Hän ei voi ajaa. She can't drive. He can't drive. Magatok csináltátok? Did you do it yourself? Did you do it? Bújjunk el a függöny mögé. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. Neked nincs ehhez jogosultságod. You don't have the authority to do something like that. You don't have the authority to do that. Ne csinálj belőle rendszert. Don't make a habit out of it. Don't make a habit of it. El kell mennünk. We must leave. We have to leave. Ugye tudod? You know, don't you? You know that, right? Pukeutumisesta päätellen veikkaisin, ettei heillä ole paljon rahaa. Judging from how they're dressed, I'd guess they don't have much money. Judging by the dress code, I bet they don't have a lot of money. Sokáig fürödtem. I took a long bath. I took a bath. Se oli aivan kuin elokuvan kohtaus. It was just like a scene out of a movie. It was like a movie scene. Algéria vezetői csakis mecseteket építenek, és amikor meg betegek, akkor meg külföldre mennek. Algerian leaders build only mosques, but when they are sick they go abroad. The leaders of Algeria only build mosques, and when they are ill, they go abroad. Tomi egy sztahanovista. Tom is a workaholic. Tom is a stakhanovist. Tudod a módját. You know how. You know the drill. Tavallisesti olen koko viikonlopun kotona. Usually, I stay home all weekend. I usually stay home all weekend. Láthatóan fel volt dúlva. He was visibly upset. He was visibly upset. Most úgy érzem magam, mint te. Now I feel like you. Now I feel like you. A következő elágazásnál fordulj balra. Take the next left. At the next fork, turn left. Hän syntyi sokeana. She was born blind. He was born blind. Miksi minun pitäisi opiskella ranskaa? Why should I learn French? Why should I study French? Tänään on todella kylmä. It is very cold today. It's really cold today. Legkevesebb ketten meghaltak. At least two people died. At least two died. Kerta kerran jälkeen olet kutsunut heidät kylään luoksemme, mutta kerta kerran jälkeen he jättävät tulematta. Time after time I've invited them to come over and visit us but time and time again they've never come. Once upon a time, you've invited them to visit us, but time after time, they don't show up. Az élete simán folyt le. His life ran smoothly. His life went smoothly. Hän on hyvä ihminen. He is kind. She's a good person. Olen menossa. I am going. I'm on my way. Syö ja juo. Eat and drink. Eat and drink. Ta kannab prille. He is wearing glasses. He's wearing glasses. Nem akarok veled sétálni. I don't want to walk with you. I don't want to walk with you. Ez a könyv kisebb. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. Ovikello soi. The doorbell is ringing. The doorbell's ringing. Mindenki boldog lesz. Everyone will be happy. Everyone will be happy. Minden vonatot az országban ingyenesen vehet igénybe. All trains running in this country are free for you to use. All trains in the country are free of charge. Minä tarvitsen avaimet. I need the keys. I need the keys. Nagyon mókás volt. This was a lot of fun. It was so much fun. Leülhettek, ha akartok. You can sit down if you like. You can sit down if you want. Habár ő 38, még mindig függ a szüleitől. Even though he is 38, he still depends on his parents. Although he's 38, he's still dependent on his parents. Elégedett a férje jelenlegi fizetésével. She is content with his present salary. She was happy with her husband's current salary. Feketének lenni nem bűn. Being black is not a crime. Being black is not a crime. Tomin operoinut kirurgi on hyvin kokenut ja erittäin arvostettu. The surgeon who did Tom's operation is very experienced and highly regarded. The surgeon who operated on Tom is very experienced and highly respected. A felesége külföldinek látszik. His wife seems to be foreign. Your wife looks foreign. Rájöttek az igazságra. They found out the truth. They found out the truth. Haittaako sinua, jos nauhoitan tämän keskustelun? Would you mind if I record this conversation? Do you mind if I record this conversation? Olen kateellinen siitä, että sinulla on hyvä pomo. I'm envious of you because you have a good boss. I'm jealous that you have a good boss. A legtöbb erőszak nem kerül nyilvánosságra. Most rapes go unreported. Most of the violence goes unreported. Sokat megtudtam Tomiról. I learned a lot about Tom. I learned a lot about Tom. Az orvosom antibiotikumot írt fel. My doctor prescribed antibiotics. My doctor prescribed antibiotics. Gondolkodj erősen! Think hard. Think hard. Ki volt ma itt az első? Who was the first one here today? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Järjestämme Tomille syntymäpäiväjuhlat. We are giving Tom a birthday party. We're throwing Tom a birthday party. Ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Két kilométer az állomástól a könyvtárig. It's two kilometers from the station to the library. Two kilometers from the station to the library. Amíg te megcsaltál vele, én vigyáztam a gyerekekre. While you were cheating on me with him, I was watching our kids. While you were cheating on me, I was taking care of the kids. Még csak nem is ismer engem. She doesn't even know me. You don't even know me. Apa, én félek. Dad, I'm scared. Dad, I'm scared. Japani on omituinen maa. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a strange country. Ad is, ha kér. When he asks for something, he usually also gives something in return. He will if he wants it. Amit most mondani fogok, nem fog neked tetszeni. You won't like what I'm going to say. What I'm about to tell you, you're not gonna like. Ez a pohár vizet tartalmaz. This glass contains water. This glass contains water. Jövő télen látogasson meg minket. Come visit us next winter. Visit us next winter. Tom integetett. Tom waved. Tom waved. Kérem hívjon, ha legközelebb jön. Please call me when you come next. Please call me the next time you come. Suutari etsii uutta alasinta. The cobbler is looking for a new anvil. The cobbler's looking for a new anvil. Kissa on ilonaihe. A cat is a delight. The cat is a joy. Végre megvagy. I've finally caught you. You're finally here. Sok szerencsét a versenyekhez. Best of luck in your tournament. Good luck with the races. Nem működik nálam a wifi. The wifi isn't working for me. I don't have Wi-Fi. Tom on fiksu nassikka. Tom is a smart kid. Tom's a smart cookie. Minä en ollut kuullut hänestä pitkään aikaan. I haven't heard from her for a long time. I hadn't heard from him in a long time. Miksi sinua kutsutaan? What are you called? What do they call you? Hänen olisi pitänyt olla näyttelijä. He ought to have been an actor. He should have been an actor. Egy fillért sem fognak kapni. They won't be getting a penny. They won't get a penny. Tom nem olyan intelligens, mint te. Tom isn't as intelligent as you. Tom's not as intelligent as you. Nem tetszett neki a válaszom, pedig őszinte volt. He didn't like my answer, however, it was sincere. He didn't like my answer, but he was honest. Meleg vagy. You're gay. You're gay. Valahol a Kaukázusban lelte halálát. He found his death somewhere in the Caucasus. He died somewhere in the Caucasus. Szeretem a mandulát, de a földimogyorót nem. I like almonds, but not peanuts. I like almonds, but I don't like peanuts. Leiki! Play! Come on! Udvariatlan voltál. You were rude. You were rude. Megszámlálható főnév. It's a countable noun. Countable noun. Tämä ei ole kalaa. This is not fish. This is not a fish. Se oli loistava kokous. That was an excellent meeting. It was a great meeting. Mikor indul a következő vonat? When does the next train leave? When's the next train? Hívjál Tominak! Call me Tom. Call me Tom. Szép a folyó. The river is beautiful. It's a nice river. Hän on vasta lapsi. She is just a child. He's just a kid. En ymmärrä miksi kaikki tytöt eivät ole lesboja. I don't get why not all girls are lesbians. I don't understand why not all girls are lesbians. Az ágy alá rejtette a játékokat. He hid the toys under the bed. He hid the toys under the bed. Megmutatnád azt a festményt tegnapról? Can you show me your painting from yesterday? Can you show me that painting from yesterday? Tomi tykkää ideasta. Tom likes the idea. Tom likes the idea. Tuo on hirvein asia minkä olen koko elämäni aikana kuullut. That is the most horrifying thing I have heard in my entire life. That's the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Korábban is történt ilyen. It's been done before. This has happened before. Tarvitsetko juristia? Do you want a lawyer? You need a lawyer? A politikusok folyton hazudnak. Politicians keep lying. Politicians lie all the time. Gazdagnak nézek ki? Do I appear rich? Do I look rich? Tomi ei usko Maria. Tom won't believe Mary. Tom doesn't believe Mary. Tom on poliitikko. Tom is a politician. Tom is a politician. Háromszor látogattam el Kiotóba. I have visited Kyoto three times. I visited Kyoto three times. Me läksime randa. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Niin se vain on. That's just the way it's going to be. That's just the way it is. Sokakat ismerek, akik így beszélnek. I know lots of people who talk like that. I know a lot of people who talk like that. Most lazítanunk kellene. We're supposed to relax. We should relax now. Senki nem tudhatja, mit tartogat a jövő. No one knows what the future holds. No one knows what the future holds. A férfi, aki a buszt vezeti a legjobb barátom. The man who is driving the bus is my best friend. The man driving the bus is my best friend. 1683-ban a törökök másodszor is megostromolták Bécset. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienne for the second time. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time. Mietittekö te vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously thinking about going? Alig kapok levegőt, mert egész úton idáig futottam. I'm out of breath because I ran all the way here. I can barely breathe because I've been running all the way here. Az időjárás-jelentés szerint a tájfun valószínűleg eléri a partokat. According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast. According to the weather report, the typhoon is likely to hit the coast. Új szomszédunk van. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. Elfáradtam a gyaloglásban. I'm tired of walking. I'm tired of walking. A gazdagság az ajtó mögött várt rá. Behind the door, wealth awaited him. Wealth was waiting for him at the door. Ma megcsinálom. I'll do it today. I'll do it today. Olen töistä vapaalla. I'm off duty. I'm off work. Perusteellinen aseistariisuntasopimus kieltää kaikki aseistukset ja asevoimat. A radical disarmament treaty prohibits all armaments and armed forces. A comprehensive disarmament treaty bans all weapons and armed forces. Se on minun juttuni. It's my cup of tea. That's my thing. Szereti a focit. He likes soccer. He likes football. A paradicsom gyümölcs vagy zöldség? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Tomatoes are fruit or vegetables? Hei, anna see mulle tagasi. Hey, give that back to me. Hey, give it back to me. Siitä tulee todella vaikea peli. It'll be a very difficult game. It's going to be a very difficult game. Mi a boldog házasság titka? What is the secret of a happy marriage? What is the secret of a happy marriage? Gondolj rám időnként! Think of me now and then. Think of me sometimes. Tässä on useita metodologiaan liittyviä ongelmia, puhumattakaan joidenkin tulosten epätarkkuudesta. There are a number of methodological problems here, not to mention the inaccuracy of some of the results. There are a number of methodological problems here, not to mention the inaccuracy of some of the results. Csavart egy cigarettát. He was rolling a cigarette. He rolled a cigarette. Minäkin olin yhtä optimistinen kuin Tom, kun alunperin aloitin työt täällä. I used to be as optimistic as Tom when I first started working here. I was as optimistic as Tom when I first started here. Vannak emberek, akik beszélnek evés közben. Some people talk while they eat. Some people talk while eating. Vastastikusel austusel põhinev vestlus. Discussion is based upon mutual respect. A conversation based on mutual respect. Be kellett avatkoznia a hadseregnek. The army had to get involved. The army had to intervene. Tom gyémánt karkötőt adott Marinak a házassági évfordulójukra. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. Tom gave Mari a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. Remélem, igaz, amit mondsz. I hope that what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Megvásárolta a földet azzal az elgondolással, hogy házat épít rajta. He bought the land with the plan to build a house on it. He bought the land with the idea of building a house on it. Sokkot kaptak. They were shocked. They're in shock. A pénz nem az egyetlen dolog az életben. Money isn't everything in life. Money is not the only thing in life. Nem hittek nekem. They didn't believe me. They didn't believe me. Hänen käytöksensä vahvisti huhupuheet. Her behavior gave rise to rumors. His behavior confirmed the rumors. A meglátásaimat a személyes tapasztalataimra építem. My opinions are based on my personal experience. I build my insights on my personal experience. Biztosan tetszeni fog nekik. I'm sure they'll like it. I'm sure they'll like it. Ezt én akartam. It was me who wanted that. That's what I wanted. New York-ban lakunk. We live in New York. We live in New York. Ezek a madarak gyönyörűek. These birds are beautiful. These birds are beautiful. Síelhetsz azon a dombon. You can ski on that hill. You can ski on that hill. Minä juon sitä kahvia. I will drink the coffee. I drink that coffee. Majd elindulok, ha készen leszek. I'll go when I'm ready. I'll leave when I'm ready. Barbárok vagyunk. We are barbarians. We're barbarians. Puhut. You are talking. You do. Ez nem az enyém; a bátyámé. It's not mine. It's my brother's. It's not mine; it's my brother's. Kuinka monta munaa tämä kana munii joka viikko? How many eggs does this hen lay each week? How many eggs does this chicken lay each week? Nem létezik legnagyobb törzsszám. The largest prime number doesn't exist. There is no highest number. Jöjj vissza holnap. Félő, nem lesz rá ma idő. Come back tomorrow. I'm afraid I don't have time today. I'm afraid there won't be time today. Hol voltál, amikor szükségem lett volna a segítségedre? Where were you when I needed your help? Where were you when I needed your help? Olen homo. I'm gay. I'm gay. En nähnyt häntä koskaan farkuissa. I never saw him in jeans. I never saw him in jeans. Molemmat selvisivät. Both of them survived. They both survived. Hogy lehet az, hogy ők élvezik a horrorfilmeket? How do they enjoy watching horror movies? How come they enjoy horror movies? Mitä Tom olisi sanonut? What would Tom have said? What would Tom have said? Tom böszme. Tom is ignoble. Tom's a bitch. Milyen mély a medó? How deep is the pool? How deep is the channel? Tee muistiinpanoja. Keep notes. Take notes. Viivyttely on kuin masturbointia: se on hauskaa kunnes tajuat, että panet siinä vain itseäsi halvalla. Procrastination is like masturbation, it's fun until you realize you're just fucking yourself. Procrastination is like masturbation: it’s fun until you realize you’re just fucking yourself. Ez egy ocsmány üzlet, Watson, egy ocsmány, veszélyes üzlet, és minél inkább látom, annál kevésbé tetszik. It’s an ugly business, Watson, an ugly, dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. It's a dirty business, Watson, a dirty, dangerous business, and the more I see it, the less I like it. Azt hiszem, ez egy idevágó eset. I believe this is a case in point. I think this is a case in point. Tom szinte soha nem eszik uborkát. Tom hardly ever eats cucumbers. Tom almost never eats cucumbers. Se ei ole sinun ongelmasi. It's not your problem. That's not your problem. Ez nem olyan rossz. This is not so bad. It's not that bad. Mondd érthetően! Say it clearly. Make it clear. Tom nem vette észre, hogy Mari boldogtalan volt. Tom didn't realize Mary was unhappy. Tom didn't realize that Mari was unhappy. Tomi ei ole vielä tehnyt kotitehtäviään. Tom hasn't done his homework yet. Tom hasn't done his homework yet. En ole vielä valmis saamaan lapsia. I'm not ready to have kids yet. I'm not ready to have kids yet. Ama két kép közül egyik sem tetszik. I don't like either of those pictures. I don't like either of those two pictures. Voimme jokainen ilmentää tietoisuuden kentän ominaisuuksia tavalla, joka ylittää paikan, ajan ja lineaarisen kausaliteetin. Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time and linear causality. We can each manifest the qualities of the field of consciousness in a way that transcends place, time and linear causality. Tappele! Fight! Fight! Fight! Ebből semmi jó nem fog származni. Nothing good will come of it. Nothing good will come of this. Tulipalon syy oli tuntematon. The cause of the fire was unknown. The cause of the fire was unknown. Mitä sinä vihjailet? What're you insinuating? What are you insinuating? Minä vein Tomin sairaalaan. I took Tom to the hospital. I took Tom to the hospital. Tamás mikor jön? When is Tom coming? When is Tom coming? Molemmat tytöt purskahtivat itkuun. Both girls started crying. Both girls burst into tears. Tróját bevették a görögök. Troy was captured by the Greeks. Troy was conquered by the Greeks. Tässä on kuva Tomin soutuveneestä. Here's a picture of Tom rowing a boat. Here's a picture of Tom's rowboat. Valójában a gorillák ugyanolyan érzésekkel rendelkeznek, mint az emberek. In fact, gorillas have many of the same feelings that people have. In fact, gorillas have the same feelings as humans. harmincezer dollárt keresett. She made thirty thousand dollars. He earned thirty thousand dollars. Az én órám olcsóbb, mint a tied. My watch is less expensive than yours. My watch is cheaper than yours. Tom csak unatkozott. Tom was just bored. Tom was bored. Rövid várakozás után hülyeségeket kezdett el összehordani. After a short while, he began to talk nonsense. After a short wait, he started talking nonsense. Poliisi sai nimettömän vihjeen, että pankkiryöstö oli sisäpiirin keikka. The police received an anonymous tip-off that the bank robbery was an inside job. The police received an anonymous tip that the bank robbery was an inside job. Tudod, hol a probléma gyökere. You know where the problem lies. You know where the problem is. Vitaminban gazdag a gyümölcs. Fruit is rich in vitamins. Fruit is rich in vitamins. Vahel peale sulasid ujutab see jõgi üle. This river sometimes overflows after the thaw. Sometimes when it melts, it floods the river. Eladott mindent, amije csak volt. He sold everything he had. He sold everything he had. Se näyttää ruokahalua kiihottavalta. It looks appetizing. It looks appetizing. He menivät ulos. They stepped outside. They went out. Trifóbiája van, a hármas számtól való félelem. She has triophobia, the fear of the number three. He has a triphobia, a fear of the number three. A sírás átmenetileg megkönnyebbülést hoz. Crying may temporarily lift a person's spirit. Crying is a temporary relief. Ez nem titok. It isn't a secret. It's no secret. Szolgáljon ez tanulságul számodra! Let that be a lesson to you! Let this be a lesson to you. Kihasználtál engem! You just used me for your own ends. You used me! Új kocsit vettél? You bought a new car? You bought a new car? Egyáltalán nem bonyolult. It's not complicated at all. It's not complicated at all. A szavát adta rá. He gave him his word. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Semmi sem készíthette volna fel Tomot arra, ami készülőben volt. Nothing could've prepared Tom for what was about to happen. Nothing could have prepared Tom for what was about to happen. Tom egy igazán nagyszerű fickó. Tom is really a great guy. Tom's a really great guy. Én megfontolt embernek ismerem őt – nem fog semmi hülyeséget csinálni. As far as I know him he's a thoughtful man. He won't do stupid things. I know him as a thoughtful person – he won’t do anything stupid. Tom puhuu sinusta oikein hyvää. Tom speaks very highly of you. Tom speaks very well of you. Кык коӵыше вань. I have two cats. They have two sparrows. Mindig van választás. There's always a choice. There's always a choice. Valami nincs rendben. There's something wrong. Something's not right. Kun tulin takaisin, oli minun autoni poissa. When I came back, my car was gone. When I got back, my car was gone. He ovat aina varovaisia. They're always careful. They're always careful. Szeles az idő? Is it windy? Is it windy? Miten sinun äitisi voi? How's your mother? How's your mother? Hoia! Hold it! Hold it! Ne hibázzál! Don't make a mistake. Don't make a mistake. Az október rosszabb volt. October was worse. October was worse. Kuulin, että sinulla olisi meille töitä. I hear you have jobs for us. I heard you had a job for us. Se oli virhe. That was a mistake. It was a mistake. Katsopa peiliin. Just look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Soittakaa minulle, kun te olette valmiit lähtemään. Call me when you are ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Jóra használja ezt az információt. He put this information to good use. Use this information well. Ez a fiú itt a Fisher Tomi. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. This boy here is Tom Fisher. Harry herceg lájkolta az egyik hozzászólásomat. Prince Harry liked one of my comments. Prince Harry liked one of my comments. Tomi on panikoimassa. Tom is panicking. Tom is panicking. Tarvitsen todisteita. I need proof. I need proof. Käytätkö tekohampaita? Do you wear dentures? Do you use dentures? Ma võin kihla vedada, et Tom oskab prantsuse keelt rääkida. I bet Tom can speak French. I bet Tom can speak French. Csukd be az ablakot, mielőtt elmész. Close the window before you leave. Close the window before you leave. Hat hónapja nem ittam alkoholt. I haven't had any alcohol for six months. I haven't had a drink in six months. Keskittykää! Focus! Stay focused! Istenem! Mary, jól vagy? Oh my God, Mary, are you okay? Mary, are you okay? Nad on imeline. They're wonderful. They're amazing. Tämä saattaa auttaa sinua. This may help you. This might help you. Olen tottunut siitä puhumiseen. I'm used to talking about it. I'm used to talking about it. Tomi on erittäin, erittäin rikas. Tom is very, very rich. Tom is very, very rich. Mary oli vakuuttunut, ettei hän menisi koskaan naisimiin. Mary was convinced that she would never get married. Mary was convinced that she would never marry. Nyt on parempi. That's better. That's better. Félelnetes ellenfél volt. He was a formidable opponent. He was a formidable opponent. Kenen tämä matkalaukku on? Who does this suitcase belong to? Whose suitcase is this? Kelpaa! Fair enough! That's good! Tom eltévedt? Is Tom lost? Tom's lost? Fáradt vagyok és álmos. I'm tired and sleepy. I'm tired and sleepy. Összeér ég és föld? Does the sky touch the earth? Is it heaven and earth? Senkivel szemben sem vagyok előítéletes. I'm not prejudiced against anyone. I am not prejudiced against anyone. Mary elment a fitnesz órájára. Mary went to her fitness class. Mary went to her fitness class. Onpa kaunista! How beautiful! It's so beautiful! Mindenképpen saját magad csináld! Do it yourself by all means. T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Tom pitää vara-avainta kätkettynä puutarhaansa. Tom keeps a spare key hidden in his garden. Tom keeps a spare key hidden in his garden. Csak egy ötlet volt. That was just an idea. It was just an idea. Haluan lähteä ulkomaille. I want to go to another country. I want to go abroad. Piero ja Martina ymmärtävät ”suklaatekokielen” idean. Piero and Martina understand the idea of the "chocolate conlang." Piero and Martina understand the idea of the “chocolate artificial language”. Felidegesítettek a kijelentései. I was irritated by his statements. I'm upset by your statements. Silmä silmästä, hammas hampaasta. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Azért dolgozom, hogy megéljek, de nem azért élek, hogy dolgozzak. I work to live, but I don't live to work. I work to make a living, but I don't live to make a living. Missä minun kenkäni ovat? Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes? Egy óriásrobot trappolt végig a városon. A giant robot stomped through the city. A giant robot trampled through the city. Haluan oikeasti tietää hänen nimensä. I really want to know her name. I really want to know his name. Nagy-Britannia iparosodása a tizennyolcadik század végén kezdődött. Britain began to industrialise in the late eighteenth century. Industrialization of Great Britain began at the end of the eighteenth century. Ez bölcs dolog lenne. That would be wise. That would be wise. Egy percre sem állt meg a munka. The work did not stop even for a minute. The work did not stop for a minute. Számomra ez haszontalan. That's of no use to me. It's useless to me. Minun sisareni halusi välttämättä tulla minun mukaani. My sister insisted on going with me. My sister insisted on coming with me. Ole kiltti ja avaa silmät. Open your eyes, please. Please, open your eyes. Hän on käytännössä tehnyt muotiruokavaliotörmäyttimen. Ja joskus siitä kimpoilevat hiukkaset ovat gluonittomia neutriinopurilaisia. Basically, she's created a fad diet collider. And sometimes the particles that spin off are gluon-free neutrino burgers. He's practically made a fashion diet bumper, and sometimes the particles that bounce off it are gluon-free neutrino purists. Aki az élvezeteket hajtja, kiég. Whoever chases after pleasure finds weariness. Those who pursue pleasure burn out. En nähnyt Tomia eilen illalla. I didn't see Tom last night. I didn't see Tom last night. Ihanko niin? Is that so? You're kidding. Kolme lamppua on palanut. Three bulbs have burned out. Three lamps have been burned. Terveys on minulle kaikki kaikessa. Health means everything to me. Health is everything to me. Az apja nyomdokaiba akar lépni és orvosnak állni. He wants to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor. He wants to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor. Éjfél után egy órával aludtam el tegnap éjjel. I slept at an hour past midnight last night. I fell asleep an hour after midnight last night. Azon gondolkozom, hogyan tudnám még jobban csinálni. I wonder how I could do it even better. I'm thinking about how I can do it even better. Luulen, että ymmärrän. I think I understood. I think I understand. Nem kellek neki. He doesn't need me. He doesn't want me. Ott fogunk találkozni, ahol akarod. We'll meet wherever you want. We'll meet wherever you want. Nagyíts egy picit a betűn. Make the font a little bigger. Zoom in a little on the letter. Erre, nem biztos, hogy időt tudok szakítani. I'm not sure if I can find the time to do that. I'm not sure I can make time for this. Vajon a Vatikánt is és a keresztény egyház minden tulajdonát az a néhány család birtokolja? I wonder whether the Vatican and all property of the Christian church are owned by those few families. Does the Vatican and all the property of the Christian Church belong to those few families? Kas su naine teab seda? Does your wife know? Does your wife know that? Tom lööb mu maha, kui ta teada saab, et ma sulle sellest rääkisin. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom will kill me if he finds out I told you about this. Olen innokas valokuvaaja. I'm a shutterbug. I am an avid photographer. Tudom, hogy becsületes. I know he's an honest guy. I know he's honest. Megígértem magamnak. I promised myself. I promised myself. Ezek a narancsok megromlottak. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are rotten. Tudjuk, hogy beteg vagy. We know you're sick. We know you're sick. Légy alapos! Be thorough. Be thorough. Kui mul igav hakkab, hakkavad halvad asjad juhtuma. When I get bored, bad things happen. When I get bored, bad things happen. Tom egy fehér dobozt vitt. Tom was carrying a white box. Tom took a white box. Építsünk ki behatolásjelző riasztót! Let's install a burglar alarm. Let's set up an intruder alarm. Pidän molemmista. I like both. I like them both. Muistan, että tapasin kuningattaren. I remember meeting the queen. I remember meeting the Queen. Myyn autoja työkseni. Selling cars is my job. I sell cars for a living. Kuinka pitkä vierailusi oli? How long was your visit? How long was your visit? Mis sul viga on? What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you, man? Hautasin koirani lemmikkihautuumaalle. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in a pet cemetery. Kamionos vagyok. I am a truck driver. I'm a trucker. Voi jättää sen minun huolekseni. You can leave that to me. You can leave that to me. Tuo tyttö joka pitää huivia on neitsyt. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl who wears the scarf is a virgin. Laitoin radion hiljemmalle. I turned the radio down. I turned the radio down. Te voltál az? Was it you who did it? Was that you? Aiotko sinä vain jäädä tänne? Are you just going to stay here? You're just gonna stay here? Az emberek olyanok, mint aranyhal az akváriumban? Are humans like goldfish in a fishbowl? Are humans like goldfish in an aquarium? Nem akartam, hogy sírni láss. I didn't want you to see me cry. I didn't want you to see me cry. Halva találták a fürdőkádban. He was found dead in the bathtub. Found dead in the bathtub. László felment Mari után a padlásra. After Mary, Leslie went up to the attick. Lazlo went up to the attic after Mari. Sel oli mulle suur tähendus. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. Kisegítettem Tomit. I've been helping Tom out. I helped Tom out. Én is ugyanígy csinálom. That's the same way I do it. I'm doing the same thing. Tamás kávéscsészéket gyűjt. Tom collected coffee cups. Tom collects coffee cups. Tom lelkes sziklamászó. Tom is an avid rock climber. Tom is an avid rock climber. Bölcsen cselekedtél. You acted wisely. You were wise. Pesethän kätesi WC:ssä käynnin jälkeen. Please wash your hands after using the bathroom. Wash your hands after going to the toilet. Német helyett franciát tanultunk. We learned French instead of German. We studied French instead of German. Terviseks! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Mahtava ajatus! That's a lovely idea. What a great idea! Tom vaikutti olevan kauhistunut jostakin. Tom seemed terrified of something. Tom seemed horrified at something. Nagyszerű a kávé. The coffee is great. The coffee's great. Olin terve lapsi. I was a healthy child. I was a healthy child. Viszont ismerősen cseng nekem a neve. But his name is slightly familiar to me. The name sounds familiar to me. Nem ettem semmit reggel óta. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. I haven't eaten since this morning. Suomi tarvitsee sinua. Finland needs you. Finland needs you. Tervem sincs, mit csináljunk holnap. I have no idea what we are going to do tomorrow. I don't have a plan for tomorrow. Közel háromszáz embert kilakoltattunk. We've already evacuated close to three hundred people. Nearly three hundred people were evicted. Milloin menit Roomaan? When did you go to Rome? When did you go to Rome? A oktatás tett azzá, ami vagyok. My education has made me what I am. Education has made me what I am. Mulle meeldib provansi keel. I like the Occitan language. I like the Provencal language. Monet ihmiset tarvitsevat apuamme. A lot of people need our help. Many people need our help. Tomi valehteli kytille. Tom lied to the cops. Tom lied to the cops. Tomi on inspiroiva kirjoittaja. Tom is an aspiring author. Tom is an inspirational writer. Leültem és néztem őket. I sat down and watched them. I sat down and watched them. Älä vedä verhoja kiinni silloin kun ikkuna on auki. Please don't draw the curtains when the window is open. Do not close the curtains when the window is open. Egyesek a vörös bort szeretik, mások a fehéret. Some like red wine, others like white wine. Some people like red wine, others white. Elmondtam Tomnak, hol vettem a biciklimet. I told Tom where I'd bought my bicycle. I told Tom where I bought my bike. Nem értem, miért nem szabad azt megtennem. I don't see why I should not do that. I don't understand why I can't do that. Ezt a világot gonosz erők irányítják. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is ruled by evil forces. Nincs elég pénzem rá. I don't have enough money for that. I don't have enough money. Ritka az igazi barátság. True friendships are rare. True friendship is rare. Szerintem egyikőtök sem látja ennek a fontosságát. I don't think any of you realize the significance of this. I don't think any of you see the importance of this. Azt hiszem, most biztonságban vagyunk. I think we're safe now. I think we're safe now. Fadil avasi pikaruokaravintolan. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. On mahdollista, että Tomi pitää siitä, mutta enpä usko. Tom might like it, but I don't think he will. It is possible that Tom likes it, but I don't think so. Ellátogattunk Magyarországra. We visited Hungary. We visited Hungary. Tomilla on ongelmia. Tom has some problems. Tom's in trouble. Mekkora pizzát szolgálnak fel abban az étteremben? How large is the pizza they serve at that restaurant? How much pizza are they serving at that restaurant? Élet vagy halál? Life or death? Life or death? Olet kiltti, kun sanot noin. You're kind to say so. You're kind to say that. Miksi sinä puhut ranskaksi? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Remélem, igaz, amit mondsz. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Megelégeltem Tomit. I've had enough of Tom. I'm done with Tom. Need kõlavad nii sarnaselt, et neid on raske eristada. They sound so similar it's not easy to distinguish them. They sound so similar that it’s hard to tell them apart. Egyáltalán nem beszél angolul. He doesn't know English at all. He doesn't speak English at all. Tämä ei ole kala. This is not a fish. This is not a fish. Menninkäiset ovat taitavia seppiä. The dwarves are great smiths. Goblins are skilled blacksmiths. Ez túl mély nekem. It's too deep for me. It's too deep for me. - De anyu! - Ne anyuzz! "But Mom!" "Don't 'mom' me." - But, Mom, don't be a mom. Miért támogatja még mindig az USA Tajvant? Why does the US still support Taiwan? Why does the U.S. still support Taiwan? En usko, että hän kykenee siihen. I don't think he can do that. I don't think he's capable of that. Hiányoltunk. We missed you. Missed you. Kaupunki kihisee turisteja. The town is always crawling with tourists. The city is full of tourists. Se on kauhean epäilyttävä tarina. That's an awfully fishy story. It's a very suspicious story. Glória jelent meg a feje körül. A glory appeared around his head. A halo appeared around his head. Ideje ágyba menni. It is time to go to bed. Time to go to bed. Azt válaszolta, hogy nem tudott róla semmit. He replied that he knew nothing about it. He replied that he knew nothing about it. Megtennéd, hogy megismétled a kérdést? Would you mind repeating the question? Would you please repeat the question? Szabad vagyok, mint a madár az égen. I'm free as a bird flying in the sky. I am free as a bird in the sky. Tom eléggé jól baseballozik, de nem elég jól ahhoz, hogy bevegyük a csapatunkba. Tom is pretty good at baseball, but he's not good enough to play on our team. Tom plays baseball well enough, but not well enough to get him on our team. Milyen pasikat szeretsz? What type of guy is your type? What kind of guys do you like? A nők is emberek. Women are people. Women are people too. Tudom, hogy mit tettem. I know what I did. I know what I did. Vettem a csavarboltban. I bought some in a bolt depot. Bought it at the bolt shop. Hát, én itt lakom. Well, I live here. Well, I live here. Se kolas. He croaked. It crashed. Bosszantó ez a picsa. This bitch is annoying. This bitch is annoying. Kortyold. Sip it. Sip it. Nem ápolok jó kapcsolatot a családommal. I'm not on good terms with my family. I don’t have a good relationship with my family. A nevetés tényleg jót tesz neked. Laughing is really good for you. Laughter is really good for you. En halua, että tapailet Tomia enää. I don't want you to see Tom anymore. I don't want you seeing Tom anymore. Találtak egy hullát Tom lakásában. They found a corpse in Tom's flat. They found a body in Tom's apartment. Legyen ez neked egy lecke. Let that be a lesson to you. Let this be a lesson to you. Minden világos! Everything is clear. It's all clear. Mondom, hogy nem bírom őt! I really don't like him. I'm telling you, I don't like him. Mä oon vittu ekonomisti. I'm a fucking economist. I'm a fucking economist. Te és Tom mit ettetek? What did you and Tom eat? What did you and Tom eat? Ensi viikkoon! See you next week. Until next week! Riittääkö keittiössä työvoima? Is there enough manpower in the kitchen? Is there enough work in the kitchen? Az az, amit el akarok magyarázni. That's what I'm trying to explain. That's what I want to explain. A dolgok nem azok, mint aminek látszanak. Things aren't what they seem. Things aren't what they seem. Ez a film unalmas. This movie is boring. This movie is boring. Beszél olaszul, de még soha nem járt Olaszországban. She speaks Italian, but she's never been to Italy. He speaks Italian but has never been to Italy. Mit gondoltam én erről? What was I thinking? What did I think about that? Sinä olet kotoisin Ruotsista. You come from Sweden. You are from Sweden. Nem Mennad dolga megváltoztatni Egyiptomot. It's not Mennad's job to change Egypt. It is not your job to change Egypt. Joka päivä on jonkun synttärit. Every day is someone's birthday. It's someone's birthday every day. Zöldszemű. She has green eyes. Green-eyed. Mindenki potenciális ellenség. Every one's a potential enemy. Everyone is a potential enemy. Tamásnak vannak rokonai Bostonban. Tom has relatives in Boston. Tom has relatives in Boston. Istenem! Ez Tom! Oh My God! It's Tom! Oh, my God, it's Tom. Etsin lahjaa ystävälleni. I'm looking for a gift for my friend. I'm looking for a gift. 160 gigás a háttértárolóm. My hard drive has 160 gigs. I've got 160 gigs of storage. Veled ellentétben én nem félek magam lenni. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to be myself. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to be me. Évtizedekkel ezelőtt találkoztam Tommal. I met Tom decades ago. I met Tom decades ago. Hihetetlen, hogy Tamás már elmúlt nyolcvan. It's unbelievable that Tom's already over 80. I can't believe Tom is over 80. Le tudtad írni végig? Were you able to write it all down? Can you write it all down? Mihin teitä sattui? Where are you hurt? Where did you get hurt? A politikusok semmirevaló emberek. Politicians are good for nothing. Politicians are worthless people. Kanat kuopsuttelivat ruokaa maasta. The chickens were scratching for food on the ground. The chickens were feeding on the ground. El tudod olvasni a kézzel írott oroszt? Can you read handwritten Russian? Can you read the handwritten Russian? Tomi lopetti. Tom quit. Tom is finished. Tulen saamaan potkut. I'm going to get fired. I'm gonna get fired. A beteg inkább élő, mint halott. The patient is more alive than dead. The patient is more alive than dead. Másik kabátban hagytam. I left it in another coat. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tiedän sen jo. I know that already. I already know that. Le kell nyírni a füvet. This grass needs to be cut. We need to mow the lawn. Tomi on kitupiikki. Tom is a cheapskate. Tom's a cheapskate. On vaarallista ajaa moottoripyörää ilman kypärää. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet. It is dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Még nem született döntés. The jury is still out. No decision has yet been made. Hideg van. Miért nem kapsz magadra egy pulcsit? It's cold; why don't you put on a sweater? Why don't you put on a sweater? Minden kérdésem megválaszoltatott. All my questions were answered. All my questions have been answered. Mary úgy döntött, hogy több mentás cukorkát fog enni. Mary has decided to eat more mints. Mary decided to eat more mints. Tämä on keinotekoinen. This is man-made. This is artificial. Ne add meg a számomat Tominak. Don't give Tom my number. Don't give my number to Tom. Menj, zuhanyozz le! Úgy bűzlesz, mint egy görény. Go take a shower. You smell like shit. Go take a shower, you smell like a ferret. Cipője sarkával vágott fejbe. She hit me over the head with the heel of her shoe. His shoes hit him in the head with heels. En tiedä hänen osoitettaan. I don't know his address. I don't know his address. A nyomok idehoztak minket. The traces led us here. The clues brought us here. Sinulla on aina räikeä solmio ylläsi. You are always wearing a loud necktie. You're always wearing a flashy tie. Ma egyáltalán nem leszek itthon. I won't be at home at all today. I won't be home at all today. Tom tietää todennäköisesti miten Maryn kotiin mennään. Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. Igen, kutyát akartam, de nem ilyet! Yes, I wanted a dog, but not that. Yeah, I wanted a dog, but not this one. Nincs kedvem enni ma. I don't feel like eating today. I don't feel like eating today. Tomnak nincs sok ideje a kikapcsolódásra. Tom doesn't have much time for recreation. Tom doesn't have much time to relax. A táskámat otthon hagytam. I left my bag at home. I left my bag at home. Írjál minél hamarabb! Write soon! Write as soon as possible. Tulen takaisin tunnin päästä. I will be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Ajokorttisi on mennyt vanhaksi. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's license is out of date. Te voitte poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastanne, jos parametrisoitte muuttujanne pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parameterize your variable with spherical coordinates. Tom nem az egyetlen. Tom isn't the only one. Tom's not the only one. Tomi oli liian ujo puhuakseen Marille. Tom was too shy to talk to Mary. Tom was too shy to talk to Mary. En usko, että Tomi haluaa sinun vanhan pyöräsi. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. Ha csak másmilyen lehetnék! I wish I were different. If only I could be different. Tökéletes munkát végeztél. You've done a perfect job. You did a perfect job. Tom nem vásárol. Tom isn't buying. Tom's not buying. Nem volt olyan rossz a darab. The play wasn't all that bad. The play wasn't that bad. Nyt en ole kiireinen. I am not busy now. Now I'm not busy. A falvat hegyek veszik körül. The village is surrounded by mountains. The village is surrounded by mountains. Rituális fürdőt vettek. They took a ritual bath. They took a ritual bath. Tomi osoitti kattoa. Tom pointed toward the ceiling. Tom pointed to the ceiling. Ez az össz aprója? Is that all your small change? That's all the change? Ma olen tagasihoidlik. I'm shy. I'm modest. Haluan leikkiä lumella. I want to play with the snow. I want to play with snow. Ha elmondom neki az igazat, tudom, hogy a kapcsolatunk azzal vége is. If I tell him the truth, I know our relationship is over. If I tell him the truth, I know our relationship is over. Menemme jalan. We'll walk. We're going on foot. Jim nagyon szereti a barátnőjét. Jim is crazy about his girlfriend. Jim loves his girlfriend very much. Tomi ja Mari leipovat kakkuja myyntiin. Tom and Mary bake cakes to sell. Tomi and Mari bake cakes for sale. Minulla oli ihan hyvä olo. I felt pretty comfortable. I felt fine. Näytät tyytyväiseltä. You look satisfied. You look happy. Tom kertoi juuri minulle. Tom just told me. Tom just told me. Miért azt? Why that? Why that? Ravintolassa olisi voinut kuulla neulan putoavan lattialle sen jälkeen kun Mari läimäytti Tomia naamaan, heitti lasillisen viiniä hänen päälleen ja tömisteli ulos. You could've heard a pin drop in the restaurant after Mary slapped Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine over him and stomped out. You could have heard the needle fall to the floor in the restaurant after Mari slapped Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine on top of him and stomped out. Kun löysin todellisen identiteettini, elämäni alkoi olla mielekästä. When I found my true identity, my life began to make sense. When I discovered my true identity, my life began to make sense. Mul on auto. I have a car. I have a car. Milloin sinulla on syntymäpäivä? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Amazónia az egyik legkülönfélébb ökologiai rendszere a Földnek. The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The Amazon is one of the most diverse ecological systems on Earth. Älä anna sitä kellekään. Don't give it to anyone. Don't give it to anyone. Tiedätkö mistä löydän hänet? Do you know where I can find him? You know where I can find him? Lopva lefotóztam. I secretly photographed her. I stole a photo. Menetkö nukkumaan? Are you going to sleep? You going to bed? Meg kell jelenned az igazgatói irodában. You're wanted in the principal's office. You have to show up at the principal's office. Selle bussipeatuse ees kunagi oli restoran. There used to be a restaurant in front of this bus stop. There used to be a restaurant in front of that bus stop. Tervezem, hogy elmegyek oda. I plan on going there. I plan to go there. Tuo auto taitaa olla sinulle vähän liian pieni. I think that car is a little too small for you. I think that car is a bit small for you. Lopeta puhuminen. Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking. Hiányzol. I miss you. Miss you. Kenelle sinä puhuit? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? Mi lenne, ha ma este elmennénk hazulról vacsorázni? How about dining out tonight? How about we go out to dinner tonight? Az asztalosmester három tanulóval dolgozik. A master carpenter works with three apprentices. The master carpenter works with three students. Tom on ainoa mies, jota Mari on koskaan rakastanut. Tom is the only man that Mary has ever loved. Tom is the only man Mary has ever loved. Olen haluton auttamaan häntä. I am reluctant to help him. I'm reluctant to help him. Onko tämä sinun sateenvarjosi? Is this your umbrella? Is this your umbrella? Nem szeretek mezítláb járni. I don't like walking barefoot. I don't like walking barefoot. A férfi haldoklott. The man was dying. The man was dying. A lányomat Nairunak neveztem el és hosszú életet kívántam neki. I named my daughter Nairu wishing her long life. I named my daughter Nairu and wished her a long life. Pitäisikö kannabis laillistaa? Should cannabis be legal? Should cannabis be legalized? Mikor kerültél haza? When did you get home? When did you get home? Kényelmetlenül érzem magam. I'm uncomfortable. I don't feel comfortable. Szóljál, ha készen állsz. Let me know when you're ready. Let me know when you're ready. Mi van ebben a fiókban? What's in this drawer? What's in this drawer? Halusin kysyä Tomilta, onko hän ikinä harkinnut työpaikan vaihtamista. I wanted to ask Tom if he'd ever consider changing jobs. I wanted to ask Tom if he'd ever considered changing jobs. Hadd mondjak valamit barátként. Let me tell you something as a friend. Let me tell you something, as a friend. Nélkülem mész oda. You go there without me. You're going there without me. Tiedätkö onko Tom kokouksessa vai ei? Do you know whether or not Tom will be at the meeting? Do you know if Tom's in a meeting or not? Tom játszott a medveállatkájával. Tom played with his water-bear. Tom was playing with his bear. Koska hän palaa kotiin? When will she get home? When's he coming home? Zűrzavarossá váltak a dolgok. Things got messy. Things got messy. Tudnál maradni segíteni nekem feltakarítani? Could you please stay and help me clean up? Can you stay and help me clean up? Tomi on kadonnut. Tom's gone. Tom is missing. On tärkeää pitää tämä mielessä. What is important is to keep this in mind. It is important to keep this in mind. Magasabb vagyok. I am taller. I'm taller. Gyümölcséről ismerszik meg a fa. A tree is known by its fruit. The tree is known by its fruit. Tulen ehkä huomenna. Maybe I'll come tomorrow. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow. Bárki is legyen, semmi mást nem tehetünk, mint bízunk benne. Whoever he may be, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Whoever he is, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Gyakran ülök hátul. I often sit in the back. I often sit in the back. Nem tudott nem sírni. She couldn't help but cry. She couldn't stop crying. Tietääkö Tom mitä Mari teki? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Do you know what Mary did? Tudom, hogy ki tette. I know who did it. I know who did it. Tule takaisin nyt. Come back now. Come back now. Onko ymmärretty? Capisce? Is that understood? Ota minun autoni. Take my car. Take my car. A várandósság utolsó hónapjában vagyunk. We are in the last month of pregnancy. We are in the last month of pregnancy. Kukaan ei voi välttää kuolemaa. No one can avert death. No one can avoid death. Puha kezei vannak. He has soft hands. He's got soft hands. Hadd beszéljen! Let her talk. Let him speak. Az iskolának öltözködési szabályzata van. The school has a dress code. The school has a dress code. Nem hazudtam. I didn't lie. I didn't lie. Megesküdtél nekem. You swore to me. You swore to me. Tomi kyllä pärjää. I believe that Tom will do fine. Tom will be fine. Bocsánatot kérjek Tomtól? Should I apologize to Tom? Apologize to Tom? Jelenleg segítenek nekem. I'm being helped. They're helping me right now. Lauses on viga. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's a mistake in the sentence. Haladtam valamennyit. I've made some progress. I've made some progress. En usko, että meitä on esitelty. I don't believe we've been introduced. I don't think we've been introduced. Mikään ei ole inhimillisiä asioita filosofisella mielellä pohtiville yllätyksellisempää, kuin se, kuinka helposti valtaväestöä hallitsee muutama, ja ihmisten epäsuora alistuminen, jossa he luopuvat omista aatteistaaan ja intohimoistaan ja korvaavat ne hallitsijoidensa vastaavilla. Nothing appears more surprising to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. There is nothing more surprising to the philosophic thinker of human affairs than the ease with which the majority of the population is ruled by a few, and the indirect submission of men to give up their own ideas and passions and replace them with those of their rulers. Ez afféle izléstelen tréfa? Is this some kind of cruel joke? Is this some sort of tasteless prank? Ő a barátom? Is he my friend? Is he my friend? Megint rezgett a telója. His phone buzzed again. His phone vibrated again. Mitään ei muutettu. Nothing was changed. Nothing was changed. Uurimine käib. The investigation is under way. We're investigating. Nehéz elhinni. That's hard for me to believe. It's hard to believe. Mondom, ez az igazság! I say this is the truth. I'm telling you, it's the truth! Az étterem nincs nyitva hat előtt. The restaurant isn't open before six o'clock. The restaurant isn't open until 6:00. Maradj hátul! Stay back. Stay in the back. Mindenki irigyelni fog téged. Everyone will envy you. Everyone will envy you. Ők velem vannak. They're with me. They're with me. Tom rájött, hogy hibát követett el. Tom realizes he's made a mistake. Tom realized he had made a mistake. Tehdään jotain hauskaa. Let's do something fun. Let's do something fun. Kuka tämän teki? By whom was this done? Who did this to you? Tom on nyt aikuinen mies. Tom is a grown man now. Tom is a grown man now. Tom ritkán nyer vitákat. Tom seldom wins arguments. Tom rarely wins an argument. Minä myös haluan tulla. I want to come, too. I want to come too. Puolustakaa itseänne. Defend yourselves. Defend yourselves. Moni maanviljelijä tällä alueella kasvattaa perunaa. Many farmers in this area grow potatoes. Many farmers in this area grow potatoes. Koira ei ole pihalla. There's no dog in the yard. The dog is not in the yard. Kedveled a japán konyhát? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese cuisine? Puhu hitaammin. Speak slower. Slow down. Minä tulen juomaan kahvin. I will drink the coffee. I'm gonna have a coffee. Paul óramű pontosságú. Paul is punctual like a clock. Paul's clockwork. Éppen süteményt készítettem. I was making a cake. I was making a cake. A legvégéig harcolt a betegség ellen. He fought the disease until the end. He fought the disease to the very end. A fiúk madárfészek keresésére indultak. Boys have gone nesting. The boys went in search of a bird's nest. Már elnézést! I beg your pardon? I'm sorry. Bedrogoztak. They drugged me. They drugged me. Nélküled csak egy fél vagyok. I'm uncomplete without you. Without you, I'm only half. Be voltunk zsúfolva egy kis szobába. We were crowded into the small room. We were packed into a small room. Voinko kysyä typerän kysymyksen? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? A vonatút három órás volt. The train ride was three hours. The train ride was three hours. Semmit sem ettem. I didn't eat anything. I didn't eat anything. Próbálkozunk. We try. We're trying. Tom nem szokott bárokba járni. Tom doesn't go to bars. Tom doesn't go to bars. Tom ei tiennyt, että Mari oli päättänyt irtisanoutua töistä. Tom didn't know Mary had decided to quit her job. What Tom didn't know was that Mary had decided to quit her job. Nem válaszolt. She didn't answer. He didn't answer. Meri vagy nem meri? Do you dare or not? To me or not to me? Elfelejtette megetetni a kutyáját. She forgot to feed her dog. He forgot to feed his dog. Olen kieltänyt sinua aina vaan uudestaan olla tekemättä niin. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I've told you again and again not to do that. Mitä ikinä teetkin, tee se niin hyvin kuin mahdollista. Whatever you do, do it as well as you can. Whatever you do, do it as well as possible. Ottakaa hänet kiinni. Catch him. Get him! Get him! Jokaisella ihmisellä on kaikkialla oikeus siihen, että hänet henkilönä tunnustetaan lain edessä. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Everyone everywhere has the right to recognition as a person before the law. Kirjutasin talle armastuskirja. I was writing her a love letter. I wrote her a love letter. Mikor leszel otthon? When will you be at home? When will you be home? Anna kun selitän. Allow me to explain. Let me explain. Tom gyorsan beszél. Tom speaks fast. Tom talks fast. Nagyon örültek, amikor megérkeztünk. They were very happy when we arrived. They were very happy when we arrived. Onko teillä Japanissa joululomaa? Do you have a Christmas vacation in Japan? Do you have a holiday in Japan? Minun serkut asuvat merenrannalla. My cousins live on the beach. My cousins live by the sea. Ki tette fel a kérdést? Who asked that question? Who asked the question? Tykkääk sä sun uudesta työstä? Do you like your new job? Do you like your new job? Vessa on siellä. The toilet is there. The bathroom's over there. Olen lukemassa kirjan. I am reading a book. I'm reading a book. Tudja, hogyan fogja meg hallgatói figyelmét. He knows how to captivate his audience. He knows how to get his listeners’ attention. Nem volt könnyű számomra. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. Nauroin niin kovaa, että melkein leukani menivät sijoiltaan. I was laughing so hard I nearly dislocated my jaw. I laughed so hard that my jaw almost fell apart. Tomi varastaa tavaraa. Tom steals stuff. Tom's stealing stuff. Tomista tuli pähkähullu. Tom went bananas. Tom went nuts. Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everybody. We can't save everyone. Olen varma, että tarkoitit hyvää. I'm sure your intentions were good. I'm sure you meant well. Hän kompastui kiveen. He tripped over a stone. He tripped over a rock. Reméljük, a dolgok hamarosan jobbra fordulnak. We hope that things will be better soon. Let's hope things get better soon. A váza ezer darabra tört. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. Suljin radion. I turned the radio down. I turned off the radio. Oroszország aggódik a NATO bővülése miatt. Russia worries about NATO expansion. Russia is worried about NATO’s expansion. Van feleségem és gyerekeim. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and kids. Elfeledte visszahívni őt. He forgot to ring her back. He forgot to call her back. Puhuvatko lapsesi ranskaa? Do your children speak French? Do your children speak French? Tomi on nykyisin kärttyinen vanha mies. Tom is now a crusty old man. Tom is now an old man. Nagyon forró a leves. The soup's very hot. The soup is very hot. Nem tudom, Tom melyik orvossal beszélt. I don't know which doctor Tom talked to. I don't know which doctor Tom was talking to. Tudnál összehozni pár mondatot ezt a szót felhasználva? Can you create sentences using this word? Can you put together a few sentences using that word? Onko teillä kiire, kaverit? Are you guys busy? Are you in a hurry, guys? Mikor nyitnak önök? When do you open? When do you open? Tízmilió yent nyert a lottón. She won ten million yen in the lottery. Ten million yen won the lottery. Olen suuttunut Tomille. I'm mad at Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Szegénységben élünk. We live in poverty. We live in poverty. Globaali kriisi on käsillä. A global crisis is at hand. The global crisis is upon us. Myös Tomilla on hauskaa. Tom is having a good time, too. Tom is also having fun. Hangzását tekintve melyik áll közelebb az arabhoz, a spanyol vagy a portugál? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? In terms of sound, which is closer to Arabic, Spanish or Portuguese? Hän tarvitsi omaa tilaa. She needed space. He needed his own space. Ezt most miért csinálod? Why are you doing it? Why are you doing this? Az utcák üresek voltak. The streets were empty. The streets were empty. Nem tudott jönni lévén beteg. She couldn't come because she's ill. He couldn't come because he was sick. Cikket ír az iskolaújságba. She's writing an article for the school newspaper. He's writing an article for the school paper. Tom pystyy kävelemään käsillään. Tom is able to walk on his hands. Tom can walk with his hands. Besült a mutatvány. The show failed. The stunt's off. Temast saab hea abikaasa. He will be a good husband. He'll make a good husband. Miért kellene ezen meglepődni? Why should anyone be surprised? Why should I be surprised? A hozzászólásokból úgy ítélem meg, hogy ki kéne javítani ezt a mondatot. Judging from these comments, it would seem that this sentence should be corrected. From the comments, I believe that this sentence should be corrected. Chopint játszom. I play Chopin. I'm playing Chopin. Haluaisin kävellä vähän hitaammin. I'd like to walk a bit slower. I'd like to walk a little slower. Voitko esitellä itsesi parilla sanalla? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Bevetés alatt áll a hadsereg. The army is in charge now. The army's in action. Presidenttinä olossa on yksi hyvä asia: Kukaan ei voi käskeä sinua istumaan. There is one thing about being President—nobody can tell you when to sit down. There is one good thing about being president: No one can tell you to sit down. Elmondtam neki, hogy nem vagyok szűz és ő erre szakított velem. I told him I wasn't a virgin and he broke up with me. I told her I wasn't a virgin, and she broke up with me. Elszundított a tévé előtt. He fell asleep in front of the television. He fell asleep in front of the TV. Meglátogathatlak holnap? May I visit you tomorrow? Can I visit you tomorrow? Hadd csináljam másképp. Let me do it in a different way. Let me do it differently. Nekem nem tetszenek a lapostetős házak. I don't like flat-roofed houses. I don't like flat-roofed houses. Voimme jäädä vielä vähäksi aikaa. We can stay for a little while longer. We can stay a little longer. Hét évet volt Szibériában. He was in Siberia for seven years. Seven years in Siberia. Értetek teszem. I do it for you. I'm doing this for you. Tom jätti suuren omaisuuden pojalleen. Tom left a large fortune to his son. Tom left a large fortune to his son. Olcsóbb lett volna busszal menni, mint taxival. It would've been cheaper to take a bus than a taxi. It would have been cheaper to take a bus than a taxi. Nukuin television edessä. I slept in front of the TV. I slept in front of the TV. Várni fogok Tomira. I'm going to wait for Tom. I'll wait for Tom. Jos minulla olisi enemmän rahaa, voisin ostaa tämän. If I had more money I could buy this. If I had more money, I could buy this. Volt valami parancsoló Géza hangjában. There was a note of command in Tom's voice. There was something commanding in Géza's voice. Tomi tykkää kalastaa. Tom likes to fish. Tom likes to fish. Szarrá vertek, csak mert meleg vagyok. I got the shit kicked out of me just for being gay. They beat the shit out of me because I'm gay. Meg voltunk róla győződve, hogy egy lény él a pincénkben. We were convinced that a creature lived in our cellar. We were convinced that there was a creature living in our basement. Kissa leikkii elävällä hiirellä. The cat is playing with a live mouse. The cat is playing with a live mouse. Nem tudunk egymás nélkül élni. We can't live without each other. We can't live without each other. Hatósági ára van a kenyérnek és a tejnek. Bread and milk have an established price. There is an official price for bread and milk. Hadd nézzem meg közelebbről. Let me take a closer look. Let me take a closer look. Okos fiú Tomi. Tom is a clever boy. Clever boy, Tom. Senkivel sem vagyok előítéletes. I'm not prejudiced against anyone. I am not prejudiced against anyone. Melyik vágányról indul a vonatom? What platform does my train leave from? Which track does my train leave from? A hozzátok hasonló idióták keltik az iskola rossz hírét. You idiots are giving the school a bad name. Idiots like you make the school look bad. Vanhempani eivät arvosta tyttöystävääni. My parents don't approve of my girlfriend. My parents don't appreciate my girlfriend. Nem fogom kímélni őket. I won't go easy on them. I won't spare them. Tomi oli alkkareissa. Tom was in his underwear. Tom was in his underwear. Valóságos pokollá tetted az életemet. You made my life a living hell. You've made my life a living hell. Kerro minulle mitä oikeasti tapahtui. Tell me what really happened. Tell me what really happened. Beszélek franciául és angolul. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. Tom loukkasi jalkansa jalkapalloa pelatessaan. Tom hurt his leg while playing football. Tom broke his leg playing football. Tomilla on kiire. Tom is in a hurry. Tom is in a hurry. A topmodelleknek nem igazán van jó alakjuk. Topmodels don't really have a good figure. The top models don't have a very good shape. Ta on pere must lammas. He is the black sheep of the family. He's the black sheep of the family. Kicsit gyengélkedem. I felt a little weak. I'm indisposed. Végül nem jött el. She didn't come after all. He didn't show up. Tässä ovat kaikki rahat, jotka minulla on nyt. This is all the money I have now. This is all the money I have now. Mennyi a jutalékod? What is your commission? What's your commission? Ebédeltél? Have you had any lunch? Have lunch? Minä ellendän! I understand! I'm resisting! Hän meni kalastusmatkalle. He went on a fishing trip. He went on a fishing trip. Felnőtt a lányom. My daughter is an adult. My daughter's all grown up. Ebéd után kicsit lefeküdtem, de nem azért, mert fáradt voltam, hanem mert pihentettem a hátam. After lunch I got into bed a bit, not because I was tired but to rest my back. After lunch, I went to bed, not because I was tired, but because I rested my back. Nincs olyan, amit ne lehetne pénzen megvenni. There's nothing that can't be bought with money. There’s nothing that can’t be bought with money. Bayaa kiinnostaa rintaliivien ostaminen. Baya is interested in buying a bra. Baya is interested in buying bras. Megfejtem a teheneket. I milked the cows. I'll decipher the cows. Katsokaa ympärillenne. Look around. Look around you. Tom pyysi Maria lähtemään kanssaan illalliselle. Tom asked Mary to go out to have dinner with him. Tom asked Maria to go to dinner with him. Mary a délutánt sütik sütésével töltötte. Mary spent the afternoon baking cookies. Mary spent the afternoon baking cookies. Ezt tavaly vettem. I bought that last year. I bought this last year. Úgy beszélsz, mint anyám. You talk like my mother. You sound like my mother. A fizetésért dolgozik, és nem azért, mert élvezi. He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it. You work for a salary, not because you enjoy it. Saisinko keksin? Can I have a cookie? Can I have a cookie? A sivatag átváltozott egy virágzó mezővé. The desert transformed into a flowering meadow. The desert turned into a flourishing field. Minun täytyy varmaankin miettiä sitä uudelleen. I guess I'll have to think it over. I guess I'll have to think about it again. Kasvoin köyhässä perheessä. I grew up in a poor family. I grew up in a poor family. Olemme päättäneet palkata Tomin. We've decided to hire Tom. We've decided to hire Tom. Mindig nekem kell elvégezni a piszkos munkát. I'm always the one who has to do the dirty work. I always have to do the dirty work. Tom ei tiedä mitä sanoisi saadakseen Maryn paremmalle tuulelle. Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. Öt vagy tíz évre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a technológia elkészüljön. It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready. It takes five or ten years for the technology to be completed. Mikor lesz végre ennek vége? When is it going to stop? When is this gonna end? Soitan sopiakseni tapaamisesta kanssasi. I am calling to make an appointment with you. I'm calling to set up a meeting with you. Kiugrott az ablakon. He jumped out of the window. He jumped out the window. Helyes a mondat. The sentence is OK. That's a good sentence. Mennem kell. I have to get going. I've got to go. Mintha unná magát Tomi. Tom looks bored. It's like Tom's getting bored. Várj meg! Wait for me! Wait, wait, wait. Micsoda emlékezet! What memory! What a memory! Szeretnék valamit kérdezni. I'd like to ask a question. I want to ask you something. Tom egyedül jött ide. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. Amikor elég jó leszel ahhoz, hogy csatlakozz a csoporthoz, akkor engedjük meg neked. When you're good enough to join the team, we'll let you join. When you’re good enough to join the group, we’ll let you. Ne keverd a búzát a rozzsal? Don't confuse wheat with rye. Don't mix wheat with rye? Mi a fene történt? What on earth happened? What the hell just happened? Ne fogadj el soha cukorkát idegenektől! Never take candy from a stranger. Never accept candy from strangers. Nem mehetek csak úgy el. I can't just leave. I can't just leave. Tomi on laihempi kuin minä. Tom is thinner than me. Tom is bigger than me. Hän on tällä hetkellä vankilassa veropetoksesta. He's currently in prison for tax fraud. He is currently in prison for tax fraud. Meg fog halni. She's going to die. He's going to die. Álljál már le a pénzszórással! It's high time you stopped wasting your money. Stop throwing money at me! Tom munkát keres. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. Minä odotinkin sitä! I was expecting it! I was looking forward to it! Ymmärrätkö puolaa? Do you understand Polish? Do you understand Polish? Nopeasti! Nopeasti! Kuulen askelia, piiloudu! Quick! Quick! I hear footsteps, hide! Quick, quick, I hear footsteps, hide! Nem tudjuk, hogy sírjunk vagy nevessünk. We don't know whether to laugh or cry. We don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Kuinka monetta vuotta käyt lääketieteellisessä? What year of medical school are you in? How many years do you spend in medical school? Kiitos erinomaisesta kahvista. Thank you for the delicious coffee. Thanks for the excellent coffee. Tom seisis vaikselt. Tom stood silently. Tom was silent. Okkal születtünk erre a világra. We were born into this world for a reason. We were born into this world for a reason. Hän on ylimielinen ja itsekäs. He's arrogant and selfish. He's arrogant and selfish. Tom testvére rendőr. Tom's brother is a policeman. Tom's brother's a cop. Tom megtalálta az olmékok egy űrhajóját. Tom found one of the Olmec spaceships. Tom found an Olmec spaceship. Osa näiden vanhojen rakennusta hurmiosta on säilyneissä vanhoissa arkkitehtonisissa yksityiskohdissa. Part of the appeal of these old buildings is the preserved architectural details. Part of the charm of these old buildings is preserved in the old architectural details. Se on suosittua senioreitten parissa. It's popular among senior citizens. It's popular with seniors. Se nainen opettaa meille ranskaa. The lady is teaching us French. That woman is teaching us French. Pidätkö venäläisestä ruuasta? Do you like Russian food? Do you like Russian food? "Zuckerberg" nem igazán szereti, ha saját véleményed van. "Zuckerberg" doesn't really like it if you have your own opinion. "Zuckerberg" doesn't really like it when you have your own opinion. Nyt olen todella väsynyt. I'm really tired right now. Now I'm really tired. Me jalutame sidrunipuude vahel. We walk among the lemon trees. We're walking among the lemon trees. Kérvényeztem az állampolgárságot. I applied for citizenship. I applied for citizenship. Folytatjuk a munkát, amíg kitart az erőnk. We continue working while strength lasts. We will continue to work as long as our strength lasts. Sain ajatuksen. An idea came to me. I've got an idea. Tomin olisi pitänyt kertoa totuus. Tom should've told the truth. Tom should have told me the truth. Olen pahoillani tästä. I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry about this. Jokainen katsoja ostaa lipun. Every spectator buys a ticket. Every spectator buys a ticket. Tom beteg lett az ételtől. The food made Tom sick. Tom got sick from the food. Egyszerűen nem működött. It just didn't work. It just didn't work. Jos vettä ei olisi, niin yksikään elollinen olento ei voisi elää. If it were not for water, no living things could live. Without water, no living creature could live. Fél óra nem volt elég nekem. Half an hour wasn't enough for me. Half an hour wasn't enough for me. Viime yönä mä nukuin kaheksan tuntii. I slept for eight hours last night. Last night I slept for eight hours. Senkit nem találtak el. No one was hit. No one's been hit. Anyáméknál voltam. I was at my parents'. I was at my mom's. Olen jo sanonut Tomille, että hän voi lähteä aikaisin. I've already told Tom he can leave early. I've already told Tom he can leave early. Az régi vásártéren keveredik a hal, zöldségek és gyümölcsök szaga a a megannyi beszélt nyelvek kavalkádjával. On the old marketplace, smells of fish, fruit and vegetables mingle with the hubbub of conversations spoken in many languages. In the old fairground, the smell of fish, vegetables and fruits is mixed with the cavalcade of many spoken languages. Nem vagyok rendes srác. I'm not a nice guy. I'm not a good guy. Nurkassa istui pöydän yli kumartuen jokin, joka näytti pieneltä tytöltä. In the corner, stooping over a desk, there sat what appeared to be a little girl. There was something sitting over the table in the corner that looked like a little girl. A nagybátyám vette nekem ezt a könyvet. My uncle bought me this book. My uncle bought me this book. Miért beszélsz te folyton vissza nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you keep talking back to me? Nincsen fürdőszobám. I don't have a bathroom. I don't have a bathroom. Laita ovi kiinni lähtiessäsi. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. Tom látta ezt. Tom saw that. Tom saw this. Várj, amíg közelebb jön! Wait until it comes closer. Wait till he gets closer. Mitte keegi ei tõusnud püsti. Nobody stood up. No one stood up. Hän on lähdössä. He's about to leave. He's leaving. Megfojt a szeretetével. She's smothering me with love. He's suffocating me with his love. Tom hyppäsi. Tom jumped. Tom jumped. Nem akartál esetleg megmutatni valamit nekem? Weren't you going to show me something? Did you want to show me something? Vakon hiszek benne. I have blind faith in him. I blindly believe in it. Pontosan, drágám. Exactly, my dear. That's right, honey. Nem tudok evvel mit csinálni. I can't help it. There's nothing I can do about it. Nem rossz képű pasi. He's not a bad-looking bloke. He's not a bad-looking guy. Étel van elég. There's enough food. There's enough food. Jumala parantaa sinut, ja lääkäri saat rahat. God makes you healthy, and the doctor gets the money. God will heal you, and the doctor will give you the money. Tom elkezdett franciául tanulni. Tom has begun studying French. Tom began to learn French. Inkább meghalnék, mint hogy megadjam magam. I'd rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than surrender. Otimme yhteyttä Tomin perheeseen. We contacted Tom's family. We contacted Tom's family. Kuibo dielot? How are you? Kuibo dielo? Olyan, mint egy tengeralatti mező, és a teknősök, ráják és cápák fölötte, mint repülő teremtmények. It's like an undersea meadow and turtles, rays and sharks over that are like flying creatures. It's like an undersea field, and the turtles and the rays and the sharks above it, like flying creatures. Tomi ei ehtinyt ajoissa vessaan. Tom didn't make it to the bathroom in time. Tom didn't get to the bathroom in time. En ymmärtänyt yhtikäs mitään. I couldn't understand anything at all. I didn't understand anything about the company. Ah? What? Huh? Huh? Bocsi a múlt éjszakáért! I'm sorry about last night. Sorry about last night. Ennek a helyzetnek tegyél a végére pontot, mielött túl késő lesz. Put an end to this situation before it's too late. Put an end to this situation before it's too late. Állandóan a háborúról beszélnek a hírekben. There's constant talk of war in the news. They talk about war all the time in the news. Se on OK, mutta ajattelen että voit tehdä sen paremmin. It's OK, but I think you can do it better. It's okay, but I think you can do it better. Tal ei olnud ühtegi pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have any pens. Tomi nem tudott segíteni Marinak. Tom couldn't have helped Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Kasvoin Bostonissa. I was raised in Boston. I grew up in Boston. Kuljettaja kaahasi kolmion ohi hidastamatta lainkaan. The driver sped past the yield sign, not slowing in the slightest. The driver swerved past the triangle without slowing down at all. A pökhendiségének nincs felső határa. There's no limit to his arrogance. There's no upper limit to your arrogance. Minun kelloni mukaan kello on nyt neljä. It's four o'clock by my watch. According to my watch, it's 4:00 now. Tom tuuppasi Marin ulos ovesta. Tom shoved Mary out the door. Tom pushed Mary out the door. Kuinka hyvin Tomi osaa uida? How well does Tom swim? How well do you know how to swim? — Csövi! — Na szia! "Hi." "Hi." “Hey, hey, hey, hey. Sosem szívok. I never smoke. I never smoke. Mulla on ihan sama oikeus olla täällä kuin sullakin. I have as much right to be here as you do. I have the same right to be here as you. Hän on hulluna sinuun. He is mad about you. She's crazy about you. Csodás nap volt. It was a wonderful day. It's been a wonderful day. Amint a nap feljött, lekapcsoltam a lámpát. The sun having risen, I turned off the light. As soon as the sun came up, I turned off the lights. Hainpureman ongelma on siinä, että hait eivät vain aiheuta siistiä viiltoa, vaan aiheuttavat usein paljon vahinkoa ja vammoja. Ne murtavat usein luita ja repivät lihaksen palasiksi, joten verenvuodon tyrehdyttäminen painamalla jotakin kohtaa on melkeinpä mahdotonta. Mutta on helppoa painaa nivusta, josta ei edes vuoda verta. The trouble with a shark bite, they don’t just cause a clean cut, they cause lots of damage and trauma. They often break bones and rip muscle to pieces, and so trying to push on something to stop it bleeding is almost impossible. But pushing on the groin where there is no blood is actually an easy thing to do. The problem with shark bites is that not only do sharks make neat cuts, but they often cause a lot of damage and injuries. They often break bones and tear muscle to pieces, so it’s almost impossible to stop bleeding by pressing on a spot. But it’s easy to press on a groin that doesn’t even bleed. Veled ellentétben, én nem csinálok bolondot az emberekből a nyilvánosság előtt. Unlike you, I don't make fun of people in public. Unlike you, I don't make fools of people in public. Pysy poissa. Keep out. Stay away from me. Sok ember idiótának tartja őt. Many people call him an idiot. A lot of people think he's an idiot. Pidä koirastasi huolta. You must take care of your dog. Take care of your dog. Vegyél fel kabátot, nehogy megfázz! Put on a jacket so you don't catch a cold. Put on a jacket so you don't catch a cold. Egy ír lány ír. An Irish girl is writing. An Irish girl is Irish. Mennyi volt a vonatjegy? How much were the train tickets? How much was the train ticket? Kuka sinne menee ei ole vielä päätetty. Who will go there is not yet decided. Who goes there is not yet decided. Micsoda lakoma! What a feast! What a feast! A tenger tele volt csónakokkal. The sea was full of boats. The sea was full of boats. Taxival ment a múzeumba. She took a taxi to the museum. He took a taxi to the museum. Ahá, tehát erről van szó! Ah, so that's it! Ah, so that's it! Se, mitä Tomille kävi, oli yhtä painajaista. What happened to Tom was a nightmare. What happened to Tom was a nightmare. Tamás talált egy elveszett rókakölyköt és magához vette. Tom found an abandoned young fox and adopted it. Thomas found a lost fox cub and took it to himself. Minden vendéget meghatott a vendégszeretete. All the guests were touched by her hospitality. All the guests were touched by his hospitality. Ne csoszogjál már! Stop shuffling. Stop shuffling! Sitruuna on hapan hedelmä. The lemon is a sour fruit. Lemon is a sour fruit. Mene herättämään Mari. Go and wake up Mary. Wake up Mary. Keegi ütles mulle, et ma ei peaks sind usaldama. Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you. Someone told me I shouldn't trust you. Elváltak, de egy háztartásban élnek. They divorced, but they live in the same houshold. They're divorced, but they live in the same household. Tomi hieroi Marin egoa. Tom massaged Mary's ego. Tomi rubbed Mari's ego. Kuidas sa selle ära arvasid? How did you guess that? How'd you figure that out? Meidän olisi pitänyt ostaa vielä yksi pullo viiniä. We should've bought another bottle of wine. We should have bought another bottle of wine. Miehet kilpailivat nuoren neidon sydämestä. The two men competed for the young maiden's heart. The men competed for the young lady's heart. Hyväksyn Tomin ja Marin ehdotuksen. I agree with Tom and Mary's proposal. I accept Tom and Mari's proposal. Hurrá, megvan! Hurray! I have found it! Yay, I got it! Hüvasti. Goodbye! Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Tom semmi mást nem tesz, csak tévét néz. Tom does nothing but watch TV. All Tom does is watch TV. Miksi olet surullinen? What's making you sad? Why are you sad? A remény mindig él. There's always hope. Hope is always alive. Mul on sinised silmad. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Szomjazik a hírnévre. He is thirsty for fame. Thirsty for fame. Megpróbálok uralkodni magamon. I'll try to control myself. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Mi volt bent? What was inside? What was in there? Nincs rajtam ruha. I'm not wearing any clothes. I'm not wearing any clothes. Vuosisadan loppuun mennessä maa on kokenut dramaattisen lämpötilan nousun. By the end of the century, the earth will have experienced a dramatic increase in temperature. By the end of the century, the country has experienced a dramatic rise in temperature. Se ei kuulosta kovin loogiselta. That doesn't sound very logical. That doesn't sound very logical. Hűséges vagyok. I'm faithful. I'm loyal. Tudod a nevét? Do you know her name? Do you know her name? Ez egy igazi fa? Is it a real tree? Is that a real tree? Tüsszentenem kell. I have to sneeze. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nem igazán vagyok megelégedve azzal, amit csináltam. I'm not really happy with what I did. I'm not really happy with what I've done. Nevetett rajtam, de nem tudom, hogy miért. He was laughing at me and I didn't know why. He laughed at me, but I don't know why. Tom nagyon mérges lesz. Tom is going to be so mad. Tom will be very angry. Tom tosiaankin vaikuttaa ottaneen varaslähdön. Tom certainly appears to have jumped the gun. Yes, Tom seems to have made a head start. Vakrandim lesz. I have a blind date. I'm going on a blind date. Olen iloinen kun saan tavata sinut taas. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Hoidan tätä. I'll deal with this. I'm on it. Yleisyyttä menettämättä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without losing frequency, we can say that the line is converging towards zero. Késleltettél. You made me late. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Sen jälkeen hän meni kotiinsa. After that, he went home. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Írj rám, kérlek, ha már ott vagy! Please text me when you get there. Write to me, please, while you're there. Hát de felelőtlen! How irresponsible! How irresponsible! Amikor te születtél, én már felnőtt férfi voltam. When you were born, I was already a man. When you were born, I was a grown man. Ilman teidän apuanne minä olisin saattanut epäonnistua. If it had not been for your help, I might have failed. Without your help, I might have failed. Tom jól főz? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? Én is át akarom alakítattni az autóm gázossá. I want my car to run on gas too. I want to turn my car into gas, too. Mihin olet matkalla, Tom? Where are you going, Tom? Where are you going, Tom? A mi problémánk össze sem mérhető az övével. Our problems are nothing compared to hers. Our problems don't even compare to his. Nem volt a boltban semmi liszt. There was no flour in the shop. There was no flour in the store. He sanoivat, että he tuntevat sinut. They said they know you. They said they knew you. Vízszintes csíkok voltak. The stripes were horizontal. They were horizontal stripes. Mulle öeldi, et ma seda ei puutuks. I was told to leave this alone. I was told not to touch it. Hiányoznak, igaz? You miss them, don't you? You miss them, don't you? Megmossam a salátát? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? Shall I wash the salad? Hova raktam a slusszkulcsot!? Where did I put my car keys? Where did I put the car keys? Saisinko lisää teetä? Can I have some more tea? Can I have some more tea? Emme voineet kääntyä ympäri yksisuuntaisella. We were unable to turn around in the one way traffic. We couldn't turn around one-way. Miksi sinä otat kuvia? Why are you taking pictures? Why are you taking pictures? Tomi on lääkäri. Tom is a doctor. Tom is a doctor. Sain flunssan, ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I have a cold and I have a fever. En pidä yhteyttä vanhempaan veljeeni, mutta toista tapaan viikoittain. I'm not in touch with the older of my elder brothers, but I meet with the other one every week. I don't keep in touch with my older brother, but I do meet up with him weekly. Zelenszkij langyi? Is Zelensky a homosexual? Zelensky's lukewarm? Human eŋgelasgiela. I speak English. Human angelic tongue. Foltos a kutyám. My dog's skin is spotted. My dog's got spots. Hän osaa puhua ranskaa sujuvasti. She can speak French fluently. He can speak French fluently. Äitini kattoi pöydän illallista varten. My mother set the table for dinner. My mother set the table for dinner. Hadd menjek először én. Let me go first. Let me go first. Béla nagyon éretlen a korához képest. Tom is very immature for his age. Bela is very immature for her age. A nép megelégelve a politikusok hazugságait, lopásait és csalásait belerúgták őket egy feneketlen gödörbe. A gödör majdnem megtelt. The people being fed up with the politicians' lyings, stealings and cheatings kicked 'em into a bottomless pit. The pit almost became full. The people, fed up with the lies, thefts, and deceptions of politicians, were kicked into a bottomless pit. Muista! Remember! Remember! Remember! En osaa puhua yhtään ranskaa. I don't speak any French. I can't speak any French. Tämä kirja on nyt käännetty ranskaksi. This book has now been translated into French. This book has now been translated into French. Löysin luultavasti parin. I think I've found a match. I think I found a partner. Ta ei saa tõenäoliselt kuulsaks. He probably won't become famous. He probably won't be famous. Ta jõi peol kaks klaasi veini. She drank two glasses of wine at the party. He had two glasses of wine at the party. Mari ei ollut valmis. Mary wasn't ready. Mary was not ready. Tom osti omenia. Tom brought some apples. Tom bought some apples. Én nem tudok úgy nyeríteni, mint egy ló; én egy szamár vagyok! I cannot neigh like a horse. I'm a donkey! I cannot wink like a horse; I am an ass! Ő kedvesen megmutatta nekem az utat. She kindly showed me the way. He kindly showed me the way. Hän liikkui hitaasti eteenpäin. He slowly moved forward. He moved slowly forward. Nem foglalkoznak a gyerekeikkel. They don't take care of their children. They don't care about their kids. Szeretem ha van társaság. I like the company. I like to have company. Sinun on uskottava itseesi. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in yourself. Tämä on niin helppo harjoitus, että kuka tahansa oppilas voi ratkaista sen. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This is such an easy exercise that any student can solve it. Csak beszélgettünk. Semmi más. We were just talking. Nothing else. We were just talking, that's all. Nyugodjál le! Calm down. Calm down, man. Tom szeretett engem. Tom loved me. Tom loved me. Missä ulkomaissa haluaisit käydä? What foreign countries would you like to visit? Which foreign countries would you like to visit? Uusi pelikonsoli on julkaistu. Sen nimi on Nintendo 64! There's a new console out. It's called the Nintendo 64! A new game console has been released. Its name is Nintendo 64! Tom nem is azért a barátunk, mert olyan menő csávó volna. Our friendship has nothing to do with whether he's cool or not. Tom's not our friend because he's such a cool guy. Ez idő kérdése és abból meg nincs sok. It is a matter of time, and not much at that. It is a matter of time, and there is not much of it. Te pärjäätte paremmin ilman Tomia. You're better off without Tom. You'll be better off without Tom. Jóképűbb a férjem Al Pacinonál. My husband is handsomer than Al Pacino. My husband is handsomer than Al Pacino. Amelyik ország nem hajtja végre az Egyesült Államok utasításait, az nem jogi állam – legalábbis a demagóg retorika szerint. Countries which don't follow the instructions of the United States aren't legal states – at least according to demagogic rhetoric. A country that does not carry out U.S. orders is not a legal state, at least according to demagogic rhetoric. Oletko nähnyt minun pikkuveljeä? Did you see my younger brother? Have you seen my little brother? Kuu loisti kirkkaana ja selkeänä. The moon was shining bright and clear. The moon was shining bright and clear. Päivällinen on valmis. Dinner's ready! Dinner's ready. Olen vapaa. I'm single. I'm free. Ma kardan kõrgust. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Nézd, van elég problémám! A tieidet a hátam közepere sem kívánom. Look, I've got enough problems. The last thing I need is yours. Look, I've got enough problems, and I don't want yours on my back either. Milyen gyakran főzöl? How often do you cook? How often do you cook? Tettesd magad halottnak! Pretend you're dead. Pretend you're dead. Faksasin Tomille kartan. I faxed a map to Tom. I faxed Tom a map. Kun ajattelin sitä, en voinut olla hymyilemättä. When I thought of that, I couldn’t help smiling. When I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile. Juokset. You run. You're running. Tom várta, hogy valóra váljon az álma. Tom waited for his dream coming true. Tom was waiting for his dream to come true. Józsué meleg. Joshua is gay. Joshua is gay. Kaiken täytyy olla täydellisessä järjestyksessä häitä varten. Everything must be in perfect order for the wedding. Everything has to be in perfect order for the wedding. Toissa päivänä oli myrsky. There was a storm the day before yesterday. The other day there was a storm. Varo kuule suutasi! Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth! Az olaj és a víz nem keveredik. Oil and water do not mix. Oil and water do not mix. Egyértelműen kiborított. It definitely freaked me out. I'm clearly upset. Nagyon feszült volt a vita. It was a very heated discussion. The debate was very tense. Jól vagyok. I'm doing fine. - I'm okay. Mi van, ha nemet mondok? What if I say no? What if I say no? Bocs, hogy félbevágtam. Sorry. I interrupted you. I'm sorry I cut you in half. Megtalálta a kerékpáromat. He found my bike. He found my bike. Jalkani! My foot! My leg! Rakastan koiraani. I love my dog. I love my dog. Nem fognak a fékek. The brakes didn't respond. The brakes won't work. Az autók drágák. Cars are expensive. Cars are expensive. Egy kólában fogadtunk. I betted him a Coke. We bet in a Coke. Tomi és Mari mindig csipkedik egymást. Tom and Mary are always teasing each other. Tomi and Mari are always pinching each other. Olin onnellinen, kunnes särjit sydämeni. I was happy until you broke my heart. I was happy until you broke my heart. Haluatko tulla kanssani? Do you want to go with me? You want to come with me? Hogy vagy képes beállítani hozzám annyi sok ártalom után, amit okoztál nekem?! How dare you come to my house after all the harm you've done to me? How can you come to me after all the harm you've done to me? Tom vállat vont. Tom shrugged. Tom shrugged. Ensin koko idea vaikutti järjettömältä. At first, the idea seemed absurd. At first, the whole idea seemed absurd. Tomi on vähän seko. Tom is a bit of a kook. Tom is a little crazy. Tom oli syntymäasussaan. Tom was as naked as the day he was born. Tom was in his birth suit. Tom bizonytalan. Tom is uncertain. Tom's insecure. Hol van a telefonkönyv? Where is the telephone book? Where's the phone book? Millal sa helistad? When are you going to call? When are you gonna call? Ki vagyok én, hogy ítélkezzek? Who am I to judge? Who am I to judge? Igazán boldog voltam. I was really glad. I was really happy. Véget értek a forró nyári napok és felváltották őket a hűvös téli napok. Hot summer days ended and cool autumn days followed. The hot summer days have come to an end and they have been replaced by the cool winter days. Örmény születésű. She was born in Armenia. Armenian-born. Ti miért vettétek meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Talo on ruskie. The house is red. The house is Ruskie. Untatsz. You're boring me! You're boring me. A jelenlegi tényállás az, hogy ez épp most megy végbe. That's happening right now, as a matter of fact. The fact of the matter is that this is happening right now. Megfájdítod a fejemet. You're giving me a headache. You're giving me a headache. Nincs szándékomban, hogy önző legyek. I don't intend to be selfish. I have no intention of being selfish. Azt kellett volna mondanom, hogy nem érek rá. I should've said I was busy. I should have told you I was busy. Sáhtátgo veahkehit? Can you help me? Can you help me? Varmista, että juomavesi on puhdasta. Please make sure the drinking water is pure. Make sure your drinking water is clean. Ezt nem tudom neked garantálni. That's something that I can't guarantee. I can't guarantee that for you. Tomin mielestä ei ole mahdollista, että Mari rikkoisi ennätyksen. Tom thinks it impossible for Mary to break the record. I don’t think it’s possible for Mary to break the record. Tämä lasi on likainen. This glass is dirty. This glass is dirty. Apám megtudta a titkunkat. My father discovered our secret. My father found out our secret. Ajattelinkin, koska palaisit. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. En tiedä. Don't know. I don't know. Tom megbukott franciából a múlt félévben. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed French last semester. Sinä olit unessa. You were asleep. You were asleep. En ole nukkunut kovin hyvin kuukausiin. I haven't slept so well for months. I haven't slept very well in months. Haluan Tomin voittavan vaalit. I want Tom to win the election. I want Tom to win the election. A franciák szeretik a békacombot. The French love frog legs. The French love frog legs. A fiam bőre könnyen felrepedezik a forró évszakban. During the hot season, my son's skin breaks out easily. My son's skin cracks easily in the hot season. Hän vastustaa minua joka käänteessä. He opposes me at every turn. He opposes me at every turn. Olen tottunut siihen. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. Itt van! Here she is! He's here! Älä puhu minulle uskonnosta. Don't talk to me about religion. Don't talk to me about religion. Menetkö kävellen kouluun joka päivä? Do you walk to school every day? Do you walk to school every day? Minulla on nyt kaksi mikrofonia. Now I have two microphones. I now have two microphones. Hän on kuulemma vielä Pariisissa. He is said to still be in Paris. I hear he's still in Paris. Csendben maradnál? Would you pipe down? Will you be quiet? Mietittekö vakavissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously thinking about going? Kérlek, csinálj teát! Please make some tea. Please make some tea. Nem tudom elképzelni a jövőmet nélküled. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. A kutyám megtámadta Tomot. My dog attacked Tom. My dog attacked Tom. Ne várd azt, hogy még majd magyarázatot is kapsz! Don't expect everything to have an explanation. Don’t expect to get an explanation. Sokat változtak. They've changed a lot. They've changed a lot. Nem vehetsz csak úgy egy mondatot és fordírhatod le egy másik nyelvre szószerint. A nyelvek nem így működnek. You cannot take a sentence in one language and translate it into another word for word. Languages don't work like that. You can't just take a sentence and translate it into another language literally. That's not how languages work. Hän ei juonut viiniä. He didn't drink wine. He didn't drink wine. Miksi miehet käyttäytyvät kuin apinat ja päinvastoin? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do men behave like monkeys and vice versa? Muistin juuri jotain, joka minun pitää tehdä ennen huomisaamua. I just remembered something I have to do before tomorrow morning. I just remembered something I have to do before tomorrow morning. Heittäkää kaukosäädin minulle. Toss me the remote. Throw me the remote. Rokona vagyok. I'm related to her. I'm related to him. Tomnak kettővel kevesebb játéka van, mint Marinak. Tom has two fewer toys than Mary. Tom has two fewer games than Mari. Nem mondanád ezt, ha Géza itt lenne. You wouldn't say that if Tom were here. You wouldn't say that if Géza was here. Mulle meeldib tee rohkem kui kohvi. I like tea more than coffee. I like coffee more than tea. Tom kimászott a szakadékból. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Pontosan merre jártál te tegnap délután? Where exactly were you yesterday afternoon? Where exactly were you yesterday afternoon? Minä en usko, että Tomi haluaa sinun vanhan polkupyöräsi. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. Bárki szenvedhet alultápláltságban, mégha nem is tud róla. Any of us could suffer from malnutrition and not know it! Anyone can suffer from malnutrition, even if they don’t know it. Módosíthatom a visszautazás dátumát? Can I change the return date? Can I change the return date? Tamás régen sokat olvasott. Tom used to read a lot. Tom used to read a lot. Olen käynyt Sapporossa. I've been to Sapporo. I've been to Sapporo. Nagyon élvezetes a szüleiddel szexelni a másik szobában. It's hot to have sex with your parents in the other room. It's really fun having sex with your parents in the other room. Megszoksz vagy megszöksz. My way or the highway. You get used to it or escape. Rendkívül elfoglaltak vagyunk. We're extremely busy. We're extremely busy. Tom tietää mistä siinä on oikein kyse. Tom knows what it's all about. Tom knows what it's all about. Uskon nähneeni metsässä tontun. I think I saw an elf in the forest. I think I saw an elf in the woods. Nyertünk. We won. We won. Lasi rikkoutuu helposti. Glass breaks easily. The glass breaks easily. Laitoin radion hiljemmalle. I turned down the radio. I turned the radio down. Tomi sanoi, että hän ei tehnyt mitään väärin ja että se ei ollut hänen syytänsä. Tom said that he did nothing wrong and that it wasn't his fault. Tom said he didn't do anything wrong and that it wasn't his fault. Lennél szíves kicsit lassabban beszélni? Could you please speak a little slower? Would you please speak a little slower? El kell menned orvoshoz. You must go to the doctor. You need to see a doctor. Kui vana sa oled? How old are you? - How old are you? A szüleim meghaltak. My parents are dead. My parents are dead. Kokemani perusteella kestää vuoden oppia ranskan kielioppi. In my experience, it takes one year to learn French grammar. Based on my experience, it takes a year to learn French grammar. Tomi on hukkumaisillaan! Tom is drowning! Tom is drowning. Tom on ronkeli syöjä. Tom is a picky eater. Tom's a raven eater. Seuraavalla kerralla sinun pitäisi ostaa isompaa kokoa. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time you should buy a bigger size. Az én apukám erősebb a tiédnél. My dad could beat up your dad. My dad's stronger than yours. Nem vagyok rád mérges. Csak csalódott vagyok. I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. Hozzászoktam, hogy egyedül élek. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Tomi yritti muistella, mitä Mari oli sanonut hänelle. Tom tried to remember what Mary had told him. Tom tried to remember what Mary had said to him. Nem tarotta az ígéreteit a kormány. The government didn't keep its promises. The government did not keep its promises. Egyedül élek. I live on my own. I live alone. He ovat nyt naimisssa. They're married now. They're getting married now. Megkérdezett, jöhet-e. He asked me if he could come. He asked if he could. — Tudsz egy kicsit várni? — Azt tudok. Azt még soha sem basztam el. "Can you wait a little bit?" "That is I can. I never fucked up that yet." “Can you wait a minute?” “I can. I’ve never fucked that up before. Me olemme vielä ystäviä. We're still friends. We're still friends. Puhelin soi! Telephone! The phone's ringing! Koalat ovat söpöjä. Koalas are cute. Koalas are cute. Tomi egész héten ki sem ment Tom hasn't been outside all week. Tom hasn't been out all week. Tomin silmät ovat punaiset tänään. Tom's eyes are red today. Tom's eyes are red today. En minä tätä tilannut. This isn't what I ordered. I didn't order this. Nudista vagy? Are you a nudist? Are you a nudist? Nem olyan rózsás minden, mint amilyennek szeretnénk. Everything is not as rosy as one would like. It's not as rosy as we'd like it to be. Kenen kanssa sinä asut? Who do you live with? Who are you living with? Onko Tomilla nälkä? Is Tom hungry? Tom's hungry? Bizonyára útközben veszítettem el a kulcsomat. I must have lost my key along the way. I must have lost my key on the way. Minä asuin Tokiossa muutama vuosi sitten, mutta nyt asun Kiotossa. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. Ez szomorúvá tesz engem. It makes me feel sad. That makes me sad. Megvan a levél. The letter was finished. I've got the letter. Jouluun on vain muutamia päiviä. Christmas is only a few days away. Christmas is only a few days away. Miks on see kasulik? What's the benefit of this? Why is it useful? Mitä sinä yrität sanoa? Että hän on taitelija? So what are you saying? He's an artist? What are you trying to say, that he's an artist? Hívd fel Tomot azonnal! Call Tom immediately. Call Tom right now. Tom saattaa osata vähän ranskaa. Tom might know a little French. Tom might know a little French. Arcára kiült a félelem. She had a look of fear on her face. His face was filled with fear. Tom bedrogozta Maryt. Tom drugged Mary. Tom drugged Mary. Vannak jó atombombák és rossz atombombák. There are good A-bombs and bad A-bombs. There are good nuclear bombs and bad nuclear bombs. Ki hívott téged? Who called you? Who called you? Hét órakor reggelizek. I eat my breakfast at seven o'clock. I have breakfast at 7:00. Nämä paidat ovat samanlaisia. Ne ovat samaa kokoa. These shirts are the same. They are the same size. These shirts are the same size. Ne aggódj az ár miatt. Don't worry about the price. Don't worry about the price. Паро чи. Good afternoon. Good day. Tom az orrát nekinyomta az ablaküvegnek. Tom had his nose pressed against the windowpane. Tom shoved his nose into the window. Sodort egy cigit. He was rolling a cigarette. He took a cigarette. Onko sinulla tämän päivän liput? Do you have today's tickets? Do you have today's tickets? Volt már pár házassága. He has been married several times. He's had a couple of marriages. Tom megette a maradékot. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom ate the rest. Ő egy hős. He's a hero. He's a hero. Tässä kalassa on paljon pieniä ruotoja. This fish has a lot of small bones in it. There's a lot of little bones in this fish. Az erdőben töltötte az éjszakát Tomi. Tom spent the night in the woods. Tom spent the night in the woods. Tomi szava áll Mari szava ellenében. It's Tom's word against Mary's. Tom’s words are against Mary’s. Nem jellemző rá, hogy így csinál. It's not like him to act like this. It's not like him to do that. Nem tudom megülni ezt a lovat. I can't ride this horse. I can't ride this horse. Nem mondtam nekik semmit, csak a nevedet. I didn't tell them anything, just your name. I didn't tell them anything, just your name. Poistin linkityksen japaninkieliseen lauseeseen, koska se ei tarkoittanut samaa asiaa kuin tämä lause. I've unlinked the Japanese sentence since it didn't have the same meaning as this sentence. I removed the link to the Japanese sentence because it did not mean the same thing as this sentence. Mi más? What else? What else is there? Ezt csak Tomi érti. Tom is the only one who understands this. Only Tom understands that. Kas sa oled valmis minema? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? A Covid-oltakozás milliárdos üzletág. Covid vaccination is a billionaire business. Covid immunization is a billion-dollar business. Kolme kertaa viisi on viisitoista. Three times five is fifteen. Three times five is fifteen. Ez a sütemény lisztet, tejet, tojást és cukrot tartalmaz. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. Tomi korotti sotilaan kuningattareksi. Tom promoted his pawn into a queen. Tom raised a soldier to be queen. Sinä halusit tämän, eikö niin? You wanted this, didn't you? You wanted this, didn't you? A gyerek megsimogatja a macskát. The child caresses the cat. The child caresses the cat. A késői vendégnek csak a csont jut. A late guest will only get the bones. The late guest only gets the bone. Megígért nekem fűt-fát. He promised me everything. He promised me a firewood. John elindította az autót. John started the car. John started the car. Tomi felállt és vett egy mély levegőt. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Nem tudtad? Didn't you know? You didn't know? Tommilla ei ole mitään mahdollisuuksia. Tom won't stand a chance. Tom doesn't stand a chance. Mit mondanak az orvosok? What do the doctors say? What do the doctors say? Te ezt élvezed? Do you enjoy doing this? Are you enjoying this? Sápadtnak látszol ma. You look pale today. You look pale today. Nem működik a falióra. The wall clock doesn't work. Wall clock's not working. Régóta vártok rám? Did you wait a long time for me? Have you waited long? Van remény. There is hope. There is hope. Van ott egy hotel. There's a hotel over there. There's a hotel there. Kiitos samoin, hauska tavata. I'm glad to meet you, too. Thanks too, nice to meet you. Tom vesztésre áll. Tom is losing. Tom is losing. A nagypapám elesett a második világháborúban. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather died in World War II. Téged kerestelek. I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Hallottam, hogy a nevemet mondják. I could hear my name being called. I heard them say my name. A szabaságról énekelt. He sang about freedom. She was singing about the holidays. Tomnak be kellett volna zárnia az ajtót. Tom should have locked the door. Tom should have locked the door. Lopeta tuo elämöinti. Stop that noise. Stop making that noise. Egy fekete macska mentette meg az életemet. A black cat saved my life. A black cat saved my life. Őt vádoltam, hogy ellopta a biciklit. I accused her of having stolen the bike. I accused him of stealing the bike. Mari ei tullut hyvin toimeen toisten tyttöjen kanssa. Mary didn't get along well with the other girls. Mari didn't get along well with the other girls. Szorul az ajtó. The door's shut tight. The door's closing. Felhívott, hogy késni fog tíz-tizenöt percet. Ha called that he'd be late for 10 to 15 minutes. He called and said he'd be ten to fifteen minutes late. Voi leivällä maistuu todella hyvältä. Bread with butter tastes very good. Oh, the bread tastes really good. Tomi opiskelee filofiaa pääaineenaan. Tom majors in philosophy. Tom is studying philosophy as his major. Család vagy barátok eljönnek önökért? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends come for you? He ostivat vähän sokeria. They bought themselves some sugar. They bought some sugar. Jacksonnak hat hazafutása volt. Jackson had six home runs. Jackson had six home runs. Engedj kimennem! Let me go out. Let me out! Minun täytyy kieltäytyä. I must decline. I have to say no. Jössz? Are you coming? You coming? Musiikitta elämä olisi erhe. Saksalaisen mielessä Jumalakin laulaa lauluja. Without music, life would be an error. The German imagines even God singing songs. Without music, life would be a mistake. In the German mind, even God sings songs. Tételezzük fel, hogy igy van. Let's assume that it's true. Let's assume that's the case. Tom lőni fog. Tom will shoot. Tom's gonna shoot. Készíteni fogok neked egy szendvicset, ha akarod. I'll make a sandwich for you if you want one. I'll make you a sandwich if you want. Korábban ott voltam, hogy egy jó helyet kapjak. I was there early so that I might get a good seat. I was there earlier to get a good seat. Valokuvasi ei tee sinulle oikeutta. Your photograph doesn't do you justice. Your photo doesn't do you justice. Betegek? Do they feel ill? Sick? Me ollaan kaikki ihan vitun jännittyneitä! We are all so fucking pumped! We're all fucking excited! Nincs jogod megítélni engem! You have no right to judge me! You have no right to judge me! Gyorsan elhallgattak a kölykök. The kids suddenly became quiet. The kids quickly stopped talking. Először életemben úgy éreztem, hogy igazam van. For the first time in my life I felt like I did something right. For the first time in my life, I felt I was right. A doktor kórházba menést javasolt neki. The doctor advised her to enter the hospital. The doctor advised him to go to the hospital. Olen kiireinen tällä viikolla. I'm busy this week. I'm busy this week. Én viszem ezt. I'll bring this. I'll take this. Légy óvatos, ha a tengerben úszol! Be careful swimming in the sea. Be careful when swimming in the sea. Tudod te ezt. You know that. You know that. Vaikuttaa siltä, että olet noussut väärällä jalalla tänä aamuna. It seems like you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Looks like you got off on the wrong foot this morning. Szerintem valami nincs rendben. I think something is wrong. I think something's wrong. Tom felvette az ünneplőjét. Tom put on his Sunday best. Tom picked up his celebrator. Tegnap voltam nála. I was at his house yesterday. I was with him yesterday. Nem hozzád szóltam. It's not you I'm speaking to. I wasn't talking to you. Odotin kymmenen minuuttia. I waited for ten minutes. I waited ten minutes. Pidättekö te mustista kissoista? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Järki käteen. Get real. Makes sense. Saitko työt valmiiksi? Did you finish the job? Did you finish the job? Künkalt võime näha kaunist merevaadet. From the hill we can have a beautiful view of the sea. You can see a beautiful sea view from the hill. Minä kutsun tänne vartijan. I'll call security. I'll call a guard. Szergej és Jack a legjobb barátaim, de ők nem igazán szívlelik egymást. Sergei and Jack are my best friends, but they don't really like each other. Sergei and Jack are my best friends, but they don't really like each other. Kint hosszú sor áll, hogy bejussanak. Outside, there's a long line to get in. There's a long line outside to get in. Sinä päätät. You decide. It's your call. Ez az én problémám. This is my problem. That's my problem. Látni sem akarom őt! I don't even want to see her. I don't even want to see him! A fa tetején ül a mosómedve. The raccoon sits on the top of the tree. The raccoon sits on top of the tree. Välillä unohdan käyttää maskia luokassa, eteenkin syödessä. I sometimes forget to keep my mask on in class, especially when I'm eating. Sometimes I forget to wear a mask in class, especially when eating. Osaatko puhua ranskaa niin kuin Tom? Can you speak French like Tom? Can you speak French like Tom? Ez jéghideg. It's as cold as ice. It's freezing. Túl sokat volt magában. He was very much on his own. She's had too much to do with you. Oletpa aikaisin hereillä tänä aamuna. Onko sinulla joitain asioita hoidettavana? You're up very early this morning. Do you have something to do? You're up early this morning, do you have any errands to run? Nem vagyok én sem magasabb nála. I am not taller than he, either. I'm not taller than him. Bocsika, de az én angol tudásom még nem elég jó, hogy megértsek ilyen összetett szövegeket. Sorry, but my level of English is still too low to comprehend texts of this difficulty. Sorry, but my English is not good enough to understand such complex texts. Tompikával együttdolgozni nem egy nagy élvezet. Tom isn't fun to work with. Working with Tompika isn't much fun. Legyél itthon hat előtt! Come home before six. Be home before 6:00. A jövő hónapban nyaralni megyek. I'll be taking a vacation next month. I'm going on vacation next month. Tom nem ért egyet Maryvel. Tom disagrees with Mary. Tom disagrees with Mary. A vécé előtt állva itta a kávéját. He drank his coffee standing in front of the toilet. He was standing in front of the toilet drinking his coffee. Minden lehetséges. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Új zokni van rajta. He is wearing a pair of new socks. He's wearing a new sock. — Elment már a busz? — Épp most ment el. "Has the bus already gone?" "It's just left." “Has the bus left yet?” Poliisi etsi talosta ja takavarikoi kaksi kiloa heroiinia. The police searched their house and seized 2 kilograms of heroin. The police searched the house and confiscated two kilos of heroin. Hän luuli, että joku oli livauttanut myrkkyä hänen keittoonsa. He thought someone had slipped poison into his soup. He thought someone had slipped poison into his soup. Tomilla on kymmenenvaihteinen pyörä. Tom has a ten-speed bicycle. Tom's got a 10-speed bike. Ott szoktam játszani. I used to play there. I used to play there. Tom megkérdezte tőlem, hogy tudnék-e neki kölcsönadni egy csokornyakkendőt. Tom asked me if I had a black tie he could borrow. Tom asked me if I could lend him a bow tie. Kello on 08:00. It’s 8:00 am. It's 8:00. Mida sa annad talle? What will you give her? What are you gonna give him? Hadd segítsek mosogatni! Let me help you do the dishes. Let me help you with the dishes. Hän on ilkosillaan. She's naked. He's naked. Tällä viikolla meillä on kolmipäiväinen viikonloppu. We're having a three-day weekend this week. This week we have a three-day weekend. A térre mentem előző este. i went to the plaza last night. I went to the square last night. Nem pazarlom az időmet arra, hogy olyan csökönyös fanatikusokkal vitázzak, mint te. I don't waste my time arguing with pigheaded fanatics like you. I'm not wasting my time arguing with stubborn fanatics like you. A vér az erekben fut. Blood runs in the veins. Blood runs in the veins. Te etted meg a szendvicsemet? Did you eat my sandwich? Did you eat my sandwich? A felvetése igaznak bizonyult. His hypothesis proved to be true. Your suggestion proved to be true. Nekem a hosszúhajú lányok jönnek be. I like girls with long hair. I like long-haired girls. Hän ei juonut maitoa. She didn't drink the milk. He didn't drink the milk. Hol tettél szert a pénzre? Where did you get the money from? Where did you get the money? Köztudott, hogy a medve szereti a mézet. It's common knowledge that bears like honey. It is well known that the bear likes honey. Ezt be kellene tiltani. That should be prohibited. That should be banned. Hová vitték őket? Where were they taken? Where did they take them? Ziri käveli rohkeasti pomon luo ja alkoi puhua hänelle. Ziri boldly walked up to the boss and started talking to him. Ziri walked boldly to the boss and started talking to him. Ez zárva van. It's locked. It's locked. Mondd meg neki, hogy szereted, mielőtt túl késő lesz! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Tell her you love her before it's too late. Bosszantsál csak, majd ellátom a bajodat! Anger me again, I might just peel your skin off. You piss me off, I'll get you. Az egyik fiókban találtam. I found it in a drawer. I found it in one of the drawers. Mu naine on rase. My wife's pregnant. My wife's pregnant. Mitä sinä katsot? What are you looking at? - What are you looking at? Minä menen kysymään Tomilta. I'll go ask Tom. I'll go ask Tom. Nem gond, ha leülök ide? Is it OK to sit here? Do you mind if I sit here? Azt hiszem, jól meglesz a szomszédaival. I think he will get along with his neighbors. I think he'll be fine with his neighbors. Félelem járta át minden porcikámat. I was very scared. Fear pervaded every part of me. Másnaposan keltem. Nem volt kedvem bemenni dolgozni. I woke up with a hangover and didn't feel like going to work. I woke up with a hangover. I didn't feel like going to work. Minäkin. So do I. Yeah, me, too. Sikerült elérnie, hogy mosolyogjak. He managed to bring a smile to my face. He managed to make me smile. Diszlexiás vagyok. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. Attól, hogy dolgokat veszek, nem leszek boldog. Buying things doesn't make me happy. Buying things doesn't make me happy. Alkemisti yritti tuloksetta muuttaa elohopeaa kullaksi. The alchemist tried unsuccessfully to convert quicksilver into gold. The alchemist tried unsuccessfully to turn mercury into gold. Sokat változtál, mióta utoljára láttalak. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you. Számtalan megoldás létezik. There are several solutions. There are many solutions. Ymmärrän näkökulmasi. I can understand your point of view. I understand your perspective. Ágyba segítettem őt. I helped him get into bed. I helped her to bed. Volt már itt a postás? Has the mailman already come? Has the postman been here before? En taputa sinulle. I'm not applauding you. I'm not applauding you. Tom ei ota, jos hän ajaa. Tom doesn't drink and drive. Tom won't take it if he's driving. Egy erős akaratú ember nem alanya a korrupciónak. A man of strong will is not subject to corruption. A strong-willed man is not subject to corruption. Miért szereted annyira a kosárlabdát? Why do you like basketball so much? Why do you like basketball so much? Minä paistan pekonia ja munia. I'll cook bacon and eggs. I fry bacon and eggs. Juon joka aamu kahvia maidon kanssa. I drink coffee with milk every morning. I drink coffee with milk every morning. Aiomme antaa poikamme nimeksi Tomi. We plan to name our son Tom. We're going to name our son Tom. Ki van zárva! No way! No way! No way! A kérdés az az, ki tette. The question is who did that. The question is who did it. Tom igazságtalanul vádolta meg Maryt. Tom accused Mary unfairly. Tom unjustly accused Mary. Kirjauduimme sisään Hiltoniin kello kolmelta. We checked in at the Hilton at three o'clock. We checked in to the Hilton at 3:00. Usko totuutta etsiviin, ja epäile heitä, jotka ovat sen löytänyt. Believe those who are seeking truth and doubt those who have found it. Believe those who seek the truth, and doubt those who find it. Tomin piti mennä töihin. Tom had to go to work. Tom had to go to work. Pókerezni szokott velünk. He used to play poker with us. He plays poker with us. Az én macskámat találtad meg. The cat which you found is mine. You found my cat. Ha a kiabálás nem segít, kiálts hangosabban! When yelling doesn't work, yell louder! If yelling doesn't help, yell louder. Rossz úton járunk és az irány sem jó. We're walking on a wrong way and the direction isn't good either. We're on the wrong track, and we're not on the right track. ”Kiitti.” ”Ei mitään.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” “Nothing.” Ülj vissza! Sit back down. Sit down, sit down. A betörő a sütőbe rakta a kutyát. The burglar put the dog into the oven. The burglar put the dog in the oven. Ma ei teadnud, mida talle öelda. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know what to tell him. A globalisták mind elmehetnek a pokolba. The globalists can all go to hell. Globalists can all go to hell. Ez nem volt nehéz döntés. That wasn't a tough decision. It wasn't a difficult decision. Tom őszinte. Tom's sincere. Tom's honest. Ez a legjobb könyv, amit eddig olvastam. It's the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Päätin kertoa hänelle, että rakastan häntä. I decided to tell her that I love him. I decided to tell him that I loved him. Kuuntele tarkkaan. Listen up. Listen to me carefully. Kezdi érteni. He's starting to understand. You're beginning to understand. Földet érve eltört a pohár. The glass broke when it hit the floor. Upon landing, the glass was broken. Haluaisin nähdä sinut. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Lupasin. I gave my word. I promised. Mene jonon päähän. Go to the end of the line. Go to the end of the line. Miért nem ültök le? Why aren't you sitting down? Why don't you sit down? Tomi ja Mari leikkivät lääkäriä. Tom and Mary are playing doctor. Tom and Mary are playing doctor. Fáradtnak tűnsz. You look tired. You look tired. Régen egy étteremben dolgoztam. I used to work in a restaurant. I used to work in a restaurant. Mi van, még hogy te tapasztalt vagy? Na, ne mondd! Az alsógatyám is öregebb nálad. Huh, you've got the experience?! Don't get me started. I have underwear older than you. Oh, come on, my underwear's older than you. Tomnak vannak nyulai. Tom has rabbits. Tom has rabbits. Tatoeba on käännössivusto. Tatoeba is a translation website. Tatoeba is a translation site. Utálok nagyvárosban élni. I hate living in a big city. I hate living in a big city. Mari on surffaaja. Mary is a surfer. Mary is a surfer. Jännittynyt henkilö ei sovi tähän työhön. A nervous person will not be fit for this job. A tense person is not suitable for this job. Tom ei koskaan puhunut paljon siitä. Tom never talked about it much. Tom never talked much about it. Későn szokott megjönni a munkából. He gets home late from work. He comes home late from work. Szeretem a dinnyét. I like watermelon. I like melons. ...mi Floridában, kizárt, hogy valaha is támogatni fogjuk ezt a WHO-dolgot... ...we in Florida, there is no way we will ever support this WHO thing... ...in Florida, there's no way we're ever going to support this WHO thing... Hagyasd ezt abba Tomival! Make Tom stop doing it. Stop it with Tom. Ez az óra sokkal drágább, mint az. This clock is far more expensive than that one. This watch is much more expensive than that. Azt mondtam neki, hogy szeretem. I told her I loved her. I told him I loved him. Arra tanítottak, hogy először üssek és csak aztán kérdezzek. I was taught to shoot first and ask questions later. I was taught to hit first and then ask questions. Minun täytyy olla töissä viikonloppuna. I have to work this weekend. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom rendelt egy extra nagy pizzát. Tom ordered an extra large pizza. Tom ordered an extra-large pizza. Három éve jöttem Tokióba és azóta itt élek. I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since. I came to Tokyo three years ago and have lived here ever since. Ma későn keltem. I got up late today. I got up late today. Sun hiukset on sekaisin. You hair is a mess. Your hair is messed up. Charles most le van égve és azt kérdezi, hogy mi lenne, ha inkább a következő héten mennénk, miután megkapta a fizetését. Charles is feeling the draught right now and wants to know if we can go out next week instead, after he gets paid. Charles is broke right now, and he's asking me how about we go the next week after he gets his paycheck. Puhunko liian nopeasti? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Ne mondd meg, mit kell tennem! Don't tell me what I have to do. Don't tell me what to do. Állatot nem tudnék megölni. I couldn't kill an animal. I couldn't kill an animal. Szeretem a karácsonyi fényeket. I love Christmas lights. I like the Christmas lights. Szűkös a költségvetésem. My budget is tight. I have a tight budget. Hän tarttui häntä olkavarsista. He took her by the upper arms. He grabbed her by the shoulders. Teen munakokkelia. I'm making scrambled eggs. I'm making scrambled eggs. Nagyon késő kezd lenni. It is getting very late. It's getting really late. Kinaasi on entsyymi, joka fosforyloi toisia valkuaisaineita. A kinase is an enzyme which phosphorylates other proteins. Kinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates other proteins. Rikkaudet eivät tyydytä minua. Riches only will not satisfy me. Wealth does not satisfy me. Még azt is több tudós vizsgálja, hogy milyen irányban állnak a bolha lábán a szőrszálak, mint a boldogság forrását. More scientists are investigating even the direction of the hairs on fleas' legs than the source of happiness. Even more scientists are studying the direction in which the hairs on the flea’s legs stand as a source of happiness. Ananászlét szeretnék. I would like some pineapple juice, please. I want pineapple juice. Volt már részed ilyen eseményben ezelőtt? Have you ever participated in this kind of event before? Have you ever had an event like this before? Ne értsetek félre! Don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong. Fontos, hogy segítsünk a bajba jutottaknak. It's important to help victims of fate. It is important to help those in trouble. "Siis oletteko samaa mieltä, rouva pormestari?", apotti takelteli hädin tuskin iloaan peitellen. "So, do you agree, Madam Mayor?", stammered the abbot, barely hiding his joy. "Then do you agree, Madame Mayor?" the abbot staggered, barely concealing his joy. Tomot Pinocchiónak hívják, de nem azért mert fafej, hanem mert állandóan hazudik. Tom is called Pinocchio — not because he's a woodenhead but because he always tells lies. Tom's name is Pinocchio, not because he's a jerk, but because he lies all the time. Haluaisin tietää enemmän tämänpäiväisen tapaamisen kulusta. I'd like to know more about what happened at today's meeting. I would like to know more about today's meeting. Kuinka vanhoja lapsenne olivat, kun muutitte Bostoniin? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your children when you moved to Boston? Pont ezt szeretem benned. That's exactly what I like about you. That's what I love about you. Szakítottam vele tegnap este. I broke up with her last night. I broke up with him last night. Bártnis lea heasta. The boy has a horse. His Son is healing. Tom gondoskodik róla. Tom is going to take care of it. Tom will take care of it. Tom az utolsó, akiben megbíznék. Tom's the last one who I'd trust. Tom's the last person I trust. Tom on kahdeksankymppinen. Tom is an octogenarian. Tom is 80. Ti ketten viccesek vagytok. You two are funny. You two are funny. Mikor látunk hozzá az evéshez? When are we going to start eating? When do we start eating? Meséld el nekem, mit mondott. Tell me what she said. Tell me what he said. Tudnom kell, mi a szitu. I need to know what the situation is. I need to know what's going on. Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push the button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. Koe oli tosi vaikee. The exam was very difficult. The test was really hard. Toiselle tielle käännyttäessä on väistämisvelvollisuusmerkki. There'll be a give way sign at a turning onto another road. When turning to another road, there is an obligation to dodge. Már megint vigyorogsz. You're smirking again. You're grinning again. Kävin aikaisemmin kirkossa sunnuntaina. I used to go to church on Sunday. I went to church on Sunday. Miért nem derítjük ki? Why don't we go find out? Why don't we find out? A jegyeket vitték, mint a cukrot. The tickets sold like hot cakes. They took the tickets like candy. Vain hieman enemmän. Just a little more. Just a little more. Elämässä ja kuolemassa ei ole järkeä tahi syytä. Toiset tekevät kaiken oikein, ja silti kuolevat nuorina, samalla kuin toiset elävät vanhaksi. There's no rhyme or reason to life and death. Many people who do all the right things die early anyway, while others live to an old age. There's no sense in life and death, and there's no reason why, because some people do everything right, and yet they die young, while others live old. Tämä on tarina kissasta. This is a story about a cat. This is the story of the cat. Te nekem nem parancsolhatsz. You can't give me orders. You can't tell me what to do. Remélem, most éjszaka tudok aludni. I hope I can sleep through the night. I hope I can sleep tonight. Tomi ei halua auttaa. Tom doesn't want to help. Tom doesn't want to help. A legrosszabb nem az, ha tévedsz, hanem ha azt hiszed, igazad van, miközben tévedsz. The worst thing isn't to be wrong. It's to keep being wrong thinking you're right. The worst part is not when you're wrong, but when you think you're right and you're wrong. Ezt a regényt nem lehet sírás nélkül elolvasni. You cannot read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without crying. Meggyóntam bűneimet. I confessed my sins. I confessed my sins. Kb. két óra telt el. About two hours have passed. It's been about two hours. Hány csúcsa van egy kockának? How many vertices does a cube have? How many vertices does a cube have? Mitä mieltä olet New Yorkista? How do you like New York? What do you think of New York? Mindig ilyen voltál. You were always like that. You've always been like this. Palaan hakemaan matkalaukkujani tänään iltapäivällä. I'll come back for my suitcases this afternoon. I'll be back this afternoon to pick up my luggage. Ez már a múlté. It's a thing of the past. That's all in the past. Tom két összetolt széken aludt. Tom slept on two chairs that had been pushed together. Tom was sleeping in two chairs. A fő vonzereje a jellemében rejlik, nem a könyveiben. His chief attraction lies in his character, not his books. His main attraction is in his character, not in his books. Mozart 200 éve hunyt el. