Szó nélkül kiment a szobából. He went out of the room without saying any words. He went out of the room without a word. Szeles az idő? Is it windy? Time's running out? Megsérült egy autóbalesetben. She was injured in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Tom nagyon energikus. Tom is very energetic. Tom's very energetic. A zöld kukászacskó lyukas. The green trash bag is leaking. The green rooster's holed up. Tomi vois kertoo sulle. Tom could tell you. Tom could tell you. Mie olen nuori. I am young. I'm young. Hauskaa kekrijuhlaa! Happy Halloween! Have a nice party! Ők nekem dolgoznak. They work for me. They work for me. Kínos elkésni egy randiról. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. Egy órán keresztül bolyongtam, amíg aztán rájöttem, merre kell menni. I spent an hour wandering before I realised which way I needed to go. I spent an hour bouncing until I figured out where to go. Nehéz napom volt. I had a hard day. I've had a hard day. Vahest järgmine kord sa kuulad, kui ma palun sul ettevaatlik olla. Maybe next time you'll listen to me when I tell you to be careful. Maybe next time I ask you to be careful. Maa pyörii Auringon ympäri. The Earth revolves around the sun. The earth is spinning around the sun. Ostin voileivän. I bought a sandwich. I bought a sandwich. Ez egy extra. That's extra. It's an extra. Mitä sinä teit väärin? What did you do wrong? What did you do wrong? Tom työskenteli keittiössä ollessaan vankilassa. While in prison, Tom worked in the kitchen. Tom worked in the kitchen when he was in prison. Käärme nielaisi sammakon. The snake swallowed a frog. The snake swallowed a frog. Tamás becsukta az ajtót Mária előtt. Tom closed the door in Mary's face. Thomas closed the door in front of Mary. Fél órával vagyunk éjfél után. It is half past midnight. We're half an hour after midnight. Véget értek a forró nyári napok és felváltották őket a hűvös téli napok. Hot summer days ended and cool autumn days followed. The hot summer days are over and replaced by cool winter days. Kuusipuu on palaamassa. The spruce is returning. There's a tree coming back. Hideg van Németországban? Is it cold in Germany? Is it cold in Germany? Ennemmin tai myöhemmin hän taitaa ranskan kielen. Sooner or later, he will master French. Sooner or later, he'll speak French. Viisitoista ei ole alkuluku. Fifteen is not a prime number. Fifteen isn't the first chapter. Te olette kännissä! You are drunk! You're drunk! Me olimme lukemassa. We were reading. We were reading. Van önnek horgászengedélye? Do you have a fishing license? Do you have a fishing permit? Esetleg tanulhatnék németül. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I could study German. Mietittekö te tosissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? Onko sinulla koira? Have you a dog? Do you have a dog? Tomi kirjoitti kepillä nimensä hiekkaan. Tom wrote his name in the sand with a stick. Tomi wrote his name on the sand with a stick. Tumblr on suosittu blogialusta. Tumblr is a popular blogging platform. Tumblr is a popular blogger. Lehtemme tarvitsee parempia kirjoittajia. Our magazine need better writers. Our paper needs better writers. Ezt jó tudni. That's good to know. That's good to know. Semmi értelme gyónnod a papnak, ha nem tanúsítasz bűnbánatot. It's no use confessing your sins to the priest if you don't think twice before repeating them. It doesn't make sense for you to confess to the priest if you don't testify. Haluan katsoa televisiota. I'd like to watch TV. I want to watch TV. Belapátoltam az ebédet. I ate a hasty lunch. I flattered the lunch. Szándékosan ejtette el zsebkendőjét, hogy felhívja az ő figyelmét. She dropped her handkerchief on purpose to draw his attention. He deliberately dropped his handkerchief to draw his attention. Ethän sinä kertonut hänelle mitään? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him anything, did you? Az alap nagyon sziklás volt. The ground was very rocky. The foundation was very rocky. Azt veled kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that with you. I should have done that with you. Se oli vähän pelottavaa aluksi. It was a bit scary at first. It was a little scary at first. Tom egyedül volt. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Fő a kávé. The coffee is brewing. Coffee's great. Mennyi időt kell várnom a következő autóbuszig? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? Tom nem tudja kinek higgyen: Johnnak vagy Marynek. Tom doesn't know who to believe: John or Mary. Tom doesn't know who to believe: John or Mary. Tom vapautti linnun. Tom set the bird free. Tom set the bird free. Engedélyezve van? Is that allowed? Is it authorized? Nem vagyok csúnya. I'm not ugly. I'm not ugly. Mindenkinek maradnia kell. Everyone has to stay. Everyone has to stay. En usko Tomin haluavan vanhaa pyöräänne. I don't think that Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. Tom hallgatózik. Tom is eavesdropping. Tom's listening. Oda kell adnom neki. I must give it to him. I have to give it to him. Összeszedettebbnek kellett volna lennem. I should have been more organized. I should have been more condensed. Tomi on todella arvaamaton. Tom is very unpredictable. Tom's really unpredictable. Nem értem a kérdést. I didn't understand the question. I don't understand the question. Úgy látszik, semmi sem nő meg ezen a talajon. Nothing seems to grow in this soil. Looks like nothing's growing on this earth. Tom orvostanhallgató. Tom is a medical student. Tom's a doctor. En mieluummin haluaisi keskustella siitä juuri nyt. I'd rather not discuss it right now. I'd rather not discuss it right now. Akart venni egy könyvet. He wanted to buy a book. He wanted to buy a book. Прӧшша кора. Sorry! For example, Jehoshaphat had a big invitation to serve at Bethel. Nagypapa vagyok. I'm a grandfather. I'm a grandfather. Nem fogom Tomot kidobni. I'm not going to throw Tom out. I'm not gonna throw Tom out. Jut kenyér mindenkinek. There is enough bread for all of you. There's bread for everyone. Kukaan ei voi elää kahtasataa vuotta. Nobody can live for two hundred years. No one can live two hundred years. Ne a pajtában tárold a kerékpárodat! Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. Don't keep your bike in the barn. Atomipommi on valtava uhka ihmiskunnalle. The atomic bomb is a great threat to humanity. A nuclear bomb is a huge threat to mankind. Sinun täytyy olla valmiina, mitä tahansa tapahtuukin. You have to be ready for whatever happens. You have to be ready, no matter what happens. Ő egy született költő. He is a born poet. He's a born poet. Miért nem válaszolsz apádnak? Why don't you answer your dad? Why don't you answer your dad? Istu paikallasi. Sit still. Sit down. A ti iskolátokban tanítják a francia nyelvet? Is French taught at your school? They teach French in your school? Mitä lehteä tilaat? What newspaper do you subscribe to? What magazine do you order? Nem szabad tiszteletlenül beszélni a halottakról. You must not speak disrespectfully of the dead. You mustn't speak disrespectfully of the dead. Minun täytyy pysyä rauhallisena. I must be calm. I need to stay calm. Ota selvää mikä on ongelma. Find out what the problem is. Find out what the problem is. Tomi és Mari abbahagyta a csókolódzást. Tom and Mary stopped kissing. Tomi and Mari stopped kissing. Ha megsebzed őt, kinyírlak. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If you hurt him, I'll kill you. Turvamiehenne ei suostunut päästämään minua sisälle. Your security guard wouldn't let me in. Your security guard wouldn't let me in. Herra Jaakkola on ranskanopettajamme. Mr. Jackson is our French teacher. Mr. Jaakkola is our French teacher. Ezt meg kell, hogy értsd. You must understand it. You have to understand that. Mitä hän tekee täällä? What is she doing here? What's he doing here? Minä puhuin vain saksaa. I was speaking only German. I was just talking German. Pikkupoika tunsi olonsa turvalliseksi isänsä sylissä. The little boy felt secure in his father's arms. The little boy felt safe in his father's arms. Örökké szeretnék élni. I intend to live forever. I want to live forever. Sokkal precízebbnek kellett volna lennem. I should have been more precise. I should have been more precise. Szerinted jóképű voltam? Would you say I was good-looking? You think I was handsome? Aiotko sinä vain jäädä tänne? Are you just going to stay here? Are you just gonna stay here? Voin kuulla Tomin soittavan kitaraa makuuhuoneessaan. I can hear Tom playing guitar in his bedroom. I can hear Tom playing guitar in his bedroom. Tiedän, että jopa kaikista kauneimman suudelman on päätyttävä. I know that even the most beautiful kiss must come to an end. I know that even the most beautiful kiss must end. Csak egy esélyt adok neked rá. I'm only going to give you one chance to do that. I'm just giving you a chance. Van egy térképe? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Ota kenkäsi pois japanilaisessa kodissa. Remove your shoes in a Japanese house. Take your shoes off in a Japanese home. Mutasd a bokáidat. Show me your ankles. Show me your ankles. Menetin luottamukseni häneen. I lost my trust in him. I lost my trust in him. Oletko lukenut viime aikoina mitään mielenkiintoisia kirjoja? Have you read any interesting books recently? Have you read any interesting books lately? Rikoitko sinä ikkunan tarkoituksella vai vahingossa? Did you break the window on purpose or by accident? Did you deliberately break the window or accidentally? Hän vaikuttaa varakkaalta monine taloineen. He appears to be wealthy, with the numerous houses he has. He seems wealthy with a lot of houses. See on pikk jutt. It's a long story. It's a long story. Már este tíz óra van. It's already ten o'clock at night. It's ten o'clock already. Sinä tuhlaat rahasi. You're wasting your money. You're wasting your money. Tuo viiniä. Bring wine. Bring me some wine. Örömmel csináltam. I had fun doing this. I'd be happy to do it. Olet vätys. You're a slob. You're a pain in the ass. Algéria hét országgal határos. Algeria has borders with seven countries. Algeria is bordering seven countries. Nem tudom, melyik gyerek a tied. I don't know which child is yours. I don't know which child is yours. Tom talán nem tudja, Mary miért nincs itt. Tom might not know why Mary isn't here. Maybe Tom doesn't know why Mary's not here. Hän odotti tunti tolkulla. She waited for hours and hours. He waited an hour. Olet mukava tyyppi! Olet niin kiltti minulle! Kiitos. You are such a nice person! You are so kind to me! Thank you. You're such a nice guy, you're so nice to me! Hány éves is vagy? How old are you anyway? How old are you? Kevésbé volt érdekes, mint amilyennek képzeltem. That was less interesting than I thought it would be. It was less interesting than I thought it would be. Van egy javaslatom. I have a suggestion. I have a suggestion. Nincs senki más. There's nobody else. There's no one else. Elämä imitoi taidetta enemmän kuin taide elämää. Life imitates art far more than art imitates life. Life infiltrated art more than art in life. Újra átgondoltam. I've reconsidered it. I've thought about it again. Tomi alkoi siirtymään. Tom began to move. Tomi started moving. Kikapcsolták nála a vizet, mert nem fizette be a számlát. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. They turned off the water on him because he didn't pay the bill. Ma ei arvanud, et sa pahaks paned. I didn't think you'd mind. I didn't think you'd mind. Lapsia ei pidä lelliä piloille. Children shouldn't be spoiled. You don't have to make fun of the kids. Nem eszem. I am not eating. I'm not eating. Csináljunk valami mókásat. Let's do something fun. Let's do something fun. Laskekaa ankkuri! Drop the anchor! Lower the anchor! Nagyra becsülöm az ön együttműködését. I really appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Sinun täytyy tehdä niin kuin minä käsken. You must do as I tell you. You have to do what I tell you to do. Tom tahtoi ostaa matkamuistoja. Tom wanted to buy some souvenirs. Tom wanted to buy souvenirs. Tulitko tänne tapaamaan Tomia? Are you here to see Tom? Are you here to see Tom? Felismertem az arcát. I recognized his face. I recognized her face. Tuo on se bussipysäkki. That is the bus stop. That's the bus stop. Sajnálom, de nem jól hallom önt. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you. Osztálytársak vagyunk. We're classmates. We're classmates. Tom kirjoittaa ahkerasti jotakin pöytänsä ääressä. Tom is busy writing something at his desk. Tom's busy writing something at his desk. Tarvitsetko vielä minun apuani? Do you still need my help? You still need my help? Kiitos kun autoit minut tien yli. Thank you for helping me cross the road. Thank you for helping me across the street. Sziasztok! Hello all! Hey. Tom odotti, mutta Mary ei koskaan tullut takaisin. Tom waited, but Mary never came back. Tom was waiting, but Mary never came back. Senki nem tudhatja, mit tartogat a jövő. No one knows what the future holds. No one knows what the future holds. Ezt oltsd le. Turn this off. Put this down. Myrsky tuhosi kotisi. Your home was destroyed by the storm. The storm destroyed your home. Elég furcsa volt. It was rather strange. It was kind of weird. Miksi olet niin väsynyt tänään? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Ki törődik ezzel a kutyával? Who looks after this dog? Who cares about this dog? Кык коӵыше вань. I have two cats. Doing so will help you to do the same. Tykkään katsoa telkkaria. I like watching TV. I like watching TV. Tom több lehetőséget fontolgat. Tom is considering several possibilities. Tom's considering more options. Tänä aamuna lähdin kouluun pesemättä naamaani. This morning, I left for school without washing my face. This morning I went to school without washing my face. A lány iskolába megy. The girl goes to school. She's going to school. Nézd meg, hogy tollas-e a hátam! What kind of fool do you think I am? See if I've got a pen on my back. Szeretem a komolyzenét. I like classical music. I love serious music. Nem hiszem, hogy a dolgok megváltoznak. I don't think things will change. I don't think things change. He ovat vihollinen. They're the enemy. They're the enemy. Az asztal alatt van. It's under the table. It's under the table. Ta on väike mees. He is a small man. He's a little man. Eskü alatt állsz. You are under oath. You're under oath. Tom azt mondta nekik, hogy ne tegyék ezt. Tom told them not to do that. Tom told them not to do this. Ton etsi kaikkialta kameraansa. Tom looked around for his camera. Ton was looking everywhere for his camera. Nagyon tetszik a házad. I love your house. I really like your house. Van almád? Do you have any apples? Do you have apples? Voisitko kertoa mistä sait tämän? Would you mind telling where you got this? Can you tell me where you got this? On vielä yksi kysymys, johon et ole vielä vastannut. There's still one more question that you haven't yet answered. There's one more question you haven't answered yet. Isäni tulee kotiin seitsemältä. My father will come home at seven. My dad's coming home at 7:00. Máris?! Already?! Already? Elfutotta a méreg. She got angry. He ran away from the poison. Hän on konferenssissa. He is in conference. He's at the conference. Hän on elossa! She's alive! He's alive! Kérlek, válaszolj! Please reply. Please answer me. Ne nézzünk tévét! Let's not watch TV. Let's not watch TV. Mitä useampia ihmisiä tunnet, sitä vähemmän aikaa sinulla on heidän tapaamiseen. The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. The more people you know, the less time you have to meet them. Hän rakastaa shoppailua. He loves shopping. He loves shopping. Elmondtam Tomnak, hol vettem a biciklimet. I told Tom where I'd bought my bicycle. I told Tom where I bought my bike. Tomi luuli, että olin Mari. Tom thought that I was Mary. Tomi thought I was Mari. Személyesen odament. He went there in person. He went there himself. Haluaisin käydä joskus Ranskassa. I'd like to go to France one day. I'd like to visit France sometime. Voi jättää sen minun huolekseni. You can leave that to me. You can leave it to me. Olen syntynyt kahdeskymmenestoinen marraskuuta vuonna tuhat yhdeksänsataa neljäkymmentäkahdeksan. I was born on the twenty second of November, nineteen forty eight. I was born twenty-two November in one thousand nine hundred forty-eight. Minä annan rahat sinulle. I will give you the money. I'll give you the money. Vannak unokái? Do you have any grandchildren? Do you have grandkids? Mária egyedül neveli a gyerekeit. Mary is a single mother. Mary is raising her children alone. Ez a film unalmas. This movie is boring. This movie is boring. Tom nem fog megbántani engem. Tom is not going to hurt me. Tom won't hurt me. Nem voltam rosszul. It didn't feel bad. I wasn't wrong. Tatoeba-korpus ei ole täydellinen. Julkisen yhteistyöhön perustuvan projektin luoteesta johtuen nämä tiedot eivät tule ikinä olemaan sataprosenttisesti virheettömiä. The Tatoeba Corpus is not error-free. Due to the nature of a public collaborative project, this data will never be 100% free of errors. The Tatoeba Corps is not complete. Due to the trust of a public co-operation project, this information will never be 100% flawless. Éppen a hegedülést gyakorolja. She is practicing the violin now. He's practicing the violin. Onko sinulla herätyskello huoneessasi? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have a alarm clock in your room? Pidän viinirypäleistä. I like grapes. I like grapes. Hän kosketti hänen käsivarressaan olevaa mustelmaa. She touched the bruise on his arm. He touched the bruise on his arm. Nyt olen todella väsynyt. I'm really tired right now. Now I'm really tired. Nincs jobb lehetőség. There's no better option. There's no better way. Apám aggódik az egészségem miatt. My father is worried about my health. My dad's worried about my health. Hän teeskentelee nukkuvansa. Siksi hän ei kuorsaa. She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring. He's pretending to be asleep, that's why he doesn't snort. Mu tulen tagasi mõne minuti pärast. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back in a few minutes. Majd kitalálok valamit. I'll make something up. I'll figure something out. Köztudott, hogy a medve szereti a mézet. It's common knowledge that bears like honey. It's common knowledge that the bear likes honey. Oletko ikinä ollut Amerikassa? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Miksette kysy opettajaltanne neuvoa? Why do you not ask your teacher for advice? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Sul on palavik. You've got a fever. You've got a fever. Nem elfogadhatóak nekünk ezek a feltételek. Those terms are not acceptable for us. These conditions are not acceptable to us. Nem egyszerű itt az élet. Living here isn't easy. Life isn't easy here. Te nem tudod, mennyire szeretlek. You don't know how much I love you. You don't know how much I love you. Surnud? Dead? Dead? Olemme innokkaita. We're enthusiastic. We're very eager. Kõik on sinu üle uhked. Everyone is proud of you. Everybody's proud of you. Ez a pizza gusztustalan! This pizza is disgusting! This pizza is disgusting! Ilman muuta. Undoubtedly. Of course. Missä maito on? Where's the milk? Where's the milk? Voltál már Isztambulban? Have you ever been in Istanbul? Have you ever been to Istanbul? Tarvitsen kannettavan. I need a laptop. I need a laptop. Piru sinut perikööt! Damn you! Damn you! Ma tahan raamatu. I want a book. I want a book. Tom nagyon lusta. Tom's very lazy. Tom's very lazy. Sinulla on paljon opittavaa miehiin liittyen. You have a lot to learn about men. You have a lot to learn about men. Tom nukkui liian myöhään tänä aamuna. Tom overslept this morning. Tom slept too late this morning. Tomi näytti naurettavalta. Tom looked foolish. Tom looked ridiculous. Tom sétált be. Tom walked in. Tom walked in. Hän ei vain kieltäytynyt auttamasta minua, vaan myös läksytti minua. Not only did he refuse to help me, but also he scolded me. He not only refused to help me, he also taught me. En saa kantta auki. I can't get the lid off. I can't open the lid. Tänään on sinun onnenpäiväsi. Today is your lucky day. It's your lucky day. Allekirjoita tähän. Sign here. Sign here. Tom nagyon jó énekes, de sosem énekel a templomban. Tom is a pretty good singer, but he never sings at church. Tom's a very good singer, but he never sings in church. Ötszáz könyve biztos, hogy van. He has no less than five hundred books. Five hundred books, I'm sure they do. A válása után magányos volt. He was lonely after his divorce. After his divorce, he was lonely. Milloin menit Roomaan? When did you go to Rome? When did you go to Rome? Ei ikinä. Never. Never. Nyt vain rentoudu. Now just relax. Just relax. Hyvvää yötä! Goodnight! Good night! Ó, hogy mennyire hiányzol nekem! Oh, how I miss you! Oh, how I miss you. Meillä on valkea kissa. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. Csomó időm van. I have plenty of time. I've got plenty of time. Találkozóm van ma. I have a meeting today. I have a meeting today. Olkapäähäni sattuu. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. Hyvä Jumala! Oh my God! Oh, my God! Tomi házához nagy udvar tartozik egy jó nagy tölgyfával. Tom's house has a big backyard with a large oak tree. Tomi's house has a big yard with a big oak tree. Myrsky teki pahaa vahinkoa viljalle. The storm did great harm to the crop. The storm did bad damage to the grain. Engem csak Tomi szeret. Tom is the only one who loves me. Only Tomi loves me. Harvat ihmiset osaavat puhua vierasta kieltä täydellisesti. Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly. Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly. Minun täytyi jäädä kotiin. I had to stay home. I had to stay home. Täällä on mukavan hiljaista. It's nice and quiet here. It's nice and quiet here. Katso kaivoon. Look into the well. Look at the well. Ma sõitsin ainult selleks Bostonisse, et Tomile sünnipäevakingitus teha. I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift. I only drove to Boston to give Tom a birthday present. A leiratkozáshoz kattints ide! To unsubscribe, click here. To sign up, click here. Kas inglüse kiilt kõnõlõt? Do you speak English? Is it an angel's gloat? En halua mennä kouluun. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Nincs elég információnk. We don't have enough information. We don't have enough information. Ki futott el? Who ran away? Who ran away? Segítettük egymást. We helped each other. We helped each other. Jos haluat päästä täältä ulos hengissä, seuraa minua. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. Kunnon ruoka ja uni parantavat vilustumisesi. Good food and good sleep will cure you of your cold. Good food and sleep will make you feel better when you're cold. Tämä lause ei ole käännös. Se on alkuperäisversio. This sentence is not a translation. It's the original. This sentence is not a translation. It is the original version. Kannettavani käyttöjärjestelmä on Linux. I'm running Linux on my laptop. My laptop's operating system is Linux. Tomi on auttamassa. Tom is helping. Tomi's here to help. Meglepetésemre nagyon jól beszélt angolul. To my surprise, she spoke English very well. To my surprise, he spoke very well in English. Tomi on pahalla tuulella. Tom is in a bad mood. Tom's in a bad mood. Vér nem válik vízzé. A tiger never changes his stripes. Blood doesn't become water. Kenen kanssa menit? Whom did you go with? Who did you go with? Történelmet akarok tanulni. I want to study history. I want to learn history. Miért kellene, hogy ez érdekeljen minket? Why should we care? Why should we be interested in this? A gyermekek tele vannak energiával. Children are full of energy. Children are full of energy. Tom itt volt nem túl rég. Tom was here not too long ago. Tom was here a long time ago. Selittäisitkö sen kuvaajan minulle? Would you explain that graph to me? Can you explain to me the photographer? Pysy juuri sellaisena kuin olet. Just stay as you are. Just stay exactly what you are. Melyik tanítási óra tetszik neked leginkább? What lesson do you like most of all? What lesson do you like most? Tomival nentem Ausztráliába. Tom is the guy I went to Australia with. Tomi and I are going to Australia. A szívverése szabályos. You have a regular pulse. His heart rate is normal. Isäni auttaa minua. My father will help me. My father will help me. Sinun talosi on hyvin uudenaikainen. Your house is very modern. Your house is very modern. A hangyák, termeszek és méhek társadalomban élő állatok. Ants, termites and bees are social animals. Ants, termites and bees live in society. Autoin heitä eilen. I helped them yesterday. I helped them last night. Az az utca nagyon hangos. That street is very noisy. That street is very loud. Az a fajta kétszer annyiba kerül. That kind is twice as expensive. That kind of thing costs twice as much. A nagyapám asztalos. My grandfather is a carpenter. My grandfather's at the table. Tom ei kyllä halua sitä. Tom won't want it. Tom doesn't want it. Ma ei leia iial tõelist armastust. I'll never find true love. I'll never find true love. A szertartás lenyűgöző volt. The ceremony was impressive. The ceremony was amazing. Egy perccel késtem le a repülőt. I missed the airplane by a minute. I missed the plane a minute ago. Odotin osittain, että Tom toisi omat popcorninsa elokuvateatteriin. I half expected Tom to bring his own popcorn to the movie theater. I partly expected Tom to bring his own popcorn to the movie theater. Üdvözöllek Bostonban. Welcome to Boston. Welcome to Boston. Tom nagyre értékelte Mária segítségét. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Hyvin, kiitos! I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine, thank you! Toivon, että pystymme pysymään yhteyksissä. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. I hope we can stay in touch. Mit találok majd a dobozban? What'll I find in the box? What am I gonna find in the box? Nem tudom a hálámat szavakkal kifejezni. I cannot express my gratitude with words. I can't express my gratitude in words. Tom az asztal túlsó végén ült. Tom sat at the far end of the table. Tom was sitting on the other side of the table. Tom vett Marynek egy doboz csokit. Tom bought Mary a box of chocolates. Tom bought Mary a box of chocolates. Rakennuksen edessä on auto. There is a car in front of the building. There's a car in front of the building. Hän on laihtunut. She has lost weight. He's lost weight. Huvittaako sinua mennä uimaan? Do you feel like going swimming? Are you happy to go swimming? Ma péntek van. Today is Friday. It's Friday. Sápadtnak tűnik. He looks pale. She looks pale. Voi kunpa olisin mennyt hänen kanssaan naimisiin. I wish I had married her. I wish I'd married her. Szüksége van rá. He needs her. He needs it. Miért jöttél ide? What did you come here for? Why did you come here? Mesélj el Tomnak mindent, amit tudsz! Tell Tom everything you know. Tell Tom everything you know. Tom gazdag. Tom is loaded. Tom's rich. Manne Oslovisnie årroem. I live in Oslo. Manne Oslonie årreem. Koulussa oli vain yksi vesirokkotapaus. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. There was only one case of varicella in the school. Voinko saada hyvityksen? Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? Dobja el a fegyvert! Drop the gun! Drop the gun! Mit gondolsz, ki nézett tévét ebben a szobában tegnap este? Who do you think was watching TV in this room last night? Who do you think watched TV in this room last night? Ki csinálta ezt a tortát? Who made this cake? Who made this cake? Nincs az a pénz, amiért ez eladó lenne. This isn't for sale at any price. There's no money to sell it. Le kellene már vágatni a hajam. It's time to get a haircut. I should have my hair cut off by now. Tom szkeptikus volt. Tom was skeptical. Tom was sceptical. Luuletko, että Tom pitäisi siitä, jos Mari tekisi niin? Do you think Tom would like it if Mary did that? Do you think Tom would like it if Mari did? Milyen messze van? How far is it? How far is it? Taitava kultaseppä valmisti vihkisormukseni. My wedding ring was crafted by a skilled goldsmith. A skilled goldsmith made my wedding ring. Pidän keväästä eniten. I like spring the best. I like spring the most. Me emme pidä Tomista. We don't like Tom. We don't like Tom. Hallottál már valamikor róla? Have you ever heard of him? Have you ever heard of him? Szereti szétszedni az elektromos készülékeket. He likes to take electric devices apart. He likes to pull out the electrical equipment. Milyen fajta söre van? What kinds of beers do you have? What kind of beer do you have? Ő lehet éppen az a férfi, akire szükségem van. He may be the very man that I need. He could be the man I need. Ismét megcsókolta. She kissed him again. He kissed her again. Ezt a kérdést hallom állandóan. That's a question that I hear all the time. I hear that question all the time. On vaarallista kiivetä tuolle vuorelle. It is dangerous to climb that mountain. It's dangerous to climb that mountain. Kuspäi työ tulitto, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? What's wrong with you, Karen? Olen varma, että Tom laskee juuri sen varaan. I'm sure that's what Tom is counting on. I'm sure that's what Tom's counting on. Tom sápadt volt. Tom was livid. Tom was pale. Tomi rupesi suuttumaan. Tom started to get angry. Tom got mad. Vett egy bútort az áruházban. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. He bought a furniture at the store. Ez a kommunizmus. This is communism. It's communism. Mari úgy káromkodik, mint egy tengerész. Mary swears like a sailor. Mari swears like a sailor. Nem vagyok beszélő viszonyban Tommal. I'm not on speaking terms with Tom. I'm not in a talking relationship with Tom. Milyen színt viselt Tom? What colour was Tom wearing? What color did Tom wear? Az eszperantó a legkönnyebben tanulható nyelv, de nem könnyű nyelv. Esperanto is the easiest language to learn, but it's not an easy language. Esperanto is the easiest language to learn, but it is not an easy language. Мыланна тиде пашам ик кечыште пытарыман. We have to do the work in a day. Please make a attempt that doesn't appear on any part of the operation. Miten sinä opit ranskaa? How did you learn French? How did you learn French? Ma ei soovi midagi hävitada. I'm not trying to destroy. I don't want to destroy anything. Azt hittem, hogy bízol bennem. I thought that you trusted me. I thought you trusted me. Tom teki keksejä. Tom made some cookies. Tom made cookies. Úton van a segítség. Help is on the way. Help is on the way. Errefelé sokan vonattal járnak dolgozni. Many people here take the train to work. A lot of people are on a train around here. Hän oli epävarma mitä tehdä. He was unsure of what to do. He was uncertain what to do. Mikä on sinun nimesi? What's your name? What's your name? Velünk vagy, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? Mari ei tullut hyvin toimeen toisten tyttöjen kanssa. Mary didn't get along well with the other girls. Mari didn't get along well with other girls. Puhuimme kahteen asti aamulla. We talked until two in the morning. We talked till 2:00 this morning. Lapsilla on valotikkuja. The children have glow sticks. The kids have lights. Jonilla ja Marilla oli erilaiset mielipiteet siitä tärkeästä asiasta. John and Mary had different opinions about that important matter. Jon and Mari had different opinions on the important issue. A feleségem este általában nem iszik kávét, és én sem. My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I. My wife doesn't usually drink coffee tonight, and I don't. Tomi nem énekel valami jól, és én sem. Tom can't sing very well and neither can I. Tomi doesn't sing very well, and neither do I. Kizártad magad. You locked yourself out. You're out of the question. Nálunk télen sok hó van. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We have a lot of snow in the winter. Kérdezzük meg őket! Let's ask them. Let's ask them. Mov nomme lea Tom. My name is Tom. Mov nov Tom. Remélem, jól vannak. I hope that they're OK. I hope they're okay. Tom nagyon össze volt zavarodva. Tom was really confused. Tom was very confused. Tomi haluaa tappaa meidät. Tom wants to kill us. Tomi wants us dead. Vilkaiskaahan tätä. Have a look. Take a look at this. Láttam, amint az autó felrobban. I saw the car explode. I saw the car explode. Tom antoi jotakin Marille. Tom gave Mary something. Tom gave her something. Fyysikko on vain atomin tapa katsoa itseään. A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself. A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at himself. Kiitos, että pelastit henkeni. Thanks for saving my life. Thank you for saving my life. Tomilla on kymmenenvaihteinen pyörä. Tom has a ten-speed bicycle. Tom's got a 10-speed bike. Ez a kocsi nagyobb, mint az. This car is bigger than that one. This car's bigger than that. Tom tényleg jó ügyvéd. Tom is a really good lawyer. Tom's a really good lawyer. En minä tiedä, että pystynkö siihen, mutta koetan. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm trying. Ha sokat eszel, kövér leszel. If you eat a lot, you will get fat. If you eat a lot, you'll be fat. Ne gondoljatok rám már úgy, mint egy átlagos személyre! Stop thinking of me as just an average person. Don't think of me as a normal person. Csak annyira vagyok bűnös, mint bárki más. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I'm just as guilty as anyone else. Ez az a számítógép, amelyen írja a cikkeit. That's the computer on which he writes his articles. This is the computer on which you write your articles. He selvisivät hengissä, vaikka rakennus tuhoutui. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived even if the building was destroyed. Sulje ovi. Shut the door. Close the door. Olen täydellinen idiootti. I'm a complete idiot. I'm a complete idiot. Tamás utálja ezt. Tom hates it. Tamás hates this. Mindent tud a főzésről. She knows everything about cooking. He knows everything about cooking. He eivät halunneet enempää levittää orjuutta. They wanted no further spread of slavery. They didn't want to spread slavery any more. Sen takia palasin niin aikaisin. That's why I came back so soon. That's why I got back so early. Nem akartam ezt elmondani neked. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. Ez a szoba hideg. This room is cold. This room is cold. Az asztal nem foglal sok helyet. The table does not occupy much space. The table doesn't have a lot of seats. Itävalta ei ole Australia. Austria isn't Australia. Austria is not Australia. On vielä liian aikaista sanoa. It's too soon to tell. It's too soon to say. Gazdag akarok lenni. I want to become rich. I want to be rich. Bevallom, tévedtem. I admit that I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Tiedän, että et pidä heistä. I know you don't like them. I know you don't like them. Tämä oli karmea päivä. Today was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Se ei ole tietokoneongelma. It's not a computer problem. It's not a computer problem. Tamás nem szereti a telet. Tom doesn't like winter. Tamás doesn't like the winter. Nem tudom, boldog-e vagy sem. I don't know whether he's happy or not. I don't know if he's happy or not. Az elefántoknak két fülük van. Elephants have two ears. Elephants have two ears. Ma mängin aias. I'm playing in the garden. I'm playing in the garden. En osaa uida yhtään. I cannot swim at all. I can't swim at all. Fysiikka on minulle hepreaa. Physics is Greek to me. Physics is Hebrew to me. Hänellä on monia kirjoja. He has many books. He's got a lot of books. Hagyd abba a próbálkozást! Stop trying. Stop trying! Tomot elítélték emberölésért. Tom was convicted of manslaughter. Tom was convicted of murder. Átmenetileg ez maradjon közöttünk. Let's keep this between us for now. This should be between us temporarily. Kipu on hellittänyt. The pain has gone away. The pain has eased. Bocsásson meg, de az az én ütőm. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Excuse me, but that's my bat. Ma pole alati pühapäeviti kodus. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Mitä väliä! Big deal! It doesn't matter! Monet ovat joutuneet kokea sortoa ja kurjuutta pitkän aikaa kolonialismin alla. Many have suffered oppression and misery for a long period of time under the rule of colonialism. Many have suffered oppression and misery for a long time under colonialism. Olet paljon fiksumpi kuin luulet. You're a lot smarter than you think. You're a lot smarter than you think. El kéne kezdened. You should begin. You should start. Ei voi olla liian varovainen, kun tekee tätä koetta. You can't be too careful when doing this experiment. You can't be too careful when you're doing this test. Ezt még a gyerekek is tudják. Even children know that. Even the kids know that. Az első kérdés neked szól. This first question is for you. The first question is for you. En pidä tästä yhtään enempää kuin sinäkään. I don't like this any more than you do. I don't like this any more than you do. Vauva nukkui syvästi äitinsä käsivarsilla. The baby was sound asleep in her mother's arms. The baby slept deeply on her mother's arms. Tudom, hogy tudsz segíteni nekünk. I know you can help us. I know you can help us. Шачема шить мархта! Happy birthday! You wives forgive — and strong! Elmesélt nekem egy szomorú történetet. He told me a sad story. He told me a sad story. Megpecsételődött a sorsunk. Our fate was sealed. Our destiny is sealed. Kuinka hyvin Tomi osaa uida? How well does Tom swim? How well can Tom swim? Martin Luther King jr. - rauhan mies - kuoli salamurhaajan luotiin. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of peace, was killed by an assassin's bullet. Martin Luther King, etc., a man of peace, died in an assassin's creation. Kár, hogy Tomi távozik. It's a pity that Tom is leaving. Too bad Tomi's leaving. Älkää katsoko! Don't look! Don't look! On terveellisempää käyttää portaita. It is healthier to climb the stairs. It's healthier to use the stairs. Jää koju. Stay home. Stay home. Hän joi kolme lasia vettä. He drank three glasses of water. He drank three glasses of water. Késtél. You came in late. You're late. Imádok spanyolul beszélni. I love speaking Spanish. I love to speak Spanish. Saisinko pizzan, kiitos. Can I have a pizza, please? Can I have a pizza, please? Megkarmolt a macskád. Your cat scratched me. Your cat scratched me. Pysäyttäkää Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Mul on kaks vennatütart. I have two nieces. I have two nieces. Hän ei osaa englantia ja vielä vähemmän saksaa ja ranskaa. He does not know English, not to mention German or French. He doesn't speak English and even less German and French. Hän tulee hyvin toimeen työntekijöidensä kanssa. He is getting along well with his employees. He's getting along well with his employees. Kas see on see, mida Tom on sulle rääkinud? Is that what Tom has been telling you? Is that what Tom's been telling you? Már hiányollak. I miss you already. I miss you now. A rák az emberiség egyik nagy ellensége. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Cancer is one of mankind's great enemies. Tom ei ole kipeä. Tom isn't sick. Tom's not sick. Hän on varma tutkinnon läpäisemisestä. He is sure of passing the examination. He's certain he's passed his degree. Adjatok nekem egy második esélyt. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Akkor is szeretném megpróbálni. I'd still like to try. I'd still like to try. Tom ei kertonut kenellekään mitä hän suunnitteli tekevänsä. Tom didn't tell anyone what he was planning to do. Tom didn't tell anyone what he was planning on doing. Természetesen. Naturally. Of course. Hiukseni ovat liian pitkät. My hair's too long. My hair's too long. Tamás, ha te nem mész, én sem megyek. Tom, if you're not going I'm not going either. Tamás, if you don't go, I don't go. Változásra van szükségünk. We need a change. We need a change. Falra akasztotta a kalendáriumot. She hung the calendar on the wall. He hung the calendar on the wall. Tom tahtoi tietää mitä sattui. Tom wanted to know what happened. Tom wanted to know what happened. Vett egy mély lélegzetet. He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. Tarvitsen sakset tämän paperin leikkaamiseen. I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper. I need scissors to cut this paper. Máris befejezted? Have you finished it already? Are you done? Näytät eurooppalaiselta. You look European. You look like a European. He peittivät pöydän liinalla. They covered the table with a cloth. They covered the table with a cloth. Tom kandis mokassiine. Tom was wearing moccasins. Tom was wearing screw-ups. Luulen, että Tom ei tehnyt niin. I think Tom didn't do it. I don't think Tom did that. A nővérem mindig méregeti a súlyát. My sister is always weighing herself. My sister always poisons her weight. Naponta nyolc kilométert futok. I run five miles a day. I run five miles a day. Sul on peapõrutus. You have a concussion. You've got a headache. Édesapád hányadik esztendejében jár? How old is your father? How many years does your father have? Katso kuuta. Look at the moon. Look at the moon. Tom birtokában van egy kincses térkép. Tom has a treasure map. Tom has a treasure map. A Csád-tó folyamatosan zsugorodik. Lake Chad continues to shrink. Lake Chad keeps shrinking. Voisitko fiksata tämän puhjenneen renkaan. Could you please fix this flat tire? Why don't you fix this broken tire? Tom nem tud úszni, és én sem. Tom can't swim and neither can I. Tom can't swim, neither can I. Jöjjön mindenki táncolni! Come on everyone, let's dance! Come on, everybody, dance. Most már tudom. I know now. Now I know. Esimesel silmapilgul paistis ta lahke ja õrn. At first sight, he seemed kind and gentle. At first glance, he seemed kind and tender. Az én saram. My mistake. It's my corner. Tomille tulee kiireitä. Tom will be busy. Tom's gonna be busy. Tom rosszindulatú volt. Tom was mean. Tom was malpractice. Nincs annyi pénzem, hogy fizetni tudjak neked. I can't afford to pay you. I don't have the money to pay you. Et ole ikinä yksin. You'll never be alone. You're never alone. Miksei hän soittanut koskaan? Why didn't he call me back? Why didn't he ever call? Hän on onnellinen. She's happy. He's happy. Ez a baba kisfiú, vagy kislány? Is this baby a boy or a girl? Is this the baby boy or the girl? Miksi tarvitsen asianajajan? Why do I need a lawyer? Why do I need a lawyer? Ma olen näljane! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Tom zöldséglevest evett ma reggel. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom ate vegetable juice this morning. A feleségem családja nagyon gazdag. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. Az arab nyelv befolyása a spanyol nyelvre eléggé nyilvánvaló. The influence of the Arabic language is quite evident in the Spanish language. The influence of Arabic on Spanish is quite obvious. Ma ei taha sinuga koos elada. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Tom puolusti itseään. Tom defended himself. Tom was defending himself. Sa ei sihi piisavalt kõrgele. You're not aiming high enough. You're not aiming high enough. Szüleim előtt felfedtem szándékaimat. I made known my intentions to my parents. I revealed my intentions before my parents. Beszélnem kell veled. I need to talk to you. I need to talk to you. Hän ei ole julma eläimille. He isn't cruel to animals. He's not cruel to animals. Missä sinun lippiksesi on? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? Tom näytti olevan todella hyvillään. Tom looked very pleased. Tom seemed really good. Elvesztettem a tollamat. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. Rukoile. Pray. Pray. Olen heikkona onnellisiin loppuihin. I'm a sucker for happy endings. I'm weak on happy endings. Poikamme kuoli sodassa. Our son died in the war. Our son died in the war. Hallasz? Do you hear me? Can you hear me? Egy nagy könyvtár közelében lakunk. We live near a big library. We live near a big library. Teen sinun takiasi ilomielin mitä tahansa. I am ready to do anything for you. I'll be happy to do anything for you. Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! Please speak more slowly! Here you go, pagize slow down! Helsinki oon Suomen pääkaupunki. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Se on osittain minun syyni. It's partly my fault. It's partly my fault. A templomban rejtette el. He hid it in the church. He hid it in the church. Remélem, hogy Tom most Marival van. I'm hoping that Tom is with Mary now. I hope Tom's with Mari now. Semmire nem fogja vinni az életben. He will fail in life. He's not going to take anything in life. Én is készen állok. I'm ready as well. I'm ready, too. Olen iloinen, että se ilahduttaa sinua. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad it makes you happy. Itt a táskád! Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Úgy tettem, mint, aki nem értette meg. I pretended that I didn't understand. I did it like I didn't understand it. Tyttö avasi oven, kun koputin. A girl opened the door in answer to my knock. She opened the door when I knocked. Tule meidän kanssamme. Come along with us. Come with us. Puolustaudu. Defend yourself. Come on, come on, come on. Onko meillä varaa tähän? Can we afford this? Can we afford this? Tamás csak bort iszik. Tom only drinks wine. Tamás only drinks wine. Nézzük át! Let's review. Let's take a look. Voinko ottaa kuvan? May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? Tom ei ollut ensimmäinen poliisin pidättämä henkilö. Tom wasn't the first person the police arrested. Tom wasn't the first person arrested by the police. A levelek pirossá válnak két vagy három héten belül. The leaves will turn red in two or three weeks. Letters become red in two or three weeks. Ez a busz elviszi önöket az állomásra. This bus will take you to the station. This bus will take you to the station. Jääminen on vaarallista. Staying is dangerous. Staying is dangerous. Tomi nem tudott segíteni Marinak. Tom couldn't have helped Mary. Tomi couldn't help Mari. Junassa on kaksi veturia. The train has two engines. There are two locomotives on the train. Tudom, milyen szegénynek lenni. I know what it's like to be poor. I know what it's like to be poor. Tomi huusi. Tom shouted. Tom screamed. Melyiket szereted jobban, a tavaszt vagy az őszt? Which do you like better, spring or fall? Which one do you prefer, spring or fall? Minä uskon siihen. I believe it. I believe that. Hoia! Hold it! Hold it! Kauanko Tom on ollut poikaystäväsi? How long has Tom been your boyfriend? How long has Tom been your boyfriend? Nézzük meg, hogy megy. Let's see how it goes. Let's see how it goes. Mene nyt ja pidä hauskaa. Now, go have a good time. Go now and have fun. Työ edeltää pääomaa ja on siitä riippumaton. Pääoma on vain työn hedelmä eikä sitä olisi voinut olla ikinä olemassa, jos työtä ei olisi ollut olemassa ensin. Työ on pääomaa ylempiarvoisempi ja se ansaitsee paljon korkeamman korvauksen. Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. The work preceded and independent of capital. The capital is merely the fruit of the work and could never have existed if the work had not existed at first. The work is higher than the capital and it deserves a much higher remuneration. Hänellä on enemmän kokemusta kuin minulla. She's more experienced than I am. He has more experience than I do. Tom nem eszik túl gyakran olasz ételeket. Tom doesn't eat Italian food very often. Tom doesn't eat Italian food too often. Tämä on painavaa kuin lyijy. This is as heavy as lead. This is heavy like lead. Otan tämän takin. I'll take this coat. I'll take this coat. Mari egy az egyben a willendorfi vénusz. Mary looks exactly like the Venus of Willendorf. Mari is one of Willendorph's veins. Tomi hörppäsi kaakaotansa. Tom sipped his hot chocolate. Tom's got his cocoa. Miksi te olitte hänen seurassaan? Why were you with him? Why were you with him? Hyvvää öötä! Good night! Good night! Van szabad hely? Is there a free spot? Is there room? Ez elkerülhetetlen. It's inevitable. That's inevitable. - Mit csinálsz ma este? - Nem igazán tudom. "What are you doing tonight?" "I'm not sure." - What are you doing tonight? Szeretné, hogy megismételjem a kérdést? Would you like me to repeat the question? Would you like me to repeat the question? Kaksi kolmesta tämän koulun oppilaasta on poikia. Two-thirds of the students of this school are boys. Two out of three students at this school are boys. Mire emlékeztet ez téged? Who does that remind you of? What does that remind you of? Mosd meg a fogad! Brush your teeth. Wash your teeth. Szeretem nézni a labdarúgó mérkőzéseket. I love watching soccer games. I like watching football matches. Hän valmisti pojalleen pienoismallilentokoneen. He made a model airplane for his son. He prepared a small model plane for his son. Mari on muodokas nainen. Mary is a curvy woman. Mari is a very formal woman. Jemen on valtio Lähi-Idässä. Yemen is a country in the Middle East. Yemen is a state in the Middle East. Sörözzünk! Let's drink some beer. Let's have a beer. Ez ronda, rikító sárga és semmivel sem harmonizál. De legalább nem gázolnak el a sötétben! It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark! It's ugly, curly yellow, and it doesn't have anything to do with anything, but at least they don't run off in the dark. Nem vagyok náci! I'm not a Nazi! I'm not a Nazi! Estére a fa árnyéka elérte a falat. By evening the shadow of the tree reached the wall. By evening, the shadow of the tree reached the wall. Tomi gyűjti a meteoritokat. Tom collects meteorites. Tomi collects meteors. Tomi on fiksu. Tom is clever. Tom's smart. Kuulin Tomin puhuvan ranskaa. I heard Tom speaking French. I heard Tom speak French. A madár, amit láttam tegnap énekelni a fán, ma visszajött. The bird I saw singing on a tree yesterday came back today. The bird I saw singing on the tree yesterday came back today. Küsi mult ükskõik mida! Ask me anything! Ask me anything! Naiset elävät yleisesti ottaen pidempään kuin miehet. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. Women generally live longer than men. Hän kieltää tehneensä sen. He denies that he did that. He says he didn't do it. Balilla on joulukuussa todella kuumaa ja kosteaa. It is extremely hot and humid in Bali in December. It's really hot and wet in Bali in December. Túl fogom élni. I will survive. I'm gonna make it. Onko se siellä? Is it in there? Is it there? Tomi kertoo aina vitsejä. Mary was late for dinner. Tom's always making jokes. Tom egy nagyon szoros barátom. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Tom is a very close friend. Se on matkailuseutua. It's a tourist area. It's a tourist area. A propaganda a kommunikációnak az a válfaja, amellyel meg akarnak győzni. Propaganda is communication intended to persuade. Propaganda is the type of communication they're trying to convince. Hazudsz, ugye? You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, aren't you? Japani on saarivaltio, ja se koostuu neljästä pääsaaresta. Japan is an island country, and it consists of four main islands. Japan is an island state, and it consists of four main islands. Magyarázatai elkápráztattak. His explanations left me in a daze. His explanations impressed me. Szeretlek, de nem vagyok szerelmes beléd. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Mul on viis kassi. I have five cats. I have five cats. Vai mitä? Right? Right? Hän tuli New Yorkiin etsimään työtä. He came to New York in order to look for a job. He came to New York to look for a job. Sieluni ei ole inhimillinen, sillä se on toisesta ulottuvuudesta. My soul is not human as it is from another dimension. My soul is not human, for it is from another dimension. Tom egyke. Tom is an only child. It's Tom's. Tom három éve lett ennek a klubnak a tagja. Tom became a member of this club three years ago. Tom's been a member of this club for three years. Mun keittiössä on tulipalo. There's a fire in my kitchen. There's a fire in my kitchen. Vegyél közülük! Take one of these. Get one of them. Tom elköltözik. Tom is moving out. Tom's moving out. Amikor Bostonban voltam, sok barátom volt. I had lots of friends when I was in Boston. When I was in Boston, I had a lot of friends. Kas sa teadsid seda? Did you know this? Did you know that? Leht ja puu langevad. The leaf and the tree are falling. The leaf and the tree are falling. Menettekö siihen juhlaan? Are you going to the party? Are you going to that party? Tomilla on heikko sydän. Tom has a bad heart. Tom has a weak heart. Ihmettelin mihin Tom meni. I wondered where Tom went. I was wondering where Tom went. Kenen vihko tuo on? Whose notebook is that? Whose wedding is that? Nem az enyémek ezek a kulcsok. These keys are not mine. These aren't my keys. Hän on nuori opiskelija. She's a young student. She's a young student. A biztos jövedelem fontos dolog számomra. A secure income is an important thing for me. Secure income is important to me. Egyáltalán nem bonyolult. It's not complicated at all. It's not complicated at all. Okkal születtünk erre a világra. We were born into this world for a reason. We were born to this world for a reason. Kedvelem a szürrealizmust. I like surrealism. I like surrealism. Tiedätkö, kuka juontaa tämän dokumentaarin? Do you know who is narrating this documentary? Do you know who's running this documentary? Toas on piisavalt külalisi. There are plenty of guests in the room. There are plenty of guests in the room. Tom vietti koko päivän yksin huoneessaan. Tom spent all day alone in his room. Tom spent the whole day alone in his room. Nincs már erőm, hogy ezt megtegyem. I don't have the strength to do that anymore. I don't have the strength to do this anymore. Ammun hänet. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Tom nem dolgozik többé nekünk. Tom doesn't work for us anymore. Tom doesn't work for us anymore. Olet juovuksissa, Tomi. Tule taksiin. Me lähdemme kotiin. You're drunk, Tom. Get in the taxi. We're going home. You're drunk, Tomi, get in a cab, we're going home. Haluan päästä tuonne metrolla. I want to get there by subway. I want to get in there on the subway. Az építész az öregek igényéhez alakította a házat. The architect adapted the house to the needs of old people. The architect turned the house to the old people's needs. Minne olet menossa? Where are you going? Where are you going? Toistakaa jokainen lause perässäni. Repeat each sentence after me. Repeat every sentence after me. Elfogyott a pénzünk. We've run out of money. We're out of money. Nem találkoztunk mi már valahol? Haven't we met somewhere before? Haven't we met before? Lopeta huutaminen. Stop yelling! Stop yelling. Suutele minua! Give me a kiss. Kiss me! Jobb, ha nem beszélsz. You'd better not speak. You better not talk. Tom ojensi tyhjän pizzalaatikon Marille. Tom handed the empty pizza box to Mary. Tom handed the empty pizza box to Mari. Kuulin kahdesti pimeässä nimeäni kutsuttavan. I heard my name called twice in the dark. I heard my name twice in the dark. Lopeta jo! Knock it off. Stop it! Tomi lefordította a levelet franciára. Tom translated the letter into French. Tomi translated the letter into France. Onnee! Congrats! You're lucky! Pidimme tulta palamassa. We kept the fire burning. We had to burn fire. Az imáinkba foglalunk. We'll keep you in our prayers. We take our prayers. Tudják? Do they know? You know? Alkoi sataa aivan hetki sitten. It began raining just now. It started raining just a minute ago. Kumarruin kohteliaasti. I bowed politely. I bowed politely. Voisitko sammuttaa valot? Please turn off the light. Can you turn off the lights? Musiikki piristää elämäämme. Music brightens our lives. Music cheers up our lives. Kétségeim vannak afelől, hogy fog-e működni. It is doubtful whether this will work. I have doubts as to whether it will work. Voltak hibák. There were errors. There were mistakes. Vaikuttaa siltä, että olet noussut väärällä jalalla tänä aamuna. It seems like you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Looks like you're on the wrong foot this morning. A főnököm egy rabszolgahajcsár. My boss is a slave driver. My boss is a slave driver. Nem haltam meg. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. Melyiket szeretnéd? Which would you like? Which one do you want? Még válaszolnia kell néhány kérdésre. She has yet to answer any of the questions. You still have some questions to answer. Tuo oli typerää. That was stupid. That was stupid. Ma olen kodus. I'm at home. I'm home. Hogy mondod a te nyelveden, hogy XXX? How do you say XXX in your language? How do you say XXX in your language? Kuinka kauan Tom oli siellä sisällä? How long was Tom in there? How long was Tom in there? Hát te meg ki lehetsz? And who might you be? Who are you? Miks sa magad? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Tämä ei näytä hyvältä. This doesn't look good. This doesn't look good. En myisi sitä mihinkään hintaan. I wouldn't sell that at any price. I wouldn't sell it at any cost. Näyttää siltä, että Tom on ollut kiireinen mies. It looks like Tom's been a busy man. Looks like Tom's been a busy man. Ez meg fogja változtatni az életedet. This will change your life. This is gonna change your life. Kas sulle meeldib õppida? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like to study? Tomi idegesnek tűnik. Tom seems nervous. Tomi seems nervous. Hän unohti ostaneensa hänelle lahjan. He forgot that he bought her a present. She forgot to buy him a present. Laittaisitko oven kiinni. Close the door, please. Why don't you close the door? Valge kass on puu all. The white cat is under the tree. The white cat is under the tree. Ma tahan rohkem raha. I want more money. I want more money. Minä olen laki! I am the law! I'm the law! Tom alkoi tehdä töitä Marille viime vuonna. Tom started working for Mary last year. Tom started working for Mari last year. Teidän pitäisi pyytää häneltä neuvoa. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Minulle kerrottiin että meidän on tuotava omat vetemme. I was told that we have to bring our own water. I was told we have to bring our own waters. Twitter on yksi islamin suurimmista vihollisista. Twitter is among the biggest enemies of Islam. Twitter is one of the biggest enemies of Islam. Hyviä huondestu! Morning! Good luck! Törökországban hol élsz? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? A hagyományos életmódjuk már nem létezik. Their traditional life style no longer exists. Their traditional way of life no longer exists. Ez is egy alma. This is an apple, too. It's also an apple. Az a ház nagyon kicsi. That house is very small. That house is very small. Tom ei naura koskaan. Tom never laughs. Tom never laughs. Koe tehtiin sadalle naimattomalle miehelle. The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males. The test was made for a hundred single men. Minulla on varaus tästä illasta eteenpäin kolmeksi yöksi. I have a reservation for three nights from tonight. I have a reservation for three nights ahead of tonight. Tuo lapsi tuijotti minua suu ammollaan. That child stared at me, his mouth agape. That kid was staring at me with his mouth shut. Puasinkoi on pieni karielan külä Tverin mualla. Puasinkoi is a small Karelian village in the Tver region. Puasinkoi is a small coyote with Tver's dirt. Tatoeban suosio on kasvanut eksponentaalisesti sen alkupäivästä lähtien. Tatoeba's popularity has been growing exponentially since the day of its inception. Tatoeba's popularity has grown exponentially since its beginning. Tom aina tahtoi opiskella ranskaa. Tom always wanted to study French. Tom always wanted to study French. Tom sietni fog. Tom will hurry. Tom's gonna be in a hurry. Hét órakor reggelizek. I eat my breakfast at seven o'clock. I'll have breakfast at 7:00. Felhők veszik körbe a hegyet. That mountain is in the clouds. Clouds around the mountain. Mitä se sanoo? What does it say? What does it say? Tomi osaa korjata mitä tahansa. Tom can fix anything. Tom can fix anything. Mitä sinä harrastat? What are your hobbies? What are you doing? Ott leszünk. We'll be there. We'll be there. Tuntuuko sinusta koskaan siltä kuin lauseesi jäisivät likipitäen huomiotta? Do you ever get the feeling that your sentences have been going largely unnoticed? Do you ever feel like your sentences are being ignored? Azt hiszem, rossz irányba fordultunk valahol. I think we made a wrong turn somewhere. I think we're in the wrong direction somewhere. Pystyisin helposti korjaamaan tuon. I could easily fix that. I could easily fix that. vb peaks ära lõpetama Maybe I should end this. vb should stop Mistä lähtien? Since when? Since when? Kosovo osallistuu vuoden 2016 olympialaisiin. Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016. Kosovo will take part in the 2016 Olympics. Suuri laiva törmäsi kalastusveneeseen. The big ship rammed a fishing boat. A big ship crashed into a fishing boat. Anyu lázas. Mom has a fever. Mommy's fevery. Tom tahab sinult laenata natuke raha. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. Kas sul on vaja veini juua? Do you need to drink wine? Do you need a drink of wine? Tomi lopetti. Tom quit. Tomi quit. Tizenhárom millió dollárom van. I have 13 million dollars. I have $13 million. Gyakran hallasz róla? Do you hear from her often? Do you often hear about it? Hol van a telefonkönyv? Where is the telephone book? Where's the phone book? Miehet kilpailivat nuoren neidon sydämestä. The two men competed for the young maiden's heart. The men competed with the heart of the young lady. Tom tietää todennäköisesti miten Maryn kotiin mennään. Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. Tom probably knows how to get Mary home. Sajnálom, de nem tudok veled egyetérteni. Regrettably, I cannot agree with you. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you. Tomia ei kiinnosta mitä Mary ajattelee. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. Felajánlották nekem. They offered it to me. They offered it to me. Dupla vagy semmi? Double or nothing? Double or nothing? Nem engedem meg nekik, hogy használják a Husqvarna láncfűrészemet. I don't allow them to use my Husqvarna chainsaw. I won't let them use my Husqvarna chain saw. Tomi on laivassa. Tom is on board the ship. Tomi's on board. Alkaako koulu puoli yhdeksältä? Does school start at eight-thirty? Is school starting at 9:30? Jotkut ihmiset puhuvat liikaa ja tekevät liian vähän. Some people talk too much and do too little. Some people talk too much and do too little. Megkaptad a kölcsönt? Did you get the loan? Did you get the loan? Sinun pitäisi pystyä taas kävelemään parissa päivässä. You should be able to walk in a few days. You should be able to walk again in a couple of days. Ha nincs mit mondanod, ne mondj semmit. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. Sinun pitää korjata se heti. You need to fix it right away. I need you to fix it right away. Ostitko koiran? Did you buy a dog? Did you buy a dog? Egyszerű megérteni, hogy Tom miért nem szereti Marit. It's easy to understand why Tom doesn't like Mary. It's easy to understand why Tom doesn't like Mari. Segíts! Help me! Help me! A férfi haldoklott. The man was dying. The man was dying. He sanovat, että se on todella hyvä. They say it's very good. They say it's really good. Se ei ole enää ongelma. That's no longer a problem. It's no longer a problem. A szél a szemébe fújta a haját. The wind blew her hair into her eyes. The wind blew his hair into his eyes. Szerintem korrekt. I think it's fair. I think it's right. See ei ole raske küsimus. It's not a difficult question. It's not a tough question. Az évben ültette ezt a fát apám, amikor én megszülettem. My father planted this tree the year I was born. The year I was born, my father planted this tree. Tietokone on uusi. The computer is new. The computer's new. Megint fáj. The pain returned. It hurts again. Apinat kiipeävät puihin. Monkeys climb trees. The monkeys climb into the trees. Tom testileg-szellemileg nagyon friss még. Tom is physically and mentally still very active. Tom's physically and spiritually very fresh yet. Tehdään jotain hauskaa. Let's do something fun. Let's do something fun. Mi a baj veletek? What's wrong with you two? What's wrong with you guys? Vauva on jatkanut itkemistään jo lähes 10 minuuttia. The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes. The baby has been crying for almost 10 minutes. Haluatko lähteä syömään aamiaista ulos? Do you want to go out for breakfast? Do you want to go out for breakfast? Ära sellest kellelegi räägi. Don't tell anyone about this. Don't tell anyone about it. Kes sa oled? Who are you? Who are you? Saisinko toisenkin esitteen? May I have another brochure? Can I have another brochure, please? Ez teljesen nevetségesen hangzik. It seems absolutely ridiculous. That sounds ridiculous. Pár percet kérek. Give me a few minutes. I need a few minutes. Ez szörnyű. It's awful. That's terrible. Ma ei teadnud, et sa huvitatud olid. I didn't know you were interested. I didn't know you were interested. Tomnak kanyarója van. Tom has the measles. Tom's got crayons. He kaikki saapuivat myöhässä They all arrived late. They all arrived late. Käyn suihkussa melkein joka aamu. I take a shower almost every morning. I take a shower almost every morning. Monet kodittomat ihmiset asuvat puistoissa. Many homeless people live in parks. Many homeless people live in parks. Tom nem ért egyet Maryvel. Tom disagrees with Mary. Tom disagrees with Mary. Azt se tudtam, hogy házas vagy. I didn't even know you were married. I didn't even know you were married. Ez egy hasznos információ. It is useful information. It's useful information. Mit kérdezett ön? What have you asked? What did you ask? Meg vagyok győződve róla, hogy ezt a teniszmérkőzést én nyerem. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm convinced I'm gonna win this tennis game. Túl sokat isznak. They drink too much. They drink too much. Vastastikusel austusel põhinev vestlus. Discussion is based upon mutual respect. A conversation based on mutual respect. Tomille ja Marille syntyy vauva ensi kuussa. Tom and Mary are going to have a baby next month. Tom and Mari will have a baby next month. A biciklim egyik kereke defektes. My bicycle has a flat tire. One wheel of my bike is defective. Tom on nälkäinen. Tom's hungry. Tom's hungry. Missä on kirjani? Where's my book? Where's my book? Kölcsönkérhetem? Can I borrow it? Can I borrow it? Egyelőre ez az összes. That'll be all for now. That's all for now. Tämä on meille. This one is for us. This is for us. Mikor Tom nyugdíjba ment, a fia vette át a vállalkozását. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. Egyszer fenn, egyszer lenn. In life there are ups and downs. Once up, once down. Mennyi pénzzel jövök neked? How much money do I owe you? How much money do I owe you? Missä Tom ja hänen perheensä asuvat nyt? Where are Tom and his family living now? Where do Tom and his family live now? Csak nem bírok megállni. I just can’t stop. I just can't stop. Elmélet és gyakorlat nem feltétlenül jár együtt. Theory and practice do not necessarily go together. Theory and practice don't necessarily go together. Hän ei ole minun poikaystäväni. Hän on vain ystävä. He's not my boyfriend. He's just my friend. He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. Tom piipahti kylässä. Tom came by. Tom's in the village. Muutama naapureista tuli toivottamaan meidät tervetulleiksi asuinalueelle. A few of the neighbors came by to welcome us to the neighborhood. Some neighbors came to welcome us to the residential area. Nincs szükségem a pénzedre. I don't need your money. I don't need your money. Tom azt akarta, hogy Mary segítsen neki a kertben. Tom wanted Mary to help him in the garden. Tom wanted Mary to help him in the garden. Koalat ovat söpöjä. Koalas are cute. The koalas are cute. Jõvā pǟva! Good day! Jõvā påva! Onko kyydissä lääkäriä? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? Menin kaljalle kavereideni kanssa? I went to drink a beer with friends. I went out for a beer with my friends? See on väga suur sotsiaalne probleem. It's a very big social problem. This is a very big social problem. Tom näyttäisi saavuttaneen sen mitä hän lähti hakemaankin. Tom appears to have achieved what he set out to do. Tom seems to have achieved what he went for. Katsokaa, mitä tein. Look at what I made. Look what I did. Yritin vain auttaa. I was just trying to be helpful. I was just trying to help. Nem számítok arra, hogy ez valaha is megint megtörténik. I don't expect that to ever happen again. I don't expect this to happen again. Anna minun suudella sinua. Let me kiss you. Let me kiss you. Mit fognak tenni? What will they do? What are they gonna do? Tom toivoi, että Mari kertoisi Tomille, missä Mari on ollut. Tom wished that Mary would tell him where she'd been. Tom was hoping that Mari would tell Tom where she'd been. Olitko se sinä autossa? Was that you in the car? Was that you in the car? Saitko työt valmiiksi? Did you finish the job? Did you finish the job? Tom unatkozott. Tom got bored. Tom's bored. Ha keresnéd az én kis falumat a világtérképen, akkor nem találnád meg. If you would search for my small village on the world map, you would not find it. If you were looking for my little village on the map of the world, you wouldn't find it. A mi hajónk győzött két hosszal. Our boat won by two lengths. Our ship won two lengths. Puolueeton valtio on sellainen, joka ei myy aseita sotiviin maihin, paitsi jos maksaa käteisellä. A neutral country is a country that doesn't sell weapons to a warring country, unless you pay cash. A neutral state is one who does not sell weapons to military countries, unless it pays cash. Mintha unná magát Tomi. Tom looks bored. It's like you're not enough Tomi. Minél kevesebbet tudsz, annál jobb. The less you know, the better. The less you know, the better. Tomilla on todella pieni pää. Tom has a tiny head. Tom has a really small head. En ymmärrä tätä ollenkaan. I don't understand this at all. I don't understand this at all. Hänellä ei ole lapsia. She has no children. He doesn't have children. Tomille kuuluu ihan hyvää. Tom is good. Tom's doing just fine. Tom és Mary alig ismerték egymást. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. Kit látott? Who did you see? Who did you see? Tomilla on koirafobia. Tom is afraid of dogs. Tom's got dog phobia. Jövőre lesz tíz éve, hogy ennél a cégnél dolgozom. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. I've been working for this company for the next ten years. Hän oli hyvin tunnettu koko maassa. He was well known throughout the country. He was well known throughout the country. Olen varmaankin pyörtynyt. I must've fainted. I must have passed out. Tomi ja Mari olivat molemmat hämmentyneitä. Both Tom and Mary were confused. Tomi and Mari were both confused. Elvesztettem az esernyőmet. I've lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. Lupaa ettet naura. Promise you won't laugh. Promise me you won't laugh. Ezt a könyvet spanyolórán használják. They use this book in Spanish class. This book is used in Spanish. Úgy látszik, Brüsszel képtelen különbséget tenni menekültek és bevándorlók között. Brussels seems to be unable to differentiate between refugees and immigrants. Brussels seems unable to distinguish between refugees and immigrants. Japán történelme érdekel engem. I'm interested in the history of Japan. I'm interested in the history of Japan. Minun jalkaani sattuu. My foot hurts. My leg hurts. Tom ei ole hyvä urheilussa. Tom isn't good at sports. Tom's not good at sports. En ymmärrä saksaa. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Sinä olet niin kaunis, että sait minut unohtamaan minun iskurepliikkini. You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line. You're so beautiful, you made me forget my impact line. Hän on albiino. He's an albino. He's an albino. Papírra és tollra van szükségem. I need a pen and paper. I need paper and pen. Mindjárt el kell kezdened. You must start soon. You have to start right away. Tom Bostonban született. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Mõnikord väsitab Pariis mu ära, aga Brüssel tüütab mind tihti ära. Seetõttu elan ma nende kahe vahel. Sometimes Paris exhausts me, but often Brussels bores me. Therefore, I live between the two. At times Paris will tire me out, but Brussels will often bore me away, which is why I live between these two. Nagyon cuki volt és nagyon tetszett nekem. He was really cute and I liked him a lot. It was really cute, and I really liked it. Setäni asuu Saksassa. My uncle lives in Germany. My uncle lives in Germany. Ne most, drágám! Not now, honey. Not now, dear. Hadd aludjak még tíz percet! Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for ten more minutes. Két éve vásároltam a házamat. I bought my house two years ago. I bought my house two years ago. Találkozód van valakivel? Are you seeing anyone? Do you have a meeting with anyone? Minä soitan seitsemältä. I'll call at seven. I'll call you at 7:00. Igazad van végül is. You are right, after all. You're right, after all. Sinun ei pitäisi lelliä lasta. Hänestä tulee todella itsekäs. You shouldn't indulge that child. It will make him very selfish. You shouldn't be playing ball with a kid, and he's gonna be so selfish. Hozd be őt! Bring him in. Bring him in. Paikallanne! Stand still! Stay where you are! Tom tahtoi käydä Pohjois-Amerikassa. Tom wanted to visit North America. Tom wanted to go to North America. Amikor bajban van, mindig a nővéréhez fordul segítségért. When he is in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help. When he's in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help. Tatoebaa käyttämällä opit kieliä. Using Tatoeba, you learn languages. By using Tatoeba, you learn languages. Koiraa ajaa takaa kissaa, ja kissa hiirtä. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. The dog's after the cat, and the cat's after the mouse. Tom ei pidä ranskan puhumisesta. Tom doesn't like speaking French. Tom doesn't like talking French. Tom on levoton. Tom's anxious. Tom's restless. Hallották ezt? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Ő nem beszél angolul. She does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Mistä Tom ja Mari riitelivät? What did Tom and Mary quarrel about? What were Tom and Mari fighting about? Norjan pääkaupunki oon Uslu. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. I am the capital of Norway, I am Uslu. Kertoiko Tom Marille, mitä Joni sanoi. Did Tom tell Mary what John said? Did Tom tell Mari what Joni said? Még mindig vele foglalkozol? Are you still working with them? Are you still dealing with him? Niin, kuinka minun pitäisi käyttäytyä? So, how should one behave? Yeah, how am I supposed to behave? Toivottavasti tapaamme. I hope to see you. I hope we meet. Mitä tapahtuu? What's happening? What's happening? Ehkä sinä luovutit liian aikaisin. Maybe you gave up too fast. Maybe you gave up too soon. Moi tytöt! Hello, girls. Hey, girls! Szerintem te tudod, hogy mi Tamás barátnőjének a neve. I think you know what Tom's girlfriend's name is. I think you know what Tamás's girlfriend's name is. Miért nem szóltál nekem erről korábban? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why didn't you tell me about this before? Hänellä ei ole lainkaan kykyä ajatella loogisesti. He has no ability to reason logically at all. He has no ability to think logically at all. Мыйын шонымаште, Франций - Европышто эн мотор эл. I think France is the most beautiful country in Europe. Enter the flag as soon as possible. Ha az idő is engedi, menjünk piknikezni. Weather permitting, let's go on a picnic. If time allows, let's go picnic. Tom on todella huolissaan. Tom is really worried. Tom's really worried. Szoktak a halak aludni? Do fish sleep? Do fish sleep? Tom lopetti tupakanpolton. Tom gave up smoking. Tom quit smoking. Mun dieđán. I know. My message. Puolustakaa itseänne. Defend yourselves. Defend yourselves. En löydä matkalaukkuani. I can't find my suitcase. I can't find my suitcase. Mari on surffaaja. Mary is a surfer. Mari's a surfer. Tom próbálja megjavítani. Tom is trying to fix that. Tom's trying to fix it. Tom oli ensimmäinen, joka tunnisti Marin musiikillisen lahjakkuuden. Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent. Tom was the first to recognize Mari's musical talent. Ne on kaikki seonnut. They've all gone crazy. They've all gone crazy. Ez engem nem zavart. That didn't bother me. That didn't bother me. Tomilla on orava lemmikkinä. Tom has a pet squirrel. Tom has a squirrel as a pet. Minun täytyy jäädä tänne yöksi. I'll have to stay here for the night. I have to stay here tonight. Három órát fogunk várni. We'll wait three hours. We'll wait three hours. Tom on juba seal. Tom is already there. Tom's already there. Mindig kritizál másokat. He constantly criticizes other people. He always criticizes others. Viini täydensi ateriaa loistavasti. The wine complemented the meal perfectly. The wine was a great supplement to the meal. Szükséged lesz kulcsra. You will need a key. You're gonna need a key. Épp elkezdtem volna írni egy levelet, mikor hazaért. I was just going to write a letter when he came home. I was just starting to write a letter when he got home. Mihin aikaan? What time? What time? Tomilla on epämiellyttävä, kova ääni. Tom has an unpleasant, loud voice. Tom has a unpleasant, loud voice. Tiedän, että Tommi ei tiennyt, kuinka paljon aikaa hän tarvitsisi tuon tekemiseen. I know Tom didn't know how much time he'd need to do that. I know Tommi didn't know how much time she needed to do that. Tom suuttui. Tom became mad. Tom got mad. Joni ja Mari ovat tunteneet toisensa jo vuodesta 1976. John and Mary have known each other since 1976. Joni and Mari have known each other since 1976. Muistan, että kävit usein Eliisalla teellä, kun olit pieni tyttö. I remember you often went to Betty's house to tea when you were a little girl. I remember that you often went to Eliisa on the road when you were a little girl. Asitõendid ei toeta väidet. The evidence doesn't support the claim. The evidence does not support the claim. Pesethän kätesi WC:ssä käynnin jälkeen. Please wash your hands after using the bathroom. You're gonna wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. Siessetek, vagy elkésünk! Hurry up or we'll be late! Hurry up or we'll be late. Ma van Tom és Mari házassági évfordulója. Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary is today. Today is Tom and Mari's anniversary. En ole koskaan polttanut yhden yhtä tupakkaa. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I've never smoked one single cigarette. Son ráhkista nieiddaid. He likes girls. It's cancerous. Erről ne beszéljünk. Let's not talk about it. Let's not talk about this. Hány megállónyira van innen? How many stops is it from here? How many stops is it from here? Mietitkö sinä vakavissasi lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you thinking about leaving seriously? Tom halusi tietää kuinka paljon kello on. Tom wanted to know the time. Tom wanted to know what time it was. Se olisi ihanaa. I would love that. I'd love that. A papámnak egy csörgődobot adtam ajándékba. I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift. I gave my dad a ringer box for a present. Hän on hyvällä tuulella. He's in a good mood. He's in a good mood. A legtöbb ember inkább az érzéseire alapozza a politikai állásfoglalását, mint sem bizonyítékra. Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence. Most people rely on their feelings rather than on evidence. Kiinnostaako sen tekeminen yhä sinua? Are you still interested in doing that? Are you still interested in doing that? Tomi szokta hívni Marit? Does Tom ever call Mary? Tomi used to call Mari? Miten viikonloppu meni? How was your weekend? How was your weekend? Megtörténhet? Could it happen? Can it happen? Tomi on kauhuissaan. Tom is terrified. Tom's terrified. Tiesin, että tulisit pelastamaan minut. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come to save me. Minun täytyy lähteä. I must go. I have to go. Biologia. Biology. Biology. Кода эрятадо? How are you? how do you do so with Hebrew? Olin lounaalla Tomin kanssa eilen. I had lunch with Tom yesterday. I had lunch with Tom last night. Onko sinulla aikaa syödä lounasta kanssani? Do you have time to eat lunch with me? Do you have time to have lunch with me? Azt hiszem, kezdem elveszteni a fejem. I think I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my head. Minä en pysty tekemään tätä ilman heitä. I can't do this without them. I can't do this without them. Pieni lihava mies ei nauranut. The little fat man did not laugh. A fat little man didn't laugh. A szálló 20 euró személyenként, éjszakánként. The hostel costs twenty euros per person per night. The hotel is 20 euros per person per night. Tom torkkui. Tom dozed. Tom was snorting. Hol vannak most a gyerekeitek? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Minä tulen juomaan kahvin. I will drink the coffee. I'm going to have a cup of coffee. Pöcs! Asshole! Dick! Head aega. Goodbye! Bye. Miért nem mondtad el nekünk, hogy ez fog történni? Why didn't you tell us this was going to happen? Why didn't you tell us this was gonna happen? Ma ei tea, mida temaga ette võtta. I don't know what to do about him. I don't know what to do with him. Ma ei leia Tomi. Kas ta on juba läinud? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Tiedätkö mistä löydän hänet? Do you know where I can find him? Do you know where I can find him? Mi erre a magyarázat? How is this explained? What's the point? Asuuko Tomi kaukana täältä? Does Tom live far from here? Tomi lives far away from here? Szeretek forró levest enni. I enjoy eating hot soup. I like to eat hot soup. Älä ole tyhmä. Stop being stupid. Don't be stupid. Ezt ki kellene dobnod. You should throw it out. You should throw that away. Melyiket szereted jobban? Which one do you prefer? Which one do you like more? Hän on vihollinen. Etkö ymmärrä? He's the enemy. Don't you understand? He's an enemy, don't you understand? Askorbiinihapon osuus tabletissa on hyvin vähäinen. The concentration of ascorbic acid in the tablet is very low. The proportion of ascorbic acid in the tablet is very low. Nos, akkor folytassuk onnan, ahol abbahagytuk. Well, let's continue from where we stopped it. Well, let's take it from where we left off. Pääsen sinusta yli. I'll get over you. I'll get over you. Ta on Prantsusmaal käinud kolm korda. He has visited France three times. He's been to France three times. Bocsi, de nem hallak jól. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you. Kahvia vai teetä? Coffee or tea? Coffee or tea? Tämä banaani on ruskea. This banana is brown. This banana is brown. Én sem akarom ezt tenni. I don't want to do that either. I don't want to do this either. Rendben, emberek, akkor gyerünk! All right, people, let's go. All right, everybody, let's go. Próbálok valamilyen segítséget szerezni. I'm trying to find some help. I'm trying to get some help. Hän jumaloi kissoja. She adores cats. He adores cats. Kuinkakohan pitkään se kestää. I wonder how long it's going to take. How long do you think it'll take? Sohasem öltem, sem sebesítettem meg senkit. I've never killed nor injured anybody. I never killed or injured anyone. Ez népszerű volt a kilencvenes években. This was popular in the nineties. It was popular in the '90s. Palaan luoksesi niin pian kuin voin. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll be back to you as soon as I can. Tom a barátnője fotóit a tűzbe dobta. Tom threw the photos of his girlfriend in the fire. Tom threw photos of his girlfriend into the fire. Haluan tehdä Tomin onnelliseksi. I want to make Tom happy. I want to make Tom happy. Miten tiedät nämä asiat? How do you know these things? How do you know these things? Ma ei mäleta, millal ma Tomi viimati nii õnnelikuna nägin. I can't remember the last time I saw Tom so happy. I don't remember the last time I saw Tom so happy. Tamás, mi a baj? What's wrong, Tom? Tamás, what's wrong? Pahoista teoista jää aina kiinni. Murder will out. You always get caught up in bad things. Koko hänen perheensä voi oikein hyvin. Her family are all very well. His whole family is doing very well. Buerie båateme. Welcome. Buerie båateme. Drágám, minden rendben? Honey, are you OK? Honey, are you all right? Mä osallistuin siihen seminaariin. I attended the seminar. I took part in that seminar. Még nem született meg a döntés. The decision hasn't been made yet. The decision hasn't been made yet. Tomi toi kukkia. Tom brought flowers. Tomi brought flowers. Sinun pyöräsi on parempi kuin minun. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Tom syö usein sängyssä. Tom often eats in bed. Tom eats often in bed. Legyetek türelmesebbek. You must be more patient. Be patient. Onko lihansyöminen moraalisesti väärin? Is eating meat morally wrong? Is eating meat morally wrong? Tom on asunut Bostonissa viime kesästä lähtien. Tom has lived in Boston since last summer. Tom's been living in Boston since last summer. Ezek a banánok nem érettek. These bananas are not ripe. These bananas aren't mature. Tom ja Mary eivät ole oikein varmoja mitä tehdä tästä. Tom and Mary aren't quite sure what to make of this. Tom and Mary are not really sure what to do about this. Olipa kerran kana, jolla oli näkkileipä. Once upon a time there was a chicken that had a crispbread. Once upon a time, there was a chicken with a sweet bread. Minä söin tonnikalasalaattia. I ate a tuna salad. I ate tuna salad. Táncolni fognak. They'll dance. They're gonna dance. Mindent megpróbáltunk, hogy segítsünk rajta. We tried everything to help him. We tried everything we could to help him. Minä olen korjaamassa sitä taloa. I'm repairing the house. I'm gonna fix that house. Szokásom a kutyát reggel megsétáltatni. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I used to walk the dog in the morning. Moai goasii báziime busses. We both have almost missed the bus. Moai goasii basziime busses. Ei, porkkana ei ole tarpeeksi tärkeä, jotta se vaatisi huutomerkin peräänsä. No, a carrot is not important enough to need an exclamation mark after it. No, the carrot is not important enough to require a signal. Miksi me menemme Australiaan? Why are we going to Australia? Why are we going to Australia? Senki nem tud nekünk segíteni. No one can help us. No one can help us. Mikor jelenik meg az új folyóirat? When will the new magazine come out? When will the new magazine appear? Mary dala sláger lett. Mary's song became a hit. Mary's song has become a hit. Milyen hosszú ez a film? How long is this movie? How long is this movie? Barátomhoz megyek. I'm going to my friend's place. I'm going to see my friend. Nekem jó a szaglásom. I have a good sense of smell. I smell good. Tomin huone on aika pieni. Tom's room is quite small. Tom's room is pretty small. Tal on korvitäis maasikaid. He has a basket full of strawberries. He's got a basket of strawberries. Minä kaipaan jännitystä. I miss the excitement. I miss excitement. Maradj idebent, kérlek! Stay in here, please. Stay in here, please. Ki kell mennem. I have to go to the toilet. I have to get out. Nélküle mentem. I went without her. I went without her. Tom piti kovasti ranskanopettamisesta. Tom loved teaching French. Tom was very fond of French teaching. Bújj be, kérlek! Please step inside. Come in, please. Missä minun aurinkolasini ovat? Where are my sunglasses? Where are my sunglasses? Etkö pelkää kuolemaa? Aren't you afraid to die? Aren't you afraid of dying? Nem tudom Tania-t szlovénul üdvözölni, nem beszélem ezt a nyelvet. I cannot greet Tania in Slovene. I don't know this language. I can't say hello to Tania in Slovenian, I don't speak that language. Ne bízzál Tomiban, akármit is mondjon. Don't trust Tom no matter what he says. Don't trust Tomi, whatever she says. Kuinka vaihdan lauseen kielen? How do I change the language of a sentence? How do I change the language of the sentence? Tom teki niin kuin hän sanoi tekevänsä. Tom did as he said he would do. Tom did what he said he would. Nem akarok veled sétálni. I don't want to walk with you. I don't want to walk with you. Millises koolis sa käisid? What school do you go to? What school did you go to? Manne leam njieljieluhkien jaepien båeries. I am fourteen years old. Member of the Commission Kuwait kärsi vakavia vahinkoja. Kuwait suffered severe damage. Kuwait suffered serious damage. Sina ja Tom olete vist õnnelikud. You and Tom must be happy. You and Tom must be happy. Mul on kolm last. I have three children. I have three children. Gyorsan menj haza! Go home quickly. Go home quickly. Tominak társasága akadt. Tom has company. Tomi had company. Tom reménytelen. Tom is hopeless. Tom's hopeless. Rakastan Tomia enemmän kuin mitään muuta. I love Tom more than anything. I love Tom more than anything. Ha nem tetszik, elmehetsz. If you don't like it, you can leave. If you don't like it, you can go. Menen nukkumaan aikaisin. I go to bed early. I'm going to bed early. Egy pasas, akinek dús bajusza volt, követni kezdett. A guy with a big mustache started following me. A guy with a big moustache started following me. Itt a legtöbb ember olyan helyen lakik, ahol nincs áram. Most people here don't have electricity. Most people here live in a place where there's no electricity. Тылзе Мландын спутникше улеш. The moon is a satellite of the earth. The pioneer sister related to such meeting is likely to work. Mindennek ellen tudok állni, csak a kísértésnek nem. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. Tomi juotti vartijat humalaan ja onnistui paeta linnasta. Tom got the guards drunk and managed to escape from the castle. Tom got the guards drunk and managed to escape the castle. Szerintem ez igazságtalan. I think it's unfair. I think it's unfair. Nem tudok neked segíteni. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Tulen olemaan siellä huomenna. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. Vitassuk meg! Let's discuss it. Let's discuss it. Osaatko ajaa autoa? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive? Mitä olette aikeissa tehdä? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? A régi könyv penészes volt. The old book was moldy. The old book was moldy. Silloin on taottava kun rauta on kuuma. Strike while the iron is hot. When the iron is hot, you have to stop it. Tom bent van? Is Tom in? Is Tom in? Tunnetko jonkun täällä? Do you know anyone here? Do you know anyone here? En ostanut mitään tuosta kaupasta. I didn't buy anything at that store. I didn't buy anything at that store. Ei tarvitse olla epäkohtelias. There's no need to be rude. You don't have to be rude. Pelkään kissoja. I am afraid of cats. I'm afraid of cats. Remélem, tomi igent mond. I hope Tom says yes. I hope Tomi says yes. Nálad van a könyvem? Do you have my book? You have my book? Syön tässä. I eat here. I'm gonna eat here. Tomi puhuu todella hiljaa. Tom speaks very quietly. Tomi's really talking. Tomi egy született bajkeverő. Tom is good at causing problems. Tomi is a born troublemaker. Minä yövyn tuossa hotellissa. I'm staying at that hotel. I'm staying at that hotel. Harminc vagyok. I'm thirty. I'm 30. Me kävelimme paljon. We walked a lot. We walked a lot. Sinä olit ensimmäinen tyttö, jonka kanssa koskaan suutelin. You were the first girl I ever kissed. You were the first girl I ever kissed. Sinulla oli tilaisuus. You had a chance. You had a chance. Tom haluaa talon, jossa on suuri piha ja valkoinen paaluaita. Tom wants a house with a big yard and a white picket fence. Tom wants a house with a big yard and a white pole. Mul on küsimusi. I have questions. I have questions. Minulla ei ole varaa syödä näin kalliissa ravintolassa. I can't afford to eat in such an expensive restaurant. I can't afford to eat at this expensive restaurant. Ideje elmondani a teljes igazságot. It's time to tell the whole truth. It's time to tell the truth. Ez túl késő? Is it too late? Is this too late? Sää kävi yhä huonommaksi ja huonommaksi kun päivä eteni. The weather was getting worse and worse as the day went on. The weather was getting worse and worse when the day went on. Voin hoitaa tuon välittömästi. I can take care of that immediately. I can handle that right now. Herra Harrisonin kalju pää oli hänelle hyvin herkkä asia. Mr. Harrison was very sensitive about his bald head. Mr. Harrison's bald head was very sensitive to him. Tomi näki oravan hyppivän oksalta oksalle. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Tom saw a squirrel jump from a branch to a branch. Sade kesti läpi yön. The rain lasted through the night. The rain lasted all night. Ne hagyd a munkádat befejezetlenül. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don't quit your job. Vannak dizájnos zoknik is. There are fashions for socks as well. There are design socks. Ez annyira helytelen. That's so inappropriate. This is so wrong. Siinä on toinen ongelma. There's another problem. There's another problem. Jégkorongozom. I play hockey. I'm ice-knobing. Tom azt mondja, sosem kedvelte a kínai kaját. Tom says he's never liked Chinese food. Tom says he never liked Chinese food. Tom haaras oma vasaku käega Mary parema. Tom grabbed Mary's right hand with his left hand. Tom grabbed Mary right with his left hand. Hän näytti meille kuvan äidistään. He showed us a picture of his mother. He showed us a picture of his mother. Ме кывза Тіянӧс. I'm listening to you. account of the great king’s people, much of whom did not know how to sing. Tämä maa kärsii aivovuodosta. This country suffers from brain drain. This country is suffering from brain drain. Tom osaa uida nopeasti. Tom can swim fast. Tom can swim fast. Otthon nem beszél japánul. She doesn't speak Japanese at home. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. Foghíjasan mosolygott és egy kacagás után mondta: - Most jön a harmadik kívánságod. Mi lesz az? She grinned toothlessly and, after a cackle, spoke, "Now your third wish. What will it be?" She smiled as she smiled and said, "Your third wish is coming." What is it? Tomi on järkevä. Tom is sensible. Tomi's reasonable. Palun ära sekku. Please don't interfere. Please don't interfere. Tom pysyi coolina. Tom stayed cool. Tom stayed cool. Hän ei ikinä nähnyt Tomia sen jälkeen. She never saw Tom again. He never saw Tom after that. Oliko joku muu siellä tilassa? Was there anybody else in the room? Was someone else in the room? Társtalan vagyok. I'm lonely. I'm a partner. Ül a széken. He is sitting on the chair. Sit in the chair. Tommi tietää, että ei ole hyvä ajatus tehdä mitään tuollaista. Tom knows better than to do something like that. Tommi knows it's not a good idea to do something like that. Mindenki életben van. Everybody is alive. Everyone's alive. Először is, kérem, mutassa be magát három percben. First, please take about 3 minutes to introduce yourself. First, please introduce yourself within three minutes. Yrittämättä et saa ikinä tietää. You'll never know unless you try. Without trying, you'll never know. On mahdotonta, että hän olisi tiennyt siitä. It's impossible that she knew about it. It's impossible that he would have known about it. Ez normális? Is it normal? Is that normal? Voinko sulkea ikkunan? May I close the window? Can I close the window? Tomi on lopettanut. Tom's finished. Tom's done. Nem látszanak boldognak. They don't seem happy. They don't look happy. Éltél már távkapcsolatban? Have you ever had a long distance relationship? Have you ever lived in a long-distance relationship? Tom näyttää äidiltään. Tom looks like his mother. Tom looks like his mother. Minulla ei ole sisaruksia. I have no siblings. I don't have any siblings. Ha nem tetszik, ne edd meg! If you don't like it, then don't eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Menj tovább, Tom. Move on, Tom. Keep going, Tom. Kaikki puhuivat siitä. Everyone talked about it. Everyone was talking about it. Lapset, kuunnelkaa! Children, listen! Kids, listen up! Me jääme siia mõneks ajaks. We'll be here for a while. We'll stay here for a while. Et voi enää tehdä noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Tom főz. Tom's cooking. Tom's cooking. Sem Tom, Sem Mari nem tud úszni. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Neither Tom, nor Mari can swim. Tom on hyvännäköinen mies. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom's a good-looking man. A szálloda teljesen megtelt. The hotel is completely full. The hotel is full. Egész héten rosszul voltam. I've been feeling bad for a week. I've been sick all week. A gyerekek már elmentek az iskolába. The children have gone to school already. The kids have already gone to school. Tom opettaa ranskaa. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Olen siellä hetken päästä. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be there in a minute. Tamás egy tésztagyárban dolgozik. Tom works in a pasta factory. Tamás works at a pasta factory. Osoittautui ettei ollut kovin helppoa elää hänen kanssaan. It turned out not to be so easy to live with him. Turns out it wasn't that easy to live with him. Vaiksemalt! Quieter! Keep it down! Igazán remek étel volt. It was a truly superb meal. It was really great food. Tom tudatlan. Tom is clueless. Tom's ignorant. Ne tedd, ha nincs hozzá kedved. If you don't feel like doing it, don't do it. Don't do it if you don't want to. See on oma probleem. That's your problem. That's your problem. Te olette ihan seonneet. You are deranged. You guys are out of your mind. Nyt se on valmis. She's ready now. Now it's ready. Lääke ei auttanut lainkaan. The medicine didn't help at all. The medicine didn't help at all. Még fiatalok. They're still young. You're young. Nincs török nyelvű billentyűzetem. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Kui tēg tūndõt ēntšta? How do you feel? How long do you think it's gonna be? Minun on pakko löytää osa-aikatyö. I have to find a part-time job. I have to find a part-time job. Syötkö kalaa? Do you eat fish? Do you eat fish? Eikö Tom löytänytkin sitä? Tom found it, didn't he? Tom found it, didn't he? Sinulle ei olisi pahitteeksi levätä vähän. You could use some rest. It wouldn't be bad for you to rest a little. Mit csináltál tegnap? What were you doing yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Nagyon sápadtnak tűnsz. You look very pale. You look very pale. Tomilla on salaisuuksia. Tom has secrets. Tom has secrets. Tom näyttää uupuneelta. Tom looks worn out. Tom looks exhausted. Tomi ei koskaan puhu sen eksistä. Tom never talks about his exes. Tom never talks about it wrong. Ma este igen jól szórakoztam. I really enjoyed myself tonight. I had a really good time tonight. Ez egy nagyon régi könyv. It's a very old book. It's a very old book. Päästäkää hänestä irti! Let go of him! Let him go! Kun löysin todellisen identiteettini, elämäni alkoi olla mielekästä. When I found my true identity, my life began to make sense. When I found my true identity, my life began to be meaningful. Onko asia tärkeä? Is it important? Is it important? Ne legyél olyan érzelmes. Don't get so emotional. Don't be so emotional. Tom szereti a lovakat. Tom likes horses. Tom likes horses. Tom tejet öntött a macskája táljába. Tom poured milk into a bowl for his cat. Tom poured milk into her cat's bowl. Hän ei lue paljoa kirjoja. He doesn't read many books. He doesn't read a lot of books. Miehillä on noin seitsemän tai kahdeksan kertaa enemmän testosteronia kuin naisilla. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about seven or eight times more testosterone than women. Mindenki keményen dolgozott. Everyone worked hard. Everyone worked hard. Leiki siellä. Play there. Play there. A távolsági hívások drágák voltak akkoriban. Long distance phone calls were expensive at the time. The long-distance calls were expensive back then. Felmentek az emeletre. They walked upstairs. They went upstairs. Három évvel ezelőtt ismertem meg. I got acquainted with him three years ago. I met him three years ago. Minulla on monta pelia Xboxille. I have many games for the Xbox. I've got a lot of games for Xbox. Henkilö, joka on pelkkä pelinappula, puhuu usein suuria ihmisten seurassa. A person who is only a pawn in the game often talks big in company. A person who is just a game button often speaks great with people. Két kutyám volt. I had two dogs. I had two dogs. Minulle maistuisi toinen olut. I feel like another beer. I'd like another beer. Voi kunpa olisin luonasi. I wish I was with you. Oh, I wish I was with you. Puhelimesi soi. Your phone's ringing. Your phone's ringing. Tom azt tette, amit Mary akart. Tom did what Mary wanted. Tom did what Mary wanted. Nálad előbb odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll be there first. Nagyon kedves tőled. That's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. Kijött a szobából. He came out of the room. He's out of the room. Loomaliha, palun. Beef, please. Beef, please. Furcsa kérdés. It's a weird question. That's a weird question. Bizonyíték kell. I need evidence. I need proof. Igazán rendes tőled, hogy hazaviszel. It's kind of you to drive me home. It's really nice of you to take me home. Ihailen Tomia paljon. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. Tominak van egy ültetvénye. Tom owns a plantation. Tomi has a plantation. Az ön temetésén biztosan ott leszek. I will definitely attend your funeral. I'm sure I'll be there at your funeral. Kié ez a kézírás? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Nem jött figyelmeztetés. There was no warning. There's no warning. Sami elvett egy kurvát. Sami is married to a whore. Sami took a whore. Nem valószínű, hogy Tom el akar jönni velünk Bostonba. Tom is unlikely to want to go to Boston with us. It's unlikely Tom wants to come to Boston with us. Haluaisin mennä elokuviin. I'd like to go to the movies. I'd like to go to the movies. Húzd fel a sötétítőt, hadd jöjjön be egy kis fény. Raise the blinds to let in a little light. Pull up the blinds and let some light come in. Számítanom kellett volna erre. I should've expected that to happen. I should have expected that. Ära noid aknaid lahti tee. Do not open those windows. Don't open those windows. Semmit sem látott. He saw nothing. He didn't see anything. Kanat kuopsuttelivat ruokaa maasta. The chickens were scratching for food on the ground. The chickens were snorting food from the ground. Joulukuun 24. päivä on jouluaatto. December 24th is Christmas Eve. December 24th is Christmas Eve. Megkérdezzük egy utazási irodában. We will ask at a travel agency. We'll ask him at a travel agency. Tom szándékai nem voltak tiszták. Tom's intentions were unclear. Tom's intentions weren't clear. Jaa pizza kolmeen osaan. Please divide the pizza into three parts. Share the pizza in three parts. Minun täytyy lähteä nyt. Got to go now. I have to go now. Hän haluaa edelleen tulla. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Írjál minél hamarabb! Write soon! Write as soon as you can. Tudsz becsukott szemmel egy percig folyamatosan fél lábon állni? Can you keep standing on one of your legs with closed eyes for a minute? Can you keep your eyes closed for a minute? Tamás zenetanár. Tom is a music teacher. Tamás is a music teacher. Tämä kukka on fiolietovoi. This flower is purple. This flower is violet butter. Add vissza a könyvemet! Give me back my book. Give me back my book. Ne becsülj minket alá! Don't underestimate us! Don't underestimate us. Már nem eszek annyit, mint egykor. I don't eat as much as I used to. I don't eat as much as I used to. En ole niin kuin kaikki muut. I'm not like everybody else. I'm not like everyone else. Miten hän reagoi niihin huonoihin uutisiin? How did he react to the bad news? How did he react to those bad news? Jos hän vain olisi täällä, hän kertoisi minulle mitä tehdä. If only she were here, she would tell me what to do. If he was just here, he'd tell me what to do. Érted? Understand? You know what I mean? Mitä sinä oikeasti teet täällä? What are you really doing here? What are you really doing here? Hyviä ildua! Good evening! Good night! Személyes tapasztalatból beszélsz? Are you speaking from personal experience? Are you talking about personal experience? Három üveg bort kellett volna vennünk. We should've bought three bottles of wine. We should have bought three bottles of wine. Tom maksab. Tom'll pay. Tom's paying. Próbáltuk figyelmeztetni őket. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Haluan suudella teitä. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Nem válaszolt. She didn't answer. He didn't answer. Tomi hieroi Marin egoa. Tom massaged Mary's ego. Tomi rubbed Marin's ego. Látsz engem? Can you see me? Do you see me? Kas teil on kahele vaba lauda reedeks? Is there a table available for two on Friday? Do you have a free table for the two of you by Friday? Tehdäkö englannin läksyt vai eikö tehdä englannin läksyjä ja lisätä lauseita Tatoebaan, kas siinä vasta kysymys. Do my English homework or not do my English homework and contribute to Tatoeba, that is the question. Whether you do English homework or not to do English homework and add sentences to Tatoebe, whether that's the question. Tom elvesztette a szaglását. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tom lost his smell. Tom on hiljainen poika. Tom is a quiet boy. Tom's a quiet boy. Temast saab hea arst. He will become a good doctor. He's gonna be a good doctor. Bűnösnek találták. They found him guilty. He was found guilty. Meglehetősen egyszerű. It's pretty simple. It's pretty simple. Gii don leat? Who are you? Are you in good time? Minua ei huvita lähteä, koska istun tässä varsin mukavasti. I don't feel like going, because I am sitting here quite comfortably. I don't want to leave because I'm sitting here very nice. Caligula római császárnak volt egy lova, aki Incitatus névre hallgatott, mely azt jelenti: "gyors". Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse called Incitatus which means fast. Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse who listened to the name Incitatus, which means "fast". Állj át oda, és akkor jobban fogod látni. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Get over there, and you'll see better. Dolgozzatok. Work. Work. Tomi jättää usein tiskialtaaseen likaisia tiskejä. Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. Tomi often leaves dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Elköltötte az összes pénzt, amit adtam neki. She spent all the money I gave her. He spent all the money I gave him. Te már halott vagy! You are already dead! You're already dead! Végig csendben volt. He was silent all the time. He was quiet the whole time. Tomi on luova kaveri. Tom is a creative guy. Tom's a creative guy. Tom tosissaan ryssi asiat. Tom really fucked things up. Tom's got to be serious about it. Tom kuuli sinut. Tom heard you. Tom heard you. Ez elromlott. This is broken. It's broken. Hülye ötlet volt. It was a stupid idea. That was a stupid idea. Minä en usko Tomin haluavan teidän vanhaa polkupyöräänne. I don't think that Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bicycle. Elmegyek egyet sétálni, hogy kiszellőztessem a fejem. I'll just go for a walk to clear my head. I'm going for a walk to clear my head. Jumalan voi löytää mistä tahansa. God can be found everywhere. God can be found anywhere. Minden tökéletesen ment. Everything was going perfectly. Everything went perfectly. Voit mennä ulos kunhan tulet pian takaisin. You may go out as long as you come back soon. You can go out as soon as you get back. Jäin melkein auton alle. I narrowly escaped being run over by a car. I almost got hit by a car. Olipa kerran kuningas, jolla oli kolme tytärtä. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. Once upon a time, there was a king with three daughters. Te voltál, nem? You did it, didn't you? It was you, wasn't it? Tõuse püsti, Tom. Stand up, Tom. Get up, Tom. Ott voltunk. We were there. We were there. Nenäni on todella iso, ja kaiken lisäksi vinossa. My nose is really big, and it's crooked as well. My nose is really big, and besides, it's all wrong. Sinä olet kirjoittanut minun nimeni väärin. You've misspelled my name. You've written my name wrong. Pidä sinä vaan huoli omista asioistasi! Stay in your lane. You take care of your own business! Minulla ei koskaan ennen ole ollut tuota ongelmaa. I have never had that problem before. I've never had that problem before. Saimme lämpimän vastaanoton. We received a warm welcome. We got a warm welcome. Van hozzá egy adalék: a kezelés nem működik mindig. There is one caveat: the treatment does not always work. There is an additive: the treatment does not always work. Puhutteko te meistä? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Haittaako sinua, jos liityn seuraasi ensi kerran kun menet kävelylle? Would you mind if I tag along with you next time you go for a walk? Do you mind if I join you the first time you go for a walk? Minä en voi mitään sille, että pidän yhä Tommista. I still can't help but like Tom. I can't help it. I still like Tom. Sinun täytyy noudattaa sääntöjä. You need to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Mondtad Tominak? Have you told Tom? Did you tell Tomi? Tom zavarban van, mikor óvszert vásárol. Tom is embarrassed about buying condoms. Tom's embarrassed when he buys condoms. És ráadásul kirúgtak. And on top of it all, I was fired. And I got fired. Ez a gyógyfőzet mandragóragyökérből készült más titkos összetevők mellett. This potion is made from mandrake roots, as well as other secret ingredients. This medicinal product is made from mandrake roots in addition to other secret ingredients. Tom tietää. Tom knows. Tom knows. Haluan oppia ruotsia. I want to learn Swedish. I want to learn Swedish. Yritä hillitä itseäsi. Try to control yourself. Try to control yourself. Tämä ei ole sinun. This is not yours. This isn't yours. Nem kellene sokáig várakoznod. You shouldn't have to wait long. You shouldn't be waiting too long. John ei tea, mida edasi teha. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do. Megvolnánk! There we are! There you go. Ma viin su koju. I'm going to get you home. I'll take you home. Tudod, hogy mikor érkeznek? Do you know when they will arrive? Do you know when they're coming? En tiennyt, että te olisitte täällä. I didn't know that you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. Mire jók ezek? What are these for? What are they for? Nauti työstäsi! Enjoy your work! Enjoy your work! Mért kéne, hogy minket ez érdekeljen? Why should we care? Why should we be interested in this? Mikor csináltál ilyet utoljára? When was the last time you did that? When was the last time you did this? Mutta sinun funktiosi ei ole Lipschitz-jatkuva! But your function isn't Lipschitz continuous! But your function is not Lipschitz-continuation! Jim käyttäytyi todella oudosti koko päivän. Jim acted very strangely all day. Jim was acting really weird all day. Vitathatatlanul ő a legokosabb tanuló az osztályban. He is by far the cleverest student in the class. He's definitely the smartest student in the class. Kinyithatom már a szemem? Can I open my eyes now? Can I open my eyes now? Minä pidän vieraista kielistä! I like foreign languages! I like foreign languages! Se jää nähtäväksi. We shall see. We'll see about that. Minä en ole lause. Minut pitäisi poistaa Tatoebasta. I'm not a sentence. I should be deleted from Tatoeba. I'm not a sentence, and I'm supposed to be removed from Tatobe. Pidä silmällä tätä matkalaukkua. Keep an eye on this suitcase. Keep an eye on this suitcase. Soha nem láttam ezt a helyet ilyen üresnek. I've never seen this place so empty. I've never seen this place so empty. Eleged van a napi robotból? Are you tired of the daily grind? Are you fed up with the day-to-day robot? Tämä lintu ei voi lentää. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Miksi haluaisit tulla kutsuttavan? What would you like to be called? Why would you want to be invited? Le a korrupt politikusokkal! Down with corrupt politicians! Down with corrupt politicians! Tele van a padló üvegszilánkkal. There's broken glass all over the floor. The floor is full of glass. Myrskyn jälkeen tulee tyven. After a storm comes a calm. After the storm, there's gonna be a strain. Tulen tulevaisuudesta. I'm from the future. I'm coming from the future. Tom jó tanár? Is Tom a good teacher? Tom's a good teacher? Hogy jutottál be a szobánkba? How did you get into our room? How did you get into our room? Ő volt az egyetlen, akit nem hívtak meg az ünnepségre. He was the only one not invited to the party. He was the only one who wasn't invited to the ceremony. Nem akarom, hogy a gyerekeim dohányozzanak. I don't want my kids to smoke. I don't want my kids smoking. Älä ole epäkohtelias! Don't be rude! Don't be rude! Ma lõikasin kartuleid koorides sõrme. I cut my finger peeling potatoes. I cut the potatoes by peeling my finger. Hän teki vakavan virheen. He made a grave mistake. He made a serious mistake. Az újság azt mondja, hogy öngyilkosságot követett el. The newspaper says that he committed suicide. The paper says he committed suicide. Nagyon kívántam őt. I've got the hots for him. I wanted her very much. Csodás nap volt. It was a wonderful day. It was a wonderful day. Tom figyelmet akar. Tom wants attention. Tom wants attention. Láttál már valaha mókust? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Nem szándékozom bocsánatot kérni. I have no intention of apologizing. I'm not gonna apologize. Hän valitsi hyvän vaimon. He chose a good wife. He chose a good wife. Meillä on pieni ongelma. We have a little problem. We have a little problem. On mahdollista, että Tomi pitää siitä, mutta enpä usko. Tom might like it, but I don't think he will. It's possible Tomi likes it, but I don't think so. Tämä elämä kultakalamaljassa on kaikki mitä tarvitsen. This fishbowl life is all I need. This life in a goldfish bowl is all I need. Ez az én farmom, és ez nem eladó! This is my farm, and it isn't for sale. This is my farm, and it's not for sale! Tom jakoi huoneen Jonin kanssa collegessa. Tom roomed with John in college. Tom shared a room with Jon in college. Be voltunk zsúfolva egy kis szobába. We were crowded into the small room. We were stuck in a small room. Egyetért azzal? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? Hüvasti. Goodbye! Goodbye. Tuleb välja, et see polegi kuritegu. That's apparently not a crime. Turns out it's not a crime. A mai brokkoli túlfőtt és ízetlen. Today's broccoli is overcooked and tasteless. Today's broccoli is overcooked and tasteless. Ne akard nekem bemesélni, hogy te nem szereted a csokit! Don't tell me you don't like chocolate. Don't tell me you don't like chocolate. Pöydällä on yksi omena. There is one apple on the desk. There's an apple on the table. Minulla on lemmikkijuna, jota välillä käytän toimistolla. Se saa tosin toimiston aivan nokiseksi. I have a pet train I sometimes take to work. It makes the office all sooty though. I've got a pet train that sometimes I use at the office, but it makes the office all beaked. Olisi todella mielenkiintoista, jos mahdollisimman pian olisi mahdollista tehdä tarkennettuja hakuja Tatoeban tietokantaan. It would be very interesting if, the soonest possible, there would be the possibility to do advanced searches on the Tatoeba database. It would be very interesting if it was possible to search the Tatoeba database as soon as possible. Voimmeko sulkea television? Can we turn the TV off? Can we shut down the TV? Tomista tuntui, että hän oli Marille selityksen velkaa. Tom felt that he owed Mary an explanation. Tom felt that he owed her an explanation. Leikkaanko sipulin? Shall I cut the onion? You want me to cut the onions? Tämä nojatuoli on mukava. This armchair is comfortable. This armchair is nice. Mää kävin just postissa. I've just been to the post office. I was just in the mail. Älä kuule yritä olla olevinasi. Don't give yourself airs. Don't listen to me trying to be you. Tomi on laihtunut. Tom has lost weight. Tom's lost weight. Bárcsak most ne csinálnád azt. I wish you wouldn't do that now. I wish you wouldn't do that now. Vuosimiljoonien ajan ihmiskunta eli kuin eläimet, mutta sitten jokin vapautti mielikuvituksemme voiman: opimme puhumaan. For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk. For millions of years, mankind was like animals, but then something released the power of our imagination: we learned to speak. Hän loiskutti drinkkinsä pikkutakkini päälle. She spilled her drink all over my tuxedo. He put his drink on my jacket. Ez a kirakó ötszáz darabos. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle is five hundred pieces. El kell, hogy hagyjalak. I must leave you. I have to leave you. Komolynak kell lennünk. We have to be serious. We have to be serious. Minulla on flunssa ja olen väsynyt. I have the flu and I'm tired. I have a cold and I'm tired. Vaihtaisitko kanavaa — musiikki on sietämättömän kuuloista. Change the channel, please; that music is unbearable. Would you change the channel — the music is insufferable? Mari on nyt äitiyslomalla. Mary is on maternity leave now. Mari's on maternity leave now. Mitä te aiotte valmistaa? What will you make? What are you going to make? Me majoituimme edulliseen hotelliin. We stayed at an economy hotel. We were staying at a affordable hotel. Tomi törölte a Facebook oldalát. Tom deleted his Facebook account. Tomi deleted her Facebook page. Hyviä yödy! Good night! Good night! Holnap jöhetsz. You can come tomorrow. You can come tomorrow. Voisitko herättää minut seitsemältä? Please wake me up at seven. Can you wake me up at 7:00? Tom ei syö niin paljon kuin Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tom's not eating as much as Mari. Ez nem volt nehéz döntés. That wasn't a tough decision. It wasn't a tough decision. Lopással vádolta őket. She accused him and her of theft. He accused them of stealing. Szeretnék veled elmenni a parádéra, de anyagilag teljesen le vagyok égve. I'd love to go with you to the show, but I'm flat broke. I'd like to go to the parade with you, but I'm financially broke. A halál két dolog egyike. Vagy megsemmisülés, és a halott semminek sincs tudatában; vagy pedig, ahogy nekünk mondják, egy igazi változás: a lélek vándorlása erről a helyről egy másikra. Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from this place to another. Death is one of two things: destruction, and the dead are not conscious of anything; or, as we are told, a real change: the migration of the soul from this place to another. Nyt olette turvassa. You're safe now. Now you're safe. Te tudod, hogy ki vagyok én. You know who I am. You know who I am. Öreg vagyok már ahhoz, hogy újra kezdjem. I'm too old to start over. I'm old enough to start over. Ma tahan raamatu kirjutada. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Maaseudulla oli upeaa suven aikaan: vehnä oli keltaista, kaura vihreää, heinä pinottu vihreälle niitylle. It was beautiful in the country, it was summer-time; the wheat was yellow, the oats were green, the hay was stacked up in the green meadow. The countryside was wonderful during the summer: the wheat was yellow, the oat green, and the hay was stacked on the green meadow. Ne ráncold a homlokod! Stop frowning your forehead! Don't pull your forehead. Sinun ei tulisi syödä täällä. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. Tänään on kuuma. It's hot today. It's hot today. Megválaszoltam a kérdést. I answered the question. I answered the question. Holnap látogass meg bennünket! Visit us tomorrow. Why don't you come visit us tomorrow? Hogyan, kérem? I'm sorry? How do you do that, please? Aiomme antaa poikamme nimeksi Tomi. We plan to name our son Tom. We're going to name our son Tomi. Valószínűleg mennünk kellene. We should probably go. We should probably go. Tamás franciát tanít nekünk. Tom is teaching us French. Thomas is teaching us French. Olen korjaamassa sitä taloa. I'm repairing the house. I'm here to fix that house. Sinä torkahdit. You dozed off. You were snorting. Megmutatta neki a képemet. She showed him my picture. He showed him my picture. Hän pitää lukemisesta. She likes to read. He likes to read. Mari túl szemérmes volt, hogy bevallja az érzéseit. Mary was too shy to admit her feelings. Mari was too perceptive to confess her feelings. Jos aiot palata maisemiin myöhemmin, anna minulle ensin sormus, että olen varmasti kotona. If you're going to come around later, give me a ring first, so I can make sure I'm home. If you're going to come back later, give me the ring, I'm sure I'll be home. Tom hazudott a tanúk padján. Tom lied on the witness stand. Tom lied on the stand. Az öreg pajta összeroskadt. The old barn collapsed. The old barn went bad. Ez pontos. That's accurate. That's accurate. Öld meg Tomot! Kill Tom. Kill Tom! Tom munkanélkülin van. Tom collects unemployment. Tom's unemployed. Ebből azt a tanulságot vontuk le, hogy soha senkiben nem szabad megbízni. The lesson which we learned was never to trust anyone. We learned from this that no one should ever be trusted. Vauva itki äänekkäästi. The baby cried loudly. The baby cried loudly. Jää ihan rauhassa. Feel free to stay. Just stay calm. Tamás a csoportvezető. Tom is the group leader. Tamás is the group leader. Bárcsak lenne nekem is! I wish I had one. I wish I had one. Norsut juovat vettä. Elephants drink water. The elephants are drinking water. Japanissa ihmisistä tulee laillisesti täysi-ikäisiä, kun he täyttävät kaksikymmentä. In Japan, people become legally of age at twenty. In Japan, people become legally adult when they meet twenty. Akarom ezt a kutyát. I want this dog. I want this dog. Ő tudja, ki az apa. She knows who the father is. He knows who the father is. Miten sanotaan 97 eri kielillä? How do you say "ninety-seven" in various languages? What do you say in 97 different languages? Tässä hississä on tilaa kahdeksalle hengelle. There's room for eight people in this elevator. There's room in this elevator for eight people. Ei tarvita äidinkielen veroista kielitaitoa, että pystyy kommunikoida. It isn't necessary to speak like a native speaker in order to communicate. There is no need for native language to be able to communicate. Ma kahetsen, et ei töötanud noorena kõvasti. I regret not having worked hard in my youth. I regret not working hard when I was young. Felébresztett a zaj. The sound woke me up. The noise woke me up. Tomi ei pessyt hiuksiaan. Tom didn't wash his hair. Tom didn't wash his hair. Váltsunk! Let's switch. Change! Tomi oli hassu. Tom was silly. Tom was funny. Tomnak jobban kell vigyáznia magára. Tom will have to take better care of himself. Tom needs to take better care of himself. En halua tanssia. I don't want to dance. I don't want to dance. Hän osaa myös puhua venäjää. He can also speak Russian. He can also speak Russian. Nem hiszek a tündérmesékben. I don't believe in fairy tales. I don't believe in fairy tales. Teidän kuunne palaa. Your moon is burning. Your moon's on fire. Isten megsegít minket. God help us. God will help us. Voi hitto! Darn it! Oh, shit! Mari azt akarja, hogy úgy bánjanak vele, mint egy királykisasszonnyal. Mary wants to be treated like a princess. Mari wants her treated like a queen. Tom tietää, että Mari tykkää hänestä. Tom knows that Mary likes him. Tom knows Mari likes him. János megijesztette Marit. John made Mary jump. John scared Mari. Nipistin itseäni varmistuakseni siitä, etten vain uneksinut. I pinched myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. I cut myself off to make sure I didn't just dream. Az többé nem érdekel engem. That doesn't interest me anymore. I don't care about that anymore. Köln on Reinin varrella. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Köln's on the Rhine. Jó asszonynak tartom magam. I consider myself a good wife. I think I'm a good woman. Hívd a biztonsági szolgálatot! Call security! Call security. Yritän juuri tutustua sinuun. I'm just trying to get to know you. I'm just trying to get to know you. Näetkö ihmisiä puistossa? Do you see people in the park? You see people in the park? Tom mindig piszkosan hagyja a kerékpárját. Tom always leaves his bicycle dirty. Tom always leaves his bike dirty. Minä en usko tuohon. I don't believe in that. I don't believe that. Mistä tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Oda kell mennem. I must go there. I have to go there. Megragadtam Tomit a könyökénél. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom at the elbow. Olen juoksemassa. I am running. I'm running. Mondjad el nekik, hogy hol vagyok. Let them know where I am. Tell them where I am. Tom hallotta, hogy az autó visszajön. Tom heard the car coming back. Tom heard the car coming back. Sinulla ei ole mahdollisuuttakaan. You haven't got a chance. You don't have a chance. Voin tuskin nähdä sen. I can barely see it. I can barely see it. Tudasd velünk, ha meggondoltad magad. If you change your mind, let us know. Let us know when you change your mind. Näin unta, että olin metsässä. I dreamed that I was in a forest. I dreamt I was in the woods. Tomi halála után röviddel a felesége újraházasodott. Tom's wife remarried shortly after his death. Shortly after Tomi's death, his wife remarried. Yövyttekö tässä hotellissa? Are you staying at this hotel? Are you staying at this hotel? Ovatko kaikki kunnossa? Is everyone all right? Is everybody okay? Alig várom, hogy odaérjek. I can't wait to get there. I can't wait to get there. Ki fog vezetni? Who'll drive? Who's gonna drive? Félek a baglyoktól. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of the owls. Pidän aamuhämärästä. I love twilight. I like the morning. Minä asun Japanissa. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. Viime yönä katsoin todella kiinnostavan elokuvan toisesta maailmansodasta. Last night I saw a very interesting movie about World War II. Last night I watched a really interesting film about World War II. Hyvää kekrijuhlaa! Happy Halloween! Have a good party! Isäni laittoi minut vastaamaan sisareni hoidosta. My father charged me with the duty of taking care of my sister. My father put me in charge of my sister's treatment. Felsőfokú végzettségem van. I have a college education. I have a higher education. A hatása alatt állok. It impressed me much. I'm under his influence. Tom érdeklődése elhalványult. Tom's interest faded. Tom's interest has faded. Sinun neuvostasi on ollut minulle todella paljon apua. Your advice has always been very helpful to me. Your advice has been very helpful to me. Szó nélkül kiment. She went out without saying a word. He went out without a word. A macskám megölt egy mókust. My cat killed a squirrel. My cat killed a squirrel. A Tatoeba nem működött. Tatoeba was out of service. The Tatoeba didn't work. Nousin ylös tuntia aikaisemmin kuin tavallisesti. I got up an hour earlier than I usually do. I got up an hour earlier than usual. Hogyan tudnám veled megértetni? How can I make you understand? How can I explain it to you? Emme peräänny koskaan. We'll never back down. We'll never back down. Milyen siketnek lenni? What's it like to be deaf? What's it like to be deaf? A rendőrség beüldözte egy nem üzemelő gyárba Dan-t. The police pursued Dan into a decommissioned factory. The police chased Dan into a non-operating factory. En enää halua ajatella mitään. I don't want to think about anything anymore. I don't want to think about anything anymore. Tomnak meg kellett védenie a hírnevét. Tom had to defend his reputation. Tom had to protect his reputation. Biztos gazdag, hogy három autója is van. She must be rich to have three cars. I'm sure he's rich, he's got three cars. Raha on vähissä tässä kuussa. Money's tight for me this month. We're running out of money this month. Minä en ollut kuullut hänestä pitkään aikaan. I haven't heard from her for a long time. I hadn't heard from him in a long time. Kenellä voi olla varaa ostaa niin kallis talo? Who can afford to buy such an expensive house? Who can afford to buy such a expensive house? Tom nagy tiszteletben álló csillagász. Tom is a very well-respected astronomer. Tom is a respected astronomer. Észrevettem, hogy új kalapot viselt. I noticed she was wearing a new hat. I noticed he was wearing a new hat. Egy erős akaratú ember nem alanya a korrupciónak. A man of strong will is not subject to corruption. A strong-willed man is not subject to corruption. Nincs győzelem áldozat nélkül. No sweet without sweat. There's no victory without a victim. Se ei minua yllätä. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Tomi on älykäs ja kunnianhimoinen. Tom is smart and ambitious. Tomi is intelligent and ambitious. Äitini pitää teestä todella paljon. My mother likes tea very much. My mom really likes tea. Tom sai aivoinfarktin. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Miljoona ihmistä menetti henkensä sodassa. One million people lost their lives in the war. A million people lost their lives in the war. Паша пытышаш марте шуын. That job is pretty much finished. up to date. Tamás pezsgőt iszik. Tom is drinking champagne. Tamás drinks champagne. Hän oli raivoissaan. He was furious. He was angry. Hän haluaa olla itsenäisempi. He wants to be more independent. He wants to be more independent. Tomin täytyy olla raivoissaan Marylle. Tom must be furious with Mary. Tom needs to be mad at Mary. Ma avasin aeglaselt ukse. I opened the door slowly. I opened the door slowly. Hän saattaisi olla ranskalainen. She could be French. He might be French. Hän polttaa kuin savupiippu ja juo kuin kala. He smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish. He burns like a chimney and drinks like a fish. On aika hankalaa leikata kakku samankokoisiin paloihin. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. It's kind of hard to cut a cake into pieces of the same size. A bal felső sarokban az van odaírva, hogy "eladó". In the upper left corner it says "For sale". In the upper left corner, it says "seller". Nem megyünk ki a partra. We're not going ashore. We're not going to the beach. Egyedül élek. I live alone. I live alone. Hyvää hyvyyttämme autoimme! Olisit kiitollinen! We didn't have to help you! Show a little gratitude! Our good goodness helped! You should be grateful! Szeretnék egy új kutyát! I want a new dog. I'd like a new dog. Mene itse sanomaan hänelle. Go tell him yourself. Why don't you go tell him yourself? Milyen gyakran etessem meg a kutyámat? How often should I feed my dog? How often should I feed my dog? Seda on varem juhtunud. This has happened before. It's happened before. Megnyerheted az összes csatát, de attól még elveszítheted a háborút. You can win all the battles yet lose the war. You can win all the battles, but you can still lose the war. Tomi on säälimätön. Tom is merciless. Tom's pathetic. Hän täytti pullon vedellä. He filled the bottle with water. He filled the bottle with water. Sinun täytyy lopettaa uhkapelaaminen. You must stop gambling. You have to stop gambling. Lecsökkent ennek a városnak a lakossága. The population of this city has decreased. The population of this city has been reduced. Sa suudad ju seda? You can do this, can't you? You can do this, can't you? Egyszerű volt a válasz. The answer was easy. The answer was simple. Mi az otthoni számod? What's your home number? What's your home number? Sinun täytyy ottaa hänen ikänsä huomioon. You must take his age into account. You have to take his age into account. Az ápolónők éjjel-nappal vigyáznak a betegre. The nurses attend to the patient day and night. Nurses take care of the patient day and night. Mi ennek a mondatnak a jelentése? What's the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this sentence? Miksiköhän tunnen itseni niin yksinäiseksi, kun tulee kylmä. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. Tom reggelizett. Tom had breakfast. Tom had breakfast. Tomi mintegy harminc perce távozott. Tom left about thirty minutes ago. Tomi left about 30 minutes ago. Hän myöhästyi 8:30 junasta. He failed to catch the 8:30 train. He was late 8:30 on the train. Tamás miért van otthon? Why is Tom home? Why is Tamás home? Tomi kuuntelee TED-esitelmää. Tom is listening to a TED talk. Tomi is listening to the TED presentation. Tudom már, mit fogok most tenni. I already know what I'm going to do. I know what I'm gonna do now. Az anyanyelvem a legszebb ajándék, amit anyámtól kaptam. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. My mother tongue is the most beautiful gift my mother has ever given me. Tule lähemmäksi, että näen sinun naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. Hänen vaikutuksensa valiokunnassa heikentyi heikentymistään. His influence in the committee became weaker and weaker. His influence on the committee was weakened. Tomin auto meni rikki. Tom's car broke down. Tom's car broke down. Minun on uusittava englannin kokeeni ensi viikolla. I have to resit an English exam next week. I have to renew my English test next week. Myyjäisillä oli suuri menestys. The bazaar ended a great success. The salesmen had great success. Nekem ugyanolyannak tűnnek. They all look the same to me. They seem the same to me. Aitäh eilse eest. Thank you for yesterday. Thanks for last night. Portimot ovat Uudessa-Seelannissa lintujen isoimpia vihollisia. Stoats are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. Portimos are the largest enemies of birds in New Zealand. Nyilvánvalóan elromlott. It's obviously broken. It's obviously broken. Tom sosem változik. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Minulla on vaikeuksia ranskassa. I have difficulty in French. I'm having trouble in French. Mary oli vakuuttunut, ettei hän menisi koskaan naisimiin. Mary was convinced that she would never get married. Mary was convinced she'd never marry women. Ne hagyj itt! Don't walk away from me. Don't leave me! Tietysti! Of course. Of course! Rõõm nätäq. Kuis lätt? Nice to meet you. How are you doing? Nice to meet you. Elfeledkeztem Tomról. I forgot about Tom. I forgot about Tom. Menjünk moziba! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to a movie. Megtudhatnám a teljes nevét? Can I have your full name? May I have your full name? Nehéznek találom a gondolataimat szavakba önteni. I find it difficult to express my thoughts with words. I find it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Minulla on ollut kiireitä parina viime päivänä. I've been very busy the last few days. I've been busy the last couple days. Milánóban lakom. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. Tomin uusi tyttöystävä on todella nuori. Tom's new girlfriend is very young. Tom's new girlfriend is really young. En muista tarkalleen. I don't remember exactly. I don't remember exactly. Tom osaa soittaa huilua. Tom can play the flute. Tom can play flute. Tom suri 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Mikor jön Yuko Denverbe? When will Yuko come to Denver? When does Yuko come to Denver? Végighajtottunk a parton. We drove along the coast. We've been driving through the beach. Teázik Mária? Does Mary drink tea? It's Mary's tea? Annoin Tomille lainaksi kaikki rahani. I loaned Tom all my money. I borrowed all my money to Tom. Türelem! Patience! Patience! Törődök is én vele, hogy mit mond! I don't care what he says. I care what he says. Koristellaan joulukuusi. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. Let's decorate your Christmas tree. Tom segítene nekünk, ha tudna. Tom would help us if he could. Tom would help us if he could. Sohasem voltam Párizsban. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. A gyerekek szívesen hallgatják meg ugyanazt a történetet újra és újra. Children want to hear the same story over and over again. Children are happy to hear the same story over and over again. Olen aina halunnut kirjoittaa lastenkirjan. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I've always wanted to write a children's book. Jobb lenne békén hagyni. Better leave it! You'd better leave him alone. Jalkani! My foot! My leg! Tom adott Marynek ezer dollárt egy barna papírzacskóban. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary a thousand dollars in a brown paper bag. Ne aggódj már annyit, Tomi. Don't worry so much, Tom. Don't worry so much, Tomi. Hány szoba van a házadban? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms do you have in your house? Tom kysyi minulta tiedänkö ketään, joka voisi kääntää ranskasta englantiin. Tom asked me if I knew anybody who could translate from French into English. Tom asked me if I knew anyone who could translate from French to English. Sinun täytyy hankkiutua eroon tuosta huonosta tavasta. You should get rid of that bad habit. You have to get rid of that bad habit. Minä opiskelen monia kieliä. I study many languages. I study many languages. Szeret halászni. He loves fishing. He likes fishing. Tomi on heidän ainoa lapsensa. Tom is their only child. Tomi is their only child. Tuli polttaa. Fire burns. I had to burn. Nagyon baba! Cool! It's a baby. Túl kicsi volt ahhoz, hogy elérje a szőlőfürtöket. He was too short to get at the grapes. It was too small to reach the vineyards. Lainaan sinulle niin paljon rahaa kuin haluat. I'll loan you all the money you want. I'll lend you as much money as you want. Me opiskelemme ranskaa. We're learning French. We're studying French. Minne sinä menet? Where are you going? Where are you going? Minä leikkaan minun tukkani itse. I cut my hair myself. I'll cut my hair myself. Koska olin väsynyt, menin aikaisin sänkyyn. Since I was tired, I went to bed early. Because I was tired, I went to bed early. Ezért borulnak ki az emberek annyira. That's why people get so upset. That's why people get so upset. Hän on käytännössä tehnyt muotiruokavaliotörmäyttimen. Ja joskus siitä kimpoilevat hiukkaset ovat gluonittomia neutriinopurilaisia. Basically, she's created a fad diet collider. And sometimes the particles that spin off are gluon-free neutrino burgers. He's practically made a fashion-food collaborator, and sometimes the particles that run around it are gluten-free neutrino-burgers. Tartson nekünk bemutatót. Give us a demonstration. Why don't you give us a presentation? Tom nem szeret a munkájáról beszélni. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Tom doesn't like talking about his work. Meg kell nézned ezt a filmet. You have to see this movie. You have to watch this movie. Hotelli on vuoren juurella. The hotel is at the foot of a mountain. The hotel is at the bottom of the mountain. Bemutatkozhatok? May I introduce myself to you? May I introduce myself? Ha felvetted volna a telefont, meghívtalak volna Paulóékhoz. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's. Tom ma hazajön. Tom is getting back home today. Tom's coming home today. Mis sa arvad, kui kohtuks homme päeval 2-3 ajal , et süüa lõunat? What do you say about meeting at around 2-3 in the afternoon tomorrow to have a lunch? What do you say we meet tomorrow at 2-3 A.M. to eat lunch? És mit tudsz mutatni ezért? And what do you have to show for it? And what can you show for that? Vauhti ei ole kaikki kaikessa. Speed isn't everything. It's not all about speed. Írok egy levelet. I am writing a letter. I'll write you a letter. En usko, että sellaisia asioita on olemassa. I don't believe such things exist. I don't think there's anything like that. A szájunkkal eszünk. We eat with our mouths. We eat with our mouths. Tomi úgy tett, mintha semmit nem tudna erről. Tom pretended to know nothing about it. Tomi pretended to know nothing about this. Miten isäsi voi? How's your father? How's your father? Pelatkaa siellä. Play there. Play there. Tom ei pitänyt Marista eikä Jonista. Tom disliked both Mary and John. Tom didn't like Mar. He didn't like Jon. Marika on suomalainen, mutta hän osaa saksaa. Marika is Finnish, but she knows German. Marika is Finnish, but she knows German. Siristä silmäkulmiasi! Knit your eyebrows! Scratch your eyes! Eltévedtem a hóban. I got lost in the snow. I got lost in the snow. Őrült! Crazy! Crazy! Megadott neki minden apró részletet. She gave him all the details. He gave her all the details. Az október rosszabb volt. October was worse. October was worse. En tuhlaa ammuksia. I don't waste ammunition. I'm not wasting ammo. Mies käyttäytyi hyvin merkillisesti. The man's behavior was very odd. He was acting very strangely. Mielikuvitus vaikuttaa elämämme jokaiseen puoleen. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. The imagination affects every aspect of our lives. Se on masentava ajatus. That's a depressing thought. It's a depressing idea. Ez az üveg sör majdnem nagyobb, mint te. This glass of beer is almost bigger than you. This bottle of beer is almost bigger than you. Tom näytti hyvin tyytyväiseltä. Tom looked very pleased. Tom seemed very happy. Éppen most érkeztem. I just arrived now. I just got here. Tom felvett egy fekete kabátot. Tom put on a black coat. Tom was wearing a black coat. Millie pitää kovasti suklaasta. Millie loves chocolate. Millie likes chocolate. Fiatalnak látszik. She looks young. He looks young. Nyisd ki a könyvedet a kilencedik lapon! Open your book on page nine. Open your book on page nine. Paljud sõbrad mu nooruspõlvest tulid ka. Many friends of my youth also came. Many friends from my youth came too. Kuidas see üldse võimalik on? How is this even possible? How is that even possible? Eltévedtünk. We got lost. We're lost. Tudok egyet s mást. I know things. I know something else. Te vagy az ok, amiért ma itt vagyok. You're the reason I'm here today. You're the reason I'm here today. Nyilvánvalóan ez a legfontosabb pont. Clearly, this is the most important point. Obviously, that's the most important point. Városom minden kertjében tilos a virágágyakra rátaposni. In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds. In every garden of my city, it is forbidden to pick on flowerbeds. Egy sikoltást hallottam. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. Kicsit korán van az italozáshoz, nemde? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early for the drink, isn't it? Makedonian kielessä on neljä tapaluokkaa: indikatiivi, konditionaali, imperatiivi ja renarratiivi. Macedonian has four verbal moods: indicative, conditional, imperative, and renarrative. The Macedonian language has four standard categories: indicator, conditional, imperial and renarvative. En tee sitä. I don't do that. I'm not doing it. Varmista, että juomavesi on puhdasta. Please make sure the drinking water is pure. Make sure the water is clean. Ez hiba. This is an error. That's a mistake. Kui sanuo "ikkuna" karjalakse? How do you say "window" in Karelian? What if he's saying "the window" to the herds? Ma kardan kõrgust. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Tom éjfélkor feküdt le. Tom went to bed at midnight. Tom went to bed at midnight. Opiskeleeko Tom ranskaa joka päivä? Does Tom study French every day? Is Tom studying French every day? Tom tahtoi puhua Marin isälle. Tom wanted to talk to Mary's father. Tom wanted to talk to Mari's father. Hiljaisuus on kultaa. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Onko sinulla herätyskelloa huoneessasi? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have a alarm clock in your room? Valami mást kellett volna megpróbálnom. I should have tried something else. I should have tried something else. Tomi puhuu täydellistä italiaa. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Tomi speaks perfect Italian. Luulin, että Tom saisi potkut. I thought Tom would get fired. I thought Tom was fired. Tomi on jästipäinen. Tom is thickheaded. Tom's stubborn. Tom az egyik legjobb énekes, akit valaha is hallottam. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. Tom tuskin koskaan kuuntelee radiota. Tom hardly ever listens to the radio. I don't think Tom's ever gonna listen to the radio. Tom ei halunnut ajatella sitä. Tom didn't want to think about it. Tom didn't want to think about it. Kell tudnod kottát olvasni, ha a kórus tagja akarsz lenni. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. You need to be able to read music if you want to be a member of the choir. Lähetän sen takaisin. I'll send it back. I'll send it back. Lassan rájöttem, hogy félreértettem őt. It gradually dawned on me that I had misunderstood him. I slowly realized that I misunderstanded him. Árulnak hordozható személyi számítógépet ebben az üzletben? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Are you selling a portable personal computer in this business? Micsoda emlékezet! What memory! What a memory! Tom halusi nähdä sen. Tom wanted to see it. Tom wanted to see it. Tom munkába menet újságot szokott venni. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys newspapers on the way to work. Olen kuullut sen laulun ranskaksi laulettuna. I have heard that song sung in French. I've heard that song sing in French. Kaiken täytyy olla täydellisessä järjestyksessä häitä varten. Everything must be in perfect order for the wedding. Everything must be in perfect order for the wedding. Aki szereti a virágokat, rossz ember nem lehet. Whoever loves flowers cannot be a bad person. Anyone who loves flowers can't be a bad person. Olen velkaa sinulle viisi dollaria. I owe you five dollars. I owe you five bucks. Miért beszélsz franciául? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Örülök, hogy senki nincs most itt. I'm glad that no one's around. I'm glad nobody's here right now. Haluaisitko auttaa minua maanantaina? Would you be willing to help me on Monday? Would you like to help me on Monday? Parem helistan Tomile uuesti. I'd better call Tom again. I'd better call Tom again. Rannekelloni on tarkempi kuin sinun. My watch is more accurate than yours. My wristwatch is more accurate than yours. A könyv, amit vettem, az asztalon van. The book that I bought is on the table. The book I bought is on the table. Tom nagy volt. Tom was big. Tom was great. Tom on nopea. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Asutko Tokiossa? Do you live in Tokyo? You live in Tokyo? En tiedä mistä aloittaa. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Szervusz, öreg barátom! Hello, old friend! Hello, old friend. Kiitos! Thanks! Thank you! Ez az én bögrém? Is that my mug? Is this my mug? Éjjel nagy a hőség. It is very hot at night. The heat's high at night. Áll az alku? Deal? Deal? El fognak jönni. They will come. They're coming. Tulevaisuus kuuluu niille, jotka uskovat unelmiensa kauneuteen. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. En tippunut. I didn't fall. I didn't drop. Ne ovat parhaita uutisia, jotka olen kuullut pitkään aikaan. That's the best news I've heard in a long time. They're the best news I've ever heard for a long time. Ei tea. Dunno. I don't know. Lépj előre! Step forward. Step forward. Minun nimi on Wang. My name is Wang. My name is Wang. A kezelőorvosa szakemberhez akarja küldeni őt. Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist. Your doctor wants to send him to a specialist. Tom näytti hämmentyneeltä. Tom looked confused. Tom looked confused. Amikor kíváncsi leszek a véleményedre, megkérdezem majd. When I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it. When I'm curious about your opinion, I'll ask. Olen jo valmis. I'm already ready. I'm ready already. Egyesek a nyarat szeretik, mások a telet. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Some like summers, others like winters. Ki kell engednem a gőzt. I must let off steam. I have to release the steam. Hän kokee ulkomailla jatkuvaa koti-ikävää. If he is abroad, he is constantly homesick. He's experiencing a constant home-dreaming abroad. Szar! It's shit! Shit! Fogalmam sem volt róla, hogy nem beszélsz franciául. I had no idea you didn't know how to speak French. I had no idea you didn't speak French. Az Oxfordon tanult. He was educated at Oxford. He studied at Oxford. Tom oli oodanud midagi päris teistsugust. Tom had expected something quite different. Tom had been waiting for something quite different. Minä en kaatunut. I didn't fall down. I didn't fall. Vendégeid vannak? Do you have guests? You have guests? Tommilla ei tuu oleen mitään mahiksii. Tom won't stand a chance. Tom won't be able to do anything. See on hoopis teine asi. That's a very different thing. That's different. Haluaisin tehdä lähtöselvityksen, kiitos. I'd like to check in, please. I'd like to run a check-in, please. Unohtakaa kaikki, mitä kerroin teille! Forget everything I told you! Forget all I told you! Käydään asiaan. Let's get down to business. Let's get to the point. A történelmet a győztesek írják. History is written by the winners. History is written by the winners. Tarvitset ajokortin. You need a license to drive a car. You need a driver's license. Kati särki hänen sydämensä vaatimalla töykeästi häntä poistumaan. Kate broke his heart by rudely demanding he go away. Kati broke his heart by rudely demanding him to leave. Te ölted meg Tomot? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev. He's not tall, but strong. He's not a long grower, but he's strong. Tomi on valehtelija. Tom is a liar. Tom's a liar. Ma räägin palju. I talk a lot. I talk a lot. Kerro meille lapsuudestasi. Tell us about your childhood. Tell us about your childhood. Grammatika on väga raske. Grammar is very difficult. Grammatics is very difficult. Me ollaan valmiita taistelemaa. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Kérlek, javítsd ezt meg! Please fix this. Please fix this. Minä pidän talvesta. I like winter. I like winter. Azt mondod, hogy Tom valamit rejteget előlünk? Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us? Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us? Tarkoitan sitä tosissani. I mean it. I mean it. I mean it. Minulla on muutamia ranskalaisia kirjoja. I have some French books. I have some French books. Nem én loptam el. I didn't steal it. I didn't steal it. Tom ei tahtnud, et ükski ta sõber saaks teada, et ta on narkodiiler. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know he was a drug dealer. Tom egy tucat tojást akar. Tom wants a dozen eggs. Tom wants a dozen eggs. A szülei a városon kívül voltak. Her parents were out of town. Her parents were out of town. Pidähän hauskaa! Have fun! Have fun! Nem vagyunk házasok. We're not married. We're not married. Fél fejjel magasabb vagy, mint mikor utoljára itt voltál. You're half a head taller than when you were here before. You're half-head higher than the last time you were here. Maisema on henkeäsalpaava. The scenery is breathtaking. The landscape is breathtaking. Azért vagyok itt, hogy a gondodat viseljem. I'm here to take care of you. I'm here to take care of you. Jos haluat esittää kysymyksen, niin nosta kätesi. If you want to ask a question, please put your hand up. If you want to ask me a question, why don't you raise your hand? Tom fél három körül ért haza. Tom got home about 2:30. Tom got home around 3:30. Ma ütlen Tomile, et sa oled siin. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. Menj aludni! Go to sleep. Go to sleep. A padláson találtam. I found it in the attic. Found it in the attic. Rōntõz äb ūo ūž. The book isn't new. Rētõz áb ūo ūž. Tom ei ole paikalla. Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. Se ei tapahdu usein. That doesn't happen often. It doesn't happen often. Ott kellett volna lennem a találkozón. I should have been at the meeting. I should have been at the meeting. Bizonyára gazdag, ha három autót tart. She must be rich to have three cars. He must be rich if he's got three cars. Vokaaliharmonia on tärkeä unkarin kielessä. Vowel harmony is important in the Hungarian language. Vocal harmony is important in Hungarian. Ehkä sinun pitäisi lopettaa romantiikkaromaanien lukeminen. Maybe you should stop reading romance novels. Maybe you should stop reading romance novels. En kulunut jo jonkin aikaa, eikä minua vaivaava hikka ole vieläkään loppunut. It's been a while now and my hiccups still haven't stopped. I haven't been there for a while, and the sweat that bothers me still hasn't stopped. Kannatatko uutta lakia? Are you in favor of the new law? Do you support the new law? Kerro minulle loput. Tell me the rest. Tell me the rest. Tämä on se kohta. This is the spot. This is the part. Azonnal menni fog. He shall go at once. I can do it right away. Kik ezek a férfiak? Who are these men? Who are these men? Részeg. He's drunk. He's drunk. Tänään minua ei huvita tehdä mitään. Today, I don't feel like doing anything. Today, I'm not interested in doing anything. He kävelivät portaat ylös. They walked upstairs. They walked up the stairs. Odaadtam a koldusnak minden pénzem, ami nálam volt. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. I gave the beggar all the money I had. Haluaisin kokeilla tätä uutta mallia ennen kuin ostan sen. I'd like to try out this new model before I buy it. I'd like to try this new model before I buy it. Nem vagy japán. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Mehetek haza? May I go home? Can I go home? Ne menj még haza! Don't go home yet. Don't go home yet. Odotas vähän. Wait a second. Wait a minute. ”Mitä pidätte teestä, nuoriherra?” ”Eri hyvää, arvon Jeeves, eri hyvää.” "How's the tea, young sir?" "Exceptional, my dear Jeeves, exceptional." “What do you like about tea, young master?” “Very good, Jeeves, different good.” Haluan tulla hellityksi. I want to be pampered. I want to be gentle. Odotin kolme tuntia. I waited three hours. I waited three hours. Tom on saapunut. Tom's arrived. Tom's here. Tiedätkö sinä mitä Tomille tapahtui? Do you know what happened to Tom? Do you know what happened to Tom? Ma jobban vagyok már, mint tegnap. I feel better today than yesterday. I'm better today than yesterday. Őrült vagy? Are you mad? Are you crazy? Tomi ezt megmondta nekem egyenesen. Tom said that to my face. Tomi told me that straight. Nincs vége mindaddig, amíg nem vagyunk túl rajta. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until we're over it. Tuoreessa artikkelissa, joka käsittelee aivojen säilyttämistä nuorina, mainitaan esperanto sudokujen ohessa, mikä osoittaa esperanton tulevan osaksi populaarikulttuuria. In a recent article about activities to keep your brain young, they mention Esperanto along with Sudoku, which shows that Esperanto is becoming part of popular culture. A recent article on the preservation of the brain as a young person mentions Esperanto in addition to the Sudokus, which shows that Esperanto will become part of the popular culture. Mihin vittuun aurinko katos? Where the fuck did the sun go? Where the fuck did the sun go? Beszélnem kell vele. I have to talk to him. I need to talk to him. Arra számítanak, hogy győzni fognak. They expect to win. They expect you to win. Kolmen kuutio on kaksikymmentäseitsemän. Three cubed is twenty-seven. Three cubes is twenty-seven. Keitetty riisi on saastunut, paistettu syöty. The cooked rice is tainted, the fried rice is consumed. Cooked rice is contaminated, baked. Miks see sind häirib? Why does it bother you? Why does it bother you? Avatkaa ikkuna! Open the window! Open the window! Miért van még itt Tamás? Why's Tom still here? Why is Tamás still here? Véleményem szerint a Twitter csak időpocsékolás. In my opinion, Twitter is a waste of time. I think Twitter's just a waste of time. Sain flunssan, ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got a cold, and I got a fever. Mov leah göökte gaahtoeh. I have two cats. Mov shells. Ez inspiráló. It's inspiring. It's inspiring. Alszol te eleget? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you sleeping enough? Sikerrel jártál? Were you successful? Did you succeed? Poikani on ainoa joka syö hänen laittamia ruokia. My son isn't the only one who enjoys eating her cooking. My son is the only one who eats the food he makes. Milloin viimeksi sivelit salvaa tähän haavaan? When was the last time you applied ointment on this wound? When was the last time you brushed the ointment into this wound? Soittakaa minulle huomenna. Call me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. Me satuimme vain olemaan siellä. We just happened to be there. We just happened to be there. Jotkut menivät kävellen kun toiset taas pyöräilivät. Some went on foot, and others by bicycle. Some went for a walk while others were biking. Pysykää täällä luonamme. Stay here with us. Stay here with us. Ei ole helppoa löytää tietä puistoon. It is not easy to find the way to the park. It's not easy to find a way to the park. Mä en oo ylpee siitä. I'm not proud of it. I'm not proud of it. Olen varma, että Tomi yllättyy. I'm sure Tom will be surprised. I'm sure Tom will be surprised. Olen tutkinnonsuorittanut kääntäjä. I'm a certified translator. I've passed my degree as a translator. A madarak éhesek voltak. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. Pysytäänpä aiheessa. Let's stick to the point. Let's stay on the subject. Ő nem tudja megállítani. She cannot stop it. He can't stop it. Jos aurinkoa ei olisi, niin emme pystyisi elämään. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If there wasn't a sun, we wouldn't be able to live. Az összes pénzét ruházatra pazarolja. She wastes all her money on clothing. He's wasting all his money on clothes. Ma ehitasin uue maja. I built a new house. I built a new house. Vesi siinä järvessä on hyvin kylmää. The water of the lake is very cold. The water in that lake is very cold. Semmit nem tudunk bizonyítani. We can't prove anything. We can't prove anything. Épp ezt akartam csinálni. That's what I intend to do. That's what I was going to do. Tom ei ole niin kuin muut pojat. Tom is not like the other boys. Tom's not like the other boys. Majdnem mindent tudsz rólam. You know almost everything about me. You know almost everything about me. Kit érdekel? Who gives a damn. Who cares? Kuidas palun? Pardon me? Excuse me? Rokona vagyok. I'm related to her. I'm related. Se olisi järjetöntä. That would be absurd. That would be absurd. Oloni on onnellinen. I feel happy. I feel happy. Mulle tundub, et ma lisasin liiga palju suhkrut. I think I added too much sugar. I think I added too much sugar. Régen házas voltam. I used to be married. I used to be married. Tamás válaszolt? Did Tom respond? Did Thomas answer? Ta valis hea naise. He chose a good wife. She chose a good woman. Ezt a hotelt tavaly építették. This hotel was built last year. This hotel was built last year. Ota vapaasti mitä tahansa haluat syödä. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Take whatever you want to eat. Hymyile! Smile. Smile! Tom nem változott meg. Tom hasn't changed. Tom hasn't changed. Tuntuu kuin olisin orja. I feel like a slave. I feel like I'm a slave. Oletko jo allekirjoittanut sopimuksen? Have you signed the contract already? Have you signed the contract yet? Elkelne a segítség. We could use the help. I could use some help. Hän ei hukkaa aikaa. He's not a man to waste time. He won't waste any time. Tom hazudott a bíróság előtt tett tanúvallomásában. Tom lied on the witness stand. Tom lied in his testimony to the court. Kaphatok egy kiló kicsontozott tonhalat légy szíves? Can I get a kilo of tuna fish fillets please? Can I have a kilo of boned tuna, please? Kaikki eivät voi olla runoilijoita. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be poets. Nukukko sää? Are you asleep? A nap in the weather? Megnyertük a csatát. We won the battle. We won the battle. Keskustelu perustuu molemminpuoliseen kunnioitukseen. Discussion is based upon mutual respect. The debate is based on mutual respect. Sinä väärinkäytät asemaasi. You are abusing your authority. You abuse your position. Jobbra számítottunk. We expected better. We were expecting a right. Mary belehalt a szülésbe. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died of childbirth. Minä olen niin iloinen, että olet palannut. I'm so glad you're back. I'm so glad you're back. Yleisesti ottaen hallitsemisen taito koostuu rahan ottamisesta kansanosalta, jotta rahan voisi antaa toiselle osalle. Generally speaking, the art of governing consists in taking the most money from one part of the citizens, in order to give it to another part. Generally speaking, the skill of managing consists of taking money from the people so that the money can be given to another part. Az anya nagyon félt a baba megfázása miatt. The mother was very scared because of the baby's cold. The mother was very afraid of the baby's cold. Miért tanácsolnák azt? Why would they suggest that? Why would they advise you? Mahdat olla väsynyt. Käy ihmeessä nukkumaan. You're tired, aren't you? Why don't you get to bed? You're probably tired, so why don't you go to bed? A térre mentem előző este. i went to the plaza last night. I went to the square last night. Mindent tudni akar rólad. He wanted to know everything about you. He wants to know everything about you. Még a részeges celebek tweetjei is jobban néznek ki 24 pontos Georgia betűtípussal. Even drunken celebrity tweets look better in 24-point Georgia. Even the Tweets of drunk Celebs look better with 24-point Georgian fonts. Otan mukaan sateenvarjoni. I'll take my umbrella. I'll bring my umbrella. Kuidas sul läheb? How are you? How are you? Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! Speak more slowly, please! Here you go, pagize slow down! Változások jönnek. Change comes. Changes are coming. Torkig vagyok! I'm fed up! I'm so sick! Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta ikinä kun olen veneessä. This is the first time I've ever got on a boat. This is the first time I've ever been on a boat. harmincezer dollárt keresett. She made thirty thousand dollars. He made $300,000. Ez ügyben nem tehetek semmit. I can't do anything about that. There's nothing I can do about it. Toivon, että Tom sanoo kyllä. I hope Tom says yes. I hope Tom says yes. Szégyen a futás, de hasznos. Running away is shameful, but it's useful. It's a shame to run, but it's useful. Tyttöä pelotti katolta alas hyppääminen. The girl was afraid to jump down from the roof. She was scared to jump off the roof. Ki a franc az a Tom? Who the fuck is Tom? Who the hell is Tom? Tom zöldre festette a falat. Tom painted the wall green. Tom painted the wall green. Hän ylireagoi. He's overreacting. He's overreacting. Se on viimeinen tarjoukseni. That's my final offer. It's my last offer. Ezt mondtam, de nem gondoltam komolyan. I said it, but I didn't really mean it. That's what I said, but I didn't mean it. Lasku, kiitos. Check, please. Bill, please. Segítettem anyunak főzni. I helped mom cook. I helped Mom cook. Älä kerro Tomille totuutta. Don't tell Tom the truth. Don't tell Tom the truth. Tuomitsemme itsemme aikeidemme perusteella ja muut heidän tekojensa perusteella. We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. We judge ourselves on the basis of our intentions and on the basis of what others have done. Betegek vagyunk. We are sick. We're sick. Onko sinulla esitettävänä valitus? Do you have a complaint to make? Do you have a complaint to file? Se on täysin minun syytäni. It's totally my fault. It's all my fault. Már csak öt dolog van a listámon. There are just five more things on my list. I only have five things on my list. Miért teszel úgy, mintha nem ismernél? Why are you acting like you don't know me? Why are you pretending you don't know me? Et auta. You aren't helping. You're not helping. A gránát öt méterre robbant fel a katonától. The grenade exploded five metres from the soldier. The grenade exploded five meters from the soldier. Mu namma lea Tom. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Jobb lett volna, ha hajóval jössz. You had better have gone by ship. You should've come on a boat. A fiatal, piros alsóneműt viselő nő párducbőrös karosszékében ülve, hangosan olvasott egy "A fekete hercegnő" című könyvet. Sitting in her panther hide chair, the young woman, clad in red lingerie, was reading aloud a book titled "The Black Princess". She was sitting in the armchair of the young woman wearing red underwear, reading out loud a book called "The Black Princess." Historia toistaa jälleen itseään. History is repeating itself again. History repeats itself again. Úgy legyen! Let it be. That's right. Örülök, hogy tetszett. I'm glad you liked it. I'm glad you liked it. Voit poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastasi, jos sinä parametrisoit muuttujasi pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few limitations from your optimization problem if you parameterize your variable using ball coordinates. Nincs szükségem az engedélyedre, hogy ezt megtegyem. I don't need your permission to do this. I don't need your permission to do this. Ez a mondat hét szóból áll. This here sentence consists of seven words. That sentence is made up of seven words. Nem kell ezt megtennünk. We don't have to do this. We don't have to do this. A középiskola óta Tom sokat változott. Tom has changed a lot since high school. Since high school, Tom's changed a lot. Sinä olet juovuksissa, Tomi. Mene taksiin. Me lähdemme kotiin. You're drunk, Tom. Get in the taxi. We're going home. You're drunk, Tomi, get in a cab, we're going home. Minä en tiennyt, minne mennä. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where to go. Nem szoktam hozzá az ilyen bánásmódhoz. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I don't get used to this kind of treatment. Pysytään liikkellä. Let's keep moving. Let's keep moving. Felhorkant. She snorted. He's up. Pidän hänen asenteestaan. I like her attitude. I like his attitude. Meghúzódott Tomi háta hólapátolás közben. Tom hurt his back while shovelling snow. Tomi's back was stretched out while she was snowing. Brazíliában akarok élni. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Csináld csak! Nagyon jó érzés. Keep doing that. It feels great. It feels really good. Haluaako joku kävelylle rannalle? Does anybody want to take a walk to the beach? Anybody want to take a walk to the beach? Hat hónapja esküdtek. They got married six months ago. They've been sworn for six months. Olitko heidän kanssaan sinä yönä? Were you with them that night? Were you with them that night? Koira juoksi pois nähdessään minut. The dog ran away at the sight of me. The dog ran away when he saw me. Nupud tekivad, kui vajutad ekraanile ja kaovad uuesti 3 sekundi pärast. Buttons occur when you press the screen and disappear again after 3 seconds. The buttons will emerge when you press the screen and disappear again in 3 seconds. Tal ei olnud ühtegi pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have any pens. Tom térdre esett. Tom dropped to his knees. Tom fell on his knees. Tomi joutui myymään talonsa. Tom had to sell his house. Tom had to sell his house. Nem ismerem ezeket az embereket. I don't know those people. I don't know these people. Egész életemben nem loptam soha semmit sem. I've never stolen anything in my whole life. I've never stolen anything in my whole life. Kuibo dielot? How are you? Kubo dielot? Meg kell jelenned az igazgatói irodában. You're wanted in the principal's office. You have to show up at the director's office. Tom haluaa puhua sinulle siitä mitä tapahtui. Tom wants to talk to you about what happened. Tom wants to talk to you about what happened. Onko kaikki kunnossa? Are you all right? Is everything all right? Elmentek? Have they gone? They're gone? Sosincs késő ahhoz, hogy az legyél, ami lehettél volna. It's never too late to be what you might have been. It's never too late to be what you could have been. He eivät edes tiedä miksi. They don't even know why. They don't even know why. Halott? He's dead? Dead? Tom egy kicsit vörös lett. Tom got a little red. Tom's a little red. Tomi käy Bostonissa kahdesti tai kolmesti vuodessa. Tom goes to Boston two or three times a year. Tom goes to Boston twice or three times a year. Mindketten tanárok. They both are teachers. They're both teachers. Mostantól ő gondoskodik majd önről. She will care for you from now on. He'll take care of you from now on. Se on lyhyen kävelymatkan päässä. It's a short walk. It's a short walk. Kuinka monta kieltä osaat? How many languages do you know? How many languages do you know? Egész nap nem vett róla tudomást. She ignored him all day. He hasn't noticed all day. Onko totta, että te ette olleet täällä eilen? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here last night? Ebben mindannyian biztosak vagyunk. We're all sure of that. We're all sure about that. Мон тон вечктян. I love you. That is not true of the many people who worked with you. Vauva nukahti kehtoon. The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The baby fell asleep. Tom adott Marynek csokoládét. Tom gave Mary chocolate. Tom gave Mary chocolate. Laula! Sing! Sing! Magatok csináltátok? Did you do it yourself? Did you guys do it yourself? Előbb vagy utóbb mindannyian meghalunk. We all shall die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we all die. Ne késs el! Don't be late. Don't be late. Nem tudom, hogy mikor fogok tudni visszatérni Bostonba. I don't know when I'll be able to get back to Boston. I don't know when I'm gonna be able to get back to Boston. Magánnyomozó vagyok. I'm a private investigator. I'm a private investigator. Harjoittelin ranskan puhumista Tomin kanssa. I practiced speaking French with Tom. I was practicing French talking to Tom. Olet optimisti, vai kuinka? You're optimistic, aren't you? You're optimistic, aren't you? Hány felülést csináljak egy nap? How many sit-ups should I do a day? How many ups a day? Nagyon intelligens. He's very intelligent. Very intelligent. Tomilla on iso koira. Tom has a big dog. Tom has a big dog. Tom soitti Marille tänä aamuna. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mari this morning. Se ei ole vain tarpeeksi. That's just not enough. It's just not enough. Etkö tiedä, mitä eilen tapahtui? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened last night? Kérlek, ne sírj. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Oletko käynyt milloinkaan Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Tomi nálam gyorsabban tudja ezt csinálni. Tom can do it faster than me. Tomi can do this faster than me. Szeretnék folyékonyan beszélni angolul. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak liquid English. Vihollinen kärsi järisyttäviä menetyksiä. The enemy suffered staggering casualities. The enemy suffered shocking losses. Vain jäävuoren huippu näkyy vedenpinnan yläpuolella. Only the tip of an iceberg shows above the water. Only the tip of the iceberg is visible above the surface of the water. Einstein szerint minden viszonylagos. According to Einstein, everything is relative. Einstein said everything was relative. Tom átszaladt a mezőn. Tom ran across the field. Tom ran through the field. Lehet, hogy ebben igazad van. You may be right about that. Maybe you're right about that. Tomi on komeampi kuin minä. Tom is better looking than I am. Tom's more handsome than me. Haluaisitko katsoa peliä kanssani? Would you like to watch the game together? Would you like to watch the game with me? Terveh! Hello! Hello! Nem mondta ezt az anyám. Mom didn't mention it. My mother didn't say that. Me syömme. We eat. We're eating. Syön illallista vartin yli seitsemän. I eat dinner at quarter past seven. I'm having dinner, like, 15 minutes or so. Hänellä on paljon luovia ideoita. He has a lot of creative ideas. He's got a lot of creative ideas. Találkozzunk legközelebb is! Let's get together again. I'll see you next time. Tisztelem Tomit. I respect Tom. I respect Tom. Koneemme lensi pilvien yläpuolella. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane flew above the clouds. "Ma olen" on lihtne mistahes keelde tõlkida. It's easy to translate "I am" into any language. "I am" is easy to translate into any language. Gie leah datne? Who are you? Does this mean? Kilpkonnadel ei ole hambaid. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles don't have teeth. A vita váratlanul véget ért, miután egy vizes ballont dobtak a színpadra. The debate was terminated abruptly after a water balloon was thrown at the stage. The debate ended unexpectedly after a water balloon was thrown on the stage. Japánban a munkanélküliek aránya 3,4% volt 2015. szeptemberében. The unemployment rate in Japan was 3.4 percent in September of 2015. In Japan, the unemployment rate was 3.4% in September 2015. Az osztozkodás gondoskodás. Sharing is caring. Sharing is taking care of. Tomi felállt és vett egy mély levegőt. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Tomi stood up and took a deep breath. Onko sinulla hyvä olo? Do you feel OK? Are you feeling all right? Tomi ja minä olemme molemmat kasvissyöjiä. Both Tom and I are vegetarians. Tomi and I are both vegetarians. Szerintem megbírkózunk vele. I think we can. I think we can handle it. Hän tarvitsi omaa tilaa. She needed space. He needed his own space. Älä huolehdi. Pärjään kyllä. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Unalmasnak találom a regényét. I think his novel is boring. I find your novel boring. Kas ma saan kaardiga maksta? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay with the card? Heidän keskuudessaan vallitsee harmonia. A harmony prevailed among them. There is harmony among them. Lopeta juoruilu. Stop gossiping. Stop gossiping. Luovuttakaa! Capitulate! Give up! Tom kaatoi muroja kulhoon. Tom poured some cereal into a bowl. Tom poured cereal into the bowl. Mitä Walt Disney piirsi? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney draw? Szúnyogcsípéseim vannak, és nagyon viszketnek. Van rá valami gyógyszere? I've got mosquito bites and they really itch. Do you have any medicine for it? I have mosquito bites, and they're very itchy. Hävisin sen vedon. I lost the bet. I lost that bet. Akarsz velem táncolni? Do you want to dance with me? You want to dance with me? Tom teki päätöksensä. Tom made a decision. Tom made his decision. Én nem értem a zenét. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Turvalisem on siia jääda. It's safer to stay here. It's safer to stay here. Tom levágott egy szelet húst, és a tányérjára tette. Tom cut off a piece of meat and put it on his plate. Tom cut off a slice of meat and put it on his plate. Minun täytyy mennä. I gotta go. I have to go. Bob megpróbált beszélni Annával, de nem tudott. Bob tried to speak to Anne, but he couldn't. Bob tried to talk to Anna, but she couldn't. Minä olen yllättynyt, että te olette niin naiiveja. I'm surprised that you're so naive. I'm surprised you're so naive. Csak hétvégenként iszom. I only drink on weekends. I only drink on weekends. Tom talált egy sérült madarat. Tom found an injured bird. Tom found a wounded bird. Gyorsan hozzá fogsz szokni. You'll get used to it rapidly. You're gonna get used to it fast. Pystyyköhän Tomi voittaa. I wonder whether Tom can win. I wonder if Tomi can win. Puhumme ranskaa kotona. We speak French at home. We speak French at home. Tom részt vett egy webináriumon. Tom attended a webinar. Tom attended a web site. Sakslased ei tohi neid aidata. Germans mustn't help them. The Germans can't help them. Nem fogjuk csökkenteni az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We're not going to reduce our expectations. Me usume, et on aeg tihedamini naeratada. We think it's time to smile more often. We believe it's time to smile more often. Ma ei saa aru, miks sa nii mures oled. I don't know why you're so worried. I don't understand why you're so worried. Levetkőztem. I got undressed. I'm undressed. Tudja valaki Tomi családi nevét? Does anyone know Tom's family name? Does anyone know Tomi's family name? Betegsége miatt nem tudott eljönni. He could not come because of his illness. He couldn't make it because of his illness. Lejárt a személyim, mit tegyek? My ID card has expired, what should I do? My ID's up, what do you want me to do? Mit is próbálsz most bizonyítani? What exactly are you trying to prove? What are you trying to prove? Hadd gondolkodjak még egy kicsit ezen. Let me think about it a little longer. Let me think about this for a second. Tom osaa laulaa joitakin ranskalaisia lauluja. Tom can sing some French songs. Tom can sing some French songs. Várhatóan hamarosan megszületik ez a döntés. That decision is expected soon. This decision is expected to be made soon. Nem kérsz egy kis narancslevet? Don't you want any orange juice? You want some orange juice? Ez valószínűleg rossz ötlet. This is probably a bad idea. That's probably a bad idea. Tyttö osti huulikiiltoa lähikaupasta. The girl bought some lip gloss at the convenience store. She bought a lip gloss at a nearby store. Tom a fiam. Tom is my boy. Tom's my son. Filosofia on oikeastaan koti-ikävää – halua olla kaikkialla kotonaan. Philosophy is actually homesickness: the drive to be at home everywhere. In fact, philosophy is a homeless one — a desire to be everywhere in his home. Kivel beszélsz? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Minek van több értéke, az időnek vagy a pénznek? Which is more valuable, time or money? What has more value, time or money? Olen pahoillani että kadotin kelloni. I'm sorry I've lost my watch. I'm sorry I lost my watch. Bármennyit hajlandó vagyok fizetni. I'll pay anything. No matter how much I'm willing to pay. Szerintem türelmesnek kell lennünk. I think we have to be patient. I think we need to be patient. Kaunis nainen on ystävällinen. The beautiful woman is kind. A beautiful woman is kind. Úgy gondolom, Tomi felizgató. I think Tom is exciting. I think Tomi's exhilarating. Vegyél egy szelet tortát! Help yourself to a piece of cake. Buy me a slice of cake. He vaihtoivat järjestelmää. They changed the system. They switched the system. Egy rövid szünet után Caesar úgy döntött, hogy ismét belép a seregbe; majd elhagyta Rómát. Mialatt a tengeren vitorlázott át, egy csapat kalóz rabolta el őt. After a brief interlude, Caesar decided to join the army once again and left Rome. While he was sailing across the sea, a group of pirates kidnapped him. After a short break Caesar decided to enter the army again; then he left Rome. While sailing through the sea, a group of pirates kidnapped him. Juokse. Run. Run. Minä menen. I'm going. I'll go. Tom löysi lopultakin työpaikan. Tom finally got a job. Tom finally found a job. Öt meg három az nyolc. Five plus three is eight. Five and three are eight. Ruuhka-aikaan pitäisi olla enemmän busseja. There ought to be more buses during the rush hours. There should be more buses in traffic. Annyira hiányzott nekünk Tom! We missed Tom so much. We missed Tom so much! Vain taitelijat ja lapset näkevät elämän sellaisena kuin se on. Only artists and children see life as it is. Only artists and children see life as it is. Vessen még egy pillantást a várostérképre. Take another good look at the city map. Take another look at the city map. Ezt nem engedhetjük meg magunknak. We can't afford this. We can't afford that. Te nem vagy a főnököm. You're not the boss of me. You're not my boss. Megállíthatatlan vagyok. I am unstoppable! I can't be stopped. Häiritseekö se sinua? Does it bother you? Does that bother you? Mondtam már, hogy jól vagyok. I told you I'm fine. I told you, I'm fine. Untatsz. You're boring me! You're boring me. Nem kellett sietned. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Amint megérkezik, kezdünk. When he arrives, we'll start. As soon as it arrives, we'll begin. Adott neki enni. She gave him some food. She gave him food. Ajattelen suunnitelmaanne. I'm thinking about your plan. I'm thinking about your plan. A mostoha horcruxa a varázstükör volt. The horcrux of stepmother was the magic mirror. The stepmom's hurricane was the magic mirror. Datne löövjem jovkh. You drink tea. The date of the rash jovkh. Yksi, kaksi, kolme, nelli, viizi, kuuzi, seiččie, kaheksa, yheksä, kymmene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seičie, eight, one, ten. Talán nem. Maybe not. Maybe not. Ennyire hülyék azért nem vagyunk. We aren't that stupid. We're not that stupid. Avaisitko ikkunan? Would you open the window, please? Can you open the window? Tomi liittyi armeijaan. Tom enlisted in the Army. Tomi joined the army. Ei koskaan tullut mieleeni, että saattaisin olla väärässä. It never occurred to me that I might be wrong. It never occurred to me that I might be wrong. Tomi tahtoo jäädä. Tom will remain. Tomi wants to stay. Meidän pitää löytää se. We must find it. We need to find it. Tiedätkö mitä hän sanoi? Do you know what she said? You know what he said? Vitsailette! You're joking! You're kidding! Sinulla on kauniit huulet. You have beautiful lips. You have beautiful lips. Tudod a nevét? Do you know his name? You know his name? Mulle meeldiks natuke veel magada. I'd like to sleep a little longer. I'd like some more sleep. Vastauksesi oli hämmentävä. I'm puzzled by your reaction. Your answer was confusing. Szeretnél velem vacsorázni? Would you like to have dinner with me? Would you like to have dinner with me? Az embereknek nem tetszik az, amit nem értenek. People don't like what they can't understand. People don't like what they don't understand. Tuo sinä bagelit. You bring the bagels. You bring the bagels. Mi a franc bajotok van, emberek? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell is wrong with you people? Me ei unusta. We shall not forget. We won't forget. Teillä on paljon kirjoja. You have a lot of books. You have a lot of books. Tom on sanonut tuskin sanaakaan koko päivänä. Tom has barely said a word all day. I don't think Tom's said a word all day. Herää huomenna aamulla kuudelta. Please wake up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. Wake up tomorrow at 6:00 in the morning. Hän halusi olla laulaja. She wanted to be a singer. He wanted to be a singer. Herjat ovat argumentittomien argumentteja. Insults are the arguments of those who have no arguments. The screams are the arguments of the uncontroversials. Jos sää sallii, niin me saavumme sinne huomenna. If the weather is good, we'll get there tomorrow. If the weather allows, we'll be there tomorrow. Mit fogsz azokkal csinálni? What are you going to do with those? What are you gonna do with those? Mihin olet matkalla, Tom? Where are you going, Tom? Where are you going, Tom? Aki az élvezeteket hajtja, kiég. Whoever chases after pleasure finds weariness. Anyone who's after pleasure burns out. Tatoeba: Lauseita, lauseita ja lisää lauseita. Tatoeba: Sentences, sentences, and more sentences. Tatoeba: phrases, phrases and more sentences. Hän kävi kasvojenkohotuksessa. She had a facelift. He was in a face-to-face attack. Ota torkut. Take a nap. Take a nap. Leesett az üveg és összetört. The bottle fell and broke. The glass fell and broke. Hevonen ei ole valkoinen. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Autistilapsilla ei koskaan ole tylsää. Autistic children never get bored. Autistic children are never boring. Mit gondolsz, megteszi? What do you think, is she going to do it? Do you think he'll do it? Kérem, mondja hangosabban! Please speak more loudly. Please say it out loud. Olemme todennäköisesti turvassa toistaiseksi. We're probably safe for the time being. We're probably safe for now. Sinulla on vain vähän koti-ikävä. You're just a little homesick. You're just a little homeless. Saamiesi muffinien lukumäärä on käänteisesti verrannollinen siihen, miten usein juttelet IRCissä. The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. The number of muffins you receive is inversely proportional to how often you talk in IRC. Tom ütles Maryle, et ta ettevaatlik oleks. Tom told Mary to be careful. Tom told Mary to be careful. Emlékszem mindkettőtökre. I remember both of you. I remember both of you. Minulla ei ole paljoa aikaa. Voisitko sinä hoitaa sen? I don't have a lot of time. Can you take care of it? I don't have much time. Kyllä sillon ku ajaa niin pitäis tiätä kattoo. While you drive, you should focus on the road. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Mari szereti a gyerekeket. Mary loves children. Mari loves kids. En voi kastella takapihaa. Ei ole vettä. I cannot water the backyard. There is no water. I can't water the backyard. Ingyen odaadom neked. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. Miért nem alszol még? Why are you still not sleeping? Why aren't you sleeping yet? Minusta on ihanaa tehdä ostoksia eBayssä. I love buying on eBay. I love shopping at eBay. Mr. Bush sai hieman enemmän ääniä kuin Mr. Gore. Mr. Bush had slightly more votes than Mr. Gore. Mr. Bush got a little bit more votes than Mr. Gore did. Ma olen väga väsinud praegu. I'm very tired right now. I'm very tired right now. Szerintem ez nem lesz elég. I think this isn't going to be enough. I don't think that's enough. Mul on kaks silma. I have two eyes. I have two eyes. Ma olen päris hea ujuja. I'm a pretty good swimmer. I'm a pretty good swimmer. Hän vihasi aviomiestään. She hated her husband. He hated his husband. Tom aggódik a szülei egészsége miatt. Tom is concerned about his parents' health. Tom's worried about his parents' health. Tomi ei ole sisällä juuri nyt. Tom isn't in right now. Tom's not inside right now. Tomi kosketti minun kättäni. Tom touched my hand. Tomi touched my hand. Jobb lenne, ha nem csinálnád azt, amíg Tom itt van. You'd better not do that while Tom is here. You better not do that while Tom's here. En yleensä osta käytettyä tavaraa. I don't usually buy used stuff. I don't usually buy used items. Mitä haluat antaa hänelle? What do you want to give her? What do you want to give him? Tämä on meidän laukkumme. This is our bag. This is our bag. Igen, a hölgy a menedzserünk. Yes, she's our manager. Yes, the lady is our manager. Meddig tartott a találkozó? How long did the meeting last? How long was the meeting? Korpusta ei ole jäsennetty taulukkona vaan verkkona. The corpus is not structured as a table but as a graph. The basket has not been structured as a table, but as a network. Mul on kaks vennapoega. I have two nephews. I have two nephews. Milyen nagy tök! What a big pumpkin! What a big bollocks! Ruhák kellenek Tominak. Tom needs clothes. Tomi needs clothes. Ugyanabba a templomba jártunk. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Tom megsértődött azon, amit Mary mondott. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Miten te käytätte tätä konetta? How do you operate this machine? How do you use this machine? Tom Datsunnal jár. Tom drives a Datsun. Tom's dating Datsun. Se vauva on nukkumassa. The baby is sleeping. That baby's asleep. Kuinka paljon on liikaa? How much is too much? How much is too much? Mária a legkevésbé tanulékony a három közül. Mary is the least studious of the three. Mary is the least educated of the three. Nem tudok megjegyezni egy ilyen verset. Ez túl hosszú. I cannot memorize such a poem. It's too long. I can't remember a poem like this. Azt hiszem, kiesett néhány filmkocka. I think I blacked out. I think we've lost some film cubes. Tom magas ülemisel naril. Tom slept on the top bunk. Tom was sleeping on the top of the string. Sinun täytyy pitää aina kätesi puhtaina. You must always keep your hands clean. You always have to keep your hands clean. A fiú beleugrott a vízbe. The boy jumped into the water. The boy jumped into the water. Maam sïjhth jovkedh? What do you want to drink? Maam sïjhth jovkedsh? Markold a kapaszkodót. Hold the handrail. Markold the hanger. Luuletko olevasi fiksumpi kuin Tom? Do you think you're smarter than Tom? You think you're smarter than Tom? En ole Bostonista. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. Körūlbelül öt évet élt ott. She lived there about five years. He lived there for about five years. Mitä mieltä te olette Tomin nenärenkaasta? What do you think of Tom's nose ring? What do you think of Tom's nose ring? Television katselu on hauskaa. Watching TV is fun. Watching TV is fun. Én vagyok az egyetlen, aki érti ennek a poénját? Am I the only one that sees the humor in this? Am I the only one who understands this joke? Arra kért, hogy beszéljek lassabban. He asked me to speak more slowly. He asked me to talk more slowly. Voit mennä mihin tahansa haluat. You can go anywhere you want. You can go anywhere you want. Tänään on vähän kylmä. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. Tom udvariatlan volt. Tom was rude. Tom was rude. Már végeztem a munkámmal. I've already finished my work. I'm done with my job. Itt havazik. It's snowing here. It's snowing here. Csak annyi, hogy nem akarok ma meghalni. It's just that I don't want to die today. It's just that I don't want to die today. Heillä tosiaan oli hauskaa. They did have fun. They really had a good time. Mit ebédeltek ma önök? What did you eat for lunch today? What are you having for lunch today? Elämässä ja kuolemassa ei ole järkeä tahi syytä. Toiset tekevät kaiken oikein, ja silti kuolevat nuorina, samalla kuin toiset elävät vanhaksi. There's no rhyme or reason to life and death. Many people who do all the right things die early anyway, while others live to an old age. There is no point in living and dying, or because others do what is right, and yet they die when they are young, while others live to be old. Tisztában van a saját hibáival. He is aware of his own fault. He's aware of his own mistakes. Ette te voi tehdä enää noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Älä tuhlaa aikaa merkityksettömiin asioihin. Don't waste your time on trifles. Don't waste time on meaningless things. Älä tuhlaa aikaasi tuon tekemiseen. Don't waste your time doing that. Don't waste your time doing that. Tom ei ole koskaan tuottanut minulle pettymystä. Tom has never let me down. Tom has never disappointed me. Mihin aikaan saavut huomenna? What time will you arrive tomorrow? What time do you arrive tomorrow? Hazamegyek Bostonba. I'm going back home to Boston. I'm going home to Boston. Szeretjük hallgatni a madarak éneklését. We like to listen to birds singing. We love listening to birds sing. Yhtäkkiä lamput sammuivat. All of a sudden, all the lights went out. Suddenly, the lights went out. Tarina oli tosi. The story was true. The story was real. Sinulla on aikamoinen mielikuvitus. You have quite an imagination. You have such a imagination. Szia, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom. Olenko ikinä valehdellut teille? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? Huone haisi pahalle. The room smelled bad. The room smelled bad. Asianajaja löysi porsaanreiän laissa. The lawyer found a loophole in the law. The lawyer found a loophole in the law. Ő az egyetlen a barátaim közül akinek van tehetsége. He is the only one of my friends that is talented. He's the only one of my friends with talent. Hänellä leikkaa hyvin. He's intelligent. He's got a good cut. Az nem látszik helyesnek. It doesn't seem right. That doesn't seem right. Ma sain hakkama täiesti uskumatu veaga. I have made a prize mistake. I've made an incredible mistake. Oi uusi uljas maailma, jossa on sellaisia ihmisiä! O brave new world that has such people in't! Oh, a new glorious world with people like that! Sinä teroitit puukot. You sharpened the knives. You sharpened the knives. Tomi lopetti. Tom finished. Tomi quit. Äitini valittaa tuskin koskaan. My mother almost never complains. I don't think my mom ever complains. Tukkuhinnat eivät olleet muuttuneet oleellisesti. Wholesale prices had been basically flat. The wholesale prices had not changed substantially. Másodéves az egyetemen. She is in her second year at university. Second year at the university. Kaksi autoa törmäsi toisiinsa. The two cars crashed. Two cars hit each other. Olen kutsunut kaikki ystäväni. I invited all my friends. I've invited all my friends. Tamás azt gondolta, hogy Máriának anyagi problémái vannak. Tom thought that Mary was having money problems. Tamás thought Mary had financial problems. Tom ei ota, jos hän ajaa. Tom doesn't drink and drive. Tom won't take it if he drives. Takarítsd fel, Tom! Clean it up, Tom. Clean it up, Tom. Aika on kuin joki. Time is like a river. Time is like a river. Tom nälkiintyi kuoliaaksi. Tom starved to death. Tom starved to death. Tomi ei enää halua asua täällä. Tom doesn't want to live here anymore. Tom doesn't want to live here anymore. Miksi miehet käyttäytyvät kuin apinat ja päinvastoin? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do men act like monkeys and vice versa? Ook sä kertonu sun vanhemmille? Have you told your parents? Have you told your parents? Szeretem Tomit bosszantani. I like to annoy Tom. I like to piss Tom off. Szürke haja az életkoránál idősebbnek mutatja a hölgyet. Her gray hair makes her look older than her age. Grey hair makes her look older than her age. Mikä nyt hätänä, Tom? What's the problem now, Tom? What's the matter, Tom? Nincs benned feszültség. You're relaxed. You don't have any tension. Tom ja Mari muuttivat Bostoniin. Tom and Mary moved to Boston. Tom and Mari moved to Boston. Nagyapám alapította a vállalatot, és a szüleim viszik tovább sikeresen. My grandfather founded and my parents developed this company. My grandfather founded the company, and my parents carry on successfully. Nem indul a motor. The engine won't start. The engine's not starting. Minä käännän. I will translate. I'll turn it around. Már nem sűrűn csinálom. I don't do that very often anymore. I don't do it often anymore. Együttműködsz. You're cooperating. You're working together. Tom kuoli syöpään. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. Miksei minulle koskaan kerrottu tästä? Why was I never told about this? Why didn't they ever tell me about this? Töin tuskin pidättäydyin oksentamasta. I barely restrained myself from vomiting. I didn't think I was gonna throw up. Tee on suosittu juoma ympäri maailman. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea is a popular drink all over the world. Ma hoiatasin teda ohu eest. I warned him about the danger. I warned him about the danger. Nem szeretem, ha hülyének néznek. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being seen as stupid. Ma ei pidanud seda liigutama. I didn't have to move it. I didn't have to move it. Kaikki puiston kirsikkapuut ovat täydessä kukassa. All the cherry trees in the park are in full bloom. All the cherry trees in the park are full of flowers. Te nagyon ronda vagy. You're very ugly. You're very ugly. Mondja meg ezeknek az embereknek, menjenek hátra, hogy a helikopter leszállhasson. Tell these people to move away, so that the helicopter can land. Tell these people to get in the back so the helicopter can land. Hän on aina täynnä ideoita. He is always full of ideas. He's always full of ideas. Kinyitja az ablakot. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Erőink elfoglalták a várost. Our forces occupied the city. Our forces have taken over the city. Tom egész életét a cápák tanulmányozásának szentelte. Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks. Tom spent his whole life studying sharks. Szerintem van valaki az ajtóban. I think someone's at the door. I think there's someone at the door. Tamás azt mondja, hogy nem jön. Tom says he's not coming. Tamás says he's not coming. Naiskolmikko hymyili. The three women smiled. Three women smiled. Nincs joga ezt tenni Saminek. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. You have no right to do this, Samink. Micsoda lakoma! What a feast! What a feast! Haluaisin puhua ylihoitajalle. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to speak to the superintendent. Olisin samaa mieltä. I'd agree. I'd agree. Tom tahtoi laihtua. Tom wanted to lose weight. Tom wanted to lose weight. Se oli typerää. It was stupid. It was stupid. Kelj fel Tom! Wake up Tom. Get up, Tom! Tämä väliseinä erottaa kaksi huonetta toisistaan. This partition separates the two rooms. This is the difference between two rooms. Ezt szeretném. I want this one. That's what I want. Kuu on Maa looduslik kaaslane. The earth's moon is a natural satellite. The moon is the natural companion of the Earth. Túl hideg van az úszáshoz. It's much too cold to swim. It's too cold to swim. Ma olen vabatahtlik. I am a volunteer. I'm a volunteer. Minä opin häneltä paljon tähtitieteestä. I learned much about astronomy from him. I learned a lot from him in astronomy. Mit tett Tomi a táskába? What did Tom put into the bag? What did Tomi put in the bag? Igazán sajnálom, hogy megbántottam önt. I'm truly sorry for having offended you. I'm really sorry I hurt you. Mindannyian itt vagyunk, őt kivéve. We're all here except for him. We're all here, except him. Hän asuu Kiotossa. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. Tomi on arkkitehti. Tom is an architect. Tom's an architect. Tomi nem tudja helyén kezelni a kudarcokat. Tom couldn't cope with failure. Tomi can't handle the failures. Tatoeba syytää minulle loukkauksia! Tatoeba is insulting me! Tatoeba is blaming me for insults! Tomia ei huvita opiskella. Tom doesn't feel like studying. I don't like to study with Tom. Se onkin juuri koko pointti. That's the whole point. That's the whole point. Te ette taidakaan uskoa että minä olen oikeassa. You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? Ez csak egy telefon. It's just a phone. It's just a phone. Szükséged lesz egy alibire. You're going to need an alibi. You're gonna need an alibi. Tegnap csütörtök volt. Yesterday was Thursday. It was Thursday. Ajokorttini menee vanhaksi tämän kuun lopussa. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My license's getting old at the end of this month. Fogj velem kezet! Shake my hand. Put your hands where I can see them. Titokban tartotta, hogy vett egy biciklit a fiának. He kept it secret that he had bought a bicycle for his son. He kept it a secret that he bought his son a bike. On kuuma, joten haluan syödä jotain kylmää. It's hot, so I want to eat something cold. It's hot, so I want to eat something cold. Úgy beszélek eszperantóul, mintha az anyanyelvem lenne. I can speak Esperanto as if it were my mother tongue. I speak Esperanto like it's my mother tongue. Tom ei halunnut rohkaista Maria tekemään mitään, mikä voisi saada hänet pulaan. Tom didn't want to encourage Mary to do anything that might get her in trouble. Tom didn't want to encourage Mary to do anything that could get her into trouble. Úgy tűnt, Tom nagyon aggódott. Tom seemed very concerned. It seemed Tom was very concerned. Lopettakaa ampuminen! Stop shooting! Stop shooting! Nem akarom Tomit meztelenül látni. I don't want to see Tom naked. I don't want to see Tom naked. Tomi ei ymmärrä Maria. Tom doesn't understand Mary. She doesn't understand. Tom lähetti YouTubeen itsestään videon tanssimassa ja laulamassa ja se alkoi levitä nopeasti. Tom posted a video of himself singing and dancing on YouTube and it went viral. Tom sent YouTube a video of himself dancing and singing, and it started spreading quickly. Tom magányosnak látszott. Tom looked lonely. Tom seemed lonely. Et ole vielä tavannut perhettäni. You haven't met my family yet. You haven't met my family yet. Versenyképes vagyok. I'm competitive. I'm competitive. Tom elsuttogta Mary nevét. Tom whispered Mary's name. Tom whispered Mary's name. Kedveled a japán konyhát? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese? Nem hagytam Tomnak választást. I didn't give Tom any choice. I didn't leave Tom a choice. Olen yllättynyt, että sinä olet niin naiivi. I'm surprised that you're so naïve. I'm surprised you're so naive. Nagyon hideg van ebben a szobában, igaz? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? It's really cold in this room, isn't it? Takaovi on auki. The back door is open. The back door's open. Gyertyákat gyújtottak a szobájukban. They lit candles in their room. They lit candles in their room. Nem bánta meg Tom, amit tett. Tom doesn't regret what he did. Tom didn't hurt what he did. Toivotaan, että se on tarpeeksi. Let's hope that's enough. Let's hope it's enough. Hukkasin sitä edeltävänä päivänä kamerani. I had lost a camera the previous day. The day before that, I lost my camera. Hän on professorini. She's my professor. He's my professor. Tom dühösnek tűnt. Tom seemed mad. Tom seemed angry. Nem követeltem soha semmit. I've never demanded anything. I never demanded anything. A kocsmába megyek. I'm going to the pub. I'm going to the pub. Hieno puku. Nice costume. Nice suit. Látnom kellett volna, hogy ez jön. I should have seen this coming. I should have seen this coming. Tom osaa hädin tuskin puhua ranskaa. Tom can barely speak French. Tom can barely speak French. Lehűlt a levegő, amikor hazatekertem. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air cooled down when I went home. Tom fuldoklik. Tom is drowning! Tom's drowning. Onko tuo totta? Is that a fact? Is that true? He menevät metsään poimimaan sieniä, jos sää sallii. They will go to the woods to pick mushrooms, weather permitting. They're going into the woods to pick mushrooms, if the weather allows. Másnak tűnsz. You do seem different. You look different. Semminek nem volt értelme. Nothing made sense. Nothing made sense. Se ei ollut mitään muuta kuin yhteensattuma. It was nothing but a coincidence. It was nothing but a coincidence. Tomi näyttää vanhalta mieheltä. Tom looks like an old man. Tom looks like an old man. Apai nagymamám betöltötte a századik életévét. My grandmother on my father's side has turned one hundred. My father's grandmother has spent the century. Síri csend honolt a házban. The house was dead silent. There was a gravel silence in the house. Kõvemini. Louder. Harder. Ei ole teist jumalat peale Allahi ja Muhamed on tema prohvet. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no other God than Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. Tom nagyon részeg. Tom is pretty drunk. Tom's really drunk. Тиде кӧ? Who is this? This identity? Most már neki kell állnunk. We must start now. Now we have to stand for him. Ez nem egy valódi szó. That's not a real word. It's not a real word. Tom ei tullut kotiin viime yönä. Tom didn't come home last night. Tom didn't come home last night. Minun vaimoni on kasvissyöjä. My wife is a vegetarian. My wife is a vegetarian. Együnk egy fánkot! Let's get a doughnut. Let's eat a donuts. Minun täytyy antaa Tomille mahdollisuus. I have to give Tom a chance. I have to give Tom a chance. Tom túl hangosan nevetett. Tom laughed too loud. Tom laughed too loud. Tom ei tahdo opiskella ranskaa. Tom has no desire to study French. Tom doesn't want to study French. Kuinka voin kääntää sanat, joita ei ole muissa kielissä kuin omassani? How can I translate words that don't exist in any language besides my own? How can I translate words that are not in my own languages? Tomin piti soittaa Marille eilen illalla, mutta hän unohti. Tom was supposed to call Mary last night, but he forgot. Tom was supposed to call Mari last night, but she forgot. Képtelen volt kontrollálni a gyilkolás iránti vágyát. He could not control his compulsion to kill. He couldn't control his desire to kill. Hän ei voinut olla ajattelematta häntä. He could not help but think about her. He couldn't help thinking about her. Nagy családja van. He's got a large family. He's got a big family. Tuo kuulostaa mahtavalta. That sounds awesome. That sounds great. Tegnap elvittem a macskámat az állatkórházba. I took my cat to the veterinary hospital yesterday. I took my cat to the animal hospital yesterday. He näyttivät hämmentyneiltä. They look confused. They looked confused. Gyorsan nő a szakállam. My beard grows quickly. My beard's growing fast. A magyarázat meghaladta a felfogóképességemet. The explanation was beyond my understanding. The explanation was beyond my understanding. Tom azt mondja, hogy ez hazugság. Tom says that's a lie. Tom says it's a lie. Hadd adjak néhány tanácsot. Let me give you some advice. Let me give you some advice. Belépés csak a személyzet számára. Entry is strictly for staff only. Access only for staff. Szóljál, ha készen állsz. Let me know when you're ready. Let me know when you're ready. Jövő hétfőn elhagyjuk Bostont. We're leaving Boston next Monday. We're leaving Boston next Monday. Idő! It's time. Time! Se on varmaan totta. That's probably true. I'm sure it's true. Älä puhu paskaa! You're lying. Don't talk shit! En ole lintu vaikka haluaisin olla. I'm not a bird, though I'd like to be one. I'm not a bird if I want to be. Minä olin lukemassa uudelleen kirjeitä, jotka sinä lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was re-reading the letters you sent me. Tom ei tahtnud, et Mari talle pidevalt helistaks. Tom didn't want Mary to call him all the time. Tom didn't want Mari calling him all the time. Tomi osti lahjan tyttärelleen. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tomi bought a present for her daughter. Hän puhui. He spoke. He spoke. Tämä ei ole minun. This is not mine. This isn't mine. Ezt a kerékpárt miért vetted meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Ürítsd ki a zsebedet. Empty your pocket. Empty your pocket. Megtartottam az ígéreteimet. I kept my promises. I kept my promises. He eivät pysy mukana. They're not following. They can't keep up. Ei tuo olekin opettaja sinun koulustasi? Isn't that a teacher from your school? That's not a teacher from your school, is it? A könyvem nincs itt. My book isn't here. My book isn't here. Ma räägin Tomiga sellest. I'll talk to Tom about this. I'll talk to Tom about it. Utálom a tömeget. I hate crowds. I hate crowds. He eivät kuule sinua. They can't hear you. They can't hear you. Úgy teszek, mintha nem hallottam volna. I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I'll pretend I didn't hear you. Én ültettem ezt a fát. I'm the one who planted this tree. I planted this tree. Oletko miettinyt sitä? Have you thought of that? Have you thought about it? Minä hoidan hänet henkilökohtaisesti. I will deal with her myself. I'll take care of him personally. Még ha nem is hiszed, akkor is igaz. You may not believe it, but it is nonetheless true. Even if you don't believe me, it's true. Mosom kezeimet. I wash my hands. I wash my hands. Most visszamegyek dolgozni. I'm going back to work now. Now I'm going back to work. Nyt me osoitamme miten tätä aputulosta voi käyttää päälauseen todistamiseen. Now, we show how this lemma can be used to prove our main theorem. Now we are demonstrating how this result can be used to prove a statement. Ma näen et sa oled tõepoolest väga hõivatud. I see that you are really very busy. I see you're really busy. Myös Tomilla on hauskaa. Tom is having a good time, too. Tom's having a good time, too. Nagyon fél. He is very fearful. He's really scared. Tykkäätkö baseballista? Do you like baseball? You like baseball? Tomi senkit sem engedne be a szobájába. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his room. Tomi wouldn't let anyone in her room. Minä tapasin Tomin vihdoinkin. I finally met Tom. I finally met Tom. Tom oli kohtelias. Tom was polite. Tom was polite. Enyém lehet? Can I have it? Can I have it? Olen tuntenut Tomin pitkään. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom for a long time. Mivel a fürdővíz túl forró, még egy kis hideg vizet folyatok bele. As the bath is too hot, I will run some cold water into it. Since the bath water is too hot, you'll have some more cold water in it. Híreim vannak. I have news. I have news. Kasvoin Bostonissa. I was raised in Boston. I grew up in Boston. Halálos végű szívrohamot kaptam volna. I'd have had a heart attack and died. I would have had a fatal heart attack. Tom oli pidempi kuin oletin. Tom was taller than I expected. Tom was taller than I expected. Ma egyáltalán nem leszek itthon. I won't be at home at all today. I'm not gonna be home at all today. Ala painella! Go away. Come on, come on, come on! Tessék, a söröd. Here's your beer. Here's your beer. Szeretnéd kölcsönvenni a tűzőgépemet? Would you like to borrow my stapler? You want to borrow my lighter? Tom ojensi Marylle manilakuoren. Tom handed Mary a manila folder. Tom handed Mary a manila shell. Toukokuun 24. on slaavikirjoituksen ja -kulttuurin päivä. The 24th of May is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. May 24 is the day of Slavic Writing and Culture. Próbáljuk megőrizni a nyugalmunkat. Let's try to stay calm. We're trying to keep our peace. Zavarnak engem. They're bothering me. They're bothering me. Tom ahhoz is túl részeg, hogy hazasétáljon. Tom is too drunk to even walk home. Tom's too drunk to walk home. A féltékenység nem egyenlő az irigységgel. Ne keverd össze a kettőt! Van különbség közöttük. Jealousy is not the same as envy. Do not confuse the two. There is a difference. Jealousy is not equal to envy. Don't mix the two together. There is a difference between them. Menkää tuonne. Go there. Get over there. Ma käisin enne hommikusööki duši all. I showered before breakfast. I took a shower before breakfast. Sinun täytyy mennä kouluun. You must go to school. You have to go to school. Kuu loisti kirkkaana ja selkeänä. The moon was shining bright and clear. The moon shined bright and clear. Ez igazán szép. This is really nice! That's really nice. Milyen színű a hajad? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? Unohdin, että Tom puhuu ranskaa. I forgot Tom spoke French. I forgot Tom speaks French. Tomi felhagyott a reménykedéssel. Tom abandoned hope. Tomi gave up hope. Mióta megérkeztünk, Tom folyamatosan ki volt készülve. Tom has been a nervous wreck ever since we arrived. Since we arrived, Tom was constantly prepared. Érdekelt valakit? Did anyone care? Anybody interested? Käytän piilolinssejä. I wear contact lenses. I'm using hidden lenses. Tomi sanoo, että hän ei ole milloinkaan käynyt Australiassa. Tom says he's never been to Australia. Tomi says he's never been to Australia before. Tennivalók vannak. There's work to be done. There's tennis. Voisitko pistää tämän kassin jonnekin muualle? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Ma ei suuda otsustada, kas ma olen õnnelik või kurb. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. Voi ei! Oh no! Oh, no! Onko teillä iso koti? Do you have a big house? Do you have a big home? Adj időt, hogy elgondolkodjak rajta. Give me time to think about it. Give me time to think about it. Tom sanoi minulle, että te olisitte ystäviä. Tom told me you were friends. Tom told me you'd be friends. Anyám nárciszokat ültetett a kertbe. My mother planted daffodils in the garden. My mom put daffodils in the garden. Hän potkaisi häntä munille. She gave him a kick in the balls. He kicked her to the balls. Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Anna se minulle. Give it to me. Give it to me. Lóra! Get on a horse. Horse! Mov leah golme gaahtoeh. I have three cats. Move is spot. Ne aggódj. Ez nem a világvége. Don't worry. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. Bízzál bennem! Trust me. Trust me. Onko meillä tässä jokin ongelma? Do we have a problem here? Do we have a problem here? Kérlek, ne menj el! Please don't go away. Please don't go. Olenko minä typerä? Am I being foolish? Am I stupid? Käy istumaan, ole hyvä. Sit down, please. Have a seat, please. Szeretném, ha klimatizált osztálytermünk lenne. I wish our classroom were air-conditioned. I want us to have a climated classroom. Kositko Maria? Did you propose to Mary? Did you ask Maria? Odotan innolla huomista. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Työ on niin turhauttavaa nykyään. Work is so frustrating today. Work is so frustrating these days. Ketkään meistä eivät ole pelkureita. None of us are cowards. None of us are cowards. Ajattelin heittää sen pois, mutta päätin pitää sen. I thought about throwing it away, but decided to keep it. I thought I'd throw it away, but I decided to keep it. Nem akarok elájulni. I don't want to pass out. I don't want to faint. Belőlünk tanulókból is lehet híres újságíró. We students can also become famous journalists! From us, students can be a famous journalist. Aion tappaa ison pomon. I'm about to kill the big boss. I'm going to kill a big boss. Me tiesimme sen koko ajan. We knew it all along. We knew it all along. Se on se mitä halusit, vai kuinka? It's what you wanted, isn't it? It's what you wanted, isn't it? Tom csapata az egyetlen, akik eddig többször is megcsinálták. Tom's team is the only one to have done it more than once so far. Tom's team is the only one who's done it so many times. Olukord läks hullemaks. The situation worsened. Things got worse. Öreg kutyának már nem tudsz új trükköket tanítani. You can't teach old dogs new tricks. You can't teach old dogs new tricks anymore. Tom nem szokott bárokba járni. Tom doesn't go to bars. Tom doesn't go to bars. Ikš, kakš, kuolm, nēļa, vīž, kūž, seis, kādõks, īdõks, kim. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ikš, kakš, death, nēåa, vīž, kūž, stop, kādõks, īdõks, kim. Hylkään ehdotuksesi. I spurn your offer. I reject your proposal. Engedd Tomot vezetni. Let Tom drive. Let Tom drive. Mi okozta a balesetet? What caused the accident? What caused the accident? See sviiter maksab üle viiekümne dollari. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. This sweater costs more than $50. Nem vagyok biztos ennek a jelentésében. I'm not sure what this means. I'm not sure about this report. Pöyristyttävää! That's preposterous. Fascinating! Önkéntelenül nevetni kezdtek. They broke out into spontaneous laughter. They started laughter on a voluntary basis. Tudnunk kell, mi történt. We need to know what happened. We need to know what happened. Pöydän alla on kissa. There's a cat under the table. There's a cat under the table. Mint nő, bátran küzdött. Woman as she was, she fought bravely. As a woman, he fought bravely. Tomi selitti tilanteen. Tom explained the situation. Tomi explained the situation. Yhden dollarin setelissä näkyy vapaamuurarien symboleita. You can see symbols of freemasonry on the one dollar bill. One dollar bill shows the symbols of the Freemasons. Tom ei todellakaan tarvitse lisää rahaa. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. Tom really doesn't need any more money. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy működik ez. I wonder how this works. I wonder how this works. Ma este dolgoznom kell. I have to work tonight. I have to work tonight. Énekelni kezdtünk. We started singing. We started singing. Tarvitsen vapaaehtoisia. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. Terveh! Hyviä huondestu! Hello! Good morning! Good luck! Katso tätä kuvaa. Look at this picture. Look at this picture. Mik a tünetek? What are the symptoms? What are the symptoms? Minä hykertelin. I chuckled. I did. Nem a pénzért csinálom. I don't do that for the money. I'm not doing it for money. Ti ketten viccesek vagytok. You two are funny. You two are funny. Tomin kaltainen hyvä oppilas tuo luokallemme kunniaa. A good student like Tom brings honor to our class. A good student like Tom brings honor to our class. - Kér még kávét? - Köszönöm, nem. Már ittam eleget. "Will you have some more coffee?" "No, thanks. I've had enough." - Would you like some more coffee? Täältä on kauniit näkymät kun sää on hyvä. You can get a nice view from here when the weather is good. There are beautiful views here when the weather is good. Milyen kár! It's a pity. What a shame! Vihaan naapuriani. I hate my neighbor. I hate my neighbor. Tom a könyvelőm. Tom is my accountant. Tom's my accountant. Pesto on Jumalan lahja kansalle. Pesto is God's gift to the world. Laundry is a gift from God to the people. Nincs problémám az ivással. I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a problem drinking. A vonatok időben jöttek. Trains were arriving on time. The trains are on time. Tudom, hogy ezt meg tudod tenni. I know you can do this. I know you can do this. Ei ole kodin voittanutta. There is no place like home. There's no winning the home. Itt az ideje, hogy előrukkolj valamivel. The time has come for you to play your trump card. It's time for you to come up with something. Ranskahan on vaikeaa, eikö niin? French is difficult, isn't it? It's hard for France, isn't it? Oppikaa nöyryyttä. Learn humility. Learn humility. George W. Bush syntyi Connecticutin osavaltiossa vuonna 1946. George W. Bush was born in the state of Connecticut in 1946. George W. Bush was born in Connecticut State in 1946. Tom ei kuuntele mitä Mary sanoo. Tom doesn't listen to what Mary says. Tom won't listen to what Mary says. Sinä et saa koskaan tietää, ellet yritä. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. En usko, että Tomi haluaa sinun vanhan pyöräsi. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bike. Tämä on ilmeisen mahdotonta. This is obviously impossible. This is obviously impossible. A hibákat én követtem el. The mistakes are mine. I made the mistakes. Nem drágák. They're not expensive. They're not expensive. Täytyy myöntää, että se on todella houkuttelevaa. I have to admit it's very tempting. I have to admit, it's very attractive. Tomi kertoi Marille haluavansa avioeron. Tom told Mary he wanted a divorce. Tomi told Mari she wanted a divorce. Rosszul sült el neki minden. Everything went wrong for him. Everything went wrong for him. Nevetett, hogy leplezze félelmét. She laughed to cover her fear. She laughed at him to hide her fear. Soitan nyt kitaraa. I'm playing the guitar now. I'm playing guitar now. Kuu aega ei sadanud tilkagi vihma, seetõttu pidid nad kaevama kaevu. Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well. For a month there was no rainfall, so they had to dig wells. Tomiin rakastuminen oli todennäköisesti isoin virhe, jonka hän oli koskaan tehnyt. Falling in love with Tom was probably the biggest mistake that she had ever made. Tom's love was probably the biggest mistake he'd ever made. Gyere be! Enter! Come on in. Niin söpöä! So cute! So cute! Puhdistettuani ikkunan voin nähdä selvästi sen läpi. After I cleaned the window, I could see through it clearly. After cleaning the window, I can clearly see through it. Szeretek fából készült klumpában járni. I like to wear wooden clogs. I like to go to a wooden clog. Hívj fel, ha esik! If it rains, call me. Call me when it rains. Kohtele muita niin kuin toivoisit itseäsi kohdeltavan. Do as you would be done by. Treat others the way you wish you'd treated yourself. Onhan sinulla pointti siinä. You do have a point there. You've got a point in that. En saa yhteyttä Tomiin. I can't get in touch with Tom. I can't get in touch with Tom. Tom tiesi kaiken Marystä. Tom knew everything about Mary. Tom knew everything about Mary. Igen szánalmas igyekezetnek tűnik nekem. That seems to me a rather pathetic aspiration. It seems very pathetic to me. Näytelmä oli ohjelmistossa kuusi kuukautta. The play ran for six months. The play was in the software for six months. Meidän tulisi kunnioittaa esivanhempiamme. We should respect our ancestors. We should respect our ancestors. Onko Tatoeba hyvä? Is Tatoeba good? Is Tatoeba good? Haluan vain sinun parastasi. I only want what's best for you. I just want your best. Mindig ugyanaz a nóta. It's always the same story. It's always the same song. Túl édes. Too sweet. Too sweet. Mitä tehet? What're you doing? What can you do? Rendben vagyok. I am okay. I'm fine. Egy egész palacknyi tejet megivott. He drank a whole bottle of milk. He drank a whole bottle of milk. Tomi on juonikas. Tom is crafty. Tom's a connoisseur. He eivät tule olemaan kylmissään. They won't be cold. They're not gonna be cold. Szükséged van egy jó kis pihenésre. It is necessary that you take a good rest. You need some rest. Unohda kaikki mitä kerroin sinulle! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Keitä ovat nuo kolme miestä? Who are those three men? Who are those three men? Sinun on tultava keskustelemaan kanssamme. You must come and have a chat with us. You need to come talk to us. Minulla on paljon kuumetta. I have a high fever. I have a lot of fever. Se kaikki tapahtuu niin äkkiä. It's all happening so fast. It's all happening so fast. Én vagyok az egyetlen, aki rávette Tamást, hogy segítsen. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I'm the only one who got Thomas to help. Hän antoi koiran ystävilleen. She gave the dog to her friends. He gave the dog to his friends. Tomi on ainoa, joka osaa korjata tämän. Tom is the only one who knows how to fix this. Tomi is the only one who can fix this. Tomi a szalvétából egy darut hajtogatott. Tom folded the napkin into a crane. Tomi used to make a crane out of the napkin. Tom fogja átvenni Mary műszakjait. Tom will be covering Mary's shifts. Tom's gonna take over Mary's shifts. Valmis? Done? Ready? Mitä makua haluat? What flavor do you want? What taste do you want? Tällä alkaa tulla pimeää aikaisin. Aurinko tuntuu tippuvan niin kuin kivi, kun tulee syksy. It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around. It's starting to get dark early, and the sun seems to fall like a rock when the autumn comes. Tom jól teljesít az iskolában. Tom is doing fine in school. Tom's doing great at school. Próbálj egy másikat. Try another one. Try another one. Tom haluaa vastauksia. Tom wants answers. Tom wants answers. Hän lukee. He's reading. He's reading. Dïhte lea baernie. He's a boy. This document has been modified. Kas see kiri peab olema kirjutatud inglise keeles? Does this letter have to be written in English? Does this letter have to be written in English? Elfelejtettem a vezetéknevét. I've forgotten his last name. I forgot your last name. Minun tekee mieli vain ottaa rennosti. I just feel like relaxing. I just want to relax. Tom tud beszélni. Tom can talk. Tom can talk. Tom oli tuolloin vielä poikamies. Tom was still a bachelor at that time. Tom was still a bachelor at the time. A rádió elromlott. The radio broke down. The radio's broken. A mamám korán szokott felkelni. My grandmother gets up early. My mom gets up early. Тый розам ужат? Do you see the rose? Are you maintainer Oletko valmis laittamaan sen sisään? Are you ready to put it in? Are you ready to put it in? Minä suvaičen teidy! I love you! I conjure you! Ahaa. I see. Yeah. Se on kaunis maa. It's a beautiful country. It's a beautiful country. Sinun ei tarvitse lähteä juuri nyt. You must not leave right now. You don't have to leave right now. Az egyházaknak alázatot kell tanulniuk, úgymint tanítaniuk. The churches must learn humility as well as teach it. Churches need to learn humility, as they teach. Tämä saattaa olla vaarallista aluetta. This could be a dangerous area. This could be a dangerous area. A baleset két évvel ezelőtt történt. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. Tom halusi auttaa Marya. Tom wanted to help Mary. Tom wanted to help Mary. Most nincs időm beszélgetni. I don't have time to talk now. I don't have time to talk right now. Mietiskelenpä vaan mitä ihmettä Tomille tapahtui. I wonder what ever happened to Tom. I'm just wondering what happened to Tom. Az út cikk-cakkban haladt fel a meredek lejtőn. The path zigzagged up the steep slope. The road went up the steep slopes in a piece of article. Ez soha nem ér véget. This is never going to end. It never ends. Még munkát keresek. I'm still job hunting. I'm still looking for work. Tomi puhuu mielellään Marista. Tom likes talking about Mary. Tom's happy to talk about Mar. Vielä jokin päivä ajokorttisi otetaan pois. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One more day your driver's license will be taken off. En pitänyt ensimmäisestä työpaikastani. I didn't like my first job. I didn't like my first job. Plagiointi on vakava yliopistoetiikan rikkomus. Plagiarism is a serious transgression of academic ethics. Placing is a serious violation of university ethics. Nämä banaanit eivät ole kypsiä. These bananas are not ripe. These bananas aren't ripe. Häntä syytettiin harhaoppisuudesta. She was accused of being a heretic. He was accused of being misguided. A hangos zenétől Fred mindig a falra mászik. Loud music always makes Fred hit the roof. From loud music, Fred always climbs the wall. Oda kell mennünk? Do we have to go there? Do we have to go there? Tom kenyeret vett. Tom bought some bread. Tom bought bread. Mindegyiküknek ismerem a nevét. I know all their names. I know each and every one of them. Hän luulee, että olen kateellinen. He thinks I'm jealous. He thinks I'm jealous. Tomin sydän särkyi. Tom was brokenhearted. Tom's heart was broken. Tomi hukkuu. Tom is drowning. Tom's drowning. Tom jövő héten hazajön. Tom will be coming home next week. Tom's coming home next week. De a tiéd sem rossz. Yours is not bad, either. But yours isn't bad either. Hän pesee auton. She washes the car. He's washing the car. Hän auttoi minua matkalaukun pakkaamisessa. She helped me pack my suitcase. He helped me pack my suitcase. Кыдз тэнат фамиллё, ним да айнимыт? What is your surname, first name and patronymic? Do you have at least one place and place the name and reason? Kõik tahavad sinuga kohtuda. Sa oled kuulus! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you. Tom ei voinut koskaan unohtaa sodan kauheuksia. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horrors of war. Heitä oli kolme ja heillä oli aseet. They were three and they were all armed. There were three of them, and they had guns. Tom azt mondta, utálsz táncolni. Tom told me you hate dancing. Tom said you hate dancing. Milyen operációs rendszert használsz? What operating system do you use? What operating system are you using? Tom eltévedt? Is Tom lost? Tom's lost? Londoni tartózkodásom alatt találkoztam vele. During my stay in London, I met him. I met him during my stay in London. Kasvoin Pokémonia katsoen. I grew up on watching Pokémon. I grew up looking at Pokémon. Kukaan ei satuttanut minua. Nobody hurt me. Nobody hurt me. Oota veidi. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Tetszeni fog neked ez a játék. You will like this game. You're gonna like this game. Templomban fognak egybe kelni. They're going to get married at a church. They're gonna get married in a temple. Jobb vagy, mint én. You're better than me. You're better than me. Milyen különös ország! What a strange country! What a strange country! Puutarhassa on vanha kirsikkapuu. There's an old cherry tree in the garden. There's an old cherry tree in the garden. Mari on maailman johtava orava-asiantuntija. Mary is the world’s leading expert on squirrels. Mari is the world's leading squirrel expert. Maja on külm. The house is cold. The house is cold. Tudtad a nevét? Did you know his name? Did you know his name? En osaa sanoa vitsaileeko Tom vai ei. I can't tell if Tom is joking or not. I can't tell if Tom's joking or not. Tom már készen áll arra, hogy beszéljen. Tom is now ready to talk. Tom's ready to talk. Kuvittelenko minä tämän? Am I imagining this? Is this what I'm gonna do? Hän löi häntä. She hit him. He hit her. Bemegyünk az osztályterembe. We enter the classroom. We're going to the classroom. Se erääntyy huomenna. It expires tomorrow. It's due tomorrow. A csapat csak annyira erős, amennyire a leggyengébb tagja. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. Tomi ei ole tänään hyvällä tuulella. Tom isn't in a good mood today. Tom's not in a good mood today. Bocsásson meg, bizonyára rossz számot hívtam. Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. Excuse me, I must have called the wrong number. Tüzelj! Fire! Fire! Egy hajó hirtelen előbukkant a ködből. A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist. A ship suddenly came out of the fog. Voi olla, että et halua tietää. You may not want to know. Maybe you don't want to know. Nem vagyok rendes srác. I'm not a nice guy. I'm not a good guy. A hegy számtalan hegymászót vonz. The mountain attracts many climbers. The mountain attracts countless climbers. Soha nem fogod megtudni, ha nem kérdezel rá. You'll never know if you don't ask. You'll never know if you don't ask. Ne kérj meg rá, hogy segítsek neked többet! Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ask me to help you any more. Tässä autossa ei ole ilmastointia. This car has no air conditioning. There's no air conditioning in this car. Nähdään taas! See you! I'll see you again! Me opiskelemme ranskaa. We're studying French. We're studying French. Isoveljeni on todella pitkä: suurinpiirtein 1,8 m. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My big brother is very long: approximately 1.8 m. Később találkozunk! See you later. I'll see you later. Täydessä majesteetin loistossaan, koko jalkapallojoukkueen kantaessa häntä olkapäillään, seisoi koulun todellinen kuningatar. In all her pompous majesty, carried on the shoulders of the entire football team, stood the de facto queen of the school. Full of His Majesty's glory, the whole football team carrying him on their shoulders, stood the real queen of the school. Тудо Йошкар-Олаште ила. She lives in Yoshkar-Ola. day and night of that city. Ez egy rémhír. It's a rumor. It's a nightmare. Körül sétáltuk a tavat. We've walked all around the lake. We walked around the lake. Minu nimi on Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Maradjatok itt! Stay here! Stay here. Tom ei välitä huomisesta. Tom doesn't care what happens tomorrow. Tom doesn't care about tomorrow. Hyvää matkaa! Have a good trip! Have a good trip! Személyes bosszú motiválja. He has an ax to grind. It's motivated by personal revenge. Yrjösin viime yönä. Last night I barfed. I woke up last night. Egy igazi lúzer vagyok. I'm a total loser. I'm a real loser. Missä se iso tyyppi on? Where's the big guy? Where's the big guy? Kukaan ei kävele Los Angelsissa. Nobody walks in LA. No one walks Los Angels. Mis on su lemmik jalgpallimeeskond? What's your favorite soccer team? What's your favorite football team? Tänud! Thanks! Thanks. Miks Tomi ei tykkää asua Australiassa? Why doesn't Tom like living in Australia? Why doesn't Tom like living in Australia? Te biztosan Tom testvére vagy. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. Hangzását tekintve melyik áll közelebb az arabhoz, a spanyol vagy a portugál? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? Which of your sounds is closer to the Arab, the Spanish or the Portuguese? Olen tullut tänne opiskelemaan kiinaa. I've come here to study Chinese. I've come here to study Chinese. Motelli on kuten hotelli, vain paljon pienempi, ja sitä käyttävät pääasiassa ihmiset, jotka matkustavat autolla. A motel is like a hotel only much smaller and is used mostly by people traveling by automobile. The motel is like a hotel, only much smaller, and is mainly used by people who travel by car. Ma ei räägi prantsuse keelt piisavalt hästi! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough! Hän oli pitkään sairas. She was ill for a long time. He was sick for a long time. Elég időtök van? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Kedveli a vadászatot. He likes hunting. He likes hunting. Mari on rento ja hauska. Mary is easy-going and fun. Mari is relaxed and funny. Min piņ um sūr. My dog is big. Min pi, um sūr. A nevetés ragadós. Laughter is infectious. Laughter is sticky. Az érvnek nincs ereje. The argument has no force. The argument has no power. A fehér labda olyan nehéz, mint a piros. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball is as heavy as the red ball. Egészen elképesztő. It's pretty amazing. That's amazing. Ma jõin klaasi piima. I drank a glass of milk. I drank a glass of milk. Egy kicsit el kéne lazulnod. You need to lighten up a little. You need to relax a little bit. En halua lapsia. I don't want to have children. I don't want kids. A tűz kialudt. The fire has gone out. The fire went out. Franciának született, de ma amerikai állampolgár. He is French by birth, but he is now a citizen of the USA. She was born to France, but today she's an American citizen. Tomi näytti Marille uuden kännykkänsä. Tom showed Mary his new phone. Tomi showed her new cell phone. Tom mindenkinek elmondta, hogy álmos. Tom told everybody he was sleepy. Tom told everyone he was sleepy. Televisio on rikki. The TV is broken. The TV's broken. Kiitän kutsusta. I'm grateful for the invitation. Thank you for the invitation. Бур лун тіянлӧ! Enjoy your day. Imagine the praise you must have brought! Ez nagyszerű volt. It was superb. That was great. Hän puhuu paljon. He talks a lot. He talks a lot. A mosdóba kell mennem. I need to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Adj egy fájdalomcsillapítót, kérlek. Give me a painkiller, please. Give me a painkiller, please. Tule lähemmäksi, että näen kasvosi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. Toista perässäni. Please repeat after me. Repeat after me. Haluatko vieläkin mennä majakalle? Do you still want to go to the lighthouse? You still want to go to the beacon? Csak olvasáshoz hordok szemüveget. I only wear glasses for reading. I'm just wearing glasses for reading. Mit mondjak Tominak? What'll I tell Tom? What do I tell Tomi? Katson, hankin kukkatatuoinnin tähän vatsalleni. Look, I got a flower tattoo here on my belly. I'll see if I can get a flower tattoo on my stomach. Bostonban nevelkedtem. I was raised in Boston. I grew up in Boston. Tässä on tilinumeroni. Here's my account number. Here's my account number. Hänen elämänsä on huolesta vapaa. Her life is free from care. His life is free of concern. Se on totuus. It's the truth. That's the truth. Tuo on minun paikkani. That is my seat. That's my place. Tom antoi taskulampun Marille. Tom gave the flashlight to Mary. Tom gave her the flashlight. Nekem úgy tűnik, tévedsz. It seems to me that you are wrong. It seems to me you're wrong. Ma lähen kontrollin, kuidas Tomil on. I'm going to check on Tom. I'm gonna go check on Tom. Elég ramaty a berber tudásom. My Berber is shit. I've got a lot of berber skills. Sinä olet kajahtanut. You've lost your marbles. You're out of your mind. Szomjazik a hírnévre. He is thirsty for fame. He's thirsty for fame. Tom on erittäin lämminsydäminen. Tom is very warmhearted. Tom is very warm. Volt botrány? Was there a scandal? Was there a scandal? Most pedig átveszem itt az irányítást. Now I'll be taking charge here. Now I'm in charge here. Kaunis päivä. Beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. Egy kicsit beszélek. I can speak a little. I'll talk a little bit. Aluksi hän ei tajunnut voittaneensa puhekilpailun. At first he did not realize that he had won the speech contest. At first, he didn't realize he won the speech contest. Ki alapította a Google Fordítót? Who is the founder of Google Translate? Who founded the Google Translator? Jokhaisella, ketä oon syytetty rangaistettaavasta tevosta, oon oikkeus ette hänen räknäthään syyttömäksi siksi ko julkinen tuomiotooli, missä hänelä oon ollu maholisuuet puolustaat häntä itteensä, oon toistannu ette hän oon syylinen lain jälkhiin. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. In the course of which he has been charged with punishable work, there is no right for him to be innocent because of the fact that he is a public chair of judgment, in which the mouths of mahogany you defend him, and you repeat him not after the law of guilt. Jänishousu! Chicken! Rabbit's pants! Roosevelt hű volt az ígéretéhez. Roosevelt kept his promise. Roosevelt was loyal to his promise. Mikään ei ole muuttunut vielä. Nothing's changed yet. Nothing's changed yet. Annának vörös haja volt és tüzes vérmérséklete. Anne had red hair and a fiery temper. Anna had red hair and a fiery blood temperature. Tom megkérdezte Maryt, hogy ismeri-e John címét. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's address. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's address. Vauva oppii varmaankin kävelemään muutaman päivän sisällä. In a few days, the baby will be able to walk. I'm sure the baby will learn to walk in a few days. Mikä tämä ääni on? What's this sound? What's this sound? Tahaksin laenata umbes kolmsada tuhat dollarit. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. Kuulin, että kauppasi kukoistaa. Your business is flourishing, I hear. I heard your store is booming. Láttam Danát. I saw Dana. I saw Dana. Jó vagy franciából, ugye? You're good at French, aren't you? You're good from France, aren't you? Ongelma on se, ettei meillä ole majapaikkaa täksi yöksi. The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight. The problem is we don't have a place to stay tonight. Minä toivon, että minun ei tarvitsisi tehdä tuota enää. I wish that I didn't have to do that anymore. I hope I don't have to do that anymore. Tomi on aika humalassa. Tom's quite drunk. Tom's pretty drunk. Haluan päästä täältä niin kauas kuin vain voin. I want to get as far away from here as I can. I want to get as far away from here as I can. Me kõik tahame sinuga kaasa tulla. We all want to go with you. We all want to come with you. Nem túlzás azt mondani, hogy ő egy zseni. It is not too much to say that he is a genius. It's not too much to say he's a genius. Minun sisareni halusi välttämättä tulla minun mukaani. My sister insisted on going with me. My sister definitely wanted to come with me. Puu palaa. Wood burns. The tree burns. Kávét kínáltak a vendégeknek. They offered the guests some coffee. They offered coffee to the guests. Imádom a német akcentusodat. I love your German accent. I love your German accent. Ő egy jó barátja. He is a good friend of his. He's a good friend. Käyn leffassa joka viikko. I go to the movies every week. I go to the movies every week. Biztos vagy benne, hogy Tomi képes rá? Are you sure Tom can do that? Are you sure Tomi can do it? Tomi on läsnä. Tom is present. Tom's here. Sinä sanoit, että se oli liian helppoa. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. Mi van a kertben? What is in the garden? What's in the garden? Kui vana on kõige vanem inimene, keda sa tead? How old is the oldest person you know? How old is the oldest person you know? Haluan televisovastaanottimen, mutta minulla ei ole varaa ostaa sitä. I want a television set, but I can't afford to buy one. I want a TV set, but I can't afford to buy it. Olitteko sinä ja Tom yhdessä pitkään? Were you and Tom together for a long time? Were you and Tom together for a long time? Tudok egy rövidebb utat. I know a shorter route. I know a shortcut. Tom ismeri a családot. Tom knows the family. Tom knows the family. Tomi on allerginen soijalle. Tom is allergic to soy. Tom's allergic to soy. Onko tämä Tomin huone? Is this Tom's room? Is this Tom's room? Miksi kilpikonnalla on kilpi? Why do turtles have shells? Why does a turtle have a shield? Milyen boldog vagyok! How glad I am! How happy I am! En tunne heitä. I don't know them. I don't know them. Hol laksz most? Where do you live now? Where do you live now? Tom tudott a rablásról. Tom knew about the robbery. Tom knew about the robbery. Tatoebassa sinun täytyy aina kuunnella konkareita. He kertovat sinulle mitä ei voi tehdä ja miksi. Ja sitten tee niin kuin he sanovat. In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tatobe, you'll always have to listen to the con men, and they'll tell you what you can't do and why, and then do as they say. Ma reggel felhívott. I got a call from her this morning. She called me this morning. Kuorintavoiteet poistavat kuollutta tai vahingoittunutta ihosolukkoa. Exfoliating creams remove dead or damaged skin cells. The peeling creams remove dead or damaged skin cells. Minun mielestäni sinä olet typerä. I think you're stupid. I think you're stupid. Oksensin viime yönä. Last night I threw up. I threw up last night. Hän lähetti hänelle postikortin. She sent him a postcard. He sent her a postcard. A macskájával játszott. He played with his cat. He was playing with his cat. Késleltettél. You made me late. You're late. Luotatko minuun? Do you trust me? Do you trust me? Hagyd békén a kamerámat. Leave my camera alone. Leave my camera alone. Nem hinném, hogy repülne. I don't think that that'll fly. I don't think he's flying. Hyvää yötä, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Hol van a legközelebbi könyvtár? Where's the nearest library? Where's the nearest library? Tomilta on ruoka lopussa. Tom is out of food. Tom's out of food. Tomi ja Mari pelaavat videopeliä. Tom and Mary are playing a video game. Tom and Mari are playing video games. Meg kellett volna tagadnom, hogy azt csináljam. I should have refused to do that. I should have denied to do that. Sen jälkeen Miki vietiin sairaalaan. After this, Miki was taken to the hospital. After that, Miki was taken to the hospital. Túl fiatal vagy, hogy cigarettát vásárolj. You're too young to buy cigarettes. You're too young to buy cigarettes. Ma sokkal jobban érzem magam. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. Egyszerűen nem bírom ki, hogy ne gyújtsak rá. I just can't help smoking. I just can't stand not to smoke on it. Nem én kezdtem a harcot. I'm not the one who started the fight. I didn't start the fight. Missä minun kelloni on? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? Meg fogod hívni Tomit a bulira? Are you going to invite Tom to the party? You're gonna invite Tomi to the party? Äkkiä, auttakaa. Hurry, help. Quick, help me. Meg fogom mondani Tomnak, hogy mit kéne mondania Marinak. I'll tell Tom what he should say to Mary. I'm gonna tell Tom what to tell Mari. Minkä ikäisiä lapsenne ovat? How old are your children? How old are your kids? Toki. Tiedätkö hyvän paikan? Sure. Do you know a good place? Do you know a good place? En ole niin yksinkertainen, että uskoisin sinua. I'm not so simple as to believe you. I'm not so simple as to believe you. Már elnézést! I beg your pardon? I'm sorry. Olemme pahoillamme, että vedimme liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä. We're sorry we jumped to conclusions. We are sorry that we were too quick to draw conclusions. Minulla on ollut kiire muutamana viime päivänä. I've been very busy the last few days. I've been busy for the last few days. Oliko siellä huoneessa ketään muuta? Was there anybody else in the room? Was there anyone else in the room? Kezet rázott velem. He shook my hand. He's got my hands on me. Hän ei pitänyt koulusta. He disliked school. She didn't like school. Hän antoi meille lahjan. She gave us a present. He gave us a gift. Keegi ütles mulle, et ma ei peaks sind usaldama. Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you. Someone told me I shouldn't trust you. Kone toisensa jälkeen nousi ilmaan. One plane after another took off. The plane went up in the air after each other. Me olemme aina varovaisia. We're always careful. We're always careful. Son bovdii su. She invited him. Son bovdii su. Sinä tiedät kuka sen teki, etkö tiedäkin? You know who did it, don't you? You know who did it, don't you? Ez meglepő. This is astonishing. That's surprising. Sisäpiirikaupat ovat laittomia. Insider trading is illegal. Insider dealing is illegal. Tom egy kihívással néz szembe. Tom is facing a challenge. Tom's facing a challenge. Ne panaszkodj, ne magyarázkodj! Don't complain, don't explain. Don't complain, don't explain. En tiedä. I do not know. I don't know. Tuo laulaja on suosittu tyttöjen keskuudessa. That singer is popular with girls. That singer is popular with the girls. A gyár kénytelen volt csökkenteni a termelését. The factory had to cut back its production. The factory was forced to reduce its production. Néhány ember lenéz másokat, csak mert kevesebb pénzük van. Some people look down on others because they have less money. Some people look down on others just because they have less money. Számítanak az első benyomások. First impressions matter. The first impressions count. Húzd el a beled innen! Get your ass out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Minun neuvoani ei noudatettu. My advice wasn't followed. My advice was not followed. En muista kutsuneeni sinua. I don't remember inviting you. I don't remember inviting you. Japánból jöttem. I come from Japan. I'm from Japan. Tudni akarom, hogy ki jön velünk. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. Hol volt a hiba? Where was the mistake? Where was the mistake? Néha még ott is ebédel. He sometimes eats lunch there, too. He even eats there sometimes. Koska olin tavannut hänet kerran aikaisemmin, tunnistin hänet heti. Since I had met him once before, I recognized him right away. Since I had met him once before, I immediately identified him. Tomi elég erős, hogy felemelje. Tom is strong enough to lift that. Tomi's strong enough to lift it. Ne ovat huonoja uutisia. That's bad news. They're bad news. Sami yritti murtautua. Sami was trying to break in. Sami tried to break in. Steve nem jött haza. Steve did not come home. Steve didn't come home. Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy megházasodjak. I don't see myself getting married. I can't imagine getting married. Minä olen lukemassa kirjan. I'm reading a book. I'm reading the book. Hámozd meg a banánokat és nyomd szét őket egy villával. Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork. Look at the bananas and push them with a fork. Olitko humalassa? Were you intoxicated? Were you drunk? Jos voit lukea tämän lauseen, se johtuu siitä, että osaat lukea. If you can read this sentence, it's because you know how to read. If you can read this sentence, it's because you can read. Erről is, meg arról is beszélnek. They are talking about this and that. That's what they're talking about, too. Tegnap halat ettem. I ate fish yesterday. I ate fish yesterday. Azt kellett volna mondanom, hogy nem érek rá. I should've said I was busy. I should have said I'm busy. Paul óramű pontosságú. Paul is punctual like a clock. Paul's clockwork is accurate. Voltál már a fodrásznál? Have you been to the barber? Have you ever been to the hair salon? Mii du namma lea? What is your name? What is your name? Son hupmá veahá eŋgelasgiela . He speaks English a little. Son Hinting is a good English language. Biztosan álmodom. I must be dreaming. I'm sure I'm dreaming. Tom vesztésre áll. Tom is losing. Tom's losing. Tätä sanaa ei ole olemassa ranskan kielessä. This word doesn't exist in French. This word does not exist in French. Jokaisella pitäisi olla harrastus. Everyone should have a hobby. Everyone should have a hobby. Sinun ei tarvitse tehdä töitä sunnuntaisin. You don't have to work on Sundays. You don't have to work on Sundays. Elejétől fogva nem szándékoztam nagyvárosban lakni. I had no intention of living in a large city from the start. From now on, I didn't mean to live in a big city. Lääkärit sanovat, että Tomi oli todella onnekas. The doctors say Tom was very lucky. The doctors say Tomi was very lucky. Oppikaa. Learn. Learn. Uinti on hyväksi terveydelle. Swimming is healthy. Swimming is good for health. Tomi osti aivan liikaa maitoa. Tom bought way too much milk. Tomi bought too much milk. Olen kateellinen siitä, että sinulla on hyvä pomo. I'm jealous because you have a good boss. I'm jealous you have a good boss. Ne félj hibázni. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Tom lööb mu maha, kui ta teada saab, et ma sulle sellest rääkisin. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom's gonna kill me when he finds out I told you. Isoäitini äitini puolelta asuu Osakassa. My grandmother on my mother's side lives in Osaka. My grandmother lives on my mother's side of Osaka. En löydä mitä haluan. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. Ez nem lesz elég. Doing that won't be enough. That's not gonna be enough. Hei, anna see mulle tagasi. Hey, give that back to me. Hey, give it back to me. Raskas lumisade tukki tiet. The heavy snowfall blocked the roads. Heavy snow block road. A kocsinkból két perc után kifogyott a benzin. Our car ran out of gas after two minutes. We ran out of gas in two minutes. Hukkasin paljon rahaa. I lost a lot of money. I lost a lot of money. Minden ülés foglalt ezen a metrón. Every seat in this tube is taken. All seats are on this subway. Tom meg tudja érteni, hogy Mari miért érzi magát lehangoltnak. Tom can understand why Mary is feeling depressed. Tom can understand why Mari feels depressed. Hyvvää yötä, Tom. Good night, Tom. Good night, Tom. Úgy döntöttem, veled megyek. I've decided to go with you. I decided to go with you. Tom ja mina abiellume maikuus. Tom and I are getting married in May. Tom and I are getting married in May. Yritin arvata Tomin ikää. I tried to guess Tom's age. I was trying to guess Tom's age. Hány órakor szoktál reggelizni? What time do you usually have breakfast? What time do you have breakfast? Onpa kummallista! How strange! That's weird! Svájc szép ország. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Lazák vagyunk. We're easygoing. We're cool. Mindannyian biztonságban vagyunk. We're all safe. We're all safe. Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. Hän oli päättänyt uusista toimintaperiaatteista. He had decided on a new policy. He had decided on new policies. Tom nem látszott olyan elfoglaltnak, mint általában. Tom didn't seem any busier than usual. Tom didn't seem as busy as usual. Mi a baj? What is the matter? What's wrong? Tartok tőle, hogy Tomi nem tud válaszolni. I'm afraid Tom can't answer. I'm afraid Tomi can't answer that. Valaki betolt engem. Somebody pushed me in. Someone's infiltrated me. Bármikor, bármit kérdezhetsz tőlem. Ask me anything anytime. Any time, you can ask me anything. A távolban észrevett egy evezős csónakot. She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance. In the distance, he noticed a rowing boat. Valószínű, hogy mindannyiótokra ráférne egy kis alvás. You should probably all get some sleep. I think you could all use some sleep. Mária nem szegény. Ellenkezőleg, ő elég gazdag. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. She's not poor, on the contrary, she's rich. Ma pean saapaid kandma. I have to wear boots. I have to wear boots. Tom pyysi voita hovimestarilta. Tom asked the butler for butter. Tom asked the butler to win. Kiotó Japán előző fővárosa volt. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. He was the previous capital of Kyoto Japan. Oletko sinä harkinnut sitä, että kertoisit totuuden? Have you considered telling the truth? Have you considered telling the truth? Sinulla ei ole vaihtoehtoja. You have no alternative. You don't have a choice. Ne sajnálj! Don't feel sorry for me. Don't be sorry. Tomi piirsi suuren neliön. Tom drew a large square. Tomi drew a large square. Semmi remény. There is no hope. No hope. Tiedätkö onko Tom kokouksessa vai ei? Do you know whether or not Tom will be at the meeting? Do you know if Tom is in a meeting or not? Mintha nem akarnád, hogy ez összejöjjön nekem. It seems that you don't want me to succeed. It's like you don't want this to happen to me. Aion mennä leffaan. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm gonna go to a movie. Jó, de mi van a pénzzel? Well, but what about the money? Okay, but what about the money? Mikään ei ole tärkeämpää kuin myötätunto. Nothing is as important as compassion. Nothing is more important than compassion. Se on hirveän kallista. It's terribly expensive. It's very expensive. Kérlek, azonosítsd magad! Please identify yourself. Please identify yourself. Parempi ystävä pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla. A friend in hand is worth two in the bush! A better friend in the yard than ten branches. Az új fiúja fekete. Her new boyfriend is black. Your new boy is black. Mitä sinä olet aikeissa tehdä? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Tarvitsen teidän mielipiteitänne. I need your opinions. I need your opinions. Jos teet vaatteet omin käsin, säästät rahaa. If you make your own clothes, it will save you money. You make your own clothes, you save money. Reménytelen volt. It was hopeless. It was hopeless. Jätän sinut rauhaan. I'll leave you alone. I'll leave you alone. Hän pesi huoneen. She cleaned the room. He washed the room. Mindig önmagadat add! Always be yourself! Always give yourself. Nekem nagyon tetszik a városi élet. I really like city life. I really like city life. Tykkäätteks te, sinä ja Tomi, toisistanne? Do you and Tom like each other? Like you, you and Tomi, like each other? Hadd nézzem meg ezeket a fotókat. Let me have a look at those photos. Let me see these photos. Állj félre! Move over. Stand aside. Tom osti itselleen smokin. Tom bought himself a tuxedo. Tom bought himself a tuxedo. Ott nem parkolhatsz. You aren't allowed to park there. You can't park there. Egyáltalán nem vagyok boldog. I am not in the least happy. I'm not happy at all. Senki nem éhes. No one's hungry. No one's hungry. Nem szoktam gyakran Tamással ebédelni. I don't often go to lunch with Tom. I don't often have lunch with Tamas. Fáradsz? Are you getting tired? Are you tired? Minä todella tahdon sinun puhuvan Tomille. I really do want you to talk to Tom. I really want you to talk to Tom. Ihmiset saavuttavat hämmästyttäviä asioita, sillä he kykenevät välittämään tietojaan ja aikeitaan puheen kautta. Humans accomplish amazing things, because they can exchange informations about their knowledge and intentions via the medium of language. People achieve amazing things because they are able to communicate their knowledge and intentions through speech. Holnap találkozom vele. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. Minä autan sinua kernaasti. I will gladly help you. I'll help you. Kas ma pole ilus? Am I not beautiful? Aren't I beautiful? Nézz körül! Look around. Look around. A repüléstől való félelme komoly akadályt jelent a karrierjében. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. Fear of flying is a serious obstacle to your career. Figyelmeztettek, hogy ne higgyem el, amit Tom mond. I was warned not to believe anything Tom says. I was warned not to believe what Tom says. Nagy a valószínűsége, hogy holnap esni fog. Tomorrow there's a high probability it will rain. There's a good chance it'll rain tomorrow. Mikä oli teidän pääaineenne yliopistossa? What did you major in at college? What was your main subject at the university? Onko tämä poikasi, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? Tomi jää. Tom'll stay. Tom's gonna stay. Nagy nap ez a mai, fiam! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son. Tekisitkö sen mieluummin tänään? Would you prefer to do that today? Would you rather do that today? Miért akarsz ápolónő lenni? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Siten kvanttifysiikka paljastaa maailmankaikkeuden perustavan ykseyden. Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe. So quantum physics reveals the fundamental unity of the universe. Äidillä on kuumetta. Mom has a fever. Mom's got a fever. A fényképezés az érdeklődési területem. I am interested in taking pictures. Photography is my field of interest. "Pfirsichbäumchen" tarkoittaa "pientä persikkapuuta" saksaksi. "Pfirsichbäumchen" means "little peach tree" in German. "Pfirsichbäumchen" means "small peach tree" in German. Käpälät irti tyttärestäni! Keep your hands off my daughter! Get your hands off my daughter! Hän on työskennellyt koko päivän. He has been working all day long. He's been working all day. Me asumme lähellä koulua. We live near the school. We live close to school. "Mi történt?" "Lerobbant a kocsi." "What happened?" "The car broke down." "What happened?" "The car broke down." Olen kiitollinen ystävistäni. I'm thankful for my friends. I'm grateful for my friends. Gyakran hasonlítanak össze engem a fivéreimmel. I'm often compared to my brothers. They often compare me with my brothers. A professzor Shakespeare-kutatásáról ismert. The professor is noted for his study of Shakespeare. He's known for the professor's search for Shakespeare. Hogy fogom felismerni? How will I recognize it? How am I gonna recognize it? Sinä halusit tämän, eikö niin? You wanted this, didn't you? You wanted this, didn't you? Tom on tehnyt sen. Tom has done it. Tom's done it. Nyt teidän olisi parempi mennä. You'd better go now. Now you better go. Taskuvaras varasti Marin iPhonen. Mary's iPhone was stolen by a thief. Soccer stole Mar's iPhone. Ki gondolja így? Who thinks so? Who thinks so? Sinun täytyy keskittyä kokonaan toipumiseesi. You must concentrate entirely on your recovery. You have to focus all your recovery. Tom sujautti rahat taskuunsa. Tom slipped the money in his pocket. Tom put the money in his pocket. Nem késtél el? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? Hallotta kiáltani. She heard him cry. You heard him scream. Azon a reggelen Mária körbement a faluban. That morning Mary went round the whole village. That morning, Mary went around the village. Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy el kell mennie. Please tell Tom he has to leave. Please tell Tomi to leave. Osaatko puhua ranskaa niin kuin Tom? Can you speak French like Tom? Can you speak French like Tom? Sinun täytyy auttaa meitä. You have to help us. You have to help us. Jaatko samat huolet? Do you share those concerns? Is that what you're worried about? Tomi on laiska ja hemmoteltu. Tom is lazy and spoiled. Tom is lazy and spoiled. Tom elnézést kért Marytől a kényelmetlenségért, amit okozott. Tom apologized to Mary for the inconvenience he had caused. Tom apologized to Mary for the inconvenience she caused. Tom ei ole mikään typerys. Tom is no fool. Tom's not a fool. Tomilla on yläruumis paljaana. Tom is naked from the waist up. Tom's in the upper room naked. Tom kedvenc sportja a baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. Et ole minkäänlaisessa vaarassa. You aren't in any danger. You're not in any danger. Nem szükséges, hogy Tom jöjjön, ha nem akar. Tom doesn't need to come if he doesn't want to. There's no need for Tom to come if he doesn't want to. En halua nähdä sinua enää koskaan uudestaan. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't ever want to see you again. Ymmärrän sitä vähän, mutta en osaa puhua sitä. I understand it a little, but I can't speak it. I understand that a little bit, but I don't know how to talk about it. Mi a családi állapota? What's your marital status? What's your family's condition? Segítettem. I helped. I helped. - De anyu! - Ne anyuzz! "But Mom!" "Don't 'mom' me." - But, Mom, don't. Megálltam beszélgetni. I stopped to talk. I stopped talking. Nem tudom követni a logikádat. I cannot follow your logic. I can't follow your logic. Most azonnal hívom Tomit. I'm calling Tom right now. I'm calling Tom right now. Először kételkedett, de hamarosan magáévá tette a tanácsomat. He was doubtful at first but soon came to embrace my advice. He doubted first, but soon he took my advice. Loomulikult. Obviously. Of course. Meg van mentve a nap. The day is saved. The day is saved. Ole rakastettu. Be loved. Be loved. Ha ez tényleg ennyire felnyomja benned a pumpát, talán ideje lenne kilépned. If it really winds you up this much, maybe it's about time you log off. If it really puts a pump in you that much, maybe it's time for you to step out. Tom itkee nyt. Tom is crying now. Tom's crying now. Minua ei huvita mikään. I don't feel like anything. I don't care about anything. Ajat muuttuvat. Times change. Times change. Tere päevast! Good morning! Good afternoon. Tom ei ole muuttunut. Tom hasn't changed. Tom hasn't changed. Tudom, hogy ez furcsa. I know this is strange. I know it's weird. Tom szülei hippik voltak. Tom's parents were hippies. Tom's parents were hippies. Kegyetlen ember volt. He was a cruel man. He was a cruel man. Az állatok félnek a tűztől. Animals are afraid of fire. Animals are afraid of fire. Ungaris on mul sõber nimega Borat. In Hungary I have a friend called Borat. In Hungary, I have a friend named Bora. Kuinka paljon opiskelijoita on yhteensä? How many students are there in total? How many students do you have in total? Päästäkää irti hänestä! Release him! Let go of him! Ez veszélyes lenne. It would be dangerous to do that. That would be dangerous. Minun oli oppittava kantapään kautta, että ei ole suositeltavaa ajaa autoa jos on humalassa. I had to learn the hard way that it is not advisable to drive your car when you're drunk. I had to learn by the heel that it was not recommended to drive a car if he was drunk. Voisitko odottaa huomisaamuun saakka? Please wait until tomorrow morning. Can you wait till tomorrow morning? Te mindig ilyen csöndes szoktál lenni? Are you normally this quiet? Do you always be so quiet? Egy autóbalesetben sérült meg. She was injured in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. A virradat előtti óra a legsötétebb. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. The clock before the currents is the darkest. Markku on auttanut minua monella tavalla. Markku has helped me in many ways. Markku has helped me in many ways. Hyvvää ilttaa! Good evening! Good evening! Elmentek. They've gone. They're gone. Kosteikkoalueet myös imevät ylimääräisiä ravinteita, sedimenttiä ja muita saasteita ennen kuin ne päätyvät jokiin, järviin ja muihin vesistöihin. Wetlands also absorb excess nutrients, sediments, and other pollutants before they reach rivers, lakes, and other waterbodies. Wetland areas also absorb additional nutrients, sediment and other pollutants before they end up in rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Se on sekä hyvä että halpa. It is both good and cheap. It's both good and cheap. Tomi ampui minua jalkaan. Tom shot me in the leg. Tomi shot me in the leg. Tom on vakavissa ongelmissa. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom's in serious trouble. Tuoli antoi periksi kun Tom istui sille, ja hän rojahti lattialle loukaten selkänsä. The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back. The chair gave up when Tom sat on it, and he broke his back on the floor. Odafutottam az anyámhoz. I ran to my mother. I ran over to my mom's. Vedd el! Take it away. Take it. Tomi katsoo televisiota. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching TV. Tudsz erről valamit? Do you know anything about it? Do you know anything about this? Mindenkinek hallgatnia kellett volna. Everyone should have listened. Everyone should have listened. Ystäväni on puhelias henkilö. My friend is a talkative person. My friend's a phone caller. Homomorfismia ei tule sekoittaa homeomorfismiin. One must not confuse homomorphism with homeomorphism. Homomorphism should not be mixed with homeomorphism. Nukuin television edessä. I slept in front of the TV. I slept in front of the TV. Mistä me puhummekaan? What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Saisinko keksin? Can I have a cookie? Can I have a cookie, please? Sosem szerettem a zöldpaprikát. I never liked green peppers. I never liked green peppers. Tom ei tiedä sitten yhtään mitään ohjelmoinnista. Tom doesn't know anything about computer programming. Then Tom doesn't know anything about programming. Mida sa praegu teed? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? Onko tämä sinun sateenvarjosi? Is this your umbrella? Is this your umbrella? Tom tiesi mitä oli pian tapahtumassa. Tom knew what was about to happen. Tom knew what was about to happen. Kas ma saaksin teie tähelepanu? May I have your attention? Can I have your attention, please? Jane soittaa viulua, kitarasta puhumattakaan. Jane can play the violin, not to mention the guitar. Jane's playing the violin, not to mention the guitar. Asuuko hän täällä? Does she live here? Does he live here? Haluaisin nähdä sinut. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Ranskalaiset ovat viisaampia kuin vaikuttavat ja espanjalaiset vaikuttavat viisaammilta kuin ovat. The French are wiser than they seem, and the Spaniards seem wiser than they are. The French are smarter than they seem and the Spanish seem smarter than they are. Hän on kerännyt lisäkiloja. He has been gaining weight. He's been collecting extra pounds. A szívinfarktus úgy jön gyakran, mint derült égből a villámcsapás. A heart attack often comes like lightning from a blue sky. The heart attack often comes as if from the sky the lightning struck. Йӧра, тӱнӧ вучалтыза. Okay, wait outside. Make a sound, please visit one. He tekivät listan nimistä. They made a list of the names. They made a list of names. Azt javaslom, hogy érj ki időben a reptérre. I would advise you to get to the airport on time. I suggest you get to the airport in time. Kiöntötted a kávédat. You've spilled your coffee. You poured your coffee. Hänel on koira. She has a dog. He's a dog. Hän torjui tarjoamani avustuksen. She turned down the subsidy that I offered. He rejected the grant I gave him. Aki pillangókat akar látni, annak el kell viselnie a hernyókat is. If you want to see butterflies, you have to accept caterpillars. If you want to see butterflyes, you're going to have to deal with caterpillars. Monet ihmiset eivät ole onnellisia. A lot of people aren't happy. Many people are not happy. Szokás szerint két kávét iszok meg az ebéd mellé. Usually I drink two cups of coffee with lunch. I usually drink two coffees next to lunch. Huoneenne on 504: viisi nolla neljä. Your room number is five hundred four: five-oh-four. Your room is 504, five zero four. Mi hiányzik? What is missing? What's missing? Honnan e magabiztosság? Where does this self-confidence come from? Where does confidence come from? Se ei ole hänen asiansa. It's none of his business. It's none of his business. Tomnak el kellett volna mondania nekem az igazságot. Tom should have told me the truth. Tom should have told me the truth. Hiába próbálta véka alá rejteni aggályait. She tried in vain to hide her anxiety. He tried to hide his concerns under his veins. Szállj ki az életemből! Gyűlöllek! Get out of my life. I detest you. Get out of my life! Lapseni eivät kuuntele minua. My children don't listen to me. My kids don't listen to me. Csak egy őrült jár olyan kerékpáron, amelynek nincsen fékje! You must be crazy to ride a bicycle that has no brakes! There's only one crazy person on a bike that doesn't have a brake! Mit akart? What did he want? What did he want? Ometi! Finally! Yet! Мый олаште илем. I live in the city. I am in danger of being called in the Master. Olen samaa mieltä. I agree. I agree. Käärme nielaisi koiran kokonaisena. The snake swallowed the dog whole. The snake swallowed the dog whole. Rengeteg víz van. There's plenty of water. There's a lot of water. Mie puhhuun telefoonissa. I'm on the phone. I'm gonna blow up on the telescope. Minäpä kerron sinulle miksi en pidä Tomista. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Műtétre volt szükség. Surgery was required. I needed surgery. Ne is hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. Mari felújított egy házat. Mary renovated a house. Mari refurbished a house. Minun täytyy viedä kamera korjattavaksi. I'll have to have my camera repaired. I have to take the camera to fix it. Sinä et voi tehdä tuota enää. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Miért nem táncol? Why isn't she dancing? Why don't you dance? Ebben állapodtunk meg. It's what we agreed on. That's what we agreed on. Szeretnék másik szobába költözni. I'd like to change my room. I'd like to move to another room. Szereti a narancsot? Does she like oranges? Do you like oranges? He eivät puhuneet. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Ma läksin Londonisse. I went to London. I went to London. Tom törvénytisztelő polgár. Tom is a law-abiding citizen. Tom is a law-abiding citizen. Tomi megmutatta nekem a rajzot, amelyet Mariról készített. Tom showed me a drawing of Mary that he drew. Tomi showed me the drawing she drew of Mari. Ezek közül egyik helyen se voltam. I've been to neither of those places. I've never been to one of these places. Kivett valamit a zsebéből. He took something out of his pocket. He took something out of his pocket. Engem senki nem értett meg. Nobody understood me. No one understood me. Millal Tom tuleb? When's Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Ez jó búvóhely. This is a good hiding place. This is a good place to hide. Synnyin Osakassa, mutta kasvoin Tokiossa. I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. Nem kell a dolgokat siettetni. There's no need to rush things. You don't have to hurry things up. Todennäköisesti en lue Tomin raporttia. I probably won't read Tom's report. I probably don't read Tom's report. Lõpeta, palun. Stop it, please. Stop, please. Tom ei ole kummoinenkaan kokki, mutta hän sentään yrittää. Tom's not much of a cook, but at least he gives it a go. Tom's not much of a cook, but at least he's trying. Olin lukemassa uudestaan kirjeitä, jotka sinä lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was re-reading the letters you sent me. Meg fogja őt ölni. She'll kill him. He's gonna kill her. Lopetta valittaminen. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Tämä kukka on valgei. This flower is white. This flower is white. Hän tavallisesti menee kävelylle kirja kädessä. He usually takes a walk, book in hand. He usually goes for a walk with a book in his hand. Ajattelitko sitä? Did you think about that? Is that what you were thinking? Tomra vártál, nem igaz? You waited for Tom, didn't you? You were waiting for Tom, weren't you? Oletteko te kiinalaisia? Are you Chinese? Are you Chinese? Näytin Tomille kuka täällä määrää. I showed Tom who's boss. I showed Tom who's in charge here. Hän suuntasi maaseudulle. He headed out to the country. He was heading for the countryside. Siinä on yksi ratkaistu ongelma. That's one problem solved. There's one problem solved. Együnk a szállodával szemközti utcában lévő étteremben. Let's eat at the restaurant across the street from the hotel. Let's eat with the hotel in a restaurant on the street. Ota niin monta persikkaa kuin haluat. Take as many peaches as you like. Take as many peaches as you want. Tom koetti säästää Maryn hengen. Tom tried to save Mary's life. Tom was trying to save Mary's life. Olen oikeastaan hyvin onnellinen. I'm actually very happy. I'm actually very happy. Nagyon, nagyon messze. Far, far away. Very, very far away. Én vagyok a főnök, nem igaz? I'm the boss, aren't I? I'm the boss, right? Végre lefeküdhetek. Finally I can go to bed. I can finally go to bed. Kezdünk óvatlanok lenni. We're getting careless. We're starting to be reckless. Ez nem elég. It's not enough. That's not enough. Mária az idősebb lányom. Mary is my older daughter. Mary is my older daughter. Tom omaksui Marin ajatuksen. Tom adopted Mary's idea. Tom took Marin's idea. Miksi et soittanut minulle takaisin? Why didn't you call me back? Why didn't you call me back? Se on minun mielestäni hyvä ajatus. I think that's a good idea. I think that's a good idea. Te mutatod az utat. You lead the way. You show me the way. Rá fogok jönni magamtól. I'll find out myself. I'll figure it out myself. Vadászni járok szabadidőmben. I go hunting in my leisure time. I go hunting in free time. Tom és Mary egyszerre válaszolt. Tom and Mary answered simultaneously. Tom and Mary answered at the same time. Кӧ йыҥгыса? Who's complaining? What was the site? Tom on peast segi läinud. Tom is out of his mind. Tom's out of his mind. Nem tudom megbocsátani Tominak ezt a tettét. I can't forgive Tom for what he did. I can't forgive Tomi for doing this. Tom tegnap nem volt ott a bulin. Tom didn't show up at the party yesterday. Tom wasn't at the party yesterday. Valóban egyetértek Tomival. I do agree with Tom. I really agree with Tomi. Tom, oletko täällä? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you here? Ta on minister, kes vastutab keskkonna asjade eest. He is the minister responsible for the environment. He's a minister responsible for environmental matters. El van ragadtatva. He's tickled pink. She's delighted. Minä viihdyn seurassasi. You're fun to hang out with. I like it with you. Mä tykkään tästä teestä. I like this tea. I like this tea. Miért festik az emberek a hajukat? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people paint their hair? Három hete megmondtam. I told you that three weeks ago. I told you three weeks ago. Felment az emeletre. She went upstairs. He went upstairs. A pancsolt szesz megvakíthatja az embert. Moonshine can make people blind. The potted liquor can blind a man. Ez az én gondom. It's my problem. That's my problem. Tämä saattaa auttaa sinua. This may help you. This might help you. Alkalmazta őt. She hired him. He used her. Tom ei kertonut kenellekään, että hän oli jättänyt koulun kesken. Tom didn't tell anyone that he'd dropped out of school. Tom didn't tell anyone that he had left school. Tinkimättä yleisyydestä voimme sanoa, että jono suppenee kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without insisting on the generality, we can say that the line will be reduced to zero. Voisitkohan auttaa minua? I was wondering if you could help me. Can you help me, please? Tatoeba ei edes ole henkilö. Tatoeba is not even a person. Tatoeba's not even a person. Én vagyok a legrosszabb tanuló az osztályban. I'm the worst student in the class. I'm the worst student in the class. Adnom kellett Tomnak egy kis pénzt. I had to give Tom a little money. I had to give Tom some money. Nem figyelsz? Don't you pay attention? Aren't you listening? Tämä lause on tylsä. This sentence is boring. This sentence is boring. Most lazítanunk kellene. We're supposed to relax. We need to relax now. Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy esze ágában sincs téged elvenni. Tom told me that he has no intention of marrying you. Tom told me he wasn't smart enough to take you away. Időben érkezett a találkozóra. He arrived in time for the meeting. He's here on time for the meeting. Nagyok. They are big. They're big. Varasitko huoneen hotellista? Did you reserve a room at the hotel? Did you steal the room from the hotel? Menj az ágyba! Go to bed. Go to bed. Ranskalainen kahvi on minusta ihanaa. I love French coffee. I love French coffee. Haluan paljon enemmän. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. Mitä olet tekemässä? What're you doing? What are you doing? Miksi käskit heitä tekemään niin? Why did you tell them to do it? Why did you tell them to do that? Uskoitko Joulupukkiin, kun olit lapsi? Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child? Did you believe Santa when you were a kid? Tietysti! Of course! Of course! Tom meni keittiöön hakemaan kahvia. Tom went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Tom went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Nem tehetsz úgy, mintha ez nem történt volna meg. You can't pretend that this didn't happen. You can't pretend that didn't happen. Nem tört el. It didn't break. It's not broken. A fehér cipője sötétvörös nyomokat hagy. Her white shoes leave dark red traces. Your white shoes leave dark red marks. Ymmärrän mitä sanotte. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Tätä argumenttia ei voi kumota. This argument is irrefutable. This argument cannot be reversed. Hän jäi yksin. He stayed alone. She was alone. Ez nem olyan rossz. This is not so bad. It's not that bad. Toivon, että olisin ollut ystävällisempi tytölle. I wish I had treated the girl more kindly. I wish I'd been more friendly to the girl. Kus ma olen? Where am I? Where am I? Kussolj! Shut up! Shut up! Értékelem a barátságodat. I value our friendship. I appreciate your friendship. Mit gondoltok a modern művészetről? What do you think of modern art? What do you think of modern art? Minun täytyy laittaa takin napit kiinni. I have to button my jacket. I have to close the jacket. Tom fel fogja venni Marit a repülőtérnél. Tom will pick Mary up at the airport. Tom's gonna pick up Mari at the airport. Ezt majd később megbeszéljük. We'll discuss that later. We'll talk about this later. No mites koe? How did your test go? Well, what about the experiment? Úgy gondolom, nincs semmi értelme, hogy megpróbáljuk őt meggyőzni. I think there's no point in trying to convince him. I don't think there's any point in trying to convince him. Haluan ostaa tusinan banaaneja. I want to buy a dozen bananas. I want to buy a dozen bananas. Se on salaisuus. Mä en voi kertoo sitä sulle. That's a secret. I can't tell you. It's a secret, and I can't tell you that. Hän jatkoi eläintarinoiden kirjoittamista. He kept on writing stories about animals. He continued to write animal stories. Szegények vagyunk, de boldogok. We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but we're happy. Oletteko te kotoisin Bostonista? Were you born in Boston? Are you from Boston? Tamás kávéscsészéket gyűjt. Tom collected coffee cups. Tamás collects coffee cups. Tom osaa ajaa hyvin. Tom is good at driving. Tom can drive well. Ismered őt. You know him. You know him. Úgy tett, mintha nem hallaná a főnökét. He pretended not to hear his boss. She pretended she couldn't hear her boss. Anya most tortát készít. Mom is making a cake. Mom's making cake now. Miksi sinä puhut ranskaksi? Why are you speaking in French? Why are you speaking French? Minä muistan kun olit vielä pieni lapsi. I can remember when you were just a little boy. I remember when you were a little kid. Kapcsold be. Turn it on. Turn it on. Drága. It's expensive. Oh, dear. Ez fontos. It's important. It's important. On kevätsiivouksen aika. It's time for spring cleaning. It's time for spring cleaning. Söin silloin ensi kertaa hevosenlihaa. That was my first time to eat horsemeat. That's the first time I ate horse meat. Minulla on kaksi koiraa. Toinen on valkoinen ja toinen musta. I have two dogs. One is white and the other black. I have two dogs, one white and the other black. Mitä olette tehneet Tomille? What have you done to Tom? What have you done to Tom? Látom ezt. I see this. I see that. Azt hiszem, Tomnak több kell. I think Tom wants more. I think Tom needs more. Useita kieliä soljuvasti puhuvat äimistyttävät minua. People who speak dozens of languages fluently astonish me. I am stunned by those who speak several languages insolently. Tomi on itse asiassa aika hyvä laulaja. Tom is actually a pretty good singer. In fact, Tomi's a pretty good singer. Maria käib klaveritunnis üks kord nädalas. Maria takes piano lessons once a week. Maria goes to piano once a week. A kilencvenes években sokan mentek Algériából Franciaországba. During the 1990's, many Algerians came to France. In the nineties, many went from Algeria to France. Tom lélegzik. Tom is breathing. Tom's breathing. A füzet az asztalon hever. The notebook is lying on the table. The book is on the table. Tanulásnak jó. It's good training. It's good for learning. Hän on tänään todella kiltti. He is being very kind today. He's very kind today. On tärkeää pitää tämä mielessä. What is important is to keep this in mind. It's important to keep this in mind. Ma lendan Bostonisse tagasi. I'm flying back to Boston. I'm flying back to Boston. Mitä aiot sanoa? What are you planning to say? What are you gonna say? Egy cserép oregánó van a hálószobámban. I have a pot of oregano plant in my bedroom. There's an oregano in my bedroom. Voinko minä kysyä tyhmän kysymyksen? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? En ole koskaan kuullut tästä näyttelijästä. I've never heard of this actor. I've never heard of this actor. Ne linnut laulavat. The birds are singing. Those birds are singing. He ovat nyt naimisssa. They're married now. They're married now. Veszélyes lesz. It'll be dangerous. It's gonna be dangerous. Mies myönsi murtautuneensa taloon. The man admitted having broken into the house. He admitted he broke into the house. Kun sade lakkaa, menemme kävelylle. When the rain stops, we'll go for a walk. When the rain stops, we'll go for a walk. Egy hajszál van a levesemben. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. Nem tudtam levenni a jegygyűrűt az ujjamról. I couldn't pull the wedding ring off of my finger. I couldn't take the wedding ring off my finger. A tungolaj a tungfa magjából készül. Tung oil is made from the seeds of the Tung tree. The tung oil is made from the core of the tungwood. Erős szél volt. There was a lot of wind. It was a strong wind. Terveh, Chicago! Hello, Chicago! Hey, Chicago! Luoti läpäisi hänen ruumiinsa. The bullet went through his body. The bullet penetrated his body. Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Lehet, hogy Tamás sokáig dolgozik. Tom may be working late. Tamas may be working late. Nem tetszik nekem ez a dal. I don't like this song. I don't like this song. Mistä Tomi sai hattunsa? Where did Tom get his hat? Where did Tomi get his hat? Hol eszünk ma este? Where shall we eat tonight? Where are we going to eat tonight? Tykkääk sä mun uusist kengist? Do you like my new shoes? You like my new shoes? Nem találtam meg Tomit. I didn't find Tom. I couldn't find Tomi. Hän teki sen itse. He did it himself. He did it himself. Bizonyára igazad van. You must be right. I'm sure you're right. Persze, hogy szeretem. Of course I like it. Of course I do. Minä alan tajuta ajatuksen. I'm starting to get the idea. I'm starting to understand. Tom tulee aina olemaan täällä sinua varten. Tom will always be here for you. Tom will always be here for you. Se ei ole mitään liioittelua. That's no exaggeration. It's not an exaggeration. Oletko jo saanut kirjoitettua kirjeen valmiiksi? Have you finished writing the letter yet? Have you finished the letter yet? Ne nehezítsétek meg magatoknak a dolgot. Don't make this harder on yourselves. Don't make this hard on yourselves. Őszintén beszél. She speaks frankly. He's being honest. Bringára fel! Get on your bike. Get your bike up! Nyúlj hozzá. Touch it. Spit it out. Rakastan hänen siskoaan todella paljon. I really love her younger sister a lot. I love her sister very much. Haittaako, jos istun kanssasi? Would you mind if I sit with you? Do you mind if I sit with you? Voisitko siivota pöydän? Could you please clear the table? Can you clean up the table? Mit tennél, ha ilyen lenne a gyereked? And what would you do if your child was like that? What would you do if your kid were like that? Kuinka moni valtio alkaa y-kirjaimella? How many countries have names that start with the letter "Y"? How many states start with an "Y" letter? Hyvvää aamua! Morning! Good morning! Tom megbecsüli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. Sinullapa on paljon ongelmia. You've got a lot of problems, don't you? You've got a lot of problems. Egymást hibáztatták. They accused each other. They blamed each other. Hän vastustaa minua joka käänteessä. He opposes me at every turn. He's against me in every turn. Ullõ sadāb vīm. It's raining. Outside the sadāb īm. Sinun pitäisi lukea enemmän. You should read more. You should read more. Soittakaa minulle, kun olette valmiit lähtemään. Call me when you are ready to go. Call me when you're ready to leave. Tom elfoglalt volt? Was Tom busy? Tom was busy? Sohasem mondtam ezt! I've never said that! I never said that! Hän pukeutui Halloweenina palomieheksi. He dressed as a fireman for Halloween. He was dressed as a fireman on Halloween. Ismerjük ezt a dalt. We are familiar with this song. We know this song. Tomi ei ollut varma siitä, että pitikö hänen tehdä niin. Tom wasn't sure he had to do that. Tom wasn't sure if he had to do that. Onko sinulla kuulokkeita? Do you have earphones? Do you have any headphones? Ki volt ma itt az első? Who was the first one here today? Who was the first one here today? Onko tämä tyttöystäväsi? Is this your girlfriend? Is this your girlfriend? Hän teki nuorena paljon syntiä. He committed many sins in his youth. When he was young, he sinned a lot. "Mihin hän suuteli sinua?" "Huulille." "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "Where did he kiss you?" Antheeksi. Sorry. Antheks. Keskendu oma tööle. Keep focused on your work. Focus on your work. Tukkasi näyttää kivalta. Your hair looks nice. Your hair looks nice. Voltak sérülések. There have been injuries. There were injuries. Nézd, mit talált Tom az ágy alatt. Look what Tom found under the bed. Look what Tom found under the bed. Viisi gallonaa ysivitosta, kiitos. Five gallons of regular, please. Five gallons of uni, please. Sokkal jobban van, mint tegnap. She's much better today than yesterday. She's much better than yesterday. Elegem van mindenből. I am fed up with everything. I'm sick of everything. Lastele meeldib puuviljamahl. Children like fruit juice. Kids like fruit juice. Halusitteko te minun tekevän vielä jotain muuta? Was there anything else you wanted me to do? Did you want me to do something else? En voi uskoa tämän tapahtuneen. I can't believe this happened. I can't believe this happened. En ole kertonut tätä ikinä kenellekään. I've never told this to anyone. I've never told anyone this. Saisinko lasin valkoviiniä? A glass of white wine, please. Can I have a glass of white wine, please? Te beszélsz! You're one to talk! You're talking! Tallenna se ulkoiselle kovalevylle. Save it on the external hard drive. Save it on the external hard drive. Elköltöztek. They moved. They're moving out. On melkein aika aloittaa. It's almost time to get started. It's almost time to start. Tom osti Marylta kameran. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Ez a mondat túl hosszú! This sentence is too long! That sentence is too long! Egy farmon születtem. I was born on a farm. I was born on a farm. Szállj fel a buszra! Get on the bus. Get on the bus! Tule pian takaisin. Come back soon. Come back soon. Nyt voitte päästää irti. You can let go now. Now you can let go. Meillä on tylsää. We're bored. We're bored. Úgy tűnik, mintha csak tegnap lett volna, hogy együtt jártunk iskolába. It seems like just yesterday that we were walking to school together. It looks like it was just yesterday that we went to school together. Missä on se asema? Where is the station? Where's the station? Tiedän, että Tom pelkää potkuja. I know Tom is afraid of kicks. I know Tom's scared of getting fired. Kaikki nauravat. Everybody laughs. Everybody's laughing. Tom sérülései nem komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Amit éppen csinálsz, az többet árt, mint használ. What you're doing is hurting more than helping. What you're doing is more harm than it's using. Sinun ei tarvitse kuunnella häntä. You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to him. Kérlek, szolgáld ki magad a tortából. Please help yourself to the cake. Please serve yourself out of the cake. En tiedä, kuka teki kakun. I don't know who made the cake. I don't know who made the cake. Älä viitsi! Knock it off. Come on! See ajas mind alguses segadusse. I was confused about that at first. It got me confused at first. Kävele hitaasti! Walk slowly! Walk slowly! Miksi olet vihainen hänelle? Why are you angry with him? Why are you mad at him? Tévedés volt, hogy ide jöttünk. Coming here was a mistake. It was a mistake we came here. Lue tämä ensin. Read this first. Read this first. Ez az, amire gondoltam. That's what I thought. That's what I was thinking. Aina on parantamisen varaa. There's always room for improvement. There's always room for improvement. Olen nyt kiireinen enkä voi mennä ulos. I'm busy now and can't go out. I'm busy right now, and I can't go out. Me syöpöttelimme pizzaa ja juopottelimme olutta. We pigged out on pizza and beer. We ate pizza and drank beer. Mivel foglalkozol? What do you do? What do you do? Miért lettél olyan mérges? Why did you get so angry? Why did you get so angry? Todellinen skandaali on se mikä on laillista. The real scandal is what’s legal. The real scandal is what's legal. Hozzatok valami nasit. Bring some munchies. Get me some snacks. Neked nem kell odamenni. You should not go there. You don't have to go there. Itt fogok aludni. I'll sleep here. I'm gonna sleep here. Oletko veljeskunnassa? Are you in a fraternity? Are you in the brotherhood? Tom meggyógyult. Tom recovered. Tom's cured. Minden, ami történt közöttünk, hazugság volt? Was everything that happened between us a lie? Everything that happened between us was a lie? Beszélj lassan és érthetően. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. Épp zsálya teát iszom. I'm drinking sage tea. I'm drinking sage tea. Voin ymmärtää tämän ongelman jossain määrin. I can understand this problem to some extent. I can understand this problem to a certain extent. Tomilla on tarpeeksi rahaa ostaa mikä tahansa tietokone tässä liikkeessä. Hänen tarvitsee vain päättää minkä. Tom has enough money to buy any computer in this store. He just needs to decide which one. Tom has enough money to buy any computer in this store. Vannak földrengések Németországban? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Mitä valmistat? What will you make? What are you making? Vissza akarom kapni a berber szótáramat, és pedig most. I want my Berber dictionary back and I want it now. I want myber dictionary back, and now. Ne egyél! Do not eat. Don't eat. He ovat ystäviä. They're friends. They're friends. Onko sinulla kynsiviilaa, jota voisin lainata? Do you have a nail file I could borrow? Do you have any candles I could borrow? Osallistu! Participate! Why don't you join us? Mindkét lánya nagyon szép. Both of your daughters are very beautiful. Both his daughters are very nice. Tom varmaankin jätti kitaransa yläkertaan. Tom probably left his guitar upstairs. Tom must have left his guitar upstairs. Kas Tom on vasaku- või paremakäeline? Is Tom left-handed or right-handed? Is Tom left or right? Minä tarvitsen teidän mielipiteitänne. I need your opinions. I need your opinions. Se maistui makealta. It tasted sweet. It tastes sweet. Todennäköisesti. Probably. Probably. Raha se maailmaa pyörittää. Money makes the world go round. It's the money that spins the world. Se oli hirveän hauskaa. It was awfully funny. It was so much fun. Tudom, hogy ki tette. I know who did it. I know who did it. Sinun olisi parempi mennä nyt. You had better go now. You better go now. Minun tytärtäni huijattiin. My daughter was cheated. My daughter was conned. Még egy kicsit? A little more? A little more? Nagyon csinosak voltak. They were very pretty. They were very pretty. Megkérdezhetem a neved? Might I ask your name? May I ask your name? Sajnálom, hogy kételkedtem benned. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Ne főjön miatta a fejed! Don't sweat it. Don't worry about it. Luuletko että miehet ja naiset voivat olla vain ystäviä? Do you think that men and women can ever just be friends? You think men and women can only be friends? Head ööd! Goodnight! Good night! Need lipsud pole minu omad. These ties aren't mine. These ties aren't mine. Tomi filmre vitte gyermekkorát. Tom made a film about his childhood. Tomi took her childhood to a movie. A hozzátok hasonló idióták keltik az iskola rossz hírét. You idiots are giving the school a bad name. The bad news of the school comes from idiots like you. Tuo ei ole kovin hauskaa. That's not very funny. That's not very funny. Meil on tõsi taga. We mean business. We're serious. Mindenkinek azt mondta Tom, hogy az én hibám. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Tom told everyone it was my fault. Koskaan ei voi tietää, mitä tapahtuu huomenna. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's going on tomorrow. Tom lebukott, így keresett fedezéket. Tom ducked for cover. Tom got caught looking for cover. Egy oldal hiányzik. There is a page missing. There's a page missing. Tomi virágot hozott Marinak. Tom brought Mary some flowers. Tomi brought Mari flowers. De nekem egy vasam sincsen. But I don't have any money. But I don't have any iron. A fiam férfivá vált. My son has become a man. My son has become a man. En vain pysty ymmärtämään mitä pyörii niiden ihmisten mielissä, jotka trollaavat foorumeilla. I just don't understand what goes through the minds of people who troll forums. I just can't understand what's going on in the minds of the people who are trolling for the forums. Valaki ellopta a táskámat. Somebody stole my bag. Someone stole my bag. Hän ei pidä keskustassa asumisesta. She doesn't like living downtown. He doesn't like living downtown. Brownin ainutlaatuinen tyyli opettaa jätti lähtemättömän merkin opiskelijasukupolviin. Mr. Brown's unique style of teaching left an indelible mark on generations of students. Brown's unique style of teaching left an indelible mark on the student generation. Oszd el néggyel. Divide that by four. Give it to me four. Pidän jazzista. Millaisesta musiikista sinä pidät? I like jazz. What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you like? A kíváncsisága kérdésekre sarkallta őt. His curiosity prompted him to ask questions. His curiosity led him to questions. Toivon, että olisit voinut nähdä Tomin juoksevan. I wish you could have seen Tom run. I wish you could have seen Tom running. Lassanként elhagyta a remény. She slowly lost hope. The hope left slowly. Úgy vélem, az idő majd megoldja ezt a problémát. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve this problem. Teidän ei tarvitse kiirehtiä. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Tom mobiltelefonja megszólalt. Tom's cellphone rang. Tom's cell phone was ringing. Fogalmad sincs, mennyire igazad van. You've no idea how right you are. You have no idea how true you are. Haluan tietää miksi Tom haluaa tehdä niin. I want to know why Tom wants to do that. I want to know why Tom wants to do that. Sinä olet todella mukava mies, Tomi. You're a really nice man, Tom. You're a really nice man, Tomi. Ma igatsen oma kassi. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. I.e. 776-ban, a görög főisten, Zeusz tiszteletére, az Olimposz-hegy lábánál megrendezték az első Olimpiai Játékokat. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. In 776 B.C.E., in honor of the Greek chief god Zeus, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olimpos. Tom üritas mind kaitsta. Tom tried to protect me. Tom was trying to protect me. Veljeni loukkaantui auto-onnettomuudessa. My brother was injured in the car accident. My brother was injured in a car accident. Tomi ei näytä kovin tyytyväiseltä. Tom doesn't seem very satisfied. Tom doesn't look very happy. Én ennek élek. This is what I live for. That's what I live for. Se on ihana. It's wonderful. It's wonderful. Ez az életem! It's my life. This is my life! Sinun pitää lopettaa tupakointi. You must quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. Me peaksime sellest rääkima. We should talk about this. We should talk about this. Tom on opiskelemassa. Tom is studying. Tom's in college. Tom suri eelmisel aastal. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Még egyszer elmosogatok. I'll wash the dishes once again. I'm gonna wash up one more time. Állj vagy lövök! Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop or I'll shoot! Auringonvalo tekee huoneeni lämpimäksi. Sunlight makes my room warm. The sunlight will warm my room. Lapsilla on kotitehtäviä. The kids have homework. Children have homework. Tomi ei halua, että Mari innostuu liikaa. Tom doesn't want Mary to get too excited. Tomi doesn't want Mari to get too excited. Oletko ihan vakavissasi? Are you serious? Are you serious? Nem kívánom a húst. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. He menivät yläkertaan. They walked upstairs. They went upstairs. Van egy piros autóm. I have a red car. I have a red car. Lapsed on meie elu lilled. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers of our lives. Sinun on tultava pikaisesti. You need to come quickly. I need you to come quickly. Tom ja Mari lähtivät Bostonista lokakuun lopulla. Tom and Mary left Boston at the end of October. Tom and Mari left Boston at the end of October. Mikä sinun suosikkilaulusi on? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? Mi van veled? Sápadtnak tűnsz. What's the matter with you? You look pale. You look pale. Pystyisinpä lopettaa tupakoinnin. I wish I could give up smoking. I wish I could stop smoking. Kilenc órát aludtam. I slept nine hours. I slept for nine hours. Tiedän sen jo. I know that already. I already know that. Elgondolkoztam, mit akart Tom. I wondered what Tom wanted. I was wondering what Tom wanted. Allergiás bármilyen gyógyszerre? Are you allergic to any medicine? Is she allergic to any medicine? Kīela um vīžtuoistõn minūtõ pūtõb kuolmõst. It's a quarter to three. Kīela umâžtöistöstõröstõltö as a result of death. Nem ígértem neked én semmit! Én csak annyit mondtam, talán. I didn't promise you anything; I just said: maybe. I didn't promise you anything. Értem tudsz jönni az állomásra? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you come get me at the station? Kuinka usein Tom käy ranskantunneilla? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom go to French classes? Tykkäätkö Tomin tatskasta? Do you like Tom's tattoo? Do you like Tom's jacket? Tämä ei koske Tomia millään tapaa. This has nothing to do with Tom. This isn't about Tom in any way. Miksi Tom on tänään niin hyvällä tuulella? Why is Tom in such high spirits today? Why is Tom in such a good mood today? Tom ja Mari lähettävät toisilleen yli 200 tekstiviestiä päivässä. Tom and Mary exchange more than 200 text messages every day. Tom and Mari send each other more than 200 text messages a day. Kaikki lopettivat puhumisen ja tuijottivat minua. Everybody stopped talking and stared at me. Everyone stopped talking and stared at me. Minä pidän koirista. I like dogs. I like dogs. Nem tudok róla semmit azon kívül, amit te mondtál nekem. I know nothing about him beyond what you told me. I don't know anything about him except what you said to me. Letette az asztalra a kék mappát. He put the blue folder down on the table. He put the blue folder on the table. Lihtsalt räägi kindlasti Tomiga. Just make sure you talk to Tom. Just talk to Tom for sure. Tom käveli alakertaan. Tom walked down the stairs. Tom walked downstairs. En usko kummituksiin. I don't believe that ghosts exist. I don't believe in ghosts. Mire számíthatunk? What else should we expect? What can we expect? Hogyan szerettél bele? How did you come to love her? How did you fall in love with her? Hän jatkoi kävelyään herukoiden, karviaismarjojen, hedelmäpuiden ja pensasaitojen ohi. He continued to walk past currants, gooseberries, fruit trees and hedges. He continued his walk past the herbs, the fur berries, the fruit trees, and the shrubs. Spinoza oli panteisti. Spinoza was a pantheist. Spinoza was a panthetic. On sauna ja allas. There's a sauna and a pool. There's a sauna and a pool. Hän on hulluna sinuun. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about you. Nélküled csináltam. I did it without you. I did it without you. Minun kelloni täytyy korjata. My clock needs to be fixed. I have to fix my watch. Tomi on synkeä. Tom is grim. Tom's dark. Sinun ei pitäisi polttaa kun teet töitä. You shouldn't smoke whilst you work. You shouldn't smoke when you're working. Éjfél után felébredtünk. We woke up after midnight. We woke up after midnight. Tomilla oli yllään harmaa puku. Tom was wearing a gray suit. Tom was wearing a gray suit. He ovat serkkujani. They're my cousins. They're my cousins. Hän oli uimassa. She was swimming. He was swimming. A lakása csodálatosan néz ki! Your apartment looks wonderful! Your apartment looks wonderful! Anyám nem engedte, hogy miniszoknyát viseljek. My mother didn't let me wear a miniskirt. My mother wouldn't let me wear a mini-skirt. Jos lauseille olisi markkinat, kieliopillisissa spekuloinneissamme olisi järkeä. If there existed a market for sentences, our grammatical speculations would suddenly make sense. If we had a market for sentences, our linguistic speculation would make sense. Ne menjünk vissza abba a vendéglőbe. Let's not go to that restaurant again. Let's not go back to that restaurant. Mozdulni sem bírtam. I couldn't move. I couldn't even move. Hänellä on suuri määrä kirjoja. He has a large number of books. He's got a lot of books. Tomi senkiben nem bízik meg. Tom trusted nobody. Tomi doesn't trust anyone. Hibát követett el. He made a mistake. You made a mistake. Egy történetet mesélt nekünk egy fiúról, Tom Sawyerről. He told us a story about a boy named Tom Sawyer. He told us a story about a boy named Tom Sawyer. Tämä nainen on prostituoitu. This woman is a prostitute. This woman is a prostitute. Ranskan puhuminen on vaikeaa. Speaking French is difficult. It's hard to talk to France. Gyakran beszélgetek Tomival franciául. I often talk with Tom in French. I often speak to Tomi in French. Kotirouvalla on useita kotitaloustehtäviä. A housewife has many domestic duties. The housewife has a number of household tasks. Kutsu ystäväsi syömään. Invite your friend for dinner. Why don't you invite your friend to dinner? Tykkään katsoa telkkaria. I like to watch TV. I like watching TV. Tom a bűnügyi nyilvántartásban szerepel. Tom has a criminal record. Tom's in the criminal record. A lépcsőn megyünk. We'll take the stairs. We're on the stairs. Minneköhän Joe on mennyt? I wonder where Joe went? I wonder where Joe's gone. Kas teile meeldib see plaan? Do you like the plan? Do you like this plan? Mekkora pizzát szolgálnak fel abban az étteremben? How large is the pizza they serve at that restaurant? What kind of pizza do they serve at that restaurant? En ymmärrä lainkaan englantia enkä saksaa senkään vertaa. I understand no English and German even less. I don't understand English or German. Pystytimme teltan joen rantaan. We pitched the tent next to the river. We set up a tent on the river. Uskoisin, että tämä on hänen autonsa. This is his car, I think. I think this is his car. Rauta on paljon hyödyllisempää kuin kulta. Iron is much more useful than gold. Iron is much more useful than gold. Igen, és itt egy fénykép a farmról, ahol a teheneket fejtük. Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows. Yeah, and here's a picture of the farm where we used to shave cows. Vero sisältyy hintaan. The price includes tax. The tax is included in the price. Oletteko käyneet milloinkaan Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Olen ollut viime aikoina todella kiireinen. I've been very busy lately. I've been really busy lately. Se on juuri hänen tapaistaan. That is just her way. It's just like him. Moniko kieli häviää vuosittain koska nuoret puhujat pitävät toista kieltä "siistimpänä"? How many languages disappear each year because another language seems more "cool" to their young speakers? How many languages disappear each year because young speakers consider another language to be "secure"? Szerintem van még időm, hogy azt megcsináljam, mielőtt Tom ideér. I think I still have time to do that before Tom gets here. I think I have time to do that before Tom gets here. Olette väärässä. You're wrong. You're wrong. Antheeksi! Sorry! Antheks! Olen työskennellyt täällä 13 kuukautta. I've been working here 13 months. I've been working here for 13 months. Én ezt már nem hiszem el. I don't believe it any longer. I can't believe it anymore. Minä soitan uudestaan. I'll call again. I'll call you again. Megértem, hogy az kényelmetlen neked, de ne aggódj. I understand that you feel uneasy, but don't worry. I understand how uncomfortable it is for you, but don't worry. Leage buorre! You are welcome! Let's have a good time! Tominál vagyok. I'm at Tom's. I'm at Tomi's. Hogyan lehetne ezt elérni? How can this be accomplished? How can this be achieved? Tom kirjutas midagi kirja tagaküljele. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Találd ki, mit találtam! Guess what I found. Guess what I found. Ehkä olemme sukulaisia. Maybe we're related. Maybe we're related. Sain töitä. I got a job. I got a job. Szóval, miről is beszéltünk? So what were we talking about? So, what were we talking about? Rakennus, jonka katto näkyy tuolla, on meidän kirkkomme. The building whose roof you can see over there is our church. The building with the roof over there is our church. Уцяска теть! Good luck! Much of this work is happening! Presidentti toivoo rauhaa. The President desires peace. The President wishes for peace. Csendben maradnál? Would you pipe down? Will you shut up? Hänellä ei ole hattua päässään. He is not wearing a hat. He doesn't have a hat in his head. Ollu giitu! Thank you very much! Oh, thank you! Ottakaa makeisia, jos maistuu. Please help yourself to the sweets. Have some sweets if you like. Tämä pöytä on tehty puusta. This table is made of wood. This table is made of wood. Sinulla on kauniit jalat. You have beautiful feet. You have beautiful legs. Nem találom. I can't find it. I can't find it. Nem tudok televízió nélkül élni. I can't live without TV. I can't live without television. Elsöpörte a port. She brushed away the dust. The dust was swept away. Nem gondolom, hogy vesztesek vagyunk. I don't think we're losing. I don't think we're losers. Itt várok, amíg nem jön. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. Tom járt egyetemre? Did Tom go to college? Tom went to college? En pidä lämpimistä talvista. I don't like warm winters. I don't like warm winters. Remélem, jól vannak. I hope they're OK. I hope they're okay. En tiedä miten, mutta tein sen. I don't know how, but I did it. I don't know how, but I did it. Körbevitorlázták a Földet. They sailed around the world. They were sailing around the Earth. Olen saanut sinulta flunssan. You've given me your cold. You've given me a cold. Anna meille mahdollisuus. Ole kiltti. Please give us a chance. Give us a chance, please. Tom hálószobája tisztább az enyémnél. Tom's bedroom is cleaner than mine. Tom's bedroom is cleaner than mine. Egy kis faluban született, Törökország déli részén. He was born in a small village in the south of Turkey. Born in a small village in the south of Turkey. Tervetuloa, vangit... tarkoitan, vieraat. Welcome, prisoners... I mean, guests. Welcome, prisoners... I mean, guests. Poliisi sai nimettömän vihjeen, että pankkiryöstö oli sisäpiirin keikka. The police received an anonymous tip-off that the bank robbery was an inside job. The police got an anonymous tip that the bank robbery was an inside job. "Asiakkaamme ovat Taiwanissa", selitti Tom. "Our customers are in Taiwan", explained Tom. "Our clients are in Taiwan," explained Tom. Átmegyek egy barátomhoz. I'm going to a friend's house. I'm going over to a friend's. En usko Jumalan olemassaoloon. I do not believe in the existence of God. I don't believe in God's existence. Pohjanmaalainen maajussi astui työpäivän päätteeksi ojasta allikkoon. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. At the end of the working day, the Ostrobothniaan countryman stepped from stream to ditch. Missä se asema on? Where is the station? Where's the station? Egy labda megütötte a jobb lábát. A ball hit her right leg. A ball hit his right leg. Minusta on ihanaa puhua hänelle. I love talking to him. I love talking to him. Hol van a legközelebbi gyógyszertár? Where's the closest pharmacy? Where's the nearest pharmacy? Félelnetes ellenfél volt. He was a formidable opponent. He was a fearsome opponent. On vaarallista leikkiä tulella. It's dangerous to play with fire. It's dangerous to play with fire. Ez műszakilag lehetséges. It's technically possible. That's technically possible. Kaikki vaikuttavat optimistisilta. Everyone seems optimistic. Everything seems optimistic. Tom oli liikenneonnettomuudessa. Tom was in a traffic accident. Tom was in a traffic accident. A doboz olyan nehéz volt, hogy Tomnak segítenie kellett Marinak azt hazacipelni. The box was so heavy that Tom had to help Mary carry it home. The box was so hard that Tom had to help Mari carry it home. A Fekete Erdő torta egy természetes afrodiziákum. The Black Forest cake is a natural aphrodisiac. Black Forest cake is a natural aphrodisiac. Olen Farshad. I'm Farshad. I'm Farshad. A házadat be kellene festeni. Your house needs painting. Your house should be painted. Lopeta tupakointi. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Бурдж-Халифа тяни сембода оцю менелькъргама. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. At the time of the Persian king, possible uses of the Philippines, possible uses of the Philippines. Luulen, että Tom voittaa. I think Tom will win. I think Tom's gonna win. Ez a könyv kicsi. This book is small. This book is small. Ő egy híres művész. He's a famous artist. He's a famous artist. Kaikki tekevät virheitä. All men are fallible. Everyone makes mistakes. Hol találom az információt? Where's the information desk? Where do I find the information? Anteeksi, että olen myöhässä. Pardon me for coming late. I'm sorry I'm late. Viszontlátásra! Good-bye! Goodbye. Olipa kerran ilkeä kuningas Englannissa. Once there lived a very wicked king in England. Once upon a time, it was a mean King in England. Előfordul, hogy nem értem őt. I don't understand him sometimes. Sometimes I don't understand him. Paniko Tom pahakseen? Did Tom mind? Did Tom hurt you? Tom a közelmúltban nem túl jól teljesített a munkában. Tom has not been doing very well at work recently. Tom hasn't been doing very well at work lately. Hänen puhetavastaan ja käytöksestään huomaa, että hän on landepaukku. The way he talks and acts, you can tell he's a redneck. Her manner of speech and behavior will notice that she's a hippopotamus. Hänen täytyy olla kiltti poika. He must be a good boy. He must be a good boy. Nagy volt a ház. The house was big. Big house. Úgy gondolom, hogy Tom bizonyára éhes. I think Tom might be hungry. I think Tom must be hungry. Nem maradhatok ebben a házban. I can't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house. Lehet, hogy számodra egyértelmű, de számomra nem. Perhaps it's obvious for you, but not for me. It may be clear to you, but it's not clear to me. Hän pystyi opettelemaan runon ulkoa viisivuotiaana. He was able to memorize that poem when he was five years old. He could learn the poem when he was five years old. Ei ole kuule sinun asiasi. None of your business. I don't know what you're doing. Asuuko Tomi Bostonissa? Is Tom living in Boston? Tomi lives in Boston? Puhkame. Let's take a rest. Let's get some rest. Tomi haluaa antaa vanhan autonsa Marille. Tom wants to give his old car to Mary. Tomi wants to give her old car to Mari. Betegség miatt hiányzik. She is absent because of sickness. I miss her because I'm sick. Én voltam az utolsó, aki láttam őt. I was the last one to see her. I was the last one to see him. Minulla oli tapana syödä pizzaa. I used to eat pizza. I used to eat pizza. Szereted ezt az országot? Do you like this country? Do you like this country? Kindlasti! Definitely! Sure! Mistä sinä näet huolta? What are you worrying about? What are you worried about? Isoäitini kasvatti kymmenen lasta. My grandmother raised a family of ten. My grandmother raised ten children. Kinyithatom az ablakot? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Tom leikkasi hiukseni. Tom cut my hair. Tom cut my hair. Mitä tapahtuisi, jos suuri asteroidi iskeytyisi Maahan? What would happen if a large asteroid struck the earth? What would happen if a large asteroid hit the Earth? Tom tykkää uida. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. Tarkoitan sitä, mitä sanoin. I mean what I said. I mean what I said. Én nem az edző vagyok. I'm not the coach. I'm not the coach. Tässä kalassa on paljon pieniä ruotoja. This fish has a lot of small bones in it. There's a lot of small food in this fish. Ruusujen varsissa on piikkejä. Roses have thorns on their stems. There are spikes on the roses. Вовлӧ миянӧдз! Come visit us! Inside, we know that we are not allowed to change! Tärkeintä ei ole se mistä yliopistosta olet valmistunut vaan se mitä olet oppinut. What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The most important thing is not where you've graduated from, but what you've learned. A német a legjobb nyelv a világon. German is the best language in the world. German is the best language in the world. Sa oled väga heasüdamlik. You're very good-natured. You're very kind. Älä myöhästy koulusta huomenna. Don't be late for school tomorrow. Don't be late for school tomorrow. Tom pyysi palkankorotusta. Tom asked for a raise. Tom asked for a raise. Vein on klaasis. The wine is in the glass. The wine's in the glass. Megfeledkeztem róluk. I forgot them. I forgot about them. Ezt valahol máshol kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that someplace else. I should have done this somewhere else. Hadd maradjak! Let me stay. Let me stay. Mi mást tehetnék? What else should I do? What else can I do? Hän on tiskijukka. He's a DJ. He's a dish guy. Tom vaarus uksest välja. Tom stumbled out the door. Tom stood out the door. Miért suttogunk? Why are we whispering? Why are we whispering? Hol vannak a többiek az osztályunkból? Where's the rest of our class? Where are the others from our class? Jannea ei huvittanut ruveta maalaamaankaan, vaikka hän tavallisesti piti siitä kovasti. Janne didn't bother even to paint, though he usually liked it a lot. Janne did not enjoy painting even though she usually liked it very much. Ma délután adtam el. I sold it this afternoon. I sold it this afternoon. Mikä on hänen etunimensä? What's his first name? What's his first name? Meg tudnám szokni, hogy itt éljek. I could get used to living here. I could get used to living here. Ez kinek a pohara? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is this? Tom nagyon kifinomult, ugye? Tom is very sophisticated, isn't he? Tom's very sophisticated, isn't he? Пошкудын эреат шаршудыжо ужаррак. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You live while you work at school, and you live with them. Akarok egy robogót. I want a scooter. I want a robot. Befejezte a levelet. She finished writing a letter. He's finished the letter. Miksei kukaan varoittanut minua? Why didn't anyone warn me? Why didn't anyone warn me? Gyere, ahogy vagy! Come as you are. Come as you are. Sitä täytyy sekoittaa kun se kypsyy. It has to be stirred while it's cooking. You have to mix it when it's ripe. Ki találta fel a szemüveget? Who invented glasses? Who invented the glasses? Valitsin nämän kenkien sijaan. I chose these over the shoes. I chose these shoes instead. Poliisi rynnäköi paikalle vihjeestä, että aikapommi oli asetettu. Police rushed to the scene on the tip that a time bomb was planted. The police rushed from a clue that the time bomb had been set. Legyen szíves megváltoztatni az írásjelek használatát. Please change the punctuation. Please change the use of the signs. Tom tavoitti Marin ja Jonin. Tom caught up with Mary and John. Tom reached out to Marin and Jon. Onko sinulla kiire? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? Täällä on todella hienoa työskennellä. It's really great to work here. It's really great working here. Kuka puhuu ranskaa? Who speaks French? Who speaks French? Hän on vain kateellinen nuoruudestasi. She's just jealous of your youth. He's just jealous of your youth. Ideje pihenni. It's time to rest. It's time to rest. Jos ystäväsi hyppäisivät sillalta, hyppäisitkö sinäkin? If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? If your friends jumped off the bridge, would you jump, too? Milloin on Tomin syntymäpäivä? When is Tom's birthday? When's Tom's birthday? Hukkasin avaimeni. I lost my keys. I lost my keys. Nincs ebben semmi különös. There's nothing to this. There's nothing special about that. Ömlik, mintha dézsából öntenék. It's pouring down rain. I feel like I'm pouring it out of jug. Oletko varma, että olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan? Are you sure we're going the right way? Are you sure we're heading in the right direction? Vaikka hän on vanha, hän on yhä tehtävänsä veroinen. Though he is old, he is still equal to the task. Even though he's old, he's still worth his job. Ta jõi peol kaks klaasi veini. She drank two glasses of wine at the party. He drank two glasses of wine at the party. En tunne hyvin ranskalaisia runoilijoita. I'm not familiar with French poets. I don't know any French poets. Minulla on sinulle pieni lahja. I have a little present for you. I have a little gift for you. Itt vagyok. I'm here. I'm here. Ki szereti Tomit? Who does Tom like? Who loves Tom? Biztos, hallucinálok. I must be hallucinating. I'm sure I'm hallucinating. Remélem, hogy hamarosan látlak. I hope to see you soon. I hope I see you soon. Mindenki imádta az egyszerű tudóst. Everybody loved the simple scholar. Everyone loved simple scientists. Kas see kõik sobib sulle? Is that all right with you? Is that all right with you? Tom sanoi, että hän tarvitsee lisää rahaa. Tom said he needed more money. Tom said he needed more money. Nem ő az egyetlen, aki így gondolkodik. He is not the only one who thinks this way. He's not the only one who thinks that way. Japánban az új tanév áprilisban kezdődik. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new school begins in April. Haluan jutella kanssasi Tomista. I want to talk to you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. Fizethetek csekkel? May I pay by check? Can I pay you with a check? Se on juuri sitä, mitä halusin. That was just what I wanted. It's exactly what I wanted. Olen aikeissa asua setäni luona. I'm planning to stay at my uncle's place. I'm going to live with my uncle. Kauan eläköön kuningas! Long live the King! Long live the king! A sírástól kivörösödtek a szemei. Her eyes were red from crying. Crying makes her eyes red. Bocsánatot kérek a késésért. I apologize for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. Haluan ostaa lahjan Tomille. I want to buy a gift for Tom. I want to buy a present for Tom. Veljeni ei ole koskaan noussut Fuji-vuorelle. My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji. My brother has never set foot on Mount Fuji. Tarkista se nyt. Check it now. Check it out now. Juttelin Tomin kanssa yli tunnin ennen kun hän sanoi jotain, joka sai minut tajuamaan, että hän ei puhunut äidinkieltään. I talked with Tom for over an hour before he said something that made me realize he wasn't a native speaker. I talked to Tom more than an hour before he said something that made me realize that he didn't speak his native language. A kollektív felelősség felelőtlenséget jelent. Collective responsibility means irresponsibility. collective responsibility means irresponsibility. Oletko harkinnut Bostoniin muuttamista? Have you considered moving to Boston? Have you considered moving to Boston? Tervita oma isa minu poolt. Say hello to your father for me. Say hello to your father for me. Tiedätkö miten syödään puikoilla? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Do you know how to eat with sticks? Minua väsyttää. Menen sänkyyn. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Tom bedrogozta Maryt. Tom drugged Mary. Tom drugged Mary. Tarvitsen neuvojasi. I need your advice. I need your advice. Csak rajtad múlik. It all depends solely on you. It's up to you. Hän on tyhmä. She's stupid. He's stupid. Kus sa seda kasutad? Where do you use it? Where do you use it? Ki készít reggelit neked? Who makes breakfast for you? Who's gonna make you breakfast? Tom rendkívül félénk, ugye? Tom is extremely shy, isn't he? Tom's extremely shy, isn't he? Istukaa, olkaa hyvä. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Tomi on ollut sairaalassa kolme viikkoa. Tom has been in the hospital for three weeks. Tom's been in the hospital for three weeks. Mondja, hol van a rendőrség? Tell me where the police station is. Tell me, where's the police? Tuuli kuulostaa pelottavalta kuin kirkuvat haamut. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. The wind sounds scary, like a screaming ghost. Vetted? Do you copy? Got it? Valtimot, laskimot ja hiussuonet ovat kolme verisuonten päätyyppiä. Arteries, veins, and capillaries are the three main types of blood vessel. Valves, veins and pertussis are three major types of blood vessels. Megyek. Punktum. I'm going and that's that. I'm going to go. Annahan meille nyt hetki. Give us a minute, will you? Give us a minute. Meg akarlak baszni. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. Tunnen hänet, mutta en tiedä hänen nimeään. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know his name. Mietittekö te vakavasti lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about leaving? Tom lähti kotiin reilu tunti sitten. Tom left for home well over an hour ago. Tom went home about an hour ago. Uuden tuotteen myynti ylitti odotukset. The new product's sales exceeded expectations. Sales of the new product exceeded expectations. Nagyon furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. Azonnal szükségem van egy munkára. I urgently need a job. I need a job now. Megsérült valaki? Did anybody get hurt? Is anyone hurt? A hajad nagyszerűen néz ki. Your hair looks great. Your hair looks great. Ki fogja ősszel leszedni az almákat? Who will pick the apples in the fall? Who's gonna remove the apples in the fall? Tomi még az egyszerű matematikai műveletekkel is hadilábon áll. Tom can't do even simple arithmetic. Tomi is even at war with simple mathematical operations. A makk a tölgyfán terem. From acorns come oaks. The teddy bear grows on the oak tree. Pulssini on nopea. My pulse is fast. My pulse is fast. Hagyd abba. Stop that. Stop it. Tomi nem volt hajlandó meghallgatni Marit. Tom refused to listen to Mary. Tomi refused to listen to Mari. Õunad on punased. Apples are red. The apples are red. Lapset tekivät valtavan lumiukon. The children made a giant snowman. The children made a huge enchantment. Tajuatteko? You see? Do you understand? Sen tekeminen ei ole vaikeaa. That's not difficult to do. It's not hard to do that. Valamikor majd meglátogatunk. We will visit you sometime. We'll see you sometime. Ő nem iszik kávét. She doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't drink coffee. Kerrotko minulle tien kirjastoon? Will you tell me the way to the library? Will you tell me the way to the library? Nincs vesztegetni való időnk. There's no time to lose. We don't have time to waste. Kiltti, älä kuole. Please don't die. Please, don't die. Szörnyen ügyetlen vagyok gyerekekkel. I'm horrible with kids. I'm terribly clumsy with kids. Voi olla, että Tomi on vähän ylipainoinen. Tom might be a little overweight. Maybe Tomi's a little overweight. Ez nem egy nőnek való munka. This is not a job that a woman can do. It's not a job for a woman. Sotilaat valtasivat rakennuksen. The soldiers occupied the building. The soldiers took over the building. Meg kell mosnom a fogam. I must clean my teeth. I have to brush my teeth. Számtalanszor figyelmeztettek és még többször is, amit te nem fogadtál meg. They had warned you several times and yet, you didn't listen to. I've been warned countless times and several times that you haven't accepted. Ennek nem kellene ilyen nehéznek lennie. This shouldn't be this hard. It shouldn't be that hard. El tudod olvasni azt a kandzsi szöveget? Can you read this kanji? Can you read that Kanji text? Kezet ráztam Tommal, és mentem. I shook hands with Tom and left. I shaked my hand with Tom, and I went. Tilataan pienempi pitsa seuraavalla kerralla. Let's order a smaller pizza next time. Let's order a smaller pizza next time. Kaikki meni surkeasti pieleen. Everything went horribly wrong. It all went wrong. Olet hyvin karkea. You are very insensitive. You're very rough. Eltörött a fogantyú. The handle is broken. The handle's broken. Minulla on vähän kiire. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. Tom azt akarta, hogy Mary szeresse őt. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Hän osaa saksaa ja ranskaa, puhumattakaan englannista. He knows German and French, not to mention English. He knows German and French, not to mention English. Kisegítettem Tomit. I've been helping Tom out. I helped Tom out. Olvasok egy levelet. I am reading a letter. I'm reading a letter. Úgy látszik, senki nem vett észre semmit. Nobody seems to have noticed anything. Looks like nobody noticed anything. Lilled õitsevad. Flowers bloom. Flowers bloom. A probléma megoldódott. The problem is solved. The problem has been solved. Tom aitaks meid kui ta saaks. Tom would help us if he could. Tom would help us if he could. Voisitko kertoa langattoman verkon salasanan? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password, please? Can you tell me the password of the wireless network? Még mindig nővér vagy, nem? You're still a nurse, aren't you? You're still a nurse, aren't you? Nolasinko sinut? Did I embarrass you? Did I embarrass you? Älä soita minulle. Don't call me. Don't call me. Nem az én hibám. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Ennek következtében egy rakás pénzt bukott el. The consequence was that, she lost a considerable amount of money. As a result, a lot of money fell. Leiki! Play! Play! Etsin feministisen sosiologian oppikirjoja. I'm looking for textbooks on feminist sociology. I'm looking for the textbooks of feminist sociology. Mit írnak az újságok? What do the papers say? What do the papers say? Ongelma oli niin vaikea, että en voinut ratkaista sitä. The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it. The problem was so difficult I couldn't solve it. Milyen gyönyörű virág! What a beautiful flower! What a beautiful flower! Hänen rohkeutensa sairautensa aikana on inspiraatiota meille kaikille. Her courage during her illness is an inspiration to us all. His courage during his illness is inspired by all of us. Nem ezt akartam neked mutatni. That's not what I wanted to show you. That's not what I wanted to show you. Lassíts! Slow down. Slow down. Ma kõnnin nagu pingviin. I walk like a penguin. I'm walking like penguins. Megbosszulom ezt a sértegetést, biztos lehetsz benne! I will get revenge for this insult, you can be sure of that! I will pay you back for this insult. You'll be sure. Miért kellett volna tudnom? How was I supposed to know? Why should I know? Mindig többet kell fizetnünk. We always have to pay more. We always have to pay more. Hol a fegyvered? Where's your weapon? Where's your gun? Beszélnek Kanadában franciául? Are there francophones in Canada? Do they speak French in Canada? Ta on ainult inimene. He is only a man. He's just a human being. Kärsimättömyys on ainoa huono puoli hänen luonteessaan. A quick temper is the only defect in her character. Patience is the only bad thing in his nature. Várj egy kicsit tovább! Wait a bit longer. Hold on a second. Onko tämä kirje? Is this a letter? Is this a letter? Hän on onnellisin ollessaan lastenlastensa kanssa. He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren. She's the luckiest when she's with her grandchildren. Olin varovainen tehdessäni tuon. I did that carefully. I was careful when I did that. Tom ja Mari menivät kahden viikon kuherroskuulle Havaijille. Tom and Mary went on a two week honeymoon to Hawaii. Tom and Mari went to a two-week honeymoon in Hawaii. Tipikus őszi idő van. It's typical autumn weather. It's typical autumn time. Megkötöm a cipőmet. Várjál meg! I am tying my laces. Wait for me! I'll tie my shoes. Olen sairaalassa. I'm in the hospital. I'm in the hospital. Olen pahoillani, en voi jäädä pitkäksi aikaa. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry. I can't stay long. Minulla on pitänyt kiirettä. I've been keeping busy. I've been busy. Ajattelen asiaa. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Palvelin ei ollut toiminnassa. The server was down. The server wasn't active. Syön täällä. I'll eat here. I'm eating here. Nem értem, hogy ebben mi olyan mulatságos. I fail to see what's so amusing. I don't understand what's so funny about this. Elfogadsz néhány tanácsot? Can I give you some advice? Do you take some advice? Szereti az orosz popzenét. She likes Russian pop. He likes Russian pop music. Belefulladt a tóba. She drowned in the lake. He drowned in the lake. On varmaa että hän ei käynyt ulkona tuona päivänä. It is certain that he didn't go out that day. I'm sure he didn't go out that day. Kanada első himnuszát franciául írták. The text of the national anthem of Canada was first written in French. Canadian's first hymn was written in French. En voinut olla katsomatta. I couldn't help but watch. I couldn't miss it. Tom on ollut siellä kolme vuotta. Tom has been there three years. Tom's been there for three years. Yritin avata sitä, mutta turhaan. I tried in vain to open it. I tried to open it, but for nothing. Kerro minulle miksi hän itkee. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Tom on pösilö. Tom is a dumbass. Tom's a pussy. Szörnyen furcsa volt. It was awfully strange. It was so weird. Úgy gondolom, nagyon jó a munkád. I think your work is very good. I think your job is really good. Sillä on väliä. It matters. It matters. Ő az egyetlen, akit ismerek és el tudja végezni a feladatot. He is the only person that I known who is equal to the task. He's the only one I know and can do the job. Minun pitää pyytää sinulta palvelusta. I need to ask you a favor. I have to ask you a favor. Olen lukenut sen kirjan. I have read the book. I've read that book. Tényleg úgy gondolod, hogy tudok neked segíteni? Do you really think I can help you? Do you really think I can help you? Van egy csomó jó sztorim. I have a ton of cool stories. I have a lot of good stories. Näen sinua silloin tällöin. I see you every now and then. I see you every now and then. Osta valkovenäläistä! Buy Belarusian! Buy the Belarusian! Tom syö parhaillaan pientä naposteltavaa. Tom is eating snacks. Tom's having a little snack right now. Tom sosem mondta el nekem, miért csinálta. Tom has never told me why he did that. Tom never told me why he did it. Oletteko te kaikki tulleet hulluiksi? Have you all gone mad? Have you all gone crazy? Ez mekkora baromság! What nonsense! This is so stupid. Beszélgettünk. We were talking. We talked. Tom austab sinu arvamust. Tom respects your opinion. Tom respects your opinion. Minne pysäköit auton? Where did you park the car? Where did you park the car? Vasárnaponként is dolgoznod kell? Do you have to work on Sundays? Do you have to work every Sunday? Türelmesebbnek kell lenned. You need to be more patient. You have to be more patient. Reggeliztél ma már? Did you eat breakfast this morning? Have you had breakfast today? Oletko varma, että et haluat tehdä sitä? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Tomi kiadta Mari útját. Tom fired Mary. Tomi made Mari's way. Aurinko laski vuorten taakse. The sun went down behind the mountains. The sun went down behind the mountains. Bures boahtin Tatoebai! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! Tom sytytti tulitikun ja sytytti sillä sitten kynttilän. Tom lit a match and then lit the candle with it. Tom lit a match and then lit a candle. Pitäisi keskittyä tiehen kun ajaa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. I should focus on the road when I drive. Wikipedia täyttää tänään 15 vuotta. Wikipedia turns 15 today. Today, Wikipedia is 15 years old. Nincs egy óránk. We don't have an hour. We don't have an hour. A ritka vadállatok behozatala ebbe az országba szigorúan tilos. The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The importation of rare wild animals into this country is strictly prohibited. Láttad őt? Have you seen him? Did you see him? Afrika az emberiség bölcsője. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the forerunner of mankind. Tom hasznavehetetlen. Tom's wasted. Tom's useless. Minden, csak nem becsületes. He is far from honest. It's just not fair. Nagyon szépen köszönök mindent! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything. Tommal más vagy. You're different with Tom. You're different with Tom. Mene asiaan. Get to the point. Get to the point. Mikor indulunk holnap? What time do we leave tomorrow? When are we leaving tomorrow? Tamás nem ment templomba. Tom didn't go to church. Tamás didn't go to church. Olet niin säälittävä. You're so pathetic. You're so pathetic. Csak franciául beszélek. I only speak French. I only speak French. Haluan vain olla varma. I just want to be sure. I just want to be sure. Eikö päivä ollutkin pettymys! Wasn't that day a bummer! The day was a disappointment, wasn't it? Tom egy nyugdíjazott rendőr. Tom is a retired policeman. Tom's a retired cop. Kaikki asiantuntijat eivät ole sama mieltä. Not all experts agree. Not all experts agree. Näytät tyytyväiseltä. You look satisfied. You look happy. Arvostaisin, jos auttaisitte minua tänä iltana. I'd appreciate it if you would help me this evening. I'd appreciate it if you'd help me tonight. Minulla on hommia. I have a job to do. I've got work to do. Sinun pitää keskittyä tiehen kun sinä olet ajamassa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You need to focus on the road while you're driving. Minulta vei useita tunteja korjata se. It took me several hours to repair it. It took me hours to fix it. Csatlakozhatom hozzád? May I join you? Can I join you? Visszateszem az útlevelemet a páncélszekrénybe. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport back in the vault. Hänen talonsa on erittäin moderni. His house is very modern. His house is very modern. Nagyon szereti a csokit. She likes chocolate very much. She really likes chocolate. Hoidan tätä. I'll deal with this. I got this. Meg kell, hogy vizsgáljalak. I'll have to examine you. I need to examine you. Aki alszik, nem követ el bűnt. He who sleeps does not sin. He who sleeps doesn't commit a crime. Hyvvää jouluu! Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas! Taevast vaadelduna tundus jõgi hiiglasuure maona. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake. Looking from heaven, the river seemed like a giant snake. Tom Marit egyedül hagyta otthon. Tom left Mary home alone. Tom Marit left him at home alone. Hän kuitenkin juoksi. He did run. But he ran. Rájöttem, hogy a probléma egyszerű volt. I found the problem was easy. I realized the problem was simple. Kávét akarok inni. I want to drink coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Tom nem halt meg a balesetben. Tom didn't die in the crash. Tom didn't die in the accident. Nem rajtam múlik, hogy mi fog történni. I can't control what'll happen. It's not up to me what's gonna happen. Együttműködő vagyok. I'm cooperating. I'm a cooperative. Segítettem Tamásnak egy kicsit. I helped Tom a little bit. I helped Tamás a little. Azok a lányok nagyon el vannak foglalva. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. Ma polnud selles päris kindel. I wasn't too sure about it. I wasn't quite sure about that. Synnyin Venäjällä. I was born in Russia. I was born in Russia. Tomi on tuottelias kirjailija. Tom is a prolific writer. Tomi is a productive writer. Työntäkää. Push. Push. Úgy néz ki, mint az anyja. She looks like her mother. He looks like his mother. Anna sokeri, Tomi. Pass me the sugar, Tom. Give me the sugar, Tomi. Kiipesimme Fuji-vuoren huipulle. We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. We climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. Hozzászokik a helyzethez. He's getting used to the situation. He's used to the situation. Ismerjük őt évek óta. We have known her for years. We've known him for years. Hän oli omahyväinen luonnostaan. He was assertive by nature. He was self-righteous by nature. Meil on puuvilja. We have fruit. We have fruit. En ole koskaan nähnyt niin hirveää onnettomuutta. Never in my life have I seen such a terrible accident. I've never seen such a terrible accident. Tomi ei tule antamaan teille anteeksi. Tom won't forgive you. Tom's not gonna forgive you. Mi mindnyájan beszélünk franciául. All of us speak French. We all speak French. Pystyt hoitamaan tämän. You can handle this. You can handle this. Ismo, ei! Sam, no! Ismo, no! Se oli tajunnanräjäyttävää. It was mind-blowing. It was amazing. Mitä tehet? What are you doing? What can you do? Vett egy gyűszűvirágot. He bought a thimble. He bought a flower. Olen juuri käynyt pankissa. I've just been to the bank. I've just been to the bank. Olemme valmiita taistelemaan. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Én most hazamegyek. I'm going home now. I'm going home now. Tom azt mondta, hogy valójában semmit nem látott. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. Tom said he didn't actually see anything. Minun kissani näyttää surulliselta. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Jó feleség lesz. She'll make a good wife. She'll be a good wife. Tomi ei ole täällä. Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. Me tutkimme jokaisen planeetan, joka kiertää aurinkoa. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We're investigating every planet that orbits the sun. Thania állása átmeneti. Thania's job is temporary. Thania's position is temporary. Tom, te vezess! Tom, take the wheel! Tom, you drive! Mikä on sinun neuvosi? What's your advice? What's your advice? Haluaisin päästä tuntemaan Tomin. I'd like to get to know Tom. I'd like to get to know Tom. Tom on sotsiaaltöötaja. Tom is a social worker. Tom's a social worker. Marilla ei ole puolisoa. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mari doesn't have a mate. Megrázó élmény volt számára. This experience traumatized him. It was a shocking experience for him. Heidän täytyi vain pysähtyä. All they had to do was stop. They just had to stop. Nälkä on paras mauste. Hunger is the best sauce. Starves are the best spices. A szemem könnyben úszik. My eyes are brimming with tears. My eyes are swimming in tears. Tom oli kokouksessa koko päivän. Tom was in a meeting all day. Tom was at the meeting all day. Már folyamatban van. It's already happening. It's already in progress. Tom ilahtuu kuullessaan tuon. Tom will be glad to hear that. Tom will be glad to hear that. Remélem, hogy nemsokára jobban leszel. I hope you'll get well soon. I hope you'll be better soon. Miksi sinä edes siitä välität? Why do you even care? Why do you even care about it? Nem tudtam aludni a zaj miatt. I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. Tegnap este a közelünkben tűz volt. There was a fire near our neighborhood last night. There was a fire last night near us. Minä puhun saksaa. I speak German. I speak German. Három éve történt. That happened three years ago. It's been three years. Nem tudtam, hogyan válaszoljak a kérdésére. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer your question. Sinä olet paras ystäväni. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Azt mindenki tudja. Everybody knows that. Everyone knows that. Egy igazi szépség. She's a beauty. It's a real beauty. Kana! Chicken! Chicken! Tom egyike volt azon sokaságnak, akik szóban ellenezték a javaslatot. Tom was one of many to voice opposition to the proposal. Tom was one of the many who opposed the proposal. Rukoilkaa. Pray. Pray. Nem voltak otthon. They weren't at home. They weren't home. Az időjárás annyira fullasztó. The weather is so oppressive. The weather is so suffocating. Tényleg szeretem a weboldaladat. I really like your website. I really like your website. Ne taposs rá! Don't tread on it. Don't touch him. Az egyetemünk Tokió külvárosában van. Our university is in the suburbs of Tokyo. Our university is in the suburbs of Tokyo. Nem tudok valami jól franciául. My French isn't that good. I don't know very well in French. Fáj a jobb kezem. My right hand hurts. My right hand hurts. Péter éjszaka él. Peter is a night owl. Peter's living at night. Olemme täysin hukassa. We're completely lost. We're completely lost. Olen varma, että Tom sai viestin. I'm sure Tom got the message. I'm sure Tom got a message. Spongyát rá! Forget it. Spongy on it! Ne érts félre! Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. Onnettomat, kuten myös huonouniset, ovat aina ylpeitä tästä ominaisuudesta. Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact. Unhappy, as well as unhappy, are always proud of this quality. Kérem hívjon, ha legközelebb jön. Please call me when you come next. Please call me next time you come. Millainen on paras hallinto? Sellainen, joka opettaa meitä hallitsemaan itseämme. Which is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves. One who teaches us how to control ourselves. Tomnak van egy listája a tennivalókról. Tom has a list of things to do. Tom has a list of pronouns. Szilaj hullámokat vetett a tenger. The sea was running high. The sea was silay. Hän lukee. He is reading. He's reading. Tarjoilja! Toinen korillinen porsaanlihamykyjä, kiitos. Waitress! Another basket of pork dumplings, please. The other basket of pork meat, please. On mahdollista, että Tom saattaa yrittää tappaa itsensä uudestaan. There's a chance that Tom might try to kill himself again. It's possible Tom might try to kill himself again. Ez fáj! It hurts! That hurts! Tom megesküdött. Tom swore. Tom swore. Utánzó! Copier! He's a copycat. Kes seda usub? Who will believe this? Who believes that? Lääkärilaskut tekivät ison loven säästöihimme. Doctors' bills really cut into our savings. The medical bills made a big love for our savings. Holnap nem dolgozom. I don't work tomorrow. I don't work tomorrow. Sinun ei tulisi syödä tässä. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. Tomi letérdelt. Tom kneeled. Tomi's kneeling. Tom kertoi Marille, ettei hän voisi elää ilman häntä. Tom told Mary that he couldn't live without her. Tom told Mari he couldn't live without her. Próbálkozz valaki mással. Try someone else. Try somebody else. Kuulen että olet pokerinpelaaja. I hear you're a poker player. I hear you're a poker player. Tom feladta. Tom quit. Tom gave up. Tom nem lett öngyilkos. Tom didn't commit suicide. Tom didn't commit suicide. Kuka on tuo ruskeatakkinen nainen? Who's the woman in the brown coat? Who's the lady in the brown coat? Kukka on ruskei. The flower is red. The flower is brown. Teen sen, mutta minulla on yksi ehto. I'll do it, but there's one condition. I'll do it, but I have one condition. En ole perfektionisti. I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not a perfectionist. Paraszt! Asshole. God damn it! Älä ole julma. Don't be cruel. Don't be cruel. Most elmehetsz. You can go now. You can go now. Tom mindkét nagybátyja Bostonban él. Both of Tom's uncles live in Boston. Both Tom's uncles live in Boston. Hyvä huomio. That's a good point. Good point. Ihmiset, jotka eivät löydä aikaa virkistäytymiselle, joutuvat ennemmin tai myöhemmin löytämään aikaa sairastamiselle. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. People who do not find time for recreation will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Sinä ansaitset sen. You deserved it. You deserve it. Ken miä oon? Who am I? Who am I? Meg kell védenünk magunkat minden olyan próbálkozástól, amely elveszi a szabadságunkat. We must be on our guard against any attempts to take away our freedoms. We must protect ourselves from any attempt to take away our freedom. Korán visszajöttem. I came back early. I'm back early. Így találkoztunk. That's how we met. That's how we met. Päätin mennä ulkomaille opiskelemaan. I decided to go abroad to study. I decided to go abroad to study. En minä tätä tilannut. This isn't what I ordered. I didn't order this. Anna kaikkien pitää huoli omista asioistaan. Let everyone take care of their own affairs. Let everyone take care of their own business. Кадӧ эм. I have time. But we do need to listen. Az kezdetnek jó. That's a good start. It's good for the beginning. Három hétig voltam kórházban. I was in the hospital for three weeks. I've been in the hospital for three weeks. Megfeledkeztem róla. I'd forgotten about it. I forgot about it. Ära liigu! Hold it! Don't move! Teidän täytyy tehdä paljon töitä. You will have to work a lot. You've got a lot of work to do. Tominak alibije volt. Tom had an alibi. Tomi had an alibi. Ei sitä saa koskaan tietää, jos ei koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You never know if you don't try. Tomi ei huomioinut varoitustarraa. Tom ignored the warning label. Tom didn't take notice of the warning. See jalgratas seal puu all on minu oma. The bicycle under the tree is mine. That bike under that tree is mine. Ha nem viselkedsz jól, nem jön a Mikulás. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you're not well-behaved, Santa's not coming. Hihetetlen, tudod? It's incredible, you know? Unbelievable, you know? Tom ijedős. Tom gets scared easily. Tom's scared. Avaisitko ikkunan? Open the window, please. Can you open the window? Sajnálom, de nem értettem teljesen, amit mondtál. Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. I'm sorry, but I didn't fully understand what you said. Olin oikeassa. I was correct. I was right. Tomi luki sarjakuvaa. Tom was reading a comic book. Tom's been reading a cartoon. Én így tudom. That's my understanding. That's how I know it. Hol lakik most? Where does she live now? Where do you live now? Sok virág van a kertben. There are many flowers in the garden. There's a lot of flowers in the garden. Toivon sinun menestyvän. I hope for your success. I hope you succeed. Ebben az osztályban 35 tanuló van. This class is composed of 35 pupils. There are 35 students in this class. Head ööd kõigile! Good night, everyone! Good night, everyone! Nem volt semmi. Nothing happened. It was nothing. Olen varma, että hän ottaa osaa kilpailuun. I'm sure that he will take part in the contest. I'm sure he'll take the competition. Üzit küldött nekem. She sent me a message. He sent me a deal. Hän syö kahden edestä. She's eating for two. He eats for the two of us. Hänen olisi pitänyt pitää turpansa tukossa. He should have kept his mouth shut. He should have kept his mouth shut. Ez mindenki számára ugyanaz. It's the same for everyone. It's the same for everyone. Pihlaja kukkii. On aika istuttaa pellava. The mountain ash is blooming. It's time to sow flax. It's time to plant linen. Tom takarítani kezdett. Tom started cleaning. Tom started cleaning up. Fáradt volt és ezért feküdt le hamar. He was tired and that's why he went to bed early. She was tired, and that's why she slept early. Mä käyn laittamassa päälle vähän mukavampia vaatteita. I'm going to change into more comfortable clothes. I'm gonna go get some more comfortable clothes on. Szereti magát. She loves you. He loves you. En pelaa tennistä. I don't play tennis. I don't play tennis. Szeretem az okcitán nyelvet. I like the Occitan language. I love Occitan. Ystäväni ovat minulle todella tärkeitä. My friends are very important to me. My friends are very important to me. Tom azt mondja, beszélni akar Marival. Tom says he wants to talk to Mary. Tom says he wants to talk to Mari. A vihar nagy kárt tett a termésben. The storm caused much damage to the crop. The storm did a lot of damage to the crop. Tomi tanított téged táncolni? Was Tom the one who taught you how to dance? Did Tomi teach you how to dance? Van egy másik ok. There's another reason. There's another reason. Kus on Cornwall? Where is Cornwall? Where's Cornwall? Mit főzöl? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Tamásnak nincs vízuma. Tom doesn't have a visa. Tamás doesn't have a visa. Ha tudtad volna, elmondtad volna nekem, így van? If you had known, you would have told me, wouldn't you? If you'd known, you'd have told me, wouldn't you? Ma ei räägi sulle, mis juhtus kui sa maha ei rahune. I'm not going to tell you what happened until you calm down. I won't tell you what happened if you don't calm down. Dani beismerte Lindának, hogy egy ideje már viszonya van valakivel. Dan admitted to Linda that he had been having an affair. Dani admitted to Linda she's been having an affair for a while. Isäni pyysi minua avaamaan oven. My father asked me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. Tom oli avoin. Tom was frank. Tom was open. Vittu turpa kiinni! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! A gyerekek ártatlanok. Children are innocent. The children are innocent. Juodaan toinen kalja. Let's have another beer. Let's have another beer. Ma olen siin. I am here. I'm here. Nagyon elégedett vagyok ezzel a vétellel. I'm very happy with my purchase. I'm very pleased with this purchase. Senkin sem látszott a félelem, csak rajtam. Nobody seems to be afraid but me. No one saw fear, just me. Monet lapset eivät käytä pyöräilykypäröitä. A lot of kids don't wear bicycle helmets. Many kids don't wear bike helmets. Oletko ikinä kyntänyt peltoa hevosen kanssa? Have you ever plowed a field with a horse? Have you ever had a field with a horse? Vasaralliselle miehelle kaikki näyttää naulalta. To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To a left man, everything looks like a nail. Atomifysiikan tarkkailun prosessin läpikotainen analyysi osoittaa, että aliatomisilla hiukkasilla ei ole tarkoitusta eristettyinä olioina, vaan ne voidaan ymmärtää vain kytkentänä kokeen valmistelun ja lopullisen mittaamisen välillä. A careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement. A cross-sectional analysis of the Atomic Physics Monitoring Process shows that subatomic particles are not intended to be isolated as beings, but can only be understood as a link between the preparation of the test and final measurement. Vapauttakaa hänet. Release him. Release him. Eleget tudsz. You know enough. You know enough. Izraeli vagyok. I'm from Israel. I'm Israeli. Mu naine üritab magada. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife's trying to sleep. Készen van. Done. He's ready. En tajua tätä. I'm not getting this. I don't get it. Mik az aggodalmaid? What are your worries? What are your concerns? Azok a kígyók rendkívül veszélyesek. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Ei. No. No, no, no, no. Tomi sulki television. Tom shut the TV off. Tom closed the TV. Miten olisi vähän lisää kahvia? How about some more coffee? How about some more coffee? Tomi oli liian ujo puhuakseen Marille. Tom was too shy to talk to Mary. Tomi was too shy to talk to Mari. Még a legnagyobb tudósok sem tudják ezt megoldani. Even the greatest scholar can't solve that. Even the greatest scientists can't solve this. Ook sä pakannu sun laukun? Have you packed your bag? You packed your bag? Missä hotellissa asut? In which hotel will you be staying? What hotel do you live in? Egy alkalommal Tom egy olcsó étteremben evett és ételmérgezést kapott, így most nagyon ügyel arra, hogy hol eszik. Tom once ate at an cheap restaurant and got food poisoning, so now he is very careful about where he eats. One time, Tom ate in a cheap restaurant and got food poisoning, so now he's very careful where he eats. Ez csak valami szóbeszéd. This is just a rumor. It's just a rumor. Tom näyttää onnellisemmalta kuin ennen. Tom seems happier than before. Tom looks happier than he used to be. Körülbelül olyan magas, mint te. She's about the same height as you. He's about as tall as you. Ajattelinkin, koska palaisit. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was thinking 'cause you'd be back. Henry látni akarja önt. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Minun nimi on Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Tomnak színésznek kellett volna lennie. Tom should've been an actor. Tom was supposed to be an actor. Mikä sinun pääaineesi oli yliopistossa? What did you major in at college? What was your main subject at the university? Yleisyydestä tinkimättä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without prejudice to the general public, we can say that the line is shrinking towards zero. Hänen mahtava sinfoniansa esitettiin. His great symphony was performed. His awesome symphony was presented. Me tarvitsemme musiikkia. We need music. We need music. Ismered a titkomat. You know my secret. You know my secret. Hän on tunnettu sekä Japanissa että Amerikassa. She is well known both in Japan and in America. He's known both in Japan and America. Megfehéredett. She turned white. It's white. Ez a hal kész. This fish is done. This fish is ready. Danne mon ráhkistan du Because I love you. Dane Mon infinitely Tűrje fel jobb oldalon az inge ujját! Roll up your right sleeve. Toss your shirt on the right. Hyvää halloweenia! Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween! Tradicionálisan a férfiaktól várják, hogy legyenek kezdeményezők az udvarlás során. Traditionally, men were expected to take the lead in courtship. Traditionally, men are expected to be initiators during courtship. Megállíthattam volna Tomot, de nem tettem. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. Fogalma sincs Tominak, hogy mit csinál. Tom has no idea what he's doing. Tomi has no idea what she's doing. Általában nem szoktam fecsegni. I'm not very chatty, usually. I don't usually chat. Palun ära seisa. Please don't stand. Please don't stop. Onko ymmärretty? Capisce? Is that understood? Sokat eszik ez az autó. This car consumes a lot of fuel. This car eats a lot. Tom ja Mary tegid piparkoogioravaid. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made pepper-go-go-rounds. En osaa ranskaa kovin hyvin. I don't know French that well. I don't know French very well. Szeretem a kutyám. I love my dog. I love my dog. Missä minun kenkäni ovat? Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes? Sinun tähtesi, isä, silppuaisin itse paholaisen paloiksi tai muuttuisin itse paholaiseksi. For your sake, father, I would cut the devil himself into small bits, or even become a devil myself. For your sake, Father, I would turn the devil into a piece myself, or I would turn into a devil myself. Naiset ensin. Ladies first. Ladies first. Megyek a postára. I'm going to the post office. I'm going to the post office. Mary görög. Mary is Greek. Mary Greek. Voinko nähdä ajokorttinne, herra? May I see your driver's license, sir? Can I see your driver's license, sir? Békén hagynál? Can you leave me alone? Will you leave me alone? Elu pole kunagi kerge. Life is never easy. Life is never easy. Tomilla ei ole suuntavaistoa. Tom has no sense of direction. Tom has no sense of direction. Älä välitä. Never mind! Don't worry. Olen tehnyt vähän tutkimusta. I've been doing some research. I've done some research. Hän löytää aina virheitä. He is always finding fault. He always finds mistakes. Egyáltalán nem értem. I don't understand at all. I don't get it at all. Mä oon jo pakannu mun kamat. I've already packed. I've already packed my stuff. A külső csalóka lehet. Looks can be deceiving. It could be the outside cheater. Kolumnisti haravoi esiin joitakin vanhoja juoruja. The columnist raked up some old gossip. A columnist scratched some old gossip. Nem tisztázta, hogy mikor történt. He did not clarify when it had happened. He didn't explain when it happened. Vabandust, ma ei kuulnud sind. Sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Azt gondoltam, hogy el fogok vele menni. I thought I'd go with her. I thought I'd go with him. Miten hikan saa loppumaan? What should I do to stop hiccups? How do you stop the sweat? Ültem és bámultam. I sat and stared at it. I was sitting and staring. Olet ollut todella ystävällinen. You've been very kind. You've been very kind. Éppen egy könyvet olvas. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. En tykkää sinkkuna olemisesta. I don't like being single. I don't like being single. Mikä on elämän päämäärä? What is the purpose of life? What Is the Purpose of Life? Мланде Кече йыр пӧрдеш. The earth moves around the sun. An event occurred. Pitääkö Tomi intialaisesta ruuasta. Does Tom like Indian food? Do you think Tom likes Indian food? Van még valami, amit tudni szeretnél? Is there anything else that you want to know? Is there anything else you want to know? Van elég időd? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Rakastan suklaata, erityisesti sellaista, jossa on pähkinöitä. I love chocolates, especially those with nuts. I love chocolate, especially one with peanuts. Van valami, amire jobban kíváncsi vagy? Is there something in particular that you want to know? Is there anything you want to know? Az az ajándékod. That's your gift. That's your gift. Mary on lopettanut tupakoinnin. Mary has stopped smoking. Mary's stopped smoking. A szüleim azt tanították, hogy tiszteljem az időseket. My parents taught me to show respect to my elders. My parents taught me to respect the elderly. Sain viillon. I got cut. I got a cut. Oletko sinä koskaan syönyt meksikolaista ruokaa? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Hänen käyttäytymisensä on vierasta yleisölle. His behavior is alien to the public. His behavior is alien to the public. Tomit a legenyhébb kritikus megjegyzés is felbőszíti. Tom gets angry at the slightest hint of criticism. Tomi is also the slightest critical comment. Nem engedhetem meg magamnak, hogy bárkinek is fizessek. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. Nem tudom, hogy Tominak milyen kocsija van. I don't know what kind of car Tom drives. I don't know what kind of car Tomi has. Чыла шокшо вӱдым ит пытаре. Don't use all the hot water. The fugitive has gone away. Tomilla kesti kolme tuntia koota trampoliini, jonka ohjeiden mukaan kokoamiseen kuluu tunti. It took Tom three hours to assemble a trampoline which the instructions said would take an hour. It took Tom three hours to gather trampoline, according to which it takes an hour to assemble. Le kell újra festenünk a csűrt. We need to repaint the barn. We need to paint the barn again. Komolyan gondolod, hogy újra házasodsz a te korodban? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Do you really think you're getting married again at your age? Tommi olisi voinut auttaa minua, mutta hän ei tehnyt niin. Tom could've helped me, but he didn't. Tommi could have helped me, but she didn't. Oletteko nälkäisiä? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Hadd menjek én elsőként. Let me go first. Let me go first. Sinä olet kotoisin Ruotsista. You come from Sweden. You're from Sweden. Olen jo pakannut. I've already packed. I've already packed. Poika koski tulikuumaa hellaa ja poltti kätensä. The boy touched the hot stove and burnt his hand. The boy touched the heat of fire and burned his hand. Tom kivételével senki senki sem távozott. Nobody but Tom left. Except for Tom, no one left. Boldogok vagyunk. We are happy. We're happy. Jobb, ha velem jön. You may as well come with me. You better come with me. Tom alkoi opetella ranskaa viime vuonna. Tom started learning French last year. Tom started learning French last year. Ez tényleg szomorú. It really is sad. It's really sad. Ha menned kell, akkor menj. If you have to go, then go. If you have to go, go. Ez nem bonyolult. This isn't complicated. It's not complicated. Ta ostis kana. She bought chicken. He bought a chicken. Opiskelin englantia, ranskaa ja kiinaa. I studied English, French and Chinese. I studied English, French and Chinese. Csak néhány kérdést akartak nekem feltenni. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. Ez az egyetlen nyakkendőm van. This is the only tie I have. It's my only tie. Tomi tykkää kalastaa. Tom likes to fish. Tom likes fishing. Ez a védelmedre szolgál. This is for your protection. It's for your protection. Et voi paeta. You can't run away. You can't run. On niin paljon asioita, jotka haluan sanoa sinulle. There's so much I want to say to you. There are so many things I want to say to you. Nagyon jól beszélt. He spoke very well. He talked very well. Kivörösödtem, mint egy paradicsom. I reddened like a tomato. I'm red as a paradise. Ne lépjél üvegcserepekre! Don't step on the broken glass. Don't step into glass exchanges. Tom on ainoa tuntemani henkilö, joka ei osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom is the only person I know who can't speak French. Tom is the only person I know who can't speak French. Az életemet is rábíznám. I trust him completely. I'd trust my life. Japaniin iskee 8,9 richterin maanjäristys, joka aiheuttaa valtavan tsunamin. An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami. Japan is hit by an 8.9richter earthquake that causes a huge tsunami. Nem kaptad meg a levelemet? Didn't you get my letter? Didn't you get my letter? Kiben bízol? Who do you trust? Who do you trust? Figyelmet kérek! Attention please! Attention, please. A vacsora mindjárt kész. The dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Tomi on kovapäinen. Tom is thickheaded. Tomi's hard-headed. Isäni, joka nyt työskentelee Amerikassa, kirjoitti meille kirjeen viime viikolla. My father, who is now working in America, wrote us a letter last week. My father, now working in America, wrote us a letter last week. Heillä on molemmilla virkapuvut päällään. They're both wearing uniforms. They're both wearing uniforms. Jos haluat kultaisen säännön, joka sopii kaikille, niin se on tässä: ”Älä pidä kotonasi mitään, mille et tiedä käyttöä, tai et pidä sitä kauniina.” If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. If you want a golden rule that suits everyone, it’s here: “Do not keep anything in your home you don’t know how to use, or you don’t think it’s beautiful.” Hansikkaat ovat mukava lahja. A pair of gloves is a nice gift. The gloves are a nice gift. Tominak van vér a pucájában. Tom has guts. Tomi's got blood in her ass. Lääke ei auttanut sitten yhtään. The medicine didn't help at all. The medicine didn't help at all. He sanoivat, että he tuntevat sinut. They said they know you. They said they knew you. Vittu. Fuck. Fuck. Nousin kyytiin Lontooseen menevään junaan. I got on the train for London. I took a train to London. Utáltam. I hated it. I hated it. Tässä on vielä parempi. Here's an even better one. This is even better. Tomi on minua rikkaampi. Tom is richer than I am. Tom's richer than me. Meitä on jo 7 miljardia. We're already 7 billion. There's already 7 billion of us. A szerencse fontos szerepet játszik az életben. Luck plays an important part in life. Happiness plays an important role in life. A tó zöld dombokkal van körülvéve. The lake is surrounded by green hills. The lake is surrounded by green hills. Nem loptam el. Csak kölcsönvettem. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it. Mehetnek, ahová akarnak. You may go anywhere you like. You can go wherever you want. Onko sinulla veljiä tai siskoja? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Im daejrieh. I don't know. Im daejrieh. Kevés hó volt ebben az évben. We have had little snow this year. It's been a little snow this year. Ajokorttisi on mennyt vanhaksi. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's license has come old. Most éppen nem vagyok optimista. I'm not optimistic at this point. I'm not optimistic right now. Tämä piirros on tyypillinen Tomin tyylille. This sketch is representative of Tom's style. This drawing is typical of Tom's style. He syyttivät meitä kiittämättömyydestä. They accused us of being ungrateful. They accused us of ungratefulness. Olen kiireinen mies. I'm a busy man. I'm a busy man. Puhukaa hitaammin. Speak slower. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Voi kuinka kauniita kukkia! What beautiful flowers! Oh, what beautiful flowers! Megígértem a szüleimnek, hogy nem fogok inni. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. Lopeta ruikuttaminen. Stop whining. Stop shoving. Minden reggel sminkeli magát. She makes herself up every morning. She wears makeup every morning. Mitä Tomille kuuluu? How is Tom? How's Tom? Elszaladt a lovam. My horse ran away. My horse ran away. Nagy a tét. There is a lot at stake. It's a big bet. Ezt a növényt széles körben mint gyógyszert alkalmazzák. This plant is widely used as medicine. This plant is widely used as a medicine. Ennek két euró az ára. It costs two Euros. The price of this is two euros. Tessék, már megint jössz a panaszaiddal. There you go again with your complaints. Here you go again with your complaints. Meillä ei ollut pienintäkään mahdollisuutta. We didn't stand a chance. We didn't have the slightest chance. Tuota noin, se on mutkikasta. Well, it's complicated. There you go. It's complicated. Teen töitä kaikkina päivinä, paitsi sunnuntaisin. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sundays. Hän oli usein myöhässä koulusta. She was frequently late for school. He was often late for school. Sírt, amikor meghallgatta a történetet. She cried when she heard the story. He cried when he heard the story. A szülei idősebbek, mint az én szüleim. Her parents are older than mine. Her parents are older than my parents. Minä osaan portugalia, sinä saksaa, hän englantia, hän italiaa, toinen heistä ranskaa. Me osaamme esperantoa, te espanjaa, he venäjää, he japania ja he ranskaa. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, and he or she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, and they know French. I can Portuguese, you can German, he can English, he can Italian, one of them French. We know Esperanto, you can Spanish, they can Russian, they can Japanese and they can French. Tom annyira paranoid volt. Tom was so paranoid. Tom was so paranoid. Jäätkö sinä kotiin? Will you stay at home? Are you staying home? Kui sügav? How deep? How deep? Rossz vége lesz ennek, fiam. This will come to a bad end, son. This is going to end badly, son. Ez 10 forintba kerül. This costs 10 forints. That's 10 forints. Bárcsak tudna főzni a feleségem! I wish my wife could cook. I wish you could cook my wife. Biztosan szerelem volt. It must've been love. It must have been love. Keitä he oikeasti ovat? Who are they really? Who are they? Hän nauttii hirtehisistä aktiviteeteistä, kuten eläinten leikkelystä ja ihmisten varjostamisesta öisillä kaduilla. He enjoys engaging in macabre activities such as dissecting animal corpses and stalking people on the street at night. He enjoys hanging-out activities, such as cutting animals and fading people in the night streets. Szenteste mindig templomba megyünk. We always go to church on Christmas Eve. We go to church every Sunday. Ta nägu ei meeldi mulle. I don't like her face. I don't like his face. Koko vartaloani kutittaa. My whole body itches. My whole body tickles. Tienū, minnõn lǟb jõvist. I'm fine, thank you. Tienū, go away from the river. Kaua te olete koos olnud? How long have you two been together? How long have you been together? Luulin, että olisit jo kuollut. I thought you'd be dead by now. I thought you'd be dead by now. Selitän sen sinulle. I'll explain it to you. I'll explain it to you. Van valamilyen asztmagyógyszere? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medicines? Tom lenézi a nőket. Tom looks down on women. Tom's looking down on women. Näytät todella hurmaavalta tänään. You look very charming today. You look really charming today. Az oktatóknak figyelembe kellene venniük a tanulók anyanyelvét. Educators should respect learners' mother tongue. Teachers should take into account learners' mother tongue. Tässä huoneessa on ilmastointi. This room is air-conditioned. There's air conditioning in this room. Ha szeretnél innen élve kijutni, hallgass rám! If you want to get out of here alive, listen to me. If you want to get out of here alive, listen to me. Tom tietää mistä siinä on oikein kyse. Tom knows what it's all about. Tom knows what it's all about. Ma armastan kana. I love chicken. I love chicken. Monogám vagyok. I am monogamous. I'm monogamous. Ezek a fiú ikertestvérek úgy hasonlítanak egymásra, mint két tojás. These twin brothers are as alike as two peas in a pod. These boy twins look similar to each other like two eggs. Senki nem állíthatja meg. No one can stop her. No one can stop it. Tom on lõunal. Tom is on his lunch break. Tom's at lunch. Minä vihaan tuollaisia ihmisiä. I hate people like that. I hate people like that. Talvilomaan on vain pari päivää. There's only a couple of days left until our winter vacation. It's only a few days before winter vacation. Voisitko katsoa hetken muualle kun vaihdan vaatteeni? Would you mind looking the other way for just a minute while I change my clothes? Can you look away for a second while I change my clothes? Tom ei tee tihti oma kodutöid enne õhtusööki. Tom doesn't often do his homework before dinner. Tom doesn't often do his homework until dinner. Szeretném tudni, hogy a nők miért élnek tovább, mint a férfiak. I'd like to know why women live longer than men. I want to know why women live longer than men. Pesulõkse kasutatakse riiete kuivama riputamiseks. Clothespins are used to hang up clothes. Laundry is used to dry up the clothes. Senki sem ül itt. There's no one sitting here. No one's sitting here. Kiinassa oli monissa paikoissa lohikäärmekuninkaan temppeleitä. In many places in China, there were temples of the dragon-king. There were temples of the dragon king in many places in China. Nämä ovat hyvät bileet. It's a great party. This is a good party. Menjél csak, ne gondolkozz annyit rajta! Go without thinking twice! Go ahead. Don't think so much about it. Tom igencsak bűnösnek érezte magát amiatt, ami történt. Tom felt very guilty about what happened. Tom felt pretty guilty about what happened. Tom nem tudja. Tom doesn't know. Tom doesn't know. Missä sinun koulusi on? Where's your school? Where's your school? Kus raamatud on? Where are the books? Where are the books? Kauppa menee kiinni seitsemältä. The store closes at seven. The store's closed at 7:00. Maasikad on talvel kallid. Strawberries are expensive in the winter. Strawberries are expensive in winter. Toivon, että Tom ei pety. I hope Tom won't be disappointed. I hope Tom won't be disappointed. Mondd meg Tominak, hogy vissza fogok jönni. Tell Tom that I'll be back. Tell Tomi I'll be back. Találkoztál a húgommal, igaz? You met my sister, didn't you? You met my sister, didn't you? Tomilla ei ole läheisiä ystäviä. Tom has no close friends. Tom doesn't have any close friends. Tom ei koskaan juo olutta, kun Mary on läsnä. Tom never drinks beer when Mary is around. Tom never drinks beer when Mary's here. Islanti on saarivaltio Grönlannin, Fär-saarten ja Norjan välissä Pohjois-Atlantilla. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway in the North Atlantic. Tom palasi ulos. Tom went back outside. Tom came back out. Hadd tegye Mary a dolgát. Let Mary do her job. Let Mary do her job. Käskin hänen pysähtyä. I told her to stop. I told him to stop. Nem akarom, hogy a szomszédok lássanak és engem sajnáljanak. I don't want the neighbours to see me and feel sorry for me. I don't want the neighbors to see me and feel sorry for me. Voin auttaa useampaa ihmistä. I can help more people. I can help more people. Vízre van szükségem. I want some water. I need water. Et sinä voi tehdä noin enää. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Elmentem Kanadába. I went to Canada. I went to Canada. Anna kun autan. Let me help you. Let me help you. Olet kotoisin Hokkaidolta, eikö niin? You are from Hokkaido, aren't you? You're from Hokkaido, aren't you? Nad teatasid oma tütre kihlusest. They announced the engagement of their daughter. They reported their daughter's engagement. Laitoin meille naposteltavaa. I made a snack for us. I put some snacks on us. Tomot álló éljenzés fogadta. Tom received a standing ovation. Tom was cheered up. Mul on auto. I have a car. I have a car. Megtörölte az arcát egy zsebkendővel. She wiped her face with a handkerchief. She wiped her face with a handkerchief. Párizsba költözött 1966-ban. She moved to Paris in 1966. He moved to Paris in 1966. Onko täällä joku ongelma? Is there a problem here? Is there a problem here? Nem mehetek csak úgy el. I can't just leave. I can't just leave. Onko tämä teidän lentonne? Is this your flight? Is this your flight? Tomi yritti avata ovea, mutta se oli lukossa. Tom tried to open the door, but it was locked. Tomi tried to open the door, but it was locked. Mis ma ütlema peaksin? What should I say? What am I supposed to say? Alustuseks soovitame me sul minna enda profiilile ja märkida milliseid keeli sa räägid või millistest sa huvitatud oled. To start things off, we encourage you to go to your profile and let us know which languages you speak or are interested in. To begin with, we suggest you go to your profile and indicate which languages you speak or which languages you are interested in. Menjünk lifttel! Let's take the elevator. Let's take the elevator. Tom föltette a fejhallgatóját. Tom put on his headphones. Tom put up his headphone. - Mit fogunk mondani Tomnak? - Ne aggódj. Majd kitalálok valamit. "What will we tell Tom?" "Don't worry. I'll come up with something." - What are we gonna tell Tom? Minun tyttäreni rakastaa hyppynarulla leikkimistä. My daughter loves jumping rope. My daughter loves to play with a jump rope. Kävimme historiallisesti kiinnostavilla paikoilla. We visited places of historic interest. We went to historically interesting places. Ez egy túl könnyű feladat neki. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Ez másmilyen. This is different. This is different. Egy hős kell nekik. They need a hero. They need a hero. Tilanne on nyt täysin erilainen. It's a completely different situation now. The situation is completely different now. Már fáradt voltam. I was already tired. I was tired. Halálra ítélt. Condemned to death. I was sentenced to death. Nem tudtuk, hogy melyik vonattal jönnek. We didn't know on which train they'd be coming. We didn't know which train they were coming with. Tom joi shotin. Tom drank a shot. Tom drank a shot. Tom teab, mida öelda, et Mary talle andestaks. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Megkértem, hogy randizzon velem, de nemet mondott. I asked him out, but he said no. I asked him to date me, but he said no. Tänään oli pahin päivä Sarajevossa. Today was the worst day in Sarajevo. Today was the worst day in Sarajevo. Prudensnek kell lennünk. We need to be prudent. We have to be a prudent. Tulen mukaasi. I'll come with you. I'm coming with you. Hyttyset rakastavat minua. Mosquitos love me. The mosquitoes love me. Helvetti pääsi valloilleen. All hell broke loose. Hell's out of control. No entä sitten? What's the big deal? So what? Valóban jól beszél. He speaks really well. He really does speak well. Ma este találkoztam Tomival. I met Tom tonight. I met Tomi tonight. Minun perheeni piti koirasta todella paljon. My family liked the dog very much. My family really liked the dog. Ne áltatsd magad. Don't flatter yourself. Don't fool yourself. Tomi hihitti kuin koulutyttö. Tom giggled like a schoolgirl. Tom was snorting like a schoolgirl. Näytät väsyneeltä. You look tired. You look tired. Elämäni on niin sekaisin. My life is such a mess. My life is so messed up. Hány éves voltál, amikor elkezdtél franciául tanulni? How old were you when you started studying French? How old were you when you started learning French? Mutatta neked valaha Tom azt a levelet? Did you ever show Tom that letter? Did Tom ever show you that letter? Oda tudnád adni nekem azt a csészét? Could you give me that cup? Can you give me that cup? Nem biztos, hogy tudom, hogy mit jelent. I'm not sure what it means. I'm not sure I know what that means. Tom osaa puhua ranskaa ja englantia. Tom can speak French and English. Tom can speak French and English. Ole rahulik. Be calm. Take it easy. Ezt tavaly vettem. I bought that last year. I bought this last year. Ma kardan, et see võib Tomile haiget teha. I'm afraid I may hurt Tom. I'm afraid it might hurt Tom. Kuka tekee aamiaista hänelle? Who makes breakfast for her? Who makes breakfast for him? Szöknek a rabok! The prisoners are escaping! The prisoners are on the run! Követnem kellett volna a tanácsaidat. I should've followed your advice. I should have followed your advice. Nem valószínű, hogy bármi komoly dolog fog történni. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. Ezt nem kellett volna. That wasn't necessary. You shouldn't have done that. Etkö haista jotakin epätavallista? Don't you smell something unusual? Don't you smell something unusual? Adj egy kanalat. Give me a spoon. Give me a spoon. Fejezd már be, hogy engem faggatsz! Stop questioning me. Stop asking me. Shakespeare on erään kirjailijan nimi. Shakespeare is the name of a writer. Shakespeare is the name of a writer. Minulla on sakset laukussani. I have a pair of scissors in my bag. I've got scissors in my bag. Puhu asioista niiden oikeilla nimillä. Call a spade a spade. Talk about things in their real name. Ma olen õnnelik, kui ma sinuga koos olen. I feel happy when I'm with you. I'm happy when I'm with you. Nem fogsz elhagyni, ugye? You won't leave me, will you? You're not leaving me, are you? Kissani jäi jumiin puuhun. My cat got stuck up a tree. My cat got stuck in a tree. Terveh, Tom. Hi, Tom. Hey, Tom. Hän saapuu aina myöhässä kouluun. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Luovuttakaa! Give up! Give up! Tom käy osa-aikatöissä. Tom has a part-time job. Tom does part-time work. Sürgős ügyben kell intézkednem. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I have an urgent matter to deal with. Ma söön palju liha. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. Milyen fajta fájdalomcsillapítót adhatok a kutyámnak? What kind of pain medication can I give my dog? What kind of painkiller can I give my dog? Nem tudom eldönteni, hol parkoljak le. I'm having trouble deciding where to park. I can't decide where to park it. Kérd meg Tamást, hogy várjon egy kicsit. Ask Tom to stay a while. Ask Thomas to wait a little longer. Majuko saját maga tervezte a ruháit. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Majuko designed his own clothes. Tässä on hyvä. Here's a good one. Here's a good one. Lány létére bátor. She is brave for a girl. She's brave. Csak egy álom volt. That was just a dream. It was just a dream. Sa kukud alla. You'll fall down. You're going down. A város gyönyörű. The city is beautiful. The city is beautiful. Kas sa soovisid midagi? Did you make a wish? Did you want anything? Ha sokat nevetsz, boldog vagy, ha sokat sírsz, szomorú. If you laugh a great deal, you are happy; if you cry a great deal, you are unhappy. If you laugh a lot, you'll be happy to cry a lot, sad. En haluaisi sinua muuna kuin olet. I would not have you other than you are. I wouldn't want you to be anything but you. Hallottam, hogy te se mész haza. I heard that you're not going home either. I heard you're not going home. Tom ei osaa ranskaa. Tom doesn't know French. Tom doesn't know French. Én vagyok a legboldogabb ember a világon. I am the happiest man in the world. I'm the happiest man in the world. Tomnak nincs sok ideje a kikapcsolódásra. Tom doesn't have much time for recreation. Tom doesn't have much time to relax. Egy kissé kínos. This is a little bit embarrassing. It's a little awkward. Syötkö lihaa vai oletko vegetariaani? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you eating meat or are you a vegetarian? Mõned inimesed arvavad, et president kulutab liiga palju aega reisimisele. Some people think the president spends too much time traveling. Some people think that the President spends too much time traveling. Lepj meg! Surprise me. Surprise me. Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push this button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. Aamu sarastaa. Day breaks. It's raining in the morning. Minun ei tarvinnut koskaan murehtia sinusta. I never had to worry about you. I never had to worry about you. Tom nauroi niin että alkoi itkeä. Tom laughed until he cried. Tom laughed so much, he started crying. Minä olin lukemassa uudestaan kirjeitä, jotka lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was re-reading the letters you sent me. En voi antaa sinulle välitöntä vastausta. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. Erősen kétlem. I highly doubt it. I highly doubt it. Megvan a pápánk! We have a pope! We've got the Pope! Tom még nem elég idős a vezetéshez. Tom isn't old enough to drive yet. Tom's not old enough to drive. Először nem kedveltem őt At first, I didn't like him. At first, I didn't like him. Voisin tehdä tätä koko päivän. I could do this all day. I could do this all day. Sain Tomin tekemään sen puolestani. I got Tom to do that for me. I got Tom to do it for me. Tein lumiukon. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Nem tetszik nekünk Tomi. We don't like Tom. We don't like Tomi. Olen tottunut heräämään aikaisin. I'm accustomed to getting up early. I'm used to waking up early. Erős fickó vagy, igaz-e? You're a strong guy, aren't you? You're a strong guy, aren't you? Minä pelaan joka päivä tennistä. I play tennis every day. I play tennis every day. Mis kell sa voodisse pead minema? What time will you have to go to bed? What time do you have to go to bed? Miért vagy ilyen fáradt ma? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? See ei ole nii pikk nimekiri. It's not such a long list. It's not that long of a list. Et ole muuttunut yhtään. You haven't changed one bit. You haven't changed at all. Tomi näytti tyhmältä. Tom looked foolish. Tom looked stupid. En halunnut huolestuttaa teitä. I didn't want to worry you. I didn't want to worry you. Tom uskoo sinua. Tom believes you. Tom believes you. Afrikka on se köyhin mantere. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. És azt honnan tudod? And how do you know that? And how do you know that? A férjem mindig az ágyban olvas. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always reads in bed. Ma pean magama minema. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. A múlt évben hajléktalan voltam. I was homeless last year. Last year I was homeless. Mit olvasol most? What are you reading? What are you reading now? Mindannyian éhesek voltak. They were all hungry. They were all hungry. Az új király öt éves korában foglalta el az uralkodói széket. The new king assumed the throne when he was only fifteen. The new king occupied the throne at the age of five. Sokkal többe került, mint amire számítottam. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. It cost me a lot more than I expected. Tom ideges gyermek volt. Tom was a nervous child. Tom was a nervous child. Ne legyél már olyan, mint egy kisbaba. Stop being such a baby. Don't be like a baby. Hän keskeytti heidät, kun he olivat syömässä aamiaista. He interrupted them while they were breakfasting. He interrupted them while they were eating breakfast. Ma sooviksin teid ette tänada kogu abi eest, mida te talle pakkuda võite. I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you are able to give her. I would like to thank you in advance for all the help you can give him. Álmos vagyok. Megyek aludni. Jó éjszakát. I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Good night. I'm sleeping, I'm going to sleep, good night. Kuinka pitkälle voit mennä? How far can you go? How far can you go? Älä yritä tehdä kahta asiaa samalla kertaa. Don't attempt two things at a time. Don't try two things at the same time. Tomin mukaan Mari on vain ahne guru, joka lupailee voittoja. According to Tom, Mary is just a predatory guru who promises gain. According to Tom, Mari is just a greedy guru who promises to win. A megoldás ott volt a szemem előtt, mégsem vettem észre. The solution lay before my eyes, but I didn't see it. The solution was right in front of me, but I didn't see it. Meidän ei olisi pitänyt ostaa tätä autoa. We shouldn't have bought this car. We shouldn't have bought this car. A dugó miatt késtem el a találkozóról. I was late for the meeting because of a traffic jam. I'm late for the meeting because of the plug. Ma ajan habet igal hommikul. I shave every morning. I shave every morning. Me pystymme! We can! We can! Joko Tomi valehtelee tai sitten Mari valehtelee. Either Tom's lying or Mary's lying. Either Tomi's lying or Mari's lying. Kék a szeme. She has blue eyes. His eyes are blue. Hän ei pystynyt estämään kyyneleitään. He couldn't hold back his tears. He couldn't stop his tears. Nem csak a majmok, az ember is a főemlősök közé tartozik. The primates include not only the apes, but also man. Not just monkeys, man is one of the main mammals. Asun talossa. I live in the house. I live in a house. Tom nukkui pommiin. Tom overslept. Tom slept in the bomb. Ei se ollut Tom joka jätti veden valumaan. It wasn't Tom who left the water running. It wasn't Tom who left the water running. Hän kielsi tietävänsä mitään heidän suunnitelmistaan. He denied knowing anything about their plans. He said he didn't know anything about their plans. Hän kirjoitti kirjeen mustekynällä. He wrote the letter with a fountain pen. He wrote a letter with ink. Pianoa soittava tyttö on nimeltään Akiko. The girl playing the piano is named Akiko. The girl who plays the piano is called Akiko. Várjál még néhány napot. Wait a few more days. Wait a few more days. Nem értem oda időben. I failed to go there in time. I didn't get there in time. És most boldog vagy? And are you happy now? And now you're happy? A fiú felnőttnek nézett ki. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked like an adult. Érdekesek a regényei. The novels he wrote are interesting. Your novels are interesting. Missä on loput siitä? Where's the rest of it? Where's the rest of it? Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom egyetértene. I'm sure Tom would agree. I'm sure Tom would agree. Egy szegény muzsikus volt. He was a poor musician. He was a poor musician. Minkä kirjan te ostitte? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? Másra nincs pénzünk. We have no extra money. We don't have any other money. Neuvosi auttavat minua aina. Your advice is always helpful to me. Your advice will always help me. Nagyon udvarias voltam. I was very polite. I was very polite. Nem tudod a nevét? Don't you know his name? You don't know his name? Az idegenek rejtett manipulációval megakadályoztak egy nagy földi háborút. Aliens prevented a major war on Earth by hidden manipulation. The aliens, with hidden manipulation, prevented a major war on Earth. Jos et pysty kukistaa heitä, liity heihin. If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't defeat them, join them. Merre van a mosdó? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Poliisi etsi talosta ja takavarikoi kaksi kiloa heroiinia. The police searched their house and seized 2 kilograms of heroin. The police searched the house and seized two kilos of heroin. Ezt a könyvet szeretem a legjobban. I love this book above all. I love this book the most. Túlságosan is magabiztos. He is overconfident. You're too sure of yourself. Tom tiesi ettei hänellä ollut tarpeeksi rahaa. Tom knew that he didn't have enough money. Tom knew he didn't have enough money. Pidätkö laulamisesta? Do you like singing? Do you like singing? Diót gyűjtenek. They are gathering nuts. They're collecting walnut. Varo autoa! Watch out for the car! Watch the car! Tom kapta meg az állást. Tom got the job. Tom got the job. Helló Tamás! Jó reggelt! Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tamás. Buss väljub iga viieteistkümne minuti tagant. The bus leaves every fifteen minutes. The bus leaves every fifteen minutes. Szakítasz velem? Are you breaking up with me? Are you breaking up with me? Melegen fogom tartani. I'll keep it warm. I'll keep it warm. Olyan rusnya, hogy bottal sem piszkálnám. He's so gross I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. It's so ugly, I wouldn't touch him with a stick. Tom tuleb sinuga kaasa. Tom will be going with you. Tom's coming with you. Én tejszínhabot teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I'm gonna put cream on my coffee. Mov lea gærja. I have a book. Mov is gær. Nem szeretem, hogy ilyen gyakran jön a házamba. I don't like that he comes to my house so often. I don't like him coming to my house so often. Tunnen heidän tuskansa. I feel their pain. I know their pain. Ij lea mov bïjle. I don't have a car. Ij is protected. Egészen biztos vagyok benne, hogy igaz. I'm pretty sure it's true. I'm pretty sure it's true. Minä en usko, että Tomi haluaa teidän vanhan polkupyöränne. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bicycle. A 4:10-es vonatra szálljunk fel. Let's take the 4:10 train. Let's get on train 4:10. Miért megy el? Why are you leaving? Why are you leaving? Tom tinkasi kovasti. Tom drove a hard bargain. Tom did a lot of digging. Искусственный спутник мланде йыр пӧрдеш. The artificial satellite orbits the earth. However, we are going to go to a train station, but we have not yet learned to do so. Tom on hyvin utelias. Tom is very curious. Tom's very curious. Halott ember vagy, ha nem teszed meg. You're gonna be a dead man if you don't do that. You're a dead man if you don't. He tekevät sen nopeammin kuin me. They do it faster than us. They're gonna do it faster than we are. Hän vaikuttaa pettyneeltä poikaansa. He seems disappointed with his son. He seems to be disappointed with his son. He tiesivät tarkalleen kuinka suuren riskin he ottaisivat. They knew exactly how much of a risk they'd be taking. They knew exactly how much risk they would take. Tom meg akarja csinálni. Tom intends to do that. Tom wants to do it. Vakaumukset ovat vankiloita. Convictions are prisons. The convictions are prisons. Ülj le, Tomi! Have a seat, Tom. Sit down, Tomi. Olen innokas valokuvaaja. I'm a shutterbug. I'm a very eager photographer. Mennyiért adja az aranygyűrűt? How much is that gold ring? How much for the gold ring? Tämä kahvi ei ole tarpeeksi kuumaa. This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee's not hot enough. Tom ei saanut autoaan käynnistymään. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom didn't get his car started. Voisiko joku auttaa minua? Someone, please help me. Can someone help me? Odavagyok azért a csajért. I really like that girl. I love that girl. Tom pystyy ymmärtämään Marin ranskaa. Tom can understand Mary's French. Tom can understand Mari's French. Vigyázz, nehogy megcsússz! Be careful not to slip. Make sure you don't screw up. Ön japán? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Haluan olla kanssasi aina kuin vain mahdollista. I want to be with you whenever I can. I want to be with you as much as possible. Kerro minulle milloin hän tulee. Tell me when he will come. Tell me when he'll be here. Jó érzéssel váltunk el. We parted on good terms. We got a good feeling. En pystynyt pidättämään itkuani. I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't stop crying. Tom on häpeissään. Tom is ashamed. Tom's ashamed. Holnapig el kell olvasnom ezt a könyvet. I must get through with reading the book by tomorrow. I have to read this book by tomorrow. Térdre! Kneel! On your knees! Älä käyttäydy niin kuin tietäisit kaiken. Don't act like you know everything. Don't act like you know everything. Minä en puhu melkein yhtään ranskaa. I speak almost no French. I don't speak almost any French. En ymmärrä miksi kaikki tytöt eivät ole lesboja. I don't get why not all girls are lesbians. I don't understand why all girls aren't lesbians. Helyet cserélnél velem? Do you want to trade places with me? Why don't you change places with me? Sain juuri hyviä uutisia. I just got some good news. I just got some good news. Jelentenie kell valamit. It must mean something. You have to report something. Nol'a, yksi, kaksi, kolme, nelli, viizi, kuuzi, seiččie, kaheksa, yheksä, kymmene. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Nol'a, one, two, three, four, five, six, seičie, eight, one, ten. Mul on kaks poega. I have two sons. I have two sons. Az otthonodat megsemmisítette a vihar. Your home was destroyed by the storm. Your home was destroyed by the storm. Nagyon kicsi a valószínűsége, véleményem szerint, hogy te azt magadtól meg fogod tudni csinálni. I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself. It's a very small probability, in my opinion, that you're going to be able to do it by yourself. Angolul és németül is beszél. She can speak both English and German. He speaks English and German. Erős a jelleme. She has a strong character. He's got a strong character. Még nem vagyok otthon. I'm not home yet. I'm not home yet. Ez a repülő hatalmas. That airplane is huge! This plane is huge. Puhuitko siitä Tomille? Did you tell Tom? Did you talk to Tom about it? Mikor indul a következő vonat? When does the next train leave? When's the next train? Ta noogutas julgustavalt. She nodded encouragingly. He nodded with encouragement. Tom mondta neked, hogy ne tedd? Was Tom the one who told you not to do that? Tom told you not to? Mihin olette menossa viettämään kuherruskuukauttanne? Where are you going on your honeymoon? Where are you going to spend your honeymoon? Annan sinulle kaikki vähäiset rahani. I will give you what little money I have. I'll give you all my little money. Hän on ylpeä, koska oli ollut kaunis nuoruudessaan. She is proud of having been beautiful in her youth. He's proud of being beautiful in his youth. Kaikki tekevät virheitä. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Tejet iszom. I drink milk. I'm drinking milk. Te võite alustada. You may begin. You can start. Tom on tupakoija. Tom is a smoker. Tom's a smoker. Ta eksis arvates, et ta tuli teda vaatama. He was wrong in thinking that she'd come to see him. He was wrong to think he came to see her. Miért kell neked egy új létra? Why do you need a new ladder? Why do you need a new ladder? Olen pitänyt sen. I've kept it. I've kept it. Másik lánnyal láttam Tomit táncolni. I saw Tom dancing with another girl. I saw Tomi dancing with another girl. Hänellä ei ole tietoa kokemuksesta puhumattakaan. He has no knowledge, not to mention experience. He has no knowledge of the experience, not to mention it. Biztos voltam benne, hogy a mi oldalunkon állsz. I took it for granted that you were on our side. I was sure you were on our side. Az ártatlanság szép dolog. Innocence is a beautiful thing. It's a nice thing to be innocent. Az ott ülő nő a jelenlegi felesége. The woman sitting over there is his present wife. The woman who sits there is her current wife. Ymmärrätkö, mitä minä puhun? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Elmúlt 30, de még mindig a szülein lóg. He's over 30 but still financially dependent on his parents. It's past 30, but he's still hanging out with his parents. En pysty odottaa enää. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait anymore. Négy év múlva nyugdíjba vonulok. I retire in four years time. I'll retire in four years. Ez a tárolóhelyiség. This is the storage room. This is the storage room. Tomi on ollut minulle kiltti. Tom has been kind to me. Tom's been nice to me. "Katso! Punavalkoinen sieni! Se näyttää niin maukkaalta!" "Ei, älä syö sitä. Se on myrkyllinen." "Look! A red and white mushroom! It looks so tasty!" "No, don't eat it. It's poisonous." "Look! Red-and-white mushrooms! It looks so delicious!" "No, don't eat it. It's toxic." Hän luulee olevansa Jumalan lahja maailman naisille. He thinks he's God's gift to women. He thinks he's God's gift to women in the world. Koulutin koirani tuomaan minulle sanomalehden aamuisin. I trained my dog to bring me the newspaper in the morning. I trained my dog to bring me a newspaper in the morning. Tomilla ei ollut mitään tekemistä, niinpä hän meni kotiin. Tom had nothing to do, so he went home. Tom had nothing to do, so he went home. Az ikrek egyike életben van, de a másik halott. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. Kaivosmiehet työskentelevät vaarallisissa olosuhteissa. The miners work in dangerous conditions. The miners work under dangerous conditions. Nem kérdezd, miért, csak csináld! Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask why, just do it. Me võime seda veel siiski teha. We can still do that. We can still do it. Wäääh... Waaaa... Wow. En tiedä isäni vuosituloja. I don't know my father's annual income. I don't know my father's annual income. Múlt hónapban keményen dolgoztam. I worked hard last month. I worked hard last month. Itt senkinek nincs autója. No one here has a car. Nobody here has a car. Vaikka puristit ovat hyvin suorasanaisia, he eivät kuitenkaan muodosta enemmistöä Tatoebassa. Though very outspoken, purists do not comprise the majority on Tatoeba. Although the pressurers are very straightforward, they do not form a majority in Tatoebba. Hän tulee sinne, satoi tai paistoi. He'll be there, rain or shine. He'll be there. He'll be there. He'll be there. He'll be there. Ebben nem kételkedem. I have no doubt about it. I don't doubt it. Annoinko minä liput sinulle? Did I give you the tickets? Did I give you the tickets? Ezek a meleg zoknik alpaka szőrből készültek. These warm socks are made from alpaca fiber. These warm socks are made of alpaca hair. Hän kuvaili mielessään kuviteltua kaupunkielämää. She pictured to herself imagined city life. He described the urban life he imagined in his mind. Mie puhhuun telefoonissa. I'm talking on the phone. I'm gonna blow up on the telescope. A kutya megugatja. The dog is barking at her. The dog barks. Ha nagy pénzekről van szó, senkiben nem tanácsos megbízni. Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody. If it's big money, it's no one to trust. Kon sa elät? Where do you live? Are you alive? Tom puisti päätään käsittämättä. Tom shook his head uncomprehendingly. Tom was bouncing his head, and he didn't understand. Akarsz pihenni egy kicsit? Do you want to rest for a bit? You want to get some rest? Miksi et kerro suoraan mitä päässäsi liikkuu. Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you tell me straight what's going on in your head? Tom meni hakemaan jäitä. Tom went to get some ice. Tom went to get some ice. Kotiin tultuaan Tom teki läksyt. Tom came home and did his homework. When Tom came home, he did his homework. Se ei ole minun vikani. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Tom lintsasi koulusta taas tänään. Tom cut class again today. Tom was filming school again today. Hän meni kalastusmatkalle. He went on a fishing trip. He went fishing. Minä hoidan sen! I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it! See oli suurepärane artikkel. That was an excellent article. That was an excellent article. Viimeaikaiset edistysaskeleet lääketieteessä johtavat uuteen aikakauteen sairaanhoidossa. Recent advances in medicine will usher in a new age in medical care. Recent advances in medicine lead to a new era of medical treatment. Már nem férek bele a régi ruháimba. I can't fit into my old clothes anymore. I can't fit my old clothes anymore. Sohase add fel. Sohase add meg magad. Never give up. Never surrender. Never give up, never surrender. Ez volt a legrosszabb, ami történhetett. That's the worst thing that could possibly happen. That was the worst thing that could have happened. Lähtiessäni talosta minä muistin avaimen. As I left the house, I remembered the key. When I left the house, I remembered the key. Tatoeba tarvitsee lisää kiistanalaisia lauseita. Tatoeba needs more controversial sentences. Tatoeba needs more controversial sentences. A repülő apám farmján landolt. The plane landed on my dad's farm. He landed on my flying father's farm. Lázas vagyok és fáj a fejem. Azt hiszem, beteg leszek. I have a fever and a headache. I think I'm getting ill. I'm a fever and I have a headache, and I think I'm gonna be sick. Egy bivaly ereje és egy oroszlán bátorsága lakozik benne. He's strong as a bull and brave as a lion. It has the strength of a buffalo and the courage of a lion. Tamást ma nem láttam. I didn't see Tom today. I didn't see Thomas today. Hän ei pystynyt pidättämään itkuaan. She could not refrain from tears. He couldn't stop crying. Tomra gondoltam. I thought about Tom. I was thinking about Tom. Azt mondta Tomi, hogy ő nem tud franciául. Tom said that he didn't know French. He said Tomi didn't know French. Onko teillä kiire? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Szeretném, hogy maradjon itt, a hölgynél. I want you to stay by the lady. I want you to stay here with the lady. Pakolaisilla oli vaikeuksia löytää tarpeeksi syötävää. The refugees were having trouble finding enough to eat. The refugees had trouble finding enough to eat. Luuletko tosiaan, että se toimii? Do you really think that'll work? Do you really think it's gonna work? Võta see endale. Take it. Take it. Tuota en usko. I don't believe that. I don't think so. Arpa on heitetty. The die has been cast. The scar's been thrown. Tom nagyon rémültnek nézett ki. Tom looked really terrified. Tom looked really scared. Nem Tom volt az egyetlen, aki segített nekem. Tom wasn't the only one who helped me. Tom wasn't the only one who helped me. Nem aludtam. I wasn't sleeping. I didn't sleep. Miks sa vett jood? Why are you drinking water? Why are you drinking water? Te mindig megkapod azt, amit akarsz? Do you always get what you want? You always get what you want? Kas keegi kavatseb seda süüa? Is anyone going to eat that? Is anyone going to eat it? Onko Tom adoptoitu? Is Tom adopted? Is Tom adopted? Puhu ystävällisesti kaikille. Please speak kindly to everyone. Speak kindly to everyone. Ez egy madár? Is it a bird? Is that a bird? Sikerre számítunk. We anticipate success. We're counting on a siker. Tomi vaikuttaa aika kiireiseltä. Tom seems pretty busy. Tomi seems kind of busy. Tom tahtis suuremat allahindlust. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Tom wanted a bigger discount. A holnapi indulásunk, az időjárástól függ. Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather. Our departure tomorrow depends on the weather. Tom on poliitikko. Tom is a politician. Tom's a politician. Oli todistettu, että hän oli varas. It was proved that he was a thief. It was proven he was a thief. En tajunnut ettei Tom koskaan ollut käynyt lukiota. I didn't realize that Tom had never gone to high school. I never realized Tom never went to high school. Figyeljetek ide! A Tautológia Klub első szabálya a Tautológia Klub első szabálya! Listen up! The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. Most már értem. Now I understand. I get it now. Túl keményen dolgozol. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Tuhlaajapoika palasi kotiin. The prodigal son returned home. The prodigal boy returned home. Esni kezdett. The rain began to fall. It started raining. Várni fogok Tomira. I'm going to wait for Tom. I'll wait for Tom. Se ei tule tapahtumaan. That isn't going to happen. It's not gonna happen. Hän on täydellinen mies. He's the perfect guy. He's the perfect man. Jatka vain harjoittelemista! Do keep practicing! Keep practicing! Ranska ei ole minun äidinkieleni. French isn't my native language. France is not my native language. A hal nagyon finom volt. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. Minden tőle telhetőt megtesz, hogy időben itt legyen. She will do her best to be here on time. He'll do everything he can to make sure he's here on time. Mit vettél? What did you buy? What did you get? El vagyok hízva. I'm fat. I'm fat. Basszus, miféle seggfej hívogatja az embereket az éjszaka közepén? Fuck, what kind of asshole calls people in the middle of the night? Shit, what asshole is calling people in the middle of the night? En ole varma uskonko sinua. I'm not sure I believe you. I'm not sure I believe you. Tom a szomszédom, de alig beszélek vele. Tom is my neighbor, but I hardly ever talk to him. Tom's my neighbor, but I barely talk to him. Se oli minun matkalaukkuni. It was my suitcase. It was my suitcase. Luemme kirjaa. We are reading a book. We're reading the book. Hagyj minket békén! Give us peace! Leave us alone! Teidän olisi syytä lähteä nyt. You'd better go now. You should leave now. Meghalt a remény. There's no hope. Hope's dead. Gyalog érkezett ide. He arrived here on foot. He came here on foot. Hyvvää öötä! Goodnight! Good night! Sepä kummallista. That's odd. That's weird. Minulla oli todella hauskaa juhlissa. I really enjoyed myself at the party. I had a really good time at the party. Az asztalfiók nyitva van. The desk drawer is open. The desk's open. Nekünk muszály volt ott lennünk. We had to be there. We had to be there. Sinun pitää tehdä kovasti töitä. You will have to work a lot. You have to work hard. Ветлӥд-а тон клубе? Did you go to the club? Are you sure you want to work on it? Hänen tyttöystävänsä ei tukenut häntä. His girlfriend was not supportive. His girlfriend didn't support him. A tied jobb volt. Yours was better. Yours was better. Egyszerűen túl könnyű volt. It was just too easy. It was just too easy. Pagizetko sinä angliekse? Do you speak English? - You're an Anglies? - No. Tommi sanoi, että nollan kertoman arvoksi määritellään yksi. Tom said that zero factorial (0!) is defined to equal 1. Tommi said that the value of zero is defined as one. Haluaisitteko toisen kupillisen teetä? Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Lõpuks ometi! Finally! Finally! Tomi ja Mari ovat tulleet tänne auttamaan meitä. Tom and Mary are here to help us. Tomi and Mari have come here to help us. Tomin lompakko oli hieman kulunut, ja Mary sanoi, että hänen pitäisi hankkia uusi. Tom's wallet was a bit the worse for wear, and Mary said he should get a new one. Tom's wallet was a little worn out, and Mary said she should get a new one. Döntöttem. I have decided. I've made a decision. Nem kell ordítani. There's no need to yell. You don't have to scream. Saan yli kaksisataa sähköpostiviestiä päivässä. I get more than two hundred emails a day. I get over two hundred e-mails a day. Emme halunneet huolestuttaa sinua. We didn't want to worry you. We didn't want to worry you. Szerintem kellemes illatod van. I think you smell nice. I think you smell nice. Jatkakaa lukemista! Keep reading. Keep reading! Tom bízott az orvosaiban. Tom trusted his doctors. Tom trusted his doctors. Együtt végezzük a munkát. We work together. We're working together. Uuden mallin vähittäishinta on 30000 jeniä. The new model will retail for 30,000 yen. The retail price of the new model is 30,000 yen. Van egy váza az asztalon. There's a vase on the table. There's a vase on the table. Szabadidőmben verset írok. I write poetry in my free time. I write poems in my spare time. Älä pysähdy. Don't stop. Don't stop. Synnyin Australiassa. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Se alkoi uudelleen! It started again! It started again! Hol találkozhatunk? Where can we get together? Where can I see you? Se on harppu. It's a harp. It's a harp. Hän oli niin hengästynyt, että pystyi hädin tuskin puhua. She was so out of breath that she could hardly speak. He was so breathless that he could barely speak. Soha nem kellett volna hallgatnom rád. I never should've listened to you. I should never have listened to you. Millal sa helistad? When are you going to call? When are you gonna call? Inimesed, kel on puue, ei talu, kui neid haletsetakse. Disabled people can't stand being pitied. People with disabilities can't take pity. Tudja ténylegesen valaki, hogy mi történt? Does anyone know what really happened? Does anyone really know what happened? Bocsánat, tudna nekem segíteni? Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, can you help me? Kõik on seal. It's all there. It's all there. Syömme illallista. We are having dinner. We're having dinner. Voitko selittää ongelmasi meille? Can you explain your problem to us? Can you explain your problem to us? Ez a nyaklánc jádekőből készült. This necklace is made of jade. This necklace is made of jadestone. Maistuuko se hyvältä? Does that taste good? Do you like it? Miért nem hívtál fel, mielőtt eljöttél? Why didn't you phone before coming? Why didn't you call me before you came? Tomin nurmikko kaipaa leikkaamista. Tom's lawn needs mowing. Tom's lawn needs surgery. Muista pitää hyvää huolta itsestäsi! Remember to take good care of yourself! Remember to take good care of yourself! Mua janottaa. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Az autósoknak legalább egy méter széles sávot kell hagyniuk, amikor elhaladnak a biciklisek mellett. Motorists must leave at least a metre-wide buffer when passing cyclists. Drivers must leave at least one metre wide range when passing by the bikes. Ez elég lényeges. It's kind of important. That's pretty important. Holnap kukanap van. Tomorrow's trash day. It's spring day tomorrow. Arvaa mitä söin illalliseksi eilen illalla. Popcornia. Guess what I ate for dinner last night. Popcorn. Guess what I ate for dinner last night. Onko sinulla koskaan syyllinen olo? Do you ever feel guilty? Do you ever feel guilty? Tom nem fél a haláltól. Tom doesn't fear death. Tom's not afraid of death. Tom ei ole selles kuigi hea. Tom's not very good at it. Tom's not very good at it. Jobbat érdemeltél volna. You deserved better. You deserved better. Láttam a nevedet a listán. I saw your name on the list. I saw your name on the list. Öcsémmel jól megértjük egymást. I get along with my younger brother. My brother and I understand each other well. Oletteko te käyneet ikinä Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Globaali kriisi on käsillä. A global crisis is at hand. The global crisis is at hand. On todella vaikeaa nähdä itsensä muiden silmin. It's very hard to see yourself as others see you. It's really hard to see yourself with other people's eyes. Pidän kaikista kielistä. I like all languages. I like all the languages. Onko koulussa kivaa? Do you like going to school? Are you having a good time at school? Talvella kuivat lehdet lentelevät ilmassa. In winter, the dry leaves fly around in the air. In winter, dry leaves fly in the air. Tom mossa a ruhákat. Tom is doing laundry. Tom's washing his clothes. Бур ӵукна! Good morning! And, yes, the weather was different! A vonat egy heves hóvihar miatt késett. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was late because of a heavy snowstorm. Älä unohda ladata kännykkääsi. Don't forget to charge your cell phone. Don't forget to download your cell phone. Fogalmam sem volt, hogy mit írjak. I had no idea what I should write. I had no idea what to write. Olen ollut aika kiireinen. I've been rather busy. I've been kind of busy. Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy jöjjön be. Tom asked Mary to come inside. Tom asked Mary to come in. En tule vihollisena vaan ystävänä. I do not come as an enemy, but as a friend. I'm not going to be an enemy. I'm going to be a friend. Tom keksi uuden idean. Tom came up with a new idea. Tom came up with a new idea. Asun Taškentissa. I live in Tashkent. I live in Tashken. Őt választottam feleségemnek. I've chosen her to be my wife. I chose him as my wife. Herättäisitkö minut kuudelta huomenna aamulla? Tomorrow morning, wake me up at 6:00, please. Will you wake me up tomorrow morning? Nálad van a védőszemüvegem. You've got my goggles. You have my glasses. Használhatom a telefonodat? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Bárcsak meg tudnám csinálni! I wish I could. I wish I could do it. Magára maradt. He stayed alone. He's on his own. Városlakó vagyok. I'm a town dweller. I'm a town resident. Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja miinus yhden ja yhden väliltä, mukaanlukien miinus yksi ja yksi. The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Sin and hut functions take values minus one between one and one, including minus one and one. Légy alapos! Be thorough. Be careful. Minulla on pientä päänsärkyä. I have a slight headache. I'm having a little headache. Hyviä yödy, Tom! Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom! Saksaa ei puhuta pelkästään Saksassa. German is not only spoken in Germany. Germany is not only spoken in Germany. Esik? Is it raining? Ek? Minä syön. I eat. I'm eating. Murehtiminen ei auta. Worrying isn't going to help. Worrying won't help. Azt hiszem, te vagy az egyetlen, akinek segítségre van szüksége. I think you're the only one who needs help. I think you're the only one who needs help. Vuodat verta. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. Näytät upealta. You look great. You look great. Tamás töltött magának még egy whiskeyt. Tom poured himself another scotch. Tamás spent another whiskey on you. Édes semmiségeket suttogott a fülébe. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She whispered sweet things in her ear. Meidän täytyy suojella saaren ainutlaatuista ja herkkää luontoa. We must protect the island's unique and fragile environment. We must protect the unique and sensitive nature of the island. Úgy gondolom, ez az orvosság jót fog tenni neked. I think this medicine will do you good. I think this medicine will do you good. Ma oleksin pidanud sulle varem rääkima. I should have told you before. I should have told you sooner. Tévedés volt azt megtenni. It was a mistake to do that. It was a mistake to do that. Pekingissä on yhdeksän miljoonaa polkupyörää. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. Beijing has nine million bicycles. Amint bekanyarodtak, az udvar egészen sötét volt, és a nyárfalevelek selymesen susogtak körülötte. The yard was quite dark as they turned into it and the poplar leaves were rustling silkily all round it. As they turned in, the yard was quite dark, and the summer leaves whispered softly around it. Ön aláírta? Did you sign? Did you sign it? Néhányszor megtettem. I've done that a couple of times. I've done it a few times. Háromszáz dollárt adott Tom. Tom gave me 300 dollars. He gave me $300, Tom. Egy gyönyörű hattyúpár úszott a tavon. A gorgeous couple of swans swam on the lake. A beautiful swan was swimming in the lake. En ole sitä mieltä, että teit kovin hyvää työtä. I don't think you did a very good job. I don't think you did a very good job. Akarod tudni, hogy hogyan kell? Do you want to know how? Do you want to know how to do it? Úgy hallottam, hogy bébiszittert keresel. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. I hear you're looking for a babysitter. Olette hukanneet marmorikuulanne. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your marbles. Munkát kerestek? Are you looking for work? Looking for a job? Hän teki tehtävän loppuun pelkällä tahdonvoimalla. She accomplished the task through sheer will. He finished the mission with mere willpower. Tal oleks see õnnestunud, oleks ta vaid proovinud. He would have succeeded had he tried. He would have succeeded. He would have tried. Ehkäpä teen kakun vaihtelun vuoksi. Maybe I'll make a cake for a change. Maybe I'll make a cake for a change. Nägid sa seda päikesetõusu? See oli päris ilus. Did you see the sunrise earlier? It was really beautiful. Did you see that sunrise? A nők is emberek. Women are people. Women are human, too. Meg szabad kérdeznem valamit? May I ask a question? Can I ask you something? Tavataan vakiopaikassa. I'll meet you at the usual place. I'll meet you at the standard place. Próbáltam elfojtani a feltörő sírást. I'm trying very hard not to cry. I tried to suppress the breakout cry. Se oli vitsi. I was kidding. It was a joke. Tom irtisanottiin. Tom was dismissed from his job. Tom's been fired. Remélem, sosem kell megtennem. I'm hoping I never have to do that. I hope I never have to. Ootko ihan tosissas? Really? Are you serious? Minut nimettiin enoni mukaan. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. Olen pahoillani, Tomi. Minä en voi tehdä sitä. I'm sorry, Tom. I can't do it. I'm sorry, Tomi, I can't do that. Lupasin. I gave my word. I promised. Kokeile sitä puseroa. Try on that shirt. Try that sweater. En ole varma siitä, mitä ajattelin. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I'm not sure what I was thinking. Tom nem mert a szirt szélére állni. Tom was afraid to stand on the edge of the cliff. Tom isn't because he's on the edge of the horn. Mari jagab lilli. Mary is giving out flowers. Mari's sharing flowers. Voinko pyytää palvelusta. Can I ask a favor? Can I ask you a favor? Hogyan maradsz naprakész? How do you stay up to date? How do you stay up to date? Szeretem a sárkánygyümölcsöt. I like dragon fruit. I love dragon fruit. Leülhettek, ha akartok. You can sit down if you like. You can sit down if you want. Juokset. You run. You're running. Hän antoi suukon hyvästiksi ja lähti eikä häntä koskaan nähty. He kissed her goodbye and left, never to be seen again. He gave her a kiss to say good-bye, and she left, and she was never seen. Ez a könyv tényleg régi. That book is really old. This book is really old. Minä nukun alasti. I sleep naked. I sleep naked. Tom on täydellinen isä. Tom is the perfect father. Tom's the perfect father. Olyat teszek, hogy Tom azt kívánja majd, bárcsak meg sem született volna. I'm going to make Tom wish he'd never been born. I'm doing something that Tom would wish he hadn't been born. Koira puraisi minun kättäni. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Én nem vagyok barbár. I'm not a barbarian. I'm not a barbaric. Ismételten a régi történettel hozakodott elő. He brought up the old story again. He repeatedly came up with the old story. Tom on fiksu. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. Kas sa teed seda? Will you do that? Are you doing this? Kaksisataa dollaria on minulle paljon. Two hundred dollars is a lot to me. Two hundred dollars is a lot for me. Tiedän hänestä kaiken. I know everything about her. I know everything about him. Holnap repülök Hanoiba. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. Olen yksinäinen. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. Te jószívű vagy. You're compassionate. You're a good-hearted man. Kas see on vale? Is that wrong? Is that a lie? Kakun leikkaaminen yhtä suuriin paloihin on melko hankalaa. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. It's kind of hard to cut a cake to the same size. Jó étvágyat a reggelihez! Enjoy your breakfast. Enjoy your breakfast. Hat osztva kettővel egyenlő három. Six divided by two equals three. Six divided by two equals three. Vettem egy új töltőtollat. I bought a new fountain pen. I bought a new charger. Jääge koju. Stay home. Stay home. Rakastan seljanmarjoja. I love elderberry juice. I love vertebrates. Olet kaunis kuin kirsikankukka. You are pretty like a cherry blossom. You're beautiful like a cherry flower. Toivon, että pysyt vankilassa kuolemaasi saakka. I hope you stay in prison until you die. I hope you stay in prison until you die. Voitko antaa minulle tuon jutun? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you give me that thing? Milline on su lemmik magustoit maasikatega? What's your favorite dessert with strawberries? What's your favorite dessert with strawberries? Hagyd békén azt a szegény fiút! Leave the poor boy alone. Leave that poor boy alone! Ma sooritan jaanuaris eksami. I'm taking an exam in January. I'll take an exam in January. Mehetsz, ahová akarsz. You can go anywhere you want. You can go wherever you want. Egy szavát sem hiheted el. You can not believe a word he says. You can't believe a word he says. Ki fog menni? Who'll go? Who's gonna go? Älä pelkää lääkärillä käymistä. Don't be afraid of seeing the doctor. Don't be afraid to see a doctor. Tominak ez tetszik a legjobban. Tom likes that best. Tomi likes it best. Ez pont a házasságunk napján történt, drágám. It happened exactly on our wedding day, darling. This is what happened on the day of our marriage, dear. Elnézést kérünk. We apologize. We're sorry. El tudsz olvasni tíz könyvet hetenként? Nem azt akarod mondani, hogy havonta? You can read ten books in a week? Don't you mean in a month? Can you read ten books a week? Nem gond, ha leülök ide? Is it OK to sit here? Do you mind if I sit down here? Hän ei tiennyt mitä tehdä ja piteli päätään käsissään. He did not know what to do, and held his head in his hands. He didn't know what to do. He held his head in his hands. Mit nevezünk madárnak? What is a bird? What do we call a bird? Húzd ki azokat a szavakat, amikre nincs szükséged. You should cross out any word you don't need. Pull out the words you don't need. Oletko sinä japanilainen? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Jos tämä toistuu, soita minulle. Should this happen again, call me. If this happens again, call me. Ne is foglalkozz vele, Tom. Csak féltékeny. Ignore him, Tom. He's just jealous. Don't worry about it, Tom. Nem akármilyen hét volt. It's been quite a week. It's not like it's been a week. Etsiksä jotain? Is there something you're looking for? Find something? Ha csak egyet választhatnál, melyik lenne az? If you could only choose one of them, which one would it be? If you could just pick one, which would it be? Apám egy mihaszna naplopó volt, aki egész nap a hátsóján üldögélt és csipszet evett. My father was a good-for-nothing layabout who sat about on his posterior all day and ate potato chips. My father was a very useful diary who was sitting on his back all day eating chips. Laitetaan joulukuusi tähän. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put your Christmas tree here. Ez mentett meg. That's what saved me. It saved me. Nem tehetem meg, hogy annyi pénzt kiadjak. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't do that. I can't do that. A gyümölcs a kosárban van. The fruit is in the basket. The fruit is in the basket. Ole kiltti ja avaa silmät. Open your eyes, please. Please open your eyes. Vanha rouva asui kolmen huoneen asunnossa yksinään. The old lady lived in a three-room apartment by herself. The old lady lived in a three-room apartment alone. Tom túlságosan függ Maritól. Tom depends too much on Mary. Tom's too dependent on Mari. Tom sikeres akar lenni. Tom wants to be a success. Tom wants to be successful. En ymmärtänyt kysymystäsi. I didn't understand your question. I didn't understand your question. Egybe vagy elválasztva? Together or separately? Are you separated? Tom puhuu aina itsestään. Tom always talks about himself. Tom always talks about himself. Tom on Marin aviomies. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom is Mari's husband. On todella vaikeaa nähdä itsensä toisten silmin. It's very hard to see yourself as others see you. It's really hard to see yourself in the eyes of others. En voi sietää tätä melua enää. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. Ma lähen sinna lennukiga. I will go there by plane. I'm gonna take a plane over there. Luonnollisten lukujen käsite on kenties matematiikan perustavanlaatuisin käsite. The concept of natural numbers is perhaps the most fundamental mathematical concept. Perhaps the concept of natural numbers is the most basic concept of mathematics. Sanoin sinulle, että minulle ei voi kertoa salaisuuksia. I told you that I couldn't be trusted with secrets. I told you, you can't tell me any secrets. Pitäisikö Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan pysyä Euroopan unionin jäsenenä vai jättää se? Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave it? Jännittynyt henkilö ei sovi tähän työhön. A nervous person will not be fit for this job. A tense person is not fit for this job. Toisessa kerroksessa syttyi tulipalo. A fire broke out on the second floor. There was a fire on the second floor. Jotkut ihmiset uskoivat, että maailma oli menossa loppuaan kohti 2000, toiset 2012... mutta olemme silti täällä! Some people thought the world was going to end at the milennium, others in 2012...but we're still here! Some people believed that the world was going towards the end of 2000, the other of 2012... but we're still here! Tom felmordult. Tom grunted. Tom's upset. Mis on teie abieluseis? What is your marital status? What's your marriage status? Hän kuoli levollisesti sänkyynsä 86 vuoden iässä. He died peacefully in bed at the age of 86. He died peacefully in his bed at the age of 86. Tom puhuu pikkaisen ranskaa. Tom speaks a little French. Tom speaks a little French. Ő csak egy férfi. He is only a man. He's just a man. Vuonna 1876 luotiin Itävalta-Unkarin kaksoismonarkia, jossa Unkari oli entistä autonomisempi. In 1876 there was created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, in which Hungary enjoyed a greater amount of autonomy. In 1876, a double-monarchy was created in Austria-Hungarian, where Hungary was more autonomous. Pese end ära. Wash up. Wash yourself. Tomi furcsa. Tom is weird. Tomi's weird. Те йӧратеда бейсболым? Are you fond of baseball? Do you really want to separate it? Tästä tulee fantastista. This is going to be fantastic. This is gonna be fantastic. Tomi csodált minket. Tom adored us. Tomi admired us. Voisitko kertoa minulle mihin olet menossa? Would you mind telling me where you're going? Can you tell me where you're going? Teidät on kaikki pidätetty. You're all under arrest. You're all under arrest. Nem rossz elgondolás. That's not a bad idea. It's not a bad idea. Ezt csak Tomi érti. Tom is the only one who understands this. That's all Tomi understands. Anteeksi, onko sinulla kelloa? Excuse me, do you have the time? Excuse me, do you have a watch? Ma olen praegu väga õnnetu. I'm very unhappy just now. I'm very unhappy right now. Nézzük, mi az eredmény. Let's see what the outcome is. Let's see what's going on. A kutyám fehér. My dog is white. My dog's white. Notkista polvet ja katso eteenpäin. Bend your knees and look in front of you. Check your knees and look forward. Harkitsen asiaa uudelleen. I'll reconsider the matter. I'll think about it again. De nekünk három macskánk van. But we have three cats. But we have three cats. Koska näytös alkaa? When will the show begin? When's the show going to start? Tom käveli kohden rappuja. Tom walked towards the stairs. Tom walked towards the stairs. No niin, olepa kiltisti. Now, be nice. All right, all right, all right, all right. Tomi szobatudós. Tom is an egghead. Tomi is a roomie. Tom berontott a szobába. Tom burst into the room. Tom broke into the room. Hiányzol nekünk. We miss you. We miss you. Yritän pitää tuon mielessä. I'll try to keep that in mind. I'm trying to keep that in mind. Olen haluton auttamaan häntä. I am reluctant to help him. I'm reluctant to help him. Korán kelt, hogy lássa a napfelkeltét. She got up early so as to see the sunrise. It's early to see the sunrise. Sarvelliset viikinkikypärät eivät ole enää muodissa Skandinaviassa. Viking helmets with horns aren't in style in Scandinavia anymore. The horny Viking helmets are no longer in the fashion of Scandinavia. Katsotaanpa sitten henkkarit. Let's see some ID. Let's see the IDs. Nem gondoltam, hogy valaha meg fogom szokni, hogy azt csinálom. I didn't think I'd ever get used to doing that. I never thought I'd ever get used to doing that. Azt hittem, hogy Tomi még mindig Bostonban lakik. I thought that Tom was still living in Boston. I thought Tomi was still living in Boston. Szombat esténként gyakran étkezik házon kívül. He often eats out on Saturday nights. On Saturday nights, she often eats outside the house. - Hangokat hallasz a fejedben? - Igen, démoni hangokat. "You hear voices in your head?" "Yes, demonic voices." - Can you hear voices in your head? Tom antoi minulle kynän. Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a pen. On erittäin todennäköistä, että Tomi ei halua tehdä tuota. Tom is very likely to not want to do that. It's very likely Tomi doesn't want to do that. Tom ezúttal nem viszi el szárazon. Tom isn't going to get away with it this time. Tom won't take it dry this time. Teljesítened kell a kötelességedet. You must do your duty. You must fulfill your duty. Nem volt nála több mint száz yen. He had no more than one hundred yen with him. He didn't have more than a hundred yen. Бур рыт. Good evening. We, however, are ready to give up. Tom hol készül képeket készíteni? Where is Tom planning to take pictures? Where is Tom going to take pictures? Ma kardan maavärinaid. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Oletko sinä lääkäri? Are you the doctor? Are you a doctor? Ahogy láthatod, az ellenkezőjét csinálom. As you can see, I am doing the opposite. As you can see, I'm doing the opposite. Tom összetört, amikor meghallotta a rossz hírt. Tom broke down when he heard the bad news. Tom broke when he heard the bad news. Saisinko lisää teetä? Can I have some more tea? Can I have some more tea, please? Tsau, mina siin. Kas sa saaksid mu jaamast peale võtta? Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station? Hey, it's me. Emme tarvitse sitä. We won't need it. We don't need it. Tom oli haluton menemään yksin. Tom was reluctant to go by himself. Tom was reluctant to go alone. Nem csináltunk semmit. We didn't do anything. We didn't do anything. Ezt Ausztráliában vettük. We bought this in Australia. We bought this in Australia. Se on tyhmää. It's stupid. It's stupid. Lapset kasvavat niin nopeasti. Children grow up so fast. The kids are growing up so fast. Kaikki lähtivät paitsi Tomi. Everyone left except Tom. Everyone left except Tom. Voimme jokainen ilmentää tietoisuuden kentän ominaisuuksia tavalla, joka ylittää paikan, ajan ja lineaarisen kausaliteetin. Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time and linear causality. We can each express the characteristics of the consciousness field in a way that crosses the place, time, and linear causation. Nem ment el oda tegnap minden hallgató. Not every student went there yesterday. Not every listener went there yesterday. Tom nukkui. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. Tudom, hogy mit nem szabad megenni. I know what not to eat. I know what you can't eat. Kuulin vaimean äänen lähistöiltä. I heard a faint sound nearby. I heard a mute sound in the vicinity. A hajad elkezd kihullani. Your hair will start to fall out. Your hair's falling out. Tomilla on kanadalainen tyttöystävä. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Nem táplálok haragot veled szemben. I bear no grudge against you. I don't feed anger against you. Emlékezz, mit mondtál! Remember your words! Remember what you said. Tuo poika tuolla on hänen veljensä. The boy over there is his brother. That boy over there is his brother. Kuin korttitalo Tomin unelmat ja suunnitelmat romahtivat hänen ympärillään. Like a house of cards, Tom's dreams and plans came crashing down around him. It's like a card house Tom's dreams and plans collapsed around him. Helista mulle. Call me. Call me. Toki. Tiedätkö hyvää paikkaa? Sure. Do you know a good place? Do you know a good place? Hän otti taskustaan jotain. He took something out of his pocket. He took something from his pocket. Fejezd már be, hogy kijavítasz! Stop correcting me. Stop fixing me! Tom oli läsnä. Tom was present. Tom was here. Ez nagyon finom! It's delicious! That's delicious. Tiedän hänen salaisuutensa. I know his secret. I know his secret. A főnököm istennek képzeli magát. My boss thinks he's God. My boss thinks he's God. Pontosan, drágám. Exactly, my dear. Exactly, honey. Ne sajnáld Tomit. Don't feel sorry for Tom. Don't be sorry about Tom. Boldogtalan lennék, de nem ölném meg magam. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. Tuo on taloni. That house is mine. That's my house. Paljonko tämä solmio maksaa? How much does this tie cost? How much does this tie cost? Älä käytä sitä kravattia enää ikinä. Don't ever wear that tie again. Don't ever use that tie again. Tom a közelünkben lakik. Tom lives near us. Tom lives near us. En saanut unta. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. Eltökélte, hogy működőképessé teszi a házasságát. She was determined to make the marriage work. He's determined to make his marriage work. Tom szándékai nyilvánvalóak voltak. Tom's intentions were obvious. Tom's intentions were obvious. Nimeni on Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Miért ilyen lassú ez a weboldal? Why is this website so slow? Why is this website so slow? Вичыд кыдзи? What is your patronymic? Is being willing to do that? Bármelyik postahivatalban lehet bélyeget venni. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy stamps at any post office. Tomi on aivan yksin. Tom is all alone. Tom's all alone. Tom, oletko sinä täällä? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you here? Az emberek olyanok, mint aranyhal az akváriumban? Are humans like goldfish in a fishbowl? People are like goldfish in the aquarium? Meidän pitäisi aina olla täysin valmistautuneita maanjäristykseen. We should always be fully prepared for an earthquake. We should always be fully prepared for an earthquake. Onko sinulla koskaan ollut ruokamyrkytystä? Have you ever had food poisoning? Have you ever had food poisoning? Szereztél neki valamit? Did you get him something? Did you get him anything? Odotan, että hän tulee takaisin. I'm waiting for him to return. I'll wait for him to come back. Gyakran telefonál nekem. He calls me often. He often calls me. En ole niin varma, että se on sitä mitä haluan tehdä. I'm not so sure it's what I want to do. I'm not so sure it's what I want to do. Sinun pitäisi tehdä läksysi nyt. You should do your homework now. You should do your homework now. Tom túl későn jött. Tom came too late. Tom came too late. Tehetetlennek érzem magam. I feel helpless. I feel helpless. Tom jól tippelt. Tom guessed right. Tom was a good tipper. Jobban szeretek biciklizni. I prefer biking. I prefer to ride a bike. Kuinka kauaksi aikaa ajattelit jäädä tänne? How long will you stay here? How long were you planning on staying here? Tomi on joustamaton. Tom is inflexible. Tom's inflexible. Ostitko tämän kirjan? Did you buy this book? Did you buy this book? Mi ez az egész? What's this all about? What's all this? Seda on lihtne öelda. That's easy to say. That's easy to say. Szeretek aludni. I love to sleep. I like to sleep. A vasútvonalon új vonatbefolyásoló rendszert telepítenek. A new train control system is installed on the railway line. A new train entry system is installed on the railway line. A zöld fény a "mehetsz" jele. The green light is the "go" signal. Green light is the sign of "you can go." Tartanád ezt nekem? Can you hold this for me? Can you hold this for me? Palaan asiaan parin tunnin kuluttua. I'll check back with you in a few hours. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Jokin huolestuttaa häntä. Something's worrying her. Something's bothering him. Älä naura hänelle siksi, että hän teki virheen. Don't laugh at him for making a mistake. Don't laugh at him because he made a mistake. Fáradtnak látszom? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Tom már elment. Tom has already left. Tom's gone. Tomi on outo. Tom's strange. Tom's weird. Hän siivosi huoneen. She cleaned the room. He cleaned up the room. Tomi ei anna meidän tehdä sitä. Tom won't let us do that. Tom won't let us do it. Nyisd ki! Open up. Open up! Olimme onnekkaita. We were fortunate. We were lucky. Majdnem elütött egy autó. I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. Ma just lõpetasin õhtusöögi. I've just finished dinner. I just finished dinner. Se kuulostaa oudolta. It sounds strange. That sounds weird. Ensi kuussa hän tulee olemaan todella kiireinen. He will be very busy next month. Next month, he'll be really busy. Tud a feleséged franciául beszélni? Can your wife speak French? Can your wife speak French? Mozogjunk egy kicsit, hogy legyen étvágyunk. Let's do some exercise to work up an appetite. Let's move a little bit to get hungry. Nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül. Every rose has its thorn. There's no roses without a thorn. En halua menettää Maria. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Maria. Ő költő. He is a poet. He's a poet. Mi van Tomnál? What does Tom have? What's with Tom? Egyelőre senki nem mondott le. No one has resigned yet. For now, no one has resigned. Tegnap kórházba ment. She went to the hospital yesterday. He went to the hospital yesterday. A nevetés tényleg jót tesz neked. Laughing is really good for you. laughter really works for you. Mida sa teed homme? What'll you do tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Nem tudom garantálni, hogy holnap itt lesz. I can't ensure that she will be here tomorrow. I can't guarantee you'll be here tomorrow. Jobban érzi magát a lányod? Is your daughter feeling better? Is your daughter feeling better? Mit olvas Tom? What's Tom reading? What's Tom reading? Átsírtam az éjszakát. I cried all night. I cried through the night. Ezt biztosan nem akarjuk. We sure don't want that. I'm sure we don't want that. Kivel kéne beszélnem? Who should I talk to? Who am I supposed to talk to? Se on varmaan OK. I guess that's OK. I think it's okay. Őszintén szólva, nem nagyon érdekel. Frankly speaking, I don't care for her very much. Honestly, I don't care. Tomi on hermostunut. Tom is unnerved. Tom's nervous. Próbálta már a lakását teljesen pormentesíteni? Did you ever try keeping your flat completely free from dust? Have you tried to clean your apartment completely? Csak kezdj el dolgozni. Just start working. Just start working. Tom elnyomott egy vigyort. Tom stifled a grin. Tom pushed a smile. Minä odotan, että hän tulee takaisin. I'm waiting for her to return. I'll wait for him to come back. Szakítotok Tommal? Are you breaking up with Tom? You're breaking up with Tom? Meidän on löydettävä hänet ennen kuin hän tekee jotakin typerää. We've got to find him before he does something stupid. We need to find him before he does something stupid. Üzenetet kell hagynom. I need to leave a message. I have to leave a message. Tom támogató. Tom is supportive. Tom's a supporter. Kaikki näytti normaalilta. Everything looked normal. Everything looked normal. Tomi kykenee hädin tuskin ruokkia perheensä. Tom is barely able to feed his family. Tom can barely feed his family. Minkä ikäinen teidän siskonne on? How old is your sister? How old is your sister? En rakasta Tomia enää. I no longer love Tom. I don't love Tom anymore. Voisitko lainata sanakirjaasi minulle? Will you lend your dictionary to me? Can you borrow your dictionary for me? Minulla on vain yksi ehdotus. I only have one suggestion. I only have one proposal. Tudod, hogyan halt meg az édesapja? Do you know how his father died? Do you know how his father died? Missä pomo on? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Saisinko laskun, kiitos. May I have the check, please? Can I have the bill, please? Minun pitää mennä nyt. I have got to go now. I have to go now. Kórházba kell menned. You need to get to a hospital. You have to go to the hospital. Kylmä tuuli puhalsi sisään. A cold wind blew in. The cold wind blew in. Hänellä on rautainen tahto. He has a will of steel. He has an iron will. Ismerted őket személyesen? Did you know them personally? Did you know them personally? Gitározom. I play the guitar. I'm playing guitar. Ensimmäinen kapina on teologian mielivaltaa, Jumalan aavetta vastaan. Niin pitkään kuin taivaissa on Herra, olemme orjia maassa. The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth. The first rebellion is the power of theology against God's ghost. As long as the Lord is in the heavens, we are slaves to the earth. Tom paranoiásnak látszik. Tom looks paranoid. Tom looks paranoid. Armi yritti nousta seisomaan. Amy made an effort to stand up. Armi tried to stand up. Tom összegyűrte a zacskót és eldobta. Tom crumpled the bag and threw it away. Tom folded the bag and threw it away. Onpa kaunista! How beautiful! Oh, that's beautiful! Opin elämään ilman häntä. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without him. Kinek szabad nevén nevezni a dolgokat? Who's allowed to call a spade a spade? Who are you supposed to call things? Jotkut linnut eivät osaa lentää. Some kinds of birds can't fly. Some birds can't fly. See kell on katki. This watch is broken. This watch is broken. Az olaj és a víz nem keveredik. Oil and water do not mix. Oil and water don't mix. Pidä tyttöjä silmällä; he ovat huonoja uimareita. Keep an eye on the girls; they are poor swimmers. Keep an eye on the girls; they're bad swimmers. Tomilla on selkä kipeä. Tom has a sore back. Tom's got a back pain. Hova megyünk utána? Where will we go afterwards? Where are we going after him? Mi van a kutyával? What's wrong with the dog? What about the dog? Ebben a játékban nem vagyok túl jó. I'm not too good at this game. I'm not very good at this game. Udvariatlan voltál. You were rude. You were rude. Kas sa võtad selle? Will you take it? Are you gonna take this? Mitäs puuhaat? What're you doing? What are you doing? Pelaa. Play. Play. Találkoznom kell Tomival. I need to see Tom. I need to see Tomi. Tudod a módját. You know how. You know how. Iskola után baseballozik. He plays baseball after school. He's playing baseball after school. Hän päätti pitää päiväkirjaa. She decided to keep a diary. He decided to keep a diary. Kadehdin sinua niin paljon. I envy you so much. I envy you so much. Jokainen tunsi laulun. Everyone knew the song. Everyone knew the song. Ez Tom volt, igaz? That was Tom, wasn't it? That was Tom, wasn't it? Meiltä loppui ruoka. We ran out of food. We're out of food. Jos et syö vihanneksiasi, niin et saa jälkiruokaa. If you don't eat your veggies, you won't get any dessert. If you don't eat your vegetables, you won't get dessert. Az elég közel van. That's close enough. That's close enough. Minä hädin tuskin tunnen sinut. I hardly even know you. I barely know you. Sinä pidät sateesta, eikö vain? You like rain, don't you? You like the rain, don't you? Margarinnal helyettesítette a vajat. She substituted margarine for butter. You replace the butter with margarine. Olet viimeinen henkilö jonka odotin tapaavani. You are the last person that I expected to meet. You're the last person I expected to see. Unohdan usein hampaiden pesun. I often forget to brush my teeth. I often forget to brush my teeth. Onko turvallista uida tässä joessa? Is it safe to swim in this river? Is it safe to swim in this river? Anteeksi, että täällä on niin sotkuista. I'm sorry for the mess. I'm sorry it's so messed up in here. Tomi valehteli kytille. Tom lied to the cops. Tomi lied to the cops. Me muudame tulevikku. We are changing the future. We're changing the future. Esik a hó. It snows. It's snowing. Ma tahtsin ainult teada kas sa oled hädas. I just wanted to know if you were in trouble. I just wanted to know if you were in trouble. Egy ajándékot kínált nekem, mely meglepett. He offered me a present, which surprised me. He offered me a gift that surprised me. Oletteko te kaksi nyt kiireisiä? Are you two busy right now? Are you two busy right now? Nem tudtam, hogy Tomi addigra már halott volt. I didn't know Tom was already dead. I didn't know Tomi was dead by then. Ta nõustus temaga. She agreed with him. He agreed with her. ”Kuinka paljon maksoit tästä?” ”Suunnilleen 20 euroa.” ”Vau! Sehän on todella halpaa!” "How much did you pay for this?" "About 20 euros." "Wow! That's incredibly cheap." “How much did you pay for this?” “20 euros for his money.” “Wow! It’s really cheap!” Felmennek az árak. Prices rise. The prices are going up. Felment a házak ára. House prices are up. The price of the houses went up. Az ember nem a majomtól származik, néhányat kivéve. Humans are not descended from apes, except for some people. You're not from the monkey, except for a few. Tom oli järkyttynyt kuullessaan, että Mari oli loukkaantunut liikenneonnettomuudessa. Tom was shocked to hear that Mary had been injured in a traffic accident. Tom was shocked to hear that Mari was injured in a traffic accident. Tomi 2013-ban lépett ki a cégtől. Tom left the company in 2013. Tomi quit the company in 2013. Mentőt kellene hívnunk. We should call an ambulance. We should call an ambulance. Lääkäri teki väärän diagnoosin. The doctor made the wrong diagnosis. The doctor made the wrong diagnosis. Hyvää yötä, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. He tuijottivat toisiaan. They stared at each other. They were staring at each other. Meidän täytyy löytää Tom ennen kuin hän tekee jotakin typerää. We've got to find Tom before he does something stupid. We need to find Tom before he does something stupid. Úgy gondoltam, hogy Tom bepánikolna. I figured Tom would panic. I thought Tom would panic. Mitäköhän Tom aikoo tehdä ensi viikonloppuna? I wonder what Tom is going to do next weekend. I wonder what Tom's gonna do next weekend. Hävytön portto! Impudent strumpet! The shameless harlot! Ma nem fogok reggelizni. I'm not going to eat breakfast today. I'm not gonna have breakfast today. Hogy mondhatsz ilyet? How could you say something like that? How can you say that? Ehkä Tomi pystyy ratkaisemaan tämän ongelman. Perhaps Tom can solve this problem. Maybe Tomi can solve this problem. Inkább élek békés szegénységben, mint gazdagon és rettegve. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than in wealth and fear. I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than rich and scared. Nem vagyok rád mérges. Csak csalódott vagyok. I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. Mua ei kiinnosta vittuakaan. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Ota vähän rahaa kaiken varalta. Take some money just in case you need it. Why don't you take some money in case you don't mind? Vártam a válaszát, de nem hallatott magáról. I have been waiting for your reply, but have not heard from you. I was waiting for his answer, but he didn't hear from you. Tomi laittoi avaimen taskuunsa. Tom put the key into his pocket. Tom put a key in his pocket. Tomin kotona kummittelee. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's home is haunted. Miért is nem mondod el, hogy mire gondolsz? Why don't you just tell me what you mean? Why don't you tell me what you're thinking? Kaikkihan me tiedämme, että kukaan ei ole täydellinen. We all know that no one is perfect. We all know that no one is perfect. Még soha nem koncerteztünk Bostonban. We've never given a concert in Boston. We've never played a concert in Boston. Jó reggelt, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Me saimme anonyymin puhelun. We got an anonymous call. We got an anonymous call. Tominak egy fekete macskája van. Tom keeps a black cat. Tomi has a black cat. Tom ja Mari puhuvat toisilleen englanniksi. Tom and Mary speak to each other in English. Tom and Mari speak English to each other. Minä pyydän anteeksi. I apologise. I'm sorry. Leivon kakkuja melkein joka päivä. I bake cakes almost every day. I make cakes almost every day. Ma olin õpetaja. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Ők dühösek. They're angry. They're angry. Dan segített Lindának átvészelni a nehéz időket. Dan helped Linda through her tough times. Dan helped Linda get through the difficult times. Túl sokat ettem tegnap. I ate too much yesterday. I ate too much yesterday. Rakastin Tomia. I loved Tom. I loved Tom. Olen Tomin näköinen. I look like Tom. I look like Tom. Ő magas? Is he tall? Is he tall? Ma tahan pitsat süüa. I want to eat pizza. I want to eat pizza. Még sokat kell tanulnod arról, hogyan kell kedvesnek lenni. You've got a lot to learn about being nice. You still have a lot to learn about how to be nice. Ma tahan saada keeleteadlaseks. I want to be a linguist. I want to become a language scientist. Kaikki puutarhan kukat kuihtuivat. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden were dried. Tämä on todella tärkeä näkökohta. This is a very important point. This is a very important aspect. Tom a térdeivel kormányozta az autót. Tom steered the car with his knees. Tom was steering the car with his knees. Valóban azt akarod, hogy én táncoljak veled? Do you really want me to dance with you? You really want me to dance with you? Át fogom adni az üzenetet Tominak. I'll give Tom the message. I'm gonna give the message to Tomi. Ma olen Skopjest. I am from Skopje. I'm from Skopje. Monet syöpäpotilaat menettävät hiuksensa kemoterapian takia. Many cancer patients lose their hair because of chemotherapy. Many cancer patients lose their hair because of chemotherapy. Tomilla on sisko, joka pitää tenniksen pelaamisesta. Tom has a sister who likes to play tennis. Tom has a sister who likes playing tennis. Idáig még nem volt problémánk. We haven't had any problems so far. We haven't had a problem yet. Sok tanulnivaló van. There's so much to learn. There's a lot to learn. Mellőzd azt! Ignore that. Forget it. Hän lähetti sinulle terveisensä. She sent you her best wishes. He sent you his regards. Tapaus esti häntä menemästä Amerikkaan. The incident prevented him from going to America. The case prevented him from going to America. Kas te räägite türgi keelt? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Ma olen hiinlane. I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. Ismered ezt a férfit? Do you know this man? Do you know this man? Én sem értem önt. I don't understand you either. I don't understand you either. Mida vanemaks ma saan, seda vähem ma saan aru. The older I become, the less I understand. The older I get, the less I get. Kedveli a horgászatot. He likes fishing. He likes fishing. Ne hagyd őt úszni! Don't let him swim. Don't let him swim. Tom már nem tagja ennek a klubnak. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom, ma ei jäta sind kunagi. I'll never leave you, Tom. Tom, I'll never leave you. En usko! I don't believe! I don't think so! Tom rájött, hogy hibát követett el. Tom realizes he's made a mistake. Tom found out he made a mistake. Kövessük a többieket! Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. Kas sulle meeldib see korter? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this apartment? En usko, että Tom tulee takaisin. I don't think Tom will be back. I don't think Tom's coming back. Tom el akart árulni. Tom was going to betray me. Tom wanted to tell me. Voitko kertoa minulle mitä hän sanoi? Can you tell me what he said? Can you tell me what he said? Tatoeba: Saitko yksityisviestin? Olet todennäköisesti pulassa... Tatoeba: Got a PM? You're probably in trouble... Tatoeba: Did you get a private message? You're probably in trouble... Mindenki más nevetett. Everyone else laughed. Everyone else laughed. Kuidas sõit läks? How did the trip go? How'd it go? Hän on uimassa. She is swimming. He's swimming. Hän voitti yllätyksekseni palkinnon. To my surprise, he won the prize. To my surprise, he won the prize. Kiista on sovittu lopullisesti. That dispute has been settled once and for all. The dispute has been settled once and for all. Tom értékeli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. Olyan okos vagy! You are so smart! You're so smart! Hän voisi kuolla. He could die. He could die. Tomi menő csávó. Tom is cool. Tomi's a cool guy. Már megint vigyorogsz. You're smirking again. You're smiling again. Hän käytti tilaisuutta hyväkseen. He took advantage of the opportunity. He took advantage of the opportunity. Haluan tehdä hyvän vaikutuksen. I want to make a good impression. I want to make a good impression. Bár tehetnénk valamit Tomért! I just wish there was something we could do to help Tom. I wish there was something we could do for Tom. Mindenkit ismertem, aki ott volt. I knew everyone there. I knew everyone who was there. Tom näyttää kalpealta. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. Ő nagyon fiatal. Sokkal fiatalabb, mint Tom. He's very young. He's much younger than Tom. She's very young, much younger than Tom. Onko Tomi yhä laivasi kapteeni? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Semmi rosszat nem tehetsz azzal, hogy nyelvet tanulsz. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. There's nothing wrong with learning a language. Tom nem akart beugrani a hideg vízbe. Tom didn't want to jump into the cold water. Tom didn't want to jump into the cold water. Sem Tom, sem Mary nem várakozott nagyon sokáig. Neither Tom nor Mary has waited very long. Neither Tom nor Mary waited very long. Tom pitää minua nössönä. Tom thinks I'm a wimp. Tom thinks I'm a pussy. Tudom, mi a bajod. I know what's wrong with you. I know what's wrong with you. Holnaputántól a feleségem vagy. After tomorrow, you'll be my wife. You're my wife from the day after tomorrow. Miks mina? Why me? Why me? Ma kirjutan kirja. I'm writing a letter. I'll write a letter. Az álmok valóra váltak. Dreams came true. Dreams have come true. Szerintem mindenki éhes. I think everybody's hungry. I think everyone's hungry. Katso sormiani. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Ma nem kell dolgoznod. You don't need to work today. You don't have to work today. Onko eläimillä sieluja? Do animals have souls? Do animals have souls? Tom jól főz? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom cooking well? Jos se olisi minusta kiinni, niin antaisin sinulle ylennyksen. I'd give you a raise if it were up to me. If it were up to me, I'd give you a promotion. Jobban szereted a kávét. You prefer coffee. You prefer coffee. Lainasin Tomille minun sateenvarjoni. I lent Tom my umbrella. I borrowed my umbrella for Tom. Légy nagyon boldog! Be very happy. Be very happy. Käräytin Tomin flirttailemassa vaimoni kanssa. I caught Tom flirting with my wife. I had Tom flirt with my wife. Sinun kaltaisesi ihmiset pilaavat asiat kaikilta. It's people like you who are ruining it for everyone else. People like you ruin things for everyone. Anna minun auttaa sinua, jos se on tarpeen. Let me help you, if necessary. Let me help you if you need it. Tomilla ei ollut aikaa saada tarinaa päätökseen. Tom had no time to finish the story. Tom didn't have time to finish the story. Nem lesz egyszerű. It's going to be tricky. It won't be easy. Luulen niin. I think so. I think so. Me emme tee mitään. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. Hívj csak Tominak. Just call me Tom. Call me Tomi. Maga nem az én főnököm. You're not the boss of me. You're not my boss. Luoja yksin tietää, minne hän on mennyt. God knows where he fled. God alone knows where he's gone. Mi a baja? What's his problem? What's wrong with him? Az én országomban nehéz németül tanulni. In my country, it's difficult to learn German. It's hard to study German in my country. Egy hétig fog esni, ha holnap nem áll el. It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow. It'll fall for a week if it doesn't stop tomorrow. En tiedä mitä sanoisin. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. Szerintem személyesen kellene bemenned. I think you need to go in person. I think you should go in in person. Tomi kaatoi kolmeen lasiin viiniä. Tom poured wine into three glasses. Tom poured three glasses of wine. Sa andsid endast parima. You did your best. You did your best. Toivon Tomin pitävän minusta. I hope Tom likes me. I hope Tom likes me. Kohtume homme. See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Izgatottan várom az indulást, és készen állok. I'm excited and ready to go. I look forward to it, and I'm ready. Az anyósom egy öregek otthonában él. My mother-in-law lives in an old people's home. My mother-in-law lives in an old man's home. Tom lukee. Tom is reading. Tom's reading. Segítenünk kellene egymásnak. We ought to help each other. We should help each other. Mikä häpeä! Shameful! What a shame! Minden hajónak szüksége van egy kapitányra. Every ship needs a captain. Every ship needs a captain. Ez a virág kék. This flower is blue. This flower is blue. Ez nem újdonság. That's nothing new. It's not new. Hyvien pisteiden eteen tarvitsee työskennellä kovasti. One needs to work hard to get a good score. There's a lot of work to do for good points. Ó, Istenem, ez pokolian fáj! Oh my God! It hurts like hell! Oh, my God, that hurts like hell! Tom folyamatosan ellentmond saját magának. Tom constantly contradicts himself. Tom keeps contradicting himself. Heippa! Hi! Bye! Tomi nem fog hallgatni erről. Tom won't shut up about it. Tomi won't listen to this. Kuka isänne on? Who is your father? Who's your father? Toivon, että voit tehdä jotakin auttaaksesi minua. I hope you can do something to help me out. I hope you can do something to help me. Hän ehti. He made it. He made it. Ez mire jó? What is it for? What's that for? Ez éppen annyira művészet, mint amennyire tudomány. It's as much an art as it is a science. It's as much art as science. Ez a könyv elképesztő. This book is amazing. This book is amazing. Minä juopottelen liian paljon! I drink too much! I drink too much! Tudjuk, hogy beteg vagy. We know you're sick. We know you're sick. Mikor fordult elő utoljára, hogy emlékeztetned kellett engem valami elvégzésére? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? When was the last time that you had to remind me of something to do? Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez törött. I'm pretty sure it's broken. I'm sure it's broken. Sõda algas kolm aastat hiljem. The war began three years later. The war started three years later. Hän särki pähkinöitä. He cracked nuts. He broke nuts. Kelle sõber ta on? Whose friend is he? Whose friend is he? John szeret sakkozni. John likes chess. John likes chess. Tomi on aina ollut itsepäinen. Tom has always been stubborn. Tom's always been stubborn. Hobused on loomad. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Azért jöttem, hogy a kutyámat elhozzam. I'm here to get my dog. I'm here to bring my dog. Ma jään õhtuni. I'll stay until evening. I'm staying till nightfall. Tomi on minulle velkaa kolmesataa dollaria. Tom owes me three hundred dollars. Tom owes me $300. ”Onko sinulla nälkä.” ”Minulla on aina nälkä.” "Are you hungry?" "I'm always hungry." “You’re hungry.” “I’m always hungry.” Nem tudta, mit kezdjen a problémával. She didn't know what to do with the problem. He didn't know what to do with the problem. Helyes a mondat. The sentence is OK. That's the right sentence. Melkein kaikki olivat kuolleita. Almost everyone was dead. Almost everyone was dead. Tom szülei csak a gyerekek kedvéért maradtak együtt. Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the children. Tom's parents stayed together just for the sake of the kids. Szerinted mit jelent ez a mondat? What do you think this sentence means? What do you think that phrase means? Tárgyalásokat folytattunk a társasággal. We continued negotiations with the company. We've been negotiating with the company. Tässä ravintolassa ei saa tupakoida. Smoking isn't allowed in this restaurant. You can't smoke in this restaurant. Roomajate kehad on soomustega kaetud. The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales. The bodies of the Romans are covered in armor. Tämä on aikamoinen paikka. This is quite a place. This is quite a place. Munka után édes a pihenés. The remembrance of past labour is pleasant. After work, it's a sweet rest. Tomi leikkii poikansa kanssa. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Tomi lainaa usein rahaa Marilta. Tom often borrows money from Mary. Tomi often borrows money from Mari. Mi történt utána? What happened then? What happened after that? Eddig észre sem vettem, hogy ez mennyire fontos neked. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this was to you. Hozd magaddal a diákigazolványodat. Bring your student ID card. Get your student ID. Vahtisitko lapsia sillä aikaa kun käyn ulkona? Will you take care of the children while I'm out? Would you mind watching the kids while I go outside? Нимкодь тӧдмасьны. Nice to meet you. It has been said. Dani megtudta, hogy Linda elhunyt. Dan was informed that Linda had passed away. Dani found out Linda was dead. On Tomin syntymäpäivä. It's Tom's birthday. It's Tom's birthday. Tom nem eszik annyit, mint Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Sinun täytyy vain käskeä Tomia lähtemään. All you have to do is tell Tom to leave. All you have to do is tell Tom to leave. Palasin koulusta. I returned from school. I'm back from school. Ihminen ei ole saari, yksilöolio, vaan jokainen on palanen mannerta. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. Man is not an island, an individual being, but each one is a piece of continent. Figyelmeztettem Tomit. I warned Tom. I warned Tom. Kun sinä ajat, pitäisi sinun keskittyä tiehen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you drive, you should focus on the road. Azonnal elindulunk, amint eláll az eső. We'll leave as soon as it quits raining. We'll leave as soon as the rain stops. A találkozón kellett volna lennem. I should have been at that meeting. I should have been at the meeting. Két éjszakára maradok. I will be staying for two nights. I'll stay for two nights. Ihmisen voi alistaa pelolla. Man can be subdued through fear. You can subdue a man with fear. Tom a legidősebb fiunk. Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our oldest son. Tom tahtis et see oleks üllatus. Tom wanted this to be a surprise. Tom wanted it to be a surprise. Vedä suora viiva. Draw a straight line. Pull a straight line. Mu isa töötab tehases. My father works at a factory. My dad works at the factory. Tomi autóval megy munkába. Tom drives to work. Tomi's taking a car to work. Valaki ellopta a pénzemet. Someone has stolen my money. Someone stole my money. Älä luovuta ilman taistelua. Don't give up without a fight. Don't give up without a fight. Kérek egy lifthez közeli szobát. Give me a room near the elevator. I need a room near the elevator. Tomin vitsit ovat ratkiriemukkaita ja ne vain paranevat, kun Tom on juonot pari olutta. Tom's jokes are hilarious and get even better after he's had a few beers. Tom's jokes are funny, and they're just gonna get better when Tom's a couple of beers. Küldtem nektek virágot. I sent you some flowers. I sent you flowers. Ma tahaksin sind oma naisele tutvustada. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. En tiedä pystynkö siihen, mutta minä koetan. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm trying. Nem akarom, hogy a fiam olyan legyen, mint te. I don't want my son to be like you. I don't want my son to be like you. Tomi on surkea suutelija. Tom is a lousy kisser. Tomi's a lousy kisser. Pidetään pieni tauko. Let's take a short break. Let's take a break. Miten vaimollasi menee? How's your wife? How's your wife? Olen iloinen että se toimi. I'm glad it worked. I'm glad it worked. Tomi astui pois. Tom stepped away. Tom's gone. Ta ei saanud minust aru. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. Az eszperantó bármely szava könnyedén olvasható. Any word in Esperanto is easy to read. Any word of Esperanto can be read easily. Mennyire vagy éhes? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Pǟvan um kakškimdõ nēļa stuņdõ. A day has twenty-four hours. The påvan um kakškimdõ nèåa stuïdõ. Tämä romaani antaa hyvin kaunistelevan kuvan mustalaiskiertolaisista. This novel presents a very romantic account of Gypsy vagabonds. This novel gives a very beautiful picture of the Gypsy circlers. Se oli virhe. That was a mistake. It was a mistake. Hänestä tulee hyvä lääkäri. He will become a good doctor. He's gonna be a good doctor. Egy ötágú csillag volt az a figura, amit a gyerek a papírra rajzolt. The figure the child drew on the paper was a five-pointed star. A five-dimensional star was the figure the kid drew on the paper. Hän muutti takaisin vanhempiensa kanssa. She moved back with her parents. He moved back with his parents. Tämä on Tomin likainen pikku salaisuus. This is Tom's dirty little secret. This is Tom's dirty little secret. Hän huusi apua suureen ääneen. He gave a loud cry for help. He cried out loud for help. Hän yleensä käyttää kynsisaksia. She usually uses nail scissors. He usually wears nails. Vizet forralunk. We are boiling water. We're rolling water. Puhu! Talk! Speak! On viilentynyt. It has cooled off. It's cold. Missä he asuvat? Where do they live? Where do they live? Tomi kuoli onnettomuudessa. Tom died in an accident. Tomi died in an accident. Kaikki hymyilivät. Everyone smiled. Everybody smiled. Jaj, ne! Már megint ő az. Oh no, it's her again. Oh, no, it's him again. Ei etsitä ongelmia. Let's not look for problems. Let's not look for any problems. Amikor összeházasodtunk, a szüleim ezt a házat adták nekem. When we married my parents gave me this house. When we were married, my parents gave me this house. Ez egy fekete ló. The horse is black. It's a black horse. Aludj valamennyit, ha tudsz. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Tom kedveli a képregényeket. Tom likes comics. Tom likes comic books. Seurusteletteko te kaksi? Are you two going out together? Are you two dating? Tom a párnája alá tette a fegyverét. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Koska valkoihoisuuden geenit ovat mutaatioita alkuperäisistä perintötekijöistä — ja miehet mutaatioita alkuperäisistä naisista — voimmeko viimeinkin vastata kysymykseen: onko Jumala musta? Vastaus on kyllä, Jumalatar on musta. Because the white genes are mutations of the genes of the original men of color — and males are mutations of the original females — we can finally answer the question Is God black? The answer is Yes, She is. Since the genes of whiteness are mutations of original heritage — and men mutations of original women — can we finally answer the question: Is God black? The answer is yes, the goddess is black. Ajatteletko vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? A mérkőzést esőben is lejátsszák. The game will be held even if it rains. The match is played in the rain. Tom elveszett. Tom became lost. Tom's lost. Elég tőkéjük van ahhoz, hogy felépítsenek egy mások gyárat. They have enough capital to establish another factory. They have enough capital to build another factory. Azért telefonálok, hogy köszönetet mondjak. I'm calling to thank you. I'm calling to say thank you. Lentoyhtiö lähettää matkatavaranne määränpäähänne joko välittömästi tai myöhemmin, mikäli asiakas niin haluaa. The airline makes sure to send luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or at a later date, at the passenger's choice. The airline will send your baggage to your destination either immediately or later if the customer so wishes. Szerintem valami nincs rendben. I think something is wrong. I think something's wrong. Hogyan kommunikálnak a csecsemők a szüleikkel? How do babies communicate with their parents? How do infants communicate with their parents? Ha nem ment meg a bátyám, megfulladtam volna. If my brother hadn't helped me, I would've drowned. If I hadn't saved my brother, I would have drowned him. Tudom, ki sérült meg. I know who got injured. I know who's hurt. Tomi azt mondta, szuper volt. Tom said it was cool. Tomi said it was great. Három hónappal ezelőtt összeházasodtak. They got married three months ago. They got married three months ago. A csomagjaikat átvizsgálták a biztonsági őrök a kapunál. Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate. Your bags have been checked by security guards at the gate. Nagyon jól érezzük magunkat. We have a lot of fun. We're having a great time. Verenpainemittari on tärkeä dignostinen väline. The sphygmomanometer is an important diagnostic instrument. The blood pressure meter is an important digital tool. Hol van a mosdó? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? Uusi verolaki on täynnä porsaanreikiä. The new tax law is full of loopholes. The new tax law is full of loopholes. Rajtad áll. It is up to you. It's up to you. Tom rakastaa häntä. Tom loves him. Tom loves her. Oletko saanut shekin? Have you received the cheque? You got a check? Tomilla on kolme serkkua. Tom has three cousins. Tom has three cousins. Tom oli tarpeeksi tyhmä uskoakseen Maryä. Tom was stupid enough to believe Mary. Tom was stupid enough to believe Mary. Szeptember 3-án Los Angelesből Szöulba fogok utazni egy barátommal. On September 3rd, I will go from Los Angeles to Seoul with a friend. On September 3 from Los Angeles, I will travel to Seoul with a friend. Ő barátságos velünk. He is very friendly to us. He's friendly with us. Mindig késtek. You are always late. They're always late. Hän on rumilus. She's a dog. He's an ugly guy. Milloin olet menossa Eurooppaan? When are you going to Europe? When are you going to Europe? Én tudom, hogy Tom boldog. I know Tom is happy. I know Tom's happy. Olkaa kilttejä. Be kind. Please. Ők mért vannak itt? Why are they here? Why are they here? Sano terveisiä Tomille, kun näet hänet. When you see Tom, tell him I said hello. Say hi to Tom when you see him. Ez akkor történt, amikor ő kint volt. It happened that he was out. This happened when he was outside. Haluatko sinä jutella? Do you want to talk? Do you want to talk? A leves nagyon forró. The soup's very hot. The soup is really hot. Nézd, mit tettél velem! Look at what you've done to me. Look what you've done to me. Pidän piirretyistä. I like cartoons. I like cartoons. Tomi on jatko-opiskelija. Tom is a doctoral student. Tom's a graduate student. A gulyás belépett a csehóba. The cowboy entered the saloon. The gourmet has entered the sheath. Me halumme vain sinut. We only want you. All we want is you. Hän oli keski-ikäinen nainen. She was a middle-aged woman. She was a middle-aged woman. Nem Tom a nevem. My name isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Hogy a csudába várhatnád el, hogy ezért én fizessek? How in the world do you expect me to pay this? How the hell can you expect me to pay for that? Kezd beborulni. It's getting cloudy. It's starting to freak out. Kone törmäsi maahan. The plane crashed. The plane crashed into the ground. Nämä ovat kaikki minun kirjojani. All of these books are mine. These are all my books. Miten hänen nimensä sanotaan? How do you pronounce her name? What's his name? Nem ez a helyes megoldás. It is not the correct solution. It's not the right thing to do. Tom on pakolainen. Tom is a fugitive. Tom's a fugitive. Nukuin hyvät yöunet. I had a good night's sleep. I had a good night's sleep. Ole kiltti ja lopeta laulaminen. Please stop singing! Please stop singing. A mókusok megőrjítenek. Squirrels drive me nuts. The squirrels are driving me crazy. Olet kiltti, kun sanot noin. You're kind to say so. You're kind when you say that. Döntést hoztam. I made a decision. I made a decision. Maailma ympärilläsi on... vähän ystävällisempi... jopa enemmän kuin luulet. The world around you is ... just a little kinder ... even more than you think. The world around you is... a little more friendly... even more than you think. Voisinko käyttää puhelintasi? Could I please use your phone? Can I use your phone? A tanító magasság szerint állította sorba a gyerekeket. The teacher lined the children up in order of height. The teacher put the children in line according to their heights. Haluan näyttää sinulle jotakin toimistossani. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Mul on kolm kassi. I have three cats. I have three cats. Szerencsés voltál. You were lucky. You were lucky. Bármit is teszel, ne mondd el Tamásnak. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Whatever you do, don't tell Tamás. Onko tämä sinun mielenkiintoinen kirjasi? Is this your interesting book? Is this your interesting book? Tudtam, hogy Tom tud valamit. I knew Tom knew something. I knew Tom knew something. Kas rahvused on inimühiskonna evolutsiooni viimane aste? Are nations the last stage of evolution in human society? Are nations the final stage of the evolution of human society? Nem érsz rá most? Are you busy now? Don't you have time for this? Tegnap este elszundikáltam a tévé előtt. Last night I began to nod off in front of the TV. I took a nap last night in front of the TV. A mormon hittérítők párban dolgoznak. Mormon missionaries work in pairs. Mormon convertors work in pairs. Ezt a világot gonosz erők irányítják. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is governed by evil forces. Oli myös toinen ongelma. There was another problem. There was another problem. En kadu elämässäni mitään. I regret nothing of my life. I regret nothing in my life. Megpróbálok sokkal óvatosabb lenni mostantól. I'm going to try to be much more careful from now on. I'm trying to be more careful from now on. Tom épp most jött meg. Tom just arrived. Tom just got here. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä seuraavaksi? What should I do next? What am I supposed to do next? Man båeries datne? How old are you? Man båers date? Tom kieltäytyi menemästä. Tom refused to go. Tom refused to go. Ki ez a fiatal ember ? Who is this young man? Who is this young man? Aafrika on inimkonna häll. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is a fool of mankind. Ne próbáld megjátszani az ártatlant. Don't try to play innocent. Don't try to pretend to be innocent. Adni fogok neked egy biciklit a születésnapodra. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'm gonna give you a bike for your birthday. Nem utasíthattam vissza. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't refuse. Sisältyykö se hintaan? Is it included in the price? Is it included in the price? A mobiltelefonjára pillantott és észrevette, hogy már háromnegyed kettő van. She looked at her cell phone and noticed that it was already a quarter till two. He looked at his cell phone and noticed he had three-quarters of two. Rauhaa. Peace. Peace. Tomi on vakuuttunut siitä, että yhdessä edellisistä elämistään hän oli orava. Tom is convinced that he once lived as a squirrel in a past life. Tomi is convinced that he was a squirrel with his previous life. Tudod, hol van a buszmegálló? Do you know where the bus-stop is? Do you know where the bus stop is? Tom halusi yllättää Maryn. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Tšekk, palun. Check, please. Czech Republic, please. Ha sikerrel jár, az amerikaiak elvesztik a hitelességüket. If he succeeds, Americans will lose credibility. If you succeed, the Americans will lose their credibility. Hän on mitä kaunein nainen. She's the most beautiful woman. She's the most beautiful woman. Tom myi autonsa Marille kolmella sadalla dollarilla. Tom sold his car to Mary for three hundred dollars. Tom sold his car to Mari for three hundred dollars. Hän eli seitsemänkymmentä vuotta vanhaksi. She lived to be seventy years old. He lived seventy years old. Fokról fokra jutott el az elnöki székig. He made his way to presidency step by step. It got to a degree to the president's seat. Tom halusi antaa itsensä ilmi poliisille. Tom wanted to turn himself in to the police. Tom wanted to turn himself in to the police. On mitu tegurit. There are many factors. There are several factors. Minulta vaaditaan, että opiskelen hyvin. I am required to study well. I'm required to study well. Atlanttiin kaksi vuotta sitten pudonneen koneen osia on löytynyt. Two years ago in the Atlantic ocean parts of the crashed plane were found. The parts of the plane that crashed into the Atlantic two years ago have been found. Hänen kutsuttiin takaisin matkaltaan. He was called back from his trip. They called him back from his trip. Voin tehdä sen jos annat minun. I can do that if you let me. I can do it if you let me. Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan miten tämä tapahtui. I have no idea how this happened. I have no idea how this happened. Mä annoin Tomille mun taskulampun. I handed Tom my flashlight. I gave Tom my flashlight. Tomi katsoi kenkiään. Tom looked at his shoes. Tomi looked at her shoes. Ti ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Tíz marhánk van. We have ten cattle. We have ten cattle. Nyt teidän olisi parempi lähteä. You had better go now. Now you'd better go. Tom toivoi että olisi yhä naimaton. Tom wished he were still single. Tom was hoping he'd still be single. Koala on Australialle tyypillinen eläin. The koala is an animal peculiar to Australia. Koala is a typical animal in Australia. Közel volt az öngyilkossághoz. She was on the verge of killing herself. He was close to suicide. Menen Australiaan ensi vuonna. I'm going to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. Tom näki Marin ajavan uudella autollaan. Tom saw Mary driving her new car. Tom saw her driving her new car. Ő a világ legboldogabb embere. He is the happiest man on earth. He's the happiest man in the world. Voin suositella hyvää hotellia. I can recommend a good hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. Tamás nem szeret utazni. Tom doesn't like to travel. Tamás doesn't like to travel. Részemről nincs kifogás. As for me, I have no objection. No excuses for me. Arvaamaton kuin huhtikuu. Capricious as April. Unpredictable like April. Tomi on kutsuttu juhlaan. Tom is invited to the party. Tom's invited to the party. Most máshogy nézel ki. You look different. You look different now. Tomi pussas mun serkkuu. Tom kissed my cousin. Tomi kiss my cousin. Hyviä huondestu! Good morning! Good luck! Tiszta a part? Is the coast clear? Is the coast clean? Anteeksi, Tom. Onko sinulla kiire? Excuse me, Tom, are you busy? Excuse me, Tom, are you in a hurry? Anyagilag független vagyok a szüleimtől. I'm economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my parents. Suomi tarvitsee sinua. Finland needs you. Finland needs you. Pidän hänestä kaikista opettajista eniten. I like him best of all the teachers. I like him the most about all the teachers. Hän näytti rikkaalta mieheltä. He looked like a rich man. He looked like a rich man. Зарезьын островъёс вань. There are islands in the sea. Now he is told to tell people about something. Sosem találkoztam még olyan személlyel, akit rögtön rühelltem. I've never met a person that I've disliked immediately. I've never met a person I hated. Sinä voit arvata, mitä seuraavaksi tapahtui. You can guess what happened next. You can guess what happened next. Tom ei tiennyt, että Mari oli päättänyt irtisanoutua töistä. Tom didn't know Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom didn't know that Mari had decided to quit the job. Haluan, että isäni näkee sen leffan. I want my father to see the movie. I want my father to see that movie. Tudod, hogy mit mondanak. You know what they say. You know what they say. Se oli murheellinen onnettomuus. It was a tragic accident. It was a sad accident. Most ezt a mondatot olvasom. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading that sentence now. Sok fiú fut a parkban. A lot of boys are running in the park. Lots of boys running in the park. Minun täytyy lähteä. I gotta go. I have to go. Hyveellinen henkilö ei valehtele, petä tai varasta. A moral person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal. A good person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal. Sinun pitäisi ilmoittaa poliisille heti. You should notify the police at once. You should call the police right away. Meglehetősen meggyőző. It's pretty convincing. It's pretty convincing. Egyáltalán nem beszéltem Tomról. I didn't talk about Tom at all. I didn't talk about Tom at all. Tomi leikkii leluillaan. Tom is playing with his toys. Tom's playing with his toys. Sama on totta Tomin kanssa. The same holds true for Tom. The same is true with Tom. Hänen apunsa tuli viime tingassa. His help came in the nick of time. His help came in the last tingle. Tudod a nevét? Do you know her name? You know his name? Azt hittem, felrobban a fejem. I thought my head would explode. I thought my head was going to explode. Remélem, hogy Tomi kedvel engem. I hope Tom likes me. I hope Tomi likes me. Tomi az egyetlen személy, aki el tudja végezni ezt a munkát. Tom is the only person who can do this work. Tomi is the only person who can do this job. Ő még nincs itt. She's not in yet. He's not here yet. Meille tulee kiireitä. We'll be busy. We're gonna be busy. Sose veszítsd el a reményt! Never lose hope. Never lose hope. Tom elfoglalt. Tom is busy. Tom's busy. Onpa kylmä. Haluan käydä talviunille. It's cold. I want to hibernate. Oh, that's cold. A tortája remek. Your cake is delicious. Your cake's great. Minua ei kiristetä. I won't be blackmailed. I'm not being blackmailed. Segítenem kellett volna Tomnak azt megcsinálni. I should have helped Tom do that. I should have helped Tom do that. Kínos pillanat volt. That was an awkward moment. It was an awkward moment. Minulla ei ole sitä. I haven't got it. I don't have it. Minua ei haluta kuntoilla. I don't feel like exercising. They don't want me in shape. Mitä ihminen kylvää, sitä hän myös niittää. You reap what you sow. What a man sows, he also reaps. Opettaminen on oppimista. Teaching is learning. Teaching is learning. Aina kun Tom tulee paikalle, alkaa sataa. Every time Tom shows up, it rains. Every time Tom shows up, it's raining. Tomi pyysi armoa. Tom begged for mercy. Tomi asked for mercy. Se on prioriteetti. That's the priority. It's a priority. Nem fogod elhinni, mi történt ezt követően. You won’t believe what happened next. You're not gonna believe what happened after that. Minulla ei ole nyt mitään tekemistä. I have nothing to do now. I don't have anything to do right now. Legyél komoly! Get serious. Be serious. Tom ihmetteli mitä Marille tapahtui. Tom wondered what happened to Mary. Tom was wondering what happened to her. Vihdoinkin lumi suli. Finally the snow melted. At last, it's snowy. Elengednél most engem? Will you please let me go now? Can you let me go now? Ne beszéljünk! Let's not talk. Let's not talk. Onko hän ystäväni? Is she my friend? Is he my friend? Elfelejtettem a telefonszámodat. I forget your telephone number. I forgot your phone number. Se ei vain vaikuta todennäköiseltä. It just doesn't seem likely. It just doesn't seem likely. Tomi nem az a típus, aki tanul a hibáiból. Tom isn't the type of person who learns from his mistakes. Tomi's not the type to learn from her mistakes. Minun mielestäni ei ole epäilystäkään, etteikö Tom voittaisi vaaleja. There is no doubt in my mind that Tom will win the election. I think there's no doubt Tom won't win the election. Olen iloinen siitä, että haluat tukea tätä hanketta. I'm glad that you want to support this project. I'm glad you want to support this project. Asun enoni kanssa. I live with my uncle. I live with my uncle. Vuodet kuluivat. Years passed. Years passed. Senki sem látja. No one can see. No one can see it. Andoniaaneilla on sininen iho, valkoiset hiukset ja tuntosarvet. The Andorians have blue skin, white hair, and antennae. The Andonians have blue skin, white hair and sensory horns. Mi van, még hogy te tapasztalt vagy? Na, ne mondd! Az alsógatyám is öregebb nálad. Huh, you've got the experience?! Don't get me started. I have underwear older than you. Don't tell me my underpants are older than you are. Tomi näytti Marille kuvaa Jonista. Tom showed Mary a photo of John. Tomi showed her a picture of Jon. El is felejtettem. I forgot. I forgot. Kezded kapiskálni. You're getting the hang of it. You're starting to catch up. Kangastuksen sanotaan olevan harhakuva. A mirage is said to be an illusion. The fabric is said to be an illusion. Tulen takaisin tunnin päästä. I will be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Kaksi lasta istuu aidalla. Two children are sitting on the wall. Two kids are sitting on the fence. Ӧні кытӧн Ті олат? Where do you live now? Are you sure? See pole ainus asi, mis ma tegema pean. I have not only that to do. It's not the only thing I have to do. Úgy ismeri New Yorkot, mint a saját tenyerét. He knows New York inside out. He knows New York like he knows his own hand. En syyttäisi Tomia. I wouldn't blame Tom. I wouldn't blame Tom. А мезень кис. You are welcome. Nevertheless, she “kept all these things. ” Jos teen poikkeuksen kohdallasi, kaikki muut odottavat samanlaista kohtelua. If I make an exception for you, everyone will expect the same treatment. If I make an exception for you, everyone else will expect similar treatment. Irrota hänet! Release him! Untie him! Se ei ollut totta. That wasn't true. It wasn't true. Tamásnak vannak rokonai Bostonban. Tom has relatives in Boston. Tamás has relatives in Boston. Aloittakaa nyt. Start now. Start now. Кытӧн кассаыс? Where is the cash register? Is there any attitude against that person? See on kogukonnale kasulik. That will benefit the community. It's good for the community. Nem tudtad? Didn't you know? You didn't know? Udvariasan meghajoltam. I bowed politely. I bended politely. On taottava kun rauta on kuumaa. You must strike while the iron is hot. We have to stop it when the iron's hot. Tämä saattaa olla Tomin sateenvarjo. This might be Tom's umbrella. This could be Tom's umbrella. Észrevettem, hogy a papucsomat hordja. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. I noticed you're wearing my slippers. Haluaisin pyytää palvelusta. I'd like to ask a favor. I'd like to ask you a favor. Kuusi tulee palamaan. Your moon shall burn. Six will burn. Köszönöm, hogy nem mondtad, hogy "én megmondtam". Thanks for not saying "I told you so." Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Nyt minun täytyy lähteä. I must leave now. Now I have to go. Ki marad? Who's staying? Who's staying? Ez az igazi ok. That's the true reason. That's the real reason. Jokainen meistä on kuin kuu: meissä on pimeä puolemme, jota emme anna muiden nähdä. Each of us is like the moon: there is a dark side of us that we do not let others see. Each of us is like the moon: we have the dark side that we do not allow others to see. Nem hibáztathatlak. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. Tom teeskles, et ta on arst. Tom impersonated a doctor. Tom pretended to be a doctor. Se ei ole Tom. That's not Tom. It's not Tom. Mikrobiologia kiinnostaa Samia. Sami is interested in microbiology. Microbiology is of interest to Sam. Életem hátralevő részében Bostonban akarok élni. I'd like to live in Boston for the rest of my life. I want to live in Boston for the rest of my life. Tom sai fiksun idean. Tom had a bright idea. Tom got a smart idea. Meglátogattam az apám sírját. I've visited my father's grave. I visited my father's grave. Tetszik ez a nyakkendő? Do you like this tie? Do you like this tie? He kerääntyivät leiritulen ympärille. They gathered around the campfire. They gathered around the campfire. A fény vonzza a bogarakat. Light attracts bugs. The light attracts the bugs. Egy hónappal ezelőtt ment Londonba. He went to London a month ago. He went to London a month ago. Onko sinulla kaksoissiskoa? Do you have a twin sister? Do you have a twin sister? Történjen bármi, a levelet kézbesíteni fogják. Come what may, the mail will get delivered. Whatever happens, the letter will be delivered. A film után folytatjuk. We’ll continue after the film. We'll continue after the movie. Úgy látom, már csináltad ezt korábban. I can see you've done that before. Looks like you've done this before. Tom kävi satunnaisesti tapaamassa Marya tämän vanhempien talossa. Tom occasionally visited Mary at her parents' house. Tom randomly came to see Mary at this parents' house. Szükségem van egy ollóra. I need a pair of scissors. I need a scissors. Prostikkua? Excuse me? Prostics? Hisz a férfi ártatlanságában. She believes that he is innocent. He's innocent. Ma ei tea kas ta on minust noorem või vanem. I don't know whether he's younger or older than me. I don't know if he's younger than me or older. Perheellä oli kovat ajat sodan jälkeen. The family had a hard time after the war. The family had a rough time after the war. Miért akarna Tom segíteni nekem? Why would Tom want to help me? Why would Tom want to help me? Szerintem ismered a szabályokat. I think you know the rules. I think you know the rules. Tom on rikoksen ainoa todistaja. Tom is the only witness to the crime. Tom is the only witness in the crime. Bizonyára Máriáról gondoskodik most Tomi. I guess Tom is looking after Mary. She must be taking care of Mary now, Tomi. Anteeksi, mutta minulla ei ole pikkurahaa. I'm sorry, but I don't have any small change. I'm sorry, but I don't have any change. Kuuntele. Listen. Listen. Azonnal mondd el, amire kíváncsi vagyok. Now, tell me what I want to know. Tell me what I'm curious about right now. Nem fogom elfelejteni. I won't forget. I won't forget. Kukaan hänen oppilaistaan ei osannut ratkaista tehtävää. None of his students could solve the problem. None of his students could solve the mission. Tundub, et teine korrus on banketisaal. It looks like the second floor is a banquet hall. Looks like the second floor is a banquet hall. Olyan volt számomra, mint egy apa. He has been like a father to me. It was like a father to me. Pidän kissoista. I like cats. I like cats. He eivät ole kiinnostuneita muista kielistä. They are not interested in other languages. They're not interested in other languages. Tom csak egyszer mos egy héten hajat. Tom only washes his hair once a week. Tom only washes hair once a week. Soitan sopiakseni tapaamisesta kanssasi. I am calling to make an appointment with you. I'm calling to set up a meeting with you. Kello on edellä. The clock is fast. The clock's ahead. Számomra Tom elég normálisnak látszik. Tom looks pretty normal to me. Tom seems pretty normal to me. Haluan sinun tekevän sen heti. I want you to do it at once. I want you to do it now. Erre van szükséged. You need this. That's what you need. Tamás egy gyűjtögető. Tom is a packrat. Tamás is a collector. Jokhaiselle häyttyy anttaat semmoisen sosiaalisen ja internasjunaalin oorningin missä tämän deklarasjuunin oikkeuet ja vaphauet saatethaan täyesti tehhä toelisiksi. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. There will be an alarming of such a social and internasJonaal orning where the ramifications of this declarasjuon and the bravest steps will be brought to the full. Végzetes? Is it fatal? Is it fatal? Segíthetek, uram? Can I help you, sir? Can I help you, sir? Szól a telefon! The phone is ringing. The phone's ringing! Nad vaatavad. They are watching. They're watching. Piszkos a nadrágod. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. Tomilla on paljon vaihtoehtoja. Tom has plenty of options. Tom has a lot of options. Kas see on armastus? Is this love? Is that love? Tomilla on lyhyt pinna ja hän räjähtää pienimmästäkin ärsykkeestä. Tom's got a short fuse and flies off the handle at the drop of a hat. Tom has a short surface, and he explodes from even the smallest irritant. Pysy paikoillasi. Keep still. Stay where you are. Sinä olet upea. You're gorgeous. You're amazing. Tom múlt pénteken randevúzott Mérivel. Tom had a date with Mary last Friday. Tom was dating Mimi last Friday. Missä tämän sukan pari on? Where is the mate to this sock? Where's the pair of these socks? Ma ei pea minema — ma tahan minna. I don't have to go-I want to go. I don't have to go — I want to go. Tom meg fogja szerezni. Tom will get it. Tom's gonna get it. Kartta on seinällä. The map is on the wall. The map's on the wall. Jó okod van rá, hogy dühös legyél. You have good reason to be angry. You have good reason to be angry. Szemeid a csillagokra emlékeztetnek. Your eyes remind me of stars. They remind you of the stars. Olen utelias. I am curious. I'm curious. Hänen talonsa on sillan toisella puolella. His house is on the other side of the bridge. His house is on the other side of the bridge. Tom kiment. Tom went out. Tom's gone. Tomi katsoo televisiota koko ajan. Tom watches TV all the time. Tom's watching TV all the time. Käristy. Fry. Come on. Hän käy harvoin leffassa. He rarely goes to the movies. He rarely goes to a movie. Hyvvää aamuu! Morning! Good morning! Hän jää Tokioon useiksi viikoiksi. He will stay in Tokyo for several weeks. She's staying in Tokyo for weeks. Kass loeb raamatut. The cat is reading a book. The cat reads the book. Mary mondta, hogy hamarosan távozna. Mary said that she would depart soon. Mary said she'd be leaving soon. Éjfél után egy órával aludtam el tegnap éjjel. I slept at an hour past midnight last night. I fell asleep an hour after midnight last night. Samoin kuin isänsä, Tomi on taiteilija. Tom is an artist like his father. Like his father, Tomi is an artist. Sattuuko tämä? Is this going to hurt? Is this gonna hurt? Mit tettetek Tomival? What've you done with Tom? What have you done to Tomi? Saanko koskea tätä? May I touch this? May I touch this? Arra született, hogy szerkesztő legyen. He was born to be an editor. He was born to be an editor. Kukaan ei välitä, mitä Tomille tapahtuu. Nobody cares what happens to Tom. No one cares what happens to Tom. Kiitos neuvosta. Thanks for the advice. Thanks for the advice. Ma tahan mõõka nagu see siin! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! Később megmagyarázom. I'll explain afterwards. I'll explain later. Nem sokat utazom. I don't travel very much. I don't travel much. Minulla oli oudoin ajatus koskaan. I had the strangest thought ever. I had the weirdest idea ever. Tomi tahtoo viettää aikaa Marin kanssa. Tom wants to spend time with Mary. Tom wants to spend some time with Mari. Remélem, nem bánod, ha korán elmegyek. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. Él még ez a hal? Is this fish still alive? Is this fish still alive? Nagyon szeretem őt. I like him very much. I love her so much. Nincs erre példánk. We have no such example. We don't have an example of that. Yritä sinäkin vähän! You make an effort too! Why don't you give it a try? En pysty menemään eteenpäin. I can't go any further. I can't move on. Talált nekem egy szép nyakkendőt. She found a nice tie for me. He found me a nice tie. Tomi tudta mi Mari titka. Tom knew what Mary's secret was. Tomi knew what Mari's secret was. Viselkedjetek. Behave yourselves. Behave. Csak te kellesz nekem. I only need you. I just need you. Tēriņtš! Hello! Tēri's-a-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- Tomi uhrasi henkensä meidän vuoksemme. Tom sacrificed his life for us. Tomi sacrificed his life for us. Terroristit kaappasivat toimittajan. The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. The terrorists kidnapped the reporter. Aliarvioit Tomin. You underestimated Tom. You underestimated Tom. Et sinä niin huono ollut. You weren't that bad. You weren't that bad. Pidän molemmista. I like both. I like both. Bőven van víz. There's plenty of water. There's plenty of water. Olet häpeäpilkku. You're a disgrace. You're a disgrace. Siellä on jäljellä vain yksi lihapurkki. There is only one can of meat left. There's only one meat can left. En kuule sinua kovin hyvin. I can't hear you very well. I don't hear you very well. Ha elég pénzem lenne, megvenném a könyvet. If I had enough money, I would buy the book. If I had enough money, I'd buy the book. Kuinka monta kitaratuntia sinulla on ollut toistaiseksi? How many guitar lessons have you had so far? How many guitar lessons have you had so far? Minun täytyi kävellä sinne, koska autoni meni rikki. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. A foglalkozása fogorvos. He is a dentist by profession. Your profession is a dentist. Älä suotta murehdi. Don't worry! Don't worry. Jó vagy a főzésben? Are you good at cooking? Are you good at cooking? Mistä siinä oli oikein kyse? What was it all about? What was that all about? Upeaa! Great! That's great! Tom ei pystynyt puolustautumaan. Tom wasn't able to defend himself. Tom couldn't defend himself. Tom tulee parantamaan. Tom'll improve. Tom's gonna get better. Mitä sä höpiset? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Mä söin aamiaisen mun parvekkeella. I ate breakfast on my balcony. I ate breakfast on my balcony. Ei meillä ole mitään salattavaa. We have nothing to hide. We have nothing to hide. Olisin voinut tehdä saman asian. I might've done the same thing. I could have done the same thing. Tulemme olemaan onnellisia. We'll be happy. We're gonna be happy. Tom läikytti maidon. Tom spilled the milk. Tom spilled milk. Pénzre van szükségem. I need some money. I need money. Hol van az órám? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? Mene takaisin sinne mistä olet tullutkin. Just go back to wherever it is you came from. Go back to where you came from. En ole töissä täällä. I don't work here. I don't work here. Úgy tűnik, hazudik. It seems that he's lying. Looks like he's lying. Követned kellett volna Tomi parancsait. You should've followed Tom's orders. You should have followed Tomi's orders. Csöngessük meg! Let's call him. Let's ring it. Ette saa koskaan tietää, jos ette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Tomikin näki sen. Tom also saw it. Tomi saw it too. A kutyád nagyon nagy. Your dog is very big. Your dog's really big. Tomin sydän on särkynyt. Tom is heartbroken. Tom's heart is broken. Se ei vaikuta niin absurdilta. It doesn't seem so absurd. It doesn't seem so absurd. Ma tahan rootsikeelset raamatut. I want a book in Swedish. I want a Swedish book. Ezek a fiaiméi. These are my sons'. These are his sons. Otthon van. He is at home. He's home. Voltál valaha pisztrángot fogni? Have you ever been trout fishing? Have you ever caught a fiddle? Tomi ei saanut unta, joten hän nousi vuoteesta ja meni kävelylle. Tom couldn't fall asleep so he got up and took a walk. Tom couldn't sleep, so he got out of bed and went for a walk. Ajatteletteko te vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? Mindenképpen saját magad csináld! Do it yourself by all means. Make it your own. Tudod, ez vicces. It's funny, you know. You know, that's funny. Mitä teette? What're you doing? What are you doing? Jó neveltetésben részesült. He received a good education. He was well educated. Muistathan herättää minut huomenna aamulla kuudelta. Please remember to wake me up at six tomorrow morning. You remember to wake me up tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. Sámuel hadar. Sami is talking too fast. Samuel's war. Tartsunk egy kis szünetet! Let's take a short pause. Let's take a break. Olen kipeä. I'm sick. I'm sick. Nem tudok repülni. I can't fly. I can't fly. Miért foglalkozzunk azzal, hogy mi történik a halálunk után? Why should we care what happens after we are dead? Why should we deal with what happens after we die? Se oli Tomin. It was Tom's. It was Tom's. Nyisd ki az üveget! Open the bottle. Open the bottle! Katsokaa ympärillenne. Look around. Look around you. Egy bizonyos öreg asszonyt keresek. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for an old woman. Tämä loota ei mahdu matkalaukkuuni. This box won't fit in my suitcase. This doesn't fit my suitcase. A húga egy jól ismert tv-sztár. His younger sister is a well-known TV star. Your sister is a well-known TV star. Édesanyád otthon van? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Elképesztő utazás volt. It's been an amazing journey. It was an amazing trip. Siitäkö haluat puhua kanssani? Is that what you want to talk to me about? Is that what you want to talk to me about? Valamit meg kell tennem. There's something I have to do. There's something I need to do. Húzzál innen! Go away! Get out of here! Ne kritizálj engem! Don't keep criticizing me! Don't criticize me. Palun andeks... Sorry... I'm sorry. Ma lähen Saksamaale oma peigmehele külla. I'm going to Germany to visit my boyfriend. I'm going to visit my boyfriend in Germany. Bahá'i hitű vagyok. I am a Bahá'í. I'm Baha'i. A mondat rendben van. The sentence is OK. The sentence's fine. Kellemes hangja van. He has a pleasant voice. She has a nice voice. Tomi varasti pyöräsi. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. Tämä on hieno asunto. This is a nice apartment. This is a great apartment. Mitähän tekisin, jos teetä ei olisi olemassa? What would I do if tea didn't exist? I wonder what I'd do if there wasn't tea. Meidän täytyy kertoa Tomille mihin hän voi pysäköidä autonsa. We need to tell Tom where to park his car. We need to tell Tom where he can park his car. Remélem, hogy hamarosan esni fog! I hope it will rain soon! I hope it rains soon. Otthon vannak. They're at home. They're home. Tom ei voinut olla ajattelematta Maria. Tom could not help but think about Mary. Tom couldn't help thinking about Mary. Metsästäminen ei ollut niin hauskaa kuin mitä luulin sen olevan. Hunting wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Hunting wasn't as fun as I thought it was. Mulle on üpris selge, et see on tõde. It's quite clear to me that this is the truth. It's quite clear to me that this is the truth. Tom huuhteli saippuan pois hiuksistaan. Tom rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. Tom rinsed the soap out of his hair. Menj át a narancssárga ajtón! Go through the orange door. Go through the orange door. Tom ei käytä alusvaatteita tänään. Tom's going commando today. Tom's not wearing underwear today. Még nem született döntés. The jury is still out. It's not a decision yet. Kanadassa puhutaan englantia ja ranskaa. In Canada they speak English and French. In Canada, they speak English and French. Maradj távol! Stay away from here. Stay away! Palun kiirusta. Please hurry. Please hurry. Soita ambulanssi. Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. Hol van a legközelebbi bank? Where's the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Rakd ki a szemetet! Take the garbage out. Put out the trash! Kérem, bocsássa meg, hogy olyan régóta nem írtam. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Please forgive me if I haven't written in so long. Csak időpocsékolás volt mindannyiunk számára. It was a waste of time for all of us. It was just a waste of time for all of us. Maradj velünk pár napig! Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Elkészült a kávé. The coffee's ready. Coffee's ready. Kylmät, kosteat päivät ovat pahaksi terveydelle. Cold, damp days are bad for your health. Cold, wet days are bad for health. Nem vagyok jól megfizetve. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not well paid. Söö kuni ta on veel kuum. Eat, while it's still hot. Eat while he's still hot. He eivät halua sinun tietävän. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to know. Tom ei ole koskaan opiskellut ranskaa. Tom has never studied French. Tom's never studied French. Megmutatná az útlevelét, kérem? Will you show me your passport, please? Can you show me your passport, please? Tomi antoi Marille palan suklaata. Tom gave Mary a piece of chocolate. Tomi gave her a piece of chocolate. Nálunk minden rendben. We're fine. We're fine. Egy kalóz jelmezt viselt halloween-kor. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He wore a pirate costume at Halloween. Tom átlagos kölyök. Tom is a regular kid. Tom's a normal kid. Együtt erősek vagyunk. We are strong together. We're strong together. Tom nem tudja, mi történt, mert nem volt ott. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. Syntymäpäiväkuvat ovat todella teräviä The birthday pictures are very sharp. Birthday photos are really sharp Pöydällä oleva sanakirja on Tomin. The dictionary on the table is Tom's. The dictionary on the table is Tom's. Hermostutat minua. You make me nervous. You're making me nervous. Tom lepillantott a földre. Tom looked down at the ground. Tom looked down on the ground. Ugyanaz az öreg probléma. It's the same old problem. Same old problem. Šie olet vanha. You're old. You're old. Tom puhuisi mieluummin ranskaa. Tom would rather speak French. Tom would rather speak French. Ha csak másmilyen lehetnék! I wish I were different. If only I could be different! Nincs sok barátja. She doesn't have many friends. He doesn't have many friends. Tomilla oli todella tärkeä päätös tehtävänään. Tom had a very important decision to make. Tom had a very important decision to make. Hän juo ainoastaan juopuakseen. He drinks only for the sake of getting drunk. He's only drinking to get drunk. Lisäksi, ei piä tehä eroitusta sen maan tahi alan poliittisen, hallinollisen tahi internasjunaalin statuksen tähen, mihin ihminen kuuluu, vaikka tämä ala oon ittenäinen, tahi sitä valvothaan, eli se ei ole autonoominen tahi jos sillä oon muula tavala rajoitettu suvereniteetti. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. In addition, there is no distinction between the political, administrative or international status of the country in which man belongs, even though this sector is present, or it is controlled, i.e. it is not autonomic or if it is otherwise a restricted form of sovereignty. Tom ilmestyi tyhjästä. Tom appeared out of nowhere. Tom came out of nowhere. A levegő egy kicsit hidegnek tűnt. The air felt a little cold. The air seemed a little cold. Az alvás az egészséghez nélkülözhetetlen dolog. Sleep is essential to health. Sleep is essential to health. Kirjandus on rahvuse tulevik. Literature is the future of a nation. Literature is the future of the nation. Kaikilla on aivot, mutta monet eivät ole ymmärtäneet niiden käyttöohjeita. Everybody has a brain, but many haven't understood the instructions. Everyone has a brain, but many have not understood their instructions for use. Tom rypisti otsaansa. Tom frowned. Tom scratched his forehead. Tomilla on yksityislentokone. Tom has a private airplane. Tom's got a private plane. Két lánya van. He has two daughters. She has two daughters. Van haladás. Progress is being made. There's progress. Tomi on kiero. Tom is devious. Tom's a scoundrel. Nende pulmad on homme. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding's tomorrow. Hän onnistuu varmasti. She'll succeed for sure. I'm sure he'll make it. Japani on omituinen maa. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a strange country. Nem fázol? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? Syötkö lihaa? Do you eat meat? You eat meat? Kibővíthető a ruha. The dress can be let out. The dress can be expanded. Tom siket. Tom's deaf. Tom's deaf. Isäni on opettaja. My father is a teacher. My father's a teacher. Kuldraha osutus palju väärtuslikumaks kui arvati. The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed. Gold money proved to be much more valuable than expected. Sadut alkavat yleensä ”olipa kerran kauan kauan sitten...” ja loppuvat ”...ja he elivät onnellisina elämänsä loppuun saakka”. Fairy tales usually start with “once upon a time...” and end with “...and they lived happily ever after”. The stories usually begin “was once long ago...” and end “and they lived happily ever after”. Szeretnél velem teázni? Won't you have some tea with me? Would you like to have some tea with me? Tom on aloittanut ranskanopinnot. Tom has begun studying French. Tom's started the French. Tomi pitää kalliista asioista. Tom likes expensive things. Tom likes expensive things. Nagyon nagy hatással volt rám. It impressed me much. It had a huge impact on me. Furcsa dolgok történnek. Strange things happen. Strange things happen. Ta tahab saada lauljaks. She wants to be a singer. He wants to be a singer. Oliko neiti Kato opettajasi viime vuonna? Was Ms. Kato your teacher last year? Miss Kato was your teacher last year? Tom szórakoztatta a gyerekeket. Tom amused the children. Tom was having fun with the kids. Meg kell követnem. I have to apologize. I have to follow him. En tule koskaan antamaan sinulle anteeksi. I'll never forgive you. I will never forgive you. Tom haszontalan. Tom's useless. Tom's useless. Senki sem látja a könnyeim. No one sees my tears. No one can see my tears. Bárcsak ne lenne igazad, de tudom, hogy igazad van. I wish you were wrong, but I know that you're right. I wish you weren't right, but I know you're right. Te nem csinálsz semmit, miközben én meg dolgozom. You do nothing, while I work. You don't do anything while I work. Látok egy oroszlánt. I see a lion. I see a lion. - Ki az a férfi? - Az Tom. "Who's that man?" "That's Tom." - Who's that man? Hihetetlen volt. That was unbelievable. It was incredible. Ken tahtoo pyörän. Ken wants a bicycle. Who wants a bike? Nagyon jól beszélsz franciául. Szeretnék ezen a nyelven olyan jól beszélni, mint te. You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you. I'd like to speak as well in this language as you do. Miksi Tom olisi vaikeuksissa? Why should Tom be in trouble? Why would Tom be in trouble? Esittelen sinut Tomille, jos niin haluat. I'll introduce you to Tom if you want me to. I'll introduce you to Tom, if that's what you want. Voiko kukaan uskoa sinua? Can anyone believe you? Can anyone believe you? Jövőre Ausztráliába utazom. I'm taking a trip to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. Kérem, adja be a papírjait a hónap végére. Please hand in your papers by the end of the month. Please enter your papers by the end of the month. Sekoitin sinut veljeesi. I mistook you for your brother. I messed you up with your brother. Ha ez nem tetszik neked, elmehetsz. If you don't like it then you can leave. If you don't like this, you can go. Saturnus söi lapsensa. Saturn devoured his children. Saturn ate his child. Ezt nem fogom hagyni. I'm not going to let it happen. I'm not gonna let that happen. Tom avasi läppärinsä. Tom opened his laptop. Tom opened his laptop. Sokáig tartott, de végül mégis sikerült megtalálni. It took us a long time, but finally we were able to find her. It took us a long time to find him. Tom pont azt tervezi tenni. Tom is planning to do just that. That's exactly what Tom's planning to do. Suurepärane! Wonderful! Great! Pidetään tauko. Let's take a break. Let's take a break. Adott egy puszit az arcára. She kissed him on the cheek. He kissed her in the face. Minä etsin ihmistä, joka ymmärtäisi ranskaa. I'm looking for somebody who understands French. I'm looking for someone who understands French. Se on bisnestä. It's business. It's business. Lopeta kutittaminen! Stop tickling me! Stop ticking! Seuraa sitä vitun valkoista jänistä, Neo. Follow the fucking white rabbit Neo. Follow that fucking white rabbit, Neo. Ajan hybridiautoa. I drive a hybrid. I'm driving a hybrid car. Pureeko sinun koirasi? Does your dog bite? Is your dog biting? Tom on aika itsepäinen. Tom is quite obstinate. Tom's kind of stubborn. Ma ei unusta kunagi seda päeva. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget that day. En voi lähteä elokuviin. I can't go to the movies. I can't go to the movies. Szeretnék Öntől valamit kérdezni. I'd like to ask you something. I'd like to ask you something. Zsarolja őt. She is blackmailing him. He's blackmailing her. Ma ei teadnud, et ta seal oli. I didn't know that he was there. I didn't know he was there. Válaszoljon, vagy megfenyíttetem! Now answer my question or you'll be standing tall before the man. Answer me or I'll threaten you. Ära puuduta mind! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Bostonba sem megyek. I won't go to Boston, either. I'm not going to Boston. Olen aina optimistinen. I'm always optimistic. I'm always optimistic. Hän asuu minun yläpuolellani. He lives above me. He lives above me. Ihailen syvästi Frida Kahlon elämää ja työtä. I deeply admire Frida Kahlo's life and work. I deeply admire Frida Kahlo's life and work. Senki sem tudhat mindent. Nobody can know everything. No one can know everything. Ezek mind ugyanannyiba kerülnek? Do these all cost the same? Are they all the same? Puhuin hänen kanssaan tunnin. I spoke with her for an hour. I spoke to him for an hour. Jos ei olisi aurinkoa, niin me emme voisi elää. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be able to live. Ma saan sellega ise hakkama. I can manage that on my own. I can do this. Onko tämä sinun kuvasi? Is this your picture? Is this your picture? Jonkun täytyy kertoa Tomille, mitä tapahtui. Someone needs to tell Tom what happened. Someone's got to tell Tom what happened. Tom kuulostaa järkyttyneeltä. Tom sounds upset. Tom sounds upset. Próbálom kitalálni, hogy mi történt. I'm trying to find out when it happened. I'm trying to figure out what happened. Anna joku muu esimerkki. Give me another example. Give me another example. Hammaskivi on plakin kovettunut muoto. Tartar is a form of hardened dental plaque. Toothstone is the hard form of the plaque. Sinun pitäisi mennä kotiin. You should head home. You should go home. Koska minä pidän haisemisesta! Because I like stinking! Because I like stinking! Suojaamaton seksi on vaarallista. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Unprotected sex is dangerous. Huoneessa oli kolme miestä. There were three men in the room. There were three men in the room. Szokás szerint reggel korán kelt fel és kocogott. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. He usually woke up early in the morning and jogged. Ülj le és meséld el nekem, hogyan kerültél ki élve abból a félelmetes szakadékból. Sit down, and tell me how you came alive out of that dreadful chasm. Sit down and tell me how you got out of that scary gap alive. Menemmekö kahville? Shall we go for some coffee? Do you want to go get some coffee? Oletko hullu? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Mikä Tom on ammatiltaan? What's Tom's profession? What's Tom's profession? Már összecsomagoltam a cuccaimat. I have already packed my things. I've already packed my things. Vegyél neki egy sört. Buy him a beer. Buy him a beer. Valamiehistö vetäytyi pohtimaan päätöstään maanantaina. The jury began deliberating Monday. The jury withdrew on Monday. Nem értettem, hogy miről szól a könyv. I didn't get the book. I didn't understand what the book was about. Megyek kezet mosni. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'm gonna go wash my hands. Szolgáld ki magad, ha bármit enni szeretnél. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Help yourself if you want anything to eat. Az ajtó lassan kinyílt. The door opened slowly. The door opened slowly. Lausuin šahadaa. I was saying the shahada. I said shahada. Hogyan tudunk válaszolni a változásra? How do we cope with change? How Can We Answer Change? Tudjuk, mi a Fülöp-szigetek legmagasabb hegyének neve. We know what the Philippines' highest mountain is called. We know the name of the highest mountain in the Philippines. Korábban is történt ilyen. It's been done before. This has happened before. He ovat puhumassa. They're talking. They're talking. Sataa. It rains. It's raining. Gos boađát? Where are you from? Where's the score? Tom meni huvipuistoon. Tom went to an amusement park. Tom went to the theme park. Tom megnézte a zsebeit. Tom checked his pockets. Tom looked at his pockets. Tämän on ajanhukkaa. This is a waste of time. This is a waste of time. Mary hermostui kun hän näki Tomin lompakossa kuvan hänen ex-tyttöystävästään. Mary was upset when she saw a picture of Tom's ex-girlfriend in his wallet. Mary was nervous when she saw a picture of her ex-girlfriend in Tom's wallet. Bill käib sageli pargis. Bill often goes to the park. Bill often goes to the park. Olin hänen hautajaisissaan. I attended his funeral. I was at his funeral. Dan on sananvapauden puolella. Dan is for the freedom of expression. Dan is on the side of freedom of expression. Ez volt a legnagyobb problémánk. That was our biggest problem. That was our biggest problem. Esetleg tévedtem. I might've been wrong. Maybe I was wrong. El szándékozik venni. He intended to marry her. He's planning on taking it. Kérvényezte a vízumot. She applied for a visa. He applied for the visa. Csak egy kiadós pihenésre van szükséged. You just need a good rest. All you need is a little rest. Tom meg akarja próbálni. Tom wants to try it. Tom wants to try. Ki kell innen jutnunk. We must get out of here. We have to get out of here. Reméltem, hogy felgyógyul. I had hoped that he would recover. I was hoping he'd heal. Nagyon köszönöm a gyors válaszod. Thanks for your quick reply. Thank you so much for your quick answer. Láttad az apámat? Did you see my father? Have you seen my father? Olen asiakas. I'm a client. I'm a client. Pääsääntöisesti lapset pitävät jäätelöstä. In general, kids like ice cream. As a rule, kids like ice cream. Tämä laatikko sisältää viisi omenaa. This box contains five apples. This box contains five apples. Ez jó lesz. That'll be good. This is good. Kimerült vagy. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. Voisimmeko puhua vähän aikaa kahden? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? Sellaista sattuu joskus. Shit happens. It happens sometimes. Sijaisesi on jo valittu. Your replacement has already been picked. Your seat has already been chosen. Olen kurkkuani myöten täynnä ranskaa. I'm sick of French. I'm full of French all over my throat. Ne akard, hogy visszajöjjek! Don't make me come back here. Don't make me come back. Mit kellett enned? What did you have to eat? What did you have to eat? Mä piffaan. It's my treat. I'm gonna pee. Autodidakta módon képezte önmagát. She is a self-educated woman. You're being self-trained in a self-activating way. Olen nuori. I am young. I'm young. Mikor vásároltad ezt? When did you buy that? When did you buy this? Zseniális vagy. You're bright. You're brilliant. Persze, miért ne? Sure, why not? Sure, why not? Valószínűleg alszik. He's probably sleeping. He's probably asleep. Kaikki janoavat rakkautta. Everyone thirsts for love. Everybody's thirsty for love. Tarvitsen todisteita. I need proof. I need proof. Sanoutukaa irti. Resign. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Saanko minä? May I? May I? Tomia ei haluta syödä. Tom doesn't feel like eating. They don't want to eat Tom. Szóval megvan benned a bátorság? So have you got the guts? So you have the courage? Puhutteko italiaa? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? Minä osaan puhua ranskaa. I'm able to speak French. I speak French. Olet Tomin kaveri, etkö olekin? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Minusta Tom on heikko. I think Tom is weak. I think Tom's weak. Upea idea! That's a lovely idea. That's a great idea! Tom osaa myös puhua vähän ranskaa. Tom can also speak some French. Tom can also speak a little French. Kui sa tahad olla armastatud, siis armasta! If you want to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love! Tämä kirja on nyt käännetty ranskaksi. This book has now been translated into French. This book has now been translated into French. Onnelista uutta vuotta! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Tahan jäätist. I want an ice cream. I want ice cream. Strutsit eivät osaa lentää. Ostriches cannot fly. Struts can't fly. Jobb lehet a húgoddal. It can be better with your younger sister. You must be better off with your sister. Me ostettiin pyöree pöytä. We bought a round table. We bought a round table. Láttam őt egy héttel ezelőtt. I saw her a week ago. I saw him a week ago. Miten pärjään ilman sinua? How will I manage without you? How am I gonna do without you? Sinun olisi parempi lähteä nyt. You'd better go now. You better go now. Heitä aseesi tänne. Toss your gun over here. Throw your gun over here. Et ehkä ymmärrä minua, mutta minä sanon varmasti jotain tärkeää, eikö niin? You may not understand me, but I must be saying something important, right? You may not understand me, but I'm sure I'm saying something important, right? Mistä päin sinä tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you coming from? Luen kirjan syödessäni. I read a book while I eat. I'll read the book while I eat. A film unalmas. The film is boring. The movie's boring. Mary könnyű vacsorát evett. Mary ate a light supper. Mary ate an easy dinner. Me otamme riskin. We'll take the risk. We'll take our chances. Voimme tulla toimeen oikein hyvin ilman sinua. We can get along very well without you. We can get along very well without you. Me matkustettiin ympäri Australiaa. We traveled around Australia. We traveled all over Australia. Mit főz? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että olit niin tyhmä. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you were so stupid. Oda akarok menni. I want to go there. I want to go there. Hát de felelőtlen! How irresponsible! Well, he's irresponsible. Miten sinun äitisi voi? How's your mother? How's your mother? Az irodámba kell mennem. I have to go to my office. I have to go to my office. Nem volt fájdalom. There was no pain. There was no pain. Későn szoktam kelni. I usually wake up late. I get up late. Tom saattaa olla sairas. Tom might be sick. Tom may be sick. Három éve jöttem Tokióba és azóta itt élek. I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since. I came to Tokyo three years ago, and I've been living here ever since. Tom beleegyezett, hogy Bostonba menjen. Tom agreed to go to Boston. Tom agreed to go to Boston. A jó oktatás pénzben nem mérhető. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. Good education cannot be measured in money. Vaata seda. Take a look at that. Look at this. Azt hiszem, hogy a szomszédom meghalhatott. I think my neighbor may have died. I think my neighbor might have died. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem megyek át a holnapi vizsgán. I'm sure that I'm not going to pass my exam tomorrow. I'm sure I'm not going through tomorrow's exam. Itt a Tatoebán feljegyezzük Tom életét aprólékos részletességgel a bölcsőtől a sírig. Here at Tatoeba, we have documented Tom's life from cradle to grave in meticulous detail. Here, the Tatoeban record Tom's life in detail from the wiser to the grave. Tom on kontrollifriikki. Tom is a control freak. Tom's a control freak. Haluaisin oppia suomen kielen. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Az hogy jó nem azt jelenti, hogy okos is. Because he is good, it does not follow that he is wise. Good doesn't mean smart. Tomi alkoi tulemaan vihaiseksi. Tom started to get angry. Tomi started getting angry. Tom jól szórakozik, ugye? Tom is having fun, isn't he? Tom's having fun, isn't he? Onko ranska vaikea oppia? Is French hard to learn? Is French hard to learn? Tom nukahti rattiin ja aiheutti onnettomuuden. Tom fell asleep while driving and caused an accident. Tom fell asleep in the wheel and caused an accident. En vain ole pystynyt saamaan Tomia kiinni. I just haven't been able to reach Tom. I just haven't been able to catch Tom. Remélem, hogy eljön holnap. I hope he comes tomorrow. I hope he comes tomorrow. Van-e elég takarótok? Do you have enough blankets? Do you have enough blankets? A vonatok az erős esőzések miatt megálltak. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. Trains stopped due to intense rainfalls. Mindannyian kifejezték a halála miatti sajnálatukat. They all expressed regret over her death. They all expressed their regret for her death. Ritkán megy el hazulról vasárnaponként. She rarely goes out on Sundays. He rarely leaves town on Sundays. Bayaa kiinnostaa rintaliivien ostaminen. Baya is interested in buying a bra. Bay's interested in buying bras. Kezdődjön a hétvége. Let the weekend begin. Let's start the weekend. Mul on kaks kaamerat. I have two cameras. I have two cameras. Önök boldogok? Are you happy? Are you happy? Pole sellist kohta maailmas, mille kohta ma saaks öelda, et ma olen sealt pärit. I have no place that I can say I'm from. There's no place in the world I could say I'm from there. Tom elkerülte a katonai szolgálatot. Tom avoided military service. Tom's been avoiding military service. Tom elbújt a zöld autó mögé. Tom hid behind the green car. Tom's hiding behind the green car. Mari ei oo oikeesti kipee. Se vaan esittää. Mary isn't really sick. She's just faking it. Mari's not really sick, she's acting. Sinun on jäätävä. You have to stay. You have to stay. Tom ugyanazt kérdezte Marytől, amit tőlem. Tom asked the same question to Mary that he asked me. Tom asked Mary the same question I asked her. Soittakaa minulle, kun olette valmiita lähtemään. Call me when you're ready to go. Call me when you're ready to leave. Ma tean, et sa sündisid Bostonis. I know you were born in Boston. I know you were born in Boston. Ma van mosás. It's laundry day. There's a laundry today. Tuo ei ole minun. That's not mine. That's not mine. Hän on täällä kymmenessä minuutissa. He'll be there in ten minutes. He'll be here in ten minutes. Tom tahab saada poole kohaga tööd. Tom wants to get a part-time job. Tom wants a job half-time. Se on surullista mutta totta. It's sad, but true. It's sad, but it's true. Nem fogják megérteni. They won't understand. They won't understand. Ez hihetetlen. That's incredible. That's incredible. Tomi haluaa nukkua sillä rannalla. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tom wants to sleep on that beach. Folytassuk a beszélgetést angolul, légy szíves. Let's continue talking in English, please. Let's continue the conversation in English, please. Voisin tehdä sinut onnelliseksi. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Mida sovietoloogid uurivad? What does a Sovietologist study? What are the conciliators looking into? See on minu laud. It is my table. This is my desk. Bár nem ilyen volnék! I wish I were different. I wish I wasn't like that. Tomnak erős fájdalmai voltak. Tom was in severe pain. Tom was in severe pain. Majd elindulok, ha készen leszek. I'll go when I'm ready. I'll leave when I'm ready. A váza ezer darabra tört. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. The vase broke into a thousand pieces. Tomi on ujo. Tom is shy. Tom's shy. Sepä on optimistista sinulta. That's optimistic of you. That's optimistic of you. Tule pois vedestä. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. Mindenki jól van. Everybody is fine. Everyone's fine. Leellenőrizzük. We'll check. We'll check it out. Sok barátom van, aki beszél eszperantóul. I have many Esperanto-speaking friends. I have many friends who speak Esperanto. Eräs herra Miller haluaa tavata sinut. A Mr. Miller wants to see you. There's a Mr. Miller who wants to see you. Vauvat ovat palasia tähtisumusta, jonka Jumala puhalsi kämmeneltään. Onnekas on synnytyksen tuskan kokenut nainen, sillä hän on pidellyt tähteä. Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth, for she has held a star. The babies are pieces of the nebula that God blew out of his hand. Happy is the woman who has experienced the pain of giving birth, for she has held the star. Hänen matala palkkansa estää häntä ostamasta sitä taloa. His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His low salary prevents him from buying that house. Nem tudom elképzelni, hogyan élhetnék nélküle. I can't conceive of living without him. I can't imagine how I could live without him. Szagold meg ezt a virágot. Smell this flower. Smell this flower. Nincs időm olvasni. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. Hol a probléma? Where is the problem? Where's the problem? Mi a neve a lovadnak? What's your horse's name? What's your horse's name? Kuinka monta kuuta Marsilla on? How many moons does Mars have? How many moons does Mars have? Tarkoittaako nimi Herbert McAdams sinulle mitään? Does the name Herbert McAdams mean anything to you? Does the name Herbert McAdams mean anything to you? Et ole viaton tyttö, vai? You're not an innocent girl, are you? You're not an innocent girl, are you? Tom valószínűleg nem lesz itt holnap. Tom isn't likely to be here tomorrow. Tom probably won't be here tomorrow. Mie olen Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Näyttää siltä, että japaninvaahtera vihdoinkin oksii. Looks like the Japanese maple is finally branching. It looks like the Japanese watch is finally taking a break. Ӟечкыласьком нылкышноослэн калыккуспо нуналэнызы! Happy International Women's Day! Go! The city’s international day is coming! Gyere ide hat órakor, de nem korábban. Come here at six, not before. Come here at 6:00, but not earlier. Ez meg mi? What is this one? What is this? Mélyen érzek Ön iránt. I feel for you deeply. I feel deeply about you. Ez eléggé rejtélyes. This is quite puzzling. That's kind of mysterious. En tiedä onko tästä sinulle mitään hyötyä. I don't know whether this'll be of any use to you. I don't know if this is any good for you. Mit válaszoltál? What did you answer? What did you say? Neki akarom adni. I want to give it to her. I want to give it to him. Nélkülem te nem vagy senki. You're nothing without me. Without me, you're no one. Katalin az eszperantónak szentelte az életét. Katalin dedicated her life to Esperanto. Katalin dedicated his life to the Esperanto. Tomi kysyi minun äidistäni. Tom asked me about my mother. Tomi asked about my mother. Sinä olet nainen, jota rakastan elämäni loppuun saakka. You're the woman I'll love for the rest of my life. You're the woman I love until the end of my life. Szeretnének. I would be loved. They'd like to. Voinko minä istua tähän? May I sit here? Can I sit here? Toivottavasti emme häiritse sinua. I hope we're not bothering you. I hope we don't bother you. Minä yskin. I am coughing. I'm coughing. Chopint játszom. I play Chopin. I'm playing Chopin. Tää biisi on ihana. I love that song. I love this song. Tomot durván megütötték. Tom was severely beaten. Tom was brutally hit. Olen vain kohtelias. I'm just being polite. I'm just being polite. Olkaa tarkkana. Stay sharp. Be careful. Ette vaikuta kovin kiireisiltä. You don't seem very busy. You don't seem very busy. Syytä siitä yksin sinua. I'll blame it all on you. You're the only one who's responsible for this. Voisinko ottaa kylvyn? May I take a bath? Can I have a bath? Soha sem mentem el veled horgászni, ugye így van? I've never been fishing with you, have I? I never went fishing with you, did I? Tomi motyogott. Tom mumbled. Tom was muttering. Tom on kuin ilmetty isänsä. Tom's the dead spitting image of his father. Tom's like his father. Hän myy kukkia. She sells flowers. He's selling flowers. Tomi focizik. Tom plays football. Tomi's playing football. Näin Tomin miesryhmässä. I saw Tom with a group of men. I saw Tom in the men's group. Hän osaa puhua ranskaa sujuvasti. She can speak French fluently. He can speak French smoothly. Nézd a harmadik oldalt. Look at page three. Look at page three. Meddig várt? How long have you waited? How long were you waiting? Ez a dal emlékeztet a gyerekkoromra. This song reminds me of my childhood. This song reminds me of my childhood. No, mikä on asian yhdin? Well, what's the point? Well, what's the connection? Nekünk vette. He bought it for us. He bought it for us. Dan kifizette az összes szerencsejáték miatti tartozását. Dan paid up all his gambling debts. Dan paid off all his debts for gambling. Az eredmény a fejetlenség lett. The result was chaos. The result was insanity. Legalább engedd meg, hogy beszéljünk róla. Let's at least talk about it. At least let us talk about it. Anna raport mulle. Give me the report. Give me the report. A három nagy monoteista vallás a kereszténység, az iszlám és a judaizmus. The three big monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The three great monotheistic religions are Christendom, Islam, and Judaism. Olit oikeassa Tomista. You were right about Tom. You were right about Tom. Hän on aina ollut luokan pää. He has always been at the head of the class. He's always been the head of the class. Kaikkien pitää tehdä tämä. Everyone has to do this. Everyone has to do this. Ismeritek a dörgést. You know the drill. You know the drill. Tom néhány nappal később érkezett. Tom came a few days later. Tom arrived a few days later. Azonnal csináld meg a házidat. Do your homework at once. Do your homework now. A gördeszkázás veszélyes. Skateboarding is dangerous. The skateboarding is dangerous. Minun täytyy korjata pyykinpesukone. I have to fix the washing machine. I have to fix the washing machine. Kuka tämän teki? By whom was this done? Who did this? En osaa puhua yhtään ranskaa. I don't speak any French. I can't speak French at all. Általában nem vásárolok az interneten. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I don't usually shop online. Tomi a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tomi is our son. Kint teljesen sötét van. It's all dark outside. It's all dark out there. A helyzet javult. The situation has improved. The situation has improved. Milloin matkasi alkaa? When does your trip begin? When's your trip going to start? Tomi sanoi minulle, että hän tekisi sen huomenna. Tom told me that he would do it tomorrow. Tomi told me she'd do it tomorrow. Láttam Johnt a könyvtárban. I saw John at the library. I saw John in the library. Minden rendben van az irodában. Is everything all right at the office? Everything's fine in the office. Tom azt csinált, amihez kedve volt. Tom did whatever he felt like doing. Tom did what he wanted to do. Sinä tiedät, että vihaan sitä. You know I hate that. You know I hate it. Tom ei pidä julkisesti puhumisesta. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public speaking. Úgy érzem, megvédenek. I feel protected. I feel protected. Sinun täytyy murtautua ulos noidankehästä. You must break the vicious circle. You have to break out of the vicious circle. Nincs miért sajnálkoznod. You have nothing to be sorry about. There's nothing to be sorry about. Сідз-ту вежӧртышта, а баитнытӧ ог куж. I understand a little, but I cannot speak. Some of the entertainment guests have reached out for their first weddings, whether on the bus or on the bus or on the other hand. Tom ismer engem. Tom knows me. Tom knows me. Tudatában vagyok a kockázatoknak. I'm aware of the risks. I'm aware of the risks. Selvitä mitä Tom on tekemässä täällä. Find out what Tom is doing here. Find out what Tom's doing here. Älä unohda sun lippuu. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your slip. Franciául sem beszélek. I can't speak French either. I don't speak French. Ta käib juuksuris kolm korda kuus. He gets a haircut three times a month. He goes to the hairdresser three times a month. Minulla on kysymyksiä. I have questions. I have questions. A mostani gyerekek már nem tudják megkülönböztetni a tyúkot a tehéntől. Children can no longer distinguish hens from cows. The kids now can't tell the difference between a hen and a cow. Mikä elämän tarkoitus on? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? Tomi kertoi minulle, että te olette täällä. Tom told me you were here. Tomi told me you were here. Sä voit luottaa niihin. You can trust them. You can count on them. On suuri kunnia tutustua häneen. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. It's an honor to get to know him. Se on ensimmäisessä kerroksessa. It's on the first floor. It's on the first floor. Csökkentek az árak. Prices have gone down. Prices are down. Vigyázz, el ne ess! Take care not to fall. Watch out, don't fall. Hän toi omenoita, appelsiineja ja niin edelleen. She brought apples, oranges, and so on. He brought apples, oranges, and so on. Látok egy különbséget. I can see a difference. I see a difference. Kus mu sinine õnnemüts on? Where's my lucky blue cap? Where's my blue lucky hat? Onnea matkaan. Good luck. Good luck. Nem tudok hazudni. I can't lie. I can't lie. Minden egyes nap jobban érzem magam. Every day I feel better and better. I feel better every day. Túl részeg vagy ahhoz, hogy vezess. You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. Se oli vain unta. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. Koira juoksi. A dog was running. The dog ran. Helppo suunnitella, vaikea toteuttaa. Easy to plan, hard to realize. Easy to plan, hard to implement. Tényleg szeretek egyedül lenni. I really like being alone. I really like being alone. Sinun ei tarvitse nostaa meteliä siitä! You don't need to make a big deal about it! You don't have to make any noise about it! Miten kätevää! How convenient! How convenient! Egy órája várom már a buszt! I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. He ovat kelvottomia. They're no good. They're useless. Missä hissi on? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Tom az egyik legjobb. Tom is one of the best. Tom is one of the best. Olemmeko me aikataulussa? Are we on schedule? Are we on schedule? Miksi sinä pyysit sitä? Why did you ask for it? Why did you ask for it? Mikor épült ez a templom? When was this church built? When was this church built? Egy hajtásra kiitta a poharát. He drained his glass in one gulp. He poured out his glass for a drive. En muista, et olisin lähettäny ton tekstarin. I don't remember sending that text message. I don't remember sending you that text. Tomilla on kaksi poikaa. Molemmat asuvat Bostonissa. Tom has two sons. Both of them live in Boston. Tom has two sons, both living in Boston. He soittelevat lähes joka päivä. They call each other almost every day. They play almost every day. Tämä vauva on kolmen viikon ikäinen. This baby is 3 weeks old. This baby is three weeks old. Tom tunnusti tappionsa. Tom admitted that he had been defeated. Tom confessed to his defeat. Az az álmom, hogy tanár legyek. My dream is to become a teacher. My dream is to be a teacher. Erős a hite. He had strong religious beliefs. His faith is strong. Tiszta vagyok. I'm clean. I'm clean. Kethään ei piä tuomita tevosta joka nasjunaalin lain tahi kansanoikkeuen jälkhiin ei ollu laiton silloin ko sen tehthiin. Kethään ei piä tuomita ankaramphaan rangaistuksheen ko laki määräs silloin ko rangaistaavan tevon tehthiin. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. Kethä shall not be condemned for any work after the law of the Nasjunaal, nor was it illegal at that time to do it. Kethä shall not be condemned for the harshest punishment, then the law shall be ordered for the work of the punishment. Érzem, hogy számomra te vagy az igazi. I can sense you're the one for me. I feel like you're the one for me. Tomilla oli iso mustelma otsassaan sen jälkeen kun hän käveli päin ovea. Tom had a big bruise on his forehead after he walked into the door. Tom had a big bruise on his forehead after he walked towards the door. Kus on Jim? Where is Jim? Where's Jim? Haluan Tomin voittavan vaalit. I want Tom to win the election. I want Tom to win the election. Szükségünk van egy orvosra. We need a doctor. We need a doctor. Ei ole pakko ymmärtää kaikkea juuri nyt. You don't need to understand everything right now. You don't have to understand everything right now. Bocsi a múlt éjszakáért! I'm sorry about last night. Sorry about last night. En voinut olla ihailematta hänen urheuttaan. I could not but admire his courage. I couldn't help but admire his bravery. Kas sa oskad hobusega sõita? Can you ride a horse? Can you drive a horse? Kuinka paljon rahaa me tarvitsemme? How much money do we need? How much money do we need? Ez törvénytelen. It's illegal. It's illegal. A csirke, amit a pincér az asztalhoz hozott, még nyers volt. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was raw. Luulen meitä kaikkia vähän hulluiksi. I think we're all a bit crazy. I think we're all a little crazy. Tule takaisin nyt. Come back now. Come back now. Másik államban él. He lives in another state. He lives in another state. Me ei olla ees suudeltu. We haven't even kissed. We're not gonna be kissed in front of you. Anyám szereti a focit. My mother loves football. My mom likes football. Sinä muistutat minua itsestäni. You remind me of myself. You remind me of myself. Tom semmi mást nem eszik, csak fehér húst. Tom eats nothing but white meat. Tom eats nothing but white meat. Örömmel segítek, ha tudok. I am pleased to help you if I can. I'd be happy to help if I can. Ethän sano tästä mitään Tomille. Please don't say anything to Tom about this. You're not gonna tell Tom anything about this, are you? Hyviä ildua. Good evening. Good night. Kerro minulle mikä harrastuksesi on. Tell me what your hobby is. Tell me what your hobby is. Természetesen, Tom imádja a gyerekeit. Of course, Tom loves his children. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Miksi et halua tulla kanssani elokuviin? Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me? Why don't you want to go to the movies with me? See pole enam seesama. It's not the same anymore. It's not the same anymore. Azt szeretném, ha megígérnéd nekem, hogy sosem fogod elmondani senkinek, amit láttál. I want you to promise me you will never tell anyone what you have seen. I want you to promise me you'll never tell anyone what you saw. Hazafelé egy gyönyörű nővel találkoztam. On my way home, I met a beautiful lady. I met a beautiful woman on the way home. A délelőttöt egy könyv olvasásával töltötte. He spent the morning reading a book. He spent the morning reading a book. Bostonban éltem. I lived in Boston. I lived in Boston. Sötét az éjszaka. The night is dark. Dark night. Tom ei saa sormustaan pois sormesta. Tom can't get his ring off his finger. Tom can't get his ring out of his finger. Palun tule mind aeg-ajalt vaatama. Please come to see me from time to time. Please come and see me from time to time. Jounin kaltainen rehellinen mies ei ole voinut valehdella. Such an honest man as John cannot have told a lie. An honest man like Joun has never been able to lie. Panaszt akarok benyújtani. I intend to file a formal complaint. I want to file a complaint. Luulin, että Tom varasti meiltä. I thought Tom was stealing from us. I thought Tom stole from us. He matkustivat pääkaupunkiin. They took a trip to the capital. They traveled to the capital. Akár az ő tanácsát is követheted. You may as well follow his advice. You can follow his advice. Tom ei ole voinut kirjoittaa tätä kirjettä itse. Tom can't have written this letter himself. Tom hasn't been able to write this letter himself. Minun tekee mieli ottaa lepotauko. I feel like taking a rest. I'd like to take a break. Kus nad olid? Where were they? Where were they? Marin tavoite on omistaa oma koti ennen kuin hän täyttää kolmekymmentä. Mary's goal is to own a home before she's thirty. Mari's goal is to own her own home before she meets thirty. Tom őszinte. Tom is sincere. Tom's honest. Irrota virtajohto modeemista, odota noin minuutti ja sitten yhdistä kaapeli uudelleen. Disconnect the power cable from the modem, wait for approximately one minute, then reconnect the cable. Remove the power line from the modem, wait about one minute and then connect the cable again. Pitäisikö sen olla hauskaa? Is that supposed to be funny? Should it be fun? Maradj távol! Stay away. Stay away! Hol az esernyőm? Where's my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? Mi a tallér? What is the thaler? What's going on? Kuinka paljon se maksaa? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Minulla ei ole kotiintuloaikaa. I don't have a curfew. I don't have time to get home. Egy külön szobában él. He lives in a separate room. He lives in a separate room. Ma tahaksin klaasikest veini. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Ki hívott téged? Who called you? Who called you? Szeretem a dinnyét. I like watermelon. I like melon. En tiedä mitä sanoa. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. Onko leipää? Is there any bread? Do you have any bread? Jones úr leszidott, mert egy kicsit elaludtam az órán. Mr Jones reprimanded me for taking a spot of shut-eye during class. Mr. Jones took me off because I was a little asleep in class. En tiedä siitä lähes mitään. I know little or nothing about it. I don't know anything about it. Kerro minulle työstäsi. Tell me about your job. Tell me about your work. Sõpruse terviseks! For our friendship! To friendship! Ta kannab prille. He is wearing glasses. He's wearing glasses. Egy vészjósló vihar jelent meg a radaron. A menacing thunderstorm has appeared on radar. There was an alarming storm on the radar. A vacsora fenséges volt! Dinner was delicious. Dinner was awesome! Käyn hakemassa vähän kahvia. Haluatko sinäkin? I'm going to get myself some coffee. Do you want some? I'm gonna go get some coffee. Tudnál várni egy pillanatig? Would you mind waiting a moment? Can you hold on a second? Kicsi, vagy egyáltalán nincs esély, hogy a valódi összeesküvőket megtalálják. The odds are slim to none that the true conspirators will be found. Small, or no chance of the real conspirators being found. Me olemme odottaneet. We've been waiting. We've been waiting. Itt van még egy kevés tea. Here's some more tea. There's a little more tea here. Tom lógott a suliból. Tom cut school. Tom was out of school. Tennismailassani oli halkeama, joten lähetin sen korjattavaksi. There was a crack in my tennis racket, so I sent it out to be repaired. There was a crack in my tennis court, so I sent it for repair. Oliko Marikalla kirjekavereita Japanista? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have any friends from Japan? Most ez minden pénzem. This is all the money that I have now. Now it's all my money. Tom kicsit beszél franciául. Tom can speak French a little. Tom speaks French a little. Ez volt életem legjobb napja. That was the best day of my life. It was the best day of my life. Fogjunk kezet! Let's shake hands. Let's hold hands. Tunnen oloni jossain määrin epämukavaksi, kun istun tuolilla japanilaisissa vaatteissa. Tuntuu kuin tuuli puhaltaisi lahkeensuusta sisään. I feel somewhat uneasy when I sit on a chair with Japanese clothes. I feel like the wind is blowing in from the cuff of my trousers. I feel a little uncomfortable sitting in a chair in Japanese clothes, like a wind blowing in out of a nice mouth. Tom úgy kezelte Maryt mint egy rabszolgát. Tom treated Mary like a slave. Tom treated Mary like a slave. Tartsd távol tőlem ezt az izét! Keep that thing away from me. Keep this thing away from me. Työ että ole vanha. You are not old. It's a job to be old. A majmok intelligensek. Monkeys are intelligent. The monkeys are intelligent. Ez egy lányra emlékeztet, akik valaha ismertem. This reminds me of a girl I once knew. It reminds me of a girl I've ever known. Hänen hautansa on siellä. His grave is there. His grave is there. Vihaan kahvia. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. Láttad már, hogy működik? Have you seen it work? Have you seen how it works? Ez a nehéz rész. This is the hard part. That's the hard part. A váróteremben ül. He's sitting in the waiting room. He's sitting in the waiting room. Alushousuni ovat märät. My underpants are wet. My underwear are wet. Miért Tom csinálja ezt? Why's Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing this? Tomin vaimo menehtyi viime viikolla. Tom's wife died last week. Tom's wife passed away last week. Írd fel Tom kontójára. Put it on Tom's tab. Put it on Tom's account. Amit most mondani fogok, nem fog neked tetszeni. You won't like what I'm going to say. What I'm gonna say right now, you're not gonna like it. Tom andis Maryle sinise kausta. Tom handed Mary a blue folder. Tom gave Mary a blue folder. Betty tappoi äitinsä. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her mother. Hän ei uskaltanut hypätä puron yli. He dared not jump over the brook. He didn't dare jump over the stream. A sors gyakran adja, amit nem várunk. Fate often sends the unexpected. Fate often gives what we don't expect. Se kiussaa minua. That troubles me. It hurts me. Pythagoraan lauseen mukaan hypotenuusan neliö on yhtä suuri kuin kahden toisen sivun neliöiden summa. Pythagoras' theorem says that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. According to Pythagoras, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the second two pages. Minä tulen ajamaan Detroitiin. I'll drive to Detroit. I'm coming to Detroit. Tom teeskentelee, ettei hän ymmärrä ranskaa. Tom pretends he doesn't understand French. Tom's pretending he doesn't understand French. Ne feledkezzünk meg az értekezlet fő céljáról. Let's not forget the main purpose of this meeting. Let us not forget the main purpose of the meeting. Mille jaoks? For what purpose? For what? Még egy kicsit. A little more. A little more. See on väga tõhus. It's very effective. It's very effective. Jól akarom megcsinálni. I want to get it right. I want to do it right. Bocsásson meg, hogy félbeszakítom. Excuse me for interrupting you. I'm sorry to interrupt. Täytyykö minun vaihtaa junaa? Do I have to change trains? Do I have to change the train? Hiljaa hyvä tulee. Pace yourself. It's gonna be good. Pullonokkadelfiinit ovat Maapallon älykkäimpien eläinlajien joukossa. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth. Pullonoccal dolphins are among the most intelligent animal species on earth. Először nem is tudtam, mitévő legyek. At first, I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to do at first. Tomi ei pysty auttaa sinua. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. Tom ei koskaan asunut Bostonissa. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. Taifuuni lähestyy Japania. A typhoon is approaching Japan. The taifoon is approaching Japan. "The Three Forks" on olutbaari, jonka kohderyhmä on matkailijat. The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers. The Three Forks is a beer bar with a group of tourists. Amit mondott igaznak bizonyult. What he said proved true. What you said proved to be true. Miten sinä voit tehdä tämän minulle? How can you do this to me? How can you do this to me? Tomilla on kiire. Tom is in a hurry. Tom's in a hurry. Hän huusi apua. He cried out for help. He was screaming for help. Igyunk egy kis kávét! Let's grab some coffee. Let's have some coffee. Mohamed Mekkában született. Muhammad was born in Mecca. She was born in Mecca. Éhes vagyok. I am hungry! I'm hungry. Jos kirjalista on liian pitkä, jätä pois kaikki ulkomaiset kirjat. If the list of books is too long, please leave out all foreign books. If the library is too long, leave out all the foreign books. Mari kijavította. Mary corrected it. Mari fixed it. Tomi oli surullinen. Tom felt sad. Tomi was sad. Jättikö Tom viestiä? Did Tom leave a message? Did Tom leave a message? En ole ikinä kohdannut suoraa rotusortoa. I have never experienced racism directly. I've never met a direct breeder before. Jos et ole varma sanan merkityksestä, katso se sankirjastasi. If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. If you're not sure about the meaning of the word, look at it in your dictionary. Sok történelemkönyve van. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Megbillentette a kalapját. He tipped his hat. He turned his hat on. Ole kiltti, älä lähde. Älä jätä minua tänne yksin. Please don't go. Don't leave me alone here. Please don't leave me here alone. Monet ihmiset eivät ole koskaan nähneet Linnunrataa. Many people have never seen the Milky Way. Many people have never seen the Way of the Bird. Nem kaphatunk többet. We can't have any more. We can't have any more. Sinä puhut. You speak. You're talking. Biztosan tudjuk, hogy ez Tom? Do we know for sure it's Tom? Are we sure this is Tom? A műsor siker lett. The show was a success. The show was a success. Ma olen kolledži üliõpilane. I am a college student. I'm a college student. Fel kell másznom a fára. I need to climb the tree. I have to climb the tree. Sinulla on surkea käsiala. Your writing is horrible. You've got a terrible handwriting. Viisaampia sanoja ei koskaan ollut puhuttu. Wiser words were never spoken. The wisest words had never been spoken. Minä näen kuolleita ihmisiä. I see dead people. I see dead people. Tomnak iskolába kell mennie. Tom has to go to school. Tom has to go to school. Pese käed ära. Wash up. Wash your hands. Ez nem volt vicces. This was not funny. That wasn't funny. ”Kiitti.” ”Ei mitään.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” “Nothing.” Mitä sinä haluat tehdä Saksassa? What do you want to do in Germany? What do you want to do in Germany? Ei, minä olen englantilainen. No, I'm English. No, I'm English. Lassan menj! Walk slowly! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, Kaikki nauroivat paitsi Tomi. Everybody laughed but Tom. Everybody laughed except Tom. A város bűnözési rátája a pocsék rendőri munkának köszönhető. The city's crime rate is high due to the police's lousiness. The crime rate in the city is due to the lousy police work. Mitäköhän Tomille on tapahtunut? I wonder what's happened to Tom. I wonder what happened to Tom. Minā um tēḑi kuskīz nǟnd. I've seen you before. Member of the Commission Se on liian iso. It's too large. It's too big. Kidnappaajat saattavat olla aseistettuja ja vaarallisia. The kidnappers may be armed and dangerous. Kidnappers may be armed and dangerous. Onko sokeriruoko hedelmä? Is sugar cane a fruit? Is sugarcane a fruit? Örülök, hogy minden rendben ment. I'm glad everything went OK. I'm glad everything went well. Minulla on aivan mahtava olo. I feel like a million bucks. I feel great. Könyveket kellene venned. You want to buy books. You should buy books. Bárcsak vettem volna jegyet a koncertre! I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. I wish I'd bought a ticket to the concert. Tuo ei ole reilua. That's not fair. That's not fair. Head rahvusvaheist naistepäeva! Happy International Women's Day! Happy National Women's Day! Yrität liikaa. You're trying too hard. You're trying too hard. Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem jobb nálam. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As for English, no one's better than me. Tom írt egy nagyon részletes jelentét. Tom wrote a very detailed report. Tom wrote a very detailed report. Tud messzire látni? Can you see far? Can you see how far? Jobban is megcsinálhattam volna. I could've done it better. I could have done it better. Myyty! Sold! Sold! Pidän siitä hyvin paljon. I like it very much. I like it very much. Meg kell még tudnunk az igazságot. We have yet to know the truth. We still have to know the truth. Elmondom Tominak, hogy ezt mondtad. I'll tell Tom you said so. I'm gonna tell Tomi that's what you said. Tehdään tämä loppuun ja lähdetään täältä. Let's get this done and get out of here. Let's finish this and get out of here. Minä olen nälkäinen. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Tomi voi olla helposti kutiava. Tom may be ticklish. Tom can be easily itchy. Tom meni telttaretkelle ystävänsä kanssa. Tom went on a camping trip with a friend. Tom went camping with his friend. Nauran tuskin koskaan. I rarely ever laugh. I don't think I'll ever laugh. Sinun täytyy saada levätä. You need to get some rest. You need to rest. Tom részmunkaidőben dolgozott. Tom was working part-time. Tom worked part-time. Nad keeldusid minuga rääkimast, hoolimata mu siirast palvest. They refused to talk to me in spite of my earnest request. They refused to speak to me despite my sincere prayer. Olen hyvin ujo. I'm very shy. I'm very shy. Tykkään ranskan opiskelusta. I like to study French. I like French school. Mulla menee järki. I'm going mad. It makes sense to me. Ajattelin että Tom vain tarvitsi vähän enemmän aikaa. I thought Tom just needed some more time. I thought Tom just needed a little more time. Onko Saksassa maanjäristyksiä? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Tom és Mary nem ugyanabban az államban élnek. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Mistä tässä oikeasti on kyse? What's this really about? What's this really about? Változott bármi azóta? Has anything changed since then? Has anything changed since then? En huolehtisi siitä liikaa. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I wouldn't worry too much. Szeretem a kutyát. I like the dog. I love the dog. Egy liter tej mintegy harminc gramm fehérjét tartalmaz. A liter of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. One litre of milk contains approximately 30 grams of protein. Siellä on iso reikä. There's a big hole. There's a big hole in there. Az italok ingyenesek? Are drinks free? Drinks are free? Olen iloinen siitä, että haluatte tukea tätä hanketta. I'm glad that you want to support this project. I am glad that you want to support this project. Ma elan liiga kaugel. I live too far away. I live too far. Man båeries dov vïelle? How old is your brother? Man båeries dov èle? Szaggat a derekam. My hip hurts. My neck smells. Mitä näit? What did you see? What did you see? Lószar. Bullshit. Bullshit. Tom tunsi jet lagia. Tom had jet lag. Tom knew jet law. Hän tulee olemaan uneissa. He'll be asleep. He's gonna be asleep. Älä sano mitään kenellekään. Don't say anything to anybody. Don't say anything to anyone. Йошкар-Олаште мыняр театр? How many theaters are there in Yoshkar-Ola? Are you doing anything in the city of continuing to preach? Etkö huomannut, että Tom katsoi sinua? Didn't you notice that Tom was looking at you? Didn't you notice Tom was looking at you? Ne tégy gyereket zsákba! Do not put child into bag! Don't put kids in a bag. "Pitää paikkansa", sanoi Joni. "That's right", said John. "That's right," Joni said. Kiitos kun autoit minua kääntämään raportin ranskaksi. Thank you for helping me translate the report into French. Thank you for helping me translate the report into French. Oletko miettinyt töiden hankkimista? Are you thinking about getting a job? Have you thought about getting a job? Teillä ei ole vaihtoehtoa. You don't have a choice. You have no choice. Mitä Tom näkee Maryssä? What does Tom see in Mary? What does Tom see in Mary? A macskám fekete. My cat is black. My cat's black. Luulen, että tarvitsemme enemmän kahvia. I think we need more coffee. I think we need more coffee. Terveh, kuibo on sinun nimi? Hello, what is your name? Hey, what's your name? Én voltam az osztály egyik legjobb tanulója. I was one of the best students in the class. I was one of the best students in the class. Onko tämä polkupyöräsi? Is this your bicycle? Is this your bike? Kérem, engedjen be! Please let me in. Please let me in. Siinä kaikki tältä erää. Kiitos, kun tulitte. I think that's all for today. Thank you for coming. That's all for now, thank you for coming. Szólt a fiúknak, hogy sorakozzanak. He told the boys to line up. He told the boys to line up. Ne beszélgessetek! Stop talking. Don't talk. Tomi nagyon büszke lett volna rád. Tom would've been very proud of you. Tomi would have been very proud of you. Hän syntyi Amerikassa. She was born in America. He was born in America. Söin sashimia ensimmäisen kerran vasta kun tulin Japaniin. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. I didn't eat sashim the first time I came to Japan. Tom pysähtyi yhtäkkiä hymyillen. Tom suddenly stopped smiling. All of a sudden, Tom stopped smiling. Tom elégedett a sikerével. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom's satisfied with his success. Na nehogy már! Come on! Oh, come on. Miltä luulet että näyttäisit pitämällä tuota mekkoa. How do you think you'd look wearing that dress? How do you think you'd look by wearing that dress? Egy órával később a láza még magasabb volt. An hour later, his fever got worse. One hour later, the fever was even higher. Hän on vankilassa. He's in prison. He's in jail. Folyton dzsesszt hallgatok. I often listen to jazz. I keep listening to jazz. Pois edestä tai ammun. Out of my way or I shoot you. Get out of the way or I'll shoot you. Tom segített. Tom helped. Tom helped me. Minä annan sen takaisin. I'll give it back. I'll give it back. En yleensä tee tuota. I don't usually do that. I don't usually do that. Tomnak erre szüksége lesz, nem? Tom is going to need this, isn't he? Tom's gonna need this, isn't he? En tunne ketään Bostonista. I don't know anybody in Boston. I don't know anybody from Boston. Kuinka lauseeseen lisätään tunnisteita? How can I add tags to a sentence? How to add tags to the sentence? Mezítláb voltak. They were barefoot. They were barefoot. Utálok vasalni. I hate ironing. I hate ironing. Tudsz angolul? You know English? Do you speak English? Együtt tévézünk. We watch TV together. We're on TV together. Ma olen vabatahtlik. I'm a volunteer. I'm a volunteer. Kalansyöminen on hyvää terveydellesi. Eating fish is good for your health. Eating fish is good for your health. Nem szeretjük a szomszédainkat, és ők sem szeretnek minket. We don't like our neighbors, and they don't like us, either. We don't love our neighbors, and they don't love us either. Sharon huomasi odottavansa lasta. Sharon found out that she was going to have a baby. Sharon found out he was pregnant. A világ csupa gond. The world is full of problems. The world is a problem. Mitä muuta voisin tehdä? What else could I do? What else could I do? Hän ansaitsee enemmän. She deserves more. He deserves more than that. Ole varovainen tuon veitsen kanssa. Be careful with that knife. Be careful with that knife. Nem az a fontos, hogy mit csinálsz, hanem az, hogy azt hogyan csinálod. It's not what you do, but how you do it that matters. It's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. Tom egy szót sem fog elhinni abból, amit mondasz neki. Tom won't believe a word you tell him. Tom won't believe a word you say to him. Semmi nem a te hibád, igaz? Nothing is ever your fault, is it? It's not your fault, is it? Näin hänestä vilauksen. I caught a glimpse of her. I saw a glimpse of him. Tom allergiás a mogyorófélékre. Tom is allergic to peanuts. Tom's allergic to peanuts. Minä pääsen sinne jotenkin. I'll get there somehow. I can get there somehow. Älä luota häneen. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Kun nousen, minua pyörryttää. Whenever I get up, I feel dizzy. When I get up, I get dizzy. Tom régen kosárlabdázott. Tom used to play baseball. Tom used to play basketball. Egészséges ételeket esznek. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy food. Valaki közülünk beszélhetne Tommal. One of us should talk to Tom. One of us could talk to Tom. Tom ebaõnnestus kaks korda. Tom failed twice. Tom failed twice. Arra kért Borisz, hogy ezt adjam át neked. Boris asked me to give this to you. Boris asked me to give you this. A kutya halott volt. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. Tomi egy álomvilágban élt. Gyakran, ahogy lenni szokott, csak a teste volt közöttünk, míg az elméje teljesen máshol járt. Tom lived in a dream world. Often, as it were, only his body was among us, while his mind was quite somewhere else. Tomi lived in a dream world, often the way she used to be, only her body was between us while her mind was in a whole different place. Már majdnem lejárt az időd. Your time's almost up. You're almost out of time. A jelentés szerint a világ sekélyvízi koralljainak fele eltűnt az elmúlt 30 év alatt. The report says that half of the world's shallow-water corals have been wiped out over the last 30 years. According to the report, half of the world's shallow water corals have disappeared in the last 30 years. Mitä mieltä sinä olet siitä? What do you think of that? What do you think of that? Az ajtó nincs bezárva. The door's unlocked. The door's not locked. Mikseivät Australian asukkaat ole pää alaspäin? Why aren't the people in Australia upside down? Why aren't Australian residents upside down? Soha nem felejtünk. We never forget. We'll never forget. Megint elkésünk. We're going to be late again. We're late again. He olisivat voineet tappaa sinut. They could've killed you. They could have killed you. Minulla on oikeastaan melko kiire. I'm really quite busy. I'm actually kind of busy. Köszönöm a válaszát. Thanks for your reply. Thank you for your answer. Tomilla on monia vaikutusvaltaisia ystäviä Washingtonissa. Tom has many powerful friends in Washington. Tom has many powerful friends in Washington. Ma parem lähen ja räägin Tomiga. I'd better go talk to Tom. I'd better go talk to Tom. Mit gondolsz, mennyi embert hívjunk meg a bulira? How many people do you think we should invite to our party? How many people do you think we should invite to the party? Három évvel fiatalabb Marinál. She is three years younger than Mary. Three years younger than Mari. Avaisitko ikkunan? Open the window, will you? Can you open the window? Nem nagyon kedvelem őt. Az igazat megvallva, gyűlölöm. I don't like him very much. To tell you the truth, I hate him. I don't like him very much, to tell you the truth, I hate him. Milyen kedves! How lovely! How kind. Tomi megpróbálta leplezni a csalódottságát. Tom tried to hide his disappointment. Tomi tried to conceal her frustration. Siin ei ole raudteed. There were no railroads. There are no railways here. Se ei ollut niin kauheaa. It wasn't so bad. It wasn't that bad. Hän näyttää kauniilta ja terveeltä. She looks nice and healthy. She looks beautiful and healthy. Tom a járdán sétált. Tom walked along the sidewalk. Tom was on the sidewalk. Olenko minä niin erilainen? Am I so different? Am I that different? Viranomaiset onnistuivat vakauttamaan valuutan. The authorities managed to stabilize the currency. The authorities managed to stabilise the currency. Et ollut hauska. You weren't funny. You weren't funny. Nem érzek dühöt. I don't feel angry. I don't feel angry. Minulla on Ranskan kansalaisuus, mutta olen kotoisin Vietnamista. I have French nationality but Vietnamese origins. I have French citizenship, but I'm from Vietnam. Le kell tenned a piát. You must quit drinking. You have to put down the drink. Van telefon a szobámban. There's a telephone in my room. I have a phone in my room. ”Miksi kana ylitti tien?” on todella tunnettu englanninkielinen arvoitus, johon on useita vastauksia. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" is a very well-known English riddle, to which there are a multiplicity of answers. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a truly well-known English-language mystery with a number of answers. Voisiko joku herättää minut puoli kolmelta? Would someone please wake me up at 2:30? Can someone wake me up at 3:30? Hagyd felkapcsolva a világítást! Leave the lights on. Leave the lights on. Gyere holnap! Come tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Tom jól szórakozik. Tom is amused. Tom's having fun. Odota hetkinen. Please wait a minute. Wait a minute. Tomi on hassu. Tom's funny. Tom's funny. Sajnálom, hogy nagyon megsérültél. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sorry you're so hurt. Elokuussa lähden Japaniin ystävieni kanssa. In August, I'm going to Japan with my friends. In August, I'm going to Japan with my friends. Tom kertoi minulle, ettei hän pystynyt oikeastaan luottamaan Microsoftiin. Tom told me that he couldn't really trust Microsoft. Tom told me he couldn't really trust Microsoft. Az más lenne. It would be different. That would be different. Ez az egyetlen lehetőséged. It's your only shot. It's your only chance. Tom uskoo sen. Tom believes it. Tom believes it. Tomi pelasti Marin. Tom rescued Mary. Tomi saved Mar. Jouluun on vain muutamia päiviä. Christmas is only a few days away. It's only a few days before Christmas. Kenelläkään pojista ei ollut kitaraa. None of the boys had a guitar. None of the boys had a guitar. Tudod, mi ez? Do you know what that is? You know what this is? Miksi sinä haluat tappaa meidät? Why do you want to kill us? Why do you want to kill us? Nem tudom, mit hallották Tom-ról. I don't know what you heard about Tom. I don't know what they heard about Tom. Me olimme odottamassa. We were waiting. We were waiting. Meglocsolom a kertet. I'll water the garden. I'll shoot the garden. Lujempaa, kiitos. Louder, please. Harder, please. Tom laulab. Tom sings. Tom's singing. Amszterdam Hollandia fővárosa. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. The capital of the Netherlands of Amsterdam. György a legszorgalmasabb fiú az osztályunkban. George is the most diligent boy in our class. George is the most diligent boy in our class. Ütle mulle mis ma tegema pean. Tell me what I have to do. Tell me what to do. Nélküled is meg tudjuk csinálni. We can manage without you. We can do this without you. Vártam a válaszra, de senki sem válaszolt. I waited for the answer but nobody answered. I was waiting for the answer, but no one answered. Az egészsége fokozatosan javul. Her health is becoming steadily better. His health is gradually improving. Haza fogok menni. I'm going to go home. I'm going home. Az az ember megkérdezte, ki vagyok, de nem véltem szükségesnek válaszolni neki. That man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer that question. That man asked me who I was, but I didn't think it was necessary to answer him. Näita mulle. Show me. Show me. Kérlek, lépj előre! Please step forward. Please step forward. Tomi elővett egy huszast a zsebéből. Tom took a twenty from his pocket. Tomi took a 20 out of her pocket. Egy oldal hiányzik. There's a page missing. There's a page missing. Olen kuullut että Tom osaa kokata yhtä hyvin tai paremmin kuin hänen vaimonsa. I've heard that Tom can cook as well as, or better than, his wife. I've heard that Tom can cook as well or better than his wife. Se on osa työtäni. That's part of my job. It's part of my job. Tomi ei ole yhtä lahjakas kuin sinä. Tom isn't as talented as you. Tom's not as talented as you are. Ha kiolvastad a könyvet, kölcsön tudod nekem adni? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? If you read the book, can you lend it to me? Human eŋgelasgiela. I speak English. Human English. Perheeni menee hiihtämään joka talvi. My family goes skiing every winter. My family goes skiing every winter. Kuusi heistä palaa. Six of them are returning. Six of them are coming back. Se on hänen, eikö olekin? It is hers, is it not? It's his, isn't it? Mari on toteuttanut kaikki Tomin unelmat. Mary has made all Tom's dreams come true. Mari has implemented all Tom's dreams. A legtöbb fogkrém tartalmaz fluoridot. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Most toothpaste contains fluoride. Nem sokat tudok Oroszországról. I don't know too much about Russia. I don't know much about Russia. En halunnut tuhlata yhtään enempää aikaa Tomin kanssa. I didn't want to spend any more time with Tom. I didn't want to waste any more time with Tom. Kérlek, tűnj el innen! Please get out of here. Please get out of here. "Avusta minua." "En." "Auta minua." "En." "Pelasta minut!" "En." "Aid me." "No." "Help me." "No." "Save me!" "No." "Help me." "No, help me." "No, save me." "No." Arvaa, kuka minä olen. Guess who I am. Guess who I am. Bringára ültem. I was riding my bike. I was sitting on a bike. Kas sa pidid magamistuba oma õdede-vendadega jagama? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Did you have to share the bedroom with your sisters? Olemme erittäin tunnettuja. We are very well known. We're very well-known. Tom on ohtlik, onju? Tom's dangerous, isn't he? Tom's dangerous, right? Csapdába estünk. We're trapped. We're trapped. Allekirjoita sopimus. Please sign your name on the contract. Sign the agreement. Ő szőke, kövér és negyven éves. She is fair, fat and forty. He's blonde, fat, and 40 years old. Tom vesz néhány játékot a gyerekeinek. Tom is buying some toys for his children. Tom's buying some toys for his kids. Túl korán adtam fel. I gave up too soon. I gave up too soon. Nem volt víz a kútban. There was no water in the well. There was no water in the well. Tomilla menee ihan hyvin. Tom is all right. Tom's gonna be fine. Az előző hét elején történt ez. It happened early last week. This was at the beginning of last week. Hyvvää yötä. Good night. Good night. Az általánosítás összefüggésben van a gondolkodási módunkkal, mivel hajlamosak vagyunk mintákat keresni a minket körülvevő világban. Making generalizations seems to be in line with how we think since we tend to look for patterns in the world around us. The generalization is linked to our way of thinking, as we tend to search for samples in the world around us. Olen ostanut uuden paletin ja muutamia maalipensseleitä. I've bought a new palette and a few paint brushes. I've bought a new palace and a few paint chips. Sa käid kolmandas klassis, jah? You're in third grade, right? You're in third grade, aren't you? Ta kuulas mind säravate silmadega. She listened to me with her eyes shining. He listened to me with bright eyes. Se on niin suuri! It's so big! It's so big! Indulásnak ez is valami. That's a start. There's something going on. Hadd hozzak neked inni valamit! Let me get you something to drink. Let me get you something to drink. Zavarónak találom. I found it disturbing. I find it disturbing. Tom diabéteszes. Tom has diabetes. Tom's diabetic. Sinä et voi tehdä enää noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Hétfőn dolgozol? Do you work on Monday? You work Monday? Azt mondta, hogy hisz a szellemekben. He said that he believed in ghosts. He said he believed in ghosts. Tomi forró vizet öntött a teára. Tom poured hot water over the tea. Tomi poured hot water on her tea. Azt szeretném, ha eljönne az összejövetelre. I wish he had attended the meeting. I want you to come to the meeting. Az a csörgődob törött. That tambourine is broken. That ring drum broke. Mennäänpä sitten asiaan. Let's get down to business. Let's get to the point. Arvasit oikein. You guessed right. You've got the right idea. Kuibo on sinun nimi? What is your name? What's your name? Süket vagy? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? Mosd meg az arcod! Wash your face. Wash your face. Tämä on vaimoni. This is my wife. This is my wife. Kaphatnék fél kiló csirkecombot, kérem? Can I get half a kilo of chicken legs, please? Can I have half a kilo of chicken thighs, please? Nainen varasti häneltä paljon rahaa ja onkin nyt vankilassa. She stole a lot of money from him, so now she is in prison. She stole a lot of money from him, and now she's in jail. Älkää tappako sananviejää. Don't kill the messenger. Don't kill the speaker. Muiriel on nyt kaksikymmentä vuotta vanha. Muiriel is 20 now. Mairiel is now twenty years old. Oda kellene mennem. I should go there. I should go there. Tomi onnistui pelastamaan Marin. Tom managed to save Mary. Tomi managed to save Mari. Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy ne zavarjam a tanulásodat. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to interfere with your learning. Tämä on melko tavallista. That's pretty normal. It's pretty normal. Tomi alkoi opiskella ranskaa noin kolme vuotta sitten. Tom began to learn French about three years ago. Tomi started studying French about three years ago. Éppen csak, hogy elkezdte olvasni a könyvet, mikor valaki kopogott az ajtón. She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door. Just that he started reading the book when someone knocked on the door. Senki sincs ott. Nobody's there. There's no one there. Me autamme heitä, mutta emme nyt. We'll help them, but not now. We'll help them, but not now. He tietävät meidät. They know us. They know us. Srácok, nem szeretnétek valami murisat csinálni? Do you guys want to do something fun? Guys, do you guys want to make a mess? Tom nem utál téged, Mary. Tom doesn't hate you, Mary. Tom doesn't hate you, Mary. Haluan asua Curaçaossa. I want to live in Curaçao. I want to live in Curaçao. Tom pilóta akar lenni. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Olen onnellinen nähdessäni vihreän lippumme hulmuavan tuulessa. I am happy to see our green flag flying in the wind. I'm happy to see our green flag floating in the wind. Tosi on. True. That's true. Én tudom, ki lakik abban a házban. I know who lives in that house. I know who lives in that house. Apám Tokióban él és dolgozik. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. Tämä on minun paikkani. This is my seat. This is my place. Korán kell indulnom. I must leave early. I have to leave early. Ismerlek, mint a rossz pénzt. I can see right through you. I know you like bad money. On Tom teadlik sellest, mida Mary tegi? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Mit ajánlasz? What do you recommend? What do you suggest? Tom későn jött haza. Tom was late coming home. Tom came home late. Sarah Bernhardt oli ranskalainen teatterinäyttelijä. Sarah Bernhardt was a French stage actress. Sarah Bernhardt was a French theatre actor. Võta paar päeva vabaks. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. Teidän ei tarvitse puhua siitä, jollette halua. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Lopeta laiskottelu ja keksi jotakin tekemistä. Stop being lazy and find something to do. Stop being lazy and think of something to do. Hän haluaa pelata jalkapalloa tänä iltapäivänä. He wants to play soccer this afternoon. He wants to play football this afternoon. Hän nukahti heti. He fell asleep right away. He fell asleep right away. Osaatteks te ottaa pois kuuden kymmenestä? Can you subtract six from ten? Do you know how to take six out of ten? Két órán át várt rá. She waited for him for two hours. He waited two hours for her. Treenatkaa. Exercise. Work out. Satutko sinä pelkäämään minua? Are you, by any chance, scared of me? Are you gonna be scared of me? Tom taitteli kartan auki. Tom unfolded the map. Tom folded the map open. Tomi pyysi Maria ostamaan hänelle lipun. Tom asked Mary to buy him a ticket. Tomi asked Maria to buy him a ticket. Тый тыште илет? Did you live here? Are you here? Olet ihan niin kuin minä. You're just like me. You're just like me. Nézz a szemembe. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eye. Szinte semmit nem tud arról az állatról. He knows almost nothing about that animal. You almost don't know anything about that animal. Hän ei ole mikään tavallinen laulajatar. She is no ordinary singer. She's not a regular singer. Aki egy társaságban nem iszik, az vagy egy tolvaj vagy egy spion. Someone who doesn't drink in company is either a thief or a spy. Anyone who doesn't drink in a company is either a thief or a spy. Pidäthän yhteyttä. Keep in touch. You'll be in touch. Ma olen tagasihoidlik. I'm shy. I'm modest. A doktor megmondta neki, hogy tartózkodjon az ivástól. He was told to abstain from drinking by the doctor. The doctor told her to stay away from drinking. Sodat tuovat arpia. Wars bring scars. Wars bring scars. Nem tesz semmit! It doesn't matter! He's not doing anything! Utálja a Fácsét. She hates Facebook. He hates the Fate. Hol szerezted a karcolást az arcodon? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Where did you get the scratch on your face? Terveh, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hey, Tom. Mul on kaks venda. I have two siblings. I have two brothers. Tom csak bámult. Tom just stared. Tom was just staring. Tomia karkoitetaan. Tom is being deported. Tom's being banished. Tisztán emlékszem. Ez hét vagy nyolc éve volt. Pontosan hol? Te is ott voltál? I still clearly remember. It was seven or eight years ago. Where exactly? Were you also there? That was seven or eight years ago, where exactly were you? Hän ei uskaltanut hypätä puron yli. He didn't dare to jump the brook. He didn't dare jump over the stream. Közeledünk a találkozóhelyhez. We're approaching the rendezvous point. We're approaching the meeting point. Add ide a térképet! Give me the map. Give me the map. Laskekaa kolmeenkymppiin. Count up to thirty. Count to 30. Tom on yhtä komea kuin aina ennenkin. Tom is as handsome as ever. Tom's as handsome as ever. Akarok venni egy tucat fánkot. I want to buy a dozen donuts. I want to buy a dozen donuts. Maradj nyugodt! Keep calm. Stay calm. Lasi vettä, kiitos. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. Ki fogja megcsinálni? Who will do it? Who's gonna do it? Figyeld, hogy mit mond. You must attend to what she says. Watch what he says. Vasta sitten tajusin jättäneeni lompakon kotiin. Only then did I realize that I had left my wallet at home. Only then did I realize I left the wallet at home. Kell valami étel. I need food. I need some food. Meghámozza az almáját. He peels her apple. He's getting his apple back. Ezt én nem fogadom el. I don't buy it. I don't accept that. Missä sinun luottokorttisi ovat? Where are your credit cards? Where's your credit cards? Voit etsiä tietyn sanan sisältäviä lauseita ja saada käännökset näihin lauseisiin. You can search sentences containing a certain word and get translations for these sentences. You can search for sentences containing a given word and get translations into these sentences. Tomi adta nekem ezeket a régi pénzérméket. Tom gave me these old coins. Tomi gave me these old coins. Tom halusi pysähtyä ajattelemaan. Tom wanted to stop and think. Tom wanted to stop and think. Tomit kirúgták? Was Tom fired? Did Tom get fired? Sajnálom, elfelejtettem megcsinálni a házi feladataimat. I'm sorry, I forgot to do my homework. I'm sorry, I forgot to do my homework. Tomit sosem fogják elfelejteni. Tom will never be forgotten. Tomi will never be forgotten. Ismered a méreted? Do you know your size? Do you know your size? A hang abból az irányból jött. The sound came from that direction. The sound came from that direction. Se nainen opettaa meille ranskaa. The lady is teaching us French. That woman is teaching us French. Vásárolni megyünk. We're going shopping. We're going shopping. Ma õpin inglise keelt. I'm learning English. I'm learning English. Sajnálom a gyerekeket. I feel sorry for the children. I'm sorry about the kids. Miért nem mehetek Bostonba? Why can't I go to Boston? Why can't I go to Boston? Saatan olla poissa hetken aikaa. I might be gone for a while. I might be gone for a while. Most véglegesítettek. I just got tenure. Now they're finalized. Nousin Lontoon junaan. I got on the train for London. I got on London's train. Minul on žiäli! I'm sorry! I've got a genie! Hän kävi talon takana kusella. He took a whiz around the back of the house. He went to the back of the house for a piss. Tamás kémiát tanul. Tom is studying chemistry. Thomas is studying chemistry. Olen aina ollut tällainen. I've always been this way. I've always been like this. Ez hatással lesz rám? Will this affect me? Is that gonna affect me? Mary nagyon vonzó. Mary is very attractive. Mary is very attractive. Hän hylkäsi tarjouksemme. He rejected our offer. He rejected our offer. Oikein! Right! That's right! Tomin kirjoitelmassa oli useita lyöntivirheitä. Tom's essay had many typos. Tom's writing contained a number of mistakes in the punches. Menen sokkotreffeille perjantai-iltana. I'm going to go on the blind date Friday evening. I'm going on a blind date on Friday night. Az ablak nyitva van. The window is open. The window's open. Petaa sänkysi. Make your bed. He's cheating on your bed. Ma megérkezett az új bútor. The new furniture arrived today. The new furniture has arrived today. El fogok menni. I'll go. I'm leaving. Chiqui on papukaija, joka puhuu esperantoa. Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto. Chiqui is a parrot who speaks Esperanto. Tomi on riippuvainen kahvista. Tom is addicted to coffee. Tomi is dependent on coffee. Tom hinkkasi hyvän haltian antamaa kiveä, jolloin hän muuntui oravaksi ja pääsi livahtamaan vankilaikkunoiden kaltereiden läpi vaivatta Tom rubbed the stone that the good fairy had given him, whereupon he turned into a squirrel and could escape to freedom through the bars of the prison window with ease. Tom hovered the stone of a good hare and turned into a squirrel and snuck through the bars of the prison windows. Maria on raamatukoi. Mary is a bookworm. Maria's a bible. Hän on japanilainen. She is Japanese. He's Japanese. Tomi lainasi minulle rahat, joita tarvitsin. Tom lent me the money I needed. Tomi borrowed me the money I needed. Auto on autotallissa. The car is in the garage. The car's in the garage. Tom tévedésből ütött meg. Tom hit me by mistake. Tom hit me wrong. Fordítsd le ezt a szöveget! Translate this text. Translate this text. Versenytársak vagyunk. We're competitors. We're competitors. Láttam egyet. I saw one. I saw one. Herää seitsemältä. Wake up at seven, please. Wake up at 7:00. He muhinoivat autossa. They're making out in the car. They're moaning in the car. Légy szíves, válaszolj! Please reply. Please, answer me. Lihaa, kiitos. Meat, please. Meat, please. Egy stresszes munkanap után rossz hangulatban tért haza. After a stressful day at work, he went home in a bad mood. After a stressful day at work, he returned home in a bad mood. A mérsékelt testmozgás serkenti a vérkeringést. Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood. Moderate exercise stimulates blood circulation. Mindenki csodálta a bátorságát. Everybody admired his courage. Everyone admired his courage. Elhiszem a szavaidat. I believe your words. I believe your words. Ez egy forró nap. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. Sinun täytyy kävellä ennen kuin voit juosta. You must walk before you can run. You have to walk before you can run. Ott leszek ma este. I'm going to be there tonight. I'll be there tonight. Eikö se mene juuri toisinpäin? Isn't it the other way around? Don't you think it's going the other way? Uin joka päivä. I swim every day. I swim every day. Ebből a szobából csodás kilátás nyílik. The view from this room is wonderful. This room has a wonderful view. Toivon, että olemme siellä pian perillä. I hope we get there soon. I hope we'll be there soon. Olet väsynyt tänä iltana. You're tired this evening. You're tired tonight. Szebb vagy, mint amilyennek tartod magad. You are more beautiful than you think. You're more beautiful than you think you are. Me ei saa midagi lubada. We can't promise anything. We can't promise anything. Ez szó szerint megváltoztatja az életedet mindörökre. This can literally change your life forever. It literally changes your life forever. Felkacagott, amikor meglátott engem. She burst out laughing when she saw me. He flipped when he saw me. Ez szemét. This is garbage. That's trash. Ez az óra nem jár. This clock is out of order. This watch doesn't work. Minä näen sen kirjan. I see the book. I see that book. Tomi kertoi minulle, että olette täällä. Tom told me you were here. Tomi told me you were here. Toiset naiset eivät ajele säärikarvojaan. Some women don't shave their legs. Other women don't shave their legs. Tom apósa vagyok. I'm Tom's father-in-law. I'm Tom's father-in-law. Meillä on vielä tunti aikaa jäljellä. We've got an hour left. We still have an hour left. A szüleitől nem függ anyagilag. He is economically independent of his parents. It doesn't depend financially on your parents. Szükséged volt rám. You needed me. You needed me. Televisio on päällä. The TV's on. The TV's on. Oroszország nagyon sok ismert embert adott a világnak, mint például Lenin, Sztálin, Malenkov, Hruscsov, Brezsnyev, Andropov, Csernyenkó, Gorbacsov, Jelcin, Medvegyev és Putyin. Russia produced lots of well-known men like Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Medvedev, and Putin. Russia has given many known people to the world, such as Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Hruscev, Brezsnyev, Andropov, Chernyenko, Gorbachev, Jelcin, Medvedev and Putin. Nyissatok tüzet! Open fire! Open fire! Iskolában van. It's at school. She's at school. Miért akarsz elmenni? Why do you want to leave? Why do you want to go? Puhutte. You speak. You're talking. Kölcsönös bizalom volt közöttünk. We trusted each other. We had mutual trust. A csúfságnak van egy előnye a szépséggel szemben: tartós marad. Ugliness has one advantage over beauty: it lasts. Ugliness has an advantage over beauty: it remains lasting. Opiskelin ennen illallista. I studied before supper. I studied before dinner. Tere hommikust, unimüts. Good morning, you sleepyhead. Good morning, sleepyhead. Tegnap megjavítottam az autót. I fixed the car yesterday. I fixed the car yesterday. Alkoholin käyttö lisääntyy joka vuosi. Alcohol consumption is increasing every year. Alcohol use increases every year. Jostain syystä minulla on eloisampi olo öisin. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. Sikere volt. It was successful. It was Sikere. Haladtam valamennyit. I've made some progress. I've missed some. Ki figyelt oda? Who listened? Who was watching? Kerroin jo Tomille kaiken. I already told Tom everything. I already told Tom everything. Nem tudom elhinni, hogy azt a szemetet valóban ilyen magas áron tudtad eladni. I can't believe that you really sold that junk for such a high price. I can't believe you could really sell that trash at such a high price. Minden út Rómába vezet. Many ways lead to Rome. All the way to Rome. Tietävätkö he, mitä tapahtui? Do they know what happened? Do they know what happened? Figyelmeztetnünk kell Tomot. We need to warn Tom. We have to warn Tom. Úgy tűnik, Tamás hazudik. Tom seems to be lying. It looks like Tamás's lying. Jobban szeretem a kenyeret, mint a rizst. I like bread more than rice. I like bread better than rice. Szándékomban áll odamenni. I intend to go there. I intend to go there. Valóban nem tudom, hogy hol kezdjem. I really don't know where to start. I really don't know where to start. Tom meg akar tanulni gót játszani. Tom wants to learn how to play go. Tom wants to learn how to play Goth. He ovat ystäviäni. They're my friends. They're my friends. Isäni ajaa partaansa kylpyhuoneessa. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My father drives his beard in the bathroom. Tomot meg kellett volna bilincselni. Tom should have been handcuffed. Tom should have been handcuffed. Tom voi tulla mihin aikaan tahansa. Tom may come at any time. Tom can come at any time. He ovat hyviä ihmisiä. They're good people. They're good people. Még egyszer. Once again. One more time. Mindketten nevetnek. They're both laughing. They're both laughing. Tomi ei ollut siitä tietenkään iloinen. Tom obviously wasn't happy. Of course, Tom wasn't happy about it. Meg tudod nekem mondani ennek az embernek a nevét? Can you tell me that man's name? Can you tell me the name of this man? Tom on ollut poissa koulusta kolme päivää. Tom has been absent from school for three days. Tom's been out of school for three days. Tom on huono valehtelija. Tom is bad at lying. Tom's a bad liar. Süket csönd volt. There was total silence. He was quiet. Tom puhuu ranskaa vain vanhemmilleen. Tom speaks only French to his parents. Tom only speaks French to his parents. Sää on aurinkoinen. The weather is sunny. The weather is sunny. Tomi alkoi muuttaa. Tom began to move. Tomi started moving. Hän on kiltti ihminen. He's a kind person. He's a nice person. Amikor gyerekek voltunk, imádtuk meglátogatni a nagyit, mert mindig volt egy nagy doboz süteménye a konyhában. As kids we used to love visiting grandma because she always had a large tin of biscuits in her kitchen. When we were kids, we loved visiting grandma because she always had a big box of cakes in the kitchen. Mu naine on rase. My wife's pregnant. My wife's pregnant. A házunk előtt két öreg gesztenyefa áll. In front of our house are two old chestnuts. There are two old Chestnut trees in front of our house. Szeretném, ha ott lennél. I'd like you to be there. I want you to be there. Örülök, hogy valamiben egyetértünk. I'm glad we agree on something. I'm glad we agree on something. Toisitko minulle yleisavaimen. Please bring the master key. Could you get me a universal key, please? Älä ruoki eläimiä. Don't feed the animals. Don't feed the animals. Keresztbe-kasul beutaztam az Egyesült Államokat. I traveled all through the United States. I traveled to the United States through and through. Tom, Mari ja Joni leikkivät hippaa leikkikentällä. Tom, Mary and John were playing tag on the playground. Tom, Mari and Joni play in the playground. En voinut olla nauramatta vitsille. I could not but laugh at the joke. I couldn't help but laugh. Rettenetes ma a hőség. The heat is terrible today. The heat is terrible today. Mikor lesz ennek vége? When will this end? When will this end? Nem vagy halott. You're not dead. You're not dead. Saitteko tuota? Did you get that? Did you get that? Klaas on tühi. The glass is empty. The glass is empty. Nem mondtam el Tominak. I didn't tell Tom. I didn't tell Tomi. Vastaa edes yhteen kysymykseen. Just answer one question. Answer at least one question. Nyt on liian myöhäistä muuttaa mieltään. It's too late to change your mind now. Now it's too late to change your mind. Sinun pitää olla vain kärsivällinen. You just have to be patient. All you have to do is be patient. Keskustelumme kesti tunteja. Our conversation lasted for hours. Our conversation took hours. Ravintolassa olisi voinut kuulla neulan putoavan lattialle sen jälkeen kun Mari läimäytti Tomia naamaan, heitti lasillisen viiniä hänen päälleen ja tömisteli ulos. You could've heard a pin drop in the restaurant after Mary slapped Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine over him and stomped out. At the restaurant, you could have heard the needle fall on the floor after Mari hit Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine on him and pushed him out. Olen tuntenut teidät vuosia. I've known you for years. I've known you for years. Nekem jogom van kritizálni. I have the right to criticise. I have the right to criticise. Tom pucér volt. Tom was naked. Tom was naked. Tomi három meccs után otthagyta a csapatot. Tom left the team after three games. Tomi left the team after three games. Olajat keresünk. We're looking for oil. We're looking for olives. Ovat varmaankin yhdessä. They're probably together. They must be together. Tomille kuuluu hyvää. Tom is well. Tom's good at it. Monelta tulisin hakemaan sinua huomenna? When should I pick you up tomorrow? What time would I come to pick you up tomorrow? Hitto. Damn. Shit. Sinä putoat. You'll fall down. You're falling. Kaikki on mahdollista. Anything is possible. Everything's possible. Ennek vagy Tomnak vagy Johnnak kell lennie. That must be either Tom or John. It's either Tom or John. Kaikkea sanomaasi voidaan käyttää todisteena sinua vastaan. Anything you say can be used against you. Everything you say can be used as evidence against you. Eikö se ole sinulle tarpeeksi? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Me käytämme ranskaa vain kotona. We only use French at home. We only use French at home. Hogyan jutott eszedbe ilyen jó kifogás? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you think of such a good excuse? Hän on sen arvoinen, että hänestä tulee joukkueemme kapteeni. He is worthy to be captain of our team. He's worth it. He's gonna be the captain of our team. Segítségért kiáltott. She screamed for help. He cried for help. Sinä et tee kuolemaa. You aren't dying. You're not dying. Ma olen seal ainult korra olnud. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Tapasimme yksinäisen puun alla. We met under a lonely tree. We met under a lonely tree. Isten veled! Bye! Goodbye. Pue yöpuku päälle. Put on your pajamas. Put on your nightdress. Nad on liiga purjus. They are too drunk. They're too drunk. Puhuuko hän ranskaa? Can he speak French? Is he speaking French? Oletan sinun pitävän Tomia todella typeränä. I suppose you think Tom is really stupid. I assume you think Tom's really stupid. Gubpede manne båatam? Where am I from? Gubpede manne båatam? Kes on roolis? Who's at the wheel? Who's in the wheel? Néhány ember gúnyolódott a helyzetemen. Some people made fun of my situation. Some people were mocking my situation. Tämä rakennus näyttää todella futuristiselta. This building looks very futuristic. This building looks really futuristic. Tomi Marin nevetett. Tom laughed at Mary. Tomi Marin laughed. A szavamat adom, hogy leszokom a dohányzásról. I give my pledge that I will quit smoking. You have my word that I will quit smoking. Tamás tegnap jött vissza. Tom got back yesterday. Thomas came back yesterday. Työskennelkää. Work. Work. Érthető vagyok? Is my explanation clear? Do I make myself clear? Odaadom ezt Tomnak. I'll give this to Tom. I'll give this to Tom. Nincs olyan messze. It's not that far. It's not that far. Tässä autossa ei ole vakionopeudensäädintä. There's no cruise control on this car. There's no standard speed control in this car. Hány éves korában ment férjhez Viktória királynő? How old was Queen Victoria when she got married? How old did Queen Victoria get married? Vauva alkoi itkeä. The baby started to cry. The baby started crying. Tényleg szomorú volt. It was really sad. He was really sad. Olet sievin olento, jonka koskaan olen nähnyt. You're the prettiest thing I've seen in my life. You're the nicest thing I've ever seen. Olen menossa leffaan. I'm going to the cinema. I'm going to a movie. Tomia ei voi pysäyttää. Tom can't be stopped. Tom can't be stopped. Segítenünk kell egymásnak. We must help each other. We have to help each other. Emlékszel arra a napra, amikor megismerkedtünk? Do you remember the day when we first met? Remember the day we met? Mitä enemmän hän imartelee sitä vähemmän pidän hänestä. The more he flatters, the less I like him. The more he flatters me, the less I like him. A hegyekben voltak a szabijuk alatt. They spent their holiday in the mountains. They were in the mountains under their sabi. Tom megúszhatja. Tom can get away with it. Tom can get away with it. Ez volt az egyetlen dolog, amit tennem kellett. That was the only thing I had to do. That was the only thing I had to do. Gondolom, tetszene neked. I think you might like it. I guess you'd like it. Nem hazudtam. I didn't lie. I wasn't lying. Nagyon unalmas. It's very boring. It's very boring. Hadd nézzem a nyelvét. Let me see your tongue. Let me see your tongue. Azon a könyvborítón volt pár tintafolt. There were some ink spots on the book jacket. There were some ink stains on that cover. Tuossa tietokoneessa on neliydinprosessori. That computer has a quad-core processor. That computer has a four-core processor. Tamás látott egy kígyót. Tom saw a snake. Tamás saw a snake. Olen yhä aika melko janoinen. I'm still kind of thirsty. I'm still pretty thirsty. Tom on Marin isäpuoli. Tom is Mary's stepfather. Tom's Mari's stepfather. Lázasnak érzem magam. I feel feverish. I feel like a fever. Putsasin tämän juuri. I just cleaned this. I just cleaned this thing up. Saat käyttää tätä autoa. You may use this car. You can use this car. ”Minä en ole hyvä uimaan.” ”En minäkään.” "I'm not good at swimming." "Neither am I." “I'm not good at swimming.” “I'm not good at swimming.” Hogyan lehetsz ilyen optimista? How can you be so optimistic? How can you be so optimistic? Vektori on yksikkövektori, jos sen normi on yksi. A vector is a unit vector if its norm is 1. A vector is a unit vector if its standard is one. Kello on 14.00. It's 2:00 p.m. It's 2:00. Olen aamuvirkku. I'm an early riser. I'm a morning nurse. Hei, ära mind sellesse sega. Hey, leave me out of this. Hey, don't get me into this. Sinä et auta. You aren't helping. You're not helping. Van egy régi kerékpárom. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Hän kykenee opettamaan ranskaa. He is capable of teaching French. He's capable of teaching French. Hogy van a húgod? How's your sister? How's your sister? Auta minua tämän arkistokaapin kanssa. Help me with this file cabinet. Help me with this file cabinet. Van egy terved? Do you have any plans? Do you have a plan? Tomilla oli sydänkohtaus viime vuonna. Tom had a heart attack last year. Tom had a heart attack last year. Ilyet én soha nem mondanék. I would never say such a thing. I would never say that. A lökhajtásos repülőgép leszállt Tokióban. The jet landed at Tokyo. The propulsion plane landed in Tokyo. Jaska on eräs ystävistäni. Jack is one of my friends. I've got one of my friends on the line. Az én hobbim a rovargyűjtés. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is the collection of insects. Kaikki on ohi väliltämme. It's all over for us. It's all over between us. Vajon mit akart a festő ezzel kifejezni? I wonder what the painter wanted to express with this. What did the painter mean by that? Aki féreg módjára viselkedik, ne csodálkozzon, ha eltapossák. He who behaves like a worm can't complain of getting stepped on. If you behave like a worm, don't be surprised if you're stunned. Vanha louhos on nyt suosittu uimakuoppa. The old quarry is now a popular swimming hole. The old quarry is now a popular swimmer. Veljeni tytär on sairaanhoitaja. My niece is a nurse. My brother's daughter is a nurse. Tom nyugdíjba vonult 2013-ban. Tom retired in 2013. Tom retired in 2013. Meidän on puolustettava vähemmistöjen oikeuksia. We have to stand up for minority rights. We must defend the rights of minorities. ”Ethän kerro hänelle.” ”En sano mitään.” "Please don't tell him." "I won't say anything." “You won’t tell him.” “I won’t say anything.” Bíznotok kell bennem! Nincs más választásotok. You have to trust me. You don't have any other choice. You have to trust me, you have no choice. Tominak nem erőssége a párhuzamos parkolás. Tom isn't very good at parallel parking. Tomi doesn't have the strength of parallel parking. Ei ole mitään pahempaa kuin sota. Nothing is worse than war. There's nothing worse than war. Nehéz nem erre a következtetésre jutni. It's hard not to come to this conclusion. It's hard not to come to that conclusion. A skorpiók veszélyesek. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpies are dangerous. Tom a saját dolgával törődik. Tom is minding his own business. Tom cares about his own business. Haluaisin puhua sen ylihoitajan kanssa. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to talk to that superintendent. En ole epäjärjestelmällinen. I'm not disorganized. I'm not irregular. Sajnálom, hogy megzavartalak. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Rendkívüli vagy. You're extraordinary. You're extraordinary. Hän on hyvä päästään. She's smart. He's good at getting away with it. Se ei vain tunnu oikeanlaiselta. It just doesn't feel right. It just doesn't feel right. Oma tupa, oma lupa. Our house, our rules. Your room, your permission. Az ágyon ült, miközben anyja copfba fonta a haját. She sat on the bed as her mother braided her hair. He was sitting on the bed with his mother's capfba font on his hair. Hova máshova mennénk? Where else should we go? Where else would we go? Miten saan tytön rakastumaan itseeni? How can I make a girl fall in love with me? How do I make a girl fall in love with me? Tamás csak palackos vizet iszik. Tom drinks only bottled water. Tamás only drinks bottled water. Oppilas vastasi: ”Kahdensadanviidenkymmenenkuuden neliöjuuri on kuusitoista.” The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." The student replied: “The square root of the twenty-six is sixteen.” Maalaus esittää nuorta naista kampaamassa hiuksiaan peilin edessä. The painting shows a young woman combing her hair before a mirror. The painting shows a young woman hairdressing her hair in front of the mirror. Bátor vagyok. I'm brave. I'm brave. Terveh. Hello. Hello. Se ei ole pätkääkään sinun asiasi. It's none of your business! It's none of your business. Том садак уке улеш. Tom is still missing. That does not mean that. Ezelőtt már olvastam ezt a könyvet. I have read the book before. I've read this book before. "Näin on", Joni sanoi. "That's right", said John. "This is it," Joni said. Tovább kell hajtania, hogy elérjen Bostonba. You need to drive farther south to reach Boston. You're going to have to keep moving to Boston. Haluan jutella pomosi kanssa. I want to speak to your boss. I want to talk to your boss. Twitterin motto on ”paras tapa saada tietää mitä uutta maailmassa tapahtuu”. The motto of Twitter is "The best way to discover what's new in your world". Twitter motto is “the best way to know what is happening in the world”. Minulla on tässä vaarallinen tilanne. I've got a dangerous situation here. I have a dangerous situation here. Senkiben ne bízz, még bennem se! Don't trust anyone, not even me. Trust no one, not even me. Varopa suutasi! Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth! Me peame koosoleku edasi lükkama. We'll have to postpone the meeting. We have to postpone the meeting. Sokat aludtak az éjjel? Did you sleep much last night? Did you sleep a lot last night? Tamás tanult egy új szót. Tom learned a new word. Thomas learned a new word. Postitoimisto on tuo ruskea rakennus. The post office is that brown building. The post office is that brown building. Milloin kesälomanne alkaa? When does your summer vacation begin? When's your summer vacation? Azután senki nem látta őt. Nobody has seen him ever since. Then no one saw him. Bensa on melkein loppu. We're almost out of fuel. We're almost out of gas. Mialatt piknikezni voltunk, egy betörő feltörte a zárunkat. While we were out for a picnic, our house's lock was picked by a thief. While we were on the picnic, a burglar broke our lock. Tüzet szüntess! Hold fire. Hold your fire! Jaana oli pukeutuneena mieheksi. Jane was dressed as a man. She was dressed as a man. Koettamatta et saa ikinä tietää. You'll never know unless you try. Without trying, you'll never know. Mä ostin tän kirjan Bostonissa viime kuus. I bought this book in Boston last month. I bought this book in Boston last month. Igazán elfoglalt voltam. I was really busy. I was really busy. Szerintem Tom soha nem tanult franciául. I don't think Tom has ever studied French. I don't think Tom's ever learned French. Halkabban, legyen szíves! Less noise, please. Keep it down, please. Et voi voittaa, Tom. You can't win, Tom. You can't win, Tom. Gyerekkoromban bárhol képes voltam aludni. When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere. When I was a kid, I could sleep anywhere. Perheeni asuu tuossa talossa. My family live in that house. My family lives in that house. Ilmastointi on rikki. The air conditioner is out of order. Air conditioning's broken. Anna tulla! Shoot! Come on! Suuronnettomuus vältettiin silkalla hyvällä tuurilla. A calamity was avoided by sheer luck. The major accident was avoided with a good luck. Értelmesek vagyunk. We're reasonable. We're reasonable. Ethän jätä minua yksin? Please don't leave me alone. You're not leaving me alone, are you? Ilus olemisel on palju häid külgi. There are many benefits to being beautiful. There's a lot of good things about being beautiful. Ez számít. It matters. That's what matters. Lainaan sinulle yhden, jos niin haluat. I'll lend you one if you wish. I'll lend you one, if that's what you want. Soha nem tudhatod, mi fog történni. You can never know what will happen. You never know what's gonna happen. Felemelte a kezét. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. Introvertált vagyok. I'm introverted. I'm introverted. Me olemme menossa tähän suuntaan. We're going this way. We're going this way. Tom segített a rendőrségnek elkapni a tolvajt. Tom helped the police catch the thief. Tom helped the police catch the thief. Pidättäydy julkaisemasta kirjoituksia, jotka tekevät tällä sivustolla vierailusta vähemmän miellyttävää. Please refrain from making posts that make this site less pleasant to visit. You should refrain from publishing articles that make your visit to this site less pleasant. Megfogadtam a tanácsát, drága kolléga. I have followed your advice, my dear colleague. I took your advice, dear colleague. Minä otan keltaisen. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. Mitkä ovat tämän paraabelin nollakohdat? What are the zeros of this parabola? What are the zero points of this paragraph? Milyen jóképű! How handsome! How handsome. Hän halusi imarrella minua. He wanted to flatter me. He wanted to flatter me. Nämä geenimuunnellut banaanit ovat täynnänsä A-vitamiinia. These genetically modified bananas are loaded with vitamin A. These genetically modified bananas are full of vitamin A. Nehéz elhinni, hogy egész idáig tiszta és napos volt az idő. It's hard to believe it was so clear and sunny up to just now. It's hard to believe it's been clean and sunny all this time. Meglepett az, amit megtudtam. I was surprised by what I learned. I was surprised what I learned. Bárcsak ne láttam volna ilyen borzalmas filmet! I wish I hadn't seen such a horrible film. I wish I hadn't seen such a horrible movie. Asztalhoz ülünk. We sit down at the table. We're sitting at a table. Kuulostaa todella mielenkiintoiselta. That sounds really interesting. Sounds really interesting. Tom visszament a hotelbe. Tom went back to the hotel. Tom went back to the hotel. Ki az a nő, aki ott áll? Who is the woman standing there? Who's the woman standing there? Juhliin tuli melkoinen määrä ihmisiä. Quite a few people came to the party. A lot of people came to the party. Mijjieh gaajhkem jovkebe. We drink everything. Meijieh more jovkebe. Pantheon on nykyisin kirkko. The Pantheon is now a church. Pantheon is now a church. Ne legyél tiszteletlen! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be disrespectful. Nagyon kérlek, ne szóljatok bele! Please do not interrupt. Please don't talk about it. En tule kotiin. I won't come home. I'm not coming home. Éhes vagy? Are you hungry? You hungry? Nem érdekel, hogy mit mondott Tamás. I don't care what Tom said. I don't care what Tamás said. Nem mondtam el senkinek, hogy itt voltál. I didn't tell anyone that you were here. I didn't tell anyone you were here. En usko sen olevan välttämätöntä. I don't think that's necessary. I don't think that's necessary. Tämä on hänen likainen salaisuutensa. This is her dirty little secret. This is his dirty secret. A fiú csendben maradt. The boy kept quiet. The boy's quiet. Mari ei rakasta mua. Mary doesn't love me. Mari doesn't love me. Mitä varastettiin? What was stolen? What was stolen? Német helyett franciát tanultunk. We learned French instead of German. We learned French instead of German. Ei mitään. Never mind. Nothing. Tom haastettiin sotaoikeuteen. Tom was court-martialed. Tom was sued for war. Petit Tomin. You let Tom down. You betrayed Tom. Hagylak választani. I will let you choose. I'll let you choose. Myö emmä ole vanha. We are not old. I don't think she's old. Hän on rikas kun taas hänen vanhempi veljensä on köyhä. He is rich while his elder brother is poor. He's rich, and his older brother's poor. Tämä on sinun omaa syytäsi. This is your own fault. It's your fault. Úgy érzem, ideje szünetet tartani. I think it's time for me to take a break. I feel like it's time to take a break. Lopással vádolta őt és őt. She accused him and her of stealing. He accused her and her of stealing. Tomi on älykäs. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. Kaikki tietävät, että Tom osaa puhua ranskaa hyvin. Everybody knows Tom can speak French well. Everyone knows Tom speaks French well. Tom elővett a zsebéből egy húszdollárost. Tom took a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket. Tom pulled a $20 out of his pocket. Jánosnak nevezték el a fiukat. They named their son John. They called their son John. Néhány kérdést intéztem az orvoshoz. I asked the doctor some questions. I asked the doctor a few questions. Haluan nukkua vielä vähän aikaa. I want to sleep a little more. I want to get some sleep. Ärge kirjutage sõnu "borš" ja "kapsasupp" saksa keeles! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Do not write the words "borš" and "capsa soup" in German! Tämä linna on kaunis. This castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. Бурдж-Халифа течи весе мастортнева ули сехте сэрей менельстокицякс. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. I was told by the next king’s armyen, which was the desire with the Witnesses. Oletko mielisairas? Are you mentally ill? Are you mentally ill? Adjon egy kis időt, hogy rájöjjek, mi romlott el. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Give me some time to figure out what went wrong. Az angolok nagyra becsülik a szabadságot. The English set a high value on freedom. The English appreciate freedom. Nielaisin ylpeyteni. I swallowed my pride. I swallowed my pride. Kõik näivad väsinud välja. Everyone looks tired. Everybody looks tired. Tom öngyilkos lett a börtönben. Tom committed suicide in prison. Tom killed himself in prison. Et voi kävellä alasti ympäriinsä tässä hotellissa. You can't go naked in this hotel. You can't walk around naked in this hotel. Kaikki tapahtuu syystä. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Hänen nimensä on tunnettu joka puolella maailmaa. Her name is known all over the world. His name is known all over the world. Eladta a lelkét az Ördögnek. He sold his soul to the Devil. He sold his soul to the Devil. Tom on ulkona heittelemässä frisbeetä koiransa kanssa. Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog. Tom's out throwing Frisbee with his dog. On ihanaa katsoa sinun ruoanlaittoasi. I love watching you cook. It's wonderful to watch your cooking. Ki tehet erről? Who's to blame? Who's to blame for this? Nő a lakosság száma. The population is growing. The population is growing. Hän ei ikinä valehtele. He never lies. He never lies. Nem bírtam megmozdítani a karjaimat. I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't move my arms. Pitääkö meidän odottaa Tomia? Do we need to wait for Tom? Do we have to wait for Tom? Nem akarom, hogy elfelejtsenek. I don't want them to forget me. I don't want them to forget. A király megsemmisítette ellenségeit. The king crushed his enemies. The King destroyed his enemies. Kussoljál, vagy kidobatlak! Shut up or you'll get thrown out. Shut up or I'll throw you out! En pysty tekemään tätä ilman heitä. I can't do this without them. I can't do this without them. Tom komoly. Tom's serious. Tom's serious. Tom on raivoissaan. Tom's furious. Tom's upset. Mily mihaszna és szánalmas! How sad and pathetic! How useful and pathetic! Tamás talált egy elveszett rókakölyköt és magához vette. Tom found an abandoned young fox and adopted it. Tamás found a lost fox kid and picked him up. Kuidas see mul kahe silma vahele jäi? How did I miss this? How did I miss that? Onko se jo korjattu? Has it been fixed yet? Has it been fixed yet? Nincs időm pletykálni. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time to gossip. A beteg inkább élő, mint halott. The patient is more alive than dead. The patient is more alive than dead. Először csalódott voltam. At first, I was disappointed. I was disappointed at first. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni, amit értem tettél. I'll never forget what you've done for me. I'll never forget what you did for me. See on väga tähtis sõnum. It's a very important message. It's a very important message. Számítottál ilyesmire? Is that something you expected? You were counting on something like that? Lõpuks! Finally! Finally! Több kell nekünk. We need more. We need more. Régimódi vagyok. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. Hyviä ildua, kuibo dielot? Good evening, how are you? Good luck, when it comes to diet? Kuinka vanha sinä olet oikeasti? How old are you really? How old are you? A fiatal nő olyan gyönyörű volt, hogy még az ördög is el akarta venni. The young woman was so beautiful, that even the devil wanted to marry her. The young woman was so beautiful that even the devil wanted to marry her. Sanomalehti julkaisi huvittavan parodian presidentin puheesta. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The newspaper published an amusing parody about the President's speech. He kiduttivat Tomia. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. Tomilla ei ole muistikuvaa siitä miten hän sai mustan silmän. Tom has no recollection of how he got his black eye. Tom doesn't have a memory of how he got a black eye. Az üzlet az üzlet. Business is business. Business is business. Tämä kirja kannattaa lukea kahdesti. This book is worth reading twice. This book is worth reading twice. Minä tulen vielä hulluksi. I'll end up by going crazy. I'm gonna go crazy. Hän voitti sen kilpailun helposti. He won the race easily. He easily won that race. Tomi asui vähän aikaa Bostonissa. Tom lived in Boston for a while. Tom lived in Boston for a while. Mikä on sinun lempikielesi? What's your preferred language? What's your favorite language? Hova megy a következő vonat? Where's the next train going? Where's the next train going? Mije van? What do you have? What do you got? Voinko jäädä yöksi? Can I stay over? Can I stay the night? Olkoon kuka on, emme voi muuta, kuin luottaa häneen Whoever he may be, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Whoever he is, all we can do is trust him. Kérlek, olvasd el újra. Please read that again. Please read it again. Kysymykseesi ei ole vastausta. There is no anwser for your question. There's no answer to your question. Szerintetek melyik a tiétek? How do you know which one is yours? Which one do you think is yours? Minä näin miten Tom teki sen. I saw how Tom was doing that. I saw Tom do it. Igazán szeretem a nyarat! Tulajdonképpen ez én kedvenc hetem az évben. I really like summer. In fact, it's my favourite week of the year. I really like summer, actually, it's my favorite week this year. Mun lean Tom. I am Tom. I found Tom. Tomnak egy gyermeke volt. Tom had one child. Tom had a child. A vélemények összehozzák vagy megosztják az embereket. Opinion unites or divides men. Opinions bring people together or share them. Tom on ruma. Tom is ugly. Tom's ugly. Kun on sairaana, vierailijat voivat olla melko kiusallisia. When one is sick, visitors can be rather annoying. When you're sick, visitors can be rather awkward. Lopeta! Cut it out. Stop it! Komoly tudományos felfedezést tett. He made an important scientific discovery. He's made a serious scientific discovery. Tom kékbe öltözött. Tom was dressed in blue. Tom's dressed in blue. Kisikáltam a mosogatót. I scrubbed the sink. I peed on the sink. Nad ei teadnud. They didn't know. They didn't know. Tom lukee paljon kirjoja. Tom reads lots of books. Tom reads a lot of books. Minden nap tanulod az angolt? Do you study English every day? You learn English every day? Minden kérdésem megválaszoltatott. All my questions were answered. All my questions were answered. Mistä sinä tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Tom pani ilmastoinnin päälle ja asunto alkoi viiletä. Tom turned on the air conditioner and the apartment began to cool down. Tom put the air conditioning on, and the apartment started to cool down. En tiedä hänen nimeään, mutta tiedän hänet näöltä. I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight. I don't know his name, but I know him from sight. Tom ei puhu paljon. Tom doesn't talk much. Tom doesn't talk much. Ez rossz. This is bad. That's bad. Mindenki változik. Everyone changes. Everybody's changing. Võta seda rohtu söögikordade vahel. Take this medicine between meals. Take this medicine between meals. Ezek könyvtári könyvek? Are these library books? Are these library books? Nincs itt senki. There isn't anybody here. There's no one here. Мылам тиде кнага ок келше. I don't like this book. I do not fit this address. Soititko hänelle eilen? Did you ring him yesterday? Did you call him yesterday? Évente több ezren halnak éhen. Millions of people starve to death every year. Thousands of people die every year. Tom odotti tunnin aulassa Marin asunnon ulkopuolella. Tom waited an hour in the hallway outside Mary's apartment. Tom waited an hour outside Mari's apartment in the lobby. Nosta kätesi ennen kuin vastaat. Raise your hand before you answer. Put your hands up before you answer. Hän istui viereeni. She sat next to me. He was sitting next to me. Jobbra helyezte át az íróasztalt. He moved the desk to the right. He moved the desk to the right. Täällä me nousimme Alaskaan lähtevään laivaan. Here we took the boat for Alaska. This is where we boarded a ship going to Alaska. Két évvel idősebb, de nem olyan magas, mint én. He is older than I by two years, but less tall than I. Two years older, but not as tall as me. Kotiin jääminen ei ole kivaa. Staying home isn't fun. Staying home isn't fun. Tämä kirja on kirjoitettu ranskaksi. This book is written in French. This book is written in French. Nem tudott alkalmazkodni az új körülményekhez. He couldn't adapt to new circumstances. He couldn't adapt to the new circumstances. Jelentkezett egy állásra. He applied for a job. He applied for a job. Tatoeba ei edes ole tyttö. Tatoeba is not even a girl. Tatoeba's not even a girl. Próbáld magad a helyzetébe képzelni. Try to put yourself in her shoes. Try to imagine yourself in his position. Tedd őket az asztalra. Put them on the table. Put them on the table. Sokat megtudtam Tomiról. I learned a lot about Tom. I've learned a lot about Tomi. En ole aina sunnuntaisin vapaalla. I'm not always free on Sundays. I'm not always on Sundays. Tomnak meg kellett volna nyernie a versenyt. Tom should have won the race. Tom should have won the race. Azt hiszem, Tom talán idősebb nálam. I think Tom might be older than me. I think Tom might be older than me. Kust sa pärit oled? Which country are you from? Where are you from? Onpa elämä outoa! How strange life is! Oh, life is so weird! A hallgatók rendszerint tisztelnek egy olyan tanárt, aki megérti problémáikat. Students generally like a teacher who understands their problems. Students usually respect a teacher who understands their problems. Hän tekee saksanläksyjään. He's doing his German homework. He's doing his German homework. Tom kissé meg van lepve. Tom is a little surprised. Tom's a little surprised. Palun kiirusta. Mul pole kogu öö aega. Please hurry. I don't have all night. Please hurry, I don't have all night. Oli synkkä ja myrskyinen yö. It was a dark and stormy night. It was a dark and stormy night. Pitäisikö kannabis laillistaa? Should cannabis be legal? Should I legalize the cannabis? Láttam. I saw it. I saw it. Kell neki. She needs it. He needs it. En itse asiassa koskaan käynyt korkeakoulua. I didn't actually go to college. I never actually went to college. Azt apám nem helyeselné. My father would not approve of that. My father wouldn't approve. Mehetek. I can go. I can go. Felébresztettél. You woke me. You woke me up. Te egy francia filmet akarsz megnézni, vagy? You want to watch a French film, right? You want to watch a French movie or something? Csökken a népszerűsége. His popularity is falling. His popularity is falling. Probléma lehet. It could be a problem. It could be a problem. Apám orvos. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. Tulajdonképpen Tom nem volt ott. Tom wasn't actually there. Actually, Tom wasn't there. Te olette täällä nyt. You're here right now. You're here now. Ma olin noor ja mul oli raha vaja. I was young and I needed the money. I was young, and I needed money. Meg tudtam volna csinálni egyedül, gondolom. I could've done it by myself, I think. I could have done it alone, I guess. A számítógépek nagyon hasznosak. Computers are of great use. Computers are very useful. Oletko vielä löytänyt prinssi Uljasta? Have you found Prince Charming yet? Have you found Prince Ulja yet? Tomi nipisti Maria. Tom pinched Mary. Tom's got Maria. Próbálom utolérni magam. I'm trying to get caught up now. I'm trying to catch up. Tom kalapja piros. Tom's hat is red. Tom's hat is red. Jäniksellä on pitkät korvat ja lyhyt häntä. A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. The rabbit has long ears and short ears. En aio syödä tätä. I won't eat this. I'm not gonna eat this. Tom ei näinud väga õnnelik välja. Tom didn't look all that happy. Tom didn't look very happy. Minulla on paljon tekemistä tänään. I have a great deal to do today. I've got a lot to do today. Tudod tartani pár percig? Can you hang out for a few minutes? Can you hold on for a few minutes? Tomi talált egy egész köteg pénzt. Tom found a whole bunch of money. Tomi found a whole pile of money. Ez logikus lenne. That would be logical. That makes sense. Hiän ei ole vanha. He is not old. The sweat is not old. Tomi és Mari mindketten jó tanárok. Tom and Mary are both good teachers. Tomi and Mari are both good teachers. Minun olisi pitänyt noudattaa Tomin ohjeita. I should have followed Tom's advice. I should have followed Tom's instructions. Buss sõitis pikka ja käänulist teed mööda. The bus ran on the long and winding road. The bus drove along a long and chemisty road. Olen hyvä siinä, mitä teen. I'm good at what I do. I'm good at what I do. Tulin kuuden maissa. I came at about six. I'm six o'clock. Határozott irány alapján válogatunk színészeket. We make selections based on a definite direction. We're selecting actors on a specific course. Én nem tudok sokat a kutyákról. I don't know much about dogs. I don't know much about dogs. Tom nem mehet. Tom can't go. Tom can't go. Luulin, että hän oli vihainen. I thought that he was angry. I thought he was angry. Minusta on mukavampaa mennä ulos kuin viettää aikaa Facebookissa. I prefer going outside to spending time on Facebook. I think it's nicer to go out than spend time on Facebook. A remény hal meg utoljára. Hope dies last. Hope dies last time. Sokan fognak meghalni. Many will die. A lot of people will die. Azt hiszem, igazad volt. I think you were right. I think you were right. Täällä on lohikäärmeitä. There are dragons here. There are dragons here. Ez a legnagyobb problémánk. This is our biggest problem. That's our biggest problem. Nem szeretem az ilyen meglepetéseket. I don't like surprises like this. I don't like surprises like this. Szuper! Akkor a mozi előtt találkozunk majd. Great! We'll meet at the movie theater. I'll see you in front of the movie. Se on minun käyttööni. It's for my personal use. It's for me. Tarvitsen pienet nokoset. I need to get some shut-eye. I need a little nap. Gyakran iszom vörösbort. I often drink red wine. I often drink red wine. Meg vannak ijedve. They're scared. They're scared. Nem találom Tomit. I can't find Tom. I can't find Tom. Nämä avaimet eivät ole minun. These keys are not mine. These keys aren't mine. Ketään ei huvita tapella. No one feels like fighting. No one's interested in fighting. Tomilla oli lammashakkelusta, perunoita ja sienikeittoa päivälliseksi. Tom had lamb chops, potatoes and mushroom soup for dinner. Tom had lamb chops, potatoes and mushrooms soup for dinner. Osaat uida hyvin, eikö niin? You swim well, don't you? You know how to swim, don't you? Nimenne, kiitos. What's your name, please? Your name, please. A robotok biztosan hozzátesznek a világhoz. The robots are sure to contribute to the world. I'm sure the robots will add to the world. Talán meggondolja magát. He might change his mind. Maybe he'll change his mind. Eltévedtél. You're lost. You're lost. Miten se äännetään? How do you pronounce it? How do you pronounce it? Adtam Tamásnak egy almát. I gave Tom an apple. I gave Tamás an apple. Ne értsetek félre! Don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong. Mehetsz, amikor lesz időd. You may go at your leisure. You can go when you have time. Mikor látunk hozzá az evéshez? When are we going to start eating? When are we gonna see you eat? Tom jó magaviseletű volt. Tom was well-behaved. Tom was good at it. Mivel közeleg a karácsony, be kell szereznem néhány dolgot. With Christmas just around the corner, I should do some shopping. Since Christmas is coming, I need to get some things. Halveksit Tomia, eikö niin? You despise Tom, don't you? You despised Tom, didn't you? Tomi käy lukiossa Bostonissa. Tom is going to college in Boston. Tom goes to high school in Boston. Tegnap túl sokat ettem. I ate too much food yesterday. I ate too much yesterday. Némelyik vadállat a kihalás szélén áll. Some wild animals are on the verge of extinction. Some wild animals are on the brink of extinction. Millaista ruokaa haluat minun tuovan? What kind of food do you want me to bring? What kind of food do you want me to bring? Lupasin hänelle. I promised him. I promised him. Nakamatsu keserűen mosolygott a saját ostoba kérdésén. Nakamatsu smiled bitterly at his own stupid question. Nakamatsu smiled bitterly on his own stupid question. Vettél valamit? Did you buy anything? Did you get anything? "Jõuan klassi õigeaegselt," mõtlesin ma. "I'll get to class on time," I thought. "I'm in class on time," I thought. Nem akarom megvenni ezt a fajta kanapét. I don't want to buy this kind of sofa. I don't want to buy this kind of couch. Sano terveisiä vanhemmillesi. Please say hello to your parents for me. Say hello to your parents. Mari on haldjaprintsess. Mary is a fairy princess. Mari is a fairy princess. Onpa söpö pikku tyttö! What a cute little girl! What a cute little girl! Megcsókolt, majd elment. She kissed me and left. He kissed me and then he left. Tiedän, että asut täällä. I know that you live here. I know you live here. Tom päästis mu elu. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Olyan vagy, mint én. You're like me. You're like me. Elemet nem tartalmaz. Batteries not included. It doesn't contain any food. Megőrülök. I'm going mad. I'm going crazy. Voimakas tuuli puhaltaa, enkä voi kävellä kovaa. A strong wind is blowing and I can't walk fast. The strong wind blows, and I can't walk hard. Lopeta tuo elämöinti. Stop that noise. Stop living like that. Pystyt parempaan. You could do much better. You can do better than that. Senki sem szeret egy lógóst. Nobody likes a quitter. Nobody likes a hanger. Hiányzol. I miss you. I miss you. Szégyen lenne látni mindazt a munkát kárba veszni. It'd be a shame to see all that work go to waste. It would be a shame to see all this work wasted. Tom a legmagasabb férfi, akit ismerek. Tom is the tallest man I know. Tom is the highest man I know. Hibáztam? Have I made a mistake? Am I wrong? Tomi suree. Tom's grieving. Tom's gonna die. Ma saan joosta. I can run. I can run. Me olemme kotona. We are at home. We're home. Emlékszem rá, amikor még csak kislány voltál. I can remember when you were just a little girl. I remember when you were just a little girl. En tiedä. Don't know. I don't know. Érkezik a pizza. The pizza's on the way. The pizza's coming. Rakja rendbe az étkező asztalt! Clear away the table things. Clean up the dining table. Tomin olisi ehkä pitänyt syödä ennen tuloaan. Tom might have eaten before he came. Maybe Tom should have eaten before he arrived. See kõlab nagu Hollywoodi filmi süžee. This sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie. It sounds like Hollywood movie. Kuinka kauan pidempään luulet sen kestävän? How much longer do you think it'll be? How long do you think it'll last? Opiskelen yliopistossa. I am a university student. I'm a college student. Puhutko sinä ranskaa hyvin? Are you good at speaking French? You speak French well? Missä on juna-asema? Where is the train station? Where's the train station? Néha előfordul. It happens sometimes. Sometimes it happens. Kauneus ilman aistikkuutta on kuin ruusu ilman tuoksua. Beauty without grace is like a rose without a scent. Beauty without sense is like a rose without smell. Olen täysin rahaton. I'm broke. I'm completely broke. Van egy fából készült asztalom. I have a wooden table. I have a wooden table. Mul on suur palve. I have a big favor to ask. I have a big request. Minä, Stallone, en ole sellainen mies, että minua pelottaisi jo jonkin kokeen koekaniinina oleminen. I, Stallone, am not such as to be scared simply of being the guinea pig for some test. I, Stallone, am not such a man that I would be afraid of being an experimental canine by now. Mi a kedvenc epres édességed? What's your favorite dessert with strawberries? What's your favorite strawberry candy? Puhu Tomille ranskaa. Speak to Tom in French. Talk to Tom in French. Ratkaise ongelma. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Családalapításról álmodott. She was dreaming of starting a family. He was dreaming about starting a family. Miten sait tuon mustan silmän? How did you get that black eye? How did you get that black eye? Kumpi on isompi, Tokio vai Kobe? Which is larger, Tokyo or Kobe? Who's bigger, Tokyo or Kobe? Édesszájú vagyok. I like sweets. I'm sweet. Nautin todella vierailustani Suomessa, ja toivon että voisin palata sinne niin pian kuin mahdollista I really enjoyed my stay in Finland, and wish I could return there as soon as possible. I really enjoy my visit to Finland, and I wish I could return there as soon as possible. Oisitko vittu hiljaa? Why don't you shut the fuck up? Would you shut the fuck up? Van még három napunk. We have three days left. We have three more days. Túl sokat dolgozom. I work too much. I work too much. Tom kiállt az anyja mellett. Tom sided with his mother. Tom stood by his mother. Sokkal termelékenyebb lennék, ha nem vesztegetném az időmet az interneten. I would be a lot more productive if I didn't waste time on the internet. I'd be more productive if I didn't waste my time on the Internet. Távolról nézve úgy nézett ki, mint egy emberi arc. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. From a distance, he looked like a human face. Tamás nem szereti a kosárlabdát. Tom doesn't like basketball. Tamás doesn't like basketball. Fiatal voltam és ostoba. I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid. He eivät koskaan tee mitään. They never do anything. They never do anything. Neil pole vähimatki võimalust. They don't stand a chance. They don't have a chance. Sopimus teki Teksasista itsenäisen. The treaty made Texas independent. The deal made Texas independent. Olen hereillä. I'm awake. I'm awake. Tatoeba on käännössivusto. Tatoeba is a translation website. Tatoeba is a translation website. Rengeteg mindent kell megbeszélnünk, neked és nekem. We have a lot to talk about, you and I. We have a lot to discuss, you and I. A főnököm egy segg. My boss is an asshole. My boss is an ass. Ei leopardi pääse pilkuistaan. A leopard can't change his spots. He can't get away with it. He can't get away with it. Az apukám azt javasolta, hogy menjünk el moziba ma délután. My father suggested that we go to the movies this afternoon. My dad suggested we go to the movies this afternoon. Järki käteen. Get real. Get your hands in the air. Katsoin tosi hyvän elokuvan eilen. I watched a great movie yesterday. I watched a really good movie last night. Tule ja kerro minulle kaikki itsestäsi. Come and tell me all about yourself. Come and tell me everything about yourself. Tom ei aloittanut ranskan opiskelemista kuin vasta kolmekymppisenä. Tom didn't begin to study French until he was thirty years old. Tom didn't start French school until he was 30. Felfüggesztettek egyet a hat Facebook fiókomból. One of my six Facebook accounts was suspended. They suspended one of my six Facebook accounts. Miért ilyen bunkó a nővérem? Why is my sister so mean? Why is my sister so rude? Täytä kylpyamme puoliksi täyteen. Please fill the bath half full. Fill our bath half full. Összesen tizenegyen vagyunk. We are eleven in all. We're all eleven. Tom vezette a támadást. Tom led the attack. Tom led the attack. Varkaat jakavat saaliinsa. The thieves split up their loot. Thieves share their prey. Bekötötte a sérült ujjamat. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. He tied my damaged finger. A szoba a folyosó végén van. The room is at the end of the hall. The room is at the end of the hall. Haluaisitko syödä lounasta yhdessä? Would you like to have lunch together? Would you like to have lunch together? Tudna egy kicsit halkabb lenni, uram? Could you be a little quieter, sir? Could you be a little more quiet, sir? Ez 30 euróba kerül. This will cost €30. That's 30 euros. Maryt elrabolták a kalózok. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. Sinä avaat oven. You open the door. You're opening the door. Megkérdezhetem, hány éves? May I ask how old you are? May I ask how old he is? Ők hallgatók. They're students. They're students. Reggelente mindig két csésze kávét iszom. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. Mitä mieltä olet tästä paidasta? What do you think of this shirt? What do you think of this shirt? Молан тый уло пагыт шыпак шинчышыч? Why were you silent all the time? For one thing, is it not possible for you to lie with someone who is now? Аттьӧ! Thank you! Moreover, he did not give up! Épp hogy csak arrébb. It's just a little further. Just out of the way. Missä sinä olet ollut viime päivinä? Where have you been the last few days? Where have you been in the last few days? Csalódott voltam. I was disappointed. I was disappointed. Anna mulle päev või paar. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Koulu alkaa taas pian. Classes are starting again soon. School's about to start again. Mi örömmel elfogadjuk az ajánlatodat. We gladly accept your offer. We're happy to accept your offer. Kunpa keksisin miten DVD poltetaan. I wish I could figure out how to burn a DVD. I wish I could figure out how to burn the DVD. Tänään on 18. kuudetta ja Muirielin syntymäpäivä! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is the 18th and Muiriel's birthday! Dynamiitin käsittely voi olla vaarallista. Handling dynamite can be dangerous. The treatment of the dynamic can be dangerous. Itsehän sinä sitä ehdotit. You suggested it yourself. That's what you suggested, isn't it? Rosszul érzem magam azért, amit mondtam. I feel bad about what I said. I feel bad about what I said. Minä jään. I will stay. I'm staying. Minä kuulen musiikkia. I hear music. I hear music. Ürítsd ki a szemetest. Empty the litter box. Empty the trash. Siinä on jalanjälki. There's a footprint. It's got a footprint on it. Hyppää. Jump. Jump. Fordítva vette fel a zokniját. He had his socks on inside out. She was wearing her socks on. Hänen talonsa on hyvin uudenaikainen. Her house is very modern. His house is very modern. Miten kaunis hän onkaan! How beautiful she is! How beautiful she is! Oliko keitto maukasta? Was the soup tasty? Was the soup delicious? Lontoossa on suuri määrä puistoja. There are a lot of parks in London. There's a lot of parks in London. Mi történik, miután meghaltunk? What happens after we die? What happens after we die? Kuulen vain muminaa. All I can hear is mumbling. All I hear is grandma. Valamilyen könyvben olvastam. I read it in some book. I read it in a book. Tomi on harmistunut. Tom is upset. Tom's upset. Venäjällä on näkyvissa suuria taloudellisia vaikeuksia. Russia is facing great financial difficulties. Russia is experiencing major economic difficulties. Hän osaa puhua sujuvasti ranskaa. She can speak French fluently. He can speak French smoothly. Általában fehér inget viselek. I usually wear a white shirt. I usually wear white shirts. Mitte keegi ei tõusnud püsti. Nobody stood up. Nobody got up. Kapd magadra ezt a pulcsit! Put on this sweater. Get this sweater on. Hosszú az út. The way is long. It's a long way. Tykkään vaikeiden verbien taivuttamisesta. I like to conjugate difficult verbs. I like bending heavy verbs. Megkérdezett, jöhet-e. He asked me if he could come. He asked me if he could come. Tomi él? Is Tom alive? Tomi's alive? Még mindig nem mondhatom el neked, hogy miért. I still can't tell you why. I still can't tell you why. Tulemme takaisin huomenna. We will come back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Kétségkívül igaza van. I dare say he is right. No doubt you're right. Ez egy konyhakés. It's a kitchen knife. It's a kitchen knife. Kaksi ynnä kaksi on neljä. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. Tom itketti siskoaan. Tom made his sister cry. Tom was crying about his sister. Pelkään putoavani. I'm afraid to fall. I'm afraid I'll fall. Küldd be! Send her in. Send him in. Tomi pahensi tilannetta. Tom made the situation worse. Tomi made the situation worse. Ne felejts el írni nekem! Don't forget to write to me. Don't forget to write it to me. Luulen, että olet oikeassa. I believe you're right. I think you're right. Hulla vagyok. I feel like death. I'm dead. Nem lehet nyerni. There's no way to win. You can't win. Anyu! Siess! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! Tomnak hívnak. I'm called Tom. My name is Tom. Kus on ajaleht? Where's the newspaper? Where's the paper? Mine välja! Get out! Get out! See ei ole lihtne küsimus. It's not an easy question. It's not a simple question. Ole hiljaa äläkä häiritse työtäni. Please be quiet and don't hamper my work. Shut up and don't interfere with my work. Kaikki eliöt Maassa sisältävät hiiltä. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All the creatures on Earth contain coal. Fordítva akasztotta fel a képet. She hung the picture upside down. Turned the picture up. Anna mennä, Tom. Just do it, Tom. Come on, Tom. Tomi on fiksu poika. Tom is a smart boy. Tomi's a smart boy. Tavaly az import felülmúlta az exportot. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded exports. Szeretnék neki segíteni, de nem tudom, hogyan. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I want to help him, but I don't know how. Muistan nähneeni tuon herran jossakin. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. Jiägiä tervehekse, Tom. Goodbye, Tom. Jiagi to health, Tom. Ma kohtun temaga kord nädalas. I meet her once a week. I'll meet him once a week. Az az ing tetszik nekem. I like that shirt. I like that shirt. Mistä Mari osti tämän kynsilakan? Where did Mary buy this nail polish? Where did Mari buy this nail polish? Sinä olet edelleen vihreä. You're still green. You're still green. Én vasárnap nem megyek iskolába. I don't go to school on Sunday. I'm not going to school on Sunday. Tom udvariasan meghajolt. Tom bowed politely. Tom bowed politely. Könyvelő vagyok. I'm an accountant. I'm an accountant. Ön szed valamilyen gyógyszert? Are you on any medications? Are you taking any medicines? Se on alkanut taas. It's started again. It's started again. Tom ütles mulle, et Mary on dieedil. Tom told me that Mary was on a diet. Tom told me Mary was on a diet. A hozzászólásomat töröltem. I've deleted my comment. I deleted my comment. Nem fogok eljönni. I won't come. I'm not coming. Ymmärrän nyt. I understand now. I get it now. Tomi on luokan pisin. Tom is the tallest in the class. Tom's the longest in the class. Cigarettázok. I smoke. I'm smoking cigarettes. Pillanatnyilag nem vagyok nagyon éhes. I'm not feeling very hungry right now. At the moment, I'm not very hungry. Ymmärrättekö? Understand? Do you understand? Minkä kirjan te ostitte? Which book did you buy? What book did you buy? Sinun pitää soittaa Tomille heti. You need to call Tom immediately. I need you to call Tom right away. En vain halua, että käsität minut väärin. I just don't want you to misunderstand me. I just don't want you to get me wrong. Älä unohda lippua. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Felveszlek a hotel előtt. I'll pick you up in front of the hotel. I'll pick you up in front of the hotel. Кытчӧ мунны? Where to go? What can man do to find the reward? A könyv fehér. The book's white. The book is white. Tom ja Mary ovat yhä toimistoillaan. He molemmat aikovat tehdä tänään töitä myöhään. Tom and Mary are still in their offices. Both of them plan to work late today. Tom and Mary are still at their offices, and they're both gonna work late tonight. A függönyök, amiket nagymamám adott nekem ajándékképpen, olyan szépek és színesek. The curtains my grandmother gave me as a present are so pretty and colorful. The curtains my grandmother gave me as a gift are so beautiful and colorful. A tudósok meglepő felfedezést tettek. The scientists made a surprising discovery. Scientists have made a surprising discovery. Tom oli ennakkoluuloinen. Tom was biased. Tom was prejudiced. Hän on boheemi. She's a bohemian. He's a bohemian. Kymmene, kaksikymmen, kolmekymmen, nellikymmen, viizikymmen, kuuzikymmen, seiččiekymmen, kaheksakymmen, yheksäkymmen, sada. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, twenty, eighty, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Soha többet ne kérd, hogy segítsek neked! Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ever ask me to help you again. Milyen hülye vagy! What an idiot you are! You're such an idiot. Sina oled inimene. You are human. You're human. Új gépkocsit vásárolt. He has bought a new car. He bought a new car. Két szép fia van. He has two beautiful boys. He's got two beautiful sons. Mindent el fogunk veszíteni. We'll lose everything. We're gonna lose everything. A csapat készen fog állni. The team will be ready. The team will be ready. Kun Tom heräsi, Mary oli suihkussa. When Tom woke up, Mary was taking a shower. When Tom woke up, Mary was in the shower. Nagyon sikeresek. They're very successful. They're very successful. Don oahpat eŋgelasgiela. You learn English. You have recognized English. Me läksime Londonisse. We went to London. We went to London. Onko pääsi kipeä? Does your head hurt? Is your head sick? Mindkettőjüket szerette, és mindketten szerették őt. She loved both of them and they both loved her. He loved both of them, and they both loved him. A bíró ez esetben nem járt el sportszerűen. The judge in the case was not fair. In that case, the judge did not act like a sportsman. Hyviä yödy. Goodnight. Good night. Nincs senkim az életben. I don't have anyone in my life. I have no one in my life. Honnan tudtad, hogy Tom Bostonba megy? How did you know Tom was going to Boston? How did you know Tom was going to Boston? Minä myös haluan tulla. I want to come, too. I want to come, too. Azt akarom, hogy olvasd el ezt a könyvet. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Úgy teszek, mintha ez sohasem történt volna meg. I'll pretend this never happened. I'll pretend that never happened. En usko, että hänen tarinansa on totta. I don't think his story is true. I don't think his story is true. Nem érzel gázt? Do you smell gas? Don't you feel gas? Haluan puhua Tomille ensin. I want to talk to Tom first. I want to talk to Tom first. Mit veszthetek? What do I stand to lose? What can I lose? Koer sööb õuna. The dog is eating an apple. The dog eats apples. El kell bújom. I have to hide. I have to hide. Tom ei ollut kuullut mitään onnettomuudesta. Tom had heard nothing about the accident. Tom had never heard of an accident. - Unom már a tévét. Csináljunk valami mást! - Mint például? "I'm tired of watching TV. Let's do something else." "Like what?" Let's do something else. Tom megkérdezte Maryt, hol lakik John. Tom asked Mary where John lived. Tom asked Mary where John lives. Azt hiszem, Tamás holnap akarja megcsinálni. I think Tom wants to do that tomorrow. I think Tamás wants to do it tomorrow. Osztályozta a teszteket? Did you grade the tests? Did you pass the tests? Luulin, että olisit innoissasi siitä, että olen menossa naimisiin. I thought you were excited that I was getting married. I thought you'd be excited about me getting married. Már senki nem állíthat meg. No one can stop me now. No one can stop me now. Legyünk nagylelkűek a versenytársainkkal. Let's be magnanimous toward our rivals. Let's be generous with our competitors. Tässä ovat kaikki rahat, jotka minulla on nyt. This is all the money I have now. This is all the money I have now. Kint hideg van. It's cold outside. It's cold outside. Mindennek fejébe még a hó is elkezdett esni. To make matters worse, it began to snow. Even the snow began to fall into everything's head. Se kissa syö. The cat eats. That cat's eating. Egymás után három játékot veszítettünk el. We've lost three games in a row. We lost three games after each other. Tom nem csal. Tom isn't cheating. Tom's not cheating. Kas sa oled loll? Are you stupid? Are you stupid? Örülök, hogy nem vagyok nő. I'm glad I'm not a woman. I'm glad I'm not a woman. Vietkö minut sairaalalle? Will you drive me to the hospital? Will you take me to the hospital? Tom beteg lett az ételtől. The food made Tom sick. Tom got sick from the food. En ole hyvä tenniksessä. I'm not good at tennis. I'm not good at tennis. Hän ei ole uskonmiehiä. He's not a religious man. He's not a man of faith. Azért jöttem, hogy beszéljek Tomival. I came to talk with Tom. I'm here to talk to Tomi. Tom még mindig ül. Tom is still sitting. Tom's still sitting. Pitää keskittyä tiehen kun on ajamassa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. I need to focus on the road while you're driving. Kissa hyppäsi tuolille ja makasi liikkumatta. A cat jumped onto the chair and lay motionless. The cat jumped into the chair and lay still. Mielestäni meditointi on kaikkea lääkitystä rauhoittavampaa. In my opinion, meditation is more tranquilizing than any medication. I think meditation is more so than just medication. Bárki szenvedhet alultápláltságban, mégha nem is tud róla. Any of us could suffer from malnutrition and not know it! Anyone can suffer from malnutrition, even if they don't know it. Älä unohda lähettää kirjettä. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. A tudomány fontos az életünkben. Science is important for our lives. Science is important in our lives. Hideg van itthon. It's cold at home. It's cold at home. Tom cukorbeteg. Tom has diabetes. Tom's diabetic. Ovatko sukkani jo kuivat? Are my socks dry already? Are my socks dry yet? Tiedätkö sinä kuka se oli? Do you know who he was? Do you know who it was? Beszéljen hangosabban, hogy mindenki hallhassa önt. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Speak up so everyone can hear you. Várjatok meg a kocsinál! Wait for me by the car! Wait for me at the car. Beárullak. I'm going to turn you in. I'll tell you. Tom, Mary, John és Alice mind tudják. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. Szófogadó leszek. I will obey. I'm going to be a speaker. Enää te ette voi tehdä noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. Mua ei kiinnosta vitun vertaa mitä mieltä sä oot. I don’t give a fuck about what you think. I don't give a fuck what you think. Mu namma lea Tom. My name's Tom. My name is Tom. Nende majja murti eile sisse. Their house was broken into last night. They broke into their house last night. Gyakran vitatkozik a feleségével. He has frequent arguments with his wife. He often argues with his wife. Kértem a diákot, hogy csendesebben legyen, de mintha a falnak beszéltem volna, semmi sem történt. I asked the student to quiet down. It was like talking to a wall, nothing happened. I asked the student to keep it quiet, but it was like I was talking to the wall, nothing happened. Hän on Ranskan Portugalin-suurlähettiläs. She's the French ambassador to Portugal. He is the French Ambassador to Portugal. Hősként tekintettek rá, mert megmentette a barátja életét. He was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life. He was considered a hero because he saved his friend's life. Rúgj! Kick! Kick! Tom tajusi nopeasti, että hän oli erilainen kuin muut lapset. Tom quickly realized that he was different from the other children. Tom quickly realized that he was different from other children. Tom töredezettségmentesítette a merevlemezét. Tom defragmented his hard disk. Tom unfractionated his hard drive. Tom vörösödik. Tom is blushing. Tom's red. Tilanne on hyvin monimutkainen. The situation is very complicated. The situation is very complicated. Mihin aikaan menit nukkumaan eilen? What time did you go to bed last night? What time did you go to bed yesterday? Lehet, hogy nem hallott téged. Maybe he didn't hear you. Maybe he didn't hear you. Fekvés és szunya! Go to bed and sleep. Location and nap! Keegi ei usalda enam Tomi. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. Kui tēḑi nutāb? What is your name? How do you think it's going to be? Hän on minun veljeni. He is my brother. He's my brother. Varmasti. No doubt. I'm sure. Tom astui aulaan ja löysi Maryn odottamasta. Tom entered the lobby and found Mary waiting. Tom stepped into the lobby and found Mary waiting. Minden nagyon ízletes volt! All of it was delicious! Everything was delicious! Laita televisio päälle. Please turn on the television. Turn on the TV. Sok gumiszalagom van. I have lots of rubber bands. I have a lot of rubber tapes. Ettünk néhány almát. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Kun sinä ajat, sinun pitäisi keskittyä tiehen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you drive, you should focus on the road. Volt kutyám. I used to have a dog. I had a dog. Kaikki oli hyvin. Everything was good. It's okay. It's okay. Tamás két üveg bort iszik meg minden étkezésnél. Tom drinks two bottles of wine with each meal. Tamás drinks two bottles of wine for every meal. Ne tedd próbára a türelmem! Don't try my patience. Don't test my patience. Teidän täytyy olla kärsivällisiä. You have to be patient. You must be patient. Timantit ovat todella kovia. Diamonds are very hard. Diamonds are really tough. Tomi tuli toiseksi. Tom was second. Tomi came second. Sikoltottak. They screamed. They screamed. Tomi näyttää paljon ikäistään vanhemmalta. Tom looks a lot older than he really is. Tom looks a lot older than his age. Käveleminen on parasta liikuntaa. Walking is the best exercise. Walking is the best exercise. Sinun ei pidä vetää liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä. You must not jump to conclusions. You don't have to draw too quick conclusions. Minun on kerrottava hänelle siitä. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him about it. Ez egy szép szín. That's a pretty color. It's a nice color. Ma tõin raamatu. I brought a book. I brought a book. Elfutottam. I ran away. I ran. Magam csináltam. I did this myself. I did it myself. Mitä sinä kerroit hänelle minusta? What did you tell him about me? What did you tell him about me? En ole aamuvirkku. I am not a morning person. I'm not a morning shift. A macska a széken van, vagy alatta? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat in the chair or under it? Onko sinulla auto? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Suutele Tomia. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Igencsak sürgős. It's quite urgent. It's urgent. Az abszolút igazság nem létezik. Absolute truth does not exist. The absolute truth doesn't exist. Tomi ei tule hyväksymään tätä. Tom won't accept this. Tom's not going to accept this. Beszéltél erről Tominak? Did you tell Tom about it? Did you tell Tomi about this? A holttestek kupaca a híd alatt szörnyű látványt nyújtott. The pile of bodies under the bridge was such a macabre sight. The cup of bodies under the bridge provided a terrible sight. Tomin oli saatava kolerarokotus. Tom had to get a cholera shot. Tom had to have a cholera vaccine. Minä tiedän, että voimme voittaa. I know we can win. I know we can win. Megfagyott valahol a hegyekben. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. It froze somewhere in the mountains. Teidän pitää tehdä paljon töitä. You will have to work a lot. You've got a lot of work to do. Sain työn. I got a job. I got a job. Nem volt könnyű számomra. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. Puiset tuolit ovat kalliita. Wooden chairs are expensive. Wood chairs are expensive. Nauroimme. We laughed. We were laughing. Unelmoin paljon. I dream a lot. I dreamt a lot. Etkö sinä tiedä? Don't you know? Don't you know? Hän on transseksuaali. He's a transsexual. He's transsexual. Megittak két üveg bort. They have drunk two bottles of wine. They had two bottles of wine. Ez nem egy bank. It's not a bank. It's not a bank. Joidenkin mielestä uhkapelaaminen on synti. Some people think that gambling's a sin. Some say gambling is a sin. Me reisime Eestis järgmisel kuul. We're going to travel to Estonia next month. We travel in Estonia next month. Jalgpallimängija tegi suure vea. The football player has made a huge mistake. The football player made a big mistake. Milloin sinulla on syntymäpäivä? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Näytät terveeltä. You look healthy. You look healthy. Lát ön embereket a parkban? Do you see people in the park? Do you see people in the park? Ma ei taha töötada nendes tingimustes. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Tomi próbált belógni a nightclubba. Tom tried to sneak into the nightclub. Tomi tried to sneak into the nightclub. Väsyttää! I am tired. I'm tired! Végül békét kötöttek az ellenséggel. They finally made peace with the enemy. They finally made peace with the enemy. Egész életében dolgozott. He worked all his life. He's been working his whole life. Miért akarod megvenni neki? Why do you want to buy it for him? Why do you want to buy it for him? Ne hagyjál magamra. Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone. Mi jobban megérdemeljük. We deserve better. We deserve it better. Joulu lähestyy nopeasti. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is coming fast. Ялысе илыш оласе деч тазарак. Country life is healthier than city life. The region already has this one, but it is too late. A házak mögött még több ház van. There are more houses behind those houses. There are more houses behind the houses. Megszokod, Tom. Get used to it, Tom. You get used to it, Tom. Münt on hõbedane. The coin is silver. The coin is silver. Beadok önnek egy helyi érzéstelenítőt. I'll give you a local anesthetic. I'll give you a local anaesthetic. Mä en haluu olla sun kaveri. I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to be your friend. Onko äiti täällä? Is mom here? Is Mom here? Minulla ei ole aikaa lukea. I don't have time to read. I don't have time to read. Teiän pitää tulla äkkiä. You need to come quickly. I need you to come quickly. Szereti a focit. He likes soccer. He likes football. Potilas makasi sängyssä silmät suljettuina. The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed. The patient was lying in bed with his eyes closed. Tom azt mondta, Mary most Bostonban van. Tom said that Mary is in Boston now. Tom said Mary was in Boston right now. Tomi ereje, mint a bivalyé, mindazonáltal egy nyuszi. Tom's as strong as an ox, yet nevertheless is a coward. Tomi's power, like buffalo, is still a rabbit. Ette saa ikinä tietää, jos te ette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Tomi zsebre tette a kulcsait. Tom put his keys into his pocket. Tomi put his keys in his pocket. Elkelne a segítséged. I could use your help. I could use your help. Nem tudom, hogy mikor történt, de megtörtént. I don't know when it happened, but it happened. I don't know when it happened, but it did. Ma magasin eile kell kümme. I slept at ten o'clock yesterday. I slept at 10:00 yesterday. Minä siivoan toimistoani. I am tidying my office. I'll clean up my office. Még nem ettem. I haven't eaten. I haven't eaten yet. Tomi maalaa taloja. Tom is a house painter. Tomi paints houses. Hän kuoli hiljattain. He died recently. He died recently. Tudom, hogyan kell újraélesztést alkalmazni. I know CPR. I know how to use resuscitation. Osaan kävellä. I can walk. I can walk. Lehtimiehen tehtävä on tuhota totuus, valehdella, vääristää, kiemurrella Mammonan jaloissa sekä myydä kotimaansa ja rotunsa ansaitakseen jokapäiväisen leipänsä. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. It is the job of a journalist to destroy the truth, lie, distort, twist Mammona's feet and sell his country and race to earn his daily bread. Tomit soha nem lehet kihozni a sodrából. Tom never loses his cool. Tomi can never be pulled out of the driveway. Ó, kérlek, ne mondd ezt! Oh, please don't say that. Oh, please don't say that. Te törted össze. You smashed it. You broke it. Valokuvasi ei tee sinulle oikeutta. Your photograph doesn't do you justice. Your photograph won't do you justice. Tämä kirja kuuluu minulle. This book belongs to me. This book belongs to me. Höpö höpö. Nonsense. That's silly. Olen onnellinen Tomin puolesta. I'm happy for Tom. I'm happy for Tom. Tom azt ígérte, hogy hamarosan visszatér. Tom promised that he would be back soon. Tom promised he'd be back soon. Hän ei ole tyytyväinen koskaan. He's never satisfied. He's never happy. Nad saabuvad õhtul. They'll arrive tonight. They're arriving tonight. Sain päähäni hyvä ajatuksen. A good idea came into my head. I got a good idea in my head. Ma teen seda ilma probleemideta. I do it without any problems. I'll do it without any problems. En voi auttaa teitä. I can't help you. I can't help you. Nyitott ablaknál szoktam aludni nyáron. I usually sleep with my windows open in the summer. I used to sleep at an open window in the summer. Tomi käed on räpased. Tom's hands are dirty. Tom's hands are dirty. Tomi megmutatta Marinak az utat. Tom showed Mary the way. Tomi showed Mari the way. Lasken minuutteja siihen kunnes näen sinut uudestaan. I'm counting the minutes until I see you again. I'll count the minutes down until I see you again. A nyári szünidő júliusban kezdődik. The summer vacation begins in July. The summer vacation starts in July. Mie olen Tom. I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Harminc perc múlva kész a vacsora. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Dinner's ready in 30 minutes. Vaikuttavaa! Chapeau! That's impressive! Melyik a legjobb megoldás? Which solution is best? Which is the best solution? Nem valószínű, hogy összeházasodnak. They're unlikely to get married. They're unlikely to get married. Senki sem beszélt velem. Nobody spoke with me. Nobody spoke to me. Yritän mahjongia ensimmäistä kertaa. I'm trying mah-jong for the first time. I'll try mahjong for the first time. Tomi pidätteli kyyneliä. Tom was fighting back tears. Tomi held tears. Puhu lempeästi jokaiselle. Speak gently to everyone. Talk gently to everyone. Kemény nap a mai. It's been a tough day. It's a tough day. Ma tahan Tomi häält kuulda. I want to hear Tom's voice. I want to hear Tom's voice. Enollani on liike kadun varrella. My uncle has a store along the street. My uncle's got a move down the street. Egy üres telken parkolta le kocsiját. She parked her car in a vacant lot. He parked his car on an empty tent. Mitä minä oikein voin tehdä? What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? Missä on sinun pomosi. Where's your boss? Where's your boss? Kevés kincs van, amely olyan értékes, mint egy bölcs és segítőkész barát. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful. There are few treasures that are as valuable as a wise and helpful friend. Tomi tykkää katsoa toimintaelokuvia. Tom likes to watch action movies. Tom likes to watch action movies. Alkoi sataa suuria pisaroita. Olisi pitänyt tuoda sateenvarjo. I should have brought my umbrella. Large raindrops are starting to fall. It started raining big drops, and I should have brought you an umbrella. Kissa raapaisi minua. A cat scratched me. The cat scratched me. Éppen ezt készültem megtenni. I was going to do that. That's exactly what I was going to do. Honnan ered a magabiztosság? Where does this self-confidence come from? Where does confidence come from? A szörnyeteg él, éber és éhes. The beast is alive, awake and hungry. The monster is alive, awake and hungry. Onko ranska hankalampaa kuin englanti? Is French harder than English? Is French harder than English? Tomi laittoi vahingossa teehensä suolaa. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally put salt in his tea. Meggyőző vagy. You're decisive. You're convincing. Diszlexiás vagyok. I'm dyslexic. I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm Вастомазонок. See you. How do we know peer pressure? Tom egy hívatlan vendég. Tom is an uninvited guest. Tom is an uninvited guest. Näytänkö minä sinusta Tomilta? Do you think I look like Tom? Do I look like Tom to you? Hän on hyvä ihminen. He is a nice person. He's a good person. Autamme teitä mielellämme. We are glad to help you. We'll be happy to help you. Olen kuullut, että Saksassa olut on halvempaa kuin vesi. Onko se totta? I've heard that in Germany beer is cheaper than water. Is that true? I've heard that beer in Germany is cheaper than water. See mees on kindlasti poissmees. That man is definitely a bachelor. I'm sure he's a bachelor. Onhan kuitenkin mahdollista, että Tomi ja Mari tekevät tuota? Isn't there a chance that Tom and Mary are doing that? But it's possible Tomi and Mari are doing that, isn't it? Hogy gyilkolták meg Tomot? How was Tom killed? How did they kill Tom? Van a közelben egy katonai bázis. There is a military base near here. There's a military base nearby. Nézd meg a következő oldalon! Look at the next page. Check the next page. Tominak borderline-os üldözési mániája van. Tom is borderline paranoid. Tomi has a borderline chase mania. Pidättekö te mustista kissoista? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Tomi yritti pitää Maria lämpimänä. Tom tried to keep Mary warm. Tomi tried to keep Maria warm. Te voitte poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastanne, jos parametrisoitte muuttujanne pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few limitations from your optimization problem if you parameterize your parameters using ball coordinates. Még mindig nálad van a kulcsom? Do you still have my key? You still have my keys? Lyön vetoa että Tom ei tehnyt sitä ensimmäistä kertaa. I bet it's not the first time Tom has done that. I bet Tom didn't do it for the first time. Morjesta! Hello! Morjesta! Rizst eszek. I eat rice. I eat rice. Hänen isänsä on japanilainen. His father is Japanese. His father's Japanese. Hol a szerelem? Where's the love? Where's love? János két évvel idősebb nálam. John is two years older than me. John is two years older than me. Ezek lilák? Are they purple? Are these purple? Jousi tuli. Spring arrived. The bow's here. Tere õhtust. Good evening. Good evening. Tom oli täysin ilkosillaan. Tom was as naked as the day he was born. Tom was so mean. Hän on apulaisjohtaja. She's the assistant manager. He's an assistant director. Seemned on idanenud. The seeds have germinated. Seeds are east. Missä ulkomaissa haluaisit käydä? What foreign countries would you like to visit? Which other country would you like to visit? Tom hemofíliás. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's hemophilic. Tomi antoi Marin maksaa laskun. Tom let Mary pay the bill. Tomi let Marin pay the bill. Tom on toiveikas tämän vuoden sadon suhteen. Tom is optimistic about this year's harvest. Tom's hopeful about this year's harvest. Ez most lényegtelen. That doesn't matter now. That's irrelevant. Kihez van szerencsém? With whom do I have the honor of speaking? Who am I lucky for? A semmiből került elő. It came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere. Mennad iszonyatosan sötét. Mennad is fucking stupid. You're going incredibly dark. Hän päätti yrittää uudelleen. She made up her mind to try again. He decided to try again. Tom ei ole väga hea autojuht. Tom isn't a very good driver. Tom's not a very good driver. Pysy sinä siinä. You stay there. You stay right there. Néha félek magamtól. Sometimes I feel afraid of myself. Sometimes I'm afraid of myself. Tom kedves volt, de Mary nem. Tom was kind, but Mary wasn't. Tom was nice, but Mary wasn't. Nimesi ei ole minulle tuttu. Your name isn't familiar to me. I don't know your name. Zöldszemű. She has green eyes. Green eyes. Sáhtátgo veahkehit? Can you help me? Do you want to help? Tomi valószínűleg mindenét el fogja veszíteni. Tom is likely going to lose everything. Tomi's probably gonna lose everything she's got. Olen edelleen sitä miltä, että meidän olisi pitänyt ostaa se maalaus, josta pidit. I still think we should've bought the painting you liked. I still feel like we should have bought the painting you liked. Поянлык ӱмырым ок шуйо. The wealth doesn't prolong life. At times, we probably do not know how to use them, but the people who created it. Tamás bátor volt. Tom was brave. Tamás was brave. Sinun on vaikea ymmärtää tämä, eikö niin? This is difficult for you to understand, isn't it? It's hard for you to understand this, isn't it? Oroszország nagy. Russia is big. Russia is great. En halua ottaa varaslähtöä. I don't want to jump the gun. I don't want to be a thief. Varas naamioitui vanhaksi naiseksi. The thief disguised himself as an old lady. The thief disguised himself as an old woman. Meg akarom nyerni azt a játszmát. I want to win this game. I want to win that game. Korán távoztak. They left early. They left early. En ole kiireinen. I'm not in a hurry. I'm not busy. A lányok burgonyát főztek a konyhában. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The girls made potatoes in the kitchen. En tunne heistä kumpaakaan. I don't know either of them. I don't know either of them. Varoitin häntä, mutta hän ei välittänyt varoituksesta. I warned him, but he ignored the warning. I warned him, but he didn't care about the warning. Mitä Tomille tapahtui Bostonissa? What happened to Tom in Boston? What happened to Tom in Boston? Chrisnek nem volt autója. Chris didn't have a car. Chris didn't have a car. Pakold el a ruháidat! Put your clothes away. Pack your clothes. He tyrkkäsivät hänen ruumiinsa sillalta alas veteen. They pushed his body off the bridge and into the water. They pushed his body down from the bridge to the water. Pidätkö enemmän omenoista vai banaaneista? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? Do you like apples or bananas? Beszédem volt Tommal. I had a talk with Tom. I had a speech with Tom. Múlt éjjel esett. It was raining last night. It rained last night. Ma olen Ameerika laulja. I am an American singer. I'm an American singer. Napoleon Bonaparte oli syntynyt Korsikalla. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Corsica. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica. Sekunnin ajan luulin kuolevani. For one second I thought I would die. For a second, I thought I was gonna die. Hypätkää yli. Jump across. Jump over. Kaikile ihmisille oon annettu oikkeus kaikkhiin tämän julistuksen oikkeukshiin ja vaphaukshiin ilman mithään eroitusta, niinko ko raasan, ihonfärin, sukupuolen, uskonon, poliittisen tahi muun mielipitheen tähen, nasjunaalisen tahi sosiaalisen alkupörän, omaisuuen, syntymän tahi muun statuksen tähen. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. All men have been given the right to every sort of justice and bravery of this proclamation without any distinction, whether it is the raw, the hair of the skin, the sex, the faith, the other mentality, the Nasjun or the social rite, the own soul, the birth or the rest of the status. Ő állandóan fél. He is always scared. He's always afraid. Egyik legjobb barátom hagyott cserben. One of my best friends has failed me. One of my best friends let me down. Nem élünk együtt. We're separated. We're not living together. Hyvvää jouluu! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Tom ei tajua mitä Mary tarkoittaa. Tom doesn't get what Mary means. Tom doesn't know what Mary means. Ebben a kérdésben nem tudunk veled egyetérteni. We can not agree with you on this point. We cannot agree with you on this. Töltsd velem az éjszakát! I want you to be there tonight. Why don't you spend the night with me? Tom homályos volt. Tom was vague. Tom was blurry. Voinko lainata yhtä puseroistasi? Can I borrow one of your sweaters? Can I borrow one of your sweaters? En osaa selittää niiden kahden välistä eroa. I can't explain the difference between those two. I can't explain the difference between the two of them. Tomi on introvertti. Tom is introverted. Tom's an introvert. Jelöld meg a szavakat, amiket nem értesz. Mark the words that you cannot understand. Mark words you don't understand. Hän on erittäin ujo ja tuntee olonsa epämukavaksi juhlissa. She is very shy and feels ill at ease at parties. He's very shy, and he feels uncomfortable at the party. Néhány mondat túl nehéz nekem. A few sentences are too hard for me. Some sentences are too difficult for me. Szívesen olvasok könyveket. I enjoy reading books. I'm happy to read books. En halua syödä mitään. I don't want to eat anything. I don't want to eat anything. Tomi oli yksi eloonjääneistä. Tom was one of the survivors. Tom was one of the survivors. Antaisit jo olla! Give me a break! You should give it a rest. Zoknit húzott. She put on socks. He was wearing socks. Nevettem. I laughed. I laughed. Tom on hyvä piirtämään. Tom is good at drawing. Tom's good at drawing. Tom a búcsúztató partin mondott néhány ízléstelen viccet, amivel megsértette néhány kollégáját. Tom told a number of off-colour jokes at his farewell dinner, and some of his colleagues were offended. Tom said some tasteless jokes at the farewell party that hurt some of his colleagues. Minulla on ne kaikki. I have them all. I've got them all. Sudet saalistavat poroja. Wolves hunt reindeer. The wolves prey on the reindeer. Jellemző rá! That is just typical of him. It's typical. See koobas on nahkhiiri täis. This cave is full of bats. This cave is full of bats. Onko sinun vaikea laihtua? Do you have difficulties getting your weight down? Is it hard for you to lose weight? Mindenki téged keresett. Everybody was looking for you. Everyone was looking for you. A középiskolában Jackson tanár úrnál tanultam franciát. Mr. Jackson was my French teacher when I was in high school. In high school, I studied French with teacher Jackson. Épp, mikor készültem felhívni, egy levél érkezett tőle. Just when I was about to phone her, a letter arrived from her. Just when I was going to call him, a letter came from him. En usko, että tapaamme uudelleen. I don't think we'll meet again. I don't think we'll see each other again. Az ember hasznosnak akarja érezni magát. Men want to feel needed. You want to feel useful. Minulla on kuulakärkikynä. I have a pen. I've got a bullet in my head. Ez komoly lehet. This could be serious. This could be serious. Vasárnaponként kell dolgoznod? Do you need to work on Sundays? Do you have to work every Sunday? Ez nem ivóvíz. This isn't drinking water. It's not drinking water. Tom eddig még nem repült seprűnyélen. Tom had never flown on a broomstick before. Tom hasn't had any brooms yet. En pysy mukana uuden brittiläisen musiikkiskenen tahdissa. I can't keep up with the recent British music scene. I can't keep up with the new British music game. Näyttäydy. Show yourself. Show yourself. Hívnod kellett volna a zsarukat. You should have called the cops. You should have called the cops. Megint elvesztette az esernyőjét. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Olet nyt mies. You're a man now. You're a man now. Tomnak van egy ikertestvére. Tom is a twin. Tom has a twin brother. He ovat aina varovaisia. They're always careful. They're always careful. Toivotan sinulle menestystä. I wish you success. I wish you success. Tomaatti ei ole vihannes. The tomato isn't a vegetable. Tomato isn't a vegetable. Kas on midagi uut? Anything new? Is there anything new? Кыдз тэнат фамиллё, ним да айнимыт? What is your surname, first name and patronymic? Do you have at least one place and place the name and reason? Näytät juristilta. You look like a lawyer. You look like a lawyer. Értesz franciául? Do you understand French? Do you understand me in French? Ta õpetab inglise keelt. He teaches English. He teaches English. Sokat változtak. They've changed a lot. They've changed a lot. Úgy éreztem, teljesen össze vagyok zavarodva. I felt rather puzzled. I felt completely confused. Ne támadj engem! Don't attack me. Don't attack me. See oli tõesti kohutav. It was really horrible. It was really terrible. Tuo tyttö joka pitää huivia on neitsyt. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl who wears a scarf is a virgin. Örülök, hogy volt alkalmad Tomival találkozni. I'm glad you got to meet Tom. I'm glad you had the chance to meet Tomi. Melyik a kedvenc filmzenéd? What's your favorite movie soundtrack? What's your favorite movie music? Ehdokas syytteli vastustajaansa lennokkain väittein. The candidate made wild accusations against his opponent. The candidate accused his opponent of being droned. Olyan forró volt a homok, hogy égette a talpunkat. The sand was so hot that it burned our feet. The sand was so hot, it burned our feet. Nem szükséges többé azt tenni. It won't be necessary to do that anymore. You don't have to do that anymore. Hän ei ole puhunut minulle vielä. She has not spoken to me yet. He hasn't spoken to me yet. Ilman teidän apuanne en olisi voinut tehdä sitä. But for your help, I could not have done it. If it wasn't for your help, I couldn't have done it. Kehittyneiden maiden pitää antaa apua kehitysmaille. Advanced countries must give aid to developing countries. Developing countries must provide assistance to developing countries. Kokoushuoneessa ei ole riittävästi tuoleja. There are not enough chairs in the meeting room. There are not enough chairs in the conference room. Mennyi a jutalékod? What is your commission? What's your commission? Se on suuri sairaala. It's a big hospital. It's a big hospital. Tomnak van egy karmolás a homlokán. Tom has a scratch on his forehead. Tom has a scratch on his forehead. Mitä haluat syödä tänään? What would you like to eat today? What do you want to eat today? Milliárdjaim vannak dollárban. I have billions of dollars. I have billions in dollars. Tomi on kadonnut. Tom's gone. Tom's gone. Csak fordulj meg. Just turn around. Just turn around. Köszönöm még egyszer. Thanks again. Thank you again. A fiú egy egeret tartott a kezében a farkánál fogva. The boy was holding a mouse by the tail. The boy held a mouse in his hand by his tail. Ethän ymmärrä minua väärin. Please don't get me wrong. You don't get me wrong, do you? Tom opiskelee ranskaa. Tom is studying French. Tom's studying French. Meidän on aika mennä. It's time for us to go. It's time for us to go. Tomi menetti sodassa kolme poikaa. Tom lost three sons in the war. Tomi lost three sons in the war. Hän on isäni äiti. Hän on isänpuoleinen isoäitini. She is my father's mother. She is my paternal grandmother. He's my father's mother, my father's grandmother. Me olemme kaikki valmiina. We're all ready. We're all set. Mitä sinä söit? What did you eat? What did you eat? Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Me emme seurustele enää. We're not seeing each other anymore. We're not dating anymore. Ma május ötödike van. Today is the fifth of March. It's May 5th today. Palun friikartulid ilma äädikata. French fries without vinegar, please. French fries, please. No vinegar. Ärsyttikö Tomia? Was Tom annoyed? Did Tom get upset? Lähetin sinulle kirjeen. I sent you a letter. I sent you a letter. Taloni takana oli ennen iso kirsikkapuu. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. Tagadja, hogy ő tette volna. He denies that he did that. He denies that he did it. Kas sul õlut on? Do you have any beer? Do you have a beer? Haluatko mennä johonkin? Do you want to go somewhere? You want to go somewhere? Fejezd be, hogy a semmin siránkozol itt nekem! Stop complaining to me about nothing. Stop whining about nothing for me. Hän ui. She was swimming. He's swimming. Hyvää iltaa, mitä kuuluu? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how are you? Ő úszik a folyóban. He swims in the river. He's swimming in the river. Elmondta Tom, hogy csinálta? Did Tom say how he did it? Did Tom tell you how he did it? Megtömte magát. She ate her fill. He's stuffed himself. Miten sanotaan XXX portugaliksi? How do you say XXX in Portuguese? What do you call it XXX Portuguese? Keményen dolgozott. She worked hard. He worked hard. Naprendszerünk középpontjában a Nap áll. The sun is at the center of our solar system. The sun is at the center of our solar system. Bocsánatot kérek a tegnap történtek miatt. I apologize for yesterday. I apologize for what happened yesterday. Nem ijesztesz meg többet. You don't scare me anymore. You're not scaring me anymore. Nem nézek ki annyinak, amennyi vagyok. I do not look my age. I don't look as much as I look. Hyvvää aamuu! Good morning! Good morning! Tudta a Tomi, hogy hova tette le Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. Tomi knew where Mary put her car. Tomi mieluummin antaisi Marin pitää päänsä kuin riitelisi. Tom would rather let Mary have her own way than to have an argument. Tom would rather let her keep her head than your fight. Tomi myi autonsa epäröimättä. Tom sold his car without hesitation. Tomi sold his car without questioning. Те концертыште лийында? Were you at the concert? Do you want to combat the problems in your system? Probleem lahenes iseenesest. The problem resolved itself. The problem solved itself. Remélem, segítesz nekem. I hope that you'll help me. I hope you help me. Taivas on tänään pilvien peitossa. The sky is covered with clouds today. The sky is covered in clouds today. Te ette saa koskaan tietää, jollette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Ranskasi tulee koko ajan paremmaksi. Your French is improving. Your France is getting better and better. Tom tud segíteni. Tom can help. Tom can help. A férj és a feleség teáznak. The husband and his wife drink tea. The husband and wife are drinking tea. Minä en ole minun isäni. I'm not my father. I'm not my father. Hän kysyi minulta, että kuinka monta kieltä puhun. She asked me how many languages I spoke. He asked me how many languages I speak. Tomnak sötét múltja van. Tom has a dark past. Tom has a dark history. Sitä voi koskaan tietää mitä saattaa tapahtua. You never know what might happen. You can never know what might happen. Oroszország Európa vagy Ázsia része? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Russia is part of Europe or Asia? Tomi luuli Marin olevan kuollut. Tom thought Mary had died. Tomi thought Mari was dead. Hyviä huondestu, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good luck, Mike. Kuinka kauan sinä aioit pitää tämän salassa minulta? How long were you planning on keeping this a secret from me? How long were you gonna keep this from me? Olette aggressiivisia. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. A hegyek mögött tér nyugovóra a nap. The sun is going down behind the mountain. Behind the mountains lies the sun. Idegesít a hallgatásod. Your silence makes me nervous. I'm nervous about your silence. Egy hotelben tartózkodik. He's staying at a hotel. He's in a hotel. Ki tette ezt? By whom was this done? Who did this? Hallinto päätti siirtää yrityksen pääkonttorin Hawaijille. The administration decided to move the home office of the company to Hawaii. The management decided to transfer the head office of the company to Hawaii. Ő beteg vagy doktor? Is he a doctor or a patient? Is he sick or a doctor? Minulla on laukussani jotain, mitä minun täytyy antaa sinulle. I've got something in my bag that I need to give you. I have something in my bag I have to give you. En tarvitse vuodetta. I don't need a bed. I don't need a bed. Kokous järjestetään ensin maanantaina. The meeting will take place next Monday. The meeting will take place first Monday. Isäni liittyy jotenkin tuohon liikkeeseen. My father has something to do with that firm. My father has something to do with that store. Nagy-Britannia iparosodása a tizennyolcadik század végén kezdődött. Britain began to industrialise in the late eighteenth century. The industrialization of Great Britain began at the end of the eighteenth century. Voi olla, ettei Tom pidä meksikolaisesta ruoasta. Tom might not like Mexican food. Maybe Tom doesn't like Mexican food. Magán kívül volt az örömtől. He was beside himself with joy. He was outside of you with pleasure. Kaikila oon oikkeus kelppaavhaan aphuun nasjunaalisiltatuomiotooliilta ko oon kysymys tevoista, jokka loukathaan niitä oikkeuksii, mikkä kaikin oon saanheet peruslaissa ja muissa laissa. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. It is a question of the law of the law and of the law of the Member States. Az eltűnt gyermeke keresésére indult. She went in search of her lost child. He went looking for his missing child. Tom jó munkás volt. Tom was a good worker. Tom was a good worker. Nem vagyok beteg. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Szeva! Hi! Hey. Nem vagyok olyan kövér már, mint amilyen voltam. I'm not as fat as I used to be. I'm not as fat as I was. Meg fogom lepni Tomit. I'll surprise Tom. I'm gonna surprise Tom. Hän on fiksu. She is intelligent. He's smart. Tamás szerencsésnek tűnik. Tom seems to be lucky. Tamás seems lucky. Tämä ongelma vaikuttaa meihin kaikkiin. This problem affects us all. This problem affects all of us. Emme voi edes olla varmoja, että Tom tulee osallistumaan kokoukseen. We can't even be certain Tom will attend the meeting. We can't even be sure Tom's going to attend the meeting. On helpompaa suunnitella asioita kuin toteuttaa niitä. It's easier to make plans than to carry them out. It's easier to plan things than to carry them out. Oletteko ikinä hikoilleet näin paljon? Have you ever sweated this much? Have you ever sweated so much? Adtam neki egy fülest. I dealt him a blow on the ear. I gave him an earring. Mä tarviin mun silmälasei. I need my glasses. I needed my glasses. Én szeretem az ilyen dolgokat. I enjoy doing things like this. I like things like that. A válaszát a következő kék mezőbe írja be. Write your answer into the following blue field. Enter your answer in the next blue field. Minulla ei ole pankkitiliä euroille. I don't have an account for euros. I don't have a bank account for the euro. Tudod, hogy miért kék az ég? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? Az még nem baj, ha néhányan parasztnak tartanak. It's OK if some people think you're an asshole. It's okay if some people think I'm a peasant. See on minu meiliaadress. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Godwin törvényéből megtudhatjuk, hogy bármely tetszőleges tárgyról folytatott parttalan vita egyre inkább egymás lenácizásába torkoll. Godwin's law teaches us that any infinite discussion about an arbitrary subject converges to a Nazi comparison. We can learn from Godwin's law that an unbiased debate about any object is becoming more and more lenient. Jól beszélsz kínaiul? Do you speak Chinese well? You speak Chinese well? Szeretem a matekot. I like math. I love math. Tom ei osaa tehdä tuota. Tom doesn't know how to do that. Tom can't do that. Tom tietää jo totuuden. Tom already knows the truth. Tom already knows the truth. Senki mást nem hibáztatok, csak magamat. I blame no one but myself. I blame no one but myself. Olen tottunut siitä puhumiseen. I'm used to talking about it. I'm used to talking about it. Minden nap történnek közlekedési balesetek. Traffic accidents happen every day. Traffic accidents happen every day. Bőven van elég. There's plenty of food. There's plenty. Mi még nem vettünk fenyőfát. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought any pine trees yet. Mari, gyere gyorsan! Egy repülő csészealj épp most szállt le a kertünkben. Mary, come quick! A flying saucer has just landed in our garden. A flying saucer just landed in our garden. Ki van kapcsolva a telefonja. Her phone's turned off. Your phone's off. Becsületesnek tűnik. He seems honest. It looks honest. Te pärjäätte paremmin ilman Tomia. You're better off without Tom. You'll be better off without Tom. Õde ei ole siin. The nurse is not here. The sister's not here. Tomi katosi ihmispaljouteen. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Tom's disappeared into a bunch of human beings. Mistä kukasta sinä pidät eniten? Which flower do you like the most? What kind of flowers do you like the most? Olet kaunis ja älykäs. Miten on mahdollista, että kukaan mies ei jahtaa sinua? You're beautiful and intelligent, how is it possible that no man is chasing after you? You're beautiful, you're smart, and how can it be that no man is after you? Miten on mahdollista, että et muista? How can you not remember? How can it be that you don't remember? Se on hyvä. It's good. That's good. Hyvää päivää, mitä haluaisit? Good day. What do you want? Hello, what would you like? Tomnak megmondták, hogy vagy csinálja, vagy kussoljon. Tom was told to put up or shut up. Tom was told to do it or shut up. Tomi ja Mari sanoivat, että he suostuisivat tekemään tuon. Tom and Mary said they'd be willing do that. Tomi and Mari said they'd agree to do that. Ez egy lehetőség. That's one possibility. It's an opportunity. Az hónapokkal ezelőtt volt. That was months ago. It was months ago. Nyáron egész nap a tengerparton szoktak játszani. In summer, they used to play on the beach all day long. They play on the beach all summer. Haluaisin kuulla Tomista. I'd like to hear from Tom. I'd like to hear about Tom. Pelaatko jalkapalloa tai rugbyä? Do you play soccer or rugby? Are you playing football or rugby? Tässä on iso ongelma. There's a big problem. There's a big problem. Hän kompastui kiveen. He tripped over a stone. He tripped into a rock. Ha a helyedben lennék, megkérdezném tőle. I would ask him if I were you. If I were you, I'd ask him. Olen Tatoeba-riippuvainen. I'm addicted to Tatoeba. I'm a Tatoeba addict. Tom arvab, et ta suudab maailma päästa. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom thinks he can save the world. Elfelejtette a visszajárót. You have forgotten your change. You forgot the change. Meidän täytyy aloittaa alusta. We must start at the beginning. We have to start over. Vaikuttaa siltä, että Jane nauttii juhlista. Jane appears to be enjoying the party. Looks like Jane's having a party. Jó szórakozást! Have fun. Have fun. Intelligens. He is intelligent. Intelligent. Se oli loistava kokous. That was an excellent meeting. It was a great meeting. Näin sen omin silmin. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. Ma reggel egészen az állomásig futottam. I ran all the way to the station this morning. I ran all the way to the station this morning. Olen juomassa kahvia. I'm drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Mitäs tuosta. Any time. I don't care. Nincs semmi tehetségem. I don't have any talent. I don't have any talent. Kauppa menee kiinni seitsemältä. The shop closes at seven. The store's closed at 7:00. Sinun pitää pysyä kaukana tuosta jengistä. You must steer clear of that gang. You have to stay away from that gang. Sen tekeminen ei ollut minulle mikään ongelma. I had no problem doing it. It wasn't a problem for me to do. Bostonban hol szálltál meg? Where did you stay in Boston? Where did you stay in Boston? Csak egy testvérem van. I have only one sibling. I only have one brother. Tajusin pointtisi. I get your point. I got your point. Figyelj tovább. Keep listening. Keep watching. Olen täysi pöhkö. I'm a complete idiot. I'm such a jerk. On parempi olla onnellinen hölmö kuin onneton nero. Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage. It's better to be a happy fool than a miserable genius. 1920-luvulla Saksassa inflaatio oli niin korkea, että oli ihan tavallista polttaa rahaa pysyäkseen lämpimänä. In the 1920s, inflation was so high in Germany that it was common to burn money to keep warm. In the 1920s, in Germany, inflation was so high that it was just ordinary to burn money to keep warm. Levettem a cipőmet. I took my shoes off. I took my shoes off. Tom varasti rahaa Marin käsilaukusta. Tom stole money from Mary's purse. Tom stole money from Mari's purse. Felvételt nyertem az egyetemre. Most aztán úgy kell tanulnom, mint egy nyertesnek. I've won my way into University. Now it's time to study like a champ. I won a record for college, and now I have to learn like a winner. Bementünk az erdőbe bogarakat keresni. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the woods looking for bugs. Soha nem kellett volna Bostonba jönnöm. I should have never come to Boston. I never should have come to Boston. Tomilla oli yritys johdettavana. Tom had a company to run. Tom had a business to run. Sääsket pitävät ihmistä vaarallisena, mutta tärkeänä ravinnonlähteenä. Mosquitoes consider human beings a dangerous but necessary source of nutrition. Spares think people are dangerous, but they're an important source of food. Pont egy órát vett igénybe. It took exactly an hour. It took me an hour. Jää luokseni. Stay with me. Stay with me. Írd le a címét! Write down his address. Write down his address. Sinä unohdit vuosipäivämme. You forgot our wedding anniversary. You forgot our anniversary. Unohdit jakaa X:llä tässä. You forgot to divide by X here. You forgot to share an X here. Mitä vittua siitä? So fuckin' what. What the fuck is that? Tudna egy másik időpontot javasolni? Could you suggest an alternative date? Can you suggest another time? Koska vain. Any time. Anytime. Kuulin, että sinulla on uusi tyttöystävä. I hear you have a new girlfriend. I heard you had a new girlfriend. Mitä kieliä osaat puhua? What languages do you know how to speak? What languages do you speak? Mahtavaa! Terrific! That's great! En tykkää kenestäkään ja kukaan ei tykkää minusta. I like nobody and nobody likes me. I don't like anyone, and nobody likes me. Azt hiszem, hülye vagyok? You think I'm stupid? I think I'm stupid? Tom laittoi kuulokkeensa kiinni musiikkisoittimeensa. Tom plugged his headphones into his music player. Tom put his headphone on his music player. Milyen gyakran vásárolsz új ruhákat? How often do you buy new clothes? How often do you buy new clothes? Segíteni fogsz, ugye? You'll help, won't you? You're gonna help me, aren't you? Lehmänmaito on maukkaampaa kuin soijamaito. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow's milk is more delicious than soy milk. Katona akarok lenni. I want to be a soldier. I want to be a soldier. Egészen biztosan ellopták. It must've been stolen. It must have been stolen. Täällä on täysi kaaos. It's a mess in here. There's chaos in here. Láttam őket. I saw them. I saw them. Usko totuutta etsiviin, ja epäile heitä, jotka ovat sen löytänyt. Believe those who are seeking truth and doubt those who have found it. Believe in the detectives of truth, and doubt those who have found it. Ez egy véletlenszerű mondat. This is a random sentence. It's a random sentence. Macintosh on eräs tietokoneen käyttöjärjestelmätyyppi. Macintosh is a type of computer operating system. Macintosh is a computer operating system type. Emme nähneet yhtään lasta. We did not see any children at all. We didn't see any kids. Hän tulee tavallisesti ajallaan. He usually comes in time. He usually comes on time. Tudom, hogy olvas. I know that he reads. I know you're reading. Hyvästi! Goodbye! Goodbye! Játszani akarok. I want to play. I want to play. Tomnak nincsenek igazi barátai. Tom doesn't have any real friends. Tom doesn't have any real friends. Isa on hea inimene. Father is a good person. Dad's a good person. Tom tarvitsee vaatteita. Tom needs clothes. Tom needs some clothes. Azután rájöttem, hogy nem Charles volt a legfontosabb abban az időben. Afterwards I realised that Charles was not the most important at that time. Then I realized Charles wasn't the most important thing at that time. Szeretem a kutyákat. I like dogs. I love dogs. Iszunk valamit? Shall we drink something? Do you want to have a drink? Kiitos samoin, hauska tavata. I'm glad to meet you, too. Thank you, too. Nice to meet you. Ti miért vettétek meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Tom rácsukta az ajtót az ujjára. Tom shut the door on his finger. Tom locked the door on his finger. Te kaksi näytätte samalta. You two look the same. You two look the same. Hän koikkelehtii kuin päätön kana. He is running around like a headless chicken. He's jogging like a headless chicken. Az új film főszereplője egy gyermek angyal. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The main character of the new film is an angel of a child. Küldött neked egy könyvet. He sent you a book. He sent you a book. Haluan tavata isosiskosi. I want to meet your older sister. I want to meet your big sister. Hány szőrszál van egy macskafarkon? How many hairs are there in a cat's tail? How many hairs do you have on a cat tail? Az én csészémből iszol. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my cup. Tom suuttui kovin. Tom got very angry. Tom got really angry. Nem túlságosan érdekli a baseball. He doesn't care much for baseball. He doesn't care too much about baseball. Vaikutat kiireiseltä. You look busy. You seem busy. Kirjahyllyssä on vain kirjoja. There are only books on the bookshelf. There's only books on the bookshelf. Minä olen naimisissa. I am married. I'm married. Nincsen szökési útvonal. There is no escape route. There's no escape route. Hol vásárol könyveket? Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? Ez a veszély. That's the danger. That's the danger. Mul on väga kahju selle üle, mis ma ütlesin. I am very sorry for what I said. I'm really sorry about what I said. Mitä haluat tehdä? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Tomi on hyvä hiihtäjä. Tom is good at skiing. Tomi's a good skier. Minulla oli ihan hyvä olo. I felt pretty comfortable. I was feeling really good. A szüleim Aicsi Prefektúrában születtek. My parents were born in Aichi Prefecture. My parents were born in Aici Prefectura. Robotin tulee totella ihmisen antamia käskyjä, paitsi jos käskyt risteävät ensimmäisen lain kanssa, A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. The robot must obey the orders given by man, unless the commandments cross with the first law. Isten előtt minden ember egyenlő. In the sight of God, all men are equal. In God's eyes, all men are equal. Vatikaanivaltio on pinta-alaltaan (0.44 km²) maailman pienin valtio. Vatican City with its 0.44 km² is the world's smallest state. The Vatican State is the smallest state in the world (0.44 km2). Várnod kell, amíg néhány képeslapod megérkezik - akkor tudsz csak újra küldeni. You'll need wait until some of your traveling postcards arrive - then you'll be able to send some more. You have to wait until some of your postcards arrive, then you can just send me back. Tom otthon volt, amikor az megtörtént. Tom was at home when that happened. Tom was home when it happened. Lootus ei ole strateegia. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Ez az új modell. This is the new model. This is the new model. Magasabb vagyok. I am taller. I'm taller. Ma ei tellinud seda. I didn't order it. I didn't order it. Ezen az ajtón keresztül közelítheted meg a konyhát. You can access the kitchen through this door. You can approach the kitchen through this door. Kezdd elölről! Start over. Start over. Ma olen iirlane. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Kuule. Listen. Hey. Minä pyysin häntä odottamaan tässä. I asked him to wait here. I asked him to wait here. Jätitkö ikkunan auki? Did you leave the window open? You left the window open? Allen on runoilija. Allen is a poet. Allen's a poet. Sillä kissalla on kaksi korvaa. The cat has two ears. That cat has two ears. Ez csak egy kiruccanás volt. It was just a fling. It was just a run-out. Halott vagy. You are dead. You're dead. Mi tudjuk, hogy ti barátok vagytok Tommal. We know that you're friends with Tom. We know you're friends with Tom. Entinen aviomieheni ei enää asu tässä kaupungissa. My ex-husband no longer lives in this city. My ex-husband no longer lives in this town. Akkor még otthon voltam. I was still at home at that time. I was home then. Félek apádtól. I'm afraid of your father. I'm afraid of your father. Ez a blúz pamut. This blouse is cotton. This shirt is cotton. Betti megölte az anyját. Betty killed his mother. Betti killed her mother. Olet minun istumapaikallani. You're in my seat. You're in my seat. Még akkor sem szeretem, ha ő engem igen. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't even like him when he does me. Tomi on yksi komeimmista miehistä, jonka olen koskaan nähnyt. Tom is one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. Tomi is one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. Teljesen hibbant vagy. You're completely nuts. You're out of your mind. Harald? Milyen szokatlan név! Harald? What an unusual name! Harald, what an unusual name. Tom kasvatab maasikaid oma aias. Tom grows strawberries in his garden. Tom grows strawberries in his garden. Kaikki ovat niin ylpeitä sinusta. Everyone is very proud of you. Everyone's so proud of you. Tamás nem itt lakik? Doesn't Tom live here? Thomas doesn't live here? En syytä siitä sinua. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Hän voitti sen kisan helposti. He won the race easily. He easily won that race. Näkemiin! See you! Goodbye! Elämä on matka, ei määränpää. Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is a journey, not a destination. Van tévéd? Do you have a TV? Do you have a TV? Ehkä olen ollut liian ankara Tomille. Maybe I've been too hard on Tom. Maybe I've been too hard on Tom. Tom päätti opiskella ranskaa. Tom decided to study French. Tom decided to study French. Joku on talossa. Someone's in the house. Someone's in the house. En pese tukkaani aamulla. I don't wash my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. Mikor mész el otthonról reggel? What time do you leave your house in the morning? When are you leaving home in the morning? Oletko tulossa konserttiini? Are you coming to my concert? Are you coming to my concert? Te ette taida uskoa että olen oikeassa, vai uskotteko? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? Úgy tűnik, jól van. He looks well. Looks like he's okay. Tom szeretett volna segíteni Marynek állást találni. Tom wanted to help Mary find a job. Tom wanted to help Mary find a job. Minua haluttaa ottaa yhdet. I feel like having a drink. I'm willing to have one. Onko se sinusta hassua? Do you think that's funny? You think that's funny? Mul on kass ja koer. Kass on must ja koer on valge. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog and a cat is black and a dog is white. Nem szükséges becsomagolni. You don't have to wrap it up. There is no need to pack. Hän on täysin pihkassa. He's love struck. He's totally pissed off. Minä tykkään Tatoebasta tosi paljon! I like TATOEBA very much! I really like Tatobe! Tom azt mondta, nem fázott meg. Tom said he wasn't cold. Tom said he didn't get cold. Tom nem akart odamenni sötétedés után. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Meidät on lähetetty suorittamaan peitetehtävä. We are sent on a covert mission. We've been sent to perform a cover-up mission. Tomi egy idegroncs. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tomi's a neuron. Nem akarok Bostonban lakni. I don't want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston. Missä olit töissä viime vuonna? Where were you working last year? Where were you working last year? Tomi gazdag, de Mari nem. Tom is wealthy, but Mary isn't. Tomi's rich, but Mari's not. Hol élsz Törökországban? Where do you live in Turkey? Where do you live in Turkey? Se on kaikki mitä tiedämme. That's all we know. That's all we know. Mari folyton tanul. Mary studies all the time. Mari is always studying. Härra Johnsoni maja on minu maja kõrval. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. En käske sinua menemään yksin. I'm not telling you to go alone. I'm not telling you to go alone. Haluamme rauhaa maailmaan. We want peace in the world. We want peace in the world. Edith Piaf oli ranskalainen laulaja. Edith Piaf was a French singer. Edith Piaf was a French singer. Tom ojensi luottokorttinsa. Tom handed over his credit card. Tom handed out his credit card. Jos totta puhutaan, niin en mennyt sinne. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. If I'm telling you the truth, I didn't go there. Rikkaat rikastuvat ja köyhät köyhtyvät. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. The rich will be rich and the poor will be impoverished. Vegyél bármelyik kajából, amit megkívánsz. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Buy any food you want. Megtakarítási számlát nyitott. She opened a savings account. He opened a saving account. Ära seisa seal lihtsalt niisama! Aita mul see ära koristada! Don't just stand there! Help me clean it up! Don't just stand there and help me clean it up! Tegnap délelőtt szakadt az eső. It rained hard yesterday morning. It rained yesterday morning. Tamás nem szereti a hagymát. Tom doesn't like onions. Tamás doesn't like onions. Kaukaa katsoen se näyttää pallolta. Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball. Far away, it looks like a ball. - Oda nézz, apu, egy cápa! - Az egy bálna, Tomi. "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." That's a whale, Tomi. Nem vacsoráztunk. We didn't eat dinner. We didn't have dinner. Az orvos azt tanácsolta neki, hogy hagyja abba a dohányzást. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. The doctor advised him to stop smoking. Lepd meg a feleségedet ajándékkal. Surprise your wife with a gift. Surprise your wife with a gift. Rengeteg időnk van. We have time to spare. We have plenty of time. Büszke vagyok Tomira. I'm proud of Tom. I'm proud of Tom. Föltett egy kalapot. He put on a hat. He's wearing a hat. Azt hiszem, haldoklom. I think I'm dying. I think I'm dying. Telefonon beszélünk. We talked on the telephone. We'll talk on the phone. A térdem vérzik. My knee is bleeding. My knee is bleeding. Anya, mehetek úszni? Mom, can I go swimming? Mom, can I go swimming? Kas kõik läksid hulluks? Did everyone go crazy? Did everyone go crazy? Terveys on minulle kaikki kaikessa. Health means everything to me. Health is everything to me. Az egy nehéz matematikai probléma. This is a difficult math problem. That's a difficult mathematical problem. Mikor találkozhatunk? When can we meet? When can I see you? Mina olen sotsiaaltöötaja. I am a social worker. I'm a social worker. Kaukana havupuiden takana on pieni puutarha. Siellä ruoho kasvaa pitkänä ja syvänä, siellä on myrkkykatkon kukkien valkoisia tähtiä, siellä satakieli laulaa koko yön. Koko yön hän laulaa, ja kylmä kristallikuu katsoo alas, ja havupuu levittää suuret kätensä nukkujien ylle. Far away beyond the pine-woods, there is a little garden. There the grass grows long and deep, there are the great white stars of the hemlock flower, there the nightingale sings all night long. All night long he sings, and the cold crystal moon looks down, and the yew-tree spreads out its giant arms over the sleepers. Far behind the sour trees there is a small garden. There grass grows long and deep, there is a tox screen of the flowers with white stars, there is a hundred languages singing all night long. Throughout the night he sings, and the cold crystal looks down, and the egg tree spreads his big hands over the sleepers. Kérem, köpjön! Please spit. Please spit. Már minden rendben. Vége van. It's all right now. It's all over. It's all right, it's over. Nem szeretem a havat. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Voitko esitellä itsesi parilla sanalla? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Can you introduce yourself with a few words? Megbukott a vizsgán. He failed the exam. He failed his exam. Nem akarok találgatni. I don't even want to hazard a guess. I don't want to guess. Senki sem volt ott. There was nobody. No one was there. Tom katsoi ikkunan läpi. Tom looked through the window. Tom looked through the window. Kérlek, hagyd abba! Please stop. Please stop. Rappaaja on käsityöläinen, joka rappaa seiniä. A plasterer is a craftsman who applies plaster on walls. The rapist's a craftsman who's ripping up walls. Tomi egy ősi kézírást olvasott. Tom was reading an old manuscript. Tomi read an ancient handwriting. Jóváhagyják. They approve. It's approved. Vastanaineet. Just married. Opponents. Miért akar ön ápolónő lenni? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? A Föld nem egy tökéletes gömb. The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Earth is not a perfect sphere. Húst soha nem eszem. I never eat meat. I never eat meat. Tom habozva távozott. Tom reluctantly left. Tom left foaming. Gyere be! Come inside. Come on in. Jöttek már ők valaha is pontosan? Have they ever come on time? Have they ever come to you exactly? Az iskolák zárva vannak. Schools are closed. Schools are closed. Pole hullu. It's OK. It's okay. Reggel dolgozik. He works in the morning. He works in the morning. Syö jotakin. Eat something. Eat something. Gyönyörűen nézel ki. You look beautiful. You look beautiful. Minä vain haluan mennä takaisin. I just want to go back. I just want to go back. Saisinko laskun, kiitos! Give me the bill, please. Can I have the bill, please? Sinun tulee saada palanen piirakkaa. You have to have a piece of pie. You're supposed to get a piece of pie. Se poika hyppää. The boy is jumping. That boy jumps. Tomi yritti tappaa Marin. Tom tried to kill Mary. Tomi tried to kill Mar. Aikaisemmin tämä satama oli menestyvä. Formerly this harbor was prosperous. In the past, this port was a success. Onko vielä olutta jäljellä? Is there any more beer? Is there any more beer left? Nem negociálható. It's not negotiable. It can't be negociated. Dohányoztál? Have you been smoking? Did you smoke? Torni on shakkinappula. A rook is a chess piece. The tower is a chess stick. Nincs lázatok. You don't have a fever. No fever. Délután hívott. She called me in the afternoon. She called me this afternoon. Nem beszélek magyarul. I don't speak Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian. Férfiruhába öltözött. She was disguised in men's clothes. He's dressed in men's clothes. Alkaa sataa lunta. It's starting to snow. It's snowing. Tominak vendége van. Tom has a guest. Tomi has a guest. Szereted a fehér csokoládét? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Tamás múlt évben kezdett el dolgozni a vállalatunknál. Tom began working for our company last year. Tamás started working with our company last year. Mis ees ootab? What lies ahead? What's waiting for you? Aitäh! Thanks! Thank you. Nyolc éves. He's eight years old. He's eight years old. Tämä on minun elämäni. This is my life. This is my life. Ismer engem. She knows me. You know me. Tietyt ihmiset pakenivat uskonnollista sortoa. Certain people escaped from religious discrimination. Certain people fled religious oppression. Egyáltalán nem beszélnek. They don't talk at all. They don't talk at all. Toisinaan kuuntelen jazzia. I listen to jazz sometimes. Sometimes I listen to jazz. Tom a legjobb. Tom is the best. Tom's the best. - Honnan jött, uram? - Japánból. "Where are you from, sir?" "Japan." - Where did you come from, sir? Ilmselgelt. Obviously. Obviously. Painu vittuun! Fuck off! Fuck off! Ez szokatlan. That's unusual. That's unusual. Näin unta sinusta. I dreamt about you. I had a dream about you. A zöld szemeteszsák szivárog. The green trash bag is leaking. The green trash bag is leaking. Raskas lumisade esti junaa lähtemästä. Heavy snow prevented the train from departing. The heavy snowing prevented the train from leaving. Voisitko linkittää tämän lauseen espanjankieliseen lauseeseen? Please link this sentence to Spanish. Could you link this sentence to the Spanish sentence? Tomi megcsinálta, amit meg akart. Tom has already accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Tomi did what she wanted. Voinko mennä sinne nyt? Can I go there now? Can I go there now? Nem követték a tanácsomat. My advice was not followed. They didn't follow my advice. Saat siitä sanani. You've got my word on it. I'll give you my word. Tom készen áll? Is Tom ready? Is Tom ready? Toinen ongelma koskee kuntosalin varustusta. Another problem concerns the gym equipment. The second problem concerns the equipment of the gym. Tomi menee kouluun polkupyörällä. Tom commutes to school by bicycle. Tom's going to school on a bicycle. Voinko tulla huomennakin? Can I come tomorrow, too? Can I come tomorrow? Csak te kellesz. I only need you. I just need you. Tom istui tukin päällä. Tom sat on a log. Tom was sitting on the base. Marin kännykästä loppui virta. Mary's phone ran out of battery. Mari's cell phone ran out of power. Tom ja Mari opettavat molemmat ranskaa. Tom and Mary both teach French. Tom and Mari teach both French. Elämä Japanissa on kallista. It is expensive to live in Japan. Life in Japan is expensive. Olemme suorittaneet varotoimenpiteitä. We've taken precautions. We've taken precautions. Elmegyek a városba. I'm going to town. I'm going to town. Älä ole niin ankara itsellesi! Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself! Nämä paidat ovat samanlaisia. Ne ovat samaa kokoa. These shirts are the same. They are the same size. These shirts are the same, they're the same size. Hyvvää ilttaa, Tom. Good evening, Tom. Good evening, Tom. Csinálok néhány képet a hídról. I am taking pictures of the bridge. I'll take some pictures of the bridge. Tarvitsen palkankorotuksen. I need a raise. I need a raise. Te ette saa koskaan tietää, jollette koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Nyitva kell tartania a szemét. You must keep your eyes open. You have to keep your eyes open. Sinähän uskot mitä minä kerron, eikö niin? You believe what I'm telling you, don't you? You believe what I tell you, don't you? Bill és John szeret havonta egyszer összejönni egy beszélgetésre. Bill and John like to get together once a month to talk. Bill and John like to meet once a month for a conversation. Olen elätellyt toiveita siitä, että joku pistäytyisi kylässä. I've been hoping someone would drop by. I've been living up to hopes that someone would stop by the village. Meg kell tenned. You must do it. You have to do it. Osaatko sanoa, onko tämä Tomin? Can you tell if this is Tom's? Can you tell me if this is Tom? Azt hiszem, ez egy idevágó eset. I believe this is a case in point. I think it's a pointing case. Az érintetteknek többet kéne kommunikálniuk. There should be more communication between the persons concerned. Those involved should communicate more. Figyelnek. They're listening. They're watching. Kiitos vinkistä. Thanks for the tip. Thanks for the tip. Függő vagyok. I'm addicted. I'm an addict. Tom ei oikeastaan koskaan halunnut asua Bostonissa. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Ajattelin tulevaisuutta. I thought about the future. I was thinking about the future. Sateenvarjot myyvät hyvin. Umbrellas sell well. The umbrellas sell well. Azt a témát hagyjuk későbbre. Let's leave that matter for later. We'll leave that topic to you later. Ma tahan raamatu. Kus on raamatupood? I want a book. Where is the bookstore? Where's the bookstore? Mari on todella kaunis tyttö. Mary is a very pretty girl. Mari's a really beautiful girl. Emme ole vielä auki. We're not open yet. We're not open yet. Nagyon különc vagy. You're very unusual. You're so weird. Tom oli vaikeuksissa. Tom was in trouble. Tom was in trouble. Vettem egy elektromos autót. I bought an electric car. I bought an electric car. Älä lainaa mun vaatteita ilman mun lupaa. Stop borrowing my clothes without my permission. Don't borrow my clothes without my permission. Milloin olet valmis lähtöön? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to go? Onko Tomilla vieläkin tunteita Maria kohtaan? Does Tom still have feelings for Mary? Does Tom still have feelings for Mary? En tiedä. Mitä jos kysyisit Tomilta? I don't know. Why don't you ask Tom? Why don't you ask Tom? Mary kevésbé aktív, mint a lánytestvére. Mary is less active than her sister. Mary's less active than her sister. Tomi a hátsó ajtón keresztül távozott. Tom left through the back door. Tomi left through the back door. Nem értem az ő gondolkodásmódjukat. I don't understand their way of thinking. I don't understand their way of thinking. A havi jövedelme félmillió yen. His monthly income amounts to half a million yen. The monthly income is half a million yen. He tarkkailevat minua. They're watching me. They're watching me. Valami oka kellett, hogy legyen ennek. It happened for a reason. There had to be some reason for this. Huone on täynnä kukkia. The room is full of flowers. The room is full of flowers. Tamás mindig hét óra előtt megy el hazulról. Tom always leaves home before seven. Tamás always leaves the country before 7:00. Nem fognak ennek örülni. They won't be happy about that. They won't be happy about that. Tom még sosem volt piknikezni. Tom has never been on a picnic. Tom's never had a picnic. A letartóztatása idején Tom Bostonban élt. At the time of his arrest, Tom was living in Boston. He lived in Tom Boston when he was arrested. Minä kunnioitan suuresti Tomia. I respect Tom a lot. I respect Tom very much. Hän on jo lähtenyt ulos lounaalle. He has gone out for lunch already. He's already gone out for lunch. Tässä huoneessa saa polttaa. You can smoke in this room. You can smoke in this room. Tom osaa pitää salaisuuden. Tom can keep a secret. Tom can keep a secret. Tomot meglőtték a karján. Tom was shot in the arm. Tom was shot on his arm. Menjünk el. Let's go away. Let's go. Biztosítottam Tomot, hogy azt megcsinálom. I assured Tom that I'd do that. I assured Tom I'd do that. Elnézést a késés miatt! Elaludtam. Sorry I'm late. I overslept. Sorry I'm late. Tudod, hogy mit tettünk? Do you know what we did? You know what we did? Mitä oikeasti teet täällä? What are you really doing here? What are you really doing here? En edes tiedä, kuka on varastanut mitäkin. I don't even know who has stolen what. I don't even know who stole anything. Sinulla ei ole suuntavaistoa. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of direction. A "később" hazugság. "Later" is a lie. The "later" lie. Hölmöt ovat onnellisia. Fools are happy. The fools are happy. Se on auringonkukka. It's a sunflower. It's a sunflower. Mikä minua vaivaa? What is wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Hän on vahva. He's strong. He's strong. Tulen varmaankin tänne takaisin taas huomenna. I'll probably come back here again tomorrow. I'll probably come back here again tomorrow. Hány eszkimó él Grönlandon? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? Találnom kell egy részmunkaidős állást. I have to find a part-time job. I need to find a part-time job. Tomi azt akarta Maritól, hogy válaszoljon ő neki néhány kérdésre a múltjából. Tom wanted Mary to answer some questions about her past. Tomi wanted Mari to answer some questions about her past. Semmit nem tudsz tenni, hogy megállítsd? Can't you do anything to stop it? There's nothing you can do to stop him? Olin vähän nälkäinen. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Katsotaan, miten Tomi reagoi siihen. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tomi reacts to it. Hän on epävarma omasta tulevaisuudestaan. He is uncertain about his future. He's uncertain about his own future. Mitä ”Tatoeba” tarkoittaa? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does Tatoeba mean? Egy bűvésztrükköt fogok csinálni. I'm going to do a magic trick. I'm gonna make a magic trick. En oikeastaan koskaan välittänyt siitä. I never really cared for that. I never really cared about it. Saatko viestisi perille ranskaksi? Can you make yourselves understood in French? Can you get your message in French? Ez nagyon jó. That's very good. That's very good. Nem maradna egy teára? Won't you stay for tea? Would you like to stay for tea? Yhä usemmat parit käyvät häämatkoilla ulkomailla. More and more couples go on honeymoon trips abroad. More and more couples go on wedding trips abroad. Mandariineissa on paljon C-vitamiinia. Mandarin oranges have a lot of vitamin C. Mandarins have a lot of vitamin C. Menj és vigyél enni Tomnak. Go and take food to Tom. Go and take me to Tom's. Se on liian ruma. It's too ugly. It's too ugly. Ит маймыллане! Don't play the ape! Beep too! Felvétel indul! Action! It's getting ready. A táj lélegzetelállító. The scenery is breathtaking. The landscape is breathtaking. Láttad már Tomit, amikor őrjöng? Have you ever seen Tom when he's mad? Have you seen Tom when he's crazy? Maistettuaan kerran mustetta, hän tuli janoiseksi siinä mielessä kuin kesyjen tiikereiden sanotaan tulevan maistettuaan toisenlaista nestettä, ja hän halusi allkirjoittaa kaiken ja kirjoittaa nimensä joka paikkaan. Having once tasted ink, she became thirsty in that regard, as tame tigers are said to be after tasting another sort of fluid, and wanted to sign everything, and put her name in all kinds of places. Once he tasted ink, he became thirsty in the sense that tame tigers are said to come to taste another kind of liquid, and he wanted to sign everything and write his name everywhere. Beszélek franciául és angolul. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. Hálás vagyok mindazért, amit tettetek. I'm grateful for everything you've done. I'm grateful for everything you've done. Nem szándékos volt. It wasn't on purpose. It wasn't deliberate. Mul on võlg maksta. I have a debt to pay. I have a debt to pay. Tom saattaisi auttaa sinua. Tom might help you. Tom might help you. Bostonissa on kivaa. I like it in Boston. It's nice in Boston. Tom utelee liikaa. Tom is too nosy. Tom's asking too much. A méh rászállt a virágra. The bee alighted on the flower. The bee's on the flower. Ta on minu õde. She's my sister. She's my sister. Tervita Jimmit. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jim. Me impordime kohvi Brasiiliast. We import coffee from Brazil. We're importing coffee from Brazil. Meillä ei ole varausta. We don't have a reservation. We don't have a reservation. El a kezekkel a lányomtól! Keep your hands off my daughter! Get your hands off my daughter! Nekem beszélsz? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Seuraa niitä sääntöjä! Follow the rules. Follow those rules! Az anyukád itthon van? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? Húsz gyermeke van. She has twenty children. He has 20 children. Eljön? Does he come here? He's coming? Keményebben kellett volna gyakorolnod. You should have practiced harder. You should've practiced harder. Valkoinen pallo painaa yhtä paljon kuin punainen. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball weighs as much as red. 22-vuotiaana rakastuin pomooni. At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. When I was 22, I fell in love with my boss. Isäni oli puu. My father was a tree. My father was a tree. Addig fogok itt várni, amíg Tom nem jön vissza. I'll wait here till Tom comes back. I'm gonna wait here until Tom gets back. Tom väidab, et ta tulistas Mary't enesekaitseks. Tom claims he shot Mary in self-defense. Tom says he shot Mary for self-defense. Levelet olvasok. I read a letter. I'm reading a letter. Tamás nem iszik. Tom isn't drinking. Tamás doesn't drink. Pinkki ei ole vain tytöille. Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Tom és Mari mindig ugyanazt kérdezik tőlem, amikor meglátnak. Tom and Mary ask me the same questions every time they see me. Tom and Mari always ask me the same question when they see me. Tom mindig mondja Marinak, hogy szereti őt. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mari that he loves her. Agglegény vagy? Are you a bachelor? Are you a bachelor? Tom on Australiasta. Tom is from Australia. Tom's from Australia. Ki az ördög volt az? Who the devil was that? Who the hell was that? Nem tett semmi rosszat Tomi. Tom hasn't done anything wrong. He didn't do anything wrong, Tomi. Kosto on tuskan tunnustus. Revenge is a confession of pain. Revenge is a confession of pain. Csak feleannyi könyvem van, mint neki. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half as many books as he does. Kenen tämä matkalaukku on? Who does this suitcase belong to? Whose suitcase is this? Hän varmasti on kiltti poika. He must be a good boy. I'm sure he's a good boy. Belefutottam a bátyádba az utcán. I ran into your brother on the street. I ran into your brother on the street. En minä tiedä, että pystynkö siihen, mutta yritän. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm trying. Tomi taxival ment kórházba. Tom took a taxi to the hospital. Tomi took a cab to the hospital. Szerinted ő tudja azt, hogy én szeretem őt? Do you think he knows I like him? You think he knows I love him? Északról fúj a szél. The wind is blowing from the north. The wind's blowing from the north. Tom lenyűgöző. Tom is fascinating. Tom's amazing. Ez mindig segít. That always helps. It always helps. Kaksi plus kaksi on yhtäsuuri kuin viisi. Two plus two equals five. Two plus two is equal to five. Tarvitsisin vähän apua. I'd like a little bit of help. I could use some help. Et saa antaa periksi. You must not give up. You can't give up. Nem szeretném, ha rossz benyomás alakulna ki benned rólam. I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression about me. I don't want you to get a bad impression of me. Yliarvostettu juu mutta kyllä se hyvä manga on. Overrated, yes, but it is a good manga. Yeah, it's overrated, but it's a good manga. Tom kehitti puolivillaisen idean, joka ei ikinä toimisi. Tom came up with some half-baked idea that was never going to work. Tom developed an idea that would never work. Ma kukkusin. I fell. I fell. Örömmel vártam érkezését. I've been looking forward to your arrival. I was happy to wait for you to arrive. A bizottság tíz tagból áll. The committee is comprised of ten members. The committee shall be composed of ten members. Tom azzal próbálkozott, hogy csökkentse a költségeit. Tom has been trying to lower his expenses. Tom was trying to reduce his costs. Olet kaunis tyttö. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Szeretek Tommal beszélgetni. I love talking to Tom. I like talking to Tom. Tom kimaradt a főiskoláról. Tom is a college drop out. Tom's out of college. A bátorsága meggyőzött annyira, hogy bízzak benne. His courage impressed me enough for me to trust him. His courage convinced me to trust him. Letartóztatták őket. They've been arrested. They were arrested. Játssz! Play! Play! Tomot kirúgták a munkából való folyamatos késés miatt. Tom was fired for constantly being late to work. Tom was fired from work for being late. Anna Tomille vähän aikaa. Give Tom some time. Give Tom some time. Sa oled valel korrusel. You're on the wrong floor. You're on the wrong floor. Tom meni aikaisin töihin. Tom went to work early. Tom went to work early. Az égés hőt szabadít fel. Combustion liberates heat. Burns release heat. Älä puhu ranskaa minulle. Don't speak French to me. Don't speak French to me. Nem hiszem, hogy létezik isten. I don't believe God exists. I don't think there's a God. Tom on Marin sisarenpoika. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom is Marin's nephew. Miksen kuollut? Why didn't I die? Why didn't I die? Örülök, hogy újra látlak. It is nice to see you again. It's good to see you again. Tom voitti lotossa, mutta hän joutui vararikkoon vuotta myöhemmin. Tom won the lottery, but went bankrupt a year later. Tom won the lottery, but he broke a year later. Tom ei ole tyhmä. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Minulla ei ollut aikaa. I didn't have the time. I didn't have time. Hän on edelleen töissä. He's still at work. He's still working. Nagyon jól tudod, kire célzok. You know very well who I mean. You know who I mean. Újra meg újra telefonált nekem. He telephoned me again and again. He called me again. Laskut kasautuvat. The bills keep piling up. The landings are collapsing. A családom nem túl nagy. My family is not very large. My family's not too big. Milyen elégedett vagyok! How glad I am! How content I am! Kas nad said aru? Did they understand? Do they understand? Muistinkohan sammuttaa kahvinkeittimen? Did I remember to turn off the coffee machine? I wonder if I could turn off the coffee maker. Tunnen oloni niin yksinäiseksi joskus. I feel so lonely sometimes. I feel so lonely sometimes. Katsokaa, mitä minä tein. Look at what I made. Look what I did. Sinulla on aina räikeä solmio ylläsi. You are always wearing a loud necktie. You're always wearing a dirty tie. Tää o' vitu' jees. This is fucking awesome. This is fucking jees. Eléggé biztos vagyok abban, hogy Tom ezt nem fogja megenni. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat that. I'm pretty sure Tom's not gonna eat this. Apám nem akarja megengedni nekem, hogy kutyát tartsak. My father won't allow me to keep a dog. My father doesn't want me to have a dog. Onko minulla vaihtoehtoa? Do I have to change? Do I have a choice? Minä pidän tästä koulusta. I love this school. I like this school. Älä ole niin herkkä kritiikille. Don't be so sensitive to criticism. Don't be so sensitive to criticism. Missä Marika asuu nyt? Where does Marika live now? Where does Marika live now? Tom elengedett. Tom let me go. Tom let me go. Nagyon levert hangulatú. He is very depressed. It's a very depressed mood. Giitu. Thank you. Thanks. Isi ei oo kotona. Dad isn't home. Daddy's not home. Ei meillä ole mitään, mitä pitäisi piilottaa. We have nothing to hide. We have nothing to hide. Sinua on varoitettu. You've been warned. You've been warned. Ez egy nagy, kövér hazugság. That's a big fat lie. It's a big, fat lie. Te olette saksalaisia, eikö vain? You're Germans, aren't you? You're Germans, aren't you? Feszültnek látszol. You look tense. You look tense. Tom kävi eilen Marin luona kylässä. Tom visited Mary yesterday. Tom came to Mari's house last night. Tom pani ukse ketti. Tom chain-locked the door. Tom put the door in the chain. Voi kunpa olisin yhtä fiksu kuin sinä. I wish I were as smart as you are. I wish I was as smart as you are. Kielégíthetetlenül kapzsi. Insatiably greedy. He's insatiablely greedy. Kissa on jumissa puussa. The cat is stuck in the tree. The cat's stuck in a tree. Nem könnyű megoldani a problémát. It is not easy to solve the problem. It's not easy to solve the problem. Hän on nyt mies. He's a man now. He's a man now. Szabadok vagyunk. We're free. We're free. Tom mängib õues. Tom is playing outside. Tom's playing outside. Mellétrafáltál. You missed. You've got your chest scratched. Amikor fiatal voltam, sok mindent ingyen kaptam. When I was young I got lots of things for free. When I was young, I got a lot for free. Az idős ember a múlt héten halt meg. The old man died last week. The old man died last week. Hadd menjek! Let me go! Let me go. Yhteys ja rakkaus: Me kaikki haluamme sitä. Useimmat tyytyvät yhteyteen, koska rakkaus on liian pelottavaa. Connection and love: We all want it. Most people settle for connection because love’s too scary. Connection and love: We all want it. Most are satisfied with the connection because love is too scary. Semmit nem tud Tom Bostonról. Tom knows nothing about Boston. He doesn't know anything about Tom Boston. Azonnal oda kell mennem? Must I go there at once? Do I have to go there right now? Ostitko sen mustasta pörssistä? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Hyviä ildua, Tom. Good evening, Tom. Good night, Tom. Ő mindig kikéri a véleményedet. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks for your opinion. Äijygo vuottu sinul on? How old are you? Do you have a leak? Nad on väga head. They're very good. They're very good. Több az adóssága, mint amennyit ki tud fizetni. Her debts amount to more than she can pay. He owes more than he can pay. Viime aikoina monet ihmiset ovat alkaneet kärsiä allergioista. A lot of people are dealing with allergies now. Recently, many people have started suffering from allergies. En tunne sinua enää. I don't know you anymore. I don't know you anymore. Niin metsä vastaa kuin sinne huudetaan. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. As the forest responds, they scream there. Úgy tűnik, teljesen össze van zavarodva Tomi. Tom looked very puzzled. Looks like Tomi's completely confused. Kuinka paljon tämä radio maksaa? What's the price of this radio? How much does this radio cost? Tom torjui Maryn avuntarjouksen. Tom refused Mary's offer to help. Tom rejected Mary's offer for help. Tom antoi kissansa Marille. Tom gave his cat to Mary. Tom gave her cat to Mari. Siinä on oikeastaan kaikki, mitä haluan sinulle sanoa. That's really all I want to say to you. Actually, that's all I want to say to you. Tuo kone on valtava. That plane is enormous! That plane is huge. Kuinka te käytätte tätä konetta? How do you operate this machine? How do you use this machine? Te és Tom mit ettetek? What did you and Tom eat? What did you and Tom eat? Megvan neked Tom címe? Do you have Tom's address? You got Tom's address? Fiúk vagyunk. We are boys. We're boys. Hän pani poikansa osallistumaan kokoukseen puolestaan. He made his son attend the meeting in his place. He made his son attend the meeting for himself. He ovat todella innokkaita. They're very enthusiastic. They're very eager. Tom nincs otthon. Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. Hän kuoli siihen sairauteen. He died of that disease. He died of that disease. Minun nimeni on Henri. My name's Henry. My name is Henri. Elégedett vagyok. I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied. Tom järkyttyi kuullessaan Maryn kuolleen. Tom was shocked to hear that Mary had died. Tom was shocked to hear Mary died. Mä oon aina tykänny susta. I've always liked you. I'm always tired of you. Tom ei puhu. Tom isn't talking. Tom won't talk. Tom boldogan halt meg. Tom died happy. Tom died happily. Minä en olisi antanut Tomille tapahtua mitään. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. Kuinka suuri on kaasulaskunne kuukaudessa? How much is your monthly gas bill? How much is your gas bill in a month? Megpróbálhatod, de soha nem fogsz megállítani. You can try but never stop me. You can try, but you'll never stop me. Tényleg nagyon gyors volt. It was really quite fast. It was really fast. Ei voi olla totta! That can't be. You've got to be kidding me! Tamás még mindig beteg? Is Tom still sick? Is Tamás still sick? Bejött Tom. Tom walked inside. Tom came in. Tom halusi tanssia. Tom wanted to dance. Tom wanted to dance. Mondtam neki, hogy a lehető legjobban fogok cselekedni. I told him that I would do my best. I told him I'd do the best I could. Kuu tuli esiin pilven takaa. The moon emerged from behind the cloud. The moon came out from behind the cloud. Se päättyy huomenna. It runs out tomorrow. It ends tomorrow. Ketä muuta haluaisit syyttää? Who else would you like to blame? Who else would you like to blame? Tomi tarvitsee ajokortin. Tom needs a driver's license. Tom needs a driver's license. Kukakohan hän oli? I wonder who he was. I wonder who he was. Jó vagy a hazudozásban, ugye? You're good at lying, aren't you? You're good at lying, aren't you? Soita minulle, kun olet valmis. Call me when you're ready. Call me when you're ready. Soha nem kellett volna megbíznom benned. I never should have trusted you. I should never have trusted you. Hadd csináljam meg még egyszer! Let me do that again. Let me do it again. Kaikki on kunnossa. Everything is fine. It's okay. It's okay. Sopiiko liittyä seuraan? May I join you? Is it okay to join us? Nem itt laksz, ugye? You don't live here, do you? You're not living here, are you? Tudtad, hogy Tom elment otthonról? Did you know that Tom had left home? Did you know Tom left home? Olin toivonut näkeväni Tomin Bostonissa. I'd hoped to see Tom in Boston. I had hoped to see Tom in Boston. En osaa luetella tätä sanaa kirjain kirjaimelta. I don't know how to spell the word. I don't know how to list this word from a letter. Bűnösnek mondták ki. They adjudged him guilty. They said he was guilty. Potku! Kick! Kick! Heitä hänet ulos täältä! Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Minuun iski salama. I was struck by lightning. I was struck by lightning. Minä kaimavuin. I'm lost. I was horrified. Tomi on toisen maailmansodan veteraani. Tom is a World War II veteran. Tomi is a veteran of World War II. Haluan syödä jotain, mikä ei ole makeaa. I want to eat something that isn't sweet. I want to eat something that's not sweet. Melyik kontinens a legnépesebb? Which continent is the most populated one? Which continent is the most popular? Ugye tudod? You know, don't you? You know that, don't you? Tiedän, ettette valehtele. I know you're not lying. I know you're not lying. Figyelmeztették, hogy ne késsen el többször az iskolából. He was warned not to be late for school again. They warned him not to be late for school again. A következő vonat a 2-es vágányra érkezik és továbbindul Shibuya-ra 4:35-kor. The next train arriving at platform 2 will depart for Shibuya at 4:35pm. The next train will arrive on track 2 and proceed to Shibuya at 4:35 p.m. Voisit myydä sen. You could sell that. You could sell it. Toivotaan, että kaikki menee hyvin. Let's hope everything goes well. Let's hope everything goes well. Inkább otthon maradok és tévézek. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. Az egy bűntett. That's a felony. That's a crime. Uusi fakta on tullut päivänvaloon. The new fact has come to light. A new fact has come to light. Tom ei pystynyt hallitsemaan tunteitaan. Tom couldn't control his emotions. Tom couldn't control his feelings. Nem kezdjük el a gyűlést, amíg meg nem jön. We won't start the meeting until she comes. We won't start the meeting until it comes. Ma soovin, et sa oleksid minuga. I wish you were with me. I wish you were with me. Koettaisitko? Would you give it a try? Would you mind? Minun täytyy mennä nyt. I have to go now. I have to go now. Läpäisit kokeen. You passed the test. You passed the test. Mi van, ha nemet mondok? What if I say no? What if I say no? Mondja el nekem, hol volt előző éjszaka a gyilkosság időpontjában! Tell me where you were last night at the time of the murder. Tell me where you were last night at the time of the murder. Ő ügyvéd. He's a lawyer. He's a lawyer. Hän kastelee kukat joka päivä kesällä. He waters the flowers every day in summer. He waters the flowers every day in the summer. Tomi belülről nagyon izgult. Tom was secretly very excited. Tomi's really excited about the inside. Tomi meni sohvalle pitkälleen ja nukahti. Tom stretched out on the couch and fell asleep. Tomi went to the couch and fell asleep. Tomnak kettővel kevesebb játéka van, mint Marinak. Tom has two fewer toys than Mary. Tom has two less games than Mari. Tuo mekko sopii hyvin sinulle. That dress looks good on you. That dress is good for you. Kár, hogy elkéstem. It's a pity that I'm late. Too bad I'm late. Még volt egy halvány reménysugár, hogy talán minden rendeződni fog. There was still a glimmer of hope that everything would be alright. There was still a thin ray of hope that maybe everything would work out. Nem hagyhatlak el. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. Älä valehtele. Don't lie! Don't lie to me. Tom kertoi Marylle Johnista. Tom told Mary about John. Tom told Mary about John. Et saa antaa periksi kiusaukselle. You must not yield to temptation. You mustn't give up on the temptation. A sebesült üvöltött a fájdalomtól, miután az érzéstelenítő hatása elmúlt. The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. The wounded screamed from the pain after the anaesthetic had stopped. Nagyon ittas volt. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. On oleellista varata paikkansa etukäteen. It is essential to reserve your seat in advance. It is essential to reserve a place in advance. Tom oli paikalla kun häntä tarvitsin. Tom was there for me when I needed him. Tom was there when I needed him. Most zárkózunk föl. We're just catching up. Let's lock up now. Mari maksoi Tomin takuilla ulos vankilasta, kun Tom joutui baaritappeluun. Mary bailed Tom out of jail after he got into a fight at the bar. Mary used to bail Tom out of prison when he got into a bar fight. Tom kysyi päätään raapien: ”Oletko nähnyt kirjoituspöydällä olleita papereita, Mari? Ne ovat aika tärkeitä.” ”Ai, minä heitin sen roskan pois viime viikolla, Tom”, Mari vastasi huolettomasti. Scratching his head, Tom asked, "Have you seen that paperwork that was on the desk, Mary? It's kind of important." "Oh, I threw that crap away last week, Tom," Mary replied offhandedly. “Have you seen the papers on the desk, Mari? They’re quite important.” “Oh, I threw away the trash last week, Tom,” Mari replied carelessly. Ymmärrätkö, mitä minä sanon? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Mindketten a szobában vannak. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Épp gyúrni próbálok. Akarsz segíteni? I'm trying to work out here. Do you want to spot me? I'm trying to work out. Egy élmény volt vele beszélni a partin. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. It was an experience to talk to him at the party. Az állatok a mi barátaink. Animals are our friends. Animals are our friends. Sinä pyörryit. You fainted. You passed out. Tomi meghívta Marit egy pohár borra. Tom offered Mary a glass of wine. Tomi invited Mari to a glass of wine. Tom valószínűleg elfoglalt lesz. Tom is probably going to be busy. Tom's probably gonna be busy. Japani ei ole luonnonvaroiltaan runsas. Japan is not abundant in natural resources. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Ole rauhallinen. Be calm. Take it easy. A világ egy hatalmas hely. The world is a big place. The world is a huge place. Olen lesbo. I am lesbian. I'm a lesbian. Hol laktál? Where did you live? Where did you live? Niin oli meillekin käydä. That almost happened to us, too. That's what happened to us. Úgy érezte Tom, meg fog halni. Tom thought he was going to die. He felt Tom was going to die. Követtél már el törvénysértést? Have you ever done anything illegal? Have you ever followed law enforcement? Olen kiitollinen lapsistani. I'm thankful for my children. I'm grateful for my children. Meillä on aikaa huomisaamuun asti. We have until tomorrow morning. We have until tomorrow morning. Tämä on tiekartta. This is a road map. This is a road map. Érthetetlen félelem lett úrrá rajtam. I was overcome by inexplicable fear. I've become an inexplicable fear. Sa oled selle tõesti välja teeninud. You've really earned this. You really earned it. Melyik autó Tomé? Which car is Tom's? Which car is Tom's? Hyviä yödy, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. Éltél már nagyvárosban? Have you ever lived in a big city? Have you ever lived in a big city? Szándékosan törte el ezt a vázát. He broke this vase on purpose. He deliberately broke this vase. Ez nehéz volt. This was hard. That was hard. Me kaikki tykkäsimme Tomista. We all liked Tom. We all liked Tom. Rummut on tässä videossa ihan vitun ärsyttävät. The drums are annoying as fuck in this video. The drums in this video are fucking annoying. En pidä yksin olemisesta. I dislike being alone. I don't like being alone. Olen pahoillani siitä mitä sanoin. Se oli asiatonta. I'm sorry for what I said. I was out of line. I'm sorry for what I said. Ensi kerralla älä pudota sitä. Next time, don't drop it. Next time, don't drop it. Én voltam az egyetlen, aki nem nevetett. I was the only one who didn't laugh. I was the only one who didn't laugh. Algéria nagyon ki van szolgáltatva a kínai behozatali cikkeknek. Algeria is overly dependent on Chinese exports. Algeria is very much provided with Chinese import articles. Saako täällä tupakoida? Is smoking allowed here? Can I smoke in here? Szeretem az arab nyelvet. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Nad on tõenäoliselt ameeriklased. They're probably American. They're probably Americans. Se ei ole oikein minun makuuni. It's not really my cup of tea. It's not exactly my taste. Tom ajaa hitaammin kuin Mary. Tom drives more slowly than Mary. Tom's driving slower than Mary. Puhuitko lakimiehesi kanssa tästä ongelmasta? Did you talk to your lawyer about this problem? Did you talk to your lawyer about this problem? Az ügyvéd elmagyarázta nekünk az új törvényt. The lawyer explained the new law to us. The lawyer explained the new law to us. A tanító tanít. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Sitä on vaikea ymmärtää. It's hard to understand. It's hard to understand. Tomilla on yllään valkoinen paita. Tom is wearing a white shirt. Tom's wearing a white shirt. Lopeta iniseminen. Stop whining. Stop whining. Ilyen még soha nem történt velem. Such a thing has never happened to me. It's never happened to me before. Tomi on lähettänyt irtisanoutumisensa. Tom submitted his resignation. Tomi has sent his resignation. Mennään piiloon verhon taakse. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. Értem, mire gondolsz. I see your point. I see what you mean. Ota kakkua, jos maistuu. Help yourself to the cake, please. Why don't you have a cake if you like it? Milloin olet edellisen kerran syönyt ulkona? When was the last time you ate out? When's the last time you've eaten outside? Szegénységben élünk. We live in poverty. We live in poverty. Monilla maailman noin seitsemästä tuhannesta kielestä on elossa vain kourallinen puhujia, ja kieliä uhkaa kuoleminen. Many of the world's seven thousand or so languages are spoken only by handfuls of living people and are in danger of extinction. Many of the world’s about seven thousand languages only have a handful of speakers alive, and languages are threatened by death. Minun nimi on Yamada. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. Mindig van választás. There's always a choice. There's always a choice. Tässä maassa on neljä vuodenaikaa. There are four seasons in this country. This country has four seasons. He ovat syömässä leipää. They are eating bread. They're eating bread. Minä vietin koko päivän leikkien lasteni kanssa. I spent the whole day playing with my kids. I spent all day playing with my kids. Olette puhumassa. You are talking. You're talking. See on kõigest mänguasi. It's just a toy. It's just a toy. Mene puomille istumaan. Get yourself astride the balance beam. Why don't you go sit down on the beam? Talán később megeszem, ha nagyon éhes leszek. I might eat that later if I get really hungry. Maybe later I'll eat it if I'm really hungry. Anna minulle havaintoesitys. Give me a demonstration. Give me an observation report. Ő mindig megkérdezi a véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. Asiaan liittyy kieliopillisia periaatteita. There are grammatical principles involved. This is a matter of grammatical principles. Kun hän sai työt tehtyä, hän meni kotiin. When he finished the work, he went home. When he got the job done, he went home. Hän toi minulle kirjeen käännettäväksi. She brought me a letter to translate. He brought me a letter for translation. Nem fogjuk hagyni, hogy Tomi azt tegye. We're not going to let Tom do that. We're not gonna let Tomi do that. En voinut muuta kuin nauraa. I couldn't help laughing. All I could do was laugh. Tomi on innoissaan surffaamisesta. Tom is keen on surfing. Tomi's excited about surfing. Olen vähän ujo. I'm a little shy. I'm a little shy. Pian on sadekausi. It'll soon be the rainy season. It's gonna be a rainy season. Äitini laittaa ruokaa minun puolestani. My mother cooks for me. My mother's making food for me. Olen üheksateistkümnene. I'm 19. I'm nineteen. Tom viettää päivät puhuen ranskaa koulussa ja puhuu englantia vain kotona. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom spends his days talking French at school and speaking English only at home. Ha tegnap dolgoztál volna, ma lenne egy szabad napod. If you had worked yesterday, you would have a day off today. If you'd worked yesterday, you'd have a day off. - Siess, Tomi! - Jövök már! "Tom, hurry up." "I'm coming!" - Hurry up, Tomi. Miért nem játszol a többiekkel? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? Persze, hogy igen! Of course! Of course you do. Peale sinu ei ole mul ühtegi tõelist sõpra. I have no other true friend than you. Besides you, I don't have any real friends. Tiedän, että Tom on ystäväsi, mutta en silti pidä hänestä. I know Tom is a friend of yours, but I still don't like him. I know Tom's your friend, but I still don't like him. Onko teillä koiraa? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Nincs semmi sürgős. There's no hurry. There's nothing urgent. Se oli tosi pieni. It was very small. It was really small. Kicsit gyengélkedem. I felt a little weak. I'm a little sick. Az új állásával nagyobb felelősséget vállalt. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new position, he took more responsibility. Pulber on vees lahustuv. The powder is soluble in water. The powder is soluble in water. Te vagy az én hercegnőm. You're my princess. You're my princess. Segítünk neki. We help him. We'll help him. Tomi on huonolla tuulella. Tom is in a bad mood. Tom's in a bad mood. Mitä minä kerron Tomille? What am I going to tell Tom? What am I gonna tell Tom? Ma olen väga häbelik. I'm very shy. I'm very shy. Minusta olisi ihanaa tehdä niin uudestaan. I'd love to do that again. I'd love to do it again. Yritän vältellä hautausmaan läheltä kulkemista pimeän tulon jälkeen. I try to avoid walking by the cemetery after dark. I'm trying to avoid going near the cemetery after dark. Todiste siitä että välimerkeillä on väliä, on lauseet "syödään isoisä" ja "syödään, isoisä". The sentences "Let's eat grandpa." and "Let's eat, grandpa." are only one proof that punctuation can change a lot. Prove that the spaces matter, there's the sentences "eating Grandpa" and "eating Grandpa." Tom elég őszinte. Tom is quite honest. Tom's pretty honest. Kellossa on kaksi viisaria. A clock has two hands. There's two wise guys in the clock. Ma ei ole Bostonist. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. Diszkzsoké. He is a DJ. They're discreet. Most horgászok. I'm fishing now. I'm fishing now. Terve. Oletko sinä Jackie Scott? Hello. Are you Jackie Scott? Hello, are you Jackie Scott? Tom näeb välja nagu oleks ta purjus. Tom looks like he's drunk. Tom looks drunk. Magadra fogunk hagyni. We'll leave you alone. We're gonna leave you alone. Yrität liikaa. You try too hard. You're trying too hard. Kérem, hívja a mentőket! Please call an ambulance. Please call an ambulance. Mihin teitä sattui? Where are you hurt? What happened to you? Kas keegi igatses mind? Did anyone miss me? Did anyone miss me? Ez a tiéd. It's for you. This is for you. Koe oli tosi vaikee. The exam was very difficult. The test was really hard. A két férfi egymást okolta a bűncselekményért. The two men blamed each other for the crime. The two men blamed each other for the crime. Ezek a madarak gyönyörűek. These birds are beautiful. These birds are beautiful. Ott volt Tamás és Mária. Tom and Mary were there. Thomas and Mary were there. Meg akartam neked üzenni valamit Tommal. I wanted Tom to tell you something. I wanted to text you something with Tom. Az ár nem probléma. Price isn't an issue. The price is not a problem. Most rögtön elintézem. I'll take care of it right now. I'll take care of it right now. Mindig is azon álmodoztam, hogy külföldön élek. I've always dreamed of living abroad. I've always dreamed of living abroad. Tämä on hänen kynänsä. This is her pen. This is his pen. Mä olen tosissani. I'm being serious. I'm serious. See on väga maitsev. This is really delicious. It's delicious. Szeretném azt látni. I would like to see it. I'd like to see that. Kissat näkevät pimeässä. Cats can see in the dark. Cats see in the dark. Tomi saa asioita aikaan. Tom makes things happen. Tomi's gonna make things happen. Olen varma, että Tomi ei suutu. I'm sure Tom won't be angry. I'm sure Tom won't get mad. Olehan varovainen. Be careful. Be careful. Ez szabotázs. This is sabotage. It's sabotage. Azon a napon az életem megváltozott. My life changed that day. That day my life changed. Miksi suostuit auttamaan Tomia? Why did you agree to help Tom? Why did you agree to help Tom? Tämä on puhelimeni. This is my phone. This is my phone. Fél óra van ebédig. It's a half hour till lunch. It's half an hour till lunch. Az erős havazás ellenére eljött. He came, despite the heavy snowfall. Despite the heavy snowing, you're here. Mul on kalaluu kurgus kinni. I have a fish bone stuck in my throat. I'm stuck in the throat of a fish bone. Tomi on asunut kanssamme vuodesta 2013. Tom has been living with us since 2013. Tomi has lived with us since 2013. Häät ovat kalliita. Weddings are expensive. The wedding's expensive. Kuunnelkaa. Listen. Listen up. Zágráb Horvátország fővárosa. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. The capital of Zagreb. Jót szórakoztunk tegnap. It was fun yesterday. We had a good time yesterday. Voisitko laittaa radion päälle? Turn on the radio. Can you turn on the radio? Kirázott tőle a hideg. He made me shiver. It freaked me out. Már nem szűzlány. She's not a virgin. She's not a virgin anymore. Kas sa küpsetasid koogi? Did you bake a cake? Did you cook the cake? Varmaankin ajattelet sen olevan mahdotonta, mutta voisitko ainakin antaa sille mahdollisuuden? You must think it's impossible, but could you at least give it a try? You probably think it's impossible, but could you at least give it a chance? Kävitkö ulkona eilen illalla? Did you go out last night? Did you go out last night? Kotisi tuhoutui myrskyssä. Your home was destroyed by the storm. Your home was destroyed in a storm. Tom csöndes. Tom is quiet. Tom's quiet. Nyertünk. We won. We won. A barátom megszállottja ennek. My friend is obsessed with this. My friend's obsessed with this. Kuunnellaan nauha. Let's listen to the tape. Let's listen to the tape. Tom megfélemlítette Marit. Tom terrified Mary. Tom scared Mari. Minä muistan sen. I remember her. I remember that. Jos hän olisi totellut lääkäriä, hän olisi ehkä vielä elossa. If he had taken his doctor's advice, he might still be alive. If he'd listened to the doctor, he might still be alive. Anteeksi se parin päivän takainen. I'm sorry about the other day. I'm sorry about a couple of days ago. Tule lähemmäksi, jotta näen naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. Pillanatokon belül meg fogod szokni az itteni életet. You'll get used to living here in no time. You'll get used to living here in a moment. Aiotko mennä vai et? Are you going to go or not? Are you going to go or not? Se on ensimmäisessä kerroksessa. It's on the ground floor. It's on the first floor. Kiipeä. Climb. Come on, climb. Meglep, hogy nem hoztad magaddal Tomit. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom along. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tomi with you. Olet tunteeton. You're callous. You're insensitive. Tom on ainoa henkilö, joka tietää tästä. Tom is the only person who knows about this. Tom is the only person who knows about this. Voi hyvä Jumala! Oh my God! Oh, my God! Fél órával étkezés után vegye be a kapszulát. Take this capsule within thirty minutes of each meal. Take the capsule half an hour after a meal. Többé már nem függött szüleitől. He was no longer dependent on his parents. He was no longer dependent on his parents. Tom sanoo, että hän haluaa puhua sinulle. Tom says he wants to talk to you. Tom says he wants to talk to you. Tamás a könyveit a fiókjába tette. Tom put his books in his locker. Thomas put his books in his drawer. A gumi a gumifa nedvéből készül. Rubber is made from the sap of the rubber tree. The rubber is made from the wet of the rubber tree. Menninkäiset ovat taitavia seppiä. The dwarves are great smiths. The pastors are good blacksmiths. Muisto ei ole vakaa. Memory is not stable. Memory's not stable. Ajatteletteko vakavissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you thinking about going seriously? Sarjakuvien lukeminen nähdään yleensä lasten ajanvietteenä. Reading comics is usually viewed as the pastime of children. Reading comics is usually seen as entertainment for children. A lehetőségek jönnek, mennek. Opportunities come and go. The options are coming, they're going. Pankki menee kiinni kolmelta iltapäivällä. The bank closes at 3pm. The bank will be closed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He antoivat pojalle nimeksi Tom. They called the boy Tom. They named him Tom. Ütött az órád. Your time's up. Your watch's on. Õnnetus juhtus kaks tundi tagasi. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident happened two hours ago. Tasa-arvoisessa yhteiskunnassa ei ole sijaa sovinismille. There is no place for chauvinism in an equal society. There is no place in equal society for chauvinism. See on ilus kleit. This is a pretty dress. It's a beautiful dress. Tassut irti minusta! Get your paws off me. Get the fuck off me! Ei ole Tomi eikä Mari ollut minulle kiltti. Neither Tom nor Mary has been nice to me. It's not Tomi or Mari that was nice to me. En ole tyytyväinen selitykseesi. I am not satisfied with your explanation. I'm not happy with your explanation. Olet friikki. You're a freak. You're a freak. Hän on asunut tuossa hotellissa viimeiset viisi päivää. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He's been living in that hotel for the last five days. Ez a könyv kisebb. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. Kao ära. Beat it. Get out of here. Rá fogunk jönni. We'll figure this out. We'll figure it out. En se ollut minä, joka aloitti. It wasn't me who started. It wasn't me who started it. Opettaja takavarikoi Tomin kännykän. The teacher confiscated Tom's cellphone. The teacher impounded Tom's cell phone. Kérlek, öntözd meg a virágokat! Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Jopa Tomi näytti ärsyyntyneeltä. Even Tom looked annoyed. Even Tomi looked upset. Vaatame mis me teha saame. Let me see what we can do. Let's see what we can do. Szereted az almát vagy a narancsot? Do you like apples or oranges? Do you like apples or oranges? Ме тунемынна чӱчкыдын пычкемыш марте ышташ. We got used to late-hour work. The rabbi did not allow this to happen. Minun täytyy mennä sairaalaan. I have to go to the hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Mikor térsz vissza? When will you return? When are you coming back? Tom valitti opettajalle. Tom complained to the teacher. Tom complained to the teacher. Harmi, etten pääse mukaan. It is regrettable that I can't go with you. It's too bad I can't make it. Bárcsak fiatal koromban keményebben tanultam volna. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I'd learned harder when I was young. Tom nem ellenkezett. Tom didn't disagree. Tom didn't object. Ez már csak természetes. Of course. It's only natural. Tomi puhuu Marista koko ajan. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Tom's been talking about Mar all the time. Kaipaatko Tomia? Do you miss Tom? You miss Tom? Tuo tietokoneesi. Bring your computer. Bring your computer. Minä en halua uskoa ketään. I don't want to believe anyone. I don't want to believe anyone. Ole hyvä. Please. You're welcome. Hän ojensi minulle postikortin. She handed me a postcard. He gave me a postcard. Sohasem tudom eléggé megköszönni neked. I can never thank you enough. I can never thank you enough. Hän lopetti kilpailun. He finished the race. He quit the competition. Se on minun CD-levyni. That's my CD. It's my CD. Annak ellenére, hogy jegyesek vagyunk, nem akarta megengedni, hogy megcsókoljam. Even though we're engaged, she did not want to let me kiss her. Even though we're engaged, he didn't want me to kiss him. Tulemme debatoimaan tästä aiheesta kokouksessa. We'll debate this subject at the meeting. We will debate this issue at the meeting. Hamarosan vissza fog jönni. He will soon come back. He'll be back soon. Nem tudok törökül. I can't speak Turkish. I can't speak Turkish. Tomi on huolimaton kuski. Tom is a careless driver. Tom's a carefree driver. Alszom. I am sleeping. I'm sleeping. Kannattaa käydä New Yorkissa. New York is worth visiting. You should go to New York. Meg vagyok róla győződve, hogy semmi rosszat nem tettem. I'm absolutely sure that I did nothing wrong. I'm convinced I didn't do anything wrong. Sziasztok! Hi. Hey. Tomnak még mindig az anyja vásárolja a ruháit. Tom's mother still buys his clothes for him. Tom's mother is still buying her clothes. Nem kell menned, ugye? You don't have to go, do you? You don't have to go, do you? Tartozom neked egy ebéddel. I owe you a lunch. I owe you lunch. Ma olen väga rõõmus, et sellel lausel on nii palju tõlkeid juba. I am very glad that this sentence has so many translations already. I am very glad that this sentence already has so many translations. Tomi aloitti liikkumisen. Tom began to move. Tomi started moving. Meg tudom érteni. I can understand that. I can understand. Joni jäi kotiin kuten häntä käskettiin. John stayed at home as he was told. Joni stayed home just as he was told. Halaan sinut kuoliaaksi. I'll hug you to death. I'll hug you to death. Alkudoztunk vele a házért. We bargained with him for the house. We started with him for the house. Heräsin ja näin varkaan huoneessani. I awoke to find a burglar in my room. I woke up and I saw a thief in my room. Ez egy történelmi színmű. It is an historical play. It's a historical play. Csütörtökön otthon maradtam, mert késődélelőttre volt időpontom a fogorvoshoz. One Tuesday I stayed home because I had an appointment with the dentist later in the morning. On Thursday, I stayed home because I had a appointment with the dentist late in the morning. Tom ei koskaan suostuisi sellaiseen. Tom would never agree to such a thing. Tom would never agree to that. Kuinka kauan jouduit odottamaan? How long did you have to wait? How long did you have to wait? Örülök neked. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you. Mietittekö tosissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? Tom on kiinnostunut Ranskan historiasta. Tom is interested in French history. Tom's interested in French history. Elköltöttem az összes pénzt, amim csak volt, hogy megvegyem a könyvet. I spent all the money I had to buy the book. I spent all the money I had to buy the book. Tom egy szó nélkül végighallgatta az egész történetet. Tom listened to the whole story without saying a thing. Tom's been listening to the whole story without a word. Evés közben könyvet olvasok. I read a book while eating. I read a book while eating. Höm. Hmm. Wow. Egy gazdag, idős ember felesége lett. She married a rich old man. She's married to a rich old man. Tom kysyin Marilta ja hänen ystäviltään haluaisivatko he pelata räsypokkaa, mutta he kieltäytyivät. Tom asked Mary and her friends if they wanted to play strip poker, but they refused. Tom asked Mari and her friends if they'd like to play snotty, but they refused. Tomi juo kahvia. Tom is drinking coffee. Tom's drinking coffee. Ei ole hiekanjyvääkään, ei atomiakaan, joka voisi muuttua olemattomaksi, ja silti ihminen uskoo kuoleman olevan olevaisuutensa tuho. There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being. There is neither a grain of sand, nor an atom that could become immortal, and yet man believes that death is the destruction of his existence. A pókoknak nyolc lábuk van. Spiders have eight legs. Spiders have eight legs. Pidän tietoisuutta perustavanlaatuisena. Aine voidaan mielestäni johtaa tietoisuudesta. Emme pääse tietoisuuden tuolle puolen. Kaikki mistä puhumme, kaikki mitä pidetään olemassaolona, edellyttää tietoisuuden. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. I believe that awareness is fundamental, and I believe that the substance can be derived from consciousness; we cannot get to that side of consciousness; everything we talk about, everything that is considered to exist requires consciousness. A bíróság kimondta a vádlott ártatlanságát. The court declared the defendant innocent. The court has declared the defendant's innocence. De hiszen én ott lakom! That's where I live. But I live there! Azt hiszem, hogy ön rossz számot hívott. I think you have the wrong number. I think you called the wrong number. Ez a tied, Tom! This is for you, Tom. It's yours, Tom. Elmagyarázta nekem a szabályt. He explained the rule to me. He explained the rule to me. Siitake on eräs sienilaatu. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. It's a fungus. It's a fungus. Ért angolul? Do you understand English? Do you understand English? Tudod, hogy hol van Spanyolországban Toledo? Do you know where in Spain Toledo is? Do you know where Toledo is in Spain? Ne utáld, amit nem értesz. Don't dislike what you don't understand. Don't hate what you don't understand. Jaavoe. Yes. Yeah. Me arvame, et on aeg rohkem naeratada. We think it's time to smile more often. We think it's time to smile more. Hiukan onnettomuuden jälkeen saapui poliisi. Shortly after the accident, the police came. After a little accident, the police arrived. Búcsúzás nélkül elment. She left without saying goodbye. He left without saying goodbye. Nagyon azon gondolkodom, hogy Ausztráliába költözöm. I'm seriously considering moving to Australia. I'm really thinking about moving to Australia. A természeti erőforrások nem korlátlanok. Natural resources are not limitless. Natural resources are not unlimited. Tartozok Tomnak eggyel. I owe Tom one. I owe Tom one. Erőltesd meg magad! Make an effort. Force yourself. Jobb szeretek rádiót hallgatni mint tévét nézni. I prefer listening to the radio to watching television. I like listening to radios better than watching TV. Tere tulemast! Welcome. Welcome! Kíváncsi vagyok, Tom tud-e jönni vagy sem. I wonder whether Tom can come or not. I wonder if Tom can come or not. Mul on 64-bitine protsessor. I have a 64-bit processor. I have a 64-bit processor. Légy szíves, segíts! Please help me. Please, help me. Egy lánc olyan erős, mint a leggyengébb szeme. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A chain is as strong as its weakest eyes. Tuti, hogy elhasalok holnap a vizsgán. I'm sure that I'm not going to pass my exam tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be late for the exam tomorrow. Nem tetszett neki a válaszom. He didn't like my answer. He didn't like my answer. Ki a kedvenc színészed? Who's your favourite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Te a tűzzel játszol! You're playing with fire. You're playing with fire! Tämä kukka on harmai. This flower is grey. This flower is gray. Voinkohan kysyä sinulta muutaman kysymyksen Tomista? I wonder if I can ask you a few questions about Tom. Can I ask you a few questions about Tom? Tomi vett valamit Marinak. Tom bought something for Mary. Tomi bought something for Mari. Habár ő 38, még mindig függ a szüleitől. Even though he is 38, he still depends on his parents. Although he's 38, he still depends on his parents. Nepalia kutsutaan nimellä ”Nepal” nepaliksi. Nepal is called "Nepal" in Nepali. Nepal is called Nepal. Tomilla menee hyvin. Tom is doing all right. Tom's doing great. Kuusi heistä palaa. Six of them return. Six of them are coming back. Felicja anyja lengyel, román gyökerekkel. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Felicja's mother with Polish, Romanian roots. Kaipaan jännitystä. I miss the excitement. I miss the excitement. Ma räägin Tomiga sellest. I'll talk to Tom about it. I'll talk to Tom about it. Nézd meg ezeket a képeket. Look at these pictures. Look at these pictures. Kuulin huudon. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. Talo on valkoinen. The house is white. The house is white. Voinko lähettää sinulle kaveripyynnön Facebookissa? Can I add you on Facebook? Can I send you a friend request on Facebook? Vilustuin ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got cold and I got a fever. Ő imádja a bátyját. She adores her older brother. He loves his brother. Aikaa voittaaksemme matkustimme lentokoneella. To gain time we took the plane. Time to win, we traveled on a plane. Tom megevett egy tál áfonyát. Tom ate a bowl of huckleberries. Tom ate a bowl of blueberries. Tom tegi selle üsna selgeks. Tom made that quite clear. Tom made it pretty clear. Tom ei odottanut Marin reagoivan kuten hän reagoi. Tom didn't expect Mary to react like she did. Tom didn't expect Mari to react the way she reacted. Honnan gondolod, hogy ez történt? Why do you think that this happened? How do you think this happened? Ei. Minä haluan maksaa käteisellä. No. I want to pay in cash. No, I want to pay cash. Toivotan tervetulleiksi juhlaan kaikki, jotka haluavat tulla. We will welcome whoever wants to come to the party. I'd like to welcome everyone who wants to come to the party. Töröld meg az orrod! Wipe your nose. Wipe your nose! Azt mondta, hogy csak úgy kapta a gitárt. He told me that he got his guitar for free. He said he just got the guitar. Olen pahoillani. En tiennyt, että tämä on Teidän paikkanne. I beg your pardon. I didn't know this was your seat. I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your place. Tominak volt egy állása. Tom had a job. Tomi had a job. Az még mindig létezik? Does that still exist? Is that still real? Minua pelottaa hypätä ojan yli. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm scared to jump over a ditch. Tomilla oli vaikeuksia saada matkalaukkunsa auki. Tom had trouble getting his suitcase opened. Tom had trouble opening his suitcase. Ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Huolehdi omista asioistasi! Mind your own business. Take care of your own business! Sinun ei tarvitse tulla sisään. You don't need to come in. You don't have to come in. Ez feltételezés, nem tény. That's a supposition, not a fact. That's a assumption, not a fact. Avatkaa tuli! Open fire! Open the fire! Voit pelata ihmistä, haltiaa tai kääpiötä. You can play as a human, as an elf or as a dwarf. You can play human beings, elves or midgets. Hirtelen felnevetett. All of a sudden, she began to laugh. He laughed at me all of a sudden. Egyél több gyümölcsöt. You should eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. Tom rókázott. Tom vomited. Tom was rotting. Säästä rahaa pahan päivän varalle. Save money for a rainy day. Save money for a bad day. Szereted a sportot? Do you like sports? Do you like sports? Ihminen on vastuussa teoistaan. A man is responsible for his deeds. Man is responsible for his actions. Jos voisimme levätä hieman, virkistyisimme varmasti paljon. If we would rest a little we would feel surely very much refreshed. If we could rest a little, I'm sure we'd relax a lot. Nem érdekel, hogy ki csókolja meg Tamást. I don't care who kisses Tom. I don't care who's kissing Tamás. Az út tele van kátyúkkal. The road is full of potholes. The road's full of cats. Kõik hobused on loomad, aga mitte kõik loomad pole hobused. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Olen nähnyt sen omin silmin. I've seen it myself. I've seen it with my own eyes. Koputa puuta! Touch wood! Knock on the wood! Nem fulladt a medencébe. He did not drown in the pool. He didn't drown in the pool. Rájöttek az igazságra. They found out the truth. They found out the truth. Kerro minulle välittömästi kun jotain tapahtuu. Let me know as soon as anything happens. Tell me as soon as something happens. Idegesnek tűnsz. You look nervous. You look nervous. Minulla on kova kuume. I have a high fever. I have a severe fever. A pokolba vezető út is jó szándékkal van kikövezve. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is stoned with good intentions. Hän pisti tyttöystävänsä paksuksi, joten heidän piti mennä naimisiin. He got his girlfriend pregnant and they had to get married. He got his girlfriend pregnant, so they had to get married. Hän laittoi kirjan pöydälle. He put the book on the table. He put the book on the table. Minä en usko, että Tomi haluaa sinun vanhan polkupyöräsi. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bicycle. Rövid várakozás után hülyeségeket kezdett el összehordani. After a short while, he began to talk nonsense. After a short wait, he started bringing stupid things together. Senkit nem találtak el. No one was hit. No one got hit. Sok plüssállatom van. I have a lot of stuffed animals. I've got a lot of fat animals. Tamás félt Máriáról. Tom was afraid of Mary. Tamás was afraid of Mary. Azt reméltem, Tom haza fog menni. I was hoping Tom would go home. I was hoping Tom would go home. Oletko tulossa illalliselle? Are you coming to dinner? Are you coming to dinner? Nem válaszoltam a leveledre, mert túlságosan elfoglalt voltam. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. Hän on ollut pitkään sairaana. He has been sick for a long time. He's been sick for a long time. Ihmeiden ihme: kukaan matkustajista ei loukkaantunut. Miracle of miracles, none of the passengers were hurt. Wonder of wonders, none of the passengers were injured. Niinä aikoina näin kauheita hallusinaatioita. At that time, I used to have terrifying hallucinations. In those days, I had such terrible hallucinations. Olen tänään pahalla tuulella. Today, I'm in a bad mood. I'm in a bad mood today. Hm...olenko jotenkin erehtynyt? I mistaken in some way? Um... Is there any way I'm mistaken? Tom megígérte, hogy a szokott helyen és időben találkozik Maryval. Tom promised to meet Mary at the usual time and the usual place. Tom promised to meet Mary in the usual place and in time. Szeretek nyerni. I love winning. I like winning. Ha nincs elég pénzed, valamennyit tudok neked kölcsönadni. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I can lend you something. Megvan mindenünk. We lack nothing. We have everything. Tom kiirehti matkoihinsa. Tom hurried away. Tom was in a hurry to get away. Mettől-meddig van nyitva az irodád? From what time to what time is your office open? How long is your office open? Tom ei tiennyt, mistä Mari puhui. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what Mari was talking about. Painava kivenlohkare laskettiin haudan päälle. A heavy stone slab was lowered over the grave. The heavy block of stone was put on the grave. Tiedän, että puhut ranskaa. I know you speak French. I know you speak French. Nyerésre álltunk. We were winning. We're winning. Hei, pitkästä aikaa. Hey, long time no see. Hey, it's been a long time. Minä tiedän, että sinä kärsit kivuista. I know you're in pain. I know you're in pain. Tom pitää pavuista. Tom likes beans. Tom likes beans. Senki sem tudja, hogy néz ki egy ufó. No one really knows what a UFO looks like. Nobody knows what a UFO looks like. Päästä minut sisään. Let me in. Let me in. Nem jött kettő előtt. She didn't come before two. He didn't come before two. Kiitos, herra. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Valmistaudumme juhliin. We're getting ready for the party. We're getting ready for the party. A cipőfűzőm beleakadt a mozgólépcsőbe. My shoelace got caught in the escalator. My shoeband's stuck in the moveway. Mistä päin Australiaa olet kotoisin? What part of Australia are you from? Where are you from? Ветлӥ. I went. Pray for us. See raamat on ülekaalulisuse kohta. This is a book about obesity. This book is about overweight. Kova työnteko ei minua haittaa. I don't mind hard work. I don't mind working hard. Tom tulkkasi Marin puheen ranskaksi. Tom interpreted what Mary said into French. Tom interpreted Mari's speech in French. Tässä metsässä uskotaan olevan kummituksia. It is believed that ghosts exist in this forest. It is believed that there are ghosts in this forest. Itt a beszállókártyája. Here is your boarding pass. Here's your boarding card. Poika ja mies ovat juomassa vettä. The boy and the man are drinking water. The boy and the man are drinking water. Ne fordítsa le ezt a mondatot! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate that sentence. Maradnom kell. I have to stay. I have to stay. Előre megmondta, hogy nyerni fog. He predicted she would win. He told me he was gonna win. Tere. Ma olen Tomoka Sato Jaapanist. Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan. Hi, I'm Tomoka Sato from Japan. Meg kellene próbálnod. You should try it on. You should try. Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma seda ütlesin! I can't believe I just said that! I can't believe I said that! Baudelaire'i luule on suurepärane. Baudelaire's poetry is magnificent. Baudelaire's poetry is great. See on põhimõtteliselt see, mida me tahame. That's basically what we want. It's basically what we want. Zongorázni tanul. She is learning the piano. He's learning to play piano. Tom kinevette a tanárt. Tom made fun of the teacher. Tom laughed at the teacher. Senki nincs itt, hogy üdvözöljön. There is no one to greet me. There's no one here to welcome you. Mikä sinun tavoitteesi Tatoebassa on? What's your aim in Tatoeba? What's your goal in Tatoebba? Ez egy nehéz időszak volt. It was a difficult period. It was a difficult time. A házasság csodálatos lehet, ha a két fél kölcsönösen megérti egymást. Marriage can be a wonderful thing if two people understand each other. Marriage can be wonderful if the two parties understand each other mutually. Föl kell készülnöm. I've got to get ready. I have to get ready. A szülei meghívtak vacsorára. His parents invited me to dinner. Her parents invited me to dinner. A DVD-gyűjteményem nagyon kicsi. My DVD collection is absolutely miniscule. My DVD collection is very small. Nem vagyok katolikus. I'm not Catholic. I'm not Catholic. Harkitsin työpaikan vaihtoa, mutta loppujen lopuksi päätin, etten vaihda. I considered changing my job, but in the end I decided not to. I was thinking about changing jobs, but at the end of the day, I decided not to change. Emlékeztesd őt, hogy korán jöjjön haza. Remind him to come home early. Remind him to come home early. Nincs sok időm. Tudnál gondoskodni róla? I don't have a lot of time. Can you take care of it? I don't have much time. Vizsgálódtunk a múltjában. We made inquiries into his past. We've been looking into his past. Tom pysyi kotona. Tom stayed home. Tom stayed home. Sinun kuusi on palamassa. Your moon is burning. Your tree is on fire. Emme koskaan! Never! Never! Tominak nincs játszótársa. Tom has no one to play with. Tomi doesn't have a playmate. Az összes hattyú fehér? Are all swans white? All the swans are white? Valószínűleg nagyon keveset tudok tenni. There's probably very little I can do. There's probably very little I can do. Alan szereti a pornográfiát. Alan likes porn. Alan likes pornography. Englannissa on hyvin epävakaa sää. The weather changes very often in England. There is a very unstable weather in England. Älä yritä tehdä tätä ilman apuani. Don't try to do this without my help. Don't try to do this without my help. Hän ryösti minulta kukkaron. He robbed me of my purse. He robbed me of a purse. Tom éppen most jött érkezett. Tom just came. Tom just arrived. Minulla on liian monta asiaa mielessäni nykyään. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have too many things in mind these days. Mä arvelen, että Tomi ja Mari tykkäävät toisistaan. I think Tom and Mary like each other. I think Tom and Mari like each other. Csak vicc volt. It was only a joke. It was a joke. Minun pitää olla varovainen. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Unohdin, että Tom osaisi lukea ranskaa. I forgot that Tom could read French. I forgot Tom could read French. Minä niin toivon, että voisin olla sinun kanssasi siellä. I really wish I could be there with you. I wish I could be there with you. Tuo mekko sopii sinulle hyvin. The dress becomes you very well. You'll be fine with that dress. Luuletko, että se on ansa? Do you think it's a trap? You think it's a trap? Millise rongiga sa lähed? What train you are going to take? What train are you taking? Tatoeban tulisi olla tärkeämpää kuin mikään muu. Tatoeba should be more important than anything else. Tatoeban should be more important than anything else. Nemsokára ott leszünk. We'll get there soon. We'll be there soon. Ilmastonvaihdos tekee sinulle paljon hyvää. A change of air will do you a lot of good. Climate change will do you a lot of good. Azt hiszem, nem értelek. I think I don't understand you. I don't think I understand you. Elfogadom a feltételeidet. I accept your terms. I accept your terms. Mindenki kedveli Tomot. Everybody likes you. Everybody likes Tom. Tom omaksui tuon tavan isältään. Tom picked up that habit from his father. Tom took that custom from his father. Laual on süüa. There's food on the table. There's food on the table. Minä haluan vesihiihtää. I want to water ski. I want to ski. A falon van egy térkép. The map is on the wall. There's a map on the wall. Tietääkö joku miten Photoshopia käytetään? Does anyone know how to use Photoshop? Does anyone know how to use Photoshop? Teniszezem. I play tennis. I play tennis. Sinä ammuit Tomia. You shot Tom. You shot Tom. Missä on Boston? Where's Boston? Where's Boston? Meg fogjuk oldani. We'll manage. We'll figure it out. Hautasin koirani lemmikkihautuumaalle. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in the pet grave. Vihreä on toivon väri. Green stands for hope. Green is the color of hope. Tomnak sokáig tartott kiválasztani egy pár cipőt. It took Tom a long time to choose a pair of shoes. It took Tom a long time to pick a pair of shoes. Nem vagyok katona. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a soldier. Tom, te kutyás, vagy macskás típusú ember vagy? Tom, are you a dog person or a cat person? Tom, are you a dog or a cat-type person? Még mindig szomjas vagyok. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. Minä en tiedä pystynkö minä siihen, mutta koetan. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm trying. Keményebben kellene próbálkoznunk. We should try harder. We should try harder. Tom visszafizette a pénzt. Tom paid the money back. Tom paid the money back. Tom on huolissaan. Tom is worried. Tom's worried. El kellene mennünk a buliba. We should go to the party. We should go to the party. Még egy sört kérek. I want another beer. Another beer, please. Kérdezhetek tőled? May I ask you a question? Can I ask you? Minä vain vitsailin. I was only joking. I was just kidding. Tudom, hogy vicceltél. I know you were joking. I know you're kidding. Miért mászol fel arra a fára? Why are you climbing this tree? Why are you climbing that tree? Havazik. It is snowing. It's snowing. Minäkään en pidä siitä. I don't like it either. I don't like it either. Tom jelen pillanatban optimista. Tom is optimistic at this point. Tom is optimistic right now. Ta rääkis kiiresti. She spoke rapidly. He spoke fast. Vyö estää sen, että housusi tippuvat. A belt keeps your pants from falling down. The belt prevents your pants from falling. Menen kirkkoon. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Nämä rauniot ovat ikivanhoja. These ruins are ancient. These ruins are old. Tomilla on teille yllätys. Tom has a surprise for you. Tom has a surprise for you. Az ammóniamolekula négy atomból áll. Ammonia's molecule is composed of four atoms. The ammonia molecule consists of four atoms. Hasfájásom van. I have a stomachache. I'm having a stomachache. Nem létezik legnagyobb törzsszám. The largest prime number doesn't exist. There's no biggest standard number. Ez Tony könyve. This is Tony's book. It's Tony's book. A vonatút három órás volt. The train ride was three hours. The train trip was three hours ago. Mária költészete túlnyomórészt a női tapasztalatokról szól. The female experience is a dominating theme in Mary's poetry. Mary's poetry is mostly about female experience. Miksi valo on päällä? Why is the light on? Why is the light on? Nem tudom letekerni a befőttesüveg tetejét. I can't get the lid off this jar. I can't wrap the top of the bottle. Tämä on kalliimpi kuin tuo. This is more expensive than that. This is more expensive than that. Ez igaz szerelem. That's real love! That's true love. Tomi pelkää. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. Tom lükkas pidurid põhja. Tom slammed on his brakes. Tom pushed the brakes down. Utálsz még? Do you still hate me? Do you still hate me? Kész van az autó. The car is ready. The car's ready. Minun poikani valehteli minulle. My son lied to me. My son lied to me. Tom haluaa ostaa japanilaisen auton. Tom wants to buy a Japanese car. Tom wants to buy a Japanese car. Meglepődött Tom, milyen jól zongorázik Mary. Tom was surprised how well Mary could play the piano. I was surprised to see how well Mary plays the piano. A currypor többféle fűszerből áll. Curry powder is composed of several spices. Curry powder consists of a variety of spices. Onko sinulla koira? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Tänään on maanantai. It's Monday today. It's Monday. Maailma ei pyöri sinun napasi ympärillä. The world does not revolve around you. The world doesn't spin around you. A fiúk boldogok lesznek. The boys will be happy. The boys will be happy. Meidän lapset ovat lihavia. Our kids are fat. Our kids are fat. Kukapa ei olisi ihastuksissaan löytäessään tällaisen kuusen alta jouluaamuna? Who wouldn't love to find one of these under the tree on Christmas morning? Who wouldn't be fascinated to find such a tree in the morning of Christmas? Onko se sinun? Is it yours? Is it yours? Olen huolissani Tomin terveydestä. I'm worried about Tom's health. I'm worried about Tom's health. Nem vagyok jó művész. I'm not a good artist. I'm not a good artist. Ezt hogy kell megenni? How do I eat this? How do you eat this? Kuuntele Tomia. Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. Tudja az egész város. The whole town knows about it. You know, the whole town. Minulla on Tomin avaimet. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. Tomi olisi pystynyt tekemään sen. Tom would've been able to do it. Tom could have done it. Autan sinua mielelläni. I'd be happy to help you. I'd love to help you. En tiennyt, että pidät baseballista. I didn't know you liked baseball. I didn't know you liked baseball. Ühest keelest ei piisa kunagi. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. En ajatellut, että siinä kestäisi näin kauan. I didn't think it would take this long. I didn't think it would last that long. Tom ei ole mikään valehtelija. Tom is no liar. Tom's not a liar. Nem szavazhatsz, hacsak nem vagy tizennyolc vagy idősebb. You can't vote unless you're 18 or over. You can't vote unless you're eighteen or older. Tom már itt van. Tom is here already. Tom's here now. Nincs helyes válasz. There's no right answer. There's no right answer. Tom unja magát. Tom's bored. Tom's bored. Tomi humaltui ja muuttui hyvin puheliaaksi. Tom got drunk and became very talkative. Tom got drunk and turned very loud. Az esős napok kivételével kerékpárral megyek a hivatalba. I go to the office by bicycle except on rainy days. I'm taking a bike to the office, except for the rainy days. Eläkää! Live! Live! Anna puhelin minulle, Tom. Bring me the phone, Tom. Give me the phone, Tom. Äitini kysyi minulta voisinko hakea maitoa. My mother asked me if I could fetch some milk. My mother asked me if I could get some milk. Isi työskentelee. Daddy's working. Daddy's working. Hän tietää tämän. He knows this. He knows this. Azt mondta nekem, hogy jól van. He told me that he's well. He told me he was okay. Kerékpárral megy iskolába. He goes to school by bicycle. He's taking a bike to school. Tom nagyon szerencsés. Tom is really fortunate. Tom's very lucky. Haluaisin vaihtaa tämän kirjan johonkin toiseen. I'd like to exchange this book for another one. I'd like to exchange this book for someone else. Tomi elvesztette azt az órát, melyet Mari ajándékozott neki. Tom lost the watch that Mary gave him. Tomi lost the watch Mari gave her. Kuka syyttää sinua? Who's accusing you? Who's blaming you? Árulnak notebookot ebben az üzletben? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Are they selling notebooks in this business? Mitä hän sanoi Tomille? What did she say to Tom? What did he say to Tom? Nem késtél el. You're not late. You're not late. Me valmistimme tuon soijakastikkeen teollisen mikrobiologian projektina. We made that soy sauce as a project in industrial microbiology. We made that soy sauce as an industrial microbiology project. Hän tuli juuri takaisin Pariisista. He just got back from Paris. He just came back from Paris. Etkö sä tienny? Didn't you know that? You don't know? Olen naapurisi. I'm your neighbor. I'm your neighbor. Kicsi az esélye, hogy eljutok az értekezletre. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's a small chance I'll get to the meeting. Kus sa koolis käisid? What school do you go to? Where did you go to school? Mun lean Tom. I'm Tom. I found Tom. Ha minden jól megy, 2001-ben diplomázik az egyetemen. He will graduate from university in 2001 if things go well. If everything goes well, she'll graduate at the university in 2001. Nagyszerű a kávé. The coffee is great. That's great coffee. Mi a szobaszámom? What's my room number? What's my room number? Itt kellesz. You're needed here. I need you here. Meidän pitää olla äärimmäisen varovaisia. We have to be extremely careful. We need to be extremely careful. Kaikki nauroivat, myös Tom. Everyone laughed, including Tom. Everybody laughed, including Tom. Van valami elképzelésed arról, hogy mi van a dobozban? Do you have any idea what's in the box? Do you have any idea what's in the box? Ne félj! Don’t fear. Don't be afraid. Loppuiko sade? Did the rain stop? Is it raining? Nem várhat a műtét. The operation cannot wait. The surgery can't wait. Ez mind a te hibád. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. Hän varoitti häntä menemästä yksin ulos illalla. She warned him not to go out at night alone. He warned her not to go out alone tonight. Misiganes. Whatever! Whatever. Olen tehnyt parhaani. I've done my best. I've done my best. Äänesi kuulostaa minusta hyvin tutulta. Your voice sounds very familiar to me. Your voice sounds very familiar to me. Hän teki sen vanhanaikaisella tavalla. He did it the old fashioned way. He did it in an old-fashioned way. Tiedän, että valehtelit minulle hiljattain. I know that you lied to me the other day. I know you lied to me recently. Me etsimme taloa, jossa on autotalli. We are looking for a house with a garage. We're looking for a house with a garage. Lubasin oma koeral vabalt ringi joosta. I allowed my dog to run freely. I promised my dog I'd run around freely. Olvastad a mai újságot? Have you read today's paper? Did you read today's paper? Hallottad, amit mondtam? Have you heard what I said? Did you hear what I said? Olet varmaankin henkisesti uupunut. You must be mentally exhausted. You must be mentally exhausted. Japani on kaunis maa. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Tamás és Mária azt mondták, hogy ők nem szeretik a kutyákat. Tom and Mary said that they didn't like dogs. Tamás and Mary said they don't like dogs. Az a fehér épület egy kórház. That white building is a hospital. That white building is a hospital. Szeretem a focit. I like football. I like football. A földön ültem. I sat on the floor. I was sitting on the ground. Työvuoroni on melkein lopussa. My shift's almost done. My shift is almost over. Aurinko paistoi. The sun was shining. The sun was shining. Kirjoittakaa! Write! Write! Kissalla on kaksi korvaa. The cat has two ears. The cat has two ears. Räägi mulle sellest! Olen üks suur kõrv. Tell me about it. I'm all ears. Tell me about it! Minden író szenved az ihlethiánytól időről időre. Every author suffers from writer's block from time to time. Every writer suffers from a lack of inspiration from time to time. Tunnut olevan siitä hyvin perillä. You seem very knowledgeable about that. You seem to be very aware of that. Úgy tűnt, a nap egy helyben állt. The sun seemed to stand still. The day seemed to be in one place. A nevem Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Se näyttää ruokahalua kiihottavalta. It looks appetizing. It looks like an agitating appetite. Intelligens, de mégsem kedvelem. He's intelligent, but I still don't like him. He's intelligent, but I don't like him. Segíthetek? Can I help? Can I help you? Tiedän, että Tom salailee jotain minulta. I know Tom is hiding something from me. I know Tom's hiding something from me. Csukd be azt az ajtót. Close that door. Close that door. Reméltem, hogy talán tudod. I was hoping that you might know. I was hoping you might know. Pitkään kohtaamisen jälkeenkin taístelutantereella oli kärsineitä puita, kuolettavien kamppailujen jäljiltä murretujen aitain sekä muurein palasia ynnä tallattua maata, josta eivät terälehdet kasvaneet. For a long time, there were wounded trees upon the battle-ground; and scraps of hacked and broken fence and wall, where deadly struggles had been made; and trampled parts where not a leaf or blade would grow. Even after a long encounter on the tasing floor there were suffering trees, a fence after deadly struggles, and pieces of walls and a grounded land from which the petals did not grow. Sa blokeerisid mind Facebookis ja nüüd sa sured. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're gonna die. Mikä se on? What is that? What is it? Tomi ei kerro meille mitään itsestään. Tom won't tell us anything about himself. Tom won't tell us anything about himself. Elment. It is gone. He's gone. Mitte ühtegi ei jäetud ellu. Not one was left alive. None of them survived. Haloo, haluaisin vähän tuoretta appelsiinimehua. Hello, I would like some fresh orange juice. Hello, I'd like some fresh orange juice. Ezt használom. I use this. That's what I'm using. Ki kér fagylaltot? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? On varmaa että Jim jäi kotiin tuona päivänä. It is certain that Jim stayed at home that day. I'm sure Jim stayed home that day. A gyerekeim nem szoktak hazudni nekem. My kids don't usually lie to me. My kids don't lie to me. Syömme tänä iltana pihviä. We're having steak tonight. We're having steak tonight. Räägin küll hiina keelt, aga ei oska seda lugeda. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it. I speak Chinese, but I can't read it. Aztán az anyja elgondolkodott. Then his mother thought. Then his mother thought about it. Vége az októbernek. October is over. October is over. Nem dolgoznod kellene most? Aren't you supposed to be at work right now? Shouldn't you be working now? Minun tekee mieli syödä jotain makeaa. I feel like eating something sweet. I want to eat something sweet. Tundub, et raha on otsa saanud. The money seems to have run out. Looks like we're out of money. Voinko tavata sinut kymmeneltä huomenna? Can I see you at ten tomorrow? Can I see you at 10:00 tomorrow? Dan puhui potaskaa. Dan was talking trash. Dan was talking shit. Se ei ole juttu eikä mikään. It's not a big deal. It's not a thing. It's nothing. Lehdet putoavat syksyllä. The leaves fall in autumn. The leaves will fall in the autumn. Aiotko mennä nyt? Are you going to go now? Are you going to go now? Tein sen jo. I already did that. I already did it. Hyvin, kiitos! I'm fine, thanks! I'm fine, thank you! Fáradt vagyok. I'm tired. I'm tired. Se on monimutkainen ongelma. It's a complex problem. It's a complicated problem. Le akarnak részegedni? Do you want to get drunk? You want to get drunk? A játékot valószínűleg lemondják. The game will probably be canceled. The game is likely to be canceled. Кода эрямось? How are you? first of all? Minua itkettää nyt. I feel like crying now. I'm crying now. Ma ei lugenud seda. I didn't read it. I didn't read it. Tomi tudni fogja, mit kell tennünk. Tom will know what we need to do. Tomi will know what to do. Nagyon sok tagja van a közösségnek. This society has a large membership. There are many members of the community. Nem feltétlenül hiszek neked. I'm not sure I believe you. I don't necessarily believe you. Van valami, amit elfelejtettem elmondani neked. There's something I forgot to tell you. There's something I forgot to tell you. En tiedä mitä me teemme. I don't know what we will do. I don't know what we're doing. A bomba 10 másodpercen belül robban. The bomb will explode in 10 seconds. The bomb will explode within 10 seconds. Jos sinua väsyttää, mene nukkumaan. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Muuttakaa. Move. Move. Apám éppen javítja az összetört biciklimet. My father is repairing my broken bicycle. My father's just fixing my broken bike. Pekka Ervasti sanoo kirjassaan "Kalevalan avain", että maailman herraa ja luojaa kutsuttiin Kalevaksi ja sana Kalevala merkitsee "luojan tai herran tyyssijaa", tarkoittaen korkeampia elämän tasoja tai näkymättömän maailman vyöhykkeitä. Pekka Ervast, the author of "The Key to the Kalevala", says that the lord and the creator of the world was called Kaleva, and that, as a substantive noun, Kalevala means "the home of the Creator or the Lord", meaning the higher planes of life or the higher zones of unseen world. In his book "The Key to Kalevala", Pekka Ervasta says that the Lord and Creator of the world was called Kaleva, and the word Kalevala means "a seat of the Creator or of the Lord", meaning higher levels of life or zones of the invisible world. Tekeekö sinun mielesi syödä jotain? Do you feel like eating something? Is it your mind to eat something? Mitään ei muutettu. Nothing was changed. Nothing's changed. Nem amerikai, hanem francia. He is not an American but a Frenchman. It's not American, it's French. Tom mindig úgy csinálja. That's the way Tom always does that. Tom always does that. Kui sa tahad. If you want. If you want. Olen käynyt kolme kertaa Australiassa. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. Istuhan alas. Please have a seat. Sit down. Tomi juoksi lumessa paljain jaloin. Tom ran barefoot in the snow. Tom ran naked in the snow. Először ideges voltam, de aztán fokozatosan megnyugodtam. I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed. I was nervous at first, but then I gradually calmed down. Verd fel a tojásokat! Beat the eggs. Pick up the eggs. Keksi on hyvä nimi koiralle. Cookie is a good name for a dog. It's a good name for a dog. Poistin linkityksen japaninkieliseen lauseeseen, koska se ei tarkoittanut samaa asiaa kuin tämä lause. I've unlinked the Japanese sentence since it didn't have the same meaning as this sentence. I deleted the link to the Japanese sentence because it did not mean the same thing as this phrase. Tiedätkö mitä mietin? Do you know what I'm thinking? You know what I'm thinking? Osaan tehdä sen itsekseni. I can do it by myself. I can do it for myself. Pelaisimmeko šakkia tänä iltana? How about playing chess tonight? Why don't we play chess tonight? Tomi puhuu puhelimessa äitinsä kanssa. Tom is talking on the phone with his mother. Tomi's on the phone with his mother. Ez az építmény közel van ahhoz, hogy teljesen kész legyen. This building is near completion. This building is close to being fully completed. Számítanak rád. They're expecting you. They're counting on you. Mesilased on sotsiaalsed elukad. Bees are social animals. Bees are social creatures. Minun täytyy kieltäytyä. I must decline. I have to say no. Meidän täytyi hyväksyä täysi salassapitovelvollisuus ja allekirjoittaa salassapitosopimus. We had to agree to total confidentiality and sign a non-disclosure agreement. We had to accept the full obligation of confidentiality and sign the confidentiality agreement. Totuus selviää pian. The truth will clear soon. We'll find out the truth soon enough. Ti meg mit csináltok? What are you guys doing? What are you doing? Tomia haastatellaan TV:ssä. Tom is being interviewed on TV. They're interviewing Tom on TV. A zászló a nemzet jelképe. A flag is a symbol of the nation. The flag is the symbol of the nation. Eile minu onu ostis koera. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Sanakirja on käden ulottuvilla. The dictionary is close at hand. The Wordbook is on hand. Roomalaiset tuhosivat Karthagon. Carthago was destroyed by the Romans. The Romans destroyed Karthago. Tom tulee suuresta perheestä. Tom comes from a big family. Tom comes from a big family. Bár minden tőlünk telhetőt megtettünk, tudjuk, hogy nem fogunk győzni. Although we tried our best, we know we won't win. Although we've done our best, we know we won't win. Tiedätkö kuinka paljon kello? Do you know what time it is? Do you know what time it is? Épphogy megmenekült a haláltól. He narrowly escaped death. He just escaped death. Valódi, nem? It's real, isn't it? It's real, isn't it? Hän valehteli minulle. He lied to me. He lied to me. Te miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? Miten netissä pitäisi mainostaa? How should you advertise on the Internet? How should I advertise on the Internet? Te is otthon vagy? You're home too? Are you home too? Szerintem ezt el kellene felejteni. I think that we should forget about this. I think we should forget about that. Tom azt akarja, hogy Mari boldog legyen. Tom wants Mary to be happy. Tom wants Mari to be happy. Tomi on ollut ulkomailla kolme vuotta. Tom has been abroad for three years. Tom's been abroad for three years. Tom tuskin koskaan valittaa mistään. Tom almost never complains about anything. I don't think Tom's ever gonna complain about anything. Elfedte a tetoválásait. She covered her tattoos. He covered his tattoos. Tällä hetkellä kun taloutemme on kasvussa, yrityksemme luovat työpaikkoja nopeimpaan tahtiin sitten 1990-luvun ja palkat ovat taas lähdössä nousuun, meidän täytyy tehdä valintoja siitä, millainen maa me haluamme olla. At a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, and wages are starting to rise again, we have to make some choices about the kind of country we want to be. At the moment our economy is growing, our companies are creating jobs at the fastest rate since the 1990s and wages are starting to rise again, we need to make choices as to what kind of country we want to be. Koera nina on väga tundlik. A dog's nose is very sensitive. The dog's nose is very sensitive. Se on kaikki huoneessa. It's all in the room. It's all in the room. Tommi työskentelee aikaisesta aamusta myöhäiseen iltaan joka päivä. Tom works from early in the morning until late at night every day. Tommi works late in the morning every day. Rosszabb a helyzet, mint hittük. The situation is worse than we believed. It's worse than we thought. Tomi laski lusikkansa pöydälle ja otti haarukan käteensä. Tom put down his spoon and picked up a fork. Tom put his spoon on the table and took the fork in his hand. Mä olin just illallisella joittenki Tomin kavereitten kans. I just had dinner with some of Tom's friends. I was just having dinner with some friends of Tom's. Mi az ára ennek a sapkának? What is the price of this cap? What's the price of this hat? Örülök, hogy itt vagy, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. Siin on see aadress. Here's the address. Here's the address. Ta elab ranna lähedal. He lives near the beach. He lives near the beach. A naplómban mindig feljegyzem a jó tapasztalatokat. I always put down good experiences in my diary. I always record good experiences in my diary. Az unatkozás az egyik legnagyobb luxus. Boredom is one of the most luxurious things. Boring is one of the greatest luxurys. En tule valmistumaan ajoissa. I'm not going to make it on time. I'm not going to graduate early. Те йӧратеда сюрпризым? Do you like surprises? Do you too want to task? Tom szinte soha nem eszik uborkát. Tom hardly ever eats cucumbers. Tom almost never eats cucumbers. Utazni vágyom. I have a yen for travelling. I want to travel. Tom ei ollut hämmästynyt siitä, mistä hän löysi eksyneen lapsen. Tom wasn't surprised where he found the lost child. Tom wasn't surprised at where he found the lost child. Tom ei kuula mitte kunagi Maryt. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. Vihdoinkin hänen unelmansa on toteutunut. His dream has finally come true. Finally, his dream has come true. Tomi avasi ovet. Tom opened the doors. Tom opened the doors. Mi a félelem? What is fear? What is fear? Tom elmondott neked valamit, ugye? Tom told you something, didn't he? Tom told you something, didn't he? Tom lesöpörte a homokot a lábairól. Tom wiped the sand from his legs. Tom swept the sand off his feet. Nem hiszem el, hogy Tomi képes volt ezt mindet egyedül megcsinálni. I can't believe that Tom was able to do this all by himself. I can't believe Tomi was able to do all this on her own. Nem az, aminek látszik. It's not what it seems. It's not what it looks like. Onko tämä sinun talosi? Is this your house? Is this your house? Ez vicces lenne. That'd be fun. That'd be funny. Tom a Park utcában dolgozik. Tom works on Park Street. Tom works on Park Street. Ezt nem hisszük el. We don't believe that. We don't believe this. Nézte a plafonról lógó repülő darukat, melyeket fivére, Maszahiro akasztott fel neki. She looked at her flight of cranes hanging from the ceiling, which her brother Masahiro had hung there for her. He watched the flying cranes hanging from the ceiling that Masahiro hung on his brother. Myrskyisää säätä ennustetaan tänään alueellemme. Wild weather is forecast for our region today. The weather is forecast today for our territory. Ito úr egy magasan kvalifikált egyén. Mr Ito is a highly educated man. Mr. Ito is a highly qualified individual. Jarruttakaa. Hit the brakes. Come on, brake. Kun tulin takaisin, oli minun autoni poissa. When I came back, my car was gone. When I got back, my car was gone. Meg sem fontolod? Don't you even think about it? Don't even think about it? Ehkä sinä voit auttaa. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Tom se nem gazdag, se nem híres. Tom is neither rich nor famous. Tom's neither rich nor famous. Raamat on laual. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Azt válaszolta, hogy nem tudott róla semmit. He replied that he knew nothing about it. He said he didn't know anything about it. Vȯi ma täddõn äb sieg? Am I disturbing you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Se on hyvin kallis. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. Lasketaanko 1 alkuluvuksi? Is 1 considered a prime number? Do you want to count 1 to the first chapter? Fel kell hagynod a dohányzással. You must quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. Murheenmurtamien pakolaisten kasvoille nousi hienoinen hymy. On the faces of the grief-stricken refugees appeared a faint smile. There was a fine smile on the face of the refugees who were murdered. Куки - чыла пий дечат кумылло. Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs. This invites people from all their sons. Ullakolla on runsaasti varastotilaa. There is plenty of space in the loft for storage. There's plenty of storage in the attic. Teistä tyypeistä ei ole paljon apua. You guys aren't helping. You guys aren't much help. Nasan Mars-mönkijä on löytänyt muinaisen joenpohjan. Nasa's Mars rover has found an ancient streambed. The Nasan Mars M.O. has found an ancient riverbed. Diétázok. I'm going on a diet. I'm on a diet. Tom senkinek nem kell. Nobody wants Tom. Tom doesn't need it. Tuo on Tomin hevonen. That's Tom's horse. That's Tom's horse. Mari pyysi Tomia halimaan häntä. Mary asked Tom to give her a cuddle. Mari asked Tom to hug him. Hogy tetszik önnek Japán éghajlata? How do you like the climate of Japan? How do you like the climate in Japan? Egy ideje nem használjuk. We haven't used it in a while. We haven't used it for a while. Te ette voi olla vakavissanne. You guys can't be serious. You can't be serious. Aludt a buszon vissza, hazafelé. He slept well on the bus back home. He went back to sleep on the bus, on his way home. Ez a könyv tetszik nekem a legkevésbé. I like this book the least. I like this book the least. Minulla oli vähän nälkä. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Azt a vitát elvesztettem. I lost that argument. I lost that debate. Sok ember idiótának tartja őt. Many people call him an idiot. A lot of people think he's an idiot. Vuosisadan loppuun mennessä maa on kokenut dramaattisen lämpötilan nousun. By the end of the century, the earth will have experienced a dramatic increase in temperature. By the end of the century, the earth has experienced a dramatic rise in temperature. Löydät kyllä työpaikan. You will find a job. You'll find a job. Ugye még nem mostak kezet? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? They haven't changed their hands yet, have they? Minä luen sitä kirjaa. I read the book. I'm reading that book. Ij lea mov gaahtoe. I don't have a cat. Ij is the power source. Hyö ei ole vanha. They are not old. The benefit isn't old. Sosem kellett volna kételkednem benned. I never should have doubted you. I should never have doubted you. Nyt Tomi asuu setänsä kanssa. Tom is living with his uncle now. Now Tomi lives with her uncle. Heräsitkö sinä juuri? Did you just wake up? Did you just wake up? Kui Tom poleks sind päästnud, oleksid sa surnud. You'd be dead if Tom hadn't saved you. If Tom hadn't saved you, you'd be dead. Jääthän. Please stay. You're staying. Tom on dyykkari. Tom is a dumpster diver. Tom's a dynasty. Reggel nyolckor kelt fel. He got up at eight in the morning. She woke up at 8:00 in the morning. Kana pole ära küpsenud. The chicken is undercooked. The chicken hasn't cooked. Mit fogsz ott csinálni? What are you going to do there? What are you gonna do there? Nem értek semmit. I don't understand anything. I don't understand anything. Tämä on vastoin lakia. This is against the law. This is against the law. Jos huomaat, että olet kuopassa, lopeta kaivaminen. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. If you find out you're in a hole, stop digging. Mene pois. Minä olin täällä ensin. Go away. I was here first. I was here first. Tom teki valintansa. Tom made his choice. Tom made his choice. Hän käyttäytyy kuin lapsi. He behaves like a child. He's acting like a child. Sinun olisi parempi sitoa haava heti. You'd better bandage the wound at once. You better tie the wound right now. Nagyon forró a leves. The soup's very hot. The soup's really hot. Meidän täytyy paiskia töitä kovasti. We must work hard. We have to work hard. Voisitko ripustaa pyykit kuivumaan? Could you hang up the laundry? Can you hang the laundry to dry? Tomilla on varaus tässä hotellissa. Tom has a reservation at this hotel. Tom has a reservation at this hotel. Szeretem a havat. I like snow. I like snow. Olen ylpeä lapsistani. I'm proud of my children. I'm proud of my children. Mindig itt leszünk. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Anyám nincs itthon. My mother is out. My mother's not home. Nincs oda a sportokért, mint ahogy én sem. He is not fond of sports, and I am not either. He's not there for sports, neither am I. Jól tud fejest ugrani. He is good at diving. He's a good jumper. Meie ülemus kiitis meie plaani heaks. Our boss approved our plan. Our boss approved our plan. Mondd érthetően! Say it clearly. Make it clear. Sinun pitäisi luottaa minuun. You ought to trust me. You should trust me. Olen kotoisin planeetalta nimeltään Maa. I come from a planet called Earth. I'm from a planet called Earth. Tomin mielestä vastaus on ei. Tom thinks the answer is no. Tom thinks the answer is no. Volt egy vitánk. We had an argument. We had a debate. Asuin täällä ennen. I used to live here. I used to live here. Csak tégy úgy, mint ha nem ismernél. Just pretend you don't know me. Just pretend you don't know me. Melyik a legnépesebb földrész a világon? Which is the most populated continent in the world? Which is the most popular continent in the world? Ezúttal nem fogom elrontani. I won't fail this time. I'm not gonna ruin it this time. A csata rövid volt. The battle was short. The battle was short. Minut erottaa mielipuolesta vain siitä, etten ole hullu. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only reason I'm out of my mind is because I'm not crazy. Auto törmäsi seinään. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. Täällä on pimeää. It's dark in here. It's dark in here. Tom fáradtnak látszott. Tom looked tired. Tom seemed tired. Kas sipelgatel on kõrvad? Do ants have ears? Does ants have ears? Kerro Tomille henkilökohtaisesti. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom in person. Tudod, hol vagyunk? You know where we are? Do you know where we are? Ő a barátom? Is he my friend? Is he my friend? Tomi kapott egy másik kutyát. Tom got another dog. Tomi got another dog. Miksi sinä naurat? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Ezeket a kekszeket lenmagból készítették. These crackers are made from flaxseeds. These biscuits are made from linseed. Tämä on kaikkein rumin lumiukko, jonka minä olen koskaan nähnyt! This is the ugliest snowman I've ever seen! This is the ugliest snowman I've ever seen! Mary on hyvin otettu. Mary is very impressed. Mary's very impressed. Olisipa minulla uusi auto. I wish I had a new car. I wish I had a new car. Kysymyksien esittämisen taitoa tulee matematiikassa arvostaa enemmän kuin kykyä ratkaista niitä. In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it. The skill of asking questions in mathematics should be appreciated more than the ability to solve them. Ez a mondat túl hosszú. This sentence is too long. That sentence is too long. Tämä on meidän päivämme. The day is ours. This is our day. Ellopták a kocsimat. My car's been stolen. They stole my car. Kas teil õlut on? Do you have any beer? Do you have any beer? Tuo lääke tepsi. That medicine worked. That drug worked. Paina mitä vain näppäintä jatkaaksesi. Press any key to continue. Press anything to continue. Talán valaki tud neked segíteni. Perhaps somebody can help you. Maybe someone can help you. Tänan sind otsekohesuse eest. Thank you for your candor. Thank you for being honest. Inglismaa saadik nõudis vahetut kokkusaamist presidendiga. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. An English ambassador called for an immediate meeting with the president. Hän ei nähnyt Tomia koskaan sen jälkeen. He never saw Tom again. He never saw Tom after that. Totuus on asioissa, ei sanoissa. Truth is in things, and not in words. The truth is on matters, not words. Tudtam, hogy segítesz nekem. I knew you'd help me. I knew you'd help me. No, oliko se sen arvoista? So, was it worth it? Well, was it worth it? Tuon koulun oppilaat käyttävät univormuja. The students at that school wear uniforms. The students at that school use uniforms. Ma olen pärit Eestist. I'm from Estonia. I'm from Estonia. Olaszországban, Genovában 39 embert megölve omlott le egy híd. A bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy, killing 39. In Italy, in Genoa, 39 people were killed by a bridge. Fején találtad a szöget. You're exactly right. You found the angle on your head. Máshol valószínűleg olcsóbb lenne. It probably would be cheaper somewhere else. It'd probably be cheaper elsewhere. Szörnyen sajnálom! I'm terribly sorry. I'm so sorry. Otan kamerani mukaani kaikkialle minne menen. I take my camera with me wherever I go. I'll take my camera with me wherever I go. Nem tudok nyugton maradni. I can't stand still. I can't stay calm. Tomnak tegnap meg kellett volna érkeznie. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Sinun on huonompi. Yours is worse. You're worse. Idegen nyelvek tudása mindenki számára hasznos. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Tamás egész életében dolgozott. Tom worked all his life. Tamás's been working his whole life. Miksi hän irtisanoutui töistä? Why did he quit his job? Why did he quit his job? Suihkukone laskeutui ohjaustornin ohjeita noudattaen. The jet plane landed following the instructions of the control tower. The jet landed according to the control tower's instructions. Minimipalkalla ei voi elää. The minimum wage is not enough to live on. You can't live on a minimum wage. Elment enni. He went out to eat. He's gone to eat. Toivon, että et ymmärtänyt minua väärin. I hope you didn't misunderstand me. I hope you didn't misunderstand me. Elokuva oli suuri menestys. The film was a great success. The film was a great success. Hän pitää vain parhaasta. She likes nothing but the best. He only likes the best. Hän on yhä vihainen. He's still mad. He's still mad. Tudod-e, hogy éppen mit esznek a gyermekeid? Do you know what your kids are eating? Do you know what your children are eating? Tomin lapset eivät osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids can't speak French. Hän ei näytä onnelliselta. He doesn't look happy. He doesn't look happy. Tomin auto varastettiin viime kuussa. Tom had his car stolen last month. Tom's car was stolen last month. Olet ollut minulle niin ystävällinen. You've been so kind to me. You've been so kind to me. Ez a dal remekmű. This song is a classic. This song is great. A kutyám megette. My dog ate it. My dog ate it. On halvempaa mennä linja-autolla. It is cheaper to go by bus. It's cheaper to take a bus. Mieš on kaunis. The man is handsome. The man is beautiful. Tom osaa puhua ranskaa hyvin. Tom can speak French well. Tom can speak French well. Tämä on minun ongelmani. This is my problem. This is my problem. Älä vihellä koulussa. Don't whistle at school. Don't whistle at school. Tom kirjoittaa vieläkin runoja. Tom still writes poems. Tom's still writing poems. Egy dührom során öltem meg - nem előre megfontolt gyilkosság volt. I killed him in a fit of rage - it wasn't premeditated. I killed him in a rage - it wasn't a premeditated murder. Mie olen Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. En pyytänyt Marikaa opettamaan minulle suomea. I didn't ask Marika to teach me Finnish. I didn't ask Marika to teach me Finnish. Haluaisimme puhua sinulle. We'd like to speak with you. We'd like to talk to you. Meghívott, hogy vegyek részt az esküvőjén. He has invited me to attend his wedding. She invited me to attend her wedding. Mikä sinun nimesi olikaan? Sinä kyllä kerroit sen minulle, mutta se meni valitettavasti toisesta korvasta sisään ja toisesta ulos. What was your name again? You did tell me, but it went in one ear and out the other, I'm afraid. What was your name? You told me, but unfortunately it went in and out of the other ear. Testvérek vagytok? Are you sisters? Are you brothers? Pakene. Flee. Run. Heti kun näin hänet, tiesin hänen olevan minulle vihainen. The moment I saw him, I knew he was angry with me. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was mad at me. Ranskan presidentti vierailee Japanissa ensi kuussa. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French President will visit Japan next month. On vaikea syyttää Tomia. It's hard to blame Tom. It's hard to blame Tom. Egy alvó gyerek olyan, mint egy angyal. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child is like an angel. Vähitellen huomaat edistymistä kirjoituksissasi. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. Later, you will see progress in your articles. Kas Tom tõesti tappis enda? Did Tom really kill himself? Did Tom really kill himself? Antal mivel foglalkozik? What does Tony do? What do you do with Antal? Elfogyott a kávénk. We're out of coffee. We're out of coffee. A háború alatt gyakran le kellett mondanunk a cukor használatáról. During the war, we often had to make do without sugar. During the war, we often had to give up the use of sugar. Vesztettünk, de jól éreztük magunkat. We lost, but we had fun. We lost, but we had fun. Hyväsydämiset naiset ovat aina kauniita, mutta kauniit naiset eivät aina ole hyväsydämisiä. Good-hearted women are always beautiful, but beautiful women are not always good-hearted. Goodhearted women are always beautiful, but beautiful women are not always goodhearted. Tomi puhuu eksästään paljon. Tom talks about his ex-girlfriend a lot. Tomi talks a lot about her ex-husband. Ez a whisky fejbe vágja az embert. That whiskey is very strong. This whiskey's gonna hit you in the head. Heksadesimaali F on yhtä suuri kuin 15. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. Hexadenal F is equal to 15. Ő egy igazi boszorkány! She is a true witch! She's a real witch! Nykyään yhä useammat ihmiset ovat alkaneet pitää enemmän maalaiselämästä kuin kaupunkielämästä. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today, more and more people have started to like rural life more than urban life. Älä unohda tehdä mitä pyysin. Don't forget to do what I asked. Don't forget to do what I asked. No, voit olla oikeassa. Well, you might be right. Well, you can be right. Haldoklunk. We're dying. We're dying. Anyu főzi a legjobb ételeket a világon. My mom cooks the best food in the world! Mom's cooking the best food in the world. Figyelmesen hallgattam. I listened intently. I listened carefully. Kas sul oli eile tore? Did you have a good time yesterday? Did you have a good time last night? Azt hallottam valakitől, hogy a mai dolgozat pontosan ugyanaz volt, mint a múlt évi. Somebody told me that today's test was identical to the one we had last year. I heard from someone that today's paper was exactly the same as last year. Tomilla oli henkivakuutussopimus. Tom had a life insurance policy. Tom had a life insurance contract. Ma vihkan sinusuguseid inimesi. I hate people like you. I hate people like you. Váó! Wow! Wow! A fia egy zseni. Your son is a genius. Your son is a genius. Ha az élet citrommal kínál, csinálj belőle limonádét! When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life offers you lemons, make it lemonade. Mistä tuo musta silmä on tullut? How did you get that black eye? Where did that black eye come from? Sinun ei tarvitse sanoa sitä noin väheksyvin sanoin. You don't need to say it in such derogatory terms. You don't have to say it in so few words. Védelmet akartak. They wanted protection. They wanted protection. ”Miten menee?” ”Kiitos hyvin.” "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." “How you doing?” “Thank you very much.” Häntä ei ole näkynyt viime aikoina. He hasn't been around lately. We haven't seen him in a while. Az algebra a matematika egyik ágazata. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. algebra is a sector of mathematics. Tom előre fizetett. Tom prepaid. Tom paid me in advance. Annan sinulle vielä yhden mahdollisuuden. I'll give you one more chance. I'll give you one more chance. Tomi már megint megrúgott az asztal alatt. Tom kicked me under the table again. Tomi kicked me again under the table. A legjobb védekezés a támadás. Attack is the best form of defense. The best defense is the attack. Szerintem elmegy. I think it's OK. I think he's leaving. Sen arvoa ei voi mitata rahassa. It's priceless. Its value cannot be measured in money. Olen täällä kun tulet takaisin. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you get back. Találtál valamit? Did you find something? Did you find anything? Nem tudod a szabályokat? Don't you know the rules? You don't know the rules? Sinun on vapaus pitää salaisuutesi, mutta sinun täytyy luvata minulle, että ei tule enää yöllisiä vierailuja eikä tekosia, jotka pidetään minulta salassa. You are at liberty to preserve your secret, but you must promise me that there shall be no more nightly visits, no more doings which are kept from my knowledge. You have the freedom to keep your secret, but you have to promise me that there will be no more night visits or acts kept from me. Ez bölcs választás. That's a wise choice. That's a wise choice. Sitä ei saa ikinä tietää, jos ei kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. Tom valahti valkoiseksi. Tom turned white. Tom lit it in white. Meidän täytyy aloittaa heti. We must start at once. We need to start right now. Tom kolautti päänsä seinään. Tom bashed his head against the wall. Tom hit his head on the wall. Reggel teniszezik. She plays tennis in the morning. He plays tennis in the morning. Mukava tavata sinut. I'm happy to see you. Nice to meet you. Pystyykö Tom puhumaan ranskaa? Is Tom able to speak French? Can Tom speak French? A fizetésért dolgozik, és nem azért, mert élvezi. He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it. He's working for pay, not because he likes it. Kohtaamme lopulta tänään. We will eventually meet today. We're finally meeting today. Kuula hoolikalt. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. Szeretnék körülnézni. I'd like to take a look around. I'd like to take a look around. Hän syö. He is eating. He's eating. Nem vezethetek buszt. I can't drive a bus. I can't drive a bus. Outoa kyllä, ovi avautui itsestään. Strange to say, the door opened of itself. Strangely enough, the door opened itself. Közel van nagyon Szicília Máltához? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Are you very close to Sicily Malta? Kellemes repülést kívánunk Önöknek! We wish you a pleasant flight. We wish you a pleasant flight. Kiitoksii! Thanks! Thank you. Tomi sekosi. Tom went nuts. Tomi went crazy. Van orvos a fedélzeten? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? A vegánoknak jobb a szaguk. Vegans smell better. The vegans smell better. Hogyan tanultad ezt te meg? How did you learn that? How did you learn that? Tom katsoi ylös taivaalle. Tom looked up at the sky. Tom looked up into the sky. Vihollisen vihollinen ei ole välttämättä liittolainen. An enemy of an enemy is not necessarily an ally. The enemy's enemy is not necessarily an ally. Ő fiatalnak látszik. She looks young. He looks young. Tomilla on ongelmia. Tom has problems. Tom's got a problem. Tom megkérdezte, hogy szeretnék-e egy csésze kávét. Tom asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee. Tom asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee. Imádom a baseballt. I like baseball very much. I love baseball. Tom ei satuta sinua. Tom isn't going to hurt you. Tom won't hurt you. Szándékosan megpróbálsz összezavarni? Are you intentionally trying to confuse me? Are you deliberately trying to confuse me? Mul on kaks tütart. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Kenelle tuli pizza? Who's the pizza for? Who got pizza? Kész vagyok segíteni neked bármikor. I'm always willing to help you. I'm ready to help you at any time. Tom engedélyt kért tőlem, hogy használhassa a számítógépemet. Tom asked for my permission to use my computer. Tom asked me for permission to use my computer. Disney käyttää maailman lastensatuja avokaivoksenaan ja sitten haastaa ihmisiä oikeuteen immateriaalioikeuksiensa loukkaamisesta. Disney strip-mines the world's fairy tales for ideas and then sues people for intellectual property infringement. Disney uses children's stories as an open mine and then sues people for violating their intellectual property rights. Vierailemme ystäviemme luona. We will pay our friends a visit. We're visiting our friends. En ole lukenut yhtään kirjoja tai aikakausilehtiä viime aikoina. I haven't been reading any books or magazines lately. I haven't read any books or magazines lately. Tájékoztatni fogom Tomit. I will inform Tom. I'll let Tom know. Etsin henkilöä, joka ymmärtäisi ranskaa. I'm looking for somebody who understands French. I'm looking for someone who would understand French. Anna minulle voileipäsi. Give me your sandwich. Give me your sandwich. Mun lean ilus odne I'm happy today ♪ I found it beautiful ♪ ♪ Oodne ♪ Tom ei voinut olla olematta surullinen. Tom couldn't help but feel sad. Tom couldn't help but be sad. Antaisit jo olla! Knock it off. You should give it a rest. Ma nincs kedvem franciát tanulni. I don't feel like studying French today. I don't want to study French today. Se on huono ajatus. It's a bad idea. It's a bad idea. Pidätkö savustetuista ostereista? Do you like smoked oysters? Do you like smoked oysters? Kas sa oled õhtusöögiks valmis? Are you ready for dinner? Are you ready for dinner? Emili on sievä. Emili is pretty. Emili's pretty. Ráférne már a hajadra egy nyírás. Your hair wants cutting. I could use a noodle on your hair by now. Haluatko kertoa minulle jotain Tomista? Do you want to tell me anything about Tom? You want to tell me something about Tom? Isoisäni kuoli Toisessa maailmansodassa. My grandfather died in the Second World War. My grandfather died in World War II. Huvittaisiko teitä lähteä uimaan? Do you feel like going swimming? Would you like to go for a swim? Mi láttuk már ezt a filmet. We have already seen this film. We've seen this movie before. Az egyik kutya még él. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is still alive. Tomi oli vähällä jäädä auton alle. Tom almost got hit by a car. Tom almost got hit by a car. Oletko koskaan raapinut selkääsi Japanissa valmistetulla selänraaputtimella? Have you ever scratched your back with a backscratcher made in Japan? Have you ever scratched your back with a handcuff made in Japan? Kuka muu oli paikalla? Who else was present? Who else was there? Tom on ollut paljon onnellisempi sen jälkeen kun hän vaihtoi työpaikkaa. Tom's a lot happier since he changed jobs. Tom's been much happier since he changed jobs. Nem tettem meg, amit meg kellett volna tennem. I didn't do what I should have done. I didn't do what I should have done. Mistä lajista sinä pidät eniten? What sport do you like best? Which species do you like the most? Miltä avaruudessa oleminen tuntuu? What does it feel like to be in space? How does it feel to be in space? Mul on kolm kaamerat. I have three cameras. I have three cameras. Ő egy idegen. He is a stranger. He's a stranger. A BLT szalonnából, salátából és paradicsomból áll. BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato. The BLT consists of bacon, salad and tomatoes. Onko tämä tarpeeksi hyvä sinulle? Is this good enough for you? Is this good enough for you? Örülök, hogy visszajött. I am glad that you came back. I'm glad you're back. Fölöttébb furcsa. Very strange. It's weird up there. Nem volt látható veszély. There was no visible danger. There was no visible danger. Egyáltalán nem találom ezt viccesnek. I don't find this funny at all. I can't find this funny at all. Tom meghalt. Tom's dead. Tom's dead. Sulje televisio. Turn off the TV. Close the TV. Olen iloinen, että et kertonut Tomille. Se olisi pilannut yllätyksen. I'm glad you didn't tell Tom. That would've ruined the surprise. I'm glad you didn't tell Tom. Mi lenne, ha ma este elmennénk hazulról vacsorázni? How about dining out tonight? How about we go out to dinner tonight? Voit luottaa siihen, että hän pitää sanansa. You can trust him to keep his word. You can count on him to keep his word. Moni ihminen tarvitsee apuamme. A lot of people need our help. A lot of people need our help. Tuuletathan huoneeni sillä aikaa, kun olen poissa. Please make sure to air my room while I'm out. You'll wind up my room while I'm gone. Hän on älykäs. He has a good brain. He's smart. Opin vähän ranskaa. I learned a little French. I learned some French. Hän meni Amerikkaan viime viikolla. He went to America last week. He went to America last week. Satutko tietämään kuinka paljon kello on? Do you happen to know what time it is? Do you happen to know what time it is? Tominak segítenie kellett volna lefestenie a csűrt, de nem került elő. Tom was supposed to help me paint the barn yesterday, but he never showed up. Tomi was supposed to help paint the barn, but she didn't show up. Noin sen tekisin. That's how I would do it. That's what I'd do. Hän ei tykkää meistä. He doesn't like us. He doesn't like us. Merel on saared. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. A rendőrség átvizsgálta a csomagjaikat. The police were examining their bags. The police have checked their bags. Ne költsön el olyan pénzt, amit még meg sem szerzett! Never spend your money before you have it. Don't spend money you haven't even made. Gusnie datne årroeh? Where do you live? Gusnie's date? Voltál már a tévében? Have you ever been on TV? Have you ever been on TV before? Tom nem vette észre, hogy Mari boldogtalan volt. Tom didn't realize Mary was unhappy. Tom didn't realize Mari was unhappy. Millainen oli yösi? How was your night? How was your night? Szeretném holnap hat órára lefoglalni. I'd like to make a reservation for 6 o'clock tomorrow. I'd like to book it for six hours tomorrow. Tomi az ajtó előtt áll. Tom is standing in front of the door. Tomi's in front of the door. Mondd meg nekik, hogy csinálják most. Tell them to do it now. Tell them to do it now. Titokban reméltem, hogy ez fog történni. I secretly hoped this would happen. I secretly hoped this would happen. Se että se on Tatoeba.orgin tietokannassa ei tarkoita sitä, että se on lause. Just because it's in's database, doesn't mean it's a sentence. Just because it's in the database doesn't mean it's a sentence. Milyen íze van a fagylaltnak? What flavor is that ice cream? How does ice cream taste? Tomin silmät ovat punaiset tänään. Tom's eyes are red today. Tom's eyes are red today. Ne add fel! Don't give up! Don't give up. Ulkona on ukkosta. Minua pelottaa tosi paljon! It's thundering outside. I'm really scared! There's a thunder outside, and I'm really scared! Kadun sitä. I regret it. I regret it. Esik a hőmérséklet. The temperature falls. Temperature's up. Sok szerencsét a versenyekhez. Best of luck in your tournament. Good luck with the competitions. Tom oli täsmällinen. Tom was punctual. Tom was exact. Emme ole huvittuneita. We're not amused. We're not interested. Pysy siellä. Stay there. Stay there. Tom on täällä ainoa, joka osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom is the only one here that can speak French. Tom's the only one here who can speak French. Kérsz egy kis bort? Would you like some wine? Would you like some wine? Tom on erittäin pystyvä. Tom is very capable. Tom is very capable. Tomin ei olisi pitänyt kertoa siitä Marille. Tom shouldn't have told Mary about that. Tom shouldn't have told Mari about it. Akik visszautasítják a kritikát, nem fejlődnek. Those who reject criticism will not develop. Those who refuse criticism don't develop. Tom nagyra értékelte Mari támogatását. Tom appreciated Mary's support. Tom appreciated Mari's support. Lehet, hogy Tom soha nem fog elmenni. Tom may never leave. Maybe Tom's never gonna leave. Kell egy piros toll. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Az katasztrofális balesetet okozna a munkaterületen. That would cause a catastrophic accident at the worksite. It would cause a disaster in the workplace. Мый тидым ужым. I saw that. I have this work. A következő elágazásnál fordulj balra. Take the next left. At the next branch, turn left. Ettehän unohda sulkea ovea. Please don't forget to shut the door. You don't forget to close the door. On vaikea puhua kolmea kieltä. It's hard to speak three languages. It's hard to speak three languages. Inkább biciklivel megyek oda, mintsem gyalog. I would rather go there by bike than walk. I'd rather ride there with a bike than walk. Su kriitikal pole alust. Your criticism is unfounded. Your critic has no basis. Hänellä on silmää taiteelle. He has an eye for art. He's got an eye for art. Olen nähnyt hänen ihan lähiaikoina. I have seen him quite recently. I've seen him lately. Mä oon lukenu sun kirjan. Se oli tosi mielenkiintoinen. I've read your book. It was very interesting. I've read your book. Miért hagyjam ezt abba? Why should I stop doing this? Why should I stop doing this? Fél ettől a kutyától. She's afraid of this dog. He's afraid of this dog. Tomin piti olla täällä kolme tuntia sitten. Tom was due here three hours ago. Tom was supposed to be here three hours ago. Tom halusi puhua Marille jostain. Tom wanted to talk to Mary about something. Tom wanted to talk to Mari about something. Tomi menetti tajuntansa. Tom passed out. Tom's out of consciousness. Az emberek hisznek isten létezésében. People believe that god exists. People believe in God's existence. Nemet mondtam. I said no. I said no. Mi van akkor, ha történt vele valami? What if something happened to her? What if something happened to him? Higgy magadban! Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Soha többé nem láttam őt. Never did I see him again. I've never seen her again. Ez tök jó! Biztosan nevetni fogsz. It's great! You'll laugh for sure. I'm sure you'll laugh. Jep! Yes! Yeah! Tom pani oma maja põlema. Tom set his house on fire. Tom set his house on fire. Ez egy szótár. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Tomilla on kaksi ranskan sanakirjaa. Tom has two French dictionaries. Tom has two French dictionaries. Luulen, että lukitsin avaimeni sisälle autoon. I think I locked my keys in the car. I think I locked my keys in the car. Egész biztos, éhes vagy. You must be hungry. I'm sure you're hungry. Totut siihen pian. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it soon enough. Minun täytyy mennä nyt. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Teidän pitää työskennellä paljon. You will have to work a lot. You've got a lot of work to do. Et koskaan sano rakastavasi minua. You never say that you love me. You never say you love me. Odotetaan tässä. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. Kell nekem egy elsőkerékmeghajtású autó, hogy tudjak menni vele a hóban. I need a car with front-wheel drive for driving in the snow. I need a first-wheel drive car so I can go with him in the snow. Vanhempani olivat opettajia. My parents were teachers. My parents were teachers. Ma ei vaja voodit. I don't need beds. I don't need a bed. Ha körüljárod a házadat, milyen tájat és milyen épületeket láthatsz? When you walk around your house, what kind of scenery and buildings can you see? If you go around your house, what landscape and what buildings do you see? A nővérem fél minden orvostól. My elder sister is afraid of all doctors. My sister's afraid of every doctor. Veszélyes ez? Is it dangerous? Is that dangerous? Synnyitkö sinä Bostonissa? Were you born in Boston? Are you born in Boston? Tomin syntymäpäivät ovat ensi viikolla. Tom's birthday is next week. Tom's birthday is next week. Tere, Mike siin. Hello, this is Mike. Hi, it's Mike. Hyvää työtä! Good job! Good job! Mitä tämä tarkoittaa? What does this mean? What does this mean? Nem jönne velem bevásárolni? Won't you go shopping with me? Would you like to go shopping with me? Tom éppen a macskámmal játszik. Tom is playing with my cat. Tom's playing with my cat. Haluatko kahvia? Do you want coffee? You want some coffee? Mitä sinä vihjailet? What're you insinuating? What are you suggesting? Mellém telepedett le. She sat next to me. He's settled next to me. Tänään voin huonommin kuin eilen. I feel worse today than I did yesterday. Today I feel worse than yesterday. Lähdemme aikaisin huomenna aamulla. We're leaving early tomorrow morning. We leave early tomorrow morning. Tominak már sikerült valamennyit haladnia. Tom has been making some progress. Tomi's already made some progress. Ha engem kérdezel, én meg vagyok elégedve. As for me, I am satisfied. If you ask me, I'm satisfied. Tomi tuhlaa resursseja. Tom is wasting resources. Tomi's wasting her resources. Egyikük hazudik. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Emlékszem arra a napra, amikor először találkoztunk. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. Vizsgáljuk az ügyet. We're investigating it. We're investigating the case. Mária álmában beszél. Mary is talking in her sleep. She's talking in Mary's dream. Meg kellene nézned a tortát. I need to check on the cake. You should see the cake. ALV on Saksassa 19 prosenttia. The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent. VAT is 19% in Germany. Kérem, válaszoljon. Please reply. Please answer. Ki gondolta volna? Who would've thought? Who would have thought? Minä myös. Me, too. Me, too. Mitä te olette aikeissa tehdä? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Lehetőleg nem akarom ma megint ugyanazt enni. I would rather not eat the same food again today. Maybe I don't want to eat the same thing again today. Mul on vaja mõningaid muudatusi teha. I need to make some changes. I need to make some changes. Magyarázd el nekem! Explain it to me. Explain it to me. Odalett az összes pénze. Her money was all gone. He's got all his money. Rossz gombot nyomtam meg. I pushed the wrong button. I pressed the wrong button. Päämieheni haluaa sopia. My client is willing to make a deal. My client wants a deal. Hibátlan a fogsora. He has perfect teeth. His teeth are flawless. Me söimme miekkakalaa. We ate swordfish. We ate swordfish. Älä häiritse Tomia. Don't disturb Tom. Don't bother Tom. Tom voi hyvin. Tom is well. Tom's fine. Ajattelin, että saattaisit olla kiinnostunut. I thought you might be curious. I thought you might be interested. Se on täydellinen. It's perfect. It's perfect. Vártalak. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. Et voi tappaa minua. You can't kill me. You can't kill me. Kaikki hymyilivät Tomille. Everyone smiled at Tom. Everyone smiled at Tom. El fogod adni nekem az autódat? Will you sell your car to me? You're gonna sell me your car? Ez megfelelő ár érte. That's a reasonable price. That's the right price. Nem találtak DNS-t bizonyítékként. No DNA evidence was found. No DNA was found as evidence. Mindenki beteg. Everyone's sick. Everyone's sick. Minun on oltava varovainen. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Yksi hänen kollegoistaan kuiskasi. One of his colleagues whispered. One of his colleagues was whispering. Kenellä on nälkä? Who's hungry? Who's hungry? A férfi, aki a buszt vezeti a legjobb barátom. The man who is driving the bus is my best friend. The man who runs the bus is my best friend. Voitte mennä mihin vain te haluatte. You can go wherever you want to go. You can go anywhere you want. Tärkeintä ei ole mitä teet vaan miten teet. What is important is not what you do, but the way you do it. The important thing isn't what you do. It's how you do it. Ranska ei ole ensikieleni. French isn't my first language. France is not my first language. Onko tuo musta pussi teidän? Is that black bag yours? Is that a black bag of yours? Tudom, hogy Tamás hol lakott. I know where Tom lived. I know where Tamás lived. Tamás szerette a munkáját. Tom loved his job. Tamás loved her work. Magneetit päähän istutettuina ne eivät kyenneet löytämään tietään kotiin. With the magnets mounted on their heads, they were unable to find their way home. The magnets, implanted in the head, couldn't find a way home. Minun täytyi purkaa telttani voimakkaan tuulen takia. I had to take down my tent because of the strong wind. I had to take out my tent because of a strong wind. Sydämeni on särkynyt. My heart is broken. My heart is broken. Valamilyen könyvben olvastam ezt a történetet. I read that story in some book. I read this story in a book. En usko, että uskot oikeasti niin. I don't think you really believe that. I don't think you really believe that. Az ház ott az ő háza. That house belongs to him. The house is his house. Pidä huolta itsestäsi. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Tom oli syntymäasussaan. Tom was as naked as the day he was born. Tom was in the dress of birth. Tiede on kehittynyt huomattavasti viime vuosina. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. Science has developed considerably in recent years. Te vagy az az egy, aki megért engem. You're the only one who understands me. You're the one who understands me. Nouse ylös. Stand up! Get up. Minulla ei ole mitään tekemistä asian kanssa. I have nothing to do with the matter. I have nothing to do with it. Ők nem beszéltek. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Tiedän, että Tommi on aika hyvä pelaamaan basketballia. I know Tom is a pretty good basketball player. I know Tommi's pretty good at playing baseball. Ebédeltél? Have you had any lunch? Did you have lunch? Tudod, hogy kié ez? Do you know whose this is? Do you know who this belongs to? Sinun tulee keskittyä tiehen kun sinä olet ajamassa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You should focus on the road while you're driving. Ő nem az unokatestvérem. He's not my cousin. He's not my cousin. Éppen süteményt készítettem. I was making a cake. I was just making cake. Harkitsetko vakavasti lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously considering leaving? Én is kanadai vagyok. I'm Canadian, too. I'm Canadian, too. Tom felsóhajtott. Tom sighed. Tom's upskirt. Feleannyi könyve van, mint nekem. He has half as many books as I. He has half as many books as I do. Bob mérnök lett. Bob became an engineer. Bob's become an engineer. Milyen hely ez? What kind of place is this? What kind of place is this? Mari piilotti rahat rintaliiveihinsä. Mary hid the money in her bra. Mari hid the money in her bra. Tomi heitti minut lentokentälle. Tom gave me a ride to the airport. Tomi threw me at the airport. Mióta vagyunk haverok? Since when are we friends? How long have we been friends? Voltál már Mexikóban? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Uskon sinuun. I believe in you. I believe in you. Tom kidolgozta a belét. Tom worked day and night. Tom's been working on the inside. Tomissa ei ole hippuakaan lojaalisuutta, kunniallisuutta tai kohtuullisuutta. Tom hasn't a shred of loyalty, decency or moderation. Tom has nothing to do with loyalty, integrity, or fairness. Meglepi! Surprise! Surprise! Tomilla on vaikeuksia pysyä muun luokan tahdissa. Tom has trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. Tom's having a hard time keeping up with the rest of the class. Ő a papám. This is my grandfather. He's my dad. Nincs kedvem felkelni. I don't feel like getting up. I don't want to get up. En enää pidä sinusta. I no longer like you. I don't like you anymore. Huilatkaa. Rest. Crowd it. Tom on väga oluline. Tom is very important. Tom is very important. Tom megakadályozta, hogy azt csináljam, amit akartam. Tom stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Tom prevented me from doing what I wanted to do. Millainen henkilö sinä olet? What kind of person are you? What kind of person are you? Pofa be és csináld azt, amit mondanak neked. Shut up and do what you're told. Shut up and do what they say. A házassági évfordulónk ma van. Our wedding anniversary is today. Our wedding anniversary is today. Tom abba az irányba ment. Tom headed that way. Tom went that way. Tom on nutikas, kas pole? Tom is sharp, isn't he? Tom's smart, isn't he? Tom kuulostaa olevan poissa tolaltaan. Tom sounds upset. Tom seems upset. Jõvā ȭdõg! Good evening. Jõvā îdõg! Mindig pletykál. He's always gossiping. He's always gossiping. Tom ja Mari adoptoivat Jonin. Tom and Mary adopted John. Tom and Mari adopted Jon. Ez eladó? Is this for sale? Is this for sale? Ota minun autoni. Take my car. Take my car. Älä jätä sitä sattuman varaan. Don't leave it up to chance. Don't leave it to chance. Tamás sosem lakott Bostonban. Tom never lived in Boston. Tamás never lived in Boston. Sanoiko Tom milloin hän tulisi kylään? Did Tom say when he'd come to visit? Did Tom tell you when he was coming to visit? Semmi sem készíthette volna fel Tomot arra, ami készülőben volt. Nothing could've prepared Tom for what was about to happen. Nothing could have prepared Tom for what he was up to. Meillä on kovasti kiireitä vuoden lopussa. We become very shorthanded at the end of the year. We're very busy at the end of the year. Az élet néha olyan igazságtalan. Life is so unjust sometimes. Sometimes life is so unfair. Ez elég lesz. This will do. That's enough. Otetaan Englanti esimerkiksi. Take England for example. Let's take England for example. Palun sulge aken. Please close the window. Please close the window. Menen nukkumaan yhdeltätoista. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at 11:00. Sus leat rukses lieđit. She has red flowers. Your destination is already running. See on elu tõsiasi. It's a fact of life. That's the truth of life. Tom istui kuljettajan paikalle ja ajoi pois. Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off. Tom sat in the driver's seat and drove away. Ohjelma alkaa kello yhdeksän. The program starts at nine o'clock. The show starts at 9:00. Tapaan sinut tavallisessa paikassa. I'll meet you at the usual place. I'll meet you in the usual place. Hiányoznak, igaz? You miss them, don't you? I miss you, don't I? Nämä kengät valmistetaan Italiassa. These shoes are made in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. Käytkö sinä kirkossa joka sunnuntai? Do you go to church every Sunday? You go to church every Sunday? Miért vagytok olyan rondák? Why are you so ugly? Why are you guys so ugly? Mistä voin hankkia kaupunkioppaan? Where can I buy a guide to the city? Where can I get a city guide? Tom kiütötte az ellenfelét. Tom knocked his opponent out. Tom knocked out the opponent. Olyan egyedül vagyok. I'm so lonely. I'm so alone. Hän on nokkela. He's smart. He's clever. Tom sanoi, ettei se ollut tarpeen. Tom said it wasn't necessary. Tom said it wasn't necessary. Ovetko he nukkumassa? Are they sleeping? Are they going to sleep? Emili on minu parim sõber. Emily is my best friend. Emili's my best friend. Tom fehér inget viselt. Tom wore a white shirt. Tom wore a white shirt. Hideg van. Libabőrös vagyok. It's cold; I have goosebumps. It's cold. Onko kaikki kunnossa? Is everything OK? Is everything all right? Haluaisitko vielä yhden palan kakkua? Would you like another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? Ei ole halba heata. Every cloud has a silver lining. It's not bad for you. Hän on ylimielinen ja itsekäs. He's arrogant and selfish. He's arrogant and selfish. Me kolisime projekti uude serverisse. We moved the project to a new server. We moved into the new server of the project. Csípi a szemem a szappan. The soap hurt my eyes. I like my eyes on soap. Saavuit juuri sillä hetkellä kuin minä lähdin. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived just as soon as I left. Ó, sajnos lekéstél a műsorról. Aw, sorry you missed the show. Oh, I'm afraid you're late for the show. Az segít egy kicsit. That helps a bit. That'll help a little bit. Libasült van burgonyával. We have fried goose with potatoes. He's got lynched potatoes. Nem értem, hogy miért kéne azt megtennünk. I don't understand why we should do that. I don't understand why we should do that. Tudod, tévedsz. You know this is wrong. You know, you're wrong. Jotta voit liittyä kuoroon, sinun pitää osata lukea nuotteja. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. In order to join the choir, you must be able to read the notes. Te olette kirjoittaneet väärin minun nimeni. You've misspelled my name. You have miswritten my name. Sydämeni on särkynyt. I'm broken-hearted. My heart is broken. Nemtom. Dunno. I don't know. Sinä et auta. You're not helping. You're not helping. Találkozhatunk. We can see each other. I'll see you around. Köszönöm önnek az irántam tanúsított bizalmat. I thank you for the trust that you have expressed in me. Thank you for your trust in me. Nukun alasti. I sleep naked. I'm going to sleep naked. Kenen pizza tuo on? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is that? Hagyd abba a kiabálást! Stop shouting. Stop yelling! Kas see oli huvitav? Was it interesting? Was that interesting? Emme ole saaneet kehenkään listallamme olevaan yhteyttä. We have not been able to contact anyone on our list. We haven't made any contact with anyone on our list. Az már nem érdekel. That doesn't interest me anymore. I don't care about that anymore. Mieš on vanha. The man is old. The man's old. Lemerült az elem. The battery died out. The battery's dead. Próbáld elképzelni a helyzetet! Try to imagine the situation. Try to imagine the situation. Mitä tekisin ilman häntä? What would I do without her? What would I do without him? Kuuntelen Espanjan radiota. I listen to the Spanish radio. I'm listening to the Spanish radio. Älä käy vainoharhaiseksi! Don't get paranoid. Don't get paranoid! Me peame koosoleku edasi lükkama. We will have to postpone the meeting. We have to postpone the meeting. Ei ole pulaa kandidaateista. There's no shortage of candidates. There's no shortage of candidates. Juss be! Get inside. Come on in. Meillä on tehtävää. We have a job to do. We have a mission to do. Tomi ei mene koskaan minnekään ilman puhelintaan. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Nem tudom, hogy a rabok mikor lesznek szabadlábra helyezve. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. Minä uskon sinua. I believe you. I believe you. Ki kellett volna maradnom belőle. I should have stayed out of it. I should have stayed out of it. Kuusi on palaamassa. The spruce is returning. Six are coming back. Hän aina kohtelee minua kuin lasta. He always treats me like a child. He always treats me like a child. Tom kisegített engem egy zavarból. Tom helped me out of a jam. Tom helped me out of a mess. Kuulin kun Tom puhui ranskaa. I heard Tom speaking French. I heard Tom speak French. Venäläinen salaatti on tehty perunoista, oliiveista, tonnikalasta ja vihanneksista. Russian salad is made with potatoes, olives, tuna, and other vegetables. The Russian salad is made of potatoes, olives, tuna and vegetables. Tamás és Mária osztálytársak voltak. Tom and Mary were classmates. Tamás and Mary were classmates. Šielä on nel'l'äkümmendä taluo. There are forty houses. Sielä is a farm of four-fifths. Pystyn tehdä sen ilman sinun apuasi. I can do it without your help. I can do it without your help. Ugyanannyi könyve van, mint nekem. She has as many books as I. She has the same book as me. See on lumememm. It's a snowman. It's a snowman. Annoin Tomille maitoa ja keksejä. I gave Tom some milk and cookies. I gave Tom milk and cookies. Kolmen kuutio on kaksikymmentäseitsemän. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. Three cubes is twenty-seven. Miért jelennek meg hirtelen a madarak a tavasz közeledtével? Why do birds suddenly appear every time spring is near? Why do birds suddenly appear as spring approaches? Tom yritti tappaa itsensä. Tom attempted to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. Harmi että et pääse tulemaan. It is a pity you cannot come. It's too bad you can't make it. Se oli ympäristöopin opettajani. It was my science teacher. That was my environmental school teacher. Ebben a városban született. This is the town where he was born. She was born in this town. Söin kaviaaria. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Lehdet putoilevat hitaasti. The leaves are slowly falling. The leaves are falling slowly. Minä suvaičen sinuu! I love you! I'm suvaiču! Minulla on hyvä syy olla huolestunut. I've got a good reason to be worried. I have a good reason to be concerned. Ensiksi, onnellisuus on suhteessa rahaan. Firstly, happiness is related to money. First, happiness is about money. Meil on see, mille me ära oleme teeninud. We have what we deserve. We have what we deserve. Miért nem jössz át vacsorára? Why don't you come over for dinner? Why don't you come over for dinner? Maga natuke, kui sa suudad. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Heti kun aletaan puhua maksamisesta, hän rauhoittuu. As soon as there is any talk of paying, he cools down. As soon as we start talking about paying, he'll calm down. Már megint ittál. You've been drinking again. You've been drinking again. Vannak barátaim. I have friends. I have friends. Úgy érezte Tom, csapdába csalták. Tom felt trapped. He felt trapped. A nővér megmérte a lázam. A nurse took my temperature. The nurse measured my fever. Jól éreztük magunkat. We felt good. We had a good time. Feltehetek egy hülye kérdést? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? Otan sen mukaan kotiin. I'll take it home with me. I'll take it home with me. Älä unohda lisätä tunnistetta "@change" virheellisiin lauseisiin. Don't forget to add the tag "@change" to incorrect sentences. Do not forget to add the identifier "@change" to incorrect sentences. Bárcsak velünk maradtál volna, nem kerültél volna bajba. If only you had stayed with us, you wouldn't have gotten into trouble. If you'd stayed with us, you wouldn't have gotten in trouble. Tüsszentettem. I sneezed. I sneezed. Taifuuni ei ole aiheuttanut vahinkoa. The typhoon has done no harm. The taifoon hasn't caused any damage. Haluan, että Tom on onnellinen. I want Tom to be happy. I want Tom to be happy. Eipä kestä kiittää! You're welcome! You're welcome! Mun kaveri kopsas mun läksyt ja ope huomas sen. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. My friend knocked on my homework and learned to see it. Halászok vagytok. You're fishers. You're fishermen. Anteeksi. Uskoisin, että se on minun paikkani. Excuse me. I believe that is my seat. I'm sorry, I think it's my place. Minun olisi parasta mennä takaisin sisälle. I'd better get back inside. I'd better get back inside. Heti kun hän näki, mitä oli tehnyt, hän pujahti ulos. As soon as he saw what he had to do, he ducked out. As soon as he saw what he had done, he snuck out. Tomival díszítettem fel a karácsonyfát. I decorated the Christmas tree with Tom. Tomi and I were decorating the Christmas tree. Ő gitározott, a férfi meg énekelt. She was playing the guitar and he was singing. He was guitarist and the man was singing. Myös neljännessä kerroksessa on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There's also a toilet on the fourth floor. Minulla on sanottavaa. I've got things to say. I have something to say. Hyvvää yötä, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Kérlek, ne hazudj nekem. Please don't lie to me. Please don't lie to me. Pea vastu! Hang on! Hang on! Kirsikat ovat nyt täydessä kukassa. The cherry is now in full bloom. The cherry is now in full flower. Yritätkö pyytää minua treffeille? Are you asking me out? Are you trying to ask me out? Oletko uskonnollinen? Are you a religious person? Are you religious? Toivon, että Tom kiirehtisi. I wish Tom would hurry. I wish Tom was in a hurry. Puuvilla imee vettä. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. Kicsit sem fogja fel, hogy milyen fontos ez a találkozó. Little does he realize how important this meeting is. You don't know how important this meeting is. Úgy hallottam, hogy lesérült Tom. I heard Tom was hurt. I hear Tom's hurt. Ez a könyv harminc dolláromba került. This book cost me thirty dollars. This book cost me $30. Olen terve. I'm in good health. I'm fine. Miksi kutsut tätä? What do you call this? What are you calling this? Sain Tomin maalaamaan aidan. I got Tom to paint the fence. I got Tom to paint the fence. Tomi lupasi odottaa. Tom promised to wait. Tom said he'd wait. Meg foglak ölni. I'm going to kill you. I'm gonna kill you. Miten paljon tämä sateenvarjo maksaa? How much is this umbrella? How much does this umbrella cost? Három hónapot töltött a fonton. He was at the front for three months. He spent three months on the pound. Palaan asiaan myöhemmin. I'll have to get back to you. I'll get back to you later. Kerroin Tomille lopettavani täällä. I told Tom I'd finish up here. I told Tom I'd stop here. On kuum päev. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. Haluan asua suuressa kaupungissa. I want to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Olen lukenut kaksi kertaa enemmän kirjoja kuin hän. I have read twice as many books as he has. I've read twice as many books as he does. Tomi kunnioittaa sinua suuresti. Tom has a lot of respect for you. Tomi respects you very much. En ole koskaan nähnyt sellaista paitsi Wikipediassa. I've never seen one, except on Wikipedia. I've never seen anything like it except Wikipedia. Tämpõ um ežžõmpǟva. It is Monday today. Oh, my God. Oletko maksanut vuokran? Have you paid the rent? Have you paid the rent? Igaz, hogy Tom megölte magát? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true Tom killed himself? Vain noin 15 prosenttia autisteista on työelämässä, lähinnä ihmisten ennakkoluulojen takia. Only about 15 per cent of people with autism are in the workforce, mainly because people are so judgemental about them. Only about 15% of journalists are in working life, mainly because of people's prejudices. Miten tämä sana sanotaan? How do you say this word? How do you say this word? Hän koetti hypätä toisen kerran. She tried to jump up a second time. He tried to jump a second time. Egy könyvet adott nekem karácsonyra. She gave me a book for Christmas. He gave me a book for Christmas. Nem kell felhívnod. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Tom nagyszerű színész. Tom's a great actor. Tom's a great actor. Most ne hívd Tomit. Don't call Tom now. Don't call Tom now. Tom avasi kassakaapin. Tom unlocked the safe. Tom opened the safe. Minun ei tee mieli käydä ulkona. I'm not in a mood to go out. I don't want to go outside. Tom ampui hänet. Tom shot him. Tom shot him. Ne add meg a számomat Tominak. Don't give Tom my number. Don't give my number to Tomi. Gyakran kávézok a kávéházban. I often drink coffee at that cafe. I often have coffee at the coffee shop. A megbocsátás köztük és Isten között történik, az én dolgom az, hogy megszervezzem a találkozót. Forgiveness is between them and God, it's my job to arrange the meeting. Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange a meeting. Kérlek, csinálj teát! Please make some tea. Please make some tea. Ma vihkan selliseid mehi. I hate guys like that. I hate guys like that. Nekem volt igazam, Tomi pedig tévedett. I was right and Tom was wrong. I was right, and Tomi was wrong. Väärin! Wrong! Wrong! Tegnap délután voltál könyvtárban? Were you at the library yesterday afternoon? Were you in the library yesterday afternoon? Ystävyydessä on kyse luottamuksesta. Friendship is a matter of trust. Friendliness is a matter of trust. Románia fővárosa Bukarest. Romania's capital is Bucharest. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Tom on tilannut sellaisen. Tom has ordered one. Tom's ordered one. Felszedtél egy kis súlyt, ugye? You've put on a little weight, haven't you? You picked up some weight, didn't you? Nézd meg magad! See for yourself. Look at you. En ole koskaan nähnyt sellaista lintua, ennen sitä tai sen jälkeen. I've never seen a bird like that, before or since. I've never seen a bird like that before or since. Kas sa tuled? Do you come? Are you coming? Te hatkor vagy hétkor jössz? Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at 6:00 or 7:00? Jokhaisella oon täysin tasa-arvoisesti oikkeus siihen ette häntä oikkeuenmukaisesti ja julkisesti kuulhaan ittenäisessä ja ei-partisessa tuomioistuimessa, ko määräthään hänen oikkeuksista ja velvolisuuksista ja kans sillon, ko häntä vasthaan oon tehty rangaistuskaunet. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. I have a perfectly equal right to do so, not justly and publicly heard in the present and non-participation court, to order his or her privileges and responsibilities, and to hold a bridge, to ensure that he or she has been punished. Sétáltak egyet. They took a walk. They went for a walk. Nem hiszek Istenben. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Latinan kieli ei ole kokonaan tuntematon minulle, mutta minulta puuttuu kyky puhua sitä. The Latin language is not entirely unknown to me, but I altogether lack the ability to speak it. Latin is not completely unknown to me, but I lack the ability to speak it. He kiistelevät sangen usein. They argue quite often. They argue quite often. Minua huijattiin. I got scammed. I was fooled. Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt. I will do my best. I'll do my best. Otthon vagy? Are you home? Are you home? Voit ottaa mitä tarvitset. You may take what you need. You can have what you need. Kannettavani on varastettu. My laptop has been stolen. My laptop's been stolen. Tieteellisestä näkökulmasta en ole aivan varma asiasta. From a scientific point of view, I'm not entirely sure about that. From a scientific point of view, I am not quite sure. Tuba on pigem väike. The room is rather small. The room's rather small. Mindenki megtette. Everyone did it. Everyone did. Osanotto uskonnollisiin menoihin hyökkää yleistä moraalia vastaan. Protestantteja on kohdeltava ankarammin kuin katolisia ja vapaamielisiä ankarammin kuin vanhoillisia. Kristillisyys on sitä rikollisempaa, mitä enemmän se lähenee tiedettä. Rikollisista pahin on siis filosofi. To take part in religious ceremonies is an attack against the common morality. Protestants must be dealt with more severely than Catholics and the liberal more severely than the conservative. The closer Christianity is to science, the more criminal it is. A philosopher is therefore the very worst of criminals. There is a need to treat Protestants more severely than Catholics and liberalists than the ancients. Christianity is the more criminal it approaches science, so the most serious is the philosopher. Tulen ostamaan uuden auton. I'm going to buy a new car. I'm coming to buy a new car. Mindenki elszótlanodott. Everyone was speechless. Everyone's out of order. On vaarallista ajaa moottoripyörää ilman kypärää. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet. It's dangerous to drive a motorcycle without a helmet. Adj nekem egy esélyt! Give me a chance. Give me a chance. Tomi rakastaa kissoja. Tom loves cats. Tom loves cats. Todellisuudessa on liberalistinen vääristymä. Reality has a Liberal bias. In reality, there is a liberalist distortion. Ez nem sokkal azelőtt volt, hogy Jánosnak egy ötlete támadt. János tudott mindig egy kiutat a látszólag reménytelen helyzetekből. It was not long before John had an idea. John always knew a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. That was shortly before John came up with an idea. John always knew a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. Magam sem értem. Even I don't understand. I don't understand myself. En usko, että olen tehnyt tarpeeksi spaghettia kaikille. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. Nem bírom tovább. Már három napja nem aludtam. I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days! I haven't slept in three days. Olin Lontoossa viime kuussa. I was in London last month. I was in London last month. Ő tartja a szavát. He keeps his word. He keeps his word. Ők Tamást keresik. They're looking for Tom. They're looking for Tamás. Minden reggel vásárolni megyek. Every morning, I go shopping. I go shopping every morning. Körültekintően vezess! Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Minä haluan pyytää anteeksi. I want to apologize. I want to apologize. Mutasd nekünk az utat! Show us the way. Show us the way. Semmi sem hiányzik. Nothing's missing. There's nothing missing. Opiskelin ranskaa lukiossa. I studied French when I was in high school. I studied French in high school. Minulla on vaimo ja lapsi. I've got a wife and child. I have a wife and a child. Olen jotakuinkin valmis. I'm about ready. I'm kind of ready. Tomia pelotti. Tom was frightened. Tom was scared. Otthon franciául beszéltek? Do you speak French at home? Did you speak French at home? Tämä tarkoitti sitä, että Floridan oli laskettava äänet uudelleen. This meant Florida had to count the votes again. This meant Florida had to recalculate the voices. Reggelenként teniszezik. She plays tennis in the morning. He plays tennis every morning. Rövid ideig tartózkodtak ott. He stayed there a little while. They stayed there for a short time. Tom ei koskaan käynyt Maryn luona sairaalassa. Tom never visited Mary in the hospital. Tom never went to Mary's hospital. Dan rálőtt az emberre, aki megpróbálta ellopni a kocsiját. Dan shot at the man who tried to steal his car. Dan shot the man who tried to steal his car. Aláírom. I'll sign it. I'll sign it. Bostonban voltam, amikor ez történt. I was in Boston when that happened. I was in Boston when this happened. Eikö Tomin olisi pitänyt jo palata? Shouldn't Tom be back by now? Isn't Tom supposed to be back by now? Tényleg biztos vagy benne? Are you really sure? Are you sure? Tom a homlokát ráncolta. Tom frowned. Tom pulled his forehead. Rakastatko sinä Tomia? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? A terved nem fog működni. Your plan won't work. Your plan won't work. Kétségbe volt esve az egészségügyi problémái miatt. He was in despair over health problems. He was desperate about his health problems. Osakában születtem 1977-ben. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Oaka in 1977. Nem érzel valami szokatlant? Don't you smell something unusual? Don't you feel anything unusual? Nem emlékszem a nevére. I don't remember his name. I don't remember his name. Missä ravintola on? Where is the restaurant? Where's the restaurant? Tudom, hogy szereted a kávét. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. En usko, että Jumala on olemassa. I do not believe that God exists. I don't think there is a God. Meidän täytyy jäädä tänne haluamme tai emme. We have to stay here whether we want to or not. We have to stay here or we don't want to. Эрятама цебярь ошса. We live in a beautiful city. Arthur spent years pioneering in Angat. Abban különbözünk az állatoktól, hogy tudunk beszélni. We are different from animals in that we can speak. We're different from animals, so we can talk. Tunnen sinut. I know you. I know you. Ő befolyásos. He is powerful. He's powerful. Tom laittoi valot päälle. Tom turned on the light. Tom set the lights on. Tietysti elämäntyylimme on eri kuin Amerikassa. Of course our lifestyle is different from America. Of course, our lifestyle is different from that of America. Ketä kiinnosti? Who cared? Who was interested? Japanissa ihmisistä tulee laillisesti täysi-ikäisiä kaksikymmentävuotiaina. In Japan, people legally become adults when they turn twenty. In Japan, people legally become adults at the age of twenty. Fejezd be! Stop it! Stop it! Tavaly született. She was born last year. She was born last year. Etuovi ei aukea. The front door won't open. The front door won't open. Hol van az ernyőm? Where is my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? Banaanit ovat herkullisia. Bananas are delicious. Bananas are delicious. Sa isegi ei kuula mind. You're not even listening. You're not even listening to me. Olutpullot valmistetaan lasista. Beer bottles are made of glass. The beer bottles are made out of glass. Vain hieman enemmän. Just a little more. Just a little more. Valitse hyveistä hiljaisuus, sillä sillä kuulet muiden viat ja peität omasi. Choose silence of all virtues, for by it you hear other men's imperfections, and conceal your own. Choose from the virtues of silence, because you can hear other people's mistakes and cover yours. Älä koske siihen ovenkahvaan. Don't touch that doorknob. Don't touch that doorknob. Anyám lassan beszél. My mother speaks slowly. My mom's talking slowly. Nézd a macskát a tetőn. Look at the cat on the roof. Look at the cat on the roof. Olen tuhmalla tuulella nyt I'm feeling naughty now. I'm in a bad mood right now. Monelta menit nukkumaan eilen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? Kylläpä tänään tuulee. It's really windy today. Oh, there's a wind today. Koska tahansa. Any time. Anytime. Egymásért mindent megtesznek. They do everything for each other. They're doing everything for each other. Sinä et saa ikinä tietää, jos et koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't. Remélem, addig maradsz börtönben, míg meg nem halsz. I hope you stay in prison until you die. I hope you stay in prison until you die. Tom on asunut täällä lapsesta saakka. Tom has been living here since he was a kid. Tom's been living here since he was a kid. Ez borzalmas. This is horrible. That's terrible. Vastaanajavan auton kuski väläytti valojaan varoittaaksen Tomia edellä olevasta liikuteltavasta nopeusvalvontakamerasta. Ylinopeutta ajanut Tom hidasti välittömästi ohittaen kameran nipin napin alle rajoituksen. The driver of an oncoming car flashed his lights at Tom as a warning that there was a mobile speed camera up ahead. Tom, who had been speeding, immediately slowed down and passed the camera at just under the speed limit. The driver of the receiving car flashed his lights to warn Tom of the above moving speed control camera. The driver of the speed slowed down immediately, passing the limit under the camera button. Nem érdekel. I don't care. I don't care. Suuri muutos on tapahtunut sodan jälkeen. A great change has come about after the war. The great change has taken place since the war. Tom ja Mari puhuivat ranskaksi, joten minulla ei ollut minkäänlaista käsitystä siitä, mistä he puhuivat. Tom and Mary were speaking in French, so I had no idea what they were talking about. Tom and Mari spoke French, so I had no idea what they were talking about. Csak akkor tudtam meg az igazi szándékát, amikor találkoztam vele. It was only when I met him that I realized his true intention. The only way I knew his real purpose was when I met him. Sijaitseeko elokuvateatteri lähellä asemaa? Is the movie theater near the station? Is the cinema located near the station? Nem tudom megmondani, miért. I'm not able to say why. I can't tell you why. Tom munkahelyet váltott. Tom changed jobs. Tom changed jobs. Rendkívül elfoglaltak vagyunk. We're extremely busy. We're extremely busy. Vele biztonságban érzem magam. I feel safe with him. I feel safe with him. Maam sïjhth byöpmedidh? What would you like to eat? Maam sïjhth byöppmedidh? Tyttö rakastaa häntä. She loves him. She loves him. Meg kell mosni. It must be washed. You have to wash it. He tappaisivat minut, jos he saisivat tietää. They would kill me if they found out. They'd kill me if they found out. Olin niin onnellinen, että en pystynyt nukkua. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy I couldn't sleep. Miért nem táncoltál vele? Why didn't you dance with him? Why didn't you dance with him? Kun sade loppuu, me lähdemme. We'll go when the rain stops. When the rain's over, we're leaving. A balesetben megsérült. She was hurt in the accident. He was injured in the accident. Be kellene ezt fejeznünk. We should finish this. We should stop this. Dobják el a fegyvert! Drop your guns. Drop the gun! Päivällinen on valmis. Dinner's ready! Dinner's ready. Suunnittelin meneväni rannalle tänään, mutta sitten alkoi sataa. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started raining. Sok mindent akarok csinálni. I have a lot of things I want to do. I want to do a lot of things. Yritin pelastaa Tomin. I tried to save Tom. I tried to save Tom. Komolyan mondod? Seriously? Are you serious? Kas sa saad mind aidata? Can you give me a hand? Can you help me? Missä baari on? Where is the bar? Where's the bar? Hän on luultavasti yhä sängyssä. The chances are that he is still in bed. He's probably still in bed. Mukavaa lomaa. Have a nice holiday. Have a nice vacation. Ez baró. That's cool. That's cool. Nem érek rá megcsinálni a mosást. I don't have time to do the laundry. I don't have time to do the laundry. Váratlanul megkaptam a levelét. I received his letter unexpectedly. I got your letter unexpectedly. Пӧрт йӱле деч страховатлыме. The house is insured against fire. policy at last is one who is now an important part of the sign - language congregation. Ott ültünk. We sat there. We were sitting there. Tom egy szuper-intelligens mókus. Tom is a super-intelligent squirrel. Tom is a super-intelligent squirrel. Jää ihan vapaasti. Feel free to stay. You're welcome to stay. Sa pead seda praegu tegema. You've got to do it now. You have to do it now. Minä pystyin nähdä, että Tomi oli kovissa kivuissa. I could tell that Tom was in a lot of pain. I could see Tom was in a lot of pain. Ma pean minema koju ja end välja magama. I have to go home and get a good night's sleep. I have to go home and get some sleep. Tomi yritti muistella, mitä Mari oli sanonut hänelle. Tom tried to remember what Mary had told him. Tomi tried to remember what Mari had said to him. Holnap Bostonba megyünk. We're going to Boston tomorrow. We're going to Boston tomorrow. Hanni és Nanni ikrek. Hanni and Nanni are twins. Hanni and Nanni twins. Mul on sinised silmad. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Gyorsan cselekedenünk kell. We must act quickly. We have to act fast. En ole pitkään aikaan käynyt mummoni luona. It's been a long time since I visited my grandmother. I haven't been to my grandmother's in a long time. Hän esitteli ylpeänä uutta kelloaan. He showed off his new watch. He was proud to introduce his new watch. Tom közvetlenül Mary mellett ült. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. Tom sat right next to Mary. Viikset kasvavat ylähuulella. A mustache grows on the upper lip. The mustaches grow with the upper lip. Nem volt más lehetőségünk, csak harcolni. We had no alternative but to fight. We had no choice but to fight. Ootsä ihan tosissas? Really? Are you serious? Vuoret näyttävät paremmilta kaukaa katsottuna. Mountains look better viewed from a distance. The mountains look better from a distance. Sepä kummallinen nimi. That's an unusual name. That's a weird name. Én már nem félek a pókoktól. I'm no longer afraid of spiders. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. Buss väljub iga kümne minuti tagant. The bus leaves every ten minutes. The bus leaves every ten minutes. Tomi myönsi sen. Tom admitted that. Tomi admitted it. Valamit eltitkoltam előled. I've been keeping something from you. I kept something from you. Angliába akarok menni. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. Tämä kaivo on hyvin syvä. This well is very deep. This well is very deep. Wolfgang németül folytatta. Wolfgang switched to German. Wolfgang continued in German. Minä odotan hänen paluutaan. I'm waiting for her to return. I'm waiting for him to come back. Ymmärrätkö tätä kieltä? Can you understand this language? Do you understand this language? Sairautensa aikana hän kuihtui kauheasti. During his illness, he fell away horribly. During his illness, he became very drowsy. Gyümölcséről ismerszik meg a fa. A tree is known by its fruit. The tree is known for its fruit. Klikkaa kuvaa kuullaksesi eläimen äänen. Click the image to hear animal's sound. Click the image to hear the animal's voice. Minusta sinusta tulee hyvä isä. I think you will be a great father. I think you're gonna be a good father. Tom jäi junan kyytiin. Tom remained on the train. Tom got on the train. Nem akart megbántani. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt me. Miután befejezte, elment lefeküdni. Having finished it, he went to bed. After he finished, he went to bed. Jöjjünk össze, aztán beszéljük meg! Let's get together and talk it over. Let's get together and talk about it. Tom egyik barátjának ellopták a személyazonosságát. A friend of Tom's had his identity stolen. One of Tom's friends stole his identity. Tämä ei ole niin hullua kuin, miltä se vaikuttaa. This isn't as crazy as it seems. This isn't as crazy as it looks. Meidän pitäisi auttaa toinen toisiamme. We ought to help each other. We should help each other. Apámnak vörös a szakálla. My father has a red beard. My father has a red beard. Azt a benyomást kelti, hogy nem foglalkozik semmivel különösebben. She gives the impression of not caring much about anything. It makes you feel like you're not special about anything. En ole koskaan aikaisemmin tavannut Tomia. I'd never met Tom before. I've never met Tom before. Joulu on pian, vai mitä? Christmas is soon, isn't it? It's Christmas soon, isn't it? Kuningatarehdokkaita oli kuusi. There were six candidates for queen. There were six queen candidates. Miten myöhään pankki on auki? How late is the bank open? How late is the bank open? Mehetsz most is akár. You may as well leave now. You can go now. Шочмо кечет дене! Happy birthday to you! By birth date! Käy hakemassa Tom tänne takaisin. Get Tom back here. Go get Tom back here. Mozart 200 éve hunyt el. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Tom pukeutuu aina mustaan. Tom always dresses in black. Tom always wears black. Elmesélte nekem élettörténetét. He told me his life's story. He told me his life story. Mikä on e^x:n derivaatta? What is the derivative of e^x? What is e^x Derivata? Parkkipaikalla oleva auto on tulessa. A car in the parking lot is on fire. The car in the parking lot is on fire. Zongorista vagy, igaz? You're a pianist, aren't you? You're a Zongorist, aren't you? Hän tuli sisään huoneeseeni. He entered my room. He came into my room. Nem érzett sajnálatot irántam. He didn't feel sorry for me. He didn't feel sorry for me. Tykkään tehdä ostoksia eBayssä. I like shopping on Ebay. I like shopping in eBay. Tomilla on kolme alle kouluikäistä lasta. Tom has three children that don't go to school yet. Tom has three children under school age. Hogy sikerült a teszted? How was your test? How'd your test go? Joni on lihonnut paljon viime aikoina. John has put on a lot of weight recently. Joni's gained a lot of weight lately. ”Rukoilen, että et tee sitä, Jack”, hän huudahti. "I implore you not to do this, Jack," she cried. “I pray you don’t do it, Jack,” he shouted. Tämä kukka on vihandu. This flower is green. This flower is angry. Vegyél, kérlek! Please help yourself. Buy, please. Nemrég találkoztam egy régi barátommal. I recently met an old friend. I just met an old friend. Menemme kotiin, kunhan tämä on ohi. We'll go home as soon as this is over. We're going home, as long as this is over. Tom integetett. Tom waved. Tom was waving. Tom ei ilmestynyt töihin tänään. Tom didn't show up for work today. Tom didn't show up for work today. Különbséget tehetsz. You can make a difference. You can make a difference. Főiskolai végzettségem van. I have a college education. I'm in college. Telefonon megfenyegette. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. Hän sepitti kertomuksen kuninkaasta. He made up a story about the king. He made up a story about the king. Kuvittele, että teillä on aikakone. Imagine that you have a time machine. Imagine you have a time machine. Tämä kahvi on juomakelvotonta. This coffee is undrinkable. This coffee is drink-free. Mis on kõige kummalisem asi, mida sa kunagi söönud oled? What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? Egy nemesembert és egy nemesasszonyt látok. I see a nobleman and a noblewoman. I see a nobleman and a noble woman. Milyen különös történet! What a queer story! What a strange story! Juna koostuu viidestätoista vaunusta. The train is made up of fifteen cars. The train consists of 15 wagons. Miért van zárva ez a bolt? Why is the store closed? Why is this store closed? Általában otthon a családommal étkezem. I usually eat at home with my family. I usually eat at home with my family. Helmisato oli pieni. The harvest of pearls was small. Helmiso was small. Nem Tom volt. It wasn't Tom. It wasn't Tom. Se oli kellarissa. It was in the basement. It was in the basement. A kapu nyitva volt. The gate was open. The gate was open. Sinun täytyy auttaa häntä ja nopeasti kanssa! You have to help her, but quickly. You have to help him and fast with him! Olet aivan kuin minä. You're just like me. You're just like me. Tom nyitott gondolkodású. Tom is open-minded. Tom's open-minded. Onko totta, että ette olleet täällä eilen? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here last night? Paikallisjuna ei ole yhtä mukava kuin pikajuna. The local train is less comfortable than the express train. The local train isn't as nice as the express train. Juoksin hänen peräänsä kantaen paperipinoa, jonka hän oli jättänyt lähtiessään. I ran after him with a pile of papers that he'd left behind. I ran after him carrying a piece of paper that he had left when he left. Tomi ei suostunut auttamaan minua. Tom refused to help me. Tom didn't agree to help me. Saját magam főnöke vagyok. I'm my own boss. I'm my own boss. Másképp akarok kinézni. I want to look different. I want to look different. Ei vielä. Not yet. Not yet. En ole rakkautesi. I'm not your love. I'm not your love. Az indukciós tűzhelyek mágnest használnak ahhoz, hogy az edényeket és serpenyőket közvetlenül melegítse. Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans. Induction stoves use magnets to heat dishes and pans directly. Ne linnut lauloivat. The birds sang. Those birds sang. Tudja ön, hogy ő mit tett? Do you know what he has done? Do you know what he did? Osaatko käyttää sanakirjaa? Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use the dictionary? Sinä ammuit hänet, etkö ampunutkin? You shot her, didn't you? You shot him, didn't you? Miten voit olla pitämättä Tomista. How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? Otthon maradok holnap. I'll stay home tomorrow. I'll be home tomorrow. Näen, että et nauti olostasi täällä. I can tell you don't enjoy it here. I see you're not enjoying being here. Kérlek, add ide a sétapálcámat! Please hand me my cane. Please give me my walking stick. Ha jobban tudod nálam, hogyan kell, csak rajta, csináld magad! If you can do this better than me, just go ahead and do it on your own. If you know better than me how to do it, go ahead and do it yourself. Minä en juo alkoholia. I don't drink. I don't drink alcohol. Hányan vannak? How many of them are there? How many are there? Muistatko yhtään suomenkielistä sanaa? Do you remember any words in Finnish? Do you remember a word in Finnish? Melyik irányban van nyugat? Which way is west? Which way is it west? Kas sa arvad, et talle meeldib mu kingitus? Do you think she will like my gift? Do you think he likes my present? Hän ei puhu sujuvasti ranskaa. Her French is not fluent. He doesn't speak French smoothly. Minulla on vähän rahaa mukanani. I have some money with me. I've got some money with me. Először Tomit kell kérdezned. You have to ask Tom first. You have to ask Tom first. Arra kért, hogy lassabban beszéljek. He asked me to speak more slowly. He asked me to slow down. Tomi on hämmästynyt. Tom's amazed. Tom's surprised. Azt javaslom, beszélj Marival. I suggest you have a talk with Mary. I suggest you talk to Mari. Kukaan ei saa tietää. No one is going to know. No one can know. Még nincs itthon. He's not home yet. He's not home yet. A fiam a szobámba jött. My son came to my room. My son came to my room. Joulu on pian läsnä. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas will be here soon. Már két éve házasok. They have been married two years. They've been married for two years. Ne legyél már okostojás! Don't act like a know-it-all. Don't be a smart-ass. Sinä vaikutat masentuneelta. Onko jotakin tapahtunut? You look depressed. Did something happen? You seem depressed. Pystytkö kuvittelemaan millaista elämämme olisi ilman sähköä? Can you imagine what our life would be like without electricity? Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Joulu lähestyy. Christmas is coming. Christmas's coming. Felfogom, amit mondasz, de nem hat meg. I understand what you're saying intellectually, but it doesn't resonate with me emotionally. I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't work. Nem akartam használni a telefont. I didn't want to use the phone. I didn't want to use the phone. Kimerültnek tűnsz. You look exhausted. You look exhausted. Tedd a dolgod! Do your job. Do your job. Olemme tottuneet odottamaan. We're used to waiting. We're used to waiting. Ma a szerencse az én oldalamon áll. Luck's on my side today. Today's luck is on my side. Hyviä yödy. Good night. Good night. Hogy menne a pokolba! They should go to hell! How the hell's he going? Minulla ei ole nyt aikaa. I don't have time now. I don't have time for this. Tomin äiti kuoli nuorena, koska hän joi ja tupakoi liikaa. Tom's mother died young because she drank and smoked too much. Tom's mother died young because she drank and smoked too much. Meidän olisi parempi mennä hieman taaksepäin. We'd better go back a little. We'd better go back a little bit. Rá se ránts! Never mind! Don't get me into it. A tengerben vannak szigetek. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Tom fáradt volt. Tom was tired. Tom was tired. Gondolkodj erősen! Think hard. Think hard. Sini- ja kosinifunktiot saavuttavat arvoja lukujen miinus yksi ja yksi väliltä (-1 ja 1 mukaanlukien). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Blue and kosin functions achieve values minus one and one between (-1 and 1). Édesanyám szereti a muzsikát. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. Igencsak különös. Very strange. It's kind of weird. Kui tihti bussid käivad? How often do the buses run? How often do buses go? Mindenki boldog lesz. Everyone will be happy. Everyone's gonna be happy. Onko näkymätön peili peili ollenkaan? Is an invisible mirror a mirror at all? Is the invisible mirror at all? Тиде эмым йӱат гын, тылат куштылгырак лиеш. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. If you feel this way, you will be forced to cope with it. Tomin puhetyyli ärsytti minua. Tom's way of speaking got on my nerves. I was upset by Tom's speech. Bostonban fogunk dolgozni a jövő évben. We're going to be working in Boston next year. We're going to work in Boston next year. Tomi on rohkea, eikö olekin? Tom is courageous, isn't he? Tom's brave, isn't he? Mikä on kolmas toivomuksesi? What's your third wish? What is your third wish? Talán Tomnak azt nem kéne megtennie. Perhaps Tom shouldn't do that. Maybe Tom shouldn't do that. Viheltää! Suojaan! Incoming! It's green, it's green, it's green! Sinä olet vastuussa siitä, mitä olet tehnyt. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Tunsin olevani hukassa ilman teitä. I felt lost without you. I felt lost without you. Mi lenne a világgal a nők nélkül? What would the world be without women? What about the world without women? Se oli minun virheeni. It was my mistake. It was my mistake. Közpénzt sikkasztott. He embezzled public money. He embezzled public money. Valóban azt gondolod, hogy nehéz lesz megtenni? Do you really think it'll be hard to do that? Do you really think it's gonna be hard to do that? Időben érkeztél. You arrived on time. You're on time. Tom felnyúlt a felső polcra a szótárért. Tom reached for the dictionary on the top shelf. Tom's got the top shelf for the dictionary. Tom, joka on englantilainen, puhui täydellistä, korostuksetonta saksaa. Jos en olisi tiennyt toisin, olisin voinut luulla häntä saksalaiseksi, jolla on hyvä perhetausta. Tom, an Englishman, spoke impeccable, accent-free German. If I had not known better, I would have taken him for a German from a very good family. Tom, who is English, spoke complete, unemphasised German, and if I hadn't known otherwise, I would have thought he was German with a good family background. Nagyon szeretem a zenét. I like music very much. I really like music. Nem vett észre engem. He didn't notice me. He didn't notice me. Ez a ceruza nem szürke. This pencil isn't gray. This pencil isn't gray. Legközelebb egy nagyobb méretűt kell venned. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time, you'll have to buy a larger size. Minulla on Linux kannettavassani. I'm running Linux on my laptop. I have a Linux on my laptop. Ilyen csak Ausztráliában történik. This only happens in Australia. This only happens in Australia. Hän kirjoittaa koneella hyvin. She types well. He writes well on the plane. Ah nii. I see. There you go. Kerron heille, että soitit. I'll let them know you called. I'll tell them you called. Tomi egy fa mögé rejtőzött, de én így is láttam. Tom tried to hide behind the tree, but I could still see him. Tomi was hiding behind a tree, but I saw it that way. En tiedä, mitä Tomi tekee nykyään. I don't know what Tom does nowadays. I don't know what Tomi's doing these days. Meg fogod bánni. You'll regret it. You'll regret it. Hallgatni fogok, mint a csuka. I'll be as quiet as a mouse. I'm gonna listen to him. Selvästi! Clearly! Yes, sir! Ez a nyaklánc olyan szép, hogy szeretném megvenni a feleségemnek. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so nice, I'd like to buy it for my wife. Tom meni takaisin yläkertaan. Tom went back upstairs. Tom went back upstairs. Sikerült elmenned az első vonattal? Did you catch the first train? Did you make it on the first train? See oli minu sõrm. That was my finger. That was my finger. Dan átszerelt egy új rendőri egységhez. Dan was assigned to a new police unit. Dan moved me to a new police unit. Többet vártam. I expected more. I was expecting more. Köszönök mindent. Thanks for everything. Thank you for everything. Holnap meglátogatom a bácsikámat. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll see my uncle tomorrow. Sunnuntaita seuraa maanantai. Monday follows Sunday. Sunday follows Monday. Azt hol vette? Where did you buy that? Where'd you get that? Nagyon szereti a zenét. She likes music very much. He really likes music. Tomi siivoaa huonettaan. Tom is tidying his room. Tom's cleaning up his room. Mikä hänen ryhmittymisensä on? What is her alignment? What's his grouping? On aina mukava tavata toinen aseksuaali. It's always good to meet another ace person. It's always nice to meet another asexual. En ymmärrä saksaa lainkaan. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. Értesítette a rendőrséget a közlekedési balesetről. He notified the police of the traffic accident. You notified the police about the traffic accident. Az új kocsijával meg van elégedve. He's pleased with his new car. You're satisfied with your new car. Ulkomaalainen kysyi minulta missä asema on. A foreigner asked me where the station was. The alien asked me where the station was. Oletko pakannut laukkusi? Have you packed your bag? Have you packed your bag? Olen hämmästynyt siitä, miten nopeasti hän on edennyt englannissa. I'm amazed at his rapid progress in English. I'm surprised how quickly he's made progress in England. Nem az én hibám volt. It wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Paljonko sinulla on ikää? What is your age? How old do you have? Шачема шицень мархта! Happy birthday! There are reliefs from the master’s presentation! Ma ei saa sellesse sekkuda. I can't get involved in this. I can't get involved. A macska egeret fogott. The cat caught a mouse. Cat caught a mouse. Mondanom sem kell, hogy Tom elkésett. Needless to say, Tom was late. I don't have to say Tom's late. Nem működik. It isn't working. It's not working. A statisztikák azt mutatják, hogy az életszínvonalunk magas. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Mikä on Teidän nimenne? What is your name, sir? What's your name? Olen pidempi kuin Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm taller than Tom. Kínosan érzed magad? Are you embarrassed? Are you embarrassed? Tomin on palattava hommiin. Tom has to get back to work. Tom has to get back to work. Hú, nagyon rossz ma az idő! It is terrible weather today. Wow, it's really bad today. Hoia see omale. Keep it. Keep it. Nagyon zavaró. It's very embarrassing. It's very disturbing. Ezeket a részleteket nem fogják nyilvánosságra hozni. These details won't be published. These details will not be disclosed. Előrehajolt. He bent forward. He leaned forward. Olipa kerran kuningas, jolla oli kaunis tytär. Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. Once upon a time, there was a king with a beautiful daughter. Huhu osoittautui valheeksi. The rumor turned out to be false. The rumor turned out to be a lie. Bármire képes. He's capable of anything. He can do anything. Onko teillä kiire, kaverit? Are you guys busy? Are you guys in a hurry? Luin hänen kirjansa. I read his book. I read his book. Követem anyám példáját. I follow my mom's example. I'm following my mother's example. Mostanában semmit nem vásároltam. I haven't bought anything recently. I haven't bought anything lately. Tom nyugdíjba ment sok évvel ezelőtt. Tom retired many years ago. Tom retired many years ago. Kihagyott egy osztályt. He skipped a grade. You missed a class. Tom ei mõistnud, miks Mary sellise otsuse teinud oli. Tom couldn't understand why Mary had made that decision. Tom didn't understand why Mary had made that decision. Luulin, että tuolla tyypillä oli ase, joten ammuin hänet. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. Ne jöjjön, hacsak nem szólok. Don't come unless I tell you to. Don't come unless I tell you. Tomnak szüksége van rám. Tom needs me. Tom needs me. Ne gyere be! Meztelen vagyok. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Olet aivan pöhkö. You've gone mad. You're such a jerk. Alig ismerlek. I hardly know you. I barely know you. Hän sanoi minulle, "Älä pidä sellaista melua." He said to me, 'Don't make such a noise.' He said to me, "Don't wear that noise." Tom on oikea lehmipoika. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cow boy. El fogunk pusztulni mi mind. We will all die. We're all going to die. Se oli kotoisa, hyvin kalustettu asunto, jossa paloi kaksi kynttilää pöydällä ja kaksi takanreunuksella. It was a cosy, well-furnished apartment, with two candles burning upon the table and two upon the mantelpiece. It was a homely, well furnished apartment with two candles on the table and two on the back edge. Tom azt tanácsolta Marynek, hogy ne kérjen túl sok pénzt Johntól. Tom advised Mary not to borrow too much money from John. Tom told Mary not to ask John for too much money. Legyél ott pontosan akkor! Be on time. Be there right then. Elmagyaráznám neked, de az agyad felrobbanna. I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. Makeaa! Cool! Sweet! Vihaan pitkiä puheita. I hate long speeches. I hate long talks. A születésnapom novemberben van. My birthday is in November. My birthday's November. Tom kést tartott Mary torkához. Tom held a knife to Mary's throat. Tom had a knife to Mary's throat. Valamit keresett a sötétben. He was looking for something in the dark. He was looking for something in the dark. Tämä uusi kone on paljon parempi kuin se vanha rakkine, joka meillä oli. This new machine is much better than that old thing we had. This new machine is much better than the old love we had. Minä olen aivan yhtä hämmentynyt kuin sinäkin. I'm just as confused as you are. I'm just as confused as you are. Meglepődtem, mikor megtudtam, hogy Tom korábban franciatanár volt. I was surprised when I found out that Tom used to be a French teacher. I was surprised to learn that Tom used to be a French teacher. A lelked a pokolra van kárhoztatva. Your soul has been condemned to hell. Your soul is doomed to hell. Sain ajatuksen. An idea came to me. I've got an idea. He syövät. They eat. They're eating. A katonák elégedetlenek voltak a kormánnyal. The soldiers were dissatisfied with the government. The soldiers were dissatisfied with the government. Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy ez jó ötlet. I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Olen autossa. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Mit mondjak Tominak? What should I tell Tom? What do I tell Tomi? Katso yllä! See above. Check it out! Ő túlsúlyos. He is overweight. He's overweight. Me tarvitsemme vähän lisää kahvia. We need some more coffee. We need a little more coffee. Tämä on minun suosikkiaiheeni. This is my favourite subject. This is my favorite topic. Pitääkö Tom ranskasta? Does Tom like French? Do you like Tom French? Suora on triviaali esimerkki käyrästä. A straight line is a trivial example of a curve. Directly, it's a trivial example of curves. Tominak éles a látása. Tom has sharp eyes. Tomi has a sharp vision. Éles kanyart vett balra. He made a sharp turn to the left. He took a sharp turn on the left. Hárman meghaltak közülük. Three of them died. Three of them died. Tom nagyon mérges lesz. Tom is going to be so mad. Tom's gonna be really mad. Tom és Mary Valentin-napon házasodtak össze. Tom and Mary got married on Valentine's Day. Tom and Mary got married on Valentine's Day. Tomin pitäisi auttaa Maria. Tom ought to help Mary. Tom should help Maria. Tom nagyon gyorsan vezet. Tom drives very fast. Tom's driving very fast. En halua menettää poikaystävääni. I don't want to lose my boyfriend. I don't want to lose my boyfriend. Kik azok a fickók? Who are those guys? Who are those guys? Liha on nykyään kallista. Meat is expensive nowadays. Meat is expensive these days. ”Kiitos.” ”Ole hyvä.” "Thank you." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” “Please.” Ha nem romlott el, ne javítsd meg. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Tom elrejtette a bizonyítékokat. Tom concealed evidence. Tom hid the evidence. Próbáljunk meg bejutni! Let's try and get in. Let's try to get in. Atacaman aavikko Pohjois-Chilessä on maailman kuivin paikka. The Atacama Desert in northern Chile is the driest place on Earth. Atacama's desert in North Chile is the dryest place in the world. Mikko nauraa. Mike laughs. Mikko's laughing. Ideje ágyba menni. It is time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Mua väsyttää! I'm sleepy! I'm tired! Ferde a kép. The picture's tilted. It's Ferde. Tudta Tomi, hol hagyta Mária az autóját. Tom knew where Mary had parked her car. Tomi knew where Mary left her car. Tudom, hogy fáj a csípőm, amikor esik az eső. I know that my hip hurts when it rains. I know my hips hurt when it rains. Se on riski, joka meidän pitää ottaa. It's a risk we have to take. It's a risk we have to take. Az az étel egyszerűen isteni volt. That meal was simply divine. That food was simply divine. Miksi tätä lintua kutsutaan punarinnaksi? Why is this bird called a robin redbreast? Why is this bird called the Red Front? Saavuin tänään iltapäivästä. I arrived this afternoon. I arrived this afternoon. Se ei saa olla ongelma. That may not be a problem. It can't be a problem. Üks on uus ja teine on vana. One is new, and the other is old. One is new and the other is old. Kuusi ovat palamassa. Six of them are burning. Six are burning. Ma jään sinuga. I'm staying with you. I'll stay with you. Vauva lie niellyt tutin. The baby has presumably swallowed the pacifier. The baby must have swallowed a tut. A kígyó életben van, vagy halott? Is the snake alive or dead? Is the snake alive or dead? On aika epätodennäköistä, että he menisivät naimisiin. They're unlikely to get married. It's pretty unlikely they're getting married. Megbántottak téged? Did they hurt you? Did they hurt you? Fizessük a számlát felesbe. Let's split the bill fifty-fifty. Let's pay the bill. Tom arra ösztönözte Maryt, hogy hagyja abba a dohányzást. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. Laitan nyt ruokaa. I'm cooking now. I'm gonna cook now. En tarvitse tuota. I don't need that. I don't need that. Tiedän että sinä yhä syytät Tomia Maryn kuolemasta. I know you still blame Tom for Mary's death. I know you're still blaming Tom for Mary's death. Synnytin identtiset kaksoset. I gave birth to identical twins. I was born with identical twins. Rengeteg iskola van ebben a városban. There are a great number of schools in this city. There's a lot of schools in this town. Ajakaa! Drive! Drive! En voinut muuta kuin itkeä. I couldn't help but cry. All I could do was cry. Maili vastaa noin 1 600 metriä. A mile is equal to about 1600 meters. The mail corresponds to approximately 1,600 meters. Perusteellinen aseistariisuntasopimus kieltää kaikki aseistukset ja asevoimat. A radical disarmament treaty prohibits all armaments and armed forces. A fundamental ceasefire agreement prohibits all weapons and armaments. Hän lähti kokouksesta syyttä. He left the meeting for no reason. He left the meeting for a reason. Jó fiú légy! Be a good boy. Be a good boy. Otthon maradt. He stayed at home. He's home. Nézd! Look! Look! Йошкар-Олаште вич театр. In Yoshkar-Ola there are five theaters. The building of the city nears its end. Ne stírölj! Stop staring at me. Don't do that. Ma ei proovi laiselda. I'm not trying to be lazy. I'm not trying to be lazy. Hän lopetti. He quit. He quit. Tom on onnenpoika. Tom's lucky. Tom's a lucky boy. Kiiruhdin asemalle vain huomatakseni, että juna oli jo lähtenyt. I hurried to the station only to find that the train had already left. I just rushed to the station to see that the train had already left. Nem fogom kímélni őket. I won't go easy on them. I won't spare them. Nukun yleensä todella sikeästi. I am usually an extremely sound sleeper. I usually sleep really hard. Ennek a városnak nagy tévéállomása van. This city has a big TV station. This town has a big TV station. Tom tahtoi tehdä muutoksen. Tom wanted to make a change. Tom wanted to make a change. En ole vieläkään varma mistä tässä on kyse. I'm still not sure what this is about. I'm still not sure what this is about. Olen kotoisin Saudi-Arabiasta. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. Kas sa oled aru saanud oma veast? Did you understand your mistake? Have you understood your mistake? Haluan tehdä hyvän ensivaikutelman. I want to make a good first impression. I want to make a good first impression. A nagypapám elesett a második világháborúban. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather fell in World War II. Tämä on oikeuden pilkkaa. This is a mockery of justice. This is a blasphemy of justice. A neve Tom, és nem John. His name is Tom, not John. It's Tom, and it's not John. Minulle ei ole väliä kuka voittaa. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. Tom osaa tanssia kuin robotti. Tom can dance like a robot. Tom can dance like a robot. Miten se äännetään? How do you pronounce that? How do you pronounce it? Tomil on allergia maasikate vastu. Tom is allergic to strawberries. Tom's allergic to strawberries. Joku soitti 911:een. Someone called 911. Someone called 911. Biztos fáradtak lehetnek. They must have been tired. They must be tired. En tajua tästä mitään. I'm not understanding anything. I don't get it. Hänen sairautensa murskasi kaikki hänen toiveensa. His illness disappointed all his hopes. His illness crushed all his wishes. Tomi teki hyvää työtä. Tom did a nice job. Tomi did a good job. Nämä ovat yksinkertaisia lauseita. These are simple sentences. These are simple sentences. Gyere csak ide! Mutatni akarok neked valamit. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tomot bűnösnek találják. I'm sure Tom will be found guilty. I'm sure Tom will be found guilty. Nincs jobb, mint egy jó forró fürdő. There's nothing like a good hot bath. There's nothing better than a good hot bath. Hän on tytöistä kaunein. She's the most beautiful girl. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. Meidän täytyy odottaa Tomia. We need to wait for Tom. We have to wait for Tom. Hän koki poliisin kidutusta. He was subjected to torture by the police. He was tortured by the police. Ebben a boltban több édesség kapható, mint a másikban. There are more sweets in this shop than in that one. There's more candy in this store than there is in the other. Haluaisin puhua ranskaa sujuvasti. I'd like to speak French fluently. I'd like to speak French smoothly. Még mindig ott van mindenki. Everybody's still there. Everyone's still there. Mit csinálnál szívesen? What do you feel like doing? What would you like to do? Minulla ei ole yhtään rahaa mukana. I don't have any money with me. I don't have any money. Jiägiä tervehekse, Anna! Goodbye, Anna! Say hi to Jiagi, Anna! Arra tanítottak, hogy először üssek és csak aztán kérdezzek. I was taught to shoot first and ask questions later. They taught me to hit first and then ask. Mitä sinä katsot? What are you looking at? What are you looking at? A kávézó a földszinten van, két emelettel lejjebb. The cafe is on the ground floor, two floors below. The cafe is downstairs, two floors down. Vain muutama ymmärsi hänen sanomisensa. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few understood what he was saying. Miért ordibálsz? Why are you shouting? Why are you yelling? Tomi ei ole vielä tehnyt kotitehtäviään. Tom hasn't done his homework yet. Tom hasn't done his homework yet. Minä tiedän, että sinä et valehtele. I know you're not lying. I know you're not lying. Kerro Marille, että rakastan häntä. Tell Mary I love her. Tell Maria I love her. Rosszabb vagy, mint én. You're worse than I am. You're worse than me. Pysy nyt vain paikallasi. Now just stay put. Just stay where you are. Ki lopta el a kulcsaimat? Who stole my keys? Who stole my keys? Ehkä hän on italialainen tai espanjalainen. Maybe he is Italian or Spanish. Maybe he's Italian or Spanish. Haluaisin painottaa kungfutselaisia arvoja, jotka ovat läsnä tämän ryhmän joukossa. I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group. I would like to emphasise the Kungfusian values that are present amongst this group. Tal on armas hääl. He has a sweet voice. He's got a lovely voice. Seuraavalla kerralla sinun pitäisi ostaa isompaa kokoa. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time, you should buy a bigger size. Jó okom van a késésre. I have a good reason for being late. I have a good reason to be late. Tom meni Marin kanssa Bostoniin. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom and Mari went to Boston. Bocsásson meg! Please forgive me. Excuse me. Oliko joku muu siinä huoneessa? Was there anybody else in the room? Was someone else in that room? Tiedän, että voimme voittaa. I know we can win. I know we can win. Erre nem fog sor kerülni. It's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Tom opiskeli ranskan omatoimisesti. Tom taught himself French. Tom studied French on his own. Meg tudsz bocsátani? Can you excuse me? Can you forgive me? Lase käia. Go on. Come on. Osaatsää miinustaa kuuden kymmenest? Can you subtract six from ten? You know less than six out of ten? Tomi ei ole vielä löytänyt Maria. Tom hasn't found Mary yet. Tom hasn't found Maria yet. Ihmisiä on kaikkialla. There are people everywhere. There are people everywhere. Ez a fiú itt a Fisher Tomi. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. This boy is Fisher Tomi. Fizetni akartam. I wanted to pay. I wanted to pay you. Furcsának találom a gondolkodásmódodat. Your way of thinking is strange to me. I find your way of thinking strange. Mis sellel viga on? What's so wrong with that? What's wrong with that? Segítséget kért. He requested help. He asked for help. Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy vigye el Johnt a repülőtérre. Tom asked Mary to drive John to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take John to the airport. Mary sijoitti kuvan seinälleen. Mary posted the picture on her wall. Mary put the picture on her wall. Pontosan ezt akarják. It's exactly what they want. That's exactly what they want. Kas sa saad mulle koopia teha? Can you make a copy for me? Can you make me a copy? A fenyőmagot fenyőtobozból nyerik. Pine nuts come from pine cones. The pine seed is obtained from a pine tube. Jó memóriád van. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Uskon aaveisiin. I believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. Kaverini kävivät leffassa ilman minua. My friends went to the movies without me. My friends went to the movies without me. Sinun kuusi palaa. Your moon returns. Your six's on fire. Puutuoli on kallis. The wooden chair is expensive. The wooden chair is expensive. Az idősödés nem azt jelenti, hogy többé nem szabad használnod a fantáziádat. Getting older doesn't mean you should no longer use your imagination. Ageing doesn't mean you can't use your imagination anymore. Ilyen rossz a verseny? Is the competition that bad? Is the competition that bad? Harri, minä olen huolestunut. Harry, I'm worried. Harri, I'm worried. Szeretem a mandulát, de a földimogyorót nem. I like almonds, but not peanuts. I love almonds, but not peanuts. Olemme kaikki peloissamme. We're all scared. We're all scared. Kezdetben nem hittem neked. At first, I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you at first. A dékán kezet rázott a végzős diákokkal. The dean shook hands with each of the graduating students. The dean shook hands with the seniors. Tominak tudnia kellett, hogy ez fog bekövetkezni. Tom must've known this would happen. Tomi had to know this was gonna happen. Tom on ypöyksin eikä hänellä ole ketään, kelle puhua. Tom is all alone with no one to talk to. Tom's all alone, and he doesn't have anyone to talk to. Hän joutui vakavaan onnettomuuteen. I had a serious accident. He was in a serious accident. Minun nimeni on Henri. My name is Henry. My name is Henri. Tom otthon van. Tom's home. Tom's home. Kielen rakenne on myös ymmärryksen rakenne. The structure of the language is also a structure of understanding. The structure of the language is also the structure of understanding. Ole varovainen, ettet saa flunssaa. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful not to get a cold. Ratkaisimmeko ongelman? Did we solve the problem? Did we solve the problem? Se on suuri ja kömpelö. It's bulky. It's big and clumsy. Suihkulähde on tuolla. The fountain is over there. The fountain's over there. Arvelin, että sinä saattaisit tietää miksi Tom lähti aikaisin. I figured you might know why Tom left early. I thought you might know why Tom left early. Tomilla oli ongelma Maryn kanssa. Tom had a problem with Mary. Tom had a problem with Mary. Ma läksin haiglasse. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Vasemmalla puolellasi on ikkuna. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. Mikä harmi! What a shame! What a shame! En usko, että he hyväksyvät näitä ehtoja. I do not think they will accept these terms and conditions. I don't think they accept these terms. Minä en tiennyt, että tulisitte olemaan täällä. I didn't know you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. Anna rahat! Hand out your money! Give me the money! Állandóan veszekszem a feleségemmel. I constantly quarrel with my wife. I keep fighting with my wife. Nagyon büszkék vagyunk rád! We're very proud of you! We're so proud of you. Mindegyik állítás hamis. Both claims are false. All claims are fake. Hány órakor nyit a bolt? What time does the store open? What time does the store open? A kocsi csomagtartójában van a gitárom. I've got my guitar in the trunk of my car. My guitar's in the trunk of the car. Legyél szíves lejönni! Please come downstairs. Please come down. Tom ei koskaan puhunut paljon siitä. Tom never talked about it much. Tom never said much about it. Tänään Fuji-vuori näkyy selvästi. We can see Mt. Fuji clearly today. Today, the Fuji Mountain is clearly visible. Minä juon kahvin. I'm drinking the coffee. I'll have a coffee. Voi olla, että Tomi osaa korjata sen. Tom might be able to fix that. Maybe Tomi can fix it. Nem akarom, hogy ez a titok nyilvánosságra kerüljön. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret made public. Yleensä minulla ei ole tällaisia vaatteita. I don't usually dress like this. I usually don't have clothes like this. Et taida uskoa että olen oikeassa, vai mitä? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? A oktatás tett azzá, ami vagyok. My education has made me what I am. Education made me what I am. Parem alusta kohe. You'd better start now. You better start right now. Lopulta hän huomasi virheensä. At last, he realized his error. Eventually, he discovered his mistake. Tom nem látta Maryt a szakításuk óta. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. Az oroszlánt gyakran használják a bátorság szimbólumaként. The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. Sikeresnek mondható Tomi. Tom is successful. You can say it's a success, Tomi. Tomi boldog, hogy befejeződött. Tom is glad it's over. Tomi's happy she's finished. Hívtál tegnap este? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Tom és Mari minek nevezték el a babájukat? What did Tom and Mary name their baby? Tom and Mari, what did they call their baby? Egyáltalán nem értem ezt a kérdést. I don't understand this question at all. I don't understand that question at all. Mustavalkotelevisiot ovat vanhentuneita. Black and white television sets have gone out of date. Black and white TVs are out of date. Ma reggel sült krumplit ettem tejföllel. This morning I ate french fries with sour cream. I had fries this morning with milk. Csak egy pár másodpercet kérek. Give me a few seconds. I just need a few seconds. Haluan hänen apuaan. I want his help. I want his help. Jos ei ois aurinkoo, niin ei mekään kyllä pysyttäis elossa. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be able to stay alive, either. A gyerekek imádnak a homokban ásni. Children love to dig in the sand. Kids love digging in sand. Minusta tuntuu kuin olisin orja. I feel like a slave. I feel like I'm a slave. Legfőbb ideje, hogy új vállalkozásba kezdjél. It is high time you started a new business. It's high time you start a new business. Tomi meni pyörällä kotiin. Tom biked home. Tomi went home on a bike. Kuinka korkealle pystytte hyppäämään? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Älä koske tuohon kirjaan. Don't touch that book. Don't touch that book. Van egy probléma. There's one problem. There's a problem. Ha mogyoróval fizetsz, majmot kapsz. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys. If you pay with peanuts, you get a monkey. Az emberek szeretik a kutyákat. People love dogs. People love dogs. Folytasd, próbálkozz. Go ahead, try it. Go on, try. Tom nem volt mindig ilyen boldog. Tom wasn't always this happy. Tom wasn't always so happy. Mari pitää kovasti kelttiläisestä musiikista. Mary is fond of Celtic music. Mari likes Celtic music very much. Ma aitan sind mõne hetke pärast. I'll help you in a minute. I'll help you in a minute. Aurinko sulatti lumen. The sun melted the snow. The sun melted the snow. Älä syö niin nopeasti. Don't eat so fast. Don't eat so fast. Adja meg az útlevele számát és a születési dátumát. Give your passport number and your date of birth. Enter the passport number and date of birth. Úszok a folyóban. I am swimming in the river. I'm swimming in the river. Yritin parastani. I was trying my best. I tried my best. Emme tiedä, mitä huominen tuo tykönään. We don't know what the next day will bring. We don't know what tomorrow will bring to him. Valamikor valóra válik az álmom. Some day my dream will come true. At some point, my dream comes true. Minusta Tom on rikas. I think Tom is rich. I think Tom's rich. Olen sitä mieltä, että Tom on liian luottavainen. I think that Tom is too trusting. I think Tom's too confident. Tom kihajította Mary-t a házból. Tom threw Mary out of the house. Tom threw Mary out of the house. Tom tietää kaiken autoista. Tom knows everything about cars. Tom knows everything about cars. Miért mindig én? Why always me? Why me always? Menjünk el karácsonyfáért! Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's go get a Christmas tree. Tomi nagyon kedves hozzám, de Saminek sokkal több pénze van. Tom's very kind to me, but Sami has much more money. Tomi is very nice to me, but Samink has a lot more money. Nem tudjuk pontosan. We don't know exactly. We don't know exactly. Tom ja hänen isänsä rakensivat tämän. Tom and his dad built this. Tom and his father built this. Nem látott még ilyet a világ. The world has never experienced anything like this. The world hasn't seen anything like it. Asi ei ole seda väärt! It isn't worth it! It's not worth it! Tomi ja Joni ovat hyviä ystäviä. Tom and John are good friends. Tomi and Joni are good friends. Vaivaiset 529 katsojaa katsoivat ottelun. A mere 529 spectators watched the game. The only 529 viewers watched the match. Eltévedtem. Tudna segíteni, kérem? I'm lost. Could you please help me? Can you help me, please? Itt akarok maradni éppen csak az autóban. I just want to stay in the car. I just want to stay here in the car. Sértegetéssel nem fogod őket magad mellé állítani. Insulting them will not bring them over to your side. By insulting them, you won't put them next to you. Olin ennen poliisi. I used to be a cop. I used to be a cop. Nincs meg benne a motiváltság. She lacks motivation. There's no motivation in it. Fadil avasi pikaruokaravintolan. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Mi történt a múlt héten? What happened last week? What happened last week? Zöldségárus. He sells vegetables. Green salesman. Oletko löytänyt vielä asuntoa? Have you found an apartment yet? Have you found a place yet? Onko Sisilia hyvinkin lähellä Maltaa? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Hänel on koira. He has a dog. He's a dog. Meidän jääkaappimme on rikki. Our fridge is broken. Our fridge is broken. Muszáj valamit tennünk. We must do something. We have to do something. Uudet työntekijät, jotka ovat juuri aloittaneet työskentelynsä yrityksessä, tekevät kaiken tähän arkaan tapaan. New hires who just joined the company do everything in this timid manner. New employees, who have just started their work in the company, will do everything like this. En tiennyt, että te tulisitte olemaan täällä. I didn't know you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. Onnittelen sinua ensipalkinnon voittamisesta puhekilpailuissa. I congratulate you on winning first prize in the speech contest. I congratulate you on winning the first prize in speech contests. Fáradtnak tűnsz. You look tired. You look tired. Tominak csodás éjszakája volt. Tom had a very good night. Tomi had a wonderful night. Ihan sama! Whatever! I don't care! Ei ole lupa piinata tahi kohela kethään julmala, ei-humaanilla, alaspainaavalla ja rangaistaavala tavala. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It is not allowed to torture or treat ketha's cruelty, non-humane, undermining and punishing habit. Be vagy jelentkezve? Are you online? Are you logged in? Tom kielsi olevansa osallinen murhaan. Tom denied he was involved in the murder. Tom said he wasn't involved in the murder. Menin naimisiin liian nuorena. I got married too young. I got married too young. Tomia ei huvita laittaa ruokaa. Tom doesn't feel like cooking. Tom doesn't like to cook. Vannak gyerekei? Has he any children? Do you have kids? Tom ei ollut varma ehtiikö hän. Tom wasn't sure if he was going to make it. Tom wasn't sure he'd make it. Tämä on täydellistä. This is perfect. This is perfect. Ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu. Rome was not built in a day. Rome wasn't built every day. Ők gyerekek. They're kids. They're kids. Pysy tässä huoneessa. Stay in this room. Stay in this room. A hátrányunkat az előnyünkké változtathatjuk. We can change our disadvantage to our advantage. We can turn our disadvantage into our advantage. Tom työskenteli sisällä. Tom worked indoors. Tom worked inside. Te olette aivan seonneet. You are deranged. You guys are out of your mind. Lehet, hogy hibát követek el. I might make a mistake. Maybe I'm making a mistake. Tomi katosi vuosi sitten. Tom disappeared a year ago. Tomi disappeared a year ago. Syön yleensä aamupalan seitsemältä. I usually have breakfast at seven. I usually eat breakfast at 7:00. Minun isäni on pitkä. My father is tall. My dad's tall. A nevetés tényleg jót tesz neked. Laughing really is good for you. laughter really works for you. Olemme päättäneet palkata Tomin. We've decided to hire Tom. We've decided to hire Tom. Tomot letartóztatták a születésnapján. Tom was arrested on his birthday. Tom was arrested on his birthday. Mistä sinä opit noin vaikean sanan? Where did you learn such a difficult word? How did you learn such a difficult word? Úton vagyunk. We're on our way. We're on our way. Hän ei vaikuta vanhenevan ikinä. He never seems to be any older. He doesn't seem to grow old. Tengeribeteg vagyok. I'm seasick. I'm seasick. Tom el fog menni. Tom will go. Tom's going to leave. Anna kun katson. Let me see. Let me see. Még nem próbáltam. I haven't tried. I haven't tried yet. Jokainen lausumani virke ymmärrettäköön ei vahvistuksena väitteelle, vaan kysymyksenä. Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question. Let every sentence I say be understood, not as confirmation of the claim, but as a question. A bizottságunk tíz tagból áll. Our committee consists of ten members. Our committee is composed of ten members. Tyttäreni menee naimisiin kesäkuussa. My daughter is to get married in June. My daughter's getting married in June. Esperantossa painotus on aina toiseksi viimeisellä tavulla. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In Esperanto, the emphasis is always on the second step. Miben van sok fehérje? What are some good sources of protein? What's there with a lot of protein? Menisin mieluummin uimaan. I'd rather go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. Minulla on yliopistotutkinto. I've got a university degree. I have a university degree. Ügyvédet akarok. I need a lawyer. I want a lawyer. Tomi gyémántgyűrűt vásárolt Marinak. Tom bought Mary a diamond ring. Tomi bought Mari a diamond ring. Tom letartóztatása ugyanúgy meglepett engem, mint téged. I was as surprised by Tom's arrest as you were. Tom's arrest surprised me as well as you. Täydellinen yksityisyys Facebookissa on harhaa. Sitä ei ole todellisuudessa olemassa. Absolute privacy on Facebook is an illusion. It doesn't exist in reality. Perfect privacy on Facebook is a misguided one. It does not really exist. Vegyél a pitéből! Please have some pie. Buy some pie. Tumma leipä on suosittua Saksassa. Dark bread is popular in Germany. Dark bread is popular in Germany. Óvakodj a zsebtolvajoktól. Be on your guard against pickpockets. Watch out for the pickpockets. Tom szükségesnek akarta érezni magát. Tom wanted to feel needed. Tom wanted to feel necessary. Ette taida uskoa että minä olen oikeassa, vai uskotteko? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? Minu tüdruksõber on väga ilus. My girlfriend is very beautiful. My girlfriend is very beautiful. Taidat tykätä englannista? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Ta istub pingil. He's sitting on the bench. He's sitting on the bench. Kérdezz csak! Feel free to ask me questions. Ask me. Hová való vagy, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Tykkääk sä bilettää? Do you like to party? You like partying? Se ei ole ongelma, Tom. It's not a problem, Tom. That's not a problem, Tom. Onpa kaunis paikka! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! Komitea kokoontuu ensi perjantaina. The committee will meet next Friday. The Committee will meet next Friday. Son orru dás. He lives here. No, no, no, no, no, no. Mi a mai árfolyam? What's today's exchange rate? What's today's exchange rate? Tom szinte bármit megtesz pénzért. Tom will do just about anything for money. Tom's doing almost anything for money. E végett vagyunk mi itt. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Abszolút más véleményen vannak, mint én. Their opinion is quite different from mine. They're completely different from me. Miten haluat pysäyttää minut? How will you stop me? How do you want to stop me? Tomnak segítséget kellett volna kérnie tőlünk. Tom should have asked us for help. Tom should have asked us for help. Puhu hänelle. Talk to her. Talk to him. Katso niitä tyttöjä. Look at the girls. Look at those girls. Hän pelaa vaarallista peliä. He's playing a dangerous game. He's playing a dangerous game. Kuinka myöhään se pankki on auki? How late is the bank open? How late is this bank open? Могайже вара тӱрыс? Which one is correct? With status first? Pyöräilyryhmät lobbasivat, jotta koko maahan saataisiin sileät tiet. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Cycling teams lobbyed to make smooth roads across the country. Olen aina pitänyt sinusta, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. Mindennap szoktál kávézni? Do you drink coffee every day? Do you have coffee every day? Rendszerint négyre megyek haza. I usually go home at four. I usually go home at 4:00. Älä ryntää. Don't rush. Don't rush. Odottakaa! Wait! Wait! Lényegében a ti hibátok. It is in fact your fault. It's basically your fault. Dolgoznom kell ma este. I must work tonight. I have to work tonight. He ovat todella fiksuja. They're very smart. They're really smart. Próbáld meg ezt elolvasni. Try reading this. Try to read this. Neljännessä kerroksessakin on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There's a toilet on the fourth floor. Nem tudott ellenállni a kísértésnek. He could not resist the temptation. He couldn't resist the temptation. Énekelhetek? May I sing? Can I sing? Kuinka ihania vanhat, hyvät päivät olivatkaan. How wonderful were the good old days. How wonderful the old days were. Hol vehetem át a poggyászomat? Where can I get my baggage? Where can I take over my luggage? Tomnak azt soha nem kellett volna megtennie. Tom never should have done that. Tom never should have done that. Apám otthon henyél. My father doesn't lift a finger at home. My father's at home. ”Katso mitä löysin sohvan alta!” ”Se taitaa olla yksi minun vanhoista sukistani.” "Look what I found under the sofa!" "I think that's one of my old socks." “Look what I found under the couch!” “I think it’s one of my old socks.” Miten osaat ääntää englantia noin hyvin? Why is your English pronunciation so good? How can you speak English so well? Tuo mekko on tyrmäävän upea. That dress is absolutely stunning. That dress is amazing. Senki sem él ebben a házban. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. Arst kasutas minu kõhu uurimiseks röntgenit. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. The doctor used X-ray to examine my stomach. Kérlek, hagyd abba az éneklést! Please stop singing. Please stop singing. Rizst ültettünk. We planted rice. We planted rice. Olen tuntenut Tomin pitkään. I've known Tom for a long time. I've known Tom for a long time. Tom erosi Marista viime vuonna. Tom divorced Mary last year. Tom broke up with Mari last year. Tom esti minua menemästä sisälle pankkiin. Tom stopped me from entering the bank. Tom kept me from going inside the bank. Tom syntyi Bostonissa. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Sinä näytät aivan näyttelijältä. You look like an actress. You look like an actor. Tom semmibe vette a tanácsomat. Tom disregarded my advice. Tom ignored my advice. Adj még egy kicsit! Give me just a little. Give me a little more. A múlt évben sok hó esett nálunk. We had a lot of snow last year. We had a lot of snow last year. Tudnak messzire látni? Can you see far? Can you see me too far? Eladó ez? Is this for sale? Is this for sale? Mari on vakooja. Mary is a spy. Mari's a spy. Nem tudok tovább várni. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Mikor voltál a legboldogabb? What time are you the happiest? When were you the happiest? Aki itt akar élni, annak dolgoznia kell. Anyone who wants to live here must work. Anyone who wants to live here needs to work. Kerron sinulle siitä kaiken myöhemmin. I'll let you know all about it later on. I'll tell you all about it later. Szeretnék kijelentkezni. I'd like to check out. I'd like to check out. Tuon sen takaisin. I'll bring it back. I'll bring it back. Huhu levisi koulussa kuin kulovalkea. The gossip spread around the school like wildfire. There was a rumor in the school that it was like a bowl of white. Ne hagyd, hogy ők nyerjenek. Don't let them win. Don't let them win. Nincs egyszerű megoldás. There is no simple solution. There's no easy solution. Minä en ole milloinkaan kohdannut suoraa rotusortoa. I have never experienced racism directly. I've never encountered a direct breed before. Meidän ei tarvitse lähteä vielä. We don't need to leave yet. We don't have to leave yet. Aggódom a jövő miatt. I am full of anxiety about the future. I'm worried about the future. Молан тый мый денем от кушто? Why don't you come dancing with me? Do you want to talk with me? Ez túl gyakran fordul elő. This is happening too often. This happens too often. Gie datne? Who are you? Gie date? Huomaa, että suurinta arvoa ei aina ole olemassa. Note that the maximum doesn't always exist. Note that the highest value does not always exist. Valami furcsát láttak. They saw something odd. They saw something strange. Tom antoi Marylle jotakin juotavaa. Tom gave Mary something to drink. Tom gave Mary something to drink. Abban az időben házas voltam. I was married at that time. I was married at that time. Keresgéltem a kulcsot. I looked for the key. I was looking for the key. Tom mindent átgondolt. Tom has thought of everything. Tom's been thinking about everything. Mul on auto. I have a car. I have a car. Olet pysäköinyt minun parkkiruutuuni. You've parked in my space. You've parked my parking lot. Jól megy az üzlet. Business is good. Business is going well. Isäni käy töiden takia usein Amerikassa. My father often goes to America on business. My father often goes to America for work. Hän kuoli eilen. She died yesterday. He died yesterday. Olen isäsi aave, tuomittu toviksi kulkemaan yössä, ja päivällä kärvistelen liekeissä kunnes eläessäni tehdyt pahat teot on poltettu pois ja sovitettu. I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away. I am your father's ghost, condemned to walk in the night, and in the day I will burn in the flames until the evil things that have been done in my life have been burned away and settled. Tervetuloa Australiaan! Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia! Lõppude lõpuks! Finally! After all! Аттьӧ! Thank you. Moreover, he did not give up! Jätimme Tomin huomiotta. We ignored Tom. We missed Tom. Oletko avuntarpeessa? Are you in need of help? Are you in need of help? Anna kun mietin sitä vähän pidempään. Let me think about it a little longer. Let me think about it a little longer. Menj, de rám ne számíts! Go without me! Go, but don't count on me. Hívd a biztonságiakat. Call security. Call security. Tuo on šuuri koira. That is a big dog. That's a big dog. Tom oli aikaisemmin mammanpoika. Tom used to be a mama's boy. Tom used to be a mama boy. Tomin mielestä koulu on ajanhukkaa. Tom thinks that school is a waste of time. Tom thinks school's a waste of time. Luulen, että hän on tulossa sairaaksi. I think he's going to be sick. I think he's getting sick. Inkább úszni megyek. I prefer to go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. Tomin täytyi viettää sairaalassa kolme viikkoa. Tom had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Tom had to spend three weeks in the hospital. See hoone rajatakse linnas. This building will be built in the city. This building is built in the city. Älä syö niin kuin porsas. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Nagyon megfázott, ezért ma nem jött iskolába. Having a bad cold, he was absent from school today. He was really cold, so he didn't come to school today. Yleisyydestä tinkimättä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan nollaan. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without prejudice to the general public, we can say that the line is shrinking to zero. Szerezz nekem egy másik ügyvédet. Get me another lawyer. Get me another lawyer. Ne becsüljétek alá magatokat. Don't underestimate yourselves. Don't underestimate yourselves. A történet valóságos volt. The story was true. The story was real. Jóra használja ezt az információt. He put this information to good use. He's using this information for good. Haluan sinun pesevän auton. I want you to wash the car. I want you to wash the car. On ollut rankka viikko. It's been a rough week. It's been a rough week. Hova menjünk? Where shall we go? Where are we going? Üldöznek minket? Are we being chased? Are they after us? Tom sanoi olevansa väsynyt ja lähti nukkumaan. Tom said that he was tired and went to bed. Tom said he was tired and went to bed. Minä olen poliisi. I am a policeman. I'm a cop. Hän on palannut kotiin Ranskasta. He has recently returned from France. He's back home from France. Sinun ei olisi tarvinnut kiiruhtaa lentokentälle. You needn't have hurried to the airport. You didn't have to rush to the airport. 270 éve, 1745. február 18-án született Alessandro Volta az olaszországi Comóban. Alessandro Volta was born on the 18th of February 1745, 270 years ago in Como, Italy. 270 years ago, on 18 February 1745, Alessandro Volta was born in Como, Italy. Húsz éves. She is twenty years old. He's 20 years old. Tomnak fekélye van. Tom has an ulcer. Tom's got a ulcer. Papírra vetette a gondolatait. She put down her thoughts on paper. He put his thoughts on paper. Átszakadt a gát, es víz árasztotta el a völgyet. The dam burst and water flooded the valley. The dam broke, and the water flooded the valley. Antaisin mitä tahansa pizzasta. I'm dying for a pizza. I'd give you anything for pizza. Hänestä on ihanaa kirjoittaa artikkeleita Wikipediaan. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. He loves writing articles to Wikipedia. Tom kuivaa astioita. Tom is drying the dishes. Tom's drying dishes. A gazdagok egyre gazdagabbak lesznek. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. Nem tudta a könnyeit visszatartani. She couldn't hold back her tears. He couldn't hold his tears. Bizonyos mértékig megértem a problémáidat. I have some appreciation of your problems. To some extent I understand your problems. Olen aina ihaillut Tomia. I've always admired Tom. I've always admired Tom. Olen hukannut hänen numeronsa. I've lost his number. I've lost his number. Yksi 455:stä naisesta ei tajua olevansa raskaana ennen kuin kahdennellakymmenennellä raskausviikolla. One out of 455 women doesn't realize she's pregnant until the twentieth week of pregnancy. One of the 455 women doesn't realize she's pregnant until she's 20 weeks pregnant. Todellisuus muuttuu jatkuvasti. The reality keeps changing. Reality is constantly changing. Vedd el. Take it. Take it. Jos ei olisi pilviä, emme nauttisi auringosta. If there were no clouds, we could not enjoy the sun. If there were no clouds, we wouldn't enjoy the sun. Tavaly óta tagja vagyok a szülői munkaközösségnek. Since last year I am a member of parental community. I've been a member of the parenting community since last year. Olemme varmoja voitostamme. We're confident of our victory. We're sure of our victory. Segítséget kell szereznünk. We must get some help. We need to get help. Älä päästä irti. Don't let go. Don't let go. Nem iszok délelőtt. I don't drink before noon. I don't drink in the morning. Aion tutkia aihetta jatko-opintotasolla. I intend to study the subject at a postgraduate level. I'm going to study the subject at the postgraduate level. Mit fogsz enni? What will you have to eat? What are you gonna eat? Tomilla on kala-allergia. Tom is allergic to fish. Tom's got a fish allergy. Szíveskedjenek követni. Please follow me. Please follow me. Segíts magadon, és Isten is megsegít! The gods help them that help themselves. Help yourself, and God will help you. Remélem, idejövet senki sem látott téged. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. I hope no one's seen you coming. Tom a legnépszerűbb fiú az iskolában. Tom is the most popular boy at school. Tom is the most popular boy in school. Haluan leikkiä lumella. I want to play with the snow. I want to play with the snow. Törölje ezt a megjegyzést. Delete this comment. Delete this remark. Mikäpä ei. Why not? I don't think so. Kapcsold be a légkondicionálót! Turn on the air conditioner. Turn on the air conditioner. En keksi mitään vaihtoehtoja. I can't think of any alternatives. I can't think of any options. Tee kiiremini. Hurry up. Come on, hurry up. Euroopassa ja Amerikassa täsmällisyyttä pidetään itsestään selvyytenä. In Europe and America, people regard punctuality as a matter of course. In Europe and America, precision is seen as self-evident. A gyors kaja tényleg egészségtelen? Is fast food really unhealthy? Is fast food really unhealthy? Kertoks Tomi sulle siitä, mitä tapahtui? Has Tom told you what happened? Tell you what happened, Tomi? Miért nem ültök le? Why aren't you sitting down? Why don't you sit down? Tomi hangüzenetet kapott Maritól. Tom got a voice mail from Mary. Tomi got a voicemail from Mari. Lassan jobban érzem magam. I'm starting to feel better. I feel better. Tule takaisin Bostoniin. Come back to Boston. Come back to Boston. Ismered ezt a dalt? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? Olen pahoillani. I apologize. I'm sorry. A víz a térdemig ért. The water reached my knees. The water came to my knees. Voimakas tuuli puhaltaa, enkä saa käveltyä kovaa. A strong wind is blowing and I can't walk fast. The strong wind blows and I can't walk hard. Mi a recept? What's the recipe? What's the recipe? Sally, mi történt? What happened, Sally? Sally, what happened? A pénz mindenütt jól jön. Money is welcome everywhere. Money's good everywhere. Magyarázd meg nekem, Tom miért nincs itt. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. Tom magánál szándékozik tartani a lopott pénzt. Tom intended to keep the stolen money for himself. Tom's trying to keep the stolen money with you. Jonain päivänä sinä tiedät totuuden. You will know the truth some day. One day you'll know the truth. Millä nimellä haluat, että sinua kutsutaan? What would you like to be called? What name do you want to be called? Allekirjoituksenne, olkaa hyvä. Sign here, please. Your signature, please. Sok esőt kaptunk ebben a hónapban. We had a lot of rain this month. We got a lot of rain this month. En ole rakastunut häneen. Me olemme vain hyviä ystäviä. I'm not in love with him. We're just good friends. I'm not in love with him, we're just good friends. Tomin piti mennä käymään lääkärissä. Tom needed to see the doctor. Tom was supposed to go to the doctor. En ole täällä mielelläni. I'm not happy to be here. I'm not happy to be here. Vörös a szemed. Your eyes are red. Your eyes are red. Szeretsz utazni? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Tudna kérem, még egy kicsivel lassabban beszélni? Would you speak more slowly, please? Can you please talk a little slower? Minä ajattelen sinua. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Miksi se on niin iso juttu? Why is it such a big deal? Why is it so big? Annak a ténynek köszönhetem a sikeremet, hogy soha nem volt faliórám a munkahelyemen. I owe my success to the fact that I've never had a clock in my workplace. I owe my success to the fact that I never had a wall clock at work. Projekti täytyy saada valmiiksi viimeistään viikon loppuun mennessä. The project has to be finished by the end of the week at the latest. The project must be completed by the end of the week at the latest. Másfél órán át várakoztam. I have been waiting for an hour and a half. I waited an hour and a half. Tom sanoi että oli vaikeata valita. Tom said it was difficult to choose. Tom said it was hard to choose. "Olen hyvin iloinen", hän sanoi. "I am very happy", he said. "I'm very happy," he said. He kävivät elokuvissa eilen. Yesterday, they went to the movies. They went to the movies last night. Helyesled azt, amit csinál? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you approve of what he's doing? See on täiesti loogiline. That makes perfect sense. That makes perfect sense. Mikä se ono? What is it? What's that? Otthon kávéznak. They drink coffee at home. They're having coffee at home. Meg kell találnunk a módját, hogy megállítsuk Tomot. We have to find a way to stop Tom. We need to find a way to stop Tom. Én így jobban szeretem. I prefer it this way. That's how I like it. Tom nagyon elfoglaltnak tűnt. Tom looked very busy. Tom seemed very busy. Tom istutas oma aeda lilli. Tom planted some flowers in his yard. Tom planted his garden flower. Miksi me juhlimme? Why are we celebrating? Why are we celebrating? Tedd a fiókba. Put it in the drawer. Put it in the drawer. Salli minun mennä. Please allow me to go. Let me go. Tudtuk, hogy Tomi nem fog késni. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tomi wouldn't be late. Segít neki. He helps her. He'll help her. Veled voltam. I was with you. I was with you. Onko tämä kuva, jonka hän on piirtänyt itse? Is this a picture that he drew by himself? Is this the picture he drew himself? Miért is tetted? Why exactly did you do that? Why did you do it? Tuo on se talo, jossa majoitun. That is the house that I stay in. That's the house I'm staying in. Appelsiinit ovat hyvä C-vitamiinin lähde. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Az én hobbim régi játékok gyűjtése. My hobby is to collect old toys. My hobby is collecting old games. Minä toivon, että sinä ymmärrät minua. I hope you understand me. I hope you understand me. Ma suudan joosta. I'm able to run. I can run. Megsütöttem a tésztát. I fried the dough. I baked the pasta. Ma meglátogatom őket. I'm going to see them today. I'll see them today. Együtt fogjuk megcsinálni. We'll do this together. We'll do it together. Elment haza. She went home. He went home. Rakastaakohan hän minua. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he loves me. Söin graavikalaa ensimmäisen kerran vasta kun tulin Japaniin. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. I didn't eat gravy for the first time since I came to Japan. Pisikesena paistev sündmus võib viia suurepärase tulemuseni. An apparently small event may lead to a great result. A small-scale event can lead to an excellent result. "Menen hänen kanssaan naimisiin." "Et mene," sanoi hänen isänsä. "I'm going to marry him." "You're not," said her father. "I'm marrying her." "You're not going," said her father. Nem jöttem rá. I couldn't figure that out. I couldn't figure it out. Onko kaikki OK? Are you OK? Is everything okay? Emlékszem, Tom egy barna kalapot viselt. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. I remember Tom wearing a brown hat. Tietoisuus on olemisen edellytys. Consciousness is a precondition of being. Consciousness is a prerequisite for being. Tomot a szülei füvezésen kapták. Tom's parents caught him smoking weed. Tom was given to his parents at pot. Päh. Blah. Nuh-uh. Me suljimme matkalaukun. We closed the suitcase. We closed the suitcase. Elfelejtette megetetni a kutyáját. She forgot to feed her dog. He forgot to feed his dog. See on raske küsimus. It's a difficult question. That's a tough question. Minulla on oikeasti aika kiire. I'm really quite busy. I'm really kind of busy. Kus on pudeliavaja? Where's the bottle opener? Where's the bottle opener? He ovat erittäin kyvykkäitä. They're very capable. They're very capable. Õpi lugemist nautima. Learn to enjoy reading. Learn to enjoy reading. Ole oma itsesi. Be yourself! Be yourself. Segítene nekem odébb vinni az asztalt? Could you help me move the table? Can you help me move the table? Yllä oleva diagrammi kommutoi vain ja ainoastaan, kun f on isomorfismi. The diagram above commutes if and only if f is an isomorphism. The above chart communicates only and only when f isomorphism. Meidän olisi pitänyt mennä viileämpänä päivänä. We should have gone on a cooler day. We should have gone on a cooler day. Mari on Tomin kaksossisar. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mari is Tom's twin sister. Se orja kantaa sen veden. The slave carries the water. That slave carries that water.