Picasso a peint ce tableau en 1950. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Picasso painted this painting in 1950. À mardi ! See you on Tuesday. See you on Tuesday! Il n'est pas faux de dire que les échecs sont un sport : ils sont reconnus comme tel. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. Certaines personnes considèrent que les relations sexuelles avant le mariage sont inconvenantes. Some people consider sex before marriage improper behavior. Some people consider sex before marriage to be inappropriate. Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? Elle n'a pas de permis de conduire. She doesn't have a driver's license. She doesn't have a driver's license. Nous descendîmes les escaliers jusqu’au sous-sol. We went down the stairs to the basement. We went down the stairs to the basement. Je suis en première année d'université. I'm in the first year of university. I am in my first year of university. Je veux simplement que nous restions ensemble. I just want us to stay together. I just want us to stay together. Je suis d'accord avec vous, jusqu'à un certain point. I agree with you to a degree. I agree with you, to a certain extent. Quelle longueur fait ce pont ? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? Je viens juste de lire ce livre. I've just read this book. I just read this book. Je vais à la gym. I'm off to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Il est resté éveillé toute la nuit. He stayed up all night. He stayed awake all night. Amène ta viande ! Get off your tush! Bring your meat! As-tu un violon ? Do you have a violin? Do you have a violin? Continuons le jeu après manger. Let's continue the game after lunch. Let’s continue the game after eating. Tom a décidé de subir l'opération que le médecin lui a recommandée. Tom has decided to have the surgery that his doctor recommended. Tom decided to undergo the surgery that the doctor recommended. Vous pouvez le faire, aussi. You can do it, too. You can do that, too. Je mourrai peut-être demain. I may die tomorrow. Maybe I'll die tomorrow. J'essaie de trouver un éditeur pour le livre dont je viens de terminer l'écriture. I'm trying to find a publisher for the book I just finished writing. I'm trying to find a publisher for the book I just finished writing. J'ai encore du travail à faire. I still have some work to do. I still have work to do. Yanni a juré. Yanni swore. Yanni swore. Tu devrais vendre tes dessins parce qu'ils sont vraiment merveilleux. You should sell your drawings because they're really wonderful. You should sell your designs because they're really wonderful. Je n'aime pas les gros chiens. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Bien sûr, nous voulons gagner. Of course, we want to win. Of course, we want to win. Je pense qu'il est étrange qu'il ne t'ait pas parlé. I think it strange that he didn't speak to you. I think it's strange that he didn't talk to you. "Ah !" est une interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. Elle l'épousa seulement parce que ses parents la contraignirent. She married him only because her parents made her. She married him only because her parents forced her. As-tu quitté le pays au cours des 30 derniers jours ? Have you left the country within the last 30 days? Have you left the country in the last 30 days? J’ai une amie dont le père est médecin. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. Cela fait beaucoup de traductions. That's a lot of translations. That is a lot of translations. Ils m'ont oublié. They forgot me. They forgot me. Ton bateau part à quatre heures et quart. Your ship sails at a quarter past four. Your boat's leaving at four o'clock and a quarter. Comme vous êtes grandes ! How tall you are! How big you are! Tu fais désormais partie de la bande. You're part of the gang now. You are now part of the band. Ce cours d'anglais exige beaucoup d'efforts. This English course requires a lot of effort. This English course requires a lot of effort. Vous sentez la fumée. You smell like smoke. You can smell the smoke. Nous n'avons pas de piscine. We don't have a pool. We do not have a swimming pool. Il nous a montré la photo de sa mère. He showed us his mother's picture. He showed us his mother's picture. Comment est le voisinage ? Calme ? Bruyant la nuit ? How's the neighborhood? Quiet? Noisy at night? How's the neighborhood? Calm? Noisy at night? Le capitalisme, c'est l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme. Le communisme, c'est exactement l'inverse. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is exactly the opposite. Quels livres aimes-tu le plus lire ? Which books do you like to read most? Which books do you like to read the most? Ma femme m'appelle souvent lorsque je voyage à l'étranger. My wife often telephones me when I'm traveling in another country. My wife often calls me when I travel abroad. Avez-vous ressenti récemment une douleur ou une raideur inexpliquée au niveau du cou ? Have you recently felt any unexplained pain or stiffness in your neck? Have you recently experienced unexplained pain or stiffness in your neck? C’est un portrait de mon défunt père. This is a portrait of my late father. It is a portrait of my late father. Pourquoi es-tu si gros ? Why are you so fat? Why are you so fat? Il perdit toute sensation dans la main après être tombé lors d'une crise de somnambulisme. He lost all feeling in his hand after falling while sleepwalking. He lost all sensation in the hand after falling during a sleepwalking attack. Treize maisons ont été détruites. Thirteen homes have been destroyed. Thirteen houses were destroyed. Le sel est une substance utile. Salt is a useful substance. Salt is a useful substance. Dis-moi que tu ne l'as pas vu venir. Tell me you didn't see that coming. Tell me you didn't see it coming. Ressentez-vous une envie d'uriner plus fréquente ? Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently? Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently? Je mangerai debout. I'll eat standing up. I'll eat standing up. Je ne suis pas mariée non plus. I'm not married, either. I'm not married either. En raison de vos symptômes, vous devez être placée en isolement médical temporaire. Because of your symptoms, you must be temporarily medically isolated. Because of your symptoms, you should be placed in temporary medical isolation. Je suis déjà prêt. I am already prepared. I'm already ready. Tom ignore où Marie a l'habitude d'aller skier. Tom doesn't know where Mary usually goes skiing. Tom doesn't know where Marie used to go skiing. En effet il est riche, mais il n'est pas digne de confiance. Indeed he is rich, but he is not reliable. He is rich, but not trustworthy. Consommes-tu des sels de bain ? Do you use bath salts? Do you use bath salts? Tom ne comprend pas, parce qu'il ne faisait pas attention. Tom doesn't understand because he wasn't paying attention. Tom doesn't understand, because he wasn't paying attention. Cela ne va pas changer. That's not going to change. That's not going to change. C'est un dictionnaire. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Je me le rappelle, maintenant. I remember it now. I remember it now. Le monde ne périra pas par manque de merveilles, mais par manque d'émerveillement. The world shall perish not for lack of wonders but for lack of wonder. The world will not perish for lack of wonders, but for lack of wonder. Je mange du poisson au moins une fois par semaine. I eat fish at least once every week. I eat fish at least once a week. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. The more things change, the more they're the same. The more it changes, the more it's the same. Ce n'est pas la meilleure réponse. That's not the best answer. That's not the best answer. Nous avons beaucoup de bons restaurants ici à Boston. We have a lot of good restaurants here in Boston. We have a lot of good restaurants here in Boston. Ce jambalaya est excellent ! This jambalaya is excellent! This jambalaya is excellent! J'apprends aussi le français. I'm also learning French. I am also learning French. Tu n'es pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Les souverainistes Kabyles savent très bien que l'Algérie fera tout pour effacer leur culture, leur langue et même leur existence même si cela signifie « assassiner ». The Kabyles sovereignists know very well that Algeria will do everything to erase their culture, their language and even their existence even if it means "to murder". The Kabyle sovereignists know very well that Algeria will do everything to erase their culture, their language and even their existence even if it means “murder”. Vous êtes très directes. You're very direct. You're very direct. Avez-vous perdu l'esprit ? Are you out of your minds? Have you lost your mind? Il étudia le vol des oiseaux. He studied the flight of birds. He studied the flight of birds. Ne t'inquiète pas ! Même si je bois, ça n'affecte pas ma capacité à conduire. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Don't worry, even if I drink, it doesn't affect my ability to drive. Il y eut deux-cent-quinze suffrages en faveur de la motion et quinze contre. There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it. There were two hundred and fifteen votes in favour of the motion and fifteen against. Bonjour ma biche ! Hello honey. Hello my doe! Sami était inquiet de la réaction que pourraient avoir les autres personnes. Sami was worried about other people's reactions. Sami was worried about how other people might react. Qu'attendez-vous de nous ? What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Je veux un nouveau couteau. I want a new knife. I want a new knife. J'aimerais savoir comment écrire plus de phrases sur les échecs en toki pona. I would like to know how to write more phrases about chess in Toki Pona. I would like to know how to write more sentences about chess in toki pona. Continuez d'essayer. Keep trying. Keep trying. Les soldats pouvaient maintenant le voir. The soldiers could see him now. The soldiers could now see him. Le secret a été enfermé au loin pour l'éternité. The secret was locked away for aeons. The secret has been locked away for eternity. Même Dieu ne peut pas faire que deux fois deux ne fassent pas quatre. Even God cannot make two times two not make four. Even God cannot make two times two not four. Lave-toi ! Wash up. Wash yourself! Est-elle en train de regarder ? Is she looking? Is she watching? Tu as une imagination débordante ! You've got a vivid imagination! You have an overflowing imagination! Je ne veux pas rater le vol. I don't want to miss the flight. I don't want to miss the flight. Où étiez-vous lundi dernier ? Where were you last Monday? Where were you last Monday? A-t-on besoin de boire du vin ? Do you need to drink wine? Do we need to drink wine? À l'heure du courrier électronique, je suis tellement heureux quand un ami m'envoie une vraie lettre. In the era of email, I'm so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. At the time of email, I am so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. En Angleterre, le serveur nous demanda : "-Combien de bière désirez-vous, une demi pinte ou bien une pinte ?". N'ayant aucune idée de ce que ça pouvait représenter, nous lui demandâmes de nous montrer les verres. In England the waiter asked us, "How much beer would you like, a half pint or a pint?" Having no idea how much that would be, we asked him to show us the glasses. In England, the waiter asked us, "How much beer do you want, half a pint or a pint?" and, having no idea what that meant, we asked him to show us the glasses. Il y a un passager clandestin à bord. There's a stowaway on the ship. There's a stowaway on board. Tom sait qu'il n'aurait pas dû dire ça. Tom knows he shouldn't have said that. Tom knows he shouldn't have said that. Les autres filles sont jalouses de Lillie parce qu'elle est très jolie. The other girls are jealous of Lily because she is extremely pretty. The other girls are jealous of Lillie because she is very pretty. C'est un écrivain très imaginatif. He is a very imaginative writer. He is a very imaginative writer. Combien de personnes se trouvaient-elles à bord de ce bateau ? How many people were aboard that ship? How many people were on board this boat? Les entraîneurs sportifs les plus efficaces sont ceux qui causent le plus de douleur. The most effective athletic trainers are those who cause the most pain. The most effective sports coaches are the ones that cause the most pain. Dites-moi comment épeler votre nom. Tell me how to spell your name. Tell me how to spell your name. Je ne le referai plus. I won't do it again. I won't do it again. Ces personnes âgées fabriquent des vêtements pour hommes. Those old people manufacture men's clothes. These elderly people make men's clothes. Je fais l'inventaire de mes armoires pour trouver des vêtements à donner aux œuvres. I'm going through my closet to find clothes to give to charity. I take inventory of my cabinets to find clothes to give to the works. Je ne suis pas très fort au backgammon. I'm not very good at backgammon. I’m not very good at backgammon. Sami a vraiment besoin d'être organisé. Sami really needs to be organized. Sami really needs to be organized. Sami n'est pas d'accord avec Layla. Sami doesn't agree with Layla. Sami disagrees with Layla. Il faut se fier à notre guide. We must trust our guide. We have to trust our guide. Il est scénariste. He's a screenwriter. He's a screenwriter. La grammaire est une chose très difficile. Grammar is very complicated. Grammar is a very difficult thing. Je t'ai vu avec un garçon de grande taille. I saw you with a tall boy. I saw you with a tall boy. Ne fais rien que tu ne veuilles pas qu'on te chope en train de faire en mourant. Don't do anything you wouldn't want somebody to catch you doing if you died while doing it. Don't do anything you don't want to be caught dying. Ils ont mangé tout le gâteau. They ate up all the cake. They ate the whole cake. Je suis habituée aux basses températures. I am used to low temperatures. I am used to low temperatures. Pourquoi ne l'as-tu pas fait ? Why didn't you do that? Why didn't you do it? Venez me voir. Come and see me. Come and see me. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom vous aidera ? Do you really think Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? J'étendis les jambes. I stretched out my legs. I stretched my legs. Ce poulet est bien frit. This chicken is fried well. This chicken is well fried. Tu es un homme bon. You're a good man. You're a good man. Je ne pouvais m'empêcher de sourire. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't help but smile. Tom vit au milieu de nulle part. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Vous êtes dur. You're tough. You're tough. Écoute ce que dit ton père. Listen to what your father says. Listen to what your father says. Vous semblez tout savoir. You seem to know everything. You seem to know everything. Un monde meilleur pour les femmes est un monde meilleur pour tous. A better world for women is a better world for all. A better world for women is a better world for everyone. Il s'est excusé pour son retard. He excused himself for being late. He apologized for his delay. As-tu déjà eu un décollement de la rétine ? Have you ever had a detached retina? Have you ever had a retinal detachment? Prends-tu du spice ou du K2 ? Do you use spice or K2? Do you take spice or K2? "Qu'as tu mangé au souper ?" "Des crevettes et des courgettes grillées avec de la sauce à l'ail sur des vermicelles de riz." "What did you have for dinner?" "Grilled shrimp and baked zucchini with garlic sauce over rice noodles." "What did you eat at dinner?" "Shrimp and zucchini grilled with garlic sauce on rice vermicelli." Ma grand-mère travaille dans le jardin. My grandmother works in the garden. My grandmother works in the garden. Nous ne savons pas où est la mère. We're not sure where the mother is. We don't know where the mother is. Elles m'ont oublié. They forgot me. They forgot me. Pourquoi font-elles cela ? Why are they doing this? Why do they do that? L'été est la saison la plus chaude. Summer is the hottest season. Summer is the hottest season. Je n'ai même pas remarqué que tu étais là. I didn't even notice you were there. I didn't even notice you were there. Personne ne m'arrêtera. Nobody is going to stop me. No one will stop me. Rien de bon n'en est sorti. Nothing good came out of it. Nothing good came out of it. On aurait dû se lever plus tôt. We should've gotten up earlier. We should have gotten up earlier. Enculé. Faggot. Asshole. Je ne leur parle plus. I don't talk to them anymore. I don't talk to them anymore. Elle lui confectionna un nouveau manteau. She made him a new coat. She made him a new coat. Je l'ai fait parce que je n'avais pas le choix. I did it because I had no choice. I did it because I had no choice. Pourquoi les singes sont-ils si drôles ? Why are monkeys so funny? Why are monkeys so funny? Le lait nous rend fort. Milk makes us strong. Milk makes us strong. Portes-tu un appareil auditif ? Do you wear a hearing aid? Do you wear a hearing aid? Priez pour eux. Pray for them. Pray for them. Ne les laissez pas vous dire que vous êtes fou. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. N'oubliez pas cela. Don't forget that. Don't forget that. Ils quittent le Japon demain. They are leaving Japan tomorrow. They're leaving Japan tomorrow. J'ai déjà fini de lire ce livre. I've already finished reading this book. I have already finished reading this book. C'est la maison dans laquelle j'ai grandi. This is the house I grew up in. This is the house I grew up in. Je travaille toujours en écoutant la radio. I always work while listening to the radio. I always listen to the radio. Elle est née avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Toutes les lois de la nature ne sont pas correctes. Not all the laws of nature are correct. All the laws of nature are not correct. Je ne pouvais simplement pas laisser ça arriver. I just couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't let that happen. Avez-vous un pot Mason ? Do you have a Mason jar? Do you have a Mason pot? Reste vigilant ! Keep aware! Stay alert! Vous devez lire le manuel avec attention. You must read the textbook closely. You should read the manual carefully. Quel type de contraception utilisez-vous ? What type of birth control do you use? What type of contraception do you use? L'une des fenêtres était cassée. One of the windows was broken. One of the windows was broken. Il adore l'argent à l'exclusion de toute autre chose. He worships money to exclusion of everything else. He loves money to the exclusion of everything else. Il vous est inhabituel de faire une telle chose. It's unusual for you to do something like that. It is unusual for you to do such a thing. Voir son charmant visage me détend. Seeing her lovely face relaxes me. Seeing his charming face relaxes me. Ils veulent sexe, richesse et gloire. They want sex, wealth and fame. They want sex, wealth and glory. Tu as plutôt bien géré cette situation. You handled that situation quite well. You handled this situation pretty well. Selon toi, lequel de ces dictionnaires est le meilleur ? Which of these dictionaries do you think is the best? Which of these dictionaries is best for you? Combien y a-t-il de kabyles en France ? How many Kabyle people are there in France? How many kabyles are there in France? Son appui financier est indispensable pour ce projet que nous avons. Her financial support is indispensable to this project of ours. His financial support is essential for this project that we have. Les gens travaillants méprisent la paresse. Industrious people look down on laziness. Working people despise laziness. Tout le monde sait qu'un service d'hôtesses propose davantage qu'un bon massage. Everyone knows that an escort service offers more than a good massage. Everyone knows that a hostess service offers more than just a good massage. Respirez profondément par la bouche. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Tom peut le traduire en hongrois pour toi. Tom can translate it into Hungarian for you. Tom can translate it into Hungarian for you. Voudriez-vous que nous échangions nos sièges ? Would you like to switch seats? Would you like us to change our seats? Où suis-je ? Where am I? Where am I? Mon chat aime mon clavier. My cat likes my keyboard. My cat loves my keyboard. Ne pouvez-vous pas y appliquer une petite remise ? Can't you discount it a little? Can’t you apply a small discount? Nous ne sommes pas des criminels. We're not criminals. We are not criminals. Rapporte-moi le journal du jour. Bring me today's paper. Bring me the newspaper of the day. Qui veut ceci ? Who wants this? Who wants this? Il m'a fait ce que je suis aujourd'hui. He has made me what I am today. He made me what I am today. Qu'est-ce qui te fait tenir ? What keeps you going? What's keeping you going? Je pense pouvoir faire mieux. I think I can do better. I think I can do better. Tout le monde était tendu. Everyone was tense. Everyone was tense. Je suis prête, et toi ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, what about you? Je suis idéaliste. I'm an idealist. I'm an idealist. As-tu déjà été traitée pour une infection urinaire ? Have you ever been treated for a urinary tract infection? Have you ever been treated for a UTI? L'examen approche. The examination is drawing nearer. The exam is approaching. J'ai mis la femme en colère. I made the woman angry. I made the woman angry. Vous n’êtes pas non plus une sainte. You're no saint, either. You are not a saint either. Un oiseau a des ailes. A bird has wings. A bird has wings. C'était gentil de ta part de venir. It was nice of you to show up. It was nice of you to come. J'ai pris tes clés par erreur. I took your keys by mistake. I took your keys by mistake. Monte dans la voiture immédiatement. Get in the car immediately. Get in the car immediately. « Ont-ils acheté tout ça ? » « Tout ça et plus encore ! » "Did they buy all this?" "All this and then some!" “Did they buy all this?” “All this and more!” On ne veut pas mourir. People don't want to die. We don't want to die. As-tu prêté de l'argent à mon frère ? Did you lend any money to my brother? Did you lend money to my brother? Il n'y a personne dans ce pays qui se soit enrichi tout seul – personne. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody. There is no one in this country who has enriched himself – no one. Vous devez faire comme je dis. You must do as I say. You have to do as I say. Aucun d'entre eux n'était là. None of them was there. None of them were there. Je suis contraint à le faire. I am forced to do it. I'm forced to do it. N’essaie même pas de t’égosiller à me parler ; j’ai des écouteurs. Don't even try to talk me to death - I have earplugs. Don’t even try to yell at me; I have headphones. Je suis l'infirmière de nuit. I am the night shift nurse. I'm the night nurse. Combien d'argent as-tu dépensé en vêtements l'année dernière ? How much money did you spend on clothes last year? How much money did you spend on clothes last year? Tom a-t-il dit qu'il a bu ça ? Did Tom say he drank that? Did Tom say he drank that? Il a préféré travailler plutôt que de ne rien faire. He preferred working to doing nothing. He preferred to work rather than do nothing. Je me rappelle ce que tu m'as dit. I remember what you told me. I remember what you told me. L'amitié est l'amour sans ailes. Friendship is love without wings. Friendship is love without wings. Ce sont des chants pour les enfants. They are nursery rhymes. These are songs for children. Pourrais-tu nous apporter une fourchette ? Could you bring us a fork? Could you bring us a fork? C'est trop gros. It's too big. It's too big. Tout le monde est soulagé. Everyone's relieved. Everyone is relieved. Ça ne vous dérange pas si je vous pose quelques questions d'ordre médical ? Is it okay if I ask you a few medical questions? Don't you mind if I ask you some medical questions? Prends l'appareil photo. Get the camera. Take the camera. Connais-tu quelqu'un que tu peux appeler si tu as besoin de parler ? Do you have anyone who you can call if you need to talk? Do you know someone you can call if you need to talk? Sa tentative se solda par un échec. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt ended in failure. Avez-vous l'impression d'avoir de la fièvre ? Do you feel like you have a fever? Do you feel like you have a fever? Elle lui conseilla de rester chez lui. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him to stay at home. Je l'appelai mais une fille répondit au téléphone. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called her, but a girl answered the phone. Si vous jouez aux échecs, vous savez qu'un pion peut gagner le droit de devenir un fou, un cavalier, une tour ou une dame. If you play chess, you know that a pawn can earn the right to become a bishop, a knight, a rook or a queen. If you play chess, you know that a pawn can win the right to become a madman, a rider, a tower or a lady. Il nous a menti. He lied to us. He lied to us. Voulez-vous me poser des questions ? Do you want to ask me some questions? Would you like to ask me some questions? Sa famille ne manque de rien. His family lacks for nothing. His family lacks nothing. Je suis là pour t'aider. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. Il y a quelque chose qui cloche vraiment. Something is very wrong. There's something really wrong. Je suis désolé de ne pas vous avoir écrit pendant aussi longtemps. I am sorry that I haven't written to you in such a long time. I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. J’ai un ami dont le père est médecin. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. Tu sais que Tom ment, n'est-ce pas ? You do know Tom's lying, don't you? You know Tom's lying, don't you? Je suis fiancé. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Comment était la couleur du mucus que tu as craché ? What color was the phlegm that you coughed up? How was the color of the mucus you spat? L'objet de la culture hippie est d'éviter de se conformer aux normes sociales. The point of hipster subculture is to avoid conforming to societal norms. The object of hippie culture is to avoid conforming to social norms. Ta sœur aime bien regarder la lutte sumo à la télé. Your sister enjoys watching sumo wrestling on TV. Your sister likes to watch the sumo fight on TV. Elle lui demanda de sortir avec lui. She asked him out on a date. She asked him to go out with him. Je n'ai pas de téléphone mobile. I don't have a cellphone. I don't have a mobile phone. Skura est au courant. Skura knows. Skura knows about it. J'ai compris. Je n'ai pas besoin de traduction. I understood. I don't need a translation. I got it. I don't need a translation. Tout ce que nous voyons nous influence d'une manière ou d'une autre. Everything we see influences us in some way. Everything we see influences us in one way or another. Où vous rendez-vous ? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Ce n'est pas son seul problème. That's not her only problem. That's not his only problem. On est ce qu'on mange. You are what you eat. We're what we eat. Je me fiche de combien de temps ça prend. I don't care how long it takes. I don't care how long it takes. Pour avoir de grands poètes, il faut de grands publics. To have great poets, there must be great audiences. To have great poets, you need great audiences. Si jamais vous devez vous en aller, faîtes-le en silence. In the event that you have to leave, do so peacefully. If you ever have to leave, do it in silence. Je n'ai pas menti. I didn't lie. I didn't lie. Tom a commandé de la pizza. Tom ordered pizza. Tom ordered pizza. Qu'est-ce que cela symbolise ? What does this stand for? What does this symbolize? Arrête cette voiture ! Stop that car! Stop that car! Je ne le recommanderais pas. I wouldn't recommend that. I wouldn't recommend it. Tom et Mary ont toujours été amis. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Tom and Mary have always been friends. Je viens de rentrer. I just got back. I just got home. J'ai peur des dentistes. I'm afraid of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Êtes-vous sûr de ne pas connaître Tom ? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? La femme de Tom l'a quitté. Tom's wife left him. Tom's wife left him. Tom a-t-il raison ? Is Tom correct? Is Tom right? Je rêve beaucoup. I dream a lot. I dream a lot. Je t'enverrai l'adresse par Texto. I'll text you the address. I'll send you the address by text. L'éléphant est le plus fort des animaux. The elephant is the strongest animal. The elephant is the strongest of the animals. J'aime le bœuf. I love beef. I like beef. Il viendra s'il en a envie. He will come if he has a mind to. He'll come if he wants to. Tu es mon héros, Sami. You're my hero, Sami. You're my hero, Sami. Les atomes ne peuvent pas être vus à l'œil nu. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. Atoms cannot be seen with the naked eye. Il a donné à peu près la moitié de ses revenus à ceux dans le besoin. He gave away about one-tenth of his income to the poor. He gave about half of his income to those in need. Voyons voir ! Let's have a look. Let's see! Était-ce tout ce que tu voulais me dire ? Was that all you wanted to say to me? Was that all you wanted to tell me? Prends-tu de la nitroglycérine ? Do you take nitroglycerin? Do you take nitroglycerin? Je suis chanceux de vous avoir comme amie. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. Je pense que tu l'as fait. I think you did it. I think you did. Pour dire la vérité, j'en ai assez de voir des films violents. To tell the truth, I'm tired of violent movies. To tell the truth, I’m tired of watching violent movies. Il a désespérément besoin de se faire couper les cheveux. He's in desperate need of a haircut. He desperately needs to get his hair cut. Vêts-toi ! Get dressed! Get dressed! Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un comme elle. I have never seen anyone like her. I've never seen anyone like her. Nous nous rendîmes à la plage. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Il fut un temps où je ne pouvais faire confiance aux autres. There was once a time when I could not trust others. There was a time when I couldn’t trust others. Dans ce film d'horreur, les morts peuvent revenir à la vie. In this horror movie, it is possible for the dead to come back to life. In this horror movie, the dead can come back to life. La maladie l'a empêché de venir à la fête. Illness prevented him from attending the party. Illness prevented him from coming to the party. Yanni s'est figé. Yanni froze. Yanni froze. Dis-moi pourquoi tu veux aller là-bas. Tell me why you want to go there. Tell me why you want to go there. Les yeux de Tom étaient collés à l'écran. Tom's eyes were glued to the screen. Tom's eyes were glued to the screen. Tom ne peux pas empêcher Mary de faire cela. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Elle a beaucoup de livres écrits en anglais. She has a lot of English books. She has many books written in English. En moyenne, combien de boissons gazeuses consommes-tu par jour ? On average, how many carbonated beverages do you drink daily? On average, how many soft drinks do you consume per day? Peux-tu me dire où tu es en ce moment ? Can you tell me where you are right now? Can you tell me where you are right now? Tu ferais mieux de suivre son avis. You had better take her advice. You better follow his advice. Nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de faire comme ça. We have no choice but to do so. We have no choice but to do this. Je ne crois pas aux théories du complot. I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I don't believe in conspiracy theories. 95 ans ! Dieu sauve la reine ! 95 years old! God Save the Queen! 95 years! God save the queen! Nous sommes restés silencieux. We remained silent. We stayed silent. Ce n'est pas prêt ! That's not ready! It's not ready! Je m'appelle Tom et elle s'appelle Mary. I'm Tom, and she's Mary. My name is Tom and her name is Mary. Le langage est l'outil par lequel les gens communiquent avec les autres. Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Language is the tool by which people communicate with others. Il fait un froid glacial. It is ice cold. It's freezing cold. S'agit-il d'un fait ? Is that a fact? Is it a fact? Ta mère m'adore. Your mother loves me. Your mother loves me. J'espère avoir fini de payer ma voiture pour septembre prochain. I hope to have my car paid off by next September. I hope to finish paying for my car next September. Je vais chez Tom tout de suite. I'll go talk to Tom right now. I'm going to Tom's right now. Nous faisons des affaires avec de nombreux pays. We are doing business with many countries. We do business with many countries. Arrête de faire le mariole. Stop fooling around! Stop doing the mariole. Les parents américains ont tendance à parler en bien de leurs enfants en public. American parents are willing to say good things about their children in public. American parents tend to talk about their children in public. Il est déconseillé de travailler sur un branchement électrique sans le débrancher, cela est une mauvaise idée. Je le sais de par mon expérience. Never work on electrical wiring without unplugging it; it's a bad idea. I know from experience. It is not advisable to work on an electrical connection without disconnecting it, this is a bad idea. I know it from my experience. Que va-t-il arriver de si terrible ? What's going to happen that's so terrible? What's going to happen? Ils t'aiment. They love you. They love you. Je n'avais pas prévu de te dire ce qui s'est passé hier soir. I hadn't planned to tell you about what happened last night. I didn't plan to tell you what happened last night. Il y a beaucoup de volcans en Islande. Iceland has many volcanoes. There are many volcanoes in Iceland. Même si ça me prend dix ans, je suis déterminée à accomplir ce boulot. Even if it takes me ten years, I am determined to accomplish the job. Even if it takes me ten years, I am determined to do this job. J'ai pris un taxi devant la gare. I got a taxi in front of the station. I took a taxi in front of the station. Je vais souvent en ville le dimanche. I often go downtown on Sunday. I often go to town on Sundays. Ne sois pas fâché ! Don't be upset. Don't be angry! Montrez-moi la cicatrice, s'il vous plaît. Please show me the scar. Show me the scar, please. Je cherche la clé. I'm looking for the key. I'm looking for the key. La tempête de neige s'est déchaînée durant toute une semaine. The snowstorm raged for a full week. The snow storm went on for a whole week. Depuis combien de temps te sens-tu constipée ? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been feeling constipated? Es-tu sincère ? Are you sincere? Are you sincere? Tu es superbe. You look incredible. You look great. Puis-je vérifier votre glycémie ? Can I check your blood sugar? Can I check your blood sugar? As-tu perdu connaissance ? Did you lose consciousness? Have you lost consciousness? J'ai besoin de quelque chose sur lequel écrire. I need something to write on. I need something to write about. Où puis-je trouver ces pierres ? Where can I find these stones? Where can I find these stones? Que dit la loi sur l'environnement de travail ? What does the work environment act say? What does the Working Environment Act say? Tom emporte son ours en peluche partout où il va. Tom takes his teddy bear with him wherever he goes. Tom takes his teddy bear wherever he goes. Mange ce pain ! Eat this bread! Eat that bread! J'ai un ami qui m'attend dans le hall. I have a friend waiting for me in the lobby. I have a friend waiting for me in the lobby. Quelle est cette urgence ? What's the emergency? What is this urgency? Je sais que j'ai entendu quelque chose. I know I heard something. I know I heard something. Il n'y a pas de pénurie alimentaire en Algérie. There are no food shortages in Algeria. There is no food shortage in Algeria. Si tu veux son pardon, tu dois confesser ce que tu as fait. If you want her forgiveness you need to come clean about what you did. If you want his forgiveness, you have to confess what you did. Un homme sain d'esprit ne ferait pas cela. A sane man wouldn't do that. A sane man would not do that. Maman, je suis désolé de te causer tout le temps des ennuis. Mom, I'm sorry for causing you trouble all the time. Mom, I'm sorry to get you in trouble all the time. J'ignore vraiment. I really don't know. I really don't know. Vous êtes seul ou accompagné ? Are you by yourself or with someone? Are you alone or accompanied? J'ai pensé que vous apprécieriez peut-être de la compagnie. I thought you might like some company. I thought maybe you'd appreciate the company. Je donnai dix balles de pourboire au taxi pour m'avoir emmené à l'heure à l'aéroport. I tipped the cabbie ten bucks for getting me to the airport on time. I tipped the taxi ten times for taking me to the airport on time. Ça se passe vraiment très bien. It's going really well. It's going really well. Elle n'est pas toujours heureuse. She is not always happy. She's not always happy. « T'as pas fait la vaisselle ? » « Tu m'as pas demandé. » "You didn't do the dishes?" "You didn't ask me. " "Didn't you do the dishes?" "You didn't ask me." Tom sait parler allemand aussi bien qu'anglais. Tom can speak German as well as English. Tom can speak German as well as English. Tom est chevrier. Tom is a goatherd. Tom is a goatherd. Puis-je savoir où vous travaillez ? Can I know where you work? May I know where you work? Ça ne fait aucune différence, qu'il vienne ou pas. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. Yanni était d'accord. Yanni agreed. Yanni agreed. Elle m'a demandé si je connaissais son adresse. She asked me if I knew her address. She asked if I knew her address. Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You'll call me, won't you? En raison du brouillard, l'avion a été dérouté vers Munich. Because of the fog, the airplane has been rerouted to Munich. Due to the fog, the plane was diverted to Munich. Je souhaite vendre ceci. I want to sell this. I want to sell this. Mangeons dehors pour changer. Let's eat out for a change. Let's eat out to change. « Alors comment j'étais ? » « Je dirais presque trop parfait ! » « Ouf ! Ça me rassure. » "So, how was it?" "I'd say you were almos perfect." "Phew! That is reassuring." "So how was I?" "I'd say almost too perfect!" "Wow! That reassures me." Mes parents sont divorcés donc je passe un week-end sur deux chez mon père. My parents are divorced, so I spend every other weekend with my father. My parents are divorced, so I spend every second weekend at my father’s. J'espère que vous êtes bien payé. I hope you're well paid. I hope you get paid well. Il n'y a rien d'autre pour nous ici. There's nothing else for us here. There's nothing else for us here. Personne ne sait pourquoi elle ne m'aime pas. Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. No one knows why she doesn't love me. C’est de l’hébreu. It's all Greek to me. It is Hebrew. Elle fut témoin de sa mise à mort. She witnessed him being killed. She witnessed his death. Cette lettre porte un timbre étranger. This letter bears a foreign stamp. This letter carries a foreign stamp. Connaissez-vous le hongrois ? Do you know Hungarian? Do you know Hungarian? Il s'enivra beaucoup. He got very drunk. He got a lot drunk. Ils haïssent Tom. They hate Tom. They hate Tom. Ce problème est difficile à résoudre. This problem is hard to solve. This problem is difficult to solve. Je l'enseigne l'anglais. I teach him English. I teach it in English. Je n'y avais pas vraiment pensé. I hadn't really thought about that. I didn't really think about it. Je veux juste me reposer. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. On m'utilise. I'm being used. I'm being used. L'arménien est une des langues les plus difficiles à apprendre. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Tom souhaite devenir docteur. Tom wishes to become a doctor. Tom wants to be a doctor. Elles ne m'ont pas oubliée. They didn't forget me. They haven't forgotten me. Elle m'a fait courir. She made me hurry. She made me run. Je connais très bien ton frère. I know your brother very well. I know your brother very well. Je dois mettre un terme à cela. C'est une mauvaise habitude. I have to stop that. It's a bad habit. I've got to put an end to this. Il veut manger ce fruit-ci. He wants to eat this fruit. He wants to eat this fruit. Je savais qui l'avait fait. I knew who did it. I knew who had done it. La réunion se tiendra la semaine prochaine au plus tôt. The meeting will be held next week at the earliest. The meeting will be held next week at the earliest. Sami a vécu une vie privilégiée grâce à ses parents. Sami lived a privileged life thanks to his parents. Sami lived a privileged life thanks to her parents. Je suis sûr de ma décision à 100%. I'm 100% sure of my decision. I am 100% sure of my decision. Mes parents m'ont attrapé en train de fumer. My parents caught me smoking. My parents caught me smoking. Veux-tu boire de l'eau ? Do you wish to drink water? Would you like to drink water? Yanni a bondi. Yanni jumped. Yanni jumped. L'aimez-vous encore ? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Dis-moi la raison pour laquelle tu étais en retard à l'école. Tell me the reason why you were late for school. Tell me why you were late for school. Je veux te parler. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. Leur voyage a été retardé à cause du train. Their journey was delayed because of the train. Their journey was delayed because of the train. Le médecin pense que le problème de Tom est psychologique. The doctor thinks Tom's problem is psychological. The doctor thinks Tom's problem is psychological. Un tel comportement peut causer un accident. Such behavior can cause an accident. Such behavior can cause an accident. Personne ne me vit. Nobody saw me. No one saw me. Rappelez. Call back. Call me back. Il n'y a aucun moyen de savoir ce qu'apportera le futur. There's no way of telling what the future will hold. There is no way to know what the future will bring. Ajoutez-la. Add her. Add it. Vous me manquez beaucoup. I miss you very much. I miss you very much. Elles vont le tenter. They're going to try. They'll try it. Quand on étudie les langues, le dictionnaire est d'une aide précieuse. The dictionary is an invaluable tool for learning languages. When you study languages, the dictionary is a great help. Les étoiles sont de sortie. The stars came out. The stars are out. Pourquoi l'Empire romain d'Orient n'est-il pas tombé ? Why didn't the Eastern Roman Empire fall? Why didn't the Eastern Roman Empire fall? Je suis très en faveur de cela. I'm very much in favor of this. I am very much in favor of that. J'ai quelques livres. I have a few books. I have a few books. Je veux un raton laveur. I want a raccoon. I want a raccoon. Le chat ronfle sur mes genoux. The cat is snoring in my lap. The cat snores on my knees. Vous devriez faire examiner vos yeux. You had better have your eyes examined. You should have your eyes examined. Nous sommes toujours là. We're always here. We're still here. Quel est le salaire minimum en Roumanie ? What's the minimum salary in Romania? What is the minimum wage in Romania? Avez-vous éprouvé récemment des étourdissements ou des vertiges inexpliqués ? Have you recently had any unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Have you recently experienced unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Avec qui y es-tu allée ? Who did you go there with? Who did you go with? Elle se sentait étourdie. She felt dazed. She felt dizzy. Benjamin Franklin était un inventeur et homme politique américain. Benjamin Franklin was an American politician and inventor. Benjamin Franklin was an American inventor and politician. Êtes-vous souvent enrhumée ? Do you frequently get colds? Are you often cold? Elle dirigea le projet. She directed the planning of the project. She led the project. La question ne permet qu'une seule interprétation. The question only allows one interpretation. The question allows only one interpretation. Restez dehors. Stay outside. Stay out. Le criminel sortit de la maison les mains en l'air. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal came out of the house with his hands up. Ce professeur est connu sous le nom de "Pops". This teacher goes by the name of "Pops." This teacher is known as "Pops". Ce n'était qu'une façon de parler. That was only a figure of speech. It was just a way of talking. Reste en contact. Keep in touch. Stay in touch. Qu'est-ce que je peux dire pour te convaincre ? What can I say to convince you? What can I say to convince you? Avez-vous peur du silence ? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Les routes sont bloquées en raison du mauvais temps. The roads are blocked due to the bad weather. Roads are blocked due to bad weather. Mon père souffre d'un rhume. My father is suffering from a cold. My father has a cold. Personne ne vous a reconnues. No one recognized you. No one recognized you. J'aimerais te parler de nouveau. I would like to talk with you again. I'd like to talk to you again. Nous allâmes au parc prendre des photos. We went to the park to take pictures. We went to the park to take pictures. Écrivez chaque mot ! Write down each word. Write every word! Ton école dispose-t-elle d'une bibliothèque ? Does your school have a library? Does your school have a library? Ils demandèrent à son grand frère de les aider à faire leurs devoirs. They asked his older brother to help them do their homework. They asked his older brother to help them with their homework. Une personne qui se convertit au judaïsme s'appelle un ger ou une gioret, ce qui signifie un étranger ou une étrangère qui se joint au peuple juif. A convert to Judaism is called a "ger" or "gioret," meaning a "foreigner" who joins the Jewish people. A person who converts to Judaism is called a ger or gioret, which means a stranger or stranger who joins the Jewish people. Est-ce que tu es allé au restaurant hier ? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Je veux savoir qui vient avec nous. I want to know who's coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. Tom veut demander quelque chose à Marie. Tom wants to ask Mary something. Tom wants to ask Mary something. On ne peut pas acheter un ami, on ne peut que se faire des amis. You cannot buy friends, you can only make friends. You can’t buy a friend, you can only make friends. Il m'envoya un cadeau. He sent me a present. He sent me a gift. La police poursuivit la voiture volée. The police chased the stolen car. The police chased the stolen car. À quelle heure votre avion part-il ? What time does your plane depart? What time is your plane leaving? Ne les laisse pas être gaspillés ! Don't let them go to waste. Don't let them be wasted! Je ne veux pas m'arrêter. I don't want to stop. I don't want to stop. Quel est le nombre de pays en Europe ? What is the number of countries in Europe? What is the number of countries in Europe? Je veux te poser une question. I have been wanting to ask you a question. I want to ask you a question. Lorsque vous êtes allongé ? While lying down? When you are lying down? Nous apprécions votre intérêt pour notre entreprise. We appreciate your interest in our company. We appreciate your interest in our company. Voudrais-tu bien arrêter de m'appeler comme ça ? Would you stop calling me that? Would you like to stop calling me that? Que veux-tu dire par là ? What are you inferring? What do you mean by that? Je ne vous retiendrai pas trop longtemps. I won't keep you too long. I won't hold you too long. Vous n'êtes pas censées nager ici. You aren't supposed to swim here. You're not supposed to swim here. Je viens de faire le plus bizarre des rêves. I just had the weirdest dream. I just had the weirdest dream. C'est un vrai mec. He's a real man. He's a real guy. Je prenais un bain quand le téléphone a sonné. I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. I was taking a bath when the phone rang. Tom n’a pas encore répondu. Tom hasn't answered yet. Tom hasn’t answered yet. Je peux toucher le plafond. I can touch the ceiling. I can touch the ceiling. Vous avez un problème. You have a problem. You have a problem. La phrase suivante est fausse. The next sentence is false. The following sentence is false. Nous restâmes silencieux. We kept quiet. We remained silent. Nous les avons invités à dîner. We invited them for dinner. We invited them to dinner. La Suisse est un beau pays. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Il nous faut du temps. We need time. We need time. Je pense qu'il se pourrait que Tom se soit empoisonné. I think Tom might have poisoned himself. I think Tom might have poisoned himself. As-tu été piqué par une abeille ? Were you stung by a bee? Have you been bitten by a bee? Nous avons du vin. We have wine. We have wine. J'ai même perdu mon téléphone cellulaire. I've lost even my cell phone! I even lost my cell phone. J'ai pris soin de son chat. I took care of her cat. I took care of her cat. Tu n'es pas si fou. You're not that crazy. You're not that crazy. Tom n'est jamais sorti du coma. Tom never came out of his coma. Tom never came out of the coma. Vous ne pouvez pas croire tout ce que vous entendez. You can't believe everything you hear. You can't believe everything you hear. Tom t'aurait vraiment aimé. Tom definitely would've liked you. Tom would have really loved you. Est-ce que tu veux essayer ? Do you want to give it a try? Do you want to try? Je t'envoie cette phrase quand tu t'y attends le moins. I'm sending you this sentence when you least expect it. I send you this phrase when you least expect it. J'adore ton appartement. I love your apartment. I love your apartment. Il ramassa une pierre. He picked up a stone. He picked up a stone. C'est dommage que tu ne puisses pas venir. It is a pity that you can not come. It's too bad you can't come. Es-tu en train de dire que tu ne peux pas le réparer ? Are you saying you can't fix it? Are you saying you can't fix it? Combien de jours Tom a-t-il été malade ? How many days was Tom ill for? How many days was Tom sick? Tom est très fatigué, et il a faim. Tom is very tired, and he's hungry. Tom is very tired, and he's hungry. Une pomme flotte dans l'eau mais pas une poire. An apple floats in water, but not a pear. An apple floats in the water, but not a pear. Ce fut une course difficile. It was a tough race. It was a difficult race. C'est pas marrant. That's no fun. That's not funny. En Kabylie, on parle le kabyle. In Kabylia, Kabyle is spoken. In Kabylia, we speak kabyle. Êtes-vous directement rentrés chez vous hier, après l'école ? Did you go straight home after school yesterday? Did you go home yesterday after school? C'est vachement compliqué ! It's complicated as hell. It's really complicated! Quel pays avez-vous visité et combien de temps êtes-vous restée ? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? N'essaie pas de faire deux choses à la fois. Don't try to do two things at a time. Don't try to do two things at once. Les gens ont le droit de se défendre. People have the right to defend themselves. People have the right to defend themselves. Il a fallu une enquête national pour trouver le meurtrier. It took a coast-to-coast investigation to find the murderer. It took a national investigation to find the killer. Je suis anéantie. I'm devastated. I'm devastated. Allons-y étape par étape. Let's take it step by step. Let's go step by step. Je la rends. I'm giving it back. I'll give it back. Elle m'a oubliée. She forgot me. She forgot me. Pour le crime de meurtre au premier degré, cette cour vous condamne à la prison à perpétuité, sans possibilité de remise de peine. For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. For the crime of first-degree murder, this court sentences you to life in prison, with no possibility of remission of sentence. Si nous devons juger le futur de l'étude des océans par son passé, nous pouvons certainement nous attendre à de nombreuses découvertes excitantes. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can certainly expect many exciting discoveries. Prends tout le temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take all the time you want. Il n'y a rien de tel que son chez-soi. There is no place like home. There's nothing like his home. Voulez-vous savoir ce que je pense ? Do you want to know what I think? Do you want to know what I think? Je vais l'étrangler. I'll choke the life out of him. I'll strangle him. Que dites-vous d'une promenade avec nous ? How about taking a walk with us? How about a walk with us? Tom est celui à qui j'ai donné la clé. Tom is the one I gave the key to. Tom is the one I gave the key to. Pourquoi n'essaies-tu pas une autre piste ? Why don't you try a different tack? Why don't you try another track? J'ai dit que je voulais la vérité ! I said I want the truth! I said I wanted the truth! Au moment où il prendra sa retraite, mon père aura travaillé presque trente ans. By the time he retires, my father will have worked for almost thirty years. By the time he retires, my father will have worked almost thirty years. C'est une sacrée réalisation ! It is quite an achievement! This is a great achievement! Euh, quoi ? Wait, what? Uh, what? Vous voulez boire quelque chose ? Would you like to drink anything? Do you want something to drink? J'arriverai à surmonter cela un jour ou l'autre. I'll get over it one way or another. I will overcome this one day or the other. Je suis une sculpture. I am a sculpture. I am a sculpture. Étudiant en histoire, je connais aussi la dette de la civilisation à l'Islam. C'était l'Islam - dans des lieux comme l'université Al-Azhar - qui portait la lumière de la connaissance à travers tant de siècles, ouvrant la voie à la Renaissance et aux Lumières de l'Europe. As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam – at places like Al-Azhar University – that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment. As a student of history, I also know the debt of civilization to Islam. It was Islam - in places like Al-Azhar University - that carried the light of knowledge through so many centuries, paving the way for the Renaissance and Enlightenment of Europe. Êtes-vous surpris ? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Est-ce le tien ? Is it yours? Is it yours? As-tu déjà reçu un vaccin contre la Covid-19 ? Have you already received a COVID-19 vaccine? Have you ever had a Covid-19 vaccine? Mon grand-père s'assoit toujours dans cette chaise. My grandfather always sits in this chair. My grandfather always sits in that chair. C'est exactement la vidéo que je voulais voir. This is the very video I wanted to see. This is exactly the video I wanted to see. Nous avons éclaté de rire. We broke up. We burst out laughing. Crois-tu vraiment ça ? Do you actually believe this? Do you really believe that? Je penses que c'est la meilleure option. I think it's the best option. I think it's the best option. Je pense vraiment que vous devriez partir. I really think you should leave. I really think you should go. Tout s'est passé à la vitesse de l'éclair. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything happened at the speed of lightning. Le spectacle de travestis était spectaculaire. The drag show was spectacular. The transvestite show was spectacular. Ne pointe pas ton arme en direction de quiconque ! Don't point your gun at anyone. Don't point your gun at anyone! Une boîte est toujours manquante. One box is still missing. A box is always missing. Dan pense que cette cravate appartient à l'amant de sa femme. Dan believes this tie belongs to his wife's lover. Dan thinks this tie belongs to his wife's lover. Tu ne trouves pas ça bizarre que je doive vivre seul ? Don't you believe it is strange that I should live alone? Don't you think it's weird that I have to live alone? Je me suis endormi aux alentours de minuit. Toward midnight, I fell asleep. I fell asleep around midnight. Ce n'est rien d'autre qu'un idiot utile. He's nothing more than a useful idiot. He's nothing but a useful idiot. Il y eut un silence. There was a silence. There was silence. Je délivrai mon discours, préparé avec attention. I gave my carefully prepared speech. I delivered my speech, carefully prepared. Ne faites pas de bruit dans la bibliothèque. Be quiet in the library. Don't make any noise in the library. Tu t'habitueras vite à parler en public. You will soon get used to speaking in public. You will quickly get used to public speaking. Le chat mange du pain. The cat eats bread. The cat eats bread. Bien digérer, c'est fondamental pour être en bonne santé. Good digestion is essential for the health. Digesting well is fundamental to being healthy. Tu vas le briser si tu ne fais pas attention. You'll break it if you're not careful. You'll break it if you're not careful. Ces jours-ci, les motifs derrière le mariage ne sont pas nécessairement purs. These days, the motives for marriage are not necessarily pure. These days, the motives behind the marriage are not necessarily pure. Cette caisse est légère. This box is light. This box is light. Je regrette d'avoir dit la vérité. I regret telling the truth. I'm sorry I told the truth. Il ne m'a pas oubliée. He didn't forget me. He hasn't forgotten me. Définis la qualité. Define quality. Define the quality. N'as-tu pas la moindre monnaie ? Don't you have any change? Don't you have any change? C'est faux ! La fonction est bijective ! That's wrong! The function is bijective! The function is bijective! L'hébreu est ma langue maternelle. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my mother tongue. Quel est ton compositeur préféré ? Who's your favorite song writer? Who is your favorite composer? Quand j'étudie le toki pona, je me souviens que Tarzan disait : « Moi Tarzan, toi Jane. » When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane." When I studied toki pona, I remember Tarzan saying, “Me Tarzan, you Jane.” Nous avons discuté du problème depuis longtemps déjà. We discussed the problem for a long time. We have been discussing the problem for a long time. Tom est plus intelligent que moi. Tom is smarter than I am. Tom is smarter than me. La voiture a remplacé la bicyclette. Cars took the place of bicycles. The car replaced the bicycle. Ceux qui s'indigèrent ou qui s'enivrent ne savent ni boire ni manger. Those who eat to the point of indigestion or become drunk do not know how to eat or drink. Those who are indignant or intoxicated do not know how to eat or drink. Les blancs : tour sur a1, pion sur b6, roi sur c8. Les noirs : pions sur a7 et b7, roi sur a8, fou sur b8. Les blancs mettent l'adversaire en zugzwang en jouant la tour en a6, après quoi les noirs n'ont que deux options : prendre la tour sur a6 ou déplacer leur fou vers n'importe quelle autre case de la diagonale b8-h2. Dans le premier cas, les blancs avancent leur pion de b6 à b7 et offrent échec et mat. Dans la seconde situation, la tour blanche prend le pion noir sur a7, avec le même résultat. White: rook on a1, pawn on b6, king on c8. Black: pawns on a7 and b7, king on a8, bishop on b8. White puts the opponent in zugzwang by playing the rook to a6, after which Black has only two options: take the rook on a6 or move his bishop to any other square on the diagonal b8-h2. In the first case, White advances his pawn from b6 to b7 and checkmates. In the second situation, the white rook takes the black pawn on a7, with the same result. Whites: turn on a1, pawn on b6, king on c8. Blacks: pawns on a7 and b7, king on a8, mad on b8. Whites put the opponent in zugzwang by playing the tower in a6, after which blacks have only two options: take the tower on a6 or move their mad to any other square of the diagonal b8-h2. In the first case, the whites take the pawn and b7. Tom a mis de nouvelles pédales sur le vélo avec lequel il va à l'école. Tom put new pedals on the bicycle that he rides to school. Tom put new pedals on the bike he goes to school with. Ne me jetez pas ce regard ! Don't give me that look. Don't look at me! Qu'est-ce qui selon toi, rend Mary différente des autres jeunes femmes? What, in your opinion, makes Mary different from other young women? What do you think makes Mary different from other young women? Vous savez ce que je déteste ? Je déteste les araignées. You know what I hate? I hate spiders. You know what I hate, I hate spiders. Sam est allé skier en janvier. Sam went skiing in January. Sam went skiing in January. As-tu déjà ouvert cette porte ? Have you ever opened this door? Have you ever opened that door? Elle enseigne le yoga. She teaches yoga. She teaches yoga. Tom est enseignant de français. Tom is a French teacher. Tom is a French teacher. Tom est seulement lui-même. Tom is just being himself. Tom is just himself. Pliez les genoux, et regardez en avant. Bend your knees and look in front of you. Bend your knees and look forward. Ce n'est qu'une ordure. He's just a scumbag. It's just a piece of junk. Serais-tu prêt à m'aider à nettoyer le garage ? Would you be willing to help me clean the garage? Would you be willing to help me clean the garage? Elle est tout pour lui. She is everything to him. She's everything to him. Depuis combien de temps te sens-tu constipé ? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been feeling constipated? Tu peux choisir n'importe quelle couleur que tu aimes. You can choose whichever color you like. You can choose any color you like. Dans l'ouverture, ne déplacez que les pions qui aident à développer les pièces. In the opening, move only those pawns that help develop the pieces. In the opening, move only the pieces that help develop the pieces. J'aime boire du thé. I like to drink tea. I like to drink tea. Il fut le dernier à arriver. He was the last person to arrive. He was the last to arrive. Ma mère m'a coupé les cheveux trop courts. My mother cut my hair too short. My mother cut my hair too short. Il fait plus froid aujourd'hui qu'hier. Today is colder than yesterday. It is colder today than yesterday. Tu peux toujours changer d'avis. You can still change your mind. You can always change your mind. Ne t'en va pas ! Don't leave! Don't go! Comment êtes-vous parvenu ici ? How did you get here? How did you get here? Sami est quelqu'un en qui tu peux avoir confiance. Sami is someone you can trust. Sami is someone you can trust. Êtes-vous prêt à commencer ? Are you ready to begin? Are you ready to start? Êtes-vous fatigués ? Are you tired? Are you tired? Ne regarde pas par le trou de la serrure. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look through the keyhole. Qui se trouve à bord du train ? Who is on the train? Who is on the train? Est-ce que ce mouvement fait mal ? Is it painful to move like this? Does this movement hurt? Je pensais qu'elle était idiote. I thought she was stupid. I thought she was stupid. Auriez-vous la gentillesse de me prêter votre livre ? Would you be so kind as to lend me your book? Would you be kind enough to lend me your book? Mes chattes sont mes filles. My cats are my children. My pussies are my girls. As-tu eu des nausées récemment ? Have you experienced nausea recently? Have you had any nausea lately? Peux-tu me montrer ? Can you show me? Can you show me? Est-ce que tu prends des benzodiazépines comme le Klonopin, l'Ativan et le Xanax, qui ne te sont pas prescrites ? Do you use benzodiazepines like Klonopin, Ativan, and Xanax, that are not prescribed to you? Do you take benzodiazepines such as Klonopin, Ativan and Xanax, which are not prescribed for you? Cette rose sent bon. This rose smells sweet. This rose smells good. Nous sommes allés à Londres. We went to London. We went to London. Je viens de France. I am from France. I'm from France. Le couple d'à côté se dispute de nouveau. The couple next door are fighting again. The couple next door are fighting again. J'espère que vous vous sentirez mieux demain. I hope you feel better tomorrow. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Je suis un étudiant de première année. I'm a college freshman. I am a first year student. C'est le dictionnaire dont je t'ai parlé hier. This is the dictionary I told you about yesterday. That's the dictionary I told you about yesterday. Ils vont essayer. They're going to try. They'll try. Je ne suis pas fou. I'm not mad. I'm not crazy. Une pièce est tombée de sa poche. A coin dropped out of his pocket. A coin fell out of his pocket. Je n'aime pas le chocolat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Je les ai renvoyés chez eux. I sent them home. I sent them home. Ils se sont mariés sur la plage. They got married on the beach. They got married on the beach. De quelle couleur sont vos selles ? What color are your bowel movements? What color are your stools? C'est comme être dans une confiserie. It's like being in a candy shop. It's like being in a confectionery. Qu'est-que on peut faire le soir ? What can one do at night? What can we do in the evening? J'ai passé quelques appels. I made a few calls. I made a few calls. Merci d'avance. Thanks in advance. Thanks in advance. Il m'a promis qu'il serait ici à dix-huit heures. He promised me he would be here at six. He promised me he'd be here at six o'clock. Je suis engagé. I'm committed. I'm engaged. Le Brésil avait un joueur de football nommé Bauer, mais ce n'était pas un pion, c'était un roi sur le terrain. Brazil had a football player named Bauer, but he was not a pawn, he was a king on the field. Brazil had a football player named Bauer, but he was not a pawn, he was a king on the pitch. Pourquoi portez-vous cette écharpe ? Why are you wearing that scarf? Why are you wearing this scarf? Est-ce fatal ? Is it fatal? Is it fatal? Cela m'intrigue. I'm intrigued. It intrigues me. Le bœuf est le mâle de la vache. The ox is the male of the cow. The beef is the male of the cow. Pour quelqu'un qui est censé être expert, vous ne semblez pas en savoir long. For someone who's supposed to be an expert, you don't seem to know much. For someone who’s supposed to be an expert, you don’t seem to know much. Il est intelligent, et de plus, il est beau. He is clever, and moreover, he is handsome. He's smart, and moreover, he's beautiful. Ces données sont pour ma thèse. This data is for my thesis. This data is for my thesis. Dans son discours, il a dénigré toutes les religions sauf la sienne. In his speech, he cast aspersions on all religions except his own. In his speech, he denigrated all religions except his own. C'est vraiment tout ce que tu as besoin de savoir. That's really all you need to know. That's really all you need to know. Tout est fait pour leur compte. Everything is done for them. Everything is done for them. Je te dirai quand je reviendrai. I'll tell you when I'll get back. I'll tell you when I get back. S'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous m'envoyer votre dernier catalogue ? Please send me your latest catalogue. Please, can you send me your latest catalogue? Je pense que vous avez l'air d'avoir chaud. I think you look hot. I think you look warm. Le fait de pouvoir regarder un drame sans sous-titres fait que je suis très heureuse d'avoir étudié le japonais. Being able to watch a drama without subtitles made me very glad I studied Japanese. Being able to watch a drama without subtitles makes me very happy to have studied Japanese. Que lui as-tu fait ? What have you done to him? What did you do to her? Je ne peux pas du tout nager. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Était-ce un mensonge lorsque tu as dit que tu m'aimais ? Was it a lie when you said you loved me? Was it a lie when you said you loved me? C'est comme ça que je l'aime. That's the way I like it. That's how I love her. N'espérez pas que je souscrive à un tel mythe ! Don't expect me to believe such a tall story. Do not expect me to subscribe to such a myth! J'ai donné naissance à mon premier enfant l'année dernière. I gave birth to my first child last year. I gave birth to my first child last year. En avant la marche ! March on! Forward to the march! J'aimerais devenir un astronaute. I would like to become an astronaut. I would like to become an astronaut. Je viens de me couper le doigt. I just cut my finger. I just cut my finger. Ils sont arrivés en Angleterre il y a une semaine. They arrived in England a week ago. They arrived in England a week ago. Un bateau apparut soudain dans la brume. A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist. A boat suddenly appeared in the mist. Il se pourrait que je ne revienne pas. I might not come back. I might not be coming back. C'est à toi de décider si nous allons là-bas ou non. It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not. It's up to you whether we go there or not. J'appris à conduire à ma sœur. I taught my sister how to drive. I learned to drive to my sister. La danse est le mariage du corps et de l'esprit. Dance is the marriage of body and mind. Dance is the marriage of body and mind. Je n'oublierai jamais ce jour. I'll never forget that day. I will never forget that day. Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à emmener des chiens dans ce bâtiment. You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building. You are not allowed to bring dogs into this building. Je ne peux pas adhérer au projet de Jim. I can't go along with Jim's plan. I can't join Jim's project. Il est nécessaire que vous commenciez maintenant. It is necessary for you to start now. You need to start now. Après l'explosion, j'ai vu trois mecs sortir du restaurant en boitant. After the explosion, I saw three guys limping out of the restaurant. After the explosion, I saw three guys limping out of the restaurant. Ne perdez pas votre temps à y penser. Don't waste your time thinking about it. Don’t waste your time thinking about it. Je ne veux pas en discuter pour le moment, un point c'est tout. I just don't want to discuss it right now. I don’t want to talk about it at the moment, that’s all. Il réclama une bière. He asked for a beer. He asked for a beer. Paris est une ville très ancienne et très belle. Paris is a very ancient and beautiful city. Paris is a very old and beautiful city. J'ai été contente. I was pleased. I was happy. Il nous faut encore empaqueter le jouet. We still need to box up the toy. We still have to pack the toy. La bière était excellente. The beer was excellent. The beer was excellent. Parler une langue étrangère est très important. Speaking a foreign language is very important. Speaking a foreign language is very important. Est-ce un bus ou une voiture ? Is that a bus or a car? Is it a bus or a car? À quelle heure le magasin ouvre-t-il ? What time does the store open? What time does the store open? Ouvrez ces portes ! Open those doors! Open those doors! M. Sato parle bien anglais. Mr Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks good English. La vérité sera finalement connue. The truth will eventually be known. The truth will eventually be known. Où est la porte d'embarquement pour le Japan Airlines 124 ? Where is the boarding gate for Japan Airlines 124? Where is the boarding gate for Japan Airlines 124? Cela ne vous tracasse-t-il jamais ? Doesn't it ever bother you? Does it never bother you? Je suis étudiante en biologie. I'm a biology student. I am a biology student. Nous avons beaucoup de choses importantes à faire. We have lots of important things to do. We have a lot of important things to do. Quel gâchis ! What a waste! What a waste! Je ne veux pas jouer. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Comment as-tu trouvé le concert de Linda ? How did you like Linda's concert? How did you find Linda's concert? As-tu l'impression que tu n'arrives pas à nouer des liens avec d'autres personnes ? Do you feel like you can't connect with other people? Do you feel like you can’t connect with other people? Que suis-je pour vous ? What do I mean to you? What am I to you? J’espère vraiment que nous n’allons pas perdre. I really hope we don't lose. I really hope we don’t lose. C'était son choix. It was her choice. It was his choice. Elle est indéniablement jolie. She is undeniably pretty. She's undeniably pretty. Il a engagé un nouveau secrétaire. He hired a new secretary. He hired a new secretary. Un navire cargo, à destination d'Athènes, a sombré en Méditerranée sans laisser de trace. A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. A cargo ship bound for Athens sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. Ne pas déranger. Do not disturb. Do not disturb. Ma pression artérielle est assez élevée. My blood pressure is quite high. My blood pressure is quite high. Quelquefois il apparaissait tout à coup derrière Emma, tête nue. Sometimes, he appeared suddenly behind Emma, bare-headed. Sometimes he suddenly appeared behind Emma, bare-headed. Quand avez-vous pris des opiacés pour la dernière fois ? When was the last time you used opiates? When was the last time you took opiates? Qui êtes-vous pour juger ? Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? Chaque minute est un cadeau. Every minute is a gift. Every minute is a gift. Pourriez-vous vous tenir tranquille, tout le monde ? Could you keep still, everyone? Could you all be quiet? Il n'y a pas de bière ici. There is no beer here. There is no beer here. Nous ne vous voyons guère plus par ici. We hardly ever see you around here anymore. We don't see you around much more. Nous nous sommes levés à l'aube pour éviter un embouteillage. We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam. We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam. Merci à vous toutes. Thanks to all of you. Thank you all. Vous avez toujours le droit de refuser tout traitement, cependant, je dois vous informer des conséquences potentielles de cette décision. You always have the right to refuse treatment, however, I must explain the potential consequences if that will be your choice. You always have the right to refuse any processing, however, I must inform you of the potential consequences of this decision. Le hindi et l'ourdou sont une seule langue. Hindi and Urdu are one single language. Hindi and Urdu are one language. Je me souviendrai toujours de cet incident. I'll remember this incident forever. I will always remember this incident. Le Carême est une période importante pour les catholiques. Lent is important to Catholics. Lent is an important time for Catholics. Êtes-vous en bonne santé ? Are you healthy? Are you in good health? C'était la seule chose à faire. It was the only thing to do. It was the only thing to do.