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart died 200 years ago. Lopetta valittaminen. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Miért mutatod most nekem? Why are you showing it to me? Why are you showing me now? Ilyet mond nekem Tomi. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tom says to me. Mi tesz egy képet jóvá? What makes a good picture? What makes a picture good? Ha nem lett volna a térkép, nem találjuk meg az utat. If it hadn't been for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. If it wasn't for the map, we wouldn't be able to find our way. Megnyugtat a víz hangja. The sound of water relaxes me. The sound of water calms me. Kuhuiganes ma ei vaataks, seal on ainult liiv ja liiv. Wherever I look, there's only sand and more sand. Wherever I look, there's only sand and sand. Azt hiszem, Tomnak több kell. I think Tom wants more. I think Tom needs more. Tosimiehet juovat teetä. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Tietokoneeni on todella hidas. My computer is very slow. My computer is very slow. Minun on kerrottava hänelle siitä. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him about it. Toisinaan kuuntelen jazzia. I listen to jazz sometimes. I listen to jazz sometimes. Palun ära liiguta. Please don't move. Please don't move. Abszolút nem értettem semmit. I absolutely understood nothing. I didn't understand anything at all. Csámcsogsz. You're chewing with your mouth open. You're chewing. Ветлӥд-а тон клубе? Did you go to the club? Did you go to trouble me with a long knife? Huhu levisi ympäri kaupunkia. The rumour spread all over town. Rumors spread all over the city. A szomszéd tyúkjai jobbfélék, mint az enyéim. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. The chickens next door are better than mine. Ő az enyém lesz. She'll be mine. She will be mine. Se on 25 euroa metriltä. It costs €25 a metre. It is 25 euros per meter. Folyamatosan ugyanazt álmodom nap mint nap. I keep having the same dream night after night. I keep having the same dream every day. He ovat vauvoja. They're babies. They're babies. Olisitteko kilttejä ja alkaisitte käyttäytymään kuin aikuiset? Would you please start acting like adults? Would you please start acting like adults? Miten sanotaan 97 eri kielillä? How do you say "ninety-seven" in various languages? How do you say 97 in different languages? Tomilla on paljon vaihtoehtoja. Tom has plenty of options. Tom has a lot of options. Szar! It's shit! Bullshit! Ihmeellistä, en voi muuta sanoa. All I can say is, amazing. That's amazing. That's all I can say. Helyesled azt, amit csinál? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you approve of what he does? Mikä minua vaivaa? What is wrong with me? What's the matter with me? Pidän tietoisuutta perustavanlaatuisena. Aine voidaan mielestäni johtaa tietoisuudesta. Emme pääse tietoisuuden tuolle puolen. Kaikki mistä puhumme, kaikki mitä pidetään olemassaolona, edellyttää tietoisuuden. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. I think consciousness is fundamental. I think matter can be derived from consciousness. We can't get beyond consciousness. Everything we talk about, everything that is considered to exist, requires consciousness. Emme myy geneerisiä tuotteita tässä apteekissa. We don't sell generics in this pharmacy. We do not sell generic products in this pharmacy. Nincs itt egyetlen fa. There isn't a single tree here. There's not a single tree here. Megéheztem a szex után. I'm hungry after having sex. I got hungry after sex. Oroszországba költöztek. They mowed to Russia. They moved to Russia. Meidän täytyy keksiä keino, jolla estämme Tomia näkemästä Maria. We have to figure out a way to keep Tom from seeing Mary. We need to find a way to keep Tom from seeing Maria. Próbáltam megölni már. I tried to kill her. I've tried to kill him. Ei ikinä. Never. No way. No way. Olen jotakuinkin valmis. I'm about ready. I'm more or less ready. Mind hiányozni fogtok. I will miss you all. I'm gonna miss you all. A Covid faszság. Covid is a bullshit. Covid is bullshit. Vannak emberek, akik hisznek a politikusoknak. There're people who trust politicians. There are people who believe in politicians. Hän on hyvä päästään. She's smart. He's good in the head. Ezek a bútorok olyan öregek, mint én. This furniture is as old as me. The furniture is as old as I am. Tom kimaradt a főiskoláról. Tom is a college drop out. Tom dropped out of college. Beszéltél neki a tervünkről? Have you told her about our plan? Did you tell him about our plan? Ez a busz elviszi önöket az állomásra. This bus will take you to the station. This bus will take you to the station. Bármikor eljöhetsz hozzánk látogatóba. You can visit us any time. You can come visit us anytime. Gyere be! Come inside. Come on in, man. Раськеютконь Тейтерьавань покш чи марто! Happy International Women's Day! Be careful! On a good day, even though it will be very hard for you to take care of her. ” Tim ei saanut moottoripyöräänsä käynnistymään. Tom couldn't get his motorcycle started. Tim couldn't get his motorcycle started. Vauva itki koko yön. The baby cried all night. The baby cried all night. Tom kuulab oma iPodi. Tom is listening to his iPod. He listens to his iPod. Szeretnék ellátogatni Görögországba szezonon kívűl. I would like to visit Greece off-season. I would like to visit Greece in the off-season. Ez a manga elég népszerű Kínában. This manga is pretty popular in China. This manga is quite popular in China. Yhteys ja rakkaus: Me kaikki haluamme sitä. Useimmat tyytyvät yhteyteen, koska rakkaus on liian pelottavaa. Connection and love: We all want it. Most people settle for connection because love’s too scary. Connection and love: We all want it. Most people settle for connection because love is too scary. Nem érek rá megcsinálni a mosást. I don't have time to do the laundry. I don't have time to do the laundry. A főnökömmel háltam. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Tahaksin laenata umbes kolmsada tuhat dollarit. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. Tuo kirjailija käänsi ne sadut meidän kielellemme. That author translated those fairy tales into our language. That writer translated those fairy tales into our language. Mari on rento ja hauska. Mary is easy-going and fun. Mari is relaxed and funny. Rigában lakom. I live in Riga. I live in Riga. Nem, nem látok semmit. No, I don't see anything. No, I don't see anything. Ki fognak rám akadni. They'll get mad with me. They're gonna be pissed at me. Nem bírta elviselni a fájdalmat. He couldn't bear the pain. He couldn't bear the pain. Nem értek egyet többé-kevésbé azzal, amit Tom mondott. I disagree with more or less everything Tom has just said. I disagree more or less with what Tom said. Tom vagy? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? Tom hangja nagyon kellemes. Tom's voice is very nice. Tom's voice is very pleasant. Tom nem olyan jó énekes, mint amilyennek gondolja magát. Tom isn't as good a singer as he thinks he is. Tom's not as good a singer as he thinks he is. Laske kolmeenkymppiin. Count up to thirty. Count to 30. Appi! Help me! Help! Help! Ottakaa makeisia, jos maistuu. Please help yourself to the sweets. Have some sweets, if you like. Az éghajlat mindig is változott, de ennek semmi köze az emberekhez. Man-made climate change doesn't exist. The climate has always changed, but it has nothing to do with people. Nagyon köszönöm a gyors válaszod. Thanks for your quick answer. Thank you very much for your prompt reply. A születésnapom napján születtem. I was born on the day of my birthday. I was born on my birthday. Meidän olisi pitänyt tarjota apua. We should've offered to help. We should have offered to help. Minusta on ihanaa tehdä ostoksia eBayssä. I love buying on eBay. I love to shop on eBay. Az ágyon ült, miközben anyja copfba fonta a haját. She sat on the bed as her mother braided her hair. She was sitting on the bed while her mother braided her hair. Honnan tudjuk, hogy a fény gyorsabb, mint a hang? How do we know that light travels faster than sound? How do we know that light is faster than sound? Söin kaviaaria. I ate caviar. I had caviar. Nélküled nem tudom elkészíteni. I can't make it without you. I can't make it without you. Arvasit oikein. You guessed right. You guessed it. Tom az egyik legjobb énekes, akit valaha is hallottam. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. Tom's one of the best singers I've ever heard. Vártam a válaszra, de senki sem válaszolt. I waited for the answer but nobody answered. I waited for an answer, but no one answered. Ennek következtében egy rakás pénzt bukott el. The consequence was that, she lost a considerable amount of money. As a result, he lost a lot of money. Megköszöntem. I said thanks. Thank you. Gondolom, tetszene neked. I think you might like it. I suppose you'd like it. Magatartása a legfőbb gondom. His behavior is my primary concern. His behavior is my main concern. Ez nem fog beindulni. That won't start. It's not gonna work. Reggelente mindig két csésze kávét iszom. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. Mo manná? How is it going? Mo manna? Ez a gép meg mit tud? What the heck is this machine for? What does this machine know? See raamat on ülekaalulisuse kohta. This is a book about obesity. This book is about obesity. Tomi ei mene koskaan minnekään ilman puhelintaan. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Hän koetti hypätä toisen kerran. She tried to jump up a second time. He tried to jump a second time. Minulla ei ole aikaa sellaiseen! I don’t have time for that! I don't have time for that! Olen yksinäinen. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. Olen siellä hetken päästä. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be there in a minute. Megmutatod, hogy hogyan kell csinálni? Will you show me how to do that? Will you show me how to do it? Niihin aikoihin miehet olivat vielä miehiä. Men were men in those days. At that time, men were still men. Térdelj le. Get on your knees. Get on your knees. Ihmiset eivät ole sellaisia. People aren't like that. People are not like that. Remélem, közös nevezőre jutunk. I hope that we can reach a compromise. I hope we find common ground. Sok a kétségem. I have many doubts. I have a lot of doubts. Hän on jo aloittanut. He has already begun. He's already started. Nagyon szórakoztató. It's very entertaining. It's very entertaining. Megkarmolt a macskád. Your cat scratched me. Your cat scratched me. Leültette az ágya sarkára. He had him to sit down on the edge of the bed. He sat on the corner of his bed. Synnyin Osakassa, mutta kasvoin Tokiossa. I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. En vuokraa autotallejani heille. I do not rent out my garages to them. I don't rent out my garages to them. Tässä pitäisi olla enemmän kuin riittävästi. This should be more than enough. This should be more than enough. Van instád? Do you have Insta? You have an instagram? Jó sok pénzt lenyúlt. She put away a good deal of money. He stole a lot of money. Sitä sanotaan petokseksi, Tom. It's called betrayal, Tom. It's called treason, Tom. A filmben az orvos az ellenség. In that movie, the doctor is the enemy. In the movie, the doctor is the enemy. Niin on, mutta en voi voi sille mitään. I know but I can't help it. Yes, it is, but there's nothing I can do about it. Oletko sinä japanilainen? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Imádom a hintaszékeket. I love rocking chairs. I love rocking chairs. Ez egy rossz hely. That's a bad spot. This is a bad place. Tommi olisi voinut auttaa minua, mutta hän ei tehnyt niin. Tom could've helped me, but he didn't. Tommi could have helped me, but he didn't. Elhatároztam, hogy maradok. I decided I'd stay. I decided to stay. Tämä kaavio kuvaa kaasun käyttöä Algeriassa. This chart represents gas consumption in Algeria. This graph illustrates the use of gas in Algeria. Fizetett? Did he pay? Paid? Monet sanovat, että Tom on joukkueemme paras pelaaja. A lot of people say Tom is the best player on our team. A lot of people say that Tom is the best player on our team. Tomi on luokan pisin. Tom is the tallest in the class. Tom is the tallest in the class. Hoztam neked ebédet. I brought you some lunch. I brought you lunch. Kun natsit tulivat hakemaan kommunisteja, en sanonut mitään, sillä minä en ollut kommunisti. Kun he laittoivat sosiaalidemokraatit lukkojen taakse, en sanonut mitään, sillä en ollut sosiaalidemokraatti. Kun he tulivat hakemaan ammattiyhdistysten jäseniä, en sanonut mitään, sillä enhän minä ollut ammattiliiton jäsen. Kun he tulivat hakemaan minua, ei ollut enää jäljellä ketään vastustamassa. When the Nazis came for the communists, I said nothing, because I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I said nothing, because I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I said nothing, because I was not a trade unionist. When they came for me, there was no one left who could protest. When the Nazis came for the Communists, I said nothing, because I was not a Communist. When they locked up the Social Democrats, I said nothing, because I was not a Social Democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I said nothing, because I was not a trade unionist. When they came for me, there was no one left to oppose. Tämäntyyppisillä kirjoilla ei ole juuri mitään arvoa. These types of books have almost no value. These types of books have little value. Magyarul tanul. He's learning Hungarian. She's learning Hungarian. Tom menetti kollegoidensa luottamuksen. Tom lost his colleagues' trust. He lost the trust of his colleagues. Onko sinulla koskaan syyllinen olo? Do you ever feel guilty? Do you ever feel guilty? A világ egy hatalmas hely. The world is a big place. The world is a huge place. Szükségem van valakire, akivel beszélhetek. I need someone to talk with. I need someone to talk to. Minuga on kõik korras. I'm OK. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Azt csináld, amit mondtam! Do what I told you. Do as I say. Ne mondd, hogy nem olvastad! Don't tell me you didn't read it. Don't tell me you haven't read it. Akkortájt kapta meg a jogsiját, amikor én is. He got his driver's license at the same time I did. He got his driver's license around the same time I did. Kauneus ilman aistikkuutta on kuin ruusu ilman tuoksua. Beauty without grace is like a rose without a scent. Beauty without sensuality is like a rose without fragrance. Ma sõin lõunat kaks ja pool tundi tagasi. I ate lunch two and a half hours ago. I had lunch two and a half hours ago. Lähe menee! Go away. Go, go, go! Igazi kihívás volt. It was a real challenge. It was a real challenge. Hogy dolgozik az új alkalmazott? How does the new colleague work? How does the new employee work? Senki sem fogja elhinni a sztoriját. No one will believe his story. No one will believe your story. Az egészség drága kincs. Health is a precious treasure. Health is a precious treasure. Tom joutui sateeseen ja hänen uusi pukunsa meni pilalle. Tom was caught in the rain and his new suit got ruined. Tom got caught in the rain and his new suit was ruined. Semmit sem ér. Dobd el! That's junk. Throw it away. It's nothing, drop it. Me ei vaja teda. We don't need him. We don't need him. Szerinted mennyire van szüksége Tominak? How much do you think Tom needs? How much do you think Tom needs? Mikor fognak megszületni a cicák? When are the kittens going to be born? When will the cats be born? El kell mondanunk neki az igazat. We must tell him truth. We have to tell him the truth. Elhatároztam, hogy csatlakozom az önkéntes tűzoltókhoz. I've decided to join the volunteer fire department. I decided to join the volunteer firefighters. Egyetemista vagyok. I am a college student. I'm a college student. Megmagyarázná nekem valaki, hogy itt meg mi folyik!? Could anyone explain to me what is happening here? Can someone please explain to me what is going on here? Pysytään vain rauhallisina. Let's just stay calm. Let's just stay calm. Mene pois. Minä olin täällä ensin. Go away. I was here first. Go away, I was here first. Ki vagyok már a szüleim maximalista elvárásaitól. I'm really tired of my parents' high expectations. I'm out of my parents' expectations of perfection. Túl sok erőszak megy a tévében. There's too much violence on television. There's too much violence on TV. Ellenségek voltunk. We were enemies. We were enemies. Työni on todella tärkeää. My work is very important. My work is very important. Haragudni fognak rám. They'll get mad with me. They'll be mad at me. Fogalmam sem volt róla, hogy nem beszélsz franciául. I had no idea you didn't know how to speak French. I had no idea you didn't speak French. Szerintem ismered őt. I think you know her. I think you know him. Tomi on komeampi kuin minä. Tom is better looking than I am. Tom is more handsome than I am. Láttam. I saw it. I've seen. Tomi ei tarvinnut lääketieteellisiä toimenpiteitä. Tom didn't require medical intervention. Tom did not need medical attention. Kas ma olen loll? Am I stupid? Am I stupid? Minä olin kiireinen eilen. I was busy yesterday. I was busy last night. A Száz év magány, Gabriel Garcia Marquez egy regénye több mint harmincöt nyelvre le lett fordítva. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", a novel by Gabriel García Marquez, has been translated into more than 35 languages. One Hundred Years of Solitude, a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, has been translated into more than 35 languages. Mikä vittu se on? What the bloody fuck is that? What the fuck is that? Olitko humalassa? Were you intoxicated? Were you drunk? Kaikki sanovat että hän on mukava ihminen. Everybody says he's a nice person. Everyone says he's a nice person. Elvesztette a valósággal való kapcsolatot. She's lost touch with reality. He lost touch with reality. Tom elégedett a sikerével. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom is happy with his success. Tom ei liikuttanut eväänsäkään. Tom didn't move a muscle. Tom didn’t move a muscle. Leivottaisiinko keksejä? Why don't we bake some cookies? Can we bake cookies? Mine välja! Get out! Get out! Get out! Maaliskuu on vuoden kolmas kuukausi. March is the third month of the year. March is the third month of the year. Hän tai minä. It's him or me. Him or me. Nincs személyzete. He doesn't have a crew. No staff. Hallinto päätti siirtää yrityksen pääkonttorin Hawaijille. The administration decided to move the home office of the company to Hawaii. The administration decided to move the company’s headquarters to Hawaii. Melyik szövegszerkesztőt haszálod? What editing software do you use? Which word processor do you use? Näillä potilailla on kävelyvaikeuksia. These patients have difficulty walking. These patients have difficulty walking. See on pikk jutt. It's a long story. It's a long story. Megbukott a produkció. The show failed. The production failed. Yleensä syön ranskanperunat ketsupin kanssa. I usually eat french fries with ketchup. I usually eat French fries with ketchup. Küldjük el őket mind! Let's send them all away. Let's send them all away. Nem tűnik már olyan bonyolultnak. It doesn't seem as difficult as before. It doesn't seem that complicated anymore. Átmenetileg ez maradjon közöttünk. Let's keep this between us for now. Let's keep this between us temporarily. Volt egy kis összetűzésem a szomszéddal ma reggel. I had a spat with my neighbour this morning. I had a little run-in with the neighbor this morning. Kun hän sai työt tehtyä, hän meni kotiin. When he finished the work, he went home. When he got the job done, he went home. Ha nem csaltam volna, akkor nem nyertem volna. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't had won. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't have won. Nem tudom letekerni a befőttesüveg tetejét. I can't get the lid off this jar. I can't unroll the top of the jar. Tomi sekosi. Tom went nuts. Tom went crazy. Etkö tykkää leikkiä mun kanssa? Don't you like playing with me? You don't like to play with me? Hän asuu vielä vanhempiensa kanssa. He still lives with his parents. He still lives with his parents. Ki megy majd elsőnek? Who will be the first to go? Who will go first? Ők szerelemből házasodtak, de nem boldogok már. They got married for love but they aren't happy now. They married for love, but they're not happy anymore. A nyári szünetet a nagymamámmal töltöttem. I spent my summer vacation with my grandmother. I spent the summer vacation with my grandmother. A padláson találtam. I found it in the attic. I found it in the attic. Tämä menetelmä toimii varmasti. This method is sure to work. This method certainly works. En puhu yhtään ranskaa. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak any French. Eleget tudsz. You know enough. You know enough. Szuper volt az új epizód. The new episode was great. The new episode was great. Kilpkonnadel ei ole hambaid. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Tapasztalatból mondom, hogy ez nem egy jó ötlet. My experience tells me that is not a good idea. From experience, this is not a good idea. Emme koskaan! Never! Never! Never! Mikor induljunk? When shall we leave? When do we leave? Sajnálom. Nem akartam kigúnyolni. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you. Látom, ahogy Tom az ablakban tükröződik. I can see Tom reflected in the window. I can see Tom reflected in the window. Tomi lefordította a levelet franciára. Tom translated the letter into French. Tom translated the letter into French. Kunnia Ukrainalle! Kunnia sankareille! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Hän on isäni. He is my father. He's my father. Älä katso lahjahevosen suuhun. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't look the gift horse in the mouth. Rengeteg mindent kell megbeszélnünk, neked és nekem. We have a lot to talk about, you and I. We have a lot to talk about, you and me. Tom adott nekem egy nagyon király ajándékot. Tom gave me a really cool gift. Tom gave me a really cool gift. Tudod, hogy ki mondta azt? Do you know who said that? You know who said that? Írd le a címét! Write down his address. Write down his address. Luulin, että olisit jo kuollut. I thought you'd be dead by now. I thought you'd be dead by now. Az építés hamarosan megkezdődött. Construction began shortly thereafter. The construction began soon. Ruokaa ei ollut riittävästi. There wasn't enough food. There was not enough food. Tom azt mondta, hogy szerinte Mari megőrült. Tom said he thought Mary was mad. Tom said he thought Mari was crazy. Kenen hanskat nämä ovat? Whose mittens are these? Whose gloves are these? Tomi ei ollut halukas tapaamaan lääkäriä. Tom was reluctant to see a doctor. Tom didn’t want to see a doctor. Sírás nélkül nem lehet elolvasni ezt a regényt. You can't read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without crying. Varo jalankulkijoita, kun ajat autoa. When driving a car, watch out for pedestrians. Beware of pedestrians when driving. Mélyen érzek Ön iránt. I feel for you deeply. I have deep feelings for you. Tom kysyi suuntaa lähimpään sairaalaan. Tom asked for directions to the nearest hospital. He asked for directions to the nearest hospital. Majdnem három óra volt már. It was close to three o'clock. It was almost three o'clock. Autistilapsilla ei koskaan ole tylsää. Autistic children never get bored. Autistic children are never bored. Igyunk egy kis kávét! Let's grab some coffee. Let's get some coffee. Emília görög nyelvet akar tanulni. Emily wants to learn Greek. Emilia wants to learn Greek. Kell, hogy adj még egy lehetőséget. You've got to give me another chance. I need you to give me another chance. Hän pani poikansa osallistumaan kokoukseen puolestaan. He made his son attend the meeting in his place. He invited his son to attend the meeting for him. Tom istui kuljettajan paikalle ja ajoi pois. Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off. Tom sat in the driver’s seat and drove away. Édesanyád mindig azt mondta, hogy bármit megadna egy olyan gyönyörű, göndör hajért, mint amilyen neked van. You mother has always said she would give her eyeteeth for your beautiful curly hair. Your mother always said she'd give anything for a beautiful, curly hair like yours. Olet kolmannella luokalla, eikö niin? You're in third grade, right? You're in third grade, right? Se kirja on loppuunmyyty. That book sold out. That book is sold out. Nincs mit vesztenem. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Yllätyin siitä, että Tomi ei mennyt kalaan viime viikonloppuna. I was surprised that Tom didn't go fishing last weekend. I was surprised that Tom didn't go fishing last weekend. Csak erre volt szükségem. I just needed this one. That's all I needed. Tämä ei lopu koskaan. This is never going to end. This will never end. Kuka sanoi, että voisit tehdä sen? Who said you could do that? Who said you could do that? Meddig fog itt maradni? How long will he stay here? How long are you going to stay here? He sopivat toisilleen täydellisesti. It was a match made in heaven. They're perfect for each other. Osaatsää miinustaa kuuden kymmenest? Can you subtract six from ten? You know how to beat six out of ten? Igyunk még egy sört. Let's have another beer. Let's have another beer. Mitte keegi ei saa teada. Nobody will know. No one will know. Ez a mi kis titkunk. It is our secret. It's our little secret. Oletpa hiljainen tänään. You're very quiet today. You're so quiet today. He kertoivat minulle löytäneensä heidän avaimensa. They told me that they found their keys. They told me they'd found their keys. Ez a mondat helyes? Is this sentence correct? Is this sentence correct? Voin auttaa useampaa ihmistä. I can help more people. I can help more people. Hogyan lehetsz ilyen optimista? How can you be so optimistic? How can you be so optimistic? Imádkozni fogok Tomiért. I'll pray for Tom. I'll pray for Tom. Ez szabotázs. This is sabotage. It's sabotage. Ne nevezd őt az apámnak! Don't call him my father! Don't call him my father. Taksini pitäisi olla täällä pian. My taxi should be here soon. My cab should be here soon. Tomin mukaan Mari on vain ahne guru, joka lupailee voittoja. According to Tom, Mary is just a predatory guru who promises gain. According to Tom, Mari is just a greedy guru who promises to win. Saksa valmistautuu jättämään jäähyväiset liittokansleri Angela Merkelille, joka siirtyy syrjään sunnuntain vaalien jälkeen. Germany is preparing to bid farewell to Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is stepping down after elections scheduled for Sunday. Germany is preparing to bid farewell to Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will step down after Sunday’s elections. Tomi ja Mari sanoivat, että he suostuisivat tuon tekemiseen. Tom and Mary said that they'd be willing do that. Tom and Mary said that they would do that. Emelje fel a kezét, ha nincs könyve! Raise your hand if you don't have a book. Raise your hand if you don't have a book. Kellemes nyaralást! Have a good vacation. Have a nice vacation. Veled vagyunk. We're with you. We're with you. Úgy tűnik, Tamás hazudik. Tom seems to be lying. Tom seems to be lying. Ezen a weboldalon a szavak jelentik a tetteket. On this website, words mean actions. On this website, words are actions. Nélküled nem tudom elképzelni a jövőmet. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine my future without you. Dél van. It is midday. It's noon. Szomjaznak. They're thirsty. They're thirsty. Tomi megmutatta Marinak az utat. Tom showed Mary the way. Tom showed Mary the way. Lähetän sen takaisin. I'll send it back. I'll send it back. Ő mindig megkérdezi a véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks for your opinion. Tomi nukkuu olohuoneessa. Tom is sleeping in the living room. Tom is sleeping in the living room. Kui sa tahad. If you want. If you want. Hazudnom kellett. I had to lie. I had to lie. Megvilágította a reggeli nap. It was illuminated by the morning sun. It was lighted by the morning sun. Az irodánk háborús övezetté változott. Our office turned into a war zone. Our office has become a war zone. Talán nincs mit ennie. He may not have anyhing to eat. Maybe he doesn't have anything to eat. Azt nem akarom elhinni. I don't want to believe that. I don't want to believe that. Hänen ystävänsä odottivat häntä portin pielessä. Her friends waited for her by the gate. His friends were waiting for him at the gate. Se olisi voinut olla kuka tahansa meistä. It could have been any one of us. It could have been any one of us. Kenen pizza tuo on? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is that? Mitte ühtegi ei jäetud ellu. Not one was left alive. None of them survived. Mary Tom igazi anyja. Mary is Tom's real mother. Mary Tom's real mother. Tomiról beszéltünk. We talked about Tom. We talked about Tom. Tom és Mari most tavasszal házasodtak össze. Tom and Mary got married last spring. Tom and Mari got married this spring. Missä hotellissa asut? In which hotel will you be staying? What hotel are you staying at? Nem figyelsz? Don't you pay attention? Aren't you listening? Hänellä oli yllään laivastonsininen housupuku ja kermanvalkoinen pusero. She wore a navy trouser suit and a cream blouse. He was wearing a navy blue pantsuit and a creamy white blouse. Miért vagy mérges Tamásra? Why are you mad at Tom? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ma tahan rootsikeelset raamatut. I want a book in Swedish. I want a book in Swedish. Korábban menjünk el. Let's leave early. Let's leave early. Mary lõi Tomi munadesse. Mary kicked Tom in the nuts. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nem láthat engem. She can't see me. He can't see me. Tämä on aromirikas kahvi. This coffee has a rich aroma. This is an aromatic coffee. Julia Brazília egyik délkeleti szövetségi államában él. Julia lives in a southeastern state of Brazil. Julia lives in one of the southeastern states of Brazil. Adott nekem egy üveg lekvárt. He gave me a jar of jam. He gave me a bottle of jam. Tom lukee parhaillaan kirjaa. Tom is reading a book. Tom is reading a book right now. Äitini ei osaa ajaa autoa. My mother cannot drive a car. My mom can't drive a car. Tämä on meidän laukkumme. This is our bag. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Miből gondolod, hogy hazudik? Why do you think that she lies? What makes you think he's lying? Tom mindig piszkosan hagyja a kerékpárját. Tom always leaves his bicycle dirty. Tom always leaves his bike dirty. Olen menossa konserttiin ensi viikkona. I'm going to a concert next week. I'm going to the concert next week. Én vagyok előtted a névsorban. I'm in front of you in the roll. I'm ahead of you on the roster. Työskennelkää. Work. Keep working. A kutyám rám néz. My dog is looking at me. My dog is looking at me. Tom ei ollut huomannut, että Mari oli jo mennyt kotiin. Tom wasn't aware that Mary had already gone home. Tom had not noticed that Mary had already gone home. Tomi pakotti minut kirjoittamaan tuon kirjeen. Tom made me write that letter. Tom made me write that letter. Bocsi, ez rosszul sült el. Sorry, that came out wrong. Sorry, that went wrong. Tominak ez tetszik a legjobban. Tom likes that best. Tom likes it the best. Miért dugdosol ilyeneket az asszonyod elől? Why do you hide things like that from your wife? Why are you hiding these things from your wife? Nem tudok valami jól franciául. My French isn't that good. I don't speak French very well. Hankkiudu eroon aseesta. Get rid of the gun. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ez meggy vagy cseresznye? Is it a sour or sweet cherry? Is that cherry or cherry? Olyat ígértem neki, amit nem tudok betartani. I made promises to her that I couldn't keep. I promised him something I couldn't keep. Vauva on hurmaava. A baby is adorable. The baby's adorable. Tom erősen másnapos. Tom has a bad hangover. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tomi yritti uudelleen. Tom tried again. Tom tried again. Azt hiszem, igazad volt. I think you were right. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Eléggé biztos vagyok abban, hogy Tom ezt nem fogja megenni. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat that. I'm pretty sure Tom's not gonna eat this. Koira puraisi minun kättäni. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Tom on tottunut puhumaan julkisesti. Tom is used to speaking in public. He is used to speaking in public. Ethän sano tästä mitään Tomille. Please don't say anything to Tom about this. Please don't say anything to Tom about this. Elaludtam az unalomtól. I was bored, so I fell asleep. I fell asleep from boredom. En tiedä mitä sanoa. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. György a legszorgalmasabb fiú az osztályunkban. George is the most diligent boy in our class. George is the busiest boy in our class. Älä soita minulle. Don't call me. Don't call me. Az iskolában csináljunk úgy, mintha nem járnánk. When we're at school, let's pretend we're not dating. At school, let's pretend we're not dating. Liityn seuraanne myöhemmin. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Tom ja hänen isänsä rakensivat tämän. Tom and his dad built this. Tom and his father built this. Rejtsd el az ágy alá. Hide it under the bed. Hide it under the bed. Soha nem találkoztam volna veled. I would have never met you. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Örülök ezeknek a cipőknek. I'm happy with these shoes. I am happy with these shoes. En ole koskaan kuullut hänen puhuvan pahaa kenestäkään. I've never heard him speak ill of others. I've never heard him speak ill of anyone. Elnézést, de nagy volt a forgalom. Sorry. Traffic was heavy. Sorry, but there was a lot of traffic. Megbántuk a döntésünket. We regretted our decision. T TEVEREVEREVER R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Sieluni ei ole inhimillinen, sillä se on toisesta ulottuvuudesta. My soul is not human as it is from another dimension. My soul is not human, for it is from another dimension. Átmentem ezen a vizsgán. Kiváncsi vagyok rá, hogy sikerül a következő. I passed this test. I wonder how the next one will turn out. I've passed this test, and I'm curious to see if I can pass the next one. Dan átszerelt egy új rendőri egységhez. Dan was assigned to a new police unit. Dan's reassigned to a new police unit. Whatsappolok vele mindjárt. I'm going to talk to her on WhatsApp. I'll get to whatsapp in a minute. Tom nem szeret a munkájáról beszélni. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Megvakult. He went blind. He's blind. Herätä heidät. Wake them up. Wake 'em up. Tässä on upeaa työskennellä. It's really great to work here. It's great to be working here. Az iskolában szorgalmasan tanulok. I study hard at school. I study hard at school. Igyál egy italt! Have a drink. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ei vielä. Not yet. No, not yet, no. Ne higyj el mindent, amit mond neked! Don't believe everything he tells you. Don't believe everything he tells you. Kutyaugatás. A dog is barking now. Dog barking. Két éve vásároltam a házamat. I bought my house two years ago. I bought my house two years ago. Mida sa veel tahtsid? What else did you want? What else did you want? Mukava. Nice. That's nice. Onko jotain erityistä, mitä voin tehdä puolestasi? Is there anything special I can do for you? Is there anything special I can do for you? Van egy cigid? Do you have a cigarette? Do you have a cigarette? Pont az ellenkezőjét csinálja Tom, mint amire kérve lett. Tom did exactly the opposite of what he was asked to do. Tom is doing the exact opposite of what he was asked to do. Sa meeldid Tomile. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Elmagyarázzam megint? Shall I explain it to you again? Should I explain again? A kutyánk beleszeretett a macskánkba. Our dog fell in love with our cat. Our dog fell in love with our cat. Kielégíthetetlenül kapzsi. Insatiably greedy. Insatiably greedy. Hän on itsepäinen. She's stubborn. He's stubborn. Viisaus ja hyvyys vaikuttavat alhaisille alhaiselta. Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Wisdom and goodness seem low to the lowly. Hamis bankóval fizetett. He paid with fake banknotes. He paid with counterfeit money. Mindkét változat helyes. Both versions are correct. Both versions are correct. Nagyon furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. Tönäisikö Tom sinua? Did Tom push you? Did Tom push you? Meg kell tennem ezt az ő érdekében. I have to do this for her own good. I have to do this for him. Ma olen hiinlane. I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. Minulla on vähän ylimääräistä aikaa. I have some time to waste. I've got a little extra time. Nagyon szeretem a zenét. I like music very much. I really like music. Már nem érdeklem őt. She's no longer interested in me. He doesn't care about me anymore. Vegyél neki egy sört. Buy him a beer. Buy him a beer. Játszottak. They played games. They played. Anorexiás lány. She is an anorexic girl. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tudod, hogy miért kék az ég? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Honnan jössz, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Yleensä nauta on kalliimpaa kuin sianliha. Beef is usually more expensive than pork. In general, beef is more expensive than pork. Sina ja Tom olete vist õnnelikud. You and Tom must be happy. You and Tom must be happy. Valaki jött tíz perccel ezelőtt. Someone came ten minutes ago. Someone came ten minutes ago. Missä Marika asuu nyt? Where does Marika live now? Where does Marika live now? Tom néhány nappal később érkezett. Tom came a few days later. Tom arrived a few days later. Tom a Marytől kapott leveleit mind megtartotta. Tom kept all the letters he got from Mary. Tom kept all the letters he had received from Mary. Ezt én nem rendeltem. I didn't order that. I didn't order this. A rizsárakat a kormány szabályozza. Rice prices are regulated by the government. Rice prices are regulated by the government. Tudom, hogy tudsz segíteni nekünk. I know you can help us. I know you can help us. Jästihuispauksesta on urheilulajina tulossa yhä suositumpi ympäri maailman, erityisesti yliopistokampuksilla. The sport of Muggle Quidditch is becoming increasingly popular around the world, particularly on university campuses. Muggle Sleighing is becoming an increasingly popular sport around the world, especially on university campuses. Szánalmas, ahogy él. It's miserable how he lives. It's pathetic how he lives. Lenne olyan kedves, hogy ezt lefordítja nekem? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Laual on süüa. There's food on the table. There's food on the table. Eddig három európai országban jártam. I have visited three European countries so far. I have been to three European countries so far. - Melyik a kedvenc teád? - Kávé. "What's your favorite tea?" "Coffee." - What's your favorite tea? Nousin ylös tuntia aikaisemmin kuin tavallisesti. I got up an hour earlier than I usually do. I woke up an hour earlier than usual. Heräsin ja näin varkaan huoneessani. I awoke to find a burglar in my room. I woke up and saw a thief in my room. Neked és nekem merőben mások az elképzeléseink a barátságról. You and I have very different ideas about what friendship is. You and I have very different ideas about friendship. Nem beszélek lengyelül. I do not speak Polish. I don't speak Polish. Őszintén szólva, nem akarok vele dolgozni. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. Tiedän, että Tomi on saanut sen jo valmiiksi. I know that Tom has already finished doing that. I know Tom has done it. Selvitä mitä Tom on tekemässä täällä. Find out what Tom is doing here. Find out what Tom's doing here. Nem beszélek olyan jól angolul, mint szeretném. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I don't speak as much English as I'd like. Mitä minä en halua menettää on rakkaus. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. Tom teki valintansa. Tom made his choice. Tom made his choice. Aion mennä katsomaan sitä. I'm going to see it. I'm gonna go check it out. Tom teste ott lenn fekszik a kriptában. Tom's body lies in the crypt below. Tom's body is down in the crypt. Ära sellest kellelegi räägi. Don't tell anyone about this. Don't tell anyone about this. Kop-kop. Ki van ott? Knock, knock. Who's there? Knock, knock, who's there? Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are endowed with reason and conscience, and their attitude towards one another must be fraternal. Megbosszulom ezt a sértegetést, biztos lehetsz benne! I will get revenge for this insult, you can be sure of that! I'll avenge this insult, you can be sure of that. A szálló 20 euró személyenként, éjszakánként. The hostel costs twenty euros per person per night. The hostel is 20 euros per person, per night. Jobb szeretném, ha itt maradnál. I'd rather you stayed here. I'd rather you stay here. A kis trükkjeid rajtam nem működnek. Your tricks don't work on me. Your little tricks don't work on me. Manapság senki sem hisz a szellemekben. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. No one believes in ghosts these days. Pidätkö koulussa käymisestä? Do you like going to school? You like going to school? Anna minun auttaa sinua, jos se on tarpeen. Let me help you, if necessary. If it's necessary, let me help you. Mari és Tomi életének kirakata a Facebook. Facebook is the show-window of Mary's and Tom's life. Mari and Tomi’s life is showcased on Facebook. Jos sinulla olisi aikakone, mihin menisit? If you had a time machine, where would you go? If you had a time machine, where would you go? Tom elveszett. Tom became lost. Tom's lost. Nem kaptam meg az üzidet. I didn't receive your message. I didn't get your message. Onnettomat, kuten myös huonouniset, ovat aina ylpeitä tästä ominaisuudesta. Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact. Unhappy people, as well as those with bad dreams, are always proud of this feature. Hiszünk Istenben. We believe in God. We believe in God. Befejeztem a játékot. I stopped playing. I'm done playing. Ez a lovam. It's my horse. That's my horse. Fogadtam vele egy kólában. I bet him a Coke. I bet him a Coke. Ezért mondtam, hogy ne foglalkozz vele. That's why I said forget it. That's why I told you to ignore him. Tegyél köveket a négy sarkára! Put stones onto the four corners of that. Put stones on the four corners. Ez olyan dolog, amiben egyet tudunk érteni. This is something we can agree on. That's something we can agree on. Teetpä sinä kovasti töitä. Mutta älä rasita itseäsi liikaa. You're working hard, eh. But don't push yourself too hard. You work hard, but don't strain yourself too much. Jotkin Euroopan maat eivät ole osa Euroopan unionia. Some countries in Europe are not part of the European Union. Some European countries are not part of the European Union. Meemien — nopeasti netissä leviävien humorististen kuvien, videoiden tai sanojen — alkuperä on tuntematon. The origins of the meme—a humorous image, video or words that spread rapidly on the internet—are unknown. The origin of memes — humorous images, videos, or words that quickly spread online — is unknown. Percig sem kételkedtem benne, hogy apám el fog jönni. I did not doubt that my father would come. I didn't doubt for a minute that my father would come. Úgy tippelem, otthon kell maradnom. I guess that I'll have to stay home. I guess I'll just have to stay home. Érezzétek magatokat otthon. Make yourselves at home. Make yourselves at home. Olen jo kokeillut sitä. I've already tried it. I've already tried it. Még mindig nálad van a kulcsom? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my key? Egyre inkább elvágja magát mindenkitől. He has a tendency to isolate himself. He's cutting himself off from everyone. Vett magának egy új autót. She bought herself a new car. He bought himself a new car. A tudományos díj nyertese úgy döntött, hogy a pénzjutalmat jótékonysági célra ajánlja fel. The winner of the science prize has decided to give the prize money to charity. The winner of the scientific award decided to donate the prize money to charity. Szar az idő. It's nasty weather. It's a shitty time. Miért olyan nehéz a francia? Why is French so difficult? Why is French so difficult? Entä sen jälkeen? And afterward? And then what? Lopeta jo! Cut it out. Will you stop it? Tudunk beszélni a héten? Can we talk this week? Can we talk this week? Ó, én bármit megadnék azért, hogy olyan jó író legyek, mint te! Oh, I would give my eyeteeth to be able to write like you! Oh, I'd give anything to be a good writer like you! Bőven van mit enni. There's plenty of food. There's plenty to eat. Nem tudok róla sokat, de az elég. I don't know much about him, but that is enough. I don't know much about it, but that's enough. Tomil on allergia maasikate vastu. Tom is allergic to strawberries. Tom's allergic to strawberries. Lähdemme aikaisin huomenna aamulla. We're leaving early tomorrow morning. We leave early tomorrow morning. Annyira büszke vagyok a csapatomra. I'm so proud of my team. I am so proud of my team. Lääkäri teki väärän diagnoosin. The doctor made the wrong diagnosis. The doctor made the wrong diagnosis. Nagypapám vette ezt nekem. My grandfather bought it for me. My grandfather bought it for me. Mindig iszom tejet lefekvés előtt. I always drink milk before going to bed. I always drink milk before going to bed. Erre nem fog sor kerülni. It's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Megkértelek rá, hogy ne gyere ide. I asked you not to come here. I asked you not to come here. Ez egy közmondás. It's a saying. It's a proverb. Az internet nem csatlakozik. The internet is not connecting. The Internet is not connected. Ha körüljárod a házadat, milyen tájat és milyen épületeket láthatsz? When you walk around your house, what kind of scenery and buildings can you see? When you walk around your house, what kind of scenery and buildings do you see? Többször megtörtént velem. It happened to me many times. It's happened to me several times. Anyám lemondott rólam születésemkor. My mother abandoned me as soon as I was born. My mother gave up on me when I was born. Sohasem öltem, sem sebesítettem meg senkit. I've never killed nor injured anybody. I have never killed or injured anyone. Kérsz egy kis krumplilevest? Would you like some potato soup? You want some potato soup? Nem kell menned, ugye? You don't have to go, do you? You don't have to go, do you? Elveszítette egyetlen fiát a háborúban. She lost her only son to war. He lost his only son in the war. Na, ezért nem vihetlek magammal. That's exactly why I can't take you with me. That's why I can't take you with me. Egyedül táncolt. She danced alone. She danced alone. He syyttivät meitä kiittämättömyydestä. They accused us of being ungrateful. They accused us of ingratitude. Bouteflika ambíciózus szociális programokat vezetett be. Bouteflika implemented ambitious social programs. Bouteflika introduced ambitious social programs. Hän on pahoissa veloissa. He's deep in debt. He's in deep debt. Ez elnyomó rendszer. This is an oppressive system. It is a repressive system. Mik a legjobb módjai a nyelvtanulásnak? What are the best ways to study languages? What are the best ways to learn a language? Kezdünk óvatlanok lenni. We're getting careless. We're getting careless. Egy átverés áldozata vagy. You're the victim of a hoax. You're a victim of a scam. Semminek nem volt értelme. Nothing made sense. Nothing made sense. Siessetek! Jön a busz! Hurry up! The bus is coming! Hurry, the bus is coming! Az ilyen hibák ritkák. These kinds of mistakes are uncommon. Such mistakes are rare. Úgy tűnik, Tom képtelen barátokat szerezni. Tom seems to be unable to make friends. Apparently, Tom can't make friends. Lepd meg a feleségedet ajándékkal. Surprise your wife with a gift. Surprise your wife with a gift. Zelenszkij novemberben aláírta Wahingtonban a Black Rock-kal a megállapodást. Zelensky signed the agreement with Black Rock in Washington in November. Zelensky signed a deal with Black Rock in Washington, D.C., in November. Pitääkö minun vaihtaa junaa? Do I have to change trains? Do I have to change trains? Englanti ei ole kieli. Se on noituutta. English isn't a language. It's witchcraft. English is not a language, it's witchcraft. Syön yleensä aamupalan seitsemältä. I usually have breakfast at seven. I usually have breakfast at seven. Külföldi létére jobban ismeri Magyarországot, mint sok magyar. Being a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. As a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. Még mindig alszanak. They're still sleeping. They're still asleep. Lopulta Tomi saavutti päämääränsä. Finally, Tom attained his goal. Tom finally reached his goal. Kuunne palaa. Your moon returns. Your moon is burning. Tomi levette a zokniját. Tom took off his socks. Tom took off his socks. Jobb lenne, ha itt maradnál. I'd rather you stayed here. You'd better stay here. Õunad on punased. Apples are red. The apples are red. Ne fáradj azzal, hogy fölkelsz. Don't bother getting up. Don't bother getting up. Tomilla on hyvä numeropää. Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got a good head for numbers. Ott kellett volna lennem a találkozón. I should have been at the meeting. I should have been at the meeting. Haluatko sinä yrittää? Would you give it a try? You want to try? Mit szólnátok ahhoz, ha meglógnánk a suliból és lemennénk a strandra? How about we bunk off school and go to the beach? What do you say we get out of school and go to the beach? Aki Á-t mond, mondjon B-t is. He who says A, must say B. If you say "A," say "B." Rizikósnak tartja megnyílnia mások felé. He judges it risky to open his heart to another person. It’s risky to open up to others. Szeretnék fogat mosni. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Istenem, de utálom a vesszőket! God, I hate commas! God, I hate commas. Uin joka päivä. I swim every day. I swim every day. Tudtuk, hogy Tomi igazat mond. We knew Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Palaan luoksesi niin pian kuin voin. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Iskola után baseballozik. He plays baseball after school. He plays baseball after school. Nem ezt akartam neked mondani. That's not what I wanted to tell you. That's not what I was gonna tell you. Aiotko mennä nyt? Are you going to go now? You're going now? Még nem fordítottam semmit. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. Azok vagyunk, amit ismételve csinálunk. A kiválóság tehát nem egy cselekvés, hanem egy szokás. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. We are what we repeatedly do. So excellence is not an action, but a habit. Azt mondod, az én hibám? Are you saying this is my fault? Are you saying it's my fault? Tom biztos volt benne, hogy mindenki látta Maryt. Tom was sure that everybody saw Mary. Tom was sure everyone had seen Mary. Én egy jó szakács vagyok. I'm a good cook. I'm a good cook. Kaikki ihmiset ovat sisaruksia. All people are siblings. All people are siblings. Kísértetiesen szép. It's hauntingly beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. Valaki van az ajtónál. Someone's at the door. There's someone at the door. Mikä on matkasi tarkoitus? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? Voi olla, että Tomi osaa korjata sen. Tom might be able to fix that. Tom might be able to fix it. Nem muszáj felhívnod. You don't need to call him. You don't have to call her. Tom istutas oma aeda lilli. Tom planted some flowers in his yard. He planted flowers in his garden. Mennyibe kerül a buszjegy? What's the bus fare? How much is the bus ticket? Kukaan ei aio satuttaa sinua. No one is going to hurt you. No one's gonna hurt you. Közeledünk a találkozóhelyhez. We're approaching the rendezvous point. We're approaching the rendezvous point. Miért nem járunk utána? Why don't we go find out? Why don't we look into it? Nem jelentettek károkat. There were no reports of damage. No damage was reported. Hän on ollut pitkään sairaana. He has been sick for a long time. She's been sick for a long time. Tom lenyűgöző. Tom is fascinating. Tom's amazing. Fréchet-avaruudessa avointen, tiheiden joukkojen numeroituva leikkaus on myöskin tiheä. In a Fréchet space, the countable intersection of open dense sets is itself dense. In Fréchet space, the numerical cut of open, dense sets is also dense. Mitäköhän Tom aikoo tehdä ensi viikonloppuna? I wonder what Tom is going to do next weekend. What do you think Tom's gonna do next weekend? Nad on minu sõbrad. They are my friends. They're my friends. Monet ihmiset sanovat niin. A lot of people say that. A lot of people say that. Nincs senki más. There's nobody else. There's no one else. Attól tartok, megváltoztak a szabályok. I'm afraid the rules have changed. I'm afraid the rules have changed. Kérlek, azonosítsd magad! Please identify yourself. Please identify yourself. Lenyűgöz, ahogy a kihívásokra reagálsz. I'm impressed by how you handle challenging circumstances. I am amazed at the way you respond to challenges. Szeretsz bevásárolni? Do you like shopping? Do you like shopping? Indulás! Start. Let's go! Mindannyian tudjuk, miért. We all know why. We all know why. Olemme menossa etelään. We're going south. We're heading south. Ettél már rovarokat? Have you ever eaten insects? Have you ever eaten insects? En ymmärrä tätä ollenkaan. I don't understand this at all. I don't understand this at all. Azt a vitát elvesztettem. I lost that argument. I lost that debate. Azt hiszem, segítenem kellett volna Tomnak. I guess I should have helped Tom. I think I should have helped Tom. Korán visszajöttem. I came back early. I'm back early. Egész nap egy japán mondatot próbáltam memorizálni. All day long I tried to memorize a Japanese sentence. I've been trying to memorize a Japanese sentence all day. Tommi on saita. Tom is a miser. Tommi's a bitch. Tom ei ole selles kuigi hea. Tom's not very good at it. Tom's not very good at it. Ő is beszél franciául. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Hy hymyilivät. They smiled. Hy smiled. Uskon häneen. I believe in him. I believe in him. Sok plüssállatom van. I have a lot of stuffed animals. I have a lot of stuffed animals. Ez a kirakó ötszáz darabos. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle has 500 pieces. Paljonko Espanjassa annetaan tippiä? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How many tips are given in Spain? Akármit teszek, azt mondja, hogy jobban is meg tudom csinálni. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. Whatever I do, he says I can do better. Öt eurót egy teáért?! Ugye csak viccel?! Five euros for a cup of tea? You're joking, aren't you? Five Euros for a cup of tea?! Are you kidding?! Sötét, mint az éjszaka. He's as dumb as a rock. It's dark as night. Elfelejtette visszahívni őt. She forgot to call him back. You forgot to call him back. Immunis vagyok. I'm immune. I'm immune. Tuomo liittyi kuoroomme viime vuonna. Tom joined our choir last year. Tuomo joined our choir last year. A Tom által szervezett buli hatalmas siker volt. The party organized by Tom was a huge success. The party that Tom organized was a huge success. Milyen baja van Tominak? What kind of problem does Tom have? What's wrong with Tom? Torkig vagyok! I'm fed up! I'm sick of it! Minulle maistuisi toinen olut. I feel like another beer. I could use another beer. Milyen rossz film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Öt évet éltem ott. I lived there for five years. I lived there for five years. Önkéntesekre van szükségem. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. Onko Tomilla tyttöystävää? Does Tom have a girlfriend? Does Tom have a girlfriend? Minulla ei ole mitään sinulle sanottavaa. I don't have anything to say to you. I have nothing to say to you. Megváltoztattam a mondatot. I changed the sentence. I changed the sentence. Túl sok kérdés van ezen a kérdőíven. There are too many questions on this questionnaire. There are too many questions in this questionnaire. Bidenin hallinto ilmoitti tiistaina hyväksyneensä suunnitelman USA:n ensimmäisen suuren mittakaavan avomeren tuulivoimalan rakentamiseksi. The Biden administration announced on Tuesday the approval of a plan to build the first U.S. large-scale offshore wind project. Biden’s administration on Tuesday approved a plan to build the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the United States. Mi a tallér? What is the thaler? What's the story? Megváltozott az éghajlat. The climate has changed. The climate has changed. A láza lecsillapodott. His fever subsided. His fever's subsided. Semmi sem ér fel egy kiadós éjszakai alvással. There's nothing like a good night's sleep. Nothing like a good night's sleep. Tom vei Marin ja tämän tyttären kotiinsa. Tom took Mary and her daughter home. Tom took Mary and her daughter to his home. Kavicsot tett a papírra. He put a pebble on the paper. He put pebbles on the paper. Tom ei mõistnud, miks Mary sellise otsuse teinud oli. Tom couldn't understand why Mary had made that decision. Tom did not understand why Mary had made such a decision. Nem ő, hanem ő. Not she but he. It's not him. It's him. A méh rászállt a virágra. The bee alighted on the flower. The bee's on to the flower. Szereted a tavaszi tekercset? Do you like spring rolls? Do you like spring rolls? Kell lennie egy hatékonyabb módszernek erre. There must be a more efficient way to do this. There has to be a more efficient way to do this. Utáljuk Tomot a munkája miatt. We hate Tom because of his job. We hate Tom for his work. Ma kuulen kuskil saksofoni. I can hear a saxophone somewhere. I hear a saxophone somewhere. Neked adom a szívem. I give you my heart. I'm giving you my heart. Tuomas sai kympin kokeesta. Tom got an A on the test. Tuomas got an A on the test. Minusta sinun pitäisi sanoa se Tomille. I think you should tell Tom that. I think you should say that to Tom. Tomil on ihan ookoo olo nyt. Tom is feeling OK now. Tom is feeling fine now. En pystynyt olla katsomatta. I couldn't help but watch. I couldn't help looking. Nincs jogod, hogy ezen emberek felett ítélkezzél. You have no right to pass judgement on these people. You have no right to judge these people. Elárultak téged. They betrayed you. You were betrayed. Farkasszemet nézett vele. She stared him in the eyes. He stared at her. Mikor adják ki a regényt? When's that novel going to be published? When will the novel be published? Onpa outo tyyppi! What a strange guy! What a weird guy! Nad on liiga purjus. They are too drunk. They're too drunk. Hitto. Damn. Oh, shit. A kilencvenes években sokan mentek Algériából Franciaországba. During the 1990's, many Algerians came to France. In the nineties, many went from Algeria to France. Csak egy átlagos fickó vagyok, akinek nincs vesztenivalója. I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose. I'm just a regular guy with nothing to lose. A tanító tanít. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Asszem, jól meg kell leckéztetnem. I think I must give him a good lesson. I think I need to teach him a lesson. Akinek hatalma van, annak igaza is. Whoever has the power has the right. He who has power is right. Hän potkaisi häntä munille. She gave him a kick in the balls. He kicked her in the balls. Esetleg tévedtem. I might've been wrong. Maybe I was wrong. A halhatatlanság áldás vagy átok? Is immortality a blessing or a curse? Is immortality a blessing or a curse? Az a gyerek húszig tud számolni. That child can count to twenty. That kid can count to 20. A legrosszabb következett be. The worst thing happened. The worst has happened. Koulutus alkaa kotona. Education begins at home. Training begins at home. Temast saab hea arst. He will become a good doctor. He'll be a good doctor. Te csak magadat szereted. You don't love anyone but yourself. You only love yourself. Tedd a legfelső polcra. Ott nem érik el a gyerekek. Put it on the top shelf. The children can't reach it there. Put it on the top shelf where the kids can't reach it. Közpénzt sikkasztott. He embezzled public money. He embezzled public funds. Minä en kerro sinusta kenellekään. I won't tell anyone about you. I won't tell anyone about you. A szeme se rebbent. She didn't bat an eyelid. He didn't even blink. Csináld gyors, mint az állat! Do it as quickly as possible. Do it fast like an animal! Nem tudok hangosabban beszélni. Elment a hangom. I can't speak more loudly. I don't have a voice. I can't speak louder, my voice is gone. Az út cikk-cakkban haladt fel a meredek lejtőn. The path zigzagged up the steep slope. The road was zigzag on the steep slope. Tom nem valami toleráns. Tom isn't very tolerant. Tom's not very tolerant. Se on hirveää. That's awful. It's horrible. Mindenki életben van. Everybody is alive. They're all alive. Eljött hozzam vasárnap látogatóba. She came to see me on Sunday. He came to visit me on Sunday. Azt hiszem, jól meglesz a szomszédaival. I think she will get along with her neighbors. I think he'll be fine with his neighbors. Teen hänelle tarjouksen, josta hän ei voi kieltäytyä. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse. Tapasin hänet eräänä talvipäivänä. I met her on a certain winter day. I met him one winter day. Hän rakensi uuden talon. He built a new house. He built a new house. Tomi ei ole läsnä. Tom is absent. Tom is not present. Hän ei osannut ilmaista itseään. He didn't know how to express himself. He couldn't express himself. Nem akarok sokat. I don't want a lot. I don't want much. Kinek adod a szavazatodat? Where will you give your vote? Who do you give your vote to? Kallista mind. Hug me. Give me a hug. Ma tahan mõõka nagu see siin! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! Yksipuolisin Grand Slam -loppuottelu koskaan käytiin vuoden 1988 Ranskan avoimissa, kun Länsi-Saksan Steffi Graf jyräsi Neuvostoliiton Nataša Zverevan 6-0, 6-0. Ottelu kesti vaivaiset 34 minuuttia. The most lopsided Grand Slam final in tennis history was the 1988 French Open final, when Steffi Graf of FRG pummeled Natasha Zvereva of USSR 6-0, 6-0. The entire match lasted merely 34 minutes. The most one-sided Grand Slam final ever took place at the 1988 French Open, when West Germany's Steffi Graf beat the Soviet Union's Natasha Zvereva 6-0, 6-0. The match lasted a mere 34 minutes. Tom egyedül volt. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Minun oli varattava lento Tomille. I had to book a flight for Tom. I had to book a flight for Tom. Túlszaporodtak a medvék Erdélyben. Bears are overpopulated in Transylvania. Bears are overgrown in Transylvania. Mitä sinä olet aikeissa tehdä? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Tom siirtyi niin, että Mari pääsi istumaan hänen viereensä. Tom moved over so that Mary could sit next to him. Tom moved so that Mary could sit next to him. Tom nem tudta eldönteni, hogy kire szavazzon. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who to vote for. Fekete furgonnal megyek. I drive a black van. I'm driving a black van. Hogy a nap feljött, lekapcsoltam a fényeket. The sun having risen, I turned off the light. When the sun came up, I turned off the lights. Miksi annoit hänelle puhelinnumeroni? Why did you give her my phone number? Why did you give him my phone number? Nem menekülhetünk mindig előlük. We can't always flee from them. We can't run from them all the time. Hó födi a hegycsúcsot. The mountain peak is covered with snow. Snow covers the mountain top. Nem tudom kezelni a mosógépet. I don't know how to work the washing machine. I can't handle the washing machine. A hörcsögünket megette a macskánk. Our hamster was eaten by our cat. Our hamster was eaten by our cat. Tomi selvisi hengissä kolarista. Tom survived the car crash. Tom survived the crash. No mites koe? How did your test go? So what's the test? Tom csónakját ellopták. Tom's boat has been stolen. Tom's boat was stolen. Nyomja meg ezt a gombot az ajtó kinyitásához. Press this button and the door will open. Press this button to open the door. Voisimmeko puhua vähän aikaa kahden? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you for a minute? Tud várni? Can you wait! Can you wait? Valamilyen önző indítékból cselekszik. She is acting from some selfish motive. He's acting out of some selfish impulse. Milyen gyakran mentek ki külföldre? How often did they go abroad? How often do you go abroad? Azt hiszed, már a pokolban vagy, de ez még mindig a Föld. You think you're already in hell, but it's still Earth. You think you're already in hell, but this is still Earth. Szeretem a sárkánygyümölcsöt. I like dragon fruit. I like dragon fruit. Te nagyon ronda vagy. You're very ugly. You're so ugly. Egyszerűen nem bírom ki, hogy ne gyújtsak rá. I just can't help smoking. I just can't stand not smoking it. Néhány jó tanácsot adott nekem. She gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice. Megcsinálom. Ne mondhassa rám senki azt, hogy gyáva vagyok. I'll do it. No one can say I'm a coward. Don't let anyone call me a coward. Ryhdistäydy! Get a grip on yourself! Pull yourself together! Le kell vágatnom a frufrumat. I need to get my bangs trimmed. I have to get my bangs cut. Vízbe fullt. She drowned. He drowned. Becsület és halál közül kell választanod. You must choose between honor and death. You must choose between honor and death. A képlettel semmi baj sincs. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. Lopeta jo! Come off it! Will you stop it? Elhatározta, hogy orvos lesz. She decided to be a doctor. He decided to become a doctor. Norjan pääkaupunki on Oslo. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. The capital of Norway is Oslo. Voisitko viedä tämän paketin postitoimistoon? Can you please take this package to the post office? Could you take this package to the post office? A vicced átment minden határon! Your joke is way out of line. Your joke's crossed a line! Képtelen volt megtanulni. He was unable to learn it. He was unable to learn. Éltél már távkapcsolatban? Have you ever had a long distance relationship? Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Kuinka suuri on liian suuri puhelimeksi? How big is too big for a phone? How big is too big for a phone? Hallitus on reformoimassa koulutusta. The government has been reforming education. The government is reforming education. Kun Tom heräsi, Mary oli suihkussa. When Tom woke up, Mary was taking a shower. When Tom woke up, Mary was in the shower. Tom kysyi päätään raapien: ”Oletko nähnyt kirjoituspöydällä olleita papereita, Mari? Ne ovat aika tärkeitä.” ”Ai, minä heitin sen roskan pois viime viikolla, Tom”, Mari vastasi huolettomasti. Scratching his head, Tom asked, "Have you seen that paperwork that was on the desk, Mary? It's kind of important." "Oh, I threw that crap away last week, Tom," Mary replied offhandedly. Tom scratched his head and asked, “Have you seen the papers on the desk, Mari? They’re pretty important.” “Oh, I threw that trash away last week, Tom,” Mari replied carelessly. Találtál valamit? Did you find something? Did you find anything? John saatis mulle saksakeelse kirja. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a letter in German. Tomi on fiksumpi kuin minä. Tom is smarter than I am. Tom is smarter than me. Mi történik, miután meghaltunk? What happens after we die? What happens after we die? F heksadesimaaleissa on yhtä suuri kuin 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. F in hexadecimal paints is equal to 15. Minä ostan. I'm buying. I'll buy. Kérlek, kifele menet zárd be az ajtót! Please lock the door on your way out. Please lock the door on your way out. Velem maradtak a szobában egész éjjel. They stayed in the room with me for the whole night. They stayed in the room with me all night. Missä te olette olleet? Where have you been? Where have you guys been? Ne válj olyanná, mint ő! Don't become like her. Don't become like him. Ne becsülj minket alá! Don't underestimate us! Don't underestimate us. Nem tart sokáig ez a meleg. This warm weather won't last. This heat won't last long. Hyvää halloweenia! Happy Halloween! Have a good Halloween! Olet juovuksissa, Tomi. Tule taksiin. Me lähdemme kotiin. You're drunk, Tom. Get in the taxi. We're going home. You're drunk, Tomi, get in the cab, we're going home. Me teadsime seda. We knew this. We knew that. Penészesek a fürdőszoba falai. There's mould on the bathroom walls. The walls of the bathroom are moldy. Hän oli päättänyt uusista toimintaperiaatteista. He had decided on a new policy. He had decided on a new policy. A válasz még így is nem volt. The answer was still no. The answer wasn't even there. Esitä voittaneesi. Pretend you've won. Pretend you've won. Bárcsak tudnám, hogy hol van! I wish I knew where he was! I wish I knew where he was. Puhutteko italiaa? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? Itt, Bostonban ilyesmi soha nem történik. That never happens here in Boston. This never happens here in Boston. Osaatteko te edes kuvitella, millaista minun elämäni on? Do you have any idea what my life is like? Can you even imagine what my life is like? Kun maine on mennyttä, voi rohkeasti jatkaa eteenpäin. Once your reputation's gone, you can boldly carry on. When your reputation is gone, you can move forward with courage. Olen siviili. I'm a civilian. I'm a civilian. Jó tudni, hogy te mindig itt leszel nekem. It's nice to know that you're always there for me. It's good to know I'll always have you. Tom elnézést kért, hogy nem jött korábban. Tom apologized for not coming earlier. Tom apologized for not being here sooner. Tämä naine ei ole šoma. This woman is not pretty. This woman is not a shama. Van elég időd? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Menestyäksesi elämässä tarvitset kahta asiaa: tietämättömyyttä ja itsevarmuutta. To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. To be successful in life, you need two things: ignorance and self-confidence. Varo! Tiessä on reikä! Look out! There's a hole in the road. There's a hole in the road! Megpróbálom megakadályozni, hogy ez bekövetkezzen. I'm going to try not to let it happen. I will try to prevent this from happening. Úgy teszek, mintha nem hallottam volna. I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you. En ole käynyt Sapporossa. I've never been to Sapporo. I've never been to Sapporo. Tom on tottunut ajamaan avolavalla, mutta hän ei ole ikinä ajanut sellaisella todella isolla rekka-autolla. Tom is used to driving a pickup truck, but he's never driven one of those really big trucks. Tom is used to driving a pickup truck, but he has never driven such a really big truck. El tudod olvasni az orosz dőlt betűket? Can you read Russian written with cursive letters? Can you read the Russian italics? Neki hiszek. It's him I believe. I believe him. Majdnem három óra volt. It lasted nearly three hours. It was almost three o'clock. Apám egy mihaszna naplopó volt, aki egész nap a hátsóján üldögélt és csipszet evett. My father was a good-for-nothing layabout who sat about on his posterior all day and ate potato chips. My father was a worthless idler who sat on his ass all day eating chips. El fogom magyarázni. I'll explain. I'll explain. Pantheon on nykyisin kirkko. The Pantheon is now a church. The Pantheon is now a church. En voisi ikinä pettää sinua! I would never betray you! I could never betray you! Tartsd egy másodpercig. Hold on for a second. Hold on a second. Ha megteszed, életed végéig sajnálni fogod. If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Már nem tudok megbízni az orvosokban. I can't trust the doctors any longer. I can't trust doctors anymore. Tom túl fiatal hozzá, nem? Tom is too young for that, isn't he? Tom's too young for that, isn't he? Ő mindig az én oldalamon áll. He is always on my side. He's always on my side. Sütésnél mérőpoharat használok. I use a measuring cup when baking. I use a measuring cup for baking. Nem említett téged. He didn't mention you. He didn't mention you. Szeretem az esőzést. Te nem, Tomi? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? I like the rain, don't you, Tom? Sunnuntaina menen kirjastoon. On Sunday I will go to the library. Sunday I go to the library. Tamásnak túl sok idejét veszi el a munka. Tomás spends too much time working. Tom takes up too much of his time. Tom megbecsüli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. Me läksime Londonisse. We went to London. We went to London. Te peate mõlemad ära minema. You both need to get away. You both have to go. Szia, a nevem Mária. Hi, my name is Mary. Hi, my name is Maria. Korán távoztak. They left early. They left early. Senki sem tudja, mi történt akkor. Nobody knows what happened that time. No one knows what happened then. Oli lämmin, joten avasin ikkunan. It was warm, so I opened the window. It was warm, so I opened the window. He molemmat nauravat. They both laugh. They're both laughing. Köln on Reinin varrella. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Cologne is on the Rhine. Mosolyognak. They're smiling. They're smiling. Tom nem egyedül cselekedett. Tom didn't act alone. Tom wasn't acting alone. Senki sem ismeri az igazságot. No one knows the fact. No one knows the truth. Miért nincsenek itt a gyerekeid? Why aren't your children here? Why aren't your kids here? A felhő nagy mennyiségű pára az égen. A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. The cloud is a large amount of vapor in the sky. Katopa, kusipää saapui paikalle. Look, the asshole has arrived. Hey, look, the asshole's here. Anna minun suudella sinua. Let me kiss you. Let me kiss you. Ha olyan meleg van, miért nem dobod le a ruháidat magadról? If it's that hot, how about you take off all your clothes? If it's so hot, why don't you throw your clothes off yourself? Tämä on viimeinen mahdollisuutesi viettää aikaa Tomin kanssa. This is your last chance to spend time with Tom. This is your last chance to spend time with Tom. Vett egy bútort az áruházban. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. Szerintem megbírkózunk vele. I think we can. I think we can handle it. Kockázatos befektetésnek tűnik nekem. That seems like a risky investment to me. Sounds like a risky investment to me. Ingyen sör van csütörtök esténként. There's free beer on Thursday nights. There's free beer on Thursday nights. Tom másmilyen. Tom is different. Tom's different. Oikealla on ohrapelto; kun taas vasemmalla on vehnäpelto. On the right, there is a field of barley; while on the left, there is a field of wheat. On the right is a field of barley; on the left is a field of wheat. Elfelejtettem a nevét. I forget her name. I forgot his name. Pelkäät totuutta. You're afraid of the truth. You're afraid of the truth. He peittivät pöydän liinalla. They covered the table with a cloth. They covered the table with a cloth. Koromsötét éjszaka volt. It was a pitch black night. It was a dark night. Шумбратадо! Hello! Say hello to them. A macskák kisebbek a kutyáknál. Cats are smaller than dogs. Cats are smaller than dogs. Voit mennä ulos kunhan tulet pian takaisin. You may go out as long as you come back soon. You can go out as soon as you get back. Hän on keskipituinen. He's of average height. He's medium-sized. Tom egy gyárban dolgozott. Tom worked in a factory. Tom worked in a factory. Azt teszem, amit bármely érző ember is tenne. I'm doing what any sensible person would do. I'm doing what any sentient person would do. Olemme innokkaita. We're enthusiastic. We're eager. Az eszperantó a szeretet nyelve. Esperanto is the language of love. Esperanto is the language of love. Akarod, hogy elmagyarázzam azt neked? Do you want me to explain that to you? You want me to explain that to you? Olemme Ranskasta. We are from France. We're from France. Tomilla oli vaikeuksia saada matkalaukkunsa auki. Tom had trouble getting his suitcase opened. Tom had trouble opening his suitcase. Nagy családja van. He's got a large family. He's got a big family. Soha nem szavaztam Orbánra. I've never voted for Orban. I have never voted for Orban. Luokkakaverini ovat säälittäviä. He ovat opiskelleet neljä vuotta ja eivät osaa siitä huolimatta taivuttaa verbejä! Ainoa opiskelija, joka osaa puhua hyvin, ei ole enää luokalla. My classmates are pathetic. They have studied for four years and yet they can't conjugate verbs! The only student who can speak well is not in the class anymore. My classmates are pathetic. They've been studying for four years and they can't conjugate verbs! The only student who can speak well is no longer in class. Sinulla on kauniit jalat. You have beautiful feet. You have beautiful legs. Tegnap levelet kaptam anyutól. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Gyere! Mutatom az utat. Come on. I'll show you the way. Come on, I'll show you the way. Én is emlékszem erre. I remember it, too. I remember that, too. Ő az egyik munkatársam. He is one of my colleagues. He's one of my co-workers. Nem tartotta fontosnak Tom, hogy informáljon minket. Tom didn't consider it important to inform us. Tom didn't think it was important to inform us. Minulta vei useita tunteja korjata se. It took me several hours to repair it. It took me several hours to fix it. Egészen elképesztő. It's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing. Mesélj róla! Csupa fül vagyok. Tell me about it, I'm all ears. Tell me about it, I'm all ears. Minden reggel vásárolni megyek. Every morning, I go shopping. I go shopping every morning. Minden ülés foglalt ezen a metrón. Every seat in this tube is taken. All seats are occupied on this subway. És azt honnan tudod? And how do you know that? And how do you know that? Katso kaivoon. Look into the well. Look in the well. A klímakonferenciára mindenki is privát jettel érkezett. Everyone arrived to the climate conference by a private plane. Everyone came to the climate conference in a private jet. Hän päätti tulla asianajajaksi. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. Israel on hebreaksi "Yisrael". Israel is called "Yisrael" in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for Israel is “Israel.” Ez nem tűnik nekem logikus magyarázatnak. That doesn't seem like a logical explanation to me. That doesn't seem like a logical explanation to me. Vágasd le a hajad! Get a haircut. Cut your hair. Miért mászol fel arra a fára? Why are you climbing this tree? Why are you climbing that tree? Ei minun tarvinnut auttaa sinua mutta tein sen silti. I didn't have to help you, but I did. I didn't have to help you, but I did it anyway. Tämä saattaa olla vaarallista aluetta. This could be a dangerous area. This could be a dangerous area. Ovesi ei ole lukossa. Your door's unlocked. Your door's unlocked. Ne feledd el feltakarítani a te részlegedet. Remember to clean up your workstation. Don't forget to clean up your department. Olin hänen hautajaisissaan. I attended his funeral. I was at his funeral. Kaheksajalg Paulil oli õigus. Octopus Paul was right. Octopus Paul was right. Gyertek ide! Itt találtam valamit. Come here. I've found something here. I found something here. On parempi olla onnellinen hölmö kuin onneton nero. Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage. It is better to be a happy fool than an unhappy genius. Kuigi sadas, läksin ma välja. Although it was raining, I went out. Even though it was raining, I went outside. Dzsingisz kán birobalma napkelettől napnyugatig terjedt. Genghis Khan's empire spread from the point where the sun rises, to the point where the sun sets. Genghis Khan's empire extended from the east to the west. Miért nem vetted fel a telefont, amikor hívtalak? Why didn't you pick up the phone when I called you? Why didn't you answer the phone when I called? Srácok, nem szeretnétek valami murisat csinálni? Do you guys want to do something fun? You guys want to do something fun? Bezártam az ajtót. I locked the door. I locked the door. Kell tudnod kottát olvasni, ha a kórus tagja akarsz lenni. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. You need to be able to read music if you want to be part of the choir. Ta käib juuksuris kolm korda kuus. He gets a haircut three times a month. She goes to the barber three times a month. Nem szabad elmenned. You mustn't go. You mustn't leave. Gyanítom, ez volt az egyetlen módja, hogy a feladat el legyen intézve. I assume that was the only way to get the job done in time. I suspect that was the only way to get the job done. Tomi orav on pime, ta kardab kõrgust ja on pähklite vastu allergiline. Ma ei usu, et ta ilma Tomita ellu jääks. Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think that he would survive without Tom. Tom's squirrel is blind, he's afraid of heights, and he's allergic to nuts. Tomi oli uskomattoman onnekas. Tom was incredibly lucky. Tom was incredibly lucky. Milyen nyelven beszélsz? What language do you speak? What language do you speak? Tom már megjavította a törött széket. Tom has already fixed the broken chair. Tom's already fixed the broken chair. Ma olin natuke näljane. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Tom egy kicsit vörös lett. Tom got a little red. Tom got a little red. A legtöbb fogkrém tartalmaz fluoridot. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Tudod, mit felejtettünk el? You know what we forgot? You know what we forgot? A festményen egy a szabadban reggeliző társaság látható. The painting shows a group of people having breakfast outdoors. The painting shows an outdoor breakfast company. Ez csúnya. That's ugly. It's ugly. Olen sarjakuvapiirtäjä. I'm a cartoonist. I'm a cartoonist. Tom nagyon jó abban, hogy rossz legyen. Tom is very good at being very bad. Tom is very good at being bad. Vaikka Tomi onkin rikas, hän ei ole onnellinen. Although Tom is rich, he's not happy. Even though Tom is rich, he is not happy. Kértek kávét? Did they ask for some coffee? You guys want coffee? Ő a barátnőd? Is this your girlfriend? Is she your girlfriend? Halveksit Tomia, eikö niin? You despise Tom, don't you? You despise Tom, don't you? Nem tudunk sok mindent tenni felkészülni. There isn't much we can do to prepare for that. There's not much we can do to prepare. Csak rajtad áll. It just depends on you. It's up to you. Álmodban beszéltél hozzám. You talked to me in your sleep. You talked to me in your sleep. Tomi on ujo. Tom is shy. Tom is shy. Voisitko avata pullon? Please open the bottle. Would you open the bottle? Soha többé nem láttam őt. Never did I see him again. I never saw him again. Hiányolom a melegséget és gyengédséget, amit éreztem egykoron. I miss the warmth and affection I used to feel. I miss the warmth and tenderness I once felt. Melyik úton mentek? Which way did they go? Which way did you go? Bocsásson meg, hogy félbeszakítom. Excuse me for interrupting you. Forgive me for interrupting. Biztosan nem fog nekik tetszeni. They won't surely like it. I'm sure they won't like it. Kas sa saad mulle koopia teha? Can you make a copy for me? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Várj! Mindjárt mutatok neked valamit. Wait. I'm going to show you something. Wait, I'll show you something. Min nevetsz? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Menen vain tarkistamaan. I'll just go check. I'm just gonna go check. Bent vagyok most az épületben. I'm in the building now. I'm in the building now. Meg tudnám szokni, hogy itt éljek. I could get used to living here. I could get used to living here. Anteeksi, en tiedä patronyymiäsi. Excuse me, I don't know your patronymic. I'm sorry, I don't know your patronymic. Oletko kuullut mitä tapahtui? Have you heard what happened? Have you heard what happened? Beszéltem Tommal egy párszor. I talked to Tom a couple times. I talked to Tom a few times. Nézzük, mi az eredmény. Let's see what the outcome is. T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Mennad iszonyatosan sötét. Mennad is fucking stupid. You'd be awfully dark. Hiszel a szellemekben? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Tomi nagyon kedves hozzám, de Saminek sokkal több pénze van. Tom's very kind to me, but Sami has much more money. Tom is very nice to me, but Sam has a lot more money. Et voi lopettaa nyt. You can't quit now. You can't stop now. Erős a hitem. My belief is strong. My faith is strong. Ma a szerencse az én oldalamon áll. Luck's on my side today. Today, luck is on my side. Hän lauloi kauniisti. She sang with a beautiful voice. She sang beautifully. Tom még mindig követ minket. Tom is still following us. Tom's still following us. Kone toisensa jälkeen nousi ilmaan. One plane after another took off. One plane after another took to the air. Lement megnézni Tomi, hogy ki jött. Tom went downstairs to see who had come. He went down to see who was coming. Käytän piilolinssejä. I wear contact lenses. I wear contact lenses. Együtt végezzük a munkát. We work together. We do the work together. Kaikki olivat aivan ällikällä lyötyjä, kun hän onnistui tulemaan raskaaksi 48-vuotiaana. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. Everyone was stunned when she managed to get pregnant at the age of 48. A gondjaim mintha soha nem érnének véget. My problems seem to never end. It's like my troubles never end. Se oli kellarissa. It was in the basement. It was in the basement. Kihúztad a fürdőkád dugóját, így lefolyt némi víz. You opened the bathtub drain, so some of the water went away. You unplugged the bathtub, so some water drained. Nad lähevad. They are going. They're going. Erzsi a napot, holdat és csillagokat kérte Tamástól; Mariának elég volt az ifjú szerelme. Betsy asked Tom for the sun, the moon and the stars; for Mary his love was enough. Erzsi asked Tamás for the sun, moon and stars; Maria had enough of his young love. Pidän hänen asenteestaan. I like her attitude. I like his attitude. Remélem, addig maradsz börtönben, míg meg nem halsz. I hope you stay in prison until you die. I hope you stay in jail until you die. Istutimme oratuomea ja orapihlajaa uudeksi pensasaidaksi. We planted blackthorn and whitethorn to make a new hedgerow. We planted hawthorn and hawthorn as a new hedge. Tom tiesi mitä tulisi tapahtumaan. Tom knew what was going to happen. Tom knew what was going to happen. Van még kérdés, amit fel szeretnének tenni nekem? Are there any other questions you'd like to ask me? Are there any more questions you'd like to ask me? A Nagy Újraindítás második lépése az energiaválság. The second step of Great Reset is energy crisis. The second step of the Great Restart is the energy crisis. Saatan tarvita asianajajaa. I may need a lawyer. I might need a lawyer. Mikä on sinun lempianimehahmo? What's your favorite anime character? What is your favorite character? Hän ei koskaan soittanut minulle. She never played music for me. He never called me. Mari a középiskolában Tomiba volt szerelmes. Tom was Mary's high school crush. In high school, Mari was in love with Tomi. Hol a fegyvered? Where's your weapon? Where's your gun? Minulla on yliopistotutkinto. I've got a university degree. I have a college degree. Ez tényleg szomorú. It really is sad. That's really sad. Hol van a legközelebbi könyvtár? Where's the nearest library? Where is the nearest library? Ki a kedvenc zenészed? Who's your favourite musician? Who's your favorite musician? Hogy ne kezdjünk el vitatkozni, nem mondok semmit. So as not to start an argument, I don't say anything. So we don't have to argue, I'm not saying anything. Sinun kuusi palaa. Your moon returns. Your six will burn. Semmiképpen nem nézem meg azt a sorozatot; az kész szenvedés. There's no fucking way I'm going to watch that series, it's a complete pain in the ass! I don’t watch that series at all; it’s suffering. Võta seda rohtu söögikordade vahel. Take this medicine between meals. Take this medicine between meals. Hajnalodott, amikor végre elaludtunk. It was getting light when we finally fell asleep. It was dawn when we finally fell asleep. En olisi saanut työtä, jos sinä et olisi suositellut minua. I wouldn't have gotten the job if you hadn't recommended me. I wouldn't have gotten the job if you hadn't recommended me. Opettaja havainnollisti ajatusta kokeella. The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. Monissa muslimimaissa alkoholi on kielletty. Alcohol is forbidden in many Muslim countries. Alcohol is banned in many Muslim countries. Mitä säilytät autosi tavaratilassa? What do you keep in the trunk of your car? What do you keep in your car’s trunk? Mennem kell. I've got to go. I've got to go. Olimme menneet katsomaan varjoteatteria tuona iltana. We had gone to watch the shadow puppets earlier that night. We went to see the shadow theatre that night. Az ágakat húzták le a gyümölcsök. The tree was bending under the weight of the fruit. The branches were pulled down by the fruits. Város a városban. This is a city in a city. City in the city. A legtöbb ember nem tud rólunk semmit. Most people know nothing about us. Most people don't know anything about us. Tomi gazdag, de Mari nem. Tom is wealthy, but Mary isn't. Tom is rich, but Mary is not. Tom üritas mind kaitsta. Tom tried to protect me. Tom was trying to protect me. Emme peräänny koskaan. We'll never back down. We'll never back down. Elő tudsz hozakodni valami stratégiával? Can you come up with a strategy? Can you come up with a strategy? Hogyan kezdődött az élet a Földön? How did life start on Earth? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Igazán gondolhattál volna erre előbb is! You should have thought about that before. You really should have thought of that before. Ehkä voin auttaa. Maybe I can help. Maybe I can help. Mindig elkésik. She is always late. He's always late. Tudja, mi szomorúnak lenni. He knows what sorrow means. You know what it's like to be sad. Még egy lehetőséget adtam Tominak. I gave Tom another chance. I gave Tom another chance. Bár tudnánk teleportálni! I wish we could teleport. I wish we could teleport. Minun täytyy mennä. I gotta go. I've got to go. Minua laiskottaa. I feel lazy. I'm feeling lazy. Szeretnek téged. They love you. They love you. Tomnak addiktív személyisége van. Tom has an addictive personality. Tom has an addictive personality. Minä vain haluan mennä takaisin. I just want to go back. I just want to go back. Tudtam válaszolni a kérdésére. I could answer his question. I was able to answer your question. Most máshogy nézel ki. You look different. You look different now. Hagyd már abba a pánikolást! Stop panicking! Stop panicking! Tomi ei koskaan puhu sen eksistä. Tom never talks about his exes. Tom never talks about his ex. Beszállt minden utas? Have all the passengers boarded? Are all passengers on board? Vitun hintti. You fucking faggot. You fucking faggot. Az éjjeli égbolt a város felett bíbor színben játszott. The night sky above the city illumined in purple. The night sky above the city was purple. Kihúzták egy fogam. I got a tooth pulled. They pulled out a tooth. Ez Tom nagybácsi farmja. This is Uncle Tom's farm. This is Uncle Tom's farm. Voinko saada hyvityksen? Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? Nem kell mindent megenned, amit eléd raknak. You don't have to eat everything you're served. You don't have to eat everything they put in front of you. Feladta, hogy külföldre menjen. He gave up going abroad. He gave up on going abroad. Mul on sülearvuti. I have a laptop. I have a laptop. A pékség a faluban bezárt. The bakery in the village has closed. The bakery in the village is closed. Az idősödés nem azt jelenti, hogy többé nem szabad használnod a fantáziádat. Getting older doesn't mean you should no longer use your imagination. Ageing doesn’t mean you should stop using your imagination. Mihin aikaan menit nukkumaan eilen illalla? What time did you go to sleep last night? What time did you go to bed last night? Ez nem az enyém. It's not mine. It's not mine. A Fed kb. 700 milliárd dollár készpénzt semmísített meg egy év alatt, hogy ne szálljon el az infláció. The Fed destroyed about 700 billion dollars in cash in one year in order to prevent inflation. The Fed didn’t cash out about $700 billion in a year to keep inflation from creeping up. Olet friikki. You're a freak. You're a freak. Remélhetőleg szerzünk néhány ingyenjegyet. Hopefully, we can get some free tickets. Hopefully we can get some free tickets. Le kellene nyelned a büszkeséged és felhívni őt. You should swallow your pride and call her. You should swallow your pride and call her. Az autó alatt van a macsek. The cat is under the car. The cat's under the car. Miehet ovat kaikki samanlaisia. Niin äiti tapasi sanoa. Men are all alike. Mother used to say so. Men are all the same, that's what Mom used to say. Most hogy tudja már Tomi, ki vagyok, nem maradhatok itt. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Now that Tom knows who I am, I can't stay here. Fusd át ezt a szöveget és mondd el, mi van ide írva, ha megértetted. Go through this text quickly and tell me if you understand what's written here. Go through this text and tell me what's written here, if you understand. Az idős nő a bevásárlóközpont mögött lakik egy keskeny utcában. The old woman lives in a narrow alley behind the shopping centre. The old woman lives behind the mall on a narrow street. Akkorra kész lesz, mikorra kell. It'll be ready by the time it'll be needed. It'll be ready when it's due. Ez övön aluli ütés volt. It wasn't fair. That was an under-the-belt hit. Olet liian nuori ymmärtämään. You're too young to understand. You're too young to understand. Monet merimiehet eivät osaa uida. Many sailors can't swim. A lot of sailors can't swim. Csak egy kis figyelmet akar. He only wants a little affection. He just wants some attention. A múzeum nyitva van ma? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Egyből felismertem. I recognised him immediately. I recognized him immediately. Tykkäätkö lukemisesta? Do you like reading? You like to read? Ön mit olvas? What are you reading? What are you reading? Ha csak egy kalapácsotok van, minden gond szegnek tűnik. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail. If you only have one hammer, all your troubles seem like nails. Tegnapelőtt elment közülünk. He passed away the day before yesterday. He left the day before yesterday. Nem maga az első, aki ezt kérdezi tőlem. You're not the first person to ask me that. You're not the first person to ask me that. Tomnak erre szüksége lesz, nem? Tom is going to need this, isn't he? Tom's gonna need this, isn't he? Tom asuu yksikseen isossa talossa. Tom lives in a large house by himself. Tom lives alone in a big house. Tom vaikutti menestyksemättömältä. Tom seemed unsuccessful. Tom was unsuccessful. A holdvilág a tó felszínén úszott. The moonlight reflected on the lake. The moon was floating on the surface of the lake. A bátraké a világ. The world belongs to the courageous. The brave are the world. Libasült van burgonyával. We have fried goose with potatoes. It's goose and potatoes. Tenger hatását kelti ez a tó. That lake looks like the sea. This lake has the effect of the sea. Ma saan sellega ise hakkama. I can manage that on my own. I can do this on my own. Tom gyakran kihagyja a reggelit. Tom often skips breakfast. Tom often skips breakfast. Szánalmas vagy. You're pathetic. You're pathetic. Tom mindig nagyon kedves volt hozzám. Tom has always been very nice to me. Tom has always been very kind to me. Tomi osaa korjata mitä tahansa. Tom can fix anything. Tom can fix anything. Könnyedén átugrotta a kerítést. It easily jumped the fence. He jumped the fence easily. Pitääkö Tomin olla läsnä? Does Tom have to be present? Does Tom have to be there? Itt kell várnunk. We must wait here. We'll have to wait here. Ha kimegy a szobából, ne felejtse el lekapcsolni a villanyt. Be sure to turn out the light when you go out of the room. When you leave the room, remember to turn off the lights. Tom meni hakemaan jäitä. Tom went to get some ice. Tom went to get some ice. Sattuuko tämä? Is this going to hurt? Is this gonna hurt? Hiányoztam, vagy nem? You missed me, didn't you? Did you miss me or not? En pystynyt pidättämään kyyneleitäni. I could not keep the tears from my eyes. I couldn’t hold back my tears. Jövök, ahogy szólnak. I came as soon as I was told. I'll come as I'm told. Ez nevetséges. That's ludicrous. This is ridiculous. Minun ei olisi pitänyt valvoa myöhään eilen. I should not have stayed up late yesterday. I shouldn't have been up late last night. Tom nyökkäsi hyväksyvästi. Tom nodded in agreement. Tom nodded approvingly. Kirsikat ovat nyt täydessä kukassa. The cherry is now in full bloom. The cherries are now in full bloom. Mielőtt döntenék, szeretném megvitatni a családdal. Before I make a decision, I'd like to consult my family. Before I make a decision, I'd like to discuss it with the family. Lentokentälle, kiitos. To the airport, please. Airport, please. Ihatok itt a csapvízből? Can I drink the tap water here? Can I drink the tap water here? Elnézést a késés miatt! Elaludtam. Sorry I'm late. I overslept. Sorry I'm late, I fell asleep. Kuulostaa hauskalta. It sounds like fun. Sounds like fun. Ne stírölj! Stop staring at me. Don't look at me. Tom ei aloittanut ranskan opiskelemista kuin vasta kolmekymppisenä. Tom didn't start to study French until he was thirty. Tom didn't start learning French until he was in his thirties. Tom teeskentelee, ettei hän ymmärrä ranskaa. Tom pretends he doesn't understand French. Tom pretends he doesn't understand French. Tom a színfalak mögött várakozik. Tom is waiting in the wings. Tom is waiting behind the scenes. Jok'ikinen on lapsi, samasta suvusta. Sama satu tuuduttaa heidät uneen ja herättää heidät aamutuimaan. All men are children, and of one family. The same tale sends them all to bed, and wakes them in the morning. Every one of them is a child of the same family, and the same fairy tale lulls them to sleep and wakes them up in the morning. Nem füstöl a kéménye. Rosszat sejtek. His chimney isn't smoking. I have a bad feeling. I don't see smoke in your chimney. Mary muutti Yhdysvaltoihin myöhäisteini-iässään. Mary went over to the United States in her late teens. Mary moved to the United States late in life. Mennyibe kerül a sárgarépa? How much are the carrots? How much do carrots cost? Nem ez az egyetlen oka, hogy itt vagy, ugye? That is not the only reason you are here, is it? That's not the only reason you're here, is it? Tom nem olyan fiatal, mint Mari. Tom isn't as young as Mary. Tom is not as young as Mary. En pelaa tennistä. I don't play tennis. I don't play tennis. Mi már megebédeltünk. We've already had lunch. We've already had lunch. Tomi furcsa. Tom is weird. Tom is strange. Ezt mind magam okoztam. It's all my own doing. I caused all this myself. Miért vagy nyugtalan? Why are you concerned? Why are you so worried? Megígérte, hogy nem fog meghalni. He promised he wouldn't die. He promised he wouldn't die. Ki az ördög volt az? Who the devil was that? Who the hell was that? Teidän pitäisi auttaa teidän isäänne. You should help your father. You should help your father. Megkérted őket, hogy várjanak? Did you ask them to wait? Did you ask them to wait? Nem fair. No fair. That's not fair. Söin ruokalassa. I ate in the canteen. I ate in the cafeteria. Tamás sosem lakott Bostonban. Tom never lived in Boston. Thomas never lived in Boston. El tudod vontatni az autómat? Can you tow my car? Can you tow my car? Itt Brazíliában motorbicikliket is használnak taxiként. Here in Brazil, even motorcycles are used as taxis. Here in Brazil, motorbikes are also used as taxis. Meg kellene nézned a tortát. I need to check on the cake. You should check out the cake. Muutama naapureista tuli toivottamaan meidät tervetulleiksi asuinalueelle. A few of the neighbors came by to welcome us to the neighborhood. A few neighbors came to welcome us to the neighborhood. Széttárta a lábait. He spread his arms outwards. He spread his legs. Hallinnolla on painetta luoda uusia menettelytapoja. The heat is on the administration to come up with a new policy. The administration is under pressure to create new policies. Tämä on sinun koirasi. Missä minun on? This is your dog. Where's mine? This is your dog, where's mine? Azt mondták, sürgős. They said that it was urgent. They said it was urgent. Még messze van a nyár. Summer is still far away. Summer is still far away. Voin tuskin nähdä sen. I can barely see it. I can barely see it. Tud ajánlani egy olcsó hotelt? Can you recommend an inexpensive hotel? Can you recommend a cheap hotel? Kas sa oled kuidagi hädas? Are you in any difficulty? Are you in any kind of trouble? Roomalaiset tuhosivat Karthagon. Carthago was destroyed by the Romans. The Romans destroyed Carthage. Két éjszakára maradok. I will be staying for two nights. I'm staying two nights. Meidän täytyy kunnioittaa muita. We must respect others. We must respect others. A gazdagsághoz a szorgalom kevés. Diligence is not enough for wealth. There is not enough money for wealth. Meg akarta őt változtatni. She wanted him to change. He wanted to change her. Úgy mondtam neki, hogy szeretem, mintha a világ legtermészetesebb dolga lenne. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, I told him that I loved him. I told him I loved him like it was the most natural thing in the world. Tom éppen az ellentettjét csinálta annak, mint amire kérték. Tom did exactly the opposite of what he was asked to do. Tom did exactly the opposite of what he was asked to do. Teiän pitäis keskittyy tiehen kun te ajatte. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You should be focused on the road while you're driving. Próbáltam elaludni. I was trying to fall asleep. I tried to sleep. Miten on mahdollista, että et muista? How can you not remember? How is it possible that you don't remember? Minulla ei ole siitä mitään sanottavaa. I have nothing to say about it. I have nothing to say about that. Saisit hävetä, Tomi. Shame on you, Tom. You should be ashamed of yourself, Tom. Tom nem mert a szirt szélére állni. Tom was afraid to stand on the edge of the cliff. Tom didn't dare stand on the edge of the cliff. Az alma után nyúlt. She reached for the apple. He reached for the apple. Mi van a kutyával? What's wrong with the dog? What about the dog? Miten tiedät niin paljon Japanin historiasta? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about Japanese history? Megígértem, hogy segítek. I promised I would help. I promised you I'd help you. Odaadtam a koldusnak minden pénzem, ami nálam volt. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. I gave the beggar all the money I had. Egy nap majd rájövök, kik voltak a szüleim. One day, I'll find out who my parents were. Someday I'll find out who my parents were. Tomi pitää kypsistä naisista. Tom likes mature women. Tom likes mature women. Sirályok köröztek fent. Seagulls whirled overhead. Seagulls were circling upstairs. Nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen közel kerülök a szomszédhoz; de csak így tudtam elverni. I didn't think that I'd get so close to my neighbor; but it was the only way I could clobber him. I didn't think I'd get this close to my neighbor; but it was the only way I could beat him. A tengeri tehenek panaszkodtak Davosban a WEF-fórumon, hogy a tőkések miért szennyezik nekik össze az óceánt. Sea cows complained in WEF conference in Davos why capitalists pollute the oceans. The sea cows complained at the WEF forum in Davos about why the capitalists contaminate the ocean for them. Se on totuus. It's the truth. That's the truth. Sajnálom, de meg kellett tennem. I'm sorry, but I had to do it. I'm sorry, but I had to do it. Harri, minä olen huolestunut. Harry, I'm worried. Harri, I'm worried. Norja on maailman rikkain maa. Norway is the richest country in the world. Norway is the richest country in the world. Elég magányosnak éreztem magam. I felt pretty alone. I felt pretty lonely. Ei syytä huoleen. Se on helppoa. Don't worry. It's easy. Don't worry, it's easy. Az ön kérdésének semmi köze a tárgyalt témához. Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion. Your question has nothing to do with the subject under discussion. Aloin itkeä. I started to cry. I started to cry. Saksalaisen ystäväni nimi on Hans. My German friend is called Hans. My German friend's name is Hans. Tässä on kaikki mitä voin tehdä toistaiseksi. This is all I can do for now. This is all I can do for now. Mikor ketten csinálják ugyanazt, az már nem ugyanaz. When two are doing the same thing, it is not the same. When two people do the same thing, it's not the same thing. Me ei tarvita sitä. We won't need it. We don't need it. Olen juuri lähdössä. I am about to leave. I'm just leaving. Nincs más választásunk: dolgoznunk kell. We have no alternative but to work. We have no choice but to work. Tom a kijárathoz ment. Tom went to the exit. Tom went to the exit. Tomi házához nagy udvar tartozik egy jó nagy tölgyfával. Tom's house has a big backyard with a large oak tree. Tomi's house has a big yard with a big oak tree. Sinun pitäisi käydä enemmän ulkona. You should get out more. You should get out more. Sosem találkoztam még olyan személlyel, akit rögtön rühelltem. I've never met a person that I've disliked immediately. I've never met a person I immediately disliked. Ő csak tizenöt éves. She's only fifteen. She's only 15. A feleségem huga bevett egy marék tablettát. The younger sister of my wife took a handful of pills. My wife's sister took a handful of pills. Mul on kolm last. I have three children. I have three kids. A politikusok azok a szarkeverők, akiknek nincs kedvük dolgozni. Politicians are shit stirrers who don't feel like working. Politicians are the scumbags who don't want to work. Tomnak szüksége van a segítségedre. Tom needs your help. Tom needs your help. Mitä olette aikeissa tehdä? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Sinun tähtesi, isä, silppuaisin itse paholaisen paloiksi tai muuttuisin itse paholaiseksi. For your sake, father, I would cut the devil himself into small bits, or even become a devil myself. For your sake, Father, I would shred the devil into pieces myself or become the devil myself. A baszk nyelv eredete ismeretlen. The origin of the Basque language is unknown. The origin of the Basque language is unknown. Igazi bolond. He's a real fool. He's a fool. Csináld azt, amit mondok, ne azt, amit csináltam. Do as I say, not as I did. Do what I say, not what I did. Grupp püüdis lahendada sotsiaalseid probleeme. The group tried to solve social problems. The group tried to solve social problems. Tämä on sanaleikki. This is a pun. It's a play on words. En tiennyt, että olisit täällä. I didn't know that you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. Láttad őt? Have you seen him? Did you see her? Tom osaa joitakin sanoja ranskaksi. Tom knows some words in French. Tom knows a few words in French. Tudom, hogy életben maradok. I know I will survive. I know I'm gonna live. Holnap kukanap van. Tomorrow's trash day. Tomorrow is garbage day. Kertoiko Tom Marille, mitä Joni sanoi. Did Tom tell Mary what John said? Did Tom tell Mari what Joni said? Ez egy unalmas szó. It's a boring word. It's a boring word. Szóbuborék jelent meg Tom feje felett. A thought bubble appeared over Tom's head. A bubble appeared over Tom's head. Yritin kertoa Tomille mitä täytyy tehdä, mutta hän ei vaikuttanut kiinnittävän siihen huomiota. I tried to tell Tom what needed to be done, but he didn't seem to be paying attention. I tried to tell Tom what to do, but he didn't seem to pay attention. Olyanok, mint apa és fia. They are like father and son. They're like father and son. Lehet, hogy Tominak szüksége lesz rá. Tom might need it. Maybe Tom will need it. Már minden rendben. Vége van. It's all right now. It's all over. It's all right now, it's over. Az az ember megkérdezte, ki vagyok, de nem véltem szükségesnek válaszolni neki. That man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer that question. The man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer him. Tomi höpötti minulle outoja juttuja. Tom told me some strange things. Tom said some strange things to me. Nem volt elég? Wasn't that enough? Wasn't it enough? Tom kuoli vankilassa kymmenen vuotta sitten. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Tom died in prison ten years ago. Eszter jobbról balra olvas. Esther reads from right to left. Esther reads from right to left. Sinun on huonompi. Yours is worse. Yours is worse. Millises koolis sa käisid? What school do you go to? What school did you go to? En ole vielä ajanut partaa. I haven't shaved yet. I haven't shaved yet. Félek a baglyoktól. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of owls. Jól viselkedtetek ma? Did you behave today? Did you have a good day? Hänen tarinansa ei voi olla valheellinen. His story can't be false. His story can't be a lie. Függetlenül attól, hogy te elhiszed-e vagy sem, én hiszek benne. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. Egyél, ne beszélj! Eat, don't speak. Eat, don't talk. Sain Tomilta joulukortin. I got a Christmas card from Tom. I got a Christmas card from Tom. Elnézést, segíthetek? Excuse me, but do you need any help? Excuse me, can I help? Kun ihmiset tapaavat, ensivaikutelma määrää enemmän kuin 50 prosenttia siitä mitä tapahtuu seuraavaksi. When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next. When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50% of what happens next. Ő nagyon fiatal. Sokkal fiatalabb, mint Tom. He's very young. He's much younger than Tom. He's very young, much younger than Tom. Hagytad őt elmenni!? You did let him go? You let him go!? Nekem kell az a meló. I need that job. I need that job. Tomi sárga volt az irigységtől. Tom was green with envy. Tom was yellow with envy. Syö nuudeleita. Eat noodles. Eat noodles. Mi örömmel elfogadjuk az ajánlatodat. We gladly accept your offer. We are happy to accept your offer. Még egy kicsit? A little more? A little more? Tom on aika itsepäinen. Tom is quite obstinate. Tom's pretty stubborn. Tietyt ihmiset pakenivat uskonnollista sortoa. Certain people escaped from religious discrimination. Certain people were fleeing religious oppression. Zöld-piros színtévesztő vagyok. I'm red-green colorblind. I'm a green-red colorblind. Mary megijedt Sami anakondájától, amikor meglátta. Mary got scared of Sami's anaconda as she saw it. Mary was frightened by Sami's anakonda when she saw him. Aluksi hän ei tajunnut voittaneensa puhekilpailun. At first he did not realize that he had won the speech contest. At first, he didn't realize he'd won a speech contest. Van hozzá egy adalék: a kezelés nem működik mindig. There is one caveat: the treatment does not always work. There’s a catch: treatment doesn’t always work. Nem leli a békét. He never gets any peace. He won't find peace. Figyelmet kérek! Attention please! Your attention, please. Elvitte a tetőnket a tájfun. Our roof got blown off in the typhoon. The typhoon took our roof. Nem volt meleg a víz. The water was not warm. The water wasn't hot. Tom szerint a leves túl forró. Tom said that the soup was too hot. Tom says the soup is too hot. Egy nap sem telik el úgy, hogy ne gondolnék rád. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Csináltassak tetkót? Should I get a tattoo? Get a tattoo? Hän tuli toimistooni asti keskustellakseen suunnitelmasta kanssani. He came all the way to my office to discuss the plan with me. He came all the way to my office to discuss the plan with me. Bármit is teszel, ne mondd el Tamásnak. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Te leszel a fülem és a szám, Tomi. Te tudsz franciául. You'll be my ears and my mouth, Tom. You speak French. You'll be my ear and my mouth, Tomi. Magam sem tudom, mit akarok. I myself don't know what I want. I don't even know what I want. A tanító magasság szerint állította sorba a gyerekeket. The teacher lined the children up in order of height. The teacher arranged the children according to their height. Találkoznom kell Tomival. I need to see Tom. I have to meet Tom. Elégettek minden dokumentumot. They burned all the documents. They burned all the documents. Mari meni yliopistoon, koska hän oli fiksu, mutta Tom meni yliopistoon, koska hän pelasi ykkösdivarissa. Mary went to college because she was smart, but Tom went to college because he was a Division 1 player. Mari went to college because she was smart, but Tom went to college because he played in the first division. Tom későn jött haza. Tom was late coming home. Tom came home late. Egy hétig fog esni, ha holnap nem áll el. It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow. It's going to rain for a week if it doesn't stop tomorrow. Három éve, a választások elött megígérte Jankovics Tamás, hogy harcolni fog az oligarchák ellen. Az van, hogy ellenük semmit nem tett az elnöki székben, de mostanra már maga is olyan gazdag, mint az oligarchák. Three years ago, Tom Jackson promised before the election he would fight against oligarchs. Actually, he did nothing against them in the presidency and now he's as rich as oligarchs. Three years ago, before the elections, Tamás Jankovics promised to fight against the oligarchs. The fact is that he did nothing against them in the chair, but now he is as rich as the oligarchs. Nem értem, mire akarsz kilyukadni ezzel. I don't understand what you meant by that. I don't know where you're going with this. Tom a kanapé alatt találta meg a kulcsait. Tom found his keys under the sofa. Tom found his keys under the couch. Ymmärrätköhän sinä. I wonder whether you understand. Do you understand? A mérkőzést esőben is lejátsszák. The game will be held even if it rains. The match will also be played in the rain. Nem akart rendőröket hívni. He didn’t want to call the police. He didn't want to call the police. Ez a mondat túl hosszú! This sentence is too long! That sentence is too long! Ne várjuk meg a liftet! Menjünk a lépcsőn! Let's not wait for the elevator. Let's take the stairs. Let's not wait for the elevator, let's take the stairs. Tomot törölték a Twitterről. Tom's being canceled on Twitter. Tom has been removed from Twitter. Az autóban smároltunk. We smooched in the car. We made out in the car. Kas sa ei pannud seda tähele? Didn't you notice it? Didn't you notice that? Ki éljenzett? Who cheered? Who cheered? Soha nem azonosultam a nézeteiddel s most sem, sem a jövőben nem fogok. I never agreed with your way of seeing things, nor do I now, nor will I ever. I have never identified with your views, and neither now nor in the future. A gyerekek kínzására hozták létre a matematikát. Math was created to torture children. They created mathematics to torture children. Ismét dolgozunk. We are at work again. We're working again. A lánynak miért segítettél a fiúnak meg miért nem? Why did you help her and not him? Why did you help the girl, and why didn't you help the boy? A mockarita hasonló a margaritához, egy tequila nevű alkohollal készített italhoz. A mockarita is similar to a margarita, a drink made with the alcohol called tequila. Mockary is similar to margarita, a drink made with tequila. Saturnus söi lapsensa. Saturn devoured his children. Saturn ate his children. A pirosat részesítem előnyben. I prefer red. I prefer the red one. Van egy megoldás. There is one solution. There's a solution. Rosszabbodik Béla állapota. Tom's condition is getting worse. Bela's condition is getting worse. Mistä sinä ostit sen kirjan? Where did you buy that book? Where did you buy that book? A híd sokba került. The bridge cost a lot of money. The bridge was expensive. Beállította az időzítőt, és maga is odalépett a fényképező elé. He set the timer and he also stood in front of the camera. He set the timer and walked in front of the camera. Tomi yritti pestä veren pois vaatteistaan. Tom tried to wash the blood off his clothes. Tom tried to wash the blood off his clothes. Ki nem állhatom. Mégis mit tehetek? I can't stand him. What can I do? I can't stand it. Ez a könyv elképesztő. This book is amazing. This book is amazing. Tom egyike volt azon sokaságnak, akik szóban ellenezték a javaslatot. Tom was one of many to voice opposition to the proposal. Tom was one of the many who verbally opposed the proposal. Nem értettem. I didn't understand it. I didn't get it. Koettelet kärsivällisyyttäni. You're trying my patience. You're testing my patience. Tomi oli surullinen. Tom was sad. Tom was sad. Szeretek egyedül utazni. I like to travel by myself. I like to travel alone. Udvariasan elutasította az állásajanlatot. He politely turned down the job offer. He politely declined the job offer. Hol van a pénzváltó? Where is the currency exchange? Where's the money changer? Azt hiszem, kezdem elveszteni a fejem. I think I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my mind. A szüleim imádnak téged. My parents adore you. My parents love you. Az nem egy igazi megoldás. That isn't really a solution. That's not a real solution. A sztrájk három napig tartott. The strike lasted three days. The strike lasted three days. Tom on aloittanut ranskanopinnot. Tom has begun studying French. Tom has started studying French. Opiskelen yliopistossa. I am a university student. I'm a college student. Ma võtsin raamatu. I took the book. I took the book. Mennyien várnak még kinn? How many are still waiting outside? How many are still out there? Vihollinen kärsi järisyttäviä menetyksiä. The enemy suffered staggering casualities. The enemy suffered devastating losses. Tom pucér volt. Tom was naked. Tom was naked. Perhe söi lounasta. The family ate lunch. The family had lunch. Ültem és bámultam. I sat and stared at it. I sat and stared. On mahdollista, että Tom saattaa yrittää tappaa itsensä uudestaan. There's a chance that Tom might try to kill himself again. It's possible that Tom might try to kill himself again. Senki nem fog meghalni. No one is going to die. No one is going to die. Minun nimi on Yamada. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. Tomi katsoo vähintään yhden elokuvan päivässä. Tom watches at least one movie a day. I watch at least one movie a day. Semmi sem állhatott távolabb az igazságtól. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Tom piti kovasti ranskanopettamisesta. Tom loved teaching French. Tom loved teaching French. Tamás balkezes? Is Tom left-handed? Tom's left-handed? A macska olyan mint egy ember. The cat is like a human. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH A tapasztalat az a név, amelyet mindenki ad a tévedéseinek. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Sinun täytyy kävellä ennen kuin voit juosta. You must walk before you can run. You have to walk before you can run. Tomi herää tavallisesti noin yhdeksältä. Tom usually wakes up around nine. Tom usually wakes up around nine. Tom ei osaa sitoa kengännauhojaan. Tom doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces. Tom doesn't know how to tie his shoes. A szálloda drága volt, ezért az állomáson aludt. The hotel was expensive, therefore he slept at the station. The hotel was expensive, so he slept at the station. Laillista se! Legalize it! Legalize it! Minun nimi on Andrea. My name is Andrea. My name is Andrea. Nagyon kedves, de nekem ez így jó. You are very kind, but I am fine. That's very kind, but it's good for me. Ha ezt teszed, kritikáknak leszel kitéve. If you do that, you will risk severe criticism. If you do this, you will be subject to criticism. Tom a legidősebb fiunk. Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our oldest son. Nem mondanám, hogy irigy lennék rájuk. I can't say I envy them. I wouldn't say I'm jealous of them. Onko sinulla tylsää tässä? Are you bored here? Are you bored with this? Majd megszidom. I'll scold him. I'll check it out. Älä huoli. En kerro Tomille. Don't worry. I won't tell Tom. Don't worry, I won't tell Tom. Tomi on aivan yksin. Tom is all alone. Tom is all alone. Et ole vielä tavannut perhettäni. You haven't met my family yet. You haven't met my family yet. — Tom velünk fog lakni. — Majd ha fagy! "Tom is going to live with us." "Over my dead body!" “Tom’s going to live with us.” Tom papagája folyékonyan beszél franciául. Tom's parrot fluently speaks French. Tom's parrot speaks fluent French. Már túl sötét van ahhoz, hogy labdázzunk. It's too dark to play baseball now. It's too dark to play ball. A felhőkarcolók liftjei szédületes sebességgel emelkednek. The skyscraper's elevators ascend at an astonishing rate of speed. The elevators of the skyscrapers are rising at a dizzying speed. Sok rémálmom volt, ezért egy barátom adott nekem álomcsapdát. I was having a lot of nightmares, so a friend gave me a dream-catcher. I had a lot of nightmares, so a friend gave me a dream catch. Ezt szeretném. I want this one. I'd like that. Nem felel meg ez a hotel. This hotel will not do. This hotel is no good. Heitä oli kolme ja heillä oli aseet. They were three and they were all armed. There were three of them and they had guns. Vihreä valo palaa. A green light is on. The green light is on. A segítség már úton van. Help is already on the way. Help is on the way. Pitääkö meidän odottaa Tomia? Do we need to wait for Tom? Do we have to wait for Tom? "Olen hyvin iloinen", hän sanoi. "I am very happy", he said. "I am very happy," he said. Tom sanoi, että hänellä oli ongelmia Marin kanssa. Tom said he was having problems with Mary. Tom said he had a problem with Mari. Ветлӥ. I went. I did. Kuidas sõit läks? How did the trip go? How was your ride? Kaiken sen jälkeen Mari eli hiljaista elämää pienessä asunnossa Välimeren rannalla. After it was all over, Mary lived quietly in a small apartment overlooking the Mediterranean. After all that, Mari lived a quiet life in a small apartment on the shore of the Mediterranean. Csak játszott vele. She just played with him. He was just playing with it. Nagyon tiszteljük őket. We respect them a lot. We have a lot of respect. Nem hagyom, hogy Tom Bostonba menjen. I won't let Tom go to Boston. I'm not gonna let Tom go to Boston. Por borította a gépet. The machine was covered in dust. The plane was covered in dust. Kumpi on parempi shakissa, Tomi vai Mari? Who's better at chess, Tom or Mary? Who is better at chess, Tom or Mary? Tegnap voltam ott, így ma nem megyek oda. I was there yesterday, so I won't go there today. I was there yesterday, so I'm not going there today. Tom on todella huolissaan. Tom is really worried. Tom's really worried. En pidä semmoisesta musiikista. I don't like that kind of music. I don't like that kind of music. Ongelmana oli aika. The problem was time. The problem was time. Ez mindenkit befolyásol. It affects everyone. It affects everyone. Nagyon kreatív Fidel az ágyban. Fidel is very creative in bed. Very creative Fidel in bed. Vauva on jatkanut itkemistään jo lähes 10 minuuttia. The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes. The baby has been crying for almost 10 minutes. Mikä sinun tavoitteesi Tatoebassa on? What's your aim in Tatoeba? What is your goal in Tatoeba? Sateella ruoho tuoksuu. While it rains, the grass smells. When it rains, the grass smells. Otan sinuun yhteyttä pian. I'll get in touch with you soon. I'll be in touch with you shortly. Eläminen on vaikeaa, kuoleminen helppoa. Life is hard. Death is easy. Living is hard, dying is easy. Utaztál már elefántháton? Have you ever ridden an elephant? Have you ever traveled on an elephant? A teve nagy tiszteletnek örvend a tuaregeknél. The Tuaregs have great respect for camels. The camel has great respect for the Tuaregs. Tom jobban is kezelhette volna a problémát. Tom could've handled the problem better. Tom could have handled the problem better. Elfelejtette visszahívni őt. He forgot to ring her back. You forgot to call him back. Onko tuo musta pussi teidän? Is that black bag yours? Is that your black bag? Hallgatni fogok, mint a csuka. I'll be as quiet as a mouse. I'll be quiet as a pike. Vannak emberek, akik bíznak a politikusokban. There're people who trust politicians. There are people who trust politicians. Olen varma, että Tom sai viestin. I'm sure Tom got the message. I'm sure Tom got the message. Minun lapsiveteni meni. My water broke. My water broke. Ez olyan tinglitangli zene. That's elevator music. It's kind of like tinglian music. Ő fogja játszani Sarastro szerepét. He'll play the role of Sarastro. He will play the role of Sarastro. Bouteflika nagyratörő szociális programokat léptetett életbe. Bouteflika implemented ambitious social programs. Bouteflika has put in place ambitious social programs. Levegőn majd hamarabb megszárad. The air will speed up the drying. It'll dry faster in the air. Etuovi ei aukea. The front door won't open. Front door won't open. Mind őrültek vagyunk. We're all crazy. We're all crazy. Egy kis sikátorba fordultam. I turned into a small alleyway. I turned into a little alley. Matematika órán néha még azt sem értem, hogy mit nem értek. In math class I sometimes don't even understand what exactly I don't understand. In math class, sometimes I don't even understand what I don't understand. Olutpullot valmistetaan lasista. Beer bottles are made of glass. Beer bottles are made of glass. Vastaa edes yhteen kysymykseen. Just answer one question. Answer at least one question. Tom elhányta magát a hullámvasúton. Tom vomited on the roller coaster. Tom threw up on the roller coaster. Hän lähetti minut. He sent me. He sent me. Mióta megérkeztünk, Tom folyamatosan ki volt készülve. Tom has been a nervous wreck ever since we arrived. Ever since we got here, Tom's been freaking out. Ole kiltti ja kouri tissejäni todella kovaa Please grab my tits really hard. Please, just grab my boobs real hard. George W. Bush syntyi Connecticutin osavaltiossa vuonna 1946. George W. Bush was born in the state of Connecticut in 1946. George W. Bush was born in Connecticut in 1946. Ne aggódj! Don't worry. Don't you worry. Irán ballisztikus rakétákkal csapott rajt az ISIS-en Szíriában. Iran hit ISIS with ballistic missiles in Syria. Iran launched ballistic missiles at ISIS in Syria. Nem beszélek olyan jól angolul, mint ahogy szeretném. I don't speak English so well as I would like to. I don't speak English as well as I'd like to. A világ egészsége nagymértékben függ az erdők úgynevezett zöld gyógyszertáraitól. The health of the world is largely dependent on the forests’ so-called green pharmacies. The health of the world depends to a great extent on the so-called green pharmacies of forests. Az alkalmankénti viharok családok ezreit hagyja fedél nélkül a régióban minden évben. The occasional rainstorms in the region leave thousands of families without a roof every year. The occasional storm leaves thousands of families homeless in the region every year. Kun olin lapsi, luulin, että jos kuolisin, maailma vain katoaisi. Miten lapsellinen harhaluulo! En vain voinut hyväksyä sitä, että maailma voisi jatkaa olemassa oloaan ilman minua. When I was a kid, I thought that if I died the world would just disappear. What a childish delusion! I just couldn't accept that the world could continue to exist without me. When I was a child, I thought that if I died, the world would just disappear. What a childish delusion! I just couldn’t accept that the world could continue to exist without me. Ma hány hot dogot adtál el? How many hot dogs have you sold today? How many hot dogs did you sell today? Se oli viimeinen kerta kun näin Tomin. That was the last time I saw Tom. That was the last time I saw Tom. Mind le vagytok izzadva. You're all sweaty. You're all sweaty. Eikö Tom löytänytkin sitä? Tom found it, didn't he? Tom found it, didn't he? Láttál errefelé te farkasokat? Have you ever seen any wolves around here? Have you seen any wolves around here? Fogd azt a táskát! Grab that bag. Take that bag. Tom mosolygott. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Sosem adjuk meg magunkat. We'll never surrender. We will never surrender. Kahvia vai teetä? Coffee or tea? Coffee or tea? Úgy teszek, ahogy a kedvem tartja. I'll do as I please. I'll do as I please. Tudod, hogy hol lakik? Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? Tom megesküdött. Tom swore. Tom was sworn in. A nevem Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Älkää murehtiko epäonnistumisia. Don't dwell on failures. Don’t worry about failure. Tomi kertoo aina vitsejä. Mary was late for dinner. Tom's always telling jokes. A darab megtörtént eseményeken alapszik. The play was based on real events. The play is based on actual events. Szeretem a gyümölcsöt. I like fruit. I like fruit. Biza sokan csinálták. A lot of people did do that. A lot of people did. Ma tean, et mul on vaja magada kaheksa tundi ööpäevas, aga tavaliselt ma magan vähem. I know that I should sleep for at least eight hours per day, however usually I sleep less. I know I have to sleep eight hours a day, but I usually sleep less. Tavallisesti Tomi on ujo ja epävarma kaveri, mutta kun hän pukee ylleen turripukunsa, hän tulee ulos kuorestaan ja hänestä tulee seurallinen, energinen ja hurmaava hahmo. Normally, Tom is a shy and indecisive guy, but when he puts on his fursuit, he comes out of his shell and becomes this outgoing, energetic, fascinating character. Usually Tom is a shy and insecure guy, but when he puts on his fur coat, he comes out of his shell and becomes a sociable, energetic and charming character. En pysty odottaa enää. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Ha ismét összehoz a sors ezzel a Tom "Dszekszonnal", pofán vágom. If I ever see that Tom Jackson again, I'll slap him in the face. If fate brings me back together with this Tom Sexton, I'll punch him in the face. Mindenki csodálta a bátorságát. Everybody admired his courage. Everyone admired his courage. Kilpikonnilla ei ole hampaita. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Hova szeretnél menni legközelebb? Where do you want to go to next? Where would you like to go next? On vaarallista kiivetä tuolle vuorelle. It is dangerous to climb that mountain. It's dangerous to climb that mountain. Kauppa menee kiinni seitsemältä. The shop closes at seven. The store closes at 7:00. A gyerekemnek orvosra van szüksége. My child needs a doctor. My child needs a doctor. Hän pelkää kuolemaa. He is afraid of death. He's afraid of dying. Dan kifizette az összes szerencsejáték miatti tartozását. Dan paid up all his gambling debts. Dan paid off all his gambling debts. A kutyám megette. My dog ate it. My dog ate it. Mikor mérted magad utoljára? When was the last time you weighed yourself? When was the last time you measured yourself? Nieiddas lea vielges heasta. The girl has a white horse. Your daughter has a lot of good things. Mindenki ismeri a törvényt. Everyone knows the law. Everyone knows the law. Hideg van itthon. It's cold at home. It's cold in here. Ettől ugyan nem érzem magam jobban. That's not making me feel any better. Doesn't make me feel any better. Miksiköhän naiset eivät kaljuunnu. I wonder why women don't go bald. I wonder why women don't get bald. Meglepő, hogy senki sem szavazott a jelöltre. Strange to say, no one voted for the candidate. I'm surprised no one voted for the candidate. A lány nővé vált, a nő meg férfivá. The girl became a woman and the woman became a man. The girl became a woman and the woman a man. — Miért nem csinálod meg? — Nemhogy megcsinálnád te! "Why don't you do it?" "Why don't you do it instead?" “Why don’t you do it?” Te vagy az én szenvedélyem, életem szerelme. You're my addiction. Love of my life. You are my passion, the love of my life. Miért nem jön vissza? Why doesn't he come back? Why don't you come back? Tomi piileskeli pusikossa. Tom hid in the bushes. Tom was hiding in the bushes. Tom pyysi palkankorotusta. Tom asked for a raise. Tom asked for a raise. Menen seuraavalla bussilla. I'll catch the next bus. I'm taking the next bus. Olen aivan sipissä. I'm all in. I'm all over the place. Vastaa minun kysymykseeni. Answer my question. Answer my question. Tom szokás szerint téved. Tom is wrong as usual. Tom, as usual, is wrong. Suojaamaton seksi on vaarallista. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Unprotected sex is dangerous. Satoi, joten en tehnyt sitä. It was raining, so I didn't do that. It was raining, so I didn't do it. Hän on dramaturgi. He is a dramatist. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Painava kivenlohkare laskettiin haudan päälle. A heavy stone slab was lowered over the grave. A heavy stone was laid on top of the tomb. Tomin talon eteen pysäköity auto oli sininen. The car parked in front of Tom's house was blue. The car parked in front of Tom's house was blue. Minusta olisi ihanaa tehdä niin uudestaan. I'd love to do that again. I would love to do it again. Tämä on omena. This is an apple. This is an apple. Mitä mieltä te olette Tomin nenärenkaasta? What do you think of Tom's nose ring? What do you think of Tom's nose ring? Mindennek megvan a maga ára. Everything has its price. Everything has its price. Tiedän, että puhut ranskaa. I know you speak French. I know you speak French. Näimme kaiken. We saw everything. We saw everything. Haluan todella nähdä Pisan kaltevan tornin. I really want to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I really want to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Jöjjünk össze, aztán beszéljük meg! Let's get together and talk it over. Let's get together and talk about it. Lövésem sem volt, hogy ilyen közel laksz hozzám. I had no idea you lived so close to me. I had no idea you lived so close to me. A Smithsonian a világ legnagyobb múzeumkomplexuma, amely 19 múzeumból, kilenc kutatóközpontból és a Nemzeti Állatkertből áll. The Smithsonian is the world’s largest museum complex, consisting of 19 museums, nine research centers, and the National Zoo. The Smithsonian is the largest museum complex in the world, consisting of 19 museums, nine research centers, and the National Zoo. Tom on saapunut. Tom's arrived. Tom's here. Millaista sampoota käytät? What kind of shampoo do you use? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH A valóság átbaszás. Reality is fake. Reality's a fuck-up. Meg akartam neked üzenni valamit Tommal. I wanted Tom to tell you something. I wanted to tell you something with Tom. Ugyanazt az árut olcsóbban elő tudják állítani. They can produce the same goods cheaper. They can make the same product cheaper. Tom pakotti itsensä hymyilemään. Tom forced a smile. Tom forced himself to smile. Hány óra van? What's the time? What time is it? Gondolom, most cslódottak vagytok mind. I think you are all disappointed now. I guess you're all broke now. Tämä rakennus kuuluu vanhemmilleni. This building belongs to my family. This building belongs to my parents. Minun olisi pitänyt noudattaa Tomin ohjeita. I should have followed Tom's advice. I should have followed Tom's instructions. Annathan Tomille mahdollisuuden. Please give Tom a chance. Please give Tom a chance. Délben reggeliztünk. We had breakfast at noon. We had breakfast at noon. Sunnuntaisin käyn kirjastossa. On Sundays I go to the library. I go to the library on Sundays. Me emme olleet vain nälkäisiä, mutta myös janoisia. Not only were we hungry, but we were also suffering from thirst. Not only were we hungry, but we were also thirsty. Tomi heitteli leipiä lammella. Tom was skipping rocks on the pond. Tom was throwing bread at the pond. Tom ja Mari eivät käy elokuvissa kovin usein. Tom and Mary don't go to the movies very often. Tom and Mary don't go to the movies very often. Nem tört el. It didn't break. It's not broken. Hän syö hedelmiä. She eats fruit. He eats fruit. Tévedés volt, hogy ide jöttünk. Coming here was a mistake. It was a mistake to come here. Nekem ez még majd kelleni fog. I'll need that yet. I'm gonna need this. Minden véget ér egyszer. One day everything will end. It all comes to an end. Olyan hülye, mint az állat! He's as dumb as a rock. He's as stupid as an animal! Onko sinulla vaatteet päällä? Are you dressed? Are you dressed? Nincs ott senki. There's no one there. There's no one there. Tuo paita sopii sinulle hyvin. This shirt suits you well. You look good in that shirt. Ostin uuden auton. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. Szeretem Marit, de néha sok belőle. I love Mary but sometimes I'm fed up with her. I love Mari, but sometimes it's a lot. Teidät on kaikki pidätetty. You're all under arrest. You're all under arrest. Hé, szépfiú! Hey, Handsome. Hey, handsome. Meglátogattam az apám sírját. I've visited my father's grave. I visited my father's grave. Homomorfismia ei pidä sekoittaa homeomorfismiin. One must not confuse homomorphism with homeomorphism. Homomorphism is not to be confused with homeomorphism. Letörött a körmöm. I have a broken nail. My fingernails are broken. Poltitko itsesi? Didn't you burn yourself? You burned yourself? Az emberek kitárják az ablakaikat. People are opening their windows. People open their windows. Hän ei syö mitään muuta kuin hedelmiä. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He doesn't eat anything but fruit. Egy nagy könyvtár közelében lakunk. We live near a big library. We live near a large library. He ovat perhettä. They're family. They're family. Kuinka paljon jalkapallo painaa? How much does a soccer ball weigh? How much does football weigh? Elmesélem, hogy hogyan történt. I'll tell you how that happened. I'll tell you how it happened. Jackson úr svarcba fizet nekem. Mr. Jackson is paying me under the table. Mr. Jackson's paying me off. Jani Ritával szerelmeskedik. Yanni is having sex with Rima. Jani is in love with Rita. Nincs nálam pénz. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Hallod? Can you hear? Hear that? Tom läikytti maidon. Tom spilled the milk. Tom spilled the milk. Mistä me puhummekaan? What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Tomi onnistui pelastamaan Marin. Tom managed to save Mary. He was able to save Mary. Jotkin perinteet ovat typeriä. Some traditions are dumb. Some traditions are stupid. Tämä on aika tyypillistä. That's pretty normal. This is pretty typical. Kuori perunat ja porkkanat. Peel the potatoes and carrots. Peel the potatoes and carrots. Tom vigyázott Mari fiára, amíg Mari dolgozott. Tom had to take care of Mary's son while she was working. Tom looked after Mari's son while Mari was working. Igen, ő volt a barátnőm, de most megint együtt vagyunk. Yes, she was my girlfriend, but now we're together again. Yeah, she was my girlfriend, but now we're back together. Semmit nem fogok csinálni. I'll do nothing. I'm not gonna do anything. Messze lakom innen. I live far away from here. I live far from here. Megfogta a kezemet és a hálószobába vitt. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He took my hand and took me into the bedroom. Myrkytitkö Tomin? Did you poison Tom? You poisoned Tom? Javaslom, menjetek haza. I advise you to go home. I suggest you go home. Tom megpuszilta a macskáját. Tom kissed his cat. Tom kissed his cat. Abból, ahogy öltözködnek, azt mondanám, nincs sok pénzük. Judging from how they're dressed, I'd guess they don't have much money. The way they dress, I'd say they don't have much money. Enam ei lähe kaua. It's not going to be long. Won't be long now. Az Isten szeretet. God is love. God is love. Anna minä teen sinulle drinkin. Let me fix you a cocktail. Let me make you a drink. Tom ei kertonut kenellekään, että hän oli jättänyt koulun kesken. Tom didn't tell anyone that he'd dropped out of school. Tom never told anyone that he had dropped out of school. Tom szórakoztatta a gyerekeket. Tom amused the children. Tom was entertaining the kids. Örökké szeretnék élni. I intend to live forever. I want to live forever. Hän käyttäytyy kuin lapsi. He behaves like a child. He's behaving like a child. Ezeregy dolgom van. I have a ton of stuff to do. I've got a thousand things to do. Se saa oloni itsevarmemmaksi. It makes me feel more confident. It makes me feel more confident. Herjat ovat argumentittomien argumentteja. Insults are the arguments of those who have no arguments. Derogations are arguments without arguments. Tajuatteko? You see? You see? Sajnálom, de nem tudok veled egyetérteni. Regrettably, I cannot agree with you. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you. Taylor sanoo, että reisivaltimon puristaminen on paljon tehokkaampaa kuin säären painaminen tai hätävarakiristyssiteen käyttäminen. Taylor says research has shown that compressing the femoral artery is more effective than applying pressure to a leg wound or using a makeshift tourniquet. Taylor says that squeezing the femoral artery is much more effective than squeezing the tibia or wearing an emergency suspense bandage. Minulla on sinulle pieni lahja. I have a little present for you. I have a little present for you. Anteeksi, onko sinulla kelloa? Excuse me, do you have the time? Excuse me, do you have a watch? Tom luki viestin ja hymyili. Tom read the message and smiled. Tom read the message and smiled. Ne engem kérdezz, haver! Lövésem sincs. Don't ask me, mate. I haven't got a clue. Don't ask me, man, I don't know. Kopottak az üléshuzatok. The seat covers are overworn. The seat covers are worn. Hadd nézzem meg ezeket a fotókat. Let me have a look at those photos. Let me take a look at these photos. Tomi muutti. Tom moved. Tom has moved. Kit fogsz meghívni? Who are you going to invite? Who are you gonna invite? Apáméknál voltam. I was at my parents'. I was at my dad's. Meggyőző vagy. You're decisive. You're convincing. Semmid sem lesz és mégis boldog leszel. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. You'll have nothing and you'll still be happy. He tuntevat meidät. They know us. They know us. A japánok ázsiaiak. Japanese are Asians. The Japanese are Asian. Kuinka pitkälle voit mennä? How far can you go? How far can you go? Aki először pislog, az veszít. Whoever blinks first loses. Whoever blinks first loses. Nagyon jól ismerem magát. I know you very well. I know you very well. Ez meg fogja változtatni az életedet. This will change your life. This will change your life. Indulni akarok az elnöki tisztségért. I want to run for president. I want to run for president. Jäljellä on ainoastaan yksi säilykepurkki lihaa. There is only one can of meat left. There is only one can of meat left. Minkälaista ehkäisyä käytette? What type of birth control do you use? What kind of prevention did you use? Jól ejtettem a nevét? Did I pronounce your name right? Did I pronounce your name right? Minun täytyy pysyä rauhallisena. I must be calm. I need to stay calm. Említésre sem méltó. Don't mention it! Not to mention. Se on likainen temppu. It's a dirty trick. It's a dirty trick. Afrika az emberiség bölcsője. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Aion katsoa TV:tä tänä iltana. I am going to watch TV this evening. I'm gonna watch TV tonight. Bárcsak lenne nekem is! I wish I had one. I wish I had one. Lentoasemalle, kiitos. To the airport, please. Airport, please. Ha befejeznéd, hogy azt mondogatod, hogy ne legyek ideges, valószínűleg nem lennék olyan ideges. If you'd stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. If you'd stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. Vuorenjuurella on vanha linna. There is an old castle at the foot of the mountain. There is an old castle on the mountain. Viimeaikaiset edistysaskeleet lääketieteessä johtavat uuteen aikakauteen sairaanhoidossa. Recent advances in medicine will usher in a new age in medical care. Recent advances in medicine have ushered in a new era of medical care. Näytin Tomille kuka täällä määrää. I showed Tom who's boss. I showed Tom who's in charge here. A kedvenc részem a napilapból a vécépapírnak pluszba nyomtatott lapok voltak. My favorite part of the daily paper was the extra sheets printed for use as toilet paper. My favorite part of the newspaper was the extra pages printed on the toilet paper. Eljött érte az anyja. Her mother came to pick her up. Her mother came to get her. Tomi mondta, hogy Marinak el kellett mennie. Tom said that Mary had to go. Tom told me Mary had to leave. Hadd végezzék a munkájukat. Let them do their job. Let them do their job. Mondhatom, rendesen felkészültünk. I can say we are prepared enough. I'd say we're well prepared. Alkakaa. Begin. Come on. Nukuin pommiin, koska valvoin myöhään. I overslept because I stayed up late. I overslept because I was up late. Tessék? What? What? What? Drasztikus lépéseket tettek. They took drastic measures. Drastic steps have been taken. Tizenhárom éves voltam, amikor Tamás meghalt. Tom died when I was thirteen. I was 13 years old when Tom died. Fontolóra kell vennem, hogy ez valóban jó-e énnekem. I must think over whether it is really good for me. I have to consider whether this is really good for me. A fákon megjelenő sárga, vörös és barna levelek az ősz első jelei. The yellow, red and brown leaves appearing on the trees are the first sign of autumn. Yellow, red and brown leaves on trees are the first signs of autumn. Lapsia ei pidä hemmotella. Children should not be spoiled. Children should not be spoiled. A szótár az egyetlen hely, ahol az eredmény megelőzi a munkát. The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. The dictionary is the only place where results precede work. See on minu kolmas nädal. This is my third week. This is my third week. Ihmettelin mihin Tom meni. I wondered where Tom went. I wondered where Tom was. Én láttam. I saw that. I've seen it. Soha nem láttam még ilyet az életemben. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen anything like it in my life. A víz térdig ért. The water came up to our knees. The water was knee deep. Ma proovin I try. I'll try. A vacsora készítésével van elfoglalva. She is busy cooking dinner. He's busy making dinner. Megkeményedtem azokat a jeleneteket látva. I got hard watching those scenes on the screen. I got hard when I saw those scenes. Miért ölték meg Tomit? Why was Tom killed? Why did they kill Tom? Mitä sinä haluat tehdä Saksassa? What do you want to do in Germany? What do you want to do in Germany? A feleségem nem tudott eljönni. My wife couldn't come. My wife couldn't make it. Egyetlen felhő sem jár az égen. There isn't one single cloud in the sky. There is not a cloud in the sky. Tom ojensi Marylle lasillisen punaviiniä. Tom handed Mary a glass of red wine. Tom handed Mary a glass of red wine. Szabadidőmben verset írok. I write poetry in my free time. I write poetry in my free time. Tällä ei ole mitään tekemistä sinun kanssasi. It's none of your business. This has nothing to do with you. En itse asiassa koskaan käynyt korkeakoulua. I didn't actually go to college. In fact, I never went to college. Kuinka voin kääntää sanat, joita ei ole muissa kielissä kuin omassani? How can I translate words that don't exist in any language besides my own? How can I translate words that are not in languages other than my own? Mondj valami jót nekem! Tell me something good. Tell me something good. Olen vain kohtelias. I'm just being polite. I'm just being polite. Serkkuni kuljetti minua ympäri kaupunkia. My cousin took me around the town. My cousin drove me all over town. Se oli tajunnanräjäyttävää. It was mind-blowing. It was mind-blowing. Először megmutatom, hogyan kell ezt csinálni. First, I'll show you how it works. First, I'll show you how to do this. Tud ajánlani egy olcsó szállodát? Can you recommend an inexpensive hotel? Can you recommend a cheap hotel? Tomi lefektette Marit. Tom put Mary to bed. Tomi put Mari to bed. Sok ember van szabadságon. Many people are on holiday. A lot of people are on vacation. Felszedtél egy kis súlyt, ugye? You've put on a little weight, haven't you? You put on a little weight, didn't you? Hän ei hukkaa aikaa. He's not a man to waste time. He's not wasting any time. Lebarnultál? Did you get sunburned? You tan? Olet erityinen, Tom. You're special, Tom. You're special, Tom. Kitört a háború, a vírus szabadságra ment. The war broke out, the virus went free. War broke out, the virus went on vacation. Kifáradtam a munkában. I'm exhausted from work. I'm tired at work. Oikeastaan ​​halusimme mennä elokuviin lauantaina, mutta muutimme mielemme ja jäimme kotiin. Actually we wanted to go to the movies on Saturday, but we changed our mind and stayed at home. Actually, we wanted to go to the movies on Saturday, but we changed our minds and stayed home. Täällä on mukavan hiljaista. It's nice and quiet here. It's nice and quiet in here. — Ne vágjál ilyen hülye pofát, ha hozzád beszélek! Te kifigurázol engem. — Hülyének tűnhet, de nekem ilyen az arcom. Bocsesz! "Stop making this strange face when I talk to you. You're making fun of me." "It may be strange to you, but it's just my face, sorry." “Don’t make that stupid face when I’m talking to you. You’re making fun of me.” “You may look stupid, but my face is like that. Sorry. Me kerisime filmi edasi. We fast-forwarded the film. We were rewinding the film. Tom meni huvipuistoon. Tom went to an amusement park. Tom went to the amusement park. Kibontott egy csomag sütit. He opened a packet of biscuits. He opened a packet of cookies. Tomilla oli parka päällä. Tom wore a parka. Tom had the poor thing on. Szabadságot ígértek nekünk. They promised us freedom. They promised us freedom. Kuningatarehdokkaita oli kuusi. There were six candidates for queen. There were six candidates for queen. Kértem a diákot, hogy csendesebben legyen, de mintha a falnak beszéltem volna, semmi sem történt. I asked the student to quiet down. It was like talking to a wall, nothing happened. I asked the student to be quiet, but as if I was talking to the wall, nothing happened. Yli miljoona ihmistä on ilman sähköä Louisianassa, mukaan lukien osavaltion väkirikkain kaupunki New Orleans, ja Mississippin osavaltiossa kategoria 4:n hirmumyrskyn rantautumisen jäljiltä. More than 1 million people remain without power in Louisiana, including in New Orleans, the state’s most populous city, and in the state of Mississippi, after the Category 4 hurricane made landfall. More than a million people are without power in Louisiana, including the state’s most populous city, New Orleans, and the state of Mississippi after the arrival of Category 4 hurricanes. Következik A mesterségesen felfújt infláció. Csapó. Here comes the "Artificial inflated inflation". And action. Next up is artificially inflated inflation. Lepke voltam álmomban. I was a butterfly in my dream. I was a butterfly in my sleep. Nézd meg Google Fordítóval. Translate it with Google Translate. Take a look at Google Translate. Onko hän aito blondi? Is she a real blonde? Is she a real blonde? Tom puhuisi mieluummin ranskaa. Tom would rather speak French. Tom would rather speak French. Tomi oli yksi eloonjääneistä. Tom was one of the survivors. Tom was one of the survivors. Tom oli tarpeeksi tyhmä uskoakseen Maryä. Tom was stupid enough to believe Mary. Tom was stupid enough to believe Mary. Azt hiszem, te vagy az egyetlen, akinek segítségre van szüksége. I think you're the only one who needs help. I think you're the only one who needs help. Lopeta ruikuttaminen. Stop whining. Stop whining. Tomil on muutust vaja. Tom needs a change of pace. Tom needs a change. Minden nap veri a férje. Her husband beats her every day. Her husband beats her every day. Tiedän, miksi Tomi on niin menestyvä. I know why Tom is so successful. I know why Tom is so successful. On aina mukava tavata toinen aseksuaali. It's always good to meet another ace person. It's always nice to meet another asexual. Hidegebb lesz ott. It gets cold there. It'll be cold there. Nem vett észre engem. He didn't notice me. He didn't see me. A készpénz a szabadság záloga. Using cash means liberty. Cash is the key to freedom. Lopetetaan tämä keskustelu. Let's put an end to this discussion. Let's end this conversation. A kisgyermeket kínozta a mostohaanyja. The little child was subjected to violence from his stepmother. The child was tortured by his stepmother. Egy általános sztrájk megoldás lehet. A general strike might be a solution. A general strike could be a solution. Harmincan voltak jelen a gyűlésen. There were thirty people present at the meeting. Thirty people were present at the meeting. Tom ajaa bussia ja Mary on matkaopas. Tom drives a bus and Mary is a tour guide. Tom drives the bus and Mary is a travel guide. Kínos elkésni egy randiról. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. Minulla ei ole latin latia. I'm broke. I don't have Latin. Mindenem megvolt, ami kellett nekem. I had everything I needed. I had everything I needed. Ezek olyan dolgok, amikre nincs ráhatásod. Those are things you can't control. These are things you can't control. Sinä et auta. You do not help. You're not helping. Minden könyvét olvastam. I read all her books. I've read all his books. Äijängo tämä maksau? How much is this? Is this going to cost you? Olen salapoliisi. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. Meillä on hommia. We have a job to do. We've got work to do. Melyik a legnépesebb földrész a világon? Which is the most populated continent in the world? What is the most populous continent in the world? Senki sem tudja, hogy néz ki egy ufó. No one really knows what a UFO looks like. No one knows what a UFO looks like. Olen kiitollinen ystävistäni. I'm thankful for my friends. I am grateful for my friends. Sinun pitämisestäsi ei ole hyötyä — tuhoamisestasi ei ole haittaa. To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss. To keep you is no good; to destroy you is no harm. Ne vihaa hämiksiä. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Szerintem nem ez volt az igazi ok rá, hogy elváltak. I don't thik that was the real reason that they divorced. I don't think that's the real reason they got divorced. Vanhempi veli asui kylässä eikä ollut tullut rikkaaksi eikä köyhäksi. The elder brother was living in a village and had grown neither rich nor poor. The older brother lived in the village and had not become rich or poor. A legjobb ruháimat viseltem. I wore my best clothes. I was wearing my best clothes. Számomra Tom elég normálisnak látszik. Tom looks pretty normal to me. Tom seems pretty normal to me. Jos haluat esittää kysymyksen, niin nosta kätesi. If you want to ask a question, please put your hand up. If you want to ask a question, raise your hand. Hogy kell csinálni egy dobozt? How do you make a box? How to make a box? Miért beszélsz franciául? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? He ovat vegaaneja. They're vegans. They're vegans. Kevés pénzem van. I have little money. I don't have much money. Nincs semmi, mire ne lenne képes. There's nothing he can't do. There's nothing he can't do. Tom ei ole tyhmä. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Kukaan ei ole kiireinen. Nobody's busy. No one is busy. Gondolod, hogy a legrosszabbak is meg tudnak változni? Do you think even the worst person can change? Do you think even the worst people can change? Mari piti ruusuista, jotka Tomi antoi hänelle. Mary liked the roses Tom gave her. She loved the roses Tom gave her. Ez hatással lesz rám? Will this affect me? Will this affect me? Irtam egy dalt neked. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Kaikki puutarhan kukat kuihtuivat. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden were gone. Sõda algas kolm aastat hiljem. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. En ole töissä täällä. I don't work here. I don't work here. A kapitányt okolták a történtekért. The captain was blamed for what happened. The captain was blamed for what happened. Mentőt kellene hívnunk. We should call an ambulance. We should call an ambulance. Nem tudtam, mit mondjak nekik, úgyhogy beültem egy sarokba, és folytattam az ivást. I had no idea what to tell them, so I sat in a corner and kept drinking. I didn’t know what to say to them, so I sat in a corner and continued to drink. Több időt töltesz a Tatoebán, mint velem! You spend more time on Tatoeba than you do with me! You spend more time at Tatoeba than you do with me! Hänen on helppo kantaa kivi. It is easy for him to carry the stone. It's easy for him to carry a rock. Ez unalmas egyedül. To do it alone is boring. It's boring on your own. Ostitko sen mustasta pörssistä? Did you buy it on the black market? You bought it on the black market? Veled is ez fog történni. That will happen to you too. That's what's gonna happen to you. Bostonban dolgoztam. I worked in Boston. I worked in Boston. Pont olyan vagy, mint az apád. You're exactly like your father. You're just like your father. Jóváhagyják. They approve. They approve. Jövő héten nem leszek. Next week, I won't be here. I won't be next week. Pelaisimmeko šakkia tänä iltana? How about playing chess tonight? Shall we play chess tonight? Me syöpöttelimme pizzaa ja juopottelimme olutta. We pigged out on pizza and beer. We ate pizza and drank beer. Koska minun veljenpoikani oli vielä nuori, annettiin hänelle anteeksi. Because my nephew was still young, he was forgiven. Since my nephew was still young, he was forgiven. Megnyitotta a csapot, és folyni kezdett a víz. He opened the tap and the water started to flow. He opened the tap and the water began to flow. Kössék be magukat! Fasten your seatbelts! Fasten your seatbelts. Tomi on sellainen jänishousu. Tom is such a scaredy cat. Tom is such a coward. Sami ellopta Layla malacperselyét. Sami stole Layla's piggy bank. Sami stole Layla's piggy bank. Tomi ei voinut uskoa hyvää tuuriaan. Tom couldn't believe his good fortune. Tom couldn’t believe his luck. Ne nehezítsd a dolgom! Don't make my job harder. Don't make this difficult for me. Felismertem azt a hangot. I recognized that voice. I recognized that voice. Älä koske siihen ovenkahvaan. Don't touch that doorknob. Don't touch that doorknob. Mit rendeljek? What should I order? What should I order? Miért nem szállt fel Tom a buszra? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? Vettem magamnak egy új cipőt. I bought myself new shoes. I bought myself a new pair of shoes. Két évvel idősebb, de nem olyan magas, mint én. He is older than I by two years, but less tall than I. He's two years older, but he's not as tall as me. A szomszédos szobában a zajok egyszerre abbamaradtak. The sound from the next room suddenly stopped. In the next room, the noise stopped. Kérdezz csak! Feel free to ask me questions. Ask me a question. Minulla on HIV. I have HIV. I have HIV. Senki sem volt ott. There was nobody. No one was there. Neked nem kell odamenni. You should not go there. You don't have to go there. Kopogj, mielőtt belépsz. Knock before entering. Knock before you enter. Olit hurmaava. You were charming. You were charming. Minä teen, mitä minä haluan. I do what I want. I'll do what I want. Bangladesnek segítégre van szüksége az árvízkárosultak megsegítésére. Bangladesh need relief for flood affected people. Bangladesh needs help to help the flood victims. Syytä siitä yksin sinua. I'll blame it all on you. Blame it on you alone. Hotelli on vuoren juurella. The hotel is at the foot of a mountain. The hotel is at the foot of the mountain. Se ei ole mitään liioittelua. That's no exaggeration. That is no exaggeration. Én ezt nem fogom tudni mindet megenni. I won't be able to eat all of this. I won't be able to eat them all. Szerintem türelmesnek kell lennünk. I think we have to be patient. I think we need to be patient. Nagyon sok jó ötletem van. I got plenty of good ideas. I have a lot of good ideas. Tudom, hogy sok minden jár a fejedben. I know you've got things on your mind. I know you have a lot on your mind. Kérdeztem őt, de nem adott választ. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked him, but he didn't give me an answer. Szeretek a városban lenni. I like being in the city. I like being in the city. Sikerült neki. He succeeded. He did it. Tom lefoglalt egy időpontot Marynek. Tom booked an appointment for Mary. Tom made an appointment for Mary. Tiedän, että Tommi on aika hyvä pelaamaan basketballia. I know Tom is a pretty good basketball player. I know Tommi is pretty good at playing basketball. Tomi piirsi suuren neliön. Tom drew a large square. Tom drew a large square. Az étel pazarlása az emberiség elleni bűncselekmény. The wastage of food is a crime against humanity. Food waste is a crime against humanity. George W. Bush-t le kellene tartóztatni háborús bűnökért. George W. Bush should be arrested for war crimes. George W. Bush should be arrested for war crimes. En vain halua, että käsität minut väärin. I just don't want you to misunderstand me. I just don't want you to get me wrong. Bocsánat! Visszavonom. I ask for your forgiveness. I take my words back. I'm sorry, I'm rescinding. Suuri aalto kaatoi hänen kanootin. A big wave turned over his canoe. A big wave knocked over his canoe. Anya, mehetek úszni? Mom, can I go swimming? Mom, can I go swimming? Melyik a legaranyosabb denevérfaj? What is the cutest bat species? What is the cutest bat species? Haluan ostaa tusinan banaaneja. I want to buy a dozen bananas. I want to buy a dozen bananas. Bassza meg a főnök! The boss sucks. Fuck the boss! Nem tartozok neked semmivel. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. Olen kuullut että Tom osaa kokata yhtä hyvin tai paremmin kuin hänen vaimonsa. I've heard that Tom can cook as well as, or better than, his wife. I've heard that Tom can cook just as well or better than his wife. Fáradtnak látszom? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Tom tekee ahkerasti töitä. Tom works hard. Tom is working hard. Amikor kijött a tusolóból, csak egy törülköző volt rajta. She came out of the shower with only a towel on. When he came out of the shower, all he had on was a towel. Felmászott egy fára és leült egy ágra. He climbed a tree and sat on a branch. He climbed a tree and sat down on a branch. Egymást hibáztatták. They accused each other. They blamed each other. "Tatoeba" on mitmekeelne sõnastik. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. "Tatoeba" is a multilingual dictionary. Megint előjött a nap. The sun's out again. The sun came out again. Van? Is there any? You do? Igyál rengeteg vizet, ha nem akarod, hogy kiszikkadj. Drink plenty of water if you don't want to get dehydrated. Drink plenty of water if you don’t want to go dry. Nem mondhatom, hogy elégedett vagyok. I can't say I'm satisfied. I can't say I'm satisfied. Olyan gyors volt mindenki, nem tudtam lépést tartani velük. Everyone was so fast, I couldn't keep up with them. Everyone was so fast, I couldn't keep up with them. Tom egyszerűen nem veszi be. Tom simply doesn't buy it. Tom just won't take it. Nyúlj hozzá. Touch it. Reach for it. Hogy kell betűzni a nevét? How's her name spelled? How do you spell his name? Minä odotan hänen paluutaan. I'm waiting for her to return. I'm waiting for him to come back. Ez tényleg nagy szám. It's really a big deal. That's a really big deal. Tomnak igaza van. Tom's right. Tom's right. Sok barátom van, aki beszél eszperantóul. I have many Esperanto-speaking friends. I have many friends who speak Esperanto. Vuodat verta. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. Mióta bűncselekmény ez? Since when is that a crime? Since when is this a crime? Köszönöm a megértéseteket! Thanks for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding. Jusson eszedbe, hogy fogat kell még mosnod. Remember to brush your teeth. Remember, you still have to brush your teeth. Nincs miről írnom. I have nothing to write about. I have nothing to write about. Ne hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. Megőrültél, vagy mi van? You're crazy or what? Are you crazy or what? Oletko huonolla päällä? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? Vasalt akkor. She was ironing. He ironed it then. Ez a baj mindig is megvolt. We have these kinds of problems all the time. I've always had that problem. Inkább úszni megyek. I prefer to go swimming. I'm going for a swim. Meg kell várnunk a laboreredményeket, hogy tudjuk, mi okozza valójában a tüneteket. We have to wait for the lab results to know what's really causing the symptoms. We have to wait for the lab results so we know what's really causing the symptoms. Adj egyet. Give me one. Give me one. Hän pitää lukemisesta. She likes to read. He likes to read. Takarodj az ágyamból! Get out of my bed. Get out of my bed! Segítséget kért. He requested help. He asked for help. Gyalog járt munkába. He used to walk to work. He walked to work. Tom se nem gazdag, se nem híres. Tom is neither rich nor famous. Tom is neither rich nor famous. Mikä pointti tämän tekemisessä on? What's the point in doing this? What's the point of doing this? Ammun hänet. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Mit csináltok a nap hátralévő részében? What are you going to do the rest of the day? What are you doing for the rest of the day? Tom jakoi huoneen Jonin kanssa collegessa. Tom roomed with John in college. Tom shared a room with Jon in college. Lisätkää majoneesi. Add the mayonnaise. Add the mayonnaise. Van térképünk. We have a map. We have a map. A politikusokat nem érdekli, mit akarnak az emberek. Politicians don't care what people want. Politicians don’t care what people want. Tudod, ez vicces. It's funny, you know. You know, it's funny. Az ujjaival olvas. He reads with his fingers. He reads with his fingers. Reméljük, hogy működik. We hope that it works. Let's hope it works. Sami yritti murtautua. Sami was trying to break in. Sam tried to break in. Nem hagyhatlak el. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. Szerintem itt az ideje egy karrierváltásnak. I think it's time for a career change. I think it's time for a career change. Tom on selvänäköinen. Tom is a psychic. Tom's clairvoyant. Michael Knightnak már volt okosórája, amikor az embereknek még mobiltelefonjuk sem. Michael Knight had a smart watch when people didn't even have mobile phones. Michael Knight had a smartwatch when people didn't even have cell phones. Titkot őrzök. I'm keeping a secret. I'm keeping a secret. Kérhetem a segítségedet? May I ask for your help? Can I ask for your help? Majdnem elfelejtettem. I almost forgot. I almost forgot. A rendőrség átvizsgálta a csomagjaikat. The police were examining their bags. The police searched his luggage. El tudnád mondani, mi kap helyet a képen? Can you tell me what's happening in the picture? Can you tell me what's in the picture? Búcsúzás nélkül elment. She left without saying goodbye. He left without saying goodbye. Tomi heitti kirjan tuleen. Tom threw the book into the fire. Tom threw the book into the fire. Már mondtam Tomnak, hogy mit akarok venni. I already told Tom what I want to buy. I already told Tom what I wanted to buy. Az öreg macskája még mindig él. His old cat's still living. The old cat is still alive. Tervita Jimmit. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmi. Most mennem kell, de még visszatérek. Now I have to go, but I will return. I have to go now, but I'll be back. Már késő aggódni ezen. It's too late to start worrying about that now. It's too late to worry about that. A kaszáspóknak tetszik a pók kisasszony a hosszú lábai miatt. Daddy-longlegs likes miss spider because of her long legs. The reaper likes Miss Spider because of her long legs. He halasivat Tomia. They hugged Tom. They hugged Tom. Ha mogyoróval fizetsz, majmot kapsz. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys. If you pay with peanuts, you get a monkey. Kérem, köpjön! Please spit. Please, spit. Miért pont Ausztráliába költözött Tom, amikor csak franciául és valami algonkin nyelvet beszél? Why is it Australia where Tom moved to if he only speaks French and an Algonquian language? Why did Tom move to Australia when he only speaks French and some Algonquian language? Rosszul érzem magam amiatt, amit tettem. I feel bad about what I’ve done. I feel bad about what I did. Virág és geometriai motívumokat festettek a belső falakra. Flowers and geometric motifs were painted on the interior walls. Flower and geometric motifs were painted on the interior walls. Tom sai selville totuuden Marilta. Tom found out the truth from Mary. Tom found out the truth from Mari. Ma jobban vagyok már, mint tegnap. I feel better today than yesterday. I'm better today than I was yesterday. Voin hyvin, kiitos! I am fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you! Kételyei vannak afelől, hogy a csáje betartja-e az ígéretét. He's sceptical that she'll keep her promise. You're having doubts about whether your girl's gonna keep her promise. Tom heitti Marin kirjeen roskiin. Tom threw Mary's letter in the trash. Tom threw Mary's letter in the trash. Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh. Please speak more slowly. Here you go, pagize hillembah. Nem akarom letenni. I don't want to put it down. I don't want to hang up. A város lakossága tisztviselőnek választotta őt. He was elected an official by the inhabitants of this town. The people of the city elected him as an official. Tom teeskles, et ta on arst. Tom impersonated a doctor. Tom pretended to be a doctor. Nem tudom, hogy pontosan hol születtem. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know exactly where I was born. Én reggeltől estig itt vagyok. I am here from morning till evening. I'm here from morning till night. Nem látom a szúnyogot, csak hallom. I can't see the mosquito, I can only hear it. I don't see the mosquito, I just hear it. Hallgatnunk kellene a tanácsára. We should have followed his advice. We should listen to your advice. Tomia haastatellaan TV:ssä. Tom is being interviewed on TV. Tom's being interviewed on TV. Olyan csönd van, hogy a légy zümmögését is lehet hallani. It is so quiet that you can hear even the buzzing of a fly. It's so quiet you can hear the buzzing of a fly. Tomi ja Mari eivät halunneet apuani. Tom and Mary didn't want me to help them. Tom and Mary didn't want my help. Nem számít, ki vagy. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter who you are. Szar idő van. It's nasty weather. It's shitty weather. Sen tekeminen ei ollut minulle mikään ongelma. I had no problem doing it. Doing it was no problem for me. Nincs értelme becsapni magadat. There is no point in lying to yourself. There's no point in fooling yourself. Tätä lausetta ei tule kääntää. This sentence shall not be translated. This sentence should not be translated. Hogy mersz így beszélni a szüleiddel?! How dare you talk to your parents that way! How dare you talk to your parents like that! Mária egyedül neveli a gyerekeit. Mary is a single mother. Mary raised her children alone. Főzz egy tojást! Boil one egg. Cook an egg. Ezt nem engedhetjük meg magunknak. We can't afford this. We can't afford that. Csak egy éjszakát voltunk együtt. Még a nevét sem tudom. We only spent one night together. I don't even know her name. We only spent one night together, I don't even know his name. Tykkään katsoa elokuvia ranskaksi. I like watching movies in French. I love watching movies in French. Egy fa zuhant Tom autójára. A tree fell on Tom's car. A tree fell on Tom's car. Ma nagyszerű idő van Bostonban. The weather in Boston today is great. It's a great time in Boston today. Itt senkinek nincs autója. No one here has a car. Nobody here has a car. Uskottiin, että hirviö asui siinä luolassa. A monster was believed to live in the cave. It was believed that the monster lived in that cave. Mä unohdin mun lompakon. I forgot my wallet. I forgot my wallet. Az ukrán drónok nem tudták kivédeni az orosz támadást. Ukraine's drones failed to deter Russia's assault. The Ukrainian drones were unable to prevent the Russian attack. És pontosan mit csináltál? And what exactly were you doing? And what exactly did you do? Elég idős vagy már ahhoz, hogy tudd. You're old enough to know this. You're old enough to know. Szörnyen ügyetlen vagyok gyerekekkel. I'm horrible with kids. I'm awfully clumsy with kids. Dugd be a résbe. Shove it in the slot. Put it in the slot. Se oli hirveän hauskaa. It was awfully funny. It was so much fun. Remélem, hogy Tomi kedvel engem. I hope Tom likes me. I hope Tom likes me. Sinä sanoit, että soittaisit. You said you'd call. You said you'd call. Mondj el mindent! Tell me everything! Tell me everything. Tiedätkö mikä hänen nimensä on? Do you know his name? Do you know his name? Tom múlt hét óta elfoglalt. Tom has been busy since last week. Tom's been busy since last week. Tom voi hyvin. Tom is well. Tom's fine. Voisitko kertoa mistä sait tämän? Would you mind telling where you got this? Can you tell me where you got this? Toivon, että Tom kiirehtisi. I wish Tom would hurry. I wish Tom would hurry. ”Olen kateellinen sinun pituudestasi.” ”Ihanko totta? Pitkänä olemisessa ei ole mitään hyvää. Sitä lyö jatkuvasti päänsä kattoon.” "I'm jealous of your height." "Really? There's nothing good about being tall. You're always bumping your head on the ceiling." “I’m jealous of your height.” “Really? There’s nothing good about being tall. You keep hitting your head on the ceiling.” Az útvonal nem volt egyértelműen kijelölve. The path wasn't clearly marked. The route was not clearly marked. Már hozzászoktam ehhez a klímához. I've gotten used to this climate. I'm used to this climate. Viime yönä tässä lähistöllä oli suuri tulipalo. Last night there was a big fire in the neighbourhood. There was a big fire here last night. Oltsd el a villanyt! Put out the light. Turn off the lights. Tomilla on aipädi. Tom has an iPad. Tom's got a headspace. A vicced túlment minden határon! Your joke is way out of line. Your joke has crossed a line! Sinun pitää olla vain kärsivällinen. You just have to be patient. You just have to be patient. Túladtam az egyik autón. I sold one of the cars. I sold one of the cars. Örömmel hallom ezeket a híreket. I am glad to hear the news. I'm glad to hear the news. Egy tengerre néző városban él. He lives in a city overlooking the sea. He lives in a town overlooking the sea. Mistä Tom ja Mari riitelivät? What did Tom and Mary quarrel about? What were Tom and Mary arguing about? Jääkö Tomi yöksi? Is Tom staying the night? Will Tom stay the night? A hajó nem eladó. The ship is unsellable. The boat is not for sale. Még egy csomag cukrot kérek! Another packet of sugar, please. Give me another packet of sugar. Erre csak egy lehetőséged lesz, úgyhogy ne rontsd el. You're only going to get one shot at this, so don't blow it. There's only one way to do that, so don't ruin it. Szia Mary, hogy mennek a vizsgáid? Hi Mary, how are your exams going? Hey, Mary, how are your exams going? Yanni pisti jarrun pohjaan. Yanni slammed the brake. Yanni put the brakes on. Imádunk piknikezni. We adore going on picnics. We love picnics. Ez etikus? Is this ethical? Is that ethical? Olympialaiset järjestetään joka neljäs vuosi. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympics are held every four years. Szeretnél linkcserét? Would you like to exchange links? Want a link exchange? Milyen színt viselt Tom? What colour was Tom wearing? What color was Tom wearing? Se on osittain minun syyni. It's partly my fault. It's partly my fault. Ymmärrättekö? Understand? You understand? Meillä on seuraa. We're having company. We've got company. Nem nagyon találó a hasonlatod. Your analogy isn't really apt. That's not a very apt analogy. Älä kerro kenellekään, että tiedän. Don't tell anybody that I know. Don't tell anyone I know. Tom oli siin kõige parem ujuja. Tom used to be the best swimmer here. He was the best swimmer. Van kutyája a szomszédunknak. Our neighbours have got a dog. We have a dog for our neighbor. Nem túl gyakran fordul elő ilyen. This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. It doesn't happen very often. Ma helistan sulle peale lõunat. I'll call you after lunch. I'll call you after lunch. Ő nem olyan, mit te. He's not like you. He's not like you. Tom halat rendelt. Tom ordered fish. Tom ordered fish. Milyen gyakran veszítesz el dolgokat? How often do you lose things? How often do you lose things? Hát, ezek az oroszok! Ah, those Russians! Well, it's the Russians! Kár, hogy elkéstem. It's a pity that I'm late. I'm sorry I'm late. Tom mindkét nagybátyja Bostonban él. Both of Tom's uncles live in Boston. Both of his uncles live in Boston. Fájt a teste. His body ached. His body hurt. Minden rendben van az irodában. Is everything all right at the office? Everything's fine in the office. Hänen sukkansa ovat harmaat. Her socks are gray. Her socks are gray. Ne igyál jeges vizet! Don't drink ice water. Do not drink ice water. Itken joskus mahtavan šakkiottelun jälkeen. Sometimes I cry after a great game of chess. Sometimes I cry after a great chess match. Tom gyárban dolgozott. Tom worked in a factory. Tom worked in a factory. Tomi meghívta Marit egy pohár borra. Tom offered Mary a glass of wine. Tom invited Mari for a glass of wine. A türelmem a határához ért. My patience has its limits. My patience has reached its limit. Joulun pitäisi olla onnellista, perheen yhteistä aikaa. Kuitenkin niille, jotka eivät ole yhteyksissä sukuunsa tai joilla ei sellaista ole, joulu voi olla erittäin onneton ajanjakso. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time to share with the family. For some people, however, who are alienated from their family, or who have no family, it can be a very unhappy time. Christmas should be a happy, family time. However, for those who are not connected to their family or do not have one, Christmas can be a very unhappy period. Voisitko soittaa myöhemmin uudestaan, kiitos? Could you call again later, please? Can you call back later, please? Ranskalaisia perunoita, kiitos. Some french fries, please. French fries, please. Oletko veljeskunnassa? Are you in a fraternity? You're in the Brotherhood? Szokatlan, hogy ilyen sokáig fenn vagy. Történt valami? It's unusual for you to stay up so late! Has something happened? It's unusual for you to be up so late. Nem jövök rá, hogy most mit kellene tennem. I can't figure out what I should do now. I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now. Szerintem most éppen otthon van. I think that he is at home at the moment. I think he's at home right now. Ő brit és ő amerikai. She is British and he is American. He's British and he's American. En ollut kokouksessa. I wasn't present at that meeting. I wasn't at the meeting. Tominak egy fekete macskája van. Tom keeps a black cat. Tom has a black cat. Tom auttoi Marya siirtämään huonekalut. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Mindegyik fiamnak saját háza van. Each of my sons has his own house. Each son has his own house. Ase oli poliisin ainoa johtolanka rikoksen ratkaisemiseksi. The gun was the police's sole lead for solving the crime. The gun was the police's only lead to solve the crime. Akarod tudni, hogy hogyan kell? Do you want to know how? You want to know how? Jos kaikki huutavat yhtäaikaa, emme pysty kuulemaan mitä sanottavaa pääministerillä on. If everyone shouts at once, we won't be able to hear what the Prime Minister has to say. If everyone is shouting at the same time, we will not be able to hear what the Prime Minister has to say. Egy hosszú alvásra van szükségem. I need a long nap. I need a long sleep. Hän on rehellinen. Sen takia pidän hänestä. He is honest. That's why I like him. He's honest, that's why I like him. Elmélet és gyakorlat nem feltétlenül jár együtt. Theory and practice do not necessarily go together. Theory and practice do not necessarily go together. Irigylem az ő szerencséjét. I envy him his luck. I'm jealous of his luck. Hän otti taskustaan jotain. He took something out of his pocket. He took something out of his pocket. Hány jegy kell önnek? How many tickets do you need? How many tickets do you need? Tom fog főzni. Tom will cook. Tom's gonna cook. Miért akarsz hollandul tanulni? Why do you want to learn Dutch? Why do you want to learn Dutch? Sinun ei tarvitse nostaa meteliä siitä! You don't need to make a big deal about it! You don't have to make a fuss about it! Senkit nem ismerünk Londonban. We don't know anyone in London. We don't know anyone in London. Hän tulee lähtemään täältä naamalla jota äitinsäkään ei tunnista. He will leave here with a face not even his mother will recognize. He's gonna leave here with a face his mother doesn't even recognize. Könyvelő vagyok. I'm an accountant. I'm an accountant. Tom tegi oma kodutöö iseseisvalt. Tom did his homework by himself. He did his homework independently. Saadut etikkakurkut lyövät laudalta ostetun hunajan. Pickles given beat honey that's bought. The resulting pickled cucumbers beat the honey bought on the board. Olitko sinä sotilas? Were you a soldier? Were you a soldier? Tom näytti hyvin tyytyväiseltä. Tom looked very pleased. Tom looked very pleased. Älä koske tuohon kirjaan. Don't touch that book. Don't touch that book. Az életet filozófikusan kell megközelíteni. Life should be approached philosophically. Life must be approached philosophically. Jelöld ki a mondatot, amelyiket másolni akarod. Highlight the sentence you want to copy. Select the sentence you want to copy. Évente több ezren halnak éhen. Millions of people starve to death every year. Thousands of people die of hunger every year. Se vele, sem nélküle. Neither with her nor without her. Not with him, not without him. Dolgoznom kell ma este. I must work tonight. I have to work tonight. Mikor mész el otthonról reggel? What time do you leave your house in the morning? When do you leave home in the morning? Meillä on paljon ajateltavaa. We have plenty to think about. We've got a lot on our minds. Adj egy kanalat. Give me a spoon. Give me a spoon. Ma väga tahan teda näha. I want to see her very much. I really want to see him. Várhatóan a vihar sötétedésig nem csillapodik le. The storm is not expected to die down until nightfall. It is expected that the storm will not subside until dark. Tom tuppaa hävittelemään tavaroitaan. Tom tends to lose things. Tom is throwing away his things. Hazaérve megcsókoltam az a földet. When I got home, I kissed the ground. When I got home, I kissed that ground. Kékek a játékai. His toys are blue. His toys are blue. Nem tudtam elmondani neki, amit akartam. I couldn't tell her what I wanted. I couldn't tell him what I wanted to tell him. Milloin matkasi alkaa? When does your trip begin? When does your trip start? Ezeknek a fáknak szükségük van a védelmünkre. These trees need our protection. These trees need our protection. Türelem! Patience! Be patient. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tomot bűnösnek találják. I'm sure Tom will be found guilty. I'm sure Tom will be found guilty. Aitäh eilse eest. Thank you for yesterday. Thanks for last night. Nem tudjuk, mire számítsunk. We don't know what to expect. We don't know what to expect. A gyorsabb gyógyulás érdekében dupla adag gyógyszert vettem be. For faster recovery, I took a double dose of medicines. For faster healing, I took a double dose of the drug. Szavakkal nem lehet leírni, hogy mennyire örülök. Words cannot convey how glad I am. Words cannot describe how happy I am. Sokat horkolok? Do I snore a lot? Do I snore much? Ismert dal. It's a famous song. It's a well-known song. Voisitko avata laukkusi? Please open your bag. Would you mind opening your bag? Onpa elämä outoa! How strange life is! What a strange life! Minun täytyy pelastaa hänet. I have to save him. I have to save her. Olen töissä hotellissa Bostonissa. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. Tom egy levélen aludt. Tom slept on a leaf. Tom was sleeping on a letter. Seizo oigieh. Stand straight. Seizo oigieh. Tom lukee. Tom is reading. Tom's reading. Ez Tom volt. That was Tom. That was Tom. Hän antoi meille lahjan. She gave us a present. He gave us a gift. — Hogy vagy? — Úgy, ahogy. "How is it going?" "So-so." “How are you?” Tomi on sinun opettajasi, eikö vain? Tom is your teacher, isn't he? Tom's your teacher, isn't he? Ettől aztán nem vagyok jobban! That's not making me feel any better. That doesn't make me feel any better. Magyarország fővárosa Bukarest. Bucharest is the capital of Hungary. The capital of Hungary is Bucharest. Fogd a következőt, tedd a gépbe és nyomd a gombot! Take the next one, put it into the machine and push the buttom. Take the next one, put it in the machine and push the button. Amit tett, az saját és mások életét követelte. What he did cost his life and the lives of others. What he did took his own life and the lives of others. Ez itt készült? Was this made here? This was taken here? Értesíteni fogom Tomit. I will notify Tom. I'll let Tom know. Minulla on kaksi veljeä ja kolme siskoa. I have two brothers and three sisters. I have two brothers and three sisters. Szerintem más nőkkel is kavar. I believe he's having an affair with another woman. I think he's hooking up with other women. Tom a felsővárosban él. Tom lives uptown. Tom lives uptown. "Pääsikö Tomi kokeesta läpi?" – "Nipin napin." "Did Tom pass the exam?" "Only just." "Did Tom pass the test?" - "Just a little bit." En vaadi mahdottomia. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not asking for the impossible. Pidä Tomia silmällä. Pidä huoli, ettei Tomi tee mitään muita ihmisiä häiritsevää. Keep your eyes on Tom. Make sure he doesn't do anything to bother other people. Keep an eye on Tom, make sure Tom doesn't do anything to distract other people. Kunpa en olisi nähnyt sen tapahtuvan. I wish I hadn't seen that happening. I wish I hadn't seen that happen. Hän lukee. He's reading. He's reading. A híresztelés úgy terjedt, mint az bozóttűz. The rumour spread like wildfire through the town. The rumor spread like wildfire. A holnapi indulásunk, az időjárástól függ. Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather. Our departure tomorrow depends on the weather. Apinalle puuhun kiipeäminen on helppoa. It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree. Climbing a tree for a monkey is easy. Luen kirjan syödessäni. I read a book while I eat. I read the book while eating. Asun Koillis-Brasiliassa. I live in the northeast of Brazil. I live in northeastern Brazil. Még mindig tagadja a bűnösségét? Do you still deny your guilt? Are you still denying your guilt? Sano asiasi lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi. Be brief and to the point. Say it briefly and succinctly. Az van, hogy látni akarom a mosolyod csupán. I just want to see your smile, is all. The thing is, I just want to see your smile. En ole ikinä kohdannut suoraa rotusortoa. I have never experienced racism directly. I've never faced direct racial oppression. Úgy érezte Tom, meg fog halni. Tom thought he was going to die. Tom felt he was going to die. Tom az összes süteményt megette. Tom ate all the cookies. Tom ate all the cookies. Igaz, hogy Tom öngyilkosságot követett el? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Mindig is volt és van klímaváltozás. There has always been climate change. There has always been and will always be climate change. Minä vain vitsailin. I was only joking. I was just kidding. Ta valis hea naise. He chose a good wife. He chose a good woman. Syö jotakin. Eat something. Eat something. Ez a hölgy nagyon jól néz ki. That lady is very good looking. This lady looks really good. Tahtsin sinuga sellest rääkida. I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to talk to you about that. Van itt benn valaki? Anybody in here? Is anyone in here? Tommilla ei oo mitään mahkuja. Tom won't stand a chance. Tom doesn't have a chance. Te olette saksalaisia, eikö vain? You're Germans, aren't you? You're Germans, aren't you? Az szívem ifjú. I'm young at heart. My heart is young. A repülőgép készen áll. The airplane is ready. The plane is ready. Sok virág van a kertben. There are many flowers in the garden. There are many flowers in the garden. Tom tulkkasi Marin puheen ranskaksi. Tom interpreted what Mary said into French. Tom translated Mari's speech into French. Minulla on lemmikkijuna, jota välillä käytän toimistolla. Se saa tosin toimiston aivan nokiseksi. I have a pet train I sometimes take to work. It makes the office all sooty though. I have a pet train that I sometimes use in the office, but it makes the office soggy. — Megint késtél, Béla! — Sajnálom! Az van, hogy elaludtam. — Jól van. Már annak is örülök, hogy itt vagy egyáltalán. "You're late again, Tom!" "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I overslept." "Never mind. I'm happy you're here at all." “You’re late again, Béla!” “I’m sorry. I fell asleep.” “All right. I’m glad you’re here at all.” Túl nagy ez a doboz, hogy beférjen a táskámba. This box is too big to fit in my bag. This box is too big to fit in my bag. Jól hangzik, de mit nyújt nekem? Sounds good, but what's in it for me? Sounds good, but what do you have for me? Miért van annyi munkanélküli? Why is there so much unemployment? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hän on älykäs. He has a good brain. He's smart. Hol a talicskám? Where is my wheelbarrow? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ziri vadász lett. Ziri has become a hunter. Ziri became a hunter. Efféle dolog nem sűrűn adódik. This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. That sort of thing doesn't happen very often. Nem vagy szószátyár, mi? You do not talk so much, right? You're not a talker, are you? Tomi elég erős, hogy felemelje. Tom is strong enough to lift that. Tom is strong enough to lift it. Nem áll szándékomban időzni. I'm not intending to stay long. I have no intention of lingering. Haen laukkuni. I go get my bag. I'll get my bag. A sors összehozott minket. We were destined to meet. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Jöttek már ők valaha is pontosan? Have they ever come on time? Have they ever come exactly? Csomó időm van. I have plenty of time. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Csak az időd megy majd pocsékba. You'll just waste your time. Only your time will be wasted. Nem fogják megérteni. They won't understand. They won't understand. Először is, kérem, mutassa be magát három percben. First, please take about 3 minutes to introduce yourself. First of all, please introduce yourself in three minutes. Néha csak a címsorokat olvasom el. Sometimes I only read the headlines. Sometimes I just read the headlines. Vein on klaasis. The wine is in the glass. The wine is in the glass. A király megsemmisítette ellenségeit. The king crushed his enemies. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH A politikusok bohócok. Politicians are clowns. Politicians are clowns. Tyttäreni valmistui lukiosta viime vuonna. My daughter graduated from high school last year. My daughter graduated from high school last year. Engem csak Tomi szeret. Tom is the only one who loves me. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hadd próbáljam még egyszer! Let me try again. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Onko tämä hänen itse piirtämänsä kuva? Is this a picture that he drew by himself? Is this a picture he drew himself? Joulukuun 24. päivä on jouluaatto. December 24th is Christmas Eve. December 24th is Christmas Eve. Johdomukaisuus on mielikuvituksettomien viimeinen turvapaikka. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Tomilla oli musta kudottu pipo. Tom was wearing a black knit hat. Tom had a black knit beanie. "Katso! Punavalkoinen sieni! Se näyttää niin maukkaalta!" "Ei, älä syö sitä. Se on myrkyllinen." "Look! A red and white mushroom! It looks so tasty!" "No, don't eat it. It's poisonous." "Look! Red and white mushroom! It looks so tasty!" "No, do not eat it. It is poisonous." Sinä et valittanut, eikö niin? You didn't complain, did you? You didn't complain, did you? Egy macska kisebb, mint egy kutya. Cats are smaller than dogs. A cat is smaller than a dog. Egy gazdag öregemberhez ment férjhez. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Nekem az olyanok jönnek be, akik nem adnak sokat a megjelenésre. My type is someone who doesn't care too much about their appearance. I like people who don’t give much to appearances. Minä juopottelen liian paljon! I drink too much! SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nincs senki, akivel beszélgethetnék. I had no one to talk with. There's no one to talk to. Odaültem mellé. I sat by his side. I sat next to him. Tomilla on ihottumaa. Tom has a rash. Tom has a rash. Ebben a szekrényben tárolhatod a ruháidat. This wardrobe is where you may keep your clothes. You can store your clothes in this closet. Oletko varma tiedoistasi? Are you sure of your facts? Are you sure about your information? Lehet, hogy ír vagyok, de nem hülye. I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. Katolikus gyökerekkel rendelkezem. I come from a Catholic background. I have Catholic roots. Elszunyókált a TV előtt. He fell asleep in front of the television. He took a nap in front of the TV. Független jelöltként indult. He ran as an independent candidate. He ran as an independent candidate. Hadd mondjam el nyíltan és őszintén, mit gondolok önről. Let me tell you frankly what I think of you. Let me be frank and honest about what I think of you. Pystyykö Tom puhumaan ranskaa? Is Tom able to speak French? Can Tom speak French? Félig kínai, félig japán vagyok. I'm half Chinese and half Japanese. I'm half Chinese, half Japanese. Oktii gádden ahte ledjen meaddán, muhto feilejin. Once I thought I was wrong. Turns out I was mistaken. And, indeed, while he thought it to be some one else, they found fault with him. Óvatosan! Itt nagyon csúszós. Careful! It's very slippery here. Careful, it's very slippery here. Miksen kuollut? Why didn't I die? Why didn't I die? Azt mondta, nem tudja. He said that he doesn't know. He said he didn't know. Äitini antoi minulle helmikaulanauhan. My mother gave me a pearl necklace. My mother gave me a pearl necklace. Mi a franc bajotok van, emberek? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell is wrong with you people? Jobb, ha nem olvasod el ezt a könyvet. You'd better not read this book. You better not read this book. Mindjárt szétmegy a fejem. My head is going to explode. My head's about to explode. A könyvespolc tetején több bőrkötésű könyv hever. There are several leather-bound books sitting atop the bookcase. At the top of the bookcase are several leather-bound books. Poikamme kuoli sodassa. Our son died in the war. Our son died in the war. Mi vagyunk az elsők. We're the first. We're the first. Älä puhu ranskaa minulle. Don't speak French to me. Don't speak French to me. Egyikük hazudik. One of them is lying. One of them's lying. Murehtiminen ei auta. Worrying isn't going to help. Worrying won't help. Bizony hogy létezik! It does exist. Yes, it does exist! Megvan nekem a magam problémája. I have problems of my own. I have my own problems. Tulen olemaan siellä huomenna. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. Tegnap délután voltál könyvtárban? Were you at the library yesterday afternoon? Were you at the library yesterday afternoon? Bújj be, kérlek! Please step inside. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Sinähän sanoit, että osaisit puhua ranskaa. You said you could speak French. I thought you said you could speak French. Tykkään vaikeiden verbien taivuttamisesta. I like to conjugate difficult verbs. I love conjugating difficult verbs. Se ei minua yllätä. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Soha nem volt még annyira egyedül. She had never been so lonely. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Äiti meni juuri shoppailemaan. Mum's just gone shopping. My mom just went shopping. Yritän juuri tutustua sinuun. I'm just trying to get to know you. I'm trying to get to know you. Újra fiatal akarok lenni. I want to be young again. I want to be young again. Tom levágott pár ágat a fáról. Tom cut some branches off the tree. Tom cut off some branches from the tree. Álmai asszonyát vette el. He married the girl of his dreams. He married the woman of his dreams. Myös neljännessä kerroksessa on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. En muista, et olisin lähettäny ton tekstarin. I don't remember sending that text message. I don't remember sending you that text. Csak annyi, hogy nem akarok ma meghalni. It's just that I don't want to die today. It's just that I don't want to die today. Minä opin häneltä paljon tähtitieteestä. I learned much about astronomy from him. I learned a lot about astronomy from him. A mókusok szeretik a madáreleséget. Squirrels love birdseed. Squirrels love bird food. Joulu lähestyy nopeasti. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is fast approaching. Mondhatnám, hogy a vegyi permetezés csak összeesküvéselmélet, ha nem a saját szememmel nézem végig a repülő haladási útját és a felhő kialakulását. I could say chemtrail is just a conspiracy theory if I hadn't watched the flight path of the plane and the formation of the cloud with my own eyes. I could say that chemical spraying is only a conspiracy theory, if I do not look with my own eyes at the flight path and the formation of the cloud. Nem igaz. It ain't true. It's not true. Syön omenan. I'm eating an apple. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom sanoi, että puhut ranskaa. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you speak French. Olet varmaankin henkisesti uupunut. You must be mentally exhausted. You must be mentally exhausted. Muiriel most 20 éves. Muiriel is 20 now. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Az Egyesült Államok bűnös az emberiség ellen elkövetett háborús bűnökért. The United States are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The United States is guilty of war crimes against humanity. Nézd, itt van ez a barom! Look, the asshole is here. Look, there's this jerk. Valami nincs rendben. Something's not right. Something's not right. Tänud! Thanks! Thanks, man. Nyomj egy okét. Click "OK". Give me an okay. Fejezd be itt a szaglászást. Stop poking around here. Stop snooping around here. Rosszul vagyok tőled. You make me feel sick. You make me sick. Olyan fáradt volt, egyből elaludt. She was so tired that she fell asleep at once. He was so tired, he fell asleep. Hol a pizza? Where's the pizza? Where's the pizza? Aláírattak vele valamilyen szerződést. They made him sign a contract. They had him sign some sort of contract. Ők árulók. They're traitors. They're traitors. Etsi sen ympyrän ympärysmitta, jonka ala on kaksitoista neliösenttimetriä. Find the circumference of a circle whose area is 12 square centimeters. Find the circumference of a circle whose area is twelve square centimeters. Tomi saa asioita aikaan. Tom makes things happen. Tom gets things done. Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem tud lepipálni. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As for the English, no one can beat me. Annatko minulle hiukan? Will you give me some? Will you give me some? Mindannyian követünk el hibákat. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Szomjasak? Are you thirsty? Thirsty? Nem számítok arra, hogy ez valaha is megint megtörténik. I don't expect that to ever happen again. I don't expect this to ever happen again. Siellä on iso reikä. There's a big hole. There's a big hole. Meidät on lähetetty suorittamaan peitetehtävä. We are sent on a covert mission. We've been sent to carry out an undercover mission. Lasi maitoa, kiitos. Please give me a glass of milk. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Minu isa on tugevam kui sinu isa. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than your father. Tehát azt mondod, művész? So are you saying he's an artist? So you're saying he's an artist? Kifárasztott a 12 órás utazás. The twelve-hour journey had tired me out. I'm tired of the 12-hour ride. Úgy tippelem, még él. I guess he's still alive. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ma olen väga häbelik. I'm very shy. I'm very shy. Lentoyhtiö lähettää matkatavaranne määränpäähänne joko välittömästi tai myöhemmin, mikäli asiakas niin haluaa. The airline makes sure to send luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or at a later date, at the passenger's choice. The airline will send your luggage to your destination either immediately or later if the customer so wishes. Minulla on ollut kiire muutamana viime päivänä. I've been very busy the last few days. I've been busy the last few days. Ez műszakilag lehetséges. It's technically possible. This is technically possible. Mostantól nem fogok köszönni ennek a pimasz Lucának. Starting now, I won't say hello to that nasty Luca anymore! From now on, I'm not gonna say hello to this cheeky Luca. Nem ihatok alkoholt, miután bevettem a gyógyszeremet. I can't drink alcohol after taking my medicine. I can't drink alcohol after I've taken my medication. Dobozba raktam. I put it in a box. I boxed it. A Shrek alkotója, mely eredetileg mesekönyv violt, egy lengyel zsidó bevándorló gyermeke volt. The creator of Shrek, which was originally a children's book, was the son of Polish Jewish immigrants. The creator of Shrek, which was originally a storybook violet, was the son of a Polish Jewish immigrant. En syntynyt Maapallolla. I wasn't born on Earth. I wasn't born on Earth. Sem a nővel, sem a férfivel. Neither with her nor with him. Not with the woman, not with the man. Jobb nem kérdezni. It's better not to ask. Better not to ask. Melyik felét akarod te? Which half do you want? Which half do you want? Siitäkö haluat puhua kanssani? Is that what you want to talk to me about? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Avaisitko ikkunan? Open the window, will you? Would you open the window? Fordulj hátra, ha látni akarod őt. Turn back if you want to see her. Turn around if you want to see him. Miten voit olla pitämättä Tomista. How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Ha Rióban jársz, ne felejts el felhívni, hogy körbevezethesselek! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you're in Rio, don't forget to call me so I can show you around. Ostin tusinan munia. I bought a dozen eggs. I bought a dozen eggs. Tomia tultiin suutelemaan, mutta hän ei tiennyt sitä. Tom was about to be kissed, but he didn't know it. They came to kiss Tom, but he didn't know it. Beadta nekem a vakcinát a nővér. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse gave me the vaccine. Harminc éve ez a legmelegebb nyarunk. This summer is the hottest we've had for thirty years. It's been our hottest summer for 30 years. Ha engem kérdezel, én meg vagyok elégedve. As for me, I am satisfied. If you ask me, I'm satisfied. Viszontlátásra! Good-bye! Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Dánul mondjam vagy angolul? Should I say it in Danish or in English? Should I say Danish or English? Mary azt mondta, hogy nem Tom lánya. Mary said that she wasn't Tom's daughter. Mary said she wasn't Tom's daughter. Tomi puhuu entisestä tyttöystävästään paljon. Tom talks about his ex-girlfriend a lot. Tom talks a lot about his ex-girlfriend. Te elhiszel neki mindent? Do you understand everything she says? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hän ei hukkaa hetkeäkään. He's not a man to waste time. He won't lose a moment. Lasketaanko 1 alkuluvuksi? Is 1 considered a prime number? Is 1 a prime number? Forr a víz. Bele is teszem a tésztát. The water is boiling. I'll put the pasta in. I'll put the dough in it. Izzadt volt a tenyerem. My palms were sweaty. My hands were sweaty. Tomi näyttää kohdanneensa vertaisensa. It looks as if Tom has met his match. Tom seems to have met his match. A szemei hazugságról árulkodtak. His eyes told me he was lying. His eyes told a lie. Csak három nap. It's only for three days. It's only three days. Tériszonyos vagyok. I have a fear of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Miért zavar ez téged? Why's it bothering you? Why does that bother you? A tévé egész nap be van kapcsolva. The TV is on all day long. The TV is on all day. A pokolba vezető út is jó szándékkal van kikövezve. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Millaista vastausta odotit? What kind of reply did you expect? What response did you expect? Több mint háromszáz éve épült. It was built more than three hundred years ago. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hawaijia kutsutaan usein "Tyynenmeren helmeksi". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." Hawaii is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Pacific.” Pelkäätkö korkeita paikkoja? Are you afraid of heights? Are you afraid of heights? Mikä on kauhein asia, joka voi mahdollisesti tapahtua? What's the worst thing that could possibly happen? What is the worst thing that could possibly happen? En tykkää linnoittautua. I don't like to castle. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Näyttää siltä, että japaninvaahtera vihdoinkin oksii. Looks like the Japanese maple is finally branching. It looks like the Japanese maple is finally branching out. Ketä me odotamme? Who are we waiting for? Who are we waiting for? Meg tudod nekem mondani ennek az embernek a nevét? Can you tell me that man's name? Can you tell me this man's name? Biztos, hogy érted. You certainly understand. I'm sure you understand. Tom rövidnadrágot viselt. Tom was wearing shorts. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom vaikuttaa nukkuvan. Tom seems to be asleep. Tom seems to be sleeping. Nézd a harmadik oldalt. Look at page three. Look at page three. A macskám ért franciául, de úgy tesz, mint aki nem. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. Mondd el neki! Mondd csak el neki! Tell it to him! Just tell it to him! Tell him, tell him. Ez egy elég nagy furkósbot. It's a pretty big club. That's a pretty big stick. Palun vannita lapsed. Please bathe the children. Please bathe the children. A tortája remek. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is great. ”Oletko ruotsalainen?” ”En, sveitsiläinen." "Are you Swedish?" "No, Swiss." “Are you Swedish?” “No, Swiss.” Mitä siinä piilee? What does that mean? What's in it? Pidetään pieni tauko. Let's take a short break. Let's take a little break. A munkám olyan, mint bármelyik másik munka. My job is just like any other job. My job is like any other job. Segítséget kell szereznünk. We must get some help. We have to get help. Ma láttam Tamást. I saw Tom today. I saw Tom today. Rá várok itt. I'm waiting for her here. I'll wait for him here. Hän sanoi tytölle, että rakasti tätä. He told her that he loved her. He told her he loved her. Ne nyissátok ki! Don't open that. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Válaszfalat építettek az autópálya szélén, hogy eltereljék a zajt a közelben lévő házaktól. A barrier, designed to deflect noise away from nearby houses, was erected along the edge of the freeway. A partition was built on the side of the highway to divert noise from nearby houses. Luulin, että osaisit puhua ranskaa. I thought you could speak French. I thought you could speak French. Olen sairaalassa. I'm in the hospital. I'm in the hospital. Hänen talonsa on erittäin moderni. His house is very modern. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Kerro minulle miksi hän itkee. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Minek várni tovább? Why wait any longer? Why wait any longer? Menen etsimään Tomia. I'll go and look for Tom. I'm gonna go find Tom. Mi van akkor, ha történt vele valami? What if something happened to her? What if something happened to him? Keresgéltem a kulcsot. I looked for the key. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Mi történt azután? What happened afterwards? What happened after that? A szemüvegemmel jól látok mind közelre, mind távolra. With my glasses I can see well both near and far. I can see both near and far with my glasses. Toivotan tervetulleiksi juhlaan kaikki, jotka haluavat tulla. We will welcome whoever wants to come to the party. We welcome anyone who wants to come. Seborvosra van szükségünk. We need a surgeon. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Lopással vádolta őket. She accused him and her of theft. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tomi, se on minä. Voidaanko puhua? Tom, it's me. Can we talk? Tomi, it's me, can we talk? Ne mondd már, hogy én vagyok a legnagyobb seggfej! Don't say I'm a sucker. Don't tell me I'm the biggest asshole. Ez a számítógép nem került sokba. This computer didn't cost much. This computer didn't cost much. Minulla on hommia. I have a job to do. I've got work to do. Hän on uimassa. She is swimming. He's swimming. Ziri haavoittui taistelussa. Ziri sustained wounds in combat. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Missä WC on? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Õde on haige. The nurse is ill. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom nem kapta vissza a pénzét. Tom didn't get his money back. Tom didn't get his money back. Hadd mondjak neked valamit mint barát. Let me tell you something as a friend. Let me tell you something as a friend. Tomi a tükör előtt állt, Mari meg vele szemben a tükörben. Tom stood in front of the mirror and Mary stood in front of him in the mirror. Tom was standing in front of the mirror, and Mari was facing him in the mirror. Igyad a kávéd, amíg ki nem hűl! Drink your coffee while it's hot. Drink your coffee until it gets cold. Onko Tom yrittänyt tätä aikaisemmin? Has Tom tried doing this before? Has Tom tried this before? Sanoiko Tom milloin hän tulisi kylään? Did Tom say when he'd come to visit? Did Tom say when he was coming over? Mina siin! It's me! It's me! Megettük mindet. We ate that all. We ate them all. Miksi sinä kutsut miestäsi kotona? At home, what do you call your husband? What do you call your husband at home? Áll az alku. The deal is all but done. That's a deal. Mindjárt összeomlanak ezek a falak. These walls are about to collapse. These walls are about to collapse. A szél a szemébe fújta a haját. The wind blew her hair into her eyes. The wind blew her hair in her eyes. Akarom látni, hogyan nézel ki szemüveggel. Felvennéd, kérlek? I want to see how you look like with glasses. Can you put them on? I want to see what you look like with glasses. Hány órakor mész iskolába? What time do you go to school? What time do you go to school? Tundub, et raha on otsa saanud. The money seems to have run out. Looks like we're out of money. Adott neki egy ajándékot. She gave him a present. He gave her a gift. Maradhatsz. You may stay. You can. Tomi ei ole vielä palannut. Tom hasn't yet returned. Tom is not back yet. Adhatok azzal a dologgal kapcsolatban neked tanácsot, ha szeretnéd. I can give you some advice on that if you want. I can give you some advice on that if you want. Emlékszel, hol találkoztunk először? Do you remember where you and I first met? Do you remember where we first met? Eikö se ole totta? Isn't it true? That's not true, is it? Tom ezt megcsinálta, azt pedig nem. Tom did this, but he didn't do that. Tom did this, and he didn't do that. Voisinko ottaa kylvyn? May I take a bath? Can I take a bath? Ismered ezt a dalt? Do you know this song? You know that song? En koskaan pitänyt biologiasta. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Son orru dás. He lives here. and he will stay there. János két évvel idősebb nálam. John is two years older than me. John is two years older than me. Tartsa, kérem. Hold on, please. Hold on, please. - Ide tudnád adni a sót, kérlek? - Hol van? Én itt nem látom. - Az üveg mögött van. - Ja, igen. Megtaláltam. "Can you pass me the salt, please?" "Where is it? I can't see here." "It's behind the bottle." "Oh, yes. I've found it." - Can you pass the salt, please? - Where is it? - I don't see it here. - It's behind the glass. Osaako Tom soittaa pianoa? Does Tom know how to play the piano? Can Tom play the piano? Tomi toi kukkia. Tom brought flowers. Tom brought me flowers. Ryöstö tallentui valvontakameraan. The robbery was caught on a security camera. The robbery was recorded on CCTV. Tilanne on hyvin monimutkainen. The situation is very complicated. The situation is very complicated. Milyen színű a hajad? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? Tomi on laiska ja hemmoteltu. Tom is lazy and spoiled. Tom is lazy and spoiled. A te kezedben vagyok. I'm in your hands. I'm in your hands. Legyél szíves, határozott választ adj! Please give me a definite answer. Please give me a firm answer. No milloin suuri päivä on? When's the big day? So when's the big day? Luulen, että niiden salaliittoa juonivien ihmisten yliarviointi on juuri sitä mitä he haluavat. I think overestimating the people masterminding that conspiracy is exactly what they want. I think that overestimating those people who are plotting a conspiracy is exactly what they want. Túlsúlyos voltam. I was overweight. I was overweight. Mul on suur palve. I have a big favor to ask. I have a big request. Täällä myydään kaikkea. They sell everything here. They sell everything here. Elmegyek örökre. I'm leaving forever. I'm leaving forever. Megette a torta három negyedét. He ate three-fourths of the cake. He ate three-quarters of the cake. Tom magányosnak látszott. Tom looked lonely. Tom looked lonely. Korábban senki nem gondolt rá hogy jeget adjon el. No one had ever thought of selling ice before. No one ever thought of selling ice before. Tässä, sovita päällesi. Here, try it on. Here, try it on. Van még egy kis tej a hűtőszekrényben. There's some milk left in the fridge. There's some more milk in the fridge. Nem igazán ismerem, így nem igazán bízom benne. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. Azt javaslom, add fel. I suggest you give up. I suggest you give up. Tällä hetkellä kun taloutemme on kasvussa, yrityksemme luovat työpaikkoja nopeimpaan tahtiin sitten 1990-luvun ja palkat ovat taas lähdössä nousuun, meidän täytyy tehdä valintoja siitä, millainen maa me haluamme olla. At a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, and wages are starting to rise again, we have to make some choices about the kind of country we want to be. At a time when our economy is growing, our companies are creating jobs at the fastest rate since the 1990s and wages are starting to rise again, we have to make choices about what kind of country we want to be. Mit mondol? What is this that you're saying? What are you saying? Adhatok a dologgal kapcsolatban neked tanácsot, ha szeretnéd. I can give you some advice on that if you want. I can give you some advice on this if you want. Jos filosofilla ei ole pitkää, valkoista partaa, niin minä en luota häneen. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. If a philosopher doesn’t have a long white beard, I don’t trust him. Ő egy idegen. He is a stranger. He's a stranger. Tomin vuositulot ovat yli 100,000 dollaria. Tom's annual income is more than $100,000. Tom's annual income is over $100,000. Nincs nálam készpénz. Írhatok róla egy csekket? I haven't got any cash. Can I write a cheque? I don't have any cash on me. Tomi tuli takaisin kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunut. Tom came back as if nothing had happened. Tom came back as if nothing had happened. Három hónapot töltött a fonton. He was at the front for three months. He spent three months on the pound. Nem tudok ellenállni a testi kísértéseknek. I can't resist the temptations of the flesh. I cannot resist the temptations of the flesh. Voin kuulla Tomin laulavan. I can hear Tom singing. I can hear Tom singing. Elfeledte visszahívni. He forgot to ring her back. You forgot to call. Hänen viilletyistä kasvoistaan valui verta. Blood trickled from his cut face. There was blood on his face. Sinun pitää saada Tom auttamaan meitä. You have to get Tom help us. You need to get Tom to help us. Minulla on pihdit autossani. I have pliers in my car. I have pliers in my car. Gyűlölöm az ügyvédeket. I hate lawyers. I hate lawyers. Tom tietää jo totuuden. Tom already knows the truth. Tom already knows the truth. Tarina loppui äkisti. The story concluded abruptly. The story ended suddenly. Minulla on teitä kaikkia kauhea ikävä. I really miss you all. I miss you all so much. Interszex vagyok. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. Ez az én bulim. It's my party. This is my party. Van még két órám indulásig. I've two hours yet before leaving. I've got two hours to go. Tom magas oma voodis. Tom was in his bed asleep. Tom slept in his bed. A szívem azt mondja, igen, de az agyam azt, hogy nem. My heart says yes, but my mind says no. My heart says yes, but my brain says no. Tomi antoi periksi houkutukselle. Tom gave in to temptation. Tom gave in to the temptation. Három robbanást is lehetett hallani az elmúlt órában. Three explosions were heard in the last hour. We've heard three explosions in the last hour. Egy gyereknek még minden játék. For children, everything is play. A child has all the toys. Melyik az ön könyve? Which is your book? Which is your book? Mitä sinä teit väärin? What did you do wrong? What did you do wrong? A bolha kétszázszor olyan magasra tud ugrani, mint a saját magassága. A flea can jump 200 times its own height. A flea can jump 200 times higher than its own height. A foglalkozása fogorvos. He is a dentist by profession. Your occupation is dentistry. Hogy mondod azt franciául, hogy szeretlek? How do you say "I love you" in French? How do you say I love you in French? A pletykák tönkretehetik az életedet. Some rumors can destroy your life. Rumors can ruin your life. A gyermekek tele vannak energiával. Children are full of energy. Children are full of energy. Vagy Tom megy el vagy én. Either Tom leaves or I will. It's either Tom or me. Tänään on liian kylmä eväsretkelle. It's too cold today for a picnic. It's too cold for lunch today. En usko, että olen tehnyt tarpeeksi spaghettia kaikille. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. I don't think I've done enough spaghetti for everyone. Be tudnál ugrani a boltba hazafelé tejért? Can you pop to the shop on your way home and get some milk? Can you stop by the store on the way home and get some milk? Olen ruokaa. I am food. I'm food. Mindent megcsináltunk, amit kellett. We've done everything there was to do. We did everything we needed to do. Mindannyian készen vagyunk? Are we all ready? Are we all ready? Бур ӵукна! Good morning! Good morning, everyone. Mi az üres ellentéte? What is the opposite of 'empty'? What is the opposite of empty? Minun veljeni ei tule olemaan huomenna kotona. My brother won't be at home tomorrow. My brother's not gonna be home tomorrow. Elbújtunk a bokor mögött. We hid in the bushes. We hid behind the bush. Láttam őt egy héttel ezelőtt. I saw her a week ago. I saw him a week ago. Tom hallgatózik. Tom is eavesdropping. Tom's listening. Metsäsiat kaivavat syviä kuoppia. Badgers dig deep holes. Forest pigs dig deep pits. Olisiko pterosaurus eräänlainen hirmulisko? Is the pterosaur maybe a type of dinosaur? Would a pterosaur be some kind of monster? Mie en ole vanha. I'm not old. I'm not old. Le tudnád fordítani ezt a mondatot? Could you translate this sentence? Can you translate that sentence? Bár nem vagyok muszlim, de tetszenek a mecsetek. Although I'm not Muslim, I do like mosques. I'm not a Muslim, but I like the mosques. Tämä on todella tärkeä näkökohta. This is a very important point. That is a very important point. Se ei ole minun vikani. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Nem bírom a képed. I don't like your face. I can't stand your face. Tom käänsi sopimuksen ranskaksi. Tom translated the contract into French. Tom translated the contract into French. Ristikolla kasvaa murattia. Some ivy is growing on the trellis. Ivy grows on the crucifix. Nélküle nem lenne értelme kikelni az ágyból. Without her, there would be no reason to get out of bed. There's no point getting out of bed without him. Hahahaa! Hahaha! Hahaha! Olen Tatoeba-riippuvainen. I'm addicted to Tatoeba. I'm a Tatoeba addict. Se tulee olemaan helppoa. It'll be easy. It's gonna be easy. Pitäisikö Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan pysyä Euroopan unionin jäsenenä vai jättää se? Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave it? Remélem, hogy Tom most Marival van. I'm hoping that Tom is with Mary now. I hope Tom's with Mari now. Miten matsi meni? How was the match? How was the game? Mi az az aminosav? What's an amino acid? What is an amino acid? Tom meghalt? Is Tom dead? Tom's dead? Sokan közületek még mindig a múltban élnek. Many of you still live in the past. Many of you are still living in the past. Pidä kuule huolta ihan vaan omista asioistasi! Mind your own business! Take care of your own business! Tomi on kestävä. Tom has stamina. Tom is durable. Tom nagyon energikus. Tom is very energetic. Tom's very energetic. A feleségem családja nagyon gazdag. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. Su käekiri on loetamatu. Your handwriting is illegible. Your handwriting is illegible. Elämä on liian lyhyt halvan viinin juomiseen. Life's too short to drink cheap wine. Life is too short to drink cheap wine. Apám meséket mesél nekem, hogy elaludjak. My father tells me fairy tales to put me to sleep. My father tells me stories to fall asleep. Mi nem tartunk kutyát. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. Szereted a füstölt osztrigát? Do you like smoked oysters? Do you like smoked oysters? Az igazság felszabadít. The truth will set you free. The truth will set you free. Toivotaan, että se on tarpeeksi. Let's hope that's enough. Let's hope that's enough. Nem közölték a halál okát. The cause of death wasn't given. They didn't give a cause of death. Säästöporsas oli niin täyteen ahdettu, ettei se enää pystynyt kilisemään. Sen täydellisempään elämäntilanteeseen ei säästöporsas pysty. The piggy bank was stuffed so full that it could no longer rattle, which is the highest state of perfection that a piggy bank can attain. The piglet was so crowded that it could no longer clamor, and the piglet could not achieve a more perfect life situation. Ismered Tomot személyesen? Did you know Tom personally? Do you know Tom personally? Japánnak vannak diplomáciai kapcsolatai Kínával. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. Csak egy lánytestvérem van. I have only one sister. I only have one sister. Seiso jonossa. Stand in the queue. Stand in line. Hol vannak most a gyerekeitek? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Ő mindig kikéri a ti véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He is always asking for your opinion. Neked melyik lenne jobb? Which would be better for you? Which would be better for you? Érezzük jól magunkat! Let's enjoy ourselves. Let's have a good time. Azt akarom, hogy megölelj. I want you to hug me. I want you to hug me. Oletko varma, että olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan? Are you sure we're going the right way? Are you sure we're going in the right direction? Olisinpa pannut päälleni lyhythihaisen. I wish I'd worn short sleeves. I wish I'd put on a short sleeve. A Faszbuk lesz hamarosan a Tízparancsolat, úgy néz ki. Volt erkölcs, nincs erkölcs. Facebook seems to be going to be Ten Commandments. There won't be morals any longer. The Fuckboys will soon be the Ten Commandments, it looks like. There was morality, there is no morality. Nincs értelme összehasonlítani őket. There's no point in comparing them. There is no point in comparing them. Okosabb vagy, mint gondolod. You're smarter than you think. You're smarter than you think. Régen házas voltam. I used to be married. I used to be married. Hangosan szitkozódott. She swore loudly. He scolded loudly. Alkoi sataa suuria pisaroita. Olisi pitänyt tuoda sateenvarjo. I should have brought my umbrella. Large raindrops are starting to fall. It started to rain, and I should have brought an umbrella. Olen tuntenut teidät vuosia. I've known you for years. I've known you for years. Csak nem bírok megállni. I just can’t stop. I just can't stop. Kirja putosi kirjahyllystä. A book dropped from the shelf. The book fell off the bookshelf. Ursula von der Leyen zsarolja az olasz választókat. Ursula von der Leyen is blackmailing Italian voters. Ursula von der Leyen is blackmailing Italian voters. Mondtam neked, hogy várjál! I told you to wait. I told you to wait! Énekelték a gyerekek: Süss fel, nap, fényes nap, kertek alatt a ludaink megfagynak! The children chanted, "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." The children sang: Bake up, sun, bright sun, our geese will freeze under the gardens! A Neptunusz mitől kék? Why is Neptune blue? Why is Neptune blue? Merről? From where? Which way? Tom meni keittiöön hakemaan kahvia. Tom went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Tom went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Sinä näytät aivan näyttelijältä. You look like an actress. You look like an actor. A dolgok néha igy mennek. That's just the way things happen sometimes. Sometimes that's the way things are. Süsse addig, amíg a teteje aranybarna nem lesz. Bake until the top is golden brown. Bake until the top is golden brown. Azt hittem, ismerem őt. I thought I knew him. I thought I knew him. Fáj a vállam, ha felemelem a karom. My shoulder hurts when I lift my arm. My shoulder hurts when I lift my arm. Tomi katosi pimeyteen. Tom vanished into the darkness. Tom disappeared into the darkness. Ideje befejeznünk, amit elkezdtünk. It's time to finish what we started. It's time to finish what we started. Szomorú vége van a történetnek. This story has an unhappy ending. The story has a sad ending. Azt mondta Tomi, hogy ő nem tud franciául. Tom said that he didn't know French. Tom said he didn't speak French. Hän kuoli 70-vuotiaana. He died at the age of 70. He died at the age of 70. Senkit sem engedtek a fedélzetre. No one was allowed on board. No one was allowed on board. Maa on Aurinkoon verrattuna pieni. The earth is small compared with the sun. The Earth is small compared to the Sun. Az élelmiszertartalékok nem fognak kitartani addig. The food supplies will not hold out till then. The food reserves won't last that long. Alustuseks soovitame me sul minna enda profiilile ja märkida milliseid keeli sa räägid või millistest sa huvitatud oled. To start things off, we encourage you to go to your profile and let us know which languages you speak or are interested in. To start with, we recommend that you go to your profile and indicate which languages you speak or are interested in. Mun ei ois pitäny suudella häntä. I shouldn't have kissed her. I shouldn't have kissed him. Miért nem válaszolsz? Why don't you answer? Why don't you answer me? Mis on su ema nimi? What's your mother's name? What's your mother's name? Az egyik osztálytársamnál voltam. I was at one of my classmates'. I was at one of my classmates. Volna olyan kedves és lefordítaná ezt nelem? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Egy könyvet adott nekem karácsonyra. She gave me a book for Christmas. He gave me a book for Christmas. Tamás és Mária osztálytársak voltak. Tom and Mary were classmates. Thomas and Mary were classmates. Nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy tényleg szeret-e engem. I'm not sure he truly loves me. I'm not sure he really loves me. Irtózom a bohócoktól. I have a fear of clowns. I hate clowns. Ne viselkedj úgy, mintha annyira meg lennél lepődve! Don't act so surprised. Don't act so surprised. - Kié ezek a gyűrűk? - Az édesanyámé. "Whose rings are these?" "They are my mother's." - Whose rings are these? Vauhti ei ole kaikki kaikessa. Speed isn't everything. Speed is not everything. Äänesi tuo mieleen vanhoja muistoja. The sound of your voice brings back old memories. Your voice brings back memories. Melyik a legjobb megoldás? Which solution is best? What is the best solution? Igazán kijavíthatnád már a mondatban talált hibát! You could really fix the error that you found in the sentence. You can correct the error in the sentence. Kas su ema on kodus? Is your mom at home? Is your mother home? Olen ylpeä lapsistani. I'm proud of my children. I'm proud of my kids. A padláson van nagyapámnak a II. Világháborúban használt, elsősegélynyújtó felszerelése. In the attic is my grandfather's old first-aid kit from World War II. In the attic is my grandfather's first-aid kit used in World War II. Tom elköltözik. Tom is moving out. Tom's moving out. Félek apádtól. I'm afraid of your father. I'm afraid of your father. Megetettem a disznókat és a baromfiakat. I fed the pigs and poultry. I fed the pigs and the poultry. Káin gonosz volt. Cain was evil. Cain was evil. Ranskan hallituksen johtaja on pääministeri. The prime minister is the head of the government of France. The leader of the French government is the Prime Minister. Kérlek, tűnj el innen! Please get out of here. Please get out of here. Paljudele inimestele meeldib reisida. Many people like to travel. A lot of people love to travel. Allen on runoilija. Allen is a poet. Allen is a poet. Lapseni eivät kuuntele minua. My children don't listen to me. My kids don't listen to me. Tom ezt csinálta, és nem azt. Tom did this but not that. Tom did this, not that. A kávézónál várlak. I'm waiting for you at the café. I'll meet you at the cafe. Minden kapcsolatot megszakított vele. She had severed all ties with him. He cut off all contact with her. Valaki tévedésből elvitte a cipőmet. Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. Someone took my shoes by mistake. Tom suuttui kovin. Tom got very angry. Tom was very angry. Írtam egy levelet. I was writing a letter. I wrote you a letter. Emberi jog a terhességmegszakítás. Abortion is a human right. Abortion is a human right. Ha sértődős emberekkel beszélsz, oda kell figyelned arra, hogy mit mondasz. You've got to be careful what you say to people who are easily offended. When you talk to angry people, you have to listen to what they say. Nem a mi hibánk volt. Higgy nekem! It wasn't our fault. Believe me. It wasn't our fault. Ette vaikuta kovin kiireisiltä. You don't seem very busy. You don't seem too busy. Nielaisin ylpeyteni. I swallowed my pride. I swallowed my pride. Adj időt, hogy elgondolkodjak rajta. Give me time to think about it. Give me time to think about it. Tom azt ajánlotta, ne csináljam. Tom recommended that I not do that. Tom told me not to do it. Kas teil on kahele vaba lauda reedeks? Is there a table available for two on Friday? Do you have a table for the two of you for Friday? Titokban tartotta, hogy vett egy biciklit a fiának. He kept it secret that he had bought a bicycle for his son. He kept it a secret that he had bought his son a bicycle. Saisinko pizzan, kiitos. Can I have a pizza, please? Can I have a pizza, please? Mire költötték a pénzt? What was the money spent on? What was the money spent on? Tomista tulee pian isä. Tom will soon become a father. Tom will soon be a father. Tom paranoiásnak látszik. Tom looks paranoid. Tom looks paranoid. Hän puhui hitaasti. He spoke slowly. He spoke slowly. Várjon még egy kicsit, kérem! Van valami, amit ki szeretnék próbálni. Wait a bit longer, please. I have something I want to test out. There's something I'd like to try. Nem akarom elveszteni ezt a meccset. I don't want to lose this match. I don't want to lose this game. El tud vinni bennünket a Brit Múzeumba? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you take us to the British Museum? Ön nem játszik fair módon. You don't play fair. You're not playing fair. Tom ei sitä tule myöntämään, mutta hän on suurissa vaikeuksissa. Tom won't admit it, but he's in big trouble. Tom won't admit it, but he's in big trouble. Várjál még néhány napot. Wait a few more days. Wait a few more days. Vähitellen huomaat edistymistä kirjoituksissasi. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. Gradually you will see progress in your writings. Tom nyakig van az adósságban. Tom is head over heels in debt. Tom's up to his neck in debt. A kiírtott orosz cári család hatalmas vagyona, mint ahogy Kadhafi aranya a Goldman Sachs-nál van. The huge wealth of the exterminated Russian tsarist family just like the gold of Gaddafi is at Goldman Sachs. The vast wealth of the Russian tsarist family wiped out, just as Gaddafi's gold is owned by Goldman Sachs. Fél órával étkezés után vegye be a kapszulát. Take this capsule within thirty minutes of each meal. Take the capsule half an hour after meals. Nem jöttél el. You didn't come. You didn't come. Olet niin säälittävä. You're so pathetic. You're so pathetic. Tom on hereillä. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Egyedül fogod ezt megcsinálni? Are you going to do that on your own? Are you gonna do this on your own? Kerro minulle milloin hän tulee. Tell me when he will come. Tell me when he's coming. Minä menen. I'm going. I'll go. Okay. Höm. Hmm. Uh-huh. Jos hän opiskelisi kovasti, hän voisi päästä tutkinnosta. If he studied hard, he could pass the exam. If he studied hard, he could get away with a degree. Kérd meg Tamást, hogy várjon egy kicsit. Ask Tom to stay a while. Ask Thomas to wait a little longer. Onko portaiden nouseminen vaikeaa? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Ez az a számítógép, amelyen írja a cikkeit. That's the computer on which he writes his articles. This is the computer on which you write your articles. Mikor voltál a legboldogabb? What time are you the happiest? When were you happiest? Mindent megpróbáltunk, hogy segítsünk rajta. We tried everything to help him. We did everything we could to help him. Csak kezdj el dolgozni. Just start working. Just get to work. Az összes diák hazament. All the students have gone home. All the students went home. Jää ihan vapaasti. Feel free to stay. Feel free to stay. Käärme nielaisi sammakon. The snake swallowed a frog. The snake swallowed the frog. Mondtam, hogy őrült vagyok? Did I mention that I'm crazy? Did I say I was crazy? Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. Nem vicceltem. I wasn't kidding. I wasn't kidding. Voisitko kertoa langattoman verkon salasanan? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password, please? Could you tell me the wireless network password? Volt forgatókönyv, de rendszerint Tom nem ragaszkodott hozzá, jobban szeretett improvizálni. There was a script but, as a rule, Tom didn't stick to it, preferring instead to improvise. There was a script, but as a rule, Tom did not insist on it, he liked to improvise more. Olen yllättynyt, että sinä olet niin naiivi. I'm surprised that you're so naïve. I'm surprised you're so naive. Lue tämä ensin. Read this first. Read this first. Önök boldogok? Are you happy? Are you happy? Senki sem tudja, mi történt akkor. No one knows what happened then. No one knows what happened then. Bulgáriában például, ha valaki rázza a fejét, az egyetértést jelent; ha bólogat, az pedig egyet nem értést. For example, in Bulgaria, shaking one's head indicates agreement; nodding one's head, disagreement. In Bulgaria, for example, shaking one’s head means agreeing; nodding is disagreeing. Ugye még nem mostak kezet? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? A házasság teljesen tönkretette az életét. The marriage completely ruined his life. The marriage completely ruined his life. Läksin Bostonisse rongiga. I went to Boston by train. I took the train to Boston. Sinun täytyy työskennellä enemmän. You must work more. You need to work more. Nem tudna gyorsabban menni? Couldn't you drive faster? Can't you go any faster? Ma magasin eile kell kümme. I slept at ten o'clock yesterday. I slept last night at 10:00. Apró kortyokat igyál. Take small sips. Drink small sips. Bahá'i hitű vagyok. I am a Bahá'í. I am a Bahá'<0xC3><0xAD>. Tisztán emlékszem. Ez hét vagy nyolc éve volt. Pontosan hol? Te is ott voltál? I still clearly remember. It was seven or eight years ago. Where exactly? Were you also there? That was seven or eight years ago. Where exactly? Were you there? Tomot betegnek tippelem. I guess Tom is sick. I'm guessing Tom's sick. Meg szeretném venni ezt a napszemüveget. I want to buy these sunglasses. I'd like to buy these sunglasses. Koe tehtiin sadalle naimattomalle miehelle. The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males. The experiment was conducted on 100 unmarried men. Szerencsés ember az ön férje. Your husband is a lucky man. Your husband is a lucky man. Dan puhui potaskaa. Dan was talking trash. Dan was full of shit. Három évvel fiatalabb Marinál. She is three years younger than Mary. She's three years younger than Mari. Tom näeb välja nagu oleks ta purjus. Tom looks like he's drunk. Tom looks like he's drunk. Ilyen időjárás mellett a legjobb, ha itthon maradunk és nem megyünk sehová. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. In this weather, it's best to stay home and not go anywhere. Päätin mennä kävellen. I decided to go on foot. I decided to walk. Tämä hammas on mädäntynyt. This tooth is decayed. This tooth is rotten. Takistani irtosi nappi. A button came off my coat. A button fell off my jacket. Sinuna en välittäisi siitä. Were I you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I wouldn't care. — Anyátok bojkottálhatta volna apátokat 40-50-60 évvel ezelőtt! — mondta Tomi felháborodottan a híradót nézve. "Your mothers could've boycotted your fathers 40-50-60 years ago" said Tom indignantly watching the daily news. “Your mother could have boycotted your father 40, 50, 60 years ago!” said Tom, indignantly watching the news. Mustaleskinaaraat ovat paljon suurempia kuin urokset. Female black widows are much bigger than males. Black widow females are much larger than males. Tomi selitti tilanteen. Tom explained the situation. Tom explained the situation. Esittelen sinut Tomille, jos niin haluat. I'll introduce you to Tom if you want me to. I'll introduce you to Tom, if that's what you want. Siihen aikaan seurasin sokeasti erästä toista idioottia. Jälkikäteen ajateltuna se oli aika tyhmää. I was blindly following some other idiot then. In hindsight, it's pretty dumb. At the time, I was blindly following another idiot, and in hindsight, that was pretty stupid. — Szeretnéd, ha megtenném azt? — És pontosan mit? — Hiszen tudod! — Nem, nem tudom. — Azt. — Minden oké veled, Tomi? "Would you like me to do that?" "And what exactly?" "You do know." "No, I don't." "That." "Is everything okay with you, Tom?" “Would you like me to do that?” “And what exactly?” “You know?” “No, I don’t know.” “That.” “You’re all right, Tom?” A semmittevés fárasztó. Doing nothing is very exhausting. Doing nothing is exhausting. Mul on viis kassi. I have five cats. I have five cats. Tom jövő héten hazajön. Tom will be coming home next week. Tom's coming home next week. Hadd csináljam egyedül! Let me do it alone. Let me do it alone. Tomi on valmis. Tom finished. Tom is ready. Lapozz, kérlek. Turn the page, please. Step, please. Senki nem él a lakásban. Nobody's living in the flat. No one lives in the apartment. Robi nem bírja magát tűrtőztetni. Bob could not control his temper. Robby can't stand it. Mikor nyitnak? When do you open? When do they open? Pois tieltä. Stand aside. Get out of the way. Megyek, és elmondom mindenkinek. I'm going to go tell everybody. I'm gonna go tell everyone. Engem senki nem értett meg. Nobody understood me. No one understood me. A grafikon az átlaghőmérsekletet mutatja havi bontásban. The graphic shows the average temperatures per month. The graph shows the average temperature on a monthly basis. Utazni vágyom. I have a yen for travelling. I want to travel. Látom ezt. I see this. I can see that. Franciaországban élünk. We live in France. We live in France. Rendben van tartva a járda. The pavement is well maintained. The sidewalk's fine. Minun kelloni täytyy korjata. My clock needs to be fixed. I have to fix my watch. Tyúkot lopott. He stole a hen. He stole a chicken. Mibe' fogadjunk? What shall we bet? What's the bet? Hän on vihollinen. Etkö ymmärrä? He's the enemy. Don't you understand? He's the enemy, don't you see? Tamás nem ment templomba. Tom didn't go to church. Tom didn't go to church. Mary Ann Evans írói álneve George Eliot volt. George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans. Mary Ann Evans' pen name was George Eliot. Jannea ei huvittanut ruveta maalaamaankaan, vaikka hän tavallisesti piti siitä kovasti. Janne didn't bother even to paint, though he usually liked it a lot. Janne didn’t even feel like painting, though he usually liked it very much. Tom lopta el a pénzed. Tom stole your money. Tom stole your money. Tomnak soha nem kellett volna visszajönnie. Tom never should have returned. Tom should never have come back. Tässä maassa on neljä vuodenaikaa. There are four seasons in this country. There are four seasons in this country. Tom ei voinut olla ajattelematta Maria. Tom could not help but think about Mary. Tom couldn’t help but think of Mary. Haza vigyelek? Shall I drive you home? Take you home? Haluaisin lisätietoja. I'd like some further details. I'd like more information. Azonnal indulnia kell. It's necessary for you to leave right now. You must leave immediately. Találtam neked egy franciatanárt. I found a French teacher for you. I found you a French teacher. Olen aina ihaillut Tomia. I've always admired Tom. I've always admired Tom. Meidän pitäisi opiskella. We should study. We should study. See on hoopis teine asi. That's a very different thing. That's a whole other thing. Le kellene már vágatni a hajam. It's time to get a haircut. I should have my hair cut. Kuka syyttää sinua? Who's accusing you? Who's blaming you? Tomi oli järkyttynyt. Tom was stunned. Tom was shocked. Tom kysyin Marilta ja hänen ystäviltään haluaisivatko he pelata räsypokkaa, mutta he kieltäytyivät. Tom asked Mary and her friends if they wanted to play strip poker, but they refused. Tom asked Mari and her friends if they would like to play ragdoll, but they refused. Egy centem sincs, nemhogy egy dollárom lenne. I don't have a cent, let alone a dollar. I don't have a dime, let alone a dollar. Tökéletesen működik az iPhone-oddal. It works seamlessly with your iPhone. Works perfectly with your iPhone. Veszélyben van az élete. Her life is in danger. His life is in danger. Ez az új modell. This is the new model. This is the new model. Számít ez egyáltalán? Does this even make sense? Does it even matter? Hän on nuori opiskelija. She's a young student. He's a young student. Tervezzük, hogy megmásszuk a hegyet. We plan to climb that mountain. We plan to climb the mountain. Yritin arvata Tomin ikää. I tried to guess Tom's age. I tried to guess Tom's age. Piros nincs több. We don't have any more red ones. There is no more red. Eivätkö he osaa puhua ranskaa? Can't they speak French? Can't they speak French? Nähään! See you! See ya. Tud oroszul beszélni. He can speak Russian. He can speak Russian. Tom ei saanut autoaan käyntiin. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom couldn't get his car started. En syytä siitä sinua. I don't blame you. I don't blame you for that. Ki hordja nálatok a nadrágot? Who wears pants in your family? Who wears the pants? Tom puhuu vain vähän ranskaa. Tom only speaks a little French. Tom only speaks a little French. Et koskaan kertonut miksi viivästys tapahtui. You never told us why there was a delay. You never told me why the delay happened. Oletpa sinä pitkä! How tall you are! You're so tall! Az anime és a manga Japánból származik. Anime and manga were made in Japan. Anime and manga originated in Japan. Muistan, että kävit usein Eliisalla teellä, kun olit pieni tyttö. I remember you often went to Betty's house to tea when you were a little girl. I remember you used to take Eliisa's tea a lot when you were a little girl. Miksi olit sitä mieltä? Why did you think that? What made you think that? Nemtom. Dunno. I dunno. Sinä olet epäkohtelias. You're disrespectful. You're being rude. A boldogságot az apró örömök alkotják. Happiness is made up of many small moments of joy. Happiness is made up of small pleasures. Hänellä on monia kirjoja. He has many books. He has many books. Olipa kerran kuningas, jolla oli kaunis tytär. Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. Luoja yksin tietää, minne hän on mennyt. God knows where he fled. God only knows where he's gone. Tuo neglige saa hänellä sukat pyörimään jaloissa! That negligee is gonna knock his socks off! That negligee makes his socks roll on his feet! Miért jöttél ide? What did you come here for? Why did you come here? Se on parannus. That's an improvement. It's an improvement. Megyek kezet mosni. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'm going to wash my hands. Rajtad áll. It is up to you. It's up to you. Me jopa kuulimme lentokoneiden äänet. We even heard planes. We even heard the sound of airplanes. Ha elkap minket, akkor nekünk végünk. If he catches us, we're done. If he catches us, we're dead. Vörös a szemed. Your eyes are red. Your eyes are red. Kukaan ei ota meitä vakavasti. No one takes us seriously. No one takes us seriously. Mindig késtek. You are always late. They're always late. Mi a baja? What's his problem? What's the matter with him? Véget kellett ennek vetnünk. We had to put a stop to that. We had to put a stop to this. Egy napon mindannyiunknak meg kell halnia. One day, we'll all have to die. We all have to die one day. Milloin aloit opiskella ranskaa? When did you start studying French? When did you start studying French? Kuuliksä saiko Tomi sen työn? Have you heard whether Tom got the job? Did you hear Tom got the job? Minua on pyydetty antamaan sinulle viesti. I've been asked to give you a message. I've been asked to give you a message. Dan gujis lea boares viessu. There is an old house on this street. And in the same place there is an old house. Jobban tennéd, ha nem ennél túl sokat. You'd better not eat too much. You'd better not eat too much. Ne maradj el sokáig! Don't be long. Don't be long. Purskahdin itkuun. I burst into tears. I burst into tears. En kulunut jo jonkin aikaa, eikä minua vaivaava hikka ole vieläkään loppunut. It's been a while now and my hiccups still haven't stopped. I hadn’t been for a while, and the hiccups that plagued me still hadn’t stopped. Mindegyik macskád szürke. All of your cats are grey. All your cats are grey. Hänen laukkunsa oli painava, ja mikä vielä pahempaa, hänellä oli rakko toisessa kantapäässään. His bag was heavy, and what was worse, one of his heels had got blistered. His bag was heavy, and worse, he had a blister on his other heel. Hän on työskennellyt koko päivän. He has been working all day long. He's been working all day. Japanissa ei ole enää yhtäkään turvallista paikkaa. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There is no safe place in Japan. Oda kellene mennem. I should go there. I should go there. A villa leesett az asztalról. The fork fell off of the table. The fork fell off the table. Pitele minua, minua pelottaa. Hold me. I'm scared. Hold me, I'm scared. Tahdon. I will. I do. Marista tuntuu siltä, ettei hänen poikaystävänsä ymmärrä häntä. Mary feels that her boyfriend doesn't understand her. She feels like her boyfriend doesn’t understand her. Minä tiedän. I know. I know, I know. Läpäisit kokeen. You passed the test. You passed the test. Kas me sööme täna väljas? Are we going to eat out tonight? Are we eating out tonight? Ei meillä ole mitään, mitä pitäisi piilottaa. We have nothing to hide. We have nothing to hide. Elegem van már Tomi lustaságából. I'm fed up with Tom's laziness. I've had enough of Tom's laziness. Busszal sokáig tartana odaérni. It would take a long time to get there by bus. It'll take a long bus to get there. Ziri visszasétált a szobájába. Ziri walked back into his room. Ziri walked back to her room. Én itt voltam, de te nem. I was here but you weren't. I was here, but you weren't. Onko tällä seudulla supermarkettia? Is there a supermarket around here? Is there a supermarket in the area? Valitettavasti, Japanin edustaja karsiutui. Regretfully, the Japanese representative was eliminated at the preliminary stage. Unfortunately, the Japanese representative was eliminated. Hány éves voltál, amikor elkezdtél franciául tanulni? How old were you when you started studying French? How old were you when you started learning French? Ő már nem kell nekem. I don't need him any longer. I don't want him anymore. Olen nainen. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Tulkaa sisään. Come in. Come on in, please. Heitetään se pois ja aloitetaan puhtaalta pöydältä. Let's throw it away and start over with a clean slate. Let's throw it away and start fresh. Nem akarom, hogy hallják. I don't want them to hear it. I don't want them to hear it. Tomi sanoi, että hän olisi kiireinen puoli kolmeen saakka. Tom said he'd be busy until 2:30. Tom said he would be busy until half past three. Beszéltél erről a főnökkel? Have you spoken to the boss about this? Did you talk to the boss about this? Tomi ei saanut unta, joten hän nousi vuoteesta ja meni kävelylle. Tom couldn't fall asleep so he got up and took a walk. Tom couldn't sleep, so he got out of bed and went for a walk. Ennek a városnak nagy tévéállomása van. This city has a big TV station. This town has a big TV station. Se mies kuoli. The man died. That man died. Értesz a nők nyelvén. You're good with women. You understand women's language. Hagyd abba. Stop that. Stop, stop, stop. Ne sajnáljatok. Don't feel sorry for me. Don't be sorry. Nem tudom, hogy bízhatunk-e bennük. I don't know if we can trust them. I don't know if we can trust them. Anna minulle nippu persiljaa. Give me a bunch of parsley. Give me a bunch of parsley. Kalansyöminen on hyvää terveydellesi. Eating fish is good for your health. Eating fish is good for your health. Tom opiskeli ranskan omatoimisesti. Tom taught himself French. Tom studied French on his own. Mikor érsz rá velem teniszezni? When have you got time for tennis with me? When can you play tennis with me? Azt hiszem, megvan a válasz. I think I have the answer. I think I found the answer. Az anya nagyon félt a baba megfázása miatt. The mother was very scared because of the baby's cold. The mother was very afraid of the baby's cold. A szemétláda ellopta a hátizsákom, megette a szendvicsem és beleszart a termoszomba. Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos! Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich and shit in my thermos. Tom végigpásztázta a termet. Tom scanned the room. Tom scoured the room. Milyen bosszantó! How annoying! How annoying. Az arckifejezése közel állt a gyűlölködőhöz. The look on his face was next door to hatred. His face was close to the hater. Aiomme mennä naimisiin tänä kesänä. We're going to get married this summer. We're getting married this summer. Nem szeretem, ha úgy bánnak velem, mint egy taknyossal. I don't like it when people treat me like a kid. I don't like being treated like a snot. Tom on sähköinsinööri. Tom is an electrical engineer. Tom's an electrical engineer. Emme nähneet yhtään lasta. We did not see any children at all. We didn’t see any children. Nem találkoztunk mi már valahol? Haven't we met somewhere before? Haven't we met somewhere before? Ügyvéd. He's an attorney. A lawyer. Mindenki rémült. Everyone is scared. Everyone's scared. Azért telefonálok, hogy köszönetet mondjak. I'm calling to thank you. I'm calling to say thank you. Olin väärässä, unohda mitä sanoin. I was wrong. Forget what I told you. I was wrong, forget what I said. Tämä on niin hyvää. This is so good. This is so good. Menj dolgozni! Go to work. Go to work. Minulla on aivan mahtava olo. I feel like a million bucks. I feel so great. Olvasok egy levelet. I am reading a letter. I'm reading a letter. Ma sõin ühe juustuburgeri. I ate a cheeseburger. I had a cheeseburger. Ezt még meg kell válaszolni. It still needs to be answered. That still needs to be answered. Teremtenek egy problémát és megoldást kínálnak rá. They create a problem and then they offer the solution. They create a problem and offer a solution. Nekem sincs jó kedvem. I'm not in a good mood either. I'm not in a good mood either. Tehdään se niin pian kuin voimme. Let's do that as soon as we can. Let's do it as soon as we can. Tom kutsuttiin pois. Tom was called away. Tom was called out. Felhívott az ejszaka közepén, hogy elmondja, hogy hiányzom neki. He called me in the middle of the night to tell me he missed me. He called me in the middle of the night to tell me he missed me. Tomi sanoi ettei sinun tarvitse lähteä. Tom said you don't need to go. Tom said you don't have to go. Meglep, hogy nem hoztad magaddal Tomit. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom along. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom. Ihminen on epälooginen. Humankind is illogical. Man is illogical. Kus sa seda kasutad? Where do you use it? Where do you use it? Tomnak ma van a születésnapja. It's Tom's birthday today! Tom's birthday is today. On tapahtunut paljon. A lot has happened. A lot has happened. Olemme epätavallisia. We're unusual. We're unusual. Tudod, hogy szeretem Tomot, igaz? You know I love Tom, don't you? You know I love Tom, right? Nem vagyok előítéletes a feketebőrűekkel szemben. I'm not prejudiced against black people. I'm not prejudiced against black people. Minua ei haluta harrastaa liikuntaa. I don't feel like exercising. I don’t want to exercise. Ez a majom szerepel egy majomparádéban Ryogokuban. This monkey plays a part in a monkey show in Ryogoku. This monkey is featured in a monkey parade in Ryogoku. Kyllä, minä itken. Yes, I am crying. Yes, I'm crying. Selitän sen yksityiskohtaisesti ensi viikolla. I'll explain it in detail next week. I will explain it in detail next week. Tom nem tudja kinek higgyen: Johnnak vagy Marynek. Tom doesn't know who to believe: John or Mary. Tom doesn't know who to believe, John or Mary. A templomban rejtette el. He hid it in the church. He hid it in the church. Ez bizonyára mind az ő hibájuk. It is all their fault, definitely. It's all their fault, I'm sure. Érzékeny a gyomrom. I have a weak stomach. I have a sensitive stomach. Kint fehér minden. Everything's white outside. Everything is white outside. Egy pillanatnyi tétovázás egy pilótánál az életébe is kerülhet. A moment's hesitation may cost a pilot his life. A moment of hesitation on the part of a pilot can cost you your life. Nem számít, hogy ki fogja megcsinálni, de hétfőre kész kell, hogy legyen. I doesn't matter who does this, but it needs to be done by Monday. It doesn't matter who's going to do it, but it has to be done by Monday. Esküszöm, hogy kárpótollak ezért. I swear that I'll make it up to you. I swear I'll make it up to you. Se oli sinun suunnitelmasi. That was your plan. That was your plan. Osaan tehdä sen itsekseni. I can do it by myself! I can do it on my own. Én nem dönthetek helyetted. I can't decide for you. I can't decide for you. Miért bámulod a lányomat? Why are you staring at my daughter? Why are you staring at my daughter? Összeesett. He collapsed. He's collapsed. Neked van gyereked!? You have children? Do you have a child? Voitko antaa minulle tuon jutun? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you give me that thing? Ennek a ruhának kedvező az ára. This dress is a good bargain. This dress has a good price. A vonat egy heves hóvihar miatt késett. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was delayed due to a heavy blizzard. Meillä on kirja. We have a book. We have a book. Az almát megfelezte. She cut the apple in two. The apple was cut in half. Vokaaliharmonia on tärkeä unkarin kielessä. Vowel harmony is important in the Hungarian language. Vocal harmony is important in the Hungarian language. Tomi ei tiennyt, että Mari oli päättänyt irtisanoutua. Tom didn't know Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom did not know that Mary had decided to resign. Tom boldogan halt meg. Tom died happy. Tom died happy. Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev. He's not tall, but strong. He's not tall, but he's strong. Voinko pyytää palvelusta. Can I ask a favor? Can I ask you a favor? Sähköt ovat olleet poikki tästä aamusta lähtien. The power has been off since this morning. The power's been out since this morning. Haluan kuulla Tomin äänen. I want to hear Tom's voice. I want to hear Tom's voice. Kórházba kell vinni őt. He needs to be taken to the hospital. We need to get him to a hospital. Sen lisäksi en edelleenkään ole sitä mieltä, että tämä on valtava kulttuurillinen ero. Furthermore, I still don't think this a huge cultural difference. In addition, I still do not think that this is a huge cultural difference. Naiv voltam. I was naive. I was naive. Ez nekem kínai. It's Chinese to me. It's Chinese to me. Vágd le a lábkörmeidet. Cut your toenails. Cut your toenails. Toinen ongelma koskee kuntosalin varustusta. Another problem concerns the gym equipment. The second problem concerns the equipment of the gym. Nem emlékszem, merre kell menni. I can't remember which way to go. I don't remember where to go. Öregebb vagyok, mint voltam. Haj! I'm older than I used to be. Oh! I'm older than I was. Kijavítottam a fordítást. I corrected the translation. I corrected the translation. Atacaman aavikko Pohjois-Chilessä on maailman kuivin paikka. The Atacama Desert in northern Chile is the driest place on Earth. The Atacama Desert in northern Chile is the driest place in the world. Sokat fizettem ezért a kocsiért. I paid a lot for this car. I paid a lot for this car. Tom három hétig várt. Tom waited for three weeks. Tom waited three weeks. Tom valahti valkoiseksi. Tom turned white. Tom turned white. Hänen matala palkkansa estää häntä ostamasta sitä taloa. His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His low pay keeps him from buying that house. Tom fehérre festette a falakat. Tom painted the walls white. Tom painted the walls white. Vaatame mis me teha saame. Let me see what we can do. Let's see what we can do. Sokkal precízebbnek kellett volna lennem. I should have been more precise. I should have been more precise. Niskaani sattuu vähän. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Nem tudni, mit hoz a holnap. It's impossible to know what'll happen tomorrow. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. Tom ojensi luottokorttinsa. Tom handed over his credit card. Tom handed me his credit card. A kormány ellopta még a jövőnket is. The government even stole our future. The government even stole our future. Minulla on tunne siitä, että olen nähnyt nämä kengät jossain aikaisemmin. I have the feeling that I've seen these shoes somewhere before. I feel like I’ve seen these shoes before. Még mindig vannak primitív törzsek, melyek harmoniában élnek a természettel. There are still primitive tribes which live in harmony with nature. There are still primitive tribes that live in harmony with nature. Készítettem Máriának egy játékbabát. I made Mary a doll. I made Mary a doll. Kun aurinko nousi, sumu katosi. As the sun rose, the fog disappeared. When the sun came up, the fog disappeared. Suunnittelin meneväni rannalle tänään, mutta sitten alkoi sataa. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started raining. Ritkán csinál valamit Tom ingyen. Tom rarely does something for free. Tom rarely does anything for free. Ez nagyon finom! It's delicious! This is so good. Egy lyuk van az ingeden. There's a hole in your shirt. There's a hole in your shirt. Steve nem jött haza. Steve did not come home. Steve didn't come home. Tom ei käytä alusvaatteita tänään. Tom's going commando today. Tom's not wearing any underwear today. Egész napot csak azzal töltöttétek, hogy panaszkodtok. You've been complaining all day. You spent the whole day complaining. Tom, Mari ja Joni leikkivät hippaa leikkikentällä. Tom, Mary and John were playing tag on the playground. Tom, Mari and Joni are playing tag on the playground. Szeretném, ha válaszolnál. I'd like you to answer me. I want you to answer that. Hänellä ei ole hattua päässään. He is not wearing a hat. He's not wearing a hat. A szobájában játszik. He is playing in his room. He's playing in his room. Ne érd be kevesebbel. Don't settle for less. Don't settle for less. Nyugodt volt mindenki. Everyone was calm. Everyone was calm. Néha az az érzésem, hogy Tamás a múzeumban lakik. Sometimes I think that Tom lives at the museum. Sometimes I feel like Tom lives in a museum. A szlovén szép nyelv. Slovenian is a beautiful language. Slovenian is a beautiful language. Két gyerekük van: az egyik egy labrador, a másik meg kaukázusi. They have two children: one of them is a Labrador Retriever and the other one is a Caucasian shepherd. They have two children: one is a Labrador and the other is Caucasian. Me tilaamme pizzan. We'll order a pizza. We're gonna order a pizza. Tom nyitott gondolkodású. Tom is open-minded. Tom is open-minded. Älkää tappako sananviejää. Don't kill the messenger. Don't kill the messenger. Oletko varma, että tämä on Tomin matkalaukku? Are you sure this is Tom's suitcase? Are you sure this is Tom's suitcase? Választasz vagy csináljam én? Are you going to choose, or should I? Do you choose or should I do it? Mi a mai árfolyam? What's today's exchange rate? What is today's exchange rate? Asun nyt Helsingissä, mutta olen kotoisin Kuopiosta. I now live in Helsinki, but I'm originally from Kuopio. I live in Helsinki, but I’m from Kuopio. A magatartás az ima legmagasabb rendű formája. Behaviour is the highest form of preaching. Attitude is the highest form of prayer. Tom azt mondta, nem fázott meg. Tom said he wasn't cold. Tom said he didn't catch a cold. Hívd fel Tomit és mondd meg neki, mi a teendő. Give Tom a call and tell him what to do. Call Tom and tell him what to do. Azért jöttem, hogy beszéljek Tomival. I came to talk with Tom. I'm here to talk to Tom. Mindenkinek hallgatnia kellett volna. Everyone should have listened. Everyone should have listened. Haluaisitko hieman lisää kastiketta? Would you like some more gravy? Would you like some more sauce? Salli minun mennä. Please allow me to go. Please, let me go. Őfelsége Poroszország királya és a Német birodalom császára. Your sovereign is king of Prussia and emperor of Germany. His Majesty the King of Prussia and Emperor of the German Empire. Turisti yritti tilata salamipitsaa elekielellä. The tourist tried to order a salami pizza using gestures. The tourist tried to order salami pizza with a gesture. Onnettomuus tapahtui sunnuntaina noin kello kolmelta. The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. The accident occurred on Sunday at about 3 p.m. Molemmat ovat kollegojani. Both are my colleagues. Both are my colleagues. En tiedä, kuka teki kakun. I don't know who made the cake. I don't know who made the cake. Kerro Marille, että rakastan häntä. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Mari I love her. Tomi lupasi odottaa. Tom promised to wait. Tom promised to wait. Miért nem válaszoltál az e-mailemre? Why didn't you reply to my email? Why didn't you answer my e-mail? Olen menossa katsomaan kauhuelokuvan. I'm going to see a horror film. I'm going to see a horror movie. Nem unatkozol, ha egyedül vagy? Don't you get bored when you're alone? Aren't you bored when you're alone? En halua kastella jalkojani. I don't want to get my feet wet. I don't want to get my feet wet. Még mindig vele foglalkozol? Are you still working with them? Are you still working on him? Lefordítaná ezt, ha megkérem? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Would you translate this for me, please? En usko sitä. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. Kenen rannekello tämä on? Whose watch is this? Whose wristwatch is this? Seisokaa jonossa. Stand in the queue. Stand in line. Nincs szükségem semmire. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Tulitikut kastui, enkä saanut sytytetyä tulta. My matches got wet and I couldn't start a fire. The matches got wet, and I couldn't start a fire. Hány sarka van a kockának? How many vertices does a cube have? How many corners does the cube have? Hívták az állatorvost, mert nem volt más orvos a faluban. They called the vet, since there was no other doctor in the village. They called the vet because there was no other doctor in the village. Kenen kanssa minä olen puhumassa? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Máris?! Already?! Already?! Yleensä minulla ei ole tällaisia vaatteita. I don't usually dress like this. I usually don't have clothes like this. Se on salaisuus. Mä en voi kertoo sitä sulle. That's a secret. I can't tell you. It's a secret, and I can't tell you that. Haluan päästä täältä niin kauas kuin vain voin. I want to get as far away from here as I can. I want to get as far away from here as I can. Nem bírtam megmozdítani a karjaimat. I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't move my arms. Biztos, hogy nincs valami olcsóbb önöknél? Are you sure you don't have anything less expensive? Are you sure there's nothing cheaper than you? Téged szívesen látunk az otthonunkban, de a barátaidat, tudod, hogy nem. You're welcome in our home you know but your friends aren't. You're welcome in our home, but your friends, you know, they're not. Az elefánt egy nagyon nagy állat. An elephant is a very large animal. The elephant is a very large animal. Keelamine on siinkohal ametlikult keelatud. Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited. Prohibition is officially prohibited here. Me olemme kaikki valmiina. We're all ready. We're all ready. Tomi szobája üres. Tom's room is empty. Tom's room is empty. Onko se totta? Is that a fact? Is that true? Yes. Eleget fizetnek nekem. I'm paid enough. They're paying me enough. Ne figyelj engem! Don't look at me! Don't listen to me. Már nem egy kilencéves kiskirálylány. She is no longer a nine-year-old Cinderella. She's not a nine-year-old princess anymore. Most már egyedül vagyok veled széles e világban. Now you and I are alone in the whole wide world. Now I'm alone with you in this wide world. A lustasága túlmegy a tűréshatáron. His laziness is past the margin of endurance. His laziness is beyond tolerance. Lemossam a salátát? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? Shall I wash the salad? Tomi on kummallinen. Tom is odd. Tom is strange. Ez a mustár sárga. This mustard is yellow. This mustard is yellow. Saanko mennä leffaan tänään illalla? May I go to the movies tonight? Can I go to the movies tonight? Kitisztította a fürdőkádat. He cleaned the bath. He cleaned the bathtub. Elhagyott a szerencsém. My luck has abandoned me. I'm out of luck. Hallgatnod kéne apád tanácsára! You ought to take your father's advice. You should listen to your father's advice. Nem emlékszem a nevére. I don't remember his name. I can't remember his name. Sinun takiasi minä myöhästyin. You made me late. You're the reason I'm late. Ki volt az a férfi, aki kint várakozott? Who was that man waiting outside? Who was the man who was waiting outside? Ki megy férjhez? Who's getting married? Who's getting married? Mik a terveid holnapra? What are you plans for tomorrow? What are your plans for tomorrow? Ne ráncold a homlokod! Stop frowning your forehead! Don't frown. Készülök az El Caminóra, ezért tanulok spanyolul. I prepare for St Javob's Way, that's why I learn Spanish. I'm getting ready for El Camino, so I'm learning Spanish. Az autóm öregebb, mint én. My car is older than me. My car is older than me. Haluan sen osoitteen. I want the address. I want that address. Nincs meleged abban a sok ruhában? Aren't you hot wearing all those clothes? Aren't you hot in all those clothes? Ne sopivat kuin nakutettu. It was a match made in heaven. They fit like a glove. Büszke vagyok Tomira. I'm proud of Tom. I'm proud of Tom. Én miért nem tudok erről? Why don't I know about it? Why don't I know about this? Az idővel csak szépül. She became more beautiful as she got older. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nem akarok én tudni a mocskos üzelmeidről. I don't want to know about your dirty businesses. I don't want to know about your dirty business. Nem mondanám azt, hogy helyes, és azt sem mondanám, hogy helytelen. I wouldn't say it's correct and I wouldn't say either it's incorrect. I wouldn't say it's right, and I wouldn't say it's wrong. Onko Tom adoptoitu? Is Tom adopted? Tom's adopted? Válaszoljon, vagy megfenyíttetem! Now answer my question or you'll be standing tall before the man. Answer me, or I'll punish you. Tom hoidis Mari oma käte vahel. Tom held Mary in his arms. Tom held Mary in his arms. Näytät pahalta. You look bad. You don't look so good. Tom nem szereti a pálinkát, de annál jobb – több marad nekünk! Tom doesn't like pálinka, so much the better. There'll be more left for us. Tom doesn’t like pálinka, but it’s better – there’s more for us! Derbyn päivä on keskiviikkona kahden viikon päästä. Derby Day is Wednesday fortnight. Derby Day is in two weeks. Onko sinulla viherkaihi? Do you have glaucoma? Do you have cataracts? A nagyapánk beteg. Our grandfather is ill. Our grandfather is sick. Tom gyorsan gondolkodik. Tom is a fast thinker. Tom's thinking fast. Alá kell írnod, mielőtt elküldöd. You have to sign it before you send it. You have to sign it before you send it. Megannyi fő- és melléknév, én meg nem tudom leírni, hogy mit érzek! So many nouns, verbs and adjectives, and I can't describe what I'm feeling. So many names and adjectives, and I can't describe how I feel! Szerinted mi mindent kell vennünk? What kinds of things do you think we need to buy? What do you think we should buy? Tom nagyon rendetlen. Tom is very messy. Tom is very messy. Nagyon kellemes íze van ennek az ételnek. This food has a really nice taste. This food has a very pleasant taste. Ära liigu! Hold it! Don't move! Tom pitää pavuista. Tom likes beans. Tom likes beans. Tom hülyére vett engem. Tom fooled me. Tom made a fool of me. Anna minun nukkua vielä vähän. Let me sleep a little longer. Let me get some more sleep. Siivoapa lelusi. Clear your toys away. Clean up your toys. Mari hisz a halál előtti életben. Mary believes in life before death. Mari believes in the life before death. Én tudom, ki lakik abban a házban. I know who lives in that house. I know who lives in that house. Saatan vaikuttaa itsevarmalta, mutta ihmisten edessä puhuminen hermostuttaa minua hirveästi. Käteni tärisevät, kieleni menee solmuun ja joskus en edes tiedä itse mitä sanon. I may seem confident, but I get extremely nervous speaking in front of people. My hands tremble, I get all tongue-tied, and sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying myself. I may seem confident, but talking in front of people makes me very nervous. My hands shake, my tongue gets knotted and sometimes I don’t even know what I’m saying. Tamás egy gyűjtögető. Tom is a packrat. Tom is a collector. Szokás hatalma. It's force of habit. The power of habit. Sinun tulee saada palanen piirakkaa. You have to have a piece of pie. You need to get a piece of pie. Felhívott, hogy késni fog tíz-tizenöt percet. He called he would be ten to fifteen minutes late. He called and said he'd be ten to fifteen minutes late. Nem kell taxiba ülnöd; én elviszlek. Arrafelé megyek. You don't need to take a taxi; I'll give you a ride. I'll drive in that direction. You don't have to take a cab, I'll take you. Tom naarmutti kätensä. Tom scratched his hand. Tom scratched his hand. Vörös a haja. She has red hair. He's got red hair. Kérem, mondja hangosabban! Please speak more loudly. Please say it louder. Ez fog történni. It will happen. That's what's gonna happen. Näytät paremmalta tänään. You look better today. You look better today. Bátyónak csak két hobbija van: az autózás és a búvárkodás. My bro only has two hobbies: driving and diving. He has only two hobbies: motoring and diving. Tom tényleg jó ügyvéd. Tom is a really good lawyer. Tom's a really good lawyer. Veitkö sen kotiin? Did you take it home? Did you take it home? Megtenné, hogy leírja azt nekem? Will you write that down for me? Would you write that down for me, please? Sinun täytyy tulla nopeasti. You need to come quickly. You must come quickly. Tykkään maidosta, mutta tykkään lehmistä vielä enemmän. I like milk, but I like cows more. I like milk, but I like cows even more. Probléma lehet. It could be a problem. Could be a problem. Head ööd! Goodnight! Good night. Good night. Olen väsynyt ja teen paljon virheitä väsyneenä. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. I'm tired and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. Etkö voisi viipyä vielä vähän pidempään? Won't you stay a little bit longer? Can't you stay a little longer? Vannak érzéseid Tom iránt? Do you have feelings for Tom? Do you have feelings for Tom? Onko sinulla koira? Have you a dog? Do you have a dog? Bezártál minden ajtót? Did you lock all the doors? Did you lock all the doors? Tom kalapja piros. Tom's hat is red. Tom's hat is red. Ezt vitatjuk meg. We're discussing that. That's what we're discussing. Maga valamiféle orvos? Are you a doctor or something? Are you some kind of doctor? Tamás szereti a fagylaltot. Tom likes ice cream. Tom likes ice cream. Minä en olisi antanut Tomille tapahtua mitään. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. Hobused on loomad. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Ta on ainult inimene. He is only a man. He's only human. Ez nem ivóvíz. This isn't drinking water. It's not drinking water. Meillä ei ole aikaa sellaiseen! We don’t have time for that! We don't have time for that! Gyere holnap! Come tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Megoldást kell találnunk erre a fejetlenségre. We need to find a way out of this mess. We need to find a solution to this mess. Alszol te eleget? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting enough sleep? Ez amúgy olcsónak számít? Is it actually cheap? Is that cheap, by the way? Én nem venném ezt olyan komolyan a helyedben. If I were you, I'd take it easy. I wouldn't take it so seriously if I were you. Hän pesi huoneen. She cleaned the room. He washed the room. Ez a Tom Jackson az a Tom Jackson? Is this Tom Jackson that Tom Jackson? Is this Tom Jackson the Tom Jackson? Nagyon is jól tudom, mit csinálok. I know very well what I am doing. I know very well what I'm doing. En usko Tomin haluavan vanhaa pyöräänne. I don't think that Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. Tamás jó a sakkban is. Tom is good at chess, too. Tom is also good at chess. A falu felé új körforgalom épült. On the road into the village is a new roundabout. A new roundabout was built towards the village. Láttam őt az udvarukon. I saw her in their yard. I saw him in your yard. Tom kaapattiin. Tom was abducted. Tom was kidnapped. Téged szeretlek. You're the one I love. I love you. Nem én nem vagyok házas. No, I am not married. No, I'm not married. Nem tudok tadzsik homonimiákat. I don't know any Tajik homonym. I don't know Tajik homonyms. Láttál már valaha mókust? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Múlt éjszaka mentek el. They left last night. They left last night. A szex a szenvedélyévé vált. Sex has become an addiction for him. Sex has become his passion. Palun andeks... Sorry... I'm sorry. Nem hazugság az. That's not a lie. It's not a lie. Ne menj annyira a nyakára! Don't drive that close to it. Don't go after him like that. Rámarkolt a fenekemre. He grabbed my ass. He grabbed my butt. Yritä hillitä itseäsi. Try to control yourself. Try to control yourself. Menj és gondold át, hogy mit tettél. Go and think about what you've done. Go and think about what you've done. Tämä kirja on hyvin uusi. This book is very new. This book is very new. Se on hirveän kallista. It's terribly expensive. It's terribly expensive. Tal on korvitäis maasikaid. He has a basket full of strawberries. He's got a basket of strawberries. A fiú felnőttnek nézett ki. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked like an adult. Ma hoiatasin teda ohu eest. I warned him about the danger. I warned him of danger. Minulle ei ole väliä kuka voittaa. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. Kaikki kyytiin! All aboard! All aboard! Egy ötágú csillag volt az a figura, amit a gyerek a papírra rajzolt. The figure the child drew on the paper was a five-pointed star. A five-pointed star was the figure that the child drew on the paper. Koskaan ei voi tietää, mitä tapahtuu huomenna. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Elég idős vagy már, hogy tudd. You're old enough to know this. You're old enough to know. Ez a könyv kicsi. This book is small. This book is small. Fogyatékkal élő vagyok. I'm handicapped. I'm disabled. Eksyin kun yritin löytää kirjaston. I got lost trying to find the library. I got lost trying to find the library. See ei ole nii pikk nimekiri. It's not such a long list. This is not such a long list. Nem tudtuk meggyőzni őt. We haven't managed to convince him. We couldn't convince him. Hän pesee auton. She washes the car. He washes the car. Tom on ollut paljon onnellisempi sen jälkeen kun hän vaihtoi työpaikkaa. Tom's a lot happier since he changed jobs. Tom has been much happier since he changed jobs. Tom jól gondját viseli a madaraknak. Tom takes good care of the birds. Tom takes good care of the birds. Kukaan ei satuttanut minua. Nobody hurt me. No one hurt me. Rakastaakohan hän minua. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he loves me. Reggel teniszezik. She plays tennis in the morning. Tennis in the morning. Májustól augusztusig sokat esik. It rains a lot from May to August. It rains a lot from May to August. Elämme erittäin turvallisessa maassa. We live in a very safe country. We live in a very safe country. Most már világos, hogy Tom tette. Now it's clear that it was Tom who did it. Now it's clear Tom did it. Tom on cool. Tom is cool. Tom's cool. Tom kieltäytyi vastaamasta mihinkään kysymykseeni. Tom refused to answer any of my questions. Tom refused to answer any of my questions. A gránát öt méterre robbant fel a katonától. The grenade exploded five metres from the soldier. The grenade exploded five meters from the soldier. Nem könnyen fejezem ki a gondolataimat érthetően és komplett. I have difficulty expressing my thoughts clearly and completely. I don’t express my thoughts easily and completely. A véremben van a foci. I have soccer in my blood. Football's in my blood. Képtelen lennék szerintem gyilkolni. I think I couldn't kill. I don't think I'd be able to kill. Voinko minä istua tähän? May I sit here? Can I sit here? Tom ebaõnnestus kaks korda. Tom failed twice. He failed twice. Tom sanoi, että hän haluaisi toisen kupillisen kahvia. Tom said he'd like to have another cup of coffee. Tom said he'd like another cup of coffee. He näyttävät olevan valokuvaajia. They seem to be photographs. They seem to be photographers. Mikor vacsizol? What time will you have dinner? When are you having dinner? Miben akarsz fogadni, hogy én odaérek a buszmegállóba még előtted? What do you want to bet I'll get to the bus stop before you do? What are you gonna bet I'm gonna get to the bus stop before you do? Menisin mieluummin maanalaisella kuin junalla. I'd rather go by subway than by train. I'd rather take the subway than the train. Tarvitsitko minua? Did you need me? You needed me? Meg fogom menteni Tomit. I'll save Tom. I'm going to save Tom. Mul on selle kohta vist teooria. I think I have a theory about that. I think I have a theory about that. Nem kaptam meg az üzenetedet. I didn't receive your message. I didn't get your message. Van köztetek valami? Is there anything between you? Is there something going on between you? Oletko saanut shekin? Have you received the cheque? Did you get a check? - Én nem iszom. — Ezt meg hogy gondolod!? — Csak vicceltem. "I don't drink." "How dare you? No, I'm just kidding." - I don't drink. - What do you think? - I'm kidding. Ideje kipróbálni valami újat. It's time to try something new. It's time to try something new. Nem loptam el. Csak kölcsönvettem. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it. Tomi myönsi ottaneensa vastaan lahjuksen. Tom admitted he had accepted a bribe. Tom admitted to taking a bribe. Legyél szíves, ne csörögjél meg engem többé! Please don't ring me any more. Please don't ring me again. Lill on punast värvi. The flower is red. The flower is red. Két zsák cement elég lesz. Two bags of cement will be enough. Two bags of cement will do. Anna sokeri, Tomi. Pass me the sugar, Tom. Give me the sugar, Tom. Missä on taksitolppa? Where is the taxi stand? Where's the taxi stand? Igen, szeretem én őt, viszont nem akarom feleségül venni. Yes, I do love her, but I don't want to marry her. Yes, I love her, but I don't want to marry her. Minden készen áll? Is everything prepared? Is everything ready? Hän on hyvällä tuulella. He's in a good mood. He's in a good mood. Iskolában van. She's at school. He's at school. Ha csak egyet választhatnál, melyik lenne az? If you could only choose one of them, which one would it be? If you could only choose one, which one would it be? "Mi történt?" "Lerobbant a kocsi." "What happened?" "The car broke down." "What happened?" "The car broke down." Nem szeretek tanulni. I don't like studying. I don't like studying. Tomi alkoi laulaa, ja me kaikki lauloimme mukana. Tom started singing, and we all sang along. Tom started singing, and we all sang along. Kannatatko heidän menettelytapojaan? Are you in favor of their policy? Do you support their policies? Vain koska et tiennyt siitä, niin se ei tarkoita, että se olisi valetta. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it is a lie. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it's a lie. Láttak errefelé egy öreg rókát. An old fox was seen around here. They saw an old fox around here. Odota hetki, puhelin soi. Hold on, the phone's ringing. Wait a minute. The phone's ringing. Olen olohuoneessa. I'm in the living room. I'm in the living room. Még mindig alszol? Are you still sleeping? Are you still sleeping? Sikerült elmenned az első vonattal? Did you catch the first train? Did you catch the first train? Ezek gyermekdalok. These are nursery rhymes. They're children's songs. Tudod, miről van szó? Do you know what it's all about? You know what this is about? Igen alacsony a születési arány. The birth rate is very low. The birth rate is very low. Tämä tuoli on epämukava. This chair is uncomfortable. This chair is uncomfortable. Huolehdi omista asioistasi! Mind your own business. Mind your own business! Szegény, de becsületes. He is poor but honest. Poor, but honest. En ole koskaan kuullut tästä näyttelijästä. I've never heard of this actor. I've never heard of this actor. Úgy tűnt, Tom nagyon aggódott. Tom seemed very concerned. Tom seemed very concerned. Szóhoz sem jutottam, amikor bejelentette, hogy el akar válni. I was speechless when she told me she wanted a divorce. I couldn't say a word when he announced he was getting a divorce. Nem tudom elképzelni. I cannot imagine it. I can't imagine. Tämä ilmastointilaite syö paljon sähköä. This air conditioner uses a lot of electricity. This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. Pont olyan, mint te. He's just like you. He's just like you. Hány jegyet kér? How many tickets do you want? How many tickets do you want? Ezek a képek rossz emlékeket idéznek fel. These pictures bring back bad memories. These pictures bring back bad memories. Tom ma délután elmegy Maryvel vitorlázni. Tom is going to go sailing with Mary this afternoon. Tom's going sailing with Mary this afternoon. Úgy gondolom, Tomi felizgató. I think Tom is exciting. I think Tom is excited. Ha nem lesz itt mindjárt, fogom magam és elmegyek. If he doesn't get here soon, I'm leaving. If he's not here in a minute, I'm gonna go. Mari folyton tanul. Mary studies all the time. Mari is always learning. Leage buorre! You are welcome! Do good. Vessa on tuolla. The toilet is there. The bathroom's over there. Missä hissi on? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Zárjuk egy pozitiv megjegyzéssel. Let's finish on a positive note. Let’s close with a positive comment. Se näyttää hyvältä. It looks good. Yeah, it looks good. Nem jelentettek nagy segítséget. They weren't much help. They weren't much help. Nem szóltunk róla a beszélgetésünkben. We didn't touch on it in our conversation. We didn't mention it in our conversation. Ő beszél magyarul, és a nő meg németül. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. She speaks Hungarian, and she speaks German. Szaggat a derekam. My hip hurts. My waist is killing me. Több kell nekünk. We need more. We need more. Hei, älkää koskeko mitään! Hey, don't touch anything! Hey, don't touch anything! Nem túl eredeti. That isn't very original. It's not very original. Yannilla ei ollut yhtään ystävää. Yanni didn't have any friends. Yanni didn't have any friends. Cserben hagyták Tomot. They betrayed Tom. They let Tom down. Találkozód van valakivel? Are you seeing anyone? Are you meeting someone? El van ragadtatva. He's tickled pink. She's delighted. Anna kaikkien pitää huoli omista asioistaan. Let everyone take care of their own affairs. Let everyone mind their own business. Tom úgy döntött, hogy korán hazamegy. Tom decided to go home early. Tom decided to go home early. Úgy érezte Tom, csapdába csalták. Tom felt trapped. Tom felt he was being set up. Söin sashimia ensimmäisen kerran vasta kun tulin Japaniin. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. The first time I ate sashimi was when I came to Japan. Vahest järgmine kord sa kuulad, kui ma palun sul ettevaatlik olla. Maybe next time you'll listen to me when I tell you to be careful. Maybe next time you'll listen, I'll ask you to be careful. Mitte kõik brasiillased ei naudi karnevali. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. Not all Brazilians enjoy a carnival. Persze hogy emlékszem rá! Of course I remember it! Of course I remember him. A gyerekek ártatlanok. Children are innocent. The children are innocent. Történelmet akarok tanulni. I want to study history. I want to study history. Haluan käyttää tätä. I want to use this. I want to use this. Tässä ravintolassa ei saa tupakoida. Smoking isn't allowed in this restaurant. You are not allowed to smoke in this restaurant. Onko näkymätön peili peili ollenkaan? Is an invisible mirror a mirror at all? Is an invisible mirror a mirror at all? Értesítettél valakit? Have you informed everyone? Did you notify anyone? Gondolkodom, tehát képes vagyok felismerni, hogy létezem. I think therefore I'm able to recognize I am. I am thinking, therefore I am able to recognize that I exist. Oota natuke. Wait a moment. Hold on a second. Tämä lippu on voimassa 20. lokakuuta saakka. The ticket is valid until October twentieth. This ticket is valid until 20 October. Jól keverd meg. Stir it well. Stir well. Mari on toteuttanut kaikki Tomin unelmat. Mary has made all Tom's dreams come true. Mary has made all of Tom's dreams come true. En tiedä. Mitä jos kysyisit Tomilta? I don't know. Why don't you ask Tom? I don't know, why don't you ask Tom? See on väga tõhus. It's very effective. It's very effective. Az utcán ismertem meg. I met him in the street. I met him on the street. Intelligens ember az, aki felfedezett valamit, ami érdekesebb, mint a szex. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. An intelligent person is one who has discovered something more interesting than sex. Mondd már neki, hogy siessen! Just tell him to hurry up. Tell him to hurry. Ez engem nem zavart. That didn't bother me. That didn't bother me. — Sokáig éljen a király! — Mi van!? Sokáig éljenek az emberek! "Long live the king." "What? Long live people." “Long live the king!” “What? Long live the people!” Kezdd elölről! Start over. Start over. Pöllöillä on suuret silmät. Owls have big eyes. Owls have big eyes. Sikerült meglepetést szerezned nekem. You managed to surprise me. You managed to surprise me. Miként javíthatok az angolomon? How can I improve my English? How can I improve my English? Tule kiireesti sisään. Hurry up and get in. Come in quickly. Tom hogy válaszolt? How did Tom reply? How did Tom respond? Tomi ei ole teidän vihollisenne. Tom isn't your enemy. Tom is not your enemy. Utálom ezt mondani, de Tomnak és Marynek igaza van. I hate to say it, but Tom and Mary are right. I hate to say it, but Tom and Mary are right. Ette saa koskaan tietää, jos ette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Ei või olla! Unbelievable! You're kidding me! Nagyon jól beszélsz franciául. Szeretnék ezen a nyelven olyan jól beszélni, mint te. You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you. You speak French very well, and I want to speak that language as well as you do. Az övét vettem meg. What I bought is her belt. I bought hers. Tulitikkuni kastuivat, enkä voinut sytyttää tulta. My matches got wet and I couldn't start a fire. My matches got wet, and I couldn't start the fire. Szeret a tévében baseball-meccseket nézni. He likes watching baseball games on TV. He likes to watch baseball games on TV. Ymmärrän mitä sanotte. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Ota minun. Take mine. Take mine. Az indukciós tűzhelyek mágnest használnak ahhoz, hogy az edényeket és serpenyőket közvetlenül melegítse. Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans. Induction cookers use magnets to heat pots and pans directly. - Oda nézz, apu, egy cápa! - Az egy bálna, Tomi. "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." - Look at that, Daddy, it's a shark. He soittelevat lähes joka päivä. They call each other almost every day. They call almost every day. Ő lengyel. She's Polish. He's Polish. Käin ujumas korra nädalas. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Most kezdtem koreai nyelven tanulni. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. Mikorra érsz haza a munkából? When do you get home from work? What time do you get home from work? Siess! Be kell mennem a fürdőbe. Hurry up, I need to go to the bathroom. Hurry, I have to go to the bathroom. E végett vagyunk mi itt. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Ez nagyon, nagyon jó. That's very, very good. That's very, very good. Szeretnék vásárolni néhány új bútort. I want to buy some new furniture. I'd like to buy some new furniture. Felhős napunk van. Today is a cloudy day. It's a cloudy day. Légzsákkal van felszerelve. This car is equipped with airbags. It is equipped with an airbag. Totális lúzer vagyok. I'm a total loser. I'm a total loser. Magam keresem meg Tomit. I'll find Tom myself. I'll find Tom myself. Szerintem ez mindent megmagyarázna. I think that would explain everything. I think that would explain everything. Älä fuskaa. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. Minä yleensä kävelen. I usually walk. I usually walk. Sepä vasta olisi mielenkiintoista. Now that'll be interesting. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Minä pystyn hyväksymään sen. I can accept that. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Van egy szendvicse, amit nekem tudna adni? Do you have a sandwich you can give me? Do you have a sandwich you can give me? Hän kysyi minulta, että kuinka monta kieltä minä puhun. She asked me how many languages I spoke. He asked me how many languages I spoke. Játszhatok a játékaiddal? Can I play with your toys? Can I play with your toys? Hát nem látod, hogy végre boldog vagyok? Can't you see I'm finally happy? Can't you see I'm finally happy? Kelet-Timorban a filmipar prosperál, mint még soha ezelőtt. The cinema industry of Timor-Leste is thriving like never before. In East Timor, the film industry is flourishing like never before. Tom mindannyiunkat bolonddá tett. Tom made a fool of us all. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nemsokára meg valami mást fogsz mondani. Soon you will be saying something different. Soon you'll say something else. Ihmiset ovat tosi ystävällisiä. The people are very friendly. People are really friendly. Tom nem látszott olyan elfoglaltnak, mint általában. Tom didn't seem any busier than usual. Tom didn't seem as busy as usual. Brazíliában akarok élni. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. En ole koskaan nähnyt sellaista lintua, ennen sitä tai sen jälkeen. I've never seen a bird like that, before or since. I've never seen a bird like that before or since. Örömmel hallom a híreket. I'm delighted to hear the news. I'm glad to hear the news. Soha nem fogod kitalálni, kit láttam a parkban. You'll never guess who I saw in the park. You'll never guess who I saw in the park. Tegnap csütörtök volt. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. A busz már elment addigra, mire a feleségem befejezte a készülődést. The bus had already left by the time my wife was finished dressing. The bus had already left by the time my wife had finished preparing. Apám pipa rám. My father is angry with me. My dad's pissed at me. Hajlandó vagyok megvenni neked. I'm willing to buy that for you. I'm willing to buy it for you. Kaverini kävivät leffassa ilman minua. My friends went to the movies without me. My friends went to the movies without me. Nagyon sápadtnak tűnsz. You look very pale. You look very pale. Anna minulle rahasi tai muuten hakkaan sinut. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll kick your ass. Tudom, hogy mit akarok. I know what I want. I know what I want. Ugorj be a medencébe. Jump in the pool. Jump into the pool. El sem gondolkodsz rajta? Don't you even think about it? Don't you even think about it? Kipu on koko ajan. The pain is there all the time. The pain is all the time. "Sinä olet Israelin opettaja," sanoi Jeesus. "You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus. “You are the teacher of Israel,” Jesus said. Häntä lyötiin lujaa kasvoihin. He was hit hard in the face. He was hit hard in the face. Nem igazán számított. It didn't matter that much. It didn't really matter. Hän lähetti hänelle postikortin. She sent him a postcard. He sent her a postcard. Ne ítélj senkit a külseje alapján! Don't judge a man by his appearance. Don’t judge someone by their appearance. Mondj el nekik mindent, amit tudsz! Tell them everything you know. Tell them everything you know. Igaz? Is that true? Is that right? Na, ugye nem halsz meg? You're not gonna die, eh? You're not gonna die, are you? Vigyen be minket a városba. Give us a ride downtown. Take us into the city. Gratulálok az új otthonotokhoz! My congratulations on your new home! Congratulations on your new home. Ez mindent elmond. That says it all. That says it all. Tämä on heidän talonsa. This is their house. This is their house. Senki sem fog engedelmeskedni neked. No one will obey you. No one will obey you. A mostani politikusok nem kimondottan inkopetensek, hanem seggfejek. Contemporary politicians are not so much incompetent as assholes. These politicians aren't exactly incoherent. They're assholes. En tarvitse tuota. I don't need that. I don't need that. A férfi könnyezett a boldogságtól. The man wept with happiness. The man was in tears of happiness. Olisiko pterosaurus eräänlainen dinosaurus? Is the pterosaur maybe a type of dinosaur? Would a pterosaur be a dinosaur? Most nincs szüksége pénzre. Now he doesn't need money. He doesn't need money right now. Normálisan viselkedett. He behaved normally. He behaved normally. Örömmel segítek, ha tudok. I am pleased to help you if I can. I'm happy to help if I can. Bárcsak megtalálna engem is már a szerencse! I wish fortune would come knocking on my door. If only luck could find me. Kérlek, mondd meg nekem a neved. Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. Vero sisältyy hintaan. The price includes tax. Tax is included in the price. Tuo on viiniköynnös. That's a grapevine. That's a vine. Oletko tulossa illalliselle? Are you coming to dinner? Are you coming to dinner? Tom ei koskaan suostuisi sellaiseen. Tom would never agree to such a thing. Tom would never agree to that. Vajon az mennyibe kerülhet. I wonder how much that costs. I wonder how much that'll cost. Tomi nem érezte úgy, hogy a csapathoz tartozna. Tom didn't feel like he belonged to the group. Tom didn’t feel like he was part of the team. Tom kuuntelee Marin podcastia. Tom listens to Mary's podcast. Tom listens to Mari's podcast. Tuo mekko on tyrmäävän upea. That dress is absolutely stunning. That dress is stunning. Ne olivat pienet häät. It was a small wedding. It was a small wedding. Olen elätellyt toiveita siitä, että joku pistäytyisi kylässä. I've been hoping someone would drop by. I've been holding out hope that someone would stop by. Kukaan ei muista, miten se kaikki alkoi. No one remembers how it all started. No one remembers how it all started. Keittokirjat myyvät hyvin. Cookbooks sell well. The cookbooks sell well. Jononi on valtava. My queue is huge. My line is huge. Oroszország Európa vagy Ázsia része? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Hän näytti katumuksensa vakavasta virheestä. She showed her regret over the serious mistake. He showed his remorse for a serious mistake. Hän joutui vakavaan onnettomuuteen. I had a serious accident. He had a serious accident. Hyvin, kiitos. Fine, thanks. I'm fine, thanks. A tudomány fontos az életünkben. Science is important for our lives. Science is important in our lives. Voisitko auttaa hetken? Will you help me for a minute? Can you help me for a second? Ma loen raamatu. I'll read the book. I'm reading a book. Fején találtad a szöget. You're exactly right. You hit the nail on the head. Rouva Woods oli erinomainen ruoanlaittaja. Mrs. Wood was a very good cook. Mrs. Woods was an excellent cook. - Hány óra van? - Háromnegyed egy. - Meghívlak ebédre. Biztos éhes vagy. Van néhány szendvicsem, amit a feleségem készített. "What's the time?" "Quarter to one." "I'll treat you to lunch. You must be hungry." "I've got some sandwiches my wife made me." I'll buy you lunch, you must be hungry, I have some sandwiches my wife made. Hé, figyelj már rám! Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. Mua ei kiinnosta vittuakaan. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Näe, see siin on veel parem. Here's an even better one. Look, this one's even better. Ott játszottam sokat. I used to play there. I played there a lot. Tom udvariasan meghajolt. Tom bowed politely. Tom bowed politely. Tomia ei voi pysäyttää. Tom can't be stopped. You can't stop Tom. Izgatottan várom az indulást, és készen állok. I'm excited and ready to go. I'm excited to go, and I'm ready. Ma olen õnnelik, kui ma sinuga koos olen. I feel happy when I'm with you. I'm happy to be with you. Minä syön nuudeleita. I eat noodles. I eat noodles. Mégis hogy gondoltad, hogy Tomi segíteni tud nekünk? How did you know Tom would be able to help us? How did you think Tom would be able to help us? Ezen a számon elérheti őt. You can reach him at this number. You can reach him at this number. Van családja, vannak barátai Lengyelországban? Do you have family or friends in Poland? Do you have any friends in Poland? — Nem is tudom, hol kezdjem. — Kezd az elején. "I hardly know where to begin." "Start at the beginning." “I don’t know where to start.” Mennyi pénzt kaptál? How much money did you get? How much money did you get? Nevetségesek. They're ridiculous. They're ridiculous. Elämä Japanissa on kallista. It is expensive to live in Japan. Life in Japan is expensive. Yritä kovasti. Try hard. Try hard. Mitkä ovat tämän paraabelin nollakohdat? What are the zeros of this parabola? What are the zero points of this parabola? Italialaisessa ravintolassa oli romanttinen tunnelma. This Italian restaurant has a romantic atmosphere. There was a romantic atmosphere in the Italian restaurant. Haluaako kukaan pizzaa? Does anybody want a pizza? Anybody want a pizza? Egyszer csak megálltunk és körülnéztünk. All of a sudden, Tom stopped and looked around him. Suddenly we stopped and looked around. Megkértem apámat, hogy segítsen neked. I asked my father to help you. I asked my father to help you. Minulla ei ole mitään tekemistä asian kanssa. I have nothing to do with the matter. I had nothing to do with it. Anyum nem engedi. My mom says I can't. My mom won't let me. Több mondanivalója nem volt senkinek. Nobody had anything more to say. He had nothing more to say to anyone. A gyilkos még mindig itt van közöttünk. The murderer is still among us. The killer is still among us. Add ide a jegyzettömböt! Give me the notebook. Give me the notepad. Tomi megnevezte az iskolatársait, akik megkarcolták az igi bá' Chevrolet-jét. Tom named his school mates who had scratched the Chevrolet of the headmaster. Tom named his schoolmates, who scratched his uncle's Chevrolet. Lehmät syövät mielellään ruohoa. Cows like to eat grass. Cows like to eat grass. Kérdezhetek tőled? May I ask you a question? Can I ask you? Tiedän tunteen. I know the feeling. I know the feeling. Ő a fiam lánya. She's the daughter of my son. She's my son's daughter. Hänen työnsä oli valvoa työmaan työntekijöitä. His work was supervising the labourers on the site. His job was to supervise the workers at the site. Nem tartalmazza a forgalmi adót. The sales tax isn't included. Sales tax is not included. Ha elmondod neki, nem vagy többé a barátom. If you tell him that you won't be my friend again. If you tell her, you're not my friend anymore. Elő kell hozakodnunk egy másik tervvel. We need to come up with another plan. We need to come up with another plan. Átdolgozruk az éjszakát. We worked all night long. They're working through the night. Lause oli pitkä ja monimutkainen. The sentence was long and convoluted. The sentence was long and complicated. Tom on nopea. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Tom ei välitä, mitä Marille käy. Tom doesn't care what happens to Mary. Tom doesn't care what happens to Mari. Tema käitumine ei ole sotsiaalselt aktsepteeritav. Her behaviour just isn't socially acceptable. His behavior is not socially acceptable. Anteeksi, missä on WC? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Tom azt mondta, hogy jól van. Tom said that he was all right. Tom said he was fine. Taidot ovat Jumalan suomia; ole nöyrä. Kunnia on ihmisten suomaa; ole kiitollinen. Itserakkaus on itsesuotua; ole varovainen. Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful. Skills are from God; be humble. Honor is from people; be grateful. Self-love is self-serving; be careful. Minä alan tajuta ajatuksen. I'm starting to get the idea. I'm starting to get the idea. Säleikkö oli kuusaman peittämä. The trellis was covered with honeysuckle. The grille was covered with spruce. Jövőre franciául akarok tanulni. Next year I want to learn French. I want to learn French next year. Várom a válaszodat a nap végéig. I need your answer before the end of the day. I look forward to your response by the end of the day. A dékán kezet rázott a végzős diákokkal. The dean shook hands with each of the graduating students. The dean shook hands with the graduating students. A falusi ünnepi sátorban volt egy kocsma, ahol langyos sört és almabort árultak. There was a bar inside the marquee at the village fete selling lukewarm beer and cider. There was a pub in the village holiday tent selling warm beer and cider. Ha egy méreg szavatossága lejár, akkor az mergezőbb lesz vagy kevésbé lesz az? When a poison expires, does it become more poisonous or less poisonous? If a poison expires, will it be more or less toxic? Kuka teki ensimmäisen maalin? Who scored the first goal? Who scored the first goal? Lefegyverezték és letartóztatták Tomot. Tom was disarmed and arrested. They disarmed and arrested Tom. Lehet, hogy hibát követek el. I might make a mistake. Maybe I'm making a mistake. Ő az egyetlen, aki nem tudja, hogy kell ezt csinálni. She's the only one who doesn't know how to do that. He's the only one who doesn't know how to do this. A megoldás ott volt a szemem előtt, mégsem vettem észre. The solution lay before my eyes, but I didn't see it. The solution was right in front of me, but I didn't see it. Jobb nem tenni fel kérdéseket. It's better not to ask. It is better not to ask questions. Koska vain. Any time. Yeah, anytime. Mi ez juhar? What is this, maple? What's that maple? Jok'ikiselle mieshahmolle on oma naisvastineensa. For every given male character, there is a female version of that character. Each male character has its own female counterpart. Reggeliztél ma már? Did you eat breakfast this morning? Have you had breakfast today? A főnököm egy segg. My boss is an asshole. My boss is an ass. Tom andis Maryle sinise kausta. Tom handed Mary a blue folder. Tom gave Mary the blue folder. Vain taitelijat ja lapset näkevät elämän sellaisena kuin se on. Only artists and children see life as it is. Only artists and children see life as it is. A szálloda teljesen megtelt. The hotel is completely full. The hotel is completely full. A legkisebb provokációra is felkapja a vizet. He gets angry at the slightest provocation. He'll be pissed off at the slightest provocation. Elmondtad valakinek, hogy itt vagyok? Did you tell anybody that I'm here? Did you tell anyone I was here? A békés dombokról és a vidéki tájról átköltöznek az utcák és tömegek élénk világába. They are moving from the peaceful hills and the countryside to the busy world of streets and crowds. From the peaceful hills and countryside, they move to the vibrant world of streets and crowds. Missä maito on? Where's the milk? Where's the milk? Túl sok a jóból, ez nagyszerű! Too much of a good thing is wonderful! Too much of a good thing, that's great! Aterimet ovat ylimmässä vetolaatikossa. The silverware is in the top drawer. The cutlery is in the top drawer. Nem jut eszembe egy jó búvóhely sem. I can't think of a good hiding place. I can't think of a good hiding place. Tom soitti Marille tänä aamuna. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mari this morning. Tudod, hogy utálom azt. You know I hate that. You know I hate that. Mikor láttad Tomit utoljára sírni? When was the last time you saw Tom crying? When was the last time you saw Tom cry? Tämä on painavaa kuin lyijy. This is as heavy as lead. It's as heavy as lead. Ne legyünk naivak. Let's not be naive. Let's not be naive. Tietysti! Of course. Of course! Nem olyan a kedvem. I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood. Már tudom. I already know. I already know. Tule pois vedestä. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. Ziri tunsi, että häntä tarkkailtiin. Ziri felt like he was being watched. Ziri felt that she was being watched. Mondj nemet a háborúra! No to war! Say no to war. Etkö sinä tiedä? Don't you know? You don't know? Nem gondoltam komolyan, amit mondtam. I didn't seriously think what I said. I didn't mean what I said. Osaan huolehtia itsestäni. I can look out for myself. I can take care of myself. Diót gyűjtenek. They are gathering nuts. They're collecting nuts. Beszél így valaki? Does anyone talk like that? Does anyone talk like that? Isäni on opettaja. My father is a teacher. My dad's a teacher. Tom otthon van a szüleivel. Tom is at home with his parents. Tom's home with his parents. Minun mielestäni ei ole epäilystäkään, etteikö Tom voittaisi vaaleja. There is no doubt in my mind that Tom will win the election. In my opinion, there is no doubt that Tom will win the election. Olin juuri lähtemäisilläni. I was just about to leave. I was just about to leave. Mindenki visszaült a helyére. Everyone sat back down. Everyone's back in their seats. Se ei ole unta. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Ma reggel sült krumplit ettem tejföllel. This morning I ate french fries with sour cream. I had French fries with sour cream this morning. Ismered az utat? Do you know the way? Do you know the way? Kuinka usein Tom käy ranskantunneilla? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom take French lessons? Te még a szüleiddel laksz, nemde? You still live with your parents, don't you? You still live with your parents, don't you? Hol van a hold, amikor nincs fenn az égen? Where does the moon go when it's not in the sky? Where is the moon when it is not in the sky? Nincs elég információnk. We don't have enough information. We don't have enough information. Ez fáj. Hagyd abba! It hurts. Stop it. That hurts, stop it. He jäivät kiinni itse teossa. They were caught red-handed. They were caught in the act. Hän on todella kuumaverinen ja minä olen vilukissa. Mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä makuuhuoneellemme? He's really sensitive to heat and I'm sensitive to the cold. What should we do about our bedroom? He's really hot-blooded, and I'm cold, so what are we supposed to do with our bedroom? Névtelen levelet kapott a szomszéd. My neighbor received anonymous letters. An anonymous letter was sent to the neighbor. Nem leli nyugalmát. He never gets any peace. He's not calm. Mi történt veled? What've you got? What's the matter with you? "Mihin hän suuteli sinua?" "Huulille." "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "Where did she kiss you?" "On her lips." Pystyn hädintuskin uida. I can hardly swim. I can barely swim. Marokon pääkaupunki on Rabat. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. Ne házasodj meg soha! Never get married. Don't ever get married. Tomi katsoo televisiota. Tom is watching television. Tom is watching TV. Fel fogod ismerni, ha meglátod. You'll recognize it when you see it. You'll recognize him when you see him. Nagy lábam van. I have large feet. I have big feet. Ez menő? Is this cool? Is that cool? Még nem köszöntem el. I haven't said goodbye yet. I haven't said goodbye yet. Tuhka oli yhä lämmintä. The ash was still warm. The ashes were still warm. Valheet synnyttävät lisää valheita. Lies beget more lies. Lies make more lies. Mitä muuta voisit vielä haluta lisää? What more could you want? What more could you possibly want? Miért akarsz ápoló lenni? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Itt találkoztam a barátommal. I met a friend there. This is where I met my friend. Sadas. It was raining. Rain. Luulen, että tiedän tästä kaiken, mikä minun tarvitsee tietää. I think I know everything I need to know about this. I think I know everything I need to know about this. Näita mulle oma käsi. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. A gördeszkázás veszélyes. Skateboarding is dangerous. Skateboarding is dangerous. Osaatko sanoa, onko tämä Tomin? Can you tell if this is Tom's? Can you tell me if this is Tom's? Ne gyere be! Don't come in. Don't come in. Úgy vélem, Ukrajnának nincs semmi beleszólása, hogy háború vagy béke lesz. A döntés joga a békéről vagy háborúról Wahingtonban van. But I don't think Ukraine has anything to do with the decision about peace and war. I think the decision about peace and war is made in Washington D.C. I believe that Ukraine has no say in whether there will be war or peace. The right to decide on peace or war is in Washington. Van valamilyen asztmagyógyszere? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medication? Soha nem mert oda visszamenni. She dared never go back there. He never dared to go back there. Szép vagy. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Mida varem me alustame, seda varem me lõpetame. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Kérdeztem a fiamtól, mit is szeretne igazából. I asked my son what he really wanted. I asked my son what he really wanted. Tule ja kerro minulle kaikki itsestäsi. Come and tell me all about yourself. Come and tell me all about yourself. Apám minden nap reggeltől estig dolgozik. My father works from morning till night every day. My father works every day from morning till night. Emme voi mennä siihen suuntaan! Tuossa on "oikealle kääntyminen kielletty" -kyltti. We can't go that way! There's a "no right turn" sign. We can't go that way! There's a "no right turn" sign. Elfelejtette visszahívni őt. He forgot to phone her back. You forgot to call him back. Tiedätkö mitä Tomi haluaa ostaa? Do you know what Tom wants to buy? Do you know what Tom wants to buy? Helvetti pääsi valloilleen. All hell broke loose. Hell broke loose. Myöhään valvominen tekee huonoa iholle. Staying up late at night is very bad for your skin. Late supervision is bad for the skin. Szeretném tudni, hogy Tomi miért nem jött el Mari bulijára. I wonder why Tom didn't come to Mary's party. I want to know why Tom didn't come to Mari's party. Nem ez az első figyelmeztetésed. This isn't your first warning. This isn't your first warning. A mobiltelefonjára pillantott és észrevette, hogy már háromnegyed kettő van. She looked at her cell phone and noticed that it was already a quarter till two. He glanced at his cell phone and noticed it was already a quarter to two. Csukd be azt az ajtót. Close that door. Close that door. Felvettem a kabátom, mert fáztam. I put my coat on because I was cold. I put on my coat because I was cold. No mitäs tuumit? So what do you think? What do you think? Hagytam őt, tegye tönkre az életemet. I let him ruin my life. I let him ruin my life. Kell nekem egy elsőkerékmeghajtású autó, hogy tudjak menni vele a hóban. I need a car with front-wheel drive for driving in the snow. I need a front-wheel-drive car to ride in the snow. Látni akarlak. I want to see you. I want to see you. Vabandust, ma ei kuulnud sind. Sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Egy dolog, amit nem szeretek a télben, kimászni a jó meleg ágyból. One thing I don't like about winter is climbing out of a warm bed. One thing I don't like about winter is getting out of a good warm bed. Me olimme lukemassa. We were reading. We were reading. Mikor van a napéjegyenlőség? When is the equinox? When is the equinox? Én vagyok az ön új ügyvédje. I am your new lawyer. I'm your new lawyer. Olet minun istumapaikallani. You're in my seat. You're in my seat. Nekünk vette. He bought it for us. He bought it for us. Szeretném, ha klimatizált osztálytermünk lenne. I wish our classroom were air-conditioned. I'd like to have an air-conditioned classroom. Mi a címe a könyvnek? What is the title of the book? What is the title of the book? Bratyómnak két hobbija van csak: vezetés és merülés. My bro only has two hobbies: driving and diving. My brother has only two hobbies: driving and diving. Ma elan liiga kaugel. I live too far away. I live too far away. Kicsit beszélek oroszul. I speak a little Russian. I speak a little Russian. Esővízlevezető csatornacsövön mászott le a politikus a rendőrök elől. The politician climbed down a rainwater downpipe from police officers. The politician climbed down a storm drain from the police. Mihinköhän Tom meni? I wonder where Tom went. Where do you think Tom went? Melkein huusin. I almost cried. I almost screamed. Älä syö niin kuin porsas. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Ta otsib head tööd. He is seeking a good job. He's looking for a good job. Hány? How much? How many? Mostantól aztán csönd! For now, keep quiet. From now on, shut up! Tom nem hisz a szellemekben. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. Ezt nem fogom hagyni. I'm not going to let it happen. I'm not gonna let that happen. Kerékpárt vettem nektek. I bought you bicycles. I bought you a bicycle. Nem tudom, mit hallották Tom-ról. I don't know what you heard about Tom. I don't know what they heard about Tom. A szögeket fokban és percben fejezik ki. Angles are expressed in degrees and minutes. Angles are expressed in degrees and minutes. Nem értem, hogy ebben mi olyan mulatságos. I fail to see what's so amusing. I don't see what's so funny about that. Onko kaikki okei? You all right? You all right? Yeah. Mistä päin tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Bár maradhattam volna! I wish I'd stayed. I wish I could have stayed. Tomi suuteli Maria intohimoisesti. Tom kissed Mary passionately. Tom kissed Mary passionately. Miért olyan kicsi? Why is it so small? Why is it so small? Jalastani vetää suonta. I have leg cramps. My leg's pulling a vein. Mikor jönnek vissza a nyaralásból? When are they coming back from vacation? When are they coming back from vacation? Amikor utasítást adok, indítsd el a gépet! When I give the word, start the machine. When I give the order, start the plane. Turisti yritti tilata salamipitsaa käyttäen elekieltä. The tourist tried to order a salami pizza using gestures. The tourist tried to order salami pizza using gestures. Mikä sinun nimesi on? What's your name? - What's your name, man? Pythagoraan lauseen mukaan hypotenuusan neliö on yhtä suuri kuin kahden toisen sivun neliöiden summa. Pythagoras' theorem says that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. According to Pythagoras' theorem, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Ne csoszogj már! Stop shuffling. Stop shuffling! Beszélj csak! Nagyapa olyan süket, mint az ágyú. Just say it. Grandpa is as deaf as a post. Grandpa's as deaf as a cannon. Ovatko sukkani jo kuivat? Are my socks dry already? Are my socks dry? Tämän sanan paino on toisella tavulla. The accent of this word is on the second syllable. The weight of this word is on the second syllable. Mikor érkezik? When will she come? When's he arriving? Az elméje egy becsukott könyv előttem. His mind is a closed book for me. His mind is a closed book in front of me. Lehet, hogy számodra egyértelmű, de számomra nem. Perhaps it's obvious for you, but not for me. It may be clear to you, but it's not clear to me. Hän ei juo edes olutta ja vielä vähemmän viskiä. He doesn't even drink beer, not to mention whiskey. He doesn't even drink beer and even less whiskey. Minä käyn uimassa joka päivä. I go swimming every day. I go swimming every day. On aika näyttää pojille oikeaa musiikkia. It's time to show the boys some real music. It's time to show the boys some real music. Ma tean kus Tom on sündinud. I know where Tom was born. I know where Tom was born. Se juna ei pysähdy tässä. That train doesn't stop here. That train doesn't stop here. Tomi és Mari mindketten jó tanárok. Tom and Mary are both good teachers. Tomi and Mari are both good teachers. Tomin suunnitelma on aika hyvä. Tom's plan is quite good. Tom's plan is pretty good. Három hétig leszek ott. I will be there for three weeks. I'll be there for three weeks. Az elégedettség az erőfeszítésből ered és nem az eredményből. Az igazi erőfeszítés teljes győzelmet jelent. Satisfaction is rooted in the effort and not in the result. A full effort is a complete victory. Satisfaction comes from effort, not from achievement. True effort means total victory. Azonnal el kell menned. It's necessary for you to leave right now. You need to leave right now. A mosolyuk nem tudta leplezni az alacsony részvételi arány miatti csalódottságukat. Their smiles couldn't hide their disappointment at the low turnout. Their smiles could not hide their disappointment at the low turnout. Eljött a gazdagok végnapja. A penzük nem menti meg őket. The End Times is for the rich. Their paper cannot save them. It's the end of the rich, their money won't save them. Apám nem akarja megengedni nekem, hogy kutyát tartsak. My father won't allow me to keep a dog. My dad doesn't want me to have a dog. Ő barátságos velünk. He is very friendly to us. He's friendly with us. Kõik on seal. It's all there. It's all there. És te mit tettél ezért? And what have you done for that? And what did you do about it? Mára beteget jelentett. He has reported sick today. He called in sick today. Maximálisan megbízom benne. I completely trust him. I trust him completely. Te miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Úgy döntöttem végül, hogy nem pályázom meg az állást. In the end, I decided not to apply for that job. In the end, I decided not to apply for the job. Tom meni sisään autoon. Tom got in the car. Tom got into the car. A pandák imádják a bambuszt. Pandas love bamboo. Pandas love bamboo. Csintalan gyerek. He is a naughty boy. He's a naughty boy. A bolygót érted ezalatt vagy az istennőt? Do you mean the planet or the goddess? You mean the planet or the goddess? Van itt vajon Tamás nevű ember? I wonder if there's anyone here that’s named Tom. Is there a man named Thomas here? Tom on täällä ainoa, joka osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom is the only one here that can speak French. Tom's the only one here who can speak French. Yritin parastani. I was trying my best. I tried my best. Találkozzunk apuéknál! Let's meet at my parents' place. Meet me at Daddy's. Valaki ezt meg tudja erősíteni? Can anyone confirm that? Can anyone confirm that? Északról fúj a szél. The wind is blowing from the north. The wind blows from the north. A jóképű emberek jól néznek ki, függetlenül attól, hogy mit viselnek. Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear. Good-looking people look good no matter what they wear. Beléptek az erdőbe. They entered the forest. They entered the forest. Fájnak a szemeim. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. A kalózok elfogtak egy kereskedelmi hajót. The pirates captured a merchant ship. The pirates captured a merchant ship. En halua tanssia. I don't want to dance. I don't want to dance. Kävin juuri postissa. I've just been to the post office. I just went to the post office. Tom ei kuuntele mitä Mary sanoo. Tom doesn't listen to what Mary says. Tom doesn't listen to what Mary says. Az emberek a természet egy része? Are humans a part of nature? Are humans a part of nature? Tom úgy tesz, ahogy kedve tartja. Tom does as he pleases. Tom will do as he pleases. Hétvégén otthon volt. She was at home at the weekend. He was home this weekend. Nem voltak otthon. They weren't at home. They weren't home. Tudja ténylegesen valaki, hogy mi történt? Does anyone know what really happened? Does anyone really know what happened? A fehér labda olyan nehéz, mint a piros. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball is as heavy as the red one. Projekti tukee hallinnon tavoitetta tuottaa kolmekymmentä gigawattia tuulienergiaa avomerellä vuoteen 2030 mennessä. The project will help the administration meet its goal of generating 30 gigawatts of energy from offshore wind by 2030. The project supports the government’s goal of producing 30 gigawatts of wind energy in the open sea by 2030. Először is kérdezd meg őt. Ask him first of all. Ask him first. Osakában születtem 1977-ben. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. Megkérdezték, hogy ki vagyok és hová valósi vagyok. They asked me who I was and where I was from. They asked me who I was and where I was from. Meg kell értenie és elfogadnia a fiadnak, hogy nem lehet állandóan a figyelem középpontjában. Your child needs to understand and accept that he can't always be the centre of attention. You need to understand and accept that your son cannot be the center of attention all the time. Kukaan ei saa tietää. No one is going to know. No one can know. Folyékonyan tudok beszélni olaszul. I can speak Italian fluently. I can speak fluent Italian. Jó lenne tudni, hogy a pokolba vagy a mennyországba kerülök-e. I wonder if I'm going to hell or heaven! I'd like to know if I'm going to hell or heaven. Aludj valamennyit, ha tudsz. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Itt bármikor eshet. Here, it can rain at any time. It could rain here anytime. Meidän täytyy odottaa pahinta. We have to expect the worst. We have to expect the worst. Miért nem segítesz Tamásnak? Why are you not helping Tom? Why don't you help Tom? — A fiataloknak tisztelniük kell az idősebbeket. — Nos igen, ha tiszteletet érdemelnek. És az idősebbeknek tisztelniük kell a fiatalabbakat. És akárhogy is, tisztelnünk kell egymást is. "Young people have to respect older people." "Well, if they deserve respect. And older people have to respect younger people. And however, we have to respect each other." “Young people should respect older people.” “Well, if they deserve respect. And older people should respect younger people. And anyway, we should respect each other. Tominak ebbe nincs beleszólása. Tom has no say in it. Tom has no say in this. Nem vagyok kíváncsi a gyenge kifogásaidra. I don't want to hear your feeble excuses. I don't want to hear your weak excuses. Olet tarkka. You're particular. You're accurate. Tomi änkyttää. Tom is stuttering. Tom is stuttering. Nyt olette turvassa. You're safe now. You're safe now. Miért kérdezhette? I wonder why he asked. Why would he ask? Muidugi! Definitely! Yeah, sure! A feleségem este általában nem iszik kávét, és én sem. My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I. My wife doesn't usually drink coffee at night, and neither do I. Kedvem lenne hozzá, csak nincs időm. I would feel like doing it but I have no time. I'd love to, I just don't have the time. Pénzvisszatérítést követelek. I demand a refund. I demand a refund. Azok a lányok nagyon el vannak foglalva. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. Később elmagyarázom neked. I'll explain it to you later. I'll explain it to you later. A felkelés augusztus 1-jén kezdődött. The uprising began on 1 August. The uprising began on August 1. He muhinoivat autossa. They're making out in the car. They were making out in the car. Tom tőrbe csalta őket. Tom set a trap for them. Tom set them up. Összetörte a kocsiját, mert a féket valaki megbabrálta. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. Ezt az örömet nem tagadhatom meg tőle. I cannot deny him this pleasure. I cannot deny him that pleasure. Nämä geenimuunnellut banaanit ovat täynnänsä A-vitamiinia. These genetically modified bananas are loaded with vitamin A. These genetically modified bananas are full of vitamin A. Bocsásson meg, de az az én ütőm. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Excuse me, that's my bat. Vissza kell mennem. I need to go back. I've got to get back. Minden utast leszállíttattak a repülőgépről. All the passengers were evacuated from the plane. All passengers were taken off the plane. Tuti? Are you sure? You sure? Tomi on mahtava. Tom is amazing. Tom is great. Tomi on tehnyt tutkimusta aiheesta jo yli kolmekymmentä vuotta. Tom has done research on the subject for over thirty years. Tomi has been doing research on this topic for over thirty years. Mindenki meglepetésére Tom felállt és táncolni kezdett. To everyone's surprise, Tom got up and started dancing. To everyone's surprise, Tom got up and started dancing. Mary nem olyan csinos. Mary isn't that pretty. Mary's not that pretty. Tom három éve lett ennek a klubnak a tagja. Tom became a member of this club three years ago. Tom became a member of this club three years ago. Harva poliitikko myöntää virheensä. Few politicians admit their mistakes. Very few people admit their mistakes. A rák az emberiség egyik nagy ellensége. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Cancer is one of the great enemies of humanity. Tom kelepcébe csalta őket. Tom set a trap for them. Tom caught them in a trap. Ta mängib golfi kaks või kolm korda kuus. He plays golf two or three times a month. He plays golf two or three times a month. Nem igazán értem az ő angolját. I don't really understand his English. I don't really understand his English. Mari vastaa puhelimeen tänään. Mary is answering the phone today. Mary answered the phone today. Hän teki nuorena paljon syntiä. He committed many sins in his youth. When he was young, he sinned a lot. Félnek tőlünk az emberek. People are afraid of us. People are afraid of us. Piru pakotti minut tekemään sen. The Devil made me do it. The devil made me do it. Nincs idő gondolkozni. There's no time to think! There's no time to think. A feszültség fokozódik. Tensions are rising. Tension is escalating. Mid van számomra? What do you have for me? What have you got for me? Találd ki, melyik a kedvencem! Guess which is my favorite. Guess which one's my favorite. Voi kunpa puhuisit ranskaa. I wish you spoke French. I wish you could speak French. Apám főiskolán tanít, anyám gimnáziumban. My father teaches at a college, my mother does at a high school. My father teaches in college, my mother teaches in high school. A szállodalánc ezreket foglalkoztat. The hotel chain employs thousands of people. The hotel chain employs thousands of people. Sinun pitää tehdä kovasti töitä. You will have to work a lot. You have to work hard. Onko sinulla esitettävänä valitus? Do you have a complaint to make? Do you have a complaint? Hieno puku. Nice costume. Nice suit. Tomi jää. Tom'll stay. Tom's staying. Odotapa sekunti. Hang on a sec. Hold on a second. Friss a tej. The milk is fresh. The milk is fresh. Hänen apunsa tuli viime tingassa. His help came in the nick of time. His help came at the last minute. Minun täytyy lähteä. I gotta go. I've got to get going. Holnap folytatjuk. We'll carry on tomorrow. We'll continue tomorrow. Meg kell tenned. You must do it. You have to do it. Nem a pénzért csinálom. I don't do that for the money. I'm not doing this for the money. Linna on nyt raunioina. The castle is now in ruins. The castle is now in ruins. Se tulee olemaan todella vaikea matsi. It'll be a very difficult match. It's going to be a really tough game. Tomi mellett ültem. I was sitting next to Tom. I sat next to Tom. Miksi he seisovat tuolla kylmässä? Why are they standing there in the cold? Why are they standing there in the cold? Tényleg nagyon gyors volt. It was really quite fast. It was really fast. Hogyan kommunikálnak a csecsemők a szüleikkel? How do babies communicate with their parents? How do babies communicate with their parents? Tamás fél a kutyámtól. Tom is afraid of my dog. Tom is scared of my dog. Nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül. Every rose has its thorn. There is no rose without thorns. Mondja ezt oroszul! Say it in Russian! Say it in Russian. — Mizújs, Cirmi? — Miáú. — Mindig ezt mondod. "What's up, Cookie?" "Meow." "You always say that." “What’s up, Squirrel?” “Meow.” “You always say that. Ez a tárolóhelyiség. This is the storage room. This is the storage room. Általában hatkor eszünk. We usually eat at six. We usually eat at 6:00. Hän yöpyi edullisessa hotellissa. She stayed at a cheap hotel. He stayed in an inexpensive hotel. Marin kimppuun hyökkäsi leopardi Tanzaniassa. Mary was attacked by a leopard in Tanzania. Mari was attacked by a leopard in Tanzania. Tehettél volna valamit. You could've done something. You could've done something. Mit kérdezett ön? What have you asked? What did you ask? Megtöltöttem a vödröt vízzel. I filled the bucket with water. I filled the bucket with water. Huomenna minä, isosiskoni ja siskontytär aiomme mennä yhdessä japanilaiseen ravintolaan. I'm going to a Japanese restaurant tomorrow with my sister and my niece. Tomorrow me, my older sister and my niece are going to go to a Japanese restaurant together. Azon a könyvborítón volt pár tintafolt. There were some ink spots on the book jacket. There were some ink stains on that book cover. En päästä Tomia lasteni lähelle. I'm not letting Tom near my kids. I'm not gonna let Tom anywhere near my kids. Jumituimme ruuhkaan, jonka takia myöhästyimme kaksikymmentä minuuttia. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which caused us to be 20 minutes late. A zsiradékban sütött ételek nagyon finomak. Deep-fried food is delicious. The food cooked in the fat is very tasty. Mari pitää kovasti kelttiläisestä musiikista. Mary is fond of Celtic music. Mari likes Celtic music very much. A mókus úgy nézett ki, mintha mosolyogna. The squirrel looked as if it was smiling. The squirrel looked like he was smiling. Trondheimből jöttem. I come from Trondheim. I'm from Trondheim. Tom tahtoi tavata minut. Tom wanted to meet me. Tom wanted to see me. Elolvastad, amit írtam? Have you read what I wrote? Did you read what I wrote? Miért ülsz le? Why are you sitting down? Why are you sitting down? En ole suunnitellut meneväni mihinkään tänään. I'm not planning to go anywhere today. I didn't plan on going anywhere today. Muiriel on ny kaksikymppinen. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now in his twenties. Nem mondta ezt az anyám. Mom didn't mention it. My mother didn't say that. Ei ole helppoa löytää tietä puistoon. It is not easy to find the way to the park. It’s not easy to find your way to the park. Istunto päätettiin. The session was concluded. The session was adjourned. Tom meg akarta tartani magának az ellopott pénzt. Tom intended to keep the stolen money for himself. Tom wanted to keep the stolen money for himself. Mindkét megoldás helyes. Both solutions are correct. Both solutions are correct. En ymmärtänyt yhtään mitään. I couldn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything. Az istenek berágtak Tomra. The gods got angry with Tom. The gods are mad at Tom. Tom járt egyetemre? Did Tom go to college? Tom went to college? Olen jo muutenkin ihan tarpeeksi syvällä ongelmissa. I'm in enough trouble as it is. I'm in enough trouble as it is. Kiben bízol? Who do you trust? Who do you trust? Tomi ei ollut varma siitä, että pitikö hänen tehdä niin. Tom wasn't sure he had to do that. Tom wasn’t sure if he had to do that. Olin niin onnellinen, että en pystynyt nukkua. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep. Ma tõin raamatu. I brought a book. I brought a book. Mielestäni sinun pitäisi ajatella tulevaisuutta. I think you should think about the future. I think you should think about the future. Mindenem megvolt, amik kellettek nekem. I had everything I needed. I had everything I needed. Älä huoli. Se on täysin normaalia. Don't worry. It's perfectly normal. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Tom toivoi, että Mari kertoisi Tomille, missä Mari on ollut. Tom wished that Mary would tell him where she'd been. He asked Mary to tell him where Mary had been. Hogy tetszett a mozi? How did you enjoy the movie? How did you like the movie? Soha nem kellett volna hagynom Tomot elmenni. I never should have let Tom go. I never should have let Tom go. A kapitalizmus nem csinál dolgokat; a munkások igen. Capitalism doesn't make things; workers do. Capitalism does not do things; the workers do. Ez nem titok. That's no secret. It's no secret. Aki nem gyanús, az azért gyanús. The one who isn't suspicious is for that reason suspicious. Anyone who is not suspicious is suspicious. Ha ez nem tetszik neked, elmehetsz. If you don't like it then you can leave. If you don't like it, you can leave. Ki a franc az a Tom? Who the fuck is Tom? Who the hell is Tom? Nem kaptunk jegyet. We didn't get any ticket. We didn't get a ticket. Narkissos rakastui omaan kuvajaiseensa. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection. Interszexuális vagyok. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. Sinä et saa koskaan tietää, jollet sinä kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know unless you try. Tom ei tajua mitä Mary tarkoittaa. Tom doesn't get what Mary means. Tom doesn't know what Mary means. Nem feltételezem, hogy tudnátok segíteni. I don't suppose you could help me. I don't suppose you can help me. Haluaisitko kupin teetä? Fancy a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Nem biztos, hogy tudom, hogy mit jelent. I'm not sure what it means. I'm not sure I know what that means. Vigyázz magadra! Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Tämä kuva otettiin kolme vuotta sitten. This picture was taken three years ago. This picture was taken three years ago. A fia egy zseni. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Ki nem állhatják Tomot. They cannot stand Tom. They can't stand Tom. Megmutatott és elmondott nekem mindent, amit tudnom kellett. She showed and told me everything I needed to know. He showed me and told me everything I needed to know. Naapurissa asuva mies on Maryn rakastaja. The man who lives next door is Mary's lover. The man next door is Mary's lover. Milyen információkra van szükségünk? What kind of information do we need? What information do we need? Tomi vaikutti mukavalta tyypiltä. Tom seemed like a nice guy. Tom seemed like a nice guy. Odotan matkaa innolla. I'm looking forward to the trip. I look forward to the trip. Azt hiszi, hogy ő Isten ajándéka a nők számára. He thinks he's God's gift to women. He thinks he's God's gift to women. Kétezerhuszonegy a bivaly éve. 2021 is the Year of the Buffel. Two thousand and twenty-one is the year of the buffalo. Vabandage... Sorry... Excuse me. Hän ei lue paljoa kirjoja. He doesn't read many books. He doesn't read many books. Jövünk a hálaadásra, de nem eszünk ott. We're coming to Thanksgiving but we're not eating. We're coming to Thanksgiving, but we're not eating there. Tom pani ilmastoinnin päälle ja asunto alkoi viiletä. Tom turned on the air conditioner and the apartment began to cool down. Tom turned on the air conditioning and the apartment started to cool down. Olisin samaa mieltä. I'd agree. I'd agree with you. Nem nehéz elaludni ez alatt a film alatt. It's easy to fall asleep while watching this film. It’s not hard to fall asleep during this movie. Mindkettőnknek ez volt a legjobb megoldás. That was the best solution for us two. It was the best thing for both of us. Nem kaptad meg a levelemet? Didn't you get my letter? Didn't you get my letter? Hän saapuu aina myöhässä kouluun. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Közületek egy hazudik. One of you is lying. One of you is a liar. Csinálhatod, amit mondanak, vagy elmehetsz. You can do what they say or you can leave. You can do what they say or you can leave. Itt leszek egész este. I'm going to be here all evening. I'll be here all night. Helppo suunnitella, vaikea toteuttaa. Easy to plan, hard to realize. Easy to plan, difficult to implement. Sen jälkeen en enää tavannut Tomia. After that, I didn't see Tom again. After that, I never saw Tom again. Új épület épül ide a sarkon. There's a building under construction around the corner. There's a new building being built around the corner. En pysty tähän tehtävään yksin. I can't do this work alone. I can't do this on my own. Tom tudatlan. Tom is clueless. Tom's ignorant. Még mindig playstationözöl ennyi évesen? Are you still playing PlayStation at your age? You still playstation at this age? Tom on tiukka. Tom's strict. Tom's tough. Ma olen venelane. I'm Russian. I'm Russian. Mr. Young azt kívánja, hogy a fia keményebben tanuljon. Mr. Young wishes his son would study harder. Mr. Young wants his son to study harder. Mondtam Tominak, hogy ne adja föl. I told Tom not to give up. I told Tom not to give up. Tom luottaa minuun. Tom trusts me. Tom trusts me. Jää tänne! Stay here! You stay here! - Mit fogunk mondani Tomnak? - Ne aggódj. Majd kitalálok valamit. "What will we tell Tom?" "Don't worry. I'll come up with something." Don't worry, I'll figure something out. Nem vagyok szakértő. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Hánynom kell tőle, hacsak meglátom. Every time I see him, my stomach turns. It makes me puke if I don't see it. Tomot álló éljenzés fogadta. Tom received a standing ovation. Tom received a standing ovation. Most alszik el Tomi. Tom is falling asleep. Tom is sleeping. Suured tänud! Thanks! Thank you very much! Vihaan tekopyhiä. I hate hypocrites. I hate hypocrites. Haluatko tavata hänet? Do you want to meet her? You want to meet him? Pidän siitä hyvin paljon. I like it very much. I like it very much. Yritä hypätä niin korkealle kuin mahdollista. Try to jump as high as possible. Try to jump as high as possible. Attól féltem, mumpszos. I was afraid she had the mumps. I was afraid it was mumps. — Gazdagabb, mint a nagybátyám. — Hiszen a te bácsikád nem is gazdag. "He's richer than my uncle." "But your uncle isn't rich at all." “He’s richer than my uncle.” “Your uncle isn’t rich. Anna kun lepään vähän. Let me rest for a while. Let me get some rest. Bizonyára jól ki fog majd jönni a nagymamámmal. She'll certainly get along well with my grandmother. I'm sure she'll get along well with my grandmother. Tom most asztalos. Tom is a carpenter now. Tom's a carpenter now. Hän jätti valituksen. He filed a complaint. He filed a complaint. Három hónapja vettem a házat. I bought this house three months ago. I bought the house three months ago. Television katselu on hauskaa. Watching TV is fun. Watching TV is fun. Van haladás. Progress is being made. There's progress. Se esitys oli erinomainen. The performance was excellent. That performance was excellent. Otthon franciául beszélünk, a munkahelyen angolul. French is my family language, and English is my work language. We speak French at home and English at work. Lopott. He stole. Stolen. Felsőfokú végzettségem van. I have a college education. I have a college degree. Tomi on kutsuttu juhlaan. Tom is invited to the party. Tom was invited to a party. Eltépett minden köteléket, ami hozzá fűzte. She had severed all ties with him. He broke every bond he had with her. Ampukaa! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Ei tarvita äidinkielen veroista kielitaitoa, että pystyy kommunikoida. It isn't necessary to speak like a native speaker in order to communicate. You don’t need a native language to be able to communicate. Et ole muuttunut yhtään. You haven't changed one bit. You haven't changed a bit. Össze-vissza hazudozol. You keep telling lies. You're lying to me. Van szabad hely az autódban? Do you have any extra room in your car? Do you have free space in your car? Milyen érzéseket táplálsz a nőkkel szemben? What are your feelings towards women? What feelings do you have for women? Marika on suomalainen, mutta hän osaa saksaa. Marika is Finnish, but she knows German. Marika is Finnish, but she speaks German. Össze kell szednem a gondolataimat. I need to organise my thoughts. I need to gather my thoughts. Nem hiszek a tündérmesékben. I don't believe in fairy tales. I don't believe in fairy tales. Miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy Mari hívta! Please tell Tom Mary called. Please tell Tomi that Mari called. Tom egyszer sem lőtt. Tom never fired a shot. Tom never fired a shot. Tomilla on iso talo. Tom has a big house. Tom has a big house. A törzsi varázsló eljárta a rituális esőtáncot. The shaman performed the ritual rain dance. The tribal wizard performed the ritual rain dance. Mä näytin sille keskaria. I flipped him the bird. I showed him the middle. Unohdin tehdä yhden asian. I forgot to do something. I forgot to do one thing. Várok itt önnel, ne aggódjon! I'll wait here with you, don't worry. I'll wait here with you, don't worry. Vietkö minut sairaalalle? Will you drive me to the hospital? You're taking me to the hospital? Avoin lähdekoodi on moottori, joka ajaa teknologista innovointia eteenpäin. Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation. Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation. Olyan vagy, mint egy fiú. You're just like a boy. You're like a boy. Ragaszkodunk hozzá, hogy ezt a projektet azonnal végrehajtsák. We insist that this project be carried out immediately. We insist that this project be implemented immediately. Kui sanuo "ikkuna" karjalakse? How do you say "window" in Karelian? When to say "window" cattle lice? Istu paikallasi. Sit still. You sit tight. Miks peaks Tom tahtma Mary näha? Why should Tom want to see Mary? Why would Tom want to see Mary? Täällä on täysi kaaos. It's a mess in here. This place is a mess. Múlt hétfő óta három könyvet olvasok. I've read three books since last Monday. I've been reading three books since last Monday. Nouse ylös, Tom! Wake up, Tom. Get up, Tom! Tupakoiminen on täällä kielletty. You are prohibited from smoking here. Smoking is prohibited here. Nem végeztem el az egyetemet. I didn't graduate. I didn't finish college. Megtalálták a gyilkost? Have you found the murderer? Did they find the killer? Most itt az ideje elkezdeni tanulni. Now it's time to start studying. Now is the time to start learning. Nem tudok neked segíteni. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Minek van több értéke, az időnek vagy a pénznek? Which is more valuable, time or money? What has more value, time or money? Tom kanadai, de Ausztráliában él Bostonban. Tom is a Canadian living in Boston, Australia. Tom is Canadian, but lives in Boston, Australia. Ez egy igazi kaptár. This is a real beehive. This is a real hive. Voinko vastata puhelimeen? Can I answer the phone, please? Can I answer the phone? Onhan kuitenkin mahdollista, että Tomi ja Mari tekevät tuota? Isn't there a chance that Tom and Mary are doing that? Is it possible that Tom and Mary are doing this? Tiltja a törvény. The law prohibits it. It's against the law. He pitivät suhteensa salassa. They kept their relationship a secret. They kept their relationship a secret. Úgy kezeltek, mint egy gyereket. I was treated like a child by them. They treated me like a child. Nem tudja senki, hogy valójában mi folyik ott. Nobody knows what's really going on there. Nobody knows what's really going on. Lõpeta, palun. Stop it, please. Stop it, please. Hän ei ole tarpeeksi fiksu laskeakseen päässään. He isn't smart enough to do mental arithmetic. He's not smart enough to count in his head. Tiedät keitä me olemme. You know who we are. You know who we are. Voi kunpa olisin taas vauva. I wish I were a baby again. I wish I was a baby again. Ma nägid millega sa tegelesid. I saw what you were doing. I saw what you were doing. Oletko harkinnut Bostoniin muuttamista? Have you considered moving to Boston? Have you considered moving to Boston? Ehdin juuri ja juuri. I barely made it on time. I barely made it. Tiedän, että luulet tämän olevan liian kallis. I know you think this is too expensive. I know you think this is too expensive. Nautaa, kiitos. Beef, please. Beef, please. Alex viettää lomansa usein Espanjassa. Alex often spends his holiday in Spain. Alex often spends his holidays in Spain. Kérdezd meg a szüleidet! Ask your parents. Ask your parents. Puhumme ranskaa kotona. We speak French at home. We speak French at home. Oletko huonolla tuulella? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? Állj félre! Move over. Step aside. Harmadjára nyertek egymás után. They've won for the third time in a row. They won third time in a row. Mitä olette oikeasti tekemässä täällä? What are you really doing here? What are you really doing here? Rádférne egy borotválkozás. It looks like you need a shave. You could use a shave. Pystyisin helposti korjaamaan tuon. I could easily fix that. I could easily fix that. Tom ei tahtnud, et ükski ta sõber saaks teada, et ta on narkodiiler. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know he was a drug dealer. Покш пасиба! Thank you very much! And let the signs be made known. ”Miksi kana ylitti tien?” on todella tunnettu englanninkielinen arvoitus, johon on useita vastauksia. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" is a very well-known English riddle, to which there are a multiplicity of answers. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a well-known English riddle to which there are several answers. Ha sikerrel jár, az amerikaiak elvesztik a hitelességüket. If he succeeds, Americans will lose credibility. If he succeeds, the Americans will lose their credibility. Itt várok rá; még mindig nincs itt. I have been waiting for her, she is still not here. I'm waiting for him here; he's still not here. Se otti yli viisi vuotta, mutta en kanna enää kaunaa. It took over five years, but I don't hold a grudge anymore. It took me over five years, but I don't hold a grudge anymore. Úgy forgattam a szemeimet, hogy leestem a székről. I just rolled my eyes so hard, I fell out of my chair. I rolled my eyes and fell off the chair. Mandariineissa on paljon C-vitamiinia. Mandarin oranges have a lot of vitamin C. Mandarins are high in vitamin C. Apám tanár volt. My father was a teacher. My father was a teacher. A rabszolgatartás engedélyezett az iszlámban. Slavery is permitted in Islam. Slavery is allowed in Islam. Ez a védelmedre szolgál. This is for your protection. This is for your protection. A letartóztatása idején Tom Bostonban élt. At the time of his arrest, Tom was living in Boston. At the time of his arrest, Tom was living in Boston. En näe häntä enää ikinä. I will never see him again. I'll never see him again. Ma éjjel itt fognak aludni. You will sleep here tonight. They're going to sleep here tonight. Egybe vagy elválasztva? Together or separately? Are you separated? Ott van egy nő, aki beszélni akar önnel. There's a woman as wants to see you. There's a woman there who wants to talk to you. Ez a téma nem tartozik az elméleti területeink közé. This subject is not within the scope of our study. This is not one of our theoretical areas. Nincs sok pénzünk. We don't have much money. We don't have much money. Tomi shakkasi kuninkaan lähetillä. Tom checked the king with his bishop. Tom checked with the king's messenger. Nem sok értelme van idegen nyelveket tanítani az óvodában. Teaching foreign languages at preschool level does not make much sense. It does not make much sense to teach foreign languages in kindergarten. Kuidas see mul kahe silma vahele jäi? How did I miss this? How did I miss that? Tom laittoi valot päälle. Tom turned on the light. Tom turned on the lights. A gát közelében lakom. I live near the dam. I live near the dam. Puolustaudu. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Hän asuu Kiotossa. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. Englannissa on hyvin epävakaa sää. The weather changes very often in England. The weather in England is very unstable. El akarsz jönni egy körre? Do you want to come along for the ride? You want to come for a ride? Tomnak el kellett volna mondania nekem az igazságot. Tom should have told me the truth. Tom should have told me the truth. Elviselhetetlenné váltak a dolgok. Things have become unbearable. Things have become unbearable. Tomin pyyntö yllätti Marin. Tom's request surprised Mary. Tom's request surprised Mary. Figyelj! Pay attention. Hey, listen. Nem negociálható. It's not negotiable. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Mindenekelőtt, ne felejts el írni nekem. Above all, don't forget to write me. First of all, don't forget to write to me. Tom oli köyhä koko elämänsä. Tom was poor his whole life. He was poor all his life. Hazafelé lemerült az akkumulátorom, mert meghalt a generátor. On my way home, the car battery died since the generator broke. On my way home, my battery died because the generator died. Tom halusi puhua Marille. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mari. Istuin ylhäällä viime yönä kahteen asti katsomassa olympialaisia TV:ssä. I sat up last night until two o'clock watching the Olympic Games on TV. Last night, I sat up until 2:00 a.m. watching the Olympics on TV. Tominak csodás éjszakája volt. Tom had a very good night. Tom had a great night. Tomi ei ymmärrä Maria. Tom doesn't understand Mary. She doesn’t understand Mary. Mina olen sotsiaaltöötaja. I am a social worker. I'm a social worker. En voi auttaakaan. I just can't help. I can't help you. A vasaló rengeteg áramot fogyaszt. The iron uses a lot of electricity. The iron consumes a lot of electricity. Tomi vastusti suunnitelmaa periksiantamattomasti. Tom adamantly opposed the plan. Tom was adamant about the plan. Senki sem tud kétszáz évig élni. No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live two hundred years. Adtam neked egy könyvet. I gave you a book. I gave you a book. Mit tett Tomi a táskába? What did Tom put into the bag? What did Tom put in the bag? Olen puhemies. I'm the chairman. I'm the President. Hangember ez a fickó. Nem is érdemes vele foglalkozni. That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him. This guy's a sound man, and he's not even worth bothering with. Ő egy csodálatos lány. She's a wonderful girl. She's a wonderful girl. Tomil on kõrini inimestest, kes ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Vigyázz, el ne ess! Take care not to fall. Be careful not to fall. Be kell vallanom, elolvastam az epilógust a könyv többi része előtt. I must confess that I read the epilogue before the rest of the book. I have to admit, I read the epilogue before the rest of the book. Asun talossa. I live in the house. I live in a house. Nem mondhatsz semmi mást. You can't say anything else. You can't say anything else. Tomi a legjobb játékos a mi csapatunkban. Tom is one of the best players we have on the team. Tom is the best player on our team. Elégedett vagyok. I'm satisfied. I'm very pleased. Egy hajszál van a levesemben. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. Sinun tarvitsee vain odottaa, kunnes hän palaa. You have only to wait for her return. All you have to do is wait until he comes back. Tom nousi ylös 7:00. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom got up at 7:00. Tomi on aika humalassa. Tom's quite drunk. Tom is pretty drunk. Minä osaan portugalia, sinä saksaa, hän englantia, hän italiaa, toinen heistä ranskaa. Me osaamme esperantoa, te espanjaa, he venäjää, he japania ja he ranskaa. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, and he or she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, and they know French. I speak Portuguese, you speak German, he speaks English, he speaks Italian, one of them speaks French, we speak Esperanto, you speak Spanish, they speak Russian, they speak Japanese and they speak French. Tom könyvekből épített magának házat. Tom built a house for himself from books. Tom built himself a house out of books. Tervetuloa kotiini! Welcome to my home. Welcome to my home! Forrásra lesz ehhez szükségem. I'm going to need a source for that. I'm gonna need a source. Onko kymmenentuhatta jeniä riittävästi? Is ten thousand yen enough? Is 10,000 yen enough? Már úton kellene lennünk. We should be on our way. We should be on our way. Nem kért senki semmire. Nobody asked me for anything. No one asked me for anything. Hyviä yödy! Goodnight! Have a good night! Nem megy a falióra. The wall clock doesn't work. I can't do the wall clock. Mari on minun vaimoni. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. Még mindig csókolóznak. They're still kissing. They're still kissing. Kas sa ütleksid Tomile, et ma astusin läbi? Would you tell Tom I dropped by? Would you tell Tom I stopped by? Ollu giitu! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Mindenki elszótlanodott. Everyone was speechless. Everyone's lost their minds. Ma az utolsó nap. Today's the final day. Today's the last day. Hän on täällä kymmenessä minuutissa. He'll be there in ten minutes. He'll be here in ten minutes. Kaikki nauroivat. Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. Osaat uida hyvin, eikö niin? You swim well, don't you? You swim well, don't you? Voisinko saada kuvan takaisin? Can I have the picture back? Can I have the picture back? Tomi megpróbálta leplezni a csalódottságát. Tom tried to hide his disappointment. Tom tried to hide his disappointment. Tom engedélyt kért tőlem, hogy használhassa a számítógépemet. Tom asked for my permission to use my computer. Tom asked me for permission to use my computer. Pyhäinhäväistys! Sacrilege! Blasphemy! Igen szánalmas igyekezetnek tűnik nekem. That seems to me a rather pathetic aspiration. Seems like a pretty pathetic effort to me. Az igazat megvallva nem vagyok meglepve. Tomi mindig így csinálja. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Tom always does it that way. To tell you the truth, I'm not surprised. Kérlek, add át neki legjobb üdvözleteimet. Please give him my best regards. Please give him my best regards. A brüsszeli politikusoknak lövésük sincs a valóságról és a problémákról – csak partik és drog. Politicians from Brussels have no idea about reality and problems – just drugs and parties. The politicians in Brussels have no idea about the reality and the problems – only parties and drugs. Tom oli järkyttynyt kuullessaan, että Mari oli loukkaantunut liikenneonnettomuudessa. Tom was shocked to hear that Mary had been injured in a traffic accident. Tom was shocked to learn that Mary had been injured in a road accident. Megpróbálhatod. You could try. You can try. Soros Györgynek és Hunter Bidennek hatalmas gazdasági érdekeltségei vannak Ukrajnában. George Soros and Hunter Biden have huge economic interests in Ukraine. George Soros and Hunter Biden have huge economic interests in Ukraine. Tomi osti Marille timanttisormuksen. Tom bought Mary a diamond ring. Tomi bought Mari a diamond ring. Niin oli meillekin käydä. That almost happened to us, too. That's what happened to us. Hoppá! Az én hibám. Ez nem háromezer euró, hanem háromezer jen. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. It's not three thousand euros, it's three thousand yen. Bedobozoltam. I put it in a box. Boxed up. Nem tudom a nevét. I don't know his name. I don't know his name. Felkacagott, amikor meglátott engem. She burst out laughing when she saw me. He laughed when he saw me. Algéria hét országgal határos. Algeria has borders with seven countries. Algeria borders seven countries. Van magánál valami, ami az enyém. You've something that belongs to me. You have something that belongs to me. Most már gazdagok vagyunk. We're rich now. We're rich now. Mä tykkään kalastaa. I like fishing. I like to fish. Kas sa laulaks mulle ühe biitlite laulu? Will you sing me a Beatles' song? Will you sing me a Beatles song? Lopeta uikuttaminen. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Egy kutya áll az autóm mellett. A dog is standing at my car. There's a dog next to my car. Kymmenen minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun he olivat ohittaneet Naran, bensa loppui autosta. Ten minutes after they had passed Nara, the car ran out of gas. Ten minutes after passing Nara, the car ran out of gas. Mária költészete túlnyomórészt a női tapasztalatokról szól. The female experience is a dominating theme in Mary's poetry. Mary’s poetry is mostly about women’s experiences. Ha bármi lehetnél, mi lennél? If you could be anything, what would you be? If you could be anything, what would you be? Tele van a palack. That bottle is full. The bottle's full. Senki sem tudja, mi történt akkor. No one knows what happened at that time. No one knows what happened then. Kszenofób vagyok. I have xenophobia. I'm a Xenophobe. Forróság volt, ráadásul párás volt az idő. It was hot, and on top of that, humid. It was hot, and the weather was humid. Egyre csak azt mondogatta, hogy meg tudja csinálni. He kept saying he was able to do that. He kept saying he could do it. Abszolút más véleményen vannak, mint én. Their opinion is quite different from mine. They have a completely different opinion than me. A hó egy éjszaka alatt belepte az egész várost. The snow covered the whole city overnight. The snow covered the whole city in one night. Tom eljutott a mondat közepére, amikor meghalt. Tom got to the middle of the sentence when he died. Tom got to the middle of the sentence when he died. Vitassuk meg! Let's discuss it. Let's discuss this. Szerintem ez az autó az övé. This is his car, I think. I think he owns this car. Tudunk a szenvedésről. We know about the suffering. We know about suffering. Maga a főnök? Are you the chef? Are you in charge? Jössz velem horgászni? Do you join me fishing? Will you go fishing with me? Riko munat ja erottele keltuaiset ja valkuaiset. Break the eggs and separate the yolk from the whites. Break the eggs and separate the yolks and whites. Aztán a medve odafutott a talicskához, ledobta medvebőrét és megérintette a varázspálcával, amit a boszorkány adott neki. Egy pillanat alatt a bőr csodaszép, holdfényből szőtt báliruhává változott, a talicska pedig hintóvá alakult át, amit két táncoló paripa húzott. Then the bear ran to her wheelbarrow, threw off her bear's skin, and touched it with the magic wand that the witch had given her. In a moment the skin was changed into an exquisite ball dress woven out of moon-beams, and the wheel-barrow was changed into a carriage drawn by two prancing steeds. Then the bear ran to the wheelbarrow, threw down his bear skin and touched it with the magic wand the witch gave him. In an instant, the skin turned into a beautiful ball gown woven from moonlight, and the wheelbarrow turned into a carriage pulled by two dancing horses. Macintosh on eräs tietokoneen käyttöjärjestelmätyyppi. Macintosh is a type of computer operating system. Macintosh is a type of computer operating system. Jo ügyesen tapétázik. Jo is a dab hand at wallpapering. Jo's good at wallpapering. Zoli üvöltött fájdalmában. Ziri yelled in pain. Zoli screamed in pain. — Már otthon is vagy? — Nem voltam ma dolgozni. "Are you already at home?" "I wasn't at work today." “Are you home already?” “I didn’t go to work today. Kaikki nauroivat Jaakolle. Everybody laughed at Jack. Everyone laughed at James. Tom ekcémás. Tom has eczema. Tom has eczema. Olyan sokat tanultam Tomról. I've learned so much about Tom. I've learned so much about Tom. Kass loeb raamatut. The cat is reading a book. The cat is reading a book. Tomi kertoi minulle, että te olette täällä. Tom told me you were here. Tom told me you were here. Tomi on rohkea, eikö olekin? Tom is courageous, isn't he? Tom is brave, isn't he? Tartozom neked egy ebéddel. I owe you a lunch. I owe you lunch. Tomi kykenee hädin tuskin ruokkia perheensä. Tom is barely able to feed his family. Tom is barely able to feed his family. Asun kotona vanhempieni kanssa. I live at home with my parents. I live at home with my parents. Szörnyeteg vagy! You are a monster! You're a monster! Csinálok néhány képet a hídról. I am taking pictures of the bridge. I'll take some pictures of the bridge. Alig ismerlek. I hardly know you. I barely know you. Avaa ikkuna! Open the window! Open the window! Norbert kineveti a kövér és szegény embereket. Norbert laughs at fat and poor people. Norbert laughs at fat and poor people. Minä olen nälkäinen. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Nem tudom, Tom. I don't know, Tom. I don't know, Tom. Ennek kell lennie Jankovics Tamásnak. He must be Tom Jackson. This must be Tom Jankovics. Csitt legyen! Shhh! Be quiet. Tudni akarom, kik jönnek. I need to know who'll be coming. I want to know who's coming. Ismerjük őt évek óta. We have known her for years. We've known him for years. Tudom, hogy vicceltél. I know you were joking. I know you were kidding. Ha hiszed, ha nem, még tojást sem tud sütni. Believe it or not, she can't even fry an egg. Believe it or not, he can't even bake an egg. Ráakadtam egy szarvasagancsra az erdőt járva. I found a deer antler walking in the forest. I found a deer antler walking through the woods. Sinun täytyy lopettaa uhkapelaaminen. You must stop gambling. You have to stop gambling. Elromlott a tévém. My TV was broken. My TV's broken. Sinä et auta. You're not helping. You're not helping. Azt mondta Tomi, hogy fel fog hívni téged később. Tom said that he'd call you later. Tom said he'd call you later. Tom a közelmúltban nem túl jól teljesített a munkában. Tom has not been doing very well at work recently. Tom hasn't been doing very well at work lately. Ne jöjjön ide! Do not come here. Don't come in here. Adoptáltak, amikor még mindig csak pelenkát hordtam. I was adopted when I was still in diapers. They adopted me when I was still wearing diapers. Miért tartotok meg mindent magatoknak? Why do you keep everything to yourselves? Why do you keep it all to yourselves? Tomi on paras rumpali, jonka tiedän. Tom is the best drummer I know. Tom is the best drummer I know. Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja lukujen -1 ja 1 väliltä (miinus yksi ja yksi mukaanluettuina). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sine and cosine functions take values between -1 and 1 (minus one and one included). Elejtett valamit, fiatalember! Young man, you dropped something! You dropped something, young man. Nem evilági ő. She's not of this world. He's not mundane. Tomin piti mennä käymään lääkärissä. Tom needed to see the doctor. Tom had to go to the doctor. Mit csináltál múlt vasárnap? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? En käy kirkossa. I don't go to church. I don't go to church. Se oli ympäristöopin opettajani. It was my science teacher. He was my environmental teacher. Mitä sitten jos olen homo? Onko se rikos? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm gay? Palvelin ei ollut toiminnassa. The server was down. The server was not in operation. Kell valamit csinálnom? Is there anything I have to do? Do I have to do something? Van kétségem nem is kevés. I have many doubts. I have my doubts. Vagy Tom megy el vagy én fogok. Either Tom leaves or I will. Either Tom goes or I will. Bármelyiket választhatod. You may choose any of them. You can choose any. Valamikor tudtam. I used to know it. I used to know. Tom egész nap dolgozott, szünet nélkül. Tom worked all day without taking a break. Tom worked all day without a break. Takaovi on auki. The back door is open. Back door's open. Visszakaptam a könyvem kiadási jogait. I have regained the publishing rights for my book. I got my publishing rights back. Már egyedül mos fogat. He's already brushing his teeth on his own. He's brushing his teeth alone now. Kuu aega ei sadanud tilkagi vihma, seetõttu pidid nad kaevama kaevu. Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well. For a month there was not a drop of rain, so they had to dig a well. Kesőbb már nem érek rá. I won't have any time later. I can't do it anymore. Miért nem vette le Tom a dzsekijét? Why didn't Tom take off his jacket? Why didn't Tom take off his jacket? Onko teillä lapsia? Do you have children? Do you have any children? A Vénusz bolygó egy igazi pokolbéli világ. A sűrű atmoszférája alatt a felülete olyan, mint egy sütő. A real hell-like world is planet Venus. It is like an oven on the surface under a very smoggy atmosphere. The planet Venus is a real hellish world. Underneath its dense atmosphere, its surface is like an oven. Tulen takaisin 6:30. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. Én is utálom. I hate her, too. I hate it, too. Kuningatar Elisabet antoi viime viikolla lausunnon koronaviruspandemiasta ja sanoi, että meillä kaikilla on elintärkeä rooli yksilöinä—niin tänään kuin tulevina päivinä, viikkoina ja kuukausina. Queen Elizabeth issued a statement on the coronavirus pandemic last week, saying that “we all have a vitally important part to play as individuals—today, and in coming days, weeks and months.” Last week, Queen Elizabeth issued a statement on the coronavirus pandemic, saying that we all have a vital role to play as individuals — both today and in the days, weeks and months to come. Kiireesti! Quick! Hurry! Hurry! Tudtad már? Did you know before? Did you know that? Tamás válaszolt? Did Tom respond? Did Tom answer? Älä luota häneen. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Oletko olemassa? Do you exist? Do you exist? Sinä se olet rikkonut sopimuksemme. It's you who has broken our agreement. You're the one who broke our agreement. Pidätkö scifi-leffoista? Do you like sci-fi movies? You like sci-fi? Tom pont azt tervezi tenni. Tom is planning to do just that. That's exactly what Tom's planning to do. Gyakran vannak vendégeink. We often have guests. We often have guests. Hän on luonnonkaunis. She's a natural beauty. She's a natural beauty. Ma saan joosta. I can run. I can run. Elfeledte visszahívni őt. She forgot to call him back. He forgot to call her back. Tämä kirje on sinulle. This letter is for you. This letter is for you. A rendőrök nem hittek a történetemnek. The police didn't believe my story. The police didn't believe my story. Látok egy különbséget. I can see a difference. I see a difference. Vasárnap nem dolgozunk. On Sunday, we don't work. We don't work on Sundays. Ziri bemutatta Rimát nekünk. Ziri introduced Rima to us. Ziri introduced us to Rima. Elkaphatjuk Tomot, ha megpróbáljuk. We can catch Tom if we try. We can get Tom if we try. Ma ei soovi midagi hävitada. I'm not trying to destroy. I don't want to destroy anything. Továbbra sincs teljesen egyértelmű meghatározás arról, hogy az ország mit jelent. We still don’t have a watertight definition of what a country is. There is still no clear definition of what a country is. A győzelem lehetséges, mégis valószínűtlen. Victory is possible, though unlikely. Victory is possible, yet improbable. Ma ei ole hea inimene. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Ugye egyetértesz Tommal? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? Közel sem vagyok boldog. I'm far from happy. I'm nowhere near happy. Siivoapa lelusi. Clear up your toys. Clean up your toys. Minulla on ollut vatsakipuja. My stomach has been hurting. I've had stomach pains. Ma olen kodus. I'm at home. - I'm home. Tomi senkit sem engedne be a szobájába. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his room. Tom wouldn't let anyone into his room. Először kérdezd meg őt. Ask him first of all. Ask him first. Tom még nem elég idős a vezetéshez. Tom isn't old enough to drive yet. Tom's not old enough to drive. Egész nap Röyksopp egy dalát hallgattam. The whole day, I've listened to a song of Röyksopp. I've been listening to R<0xC3><0xB6>yksopp's song all day. Eivät kaikki pitäneet häntä suurena näyttelijättärenä. Not everyone thought she was a great actress. Not everyone thought she was a great actress. Megfogta a kezem és a hálószobába vezetett. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. Lent van a slicced. You have the zipper of your pants open. Your fly's down. A rendőrség még nem oldotta meg az esetet. The police haven't solved the case yet. The police have not yet solved the case. A sebesült üvöltött a fájdalomtól, miután az érzéstelenítő hatása elmúlt. The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. The wounded man screamed in pain after the anesthetic wears off. Szeretném látni a kocsit, mielőtt kiveszem. I'd like to see the car before I hire it. I'd like to see the car before I take it out. A fordítás minősége javult. The quality of translation has improved. The quality of the translation has improved. Méreg a szava. Her words are gifts. His word is poison. Tom ei pääse ulos makuupussistaan. Vetoketju on jumissa. Tom can't get out of his sleeping bag. The zipper is stuck. Tom can't get out of his sleeping bag. Magáért tette, nem értem. She did it for herself, not for me. He did it for you, I don't understand. A szemüvegemet! Hand me my glasses. My glasses! Te írtad ezt a levelet? Are you the one who wrote this letter? Did you write this letter? Kaphatok valamit inni? Could I have something to drink? Can I get something to drink? Saanko minä? May I? Can I have it? Már hajnalban Rómába indult. He's already left at dawn for Rome. He left for Rome at dawn. Egyszerűen nem tudom, mire számítsak. I just don't know what to expect. I just don't know what to expect. A faluban nincs áramellátás. The village doesn't have electricity. There is no electricity in the village. Tom, ma ei jäta sind kunagi. I'll never leave you, Tom. Tom, I'll never leave you. Ki kell mennem anyámért a repülőtérre. I have to go to the airport for Mom. I have to pick my mom up at the airport. Tom nagyon csalódott volt. Tom was very disappointed. Tom was very disappointed. "Mit fog gondolni a mamád?" "Sosem jön rá." "What would your mother think?" "She's never going to find out." "What's your mom gonna think?" "She'll never know." A macskám egész nap nyávog, mert éhes a figyelmemre. My cat meows all day because he wants my attention. My cat is meowing all day because she's hungry for my attention. Ma ostsin selle oma tüdrukule. I bought this for my girlfriend. I bought this for my girlfriend. Fáj a csuklóm. My joints hurt. My wrist hurts. Az oroszlánt gyakran használják a bátorság szimbólumaként. The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. Vihaan kahvia. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. He kaikki saapuivat myöhässä They all arrived late. They all arrived late. Tomot, Mary mogorva férjét, elrabolták és minden reggel megölelték a teletabik. Mary's sullen husband Tom was kidnapped and hugged every morning by Teletubbies. Tom, Mary's grumpy husband, was kidnapped and hugged by teletabs every morning. Tomi osti lahjan tyttärelleen. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tom bought a gift for his daughter. Anteeksi, puhutko englantia? Excuse me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? Tom részeg volt, szóval Mary hazavitte kocsival. Tom was drunk, so Mary drove him home. Tom was drunk, so Mary drove him home. Tiszta vagyok. I'm clean. I'm clean. Me tiedämme molemmat, että tämä ei ole oikein. We both know this isn't right. You and I both know this isn't right. Szeretném, ha szeretnének. (Ady Endre) I'd like to be loved. I want them to like me. —Ady Endre Cégigazgató lett harminc éves korában. He became the company president when he was thirty. He became company director at the age of 30. Tudod, hogy ki nem állhatom őt, de akárhogy is, megpróbálok segíteni rajta. You know I can't stand him, however, I try to help him. You know I can't stand him, but either way, I'm trying to help him. Nukun usein pommiin. I often oversleep. I often oversleep. Úgy tűnik, ennek semmi sem vethet véget. Nothing, it seems, can stop it. It seems like nothing can end this. Megbíznak egymásban. They trust each other. They trust each other. Operálni kell Tomit. Tom needs surgery. We need to operate on Tom. Minun täytyy laittaa takin napit kiinni. I have to button my jacket. I have to close the buttons on the jacket. Tévúton jár. She is in the wrong. You're on the wrong track. Mire kért téged? What did he ask you for? What did he ask you for? Tom nagyon fog nekem hiányozni. I'm going to miss Tom so much. I'm gonna miss Tom so much. Maistuuko se hyvältä? Does that taste good? Does it taste good? Bolondok vagytok. You're fools. You're fools. Mikor Tom felébredt, Mari zuhanyozott. When Tom woke up, Mary was taking a shower. When Tom woke up, Mari was in the shower. Azt hiszem, képes vagyok rá. I think I can. I think I can do it. Kérlek, mondj valamit! Please say something. Please say something. Onko jotain mitä voimme tehdä? Is there something we can do? Is there anything we can do? — Hol a sütim? — Bocsi! Mind megettem. "Where's my cookie?" "Sorry. I ate it all." “Where’s my cake?” “I’m sorry. I ate them all.” Oi uusi uljas maailma, jossa on sellaisia ihmisiä! O brave new world that has such people in't! Oh, a brave new world with such people! En halunnut loukata sinua. I didn't want to insult you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Luulin, että Tom vihasi minua. I thought Tom hated me. I thought Tom hated me. A háttérhatalom fővárosa a City of London a saját kormányával. The capital of the Deep State is the City of London with its own government. The capital of the background power is the City of London with its own government. Be tudnál segíteni nekem? Could you help me a bit? Can you help me in? En ole yhtä köyhä kuin mitä olin aikaisemmin. I'm not as poor as I used to be. I'm not as poor as I used to be. Tom odotti kärsivällisesti Marya. Tom waited patiently for Mary. He waited patiently for Mary. Hän pystyi opettelemaan runon ulkoa viisivuotiaana. He was able to memorize that poem when he was five years old. He was able to memorize the poem at the age of five. Elpusztult a csűr. The barn was destroyed. The barn was destroyed. Nem kedveli a sárgarépát, ezért nem ette meg. He does not like carrots, so he did not eat it. He doesn't like carrots, that's why he didn't eat them. Egy hópihe landolt Tom orrán. A snowflake landed on Tom's nose. A snowflake landed on Tom's nose. Parkkipaikalla oleva auto on tulessa. A car in the parking lot is on fire. The car in the parking lot is on fire. Telefonált valaki? Has anyone called? Did anyone call? Hän on vain kateellinen nuoruudestasi. She's just jealous of your youth. He's just jealous of your youth. Talán nem halt volna meg Tom, ha be lett volna kötve. Tom probably wouldn't have died if he'd been wearing his seatbelt. Maybe Tom wouldn't have died if he was strapped in. "Saanko pelata tietokoneellani?" "Vain, jos olet tehnyt läksyt." "Can I play games on my computer?" "Only if you've finished your homework." "Can I play on my computer?" "Only if you've done your homework." Kuidas võisin ma sind üldse usaldada? How could I ever trust you? How could I ever trust you? Nem volt kedve golfozni Tominak. Tom didn't feel like playing golf. He didn’t want to play golf. Az a férfi egy katona. That man is a soldier. That man is a soldier. Az első kérdés neked szól. This first question is for you. The first question is for you. Sitä täytyy sekoittaa kun se kypsyy. It has to be stirred while it's cooking. You have to mix it when it matures. Egyetértek: Tom golyót érdemel. I agree that Tom deserves a shot. I agree: Tom deserves a bullet. Tomi pussas mun serkkuu. Tom kissed my cousin. Tomi kissed my cousin. Lainasin Tomille minun sateenvarjoni. I lent Tom my umbrella. I lent Tom my umbrella. En halua tietää mitään Tomista. I don't want to know anything about Tom. I don't want to know anything about Tom. Tom tahtoi kiittää sinua. Tom wanted to thank you. Tom wanted to thank you. Ez fontos. It's important. This is important. Kaikki on ohi väliltämme. It's all over for us. It's all over between us. Osaatko kävellä? Can you walk? Can you walk? Le a korrupt politikusokkal! Down with corrupt politicians! Down with the corrupt politicians. Yritätkö ostaa minut hiljaiseksi? Are you trying to buy my silence? Are you trying to buy me off? Hm...olenko jotenkin erehtynyt? Um...am I mistaken in some way? Am I somehow mistaken? Tuntematon henkilö palautti Tomin lompakon. The stranger returned Tom's wallet. Tom's wallet was returned by an unknown person. Зарезьын островъёс вань. There are islands in the sea. There are also pigs in the lake. Most azonnal hívom Tomit. I'm calling Tom right now. I'm calling Tom right now. Tomi ei tiedä mitään Australiasta. Tom doesn't know anything about Australia. Tom doesn't know anything about Australia. Tiedän että sinä yhä syytät Tomia Maryn kuolemasta. I know you still blame Tom for Mary's death. I know you're still blaming Tom for Mary's death. A kenyérsütés művészet. Baking bread is an art. Baking bread is an art. Muiriel on nyt kaksikymmentä vuotta vanha. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now twenty years old. Kuinka suuri on kaasulaskunne kuukaudessa? How much is your monthly gas bill? How much is your gas bill per month? Különösen ragaszkodott ehhez. He particularly insisted on this. He was especially insistent on this. Szeretnék kijelentkezni. I'd like to check out. I'd like to check out. Maradj velünk pár napig! Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Meidän täytyy suojella Tomia. We need to protect Tom. We have to protect Tom. Tudsz erről valamit? Do you know anything about it? Do you know anything about that? Olin todella huolissani sinusta. I was really worried about you. I was really worried about you. Voisitko pistää tämän kassin jonnekin muualle? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Would you mind putting this bag somewhere else? Anna puhelin minulle, Tom. Bring me the phone, Tom. Give me the phone, Tom. Olen aina pitänyt sinusta, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. Se että se on Tatoeba.orgin tietokannassa ei tarkoita sitä, että se on lause. Just because it's in Tatoeba.org's database, doesn't mean it's a sentence. The fact that it is in the Tatoeba.org database does not mean that it is a sentence. Tiedätkö mistä hänet löytäisi? Do you know where to find him? Do you know where to find him? Fukuokan prefektuurin pääkaupunki on Fukuokan kaupunki. Fukuoka Prefecture's capital is Fukuoka City. The capital of Fukuoka Prefecture is the city of Fukuoka. Tanáraim voltak a könyv szerzői. The authors of this book were my teachers. My teachers were the authors of the book. Most hazamehetsz, ha tetszik. You can go home now if you like. You can go home now if you like. Gyenge vagyok matekból. I am weak in math. I'm weak in math. Olet häpeäpilkku. You're a disgrace. You're a disgrace. A kezelőorvosa szakemberhez akarja küldeni őt. Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist. Your doctor wants you to see a specialist. Ne légy túl családias. Don't get too familiar. Don't get too familiar. Mit ígért neked? What did she promise you? What did he promise you? Ta lükkas mütsi kuklasse. He pushed his hat back on his head. He put his hat on his head. Mindannyiunknak vannak jogai és felelőssége is. We all have rights and responsibilities. We all have rights and responsibilities. Juuri minulle antamasi lyijykynän pyyhin on kulunut loppuun. The eraser on the pencil you just gave me is worn down. The pencil eraser you just gave me has run out. Egy nyelv alapos elsajátításához körülbelül 10 ezer óra tanulás szükséges. It takes approximately 10,000 hours of study to acquire a language thoroughly. It takes about 10,000 hours of learning to master a language. Mi a különbség a dzsem és a citruslekvár között? What's the difference between jam and marmalade? What is the difference between jam and citrus jam? Talán később megeszem, ha nagyon éhes leszek. I might eat that later if I get really hungry. Maybe I'll eat it later when I'm really hungry. Häät pidettiin kello kymmenen. The wedding took place at ten. The wedding was at ten. Apám autójával járok. I drive my father's car. I drive my dad's car. Ön valóban mindenre gondolt. You've really thought of everything. You really thought of everything. Soha nem felejtünk. We never forget. We never forget. Mul on palju sõpru. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Tomnak itt kell lennie, nem pedig máshol. Tom must be here, not somewhere else. Tom's got to be here, not somewhere else. Järven läpimitta on kuusi ja puoli kilometriä. The lake is four miles wide. The diameter of the lake is six and a half kilometers. Én nem vagyok egy akkora nagy seggnyaló, mint te. I'm not an ass-kisser like you. I'm not a big kiss-ass like you. Tom fiatal volt és befolyásolható. Tom was young and impressionable. Tom was young and impressionable. Az élettel kapcsolatos kérdésekre keresem a választ tizenéves korom óta. I've been searching for existential answers since I was a teenager. I've been looking for answers to life's questions since I was a teenager. Kattints az OK gombra! Click the OK button. Click the OK button. Ihmisiä on kaikkialla. There are people everywhere. People are everywhere. Nem érdekel, hogy hiszel-e nekem. I don't care if you believe me. I don't care if you believe me. Egy náci megölt egy zsidót. A Nazi killed a Jew. A Nazi killed a Jew. Bárcsak korábban eszembe jutott volna ez az ötlet! I wish I would've come up with that idea earlier. I wish I had thought of this idea sooner. Tomilla on kolme serkkua. Tom has three cousins. Tom has three cousins. Soha többet ne kérd, hogy segítsek neked! Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ever ask me to help you again. Tomnak fogalma sincs a valóságról. Tom has no concept of reality. Tom has no idea what's real. - Hol a könyv? - A könyv? Az asztalon van. "Where is the book?" "The book is on the desk." - The book, it's on the table. Kicsit fáj a fejem. My head does hurt a little. I've got a little headache. Sokan megsebesültek a támadásban. Many people were hurt in the attack. Many were wounded in the attack. Tomi idegesnek tűnik. Tom seems nervous. Tom looked nervous. Vett egy mély lélegzetet. He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. Maa on lame. The earth is flat. The ground is flat. Tom rapsutti koiraansa oikein huolella korvien takaa. Tom gave his dog a good scratch behind the ears. Tom scratched his dog very carefully behind his ears. Szerintem csak baromi nagy szerencsém volt. I think I was just incredibly lucky. I think I just got really lucky. Oidnen maiddái Niillasa. I saw Nils as well I am also looking forward to seeing Niella. Tom ei pidä julkisesti puhumisesta. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like to talk in public. Ebből mit tudunk megtartani és mit eldobni? Which one of these do we need to keep and which can we throw away? What can we keep and what can we throw away? Tedd a komód felső fiókjába! Put it in the top dresser drawer. Put it in the top drawer of the dresser. Varasitko huoneen hotellista? Did you reserve a room at the hotel? You booked a hotel room? Et sinä kirjoittanut mitään. You didn't write anything. You didn't write anything. Hän ei nähnyt Tomia koskaan sen jälkeen. He never saw Tom again. He never saw Tom again. Mississippi on Yhdysvaltojen köyhin osavaltio. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. Puutarhassa kasvoi kirsikkapuu. There was a cherry tree growing in the garden. A cherry tree grew in the garden. Ei sen väliä. It doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter. Bármit megteszek érte. I will do anything for him. I'll do anything for her. Mitä oikeasti teet täällä? What are you really doing here? What are you really doing here? Tomin vaimo menehtyi viime viikolla. Tom's wife died last week. Tom's wife passed away last week. Vai mitä? Right? Don't you think? Nagyon udvarias voltam. I was very polite. I was very polite. Sinun olisi pitänyt kertoa Tomille mitä tehdä. You should've told Tom what to do. You should have told Tom what to do. Hikoilen vuolaasti. I'm sweating profusely. I'm sweating profusely. Apai nagymamám betöltötte a századik életévét. My grandmother on my father's side has turned one hundred. My paternal grandmother was 100 years old. Maradj távol! Stay away from here. Stay away from me! En ole pitkään aikaan käynyt mummoni luona. It's been a long time since I visited my grandmother. It's been a long time since I've seen my grandmother. Virágvasárnap a húsvét előtti vasárnap. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. Flower Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. Mitä makua haluat? What flavor do you want? What taste do you want? Voinko kokeilla näitä kenkiä jalkaan? Can I try these shoes on? Can I try these shoes on? Tomi on pätevämpi kuin minä. Tom is more qualified than I am. Tom is better than me. Irodákat létesítettünk Bostonban. We've set up offices in Boston. We set up offices in Boston. Van a közelben egy katonai bázis. There is a military base near here. There's a military base nearby. Olen ollut täällä töissä 13 kuukautta. I've been working here 13 months. I've been working here for 13 months. Nem bírom elviselni a stresszt. I can't cope with stress. I can't take the stress. Jos ei olisi aurinkoa, emme voisi elää. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. Without the sun, we would not be able to live. Katso yllä! See above. Look above! Tom nem tudja, mi történt, mert nem volt ott. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. Tom majdnem minden hétvégén otthon marad. Tom stays at home almost every weekend. Tom stays home almost every weekend. Tudtad, hogy Tom elment otthonról? Did you know that Tom had left home? Did you know Tom left home? A ház lángokban állt. The house was in flames. The house was on fire. Kit érdekel, hogy Tom mit csinál. Who cares what Tom does. I don't care what Tom does. Olette selkeästi erehtyneet. Clearly you are mistaken. You are clearly mistaken. Yrittämättä et saa ikinä tietää. You'll never know unless you try. Without trying, you'll never know. Az az álmom, hogy tanár legyek. My dream is to become a teacher. My dream is to be a teacher. Eljött az ideje az utolsó simításoknak. It's time for the finishing touches. It's time for the final touches. Aikaisemmin tämä satama oli menestyvä. Formerly this harbor was prosperous. In the past, this port was a success. Ezt a régi épületet nem érdemes tatarozni. Jobb lenne elbontani. This old building isn't worth fixing up. It would be better to tear it down. This old building is not worth renovating. Melyik vagy te a képen? Which one are you in the photo? Which one are you in the picture? Az eset bekerült a hírekbe. The incident came up in the news. The case made the news. He veivät hänet väkisin. They took him by force. They took him by force. Hadd próbáljam meg egyedül! Let me try doing it alone. Let me try on my own. Günther ja Hans ovat ystäviä. Gunther and Hans are friends. G<0xC3><0xBC>nther and Hans are friends. Milyen szép nap a mai! What a beautiful day today! What a beautiful day today. Tom laittoi takkinsa päälleen ja lähti. Tom put on his coat and left. He put on his coat and left. Ez mindenki számára ugyanaz. It's the same for everyone. It's the same for everyone. Miért avatkozol bele mások életébe? Why do you interfere with other people's lives? Why do you meddle in other people's lives? Búcsú nélkül ment el tőlem. He left without saying good-bye to me. She left me without saying goodbye. Nämä ovat yksinkertaisia lauseita. These are simple sentences. These are simple sentences. Soha nem láttalak még így viselkedni. I've never seen you act like this before. I've never seen you act like this before. Rauhantilan jatkuessa sotainen ihminen hyökkää itsensä kimppuun. Under peaceful conditions, the warlike man attacks himself. As peace continues, a belligerent man attacks himself. Saarni oli yhä lämmin. The ash was still warm. The island was still warm. Hivatalos levelet kell írnia az igazgatónak. You have to write an official letter to the director. You must write an official letter to the director. Mindenki tévedett. Everyone was wrong. Everyone was wrong. Hän ei ole puhunut minulle vielä. She has not spoken to me yet. He hasn't spoken to me yet. Tomi on podcastaaja. Tom is a podcaster. Tom is a podcaster. Meztelenül táncolt. He danced while naked. She danced naked. Segítenem kellett volna Tomnak azt megcsinálni. I should have helped Tom do that. I should have helped Tom do that. Sepä vasta olisi näkemisen arvoista. That'll be something to see. Well, that would be worth seeing. Vauva alkoi itkeä. The baby started to cry. The baby began to cry. Ez egy karácsonyfa. That's a Christmas tree. It's a Christmas tree. Jó fiú légy! Be a good boy. Be a good boy. Tämä on hyvin tuore. This is very fresh. This is very fresh. Ihmettelen mikä on Tomin mieliruoka. I wonder what Tom's favorite food is. I wonder what Tom's favorite food is. Nem akarom, hogy a gyerekeim dohányozzanak. I don't want my kids to smoke. I don't want my kids smoking. Tamásnak két testvére van. Az egyik Bostonban él, a másik Chicagóban. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Thomas has two siblings, one living in Boston and the other in Chicago. Senki sem tud kétszáz éves koráig élni. No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live to be 200 years old. Hän pysähtyi laittaakseen kengät jalkaansa. He stopped to put on his shoes. He stopped to put his shoes on. Nem ismertél fel? Tom vagyok. Tom a Tatoebáról. Didn't you recognize me? I'm Tom. Tom from Tatoeba. I'm Tom from Tatoeba. Nehogy ide add nekem! Don't give it to me! Don't give it to me. Köszönöm a válaszát. Thanks for your reply. Thank you for your reply. Mitä Walt Disney piirsi? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney draw? Mielestäni meditointi on kaikkea lääkitystä rauhoittavampaa. In my opinion, meditation is more tranquilizing than any medication. I think meditation is more relaxing than any medication. Aion kirjoittaa heille viestin. I'm going to write them a note. I'm going to write them a message. Tom tud segíteni. Tom can help. Tom can help. Beígértem a szomszédnak egy verést. I promised the neighbour I'd beat him. I promised the neighbor a beating. Isten nem hazudik. God doesn't lie. God doesn't lie. Ei, ei lainkaan. No, not at all. No, not at all. Hyviä yödy. Good night. Have a good night. Elmennék Londonba. I'd like to visit London. I'd go to London. Hyviä päiviä! Good day! Have a good day! Úgy tűnik, nem működik a mikrofon. This microphone doesn't seem to be working. The microphone doesn't seem to be working. Erre fordítsa a fejét. Turn your face this way. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Betegség miatt hiányzott az iskolából. He was absent from school because of illness. He was absent from school due to illness. Tudod, tévedsz. You know this is wrong. You know, you're wrong. Neked ez mind kell? Do you need all of this? You want all this? A biztos halálba küldték őket. They were sent into certain death. They were sent to certain death. Maisema on henkeäsalpaava. The scenery is breathtaking. The scenery is breathtaking. Missä sinä yövyt? Where are you staying? Where are you staying? Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy jó döntést hoztam. I'm not at all convinced that I made the right choice. I'm not sure I made the right decision. Minulla oli tapana käydä leipomossa. I used to go to the baker's. I used to go to the bakery. Mondtam neked, hogy ne menjél gyalog. I told you not to walk. I told you not to walk. A való életben ilyenek nem történnek. In real life, things like this don't happen. These things don't happen in real life. Kuitenkaan buddhalaisia lukuun ottamatta tuskin kukaan johdonmukaisesti seuraa tätä periaatetta. However, apart from Buddhists, hardly anyone can consistently follow this principle. Yet, with the exception of the Buddhists, hardly anyone consistently follows this principle. Elbaszott egy ember vagyok. I'm a fuckup. I'm a fucking man. Majd később fizetek. I'll pay later. I'll pay you later. Ha nem játszol, nem nyerhetsz. You can't win if you don't play. If you don't play, you can't win. Az ember nem a majomtól származik, néhányat kivéve. Humans are not descended from apes, except for some people. Humans are not descended from monkeys, except for a few. "The Three Forks" on olutbaari, jonka kohderyhmä on matkailijat. The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers. "The Three Forks" is a beer bar that targets tourists. Tomillakin on kivaa. Tom is having a good time as well. Tom's having a good time too. Ki csinált mit, mikor és miért? Who does what, where, and why? Who did what, when and why? He menivät metsään. They went into the woods. They went into the woods. Semmit sem kell tenned. You don't need to do anything. You don't have to do anything. Ez aztán ám a degeadáció! This is complete degradation. That's some degeneracy. Voisitko tuoda minulle japanilaisen sanomalehden? Could you bring me a Japanese newspaper? Could you bring me a Japanese newspaper? Älä huolehdi. Pärjään kyllä. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Annetaan Tomin puhua. Let Tom speak. Let's let Tom talk. Ziri haluaa toisen kaviaaripurkin. Ziri wants another tin of caviar. Ziri wants another caviar jar. Gyakoroljuk még az alany-állítmány-tárgy-mondatok fordítását vagy lépjünk tovább? Should we exercise yet how to translate sentences containing a subject, a predicate and an object? Or should we go further? Should we still practice translating the subject-consignment-object-statements or move on? Olen todella pettynyt. I'm very disappointed. I'm really disappointed. Australia on joutunut huonoksi onnekseen johtoasemaan kuolemaan johtavissa onnettomuuksissa viime vuosina. Australia was unlucky to lead the world in fatalities in the last couple of years. Australia has been unlucky to take the lead in fatal accidents in recent years. Beállt a lábam. Nem tudok menni. I got a cramp in my leg. I can't walk. I can't walk. Apa még mindig ugyanaz a makacs ember. Dad is still the stubborn man he was. Dad's still the same stubborn man. Nem jöttem rá. I couldn't figure that out. I couldn't figure it out. Tunnen hänet, mutta en tiedä hänen nimeään. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know his name. Tom rypisti otsaansa. Tom frowned. Tom nodded his head. Petanque-oztál már? Have you ever played petanque? Have you been petanque? Ehk näeme veel. Maybe I'll see you around. Maybe I'll see you around. Üzenetet kell hagynom. I need to leave a message. I need to leave a message. Unohdan usein hampaiden pesun. I often forget to brush my teeth. I often forget to brush my teeth. Alkoi sataa hetki kun Tomi saapui kotiin. It started raining as soon as Tom got home. It started to rain when Tom came home. Asuntoni ikkunat ovat etelään päin, joten on hirveän kuuma. My apartment windows face south, so it's super hot. The windows of my apartment are facing south, so it's really hot. Tom on kaikista vanhin. Tom is the oldest. Tom is the oldest of them all. Pussissa on vähän sokeria. There's some sugar in the bag. There's some sugar in the bag. Odaérsz időben? Can you get there in time? Are you on time? Felnőtt korában rengeteg dolog érdekelte Marit, ami iskolában untatta. As an adult, Mary was interested in many things which had bored her at school. As an adult, Mari was interested in a lot of things that bored her at school. Már nem vagyok olyan bizros benne. I'm not quite sure about that anymore. I'm not so sure anymore. Onko Tatoeba hyvä? Is Tatoeba good? Is Tatoeba good? A szabad pályán fociztunk. We played football on the rec. We played football on the open field. Yksikään kansakunta ei ole ollut niin hyveellinen, kuin se itse uskoo, eikä yksikään niin pahansuopa, kuin kukin uskoo toisen olevan. No nation was ever so virtuous as each believes itself, and none was ever so wicked as each believes the other. No nation has been so virtuous as it believes itself, and no one so spiteful as each believes the other to be. Hän opiskelee aina ahkerasti. He always studies hard. He is always studying hard. Ó tényleg! Hogy ez nekem hogy nem jutott eszembe!? Of course! How didn't I think of this? Oh, really, how could I not think of that? Minua pelottaa hypätä ojan yli. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm afraid to jump over a ditch. Tominak hosszú copfja van. Tom has a long ponytail. Tom's got a long ponytail. Ottaen tämän asian huomioon, minusta tuntuu, että roskamedia uutisoi vain vääristynyttä tietoa. Concerning this issue, I feel that the trash media only report biased information. With this in mind, I feel that the spam media is reporting only distorted information. Tekerd le az ablakodat. Roll your window down. Roll down your window. Vendégeid vannak? Do you have guests? You have guests? Adj még egy kicsit! Give me just a little. Give me some more. Tomot kirúgták a munkából való folyamatos késés miatt. Tom was fired for constantly being late to work. Tom was fired for being constantly late for work. Toisitko minulle yleisavaimen. Please bring the master key. Could you get me a master key? Éles kést használj a paradicsomok szeleteléséhez. Use a sharp knife to slice tomatoes. Use a sharp knife to slice tomatoes. Ma ei räägi iiri keelt. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Hän on palannut kotiin Ranskasta. He has recently returned from France. He has returned from France. Sinä avaat oven. You open the door. You open the door. A doboz olyan nehéz volt, hogy Tomnak segítenie kellett Marinak azt hazacipelni. The box was so heavy that Tom had to help Mary carry it home. The box was so heavy that Tom had to help Mari carry it home. Et voi kävellä ympäri kaupunkia alastomana. You can't walk around town naked. You can't walk around the city naked. Kukkulan takana on kaunis laakso. A beautiful valley lies behind the hill. Behind the hill is a beautiful valley. Kuidas sul läheb? How are you? - How are you doing? - Good. Az utat nézd! Watch the way. Look at the road. Tom päästi linnun vapaaksi. Tom set the bird free. He released the bird. Milloin olet täysi-ikäinen? When will you be of age? When are you of age? Hänen hampaansa olivat valkoiset. Her teeth were white. His teeth were white. Egész nap nála voltam. I spent all day at his house. I've been at his house all day. Mitä haluat syödä tänään? What would you like to eat today? What do you want to eat today? Az edző nem engedett játszani. The coach didn't let me play. Coach wouldn't let me play. Mindenkivel megesik. It happens to everyone. It happens to everyone. Utálom ezt csinálni, de ezt kell csinálnom. I hate doing that but I have to do that. I hate to do this, but I have to do this. Tom ei kuollut yksin. Tom didn't die alone. Tom didn't die alone. A szomszéd tyukjai jobb fajtáúak a enyéimnél. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. Your neighbor's chickens are better than mine. A feleségem nem akart eljönni. My wife didn't want to come. My wife wouldn't come. Mindannyian itt vagyunk, őt kivéve. We're all here except for him. We're all here, except for him. Ezt nem hisszük el. We don't believe that. T TEVEREVEREVER R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Tom megválaszolja majd minden kérdésedet. Tom will answer all your questions. Tom will answer all your questions. Olen nähnyt sen omin silmin. I've seen it myself. I've seen it with my own eyes. Yhteyden täytyy olla riittävä. The connection must be adequate. The connection must be sufficient. Meg tudod mondani, hogy melyik boszorkány melyik? Can you tell which witch is which? Can you tell which witch is which? Annoin Tomille maitoa ja keksejä. I gave Tom some milk and cookies. I gave Tom milk and cookies. Ez nem lenne ám okos dolog. That wouldn't be a smart move. That wouldn't be smart. Síeltek. They were skiing. They skied. Felnyergeltem a lovakat, uram. I saddled the horses, sir. I saddled the horses, sir. Csak egyórás volt a gyűlés. The meeting lasted just over an hour. The meeting was only an hour long. Az egyesült nép soha nem lesz legyőzve. The people united will never be defeated. The united people will never be defeated. Nem én loptam el. I didn't steal it. I didn't steal it. Nem túlságosan érdekli a baseball. He doesn't care much for baseball. He doesn't care much for baseball. Kuulostaa siltä, että olet saanut arvokkaan opetuksen. It sounds like you learned a valuable lesson. Sounds like you've been taught a valuable lesson. Minä löydän ne. I'll find them. I'll find them. Huvittaisiko teitä lähteä uimaan? Do you feel like going swimming? Would you like to go swimming? A jegyek pillanatok alatt elkeltek. The tickets sold like hot cakes. Tickets sold out in no time. Menni akarunk, vagy maradni? Do we want to go or stay? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom tulee aina olemaan täällä sinua varten. Tom will always be here for you. Tom will always be there for you. Unohdin, että Tom osaisi lukea ranskaa. I forgot that Tom could read French. I forgot Tom could read French. Tudni akartam az igazat. I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to know the truth. Tévéztünk. We watched TV. We watched TV. Missä sinun luottokorttisi ovat? Where are your credit cards? Where are your credit cards? Neki nincsen. He doesn't have it. He doesn't have one. Isoisäni kuoli Toisessa maailmansodassa. My grandfather died in the Second World War. My grandfather died in World War II. Ära noid aknaid lahti tee. Do not open those windows. Don't open those windows. Nagyon csinosak voltak. They were very pretty. They were very pretty. Meglepődött Tom, milyen jól zongorázik Mary. Tom was surprised how well Mary could play the piano. Tom was surprised at how well Mary played the piano. Nincs kivel beszélnem. I had no one to talk with. I don't have anyone to talk to. Csak a fekete hajam miatt szeretsz? Do you love me just because I have black hair? You only love me because of my black hair? Ő az atípusú ember, aki ha bármibe belevág, bejön neki. He's a man who succeeds in whatever he undertakes. He's the type of guy who likes to do anything. Ez mentett meg. That's what saved me. That's what saved me. Ezért hagyta ott a sulit. That's why he left school. That's why he dropped out of school. Minulla on tässä vaarallinen tilanne. I've got a dangerous situation here. I have a dangerous situation here. En ole tehnyt sellaista. I haven't done such a thing. I've never done anything like that. Ő volt az egyik. She was one of them. He was one of them. Tizenhét évesen házasodott. He got married at seventeen. Married at 17 years old. A hús olcsó. The meat is cheap. Meat is cheap. Nem tudom elhinni, hogy azt a szemetet valóban ilyen magas áron tudtad eladni. I can't believe that you really sold that junk for such a high price. I can't believe you actually sold that garbage at such a high price. Odavagyok azért a csajért. I really like that girl. I love that girl. A Tom egy hárombetűs név. Tom is a three-lettered name. Tom is a three-letter name. En voi sietää tätä melua enää. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. Ti most miért vagytok itt tulajdonképpen? In fact, why are you here now? Why are you guys actually here? Logikus volt az érvelése. His argument was logical. His reasoning was logical. Sinä olet kajahtanut. You've lost your marbles. You've gone crazy. Kukapa ei olisi unelmoinut omasta henkilökohtaisesta kokista? Who hasn't dreamt of having their own personal chef? Who hasn’t dreamt of having their own personal chef? Ezt nálunk senki nem tudja jobban csinálni. No one knows that better than we do. No one can do this better than us. Fény áramlott be az ablakokon. Light streamed through the windows. There was light coming through the windows. Jánosnak nevezték el a fiukat. They named their son John. They named their son John. Hyvää yötä! Goodnight! Good night. Good night. Meg kell védenünk magunkat minden olyan próbálkozástól, amely elveszi a szabadságunkat. We must be on our guard against any attempts to take away our freedoms. We must protect ourselves from any attempt to take away our freedom. Ihan sama! Whatever! I don't care! Tässä ei ole mitään järkeä. This makes no sense. This doesn't make any sense. Tomnak mennyi pénze van? How much money does Tom have? How much money does Tom have? Ei voi olla totta! That can't be. You've got to be kidding me! Jos kolmiossa on kaksi suoraa kulmaa, se on neliö josta puuttuu yksi sivu. If a triangle has two right angles, it's a square missing one side. If a triangle has two right angles, it is a square with one side missing. Tomi szobatudós. Tom is an egghead. Tom is a room scientist. Találtam egy szarvasagancsot az erdőben séta közben. I found a deer antler walking in the forest. I found a deer antler walking in the woods. Kaikki muut nukkuvat. Everyone else is sleeping. Everyone else is asleep. Anyahajón szakács. He works on an aircraft carrier as a cook. Mothership cook. Kes seda usub? Who will believe this? Who's gonna believe that? Felvettük a kereszténységet. We converted to Christianity. We have embraced Christianity. Az infláció az elhibázott politikai következménye. Inflation is a result of failed policy. Inflation is the political consequence of a mistake. Ezek lilák? Are they purple? Are these purple? Nem szereti a kutyáját? Doesn't he love his dog? You don't like your dog? Most kell cselekednünk. We must act now. We need to act now. Törökországból hoz be ruhákat. He imports clothes from Turkey. He's bringing clothes from Turkey. Volt egy szellem a házban. There was a ghost in the house. There was a ghost in the house. Legalább figyeltek rám. At least they listened to me. At least they listened to me. Gyerekkoromban csak a gazdag családok gyerekeinek volt spirálfüzete. When I was a child, only children from wealthy families had ringed notebooks. When I was a kid, only children from wealthy families had spiral notebooks. Miksi olet vihainen hänelle? Why are you angry with him? Why are you mad at him? Te csaltál! You were cheating. You cheated! Szerintem Tom képes lesz segíteni. I think Tom will be able to help. I think Tom will be able to help. Nézz a szemembe. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eye. Älä tule myöhässä! Don't be late. Don't be late! Tom löysi lopultakin työpaikan. Tom finally got a job. Tom finally found a job. Egészen biztos vagyok benne, hogy igaz. I'm pretty sure it's true. I'm pretty sure it's true. Rá fogunk jönni. We'll figure this out. We'll figure it out. Sok szép virág virágzik tavasszal. Many pretty flowers bloom in the spring. Many beautiful flowers bloom in the spring. Tom saattaa olla unessa. Tom might be asleep. Tom may be asleep. Hän sai flunssan siskoltaan. He got a cold from his sister. She got the flu from her sister. Édesanyád otthon van? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Olen nõus. I agree. I'm in. Kukaan ei muista, miten se kaikki alkoi. Nobody remembers how it all began. No one remembers how it all started. Írtam egy könyvet. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. Nekem sincsen túl sok pénzem. I don't have too much money either. I don't have much money either. Majd egyszer Bostonban szeretnék lakni. I want to live in Boston someday. I'd like to live in Boston someday. Semmi nem a te hibád, igaz? Nothing is ever your fault, is it? None of this is your fault, is it? Hän on paljon sinua pitempi. He's much taller than you. He's much taller than you. Fejezd már be az érzelgést! Stop putting so much emotion in this. Stop being so sentimental. Kérhetek tőled egy apró szívességet? Can I ask you a little favor? Can I ask you a small favor? Missä leikkautit hiuksesi? Where did you get your hair cut? Where did you cut your hair? Tomi ei pysty auttaa sinua. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. Ne kérj meg rá, hogy segítsek neked többet! Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ask me to help you anymore. Älä käy vainoharhaiseksi! Don't get paranoid. Don't get paranoid! Most horgászok. I'm fishing now. Now I'm fishing. Akármi is történik veled, az nem jogosít fel arra, hogy így viselkedj. Whatever is going on in your life doesn't justify your behaviour. Whatever's happening to you, it doesn't give you the right to act like this. Tulin niin pian kuin sain selville. I came as soon as I found out. I came as soon as I found out. Fysiikka on minulle hepreaa. Physics is Greek to me. Physics is Hebrew to me. Friss levegőt ment szívni. She went to get some fresh air. He went to get some fresh air. Betegek? Are they not feeling well? Sick? Tolakodó voltál. You were pushy. You were intrusive. Tom hóangyalt készített. Tom made an angel in the snow. Tom made a snow angel. Jos olisin sinä, pysyisin hiljaa. If I were you, I would stay quiet. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut. Tom suojelee sinua. Tom will protect you. Tom will protect you. Se oli erittäin pitkä konsertti. It was a very long concert. It was a very long concert. Haluan matkustaa Saksaan. I want to go to Germany. I want to travel to Germany. A hétköznapi emberek, mint mi, amúgy sem értenek belőle semmit. Ordinary folk like us understand nothing about it anyway. Ordinary people like us don't understand it anyway. Ajattelitko sitä? Did you think about that? You thought about that? Miksi sinun isäsi löi sinua? Why did your father beat you? Why did your father hit you? Tom elég ijesztő fickó. Tom is a pretty scary guy. Tom's a pretty scary guy. Az okos fiára akár büszke is lehet. He may well be proud of his bright son. You can be proud of your smart son. Nevetek? Am I laughing? Laughing? Örültem az e-mailének. I was pleased to receive an email from him. I was happy with your e-mail. Tämä on todella poikkeuksellista. This is highly unusual. This is truly exceptional. Én ezért nem felelek. I'm not responsible for that. I'm not responsible for that. Miért nem iszol egyet? Why don't you drink something? Why don't you have a drink? Kedves ember. He's a nice person. He's nice. Miért engedelmeskedjek neked? Why should I obey you? Why should I obey you? Opiskelen ranskaa. Opiskelen myös saksaa. I study French. I also study German. I'm studying French, I'm studying German. Tom sétált volna. Tom would've walked. Tom would have walked. Nem füstöl a kéménye. His chimney isn't smoking. Your chimney doesn't smoke. Annan sinulle kyydin. I'll give you a lift. I'll give you a ride. Upeaa! Great! That's great! Ez tök jó! Biztosan nevetni fogsz. It's great! You'll laugh for sure. I'm sure you'll laugh. Miks sa täna siin oled? Why are you here today? Why are you here today? Sokat tanultam a könyveiből. I learned a lot from his books. I learned a lot from his books. Húsz gyermeke van. She has twenty children. He has 20 children. Egyből őt hibáztatta. He was quick to blame him. He immediately blamed her. Kimerültnek tűnsz. You look exhausted. You look exhausted. Ez az egyetlen esélyünk nyerni. This is our only chance to win. This is our only chance to win. Lähetän joka vuosi Tomille joulukortin. I send Tom a Christmas card every year. I send Tom a Christmas card every year. Tom azt mondta nekik, hogy ne tegyék ezt. Tom told them not to do that. Tom told them not to do that. Osaan puhua vähän ranskaa. I can speak a little French. I can speak a little French. Hän asuu minun yläpuolellani. He lives above me. He lives above me. Oletko tosissaan sitä mieltä, että tämä on OK? Do you really think this is OK? Do you really think this is okay? Vauva nukkui syvästi äitinsä käsivarsilla. The baby was sound asleep in her mother's arms. The baby slept deeply in his mother’s arms. Nem szeretem a piát. I don't like alcohol. I don't like booze. Tomi kertoi, että hän on yrittänyt tehdä sen. Tom told me that he'd tried doing that. Tom said he tried to do it. Megígérte nekem, hogy négyre eljön. He promised me that he would come at four. He promised me he'd be here by 4:00. Istukaa, olkaa hyvä. Please have a seat. Have a seat, please. Ez bosszantó. That is disturbing. That's annoying. Az elsők között vagyunk. We're among the first. We're among the first. Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy ez jó ötlet. I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Annyi pénze van, mint a pelyva. He's got money to burn. He's got as much money as the chaff. Tom, te okos ember vagy. Tom, you're a clever one. Tom, you're a smart man. Tom kandis mokassiine. Tom was wearing moccasins. Tom was wearing moccasins. Hikipajatyö, sademetsien tuho, ilmaston lämpeneminen, alkuperäisasukasyhteisöjen siirrot, veden ynnä ilman saastuminen, eläimistön hävittäminen viljelysmailta ”tuholaisina”, kansanvallalla valittujen hallintojen väkivaltainen syrjäyttäminen suuryhtiöitä myötäilevillä nukkediktaattoreilla, yltiöpäinen avolouhinta, öljynporaus herkillä alueilla, ammattiliittojen hajottaminen, lapsiorjuus ja lahjukset sortohallinnoille ovat vain eräitä näennäisen viattomien arkipäiväisten tuotteiden kuluttamisesta johtuvia seurauksia. Sweatshop labor, rainforest destruction, global warming, displacement of indigenous communities, air and water pollution, eradication of wildlife on farmland as “pests”, the violent overthrow of popularly elected governments to maintain puppet dictators compliant to big business interests, open-pit strip mining, oil drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, union busting, child slavery, and payoffs to repressive regimes are just some of the many impacts of the seemingly innocuous consumer products we consume every day. sweatshop work, destruction of rainforests, global warming, relocation of indigenous communities, water and air pollution, the destruction of animals from farmland as “pests”, the forcible overthrow of democratically elected governments with puppet-like dictators, excessive open mining, drilling for oil in sensitive areas only, trade unions Tom oli hemmoteltu. Tom was spoiled. Tom was spoiled. Tom megszárította a könnyeit. Tom dried his tears. Tom dried his tears. A föld már nem alakalmas művelésre. The land is no longer fit for agriculture. The land is no longer suitable for cultivation. Adminok, hol vagytok? Where are you, admins? Admins, where are you? Yllä oleva diagrammi kommutoi vain ja ainoastaan, kun f on isomorfismi. The diagram above commutes if and only if f is an isomorphism. The diagram above only commutates when f is an isomorphism. - Az a köcsög tökön rúgott.- Megérdemelted. "That bitch kicked me in the balls." "You deserved it." - That motherfucker kicked me in the balls. - You deserved it. Tomin koira vihaa kissoja. Tom's dog hates cats. Tom's dog hates cats. Saksaa ei puhuta pelkästään Saksassa. German is not only spoken in Germany. German is not only spoken in Germany. Voisitko auttaa minua vähän? Could you give me a little help? Can you help me out here? Megkértem Mari kezét. I've asked Mary to marry me. I asked Mari to marry me. Hän myöhästyi 8:30 junasta. He failed to catch the 8:30 train. He was late for the 8:30 train. Vapauttakaa hänet. Release him. Release him. Megkérte Máriát, hogy menjen el vele a rendezvényre. He asked Mary to accompany him to the party. He asked Mary to go with him to the meeting. Európa legnagyobb problémája most a politikusai, akik nem jók semmire, és a politikájuk, ami nem vezet sehova. Europe's biggest problem is its politicians being good for nothing and their policy leading to nowhere. Europe’s biggest problem now is its politicians, who are good for nothing, and their policies, which lead nowhere. Ta käib harva kirikus. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. A sors gyakran adja, amit nem várunk. Fate often sends the unexpected. Fate often gives us what we don't expect. Suokaa anteeksi. Minun täytyy puuteroida nenänpäätäni. Excuse me. I must use the powder room. If you'll excuse me, I have to powder my nose. Oletko koskaan pudonnut tikkailta? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Eddig három ország csinálta. So far only three countries have done it. So far, three countries have done it. Megtudhatnám a teljes nevét? Can I have your full name? May I have your full name? Odotin osittain, että Tom toisi omat popcorninsa elokuvateatteriin. I half expected Tom to bring his own popcorn to the movie theater. In part, I was waiting for Tom to bring his own popcorn to the movie theater. Sinä et saa koskaan tietää, ellet yritä. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know unless you try. Azt hiszed, hogy mindenki rád van kihegyezve. You think everyone's out to get you. You think everyone's hot on you. "Minkä solmion laitat?" – "Sen eilen ostamani." "What tie are you putting on?" "The one I bought yesterday." "What tie are you wearing?" "The one I bought yesterday." Számítok önökre, hogy csatlakoznak hozzánk. I'm counting on you to join us. I'm counting on you to join us. Haluan viettää enemmän aikaa minun perheeni kanssa. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to spend more time with my family. Tudom, hogyan kell újraélesztést alkalmazni. I know CPR. I know how to use CPR. Tom hozzájárult a vallomásához. Tom agreed to make a confession. Tom contributed to his testimony. Milloin olet valmis lähtöön? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to go? Tomi megmutatta Marinak a cetlit, amit a szélvédő lapátja alatt talált. Tom showed Mary the note he found under his windshield wiper. Tom showed Mari the note he found under the windshield blade. Soita apua. Call for help. Call for help. Kiolvasták a regényt? Have they finished reading the novel? Have you read the novel? Nézd, mit talált Tom az ágy alatt. Look what Tom found under the bed. Look what Tom found under the bed. Tom ja Mari lähettävät toisilleen yli 200 tekstiviestiä päivässä. Tom and Mary exchange more than 200 text messages every day. Tom and Mari send each other over 200 text messages a day. Luin antamasi kirjan. I finished reading the book you gave me. I read the book you gave me. Miten sinä voi olla noin kyyninen? How can you be so cynical? How can you be so cynical? Kyseenalaistatko suoraselkäisyyteni? Are you questioning my integrity? Are you questioning my integrity? Nykyään kukaan ei usko aaveisiin. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. Nowadays, no one believes in ghosts. A koncertterem első sorában ültek, és tisztán hallották a zenekart. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly. Hän on vielä työssä. He's still at work. He's still at work. Tom päästis mu elu. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Tom todella suuttui. Tom got really mad. Tom was really angry. Marokkói éttermet vezet Párizsban. He manages a Moroccan restaurant in Paris. He runs a Moroccan restaurant in Paris. Ez az ujjam volt. That was my finger. That was my finger. He näkivät laivan. They saw the ship. They saw the ship. Mä olen tosissani. I'm being serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. Holnap visszamegyek. I'm going back tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow. Most már értem. Now I understand. I get it now. Tule pian takaisin. Come back soon. Come back soon. Olyan öregek ezek a bútorok, mint amilyen én is vagyok. This furniture is as old as I am. The furniture is as old as I am. Useimmat ihmiset eivät ajattele niin. Most people don't think so. Most people don’t think so. Tomi elvesztette azt az órát, melyet Mari ajándékozott neki. Tom lost the watch that Mary gave him. Tom lost the watch that Mary had given him. Egy életem van, és nem áll érdekemben belőle bármennyit is rád szánni. I have only one life, and I don't care to spend any of it on you. I have one life, and it's not in my interest to give you any of it. Szájba vágta Tomot. He struck Tom in the mouth. He punched Tom in the mouth. Nem kell a dolgokat siettetni. There's no need to rush things. There's no need to rush things. Kétség merült fel bennem. Everyone already knew about it. I had my doubts. Hän puhui musiikista. He talked about music. He was talking about music. Megtakarítási számlát nyitott. She opened a savings account. He opened a savings account. A magyarázat meghaladta a felfogóképességemet. The explanation was beyond my understanding. The explanation was beyond my comprehension. Mit gondolsz az új kabátomról? What do you think of my new coat? What do you think of my new coat? Aja varovaisesti. Drive safely. Drive carefully. Semmit nem hallok a zaj miatt. I can't hear anything because of the noise. I can't hear anything because of the noise. Ei ollut tarkoitus antaa sellaista käsitystä. I didn't mean to give you that impression. I didn't mean to give you that impression. Tomi egy született bajkeverő. Tom is good at causing problems. Tom is a born troublemaker. Eljön az a nap, amikor mindannyian megnyércenünk. The day will come when we will all kick the bucket. There will come a day when we will all die. Koala on nukkumassa. The koala is sleeping. Koala's asleep. Onnettomuus tulee harvoin yksin. Misfortune never comes singly. Accidents rarely come alone. Rakennuksen edessä on auto. There is a car in front of the building. There is a car in front of the building. Tisztán tartod a szobádat? Do you keep your room clean? Are you keeping your room clean? 270 éve, 1745. február 18-án született Alessandro Volta az olaszországi Comóban. Alessandro Volta was born on the 18th of February 1745, 270 years ago in Como, Italy. Alessandro Volta was born on 18 February 1745 in Como, Italy. Látta Tomi Máriát mosolyogni. Tom saw Mary smile. He saw Mary smile. Egy kis faluban született, Törökország déli részén. He was born in a small village in the south of Turkey. He was born in a small village in southern Turkey. Én vagyok az egyedüli túlélő. I am the sole survivor. I'm the only survivor. Nem ismertél fel? Tom vagyok. A tatoebás Tom. Didn't you recognize me? I'm Tom. Tom from Tatoeba. I'm Tom, the Tom with the tattoo. Már beszéled a nyelvem. Now you're speaking my language. You speak my language now. Milloin hän lähti Mongoliaan? When did she go to Mongolia? When did he leave for Mongolia? A lány brit, a fiú meg amerikai. She is British and he is American. The girl's British, the boy's American. Tizenkét gyerekük van. They have twelve children. They have 12 children. Személyes bosszú motiválja. He has an ax to grind. Motivated by personal revenge. Feleségül akarsz venni még mindig? Do you still want to marry me? Do you still want to marry me? Ők Tamást keresik. They're looking for Tom. They're looking for Tom. Anteeksi että olen myöhässä. Please excuse my being late. I'm sorry I'm late. Ma parem lähen ja räägin Tomiga. I'd better go talk to Tom. I'd better go talk to Tom. Tomia ei kiinnosta politiikka. Tom has no interest in politics. Tom's not interested in politics. Herätinkö minä sinut? Did I wake you up? Did I wake you? Ez együtt jár a szerelemmel, amit irántad érzek. It comes from within the love that I feel for you. It goes hand in hand with the love I have for you. Élelmiszerhiány van. Food is in short supply. There's a food shortage. Hän voitti sen kilpailun helposti. He won the race easily. He won the competition easily. Tomi szokta hívni Marit? Does Tom ever call Mary? Does Tom ever call Mari? Emme voi edes olla varmoja, että Tom tulee osallistumaan kokoukseen. We can't even be certain Tom will attend the meeting. We can't even be sure that Tom's going to attend the meeting. Oroszország ázsiai része nagyobb, mint Kína. The Asian part of Russia is larger than China. The Asian part of Russia is bigger than China. A cápa hal, míg a delfin emlős. A shark is a fish while a dolphin is a mammal. Sharks are fish and dolphins are mammals. Köszönetet mondott az ajándékért. She thanked for the present. He thanked me for the gift. Toivon, että olisit voinut nähdä Tomin juoksevan. I wish you could have seen Tom run. I wish you could have seen Tom running. Menj tovább, Tom. Move on, Tom. Keep going, Tom. Taivaalta katsottuna joki näytti valtavalta käärmeeltä. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake. From the sky, the river looked like a giant snake. Voitko auttaa minua löytämään hyvän piilopaikan? Can you help me find a good hiding place? Can you help me find a good hiding place? Olen raskaana. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. Nincs értelme hazudni magadnak. There is no point in lying to yourself. There's no point in lying to yourself. Tulen myöhässä. I'll be late. I'll be late. Odotan hänen soittoaan. I'm waiting for his musical perform. I'll wait for him to call. Ha elmondom neki az igazat, tudom, hogy a kapcsolatunk azzal vége is szakad. If I tell him the truth, I know our relationship is over. If I tell him the truth, I know our relationship will end. Tatoeban suosio on kasvanut eksponentaalisesti sen alkupäivästä lähtien. Tatoeba's popularity has been growing exponentially since the day of its inception. Tatoeba’s popularity has grown exponentially since its inception. Mit akart? What did he want? What did he want? Tudnál várni egy pillanatig? Would you mind waiting a moment? Can you hold on a second? Eljátszotta, hogy milyen gazdag. He pretended to be rich. He pretended how rich he was. Ezt a könyvet spanyolórán használják. They use this book in Spanish class. This book is used in Spanish classes. A probléma még mindig megoldásra vár. The problem is still waiting to be solved. The problem is still waiting to be solved. Szokásom a kutyát reggel megsétáltatni. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I walk my dog in the morning. Tomi kiválasztotta a színeket. Tom chose the colors. Tom picked out the colors. Olen tuntenut Tomin pitkään. I've known Tom for a long time. I've known Tom a long time. Egy kicsi mozgás senkinek sem árt. A little exercise never hurts. A little exercise doesn't hurt anyone. Eräät uskonnot vastustavat elinluovutusta. Certain religions are against organ donation. Some religions oppose organ donation. Szeretsz utazni? Do you like to travel? You like to travel? Tomot figyelmen kívül hagyták. Tom was being ignored. Tom was ignored. Szóval, miképp is döntöttél azzal kapcsolatban? So, what did you decide about that? So how did you decide on that? Ebben a hosszú utcában lakunk. We live on this long street. We live on this long street. A gyerekem éhes. My child is hungry. My baby's hungry. Gondolom, illene bemutatkoznom. I guess that I should introduce myself. I suppose I should introduce myself. Tom on itsepäinen. Tom is thickheaded. Tom's stubborn. Majdnem koromsötét volt. It was nearly pitch black. It was almost pitch black. Ne engedd a kormány mögé beülni! Don't let him drive! Don't let him get behind the wheel. Tarkista vastauksesi hänen kanssaan. Check your answer with his. Check your answers with him. Hülyébb vagy, mint voltál. You're more stupid than you used to be. You're dumber than you used to be. Mari fekete szemű. Mary's eyes are black. Mary has black eyes. Az asztal nem foglal sok helyet. The table does not occupy much space. The table does not take up much space. Szerintem nincs egyedül. I guess she's not alone. I don't think she's alone. Belefulladt egy muslica a pezsgőmbe. A fruit fly drowned in my Champagne. A fruit fly drowned in my champagne. Tomi ei tule hyväksymään tätä. Tom won't accept this. Tom will not accept this. Szeretnék a fiam nevében elnézést kérni. I'd like to apologise on behalf of my son. I'd like to apologize on behalf of my son. Meidän kaikki ruuat olivat homeessa. All our food was rotten. All of our food was moldy. Ihletet adott ez nekem az új könyvemhez. It gave me the inspiration for this new book of mine. This inspired me to write my new book. Kemény vagy, de igazságos. You're tough but fair. You're tough, but you're fair. Köszönöm, hogy mindig mosolyt csalsz az arcomra. Thanks for always making me smile. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. A lányok burgonyát főztek a konyhában. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The girls were cooking potatoes in the kitchen. Minge tagasi tööle. Go back to work. Get back to work. Ne jotka ovat läsnä, ovat kaikki japanilaisia. Those who are present are all Japanese. Those who are present are all Japanese. Tom jó az állatokhoz. Tom is good with animals. Tom's good with animals. A fejem is megfájdult az egésztől. The whole thing gives me a headache. It gave me a headache. Vannak jogaim. I have rights. I have rights. Az orvosok nem tudják, mi baja van Tamásnak. The doctors don't know what's wrong with Tom. The doctors don't know what's wrong with Tom. Jackilla ei ole tarpeeksi rahaa ostaa itselleen uutta polkupyörää. Jack doesn't have enough money to buy himself a new bicycle. Jack doesn’t have enough money to buy a new bike. Egyáltalán nem vagyok boldog. I am not in the least happy. I'm not happy at all. Nem találtam meg Tomit. I didn't find Tom. I couldn't find Tom. Micsoda rendetlenség! What a mess! What a mess! Tom azzal próbálkozott, hogy csökkentse a költségeit. Tom has been trying to lower his expenses. Tom was trying to cut his expenses. Milyen messze van? How far is it? How far away is it? Mää kävin just postissa. I've just been to the post office. I just went to the post office. Már tart a buli. The party has already started. The party's on. Valamikor az emberek úgy gondolták, hogy a világ lapos. People once held that the world was flat. At one time, people thought the world was flat. Nyertem a segedelmeddel. I won with your help. I won with your help. Poisid on mõnikord kummalised. Boys are strange sometimes. Guys are weird sometimes. Suuri laiva törmäsi kalastusveneeseen. The big ship rammed a fishing boat. A large boat collided with a fishing boat. Nem tudtam rögzíteni. I couldn't fix it. I couldn't record it. Padon alapuolella oli vesimylly. There was a water mill below the dam. There was a water mill under the dam. Tudok franciául olvasni. I'm able to read French. I can read French. Hú, nagyon rossz ma az idő! It is terrible weather today. Wow, it's really bad weather today. "K", kuten "W" ja "Y", eivät alunperin kuulu Portugalin kielen aakkosiin. "K" was originally not included in the Portuguese alphabet; neither were "W" and "Y". "K" like "W" and "Y" are not originally part of the Portuguese alphabet. Hän halusi paremman työn kuin toimiston lattioiden siivoaminen. She wanted a better job than cleaning office floors. He wanted a better job than cleaning the office floors. Látom a radírod. Mari padjának lábánál van. I can see your rubber. It is at the foot of Mary's desk. I see your eraser, it's at the foot of Mari's bench. Be van kapcsolva a mikrofon? Is the microphone on? Is the microphone on? Egy bivaly ereje és egy oroszlán bátorsága lakozik benne. He's strong as a bull and brave as a lion. He has the strength of a buffalo and the courage of a lion. Körūlbelül öt évet élt ott. She lived there about five years. He lived there for about five years. Jonottakaa. Stand in the queue. Stand up. Tykkään ottaa kuvia. I like to take pictures. I like to take pictures. Se puu kasvaa hyvin nopeasti. The tree grows very quickly. That tree is growing very fast. Jos saat kutsun ensimmäisiin orgioihisi, älä vain ilmesty paikalle alasti. If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up naked. If you get invited to your first orgies, just don't show up naked. Oletko sinä lääkäri? Are you the doctor? Are you a doctor? Az oroszlán egy állat. The lion is an animal. The lion is an animal. Auta minua tämän arkistokaapin kanssa. Help me with this file cabinet. Help me with this filing cabinet. Tomi ei osaa ranskaa niin hyvin kuin luulee osaavansa. Tom isn't as good at French as he thinks he is. Tom doesn't speak French as well as he thinks he does. Kukaan muu ei tajunnut vitsiä. No one else got the joke. No one else knew the joke. Melyik város ez? Which town is this? What city is this? Magyarázd meg nekem az okát, mégis miért hagytad ott a munkádat! Explain to me the reason you decided to quit your job. Explain to me why you left your job. Šie olet hoikkaine. You are thin. You're slim. Azt hiszem, kiesett néhány filmkocka. I think I blacked out. I think I lost some movie frames. Miért olyan nagy dolog felnőttnek lenni? What's so great about being an adult? Why is it so important to be an adult? On säkkipimeää. It is pitch dark. It's pitch black. Értesz a borokhoz? Do you know about wines? Do you know wine? Oletteko te kaikki tulleet hulluiksi? Have you all gone mad? Have you all gone mad? Tom behúzta az ajtót. Tom slid the door shut. Tom opened the door. Értesz franciául? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Ez egy fantasztikus, háború előtti whiskey. This is a wonderful pre-war whiskey. It's a fantastic pre-war whiskey. Tom nem tett elég cukrot a kávémba. Tom didn't put enough sugar in my coffee. Tom didn't put enough sugar in my coffee. Mitä tahansa tapahtuukaan, en aio luovuttaa. Whatever happens, I'm not going to give up. Whatever happens, I'm not giving up. Felhatalmazlak rá. I'll give you permission to do it. I authorize you. Minusta oli outoa, että hän oli hereillä niin myöhään. I thought it strange that he should be up so late. I thought it was strange that he was up so late. Joskus minä yhä kaipaan häntä. Sometimes I still miss her. Sometimes I still miss him. Ismerted őket? Did you know them? Did you know them? Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! Speak more slowly, please. Here you go, pagize hillembah! Mida me õhtuks sööme? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we having for dinner? A kedvenc ételedet csináltam neked. I made you your favorite dish. I made you your favorite dish. Saatan kokeilla sitä. I might try to do that. I might try it. Olaszországban, Genovában 39 embert megölve omlott le egy híd. A bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy, killing 39. A bridge in Genoa, Italy, has collapsed, killing 39 people. Egy szót sem hiszek el belőle. I don't believe one word of it. I don't believe a word of it. Az jól jöhet. That comes in handy. That'll come in handy. Segítettem Tamásnak egy kicsit. I helped Tom a little bit. I helped Tom a little bit. Nem számít, hogy mit teszek, a szüleim sohasem boldogok. My parents are never happy no matter what I do. No matter what I do, my parents are never happy. Egyáltalán nem vagyok éhes. I'm not hungry at all. I'm not hungry at all. Ki lopta el a kulcsaimat? Who stole my keys? Who stole my keys? Tyttö avasi oven, kun koputin. A girl opened the door in answer to my knock. She opened the door when I knocked. Ne kaksi taloa seisovat rinnakkain. The two houses stand alongside each other. The two houses stand side by side. Voimmeko me puhua ranskaa? Can we speak French? Can we speak French? Ziri itki. Ziri was weeping. Ziri was crying. Tom tuli veidi lähemale. Tom moved a little closer. Tom came a little closer. Kõik jäävad rahule. Everyone will be satisfied. Everybody's gonna be fine. Ne próbálj meg örökké élni. Nem fog sikerülni. Do not try to live forever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. See on lumememm. It's a snowman. It's a snowman. Hol van most? Where is he now? Where is she now? Állj egyenesen! Stand up straight. Stand up straight. Paraszt! Asshole. Peasant! Tekisikö sinun mieli lähteä uimaan? Do you feel like going swimming? Would you like to go swimming? Megaláztál a barátaid előtt. Te vagy az, akitől nem vártam volna ilyesmit. You embarrassed me in front of your friends. I didn't expect this kind of behavior from you. You humiliated me in front of your friends, and you're the one I didn't expect this from. Elégette a fényképemet. She burned my photo. He burned my picture. Tomilla oli henkivakuutussopimus. Tom had a life insurance policy. Tom had a life insurance policy. Lihtsalt järgne oma südamele. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. Emlékeztettem őt a kötelességére. I reminded him of his duties. I reminded him of his duty. Elég jól beszél angolul. She can speak English pretty well. You speak English quite well. Le akarok ereszkedni a tűzhányó kürtőjébe. I want to climb into the very mouth of this volcano. I want to descend into the volcano's chimney. Nem is volt olyan rossz. It wasn't really that bad. It wasn't so bad. Mitä yleensä teet illallisen jälkeen? What do you usually do after supper? What do you usually do after dinner? Tapaus esti häntä menemästä Amerikkaan. The incident prevented him from going to America. The incident prevented him from going to America. Menj a szerkesztésre! Click on "edit mode". Go to editing. Közel vagyok. I'm close. I'm close. Tom magában beszél. Tom talks to himself. Tom's talking to himself. Kérlek, hagyd abba! Please stop. Please, stop it. Ebben a játékban nem vagyok túl jó. I'm not too good at this game. I'm not very good at this game. Tiedän miten suostuttelevainen Tom voi olla. I know how persuasive Tom can be. I know how persuasive Tom can be. Tulemme takaisin huomenna. We will come back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Mennyien vannak rajt a listán? How many are on the list? How many are on the list? Inglismaa saadik nõudis vahetut kokkusaamist presidendiga. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. The British government has called for an immediate meeting with the president. Sinun täytyy auttaa meitä. You have to help us. You have to help us. Se on outo ongelma. That's a strange problem. It's a weird problem. Tom saattaa olla siellä. Tom may be there. Tom might be there. Azt javaslom, hogy beszéljen Tommal. I suggest you have a talk with Tom. I suggest you talk to Tom. Upsista! Whoops! Oops! Amennyire tudom, ő sohasem csinált ilyen hibát. As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake. As far as I know, he's never made a mistake like that. Panaszkodni fogok rád. I'll complain about you. I'm gonna complain about you. Azt hiszi el az ember, amit el akar. One believes what one wants to believe. You believe what you want to believe. Tuo mekko sopii sinulle hyvin. That dress looks good on you. That dress looks good on you. Tom tulee parantamaan. Tom'll improve. Tom's gonna be better. Kuinka hyvä on hyvä? How good is good? How good is good? Mit írnak az újságok? What do the papers say? What do the newspapers say? Nyakig vagyunk a kakiban. We're in deep trouble. We're up to our necks in poop. Nem szükséges, hogy Tom jöjjön, ha nem akar. Tom doesn't need to come if he doesn't want to. There's no need for Tom to come if he doesn't want to. Sinun ei tulisi syödä täällä. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. Olemme kuin perhe. We're like family. We're like a family. Tarina loppui kuin seinään. The story concluded abruptly. The story ended like a wall. Pyöräilyryhmät lobbasivat, jotta koko maahan saataisiin sileät tiet. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Cycling groups lobbied to get smooth roads across the country. Ez tragikus baleset volt. It was a tragic accident. It was a tragic accident. Amikor kaját csinálsz valakinek, kérlek ne piszkáld az orrod, ne vakard a segged, vagy ne tüsszents a tenyeredbe! When you're preparing food for someone, please don't pick your nose, scratch your ass, or sneeze in your hands. When you're making food for someone, please don't poke your nose, scratch your ass, or sneeze in your hand. Brownin ainutlaatuinen tyyli opettaa jätti lähtemättömän merkin opiskelijasukupolviin. Mr. Brown's unique style of teaching left an indelible mark on generations of students. Brown’s unique style of teaching left an indelible mark on student generations. Kifelé! Get out. Get out! Go! Voi olla, ettei Tom pidä meksikolaisesta ruoasta. Tom might not like Mexican food. Maybe Tom doesn't like Mexican food. Azt gondolhatod, hogy macska vagy, de csak egy patkány. Thou canst think of thee a cat, but thou art but a rat. You may think you're a cat, but you're just a rat. Tykkään paljon semantiikasta; haluan aina ymmärtää niin paljon nyansseja kuin mahdollita! I'm big on semantics; I always want to try to understand as much nuance as possible! I like semantics a lot; I always want to understand as many nuances as possible! Ilyet én soha nem mondanék. I would never say such a thing. I would never say that. Tom on opiskelemassa. Tom is studying. Tom is studying. Hogy min gondolkoztam? What was I thinking about? What was I thinking? Kis kávét? A bit of coffee? Little coffee? Melyik autó Tomé? Which car is Tom's? Which car is Tom's? Sokkal jobban úszol, mint ő. You swim much better than he does. You swim a lot better than he does. He ovat hyviä ihmisiä. They're good people. They're good people. Hova tudunk leülni? Where can we sit down? Where can we sit? Még nem lőttem le senkit ezelőtt. I've never shot anyone before. I've never shot anyone before. Tulipalo alkoi Tomin huoneesta. The fire started in Tom's room. The fire started in Tom's room. Onpa tämä epämiellyttävä yllätys! What an unpleasant surprise! What an unpleasant surprise! Anna mu rahakott tagasi. Give me back my wallet. Give me back my wallet. Tarviitko apua? Do you need a hand? You need some help? En olisi tehnyt sitä yhtään erilailla. I wouldn't have done it any differently. I wouldn't have done it any differently. Mitä sinä aiot valmistaa? What will you make? What are you gonna make? Ez a te álláspontod; más álláspontja más. This is your point of view; another ones' point of views are different. This is your position; another position is different. Hän on aina täynnä ideoita. He is always full of ideas. He is always full of ideas. Se on outoa, mutta totta. It's strange, but true. It's weird, but it's true. Légy szíves, válaszolj! Please reply. Please, answer me. A szerelem elmúlt, de még a kölcsönös megbecsülés is. The love is over and even the mutual appreciation. Love is gone, but so is mutual respect. Ez egy nagyon régi könyv. It's a very old book. This is a very old book. Se on siistiä. That's cool. That's cool. Onko Tomilla avain Maryn huoneistoon? Does Tom have a key to Mary's flat? Does Tom have the key to Mary's apartment? Én ennek élek. This is what I live for. That's what I live for. Olen jo väsynyt. I'm already tired. I'm already tired. Már két éve házasok. They have been married two years. They've been married for two years. Milyen mély? How deep? How deep? Tom franciául beszélt hozzám. Tom spoke French to me. Tom spoke to me in French. El tudod olvasni a folyóírással írt oroszt? Can you read handwritten Russian? Can you read Russian written in cursive? Szeretnék elmenni Londonba. I'd like to visit London. I'd like to go to London. Koemenestyksestäsi päätellen sinun olisi varmaankin pitänyt opiskella ahkerammin. Judging from how you did on the exam, you probably should've studied harder. Judging by your trial, you probably should have studied harder. Zsúfolásig tele volt a vonat, így nem szálltunk fel. The trains were too crowded for us to get on. The train was packed so we didn't get on. A cég sok családot tönkretett. The company ruined many families. The company has destroyed many families. Mellékállásban jó sok pénzt kerestem. I made a lot of money on the side. I made a lot of money on the side. Yanni itki hallitsemattomasti. Yanni was weeping uncontrollably. Yanni was crying uncontrollably. Kysymykseesi on helppoa vastata. It's easy to answer your question. Your question is easy to answer. Ez baró. That's cool. That's cool. Már itt sem vagyok. I am about to leave. I'm out of here. A halál az élet vége. Death is the end of life. Death is the end of life. Tom nem tudta, hogy a vízmelegítője lyukas, amíg egy hatalmas vízszámlát nem kapott. Tom had no idea that his hot water heater was leaking until he got a very large excess water bill. Tom didn't know his water heater was leaking until he got a huge water bill. A legtöbb politikus hazug, szar ember. The most politicians are lying shitty people. Most politicians are liars, shit people. — Szexista vagy. — Szerintem meg te vagy prűd. "You're sexist." " And I think you're prudish." “You’re a sexist.” “And I think you’re a prude. Sekoitin sinut veljeesi. I mistook you for your brother. I confused you with your brother. A kutyák szeretik, ha a fülüket dörzsölgetik. Dogs like to have their ears rubbed. Dogs love to rub their ears. Munkát keres. He's looking for a job. He's looking for work. Nem tudom eldönteni, hol parkoljak le. I'm having trouble deciding where to park. I can't decide where to park. Ismerek néhány embert, akik tudnak neked segíteni. I know some persons who can help you. I know some people who can help you. Siin on see koht, kus Tom suri. It was here that Tom died. This is where Tom died. Tomi ei samaistu konservatiiviksi eikä liberaaliksi. Tom doesn't identify as either a conservative or a liberal. Tom is neither a conservative nor a liberal. Még nem fordítottam le semmit. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. Ha nagy leszek, tűzoltó szeretnék lenni. When I grow up, I want to be a fireman. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. Ole varovainen tuon veitsen kanssa. Be careful with that knife. Be careful with that knife. Ez egy probléma. This is a problem. That's a problem. Hevoset ovat hyvin herkkiä eläimiä. Horses are very sensitive animals. Horses are very sensitive animals. Beszélni fogok Tomival. I'm going to be talking to Tom. I'll talk to Tom. Onko Tomi yhä laivasi kapteeni? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Tom lemondta a szállodarendelését. Tom canceled his hotel reservation. Tom canceled his hotel order. Tämä on jopa pahempaa! This is even worse! This is even worse! És most boldog vagy? And are you happy now? And now you're happy? Tom ei voinut koskaan unohtaa sodan kauheuksia. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horrors of war. Hänen paperissaan oli kaksi huolimattomuusvirhettä. There were two careless mistakes on his paper. There were two sloppiness errors in his paper. Csinálj egy jó erős teát! Make the tea good and strong. Make a strong tea. Ez nem sokat segített. It didn't really help. That didn't help much. A fürdőben egész a plafonig minden ki volt csempézve. Everything in the bathroom is tiled except the ceiling. Everything in the bathroom was tiled to the ceiling. Hyvältä näyttää! Looking good. Looking good! Tuoli antoi periksi kun Tom istui sille, ja hän rojahti lattialle loukaten selkänsä. The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back. The chair gave way when Tom sat on it, and he fell to the floor, hurting his back. Mesilased on sotsiaalsed elukad. Bees are social animals. Bees are social creatures. Olen pelannut jalkapalloa kolmentoista ikäisestä asti. I've played soccer since I was thirteen. I have been playing football since I was 13 years old. Kell egy piros toll. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Tomot örökbe fogadták. Tom's adopted. Tom was adopted. Mi a baja a kutyádnak? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? Hogy mered azt állítani, hogy én hazudok?! How dare you imply that I was lying! How dare you say that I am lying? Jól éreztük magunkat. We felt good. We had a good time. Nem tudom, hogy miért akarom annyira. I don't know why I want it so much. I don't know why I want it so bad. Felszeleteltem a pulykát. I sliced the turkey. I sliced the turkey. Vielä jokin päivä ajokorttisi otetaan pois. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One of these days, your license will be revoked. Chrisnek nem volt autója. Chris didn't have a car. Chris didn't have a car. Nincs időm semmire. I don't have time for anything. I don't have time for anything. Vakrandira megyek ma. I have a blind date. I'm going on a blind date today. Végeznem kell ezzel. I have to finish it. I have to finish this. Lopeta asioiden lykkääminen tuonnemmaksi! Huomisesta alkaen. Stop procrastinating–starting tomorrow. Stop postponing things, starting tomorrow. Miksi sinä pyysit sitä? Why did you ask for it? Why did you ask for it? Biztos, hallucinálok. I must be hallucinating. I must be hallucinating. Hol tanultad mindezt? Where did you learn all that? Where did you learn all this? Saavuin stadionille kello 16, mutta peli oli jo alkanut. I arrived at the stadium at 4 PM but the game had already started. I arrived at the stadium at 4 p.m., but the game had already started. Éppen sorban állok. I'm waiting in line. I'm standing in line. Me emme tee mitään. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. Van egy másik ok. There's another reason. There's another reason. Elengednél most engem? Will you please let me go now? Will you let me go now? Kolmen kuutio on kaksikymmentäseitsemän. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. A three-cube is twenty-seven. Leijonat ovat nukkumassa. The lions are sleeping. The lions are asleep. Tom segít Máriának. Tom helps Mary. Tom's helping Mary. Maailma on sairas. The world is sick. The world is sick. Kaikki ansaitsevat toisen mahdollisuuden. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. Keresnie kell a macskáját. She needs to search for her cat. You need to find your cat. Ez volt az első regény, amit olvastam. That was the first novel I red. This was the first novel I read. Tom pitäisi pyytää Marilta anteeksi sitä, ettei hän saapunut ajoissa. Tom should apologize to Mary for not arriving on time. Tom should apologize to Mari for not arriving on time. Onko se jo korjattu? Has it been fixed yet? Is it fixed yet? Szerintem ő nem igazi nő. I don't think she's a real woman. I don't think she's a real woman. Katsoin kaappiin. I looked in the cupboard. I looked in the closet. Ma pean nüüd minema. Nägemist! I should go now. Bye! I have to go now. Hol van a mosdó? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? Tom osti Marylta kameran. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom on pösilö. Tom is a dumbass. Tom's a douche. Oletko varma, että tämä on oikea tapa tehdä se? Are you sure this is the right way to do it? Are you sure this is the right way to do it? Minun mielestäni hän on oikeassa. I think he is right. I think he's right. Ta kardab oma isa. He is afraid of his father. He's afraid of his father. Nagyon, nagyon messze. Far, far away. Very, very far. Franciát kell tanulnom. I must learn French. I have to learn French. Tämä lause on tylsä. This sentence is boring. This phrase is boring. Ryyppään liikaa! I drink too much! I drink too much! Dél felé repülnek a libák. The geese are flying south. The geese are flying south. Tässä on ongelma. There's a problem here. Well, here's the problem. Tomi käy lukiossa Bostonissa. Tom is going to college in Boston. Tom goes to high school in Boston. Az ő szavai pontosan azok voltak. Those were her exact words. His words were exactly that. Tom kinevette a tanárt. Tom made fun of the teacher. Tom laughed at the teacher. Nem volt merszem szólni neki. I had no courage to tell it to her. I didn't have the guts to tell him. En tiennyt että Tomi asuu opiskelija-asunnossa. I didn't know that Tom lives in student accommodation. I didn't know Tom was living in a student apartment. Egy úrinő és egy virágáruslány között nem a viselkedésükben van a különbség, hanem abban, ahogyan az emberek kezelik őket. The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated. The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not in their behavior, but in the way people treat them. Tom azt mondta, Mary most Bostonban van. Tom said that Mary is in Boston now. Tom said Mary's in Boston now. Mary ja minä suunnittelemme hankkivamme kaksi lasta. Mary and I plan to have two children. Mary and I are planning to have two children. En saanut unta. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. Prostituált. She is a prostitute. A prostitute. Nem bírta elviselni a szégyent. He couldn't bear the shame. He couldn't bear the shame. Saisinko kahvia? Could I have some coffee, please? Can I have coffee? Nem ijesztesz meg többet. You don't scare me anymore. You don't scare me anymore. Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push this button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. Azt hallottam valakitől, hogy a mai dolgozat pontosan ugyanaz volt, mint a múlt évi. Somebody told me that today's test was identical to the one we had last year. I heard from someone that today's paper was exactly the same as last year's. Hän laittaa syrjään vähän rahaa joka kuukausi. He puts aside a little money each month. He puts a little money aside every month. Formás a popója. She's got a nice ass. Nice butt. Lujempaa, kiitos. Louder, please. Faster, please. Nem fogod őt meggyőzni ezekkel a szavakkal. You will not persuade her with these words. You're not going to convince him with those words. Televisio on päällä. The TV's on. The TV's on. Mehetnek, ahová akarnak. You may go anywhere you like. You can go wherever you want. Olemme juuri saaneet tiedustelun Kansasista koskien veljeäsi. We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother. We've just received an inquiry from Kansas regarding your brother. Tomnak nyernie kell. Tom should win. Tom has to win. Tämä ei ole niin hullua kuin, miltä se vaikuttaa. This isn't as crazy as it seems. This isn't as crazy as it seems. Anyám nincs itthon. My mother is out. My mom's not home. Tie on märkä ja se on liukas. The road is wet and it's slippery. The road is wet and slippery. A falu elején új körforgalom van. There's a new roundabout as you enter the village. There is a new roundabout at the beginning of the village. Végig csendben volt. He was silent all the time. He was quiet the whole time. Kieltäydyn kertomasta Tomille totuutta. I'm reluctant to tell Tom the truth. I refuse to tell Tom the truth. Minulla on vähän nälkä. I'm a little hungry. I'm a little hungry. Rögeszméje mindenkit, és mindent irányítása alá vonni. He has an obsession with controlling everything and everyone. He wants to control everyone and everything. Idáig még nem volt problémánk. We haven't had any problems so far. We haven't had a problem yet. A fa megújuló energiaforrás. Trees are renewable energy sources. Wood is a renewable energy source. Sudenkorennot leijuivat voikukkien yllä. The dragonflies floated above the dandelions. The dragonflies hovered over the dandelions. Azt mondta, hogy nagyon éhes. He said that she's very hungry. He said he was very hungry. Voisitpa jäädä pidemmäksi aikaa. I wish you could stay longer. I wish you could stay longer. — Apám nem iszik. — Az enyém sem. "My dad doesn't drink." "Mine doesn't either." “My father doesn’t drink.” “Neither does mine.” Ezt nem kellett volna. That wasn't necessary. You shouldn't have done that. Menj aludni! Go to sleep. Go to sleep. A New Hampshire-i Egyetem Carsey Intézetének kutatói szerint Amerikában 15,7 millió gyermek élt szegénységben 2010-ben. According to researchers from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, 15.7 million children lived in poverty in America in 2010. According to the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, 15.7 million children in the U.S. were living in poverty in 2010. Tamás ma nincs itt. Tom isn't here today. Tom is not here today. Minu ema on vihane. My mother is angry. My mom's mad. Jupiter on aurinkokuntamme suurin planeetta. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. A Földnek egyetlen természetesen előforduló "műholdja" a Hold. Earth has one naturally occurring satellite, the Moon. The only naturally occurring "satellite" on Earth is the Moon. Láttam a lelki szemeimmel. I saw it with the eyes of my soul. I saw it with my soul's eyes. Bezártad az összes ajtót? Did you lock all the doors? Did you lock all the doors? Ferenc hatkor érkezett meg a Galeãora. Francis arrived at Galeao at six. Francis arrived at the Gale<0xC3><0xA3>o at six o'clock. Télen síelek, nyáron úszom. I ski in the winter and I swim in the summer. I ski in winter, swim in summer. Sok fő többet tud. Many heads are better than one. A lot of people know more. A rendőrség folytatta a vizsgálatot. The police continued their investigation. The police continued the investigation. Biztos vagy benne, hogy ez az egyedüli megoldás? Are you sure that that's the only solution? Are you sure this is the only way? Onnee! Congrats! Good luck! Nem akarok az utadban állni. I don't want to stand in your way. I don't want to stand in your way. Kikeresett három szép almát. She picked out three beautiful apples. I bought three beautiful apples. Tom pyysi voita hovimestarilta. Tom asked the butler for butter. Tom asked for butter from the butler. Jospa puhuisimme siitä kahvin ääressä. Why don't we talk over coffee? Why don't we talk about it over coffee? Tom nem mehet. Tom can't go. Tom can't go. Ma vaatasin telekat õppimise asemel. I watched television instead of studying. I watched TV instead of studying. "Menen hänen kanssaan naimisiin." "Et mene," sanoi hänen isänsä. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not," said her father. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not going," said his father. Néha nem tudok elaludni és egész este csak forgolódom. Sometimes I can't fall asleep and toss and turn all night. Sometimes I can't sleep and I just roll all night. Mindenkinek megvan a maga kis titka. We all have our little secrets. Everyone has their own little secret. Folytasd, próbálkozz. Go ahead, try it. Keep going, keep trying. Pidän kävelytyylistäsi. I like the way you walk. I like your walk. Még ha közelről is nézed, nem látsz semmit. Even if you look closely, you don't see anything. Even if you look closely, you can't see anything. Másnap meghalt. The very next day she died. He died the next day. Úgy fair, ha azonos fizetést kapnak ugyanazért a munkáért. It's fair if they get equal pay for the same job. It is fair to get the same pay for the same work. Nemhogy csak szinonímák, alapvetően ugyanaz a szó. Not only are they synonyms, they're basically the same word. They’re not just synonyms, they’re basically the same word. Nincs nagy önbizalmam. I don't have much confidence. I don't have a lot of confidence. Figyelned kellett volna Tomra. You should have listened to Tom. You should've looked out for Tom. Egész héten rosszul voltam. I've been feeling bad for a week. I've been sick all week. Elég sós. It has enough salt. It's quite salty. Miért ordibálsz? Why are you shouting? Why are you yelling? Megkötöm a cipőmet. Várjál meg! I am tying my laces. Wait for me! I'll tie my shoes. Sokat végeztél, nemde? You've been through a lot, haven't you? You've done a lot, haven't you? Nem vagyok magam ellensége. I'm not the enemy of myself. I'm not my own enemy. Ilmastonvaihdos tekee sinulle paljon hyvää. A change of air will do you a lot of good. Climate change will do you a lot of good. Siin on see aadress. Here's the address. Here's the address. Lootus ei ole strateegia. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Mi az otthoni számod? What's your home number? What's your home number? Egyre több a kóbormacska. There are more and more alley cats. There are more and more stray cats. Pidän kovin Suomesta, mutten voi sietää suomalaisia. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. I like Finland very much, but I can't stand Finns. Kerroin jo Tomille kaiken. I already told Tom everything. I already told Tom everything. Ez éppen annyira művészet, mint amennyire tudomány. It's as much an art as it is a science. This is as much art as it is science. Nolasinko sinut? Did I embarrass you? Did I embarrass you? Először Tomit kell kérdezned. You have to ask Tom first. You have to ask Tom first. Sairautensa aikana hän kuihtui kauheasti. During his illness, he fell away horribly. During his illness, he died terribly. Mikä on sinun neuvosi? What's your advice? What's your advice? Kirázott tőle a hideg. He made me shiver. It gave me the creeps. Sain Tomin maalaamaan aidan. I got Tom to paint the fence. I got Tom to paint the fence. Szerintem korrekt. I think it's fair. I think it's fair. Kävele! Go! Walk! Éppen egy hosszú levelet ír. He's writing a long letter. He's writing a long letter. Csak banánt ettem. All I ate was bananas. I only ate bananas. A munka nem tesz szabaddá, esetleg kifáraszt. Work doesn't liberate, it eventually makes you tired. Work does not make you free or tired. Őszintén szólva, nem tetszik a frizurád. Frankly speaking, I don't like your haircut. Honestly, I don't like your hair. Hát, saját magad hibáztasd. Well, blame yourself. Well, blame yourself. Lupaa ettet naura. Promise you won't laugh. Promise me you won't laugh. Értem a problémádat. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Nem látok a füsttől. I can't see because of the smoke. I can't see through the smoke. Kas sa pidid magamistuba oma õdede-vendadega jagama? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Did you have to share a bedroom with your siblings? Tomi on hereillä. Tom is awake. Tom is awake. Jólesne aludni egyet. I could do with some sleep. It'd be nice to get some sleep. Az öreg pajta összeroskadt. The old barn collapsed. The old barn collapsed. Egyedül a te hibád, hogy én most kerekesszékes vagyok. It's all your fault that I'm in a wheelchair now. It's your fault I'm in a wheelchair now. Kuulin kahdesti pimeässä nimeäni kutsuttavan. I heard my name called twice in the dark. Twice in the dark I heard my name called. He tiesivät tarkalleen kuinka suuren riskin he ottaisivat. They knew exactly how much of a risk they'd be taking. They knew exactly how much risk they would take. Láttam Danát. I saw Dana. I saw Dana. Minulla on kipua rinnassa. I have chest pain. I have chest pain. Koettakaa taas. Try again. Try again. Miten hänen nimensä sanotaan? How do you pronounce her name? How do you say his name? Kas sa nägid eilset varjutust? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Did you see the eclipse last night? Ära süüdista mind, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. Hol érdekel engem a te fostalicskád!? I don't give a crap about your goddamn car! What do I care about your shit? Tom on usein jurrissa aamukymmeneltä. Tom is often snockered by 10:00 a.m. Tom is often drunk at 10:00 a.m. Tom osti pullon oliiviöljyä. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. Junalaiturilla käveleminen samalla kun käytät kännykkääsi on todella vaarallista. Walking on a train platform while using your cellphone is very dangerous. Walking on the train platform while using your cell phone is very dangerous. Amennyiben lehetséges, most hazamennék. If it's possible, I want to go home now. If possible, I'd like to go home now. Megállíthattam volna Tomot, de nem tettem. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. Laiturilla ei ollut yhtään ihmistä. There weren't any people on the pier. There were no people on the dock. Lakkaa jo puhumasta töistä. Stop talking about work. Stop talking about work. Most megmondom neked, hogy tévedsz. I'm telling you, you're wrong. I'm telling you right now, you're wrong. Rauhaa. Peace. Peace. Peace. Egy zöld szőnyeg nem megy a kék függönyhöz. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet doesn't go with a blue curtain. Ehkä Tomin pitäisi olla tarkkaavaisempi tunneilla. Maybe Tom should pay more attention in class. Maybe Tom should pay more attention in class. Odotin kolme tuntia. I waited three hours. I waited three hours. Bevertem a fejemet. I got a bump on my head. I hit my head. Nem csináltam még meg, amit meg akartam csinálni, mert utálom azt csinálni. I haven't done yet what I wanted to because I hate to do that. I haven't done what I wanted to do yet because I hate doing it. El kell majd mondanod a teljes történetet. You'll have to tell the whole story. You're gonna have to tell the whole story. Annyira önző vagy! Nem akarom, hogy továbbra is az életem része legyél. You're so selfish. I don't want you in my life anymore. You're so selfish, I don't want you in my life anymore. Jos mul ois siivet, ni mä lentäisin sun luokse. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I would fly to you. Felkészülök a legrosszabbra. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm prepared for the worst. Az út számos része használhatatlanná vált a földrengés következtében. Many parts of the road are unusable because of the earthquakes. Many parts of the road became unusable as a result of the earthquake. Tom jól szórakozik, ugye? Tom is having fun, isn't he? Tom's having fun, isn't he? Hän tuli uudestaan viikon päästä. He came again after a week. He came back in a week. Látod, ugye? You see that, right? You see that, right? Tom volt a gyújtogató. Tom was the one who set the fire. Tom was the arsonist. Muista sulkea ovi. Don't forget to shut the door. Remember to close the door. Minulta meni kolme päivää lukea tämä kirja läpi. It took me three days to read through this book. It took me three days to read this book. Minä olen naimisissa. I am married. I'm married. Teit sen helpoksi. You made it easy. You made it easy. Tom sytytti pöytälampun. Tom turned on the table lamp. Tom turned on the lamp. Nyt kun minulla on tarpeeksi rahaa, voin hankkia sen kameran. Now that I have enough money, I can get that camera. Now that I have enough money, I can get that camera. Pidä kivaa! Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Értékeljük a képességét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your ability. Mi tart még itt, hogy nem mész? What's keeping you from leaving? What's keeping you from going? Presidentti luopui aikeestaan, koska se ei ollut käytännöllinen. The president gave up the idea because it was not practical. The President gave up his intention because it was impractical. Kerro minulle miksi hän on itkemässä. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Putyin háborús bűnös. Putin is a war criminal. Putin is a war criminal. Tom szereti a gyerekeket. Tom loves children. Tom loves kids. Nem hagytam Tomnak választást. I didn't give Tom any choice. I didn't give Tom a choice. Vaikka väitteen suosioon vetoaminen onkin looginen virhepäätelmä, voi uskonnollinen ihminen joskus puhua ekumeenisesta totuudesta oikeana tai totuudenmukaisena, koska kaikki uskovat siihen. Although an appeal to popularity is in fact a logical fallacy, a religious person may sometimes speak of an ecumenical truth as being right or true because everyone believes it. While appealing to a claim is a logical fallacy, a religious person can sometimes speak of ecumenical truth as right or true because everyone believes it. Kinyissam? Shall I open it? Open it? Kukaan ei uskonut minua. No one believed me. No one believed me. Főzz egy kávét. Make coffee. Make some coffee. Apinat kiipeävät puihin. Monkeys climb trees. Monkeys climb trees. Älä päästä hyvää mahdollisuutta menemään. Strike while the iron is hot. Don't let a good chance go. Hän huusi apua. He cried out for help. He screamed for help. Hál' Istennek Tom felvett egy maszkot etakarva azt az ocsmány ábrázatát. Thank God, Tom put on a mask hiding his freaky face. Thank God Tom put on a mask to hide his ugly face. Próbáld csak meg lefordítani ezt az egy mondatot nem több mint nyolcvanhét karakterrel. Good luck trying to translate this sentence with exactly eighty-seven characters in it. Try translating this one sentence with no more than eighty-seven characters. Az a férfi egy gebe, de a felesége egy tehén. That man is skinny, but his wife is fat. That man is a goblin, but his wife is a cow. Tom itketti siskoaan. Tom made his sister cry. Tom was crying for his sister. On aika hankalaa leikata kakku samankokoisiin paloihin. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. It is quite difficult to cut the cake into pieces of the same size. Tom aláírta a számlát. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. Ez a kedvenc műsorom. This is my favorite show. It's my favorite show. Annan sinulle kaikki vähäiset rahani. I will give you what little money I have. I'll give you all my little money. A probléma megoldódott. The problem is solved. The problem is solved. Az utolsó házban laknak az utca végén. They live in the last house at the end of the road. They live in the last house down the street. Remélem tudod, hogy ez nem igaz. I hope you know that's not true. I hope you know that's not true. Missä pomo on? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Nem tudom, hogy mivel nyissam ki. I don't know what to open it with. I don't know how to open it. Ez nem lesz elég. Doing that won't be enough. That won't be enough. Hol a kártyalehúzó? Where do I swipe my card? Where's the card swipe? Mindig is megidézett engem a sármjával. I've always been sensitive to his charms. He's always summoned me with his charm. Tom szkeptikus volt. Tom was skeptical. Tom was skeptical. Érdekházasság az ővéké, és mégis működik. Theirs is a marriage of convenience, however, it works. It's a marriage of convenience, and it still works. Tämä on hieno asunto. This is a nice apartment. This is a great apartment. Nem látott még ilyet a világ. The world has never experienced anything like this. The world has never seen anything like it. Tom ei ole täällä. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. Ei sitä saa koskaan tietää, jos ei koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You never know if you don't try. A híd nagy pénzekbe került. The bridge cost a great deal of money. The bridge cost a lot of money. Tomi sytytti kynttilän viimeisellä tikulla. Tom lit the candle with his last match. Tom lighted a candle with the last stick. Ez hamisítvány? Is this fake? Is that a fake? Tom otthon volt egész hétvégén. Tom stayed at home all weekend. Tom was home all weekend. Szeretem nézni a labdarúgó mérkőzéseket. I love watching soccer games. I love watching football matches. Hän nukkui. He was sleeping. He was asleep. Hiányoztál már nekem. I was already missing you. I've missed you. Hän nipisti häntä. She pinched him. He pinched her. Most nincs kedvem beszélni róla. I don't feel like talking about it now. I don't feel like talking about it right now. Ehkä hän ei tulekaan. Maybe he will not come. Maybe he's not coming. Tiltakoznunk kell ellene. We must protest against it. We have to protest. Láttál már te engem, hogy én ezt csinálom? Have you ever seen me doing that? Have you ever seen me do that? Tom reménytelen. Tom is hopeless. Tom is hopeless. Ezt én nem fogadom el. I don't buy it. I don't accept that. Älä puhu äidillesi noin. Don't talk to your mother like that. Don't talk to your mother like that. Tom megadta Marinak a számát. Tom gave Mary his number. Tom gave Mari his number. Näin eilen Tomin koirapuistossa. I saw Tom at the dog park yesterday. I saw Tom at the dog park yesterday. Ne menj, hallod! Hey, don't go. Don't go, you hear? Nekem a fejemben valami teljesen más megoldás van. I have a quite different solution in mind. I have a completely different solution in my head. Nem halogathatjuk tovább a műtétet. We can't delay the operation any further. We can't delay the surgery any longer. Mul on väga hea meel sind näha. I'm very glad to see you. I'm so happy to see you. A lelked a pokolra van kárhoztatva. Your soul has been condemned to hell. Your soul is doomed to hell. Látom a fényt. I can see the light. I can see the light. Oksensin viime yönä. Last night I threw up. I threw up last night. Nem tűnik túl kecsgtetőnek a helyzet. The situation doesn't seem very promising. It doesn't look very promising. Asun Taškentissa. I live in Tashkent. I live in Tashkent. Tomi on pahalla tuulella. Tom is in a bad mood. Tom is in a bad mood. Kezet ráztam Tommal, és mentem. I shook hands with Tom and left. I shook hands with Tom and left. Voisitko herättää minut seitsemältä? Please wake me up at seven. Could you wake me up at 7:00? Hány éves vagy? How old are you? How old are you now? Tee seda kusagil mujal. Do it somewhere else. Do it somewhere else. Se delas. He croaked. The delas. Tom véleménye megváltozott a cuki, kis mókusokról, miután foglyul ejtették, megkínozták őt és három hétig fogva tartották egy szűkös, sötét oduban. Tom's opinion on little cute squirrels changed after they had captured, tortured and held him captive for three weeks in a dark narrow hollow. Tom’s view of the cute little squirrels changed after he was captured, tortured, and held for three weeks in a narrow, dark hole. Úgy tűnik néha, az emberek a saját ostobaságukat ünneplik. Sometimes it looks as if people were celebrating their own stupidity. Sometimes people seem to celebrate their own stupidity. Szeva! Hi! Hey. Hey. Legközelebb megcsinálom magam. Next time I'll do it myself. Next time, I'll do it myself. Ne igyál túl sok bort! Don't overdo the wine. Don't drink too much wine. Sakk. Check. Chess. Kas on midagi uut? Anything new? Is there anything new? Azt mondják, az ellentétek vonzák egymást. They say opposites attract. They say opposites attract. Tomi matkustelee ympäri eurooppaa. Tom is traveling around Europe. Tom is travelling all over Europe. Tomot zaklatták. Tom was being bullied. Tom was harassed. Minä tiedän, että luulet ymmärtäneesi, mitä sinä luulet minun sanoneeni, mutta en ole varma tajusitko, että se mitä kuulit, ei ole sitä, mitä tarkoitin. I know you think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realized that what you heard is not what I meant. I know you think you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you understand that what you heard is not what I meant. Leivon kakkuja melkein joka päivä. I bake cakes almost every day. I bake cakes almost every day. Tomi näytti Marille kuvaa Jonista. Tom showed Mary a photo of John. Tom showed Mari a picture of Joni. Az életemet is rábíznám. I trust him completely. I'd trust him with my life. Tom odotti henkeään pidätellen. Tom waited breathlessly. Tom waited with his breath. Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy ne zavarjam a tanulásodat. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to interfere with your studies. Nagyképű vagy. You're just a blowhard. You're pompous. Olen tottunut heräämään aikaisin. I'm accustomed to getting up early. I'm used to waking up early. Äitini valittaa tuskin koskaan. My mother almost never complains. My mother never complains. Milyen mély a medence? How deep is the pool? How deep is the pool? Paniko Tom pahakseen? Did Tom mind? Did Tom mind? Ma annan sulle ühe hea nõuande. I'll give you a piece of good advice. I'll give you some good advice. Tedd a dolgod! Do your job. Do your job. Tom kicsit beszél franciául. Tom can speak French a little. Tom speaks a little French. Ole kiltti. Be a good boy. No, please. Please. Gyerekkorunk óta mindig is együtt töltöttük a nyáriszünetet. We've always spent summer vacations together since we were kids. Ever since we were kids, we've spent the summer vacation together. Ei. No. Oh, no. Hän pitää vain parhaasta. She likes nothing but the best. He only likes the best. Tom fel tudja sorolni az összes Beatles dal címét. Tom can recite the titles of all the Beatles' songs. Tom can list the titles of all the Beatles songs. Szörnyeteg lettél! You became a monster! You're a monster! Csak egy megérzés. It's just a hunch. It's just a hunch. Tom leikkaa Maryn hiukset. Tom cuts Mary's hair. Tom cuts Mary's hair. Nem vagyok rád mérges, magamra vagyok az. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at me. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself. Tipikus őszi idő van. It's typical autumn weather. It is a typical autumn day. Hozd ide a táskát. Bring me the bag. Bring me the bag. Rasia on kyllin kevyt lapsen kantaa. The box is light enough for a child to carry. The box is light enough to carry a child. Messze van ő a széptől. She's far from beautiful. He is far from beautiful. Tumblr on suosittu blogialusta. Tumblr is a popular blogging platform. Tumblr is a popular blogging platform. Éhes vagyok. I am hungry! I'm hungry, man. Tiszta a part? Is the coast clear? Is the beach clean? Sajnálom, hogy nagyon megsérültél. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sorry you're so hurt. Az álmok néha valóra válnak. Sometimes dreams do come true. Sometimes dreams come true. Béla elmúlt ötven, de még mindig fut a szoknyák után. Tom is over fifty, but he still chases every skirt. Bela is over 50, but she's still running after the skirts. Hívj fel, légy szíves, ahogy csak tudsz! Phone me as soon as possible, please. Call me as soon as you can. Jelöld meg a szavakat, amiket nem értesz. Mark the words that you cannot understand. Mark the words you don't understand. Tomilla on suunnitteilla jotain erityistä Marin syntymäpäiväksi. Tom's planning something special for Mary's birthday. Tom has something special planned for Mary's birthday. Shekki on tapa maksaa rahaa jollekulle. A check is a method of paying money to somebody. A check is a way to pay someone money. Elmegyek lezuhanyozni. I'm going to go take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower. Még azt sem tudom, hány éves vagy. I don't even know how old you are. I don't even know how old you are. Ajattelen sinua usein. I often think about you. I think about you a lot. Megkapjuk ingyen. We get it for free. We'll get it for free. Tudom, korábban kellett volna elmennem. I know I should have left earlier. I know I should have left earlier. Tom tajusi nopeasti, että hän oli erilainen kuin muut lapset. Tom quickly realized that he was different from the other children. Tom quickly realized that he was different from the other children. Csak álltam ott, mint egy rakás szerencsétlenség, és semmit sem tudtam mondani. I just stood there like an idiot and couldn't say anything. I was just standing there like a bunch of bad luck, and I couldn't say anything. Kórházba kell mennie. He needs to go to the hospital. You need to go to the hospital. Ketä kiinnosti? Who cared? Who's interested? Kedveli a horgászatot. He likes fishing. He likes fishing. Voin kuulla Tomin soittavan kitaraa makuuhuoneessaan. I can hear Tom playing guitar in his bedroom. I can hear Tom playing guitar in his bedroom. Tudom, hogy ki lakik ebben a házban. I know who lives in this house. I know who lives in this house. Megebédeltél? Did you have lunch? Have lunch? Mikä on Tomin koko nimi? What's Tom's full name? What's Tom's full name? Nagyon erzékenyek a bimbóim. My nipples are very sensitive. My nipples are very tender. Teljesen más emberek vagyunk. We have completely different personalities. We're completely different people. Büdös izzadságszagod van. You stink of sweat. You smell like sweat. Erre gondoltunk, hogy ez fog történni. This is what we thought would happen. That's what we thought would happen. Kuinka monta voileipää on jäljellä? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches are left? Me muudame tulevikku. We are changing the future. We're changing the future. Se on kaikki huoneessa. It's all in the room. It's all in the room. Guineának hatalmas bauxit és vasérc tartalékai vannak, bár nem a hazai lakosok, hanem külföldi vállalatok profitálnak főként ezeknek a nem megújuló nyersanyagoknak a kitermeléséből. Guinea has vast reserves of bauxite and iron ore; however, foreign companies, not the country’s citizens, have largely benefited from the exploitation of those non-renewable resources. Guinea has huge reserves of bauxite and iron ore, although it is not domestic residents but foreign companies that benefit mainly from the extraction of these non-renewable raw materials. Ratkaise ongelma. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Ez a szék kényelmetlen. Átülök a másikba. This chair is uncomfortable. I'll sit in the other one. This chair is uncomfortable. I'm going to sit in the other one. Nem az az ember vagyok, aki valaha voltam. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the man I used to be. Tomi hankki pistoolin. Tom purchased a pistol. Tom bought a gun. Szóval, mit csináltál? So what did you do? So, what did you do? Reggel dolgozik. He works in the morning. He's working in the morning. Küldd be! Send her in. Send him in. Nad ei teadnud. They didn't know. They didn't know. Folytassuk a beszélgetést angolul, légy szíves. Let's continue talking in English, please. Let's continue the conversation in English, please. Megfizetem. I intend to pay for it. I'll pay. Tartanád ezt nekem? Can you hold this for me? Can you hold this for me? Meglátogatlak majd, ha lesz szabad időm. I'll come see you when I have some free time. I'll come see you when I have some free time. Honnan gondolod, hogy ez történt? Why do you think that this happened? How do you think that happened? Oroszország nem akarja, hogy Ukrajna a NATO tagja legyen. Russia wants to keep Ukraine out of NATO. Russia does not want Ukraine to become a member of NATO. Mindene fáj neki. She was aching all over. She's in pain. Muide, kas sa leidsid selle vihmavarju, mille sa tookord ütlesid, et sa kaotanud olid? By the way, did you find the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day? By the way, did you find that umbrella you said you lost? Tele van a faszom az ilyen ócska szarokkal! I'm totally fed up with shitty junks like this. I've got my dick full of this crap! Gyógyszerre nem ihatok. I can't drink alcohol after taking my medicine. I can't drink medicine. Holtan szeretne téged látni. She wants to see you dead. He wants you dead. Mitä perheellesi kuuluu? How's your family? How's your family? Älä käytä sitä kravattia enää ikinä. Don't ever wear that tie again. Don't ever wear that tie again. Juokaa jotain. Drink something. Have a drink. Sinä väärinkäytät asemaasi. You are abusing your authority. You're abusing your position. Sinu osa on kakskümmend dollarit. Your share is twenty dollars. Your share is twenty dollars. Van cukor? Do you have any sugar? You got any sugar? Meg fogjuk oldani. We'll manage. We're gonna figure this out. Yksi 455:stä naisesta ei tajua olevansa raskaana ennen kuin kahdennellakymmenennellä raskausviikolla. One out of 455 women doesn't realize she's pregnant until the twentieth week of pregnancy. One in 455 women does not realize they are pregnant until the 20th week of pregnancy. Átszökellt a kerítésen. It easily jumped the fence. He snuck through the fence. Asettakaa rajoja. Set boundaries. Set boundaries. Nem sikítottam. I didn't scream. I didn't scream. Főzz kávét. Make coffee. Make some coffee. Nem érzek dühöt. I don't feel angry. I don't feel angry. Megéri a fáradságot? Is it worth the effort? Is it worth the effort? Hän yleensä käyttää kynsisaksia. She usually uses nail scissors. He usually wears nail scissors. Mit tartott neked ilyen sokáig ide jutni? Why did it take you so long to get here? What took you so long to get here? Ő az egyik munkatársam. She is one of my colleagues. He's one of my co-workers. Tom on raivoissaan. Tom's furious. Tom is furious. Néhányan tudnak a létezéséről. Few people know of its existence. Some people know of its existence. Mul on kass ja koer. Kass on must ja koer on valge. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Senki sem tudja, mi történt az alkalomkor. Nobody knows what happened that time. No one knows what happened on the occasion. Tomi kertoi minulle, että hän ei pidä Marista. Tom told me that he didn't like Mary. Tom told me he doesn't like Mari. Näiden kommenttien perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että tämä lause pitäisi korjata. Judging from these comments, it would seem that this sentence should be corrected. Based on these comments, it would seem that this sentence should be corrected. Ki ez a fiatal ember ? Who is this young man? Who is this young man? Tomi puhuu eksästään paljon. Tom talks about his ex-girlfriend a lot. Tom talks about his ex a lot. Levette a ruháit. She undressed. He took his clothes off. Nem hiszem, hogy eljön. I don't think that he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Kissé kiestem a formámból. I am a bit out of shape! I'm a little out of shape. Aikamuoto ei vastaa englanninkielistä lausetta. The tense doesn't match with the English sentence. The time format does not match the English sentence. Nem érzem jól most magam. I don't feel good now. I'm not feeling well right now. Mi nem tartozunk ide. We don't belong here. We don't belong here. Tom kihívta párbajozni Johnt. Tom challenged John to a duel. Tom challenged John to a duel. Van egy aranyfoga. He has a gold tooth. He has a gold tooth. Sok mindenért magamat hibáztatom. I blame myself for a lot of what has happened. I blame myself for a lot of things. Nem hiszem, hogy elenged a feleségem. I don't think my wife will let me go. I don't think you're gonna let my wife go. Egyetlen fiát közúti balesetben vesztette el. She lost her only son in a traffic accident. He lost his only son in a road accident. A tej a hűtőszekrényben van. The milk is in the fridge. The milk is in the refrigerator. Tomnak azt mostanra meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should've done that by now. Tom should have done that by now. Pysäyttäkää Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. A legfontosabb dolog hiányzik az életedből a korodnak megfelelően; az pedig a szerelem. You lack the most important thing at your age, which is love. The most important thing missing from your life according to your age is love. Toki. Sure! Yeah, sure. Tom ritkán beszélt. Tom rarely spoke. Tom rarely spoke. Kinek az oldalán állsz? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Sami puhui Laylan serkulle. Sami talked to Layla's cousin. Sami talked to Layla's cousin. Nem viccelek. I'm not kidding around. I'm not kidding. En tiedä miten, mutta tein sen. I don't know how, but I did it. I don't know how, but I did it. Remélem, igaz, amit mondasz. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Felment az emeletre. She went upstairs. He went upstairs. Valamit meg kell tennem. There's something I have to do. There's something I have to do. Faternál lakom. I live with my dad. I live at Dad's. En usko, että Tomi haluaa vanhan pyöränne. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. Minä tiedän mitä opiskella. I know what to study. I know what to study. Egy rohadék csupán. He's just a scumbag. He's just a son of a bitch. Tom még nem válaszolt. Tom hasn't replied yet. Tom hasn't responded yet. A lélek túléli a testet. The soul survives the death of the body. The soul survives the body. Muistatko mitä hän sanoi? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what he said? Pont ezt mondta nekem Tom is. That's exactly what Tom told me. That's exactly what Tom told me. Osaan kävellä. I can walk. I can walk. Voitteko te kirjoittaa? Can you write? Can you write? Tomilla ja Marilla ei ole melkein mitään yhteistä. Tom and Mary have almost nothing in common. Tom and Mary have almost nothing in common. Annoin Tomille avaimen asuntooni. I gave Tom a key to my apartment. I gave Tom the key to my apartment. Lapset kasvavat niin nopeasti. Children grow up so fast. Kids grow up so fast. Tom ei halunnut ajatella sitä. Tom didn't want to think about it. Tom didn't want to think about it. Kukaan ei välitä, mitä Tomille tapahtuu. Nobody cares what happens to Tom. Nobody cares what happens to Tom. Kiszakadt a szúnyogháló. The mosquito net was torn. The mosquito net is broken. Tom nem volt mindig ilyen boldog. Tom wasn't always this happy. Tom wasn't always so happy. Miksi kutsut tätä? What do you call this? What do you call this? Az élet itt nagyon drága. Life here is very expensive. Life here is very expensive. Tulen tulevaisuudesta. I'm from the future. I come from the future. Teidän on parempi tulla sisään. You'd better come inside. You'd better come in. Nekem egy örökkévalóságnak tűnt. It seemed like an eternity to me. It seemed like an eternity to me. Szeretem az arab nyelvet. I love Arabic. I love the Arabic language. Az nem játék! That isn't a toy. That's not a game! Biztosan szerelem volt. It must've been love. It must have been love. Tudom, mi a bajod. I know what's wrong with you. I know what's wrong with you. Mindig is kivételező voltam vele kapcsolatban. I've always had a soft spot for him. I've always been selective about him. Tomi ei koskaan kävele paljain jaloin. Tom never walks barefoot. Tom never walks barefoot. Tom on ruma. Tom is ugly. Tom's ugly. Hänet vangittiin ja tapettiin vallankumouksen aikana. He was imprisoned and killed during the revolution. He was captured and killed during the revolution. Tom on ypöyksin eikä hänellä ole ketään, kelle puhua. Tom is all alone with no one to talk to. Tom's all alone and he doesn't have anyone to talk to. Missä maassa kävit ja kuinka kauan olit siellä? What country did you visit and how long did you stay? What country were you in and how long were you there? Sok időm megy el munkával. I spend a lot of time at work. I spend a lot of time at work. Adta a gazdagot. He pretended to be rich. He gave me the rich man. Amit mondott, sok kérdést vont maga után. What he said raised a lot of questions. What he said led to a lot of questions. Rá kell beszélnem a dologra. I'll have to butter him up a bit. I need to talk him into it. Ei Tomi siitä suutu. Tom won't mind. Tom is not angry. Annan sinulle lainaksi kaikki rahat, jotka minulla on nyt. I will lend you all the money I have now. I'll lend you all the money I have now. Tom meg tudja érteni, hogy Mari miért érzi magát lehangoltnak. Tom can understand why Mary is feeling depressed. Tom can understand why Mari feels depressed. Nem akart megbántani. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt you. Mit mondjak Tominak? What'll I tell Tom? What do I tell Tom? Őrült dolgok történnek néha. Crazy things happen sometimes. Crazy things happen sometimes. Várj ott és el ne mozdulj! Wait there and don't move. Wait there and don't move. Mehetek haza? May I go home? Can I go home? A rossz idő visszatartotta őket a vitorlázástól. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Bad weather kept them from sailing. Hän ei ole täydessä terässä, eikä siksi osallistu tänään. He is not completely well and thus won't participate today. He's not in full swing, and that's why he won't be attending tonight. Fáradsz? Are you getting tired? Tired? Tom meg fogja próbálni. Tom will try. Tom's gonna try. Kérlek, szolgáld ki magad a tortából. Please help yourself to the cake. Please help yourself to the cake. Tämän kirjan aihe on Kiina. This book is about China. The subject of this book is China. A sztegoszauruszok röpképtelenek voltak. Stegosaurs were flightless. Stegosauruses were flightless. Tudom, ki sérült meg. I know who got injured. I know who's hurt. Ezért borulnak ki az emberek annyira. That's why people get so upset. That's why people freak out so much. Tedd egymás mellé őket! Put them side by side. Put them next to each other. En ole syönyt parsaa pitkään aikaan. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. Kérlek, ne mondj neki semmit! Please don't tell him anything. Please don't tell him anything. Teljesen hibbant vagy. You're completely nuts. You're out of your mind. Mit tennél, ha ilyen lenne a gyereked? And what would you do if your child was like that? What would you do if your child was like that? Tom egy érző kaktusz. Tom is a sentient cactus. Tom's a sentient cactus. Surmkindlalt! Definitely! Deadly! Nem szoktam gyakran Tamással ebédelni. I don't often go to lunch with Tom. I don't often have lunch with Tom. Hän päätti naida hänet, vaikka hänen vanhempansa eivät tahtoneet sitä. She decided to marry him even though her parents didn't want her to. He decided to marry her even though his parents didn't want him to. Mikor Los Angelesben volt, legalább hat különböző munkahelye volt. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When he was in L.A., he had at least six different jobs. Ez kecske. Ez ló. Ez boci. Ez malac. Ez kutya — mondta a három és fél éves kisfiam a könyv képeit nézve. "This is a goat. This is a horse. This is a cow. This is a pig. This is a dog", said my three and a half year old son watching the pictures of a book. It's a goat. It's a horse. It's a cow. It's a pig. It's a dog," said my three-and-a-half-year-old son, looking at the pictures in the book. Vain jäävuoren huippu näkyy vedenpinnan yläpuolella. Only the tip of an iceberg shows above the water. Only the tip of the iceberg is visible above the water level. Ki ez a barom? Who's that idiot? Who is this jerk? Együtt erősek vagyunk. We are strong together. We're strong together. Egy bűvésztrükköt fogok csinálni. I'm going to do a magic trick. I'm gonna do a magic trick. Teidän olisi parempi lähteä nyt. You'd better go now. You'd better leave now. Auton renkaisiin olivat kuivuneen mudan peitossa. The car's tires were caked with dried mud. The tires of the car were covered with dried mud. Tom niheles oma toolil. Tom fidgeted in his chair. Tom squirmed in his chair. Intett neki, hogy üljön le. He motioned for her to sit down. He motioned to him to sit down. Yachtunk van, kettő helikopterünk és hidroplánunk. We have a yacht, two helicopters, and a seaplane. We have a yacht, two helicopters and a seaplane. Jos tulet kanssani kotiin, kaikki käy parhain päin. Jos menet väkisin sisään tuohon mökkiin, kaikki on ohi meidän kahden välillä. If you come home with me, all will be well. If you force your way into that cottage, all is over between us. If you come home with me, it'll be all right, and if you force yourself into that cabin, it'll all be over between you and me. Megettük. We ate that all. We ate it. Azt mondtam neki, amit hallani akart. I told her what she wanted to hear. I told him what he wanted to hear. Mun kengät kastui. My shoes got wet. My shoes got wet. Ma ei tee seda enam. I don't do it anymore. I won't do it again. Legalább hétfőig nem tudsz maradni? Can't you at least stay until Monday? Can't you at least stay till Monday? Mennyi zoknid van? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many socks do you have? Tíz havi távollét után tért haza. After an absence of ten months, he returned home. He returned home after a ten-month absence. A róka és a farkas konkurensek. Foxes and the wolves are competitors. Wolves and foxes are competitors. Oktoober on alles kolme kuu pärast. October is still three months off. October is only three months away. A palotához vezetett engem. She guided me to the palace. He led me to the palace. Tomi näytti Marille uuden kännykkänsä. Tom showed Mary his new phone. Tom showed Mary his new cell phone. Tomilla ei ollut aikaa hengähtää. Tom had no time to catch his breath. Tom didn't have time to breathe. Erős a hite. He had strong religious beliefs. His faith is strong. Egyik sem helyesebb a másiknál. Neither is more correct than the other. None is better than the other. Tom egy nagyon veszélyes ember. Tom is very a dangerous man. Tom is a very dangerous man. Tom kinyitott egy tonhalas konzervet. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened a can of tuna. Jätimme Tomin huomiotta. We ignored Tom. We ignored Tom. Se on tosi ärsyttävää. That's really annoying. It's really annoying. Nem vagy komoly ember. You're not a serious person. You're not a serious person. Presidentti toivoo rauhaa. The President desires peace. The president wants peace. A gazdagok egyre gazdagabbak lesznek. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. Kakaskodtak egymással. They confronted each other. They were cocking each other. Meidän täytyy odottaa Tomia. We need to wait for Tom. We have to wait for Tom. Ő túl idős önhöz. He is too old for you. He's too old for you. Et voi parkkeerata sinne. You can't park there. You can't park there. Tom mindent átgondolt. Tom has thought of everything. Tom thought it all over. Hän tuli ulos bussista. He got off the bus. He got off the bus. Micsoda megrázkódtatás! What a shock! What a shock! Délutános vagyok a héten. I'm on afternoon shift this week. I'm in the afternoon this week. Lehűlt a levegő, amikor hazatekertem. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air got cold when I went home. Tom életben van. Tom is alive. Tom's alive. Mi a faszt csináltatok? What the fuck did you do? What the fuck did you do? Ki alapította a Google Fordítót? Who is the founder of Google Translate? Who founded Google Translate? Oroszország segítette Szíriát, hogy össze ne omoljon. Russia saved Syria from collapse. Russia helped Syria not to collapse. Tom nem akart beugrani a hideg vízbe. Tom didn't want to jump into the cold water. Tom didn't want to jump in the cold water. Monet uudet äidit kärsivät synnytyksen jälkeisestä masennuksesta. Many new mothers suffer from postpartum depression. Many new mothers suffer from postpartum depression. Viselkedj úgy, mintha mi sem történt volna. Act as if nothing has happened. Act like nothing happened. Az egyik kutya még él. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is still alive. Tuota noin, se on mutkikasta. Well, it's complicated. Well, it's complicated. See ei ole koer. That isn't a dog. It's not a dog. Azt hiszem, nem látod a lényeget. I think you miss the point. I think you're missing the point. Verenpainemittari on tärkeä dignostinen väline. The sphygmomanometer is an important diagnostic instrument. A blood pressure monitor is an important diagnostic tool. Tomi vois kertoo sulle. Tom could tell you. Tom will tell you. Tomin ja Marin vanhemmat ovat ystäviä. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Nektek nem különálló bankfiókjaitok vannak? Don't you two have separate bank accounts? Don't you guys have separate branches? Ei voi olla liian varovainen, kun tekee tätä koetta. You can't be too careful when doing this experiment. You can't be too careful when you're doing this experiment. — Csinálj már valamit! — Mint például? "Do something!" "Like what?" “Do something!” “Like what?” Rakd ki a szemetet! Take the garbage out. Put the trash out. Ebbe a mondatba rímet raktam, mint teszem olyan gyakram. This sentence rhymes, I do this all the time. I put a rhyme in that sentence, like I do so often. Úgy érvel, mint egy felnőtt. He reasons like an adult. You argue like an adult. Szarul érzem magam miattad. You made me feel like shit. You make me feel like shit. Tom meghalt. Tom's dead. Tom's dead. Láttam valamit. I saw something. I saw something. He työskentelevät yläkerrassa. They're working upstairs. They're working upstairs. A kutyád éhesnek látszik. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. A feleségemnek borzalmasan unalmas volt a hely, nekem maga volt a mennyország. For my wife, the place was terribly boring, for me, that was the heaven itself. This place was so boring for my wife, it was heaven for me. A vad orchideák az esőerdőkben nőnek. Tehát meleg, nedves környezetben érzik jól magukat. Wild orchids grow in rainforests. So, they do well in warm, wet environments. Wild orchids grow in rainforests. So they feel comfortable in a warm, humid environment. Kedves, hogy ezt mondod. It's kind of you to say so. That's nice of you to say. Onko sokeriruoko hedelmä? Is sugar cane a fruit? Is sugar cane a fruit? Megkérdezzük egy utazási irodában. We will ask at a travel agency. We'll ask at a travel agency. Rakastan molempia niistä. I love both of them. I love both of them. Mozgok, amikor jut rá alkalmam. I exercise whenever I get a chance to. I move when I get the chance. Euroopassa ja Amerikassa täsmällisyyttä pidetään itsestään selvyytenä. In Europe and America, people regard punctuality as a matter of course. In Europe and America, punctuality is taken for granted. Järkevä ihminen ei olisi tehnyt tuota. A reasonable person wouldn't have done that. A reasonable person wouldn't have done that. Mikä harmi! What a shame! What a shame! Kiista on sovittu lopullisesti. That dispute has been settled once and for all. The dispute is settled once and for all. Ezt a kutya életet már nem akarom. I don't want to lead a dog's life anymore. I don't want this dog's life anymore. — Rólam beszél mindenki? — Nem, Tomi. Te nem vagy olyan fontos. "Is everyone talking about me?" "No, Tom. You're not that important." “Is everyone talking about me?” “No, Tomi. You’re not that important. Én őt szeretem, de ő meg őt. I love her, but she loves him. I love him, but he loves him. Puutarhassa on vanha kirsikkapuu. There's an old cherry tree in the garden. There's an old cherry tree in the garden. Mielenosoittajat heittivät kiviä poliiseja päin. The protesters threw stones at the police. Protesters threw stones at the police. Hagyd elmenni. Let him go away. Let him go. Van ezzel dolgom? Do I need to do anything with that? Am I dealing with this? Miért kéne engedelmeskednem neked? Why should I obey you? Why should I obey you? Elestem a fürdőben, és elvesztettem az emlékezetem. I fell in the bathroom and lost my memory. I fell in the bathroom and lost my memory. Nincs igazam? Aren't I right? Isn't that right? Hän on tänään todella kiltti. He is being very kind today. He's really nice today. Néha őrült dolgok történnek. Crazy things happen sometimes. Sometimes crazy things happen. Az én hobbim a rovargyűjtés. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is collecting insects. Semmi nem romlott el. Nothing's out of order. Nothing's wrong. Tekiköhän Tom oikeasti sen, mitä Mari sanoi hänen tehneen? I wonder if Tom really did what Mary said he did. I wonder if Tom really did what Mary said he did. Begörcsölt a lábam. Nem tudok menni. I got a cramp in my leg. I can't walk. My leg's cramping, I can't go. No, voit olla oikeassa. Well, you might be right. Well, you could be right. Elmegyek a boltba. Velem tartasz? I'm going to the supermarket. Will you keep me company? I'm going to the store. Néha-néha moziba megyek. I go to the movies once in a while. I go to the movies sometimes. A FedExnél dolgozik az exem. My ex works by FedEx. My ex works at FedEx. Tessék, a söröd. Here's your beer. Here's your beer. Ez számára tudott. She's aware of it. It knew for him. Nem érdekel. I don't care. I don't care. Te olette ihan seonneet. You are deranged. You guys are out of your minds. Csak nagyon örülök, hogy segíthetek a munkádban. I am only too glad to help you with your work. I'm just really happy to help you with your work. Olen saanut tarpeekseni tieteenvastaisesta köyhyydestäsi. I've had enough of your anti-science poverty. I've had enough of your anti-scientific poverty. Missä minun aurinkolasini ovat? Where are my sunglasses? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nálad előbb odaértek. They arrived there before you. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Suomi tarvitsee teitä. Finland needs you. Finland needs you. Hän sylkäisi ruoan ulos. He spat the food out. He spit the food out. Kuinka vaihdan lauseen kielen? How do I change the language of a sentence? How do I change the language of a sentence? Őszintén szólva, nem nagyon érdekel. Frankly speaking, I don't care for her very much. Honestly, I don't really care. Jos opetat minulle japania, niin opetan sinulle espanjaa. If you teach me Japanese, I'll teach you Spanish. If you teach me Japanese, I'll teach you Spanish. Vanhempani kirjoittivat minulle avokätisen shekin auttaakseen minut pois kaiken luottokorttivelkataakkani alta. My parents cut me a generous check to help me get out from under all my credit card debt. My parents wrote me a generous check to get me out of all my credit card debt. Karjalas on čoma luondo. There is beautiful nature in Karelia. Karelia is a natural place for gathering. Szkeptikusak voltunk. We were skeptical. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom a vadonban nőtt fel, állatok nevelték fel: egy erszényesfarkas-család, egy koala és egy dingó. Tom was grown up in the wilderness brought up by animals: a zebra-wolf family, a koala and a dingo. Tom grew up in the wild, raised by animals: a family of marsupial wolves, a koala and a dingo. Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. Voltak törekvései. He had ambition. He had aspirations. Minun mielestäni tuo auto on vähän liian pieni sinulle. I think that car is a little too small for you. I think that car is a little too small for you. Előttem születtél, ha az emlékezetem nem csal. You were born before I was, if my memory serves me correctly. You were born before me, if memory serves. Tomi on lähettänyt irtisanoutumisensa. Tom submitted his resignation. Tom has resigned. Dugd föl! Stick it up your jumper. Stick it up. Pyydän teitä palaamaan paikoillenne. Please go back to your seats. I ask you to return to your seats. Söisitkö lounasta kanssani? Will you have lunch with me? Will you have lunch with me? Sinulla oli tilaisuus. You had a chance. You had your chance. Ezek élvezik, hogy megnehezítsék az ember életét. They enjoy giving people a hard time. They enjoy making life difficult for people. Az iszlám nem összeegyeztethető a modern nyugati civilizációval. Islam is not compatible with modern Western civilization. Islam is not compatible with modern Western civilization. Ziri megtudta, hogy Rima elment. Ziri has found out Rima is gone. Ziri found out Rima was gone. En muista kutsuneeni sinua. I don't remember inviting you. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Oletko vielä löytänyt prinssi Uljasta? Have you found Prince Charming yet? Have you found Prince Charming yet? Menin sänkyyn eilen illalla kymmeneltä. I went to bed at 10 p.m. last night. I went to bed last night at 10:00. Mit javasolsz nekem? What are you suggesting to me? What do you suggest I do? Monilla maailman noin seitsemästä tuhannesta kielestä on elossa vain kourallinen puhujia, ja kieliä uhkaa kuoleminen. Many of the world's seven thousand or so languages are spoken only by handfuls of living people and are in danger of extinction. Many of the world’s approximately 7,000 languages have only a handful of living speakers, and they are in danger of dying. Toistakaa jokainen lause perässäni. Repeat each sentence after me. Repeat each sentence after me. A tévé ki volt kapcsolva. The TV was off. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Amint a nap feljött, lekapcsoltam a fényeket. The sun having risen, I turned off the light. As soon as the sun came up, I turned off the lights. En näytä yhtään vanhemmiltani. I don't look anything like my parents. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Egyáltalán nem beszélnek. They don't talk at all. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Én úgy szeretlek, amilyen vagy. I love you just the way you are. I love you just the way you are. Tom látta. Tom saw it. Tom saw it. Talle meeldib raamatuid lugeda. He likes reading books. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Folyton te jársz a fejemben. I constantly think of you. I can't stop thinking about you. Menj át a narancssárga ajtón! Go through the orange door. Go through the orange door. Nincs olyan, amit ne tudna megcsinálni. There's nothing he can't do. There's nothing you can't do. Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre? How do I get to the airport? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Szerintem is jobb így. I think it's better that way, too. I think it's better that way. Apám Görögországba utazott. My father had gone to Greece. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hän ei tehnyt siitä numeroa. She made no mention of it. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom on seurallinen. Tom is very sociable. Tom is sociable. Kuidas see ikkagi juhtus? How did that happen again? How did that happen anyway? Az emberek félnek az igazságtól. People are afraid of the truth. People are afraid of the truth. Tomi puhuu puhelimessa äitinsä kanssa. Tom is talking on the phone with his mother. Tom is on the phone with his mother. Segítek Tamásnak. I'm helping Tom. I'll help Tom. Írd le, mi lett a vége. Write down how it ended. Write down how it ended. A politikusok paraziták. Politicians are parasites. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Haluan halua sinua. I want to hug you. I want you. Tomi ei ole yhtä lahjakas kuin sinä. Tom isn't as talented as you. Tom's not as talented as you are. A szülei a városon kívül voltak. Her parents were out of town. His parents were out of town. Kuulin, että kauppasi kukoistaa. Your business is flourishing, I hear. I hear your store's booming. Nyt, pyydä anteeksi. Now apologize. Now, apologize. Ő a világ legboldogabb embere. He is the happiest man on earth. He's the happiest man in the world. Pénz van az asztalon. There's money on the table. There's money on the table. Most kezdődik a film. The film's starting. The movie's about to start. Hazudtam a kedvéért. I lied in behalf of her. I lied for him. Joku tuli. Someone came. Someone's here. Minul on žiäli? I'm sorry? I have a gel? Nem kényszerít semmi, hogy maradj. Nothing's forcing you to stay. There's nothing forcing you to stay. — Apa, mi az a politika? — A korrupció szinonímája. "Dad, what is politics?" "That's a synonym for corruption." “Dad, what is politics?” “It’s synonymous with corruption. Elfelejtettem elhozni a szemüvegemet. I've forgotten to bring my glasses. I forgot to bring my glasses. Köszi a vacsorát. Thanks for dinner. Thanks for dinner. Ettél már Tomi főztjéből? Have you ever eaten anything Tom's cooked? Have you eaten any of Tom's cooking? Sinun ei tarvitse kuunnella häntä. You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to him. Meg kell tenned, mielőtt túl késő lesz. You need to do it before it's too late. You have to do it before it's too late. Avaisitko ikkunan? Open the window, please. Would you open the window? Mit akarnak tudni? What do they want to know? What do you want to know? Ez öngyilkosság. It's suicide. It's suicide. Rakkaus on teini-ikäisiä varten. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. Nem szeretek úszni. I don't like swimming. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tomin auto meni rikki. Tom's car broke down. Tom's car broke down. Parillisen ja parittoman luvun tulo on parillinen ja kahden parittoman luvun tulo on pariton. Even times odd is even, odd times odd is odd. The product of even and odd numbers is even and the product of two odd numbers is odd. Azok a kígyók rendkívül veszélyesek. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Israelilaiset tarkka-ampujat estivät palestiinalaista ambulanssia saapumasta paikalle. Israeli snipers held the Palestinian ambulance at bay. Israeli snipers have stopped an ambulance from arriving. Orava kiipesi puuhun. The squirrel climbed up the tree. The squirrel climbed a tree. Naaraskenguru kantaa poikasiaan pussissaan. A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch. A female kangaroo carries her cubs in her pouch. Kitől kaptad ezt a csokrot? Who did you get this bouquet from? Who gave you this bouquet? Tom a homlokát ráncolta. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. Két lányom van. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Minden jót! All the best! Take care. Bámultál. Miért? You were staring at me. Why? You were staring. Pidin hiuksistasi enemmän silloin kun pidit jakaustasi oikealla. I liked your hair better when you parted it on the right. I liked your hair better when you liked your split to the right. Valge kass on puu all. The white cat is under the tree. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Olemmeko tavanneet? Have we met? Have we met? Etkö voi katsoa muualle? Can't you look away? Can't you look away? Konsertissa oli paljon väkeä. There were a lot of people at the concert. There were a lot of people at the concert. Az kizárt, hogy egyedül elengedlek téged az este. That you can go out at night alone is out of the question. There's no way I'm letting you go alone tonight. Tomilla on kolme ranskan sanakirjaa Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionaries A jelen oktatási rendszer nem okosítja, hanem butítja a tanulókat. The current education system makes students stupider rather than smarter. The current education system does not educate students, but rather makes them stupid. Érzem, hogy számomra te vagy az igazi. I can sense you're the one for me. I feel like you're the one for me. Me menimme eri kouluihin. We went to different schools. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nehéz elhinni, hogy egész idáig tiszta és napos volt az idő. It's hard to believe it was so clear and sunny up to just now. It's hard to believe it's been clear and sunny all this time. Kymmene, kaksikymmen, kolmekymmen, nellikymmen, viizikymmen, kuuzikymmen, seiččiekymmen, kaheksakymmen, yheksäkymmen, sada. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Panaszt akarok benyújtani. I intend to file a formal complaint. T T T T T T R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Laitoin meille naposteltavaa. I made a snack for us. I made us some snacks. Azt mondja az egyház, hogy szeresd a szomszédodat. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ők ott nem találkoztak az én szomszédaimmal. The Church says to love your neighbor. I'm sure that they haven't met my neighbors. The church tells you to love your neighbor, and I'm sure they didn't meet my neighbors there. Sohasem tudom eléggé megköszönni neked. I can never thank you enough. I can never thank you enough. Pitäkää heitä silmällä. Keep an eye on them. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Milyen volt a légi utad? How was your flight? How was your flight? Lapio, sitä minä tarvitsen. What I need is a shovel. Shovel, that's what I need. Segítenünk kell egymásnak. We must help each other. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tervetuloa Australiaan! Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia! Egy időre Franciaországban maradt, aztán meg Olaszországba ment. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. He stayed in France for a while, and then he went to Italy. Mondtam neked, de te nem hallgattál rám. I told you, but you didn't listen. I told you, but you wouldn't listen. Elment friss levegőt szívni. She went to get some fresh air. He went to get some fresh air. Ugyanannyi könyve van, mint nekem. She has as many books as I. He has as many books as I do. Haladékot adott neki, hogy visszafizesse a tartozását. He gave him a delay to repay him his debt. He gave her a grace period to repay her debt. Yritätkö pilata elämäni? Are you trying to ruin my life? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Soovin et sa eksiks. I wish you were wrong. I wish you were wrong. Tom el fog menni. Tom will go. Tom's gonna leave. Leülhetek melléd? Do you mind if I sit next to you? Can I sit with you? Tom oli toiveikas. Tom was optimistic. Tom was hopeful. Mikor jöttél rá? When did you figure it out? When did you find out? Oszd el néggyel. Divide that by four. Divide it by four. Jaatko samat huolet? Do you share those concerns? Do you share the same concerns? Japani on kaunis maa. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Tomi valitsi kravatin, joka sopisi Marin asuun. Tom selected a tie that would match Mary's dress. Tomi chose a tie that would match Mari's outfit. Tamás orra vörös volt. Tom's nose was red. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Maradj velem! Stay with me. Stay with me. Oletko vaikeuksissa? Are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? Bolond vagy. You're a fool. You're a fool. Kuka opetti Tomia puhumaan ranskaa? Who taught Tom how to speak French? Who taught Tom to speak French? Runous on matematiikan alalaji, erittäin ankara sanojen avioliitto. Poetry is a form of mathematics, a highly rigorous relationship with words. Poetry is a branch of mathematics, a very strict marriage of words. Nyt on huono hetki. This isn't a good time. This is not a good time. Meg vagyok győződve arról, hogy sokra fogod vinni az életben. I'm convinced that you'll go far in life. I'm convinced you're going to make a difference in life. Még mindig alszik mindenki. Everyone's still asleep. Everybody's still asleep. Ez gyerekdal. This is a children's song. It's a child's song. Szeretik az édesgyökeret a gyerekeim. My children love liquorice sticks. My kids love licorice. Tomin lapset eivät osaa ranskaa. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids don't speak French. Igaz az, hogy rábólintottál Tomi leánykérésére? Is it true you accepted to marry Tom? Is it true that you agreed to Tom's proposal? Mun koulureppu on kauheen raskas. My schoolbag is very heavy. My school bag is very heavy. Ta on ateist. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Alig várom, hogy megint csinálhassam. I can hardly wait to do that again. I can't wait to do it again. Minden jól nézett ki. Everything looked nice. Everything looked good. Őszintén szólva nem akarok vele dolgozni. To be honest, I do not want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. Írj tovább! Keep writing. Keep writing. Yritän vältellä hautausmaan läheltä kulkemista pimeän tulon jälkeen. I try to avoid walking by the cemetery after dark. I try to avoid going near the cemetery after dark. Hyvin, kiitos! I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine, thank you! Ha okosabb lehetnék! I wish I were clever. If only I could be smarter. Sinä olet opettaja. You're the teacher. You're a teacher. Gondom lesz az ügyeidre a halálod után. I'll look after your affairs after you die. I'll take care of your affairs after you die. Ole hiljaa äläkä häiritse työtäni. Please be quiet and don't hamper my work. Shut up and don't interfere with my work. A politikusok hipokrita, dilettáns semmirekellők, akik pofátlanul élősködnek. Politicians are hypocrite dilettante good-for-nothings who cheekily parasitize. Politicians are hypocritical, dilettantes, no good, who are blatant parasites. Hänellä ei ole tietoa kokemuksesta puhumattakaan. He has no knowledge, not to mention experience. He has no knowledge of the experience, to say the least. Sisältyykö se hintaan? Is it included in the price? Is it included in the price? Nagy befolyással van a környezetére. He had a huge influence on the people around him. It has a great influence on its environment. Jobb szeretek rádiót hallgatni mint tévét nézni. I prefer listening to the radio to watching television. I'd rather listen to the radio than watch TV. Most ezt a mondatot olvasom. I am reading this sentence. I am reading this sentence now. Ez mennyire valószínű? How likely is that? How likely is that? Meg kell operálni Tomit. Tom needs surgery. We need to operate on Tom. Inkubátorban töltöttem az életem kezdeti szakaszát. I spent my starting period of my life in an incubator. I spent the early stages of my life in an incubator. Át kell mennünk a hídon. We need to cross the bridge. We have to cross the bridge. Találd ki, hol vagyok. Guess where I am. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom, ezt megkaphatom? Can I have it, Tom? Tom, can I have this? Tom rosszabb, mint egy vírus. Tom is worse than a virus. Tom is worse than a virus. Mindent tudni akar rólad. He wanted to know everything about you. T T T T T T R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Ethän ymmärrä minua väärin. Please don't get me wrong. Please don't misunderstand me. Valahol a hegyek között él. He lives somewhere among the mountains. He lives somewhere in the mountains. Kitárta a szárnyait. It spread its wings. He spreads his wings. Tomilla oli vain yksi sukkapari ja niissäkin oli reikiä. Tom only had one pair of socks and they had holes in them. Tom only had one pair of socks and they had holes in them too. Se olisi ihanaa. I would love that. I'd love to. Tämä on minun suosikkiaiheeni. This is my favourite subject. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nincs miért sajnálkoznod. You have nothing to be sorry about. There's nothing to be sorry about. Tänään on sumuista. It's foggy today. It's foggy today. Tom veti Maria hiuksista. Tom pulled Mary's hair. Tom pulled Maria's hair. Yleensä juomme teetä aterian jälkeen. We generally drink tea after a meal. We usually drink tea after a meal. Tomit a legenyhébb kritikus megjegyzés is felbőszíti. Tom gets angry at the slightest hint of criticism. Tomi is angered by even the mildest criticism. Kus lapsed on? Where are the children? Where are the kids? Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy vigye el Johnt a repülőtérre. Tom asked Mary to drive John to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take John to the airport. Másra nincs pénzünk. We have no extra money. We can't afford anything else. Twitter on yksi islamin suurimmista vihollisista. Twitter is among the biggest enemies of Islam. Twitter is one of the biggest enemies of Islam. Hänen selityksensä ei ollut vakuuttava. Her explanation was not convincing. His explanation was not convincing. Az én véleményem eltér az övétől. My opinion differs from his. My opinion is different from his. Tamás szerette a munkáját. Tom loved his job. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Sinä muistutat minua itsestäni. You remind me of myself. You remind me of myself. Ő volt az utolsó személy, akit vártam, hogy látom majd amerikai tartózkodásom során. He was the last person I had expected to see during my stay in America. He was the last person I expected to see during my stay in the United States. Olen varma, että Tomi ei suutu. I'm sure Tom won't be angry. I'm sure Tom won't be angry. Van még valami, amit el akarok mondani neked. There's something else I want to tell you. There's something else I want to tell you. Nem akarom, hogy tudja. I don't want her to know that. I don't want you to know. Palomiehet rikkoivat oven kirveellä. The firemen broke down the door with an ax. Firefighters smashed the door with an axe. Jos jokin kuulostaa liian hyvältä ollakseen totta, niin luultavasti se on. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Tom vett egy pár fekete bőrcipőt. Tom bought a pair of black leather shoes. Tom bought a pair of black leather shoes. Missä Tom syö aamiaisen? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where's Tom having breakfast? Tom megfélemlítette Marit. Tom terrified Mary. Tom intimidated Mari. A Frigyláda a két kőtáblát őrzi a beleírt Tízparancsolattal. The Ark of the Covenant contains the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments inscribed. The Ark of the Covenant holds the two tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments inscribed on them. Milloin tulit takaisin matkaltasi? When did you get back from your trip? When did you get back from your trip? Szeretnél velem vacsorázni? Would you like to have dinner with me? Would you like to have dinner? Csak feltételezem, mint mondottam. I just suppose it as I said. I'm just assuming, like I said. Pénzpocsékolás. It's a waste of money. Waste of money. Kész rendelni? Are you ready to order yet? Ready to order? Yliarvostettu juu mutta kyllä se hyvä manga on. Overrated, yes, but it is a good manga. It’s overrated, but it’s a good manga. Sinä olet upea. You're gorgeous. You're gorgeous. Kiitos, herra. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Sok tanulnivaló van. There's so much to learn. There's a lot to learn. Miehillä on noin seitsemän tai kahdeksan kertaa enemmän testosteronia kuin naisilla. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about seven to eight times more testosterone than women. Otthon maradt. He stayed at home. He stayed home. Tominak jelentős gyűjteménye van Star Trek DVD-kből. Tom has a huge collection of Star Trek DVDs. Tomi has a significant collection of Star Trek DVDs. Tom tunsi mahanpohjassaan tukalaa tunnetta. Tom had a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Tom felt a pain in his stomach. Mari az öngyilkosságba kergette Tamást. Mary chased Tom to his death. Mari drove Tom to suicide. Gyerekek ezrei tűntek el és soha nem kerültek elő. Thousands of children go missing and are never found. Thousands of children have disappeared and have never been found. Syötkö lihaa vai oletko vegetariaani? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Hű, de örülök, hogy látlak! I'm sure glad to see you. Wow, it's so good to see you. Tom ei tahtnud kaotada. Tom didn't want to lose. Tom didn't want to lose. A szomszédom magyar. My neighbour is Hungarian. My neighbour is Hungarian. Mies kantoi hänen matkatavaransa junaan. The man carried her luggage to the train. He carried his luggage on the train. Megkérdezte őt, hogyan tud eljutni az állomásra. She asked her how to get to the station. He asked her how she could get to the station. Egyetemre megy. She goes to university. She's going to college. Tom teeb oma voodit korda. Tom's making his bed. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Kas seal on keegi? Is anybody there? Is there someone in there? Mi a munkája? What does he do for a living? What's your job? Hogyan jutok el a határhoz? How can I get to the border? How do I get to the border? A végrendeletében teljes vagyonát a nejére hagyta. He left all his property to his wife in his will. In his will, he left his entire estate to his wife. A táskáid a helikopterben vannak. Your bags are in the helicopter. Your bags are in the helicopter. Itt játszik. She is playing here. He's playing here. Haluan ostaa hatun. I want to buy a hat. I want to buy a hat. Nekem ez nem fog működni. That won't work for me. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tomi on elänyt köyhyydessä koko elämänsä. Tom has been in poverty all his life. Tom has lived in poverty all his life. Ma ei vaja su armuande. I don't need your charity. I don't need your charity. Näin suden, ketun ja jäniksen. I saw a wolf, a fox, and a rabbit. I saw a wolf, a fox and a rabbit. A vastag hóréteg károkat tett a tetőnkben. The heavy snow damaged our roof. The thick layer of snow has damaged our roof. Voisitko siivota pöydän tyhjäksi? Could you please clear the table? Could you clear the table, please? A biztos jövedelem fontos dolog számomra. A secure income is an important thing for me. T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Kávét kínáltak a vendégeknek. They offered the guests some coffee. Coffee was offered to the guests. Ma olen näljane! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Kérsz mellé kenyeret? Do you want bread with it? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom odakint maradt. Tom remained outside. Tom stayed outside. Erre előbb kellett volna gondolnod. You should have thought about that before. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Úgy legyen! Let it be. So be it. Szíveskednél válaszolni nekem? Could you do me the courtesy of replying? Would you please answer me? ”Etkö halua heittää pois kaikkea tätä roinaa?” ”Mummi ei anna minun tehdä sitä.” "Don't you want to throw away all this junk?" "Grandma won't let me." “Don’t you want to throw all this stuff away?” “Grandma won’t let me do it.” Se on osittain sinun syysi. It's partly your fault. It's partly your fault. Ez velünk nem történhet meg. That can't happen to us. This can't happen to us. Akkor adj még kettőt! Then give me two more! SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH El tudod nekem küldeni e-mailben a fájlt. Can you email the file to me? You can email me the file. Meistä molemmilla on kihti. Both of us have gout. We both have gout. Patakokban csordogált le az esővíz a tetőről. Rivulets of rainwater ran down the roof. Rainwater trickled down from the roof in streams. Szombaton nem nyitnak ki. The store doesn't open on Saturday. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Szerintem nem gazember. A kezei, mint egy munkás emberé. I don't think he's a badmash. His hands are like a manual worker's. I don't think he's a scoundrel. Ki tudod kérni a hétfőt? Can you take Monday off? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Olen työskennellyt täällä 13 kuukautta. I've been working here 13 months. I've been working here for 13 months. A farmon áll foglalkoztatásban. He's employed on the farm. He works on the farm. Tomi puhuu Marista koko ajan. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Szemeid a csillagokra emlékeztetnek. Your eyes remind me of stars. Your eyes remind me of the stars. Szerintem nem szeretnek. I don't think they like me. I don't think they like me. Leiratkozom róla. I'm unsubscribing. I'll unsubscribe. Tuo mekko sopii hyvin sinulle. That dress looks good on you. That dress looks great on you. Halálra ítélt. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. Miért nem jössz el hozzám? Why don't you come to my place? Why don't you come to my place? En kanna kaunaa. I don't hold a grudge against you. I don't hold a grudge. Az egész világra haragszik. He's mad at the whole world. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Sosincs túl késő tanulni. It is never too late to learn. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Lő. He shoots. He shoots. A vihar nagy kárt tett a termésben. The storm caused much damage to the crop. The storm did a lot of damage to the crop. Ismerted őt? Did you know her? Did you know him? Olemme onnekkaita, että Tomi on meillä täällä. We're fortunate to have Tom here. We are so lucky to have Tom here. Két nő között áll a képen. He's standing between two women in the photo. There are two women in the picture. Anyámmal és mostohaapámmal élek, a bátyám pedig apámmal. I live with my mother and my stepfather. My brother lives with my father. I live with my mother and stepfather, and my brother lives with my father. Iderakhatom? May I put it here? Can I? Sinun tulee keskittyä tiehen kun sinä olet ajamassa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You need to focus on the road while you’re driving. Voltál boltban tegnap? Were you in the shop yesterday? Were you in the store yesterday? Tärkeintä ei ole se mistä yliopistosta olet valmistunut vaan se mitä olet oppinut. What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The most important thing is not what university you graduated from, but what you learned. Csatlakozó járatom van. I have a connecting flight. I have a connecting flight. Emme halunneet huolestuttaa sinua. We didn't want to worry you. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Értem, mit beszél, de nem tudom, miről beszél. I understand what he's saying, but I don't know what he's talking about. I understand what you're saying, but I don't know what you're talking about. Missä sinun koulusi on? Where's your school? Where's your school? — Hol vagy? — Még munkában, cukorborsóm. "Where are you?" "I'm still at work, darling." “Where are you?” “I’m still at work, sugar peas. Tom diabéteszes. Tom has diabetes. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nagyjából két órát tanulok minden nap. I study about two hours every day. I study about two hours a day. Tudom, hogy nem alszol. I know that you are not sleeping. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Minun täytyi auttaa Tomia. I had to help Tom. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Grammatika on väga raske. Grammar is very difficult. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Voinko jäädä yöksi? Can I stay over? Can I stay the night? Мон тон чарькодян. I understand you. You know what I'm saying. Tomnak nincsen jó mentsége arra, hogy miért nem jött. Tom didn't have a good excuse for not coming. Tom doesn't have a good excuse why he didn't come. Miten tiedät nämä asiat? How do you know these things? How do you know these things? Megmutatod nekem a könyvet? Will you show me the book? Can you show me the book? Tom katkaisi puhelun. Tom hung up the phone. Tom hung up. Egy baglyot láttam az ablakomban. I saw an owl at my window. I saw an owl in my window. Lohikäärmeet syntyvät tulessa. The dragons are born in the fire. Dragons are born in fire. Herää huomenna aamulla kuudelta. Please wake up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ne kószáljatok el egymástól. Don't separate from each other. Don't stray from each other. Az ősz lehelete érződik már. Autumn is in the air. You can feel the breath of autumn. Hän muutti nimensä. He changed his name. He changed his name. Hozd ide azt a könyvet az asztalról. Fetch me that book on the table. Bring me that book from the table. El fogjuk venni a fegyvereiket. We're going to take away your weapons. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Saimme lämpimän vastaanoton. We received a warm welcome. We received a warm reception. Nem én vagyok az, akivel Tomnak problémája van. It isn't me Tom has a problem with. I'm not the one Tom has a problem with. Ezeket a részleteket nem fogják nyilvánosságra hozni. These details won't be published. These details will not be made public. Szent Teremtőm! Oh, my God! Holy Creator! Szeretnék egy új kutyát! I want a new dog. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Soha nem ismertem még olyan képmutató embert, mint te. I've never known anyone as hypocritical as you. I've never known a hypocrite like you. Az a nő duci. The woman is fat. That woman is chubby. Hamarosan megérkezik. He will arrive shortly. He'll be here soon. Ismered a vezetéknevét? Do you know his last name? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Megszereltettem az ajtót. I had the door mended. I fixed the door. Mari on vakooja. Mary is a spy. Mary is a spy. Luulen että olet hieman liian varovainen. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're being a little too careful. Jos sinä satutat häntä, minä tapan sinut. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If you hurt him, I'll kill you. Sosem a lifttel megyek. I never take the elevator. I never take the elevator. Rövid a vers, de mély a jelentése. The poem is short but the meaning is deep. The poem is short, but it has a deep meaning. Beleugrott a vizibicikliről a vízbe. He jumped from the pedal boat into the water. He jumped off the waterbike into the water. Soha nem voltam oda a télért. I've never been a big fan of winter. I've never been into winter. Tomi sportos és jóképű is, de olyan kicsi a micsodája. Tom is handsome and athletic, but his stuff is so small. Tomi is sporty and handsome, but he has such a small thing. Én így tudom. That's my understanding. That's how I know. Nem igazán tudok állást foglalni ezzel kapcsolatban. I can't really take a stance on this. I can't really take a stand on this. Szombat esténként gyakran étkezik házon kívül. He often eats out on Saturday nights. He often eats out on Saturday nights. A hét törpe egyike homokos. One of the seven dwarfs is homosexuel. One of the seven dwarfs is gay. Gordon egész héten a fellegekben járt. Gordon has had his head in the clouds all week. Gordon's been in the clouds all week. Kutsuinko minä sinut? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Koirani yritti puraista Tommia. My dog tried to bite Tom. My dog tried to bite Tommi. Oli raske vastu panna soovile Tomi kael kahekorra käänata. It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck. It was hard to resist the urge to twist Tom's neck. Sinun ei pidä vetää liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä. You must not jump to conclusions. You should not jump to conclusions. Tomnak meg kellett volna hallgatnia Marit. Tom should have listened to Mary. Tom should have listened to Mari. Miért kell neked egy új létra? Why do you need a new ladder? Why do you need a new ladder? Együnk meg mindent. Let's eat everything. Let's eat everything. Minä haluan pyytää anteeksi. I want to apologize. I want to apologize. Me teame seda nüüd. We know it now. We know that now. Oli todistettu, että hän oli varas. It was proved that he was a thief. It was proved that he was a thief. Mikor épült ez a templom? When was this church built? When was this church built? Tuo lääke tepsi. That medicine worked. That medicine worked. Nem ezt akartam neked mutatni. That's not what I wanted to show you. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Elhagytam az egyik fülbevalóm. I've lost one of my earrings. I lost one of my earrings. Hän tuli kuuroksi kelloja soittaessaan. He became deaf ringing the bells. He became deaf when he rang the bells. Tomi cserediák volt. Tom was an exchange student. Tom was an exchange student. Meidän täytyy jäädä tänne haluamme tai emme. We have to stay here whether we want to or not. We have to stay here whether we like it or not. Minä pidän talvesta. I like winter. I like the winter. Mindjárt megmosom az arcom. I’m going to wash my face. I'm about to wash my face. He ovat syömässä leipää. They are eating bread. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Elveszett a bőröndöm. My suitcase got lost. I lost my suitcase. Mi az, hogy UFÓ? What is a UFO? What is UFO? Kuulin nimeäni kutsuttavan. I heard my name called. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ne keverd össze a búzát a rozzsal! Don't mix wheat with rye. Don't mix wheat with rye. Tom sanoi, että on ollut sairaana. Tom said he had been ill. Tom said he's been sick. Rájöttem valamire, miközben a vécén ültem. I realised something sitting on the toilet. I realized something while I was sitting on the toilet. Haluaisin antaa hänelle jonkin syntymäpäivälahjan. I would like to give him a present for his birthday. I'd like to give her a birthday present. En tee sitä rahan vuoksi. I'm not in it for the money. I'm not doing it for the money. A buszon voltam. I was on the bus. I was on the bus. Saatko viestisi perille ranskaksi? Can you make yourselves understood in French? Can you get your message in French? Tudom, hogy Tamás jól van. I know that Tom is fine. I know Tom is fine. Sinä voit arvata, mitä seuraavaksi tapahtui. You can guess what happened next. You can guess what happened next. Meg tudod különböztetni a farkasokat a kutyáktól? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Olyan ajánlat volt, amit nem utasíthattam vissza. That was an offer I couldn't refuse. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Érintsd meg a lábujjaidat. Touch your toes. Touch your toes. Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan että Mari on siskosi. I had no idea Mary was your sister. I had no idea Mari was your sister. Már majdnem lejárt az időd. Your time's almost up. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Bostonban hol szálltál meg? Where did you stay in Boston? Where are you staying in Boston? Tom nukkui yli kolme tuntia tänään iltapäivällä. Tom slept for more than three hours this afternoon. Tom slept over three hours this afternoon. Minimipalkalla ei voi elää. The minimum wage is not enough to live on. You can't live on minimum wage. Voinkohan kysyä sinulta muutaman kysymyksen Tomista? I wonder if I can ask you a few questions about Tom. Can I ask you a few questions about Tom? Voisitko antaa minulle tyynyn? Please get me a pillow. Could you give me a pillow? Näytelmä oli ohjelmistossa kuusi kuukautta. The play ran for six months. The show was in the program for six months. Mióta laktok itt? Since when do you live here? How long have you lived here? Pidätkö uudesta työstäsi? Do you like your new job? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Semmi sem kényszerít téged, hogy maradjál. Nothing's forcing you to stay. There's nothing forcing you to stay. Bolond voltam, hogy megbíztam Tomiban. I was a fool to trust Tom. I was a fool to trust Tom. Ne mondd ezt a gyerekek előtt! Don't say that in front of the children. Don't say that in front of the kids. Nukun alasti. I sleep naked. I'm sleeping naked. Tom közvetlenül Mary mellett ült. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nem láttam át, milyen fontos volt ez neked. I didn't realize how important this was to you. I didn't realize how important this was to you. Tom kifogta és megette a nagy halat, amelyik megette a kis halakat. Tom caught and ate the big fish that had eaten the little fish. Tom caught and ate the big fish that ate the little fish. Van-e elég takarótok? Do you have enough blankets? Do you have enough blankets? Meidän täytyy erota. We need to break up. We have to break up. Ez szép és jó elméletben, de működni fog ez a gyakorlatban? It's all very well in theory, but will it work in practice? This is nice and good in theory, but will it work in practice? Az sok pénz. That's much money. That's a lot of money. Hát, ha ragaszkodik hozzá... Well, if you insist ... Well, if you insist... A fagyid el fog olvadni, ha nem eszed gyorsan. Your ice cream will melt if you don't eat it quickly. Your ice cream's gonna melt if you don't eat it fast. Hogy fogom felismerni? How will I recognize it? How will I recognize him? Ma pean saapaid kandma. I have to wear boots. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Sulle oleks Boston meeldinud. You would've loved Boston. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Legyetek szívesek idejönni! Please come here. Please come here. Nem tudom, hol van apukám. I don't know where my dad is. I don't know where my dad is. Tietääkö kukaan teistä missä hän asuu? Do any of you know where he lives? Do any of you know where he lives? Mä söin aamiaisen mun parvekkeella. I ate breakfast on my balcony. I had breakfast on my balcony. Rómában él a négy nővér. The four sisters live in Rome. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Hol a pirosborítós könyv? Where is the book with the red cover? Where's the red book? Näyttäydy. Show yourself. Show yourself. Hän on hyvä sukeltaja. He's a good diver. He's a good diver. Először azt hittem, csak vicc, de rájöttem, hogy komolyan gondolta. At first I thought it was a joke, but then I realised he meant it. At first, I thought it was a joke, but I realized he meant it. Ők csinálják ezt, mi meg csináljuk azt. They'll do this and we'll do that. They do this, we do that. Tom kirjutas midagi kirja tagaküljele. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Älä koske mihinkään. Don't touch anything. Don't touch anything. Hogy aludtál? How did you sleep? How did you sleep? Sok történelemkönyve van. He has many history books. He has a lot of history books. Hiljaisuus on kultaa. Silence is golden. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Huilatkaa. Rest. Hold on. Tomi ei ole juuri nyt täällä. Tom isn't here right now. Tom is not here right now. Jaa pizza kolmeen osaan. Please divide the pizza into three parts. Divide the pizza into three parts. Hänen tapansa eivät olleet herrasmiehen. His manners were not those of a gentleman. His manners were not those of a gentleman. Kérhetek tőled egy könyvet? May I ask you for a book? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Közel sem szép. She is far from beautiful. It's not even close. Siristä silmäkulmiasi! Knit your eyebrows! Squint your eyes! — Hé, Mari! Még a börtönben is jobb volt a koszt! — Akkor menj vissza és egyél ott! "Hey, Mary! Even in the prison, the chow was better!" "Then go back and eat there." “Hey, Mari, even in prison the food was better!” “Then go back and eat there!” Hankkeemme epäonnistui. Our project failed. Our project failed. Haluaisitko lisää perunamuusia? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Would you like some more mashed potatoes? Magam sem bízom meg benned. I can't trust you, either. I don't trust you either. Nauttikaa vierailustanne! Enjoy your stay. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Mikko nauraa. Mike laughs. Mikko is laughing. Tom egy vén szaros. Tom is an old fart. Tom's an old piece of shit. Vauvat ovat palasia tähtisumusta, jonka Jumala puhalsi kämmeneltään. Onnekas on synnytyksen tuskan kokenut nainen, sillä hän on pidellyt tähteä. Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth, for she has held a star. Babies are fragments of a nebula that God blew out of the palm of her hand, and lucky to have a woman who has suffered the pain of childbirth because she has held a star. Todennäköisesti. Probably. Yeah, probably. Kaikki on mahdollista. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Ez egy túl könnyű feladat neki. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Hänen sydämensä särkyi, koska hänen rakkautensa ei saanut vastakaikua. He was heartbroken from unrequited love. His heart was broken because his love was unresponsive. Ta seisis tee ääres. He was standing at the side of the road. He was standing on the side of the road. Käytkö usein tässä ravintolassa? Do you come to this restaurant often? Do you often go to this restaurant? Az összes pénzemet ellopták. All my money got stolen. All my money was stolen. Tom várt. Tom was waiting. Tom was waiting. Millise rongiga sa lähed? What train you are going to take? Which train are you taking? En ole varma uskonko sinua. I'm not sure I believe you. I'm not sure I believe you. Egy volt lakótársam úgy nevezné ezt a bundáskenyeret, hogy tojásos kenyér. A former flatmate would call French toast eggy bread. A former roommate of mine would call this French toast "egg bread." Énekeljünk egy kicsit! Let's sing some songs. Let's sing a little song. — Heló-beló! — Szia-mia! "Hi." "Hi." “Hello, hello, hello.” Tom egy tonna növényt megeszik egy nap. Tom eats a ton of plants every day. Tom eats a ton of plants a day. Mitä minulta jäi nyt väliin? What have I missed now? What am I missing now? Tom a vonat elé vetette magát. Tom threw himself in front of the train. Tom threw himself in front of the train. Tämä on aikamoinen paikka. This is quite a place. This is quite a place. Csökken a presztizse. His prestige is fading. He's losing his prestige. Hän osaa saksaa ja ranskaa, puhumattakaan englannista. He knows German and French, not to mention English. He speaks German and French, not to mention English. Azt hiszem, Tom talán idősebb nálam. I think Tom might be older than me. I think Tom might be older than me. "Amerika" próbálja megakadályozni a német tőke és az orosz nyersanyag egyesülését, mely egy erős Európát eredményezne. "America" ​​is trying to prevent the unification of German capital and Russian raw materials which would result in a strong Europe. "America" is trying to prevent the unification of German capital and Russian raw materials, which would result in a strong Europe. Te hatkor vagy hétkor jössz? Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at six or seven? Opettaminen on oppimista. Teaching is learning. Teaching is learning. Megfásultam. I'm tired of living. I'm cold. A Jó, a Rossz és Tom Jackson álltak egymással szemben. The Good, the Bad and Tom Jackson stood against each other. The Good, the Bad, and Tom Jackson were at odds with each other. Hát, ez a szomorú valóság. Well, that's the sad reality. Well, that's the sad reality. Asumme samassa asuntolassa. We all live in the same dorm. We live in the same dormitory. El akarsz valamit mondani, Tom? Is there anything you want to tell me, Tom? Is there something you want to tell me, Tom? Nem változtál semmit az évek alatt. Over the years, you haven't changed at all. You haven't changed in years. Veled már megtörtént az, hogy elfelejtetted a feleséged születésnapját? Has that ever happened to you that you forgot the birthday of your wife? Has it ever happened to you that you forgot your wife's birthday? Tomilla leikkaa hyvin. Tom has a good head on his shoulders. Tom is doing well. Siinä on toinen ongelma. There's another problem. There's another problem. Őrült vagy? Are you mad? Are you crazy? ! A kis Marika lerajzolta a szent családot állatokkal együtt. Little Mary drew the holy family together with animals. Little Marika drew a picture of the holy family with the animals. Nekem más dolgok a fontosak, mint neked. I have different priorities than you do. I care about different things than you do. Unohda kaikki mitä kerroin sinulle! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Láttad már, hogy működik? Have you seen it work? Have you seen how it works? En ole tyytyväinen selitykseesi. I am not satisfied with your explanation. I'm not happy with your explanation. Teimme tämän. We made this. We did this. Voinko minä kysyä tyhmän kysymyksen? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? Abban a minutumban jött be. She came in at that moment. He came in that minute. Dohányoztál? Have you been smoking? You smoked? Biologia. Biology. Biology. Miksi Tomi ei ole täällä näin kriittisellä hetkellä? Why isn't Tom here at this critical moment? Why is Tom not here at such a critical time? Fiúk vagyunk. We are boys. We're boys. Minun on pakko oppia ranskaa. I must learn French. I have to learn French. Leellenőrizzük. We'll check. We'll check. Egyszerűbb a helyzet, mint volt. Things are simpler now than they used to be. It's easier than it used to be. Pénzre van szükségem. I need some money. I need money. Lakást keresünk. We are looking for an apartment. We're looking for an apartment. Oletko käynyt milloinkaan Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Senki sem tudja, mi történik ott igazándiból. Nobody knows what's really going on there. No one knows what is really going on there. Emme ole saaneet kehenkään listallamme olevaan yhteyttä. We have not been able to contact anyone on our list. We haven't been able to contact anyone on our list. Hän tulee sinne, satoi tai paistoi. He'll be there, rain or shine. He'll be there, rain or shine. Nem én beszélek franciául. It's not me who speaks French. I don't speak French. Joulu on pian, vai mitä? Christmas is soon, isn't it? It's almost Christmas, isn't it? Éppen ébredezik. She's waking up. He's waking up. Elnézést a késésért. Sorry I'm late. I'm sorry I'm late. Vettem fél tucat tojást. I bought half a dozen eggs. I bought half a dozen eggs. Terveh. Hi. Hey, there. Szerintem nem hall minket. I don't think she can hear us. I don't think he can hear us. Nem tudom, hogy hol él. I don't know where she lives. I don't know where he lives. Valószínűleg nagyon keveset tudok tenni. There's probably very little I can do. There's probably very little I can do. Tom ei auta minua. Tom doesn't help me. Tom won't help me. Tom sai aivoinfarktin. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Persze, hogy szeretem. Of course I like it. Of course I do. — Tegyél már valamit! — Például mit? "Do something!" "Like what?" “Do something!” “Like what?” Meillä saattaa olla enemmän yhteistä kuin luulet. We may have more in common than you think. We may have more in common than you think. Akarom ezt a kutyát. I want this dog. I want this dog. Igaz, hogy összeházasodtál a gimnáziumi szeretőddel? Is it true that you married your high school sweetheart? Is it true you married your high school sweetheart? Az meg mi? What's that? What's that thing? Eilen oli paahtavan kuuma. Yesterday was scorching hot. Yesterday it was scorching hot. Mily mihaszna és szánalmas! How sad and pathetic! How useless and pathetic! Tomilla on kolme tytärtä. Jokaisella hänen tyttärellään on yksi veli. Kuinka monta lasta Tomilla on? Tom has three daughters. Each of his daughters has one brother. How many children does Tom have? Tom has three daughters, and each of his daughters has one brother. Ito úr egy magasan kvalifikált egyén. Mr Ito is a highly educated man. Mr. Ito is a highly qualified individual. Siksi et ole täällä. That's why you're not here. That's why you're not here. Ootsä ihan tosissas? Really? Are you serious? Megkérdeztem, hol volt. I asked where he had been. I asked him where he was. Valószínűleg mennünk kellene. We should probably go. We should probably go. Hónapokkal ezelőtt lejárt. This expired months ago. Expired months ago. A buddhizmus – más vallásoktól eltérően – nem teocentrikus, avagy istenközpontú, de nem utasítja el istenekben való hithez ragaszkodást. Buddhism, unlike other religions, is not theocentric or god-centred, but it does not preclude an adherent from believing in the existence of gods. Buddhism, unlike other religions, is not theocentric or God-centered, but it does not deny adherence to the belief in gods. Ki kell vennem a bankból egy kevés pénzt. I have to take some money out of the bank. I need to get some money out of the bank. — Bocsáss meg! — Isten majd megbocsát. "Forgive me." "God forgives." “Forgive me.” “God will forgive me.” Häivytään täältä nopeasti ennen kuin tämä eskaloituu. Let's get out of here quickly before this escalates. Let's get out of here before this escalates. Csukd be az ajtót, legyél szíves, amikor kifele mész. Please shut the door on your way out. Close the door, please, when you go out. Tetszett a műsor? Did you enjoy the show? Did you like the show? Milyen programmal csináltad ezt? What program did you make that with? What kind of program did you do that with? Melyik a legjobb módszer, hogy megtanuljunk egy idegen nyelvet? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Beszélgettünk. We were talking. We talked. A szomszéd tyúkjai jobb fajták az enyémeknél. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. The chickens next door are better than mine. Minä todella tahdon sinun puhuvan Tomille. I really do want you to talk to Tom. I really want you to talk to Tom. See lisab uue dimensiooni meie probleemile. That adds a new dimension to our problem. It adds a new dimension to our problem. Meleg volt még a hamu. The ash was still warm. The ash was still warm. Jono on valtava. The queue is huge. The line is huge. — Mindent tönkreteszel! — Nem is. "You're ruining everything!" "No I'm not." “You’re ruining everything!” Nem tudta, hogy nekem is van kulcsom a házhoz, én meg nem tudtam, hogy ő ott van. She didn't know that I also had a key for the house and I didn't know that she was there. He didn't know I had a key to the house, and I didn't know he was there. Hazavitte. He brought her home. He's home. Tsunami tuhosi Tomin talon. Tom's house was destroyed by a tsunami. The tsunami destroyed Tom's house. Sinun pitäisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota omaan turvallisuuteesi. You should pay more attention to your own safety. You should pay more attention to your own safety. Mondjunk igazat! Let's tell the truth. Let's tell the truth. Tom botfülű. Tom is tone deaf. Tom's a stick-earer. Tom meni syvemmälle luolaan. Tom went deeper into the cave. Tom went deeper into the cave. Tele vannak a zsebeim. My pockets are full. My pockets are full. Ez a gép meg mire jó? What the heck is this machine for? What's this machine for? Tom semmit nem tud az akkumulátorgyártásról és vagy ezért még mindig azt gondolja, hogy az elektromos autók környezetbarátak. Tom knows nothing about battery manufacturing and or therefore he still thinks electric cars are environmentally friendly. Tom doesn’t know anything about battery production and he or she still thinks that electric cars are environmentally friendly. Milyen szövegszerkesztő programot használsz? What editing software do you use? What type of text editor do you use? En voi auttaa teitä. I can't help you. There's nothing I can do for you. Hevonen pystyy juosta todella nopeasti. A horse can run very fast. The horse can run very fast. Minä vasta juuri saavuin. I just arrived now. I just got here. Belsőépítész vagy? Mert mikor megláttalak, az egész szoba gyönyörűvé vált. Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful. Because when I saw you, the whole room was beautiful. Missä he asuvat? Where do they live? Where do they live? Az 58. úton mentem. I took Highway 58. I was on Route 58. Megtaláltam az ellopott biciklim. I've found my stolen bike. I found my stolen bike. Pysähdyin kolmion kohdalla ja tarkistin oliko risteykseen tulossa autoja. I paused at the yield sign and checked if there were any cars coming towards the junction. I stopped at the triangle and checked if there were any cars coming to the intersection. Tudom, hogyan kell csinálni. I know how to make it. I know how to do it. Tahan jäätist. I want an ice cream. I want ice cream. Bringára fel! Get on your bike. Get on the bike! Ma teen selle ära. Sa võid rahuneda ja minule loota. I'm taking care of it. You can relax. You can rely on me. You can relax and count on me. Mi a recept? What's the recipe? What's the recipe? Minulla ei ole ruokahalua. I have little appetite. I don't have an appetite. Melyik kontinens a legnépesebb? Which continent is the most populated one? Which continent is the most populous? Tomi on hermostunut. Tom is unnerved. Tom is nervous. Tamás nem iszik dzsúszt. Tom doesn't drink juice. Tom doesn't drink juice. Izraeli vagyok. I'm from Israel. I'm Israeli. Mary on hyvin otettu. Mary is very impressed. Mary is very flattered. Sosem szerettem a zöldpaprikát. I never liked green peppers. I never liked green peppers. Lilled õitsevad. Flowers bloom. The flowers are blooming. Nem tudok neked megbocsátani. I can't forgive you. I can't forgive you. Minun nimi on Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Ne felejts el esőkabátot vinni! Don't forget to bring a raincoat! Don't forget to bring a raincoat. Sää on aurinkoinen. The weather is sunny. The weather is sunny. Hol van a bíró? Where is the judge? Where's the judge? El tudnád mondani, mi áll a képen? Can you tell me what's in the picture? Can you tell me what's in that picture? Olkaa hiljaa molemmat. Both of you be quiet. Shut up, both of you. Hän luulee, että olen kateellinen. He thinks I'm jealous. He thinks I'm jealous. Täytyykö sinun sijata vuode joka päivä? Do you have to make the bed every day? Do you have to make your bed every day? Ha lehet, most haza szeretnék menni. If possible, I would like to go home now. If I could, I would like to go home now. Kas sa oled õhtusöögiks valmis? Are you ready for dinner? Are you ready for dinner? Elég tőkéjük van ahhoz, hogy felépítsenek egy mások gyárat. They have enough capital to establish another factory. They have enough capital to build a factory for others. Meg vagyok róla győződve, hogy semmi rosszat nem tettem. I'm absolutely sure that I did nothing wrong. I'm convinced I didn't do anything wrong. Seuraa minua. Follow me. You follow me. Nem megmondtam nektek, hogy ne szórjátok a pénzt és kerüljétek a feltűnést, idióták!? Haven't I told you to keep a low profile and not throw money around, you idiots?! Didn't I tell you not to waste money and avoid attention, you idiots!? Et taidakaan uskoa että minä olen oikeassa. You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? En ole perfektionisti. I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not a perfectionist. Mine tagasi tööle. Go back to work. Get back to work. Minden ember egyenlőnek teremtetett. És megszületnek az emberek. All people are created equal. And hereafter people will be born. All men are created equal, and men are born. Vuosimiljoonien ajan ihmiskunta eli kuin eläimet, mutta sitten jokin vapautti mielikuvituksemme voiman: opimme puhumaan. For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk. For millions of years, mankind lived like animals, but then something unleashed the power of our imagination: we learned to speak. Tomin kotona kummittelee. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's house is haunted. Ezt az oldaladat nem ismertem. I didn't know this part of you. I didn't know that side of you. Tud magyarul? Do you know Hungarian? Do you speak Hungarian? A te nevedet kiabálja. She's shouting your name. She's screaming your name. A kristálytiszta víz nagyon kellemes hőmérsékletű volt. The crystal clear water had a very pleasant temperature. The crystal clear water was very pleasant temperature. Meddig akar Tomi aludni mégis? Until when does Tom plan to sleep, I wonder? How long will Tom sleep? Hűvös helyre rakja, közvetlen napsugarzástól védve. Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. Store in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. Vagy úgy, te és Tomi jóbarátok vagytok, mi? So, you and Tom are pretty close friends, huh? So, you and Tom are good friends, huh? Sinulla ei ole vaihtoehtoja. You have no alternative. You don't have a choice. Hébe-hóba ez van. It only occasionally happens. Every now and then. Könyveket kellene venned. You want to buy books. You should buy books. Tom ei halunnut rohkaista Maria tekemään mitään, mikä voisi saada hänet pulaan. Tom didn't want to encourage Mary to do anything that might get her in trouble. Tom did not want to encourage Mary to do anything that might get her in trouble. En tunne hyvin ranskalaisia runoilijoita. I'm not familiar with French poets. I don't know many French poets. Voitko odottaa minua autossa? Can you wait for me in the car? Can you wait for me in the car? Az állatok is kommunikálnak egymással, csak az ember nem érti. However, animals communicate with each other but people don't understand that. Animals also communicate with each other, only humans do not understand. Onko se edistystä, että ihmissyöjä käyttää veistä ja haarukkaa? Is it a progress if a cannibal is using a knife and fork? Is it progress that the cannibal uses a knife and fork? Mitä muuta sinä odotit? What else did you expect? What else did you expect? Haluaisin kaupunkikartan. I'd like a map of the city. I'd like a city map. Szereti az orosz popzenét. She likes Russian pop. He likes Russian pop music. Tudod, hogy ki készítette? Do you know who made it? Do you know who made it? Szerezzünk be egy fenyőfát. Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's get a pine tree. Tom meni kirkkoon Marin kanssa. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went to church with Mari. Soitan nyt kitaraa. I'm playing the guitar now. I'm playing guitar now. Tomi on älykäs. Tom is smart. Tom is smart. Hän ahdisteli häntä niin kauan kunnes hän kertoi hänelle sen, mitä hän halusi tietää. He kept badgering her until she told him what he wanted to know. He harassed her until she told him what she wanted to know. Mindenki a másik szobában vár. Everyone is waiting in the other room. Everyone's waiting in the other room. Kivel kéne beszélnem? Who should I talk to? Who should I talk to? Beteg a gyerekem. My child is sick. My kid's sick. Kukka on ruskei. The flower is red. The flower is brown. Miten käytät tätä konetta? How do you operate this machine? How do you use this machine? Biztos vagy benne, hogy az elég? Are you sure that's enough? Are you sure that's enough? Oletko ikinä lukenut kirjaa, joka kertoo Japanista? Have you ever read a book written about Japan? Have you ever read a book about Japan? Eljött Tomi? Did Tom come here? Tom is here? Tom oli erittäin kiltti. Tom was very kind. Tom was very kind. Anna mulle päev või paar. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Segítségre szorulsz. You need help. You need help. Lupaan, etten kurki. I promise I won't peek. I promise I won't peek. Tom szükségesnek akarta érezni magát. Tom wanted to feel needed. Tom wanted to feel needed. Tom nem fog megbántani engem. Tom is not going to hurt me. Tom won't hurt me. Soha egy napot nem dolgoztak még életükben. They've never ever worked a day in their life. They've never worked a day in their lives. A szokás második természet. Habit is a second nature. Habit is second nature. Állj át oda, és akkor jobban fogod látni. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Stand over there and you'll see better. Hyviä huondestu, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Have a good one, Mike. Amikor hegedül Tomi, úgy érzem, megölöm. When Tom plays the violín, I feel like killing him. When Tom plays the violin, I feel like killing him. Pojat pelaavat amerikkalaista jalkapalloa. The boys are playing football. The boys play American football. Mitä te aiotte valmistaa? What will you make? What are you going to make? Mióta tanul Tom franciául? És mégsem ért téged!? How long has Tom been learning French? And doesn't he understand you yet? How long has Tom been studying French and he doesn't understand you? Tom is horgászik. Tom is fishing, too. Tom's a fisherman. Magyarázd meg nekem, Tom miért nincs itt. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. Explain to me why Tom's not here. Kokaiinin ostaminen on laitonta. It's illegal to buy cocaine. Buying cocaine is illegal. No, mitä sinä ehdotat? So, what do you suggest? So, what are you suggesting? Ez a kék valami nem citromsárga. This blue thing isn't yellow. This blue thing isn't lemon yellow. Mitä sinä harrastat? What are your hobbies? What do you do? Otin kirjan hyllyltä. I took a book from the shelf. I took the book off the shelf. Ritkán látom. I see it rarely. I rarely see it. Ez az a kurva nagy demokrácia! So much for fucking democracy! This is fucking democracy! Nyerhetek, ha szerencsém van. I may win if I have luck. I can win if I'm lucky. Figyelsz? Are you listening? Are you? Otapa palanen kakkua, jos vain mielesi tekee. Help yourself to a piece of cake. Have a piece of cake if you like. Ez nem bátorság lenne, hanem butaság! It wouldn't be courage but folly. That's not courage, that's stupidity. Bassza meg Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Joe Biden! Ez nem nehéz. This isn't hard. It's not hard. Teillä on paljon kirjoja. You have a lot of books. You have a lot of books. Tomi a legjobb sakkjátékos az osztályunkban. Tom is the best chess player in our class. Tom is the best chess player in our class. Hän on biologi. He is a biologist. He's a biologist. Teit sen, mikä oli välttämätöntä. You did what was necessary. You did what was necessary. Hän teki tehtävän loppuun pelkällä tahdonvoimalla. She accomplished the task through sheer will. He completed the task with sheer willpower. Le kell újra festenünk a csűrt. We need to repaint the barn. We need to repaint the barn. Minua ei haluta kuntoilla. I don't feel like exercising. I don’t want to exercise. Nagyon szeretjük a parkjainkat. We love our parks. We love our parks. A pisztráng édesvizi hal. Trout are freshwater fish. Trout is a freshwater fish. Tom on atleettinen. Tom is athletic. Tom is athletic. Nem hiszem, hogy ő akarja, hogy a dolgok el legyenek rendezve köztünk. I don't think he wants to settle with me. I don't think he wants things to be settled between us. A becsületesség hosszú távon kifizetődik. Honesty will pay in the long run. Honesty will pay off in the long run. Tomin piti soittaa Marille eilen illalla, mutta hän unohti. Tom was supposed to call Mary last night, but he forgot. Tom was supposed to call Mari last night, but she forgot. Még nem beszéltük meg. We haven't discussed that yet. We haven't talked about it yet. Onko tämä mielestäsi liian iso? Do you think this is too big? You think this is too big? Saavuin tänään iltapäivästä. I arrived this afternoon. I arrived this afternoon. A fiúk fociznak éppen. The boys are playing football right now. The boys are playing football. Miért parkoltál itt? Why did you park here? Why did you park here? Gyere velem Bostonba! Come with me to Boston. Come with me to Boston. Biztos, nem baj? Are you sure it's no trouble? You sure you don't mind? Ei, minä olen englantilainen. No, I'm English. No, I'm English. Tom työskenteli keittiössä ollessaan vankilassa. While in prison, Tom worked in the kitchen. Tom worked in the kitchen while he was in prison. Csak egy testvérem van. I have only one sibling. I only have one brother. Amire a szüleid nem tanítanak meg, majd az élet megtanít. What you don't learn from your mother, you will learn from the world. What your parents don't teach you, life will teach you. Szeretem a paellát, a pörköltet és a grillezett húst I like paella, meat stew and grilled meat. I like paella, stew and grilled meat Ne aggódj! Tudom, mit csinálok. Don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Tom eltűnt. Tom's missing. Tom's gone. Tomi ei näytä kovin tyytyväiseltä. Tom doesn't seem very satisfied. Tom doesn't seem too happy. Haluaisin painottaa kungfutselaisia arvoja, jotka ovat läsnä tämän ryhmän joukossa. I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group. I would like to emphasise the Confucian values that are present among this group. Tom on Marin sisarenpoika. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom syleilee Marieta. Tom embraces Marie. Tom hugs Marie. Sinä olet viisas. You're wise. You're smart. Miksi meidän täytyy käyttää alushousuja? Why do we have to wear underwear? Why do we have to wear underwear? Tomnak tegnap meg kellett volna érkeznie. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Tom was supposed to arrive yesterday. Igazából nem ő az apád. He-he. He's not really your father. Heh-heh. Actually, he's not your father. Hányszor mentél? How many times did you go? How many times? Hän tuli New Yorkiin etsimään työtä. He came to New York in order to look for a job. He came to New York looking for a job. Yritin suostutella Tomin tulemaan Bostoniin kanssamme, mutta hän sanoi, että hänellä on muuta tekemistä. I tried to persuade Tom to come to Boston with us, but he said he had other things he had to do. I tried to talk Tom into coming to Boston with us, but he said he had other things to do. Ez a rendelkezés jövőre lép érvénybe. This regulation will take effect next year. This provision will come into effect next year. Jól néz ki. It looks great. It's looking good. Kissa raapi kättäni. The cat scratched my hand. The cat scratched my hand. Több tiszteletet érdemlek. I deserve to be shown more respect. I deserve more respect. — Nagynéném nagyobb fia Ausztriába költözött a fővárosba. — Az unokatestvéred, Pete, Sydney-be? "The elder son of my aunt moved to Austria to the capital city." "Your cousin Pete to Sydney?" “My aunt’s older son has moved to the capital, Austria.” “Your cousin, Pete, to Sydney?” Próbálj meg koplalni. Try not to eat. Try fasting. Dob. She throws. Drum. Meg vagyok győződve róla, hogy ezt a teniszmérkőzést én nyerem. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I am convinced that this tennis match will be won by me. Van joghurt a hűtőben. There is yogurt in the fridge. There's yogurt in the fridge. Április megőrült. April went crazy. April went crazy. Klikkaa "tallenna" aloittaaksesi latauksen. Click on "save" to begin the download. Click "save" to start the download. Ajattelin että Tom vain tarvitsi vähän enemmän aikaa. I thought Tom just needed some more time. I thought Tom just needed a little more time. En yleensä tee tuota. I don't usually do that. I don't usually do that. Ennek a mókusnak dióallergiája van. This squirrel has a nut allergy. This squirrel has a nut allergy. Úgy bánnak velem, mint egy gyerekkel. They are treating me like a child. They're treating me like a child. Minun vaimoni on kasvissyöjä. My wife is a vegetarian. My wife is a vegetarian. Mennyire irigyellek. How I envy you. How I envy you. Eipäs vedetä liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä, jooko? Let's not jump to conclusions, okay? Let's not jump to conclusions, okay? Avatkaa ovet. Open the doors. Open the doors, please. Megint tartjuk a menetrendet. We're back on schedule. We're back on schedule. Ő az egyetlen egy, aki túlélte. He's the only one who survived. He's the only one who survived. John szeret sakkozni. John likes chess. John likes to play chess. Nyitva kell tartania a szemét. You must keep your eyes open. You have to keep your eyes open. Együtt negyvenhárom évesek vagyunk. We are forty-three put together. Together we are 43 years old. Ama két kép közül egyik sem tetszik. I like neither of those pictures. I don't like either of those two pictures. Mit tegyünk tűz esetén? What should we do in the event of a fire? What to do in case of fire? Utálom Marit, mert olyan szép és eszes. I hate Mary since she's that beautiful and smart. I hate Mari because she's so beautiful and smart. Szerintem személyesen kellene bemenned. I think you need to go in person. I think you should go in person. Jobb lenne vigyáznod. You'd better watch out. You'd better watch out. Az NDK-ban nőtt fel. She grew up in the GDR. He grew up in the GDR. On Tomin syntymäpäivä. It's Tom's birthday. It's Tom's birthday. Ez eléggé rejtélyes. This is quite puzzling. That's pretty cryptic. A kegyetlenséged nem ismer határokat. Your cruelty knows no bounds. Your cruelty knows no bounds. Ők nem beszéltek. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Vigyázzatok magatokra! Watch yourselves! Take care of yourselves. Ha én nem látlak, akkor te sem látsz engrem. If I can't see you, you can't see me. If I can't see you, you can't see me. Vett egy pajzsot és egy kardot. He bought a shield and a sword. He bought a shield and a sword. A távolban észrevett egy evezős csónakot. She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance. In the distance he noticed a rowing boat. Anna minulle aseesi. Give me your weapons. Give me your gun. Menjünk lifttel! Let's take the elevator. Let's take the elevator. Minä puhun saksaa. I speak German. I speak German. Meg fog találni, bárhová is megyek. He'll find me wherever I go. He'll find me wherever I go. — Nem tudok enni. Nem jó a gyomrom — mondta Mari. — Hú, én sem tudok enni. Beburkoltam egy grillcsirkét — panaszkodott Tomi. "I can't eat. I have butterflies in my stomach", said Mary. "Ugh, I can't eat either. I have a grilled chicken in my stomach", complained Tom. “I can’t eat. I don’t have a good stomach,” said Mari. “Oh, I can’t eat either. I wrapped up a grilled chicken,” Tomi complained. Nagyon jól tudod, kire célzok. You know very well who I mean. You know very well who I'm referring to. Lopeta iniseminen. Stop whining. Stop moaning. Me olemme hiljaa. We'll stay quiet. We'll be quiet. Pelatkaa siellä. Play there. Play there. A repüléstől való félelme komoly akadályt jelent a karrierjében. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. Your fear of flying is a serious obstacle in your career. Ez a szótár jó. This dictionary is good. This dictionary is good. A mondatok, amiket írok, nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az aktuális gondolataimat vagy véleményemet. The sentences I write don't necessarily reflect my actual thoughts or opinions. The sentences I write do not necessarily reflect my current thoughts or opinions. Hän ei voinut muuta kuin itkeä. She couldn't help but cry. She had no choice but to cry. Nem bírok megbirkózni a gondolattal, hogy elveszítsek olyasvalakit, mint ő. I can't stand the idea of having lost someone like him. I can't deal with the thought of losing someone like him. Ez 10 forintba kerül. This costs 10 forints. It costs 10 forints. Minden alkalommal, ha látom, felfordul tőle a gyomrom. Every time I see him, my stomach turns. Every time I see him, it makes me sick. Szeretnék köszönetet nyilvánítani önöknek a nagyszerű munkájukért. I'd like to thank you for doing such a great job. I would like to thank you for your great work. Pisikesena paistev sündmus võib viia suurepärase tulemuseni. An apparently small event may lead to a great result. A small event can lead to a great result. Te is és én is tudjuk, hogy tűz és víz vagyunk. You and I know that we're polar opposites. You and I both know we're fire and water. Ha tetszett a videó, lájkold, és iratkozz fel. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to like and subscribe. If you liked the video, like it and subscribe. Kus nad olid? Where were they? Where were they? Túl sok ételt rendeltünk. We ordered too much food. We ordered too much food. Teen sen, mutta minulla on yksi ehto. I'll do it, but there's one condition. I'll do it, but I have one condition. Baszottul elegem van belőled! I'm fucking fed up with you. I'm fucking sick of you! Ez szándékos? Is that deliberate? Is that intentional? Nem beszélgetek apámmal. There's no dialogue between me and my father. I don't talk to my dad. Ahaa. I see. Uh-huh. Ugyanolyan idősek. They are the same age. They're the same age. Tom ja mina abiellume maikuus. Tom and I are getting married in May. Tom and I are getting married in May. Jos haluat kultaisen säännön, joka sopii kaikille, niin se on tässä: ”Älä pidä kotonasi mitään, mille et tiedä käyttöä, tai et pidä sitä kauniina.” If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. If you want a golden rule that works for everyone, here it is: “Do not keep anything in your home that you do not know how to use or that you do not consider beautiful.” Azt hiszed, ami drága az jó is? Do you think that expensive things are always good? You think what's expensive is good? Türelmesen kielemeztek minden felvételt. They analyzed all of the recordings patiently. They patiently analyzed all the footage. Előre tudtam, mit fog mondani Tomi. I knew in advance what Tom was going to say. I knew exactly what Tom was going to say. Olitteko te hänen kanssaan sinä yönä? Were you with him that night? Were you with him that night? A vizsgák mindig felidegelnek. Exams always make me nervous. Exams are always upsetting. Onko sinulla herätyskello huoneessasi? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Tom megevett egy tál áfonyát. Tom ate a bowl of huckleberries. Tom ate a bowl of blueberries. Ez a marhahús puha. This beef is tender. This beef is soft. A gyár kénytelen volt csökkenteni a termelését. The factory had to cut back its production. The company was forced to reduce production. Ellie hazafelé tartott az esőáztatta utcákon, és az út mentén lévő közlekedési lámpákat figyelte, ahogy pirosról sárgára, zöldre váltanak. Ellie walked the rainswept streets home, watching each set of traffic lights along her route change from red, to amber, to green. Ellie was walking home on the rain-soaked streets, watching traffic lights on the side of the road change from red to yellow to green. En yksinkertaisesti ymmärrä mitä foorumeilla riitaa haastavien ihmisten mielissä liikkuu. I just don't understand what goes through the minds of people who troll forums. I just don’t understand what’s going on in the minds of people who are struggling. Nousin kyytiin Lontooseen menevään junaan. I got on the train for London. I boarded a train to London. Melyik színt szereted jobban? Which color do you prefer? Which color do you prefer? Egyet meg kell vennem. I must buy one. I have to buy one. Onko eläimillä sieluja? Do animals have souls? Do animals have souls? Olisiko OK jos vaihtaisin tämän johonkin toiseen? Would it be OK if I exchanged this one for another one? Would it be okay if I traded this for someone else? Kezdj el élni! Get a life! Start living. Asun Miamissa. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. Tomi tuli toiseksi. Tom was second. Tom came in second. Tom vietti koko päivän yksin huoneessaan. Tom spent all day alone in his room. Tom spent the whole day alone in his room. On vielä yksi kysymys, johon et ole vielä vastannut. There's still one more question that you haven't yet answered. There's one more question you haven't answered yet. Megvolt mindenem. I had everything. I had everything. Asiat hajoavat. Things break. Things are falling apart. Ez volt az egyetlen dolog, amit tennem kellett. That was the only thing I had to do. It was the only thing I had to do. Én voltam az egyetlen, aki nem nevetett. I was the only one who didn't laugh. I was the only one who didn't laugh. Senki sem tudja, mit tartogat számunkra a jövő. No one knows what the future has in store for us. No one knows what the future holds for us. Haluan tavata Tomin kanssa. I want to meet with Tom. I want to see Tom. Tom sanoi minulle, että hän haluaisi, että menen käymään hänen luonaan huomenna iltapäivällä. Tom told me that he would like me to come over tomorrow afternoon. Tom told me that he would like me to visit him tomorrow afternoon. Näytät todella hurmaavalta tänään. You look very charming today. You look really charming today. Mi erre a magyarázat? How is this explained? What's the explanation? Majdnem három óra volt. It was close to three o'clock. It was almost three o'clock. Az akció fedőneve Porbafingó Tom. The code name of the action is Tom Thumb. The operation's code name is Dusty Farting Tom. Azt akarom, hogy rohanj el értem a boltba. I want you to run to the store for me. I want you to run to the store and get me. Tartsd meg, vagy dobd ki, ha nincs rá szükséged. Just keep it or throw it away if you don't need it. Keep it or throw it away if you don't need it. See on saladus. Ma ei saa sulle rääkida. That's a secret. I can't tell you. It's a secret, I can't tell you. Annyira hiányzott nekünk Tom! We missed Tom so much. We missed Tom so much. Monelta menit nukkumaan viime yönä? What time did you go to sleep last night? What time did you go to bed last night? Tomnak nem volt sok mondanivalója. Tom didn't have much to say. Tom didn't have much to say. Nem láttam a film végét. I couldn't see the end of the movie. I didn't see the end of the movie. Japanilaisessa puutarhassa on yleensä lampi. A Japanese garden usually has a pond in it. In the Japanese garden there is usually a pond. Szeretjük egymást, de már nem élünk nemi életet. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. We love each other, but we don't have sex anymore. Afrikában minden hatvanadik másodpercben eltelik egy perc. Együtt ezt meg tudjuk állítani. Kérlek, terjeszd e szavakat! Köszönöm a figyelmet! Every sixty seconds in Africa, a minute passes. Together, we can stop this. Please spread the word. Thank you for your attention. In Africa every sixty seconds a minute passes. Together we can stop this. Please spread these words! Thank you for your attention! Sa võid selle kaasa võtta. You can take that with you. You can take it with you. Inkább biciklivel megyek oda, mintsem gyalog. I would rather go there by bike than walk. I'd rather go there by bike than on foot. Olemme kaukana kotoa. We are a long way from home. We're a long way from home. Nem megyek innen el. I won't leave here. I'm not leaving here. Ne próbálj utánozni. Don't try to imitate me. Don't try to imitate me. Nagy tiszteletnek örvendő tudós. He is a scientist whom everyone respects. A highly respected scientist. Hadd köszönjem meg legalább, hogy segítettél! Let me thank you at least for helping me. At least let me thank you for helping me. Älä yritä tehdä kahta asiaa kerralla. Don't try to do two things at the same time. Don’t try to do two things at once. Fiatal, éretlen és felelőtlen. He's young, immature, and irresponsible. Young, immature and irresponsible. Beléd szerettem abban a pillanatban, amikor megláttalak. I fell in love with you the instant I saw you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. Fizethetek MasterCard kártyával? Do you take MasterCard? Can I pay with MasterCard? Takkini vetoketju on jumissa. The zip on my jacket has got stuck. The zipper on my jacket is stuck. Van itthon valaki? Anybody home? Anybody home? Szebb napokat is megélt. She's known better days. He's had better days. Elromlott a füstjelző. The smoke alarm went off. Smoke alarm's broken. Tom összegyűrte a zacskót és eldobta. Tom crumpled the bag and threw it away. Tom crumpled the bag and threw it away. Kuinka pitkäksi aikaa juna pysähtyy täällä? How long will the train stop here? How long will the train stop here? Izgalmasnak ígérkezik. It looks exciting. It promises to be exciting. Nem maradt más tennivaló. There's nothing else left to be done. There's nothing left to do. Vigye a repülőt a hangárba! Put the plane in the hangar. Take the plane to the hangar. Ne félj álmodozni. Don't be afraid to dream. Don't be afraid to dream. Amikor valami rosszul indul, még rosszabbul végződik. When something starts off bad, it ends worse. When something goes wrong, it ends even worse. Jaj, már menni akartam! Oh, I was just about to leave. Oh, I was about to go. Ez nem túlzás. That's no exaggeration. That's not an exaggeration. Az öreg macskája még mindig él. The old man's cat's still living. The old cat is still alive. Két kutyája van. He has two dogs. He has two dogs. Tomi hukkuu. Tom is drowning. Tom is drowning. Tom on sõbralik. Tom is friendly. Tom is friendly. Juna oli niin täynnä, että meidän piti seistä koko matka Osakaan. The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka. The train was so full that we had to stand all the way to Osaka. Voitko kertoa minulle mitä hän sanoi? Can you tell me what he said? Can you tell me what he said? Rá már nincsen szükségem. I don't need him any longer. I don't need him anymore. Ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu. Rome was not built in a day. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neked való munka az. That job is for you. It's a job for you. Älä ole niin vahingoniloinen! Don't be so gleeful! Don't be so gloating! Akkor nem voltam rá felkészülve. I wasn't prepared to do that at that time. I wasn't ready then. Kui vana on kõige vanem inimene, keda sa tead? How old is the oldest person you know? How old is the oldest person you know? Et pysty siihen ilman minua. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do it without me. Älä sekoile! Don't mess around! Don't mess with me! Tomi olisi kuollut kateudesta, jos olisi saanut tietää. Tom would've died of envy if he'd found out. Tom would have died of jealousy if he had known. Egész idő alatt egymással beszélgettünk. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other the whole time. Miten myöhään pankki on auki? How late is the bank open? How late is the bank open? Menjünk el együtt vásárolni! Let's go shopping together. Let's go shopping together. Tom antoi kissansa Marille. Tom gave his cat to Mary. Tom gave his cat to Mary. Jonota. Stand in the queue. Line up. Olen varma, että sinä onnistut. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you can do it. Sok mindent meg tudunk csinálni, ha együttműködünk. We can do a lot if we cooperate. There's a lot we can do if we work together. Katsotteko uutisia? Do you watch the news? You watch the news? Tom magamra emlékeztet. Tom reminds me of myself. Tom reminds me of me. Meglehetősen egyszerű. It's pretty simple. It's pretty simple. Örülök, hogy fény derült rá. I'm glad it's out in the open. I'm glad it came to light. Mikä sinun pääaineesi oli yliopistossa? What did you major in at college? What was your major in college? Naine joob vett. The woman drinks the water. She's drinking water. Sa andsid endast parima. You did your best. You did your best. Miksi käskit heitä tekemään niin? Why did you tell them to do it? Why did you tell them to do that? Tomi on julkaissut taas kiistanalaisen kirjan. Tom has again published a controversial book. Tom has published another controversial book. Tulin tapaamaan Tomia. I'm here to see Tom. I'm here to see Tom. Mikor beszéltél velük utoljára? When was the last time you spoke to them? When was the last time you spoke to them? Se on prioriteetti. That's the priority. It's a priority. A játékot valószínűleg lemondják. The game will probably be canceled. The game will probably be cancelled. Ziri az anyukájával fog élni Algériában. Ziri is going to live with his mom in Algeria. Ziri will live with her mother in Algeria. Hiljaa hyvä tulee. Pace yourself. It's going to be quiet. See on üks maailma suurimaid linnu. It's one of the largest cities in the world. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Szerintem ez igazságtalan. I think it's unfair. I think that's unfair. Luulin, että olisit innoissasi siitä, että olen menossa naimisiin. I thought you were excited that I was getting married. I thought you'd be excited that I'm getting married. Miten kätevää! How convenient! How convenient! Kevés hó volt ebben az évben. We have had little snow this year. There was very little snow this year. Minul on žiäli. I'm sorry. I've got a gel. Fölöslegesek voltak az erőfeszítései? Were all their efforts in vain? Was his efforts unnecessary? Tomi on outo. Tom's strange. Tom is weird. Nem fog visszajönni, hidd el nekem. He won't come back, believe me. He's not coming back, believe me. Csodáljuk és csak csodáljuk a tehetségét. We cannot help admiring his talent. We admire and admire his talent. Tomi rászólt a kutyára, hogy üljön le. Tom ordered the dog to sit. Tom asked the dog to sit down. Semmit nem tudsz a fociról. You don't know anything about football. You don't know anything about football. Éhes a gyerekem. My child is hungry. My baby's hungry. Veganismi on halvempaa kuin tupakointi. Veganism is cheaper than smoking. Veganism is cheaper than smoking. Nem tudom, hogy váltják az eurót dollárrá. I don't know how to convert euros to dollars. I don't know how they're going to convert the euro into dollars. A panaszkodástól még nem változik meg semmi. Complaining isn't going to change anything. Complaining doesn’t change anything. Az anyanyelve francia. French is her mother tongue. Her mother tongue is French. Épp csak megérkeztünk és Tompi már elkezdett kiabálni velünk. Hardly had we returned when Tom started to shout at us. We had just arrived and Tompi was already yelling at us. "Onko sulla muksuja?" – "Kyllä, minulla on poika." "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." "Do you have any children?" - "Yes, I have a son." Onko Tom vielä hereillä? Is Tom still awake? Is Tom still awake? Olen opettanut täällä yli 30 vuotta. I've been teaching here for over thirty years. I have been teaching here for over 30 years. Alustan homme. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Kus on pudeliavaja? Where's the bottle opener? Where's the bottle opener? Kunpa keksisin miten DVD poltetaan. I wish I could figure out how to burn a DVD. I wish I could figure out how to burn DVDs. Nem gyakoriak az efféle hibák. These kinds of mistakes are uncommon. Such mistakes are not common. Tomi csak beszélt és beszélt, és nem hagyta szóhoz jutni Marit. Tom talked and talked, and wouldn't let Mary get a word in edgeways. Tom just talked and talked, and he didn't let Mari talk. Tom nem tud úszni, és én sem. Tom can't swim and neither can I. Tom can't swim, and neither can I. Tamás csak palackos vizet iszik. Tom drinks only bottled water. Tom only drinks bottled water. Sa oled ilus tüdruk. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Valitse hyveistä hiljaisuus, sillä sillä kuulet muiden viat ja peität omasi. Choose silence of all virtues, for by it you hear other men's imperfections, and conceal your own. Choose silence from the virtues, for it will hear the faults of others and cover up your own. Aion mennä Hawaille laivalla. I plan to go to Hawaii by ship. I'm going to Hawaii on a boat. Mahtavaa! Terrific! That's awesome! Tuo oli typerää. That was stupid. That was stupid. Miten koe meni? How was your test? How'd the test go? Tudnom kell, hol ásta el Tomi az aranyat. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. A hatalom utáni vágyad nem ismer határokat. Your desire for power knows no bounds. Your desire for power knows no bounds. Soha életemben nem voltam boldog. I've never been happy in my life. I've never been happy in my life. Hän ei ole lääkäri. She is not a physician. He's not a doctor. Azt mondta, hogy eljön, de nem jött. He said he'd come, but he didn't come. He said he'd come, but he didn't. Elég ideje van? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Tomi näytti naurettavalta. Tom looked foolish. Tom looked ridiculous. Összefutottam vele az utcán. I just met her in the street. I ran into him on the street. Jó éjszakát, kis hölgy! Good night, Miss. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Miksi lukitsit oven? Why did you lock the door? Why'd you lock the door? Montako sait käsiisi? How many did you get? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Nem tudom lefordítani ezt a könyvet. I cannot translate this book. I can't translate this book. Dánia leghosszabb folyója a Guden a maga 160 kilométerével. The longest river in Denmark is the Guden, which has a length of 160 kilometres. The longest river in Denmark is the Guden, which is 160 km long. Mindegy, mit gondol, én megcsinálom a magam módján. No matter what his opinion is, I will do it the way I want to. No matter what you think, I'll do it my way. Hiroko teljesen egyedül ült ott. Hiroko sat there all alone. Hiroko was sitting there all alone. Nem tudta a könnyeit visszatartani. She couldn't hold back her tears. He couldn't hold back his tears. Nem vagyok saját magam ellensége. I'm not the enemy of myself. I am not my own enemy. Hän ei ole tyytyväinen koskaan. He's never satisfied. He'll never be satisfied. A szám elé tettem az ujjamat, hogy csönd legyen. I put my finger on my lips for silence. I put my finger in front of my mouth to keep it quiet. Näytä minulle missä Puerto Rico sijaitsee kartalla. Show me where Puerto Rico is on the map. Show me where Puerto Rico is on the map. Milyen gyakran etessem meg a kutyámat? How often should I feed my dog? How often should I feed my dog? Lengyel. She's Polish. Polish. Metri maksaa 25 euroa. It costs 25 euros a metre. The meter costs 25 euros. Hullumeelsus! Crazy! That's crazy! Pontosan mit kell csinálnunk? What exactly do we need to do? What exactly do we have to do? Sok szemét van az utakon. There is a lot of garbage on the streets. There's a lot of trash on the roads. Haluan syödä jotain, joka ei ole tulista. I want to eat something that's not spicy. I want to eat something that's not hot. Nem ismerik a gyermekéletet: mennél messzebbre megyünk róla szóló hamis fogalmaink után, annál jobban eltévelyedünk. We know nothing of childhood; and with our mistaken notions, the further we advance, the further we go astray. They do not know child life: the further we go after our false conceptions of it, the more we go astray. En aio luovuttaa missään tapauksessa. I don't intend to quit, no matter what. I will not give up under any circumstances. Ta ei saanud minust aru. He didn't understand me. She didn't understand me. Nálad magasabb. He is taller than you. He's taller than you. Ez pozitív irányvonal. It's a positive tendency. This is a positive line. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom meg lesz döbbenve. I'm sure Tom will be astonished. I'm sure Tom will be shocked. Nem igazán ismerem őt, így nem is igazán bízom benne. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. I don't really know him, so I don't really trust him. Mari dühösnek tűnt. Mary looked furious. Mary looked angry. Tom messzire el fog menni. Tom will go far. Tom will go far. Várjunk itt, amíg mindenki más hazamegy. Let's wait here until everybody else goes home. Let's wait here until everyone else goes home. Az ár nem probléma. Price isn't an issue. The price is not a problem. Inkább élek békés szegénységben, mint gazdagon és rettegve. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than in wealth and fear. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than rich and scared. Vörös rózsákat vettem neked. I brought you red roses. I bought you red roses. Tunnetko jotakuta, joka ei ole koskaan käyttänyt hammastahnaa? Do you know of someone who's never used toothpaste? Do you know someone who has never used toothpaste? Se ei vain tunnu oikeanlaiselta. It just doesn't feel right. It just doesn't feel right. Szeretnék aludni. I'd like to sleep. I'd like to sleep. Megkérdezted már magadtól, miért történik ez? Have you ever asked yourself why that happens? Have you ever asked yourself why this is happening? Apám, te aztán gyorsan tanulsz! Jeez, you learn fast. Boy, you're a fast learner. Már csak öt dolog van a listámon. There are just five more things on my list. There are only five things on my list. Most ne hívd Tomit. Don't call Tom now. Don't call Tom now. Hozzatok valami nasit. Bring some munchies. Get me a snack. Anteeksi kun tulen myöhässä. Pardon me for coming late. I'm sorry I'm late. Ez eladó? Is this for sale? Is this for sale? Ismered a véleményemet. You know what my opinion is. You know my opinion. Minkälainen ihminen tekee jotain sellaista? What kind of a person does something like that? SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Miksi meemit ovat niin suosittuja? Why are memes so popular? Why are memes so popular? Még a legnagyobb tudósok sem tudják ezt megoldani. Even the greatest scholar can't solve that. Even the best scientists can’t solve it. Ne add ezt nekem! Don't give it to me! Don't give me that. Lehmänmaito on maukkaampaa kuin soijamaito. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Sinä päivänä ei ollut koulua lumen takia. There was no school that day because of the snow. There was no school that day because of the snow. Mary pénztárosként dolgozik. Mary works as a cashier. Mary works as a cashier. Tomnak volt belőle. Tom had some. Tom had some of it. Végre-valahára túl vagyunk rajta! It's over at last. We're finally over it! Mitä tämä tarkoittaa? What does this mean? What's the meaning of this? A baj csak az, hogy nem emlékszem, hol parkoltam le a kocsit. The problem is I don't remember where I parked my car. The problem is, I can't remember where I parked the car. Melyik a te söröd? Which beer is yours? Which one's your beer? Adja át üdvözletemet a szüleinek! Say hello to your parents for me. Give my regards to your parents. Hibás a diagramod. There are errors in your diagram. Your diagram's wrong. Voisitko avata matkalaukkusi. Please open your suitcase. Could you open your suitcase? Ez az életem! It's my life. This is my life! Olen hyvä siinä, mitä teen. I'm good at what I do. I'm good at what I do. Teidän olisi syytä lähteä nyt. You'd better go now. You should leave now. Itt lakom, a környéken. I live in this neighborhood. I live here, in the neighborhood. Nem találom Tomit. I can't find Tom. I can't find Tom. Próbálj meg aludni, ha tudsz. Try to sleep if you can. Try to sleep if you can. Lainasin Tomille autoani. I lent my car to Tom. I lent Tom my car. Ez a helyzet. This is the case. That's the way it is. Sinun täytyy kertoa minulle. You must tell me. You have to tell me. Nem akarok senkit sem látni. I don't feel like seeing anyone. I don't want to see anyone. Megbillentette a kalapját. He tipped his hat. He tipped his hat. A város bűnözési rátája a pocsék rendőri munkának köszönhető. The city's crime rate is high due to the police's lousiness. The city's crime rate is a result of lousy police work. Hány felülést csináljak egy nap? How many sit-ups should I do a day? How many sit-ups should I do in a day? Ne rugdald az ülésemet! Don't kick my seat. Don't kick my seat. Nem a te műfajod. It's not your cup of tea. It's not your thing. Kuunnellaan nauha. Let's listen to the tape. Let's listen to the tape. Se kala oli varmaankin mennyt pilalle. Se taitaa tulla ylös. That fish must've gone bad. I think I'm going to throw up. That fish must have been ruined, I think it's coming up. Lelőtték az utcán Tomot a templom előtt. Tom was shot down in the street in front of the church. They shot Tom in the street outside the church. Kone on valmiina. The airplane is ready. The plane is ready. Kas sinuga koos oli teisi? Were there others with you? Were there others with you? A jég elolvadt. The ice melted. The ice has melted. Minä pidän tästä koulusta. I love this school. I like this school. Mi a világ leghalálosabb madara? What's the world's deadliest bird? What is the deadliest bird in the world? Tom varasti rahaa Marin käsilaukusta. Tom stole money from Mary's purse. Tom stole money from Mari's purse. Találkoztam vele élőben. I met him face to face. I met him live. Kirjoita! Type! Write it! Ötvenezer jenért vett egy biciklit. He bought a bicycle for fifty thousand yen. He bought a bicycle for 50,000 yen. Lisää minut kaveriksi Facebookissa, jos haluat. Olen siellä nimellä Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me as a friend on Facebook if you want. I'll be there under the name Ryck Vernaut. Kaphatok egy kiló kicsontozott tonhalat légy szíves? Can I get a kilo of tuna fish fillets please? Can I have a kilo of boneless tuna, please? Millie zenét hallgat. Millie is listening to music. Millie listens to music. A havi jövedelme félmillió yen. His monthly income amounts to half a million yen. Your monthly income is half a million yen. Tom eddig még nem repült seprűnyélen. Tom had never flown on a broomstick before. Tom's never flown on a broomstick before. Éppen arrafelé megyek. I'm headed over there right now. I'm on my way there. Missäköhän Tomi on ja kenenköhän kanssa? I wonder where Tom is and who he's with. Where is Tom and with whom? Tom sosem bukkant fel újra. Tom never showed up again. Tom never showed up again. Pablo és María itt volt. Pablo and María were here. Pablo and Mar<0xC3><0xAD>a were here. Sormesi ovat nätit. Your fingers are pretty. Your fingers are pretty. Kaikkialla oli verta. There was blood everywhere. There was blood everywhere. Számítanak az első benyomások. First impressions matter. First impressions matter. Minusta se on ihme. I think it's a miracle. I think it's a miracle. Van itt egy felvonó? Is there an elevator? Is there an elevator? Az exemre gondoltam. I thought of my ex. I was thinking about my ex. Sa blokeerisid mind Facebookis ja nüüd sa sured. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're dead. Beálltak a buszmegálló menedékébe. They sheltered at a bus stop. They entered the shelter at the bus stop. Joo minuga. Have a drink with me. Drink with me. Lõppude lõpuks! Finally! After all! A modern ember már nem boldogul autó nélkül. Modern people cannot do without cars. Modern man can no longer do without a car. Elmegyek a városba. I'm going to town. I'm going to town. Nem ezért mondtam, hogy ez a munka nem könnyű. That isn't the reason why I said the job wasn't easy. That's not why I said this job wasn't easy. Elmondom Tominak, hogy ezt mondtad. I'll tell Tom you said so. I'll tell Tom you said that. Erkölcsileg ez nem helyes. It is morally not correct. It is not morally right. Haluan jutella kanssasi Tomista. I want to talk to you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. Gyerekkotomban sokat betegeskedtem. I often got sick when I was a kid. I was sick a lot as a child. Az ügyvéd kitartott védence ártatlansága mellett. The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence. The lawyer maintained the innocence of his client. Mihin olette menossa viettämään kuherruskuukauttanne? Where are you going on your honeymoon? Where are you going for your honeymoon? Tomilla on monia vaikutusvaltaisia ystäviä Washingtonissa. Tom has many powerful friends in Washington. Tom has many influential friends in Washington. Kattoiko perintö professorin värväämiskustannukset? Did the bequest cover the cost of recruiting a professor? Did the inheritance cover the professor's recruiting costs? Tomi on jatko-opiskelija. Tom is a doctoral student. Tom is a graduate student. Jokin huolestuttaa häntä. Something's worrying her. Something's worrying him. Egyszerűen figyelmen kívül hagyom. I'll just ignore that. I simply ignore it. Mindig tartok kéznél egy csavarhúzót. I always keep a screwdriver handy. I always keep a screwdriver handy. Ebben az országban minden bolondból lehet kormányzó, képviselő vagy szenátor. In this country, any fool can be a governor, a representative or a senator. In this country, every fool can be a governor, a congressman, or a senator. Voltál már a fodrásznál? Have you been to the barber? Have you been to the hairdresser? Ez egy szólás. It's a saying. That's a saying. Tud németül? Do you know German? You speak German? Igen szomorú tudni, hogy amerikai indián őseink majdnem ki lettek írtva az európaiak által egytől egyig, de még szomorúbb azt tanulni az iskolában, hogy ezek a népírtók hősök. It's very sad to know that our Amerindian ancestors were almost all exterminated by the Europeans, but even more sad is to be taught in school that these genociders were heroes. It is very sad to know that our American Indian ancestors were almost wiped out by the Europeans, one by one, but it is even sadder to learn in school that these genocidal men are heroes. Tom megnyomta a gombot és várt. Tom pushed the button and waited. Tom pressed the button and waited. Olen pahoillani siitä mitä sanoin. Se oli asiatonta. I'm sorry for what I said. I was out of line. I'm sorry about what I said. Kiporszívóztam az autót. I hoovered the car. I vacuumed the car. Hangosabban nem tudok beszélni. Nincs hangom. I can't speak more loudly. I don't have a voice. I can't speak louder. Tom egy fekete kabátot viselt. Tom was wearing a black coat. Tom was wearing a black coat. Ma reggel egyszerűen nem is akarok kikelni az ágyból. I don't even want to get out of bed this morning. I just don't want to get out of bed this morning. Olit oikeassa Tomista. You were right about Tom. You were right about Tom. En oikeastaan välitä siitä mitä ajattelet. I don't really care what you think. I don't really care what you think. En halua asua yksin. I don't want to live alone. I don't want to live alone. Úgy érzem, senki nem mond nekem igazat. I feel no one tells me the truth. I feel like no one's telling me the truth. Ki van szolgálatban? Who is on duty? Who's on duty? Miten Tom aikoo löytää Marin? How's Tom going to find Mary? How is Tom going to find Mari? Sinä olet edelleen vihreä. You're still green. You're still green. Kas keegi igatses mind? Did anyone miss me? Did anyone miss me? Ezer meg egy a dolgom. I have a ton of stuff to do. I have a thousand and one things to do. Voinko tavata sinut kymmeneltä huomenna? Can I see you at ten tomorrow? Can I see you tomorrow at 10:00? Gyűjtsd össze a gondolataidat, mielőtt nekiállsz dolgozni. Collect your thoughts before you begin your work. Gather your thoughts before you go to work. Éjfél után felébredtünk. We woke up after midnight. We woke up after midnight. Volt egy időszak, amikor nagyon odavoltam érte. There was a period when I was really into it. There was a time when I was very fond of him. Látták Nessie-t a Bajkál-tóban. Nessie was seen in the Lake Baikal. They saw Nessie in Lake Baikal. Vonzónak találom. I find him attractive. I find it attractive. Ei ihme että he ovat valinneet hänet puheenjohtajaksi. No wonder they have elected him chairman. No wonder he was elected president. Sinä olet saattanut olla oikeassa. You may have been right. You may have been right. Rosszul tartod. You're holding it wrong. You don't think so. Én nem voltam ott azon a találkozón. I wasn't present at that meeting. I wasn't at that meeting. — Itt volt az alkoholista unokatestvéred. — Melyik? — Mondom, az alkoholista. — Jó, de melyik közülük? "Your alcoholic cousin was here." "Which one?" "I said the alcoholic." "OK, but which one?" “Your alcoholic cousin was here.” “Which one?” “I say, the alcoholic.” “Okay, but which one?” Attól tartok, mi vagyunk a kisebbség. I'm afraid we're in the minority. I'm afraid we're the minority. Sota syttyi vuonna 1941. War broke out in 1941. The war broke out in 1941. — Miáú! Miáú! Miáááú! — Ne most, Cirmi! "Meow! Meow! Meowww!" "Not now, Cookie." “Meow! Meow! Meow! Not now, Cricket! Egy ládát hozott, amiben nagyon értékes áruk voltak. He brought a chest, in which there were very valuable goods. He brought a box with some very valuable goods in it. Mitä ämmä? Bitch, what's up? What's up, bitch? Kuvaus, joka on kaikkialla differentioituva, on jatkuva. A function that is differentiable everywhere is continuous. The description, which is everywhere differentiable, is continuous. Akarsz ma még valamit csinálni? Is there anything else you'd like to do today? Do you want to do anything else today? Tippelj, ki volt itt! Guess who was here. Guess who was here. Tomi tietää kaupungin kaikki siistit paikat. Tom knows all the cool spots in town. Tom knows all the coolest places in town. Beszélek kicsit magyarul. I speak a little Hungarian. I speak a little Hungarian. Egyél rendesebben. Feed yourself better. Eat better. En ollut ehtinyt pitkälle ennen kuin tapasin hänet. I had not gone far before I met him. I hadn't gotten far before I met him. Tomi ei kyennyt avaamaan ikkunaa. Tom was unable to open the window. Tom was unable to open the window. Tänä aamuna lähdin kouluun pesemättä naamaani. This morning, I left for school without washing my face. This morning I went to school without washing my face. He vastustavat eläinrääkkäystä. They're against animal abuse. They are against animal cruelty. Tamás nem szeret utazni. Tom doesn't like to travel. Tom doesn't like to travel. Ajattele mitä lystäät. Think what you want. Think what you like. A szájmaszkból is divatot és üzletet csináltak. They created fashion and business from mouth masks, too. They also made a fashion and business out of the face mask. Hän ei osaa puhua englantia eikä ranskaa. He can speak neither English nor French. He can't speak English or French. Soitan kitaraa, mutten laula. I play the guitar, but I don't sing. I play the guitar, but I don't sing. Nämä allekirjoitukset eivät täsmää. These signatures don't match. These signatures don't match. Siess, vagy elkésel az iskolából. Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. Hurry up or you'll be late for school. Tom nagyon gyorsan vezet. Tom drives very fast. Tom's driving really fast. Mindent hallottam. I've heard everything. I heard everything. Tom istui auton konepellillä. Tom was sitting on the hood of the car. Tom was sitting on the hood of the car. Minun tekee mieli vain ottaa rennosti. I just feel like relaxing. I just want to relax. Szívesen gondolok rá vissza. I like to remember it. I'd love to think about it. Olet menettänyt järkesi. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your mind. Hän löi häntä. She hit him. He hit her. Tom feszült lett. Tom became tense. Tom was tense. Et taida uskoa että olen oikeassa, vai mitä? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't believe I'm right, do you? Válogatósak vagyunk. We're picky eaters. We're selective. Minä haluan vesihiihtää. I want to water ski. I want to water ski. Meddig várt? How long have you waited? How long did you wait? Tämä on kultakaivos. This is a gold mine. This is a gold mine. A békáknak nincsen nyakuk. Frogs have no neck. Frogs don't have necks. Mitä varovaisempi olet, sitä vähemmän teet virheitä. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make. The more careful you are, the less mistakes you make. Sinun pyöräsi on parempi kuin minun. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Kukaan hänen oppilaistaan ei osannut ratkaista tehtävää. None of his students could solve the problem. None of his students were able to complete the task. Csak azért feküdtem le veled, mert megzsaroltál engem. I only slept with you because you were blackmailing me. I only slept with you because you blackmailed me. Feketén iszom a kávém. I drink my coffee bitter. I drink my coffee black. Tunnen oloni niin yksinäiseksi joskus. I feel so lonely sometimes. I feel so alone sometimes. Meidän lapset ovat lihavia. Our kids are fat. Our kids are fat. Inkább otthon szeretnék maradni. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay at home. A hegyekben voltak a szabijuk alatt. They spent their holiday in the mountains. They were in the mountains during their holidays. Meidän täytyy aloittaa nollasta. We need to start from scratch. We have to start from zero. Fő a kávé. The coffee is brewing. It's coffee. A nyomok idevezettek minket. The traces led us here. The clues led us here. Se oli rankka. It was tough. It was hard. Vártalak. I've been waiting for you. I've waited. Ajattelin tulevaisuutta. I thought about the future. I thought about the future. Tiedättekö mitään tähtitieteestä? Do you know anything about astronomy? Do you know anything about astronomy? Täytin viime viikolla 30 vuotta. I turned thirty last week. I turned 30 last week. A mi vidékünkön nem élnek mérges kígyók. Venomous snakes don't live in our place. There are no venomous snakes in our area. Istuhan alas. Please have a seat. Sit down. Sit down. Pár percet kérek. Give me a few minutes. Give me a few minutes. Minä soitan uudestaan. I'll call again. I'll call you back. Haluan, että isäni näkee sen leffan. I want my father to see the movie. I want my dad to see that movie. Szerintem én nem tudnék ölni. I think I couldn't kill. I don't think I could kill. Leragadtál a múltban. You're stuck in the past. You're stuck in the past. Mért kéne, hogy minket ez érdekeljen? Why should we care? Why should we care? Se on kaikki mitä tiedämme. That's all we know. That's all we know. Syljehän. Please spit. Spit. Tarvitsen apua kipeästi. I need urgent help. I need your help badly. Úgy döntött, hogy Belgiumba költözik. She decided to move to Belgium. He decided to move to Belgium. Kezdődik az élő adás. A live broadcast is starting. We're live now. A tényeknek nincsen dolguk a véleményeddel. Facts don't care about your opinion. Facts have nothing to do with your opinion. Tevepatája van. She has a cameltoe. He's got a camel pat. Készen vagyunk. We're ready. We're all set. Csodálatos este volt. It was a wonderful evening. It was a wonderful evening. Az új főnök nem sokat teketóriázik. Aki nem tartja be a szabályokat, ki van rúgva. The new boss doesn't mess about. Whoever doesn't toe the line gets sacked. The new boss doesn't make much of a fuss, and anyone who doesn't play by the rules is fired. Tom házas ember. Tom is a married man. Tom's a married man. Pulber on vees lahustuv. The powder is soluble in water. The powder is water soluble. Tom alkoi opiskella ranskaa kolme vuotta sitten. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started studying French three years ago. Most tanultam egy új szót. I just learned a new word. I just learned a new word. Ziri onnistui palauttamaan Riman takaisin ihmiseksi. Ziri managed to restore Rima to her human form. Ziri managed to bring Rima back to human form. Söin pizzaa joka päivä viime viikolla. I ate pizza every day last week. I ate pizza every day last week. Veljeni tytär on sairaanhoitaja. My niece is a nurse. My brother's daughter is a nurse. Mellé álltam. I stood next to him. I sided with him. Mindenki téged keresett. Everybody was looking for you. Everyone was looking for you. Létezel? Do you exist? You exist? Hän oli niin hengästynyt, että pystyi hädin tuskin puhua. She was so out of breath that she could hardly speak. He was so out of breath that he could barely speak. Menin kouluun Tomin kanssa. I went to school with Tom. I went to school with Tom. Kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan. Heille on annettu järki ja omatunto, ja heidän on toimittava toisiaan kohtaan veljeyden hengessä. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are endowed with reason and conscience, and must act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Kõvemini. Louder. Harder. Bocs, de sietek, mint az állat. Sorry. I'm in a terrible hurry. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Hei Susan. Mitä kuuluu? Hi, Susan. How are you? Hey, Susan, how are you? Ez a Tatoeba. That is Tatoeba. It's the Tatoeba. Tomi ja Mari ovat olleet naimisissa 30 vuotta. Tom and Mary have been married for 30 years. Tomi and Mari have been married for 30 years. Ez elég lesz. This will do. That should do it. A húga egy jól ismert tv-sztár. His younger sister is a well-known TV star. Her sister's a well-known TV star. Tom osaa puhua vain vähän ranskaa. Tom can speak just a little French. Tom can only speak a little French. Tomi suree. Tom's grieving. Tom's dying. Ezt mondd el még egyszer lassan! Say that slowly again. Say that again slowly. Perheeni menee hiihtämään joka talvi. My family goes skiing every winter. My family goes skiing every winter. Pontosan ezt akarják. It's exactly what they want. That's exactly what they want. Tomi asui isossa talossa yksinään. Tom lives in a big house all by himself. Tom lived in a big house all by himself. Nem ezt csináltuk. That isn't what we did. That's not what we did. Jonkun pitää tehdä se. Somebody had to do it. Somebody's got to do it. En tykkää vastuun kantamisesta. I don't like having responsibilities. I don't like taking responsibility. Kokous järjestetään ensin maanantaina. The meeting will take place next Monday. The meeting will be held first on Monday. Az istenek az égből érkeztek. Gods came from the sky. The gods came from heaven. Nekem van mindenből egy kicsi. I have a bit of everything. I have a little of everything. Semmit sem adtak a szüleid? Didn't your parents give you anything? Didn't your parents give you anything? Minut nimettiin enoni mukaan. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. Kaikki oli hyvin. Everything was good. Everything was fine. Nem külföldön volt, hanem börtönben. He'd not been abroad but just in prison. He wasn't abroad. He was in prison. Reggelizem. I'm having breakfast. Breakfast. Melyik ételt nem szereted? What food don't you like? What food do you not like? ”Mikä hätänä?” kysyi pieni valkoinen kani. "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit. “What’s the matter?” asked the little white rabbit. Teeskennellään, että me olemme sotilaita. Let's pretend that we're soldiers. Let's pretend we're soldiers. Tom ei pystynyt puolustautumaan. Tom wasn't able to defend himself. Tom was unable to defend himself. Hol a kés? Where's the knife? Where's the knife? Majd meghalok, úgy fáj a kezem. My arm is killing me. I'm dying, my hand hurts. Az álmok valóra váltak. Dreams came true. The dreams have come true. Az asztalfiók nyitva van. The desk drawer is open. The desk is open. Tomnak sötét múltja van. Tom has a dark past. Tom has a dark past. On mitu tegurit. There are many factors. There are several factors. Tegyük fel, hogy igaz. Let's assume it's true. Let's say it's true. Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy tegnap este otthon volt. Tom told me he was home last night. Tom told me he was home last night. Legyen szíves megmondani, hogyan jutok Bostonba! Please tell me how to get to Boston. Please tell me how to get to Boston. Még egy lépés és halott vagy! One more step and you're dead. One more step and you're dead! — Tom amerikai? — Nem, kanadai. "Is Tom American?" "No, he's Canadian." — Tom is American? — No, Canadian. Hän oppii portugalia Brasiliassa. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. Tom tudja a számomat. Tom knows my number. Tom has my number. Tom lekapcsolta a világítást. Tom turned out the lights. Tom turned off the lights. Ez a történet a középkor végére röpít el minket. This tale brings us to the end of the Middle Ages. This story takes us to the end of the Middle Ages. Miten sun treffit meni Tomin kaa? How did your date with Tom go? How was your date with Tom? Száz barát között egy jó barát van. Good friends are one in a hundred. Among a hundred friends, there is a good friend. Haluan kokeilla benjihyppyä. I want to try bungee jumping. I want to try bungee jumping. Henkilö, joka on pelkkä pelinappula, puhuu usein suuria ihmisten seurassa. A person who is only a pawn in the game often talks big in company. A person who is just a pawn often speaks big in the company of people. See on minu laud. It is my table. This is my desk. Nämä ovat kaikki minun kirjojani. All of these books are mine. These are all my books. Käänsikö Marika yhtään sarjakuvakirjaa japanista suomeksi? Did Marika translate any comic books from Japanese into Finnish? Did Marika translate any of the comic books from Japanese into English? Nämä kupit ovat kaikki rikkinäisiä. These cups are all broken. These cups are all broken. Tom kész hazajönni. Tom is ready to come home. Tom's ready to come home. Se on niin suuri! It's so big! It's so big! Sinun täytyy hankkiutua eroon tuosta huonosta tavasta. You should get rid of that bad habit. You need to get rid of that bad habit. Futok. I run. I'm running. Suurin osa maailman maista käyttää metrijärjestelmää. Most countries around the world use the metric system. Most countries in the world use the metric system. Hän kirjoittaa kauniisti. He writes beautifully. He writes beautifully. Ne már! Épp menni akartam! Oh, I was just about to leave. Come on, I was just about to leave. Miért nem iszol? Why aren't you drinking? Why don't you drink? Sokkal tartozunk a szüleinknek. We owe our parents a lot. We owe a lot to our parents. Ígérem, még egyszer nem fordul ez elő. I promise that I won't do it again. I promise it won't happen again. Voltál már Mexikóban? Have you ever been to Mexico? You ever been to Mexico? Tom syö usein sängyssä. Tom often eats in bed. Tom often eats in bed. Ő mindig elfoglalt. He is always on the go. He's always busy. Espanjan pohjoisrannikko ja Ranskan länsirannikko muodostavat yhdessä Biskajanlahden. The north coast of Spain and the west coast of France together form the Bay of Biscay. The north coast of Spain and the west coast of France together form the Bay of Biscay. Csökken a népszerűsége. His popularity is falling. Its popularity is declining. Tom oli liikenneonnettomuudessa. Tom was in a traffic accident. Tom was in a traffic accident. Ez aztán a mókás egybeesés. What a funny coincidence. That's a funny coincidence. Lähetin siitä meiliä Tomille ja odotan vastausta. I've sent Tom an email about that and I'm waiting on his reply. I emailed Tom about it, and I'm waiting for an answer. Még sokat kell tanulnod arról, hogyan kell kedvesnek lenni. You've got a lot to learn about being nice. You still have a lot to learn about being kind. Tom tosiaankin tykkää antiikkiesineistä. Tom really likes antiques. Tom really likes antiques. Menjünk moziba! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to the movies. Ülj meg a fenekeden! Sit still! Sit on your ass. Elfelejtette visszahívni őt. She forgot to call her back. You forgot to call him back. Ahogy láthatod, az ellenkezőjét csinálom. As you can see, I am doing the opposite. As you can see, I'm doing the opposite. Jos minun veljeni ei olisi auttanut minua, olisin hukkunut. If my brother hadn't helped me, I would've drowned. If my brother hadn't helped me, I'd have drowned. Megkérhetném önöket, hogy jöjjenek közelebb? May I ask you to come closer? May I ask you to come closer? Adnom kellett Tomnak egy kis pénzt. I had to give Tom a little money. I had to give Tom some money. Tudom, ki ő. I know who she is. I know who he is. Folyton az utamba kerül. He kept getting in my way. He keeps getting in my way. Tein kaiken täysin itse. I did everything all by myself. I did it all by myself. Kärsimättömyys on ainoa huono puoli hänen luonteessaan. A quick temper is the only defect in her character. Impatience is the only bad thing about his character. Minulla on muutamia ranskalaisia kirjoja. I have some French books. I have a few French books. Nincs senkim az életben. I don't have anyone in my life. I have no one in my life. Ebben az országban nincsenek homoszexuálisok. There are no homosexuals in this country. There are no homosexuals in this country. Pidän aikakauslehtipaperista. I like glossy paper. I like magazine paper. Valószínűleg elájultam. I must have blacked out. I must have fainted. Sinä näytät vihaiselta. You look angry. You look angry. Tevék nélkül az élet a Szaharában gyakorlatilag lehetetlen volna. Without camels, life in the Sahara Desert would be practically impossible. Without camels, life in the Sahara would be virtually impossible. A repülőgép több mint két óra késéssel szállt fel. The plane took off more than two hours behind schedule. The plane took off more than two hours late. Egy sündisznó sétált az erdőben, amelyik elfelejtette, hogyan kell lélegezni, és meghalt. Akkor eszébe jutott, felállt és tovább sétált. A hedgehog walked in the forest, forgot how to breathe and died. Then he remembered, got up and continued walking. A hedgehog was walking in the forest, and he forgot how to breathe and died. Then he remembered, stood up and walked on. Tomi oli kirkumassa. Tom was screaming. Tom was screaming. Tämä kukka on harmai. This flower is grey. This flower is grey. Tomi egyiptomi. Tom is Egyptian. Tom is Egyptian. A részleteket még csak most véglegesítik. Details are still being finalized. The details are still being finalized. Ota hedelmiä, jos maistuu. Please help yourself to some fruit. Have some fruit, if you like. Tom juoksee hyvin lujaa. Tom runs very fast. Tom runs very fast. Persze! Of course. Yeah, sure. Most nem tudok veled beszélni. I can't talk with you right now. I can't talk to you right now. Minä en pidä yhteyttä vanhempaan veljeeni, mutta toista tapaan viikoittain. I'm not in touch with the older of my elder brothers, but I meet with the other one every week. I don't have a relationship with my older brother, but I do have one every week. Tomi on syntynyt tuossa sairaalassa. Tom was born in that hospital. Tom was born in that hospital. Az összes lehetőség továbbra is fennáll. All options remain on the table. All possibilities remain. Tom be van csípve. Tom's tipsy. Tom's pissed. Találnom kell egy részmunkaidős állást. I have to find a part-time job. I need to find a part-time job. Nincs nevethetnékem. I'm not in the mood to laugh. I can't laugh. Sinun olisi pitänyt kertoa minulle totuus. You should've told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Tom ei osannut kelloa kuin vasta kolmetoistavuotiaana. Tom couldn't tell time until he was thirteen. Tom didn't know the clock until he was 13. Fölöttébb furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. Van egy vízilovunk. We have a hippopotamus. We have a hippopotamus. Oletko sinä Facebookissa? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Egy baráti puszi nem tart szerintem egy percig. A friendly kiss doesn't last one minute, I think. I don't think a friendly kiss lasts a minute. Mindig ugyanakkor vacsorázunk. We are always having dinner at the same time. We always have dinner at the same time. Tom haszontalan. Tom's useless. Tom's useless. Nem kellene sokáig várakoznod. You shouldn't have to wait long. You shouldn't have to wait too long. Tom menetti näkönsä. Tom lost his eyesight. Tom lost his sight. A te helyedben ugyanezt tettem volna. If I had been you, I would have done the same. I would have done the same thing if I were you. Az umeshu egy japán likőr, ami szilvából készül. Umeshu is a Japanese liqueur made from plums. Umeshu is a Japanese liqueur made from plums. Ta on hea õpilane. He is a good student. He's a good student. Hogy kerültél oda? How did you get there? How did you get there? A vonata a tízes vágányról indul. Your train goes from platform 10. His train leaves from platform 10. Az egész zűrzavart Ziri okozta. Ziri is the one who caused all the chaos. The whole mess was caused by Ziri. Nem tudom, Tom mit csinál Ausztráliában. I don't know what Tom is doing in Australia. I don't know what Tom's doing in Australia. Én sem vagyok biztos benne. I'm not sure either. I'm not so sure either. Tomi ei halua, että Mari innostuu liikaa. Tom doesn't want Mary to get too excited. I don’t want Mary to get too excited. Kérlek, magyarázd ezt meg! Please explain it. Please explain this to me. Most mennem kell, mert meg akarom nézni a gyerekem első baseball meccsét. Now I have to go, because I want to watch my kid's first baseball match. I have to go now because I want to watch my kid's first baseball game. Elämä on matka, ei määränpää. Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is a journey, not a destination. Mä oon aina tykänny susta. I've always liked you. I've always liked you. Nevetni sincs kedvem. I don't feel like laughing, either. I don't feel like laughing. A korához képest jó egészségnek örvend. For her age, she's in good health. He is in good health for his age. Nem teszem fel magamnak ezt a kérdést olyan gyakran, mint kéne. I don't ask myself this question as often as I should. I don't ask myself that question as often as I should. Ki ölte meg? Who killed her? Who killed him? A forrásban lévő víz nem változtatja meg a kémiai összetételét. Boiling the water doesn't change its chemical composition. Boiling water does not change its chemical composition. Lepkéket rajzoltak a falra a gyerekek. The children drew butterflies on the wall. The children drew butterflies on the wall. Kívánja őt most látni? Do you wish to see her now? Would you like to see him now? Valami oka kellett, hogy legyen ennek. It happened for a reason. There had to be a reason for this. Tudta a Tomi, hogy hova tette le Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. Tom knew where Mary had put her car. Valószínűtlen, hogy ez történjen. That's unlikely to happen. That's unlikely to happen. Oletko käynyt Bostonissa viime aikoina? Have you been to Boston lately? Have you been to Boston lately? Kuinkakohan pitkään se kestää. I wonder how long it's going to take. I wonder how long it'll take. Miért nem játszol a többiekkel? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? Bocsánatot kérek a tegnap történtek miatt. I apologize for yesterday. I apologize for what happened yesterday. Isten! Micsoda szakállad van! Szörnyen nézel ki! El fogod ijeszteni a gyerekeket. God! What a beard you have! You look terrible! You're going to scare away the children. God, you've got a beard, you look terrible, you're gonna scare the kids away. Tomile ei meeldi, kuidas Mary naerab. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Az állat eszik. The animal is eating. The animal eats. Pääsen sinusta yli. I'll get over you. I'll get over you. Buksinak egy elfektetett hordó a háza. Cookie's house is a laid barrel. Buksi has a flattened barrel in his house. Művésznek tartja magát. He fancies himself as an artist. He considers himself an artist. A fölső szomszédom elárasztotta a lakásomat. My upstairs neighbor flooded my apartment. My upstairs neighbor flooded my apartment. Tom azt mondta, hogy valójában semmit nem látott. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. A kígyó évente többször is levedli a bőrét. The snake sloughs its skin several times a year. The snake sheds its skin several times a year. Meddig volt ott? How long was he there? How long was he there? Mindent tönkretettél a te folytonos féltékenykedéseddel! You've ruined everything with your obsessive jealousy. You've ruined everything with your constant jealousy! Tom on paljon vanhempi kuin Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Megfeledkeztem róla. I'd forgotten about it. I forgot about it. Ez nem igazán illeszkedik a fenntartható fejlődési terveinkhez. This doesn't really fit in with our sustainable development plans. This does not fit in with our sustainable development plans. Nauti työstäsi! Enjoy your work! Enjoy your work! Kivették a manduláit, mert túl gyakran gyulladtak be. He had his tonsils removed because they would get inflamed too often. They took his tonsils out because they were inflamed too often. Tom ott volt ma reggel. Tom was there this morning. Tom was there this morning. Heather on armas tüdruk. Heather is a cute girl. Heather's a lovely girl. Egy kis kávét? A bit of coffee? Some coffee? Mondtam neked, hogy várj! I told you to wait. I told you to wait! Tuhka oli edelleen lämmintä. The ash was still warm. The ashes were still warm. Ebben nem kételkedem. I have no doubt about it. I don't doubt that. Anyám gyakran mondogatta, az idő pénz. Mom often said time is money. My mother used to say that time is money. Neked kell feladni. It's you who must give up. You have to give up. Az ember az egyetlen faj ezen a bolygón, amelyik fizet azért, hogy él. Humans are the only species that pay to live on this planet. Man is the only species on this planet that pays to live. Gyenge jellemű. He has a weak character. He's weak in character. Kuinka te käytätte tätä konetta? How do you operate this machine? How do you use this machine? He pesevät kätensä. They're washing their hands. They wash their hands. Jokaisella säännöllä on poikkeuksensa. Every rule has its exceptions. Every rule has its exceptions. Vannak unokái? Do you have any grandchildren? Do you have grandchildren? Arvaamaton kuin huhtikuu. Capricious as April. Unpredictable as April. Älä ole niin ankara itsellesi! Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself! Tom elkapta a tolvajt. Tom caught the thief. Tom caught the thief. Ilmastointi on rikki. The air conditioner is out of order. The air conditioning's broken. Megmondom neked, hogy mi a teendő. I'll tell you what to do. I'll tell you what to do. Kérlek, kímélj meg a részletektől! Please spare me the details. Please spare me the details. Ennek két euró az ára. It costs two Euros. The price is two euros. A tudósok feltárták a kenyérbúza teljes genetikai állományát. Scientists have sequenced the genome of bread wheat. Scientists have uncovered the entire genetic makeup of bread wheat. Pese end ära. Wash up. Wash yourself. Võta paar päeva vabaks. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. Hány mérföldre van a legközelebbi üzemanyag-töltőállomás? How many miles is it to the next petrol station? How many miles to the nearest gas station? Nem nősült meg. He is unmarried. He didn't get married. Siispä älä epäröi. So don't hesitate. So don't hesitate. Internetissä ei ole tyttöjä. There are no girls on the Internet. There are no girls on the Internet. Miért nem adunk neki egy esélyt? Why don't we give it a shot? Why don't we give him a chance? Senkinek se mondjuk el. We won't tell anyone. We won't tell anyone. Ők a jövőnk. They're our future. They're our future. Voinko sovittaa tätä? May I try this on? Can I try this on? Emme päässeet vuorenhuipulle saakka. We didn't reach the summit. We couldn't get to the top of the mountain. Ilus tüdruk on voodis. The beautiful girl is in bed. A beautiful girl is in bed. — Te nem is a Télapó vagy! — kiabálta a fiú letépve Tom álszakálát. "You're not Father Christmas!" the little boy shouted, ripping off Tom's false beard. “You’re not Santa,” the boy shouted, tearing off Tom’s false beard. Ha megígértem, meg is fogom csinálni. If I promised it, I'll do it. If I promised, I'll do it. A rendetlenségtől félt a legjobban. Untidiness was his bugbear. He was most afraid of the mess. Huonot vastaukset näyttävät tietä oikeiden luokse. Bad answers show the way to the right ones. Bad answers show the way to the right ones. Meg tudnád nekem mutatni az utat? Could you show me the way? Can you show me the way? Az ütésem nem talált be. My punch didn't land. My punch didn't hit. Lunta vasten valkoinen jänis oli näkymätön. Against the snow, the white rabbit was invisible. Against the snow, the white rabbit was invisible. Alámerült a béka. The frog went underwater. The frog's submerged. Élvezek férfiak társaságában lenni. I enjoy the company of men. I enjoy being around men. Tomi kitartó a kérdésével. Tom keeps asking me that same question. Tom persisted with his question. Haukka on tosi nopea lintu. The falcon is a very fast bird. The falcon is a very fast bird. Hirtelen leállt a zene. The music stopped abruptly. The music suddenly stopped. Jones úr leszidott, mert egy kicsit elaludtam az órán. Mr Jones reprimanded me for taking a spot of shut-eye during class. Mr. Jones scolded me because I fell asleep in class. Válassz karaktert! Select a character. Choose a character. Tűrje fel jobb oldalon az inge ujját! Roll up your right sleeve. Roll up your shirt finger on the right side. Miksi valtio haluaa lukea minun sähköpostejani? Why does the government want to read my emails? Why does the government want to read my emails? Prostikkua! Excuse me! Prostitute! Tom uskoo sen. Tom believes it. Tom believes it. Hol a mosnivaló? Where's the dirty washing? Where's the laundry? A növények a klorofillal állítanak elő energiát. Plants use chlorophyll to produce energy. Plants use chlorophyll to produce energy. Seisoin hänen vieressään. I was standing next to him. I stood next to him. Mul on kaks tingimust. I have two conditions. I have two conditions. Csalódott voltam. I was disappointed. I was disappointed. Tom, oletko täällä? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you here? Se ei ole pahinta mitä on tapahtunut. That's not the worst thing that happened. It's not the worst thing that's ever happened. Mutainen tie pilasi minun uudet kenkäni. The muddy road has ruined my new shoes. The muddy road ruined my new shoes. Tom régebben rendes volt. Tom used to be neat. Tom used to be nice. Hagyjon itt. Leave me here. Just leave me here. Sinun pitää pitää kätesi puhtaina. You must keep your hands clean. You need to keep your hands clean. Sok rendőr nem jobb a futbalhuligánoknál. Many policemen aren't better than football hooligans. A lot of cops aren't better than futbal hooligans. Más vagy, mint a többi lány. You're different from all the other girls. You're not like the other girls. Sanotko siis, että piilotat hyvän ulkonäkösi ihan tarkoituksella? You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? So you're saying you're deliberately hiding your good looks? Ülj le, mesélek neked Tomiról. Take a seat and I will tell you about Tom. Sit down, I'll tell you about Tom. Van vallásuk, de nincs istenük. They have a religion but they don't have any god. They have religion, but no God. Mi tesz egyedivé a többi embertől? What makes you unique compared to other people? What makes you different from other people? Lamppu on palanut. The light bulb has burned out. The lamp's on fire. Haudutin teepussia kiehuvassa vedessä. I steeped a tea bag in boiling water. I simmered a tea bag in boiling water. Még Tom sem lenne elég hülye ahhoz, hogy megkérje rá Maryt. Even Tom wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Mary to do that. Even Tom wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Mary to do it. Etkö tiedä, mitä eilen tapahtui? Don't you know what happened yesterday? You don't know what happened last night? Tomi ötöst kapott a vizsgán. Tom got an A on the exam. Tom got an A in the exam. Tom vaikutti siltä, ettei hän pystynyt keskittymään. Tom seemed to be unable to concentrate. Tom seemed unable to concentrate. Tom on oikea lehmipoika. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cowboy. Me opiskelemme ranskaa. We're studying French. We're studying French. Olen yrittänyt löytää Tomia. I've been trying to find Tom. I've been trying to find Tom. Nem tudok hangosabban beszélni; alig van hangom. I can't speak more loudly. I don't have a voice. I cannot speak louder; I have hardly a voice. Jólesik egy kis nyugalom és béke ebben az istentelen világban. A bit of peace and quiet is welcome in this godless world. It is good to have a little peace and quiet in this godless world. Tegnap boldog voltam. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Van nálad tűz? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a fire? Ne gyere be! Meztelen vagyok. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Sul poleks olnud tarvis kiirustada. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to rush. Minun pitää olla varovainen. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Vaikuttaa siltä, että olet humalassa. You seem to be drunk. It looks like you're drunk. Ő Alain felesége. She's Alain's wife. That's Alain's wife. Mi a gyerekük neve? What is your child's name? What's your child's name? Mennyire rossz lehet ez? How bad can it be? How bad can it be? Elvétettem az ugrást. I failed the jump. I missed the jump. Nem tudsz segíteni Tomnak. You can't help Tom. You can't help Tom. Mindenkivel beszélget és viccelődik. He talks and jokes with everyone. He talks and jokes with everyone. Hänellä sattui olemaan se päivä vapaana. She happened to have the day off. He happened to have that day off. Kerro minulle! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Hozhatsz vizet a lónak, de nem itathatod meg. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can bring water to the horse, but you can't water it. Nem akartam, hogy ilyen közel kerüljön hozzám. I didn't want her to get that close to me. I didn't want her to get this close to me. Semmi sem új a nap alatt. There's no new thing under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Aion ajaa partani. I'm going to shave. I'm gonna shave. Lopetan asioiden lykkäämisen tuonnemmaksi, alkaen huomenna. I'll stop procrastinating, starting tomorrow. I will stop postponing things, starting tomorrow. Aptsihh! Achoo! Apsihh! Tiltakoznunk kell ezellen. We must protest against it. We must protest this. A bankot profi mókusok rabolták ki. The bank was robbed by professional squirrels. The bank was robbed by professional squirrels. Én vagyok magam. I am me. I am myself. Elhagytad a házat az engedélyem nélkül és most rászolgáltál arra, hogy megbüntesselek. You left the house without my permission and now you deserve to be punished. You left the house without my permission and now you deserve to be punished. Join kolme kuppia kahvia tänä aamuna. I drank three cups of coffee this morning. I had three cups of coffee this morning. Mihin aikaan hän herää? What time does she get up? What time does he wake up? Hogy lehettek ilyen kegyetlenek? How could they be so cruel? How could they be so cruel? Szakítottam a barátnőmmel. I broke up with my girlfriend. I broke up with my girlfriend. Tudom, hogy olvas. I know that he reads. I know you read. Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem jobb nálam. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As for English, no one is better than me. Älä huoli. Don't worry. Don't you worry. Kotiin jääminen ei ole kivaa. Staying home isn't fun. Staying home is not fun. Palaan huomenna. I will return tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow. Amit mondott, igaz lehet. What he said might well be true. What he said may be true. Az ünő nőstény szarvas. A doe is a female deer. The ewe female deer. Tomilla ei ollut yhtään nälkä. Tom wasn't a bit hungry. Tom was not hungry. Pitääkö Tom ranskasta? Does Tom like French? Does Tom like French? Szerinted tudja, hogy szeretem? Do you think he knows I like him? Do you think he knows I love him? Äitini laittaa ruokaa minun puolestani. My mother cooks for me. My mom cooks for me. Az öcsém magasabb nálam. My younger brother is taller than me. My brother's taller than me. Vauva nukahti kehtoon. The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The baby fell asleep in the cradle. Ta pani kõik oma juveelid väikesesse punasesse karpi. She put all her jewels into a little red box. He put all his jewels in a little red box. Minimipalkalla ei tule toimeen. The minimum wage is not enough to live on. You can't do it with a minimum wage. A baleset két évvel ezelőtt történt. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. Mondja, hol van a rendőrség? Tell me where the police station is. Tell me, where are the police? Megnyertük a bajnokságot. We won the championship. We won the championship. Olet todella hyvä tässä. You're great at this. You're really good at this. Brüsszel nem keresztény, hanem liberális. Brussels isn't Christian but liberal. Brussels is not Christian, it is liberal. Nem szükséges többé azt tenni. It won't be necessary to do that anymore. There's no need to do that anymore. Nem szeretek várni. I don't like waiting. I don't like to wait. Idd meg, amíg meleg. Drink it while it's hot. Drink it while it's hot. Nem ismersz, valamint én sem ismerlek téged. You don't know me and I don't know you, either. You don't know me, and I don't know you. Tom odotti, mutta Mary ei koskaan tullut takaisin. Tom waited, but Mary never came back. Tom waited, but Mary never came back. "Hyvää yötä Tomi." "Hyvää yötä Mari." "Good night, Tom." "Good night, Mary." "Good night, Tom." "Good night, Mary." Na, mit tanítottam én neked erről?! Well, what have I taught you about that? What did I teach you about this?! Silloin kun sinä ajat, pitäisi sinun keskittyä tiehen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you drive, you should focus on the road. Ő nagyon bölcs. He is very wise. He's very wise. Attól tartok, hogy nincs több kávé. I'm afraid that there isn't any coffee left. I'm afraid there's no more coffee. Tudod, hogy meg tudom csinálni. You know that I can do it. You know I can do this. Behányt a telcsim. My cellphone died. My phone's been throwing up. Sääsken pisto kutisee. My mosquito bite itches. The sting of a mosquito itches. Yksi hevosvoima vastaa 0,746 kilowattia. One horsepower is equal to 0.746 kilowatts. One horsepower is equivalent to 0.746 kilowatts. Ota kenkäsi pois japanilaisessa kodissa. Remove your shoes in a Japanese house. Take off your shoes in a Japanese home. Olen tehnyt virheen. I've made a mistake. I've made a mistake. Kaikki huokaisivat helpotuksesta. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone sighed with relief. Ők nem orvosok. They aren't doctors. They're not doctors. Ez most lényegtelen. That doesn't matter now. That's irrelevant. Bízol Tomi ítélőképességében. Do you trust Tom's judgement? You trust Tom's judgment. Az idős férfit elütötte egy autó. The old man was run over by a car. The old man was hit by a car. Tommi sanoi, että nollan kertoman arvoksi määritellään yksi. Tom said that zero factorial (0!) is defined to equal 1. Tommi said that the value of the multiplication of zero is defined as one. Mindenki gyanúsított. Everybody's a suspect. Everyone's a suspect. Nem találjuk a vírust a vérében. We can't find the virus in your blood. We can't find the virus in his blood. A vita váratlanul véget ért, miután egy vizes ballont dobtak a színpadra. The debate was terminated abruptly after a water balloon was thrown at the stage. The debate ended unexpectedly after a water balloon was thrown on stage. Boldog 2022-es/2972-es Új Évet! Happy New Year 2022/2972! Happy New Year 2022/2972! Münt on hõbedane. The coin is silver. The coin is silver. Pystytkö kirjoittamaan? Can you write? Can you write? A túró a kedvenc ételem. Cottage cheese is my favorite food. Cottage cheese is my favorite food. Ne nézz, anyu! Don't look, mum. Don't look, Mom. Senkinek sem szabad hozzányúlnia. No one is allowed to touch that. No one's supposed to touch it. Egy csepp eső sem volt ma. Not a single drop of rain fell today. There wasn't a drop of rain today. Paul Tchana kameruni zenerajongó a nyolcvanas évek elején nyitott egy kis lemezboltot és több mint 5000 eredeti bakelitlemezből álló gyűjteményt hozott létre. Cameroonian music lover Paul Tchana opened a tiny record shop in the early 80s and built a collection of more than 5,000 original vinyl records. Music lover Paul Tchana of Cameroon opened a small record shop in the early 1980s and created a collection of over 5,000 original vinyl records. Lehet, hogy megyek, de lehet, hogy nem. I might go, but then again, I might not. Maybe I'll go, maybe I won't. Tom sérülései nem nagyon komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't very serious. Tom's injuries aren't very serious. Tom pysyi vahvana. Tom stayed strong. Tom was strong. Tudja, hogyan kell a tevét megülni. He knows how to ride a camel. He knows how to ride a camel. Ez nem egy bank. It's not a bank. It's not a bank. Nekem jó a szaglásom. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Tommi sanoo, että hän suunnittelee ostavansa lahjan Marille. Tom says he's planning to buy a gift for Mary. Tommi says that she plans to buy a gift for Mari. Tamás és Mária babája félig fekete. Tom's and Mary's baby is half black. Tom and Mary's baby is half black. Kaikki olivat kilttejä toisilleen. Everyone was kind to each other. Everyone was nice to each other. Tom puhdisti silmälasinsa. Tom wiped his spectacles. Tom cleaned his glasses. Se on todella vakava syytös. That's a very serious accusation. That is a very serious accusation. Éles mellkasi fájdalmat érzek. I have a sharp pain in my chest. I'm feeling a sharp chest pain. Nem tudod hogy mennek a dolgok. You don't know how things are going. You don't know how things work. Ez fontos győzelem. This is an important victory. This is an important victory. Haluaisin puhua ylihoitajalle. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to speak to the superintendent. Először Tomot kellett volna megkérdeznem. I should have asked Tom first. I should have asked Tom first. Nem hiszem el! I don't believe it! I can't believe this. Feleségét ismered? Do you know his wife? You know his wife? Miért vagy ilyen fáradt ma? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Viime kerralla kun näin Tomin, hänellä oli parta. The last time I saw Tom, he had a beard. Last time I saw Tom, he had a beard. Rosszul érzem magam azért, amit mondtam. I feel bad about what I said. I feel bad for what I said. Uusi fakta on tullut päivänvaloon. The new fact has come to light. A new fact has come to light. Szeretnék házat venni, de nem engedhetem meg magamnak. I'd like to buy a house, but I can't afford to. I'd like to buy a house, but I can't afford it. Ha megtehetném, állandóan olvasnék. If I could, I would read all the time. If I could, I would read all the time. Nol'a, yksi, kaksi, kolme, nelli, viizi, kuuzi, seiččie, kaheksa, yheksä, kymmene. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Nol'a, one, two, three, nelli, viizi, kuuzi, sei<0xC4><0x8D><0xC4><0x8D>ie, eight, nine, ten. Átszeretkeztük az egész napot. We made love the whole day. We loved the whole day. Ugyanazt mondogatta. She kept saying the same things. He kept saying the same. Nincs megnyugvása. He never gets any peace. There's no relief. Mä sairastuin, joten en päässyt paikalle. I got sick and couldn't go. I got sick, so I couldn't make it. Tatoeba: Saitko yksityisviestin? Olet todennäköisesti pulassa... Tatoeba: Got a PM? You're probably in trouble... Tatoeba: Did you get a private message? You're probably in trouble... Mitenköhän Tomi mahtaa reagoida? I wonder how Tom is going to react. How will Tom react? A legtöbb ember egyszerű algoritmusok alapján gondolkozik. Most people think according to simple algorithms. Most people think based on simple algorithms. Liput riippuivat linnan muureilta. Banners hung from the walls of the castle. The flags were hanging from the castle walls. Egymillió dollár az nekem is sok pénz. One million dollar is much money for me, too. A million dollars is a lot of money for me. Olvasunk. We're reading. We read. Täida taotlus ära. Fill out the application. Fill out the application. Butának lenni nem túl okos. To be unwise isn't a smart thing. Being stupid isn't very smart. Próbálok koncentrálni. I try to concentrate. I'm trying to concentrate. Idő kérdése volt csupán. It was merely a matter of time. It was just a matter of time. Ez valami amerikai dolog lehet. Maybe it's an American thing. This must be some American thing. Hol van a legközelebbi klinika? Where is the nearest clinic? Where is the nearest clinic? Minulla on puinen kampa. I have a wooden comb. I have a wooden comb. Pesto on Jumalan lahja kansalle. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Pesto is God’s gift to the people. Azt hittem, hogy Tomi még mindig Bostonban lakik. I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. I thought Tom was still living in Boston. Csak tőled függ. It just depends on you. It's up to you. Ő lett volna a harmadik utas. He would've been the third passenger. He was the third passenger. Miért foglalkozzunk azzal, hogy mi történik a halálunk után? Why should we care what happens after we are dead? Why should we care about what happens after we die? Tom irreális. Tom is unreal. Tom's unrealistic. Katso asioiden valoisaa puolta. Look on the bright side of things. Look on the bright side. Tapasimme yksinäisen puun alla. We met under a lonely tree. We met under a lonely tree. Se onkin juuri koko pointti. That's the whole point. That's the whole point. Johnin pitäisi olla täällä millä hetkellä tahansa. John should be here any minute now. John should be here any minute. Hän ei vain kieltäytynyt auttamasta minua, vaan myös läksytti minua. Not only did he refuse to help me, but also he scolded me. He not only refused to help me, but he also lectured me. Hallgass figyelmesen! Listen closely. Listen to me carefully. Tomi intett nekik, hogy üljenek le. Tom motioned them to be seated. Tom asked them to sit down. Az osztozkodás gondoskodás. Sharing is caring. Sharing is caring. Augustus uralkodása alatt született Krisztus; Tiberius uralkodása alatt keresztre feszítették. During the reign of Augustus, Christ was born; during the reign of Tiberius, he was crucified. Christ was born during the reign of Augustus; He was crucified during the reign of Tiberius. Hogyan jutott eszedbe ilyen jó kifogás? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you come up with such a good excuse? Nem voltam olyan éhes. I wasn't so hungry. I wasn't that hungry. Tomi astui pois. Tom stepped away. Tom walked away. Meg kell javítanom a számítógépem. I need to fix my computer. I have to fix my computer. Mikä on sinun lempikielesi? What's your preferred language? What's your favorite language? Az ostobaság és az engedelmesség egyenes arányosságban állnak egymással. Stupidity is commensurate with obedience. Stupidity and obedience are in direct proportion to each other. Légy óvatos! Ez csapda lehet. Be careful. It might be a trap. Be careful, it could be a trap. Értelme nincs vitatkozni valaki olyannal. There's no point in arguing with someone like that. It doesn't make sense to argue with someone like that. Remek volt az új epizód. The new episode was great. The new episode was great. Lehet naspolyafát magról növeszteni? Can you grow medlar trees from seeds? Is it possible to grow naspoly from seed? Se on transitiivinen verbi. It's a transitive verb. It's a transitive verb. A sátánizmus legalább négy teljesen különálló vallás. Satanism is at least four completely separate religions. Satanism is at least four completely separate religions. Valaki betört a házamba a múlt hétvégén. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Saippuakupla poksahti. The soap bubble burst. The soap bubble popped. He itkivät. They cried. They were crying. Egyetértett a nagybátyám. My uncle agreed. My uncle agreed. Tomi on juonikas. Tom is crafty. Tom is scheming. Luulin, että tuolla tyypillä oli ase, joten ammuin hänet. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. Nekidőltek az egymásra rakott, lapos kövekből felépített falnak. They leant over a drystone wall. They fell against the wall built of flat stones stacked on top of each other. Ismételten a régi történettel hozakodott elő. He brought up the old story again. He repeated the old story. Tomi piileskeli ladossa. Tom was hiding in the barn. Tom was hiding in the barn. Auttaisin jos voisin, mutta se on kykyjeni tavoittamattomissa I'd help if I could, but it's beyond my reach. I'd help if I could, but it's beyond my abilities. Rossz napom van. I'm having a bad day. I'm having a bad day. Tämä on hänen sateenvarjonsa, vai kuinka? This is his umbrella, isn't it? This is his umbrella, isn't it? Ahogy megjön, kezdünk. When he arrives, we'll start. As soon as he arrives, we'll begin. Meidän jääkaappimme on rikki. Our fridge is broken. Our fridge is broken. Tom nagyon rémültnek nézett ki. Tom looked really terrified. Tom looked very frightened. Megfeledkeztem róluk. I forgot them. I forgot about them. Csöngessük meg! Let's call him. Let's ring the bell. Most már tőlük függ. It's up to them now. It's up to them now. Elvesztettem a pótkulcsot. I've lost the spare key. I lost the spare key. Ez szörnyű. That's terrible. That's awful. Oho! Blimey! Whoops! Csak tíz könyvem van. I only have ten books. I only have ten books. Úton van a segítség. Help is on the way. Help's on the way. Hän on huonolla tuulella. He is in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. Hyttyset hyökkäävät kimppuumme. We're being attacked by mosquitos. We're being attacked by mosquitoes. Teen töitä kaikkina päivinä, paitsi sunnuntaisin. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day, except Sundays. Tomi on todella arvaamaton. Tom is very unpredictable. Tom is very unpredictable. Jól felöntött a garatra az este. She drank a lot last night. I had a great time last night. Valjemini, palun. Louder, please. Louder, please. See jalgratas seal puu all on minu oma. The bicycle under the tree is mine. That bike under that tree is mine. Tom valahol odabent van. Tom is in there somewhere. Tom's in there somewhere. Mindkét lánya nagyon szép. Both of your daughters are very beautiful. Both of your daughters are very beautiful. Taylor sanoo, että lainelautailijat ovat haihyökkäysten riskiryhmää ja haavat jaloissa ovat yleisin vamma. Taylor says surfers are at a higher risk of a shark attack, and leg wounds are the most common injury. Taylor says surfers are at risk for shark attacks, and wounds in the legs are the most common injury. Emlékszem, Tom egy barna kalapot viselt. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. Soha nem fogod megtudni, ha nem kérdezel rá. You'll never know if you don't ask. You'll never know if you don't ask. Borítsd fel. Turn it over. Overturn it. Sinun ei tarvitse lähteä juuri nyt. You must not leave right now. You don't have to leave right now. Laurie dundi? Is Laurie fat? Laurie Dundi? Wolt-futár. He's a Wolt courier. Wolt-courier. Tom tahtoi saada rahoilleen vastinetta. Tom wanted to get his money's worth. Tom wanted to get his money's worth. Hän oli valmis antamaan hänelle takaisin kaikki hänen rahansa. She was ready to give him back all his money. He was willing to give her all her money back. Mä en oo ylpee siitä. I'm not proud of it. I'm not proud of it. Mari on Tomin kaksossisar. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mul on puue. I have a disability. I have a disability. Az elnök nem tett semmilyen diplomáciai lépést a konfliktus békés megoldása felé, és sajnos ezt az ENSZ is elmulasztotta. The president didn't take any diplomatic steps towards the peacful solution of the conflict and unfortunately the UN also failed to do that. The President has not taken any diplomatic steps towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and unfortunately the UN has also failed to do so. Azt se tudtam, hogy házas vagy. I didn't even know you were married. I didn't even know you were married. Ez pont előttünk történt. That happened right in front of us. This happened right in front of us. Jó neveltetésben részesült. He received a good education. He was well-educated. Tom nélkül talán Ziri sem lenne. Without Tom, Ziri may not be either. Without Tom, maybe Ziri wouldn't exist. A DVD-gyűjteményem nagyon kicsi. My DVD collection is absolutely miniscule. My DVD collection is very small. Már éhes is vagy!? Ébedelhetnél többet. You're hungry already? You should've eaten more at lunch. You're hungry now? You could eat more. Tom on tilannut sellaisen. Tom has ordered one. Tom ordered one. Ne könyörögj! Stop begging. Don't beg. Miért nem jössz át vacsorára? Why don't you come over for dinner? Why don't you come over for dinner? Kõik hobused on loomad, aga mitte kõik loomad pole hobused. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Van televíziód? Do you have a television? Do you have television? Minun olisi pitänyt käyttää lyhythihaista paitaa. I should've worn a short-sleeve shirt. I should have worn a short-sleeved shirt. Kuka huolehtii lapsistasi? Who's taking care of your kids? Who will take care of your children? Azt hiszem, rossz irányba fordultunk valahol. I think we made a wrong turn somewhere. I think we've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Nukkuminen on hyvä idea. Sleep is a good idea. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tomi alkoi tulemaan vihaiseksi. Tom started to get angry. Tom started to get angry. En usko, että hän teeskentelee. I don't think she's faking. I don't think he's faking. Ranskalainen kahvi on minusta ihanaa. I love French coffee. I love French coffee. Tiesit sen koko ajan. You knew it all along. You knew that the whole time. Nem tehetek többet értetek. I can't do anything more for you. There's nothing more I can do for you. Nem drágák. They're not expensive. They're not expensive. Szerintem mindenki éhes. I think everybody's hungry. I think we're all hungry. Sinun veljesi meni naimisiin, eikö niin? Your brother got married, didn't he? Your brother got married, didn't he? Leedu on Euroopa Liidu liige. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. A barátságunknak annyi. Our friendship died. Our friendship is over. A nővéremnek van állása. My sister has a job. My sister has a job. Van még söröd? Do you still have beer? You got any more beer? Nem tett semmi rosszat Tomi. Tom hasn't done anything wrong. Tom did nothing wrong. Tom zöldséglevest evett ma reggel. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Csak a szót vesztegeted. You're beating a dead horse. You're wasting your breath. Rokkant vagyok. I'm handicapped. I'm disabled. Ó, kérlek, ne mondd ezt! Oh, please don't say that. Oh, please don't say that. Minä olin lukemassa uudestaan kirjeitä, jotka lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was re-reading the letters you sent me. Tomi még mindig az anyuja mellett alszik. Tom still sleeps next to his mom. Tom still sleeps next to his mother. Tietokone on uusi. The computer is new. The computer is new. Köszönöm a részvételt! Thank you so much for attending! Thank you for participating! Elsöpörte a port. She brushed away the dust. It blew the dust off. Tudod, melyik utcában laknak? Do you know which street they live in? Do you know what street they live on? Auto on sisäänkäynnin edessä. The car is at the entrance. The car is in front of the entrance. Sami luuli minun olevan hänen äitinsä. Sami thought that I was his mom. Sam thought I was his mother. Heti kun Tomi näkin Marin, hän purskahti itkuun. As soon as Tom saw Mary, he burst into tears. As soon as I saw her, she burst into tears. Ii leat heahti! No worries! There is no comfort in it. Tudnának adni nekem egy szendvicset? Can you help me with a sandwich? Can you give me a sandwich? A kormány folyamatosan hazudik. The government keeps lying. The government is constantly lying. Zoknit húzott. She put on socks. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Katsokaa, mitä minä tein. Look at what I made. Look what I did. Készpénzre van szükségem. I want cash. I need cash. Tom kieltäytyi menemästä. Tom refused to go. Tom refused to go. Mari hozzám jött ma reggel. Mary married me this morning. Mari came to see me this morning. Kolkuttakoot onni ovellesi. May happiness knock on your door. May luck knock on your door. Szórakozol velem? Are you fucking with me? Are you kidding me? Milyen hülye vagy! What an idiot you are! You're such an idiot. Felszálltam a repülőre. I got on the plane. I got on the plane. Jeruzsálem az iszlám harmadik szent városa Mekka és Medina után. Jerusalem is the third holy city in Islam, following Mecca and Medina Jerusalem is the third holy city of Islam after Mecca and Medina. Te mutatod az utat. You lead the way. You lead the way. Ne húzd le! Do not flush. Don't flush it. Tomi on hämmästynyt. Tom's amazed. Tom is surprised. Joskus unohdan pitää maskia luokkahuoneessa, varsinkin kun syön. I sometimes forget to keep my mask on in class, especially when I'm eating. Sometimes I forget to wear a mask in the classroom, especially when I eat. Most nincs hozzá kedvünk. We don't feel like doing that right now. We're not in the mood right now. Beszélnek még mindig így? Does anyone still talk like that? Do they still talk like that? Älä murehdi epäonnistumisia. Don't dwell on failures. Don't worry about failure. Van egy piros autóm. I have a red car. I have a red car. A középiskolában Jackson tanár úrnál tanultam franciát. Mr. Jackson was my French teacher when I was in high school. In high school, I studied French with Professor Jackson. Fejezd már be, hogy engem faggatsz! Stop questioning me. Will you stop asking me questions? Megbántottak téged? Did they hurt you? Did they hurt you? Megváltozott a politikai helyzet. The political situation has changed. The political situation has changed. Tom ja Mari lähtivät Bostonista lokakuun lopulla. Tom and Mary left Boston at the end of October. Tom and Mari left Boston at the end of October. Keményebben kellett volna gyakorolnod. You should have practiced harder. You should've practiced harder. Siihen mennessä kun Tom pääsi kaupalle, se oli suljettu. By the time Tom got to the shop it was shut. By the time Tom got to the store, it was closed. Úgy gondoltam, hogy Tom bepánikolna. I figured Tom would panic. I thought Tom would panic. Hivatásos búvár. He's a professional diver. He's a professional diver. Hänen viilletyistä kasvoistaan valui verta. Blood trickled from her cut face. There was blood on his face. Vagy elvesztettem vagy ellopták. I either lost it or it was stolen. I either lost it or it was stolen. Minulla on jo sellainen pöytä. I already have a table like that. I already have one of those tables. Tomi meni ostamaan ruokaa. Tom went to buy some food. Tom went to buy food. Hány jegyre lesz szüksége? How many tickets will you need? How many tickets will you need? Nem kellett sietned. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to rush. Miten netissä pitäisi mainostaa? How should you advertise on the Internet? How should you advertise online? Näetkö unta ranskaksi? Do you dream in French? Do you dream in French? Sinä pyörryit. You fainted. You fainted. Tudom, hogy igaz. I know that it's true. I know it's true. Gyakran beszélgetek Tomival franciául. I often talk with Tom in French. I often speak French with Tom. Szoktak a halak aludni? Do fish sleep? Do fish ever sleep? A macskám fekete. My cat is black. My cat is black. Soha, sehová ne menj egyedül! Never go anywhere alone. Never go anywhere alone. Võitsin! I won! I win! Tom astui aulaan ja löysi Maryn odottamasta. Tom entered the lobby and found Mary waiting. Tom walked into the lobby and found Mary waiting. Ezt a regényt nem lehet sírás nélkül elolvasni. You can't read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without crying. Ez a fajta dolog ritkán fordul elő. This type of thing seldom happens. This kind of thing rarely happens. Hän ei ole mikään tavallinen laulaja. She is no ordinary singer. He is no ordinary singer. Mari szobájában megpillantotta Tomi a festőállványt a sarokban. Tom noticed the easel in the corner of Mary's room. In Mari's room Tom saw the easel in the corner. Tom hiperventillál. Tom's hyperventilating. Tom's hyperventilating. Szép, napbarnított, erős karjaiban olyan óvatosan tartotta a kisbabát. He gently held the baby in his beautiful tanned strong arms. In his beautiful, sun-tanned, strong arms, he held the baby so carefully. Voitko toimittaa sen perille? Can you deliver it? Can you deliver it? Tíz nyelven tud. She can speak ten languages. He knows 10 languages. Kaikilla on aivot, mutta monet eivät ole ymmärtäneet niiden käyttöohjeita. Everybody has a brain, but many haven't understood the instructions. Everyone has a brain, but many have not understood the instructions for their use. Az újság azt mondja, hogy öngyilkosságot követett el. The newspaper says that he committed suicide. The paper says he committed suicide. Olen ollut hiukan kiireinen viime aikoina. I've been a bit busy lately. I've been a little busy lately. A gép Hong Kong felé repül. The plane is flying towards Hong Kong. The plane is flying to Hong Kong. Oletko vilustunut? Do I have a cold? You got a cold? Tom előre fizetett. Tom prepaid. Tom paid up front. Nem válaszoltam a leveledre, mert túlságosan elfoglalt voltam. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. I didn't reply to your letter because I was too busy. Sámuel hadar. Sami is talking too fast. Samuel was a warrior. A digitális aláírás a pecsétgyűrű modern megfelelője. A digital signature file is the modern equivalent of the signet ring. The digital signature is the modern equivalent of the seal ring. Nem szükséges becsomagolni. You don't have to wrap it up. No need to pack. Hatalmas szégyen. What a shame. It's a shame. Teidän tulee keskittyä tiehen kun te ajatte. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You need to focus on the road as you drive. Csípős a reggel. The morning air is crisp. It's hot in the morning. Hän kuitenkin juoksi. He did run. But he ran. Nem tudtam megállni, hogy ne sírjak hangosan. I could not stop myself from crying aloud. I couldn't stop crying out loud. Nekik a jó barátaik ők. They are good friends of theirs. They are their good friends. Soha nem hallottam erről a nyelvről. I never heard of that language before. I have never heard of this language. Ha menned kell, akkor menj. If you have to go, then go. If you have to go, go. Ne zajongj. Don't make noise. Don't make any noise. Miksi elämme näin paskassa maailmassa? Why do we live in such a fucked-up world? Why do we live in such a shitty world? Olen tosi kiinnostunut musiikista. I'm very interested in music. I'm really interested in music. Az a férfi meg tud enni egyszerre húsz nagy vörös chilit. That man can eat twenty big red chilies at once! That man can eat 20 big red chilies at the same time. Mari megsértődött, amikor Tomi néhány leheletfrissítőt vett neki. Mary was offended when Tom bought her some breath freshener. Mari was offended when Tom bought her some breath fresheners. Hyvien pisteiden eteen tarvitsee työskennellä kovasti. One needs to work hard to get a good score. You have to work hard to get good points. Haluan muuttaa elämääni. I want to change my life. I want to change my life. Az embrereket nem érdekli, ki vagy és mit akarsz. People don't care who you are and what you are saying. The people don't care who you are or what you want. Hazafelé egy gyönyörű nővel találkoztam. On my way home, I met a beautiful lady. On the way home, I met a beautiful woman. Szerintem ezt el kellene felejteni. I think that we should forget about this. I think that should be forgotten. Ma diós muffint sütött, tegnap meg fahéjas csigát. He baked a batch of walnut muffins today, and yesterday he made cinnamon rolls. Today he made a nut muffin, yesterday he made a cinnamon roll. A só, amit a levesbe tettél, fehér, nem rózsaszín. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. Tomi ei ole erityisen sosiaalinen. Tom isn't very sociable. Tom is not very social. Elvette a nőmet és elvette. He took my girlfriend away from me and married her. He took my woman and he took her. Hän ei halua lehmipojaksi. He doesn't want to become a cowboy. He doesn't want to be a cowboy. Ki az elnök? Who is the president? Who's the president? Tomilla oli veritahroja vaatteissaan. Tom had some blood stains on his clothes. Tom had blood stains on his clothes. Tamás most éppen egy regényt olvas. Tom is reading a novel right now. Tom is reading a novel right now. Minden tőle telhetőt megtesz, hogy időben itt legyen. She will do her best to be here on time. He'll do everything in his power to get here on time. Homomorfismia ei tule sekoittaa homeomorfismiin. One must not confuse homomorphism with homeomorphism. Homomorphism is not to be confused with homeomorphism. Voltál már nála? Have you ever been to her house? Have you been to his house? Nincs kiút? Is there no way out? No way out? Tomi liittyi armeijaan. Tom enlisted in the Army. Tom joined the army. Nem értek németül. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Kaikkihan me tiedämme, että kukaan ei ole täydellinen. We all know that no one is perfect. We all know that no one is perfect. Mit beszél? What does she say? What are you saying? Ne vedd be! Ez a gyógyszer többet árt, mint használ. Don't take it. That medicine does more harm than good. Don't take this medicine, it'll do more harm than good. A szüleim úgy tudják, hogy otthon vagyok. My parents think I am at home. My parents think I'm home. Armastus armastab armastust. Love loves love. Love loves love. Minä en kuule sinua kovin hyvin. I can't hear you very well. I can't hear you very well. Tomnak három mosómedvéje van, nekem meg két krokodilom. Tom has three raccoons and I have two crocodiles. Tom has three raccoons and I have two crocodiles. Hänestä tulee hyvä lääkäri. He will become a good doctor. He'll be a good doctor. A szerencsétlen macskát elütötte egy teherautó. The poor cat was run over by a truck. The poor cat was hit by a truck. Ez nem ezt jelenti. That isn't what it means. That's not what this means. Mondd meg, hogy ez micsoda. Tell me what it is. Tell me what this is. Tudod, hogy hol van Spanyolországban Toledo? Do you know where in Spain Toledo is? Do you know where Toledo is in Spain? Elvesztette a hallását. She lost her hearing. He's lost his hearing. Részemről nincs kifogás. As for me, I have no objection. There's no excuse for me. Nem vitázom én már teveled. I don't want to argue with you anymore. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Még mindig arról álmodok, hogy eljön hozzám a szőke herceg fehér paripán és megment a gonosz sárkánytól. I still dream of my Prince Charming coming to rescue me from the evil dragon. I still dream of the prince coming to me on a white steed and saving me from the evil dragon. Söin juuri aamiaista Tomin kanssa. I just had breakfast with Tom. I just had breakfast with Tom. Keitä he oikeasti ovat? Who are they really? Who are they really? Ne hagyja a személyes tárgyait a mosdóban! Don't leave your personal belongings in the washroom. Do not leave your personal belongings in the bathroom. Kas ma võiksin sinuga üksi rääkida? May I speak to you alone? Can I talk to you alone? Hol fekszik Kabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where is Kabilia? Nem tisztázta, hogy mikor történt. He did not clarify when it had happened. He wasn't sure when it happened. Mit fogsz ott csinálni? What are you going to do there? What are you going to do there? Tom tarvitsi vähän rahaa ostaakseen jotakin Marylle. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Szeretem a sajtos pizzát. I love pizza with cheese. I like cheese pizza. Tatoeba egy nyelvi nyelvi szótár. Kereshetsz benne szavakat és találhatsz fordításokat. Csupán egyvalami nem teszi ezt egy tipikus szótárrá, az, hogy ez valójában nem is szavak tára, hanem mondatoké. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. You can search for words and get translations. However, it's not exactly a typical dictionary. It's all about sentences, not words. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. You can search for words and find translations in it. Only one thing does not make this a typical dictionary, is that it is not actually a library of words, but a collection of sentences. Kas sa saad mind aidata? Can you give me a hand? Can you help me? Kávén élek. Coffee is life. I live on coffee. Elég cinikus a humora, ami önmagában nem is lenne baj, csakhát ő a főnökasszonyom. She's a pretty cynical humor which wouldn't be a problem in itself, it's just that she is my boss. He's got a pretty cynical sense of humor, which in itself wouldn't be a problem, but she's my boss. Onko tämä polkupyöräsi? Is this your bicycle? Is this your bicycle? Most jöttem csak vissza a sétából. I just got back from taking a walk. I just got back from the walk. Onko ranska vaikea kieli? Is French difficult? Is French a difficult language? A gazdagoknak nincs szívük; a jóknak nincs szerencséjük. The wealthy have no heart; the good have no fortune. The rich have no heart; the good have no luck. Hän hajoittaa mielellään sähkölaitteita osiin. He likes to take electric devices apart. He likes to disassemble electronic devices. Ta ostis kana. She bought chicken. He bought a chicken. Őt kereszténynek nevelték. She was raised a Christian. He was raised a Christian. Loppuiko sade? Did the rain stop? Has the rain stopped? Volna szíves válaszolni egy-két kérdésre? Would you be so kind as to answer a few questions? Would you please answer one or two questions? Prostikkua. Excuse me. A hooker. Rämenainen on sukua haltijaneidoille, jotka ovat tunnettuja, sillä heistä lauletaan lauluja ja maalataan kuvia. The Marsh Woman is related to the elf maidens, who are well-known, for songs are sung and pictures painted about them. Rämenainen is related to the fairy maidens, who are known for singing songs and painting pictures of them. Kuolema muistuttaa unta. Death is similar to sleep. Death is like a dream. Ma olen väsinud ja ma tahan koju minna. I am tired and I want to go home. I'm tired, and I want to go home. Mää kirjotan lauseen saksaks. I'm writing a sentence in German. I'll write the sentence in German. Milyen hosszú ez a folyó? How long is this river? How long is this river? Van még valami, amit tudni szeretnél? Is there anything else that you want to know? Is there anything else you want to know? Anna rahat Tomille. Give Tom the money. Give the money to Tom. Talpig becsületes ember. He's honest to the bone. He's an honest man. Räppäri ilman blingiä on kuin paavi ilman krusifiksiä. A rapper without bling is like a pope without a crucifix. A rapper without a bling is like a pope without a crucifix. Tennivalók vannak. There's work to be done. There's work to be done. Isäni lopetti tupakoimisen. My father quit smoking. My father quit smoking. Eljön? Does he come here? He's coming? Szagold meg! Ez szerinted jó még? Does this smell OK to you? Do you think that's still good? Tom oli pidempi kuin oletin. Tom was taller than I expected. Tom was taller than I expected. New York on tohutult suur linn. New York is a huge city. New York is a huge city. Ez most elég lesz. That'll be enough for now. That's enough for now. Morjesta! Hello! Morjesta! Leültem gondolkodni. I sat down to think. I sat down to think. Minun täytyi jäädä kotiin. I had to stay home. I had to stay home. Két halat fogtam. I caught two fish. I caught two fish. Olisi ollut kiva, jos olisit vähän varoittanut. A little warning would've been nice. It would have been nice if you had given me a little warning. Másodéves az egyetemen. She is in her second year at university. Sophomore in college. Olen täysin kykenevä huolehtimaan itsestäni. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Érthető vagyok? Is my explanation clear? Am I clear? Az Egyesült Államoknak már nincs saját politikai akarata. The United States no longer has its own political will. The United States no longer has a political will of its own. Useimmissa tapauksisa auto-onnettomuudet johtuvat unenpuutteesta. In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep. In most cases, car accidents are caused by lack of sleep. Missä on kirjani? Where's my book? Where's my book? Kiitän sinua sydämeni pohjasta. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. En voi uskoa, että hän luopui Yhdysvaltojen kansalaisuudestaan. I can't believe he renounced his U.S. citizenship. I can't believe he gave up his U.S. citizenship. Hän on elossa! She's alive! He's alive! He's alive! Sétálni mentem. I went for a walk. I went for a walk. Tudta Tomi, hol hagyta Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. Tom knew where Mary had left her car. Kus su sõber on? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Nincs semmi esélyem nyerni. I have zero chance to win. I don't stand a chance of winning. Olen korjaamassa sitä taloa. I'm repairing the house. I'm working on that house. Levetkőztem. I got undressed. I'm undressed. Ursula von der Leyen a korrupció csúcsa. Ursula von der Leyen is the peak of corruption. Ursula von der Leyen is at the height of corruption. Szeretkezz, ne háborúzz! Make love, not war. Make love, not war. Egy kólában fogadtunk. I bet him a Coke. We bet in a Coke. Pirítóst szoktam reggelizni narancslekvárral és teával. I eat toast and marmalade with tea for breakfast. I usually have toast for breakfast with orange marmalade and tea. Voit jättää sen minulle. You can leave that to me. You can leave it to me. Akármi is van, rám mindig számíthatsz. However, you can always count on me. Whatever it is, I'm here for you. Melyik az olcsóbb? Which is cheaper? Which is cheaper? Semmiképpen nem akarlak befolyásolni. I don't want to influence you in any way. I don't want to influence you in any way. Szükséged van egy jó kis pihenésre. It is necessary that you take a good rest. You need a good rest. Tom nem volt gyerek; ő még mindig gyerek. Tom wasn't a child; he is still a child. Tom was not a child; he was still a child. Ne menj még haza! Don't go home yet. Don't go home yet. Bostonissa on kivaa. I like it in Boston. Boston is fun. Magányosnak és meg nem értettnek érzem magam. I feel lonely and misunderstood. I feel lonely and misunderstood. Hän pelasti minut vaarasta. She saved me from danger. He saved me from danger. Ma lähen Saksamaale oma peigmehele külla. I'm going to Germany to visit my boyfriend. I'm going to Germany to visit my fiancé. Toivottavasti emme häiritse sinua. I hope we're not bothering you. I hope we're not disturbing you. Többször voltál már figyelmeztetve. You've been warned more than once before. You've been warned several times. Megint elvesztette az esernyőjét. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Porschét akartam. I wanted to have a Porsche. I wanted a Porsche. Bensiinin hamstraamiseen ei pitäisi olla mitään syytä. There should be no cause for hoarding gasoline. There should be no reason to hoard gasoline. Alacsony a vérnyomásom és az ájulás szélén vagyok. I have low blood pressure and I feel like passing out. I have low blood pressure and I'm on the verge of fainting. A gyerekeim nem szoktak hazudni nekem. My kids don't usually lie to me. My kids don't lie to me. Mindig vigyázok rád. I'll always take care of you. I'm always looking out for you. Megyek. Punktum. I'm going and that's that. I'm coming. Yannin vuohi laidunsi. Yanni's goat was grazing. Yanni's goat was grazing. Tomi on läsnä. Tom is present. Tom is present. Mit kerestél? What was it you were looking for? What were you looking for? Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että olit niin tyhmä. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you were so stupid. Näib, et Tom on unine. It looks like Tom is sleepy. Looks like Tom's sleepy. Az én országomban nehéz németül tanulni. In my country, it's difficult to learn German. In my country it is difficult to learn German. Tudod jól, hogy nem volt még időm megcsinálni, amire kértél, akkor meg minek kérdezgeted állandóan, hogy kész-e? You do know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to. I don't know why you keep asking me all the time whether it's ready. You know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to do, so why do you keep asking me if I'm ready? Elhízol, ha nem mozogsz többet. If you don't get more exercise, you'll get fat. You'll get fat if you stop moving. Hän oli viimeinen ihminen, jonka odotin näkeväni sellaisessa paikassa. She was the last person I expected to see in such a place. He was the last person I expected to see in such a place. Megnyerte magának a szerelmét. He won her love. He's won his love. Bolond lennék, ha nem mondanék neki igent. I would be a fool not to tell him yes. I'd be a fool not to say yes. Käytätkö partavettä? Do you use aftershave? You wear cologne? Saisinko nenäliinan? May I have a handkerchief? Handkerchief, please. Tomi a vendégszobában alszik majd. Tom will be sleeping in the guest room. Tom will be sleeping in the guest room. Aion tutkia aihetta jatko-opintotasolla. I intend to study the subject at a postgraduate level. I will study the subject at postgraduate level. Kinek a hibája ez hát? Whose fault is it, then? Whose fault is that? Legalább az első részen túl vagyunk már. At least, we finished the first part. At least we're past the first part. Nincs szükségem szülői tanácsra tőled! I don't need parenting advice from you. I don't need parenting advice from you! ”Kerro minulle sitten kaikki”, minä sanoin. ”Minä en voi, Jack, minä en voi”, hän parahti. "Tell me everything, then," said I. "I cannot, Jack, I cannot," she cried. “Then tell me everything,” I said. “I can’t, Jack, I can’t,” he cried. Tom oli kokouksessa koko päivän. Tom was in a meeting all day. Tom was at the meeting all day. Minä en usko tuohon. I don't believe in that. I don't believe that. Nézzük objektíven: ... Let's look at it objectively: ... Let's look at it objectively: Azért mentél ki, hogy egyél, igaz? You went out to eat, didn't you? You went out to eat, didn't you? Mennyi hó esett? How much snow fell? How much snow? Nem kapcsolnád le a lámpát? Won't you turn on the light? Can you turn off the lights? Kauan eläköön Ukraina! Long live Ukraine! Long live the Ukraine! Órák óta ezzel foglalatoskodnak. They've been at it for hours. They've been doing this for hours. Mondtam, hogy ez így nem lesz jó! I said it wouldn't work. I told you this wasn't gonna work. Olin lounaalla Tomin kanssa eilen. I had lunch with Tom yesterday. I had lunch with Tom last night. Tämä on ehdottomasti parempi. This one is definitely better. This is definitely better. Tomi virágot hozott Marinak. Tom brought Mary some flowers. Tom brought Mari flowers. Tomilla on tarkat korvat. Tom has good ears. Tom has very good ears. A vendéglátónk kihúzott egy fiókot. Egy ládika vált láthatóvá, mely puskaporral volt megtöltve. Our host opened a drawer, and a small box full of black powder was revealed. Our host pulled out a drawer, and a box filled with gunpowder became visible. Bárcsak tudna főzni a feleségem! I wish my wife could cook. I wish my wife could cook. Ó ne! Oh, no! Oh, no! No! Bölcs döntést hoztál. You've made a wise choice. You made a wise decision. Tulta! Juoskaa! Fire! Run! Fire, run! Ezt most szeretném még egyszer elmondani. Let me say that again. I'd like to say that again. Tomilla on korvalävistys. Tom has a pierced ear. Tom's got an ear piercing. Tunnen olevani vapaa. I feel that I am free. I feel free. Ne nézz! Don't look. Don't look! Kényelmesen él. He lives comfortably. He's comfortable. Azt mondták, nem tudom megcsinálni. Ezért csináltam meg. They told me I couldn't. That's why I did. They said I couldn't do it, that's why I did it. Tomi siirtyi lähemmäksi. Tom got closer. Tom moved closer. Csak egy álom volt. That was just a dream. It was just a dream. Tiedän siitä jo. I know about that already. I already know about it. Nincs túl jó állapotban a könyv. The book's condition's not so good. The book is not in very good condition. Sinun täytyy murtautua ulos noidankehästä. You must break the vicious circle. You have to break out of the vicious circle. Mi a gecit csináltatok? What the fuck did you do? What the fuck did you do? Tämä on tiekartta. This is a road map. This is a road map. Minä puhun vähän skottigaelia. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. Ne sajnálj! Don't feel sorry for me. Don't be sorry. Tomi kokeili huumeita ensimmäistä kertaaa oppilaskunnan bileissä. Tom first tried drugs at a frat party. Tom tried drugs for the first time at a frat party. Tanítottam Tomot víz alatt élni. I taught Tom how to live under water. I taught Tom how to live underwater. Ole hiljaa! Be quiet! Shut up! Shut up! Ez a nyakkendő nem illik az öltönyömbhöz. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie doesn't fit the suit. Yritimme varoittaa heitä. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. A régi életemet szeretném visszakapni. I want my old life back. I want my old life back. Meg akarok verekedni! I want to fight! I want to fight! Kérem, beszéljünk tovább angolul. Let's continue talking in English, please. Please, let's continue to speak English. Kakun leikkaaminen yhtä suuriin paloihin on melko hankalaa. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. Cutting the cake into equal pieces is quite difficult. Onko sinulla hyvä olo? Do you feel OK? You feeling all right? Mikä on tuon opetus? Ei yhtikäs mikään. What did we learn from this? Absolutely nothing. What's the moral of that? Fordítva fogod. You're holding it upside down. You're gonna do it backwards. Egy nagy házban él. She lives in a large house. He lives in a big house. Kas see on täkk või mära? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is it a stallion or a mare? Én csak egy voltam közülük. I was just one of them. I was just one of them. Maria ei tykkää persiljasta. Maria doesn't like parsley. Maria doesn't like parsley. Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma seda ütlesin! I can't believe I just said that! I can't believe I just said that! Ezt nagyon körültekintően kell megcsinálnunk. We need to do this very carefully. We have to do this very carefully. Oletko jo myynyt sen? Have you sold it yet? Have you sold it yet? Tom ja minä asumme samassa hotellissa. Tom and I stayed at the same hotel. Tom and I live in the same hotel. Költségmegtakarítas címszó alatt kirúgtak harminc embert. They fired thirty people calling it cost saving. Thirty people were fired under the heading of cost-saving. Toivon ettei Tom tee mitään tuollaista uudestaan. I hope Tom doesn't do anything like that again. I hope Tom doesn't do something like that again. Tomikin näki sen. Tom also saw it. Tom saw it too. Mindenki jól van? Is everybody all right? Is everybody okay? Megrázó élmény volt számára. This experience traumatized him. It was a shocking experience for him. Lassan siess! Hurry slowly. Slowly hurry! A nyári szünetet a nagymamámnál töltöttem. I spent my summer vacation with my grandmother. I spent the summer vacation at my grandmother's. Hol találom az információt? Where's the information desk? Where can I find the information? Isten veled! Bye! Good-bye. Szívesen látnak mindenkit, aki menni akar. Anybody who wants to come is welcome. They welcome anyone who wants to go. Ilyen ember meg nem is kell nekünk. Anyway, we don't need a person like he. We don't need a man like that. Minun täytyy pahoitella sitä, etten ole kirjoittanut niin pitkään aikaan. I must apologize to you for not writing for so long. I regret that I have not written in such a long time. Kérdések tömkelegét tette fel Tom Marynek. Tom asked Mary a barrage of questions. He asked Tom Mary a lot of questions. Ez a dal remekmű. This song is a classic. This song is a masterpiece. Még nem házasodunk össze inkább. The fact is we aren't getting married yet. We're not getting married yet. Hagyjanak itt! Leave me here. Leave me! Tom nem volt fiatal. Tom wasn't young. Tom wasn't young. Tom éppen most jött érkezett. Tom just came. Tom just got here. Ha idenézel, meglátod. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you'll see. Tomnak fekélye van. Tom has an ulcer. Tom has an ulcer. Tudod, hogy mit mondanak. You know what they say. You know what they say. Tom hol parkolta le a kamionját? Where did Tom park his truck? Where did Tom park his truck? A padlóra köpött. She spat on the floor. He spit on the floor. Ziri elismerte, hogy nem orvos. Ziri admitted he wasn't a doctor. Ziri admitted she's not a doctor. Minä niin toivon, että voisin olla sinun kanssasi siellä. I really wish I could be there with you. I so wish I could be there with you. Személyesen odament. He went there in person. He went there in person. Kadun sitä. I regret it. I regret it. Ránézek holnap és ha nem nagy a baj, akkor meg is javítom. I'll take a look at it tomorrow and if the problem isn't serious, I'll fix it. I'll look at it tomorrow, and if it's not too bad, I'll fix it. Ma már mindenki tudja, hogy a Föld gömb alakú. That the earth is round is clear now. Today, everyone knows that the Earth is spherical. Először nehéz volt. It was hard at first. It was hard at first. Tompika nem a Marcsi elől bújt el, hanem Jankó elől. Tom isn't hiding from Mary. He's hiding from John. Tompika wasn't hiding from Marcsi, he was hiding from Janko. Hogyan, kérem? I'm sorry? How, please? Minä en ole lause. Minut pitäisi poistaa Tatoebasta. I'm not a sentence. I should be deleted from Tatoeba. I'm not a sentence, I should be removed from Tatoeba. Remélem, igaz, amit mondasz. I hope that what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Arra kényszerültek, hogy elhagyják az országot. They were forced to leave the country. They were forced to leave the country. Futballoznak. They play soccer. They're footballing. Még egyszer. One more time. One more time. Ez az a pasi, akiről beszéltél? Is this the guy you were talking about? Is this the guy you were talking about? En ole koskaan polttanut yhden yhtä tupakkaa. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I have never smoked one cigarette. - Te megöltél engem. - Hogy mi?! Te meg akartál ölni engem! - Igen, igazad van, arra készültem. - Akkor hát jól cselekedtem. "You killed me." "What? You were gonna kill me." "Yeah, you're right, I was." "Well then I did the right thing." - You killed me. - What?! You wanted to kill me! - Yes, you're right, that's what I was going to do. - Then I did the right thing. Béla feladata, hogy figyeljen rá, ne csinálják azt. It's Tom's job to keep them from doing that. Bela's job is to make sure they don't do it. Tom megsértődött azon, amit Mary mondott. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Mene etsimään se. Go look for it. Go find it. Haluaisin vuokrata veneen. I'd like to hire a boat. I'd like to rent a boat. Ruhástul feküdt a kádban. He was lying in the bathtub with his clothes on. He was lying in the bath in his clothes. A fiú rosszul lett a szorongástól. The boy got sick from anxiety. The boy became ill from anxiety. Oletteko nälkäisiä? Are you hungry? You guys hungry? Tom sai Marin ja Jonin kiinni. Tom caught up with Mary and John. Tom's got Mar and Jon. Ég. It's burning! It's burning. Tomi pitää luonnosta. Tom likes nature. Tom likes nature. Tom hemofíliás. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's hemophiliac. Minä rakastan minun vaimoani. I love my wife. I love my wife. Az elnök elhalasztotta japán útját. The president put off visiting Japan. The president has postponed his trip to Japan. Tom javasolta a filmet, épp ezért nem néztem meg. Tom recommended the movie. That's exactly why I didn't watch it. Tom suggested the movie, which is why I didn't watch it. Ezek mérges gombák. These are poisonous mushrooms. These are poisonous mushrooms. Voit jäädä niin kauaksi aikaa kuin haluat. You may stay as long as you'd like. You can stay as long as you want. Magas iskolái vannak. He's highly educated. They have high schools. Kinn a semmi közepén lakik. She lives in the middle of nowhere. He lives out in the middle of nowhere. Meidän täytyy suojella saaren ainutlaatuista ja herkkää luontoa. We must protect the island's unique and fragile environment. We need to protect the unique and sensitive nature of the island. Minulla on vähän asioita Tomin kanssa. I've got some business with Tom. I've got some business with Tom. Mi köze ennek az én jövőmhöz? What does this have to do with my future? What does this have to do with my future? Yanni on masentunut. Yanni is depressed. Yanni's depressed. Ha iszom, beszélek franciául is. When I drink, I also speak French. When I drink, I speak French. Ki fog vezetni? Who'll drive? Who's gonna drive? Tetszeni fog neked ez a játék. You will like this game. You're gonna love this game. Bár tehetnénk valamit Tomért! I just wish there was something we could do to help Tom. I wish there was something we could do for Tom. Jössz vagy maradsz? Are you coming or are you staying? Are you coming or staying? Minden ember egyedi. Each human being is unique. Each person is unique. A bizottság tíz tagból áll. The committee is comprised of ten members. The Committee shall consist of ten members. A kérdés egyszerű, azonban a válasz bonyolult. The question is simple, but the answer is complicated. The question is simple, but the answer is complicated. Et ole minkäänlaisessa vaarassa. You aren't in any danger. You're in no danger. A GMO-s körtéknek, melyeket mostanában eszünk, semmi íze nincs. The genetically modified pears that we eat nowadays don't taste like anything. The GMO pears we eat these days have no taste at all. Tom hukkasi avaimensa. Tom lost his key. Tom lost his keys. Kenen kanssa menit? Whom did you go with? Who did you go with? Senki sem volt látható az utcán. There was no one to be seen in the street. No one could be seen on the street. Az ő orra teljesen más. His nose is totally different. His nose is completely different. Ruhtinas on komea. The prince is handsome. The prince is handsome. Meg fogja nyerni az első díjat. He will win the first prize. You will win the first prize. Olcsóbb buszra szállni. It's cheaper to take the bus. Cheaper to take the bus. Nem érdekel, ha le is tartóztatnak. I don't care if I get arrested. I don't care if you get arrested. Jos aiot palata maisemiin myöhemmin, anna minulle ensin sormus, että olen varmasti kotona. If you're going to come around later, give me a ring first, so I can make sure I'm home. If you're going to come back to the scene later, give me the ring first to make sure I'm home. Tom heittää keikkaa katumiimikkona. Tom moonlights as a street mime. Tom throws a gig as a street mime. Miért nem mondod ki egyenesen, hogy egyszerűen szarsz rám? Why don't you just say you don't give a shit about me? Why don't you just say that you don't give a shit about me? Tudod a címemet? Do you know my address? Do you know my address? Tominak szuvasak a fogai. Tom has decayed teeth. Tom's teeth are cavities. A nő, akivel beszéltél, valójában férfi. The woman to whom you were talking is in fact a man. The woman you were talking to is actually a man. Hiän ei ole vanha. He is not old. The sweat is not old. Kuunnelkaa lapset! Children, listen! Listen up, kids! Hadd legyek az, aki lenni szeretnék! Let me be who I want to be. Let me be who I want to be. Juna koostuu viidestätoista vaunusta. The train is made up of fifteen cars. The train consists of 15 cars. Tämä ei näytä hyvältä. This doesn't look good. This doesn't look good. Ettél már abban az étteremben, ahol Tom dolgozik? Have you ever eaten at the restaurant where Tom works. Have you ever eaten at the restaurant where Tom works? Tom elég ijesztő. Tom is pretty scary. Tom's kind of scary. Mari nem is tudja, mennyire szerencsés. Mary doesn't know how lucky she is. Mari doesn't know how lucky she is. Tarvitsetko apua keittiössä? Do you need help in the kitchen? Need help in the kitchen? Tomilla on pienet kädet. Tom has small hands. Tom has small hands. Kim édesen mosolygott. Kim smiled sweetly. Kim smiled sweetly. Tuuletathan huoneeni sillä aikaa, kun olen poissa. Please make sure to air my room while I'm out. Why don't you ventilate my room while I'm gone? Tomi pitää punajuurista, mutta Mari ei. Tom likes beets, but Mary doesn't. Tom likes beets, but Mary doesn't. Miksi et ole näyttäytynyt töissä viime aikoina? Why haven't you been showing up to work lately? Why haven't you shown up at work lately? Nem minden mohamedán terrorista. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Még sok időm van a szórakozásra. I still have a lot of time for fun. I still have a lot of time to have fun. Van fegyverre engedélye? Do you have a permit for a gun? Do you have a gun license? Mi történt, miután elment Béla? What happened after Tom had left? What happened after Bela left? Hänen mahtava sinfoniansa esitettiin. His great symphony was performed. His great symphony was performed. Tomi vastas mun kysymykseen. Tom answered my question. Tom answered my question. Tom talán nem tudja, Mary miért nincs itt. Tom might not know why Mary isn't here. Tom might not know why Mary's not here. Tomi és Mari gyakran SMS-eznek egymással még akkor is, ha ugyanabban a házban vannak. Tom and Mary often text each other, even when they're in the same house. Tomi and Mari often text each other even if they are in the same house. Egy volt közülük. He was one of them. He was one of them. Olen fatalisti. I'm a fatalist. I'm a fatalist. Mindegy, hogy hívják az elnököt, Jóska, Pista vagy Mari, mert mindegyik csak hazudik. No matter how the president is called, Joe, Stevie or Mamie, because all of them just lie. It doesn’t matter what the president is called, J<0xC3><0xB3>ska, Pista or Mari, because they all lie. En tiennyt, että Tomilla on sisko. I didn't know Tom had a sister. I didn't know Tom had a sister. Ami igazán lényeges, az a szemnek láthatatlan. What is essential is invisible to the eye. What is really important is invisible to the eye. Ez nem újdonság. That's nothing new. That's nothing new. Zucchinit ovat vihreitä. Zucchinis are green. Zucchini are green. Te tytöt näytätte ällistyttäviltä. You girls look amazing! You girls look amazing. Nem vagyok jó művész. I'm not a good artist. I'm not a good artist. Tom felfújta a barátnőjét. Tom inflated his girlfriend. Tom was making fun of his girlfriend. Anyukám nem szeretné, hogy olyan alakokkal lógjak együtt. My mom doesn't want me hanging out with people like that. My mom doesn't want me hanging out with guys like that. Nincs mit mondani. There's nothing to say. There's nothing to say. Tomi haluaa tietää lisää Marin menneisyydestä. Tom wants to know more about Mary's past. Tom wants to know more about Mary's past. Rászereltem a fejkamerát a sisakra. I fixed the headcam to the helmet. I put the head camera on the helmet. Minä yövyn tuossa hotellissa. I'm staying at that hotel. I'm staying at that hotel. — Kínaiul tanulni nehéz. — Akkor ne tanuld. "Learning Chinese is hard." "Don't learn it." “It’s hard to learn Chinese.” “Then don’t learn it.” Tom ei ole niin kuin muut pojat. Tom is not like the other boys. Tom's not like the other boys. Én vagyok az egyetlen, aki érti ennek a poénját? Am I the only one that sees the humor in this? Am I the only one who understands this joke? Tyko Brahe syntyi Tanskassa vuonna 1546. Tycho Brahe was born in 1546 in Denmark. Tyko Brahe was born in Denmark in 1546. Megkéselték. He's knifed. Stabbed. Sok mindent akarok csinálni. I have a lot of things I want to do. I want to do a lot of things. Tom pitää minua nössönä. Tom thinks I'm a wimp. Tom thinks I'm a pussy. Nincs olyan, amit ne tudnál megcsinálni? Is there nothing that you don't know how to do? Isn't there anything you can't do? Szeretek spanyolul beszélni. I like speaking Spanish. I like to speak Spanish. Elfordult tőlem a szerencse. Luck has turned its back on me. I'm so out of luck. Tom és Mari is mindketten hallgattak. Both Tom and Mary didn't say a thing. Tom and Mary were both silent. Isa on hea inimene. Father is a good person. Dad's a good person. Az okostelefonok kommunikálnak egymással. Smart phones communicate with each other. Smartphones communicate with each other. A fény vonzza a bogarakat. Light attracts bugs. Light attracts bugs. Tahtosi on lakini. Your wish is my command. Your will is my law. Uskovaista ei voi vakuuttaa mistään, sillä heidän uskonsa ei perustu todisteisiin vaan perustavanlaatuiseen tarpeeseen uskoa. You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe. Believers cannot be convinced of anything, because their faith is not based on evidence, but on the fundamental need to believe. Tykkään kirjoittaa ranskaksi. I like to write in French. I like to write in French. Magas férfi volt. He was a tall man. He was a tall man. Drónról készült a videó. The video is made by a drone. It's a video of a drone. Figyi! Look here! Hey! Hey! Hän ei ole minun poikaystäväni. Hän on vain ystävä. He's not my boyfriend. He's just my friend. He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. Kérem, ne lármázzon. Please, don't be noisy. Please don't make a fuss. Tom beszél egy keveset franciául. Tom knows some French. Tom speaks a little French. Kaphatok belőle? Can I have some? Can I have some? Minden lehetségeset megcsináltunk. We've done everything there was to do. We've done everything we can. Myrsky tuhosi kotisi. Your home was destroyed by the storm. The storm destroyed your home. Savua nousi mökkien piipuista — kirkonkellot moikasivat tyynesti — vanhukset elivät ja kuolivat. Smoke rose from cottage chimneys; sabbath bells rang peacefully; old people lived and died. Smoke rose from the chimneys of the huts—the church bells greeted calmly—the elderly lived and died. Mehetsz most is akár. You may as well leave now. You can go now. Ennek az asztalnak sima a felülete. This table's surface is smooth. This table has a smooth surface. Marista on juuri tullut todella terveen poikavauvan äiti. Mary has just become the mother of a very healthy baby boy. Mari has just become the mother of a very healthy baby boy. Isäni käy töiden takia usein Amerikassa. My father often goes to America on business. My dad goes to America a lot for work. Tämä on törkeää! This is outrageous! This is outrageous! További öt évre meghosszabbították Tomi szerződését. Tom renewed his contract for a further three years. Tom’s contract was extended for another five years. Nimeni on Dilshad. My name is Dilshad. My name is Dilshad. Most elmondom neked az igazat. I'll tell you the truth now. I'm going to tell you the truth. Kissa on ruskea. The cat is brown. The cat is brown. Nem volt elég időnk befejezni azt. We didn't have enough time to finish doing that. We didn't have enough time to finish it. Bóknak veszem. I'll take it as a compliment. I'll take that as a compliment. A japánok minden nap esznek szusit? Do Japanese eat sushi every day? Do the Japanese eat sushi every day? Nélküle megyek el. I'm leaving without him. I'm leaving without him. Jiägiä tervehekse! Goodbye! Cheers to Jiggs! Megpróbálok folyamatosan tájékozódni. I try to stay informed. I'm trying to stay informed. Le nem venné rólam a szemét. He wouldn't take his eyes off me. He wouldn't take his eyes off me. Mikä tämä ääni on? What's this sound? What's that sound? Olet ottamassa aikamoisen riskin. You're taking quite a risk. You're taking quite a risk. Kõik on sinu üle uhked. Everyone is proud of you. Everybody's proud of you. Csörgést hallottam. I could hear a rattling sound. I heard a ring. Siin on see, mis sa küsisid. Here's what you asked for. Here's what you asked. Nincs más út a bejutásra. There's no other way in. There's no other way in. Maga orvos vagy mi? Are you a doctor or something? Are you a doctor or what? Tom még a legnehezebb helyzetekben sem kedvetlenedett el. Even in the most difficult situations, Tom has never lost heart. Tom was not discouraged even in the most difficult situations. Én már nem félek a pókoktól. I'm no longer afraid of spiders. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. Hipnotizált engem, és kifosztotta a tárcámat. He hypnotized me and stole all the money I had in my wallet. He hypnotized me and robbed my wallet. Opiskelen espanjaa joka päivä. I study Spanish every day. I study Spanish every day. — Tom egy útra vett csak jegyet. — Nem akar visszajönni Bostonba? — Nagyon remélem! "Tom bought a one-way ticket." "Doesn't he want to come back to Boston?" "I hope so." “Tom just bought a ticket for a trip.” “Don’t you want to come back to Boston?” Oletteko te tekemässä töitä? Are you working? Are you two working? Mit is akarok csinálni? What do I want to do? What do I want to do? Egyik pletyka sem igaz. None of the rumours are true. None of the rumors are true. Tom haluaa vastauksia. Tom wants answers. Tom wants answers. A víznek nincs színe. Water doesn't have a color. Water has no color. Ihmiset eivät voi elää ilman ruokaa. Human beings can't live without food. People cannot live without food. Tatoeba syytää minulle loukkauksia! Tatoeba is insulting me! Tatoeba blames me! Segítettük egymást. We helped each other. We helped each other. Az élet nem csak móka és kacagás. Life is not always fun. Life is not just fun and games. Mi van a kertben? What is in the garden? What's in the garden? Ma mängin aias. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. Ez az üveg sör majdnem nagyobb, mint te. This glass of beer is almost bigger than you. This bottle of beer is almost bigger than you. Adj egy csipeszt! Pass me a peg. Give me a pair of tweezers. Tom hävisi vedon. Tom lost the bet. Tom lost the bet. Amit éppen csinálsz, az többet árt, mint használ. What you're doing is hurting more than helping. What you're doing is doing more harm than good. Onko sinulla aikaa syödä lounasta kanssani? Do you have time to eat lunch with me? Do you have time to have lunch with me? Mit veszünk a születésnapjára? What are we going to buy him for his birthday? What to buy for your birthday? Beborult az ég alja. The sky clouded over. The sky's falling. Ő beteg. He is sick. She's sick. Akkora az agyad, mint egy dió. You have a brain the size of a walnut. You've got a brain the size of a walnut. Ei unohdeta tämän kokouksen päätarkoitusta. Let's not forget the main purpose of this meeting. Let us not forget the main purpose of this meeting. Viselkedjél! Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Tomi menetti sodassa kolme poikaa. Tom lost three sons in the war. Tom lost three boys in the war. Toukokuun 24. on slaavikirjoituksen ja -kulttuurin päivä. The 24th of May is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. May 24 is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. Böfögött egy hatalmasat. | — Ez a véleményem — mondta. He burped loud. "This is my opinion", he said. He belched a huge one. Lithium-Ion — that's my opinion, he said. Nem aludtam. I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. Tää biisi on ihana. I love that song. I love this song. Miksi Tomi ei ole täällä näin ratkaisevalla hetkellä? Why isn't Tom here at this crucial moment? Why is Tom not here at such a crucial time? Useat ihmiset ovat kysyneet minulta, miksi pidän tämän tekemisestä. Many people have asked me why I like doing this. A lot of people have asked me why I like doing this. Ha nem csalok, nem is nyertem volna. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't had won. If I hadn't cheated, I wouldn't have won. Tom törvénytisztelő polgár. Tom is a law-abiding citizen. Tom's a law-abiding citizen. Monet ihmiset eivät ole koskaan nähneet Linnunrataa. Many people have never seen the Milky Way. Many people have never seen the Milky Way. Magamon nem szeretnék tetoválást, de másokon tetszik. On myself, I'm not a fan of tattoos, but on others, definitely. I don't want tattoos on myself, but I like tattoos on other people. Nem hiszem, hogy Tom ismeri a részleteket. I don't think that Tom knows the details. I don't think Tom knows the details. Myöhästyin sinun vuoksesi. You made me late. I'm late because of you. Kirjandus on rahvuse tulevik. Literature is the future of a nation. Literature is the future of the nation. ”Maistuuko se hyvältä?” ”Kyllä maistuu.” "Does it taste good?" "Yes, it does." “Does it taste good?” “Yes, it does.” Melkein jäin auton alle. I was almost hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. Tom próbálja megjavítani. Tom is trying to fix that. Tom's trying to fix it. Becsaptalak én téged valaha? Have I ever cheated you? Have I ever cheated you? Elfelejtettem a vezetéknevét. I've forgotten his last name. I forgot his last name. Kas sa elad toetustest? Do you live on benefits? Do you live off subsidies? Tuo mies tuolla sopii epäillyn tuntomerkkeihin. That man over there matches the suspect's description. That man over there matches the suspect's description. Franciának született, de ma amerikai állampolgár. He is French by birth, but he is now a citizen of the USA. He was born in France, but is now an American citizen. Tom osaa pitää salaisuuden. Tom can keep a secret. Tom can keep a secret. Öcsémmel jól megértjük egymást. I get along with my younger brother. My brother and I understand each other well. Yannilla on tänä iltana kuoroharjoitukset. Yanni has choir practice tonight. Yanni's got choir practice tonight. Tegnap volt a tizenharmadik születésnapom. Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. A lányunk már nem gyermek. Our daughter is not a child anymore. Our daughter is no longer a child. — Cső! — Szeva! "Hi." "Hi." - Hey, hey, hey, hey. Nem megyünk ki a partra. We're not going ashore. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Tom belenézett a tükörbe és meglátta magát benne. Tom looked into the mirror and saw himself in it. Tom looked in the mirror and saw himself in it. Menni akarsz? You want to go? You wanna go? Se on suuri ja kömpelö. It's bulky. It's big and clumsy. Mocsok egy idő van. It's nasty weather. It's a shitty time. Elméletileg lehetséges. It's theoretically possible. Theoretically possible. Mikor van ebédszüneted? When is your lunch break? When's your lunch break? Tom azt ígérte, hogy hamarosan visszatér. Tom promised that he would be back soon. Tom promised he'd be back soon. Tomi on vielä aloittelija. Tom is still a beginner. Tom is a beginner. Tényleg nagyszerű volt. That was really great. It was really great. Voi kunpa olisin kuollut. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. Hideg van. Libabőrös vagyok. It's cold; I have goosebumps. It's cold, I have goose bumps. Se on minun CD-levyni. That's my CD. It's my CD. Nemet mondtam. I said no. I said no. Almát hasonlítasz össze körtével. You are comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples to pears. Pidän kissoista. I like cats. I like cats. Meg kell őket állítanunk, mielőtt még valamit tönkretesznek. We need to stop them before they do any damage. We have to stop them before they destroy anything else. A nővéremnek van egy kutyája. My sister has a dog. My sister has a dog. Nyomorék vagyok. I'm handicapped. I'm a cripple. Korpusta ei ole jäsennetty taulukkona vaan verkkona. The corpus is not structured as a table but as a graph. The corpus is not structured as a table, but as a grid. Az életfelfogásod más, mint az enyém. Your philosophy of life is different than mine. Your philosophy is different from mine. Olet optimisti, vai kuinka? You're optimistic, aren't you? You're an optimist, aren't you? Itthagyhatom ezt? Can I leave it here? Can I leave this? Vajon Tomon pirospöttyös alsógatya van-e? I wonder whether Tom wears polka dot underpants. Does Tom have red underpants? Elfáradtam a gyaloglástól. I'm tired of walking. I'm tired of walking. Ez az idős nő orvos. The old woman is a doctor. This old woman is a doctor. Az ember hasznosnak akarja érezni magát. Men want to feel needed. People want to feel useful. Az európai politikusok trollok. European politicians are trolls. European politicians are trolls. Sinun pitäisi pelätä. Pelätä todella paljon. Be afraid. Be very afraid. You should be scared, really scared. Tamás még mindig beteg? Is Tom still sick? Is Tom still sick? Hatnak terítettem. I set the table for six. I set six. Mind kiabálnak. They all yell. They're all yelling. Upeaa! Amazing! That's great! Mivel ingyen volt minden, Tomi annyit evett meg ivott, amennyit csak bírt. Since everything was free, Tom ate and drank so much he could. Since everything was free, Tom ate and drank as much as he could. Tudnunk kell, mi történt. We need to know what happened. We need to know what happened. Se on bisnestä. It's business. It's business. Jotkin eläimet nukkuvat enemmän kuin toiset. Some animals sleep more than others. Some animals sleep more than others. Milyen operációs rendszert használsz? What operating system do you use? What operating system do you use? Onko tämä poikasi, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? Voitko kertoa minulle, miten tämä tehdään? Can you tell me how to do this? Can you tell me how to do this? Szereti a narancsot? Does she like oranges? Do you like oranges? Nem a szexre gondoltam. I didn't think of sex. I didn't mean sex. Hän käytti tilaisuutta hyväkseen. He took advantage of the opportunity. He took advantage of the opportunity. Egy tündér táncol a tó partján. A fairy is dancing on the lakeside. There's a fairy dancing by the lake. Hän antoi koiran ystävilleen. She gave the dog to her friends. He gave the dog to his friends. Van metró a városodban? Is there a metro in your city? Do you have a subway in your city? Idess', anyu, mit tudok én! Mom, look what I can do! Here, Mom, what do I know? Minä luen tätä lausetta. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this sentence. Ethän sitten myöhästy. You won't be late, will you? Well, don't be late. Tommal más vagy. You're different with Tom. Tom and you are different. Ta eksis arvates, et ta tuli teda vaatama. He was wrong in thinking that she'd come to see him. He was wrong to think that he had come to see her. Istennő. She's a God. Goddess. Mi okozta a balesetet? What caused the accident? What caused the accident? Ne akard megtudni. Don't want to know. You don't want to know. Ki lettünk zárva a szobánkból. We're locked out of our room. We were locked out of our room. Kérem, válaszoljon. Please reply. Please respond. Nekem jogom van kritizálni. I have the right to criticise. I have the right to criticize. Nem várhat a műtét. The operation cannot wait. The surgery can't wait. Boston on liian kylmä minulle Chicagosta puhumattakaan. Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago. Boston's too cold for me, not to mention Chicago. Nagyon köszönöm a gyors válaszod. Thanks for your quick reply. Thank you very much for your prompt reply. A NATO és Oroszország kötöttek egy írásbeli megállapodást a Szovjetunió szétesése után, hogy a NATO nem terjeszkedik keletre az Oroszok rovására. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, NATO and Russia signed a written agreement that NATO would not expand eastward at the expense of the Russians. NATO and Russia signed a written agreement after the collapse of the Soviet Union that NATO would not expand to the east at the expense of the Russians. Így lehet csinálni. It can be done like that. That's how it's done. Hyvästi, Kuuba. Farewell, Cuba. Goodbye, Cuba. Kuinka myöhään se pankki on auki? How late is the bank open? How late is the bank open? Ha hozzám ér, sikítok. If you touch me, I'll scream. If you touch me, I'll scream. Lehtemme tarvitsee parempia kirjoittajia. Our magazine need better writers. We need better writers. Sinun sinnikkyyttäsi ei arvosteta. Your persistence is not appreciated. Your persistence is unappreciated. Hord a szemüveged! Wear your glasses. Wear your glasses. Mietitkö sinä vakavissasi lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously thinking about leaving? Ő itt segít majd neked. This person will help you. He'll help you here. Egyikőtök sem értette a viccet. Neither of you got the joke. None of you understood the joke. Holnap mikor lesz órád? What time do you have class tomorrow? What time do you have class tomorrow? Tom és Mari házasságot kötött három nappal ezelőtt. Tom and Mary got married three days ago. Tom and Mari got married three days ago. A fiú mindenkinek hencegett új kerékpárjával. The boy showed off his new bicycle to everyone. The boy bragged to everyone about his new bike. Yritetäänpäs jotakin. Let's try something. Let's try something. Elnézést amiatt. Sorry about that. Sorry about that. Cudar az időjárás! It's nasty weather. The weather is bad! Közeleg a karácsony. Christmas is approaching. Christmas is coming. Tom nem akart odamenni sötétedés után. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tomi myi autonsa epäröimättä. Tom sold his car without hesitation. He sold his car without hesitation. Te jogilag zokni vagy. Legally, you are a sock. You're legally a sock. Kuusi heistä palaa. Six of them return. Six of them are burning. Toivomme, että nautit vierailustasi. We hope you enjoyed your stay. We hope you enjoy your visit. En aja usein. I don't drive often. I don't drive often. En tunne ketään Bostonista. I don't know anybody in Boston. I don't know anyone in Boston. Kysy vanhemmiltasi. Ask your parents. Ask your parents. Minden nap fent vannak a buszon. They ride the bus every day. They're on the bus every day. Mindig itt leszünk. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Ez nem egy teljes történet. This isn't the whole story. This is not a complete story. Tämä on sinun omaa syytäsi. This is your own fault. This is all your fault. Remélem, nem bánod, ha korán elmegyek. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. Tomi harjoittelee pianoa kolme tuntia päivässä. Tom practices the piano three hours a day. Tom practises the piano for three hours a day. Bárcsak meg tudnám csinálni! I wish I could. I wish I could do it. Mennyi ideje ment el? How long has he been gone? How long has he been gone? Mi a szart nézel? What the fuck are you looking at? What the fuck are you looking at? A hang abból az irányból jött. The sound came from that direction. The sound came from that direction. Vapaus on aina ollut olemassa, mutta joskus vain etuoikeutena joillekkin ja joskus oikeutena kaikille. Liberty has always existed, but sometimes as a privilege for some and other times as a right for all. Freedom has always existed, but sometimes only as a privilege for some and sometimes as a right for all. Karácsonykor Mary-t meglátogatja osztrák barátja. Mary's friend from Austria will visit her at Christmas time. At Christmas, Mary is visited by her Austrian friend. Mostanra már haza kellett érniük. They must've arrived home by now. They should have been home by now. Tänään on liian kylmä eväsretkelle. It's too cold for a picnic today. It's too cold for lunch today. Tele van a faszom Tommal, Yannival és Samivel. Úgy viselkednek, mint a gyerekek. I'm fed up with Tom, Yanni and Sami. They behave like children. I've got Tom, Yanni and Sami all over my ass, acting like kids. Szeretném, hogy maradjon itt, a hölgynél. I want you to stay by the lady. I'd like you to stay here with the lady. Kezdjük azzal hogy nagyon drága. To start with, it's too expensive. Let’s start with how expensive it is. Valaki közületek itt van mindig? Is one of you always here? Is one of you here all the time? Ezeket a mondatokat a macskám írta. Nem meglepő egyáltalán: ezek rövid, egyszerű mondatok. These sentences are added by my cat. It isn't surprising at all: those are short and easy sentences. These sentences were written by my cat. Not surprising at all: they are short, simple sentences. Kello on varttia vaille kahdeksan. It's quarter to eight now. It's quarter to eight. Csak annyira vagyok bűnös, mint bárki más. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I'm only as guilty as everyone else. Hozzá képest kispályás vagyok. Compared to him, I'm simply a beginner. I'm small-time compared to him. — Miért használod a Ziri nevet a mondataidban? — Mások meg miért szemetelik tele a weboldalt a Tom névvel? "Why are you using the name 'Ziri' in your sentences?" "Why are other people spamming the website with the name 'Tom'?" “Why do you use the name Ziri in your sentences?” “Why do others trash the website with the name Tom?” Kas sulle meeldivad maasikad? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Tätä sanaa ei ole olemassa ranskan kielessä. This word doesn't exist in French. This word does not exist in the French language. A rendőrség szervezett egy rajtaütést a rabló elfogására. The police arranged an ambush to catch the mugger. The police set up a raid to catch the robber. Minul on žiäli! I'm sorry! I've got a geyle! Tom osaa hädin tuskin puhua ranskaa. Tom can barely speak French. Tom can barely speak French. Mutta sinun funktiosi ei ole Lipschitz-jatkuva! But your function isn't Lipschitz continuous! But your function is not Lipschitz-continuous! Miért él a pápa palotában? Why does the Pope live in a palace? Why does the Pope live in a palace? Hymyile elämälle! Face life with a smile! Smile for life! Szeretem a kék óceánt nézni. I like to look at the blue ocean. I like to watch the blue ocean. Azt hiszem, itt az ideje egy nyugodt hétvégének. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. Ilyen vagyok. I am as I am. That's who I am. Olen iloinen, että se ilahduttaa sinua. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad you're happy about that. Gyertyákat gyújt a teremben. He's lighting candles in his room. He lights candles in the room. Járasd a motort. Keep your engine running. Keep the engine running. Luotatko minuun? Do you trust me? Do you trust me? En se ollut minä, joka aloitti. It wasn't me who started. It wasn't me who started it. Kínának van a legtöbb tengeralattjárója. China has the most submarines. China has the largest number of submarines. Csináld, amit csak mond neked. Do whatever she tells you. Do whatever he tells you. Pidätkö enemmän omenoista vai banaaneista? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? Do you prefer apples or bananas? Tom ei voinut olla olematta surullinen. Tom couldn't help but feel sad. Tom could not help being sad. Hän menee tavallisesti kouluun linja-autolla. He usually goes to school by bus. He usually goes to school by bus. Telepítsünk betörésjelzőt! Let's install a burglar alarm. Let's install a burglar alarm. Se tuntuu unelta. It feels like a dream. It feels like a dream. Tomi teki tämän virheen tahallaan. Tom deliberately made this mistake. Tom made this mistake on purpose. Nagyon drága lehet az élet Dubaiban. Life in Dubai can be very expensive. Life in Dubai can be very expensive. Vastanaineet. Just married. Newlyweds. Fel szándékoztam hívni őt, csak elfelejtettem. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I was going to call him, I just forgot. Tom Bostonban született. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Ei tuo olekin opettaja sinun koulustasi? Isn't that a teacher from your school? That's not a teacher from your school, is it? Onko sinulla yskänpastilleja? Do you have cough drops? Do you have any cough drops? A görögök jól főznek. Greeks are good cooks. The Greeks are good at cooking. Valosaaste on täällä niin järkyttävällä tasolla, että yöllä täällä ei näy yhden yhtä tähteä. The light pollution here is so bad, you can't even see a single star at night. The light pollution here is at such a shocking level that at night there is not one single star visible here. Oodake mind! Wait for me. Wait for me! Buksi az ágy végében alszik. Cookie is sleeping at the end of the bed. He sleeps at the end of the bed. Fejezd be, hogy a semmin siránkozol itt nekem! Stop complaining to me about nothing. Stop whining at me in the middle of nowhere. Páran a barátaim közül egész jól tudnak beszélni franciául. Some of my friends can speak French really well. Some of my friends can speak French quite well. En osaa ratkaista tätä osaa palapelistä. I can't finish this part of the puzzle. I don't know how to solve this part of the puzzle. Megmutatnád, hol találták? Could you show me where it was found? Can you show me where it was? Nem vagyok az iszlám követője. I'm not an adherent of Islam. I am not a follower of Islam. Az új könyvet olvasom, amit a nővéremmel vettem. I'm reading the new book that I bought with my sister. I'm reading the new book I bought with my sister. Ki az a férfi? Who's that man? Who's the man? Negyed nyolckor vacsorázom. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner at 4:15. Suuri auto pysähtyi ja siitä astui ulos pitkä nainen. A big car drew up and a tall lady got out. A large car stopped and a tall woman came out. Mun reppu on tosi raskas. My backpack is very heavy. My backpack is really heavy. Olen saanut sinulta flunssan. You've given me your cold. You've given me the flu. Tomi ei pääse kovin kauaksi. Tom won't get very far. Tom won't get very far. Tomin vanhemmat ovat todella ylpeitä hänestä ja kaikesta mitä hän on saavuttanut. Tom's parents are very proud of him and all he has achieved. Tom’s parents are very proud of him and all that he has achieved. Tamás kölcsönadta nekünk az új autóját. Tom lent us his new car. Tom gave us his new car. Tomi ei ollut siitä tietenkään iloinen. Tom obviously wasn't happy. Tom was not happy about it. Myö emmä ole vanha. We are not old. I'm not that old. Úgy gondolom, nagyon jó a munkád. I think your work is very good. I think your work is very good. Mikä on syy? What's the cause? What is the reason? Naamiaisasusi on todella vakuuttava. Your costume is very impressive. Your costume is very convincing. Kus sa koolis käisid? What school do you go to? Where did you go to school? Egyáltalán éhes vagy? Are you hungry at all? Are you even hungry? Ihailen Tomia paljon. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. Pellet! Clowns! Clowns! Azt akarom látni, hogy szenved. I want to see him suffering. I want to see him suffer. Le kell vágni a füvet. This grass needs to be cut. We need to cut the grass. Miért vagy pizsamában? Why are you in your pyjamas? Why are you in your pajamas? See on tunnustatud Ameerika kirjanik. That is a recognized American author. He is a well-known American writer. Sürgős ügyben kell intézkednem. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I have an urgent matter to attend to. Me olimme odottamassa. We were waiting. We were waiting. Nem csináltam még meg, amire kértél, mert ezidáig még nem volt rá időm. I haven't done yet what you asked me to do since I haven't had time till now. I haven't done what you asked me to do because I haven't had the time yet. Én is a szórakoztatóiparban akarok dolgozni. I want to work in the entertainment industry as well. I want to work in the entertainment industry. Talán maguk mind meghalnak... de én nem. És ezt azokért teszik hazafiasan, akik a háború által még gazdagabbá válnak, mégha a családjaik el is szegényednek a háborús infláció következtében. You may all die... but I won't. And you patriotically do that for those who'll be even richer by the war, even if your families will be poor because of the war inflation. You may all die, but I will not, and they do so patriotically for those who, through war, become even richer, even though their families are impoverished by war inflation. Unohdin kartan. I forgot the map. I forgot the map. Minun nimi on Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Mennék, de tudod, hogy nem tudok. I would like to come but you know that I can't. I would, but you know I can't. Olemme tulossa hakemaan Tomia. We're coming to pick Tom up. We're coming for Tom. Levitä sormesi. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. Perkele. Damn. Oh, shit. Täytyykö sinun käyttää pukua töissä? Do you have to wear a suit to work? Do you have to wear a dress at work? Asuuko hän täällä? Does she live here? Does he live here? Käytkö tässä kaupugissa ensimmäistä kertaa? Is this your first visit to this town? Is this your first time in town? Engem választott. She chose me. He chose me. Hol találtad ezt, Tomi? Tom, where did you find this? Where did you find this, Tom? Haluaisin laulaa laulun. I'd like to sing a song. I'd like to sing a song. Megszöktél? Have you escaped? You escaped? A kávézó a földszinten van, két emelettel lejjebb. The cafe is on the ground floor, two floors below. The café is on the ground floor, two floors down. Pahan tavan saa hankkittua helpolla. A bad habit is easily acquired. A bad habit can be easily acquired. Palauta minkä lainaat. You should return what you borrow. Return what you borrow. Egy fekete BMW parkol a házad előtt. There is a black BMW parked in front of your house. There's a black BMW parked outside your house. Elfér a bőröndöm? Is there room for my luggage? Can I fit my suitcase? Kas sa arvad et ma armastan teda ikka veel? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love him? Paikallisjuna ei ole yhtä mukava kuin pikajuna. The local train is less comfortable than the express train. The local train is not as comfortable as the express train. Kas ma pole veel piisavalt kannatanud? Haven't I suffered enough? Haven't I suffered enough? Tom avasi säkin. Tom opened the sack. Tom opened the bag. Olimme ulkona yhdessä. We were out together. We were out together. Ennek a háznak vannak melléképületei, valamint alagsora is. This house has outbuldings and a basement, too. This house has outbuildings, as well as a basement. Nem jönne velem bevásárolni? Won't you go shopping with me? Why don't you come shopping with me? Olen tuntenut Tomin pitkään. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom a long time. Mies myönsi murtautuneensa taloon. The man admitted having broken into the house. He admitted to breaking into the house. A pékség a faluban bezárt. The village bakery has closed. The bakery in the village is closed. Tarvitsetko apua? Do you need a hand? You need some help? Mindig csak úgy magamra kapkodom a ruháimat. I always get dressed in a hurry. I'm always getting my clothes on. Tomi kertoi, ettei hän ollut valmis siihen. Tom told me he wasn't ready to do that. Tom said he wasn’t ready for it. Bevallom, tévedtem. I admit that I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Szabad vagyok, mint a madár az égen. I'm free as a bird in heaven's blue. I am free as a bird in the sky. Nekem ez nyilvánvaló, mint ahogy az ég kék, és ha bárki mást állít, akkor az bolond. To me it's obvious as the sky is blue, and anyone who states otherwise is foolish. It's obvious to me, like the sky is blue, and if anyone says anything else, it's a fool. Mari szereti a pénzt. Mary loves money. Mari likes money. Mun lean ilus odne I'm happy today I'm beautiful odne Anyu, melyik a jobb kezem? Mom, which is my right hand? Mom, which one's my right hand? Na ez az, amiért szeretlek. That's exactly what I like about you. That's why I love you. Semmit sem látott. He saw nothing. He didn't see anything. Már nem bízom senkiben. I don't trust anyone any longer. I don't trust anyone anymore. Tom leellenőrizte a dátumot. Tom checked the date. Tom checked the date. A szerződést közös megegyezéssel mondták fel. The contract has been mutually terminated. The contract was terminated by mutual consent. Fújj be, kérlek, ha fingasz! Please flush after pooping. Blow me, please, if you fart. Mondd, mit vegyek! Tell me what to buy. Tell me what to buy. Felháborító, ahogy az emberekkel bánsz. The way you treat people is disgusting. The way you treat people is outrageous. Sikerre számítunk. We anticipate success. We're looking forward to it. Bizonytalan volt, hogy feleségül fogja-e venni őt. It was uncertain whether he would marry her. He was unsure if he would marry her. Teidän olisi syytä lähteä nyt. You had better go now. You should leave now. Nyáron több kocsi van úton, mint télen. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. A kontinensnek öngyilkos politikája van. The continent has a suicidel policy. The continent has a policy of suicide. Hopi-kielessä on kiinnostavia esimerkkejä onomatopoeettisista ilmauksista. There are interesting examples in the Hopi language concerning onomatopoetic expressions. There are interesting examples of onomatopoetic expressions in Hopi. Alig várom már, hogy elmehessek vakációzni. I can't wait to go on vacation. I can't wait to go on vacation. Hiába haltak. They died in vain. They died in vain. Mul on veel palju õppida. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Előtted odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll get there first. Me tarvitsemme musiikkia. We need music. We need music. Piste. Subject closed. Point. Kiitos kun autoit minua läksyissä. Thank you for helping me with my homework. Thanks for helping me with my homework. Nem több egy gennyládánál. He's just a scumbag. No more than a piece of shit. Szerintem ez a fotel nem kényelmes. I don't think this armchair is comfortable. I don't think this chair is comfortable. Van egy térképe? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Rakd a kisebb dobozt a nagyobba! Put the smaller box into the bigger one. Put the smaller box in the bigger box. Visszaadtam a szótárát. I gave him his dictionary back. I gave him his dictionary back. Mikor csináltál ilyet utoljára? When was the last time you did that? When was the last time you did that? Miért kell Moszkvába menned? Why do you need to go to Moscow? Why do you have to go to Moscow? Nem kell mindenkinek a kedvére tenni. You don't have to make a different dish for every person. You don't have to please everyone. Jos meidän käy hyvä onni, tuplaamme rahamme. If we're lucky, we'll double our money. If we're lucky, we'll double our money. Van bicótok? Do you have bicycles? You got a bike? Haluatko sikarin? Would you like a cigar? You want a cigar? Haluaisitko auttaa minua maanantaina? Would you be willing to help me on Monday? Would you like to help me on Monday? A főzés művészet. Cooking is an art. Cooking is an art. Ki az a nő, aki ott áll? Who is the woman standing there? Who's the woman standing there? Azon a meetingen nem voltam jelen. I wasn't present at that meeting. I was not present at that meeting. Tudod a címem? Do you know my address? Do you know my address? Fáj a karom. My arm hurts. My arm hurts. Nem kedvelem őt. I don't like her. I don't like her. Egy perc vesztegetnivaló időnk sincs. We can't waste even a minute. We don't have a minute to waste. Az asztal alatt van. It's under the table. It's under the table. Haluatko katsoa elokuvan? Do you want to watch a movie? You wanna watch a movie? Elmesélem, hogyan történt. I'll tell you how that happened. I'll tell you how it happened. Voisitko sinä kertoa minulle mitä tapahtuu? Would you mind telling me what's going on? Would you mind telling me what's going on? Olin tarpeeksi typerä uskoakseni Tomia. I was stupid enough to believe Tom. I was stupid enough to believe Tom. Sinun täytyy asettua aloillesi. You need to settle down. You need to settle down. Minuun iski salama. I was struck by lightning. I was struck by lightning. Minä käytän joskus saksia tölkinavaajana. I sometimes use scissors as a can opener. I sometimes use scissors as a can opener. Mit tudsz te az én érzéseimről? Do you have any idea how I feel? What do you know about my feelings? Sattuu, kun kosken sitä. It hurts when I touch it. It hurts when I touch it. Nem vagyok jó viszonyban a családommal. I'm not on good terms with my family. I don’t have a good relationship with my family. Egyre rosszabb közöttünk a viszony. Between us, things are becoming worse. Things are getting worse between us. Ne linnut laulavat. The birds are singing. Those birds are singing. Nem tudom, hol van Tom esernyője. I don't know where Tom's umbrella is. I don't know where Tom's umbrella is. Tomi soha nem szól a gyerekeiről a blogjában. Tom never mentions his children in his blog posts. Tom never mentions his kids on his blog. Síri csend honolt a házban. The house was dead silent. There was a grave silence in the house. Se oli suuri, musta amerikkalainen sotalaiva. It was a big black American warship. It was a large, black American warship. Ma suudan joosta. I'm able to run. I can run. Rakkaudella, Joni. Love, Jon. With love, Joni. Tämä oli karmea päivä. Today was a terrible day. It's been a terrible day. Ha megsebzed őt, kinyírlak. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. You hurt her, I'll kill you. Nincs félnivalóm. I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. Vastaa. Respond. Come in. A kérésemet elutasították. My request was refused. My request was denied. Kié ez a táska? Whose is this bag? Whose bag is this? Olin hyvin huolissani hänestä. I was very worried about her. I was very worried about him. A sajt tejből készül. Cheese is made from milk. Cheese is made from milk. Tom sanoo, ettei ole vielä nähnyt tuota elokuvaa. Tom says he hasn't seen that movie yet. Tom says he hasn't seen the movie yet. Ígéretet tettem apádnak, hogy gondoskodom rólad. I promised your father to take care of you. I made a promise to your father that I'd take care of you. A kapitalizmusban nincs rákényszerítve az ember, hogy vásároljon. In capitalism, a citizen is not obligated to shop. Capitalism does not force people to buy. Milyen színű eredetileg a hajad? What is your natural hair color? What color was your hair originally? Az első férje fríz, a második marokkói. Her first husband was Frisian, the second one is Moroccan. Her first husband is a Frisian, the second a Moroccan. Mehukannu murskasi kakun. The cake got crushed by the jar of juice. The jug crushed the cake. Épp arra megyek. I'm headed over there right now. I'm going that way. Szégyen a futás, de hasznos. Running away is shameful, but it's useful. It's a shame to run, but it's useful. Várj egy kicsit tovább! Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. A hatása alatt állok. It impressed me much. I'm under the influence. Onko tämä teidän lentonne? Is this your flight? Is this your flight? Muszáj aludnom most egyet. I must sleep now. I need to get some sleep. Nauttikaa vierailustanne tässä hotellissa. Please enjoy your stay at this hotel. Enjoy your stay at this hotel. Stoppolhatnánk, és ingyen mehetnénk melózni. We could hitchhike, and bum a ride to work. We could hitchhike and go to work for free. Kyllä sillon ku ajaa niin pitäis tiätä kattoo. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you drive, you should be able to see. Tomi ujjai olyanok, mint egy nőé. Tom's fingers are like a woman's. Tom's fingers are like a woman's. Ő a legmagasabb az osztályban. He is the tallest in the class. He's the highest in the class. Tomilla on taipumusta hukata tavaroita. Tom tends to lose things. Tom has a tendency to lose things. Minulla ei ole vodkaa. I don't have vodka. I don't have any vodka. Tundub, et sa oled algse eesmärgi unustanud. You seem to have lost sight of original objective. You seem to have forgotten your original purpose. Oletko ikinä lisännyt artikkelia Wikipediaan? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? Nagyon kedves vagy. You're very kind. You're very kind. Sírt a történet hallatán. She cried while listening to this story. He cried when he heard the story. Fogyókúrázik a hold. The moon is on a diet. The moon is losing weight. Oletko koskaan käynyt Sapporossa? Have you ever been to Sapporo? Have you ever been to Sapporo? Miközben a nappaliban videójátékot játszottam, anya megkérdezte, hogy elmennék-e vele vásárolni. While I was playing video games in the living room, Mom asked me if I would go shopping with her. While I was playing video games in the living room, my mother asked me if I would go shopping with her. A tiéd sem rosszabb. Yours is no worse. Yours is no worse. Paikalliset yrittäjät siivoavat rannan joka aamu, mutta roska alkaa pian kertyä uudestaan. Local business owners clean the beach each morning, but the trash begins to accumulate shortly after. Local entrepreneurs clean up the beach every morning, but soon the rubbish starts to accumulate again. A környéken teljes volt a csend. In the surroundings reigned absolute silence. There was complete silence in the area. Furcsálom, hogy itt talállak. I find it strange that you're here. I'm surprised to find you here. Oletko hullu? Are you crazy? What, are you crazy? Jäniksen korvasta valuu verta. The hare is bleeding from its ear. The rabbit's ear is bleeding. Térj azonnal a lényegre! Get straight to the point. Get to the point right away. Onko Saksassa maanjäristyksiä? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Ajanvaraukseni on puolen tunnin päästä. My appointment is in thirty minutes. My appointment's in half an hour. Tom ei tulnud koju. Tom didn't come home. Tom didn't come home. Minun mielestäni sinä olet väärässä. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Tomista tuli kirurgi. Tom became a surgeon. Tom became a surgeon. Tänan! Thanks! Thanks, man. Itt a Tatoebán feljegyezzük Tom életét aprólékos részletességgel a bölcsőtől a sírig. Here at Tatoeba, we have documented Tom's life from cradle to grave in meticulous detail. Here in the Tatoeba, we record Tom's life in meticulous detail, from the cradle to the grave. Tom elővett a zsebéből egy húszdollárost. Tom took a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket. Tom pulled a $20 bill out of his pocket. Kuulin huudon. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. Varistorien resistanssi muuttuu jännitteen funktiona. The resistance of varistors changes with the voltage applied to them. Varistors change resistance as a function of voltage. Minulla on vähän ostoksia tehtävänä. I have some shopping to do. I have some shopping to do. Tom túl hangosan nevetett. Tom laughed too loud. Tom laughed too loudly. Mary oskab ujuda. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. Valami rossz van kilátásban. Something bad is about to happen. There's something wrong on the horizon. Ei se ihan tällaista koskaan ennen ollut. It was never quite like this before. It's never been like this before. Olen kiipelissä. I'm in a bind. I'm in trouble. Tom kielsi olevansa osallinen murhaan. Tom denied he was involved in the murder. Tom denied any involvement in the murder. Kun sanon sanan "orava", mikä on ensimmäinen mieleesi tuleva asia? When I say the word "squirrel", what's the first thing that comes to your mind? When I say "squirrel," what's the first thing that comes to mind? Ta on minu õde. She's my sister. She's my sister. Nem volt egyszerű megtartanom az ígéretem. It wasn't easy for me to keep my promise. It was not easy to keep my promise. Senki nem tudja, hogy a jövőben mi fog történni. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. No one knows what will happen in the future. A hordárral vitettem föl a szobámba a csomagjaimat. I had the porter carry my luggage to my room. I carried my luggage to my room with the porter. Näin miehen menevän huoneeseen. I saw a man enter the room. I saw a man go into a room. Hamlet valószínűleg nem akart megházasodni. Hamletből csak egy volt, de a hozzá hasonlók sokan vannak. Hamlet probably didn't want to get married. There was only one Hamlet, however there are many people like him. Hamlet probably didn't want to get married, there was only one Hamlet, but there are many like him. Tamás a szobában van. Tom is in the room. Tom is in the room. Fáj az állkapcsom. My jaw hurts. My jaw hurts. Az enyém a legjobb. Mine is the best. Mine's the best. Fejezd be! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Hän joi kolme lasia vettä. He drank three glasses of water. He drank three glasses of water. Tom vett egy szakállas Barbie babát. Tom bought a Barbie doll with a beard. Tom bought a bearded Barbie doll. Hányféle főnévragozás van a latinban? How many cases are there for nouns in Latin? How many noun conjugations are there in Latin? Nem amerikai, hanem francia. He is not an American but a Frenchman. Not American, but French. Úgy elment mellettem, hogy annyit sem mondott, szia. He passed by me without saying hi. He walked past me without saying goodbye. Esetleg tanulhatnék németül. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I could learn German. Mitä mieltä olet tästä paidasta? What do you think of this shirt? What do you think of this shirt? Szükséged lesz egy alibire. You're going to need an alibi. You're gonna need an alibi. Tizenegykor fekszem le. I go to bed at eleven. I go to bed at eleven. Mari pitää maidosta. Mary likes milk. Mary likes milk. Poista tämä tiedosto. Please delete this file. Delete this file. Öt perc alatt megfulladt. In five minutes he drowned. He drowned in five minutes. Antal mivel foglalkozik? What does Tony do? What does Anthony do? Ez vissza fog nőni. It will grow back. This will grow back. Minulla on leukemia. I have leukemia. I have leukemia. Puhelin soi! The phone is ringing! The phone's ringing! Számomra ő örök rejtély marad. He's always been an enigma to me. For me, it will remain a mystery forever. Nem érzem magam felelősnek. I don't feel responsible. I don't feel responsible. Tunti alkaa kymmeneltä. The class starts at ten. Class starts at 10:00. Mi a faszt műveltetek? What the fuck did you do? What the fuck did you do? Én is készen állok. I'm ready as well. I'm ready, too. Hamar felcseperedtek a gyerkőcök. Children grow up quickly. The kids grew up quickly. Katona vagyok. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. Voinko pyytää sinulta isoa palvelusta? Could I ask you a big favor? Can I ask you a big favor? Ha úgy van, magadat okold. If so, blame yourselves. If so, blame yourself. Onko se vakavaa? Is it serious? Is it serious? Amit mondott igaznak bizonyult. What he said proved true. What he said turned out to be true. No entä sitten? What's the big deal? Well, so what? Mióta ekcémás? How long have you had eczema? Since when is eczema? Pilt on selles raamatus. The picture is in this book. The picture is in this book. Sokat hallom ezt. I hear that a lot. I hear that a lot. Tomin sydän on särkynyt. Tom is heartbroken. Tom's heart is broken. Kana! Chicken! Chicken! Chicken! Mária nem emlékszik rá, hogy lekapcsolta-e a lámpát. Marie doesn't remember having turned the light off. Mary doesn’t remember if she turned off the light. Tom on yrittänyt ottaa sinuun yhteyttä. Tom has been trying to get in touch with you. Tom's been trying to contact you. Opiskelen ranskan kielioppia. I'm studying French grammar. I'm studying French grammar. Ha nem lesz itt tüstént, én elhúzok. If he doesn't get here soon, I'm leaving. If he's not here right now, I'm out of here. Mä en tykkää opiskella tässä kuumuudessa. I don't like studying in this heat. I don't like studying in this heat. Van telefonom. I have a telephone. I have a phone. Az utolsó pillanatban jutott eszébe egy jó ötlet. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. At the last minute, he came up with a good idea. Mikor állt el az eső? When did it stop raining? When did the rain stop? Vége az októbernek. October is over. End of October. Tom öngyilkos lett a börtönben. Tom committed suicide in prison. Tom committed suicide in prison. Ez mind kell neked? Do you need all of this? You want all this? Válassz valamit. Choose something. Pick something. Időről időre még felhív engem. He still rings me from time to time. He calls me from time to time. Bőven van borunk. We have plenty of wine. We have plenty of wine. Hän loiskutti drinkkinsä pikkutakkini päälle. She spilled her drink all over my tuxedo. He splashed his drink on my jacket. Ugye tényleg küldesz nekem egy japán babát? You are sending me a Japanese doll, right? You're really sending me a Japanese doll, aren't you? Matkustin mielelläni ennen ja matkustaisin yhä, mutta matkat maksavat paljon ja en enää tienaa yhtä paljon kuin ennen. I certainly enjoyed traveling, and I still would if I could, but traveling is expensive and I don't earn as much as I used to. I used to like to travel and I would still travel, but the trips cost a lot and I don’t earn as much anymore. Mi Tom társadalombiztosítási száma? What is Tom's social security number? What's Tom's Social Security number? Mie olen nuori. I am young. I'm young. Összeköt minket a nyelv. The language connects us. The language connects us. Tom azt mondta, hogy Mary kanadai. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Minun täytyi purkaa telttani voimakkaan tuulen takia. I had to take down my tent because of the strong wind. I had to disassemble my tent because of the strong wind. Nincs problémám az ivással. I don't have a drinking problem. I have no problem with drinking. Saavuimme kahdennenkymmenennen päivän aamuna. We arrived on the morning of the twentieth. We arrived on the morning of the 20th. Én is csak egy apa vagyok. I'm no different from any other father. I'm just a father, too. He muodostivat uintijoukkueen. They formed a swim team. They formed a swimming team. Ma näen et sa oled tõepoolest väga hõivatud. I see that you are really very busy. I can see you're really very busy. Nem vagyok halott. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. A kígyó szisszentett egyet és előrecsapta méregfogait. The snake hissed and bared its fangs. The snake sneezed and gnawed its fangs forward. Beszél ukránul vagy oroszul? Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian? Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian? Nagyon kérlek, ne szóljatok bele! Please do not interrupt. Please don't interfere. Tomilla kävi todella huono tuuri. Tom was really unlucky. Tom was very unlucky. Menjünk ki a házból sétálni egyet. Let's get out of the house and go for a walk. Let's go out for a walk. Ezt mind magam okoztam magamnak. It's all my own doing. I did all this to myself. Letartóztattak. I was being arrested. I've been arrested. Ezt viszem én. I'll bring this. I'll take this. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy láttam már őt valahol. I am sure I saw him somewhere. I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before. Moai goasii báziime busses. We both have almost missed the bus. Moai goasii baziime buses. Soha nem tudhatod, mi fog történni. You can never know what will happen. You never know what's gonna happen. Kuinka monta kirjaa luette kuukaudessa? How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read in a month? Álljon ez előttetek tanulságként! Let that be a lesson to you! Let this be a lesson to you. Megfulladt. She drowned. He drowned. Kerron heille, että soitit. I'll let them know you called. I'll tell them you called. Sinulla on paljon opittavaa miehiin liittyen. You have a lot to learn about men. You have a lot to learn about men. Mul on kolm kassi. I have three cats. I have three cats. Tegnap este Tom nálunk aludt. Tom slept at our place last night. Tom slept over last night. Mivel nem volt híd, Danilo azon volt, hogy keressen egy sekélyebb szakaszt a folyón az átkeléshez. As there was no bridge, Danilo tried to find a shallow spot where he could ford the river. Since there was no bridge, Danilo was looking for a more shallow section of the river to cross. Nem annyira őrdöngős, mint amennyire annak hangzik. It's not as complicated as it sounds. It's not as crazy as it sounds. Oletko koskaan nähnyt Tomia vihaisena? Have you ever seen Tom when he's angry? Have you ever seen Tom angry? Tom myi autonsa Marille kolmella sadalla dollarilla. Tom sold his car to Mary for three hundred dollars. Tom sold his car to Mari for three hundred dollars. Ranska ei ole ainoa kieli, jota Tomi osaa puhua. French isn't the only language that Tom can speak. French is not the only language Tom can speak. Régi vágású férfi. He's an old style man. Old-fashioned man. Sanotaan, että hän on kuollut. He is said to be dead. Let's say he's dead. Az algák miatt ilyen színű a tó. Because of algae, the lake has that color. That's the color of the lake because of the algae. Tud messzire látni? Can you see far? Can you see far? Minä kaimavuin! I'm lost! I'm in a quack! Itt magasabb a hőmérséklet, mint Tokióban. The temperature here is higher than that of Tokyo. The temperature here is higher than in Tokyo. Húzzál ki innen a cigiddel! Get out of here with that cigarette! Get me out of here with your cigarettes. — Hogy ment a vizsga? — Hát, megvolt. "How was your exam?" "So-so." “How did the exam go?” Hän torjui tarjoamani avustuksen. She turned down the subsidy that I offered. She turned down my offer. Rabszolgákat csinálnak belőletek. They will make you slaves. They make slaves of you. Kapcsold le a lámpát, ha kimész a szobából. Turn the lights off when you leave the room. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Zsarolja őt. She is blackmailing him. He's blackmailing her. Te vagy az én boldogságom. You are my happiness. You are my happiness. Monet yliopisto-opiskelijat kirjoittavat esseensä tietokoneella. Many college students use computers to write their papers. Many university students write their essays on a computer. Tom elfoglalt volt? Was Tom busy? Tom was busy? Jokainen tunsi laulun. Everyone knew the song. Everyone knew the song. Valaha képes voltam rá, de már nem. I used to be able to do that, but not anymore. I used to be able to, but now I can't. Kulutimme paljon aikaa parkkipaikan etsimiseen. We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot. We spent a lot of time looking for parking. Add fel! Give it up. Give it up. Ha még mindig él, mára már nagyon öregnek kell lennie. If he's still alive, he'd be very old by now. If he's still alive, he must be very old by now. Van valakinek jobb ötlete? Anybody got a better idea? Anybody got a better idea? Látok egy oroszlánt. I see a lion. I see a lion. Täällä me nousimme Alaskaan lähtevään laivaan. Here we took the boat for Alaska. Here we boarded a ship bound for Alaska. Tegyél követ a négy sarkára! Put stones onto the four corners of that. Put a stone on the four corners. Haluan viettää koko elämäni kanssasi. I want to spend all my life with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Tunnit alkavat aamukahdeksalta. Lessons begin at eight in the morning. Classes start at 8:00 a.m. Mietin vain, kuinka usein tällaisia asioita tapahtuu. I was just wondering how often this kind of thing happens. I wonder how often these things happen. Díler. She's a drug dealer. Dealer. Odotan häneltä puhelua. I'm waiting to speak with him. I'm expecting a call from him. Tuo kukka on sinine. That flower is blue. That flower is blue. Beléptek az ajtón. They stepped through the door. They came through the door. Meg vagyok döbbenve. I'm astonished. I'm shocked. Entäpä tänä iltana? How about tonight? What about tonight? Tom punastui vähän. Tom blushed a little. Tom blushed a little. Védelmet akartak. They wanted protection. They wanted protection. Ugyanazokat csinálják, mint amiket én is tettem gyerekként. They do the same things as I did when I was a child. They're doing the same things I did when I was a kid. A bekezdés, amit a tanár kért Sarahtól, hogy olvassa fel, nem volt valami érdekes. The paragraph the teacher asked Sarah to read was not very interesting. The paragraph the teacher asked Sarah to read was not very interesting. Se kolibri on maailman pienin lintu. The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. That hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. Vigyázz, csak teherbe ne ejtsd! Be careful not to get her pregnant. Be careful not to get her pregnant. Kétlem, hogy bármi is meg fog változni. I doubt that anything will change. I doubt anything will change. Homokkő járólap van a fürdőszobánkban, a hálóban meg parketta. We have sandstone in the bathroom, and parquetry in the bedroom. We have sandstone tiles in our bathroom and parquet in the bedroom. Meillä ei ollut vain nälkä, vaan myös jano. Not only were we hungry, but we were also suffering from thirst. We were not only hungry, but also thirsty. Maailmassa on enemmän kuin 4000 kieltä. There are over 4000 languages in the world. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. Menjünk el holnap az állatkertbe! Let's go to the zoo tomorrow. Let's go to the zoo tomorrow. Sinun pitää pitää vähän hauskaa myös. You need to have some fun, too. You need to have some fun, too. Ne vakard meg a szemedet, amikor valami koszoshoz nyúltál hozzá. Don't rub your eyes when you've touched something dirty. Don't scratch your eyes when you touch something dirty. A baleset tolókocsihoz kötötte őt. The accident forced him into a wheelchair. The accident tied him to a wheelchair. Ez minek az éve? What is this the year of? What year is this? Én voltam az egyetlen, aki életben maradt. I was the only one who survived. I was the only one left alive. Tamás nem mérges Máriára. Tom is not mad at Mary. Thomas is not angry with Mary. Se on tarina miehestä, joka kuolee löytämättä ikinä tosirakkautta. It's a story about a man who dies without ever finding true love. It's the story of a man who dies without ever finding true love. Anyutól és aputól egy biciklit kaptam. Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. My mom and dad gave me a bike. Ostin eilen kurpitsansiemeniä ennen kuin kirahvi puri minua. Yesterday I bought pumpkin seeds before the giraffe bit me. Yesterday I bought pumpkin seeds before I was bitten by a giraffe. Kész van az autó. The car is ready. The car is ready. Csukva voltak a szemeim, de nem aludtam. My eyes were closed but I didn't sleep. My eyes were closed, but I couldn’t sleep. Európa lakossága kisebb, mint Ázsiáé. Europe has a smaller population than Asia. The population of Europe is smaller than that of Asia. Potilas makasi sängyssä silmät suljettuina. The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed. The patient lay in bed with her eyes closed. Menen sinne nyt. I'm going there now. I'm going there now. Tom nagyon kifinomult, ugye? Tom is very sophisticated, isn't he? Tom's very sophisticated, isn't he? Se on vakava ongelma. It is a serious problem. It's a serious problem. Ezt majd viszem én. I'll bring this. I'll take this. Älä osta sikaa säkissä. Don't buy a pig in a poke. Don't buy a pig in a poke. Äiskä tekee töitä. Mommy's working. Mommy's working. Tovább kell hajtania, hogy elérjen Bostonba. You need to drive farther south to reach Boston. You have to keep driving to get to Boston. Tämä on Maryn itse tekemä puku. This is a dress of Mary's own making. This is Mary's own dress. Egész nap lószart sem csináltam. I didn't do shit all day. I haven't done shit all day. Jäätelö myy paremmin kesällä kuin talvella. Ice cream sells better in the summer than in the winter. Ice cream sells better in summer than in winter. Enollani on liike kadun varrella. My uncle has a store along the street. My uncle has a shop down the street. Tuba on pigem väike. The room is rather small. The room is rather small. Haluan tulla hellityksi. I want to be pampered. I want to be pampered. Anna minulle sinun aseesi. Give me your weapons. Give me your gun. Az enyémek nagyobbak, mint a tieid. Mine are bigger than yours. Mine are bigger than yours. Amikor fiatal voltam, sok mindent ingyen kaptam. When I was young I got lots of things for free. When I was young, I got a lot for free. Tuo on se talo, jossa majoitun. That is the house that I stay in. That's the house I'm staying in. Szerintem remek munkát végeztek. I think they did a great job. I think they did a great job. Heather läheb kooli kell kaheksa. Heather goes to school at eight o'clock. Heather's going to school at 8:00. Mary pörköltje olyan finom volt, hogy Tom kétszer is vett belőle. Mary's stew was so delicious that Tom had a second helping. Mary's stew was so delicious that Tom bought it twice. See on huvitav pakkumine. Ma mõtlen selle peale. That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it. That's an interesting offer, I'll think about it. A nap a hegyek mögött szállt alá. The sun descended behind the mountains. The sun came down behind the mountains. Tegnap fociztam. I played soccer yesterday. I played football yesterday. Elän Taškentissa. I live in Tashkent. I live in Tashkent. Missä vaarisi asuu? Where does your grandpa live? Where does your grandpa live? Ne vedd fel azt a telefont! Don't answer that phone. Don't answer that phone. Tee tämä ensin. Do this first. Do this first. A mondandója nagy kalamajkát eredményezett. What he said caused a lot of confusion. What you're about to say has caused quite a stir. Pullonokkadelfiinit ovat Maapallon älykkäimpien eläinlajien joukossa. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth. Bottlenose dolphins are among the most intelligent animals on Earth. Mis kasu on rääkimisest? What's the use of talking? What's the use of talking? Anya sokszor mondja, hogy az idő pénz. Mum often says that time is money. Mom often says that time is money. Szól a telefon! The phone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Eszedbe jut bármilyen indok? Can you think of any reasons? Can you think of any reason? Portugáliába megyünk idén a lakóautóval. We're taking the camper van to Portugal this year. We're going to Portugal this year with the motorhome. A szavamat adom, hogy leszokom a dohányzásról. I give my pledge that I will quit smoking. I give you my word that I will quit smoking. Sem Tom, sem Mary nem várakozott nagyon sokáig. Neither Tom nor Mary has waited very long. Neither Tom nor Mary waited very long. Tom ei puhu ranskaa. Tom doesn't speak French. Tom doesn't speak French. Eléggé nehéz. It's kind of hard. It's really hard. Holnap látogass meg bennünket! Visit us tomorrow. Come and visit us tomorrow. Ükskõik! Whatever! - Whatever! Függő vagyok. I'm addicted. I'm an addict. Valamilyen könyvben olvastam. I read it in some book. I read it in a book. Veszélyesen élt. He lived dangerously. He lived dangerously. Azt hiszem, Tom volt az, aki segített Marinak. I think it was Tom who helped Mary. I think it was Tom who helped Mari. Nincs semmi tehetségem. I don't have any talent. I don't have any talent. Onko sinulla laktoosi-intoleranssi? Are you lactose intolerant? Do you have lactose intolerance? Te biztosan Tom testvére vagy. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. Anyám ellenzi a dohányzást. My mother objects to smoking. My mother is against smoking. Miért nem támadunk? Why don't we attack? Why don't we attack? Hän tuli alakertaan kirje kädessään. She came downstairs with a letter in her hand. He came downstairs with a letter in his hand. Meillä ei ollut pienintäkään mahdollisuutta. We didn't stand a chance. We didn't have the slightest chance. Miesten WC on oikealla ja naisten WC on vasemmalla. The men's room is on the right, and the women's is on the left. The men's room is on the right and the women's room is on the left. Minä maksoin näistä lipuista. I paid for these tickets. I paid for these tickets. Minä asun kaupungissa, mutta minun vanhempani asuvat maaseudulla. I live in a town, but my parents live in the country. I live in the city, but my parents live in the country. Tom átszaladt a mezőn. Tom ran across the field. Tom ran across the field. Zainab nagyon kövér. Ötször étkezik egy nap. Száz kilogrammot nyom. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Zainab is very fat. He eats five times a day. He weighs a hundred kilograms. Ostobaság volt vállalni a felelősséget fölöslegesen. It was stupid to take that risk in vain. It was foolish to take unnecessary responsibility. Hän oli keski-ikäinen nainen. She was a middle-aged woman. She was a middle-aged woman. A húgom hetente kétszer vesz zongoraleckéket. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. Kinyitottam az ajtót. I opened the door. I opened the door. Mida sa teed homme? What'll you do tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Tom halusi tietää kuinka paljon kello on. Tom wanted to know the time. Tom wanted to know what time it was. Isten ő. She's a God. He's God. Másnap meghalt. The very next day he died. He died the next day. Minä leikkaan minun tukkani itse. I cut my hair myself. I cut my own hair. Ezek halak. They're fish. They're fish. Magabiztosság-hiányos. He's lacking in self-confidence. Lack of confidence. Tudtam, hogy Tom tud valamit. I knew Tom knew something. I knew Tom knew something. Sano hänelle terveiset minulta. Say hello to her for me. Say hello to him from me. Most elmehetsz. You can go now. You can go now. A külső csalóka lehet. Looks can be deceiving. The outside can be deceiving. Szeretjük hallgatni a madarak éneklését. We like to listen to birds singing. We love to hear the birds sing. Pysy rauhallisena, vaikka hän sanoisi mitä. Stay calm no matter what she says. Stay calm no matter what he says. Ez nem bonyolult. This isn't complicated. It's not complicated. Su kriitikal pole alust. Your criticism is unfounded. Your criticism has no basis. Olen lopen kyllästynyt valituksiisi. I am sick to death of your complaints. I'm sick and tired of your complaints. Eljöttek látogatóba. They came to visit me. They came to visit. Őszülsz. Your hair is going grey. You're gray. Huomenta, miten menee? Good morning. How are you? Good morning. How are you? Jobb, ha velem jön. You may as well come with me. You'd better come with me. Monet ystävistäni osaavat puhua ranskaa. Many of my friends can speak French. Many of my friends can speak French. Minä vihaan tuollaisia ihmisiä. I hate people like that. I hate people like that. Ungaris on mul sõber nimega Borat. In Hungary I have a friend called Borat. In Hungary I have a friend named Borat. Robertilla oli tapana auttaa isäänsä kaupassa viikonloppuisin. Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends. Robert used to help his father shop on weekends. Szeretném tudni, hogy a nők miért élnek tovább, mint a férfiak. I would like to know why women live longer than men. I want to know why women live longer than men. Ez krimi. It's a crime film. It's a crime. Tom kétnyelvű. Tom is bilingual. Tom is bilingual. Egy hónappal ezelőtt ment Londonba. He went to London a month ago. He went to London a month ago. Ajándék lónak ne nézd a fogát. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't look at a gift horse's teeth. Imádok házi kenyeret sütni. Kimérem a lisztet, a sót, a cukrot és az élesztőt. Hozzáadok egy kis vizet, aztán a keveréket tésztává gyúrom. I love to make bread from scratch. I measure out the flour, salt, sugar and yeast. I add some water and then knead the mixture into dough. I love baking homemade bread. I get out the flour, salt, sugar and yeast. I add a little water, then I knead the mixture into dough. Tomi oli suuri innoittaja minulle. Tom was a big inspiration for me. Tom was a great inspiration to me. Tom ei ole toiveikas. Tom isn't optimistic. Tom is not hopeful. Kuulen että olet pokerinpelaaja. I hear you're a poker player. I hear you're a poker player. A mogyorót az ősz derekán szüretelik. Hazelnuts are harvested in mid-autumn. Peanuts are harvested in the middle of autumn. A naspolyafa a levelei nagy részét elhullajtotta. The medlar tree lost most of its leaves. The naspolia tree has lost most of its leaves. Älä valehtele! You're lying. Don't lie to me! Minulla on koe parin minuutin päästä ja minä mokaan sen varmasti. I've got an exam in a few minutes, and I'm going to fail for sure. I have a test in a few minutes, and I'm sure I'm gonna blow it. Etkö sä tienny? Didn't you know that? You didn't know? Näyttää sitä, että meillä on kaikki. It looks like we have everything. It looks like we have it all. Siin lõhnab midagi hästi. Something smells good in here. Something smells good in here. A kérdés bonyolultnak tűnik. The question seems complicated. The question seems complicated. Miksi et soittanut minulle takaisin? Why didn't you call me back? Why didn't you call me back? Az emberek nem tudnak erről szinte semmit, mégis véleményt mondanak. People know almost nothing about that, however, they give their opinion. People don’t know much about it, but they do have an opinion. Nem tudtam enni. I couldn't eat anything. I couldn't eat. Helmisato oli pieni. The harvest of pearls was small. The bead harvest was small. Valkoinen pallo painaa yhtä paljon kuin punainen. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. Ez egy szótár. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Ne tégy úgy, mintha te tennél nekem szívességet! Don't pretend you're doing me a favour. Don't act like you're doing me a favor. Te törted össze. You smashed it. You broke it. Tom csődöt jelentett. Tom declared bankruptcy. Tom's filed for bankruptcy. Mik az aggodalmaid? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Jó reggelt, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Morning, Mike. Arst kasutas minu kõhu uurimiseks röntgenit. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. Tom múlt pénteken randevúzott Mérivel. Tom had a date with Mary last Friday. Tom was dating Méri last Friday. Saanko kysyä kysymyksen? May I ask a question? Can I ask you a question? Tom itt volt előttem. Tom was here before me. Tom was right in front of me. Voit käyttää tätä autoa. You can use this car. You can use this car. En pysy mukana uuden brittiläisen musiikkiskenen tahdissa. I can't keep up with the recent British music scene. I can't keep up with the new British music scene. Most mit mondjak? What should I say now? What am I supposed to say? Söin aamiaiseksi kolme munaa ja kaksi paahtoleipää. I ate three eggs and two pieces of toast for breakfast. I had three eggs and two toasts for breakfast. Tudtam, hogy nem a tiéd. I knew it wasn't yours. I knew it wasn't yours. Vártam a megfelelő alkalomra. I've been waiting for the right time. I've been waiting for the right time. Te vagy az ok, amiért ma itt vagyok. You're the reason I'm here today. You're the reason I'm here today. Mondhatom, minden rendben van. I can tell you that everything is in order. I'll tell you, everything's fine. Jól tudok bánni gyerekekkel. I'm good with children. I'm good with kids. Hyönteinen pisti minua. I was stung by an insect. I was stung by an insect. Sami pölli Faridin henkilöllisyyden. Sami stole Farid's identity. Sami stole Farid's identity. Ylen hyvin. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ma tahan elada Brasiilias. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Versenytársak vagyunk. We're competitors. We're competitors. Az angolok nagyra becsülik a szabadságot. The English set a high value on freedom. The English appreciate freedom. Nem volt része ez az eredeti tervnek. That wasn't part of the original plan. It wasn't part of the original plan. Hozz nekem még egy sört. Bring me another beer. Get me another beer. Tomin talo on helppo löytää. Tom's house is easy to find. Tom's house is easy to find. Rikkaat ovat erilaisia kuin sinä ja minä. The rich are different from you and me. Rich people are different than you and me. Tom legközelebb még jobb lesz. Tom will be even better next time. Tom will be even better next time. Naiskolmikko hymyili. The three women smiled. The three women smiled. Se on monimutkainen ongelma. It's a complex problem. It's a complicated problem. Nem szeretem a családi összejöveteleket, kivételesen azokat az ünnepekkor. I don't like family gatherings, especially on holidays. I don't like family gatherings, especially on holidays. Remélem, hamarosan megtaláljuk a megoldást. I hope we find a solution soon. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Éppen ezt készültem megtenni. I was going to do that. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Bár nem tökéletes, mégis ez a legjobb. It may not be perfect, but it's the best. It's not perfect, but it's the best. Onko se salaisuus? Is it a secret? Is that a secret? Mary csinos lány. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary's a pretty girl. Ne hagyj itt! Don't walk away from me. Don't leave me! Ma pole kibestunud. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter. Ez milyen lepke? What kind of butterfly is that? What kind of butterfly is that? Liisa tuli liian myöhään Liisa came too late. Alice was too late. Haluan päästä tuonne metrolla. I want to get there by subway. I want to get there on the subway. Tom elrejtette a bizonyítékokat. Tom concealed evidence. Tom hid the evidence. Nem erről van szó, mint amit ön mondott. What you said was completely missing the point. That's not what you said. Haluaisin varata tapaamisen. I'd like to schedule an appointment. I'd like to book a meeting. Nincsenek szabályok. There aren't any rules. There are no rules. Tomi on kauhuissaan. Tom is terrified. Tom is terrified. Hó nélkül nem tél a tél. A winter without snow isn't winter. Winter is not winter without snow. Minden tőlünk telhetőt megteszünk. We're doing our best. We're doing everything we can. Az autó kék. The car is blue. The car is blue. Ranskasi on parantunut paljon. Your French has improved a lot. Your French has improved a lot. Csak jól akarta érezni magát. She just wanted to have fun. He just wanted to have a good time. Az még mindig létezik? Does that still exist? Does that still exist? Teljesen kimerültek a tartalékok. The savings are completely exhausted. The reserves are completely exhausted. Useat eniten huoltaherättävät variantit jakavat keskenään samat mutaatiot. Many of the most concerning variants share the same mutations. Several of the most worrying variants share the same mutations. Ő nem tudja megállítani. She cannot stop it. He can't stop it. Fél az élettől. He fears of life. She's afraid of life. Kinek szabad nevén nevezni a dolgokat? Who's allowed to call a spade a spade? Who are you supposed to call things by? Sinun ei tarvitse kiittää minua. You don't need to thank me. You don't have to thank me. Voisin tehdä sinut onnelliseksi. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Hän rakastaa uutta taloa. He loves the new house. She loves the new house. Nem veszem be a történetet, amit meséltél. I don't buy the story you told. I'm not buying the story you told me. Ihmeiden ihme: kukaan matkustajista ei loukkaantunut. Miracle of miracles, none of the passengers were hurt. Amazingly, none of the passengers were injured. Mi okozta a halálát? What caused her death? What caused his death? A Római birodalom körbevette az egész Földközi-tengert. The Roman Empire surrounded the whole Mediterranean Sea. The Roman Empire surrounded the entire Mediterranean Sea. Tom sai haavan jalkaansa. Tom cut his leg. Tom got a cut on his leg. En halua odottaa niin pitkään. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Alkaa tulla pimeä. Voisitko laittaa minulle valot päälle? It's getting dark. Could you put the light on for me? It's getting dark, can you turn the lights on for me? Minulla on nälkä. I'm hungry! - I'm hungry. Ki törődik ezzel a kutyával? Who looks after this dog? Who cares about this dog? Elámulsz, ha megpillantod. You're going to be surprised when you see it. You'll be amazed when you see it. Lassan kortyolgass. Take small sips. Slowly sipping. A belépés ingyenes. Admission is free. Admission is free. Újra meg újra telefonált nekem. He telephoned me again and again. He called me again and again. Onhan sinulla pointti siinä. You do have a point there. You've got a point. Menj a táblához, és írd, amit mondanak neked! Go to the blackboard and write what you’re told. Go to the board and write what they tell you. Pitäisikö sen olla hauskaa? Is that supposed to be funny? Is that supposed to be fun? Mi a gecit csináltál? What the fuck did you do? What the fuck did you do? Helyes volt a számításom. My reckoning was correct. My calculations were correct. Auta miestä mäessä, älä mäen alla. Be there through thick, and not just through thin. Help a man on a hill, not under a hill. Adtál borravalót? Did you leave a tip? Did you tip me? Tom haluaa halauksen. Tom wants to be hugged. Tom wants a hug. Se on sika halpa. It's dirt-cheap. It's a cheap pig. Veszíthetünk. We might lose. We'll lose. Ukrajna részt vett az iraki háborúban az Egyesült Államok oldalán. Ukraine took part in the US invasion of Iraq. Ukraine participated in the Iraq War on the side of the United States. Folyóhoz közel élünk. We live near a river. We live close to the river. Hadd maradjak itt, kérlek. Let me stay here please. Let me stay here, please. Tähän bussiin mahtuu 30 henkilöä. This bus can carry 30 people. This bus can accommodate up to 30 people. Mindent elégetett Tomi. Tom burned everything. He burned it all, Tom. Színpadot állítottak fel a parkban. A temporary stage was set up in the park. They set up a stage in the park. Ha olyan fáradt, akkor ne vezessen! Ma éjjel itt alhat. If you're that tired, you'd better not drive. You can sleep here tonight. If you're so tired, don't drive, you can sleep here tonight. Nem mindenki szerez felsőfokú képesítést. Not everybody graduates. Not everyone has a higher education qualification. Van minden sárkánynak szárnya? Do all dragons have wings? Do all dragons have wings? Ez a tört egyszerűsíthető. This fraction can be reduced. This fraction can be simplified. Adja meg az útlevele számát és a születési dátumát. Give your passport number and your date of birth. Enter your passport number and date of birth. Csak ne mondj rögtön nemet. Just don't say no right away. Just don't say no right away. Tom nem tudja bekötni a cipőfűzőjét. Tom can't tie his shoelaces by himself. Tom can't tie his shoelaces. Telefonon beszélünk. We talked on the telephone. We'll talk on the phone. Minut erottaa mielipuolesta vain siitä, etten ole hullu. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only thing that separates me from the lunatic is that I'm not crazy. Hän näytti todella nuorelta. She looked very young. She looked really young. Nem szeretem, még akkor sem, ha ő szeret engem. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't like him, even if he loves me. Kenen kanssa minä puhun? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Jani nem tud gitározni. John doesn't know how to play the guitar. Jani can't play the guitar. Az asztalra raktam kanalakat. I laid the spoons on the table. I put spoons on the table. Senki nem lepődött meg. No one was surprised. No one was surprised. Totut siihen pian. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it. Nem vesz el sok időt. It won't take long. It won't take much time. Mitä enemmän hän imartelee sitä vähemmän pidän hänestä. The more he flatters, the less I like him. The more he flatters me, the less I like him. Tom nagymamája tegnap éjjel elhunyt. Tom's grandmother passed away last night. Tom's grandmother passed away last night. A tragédia a nemesek szórakozása. Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles. Tragedy is the entertainment of nobles. See on väga suur sotsiaalne probleem. It's a very big social problem. This is a huge social problem. Tomra gondoltam. I thought about Tom. I meant Tom. Kávét akarok inni. I want to drink coffee. I want to drink coffee. Osta valkovenäläistä! Buy Belarusian! Buy a Belarusian! Jalkapallon pelaajat tienaavat paljon. Football players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. Asiat eivät ole selkeästi määriteltyjä. Things are not clearly defined. Things are not clearly defined. Bocsánat, tudna nekem segíteni? Excuse me, but can you help me? I'm sorry, can you help me? Melyik fele kell neked? Which half do you want? Which half do you need? Nincs több időnk. We don't have more time. We don't have any more time. Puhutko sinä suomea? Do you speak Finnish? Do you speak Finnish? Italokkal teli tálcával sétált el egy pincérnő. A waitress walked by with a trayful of drinks. A waitress walked away with a tray full of drinks. Kétségeim voltak. I had my doubts. I had my doubts. Taloni takana oli ennen iso kirsikkapuu. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. He ovat nälkäisiä. They are hungry. They're hungry. Tom sanoi sen. Tom said that. Tom said it. Ma otsustasin sinna minna. I made up my mind to go there. I decided to go there. Tom sápadt volt. Tom was livid. Tom was pale. Ma tahan rohkem raha. I want more money. I want more money. Tomi mosolygott csak. Tom is the only one who smiled. Tom just smiled. A hátrányunkat az előnyünkké változtathatjuk. We can change our disadvantage to our advantage. We can turn our disadvantage into our advantage. Mis juhtus? What's happened? What's the matter? Sarjakuvien lukeminen nähdään yleensä lasten ajanvietteenä. Reading comics is usually viewed as the pastime of children. Reading comics is usually seen as a child’s pastime. Szeretnék Öntől valamit kérdezni. I'd like to ask you something. I'd like to ask you something. Miért tudódtak ki a hírek? Why did the news get out? Why did the news get out? Körül sétáltuk a tavat. We've walked all around the lake. We walked around the lake. Minden országnak megvan a maga bája. Every country has its own charm. Every country has its charm. Én vagyok az egyetlen túlélő. I am the sole survivor. I'm the only survivor. Tom zavarban van. Tom is frustrated. Tom's embarrassed. Befutott az égő házba. He ran into the burning house. He ran into the burning house. Tapaan sinut tavallisessa paikassa. I'll meet you at the usual place. I'll meet you at the usual place. Leikatkaa! Cut! Cut! Cut! Lehtimiehen tehtävä on tuhota totuus, valehdella, vääristää, kiemurrella Mammonan jaloissa sekä myydä kotimaansa ja rotunsa ansaitakseen jokapäiväisen leipänsä. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. The task of a journalist is to destroy the truth, lie, distort, wriggle at Mammon’s feet, and sell his homeland and race to earn his daily bread. Kun hän oli nuori, hän meni mielellään pyörällä. When he was young, he liked to go by bike. When he was young, he liked to ride his bike. Anna Tomille vähän aikaa. Give Tom some time. Give Tom some time. A volán mögött az emberek még bolondabbul viselkednek. Behind the wheel, people behave even more idiotically. Behind the wheel, people act even more foolishly. — Magas ez a toronyház. — Talán pont ezért toronyház. "This highrise is high." "Perhaps, this is why it's a highrise." Maybe that’s why it’s a high-rise. Hyviä yödy, Dan. Good night, Dan. Have a good night, Dan. Kiáltani akarok. I want to cry. I want to scream. Ez bölcs választás. That's a wise choice. That's a wise choice. Japán egy szigetcsoport, sok-sok heggyel és szinte majdnem semmi erdővel. Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forests. Japan is an archipelago with many mountains and almost no forests. Megvettem az övét. I bought his. I bought hers. Ehkä meidän ei pitäisi mennä sinne. Maybe we shouldn't go there. Maybe we shouldn't go there. Küsi Tomi käest. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Nekem ő kell! He is the one I need. I want him! Tom minestas kooli mänguväljakul. Tom fainted on the school playground. Tom fainted on the school playground. Tämä saattaa olla Tomin sateenvarjo. This might be Tom's umbrella. This could be Tom's umbrella. Hogyan kezdődött az élet a Földön? How did life on Earth begin? How did life begin on Earth? Ha ezt a levelet olvassátok, az azt jelenti, hogy meghaltam. If you are reading this letter, it means that I have died. If you're reading this letter, it means I'm dead. Valtaosa poliiseista ovat miehiä. The majority of police officers are men. Most of the officers are men. Ne kapcsold le a motort! Don't turn off the engine. Don't turn off the engine. Anyukád mindig azt mondta, hogy bármit megadna egy olyan gyönyörű, göndör hajért, mint amilyen neked van. You mother has always said she would give her eyeteeth for your beautiful curly hair. Your mom always said she'd give anything for a beautiful, curly hair like yours. Mindenki a saját tapasztalataira alapoz. Everyone relies on their own personal experience. Everyone is based on their own experience. Marin kännykästä loppui virta. Mary's phone ran out of battery. Mari's cell phone ran out of power. Én tejszínhabot teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I put whipped cream in my coffee. Mindketten megöregedtünk. We both have been getting old. We're both getting old. Kérlek, ne hazudj nekem. Please don't lie to me. Please don't lie to me. Kuusikymmentä yhdeksän prosenttia amerikkalaisista on ylipainoisia. Sixty-nine percent of Americans are overweight. Sixty-nine percent of Americans are overweight. De nekem egy vasam sincsen. But I don't have any money. But I don't have any money. Csak egy őrült ember tenne valami olyat. Only an insane person would do something like that. Only a crazy person would do something like that. Most itt lakik. He lives here now. She lives here now. Még csak azt sem tudom, ki ő. I don't even know who she is. I don't even know who he is. Se oli rakkautta ensi silmäyksellä. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. A sztereotípia, hogy a nők érzékenyebbek a férfiaknál, nem mindig helytálló. The stereotype that women are more sensitive than males isn't always true. The stereotype that women are more sensitive than men is not always correct. Anyám soha nem kel korán. My mother never gets up early. My mother never gets up early. Minden nap hívom őket. I call them every day. I call them every day. A hagyományos életmódjuk már nem létezik. Their traditional life style no longer exists. Their traditional way of life no longer exists. Itt hamar meg fognak találni minket. They'll find us here soon. They'll find us here soon enough. Nem voltunk katonák. We weren't soldiers. We weren't soldiers. Suosittelen tätä kirjaa. I recommend this book. I recommend this book. Tomilla on heikko sydän. Tom has a bad heart. Tom has a weak heart. Tom támogató. Tom is supportive. Tom's a supporter. Valaki vár rád az irodádban. Somebody's waiting in your office. There's someone waiting for you in your office. Avataan viinipullo. Let's open a bottle of wine. Open the wine bottle. Igénytelen vagyok. I'm unambitious. I'm undemanding. Japani levittäytyy yli 3 000 kilometrin matkan pohjoisesta etelään. Japan stretches over 3000 kilometers from north to south. Japan stretches for more than 3,000 kilometers from north to south. Hänellä on paljon luovia ideoita. He has a lot of creative ideas. He has a lot of creative ideas. Tomi pontosan ugyanazt tette, mint én. Tom did exactly the same thing I did. Tom did exactly the same thing as me. Hän suostui hoitamaan homman. He's agreed to do the job. He agreed to do the job. Találat érte. She got shot. It's a hit. Kes sa oled? Who are you? - Who are you? ! Gyakorlatilag semmit nem tanultam abban az iskolában. I learned practically nothing at that school. I didn't really learn anything at that school. Tulokset olivat ennustamattomia. The results were unpredictable. The results were unpredictable. Tom hétfőn elvesztette az állását. Tom lost his job on Monday. He lost his job on Monday. Amint meglátott, elszaladt. When she saw me, she ran away. As soon as he saw me, he ran. Tehetetlennek érzem magam. A fiam élet és halál között van egy kórházi ágyban és én nem tudok tenni semmit, hogy segítsem. I feel so helpless. My son is fighting between life and death on a hospital bed and I can't do anything to help him. My son is between life and death in a hospital bed, and there's nothing I can do to help. Bill käib sageli pargis. Bill often goes to the park. Bill goes to the park a lot. Haluan paljon enemmän. I want a lot more. I want so much more. Stabil állásom van. I have a steady job. I have a stable job. Nehéz napom van ma. I'm having a rough day. I'm having a hard day. Voimakas tuuli puhaltaa, enkä voi kävellä kovaa. A strong wind is blowing and I can't walk fast. There's a strong wind blowing and I can't walk fast. Hän meni Amerikkaan viime viikolla. He went to America last week. He went to America last week. Opin vähän ranskaa. I learned a little French. I learned a little French. Paljonko lippu maksaa? How much does a ticket cost? How much is the ticket? Toki. Tiedätkö hyvän paikan? Sure. Do you know a good place? You know a good place? Minun jalkaani sattuu. My foot hurts. My leg hurts. Tom on peast segi läinud. Tom is out of his mind. Tom's out of his mind. Tom sérülései nem komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Tom's injuries aren't serious. A miniszterelnököt letartóztatták korrupcióért. The Prime Minister was arrested because of corruption. The prime minister was arrested for corruption. Minulla ei ole pankkitiliä euroille. I don't have an account for euros. I don’t have a bank account for Euros. Se on alueellinen murre. It's a regional dialect. It's a regional dialect. Amit mondasz, az mind nagyon komoly ügy. Felfogtad azt? What you're saying is very serious. Do you realize that? Everything you're saying is a very serious matter. Jos olisit ollut kokouksessa, niin olisit voinut äänestää. If you'd been at the meeting, you could've voted. If you had been at the meeting, you could have voted. Hogy merészeled kritizálni a feleségem főztjét?! How dare you insult my wife's cooking! How dare you criticize my wife's cooking! Veitset, haarukat ja lusikat ovat ylälaatikossa. The knives, forks and spoons are in the top drawer. Knives, forks and spoons are in the top drawer. Nem iszom és nem is fogok. I don't drink, and I won't drink. I don't drink and I won't. Tom ei tuohon aikaan ollut edes kuullut siitä yhtyeestä. Tom had never even heard of that band at that time. Tom had not even heard of the band at the time. Szóba állsz a szomszédaiddal? Do you talk to your neighbors? Are you talking to your neighbors? Nem akar gyereket. He doesn't want kids. She doesn't want kids. Ne csinálj jelenetet az utcán minden ember előtt! Stop making a scene in the street in front of other people. Don't make a scene in front of everyone on the street. Vain noin 15 prosenttia autisteista on työelämässä, lähinnä ihmisten ennakkoluulojen takia. Only about 15 per cent of people with autism are in the workforce, mainly because people are so judgemental about them. Only about 15 percent of people with autism are in work, mainly because of prejudice. Ideje, hogy szedjük a sátorfánkat. It's time for us to leave here. It's time to get out of here. Valakinek meg kellett volna mondania nekem, hogy elment. Someone should've told me she'd gone. Someone should have told me he was gone. Tom súlyokat emel. Tom lifts weights. Tom's lifting weights. Tekeekö vaikutuksen? Are you impressed? Are you impressed? Van öngyújtója? Have you got a lighter? You got a lighter? Nem tudjuk, hol lakik Tom. We don't know where Tom lives. We don't know where Tom lives. Beteg voltam. Egész nap otthon maradtam. I was sick; I stayed at home all day long. I was sick, I stayed home all day. Tomi yritti itsemurhaa. Tom attempted suicide. Tom tried to commit suicide. Hän on kiltti ihminen. He's a kind person. He's a good person. Tartsd meg magadnak az ötleteidet! Keep your tips to yourself. Keep your ideas to yourself. Annak van jobban igaza, aki több embert fizet a médiában. The one who pays more people in the media is more right. You're better off paying more people in the media. Menkää tuonne. Go there. Get in there. Jim avab ukse. Jim opens the door. Jim opens the door. A gyereknevelésről kérdez. She asks questions about the education of children. He's asking me about parenting. Tudod, mitől mennék a falnak? You know what drives me crazy? You know what would make me go up against a wall? Tilasin Lontoosta joitakin kirjoja. I ordered some books from London. I ordered some books from London. Metri maksaa 25 euroa. It costs €25 a metre. The meter costs 25 euros. Azt gondoltam, örülni fogsz neki, ha meghallod, hogy terhes vagyok. I thought you'd be pleased to hear that I'm pregnant. I thought you'd be happy to hear that I'm pregnant. Harkitsen asiaa uudelleen. I'll reconsider the matter. I'll think about it again. Japanissa ihmisistä tulee lain mukaan täysi-ikäisiä, kun he täyttävät kaksikymmentä. In Japan, people legally become adults when they turn twenty. In Japan, people become legal adults when they turn 20. Jotkut ihmiset ovat sitä mieltä, ettei lasta voi ylistää liikaa. Some people think you cannot overpraise a child. Some people think that you can’t praise a child too much. Mä olin just illallisella joittenki Tomin kavereitten kans. I just had dinner with some of Tom's friends. I was just having dinner with some of Tom's friends. Meidän täytyi hyväksyä täysi salassapitovelvollisuus ja allekirjoittaa salassapitosopimus. We had to agree to total confidentiality and sign a non-disclosure agreement. We had to accept full confidentiality and sign a non-disclosure agreement. Ne hagyjál magamra. Don't leave me by myself! SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Maguk az ellenségeim. You're my enemies. You're my enemies. Miért nem kerülünk beljebb? Why don't we step inside? Why don't we get inside? Mul on kahju... Sorry... I'm sorry. Nem kell elmondani neki. Tudja. No need to tell him. He knows. You don't have to tell him. Kérlek, olvasd el újra. Please read that again. Please read it again. Kaikki eliöt Maassa sisältävät hiiltä. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All living things on Earth contain carbon. Se ei ole vain tarpeeksi. That's just not enough. It's just not enough. Lenne olyan kedves, hogy ezt lefordítaná nekem? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Mindenki így hívja. Everybody calls him like this. That's what everybody calls it. Naponta hányszor jár a busz? How many times a day does the bus run? How many times a day does the bus run? Ne tévedj. Don't be mistaken. Make no mistake. Silmäni kutiavat sidekalvontulehduksen takia. My eyes are itching because of conjunctivitis. My eyes itch because of conjunctivitis. Haulikkoni on tyhjä. My rifle's empty. My shotgun's empty. Azt álmodtam, hogy megmentettél egy óriáskalmártól csak egy botot használva. I dreamt that, using nothing but a stick, you saved me from a giant squid monster. I dreamt that you saved me from a giant squid using only a stick. Látom rajtad, hogy nem érted. I can see you don't understand it. I can tell you don't understand. Ez hihetetlen. This is incredible. That's incredible. Hän kielsi olevansa varas. He denied that he was the thief. He denied being a thief. Tomi puhalsi tulitikun sammuksiin. Tom blew out the match. Tom turned the gun off. Tilos a műtőbe belépni! Entry to the operating room is prohibited. You're not allowed in the O.R. Egy zöld banán nem eléggé érett ahhoz, hogy megegyék. A green banana isn't ripe enough to eat. A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. Dutyiba dugtak. They put me in jail. They put me in jail. Kuinka monta kanadalaista ystävää sinulla on? How many Canadian friends do you have? How many Canadian friends do you have? Hyviä huondestu! Good morning! Have a good day! Joku varasti Tomin läppärin. Someone stole Tom's laptop. Someone stole Tom's laptop. Onko sinulla koulua tänä perjantaina? Do you have classes this Friday? Do you have school this Friday? Tom egy tipikus angol. Tom's a typical Englishman. Tom is a typical Englishman. A felhő kezd felszakadozni. The cloud is beginning to break up. The cloud is starting to break. Szabadságon vagy itt? Are you here on holiday? Are you on vacation here? Itt vagyok a közelben. I'm nearby. I'm right here. Bizonyára gazdag, ha három autót tart. She must be rich to have three cars. He must be rich if he's got three cars. Head emadepäeva! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Elég a hazugságból! Enough of the lies! Stop lying! Hyvää yötä, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. Nem, én nem ezt mondtam. No, that's not what I said. No, that's not what I said. Tommi sanoo, että hän suunnittelee lahjan ostamista Marille. Tom says he's planning to buy a gift for Mary. Tommi says that she is planning to buy a gift for Mari. Mitä teidän tarvitsee tietää? What do you need to know? What do you need to know? Pinkki ei ole vain tytöille. Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Sydämeni hakkaa. My heart beat strongly. My heart's pounding. Siellä on jäljellä vain yksi lihapurkki. There is only one can of meat left. There's only one can of meat left. Melyik jelölt tetszik jobban? Which candidate do you prefer? Which candidate do you like better? Ehdottaisin pilkkua. I’d suggest a comma. I'd suggest a comma. Tom soha nem kérdezte, miért. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Tomi ja Mari ovat tulleet tänne auttamaan meitä. Tom and Mary are here to help us. Tom and Mary are here to help. Kaikki mitä hän sanoi oli totta. All he said was true. Everything he said was true. Minun täytyy auttaa häntä. I have to help him. I have to help him. Se tarvitsee liikuntaa. It needs exercise. It needs exercise. Oletteko te käyneet ikinä Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Érdekelnek az idegen nyelvek? Are you interested in foreign languages? Are you interested in foreign languages? Onpa söpö vauva! Saanko ottaa hänet syliin? What a cute baby! May I hold her? What a cute baby, can I hold him? A vegyszerek a mosogató alatt vannak. The chemicals are under the sink. The chemicals are under the sink. Näillä saappailla on vaikea kävellä. These boots are hard to walk in. These shoes are hard to walk in. — Zoli nyugodt. — Nem úgy, mint én. "Ziri is patient." "Totally unlike me." — Zoli is calm. — Not like me. Megszökött az asszony egy szinesbőrű férfival. My wife ran away with a coloured man. The woman ran away with a man of color. Kui sa laenad kellelegi $20 ja ei näe seda inimest enam kunagi, siis tõenäoliselt see oli väärt seda. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. Az elnöki fizetés az utóbbi évtizedekben robbanásszerűen emelkedett. CEO pay has exploded in recent decades. The president’s salary has exploded in recent decades. Itt egy kép az osztálytársaimról. Here it is, a photo of my classmates. Here's a picture of my classmates. Ne kételkedj már magadban! Stop doubting yourself. Stop doubting yourself. Minä en ole koskaan käynyt Amerikassa. I have never been to America. I've never been to America. Ziri birodalmat épített. Ziri built an empire. Ziri built an empire. Mit veszel anyukádnak anyák napjára? What are you buying your mum for Mother's Day? What do you get your mom for Mother’s Day? Ez a regény unalmas. This novel is boring. This novel is boring. Ők művészek. They are artists. They're artists. Vér nem válik vízzé. A tiger never changes his stripes. Blood does not become water. Ez a fa túl fiatal ahhoz, hogy gyümölcsöt teremjen. This tree is too young to bear fruit. This tree is too young to bear fruit. Bárcsak máshol lennék! I wish I was somewhere else. I wish I was somewhere else. Ezt majd később megbeszéljük. We'll discuss that later. We'll talk about this later. Ei enää "blaa-blaa-blaata", sanoi Greta Glasgow'ssa vuonna 2021. "No more blah, blah, blah," said Greta at Glasgow 2021. No more “blah, blah, blah,” Greta said in Glasgow in 2021. Mari antoi Tomille ison halauksen ja pusun. Mary gave Tom a big hug and a kiss. Mary gave Tom a big hug and a kiss. Szerezned kell egy barátnőt. You need to get a girlfriend. You need to get a girlfriend. Valitse muutamia satunnaisia lauseita (ihan vaan pari kolme), äänitä ne ja lähetä näytteet meille osoitteeseen team@tatoeba.org aiheella "Audio for Tatoeba in < kielen_nimi > ". Pick a few random sentences (just 2 or 3), record them, and send us the samples at team@tatoeba.org, with the title "Audio for Tatoeba in < language_name > ". Choose a few random sentences (just a couple of three), record them and send the samples to us at team<0x40>tatoeba.org with the subject "Audio for Tatoeba in < language_name > ". Nem Tom volt. It wasn't Tom. It wasn't Tom. Őszül a hajad. Your hair is going grey. Your hair's graying. Tíz perc a szünet. Break lasts ten minutes. We're 10 minutes out. "Szeretne nekem dolgozni, Tony?" Kérdezte Mr Wood. "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood. "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr. Wood. Ma van mosás. It's laundry day. It's laundry day. Mikään ei ole muuttunut vielä. Nothing's changed yet. Nothing's changed yet. A választ magadban leled meg. The answer is within you. You'll find the answer in yourself. Nem az enyémek ezek a kulcsok. These keys are not mine. I don't own these keys. Tetszik neked az angol, mert menőnek találod a rock, pop és rap zenéjüket. You like English because you think that their rock, pop, and rap are cool. You like English, because you find their rock, pop and rap music cool. Sa ei taha teada. You don't want to know. You don't want to know. Szerintem ne várakozz sokat. You shouldn't have to wait long. I don't think you should wait too long. Tom belefáradt az olvasásba és ki akart menni játszani. Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go outside and play. Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go out and play. Kuinka kauan poskesi ovat olleet turvoksissa? How long have your cheeks been swollen? How long have your cheeks been swollen? Csak figyelj és tanulj! Just watch and learn. Just watch and learn. Jövök! Coming! I'm comin'! Muistan nähneeni tuon herran jossakin. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. Tom eläköityi kuusikymmentäviisivuotiaana. Tom retired at 65. Tom retired at the age of sixty-five. Junassa on kaksi veturia. The train has two engines. There are two locomotives on the train. Olyan sok mindent mondott el nekem önről. She has told me so much about you. He told me so much about you. Hadd tegye azt, amit akar. Let him do what he wants. Let him do what he wants. Ha meg akarnálak ölni, meg tudnálak. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I could. London utcáit jártam. I was walking along the streets of London. I walked the streets of London. Kun opettaa toista ajamaan, täytyy olla melko kärsivällinen. You've got to be pretty patient to teach someone how to drive. When you teach someone to drive, you have to be very patient. Merésznek kell lenni a sikerhez. It takes courage to succeed. You have to be brave to succeed. Hän keskeytti heidät, kun he olivat syömässä aamiaista. He interrupted them while they were breakfasting. He interrupted them while they were eating breakfast. Én magyarul tanulok. I am learning Magyar. I'm studying Hungarian. Nem maradna egy teára? Won't you stay for tea? Why don't you stay for tea? Kipihentnek tűnik. He looks relaxed. He looks well-rested. Tom on fiksu. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. Tomi on surkea suutelija. Tom is a terrible kisser. Tom is a terrible kisser. Meg vannak ijedve. They're scared. They're scared. Raudselt! Definitely! I'm sure! Add ide a cukrot, kérlek. Pass me the sugar, please. Give me the sugar, please. Puhumme myöhemmin. We'll talk later. I'll talk to you later. Mä oon laiha. I'm thin. I'm skinny. Nem kell emlékeztetned. You don't need to remind me. You don't have to remind me. Hogy menne a pokolba! They should go to hell! How the hell would it go? Hän itki. He cried. She was crying. Ja Jumala sanoi: "Tulkoon valkeus". Ja valkeus tuli. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Megvédjük önt. We will protect you. We'll protect you. Onpa iso koira! What a big dog! What a big dog! Gitáros akarok lenni. I want to be a guitarist. I want to be a guitarist. Kes selle tõi? Who brought this? Who brought it? Használhattok számológépet a dolgozatíráshoz. You'll be able to use a calculator for the test. You can use a calculator to write your paper. Magam sem csinálhattam volna jobban. I couldn't have done it better myself. I couldn't have done better myself. Vegyél be egy aszpirint. Take an aspirin. Take an aspirin. Työkalupakkini sisältää ainoastaan pihdit, vasaran ja ruuvimeisselin. My toolbox contains only pliers, a hammer, and a screwdriver. My toolbox contains only pliers, a hammer and a screwdriver. Minulla on ne kaikki. I have them all. I have them all. Mennyire fontos neked az egészséged? How much do you value your health? How important is your health to you? "Ma olen" on lihtne mistahes keelde tõlkida. It's easy to translate "I am" into any language. "I am" is easy to translate into any language. Egy kismadár iszik a macskatálból. A little bird is drinking from the cat dish. A little bird is drinking from the cat bowl. Miért nem táncoltál vele? Why didn't you dance with him? Why didn't you dance with him? Be kell mennie a kórházba. He needs to go to the hospital. You need to go to the hospital. Wäääh... Waaaa... Woah... Bocs! Rosszul magyaráztam. Sorry! I explained that badly. I'm sorry, I misinterpreted that. Ezt a levelet a könyvek között találtam. I found this letter among those books. I found this letter in the books. Koko luokan täytyi opetella runo ulkoa. Everyone in the class has to learn the poem by heart. The whole class had to memorize the poem. - Nem látnám, hogy lennének barátaid. - Vannak barátaim, csak virtuálisak. "I don't see you have any friends." "I have friends, they are just virtual ones." I don't see you having any friends. Tänään on kuuma päivä It's a hot day today. Today is a hot day Nem találtak DNS-t bizonyítékként. No DNA evidence was found. They didn't find any DNA as evidence. Tom nagyon álszent. Tom is very hypocritical. Tom's a hypocrite. Olyan hűséges, mint egy kutya. Miért nem, mint egy ember? As loyal as a dog. Why not as a man? As loyal as a dog. Why not like a man? Tule takaisin Bostoniin. Come back to Boston. Come back to Boston. Nem érsz rá most? Are you busy now? Are you busy right now? Tom on luultavasti kuollakseen pelästynyt. Tom is probably scared to death. Tom is probably scared to death. Kisétált az égő házból. He walked out of the burning house. He walked out of the burning house. Ellopták a kocsimat. My car's been stolen. They stole my car. Györgyöt hibáztatták a kudarcért. They blamed George for the failure. George was blamed for the failure. Menjetek, de nélkülem! Go without me! Go, but without me. Nincs nálam mobil. I don't have a mobile phone. I don't have a cell phone. Oppilas vastasi: ”Kahdensadanviidenkymmenenkuuden neliöjuuri on kuusitoista.” The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." The student replied: “The square root of two hundred and fifty-six is sixteen.” Ma fogok jelentkezni a munkára. I'll apply for the job today. I'm applying for the job today. John Jackson urulógus, felesége, Tao, fül-orr-gégész. John Jackson is a urologist, his wife Tao is an ear-nose-throat specialist. John Jackson, urologist, wife, Tao, otolaryngologist. Tule takaisin! Come back. Get back here! Odalett az összes pénze. Her money was all gone. He lost all his money. Lengyelországba, vagy Magyarországra, Moldáviába, Szlovákiába, Romániába vagy akár Csehországba szeretnénk eljutni. We want to go to Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, or the Czech Republic. We would like to visit Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania or even the Czech Republic. A svábok mindenre képesek, kivéve a Hochdeutsch. The Swabians are capable of anything, apart from speaking High German. The Swabians can do anything except the Hochdeutsch. Elálmosodtál? Did you get sleepy? You're sleepy? Ő olyan fontos? Is she that important? Is he that important? Be kellett vonni a hadsereget. The army had to intervene. The army had to be involved. A madárberkenyéből készíthető lekvár. Jam can be made from rowan berries. The jam can be made from the bird's roe. Teidän pitää työskennellä paljon. You will have to work a lot. You have to work a lot. Kävitkö ulkona eilen illalla? Did you go out last night? Did you go out last night? Kas ma võin su vanade raamatute kogu vaadata? May I see your collection of old books? Can I look at your collection of old books? Hogy viselkedhetsz így a saját anyáddal?! How can you treat your own mother like that? How can you treat your own mother like this? Ta on väike mees. He is a small man. He's a little man. Úgy eszik Tom, mint egy disznó. Tom eats like a pig. Tom eats like a pig. Ezt a kerékpárt miért vetted meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Mit akarsz, mit tegyek ellenük? What do you want me to do against them? What do you want me to do about it? Nincs már erőm, hogy ezt megtegyem. I don't have the strength to do that anymore. I no longer have the strength to do so. Megtörténhet veled bármi. Anything may happen to you. Anything can happen to you. Rajta voltam a listán. I was on the list. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Kansa ylisti häntä hänen urhoollisuudestaan. The people praised him for his courage. The people praised him for his bravery. Farkaséhes vagyok. I have the hunger of a wolf. I'm starving. Sinä tarvitset lisää harjoitusta. You need more practice. You need more practice. Tamást ma nem láttam. I didn't see Tom today. I didn't see Tom today. Don leat doavttir. You are a doctor. You are a “peeler.” Ihmiset ovat tyhmiä. People are stupid. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Az orchideák öntözése sem egyszerű dolog. Az öntözés gyakorisága a növény ültetéséhez használt anyagtól és a hőmérséklettől is függ. Watering orchids is also tricky. How often you water depends on the material you use to plant the flower and also the temperature. The frequency of watering also depends on the material used for planting the plant and the temperature. Tom sõitis minema. Tom drove away. Tom is gone. Tänään minua ei huvita tehdä mitään. Today, I don't feel like doing anything. I don’t feel like doing anything today. Viimeinkin Tomi saavutti tavoitteensa. Finally, Tom attained his goal. Tom finally achieved his goal. Oletko miettinyt töiden hankkimista? Are you thinking about getting a job? Have you thought about getting a job? Tomi ei saa unta ilman nallea. Tom can't sleep without his teddy bear. Tom can't sleep without a teddy bear. Soha nem kellett volna kételkedned bennem. You should have never doubted me. You should never have doubted me. Kevesen voltak ma itt. There were very few people here today. There were very few people here today. Tényleg barátok? Are they really friends? Are they really friends? Tomi hävisi. Tom got lost. Tom is lost. Együtt fogjuk megcsinálni. We'll do this together. We'll do it together. Samalla hetkellä puun varjosta astui esiin mies. At the same moment, a man stepped out from the shadow of a tree. At that moment, a man came out of the tree. Egy sikoltást hallottam. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. Tomi joi sen koko viinipullon yksinään. Tom drank that entire bottle of wine by himself. Tom drank the whole bottle of wine by himself. Gyönyörű nyári nap volt. It was a beautiful summer day. It was a beautiful summer day. Itt akarok maradni éppen csak az autóban. I just want to stay in the car. I just want to stay here in the car. Tosi on. True. That's right. Jos haluat päästä täältä ulos hengissä, seuraa minua. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. Csöndben egyél! Don't eat noisily. Eat in silence. Ez nem volt vicces. This was not funny. That wasn't funny. Miten sait tuon mustan silmän? How did you get that black eye? How did you get that black eye? Gyere csak ide! Mutatni akarok neked valamit. Come here. I want to show you something. Come here, I want to show you something. Szeretem a sört és a bort. I like drinking beer and wine. I like beer and wine. Hän käy harvoin leffassa. He rarely goes to the movies. He rarely goes to the movies. Látom az óceánt végre! Finally, I can see the ocean. I can finally see the ocean. A szó, esposas, spanyolul ugyanúgy jelentheti azt, hogy feleségek, ahogy azt is, hogy bilincs. "Esposas" means both "wives" and "handcuffs" in Spanish. The word esposas, in Spanish, can mean wives in the same way as it can mean handcuffs. Tule toimistolleni tämän kuun lopussa. Come to my office at the end of this month. Come to my office at the end of this month. Ha jól emlekszem, öt testvére van. If I remember correctly, he has five siblings. If I remember correctly, he has five siblings. Sinun ei pitäisi unohtaa sitä. You shouldn't forget that. You shouldn't forget that. He selvisivät hengissä, vaikka rakennus tuhoutui. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived the destruction of the building. Nézzük részletesen. Let's go through it in detail. Let's look in detail. Tomi kurkkasi kulman taakse. Tom peeked around the corner. Tom looked around the corner. Te nem vagy ilyenre felhatalmazva. You don't have the authority to do something like that. You're not authorized to do that. Ne feledkezz meg a nagybetűkről! Do not forget to capitalize. Don't forget the capital letters. Az időjárás annyira fullasztó. The weather is so oppressive. The weather is so suffocating. Tomi perusti parin kaverin kanssa bändin. Tom formed a band with a couple of friends. Tom started a band with a couple of friends. Te vagy az az egy, aki megért engem. You're the only one who understands me. You're the one who understands me. Mindannyian nagyon boldogok voltunk. We were all so happy. We were all very happy. Tomi on väkivaltainen. Tom's violent. Tom is violent. Olyan sok volt a halott, hogy a sírköves rákényszerült, hogy béreljen új munkást. So many people had died that the gravestone supplier was forced to hire a new carver. There were so many dead that the headstone was forced to hire a new worker. Pikkupoika tunsi olonsa turvalliseksi isänsä sylissä. The little boy felt secure in his father's arms. The little boy felt safe in his father’s arms. Vannak gyerekei? Has he any children? Do you have kids? Amikor kíváncsi leszek a véleményedre, megkérdezem majd. When I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it. When I get your opinion, I'll ask. Nem maradhatok ebben a házban. I can't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house. Hányszor elmondtam neked, hogy ne csináld!? How many times did I tell you not to do that?! How many times have I told you not to do it? Tomi luki sarjakuvaa. Tom was reading a comic book. Tom read the comic. Voin kuvitella joitain tilanteita, joissa veitsestä voisi olla hyötyä. I can think of some situations in which a knife would come in handy. I can imagine some situations where a knife might be useful. Kevät tuli. Spring arrived. Spring is here. Tűnj elfoglaltnak, mikor a főnök is itt van. You need to look busy when the boss is around. Look busy when the boss is here. Az iszlamofóbia a rasszizmus egy formája. Islamophobia is a form of racism. Islamophobia is a form of racism. Számít az, ki nyert? Does it matter who the winner is? Does it matter who won? Nem hibáztathatlak. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. Voit ottaa mitä tarvitset. You may take what you need. You can take whatever you need. Filmsztárnak kellett volna lennem. I should have been a movie star. I should have been a movie star. Hän tömisteli mudan pois kengistään. She stamped the mud off her shoes. He shoved the mud out of his shoes. Az irodám ajtaja mindig nyitva van. My office door's always open. My office door is always open. Nem marasztaltuk Tomit. We didn't invite Tom to stay. We didn't ask Tom to stay. Ma olen puu all. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Oletko syönyt aamiaisen loppuun? Have you finished eating your breakfast? Have you finished your breakfast? En enää kestä tätä kuumuutta. I can't put up with the heat any longer. I can't take the heat anymore. On suuri kunnia tutustua häneen. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. It's a great honor to meet him. Tom on valveilla. Tom's awake. Tom's awake. Mi ez a dallam, amit dúdolsz? What's that tune you're humming? What's that tune you're humming? Nekem a hosszúhajú lányok tetszenek. I like girls with long hair. I like long-haired girls. Ta on minust kolm aastat vanem. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than me. A Tom és Mary a világ legunalmasabb regényeként ismert. "Tom and Mary" is known as the world's most boring novel. Tom and Mary is known as the most boring novel in the world. Merkel oli Saksan ensimmäinen naispuolinen liittokansleri ja ensimmäinen entisessä Itä-Saksassa kasvanut johtaja. Merkel was Germany’s first female chancellor and its first leader to have been raised in the former East Germany. Merkel was Germany’s first female chancellor and the first leader to grow up in the former East Germany. Majdnem megfulladt. She almost drowned. He almost drowned. Miksiköhän tunnen itseni niin yksinäiseksi, kun tulee kylmä. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. Rintaruokitko lastasi? Are you breastfeeding your child? Breast-feeding your baby? A probléma az, hogy nincs arra időm. The problem is that I don't have time for that. The problem is, I don't have time for that. Jobb, ha megyünk, Tom. We'd better go, Tom. We better get going, Tom. Matematiikka on kuin rakkaus – ideana yksinkertainen, mutta voi mennä mutkikkaaksi. Math is like love: a simple idea, but it can get complicated. Mathematics is like love – the idea is simple, but it can get complicated. Az emberek szerették őt. People loved her. People loved him. Olemme erittäin tunnettuja. We are very well known. We're very well-known. Itt és most kihívom magát egy párbajra. I hereby challenge you to a duel. Right now, I'm challenging you to a duel. Adjon egy kis időt, hogy rájöjjek, mi romlott el. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Néhány ember gúnyolódott a helyzetemen. Some people made fun of my situation. Some people made fun of my situation. Tomilla on kaksi poikaa. Molemmat asuvat Bostonissa. Tom has two sons. Both of them live in Boston. Tom has two sons, both of whom live in Boston. Molemmat Tomin siskot ovat naimisissa. Both of Tom's sisters are married. Both of Tom's sisters are married. Az íróasztalon van egy könyv a táncról. There is a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book on the desk about dancing. Viranomaiset onnistuivat vakauttamaan valuutan. The authorities managed to stabilize the currency. The authorities managed to stabilize the currency. Hol szoktál csalit venni pecázáshoz? Where do you buy bait for fishing? Where do you usually buy bait for fishing? Katulamput eivät valaise tarpeeksi. The street lamps don't give enough light. Street lamps do not illuminate enough. Anteeksi, että herätin sinut. I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm sorry I woke you up. Älä syö omenan karoja. I don't eat apple cores. Do not eat the apple. Tom a bűnügyi nyilvántartásban szerepel. Tom has a criminal record. Tom's in the criminal record. Nem jók itt az európai villásdugók. European plugs don't work here. The Europeans are no good here. Elvitt a szobámhoz. She showed me to my room. He took me to my room. Haluaisitko toisen teekupillisen? Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Fáj a kisujjam. My little finger hurts. My little finger hurts. Hívjad fel apád és kérdezd meg őt. Call your father and ask him. Call your father and ask him. Tom päätti opiskella ranskaa. Tom decided to study French. Tom decided to study French. En osaa uida yhtään. I cannot swim at all. I can't swim at all. Levitte a tetőt az erős szél. The strong wind took the roof off. The roof was blown away by the strong wind. Tarvitsen neuvojasi. I need your advice. I need your advice. Ta ei teinud seda. She didn't do it. He didn't do it. Kes on Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? Hän huiskutti hänelle hyvästejä. She waved goodbye to him. He said goodbye to her. Mettől-meddig van nyitva az irodád? From what time to what time is your office open? How long is your office open? Nincs szüksége már ránk a gyerekeinknek. Our children don't need us any longer. Our children don't need us anymore. Család vagy barátok eljönnek érted? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends come for you? Megvárunk téged az autóban. We'll be waiting for you in the car. We'll wait for you in the car. Kui homme sajab, siis ma ei lähe. If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Käytätkö instaa? Do you have Insta? Do you use Instagram? Useita kieliä soljuvasti puhuvat äimistyttävät minua. People who speak dozens of languages fluently astonish me. Those who speak many languages surprise me. Me opiskelemme ranskaa. We're learning French. We're studying French. Koira juoksi. A dog was running. The dog ran. Tegnap délelőtt szakadt az eső. It rained hard yesterday morning. It was raining yesterday morning. Sopimus teki Teksasista itsenäisen. The treaty made Texas independent. The treaty made Texas independent. Valamilyen festő. He's a sort of painter. Some kind of painter. Missä he ovat? Where are they? Where the hell are they? Szinte senki sem volt elégedett. Hardly anyone was satisfied. Almost no one was satisfied. Túl hideg van az úszáshoz. It's much too cold to swim. It's too cold to swim. Elkelne a segítség. We could use the help. I could use some help. Mikor jelenik meg az új folyóirat? When will the new magazine come out? When will the new magazine be published? Beállt a lábam. Nem tudok gyalogolni. I got a cramp in my leg. I can't walk. I can't walk. Se on täydellinen. It's perfect. It's perfect. Elolvassa ezt bárki bármikor is? Will anyone ever read all of this? Does anyone ever read this? Tom ei ole ongelma. Tom is not the problem. Tom's not the problem. Ma ei saa sellesse sekkuda. I can't get involved in this. I can't get involved. Tule lähemmäksi, jotta näen naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. Tomin vaimo menehtyi. Tom's wife passed away. Tom's wife passed away. Nagyszerű, hogy el tudott jönni! It's great that you were able to come. It's great that you could come. Ma õpin inglise keelt. I'm learning English. I'm learning English. Sanoutukaa irti. Resign. Stand down. Oktatás a siker titka. Education is the key to success. Education is the secret to success. Kétségtelenül ez a jobb a kettő közül. It is without doubt the better of the two. This is definitely the better of the two. Tuletko mukaan noutamaan aivoni? Will you accompany me to collect my brain? Will you come and get my brain? Voi kunpa olisin luonasi. I wish I was with you. Oh, I wish I was with you. Egy szép májusi napon jöttem a világra Mexikóban. I was born in Mexico on a beautiful day in May. I was born in Mexico on a beautiful day in May. Holnap kelnek egybe. They are going to get married tomorrow. They're getting married tomorrow. Tom tévedésből ütött meg. Tom hit me by mistake. Tom hit me by mistake. Azt akarom, hogy tégy meg nekem egy nagy szívességet. I need you to do me a big favor. I want you to do me a big favor. Már nincs meg. I don't have it any longer. I don't have it anymore. A dobozba rakom bele. I'm putting it in the box. I'll put it in the box. Az eredmények nem megnyugtatóak. The results don't look promising. The results are not reassuring. Hát ilyen nincs! That's impressive. There's no such thing. Tomi rupesi suuttumaan. Tom started to get angry. Tom became angry. Tää ämmä on huora. This bitch is a hoe. This bitch is a whore. Szerintem a tagalog férfiasabban hangzik, mint az angol. I think that Tagalog sounds more masculine than English. I think Tagalog sounds more masculine than English. Az az igazság, hogy nincs nagyon kedvem beszélgetni. Truth is, I don't really feel like talking. The truth is, I don't really feel like talking. Kevésbé volt érdekes, mint amilyennek képzeltem. That was less interesting than I thought it would be. It was less interesting than I imagined. Tämä on hänen ainoa mahdollisuutensa. This is his only chance. This is his only chance. Avatkaa lukko. Unlock. Open the lock. Tom meg akarja csinálni. Tom intends to do that. Tom wants to do it. Uskon, että Tomi pärjää hyvin. I believe that Tom will do fine. I think Tom will be fine. Otan kamerani mukaani kaikkialle minne menen. I take my camera with me wherever I go. I take my camera with me wherever I go. Frissítetted az oldalt? Did you update the page? Have you updated the site? Minä luen kirjan. I read the book. I'm reading a book. Bármikor, ha a családom illetve a munkám között kell döntenem, a családom élvez elsőbbséget. Whenever there is a conflict between my work and my family, my family always takes precedence. Whenever I have to choose between my family and my job, my family comes first. Jézus tiltotta a kamatra adott kölcsönözést – meg is ölték. Jesus prohibited lending rates. He was killed. Jesus forbade lending at interest—they killed him. Váltsunk! Let's switch. Let's switch. Godwin törvényéből megtudhatjuk, hogy bármely tetszőleges tárgyról folytatott parttalan vita egyre inkább egymás lenácizásába torkoll. Godwin's law teaches us that any infinite discussion about an arbitrary subject converges to a Nazi comparison. We learn from Godwin's law that an unbiased discussion of any object of any kind leads more and more to the Nazism of one another. Jätä vaan kaikki siihen missä ne ovat. Just leave everything where it is. Leave it all where it is. Laskut kasautuvat. The bills keep piling up. Bills are piling up. Cicamica vagyok. I'm a kitty cat. I'm a kitty cat. Tom újra összejött az exével. Tom got back together with his ex. Tom got back together with his ex. Kicsit elhagytam magam testileg. I'm a bit out of shape. I left myself physically. Soha nem próbáltam még. I've never tried it before. I've never tried it before. En usko! I don't believe! I don't believe it! Nyt se on teidän ongelmanne. Now it's your problem. Now that's your problem. Mul on 64-bitine protsessor. I have a 64-bit processor. I have a 64-bit processor. Már megint a spájzban cigarettáztál? Have you been smoking in the pantry again? Have you been smoking in the pantry again? Hívj, ha tudsz jönni. Call me if you're able to come. Call me if you can come. Úgy szeretett ő engem, mint senki azelőtt. She loved me like no one before. He loved me like no one had ever loved me before. Emme tarvitse sitä. We won't need it. We don't need it. A kastélyok rendben tartása költséges. Upkeep on castles costs a lot. Keeping the castles in order is expensive. Beletörődök a sorsomba. I'll accept my fate. I accept my fate. Tom folyamatosan figyelte az óráját. Tom kept checking his watch. Tom kept looking at his watch. Olen velkaa sinulle viisi dollaria. I owe you five dollars. I owe you five dollars. Egy tortát sütött nekem. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Nem mehetek vissza a hazámba. I can't return to my homeland. I can't go back to my country. A nap átadja magát az északának. Day gives way to night. The sun surrenders itself to the north. Négy év múlva nyugdíjba vonulok. I retire in four years time. I'm retiring in four years. Szeretlek, de nem vagyok szerelmes beléd. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Rauhallisesti nyt. Stay calm. Take it easy, now. Szólj, ha legközelebb a városban jársz. Let me know the next time you're in town. Let me know the next time you're in town. Ismerem én önt nagyon jól. I know you very well. I know you very well. Szerinted melyik a tiéd? How do you know which one is yours? Which one do you think is yours? Olen muuttanut mieltäni ensi kuussa Bostoniin menosta. I've change my mind about going to Boston next month. I've changed my mind about going to Boston next month. Hän teki sen itse. He did it himself. He did it himself. Vierailemme ystäviemme luona. We will pay our friends a visit. We visit our friends. A fiatal lányok figyelmét keltette fel. He sought the attention of young girls. It caught the attention of the young girls. Hän on paljon minua nokkelampi. He is much smarter than I am. He's a lot smarter than I am. Hyviä ildua! Good evening! Have a good night! Ystäväni on hiljaittain eronnut sulhasestaan. A friend of mine has recently divorced her husband. My friend has recently separated from her fiancé. Össze fogok jönni veled. I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna hook up with you. Tom nagyon kedves fiú. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom's a very nice boy. Befejezte a levelet. She finished writing a letter. He finished the letter. Parancsot kaptunk, hogy támadjunk. We've been ordered to attack. We have orders to attack. Törökország regionális nagyhatalom. Turkey is a regional great power. Turkey is a regional power. Tomnál van egy darab tündekenyér. Tom has a piece of Elven bread. Tom's got a piece of fairy bread. Tom on tällä saarella ainoa, joka osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom is the only one on this island that can speak French. Tom's the only one on this island who can speak French. Tom ei ole kiinnostunut. Tom is not interested. Tom's not interested. Az esetben, ha elefelednéd, én voltam az, aki a pénzt adda neked a jelzáloghoz. In case you forgot, I'm the one who lent you the money for the mortgage. In case you forgot, I was the one who gave you the money to mortgage. Néhány mondat túl nehéz nekem. A few sentences are too hard for me. Some sentences are too hard for me. Kaksi henkilöä menehtyi. Two people perished. Two people were killed. Yleensä syön ranskikset ketsupin kanssa. I usually eat french fries with ketchup. I usually eat fries with ketchup. Mindenkinek azt mondta Tom, hogy az én hibám. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Bizonyítékom van rá, hogy Tomi lopta el a gumicukrokat. I have evidence that Tom stole the gum drops. I have proof that Tom stole the gummies. Kié a Hold? Who does the moon belong to? Who owns the moon? A hajad elkezd kihullani. Your hair will start to fall out. Your hair's starting to fall out. Vettem egy új gumikészletet az autómhoz. I bought a new set of tires for my car. I bought a new set of tires for my car. Tämä tehtiin vastoin tahtoani. This was done against my will. This was done against my will. A buszunk nyolckor indult és tizenegykor ért Bostonba. Our bus left at eight, arriving in Boston at eleven. Our bus left at eight and arrived in Boston at eleven. Mistä sinä tulet? Where are you coming from? Where did you come from? Na, te is itt vagy! Oh, you're here too! Well, there you are. Valójában tetszik nekem. I actually like it. Actually, I like it. Szolgáljon ez nektek tanulságul. Let that be a lesson to you! Let this be a lesson to you. Magyar létedre te miért kezdtél el tanulni norvégül? As a Hungarian, why did you start learning Norwegian? Why did you start learning Norwegian? Teidän pitäisi pyytää häneltä neuvoa. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. A két fiútestvér egymásra mosolyogtak. The two brothers smiled at each other. The two brothers smiled at each other. A felvonó kábele elszakadt. The elevator cable snapped. The cable of the elevator broke. Jó hír, de nem hiszem el. This is good news, but I don't believe it. Good news, but I can't believe it. Nem akarom, hogy kibeszéld a gyerekeimet. I don't want you to talk about my kid. I don't want you talking about my kids. Tom on juuri saanut päivällisen syötyä. Tom has just finished eating dinner. Tom's just finished his dinner. Ma läksin Londonisse. I went to London. I went to London. Feleannyi könyve van, mint nekem. He has half as many books as I. He has half as many books as I do. Haluaisitko tulla tänne uudelleen? Would you like to come back here again? Would you like to come here again? Tomi on sinua älykkäämpi. Tom is smarter than you. Tom is smarter than you. Vannak kisgyerekei? Do you have young children? Do you have kids? Sohasem mondtam ezt! I've never said that! I never said that! Luulen, että lukitsin avaimeni sisälle autoon. I think I locked my keys in the car. I think I locked my keys inside the car. He ovat tosi viileitä. They're really cool. They're really cool. Neuvosi auttavat minua aina. Your advice is always helpful to me. Your advice will always help me. A családom nem túl nagy. My family is not very large. My family's not that big. Nem foglak arra kényszeríteni, hogy menj és csináld, ám meglesznek a következményei, ha nem teszed. I won't force you to go and do that but it will have consequences if you won't. I won't force you to go and do it, but there will be consequences if you don't. Todiste siitä että välimerkeillä on väliä, on lauseet "syödään isoisä" ja "syödään, isoisä". The sentences "Let's eat grandpa." and "Let's eat, grandpa." are only one proof that punctuation can change a lot. Proof that punctuation matters is in the sentences "Eat Grandpa" and "Eat Grandpa". Nem hagyok hozzászólást olyan dolgoknál, amiket nem értek. I never comment on things I don't understand. I don't leave comments on things I don't understand. Számtalan témát felölel a könyv. The book covers several topics. The book covers many topics. Utálom a tejet. I hate milk. I hate milk. Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. A magyarban gyakorlatilag tizennyolc eset van. Hungarian practically has eighteen cases. There are 18 cases in Hungary. Megtaláltad azt a kulcsot, amit elvesztettem? Did you happen to find that key I lost? Did you find the key I lost? Mitä tykkäät tästä villapaidasta? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? En ole upseeri. I'm not an officer. I'm not an officer. Jokin pelästytti Tomin. Something frightened Tom. Something scared Tom. Ha már ezt akarod tenni, legalább legyél diszkrét! If you're going to do it, at least be discreet about it. If that's what you want to do, at least be discreet. Ne kavarjál már! Stop messing about. Don't make a fuss. Nenäni on todella iso, ja kaiken lisäksi vinossa. My nose is really big, and it's crooked as well. My nose is really big, and on top of that, it's crooked. Tomilla on kala-allergia. Tom is allergic to fish. Tom has a fish allergy. Jobban szeretem a kávét. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Kérem, figyeljen. Please pay attention. Please, listen to me. Ha valami balul ütne ki, vállalom a felelősséget a következményekért. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility for the consequences. If something goes wrong, I take responsibility for the consequences. En tiedä isäni vuosituloja. I don't know my father's annual income. I don't know my father's annual income. Onks sulla kavereit teidän luokal? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have friends in your class? Oli synkkä ja myrskyinen yö. It was a dark and stormy night. It was a dark and stormy night. He ovat erittäin kyvykkäitä. They're very capable. They're very capable. Én krémet teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I put cream in my coffee. Jos voit lukea tämän lauseen, se johtuu siitä, että osaat lukea. If you can read this sentence, it's because you know how to read. If you can read this sentence, it’s because you can read. — Mi a baj, Mari? — Semmi. — Amikor utoljára ezt mondtad, terhes voltál. — Ki vele, mi a baj? "What's wrong, Mary?" "Nothing!" "The last time you said that, you were pregnant. So, what's wrong?" “What’s the matter, Mari?” “Nothing.” “The last time you said that, you were pregnant.” “Who, what’s the matter?” Meitä ei kiinnosta vittuakaan. We don't give a fuck. We don't give a fuck. Odotimme Heleniä tunnin kirjastossa, mutta häntä ei kuulunut. We waited for Helen at the library for an hour, but she didn't appear. We waited for Helen at the library for an hour, but she wasn't there. Megkérdeztem, de nem válaszolt. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked him, but he didn't answer. Esik a hó. It snows. It's snowing. Géza nem partiarc, de Mari az. Tom isn't a party animal, but Mary is. Géza is not a party person, but it is Mari. Hän juoksi niin nopeasti kuin pystyi. She ran as fast as possible. He ran as fast as he could. A terved nem fog működni. Your plan won't work. Your plan won't work. Uuden päivän valo tihkui sumukerrosten läpi. The light of a new day trickled through the layers of fog. The light of the new day was oozing through the layers of mist. Mi tart itt? What's keeping you from leaving? What's keeping you? Ta on rikas, noor ja nägus. He's rich, young and handsome. He's rich, he's young, he's handsome. Igaz, hogy Tom megölte magát? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Tom arra ébredt, hogy látja, amint a pizsamája a hálószobája ablaka előtti fán lengedezik. Tom woke up to see his pyjamas billowing from the tree outside his bedroom window. Tom woke up to see his pajamas swinging from a tree in front of his bedroom window. Melléültem a széknek és a hátamra estem. I missed the chair and fell on my back. I sat next to the chair and fell on my back. - Ide tudnád adni a sót, kérlek? - Hol van? Én itt nem látom. - Az üveg mögött van. - Ja, igen. Na megtaláltam. "Can you pass me the salt, please?" "Where is it? I can't see here." "It's behind the bottle." "Oh, yes. I've found it." - Can you give me the salt, please? - Where is it? - I don't see it here. - It's behind the glass. - Yeah, yeah. I found it. Englannin puhuminen ei ole helppoa. Speaking English isn't easy. Speaking English is not easy. — Katasztrófává vált az életed. — Nem, nem lett az! Mindig is az volt. "Your life has become a disaster." "No it hasn't! It always was one." “Your life has become a disaster.” “No, it hasn’t. It always has been. Tal ei olnud pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have a pen. Kaikki teistä tekivät hyvää työtä. All of you did good work. You all did a good job. Hetvenöt osztva öttel az tizenöt. Seventy-five divided by five is fifteen. Seventy-five divided by five is fifteen. Tom on asunut Bostonissa viime kesästä lähtien. Tom has lived in Boston since last summer. Tom has been living in Boston since last summer. Dean voi tosiaankin syödä paljon. Dean can really put away the food. Dean can really eat a lot. Sinä olet nainen, jota rakastan elämäni loppuun saakka. You're the woman I'll love for the rest of my life. You are the woman I will love for the rest of my life. Ezek a botrányok nem fogják erősíteni a cég hírnevét. These scandals will not enhance the company's reputation. These scandals will not strengthen the reputation of the company. Egy hete nem eszem jól. I haven't eaten well for a week. I haven't eaten well in a week. Kuinka monta kirjaa sinä luit? How many books did you read? How many books did you read? Mondja ezt magyarul! Say it in Hungarian! Say that in Hungarian. Rájöttem, hogy a probléma egyszerű volt. I found the problem was easy. I realized that the problem was simple. Sun pitää oppii puhuu sun tunteista. You need to learn to talk about your feelings. You have to learn to talk about your feelings. En tuntenut heitä kovin hyvin. I didn't know them very well. I didn't know them very well. Tom haastettiin sotaoikeuteen. Tom was court-martialed. Tom was sued for war crimes. Tom a Covid-hullámokon szörfözik. Tom's surfing on Covid waves. Tom's surfing the Covid waves. Sa oled hale. You're pathetic. You're pathetic. Olen muuttunut. I have changed. I've changed. Ruokaa ei ollut tarpeeksi. There wasn't enough food. There wasn't enough food. Egyesek nagy élvezetet és elégedettséget lelnek a maguk alkotta dolgokban. Ezért olyan népszerűek a "do it yourself", vagyis a "csináld magad" projektek. Some people get great joy and satisfaction from doing things by themselves. That is why DIY, or do-it-yourself, projects are so popular. Some people find great pleasure and satisfaction in the things they create. That's why the "do it yourself" projects are so popular. Kongressi hyväksyi täpärästi liittovaltion budjetin. The federal budget was narrowly approved by Congress. Congress narrowly approved the federal budget. Maga nem az én főnököm. You're not the boss of me. You're not my boss. Olyan vagy, mint én. You're like me. You're just like me. Ma pean minema koju ja end välja magama. I have to go home and get a good night's sleep. I have to go home and get some sleep. Voi kuinka kauniita kukkia! What beautiful flowers! What beautiful flowers! Add ide a gyertyát! Give me that candle. Give me the candle. Nagyon meglepődtem, mikor megtörtént. I was really surprised when that happened. I was very surprised when it happened. Csináljátok azt. Apám a főnök. Do that. Dad is the boss. My dad's in charge. Kuinka monta kitaratuntia sinulla on ollut toistaiseksi? How many guitar lessons have you had so far? How many guitar lessons have you had so far? Igaz barátnak mutatkozott. He turned out to be a true friend. He was a true friend. Nincs lázatok. You don't have a fever. There's no sightings. Ne hagyd a munkádat befejezetlenül. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don’t leave your work unfinished. A faágak meghajoltak a gyümölcsök súlya alatt. The tree was bending under the weight of the fruit. The branches bowed under the weight of the fruits. Bicót vettem nektek. I bought you bicycles. I bought you a bike. Ne taposs rá! Don't tread on it. Don't step on it. Isoveljeni on todella pitkä: suurinpiirtein 1,8 m. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My big brother is really tall: about 1.8 m. A betegségek hány százaléka kapcsolódik a nem megfelelő táplálkozáshoz? What percentage of illnesses are associated with inadequate diets? What percentage of diseases are associated with poor nutrition? Egy csepp eső nem sok, annyi sem volt ma. Not a single drop of rain fell today. A drop of rain wasn't much, it wasn't that much today. Még azt terveztem egykor, hogy orvos leszek. I had planned to become a doctor. I used to plan on being a doctor. Ahhoz bátorság kellett. That took guts. It took courage. Se vauva on nukkumassa. The baby is sleeping. That baby's asleep. Nem vágom, mit akar. I don't get what she wants. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH He menivät yläkertaan. They walked upstairs. They went upstairs. Húzzál innen! Go away! Get out of here! Mindkettő jó. Both are correct. They're both good. Törődök is én vele, hogy mit mond! I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says! Tom on pakkaamassa matkalaukkuaan. Tom is packing his suitcase. Tom's packing his suitcase. Minun pitää kysyä sinulta monta kysymystä. I've got a lot of questions I need to ask you. I need to ask you a lot of questions. Hét fia van. She has seven sons. He has seven sons. Egyikünk téved. One of us is wrong. One of us is wrong. Tomi oli kauhistunut. Tom was horrified. Tom was horrified. Tanulásnak jó. It's good training. Good for studying. En voi antaa sinulle välitöntä vastausta. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. Ne felejtsd el az úszónadrágodat! Don't forget your swimming trunks. Don't forget your swimming trunks. Miksi soitit minulle tähän jumalattomaan aikaan? Why did you call me at this unearthly hour? Why did you call me at this wicked time? Ne hagyd felkapcsolva a lámpát, mikor kimész! Don't leave the lights on when you leave the room. Don't leave the lights on when you go out. Ma tean, et sa sündisid Bostonis. I know you were born in Boston. I know you were born in Boston. Ma ei arvanud, et sa välja ilmud. I didn't think you'd show up. I didn't think you'd show up. Mari meg akar házasodni, Tomi nem. Mary wants to get married, Tom doesn't. Mari wants to get married, Tom doesn't. Oliko siellä tilassa joku muu? Was there anybody else in the room? Was there anyone else in that room? En koskaan jätä sinua. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Se on täysin minun syytäni. It's totally my fault. It's all my fault. Mul on hea meel, et see sobib sulle. I'm glad it works for you. I'm glad it suits you. Mikor láttad utoljára? When did you see her for the last time? When's the last time you saw him? Tomi ki lenne akadva, ha ezt látná. Tom would freak if he saw this. Tom would be shocked if he saw this. Tomi on pihi. Tom is a cheapskate. Tomi is a confessor. Mari bármit összegyűjt, ami kapcsolódik a mókusokhoz. Mary collects anything that's connected with squirrels. Mari collects anything related to the squirrels. Amikor Bostonban voltam, sok barátom volt. I had lots of friends when I was in Boston. When I was in Boston, I had a lot of friends. Tomi olisi pystynyt tekemään sen. Tom would've been able to do it. Tom could have done it. A farkasok nem olyan ravaszok, mint a rókák. Wolves are not as smart as foxes. Wolves aren't as cunning as foxes. Pikkuveljeni katsoo televisiota. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother watches TV. Tom hozott nekünk egy darab vasat. Tom brought us a piece of iron. Tom brought us a piece of iron. Mit csináljunk mi addig? What shall we do till that time? What are we supposed to do until then? Bussi tulee. The bus is coming. The bus is coming. A falu péke bezárta a boltot. The village baker has closed. The village baker closed the shop. Szolgáld ki magad, ha bármit enni szeretnél. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Serve yourself if you want to eat anything. Tee on suosittu juoma ympäri maailman. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea is a popular drink around the world. Viimeksi kun kuulin, Tomi oli Australiassa. The last I heard, Tom was in Australia. The last time I heard, Tom was in Australia. Tom teste valószínűleg már a hullaházban pihen. Tom's body is probably already resting in the morgue. Tom's body's probably in the morgue by now. Azonnal szükségem van egy munkára. I urgently need a job. I need a job right away. Nem szeretem azokat a lányokat, akik eljátsszák, hogy megközelíthetetlenek. I don't like girls who play hard to get. I don't like girls who pretend to be inaccessible. Elnyerte a szeretetét. He won her love. He's won his love. Ő csak trollkodni van itt. He's just a troll. He's just here to troll. Adjál csipszet! Give me chips. Give me some chips. Se alkoi uudelleen! It started again! It started all over again! Mikset sinä kysy opettajaltasi neuvoa? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Sa pead seda praegu tegema. You've got to do it now. You have to do it now. Hány órakor szoktál reggelizni? What time do you usually have breakfast? What time do you eat breakfast? Nyt voitte päästää irti. You can let go now. Now you can let go. Näyttää että aikaisemmin ottamani pillerit olivat tehokkaita. It seems that the pills I took earlier were effective. It seems the pills I took before were effective. Tomi flirttaili Marin kanssa, mikä sai Liisan mustasukkaiseksi. Tom was flirting with Mary, which made Alice jealous. Tomi flirted with Mari, which made Alice jealous. He eivät halua sinun tietävän. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to know. Tom családfáját egészen az őstulokig vissza lehet vezetni. Tom's family tree can be traced back to aurochs. Tom's family tree can be traced all the way back to the Aurochs. Nem tudom, melyik a te gyereked. I don't know which child is yours. I don't know which one is your kid. Az oka, hogy miért nem csinálom, az, mert nincs hozzá kedvem. The reason I don't do it is because I don't feel like it. The reason I don't do it is because I don't feel like it. Szükségem van egy töltőre a telefonomhoz. I need a charger for my phone. I need a charger for my phone. Yanni laittoi jarrun pohjaan. Yanni slammed the brake. Yanni put the brakes on. Hän heitti kapuloita rattaisiin. He threw a spanner in the works. He threw a spanner at me. Hevonen on musta. The horse is black. The horse is black. Onko kaikki kunnossa? Is everything OK? Is everything all right? Yeah. Menj lassan az ajtóhoz. Slowly walk to the door. Go slowly to the door. Rá fogok jönni magamtól. I'll find out myself. I'll figure it out on my own. Mennyire vagy éhes? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Tominak valahogyan sikerült átúsznia a folyót. Tom somehow managed to swim across the river. Somehow Tom managed to swim across the river. Sanotaan että hän tulee asettumaan ehdolle kaupunginjohtajaksi. They say that he will run for mayor. They say he will run for mayor. Megőrülök. I'm going mad. I'm crazy. Ha meg tudnám tenni, akkor megtenném. If I could do it then I would! If I could do it, I would. A lámpa kialudt, mi meg ott maradtunk a sötétben. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The light went out and we stayed in the dark. Alig mentek el a gyűlésre. Only a few people attended the meeting. They barely went to the meeting. Minulla on asioita mielessä. I have things on my mind. I have things on my mind. Miért olyan kegyetlenek ezek a lányok? Why are these girls so cruel? Why are these girls so cruel? Három férfi állt a kapuban, és sportitalt kortyolgattak. Three men stood by the gate sipping sports drinks. Three men stood at the gate sipping sports drinks. Az emeleten vagyok. I'm upstairs. I'm upstairs. Szívesen olvasok könyveket. I enjoy reading books. I like to read books. Ki gondolja így? Who thinks so? Who thinks so? Ki kell innen jutnunk. We must get out of here. We have to get out of here. Meglepett, hogy nyiva találtam az ajtót. I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I was surprised to find the door open. Egy szebb világról álmodom. I'm dreaming about a more beautiful world. I dream of a better world. A currypor többféle fűszerből áll. Curry powder is composed of several spices. Curry powder consists of several spices. Továbbra is úgy gondolom, hogy ez a legjobb választás. I still think this is the best choice. I still think this is the best choice. Mit csináltál tegnap? What were you doing yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Ez meglehetősen szórakoztató. That's rather amusing. That's quite amusing. Tahdotko omenan? Do you want an apple? You want an apple? Pillanatokon belül meg fogod szokni az itteni életet. You'll get used to living here in no time. You'll get used to life here in no time. Kissani rakastaa katkarapuja. My cat loves shrimp. My cat loves shrimp. Kuolkaa. Die. Please die. Az új király öt éves korában foglalta el az uralkodói széket. The new king assumed the throne when he was only fifteen. The new king took the throne at the age of five. Van terv? Is there a plan? Is there a plan? Ez minden, amire szükségem van, hogy boldoguljak. This is all I need to get by. That's all I need to get by. Nézd, megjött ez a baromarcú! Look, the asshole has arrived. Look, this motherfucker's here. Az nem betegség. That's not an illness. It's not a disease. Uskotko, että unelmat toteutuvat? Do you think that dreams come true? Do you believe that dreams will come true? Majdnem elájult. She almost lost consciousness. He almost fainted. Lépjünk ki! Let's quit. Let's step out. Már elkezdtek hullani az almák. The first apples have already started to fall. The apples are starting to fall. Hän oli palannut lopullisesti Englantiin. He had returned to England forever. He had returned to England once and for all. En voi tietää sitä mitenkään. I have no way of knowing. There's no way to know. Nem akarok veled menni. I don't want to go with you. I don't want to go with you. Nem vagy szörnyeteg. You aren't a monster. You're not a monster. Ő az egyetlen a barátaim közül akinek van tehetsége. He is the only one of my friends that is talented. He's the only one of my friends who has talent. Pane selga soojad riided, öine õhk on väga külm. Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold. Wear warm clothes, the night air is very cold. Varas sieppasi laukun hänen kädestään. The thief snatched the bag from her hand. The thief snatched the bag from his hand. Tämän on ajanhukkaa. This is a waste of time. This is a waste of time. En itse asiassa koskaan tavannut häntä. I never actually met him. Actually, I never met him. Szörnyen sajnálom! I'm terribly sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Se on vaikeaa. That is difficult. It's hard. Hova viszed azt az izét? Where are you bringing that thing to? Where are you taking that thing? Várni fogunk. We'll be waiting. We'll be waiting. Felveszi ezt a kimonót? Will you put on this kimono? Are you wearing this kimono? Nem tudok sokat a kutyákról. I don't know much about dogs. I don't know much about dogs. Tuo on lempibändini. That's my favorite band. That's my favorite band. Aluksi minulla oli suuria vaikeuksia. I had great difficulty at the beginning. At first I had great difficulty. Robert on Robert ja minä olen minä. Robert is Robert and I am me. Robert is Robert and I am me. Sinä sanoit, että se oli liian helppoa. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. A barátaim többsége még nem házasodott meg. Most of my friends aren't married. Most of my friends aren't married yet. Benézett az ágy alá. He looked under the bed. He looked under the bed. Teszek rá. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. Nehéz szavakba önteni. It's hard to put into words. It's hard to put into words. Se on juuttunut kiinni. It's stuck. It's stuck. Jó szórakozást! Have fun. Have a good time. On yksi asia hankkia tietoa; on aivan toinen sitä soveltaa. It is one thing to acquire knowledge; it is quite another to apply it. It is one thing to acquire knowledge; it is quite another to apply it. Bátor vagyok. I'm brave. I'm brave. Csökkentenünk kell a havi költségeinket. We need to lower our monthly expenses. We need to reduce our monthly costs. Vaikka nukuinkin viime yönä 12 tuntia putkeen, olen yhä melko väsynyt. Although I slept uninterrupted for 12 hours last night, I still feel pretty tired. Even though I slept 12 hours straight last night, I'm still pretty tired. Ugyanazt a dalt énekelte Tom egész délelőtt. Tom has been singing that same song all morning. Tom had been singing the same song all morning. Mindent nyelvnek lehet nevezni, aminek jelentése van. Everything that has meaning can be called language. Anything that has a meaning can be called a language. Hiiriä pidetään lemmikkeinä. Mice are kept as pets. Mice are considered pets. Hän puhui Korean sodan lopettamisesta. He talked about ending the war in Korea. He talked about ending the Korean War. Haza fogok menni. I'm going to go home. I'm going home. Kotona ollaan. We're at home. We're home. Menetin luottamukseni häneen. I lost my trust in him. I lost my trust in him. Az értekezletet tegnap tartották meg. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting was held yesterday. Japán fiú. He's a Japanese boy. Japanese boy. Tom kedvenc sportja a baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. He ovat yhtä vahvoja kuin me. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. Ugyanakkor érkeztünk haza. We arrived home at the same time. We came home at the same time. Én nem mondanék ilyet. I wouldn't say it like that. I wouldn't say that. Ez a kocsi nagyobb, mint az. This car is bigger than that one. This car is bigger than that. Te ezt nem értheted; te férfi vagy. You can't understand it; you're a man. You don't understand; you're a man. Akik leribancoznak, azoknak magukba kellene nézni először. Those who call me a slut should look at themselves first. Those who call me a bitch should look at themselves first. Tudom, hogy tetszeni fog neked ez a film. I know you're going to enjoy this movie. I know you're gonna love this movie. Eltévedtem. Tudna segíteni, kérem? I'm lost. Could you please help me? Can you help me, please? Edd meg az ételt! Eat your food. SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Ma teen selle järgmine kord heaks. I will make up for it next time. I'll make it up to you next time. Kuulimme oven aukeavan. We heard the door open. We heard the door open. Mi a világegyetem? What is the universe? What is the universe? Asennamme kohdevalaisimia. We'll install spotlights. We install spotlights. See ei ole raske küsimus. It's not a difficult question. This is not a difficult question. A Szuezi-csatorna összeköti a Vörös-tengert a Földközi-tengerrel. The Suez canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea. A bitcoin olyan lehet a bankokra, mint az e-mail a postára. Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry. Bitcoin can be to banks like email to the post office. Tuo oli liian helppoa. That was too easy. That was too easy. Pont ezt akartam elkerülni. That is exactly I wanted to avoid. That's exactly what I was trying to avoid. Hän on mustasukkainen ja järjetön. He's jealous and irrational. He's jealous. He's irrational. Vasárnaponként is dolgoznod kell? Do you have to work on Sundays? Do you have to work on Sundays? Ő baloldali politikus. He is a left-wing politician. He is a left-wing politician. Nem adjuk alább az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We do not lower our expectations. Ei ole muuta jumalaa kuin Allah, ja Muhammed on hänen profeettansa. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. Lényegtelen, hogy ki csinálja meg, de hétfőre készen kell lennie. I doesn't matter who does this, but it needs to be done by Monday. It doesn't matter who does it, but it should be ready by Monday. Puutarhuri oli murhaaja. The gardener was the murderer. The gardener was a murderer. Ez a 333.333. magyar mondat. This is the three hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-third Hungarian sentence. This is the 333.333. Hungarian sentence. Elegem van a nőkből! I'm fed up with women. I've had enough of women! Anna minulle voileipäsi. Give me your sandwich. Give me your sandwich. Hän veti huomioni puoleensa. She caught my eye. He got my attention. Mindkét megoldás helytelen. Both solutions are wrong. Both solutions are wrong. A háborút bármi áron el kellene kerülni. War should be avoided at all costs. War should be avoided at all costs. A tisztesség kedvéért, Tom soha nem állította, hogy ilyen sok spagettit meg tudna enni egy ültő helyében. In fairness to Tom, he never claimed he could eat that much spaghetti in one sitting. To be fair, Tom never claimed he could eat so much spaghetti in a sitting position. Sokkal alaposabbnak kellett volna lennem. I should have been more thorough. I should have been more thorough. Puhun ranskaa ainoastaan Tomin kanssa. I only speak French with Tom. I only speak French with Tom. Tom ei hengitä. Tom isn't breathing. Tom's not breathing. Ne aggódj miattuk! Don't worry about them. Don't worry about them. Mennään uimaan jokeen. Let's go and swim in the river. Let's go swimming in the river. Tunsin vetoa häntä kohtaan. I felt drawn toward her. I was drawn to him. Jaj, ne! Már megint ő az. Oh no, it's her again. Oh, no, it's him again. Ott leszünk. We'll be there. We'll be there. Ezt mondták. They said that. That's what they said. Tom már nem tagja ennek a klubnak. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Az ár nagyon magas. The price is very high. The price is very high. Hallok! I can hear. I hear! Ha nincs a térkép, nem találtuk volna meg az utat. If it hadn't been for the map, we wouldn't have found the way. If we didn't have the map, we wouldn't have found the way. Amikor elfelejtettem az ígéretem, nagyon dühös lett. When I forgot my promise, he got really angry. When I forgot my promise, he got very angry. Jó illata van. That smells nice. Smells good. Mindig is találkozni akartam veled. I've always wanted to meet you. I've always wanted to meet you. Mari ei rakasta mua. Mary doesn't love me. Mari doesn't love me. Nem lakhat messze innen. She can't live far from here. You can't live far from here. Nem gondolom, hogy ez az ing illik ahhoz a vörös nyakkendőhöz. I don't think this shirt goes with that red tie. I don't think this shirt fits that red tie. Minulla on paljon kuumetta. I have a high fever. I have a lot of fever. — Jól vagy? — Ja, minden rendben. "Are you OK?" "Yes, everything's fine." “You okay?” “Yeah, it’s okay. Egyik Tomi egyiptomi. One of the Toms is Egyptian. Tom is an Egyptian. Mukavaa lomaa. Have a nice holiday. Have a nice vacation. Se ei ole tietokoneongelma. It's not a computer problem. It's not a computer problem. A szívverése szabályos. You have a regular pulse. His heart rate's normal. Kaipaatko Tomia? Do you miss Tom? You miss Tom? Hol van már Tomi? Where's Tom already? Where is Tom? Le tudná írni nekem? Could you write that down for me? Can you describe it to me? Nektek van kerékpárotok? Do you have bicycles? Do you have a bicycle? Az eső nem vetett véget a táncnak. The rain didn't stop the dancers. The rain did not stop the dance. Ma ütlen Tomile, et sa oled siin. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. Ainakaan minä en ole kaltaisesi luuseri. At least I'm not a loser like you. At least I'm not a loser like you. Paperi jäi jumiin printterin sisälle ja nyt se ei toimi. A piece of paper got jammed in the printer and now it doesn't work. The paper got stuck inside the printer and now it doesn't work. Hän yritti tehdä itsemurhan. She tried to commit suicide. He tried to commit suicide. Kivel beszél Tom? Who's Tom speaking to? Who's Tom talking to? Älä yritä lahjoa minua. Don't try to bribe me. Don't try to bribe me. En voi lähteä elokuviin. I can't go to the movies. I can't go to the movies. Oletko uskonnollinen? Are you a religious person? Are you religious? Fejezd már be a főnökösködést! Stop acting like I'm your servant. Will you stop being bossy? Tomi joi yksin sen koko viinipullollisen. Tom drank that entire bottle of wine by himself. Tom drank the whole bottle of wine by himself. Tom jó szakács? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? Terveztem felhívni őt, de elfelejtettem. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I was gonna call her, but I forgot. Tomi on vakuuttunut siitä, että yhdessä edellisistä elämistään hän oli orava. Tom is convinced that he once lived as a squirrel in a past life. Tom is convinced that in one of his previous lives he was a squirrel. Jos ystäväsi hyppäisivät sillalta, hyppäisitkö sinäkin? If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? Nad saabuvad õhtul. They'll arrive tonight. They arrive at night. Olisinpa Suomessa. I wish I was in Finland. Wish I was in Finland. Nem mehettek be. You can't go in. You can't go in there. Akkor csöndbe maradt. Then she fell silent. Then it's quiet. Tatoebaa käyttämällä opit kieliä. Using Tatoeba, you learn languages. Using Tatoeba, you will learn languages. Tom vett Marynek egy italt. Tom bought a drink for Mary. Tom bought Mary a drink. Az én bátyámmal kavar ő, én meg az ő húgával járok. She's dating my brother and I'm dating her sister. She's sleeping with my brother, and I'm sleeping with her sister. Tomi és Mari narkós haverok. Tom and Mary are junkie buddies. Tomi and Mari are junkie buddies. Van egy csomó jó sztorim. I have a ton of cool stories. I have a lot of good stories. Szörnyek jöttek elő az árnyékokból. Monsters came out of the shadows. Monsters came out of the shadows. Tyttäreni menetys on vienyt minulta elämänilon. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. The loss of my daughter has robbed me of the joy of life. Tom ei ollut nukkumassa, kun tulin kotiin. Tom wasn't sleeping when I got home. Tom wasn't asleep when I got home. Osaatteks te ottaa pois kuuden kymmenestä? Can you subtract six from ten? You know how to take six out of ten? Senki sem él ebben a házban. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. Mary lukitsi itsensä vessaan ja alkoi itkeä. Mary locked herself in the toilet and started to cry. She locked herself in the bathroom and started crying. Sosem adtam meg neki azt az élményt, hogy sírni lásson. I'll never give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I never gave her the experience of seeing me cry. Csak piros van. We only have red ones. It's just red. Add ide a botomat. Give me my stick. Give me my cane. Mistä tässä oikeasti on kyse? What's this really about? What is this really about? Megállt a busz és sok utas leszállt. The bus stopped, and several passengers got off. The bus stopped and many passengers got off. A szavamat adom rá. You have my word on it. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Anteeksi että olen myöhässä. Pardon me for coming late. I'm sorry I'm late. A lelked sötétté lett az évek alatt. Your heart has blackened over the years. Your soul has grown dark over the years. Éppen egy könyvet olvas. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Hallotta kiáltani. She heard him cry. He heard her scream. Se oli vain unta. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. Tomi suhtes käituti tõesti väga ebaõiglaselt. Tom really got a raw deal. Tom was treated unfairly. Úgy döntöttem, felmondok. I decided to quit the job. I've decided to quit. Még mindig nem tudom, miért tetted. I still don't know why you did it. I still don't know why you did it. Olet aivan pöhkö. You've gone mad. You're a fucking idiot. Missä Tom syö aamupalaa? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Ära puuduta mind! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Elfogadod a javaslatunkat? Do you agree to our proposal? Do you accept our proposal? Ki ütötte meg Tomit? Who hit Tom? Who hit Tom? Nagyra becsülöm az ön együttműködését. I really appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Szarkazmust érzékelek? Do I detect sarcasm? Do I detect sarcasm? Kotiin tultuaan Tom teki läksyt. Tom came home and did his homework. When he got home, Tom did his homework. Yritin avata sitä, mutta turhaan. I tried in vain to open it. I tried to open it, but to no avail. Tomi kadehti kaveriaan. Tom envied his friend. Tom was jealous of his friend. Lakkaa jahkailemasta – huomisesta alkaen. Stop procrastinating–starting tomorrow. Stop fussing – starting tomorrow. Te nem játszol tisztességesen! You don't play fair. You're not playing fair! A legtöbb ember inkább az érzéseire alapozza a politikai állásfoglalását, mint sem bizonyítékra. Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence. Most people base their political stance on their feelings rather than on evidence. Tiedätkö moneltako ostari menee kiinni? Do you know what time the shopping center closes? Do you know what time the mall closes? Kuinka monta päivää aiot viettää Bostonissa? How many days will you stay in Boston? How many days are you going to be in Boston? Két órát várt rád. He waited for you for two hours. He's been waiting for you for two hours. Ne ébressz fel, ha alszom! Don't wake me up when I sleep. Don't wake me when I'm asleep. Tom a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tom's our son. Mára már összeépült a két város. By now, the two towns are built together. The two cities are now united. Ez csodálatos eredmény. This is an amazing result. That's a wonderful result. Én tudom a te jelszavadat. I know your password. I know your password. Sokat tanultam nagyapámtól. I learned a lot from my grandad. I learned a lot from my grandfather. Tom egyke. Tom is an only child. Tom's only child. Rakastatko veljeäni enemmän kuin minua? Do you love my brother more than me? Do you love my brother more than me? Vilustuin ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got a cold and I have a fever. Tuo ratikka on uusin malli. That streetcar is the most recent model. That tram is the latest model. Mikor lesz végre vége? When is it going to stop? When will it finally be over? Työ oletta vanha. You are old. Work assume old. Olen vaihtanut kotisivujeni ulkoasua. I've changed my website's layout. I have changed the layout of my website. Mitä tapahtuu? What's happening? What's going on? Megvártalak. I've waited for you. I waited. Ígéretet tettem apátoknak, hogy gondotokat viselem. I promised your father to take care of you. I made a promise to your father that I'd take care of you. Mondd meg Tomnak, hogy az állomásnál találkozzon velünk. Tell Tom to meet us at the station. Tell Tom to meet us at the station. Mi még nem vettünk fenyőfát. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought a pine tree yet. Miten kaunis hän onkaan! How beautiful she is! How beautiful she is! Ha valóban akarok valamit, keményen megdolgozok érte. When I really want something, I work hard for it. If I really want something, I work hard for it. Tom jó munkát végzett. Tom did good work. Tom did a good job. Mary csak állt és nézte Tomot. Mary stood watching Tom. Mary just stood there and watched Tom. Maradj látókörön kívül. Stay out of sight. Stay out of sight. Csak ugratlak. I'm just kidding. I'm teasing you. Ezek mind ugyanannyiba kerülnek? Do these all cost the same? Do they all cost the same? Nem bírok enni már. I can't eat anymore. I can't eat anymore. Következő évben, Tamás és én Bostonba megyünk. Next year, Tom and I are going to Boston. Next year, Tom and I are going to Boston. Haluan tavata isosiskosi. I want to meet your older sister. I want to see your big sister. Mida sa juua tahad? What'll you have to drink? What do you want to drink? — Hallod, szomszéd! Nem akarod lenyírni a füvet? — Á! Megmarad méhlegelőnek. "Hey, neighbor! Don't you want to mow the lawn?" "No way! I'm keeping it as a bee pasture." “You don’t want to mow the lawn, do you, neighbor?” Lause on lyhyt ja yksinkertainen, mutta ilman kontekstiä siitä ei ole hyötyä oikeastaan kenellekään. The sentence is short and simple, but without context it will be useful to almost no one. The sentence is short and simple, but without a context it is really of no use to anyone. Tomi ei pystynyt estää sitä. Tom couldn't prevent it. Tom couldn't stop it. Onko sinulla kiire? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? Ma otsustasin saada arstiks. I decided to become a doctor. I decided to become a doctor. Tom tahtoi tehdä muutoksen. Tom wanted to make a change. Tom wanted to make a change. Kummista pidät enemmän, simpukoista vai ostereista? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Which do you prefer, mussels or oysters? Tämä kello on kallis. This watch is expensive. This watch is expensive. Tom tuskin koskaan valittaa mistään. Tom almost never complains about anything. Tom never complains about anything. Minulla ei ole paljoa aikaa. Voisitko sinä hoitaa sen? I don't have a lot of time. Can you take care of it? I don't have a lot of time. Rendben. Ok. Yeah, okay. Nem ő az egyetlen, aki így gondolkodik. He is not the only one who thinks this way. He's not the only one who thinks that way. Nem hívott vissza. She didn't call me back. He didn't call me back. Nouse ylös ja esittele itsesi. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself. A napkelte a kedvencem a napban. Sunrise is my favorite time of day. Sunrise is my favorite time of day. Kíváncsiak vagyunk. We're intrigued. We're curious. Hän on nuori opiskelija. He is a young student. He's a young student. Tomi menő csávó. Tom is cool. Tom's a cool guy. Angolul írták. It's written in English. It's in English. Nem tudta, mit kezdjen a problémával. She didn't know what to do with the problem. He did not know what to do with the problem. Se merkitsee minulle paljon. That means a lot to me. It means a lot to me. Míg egy nőnek kilenc hónap alatt lesz egy gyereke, addig kilenc nőnek egy hónap alatt egy gyereke se lesz. While it takes one woman nine months to make one baby, nine women can't make a baby in one month. While a woman will have a child in nine months, nine women will have no children in one month. A legjobb barátom vagy. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Fütyörészik, miközben fürdik. He whistles while he's having a bath. He whistles while he bathes. — Nos, jól érzed magad itt? — Ugyan sem! "So, are you enjoying it here?" "No way!" “Well, are you all right here?” En pidä liiketoimien ja huvin sekoittamisesta. I don't like to mix business with pleasure. I don't like mixing business and pleasure. Lopeta juoruilu. Stop gossiping. Stop gossiping. Ma tahan õuna. I want an apple. I want an apple. Käske Tomin nostaa puhelin. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. Hei, sinä! Hey, you! Hey, you! Tom egyre gazdagabb. Tom is getting rich. Tom's getting richer. Hän oli kulkemassa tungoksen läpi. He was making his way through the crowd. He was passing through the crowd. Ne rohanj! Don't rush. Don't run! Olen nyt kiireinen enkä voi mennä ulos. I'm busy now and can't go out. I'm busy right now, and I can't go out. Kontrolli, kas gaasikraan on suletud. Check if the gas tap is closed. Check that the gas valve is closed. Niin ei aina ole. That's not always the case. That's not always the case. Sijaitseeko elokuvateatteri lähellä asemaa? Is the movie theater near the station? Is there a cinema near the station? Voisit ainakin vastata minulle. The least you could do is to answer me. You could at least answer me. Tomi sytytti kynttilän viimeisellä tulitikulla. Tom lit the candle with his last match. Tom lit a candle with the last match. Onko sinulla ollut viime aikoina rintakipuja? Have you had chest pain recently? Have you had chest pain lately? Missä sinä olet? Where are you? Hey, where are you? Egy év alatt a fiam erősebb lett. In the course of a year my son grew stronger. Within a year, my son became stronger. Olen aikeissa asua setäni luona. I'm planning to stay at my uncle's place. I'm going to live with my uncle. Nincs jelentősége, hogy kicsoda ön – nem egedhetem be. It doesn't matter who you are. I can't let you in. It doesn’t matter who you are – I can’t get enough of you. Kuusi ovat palamassa. Six of them are burning. Six are burning. Onko pääsi kipeä? Does your head hurt? Is your head hurting? Egyikőjüket ismerem. I know one of them. I know one of them. Véleményem szerint az eszperantó nagyon nehéz. In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. Vett egy gyűszűvirágot. He bought a thimble. He bought a thimble flower. Szeretnék táncolni. I'd like to dance. I'd like to dance. Szabad vagy kedden? Are you free on Tuesdays? Are you free on Tuesday? Tomi on nuori. Tom is young. Tom is young. Mi ott voltunk, ti nem. We were there. You weren't. We were there, you weren't. Itt egykettőre megtalálnak minket. They'll find us here soon. They'll find us here in no time. Tom a hónap kedvence. Tom is flavour of the month. Tom's favorite of the month. Többször adta már a fejét házasságra. He has had several goes at marriage. He's given his head to marriage several times. Autó indul a parkolóból. A car is leaving the parking lot. Car starts from the parking lot. Olen juomassa kahvia. I'm drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Tom nem bízik a kormányban. Tom doesn't trust the government. Tom doesn't trust the government. Miért jelennek meg hirtelen a madarak a tavasz közeledtével? Why do birds suddenly appear every time spring is near? Why do birds suddenly appear as spring approaches? Tomilla on synkkä menneisyys. Tom has a dark past. Tom has a dark past. Puhu hänelle. Talk to her. Talk to him. Näin jotain hyvin epätavallista. I saw something very unusual. I saw something very unusual. Olen melko varma, ettei Tom osaa ranskaa. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't know how to speak French. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't speak French. Se, onnistutko vai et, riippuu ponnisteluistasi. Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts. Whether you succeed or not depends on your efforts. Jó asszonynak tartom magam. I consider myself a good wife. I consider myself a good woman. Etkö tiedä hänen nimeään? Don't you know his name? You don't know his name? Hän juo ainoastaan juopuakseen. He drinks only for the sake of getting drunk. He only drinks to get drunk. Kui vanad olid su lapsed, kui te Bostonisse kolisite? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? Mi változott, mióta utoljára itt voltam? What has changed since the last time I was here? What's changed since the last time I was here? Toas on piisavalt külalisi. There are plenty of guests in the room. There are enough guests in the room. Nagyon szívesen megtenném még egyszer. I'd love to do it again. I'd love to do it again. Hän ei ollut käynyt hammaslääkärissä vuosiin. She hadn't been to the dentist for many years. He hadn't been to the dentist in years. See on siin tavaline suhtumine. That's a common attitude here. This is a common attitude here. Kerro minulle työstäsi. Tell me about your job. Tell me about your work. Tuo tietokoneesi. Bring your computer. Bring your computer. A bal felső sarokban az van odaírva, hogy "eladó". In the upper left corner it says "For sale". It says "for sale" in the top left corner. Nagyszájú, de nem csinál semmit. He's got a big mouth but he does nothing. He's got a big mouth, but he's not doing anything. — Meghalsz! — Mindannyian meghalunk. "You'll die." "We all will." We're all going to die. Työnnä ovi auki. Push the door open. Push the door open. Az emberek vakon és céltalanul bolyonganak a jelen útvesztőjében. People are blindly and aimlessly walking in the labyrinth of the present. People are wandering blindly and aimlessly in the labyrinth of the present. Hajlandó vagyok megkockáztatni. I'm willing to risk that. I'm willing to take that chance. Saavuitte juuri sillä hetkellä kun minä lähdin. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived just as I was leaving. Hazudik a kormány. The government lies. The government is lying. ALV on Saksassa 19 prosenttia. The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent. The VAT rate in Germany is 19%. Vegye le a ruháit és kövesse az utasításaimat! Take off your clothes and follow my instructions. Take off your clothes and follow my instructions. Tom mindig elveszi a ceruzáimat és a radírjaimat. Tom's always taking my pencils and rubbers. Tom always takes away my pencils and my erasers. Ta kirjutab mulle kord nädalas. He writes me once a week. He writes to me once a week. A kígyók általában nem marnak, ha nincsenek provokálva. Snakes don't usually bite if they're not provoked. Snakes don't usually bite unless provoked. Légy okos! Be smart. Be smart.