تو نمی توانی چیزی را که از روبه رو شدن با آن اجتناب می کنی، تغییر دهی. You cannot change what you refuse to confront. You can't change what you're avoiding. من فکر می کنم فهمیدم که کجای کار اشتباه بود. I think I understand what went wrong. I think I found out where it was wrong. اینجا بادی نیست. There's no wind here. There's no wind in here. مادرم هرگز مرا تنبیه نکرد. My mother never punished me. My mother never punished me. از چیزی که انجام داده‌ام راضی نیستم. I am not satisfied with what I have done. I'm not happy with what I've done. از یکدیگر انتقاد کردند. They criticized each other. They were critical of each other. زندانی زیر شکنجه مرد. The prisoner died under torture. The prisoner died under torture. بلندتر، لطفا. Louder, please. Higher, please. این طناب به اندازهٔ کافی قوی نیست. This rope isn't strong enough. This rope is not strong enough. دلار الان چقدر میشه؟ How much is the dollar now? How much is the dollar now? بایست! Hold it! Stop! به هنگام نیاز، دوست واقعی شناخته می‌شود. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In need, a true friend is known. نمی دانم چه بگویم. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. تام زیاد سوال میپرسد. Tom asks a lot of questions. Tom asks a lot of questions. من گلهای بسیاری دارم.برخی شان سرخند و برخی زرد. I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and some are yellow. I have lots of flowers. Some of them are red and some yellow. شوهرم دارد به گل‌ها آب می‌دهد. My husband is watering the flowers. My husband's giving flowers water. تو عادت داری همه چیز رو بزرگنمایی کنی You have a habit of exaggerating everything. You used to zoom into everything. دخترم سرما خورده بود. My daughter caught a cold. My daughter had a cold. اسم آن پسر، شینتارو وادا است. That boy's name is Shintaro Wada. The boy's name is Shintaro Vada. فرصت دزد می سازد. Opportunity makes a thief. It makes a thief's chance. هر کس حق دارد که از آموزش و پرورش بهره‌مند شود. Everyone has the right to education. Every soul has the right to be trained (by others). جای خالی هست؟ Is there a free spot? Is there an empty spot? قرارداد را با مداد امضا نکن. Don't sign the contract with a pencil. Do not sign the contract with pencils. نهایتا به هدف زد. Eventually, he hit the target. He finally hit the target. حالا ما هفت عرب هستیم. Now we are seven Arabs. Now we're seven Arabs. اسب خوب سوارکار خود را می شناسد. A good horse knows its rider. The good horse knows his rider. زندگی کردن، حرفه و هنر من است. Living is my profession and my art. It's my life, my career and my art. این احمقانه ترین چیزی است که تا کنون گفته ام. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the stupidest thing I've ever said. زبان نیش می زنه. زخم زبان. The tongue stings. The tongue stings, the wound of the tongue. او به کنار رفت تا آن خانم رد شود. He stepped aside for her to pass. She went away to pass the woman. من زیاد ریاضیات را دوست ندارم. I do not like mathematics very much. I don't like math very much. سامی و لیلا چند دفعه بیرون رفتند. Sami and Layla went out a couple of times. Sami and Leila went out a few times. به حرفش گوش نکن. Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. او تصور می کرد که به قدر کافی جذاب است. He thought of himself as being charming enough. He thought he was hot enough. هر حقیقتی از سه مرحله گذر می کند. اول، به سخره گرفته می شود. دوم، شدیداً مورد مخالفت واقع می شود. سوم، به عنوان یک چیز خود-آشکار پذیرفته می شود. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Every truth passes through three steps. First, it's taken to the rock. Second, it's highly opposed. Third, it's accepted as a self-existing thing. فراموشش کردم. I forgot it. I forgot. من از جدال متنفّرم. I hate fighting. I refuse to argue. نزدیکترین ایستگاه قطار کجاست؟ Where's the nearest train station? Where's the nearest train station? او(پسر) در صبح 15 می آمد تا مرا ببیند. He came to see me on the morning of May 15. He came in the morning to see me. تام و مری خیلی عاشق یکدیگر هستند. Tom and Mary are very much in love. Tom and Mary love each other very much. نقاشی یک شعر بدون کلام است. A painting is a wordless poem. The painting is a poem without words. شرکت یک ماه در میان محصول جدید تولید می کنه The company develops new products every other month. The company produces a month in the new product. دستم رو رسوندم و به شونه اش زدم. I reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. I pulled my hand and hit his shoulder. این چیزی است که من به تام گفته ام. That's what I said to Tom. That's what I told Tom. بهش توجه نکن. Don't pay attention to him. Don't pay attention to him. این آزمایش منجر به کشف بزرگی شد. That experiment led to a great discovery. This experiment led to a huge discovery. تا حد مرگ، خسته بودم. I was bored to death. I was tired to death. سارتر یک جامعه‌شناس مهم بود. Sartre was an important sociologist. Sartre was an important socialist. مادر ترزا در یوگسلاوی در سال 1910 به دنیا آمد. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Teresa's mother was born in Yogslavi in 1910. پشت سر من بیا. Come along after me. Get behind me. او بدون هیچ اثری ناپدید شد. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. به دوستت قرض بده، از دشمنت قرض بگیر. Lend your friend money. Borrow money from your foe. loan your friend, borrow from your enemy. یک مرد برای شکست ساخته نشده است. یک مرد می‌تواند نابود شود اما شکست نمی‌خورد. But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. A man has not been made to fail. A man can be destroyed but will not fail. دروغ نگو. Don't lie. Don't lie. آب سبز برای آشامیدن مناسب نیست. The green water is not suitable for drinking. Green water is not suitable for drinking. می شود برایم مقداری زعفران بخری؟ Will you buy for me some saffron? Can you buy me some nuts? تی شرت چه رنگی با شلوارک طرح نظامی میاد؟ When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that? What color does T-shirts come with military design? من خیلی احساس تاثر می کنم برای تام ، این طفلک بیچاره. I feel very sorry for Tom, poor fellow. I feel so dramatic for Tom, this poor baby. آیا شما یک پاکت نامه می خواهید؟ Do you need an envelope? Do you want an envelope? پشت سر من قدم نزن، من راهنمای تو نیستم. جلوی من راه نرو، من ترا دنبال نخواهم کرد، فقط در کنار من قدم بزن و دوست من باش. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Don't walk behind me, I'm not your guide. Don't walk in front of me, I won't follow you, just walk beside me and be my friend. اول خانم ها بفرمایند. Ladies first. Ladies first. او کی متولد شده است؟ When was she born? When was she born? پروتستان‌ها قدیس‌ها را تکریم نمی‌کنند. Protestants don't venerate saints. Protestants don't honor saints. چیزی که پس‌فردا می‌توانی انجام دهی را به فردا نینداز! Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't bring what you can do after tomorrow! خوبم. I am well. I'm fine. در را کمی باز کن! Open the door a bit! Open the door a little! من عمیقاً عاشق شما هستم. I'm deeply in love with you. I love you deeply. بخاطر ضربه ای که به سرم خورد، برای مدتی بیهوش شدم. As I was struck on the head, I was unconscious for some time. Because of the hit on my head, I passed out for a while. میدونی چطور سوسیس درست میشه? Do you know how sausage is made? Do you know how to make sausages? او وارد اتاق شد. He came into the room. He entered the room. او فاشیست است. He's a fascist. He's a lusssist. وقت به خیر Good day! Good time. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. He accused him of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. ما باید منابع انرژی تجدید پذیرمان را گسترش دهیم We must develop renewable energy sources. We need to expand our renewable energy resources. تام تنها کسی است این جا که مری را نمی‌شناسد. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. اصل خط منصف چیست؟ What is principle of equidistance? What is the principle of a fair line? من به پنج زبان صحبت می کنم. I speak five languages. I speak five languages. او به بلندی هیچ پسری در کلاسش نیست. He is as tall as any boy in his class. He's not as tall as any boy in his class. این کولا گاز خود را از دست داده است و طعم خوبی ندارد. This cola has lost its fizz and doesn't taste any good. It's lost its gas and it doesn't taste good. من از تو مراقبت خواهم کرد.. I'll treat you. I'll take care of you. او جدا از زنش زندگی می‌کند. He is living apart from his wife. He lives apart from his wife. گمان کنم نظری راجع به آن دارم. I think I have a theory about that. I think I have an idea about that. می پذیرم که خطا کردم. I admit that I was wrong. I admit I made a mistake. تام آنقدرها راجع به مسابقه دادن نمی‌داند. Tom doesn't know a whole lot about racing. Tom doesn't know that much about racing. تصور می کردم آدم های باهوش در مکانی سری ناپدید می شوند. I imagined that brilliant people disappeared to some secret place. I thought smart people would disappear in a secret place. حدسش درست از آب درآمد His guess turned out to be right. His guess came right from the water. نمی‌دانستم آن دستگاه را کی خاموش کنم. I didn't know when to switch the machine off. I didn't know when to turn that machine off. ایستگاه اتوبوس کجاست؟ Where is the bus stop? Where's the bus station? من خواب وحشتناکی دیشب دیدم. I had a horrible dream last night. I had a terrible dream last night. در اقیانوس شنا می کنم. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. می خواهم پولم به من برگردانده شود. I want my money back. I want my money returned to me. کمی شراب باقی مانده است. There is little wine left. There's a little wine left. متوجه نمی شوم چرا باید این کار را انجام دهم. I don't see why I need to do this. I don't understand why I have to do this. تو باید دئودورانت استفاده کنی. You should use a deodorant. You have to use your time. پیتر به فوتبال علاقه دارد. Piotr is interested in soccer. Peter is interested in football. می‌توانی بروی بیرون، به شرط آنکه قول بدهی تا ساعت 11 بر گردی. You can go out, as long as you promise to be back by 11 o'clock. You can go out, if you promise to return by 11:00. آیا تکالیفت را انجام داده بودی؟ Did you do your homework? Have you done your homework? می توانم به شما قطعه دیگری کیک تعارف نمایم؟ Can I offer you another piece of cake? Can I offer you another piece of cake? ما نمی توانستیم هیچ کسی را در خیابان ببینیم. We could not see anyone in the street. We couldn't see anyone on the street. چرا من؟ Why me? Why me? انسان دوبار در یک چاله نباید بیفتد. A human should not make the same mistake. Man must not fall twice in a hole. دولت تبلغات سیگار در تلویزیون را ممنوع کرد. The government banned cigarette advertising on television. The government banned the cigarettes on TV. واقعا دلم می خواهد هم اکنون با تام باشم. I really want to be with Tom right now. I really want to be with Tom right now. منبع بزرگ الهام گرفتنت چیست؟ What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is your great source of inspiration? تام سی ساله است. Tom is thirty years old. Tom is 30 years old. من مجبور شدم مدرسه را ترک کنم. I was compelled to leave school. I had to leave school. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. My father always sent me to school when I was little. My father always brings me to school when I was little. فارسی سخت نیست. Persian's not hard. Persian is not difficult. هرچند بارونیه هوا ولی اصلا اهمیتی نمی دم. Even though it is raining, I don't care at all. It's raining, though, but I don't care. لطفا نمک را به من بده. Please pass me the salt. please give me the salt. دو بعلاوه دو می شود چهار. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. از شما التماس می کنم. I'm begging you. I'm begging you. هنگام نظافت کلاس، چند دانش‌آموز تریبون را حمل می‌کنند. When cleaning the classroom, a few students carry the podium. When they clean class, they carry some tribon students. این را توضیح بده. Explain the following. Explain this. ما یک گستره ای از کتاب ها داریم. We have a wide choice of books. We have a range of books. نباید یک آدم را به خاطر اینکه لباس‌های خوبی ندارد، کوچک بشمارید. You must not despise a man because he is poorly dressed. You shouldn't think of a person because he doesn't have good clothes. تام دیروز آنجا نبود. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. چگونه حقیقت را دریابیم؟ How can we learn the truth? How can we learn the truth? چه رنگی دوست داری؟ Which color do you prefer? What color do you like? برای موفقیت فقط نادانی و اعتماد به نفس نیاز است. All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. To succeed, it only takes ignorance and confidence. قبل از اینکه به مدرسه بروم، یک ساعت پیاده روی می کنم. I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school. I'll walk an hour before I go to school. تام کسی است که به من گفت زمان ملاقات کی خواهد بود. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who told me when to meet. فهمیدم. I understand. Got it. آنکه می‌پندارد که به اندازهٔ کافی آموخته است، هیچ چیز نیاموخته است. He who thinks he has learned enough has learned nothing. He who thinks that he has learned nothing in abundance. گاهی اوقات، کار‌ها طبقِ برنامه پیش نمی‌رود. Occasionally, things don't go as planned. Sometimes, things don't go as planned. مثل یه زن لباس پوشیده. He dressed up as a woman. She's dressed like a woman. اگر وقت داری، مرا همراهی کن. Accompany me if you have time. If you have time, follow me. افراد زیادی بطور غیرقانونی در کشور زندگی می کنند. Many people are living illegally in the country. Many people live illegally in the country. وقتی جوون تر بودم، خیلی ها بهم میگفتم که خوشگلم. When I was younger, many people used to say I was beautiful. When I was younger, many people told me I was beautiful. اون برادر ناتنی منه He's my half-brother. He's my half brother. آیا شما معنی "آواره شرایط اقلیمی" را می دانید؟ Do you know the meaning of "climate refugee"? Do you know the meaning of "the state of universality"? یک بار دیگر. Once again. One more time. انگار سرما خورده‌ام. I worry that I have caught a cold. It's like I'm having a cold. با هوش‌ترین دانش‌آموز از طرف همکلاسی‌هایش ابراز تشکر کرد. The brightest student expressed gratitude on behalf of his classmates. The most intelligent student on behalf of his students expressed gratitude. بالاخره دوازده استونیا را نشان داد. And finally, twelve points to Estonia! He finally showed up on the 12th of S.H.I.E.L.E.L.D. شما نمی‌بایستی آن را صرفاً به‌خاطر خوش آمدن من انجام می‌دادید. You shouldn't do it merely to please me. You shouldn't have done it just for my welcome. مری به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. Marie accused her of having stolen the bike. Mary kept stealing the bike. بهت نگفتم اتاقت را تمیز کنی؟ Didn't I tell you to clean your room? Didn't I tell you to clean your room? اه، کارت تلفن در حال تمام شدن است...تو را نیم ساعت دیگر می بینم. Ah, the phone card's already running out.. See you in half an hour. Oh, the phone card is running out -- I'll see you in half an hour. او از کشور خودش اخراج شد. She was exiled from her country. He was expelled from his country. تام چشه؟ What's up with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? بیشتر از یک هفته بود که سرما خوردگی ام طول کشید. It took me more than a week to get over my cold. It took me more than a week to catch my cold. حالم خوب نیست.می شود مقداری دارو به من بدهی؟ I don't feel well. Could you give me some medicine? i'm not feeling well. can you give me some medicine? دنبالش برو. Follow him. Follow him. تمام ملل برای مرگ قهرمانانشان سوگواری می کنند. The whole nation mourned the hero's death. All nations mourn their heroes' death. خانهٔ چوبی آسان‌تر از خانهٔ سنگی آتش می‌گیرد. A house built of wood is more easily burnt than a house of stone. The wooden house fires easier than the stone house. او دیر یا زود پشیمان خواهد شد. He will regret it sooner or later. He'll regret it sooner or later. گربه ای ایرانی زیر میز خوابیده بود. A Persian cat was sleeping under the table. The Iranian cat was lying under the table. مجازات قتل مرگ است. Homicide is punishable by death. The penalty for murder is death. مادرم می خواهد که من در سوئیس درس بخوانم. My mom wants me to study in Switzerland. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. طنز طعنهٔ دیروز است. Humour is the satire of yesterday. It's the humor of yesterday. در ابتدا نتوانستم بفهمم که او چه گفت. At first, I couldn't understand what he said. At first, I couldn't figure out what he said. خاله وانگ، این منم. This is me, Aunt Wong. Aunt Wong, it's me. مشک آن است که خود ببوید، نه آن که عطار بگوید. Good wine needs no bush. Its seal is upon it, and it is not for him who says: کسی تو ماشین بود؟ Was there anybody in the car? Anyone in the car? تام به ساعتش نگاهی انداخت. Tom checked his watch. Tom looked at his watch. ببحشید که من اشتباهاً نامه‌ی شما را باز کردم. Please forgive me for opening your letter by mistake. Let's see if I've made a mistake opening your letter. قیمت توت فرنگی در زمستان بسیار بالاست. Strawberries sell for a high price in the winter. It's very high in winter. کشمش‌ها انگورهای چروکیده هستند. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. It's the same as the grapes. چيزي که من را اذيت مي‌کند حرفهاي او نيست بلکه نحوه گفتن آنهاست. It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it. What bothers me is not his words, but how they say them. در گذشته ایرانی ها با نان زندگی می کردند ولی امروزه غذای اصلی آنان برنج است. In past, Iranians lived on naan bread, but nowadays basic Iranian's food gets rice. In the past, Iranians lived with bread, but today their main food is rice. نخیر. No. No, I don't. او به‌سلامت رسید. He arrived safe and sound. He came to you. آفتاب زمستان فقط کمی گرم می‌کند. The winter's sun gives only little warmth. The winter sun only warms a little. اوتخم مرغها را آب پزکرد She boiled the eggs. He baked the eggs. این سایت واقعا بزرگ است! This site is really great! This site is really big! در آن لحظه که مردی بلندقد ایستاده با تفنگی را در راهرو دید به طور ناخودآگاه عقب عقب رفت. At the moment she saw a tall man with a gun standing in the doorway, she instinctively backed away. When he saw a tall man standing in the hall with a gun, he went back unconsciously. به طور میانگین هر شخص در دقیقه چند بار پلک میزند؟ How many times a minute does the average person blink? How many times does a person blink average in a minute? جهل یک برکت است. Ignorance is bliss. ignorance is a blessing. آیا تو به معلمت در این مورد اطلاع دادی؟ Did you inform your teacher of this? did you tell your teacher about this? اجازه بده برای آوردن اون خاربار کمکت کنم. Let me help you with those groceries. Let me help you bring that thorn. من در سال 1972 به دنیا آمده ام. I was born in 1972. I was born in 1974. هر روز حداقل باید به یک آهنگ گوش دهید، یک شعر بخوانید، به یک تصویر زیبا نگاه کنید، و اگر امکان‌پذیر باشد، کلمات عاقلانهٔ متعددی بگویید. Every day you should at least listen to a short song, read a good poem, look at a beautiful picture, and, if possible, say several intelligent words. You have to at least listen to a song every day, read a poem, look at a beautiful picture, and say many wise words if possible. تام فرقِ بینِ یک اتریشی و یک آلمانی را نمی‌داند. Tom doesn't know the difference between an Austrian and a German. Tom doesn't know the difference between Austria and a German. امروزه، اوضاع برای گروه لاتینی ها ( اهالی آمریکای جنوبی) در ایالات متحده آمریکا بهتر است. Today, things are better for the Latino community in the USA. Today, things are better for Latin groups in the United States. سلام، مگ. چه طوری؟ Hello, Meg. How are you? Hey, Meg, how are you? یادم می آید تام برایم راجع به زمانی می گفت که او و ماری قله فوجی را فتح کرده بودند. I remember Tom telling me about the time he and Mary had climbed Mt. Fuji. I remember Tom telling me about the time when she and Mary had won the top of a group. فکر نمی کنم دیگر تو را دوست داشته باشم. I don't think I like you anymore. I don't think I love you anymore. تهران در ایران است. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a city in Iran. او گریست. She cried. He wept. خشت اول چون نهد معمار کج، تا ثریا می رود دیوار کج. A good beginning makes a good ending. The first stone, when it sets up a crooked architect, goes to Toria, a crooked wall. به نظر غیر محتمل می رسید که تام به جشن تولد ماری نیاید. It seemed unlikely that Tom wouldn't come to Mary's birthday party. It seemed unlikely Tom wouldn't come to Mary's birthday party. نمی‌خواهم دیگر چیزی بشنوم. I don't want to hear any more. I don't want to hear anymore. تام یک لحظه هم آن را باور نکرد. Tom didn't believe it for a second. Tom didn't believe it for a second. من این کراوات قهوه ای را بر خواهم داشت. I would take this brown tie. I'll take this brown tie. من به تازگی در ایستگاه ساپورو بودم تا مادرم را بدرقه کنم. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I've just been at Sapuro Station to escort my mother. خیلی چاپلوسی (پاچه خواری) You are a goody-goody. You're so gross. ما او را به عنوان رئیس جلسه انتخاب کرده‌ایم. We have elected him chairman of the meeting. We chose him as president of the meeting. ببخشید، می توانیدرادیو را خاموش کنید؟ Sorry, could you turn the radio off? Excuse me, can you turn off the radio? من غذای روسی دوست دارم. I like Russian food. I like Russian food. خورشید برف را ذوب می‌کند. The sun melts the snow. Sun melts snow. همه چیز طبق برنامه است. Everything is on schedule. Everything's on schedule. اگر او نمی خواهد یاد بگیرد، ما نمی توانیم او را مجبور کنیم. If he doesn't want to learn, we can't make him. If he doesn't want to learn, we can't force him. آنها فقط منتظرند که توفان تمام شود. They are just waiting for the storm to pass. They're just waiting for the storm to end. من به ایستگاه رفتم. I went to the station. I went to the station. آتش سوزی بزرگی نزدیک خانه من دیشب اتفاق افتاد. There was a big fire near my house last night. Big fire happened near my house last night. فایلها در نظم خوبی هستند. The files are in proper order. The files are good in order. وقتی به خواب می‌روی به چه فکر می‌کنی؟ What do you think about when you go to sleep? What do you think when you sleep? بخوابید روی زمین! Get down on the floor! Get down! ولش کن! Let go of it. Let him go! من از آذرخش نمی‌ترسم. I'm not afraid of lightning. I'm not afraid of lightning. واقعاً دوسِت دارم. واقعاً عاشِقِتم. I do love you. I really love you. من چیزی سرد برای نوشیدن می خواهم. I want something cold to drink. I want something cold to drink. کاناپه را جا به جا کنید تا رو به شومینه باشد. Shift the sofa so that it faces the fireplace. Move the couch to be face-to-face. هوا در ایران چطور است؟ How's the weather in Iran? How's the weather in Iran? تو باید سخت کار کنی. You should work hard. You have to work hard. همسرش پیر بود اما عاشقش بود. His wife was old but he loved her. His wife was old, but she loved him. دیروز در رستوران غذا می خوردم. I was eating in restaurant yesterday. I ate at the restaurant yesterday. سیبی روی زمین افتاد. An apple fell on the ground. The apple fell on the floor. من از مرگ نمی ترسم. I do not fear death. I'm not afraid of death. قهوه را به چای ترجیح می دهم. I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee to tea. من دیروز آمدم اینجا. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. او برای آماده کردن مردانش برای جنگ فرصت داشت. He had time to prepare his men for battle. He had the opportunity to prepare his men for war. می شه یک داد بزنی سر تام و بگی وقت صبحانه ست؟ Could you shout to Tom and tell him it's breakfast time? Can you yell at Tom and tell him it's breakfast time? بیهوده است. It's futile. It's bullshit. تام نمی گذارد شما بروید. Tom won't let you go. Tom won't let you go. والدینم مرا درک نمی کنند. My parents don't understand me. My parents don't understand me. من در هزارتو گم شدم. I got lost in the maze. I'm lost in the maze. او به حدی گیج شده بود که جوابش به هیچ وجه عاقلانه نبود. He was so confused that his answer did not make any sense. He was so confused that his answer wasn't wise at all. شما می توانید از فرهنگ لغت من استفاده کنید You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. در باره‌ی رابطه‌ی بین محیط مصنوعی و محیط طبیعی بنویسید. Write about the relationship between the artificial environment and the natural environment. Write about the relationship between the artificial environment and the natural environment. معلم ما به او هشدار داد که دیگر دیر نکند. Our teacher warned him not to be late again. Our teacher warned him not to be late anymore. کاش وقت بیشتری برای حرف زدن با او داشته باشم. I wish I had more time to talk with her. I wish I had more time to talk to him. من در ایران بودم. I was in Iran. I was in Iran. من به چنین رفتارهایی عادت نکرده ام. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to this kind of behavior. چه چیزی را از من پنهان می‌کنی؟ What are you hiding from me? What are you hiding from me? ساکت بودن در کلاس احترام به خواب مردم است. To be quiet in class is to respect other people's sleep. Be quiet in class is respect for people's dreams. گتار جانی خیلی ناز است. Getter Jaani is very sweet. Gartar Johnny is so cute. من او را در حال عبور از خیابان تماشا کردم. I watched him cross the street. I watched him cross the street. این ساعت ده دقیقه عقبه This watch is ten minutes slow. It's ten minutes behind. اگر اشتباه می‌کنی، آن را بپذیر. اگر حق با تو است، خاموش باش. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you are wrong, accept it. If you are right, be silent. لطفاً چند دقیقه آرام بمانید. Hold still for a moment, please. Please calm down for a few minutes. او همیشه چترش را گم می کند. He is always losing his umbrella. He always lost his umbrella. هدف او ارتقا پیدا کردن است. His goal is getting promoted. His goal is to promote. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. It's all work and nothing. شما باید حقیقت را به او بگویید You should tell him the truth. you must tell him the truth نیازی نیست که برای قبولی در امتحان اینقدر سخت کار کنی. You need not work so hard in order to pass the examination. You don't have to work so hard to accept the test. سامارا مورگان هیچ وقت نمی‌خوابد. Samara Morgan never sleeps. Samaritan Morgan never sleeps. مردان فقط کودکان بزرگ هستند. Men are but children of a larger growth. Men are just adults. کدام را ترجیح می دهی، پپسی یا کوکا؟ Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? Which would you prefer, Ppsy or Coke? اینکه مردی دو زن یا بیشتر بگیرد در اسلام گناه محسوب نمی شود. It is not crime against God in Islam that a man has two or more wives. A man gets two or more women is not guilty in Islam. دو هفته است که یک قطره باران نیامده. There hasn't been a drop of rain in two weeks. There hasn't been a drop of rain in two weeks. من مگ را دیدم که خبرها را به من گفت. I met Meg, who told me the news. I saw Meg tell me the news. من در تهران زندگی کردم. I lived in Tehran. I lived in Tehran. تا اون موقع که تو برسی خونه من تو تختم هستم. I'll be in bed by the time you get home. I'll be in bed until you get home. ترس برادر مرگ است. A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once. Fear is the brother of death. ماگدالنا به جغرافیا علاقه دارد. Magdalena is interested in geography. Margallina is interested in occupies. زنجیر از ضعیف ترین حلقه اش قویتر نیست. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The chain is not stronger than its most weak ring. او از من کمک خواست. He asked me for help. He asked for my help. من می‌روم، خداحافظ! I'm leaving, goodbye! I'll go. Bye! نمی دانم وقت خواهم داشت یا نه. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I'll have time. میبینم I see. I see. تام بچه گربه ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes kittens. Tom loves cats. در این انجمن ها حسابی ندارم. I do not have an account in these forums. I don't have much in these communities. من یک دشمن منفرد ندارم. I don't have a single enemy. I don't have a single enemy. من به تام هر چیزی را که خواسته بود، دادم. I gave Tom everything he asked for. I gave Tom everything he wanted. شما فکر می کنید تام با ما خواهد آمد؟ Do you think Tom would want to go with us? Do you think Tom will come with us? آتش دارد خاموش می شود.می توانی کمی چوب اضافه کنی؟ The fire is going out; will you add some wood? The fire's going off. Can you add some wood? سؤال نکن تا دروغی نشنوی. Ask no questions and hear no lies. Don't ask until you hear lies. پاپ‌کورن هر چه بیشتر بخوری، بیشتر می‌خواهی. The more popcorn you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. من سه چهار بار با شما تماس گرفتم، ولی شما جواب ندادید. I called you three or four times, but you never answered your phone. I called you three or four times, but you didn't answer. اگر در انجام کار ها عجله کنی، اشنباه می کنی You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. If you hurry to do things, you'll be happy. تهران کجاست؟ Where is Tehran? Where's Tehran? هرکه این را خواند خواندن می داند. All that read this can read. Everyone who reads it knows how to read it. او می خواست بمیرد چونکه او نمی توانست پدر و مادرش را خوشحال کند. She wanted to die because she couldn't satisfy her parents. She wanted to die because she couldn't make her parents happy. تام اکنون در بوستون زندگی نمی کند. Tom doesn't live in Boston now. Tom doesn't live in Boston right now. به هر نفر، غذا و لباس کافی داده شد. Each person was given enough food and clothing. Each one was given enough food and clothing. آیا خبر خوب را شنیده ای؟ Have you heard the good news? Have you heard the good news? سلام جهان! Hello, world! Hello, world! آیا بانک باز است؟ Is the bank open? Is the bank open? من به خانه رفتم. I went home. I went home. تام تصمیم گرفت بگذارد برود اقامتگاه ماری. Tom decided to mosey on over to Mary's place. Tom decided to let her go to Mary's residence. تو وقت زیادی داشتی. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. لطفاً تا وقتی بر می‌گردم، اینجا بمانید. Please stay here till I get back. Please stay here while I return. وقت گرانبهاست. Time is money. It's precious time. یکی انگلیسی صحبت می کند، و دیگری ژاپنی حرف می زند. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. او چیزی است که نابغه خوانده می شود. She is what is called a genius. He's what's called genius. جدال ده ساعت طول کشید. The flight took us ten hours. Arguing took ten hours. آنها اصرار کردند که من پول را بپردازم. They insisted on my paying the money. They insisted I pay. او عاشق گل هاست. She loves flowers. He loves flowers. امتحان درست بعد از تعطیلاتِ تابستان. Exams are right after summer vacation. Test right after summer break. ازت می خوام نگهبانی بدی I want you to stand guard. I need you to protect me. در دریا جزیره ها وجود داشتند. There were islands in the sea. There were islands in the sea. این مسئله‌ای بود که به سختی حل می‌شد. It was a problem difficult to solve. It was a problem that was barely solved. یک سفیر یک فرد درستکار است که برای دروغ گفتن به خاطر مصلحت کشورش، به خارج فرستاده می‌شود. An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country. An ambassador is an honest person sent out to lie for the good of his country. چه خریده ای؟ Whom did you buy? What did you buy? تام یک کابوی واقعی است. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom is a real cowboy. اون تمام خونه رو به تنهایی تمیز کرد. She cleaned all of the house by herself. He cleaned the whole house alone. ساعت یک ربع بعد از نه است. It's a quarter past nine. It's 15 minutes after nine. ادبیات بومی آفریقا بسیار جالب است. African folklore is very interesting. Africa's native literature is very interesting. کن من را در شطرنج برد. Ken beat me at chess. Ken took me in chess. http://esperanto.typeit.org/ این سایت واقعاً بقای مرا در تاتوئبا آسان ساخت. The site http://esperanto.typeit.org/ really facilitated my survival in Tatoeba. http:speranto.typept.org/ This site has really made my survival easy in Tatuba. مخاطب این برنامه تلویزیونی کودکان هستند. This TV show is aimed at children. The audience is children's television show. او برنامه ی روزانه اش را روز به روز عوض می کند. He changes his schedule from day to day. He changes his day-to-day schedule. تام و ماری در کلیسای کوچکی نه چندان دور از اینجا ازدواج کرده بودند. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not too far from here. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not far from here. من می خواهم به شما برای کار بزرگ شما تشکر می کنم. I would like to thank you for your great job. I want to thank you for your big job. یک کاپیتان مسئول کشتی و خدمه آن است. A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew. A captain is responsible for the ship and its crew. تام باور نمی کند که مری خوشبخت است. Tom doesn't believe that Mary is happy. Tom doesn't believe Mary's happy. تام برای بیرون ماندن در تمام شب، ماری را سرزنش کرد. Tom chewed Mary out for staying out all night long. Tom blamed Mary for staying out all night. این را بیمه کن،لطفا. Insure it, please. Make this insurance, please. گل ها بوی خوبی می دهند. The flowers smell good. The flowers smell good. گربه خوب Good cat! Good cat. او وضعیت تأهل خود را کتمان کرد. He denied his marital status. He hid his condition. به وقتی واقعا اولین انسان بر مریخ پای بگذارد، زمان باقی است. Just when the first human beings will reach Mars remains to be seen. As soon as the first man actually steps on Mars, there's time left. آیا طولانی خواهد شد؟ Will it be much longer? Will it be long? بستنی دوست ندارم. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. در بهار طبیعت سبز می شود. In spring, nature gets green. In spring nature grows green. ازش خواسته شد در مورد شکستش توضیح بده. He was asked to account for his failure. He was asked to explain his defeat. نام او را به یاد نمی آورم. I can't remember her name. I don't remember his name. زمانی که تام به خانه ی ماری رسید، ساعت نزدیک 2:30 بود. It was close to 2:30 by the time Tom reached Mary's house. When Tom arrived at Mary's house, it was around 2:30. آی میخواهی در ژاپن بیام تو را ببنم؟ Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? do you want me to come see you in Japan? ماری می تواند خوب برقصد. Mary can dance well. Mary can go well. در روز سال نو چه خواهی کرد؟ What will you do on New Year's Day? What will you do on New Year's Day? پسر روی یک صندلی نشست. The boy sat on a chair. The boy's sitting in a chair. من مدرسه را دوست ندارم. I don't like school. I don't like school. من می توانم به اسپرانتو به خوبی زبان مادری ام حرف بزنم. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can speak Esperanto as well as my native language. هنوز نمی‌خواهم که این خبر علنی شود. I don't want this news to be made public yet. I don't want this to happen yet. من اتوبوس را از دست دادم. I missed the bus. I lost the bus. چرا همه چیز خراب پیش می رود؟ Why is everything going wrong? Why does everything go wrong? بهت نگفتم آشغال‌ها را ببری بیرون؟ Didn't I tell you to take out the garbage? Didn't I tell you to take the trash out? چرا این دختران بسیار بدجنس هستند؟ Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? چیزی برای زمان نداری نگه دار. Save up something for a rainy day. You don't have time. Hold on. منطق تو را از الف به ب خواهد برد. خیال تو را به همه جا خواهد برد. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. The logic will take you from A to B. The imagination will take you everywhere. او کور، کَر و لال بود. She was blind, deaf, and mute. He was blind, deaf and dumb. آیا کسی فرانسوی می‌داند؟ Does anyone know French? Does anyone know French? اکنون زمان پیش بینی هواست. Now it's time for the weather forecast. Now is the time to predict the air. اگر مردها گرگ هستند پس زنها نیز شیطان هستند. If men are wolves then women are devils. If men are wolves, then women are evil. تام تصمیم به اساس کشی به اقامتگاه ماری گرفت. Tom decided to mosey on over to Mary's place. Tom decided to move to Mary's residence. تا جایی که می دونم هنوز نرفته To the best of my knowledge, she hasn't left yet. She hasn't gone as far as I know. یک تصویر به اندازهٔ هزار کلمه می‌ارزد. A picture is worth a thousand words. An image strikes as much as a thousand words. این لباس ها واسه یه روز سرد زمستانی مناسب نیست. These clothes are not appropriate for a cold winter day. These clothes aren't good for a cold winter day. بیایید کلیشه ای صحبت نکنیم. Let's break stereotypes! Let's not talk at all. من عربى دوست دارم. I love Arabic. I like Arabic. بهای صلح چیست؟ What is the price of peace? What is the price of peace? کتاب رو ازش پس گرفتم. I got the book back from him. I took the book back from him. کار و شغل تو باید قبل از خانواده ات قرار گیرد. Your family should come before your career. Your job must be completed before your family. در آشپزخانه آب می نوشم. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. تام تنها کسی بود که تا آن زمان موفّق به فرار از آن زندان شده بود. Tom was the only person to have ever managed to escape from that prison. Tom was the only one who had been imprisoned until then. حقوق آب، شاخه ای از حقوق است که به مالکیت، کنترل و بهره برداری از آب بعنوان یک منبع می پردازد. Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. Water rights are a branch of rights that gives property, control and use of water as a source. جشن و سرور ازدواج سه روز کامل ادامه پیدا کرد. The marriage feast continued for three whole days. The wedding server went on for three days. هدف،آتش! Aim. Fire! Target, fire! آن به من ربطی ندارد It's not my business. It's none of my business. ما کمک خواهیم کرد. We'll help. We'll help. کدام یک از آن کتاب ها را به تام دادی؟ Which one of those books did you give to Tom? Which one of those books did you give to Tom? او جاز را دوست دارد، من هم همینطور. She likes jazz, and I do, too. He likes jazz, so do I. چرا ما مجبوریم به تام کمک کنیم؟ Why do we have to help Tom? Why do we have to help Tom? حق کاملاً با شماست. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. آقای کوییزومی به عنوان نخست‌وزیر جانشین آقای موری شد. Mr Koizumi succeeded Mr Mori as prime minister. Mr. Quizmi became Prime Minister of Mr. Murray. تو از ایران هستی. You're from Iran. You're from Iran. آنها با این مطلب کنار نخواهند آمد وقتی که متوجه موضوع بشوند They won't put up with this, when they find out. they won't deal with it when they find out ممکن است هفته دیگر یخ بندان باشد. It may freeze next week. It may be frozen next week. چرا تام اجازه نمی دهد از ماشین اش استفاده کنی؟ Why won't Tom let you use his car? Why won't Tom let you use his car? روباه بوی گندش را زودتر از دیگران استشمام می‌کند. A fox smells its own stink first. Fox smells worse than others. هر وقت کارها مطابق میل تام پیش نمی رفت مثل راننده کامیون ها از الفاظ رکیک استفاده می کرد. Tom tended to curse like a trucker whenever things didn't go his way. Every time things didn't go according to Tom's will, the truck driver used to use a radio. چطور نام مرا میدانی؟ How do you know my name? How do you know my name? هنگامی که زمان رأی دادن بود، او از از رأی دادن خودداری کرد. When it was time to vote, he abstained. When it was time to vote, he refused to vote. که نباشد محرم عنقا مگس. The eagle does not catch flies. That doesn't belong to the fly. بستگی به شرایط دارد. It depends on the context. It depends on the situation. او قصد دارد برای تحصیل در زمینه مد به نیویورک برود. She's intent on going to New York to study fashion. He is going to go to New York to study fashion. اثبات ندارند. They don't have proof. They don't prove it. یک جورایی خوشحالم. I'm kind of happy. I'm kind of happy. همه دندانهای او سالم بودند. All his teeth were sound. All his teeth were healthy. دقیقاً چه می‌خواهی بگویی؟ What exactly are you saying? What exactly are you going to say? خفشو و برو پی کارت ! Just shut up and get on with your work! Shut up and get out of here! یک دفعه همه چیز سیاه شد و من بی هوش شدم. Suddenly everything went black and I lost consciousness. Suddenly everything went black and I passed out. من شکلات دوست دارم. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. این کتاب مال چه کسیه؟ Whose book is this? Whose book is this? سال قبل کمتر از پنجاه فیلم ندیدم. Last year I watched no less than fifty films. I didn't see less than 50 movies last year. چند مدت ما اینجا توقف می کنیم؟ How long do we stop here? How long are we stopping here? دو روزه این آهنگ تو مغزم گیر کرده! I've had this song stuck in my head for two days! I've been stuck in my head for two days! میخواهم این ژاکت را بخرم. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. من در این موضوع با تو موافق نیستم. I can't agree with you on this matter. I don't agree with you on this. من شما را از ته قلبم دوست دارم. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you from the bottom of my heart. لباس هایم خیس شده بودند برای همین آنها را از تن بیرون کردم. My clothes get wet so I took off them. My clothes were wet, so I took them out. اسم سگ «کِن» است. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. حق کاملاً با شماست. You are completely right. You're absolutely right. هدف غایی ما برقراری صلح جهانی است. Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace. Our goal is to establish world peace. میگو به دسته ی حیوانات دریایی تعلق دارد. Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals. Migo belongs to a group of sea animals. کارگران به کارشان می بالند. The workers took pride in their work. Workmen work for London. نميتوانم چیزی را بخاطر بیاورم I can't remember anything. i can't remember anything. تام عکس روی دیوار رو ورداشت و یکی دیگه جاش گذاشت. Tom took off the picture on the wall and hung another there. Tom took the picture on the wall and left another one behind. من مطالعه دربارهٔ گیاهان خوراکی که بومی محلتان هستند را توصیه می‌کنم. I recommend learning about edible plants that are native to your area. I recommend studying food plants that are native to your place. تام خیلی ترسیده بود. Tom was very scared. Tom was so scared. من نمی دانم درجنگ جهانی سوم چه اسلحه هایی بکار می رود اما می دانم که در جنگ جهانی چهارم سلاح های جنگ چوب و سنگ خواهد بود I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what weapons they're using in World War II, but I know that in World War II there will be weapons of wood and stone. برای او غیر ممکن است که آن را تا یک ساعت دیگر تمام کند. It is impossible for him to finish it in an hour. It's impossible for him to finish it in an hour. تام چشم‌هایش را بست و یک آرزو کرد. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. پرنده ها شاخص های محیط زیست هستند. اگر آنها با معضل مواجه شوند، می دانیم که ما نیز به زودی معضل خواهیم داشت. Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble. Birds are environmental indicators. If they're face to face, we know we're going to have a problem soon. فکر کنم که سویت شرت قرمز را بپوشم. I think I'll wear this red sweater. I think I'll wear a red shirt on you. " در این غار چه می گذرد؟ من کنجکاو هستم." "من هیچ حدسی نمی زنم." "What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What's going on in this cave?" I'm curious. "I don't guess anything." روم در ونیس جنگ اعلام کرد. Rome has declared war on Venice. Rome declared war in Venice. می‌توانی هتل‌های دیگری پیشنهاد کنی؟ Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you suggest other hotels? خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو. Do in Rome as the Romans do. You shall not be ashamed of the same color of the congregation. من در مقابل همه چیز غیر از وسوسه می‌توانم مقاومت کنم. I can resist everything but temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. یلدا طولانی ترین شب سال در تقویم خورشیدی است. Yalda is the longest night of the year in the solar/Jalali calendar. It is the longest night of the year in the solar calendar. موز زرد است. Bananas are yellow. It's yellow. آن دکتر به او نصیحت کرد کشیدن سیگار را ترک کند. That doctor advised him to quit smoking. The doctor advised him to leave smoking. من کت پوشیدم، اما بدون کراوات. I wear a suit, but not a tie. I'm wearing a coat, but no tie. او دستش به منظور خداحافظی با ما تکان داد. He waved goodbye to us. He waved his hand to say goodbye to us. نخود و هویج از افزودنی‌های متداول سوپ هستند. Peas and carrots are common ingredients in soups. It is the most common of the soup to be added to. همچنان تنهایم. I am still alone. We're still alone. توم مری را ملاقات کرد برای ناهار. Tom met Mary for lunch. Tom met Mary for lunch. تمام شب تو جام وول می خوردم. I was tossing and turning all the night. I've been drinking in the Cup all night. آنها به من خیانت کردند. They betrayed me. They betrayed me. دوباره برایت توضیح نمی‌دهم. I'm not going to explain it to you again. I won't explain it to you again. پدرم به چین می‌رود. My father is going to China. My father goes to China. او به ریاست منصوب شد. He was appointed chairman. He was appointed president. او از بدرفتاری اش شرمنده نیست. He is not ashamed of his misconduct. He's not ashamed of his abuse. من نمی‌توانم به خوبیِ ماری آواز بخوانم. I can't sing as well as Mary did. I can't sing as well as Mary. تام کسی است که به من گفت چه کار کنم. Tom is the one who told me what to do. Tom's the one who told me what to do. سلام حالت چطوره؟ Hello, how are you doing? Hi. How are you? تو پسر نیستی. You're not a boy. You're not a boy. بیش از اندازه کیک نخور. Don't eat too much cake. Don't eat too much cake. من به دلایلی از تام متنفرم. I hate Tom because reasons. I hate Tom for some reason. دو دو تا چهار تا. Twice two is four. Two, two, four. من هنوز می‌خواهم بروم. I still want to go. I still want to go. لباس ابریشمی در نور برق می‌زند. The silk dress shimmers in the light. The silk dress shines in the light. آب روی جاده فقط یک سراب بود. The water on the road was just a mirage. Water on the road was just a mirage. آیا اسکواش بازی میکنی؟ Do you play squash? Do you play Squish? حقیقت تا چکمه‌هایش را بپوشد، دروغ نیمی از جهان را دور زده است. A lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on. The truth to cover his boots, lies around half the world. او به جای من رفت. He went in place of me. He went for me. چهار دیواری، اختیاری. Our house, our rules. Four walls, free will. تام فقط به پول فکر می کند. Tom only thinks about money. Tom's just thinking about money. این چه رنگیه؟ What color is this? What color is this? او غالباً نظرش را تغییر می دهد. She often changes her mind. He often changes his mind. تام مودبانه تظاهر کرد که متوجه گریه کردن مری نشده است. Tom politely pretended not to notice that Mary had been crying. Tom acted politely that he didn't notice Mary crying. او وجود ندارد. He doesn't exist. He doesn't exist. تام دوباره درب را بررسی کرد تا مطمئن شود قفل است. Tom double-checked his door to make sure it was locked. Tom checked the door again to make sure it was locked. آن قدر که باید به طبیعت احترام نمی‌گذاریم. We do not respect the environment as much as we should. We don't respect nature as much as we should. ماشاءا..، ای والله، خیلی عالی! Congratulations! Masha, come on, that's great! این چهارپایه از چرم و چوب درست شده است. This stool is made up of leather and wood. These four bases are made of leather and wood. می‌توانید به زبان انگلیسی منظورتان را بفهمانید؟ Can you make yourself understood in English? Can you understand what you mean in English? این روزا دستشویی و حمام یکیه. Nowadays toilet and bathroom is one piece. It's the same bathroom and bathroom these days. سلام، حالت چه طوره؟ Hi. How are you? Hey, how are you? کتابی را که بر روی آن میز قرار دارد بردار. Take the book which is lying on that table. Pick up the book on the table. من همین بیرون منتظر می مونم. I'll wait right outside. I'll wait outside. من هیچ برادری ندارم. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any brothers. تابستان در کشور من زود آغاز می شود. Summer begins early in my country. Summer starts early in my country. او با پدرش کلنجار می رود. She is in conflict with her father. She's dealing with her father. آن کلمه چه معنایی دارد؟ What does that word mean? What does that word mean? من این را هفته پیش خریدم. I bought it last week. I bought this last week. تام نمی خواهد که تو حقیقت را بفهمی. Tom doesn't want you to discover the truth. Tom doesn't want you to understand the truth. پاکستان یک کشور اسلامی است. Pakistan is a Muslim country. Pakistan is an Islamic country. من خوبم. تو خوبی؟ I'm good, how 'bout you? I'm fine, you okay? تام داره بدجنس میشه. Tom's being mean. Tom's getting mean. تام به این موضوع علاقه مند نیست. Tom isn't interested. Tom's not interested in this. او از مادر پیرش مراقبت می کند. She takes care of her old mother. She takes care of her old mother. باید پیدایشان کنیم. We must find them. We need to start. تمام تان به من خیانت کردید. All of you betrayed me. You betrayed me all of you. این تنها اشتباه او بود. This was her only mistake. It was his only mistake. ببخشید، شما انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟ - بعله. یکم. "Excuse me, do you speak English?" "Yes. A little." Excuse me, do you speak English? به هیچ وجه. No way. Not at all. آشناهای حرفه‌ای من این شماره را می‌دانند. My business acquaintances know this number. My professional contacts know this number. اسب را نمی‌خواهم. I don't want the horse. I don't want horses. در زبان‌شناسی، فرضیه‌ی ساپیر-ورف می‌گوید که برخی افکار یک فرد در یک زبان برای افرادی که در زبان دیگری زندگی می‌کنند، قابل فهم نیست. In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language. In languageology, Saier-Worof's theory says that some of the thoughts of a person in one language cannot be understood for people who live in another language. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردم. I accused him of having stolen the bike. I paid attention to stealing my bike. من به آنها اعتماد کردم. I trusted them. I trusted them. او در آن زمینه پیشاهنگ بود. She was a pioneer in this field. He was in that field. اشتباهی در این جمله هست. There is a mistake in this sentence. There's a mistake. آخرین انتخابات چنان رقابتی شدیدی بود که بسیاری از وزرای سابق در آن شکست خوردند. The last election was such a hot contest that several ex-ministers lost. The last election was so intense that many former ministers were defeated. تام شراب قرمز را ریخت روی لباس سفید مری. Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress. Tom put red wine on Mary's white dress. ما پرواز 308 رو رزرو کردیم. We're booked on flight 308. We booked flight 308. ما به نوبت اتاق را تمیز مى کنیم We took turns cleaning the room. We'll clean the room in turn. سالها گذشته است. Years passed. It's been years. این دیدار بسیار طولانی بود. It was a very long meeting. This was a very long visit. تا به رودخانه نرسیده‌اید کفشتان را در نیاورید. Don't undo your bootlaces until you have seen the river. Don't take off your shoes until you reach the river. هر جا که بروی، من دنبالت می آیم. Wherever you go, I will follow. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. نیم‌طبیب خطر جان، نیم‌فقیه خطر ایمان. A half-doctor kills you and a half-religious scholar kills your belief. The danger of life, the danger of faith. کیفت بر روی میز من است. Your bag is on my desk. Your bag's on my desk. از توضیحات تان ممنونم. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for your description. این جعبه خالی است. هیچ چیز درون آن نیست. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty. There's nothing inside it. من در مقابل هر چیزی می‌توانم مقاومت کنم غیر از وسوسه. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. در آگوست 1990، عراق به کویت حمله کرد. In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. In August 1990, Iraq attacked Covit. هر که طاووس خواهد جور هندوستان کشد. He who wants a peacock must accept the difficulties of Hindustan. Anyone who wants to go to India. هر که تنهاست، تنهاست چون از دیگران می ترسد. Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others. Everyone alone is alone because he's afraid of others. من خوبم ، ممنون. I am doing well, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. بنظر میرسه کسی خونه نیست. Looks like no one's home. Looks like nobody's home. باید منتظر بمانید You'll have to wait. You have to wait. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردیم. We accused him of having stolen the bike. We've been trying to steal the bike. بدون کاه نمی‌توانید خشت بسازید. You cannot make bricks without straw. You cannot build diamonds without straw. صدای ترافیک بسیار گوش خراش است. Traffic noise is very harsh to the ear. It's a very earsy traffic sound. اگر قرار بود فردا باران ببارد، مسابقه به تعویق می‌افتاد. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed. If it was to rain tomorrow, the race would be delayed. عادت دارم که قبل از صبحانه برم قدم بزنم. It's my custom to go for a walk before breakfast. I used to go for a walk before breakfast. به این سؤال پاسخ بده. Answer the question. Answer that question. آب که از سر گذشت چه یک وجب چه صد وجب A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. The water's gone. A couple hundred or so. خریدن بهتر از به عاریت گرفتن است. Better buy than borrow. Buying is better than getting free. دفتر تلفنم کجاست؟ Where's my phone book? Where's my phone book? تام وحشت‌زده بود. Tom was terrified. Tom was terrified. ژاپن از آنچه که بیست سال پیش بود، بسیار تفاوت دارد. Japan is now very different from what it was twenty years ago. Japan is very different than it was 20 years ago. پیشنهاد جالبی است. راجع به آن فکر خواهم کرد. That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it. It's an interesting idea. I'll think about it. متهم مشخص می شود قبل از آنکه دادگاه تشکیل شود. The accused is to appear before the court on Friday. The defendant is determined before the court is established. هیچکس کامل نیست. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. مار گزیده از ریسمان سیاه و سفید می‌ترسد. A burnt child fears the fire. The chosen serpent is afraid of the black and white rope. این شماره چک من است. This is my check number. This is my check number. تو نصف هوشی هم که فکر می کنی رو نداری. You're not half as clever as you think you are. You don't have half the intelligence you think you are. این را می خواهی کجا بفروشی؟ Where do you want to sell this? where are you going to sell this? خوشحالم که توانستم شما را عمیقاً بشناسم. I'm glad to have met you. I'm glad I got to know you deeply. باید آن را محرمانه نگه می‌داشتید. You should have kept that a secret. You should have kept it confidential. آیا این یک خیالست؟ Is this a dream? Is this a dream? یک مرد از روی افرادی که با آنها معاشرت می‌کند شناخته می‌شود. A man is known by the company he keeps. A man is known by people who associate with them. مردم دلواپس ابدیتی که بعد از مرگش می‌آید خیلی بیشتر از آنکه قبل از تولدش آمده‌بود هستند. اما مبلغ ابدیت برابر است و از آنجا که ایستاده‌ایم به هر سو می‌گسترد. People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand. People are more concerned about eternity coming after they died than they were before they were born, but the cost of eternity is equal, and since we're standing around. زن زیبا نیست. The woman is not beautiful. She's not a beautiful woman. سیل ۱۳۴۲ بزرگترین سیلاب در تاریخ اروپای مرکزی بود. The flood of 1342 was the biggest deluge in the history of central Europe. The flood 132 was the largest flood in Central Europe. به نظر می رسد که تام دل تمام دخترها را برده است. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. It seems Tom has taken all the girls. سوال را جواب بدهید. Answer the question. Answer the question. کلمه عبور موریل است. The password is "Muiriel". The word's pass is Muriel. دستگیرش کن. Grab him. Arrest him. من با نویسنده آشنا هستم. I am acquainted with the author. I'm familiar with the author. چرا تام این جا نیست؟ Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? من دوست دارم سوپ های داغ بخورم. I like to have hot soups. I like to have hot soup. آنها به چشم‌انداز شرکت خوشبین بودند. They were sanguine about the company's prospects. They were in the view of the company's company. تا زمانی که با خود، سازش نکرده ای، هرگز نسبت به آنچه که داری، راضی نخواهی شد. Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have. Until you compromise with yourself, you will never be satisfied with what you have. خونریزی بند نمی آید. It won't stop bleeding. It doesn't stop bleeding. تو مردی را که از خانه اش چند لحظه پیش گذشتیم، می شناسی؟ Do you know the man whose house we have just passed? do you know the man we left his house a while ago? تام و ماری طی دورانی که باهم سپری می کردند، شروع به بهتر شناختن هم کردند. As Tom and Mary spent time together, they began to get to know each other better. Tom and Mary began to get to know each other better during their time together. برادر کوچک من تلویزیون تماشا می‌کند. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. می توانی وقتی من در سفر هستم از سگم مراقبت کنی؟ Can you watch my dog while I’m away? can you take care of my dog while i'm on a journey? ملحدان سزای خود را در روز رستاخیز خواهند دید. Atheists will get their comeuppance on Judgment Day. The wise shall see their judgment on the Day of Resurrection. من از برنامه ی فایرفاکس استفاده می کنم. I use Firefox. I'm using the fax program. خونسرد باش. Be cool. Calm down. وقتی که من بچه بودم، تام بهترین دوست من بود. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. When I was a kid, Tom was my best friend. آیا چیزی برای نوشیدن می خواهی؟ Would you like something to drink? Do you want something to drink? تام واقعاً خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom seems really happy. Tom looks really happy. ببخشید فرصت نشد بعد از جلسه با شما صحبت کنم. Sorry I didn't have a chance to talk with you after the meeting. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the meeting. دوران ناگوار، روش های ناگوار می طلبند. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Bad times, they want bad methods. اینجا هیچ چیزی نمی‌بینم. I don't see anything there. I don't see anything here. آن در اخبار بود. That was on the news. It was on the news. آن یک مدل منسوخ شده است. That's an obsolete model. It's an extinct model. بگذار با اتوبوس برویم. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. برای او بدون عینک دیدن مشکل است. It is hard for him to see without glasses. It's hard for him to see without glasses. لیلا سرقت از یک بانک را برنامه‌ریزی کرد. Layla planned to rob a bank. She planned to rob a bank. اگر بیشتر وقت داشتم، یک نامهٔ کوتاه‌تر نوشته بودم. If I'd had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter. If I had more time, I'd write a shorter letter. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A jack of all trades is master of none. It's all work and nothing. مری خواهری بزرگ تر و برادری کوچک تر دارد. Mary has an older sister and a younger brother. Mary has a older sister and a younger brother. زندگی مثل دوچرخه سواری است. برای حفظ تعادل باید در حرکت باشید. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Life is like riding a bike. To maintain balance, you have to move. حتی اکنون، سالها بعد از جنگ سرد، هنوز کینهٔ بسیاری بین روسها و آلمانی‌ها، خصوصاً در مناطقی که زمانی تحت اشغال اتحاد جماهیر شوروی بود، وجود دارد. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union. Even now, years after the Cold War, there is still a lot of hatred between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas where the Soviet Union was once occupied by the Soviet Union. شماره تلفنت چیست؟ What is your phone number? What's your phone number? اتفاق بدی برای تام افتاد. Something bad happened to Tom. Something bad happened to Tom. امروز من خیلی کار دارم. I'm very busy today. I've got a lot of work to do today. او کمی کند است، وگرنه شاگرد خوبی است. He is a little slow, but otherwise he is a good student. He's a little slow, or he's a good student. او در یک خانه بزرگ زندگی می کند. He lives in an enormous house. He lives in a big house. تمساح از گونه های تحت حمایت است. The crocodile is a protected species. It is one of the most powerful species in the world. او در مورد امنیت شما نگران است. She's worried about your safety. He's worried about your safety. خسارت وارد شده است. The damage has been done. The damage has been damaged. این را به صورت‌حسابم اضافه کن. Add this to my bill. Add this to my account. زمستان‌های آلمان از ایتالیا سردتر است. German winters are colder than Italian ones. The winters of Germany are colder than Italy. هیچ چیزی به آن سادگی که به نظر می‌رسد، نیست. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as simple as it seems. من این داستان را شنیده‌ام. I have heard this story. I've heard this story. او روز به روز زیباتر می شود. She gets prettier day by day. He gets more beautiful day after day. چشم‌هایش را بست و یک آرزو کرد. She closed her eyes and made a wish. And covered his eyes and he made a wish. این کتاب حاوی چهل عکس است. This book contains forty photographs. This book contains 40 photos. من از خواهر بیمارم مراقبت کردم. I took care of my sick sister. I took care of my sick sister. این به من ایده ای کلّی داد. That gave me a rough idea. This gave me a big idea. یک چهارم انتشار دی اکسید کربن در جهان از ایالات متحده آمریکا است. سرانه انتشار گاز آن نیز بالاترین در جهان است. One fourth of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from the United States. Its per-capita emissions are also the highest in the world. It is a quarter of CO2 released in the world from the United States. آیا خسته نیستی؟ Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردم. I accused her of having stolen the bike. I paid attention to stealing my bike. این دیگه چه کثافتیه؟ What kind of jerk is this? What the hell is this? خیلی خوشحالم که دوباره می‌بینمت. I'm so happy to see you again. It's so good to see you again. سگت خیلی گنده است Your dog is very big. Your dog's too big. تو نامه ای خواهی نوشت. You will write a letter. You'll write a letter. خواب های خوش ببینی! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! یخ‌های قطب شمال آب می‌شوند زیرا اقیانوس زیر یخ‌ها در حال گرم شدن است. The Arctic ice is shrinking because the ocean under the ice is warming. The ice of the North Pole melts because the ocean under the ice is warming. تام همیشه مطابق قانون بازی نمی کند. Tom doesn't always play by the rules. Tom doesn't always play according to the law. ترجیح می دهم به جای ماندن در خانه بیرون بروم. I prefer going out to staying home. I'd rather go out instead of staying at home. ورزشکاران معمولاً از استعمال دخانیات اجتناب می‌کنند. Athletes usually abstain from smoking. The athletes usually avoid smoking. این یک کتاب تعبیر خواب است. This is a dream dictionary. This is a book of dream interpretation. مرجان گربه را گرفت. Marjane caught the cat. coral took the cat. تو هیچگاه برای چیزهای مهم وقت نداری! You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things! آیا نیاز به عمل دارم؟ Do I need an operation? Do I need surgery? تلاش های تام ارج نهاده شده اند. Tom's efforts have been rewarded. Tom's efforts have been preferred. قانون شماره سه را فراموش نکن. Don't forget rule number three. Don't forget rule number three. او به خودش در آینه نگاه می کرد. He was looking at himself in the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror. چین بزرگتر از ژاپن است. China is larger than Japan. China is larger than Japan. ما برای یافتن پسربجه و دوچرخه اش که گم شده بود، جستجو کردیم. We looked for the boy and his bicycle that had disappeared. We searched for the boy and his bike that was missing. نقشه جدید قابل اجرا محسوب شد. The new plan was accounted practicable. The new plan was performed. خیلی متشکرم. Thanks a lot! Thank you very much. این مرد خیلی خیلی پیر است. This man is very, very old. This man is very, very old. نزدیک ساعت سه است. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost 3:00. مشکلی نظیر این را تصور کنید: فرض کنید اتومبیل برادرتان تصادف کرده است Imagine a problem such as this: Suppose your brother has a car accident. Imagine a problem like this: Suppose your brother's car had an accident در دنور مردم ترجیح می دهند بلاس های راحت بپوشند چون خیلی اهل گشت و گذار هستند. In Denver people tend to dress casually because it's the people are outdoorsy. In Denver, people prefer to wear comfortable bass because they're a lot of patrols. من او را وادار به آمدن می کنم. I am persuading him to come. I'll force him to come. من دوست دارم موسیقی گوش کنم. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. به نظر میرسد مگ از لباس جدیدیش راضی است. Meg looks pleased with her new dress. Meg seems pleased with his new dress. در حال حاضر قصد دارم در هتل بمانم. For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel. I'm going to stay at the hotel right now. آنها کویر را در جستجوی گنج کاوش کردند. They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure. They searched Core for treasure. روز به خیر Good day! Good day. مدت زیادی است که من او را می شناسم. I've known him for a long time. I've known him for a long time. عمو باب ما را برای نهار دعوت کرد. Uncle Bob invited us to have dinner. Uncle Bob invited us to lunch. ما به توافق رسیدیم. We agree. We've made an agreement. بفرمایید این مجله برای شماست تا در هواپیما مطالعه کنید. Here's a magazine for you to read in the plane. Here's the magazine for you to study on the plane. پیتر و لخ نیز دوستان خوبی هستند. Also Piotr and Lech are good friends. Peter and Lech are also good friends. او معمولا اینجا صبحانه میخورد. He often eats breakfast here. He used to eat breakfast here. او مدعی بود که او یک وکیل است. He pretended that he was a lawyer. He claimed he was a lawyer. آه! برف! Ah! Snow! Snow! آهنگ برنامه تلویزیونی مورد علاقه ات چیست؟ What's your favorite TV show theme song? What's your favorite show? ساعت چند است. What time is it? What time is it? چرا مشغول کار نیستی؟ Why aren't you working? Why aren't you working? نظرسنجی نشان می‌دهد که اکثریت قاطع طرفدار این قانون هستند. A poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation. The poll shows that the majority of them are a fan of the law. او اغلب بر صفحه ی تلویزیون ظاهر می شود. He often appears on TV. He often appears on TV. اگر در سه روز آینده پاسخ تام به دستمان نرسد، به نظرم باید دوباره برایش نامه بنویسیم. If we don't receive Tom's reply within the next three days, I think we should write him again. If we don't get Tom's answer in the next three days, I think we should write him back. تام مدت کوتاهی در بوستون ماند. Tom stayed in Boston for a short while. Tom stayed in Boston for a while. به من زنگ بزن! Call me! Call me! من ترجیح می‌دهم دعوا را به تو ببازم تا اینکه تو را در دعوا ببازم. I'd rather lose an argument to you than lose you to an argument. I'd rather lose the fight than lose you in a fight. قلبت می زند،زنده وتپنده. Your heart's beating, alive and beating. Your heart is beating, alive and weak. قانون نوشته و نانوشته ای وجود دارد. قانونی که ما از طریق آن، نهادهای خود را در شهرهایمان قاعده مند می سازیم، قانون نوشته است، قانونی که از عرف ناشی می شود، قانون نانوشته است. There is a written and an unwritten law. The one by which we regulate our constitutions in our cities is the written law; that which arises from customs is the unwritten law. There's a written law. There's a law where we rule our institutions in our cities, the law is written, the law that comes from generality, the law is not written. امروز صبح به سگ غذا دادی؟ Did you feed the dog this morning? Did you feed the dog this morning? به حرف کسانی که فکر می‌کنید صداقت دارند، گوش کنید. Listen to those whom you think to be honest. Listen to people you think are honest. نصیحـت گوش کن جانا که از جان دوست‌تر دارند، جوانان سـعادتـمـند پـند پیر دانا را. Heed the advice of the wise, make your most endeared goal, The fortunate blessed youth, listen to the old wise soul. Listen to your advice, John, who likes more than John, young people are handsome, old and wise. او هرگز بیمار نبود. He was never sick. He was never sick. تام که زیاد راجع به دریانوردی نمی داند. می داند؟ Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about seafaring, does he? از تام بابت زمانی که گذاشت، تشکر کردم. I thanked Tom for his time. Thank Tom for the time he left. این یک اتلاف وقت محض است. It is a sheer waste of time. It's a waste of time. آن پسر بچه با چشمانی باز به آن فیل بزرگ خیره شد. The little boy gazed at the huge elephant, eyes wide open. The boy looked at that big elephant with his eyes open. می‌خواهم به تهران بروم. I want to go to Tehran. I want to go to Tehran. نا برده رنج، گنج میسر نمی‌شود. No sweet without sweat. No slave, no treasure can be found. تو کتاب ها را امانت می گیری. You borrow books. You'll take the books. آیا تام موهایش را رنگ می کند؟ Does Tom dye his hair? Does Tom paint his hair? تهران کجاست؟ Where is Tehran? Where's Tehran? تلفن الان درست نیست. The telephone is now out of order. The phone isn't right right now. چشم‌انتظار دیدار مجدد شما هستم. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I'm looking forward to your reunion. امتحان شامل ریاضیات، فیزیک و شیمی بود. The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry. The test included mathematics, physics and chemistry. می‌توانی از بقالی برایم مقداری نمک بخری؟ Will you get me some salt at the grocer's? Can you buy me some salt from survival? این‌جا کجاست؟ Where is this place? Where is this place? از زمانی که او در آشپزخانه افتاد، عقل سالم نداشته است. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she hasn't been all there. He hasn't had any sense since he fell into the kitchen. قصد کردم رسما شکایت کنم. I intend to file a formal complaint. I intended to file a formal complaint. قدیمیترین ابزار مراقبت از مو، شانه ای است که بیش از 5000 سال پیش، در ایران (پرشیا) اختراع شده بود. The oldest haircare tool is the comb, invented more than 5000 years ago in Persia. The oldest tool of hair care is a shoulder invented in Iran over 5,000 years ago. او سه روز پیش از اینجا رفت. He left three days ago. He left three days ago. دری که غژغژ می‌کند عمرش بیشتر است. A creaking door hangs longest. The door that complains is longer than his life. او در معرض خشم بود. He was prone to anger. He was exposed to anger. نیازی به عجله نیست. ما زمان زیادی داریم. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. اینکه جنایت رو به افزایش است،نمی تواند انکار شود. It cannot be denied that crime is on the increase. The increase in crime can't be denied. ترجیح می‌دهم جملات سابق را ترجمه کنم تا این که جملات جدید اضافه کنم. I prefer translating old sentences to adding new ones. I'd rather translate the previous words than add new words. هیچکس معصوم نیست. Nobody's infallible. Nobody's innocent. هر وقت که بخواهی. Anytime you want. Whenever you want. از سه تای دیگه کمتر خجالتی تره She seems the least shy of the three. It's less shy than three others. این فروشگاه به خاطر تحمیل قیمت‌های بالا بدنام است. The store is notorious for charging high prices. The store is known for the burden of high prices. تنها وظیفهٔ شما حفظ رؤیاهایتان است. Your only duty is to save your dreams. Your only duty is to keep your dreams. در صورت امکان، مایلم پاسخی دریافت کنم. If possible, I'd like to receive an answer. If possible, I would like to receive an answer. بیش از حد به مردم اعتماد می کنی You trust people too much. You trust people too much. شاید برای او هم دقیقا همین طور است. Maybe it will be exactly the same for him. Maybe it's exactly the same for him. شما قبلاً مزد گرفتید. You already paid. You've already been paid. من خیلی وقت پیش پاریس بودم. I visited Paris a long time ago. I was in Paris a long time ago. اول شما را نادیده می‌گیرند، بعد به شما می‌خندند، بعد با شما می‌جنگند، و بعد شما پیروز می‌شوید. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win. می توانم الان استراحت کنم؟ Can I take a break now? Can I rest now? بعضی از رانندگان رفتار چهارپا سواری نسبت به قوانین جاده دارند. Many drivers have a cavalier attitude towards the rules of the road. Some drivers have four ways of riding against road rules. لطفاً یک کیلو سینه مرغ به من بدهید؟ Can I get a kilo of chicken breast please? Please give me a pound of chicken tits? رستوران شیکی نیست. This is a low end restaurant. It's not a fancy restaurant. اپیکور نوشته است: من از مرگ نمی ترسم. زمانی که مرگ باشد، من نیستم، زمانی که من هستم، مرگ نیست. Epicure used to write: "I do not fear death. When it is death, I am not, when I am, it is not death." Efnoor wrote: I'm not afraid of death. When it's death, I'm not me, when I am, it's not death. پدر من مهندس الکترونیک است. My father is an electric engineer. My father is an electronic engineer. حیرت آورست! Wonderful! It's amazing! بچه های گربه با مزه اند. The cat's kittens are cute. Cats are funny. همه کاری که آن مرد می توانست انجام دهد، اطاعت کردن از آنها بود. All the man could do was obey them. All that man could do was obey them. چهره او قرمز بود. Her face was red. His face was red. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. He has a large family. He has a great family. انزوا استقلال است. Solitude is independence. It's independence. ناراحت نمی شوی اگر که سیگار بکشم؟ Do you mind if I smoke? Do you mind if I smoke? تام نمی خواست ماری را به خاطر جرمی که مرتکب نشده بود در زندان ببیند. Tom didn't want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn't commit. Tom didn't want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn't commit. او به سوء رفتار افرادش پی برد. He detected his men's misconduct. He found out about his people's abuse. مواظب باش که سرما نخوری. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful you don't get cold. پلیس از دختران پرسید که آیا ماشین مال آنهاست. A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs. The police asked the girls if the car was theirs. خسته نیستی؟ Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? او همه انرژی خود را معطوف به کارش کرده است. He directed all his energy to his business. He's focused all his energy on his work. زبان چینی شما الان هم عالی است. Your Chinese is awesome already. Your Chinese language is great now. ما درخواست عدالت داریم. We demand justice. We demand justice. دیروز، زمانی است که من یک ماشین خریدم. Yesterday is when I bought a car. Yesterday, that's when I bought a car. مراقب نباشی از پشت به تو خنجر خواهد زد. Be careful or he'll stab you in the back. Don't be careful. He'll stab you in the back. میلی کتاب دارد. Millie has a book. Milli has books. همینی است که هست. It is what it is. That's what it is. کمکی کرد؟ Did it help? Did it help? لغت پایه زبان است. Vocabulary is the basis of language. The word is the basic language. تو ساشیمی دوست نداری، دوست داری؟ You don't like sashimi, do you? You don't like sashi, do you? کار نه تنها به خاطر عواید اقتصادی مانند درآمد مهم است، بلکه به جهت نیازهای اجتماعی وروانی مانند احساس انجام کاری مثبت برای جامعه، نیز مهم است. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society. Work is not only important for economic interest such as income, but also for social and mental needs, such as feeling positive for society. ايجاد يک کارخانه فولاد، سرمايه‌گذاري بزرگي بود. Building the steel factory was a great enterprise. The creation of a steel factory was a huge investment. باید در مبارزه با گرم شدن کره‌ی زمین نقش فعال‌تری ایفا کنیم. We should play a more active role in combating global warming. We have to play a more active role in fighting the global warming. ما به ژاپنی حرف می‌زنیم. We speak Japanese. We're talking to Japanese. در حین نگاه کردن تلویزیون خوابم برد. I fell asleep watching TV. I fell asleep watching TV. خواهرت الان چه کار می کند؟ What is your sister doing now? What's your sister doing now? بهت نگفتم باید بیشتر درس می‌خواندی؟ Didn't I tell you that you needed to study harder? Didn't I tell you you should've studied more? این یک کتاب بسیار قدیمی است. This is a very old book. It's a very old book. او از مسئولیت سنگین خود رها شد. He was relieved of his heavy responsibility. He was released from his heavy responsibility. کدام را بیشتر دوست داری، پپسی یا کوکا؟ Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Which would you like more, Ppsy or Coke? پلیس ساعتها اقامتگاه تام را گشت، امّا آنها نتوانستند چیزی بیابند. The police spent hours searching Tom's place, but they couldn't find the murder weapon. The police searched Tom's residence for hours, but they couldn't find anything. او به پسر مدرسه ای اش افتخار می کند. She is proud of her students. He's proud of his school boy. چاق شدی. You've put on weight. You're fat. چشم راست او کور است. Her right eye is blind. His eye is blind. او مدام یک جک را چندین بار می گفت. He keeps telling the same jokes over and over again. He kept telling a joke several times. او سؤالش را تکرار کرد. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. شما متأهلید یا مجرد؟ Are you married or are you single? Are you married or single? سخت است. It's hard. It's hard. این جعبه از جوب است. This box is from Jobe. This box is from Job. این گل خوردنی است. That flower is edible. It's the flower. روزی دیدمش. One day I met him. I saw him one day. این کتاب کیه؟ Whose book is this? Who's this book? اواخر پاییز در اسکاتلند نسبتاً سرد است. Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold. It is relatively cold in Scotland in the late fall. هر اشتباه مرا قوی تر کرد. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake made me stronger. در را برای عشق بگشای. Open the door for love. Open the door for love. ما با چاشنی نمک طعم می دهیم. We season with salt. We're going to taste salt. تو واقعا خنگ درجه یکی You're really a number-one fool. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. دنبال اسم یک آهنگ می گردم. یکمش رو بخون. این جوریه دین دینگ دینگ "I'm looking for a song name." "How does it go?" "It goes like da dada da da." I'm looking for the name of a song. Read some of it. شما او را با آن توضیح تسکین نمی‌دهید. You won’t mollify him with that explanation. You don't comfort him with that explanation. دانش‌آموزان پایهٔ هفتم و دانش‌آموزان پایهٔ هشتم برنامه‌های کلاسی کاملاً متفاوتی دارند. The grade seven and the grade eight students both have completely separate timetables. The seventh-class students and the eighth-class students have a completely different class program. بیایید مسابقه ی بیست سئوالی بازی کنیم. Let's play twenty questions. Let's play 20 questions. من تقاضایت را می پذیرم. I agree to your proposal. I accept your request. تام در ربودنِ دخترِ مری شرکت داشت. Tom took part in the kidnapping of Mary's daughter. Tom was involved in the kidnapping of Mary's daughter. ازم خواست باهاش ازدواج کنم من نتونستم چیزی بگم (دهنم بسته شده بود) Asked to marry him, I was at a loss for words. He asked me to marry him. I couldn't say anything. بگیرش Take it. Take it. آنها دیوانه ی موسیقی جازند. They are crazy about jazz. They're crazy about music. لازم نیست به ماهی شنا کردن را یاد بدهی. Don't teach fish to swim. You don't have to teach fish to swim. این به من ربطی ندارد It's not my business. It's none of my business. من این چاپگر رادیروز خریدم. I bought this printer yesterday. I bought this Rudiday printer. من نتوانستم جلو خنده ام را به آن جوک بگیرم. I cannot help laughing at the joke. I couldn't stop laughing at that joke. او از بیت‌کوین برای خریدن موادّ مخدّر استفاده می‌کند. He uses bitcoins to purchase illicit drugs. He uses Bethlehem to buy drugs. سرنوشت ما به تصمیمات ما بستگی دارد. Our destiny depends on our decisions. Our destiny depends on our decisions. آنها در راهند. They are in the way. They're on their way. کی این دانشگاه تأسیس شده است؟ When was this university founded? When was this university founded? من در کهکشان آندرومدا زندگی می کنم. I live in the Andromeda Galaxy. I live in Antomeda galaxy. پارسال قتل‌های زیادی اتفاق افتاد. There were a lot of murders last year. A lot of murders happened last year. عشق مانند ماه است، هنگامی که رشد نکند، تقلیل می‌یابد. Love is like the moon; when it does not wax, it wanes. Love is like the moon, when it doesn't grow, it decreases. این کتابها بهترین دوستان من هستند. These books are my best friends. These books are my best friends. او تصور می کرد که به قدر کافی جذاب است. She thought of herself as charming enough. He thought he was hot enough. من هر روز صبح سگم را برای قدم زدن به پارک میبرم. I walk my dog in the park every morning. I take my dog to the park every morning for a walk. خواستن توانستن است. Where there's a will, there's a way. It's a desire to be able. آفتاب قرمز است. The sun is red. The sun is red. ما همهٔ اعمال خود را می‌بخشیم اما هیچ چیز از دیگران نمی‌بخشیم، We forgive ourselves everything and others nothing. We forgive all our works, but we forgive nothing of others. برنامه ای برای فردا شب داری؟ Do you have plans for tomorrow night? Do you have plans for tomorrow night? مصطفی کمال آتاتورک جمهوری ترک را در سال ۱۹۲۳ اعلان کرد. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. He announced that he was a member of the Republic of Turkey. هیچ پرنده ای مثل اون ندیدم. نه قبلش و نه بعدا. I've never seen a bird like that, before or since. I didn't see any birds like that, not before or later. این رادیو کار نمی کند. This radio is out of order. This radio doesn't work. عجله کن، تا به قطار برسی. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Hurry up, until you get to the train. او با مرد ملاقات کرد و بعد به خانه بازگشت، به زندگی روزمره عادی و خسته کننده اش. He greeted the man, and came back home, to his normal, boring routine. He met the man and then returned home to his normal, boring everyday life. تصمیم گرفت ماشین را بفروشد. He decided to sell the car. He decided to sell the car. لطفاً کفشهایت را در بیاور. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. من بسیار خوشحالم. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. تام دارد همسرش را می بوسد. Tom is kissing his wife. Tom's kissing his wife. اشتباهت را فهمیدی؟ Did you understand your mistake? did you find out your mistake? به من شجاعتت را نشان بده. Show me you're brave. Show me your courage. اکثر معبدهای ژاپنی از چوب ساخته شده‌اند. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. او نفس عمیقی کشید. She took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. چیزی در مورد تام میدانی؟ Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? بعد از نهار کمی استراحت کنید، بعد از شام یک کیلومتر راه بروید. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. Take some rest after lunch, walk a mile after dinner. تام هر روز برای ناهار سرزده به خانه‌ی ماری می آمد. Tom dropped by Mary's home every day for lunch. Tom came to Mary's house every day for lunch. حقیقت این است که مردم خوب هستند، به آنها مهربانی و امنیت اعطا کن؛ بعد آن ها مهربان خواهند بود و در احساسات و رفتارشان نیز ایمن خواهند شد. The fact is that people are good. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior. The truth is people are good, give them kindness and security; then they'll be kind and they'll be safe in their feelings and behavior. سایبریها دیدار با رهبری را میخواهند. Cyber activists want to meet with the Supreme Leader. The cybers want to meet with leadership. در زندگی اگر هیچگاه ریسک نکنی، همه چیز را ریسک کرده ای. In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything. In life, if you never risk anything, you risk everything. او تو را درک نمی کند. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. فکر کنم تام می آید. امّا دشوار می توان با اطمینان چنین گفت. I think Tom will come, but it's hard to say for sure. I think Tom's coming, but it's hard to say that with confidence. میلی سگ دارد. Millie has a dog. He's got a dog Milli. من نمی توانم پول خریدن یک ماشین جدید را جور کنم. I cannot afford to buy a new car. I can't afford to buy a new car. از کدامیک بیشتر خوشتان می‌آید، موسیقی راک یا موسیقی کلاسیک؟ Which do you like better, rock music or classical music? Which would you like better, rock music or classical music? هر چند که عبارت "صلح جهانی" جذاب به نظر می رسد، اما مسیر صلح جهانی بسیار طولانی و پر از مشکلات است. Although the phrase "world peace" sounds attractive, the road to world peace is very long and full of troubles. Although the term "world peace" seems attractive, the World Peace Way is very long and full of problems. او از من مقداری پول خواست. He asked me for some money. He asked me for some money. به من اعتماد کن. Confide in me. Trust me. از اینکه صدایت را بشنوم خوشحال می شوم. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. اوه! من این مرد را می شناسمم. Oh! I know the man. Oh, I know this man. این باکتری‌ها به گونه‌هایی جهش پیدا کرده‌اند که در برابر داروهای خاصّی مقاوم‌اند. These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs. These bacteria are mutations that are immune to certain medications. از یک کنار قدم بردار. Step aside. Step from one side. اگر برادر من آنجا بود، می دانست چه کار کند. If my brother would have been there, he would have known what to do. If my brother was there, he'd know what to do. می خواهم با تو بیایم. I want to go with you. I want to come with you. او به ایتالیا رفت به قصد خواندن موسیقی. He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. He went to Italy to sing music. پدرم به مدت یک سال بیکار بوده است. My father has been out of work for a year. My father's been unemployed for a year. میتونی اینو در یک روز انجام بدی Can you do it in one day? You can do this one day. آیا تو سازی موسیقیایی می نوازی؟ Do you play a musical instrument? Do you play music? موسیقی‌دانان معمولاً نسبت به انتقاد حساس هستند. Musicians are usually sensitive to criticism. Musicists are usually sensitive to criticism. حلقه نفرین شده است. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. ولتاژش چیست؟ What is the voltage? What's the charge? سرب به راحتی خم می شود. Lead is easily bent. The lead bends easily. من به هوکایدو می‌روم. I'm going to Hokkaido. I'm going to Hookio. کارم واقعا تمام شده است. The work is actually finished. I'm really done. من نمی توانم نام او را به خاطر آورم. I can't remember her name. I can't remember his name. او در آن زمینه پیشاهنگ بود. He was a pioneer in this field. He was in that field. اکنون کامپیوتر یک ضرورت مسلم است. A computer is an absolute necessity now. Now the computer is a certain necessity. بالاخره می تونم یک استراحتی بکنم. I can take a rest at last. I can finally take a break. او زودتر از همه در خانواده من از خواب بیدار می شود. She gets up the earliest in my family. He wakes up early in my family. هر بار که دوست داشته باشی می تونی بیایی. You can come as often as you like. You can come whenever you like. غذایم تقریبا سوخته بود وقتی که به آشپز خانه آمدم. My cooking had almost burnt by the time I came to the kitchen. My food was almost burned when I came to the kitchen. این حالا پیش لرزه بود لرزه اصلی هم میاد That was the P-wave just now. The S-wave is coming. It was an earthquake now. The main earthquake is coming. انتخابی وجود ندارد. There is no choice. No choice. اگر نتوانید با خودتان صلح کنید، چگونه می خواهید با دیگران صلح کنید؟ If you can't make peace with yourself, how are you going to make peace with anyone else? If you can't make peace with yourself, how do you want to make peace with others? چه کسی پیانو می نوازد؟ Who is playing the piano? Who plays piano? من خداناباور هستم. I'm an atheist. I'm unbelievable. او همیشه با پدر و مادرش دعوا میکرد. She was always quarreling with her parents. He used to fight with his parents all the time. لطفاً به من یک مثال ملموس نشان بده. Please show me a tangible example. Please give me an example. فروشگاه جدید هفته‌ی آینده باز می‌شود. The new store is going to open next week. The new store will open next week. منظورت چیه که نمی توانی به من کمک کنی؟ What do you mean, you can't help me? What do you mean you can't help me? در آن فاصله، آن کشتی شبیه یک جزیره است. From that distance, the ship is similar to an island. In that distance, that ship looks like an island. وقتی تام مقابل تابلوی ایست ایستاد، موتورش واماند. When Tom stopped for a stop sign, his engine stalled. When Tom stands in front of the panel, his engine won. امروز صبح تام سوپ سبزیجات خورد. This morning Tom had vegetable soup. Tom ate vegetables this morning. عقب واستا. Stay back. Stay back. هوای سرد تا سه هفته ادامه یافت. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Cold air continued for three weeks. من گرسنه نیستم. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. چشم‌های کوچکی داری. You've got small eyes. You have little eyes. اگر کمی آرام تر انجامش دهی، کار سریع تر پیش می رود. If you do it a bit slower, it goes quicker. If you do it a little slower, it goes faster. ما با خوش‌شانسی محض نجات یافتیم. We survived by sheer luck. We were saved with luck. من از بوداپست هستم. I am from Budapest. I'm from Belgium. روی تخت دراز کشیدم. I lay down on the bed. I'm lying on the bed. مامان اغلب می گفتند، که وقت پول است. Mom often said time is money Mom often said, "It's time for money." دوست می‌داشتم آن دست‌کش‌ها را بخرم. I would have liked to buy those gloves. I'd like to buy those gloves. او خیلی صبور بود. He was very patient. He was very patient. افراد مسن‌تر بیشتر در معرض جراحت هستند. Older people are more prone to injury. The older people are more exposed to injury. همه بگن هلووو Everyone, say cheese. Everybody say "Helo." من آدم بسیار غمگینی هستم. I am a very sad person. I'm a very sad person. زندگی یک پوسته خالی نیست. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not an empty shell. دارد برف می بارد. It's snowing. It's snowing. من به شما یک میلیون بار گفتم اغراق نکنید. I've told you a million times not to exaggerate. I told you a million times, don't overly. خدا عمرت بده! May God bless you. God damn it! این کامپیوتر من است. This is my computer. This is my computer. شما بامزه هستید. You're funny. You're funny. با من بیا. Come with me. Come with me. مسیر دقیق مشخص نشده بود. The trail was not clearly marked. The exact path was not specified. همه می‌خندند. Everyone's laughing. Everyone laughs. علی انسان خوب است. Ali is a good person. Ali is a good man. کسی که همه کار انجام می‌دهد استاد هیچ‌ کاری نیست. A jack of all trades is master of none. He who does everything is not a master of nothing. چه طور شما می فهمید که بیمار خود را به مریضی نمی زند؟ How do you know that the patient is not feigning illness? how do you know that the patient doesn't get sick? من از رطیل های بزرگ سیاه پشمالو می ترسم. I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas! I'm afraid of Big Black Retreels. تاجر در فکر کنار کشیدن از قرارداد است. The businessman is thinking of receding from the contract. The merchant is thinking of turning away from the contract. حتی اگر می خواستم توقف کنم، نمی توانستم. Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. همه تخم مرغ هایتان را در یک سبد نگذارید. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. آیا چیزی بعنوان سیاستمدار درستکار وجود دارد؟ Is there such a thing as an honest politician? Is there anything as a righteous politician? من این را از رادیو شنیدم. I heard it on the radio. I heard it from the radio. او سگی جدید می خواهد. She wants a new dog. He wants a new dog. آیا فرانسوی بلد هستی؟ Do you speak French? Do you speak French? دختر بزرگ کردن مثل آب دادن باغچهٔ همسایه است. Raising a daughter is like watering your neighbour's garden. To raise a girl is like watering a neighbor's garden. می خواهم کاراته یاد بگیرم. I want to learn karate. I want to learn karate. تام می توان مانند یک ماهی شنا کند. Tom can swim like a fish. Tom can swim like a fish. از شدت تعجب زبانم بند آمد. Astonishment deprived me of speech. I was surprised by my tongue. ما تعصب را تحمل نمی‌کنیم. We don't tolerate bigotry. We don't tolerate prejudice. جین در ژاپنی پیشرفت زیادی کرده است. Jane has made great progress in Japanese. Jane has made a lot of progress in Japan. من اینجا ایستاده ام، رودررو با هیچ. I am standing here, face to face with nothing. I'm standing here, facing nothing. لخ به تاریخ علاقه دارد. Lech is interested in history. She's interested in history. من خیلی تحت تأثیر کار تو قرار گرفتم. I'm very impressed by your work. I'm very impressed by your work. کوچک ترین بی توجهی ممکنه به فاجعه ختم بشه Slight inattention can cause a great disaster. The smallest disregard may lead to disaster. الماسی که برش نخرده نمی‌درخشد. A diamond that hasn't been cut does't shine. The diamond he didn't pick up didn't shine. چند قسمت از ون پیس دیدی؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many parts did you see? او نشست و سیگار کشید. She sat smoking. He sat down and smoked. او گفت: من خیلی تلاش می کنم ولی موفقیتی به دست نمی آورم. He said, "I'm trying too much, but I don't achieve any success." He said, "I try so hard, but I don't get any success." تعدادی از ستارگان شروع به پیدا شدن در آسمان شب کردند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. A number of stars began to be found in the night sky. بیماری فراموشی به معنای «از دست رفتن حافظه» است. Amnesia means "loss of memory". The memory disease means the loss of memory. پس از طوفان، آرامش گسترده می‌گردد. After a storm comes a calm. After the storm, there will be peace. انسان نیک در جمع اشرار، شریرترین آن‌ها به نظر می‌رسد. A good man in an evil society seems the greatest villain of all. A good man seems to be the most wicked among them. من مقداری پنیر میخورم. I eat some cheese. I'll have some cheese. دروغ پا ندارد. A lie has no legs. No lies. من در رشته زبان فارسی تحصیل می کنم. I am reading Persian. I study Persian language. من گربه ها را دوست دارم. I love cats. I like cats. تام از خود پرسید که چه اتفاقی افتاده است. Tom wondered what had happened. Tom asked himself what happened. در ايستگاه سنداي قطار را به مقصد توکيو عوض کن. Change trains at Sendai Station for Tokyo. Change the train to Tokyo at Sanda Station. می بایست او اشتباهی سوار قطار شده باشد. He must have taken the wrong train. He must have got on the wrong train. تام بلندقدتر از ماری است. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is longer than Mary. من نامه را می نویسم. I'm writing a letter. I write the letter. یک خرس قطبی بعد از یک تبدیل مختصات یک خرس چهارگوش است. A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform. A polar bear is after a conversion of the coordinates of a square bear. بعضی از مردم زندگی را از وجودت می مکند. Some people can suck the life from you. Some people take life away from you. هر کس به شیوهٔ خودش دیوانه است. Everyone is insane, in his or her own way. Everyone is mad in their own way. من به خرید می روم و یک ساعته بر می گردم. I have to go shopping; I'll be back in an hour. I'll go shopping and I'll be back in an hour. نام خود را با حروف بزرگ بنویسید. Write your name in capital letters. Write your name in big letters. من در راه رفتن به تئاتر با یوکو ملاقات کردم. I met Yoko on my way to the theater. I met Yoko on my way to the theater. چه موقع می توانم شنا کنم؟ When can I swim here? When can I swim? شما را پیدا کردم. I found you. I found you. بعضی بزرگسالان هرگز کودک نبوده‌اند. There are some adults who have never been children. Some adults have never been children. از الکل اجتناب می‌کنند. They abstain from alcohol. They avoid alcohol. شما یک خواننده هستید؟ Are you a singer? Are you a singer? میای خونه ما سارا؟ Are you coming to our house, Sarah? Will you come to our house, Sarah? تام کتاب را زیر بالشش پنهان کرد. Tom hid the book under his pillow. Tom hid the book under his pillow. تو زیبا هستی. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. من قصد ندارم آن ریسک را بکنم. I don't want to take that risk. I'm not going to risk it. چه کوه بلندیه! How high mountain that is! What a tall mountain! او به برادرش به اندازه کافی اعتماد نکرد تا او را محرم خود سازد. He didn't trust his brother enough to confide in him. He didn't trust his brother enough to protect him. به هر اندازه که نیاز دارید به شما وقت خواهم داد. I'll give you as much time as you need. I'll give you as much time as you need. خدا زمان را آفرید و انسان عجله را. God made time, but man made haste. Allah has created the time, and man has made haste. این نشانه متمدن بودنشه که صندلیش رو داد به اون پیرمرد. It was civil of him to offer his seat to the old man. It's his civilized sign that he gave his chair to the old man. او برای رهایی زنان جنگید. She fought for the emancipation of women. He fought to save women. یاد گرفتم که بدون او زندگی کنم. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without him. به چه دلیلی؟ What for? For what reason? کیف من کهنه است. من باید یکی نو بخرم. My bag is too old. I must buy a new one. My bag is old. I have to buy a new one. آیا شما دیوانهٔ موسیقی هستید؟ Are you fond of music? Are you crazy about music? در خدمتت هستم. I am at your service. I'm at your service. دانشکده حقوق کجاست؟ Where is law college? Where's law school? چیزی که ما را نکشد، قویترمان می کند. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Something that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. کمی جرأت نیاز داری تا به او بگویی که دوستش داری. You need a bit of courage to say that you love him. You need some courage to tell him you love him. چرا امروز اینجا هستی؟ Why are you here today? Why are you here today? آنها شب را در ساحل گذراندند. They spent the night on the beach. They spent the night on the beach. او با اشتیاق پیانو می زد. She played the piano with enthusiasm. He played piano with passion. یک کیلو سس گوجه برابر با دوکیلو گوجه است. One kilogram of tomato sauce is equivalent to two kilograms of tomatoes. One pound of tomato sauce is equal to two pounds of tomato. بهش بگو بعدا بهش زنگ میزنم. Tell him I'll call back later. Tell him I'll call him later. تحقیقات شروع می شود. The investigation is under way. Research begins. در جنوب چین ،وضعیت متفاوت است In the south of China, the situation is different. In South China, the situation is different. او آرزوی رفاقت با پولدارها را دارد. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. He wishes to be friends with the rich. با من حرف نزن! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! باید بروم. I have to go. I have to go. اهل کجای کانادا هستی؟ Where are you from in Canada? Where are you from in Canada? اهمیتش را نمی فهمم. I don't understand its significance. I don't understand the importance. نمایش درام بغض بر گلویم آورد. The drama brought a lump to my throat. The drama brought pain on my throat. فاضل مست بود. Fadil was intoxicated. He was drunk. او اينجا نيست. She is not here. He's not here. وضعیت روز به روز بدتر و بدتر می‌شود. The situation is getting worse and worse day by day. The condition of the day gets worse and worse. در دریا جزیره هایی وجود دارند. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. من دیروز سرم خیلی شلوغ بود. I was busy yesterday. I was too busy yesterday. کارت اعتباریم را خانه جا گذاشتم. I left my credit card at home. I left my credit card at home. ترک عادت موجب مرض است. Old habits die hard. It's a disease to leave habits. چه خبر؟ What's up? What's up? با او حرف بزن. Talk to him. Talk to him. آیا می‌توانم تو را کمک کنم. May I help you? Can I help you? این کتاب را از اول تا آخر بخون. Read this book from cover to cover. Read this book from the beginning to the end. دوست من همیشه وقتی که من حس و حالش رو ندارم شوخی میکنه. My friend always jokes when I am not in the right mood. My friend always makes jokes when I don't feel anything. هوا اونجا چطوره؟ What's the weather like there? How's the weather there? یک مایل نرفته بودم که باران شروع شد. I had not gone a mile when it began to rain. I didn't go for a mile when the rain started. همه چیز جریان دارد. Everything flows. Everything's going on. نمی تونه یک کاری رو برای مدت طولانی ادامه بده. He can't stick to anything very long. He can't keep doing something for a long time. تلاشهایت بیهوده هستند. Your efforts are futile. Your efforts are in vain. تو واقعا احمق نیستی. You're really not stupid. You're not really stupid. من امروز یک گربه را اهلی کردم I pet a cat today. I turned a cat around today. این مقاله پر از اصطلاحات حقوقی است. This article is full of legal jargon. This article is filled with legal terms. او با ماشین آمد. He came by car. He came by the car. فکر می‌کنم چین نقش فعالی خواهد داشت. I think that China will play an active role. I think China will have an active role. او بی درنگ با آن موافقت کرد. He readily agreed to it. He immediately agreed with it. او در را بست. She shut the door. He closed the door. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. He has a big family. He has a great family. تام یک افراطی است. Tom is a fanatic. Tom is a radical. ما مساله را با یکدیگر مورد بررسی قرار دادیم. We discussed the matter with each other. We've been through this together. این کتاب مال من است. This book is mine. This book is mine. پیاده میری یا با اتوبوس؟ Will you go on foot or by bus? Would you walk or take a bus? این جمله خطا دارد. This sentence contains an error. This sentence has an error. من از هلند میام. I come from Holland. I'm coming from the Netherlands. عشق چیست؟ What is love? What is love? مرد نابینادر حالیکه چکش و اره رابرمی داشت گفت : می بینم "I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. The blind man, while he had the hammer and the saw, said, "I see it." من نگران هستم، که نتوانم در موقع مقرر آن را درست کنم. I'm afraid I can't make it at that time. I'm worried that I can't fix it in due time. شمع خود به خود خاموش شد. The candle went out by itself. His candle was put out. پشت بام واقعا به تعمیر احتیاج دارد. The roof is really in need of repair. The roof really needs repairs. حرفت را بزن! Speak up! Say it! لطفا چراغ را خاموش کن. Please turn off the light. Please turn off the light. مراقب ماشین ها باش وقتی که از خیابان عبور می کنی. Watch out for cars when you cross the street. Watch the cars when you cross the street. ایرلندی هستم. I'm Irish. Irish. من به گروه درمانی اعتقادی ندارم. I don't believe in group therapy. I don't believe in therapy. تام در موارد حرفه‌ای موشکافانه است. Tom is scrupulous in matters of business. In professional cases, Tom is a rocket. کجا بوده‌اید؟ Where've you been? Where have you been? تام مرا تحت حمایت خودش قرار داد. Tom took me under his wing. Tom put me under his protection. فکر کردم می‌توانم بهت اعتماد کنم. I thought I could trust you. I thought I could trust you. ما از استرالیا هستیم. We are Australian. We're from Australia. این تا کنون بهترین رستوران غذاهای دریایی در این منطقه است. This is by far the best seafood restaurant in this area. This is the best food restaurant in the area ever. مدرسه که می‌روی، درست است؟ You go to school, right? You go to school, right? ديروز ما صحبت می کردیم. We spoke yesterday. Yesterday we spoke. چند سی دی دارید؟ How many CDs do you have? How many CDs do you have? هیچ امیدی نما نده بود All hope was gone. There was no hope. می ذارید بچه هاتون قهوه بخورند؟ Do you let your children drink coffee? Will you let your kids have coffee? او از من خواست در کار به او کمک کنم. She asked me to help her with the work. She asked me to help her work. صلح غیرمنصفانه بهتر از جنگ منصفانه است. An unjust peace is better than a just war. An unfair peace is better than a fair war. دوسِت دارم. عاشِقِتم. I love you. I love you. بهترین آموزگار، اشتباه آخرتان است. Your best teacher is your last mistake. The best teacher is the mistake of the future. دریا مثل شیشه صاف بود. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was straight like glass. یادت باشد در را قفل کنی. Remember to lock the door. Remember to lock the door. آخر هفته را با دوستانم گذراندم. I spent the weekend with my friends. I spent the weekend with my friends. تام تقریبا هرگز وحشت زده نمی شود. Tom almost never gets scared. Tom almost never panics. تشخیص دادن تو از برادرت دشوار است. It is hard to distinguish you from your brother. It's hard to recognize you from your brother. همیشه سعی می کنی دیگران رو متهم کنی You always try to blame somebody else. You always try to accuse others. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. My father always took me to school when I was young. My father always brings me to school when I was little. به زودی از غذا و نوشیدنی اینجا لذت خواهید برد. You'll soon come to enjoy the food and drink here. You'll be enjoying food and drinks here soon. در سالن چترت را باز نکن. Don't open your umbrella in the hall. Don't open your umbrella door. به دلم افتاده که فردا تام سروکله‌اش پیدا نمیشه. My gut feeling is that Tom won't show up tomorrow. I feel like Tom won't show up tomorrow. حیف که لازم نیست لاغر شوم. It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight. Too bad I don't have to get skinny. پروژه‌ی شما چطور پیش می‌رود؟ How's your project coming along? How's your project going? اینجا از صحرا هم گرم تر است. This area is hotter than the Sahara desert. It's hotter than the desert here. این دیوانگی محض است. It's sheer madness. This is crazy. او روزهای بهتری را شاهد بوده است. She has seen better days. He's seen better days. تام حالش خوب می‌شه، مگه نه؟ Tom will be fine, won't he? Tom's gonna be okay, isn't he? به نظر نمی رسه این هفته حقوق بگیریم It doesn't look like we'll get paid this week. It doesn't look like we're getting paid this week. زمان سریع می گذرد. Time passes quickly. Time passes fast. وقتی زمین سفت است، گاو از چشم گاو می بیند. A poor workman blames his tools. When the ground is solid, the cow sees it from the eye of the cow. او در یک رستوران در ژاپن کار می کند. He works at a restaurant in Japan. He works in a restaurant in Japan. لطفآ. Please. Please. ای کاش دیشب آمده بودی. I wish you'd come last night. I wish you had come last night. برادرم چندین سال در تهران کار کرد My brother worked in Tehran for a few years My brother worked in Tehran for years. ما در جهت صلح تلاش می کنیم. We are working in the interest of peace. We work for peace. من کشیدن سیگار و مصرف الکل را متوقف کردم. I stopped smoking and drinking. I stopped smoking and drinking. همسر من دکتر است. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. بیا داخل. بیا تُو. Come in. Come on in. دوبلین پایتخت ایرلند است. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. It is the capital of Ireland. می‌توانی از دوچرخه‌ام همینطوری که هست، استفاده کنی. You may use my bicycle such as it is. You can use my bike as it is. چپ چپ نگام کردند وقتی از دکتر خواستم نسخه م رو بده I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. The left side looked at me when I asked the doctor to give me my prescription. بعضی وقت‌ها فکر می‌کنم هیچ وقت به حال خودم نخواهم بود. پدر و مادرم هر دو انگار همیشه به کمک من احتیاج دارند. Sometimes I think I'll never be on my own. Both of my parents always seem to need my help. Sometimes I think I'll never be myself. Both my parents seem to need my help all the time. خدایا! من اعتراض دارم. Lord! I object. God, I object. خشونت، نیرویی ضعیف است. Violence is a weak force. Violence is weak. به اسب شاه گفته یابو. A cat may look at a king. He told the king's horse Yabu. من با شیمی آشنایی مختصری دارم. I have some acquaintance with chemistry. I'm a little familiar with chemistry. دوری و دوستی. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Far away from friendship. به نظرمی رسد ذات نیک اونقش التیام دهنده ی مشکلات خانواده را تحقق می بخشد. His good nature seems to fulfill the role of reducing the family's trouble. His good nature seems to fulfill the healing of family problems. کنت یک رهبر زائیده شده است. Kent is the born leader. Count has become a leader. گرچه که او با دقت می نوشت ولی اشتباهات زیادی در انشایش داشت. Although he was writing carefully, he had many mistakes in his writing task. Although he wrote carefully, he had many mistakes in his paper. مردم ایران به شدت به ماهیت پارسی خلیج فارس باور دارند. Iranian people strongly believe in the Persian character of the Persian Gulf. Iran's people strongly believe in the nature of the Persian Gulf. شام چی خوردی؟ What did you eat for dinner? What did you eat? امی می خواهد چیزی نو بپوشد. Amy wants something new to wear. Amy wants to wear something new. عاقل از یک سوراخ دوبار گزیده نمی‌شود. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. Wise is not selected from a hole twice. تام گربه ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes cats. Tom loves cats. امید تلاش را طلب می کند. Hope demands hard-work. Hope calls for effort. حال به مراتب بهتری دارم. I'm feeling much better. I'm doing better now. او برای فندک دست به جیبش برد. He felt in his pocket for his lighter. He took his pocket for the lighter. خدایا! من اعتراض ندارم. Oh my God! There is no objection in your kingdom. God, I don't object. وقتی چیزی به نظر بد میاد ولی نتیجه ش خوبه. It's a blessing in disguise. When something looks bad, but it's good. وقتی آنکا را در بخارست ملاقات کردم مشغول درس خواندن بود. When I met Anka in Bucharest she was studying. When I met Anca at Bucharest, she was studying. من هنوز دوسِت دارم. هنوزعاشِقِتم. I still love you. I still love you. عجله کن! Hurry up. Hurry up! آیا رستورانی با غذای خوب کره ای می شناسی؟ Do you know any restaurants with good Korean food? Do you know a restaurant with a good Korean food? میلی سگ دارد. Millie has a dog. He's got a dog Milli. من لیوان پلاستیکی دارم. I have a plastic cup. I have plastic glasses. او برای مدت کوتاهی در اینجا ماند. He stayed here for a short time. He stayed here for a little while. این متن برای مبتدی ها در نظر گرفته شده است. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is intended for substrates. این اتوبوس شما را تا موزه می برد . This bus will take you to the museum. this bus will take you to the museum . پایتخت هائیتی کجاست؟ What is the capital of Haiti? Where's the capital of Haiti? یکشنبه ملاقات خواهیم کرد. We'll meet on Sunday. We'll meet Sunday. در حال حاضر، در منزل عمویم اقامت دارم. I'm now staying at my uncle's. Right now, I'm staying at my uncle's house. هیچ آینده‌ای نمی‌تواند آنچه امروز اجازه می‌دهید اتفاق بیفتد را جبران کند. No future can compensate for what you let happen in the present. No future can make up for what you allow today. شما نابردبار هستید. You're impatient. You're broke. برای گرفتن ارزش واقعی شادی، باید آن را با کسی تقسیم کنید. To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with. To get the real value of happiness, you have to share it with someone. دختران در مورد مری شایعات و دروغ های زیادی پراکندند. The girls spread many false rumors and lies about Mary. Girls gossiped about Mary and lied about a lot of lies. چه کسی عروسک را درست کرده است؟ Who made the doll? who made the doll? مادر کیک را به سه قسمت تقسیم کرد. Mother divided the cake into three parts. Mother divided the cake into three parts. از او بپرس هواپیمای بعدی کی خواهد بود. Ask him when the next plane will be. Ask him when the next plane will be. من تور ماهیگیری ام را به درون دریا انداختم. I cast my net into the sea. I threw my fishing net into the sea. یک خط راست بکش. Draw a straight line. Pull a right line. سو یک دانشجوی آمریکائی است. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. متاسفم که امروز نمی‌توانم بیایم. I'm sorry that I cannot come over today. I'm sorry I can't come today. تام به من گفت که مسئله‌ای برایش پیش آمده است. Tom told me he had a problem. Tom told me something had happened to him. او با نگرانی سوال کرد. She asked anxiously. He asked with concern. دکتر در این روستا برای همه شناخته شده است. The doctor is known to everyone in the village. The doctor is known for everyone in this village. چرا تی شرتت آب رفت؟ Why did your T-shirt shrink? Why did your T-shirt get water? بدون کاه نمی‌توانید خشت بسازید. You can't make bricks without straw. You cannot build diamonds without straw. با کی حرف می زنی؟ With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? پناهندگان در آفریقا در جستجوی کمک هستند. Refugees in Africa are seeking help. The refugees in Africa seek help. پدر پسرش را تربیت می‌کند. The father is educating his son. Father raises his son. این صندلی اینجا چیکار می کنه؟ What's this chair doing here? What's this chair doing here? وقتی که باران شروع به باریدن گرفت، من راهی نرفته بودم جز برای چند دقیقه. I had hardly walked for a few minutes when it began to rain. When the rain started to rain, I didn't go anywhere but for a few minutes. پادشاه مردم خودش را ستم کرد. The king oppressed his people. The king oppressed his people. هنوز رویشان می‌شود حرف بزنند. They still have the nerve to talk. They can still talk. او پلاک ماشین اش را عوض کرد. He changed the number plate of his vehicle. He changed his license plate. برنامه‌هایم را وِل کردم. I abandoned my plans. I gave up my plans. سلام خوبی؟ چه خبر؟ Hey, how are you? What's up? Hey, are you okay? درباره من اشتباه برداشت نکن. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. کلمات قادر به بیان قدردانی ما نیستند. Words can't express our gratitude. Words cannot express our gratitude. بستنی خوراکی مورد علاقۀ من است. (Bastani xorāki ye mored e alāqe ye man ast) My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite ice cream. او اسباب بازیش را پرت کرد. He threw his toy. He threw his toy. می خواهم با گتر جانی بمیرم. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Johnny. در نهایت، اهداف ساده هستند: ایمنی و امنیت. At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security. Finally, targets are simple: safety and safety. او از من شروع کرد. He stared at me. He started with me. داری نامه می نویسی؟ Are you writing a letter? Are you writing? خیلی دوست دارم نتیجه امتحان رو بدونم. I am anxious about the results of the examination. I'd love to know the results. باید به پلیس اطلاع می دادم ولی اینکار رو نکردم. I should have reported it to the police, but I didn't. I should've told the police, but I didn't. نام او را فراموش کردم. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. آیا غذای گربه خریدی؟ Did you buy cat food? Did you buy cat food? تام مشت هایش را گره کرد. Tom clenched his fists. Tom tied his fists. سال پیش در چین بودم. I was in China last year. I was in China last year. آنها واقعا با هم دوستند? Are they actually friends? Are they really friends? ببخشید. Excuse me. Excuse me. از تو حرکت، از خدا برکت. You just begin then God will help you. From you, from God's blessing. برای گرفتن گاو، شاخ‌هایش را بگیرید. To catch the bull, grab its horns. To catch a cow, grab its horns. اینجا چه می کنی؟ What are you doing here? What are you doing here? ببخشید، نتوانستم جلوی خنده‌ام را بگیرم. Excuse me, I couldn't help laughing. Sorry, I couldn't stop laughing. تام تقریبا هرگز نمی ترسد Tom almost never gets scared. Tom's almost never scared. انگلیسی به یک زبان بین المللی تبدیل شده است. English has become an international language. English has become an international language. گربه موش را گرفت. The cat caught the mouse. The cat took the mouse. خداحافظ. Bye. Bye. میبال عاشق گفت و گوی دوستانه است به هنگام کارت بازی. Mabel loves to chew the fat while playing bridge. Mibal loves talking when playing cards. کارت چیه؟ What line of work are you in? What do you do? بعضی افراد زندگی را با یک صحنه‌ی نمایش مقایسه می‌کنند. Some people compare life to a stage. Some people compare life to a scene. طبق شایعات داستان بلند جدید او براساس تجارب شخصی خود اوست. According to the rumors, his new long-stories are based on his personal experiences. According to rumors, his new story is based on his personal experience. او عاشق ماشین است، ولی برادرش از آن متنفر است. He loves cars, while his brother hates them. He loves the car, but his brother hates it. هر چه بیشتر داشته باشیم، بیشتر می خواهیم. The more we have, the more we want. The more we have, the more we want. آیا می‌توانی آن را اثبات کنی؟ Can you prove it? Can you prove it? او فاشیسته. He's a fascist. He's Fastist. دوست همه کس، دوست هیچ کس. A friend to all is a friend to none. Everyone's friend, no one's friend. هر سه شما بسیار خوش شانس هستید. All three of you are very lucky. The three of you are very lucky. قلب تو آزاد است. فقط شجاعت دنبال کردن آن را داشته باش. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. Your heart is free. Just have courage to follow it. سمی هفته پیش شش ویدیو جدید آپلود کرد Sami uploaded six new videos last week. Sammy uploaded six new videos last week. آن روز زودهنگام بود که تام به اردوگاه رسید. It was still early in the day when Tom arrived at the campground. It was early that day when Tom arrived at the camp. یک توپ جمع کن خوب باید بتواند بطور کامل تمرکز کند و به سرعت بدود. A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast. A good pick-up ball should be able to focus completely and run fast. او یک طلسم اسرار آمیز به شکل یک چشم دارد. He has a mysterious talisman in the form of an eye. He has a mysterious spell in the form of an eye. من با او آشنا نیستم. I am not acquainted with him. I'm not familiar with him. ساعت چند است. What's the time? What time is it? چه کسی این نامه را نوشته است؟ Who wrote the letter? Who wrote this letter? اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed my room to her. I showed him my room. در قفل نمی‌شود. The door doesn't lock. The door is not locked. او کیست که با تام صحبت می کند؟ Who's that talking to Tom? Who's he talking to Tom? الان خیلی دیره. تازه بارون هم می خواد بیاد. It's too late now. Besides, it's starting to rain. It's too late, and it's gonna rain. معمولاً با او به مدرسه می‌رفتم. I used to go to school with him. I usually went to school with him. چون تنهام دلیل نمیشه که احساس تنهایی می کنم. Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely. Because I'm alone doesn't mean I feel lonely. شما باید بروید و موهایتان را کوتاه کنید. You should go and have your hair cut. You have to go and cut your hair. پلیس تو را مجبور خواهد کرد تا گلوله ها را پیدا کنی. The police will get you to find the bullets. The police will force you to find the bullets. عضو شدن در این کتابخانه بسیار آسان است. It's very easy to become a member in this library. It is very easy to join the library. حقوق کم او او را از خانه خریدن باز می دارد. His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His low salary prevents him from buying his home. آن ساعت زمان دقیق را نشان می دهد. The watch keeps accurate time. That clock shows the exact time. من واقعاً آن احتمال را در نظر گرفته ام. I've already considered that possibility. I've really considered that possibility. ما خیلی نزدیک بودیم، بنابراین فرصت آخری را به تو خواهیم داد. You were so close, so we'll give you one last chance. We were so close, so we'll give you one last chance. او به تمام قول هایش عمل کرد. He carried out all his promises. He kept all his promises. مهم نیست که چقدر اشتباه می کنی یا اینکه چقدر آهسته پیشرفت می کنی، مهم این است که از همه آنهایی که تلاش نمی کنند، هنوز جلوتر هستی. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. It doesn't matter how much you're wrong or how slow you're progressing, it's that you're still ahead of everyone who doesn't try. آن سینی نقره‌ای مزین مورد علاقهٔ من است. That ornate silver platter is my favorite! It's my favorite silver tray. ما با شرکت قرارداد بستیم. We made a contract with the firm. We made a deal with the company. این اتاق به اندازه کافی بزرگ است. This room is large enough. This room is big enough. باید صبح باشد، چون پرنده ها در حال آواز خواندن هستند. It must be morning, for the birds are singing. It must be morning, because birds are singing. من نمی‌توانم به سوال شما پاسخ دهم. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. ب. فرانکلین یک سیاستمدار و مخترع آمریکایی بود. B. Franklin was an American statesman and inventor. B. Franklin was an American politician and inventor. "تشکر." "خواهش می کنم." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." آنها به اندازه ما قوی اند. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. تنها کمی بادام زمینی می خواهی؟ Would you all like some peanuts? You just want some peanuts? نور می گیره؟ (اتاق) Does it get much sun? Does it take light? بین خانه های ما فاصله زیادی است. It's a long way between our houses. It's a long way between our homes. او ایده های خود را عملی کرد. He brought his ideas into practice. He applied his ideas. تام متوجّه نیست که چه طور رفتارش بقیه را تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد. Tom doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others. Tom doesn't understand how his behavior affects others. شما می‌توانید هرچقدر می‌خواهید اینجا بمانید. You can stay here as long as you like. You can stay here as long as you want. علی رغم این که نتایج تحقیق ها در علوم اجتماعی بسیار جالب هستند، تکرار این تحقیق ها بسیار سخت است. Although studies in the social sciences have yielded interesting results, replicating the studies has proven difficult. Despite the results of research in social science, it's very difficult to repeat these studies. آیا بلدید چگونه از لغت نامه استفاده کنید؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use the dictionary? چیزی نپرس، چیزی نگو. Don't ask, don't tell. Don't ask, don't say anything. تام از پله ها تا خانه اش بالا رفت. Tom climbed up the stairs to his apartment. Tom went up the stairs to his house. این کاغذ ها رو از جلوی پا بردارید. Please get these papers out of the way. Get these papers off your feet. بعد از هر سربالایی یک سرازیری است. After a storm comes a calm. After each top of each top, it's a fall. گشدن با او مفرح است. It's fun to hang out with him. It's fun to be with him. اینقدر که یک ماهی پرنده محسوب میشه خفاش پرنده محسوب نمیشه A bat is not a bird any more than a fish is. It's not as much as a flying fish as a bird bat. من اینطور فکر نمی کنم. I don't think so. I don't think so. ما یک روز درمیان همدیگر را می بینیم. We see each other every day. We see one day amongst each other. هر موقع که از سفری بر می گردد برای دخترش هدیه می آورد. Whenever she comes back from a journey, she brings a gift for her daughter. Every time she comes back from a trip, she brings gifts to her daughter. همیشه شخصیت‌های مرموز را بیشتر دوست داشتم. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always loved mysterious characters. یونا وُلاخ "پست مدرنیت" بوده بود ۲ دهه قبل از اینکه عبارت "پست مدرنیسم" اختراع شد. Yona Wallach had been a postmodernist two decades before the term "Postmodernism" was even conceived. It was the modern post two decades before the term "day mail" was invented. چه امیدی برای تو بعد از این در هست؟ هیچی! What hope attends you through this gate? Not one! What hope is there for you after this door? اینجا، همه چیز در خاک پوشیده شده است. Everything here is covered in dust. Here, everything is covered in dust. چرا این کار را می خواهی؟ Why do you want this job? why do you want this? امید یک استراتژی نیست. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. قهوه را می‌خواهم. I want coffee. I want coffee. خیلی سریع پرش می کنه. It fills it up way too fast! It'll jump too fast. چهل یورو برای یک روسری؟ ازرانتر از آن ندارید؟ Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? 40 euros for a scarf? don't you have any more than that? آماده، بی حرکت .... حرکت! Ready, steady....Go! Ready, freeze, move! من نیستم؛ خودتی! No I'm not; you are! It's not me. It's you! من نتوانم از لطف شما به قدر کافی تشکر کنم. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. I can't thank you enough for your favor. به نظر می رسد که امروز صبح در حالت بدی هستی. It seems like you're in a bad mood this morning. You seem to be in a bad mood this morning. هنوز او را دوست داشت. She still loved him. She still loved him. من تحسین تو را برای این کتاب کاملاً می‌فهمم. I totally understand your admiration for this book. I fully understand your praise for this book. آنها اصلا با هم دوست هستند؟ Are they even really friends? Are they even friends? سال نو همراه با بارش نم نم برف آمد. The New Year came in with a light fall of snow. New Year snowed along with the rain. انگلیسی‌ها آدم‌های کم حرفی هستند. The English are a taciturn people. The English are very few people. سعی کردم تام را از آسیب رساندن به ماری بازدارم. I tried to stop Tom from hurting Mary. I tried to stop Tom from hurting Mary. اعتیاد یکی از مشکلات جوانان دوران معاصر است. Addiction is one of the problems of the youth of our day. The addiction is one of the problems of young people in modern times. او به من گفت: بچه ها مثل حیوانات کوچک هستند. He said to me, "Children are like small animals." He told me: children are like little animals. گربهٔ ساکت موش را گرفت. The quiet cat caught the mouse. The quiet cat took the mouse. یک قاضی نباید مطیع شاه، بلکه باید مطیع قانون باشد. A judge must obey not the king, but the law. A judge should not obey the king, but obey the law. من برایت به تاکسی تلفن خواهم کرد. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. ممکن است اجتماعی نباشم ولی این به این معنی نیست که با مردم صحبت نمی کنم. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may not be social, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. این دلیلیه که او دیگه نمیخواد با او باشه. That's the reason she doesn't want to be with him anymore. That's why he doesn't want to be with her anymore. یک فنجان قهوه سردردم را تسکین می دهد. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. A cup of coffee will ease my headache. برای استفاده دهانی. For oral use. For mouth use. نمی خواهم سطحی باشم؛ می خواهم با حال باشم!! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! I don't want to be flat; I want to be cool! خوشبخت نخواهم بود، ولی خود را نخواهم کشت. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I will not be happy, but I will not kill myself. توکیو از هر شهر دیگری در ژاپن پرجمعیت تر است. Tokyo is more populous than any other city in Japan. Tokyo is more popular than any other city in Japan. به زودی کریسمس می شود. It'll be Christmas soon. It'll be Christmas soon. امیلی مادره. (بچه داره) Emily is a mother. Emily's a mother. تام سرزده آمد. Tom came by. Tom's in a hurry. مجلا ت گونا گونی آن داستان را منتشر کردند. Several newspapers published the story. The story was published by The Gona Gona. مرغ همسایه غاز است. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. It's the chicken next door. چنانچه لازم دارید، می توانید چتری همراه خود ببرید. You take an umbrella with you if you need to. If you need it, you can take an umbrella with you. برایم پیامی بفرست. Send me a message. Send me a message. سرت را در روسری بپوشان. Wrap your head in a scarf. Cover your head. اجازه بده ببینیم تام در خانه است؟ Let's see if Tom is at home. Let's see if Tom's at home. تنوّع ادویه‌ی زندگی ست. Variety is the spice of life. It's the taste of life. خواهیم دید چطوری پیش میره. We'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes. هیتلر آلمانی ها را به جنگ کشانید. Hitler led Germany into war. Hitler fought the Germans. اگر می‌دانستم، انجامش داده بودم. If I had known, I would have done it. If I did, I would have done it. زندگی با احساس گناه ناشی از کاری که کرده بود، برای تام تقریبا غیر قابل تحمل بود. Tom found living with the guilt for what he had done, almost unbearable. Living with guilt from what he did, it was almost unbearable for Tom. کسي احساس مريضي مي‌کند؟ Does anyone feel sick? Does anyone feel sick? والدینم برایم کارت پستال فرستادند. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. آیا تنها هستی؟ Are you alone? Are you alone? آنها همه برای برگشت پولشان ضجه می‌زنند. They're all clamoring to get their money back. They're all complaining about getting their money back. نمی توانم روی تو حساب کنم. I can't count on you. I can't count on you. دشوار می شد گفت که تام در اتاقش است یا نه. It was difficult to tell if Tom was in his room. It was hard to tell if Tom was in his room. زندگی از علوم دقیقه نیست، یک هنر است. Life is not an exact science, it is an art. Life is not a minute science, it's an art. مراقب خودت باش Take care of yourself. Take care. او به دنبال چه چیزی می دود؟ What is he running after? What's he looking for? هوا بسیار گرم است. The weather is very hot. It's so hot. ضد آفتاب زده ای ؟ Have you put on sunscreen? Are you against the sun? لطفا، آرام باش. Please relax. Please, calm down. او فاشیسته. She's a fascist. He's Fastist. هرگز عصری نبوده است که گذشته را تحسین نکند و از زمان حال ننالد. There has never been an age that did not applaud the past and lament the present. There has never been an era that doesn't admire the past and since the present. این باید کیک تولد باشد. It must be a birthday cake! This must be birthday cake. من هر روز می دوم. I run every day. I run every day. دو نفر دعوا می‌کنند و نفر سوم سود می‌برد. Two argue, and a third benefits. Two people fight and the third one profits. من می‌توانم به شما مقداری پول بدهم اگر نیاز دارید. I can give you some money if you need it. I can give you some money if you need it. دو راه برای زندگی وجود دارد: می‌توانید طوری زندگی کنید که انگار هیچ چیز معجزه نیست؛ می‌توانید طوری زندگی کنید که انگار همه چیز معجزه است. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. او باهوش است. She is sharp. He's smart. امروز صبح چکار کردی؟ What did you do this morning? What did you do this morning? هیچ‌کس همّه چیز را نمی‌داند. Nobody knows everything. No one knows anything. سند زیاد قانع کننده نیست. The proof is trivial. The document is not very convincing. آیا لازم است دلیل را به او توضیح دهم؟ Do I need to explain the reason to him? Should I explain the reason to him? او هویج را برید. He chopped the carrot. He took the carrots. او به‌شدت کار می‌کرد. He was working hard. He worked as well. بله، من یک ایده ی خوب دارم. Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, I have a good idea. نمایشگاه برای یک ماه دیگر باز خواهند ماند. The exhibition will stay open for another month. The show will be open for another month. بند کفش ات را ببند. Tie your shoelaces. Close your shoes. من او را از اضافه کار معاف کردم. I exempted her from working overtime. I let him out of work. تنها ثابت در طبیعت تغییر است. The only constant in nature is change. The only constant in nature is change. بتی او را کشت. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. کچل بودن حداقل یک سود دارد - در مصرف شامپو صرفه‌جویی می‌کنید. Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo. The baldness has at least one benefit -- you're saving up to the use of the stand. آن دختر که روسری دارد باکره است. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl with the scarf is a virgin. او فاشیسته. They're a fascist. He's Fastist. آیا خبر را شنیده ای؟ Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news? امیدوارم همهٔ رؤیاهایت به حقیقت بپیوندند. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope all your dreams come true. زشت دانستن دیگران، تو را زیباتر نمی کند. Saying someone is ugly doesn’t make you any prettier. The abomination of knowing others doesn't make you more beautiful. روباه بعد از چند ثانیه گریخت. The fox scampered off after a few seconds. Fox ran away after a few seconds. او در معرض هیچان‌زده شدن بود. He is prone to getting excited. He was exposed. او به پسرش گفت که در خانه مؤدبانه و درست رفتار کند. She told her son to behave himself at home. He told his son to behave kindly in the house. اینجا در پارک بچه های زیادی هستند. There are a lot of children in the park. There's a lot of kids here in the park. جلوی مادرم درباره ش صحبت نکن Don't talk about it in my mother's presence. Don't talk about it in front of my mother. فراموش نکن که زباله رو بیرون ببری. Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take out the trash. او به من تئاتر پیشنهاد کرد ولی هیچ اجرایی آن شب نبود. He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night. He offered me theater, but there was no performance that night. من با پلیس تماس گرفتم، به محض اینکه جسدش را در کف اتاق دیدم. I called the police as soon as I saw his dead body on the floor. I called the police, as soon as I saw his body on the floor of the room. من تو را در رؤیاهایم خواهم دید. I'll see you in my dreams. I will see you in my dreams. آیا میدانی که برج توکیو کجاست؟ Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? فکر می کنم عالی کارتون را انجام دادید. I think you did great. I think you did great. او مرغ را آن طور که من دوستت دارم می پزد. She cooks chicken the way I like. He cooks chicken as I love you. کفش های مگ کوچک شده اند. Meg's shoes are a little loose. Meg's shoes are small. عمیقاً به آن فکر کن. Ponder deeply over it. Think deeply about it. علت چیست؟ What's the cause? What's the reason? تام تصدیق کرد که اون کسی بوده که تخم مرغ ها رو شکسته. Tom admitted he was the one who broke the eggs. Tom confirmed he was the one who broke the eggs. بالاتر از هر چیز این است که صبور باشی. Above all, be patient. Above all, it's to be patient. من و تونی دیروز با هم بازی کردیم. Tony and I played together yesterday. Tony and I played yesterday. من هوشیاری ام را از دست دادم. I lost consciousness. I've lost consciousness. او هرگز تعریف کردن از نوزاد ما را فراموش نمی کند. She never forgets to admire our baby. He'll never forget to tell our baby. قیمت آن سی دی 10 دلار است. That CD costs 10 dollars. The cost of that CD is 10 dollars. قربانی مرد یا زن بود؟ Was the victim male or female? Was it a victim of a man or a woman? برخلاف انتظارهمه ما دو تا دوست خوب شدیم. Against all expectations, we became good friends. Unlike all of us, we've become good friends. وقتی هر دو دختر به جان گفتند که به او علاقه مندند، او مردد بود که باید با کدام یک از آنها باشد. When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with. When both girls told John they were interested in him, he was a man who had to be with which one of them. ماری بهم گفت که فکر می کرده مشکلی پیش نمیاد اگر اون کار رو بکنه. Mary told me she thought it would be safe to do that. Mary told me she thought it would be okay if she did. بیش از اندازه کیک نخور. Do not eat too much cake. Don't eat too much cake. دوستش یک خواننده است. Her friend is a singer. His friend is a singer. او(پسر) یکی از معروفترین خوانندگان در ژاپن است. He is one of the most famous singers in Japan. He is one of the most famous readers in Japan. تام چندان علاقه مند به آموزش فرانسه به نظر نمی رسید. Tom didn't seem terribly interested in learning French. Tom didn't seem very interested in French education. گرسنگی را حس کردم. I felt hungry. I felt hunger. او کم بی تاب نبود. She wasn't a bit impatient. He wasn't impatient. شما واقعاً واجد اولویت‌های مناسب نیستید! You really don't have the right priorities! You're not really qualified for appropriate priorities! الان میدونم چرا تام از من بدش میاد. Now I know why Tom hates me. Now I know why Tom hates me. من دربارش فردا نگران میشم. I'll worry about that tomorrow. I'll worry about it tomorrow. آدرس تام چیست؟ What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? کامپیوتر هنگ کرد. The computer froze up. The computer took off. تمام افراد بشر آزاد زاده می‌شوند و از لحاظ حيثيت و كرامت و حقوق با هم برابراند. همگی دارای عقل و وجدان هستند و بايد با يكديگر با روحيه ای برادرانه رفتار كنند. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free, and they are equal in dignity and rights. They all have wisdom and conscience, and they have to treat each other with a brother's spirit. هیچ بچه ای در پارک ندیدم. I didn't see any children in the park. I didn't see any kids in the park. شبتم تبخیر شد وقتی خورشید بالا آمد. The dew evaporated when the sun rose. I had a good night when the sun came up. این شهر گسترش یافته و به شهر بزرگی تبدیل شده است. It has developed into a very large city. The city has been developed and has become a great city. گردن تام به هنگام اسکی بازی شکسته شد. Tom got his neck broken in a ski accident. Tom's neck was broken during ski. کمکم کن. Help me! Help me. بُردیمشون. We've outrun them. We took them. بتی اولین دختری بود که وارد مهمانی شد. Betty was the first girl who came to the party. Betty was the first girl to enter the party. سوار اتوبوس بعدی می شوم. I'll catch the next bus. I'll get on the next bus. این کتاب من است، کتاب تو نیست. This is my book, not yours. This is my book, it's not your book. اگه از بالا ببینی این پل خیلی قشنگ تر به نظر میاد. Seen from the sky, the bridge appears more beautiful. If you see it from above, this bridge looks much more beautiful. یک فرد نادان اوست که نمی‌داند درست چه چیزی فهمیده‌اید. An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out. He's an ignorant person who doesn't know exactly what you've learned. با تشکر زیاد و توجه بسیاری را به همه شما. Thanks a lot and many regards to you all. Thank you very much and a lot of attention to all of you. کار چندان سختی نیست. It's not rocket science. It's not that hard. کاش شرایط برای آمدن من متفاوت بود. I wish that the circumstances of my visit were different. I wish things were different for me. موسیقی زبان نیست. اما بعضی زبان‌ها در گوش من مانند موسیقی هستند. Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears. Music is not language, but some languages in my ears are like music. من نمی توانم ترکی صحبت کنم I can not speak Turkish. I can't speak Turkish. مناد یک پرچم ایالات مؤتلفه خرید. Mennad bought a Confederate flag. Manad bought a flag in the United States. من متوجه نشدم. I don't understand this. I don't understand. معلم به ما گفت مهمتر از هر چیزی برای دستیابی به موفقیت پشت کار است. The teacher said: "Above all, what is necessary for success is perseverance." The teacher told us that it was more important than anything to achieve success behind work. خوشمزه نیست؟ Isn't it delicious? Isn't it delicious? تام چقدر پیش ما خواهد ماند؟ How long will Tom stay with us? How long will Tom stay with us? سیلی نقد به از حلوای نسیه. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It's a cash slide from Nisssie. من بر آن غلبه کردم. تو هم باید همین کار را بکنی. I got over it. You should, too. I overcome it. You have to do the same. تام چندان راجع به اسلحه نمی داند. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom doesn't know much about guns. بچه هایی که در خانه با کف پوش های وینیلی زندگی می کنند با احتمال بیشتری اتویسم دارند. Children that live in homes with vinyl floors are more likely to have autism. Children living in the house have a more likely automism. من بعنوان یک موجود انسانی، نیازمند احترام هستم. I as a human being, need respect. I need respect as a human being. او(دختر) عاشق تام است، نه من She loves Tom, not me. She loves Tom, not me. پول سبز نمی‌شود. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow green. از اینکه می شنیدیم کالاها چقدر ارزان هستند، تعجب کردیم. It amazed us to hear that things were so cheap. We were surprised to hear how cheap the goods were. من جوان و احمق بودم. I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid. تولدت مبارک!‏ Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! او بر روی کاناپه خوابید، با چشمانی بسته. He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed. She slept on the couch, with closed eyes. عصمت چیز زیبایی است. Innocence is a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing. تو فقط یکبار زندگی می کنی. You only live once. You only live once. آنجا هوا چه طور است؟ How's the weather there? How's the weather there? خدایان پیرتر در حال بیدار شدن هستند. The elder gods are waking up. The old gods are waking up. به این ترتیب، پول در گردش کم می‌شود و نوسان قیمت فروکش می‌کند. Thus money in circulation drops, and price escalation quietens down. In this way, the money is reduced on the tour, and the price oscillation declines. زندگی مانند دوچرخه سواری است. برای اینکه نیفتید باید در حرکت باشید. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Life is like riding a bike. To not fall, you have to be on the move. هیچ کس نمیخواهد کار کند. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to work. من معمولا کافه نمینوشم. I normally don't drink coffee. I don't usually drink a bar. من می خواستم قبل از کنسرت با آن پیانیست معروف صحبت کنم. I want to talk to the famous pianist before his concert. I wanted to talk to the famous Anne Pianist before the concert. به من بگو. Tell me. Tell me. تا جایی که می‌دانم، این تنها ترجمه است. As far as I know, this is the only translation. As far as I know, this is the only translation. خدا خر را شناخت و به آن شاخ نداد. God knew donkeys so He hasn't given them horns. God knew him and did not let him go down with it. زود بری بهتر گیرت میاد The early bird catches the worm. You'll get better soon. این بو حالم را به هم می‌زند. This smell disgusts me. This smell makes me sick. من بهترین مادر دنیا رو دارم. I have the best mother in the world! I have the best mother in the world. با خودم گفتم: «این فکر خوبی است.» I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I thought, "That's a good idea." من کاملا موظفم برای این درهم برهمی و آشفتگی We must develop renewable energy sources. I'm completely obliged for this mess. نگران اشتباه کردن نباش. Don't worry about making mistakes. Don't worry about making mistakes. بهتره مسیرتو قبل از اینکه بری مشخص کنی. It is a good idea to plan your route before you leave. You better find your way before you go. چیزی که او انجام می دهد برای من تفاوتی ندارد. Anything he does, it makes no difference for me. What he does doesn't make any difference to me. شیر یا شکری هست؟ Any milk or sugar? Is there milk or sugar? چه دروغگویی هستی! You are such a liar! What a liar! مطمئنی؟ Are you sure? Are you sure? پری، اوراگا را در سال 1853 بازدید کرد. Perry visited Uraga in 1853. Perry visited Orga in 183. او یک سیاستمدار و شاعر است. He is a poet and statesman. He is a politician and poet. تو بعدا از من تشکر خواهی کرد. You'll thank me later. You'll thank me later. من دوست دارم با قطار مسافرت کنم. I like travelling by train. I'd like to travel on a train. عروس نمی‌توانست برقصد، می‌گفت زمین کج است. A poor workman blames his tools. The bride could not say on purpose, "The earth is crooked." کسانی که می خواهند بمانند، می توانند این کار را انجام دهند. Those who want to remain may do so. Those who want to stay can do that. دید منحصر به فردش کمک کرد وضعیت رو بهتر بفهمیم. His unique perspective helped shed light on the situation. His unique vision helped us understand the situation better. او هر هفته دوچرخه را می‌شوید. He washes the bike every week. He turns his bike every week. این لغت نامه ی من است. That's my dictionary. This is my dictionary. کی ازدواج کردید؟ When did you get married? When did you get married? الآن تقریبا زمانی است که قطار می رسد. It's about time for the train to arrive. It's almost the time the train arrives. سوزان گربه ها را دوست دارد. Susan likes cats. Susan loves cats. اگر او را با فاصله ببینی، او زیبا است. If you see her from a distance, she is beautiful. If you see him at a distance, he's beautiful. تو در مورد وفاداری من شک داری؟ You doubt my loyalty? You doubt my loyalty? من صاحب این اتومبیل هستم. I am the owner of this automobile. I own this car. خیلی تنهایَم. I'm so lonely. I'm so lonely. چگونه این استراتژی را ارزیابی می‌کنید؟ How do you assess this strategy? How do you evaluate this strategy? بیشتر مواظب کارهایتان باشید. Be more careful in your actions. Be more careful with your work. صلح پایدار چیزی نیست بجز یک توهم. Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion. Continuing peace is nothing but an illusion. چنین کاری شکیبائی فراوانی را می طلبد. Such work postulate a lot of patience. That's a lot of patience. این موضوع از اهمیت کمی برخوردار است. This fact is of little consequence. This has little to do with it. کلمات بالای در تئاتر یک متر ارتفاع داشت. The words above the door of the theatre were a metre high. The above words were one foot high in the theater. به ایران رفتم. I went to Iran. I went to Iran. آنها با آب و غذای کافی سربازان را پشتیبانی می کنند. They support the soldiers with sufficient food and water. They support soldiers with enough water and food. فراموش کردم از او بپرسم. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. پدرم تنیس دوست دارد. My father likes tennis. My father likes tennis. ژاکت قرمز را دوست بمی دارم. I don't like the red jacket. I like the red jacket. تصمیم گرفتم بوباره سعی کنم. I decided to try again. I decided to try it again. اگر نمی‌توانید در مقابل گرما ایستادگی کنید از آشپزخانه خارج شوید. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you cannot resist the heat, get out of the kitchen. به چه کسی در این انتخابات رأی دادی؟ Who did you vote for in the election? Who did you vote for in this election? شایعات احتمالا صحت دارند. These rumors are probably true. The rumors are probably true. تام دارد به آیپادش گوش می‌دهد. Tom is listening to his iPod. Tom's listening to his iPhone. این امر، گواه بی گناهی اوست. This fact bears witness to his innocence. This is the testimony of an innocent person. شکست او درامتحان به او احساس نا امیدی را القا کرد. His failure in the examination drove him to despair. His failure to test him gave him a sense of despair. من آن عکس را یک هفته پیش گرفتم. I took that picture a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. بیا با ما بنشین. Come sit with us. Come sit with us. اگر پولدار بودم، وقتم را به مسافرت رفتن میگذراندم. If I were rich, I'd pass my time in travelling. If I was rich, I'd spend time traveling. او با سرطان مبارزه می کند. She's beating cancer. He fights cancer. ممکن است چیزی برای گزیدگی حشره به من بدهید؟ Can I have something for insect bites? could you give me anything to replace the bug? از اون موقع به بعد هیچ خبری ازش ندارم. نمی دونم چیکار می خواد بکنه I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what he's up to. I haven't heard from him since then, I don't know what he's gonna do. سقف خانه قرمز است. The roof of the house is red. The roof of the house is red. تام با ماری سر یک شام شرط بستند که این هفته بارون نمی یاد. Tom bet Mary dinner that it doesn't rain this week. Tom was betting on a dinner with Mary that won't rain this week. او به آسانی با آن موافقت کرد. He readily agreed to it. He agreed to it easily. مطمئنا او مرد فقیری است با این حال، او شاد است. He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy. Surely he's a poor man, yet he's happy. ما در مدرسه با هم بودیم. We were at school together. We were together at school. من اولین بار را به یاد دارم. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. باید آنها را از خارج بخریم. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them out. دختر (آن) خانم بیمار است Her daughter is sick. Miss Anne's sick. این سوپر مارکت از دوشنبه تا شنبه باز است. The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday. It's open from Monday to Saturday. ماری به مادرش در آشپزی کمک کرد. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Mary helped her mother cook. لوبلیانا تکی از زیباترین پایتخت های اروپا است. Ljubljana is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. It is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. برو، منتظر نمان، شب در حال آمدن است. Go, do not wait, the night is coming. Go, don't wait. Night's coming. چه کسانی به خانه خودشان رفتند؟ Who has gone to their homes? Who went home? من تعطیلات خیلی طولانی را دوست ندارم. I don't like very long holidays. I don't like a very long vacation. رژیم غذایی تام از نظر پروتئین کمبود دارد. Tom's diet is deficient in protein. Tom's diet is short on protein. سه نفر هنوز گمشده هستند. Three people are still missing. Three are still missing. ما باید کلاسمان را تمیز کنیم. We must clean our class. We need to clean up our class. به قیمت فکر نکن، به ارزش بیندیش. Don’t think of cost. Think of value. Don't think about the price. Think of the value. آنچه از دست رفت، دیگر به‌دست نمی‌آید. What is done cannot be undone. What is lost doesn't come anymore. ایده ی خوبی به ذهنم رسید. A good idea crossed his mind. I had a good idea. سرباز با اسلحه به سمت مرد نشانه گیری کرد. The soldier aimed his gun at the man. The soldier pointed at the man with a gun. پدر من جوان است. My father is young. My father is young. چرا پدر در آشپزخانه است؟ Why is dad in the kitchen? why is father in the kitchen? حیف که او پیش از رسیدن به رویایش مرد. Sadly, she died before she could realize her dream. It's a pity he died before he reached his dream. بیصبری مانع بی چون و چرای پیشرفت است. Impatience is a definite impediment to success. Patience keeps us from making progress. به تتويبا خوش آمدید! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to the tattoo! اینترنت همه چیز را دگرگون کرد. The Internet changed everything. The Internet changed everything. تو چه جواب دادی؟ What did you answer? What did you answer? من در ورزش کارکشته نیستم. I'm bad at sports. I'm not working in sports. مراقب باش. Be careful. Be careful. بنجره را قفل کن. Close the window. Lock the horn. ستاره ها بیرون آمدند. The stars came out. The stars came out. او خسته به نظر می رسد. He seems tired. He looks tired. نباید همیشه انتظار داشته باشی که من فکر همه چیز را بکنم! You can't expect me to always think of everything! You shouldn't always expect me to think about everything! رادیو توسط مارکونی اختراع شد. The radio was invented by Marconi. The radio was invented by Marconi. تام به من گفت که سفر لغو شده است. Tom told me that the trip was off. Tom told me the trip was cancelled. آخرین بار توی پارکینگ دیدمش. I last saw him in the car park. I saw her last time in the parking lot. چه کسی حالش خوب نیست؟ Who is not unwell? Who's not feeling well? نقشش چیه? What's her plan? What's his plan? می خواهم حسابم را ببندم. I want to close the account. I'm going to close my account. ماشینی که به من فروختی برای ما بزرگه. می شه بهت بفروشمش؟ The car you sold me is too big for us. Can I sell it back to you? The car you sold me is too big for us. Can I sell it to you? می توانی خانه ما را از قطار ببینی. You may catch sight of our house from the train. You can see our home from the train. چگونه چنین بهانهٔ خوبی پیدا کردی؟ How did you come up with such a good excuse? how did you find such a good excuse? تام شروع به تمیز کردن اناقش کرد. زیرا کار بهتری برای انجام دادن نداشت. For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room. Tom started cleaning it up because he had nothing better to do. در طول جنگ مردم متحمل سختی های زیادی شدند. During the war, people went through many hardships. People suffered a lot during the war. خوبم. I'm fine. I'm fine. با این همه تلاشی که کردی، کل چیزی که توانستی جور کنی همین بود که مرا به گریه بیندازی؟ With all the effort you've put in, is that all you could come up with to bore me to tears? With all your effort, all you could do was make me cry? او همیشه در استعدادهایش مبالغه گویی می کند و دیگران او را باور می کنند. He always exaggerates his own abilities and others often believe him. He always increases in his talents and others believe him. او از سیگار کشیدن خودداری کرد. He abstained from smoking. He refused to smoke. من حتی او را نمی شناسم. I don't even know him. I don't even know him. تام خیلی خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom seems very happy. Tom seems so happy. پرستار با ملاطفت بسیار از بیمار مراقبت کرد. The nurse cared for the patient very tenderly. The nurse took very seriously care of the patient. قبل از آنکه تصمیمی راجع به ازدواجت بگیری بهتر است با پدرو مادرت مشورت کنی. Before you make a decision about your marriage, you should have a consultation with your parents. Before you decide about your marriage, you should consult your parents. باز هم قهوه لطفا. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. چند ستاره در آسمان شب شروع به پدیدار شدن کردند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. A few stars began to appear in the night sky. قطار تا ده دقیقه‌ی دیگر حرکت می‌کند. The train leaves in ten minutes. The train leaves in 10 minutes. آن لحظه چه می کردی؟ What were you doing that moment? What were you doing that moment? سال نو مبارک!‏ Happy New Year! Happy New Year! او درمورد همه چیز کنجکاو است. He is curious about everything. He's curious about everything. من یک جفت دستکش خریدم. I bought a pair of gloves. I bought a pair of gloves. من او را نمی شناسم. I don't know him. I don't know him. دزد در حین سرقت دستگیر شد. The thief was arrested red-handed. The thief was arrested during the robbery. می خواهم وقتی بزرگ شدم شاه شوم. When I grow up, I want to be a king. I want to be king when I grow up. پدرم گاهی مرا به اداره اش می برد. Father sometimes took me to his office. My father sometimes took me to his office. می توانی آن را به موقع بسازی؟ Can you make it on time? Can you make it in time? می خواستم یک سوال ازت بپرسم توی جلسه ولی یادم رفت. I meant to ask you a question in the meeting but I missed out. I wanted to ask you a question at the meeting, but I forgot. اگر نمی توانی شکستشان دهی، به آنها بپیوند. If you can't beat them, join them. So if you are not able to defeat them, then join them. حالا موریل ۲۰ ساله است. Muiriel is 20 now. Now Muriel's 20 years old. لطفا تعارف نکن ، راحت باش و هر چی که میخوای از یخچال بردار و بخور. Please feel free to have anything in the fridge. Please don't offer. Take whatever you want from the fridge. اخیراً نتایج خیلی خوبی به دست آورده است. Lately, he's achieved some pretty good results. It's been getting very good results lately. چرا مثل یک بچه خوب نمی شینی؟ Why don't you be a good boy and sit down? why don't you sit like a good kid? او به اندازه یکسان نوه پسری و دختری دارد. She has an equal number of grandsons and granddaughters. She has the same grandson as sons and daughters. آنها می گویند که سد بزرگی ساخته خواهد شد. They say that a large dam will be built. They say there will be a great barrier. کلن بر روی راین قرار دارد. Cologne lies on the Rhine. It's based on Ryan. او مطلقاً هیچ دشمنی ندارد. He has absolutely no enemies. He doesn't have any enemies. جایی برای من وجود دارد؟ Is there any room for me? Is there a place for me? خودت می‌دانی که این جمله را از من الهام گرفتی. I was your inspiration for this sentence, and you know it. You know that you inspired me. کی دوباره به من سر میزنی? When will you visit me again? When will you visit me again? تام گفت که او تنهاست Tom says that he's lonely. Tom said he was alone. آیا در خانه صبحانه می خوری؟ Do you have breakfast at home? Do you have breakfast at home? او معاش خود را چگونه تامین می کند؟ How does he gain his living? How does he provide his livelihood? او در را بست. He closed the door. He closed the door. فرصت خوب را به دور نیانداز. Don't throw away a good opportunity. Don't throw a good opportunity away. سلام، من سپیده هستم. Hey! I'm Sepideh. Hi, I'm dawn. هوا خیلی تاریک بود. It was so dark. It was so dark. تام سه سگ دارد. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. آن روستایی است که من درش به دنیا اومدم. That's the village I was born in. It's the village where I was born. دیروز کسالت داشتم. Yesterday I was ill. I was bored yesterday. هرکه بامش بیش، برفش بیشتر. The more you have, the more you have to lose. Any more, more snow. من این وب سایت را به همه دوستان من توصیه مى كنم. I will recommend this website to all my friends. I recommend this website to all my friends. این از بدیهیات است. That's common sense. It's obvious. تو تلاش نمی کنی! You are not trying! You're not trying! هدف را میتونم ببینم. I can see the target. I can see the target. می خواهم خواهر بزرگتر شما را ملاقات کنم. I want to see your older sister. I want to meet your older sister. از یک جهت حق با توست. In a sense, you are right. You're right on one side. بزرگی یک ملت و تکامل اخلاقی آن می‌توانند از روی شیوهٔ رفتار با حیوانات آن قضاوت شوند. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. The greatness of a nation and its moral evolution can be judged by the way they treat its animals. تام به کسی شلیک نکرد. Tom didn't shoot anybody. Tom didn't shoot anybody. روباه بوی گندش را زودتر از دیگران استشمام می‌کند. A fox smells its own lair first. Fox smells worse than others. کلمات بیشتر از مشت ها آسیب می زنند. Words hurt more than fists. Words hurt more than fists. آنها در کسری از ثانیه به هم چشمک زدند. They winked at each other in a fraction of a second. They winked at each other in a matter of seconds. من در هنگام خواندن به خواب رفتم. I fell asleep while reading. I went to sleep reading. مرگ تنها یک افق است؛ و افق چیزی بیش از حد دید ما نیست. Death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Death is just a horizon, and the horizon is not too much of our sight. مرد درخت را تحت است. The man is under the tree. The man has the tree under control. آن کلمه چه بود؟ What's that vocabulary? What was that word? قتل با مرگ مجازات پذیر است. Homicide is punishable by death. Murder is punished by death. او بهتر از من شنا می کند. He is a better swimmer than I. He swims better than I do. هر کسی پولش را ذخیره می‌کند. Everybody is hoarding their cash. Everyone saves their money. تام بیشتر عمرش به تناوب در بیمارستان‌های روانی بستری بوده است. Tom has been in and out of mental hospitals most of his life. Tom spent most of his life in mental hospitals. من فکر می‌کنم, پس هستم. I think, therefore I am. I think so, then I am. چرا این اذیتت میکنه? Why does that bother you? Why does that bother you? اون کار رو باید می کردم، اما نکردم. I should've done that, but I didn't. I should have done that, but I didn't. آبا آوازش را می توانی بشنوی؟ Can you hear his singing? Can you hear her voice? اشکات رو پاک کن Wipe your tears. Clean up your tears. او مرا نادیده گرفت حتی زمانی که مرا در خیابان دید. She ignored me even when she met me on the street. He ignored me even when he saw me on the street. مردم هلند می‌توانند به زبان‌های زیادی صحبت کنند. Dutch people can speak many languages. The Dutch people can speak many languages. کوچک ترین برادرم دو تا بچه از ازدواج اولش، و یکی دیگه از ازدواج دومش داره. My youngest brother has two children from his first marriage, and another child from his second. My youngest brother has two children from his first marriage, and another one of his second marriages. من خیلی بیشتر احساس آرامش می کردم. I felt much more relaxed. I felt so much more calm. او مجبور شد قرارداد را امضاء کند. He was compelled to sign the contract. He had to sign the contract. تو زندانی منی. You are my prisoner. You're my prisoner. بازار کجاست؟ (?Bāzār kojāst) Where is the market? Where's the market? لطفا دست نزن. Please don't touch. Please don't touch. اگر منتظر شوم، چقدر احتمال دارد جا گیرم بیاید؟ If I wait, what's the possibility I can get a seat? if i wait, how many chances can i get? "ممنون برای کمکتان." "قابلی نداشت." "Thank you for helping me." "Don't mention it." "Thank you for your help." "You're welcome." با اینکه او معذرت خواسته من هنوز عصبانی ام. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even though he's sorry, I'm still angry. خودکارش سر تیزی دارد. His pencil has a sharp point. The pen has a sharp head. هرگز دستی را گاز نگیر که به تو غذا می دهد. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Never bite the hand that feeds you. دلیلش را به من بگو که چرا دیروز غایب بودی. Give me the reason for which you were absent yesterday. Tell me why you were away yesterday. بدان که پیروزی و شکست جزء زندگی هر فردی هستند — البته به غیر از زندگی ترسوها. Know that victory and defeat are parts of anyone's life - except lives of cowards, of course. Know that victory and failure are everyone's life -- except for the lives of cowards. او از دست فرزندش عصبانی است. He's angry at his child. He's angry with his child. من در حال خوردن هستم. I am eating. I'm eating. تعدادی دانش‌اموز دبیرستانی داشتند در محوطهٔ مدرسه مواد مصرف می‌کردند. There were a bunch of highschoolers doing drugs within school grounds. Some high school students were using drugs in the school area. کافر همه را به کیش خود پندارد. A thief believes everybody steals. He thinks that it is the truth of what he is doing. دیروز عمویم سگی خریداری کرد. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. پدر زنگ ساعت را برای ساعت شش تنظیم کرد. Father set the alarm for six o'clock. Father set the alarm for six o'clock. من بند کفشم را شل کردم. I loosened my shoelaces. I looseed my slippers. من هنوز در خانه بودم. I was still at home. I was still at home. گرچه در قرن نوزدهم بسیاری از محققین غربی بر روی ادبیات قدیم فارسی تحقیق کرده اند، اما دنیای جدید هیچ توجهی به ادبیات معاصر ما نمی کند. Although many European researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the nineteenth century, the new world is not paying attention to our contemporary literature. Although many Western researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the 19th century, the New World does not pay attention to our modern literature. آیا تو می توانی به دلایل آن فکر کنی؟ Can you think of any reasons? Can you think for reasons? تام کیک آناناسی سر و ته شده را خیلی دوست دارد. Tom just loves pineapple upside-down cake. Tomansi's cake likes toss up and down. یکمی وقت داریم بذار یک کار خوب انجام بدیم With time on our hands now, let's do some good. We got some time. Let's do something good. دمکراسی بدترین نوع حاکمیت است، البته به جز انواع دیگر که امتحان شده‌اند. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. The democracy is the worst kind of rule, except for the other species that have been tested. میتونی اینجا بخوابی. برای من فرقی نداره. You can sleep here. I don't mind. You can sleep here. چرا هیچ کس پاسخ سؤالهایم را نمی دهد؟ Why won't anybody answer my questions? Why doesn't no one answer my questions? الان حس و حالش رو ندارم. I'm not in the mood right now. I don't feel right now. گاهی بهترین راه برای حل یک مسأله ساده‌ترین راه‌حل است. The best way to solve a problem is sometimes the simplest. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to solve a simple solution. من دفتر یادداشتم را به ات قرض می دهم. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll lend you my note. تهران در ایران است. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a city in Iran. بز به حصار بسته شده است. The goat had been tethered to the fence. The goat is tied to the wall. بار قلقله بود. The bar was packed. It was a bar. او سگ را شلیک کرد. She shot a dog. He shot the dog. فقط می‌توانم فرانسوی حرف بزنم. I can only speak French. I can only speak French. دوشنبه بعد از یکشنبه می آید. Monday comes after Sunday. He comes on Monday after Sunday. ما همزمان شروع کردیم. We started at the same time. We started at the same time. او از من کمک خواست. She asked for my help. He asked for my help. بگذار برای یک لحظه به آن غور کنیم. Let's ponder that for a moment. Let's go about it for a second. حقیقت را در کجا می توانیم بیابیم؟ Where can we find the truth? Where can we find the truth? می توانم با تام صحبت کنم؟ May I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? در هر چیزی، باید آخر را در نظر گرفت. In everything, one should consider the end. In everything, the end must be considered. آنها به آن دهکده نیو آمستردام می گویند. They called the village New Amsterdam. They call that village New Amsterdam. کار امروز را به فردا میفکن. Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Take today's job tomorrow. ما به جایی نیاز داریم، که شب آنجا بمانیم. We need a place to stay for the night. We need a place to stay at night. با تیر او را خواهم زد. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. او هیچ کسی را ندارد که راهنمایی اش کند. She had no one to turn to. He has no one to guide him. عجله کار شیطان است. Haste makes waste. It's the devil's hurry. بخند لطفاً! Please laugh! Smile, please! و ایشان از شمشیرهایشان گاوآهن و از نیزه هایشان اره های نجاری ساختند:نه ملتی بر دیگر ملت شمشیر خواهد کشید ونه آنها بیش از این،جنگ کردن خواهند آموخت. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they made iron oxen out of their swords, and out of their spears, saws of carpenters: and no nation shall draw sword against another nation, neither shall they learn any more against them: ما پناهگاهی در برابر طوفان پیدا کردیم. We found a shelter for the storm. We found shelter from the storm. به چیزی که نمی‌فهمید انتقاد نکنید. Don't criticize what you can't understand. Don't criticize what you don't understand. خوبی هرگز بدون تاوان نمی‌ماند. A good deed never goes unpunished. Good will never remain without account. اتوموبیل‌های بزرگ زیاد بنزین مصرف می‌کنند. Big automobiles consume a lot petrol. Big automobils use a lot of gas. اسکاتلند در ماه سپتامبر ممکن است خیلی گرم باشد. Scotland can be very warm in September. Scotland may be very warm in September. متأسفم که شب اینقدر دیروقت به شما زنگ می‌زنم، ولی واقعاً احتیاج داشتم که با کسی حرف بزنم. I'm sorry to call you this late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to call you so late tonight, but I really needed to talk to someone. سیلاب به دنبال ما. After us, the Deluge. The flood's after us. فکر کنم مادرم میداند. I think that my mom knows. I think my mother knows. همبرگرهای این مغازه از آن یکی طعم بهتری دارد. This store's hamburgers taste better than that one's. The burgers in this store taste better than the other one. این حداقل کاری است که می توانم انجام دهم. It's the least I can do. This is the least I can do. می‌خواهم معلم شوم. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. من میدونم که تام مشتری ارزشمندی است I know that Tom is a very valuable client. I know Tom's a valuable client. مهربانی زبانی است که در آن کر می‌تواند بشنود و کور می‌تواند ببیند. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Love is a language in which deaf people can hear, and the blind can see. موتسارت: یکی از بزرگترین اعجوبه‌های موسیقی همهٔ اعصار. Mozart: one of the great musical prodigies of all time. Motsart: One of the greatest music plays of all time. کریستف کلمب از اشتباهات تاریخی تنفر داشت. Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies. Christopher Caleb hated historical mistakes. من تا به حال چیزی مانند این ندیدم. I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen anything like this before. تام را چنان زیاد ملاقات نمی کنم I don't see Tom a whole lot. I don't meet Tom that much. من نبودم که دروغ گفتم، بلکه تو بودی. It wasn't me who lied, rather it was you. It wasn't me who lied, it was you. یک کم از این کیک امتحان کن. Try some of this cake. Try some of this cake. اون هیچ هدف مشخصی نداره. He has no specific aim. He doesn't have any specific targets. از طریق اسپری آب فشار قوی عملاً همهٔ رسوب زدوده می‌شود. By means of a super high-pressure water spray practically all the sediment is removed. Through water spray, strong pressure is practically all taken out. در ابتدا، او فکر می کرد انگلیسی خیلی سخت است، اما اکنون او فکر می کند آسان است. At first, he thought English very difficult, but now he thinks it is easy. At first, he thought English was very difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. میدونی، نمیخوام بکشمت. You know, I don't want to kill you. You know, I don't want to kill you. چرا کار نمی کنی؟ Why don't you work? Why don't you work? اسم شما چیست؟ What is your name? What's your name? این ایده به خودی خود ایده بدی نیست. The idea is not in itself a bad one. It's not a bad idea. ماشین ناگهانی پیچید. The car turned abruptly. The car's suddenly turned around. تام فهمید که تنها زندانی محکوم به حبس ابد در آن زندان بود. Tom learnt that he was the only convict sentenced to life imprisonment in that prison. Tom found out that the only prisoner was imprisoned for life in that prison. هنوز شروع به خواندن کتاب نکرده بود که کسی در زد. She had hardly begun to read the book before someone knocked at the door. He didn't start reading books that nobody knocks. این گیاه خوردنی نیست. This plant isn't edible. It's not food. به نظرم این کت کیفیتش خیلی بالاتر از اون یکیه I think this suit is much superior to that one in quality. I think it's a much higher quality jacket than that one. سبدبافی یک هنر منقرض‌شده است. Basket weaving is an extinct art. A basket is an extinct art. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردی. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You've been stealing your bike. برات چند تا کتاب آوردم که به بخونی. I brought you some more books to read. I brought you some books to read. برگ ها قهوه ای می شن توی پاییز. Leaves go brown in autumn. Leaves get brown in the fall. فکر می کنم تام برنده خواهد شد. I think Tom will win. I think Tom will win. او مرا شتابزده کرد. She made me hurry. He made me hurry. تو خواب آلود به نظر می رسی. You look sleepy. You look like you're asleep. پیراهن های آستین کوتاه را به من نشان بده. Show me short-sleeved ones, please. Show me short sleeves. او کیف‌دستی‌اش را گم کرد. She lost her handbag. He lost his purse. با خدا باش و پادشاهی کن. Be with God and be a lord. (Obey God to be a king) Be with God and rule. تام به قدری جذب کارش شده بود که یادش می‌رفت غذا بخورد. Tom got so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat. Tom was so attracted to his work that he forgot to eat. آنها دوستان خوبی شدند. They became good friends. They've become good friends. بهت احتیاج دارم. I need you. I need you. خیلی با حال! بسیار عالی! Fantastic! Very cool! من قول می‌دهم که هیچ قولی ندهم. I promise to make no promises. I promise I won't make any promises. قبل از ناهار میاد البته اگر اصلا بیاد. He'll come before lunch if he comes at all. He'll be here before lunch, if he ever does. من در خانه آرامش دارم. I have peace at home. I have peace at home. تام یک خرخوان واقعی است. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real donkey. آه! Ah! Aah! منظورت این است که عامدانه خوشگلی ات را پنهان می کنی؟ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? You mean you're hiding your beautiful commoner? خریدن بهتر از قرض گرفتن است. Better buy than borrow. Buying is better than borrowing. من انتخاب دیگری نداشتم جز اینکه سوار هواپیما شوم. I had no choice but to take the plane. I had no choice but to get on the plane. من به شدت تلاش مي كنم كه زبان انگليسي ياد بگيرم I am trying to learn English. I'm trying so hard to learn English. وسایلت رو پخش و پلا نکن Don't scatter your things about. Don't spread your stuff. او خیانتکار شد. He turned traitor. He was betrayed. ادای آدمهای متعجب را در نیاور. Don't look surprised. Don't act surprised. آنها شرایط بحرانی مرا فهمیدند. They understood my plight. They found out about my crisis. گریه را بس کن! Stop crying! Stop crying! می خواهم موهایم را رنگ کنم. I'm going to have to dye my hair. I want to paint my hair. او قبل از مرگ، بیش از یک ماه بستری شده بود. He was hospitalized for over a month before dying. He was in bed for more than a month before he died. تام خود را به خاطر مرگ ماری مقصّر می دانست. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Tom thought himself for Mary's death. فکر می کنم درست است. I think it true. I think it's true. نور خورشید منبع اصلی ویتامین دی است. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. The sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. من باید دوستان پرویی بیشتری پیدا کنم. I need to meet more Peruvian friends. I need to make more friends. دیوار موش دارد، موش هم گوش دارد. The walls have ears, the doors have eyes. It's got a rat wall, it's got ears. هرچند خسته بودم، حداکثر ممکن سعی ام را کردم. Although I was tired, I did my best. Though I was tired, I tried as much as possible. ازت شکایت می کنم I will sue you. I'll sue you. پیرمرد به فرانسه با من صحبت کرد. The old man spoke with me in French. The old man spoke to me in France. هیچکدام از دانشجویان نمی‌توانند به انگلیسی خوب صحبت کنند. There are no students who can speak English well. None of the students can speak good English. تو کسی هستی که الان بهش احتیاج دارم. You're the one I need now. You're the one I need right now. بدبختی او هنگامی که صدای او را شنید تبدیل به خوشبختی شد. His unhappiness when he heard her voice changed into happiness. His misery became happiness when he heard his voice. لطفا قبل از آنکه به بیرون بروی در را قفل کن. Please lock the door before you go out. Please lock the door before you go out. تو دوستم هستی You are my friend. You're my friend. او مطمئناً وظیفه ای را که به او محول شده است، انجام خواهد داد. He is sure to carry out the task assigned to him. He will surely do his duty. همانطور که منتظر تام بودم، به ذهنم خطور کرد که شاید بهتر بود ماری را دعوت نمی کردم. It occurred to me while I was waiting for Tom that maybe I shouldn't have invited Mary. As I was waiting for Tom, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't have invited Mary. از یک طرف می خواستم به شام دعوتت کنم و از طرف دیگه می خواستم بگم که پسرم ازدواج کرده On the one hand I called you to invite you to dinner, on the other to tell you my son is getting married. On the one hand, I wanted to invite you to dinner, and on the other hand, I wanted to say that my son was married. یک چاقو گم شده است. There is a knife missing. A knife is missing. آن پادشاه سال ها بر آن سرزمین حکومت کرد. The kingdom ruled over that land for years. The king ruled the land for many years. او به ندرت یا هیچ گاه قبل از یازده به رختخواب می رود. She seldom, if ever, goes to bed before eleven. He rarely goes to bed or never before 11. آیا تام کلید خانه ی ماری را دارد؟ Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have the key to Mary's house? گیاه خواری هستم. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vile plant. آن باور نکردنی است. It's incredible. It's incredible. میوه ها متعلق به همه ی شماست اما زمین متعلق به هیچ کس نیست. The fruits belong to all of you, but the earth belongs to no one. The fruit belongs to all of you, but the land belongs to no one. برای هر پست باید فرد مناسبی را انتخاب کنیم. We must select a suitable person for any post. For each post we must choose the right person. برای تصمیم‌گیری در مورد اینکه به چه کسی رأی بدهید، از چه معیارهایی استفاده می‌کنید؟ What criteria do you use in deciding who to vote for? What standards do you use to decide who to vote for? ماری دوید. Mary ran. Mary ran. ساعت چهار توانستیم به خانه برویم. At four we could go home. We were able to go home at 4:00. آنها تو را مسخره می کنند. They're mocking you. They scoff at you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him). خدا به تو برکت بدهد. May God bless you. May God bless you. برایم دشوار است که این مسئله را حل کنم. This problem is difficult for me to solve. It's hard for me to solve this. من رو دوست داره؟ Does she like me? Does he love me? هر چه او می گوید حقیقت دارد. Whatever she says is true. What he says is true. این چیزا این روزا سخت به دست میاد. These things are very hard to come by these days. It's hard to get these things these days. امروز تام یک ژاکت چهارخانه پوشیده است. Tom is wearing a plaid jacket today. Tom's wearing a four-house jacket today. این نردبان اینقدر محکم هست که وزن من رو تحمل کنه؟ Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? پیشگامان بر موانع بسیاری غلبه کردند. The pioneers overcame a set of obstacles. The pioneers overcome many obstacles. برای رقص تانگو دو نفر لازم است. It takes two to tango. It takes two people to dance. ما باید از پرندگان حفاظت کنیم. We must preserve birds. We need to protect the birds. این کارخانه مخصوص تولید پوشاک مردانه است. The factory is keyed to produce men's wear. This factory is for men's clothing production. او با ظاهری بهت زده، گفت: من چیزی نشنیده ام، بنابراین نمی توانم چیزی بگویم. He said with a perplexed expression, "I've heard nothing, so I can't say anything." He struck you in appearance, and said, "I haven't heard anything, so I can't say anything. در نهایت او خوشبختی خود را از دست داد. He lost his happiness in the end. Eventually, he lost his happiness. یک تکه‌ی کیک دیگر میل دارید؟ Would you like another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? او فاشیست است. They're a fascist. He's a lusssist. او وضعیت تأهل خود را کتمان کرد. She denied her marital status. He hid his condition. من خوشگل بودم. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. باید از حقوقمان دفاع کنیم. We must stand up for our rights. We must defend our rights. فوق العاده است. It is fantastic. It's amazing. من در تهران هستم. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. همه می‌دانستند که او می‌تواند انگلیسی را خوب صحبت کند. Everybody knew she could speak English well. Everyone knew he could speak English well. لطفا مراقب طاووس های من باش. Please take care of my peacocks. Please take care of my tractors. ان درب را ببند. Close that door. Close that door. من با خود عهد کرده‌ام هنگام خوابیدن هرگز سیگار نکشم. I make it a rule never to smoke while I'm sleeping. I promised myself never to smoke when I was sleeping. هر وقت می خواهی بگیر. Take whichever you want. Take it whenever you want. فیلم‌های خوب افق دید ما را وسیع‌تر می‌کنند. Good films broaden our horizons. Good movies extend our visual horizons. نگران شدن مانند پرداختن یک بدهی است که مدیون نیستید. Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe. It's like paying a debt you don't owe. بخدا قسم، من هرگز او را نمی شناختم. By God, I never knew that. I swear to God, I never knew him. به درک Served you right! I don't care. به کسی حمله نکن! Don't offend anyone! Don't attack anyone! دیر رسیدن بهتر از هرگز نرسیدن است. Better late than never. It's better to be late than never. احساس شما در مورد جنگ خلیج (فارس) چیست؟ How do you feel about the Gulf War? How do you feel about the Gulf War? خورشید یک ستاره است. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. امروز نمیتونم با تو بیام. I can't come with you today. I can't go with you today. خیلی طول می کشه تا آبروی از دست رفته رو به دست بیاری It will take a long time to live down your disgrace. It'll take you a long time to earn the loss of honor. من از هیچ گونه گرایش سیاسی خاص تبعیت نمی کنم. I don't adhere to any particular political tendency. I don't follow any particular political tendency. در کلام نمی گنجد. I'm at a loss for words. He doesn't treasure in the word. من فکر می کنم که او(دختر) یک رقصنده خوب است. I think she is a good dancer. I think she's a good dancer. مادر او یک خواننده بود. His mother was a singer. His mother was a singer. او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. She refused to say more about that matter. He refused to say more about it. فرض کنیم بدترین حالت ممکن رخ دهد. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Let's assume that's the worst possible situation. امیدوارم از این کار پشیمان نشوم. I hope that I don't regret this. I hope I don't regret it. او مقداری پول از آن خود دارد. She has some money of her own. He has some money. بدون شما زندگی من کاملاً خالی می‌بود. My life would have been completely empty without you. Without you, my life would be completely empty. بالاخره باید از یک جایی می آمد. It had to come from somewhere. He had to come from somewhere. هیچ ردپایی باقی نگذار. Don't leave any traces. Don't leave any trails. دست نزن بهش خیلی تیزه Don't touch that! It's sharp! Don't touch it. It's too sharp. اگر برایت اهمیت دارد، می توانی با ما بیایی. If you care to, you may come with us. If you care, you can come with us. در فقدان عدالت، حاکمیت چیزی نخواهد بود مگر دزدی سازمان یافته. In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? In lack of justice, sovereignty will be nothing but organized theft. تام خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom looks happy. Tom seems happy. آنکه همه را تمجید می‌کند، هیچکس را تمجید نمی‌کند. He who praises everyone praises nobody. He who glorifys everyone doesn't give glory to anyone. دشوار می توانم باور کنم که تام در آدم ربایی شرکت داشته. I find it hard to believe that Tom was involved in the kidnapping. It's hard to believe Tom was involved in kidnapping. هیچ کس آنجا نبود. There wasn't anyone there. There was no one there. نوشدارو بعد از مرگ سهراب. It's too late to shut the barn door after the horse is stolen. Have a drink after the death of Sujab. بعد از یک روز طولانی مدت کاری چطور دوست داری استراحت کنی? How do you like to relax and chill out at the end of a long working day? After a long day of work, how would you like to rest? کار از محکم کاری عیب نمی‌کند. Much caution does no harm. There is no fault in it. تا به حال یک درخت را هرس کرده‌اید؟ Have you ever pruned a tree? Have you ever checked a tree? تام به سبب عبور از خط زرد جریمه شد. Tom was ticketed for passing on a yellow line. Tom was punished for crossing the yellow line. هر وقت از چیزی خوش ام می آید خیلی گران است. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. When I like something, it's too expensive. معمولا ساعت ۸ بلند می‌شوم. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at 8:00. او چیزی می نویسد. He is writing something. He writes something. نمی دانم چه بگویم. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. ایده خوبی نیست که از یک زن بپرسید شما چند سالتونه؟ It's not a good idea to ask a woman how old she is. It's not a good idea to ask a woman how old are you? باید امشب کار کنم. I have to work tonight. I have to work tonight. همه‌ی داوطلبان نمی‌توانند در امتحان قبول شوند. Not all the candidates can pass the examination. Not all volunteers can pass the test. یک دوست واقعی همانند پرنده ای کم نظیر است. A real friend is like a rare bird. A real friend is like a small bird. ترن هر سی دقیقه یک بار حرکت می کنه The train runs every thirty minutes. The train moves once every 30 minutes. نمی توانم علّتی بیابم که چرا تام باید دیر کند. I couldn't think of any reason why Tom would be late. I can't figure out why Tom should be late. من همان مردی نیستم که تو در ابتدا مرا می شناختی. I am not the man I was when you knew me first. I'm not the man you knew me at first. آنها نمی توانستند از عهده ی آن مشکلات برآیند. They could not cope with those difficulties. They couldn't handle those problems. وقتی نزدیک گذرگاه رسیدیم، باران شروع به باریدن کرد. It began to rain as we came near the pass. When we got near the pass, the rain started to rain. تخطی‌کنندگان جریمه خواهند شد. Violators will be ticketed. Those who do wrong will be punished for what they used to do. زمین گرد است. The Earth is round. Earth is dust. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی The children of Adam are limbs of each otherHaving been created of one essence.When the calamity of time afflicts one limbThe other limbs cannot remain at rest.If you have no sympathy for the troubles of othersYou are not worthy to be called by the name of "man". Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- حال مادرم بهتر است. My mother's feeling better. My mother's better. برای چه کسی این استخوان را خریده ای؟ For whom have you brought the bone? who did you buy this bone for? اگر با احتیاط رانندگی کنی تصادف نخواهی کرد. If you drive carefully you'll avoid accidents. If you drive carefully, you won't crash. عشق دادن آن چیزی است که خود انسان آن را ندارد. Love is giving something one doesn't have. Love is what humans don't have. بیل سیگار را ترک کرد. Bill stopped smoking. Bill left the cigarette. منتظر گوساله بودم، خدا بچه فرستاد. I was awaiting for a calf. God sent a kid. I was waiting for the calf. God sent the baby. هیچ کس داوطلب نشد. Nobody volunteered. No one volunteered. من باید با این ایده مخالفت کنم. I have to oppose this idea. I have to disagree with this idea. می توانم استراحت کنم؟ Can I take a break? Can I rest? او پشیمان بود از اینکه به سراغ موسیقی نرفته است. She regretted not having gone into music. He was sorry he didn't go to music. او سعی کرد. She tried. He tried. من این کتاب را دوست ندارم I don't like this book. I don't like this book. تو باید از پدرت راهنمایی بخواهی و به آن عمل کنی. You should ask your father for his advice and follow it. You must ask your father for guidance and do it. برای دنیا شما کسی مثل دیگران هستید، اما برای کسی شما کل دنیا هستید. For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world. For the world you're someone like everyone else, but for someone you're the whole world. او از سگ ها می ترسد. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. بعد از هر سربالایی یک سرازیری است. There is a downhill after every uphill. After each top of each top, it's a fall. خیلی وقت است چنین کاری نکرده‌ام. I haven't done anything like this in a long time. I haven't done that in a long time. کمی برای نوشیدن زود است، این طور نیست؟ It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early to drink, isn't it? اگر این قاعده که «هر قاعده‌ای حداقل یک استثنا دارد» یک قاعده باشد، پس حداقل یک قاعده هیچ استثنائی ندارد. If "every rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. If this rule that "any rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. این کامپیوتر منسوخ شده است. This computer is obsolete. This computer is out of control. ابزارهای زیادی در جعبه وجود دارد. There are a lot of tools in the box. There are many tools in the box. حالا که صحبت از سویس شد، شما هیچ وقت زمستان به آنجا رفته‌اید؟ Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? به طور خلاصه، به این مرد نباید اعتماد کرد. The man, in short, is not to be trusted. In short, this man shouldn't be trusted. پل با 10 ستون نگاه داشته شده است. The bridge is supported by 10 posts. The bridge is kept with 10 columns. او سه روز در آنجا ماند. He stayed there for three days. He stayed there for three days. من به شما دستور می‌دهم از فرمانهایم اطاعت نکنید. I'm ordering you not to obey my orders. I command you not to obey my commandments. احتمالا همین روی تصمیم شان تاثیر گذاشته. That was probably what influenced their decision. That's probably what affected their decision. من باید با دقت بیشتری گوش می دادم. I should've listened more carefully. I had to listen more carefully. سرت شلوغ است؟ Are you busy? Are you busy? آنکس بیشتر می‌داند که کمتر حرف می‌زند. He knows most who speaks least. Anx knows more than he talks less. آن فیل به باغ وحش برده شد. The elephant was brought to the zoo. The elephant was taken to the zoo. باید به همون روش انجام بشه. It needs to be done in the same way. It has to be done the same way. من با بسیاری از دوستان در کانادا نامه نگاری می کنم. I correspond with many friends in Canada. I write with a lot of friends in Canada. تشکر برای دعوت کردن من. Thanks for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. اگر یک فیلسوف یک ریش سفید و بلند نداشته باشد به او اعتماد نمی‌کنم. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. هیئت منصفه‌ی عالی او را از هر جرمی بی‌گناه دانست. A grand jury found him not guilty of any crime. The grand jury considered him innocent of any crime. او واقف نبود که تمجید یک طعنه در لباس مبدل است. He was not aware that the praise was a satire in disguise. He didn't realize that praise is an insult in dress. از کاهی کوهی ساختن. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. They made it out of a rock. پاپ بعدی چه کسی خواهد بود؟ Who will be the next pope? Who will be the next Pope? من مجبور بودم هنگامی که در بیمارستان بودم از سیگار کشیدن اجتناب کنم. I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital. I had to avoid smoking while I was in the hospital. سلام بابا. Hi, Father. Hi, Dad. زبان همیشه به دندانی که درد می‌کند می‌خورد. The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth. The language always fits the tooth that hurts. دو ساختمان مجاور هم هستند. The two buildings adjoin. There are two nearby buildings. ما با زبان اشاره صحبت کردیم. We talked in sign language. We spoke sign language. من تضمین می کنم که این ساعت زمان دقیق را نشان دهد. I guarantee this watch to keep perfect time. I guarantee this watch will show the exact time. او دید که آن مرد شیشه را شکست. She saw him break the window. He saw the man break the glass. من داشتم فقط آلمانی حرف می‌زدم. I was speaking only German. I was just talking German. ظاهر و رفتار او مرا شرمنده کرد. His appearance and behavior made me ashamed of him. His appearance and his behavior shamed me. جمعیت این کشور در حال کم شدن است. The population of this country is diminishing. The population of this country is about to be reduced. لطف کنید اسم و شماره تلفن آن دکتر را به من بدهید. Please provide that doctor's name and phone number for me. Please give me that doctor's name and phone number. چرا به ژاپن رفتی؟ Why did you go to Japan? Why did you go to Japan? من با او آشنا هستم. I am acquainted with him. I'm familiar with him. برو بپر تو دریاچه. Go jump in the lake. Get in the lake. هواشناسی پیش بینی بارندگی کرده. The forecast calls for rain. It's predictive weather. آنها همگی ساخته‌های خیالت هستند. They're all figments of your imagination. They're all your imaginations. به او دشنام داد.به همین خاطر او عصبانی گشت. He insulted her. That is why she got angry. He insulted him. That's why he got angry. بهترین سلاح علیه یک دشمن، دشمن دیگر است. The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. اگر نتوانی به وعده‌ات عمل کنی، چه عذری خواهی آورد؟ If you can't keep your promise, what excuse will you make? Then what is your excuse if you are not able to do so? هیچ کس نمی توان آزادی را به تو دهد. هیچ کس نمی تواند برابری یا عدالت یا هر چیز دیگری را به تو دهد. اگر انسانی، خودت آن را به دست می آوری. Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. No one can give you freedom. No one can give you equality or justice or anything. If a human, you get it yourself. تام داره یه نقشه ای میکشه. Tom is plotting something. Tom's planning something. والدین بچه هایشان را دوست دارند. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. کدام کیف مال تو است؟ Which bag is yours? What bag is yours? یک زن بلوند با روانپزشکش صحبت می‌کند. A blonde is speaking to her psychiatrist. A blonde woman talks to her psychiatrist. چرا من باید بخواهم که به تام کمک کنم؟ Why would I help Tom? Why would I want to help Tom? تام موهایش را به رنگ سیاه رنگ کرد. Tom has dyed his hair black. Tom painted his hair in black. همینکه او را ببینم، خبر را به او خواهم گفت. I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. When I see him, I will tell him the news. باید زودتر بیاید. It must come soon. You need to come quickly. برج توکیو را می‌توانستم در دوردست ببینم. I could see Tokyo Tower far away. I could see Tokyo Tower far away. او معنی لفظ به لفظ جمله را توضیح می دهد. She explains the literal meaning of the sentence. He explains the meaning of the phrase. تام نتوانست عصبانیتش را کنترل کند. Tom couldn't contain his anger. Tom couldn't control his anger. حرفه شما چیست؟ What is your line of work? What is your profession? آیا مردم هرگز شما را به دمدمی مزاج بودن متهم می‌کنند؟ Do people ever accuse you of being temperamental? Do people never accuse you of being paranoid? آب و هوای بد بر سلامت او تاثیر گذاشت. The bad weather affected his health. Bad weather affected her health. یک خرس قطبی یک خرس چهارگوش است، البته پس از یک تبدیل مختصات. A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform. A polar bear is a four-line bear, after a turn of coordinates. اگر کلید برده بودم، پشت در نایستاده بودم. If I had taken the key, I wouldn't be standing behind the door. If I had taken the key, I wouldn't have stood behind the door. خوشحالم که به آخرین نامه شما جواب دهم. I am happy to reply to your last letter. I'm glad to answer your last letter. چطوره به عنوان یک تغییر امروز صبح بیرون غذا بخوریم؟ How about eating out this morning for a change? How about we eat outside as a change this morning? شما باید در این کلاس بالاتر از سی نمره بگیرید. You have to get above a "C" in the class. You have to get a degree above 30 in this class. هیچ اثاثی در اتاق نیست. There's no furniture in the room. There's no furniture in the room. تام متوجه نبود که در قبال رفتار برادر اش مسئول است. Tom did not consider that he was responsible for his brother's behaviour. Tom didn't realize he was responsible for his brother's behavior. حالم خوب نیست یا بهتر بگم حالم افتضاحه. I don't feel good or rather, I feel terrible. I'm not feeling well or I'm sick of it. ادامه بده ( ادامه دادن ) Go on. Keep going. هرگز نمی توانم خودم را مجبور کنم راجع به آن صحبت کنم. I can never bring myself to talk about it. I can never force myself to talk about it. سه بار اندازه بگیر و یک بار ببر. Measure thrice, cut once. Take three measures and take one. من یک چتر نو را در اتوبوس جا گذاشتم. I left a new umbrella in the bus. I left a new umbrella on the bus. تام و ماری می گویند که خیلی از یاد گرفتن فرانسوی لذت می برند. Tom and Mary say they're having a lot of fun learning French. Tom and Mary say they really enjoy learning French. بسیاری از رستوران ها در حال حاضر وای- فای مجانی دارند. Many restaurants now have free Wi-Fi. Many restaurants are now free-of-charge. تام نمی داند چطور اوقات خوشی داشته باشد. Tom doesn't know how to have a good time. Tom doesn't know how to have a good time. مشغول صحبت با تام هستم. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. من عادت به سخنرانی کردن در حضور جمع ندارم. I'm not used to making speeches in public. I'm not used to speaking in public. آقای تامپسون امروز خیلی مشغول بوده است. Mr Thompson has been very busy today. Mr. Thompson has been very busy today. تو با او بحث کردی؟ Did you argue with him? did you argue with him? هیچ وقت از کسی نخواسته که براش کاری انجام بده. She has never asked a favour of anybody. He never asked anyone to do anything for him. هر انسانی نقطه ضعف‌های خود را دارد. Every man has his weak points. Every person has its weaknesses. این روزها افکار زیادی در سر دارم. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have many thoughts these days. حل مخاصمه، غیر ممکن است. It is impossible to resolve the conflict. Arguing is impossible. من پول را در گاوصندوق گذاشتم. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. آیا ستاره‌های دریایی قابل خوردن هستند؟ Are starfish edible? Can sea stars be eaten? حادثه دو سال پیش اتفاق افتاد. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. آنگاه الگوریتم را ادامه می‌دهیم. Then we can continue the algorithm. Then we continue the algorithm. تام پرورش دهنده گوسفند است. Tom is a sheep farmer. Tom is a sheep grower. نمی توانم اینجا بمیرم. I can't die here. I can't die here. او آوازه خوان خوبی است. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. مقاومت بیهوده است. Resistance is futile. The resistance is in vain. آقای آنتون به سردی با آنها صحبت کرد. Mr. Anton spoke to them coldly. Mr. Anton spoke to them coldly. هلن در حیاط در حال بازی کردن است. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the yard. او برای مادرش نامه مینویسه. He's writing his mother a letter. He writes to his mother. می خواهم با تو بیایم، اما پول ندارم. I want to go with you, but I'm broke. I want to come with you, but I don't have any money. من دیگر تو را دوست ندارم. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. نامزد ام بدون اطلاع قبلی آمد و من احساس یاس می کنم. My fiancee arrived without notifying me beforehand, and I felt embarrassed. My fiancé came in without warning, and I feel like I'm sorry. وقتی تام از مری پرسید چند سال داری؛ مری دورغ گفت. Mary lied when Tom asked her how old she was. When Tom asked Mary how old you were; Mary lied. آیا میزی برای دو نفر در روز جمعه وجود دارد؟ Is there a table available for two on Friday? Is there a table for two people on Friday? آزاد مرد! همیشه تو دریا را عزیز خواهی داشت. Free man, always you will cherish the sea. You will always love the sea. دیروز خوشحال بودم. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. در زمان های بسیار دور در هندوستان، یک میمون، یک روباه و یک خرگوش با خوشی کنار هم زندگی می کردند. Long long ago in India, a monkey, a fox, and a rabbit lived happily together. In a long time away in India, a monkey, a fox and a rabbit lived happily together. گاهی اوقات لازم است خودت را دور کنی تا همه چیز را واضح تر ببینی. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly. Sometimes you need to get away from yourself to see things more clearly. معمولاً بیش از سه هفته طول می‌کشد تا یک سخنرانی فی‌البداههٔ خوب آماده کنم. It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good speech. با او موافقم. I agree with him. I agree with him. دوست داریم آخر هفته با هم عصرانه داشته باشیم Would you like to have supper with us on the weekend? We'd like to have an evening together this weekend. آنها هنوز به رسوم ما عادت نکرده اند. They are not used to our customs yet. They're not used to our traditions yet. اینجا قبلا یک مزرعه‌ی سرسبز بود، ولی حالا یک سوپرمارکت است. There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket. This used to be a green farm, but now it's a supermarket. پسر اسب دارد. The boy has a horse. The boy has horses. پرستار به شما یک آرام‌بخش داد. The nurse gave you a sedative. The nurse gave you a relief. اصلاً فکرش را هم نکن. Don't even think of it. Don't even think about it. هیچ کس به کمکم نیامد. No one came to help me. No one has helped me. آنقدر سوپ رو بجوشانید تا غلیظ بشود. Boil the soup down until it becomes thick. So much for the soup to get thick. هفده ساله ای؟ Are you 17? You're 17? من اینجا نیستم. (.Man injā nistam) I'm not here. I'm not here. به او بد نگاه نکن چون که تنها او بی پول است. Don't look down on him merely because he is poor. Don't look bad at him because he's the only one without money. متاسفیم، ولی حق انتشار این اطلاعات را نداریم. We are sorry, but we don't have publishing rights for this information. We're sorry, but we don't have the right to publish this information. ولش کن. Let it go. Let him go. این را به قلبت نزدیک نگاه ندار. Don't take it to heart. Don't keep this close to your heart. ایچیرو کمی ناراحت به نظر می‌رسید، ولی بر اثر سال‌های دراز آشنایی با او فهمیدم که همه‌اش تظاهر است. Ichiro sounded somehow upset but my long years of hanging out with him told me that it was out and out fake. Ichiro seemed a little upset, but as long as I met him, I realized that he was all pretending. اگر کم صحبت کنی و بیشتر گوش دهی، چیزی یاد می‌گیری. If you would talk less and listen more, you might learn something. If you talk little and you listen more, you'll learn something. آیا آزاردهنده نیست؟ Isn't that irritating? Isn't it annoying? تکنیک او بی همتا و کاملاً غیرفابل باور بود. His technique was unrivalled and completely unbelievable. His technique was unique and completely unsatisfied. او همه فن حریف است. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He's the whole trick of the opponent. او برای همیشه عاشق او خواهد بود. He will love her forever. He'll be in love with her forever. بعله، فکرشو میکردم. Yes, I thought so. Yeah, I thought so. این مهم نیست. This is not important. It doesn't matter. هیچ چیز نمی تواند تصمیم او را تغییر دهد. Nothing could induce him to change his mind. Nothing can change his decision. او نقشی در به پایان رساندن کار داشت. He had a share in completing the job. He had a role in finishing the job. دیروز غروب؟ چه ساعتی؟ Yesterday evening? As in what time? What time? از اینکه در مورد هر چیزی با ادعا حرف می زنه متنفرم. I hate his talking big on every occasion. I hate that he talks about everything he claims to be. این کار را ظرف پنج روز تمام می‌کنم. I will finish the work in five days. I'll finish this in five days. تام اخم کرد. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. این مسیر جند ساعت طول میکشه. How many hours will the trip take? That's gonna take a couple hours. تغییر تنها ثابت است. Change is the only constant. Change is only fixed. حقیقت چیست؟ What is the truth? What's the truth? مردمی که آزادی انتخاب دارند، همواره صلح را انتخاب خواهند کرد. A people free to choose will always choose peace. People who have freedom will always choose peace. او این تصادف را به پلیس گزارش کرد He reported his accident to the police. he reported this accident to the police حسن نیت و عدالت را در برابر همه ملل رعایت کن. صلح و سازش را با همگان ترویج کن. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Follow the well-being and justice against all nations: promote peace and reconciliation with all. «Quod erat demonstrandum» یک اصطلاح لاتین است که اغلب در ریاضیات استفاده می‌شود. معنی می‌دهد «آنچه باید نشان داده می‌شد». "Quod erat demonstrandum" is a Latin phrase that's often used in mathematics. It means "That which must be demonstrated." "Qood dmonstandum" is a Latin term used in mathematics often. It means "what should be shown." او عکس را چپه آویخته است. She hung the picture upside down. He hung the photo on the left. خسته شدم از نصیحت کردن هاش. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm tired of giving her advice. ارزش خرد بیشتر از مروارید است. The price of wisdom is above pearls. The value of wisdom is greater than pearls. برای خانه با او چانه زدیم. We bargained with him for the house. Then We exalted him to the house with him. ما عجول بودیم. We were impatient. We were in a hurry. من می‌خواهم عشق حقیقی را پیدا کنم. I want to find true love. I want to find true love. مد یک صورت از بدقیافگی غیر قابل تحمل است که مجبوریم هر شش ماه آن را عوض کنیم. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. The fashion is an unresolved face that we have to change every six months. مهمترین ویژگی حبس، از دست دادن آزادی است. The fundamental aspect of imprisonment is the loss of liberty. The most important feature in prison is losing freedom. برو بیرون! Get out! Get out! دعوا ادامه دارد. The feud continues. The fight continues. آن به ترجمه ماشینی شباهت دارد. It looks like a machine translation. It's similar to the translation of a machine. میلی من را دوست دارد. Millie loves me. Millie loves me. در معادن زغال سنگ، این کارگران که دولت به آنها حقوق می دهد، با مرگ دست و پنجه نرم می کنند. These workmen, whom the government pays for, are dealing with death in coal mines. In coal mines, these workers who the government pays are dealing with death. مدیر مدرسه‌ی ما یک آمریکایی است. The principal of our school is an American. Our school manager is an American. کمکشان را نیاز خواهم داشت. I will need their help. I'll need their help. اگر می‌توانستم ترتیب الفبا را عوض کنم، حروف ت و م را کنار هم می‌گذاشتم. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. If I could change the alphabet order, I'd put the letters and m together. چه چیزی در دستت داری؟ What are you holding in your hand? What do you have in your hand? امروز یکمی حالم بده. I'm feeling a little under the weather today. I'm feeling a little sick today. قانون باید روشن باشد. The law should be clear. The law must be clear. میلی کتاب دارد. Millie has a book. Milli has books. نگذار او آدرس آن خانم را بفهمد. Don't let him know her address. Don't let her know her address. مراقب سگ بد جنس همسایه بغلی باش. Be careful of that mean dog next door. Watch your neighbor's ugly dog. تشکر قلبی! Heartfelt thanks! Thank you heart! این دارو باید با شکم خالی مصرف شود. This medicine is to be taken on an empty stomach. It must be used with an empty stomach. آیا کسی از شما در هاوائی بوده است؟ Has anyone of you been to Hawaii? Have any of you been in Hawaii? وقتی ما با هم صحبت می کردیم او پرید میان صحبتمان. She cut in when we were talking. When we were talking, he jumped into our conversation. تام می خواهد جهان را تغییر دهد. Tom wants to change the world. Tom wants to change the world. آب پرتقال می‌نوشم. I'm drinking orange juice. I drink orange juice. آنها با آب و غذای کافی سربازان را پشتیبانی می کنند. They supplied the soldiers with enough food and water. They support soldiers with enough water and food. چرا من زبان انگلیسی را درک نمی کنم؟ Why don't I understand English? Why don't I understand English? از خانواده چه خبر؟ How is it going with your family? What's up with the family? لباس توی ویترین مغازه چشم مری را گرفت. The dress in the shop window caught Marie's eye. The dress in the window caught Mary's eye. زمین یکی از سیارات است The earth is one of the planets. Earth is one of the planets. دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست. Fine words butter no parsnips. Two hundred says because it's not half an act. ما یک فرش نو می خواهیم. We want a new carpet. We want a new carpet. یک کلمه هم حرف نزد Not a word did he speak. He didn't say a word. آن ها می توتنند همان اجناس را با قیمت پایین تری تولید کنند They can produce the same goods at a far lower cost. They could produce the same stuff at a lower price. دسر مورد علاقه ات چیست؟ What's your favorite dessert? What's your favorite dessert? چه غذاهای فراوانی قابل طبخ با بادنجان هستند! So many tasty foods can be prepared with eggplants! There's so many foods that are medicineable with the wind! N8 اولین دستگاه تولید شده بوسیله نوکیا با سیستمِ عِامل سیمبیان 3 خواهد بود. The N8 will be the first device by Nokia with the Symbian^3 operating system N8 will be the first device produced by Nokia with the Amal Simian 3. دنیا از یک قانون طلائی پیروی می‌کند: هر کسی که طلا دارد، قوانین را می‌سازد. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. The world follows a golden rule: whoever has gold makes the rules. آن دختر کوچولو قادر به سوار شدن به دوچرخه نیست. The little girl is not capable of riding a bicycle. That little girl can't get on a bike. همه‌ی تعمیم‌دادن‌ها اشتباه‌اند، ازجمله همین یکی. All generalizations are false, including this one. All errors are wrong, including this one. امروز صیح خیلی زود از خواب بیدار شده ای؟ کاری داری که انجام بدهی؟ You're up very early this morning. Do you have something to do? You wake up early today, do you have anything to do? دل‌شاد بودن، عمر انسان را طولانی می‌کند. A merry heart makes a long life. It takes a long life to be happy. گرانبها هستم. I am valuable. I'm precious. از او خواهش کرد که با او بماند ولی او سریعا خانه را ترک کرد. She begged him to stay with her, but he left home as quickly as he could. He asked him to stay with him, but immediately he left the house. من نمیدونم تام چه نقشه داره میکشه. I don't know what Tom is plotting. I don't know what Tom's planning. شما آشپز خوبی هستید. You are a good cook. You're a good cook. احتیاط فرزند ارشد دانایی است. Caution is the eldest daughter of wisdom. Pregnancy is a wise child. او از اصابت صاعقه، جان سالم به در برد. He survived being struck by lightning. He survived the lightning strike. باید قبل از آن‌ها برسیم آن جا. We must get there before them. We need to get there before they do. تبریک! Congratulations! Congratulations! اجل گشته میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking door hangs longest. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. من به ایستگاه رفتم تا با دوستم خداحافظی کنم. I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. زندگی چه معنایی خواهد داشت اگر شهامت امتحان کردن هیچ چیز را نداشته باشیم. What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? What life would mean if we didn't have the courage to try anything. من فقط نمی دانم چه بگویم. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. کامپیوتر من دیروز خراب شد. My computer was down yesterday. My computer went down yesterday. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی به تام رای دهی. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to vote for Tom, are you? You don't really want to vote for Tom, do you? من فقط ديروز اينجا بودم. I was just here yesterday. I was only here yesterday. تام فکر نمی کرد که دلش را داشته باشد به ماری بگوید چه کاری بایست انجام می شد. Tom didn't think he had the stomach to tell Mary what needed to be done. Tom didn't think he had the heart to tell Mary what had to be done. او به هدفش رسید. He reached his goal. He has achieved his purpose. آزادی غیر قابل استفاده است مگر اینکه از آن استفاده کنید. Freedom is useless unless you use it. Freedom is unuseable unless you use it. من فراموش کردم که تلویزیون را قبل به خواب رفتن خاموش کنم. I forgot to turn off the television before going to sleep. I forgot to turn off the TV before I went to sleep. به نظر می رسد او دوستان زیادی دارد. It looks like she's got a lot of friends. He seems to have a lot of friends. شما نمی‌دانید آن بطری کدر کوچک حاوی چیست. You don't know what that small opaque bottle contains. You don't know what that little bottle contains. زندگی آسان نیست. Life's not easy. Life is not easy. هیچ‌کس همّه چیز را نمی‌داند. No one knows everything. No one knows anything. میای خونه ما سارا؟ Would you come to our house, Sarah? Will you come to our house, Sarah? او چگونه به خبرهای ناگوار واکنش نشان داد؟ How did he react to the bad news? How did he react to bad news? اتفاقات زیادی افتاد و همه برنامه ریزی ام بهم ریخت. A lot of things happened and my schedule was messed up. A lot of things happened and all my plans went wrong. بیا بریم یک فنجان قهوه بنوشیم در آن کافی شاپ آنجا. Let's go drink a cup of coffee at that coffee shop over there. Let's get a cup of coffee in there. این امر هم در مورد کودکان و هم در مورد بزرگسالان صدق می کند. This is true of adults as well as of children. This applies to both children and adults. آروم باش. او فقط دارد با تو شوخی می کند. Relax. He's just teasing you. Relax. He's just joking with you. من نمی توانستم ایده هایش را بفهمم. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. برای چه چنین چیزی گفتی؟ Why did you say such a thing? Why did you say that? من در ریاضیات مهارت دارم. I'm good at mathematics. I'm good at math. شما می توانید گزینه های پیکره بندی بازی را در هنگام شروع بازی برای اولین بار، تنظیم نمایید. You can adjust game configuration options when starting the game for the first time. You can set the game configuration options when starting the game for the first time. دیشب هیچ کاری نکردم. فقط روی کاناپه وِلو ماندم. I didn't do anything yesterday evening. I just lay around on the sofa! I didn't do anything last night. فیلم ساعت دو شروع شد. The film started at 2 o'clock. The film started at 2:00. اگر باید خرس را ملاقات کنید، وانمود کنید مرده‌اید. If you should meet a bear, pretend to be dead. If you have to meet the bear, pretend you're dead. ما با یکدیگر می رقصیم. We dance together. We dance together. آنها به کجا رفتند؟ Where did they go? where did they go? آشپزخانه را بعداً تمیز خواهم کرد. I'll clean the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. اینها خودروهای مشابه هستند. These are the same kind of car. These are similar cars. من در ترکیه زندگی می کنم. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. عجله کن! وقتی برای تلف کردن نداریم! Hurry! There's no time to lose. Hurry up, we don't have time to waste! بیشتر مردم در مورد زندگی روزمره شان می نویسند. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their everyday lives. به هیچ دردی نمی خورد. It is good for nothing. It won't do any good. او همیشه در حال مطالعه کردن به موسیقی گوش می دهد. She always studies listening to music. He's always listening to music studying. یک قاضی باید از قانون اطاعت کند نه از شاه. A judge must obey not the king, but the law. A judge must obey the law, not the king. من ديروز به سينما رفتم I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the movies yesterday. من از این همه جر و بحث خسته و بیزارم. I'm sick and tired of all this bickering. I hate all this argument and I hate it. به صندلی خود برگرد. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. آیا واقعاً صلح پایداری وجود دارد؟ Is there really a sustainable peace? Is there really peace of endurance? من خیار می خورم. I eat cucumber. I'll eat pickles. صاحبخانه قفلها را عوض کرد. The landlord changed the locks. The owner changed the locks. این آغاز عصری جدید است. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. تنها رها کردن کودکان، یک بی‌فکری محض بود. Leaving the children alone was sheer thoughtlessness. Only leaving children was a thoughtless mind. کرایه‌ی اتوبوس چقدر است؟ What's the bus fare? How much is the bus rent? می تونم این یکی رو ببینم؟ Can I see this one? Can I see this one? درمورد من فکر بد نکن. Don't get me wrong. Don't think bad about me. وقت خوردنه! Time to eat! It's time to eat! دائی من جوان نیست ولی سالم است. My uncle is not young, but he is healthy. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. اینجا هیچ چیزی برای من نیست. There's nothing for me here. There's nothing for me here. آخرین کسی که ایده ام را شنید فکر کرد دیوانه ام. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person who heard my idea thought I was crazy. تنها راز زندگی این است که چرا خلبانان کامی کازه، کلاه ایمنی می پوشیدند. The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets. The only secret of life is why Campi Kaze's pilots wear helmets. یک سال کبیسه چند روز دارد؟ How many days are there in a leap year? How many days does Kabisse have a year? این کفش‌ها ساخت ایتالیا هستند. These shoes were made in Italy. These are Italian shoes. آیا خطرناک نخواهد بود؟ Wouldn't that be dangerous? Won't it be dangerous? او نا را مجبور کرد زودتر بیاییم. He compelled us to come earlier. He forced Na to come sooner. یک بار دیگر سعی کنیم. Let's try it again. Try again. این اتاقی است که جسد در آن یافت شد. This is the room where the body was found. This is the room where the body was found. امروز هوا بسیار بد است. It is terrible weather today. It's too bad today. تام تمام صبح را به دنبال سگش می گشت. Tom was looking for his dog all morning. Tom spent the morning looking for his dog. روزی، مایک و جین برای خرید به مرکز شهر رفتند. One day Mike and Jane went downtown to do some shopping. One day, Mike and Jane went shopping downtown. به من کمک کن. Help me! Help me. شنیدن کی بُوَد مانند دیدن. Seeing is believing. Let's hear who's bad, like seeing. شاید آخرین سگ خرگوش را بگیرد. Maybe the last dog is catching the hare. Maybe he'll get the last rabbit dog. این جمله به طرز فاحشی غلط است. This sentence is egregiously wrong. It's immorally wrong. همه ی پلیس ها شجاع نیستند. Not all policemen are brave. Not all cops are brave. آسان بگیرش. Take it easy. Take it easy. چوب را که بلند کنی، گربه دزده فرار می‌کند. A fox smells its own stink first. You lift the stick, the thief's cat escapes. او در نقّادی از هر زمانی مشهورتر شد. He became ever more famous as a critic. He became the most famous of any time. بله، اتفاق افتاد اما نه در امسال. Yes, it did happen, but not in this year. Yes, it happened, but not this year. من می توانم از کوره در بروم/عصبانی بشوم! I can become angry. I can get out of the furnace/ get angry! این یک دروغ آشکار است. That's a blatant lie. This is a clear lie. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی Humans are peers of a united race, Thus in creation, share the same base. If one is affected with pain, Others share the faith of same. When you are indifferent to this pain, You shall not earn the Humans' name. Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- خلیج فارس بین ایران و شبه جزیره عرب قرار دارد. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. The Persian Bay is located between Iran and the Arab Island. چیزهای خوب برای آنها اتفاق می‌افتند که صبر کنند. All things come to those who wait. Good things happen to them to wait. شما دو نفر واقعاً مهربان هستید. You two are really kind. You two are really kind. اونا از این آدما هستن که فک می کنند به اندازه ای که پول دادی می گیری. They are very this-is-what-you-paid-for type of thing. They're the kind of people who think you're gonna get enough money. عصاره ی آزادی ریاضیات است. The essence of liberty is mathematics. It's the freedom of mathematics. کودکان آن چیزی را که والدینشان به آنها می گویند باور خواهند کرد. Children will believe what their parents tell them. Children will believe what their parents tell them. آنها اصلاً مانند آمریکایی‌های معمولی نبودند. They were not at all like average Americans. They weren't like ordinary Americans at all. بچه های بزرگتر نسبت به خواهر و برادرهای کوچیکترشان معمولا حسادت کمتری دارند. Older children tend to be less jealous than their younger sibling. The older children are usually less jealous of their younger siblings. بخندید و چاق باشید. Laugh and be fat. Smile and be fat. کهکشان آندرومدا خانه من است. The Andromeda Galaxy is my home. The Antomeda galaxy is my home. اگر خدا وجود نمی داشت، شایسته آن بود که آفریده شود. Even if God didn't exist, it would be again nice to have been created. Had it not been for God's will, He would certainly have been created; بیشتر ضرر رسوند تا منفعت. It did more harm than good. More damage than profit. افکار عمومی بر تصمیمات رئیس جمهور حاکم است. Public opinion governs the president's decisions. The public opinion is the president's decision. تام رفت بیرون روبروی کتابخانه منتظر ماند تا ماری برود ماشین را پارک کند. Tom got out in front of the library and waited while Mary went to park the car. Tom went out to the library waiting for Mary to go park the car. او عجله کرد تا زمان از دست رفته را جبران کند. He hurried on to make up for lost time. He rushed to make up for the lost time. من ترجیح می دادم که به طور خصوصی با شما سخن بگویم. I would prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather speak to you in private. چرا زنبورها بعد از نیش زدن می میرند؟ Why do bees die after stinging? Why do bees die after stinging? بدن ظاهری ات روزی فرسوده شده و خواهد مرد. Your physical body will wear out and die one day. Your body will die one day. وقتی بهت فکر می‌کنم، فقط یک چیز به ذهنم می‌آید: تکبّر. When I think of you, only one thing comes to mind: arrogance. When I think about you, there's only one thing I think about: pride. او موهای خود را قرمز کرد. She dyed her hair red. He reded his hair. به امید دیدار. See you. See you. آماده هستی؟ Are you ready? You ready? این مزاحمت چه بود؟ What is all this bother about? What's wrong with you? شنیده نشدن دلیلی برای سکوت نیست. Not being heard is no reason for silence. Not hearing is a reason for silence. اینجا پارک کردن ممنوع است. Parking is prohibited here. It's forbidden to park here. به این دلیل که تو بسیار کار می کنی، همیشه خواب آلود هستی. It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time. Because you work so hard, you're always asleep. فردا صبح، پدرم غذای خوشمزه ای برایم می پزد. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, my father will cook me a delicious meal. من ترا دوست دارم I love you. I love you. من به چنین داستانهایی خیلی علاقه دارم. I am very interested in those stories. I'm very interested in such stories. اتاق در تاریکی کامل بود. The room was in complete darkness. The room was full in darkness. تام پسرش رو در مقابل همه تحقیر کرد. Tom scolded his son in front of everyone. Tom humiliated his son before everyone. سگ را بیرون نگهدار Keep the dog out. Keep the dog out. ما باهم به حمام خواهیم رفت. We're going to take a shower together. We'll go to the bathroom together. پشت سرت را نگاه کن! Look behind you! Look behind you! ناگهان باران باریدن گرفت. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it rained down. پسرا در گوشی با هم حرف می زدند. می دونستم یک کاری می خوان بکنند. The boys were whispering; I knew they were up to something. The boys were talking on the phone. I knew they were going to do something. او مشکل داشت زیرا گذرنامه اش را گم کرده بود. She was in trouble because she lost her passport. He had trouble because he lost his passport. کلمات از بیان اشتباه شما قاصر اند. Words cannot express the extent to which you are wrong. Words don't mean you're wrong. من نمی‌توانم به سوال شما پاسخ دهم. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. تا کی باز هستید؟ How late are you open? How long are you open? شما مرتب هستید. You're organized. You're regular. تشخیص دادن تو از برادرت دشوار است. It's hard to tell you from your brother. It's hard to recognize you from your brother. من یکی از دوستان مری را ملاقات کردم. I met a friend of Mary's. I met a friend of Mary's. تام به موسیقی جاز خیلی علاقمند است. Tom is very interested in jazz. Tom is very interested in jazz music. به جهنم! Served you right! Fuck! به خاطر گستاخی او، زبانم بند آمد. I was rendered speechless by his rudeness. Because of his arrogance, my tongue was tied up. دکتر برای تام یک آرام‌بخش تجویز کرد. The doctor prescribed Tom a sedative. The doctor prescribed for Tom a relief. «اگر جایت بودم، می‌خریدمش.» «ولی جای من نیستی!» "If I were you, I'd buy it." "But you aren't me!" “Had I been in your place, I would have bought it; and you are not at all mine.” تو نمی تونی با من اینجوری رفتار کنی. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. هر روز صبح می‌توانیم صدای ناقوس کلیسا را بشنویم. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear church bells every morning. او دارد برای امتحان آماده می شود. He is preparing for the test. He's preparing for the test. تام کسی است که به من گفت باید فرانسوی یاد بگیرم. Tom is the one who told me that I should study French. Tom's the one who told me I had to learn French. کن باید تا حالا آمده باشد. Ken must be home by now. Ken must have come by by now. می‌خواهم فارسی یاد بگیرم. I want to learn Persian. I want to learn Persian. من نمی دانم چه کار دیگری باید انجام دهم. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what else to do. تام را مجبور کردم چمدان اش را باقی بگذارد. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I made Tom leave his suitcase. آیا تو پیغام را به تام رساندی؟ Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you send the message to Tom? هرچه شانس بود بیل از دست داد. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. Bill lost every chance. آیا این به تو بر می خورد؟ Does this offend you? Is that what this looks like to you? این افکار پیشقراول دموکراسی بودند. Those ideas were the harbinger of democracy. These thoughts were the first of democracy. چطور جرات می کنی با این لحن با من حرف بزنی؟ How dare you speak to me in that tone of voice! How dare you speak to me with this tone? پول شما را قادر می سازد تا هر چیزی را بخرید. Money enables you to buy anything. Money enables you to buy anything. او اينجا نيست. He is not here. He's not here. این لحظه ای است که در تاریخ ثبت خواهد شد. This moment will be recorded in history. This is the moment that will be recorded in history. تو فقط به تفریح کردن فکر می کنی. You only think about having fun. You're just thinking about having fun. این مثل پیدا جستجوی سوزن در کومهٔ علف است. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's like looking for needles in a lawn of grass. ستاره های بسیاری در آسمان می درخشیدند. Many stars were shining in the heavens. There's a lot of stars shining in the sky. اگر کسی بپرسد اصل داستان چه بود، من واقعا نمی دانم. If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know. If anyone asks what was the real story, I really don't know. او در خیابان به جلو و عقب گام بر می داشت. He walked back and forth on the street. He walked forward and back on the street. آیا برای فهمیدن جواب حتماً باید سؤال بپرسی؟ Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? Do you have to ask questions to find out the answer? اوه، آنجا یک پروانه هست. Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, there's a butterfly. چرا به من مظنون هستید؟ Why do you suspect me? Why do you suspect me? می‌خواهم فقط یک دقیقه با تام تنها باشم. I just need a minute alone with Tom. I just want to be alone with Tom for a minute. گلدانی را که او شکست، متعلق به عمه من است. The vase that he broke is my aunt's. The pot that he broke belongs to my aunt. در حقوق، انسان زمانی مجرم است که حقوق دیگران را نقض می کند. در اخلاق، حتی زمانی که انسان به انجام چنین کاری می اندیشد نیز گناهکار شمرد می شود. In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. In law, man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. من دارم یاد می گیرم که چگونه تایپ کنم. I'm learning how to type. I'm learning how to type. تام شجاع بود. Tom was brave. Tom was brave. بدترین تنهایی راحت نبودن با خود است. The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. The worst alone is not to be comfortable with itself. او دیشب کمی سرما خورده بود. He had a bit of a cold last night. He had a little cold last night. پلیس با تام مانند یک مجرم معمولی رفتار می کرد. The police treated Tom like a common criminal. The police treated Tom like an ordinary criminal. زبان جامهٔ فکر است. Language is the dress of thought. The language is a dress of thought. فوق العاده Terrific! It's amazing. یک چای با لیمو، لطفاً. A tea with lemon, please. A tea with lemons, please. یک پرندهٔ محتاط درخت خود را انتخاب می‌کند. یک خدمتکار عاقل ارباب خود را انتخاب می‌کند. A prudent bird chooses its tree. A wise servant chooses his master. A discreet bird chooses its tree. A wise servant chooses his master. یک دوچرخه بخرید. پشیمان نخواهید شد، اگر زنده بمانید. Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live. Buy a bike. You won't regret it, if you live. فارسی سخت نیست. Persian is not hard. Persian is not difficult. او چمدان هایش را به فرودگاه می برد She had her baggage carried to the airport. He took his bags to the airport. هندوانه پر از آب است. A watermelon is full of water. Hindus are full of water. تام امروز اینجا نیست. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. فرانسه چسبیده به اسپانیا است. France is adjacent to Spain. France is in Spain. شما باید بدهی های خود را پرداخت You should pay your debts. You must pay your debts. هوا مخلوطی از گازها است. Air is a mixture of gases. The air is a mixture of gas. آوریل، چهارمین ماه سال است. April is the fourth month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. آمار نشان می دهد که جمعیت این شهر در طی پنج سال، دو برابر خواهد شد. Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years. The statistics show that the population of the city will double over five years. عروسی آنها فرداست. Their wedding is tomorrow. Their wedding's tomorrow. خفه شو! Shut the fuck up! Shut up! اوه، راننده یک دیونه است. Oh, the driver is a maniac. Oh, the driver's a lunatic. من پای پیاده یا با دوچرخه بار دیگر به آنجا خواهم رفت. I will go there on foot or by bicycle next time. I'll go there on foot or by bike again. هر چه پیش آید من در کنار تو می‌ایستم. I will stand by you whatever happens. Whatever happens, I stand by your side. فناوری رایانه‌ای برای دسترسی به بسیاری از اقلام مرتبط داده‌ها ضروری است. Computer technology is indispensable to access many pertinent items of data. Computer technology is essential for accessing many of the relevant data items. می توانید هر کدام را که دوست دارید بگیرید You can take whichever way you like. You can take any one you like. من خیلی دوست دارم که تنها باشم I really like being alone. I'd love to be alone. نام‌هایشان را فراموش کرده‌ام. Their names have escaped me. I've forgotten their names. ما برای صبحانه پنکیک درست کردیم. We made pancakes for breakfast. We made pancakes for breakfast. راسکلنیکوف شخصیت اصلی کتاب جنایت و مکافات، نوشته ی داستایوسکی، است. Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the book of Crime and Punishment written by Dostoevsky. Raskekov is the main character of the book of crime and retribution, by Dedvisky. تام یک ضد سامی است. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is an anti-smite. ما تمام مواد را یکجا بدست آوردیم We got all the materials together. we've got all the materials at once. اگر صلح را نتوان با شرافت حفظ کرد، این دیگر صلح نیست. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace. If peace cannot be kept with honour, it is no longer peace. اگر بخواهد امروز به لندن برسد، باید همین الان برود. If he wanted to get to London today, he should leave now. If he wants to get to London today, he needs to leave now. نه سودی، نه زیانی، ما کاملاٌ برابر هستیم. No gain, no lose, we are fully equal. No profit, no harm. We are equal. صدای خنده کودکانه ات را می شنوم. I hear your childish laughter. I hear your baby laugh. اینقدر از زمین بالا نیست It's not that high off the ground. It's not that high. عصبانیت اتلاف انرژی است. Anger is a waste of energy. The anger is a waste of energy. به نظر میاد از دنده چپ بلند شدی امروز. It seems like you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Looks like you got up from the left ribs today. تاتوئبا به ژاپنی یعنی "برای مثال". "Tatoeba" in Japanese means "for example". Tatoba to Japanese means "for example." او دوستدار شعر و موسیقی بود. She liked poetry and music. He loved poetry and music. سلام! صبح بخیر! Hello! Good morning! Hi, good morning! هیچوقت نمی‌شود که با تام وقت بگذرانم. I never get to spend any time with Tom. It's never gonna be time to spend with Tom. جیمز باند هنرپیشه نیست. James Bond is not an actor. James Bond is not an actor. باید آن لامپ مهتابی را عوض کنم. I must replace that fluorescent lamp. I have to change that moon light. این او است. It is he. This is him. او دیگر نمی تواند از یک اسلحه استفاده کند He can't use a gun again. he can't use a gun anymore فرش مندرس بود و می بایست عوض می شد. The carpet was worn out and had to be replaced. It was Manders' carpet, and it had to change. تو حافظه خیلی خوبی داری. You have a very good memory. You have a very good memory. در آن فاصله، آن کشتی شبیه یک جزیره است. From that distance, the ship resembles an island. In that distance, that ship looks like an island. آیا این می تواند نوشته های او باشد؟ Can this be his writing? could it be his writing? او همیشه ترسو بودنش را نشان می دهد. He always shows cowardice. He always shows that he's a coward. امواج اقیانوس در نور آفتاب می‌درخشند. The ocean waves shimmer in the sunlight. The ocean waves shine in sunlight. آنها از شنیدن این خبر شوکه شدند. They were alarmed at the news. They were shocked to hear the news. تسلیت عرض می‌کنم. I grieve with you. I'm sorry for your loss. آنها مرا تهدید به مرگ کردند بنا براین من کیفم را به آنها دادم. They threatened to kill me so I gave them up my wallet. They threatened to die so I gave them my bag. تو یک کتاب امانت می گیری. You borrow a book. You'll get a book. تام ماری را به بالای دیوار می‌راند. Tom drives Mary up the wall. Tom drives Mary to the top of the wall. آیا تو حتی کنجکاو نیستی؟ Aren't you even curious? aren't you even curious? او مشتاق بود تا به پرنده ها غذا بدهد. She was eager to feed the birds. He was eager to feed the birds. اشکها در چشمانش درخشید. Tears shimmered in her eyes. The tears in her eyes. برای شیر ریخته شده شیون نمی‌کنند. It is no use crying over spilt milk. They don't pee for milk poured out. به دلیل اینکه می توان سرعت بازتکرار صدا روی دستگاه ضبط صوت همراه را تغییر داد، من از آن برای یادگیری فرانسه استفاده می کنم. Since you can change the playback speed on the walkman, I use it to learn French. Because it's possible to change the speed of the sound over the mobile recording device, I'm using it to learn French. قطره قطره جمع گردد، وانگهی دریا شود. Many a little makes a mickle. The drop of the drop shall be gathered together, and the sea shall be at the sea's rise. معلم مرا از کلاس بیرون انداخت. The teacher kicked me out of class. The teacher threw me out of class. حقیقت تار است و نتیجتاً نامرئی است. The truth is opaque and consequently imperceptible. The truth is silk, and the result is invisible. ببخشید،من نمی دانستم تو همچنان اینجا بودی. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. اسب پیشکشی را به دندانش نگاه نمی کنند. One does not look a gift horse in the mouth. The horse doesn't look into his teeth. تام مرد احمقی است. Tom is a silly man. Tom's a stupid man. این یک هدیه به نشانهٔ قدردانی ماست. This is a gift to show our appreciation. This is a gift of our gratitude. به تام می گویم که این را گفتی. I'm going to tell Tom you said that. I'll tell Tom you said that. جایی که مادرم به دنیا آمده است در شرق کشور قرار دارد. The place where my mother was born is located in the east of our country. Where my mother was born is east of the country. این قشنگ‌ترین هزینه‌ای است که تا کنون داشته‌ام. This is the nicest present I've ever had. This is the most beautiful cost I've ever had. فقط خدا منزه از خطاست. Only God is infallible. Only God is above the line. سخت‌کوشی به هیچکس ضرر نزد. Hard work never did anyone any harm. The hard work didn't hurt anyone. آیا تام هشیار است؟ Is Tom lucid? Is Tom conscious? خیلی از مردم تلویزیون دیدن را دوست دارند. Most people like watching TV. Many people like watching TV. آن یک شکنجهٔ محض بود. It was sheer torture. It was a simple torture. این تنها اشتباه او بود. This was his only mistake. It was his only mistake. بروی تابلو راهنمایی و رانندگی چه نوشته شده است؟ -یک طرفه. What is written on the road sign? - ONE WAY. What's the point of driving? شیر یا شکر دارید؟ Any milk or sugar? Do you have any milk or sugar? آه، الآن دیگه خیلی چت شد... Uh, now it's really weird... Oh, what's wrong with you now? به زودی خبرهای خوبی به شما خواهم گفت. Soon, I'll tell you some good news. I'll tell you some good news soon. حیاط بدون زن مانند باغ بدون گل است. A court without ladies is like a garden without flowers. The yard without a woman is like a garden without flowers. وقتی تام از خواب بیدار شد، تقریبا ظهر بود. It was almost noon by the time Tom woke up. When Tom woke up, it was almost noon. قصد ام این نبود. That wasn't my intention. That's not what I meant. اگر نبرد اجتناب‌ناپذیر باشد، مجبورید اول حمله کنید. If a fight is inevitable, you have to strike first. If the battle is inevitable, you have to attack first. گلویم خشک شده است. My throat feels dry. My throat's dry. ما در مقابل قانون مسئولیم. We are responsible in front of the law. We're responsible for the law. تفاوت انجام دادن و انجام ندادن انجام دادن است. The difference between doing and not doing is doing. The difference is doing and not doing. قصد ندارم ناراحتت کنم I don't mean to make you worry. I don't mean to upset you. خیلی ها به من پیشنهاد رفتن به تعطیلات را داده اند. A good many people have told me to take a holiday. A lot of people have offered me a vacation. یک ماه طول کشید تا سرماخوردگی من بهبود یافت. It took me more than a month to get over my cold. It took me a month to heal my cold. در شیراز بزرگ شدم. I grew up in Shiraz. I grew up in Shirez. آیا هیچ وقت در تهران بوده ای؟ Have you ever been to Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? خوشم نیامد. I didn't like it. I don't like it. چون باران می بارید، برای جمع کردن رخت های روی بند به حیاط رفت. Because it was raining, he went to the yard to collect the clothes from the clotheslines. As the rain rained, he went to the yard to gather the clothes on the chain. من پول زیادی برنده شدم. I hit the jackpot. I won a lot of money. من از کار کردن متنفرم. I hate working. I hate working. کامپیوتر را استفاده میکنم. I'm using the computer. I'll use the computer. من در اتاقم خواهم بود. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. بومرنگ در حالی که در هوا سوت می‌کشید، به حرکت در آمد. The boomerang hurtled whistling through the air. The boomerg moved as he whistled in the air. تا سه نشود بازی نشود. These things always happen in threes. That he may not be played by three. زنگ در به صدا درآمد. The doorbell rang. The bell came in. اگر قصد ام ترساندن ات بود رویای چند هفته پیش ام را برای ات می گفتم. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I was going to scare you, I'd tell you my dream a few weeks ago. الان حس و حالش رو ندارم. I don't feel like it now. I don't feel right now. تاکسی ناهگانی به چپ پیچید. The taxi abruptly turned left. The cab has turned left. باد به شدت می وزد. It's blowing very hard. The wind blew so hard. بچه‌ام هنوز نمی‌تواند حرف بزند؛ فقط گریه می‌کند. My baby can't talk yet. He just cries. My kid still can't talk; he's just crying. کرایه‌ی تاکسی از اینجا تقریباً چقدر می‌شود؟ About how much would a taxi be from here? How much is the cab rent from here? وقتی فارغ التحصیل شدی می خواهی چه کنی؟ What are you going to do when you graduate? What are you gonna do when you graduate? شوهرش یک زنا کاره. Her husband is an adulterer. Her husband's a woman. رنگ دوست داشتنی من قرمز است. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. من برم یک لباس راحت تر بپوشم. I'm going to change into more comfortable clothes. I'm gonna go put on a more comfortable dress. شک دارم رییس جدیدمون از قبلیه بدتر باشه. I doubt that our new boss will be any worse than the old one. I doubt our new boss would be worse than the last one. تو چطور؟ How about you? What about you? گلدان روی میز است. The vase is on the table. The pot's on the table. او بر شوک مرگ پدر خودش غلبه کرد. She got over the shock of her father's death. He overcome the shock of his father's death. نتراشیده‌ترین مداد بهتر از هوشیارترین حافظه است. The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory. It is better than the most conscious memory. قبل از اینکه بتوانی گاگله کنی سعی نکن راه بروی. Don't try to walk before you can crawl. Don't try to walk before you can do it. آن ماهی در آب شیرین زندگی می‌کند. That fish lives in fresh water. That fish lives in sweet water. او یک جنتلمن تمام و کمال نبود. He isn't quite a gentleman. He was not a perfect gentleman. به مدرسه می روم. I go to school. I'm going to school. تام نخواست به زیرزمین برود. Tom didn't want to go into the cave. Tom didn't want to go to the basement. حالت خوبه؟ Are you well? Are you okay? .آشغال ها رو بیرون بگذار Take out the trash. Leave the trash out. در کلاس با هم‌کلاسی‌هایم صحبت کردم. I talked to my classmates in class. I spoke to my students in class. به سختی به اینجا که هستم رسیدم. I got where I am by hard work. I barely got here. خنده چاق می کند. Laugh and be fat. He laughs fat. نمی توانی شنا کنی، می تونی؟ You can't swim, can you? You can't swim, can you? یک روباه دوبار در یک دام نمی افتد. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. A fox doesn't fall twice into a trap. تو باید به خانه بروی. You need to go home. You have to go home. او در به پایان رساندن کار سهمی داشت. He had a share in completing the job. He had a share at the end of the job. هدف از مسیر غیرمستقیم، کاهش ترافیک است. The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic. The goal is to reduce traffic from non-integration. اگر هیچگاه کاری انجام ندهی، هیچ وقت کسی نخواهی شد. If you never do anything, you never become anyone. If you never do anything, you will never be anyone. آنها بر اساس علایق مشترک با هم در ارتباط هستند. They are bound together by common interests. They're connected based on common interests. من امروز بعد از ظهر می‌روم که ماشینم را بفروشم. I'm going to go sell my car this afternoon. I'm going to sell my car this afternoon. بعضی جوانان ژاپنی ترجیح می‌دهند مجرد باشند تا اینکه ازدواج کنند. Some young Japanese people prefer being single to being married. Some Japanese youths prefer to be single until they get married. من تمام آثار میلتون را طی تعطیلات خواندم. I read the entire works of Milton over the holiday. I read all Milton's work during the holidays. لغت نامه روی میز مال چه کسی است؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who's the dictionary on the table? مذاکرات شکست خورد. The negotiations failed. Negotiation failed. من همیشه زمستان ها سرما می خورم. I always catch a cold in the winter. I always get cold in winter. او نسبت به سنش جوان تر به نظر می رسید. She looks young for her age. He seemed younger than he was. او فقط نثر می خواند. She only reads prose. He's just singing. آن مردی که آنجا روزنامه می خواند دایی من است. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man who reads there is my uncle. من باید لباسامو عوض میکردم چون چیزی که پوشیده بودم مناسب اون وضعیت نبود. I had to change clothes because what I was wearing wasn't appropriate for the situation. I had to change my clothes because what I was wearing wasn't fit for that. او به قدری مهربان بود که مرا تا خانه رساند. He was so kind as to see me home. He was kind enough to bring me home. همه می میرند. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. قبلاً سعی کرده‌ام. I've already tried. I've tried before. اگر امروز عصر باران ببارد من بیرون نخواهم رفت. If it rains this afternoon, I won't go out. If it rains this evening, I won't go out. او مقاله را بارها مطالعه کرد. He read the article over and over again. He studied the article many times. انسان ها هرگز قرار نبوده تا ابد زندگی کنند. Humans were never meant to live forever. Humans were never meant to live forever. چرا این همه راه رو بری تو شهر برای یک ساندویچ وقتی این همه ساندویچی اون ور خیابون هست؟ Why would you go all the way to city to get a burger when there are many burger places here across the street. Why go all the way to town for a sandwich when there's so many sandwiches across the street? بچه نیستم می فهمم. Don't patronize me. I'm not a kid. I understand. پیتزا غذای مورد علاقه ی من است Pizza is my favorite food. pizza is my favorite. خارجی ها را مسخره نکن. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. خودکار سرتوپی دار جایگزین خودکار فواره ای شده به یک ابزار دست نویسی جهانی تبدیل گشت. A ball-pen became a universal handwriting tool, replacing fountain pen. The automatically replaced by the fountain became a global access tool. دیشب هوا خیلی گرم و شرجی بود، به همین خاطر نتوانستم خوب بخوابم. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. It was hot last night, so I couldn't sleep well. اکونومیست موجز نیست. The economist is not laconic. It's not an acomist. تاجایی که می دونم سوال زیاد اسون نیست. As far as I am concerned the question is not simple. It's not that easy to ask as far as I know. وقتی آنجا بودم، زبان انگلیسی را مطالعه کردم. I studied English when I was there. When I was there, I studied English. او قانع شد که او صداقت دارد. She was satisfied that he was honest. He was convinced he was honest. تو کی هستی که قضاوت می کنی؟ Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? دیدم که مادرم کیک را پنهان کرد. I saw my mother hide the cake. I saw my mother hide the cake. به ما گفت که فوراً برویم. He told us to set off at once. He told us to leave immediately. مادر من در تصادف کشته شد. My mother was killed in an accident. My mother was killed in an accident. او لبخند زد. She smiled. He smiled. این یک هدیه کوچک برای تو. This is a little gift for you. It's a little gift for you. کارتها را بین ما پخش کن Deal us the cards. Play cards between us. مدرسه دو کیلومتر به سمت جلو است. The school is two kilometers ahead. School is two miles forward. دنیا یک مهمانی بزرگ است که در آن هر کس ماسکی بر صورت دارد. The world is a grand ball in which everyone wears a mask. The world is a big party where everyone has masks. تلویزیون تماشا کنیم. We watch television. Let's watch TV. آیا تو فکر کردی من به تام نخواهم گفت؟ Did you think I wouldn't tell Tom? Did you think I wouldn't tell Tom? میلیون ها کارگر کار خود را از دست دادند. Millions of workers lost their jobs. Millions of workers lost their job. جیم از درخت پایین آمد. Jim got down from the tree. Jim came down from the tree. همیشه جا برای بهبود هست. There's always room for improvement. There's always room to heal. اثبات ندارند. They have no proof. They don't prove it. حالا تو کی هستی؟ Who are you, anyway? Who are you now? هتلی که توش بودی رو چطور دوست داشتی؟ How did you like the hotel you stayed at? How did you like the hotel you were in? سلام جان! حالت چطور است؟ Hi John! How are you? hey, john! how are you? این را بخاطر می‌آورم. I remember this. I remember that. تام مجبور است دنبال شغلی جدید بگردد. Tom has to look for a job. Tom has to look for a new job. آنقدر واضح است که نمی دانم چه طور نشان اش بدهم. I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! It's so obvious that I don't know how to show it. یکمی نادانه اگر از من بپرسی. He is a bit of a fool, if you ask me. It's a little stupid if you ask me. او با احترام در مقابلش ایستاد. He stood in awe before her. He stood up to him with respect. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed my room to him. I showed him my room. هر چه بیشتر بخوانی، بیشتر به نادانیت پی می بری. The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance. The more you read, the more you understand ignorance. تو باید هر چه را که به آن فکر می کنی؛ بگویی. You should say what you think. You have to say what you're thinking. همیشه یک سطل آب برای آتش احتمالی نگهدار. Always keep a bucket of water handy, in case of fire. Always keep a bucket of water for possible fire. چه کسی این پنجره را شکسته است؟ By whom was this window broken? Who broke this window? من سگ ندارم. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. فقط دارم می گویم. I'm just saying! I'm just saying. ماه آینده کودک او متولد خواهد شد. She will give birth to a child next month. Her child will be born next month. روز بعد، او را مرده در اتاق خواب پیدا کردند. The following day he was found dead in the bedroom. The next day, he was found dead in the bedroom. تا زمانی که زنده ام او را فراموش نخواهم کرد. I'll never forget him as long as I live. As long as I live, I will not forget him. یک سگ جدید می‌خواهم. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. علاقهٔ من به آینده برای اینست که باقیماندهٔ زندگی‌ام را در آنجا می‌گذرانم. My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there. My interest in the future is to spend the rest of my life there. نهنگ در ساحل واکایاما پیدا شده بود. The whale has been found off the coast of Wakayama. The whale was found on the beach of Vacaama. این اتاق را با خواهرم شریک هستم. I share this room with my sister. I share this room with my sister. به طرز معجزه آسایی هیچ کدام نمردند. Miraculously, none of them died. In a miracle, none of them died. ما باید حد اقل سالی یک بار به آنجا برویم. We must go there at least once a year. We have to go there at least once a year. باید قبل از او برسیم آن جا. We must get there before her. We need to get there before he does. او نگران شغل خود بود. She was anxious about her job. He was worried about his job. چه طور خانه را گرم می کنی؟ How do you heat the house? How do you warm the house? سال پیش من تصمیم گرفته بودم که به ژاپن بیایم I decided to come to Japan last year. Last year I decided to come to Japan. من دکتر نیستم. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. اجل گشته می میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking gate hangs long. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. مهم نیست کِی می‌آیی. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. تام به مری کمک کرد تا موهایش را رنگ کند. Tom helped Mary dye her hair. Tom helped Mary paint her hair. صدای عمل رساتر از حرف است. Actions speak louder than words. The sound of action is longer than the letter. می خواهم برایت یک دست لباس جدید درست کنم. I will make a new suit for you. I'm going to make you a new suit. ایده یک موفقیت بود. The idea was a success. The idea was a success. رهایی از گرسنگی یک ضرورت برای همگان است. Freedom from hunger is a must for all. It's a necessary need for everyone to be saved from hunger. پس از گذراندن تمام روز در آفتاب، بینی تام آفتاب سوخته شده بود. After all day in the sun, Tom had a sunburned nose. After spending all day in the sun, Tom's nose was burned. تسلط بر یه زبان خارجی آسون نیست. Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. It's not easy to control a foreign language. او آشناهای زیادی دارد. He has a lot of acquaintances. He has many contacts. خدا را شکر که از شرش راحت شدم. Served you right! Thank God I got rid of him. این غیر عادی نبود. It wasn't an aberration. It wasn't unusual. من تا کنون چنین چیزی در زندگی نشنیده ام. Never in my life have I heard such a thing. I've never heard of anything like this in my life. همه می‌دانند که تو عاشق تام هستی. Everyone knows you're in love with Tom. Everyone knows you love Tom. جک به انگلیسی صحبت می کند. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. من شیوه ای نو برای یادگیری زبان نشانت می دهم. I will show you a new approach to foreign language learning. I'll show you a new way to learn language. من زمان را از روی ساعت چک کردم. I checked the time on the clock. I checked the time from the clock. مری به ما پشت کرده است. Mary has her back to us. Mary has turned her back on us. من هنوز هیچ جوابی از شما دریافت نکرده ام. I have received no reply from you yet. I haven't received any answers from you yet. ما در امنیت نیستیم. We're not safe. We're not safe. من یک بلیط تردد گرفته ام. I got a traffic ticket. I got a Tread ticket. ما به اطلاعات بیشتری نیاز داریم. We need more information. We need more information. دو جاده از آنجا عبور می کند. The two roads cross there. Two roads pass through there. راحت باش. Be cool. Make yourself comfortable. هر دو برادر هنوز زنده اند. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers are still alive. ماهی را بعد از خواباندن سرخ کردم. I fried the fish after marinating it. I fried the fish after they fell asleep. او تودار است و هرگز صحبت نمی‌کند مگر اینکه با او صحبت شود. He is reticent and he never speaks unless spoken to. He is the Master and never speaks to him unless he speaks to him. الآن به او تلقن نکنید. Don't call him now. Don't look at him now. کل از مجموع اجزائش بزرگتر است. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The whole is bigger than the sum of the parts. او نسبت به شرایط بحرانی من دلسوز نبود. He was not sympathetic to my plight. He wasn't compassionate with my crisis. به هر طریقی، من این کار را تمام خواهم کرد. I will finish this work somehow. In any way, I'll finish this. دو کس دشمن ملک و دینند یکی پادشاه بی حلم و دیگری زاهد بی علم. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The two are enemies of the kingdom and of the law; the one is a king unsatisfied, and the other is a king without knowledge. نگرانی دغدغه‌های فردا را از بین نمی‌برد، بلکه قدرت امروز را از بین می‌برد. Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's concerns, but it does take away today's power. It won't destroy the anxiety of tomorrow, it will destroy today's power. آقای تامپسون، قبل از اینکه به اسکاتلند برگردد، دو سال در توکیو زندگی کرد. Mr Thompson had lived in Tokyo for two years before he went back to Scotland. Mr. Thompson lived in Tokyo two years before he returned to Scotland. کارزار تبلیغاتی موفقیت‌آمیز بود و او در انتخابات پیروز شد. The campaign was successful and she won the election. The campaign was successful, and he won the election. ما بعد از فیلم ادامه خواهیم داد. We’ll continue after the film. We'll continue after the movie. سلام به همه بچه های خوب ایرانی. Hi, to all good Iranian children. Hello to all good Iranians. زبان استخوان ندارد اما چنان قوی است که قلبها را می‌شکند. The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break hearts. The tongue does not have bones, but is strong enough to break hearts. جمع شخص، مردم است نه اشخاص. The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. A person's collection is people, not persons. او تمامی بطری شیر را نوشید. She drank the whole bottle of milk He drank all the bottle of milk. تام ماری را سرزنش کرد. زیرا تمام شب بیرون مانده بود. Tom chewed Mary out for staying out all night long. Tom blamed Mary, because she stayed out all night. قایق رانی در میان این آبها بسیار لذت بخش است. It is very pleasant to sail these waters. Ronnie's boat is very pleasant amongst these waters. .مادر من هر روز صبح زود از خواب بلند می شود My mother gets up early every morning. My mother wakes up early every morning. قهرمانان همیشه دیر می‌رسند. Heroes always arrive late. Heroes always get late. من دیروز پنج تا ماهی گرفتم. I caught five fish yesterday. I got five fish yesterday. خطر آشکار نبود. The danger was not apparent. The danger wasn't clear. خوب گفتم Well said! Well, I did. فرانسه با روسیه در جنگ بود. France was at war with Russia. France was at war with Russia. ازدحام ترافیک موجب تاخیرم شد. I was delayed by a traffic jam. I was delayed by traffic traffic. یونان کشوری کهن است. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. ما هر روش ممکن را بکار گرفتیم ،ولی هیچکدام اثر بخش نبود. We've tried every conceivable method, but absolutely nothing works. We used every possible approach, but none of it worked. دلی دارم چو مرغ پا شکسته// چو کشتی بر لب دریا نشسته// همه گویند طاهر تار بنواز// صدا چون می‌دهد تار شکسته I have a heart like a leg broken bird // Sat at the seashores like a ship // Play the lyre Taher everyone cries // This is how the broken lyre will pronounce I have a heart that's broken chicken/cho is sitting on the sea side of the sea بسته ای که برات فرستادم گرفتی؟ Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? مری عهد اش را شکست. Mary broke her promises. Mary broke her vow. انگلیسی‌ها آدم‌های کم گویی هستند. The English are a taciturn people. The English are small people. عاشقتم I love you. I love you. مردم می گفتند او دیوانه است. People said that he is insane. People said he was crazy. نمی تونستم جلوی خودم رو از خندیدن به اون نقشه بگیرم. I couldn't help laughing at the plan. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at that map. هرگز تا انتها تسلیم نشو. Never give up till the very end. Never give up until the end. کتاب روی میز است. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. این کتاب قدیمی است. This book is old. This is the old book. ماگدالنا و آنیا دوستان خوبی هستند. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdelina and Ania are good friends. لغتنامه تنها جایی است که پیشرفت قبل از تلاش می‌آید. The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. The dictionary is the only place where progress comes before trying. تام یک اندوخته یافت. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a store. او مخفی شده است. He's gone into hiding. He's hiding. لطفا اسم و آدرست را در این فرم پرکن Please fill in your name and address on this form. Please fill your name and address in this form. دانشجویان بااستعداد تحصیلی به دیگران در کلاس کمک کردند. The academically talented students helped others in the classroom. Students with talent helped others in class. من بیش از این نمی توانم به شما کمک کنم. I cannot help you more than this. I can't help you anymore. يكي (يه نفر) با لگد زد پٌشتم. Someone kicked my back. Someone kicked me. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. When I was young, my father used to take me to school. My father always brings me to school when I was little. او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. He refused to say more about it. He refused to say more about it. من خوشبخت ترین انسان روی کره زمین بودم. I was the happiest human on earth. I was the luckiest man on Earth. آنها طوری با مسلمانان رفتار می کنند که هیچ مسلمانی اینگونه با کافری رفتار نمی کند. They behave towards Muslims in a way in which no Muslim would behave towards an unbeliever. They treat Muslims in such a way that no Muslim would treat unbelievers like this. من فقط می‌توانم دوست بدارم، رنج بکشم و آواز بخوانم. I only know how to love, suffer and sing. I can only love, suffer and sing. موفق شدیم. We succeeded. We did it. فیلیپ مهندس نیست. Phillip isn't an engineer. Philip's not an engineer. انسان از روح و جسم تشکیل شده است. Man consists of soul and body. Man is made of soul and body. شماره تلفن خانه ات چیست؟ What's your home phone number? What's your home phone number? تنوّع نمک زندگی ست. Variety is the spice of life. It's the salt of life. در یک زمان برای دو چیز تلاش نکن. Don't attempt two things at a time. Don't try two things at once. از عربستان سعودی هستم. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. چه کسی چیزی را از کیف من دزدیده است؟ Who stole something from my bag? who stole something from my bag? یادگیری زبان انگلیسی کار سختی است. Learning English is hard work. It is difficult to learn English. خانه اش کجاست؟ Where is her house? Where's his house? تام کسی است که به من نشان داد چه طور انجامش بدهم. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the one who showed me how to do it. آیا می‌توانم از خودکارت استفاده کنم؟ Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? همه روز به جز گریه هیچ کار دیگه ای نکرد. She's done nothing but cry all day. She didn't do anything but cry all day. هیچکس قدرت را با انگیزهٔ واگذاری آن تصاحب نمی‌کند. No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. No one takes power by its freedom. لطفاً، داخل اتاق ندوید. Please don't enter the room. Please, don't run in the room. مشکلی هست؟ Is something wrong? Is there a problem? تو آیا نظری راجع به سختی انجام این کار داری؟ Do you have any idea of how difficult is to do this? do you have any idea how hard it is to do this? میشه بریم به یک رستوران شیک تر. Shall we go to a little more upscale restaurant? Can we go to a more fancy restaurant? بیشتر کارکنان دولت در مرخصی هستند. Most government workers are on furlough. Most government employees are on leave. تا قبل ار این هرگز از او چیزی نشنیده بودم. I have never heard of him since then. I've never heard of him before. چگونه «سرسپردگی» را تعریف می کنید؟ How do you define "servility"? How do you define "residents"? تام کسی است که این دوچرخه را به من داد. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom is the one who gave me this bike. فردا صبح من خواهم آمد و تو را می برم. I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I'll come and take you. برای آنها هیچ باقی نمانده است. There is nothing left for them. There's nothing left for them. زمان مو را خاکستری می کند. Time turns hair gray. It makes hair gray. همه با نظرش موافقت کردند. Everybody agreed with his idea. Everyone agreed to it. پدرم بعد از شام دراز کشید. My father stretched after dinner. My father lay down after dinner. تام گفت می‌خواهد تا قبل از پایان سال بوستون را ترک کند. Tom said that he wanted to leave Boston by the end of this year. Tom said he wanted to leave Boston before the end of the year. تصمیم گرفت نقشه‌اش را مخفی نگه دارد. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan hidden. پیتر و لخ هر دو اهل لهستان هستند. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Peter and Lech are both from Poland. تجربه بهترین آموزگار است. Experience is the best teacher. It's the best teacher's experience. آنها گوشت خام می خورند. They eat raw meat. They eat raw meat. از دیدگاه کیت، او بیش از حد کار می‌کند. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's view, he works too hard. سؤال احمقانه وجود ندارد اما افراد احمق چرا. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. There's no stupid question, but stupid people why. کارگر بی‌مهارت، ابزار کارش را مقصر می‌داند. A poor workman blames his tools. Unsatisfied worker blames the tools of his work. من به مدرسه رفتم. I went to school. I went to school. بهتر است در حضور وی سیگار نکشید. You should better not smoke in his presence. It is better not to smoke in his presence. یکم به باغت برس Your garden needs some attention. Make your garden a little bit. من مشکل نوشیدنی ندارم. I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a problem with drinking. اگه ماریا آهسته تر صحبت میکرد، مردم بهتر حرفاشو میفهمیدن. If Maria spoke less hastily, people would be able to understand her better. If Maria spoke slower, people would understand better. منم به اندازه تو مقصر هستم. I as well as you am to blame. I'm as guilty as you are. من یک خانه ساحلی ندارم. I don't have a beach house. I don't have a beach house. سه چهارم سطح زمین آب است. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water. Three-thirds of the Earth's surface is water. مادربزرگم به تدریج فراموشکار و نحیف می شد. My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. My grandmother was slowly forgotten. برای انجام این کار باید خطر کنی. In order to do that, you have to take risks. To do that, you have to risk it. به نظر می رسد که کیف پولم را گم کردم. I seem to have lost my purse. Looks like I lost my wallet. بیا اینجا و به من کمک کن. Come here and help me. Come here and help me. تو باید قدری استراحت کنی You should get some rest. You need to get some rest. من سقف شما را با کاه نمی‌پوشانم. I'm not covering your roof with straw. I don't cover your roof with straws. به چه زبانی دارد صحبت می‌کند؟ What language is he speaking? What language is he speaking? من دوست دارم به تو اعتماد کنم. I'd like to confide in you. I'd like to trust you. آنها به قدری مشغول نزاع با یکدیگراند که برای رسیدن به مشترکات مجالی نیست. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. They're so busy fighting that there's no time for sharing. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی با تام مجادله کنی، می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to argue with Tom, are you? You don't really want to argue with Tom, do you? او هفت پسر دارد. She has seven sons. He has seven sons. من زندگیم را به شما مدیون هستم. I owe you my life. I owe you my life. هیچ سفری با همراه خوب طولانی نیست. No road is long with good company. There's no long journey with good company. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. She accused her of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. ترافیک سبک بود مسیر رو خوب اومدیم (زود رسیدیم) We made good time since the traffic was light. The traffic was light. We're good at it. ما گربه ی سفيد داريم. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. تام درست قبل از نیمه شب به درون رختخوابش خزید. Tom crawled into bed just before midnight. Tom fell into his bed just before midnight. مادرم سوپ را چشید و بعد کمی نمک به آن اضافه کرد. My mother tasted the soup and added a little more salt. My mother tasted the soup and then added some salt to it. تام ایرادگیر است. Tom is fastidious. Tom's indisposed. مغز ساختاری پیچیده دارد. The brain has a complex structure. It has a complex structured brain. به نمایشگاه هنر رفته ای؟ Did you go to the art exhibition? Have you gone to the art fair? من ترجیح می‌دهم بمیرم تا اینکه تسلیم شوم. I would rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than give up. آدم اجازه ندارد قولش را بشکند. One is not allowed to break his promise. You're not allowed to break his promise. من هیچگاه دلیلی برای صدمه زدن به تام نداشتم. I never had any reason to hurt Tom. I never had a reason to hurt Tom. شما قابل قبول هستید. You're reasonable. You're acceptable. دو سال پیش من اصلا نمی توانستم بسکتبال بازی کنم. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago, I couldn't even play basketball. آخرین کسی که به کامپیوتر وصل شد، کی بود؟ Who was the last person to log on to the computer? Who was the last person connected to the computer? تنیس بازی را بیشتر از شنا کردن دوست دارم. I love playing tennis more than swimming. I like tennis more than swimming. اگه تو اونا رو نکشی، اونا تو رو می‌کشن. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. او گفته بود که به زودی بر می گردد. He said that he would be back soon. He said he'd be back soon. من از دیدن شما در اینجا متعجب شدم. I was surprised to see you here. I'm surprised to see you here. تابع. Go on. Function. هر چه بزرگتر باشند، سخت‌تر سقوط می کنند. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. عشق دادن چیزی است که انسان ندارد. Love is giving something one doesn't have. Love is something that no human has. هر هزار سال معادل یک هزاره است. A thousand years makes a millennium. Each thousand years is equal to one thousand years. او به علت بیماری‌اش نتوانست بیاید. He could not come on account of his illness. He couldn't come because of his illness. قطار سنداي همين الان حرکت کرد. The train bound for Sendai has just left. Sanda's train just moved. آن مردم دولتشان را نابود می کنند، ولی نمی دانند که آن را چطور دوباره بسازند. Those people ruin their government, but they don't know how to build it again. They destroy their government, but they don't know how to rebuild it. سیگار نکش. Stop smoking. Don't smoke. نمی دونم دقیقا معنیش چی میشه I don't know exactly what it means. I don't know exactly what that means. خیلی ممنون برای حضورتون. Thank you so much for attending! Thank you so much for your presence. آدم تببل همیشه بهانه‌ای پیدا می‌کند. A lazy man always finds excuses. You always get an excuse. کتاب هائی را که داشتم به او دادم . I gave him the books I had. i gave him the books i had . اکنون برج خلیفه بلندترین آسمانخراش دنیا است. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Now the tower is the highest heaven in the world. در یک کشور اکثریت مسلمان متولد شدم. I was born in a Muslim-majority country. I was born in a country of most Muslims. احمق نباش! Don't be foolish. Don't be stupid! مثل همیشه، کیکو یک لبخند خوشایند به ما نشان داد. As always, Keiko showed us a pleasant smile. As always, Kuko showed us a pleasant smile. دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست. Actions speak louder than words. Two hundred says because it's not half an act. این اتاق برای چندین منظور استفاده می شود. This room is used for various purposes. This room is used for several purposes. آن کتاب ارزش والایی دارد. The book is of great value. It's a high value. بهترین راه برای داشتن یک دوست، بودن یک دوست است. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. اگر تو من را آنقدر نمی شناختی پس من را اصلا نمی شناختی. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you didn't know me that much, then you didn't know me at all. رمضان ماه قرآن است. Ramadan is the month of the Quran. The month of the Qur'an is the month of the Qur'an. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی تام را بکشی. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to kill Tom, are you? You don't really want to kill Tom, do you? تام سنجاب ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes squirrels. Tom loves squirrels. من خوشحالم که به دنیا آمدم. I'm happy that I was born. I'm glad I was born. یونانی و لاتین زبان های مفیدی هستند به همین دلیل است که آنها را می خوانم. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Greek and Latin are useful languages, which is why I read them. آن قدر سرم شلوغ است که نمی توانم بروم. I am too busy to go. I'm too busy to go. فکر کنم که سویت شرت قرمز را بپوشم. I think I will wear this red sweater. I think I'll wear a red shirt on you. وقتی که او به لکنت افتاد، همکلاسی هایش نتوانستند جلوی خنده شان را بگیرند. When she began to stutter, her classmates couldn't help laughing. When he slipped, his students couldn't stop laughing. او چینی را صحبت می کند. He speaks Chinese. He speaks Chinese. اگر یک واژه‌پرداز می‌داشتید، از تمام این دردسرها خلاص می‌شدید. If you had a word processor, you'd be free from all this trouble. If you had a dictionary, you'd get rid of all this trouble. نام من یامادا است. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. من گیج شده ام.حالا چکار باید بکنم؟ I'm confused. What do I do now? I'm confused. What am I supposed to do? تام هنگام طلوع بیدار شد. Tom awoke at daybreak. Tom woke up at dawn. من؟ من فقط یک حقوق بگیر ساده پیرم. Me? I'm a plain old salaryman. I'm just a simple payer. حقوق کیفری ، که همچنین بعنوان حقوق جزا نیز شناخته می شود، مستلزم تعقیب کیفری فعلی است که بعنوان جرم طبقه بندی شده است. Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime. The legal rights of the penalty, also known as the penalty rights, are required to pursue the current penalty that has been classified as a crime. او دستهایش را به هم مالید. He rubbed his hands together. He shared his hands. من به دلیل قبولی در آزمون ورودی به او تبریک گفتم. I congratulated him on passing the entrance exam. I congratulated him for accepting the entrance test. ممکن است به من این پرتغال را بدهی؟ May I eat this orange? Would you give me this orange? میلی من را دوست دارد. Millie loves me. Millie loves me. این آلیستر بود که باربارا را کشت. It was Alister who killed Barbara. It was Aliceter who killed Barbara. ما افکارمان را به وسیله‌ی زبان بیان می‌کنیم. We express our thoughts by means of languages. We express our thoughts by language. اين يک غار است . This is a cave. its a cave . سنگ بزرگ نشانهٔ نزدن است. He who starts ten tasks won't finish a single one. The great stone is a sign of notch. آیا شما می‌خواهید خانه‌تان را به او بفروشید؟ Would you like to sell your house? Would you like to sell your house for him? در این خیابان هیچ سطل زباله‌ای نیست. There are no trashcans on this street. There are no trash cans on this street. سیاره‌ی ما، زمین، همواره در حرکت است. Our planet, Earth, is always in motion. Our planet, Earth, is always moving. به چه نوعی کار دنبال هستید؟ What kind of job are you looking for? What kind of work are you looking for? انگار به تام خیلی خوش می‌گذرد. Tom seems to be enjoying himself. Looks like Tom's having a great time. دو پروفسور فیزیک ایرانی ترور شدند. Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated. Two Iranian physics professors were terrorized. با کمال میل این کار را خواهم کرد. I'll do it by all means. I'll gladly do that. از این خوشت میاد؟ (?Az in xošet miyād) Do you like this? Do you like this? گم شو! Go away! Get lost! با شنیدن خبر، او ناگهان به گریه افتاد. Upon hearing the news, she burst out crying. By hearing the news, she started crying. جدا؟ Really? Really? فرد باید در هر کاری بیشترین تلاش خود را انجام دهد. One has to do one's best in everything. A person must do most of his or her best in anything. ایرانی ها عادت دارند که با غذاهای اصلی ماست بخورند. Iranians used to eat main meal with yoghurt. Iranians are used to eating with our main foods. بانک کجاست؟ Where is the bank? Where's the bank? منظورتان از انسان چیست؟ What do you mean by Human? What do you mean by human beings? تام او را به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهم کرد. Tom accused her of having stolen the bike. Tom added to stealing his bike. جایی برای ماندن داری؟ Do you have someplace to stay? Do you have a place to stay? جامعه متشکل از اشخاص است. The community is made up of individuals. The society consists of individuals. اوه، واقعاً؟ Oh, really? Oh, really? وقتی که بچه بودم، مادرم مرد. My mother died when I was a kid. My mother died when I was a kid. خطوط قرمز روی نقشه راه آهن را نشان میدهند. The red lines on the map represent a railway. They're showing red lines on the railway map. و شما And you? And you. تام حالش چطوره؟ How's Tom? How's Tom doing? مادرم میز را چید. My mother set the table. My mother picked up the table. تام ماری را جلوی خانه ی جان پیاده کرد. Tom dropped Mary off in front of John's. Tom dropped Mary out in front of John's house. جالب‌ترین اطلاعات از بچه‌ها حاصل می‌شود، زیرا همهٔ آنچه می‌دانند را بازگو می‌کنند و متوقف می‌شوند. The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop. The most interesting information comes from children, because they tell everything they know and stop. در جهان تنها یک گناه وجود دارد و آن جهل است. There is only one sin in the world, and it is ignorance. There's only one sin in the world and that's ignorance. او از جهانی دیگر است. He is from another world. He's from another world. به زودی دیگر به او فکر نخواهی کرد. You will soon cease to think of her. Soon you will not think of him again. از کنار خیابون رد می شدم که تصادف رو دیدم. Walking along the street, I saw the accident. I'd walk across the street when I saw the accident. پلیس تام را به قتل متهم نکرد. The police didn't book Tom for murder. The police didn't charge Tom with murder. من یک هواپیما دیدم. I saw an airplane. I saw a plane. فکر نکنم شما چیزی راجع به تام بدانید. می دانید؟ I don't suppose you know anything about Tom, do you? I don't think you know anything about Tom, you know? تام برگشت. Tom came back. Tom's back. آرام باش، این فقط یک مترسک است. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Relax. It's just a scare. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain. Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- اگه اون می تونه خوب انجامش بده ما بهتر می تونیم انجامش بدیم. If he can do it well, so much more can we. If he can do it well, we can do it better. او خانواده اش را ترک کرد. He abandoned his family. He left his family. مهم نیست که کِی می‌آیی. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. او در مسابقه به جایگاه اول رسید. He took the first place in the race. He reached the first place in the competition. لطفا برو بیرون. Please leave. Please get out. منتظرت نگه داشتم؟ (نوعی معذرت خواهی از دوستان نزدیک) Have I kept you waiting? Did I wait for you? لطفاً به اسپرانتو صحبت کنید. Please speak in Esperanto. Please speak to Esperanto. برو بیرون! Keep out! Get out! خلیج فارس بخش از هویت تاریخی ایرانیان است. Persian Gulf is an element of historical identity of Iranian People. The Persian Bay is part of the historical identity of Iran. در حال حاضر این چیزی نیست که من با آن کار بیایم. Now, that is something I will not put up with. Now that's not what I'm going to do with it. هنرمندان از دروغ برای بیان حقیقت استفاده می کنند، در حالیکه سیاستمداران آن را برای پنهان کردن حقیقت به کار می برند. Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use it to hide the truth. من نمی خواستم به شما اخطار کنم. I did not want to alarm you. I didn't want to warn you. آیا هر روز برنج می‌خوری؟ Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? او در برابر تمام خشونت محکم ایستاد. He was strongly against all violence. He stood firm against all violence. او غیر قابل پیش بینی است. He is unpredictable. He's unpredictable. نمی تونم بهش برسم. I can't catch up with him. I can't get to it. همه دانش آموزان همزمان شروع به صحبت کردن نمودند. All the students began talking at once. All the students started talking at the same time. من دو گربه دارم. I have two cats. I have two cats. امشب احتمال دارد او تلفن بزند. A telephone call from him is probable tonight. He might call tonight. این کتاب مال چه کسی است؟ Whose book is this? Whose book is this? او سعی کرد یک چادر پیدا کند اما نتوانست آنچه را که می خواست بیابد She tried to get a tent, but she couldn't find the one she wanted. she tried to find a tent but couldn't find what she wanted نمک و فلفل را بگردان، لطفا. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Turn the salt and pepper, please. خیلی ها در صف منتظر بودند. Many people were waiting in line. A lot of people were waiting in line. او با شرکایش به هم زد. He broke with his partners. He broke up with his partners. روشن حرف بزن. Speak clearly. Speak up. بدترین آهنگ یورویژن اول شده است و بهترین آهنگ آن دوم از آخر شده است. چه احمقانه! The worst song in Eurovision came in first and the best came second to last. How stupid! The worst Eurogen song has become first and the best song in the second is over. What a fool! اکر من جای او بودم با آن کنار نمی آمدم. If I were him, I wouldn't put up with it. I wouldn't live with it. بیا با ما برویم. Come along with us. Let's go with us. دکتر به او یک آرام‌بخش داد. The doctor gave her a sedative. The doctor gave him a relief. به نظر می آید او نفهمیده باشد. He seems not to have known it. He doesn't seem to understand. باید از قبل سفارش دهید. You should order in advance. You must order in advance. حال نداشتم چک کنم. I haven't bothered checking it. I didn't feel like checking. او آنقدر زیاد کار میکند که بالاخره بیمار میشود. She worked so hard that eventually she became ill. He works so much that he finally gets sick. آن آلبوم مرا به یاد روزهای خوش مدرسه می اندازد. That album reminds me of the school happy days. That album reminds me of the happy days of school. اما من نمیخواهم فرار کنم، میخوام ایتالیا را ببینم But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to run. I want to see Italy. شما تام هستید. این طور نیست؟ You're Tom, aren't you? You're Tom, aren't you? سوار اتوبوس بعدی می شوم. I will catch the next bus. I'll get on the next bus. حقیقت زیستنی است نه آموختنی. The truth is lived, not taught. Truth is truth, not learning. چقدر شما به ما پرداخت خواهید کرد؟ How much will you pay us? how much will you pay us? من از ترس ایجاد مزاحمت باهات تماس نگرفتم I didn't call on you for fear of disturbing you. I didn't call you for panic. او زندگی مرا نجات داد. He saved my life. He saved my life. طرز برخورد من با کاما روانی است؛ هر چه نفس بیشتری داشته باشم، کاماهای کمتری استفاده می‌کنم. My attitude to the comma is physiological; the more breath I have, the fewer commas I use. The way I deal with the coma is mental; the more I'm breathing, the fewer I use. موقع رفتن است. It is time to go. It's time to go. مواظب باش! Be careful. Watch out! من هفته ای دو بار پیاده روی می کنم. I jog twice a week. I walk twice a week. گوشت، لطفا. Meat, please. meat, please. من از تام خواستم ساکت بماند. I asked Tom to keep quiet. I asked Tom to keep quiet. راه عشق وجود ندارد. عشق خود راه است. There is no road to love. Love is the road. There's no way of love. It's love. این پرنده نه در ژاپن می زید و نه در چین. This bird lives neither in Japan nor in China. This bird is neither in Japan nor in China. کتاب‌ها را امانت ندهید؛ هیچکس آنها را پس نمی‌دهد. تنها کتابهایی که هنوز در کتابخانهٔ من باقی مانده‌اند، آنهایی هستند که از دیگران به امانت گرفته‌ام. Don't lend books; no one gives them back. The only books that are still left in my library are ones that I have borrowed from other people. Don't trust the books; nobody will give them back. The only books that remain in my library are the ones I took from others. شما احتیاج دارید پیش‌فعال باشید. You need to be proactive. You need to be active. هدف از سفر چیست؟ من جهانگرد هستم. "What's the purpose of your visit?" "I'm a tourist." What's the purpose of travel? I'm a globalist. تو باید دهنت رو بسته نگاه داری You should keep your mouth shut. You have to keep your mouth shut. نام آن هتل چه بود؟ یادم نمی آید. What was the hotel called? I can't remember. What was that hotel's name? I don't remember. زمانی که خیلی معروف هستی؛ به سهولت مشهور خواهی شد. It's very easy to become famous when you're very well-known. When you're so famous, you're going to be famous. خدا یکیست. God is one. God is one. خانه او پشت تپه است. His house is beyond the hill. His house is behind the hill. به جلو! بدون توقف، بدون ترس. Forwards! Without stopping without fearing! No stopping, no fear. من ترجیح می دهم که کار کنم تا اینکه هیچ کاری انجام ندهم. I prefer working to doing nothing. I'd rather work than do nothing. جان یک ببر را کشت و به دو شیر شلیک کرد. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John killed a tiger and shot two lions. دکتر به او گفت او باید استراحت کند. The doctor told her that she should take a rest. The doctor told her she had to rest. یک پیانو گران است، اما یک ماشین گرانتر است. A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive. It's a very expensive piano, but it's a more expensive car. من دوست دارم تا هفتهٔ آینده با دوستم دیدار کنم. I would like to meet my friend by next week. I'd like to meet my friend next week. چرا می پرسی؟ Why do you ask? Why do you ask? بچه گریه می کند. The baby is crying. The baby's crying. تارو احساس مسئولیت زیادی می‌کند. Taro has a strong sense of responsibility. Taro feels a lot of responsibility. اگر ما صلح نداریم، به این دلیل است که ما فراموش کرده ایم به یکدیگر تعلق داریم. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. If we don't have peace, that's why we forget we belong together. فکر کردم چشم‌هایم مرا فریب می‌دهند. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I thought my eyes would deceive me. نادان همه را به کیش خود پندارد. A fool always believes that it is the others who are fools. The foolish suppose them to be in his religion, ما در عکس اشعه ایکس شما، نوعی ناهنجاری را تشخیص داده ایم. We have detected an abnormality on your x-ray. In your X-ray picture, we've identified some kind of disorder. آیا ساعتت درست است؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch true? او به آرامی کار می کند. She works slowly. He works slowly. گتار جانی بهترین خواننده در مسابقات آواز یوروویژن 2011 است. Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Gartar Johnny is the best singer in the 2011 Eurovigen song competition. خیلی از اوقات دانش‌آموزان بدون خوردن صبحانه به مدرسه می‌روند. It is common for students to go to school without eating breakfast. Many students go to school without having breakfast. بیا تلویزیون ببینیم. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. با مردم جوری رفتار کن که با تو رفتار می کنند. deal with a man as he deals with you. Treat people the way they treat you. تام تنها کسی است که احتمال دارد ماری را مجاب کند. Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary. Tom is the only one who's likely to convince Mary. نمی خواهم با این قلم بنویسم. I don't want to write with this pen. I don't want to write with this pen. تام می تواند نفسش را برای 5 دقیقه حبس کند. Tom can hold his breath for five minutes. Tom can hold his breath for five minutes. تام ستیزه جو است. Tom is belligerent. Tom's hostile. بیا با ما. Come along with us. Come with us. او برای حقوق کم من به من غر می زد. She complained to me of my small salary. He was complaining to me for my low salary. مری و تام کجا زندگی میکنند? Where do Mary and Tom live? Where does Mary and Tom live? او نسبتا سریع حرف می زند. She spoke relatively quickly. He's pretty fast. gardane Tom be hengaame eski baazi shekaste shod. Tom got his neck broken in a ski accident. It's only a matter of time before it's over. لبخند بزن. Smile. Smile. دلفین ها حیوانات بسیار هوشمندی هستند. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. The dolphins are very smart animals. اشکالی ندارد. همه می توانند اشتباه کنند. Never mind. Anyone can make mistakes. It's okay. Everyone can make mistakes. برج عاج خود را برون شو. Leave your ivory tower. Get out of your glass tower. این یه جمله نیست. This is not a sentence. That's not a sentence. شرکت ما از چندین رویداد فرهنگی حمایت می کند. Our company supports several cultural events. Our company supports several cultural events. لیلا یک پزشک باستان‌شناس قانونی بود. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. Leila was an archeologist. تا برنو چقدر راهه؟ How far is it to Brno? How far to Breno? من ظهر به توکیو رسیدم. I arrived in Tokyo at noon. I arrived in Tokyo at noon. نمک را به من بده، ممکنه؟ Pass me the salt, would you? Give me the salt, will you? پدرم توجهی به رنج عاطفی که بر اثر سوءاستفاده در من ایجاد کرده است، ندارد. My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me. My father doesn't care about the emotional suffering he's caused me with abuse. ما باید هر گونه تلاشی را جهت حفظ صلح جهانی انجام دهیم. We should make every effort to maintain world peace. We must do everything we can to preserve world peace. همه به دنبال خوشبختی هستند. Everybody seeks happiness. Everyone's looking for happiness. این یا آن؟ This one or that one? This or that? برای زندگی ات بدو! Run for your life! Run for your life! او همه چیز را پول می‌بیند. She thinks of everything in terms of money. He sees everything. آبجو های آلمانی رو دوست داری? Do you like German beers? Do you like German beers? بسیار دور بسیار خوب است. So far, so good. Very far, very good. هذا كرسي كنجي. This is Kenji's chair. No, no, no, no, no, no. کوزه‌گر از کوزه شکسته آب می‌خورد. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot. The potter drank water from the broken jar. محکومیتش مادام العمر است. He has a life sentence. His sentence will last forever. حتی بدون آرایش او بسیار بانمک است. Even without makeup, she's very cute. Even without her makeup, she's very cute. قطارها دیرتر از موعد حرکت می‌کنند. The trains are running behind time. Trains move later than time. این نشانی پست الکترونیکی من است. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. گربه ها موش ها را می گیرند. Cats catch mice. Cats get rats. 20,000 ین به عنوان بخشی از طلبش به او پرداخت کردم. I paid him 20000 yen on account. I paid 10,000 yen as part of his debt. تام امروز حس و حال بیرون رفتن را ندارد. Tom doesn't feel up to going out today. Tom doesn't feel like going out today. برادرم روز دوشنبه می آید. My brother is coming on Monday. My brother's coming on Monday. وقتی که او عاشق می شود، افسرده به نظر می آید. When she falls in love, she looks depressed. When she falls in love, she looks depressed. امروز برای من روز اول و آخره. Today is the first and the last day for me. It's my first and last day. اسکات معاصر بایرون بود. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. Scott was the modern Bayron. تا حد زیادی من با آنچه او گفت، موافقت خواهم نمود. For the most part I will agree with what he said. To a large extent, I will agree with what he said. آیا این نام واقعی تو است؟ Is this your real name? Is that your real name? هرکه به همه کار، به هیچ کار. هرکه به یک کار، به همه کار. A jack of all trades is master of none. He who does all things does nothing. Every one by one does all things. هیچ وقت تهران بودی؟ Have you ever been in Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? من هنوز هیچ خبری از او ندارم. I have had no news from him yet. I haven't heard from him yet. من برای دوست داشتن تو زاده شدم. I was born to love you. I was born to love you. ما تجربه های جالب بسیاری در دانشکده داشتیم. We had many exciting experiences in the college. We've had a lot of interesting experiences in college. دیگر نمی خواهم مبارزه کنم. I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to fight anymore. او هرگز به زادگاهش بر نگشت. He was never to return to his hometown. He never returned to his home. گفته می شود که ژاپنی با افرادی که آنها را می شناسند بسیار مهربانند، اما با افراد ناشناس سردند. It is said that Japanese people are kind to people they know, but rather cold to those they don't. It is said that Japanese is very kind to people who know them, but they are cold with unknown people. او به غیر از روزهای بارانی، پیاده به سر کار می رود. He goes to work on foot every day except on rainy days. He works on foot except for the days of rain. پلیس دزد رو در حین ارتکاب جرم گرفت. The police caught the burglar red-handed. The police caught the thief committing a crime. او شعر و موسیقی دوست دارد. She likes poetry and music. He likes poetry and music. می‌بایست در مقابل حاضر زیادی سخنرانی کند. She had to speak before a large audience. He needs to lecture against a lot of present. نام جوان و مجرد است. Tom is young and single. The name is young and single. آنها یاد نگرفته اند که باید از مافوقشان اطاعت کنند و به آنها احترام بگذارند. They have not learnt that they must obey their superiors and respect them. They didn't learn to obey their superiors and respect them. برایت توضیح نمی‌دهم. I'm not going to explain it to you. I won't explain it to you. خوشحال اوست که هیچ چیز دیگری نمی‌طلبد! Happy is he who desires nothing anymore! He is happy that he does not ask for anything else! تام زیاد راجع به اسلحه ها نمی داند. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom doesn't know much about guns. اگر واقعا به یک شغل نیاز داری، چرا به کارکردن برای تام فکر نمی کنی؟ If you really need a job, why don't you consider working for Tom? If you really need a job, why don't you think about working for Tom? خودکار سرتوپی دار تبدیل به یک ابزار دست نویسی جهانی شده، جای خودکار افشانه ای را گرفت. A ball-pen became a universal handwriting tool, replacing fountain pen. The head-to-face pen became a global access tool, took the auto-resistant location. ارتش کشور همسایه را اشغال کرد. The army made inroads into the neighboring country. The army occupied the neighbor's country. او محبتش را با نصیحتی به من نشان داد. He showed kindness by giving me a piece of advice. He showed me his love with advice. اول زیاد بهش توجه نکردم ولی بعد یواش یواش نظرم بهش جلب شد. At first I paid little attention, but slowly my interest awoke. I didn't pay too much attention at first, but then I caught an eye on him slowly. او سیب می خورد. He's eating an apple. He ate apples. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. He accused her of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. من سفر می کنم تا دنیا را ببینم. I travel to see the world. I travel to see the world. او از من کمک خواست. He asked for my help. He asked for my help. باور کنی یا نه، هلو و بادوم از یه خونوادن. (Bāvar koni yā na, hulu o bādum az ye xunevādean) Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are in the same family. Believe it or not, peach and peanuts are from a family. ما دو بچه داریم. We have two children. We have two children. آن ساختمان بلندی که جلو ماست، چیست؟ What is that big building in front of us? What is that tall building that lies before us? پول در آوردن هدف زندگی نیست. To make money is not the purpose of life. It's not life's purpose to make money. داستانش مناسب این مناسبت نبود. His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion. The story wasn't appropriate for this occasion. کل خانواده در بستر بیماری افتاده بودند. The whole family was sick in bed. The whole family was lying on the sick bed. اعضای کمیته در مورد پروژه دو دیدگاه متفاوت داشتند. The committee was split over the project. The committee members had two different views about the project. فکر کردن دیگر فایده‌ای ندارد. It's useless to keep on thinking any more. It doesn't work anymore. تنها زبانی که تام می‌تواند به آن صحبت کند فرانسوی است. The only language Tom can speak is French. The only language Tom can speak is French. ديروز ما حرف نمى زديم. We didn't talk yesterday. Yesterday we weren't talking. ما مشتاق صلح جهانی هستیم. We are longing for world peace. We're looking forward to global peace. او به گریه افتاد. She broke into tears. He fell into tears. آنها دارند اسباب کشی می کنند. They're moving away. They're moving. سال سختی برای ما بود. It was a difficult year for us. It's been a hard year for us. همین الآن دست‌شوئی را تمیز کردیم. I just cleaned the bathroom. We just cleaned up the bathroom. فقط مرده ها پایان جنگ را شاهد بوده اند. Only the dead have seen the end of the war. Only the dead have witnessed the end of the war. هر چه بیشتر، بهتر. The more the better. The more, the better. تفاوت بین کلمهٔ صحیح و کلمهٔ تقریباً صحیح مانند تفاوت بین مهتاب و کرم شب‌تاب است. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the correct word and the right word is almost the same as the difference between the moon and the night cream. او در ریاضیات نمرات خوبی گرفت. He got good marks in math. He got good grades in mathematics. چیزی به‌جز خوشبختی برای‌تان نمی‌خواهم. I wish you nothing but happiness. I don't want anything but happiness for you. آن میمون را در آن باغ‌وحش دیدیم. We saw the monkey at the zoo. We have seen it (the Paradise) in the two gardens. در زبان آلمانی آن را چگونه می گویید؟ How do you say that in German? What do you say in German? داری من را کجا می‌بری؟ Where are you taking me? Where are you taking me? درست است. It's true. That's right. امتحانت، چطور بود؟ How was your test? How was your test? ما باید قانون اساسی صلح آمیز خود را حفظ کنیم. We must preserve our peaceful constitution. We must maintain our peaceful foundation. من به جای آلمانی، فرانسه آموختم. I learned French instead of German. I learned France instead of German. کاری که او کرد، اشتباه نبود. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did wasn't wrong. امروز دیگر از تو چیزی نخواهم خواست. I won't ask you anything else today. I won't ask you for anything anymore today. جمعیت حدود 500 نفر تو تیاتر بود. A crowd of 500 filled the theater. There were about 500 people in Titre. من توریستم. I'm a tourist. I'm a tourist. به اندازه کافی بزرگ شدی که از خودت مراقبت کنی You are old enough to take care of yourself. You're old enough to take care of yourself. من امروز با دفتر شما تماس گرفتم، ولی شما نبودید. I called your office today, but you weren't in. I called your office today, but you weren't. «خوب غافلگیرم کردی.» تام این را هنگامی گفت که در را باز کرد و دید ماری آنجا ایستاده است. "What a nice surprise," Tom said as he opened the door and saw Mary standing there. "You surprised me well." Tom said this when he opened the door, and he saw a serpent standing there. تا جایی که به من مربوط است، می‌توانم امروز بروم. As far as I am concerned I can leave today. As far as I'm concerned, I can go today. همیشه قهوه غلیظ می خوره He always takes his coffee strong. He always eats big coffee. مرگ یک انسان تراژدی است اما مرگ میلیونها انسان، آمار است. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. A man's death is a tragedy, but the death of millions of people is statistics. به این توجه کن که نباید همان اشتباه قبلی را تکرار کنی. See to it that you don't make the same mistake. Note that you should not repeat the same mistake. او انگولکم می کند. He's kicking me! He's fucking me. من عضو کلوپ نیستم. I'm not a member of the club. I'm not a club member. ما سفرمان را با پر از آرزو شروع کردیم ( میکنیم) We set out on our journey full of hope. We started our journey with dreams. او خبر چین است! He's a snitch! He's news of China! اتفاقی اخبار را شنیدم. I heard the news by chance. I happen to hear the news. او برای سه هفته در نیویورک ماند He stayed in New York for three weeks. He stayed in New York for three weeks. قاضی ها بیشتر اوقات باج میگیرند. Judges often use gavels. The judges often blackmail. من هم منزجر بودم. I was disgusted, too. I hated it, too. او شروع به صحبت کردن با سگ کرد. He started talking to the dog. He started talking to the dog. آخرین تمیز کاری ها رو خواهم کرد. I'll add the finishing touches. I'll do the last cleanup. دوست آن باشد که گیرد دست دوست، در پریشان‌حالی و درماندگی. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend (of his) will take his hand (on the Day of Judgment), and he will be helpless, آنها می‌بایست قوی‌ترین نامزد ممکن را پیدا کنند. They had to find the strongest candidate possible. They must find the most powerful candidate possible. کتاب‌های قدیمی برای نویسندگان هستند، کتاب‌های جدید برای خوانندگان. Old books are for writers, new ones for readers. Old books are for writers, new books for readers. حالا که شما در ایتالیا هستید، باید از ناپل دیدن کنید. Now that you are in Italy, you must absolutely see Naples. Now that you're in Italy, you should visit Naples. معلم غرق اشک شد. The teacher burst into tears. The teacher was filled with tears. گریه را تمام کن و بعد ما صحبت خواهیم کرد. Finish crying and then we'll talk. Finish crying and then we'll talk. فقط می‌خواستم ایمیلم را چک کنم. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my e-mail. من می خواهم فرد بهتری باشم. I want to be a better person. I want to be a better person. برای یادگیری هیچوقت دیر نیست. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. از کیک شکلاتی خوشش می‌آید He is fond of chocolate cake. He likes chocolate cake. به نوع بشر توانایی نامحدود اهدا شده است. Human beings are gifted with infinite potential. Human beings have been granted infinite potential. در سال 1948، دولتی یهودی تاسیس گردید. In 1948, a Jewish state was founded. In 1989, the Jewish government was founded. تابستان امسال ما به کوهستان و دریا خواهیم رفت. This summer we'll go to the mountains and to the sea. This summer we'll go to the mountains and the sea. من گرسنه ام. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. چه مدت می توانی نفست را حبس کنی؟ How long can you hold your breath? how long can you hold your breath? من آرژانتینی هستم. I am Argentinean. I'm Argentina. همه چیزی که دارم یک کتاب است. All I have is one book. All I have is a book. این کارخانه در روز 500 اتومبیل تولید می کند. This factory produces 500 automobiles a day. The factory produces 500 cars a day. شما چطور فهمیدید که من می خواستم با تام صحبت کنم؟ How did you know I wanted to speak to Tom? How did you know I wanted to talk to Tom? بفرمایید بنشینید. Please, have a seat. Have a seat. من اینجا غریبه ام. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. دست چپش شکست. He broke his left arm. He broke his left arm. با من بسیار بی تحمل هستید. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. همه اش تنها یک سوء تفاهم بزرگ است. It's all just a big misunderstanding. It's all just a big misunderstanding. بقیه پول رو نگه دار. Keep the change, driver. Keep the rest of the money. باید تام را پیدا کنیم. We must find Tom. We need to find Tom. زندگی زیباست. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. خیلی مشتاقم امروز ببینمتان. I desire a lot to see you today. I'd love to see you today. جشن تولدش فردا عصر برگزار میشه Her birthday party will be tomorrow evening. It's gonna be tomorrow afternoon's birthday party. هتل ما در خیابان بعدی است. Our hotel is on the next street. Our hotel is on the next street. شما داروی مناسبی دارید؟ Do you have some good medicine? do you have the right medicine? من تسلیم نمی‌شوم چون چیزی دارم که ارزش جنگیدن دارد. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I don't give up because I have something worth fighting for. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی با ماشین تام بروی بوستون. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to go to Boston in Tom's car, are you? You don't really want to drive to Boston, do you? بسه دیگه. تمومش کن! Stop it! Stop it, stop it! به نظرم عاقلانه ست همین الان بری و قبض رو پرداخت کنی I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now. I think it's wise to go and pay the bill right now. تام این کمبود را داشت که چگونه خودش را ابراز کند. Tom was at a loss how to express himself. Tom had this lack to express himself. آیا اینها قابل خوردن هستند؟ Are these edible? Are these foodable? امشب وقتت آزاد است؟ Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? تام را در مترو مردِ مجهولی حمله کرد. Tom was attacked by an unknown man in the subway. He attacked Tom on the subway, the invisible man. عشق فقط یک احساس نیست بلکه یک هنر هم است. Love is not just a feeling, but also an art. Love isn't just a feeling, it's also an art. به نظر می رسد او جمع آوری تمبر را دوست دارد. It seems that he likes collecting stamps. He seems to like collecting stamps. یک جراح خوب دارای چشمی همانند عقاب، دلی مثل شیر و دستی زنانه است. A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand. A good surgeon has an eye like an eagle, a heart like milk and a woman's hand. salam ,omid ke khvb bashi Hi, I hope you are well Salam, amid khvb bashi تابستان گذشته، بالاخره من شرکتی را که بیست سال پیش به آن ملحق شده بودم، ترک کردم. Last summer, I finally left the firm that I had joined twelve years before. Last summer, I finally left the company I joined 20 years ago. تام مرا تا خانه دنبال کرد. Tom followed me home. Tom followed me home. آیا این یک رؤیاست؟ Is this a dream? Is this a dream? سگهای مرده گاز نمی گیرند. Dead dogs don't bite. Dead dogs don't bite. من مجبور شدم به آنجا بروم. I was compelled to go there. I had to go there. ووبلاگ شما در چه موردی است؟ What's your blog about? What's your Webage about? خانه ی تام فقط سه بلوک آن طرف تر از اینجاست. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is only three blocks away. مری به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. Marie accused him of having stolen the bike. Mary kept stealing the bike. در این پارک پرنده های بسیاری هستند. There are many birds in this park. There are many birds in this park. نمی تونی روی حرف جیم حساب کنی چون اون همیشه سعی می کنه همه رو راضی نگه داره. You cannot rely upon Jim's words since he tries to please everybody. You can't count on Jim because he's always trying to keep everyone happy. من یک سگ و یک گربه دارم. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. مگ آدم پر حرفی است. Meg talks too much. Meg is a man of words. آن پرستار، یک فرشته واقعی برای بیمارانش است. That nurse is a real angel to her patients. That nurse, she's a real angel for her patients. شما باید آن را همراه با بقیه بپذیرید. You must accept that along with others. You must accept it along with others. من نمي دانم شما از چه خوشتان مي آيد I don't know what you like. I don't know how you like it. هر یک از ما باید یک درخت بکاریم. Each of us should plant a tree. Each of us has to plant a tree. چقدر خوب! How great! That's so sweet! من آناناس را می خورند. I'm eating a pineapple. I'll eat them. او از هیچ چیزی هراس ندارد. He is not afraid of anything. He has no fear of anything. مثل آب خوردنه. Piece of cake! It's like drinking. تام سر زد. Tom came by. Tom came by. پرنده ها پرواز می کنند. Birds fly. Birds fly. بخند. Smile. Smile. این کتاب رو اتفاقی توی یک کتابفروشی کتابهای دست دوم پیدا کردم. I came across this book in a secondhand bookstore. I happened to find this book in a second-hand book store. خب، عزیز من، شب به‌خیر! OK, my dear, good night! Well, my dear, good night! می‌خواهم وقت بیشتری با تام بگذرانم. I want to spend more time with Tom. I want to spend more time with Tom. دو کوه از بلندای یکسانی برخوردار هستند. The two mountains are of equal height. The two mountains have the same height. مواجهه‌ی مؤثر با مسئله‌ی رقابت بخش مهمی از زندگی محسوب می‌شود. Effectively dealing with competition is an important part of life. An effective encounter with competition is an important part of life. بعد از چند نوشیدنی، دیگر آن مرد دردی احساس نمی کرد. After a couple of drinks, the guy was feeling no pain. After a few drinks, that man didn't feel pain anymore. من همیشه خیال می کردم برادر و خواهر داشتن چگونه است. I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings. I always thought what it was like to have brothers and sisters. من بعد از کار، تام را دیدم. I met Tom after work. I saw Tom after work. تعداد ژاپنی هایی که نان می خورند افزایش یافته است. The number of Japanese who live on bread has increased. The number of Japanese who eat bread has increased. هر چند من پیرم ولی تو هنوز جوونی. Though I am old, you are still young. Although I'm old, you're still young. تو عهد ات را شکستی. You broke your promises. You broke your promise. فکر می‌کنم برای او امکان دارد که مسئله را حل کند. I think it's impossible for him to solve the problem. I think it's possible for him to solve the problem. این چاقو خیلی تیز است. This knife is very sharp. This knife is very sharp. من او را دیدم که با مادرش پرخاشگر بود. I saw him scolded by his mother. I saw him being aggressive with his mother. سلام٬ چطوری؟ Hello, how are you? Hey, how are you? امروز مهمون من هستید. Today is my treat. You're my guest today. آنها پیانو زدند. They play the piano. They played piano. می دانی دوستانم چگونه مرا توصیف می کنند؟ Do you know how my friends describe me? Do you know how my friends describe me? نخست وزیر اینان را برای پست های کلیدی کابینه انتخاب کرد. The Prime Minister appointed them to key Cabinet posts. The Prime Minister chose them for key letters in the cabinet. با عجله غذا نخور. Do not eat hastily. Don't eat in a hurry. شما اینجا تمام مشخصه های جستجوی پیشرفته را فرا می گیرید. You can learn about advanced search features here. You're going to get all the signs of advanced search here. نمی دانم آن بستنی کجاست. فکر می کنی تام ممکن است تمام آن را خورده باشد؟ I wonder where the ice cream is. Do you think Tom could've eaten it all? I don't know where that ice cream is. Do you think Tom might have eaten it all? واکنش او در مقابل این خبر چه بود؟ What was her reaction to the news? What was his reaction to this news? برخی ستارگان در آسمان شب شروع به پدیدار شدن می کنند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. Some stars in the sky begin to appear at night. گرسنگی و بیماری در بین طبقات پایین شایع است. Starvation and disease were rampant among the lowest classes. The hunger and disease are common among the lower levels. سلامتی نعمت است. Health is wealth. It's the health of happiness. دارم با تام حرف می زنم. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. شاید تلفن همراه تان را در خانه جا گذاشته اید. You may have left your cellphone at home. Perhaps you left your mobile phone at home. کلیه اعضای کلوب حاضر بودند. Every member of the club was present. All members of the club were present. تام با شماره ی ماری تماس گرفت و به بوق اشغال برخورد. Tom dialed Mary's number and got a busy signal. Tom called Mary's number and hit the busy horn. بقیه پول مال خودت! Keep the change. Keep the change! مصطفی کمال آتاتورک جمهوری ترک را در سال ۱۹۲۲ اعلان کرد. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. He announced that he was a member of the Republic of Turkey. رودخانه پوشیده از لجن بود. The river was cloudy with silt. The river was covered with mud. مردم دور یک میز جمع شدند The people gathered around a round table. People gathered around a table. بشر جائزالخطاست. Everyone makes mistakes. Human beings are right. فقط آرزویم این است که بخشی از آن بودم. I only wish I were part of it. I just wish I was part of it. مجبورم به پیشنهادش اعتراض کنم. I cannot but object to his proposal. I have to object to his offer. نمی‌توانی کتابی را با جلدش داوری کنی. You can't judge a book by its cover. You cannot judge a book with its cover. هیچوقت به افرادی که لیاقتش را ندارند صداقت نورزید. Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it. Never be honest with people who don't deserve it. تام نمی‌داند که این راست است یا نه. Tom doesn't know whether it's true or not. Tom doesn't know if this is true. من نمی توانم چنین داستانی را بدون گریه کردن بشنوم. I cannot hear such a story without weeping. I can't hear such a story without crying. دیگر با او صحبت نخواهم کرد. I won't talk with him anymore. I won't talk to him again. این یکی قشنگ تره This one is prettier. This one's more beautiful. این کلاس درس خیلی بزرگ است. This classroom is very large. This class is a big lesson. به عبارت دیگر، او آدم تنبلی است. In other words, he is a lazy person. In other words, he's lazy. ببخشید که اذیتت کردم. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. آیا تو به روسی صحبت می‌کنی؟ Do you speak Russian? Are you speaking Russian? یکی از گربه ها سیاه است و دیگری قهوه ای است. One of the cats is black, the other is brown. One cat is black and the other is brown. باید پیدایش کنیم. We must find him. We have to start. او طی رخدادهای بعد از تصادف بیناییش را از دست داد. In aftermath of the accident he lost his sight. He lost sight during events after the accident. می‌توانم از این چوگان استفاده کنم؟ May I use this bat? Can I use this abandonr? به من نگو چه کار کنم. Do not tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do. حقوق بین الملل شاخه ای از حقوق است. International law is a branch of law. International rights are a branch of rights. لطفاً از اینکه من به این زبان صحبت می‌کنم، متعجب نشوید، و به مفهوم آنچه واقعاً می‌گویم، گوش فرا دهید. Please don't be so surprised that I'm speaking this language and listen to the content of what I'm actually saying. Please don't be surprised that I speak this language, and listen to what I'm really saying. وقتی که کار به شکلات می‌رسد، مقاومت بی‌فایده است. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. When it comes to chocolate, the resistance is useless. پلیسها ساعتها اقامتگاه تام را گشتند، امّا نتوانستند چیزی بیابند. The police spent hours searching Tom's place, but they couldn't find the murder weapon. The cops searched Tom's residence for hours, but they couldn't find anything. می خواهم یک کتاب بخرم. I'd like to eat a book. I want to buy a book. لغزش در عمل چه یک اینچ، چه یک مایل. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Scroll in action what a inch, or a mile. ممنون به خاطر نامه وعکس های بسیار زیبا از زادگاهتان. Thanks for the letter and the wonderful photos of your hometown. Thank you for the very beautiful letters and photos from your home. هیچ گونه مواد افزودنی به این مربا اضافه نشده است. No additives have been added to this jam. No addition material has been added to this jam. او هیچگاه دوباره به کشور موطن خود بازنگشت. He was never to return to his native country again. He never returned to his country again. ضد آفتاب زدی؟ Did you put on sunscreen? You're against the sun? جان در آمریکا متولد شده است. John was born in America. John was born in the United States. باعث افتخارمه. It's a pleasure for me. It's my pleasure. هر اتاق سرویس بهداشتی مجزّا دارد. Each room has a private bathroom. Every health room has a problem. این که تنها ترجمه ی موجود است،دور از ذهن من بود. As far as I know, this is the only translation available. This is the only translation that exists, far away from my mind. من کمی نمک در سوپ خواهم ریخت. I'll put some salt in the soup. I'll put some salt in the soup. او شگفت زده از من پرسید: چکار می کنی؟ "What are you doing here?" he asked me in surprise. He was surprised to ask me, "What are you doing? من باید بدانم. I must know. I need to know. سگ چطور مرد را گرفت؟ How did the dog bite the man? How did the dog catch the man? من سالها بود که او را ندیده بودم. I have not seen you for ages. I haven't seen him in years. لذت ببر وقتی که می توانی، و تحمل کن؛ وقتی که مجبوری. Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. Enjoy when you can, and endure, when you have to. شما راه مرا سد کرده اید. You are in my way. You're blocking my path. میبینمت. See you. See you. انصرف! Leave! Don't! باغی پشت خانه ما وجود دارد. There's a garden behind our house. There's a garden behind our house. وقتی که من به اداره رسیدم کلی کار داشتم که انتظار من را می کشید.من همانند مرغی که سرش را بریدند به این طرف آن طرف می دویدم. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, I had a lot of work waiting for me. من چیزی ندارم. I have nothing. I don't have anything. جان نمی داند چگونه گیتار بنوازد. John doesn’t know how to play guitar. John doesn't know how to play guitar. من هیچ گاه به تام اعتمادی نکردم. I never trusted Tom. I never trusted Tom. حاضر نبود در آن کار مشارکت کند. He would have no part of it. He wasn't willing to participate in it. آیا از یبوست رنج می‌بری؟ Do you suffer from constipation? Are you suffering from a kiss? او امتحان را به بهای زندگی اجتماعیش پاس کرد. She passed the test at the expense of her social life. He passed the test for his social life. رد آهو را دنبال کردم. I followed the deer's tracks. I followed the deer. آرنولد به ما یاد داد که به سوژه همان طور که واقعا هست نگاه کنیم. Arnold teaches us to see the object as it really is. Arnold taught us to look at the subject as it really is. من نمی خواهم به تو آسیبی بزنم. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. من بودم هیچ وقت با دمپایی بیرون از خونه نمی رفتم I'd never leave my house in slippers. I would never go out on foot. کار برای انجام دادن زیاد است و وقت کم. There is so much to do and so little time. It's a lot to do, and it's a little less time. من همیشه از زیست شناسی متنفر بودم. I've always hated biology. I've always hated biology. کودکان دیوانهٔ شیرینی هستند. Children are fond of cake. Children are crazy about sweets. بتی مادرش را کشت. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed her mother. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. She accused him of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. شما نمی‌توانید به یک خرچنگ راست راه رفتن را بیاموزید. You can't teach a crab how to walk straight. You can't learn to walk straight to a lobster. چه کسی اهمیت می دهد؟ Who cares? Who cares? تام یک پیتزا فروشی دارد. Tom owns a pizzeria. Tom has a pizza store. در حالی که در خیابان های شلوغ قدم می زدیم، آوازهای قدیمی را می خواندیم. We walked along the busy street, singing old songs. As we walked through the crowded streets, we used to sing old songs. ما از تجربه‌ها بسیار درس می‌گیریم. We learn many lessons from experiences. We learn a lot from experience. من هر روز حدود ساعت 6 برگشته ام. I'll be back by 6 o'clock every day. I've come back every day around 6:00. تفاوت اندک. Scant difference. Small difference. به همه نگو. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell everyone. تنها بودن بهتر از بودن با احمقان است. Much better alone than with fools. Being alone is better than being with fools. تمام چیزی که می دانم اینست که او در ایتالیا متولد شده است. For all I know, he was born in Italy. All I know is that he was born in Italy. بتهوون در سال‌های آخر عمرش ناشنوا بود. Beethoven was deaf in his late years. Bethhoon was deaf in the last years of his life. دوری باعث علاقمندی می شود. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Dory makes interest. خیلی مشتاقم امروز ببینمتان. I really wish to see you today. I'd love to see you today. عالی! خیلی خوب! Great! Great! آنچه در ابتدا یک بلای طبیعی بود به سرعت به یک فروپاشی ساختهٔ دست بشر تبدیل شد. What was at first a natural disaster rapidly became a man-made debacle. What was at first a natural disaster was quickly turned into a human-made collapse. دوست می‌داشتم او را ببینم. I would have liked to meet him. I'd love to see him. من او را به خاطر نقاط ضعفش بیشتر دوست دارم. I like him all the more for his weaknesses. I love him more because of his weaknesses. من هرروز صبح ساعت شش از خواب بیدار می شوم. I got up at six this morning. I wake up every morning at 6:00. من کنار او نشستم. I sat by his side. I'm sitting next to him. نمی‌توانم از اینجا ترک کنم. I can't leave here. I can't leave. قبلا او را دیده بودی؟ Have you met her before? have you seen him before? او را می شناسی؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? ما از همه چیز می‌توانیم فرار کنیم به جز از وجدانمان. We can run away from everything, except from our conscience. We can escape from everything except our conscience. هم من و پدرت نتیجه ی این تصمیمت را میدانیم. Both your father and I understand the consequences of your decision. Your father and I both know the consequences of your decision. تابستان ما کوتاه و گرم است. Our summer is short, but warm. Our summer is short and warm. در ابتدا خداوند بهشت و زمین را آفرید. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. God has created the heavens and the earth for a first time. روز خوبیه Beautiful day. It's a good day. در کره به چه زبانهایی تکلم می شود؟ Which languages are spoken in Korea? What languages is spoken in Korea? اخیراً، این خودرو دائماً خراب می شود. This car is always breaking down lately. Lately, this car will be broken all the time. تام گفت او مجبور است برود. Tom said he had to split. Tom said he had to go. کار دستی تنها یک بایستگی نیست بلکه یک لذت است. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Handwork isn't just a need, it's a pleasure. ما فقط سه گزینه داریم. We only have three options. We only have three options. تا صبح بیدار ماند. I stayed awake 'till the morning. He stayed up till morning. روز خوش Good day! Good day. دیگ به دیگ می‌گوید رویت سیاه. The pot calls the kettle black. Dig calls the pot black face. کودک او ماه آینده به دنیا خواهد آمد. She will have a child next month. Her child will be born next month. او رازش را آشکار نساخت. He didn't reveal his secret. He did not reveal His secrets. بعدش چی؟ So what? Then what? انفجرت المدرّسة بكاءا. The teacher burst into tears. Resolved (from all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.) او بهتر از هر کس دیگری است. He is better than anyone else. He's better than anyone else. او پیش بینی می کرد که کتاب خیلی موفقیت آمیز باشد. She predicted the book would be very successful. He predicted that the book would be very successful. ببخشید می دونم زیاد حواست رو پرت کردم ولی یک سوال دارم. Sorry, I know you've been sidetracked by the issue many times, but I have a question. I'm sorry, I know I've been distracted a lot, but I have a question. او می داند که زیبا به نظر می آید. She knows she's looking fine. She knows she looks beautiful. من سگی جدید می خواهم. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. بیا برگردیم قبل از آنکه باران باریدن بگیرد. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's go back before it rains. کسانی که هیچ چیز از یک زبان خارجی نمی‌دانند، هیچ چیز دربارهٔ زبان خودشان هم نمی‌دانند. Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. Those who don't know anything about a foreign language don't know anything about their own language. در اتاقم منتظرت خواهم بود. I will be waiting for you in my room. I'll wait for you in my room. پسرش از ترس لرزید. His son trembled with fear. His son was terrified. باید به شکستت اعتراف کنی. You should acknowledge your failure. You must confess to your failure. ناراحت خواهم بود ولی خودم را نخواهم کشت. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'll be upset, but I won't kill myself. در خصوص انتقاد نهایی پروفسور اسکات، چیز دیگری ندارم که به آنچه در پاسخ قبلی‌ام گفتم، اضافه کنم. Regarding Professor Scott's final criticism I have nothing more to add to what I said in my previous reply. In the case of Professor Scott's final criticism, I don't have anything else to add to what I said in my previous response. همیشه وقت پیدا می شود. One can always find time. There's always time. همسرم تازه میز را پاک کرده است. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just erased the table. همه بچه ها سیب را دوست ندارند. Not all children like apples. Not all children like apples. تا نباشد چیزکی، مردم نگویند چیزها. There is no smoke without fire. People don't say things until there's nothing. او یک جراح بسیار خوب مغز است. She's an excellent brain surgeon. He's a very good brain surgeon. چرا خفه نمی شی Why don't you shut up? Why don't you shut up. اتاقت کجاست؟ Where is your room? Where's your room? نمی توانم بگویم که در شور و اشتیاقت برای این ایده سهیم هستم. I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. I can't say that I share your passion for this idea. خیلی از مردان در جنگ شدیدا مجروح شدند. Many men were badly wounded in the battle. Many men were severely wounded in the war. نوشتن نامه ی عاشقانه در اسپرانتو آسان است. It is easy to write love letters in Esperanto. It's easy to write love letters in Esperanto. من سردرد دارم. I have a headache. I have a headache. عجله کن، تا به موقع برسی. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, until you're in time. تام از راندن ماشین ماری احساس راحتی نمی کرد. Tom didn't feel comfortable driving Mary's new car. Tom didn't feel comfortable driving Mary's car. می تونستی به من بگی که امشب می ری بیرون. You could have let me know you were going out tonight. You could have told me you were going out tonight. روزی در مدرسه پسری با جثه معمولی را دیدم که با پسری کوچک تر رفتار خشونت آمیزی داشت. دوستانه به او تذکر دادم، ولی او در پاسخ گفت: بزرگتر ها مرا می زنند و من کوچکترها را می زنم،این منصفانه است. دراین کلمات، او تاریخ نوع بشر را به نمایش گذاشت. I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: "The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair." In these words he epitomized the history of the human race. One day at school, I saw a guy who was violent with a younger boy. I gave him a friendly advice, but he said, "The elders beat me, and I beat the smaller, that's fair. In these words, he showed history of humanity. اگر فرض بر این بود که بیش از گوش دادن حرف بزنیم، دو دهان و یک گوش به ما عطا شده بود. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If it was supposed to be more than listening, we'd be given two mouths and one ear. تام در حال صبر کردن به نظر نمی رسید. Tom didn't feel like waiting. Tom didn't seem to be waiting. باد آورده را باد می‌برد. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It's blowing up the wind. دوست داشتن نصف ایمان است. Loving is half of believing. Love is half faith. تو می توانی هر که را بخواهی دعوت کنی. You can invite any person you like. You can invite whomever you want. معنی جاز چیست؟ What's the definition of jazz? What does jazz mean? بند کفشم در پله برقی گیر کرد. My shoelace got caught in the escalator. My shoe's stuck in the electric stairs. سلام به همه بچه های خوب ایرانی. Hi, to all good Iranian guys. Hello to all good Iranians. لطفاً به آتش‌نشانی زنگ بزنید. Please call the fire department. Please call the fire department. بیش از بیست هزار گونهٔ شناخته شده از گیاهان خوراکی در جهان وجود دارد. There are more than twenty thousand known species of edible plants in the world. There are over 20,000 known species of food plants in the world. دیروز مشق هایم را نوشتم. I did my homework yesterday. I wrote my homework yesterday. من مانند یک آیینه هستم که نور شما را منعکس می‌کنم. I am like a mirror reflecting your light. I'm like a mirror that reflects your light. رویای دختری را دیدم که دیروز ملاقاتش کردم و اسمش را نمی دانم. I dreamed about the girl I met yesterday whose name I do not know. I dreamed of a girl I met yesterday and I don't know her name. او نامزدی خود را به او اعلام کرد. She announced her engagement to him. He announced his engagement to him. او به زودی خواهد آمد. He is coming shortly. He'll be here soon. راز جلو افتادن، شروع کردن است. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to falling forward is to start. هیچ چیز به اندازه صلح و امنیت اهمیت ندارد. Nothing is as important as peace. Nothing is as important as peace and security. از کاهی کوهی ساختن. Much ado about nothing. They made it out of a rock. او یک پیراهن سیاه دارد. He has a black shirt. He has a black shirt. از تجربیات می‌آموزیم که انسانها هرگز از تجربیات نمی‌آموزند. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. From experience, we learn that humans never learn from experiences. یک فرش بزرگ روی زمین است. There's a large carpet on the floor. There's a big carpet on the ground. شوهرم همیشه در رخت خواب مطالعه میکنه. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always studies in bed. او می تواند ژاپنی صحبت کند. He is able to speak Japanese. He can speak Japanese. من فردا هرات ميرم Hi, are you OK? I'm leaving tomorrow. عقل سالم در بدن سالم است. A sane mind is in a sound body. It's healthy in the body. نمی توانم هزینه نهایی را بدون اینکه ابتدا آن را با پیمانکارهایمان بررسی کنم، محاسبه نمایم. I can't calculate the final cost without first discussing it with our contractors. I can't calculate the final cost without first considering it with our contractors. کلاوا به یک تفرجگاه رفت. Klava went to a resort. He went to a resort. من روزی صد یورو درآمد دارم. I make €100 a day. I earn 100 euros a day. من کن را در پارک ملاقات کردم. I met Ken at the park. I met Ken in the park. اگه سرزنش کردن من آرومت می کنه باشه بگو. If blaming me makes you feel better, go right ahead. If it'll calm you down to blame me, say yes. مجانی است. It's free of charge. It's free. من کنار تو خواهم ماند و اهمیتی ندارد که دیگران چه خواهند گفت. I'll stand by you no matter what others may say. I will stay with you, and no matter what others say. این دو شهر قوانین رفت و آمد یکسان دارند. These two cities have the same traffic rules. The two cities have the same rules of travel. دوست شدن آسان است، ولی از شر آنها خلاص شدن سخت است. It's easy to make friends, but hard to get rid of them. It's easy to be friends, but it's hard to get rid of them. وقت آن رسیده بود که من مجبور شدم ژاپن را ترک کنم. The time came when I had to leave Japan. It was time that I had to leave Japan. منظور شما چیه که میگوید راضی نیستید؟ What do you mean by saying you're not satisfied? What do you mean you're not happy? پول خیلی زیاد؟ Too much money? A lot of money? من نگران این نیستم. I am not concerned with this. I'm not worried about that. گزارش هواشناسی گفت که فردا عصر طوفانی خواهد بود. The weather report said that there will be thunderstorms tomorrow evening. The weather report said tomorrow would be a storm age. می خواهم با جودی تنیس بازی کنم. I would like to play tennis with Judy. I want to play tennis with Judy. رومیزی داخل کابینت است. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. The desktop is inside your cabin. شیر بیشتری به من بدهید! Give me more milk! Give me more milk! خانواده (آن دختر) من را دوست داشتند Her family loved me. The family loved me. یک فنجان چای دوست داری Would you like a drink? Would you like a cup of tea? کسی که با حیوانات رفتار ظالمانه ای دارد، در رفتارهای خود با نوع بشر نیز سنگدل خواهد بود. ما می توانیم در مورد شخصیت و وجدان یک انسان از روی رفتار او با حیوانات قضاوت نماییم. He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. A person who is cruel to animals will also be cruel in his dealings with mankind. پول کم، دوستان کم. Little money, few friends. Low money, little friends. تنها چیزی که از تاریخ یاد می گیریم، این است که از تاریخ چیزی یاد نمی گیریم. The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. All we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. ثابت کن که شجاعی. Prove you're brave. Prove yourself brave. آیا ما مجبوریم به تام کمک کنیم؟ Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? آیا آنها در پاریس هستند؟ Are they in Paris? Are they in Paris? او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. He refused to say more about that. He refused to say more about it. مردم از شمشیرهای خود گاوآهن و از نیزه های خود ارّه می سازند. قومی به روی قوم دیگر شمشیر نمی کشد و برای جنگ و خونریزی آماده نمی شود. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. By their swords men make oxen of iron, and of their spears: a people shall not draw sword against another people, neither shall it be prepared for war, nor for blood. در ژاپن، پرنده های گوناگون می زیند. Many kinds of birds live in Japan. In Japan, there are different birds. ما وقت کافی نداریم. We don't have enough time. We don't have enough time. بعضی‌ها هرجا می‌روند شادی می‌آورند، و بعضی‌ها هروقت می‌روند شادی می‌آورند. Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go. Some people rejoice wherever they go, and others rejoice whenever they go. آیا او را می شناسم؟ Do I know him? Do I know him? اگر تمایل داری می توانی از خودرو من استفاده کنی. You can use my car if you like. You can use my car if you want. من هیچ یک از اینها را دوست ندارم. I don’t like any of this. I don't like any of this. وقت شما تمام شد. Your time is over. Your time's up. او در شهر کوچکی در ایتالیا متولد شده است. He was born in a small town in Italy. He was born in a small town in Italy. سفر کردن به گذشته مسئله ای غیر ممکن تلقی شده است. It is considered impossible to travel back to the past. Traveling back is an impossible problem. باید راههای نرفته را امتحان کرد. Unprecedented ways should be tried. You should try not to go. جک او همه ما را خنداند. His joke made us all laugh. Jack, he made us all laugh. تام نمی توانست از آنجایی که ایستاده بود، دریاچه را ببیند. Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing. Tom couldn't see the lake since he was standing. آیا می دانید این برای ما چقدر هزینه خواهد داشت؟ Do you realize how much this is going to cost us? Do you know how much this will cost us? انتظار نداشته باشید که دیگران به جای شما فکر کنند! Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you! تجربه صرفاً نامیست که روی اشتباهاتمان می‌گذاریم. Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. The experience is merely the name that we put on our mistakes. تام صدای زیری دارد. Tom has a high-pitched voice. Tom has a low voice. چه کسی در ایران است؟ Who is in Iran? Who is in Iran? تام باید فوراً تصمیم بگیرد که چه کاری باید انجام دهد. Tom must decide what to do right away. Tom must decide what to do immediately. دشمن یک دشمن دوست است. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. An enemy is a friend. این نامه پر از اشتباه است زیرا بسیار با عجله نوشته شده است. This letter was full of mistakes because it had been written too hastily. This letter is full of mistakes because it's very quickly written. تام اشتباهی سوار قطار شد. Tom got on the wrong train. Tom got on the wrong train. تصمیم گرفتیم فعلا اینجا بمونیم We have decided to stay here for the time being. We decided to stay here for now. با من حرف بزن. Talk to me. Talk to me. به هر سخنران پنج دقیقه اختصاص داده شد. Each speaker was allotted five minutes. Five minutes per speaker. کاش من هم به اندازه او ثروتمند بودم. I wish I were as rich as he. I wish I were as rich as he was. حفاظت، وضعیت توازن میان انسان و زمین است. Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Security is the state of balance between man and earth. پادشاه مرده است، زنده باد پادشاه! The king is dead, long live the king! The king is dead! Long live the king! من گربه ها را دوست دارم. I like cats. I like cats. صاحبخانهٔ ما اجاره را پایین آورد. Our landlord has lowered the rent. Our landlord brought down the rent. بعد از اینکه کودک تنها گذاشته شد، شروع به گریه کردن نمود. Having been left alone, the baby started crying. After the baby was left alone, she started crying. واقعا؟ Really? Really? زندگی را سبک نگیر. Don't make light of life. Don't make life light. همه حضار همراه با خواننده می خوندند Everybody in the audience sang along. Everyone's singing along with the singer. ما مشروب نمی‌خوریم. We don't drink. We don't drink. وقتی من به ایستگاه رسیدم، قطار قبل از آن رفته بود. The train had already left when I got to the station. When I got to the station, the train was already gone. وقتی که با تو دعوا می‌کرد، قلبش دو تکه می‌شد. When he was fighting with you, his heart broke half-and-half. When he was fighting with you, his heart was torn apart. جزیره‌ی ترزدی در تنگه‌ی تورس بین شمالی‌ترین نقطه‌ی استرالیا، کیپ یورک، و گینه‌ی نو قرار دارد. Thursday Island is situated in the Torres Strait between Australia's northernmost Cape York and New Guinea. It is located between the northernmost point of Australia, Cape York, and New Guinea. مری در حال مطالعه در اتاق خود است. Mary is studying in her room. Mary is studying in her room. او مرا نصیحت کرد. He gave me a piece of advice. He gave me advice. یک دست صدا ندارد. Strength in unity. He doesn't have a voice hand. همهٔ ملازمان شاه، از ترس غضبش، اغلب چاپلوسانه عمل کردند. All the king's subjects, fearing his wrath, often acted quite servile. All of the king's servants, for fear of his anger, often acted humiliatingly. آنها دائما از مافوقشان شکایت می کنند. They always complain about their superiors. They keep complaining about their superiors. فردا یکشنبه است. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. صدایت را می شنوم. I hear you. I can hear you. اوه خدای من ! کلید و سویچ ماشین رو گم کرده ام! My goodness! I have lost the car keys. Oh, my God, I've lost the keys and the keys to the car! "شاهزاده کوچولو" از آنتونی د سینت اکزوپری از زبان فرانسه به چندین زبان دیگر ترجمه شده است. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages. "The Little Prince" was translated from Anthony de St. Ossper from French to several other languages. مرتفع ترین کوه اروپا چیست؟ What is the tallest mountain in Europe? What is the highest mountain in Europe? در میز حراست می‌بایست مدارکمان را نشان دهیم. We had to show our papers at the security desk. At the security table, we need to show our documents. حساب حساب کاکا برادر. Business is business. My nigger's account, brother. لباس قرمز تکش کرد توی جمع A red dress made her stand out. The red dress put it in the crowd. خیلی ها از تبلیغات فریب خوردند. Many people were deceived by the advertisement. A lot of people were deceived by propaganda. برج خمیده پیزا از کلیسا بلندتر است. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The Tower of Pisa is longer than the Church. این برنامه قابلیت دانلود و آپلود، هر دو را دارد. This program has both downloading and uploading capabilities. This program is capable of downloading and uploading both. من عاشق گلف‌ام. I am crazy about golf. I love golf. ما ساعت ها در ترافیک فلج ماندیم. We remained paralyzed for hours in a traffic jam. We've been paralyzed for hours in traffic traffic. به حرف زدن ادامه دادیم. We continued to talk. We kept talking. من برای کارورزی تابستان ثبت‌نام کردم. I applied for a summer internship. I signed up for summer work. در غذاهای ایرانی شما می توانید محصولات فراونی که از شیر به دست آمدند، ببینید. In ethnic Iranian foods, you can see many products which are made of milk. In Iranian food, you can see the food produced from milk. پدر من به ندرت یکشنبه های بیرون می رود. My father rarely, if ever, goes out on Sundays. My father rarely goes out on Sundays. و ایشان‌ شمشیرهای‌ خود را برای‌ گاوآهن‌ و نیزه‌های‌ خویش‌ را برای‌ ارّه‌ها خواهند شكست‌ و امّتی‌ بر امّتی‌ شمشیر نخواهد كشید و بار دیگر جنگ‌ را نخواهند آموخت‌. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they shall break their swords for oxen, and their spears for hills, and no nation shall bear a sword against a nation, nor shall they learn war any more. اگر ما جنگ را به پایان نرسانیم، جنگ ما را به پایان خواهد رساند. If we don't end war, war will end us. If we don't end war, the war will end us. منم دوسِت دارم. مَنَم عاشِقِتم. I love you, too. I love you too. از نظر روحی برایش آماده نیستم. I'm not mentally prepared for that. I'm not prepared for it. اگر خدا بخواهد به زودی به خانه خواهیم رسید. Inshallah, soon we'll be home. If Allah wills, We will surely make it home. این پیراهن نیاز به اتو دارد. The shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs an iron. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. She has a big family. He has a great family. بهتر بود تا جوان هستی کتاب های خیلی زیادی می خواندی. You had better read a lot of books while you are young. You should've read a lot of books as long as you were young. نیویورک شلوغ ترین شهر دنیا است. New York is the busiest city in the world. New York is the most crowded city in the world. لطفا این ظروف را ببرید. Please take these dishes away. Please take these dishes. دوست دارم یک بار دیگر تام را ببینم. I would like to see Tom once more. I'd like to see Tom again. تردّد توم قبل الإجابة. Tom hesitated before answering. That's what's going on. اقتصاد ژاپن به سرعت پیشرفت کرد. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. Japan's economy developed quickly. ބޭންކު ހެދީ ވާދަވެރިކަން ބޮޑުކޮށް، އިންޓަރެސްޓް ކުޑަ ކުރަން formed bank to increase competitiveness, reduce interest == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man اصلاً مشکلی نیست، هست؟ Isn't a problem at all, is it? It's not a problem at all, is it? چه چیزایی تو مغازتون می فروشید؟ What kinds of goods do you sell in your shop? What are you selling at your store? آن بر خلاف اصول من است. That runs against my principles. It's against my principles. آن وقت زمانی بود که من سال اول دبیرستان بودم، بنابراین 17 سال از آن زمان می گذرد. That was when I was in the first year at high school, so 17 years have passed since then. That's when I was in high school first year, so it's been 17 years since then. دارو ها مزه تلخی دارند. The medicine tastes bitter. The drugs taste bitter. زمانی که یک عادت شکل گرفت خلاص شدن از آن سخت است. Once a bad habit is formed, it's hard to get rid of it. It's hard to get rid of when a habit is formed. ده سال از زمانی که من به اینجا آمدم، گذشته است. Ten years have passed since I came here. It's been ten years since I came here. من در یک مدرسه زبان کار میکنم. I work at a language school. I work at a language school. هنگامی که بچه بودم، خانه مان بزرگ تر از اکنون به نظر می رسید. When I was a child, our house seemed bigger than now. When I was a kid, our home seemed bigger than now. خشم آغاز جنون است. Anger is the beginning of folly. Anger is the beginning of madness. از طرف من به او سلام برسان. Say hello to him for me. Say hello to him for me. دیگر بهت اعتماد ندارم. I don't trust you anymore. I don't trust you anymore. همه از او خوب می گویند. Everybody speaks well of her. Everyone says good about him. عجله کن! دیرمان می شود. Hurry up! We'll be late. Hurry up! We're gonna be late. جابولانی توپ رسمی بازی جام جهانی 2010 است. The Jabulani is the official match ball of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. It is the official ball game of the 2010 World Cup. دوباره سعی کن. Try again. Try again. مهم نیست که کِی می‌آیید. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. مردم دوست دارند یا به هیچ چیز شک نکنند یا به همه چیز شک کنند. People who love doubt nothing, or doubt everything. People wish that they should not be in doubt or doubt about anything. این یک غذای هندیه. It's an Indian dish. It's an Indian food. نقشه ای به ذهن تام رید. Tom came up with a plan. A map to Tom Reed's mind. ترجمه‌اش به متن اصلی وفادار است. His translation is faithful to the original. The translation is loyal to the original text. تا به حال طریقه ساخت سوسیس رو دیده اید? Have you ever seen sausage being made? Have you ever seen how to make sausages? به من بگو کی او بازخواهد گشت. Tell me when he returns. Tell me when he'll be back. چوب را که بلند کنی، گربه دزده فرار می‌کند. A fox smells its own lair first. You lift the stick, the thief's cat escapes. تام و ماری در کلیسای کوچکی ازدواج کرده بودند که چندان دور از اینجا نیست. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not too far from here. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not far from here. او برای مقاومت کردن خیلی پیر است. He was too old to resist. He's too old to resist. او آهنگسازهای موسیقی کلاسیک را دوست دارد مانند بتهون و باخ. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. He likes classical music composers like Bethhoon and Buck. کارها همیشه به این قرار بود. This is always the way it has been. Things were always like this. آیا می‌دانی او کجا زندگی می‌کند؟ Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? صبح بخیر، خانم ها و آقایان! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! این همان چیزی است که من می گفتم. This is what I would have said. That's what I said. مرغ همسایه غاز است. The grass is always greener on the other side. It's the chicken next door. ممکن نیست که او پزشک شود. It is impossible for him to become a doctor. She can't become a doctor. تام دقیقاً آخرین لحظه رسید. Tom arrived just in the nick of time. Tom arrived exactly the last minute. مرغ همسایه غاز است. All his geese are swans. It's the chicken next door. اون تلاش كرد تا پابه پايِ همكلاسي هاش (ازنظرِدرسي) پيش بره يا همگام باشه. He struggled to keep up with his classmates. He tried to move forward to his co-operation or to follow the lead. خدا وجود دارد. God exists. There is God. معلم‌ام آن واژه‌نامه را توصیه کرد. My teacher recommended that dictionary. My teacher recommended that dictionary. آیا تام چپ دست است؟ Is Tom left-handed? Is Tom left-handed? مری هیچ اراده ای ندارد. Mary has no will power. Mary has no will. نفست رو نگه ندار. Don't hold your breath. Don't hold your breath. من فقط ماشین‌های زرد می‌خرم. I only buy yellow cars. I only buy yellow cars. باد می وزد و میوه می داند اکنون وقت افتادن است. The wind is blowing and the fruit knows: It's time to fall down. The wind blows and the fruit knows it's time to fall. مهارت ضعیف خواندنش سنگ پای پیشرفتش در کلاس است. His poor reading ability impedes his progress in the class. The weak skill of reading is his progress in class. لطفا جای منو تو صف نگه دار Please hold my place in line. Please keep my place in line. ما نزدیک مدرسه زندگی می کنیم. We live close to the school. We live near school. من ساعت زنگ دارم را کوک می کنم تا دیگر صبح دیر سر کار نروم. I will set up my alarm o’clock in case I arrive at work late in the morning. I'll set up my alarm clock until I'm late for work in the morning. ماشین زمان من کجاست؟ Where is my time machine? Where's my time machine? پسرم قدبلند تر از من است. My son is taller than me. My son is taller than I am. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed him my room. I showed him my room. پس او چند سال دارد؟ How old is he then? then how old is she? من سه ساعت پیش با شما تماس گرفتم. I called you three hours ago. I called you three hours ago. تام به خودش آسیب می زند. Tom hurt himself. Tom's gonna hurt himself. اگر حیات و مرک سقراط، حبات و مرگ یک انسان خردمند باشد، پس حیات و مرگ مسیح نیز حیات و مرگ یک خداوند است. If the life and death of Socrates was the life and death of a wise man, then the life and death of Jesus is the life and death of a God. If life, and the life, and the death of a wise man, then life, and death of Christ also is life, and death is one Lord. وطن‌پرستان همیشه از مردن برای کشورشان صحبت می‌کنند اما هرگز از کشته شدن برای آن صحبت نمی‌کنند. Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country. They always talk about dying for their country, but they never talk about getting killed for it. من نمی خواهم به دندانپزشکی بروم. I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't want to go to the dentist. اگر در فیسبوک ثبت‌نام کنید، اطلاعات شما برای سازمان‌های جاسوسی فرستاده خواهد شد. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register on Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence organizations. ما همه احمقیم، هر کدام در یک زمینه. We are all stupid, just on different subjects. We're all idiots, each in the same field. هتلی که ما در آن اقامت داشتیم،بسیار راحت بود. The hotel at which we stayed was very comfortable. The hotel we were staying at was very comfortable. من کارهای بهتر از تعقیب فعالیت های تام دارم. I've got better things to do than to keep track of what Tom's doing. I have better things to do than follow Tom's activities. تام بیشتر وقتا ماری رو توی سوپرمارکت می بینه Tom often runs into Mary at the supermarket. Tom often sees Mary at the supermarket. فراموش نکن قبل از حرف زدن فکر کنی. Don't forget to think before speaking. Don't forget to think before you talk. پاریس کجاست؟ Where is Paris? Where's Paris? مزه ی این شیر غیر عادی ست. This milk tastes odd. The taste of this milk is unusual. کامپیوترم هنگ کرد. My computer froze up. My computer took off. افراد جوان در معرض قرار گرفتن در وسوسه هستند. Young people are prone to fall into temptation. Young people are exposed to temptation. ارسطو می پنداشت زنان طبیعتی ضعیف دارند و به سادگی در دستان احساسات شان رها می شوند. Aristotle thought women were of weak nature and easily overtaken by their emotions. He thought that women had weak nature and were simply abandoned in the hands of their feelings. ترجیح می دهم که نخورمش. I'd better not eat that. I'd rather not. پیشگویی شیوهٔ گفتن آنچه اتفاق خواهد افتاد و بعد توضیح دادن اینکه چرا اتفاق نیفتاد است. Forecasting is the way of saying what will happen and then explaining why it didn't. The prophecy is the way to tell what will happen and then explain why it didn't happen. در شهر یک معبد خیلی قدیمی وجود دارد. There is a very old temple in the town. There's an old temple in the city. با فرمان‌برداری، فرمان دادن فرا گرفته می‌شود. Through obedience learn to command. The command will be received by obeying. فرقی ندارد که او چقدر ثروتمند باشد، او هرگز قانع نخواهد شد. No matter how rich he may be, he is never contented. It doesn't matter how rich he is, he'll never be satisfied. او باید بیشتر به دیگران گوش دهد. She should listen more to other people. He has to listen more to others. من یک استیک برای خودم و یک همبرگر برای تام سفارش دادم. I ordered a steak for me and a hamburger for Tom. I ordered a steak for me and a burger for Tom. این فیلم به نظرم عاشقانه آمد. I found the film romantic. This film seemed romantic to me. تام اخیراً مری را زیاد ندیده است. Tom hasn't seen much of Mary recently. Tom hasn't seen Mary much lately. می خواهم آن را بخرم. I want to buy that. I want to buy it. من پیشنهاد رو می پذیرم. I accept the offer. I accept the offer. در طبقه‌ی هشتم واقع است. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. ما احتیاج داریم، که مطمئن شویم شما انسان هستید. پنج حرف نخست آدرس پست الکترونیکی شما چیست؟ We need to make sure you are human, What are the first five characters of you email? We need to make sure you're human. What's your first five letters of e-mail address? یک وجدان گناه‌کار به سرزنش دیگران محتاج نیست. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. A guilty conscience does not need to blame others. کامپیوترام باید به درد یک چیزی بخورد. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computers need something. غذاهای سخت نخورید. Don't eat hard foods. Don't eat hard food. ما اینجا به مدت یک هفته خواهیم بود. I'll be staying here for a week. We'll be here for a week. بایست موهایت کوتاه شوند. Your hair wants cutting. You're gonna have to cut your hair. امیدواریم قبل از آنکه هوا تاریک شود به قله برسیم. We hope to reach the summit before it gets dark. We hope to reach the top before it gets dark. متأسفم، من نمی توانستم زودتر بنویسم چرا که بیمار بودم. I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill. I'm sorry, I couldn't write sooner because I was sick. او (مرد) سعی کرد توجه او (زن) را جلب کند. He tried to attract her attention. He tried to seduce her. امشب مراقب بچه ات خواهم بود. I'll take care of your child tonight. I'll take care of your baby tonight. دستم را محکم گرفت. She held my hand firmly. He held my hand tight. برخی از ترانه‌ها مال اسکاتلند هستند. Some songs come from Scotland. Some songs belong to Scotland. ممکن است بگویند که یک مرد را با شرکتی که می گرداند، می شناسند. It may be said that a man is known by the company he keeps. They may say they know a man with a company he makes. من آن آواز را نمی شناختم. I didn't know that song. I didn't know that song. او به آسانی دروغ گفت. He lied readily. He simply lied. تام و ماری وسط مجادله ی داغی بودند که جان به درون اتاق قدم گذاشت. Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room. Tom and Mary were in the middle of a hot fight that John walked into the room. آنها به اینجا نیامدند. آمدند؟ They didn't come here, did they? they didn't come here. did they come? یکی دیگری را امتحان کنیم. Let's try another one. Try another one. گروه من همیشه سر زندس. My group is always lively. My team is always alive. نگران نباش. Don't worry. Don't worry. مری شام سبکی خورد. Mary ate a light supper. Mary had a light dinner. چاقو اینقدر کند بود که نتونستم گوشت رو تیکه کنم و مجبور شدم از چاقوی جیبی م استفاده کنم. The knife was so dull that I couldn't cut the meat with it and I had to use my pocketknife. The knife was so slow I couldn't break flesh and I had to use my pocket knife. من تازگی ها تام رو دیده ام. I met Tom recently. I've just seen Tom. او زیر میکروسکوپ را نگاه کرد. He looked through the microscope. He looked under the microphone. تام می خواست کجا به کالج برود؟ Where did Tom want to go to college? Where did Tom want to go to college? آفریقای جنوبی دور است. South Africa is far away. South Africa is far away. هیچ دودی بی آتشی نیست. There is no smoke without fire. There will be no smokes of fire. وضع این طور است چون نمی خواهی تنها باشی. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. طوفان کاترینا ده سال پیش به نیواورلئانز صدمه زد. Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans ten years ago. Catherine's storm hurt New Orleans 10 years ago. یک ابر آب را جذب می‌کند. A sponge absorbs water. A cloud attracts water. هرچه بیشتر آن را توضیح می‌دهید، من بیشتر آنرا نمی‌فهمم. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. من سه سال در مدرسه و دو سال در دانشگاه آلمانی یاد گرفتم. I learned German for three years in school and two years in university. I learned three years at school and two years at German university. هر حزب سیاسی به تنهایی محافظه‌کار است. Any political party is conservative in itself. Every political party alone is a conservative. خیلی سخت کار می کرد. He worked hard. It worked so hard. من در برگشت این اطراف را به تو نشان خواهم داد. I will show you around in return. I'll show you around back. تام همیشه رویای پلیس خصوصی شدن را داشت. Tom always dreamed of becoming a bounty hunter. Tom always dreamed of being a private cop. یکی دیگر از عوامل مهمی که رسیدگی به جرایم شرکت های بزرگ را دشوار می سازد، وسعت و پیچیدگی فعالیت های آنها است. Other factors of importance, which make litigation of large corporations more difficult, are the size and complexity of their activities. Another important factor that makes it difficult to handle large companies is the extent and complexity of their activities. یادگیری اندک، چیز خطرناکی است. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Little learning is a dangerous thing. سخنرانی تو مناسب این مناسبت بود. Your speech was appropriate for the occasion. Your speech was appropriate for this occasion. به یاد مادرم افتادم که به طور ناگهانی مرد. I remembered my mother, who died suddenly. I remembered my mother who died all of a sudden. این لباس نامناسب است. This clothing is inappropriate. It's a bad dress. هتل‌های دیگری هم هستند که توصیه کنی؟ Are there any other hotels you can recommend? There are other hotels to recommend? اگر می‌خواهی دوست داشته شوی، دوست بدار. Love if you want to be loved! If you want to be loved, love. متاسفانه صحت دارد. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid it's true. تام اولین بار وقتی سه ساله بود، به ژاپن آمد. Tom first came to Japan when he was three years old. Tom first came to Japan when he was three. اسلام زیباست. Islam is beautiful. Islam is beautiful. اگر کسی می توانست تام را متقاعد کند، آن ماری بود. If anybody could convince Tom, it would be Mary. If anyone could convince Tom, it was Mary. می‌توانی یک هتل نزدیک فرودگاه پیشنهاد کنی؟ Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you suggest a hotel near the airport? فلزات الکتریسیته را هدایت می‌کنند. Metals conduct electricity. The metals lead electricity. آن هواپیمای من است. That is my airplane. That's my plane. او هیچگاه عاشق نشده است. She's never fallen in love. He's never been in love. او سه تا خواهر داشت، اما دوتاشون وقتی خیلی جوون بودن مردن. He had three sisters, but two died when they were very young. He had three sisters, but both died when they were too young. بازی تا هفته آینده متوقف شد. The game was put off until next week. The game stopped until next week. به خاطر می آورم که ملکه را ملاقات کردم. I remember that I met the queen. I remember meeting the queen. شب شنبه یک مهمانی خواهیم داشت. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We'll have a party on Saturday night. یک پک بزن (در مورد سیگار) Take a whiff. Take a shot. همانا پدر، همانا پسر. Like father, like son. Father, the son. باور کنی یا نه، هلو و بادوم به هم مربوطن. (Bāvar koni yā na, hulu o bādum be ham marbutan) Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are related. Believe it or not, peach and peanuts are connected. وقتی خسته هستیم بیشتر در معرض ارتکاب به اشتباه هستیم. One is more prone to make mistakes when one is tired. When we're tired, we're more exposed to making mistakes. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed her my room. I showed him my room. نا برده رنج گنج میسر نمی‌شود. No pain, no gain. A slave's suffering cannot be found. این به من مربوط نیست. It's not my business. It's none of my business. باید آن‌ها را روی میزم جا گذاشته باشم. I must have left them on my desk. I must have left them on my desk. هیچکس مرا درک نمی‌کند. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. به این ساختمان نگاه کن.آیا آن یک معبد است؟ Look at that building. Is it a temple? Look at this building. Is it a temple? فردا امتحان داری؟ There is a test tomorrow. Do you have a test tomorrow? 10 سال قبل، بانک کیوئووا و بانک ساییتاما ادغام شدند و بانک آساهی را پدید آوردند. Kyowa Bank and Saitama Bank merged into Asahi Bank ten years ago. Ten years ago, the U.S. Bank and the Sytama Bank were combined and created the Syrian Bank. بیان افکار به زبان انگلیسی دشوار است. It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English. It is difficult to express thoughts in English. مردان واقعی چای می‌نوشند. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. باب چندین بار سعی کرد که سیگار را ترک کند. Bob often tries to give up smoking. Bob tried to quit smoking several times. قدم اول به خوبی نصف کار است. The first step is as good as half over. Step one is as good as half a job. هیچ وقت زیست شناسی دوست نداشتم. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. نام او را فراموش کردم. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. من دخالتی در راه و روشت نخواهم کرد. I'll stay out of your way. I will not interfere in your ways. هر کسی این را بگوید، یک دروغگوست. Anyone who says so is a liar. Whoever says that is a liar. می‌توانی این کتاب را ببری، به شرطی که آن را تمیز نگه داری. You may take this book so long as you keep it clean. You can take this book, if you keep it clean. به من سهم کوچکی از ثروت پدرم داده شد. I was given a minor share of my father's wealth. I was given a small portion of my father's wealth. ماری وقت زیادی را برای انتخاب لباس صرف کرد، با وجود اینکه تام منتظر او بود. Mary took her time choosing a dress even though Tom was waiting for her. Mary spent a lot of time choosing clothes, even though Tom was waiting for her. او ترتیب کارها را داده تا او را به یک بیمارستان خوب ببرد. She made arrangements to get him into a good hospital. He took care of things to get him to a good hospital. ذل زدن به افراد دیگر کار مودبانه‌ای نیست. It's not polite to stare at others. It's not polite to humiliate other people. شما در مسیر موفقیت هستید. You're on the path of success. You're on your way to success. من خودم میدونم که سطحم خوب نیست، پس، به تمرین بیشتری نیاز دارم. I'm aware I'm not at a good level; therefore, I need to practice more. I know my level isn't good, so I need more practice. مهمتر از همه، صبر داشته باشید. Most importantly, have patience. Most importantly, wait. سخت درس بخوان. Study hard. Study hard. فعلاً به افراد بیشتری نیاز نداریم. We need no more men at present. We don't need more people right now. شیر یا شکری بود؟ Any milk or sugar? Was it milk or sugar? الآن هم هنوز زود است که راجع به آن صحبت کنیم. It's still too early to talk about this now. Now it's still too soon to talk about it. بعد از شام در شستن ظرف‌ها به مادرم کمک خواهم کرد. I'll help my mother wash the dishes after supper. After dinner, I'll help my mother wash dishes. ای کاش (تام) برادر کوچکتر من بود. I wish Tom were my younger brother. I wish Tom was my younger brother. من نیازمندم. I'm needy. I need it. عربي زبان مادری من است. Arabic is my mother tongue. Arabic is my native language. نمیدانم از کجا آمد. I didn't know where it came from. I don't know where it came from. آن کلبه‌ی قدیمی فقط یک تخت داشت. بنا بر این، به نوبت روی آن می‌خوابیدیم. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. That old cabin had only one bed. So, we used to sleep on it. به نُدرت تلویزیون تماشا می‌کنم. I rarely watch television. I'm watching TV. آنیا به کامپیوتر علاقه دارد. Ania is interested in computers. Ania is interested in computers. چین بزرگتر از ژاپن است. China is bigger than Japan. China is larger than Japan. ژاکت سرخ را دوست نمی دارم. I don't like the red jacket. I don't like red jackets. مهارت ضعیف قرائتش سنگ پای پیشرفتش در کلاس است. His poor reading ability impedes his progress in the class. His weak reading skills are his progress in class. چاه مکن بهر کسی اول خودت دوم کسی. Don't dig a pit for somebody to fall into, or you will end up in it yourself. Don't dig a well. You're the first one. اجل گشته میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking gate hangs long. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. اگر خراب نشد، تعمیرش نکن. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it doesn't go wrong, don't fix it. من ترجیح می دادم که به طور خصوصی با شما سخن بگویم. I'd prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather speak to you in private. در شطرنج، فیل به وزیر نزدیکتر است. In chess, the bishop is closer to the queen. In chess, Phil is closer to the minister. قهوه را ترجیح می‌دهم. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. من سیگار کشیدن را شش ماه پیش متوقف کردم. I gave up smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. یا من یا تو جایزه اول را برنده خواهیم شد. Either you or I will get the first prize. Either you or I will win the first prize. ترسو هزاربار پیش از مرگ می‌میرد. آدم نترس فقط یکبار مزه مرگ را می‌چشد. A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once. The coward dies a thousand times before he dies. تو دختر نیستی. You're not a girl. You're not a girl. اگر به خاطر باران نبود ما از سفرمان لذت می بردیم. We would've enjoyed our trip if it wasn't for the rain. If it wasn't for rain, we'd enjoy our journey. خدا را شکر، که حال تان خوب است! Thanks God, you are fine. Thank God, you're fine! پیاده شو! Get out! Get out! بیشتر از این نمی‌توانم انجام بدهم. I am unable to do more. I can't do any more. با او حرف بزن. Talk to her. Talk to him. تام کتاب های با ارزش زیادی دارد. Tom has a lot of valuable books. Tom has a lot of valuable books. من مجذوب او شده بودم. She fascinated me. I was attracted to him. این مسئله اورژانس نیست. This is not an emergency issue. It's not an emergency. هیچ حرفی نتواتست او را متقاعد کند. No words availed to persuade him. There's nothing to convince him. این محله به خاطر هوای آلوده بدنام است. This district is notorious for air pollution. This neighborhood is known for the infected air. کار خسته کننده ای است. It's a tiring job. It's boring. عینکم را شکسته ام. I've broken my glasses. I've broken my glasses. وقتی شب‌ها به خواب می‌روی نگران چه هستی؟ What do you worry about when you go to sleep at night? What are you worried about when you sleep at night? ادامه بحث ما را به هیچ جا نخواهد برد. Continuing this argument won't get us anywhere. It's not going to take us anywhere. عجله کار شیطان است. More haste, less speed. It's the devil's hurry. مردم ایران خواهان صلح هستند. Iranian people are peace loving. The people of Iran want peace. همیشه پای یک زن در میان است. There's always a woman in between. There's always a woman's foot in the middle. جای کافی برای بازی کردن ما وجود دارد. There is enough room for us to play. There's enough room for us to play. تام جدی شد. Tom became serious. Tom got serious. کدام را دوست داری، کوکا‌کولا یا پپسی؟ Which do you like better, Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Which do you like, Coke or papsy? چه رفتار زشتی What vile behavior! That's a bad attitude. تام را چندان زیاد نمی بینم. I don't see Tom often. I don't see Tom much. ابتدا از او خوشم نمی آمد ولی حالا چرا. At first I did not like him, but now I do. I didn't like him at first, but now why. من هرگز آن را نگفتم. I've never said that! I never said that. لباست داره رنگی میشه. Your dress is touching the wet paint. You're getting coloured. گردباد بیش از بیست نفر را کشت. The tornado killed more than twenty people. The tornado killed more than 20 people. من صراف هستم. I am a banker. I'm a foundor. تفکر کنم تام می خواهد سعی کند ماری را بکشد. I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary. I think Tom's trying to kill Mary. این سیب ترش است. This apple is sour. That's the apple. عجولانه پاسخ نده. Do not answer hastily. Don't rush back. او در مقابل قبر پدرش، واقعاً مثل رود گریه کرد. She simply wept a river of tears before her father's grave. He cried like a river in front of his father's grave. او زیاد کتاب نمی خواند. He doesn't read many books. He doesn't read much. امروز، رئیس جمهور ایران، توافقنامه بین المللی حقوق بشر را امضاء کرد. Today, the president of Iran signed the international human rights agreement. Today, the President of Iran signed an international contract of human rights. در این که او هر دو مسابقه را خواهد برد شک دارم. I doubt whether he will win both races. I doubt he'll win both games. پاهای گنده ت رو از رو گل های من بردار. Get your big feet off my flowers. Get your big feet off my flowers. گرفتم! Got it! Got it! در خیلی از کشورها، همجنس باز بودن دلیلی است برای زندانی کردن. In many countries, being gay is a cause for imprisonment. In many countries, being gay is a reason to lock up. در حقیقت، شما کاملاً درست هستید. In fact you are quite right. In fact, you're quite right. تام از زمانی که پسر کوچکی بود، میدانست که می خواهد یک پلیس شود. From the time he was a small boy, Tom knew that he wanted to be a policeman. Tom knew he wanted to be a cop since he was a little boy. «باید او را ببینم.» «چرا؟» "I have to see him." "Why?" "I must see him." "Why?" همه ما در جشن عروسی او حضور داشیم. We were all present at her wedding. We all attended his wedding. همه دیوانه شده‌اند؟ Did everyone go crazy? Everyone's gone mad? منتقد کتاب که موفق به کشف یک کامای از قلم افتاده شد، بلافاصله احساس ارتقاء به سطح نویسنده به او دست داد. The book reviewer who detects a missing comma, immediately feels elevated to the level of the writer. The author of the book, who was able to discover a coma, immediately felt like a promotion to the author's surface. یک ملخ و مورچه‌های زیادی در یک مزرعه زندگی می‌کردند. A grasshopper and many ants lived in a field. A lot of locusts and ants lived in a farm. من فقط یک چیز برای گفتن به آنها که از من متنفرند دارم: مشکل خودتان است. I just have one thing to say to those who hate me: It's your problem. I only have one thing to tell those who hate me: it's your problem. آلمان کشوَرِ بزرگیست. Germany is a big country. Germany is a big drawer. نویسنده کسی است که نوشتن برای او از بقیه مردم سخت تر است. A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. The author is someone who is harder to write to than other people. حتی برای یک لحظه فکر نمی کنم که اشتباه می کنی. I do not for a moment think you are wrong. I don't even think you're wrong for a second. بعد از اینکه چنین حرفی به رئیسم گفتم مطمئن شدم که کارم را از دست می دهم. After I said such a thing to my boss, I am certain to lose my job. After I said that to my boss, I made sure I lost my job. خواهرم همستر مرا گروگان گرفت. My sister took my hamster hostage. My sister Hamster took me hostage. ممنونم از اینکه بالاخره به من توضیح دادید چرا مردم من را احمق فرض می گیرند. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. Thank you for finally explaining to me why people think I'm stupid. شما از اینجا نمی توانید به آنجا برسید. You can't get there from here. You can't get there from here. فکر می‌کنم که او وکیل است. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I think he's a lawyer. او پیغامی نگذاشته است. He hasn't left any message. He didn't leave a message. سربازی که رؤیای فرمانده شدن نداشته باشد سرباز خوبی نیست. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad one. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a leader is not a good soldier. تام پل‌می‌زند تا ماری را خوشحال کند. Tom bends over backwards to make Mary happy. Tom bridges to make Mary happy. به دیگران بگو عجله کنند. Tell the others to hurry up. Tell others to hurry. صدمات ناشی از آمد وشد جاده ای یکی از مشکلات عمده ی سلامت عمومی است و منجر به مرگ ومیر می شود. Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death. The damage caused by road travel is one of the major problems of public health and leads to death. من پیشنهاد می کنم جمعه بیرون برویم. I suggest that we go out on Friday. I suggest we go out on Friday. فکر می کنی چند حیوان در این باغ وحش هست؟ How many animals do you think are in this zoo? How many animals do you think are in this zoo? خانواده‌ی چاوز به هزاران کارگر مزرعه‌ی دیگر پیوستند که در سرتاسر کالیفرنیا سفر می‌کردند تا محصول را برای مزرعه‌داران برداشت کنند. The Chavez family joined thousands of other farm workers who traveled around the state of California, to harvest crops for farm owners. The Chowz family joined thousands of other farm workers who traveled across California to harvest the product for the farmers. کوهنورد به طرف قله حرکت کرد. The mountaineer set out for the summit. The climber moved towards the top. گردنت در سال گذشته کلفت شده است؟ Has your neck thickened during the previous year? Did your neck get thick last year? من گوشت نمی‌خورم. I don't eat meat. I don't eat meat. دوست من همیشه وقتی که من حس و حالش رو ندارم شوخی میکنه. My friend always jokes when I don't feel like it. My friend always makes jokes when I don't feel anything. بین خودمان بماند، او نسبتاً احمق است. Between you and me, he is rather stupid. Between us, he's rather stupid. مستقیم برو. Keep going straight. Go straight. دوست دارم مسافرت کنم I like to travel. I'd like to travel. تام به سؤال مری جواب نداد. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. من هر چیزی خواهم خورد. I'll eat anything. I'll eat anything. تو به من خیانت کردی. You betrayed me. You betrayed me. مثل همیشه تنها امیدم این بود که پلیس مرا متوقف نکند. As always, I could only hope the police wouldn't stop me. As always, my only hope was that the police wouldn't stop me. او راهش را گم کرد و علاوه بر این، باران نیز شروع به باریدن کرد. She lost her way and on top of that it began to rain. He lost his way, and besides, the rain began to rain. از اینجا تا یونو چقدر فاصله دارد؟ How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is it from here to Yono? تام کسی است که به من گفت به کی بدهمش. Tom is the one who told me who to give it to. Tom's the one who told me who to give it to. دو بار آن را امتحان کردم. I tried that a couple of times. I tried it twice. مردم تحت فشار هستند. The people are under pressure. People are under pressure. خانه شعله ور شده بود. The house was in flames. The house was filled with flames. تام یک گنجینه یافت. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a treasure. من خوبم. تو خوبی؟ I'm good, how are you? I'm fine, you okay? تا تنور داغ است نان را بچسبان. You have to strike the iron while it's hot. Put the bread on until the furnace is hot. اگر تو اینجا هستی، به این معناست که اهمیت می دهی. If you are here, it means you care. If you're here, that means you care. آن ماده اگر شسته شود، آب خواهد رفت. That material's going to shrink if it's washed. If the female is washed, the water will go away. پروژه ی ما زمین گیر شده است. Our project collapsed. Our project is trapped. در مقاطعی از زمان، درخواست تخریب یک ساختمان قدیمی محبوب به منظور ساختن یک بلوک از خانه ها، طوفانی از خشم ومخالفت را برمی انگیزد. From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest. In part of time, the request for the destruction of a popular old building to build a block of houses will raise a storm of anger and rebellion. از صمیم قلب متشکرم! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you very much! ازدواج ما به پایان رسیده است. Our marriage is over. Our marriage is over. تام نمی توانست خود را در حال شلیک به کسی تصوّر کند. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. تو خیلی از جزئیات را در نظر نگرفتی. You're missing too many of the details. You haven't considered a lot of details. مری نسبت به غریبه ها محتاط است. Mary is wary of strangers. Mary is cautious of strangers. چشم در مقابل چشم در نهایت فقط همه جهان را کور خواهد کرد. An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. The eye before the eye will eventually only blind the whole world. انسان تنها حیوانی است که می تواند بخندد. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. هفته پیش یک دندان کشیدم. I had a tooth pulled out last week. I drew a tooth last week. به دقت گوش کن. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. فقط چون کسی پولداره نباید بهش احترام بگذارید. You shouldn't respect someone just because they're rich. Just because someone's rich, you don't have to respect it. می شود به من نمک را بدهی، لطفا؟ Could you pass me the salt, please? could you give me the salt, please? فهمیدم I see. Got it. بچه ها لخت شنا می کنند. The children were swimming naked. Children swim naked. آرمین پنجره را شکست. Armin broke the window. Armin broke the window. بذار برسونمت خونه Let me take you home. Let me take you home. من همیشه دوست داشتم معلم شوم، ولی این اتفاق نیفتاد. I have always wanted to become a teacher, but it didn't happen. I always wanted to be a teacher, but that didn't happen. وقت ندارم بشینم و حرف بزنم. I've got no time to sit and talk. I don't have time to sit and talk. یک چک سفید‌امضا؟ چنین چیزی را فقط توی فیلم‌ها می‌توانی ببینی. A blank check? You only see those in movies. A white check? You can only see that in movies. من شیطان را خرسند کردم، او به من اسطوره داد. I regaled the devil; he gave me a fable. I pleased the devil, he gave me legend. او دخترش را به نکاح یک وکیل جوان درآورد. He has married his daughter to a young lawyer. He married his daughter to a young lawyer. یکی از ویژگی های زیبایی خرسندیِ همیشگی است. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It's one of the qualities of eternal happiness. انسان فقط زندگی خصوصی خود را، به عنوان یک فرد، ندارد، بلکه همچنین، آگاه یا ناآگاه زندگی عصر و هم عصران خود را نیز دارد. A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries. Man has not only his private life, as a person, but also knowledge, or ignorance of the life of both the age and the age. تمام روز احساس افسردگی می‌کردم. I was feeling blue all day. I felt depressed all day. جان و بت هم سن هستند. John and Beth are the same age. John and Beth are the same age. برای اجتناب از انتقاد، کاری نکن، حرفی نزن، چیزی نباش. To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Don't do anything to avoid criticism, don't talk, don't be anything. می‌بایست در کارهای خانه کمک کنم. I had to help with the housework. I need to help with home work. من یک توصیهٔ آخر برای تو دارم. I have one final advice for you. I have one last advice for you. به نظر می‌رسد ما در یک قایق هستیم. It seems we are in the same boat. Looks like we're on a boat. ترکیب نژادی ام تنها یک استتار است. My racial composition is just a camouflage. My genetic compound is just a stytar. بخاظر سوال احمقانه ببخشید. Sorry for the dumb question. Sorry about the stupid question. من تقریبا هرگز گوشت شکار نمی خورم. I almost never eat game meat. I don't eat meat almost ever. لبه دیگه رودخونه پر از آشغاله. There's a lot of trash on the far bank of the river. The edge of the river is full of trash. شما فکر می کنید که آنها ممکن است خطرناک باشند؟ Do you think they might be dangerous? You think they might be dangerous? موهاش و طریقه نگه داشتن سرش من رو به یاد ماریا میندازه. Her hair and the way she holds her head remind me of Maria. Her hair and her way of keeping her head reminds me of Maria. اگر کمک نیاز داری باید از من بخوای If you want my help, you'll have to ask for it. If you need help, you need to ask me. او دوست نزدیکی برای گفتگو نداشت. He has no close friends to talk with. He didn't have a close friend to discuss. آرد از گندم به دست می آید. Flour is made from wheat. The flour comes from wheat. او بدون گواهینامه رانندگی می‌کند. He drives without licence. He drives without a license. او با احتیاط از کشته شدن رهایی یافت. He narrowly escaped being killed. He was carefully saved from being killed. احتمالا حق با شماست. Perhaps you are right. You're probably right. خانم تامپسون می خواست این حقیقت را که میلیونر هست، پنهان کند. Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire. Mrs. Thompson wanted to hide the fact that there was a million. تام به خاطر نداشتن کاری بهتر برای انجام دادن، شروع به تمیز کردن اتاقش کرد. For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room. Tom started cleaning his room because he didn't have a better job to do. بدون اینکه بدانم چه می کنم، به او زنگ زدم. Not knowing what to do, I called her. I called him without knowing what I'm doing. سیسکو مانند مورچه ها کار می کند. Sysko works like an ant. Cisco works like an ant. آیا همه آماده‌اند؟ Is everybody ready? Are everyone ready? می خواستم یک اخترفیزیک دان باشم. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I wanted to be a physicist. اگه هزینه ش بیشتر از بودجه بشه اون موقع باید خودمون اضافی ش رو بدیم. If the budget gets exceeded then we will need to kick in a couple of dollars. If it costs more than budget, then we'll have to pay the extra. آیا فکر میکنی که روش درس دادن من اشتباه است؟ Do you think that my way of teaching is wrong? do you think the way i teach is wrong? اغلب مردم فکر میکنند من دیوانه ام. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. میدونم میگی نه. I know you're going to say no. I know you say no. مغازه های کمی وجود دارد و سینما افتضاح است. There are very few shops and the cinema is awful. There are few stores and the movies are terrible. لطفا گاهی خانه ما بیا. Please come home sometimes. Please come home sometime. من تلویزیون می‌بینم. I'm watching television. I see TV. اون دوبرابر سن من رو داره. He is twice as old as me. He's twice my age. تام به من گفت که سرش خیلی شلوغ است. Tom told me that he was very busy. Tom told me he was too busy. ترجمهٔ این جمله ترجمهٔ بدی است. The translation of this sentence is a bad translation. The translation of this phrase is a bad translation. رئیس جمهور کجاست؟ Where's the president? Where's the president? من بی درنگ به او تلفن کردم. I telephoned her at once. I called him immediately. برخی افراد، حیوانات کمیاب را بعنوان حیوان خانگی نگه می دارند. Some people keep rare animals as pets. Some people keep rare animals as domestic animals. برخی از ماشین ها برای سالها می توانند برای فرد بیهوش نفس مهیا کنند. Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. Some machines can provide an unconscious person for years. آبهای اطرف ما، راکد بود. The water was dead around us. The waters on our side were Radka. مامان هیچ وقت منو تنبیه نکرد. My mother never punished me. Mom never punished me. عربی از راست به چپ خوانده می شود. Arabic is read from right to left. Arabic is read from right to left. لطفا به من اجازه بده بروم. Please let me go. please let me go. آیا نوشیدنی می خواهی؟ Do you want a drink? Do you want a drink? هرکسی می تواند از این دیکشنری استفاده کند. Anyone may use this dictionary. Anyone can use this dictionary. هیچی لازم ندارم. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. کسی تام را ندیده است؟ Hasn't anyone seen Tom? Has anyone seen Tom? من عضو هستم. I am an office worker. I'm a member. من هیچ وقت کاری که تام کرد رو نمی کردم. I would've never done what Tom did. I would never do what Tom did. تام دوست ندارد در شیفت شب کار کند. Tom doesn't like working the graveyard shift. Tom does not like working in the night shift. قبل از صبحانه دوش گرفتم. I showered before breakfast. I took a shower before breakfast. یک قول داده شده یک دِین اداء نشده است. A promise made is a debt unpaid. A promise has been promised that a debt is unresolved. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی ماشین تام را برانی، می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to drive Tom's car, are you? You don't really want to drive Tom's car, do you? او وانمود کرد که مرا نمی شنود. He pretended not to hear me. He pretended he wouldn't listen to me. He should fill out his marital status in the questionnaire. She should fill out her marital status in the questionnaire. He's the one who's the only one who's ever seen him. هر کس بیشتر عشق می‌ورزد، قابلیت تنفر ورزیدن بیشتر دارد. Those who love too much, hate in like extreme. Anyone who loves more has the ability to hate more. آن سریع ترین قطار دنیاست That's the fastest train in the world. That's the fastest train in the world. زیباترین گلها تیزترین خارها را دارند. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. هر عدد زوج مجموع دو عدد اولیه است. Every even number is the sum of two primes. Each number is the sum of two prime numbers. این صرفاً ساختهٔ خیالت است. This is a mere figment of your imagination. It's just your imagination. به آرامی رانندگی کن. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. من راجع به کتاب جدیدش سوال کردم. I asked him about his new book. I asked about his new book. بهت نگفتم باید زود اون جا می‌رسیدی؟ Didn't I tell you that you needed to get there early? Didn't I tell you you had to get there soon? همه آمریکایی ها عقیده ویلسون رو قبول نداشتند. Not all Americans shared Wilson's opinion. Not all Americans accepted Wilson's idea. هوا بسیار گرم است. The weather is so hot. It's so hot. این کتاب من است. It's my book. This is my book. عاشق توت‌فرنگی‌ام. I love strawberries. I love to bet. من متاسفم. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. احتمال کوچکی وجود دارد که تام دستگیر شود. There's a small possibility that Tom will be arrested. There's a small chance Tom will be arrested. مي‌تونم توجهتان را به اين معطوف کنم؟ May I direct your attention to this? Can I focus your attention on this? ببخشید، دوست ندارم. Sorry, I'm not interested. I'm sorry, I don't like it. در کانال یوتیوب ما ثبت نام کنید. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Register to our YouTube channel. آیا برای تهیه چای، آب به اندازه کافی داغ است؟ Is the water hot enough to make the tea? Is water hot enough to make tea? ما اکنون کجا هستیم؟ Where are we now? Where are we now? به خانۀ ما خوش آمدید. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our house. تام جرئتش را نداشت به ماری شلیک کند. Tom didn't have the guts to shoot Mary. Tom didn't dare shoot Mary. نباید که تام نگران ماری باشد. Tom doesn't need to worry about Mary. Tom must not worry about Mary. من هنرمند نیستم. هیچ وقت ذوق اش را نداشتم. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. I'm not an artist. I've never been excited. خفه شو! Go choke! Shut up! یک تصادف معمولا نتیجه ی بی دقتی است. An accident often comes of carelessness. An accident is usually a reckless result. فکر می کنی تام کنسرت را دوست خواهد داشت؟ Do you think Tom will like the concert? Do you think Tom will love the concert? حمله بهترین دفاع است. The best defense is a good offense. The attack is the best defense. پیاده روی تا ایستگاه طولانی است پس بیا سوار اتوبوس شویم. It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus. It's a long walk to the station, so let's get on the bus. باید قبل از او برسیم آن جا. We must get there before him. We need to get there before he does. او وانمود می کند که ورزشکاری بزرگ بوده است. He seems to have been a great athlete. He pretends to be a great athlete. پلیس امیدوار بود تام بتواند قضیه را قدری روشن کند. The police were hoping that Tom could shed some light on the incident. The police were hoping Tom could make it a little bit clear. پنج روز پشت سر هم باران بارید. It rained five days in a row. Five days in a row. دستانشان سرد بود. Their hands were cold. Their hands were cold. من دوست دارم به زبان انگلیسی و فارسی بسیار است. I like English and Farsi very much. I like it in English and Persian. ما صبح روز بعد خیلی خواب آلود بودیم. We were very sleepy the next morning. We were so asleep the next morning. عجله کن، وگرنه دیر خواهی کرد. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry, or you'll be late. هیچ چیز اتفاق نمی‌افتد مگر اول یک رؤیا. Nothing happens unless it is preceded by a dream. Nothing happens unless it's a dream first. عمل پرصداتر از سخن است. Actions speak louder than words. It's more loud than speech. دقیقاً! Precisely! Exactly! آنها با حیرت به لباس شنای او خیره شدند. They stared at her swimming suit in amazement. They gazed at his swim suit. درباره چه حرف می زنید؟ What are you talking about? What are you talking about? به به! چه خوشکل شدی! My my! Don't you look handsome! Well, you look beautiful. من کتابی در مورد داستانهای ماجراجویانه خواندم. I read a book of adventure stories. I read a book about adventurers. ماهی سالمون را به قطعات کوچک ببر. Cut the salmon into small pieces. Take our month to small pieces. آنها غذاهای سالم می خورند. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy food. این وظیفه دانش آموزان است که کلاسهایشان را تمیز کنند. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms. It is the duty of students to clean their classes. من بیش از اندازه شنا را دوست دارم. I'd rather go swimming. I like swimming too much. او قطعاً موفق خواهد شد. She'll succeed for sure. He will surely succeed. آیا این تصویر جدید است؟ Is it a recent picture? Is this a new image? آلیس واقعی بود، اما سرزمین عجایب ساختهٔ خیال بود. There really was an Alice, but Wonderland is a figment of the imagination. Alice was real, but it was a wonderful land of imagination. قابلی نداره. You're welcome. You're welcome. حمله! Attack! Attack! من نمیتوانم با این موضوع کنار بیایم. I won't put up with this. I can't deal with this. خوب است. غایب نداریم. Good. No absentees. It's good. We're not absent. دو روز است که غذا نخورده ام. I haven't eaten for two days. I haven't eaten in two days. من قادر نیستم همزمان ناخن هایم را کوتاه کنم و اتو بزنم! I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time! I won't be able to cut off my nails at the same time! او بینی‌اش را روی پنجره فشار داد. He pushed his nose against the window. He pressed his nose on the window. غمگین نباش که تمام شد. شادمان باش که رخ داد. Don't be sad because it's over. Be happy because it happened. Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happens. دقیقاً همان ایده ای است که من دارم. That is the exactly the same idea as I have. That's exactly what I'm thinking. سوپ سرد نیست. The soup is not cool. It's not cold soup. هفته دیگه، پسر خواهرم (یا برادرم) چند روز میاد خونه. Next week, my nephews will come to spend a few days at home. Next week, my sister's son will be home for a few days. "تام کار جدیدی دارد." - "چه نوعی کار؟" "Tom got a new job." "What kind of job?" "Tom has a new job." - "What kind of work?" آنها می توانند آن کالاها را خیلی ارزان تر تولید کنند. They can produce those goods/merchandise for much cheaper. They can produce those goods much cheaper. حد مجاز سرعت 60 مایل بر ساعت بود. The speed limit was 60 mph. The limit was 60 miles per hour. شما انرژی بیشتری از من دارید. You have more energy than me. You have more energy than I do. طوفان با خشم تمام غوغا کرد. The storm raged in all its fury. The storm raged with rage. در طول چه مدتی مشغول بودید؟ How long have you been busy? How long have you been busy? رکود باعث بسته شدن خیلی از تجارت ها شد. The recession caused many businesses to close. The collapse made a lot of business close. به خاطر باران، پیک نیک کنسل شد. The picnic was canceled due to rain. Because of the rain, Nick's picnic was canceled. خشت نمی‌تواند بدون کاس ساخته شود. Bricks can't be made without straw. The diamonds cannot be built without Cass. شما باید در تقاطع این خیابان مراقب باشید. You must be careful in crossing the street. You must be careful at the corner of this street. من به ارواح اعتقاد دارم. I do believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. فوق‌العاده آسان است. It's super easy! It's so easy. شما زیاد تند می‌رانید. You're driving too fast. You're driving too fast. من غذای یونانی دوست دارم. I like to eat Greek food. I like Greek food. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When did you interrupt your summer vacation? Mattie, are you out of your mind? روزانه حمام می کنم. I bathe daily. I'll take a bath every day. قاضی او را به اعدام محکوم کرد. The judge condemned him to death. The judge condemned him to death. امروز روزی آفتابی است. It's a sunny day. This is the day of the sun. آیا مادرت را دوست داری؟ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? خوابه خوابه. He's sleeping like a baby. She's asleep. دلم برات تنگ میشه. I am going to miss you. I'll miss you. او مرد و روحش به جهنم رفت. He died and his soul went to hell. He died and his soul went to hell. فکر کنم تو هم خوشت بیاد I think you'll like it too. I think you'll like it, too. حال شما چطوره؟ How are you? How are you? جین قیافه عصبانی به خودش گرفت. Jane made an angry gesture. Jane took an angry look at herself. احمق و پولش به راحتی از هم جداشدنی هستن. A fool and his money are easily parted. Idiot and money are easy to separate. سعی خودت رو بکن ولی به هیچ وجه نمی تونی کاری کنی قبول کنه Try as you may, you will never get him to agree. Try, but there's no way you'll ever get him to admit it. چرا من مجبورم که با تام صحبت کنم؟ Why do I have to talk to Tom? Why do I have to talk to Tom? خفه شو! Shut up! Shut up! فکر کردم می خواستی بدانی. I thought you'd want to know. I thought you wanted to know. ماری ندار نیست.اتفاقا او کمی پولدار است. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. She doesn't have a snake. She happens to be a little rich. فاضل لیلا را با خونسردی کشت. Fadil killed Layla in cold blood. He killed Leila in cold blood. او از راه شنیدن پیانو می‌نواخت. He played piano by ear. He played the piano on the way to hear it. من بیش از یک فرد کم تحرک به پروتئین نیاز دارم. I need a lot more protein than a sedentary person. I need more protein than one less active person. این خانه آنهاست. This is their house. This is their home. تو قادر خواهی بود که این کتاب را در سال آینده بخوانی. You will be able to read this book next year. You'll be able to read this book next year. ما ملت صلح دوستی هستیم. We are a peace-loving nation. We are a nation of peace. پیش می‌آید. It happens. It happens. بچه‌ها به طرز شگفت‌آوری سریع بزرگ می‌شوند. Children grow up astonishingly quickly. Children grow quickly. با تو بودن مرا خوشحال می کند. Being with you makes me feel happy. Being with you makes me happy. تام علاقه مند به نظر نمی رسید و به هر حال من نمی خواستم واقعا جزئیات را بدانم. Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway. Tom didn't seem interested, and anyway, I didn't really want to know the details. عاقل را اشاره کافیست. A word is enough to a wise man. That's enough for wiseness. دل دوستان آزردن، مراد دشمنان برآوردن است. To hurt a friend is to do what the enemy wants. The heart of evil friends is the desire to bring forth enemies. تعداد نسبتًاً اندکی از مردم در جلسه دیروز حاضر بودند. Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday. A small number of people were present at yesterday's meeting. ده دقیقه استراحت می کنیم. Let's take a 10 minute break. We'll rest ten minutes. چه مدت ماندی؟ How long did you stay? How long did you stay? او نمی دانست کجا برود. He did not know where to go. He didn't know where to go. اگر او زنگ زد به او بگو که بعدا با او تماس می گیرم. If he calls, tell him I will get in touch with him later. If he calls, tell him I'll call him later. یک سگ زنده بهتر از یک شیر مرده است. A living dog is better than a dead lion. A living dog is better than a dead lion. تقلب یک تخطی جدی از اخلاقیات دانشگاهی است. Plagiarism is a serious transgression of academic ethics. Continuing is a serious violation of academicism. تمام افتخار اش به او تعلق دارد. All the laurels belong to him. His whole honor is to him. نوه هایمان خیلی خوشحال خواهند شد. Our grandchildren will be thrilled. Our grandchildren will be very happy. مری تلاش کرد با خواندن یک لالایی تام را تسکین دهد. Mary tried to mollify Tom by singing him a lullaby. Mary tried to comfort Tom by reading a mute. چه مدت من بیهوش بوده ام؟ How long have I been unconscious? How long have I been unconscious? نژاد انسانی یک سلاح واقعاً موثر دارد و آن خنده است. The human race has one really effective weapon and that is laughter. The human race is a really effective weapon, and that's funny. چه کسی آشپزی می‌کند؟ Who'll cook? Who cooks? صبح برف سنگینی آمد و سپس آب شد. In the morning, heavy snow fell, and then it melted. In the morning, the snow came up and it started to melt. موفقیتش او را آماج حسادت کرد. Her success made her the target of jealousy. His success jealous him. آلان نمیتوانم به اش بگویم. ماجرا دیگر به آن سادگی نیست. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. Now I can't tell him. It's not that simple anymore. آدم از احتیاط زیاد به ندرت ضرر می‌کند. Prudence is never too much. You lose much of your caution. می خواهم کمی چای یا قهوه بنوشم. I want to drink some tea or coffee. I'd like to have some tea or coffee. من نور شمع را دوست دارم. I like candlelight. I like candlelight. تو با گذشت زمان این را خواهی فهمید. You will understand it as time passes. You'll find this out with time. به یک فرد زیرک اشتباهی را متذکر شوید، او از شما تشکر می‌کند. به یک فرد کودن اشتباهی را متذکر شوید، او به شما توهین می‌کند. Show a clever person a mistake and they will thank you. Show a stupid person a mistake and they will insult you. Remember the wrong person, he appreciates you. He insults you to the wrong idiot. اگر بخواهم همه اش را توضیح دهم تا ابد طول خواهد کشید. It would take forever for me to explain everything. If I want to explain it all, it'll take forever. آسمان پشت ابر نمی‌ماند. Murder will out. The sky will not remain behind the clouds. همه چیز پول است. Money talks. Everything is money. یکی آشکارا دروغ می گوید. Someone is obviously telling a lie. Someone's lying clearly. آنچه تو در دوران کودکی وقت خود را صرف آن می کنی، بر بقیه زندگیت تاثیر دارد. What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life. What you spend your time as a child affects the rest of your life. آیا روزی خواهد شد تا سقوطشان را ببینیم؟ Will a day come when we see them overthrown? Will it be a day to see them fall? شما او را با آن توضیح آرام نمی‌کنید. You won’t mollify him with that explanation. You don't comfort him with that explanation. ماشین سرقت شد. The car was stolen. The car was stolen. برف/آب تا زانو بود. The snow was knee deep. It was snow/water to knees. به نظر می رسد زیاد برای امتحان مطالعه نکردی. Looks like you didn't study much for the test. Looks like you didn't study too much for a test. پلیس گمان می کرد قربانی تام است، اما آنها نتوانستند جسد را شناسایی کنند. The police thought the victim was Tom, but they were unable to identify the body. The police thought it was Tom's victim, but they couldn't identify the body. معلمی که بتواند توسط ماشین جایگزین شود، باید بشود. Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be. A teacher who can be replaced by a machine must be. انتقادش کاملاً نابجا بود. His criticism was completely out of place. His criticism was completely unfair. من در آژانس مسافرتی کار می کنم. I work for a travel agency. I work at the travel agency. اتاقت را مرتب کن. Make your room tidy. Sort your room. قضاوت نکن تا قضاوت نشوی. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Don't judge until you're judged. تکبّر وحشتناکت هست که کاملاً غیر‌قابل‌تحمّلت می‌کند. It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable. It's a terrible pride that makes it completely unsatisfied. قطار برای نیم ساعت به علت مه غلیظ توقف کرد. The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog. The train stopped for half an hour because of the thick fog. مهم نیست که چه مدت زندگی می کنیم بلکه چگونه زندگی می کنیم. It matters not how long we live, but how. No matter how long we live, how we live. مری صورت اش را از آفتاب پوشاند. Mary shielded her eyes from the sun. Mary covered her face from the sun. انسان یک حیوان عاقل است. Man is a rational animal. Man is a wise animal. هنگامی که شک دارید، امتناع کنید. When you doubt, abstain. If you doubt it, refuse. پشت سر من بیا. Follow me. Get behind me. پرندگان آواز می‌خوانند. Birds sing. Birds sing. من فکر می کنم که یک فیلم بیشتر از یک کتاب سرگرم کننده است. I think a movie is more entertaining than any book. I think a movie is more fun than a book. این ماهی خوراکی نیست. This fish is not edible. This is not a fish. او بالا پشت بام بود با گیتار برقی اش. He was on the roof with his electric guitar. He was up on the roof with his electric guitar. من نمیدونستم او اینقدر پیر است. I didn't know she was that old. I didn't know he was that old. به هر کسی که خواستش آن را بده. Give it to whoever wants it. Give it to anyone who wants it. عشق و نفرت احساسات متضاد هستند. Love and hate are opposite emotions. Love and hatred are the opposite of feelings. او همسایه ما است. She is our neighbor. He's our neighbor. اکنون مناد می‌داند. Now Mennad knows. Now Madad knows. ما برای خودمان به دنیا نیامده ایم. We are not born for ourselves. We're not born to ourselves. وقتی بهار آمد، قصد دارم ورزش جدیدی را شروع کنم. When spring arrives, I am going to take up a new sport. When spring comes, I'm going to start a new sport. تعطیلاتِ تابستانیت کِی شروع میشه؟ When does your summer vacation start? When will your summer vacation begin? ارتش شورش را سرکوب کرد. The army quelled the rebellion. The army suppressed the rebellion. اگر می‌خواهید از این زندان جان سالم به در برید، باید پوست کلفت باشید. If you wanna survive in this prison, you'll have to be a badass. If you want to survive this prison, you must be thick. ما جیرهٔ زغال سنگ هفتگی خود را مصرف کردیم. We have used our ration of coal for the week. We've taken our weekly coal supply. آن ها احمق اند. They are foolish. They're idiots. نخست مهاجرین، سپس شما. اتحاد ما پاسخی است به همنوع خواری اجتماعی. First the immigrants, next you. Our solidarity - is the answer to social cannibalism. First of the immigrants, then you. Our alliance is the answer to social humiliation. برای من سخت است که افکارم را بنویسم. It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words. It's hard for me to write my thoughts. تام نگران بیماری اخیر دوست اش بود. Tom was worried about his friend's recent illness. Tom was worried about his friend's recent illness. ما زاده شدیم تا بمیریم. We were born to die. We were born to die. او هیچ وقت روی کمک من حساب نکرد. He never counts on my help. He never counted on my help. تحت تاثیر لطفش قرار گرفتم. His kindness touched my heart. I'm impressed. او به شدت بیمار است. He is very sick. He's extremely ill. گازوئیل بصورت لیتری فروخته می شود. Gasoline is sold by the liter. Gasville is sold in litres. مار گزیده از ریسمان سیاه و سفید می‌ترسد. A burnt child dreads fire. The chosen serpent is afraid of the black and white rope. آنها هر دو از یک گونه ی جانوری هستند. They are both of one species. They're both of the same species. باید پیدایش کنیم. We must find it. We have to start. من گوشت نمی خواهم. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. پیشرفت، تنها نشان متمایز انسان است که نه خدا راست و نه شیاطین را. Progress, man’s distinctive mark alone, Not God’s, and not the beasts’. The progress is only a distinct symbol of man, which is neither true nor true to God. وقتی چنین اتفاقاتی می افند تام خوشحال نمی شود. Tom doesn't like it when this kind of stuff happens. Tom won't be happy when things like this happen. دیک یک حادثه‌ی رانندگی داشت. Dick had a traffic accident. Dick had a car accident. او می خواهد برای رفتن. He wants to go. He wants to go. شما قانون را شکستید You broke the rule. You broke the law. هر چیزی که اینجاست مال من است. Everything here is mine. Everything here is mine. آشپزخانه را بعداً تمیز خواهم کرد. I will clean the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. الآن ساعت ازدحام و شلوغی در توکیو است. It's rush hour at Tokyo station. It's a crowded and crowded hour in Tokyo. داشتیم صحبت می کردیم که این یارو که می شناختمش رد شد. We were talking that this guy I know walked by. We were talking about this guy I knew passed. باید خیلی سریع عمل می کردی You had better set off at once. You should have acted so fast. تام که چندان راجع به دریا نوردی نمی داند. می داند؟ Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about seafaring, does he? برای مدت کوتاهی اینجا می مانم. I'll be there in a while. I'll stay here for a little while. استثناها قاعده را توجیه می کنند. Exceptions prove the rule. The exceptions justify the rule. در آخر اما نه با اهمیت کمتر .... Last but not least .... In the end, but not with less importance. او اهل جنوا است. He comes from Genoa. He's from Geneva. او مرا دیوانه می کند. She drives me mad. He's driving me crazy. مردی که وقتی را با خانواده اش نگذراند، مرد واقعی نیست. A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man. A man who didn't spend time with his family is not a real man. از اینکه کارفرمای خوبی داری، به تو حسادت می کنم. I'm jealous that you have a good boss. I envy you for having a good employer. من به تو خیانت نکردم. I didn't betray you. I didn't betray you. جالب نیست. That isn't cool. It's not funny. زبان‌شناس با این لهجه آشنایی کامل دارد. The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect. The languageist is familiar with the accent. تام گل‌های باغ را می‌شمرد. Tom was counting the garden's flowers. Tom counted the flowers of the garden. خواهش میکنم You're welcome. Please. فاصله لازم برای توقف یک ماشین معمولی که با سرعت ۸۰ کیلومتر در ساعت حرکت می کند ۵۳ متر است. The stopping distance for an average car travelling 80km/h is 53m. The distance to stop a normal machine that moves at 80 km an hour is 53 meters. من از دور یک روشنایی دیدم. I saw a light in the distance. I saw a light from afar. گربه من مانند یک کودک است، هر جا می روم مرا دنبال می کند. My cat is such a baby, she follows me around wherever I go. My cat is like a child, wherever I go, it follows me. صندلی از چوب درست شده است. The chair is made of wood. The chair is made of wood. خانه‌ی او خیلی مدرن است. Her house is very modern. His home is very modern. سلام Hello. Hey. از آن موقع به بعد ما او را ندیدیم. Since that time we have not seen him. We haven't seen him since. تنها کسی که از یک مترو پر ازدحام لذت می‌برد یک جیب‌بر است. The only one who enjoys a crowded subway car is a pickpocket. The only person who enjoys a crowded subway is a pocketer. کسی نمی تونه رم رو یک روزه ببینه One can't visit Rome in one day. No one can see Rome for a day. دیوانه شده ای؟ Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? من می خواهم این تابستان کار کنم. I wanted to work this summer. I want to work this summer. آمریکاییانی که بیش از شصت و پنج سال سن دارند، 12.5٪ کل جمعیت را تشکیل می‌دهند. Americans who are over sixty-five make up 12.5% of the total population. Americans who are over 60 years old make up 12.5% of the population. من نمی‌توانم بند کفشم را ببندم. I can't tie my shoelaces. I can't tie my shoes. تام تصمیم گرفت موارد را خود بدست گیرد. Tom decided to take matters into his own hands. Tom decided to take matters into his own hands. من روی جایگاه آواز خواندم. I sang on the podium. I sang on the stand. مادرم به خاطر بیماری اش طی 3 روز گذشته نخوابیده است. My mother hasn't slept in 3 days due to her illness. My mother hasn't slept for the past three days. می خواستم مستقل کار کنم، برای همین شرکت رو ترک کردم. I left the firm, because I wanted to be on my own. I wanted to work independently, so I left the company. تمام توانایی من از دست رفته است. My strength is all gone. My whole ability has been lost. پلیس چاقو را از پسر گرفت. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The police took the knife from the boy. آیا فارسی می‌دانی؟ Do you know Persian? Do you know of the Persians? من به او گفته ام که نمی توانم در این سفر همراهی اش کنم. I told him that I could not accompany him in this trip. I told him I couldn't accompany him on this trip. نا مطمئن از اینکه با کدام خواستگار می‌خواهد ازدواج کند، شاهدخت با دودلی گفت الآن این، الآن آن. Unsure of which suitor she wanted to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other. I'm not sure which candidate he's going to marry, the princess said, "Now, this is it." امروز کارهای فراوانی دارم. I have many tasks today. I've got a lot of work to do today. اگر واقعاً بخواهی کاری را انجام دهی، راهی را خواهی یافت. اگر نخواهی کاری را انجام دهی، بهانه ای خواهی یافت. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't want to do something, you'll find an excuse. دیوان عالی حکم اولیه را تأیید کرد. The Supreme Court approved the primary sentencing. The Supreme Court confirmed the initial order. کار همه‌تان خوب بود. All of you did good work. Good work for all of you. او به فرودگاه رفته بود تا با آقای وست ملاقات کند. He had gone to the airport to meet Mr West. He went to the airport to meet Mr. West. واقعا خوب بود. It was really good. It was really good. آیا شما غذاهای ژاپنی را دوست دارید؟ Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? اوّلین بار است که با یک آلمانی به آلمانی صحبت می‌کنم. This is my first time speaking German with a German person. It's the first time I've spoken to a German. اینجا بادی نیست. There is no breeze here. There's no wind in here. ماگدالنا و آنیا هر دو اهل لهستان هستند. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Magdelina and Ania are both from Poland. او به‌شدت کار می‌کرد. She was working hard. He worked as well. به نظر نمی رسید تام در حال صبر کردن باشد. Tom didn't feel like waiting. Tom didn't seem to be waiting. تو دستهای زیبایی داری. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. تام در آشپزخانه را محکم به هم زد. Tom shut the kitchen door. Tom broke up the kitchen door. باد سردی می وزد. A cold wind is blowing. It's a cold wind. من در مدرسه تحصیل می کنم. I study at school. I study at school. چندی قسمت از ون پیس تماشا کردی؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes have you watched? تام بعد از ظهر یکشنبه به پارک رفت. Tom went to the park on Sunday afternoon. Tom went to the park on Sunday afternoon. ما دیر کردیم. We are late. We're late. من پدرت را می شناسم. I know your father. I know your father. تام فرار کرده است. Tom has run away. Tom's escaped. روژاوای آزاد! Free Rojava! Free Rojavi! تام کاری جز شکایت نمی‌کند. Tom does nothing but complain. Tom does nothing but complain. من به جای تو ، به آنجا خواهم رفت. I will go there in place of you. I'll go there instead of you. برای فراگیری آلمانی، زندگی خیلی کوتاه است. Life is too short to learn German. To learn German, life is very short. تب پایین آمده است. The temperature falls. The tab has come down. باید تام را ببینی. You've got to see Tom. You need to see Tom. اگه تام رو دیدی، از طرف من بهش سلام برسان. If you see Tom, say hello to him for me. If you see Tom, say hello to him for me. بچه ها هدایای کریسمس را که زیر تخت پنهان شده بود، پیدا کردند. Children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed. The kids found the Christmas gifts hidden under the bed. ما به دنبال چه هستیم؟ What are we after? What are we looking for? خورشید به ما روشنی و گرما می بخشد. The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and heat. من می‌خواهم با او آشنا شوم. I want to make her acquaintance. I want to meet him. مثل امروز ما جوابی از او نشنیدیم As of today, we haven't had an answer from him. Like today, we haven't heard from him. میدونم باید الان بخوابم. I know I have to sleep now. I know I need to sleep now. تام از چندین نفر، سوال مشابهی را پرسید. Tom asked several people the same question. Tom asked several people the same question. شما می خواهید که با ما بروید؟ Do you want to go with us? you want to go with us? از آن قرمزهای روی قفسه خوشم می‌آید. I like the red ones on the shelf. I like those reds on the shelf. می دانی آن ماشین مال چه کسی است؟ Do you know whose car that is? Do you know who that car belongs to? خوشحالم که توانستم با شما آشنا شوم. I'm glad to have met you. I'm glad I could meet you. با کی حرف می زنی؟ Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? پیت واقعاً یه لغت نامه ی متحرک هست. Piet really is a walking dictionary. Pete is a really moving dictionary. من فرانسوی نیستم. I am not French. I'm not French. آیا می دانی چه اتفاقی برای تام افتاد؟ Do you know what's happened to Tom? Do you know what happened to Tom? آموزش در جهان من را نا امید کرده است. Education in this world disappoints me. Teach in the world has failed me. این قارچ‌ها خوراکی نیستند. These mushrooms aren't edible. These mushrooms are not food. گوش کن. Listen. Listen. آن را به دو قسمت ببر. Cut it into two pieces. Take it to two parts. مرسی! Thanks! Thank you! آنها جر و بحث کردند. They quarreled. They argued. شادی و غم دیگران شادی و غم ماست. The happiness and sorrow of others is happiness and sorrow of our own. The joy and sorrow of others is our joy and sorrow. دلیلی برای ترسیدن نیست. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. او تمامی بطری شیر را نوشید. He drank the whole bottle of milk. He drank all the bottle of milk. هی! لطفاً بیا اینجا. Hey! Come here please! Hey, come here, please. می خواستی با من از آزادی بگویی؟ You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? شما هر دو دروغگو هستید. You're both liars. You're both liars. سکه طلا از آنچه که تصور می شد، ارزش بیشتری داشت. The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed. The gold coin was worth more than it was supposed to be. بچه ها ساعت ها کنار ساحل بازی خواهند کرد. The children would play for hours on the beach. Children will play on the beach for hours. جدّی نگیر. داشتم شوخی می‌کردم. Don't take me seriously. I was only joking. Don't take it seriously, I was just kidding. روشن است که او چنین آدمی نیست. Obviously, he's not that kind of person. This is certainly not a human being. این به کل بی ربط است. That's completely irrelevant. It's irrelevant to the whole thing. خانه او در کوهپایه است. Her house is at the foot of a mountain. His house is in the top of the mountain. پنیر کپک می زنه اگه نگذاریش توی یخچال. Cheese goes mouldy if you don't put it in fridge. Cheese sucks if you don't put it in the fridge. او همیشه از دیگران بدگویی می‌کند. He is always saying bad things about others. He's always saying bad things about others. من مدل‌های عتیقه را ترجیح می‌دهم. I prefer antiquated models. I prefer old models. نفست رو حبس کن!این گاز سمی است. Hold your breath! It's poisonous gas. Hold your breath! It's toxic gas! سلام Hi. Hey. امروز خورشید می درخشد. Sun is shinning today. The sun will shine today. زندگی متاهلی چطور است؟ How's married life? What's it like to be married? انگشت پای او خونریزی دارد. Her toe bleeds. His toes are bleeding. شما دوستان به کجاي مکزيک مي‌خواهيد برويد؟ Where in Mexico are you guys going? Where are you guys going to Mexico? تام ادّعا کرد که نمی‌دانسته خانه‌ی ساحلی اش برای فعالیت‌های غیرقانونی استفاده می‌شده است. Tom claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities. Tom said he didn't know that his beach house was used for illegal activities. اگر جای تو بودم، آن کار را نمی‌کردم. If I were in your position, I wouldn't do that. If I were you, I wouldn't. یه گربه از زیر میز اومد بیرون. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of under the table. کلماتی بسیاری هست که نمی فهمم. There are many words that I don't understand. There's a lot of words I don't understand. تاکسی کجاست؟ Where is the taxi? Where's the cab? سگهایی که پارس می کنند، بندرت گاز می گیرند. Barking dogs seldom bite. Dogs that bark, they bite. نگاه کردم ببینم سر به سرم نمی‌گذارد. I looked to see if he was teasing me. I looked at him and he wouldn't mess with me. هیچکس دقیقاً نمی‌داند جمعیت ایالات متحده از چند نژاد تشکیل شده است. Nobody knows exactly how many races make up the population of the United States. No one knows exactly how many races the United States has formed. فکر کنم تام دارد طفره می رود. I think Tom is beating around the bush. I think Tom's avoiding. این بچه کاری جز گریه کردن نداشت. This child did nothing but cry. This kid had nothing to do but cry. در دنیای امروز، دشوارترین چیز برای انسان، خود بودن است. In today's world, the hardest thing for a man to be... is himself. In today's world, the most difficult thing for humans is to be themselves. همیشه احتیاط کن. Always be cautious. Always be careful. بارها و بارها بهت گقتم این کار رو نکن. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I told you not to do this again and again. تعطیلات خیلی زود تمام شد. The holiday ended all too soon. The holidays were over so early. مردم پیرامون نور جمع می شوند، اما نه به خاطر بهتر دیدن، بلکه به خاطر بهتر درخشیدن. People crowd around the light, not to see better, but rather to shine better. People gather around the light, but not to see better, but to look better. او پسری دارد که نامش جان است. He has a son whose name is John. He has a son whose name is John. آلبرت انیشتن یک بار گفته است: اسپرانتو بهترین راهکار برای ایده ی زبان جهانی است. Albert Einstein said once: "Esperanto is the best solution for the idea of an international language". Albert Einstein once said, "Sparanto is the best way to think of the world language. عاقل را اشاره کافیست. One word is enough for a wise man. That's enough for wiseness. با دقت از عینک نگهداری کن. Handle the glasses carefully. Keep your glasses carefully. قبل از اینکه دهنت را باز کنی فکر کن Think before you open your mouth. Think before you open your mouth. او مشکلات زیادی دارد. He has many troubles. He has a lot of problems. تا ابله در جهانه، مفلس در نمیمانه A fool and his money are easily parted. He won't stay until he's an idiot in the world. هاروکو بهارهای گرم را دوست دارد. Haruko likes warm springs. Harko loves warm spring. زمین، مادر ما. Mother Earth. Earth, our mother. افراد معمولاً آنچه نمی‌فهمند را دوست ندارند. People usually don't like what they can't understand. People don't usually like what they don't understand. آن بچه به میمون موز می داد. The child was feeding the monkey with the banana. That kid gave a banana monkey. اطراف رو بهم نشون داد. He showed me around. He showed me around. من نمی‌توانم این درخت را هرس کنم. زیاد بلند است. I can't prune this tree. It's too tall. I can't wear this tree. It's too long. یک درخت سیب توی باغ هست. There's an apple tree in the garden. There's an apple tree in the garden. کجا می تونم ویتامین ها رو پیدا کنم؟ (در فروشگاه) Where's the aisle for vitamins? Where can I find the vitamins? دوبار اونجا بودم. I've been there twice. I was there twice. او به من لبخندی از سر آشنایی تقدیم کرد. She gave me a smile of recognition. He gave me a smile of acquaintance. ما چه چیزی را نادیده گرفته‌ایم؟ What have we overlooked? What have we ignored? همه‌ی لباس‌های من سفارشی دوخته شده‌اند. All of my clothes are custom made. All my clothes are customized. زمین از طریق گلها می‌خندد. Earth laughs in flowers. The earth laughs through flowers. شیر؟ شکر؟ Any milk or sugar? Sugar? نه، ممنونم. بسیار پر شدم. No, thank you. I'm so full. No, thank you. I'm very full. پدرم با من صحبت کرد که وقتی بزرگ‌تر شوم، مدرسه تا چه حد برای کار پیدا کردنم اهمیت خواهد داشت. Father spoke about how important school will be for finding a job when I am older. My father talked to me about how important school would be when I got older. با آسانسور پائین رفتم. I took the elevator down. I went down by the elevator. مناد باید کلاه بپوشد. Mennad has to wear a hat. Manad should wear a hat. تام سوار قطار به سمت توکیو شد. Tom boarded a train bound for Tokyo. Tom took the train to Tokyo. سه سال دنبال یک کارگردان خوب می‌گشتم، ولی کسی را پیدا نکردم. I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one. I've been looking for a good director for three years, but I haven't found anyone. تا وقتی نیستم، او جانشین من خواهد بود. He will be my deputy while I am away. As long as I'm gone, he'll be my successor. اگر خراب نیست، تعمیرش نکن. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. پارکینگ در اینجا وجود ندارد. It's a no parking area here. There's no parking lot here. من از شغلم راضی هستم. I'm satisfied with my work. I'm happy with my job. باران صبحگاهي مسافر را متوقف نكرد. The morning rain didn't stop the traveler. The morning rain didn't stop the passenger. او پاهای کوچکی دارد. She has small feet. He has small legs. فکر می کنم تام درباره ی اون موضوع حساس باشد. I think Tom would be sensible about that. I think Tom's sensitive about that. تو چه دوست خوبي هستي. What a nice friend you are! You're such a good friend. راستی, امروزبعد از ظهروقت داری (بیکاری)؟ By the way, are you free this afternoon? By the way, do you have time this afternoon? چرا مردم موهایشان را رنگ می کنند. Why do people dye their hair? Why people paint their hair. به هیچ کس این را نگو. Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone that. او باید از من عصبانی باشد. She must be angry with me. He must be mad at me. در تابستان شهر غرق از جهانگردان بود. The town was deluged with tourists in summer. In summer, the city was overwhelmed by the world. آنها چوب لای چرخش گذاشتند. They put a spoke in his wheel. They put around wood. اون مثل یک توپ نارنجی بزرگ بود که در آسمان آویزان بود! خیلی زیبا بود! It looked like a big orange ball hanging out in the sky! It was beautiful! It was like a big orange ball hanging in the sky! It was beautiful! من نمک می خواستم، ولی در بطری شیشه ای هیچ نبود. I wanted some salt, but there was none in the jar. I wanted salt, but there was nothing in the glass bottle. متشکرم Thank you! Thank you. ރާއްޖޭގައި އިތުރު ބޭންކެއް ހެދުމުގެ މަގުސަދަކީ ބޭންކިން ދާއިރާގެ ވާދަވެރިކަން ބޮޑުކޮށް، އިންޓަރެސްޓް ރޭޓް ކުޑަ ކުރުމަށް ބާރު އަޅަން ކަމަށް ކޮމާޝަލް ބޭންކް އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސް ގެ އެއް ހިއްސާދާރު އަދި މަޝްހޫރު ވިޔަފާރިވެރިޔާ، ޗަމްޕާ ހުސެއިން އަފީފު މިއަދު ވިދާޅުވެއްޖެ އެވެ. One of the shareholders of Commercial Bank of Maldives, Champa Hussain Afeef, has stated that he started a new bank to increase competition and reduce interest rates in the market. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man او با عجله داشت فرار میکرد. He was running away in all haste. He was running away in a hurry. آخ! زبانم را گاز گرفتم. Ouch! I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. من دوست داشتنی بودم. I was lovely. I was lovely. میشه ۳۰ یورو. This will cost €30. That's 30 euros. هدف را میبینم. I see the target. I see the target. اطراف خود را با افرادی پر کن که قصد دارند تو را بالاتر ببرند. Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Fill around with people who are going to take you higher. گل بی خار نمی‌شود. There is no rose without a thorn. The flower doesn't grow without thorns. تام می‌خواهد در بیمارستان کار کند. Tom wants to work in a hospital. Tom wants to work at the hospital. منو ترک نکن! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! از چاقوها می‌ترسم. I'm afraid of knives. I'm afraid of knives. آه، تشکر می کنم از شما، عزیز من. Ah, I thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, my dear. دیگه نمی تونم ادامه بدم. I'm done up. I can't go on anymore. او اصرار کرد دوباره فکر کنم. He urged me to think again. He insisted I think again. خانک کاندا یک دونده بسیار سریع است. Miss Kanda is a very fast runner. Khank Conda is a very fast runner. نگران نباش، وگرنه کچل می شوی. Don't worry too much, or you'll go bald. Don't worry, or you'll get bald. به ایران رفتم. I went to Iran. I went to Iran. در قطار راحت جا پیدا می‌شد، چون تعداد مسافران خیلی کم بود. It was easy to find seats in the train because there were so few passengers. It was easy to find a place on the train, because there were very few passengers. ما برای امنیت آنها نگرانیم. We are anxious for their safety. We're worried about their safety. آنها می گویند سرخس ها می توانند گل داشته باشند. They say that ferns can have flowers. They say the Reds can have flowers. دروغگو تا در خانه‌اش. A lie has no legs. Liar to his house. ما غذایمان را با آنها تقسیم خواهیم کرد. We'll share our food with them. We'll share our food with them. هوا ناپایدار است. The weather is fickle. The air is unstable. آب که از سر گذشت چه یک وجب چه صد وجب As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. The water's gone. A couple hundred or so. من اتاق مختص خود دارم. I have my own room. I have my own room. تمام راهها به رم ختم می شود. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. قطره قطره جمع گردد، وانگهی دریا شود. Constant dripping wears away a stone. The drop of the drop shall be gathered together, and the sea shall be at the sea's rise. من مواد اولیه برای کاری را روز یکشنبه خریدم. I bought ingredients for curry on Sunday. I bought the basics for work on Sunday. فکر نکنم شما کمک به تام را مدنظر قرار دهید. I don't suppose you'd consider helping Tom. I don't think you'll consider helping Tom. فرصت است که دزد می سازد. Opportunity makes a thief. It's an opportunity to make a thief. من با تو مخالفم. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. کدام سنگین‌تر است: یک کیلو کاه یا یک کیلو آهن؟ Which weighs more: a kilo of straw or a kilo of iron? Which is heavier: a pound of straw or iron? چیزی نفرت انگیزتر از احترام از روی ترس نیست. Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. Nothing more disgusting than respect of fear. در واقع، می خواستم از شما یک چیزی را بپرسم. Actually, I did want to ask you one thing. In fact, I wanted to ask you something. آنها خبر نداشتند که من آنجا نیستم. They were not aware that I was not there. They didn't know I wasn't there. در صورت آتش سوزی، شما باید با شماره 119 تماس بگیرید. In case of fire, you should dial 119. If there is a fire, you must contact the number 119. من یک نامه از دوستم دریافت کردم. I got a letter from my friend. I received a letter from my friend. از اینکه مرا دعوت کردی، متشکرم. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. آیا کودک هنوز بیدار است؟ Is the kid still up? Is the child still awake? ترجمه مانند زن است. اگر زیبا باشد، وفادار نیست. اگر وفادار باشد، مطمئناً زیبا نیست. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. The translation is like a woman. If it's beautiful, it's not loyal. دری که غژغژ می‌کند عمرش بیشتر است. A creaking gate hangs long. The door that complains is longer than his life. والدینم مرا مجبور کردند به انجا بروم. My parents had me go there. My parents made me go there. زنده باد زبان فارسی! Long live the Persian language! Long live the Persian tongue! بازها پرندگان شکاری هستند. Falcons are birds of prey. Opens are hunting birds. به من حقیقت را بگو. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. دولت به مردم توجه نمی کند. آنها هر آنچه می خواهند انجام می دهند. The government doesn't notice people. They do whatever they want. The government doesn't care about people. They do what they want. بهم بگو چی شد. Tell me what happened. Tell me what happened. آيا شما كتاب سفارش داديد؟ Did you order the book? Did you order a book? او نمی دانست که با یک هیولا ازدواج کرده است. She didn't know she had married a monster. He didn't know he was married to a monster. این داستان تقریبا در 20000 نسخه فروش رفته است. The novel has sold almost 20000 copies. This story has been sold almost 10,000 copies. ما به کانادا مهاجرت نخواهیم کرد. We won't immigrate to Canada. We're not moving to Canada. آیا گیاه‌خوار هستید؟ Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? ما بیش از 40 سال است که از صلح برخوردار شده ایم. We have enjoyed peace for more than forty years. We've had peace for over 40 years. آخرین پرکاه کمر شتر را شکست. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. He broke the last round of the camel's back. نمی‌دانم می‌توانم بیایم. I don't know if I can come. I don't know if I can come. چه کسی برای اولین بار به قله اورست رسید؟ Who first reached the summit of Mt. Everest? Who got to the top of Orst for the first time? هیچ انسان زنده ای، آن را باور نخواهد کرد. No man alive would believe it. No living man will believe it. من خیلی چاق ام. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. اگر جای تو بودم، انجامش نمی‌دادم. If I were you, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't have done it if I were you. مِری داشت به آیپادش گوش می‌کرد. Mary was listening to her iPod. Mary was listening to her iPhone. یک گزارش بنویس. Write a report. Write a report. لازم نبود چتر بیاورید. You needn't have brought your umbrella. You didn't have to bring a umbrella. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردی. You accused her of having stolen the bike. You've been stealing your bike. به نظر می آید که باد شدیدتر می شود. It looks like the wind's getting stronger. It looks like the wind gets stronger. فقط می‌خواهم چند سؤال از شما بپرسم. I just want to ask you some questions. I just want to ask you a few questions. در ابتدا توان این را نداشتم که باورش کنم. I wasn't able to believe him at first. At first, I couldn't believe it. او محبوب است، نه به‌خاطر زیبائی‌اش، بلکه به‌خاطر مهربانی‌اش. She is popular not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness. He is beloved, not for his beauty, but for his kindness. این واژه از یونانی می آید. This word comes from Greek. It comes from Greek. تلوزیون را تماشا نکن. Don't watch TV. Don't watch TV. من آن لباس را نمی پوشم. I'm not wearing that dress. I don't wear that dress. با نرمی سخن بگو. Speak softly. Speak gently. تام تمام صبح را به دنبال سگش گشت. Tom looked for his dog all morning. Tom spent the morning looking for his dog. یک قرص نان بهتر از آواز پرندگان است. A loaf of bread is better than the songs of birds. One pill is better than the song of birds. شما حق دارید از انجام وظیفه به عنوان شاهد امتناع کنید. You have the right to abstain from serving as witnesses. You have the right to refuse duty as a witness. فکر می کنم حق با توست. I think you're right. I think you're right. فکر کنم بایستی همگی بیرون رویم. I think we should all go outside. I think we should all go out. او تهران را دید. He visited Tehran. He saw Tehran. یک تشکر بزرگ برای کمک شما. A big thanks for your help. A big thank you for your help. سخن گفتن بدون اندیشیدن مانند شلیک کردن بدون نگاه کردن است. Speaking without thinking is like shooting without looking. It's like shooting without looking. تام اسوهٔ اخلاص است. Tom is a paragon of honesty. Tom is pure. چه ایده خوبی! What a nice idea! That's a good idea! تو نمی توانی چیزی را که از روبه رو شدن با آن اجتناب می کنی، تغییر دهی. You cannot change what you refuse to confront. You can't change what you're avoiding. من فکر می کنم فهمیدم که کجای کار اشتباه بود. I think I understand what went wrong. I think I found out where it was wrong. اینجا بادی نیست. There's no wind here. There's no wind in here. مادرم هرگز مرا تنبیه نکرد. My mother never punished me. My mother never punished me. از چیزی که انجام داده‌ام راضی نیستم. I am not satisfied with what I have done. I'm not happy with what I've done. از یکدیگر انتقاد کردند. They criticized each other. They were critical of each other. زندانی زیر شکنجه مرد. The prisoner died under torture. The prisoner died under torture. بلندتر، لطفا. Louder, please. Higher, please. این طناب به اندازهٔ کافی قوی نیست. This rope isn't strong enough. This rope is not strong enough. دلار الان چقدر میشه؟ How much is the dollar now? How much is the dollar now? بایست! Hold it! Stop! به هنگام نیاز، دوست واقعی شناخته می‌شود. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In need, a true friend is known. نمی دانم چه بگویم. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. تام زیاد سوال میپرسد. Tom asks a lot of questions. Tom asks a lot of questions. من گلهای بسیاری دارم.برخی شان سرخند و برخی زرد. I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and some are yellow. I have lots of flowers. Some of them are red and some yellow. شوهرم دارد به گل‌ها آب می‌دهد. My husband is watering the flowers. My husband's giving flowers water. تو عادت داری همه چیز رو بزرگنمایی کنی You have a habit of exaggerating everything. You used to zoom into everything. دخترم سرما خورده بود. My daughter caught a cold. My daughter had a cold. اسم آن پسر، شینتارو وادا است. That boy's name is Shintaro Wada. The boy's name is Shintaro Vada. فرصت دزد می سازد. Opportunity makes a thief. It makes a thief's chance. هر کس حق دارد که از آموزش و پرورش بهره‌مند شود. Everyone has the right to education. Every soul has the right to be trained (by others). جای خالی هست؟ Is there a free spot? Is there an empty spot? قرارداد را با مداد امضا نکن. Don't sign the contract with a pencil. Do not sign the contract with pencils. نهایتا به هدف زد. Eventually, he hit the target. He finally hit the target. حالا ما هفت عرب هستیم. Now we are seven Arabs. Now we're seven Arabs. اسب خوب سوارکار خود را می شناسد. A good horse knows its rider. The good horse knows his rider. زندگی کردن، حرفه و هنر من است. Living is my profession and my art. It's my life, my career and my art. این احمقانه ترین چیزی است که تا کنون گفته ام. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the stupidest thing I've ever said. زبان نیش می زنه. زخم زبان. The tongue stings. The tongue stings, the wound of the tongue. او به کنار رفت تا آن خانم رد شود. He stepped aside for her to pass. She went away to pass the woman. من زیاد ریاضیات را دوست ندارم. I do not like mathematics very much. I don't like math very much. سامی و لیلا چند دفعه بیرون رفتند. Sami and Layla went out a couple of times. Sami and Leila went out a few times. به حرفش گوش نکن. Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. او تصور می کرد که به قدر کافی جذاب است. He thought of himself as being charming enough. He thought he was hot enough. هر حقیقتی از سه مرحله گذر می کند. اول، به سخره گرفته می شود. دوم، شدیداً مورد مخالفت واقع می شود. سوم، به عنوان یک چیز خود-آشکار پذیرفته می شود. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Every truth passes through three steps. First, it's taken to the rock. Second, it's highly opposed. Third, it's accepted as a self-existing thing. فراموشش کردم. I forgot it. I forgot. من از جدال متنفّرم. I hate fighting. I refuse to argue. نزدیکترین ایستگاه قطار کجاست؟ Where's the nearest train station? Where's the nearest train station? او(پسر) در صبح 15 می آمد تا مرا ببیند. He came to see me on the morning of May 15. He came in the morning to see me. تام و مری خیلی عاشق یکدیگر هستند. Tom and Mary are very much in love. Tom and Mary love each other very much. نقاشی یک شعر بدون کلام است. A painting is a wordless poem. The painting is a poem without words. شرکت یک ماه در میان محصول جدید تولید می کنه The company develops new products every other month. The company produces a month in the new product. دستم رو رسوندم و به شونه اش زدم. I reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. I pulled my hand and hit his shoulder. این چیزی است که من به تام گفته ام. That's what I said to Tom. That's what I told Tom. بهش توجه نکن. Don't pay attention to him. Don't pay attention to him. این آزمایش منجر به کشف بزرگی شد. That experiment led to a great discovery. This experiment led to a huge discovery. تا حد مرگ، خسته بودم. I was bored to death. I was tired to death. سارتر یک جامعه‌شناس مهم بود. Sartre was an important sociologist. Sartre was an important socialist. مادر ترزا در یوگسلاوی در سال 1910 به دنیا آمد. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Teresa's mother was born in Yogslavi in 1910. پشت سر من بیا. Come along after me. Get behind me. او بدون هیچ اثری ناپدید شد. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. به دوستت قرض بده، از دشمنت قرض بگیر. Lend your friend money. Borrow money from your foe. loan your friend, borrow from your enemy. یک مرد برای شکست ساخته نشده است. یک مرد می‌تواند نابود شود اما شکست نمی‌خورد. But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. A man has not been made to fail. A man can be destroyed but will not fail. دروغ نگو. Don't lie. Don't lie. آب سبز برای آشامیدن مناسب نیست. The green water is not suitable for drinking. Green water is not suitable for drinking. می شود برایم مقداری زعفران بخری؟ Will you buy for me some saffron? Can you buy me some nuts? تی شرت چه رنگی با شلوارک طرح نظامی میاد؟ When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that? What color does T-shirts come with military design? من خیلی احساس تاثر می کنم برای تام ، این طفلک بیچاره. I feel very sorry for Tom, poor fellow. I feel so dramatic for Tom, this poor baby. آیا شما یک پاکت نامه می خواهید؟ Do you need an envelope? Do you want an envelope? پشت سر من قدم نزن، من راهنمای تو نیستم. جلوی من راه نرو، من ترا دنبال نخواهم کرد، فقط در کنار من قدم بزن و دوست من باش. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Don't walk behind me, I'm not your guide. Don't walk in front of me, I won't follow you, just walk beside me and be my friend. اول خانم ها بفرمایند. Ladies first. Ladies first. او کی متولد شده است؟ When was she born? When was she born? پروتستان‌ها قدیس‌ها را تکریم نمی‌کنند. Protestants don't venerate saints. Protestants don't honor saints. چیزی که پس‌فردا می‌توانی انجام دهی را به فردا نینداز! Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't bring what you can do after tomorrow! خوبم. I am well. I'm fine. در را کمی باز کن! Open the door a bit! Open the door a little! من عمیقاً عاشق شما هستم. I'm deeply in love with you. I love you deeply. بخاطر ضربه ای که به سرم خورد، برای مدتی بیهوش شدم. As I was struck on the head, I was unconscious for some time. Because of the hit on my head, I passed out for a while. میدونی چطور سوسیس درست میشه? Do you know how sausage is made? Do you know how to make sausages? او وارد اتاق شد. He came into the room. He entered the room. او فاشیست است. He's a fascist. He's a lusssist. وقت به خیر Good day! Good time. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. He accused him of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. ما باید منابع انرژی تجدید پذیرمان را گسترش دهیم We must develop renewable energy sources. We need to expand our renewable energy resources. تام تنها کسی است این جا که مری را نمی‌شناسد. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. اصل خط منصف چیست؟ What is principle of equidistance? What is the principle of a fair line? من به پنج زبان صحبت می کنم. I speak five languages. I speak five languages. او به بلندی هیچ پسری در کلاسش نیست. He is as tall as any boy in his class. He's not as tall as any boy in his class. این کولا گاز خود را از دست داده است و طعم خوبی ندارد. This cola has lost its fizz and doesn't taste any good. It's lost its gas and it doesn't taste good. من از تو مراقبت خواهم کرد.. I'll treat you. I'll take care of you. او جدا از زنش زندگی می‌کند. He is living apart from his wife. He lives apart from his wife. گمان کنم نظری راجع به آن دارم. I think I have a theory about that. I think I have an idea about that. می پذیرم که خطا کردم. I admit that I was wrong. I admit I made a mistake. تام آنقدرها راجع به مسابقه دادن نمی‌داند. Tom doesn't know a whole lot about racing. Tom doesn't know that much about racing. تصور می کردم آدم های باهوش در مکانی سری ناپدید می شوند. I imagined that brilliant people disappeared to some secret place. I thought smart people would disappear in a secret place. حدسش درست از آب درآمد His guess turned out to be right. His guess came right from the water. نمی‌دانستم آن دستگاه را کی خاموش کنم. I didn't know when to switch the machine off. I didn't know when to turn that machine off. ایستگاه اتوبوس کجاست؟ Where is the bus stop? Where's the bus station? من خواب وحشتناکی دیشب دیدم. I had a horrible dream last night. I had a terrible dream last night. در اقیانوس شنا می کنم. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. می خواهم پولم به من برگردانده شود. I want my money back. I want my money returned to me. کمی شراب باقی مانده است. There is little wine left. There's a little wine left. متوجه نمی شوم چرا باید این کار را انجام دهم. I don't see why I need to do this. I don't understand why I have to do this. تو باید دئودورانت استفاده کنی. You should use a deodorant. You have to use your time. پیتر به فوتبال علاقه دارد. Piotr is interested in soccer. Peter is interested in football. می‌توانی بروی بیرون، به شرط آنکه قول بدهی تا ساعت 11 بر گردی. You can go out, as long as you promise to be back by 11 o'clock. You can go out, if you promise to return by 11:00. آیا تکالیفت را انجام داده بودی؟ Did you do your homework? Have you done your homework? می توانم به شما قطعه دیگری کیک تعارف نمایم؟ Can I offer you another piece of cake? Can I offer you another piece of cake? ما نمی توانستیم هیچ کسی را در خیابان ببینیم. We could not see anyone in the street. We couldn't see anyone on the street. چرا من؟ Why me? Why me? انسان دوبار در یک چاله نباید بیفتد. A human should not make the same mistake. Man must not fall twice in a hole. دولت تبلغات سیگار در تلویزیون را ممنوع کرد. The government banned cigarette advertising on television. The government banned the cigarettes on TV. واقعا دلم می خواهد هم اکنون با تام باشم. I really want to be with Tom right now. I really want to be with Tom right now. منبع بزرگ الهام گرفتنت چیست؟ What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is your great source of inspiration? تام سی ساله است. Tom is thirty years old. Tom is 30 years old. من مجبور شدم مدرسه را ترک کنم. I was compelled to leave school. I had to leave school. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. My father always sent me to school when I was little. My father always brings me to school when I was little. فارسی سخت نیست. Persian's not hard. Persian is not difficult. هرچند بارونیه هوا ولی اصلا اهمیتی نمی دم. Even though it is raining, I don't care at all. It's raining, though, but I don't care. لطفا نمک را به من بده. Please pass me the salt. please give me the salt. دو بعلاوه دو می شود چهار. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. از شما التماس می کنم. I'm begging you. I'm begging you. هنگام نظافت کلاس، چند دانش‌آموز تریبون را حمل می‌کنند. When cleaning the classroom, a few students carry the podium. When they clean class, they carry some tribon students. این را توضیح بده. Explain the following. Explain this. ما یک گستره ای از کتاب ها داریم. We have a wide choice of books. We have a range of books. نباید یک آدم را به خاطر اینکه لباس‌های خوبی ندارد، کوچک بشمارید. You must not despise a man because he is poorly dressed. You shouldn't think of a person because he doesn't have good clothes. تام دیروز آنجا نبود. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. چگونه حقیقت را دریابیم؟ How can we learn the truth? How can we learn the truth? چه رنگی دوست داری؟ Which color do you prefer? What color do you like? برای موفقیت فقط نادانی و اعتماد به نفس نیاز است. All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. To succeed, it only takes ignorance and confidence. قبل از اینکه به مدرسه بروم، یک ساعت پیاده روی می کنم. I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school. I'll walk an hour before I go to school. تام کسی است که به من گفت زمان ملاقات کی خواهد بود. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who told me when to meet. فهمیدم. I understand. Got it. آنکه می‌پندارد که به اندازهٔ کافی آموخته است، هیچ چیز نیاموخته است. He who thinks he has learned enough has learned nothing. He who thinks that he has learned nothing in abundance. گاهی اوقات، کار‌ها طبقِ برنامه پیش نمی‌رود. Occasionally, things don't go as planned. Sometimes, things don't go as planned. مثل یه زن لباس پوشیده. He dressed up as a woman. She's dressed like a woman. اگر وقت داری، مرا همراهی کن. Accompany me if you have time. If you have time, follow me. افراد زیادی بطور غیرقانونی در کشور زندگی می کنند. Many people are living illegally in the country. Many people live illegally in the country. وقتی جوون تر بودم، خیلی ها بهم میگفتم که خوشگلم. When I was younger, many people used to say I was beautiful. When I was younger, many people told me I was beautiful. اون برادر ناتنی منه He's my half-brother. He's my half brother. آیا شما معنی "آواره شرایط اقلیمی" را می دانید؟ Do you know the meaning of "climate refugee"? Do you know the meaning of "the state of universality"? یک بار دیگر. Once again. One more time. انگار سرما خورده‌ام. I worry that I have caught a cold. It's like I'm having a cold. با هوش‌ترین دانش‌آموز از طرف همکلاسی‌هایش ابراز تشکر کرد. The brightest student expressed gratitude on behalf of his classmates. The most intelligent student on behalf of his students expressed gratitude. بالاخره دوازده استونیا را نشان داد. And finally, twelve points to Estonia! He finally showed up on the 12th of S.H.I.E.L.E.L.D. شما نمی‌بایستی آن را صرفاً به‌خاطر خوش آمدن من انجام می‌دادید. You shouldn't do it merely to please me. You shouldn't have done it just for my welcome. مری به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. Marie accused her of having stolen the bike. Mary kept stealing the bike. بهت نگفتم اتاقت را تمیز کنی؟ Didn't I tell you to clean your room? Didn't I tell you to clean your room? اه، کارت تلفن در حال تمام شدن است...تو را نیم ساعت دیگر می بینم. Ah, the phone card's already running out.. See you in half an hour. Oh, the phone card is running out -- I'll see you in half an hour. او از کشور خودش اخراج شد. She was exiled from her country. He was expelled from his country. تام چشه؟ What's up with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? بیشتر از یک هفته بود که سرما خوردگی ام طول کشید. It took me more than a week to get over my cold. It took me more than a week to catch my cold. حالم خوب نیست.می شود مقداری دارو به من بدهی؟ I don't feel well. Could you give me some medicine? i'm not feeling well. can you give me some medicine? دنبالش برو. Follow him. Follow him. تمام ملل برای مرگ قهرمانانشان سوگواری می کنند. The whole nation mourned the hero's death. All nations mourn their heroes' death. خانهٔ چوبی آسان‌تر از خانهٔ سنگی آتش می‌گیرد. A house built of wood is more easily burnt than a house of stone. The wooden house fires easier than the stone house. او دیر یا زود پشیمان خواهد شد. He will regret it sooner or later. He'll regret it sooner or later. گربه ای ایرانی زیر میز خوابیده بود. A Persian cat was sleeping under the table. The Iranian cat was lying under the table. مجازات قتل مرگ است. Homicide is punishable by death. The penalty for murder is death. مادرم می خواهد که من در سوئیس درس بخوانم. My mom wants me to study in Switzerland. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. طنز طعنهٔ دیروز است. Humour is the satire of yesterday. It's the humor of yesterday. در ابتدا نتوانستم بفهمم که او چه گفت. At first, I couldn't understand what he said. At first, I couldn't figure out what he said. خاله وانگ، این منم. This is me, Aunt Wong. Aunt Wong, it's me. مشک آن است که خود ببوید، نه آن که عطار بگوید. Good wine needs no bush. Its seal is upon it, and it is not for him who says: کسی تو ماشین بود؟ Was there anybody in the car? Anyone in the car? تام به ساعتش نگاهی انداخت. Tom checked his watch. Tom looked at his watch. ببحشید که من اشتباهاً نامه‌ی شما را باز کردم. Please forgive me for opening your letter by mistake. Let's see if I've made a mistake opening your letter. قیمت توت فرنگی در زمستان بسیار بالاست. Strawberries sell for a high price in the winter. It's very high in winter. کشمش‌ها انگورهای چروکیده هستند. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. It's the same as the grapes. چيزي که من را اذيت مي‌کند حرفهاي او نيست بلکه نحوه گفتن آنهاست. It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it. What bothers me is not his words, but how they say them. در گذشته ایرانی ها با نان زندگی می کردند ولی امروزه غذای اصلی آنان برنج است. In past, Iranians lived on naan bread, but nowadays basic Iranian's food gets rice. In the past, Iranians lived with bread, but today their main food is rice. نخیر. No. No, I don't. او به‌سلامت رسید. He arrived safe and sound. He came to you. آفتاب زمستان فقط کمی گرم می‌کند. The winter's sun gives only little warmth. The winter sun only warms a little. اوتخم مرغها را آب پزکرد She boiled the eggs. He baked the eggs. این سایت واقعا بزرگ است! This site is really great! This site is really big! در آن لحظه که مردی بلندقد ایستاده با تفنگی را در راهرو دید به طور ناخودآگاه عقب عقب رفت. At the moment she saw a tall man with a gun standing in the doorway, she instinctively backed away. When he saw a tall man standing in the hall with a gun, he went back unconsciously. به طور میانگین هر شخص در دقیقه چند بار پلک میزند؟ How many times a minute does the average person blink? How many times does a person blink average in a minute? جهل یک برکت است. Ignorance is bliss. ignorance is a blessing. آیا تو به معلمت در این مورد اطلاع دادی؟ Did you inform your teacher of this? did you tell your teacher about this? اجازه بده برای آوردن اون خاربار کمکت کنم. Let me help you with those groceries. Let me help you bring that thorn. من در سال 1972 به دنیا آمده ام. I was born in 1972. I was born in 1974. هر روز حداقل باید به یک آهنگ گوش دهید، یک شعر بخوانید، به یک تصویر زیبا نگاه کنید، و اگر امکان‌پذیر باشد، کلمات عاقلانهٔ متعددی بگویید. Every day you should at least listen to a short song, read a good poem, look at a beautiful picture, and, if possible, say several intelligent words. You have to at least listen to a song every day, read a poem, look at a beautiful picture, and say many wise words if possible. تام فرقِ بینِ یک اتریشی و یک آلمانی را نمی‌داند. Tom doesn't know the difference between an Austrian and a German. Tom doesn't know the difference between Austria and a German. امروزه، اوضاع برای گروه لاتینی ها ( اهالی آمریکای جنوبی) در ایالات متحده آمریکا بهتر است. Today, things are better for the Latino community in the USA. Today, things are better for Latin groups in the United States. سلام، مگ. چه طوری؟ Hello, Meg. How are you? Hey, Meg, how are you? یادم می آید تام برایم راجع به زمانی می گفت که او و ماری قله فوجی را فتح کرده بودند. I remember Tom telling me about the time he and Mary had climbed Mt. Fuji. I remember Tom telling me about the time when she and Mary had won the top of a group. فکر نمی کنم دیگر تو را دوست داشته باشم. I don't think I like you anymore. I don't think I love you anymore. تهران در ایران است. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a city in Iran. او گریست. She cried. He wept. خشت اول چون نهد معمار کج، تا ثریا می رود دیوار کج. A good beginning makes a good ending. The first stone, when it sets up a crooked architect, goes to Toria, a crooked wall. به نظر غیر محتمل می رسید که تام به جشن تولد ماری نیاید. It seemed unlikely that Tom wouldn't come to Mary's birthday party. It seemed unlikely Tom wouldn't come to Mary's birthday party. نمی‌خواهم دیگر چیزی بشنوم. I don't want to hear any more. I don't want to hear anymore. تام یک لحظه هم آن را باور نکرد. Tom didn't believe it for a second. Tom didn't believe it for a second. من این کراوات قهوه ای را بر خواهم داشت. I would take this brown tie. I'll take this brown tie. من به تازگی در ایستگاه ساپورو بودم تا مادرم را بدرقه کنم. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I've just been at Sapuro Station to escort my mother. خیلی چاپلوسی (پاچه خواری) You are a goody-goody. You're so gross. ما او را به عنوان رئیس جلسه انتخاب کرده‌ایم. We have elected him chairman of the meeting. We chose him as president of the meeting. ببخشید، می توانیدرادیو را خاموش کنید؟ Sorry, could you turn the radio off? Excuse me, can you turn off the radio? من غذای روسی دوست دارم. I like Russian food. I like Russian food. خورشید برف را ذوب می‌کند. The sun melts the snow. Sun melts snow. همه چیز طبق برنامه است. Everything is on schedule. Everything's on schedule. اگر او نمی خواهد یاد بگیرد، ما نمی توانیم او را مجبور کنیم. If he doesn't want to learn, we can't make him. If he doesn't want to learn, we can't force him. آنها فقط منتظرند که توفان تمام شود. They are just waiting for the storm to pass. They're just waiting for the storm to end. من به ایستگاه رفتم. I went to the station. I went to the station. آتش سوزی بزرگی نزدیک خانه من دیشب اتفاق افتاد. There was a big fire near my house last night. Big fire happened near my house last night. فایلها در نظم خوبی هستند. The files are in proper order. The files are good in order. وقتی به خواب می‌روی به چه فکر می‌کنی؟ What do you think about when you go to sleep? What do you think when you sleep? بخوابید روی زمین! Get down on the floor! Get down! ولش کن! Let go of it. Let him go! من از آذرخش نمی‌ترسم. I'm not afraid of lightning. I'm not afraid of lightning. واقعاً دوسِت دارم. واقعاً عاشِقِتم. I do love you. I really love you. من چیزی سرد برای نوشیدن می خواهم. I want something cold to drink. I want something cold to drink. کاناپه را جا به جا کنید تا رو به شومینه باشد. Shift the sofa so that it faces the fireplace. Move the couch to be face-to-face. هوا در ایران چطور است؟ How's the weather in Iran? How's the weather in Iran? تو باید سخت کار کنی. You should work hard. You have to work hard. همسرش پیر بود اما عاشقش بود. His wife was old but he loved her. His wife was old, but she loved him. دیروز در رستوران غذا می خوردم. I was eating in restaurant yesterday. I ate at the restaurant yesterday. سیبی روی زمین افتاد. An apple fell on the ground. The apple fell on the floor. من از مرگ نمی ترسم. I do not fear death. I'm not afraid of death. قهوه را به چای ترجیح می دهم. I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee to tea. من دیروز آمدم اینجا. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. او برای آماده کردن مردانش برای جنگ فرصت داشت. He had time to prepare his men for battle. He had the opportunity to prepare his men for war. می شه یک داد بزنی سر تام و بگی وقت صبحانه ست؟ Could you shout to Tom and tell him it's breakfast time? Can you yell at Tom and tell him it's breakfast time? بیهوده است. It's futile. It's bullshit. تام نمی گذارد شما بروید. Tom won't let you go. Tom won't let you go. والدینم مرا درک نمی کنند. My parents don't understand me. My parents don't understand me. من در هزارتو گم شدم. I got lost in the maze. I'm lost in the maze. او به حدی گیج شده بود که جوابش به هیچ وجه عاقلانه نبود. He was so confused that his answer did not make any sense. He was so confused that his answer wasn't wise at all. شما می توانید از فرهنگ لغت من استفاده کنید You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. در باره‌ی رابطه‌ی بین محیط مصنوعی و محیط طبیعی بنویسید. Write about the relationship between the artificial environment and the natural environment. Write about the relationship between the artificial environment and the natural environment. معلم ما به او هشدار داد که دیگر دیر نکند. Our teacher warned him not to be late again. Our teacher warned him not to be late anymore. کاش وقت بیشتری برای حرف زدن با او داشته باشم. I wish I had more time to talk with her. I wish I had more time to talk to him. من در ایران بودم. I was in Iran. I was in Iran. من به چنین رفتارهایی عادت نکرده ام. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to this kind of behavior. چه چیزی را از من پنهان می‌کنی؟ What are you hiding from me? What are you hiding from me? ساکت بودن در کلاس احترام به خواب مردم است. To be quiet in class is to respect other people's sleep. Be quiet in class is respect for people's dreams. گتار جانی خیلی ناز است. Getter Jaani is very sweet. Gartar Johnny is so cute. من او را در حال عبور از خیابان تماشا کردم. I watched him cross the street. I watched him cross the street. این ساعت ده دقیقه عقبه This watch is ten minutes slow. It's ten minutes behind. اگر اشتباه می‌کنی، آن را بپذیر. اگر حق با تو است، خاموش باش. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you are wrong, accept it. If you are right, be silent. لطفاً چند دقیقه آرام بمانید. Hold still for a moment, please. Please calm down for a few minutes. او همیشه چترش را گم می کند. He is always losing his umbrella. He always lost his umbrella. هدف او ارتقا پیدا کردن است. His goal is getting promoted. His goal is to promote. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. It's all work and nothing. شما باید حقیقت را به او بگویید You should tell him the truth. you must tell him the truth نیازی نیست که برای قبولی در امتحان اینقدر سخت کار کنی. You need not work so hard in order to pass the examination. You don't have to work so hard to accept the test. سامارا مورگان هیچ وقت نمی‌خوابد. Samara Morgan never sleeps. Samaritan Morgan never sleeps. مردان فقط کودکان بزرگ هستند. Men are but children of a larger growth. Men are just adults. کدام را ترجیح می دهی، پپسی یا کوکا؟ Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? Which would you prefer, Ppsy or Coke? اینکه مردی دو زن یا بیشتر بگیرد در اسلام گناه محسوب نمی شود. It is not crime against God in Islam that a man has two or more wives. A man gets two or more women is not guilty in Islam. دو هفته است که یک قطره باران نیامده. There hasn't been a drop of rain in two weeks. There hasn't been a drop of rain in two weeks. من مگ را دیدم که خبرها را به من گفت. I met Meg, who told me the news. I saw Meg tell me the news. من در تهران زندگی کردم. I lived in Tehran. I lived in Tehran. تا اون موقع که تو برسی خونه من تو تختم هستم. I'll be in bed by the time you get home. I'll be in bed until you get home. ترس برادر مرگ است. A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once. Fear is the brother of death. ماگدالنا به جغرافیا علاقه دارد. Magdalena is interested in geography. Margallina is interested in occupies. زنجیر از ضعیف ترین حلقه اش قویتر نیست. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The chain is not stronger than its most weak ring. او از من کمک خواست. He asked me for help. He asked for my help. من می‌روم، خداحافظ! I'm leaving, goodbye! I'll go. Bye! نمی دانم وقت خواهم داشت یا نه. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I'll have time. میبینم I see. I see. تام بچه گربه ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes kittens. Tom loves cats. در این انجمن ها حسابی ندارم. I do not have an account in these forums. I don't have much in these communities. من یک دشمن منفرد ندارم. I don't have a single enemy. I don't have a single enemy. من به تام هر چیزی را که خواسته بود، دادم. I gave Tom everything he asked for. I gave Tom everything he wanted. شما فکر می کنید تام با ما خواهد آمد؟ Do you think Tom would want to go with us? Do you think Tom will come with us? آتش دارد خاموش می شود.می توانی کمی چوب اضافه کنی؟ The fire is going out; will you add some wood? The fire's going off. Can you add some wood? سؤال نکن تا دروغی نشنوی. Ask no questions and hear no lies. Don't ask until you hear lies. پاپ‌کورن هر چه بیشتر بخوری، بیشتر می‌خواهی. The more popcorn you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. من سه چهار بار با شما تماس گرفتم، ولی شما جواب ندادید. I called you three or four times, but you never answered your phone. I called you three or four times, but you didn't answer. اگر در انجام کار ها عجله کنی، اشنباه می کنی You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. If you hurry to do things, you'll be happy. تهران کجاست؟ Where is Tehran? Where's Tehran? هرکه این را خواند خواندن می داند. All that read this can read. Everyone who reads it knows how to read it. او می خواست بمیرد چونکه او نمی توانست پدر و مادرش را خوشحال کند. She wanted to die because she couldn't satisfy her parents. She wanted to die because she couldn't make her parents happy. تام اکنون در بوستون زندگی نمی کند. Tom doesn't live in Boston now. Tom doesn't live in Boston right now. به هر نفر، غذا و لباس کافی داده شد. Each person was given enough food and clothing. Each one was given enough food and clothing. آیا خبر خوب را شنیده ای؟ Have you heard the good news? Have you heard the good news? سلام جهان! Hello, world! Hello, world! آیا بانک باز است؟ Is the bank open? Is the bank open? من به خانه رفتم. I went home. I went home. تام تصمیم گرفت بگذارد برود اقامتگاه ماری. Tom decided to mosey on over to Mary's place. Tom decided to let her go to Mary's residence. تو وقت زیادی داشتی. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. لطفاً تا وقتی بر می‌گردم، اینجا بمانید. Please stay here till I get back. Please stay here while I return. وقت گرانبهاست. Time is money. It's precious time. یکی انگلیسی صحبت می کند، و دیگری ژاپنی حرف می زند. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. او چیزی است که نابغه خوانده می شود. She is what is called a genius. He's what's called genius. جدال ده ساعت طول کشید. The flight took us ten hours. Arguing took ten hours. آنها اصرار کردند که من پول را بپردازم. They insisted on my paying the money. They insisted I pay. او عاشق گل هاست. She loves flowers. He loves flowers. امتحان درست بعد از تعطیلاتِ تابستان. Exams are right after summer vacation. Test right after summer break. ازت می خوام نگهبانی بدی I want you to stand guard. I need you to protect me. در دریا جزیره ها وجود داشتند. There were islands in the sea. There were islands in the sea. این مسئله‌ای بود که به سختی حل می‌شد. It was a problem difficult to solve. It was a problem that was barely solved. یک سفیر یک فرد درستکار است که برای دروغ گفتن به خاطر مصلحت کشورش، به خارج فرستاده می‌شود. An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country. An ambassador is an honest person sent out to lie for the good of his country. چه خریده ای؟ Whom did you buy? What did you buy? تام یک کابوی واقعی است. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom is a real cowboy. اون تمام خونه رو به تنهایی تمیز کرد. She cleaned all of the house by herself. He cleaned the whole house alone. ساعت یک ربع بعد از نه است. It's a quarter past nine. It's 15 minutes after nine. ادبیات بومی آفریقا بسیار جالب است. African folklore is very interesting. Africa's native literature is very interesting. کن من را در شطرنج برد. Ken beat me at chess. Ken took me in chess. http://esperanto.typeit.org/ این سایت واقعاً بقای مرا در تاتوئبا آسان ساخت. The site http://esperanto.typeit.org/ really facilitated my survival in Tatoeba. http:speranto.typept.org/ This site has really made my survival easy in Tatuba. مخاطب این برنامه تلویزیونی کودکان هستند. This TV show is aimed at children. The audience is children's television show. او برنامه ی روزانه اش را روز به روز عوض می کند. He changes his schedule from day to day. He changes his day-to-day schedule. تام و ماری در کلیسای کوچکی نه چندان دور از اینجا ازدواج کرده بودند. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not too far from here. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not far from here. من می خواهم به شما برای کار بزرگ شما تشکر می کنم. I would like to thank you for your great job. I want to thank you for your big job. یک کاپیتان مسئول کشتی و خدمه آن است. A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew. A captain is responsible for the ship and its crew. تام باور نمی کند که مری خوشبخت است. Tom doesn't believe that Mary is happy. Tom doesn't believe Mary's happy. تام برای بیرون ماندن در تمام شب، ماری را سرزنش کرد. Tom chewed Mary out for staying out all night long. Tom blamed Mary for staying out all night. این را بیمه کن،لطفا. Insure it, please. Make this insurance, please. گل ها بوی خوبی می دهند. The flowers smell good. The flowers smell good. گربه خوب Good cat! Good cat. او وضعیت تأهل خود را کتمان کرد. He denied his marital status. He hid his condition. به وقتی واقعا اولین انسان بر مریخ پای بگذارد، زمان باقی است. Just when the first human beings will reach Mars remains to be seen. As soon as the first man actually steps on Mars, there's time left. آیا طولانی خواهد شد؟ Will it be much longer? Will it be long? بستنی دوست ندارم. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. در بهار طبیعت سبز می شود. In spring, nature gets green. In spring nature grows green. ازش خواسته شد در مورد شکستش توضیح بده. He was asked to account for his failure. He was asked to explain his defeat. نام او را به یاد نمی آورم. I can't remember her name. I don't remember his name. زمانی که تام به خانه ی ماری رسید، ساعت نزدیک 2:30 بود. It was close to 2:30 by the time Tom reached Mary's house. When Tom arrived at Mary's house, it was around 2:30. آی میخواهی در ژاپن بیام تو را ببنم؟ Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? do you want me to come see you in Japan? ماری می تواند خوب برقصد. Mary can dance well. Mary can go well. در روز سال نو چه خواهی کرد؟ What will you do on New Year's Day? What will you do on New Year's Day? پسر روی یک صندلی نشست. The boy sat on a chair. The boy's sitting in a chair. من مدرسه را دوست ندارم. I don't like school. I don't like school. من می توانم به اسپرانتو به خوبی زبان مادری ام حرف بزنم. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can speak Esperanto as well as my native language. هنوز نمی‌خواهم که این خبر علنی شود. I don't want this news to be made public yet. I don't want this to happen yet. من اتوبوس را از دست دادم. I missed the bus. I lost the bus. چرا همه چیز خراب پیش می رود؟ Why is everything going wrong? Why does everything go wrong? بهت نگفتم آشغال‌ها را ببری بیرون؟ Didn't I tell you to take out the garbage? Didn't I tell you to take the trash out? چرا این دختران بسیار بدجنس هستند؟ Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? چیزی برای زمان نداری نگه دار. Save up something for a rainy day. You don't have time. Hold on. منطق تو را از الف به ب خواهد برد. خیال تو را به همه جا خواهد برد. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. The logic will take you from A to B. The imagination will take you everywhere. او کور، کَر و لال بود. She was blind, deaf, and mute. He was blind, deaf and dumb. آیا کسی فرانسوی می‌داند؟ Does anyone know French? Does anyone know French? اکنون زمان پیش بینی هواست. Now it's time for the weather forecast. Now is the time to predict the air. اگر مردها گرگ هستند پس زنها نیز شیطان هستند. If men are wolves then women are devils. If men are wolves, then women are evil. تام تصمیم به اساس کشی به اقامتگاه ماری گرفت. Tom decided to mosey on over to Mary's place. Tom decided to move to Mary's residence. تا جایی که می دونم هنوز نرفته To the best of my knowledge, she hasn't left yet. She hasn't gone as far as I know. یک تصویر به اندازهٔ هزار کلمه می‌ارزد. A picture is worth a thousand words. An image strikes as much as a thousand words. این لباس ها واسه یه روز سرد زمستانی مناسب نیست. These clothes are not appropriate for a cold winter day. These clothes aren't good for a cold winter day. بیایید کلیشه ای صحبت نکنیم. Let's break stereotypes! Let's not talk at all. من عربى دوست دارم. I love Arabic. I like Arabic. بهای صلح چیست؟ What is the price of peace? What is the price of peace? کتاب رو ازش پس گرفتم. I got the book back from him. I took the book back from him. کار و شغل تو باید قبل از خانواده ات قرار گیرد. Your family should come before your career. Your job must be completed before your family. در آشپزخانه آب می نوشم. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. تام تنها کسی بود که تا آن زمان موفّق به فرار از آن زندان شده بود. Tom was the only person to have ever managed to escape from that prison. Tom was the only one who had been imprisoned until then. حقوق آب، شاخه ای از حقوق است که به مالکیت، کنترل و بهره برداری از آب بعنوان یک منبع می پردازد. Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. Water rights are a branch of rights that gives property, control and use of water as a source. جشن و سرور ازدواج سه روز کامل ادامه پیدا کرد. The marriage feast continued for three whole days. The wedding server went on for three days. هدف،آتش! Aim. Fire! Target, fire! آن به من ربطی ندارد It's not my business. It's none of my business. ما کمک خواهیم کرد. We'll help. We'll help. کدام یک از آن کتاب ها را به تام دادی؟ Which one of those books did you give to Tom? Which one of those books did you give to Tom? او جاز را دوست دارد، من هم همینطور. She likes jazz, and I do, too. He likes jazz, so do I. چرا ما مجبوریم به تام کمک کنیم؟ Why do we have to help Tom? Why do we have to help Tom? حق کاملاً با شماست. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. آقای کوییزومی به عنوان نخست‌وزیر جانشین آقای موری شد. Mr Koizumi succeeded Mr Mori as prime minister. Mr. Quizmi became Prime Minister of Mr. Murray. تو از ایران هستی. You're from Iran. You're from Iran. آنها با این مطلب کنار نخواهند آمد وقتی که متوجه موضوع بشوند They won't put up with this, when they find out. they won't deal with it when they find out ممکن است هفته دیگر یخ بندان باشد. It may freeze next week. It may be frozen next week. چرا تام اجازه نمی دهد از ماشین اش استفاده کنی؟ Why won't Tom let you use his car? Why won't Tom let you use his car? روباه بوی گندش را زودتر از دیگران استشمام می‌کند. A fox smells its own stink first. Fox smells worse than others. هر وقت کارها مطابق میل تام پیش نمی رفت مثل راننده کامیون ها از الفاظ رکیک استفاده می کرد. Tom tended to curse like a trucker whenever things didn't go his way. Every time things didn't go according to Tom's will, the truck driver used to use a radio. چطور نام مرا میدانی؟ How do you know my name? How do you know my name? هنگامی که زمان رأی دادن بود، او از از رأی دادن خودداری کرد. When it was time to vote, he abstained. When it was time to vote, he refused to vote. که نباشد محرم عنقا مگس. The eagle does not catch flies. That doesn't belong to the fly. بستگی به شرایط دارد. It depends on the context. It depends on the situation. او قصد دارد برای تحصیل در زمینه مد به نیویورک برود. She's intent on going to New York to study fashion. He is going to go to New York to study fashion. اثبات ندارند. They don't have proof. They don't prove it. یک جورایی خوشحالم. I'm kind of happy. I'm kind of happy. همه دندانهای او سالم بودند. All his teeth were sound. All his teeth were healthy. دقیقاً چه می‌خواهی بگویی؟ What exactly are you saying? What exactly are you going to say? خفشو و برو پی کارت ! Just shut up and get on with your work! Shut up and get out of here! یک دفعه همه چیز سیاه شد و من بی هوش شدم. Suddenly everything went black and I lost consciousness. Suddenly everything went black and I passed out. من شکلات دوست دارم. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. این کتاب مال چه کسیه؟ Whose book is this? Whose book is this? سال قبل کمتر از پنجاه فیلم ندیدم. Last year I watched no less than fifty films. I didn't see less than 50 movies last year. چند مدت ما اینجا توقف می کنیم؟ How long do we stop here? How long are we stopping here? دو روزه این آهنگ تو مغزم گیر کرده! I've had this song stuck in my head for two days! I've been stuck in my head for two days! میخواهم این ژاکت را بخرم. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. من در این موضوع با تو موافق نیستم. I can't agree with you on this matter. I don't agree with you on this. من شما را از ته قلبم دوست دارم. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you from the bottom of my heart. لباس هایم خیس شده بودند برای همین آنها را از تن بیرون کردم. My clothes get wet so I took off them. My clothes were wet, so I took them out. اسم سگ «کِن» است. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. حق کاملاً با شماست. You are completely right. You're absolutely right. هدف غایی ما برقراری صلح جهانی است. Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace. Our goal is to establish world peace. میگو به دسته ی حیوانات دریایی تعلق دارد. Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals. Migo belongs to a group of sea animals. کارگران به کارشان می بالند. The workers took pride in their work. Workmen work for London. نميتوانم چیزی را بخاطر بیاورم I can't remember anything. i can't remember anything. تام عکس روی دیوار رو ورداشت و یکی دیگه جاش گذاشت. Tom took off the picture on the wall and hung another there. Tom took the picture on the wall and left another one behind. من مطالعه دربارهٔ گیاهان خوراکی که بومی محلتان هستند را توصیه می‌کنم. I recommend learning about edible plants that are native to your area. I recommend studying food plants that are native to your place. تام خیلی ترسیده بود. Tom was very scared. Tom was so scared. من نمی دانم درجنگ جهانی سوم چه اسلحه هایی بکار می رود اما می دانم که در جنگ جهانی چهارم سلاح های جنگ چوب و سنگ خواهد بود I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what weapons they're using in World War II, but I know that in World War II there will be weapons of wood and stone. برای او غیر ممکن است که آن را تا یک ساعت دیگر تمام کند. It is impossible for him to finish it in an hour. It's impossible for him to finish it in an hour. تام چشم‌هایش را بست و یک آرزو کرد. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. پرنده ها شاخص های محیط زیست هستند. اگر آنها با معضل مواجه شوند، می دانیم که ما نیز به زودی معضل خواهیم داشت. Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble. Birds are environmental indicators. If they're face to face, we know we're going to have a problem soon. فکر کنم که سویت شرت قرمز را بپوشم. I think I'll wear this red sweater. I think I'll wear a red shirt on you. " در این غار چه می گذرد؟ من کنجکاو هستم." "من هیچ حدسی نمی زنم." "What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What's going on in this cave?" I'm curious. "I don't guess anything." روم در ونیس جنگ اعلام کرد. Rome has declared war on Venice. Rome declared war in Venice. می‌توانی هتل‌های دیگری پیشنهاد کنی؟ Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you suggest other hotels? خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو. Do in Rome as the Romans do. You shall not be ashamed of the same color of the congregation. من در مقابل همه چیز غیر از وسوسه می‌توانم مقاومت کنم. I can resist everything but temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. یلدا طولانی ترین شب سال در تقویم خورشیدی است. Yalda is the longest night of the year in the solar/Jalali calendar. It is the longest night of the year in the solar calendar. موز زرد است. Bananas are yellow. It's yellow. آن دکتر به او نصیحت کرد کشیدن سیگار را ترک کند. That doctor advised him to quit smoking. The doctor advised him to leave smoking. من کت پوشیدم، اما بدون کراوات. I wear a suit, but not a tie. I'm wearing a coat, but no tie. او دستش به منظور خداحافظی با ما تکان داد. He waved goodbye to us. He waved his hand to say goodbye to us. نخود و هویج از افزودنی‌های متداول سوپ هستند. Peas and carrots are common ingredients in soups. It is the most common of the soup to be added to. همچنان تنهایم. I am still alone. We're still alone. توم مری را ملاقات کرد برای ناهار. Tom met Mary for lunch. Tom met Mary for lunch. تمام شب تو جام وول می خوردم. I was tossing and turning all the night. I've been drinking in the Cup all night. آنها به من خیانت کردند. They betrayed me. They betrayed me. دوباره برایت توضیح نمی‌دهم. I'm not going to explain it to you again. I won't explain it to you again. پدرم به چین می‌رود. My father is going to China. My father goes to China. او به ریاست منصوب شد. He was appointed chairman. He was appointed president. او از بدرفتاری اش شرمنده نیست. He is not ashamed of his misconduct. He's not ashamed of his abuse. من نمی‌توانم به خوبیِ ماری آواز بخوانم. I can't sing as well as Mary did. I can't sing as well as Mary. تام کسی است که به من گفت چه کار کنم. Tom is the one who told me what to do. Tom's the one who told me what to do. سلام حالت چطوره؟ Hello, how are you doing? Hi. How are you? تو پسر نیستی. You're not a boy. You're not a boy. بیش از اندازه کیک نخور. Don't eat too much cake. Don't eat too much cake. من به دلایلی از تام متنفرم. I hate Tom because reasons. I hate Tom for some reason. دو دو تا چهار تا. Twice two is four. Two, two, four. من هنوز می‌خواهم بروم. I still want to go. I still want to go. لباس ابریشمی در نور برق می‌زند. The silk dress shimmers in the light. The silk dress shines in the light. آب روی جاده فقط یک سراب بود. The water on the road was just a mirage. Water on the road was just a mirage. آیا اسکواش بازی میکنی؟ Do you play squash? Do you play Squish? حقیقت تا چکمه‌هایش را بپوشد، دروغ نیمی از جهان را دور زده است. A lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on. The truth to cover his boots, lies around half the world. او به جای من رفت. He went in place of me. He went for me. چهار دیواری، اختیاری. Our house, our rules. Four walls, free will. تام فقط به پول فکر می کند. Tom only thinks about money. Tom's just thinking about money. این چه رنگیه؟ What color is this? What color is this? او غالباً نظرش را تغییر می دهد. She often changes her mind. He often changes his mind. تام مودبانه تظاهر کرد که متوجه گریه کردن مری نشده است. Tom politely pretended not to notice that Mary had been crying. Tom acted politely that he didn't notice Mary crying. او وجود ندارد. He doesn't exist. He doesn't exist. تام دوباره درب را بررسی کرد تا مطمئن شود قفل است. Tom double-checked his door to make sure it was locked. Tom checked the door again to make sure it was locked. آن قدر که باید به طبیعت احترام نمی‌گذاریم. We do not respect the environment as much as we should. We don't respect nature as much as we should. ماشاءا..، ای والله، خیلی عالی! Congratulations! Masha, come on, that's great! این چهارپایه از چرم و چوب درست شده است. This stool is made up of leather and wood. These four bases are made of leather and wood. می‌توانید به زبان انگلیسی منظورتان را بفهمانید؟ Can you make yourself understood in English? Can you understand what you mean in English? این روزا دستشویی و حمام یکیه. Nowadays toilet and bathroom is one piece. It's the same bathroom and bathroom these days. سلام، حالت چه طوره؟ Hi. How are you? Hey, how are you? کتابی را که بر روی آن میز قرار دارد بردار. Take the book which is lying on that table. Pick up the book on the table. من همین بیرون منتظر می مونم. I'll wait right outside. I'll wait outside. من هیچ برادری ندارم. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any brothers. تابستان در کشور من زود آغاز می شود. Summer begins early in my country. Summer starts early in my country. او با پدرش کلنجار می رود. She is in conflict with her father. She's dealing with her father. آن کلمه چه معنایی دارد؟ What does that word mean? What does that word mean? من این را هفته پیش خریدم. I bought it last week. I bought this last week. تام نمی خواهد که تو حقیقت را بفهمی. Tom doesn't want you to discover the truth. Tom doesn't want you to understand the truth. پاکستان یک کشور اسلامی است. Pakistan is a Muslim country. Pakistan is an Islamic country. من خوبم. تو خوبی؟ I'm good, how 'bout you? I'm fine, you okay? تام داره بدجنس میشه. Tom's being mean. Tom's getting mean. تام به این موضوع علاقه مند نیست. Tom isn't interested. Tom's not interested in this. او از مادر پیرش مراقبت می کند. She takes care of her old mother. She takes care of her old mother. باید پیدایشان کنیم. We must find them. We need to start. تمام تان به من خیانت کردید. All of you betrayed me. You betrayed me all of you. این تنها اشتباه او بود. This was her only mistake. It was his only mistake. ببخشید، شما انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟ - بعله. یکم. "Excuse me, do you speak English?" "Yes. A little." Excuse me, do you speak English? به هیچ وجه. No way. Not at all. آشناهای حرفه‌ای من این شماره را می‌دانند. My business acquaintances know this number. My professional contacts know this number. اسب را نمی‌خواهم. I don't want the horse. I don't want horses. در زبان‌شناسی، فرضیه‌ی ساپیر-ورف می‌گوید که برخی افکار یک فرد در یک زبان برای افرادی که در زبان دیگری زندگی می‌کنند، قابل فهم نیست. In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language. In languageology, Saier-Worof's theory says that some of the thoughts of a person in one language cannot be understood for people who live in another language. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردم. I accused him of having stolen the bike. I paid attention to stealing my bike. من به آنها اعتماد کردم. I trusted them. I trusted them. او در آن زمینه پیشاهنگ بود. She was a pioneer in this field. He was in that field. اشتباهی در این جمله هست. There is a mistake in this sentence. There's a mistake. آخرین انتخابات چنان رقابتی شدیدی بود که بسیاری از وزرای سابق در آن شکست خوردند. The last election was such a hot contest that several ex-ministers lost. The last election was so intense that many former ministers were defeated. تام شراب قرمز را ریخت روی لباس سفید مری. Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress. Tom put red wine on Mary's white dress. ما پرواز 308 رو رزرو کردیم. We're booked on flight 308. We booked flight 308. ما به نوبت اتاق را تمیز مى کنیم We took turns cleaning the room. We'll clean the room in turn. سالها گذشته است. Years passed. It's been years. این دیدار بسیار طولانی بود. It was a very long meeting. This was a very long visit. تا به رودخانه نرسیده‌اید کفشتان را در نیاورید. Don't undo your bootlaces until you have seen the river. Don't take off your shoes until you reach the river. هر جا که بروی، من دنبالت می آیم. Wherever you go, I will follow. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. نیم‌طبیب خطر جان، نیم‌فقیه خطر ایمان. A half-doctor kills you and a half-religious scholar kills your belief. The danger of life, the danger of faith. کیفت بر روی میز من است. Your bag is on my desk. Your bag's on my desk. از توضیحات تان ممنونم. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for your description. این جعبه خالی است. هیچ چیز درون آن نیست. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty. There's nothing inside it. من در مقابل هر چیزی می‌توانم مقاومت کنم غیر از وسوسه. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. در آگوست 1990، عراق به کویت حمله کرد. In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. In August 1990, Iraq attacked Covit. هر که طاووس خواهد جور هندوستان کشد. He who wants a peacock must accept the difficulties of Hindustan. Anyone who wants to go to India. هر که تنهاست، تنهاست چون از دیگران می ترسد. Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others. Everyone alone is alone because he's afraid of others. من خوبم ، ممنون. I am doing well, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. بنظر میرسه کسی خونه نیست. Looks like no one's home. Looks like nobody's home. باید منتظر بمانید You'll have to wait. You have to wait. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردیم. We accused him of having stolen the bike. We've been trying to steal the bike. بدون کاه نمی‌توانید خشت بسازید. You cannot make bricks without straw. You cannot build diamonds without straw. صدای ترافیک بسیار گوش خراش است. Traffic noise is very harsh to the ear. It's a very earsy traffic sound. اگر قرار بود فردا باران ببارد، مسابقه به تعویق می‌افتاد. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed. If it was to rain tomorrow, the race would be delayed. عادت دارم که قبل از صبحانه برم قدم بزنم. It's my custom to go for a walk before breakfast. I used to go for a walk before breakfast. به این سؤال پاسخ بده. Answer the question. Answer that question. آب که از سر گذشت چه یک وجب چه صد وجب A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. The water's gone. A couple hundred or so. خریدن بهتر از به عاریت گرفتن است. Better buy than borrow. Buying is better than getting free. دفتر تلفنم کجاست؟ Where's my phone book? Where's my phone book? تام وحشت‌زده بود. Tom was terrified. Tom was terrified. ژاپن از آنچه که بیست سال پیش بود، بسیار تفاوت دارد. Japan is now very different from what it was twenty years ago. Japan is very different than it was 20 years ago. پیشنهاد جالبی است. راجع به آن فکر خواهم کرد. That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it. It's an interesting idea. I'll think about it. متهم مشخص می شود قبل از آنکه دادگاه تشکیل شود. The accused is to appear before the court on Friday. The defendant is determined before the court is established. هیچکس کامل نیست. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. مار گزیده از ریسمان سیاه و سفید می‌ترسد. A burnt child fears the fire. The chosen serpent is afraid of the black and white rope. این شماره چک من است. This is my check number. This is my check number. تو نصف هوشی هم که فکر می کنی رو نداری. You're not half as clever as you think you are. You don't have half the intelligence you think you are. این را می خواهی کجا بفروشی؟ Where do you want to sell this? where are you going to sell this? خوشحالم که توانستم شما را عمیقاً بشناسم. I'm glad to have met you. I'm glad I got to know you deeply. باید آن را محرمانه نگه می‌داشتید. You should have kept that a secret. You should have kept it confidential. آیا این یک خیالست؟ Is this a dream? Is this a dream? یک مرد از روی افرادی که با آنها معاشرت می‌کند شناخته می‌شود. A man is known by the company he keeps. A man is known by people who associate with them. مردم دلواپس ابدیتی که بعد از مرگش می‌آید خیلی بیشتر از آنکه قبل از تولدش آمده‌بود هستند. اما مبلغ ابدیت برابر است و از آنجا که ایستاده‌ایم به هر سو می‌گسترد. People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand. People are more concerned about eternity coming after they died than they were before they were born, but the cost of eternity is equal, and since we're standing around. زن زیبا نیست. The woman is not beautiful. She's not a beautiful woman. سیل ۱۳۴۲ بزرگترین سیلاب در تاریخ اروپای مرکزی بود. The flood of 1342 was the biggest deluge in the history of central Europe. The flood 132 was the largest flood in Central Europe. به نظر می رسد که تام دل تمام دخترها را برده است. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. It seems Tom has taken all the girls. سوال را جواب بدهید. Answer the question. Answer the question. کلمه عبور موریل است. The password is "Muiriel". The word's pass is Muriel. دستگیرش کن. Grab him. Arrest him. من با نویسنده آشنا هستم. I am acquainted with the author. I'm familiar with the author. چرا تام این جا نیست؟ Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? من دوست دارم سوپ های داغ بخورم. I like to have hot soups. I like to have hot soup. آنها به چشم‌انداز شرکت خوشبین بودند. They were sanguine about the company's prospects. They were in the view of the company's company. تا زمانی که با خود، سازش نکرده ای، هرگز نسبت به آنچه که داری، راضی نخواهی شد. Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have. Until you compromise with yourself, you will never be satisfied with what you have. خونریزی بند نمی آید. It won't stop bleeding. It doesn't stop bleeding. تو مردی را که از خانه اش چند لحظه پیش گذشتیم، می شناسی؟ Do you know the man whose house we have just passed? do you know the man we left his house a while ago? تام و ماری طی دورانی که باهم سپری می کردند، شروع به بهتر شناختن هم کردند. As Tom and Mary spent time together, they began to get to know each other better. Tom and Mary began to get to know each other better during their time together. برادر کوچک من تلویزیون تماشا می‌کند. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. می توانی وقتی من در سفر هستم از سگم مراقبت کنی؟ Can you watch my dog while I’m away? can you take care of my dog while i'm on a journey? ملحدان سزای خود را در روز رستاخیز خواهند دید. Atheists will get their comeuppance on Judgment Day. The wise shall see their judgment on the Day of Resurrection. من از برنامه ی فایرفاکس استفاده می کنم. I use Firefox. I'm using the fax program. خونسرد باش. Be cool. Calm down. وقتی که من بچه بودم، تام بهترین دوست من بود. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. When I was a kid, Tom was my best friend. آیا چیزی برای نوشیدن می خواهی؟ Would you like something to drink? Do you want something to drink? تام واقعاً خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom seems really happy. Tom looks really happy. ببخشید فرصت نشد بعد از جلسه با شما صحبت کنم. Sorry I didn't have a chance to talk with you after the meeting. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the meeting. دوران ناگوار، روش های ناگوار می طلبند. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Bad times, they want bad methods. اینجا هیچ چیزی نمی‌بینم. I don't see anything there. I don't see anything here. آن در اخبار بود. That was on the news. It was on the news. آن یک مدل منسوخ شده است. That's an obsolete model. It's an extinct model. بگذار با اتوبوس برویم. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. برای او بدون عینک دیدن مشکل است. It is hard for him to see without glasses. It's hard for him to see without glasses. لیلا سرقت از یک بانک را برنامه‌ریزی کرد. Layla planned to rob a bank. She planned to rob a bank. اگر بیشتر وقت داشتم، یک نامهٔ کوتاه‌تر نوشته بودم. If I'd had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter. If I had more time, I'd write a shorter letter. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A jack of all trades is master of none. It's all work and nothing. مری خواهری بزرگ تر و برادری کوچک تر دارد. Mary has an older sister and a younger brother. Mary has a older sister and a younger brother. زندگی مثل دوچرخه سواری است. برای حفظ تعادل باید در حرکت باشید. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Life is like riding a bike. To maintain balance, you have to move. حتی اکنون، سالها بعد از جنگ سرد، هنوز کینهٔ بسیاری بین روسها و آلمانی‌ها، خصوصاً در مناطقی که زمانی تحت اشغال اتحاد جماهیر شوروی بود، وجود دارد. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union. Even now, years after the Cold War, there is still a lot of hatred between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas where the Soviet Union was once occupied by the Soviet Union. شماره تلفنت چیست؟ What is your phone number? What's your phone number? اتفاق بدی برای تام افتاد. Something bad happened to Tom. Something bad happened to Tom. امروز من خیلی کار دارم. I'm very busy today. I've got a lot of work to do today. او کمی کند است، وگرنه شاگرد خوبی است. He is a little slow, but otherwise he is a good student. He's a little slow, or he's a good student. او در یک خانه بزرگ زندگی می کند. He lives in an enormous house. He lives in a big house. تمساح از گونه های تحت حمایت است. The crocodile is a protected species. It is one of the most powerful species in the world. او در مورد امنیت شما نگران است. She's worried about your safety. He's worried about your safety. خسارت وارد شده است. The damage has been done. The damage has been damaged. این را به صورت‌حسابم اضافه کن. Add this to my bill. Add this to my account. زمستان‌های آلمان از ایتالیا سردتر است. German winters are colder than Italian ones. The winters of Germany are colder than Italy. هیچ چیزی به آن سادگی که به نظر می‌رسد، نیست. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as simple as it seems. من این داستان را شنیده‌ام. I have heard this story. I've heard this story. او روز به روز زیباتر می شود. She gets prettier day by day. He gets more beautiful day after day. چشم‌هایش را بست و یک آرزو کرد. She closed her eyes and made a wish. And covered his eyes and he made a wish. این کتاب حاوی چهل عکس است. This book contains forty photographs. This book contains 40 photos. من از خواهر بیمارم مراقبت کردم. I took care of my sick sister. I took care of my sick sister. این به من ایده ای کلّی داد. That gave me a rough idea. This gave me a big idea. یک چهارم انتشار دی اکسید کربن در جهان از ایالات متحده آمریکا است. سرانه انتشار گاز آن نیز بالاترین در جهان است. One fourth of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from the United States. Its per-capita emissions are also the highest in the world. It is a quarter of CO2 released in the world from the United States. آیا خسته نیستی؟ Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردم. I accused her of having stolen the bike. I paid attention to stealing my bike. این دیگه چه کثافتیه؟ What kind of jerk is this? What the hell is this? خیلی خوشحالم که دوباره می‌بینمت. I'm so happy to see you again. It's so good to see you again. سگت خیلی گنده است Your dog is very big. Your dog's too big. تو نامه ای خواهی نوشت. You will write a letter. You'll write a letter. خواب های خوش ببینی! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! یخ‌های قطب شمال آب می‌شوند زیرا اقیانوس زیر یخ‌ها در حال گرم شدن است. The Arctic ice is shrinking because the ocean under the ice is warming. The ice of the North Pole melts because the ocean under the ice is warming. تام همیشه مطابق قانون بازی نمی کند. Tom doesn't always play by the rules. Tom doesn't always play according to the law. ترجیح می دهم به جای ماندن در خانه بیرون بروم. I prefer going out to staying home. I'd rather go out instead of staying at home. ورزشکاران معمولاً از استعمال دخانیات اجتناب می‌کنند. Athletes usually abstain from smoking. The athletes usually avoid smoking. این یک کتاب تعبیر خواب است. This is a dream dictionary. This is a book of dream interpretation. مرجان گربه را گرفت. Marjane caught the cat. coral took the cat. تو هیچگاه برای چیزهای مهم وقت نداری! You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things! آیا نیاز به عمل دارم؟ Do I need an operation? Do I need surgery? تلاش های تام ارج نهاده شده اند. Tom's efforts have been rewarded. Tom's efforts have been preferred. قانون شماره سه را فراموش نکن. Don't forget rule number three. Don't forget rule number three. او به خودش در آینه نگاه می کرد. He was looking at himself in the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror. چین بزرگتر از ژاپن است. China is larger than Japan. China is larger than Japan. ما برای یافتن پسربجه و دوچرخه اش که گم شده بود، جستجو کردیم. We looked for the boy and his bicycle that had disappeared. We searched for the boy and his bike that was missing. نقشه جدید قابل اجرا محسوب شد. The new plan was accounted practicable. The new plan was performed. خیلی متشکرم. Thanks a lot! Thank you very much. این مرد خیلی خیلی پیر است. This man is very, very old. This man is very, very old. نزدیک ساعت سه است. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost 3:00. مشکلی نظیر این را تصور کنید: فرض کنید اتومبیل برادرتان تصادف کرده است Imagine a problem such as this: Suppose your brother has a car accident. Imagine a problem like this: Suppose your brother's car had an accident در دنور مردم ترجیح می دهند بلاس های راحت بپوشند چون خیلی اهل گشت و گذار هستند. In Denver people tend to dress casually because it's the people are outdoorsy. In Denver, people prefer to wear comfortable bass because they're a lot of patrols. من او را وادار به آمدن می کنم. I am persuading him to come. I'll force him to come. من دوست دارم موسیقی گوش کنم. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. به نظر میرسد مگ از لباس جدیدیش راضی است. Meg looks pleased with her new dress. Meg seems pleased with his new dress. در حال حاضر قصد دارم در هتل بمانم. For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel. I'm going to stay at the hotel right now. آنها کویر را در جستجوی گنج کاوش کردند. They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure. They searched Core for treasure. روز به خیر Good day! Good day. مدت زیادی است که من او را می شناسم. I've known him for a long time. I've known him for a long time. عمو باب ما را برای نهار دعوت کرد. Uncle Bob invited us to have dinner. Uncle Bob invited us to lunch. ما به توافق رسیدیم. We agree. We've made an agreement. بفرمایید این مجله برای شماست تا در هواپیما مطالعه کنید. Here's a magazine for you to read in the plane. Here's the magazine for you to study on the plane. پیتر و لخ نیز دوستان خوبی هستند. Also Piotr and Lech are good friends. Peter and Lech are also good friends. او معمولا اینجا صبحانه میخورد. He often eats breakfast here. He used to eat breakfast here. او مدعی بود که او یک وکیل است. He pretended that he was a lawyer. He claimed he was a lawyer. آه! برف! Ah! Snow! Snow! آهنگ برنامه تلویزیونی مورد علاقه ات چیست؟ What's your favorite TV show theme song? What's your favorite show? ساعت چند است. What time is it? What time is it? چرا مشغول کار نیستی؟ Why aren't you working? Why aren't you working? نظرسنجی نشان می‌دهد که اکثریت قاطع طرفدار این قانون هستند. A poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation. The poll shows that the majority of them are a fan of the law. او اغلب بر صفحه ی تلویزیون ظاهر می شود. He often appears on TV. He often appears on TV. اگر در سه روز آینده پاسخ تام به دستمان نرسد، به نظرم باید دوباره برایش نامه بنویسیم. If we don't receive Tom's reply within the next three days, I think we should write him again. If we don't get Tom's answer in the next three days, I think we should write him back. تام مدت کوتاهی در بوستون ماند. Tom stayed in Boston for a short while. Tom stayed in Boston for a while. به من زنگ بزن! Call me! Call me! من ترجیح می‌دهم دعوا را به تو ببازم تا اینکه تو را در دعوا ببازم. I'd rather lose an argument to you than lose you to an argument. I'd rather lose the fight than lose you in a fight. قلبت می زند،زنده وتپنده. Your heart's beating, alive and beating. Your heart is beating, alive and weak. قانون نوشته و نانوشته ای وجود دارد. قانونی که ما از طریق آن، نهادهای خود را در شهرهایمان قاعده مند می سازیم، قانون نوشته است، قانونی که از عرف ناشی می شود، قانون نانوشته است. There is a written and an unwritten law. The one by which we regulate our constitutions in our cities is the written law; that which arises from customs is the unwritten law. There's a written law. There's a law where we rule our institutions in our cities, the law is written, the law that comes from generality, the law is not written. امروز صبح به سگ غذا دادی؟ Did you feed the dog this morning? Did you feed the dog this morning? به حرف کسانی که فکر می‌کنید صداقت دارند، گوش کنید. Listen to those whom you think to be honest. Listen to people you think are honest. نصیحـت گوش کن جانا که از جان دوست‌تر دارند، جوانان سـعادتـمـند پـند پیر دانا را. Heed the advice of the wise, make your most endeared goal, The fortunate blessed youth, listen to the old wise soul. Listen to your advice, John, who likes more than John, young people are handsome, old and wise. او هرگز بیمار نبود. He was never sick. He was never sick. تام که زیاد راجع به دریانوردی نمی داند. می داند؟ Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about seafaring, does he? از تام بابت زمانی که گذاشت، تشکر کردم. I thanked Tom for his time. Thank Tom for the time he left. این یک اتلاف وقت محض است. It is a sheer waste of time. It's a waste of time. آن پسر بچه با چشمانی باز به آن فیل بزرگ خیره شد. The little boy gazed at the huge elephant, eyes wide open. The boy looked at that big elephant with his eyes open. می‌خواهم به تهران بروم. I want to go to Tehran. I want to go to Tehran. نا برده رنج، گنج میسر نمی‌شود. No sweet without sweat. No slave, no treasure can be found. تو کتاب ها را امانت می گیری. You borrow books. You'll take the books. آیا تام موهایش را رنگ می کند؟ Does Tom dye his hair? Does Tom paint his hair? تهران کجاست؟ Where is Tehran? Where's Tehran? تلفن الان درست نیست. The telephone is now out of order. The phone isn't right right now. چشم‌انتظار دیدار مجدد شما هستم. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I'm looking forward to your reunion. امتحان شامل ریاضیات، فیزیک و شیمی بود. The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry. The test included mathematics, physics and chemistry. می‌توانی از بقالی برایم مقداری نمک بخری؟ Will you get me some salt at the grocer's? Can you buy me some salt from survival? این‌جا کجاست؟ Where is this place? Where is this place? از زمانی که او در آشپزخانه افتاد، عقل سالم نداشته است. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she hasn't been all there. He hasn't had any sense since he fell into the kitchen. قصد کردم رسما شکایت کنم. I intend to file a formal complaint. I intended to file a formal complaint. قدیمیترین ابزار مراقبت از مو، شانه ای است که بیش از 5000 سال پیش، در ایران (پرشیا) اختراع شده بود. The oldest haircare tool is the comb, invented more than 5000 years ago in Persia. The oldest tool of hair care is a shoulder invented in Iran over 5,000 years ago. او سه روز پیش از اینجا رفت. He left three days ago. He left three days ago. دری که غژغژ می‌کند عمرش بیشتر است. A creaking door hangs longest. The door that complains is longer than his life. او در معرض خشم بود. He was prone to anger. He was exposed to anger. نیازی به عجله نیست. ما زمان زیادی داریم. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. اینکه جنایت رو به افزایش است،نمی تواند انکار شود. It cannot be denied that crime is on the increase. The increase in crime can't be denied. ترجیح می‌دهم جملات سابق را ترجمه کنم تا این که جملات جدید اضافه کنم. I prefer translating old sentences to adding new ones. I'd rather translate the previous words than add new words. هیچکس معصوم نیست. Nobody's infallible. Nobody's innocent. هر وقت که بخواهی. Anytime you want. Whenever you want. از سه تای دیگه کمتر خجالتی تره She seems the least shy of the three. It's less shy than three others. این فروشگاه به خاطر تحمیل قیمت‌های بالا بدنام است. The store is notorious for charging high prices. The store is known for the burden of high prices. تنها وظیفهٔ شما حفظ رؤیاهایتان است. Your only duty is to save your dreams. Your only duty is to keep your dreams. در صورت امکان، مایلم پاسخی دریافت کنم. If possible, I'd like to receive an answer. If possible, I would like to receive an answer. بیش از حد به مردم اعتماد می کنی You trust people too much. You trust people too much. شاید برای او هم دقیقا همین طور است. Maybe it will be exactly the same for him. Maybe it's exactly the same for him. شما قبلاً مزد گرفتید. You already paid. You've already been paid. من خیلی وقت پیش پاریس بودم. I visited Paris a long time ago. I was in Paris a long time ago. اول شما را نادیده می‌گیرند، بعد به شما می‌خندند، بعد با شما می‌جنگند، و بعد شما پیروز می‌شوید. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win. می توانم الان استراحت کنم؟ Can I take a break now? Can I rest now? بعضی از رانندگان رفتار چهارپا سواری نسبت به قوانین جاده دارند. Many drivers have a cavalier attitude towards the rules of the road. Some drivers have four ways of riding against road rules. لطفاً یک کیلو سینه مرغ به من بدهید؟ Can I get a kilo of chicken breast please? Please give me a pound of chicken tits? رستوران شیکی نیست. This is a low end restaurant. It's not a fancy restaurant. اپیکور نوشته است: من از مرگ نمی ترسم. زمانی که مرگ باشد، من نیستم، زمانی که من هستم، مرگ نیست. Epicure used to write: "I do not fear death. When it is death, I am not, when I am, it is not death." Efnoor wrote: I'm not afraid of death. When it's death, I'm not me, when I am, it's not death. پدر من مهندس الکترونیک است. My father is an electric engineer. My father is an electronic engineer. حیرت آورست! Wonderful! It's amazing! بچه های گربه با مزه اند. The cat's kittens are cute. Cats are funny. همه کاری که آن مرد می توانست انجام دهد، اطاعت کردن از آنها بود. All the man could do was obey them. All that man could do was obey them. چهره او قرمز بود. Her face was red. His face was red. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. He has a large family. He has a great family. انزوا استقلال است. Solitude is independence. It's independence. ناراحت نمی شوی اگر که سیگار بکشم؟ Do you mind if I smoke? Do you mind if I smoke? تام نمی خواست ماری را به خاطر جرمی که مرتکب نشده بود در زندان ببیند. Tom didn't want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn't commit. Tom didn't want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn't commit. او به سوء رفتار افرادش پی برد. He detected his men's misconduct. He found out about his people's abuse. مواظب باش که سرما نخوری. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful you don't get cold. پلیس از دختران پرسید که آیا ماشین مال آنهاست. A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs. The police asked the girls if the car was theirs. خسته نیستی؟ Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? او همه انرژی خود را معطوف به کارش کرده است. He directed all his energy to his business. He's focused all his energy on his work. زبان چینی شما الان هم عالی است. Your Chinese is awesome already. Your Chinese language is great now. ما درخواست عدالت داریم. We demand justice. We demand justice. دیروز، زمانی است که من یک ماشین خریدم. Yesterday is when I bought a car. Yesterday, that's when I bought a car. مراقب نباشی از پشت به تو خنجر خواهد زد. Be careful or he'll stab you in the back. Don't be careful. He'll stab you in the back. میلی کتاب دارد. Millie has a book. Milli has books. همینی است که هست. It is what it is. That's what it is. کمکی کرد؟ Did it help? Did it help? لغت پایه زبان است. Vocabulary is the basis of language. The word is the basic language. تو ساشیمی دوست نداری، دوست داری؟ You don't like sashimi, do you? You don't like sashi, do you? کار نه تنها به خاطر عواید اقتصادی مانند درآمد مهم است، بلکه به جهت نیازهای اجتماعی وروانی مانند احساس انجام کاری مثبت برای جامعه، نیز مهم است. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society. Work is not only important for economic interest such as income, but also for social and mental needs, such as feeling positive for society. ايجاد يک کارخانه فولاد، سرمايه‌گذاري بزرگي بود. Building the steel factory was a great enterprise. The creation of a steel factory was a huge investment. باید در مبارزه با گرم شدن کره‌ی زمین نقش فعال‌تری ایفا کنیم. We should play a more active role in combating global warming. We have to play a more active role in fighting the global warming. ما به ژاپنی حرف می‌زنیم. We speak Japanese. We're talking to Japanese. در حین نگاه کردن تلویزیون خوابم برد. I fell asleep watching TV. I fell asleep watching TV. خواهرت الان چه کار می کند؟ What is your sister doing now? What's your sister doing now? بهت نگفتم باید بیشتر درس می‌خواندی؟ Didn't I tell you that you needed to study harder? Didn't I tell you you should've studied more? این یک کتاب بسیار قدیمی است. This is a very old book. It's a very old book. او از مسئولیت سنگین خود رها شد. He was relieved of his heavy responsibility. He was released from his heavy responsibility. کدام را بیشتر دوست داری، پپسی یا کوکا؟ Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Which would you like more, Ppsy or Coke? پلیس ساعتها اقامتگاه تام را گشت، امّا آنها نتوانستند چیزی بیابند. The police spent hours searching Tom's place, but they couldn't find the murder weapon. The police searched Tom's residence for hours, but they couldn't find anything. او به پسر مدرسه ای اش افتخار می کند. She is proud of her students. He's proud of his school boy. چاق شدی. You've put on weight. You're fat. چشم راست او کور است. Her right eye is blind. His eye is blind. او مدام یک جک را چندین بار می گفت. He keeps telling the same jokes over and over again. He kept telling a joke several times. او سؤالش را تکرار کرد. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. شما متأهلید یا مجرد؟ Are you married or are you single? Are you married or single? سخت است. It's hard. It's hard. این جعبه از جوب است. This box is from Jobe. This box is from Job. این گل خوردنی است. That flower is edible. It's the flower. روزی دیدمش. One day I met him. I saw him one day. این کتاب کیه؟ Whose book is this? Who's this book? اواخر پاییز در اسکاتلند نسبتاً سرد است. Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold. It is relatively cold in Scotland in the late fall. هر اشتباه مرا قوی تر کرد. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake made me stronger. در را برای عشق بگشای. Open the door for love. Open the door for love. ما با چاشنی نمک طعم می دهیم. We season with salt. We're going to taste salt. تو واقعا خنگ درجه یکی You're really a number-one fool. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. دنبال اسم یک آهنگ می گردم. یکمش رو بخون. این جوریه دین دینگ دینگ "I'm looking for a song name." "How does it go?" "It goes like da dada da da." I'm looking for the name of a song. Read some of it. شما او را با آن توضیح تسکین نمی‌دهید. You won’t mollify him with that explanation. You don't comfort him with that explanation. دانش‌آموزان پایهٔ هفتم و دانش‌آموزان پایهٔ هشتم برنامه‌های کلاسی کاملاً متفاوتی دارند. The grade seven and the grade eight students both have completely separate timetables. The seventh-class students and the eighth-class students have a completely different class program. بیایید مسابقه ی بیست سئوالی بازی کنیم. Let's play twenty questions. Let's play 20 questions. من تقاضایت را می پذیرم. I agree to your proposal. I accept your request. تام در ربودنِ دخترِ مری شرکت داشت. Tom took part in the kidnapping of Mary's daughter. Tom was involved in the kidnapping of Mary's daughter. ازم خواست باهاش ازدواج کنم من نتونستم چیزی بگم (دهنم بسته شده بود) Asked to marry him, I was at a loss for words. He asked me to marry him. I couldn't say anything. بگیرش Take it. Take it. آنها دیوانه ی موسیقی جازند. They are crazy about jazz. They're crazy about music. لازم نیست به ماهی شنا کردن را یاد بدهی. Don't teach fish to swim. You don't have to teach fish to swim. این به من ربطی ندارد It's not my business. It's none of my business. من این چاپگر رادیروز خریدم. I bought this printer yesterday. I bought this Rudiday printer. من نتوانستم جلو خنده ام را به آن جوک بگیرم. I cannot help laughing at the joke. I couldn't stop laughing at that joke. او از بیت‌کوین برای خریدن موادّ مخدّر استفاده می‌کند. He uses bitcoins to purchase illicit drugs. He uses Bethlehem to buy drugs. سرنوشت ما به تصمیمات ما بستگی دارد. Our destiny depends on our decisions. Our destiny depends on our decisions. آنها در راهند. They are in the way. They're on their way. کی این دانشگاه تأسیس شده است؟ When was this university founded? When was this university founded? من در کهکشان آندرومدا زندگی می کنم. I live in the Andromeda Galaxy. I live in Antomeda galaxy. پارسال قتل‌های زیادی اتفاق افتاد. There were a lot of murders last year. A lot of murders happened last year. عشق مانند ماه است، هنگامی که رشد نکند، تقلیل می‌یابد. Love is like the moon; when it does not wax, it wanes. Love is like the moon, when it doesn't grow, it decreases. این کتابها بهترین دوستان من هستند. These books are my best friends. These books are my best friends. او تصور می کرد که به قدر کافی جذاب است. She thought of herself as charming enough. He thought he was hot enough. من هر روز صبح سگم را برای قدم زدن به پارک میبرم. I walk my dog in the park every morning. I take my dog to the park every morning for a walk. خواستن توانستن است. Where there's a will, there's a way. It's a desire to be able. آفتاب قرمز است. The sun is red. The sun is red. ما همهٔ اعمال خود را می‌بخشیم اما هیچ چیز از دیگران نمی‌بخشیم، We forgive ourselves everything and others nothing. We forgive all our works, but we forgive nothing of others. برنامه ای برای فردا شب داری؟ Do you have plans for tomorrow night? Do you have plans for tomorrow night? مصطفی کمال آتاتورک جمهوری ترک را در سال ۱۹۲۳ اعلان کرد. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. He announced that he was a member of the Republic of Turkey. هیچ پرنده ای مثل اون ندیدم. نه قبلش و نه بعدا. I've never seen a bird like that, before or since. I didn't see any birds like that, not before or later. این رادیو کار نمی کند. This radio is out of order. This radio doesn't work. عجله کن، تا به قطار برسی. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Hurry up, until you get to the train. او با مرد ملاقات کرد و بعد به خانه بازگشت، به زندگی روزمره عادی و خسته کننده اش. He greeted the man, and came back home, to his normal, boring routine. He met the man and then returned home to his normal, boring everyday life. تصمیم گرفت ماشین را بفروشد. He decided to sell the car. He decided to sell the car. لطفاً کفشهایت را در بیاور. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. من بسیار خوشحالم. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. تام دارد همسرش را می بوسد. Tom is kissing his wife. Tom's kissing his wife. اشتباهت را فهمیدی؟ Did you understand your mistake? did you find out your mistake? به من شجاعتت را نشان بده. Show me you're brave. Show me your courage. اکثر معبدهای ژاپنی از چوب ساخته شده‌اند. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. او نفس عمیقی کشید. She took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. چیزی در مورد تام میدانی؟ Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? بعد از نهار کمی استراحت کنید، بعد از شام یک کیلومتر راه بروید. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. Take some rest after lunch, walk a mile after dinner. تام هر روز برای ناهار سرزده به خانه‌ی ماری می آمد. Tom dropped by Mary's home every day for lunch. Tom came to Mary's house every day for lunch. حقیقت این است که مردم خوب هستند، به آنها مهربانی و امنیت اعطا کن؛ بعد آن ها مهربان خواهند بود و در احساسات و رفتارشان نیز ایمن خواهند شد. The fact is that people are good. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior. The truth is people are good, give them kindness and security; then they'll be kind and they'll be safe in their feelings and behavior. سایبریها دیدار با رهبری را میخواهند. Cyber activists want to meet with the Supreme Leader. The cybers want to meet with leadership. در زندگی اگر هیچگاه ریسک نکنی، همه چیز را ریسک کرده ای. In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything. In life, if you never risk anything, you risk everything. او تو را درک نمی کند. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. فکر کنم تام می آید. امّا دشوار می توان با اطمینان چنین گفت. I think Tom will come, but it's hard to say for sure. I think Tom's coming, but it's hard to say that with confidence. میلی سگ دارد. Millie has a dog. He's got a dog Milli. من نمی توانم پول خریدن یک ماشین جدید را جور کنم. I cannot afford to buy a new car. I can't afford to buy a new car. از کدامیک بیشتر خوشتان می‌آید، موسیقی راک یا موسیقی کلاسیک؟ Which do you like better, rock music or classical music? Which would you like better, rock music or classical music? هر چند که عبارت "صلح جهانی" جذاب به نظر می رسد، اما مسیر صلح جهانی بسیار طولانی و پر از مشکلات است. Although the phrase "world peace" sounds attractive, the road to world peace is very long and full of troubles. Although the term "world peace" seems attractive, the World Peace Way is very long and full of problems. او از من مقداری پول خواست. He asked me for some money. He asked me for some money. به من اعتماد کن. Confide in me. Trust me. از اینکه صدایت را بشنوم خوشحال می شوم. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. اوه! من این مرد را می شناسمم. Oh! I know the man. Oh, I know this man. این باکتری‌ها به گونه‌هایی جهش پیدا کرده‌اند که در برابر داروهای خاصّی مقاوم‌اند. These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs. These bacteria are mutations that are immune to certain medications. از یک کنار قدم بردار. Step aside. Step from one side. اگر برادر من آنجا بود، می دانست چه کار کند. If my brother would have been there, he would have known what to do. If my brother was there, he'd know what to do. می خواهم با تو بیایم. I want to go with you. I want to come with you. او به ایتالیا رفت به قصد خواندن موسیقی. He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. He went to Italy to sing music. پدرم به مدت یک سال بیکار بوده است. My father has been out of work for a year. My father's been unemployed for a year. میتونی اینو در یک روز انجام بدی Can you do it in one day? You can do this one day. آیا تو سازی موسیقیایی می نوازی؟ Do you play a musical instrument? Do you play music? موسیقی‌دانان معمولاً نسبت به انتقاد حساس هستند. Musicians are usually sensitive to criticism. Musicists are usually sensitive to criticism. حلقه نفرین شده است. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. ولتاژش چیست؟ What is the voltage? What's the charge? سرب به راحتی خم می شود. Lead is easily bent. The lead bends easily. من به هوکایدو می‌روم. I'm going to Hokkaido. I'm going to Hookio. کارم واقعا تمام شده است. The work is actually finished. I'm really done. من نمی توانم نام او را به خاطر آورم. I can't remember her name. I can't remember his name. او در آن زمینه پیشاهنگ بود. He was a pioneer in this field. He was in that field. اکنون کامپیوتر یک ضرورت مسلم است. A computer is an absolute necessity now. Now the computer is a certain necessity. بالاخره می تونم یک استراحتی بکنم. I can take a rest at last. I can finally take a break. او زودتر از همه در خانواده من از خواب بیدار می شود. She gets up the earliest in my family. He wakes up early in my family. هر بار که دوست داشته باشی می تونی بیایی. You can come as often as you like. You can come whenever you like. غذایم تقریبا سوخته بود وقتی که به آشپز خانه آمدم. My cooking had almost burnt by the time I came to the kitchen. My food was almost burned when I came to the kitchen. این حالا پیش لرزه بود لرزه اصلی هم میاد That was the P-wave just now. The S-wave is coming. It was an earthquake now. The main earthquake is coming. انتخابی وجود ندارد. There is no choice. No choice. اگر نتوانید با خودتان صلح کنید، چگونه می خواهید با دیگران صلح کنید؟ If you can't make peace with yourself, how are you going to make peace with anyone else? If you can't make peace with yourself, how do you want to make peace with others? چه کسی پیانو می نوازد؟ Who is playing the piano? Who plays piano? من خداناباور هستم. I'm an atheist. I'm unbelievable. او همیشه با پدر و مادرش دعوا میکرد. She was always quarreling with her parents. He used to fight with his parents all the time. لطفاً به من یک مثال ملموس نشان بده. Please show me a tangible example. Please give me an example. فروشگاه جدید هفته‌ی آینده باز می‌شود. The new store is going to open next week. The new store will open next week. منظورت چیه که نمی توانی به من کمک کنی؟ What do you mean, you can't help me? What do you mean you can't help me? در آن فاصله، آن کشتی شبیه یک جزیره است. From that distance, the ship is similar to an island. In that distance, that ship looks like an island. وقتی تام مقابل تابلوی ایست ایستاد، موتورش واماند. When Tom stopped for a stop sign, his engine stalled. When Tom stands in front of the panel, his engine won. امروز صبح تام سوپ سبزیجات خورد. This morning Tom had vegetable soup. Tom ate vegetables this morning. عقب واستا. Stay back. Stay back. هوای سرد تا سه هفته ادامه یافت. The cold weather continued for three weeks. Cold air continued for three weeks. من گرسنه نیستم. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. چشم‌های کوچکی داری. You've got small eyes. You have little eyes. اگر کمی آرام تر انجامش دهی، کار سریع تر پیش می رود. If you do it a bit slower, it goes quicker. If you do it a little slower, it goes faster. ما با خوش‌شانسی محض نجات یافتیم. We survived by sheer luck. We were saved with luck. من از بوداپست هستم. I am from Budapest. I'm from Belgium. روی تخت دراز کشیدم. I lay down on the bed. I'm lying on the bed. مامان اغلب می گفتند، که وقت پول است. Mom often said time is money Mom often said, "It's time for money." دوست می‌داشتم آن دست‌کش‌ها را بخرم. I would have liked to buy those gloves. I'd like to buy those gloves. او خیلی صبور بود. He was very patient. He was very patient. افراد مسن‌تر بیشتر در معرض جراحت هستند. Older people are more prone to injury. The older people are more exposed to injury. همه بگن هلووو Everyone, say cheese. Everybody say "Helo." من آدم بسیار غمگینی هستم. I am a very sad person. I'm a very sad person. زندگی یک پوسته خالی نیست. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not an empty shell. دارد برف می بارد. It's snowing. It's snowing. من به شما یک میلیون بار گفتم اغراق نکنید. I've told you a million times not to exaggerate. I told you a million times, don't overly. خدا عمرت بده! May God bless you. God damn it! این کامپیوتر من است. This is my computer. This is my computer. شما بامزه هستید. You're funny. You're funny. با من بیا. Come with me. Come with me. مسیر دقیق مشخص نشده بود. The trail was not clearly marked. The exact path was not specified. همه می‌خندند. Everyone's laughing. Everyone laughs. علی انسان خوب است. Ali is a good person. Ali is a good man. کسی که همه کار انجام می‌دهد استاد هیچ‌ کاری نیست. A jack of all trades is master of none. He who does everything is not a master of nothing. چه طور شما می فهمید که بیمار خود را به مریضی نمی زند؟ How do you know that the patient is not feigning illness? how do you know that the patient doesn't get sick? من از رطیل های بزرگ سیاه پشمالو می ترسم. I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas! I'm afraid of Big Black Retreels. تاجر در فکر کنار کشیدن از قرارداد است. The businessman is thinking of receding from the contract. The merchant is thinking of turning away from the contract. حتی اگر می خواستم توقف کنم، نمی توانستم. Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. همه تخم مرغ هایتان را در یک سبد نگذارید. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. آیا چیزی بعنوان سیاستمدار درستکار وجود دارد؟ Is there such a thing as an honest politician? Is there anything as a righteous politician? من این را از رادیو شنیدم. I heard it on the radio. I heard it from the radio. او سگی جدید می خواهد. She wants a new dog. He wants a new dog. آیا فرانسوی بلد هستی؟ Do you speak French? Do you speak French? دختر بزرگ کردن مثل آب دادن باغچهٔ همسایه است. Raising a daughter is like watering your neighbour's garden. To raise a girl is like watering a neighbor's garden. می خواهم کاراته یاد بگیرم. I want to learn karate. I want to learn karate. تام می توان مانند یک ماهی شنا کند. Tom can swim like a fish. Tom can swim like a fish. از شدت تعجب زبانم بند آمد. Astonishment deprived me of speech. I was surprised by my tongue. ما تعصب را تحمل نمی‌کنیم. We don't tolerate bigotry. We don't tolerate prejudice. جین در ژاپنی پیشرفت زیادی کرده است. Jane has made great progress in Japanese. Jane has made a lot of progress in Japan. من اینجا ایستاده ام، رودررو با هیچ. I am standing here, face to face with nothing. I'm standing here, facing nothing. لخ به تاریخ علاقه دارد. Lech is interested in history. She's interested in history. من خیلی تحت تأثیر کار تو قرار گرفتم. I'm very impressed by your work. I'm very impressed by your work. کوچک ترین بی توجهی ممکنه به فاجعه ختم بشه Slight inattention can cause a great disaster. The smallest disregard may lead to disaster. الماسی که برش نخرده نمی‌درخشد. A diamond that hasn't been cut does't shine. The diamond he didn't pick up didn't shine. چند قسمت از ون پیس دیدی؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many parts did you see? او نشست و سیگار کشید. She sat smoking. He sat down and smoked. او گفت: من خیلی تلاش می کنم ولی موفقیتی به دست نمی آورم. He said, "I'm trying too much, but I don't achieve any success." He said, "I try so hard, but I don't get any success." تعدادی از ستارگان شروع به پیدا شدن در آسمان شب کردند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. A number of stars began to be found in the night sky. بیماری فراموشی به معنای «از دست رفتن حافظه» است. Amnesia means "loss of memory". The memory disease means the loss of memory. پس از طوفان، آرامش گسترده می‌گردد. After a storm comes a calm. After the storm, there will be peace. انسان نیک در جمع اشرار، شریرترین آن‌ها به نظر می‌رسد. A good man in an evil society seems the greatest villain of all. A good man seems to be the most wicked among them. من مقداری پنیر میخورم. I eat some cheese. I'll have some cheese. دروغ پا ندارد. A lie has no legs. No lies. من در رشته زبان فارسی تحصیل می کنم. I am reading Persian. I study Persian language. من گربه ها را دوست دارم. I love cats. I like cats. تام از خود پرسید که چه اتفاقی افتاده است. Tom wondered what had happened. Tom asked himself what happened. در ايستگاه سنداي قطار را به مقصد توکيو عوض کن. Change trains at Sendai Station for Tokyo. Change the train to Tokyo at Sanda Station. می بایست او اشتباهی سوار قطار شده باشد. He must have taken the wrong train. He must have got on the wrong train. تام بلندقدتر از ماری است. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is longer than Mary. من نامه را می نویسم. I'm writing a letter. I write the letter. یک خرس قطبی بعد از یک تبدیل مختصات یک خرس چهارگوش است. A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform. A polar bear is after a conversion of the coordinates of a square bear. بعضی از مردم زندگی را از وجودت می مکند. Some people can suck the life from you. Some people take life away from you. هر کس به شیوهٔ خودش دیوانه است. Everyone is insane, in his or her own way. Everyone is mad in their own way. من به خرید می روم و یک ساعته بر می گردم. I have to go shopping; I'll be back in an hour. I'll go shopping and I'll be back in an hour. نام خود را با حروف بزرگ بنویسید. Write your name in capital letters. Write your name in big letters. من در راه رفتن به تئاتر با یوکو ملاقات کردم. I met Yoko on my way to the theater. I met Yoko on my way to the theater. چه موقع می توانم شنا کنم؟ When can I swim here? When can I swim? شما را پیدا کردم. I found you. I found you. بعضی بزرگسالان هرگز کودک نبوده‌اند. There are some adults who have never been children. Some adults have never been children. از الکل اجتناب می‌کنند. They abstain from alcohol. They avoid alcohol. شما یک خواننده هستید؟ Are you a singer? Are you a singer? میای خونه ما سارا؟ Are you coming to our house, Sarah? Will you come to our house, Sarah? تام کتاب را زیر بالشش پنهان کرد. Tom hid the book under his pillow. Tom hid the book under his pillow. تو زیبا هستی. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. من قصد ندارم آن ریسک را بکنم. I don't want to take that risk. I'm not going to risk it. چه کوه بلندیه! How high mountain that is! What a tall mountain! او به برادرش به اندازه کافی اعتماد نکرد تا او را محرم خود سازد. He didn't trust his brother enough to confide in him. He didn't trust his brother enough to protect him. به هر اندازه که نیاز دارید به شما وقت خواهم داد. I'll give you as much time as you need. I'll give you as much time as you need. خدا زمان را آفرید و انسان عجله را. God made time, but man made haste. Allah has created the time, and man has made haste. این نشانه متمدن بودنشه که صندلیش رو داد به اون پیرمرد. It was civil of him to offer his seat to the old man. It's his civilized sign that he gave his chair to the old man. او برای رهایی زنان جنگید. She fought for the emancipation of women. He fought to save women. یاد گرفتم که بدون او زندگی کنم. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without him. به چه دلیلی؟ What for? For what reason? کیف من کهنه است. من باید یکی نو بخرم. My bag is too old. I must buy a new one. My bag is old. I have to buy a new one. آیا شما دیوانهٔ موسیقی هستید؟ Are you fond of music? Are you crazy about music? در خدمتت هستم. I am at your service. I'm at your service. دانشکده حقوق کجاست؟ Where is law college? Where's law school? چیزی که ما را نکشد، قویترمان می کند. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Something that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. کمی جرأت نیاز داری تا به او بگویی که دوستش داری. You need a bit of courage to say that you love him. You need some courage to tell him you love him. چرا امروز اینجا هستی؟ Why are you here today? Why are you here today? آنها شب را در ساحل گذراندند. They spent the night on the beach. They spent the night on the beach. او با اشتیاق پیانو می زد. She played the piano with enthusiasm. He played piano with passion. یک کیلو سس گوجه برابر با دوکیلو گوجه است. One kilogram of tomato sauce is equivalent to two kilograms of tomatoes. One pound of tomato sauce is equal to two pounds of tomato. بهش بگو بعدا بهش زنگ میزنم. Tell him I'll call back later. Tell him I'll call him later. تحقیقات شروع می شود. The investigation is under way. Research begins. در جنوب چین ،وضعیت متفاوت است In the south of China, the situation is different. In South China, the situation is different. او آرزوی رفاقت با پولدارها را دارد. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. He wishes to be friends with the rich. با من حرف نزن! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! باید بروم. I have to go. I have to go. اهل کجای کانادا هستی؟ Where are you from in Canada? Where are you from in Canada? اهمیتش را نمی فهمم. I don't understand its significance. I don't understand the importance. نمایش درام بغض بر گلویم آورد. The drama brought a lump to my throat. The drama brought pain on my throat. فاضل مست بود. Fadil was intoxicated. He was drunk. او اينجا نيست. She is not here. He's not here. وضعیت روز به روز بدتر و بدتر می‌شود. The situation is getting worse and worse day by day. The condition of the day gets worse and worse. در دریا جزیره هایی وجود دارند. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. من دیروز سرم خیلی شلوغ بود. I was busy yesterday. I was too busy yesterday. کارت اعتباریم را خانه جا گذاشتم. I left my credit card at home. I left my credit card at home. ترک عادت موجب مرض است. Old habits die hard. It's a disease to leave habits. چه خبر؟ What's up? What's up? با او حرف بزن. Talk to him. Talk to him. آیا می‌توانم تو را کمک کنم. May I help you? Can I help you? این کتاب را از اول تا آخر بخون. Read this book from cover to cover. Read this book from the beginning to the end. دوست من همیشه وقتی که من حس و حالش رو ندارم شوخی میکنه. My friend always jokes when I am not in the right mood. My friend always makes jokes when I don't feel anything. هوا اونجا چطوره؟ What's the weather like there? How's the weather there? یک مایل نرفته بودم که باران شروع شد. I had not gone a mile when it began to rain. I didn't go for a mile when the rain started. همه چیز جریان دارد. Everything flows. Everything's going on. نمی تونه یک کاری رو برای مدت طولانی ادامه بده. He can't stick to anything very long. He can't keep doing something for a long time. تلاشهایت بیهوده هستند. Your efforts are futile. Your efforts are in vain. تو واقعا احمق نیستی. You're really not stupid. You're not really stupid. من امروز یک گربه را اهلی کردم I pet a cat today. I turned a cat around today. این مقاله پر از اصطلاحات حقوقی است. This article is full of legal jargon. This article is filled with legal terms. او با ماشین آمد. He came by car. He came by the car. فکر می‌کنم چین نقش فعالی خواهد داشت. I think that China will play an active role. I think China will have an active role. او بی درنگ با آن موافقت کرد. He readily agreed to it. He immediately agreed with it. او در را بست. She shut the door. He closed the door. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. He has a big family. He has a great family. تام یک افراطی است. Tom is a fanatic. Tom is a radical. ما مساله را با یکدیگر مورد بررسی قرار دادیم. We discussed the matter with each other. We've been through this together. این کتاب مال من است. This book is mine. This book is mine. پیاده میری یا با اتوبوس؟ Will you go on foot or by bus? Would you walk or take a bus? این جمله خطا دارد. This sentence contains an error. This sentence has an error. من از هلند میام. I come from Holland. I'm coming from the Netherlands. عشق چیست؟ What is love? What is love? مرد نابینادر حالیکه چکش و اره رابرمی داشت گفت : می بینم "I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. The blind man, while he had the hammer and the saw, said, "I see it." من نگران هستم، که نتوانم در موقع مقرر آن را درست کنم. I'm afraid I can't make it at that time. I'm worried that I can't fix it in due time. شمع خود به خود خاموش شد. The candle went out by itself. His candle was put out. پشت بام واقعا به تعمیر احتیاج دارد. The roof is really in need of repair. The roof really needs repairs. حرفت را بزن! Speak up! Say it! لطفا چراغ را خاموش کن. Please turn off the light. Please turn off the light. مراقب ماشین ها باش وقتی که از خیابان عبور می کنی. Watch out for cars when you cross the street. Watch the cars when you cross the street. ایرلندی هستم. I'm Irish. Irish. من به گروه درمانی اعتقادی ندارم. I don't believe in group therapy. I don't believe in therapy. تام در موارد حرفه‌ای موشکافانه است. Tom is scrupulous in matters of business. In professional cases, Tom is a rocket. کجا بوده‌اید؟ Where've you been? Where have you been? تام مرا تحت حمایت خودش قرار داد. Tom took me under his wing. Tom put me under his protection. فکر کردم می‌توانم بهت اعتماد کنم. I thought I could trust you. I thought I could trust you. ما از استرالیا هستیم. We are Australian. We're from Australia. این تا کنون بهترین رستوران غذاهای دریایی در این منطقه است. This is by far the best seafood restaurant in this area. This is the best food restaurant in the area ever. مدرسه که می‌روی، درست است؟ You go to school, right? You go to school, right? ديروز ما صحبت می کردیم. We spoke yesterday. Yesterday we spoke. چند سی دی دارید؟ How many CDs do you have? How many CDs do you have? هیچ امیدی نما نده بود All hope was gone. There was no hope. می ذارید بچه هاتون قهوه بخورند؟ Do you let your children drink coffee? Will you let your kids have coffee? او از من خواست در کار به او کمک کنم. She asked me to help her with the work. She asked me to help her work. صلح غیرمنصفانه بهتر از جنگ منصفانه است. An unjust peace is better than a just war. An unfair peace is better than a fair war. دوسِت دارم. عاشِقِتم. I love you. I love you. بهترین آموزگار، اشتباه آخرتان است. Your best teacher is your last mistake. The best teacher is the mistake of the future. دریا مثل شیشه صاف بود. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was straight like glass. یادت باشد در را قفل کنی. Remember to lock the door. Remember to lock the door. آخر هفته را با دوستانم گذراندم. I spent the weekend with my friends. I spent the weekend with my friends. تام تقریبا هرگز وحشت زده نمی شود. Tom almost never gets scared. Tom almost never panics. تشخیص دادن تو از برادرت دشوار است. It is hard to distinguish you from your brother. It's hard to recognize you from your brother. همیشه سعی می کنی دیگران رو متهم کنی You always try to blame somebody else. You always try to accuse others. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. My father always took me to school when I was young. My father always brings me to school when I was little. به زودی از غذا و نوشیدنی اینجا لذت خواهید برد. You'll soon come to enjoy the food and drink here. You'll be enjoying food and drinks here soon. در سالن چترت را باز نکن. Don't open your umbrella in the hall. Don't open your umbrella door. به دلم افتاده که فردا تام سروکله‌اش پیدا نمیشه. My gut feeling is that Tom won't show up tomorrow. I feel like Tom won't show up tomorrow. حیف که لازم نیست لاغر شوم. It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight. Too bad I don't have to get skinny. پروژه‌ی شما چطور پیش می‌رود؟ How's your project coming along? How's your project going? اینجا از صحرا هم گرم تر است. This area is hotter than the Sahara desert. It's hotter than the desert here. این دیوانگی محض است. It's sheer madness. This is crazy. او روزهای بهتری را شاهد بوده است. She has seen better days. He's seen better days. تام حالش خوب می‌شه، مگه نه؟ Tom will be fine, won't he? Tom's gonna be okay, isn't he? به نظر نمی رسه این هفته حقوق بگیریم It doesn't look like we'll get paid this week. It doesn't look like we're getting paid this week. زمان سریع می گذرد. Time passes quickly. Time passes fast. وقتی زمین سفت است، گاو از چشم گاو می بیند. A poor workman blames his tools. When the ground is solid, the cow sees it from the eye of the cow. او در یک رستوران در ژاپن کار می کند. He works at a restaurant in Japan. He works in a restaurant in Japan. لطفآ. Please. Please. ای کاش دیشب آمده بودی. I wish you'd come last night. I wish you had come last night. برادرم چندین سال در تهران کار کرد My brother worked in Tehran for a few years My brother worked in Tehran for years. ما در جهت صلح تلاش می کنیم. We are working in the interest of peace. We work for peace. من کشیدن سیگار و مصرف الکل را متوقف کردم. I stopped smoking and drinking. I stopped smoking and drinking. همسر من دکتر است. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. بیا داخل. بیا تُو. Come in. Come on in. دوبلین پایتخت ایرلند است. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. It is the capital of Ireland. می‌توانی از دوچرخه‌ام همینطوری که هست، استفاده کنی. You may use my bicycle such as it is. You can use my bike as it is. چپ چپ نگام کردند وقتی از دکتر خواستم نسخه م رو بده I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's. The left side looked at me when I asked the doctor to give me my prescription. بعضی وقت‌ها فکر می‌کنم هیچ وقت به حال خودم نخواهم بود. پدر و مادرم هر دو انگار همیشه به کمک من احتیاج دارند. Sometimes I think I'll never be on my own. Both of my parents always seem to need my help. Sometimes I think I'll never be myself. Both my parents seem to need my help all the time. خدایا! من اعتراض دارم. Lord! I object. God, I object. خشونت، نیرویی ضعیف است. Violence is a weak force. Violence is weak. به اسب شاه گفته یابو. A cat may look at a king. He told the king's horse Yabu. من با شیمی آشنایی مختصری دارم. I have some acquaintance with chemistry. I'm a little familiar with chemistry. دوری و دوستی. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Far away from friendship. به نظرمی رسد ذات نیک اونقش التیام دهنده ی مشکلات خانواده را تحقق می بخشد. His good nature seems to fulfill the role of reducing the family's trouble. His good nature seems to fulfill the healing of family problems. کنت یک رهبر زائیده شده است. Kent is the born leader. Count has become a leader. گرچه که او با دقت می نوشت ولی اشتباهات زیادی در انشایش داشت. Although he was writing carefully, he had many mistakes in his writing task. Although he wrote carefully, he had many mistakes in his paper. مردم ایران به شدت به ماهیت پارسی خلیج فارس باور دارند. Iranian people strongly believe in the Persian character of the Persian Gulf. Iran's people strongly believe in the nature of the Persian Gulf. شام چی خوردی؟ What did you eat for dinner? What did you eat? امی می خواهد چیزی نو بپوشد. Amy wants something new to wear. Amy wants to wear something new. عاقل از یک سوراخ دوبار گزیده نمی‌شود. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. Wise is not selected from a hole twice. تام گربه ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes cats. Tom loves cats. امید تلاش را طلب می کند. Hope demands hard-work. Hope calls for effort. حال به مراتب بهتری دارم. I'm feeling much better. I'm doing better now. او برای فندک دست به جیبش برد. He felt in his pocket for his lighter. He took his pocket for the lighter. خدایا! من اعتراض ندارم. Oh my God! There is no objection in your kingdom. God, I don't object. وقتی چیزی به نظر بد میاد ولی نتیجه ش خوبه. It's a blessing in disguise. When something looks bad, but it's good. وقتی آنکا را در بخارست ملاقات کردم مشغول درس خواندن بود. When I met Anka in Bucharest she was studying. When I met Anca at Bucharest, she was studying. من هنوز دوسِت دارم. هنوزعاشِقِتم. I still love you. I still love you. عجله کن! Hurry up. Hurry up! آیا رستورانی با غذای خوب کره ای می شناسی؟ Do you know any restaurants with good Korean food? Do you know a restaurant with a good Korean food? میلی سگ دارد. Millie has a dog. He's got a dog Milli. من لیوان پلاستیکی دارم. I have a plastic cup. I have plastic glasses. او برای مدت کوتاهی در اینجا ماند. He stayed here for a short time. He stayed here for a little while. این متن برای مبتدی ها در نظر گرفته شده است. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is intended for substrates. این اتوبوس شما را تا موزه می برد . This bus will take you to the museum. this bus will take you to the museum . پایتخت هائیتی کجاست؟ What is the capital of Haiti? Where's the capital of Haiti? یکشنبه ملاقات خواهیم کرد. We'll meet on Sunday. We'll meet Sunday. در حال حاضر، در منزل عمویم اقامت دارم. I'm now staying at my uncle's. Right now, I'm staying at my uncle's house. هیچ آینده‌ای نمی‌تواند آنچه امروز اجازه می‌دهید اتفاق بیفتد را جبران کند. No future can compensate for what you let happen in the present. No future can make up for what you allow today. شما نابردبار هستید. You're impatient. You're broke. برای گرفتن ارزش واقعی شادی، باید آن را با کسی تقسیم کنید. To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with. To get the real value of happiness, you have to share it with someone. دختران در مورد مری شایعات و دروغ های زیادی پراکندند. The girls spread many false rumors and lies about Mary. Girls gossiped about Mary and lied about a lot of lies. چه کسی عروسک را درست کرده است؟ Who made the doll? who made the doll? مادر کیک را به سه قسمت تقسیم کرد. Mother divided the cake into three parts. Mother divided the cake into three parts. از او بپرس هواپیمای بعدی کی خواهد بود. Ask him when the next plane will be. Ask him when the next plane will be. من تور ماهیگیری ام را به درون دریا انداختم. I cast my net into the sea. I threw my fishing net into the sea. یک خط راست بکش. Draw a straight line. Pull a right line. سو یک دانشجوی آمریکائی است. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. متاسفم که امروز نمی‌توانم بیایم. I'm sorry that I cannot come over today. I'm sorry I can't come today. تام به من گفت که مسئله‌ای برایش پیش آمده است. Tom told me he had a problem. Tom told me something had happened to him. او با نگرانی سوال کرد. She asked anxiously. He asked with concern. دکتر در این روستا برای همه شناخته شده است. The doctor is known to everyone in the village. The doctor is known for everyone in this village. چرا تی شرتت آب رفت؟ Why did your T-shirt shrink? Why did your T-shirt get water? بدون کاه نمی‌توانید خشت بسازید. You can't make bricks without straw. You cannot build diamonds without straw. با کی حرف می زنی؟ With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? پناهندگان در آفریقا در جستجوی کمک هستند. Refugees in Africa are seeking help. The refugees in Africa seek help. پدر پسرش را تربیت می‌کند. The father is educating his son. Father raises his son. این صندلی اینجا چیکار می کنه؟ What's this chair doing here? What's this chair doing here? وقتی که باران شروع به باریدن گرفت، من راهی نرفته بودم جز برای چند دقیقه. I had hardly walked for a few minutes when it began to rain. When the rain started to rain, I didn't go anywhere but for a few minutes. پادشاه مردم خودش را ستم کرد. The king oppressed his people. The king oppressed his people. هنوز رویشان می‌شود حرف بزنند. They still have the nerve to talk. They can still talk. او پلاک ماشین اش را عوض کرد. He changed the number plate of his vehicle. He changed his license plate. برنامه‌هایم را وِل کردم. I abandoned my plans. I gave up my plans. سلام خوبی؟ چه خبر؟ Hey, how are you? What's up? Hey, are you okay? درباره من اشتباه برداشت نکن. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. کلمات قادر به بیان قدردانی ما نیستند. Words can't express our gratitude. Words cannot express our gratitude. بستنی خوراکی مورد علاقۀ من است. (Bastani xorāki ye mored e alāqe ye man ast) My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite ice cream. او اسباب بازیش را پرت کرد. He threw his toy. He threw his toy. می خواهم با گتر جانی بمیرم. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Johnny. در نهایت، اهداف ساده هستند: ایمنی و امنیت. At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security. Finally, targets are simple: safety and safety. او از من شروع کرد. He stared at me. He started with me. داری نامه می نویسی؟ Are you writing a letter? Are you writing? خیلی دوست دارم نتیجه امتحان رو بدونم. I am anxious about the results of the examination. I'd love to know the results. باید به پلیس اطلاع می دادم ولی اینکار رو نکردم. I should have reported it to the police, but I didn't. I should've told the police, but I didn't. نام او را فراموش کردم. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. آیا غذای گربه خریدی؟ Did you buy cat food? Did you buy cat food? تام مشت هایش را گره کرد. Tom clenched his fists. Tom tied his fists. سال پیش در چین بودم. I was in China last year. I was in China last year. آنها واقعا با هم دوستند? Are they actually friends? Are they really friends? ببخشید. Excuse me. Excuse me. از تو حرکت، از خدا برکت. You just begin then God will help you. From you, from God's blessing. برای گرفتن گاو، شاخ‌هایش را بگیرید. To catch the bull, grab its horns. To catch a cow, grab its horns. اینجا چه می کنی؟ What are you doing here? What are you doing here? ببخشید، نتوانستم جلوی خنده‌ام را بگیرم. Excuse me, I couldn't help laughing. Sorry, I couldn't stop laughing. تام تقریبا هرگز نمی ترسد Tom almost never gets scared. Tom's almost never scared. انگلیسی به یک زبان بین المللی تبدیل شده است. English has become an international language. English has become an international language. گربه موش را گرفت. The cat caught the mouse. The cat took the mouse. خداحافظ. Bye. Bye. میبال عاشق گفت و گوی دوستانه است به هنگام کارت بازی. Mabel loves to chew the fat while playing bridge. Mibal loves talking when playing cards. کارت چیه؟ What line of work are you in? What do you do? بعضی افراد زندگی را با یک صحنه‌ی نمایش مقایسه می‌کنند. Some people compare life to a stage. Some people compare life to a scene. طبق شایعات داستان بلند جدید او براساس تجارب شخصی خود اوست. According to the rumors, his new long-stories are based on his personal experiences. According to rumors, his new story is based on his personal experience. او عاشق ماشین است، ولی برادرش از آن متنفر است. He loves cars, while his brother hates them. He loves the car, but his brother hates it. هر چه بیشتر داشته باشیم، بیشتر می خواهیم. The more we have, the more we want. The more we have, the more we want. آیا می‌توانی آن را اثبات کنی؟ Can you prove it? Can you prove it? او فاشیسته. He's a fascist. He's Fastist. دوست همه کس، دوست هیچ کس. A friend to all is a friend to none. Everyone's friend, no one's friend. هر سه شما بسیار خوش شانس هستید. All three of you are very lucky. The three of you are very lucky. قلب تو آزاد است. فقط شجاعت دنبال کردن آن را داشته باش. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. Your heart is free. Just have courage to follow it. سمی هفته پیش شش ویدیو جدید آپلود کرد Sami uploaded six new videos last week. Sammy uploaded six new videos last week. آن روز زودهنگام بود که تام به اردوگاه رسید. It was still early in the day when Tom arrived at the campground. It was early that day when Tom arrived at the camp. یک توپ جمع کن خوب باید بتواند بطور کامل تمرکز کند و به سرعت بدود. A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast. A good pick-up ball should be able to focus completely and run fast. او یک طلسم اسرار آمیز به شکل یک چشم دارد. He has a mysterious talisman in the form of an eye. He has a mysterious spell in the form of an eye. من با او آشنا نیستم. I am not acquainted with him. I'm not familiar with him. ساعت چند است. What's the time? What time is it? چه کسی این نامه را نوشته است؟ Who wrote the letter? Who wrote this letter? اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed my room to her. I showed him my room. در قفل نمی‌شود. The door doesn't lock. The door is not locked. او کیست که با تام صحبت می کند؟ Who's that talking to Tom? Who's he talking to Tom? الان خیلی دیره. تازه بارون هم می خواد بیاد. It's too late now. Besides, it's starting to rain. It's too late, and it's gonna rain. معمولاً با او به مدرسه می‌رفتم. I used to go to school with him. I usually went to school with him. چون تنهام دلیل نمیشه که احساس تنهایی می کنم. Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely. Because I'm alone doesn't mean I feel lonely. شما باید بروید و موهایتان را کوتاه کنید. You should go and have your hair cut. You have to go and cut your hair. پلیس تو را مجبور خواهد کرد تا گلوله ها را پیدا کنی. The police will get you to find the bullets. The police will force you to find the bullets. عضو شدن در این کتابخانه بسیار آسان است. It's very easy to become a member in this library. It is very easy to join the library. حقوق کم او او را از خانه خریدن باز می دارد. His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His low salary prevents him from buying his home. آن ساعت زمان دقیق را نشان می دهد. The watch keeps accurate time. That clock shows the exact time. من واقعاً آن احتمال را در نظر گرفته ام. I've already considered that possibility. I've really considered that possibility. ما خیلی نزدیک بودیم، بنابراین فرصت آخری را به تو خواهیم داد. You were so close, so we'll give you one last chance. We were so close, so we'll give you one last chance. او به تمام قول هایش عمل کرد. He carried out all his promises. He kept all his promises. مهم نیست که چقدر اشتباه می کنی یا اینکه چقدر آهسته پیشرفت می کنی، مهم این است که از همه آنهایی که تلاش نمی کنند، هنوز جلوتر هستی. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. It doesn't matter how much you're wrong or how slow you're progressing, it's that you're still ahead of everyone who doesn't try. آن سینی نقره‌ای مزین مورد علاقهٔ من است. That ornate silver platter is my favorite! It's my favorite silver tray. ما با شرکت قرارداد بستیم. We made a contract with the firm. We made a deal with the company. این اتاق به اندازه کافی بزرگ است. This room is large enough. This room is big enough. باید صبح باشد، چون پرنده ها در حال آواز خواندن هستند. It must be morning, for the birds are singing. It must be morning, because birds are singing. من نمی‌توانم به سوال شما پاسخ دهم. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. ب. فرانکلین یک سیاستمدار و مخترع آمریکایی بود. B. Franklin was an American statesman and inventor. B. Franklin was an American politician and inventor. "تشکر." "خواهش می کنم." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." آنها به اندازه ما قوی اند. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. تنها کمی بادام زمینی می خواهی؟ Would you all like some peanuts? You just want some peanuts? نور می گیره؟ (اتاق) Does it get much sun? Does it take light? بین خانه های ما فاصله زیادی است. It's a long way between our houses. It's a long way between our homes. او ایده های خود را عملی کرد. He brought his ideas into practice. He applied his ideas. تام متوجّه نیست که چه طور رفتارش بقیه را تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد. Tom doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others. Tom doesn't understand how his behavior affects others. شما می‌توانید هرچقدر می‌خواهید اینجا بمانید. You can stay here as long as you like. You can stay here as long as you want. علی رغم این که نتایج تحقیق ها در علوم اجتماعی بسیار جالب هستند، تکرار این تحقیق ها بسیار سخت است. Although studies in the social sciences have yielded interesting results, replicating the studies has proven difficult. Despite the results of research in social science, it's very difficult to repeat these studies. آیا بلدید چگونه از لغت نامه استفاده کنید؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use the dictionary? چیزی نپرس، چیزی نگو. Don't ask, don't tell. Don't ask, don't say anything. تام از پله ها تا خانه اش بالا رفت. Tom climbed up the stairs to his apartment. Tom went up the stairs to his house. این کاغذ ها رو از جلوی پا بردارید. Please get these papers out of the way. Get these papers off your feet. بعد از هر سربالایی یک سرازیری است. After a storm comes a calm. After each top of each top, it's a fall. گشدن با او مفرح است. It's fun to hang out with him. It's fun to be with him. اینقدر که یک ماهی پرنده محسوب میشه خفاش پرنده محسوب نمیشه A bat is not a bird any more than a fish is. It's not as much as a flying fish as a bird bat. من اینطور فکر نمی کنم. I don't think so. I don't think so. ما یک روز درمیان همدیگر را می بینیم. We see each other every day. We see one day amongst each other. هر موقع که از سفری بر می گردد برای دخترش هدیه می آورد. Whenever she comes back from a journey, she brings a gift for her daughter. Every time she comes back from a trip, she brings gifts to her daughter. همیشه شخصیت‌های مرموز را بیشتر دوست داشتم. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always loved mysterious characters. یونا وُلاخ "پست مدرنیت" بوده بود ۲ دهه قبل از اینکه عبارت "پست مدرنیسم" اختراع شد. Yona Wallach had been a postmodernist two decades before the term "Postmodernism" was even conceived. It was the modern post two decades before the term "day mail" was invented. چه امیدی برای تو بعد از این در هست؟ هیچی! What hope attends you through this gate? Not one! What hope is there for you after this door? اینجا، همه چیز در خاک پوشیده شده است. Everything here is covered in dust. Here, everything is covered in dust. چرا این کار را می خواهی؟ Why do you want this job? why do you want this? امید یک استراتژی نیست. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. قهوه را می‌خواهم. I want coffee. I want coffee. خیلی سریع پرش می کنه. It fills it up way too fast! It'll jump too fast. چهل یورو برای یک روسری؟ ازرانتر از آن ندارید؟ Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? 40 euros for a scarf? don't you have any more than that? آماده، بی حرکت .... حرکت! Ready, steady....Go! Ready, freeze, move! من نیستم؛ خودتی! No I'm not; you are! It's not me. It's you! من نتوانم از لطف شما به قدر کافی تشکر کنم. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. I can't thank you enough for your favor. به نظر می رسد که امروز صبح در حالت بدی هستی. It seems like you're in a bad mood this morning. You seem to be in a bad mood this morning. هنوز او را دوست داشت. She still loved him. She still loved him. من تحسین تو را برای این کتاب کاملاً می‌فهمم. I totally understand your admiration for this book. I fully understand your praise for this book. آنها اصلا با هم دوست هستند؟ Are they even really friends? Are they even friends? سال نو همراه با بارش نم نم برف آمد. The New Year came in with a light fall of snow. New Year snowed along with the rain. انگلیسی‌ها آدم‌های کم حرفی هستند. The English are a taciturn people. The English are very few people. سعی کردم تام را از آسیب رساندن به ماری بازدارم. I tried to stop Tom from hurting Mary. I tried to stop Tom from hurting Mary. اعتیاد یکی از مشکلات جوانان دوران معاصر است. Addiction is one of the problems of the youth of our day. The addiction is one of the problems of young people in modern times. او به من گفت: بچه ها مثل حیوانات کوچک هستند. He said to me, "Children are like small animals." He told me: children are like little animals. گربهٔ ساکت موش را گرفت. The quiet cat caught the mouse. The quiet cat took the mouse. یک قاضی نباید مطیع شاه، بلکه باید مطیع قانون باشد. A judge must obey not the king, but the law. A judge should not obey the king, but obey the law. من برایت به تاکسی تلفن خواهم کرد. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. ممکن است اجتماعی نباشم ولی این به این معنی نیست که با مردم صحبت نمی کنم. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may not be social, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. این دلیلیه که او دیگه نمیخواد با او باشه. That's the reason she doesn't want to be with him anymore. That's why he doesn't want to be with her anymore. یک فنجان قهوه سردردم را تسکین می دهد. A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache. A cup of coffee will ease my headache. برای استفاده دهانی. For oral use. For mouth use. نمی خواهم سطحی باشم؛ می خواهم با حال باشم!! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! I don't want to be flat; I want to be cool! خوشبخت نخواهم بود، ولی خود را نخواهم کشت. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I will not be happy, but I will not kill myself. توکیو از هر شهر دیگری در ژاپن پرجمعیت تر است. Tokyo is more populous than any other city in Japan. Tokyo is more popular than any other city in Japan. به زودی کریسمس می شود. It'll be Christmas soon. It'll be Christmas soon. امیلی مادره. (بچه داره) Emily is a mother. Emily's a mother. تام سرزده آمد. Tom came by. Tom's in a hurry. مجلا ت گونا گونی آن داستان را منتشر کردند. Several newspapers published the story. The story was published by The Gona Gona. مرغ همسایه غاز است. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. It's the chicken next door. چنانچه لازم دارید، می توانید چتری همراه خود ببرید. You take an umbrella with you if you need to. If you need it, you can take an umbrella with you. برایم پیامی بفرست. Send me a message. Send me a message. سرت را در روسری بپوشان. Wrap your head in a scarf. Cover your head. اجازه بده ببینیم تام در خانه است؟ Let's see if Tom is at home. Let's see if Tom's at home. تنوّع ادویه‌ی زندگی ست. Variety is the spice of life. It's the taste of life. خواهیم دید چطوری پیش میره. We'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes. هیتلر آلمانی ها را به جنگ کشانید. Hitler led Germany into war. Hitler fought the Germans. اگر می‌دانستم، انجامش داده بودم. If I had known, I would have done it. If I did, I would have done it. زندگی با احساس گناه ناشی از کاری که کرده بود، برای تام تقریبا غیر قابل تحمل بود. Tom found living with the guilt for what he had done, almost unbearable. Living with guilt from what he did, it was almost unbearable for Tom. کسي احساس مريضي مي‌کند؟ Does anyone feel sick? Does anyone feel sick? والدینم برایم کارت پستال فرستادند. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. آیا تنها هستی؟ Are you alone? Are you alone? آنها همه برای برگشت پولشان ضجه می‌زنند. They're all clamoring to get their money back. They're all complaining about getting their money back. نمی توانم روی تو حساب کنم. I can't count on you. I can't count on you. دشوار می شد گفت که تام در اتاقش است یا نه. It was difficult to tell if Tom was in his room. It was hard to tell if Tom was in his room. زندگی از علوم دقیقه نیست، یک هنر است. Life is not an exact science, it is an art. Life is not a minute science, it's an art. مراقب خودت باش Take care of yourself. Take care. او به دنبال چه چیزی می دود؟ What is he running after? What's he looking for? هوا بسیار گرم است. The weather is very hot. It's so hot. ضد آفتاب زده ای ؟ Have you put on sunscreen? Are you against the sun? لطفا، آرام باش. Please relax. Please, calm down. او فاشیسته. She's a fascist. He's Fastist. هرگز عصری نبوده است که گذشته را تحسین نکند و از زمان حال ننالد. There has never been an age that did not applaud the past and lament the present. There has never been an era that doesn't admire the past and since the present. این باید کیک تولد باشد. It must be a birthday cake! This must be birthday cake. من هر روز می دوم. I run every day. I run every day. دو نفر دعوا می‌کنند و نفر سوم سود می‌برد. Two argue, and a third benefits. Two people fight and the third one profits. من می‌توانم به شما مقداری پول بدهم اگر نیاز دارید. I can give you some money if you need it. I can give you some money if you need it. دو راه برای زندگی وجود دارد: می‌توانید طوری زندگی کنید که انگار هیچ چیز معجزه نیست؛ می‌توانید طوری زندگی کنید که انگار همه چیز معجزه است. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. او باهوش است. She is sharp. He's smart. امروز صبح چکار کردی؟ What did you do this morning? What did you do this morning? هیچ‌کس همّه چیز را نمی‌داند. Nobody knows everything. No one knows anything. سند زیاد قانع کننده نیست. The proof is trivial. The document is not very convincing. آیا لازم است دلیل را به او توضیح دهم؟ Do I need to explain the reason to him? Should I explain the reason to him? او هویج را برید. He chopped the carrot. He took the carrots. او به‌شدت کار می‌کرد. He was working hard. He worked as well. بله، من یک ایده ی خوب دارم. Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, I have a good idea. نمایشگاه برای یک ماه دیگر باز خواهند ماند. The exhibition will stay open for another month. The show will be open for another month. بند کفش ات را ببند. Tie your shoelaces. Close your shoes. من او را از اضافه کار معاف کردم. I exempted her from working overtime. I let him out of work. تنها ثابت در طبیعت تغییر است. The only constant in nature is change. The only constant in nature is change. بتی او را کشت. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. کچل بودن حداقل یک سود دارد - در مصرف شامپو صرفه‌جویی می‌کنید. Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo. The baldness has at least one benefit -- you're saving up to the use of the stand. آن دختر که روسری دارد باکره است. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl with the scarf is a virgin. او فاشیسته. They're a fascist. He's Fastist. آیا خبر را شنیده ای؟ Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news? امیدوارم همهٔ رؤیاهایت به حقیقت بپیوندند. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope all your dreams come true. زشت دانستن دیگران، تو را زیباتر نمی کند. Saying someone is ugly doesn’t make you any prettier. The abomination of knowing others doesn't make you more beautiful. روباه بعد از چند ثانیه گریخت. The fox scampered off after a few seconds. Fox ran away after a few seconds. او در معرض هیچان‌زده شدن بود. He is prone to getting excited. He was exposed. او به پسرش گفت که در خانه مؤدبانه و درست رفتار کند. She told her son to behave himself at home. He told his son to behave kindly in the house. اینجا در پارک بچه های زیادی هستند. There are a lot of children in the park. There's a lot of kids here in the park. جلوی مادرم درباره ش صحبت نکن Don't talk about it in my mother's presence. Don't talk about it in front of my mother. فراموش نکن که زباله رو بیرون ببری. Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take out the trash. او به من تئاتر پیشنهاد کرد ولی هیچ اجرایی آن شب نبود. He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night. He offered me theater, but there was no performance that night. من با پلیس تماس گرفتم، به محض اینکه جسدش را در کف اتاق دیدم. I called the police as soon as I saw his dead body on the floor. I called the police, as soon as I saw his body on the floor of the room. من تو را در رؤیاهایم خواهم دید. I'll see you in my dreams. I will see you in my dreams. آیا میدانی که برج توکیو کجاست؟ Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? فکر می کنم عالی کارتون را انجام دادید. I think you did great. I think you did great. او مرغ را آن طور که من دوستت دارم می پزد. She cooks chicken the way I like. He cooks chicken as I love you. کفش های مگ کوچک شده اند. Meg's shoes are a little loose. Meg's shoes are small. عمیقاً به آن فکر کن. Ponder deeply over it. Think deeply about it. علت چیست؟ What's the cause? What's the reason? تام تصدیق کرد که اون کسی بوده که تخم مرغ ها رو شکسته. Tom admitted he was the one who broke the eggs. Tom confirmed he was the one who broke the eggs. بالاتر از هر چیز این است که صبور باشی. Above all, be patient. Above all, it's to be patient. من و تونی دیروز با هم بازی کردیم. Tony and I played together yesterday. Tony and I played yesterday. من هوشیاری ام را از دست دادم. I lost consciousness. I've lost consciousness. او هرگز تعریف کردن از نوزاد ما را فراموش نمی کند. She never forgets to admire our baby. He'll never forget to tell our baby. قیمت آن سی دی 10 دلار است. That CD costs 10 dollars. The cost of that CD is 10 dollars. قربانی مرد یا زن بود؟ Was the victim male or female? Was it a victim of a man or a woman? برخلاف انتظارهمه ما دو تا دوست خوب شدیم. Against all expectations, we became good friends. Unlike all of us, we've become good friends. وقتی هر دو دختر به جان گفتند که به او علاقه مندند، او مردد بود که باید با کدام یک از آنها باشد. When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with. When both girls told John they were interested in him, he was a man who had to be with which one of them. ماری بهم گفت که فکر می کرده مشکلی پیش نمیاد اگر اون کار رو بکنه. Mary told me she thought it would be safe to do that. Mary told me she thought it would be okay if she did. بیش از اندازه کیک نخور. Do not eat too much cake. Don't eat too much cake. دوستش یک خواننده است. Her friend is a singer. His friend is a singer. او(پسر) یکی از معروفترین خوانندگان در ژاپن است. He is one of the most famous singers in Japan. He is one of the most famous readers in Japan. تام چندان علاقه مند به آموزش فرانسه به نظر نمی رسید. Tom didn't seem terribly interested in learning French. Tom didn't seem very interested in French education. گرسنگی را حس کردم. I felt hungry. I felt hunger. او کم بی تاب نبود. She wasn't a bit impatient. He wasn't impatient. شما واقعاً واجد اولویت‌های مناسب نیستید! You really don't have the right priorities! You're not really qualified for appropriate priorities! الان میدونم چرا تام از من بدش میاد. Now I know why Tom hates me. Now I know why Tom hates me. من دربارش فردا نگران میشم. I'll worry about that tomorrow. I'll worry about it tomorrow. آدرس تام چیست؟ What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? کامپیوتر هنگ کرد. The computer froze up. The computer took off. تمام افراد بشر آزاد زاده می‌شوند و از لحاظ حيثيت و كرامت و حقوق با هم برابراند. همگی دارای عقل و وجدان هستند و بايد با يكديگر با روحيه ای برادرانه رفتار كنند. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free, and they are equal in dignity and rights. They all have wisdom and conscience, and they have to treat each other with a brother's spirit. هیچ بچه ای در پارک ندیدم. I didn't see any children in the park. I didn't see any kids in the park. شبتم تبخیر شد وقتی خورشید بالا آمد. The dew evaporated when the sun rose. I had a good night when the sun came up. این شهر گسترش یافته و به شهر بزرگی تبدیل شده است. It has developed into a very large city. The city has been developed and has become a great city. گردن تام به هنگام اسکی بازی شکسته شد. Tom got his neck broken in a ski accident. Tom's neck was broken during ski. کمکم کن. Help me! Help me. بُردیمشون. We've outrun them. We took them. بتی اولین دختری بود که وارد مهمانی شد. Betty was the first girl who came to the party. Betty was the first girl to enter the party. سوار اتوبوس بعدی می شوم. I'll catch the next bus. I'll get on the next bus. این کتاب من است، کتاب تو نیست. This is my book, not yours. This is my book, it's not your book. اگه از بالا ببینی این پل خیلی قشنگ تر به نظر میاد. Seen from the sky, the bridge appears more beautiful. If you see it from above, this bridge looks much more beautiful. یک فرد نادان اوست که نمی‌داند درست چه چیزی فهمیده‌اید. An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out. He's an ignorant person who doesn't know exactly what you've learned. با تشکر زیاد و توجه بسیاری را به همه شما. Thanks a lot and many regards to you all. Thank you very much and a lot of attention to all of you. کار چندان سختی نیست. It's not rocket science. It's not that hard. کاش شرایط برای آمدن من متفاوت بود. I wish that the circumstances of my visit were different. I wish things were different for me. موسیقی زبان نیست. اما بعضی زبان‌ها در گوش من مانند موسیقی هستند. Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears. Music is not language, but some languages in my ears are like music. من نمی توانم ترکی صحبت کنم I can not speak Turkish. I can't speak Turkish. مناد یک پرچم ایالات مؤتلفه خرید. Mennad bought a Confederate flag. Manad bought a flag in the United States. من متوجه نشدم. I don't understand this. I don't understand. معلم به ما گفت مهمتر از هر چیزی برای دستیابی به موفقیت پشت کار است. The teacher said: "Above all, what is necessary for success is perseverance." The teacher told us that it was more important than anything to achieve success behind work. خوشمزه نیست؟ Isn't it delicious? Isn't it delicious? تام چقدر پیش ما خواهد ماند؟ How long will Tom stay with us? How long will Tom stay with us? سیلی نقد به از حلوای نسیه. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It's a cash slide from Nisssie. من بر آن غلبه کردم. تو هم باید همین کار را بکنی. I got over it. You should, too. I overcome it. You have to do the same. تام چندان راجع به اسلحه نمی داند. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom doesn't know much about guns. بچه هایی که در خانه با کف پوش های وینیلی زندگی می کنند با احتمال بیشتری اتویسم دارند. Children that live in homes with vinyl floors are more likely to have autism. Children living in the house have a more likely automism. من بعنوان یک موجود انسانی، نیازمند احترام هستم. I as a human being, need respect. I need respect as a human being. او(دختر) عاشق تام است، نه من She loves Tom, not me. She loves Tom, not me. پول سبز نمی‌شود. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow green. از اینکه می شنیدیم کالاها چقدر ارزان هستند، تعجب کردیم. It amazed us to hear that things were so cheap. We were surprised to hear how cheap the goods were. من جوان و احمق بودم. I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid. تولدت مبارک!‏ Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! او بر روی کاناپه خوابید، با چشمانی بسته. He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed. She slept on the couch, with closed eyes. عصمت چیز زیبایی است. Innocence is a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing. تو فقط یکبار زندگی می کنی. You only live once. You only live once. آنجا هوا چه طور است؟ How's the weather there? How's the weather there? خدایان پیرتر در حال بیدار شدن هستند. The elder gods are waking up. The old gods are waking up. به این ترتیب، پول در گردش کم می‌شود و نوسان قیمت فروکش می‌کند. Thus money in circulation drops, and price escalation quietens down. In this way, the money is reduced on the tour, and the price oscillation declines. زندگی مانند دوچرخه سواری است. برای اینکه نیفتید باید در حرکت باشید. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Life is like riding a bike. To not fall, you have to be on the move. هیچ کس نمیخواهد کار کند. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to work. من معمولا کافه نمینوشم. I normally don't drink coffee. I don't usually drink a bar. من می خواستم قبل از کنسرت با آن پیانیست معروف صحبت کنم. I want to talk to the famous pianist before his concert. I wanted to talk to the famous Anne Pianist before the concert. به من بگو. Tell me. Tell me. تا جایی که می‌دانم، این تنها ترجمه است. As far as I know, this is the only translation. As far as I know, this is the only translation. خدا خر را شناخت و به آن شاخ نداد. God knew donkeys so He hasn't given them horns. God knew him and did not let him go down with it. زود بری بهتر گیرت میاد The early bird catches the worm. You'll get better soon. این بو حالم را به هم می‌زند. This smell disgusts me. This smell makes me sick. من بهترین مادر دنیا رو دارم. I have the best mother in the world! I have the best mother in the world. با خودم گفتم: «این فکر خوبی است.» I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I thought, "That's a good idea." من کاملا موظفم برای این درهم برهمی و آشفتگی We must develop renewable energy sources. I'm completely obliged for this mess. نگران اشتباه کردن نباش. Don't worry about making mistakes. Don't worry about making mistakes. بهتره مسیرتو قبل از اینکه بری مشخص کنی. It is a good idea to plan your route before you leave. You better find your way before you go. چیزی که او انجام می دهد برای من تفاوتی ندارد. Anything he does, it makes no difference for me. What he does doesn't make any difference to me. شیر یا شکری هست؟ Any milk or sugar? Is there milk or sugar? چه دروغگویی هستی! You are such a liar! What a liar! مطمئنی؟ Are you sure? Are you sure? پری، اوراگا را در سال 1853 بازدید کرد. Perry visited Uraga in 1853. Perry visited Orga in 183. او یک سیاستمدار و شاعر است. He is a poet and statesman. He is a politician and poet. تو بعدا از من تشکر خواهی کرد. You'll thank me later. You'll thank me later. من دوست دارم با قطار مسافرت کنم. I like travelling by train. I'd like to travel on a train. عروس نمی‌توانست برقصد، می‌گفت زمین کج است. A poor workman blames his tools. The bride could not say on purpose, "The earth is crooked." کسانی که می خواهند بمانند، می توانند این کار را انجام دهند. Those who want to remain may do so. Those who want to stay can do that. دید منحصر به فردش کمک کرد وضعیت رو بهتر بفهمیم. His unique perspective helped shed light on the situation. His unique vision helped us understand the situation better. او هر هفته دوچرخه را می‌شوید. He washes the bike every week. He turns his bike every week. این لغت نامه ی من است. That's my dictionary. This is my dictionary. کی ازدواج کردید؟ When did you get married? When did you get married? الآن تقریبا زمانی است که قطار می رسد. It's about time for the train to arrive. It's almost the time the train arrives. سوزان گربه ها را دوست دارد. Susan likes cats. Susan loves cats. اگر او را با فاصله ببینی، او زیبا است. If you see her from a distance, she is beautiful. If you see him at a distance, he's beautiful. تو در مورد وفاداری من شک داری؟ You doubt my loyalty? You doubt my loyalty? من صاحب این اتومبیل هستم. I am the owner of this automobile. I own this car. خیلی تنهایَم. I'm so lonely. I'm so lonely. چگونه این استراتژی را ارزیابی می‌کنید؟ How do you assess this strategy? How do you evaluate this strategy? بیشتر مواظب کارهایتان باشید. Be more careful in your actions. Be more careful with your work. صلح پایدار چیزی نیست بجز یک توهم. Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion. Continuing peace is nothing but an illusion. چنین کاری شکیبائی فراوانی را می طلبد. Such work postulate a lot of patience. That's a lot of patience. این موضوع از اهمیت کمی برخوردار است. This fact is of little consequence. This has little to do with it. کلمات بالای در تئاتر یک متر ارتفاع داشت. The words above the door of the theatre were a metre high. The above words were one foot high in the theater. به ایران رفتم. I went to Iran. I went to Iran. آنها با آب و غذای کافی سربازان را پشتیبانی می کنند. They support the soldiers with sufficient food and water. They support soldiers with enough water and food. فراموش کردم از او بپرسم. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. پدرم تنیس دوست دارد. My father likes tennis. My father likes tennis. ژاکت قرمز را دوست بمی دارم. I don't like the red jacket. I like the red jacket. تصمیم گرفتم بوباره سعی کنم. I decided to try again. I decided to try it again. اگر نمی‌توانید در مقابل گرما ایستادگی کنید از آشپزخانه خارج شوید. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you cannot resist the heat, get out of the kitchen. به چه کسی در این انتخابات رأی دادی؟ Who did you vote for in the election? Who did you vote for in this election? شایعات احتمالا صحت دارند. These rumors are probably true. The rumors are probably true. تام دارد به آیپادش گوش می‌دهد. Tom is listening to his iPod. Tom's listening to his iPhone. این امر، گواه بی گناهی اوست. This fact bears witness to his innocence. This is the testimony of an innocent person. شکست او درامتحان به او احساس نا امیدی را القا کرد. His failure in the examination drove him to despair. His failure to test him gave him a sense of despair. من آن عکس را یک هفته پیش گرفتم. I took that picture a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. بیا با ما بنشین. Come sit with us. Come sit with us. اگر پولدار بودم، وقتم را به مسافرت رفتن میگذراندم. If I were rich, I'd pass my time in travelling. If I was rich, I'd spend time traveling. او با سرطان مبارزه می کند. She's beating cancer. He fights cancer. ممکن است چیزی برای گزیدگی حشره به من بدهید؟ Can I have something for insect bites? could you give me anything to replace the bug? از اون موقع به بعد هیچ خبری ازش ندارم. نمی دونم چیکار می خواد بکنه I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what he's up to. I haven't heard from him since then, I don't know what he's gonna do. سقف خانه قرمز است. The roof of the house is red. The roof of the house is red. تام با ماری سر یک شام شرط بستند که این هفته بارون نمی یاد. Tom bet Mary dinner that it doesn't rain this week. Tom was betting on a dinner with Mary that won't rain this week. او به آسانی با آن موافقت کرد. He readily agreed to it. He agreed to it easily. مطمئنا او مرد فقیری است با این حال، او شاد است. He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy. Surely he's a poor man, yet he's happy. ما در مدرسه با هم بودیم. We were at school together. We were together at school. من اولین بار را به یاد دارم. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. باید آنها را از خارج بخریم. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them out. دختر (آن) خانم بیمار است Her daughter is sick. Miss Anne's sick. این سوپر مارکت از دوشنبه تا شنبه باز است. The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday. It's open from Monday to Saturday. ماری به مادرش در آشپزی کمک کرد. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Mary helped her mother cook. لوبلیانا تکی از زیباترین پایتخت های اروپا است. Ljubljana is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. It is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. برو، منتظر نمان، شب در حال آمدن است. Go, do not wait, the night is coming. Go, don't wait. Night's coming. چه کسانی به خانه خودشان رفتند؟ Who has gone to their homes? Who went home? من تعطیلات خیلی طولانی را دوست ندارم. I don't like very long holidays. I don't like a very long vacation. رژیم غذایی تام از نظر پروتئین کمبود دارد. Tom's diet is deficient in protein. Tom's diet is short on protein. سه نفر هنوز گمشده هستند. Three people are still missing. Three are still missing. ما باید کلاسمان را تمیز کنیم. We must clean our class. We need to clean up our class. به قیمت فکر نکن، به ارزش بیندیش. Don’t think of cost. Think of value. Don't think about the price. Think of the value. آنچه از دست رفت، دیگر به‌دست نمی‌آید. What is done cannot be undone. What is lost doesn't come anymore. ایده ی خوبی به ذهنم رسید. A good idea crossed his mind. I had a good idea. سرباز با اسلحه به سمت مرد نشانه گیری کرد. The soldier aimed his gun at the man. The soldier pointed at the man with a gun. پدر من جوان است. My father is young. My father is young. چرا پدر در آشپزخانه است؟ Why is dad in the kitchen? why is father in the kitchen? حیف که او پیش از رسیدن به رویایش مرد. Sadly, she died before she could realize her dream. It's a pity he died before he reached his dream. بیصبری مانع بی چون و چرای پیشرفت است. Impatience is a definite impediment to success. Patience keeps us from making progress. به تتويبا خوش آمدید! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to the tattoo! اینترنت همه چیز را دگرگون کرد. The Internet changed everything. The Internet changed everything. تو چه جواب دادی؟ What did you answer? What did you answer? من در ورزش کارکشته نیستم. I'm bad at sports. I'm not working in sports. مراقب باش. Be careful. Be careful. بنجره را قفل کن. Close the window. Lock the horn. ستاره ها بیرون آمدند. The stars came out. The stars came out. او خسته به نظر می رسد. He seems tired. He looks tired. نباید همیشه انتظار داشته باشی که من فکر همه چیز را بکنم! You can't expect me to always think of everything! You shouldn't always expect me to think about everything! رادیو توسط مارکونی اختراع شد. The radio was invented by Marconi. The radio was invented by Marconi. تام به من گفت که سفر لغو شده است. Tom told me that the trip was off. Tom told me the trip was cancelled. آخرین بار توی پارکینگ دیدمش. I last saw him in the car park. I saw her last time in the parking lot. چه کسی حالش خوب نیست؟ Who is not unwell? Who's not feeling well? نقشش چیه? What's her plan? What's his plan? می خواهم حسابم را ببندم. I want to close the account. I'm going to close my account. ماشینی که به من فروختی برای ما بزرگه. می شه بهت بفروشمش؟ The car you sold me is too big for us. Can I sell it back to you? The car you sold me is too big for us. Can I sell it to you? می توانی خانه ما را از قطار ببینی. You may catch sight of our house from the train. You can see our home from the train. چگونه چنین بهانهٔ خوبی پیدا کردی؟ How did you come up with such a good excuse? how did you find such a good excuse? تام شروع به تمیز کردن اناقش کرد. زیرا کار بهتری برای انجام دادن نداشت. For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room. Tom started cleaning it up because he had nothing better to do. در طول جنگ مردم متحمل سختی های زیادی شدند. During the war, people went through many hardships. People suffered a lot during the war. خوبم. I'm fine. I'm fine. با این همه تلاشی که کردی، کل چیزی که توانستی جور کنی همین بود که مرا به گریه بیندازی؟ With all the effort you've put in, is that all you could come up with to bore me to tears? With all your effort, all you could do was make me cry? او همیشه در استعدادهایش مبالغه گویی می کند و دیگران او را باور می کنند. He always exaggerates his own abilities and others often believe him. He always increases in his talents and others believe him. او از سیگار کشیدن خودداری کرد. He abstained from smoking. He refused to smoke. من حتی او را نمی شناسم. I don't even know him. I don't even know him. تام خیلی خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom seems very happy. Tom seems so happy. پرستار با ملاطفت بسیار از بیمار مراقبت کرد. The nurse cared for the patient very tenderly. The nurse took very seriously care of the patient. قبل از آنکه تصمیمی راجع به ازدواجت بگیری بهتر است با پدرو مادرت مشورت کنی. Before you make a decision about your marriage, you should have a consultation with your parents. Before you decide about your marriage, you should consult your parents. باز هم قهوه لطفا. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. چند ستاره در آسمان شب شروع به پدیدار شدن کردند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. A few stars began to appear in the night sky. قطار تا ده دقیقه‌ی دیگر حرکت می‌کند. The train leaves in ten minutes. The train leaves in 10 minutes. آن لحظه چه می کردی؟ What were you doing that moment? What were you doing that moment? سال نو مبارک!‏ Happy New Year! Happy New Year! او درمورد همه چیز کنجکاو است. He is curious about everything. He's curious about everything. من یک جفت دستکش خریدم. I bought a pair of gloves. I bought a pair of gloves. من او را نمی شناسم. I don't know him. I don't know him. دزد در حین سرقت دستگیر شد. The thief was arrested red-handed. The thief was arrested during the robbery. می خواهم وقتی بزرگ شدم شاه شوم. When I grow up, I want to be a king. I want to be king when I grow up. پدرم گاهی مرا به اداره اش می برد. Father sometimes took me to his office. My father sometimes took me to his office. می توانی آن را به موقع بسازی؟ Can you make it on time? Can you make it in time? می خواستم یک سوال ازت بپرسم توی جلسه ولی یادم رفت. I meant to ask you a question in the meeting but I missed out. I wanted to ask you a question at the meeting, but I forgot. اگر نمی توانی شکستشان دهی، به آنها بپیوند. If you can't beat them, join them. So if you are not able to defeat them, then join them. حالا موریل ۲۰ ساله است. Muiriel is 20 now. Now Muriel's 20 years old. لطفا تعارف نکن ، راحت باش و هر چی که میخوای از یخچال بردار و بخور. Please feel free to have anything in the fridge. Please don't offer. Take whatever you want from the fridge. اخیراً نتایج خیلی خوبی به دست آورده است. Lately, he's achieved some pretty good results. It's been getting very good results lately. چرا مثل یک بچه خوب نمی شینی؟ Why don't you be a good boy and sit down? why don't you sit like a good kid? او به اندازه یکسان نوه پسری و دختری دارد. She has an equal number of grandsons and granddaughters. She has the same grandson as sons and daughters. آنها می گویند که سد بزرگی ساخته خواهد شد. They say that a large dam will be built. They say there will be a great barrier. کلن بر روی راین قرار دارد. Cologne lies on the Rhine. It's based on Ryan. او مطلقاً هیچ دشمنی ندارد. He has absolutely no enemies. He doesn't have any enemies. جایی برای من وجود دارد؟ Is there any room for me? Is there a place for me? خودت می‌دانی که این جمله را از من الهام گرفتی. I was your inspiration for this sentence, and you know it. You know that you inspired me. کی دوباره به من سر میزنی? When will you visit me again? When will you visit me again? تام گفت که او تنهاست Tom says that he's lonely. Tom said he was alone. آیا در خانه صبحانه می خوری؟ Do you have breakfast at home? Do you have breakfast at home? او معاش خود را چگونه تامین می کند؟ How does he gain his living? How does he provide his livelihood? او در را بست. He closed the door. He closed the door. فرصت خوب را به دور نیانداز. Don't throw away a good opportunity. Don't throw a good opportunity away. سلام، من سپیده هستم. Hey! I'm Sepideh. Hi, I'm dawn. هوا خیلی تاریک بود. It was so dark. It was so dark. تام سه سگ دارد. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. آن روستایی است که من درش به دنیا اومدم. That's the village I was born in. It's the village where I was born. دیروز کسالت داشتم. Yesterday I was ill. I was bored yesterday. هرکه بامش بیش، برفش بیشتر. The more you have, the more you have to lose. Any more, more snow. من این وب سایت را به همه دوستان من توصیه مى كنم. I will recommend this website to all my friends. I recommend this website to all my friends. این از بدیهیات است. That's common sense. It's obvious. تو تلاش نمی کنی! You are not trying! You're not trying! هدف را میتونم ببینم. I can see the target. I can see the target. می خواهم خواهر بزرگتر شما را ملاقات کنم. I want to see your older sister. I want to meet your older sister. از یک جهت حق با توست. In a sense, you are right. You're right on one side. بزرگی یک ملت و تکامل اخلاقی آن می‌توانند از روی شیوهٔ رفتار با حیوانات آن قضاوت شوند. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. The greatness of a nation and its moral evolution can be judged by the way they treat its animals. تام به کسی شلیک نکرد. Tom didn't shoot anybody. Tom didn't shoot anybody. روباه بوی گندش را زودتر از دیگران استشمام می‌کند. A fox smells its own lair first. Fox smells worse than others. کلمات بیشتر از مشت ها آسیب می زنند. Words hurt more than fists. Words hurt more than fists. آنها در کسری از ثانیه به هم چشمک زدند. They winked at each other in a fraction of a second. They winked at each other in a matter of seconds. من در هنگام خواندن به خواب رفتم. I fell asleep while reading. I went to sleep reading. مرگ تنها یک افق است؛ و افق چیزی بیش از حد دید ما نیست. Death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Death is just a horizon, and the horizon is not too much of our sight. مرد درخت را تحت است. The man is under the tree. The man has the tree under control. آن کلمه چه بود؟ What's that vocabulary? What was that word? قتل با مرگ مجازات پذیر است. Homicide is punishable by death. Murder is punished by death. او بهتر از من شنا می کند. He is a better swimmer than I. He swims better than I do. هر کسی پولش را ذخیره می‌کند. Everybody is hoarding their cash. Everyone saves their money. تام بیشتر عمرش به تناوب در بیمارستان‌های روانی بستری بوده است. Tom has been in and out of mental hospitals most of his life. Tom spent most of his life in mental hospitals. من فکر می‌کنم, پس هستم. I think, therefore I am. I think so, then I am. چرا این اذیتت میکنه? Why does that bother you? Why does that bother you? اون کار رو باید می کردم، اما نکردم. I should've done that, but I didn't. I should have done that, but I didn't. آبا آوازش را می توانی بشنوی؟ Can you hear his singing? Can you hear her voice? اشکات رو پاک کن Wipe your tears. Clean up your tears. او مرا نادیده گرفت حتی زمانی که مرا در خیابان دید. She ignored me even when she met me on the street. He ignored me even when he saw me on the street. مردم هلند می‌توانند به زبان‌های زیادی صحبت کنند. Dutch people can speak many languages. The Dutch people can speak many languages. کوچک ترین برادرم دو تا بچه از ازدواج اولش، و یکی دیگه از ازدواج دومش داره. My youngest brother has two children from his first marriage, and another child from his second. My youngest brother has two children from his first marriage, and another one of his second marriages. من خیلی بیشتر احساس آرامش می کردم. I felt much more relaxed. I felt so much more calm. او مجبور شد قرارداد را امضاء کند. He was compelled to sign the contract. He had to sign the contract. تو زندانی منی. You are my prisoner. You're my prisoner. بازار کجاست؟ (?Bāzār kojāst) Where is the market? Where's the market? لطفا دست نزن. Please don't touch. Please don't touch. اگر منتظر شوم، چقدر احتمال دارد جا گیرم بیاید؟ If I wait, what's the possibility I can get a seat? if i wait, how many chances can i get? "ممنون برای کمکتان." "قابلی نداشت." "Thank you for helping me." "Don't mention it." "Thank you for your help." "You're welcome." با اینکه او معذرت خواسته من هنوز عصبانی ام. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even though he's sorry, I'm still angry. خودکارش سر تیزی دارد. His pencil has a sharp point. The pen has a sharp head. هرگز دستی را گاز نگیر که به تو غذا می دهد. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Never bite the hand that feeds you. دلیلش را به من بگو که چرا دیروز غایب بودی. Give me the reason for which you were absent yesterday. Tell me why you were away yesterday. بدان که پیروزی و شکست جزء زندگی هر فردی هستند — البته به غیر از زندگی ترسوها. Know that victory and defeat are parts of anyone's life - except lives of cowards, of course. Know that victory and failure are everyone's life -- except for the lives of cowards. او از دست فرزندش عصبانی است. He's angry at his child. He's angry with his child. من در حال خوردن هستم. I am eating. I'm eating. تعدادی دانش‌اموز دبیرستانی داشتند در محوطهٔ مدرسه مواد مصرف می‌کردند. There were a bunch of highschoolers doing drugs within school grounds. Some high school students were using drugs in the school area. کافر همه را به کیش خود پندارد. A thief believes everybody steals. He thinks that it is the truth of what he is doing. دیروز عمویم سگی خریداری کرد. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. پدر زنگ ساعت را برای ساعت شش تنظیم کرد. Father set the alarm for six o'clock. Father set the alarm for six o'clock. من بند کفشم را شل کردم. I loosened my shoelaces. I looseed my slippers. من هنوز در خانه بودم. I was still at home. I was still at home. گرچه در قرن نوزدهم بسیاری از محققین غربی بر روی ادبیات قدیم فارسی تحقیق کرده اند، اما دنیای جدید هیچ توجهی به ادبیات معاصر ما نمی کند. Although many European researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the nineteenth century, the new world is not paying attention to our contemporary literature. Although many Western researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the 19th century, the New World does not pay attention to our modern literature. آیا تو می توانی به دلایل آن فکر کنی؟ Can you think of any reasons? Can you think for reasons? تام کیک آناناسی سر و ته شده را خیلی دوست دارد. Tom just loves pineapple upside-down cake. Tomansi's cake likes toss up and down. یکمی وقت داریم بذار یک کار خوب انجام بدیم With time on our hands now, let's do some good. We got some time. Let's do something good. دمکراسی بدترین نوع حاکمیت است، البته به جز انواع دیگر که امتحان شده‌اند. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. The democracy is the worst kind of rule, except for the other species that have been tested. میتونی اینجا بخوابی. برای من فرقی نداره. You can sleep here. I don't mind. You can sleep here. چرا هیچ کس پاسخ سؤالهایم را نمی دهد؟ Why won't anybody answer my questions? Why doesn't no one answer my questions? الان حس و حالش رو ندارم. I'm not in the mood right now. I don't feel right now. گاهی بهترین راه برای حل یک مسأله ساده‌ترین راه‌حل است. The best way to solve a problem is sometimes the simplest. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to solve a simple solution. من دفتر یادداشتم را به ات قرض می دهم. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll lend you my note. تهران در ایران است. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a city in Iran. بز به حصار بسته شده است. The goat had been tethered to the fence. The goat is tied to the wall. بار قلقله بود. The bar was packed. It was a bar. او سگ را شلیک کرد. She shot a dog. He shot the dog. فقط می‌توانم فرانسوی حرف بزنم. I can only speak French. I can only speak French. دوشنبه بعد از یکشنبه می آید. Monday comes after Sunday. He comes on Monday after Sunday. ما همزمان شروع کردیم. We started at the same time. We started at the same time. او از من کمک خواست. She asked for my help. He asked for my help. بگذار برای یک لحظه به آن غور کنیم. Let's ponder that for a moment. Let's go about it for a second. حقیقت را در کجا می توانیم بیابیم؟ Where can we find the truth? Where can we find the truth? می توانم با تام صحبت کنم؟ May I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? در هر چیزی، باید آخر را در نظر گرفت. In everything, one should consider the end. In everything, the end must be considered. آنها به آن دهکده نیو آمستردام می گویند. They called the village New Amsterdam. They call that village New Amsterdam. کار امروز را به فردا میفکن. Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Take today's job tomorrow. ما به جایی نیاز داریم، که شب آنجا بمانیم. We need a place to stay for the night. We need a place to stay at night. با تیر او را خواهم زد. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. او هیچ کسی را ندارد که راهنمایی اش کند. She had no one to turn to. He has no one to guide him. عجله کار شیطان است. Haste makes waste. It's the devil's hurry. بخند لطفاً! Please laugh! Smile, please! و ایشان از شمشیرهایشان گاوآهن و از نیزه هایشان اره های نجاری ساختند:نه ملتی بر دیگر ملت شمشیر خواهد کشید ونه آنها بیش از این،جنگ کردن خواهند آموخت. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they made iron oxen out of their swords, and out of their spears, saws of carpenters: and no nation shall draw sword against another nation, neither shall they learn any more against them: ما پناهگاهی در برابر طوفان پیدا کردیم. We found a shelter for the storm. We found shelter from the storm. به چیزی که نمی‌فهمید انتقاد نکنید. Don't criticize what you can't understand. Don't criticize what you don't understand. خوبی هرگز بدون تاوان نمی‌ماند. A good deed never goes unpunished. Good will never remain without account. اتوموبیل‌های بزرگ زیاد بنزین مصرف می‌کنند. Big automobiles consume a lot petrol. Big automobils use a lot of gas. اسکاتلند در ماه سپتامبر ممکن است خیلی گرم باشد. Scotland can be very warm in September. Scotland may be very warm in September. متأسفم که شب اینقدر دیروقت به شما زنگ می‌زنم، ولی واقعاً احتیاج داشتم که با کسی حرف بزنم. I'm sorry to call you this late at night, but I really needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to call you so late tonight, but I really needed to talk to someone. سیلاب به دنبال ما. After us, the Deluge. The flood's after us. فکر کنم مادرم میداند. I think that my mom knows. I think my mother knows. همبرگرهای این مغازه از آن یکی طعم بهتری دارد. This store's hamburgers taste better than that one's. The burgers in this store taste better than the other one. این حداقل کاری است که می توانم انجام دهم. It's the least I can do. This is the least I can do. می‌خواهم معلم شوم. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. من میدونم که تام مشتری ارزشمندی است I know that Tom is a very valuable client. I know Tom's a valuable client. مهربانی زبانی است که در آن کر می‌تواند بشنود و کور می‌تواند ببیند. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Love is a language in which deaf people can hear, and the blind can see. موتسارت: یکی از بزرگترین اعجوبه‌های موسیقی همهٔ اعصار. Mozart: one of the great musical prodigies of all time. Motsart: One of the greatest music plays of all time. کریستف کلمب از اشتباهات تاریخی تنفر داشت. Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies. Christopher Caleb hated historical mistakes. من تا به حال چیزی مانند این ندیدم. I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen anything like this before. تام را چنان زیاد ملاقات نمی کنم I don't see Tom a whole lot. I don't meet Tom that much. من نبودم که دروغ گفتم، بلکه تو بودی. It wasn't me who lied, rather it was you. It wasn't me who lied, it was you. یک کم از این کیک امتحان کن. Try some of this cake. Try some of this cake. اون هیچ هدف مشخصی نداره. He has no specific aim. He doesn't have any specific targets. از طریق اسپری آب فشار قوی عملاً همهٔ رسوب زدوده می‌شود. By means of a super high-pressure water spray practically all the sediment is removed. Through water spray, strong pressure is practically all taken out. در ابتدا، او فکر می کرد انگلیسی خیلی سخت است، اما اکنون او فکر می کند آسان است. At first, he thought English very difficult, but now he thinks it is easy. At first, he thought English was very difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. میدونی، نمیخوام بکشمت. You know, I don't want to kill you. You know, I don't want to kill you. چرا کار نمی کنی؟ Why don't you work? Why don't you work? اسم شما چیست؟ What is your name? What's your name? این ایده به خودی خود ایده بدی نیست. The idea is not in itself a bad one. It's not a bad idea. ماشین ناگهانی پیچید. The car turned abruptly. The car's suddenly turned around. تام فهمید که تنها زندانی محکوم به حبس ابد در آن زندان بود. Tom learnt that he was the only convict sentenced to life imprisonment in that prison. Tom found out that the only prisoner was imprisoned for life in that prison. هنوز شروع به خواندن کتاب نکرده بود که کسی در زد. She had hardly begun to read the book before someone knocked at the door. He didn't start reading books that nobody knocks. این گیاه خوردنی نیست. This plant isn't edible. It's not food. به نظرم این کت کیفیتش خیلی بالاتر از اون یکیه I think this suit is much superior to that one in quality. I think it's a much higher quality jacket than that one. سبدبافی یک هنر منقرض‌شده است. Basket weaving is an extinct art. A basket is an extinct art. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردی. You accused him of having stolen the bike. You've been stealing your bike. برات چند تا کتاب آوردم که به بخونی. I brought you some more books to read. I brought you some books to read. برگ ها قهوه ای می شن توی پاییز. Leaves go brown in autumn. Leaves get brown in the fall. فکر می کنم تام برنده خواهد شد. I think Tom will win. I think Tom will win. او مرا شتابزده کرد. She made me hurry. He made me hurry. تو خواب آلود به نظر می رسی. You look sleepy. You look like you're asleep. پیراهن های آستین کوتاه را به من نشان بده. Show me short-sleeved ones, please. Show me short sleeves. او کیف‌دستی‌اش را گم کرد. She lost her handbag. He lost his purse. با خدا باش و پادشاهی کن. Be with God and be a lord. (Obey God to be a king) Be with God and rule. تام به قدری جذب کارش شده بود که یادش می‌رفت غذا بخورد. Tom got so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat. Tom was so attracted to his work that he forgot to eat. آنها دوستان خوبی شدند. They became good friends. They've become good friends. بهت احتیاج دارم. I need you. I need you. خیلی با حال! بسیار عالی! Fantastic! Very cool! من قول می‌دهم که هیچ قولی ندهم. I promise to make no promises. I promise I won't make any promises. قبل از ناهار میاد البته اگر اصلا بیاد. He'll come before lunch if he comes at all. He'll be here before lunch, if he ever does. من در خانه آرامش دارم. I have peace at home. I have peace at home. تام یک خرخوان واقعی است. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real donkey. آه! Ah! Aah! منظورت این است که عامدانه خوشگلی ات را پنهان می کنی؟ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? You mean you're hiding your beautiful commoner? خریدن بهتر از قرض گرفتن است. Better buy than borrow. Buying is better than borrowing. من انتخاب دیگری نداشتم جز اینکه سوار هواپیما شوم. I had no choice but to take the plane. I had no choice but to get on the plane. من به شدت تلاش مي كنم كه زبان انگليسي ياد بگيرم I am trying to learn English. I'm trying so hard to learn English. وسایلت رو پخش و پلا نکن Don't scatter your things about. Don't spread your stuff. او خیانتکار شد. He turned traitor. He was betrayed. ادای آدمهای متعجب را در نیاور. Don't look surprised. Don't act surprised. آنها شرایط بحرانی مرا فهمیدند. They understood my plight. They found out about my crisis. گریه را بس کن! Stop crying! Stop crying! می خواهم موهایم را رنگ کنم. I'm going to have to dye my hair. I want to paint my hair. او قبل از مرگ، بیش از یک ماه بستری شده بود. He was hospitalized for over a month before dying. He was in bed for more than a month before he died. تام خود را به خاطر مرگ ماری مقصّر می دانست. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Tom thought himself for Mary's death. فکر می کنم درست است. I think it true. I think it's true. نور خورشید منبع اصلی ویتامین دی است. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. The sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. من باید دوستان پرویی بیشتری پیدا کنم. I need to meet more Peruvian friends. I need to make more friends. دیوار موش دارد، موش هم گوش دارد. The walls have ears, the doors have eyes. It's got a rat wall, it's got ears. هرچند خسته بودم، حداکثر ممکن سعی ام را کردم. Although I was tired, I did my best. Though I was tired, I tried as much as possible. ازت شکایت می کنم I will sue you. I'll sue you. پیرمرد به فرانسه با من صحبت کرد. The old man spoke with me in French. The old man spoke to me in France. هیچکدام از دانشجویان نمی‌توانند به انگلیسی خوب صحبت کنند. There are no students who can speak English well. None of the students can speak good English. تو کسی هستی که الان بهش احتیاج دارم. You're the one I need now. You're the one I need right now. بدبختی او هنگامی که صدای او را شنید تبدیل به خوشبختی شد. His unhappiness when he heard her voice changed into happiness. His misery became happiness when he heard his voice. لطفا قبل از آنکه به بیرون بروی در را قفل کن. Please lock the door before you go out. Please lock the door before you go out. تو دوستم هستی You are my friend. You're my friend. او مطمئناً وظیفه ای را که به او محول شده است، انجام خواهد داد. He is sure to carry out the task assigned to him. He will surely do his duty. همانطور که منتظر تام بودم، به ذهنم خطور کرد که شاید بهتر بود ماری را دعوت نمی کردم. It occurred to me while I was waiting for Tom that maybe I shouldn't have invited Mary. As I was waiting for Tom, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't have invited Mary. از یک طرف می خواستم به شام دعوتت کنم و از طرف دیگه می خواستم بگم که پسرم ازدواج کرده On the one hand I called you to invite you to dinner, on the other to tell you my son is getting married. On the one hand, I wanted to invite you to dinner, and on the other hand, I wanted to say that my son was married. یک چاقو گم شده است. There is a knife missing. A knife is missing. آن پادشاه سال ها بر آن سرزمین حکومت کرد. The kingdom ruled over that land for years. The king ruled the land for many years. او به ندرت یا هیچ گاه قبل از یازده به رختخواب می رود. She seldom, if ever, goes to bed before eleven. He rarely goes to bed or never before 11. آیا تام کلید خانه ی ماری را دارد؟ Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have the key to Mary's house? گیاه خواری هستم. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vile plant. آن باور نکردنی است. It's incredible. It's incredible. میوه ها متعلق به همه ی شماست اما زمین متعلق به هیچ کس نیست. The fruits belong to all of you, but the earth belongs to no one. The fruit belongs to all of you, but the land belongs to no one. برای هر پست باید فرد مناسبی را انتخاب کنیم. We must select a suitable person for any post. For each post we must choose the right person. برای تصمیم‌گیری در مورد اینکه به چه کسی رأی بدهید، از چه معیارهایی استفاده می‌کنید؟ What criteria do you use in deciding who to vote for? What standards do you use to decide who to vote for? ماری دوید. Mary ran. Mary ran. ساعت چهار توانستیم به خانه برویم. At four we could go home. We were able to go home at 4:00. آنها تو را مسخره می کنند. They're mocking you. They scoff at you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him). خدا به تو برکت بدهد. May God bless you. May God bless you. برایم دشوار است که این مسئله را حل کنم. This problem is difficult for me to solve. It's hard for me to solve this. من رو دوست داره؟ Does she like me? Does he love me? هر چه او می گوید حقیقت دارد. Whatever she says is true. What he says is true. این چیزا این روزا سخت به دست میاد. These things are very hard to come by these days. It's hard to get these things these days. امروز تام یک ژاکت چهارخانه پوشیده است. Tom is wearing a plaid jacket today. Tom's wearing a four-house jacket today. این نردبان اینقدر محکم هست که وزن من رو تحمل کنه؟ Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? پیشگامان بر موانع بسیاری غلبه کردند. The pioneers overcame a set of obstacles. The pioneers overcome many obstacles. برای رقص تانگو دو نفر لازم است. It takes two to tango. It takes two people to dance. ما باید از پرندگان حفاظت کنیم. We must preserve birds. We need to protect the birds. این کارخانه مخصوص تولید پوشاک مردانه است. The factory is keyed to produce men's wear. This factory is for men's clothing production. او با ظاهری بهت زده، گفت: من چیزی نشنیده ام، بنابراین نمی توانم چیزی بگویم. He said with a perplexed expression, "I've heard nothing, so I can't say anything." He struck you in appearance, and said, "I haven't heard anything, so I can't say anything. در نهایت او خوشبختی خود را از دست داد. He lost his happiness in the end. Eventually, he lost his happiness. یک تکه‌ی کیک دیگر میل دارید؟ Would you like another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? او فاشیست است. They're a fascist. He's a lusssist. او وضعیت تأهل خود را کتمان کرد. She denied her marital status. He hid his condition. من خوشگل بودم. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. باید از حقوقمان دفاع کنیم. We must stand up for our rights. We must defend our rights. فوق العاده است. It is fantastic. It's amazing. من در تهران هستم. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. همه می‌دانستند که او می‌تواند انگلیسی را خوب صحبت کند. Everybody knew she could speak English well. Everyone knew he could speak English well. لطفا مراقب طاووس های من باش. Please take care of my peacocks. Please take care of my tractors. ان درب را ببند. Close that door. Close that door. من با خود عهد کرده‌ام هنگام خوابیدن هرگز سیگار نکشم. I make it a rule never to smoke while I'm sleeping. I promised myself never to smoke when I was sleeping. هر وقت می خواهی بگیر. Take whichever you want. Take it whenever you want. فیلم‌های خوب افق دید ما را وسیع‌تر می‌کنند. Good films broaden our horizons. Good movies extend our visual horizons. نگران شدن مانند پرداختن یک بدهی است که مدیون نیستید. Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe. It's like paying a debt you don't owe. بخدا قسم، من هرگز او را نمی شناختم. By God, I never knew that. I swear to God, I never knew him. به درک Served you right! I don't care. به کسی حمله نکن! Don't offend anyone! Don't attack anyone! دیر رسیدن بهتر از هرگز نرسیدن است. Better late than never. It's better to be late than never. احساس شما در مورد جنگ خلیج (فارس) چیست؟ How do you feel about the Gulf War? How do you feel about the Gulf War? خورشید یک ستاره است. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. امروز نمیتونم با تو بیام. I can't come with you today. I can't go with you today. خیلی طول می کشه تا آبروی از دست رفته رو به دست بیاری It will take a long time to live down your disgrace. It'll take you a long time to earn the loss of honor. من از هیچ گونه گرایش سیاسی خاص تبعیت نمی کنم. I don't adhere to any particular political tendency. I don't follow any particular political tendency. در کلام نمی گنجد. I'm at a loss for words. He doesn't treasure in the word. من فکر می کنم که او(دختر) یک رقصنده خوب است. I think she is a good dancer. I think she's a good dancer. مادر او یک خواننده بود. His mother was a singer. His mother was a singer. او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. She refused to say more about that matter. He refused to say more about it. فرض کنیم بدترین حالت ممکن رخ دهد. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Let's assume that's the worst possible situation. امیدوارم از این کار پشیمان نشوم. I hope that I don't regret this. I hope I don't regret it. او مقداری پول از آن خود دارد. She has some money of her own. He has some money. بدون شما زندگی من کاملاً خالی می‌بود. My life would have been completely empty without you. Without you, my life would be completely empty. بالاخره باید از یک جایی می آمد. It had to come from somewhere. He had to come from somewhere. هیچ ردپایی باقی نگذار. Don't leave any traces. Don't leave any trails. دست نزن بهش خیلی تیزه Don't touch that! It's sharp! Don't touch it. It's too sharp. اگر برایت اهمیت دارد، می توانی با ما بیایی. If you care to, you may come with us. If you care, you can come with us. در فقدان عدالت، حاکمیت چیزی نخواهد بود مگر دزدی سازمان یافته. In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? In lack of justice, sovereignty will be nothing but organized theft. تام خوشحال به نظر می‌رسد. Tom looks happy. Tom seems happy. آنکه همه را تمجید می‌کند، هیچکس را تمجید نمی‌کند. He who praises everyone praises nobody. He who glorifys everyone doesn't give glory to anyone. دشوار می توانم باور کنم که تام در آدم ربایی شرکت داشته. I find it hard to believe that Tom was involved in the kidnapping. It's hard to believe Tom was involved in kidnapping. هیچ کس آنجا نبود. There wasn't anyone there. There was no one there. نوشدارو بعد از مرگ سهراب. It's too late to shut the barn door after the horse is stolen. Have a drink after the death of Sujab. بعد از یک روز طولانی مدت کاری چطور دوست داری استراحت کنی? How do you like to relax and chill out at the end of a long working day? After a long day of work, how would you like to rest? کار از محکم کاری عیب نمی‌کند. Much caution does no harm. There is no fault in it. تا به حال یک درخت را هرس کرده‌اید؟ Have you ever pruned a tree? Have you ever checked a tree? تام به سبب عبور از خط زرد جریمه شد. Tom was ticketed for passing on a yellow line. Tom was punished for crossing the yellow line. هر وقت از چیزی خوش ام می آید خیلی گران است. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. When I like something, it's too expensive. معمولا ساعت ۸ بلند می‌شوم. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at 8:00. او چیزی می نویسد. He is writing something. He writes something. نمی دانم چه بگویم. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. ایده خوبی نیست که از یک زن بپرسید شما چند سالتونه؟ It's not a good idea to ask a woman how old she is. It's not a good idea to ask a woman how old are you? باید امشب کار کنم. I have to work tonight. I have to work tonight. همه‌ی داوطلبان نمی‌توانند در امتحان قبول شوند. Not all the candidates can pass the examination. Not all volunteers can pass the test. یک دوست واقعی همانند پرنده ای کم نظیر است. A real friend is like a rare bird. A real friend is like a small bird. ترن هر سی دقیقه یک بار حرکت می کنه The train runs every thirty minutes. The train moves once every 30 minutes. نمی توانم علّتی بیابم که چرا تام باید دیر کند. I couldn't think of any reason why Tom would be late. I can't figure out why Tom should be late. من همان مردی نیستم که تو در ابتدا مرا می شناختی. I am not the man I was when you knew me first. I'm not the man you knew me at first. آنها نمی توانستند از عهده ی آن مشکلات برآیند. They could not cope with those difficulties. They couldn't handle those problems. وقتی نزدیک گذرگاه رسیدیم، باران شروع به باریدن کرد. It began to rain as we came near the pass. When we got near the pass, the rain started to rain. تخطی‌کنندگان جریمه خواهند شد. Violators will be ticketed. Those who do wrong will be punished for what they used to do. زمین گرد است. The Earth is round. Earth is dust. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی The children of Adam are limbs of each otherHaving been created of one essence.When the calamity of time afflicts one limbThe other limbs cannot remain at rest.If you have no sympathy for the troubles of othersYou are not worthy to be called by the name of "man". Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- حال مادرم بهتر است. My mother's feeling better. My mother's better. برای چه کسی این استخوان را خریده ای؟ For whom have you brought the bone? who did you buy this bone for? اگر با احتیاط رانندگی کنی تصادف نخواهی کرد. If you drive carefully you'll avoid accidents. If you drive carefully, you won't crash. عشق دادن آن چیزی است که خود انسان آن را ندارد. Love is giving something one doesn't have. Love is what humans don't have. بیل سیگار را ترک کرد. Bill stopped smoking. Bill left the cigarette. منتظر گوساله بودم، خدا بچه فرستاد. I was awaiting for a calf. God sent a kid. I was waiting for the calf. God sent the baby. هیچ کس داوطلب نشد. Nobody volunteered. No one volunteered. من باید با این ایده مخالفت کنم. I have to oppose this idea. I have to disagree with this idea. می توانم استراحت کنم؟ Can I take a break? Can I rest? او پشیمان بود از اینکه به سراغ موسیقی نرفته است. She regretted not having gone into music. He was sorry he didn't go to music. او سعی کرد. She tried. He tried. من این کتاب را دوست ندارم I don't like this book. I don't like this book. تو باید از پدرت راهنمایی بخواهی و به آن عمل کنی. You should ask your father for his advice and follow it. You must ask your father for guidance and do it. برای دنیا شما کسی مثل دیگران هستید، اما برای کسی شما کل دنیا هستید. For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world. For the world you're someone like everyone else, but for someone you're the whole world. او از سگ ها می ترسد. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. بعد از هر سربالایی یک سرازیری است. There is a downhill after every uphill. After each top of each top, it's a fall. خیلی وقت است چنین کاری نکرده‌ام. I haven't done anything like this in a long time. I haven't done that in a long time. کمی برای نوشیدن زود است، این طور نیست؟ It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early to drink, isn't it? اگر این قاعده که «هر قاعده‌ای حداقل یک استثنا دارد» یک قاعده باشد، پس حداقل یک قاعده هیچ استثنائی ندارد. If "every rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. If this rule that "any rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. این کامپیوتر منسوخ شده است. This computer is obsolete. This computer is out of control. ابزارهای زیادی در جعبه وجود دارد. There are a lot of tools in the box. There are many tools in the box. حالا که صحبت از سویس شد، شما هیچ وقت زمستان به آنجا رفته‌اید؟ Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? به طور خلاصه، به این مرد نباید اعتماد کرد. The man, in short, is not to be trusted. In short, this man shouldn't be trusted. پل با 10 ستون نگاه داشته شده است. The bridge is supported by 10 posts. The bridge is kept with 10 columns. او سه روز در آنجا ماند. He stayed there for three days. He stayed there for three days. من به شما دستور می‌دهم از فرمانهایم اطاعت نکنید. I'm ordering you not to obey my orders. I command you not to obey my commandments. احتمالا همین روی تصمیم شان تاثیر گذاشته. That was probably what influenced their decision. That's probably what affected their decision. من باید با دقت بیشتری گوش می دادم. I should've listened more carefully. I had to listen more carefully. سرت شلوغ است؟ Are you busy? Are you busy? آنکس بیشتر می‌داند که کمتر حرف می‌زند. He knows most who speaks least. Anx knows more than he talks less. آن فیل به باغ وحش برده شد. The elephant was brought to the zoo. The elephant was taken to the zoo. باید به همون روش انجام بشه. It needs to be done in the same way. It has to be done the same way. من با بسیاری از دوستان در کانادا نامه نگاری می کنم. I correspond with many friends in Canada. I write with a lot of friends in Canada. تشکر برای دعوت کردن من. Thanks for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. اگر یک فیلسوف یک ریش سفید و بلند نداشته باشد به او اعتماد نمی‌کنم. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. هیئت منصفه‌ی عالی او را از هر جرمی بی‌گناه دانست. A grand jury found him not guilty of any crime. The grand jury considered him innocent of any crime. او واقف نبود که تمجید یک طعنه در لباس مبدل است. He was not aware that the praise was a satire in disguise. He didn't realize that praise is an insult in dress. از کاهی کوهی ساختن. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. They made it out of a rock. پاپ بعدی چه کسی خواهد بود؟ Who will be the next pope? Who will be the next Pope? من مجبور بودم هنگامی که در بیمارستان بودم از سیگار کشیدن اجتناب کنم. I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital. I had to avoid smoking while I was in the hospital. سلام بابا. Hi, Father. Hi, Dad. زبان همیشه به دندانی که درد می‌کند می‌خورد. The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth. The language always fits the tooth that hurts. دو ساختمان مجاور هم هستند. The two buildings adjoin. There are two nearby buildings. ما با زبان اشاره صحبت کردیم. We talked in sign language. We spoke sign language. من تضمین می کنم که این ساعت زمان دقیق را نشان دهد. I guarantee this watch to keep perfect time. I guarantee this watch will show the exact time. او دید که آن مرد شیشه را شکست. She saw him break the window. He saw the man break the glass. من داشتم فقط آلمانی حرف می‌زدم. I was speaking only German. I was just talking German. ظاهر و رفتار او مرا شرمنده کرد. His appearance and behavior made me ashamed of him. His appearance and his behavior shamed me. جمعیت این کشور در حال کم شدن است. The population of this country is diminishing. The population of this country is about to be reduced. لطف کنید اسم و شماره تلفن آن دکتر را به من بدهید. Please provide that doctor's name and phone number for me. Please give me that doctor's name and phone number. چرا به ژاپن رفتی؟ Why did you go to Japan? Why did you go to Japan? من با او آشنا هستم. I am acquainted with him. I'm familiar with him. برو بپر تو دریاچه. Go jump in the lake. Get in the lake. هواشناسی پیش بینی بارندگی کرده. The forecast calls for rain. It's predictive weather. آنها همگی ساخته‌های خیالت هستند. They're all figments of your imagination. They're all your imaginations. به او دشنام داد.به همین خاطر او عصبانی گشت. He insulted her. That is why she got angry. He insulted him. That's why he got angry. بهترین سلاح علیه یک دشمن، دشمن دیگر است. The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. اگر نتوانی به وعده‌ات عمل کنی، چه عذری خواهی آورد؟ If you can't keep your promise, what excuse will you make? Then what is your excuse if you are not able to do so? هیچ کس نمی توان آزادی را به تو دهد. هیچ کس نمی تواند برابری یا عدالت یا هر چیز دیگری را به تو دهد. اگر انسانی، خودت آن را به دست می آوری. Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. No one can give you freedom. No one can give you equality or justice or anything. If a human, you get it yourself. تام داره یه نقشه ای میکشه. Tom is plotting something. Tom's planning something. والدین بچه هایشان را دوست دارند. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. کدام کیف مال تو است؟ Which bag is yours? What bag is yours? یک زن بلوند با روانپزشکش صحبت می‌کند. A blonde is speaking to her psychiatrist. A blonde woman talks to her psychiatrist. چرا من باید بخواهم که به تام کمک کنم؟ Why would I help Tom? Why would I want to help Tom? تام موهایش را به رنگ سیاه رنگ کرد. Tom has dyed his hair black. Tom painted his hair in black. همینکه او را ببینم، خبر را به او خواهم گفت. I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. When I see him, I will tell him the news. باید زودتر بیاید. It must come soon. You need to come quickly. برج توکیو را می‌توانستم در دوردست ببینم. I could see Tokyo Tower far away. I could see Tokyo Tower far away. او معنی لفظ به لفظ جمله را توضیح می دهد. She explains the literal meaning of the sentence. He explains the meaning of the phrase. تام نتوانست عصبانیتش را کنترل کند. Tom couldn't contain his anger. Tom couldn't control his anger. حرفه شما چیست؟ What is your line of work? What is your profession? آیا مردم هرگز شما را به دمدمی مزاج بودن متهم می‌کنند؟ Do people ever accuse you of being temperamental? Do people never accuse you of being paranoid? آب و هوای بد بر سلامت او تاثیر گذاشت. The bad weather affected his health. Bad weather affected her health. یک خرس قطبی یک خرس چهارگوش است، البته پس از یک تبدیل مختصات. A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform. A polar bear is a four-line bear, after a turn of coordinates. اگر کلید برده بودم، پشت در نایستاده بودم. If I had taken the key, I wouldn't be standing behind the door. If I had taken the key, I wouldn't have stood behind the door. خوشحالم که به آخرین نامه شما جواب دهم. I am happy to reply to your last letter. I'm glad to answer your last letter. چطوره به عنوان یک تغییر امروز صبح بیرون غذا بخوریم؟ How about eating out this morning for a change? How about we eat outside as a change this morning? شما باید در این کلاس بالاتر از سی نمره بگیرید. You have to get above a "C" in the class. You have to get a degree above 30 in this class. هیچ اثاثی در اتاق نیست. There's no furniture in the room. There's no furniture in the room. تام متوجه نبود که در قبال رفتار برادر اش مسئول است. Tom did not consider that he was responsible for his brother's behaviour. Tom didn't realize he was responsible for his brother's behavior. حالم خوب نیست یا بهتر بگم حالم افتضاحه. I don't feel good or rather, I feel terrible. I'm not feeling well or I'm sick of it. ادامه بده ( ادامه دادن ) Go on. Keep going. هرگز نمی توانم خودم را مجبور کنم راجع به آن صحبت کنم. I can never bring myself to talk about it. I can never force myself to talk about it. سه بار اندازه بگیر و یک بار ببر. Measure thrice, cut once. Take three measures and take one. من یک چتر نو را در اتوبوس جا گذاشتم. I left a new umbrella in the bus. I left a new umbrella on the bus. تام و ماری می گویند که خیلی از یاد گرفتن فرانسوی لذت می برند. Tom and Mary say they're having a lot of fun learning French. Tom and Mary say they really enjoy learning French. بسیاری از رستوران ها در حال حاضر وای- فای مجانی دارند. Many restaurants now have free Wi-Fi. Many restaurants are now free-of-charge. تام نمی داند چطور اوقات خوشی داشته باشد. Tom doesn't know how to have a good time. Tom doesn't know how to have a good time. مشغول صحبت با تام هستم. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. من عادت به سخنرانی کردن در حضور جمع ندارم. I'm not used to making speeches in public. I'm not used to speaking in public. آقای تامپسون امروز خیلی مشغول بوده است. Mr Thompson has been very busy today. Mr. Thompson has been very busy today. تو با او بحث کردی؟ Did you argue with him? did you argue with him? هیچ وقت از کسی نخواسته که براش کاری انجام بده. She has never asked a favour of anybody. He never asked anyone to do anything for him. هر انسانی نقطه ضعف‌های خود را دارد. Every man has his weak points. Every person has its weaknesses. این روزها افکار زیادی در سر دارم. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have many thoughts these days. حل مخاصمه، غیر ممکن است. It is impossible to resolve the conflict. Arguing is impossible. من پول را در گاوصندوق گذاشتم. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. آیا ستاره‌های دریایی قابل خوردن هستند؟ Are starfish edible? Can sea stars be eaten? حادثه دو سال پیش اتفاق افتاد. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. آنگاه الگوریتم را ادامه می‌دهیم. Then we can continue the algorithm. Then we continue the algorithm. تام پرورش دهنده گوسفند است. Tom is a sheep farmer. Tom is a sheep grower. نمی توانم اینجا بمیرم. I can't die here. I can't die here. او آوازه خوان خوبی است. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. مقاومت بیهوده است. Resistance is futile. The resistance is in vain. آقای آنتون به سردی با آنها صحبت کرد. Mr. Anton spoke to them coldly. Mr. Anton spoke to them coldly. هلن در حیاط در حال بازی کردن است. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the yard. او برای مادرش نامه مینویسه. He's writing his mother a letter. He writes to his mother. می خواهم با تو بیایم، اما پول ندارم. I want to go with you, but I'm broke. I want to come with you, but I don't have any money. من دیگر تو را دوست ندارم. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. نامزد ام بدون اطلاع قبلی آمد و من احساس یاس می کنم. My fiancee arrived without notifying me beforehand, and I felt embarrassed. My fiancé came in without warning, and I feel like I'm sorry. وقتی تام از مری پرسید چند سال داری؛ مری دورغ گفت. Mary lied when Tom asked her how old she was. When Tom asked Mary how old you were; Mary lied. آیا میزی برای دو نفر در روز جمعه وجود دارد؟ Is there a table available for two on Friday? Is there a table for two people on Friday? آزاد مرد! همیشه تو دریا را عزیز خواهی داشت. Free man, always you will cherish the sea. You will always love the sea. دیروز خوشحال بودم. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. در زمان های بسیار دور در هندوستان، یک میمون، یک روباه و یک خرگوش با خوشی کنار هم زندگی می کردند. Long long ago in India, a monkey, a fox, and a rabbit lived happily together. In a long time away in India, a monkey, a fox and a rabbit lived happily together. گاهی اوقات لازم است خودت را دور کنی تا همه چیز را واضح تر ببینی. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly. Sometimes you need to get away from yourself to see things more clearly. معمولاً بیش از سه هفته طول می‌کشد تا یک سخنرانی فی‌البداههٔ خوب آماده کنم. It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good speech. با او موافقم. I agree with him. I agree with him. دوست داریم آخر هفته با هم عصرانه داشته باشیم Would you like to have supper with us on the weekend? We'd like to have an evening together this weekend. آنها هنوز به رسوم ما عادت نکرده اند. They are not used to our customs yet. They're not used to our traditions yet. اینجا قبلا یک مزرعه‌ی سرسبز بود، ولی حالا یک سوپرمارکت است. There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket. This used to be a green farm, but now it's a supermarket. پسر اسب دارد. The boy has a horse. The boy has horses. پرستار به شما یک آرام‌بخش داد. The nurse gave you a sedative. The nurse gave you a relief. اصلاً فکرش را هم نکن. Don't even think of it. Don't even think about it. هیچ کس به کمکم نیامد. No one came to help me. No one has helped me. آنقدر سوپ رو بجوشانید تا غلیظ بشود. Boil the soup down until it becomes thick. So much for the soup to get thick. هفده ساله ای؟ Are you 17? You're 17? من اینجا نیستم. (.Man injā nistam) I'm not here. I'm not here. به او بد نگاه نکن چون که تنها او بی پول است. Don't look down on him merely because he is poor. Don't look bad at him because he's the only one without money. متاسفیم، ولی حق انتشار این اطلاعات را نداریم. We are sorry, but we don't have publishing rights for this information. We're sorry, but we don't have the right to publish this information. ولش کن. Let it go. Let him go. این را به قلبت نزدیک نگاه ندار. Don't take it to heart. Don't keep this close to your heart. ایچیرو کمی ناراحت به نظر می‌رسید، ولی بر اثر سال‌های دراز آشنایی با او فهمیدم که همه‌اش تظاهر است. Ichiro sounded somehow upset but my long years of hanging out with him told me that it was out and out fake. Ichiro seemed a little upset, but as long as I met him, I realized that he was all pretending. اگر کم صحبت کنی و بیشتر گوش دهی، چیزی یاد می‌گیری. If you would talk less and listen more, you might learn something. If you talk little and you listen more, you'll learn something. آیا آزاردهنده نیست؟ Isn't that irritating? Isn't it annoying? تکنیک او بی همتا و کاملاً غیرفابل باور بود. His technique was unrivalled and completely unbelievable. His technique was unique and completely unsatisfied. او همه فن حریف است. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He's the whole trick of the opponent. او برای همیشه عاشق او خواهد بود. He will love her forever. He'll be in love with her forever. بعله، فکرشو میکردم. Yes, I thought so. Yeah, I thought so. این مهم نیست. This is not important. It doesn't matter. هیچ چیز نمی تواند تصمیم او را تغییر دهد. Nothing could induce him to change his mind. Nothing can change his decision. او نقشی در به پایان رساندن کار داشت. He had a share in completing the job. He had a role in finishing the job. دیروز غروب؟ چه ساعتی؟ Yesterday evening? As in what time? What time? از اینکه در مورد هر چیزی با ادعا حرف می زنه متنفرم. I hate his talking big on every occasion. I hate that he talks about everything he claims to be. این کار را ظرف پنج روز تمام می‌کنم. I will finish the work in five days. I'll finish this in five days. تام اخم کرد. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. این مسیر جند ساعت طول میکشه. How many hours will the trip take? That's gonna take a couple hours. تغییر تنها ثابت است. Change is the only constant. Change is only fixed. حقیقت چیست؟ What is the truth? What's the truth? مردمی که آزادی انتخاب دارند، همواره صلح را انتخاب خواهند کرد. A people free to choose will always choose peace. People who have freedom will always choose peace. او این تصادف را به پلیس گزارش کرد He reported his accident to the police. he reported this accident to the police حسن نیت و عدالت را در برابر همه ملل رعایت کن. صلح و سازش را با همگان ترویج کن. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Follow the well-being and justice against all nations: promote peace and reconciliation with all. «Quod erat demonstrandum» یک اصطلاح لاتین است که اغلب در ریاضیات استفاده می‌شود. معنی می‌دهد «آنچه باید نشان داده می‌شد». "Quod erat demonstrandum" is a Latin phrase that's often used in mathematics. It means "That which must be demonstrated." "Qood dmonstandum" is a Latin term used in mathematics often. It means "what should be shown." او عکس را چپه آویخته است. She hung the picture upside down. He hung the photo on the left. خسته شدم از نصیحت کردن هاش. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm tired of giving her advice. ارزش خرد بیشتر از مروارید است. The price of wisdom is above pearls. The value of wisdom is greater than pearls. برای خانه با او چانه زدیم. We bargained with him for the house. Then We exalted him to the house with him. ما عجول بودیم. We were impatient. We were in a hurry. من می‌خواهم عشق حقیقی را پیدا کنم. I want to find true love. I want to find true love. مد یک صورت از بدقیافگی غیر قابل تحمل است که مجبوریم هر شش ماه آن را عوض کنیم. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. The fashion is an unresolved face that we have to change every six months. مهمترین ویژگی حبس، از دست دادن آزادی است. The fundamental aspect of imprisonment is the loss of liberty. The most important feature in prison is losing freedom. برو بیرون! Get out! Get out! دعوا ادامه دارد. The feud continues. The fight continues. آن به ترجمه ماشینی شباهت دارد. It looks like a machine translation. It's similar to the translation of a machine. میلی من را دوست دارد. Millie loves me. Millie loves me. در معادن زغال سنگ، این کارگران که دولت به آنها حقوق می دهد، با مرگ دست و پنجه نرم می کنند. These workmen, whom the government pays for, are dealing with death in coal mines. In coal mines, these workers who the government pays are dealing with death. مدیر مدرسه‌ی ما یک آمریکایی است. The principal of our school is an American. Our school manager is an American. کمکشان را نیاز خواهم داشت. I will need their help. I'll need their help. اگر می‌توانستم ترتیب الفبا را عوض کنم، حروف ت و م را کنار هم می‌گذاشتم. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. If I could change the alphabet order, I'd put the letters and m together. چه چیزی در دستت داری؟ What are you holding in your hand? What do you have in your hand? امروز یکمی حالم بده. I'm feeling a little under the weather today. I'm feeling a little sick today. قانون باید روشن باشد. The law should be clear. The law must be clear. میلی کتاب دارد. Millie has a book. Milli has books. نگذار او آدرس آن خانم را بفهمد. Don't let him know her address. Don't let her know her address. مراقب سگ بد جنس همسایه بغلی باش. Be careful of that mean dog next door. Watch your neighbor's ugly dog. تشکر قلبی! Heartfelt thanks! Thank you heart! این دارو باید با شکم خالی مصرف شود. This medicine is to be taken on an empty stomach. It must be used with an empty stomach. آیا کسی از شما در هاوائی بوده است؟ Has anyone of you been to Hawaii? Have any of you been in Hawaii? وقتی ما با هم صحبت می کردیم او پرید میان صحبتمان. She cut in when we were talking. When we were talking, he jumped into our conversation. تام می خواهد جهان را تغییر دهد. Tom wants to change the world. Tom wants to change the world. آب پرتقال می‌نوشم. I'm drinking orange juice. I drink orange juice. آنها با آب و غذای کافی سربازان را پشتیبانی می کنند. They supplied the soldiers with enough food and water. They support soldiers with enough water and food. چرا من زبان انگلیسی را درک نمی کنم؟ Why don't I understand English? Why don't I understand English? از خانواده چه خبر؟ How is it going with your family? What's up with the family? لباس توی ویترین مغازه چشم مری را گرفت. The dress in the shop window caught Marie's eye. The dress in the window caught Mary's eye. زمین یکی از سیارات است The earth is one of the planets. Earth is one of the planets. دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست. Fine words butter no parsnips. Two hundred says because it's not half an act. ما یک فرش نو می خواهیم. We want a new carpet. We want a new carpet. یک کلمه هم حرف نزد Not a word did he speak. He didn't say a word. آن ها می توتنند همان اجناس را با قیمت پایین تری تولید کنند They can produce the same goods at a far lower cost. They could produce the same stuff at a lower price. دسر مورد علاقه ات چیست؟ What's your favorite dessert? What's your favorite dessert? چه غذاهای فراوانی قابل طبخ با بادنجان هستند! So many tasty foods can be prepared with eggplants! There's so many foods that are medicineable with the wind! N8 اولین دستگاه تولید شده بوسیله نوکیا با سیستمِ عِامل سیمبیان 3 خواهد بود. The N8 will be the first device by Nokia with the Symbian^3 operating system N8 will be the first device produced by Nokia with the Amal Simian 3. دنیا از یک قانون طلائی پیروی می‌کند: هر کسی که طلا دارد، قوانین را می‌سازد. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. The world follows a golden rule: whoever has gold makes the rules. آن دختر کوچولو قادر به سوار شدن به دوچرخه نیست. The little girl is not capable of riding a bicycle. That little girl can't get on a bike. همه‌ی تعمیم‌دادن‌ها اشتباه‌اند، ازجمله همین یکی. All generalizations are false, including this one. All errors are wrong, including this one. امروز صیح خیلی زود از خواب بیدار شده ای؟ کاری داری که انجام بدهی؟ You're up very early this morning. Do you have something to do? You wake up early today, do you have anything to do? دل‌شاد بودن، عمر انسان را طولانی می‌کند. A merry heart makes a long life. It takes a long life to be happy. گرانبها هستم. I am valuable. I'm precious. از او خواهش کرد که با او بماند ولی او سریعا خانه را ترک کرد. She begged him to stay with her, but he left home as quickly as he could. He asked him to stay with him, but immediately he left the house. من نمیدونم تام چه نقشه داره میکشه. I don't know what Tom is plotting. I don't know what Tom's planning. شما آشپز خوبی هستید. You are a good cook. You're a good cook. احتیاط فرزند ارشد دانایی است. Caution is the eldest daughter of wisdom. Pregnancy is a wise child. او از اصابت صاعقه، جان سالم به در برد. He survived being struck by lightning. He survived the lightning strike. باید قبل از آن‌ها برسیم آن جا. We must get there before them. We need to get there before they do. تبریک! Congratulations! Congratulations! اجل گشته میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking door hangs longest. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. من به ایستگاه رفتم تا با دوستم خداحافظی کنم. I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. زندگی چه معنایی خواهد داشت اگر شهامت امتحان کردن هیچ چیز را نداشته باشیم. What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? What life would mean if we didn't have the courage to try anything. من فقط نمی دانم چه بگویم. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. کامپیوتر من دیروز خراب شد. My computer was down yesterday. My computer went down yesterday. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی به تام رای دهی. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to vote for Tom, are you? You don't really want to vote for Tom, do you? من فقط ديروز اينجا بودم. I was just here yesterday. I was only here yesterday. تام فکر نمی کرد که دلش را داشته باشد به ماری بگوید چه کاری بایست انجام می شد. Tom didn't think he had the stomach to tell Mary what needed to be done. Tom didn't think he had the heart to tell Mary what had to be done. او به هدفش رسید. He reached his goal. He has achieved his purpose. آزادی غیر قابل استفاده است مگر اینکه از آن استفاده کنید. Freedom is useless unless you use it. Freedom is unuseable unless you use it. من فراموش کردم که تلویزیون را قبل به خواب رفتن خاموش کنم. I forgot to turn off the television before going to sleep. I forgot to turn off the TV before I went to sleep. به نظر می رسد او دوستان زیادی دارد. It looks like she's got a lot of friends. He seems to have a lot of friends. شما نمی‌دانید آن بطری کدر کوچک حاوی چیست. You don't know what that small opaque bottle contains. You don't know what that little bottle contains. زندگی آسان نیست. Life's not easy. Life is not easy. هیچ‌کس همّه چیز را نمی‌داند. No one knows everything. No one knows anything. میای خونه ما سارا؟ Would you come to our house, Sarah? Will you come to our house, Sarah? او چگونه به خبرهای ناگوار واکنش نشان داد؟ How did he react to the bad news? How did he react to bad news? اتفاقات زیادی افتاد و همه برنامه ریزی ام بهم ریخت. A lot of things happened and my schedule was messed up. A lot of things happened and all my plans went wrong. بیا بریم یک فنجان قهوه بنوشیم در آن کافی شاپ آنجا. Let's go drink a cup of coffee at that coffee shop over there. Let's get a cup of coffee in there. این امر هم در مورد کودکان و هم در مورد بزرگسالان صدق می کند. This is true of adults as well as of children. This applies to both children and adults. آروم باش. او فقط دارد با تو شوخی می کند. Relax. He's just teasing you. Relax. He's just joking with you. من نمی توانستم ایده هایش را بفهمم. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. برای چه چنین چیزی گفتی؟ Why did you say such a thing? Why did you say that? من در ریاضیات مهارت دارم. I'm good at mathematics. I'm good at math. شما می توانید گزینه های پیکره بندی بازی را در هنگام شروع بازی برای اولین بار، تنظیم نمایید. You can adjust game configuration options when starting the game for the first time. You can set the game configuration options when starting the game for the first time. دیشب هیچ کاری نکردم. فقط روی کاناپه وِلو ماندم. I didn't do anything yesterday evening. I just lay around on the sofa! I didn't do anything last night. فیلم ساعت دو شروع شد. The film started at 2 o'clock. The film started at 2:00. اگر باید خرس را ملاقات کنید، وانمود کنید مرده‌اید. If you should meet a bear, pretend to be dead. If you have to meet the bear, pretend you're dead. ما با یکدیگر می رقصیم. We dance together. We dance together. آنها به کجا رفتند؟ Where did they go? where did they go? آشپزخانه را بعداً تمیز خواهم کرد. I'll clean the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. اینها خودروهای مشابه هستند. These are the same kind of car. These are similar cars. من در ترکیه زندگی می کنم. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. عجله کن! وقتی برای تلف کردن نداریم! Hurry! There's no time to lose. Hurry up, we don't have time to waste! بیشتر مردم در مورد زندگی روزمره شان می نویسند. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their everyday lives. به هیچ دردی نمی خورد. It is good for nothing. It won't do any good. او همیشه در حال مطالعه کردن به موسیقی گوش می دهد. She always studies listening to music. He's always listening to music studying. یک قاضی باید از قانون اطاعت کند نه از شاه. A judge must obey not the king, but the law. A judge must obey the law, not the king. من ديروز به سينما رفتم I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the movies yesterday. من از این همه جر و بحث خسته و بیزارم. I'm sick and tired of all this bickering. I hate all this argument and I hate it. به صندلی خود برگرد. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. آیا واقعاً صلح پایداری وجود دارد؟ Is there really a sustainable peace? Is there really peace of endurance? من خیار می خورم. I eat cucumber. I'll eat pickles. صاحبخانه قفلها را عوض کرد. The landlord changed the locks. The owner changed the locks. این آغاز عصری جدید است. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. تنها رها کردن کودکان، یک بی‌فکری محض بود. Leaving the children alone was sheer thoughtlessness. Only leaving children was a thoughtless mind. کرایه‌ی اتوبوس چقدر است؟ What's the bus fare? How much is the bus rent? می تونم این یکی رو ببینم؟ Can I see this one? Can I see this one? درمورد من فکر بد نکن. Don't get me wrong. Don't think bad about me. وقت خوردنه! Time to eat! It's time to eat! دائی من جوان نیست ولی سالم است. My uncle is not young, but he is healthy. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. اینجا هیچ چیزی برای من نیست. There's nothing for me here. There's nothing for me here. آخرین کسی که ایده ام را شنید فکر کرد دیوانه ام. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person who heard my idea thought I was crazy. تنها راز زندگی این است که چرا خلبانان کامی کازه، کلاه ایمنی می پوشیدند. The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets. The only secret of life is why Campi Kaze's pilots wear helmets. یک سال کبیسه چند روز دارد؟ How many days are there in a leap year? How many days does Kabisse have a year? این کفش‌ها ساخت ایتالیا هستند. These shoes were made in Italy. These are Italian shoes. آیا خطرناک نخواهد بود؟ Wouldn't that be dangerous? Won't it be dangerous? او نا را مجبور کرد زودتر بیاییم. He compelled us to come earlier. He forced Na to come sooner. یک بار دیگر سعی کنیم. Let's try it again. Try again. این اتاقی است که جسد در آن یافت شد. This is the room where the body was found. This is the room where the body was found. امروز هوا بسیار بد است. It is terrible weather today. It's too bad today. تام تمام صبح را به دنبال سگش می گشت. Tom was looking for his dog all morning. Tom spent the morning looking for his dog. روزی، مایک و جین برای خرید به مرکز شهر رفتند. One day Mike and Jane went downtown to do some shopping. One day, Mike and Jane went shopping downtown. به من کمک کن. Help me! Help me. شنیدن کی بُوَد مانند دیدن. Seeing is believing. Let's hear who's bad, like seeing. شاید آخرین سگ خرگوش را بگیرد. Maybe the last dog is catching the hare. Maybe he'll get the last rabbit dog. این جمله به طرز فاحشی غلط است. This sentence is egregiously wrong. It's immorally wrong. همه ی پلیس ها شجاع نیستند. Not all policemen are brave. Not all cops are brave. آسان بگیرش. Take it easy. Take it easy. چوب را که بلند کنی، گربه دزده فرار می‌کند. A fox smells its own stink first. You lift the stick, the thief's cat escapes. او در نقّادی از هر زمانی مشهورتر شد. He became ever more famous as a critic. He became the most famous of any time. بله، اتفاق افتاد اما نه در امسال. Yes, it did happen, but not in this year. Yes, it happened, but not this year. من می توانم از کوره در بروم/عصبانی بشوم! I can become angry. I can get out of the furnace/ get angry! این یک دروغ آشکار است. That's a blatant lie. This is a clear lie. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی Humans are peers of a united race, Thus in creation, share the same base. If one is affected with pain, Others share the faith of same. When you are indifferent to this pain, You shall not earn the Humans' name. Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- خلیج فارس بین ایران و شبه جزیره عرب قرار دارد. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. The Persian Bay is located between Iran and the Arab Island. چیزهای خوب برای آنها اتفاق می‌افتند که صبر کنند. All things come to those who wait. Good things happen to them to wait. شما دو نفر واقعاً مهربان هستید. You two are really kind. You two are really kind. اونا از این آدما هستن که فک می کنند به اندازه ای که پول دادی می گیری. They are very this-is-what-you-paid-for type of thing. They're the kind of people who think you're gonna get enough money. عصاره ی آزادی ریاضیات است. The essence of liberty is mathematics. It's the freedom of mathematics. کودکان آن چیزی را که والدینشان به آنها می گویند باور خواهند کرد. Children will believe what their parents tell them. Children will believe what their parents tell them. آنها اصلاً مانند آمریکایی‌های معمولی نبودند. They were not at all like average Americans. They weren't like ordinary Americans at all. بچه های بزرگتر نسبت به خواهر و برادرهای کوچیکترشان معمولا حسادت کمتری دارند. Older children tend to be less jealous than their younger sibling. The older children are usually less jealous of their younger siblings. بخندید و چاق باشید. Laugh and be fat. Smile and be fat. کهکشان آندرومدا خانه من است. The Andromeda Galaxy is my home. The Antomeda galaxy is my home. اگر خدا وجود نمی داشت، شایسته آن بود که آفریده شود. Even if God didn't exist, it would be again nice to have been created. Had it not been for God's will, He would certainly have been created; بیشتر ضرر رسوند تا منفعت. It did more harm than good. More damage than profit. افکار عمومی بر تصمیمات رئیس جمهور حاکم است. Public opinion governs the president's decisions. The public opinion is the president's decision. تام رفت بیرون روبروی کتابخانه منتظر ماند تا ماری برود ماشین را پارک کند. Tom got out in front of the library and waited while Mary went to park the car. Tom went out to the library waiting for Mary to go park the car. او عجله کرد تا زمان از دست رفته را جبران کند. He hurried on to make up for lost time. He rushed to make up for the lost time. من ترجیح می دادم که به طور خصوصی با شما سخن بگویم. I would prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather speak to you in private. چرا زنبورها بعد از نیش زدن می میرند؟ Why do bees die after stinging? Why do bees die after stinging? بدن ظاهری ات روزی فرسوده شده و خواهد مرد. Your physical body will wear out and die one day. Your body will die one day. وقتی بهت فکر می‌کنم، فقط یک چیز به ذهنم می‌آید: تکبّر. When I think of you, only one thing comes to mind: arrogance. When I think about you, there's only one thing I think about: pride. او موهای خود را قرمز کرد. She dyed her hair red. He reded his hair. به امید دیدار. See you. See you. آماده هستی؟ Are you ready? You ready? این مزاحمت چه بود؟ What is all this bother about? What's wrong with you? شنیده نشدن دلیلی برای سکوت نیست. Not being heard is no reason for silence. Not hearing is a reason for silence. اینجا پارک کردن ممنوع است. Parking is prohibited here. It's forbidden to park here. به این دلیل که تو بسیار کار می کنی، همیشه خواب آلود هستی. It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time. Because you work so hard, you're always asleep. فردا صبح، پدرم غذای خوشمزه ای برایم می پزد. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, my father will cook me a delicious meal. من ترا دوست دارم I love you. I love you. من به چنین داستانهایی خیلی علاقه دارم. I am very interested in those stories. I'm very interested in such stories. اتاق در تاریکی کامل بود. The room was in complete darkness. The room was full in darkness. تام پسرش رو در مقابل همه تحقیر کرد. Tom scolded his son in front of everyone. Tom humiliated his son before everyone. سگ را بیرون نگهدار Keep the dog out. Keep the dog out. ما باهم به حمام خواهیم رفت. We're going to take a shower together. We'll go to the bathroom together. پشت سرت را نگاه کن! Look behind you! Look behind you! ناگهان باران باریدن گرفت. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it rained down. پسرا در گوشی با هم حرف می زدند. می دونستم یک کاری می خوان بکنند. The boys were whispering; I knew they were up to something. The boys were talking on the phone. I knew they were going to do something. او مشکل داشت زیرا گذرنامه اش را گم کرده بود. She was in trouble because she lost her passport. He had trouble because he lost his passport. کلمات از بیان اشتباه شما قاصر اند. Words cannot express the extent to which you are wrong. Words don't mean you're wrong. من نمی‌توانم به سوال شما پاسخ دهم. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. تا کی باز هستید؟ How late are you open? How long are you open? شما مرتب هستید. You're organized. You're regular. تشخیص دادن تو از برادرت دشوار است. It's hard to tell you from your brother. It's hard to recognize you from your brother. من یکی از دوستان مری را ملاقات کردم. I met a friend of Mary's. I met a friend of Mary's. تام به موسیقی جاز خیلی علاقمند است. Tom is very interested in jazz. Tom is very interested in jazz music. به جهنم! Served you right! Fuck! به خاطر گستاخی او، زبانم بند آمد. I was rendered speechless by his rudeness. Because of his arrogance, my tongue was tied up. دکتر برای تام یک آرام‌بخش تجویز کرد. The doctor prescribed Tom a sedative. The doctor prescribed for Tom a relief. «اگر جایت بودم، می‌خریدمش.» «ولی جای من نیستی!» "If I were you, I'd buy it." "But you aren't me!" “Had I been in your place, I would have bought it; and you are not at all mine.” تو نمی تونی با من اینجوری رفتار کنی. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. هر روز صبح می‌توانیم صدای ناقوس کلیسا را بشنویم. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear church bells every morning. او دارد برای امتحان آماده می شود. He is preparing for the test. He's preparing for the test. تام کسی است که به من گفت باید فرانسوی یاد بگیرم. Tom is the one who told me that I should study French. Tom's the one who told me I had to learn French. کن باید تا حالا آمده باشد. Ken must be home by now. Ken must have come by by now. می‌خواهم فارسی یاد بگیرم. I want to learn Persian. I want to learn Persian. من نمی دانم چه کار دیگری باید انجام دهم. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what else to do. تام را مجبور کردم چمدان اش را باقی بگذارد. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I made Tom leave his suitcase. آیا تو پیغام را به تام رساندی؟ Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you send the message to Tom? هرچه شانس بود بیل از دست داد. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. Bill lost every chance. آیا این به تو بر می خورد؟ Does this offend you? Is that what this looks like to you? این افکار پیشقراول دموکراسی بودند. Those ideas were the harbinger of democracy. These thoughts were the first of democracy. چطور جرات می کنی با این لحن با من حرف بزنی؟ How dare you speak to me in that tone of voice! How dare you speak to me with this tone? پول شما را قادر می سازد تا هر چیزی را بخرید. Money enables you to buy anything. Money enables you to buy anything. او اينجا نيست. He is not here. He's not here. این لحظه ای است که در تاریخ ثبت خواهد شد. This moment will be recorded in history. This is the moment that will be recorded in history. تو فقط به تفریح کردن فکر می کنی. You only think about having fun. You're just thinking about having fun. این مثل پیدا جستجوی سوزن در کومهٔ علف است. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's like looking for needles in a lawn of grass. ستاره های بسیاری در آسمان می درخشیدند. Many stars were shining in the heavens. There's a lot of stars shining in the sky. اگر کسی بپرسد اصل داستان چه بود، من واقعا نمی دانم. If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know. If anyone asks what was the real story, I really don't know. او در خیابان به جلو و عقب گام بر می داشت. He walked back and forth on the street. He walked forward and back on the street. آیا برای فهمیدن جواب حتماً باید سؤال بپرسی؟ Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? Do you have to ask questions to find out the answer? اوه، آنجا یک پروانه هست. Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, there's a butterfly. چرا به من مظنون هستید؟ Why do you suspect me? Why do you suspect me? می‌خواهم فقط یک دقیقه با تام تنها باشم. I just need a minute alone with Tom. I just want to be alone with Tom for a minute. گلدانی را که او شکست، متعلق به عمه من است. The vase that he broke is my aunt's. The pot that he broke belongs to my aunt. در حقوق، انسان زمانی مجرم است که حقوق دیگران را نقض می کند. در اخلاق، حتی زمانی که انسان به انجام چنین کاری می اندیشد نیز گناهکار شمرد می شود. In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. In law, man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. من دارم یاد می گیرم که چگونه تایپ کنم. I'm learning how to type. I'm learning how to type. تام شجاع بود. Tom was brave. Tom was brave. بدترین تنهایی راحت نبودن با خود است. The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. The worst alone is not to be comfortable with itself. او دیشب کمی سرما خورده بود. He had a bit of a cold last night. He had a little cold last night. پلیس با تام مانند یک مجرم معمولی رفتار می کرد. The police treated Tom like a common criminal. The police treated Tom like an ordinary criminal. زبان جامهٔ فکر است. Language is the dress of thought. The language is a dress of thought. فوق العاده Terrific! It's amazing. یک چای با لیمو، لطفاً. A tea with lemon, please. A tea with lemons, please. یک پرندهٔ محتاط درخت خود را انتخاب می‌کند. یک خدمتکار عاقل ارباب خود را انتخاب می‌کند. A prudent bird chooses its tree. A wise servant chooses his master. A discreet bird chooses its tree. A wise servant chooses his master. یک دوچرخه بخرید. پشیمان نخواهید شد، اگر زنده بمانید. Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live. Buy a bike. You won't regret it, if you live. فارسی سخت نیست. Persian is not hard. Persian is not difficult. او چمدان هایش را به فرودگاه می برد She had her baggage carried to the airport. He took his bags to the airport. هندوانه پر از آب است. A watermelon is full of water. Hindus are full of water. تام امروز اینجا نیست. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. فرانسه چسبیده به اسپانیا است. France is adjacent to Spain. France is in Spain. شما باید بدهی های خود را پرداخت You should pay your debts. You must pay your debts. هوا مخلوطی از گازها است. Air is a mixture of gases. The air is a mixture of gas. آوریل، چهارمین ماه سال است. April is the fourth month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. آمار نشان می دهد که جمعیت این شهر در طی پنج سال، دو برابر خواهد شد. Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years. The statistics show that the population of the city will double over five years. عروسی آنها فرداست. Their wedding is tomorrow. Their wedding's tomorrow. خفه شو! Shut the fuck up! Shut up! اوه، راننده یک دیونه است. Oh, the driver is a maniac. Oh, the driver's a lunatic. من پای پیاده یا با دوچرخه بار دیگر به آنجا خواهم رفت. I will go there on foot or by bicycle next time. I'll go there on foot or by bike again. هر چه پیش آید من در کنار تو می‌ایستم. I will stand by you whatever happens. Whatever happens, I stand by your side. فناوری رایانه‌ای برای دسترسی به بسیاری از اقلام مرتبط داده‌ها ضروری است. Computer technology is indispensable to access many pertinent items of data. Computer technology is essential for accessing many of the relevant data items. می توانید هر کدام را که دوست دارید بگیرید You can take whichever way you like. You can take any one you like. من خیلی دوست دارم که تنها باشم I really like being alone. I'd love to be alone. نام‌هایشان را فراموش کرده‌ام. Their names have escaped me. I've forgotten their names. ما برای صبحانه پنکیک درست کردیم. We made pancakes for breakfast. We made pancakes for breakfast. راسکلنیکوف شخصیت اصلی کتاب جنایت و مکافات، نوشته ی داستایوسکی، است. Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the book of Crime and Punishment written by Dostoevsky. Raskekov is the main character of the book of crime and retribution, by Dedvisky. تام یک ضد سامی است. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is an anti-smite. ما تمام مواد را یکجا بدست آوردیم We got all the materials together. we've got all the materials at once. اگر صلح را نتوان با شرافت حفظ کرد، این دیگر صلح نیست. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace. If peace cannot be kept with honour, it is no longer peace. اگر بخواهد امروز به لندن برسد، باید همین الان برود. If he wanted to get to London today, he should leave now. If he wants to get to London today, he needs to leave now. نه سودی، نه زیانی، ما کاملاٌ برابر هستیم. No gain, no lose, we are fully equal. No profit, no harm. We are equal. صدای خنده کودکانه ات را می شنوم. I hear your childish laughter. I hear your baby laugh. اینقدر از زمین بالا نیست It's not that high off the ground. It's not that high. عصبانیت اتلاف انرژی است. Anger is a waste of energy. The anger is a waste of energy. به نظر میاد از دنده چپ بلند شدی امروز. It seems like you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Looks like you got up from the left ribs today. تاتوئبا به ژاپنی یعنی "برای مثال". "Tatoeba" in Japanese means "for example". Tatoba to Japanese means "for example." او دوستدار شعر و موسیقی بود. She liked poetry and music. He loved poetry and music. سلام! صبح بخیر! Hello! Good morning! Hi, good morning! هیچوقت نمی‌شود که با تام وقت بگذرانم. I never get to spend any time with Tom. It's never gonna be time to spend with Tom. جیمز باند هنرپیشه نیست. James Bond is not an actor. James Bond is not an actor. باید آن لامپ مهتابی را عوض کنم. I must replace that fluorescent lamp. I have to change that moon light. این او است. It is he. This is him. او دیگر نمی تواند از یک اسلحه استفاده کند He can't use a gun again. he can't use a gun anymore فرش مندرس بود و می بایست عوض می شد. The carpet was worn out and had to be replaced. It was Manders' carpet, and it had to change. تو حافظه خیلی خوبی داری. You have a very good memory. You have a very good memory. در آن فاصله، آن کشتی شبیه یک جزیره است. From that distance, the ship resembles an island. In that distance, that ship looks like an island. آیا این می تواند نوشته های او باشد؟ Can this be his writing? could it be his writing? او همیشه ترسو بودنش را نشان می دهد. He always shows cowardice. He always shows that he's a coward. امواج اقیانوس در نور آفتاب می‌درخشند. The ocean waves shimmer in the sunlight. The ocean waves shine in sunlight. آنها از شنیدن این خبر شوکه شدند. They were alarmed at the news. They were shocked to hear the news. تسلیت عرض می‌کنم. I grieve with you. I'm sorry for your loss. آنها مرا تهدید به مرگ کردند بنا براین من کیفم را به آنها دادم. They threatened to kill me so I gave them up my wallet. They threatened to die so I gave them my bag. تو یک کتاب امانت می گیری. You borrow a book. You'll get a book. تام ماری را به بالای دیوار می‌راند. Tom drives Mary up the wall. Tom drives Mary to the top of the wall. آیا تو حتی کنجکاو نیستی؟ Aren't you even curious? aren't you even curious? او مشتاق بود تا به پرنده ها غذا بدهد. She was eager to feed the birds. He was eager to feed the birds. اشکها در چشمانش درخشید. Tears shimmered in her eyes. The tears in her eyes. برای شیر ریخته شده شیون نمی‌کنند. It is no use crying over spilt milk. They don't pee for milk poured out. به دلیل اینکه می توان سرعت بازتکرار صدا روی دستگاه ضبط صوت همراه را تغییر داد، من از آن برای یادگیری فرانسه استفاده می کنم. Since you can change the playback speed on the walkman, I use it to learn French. Because it's possible to change the speed of the sound over the mobile recording device, I'm using it to learn French. قطره قطره جمع گردد، وانگهی دریا شود. Many a little makes a mickle. The drop of the drop shall be gathered together, and the sea shall be at the sea's rise. معلم مرا از کلاس بیرون انداخت. The teacher kicked me out of class. The teacher threw me out of class. حقیقت تار است و نتیجتاً نامرئی است. The truth is opaque and consequently imperceptible. The truth is silk, and the result is invisible. ببخشید،من نمی دانستم تو همچنان اینجا بودی. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. اسب پیشکشی را به دندانش نگاه نمی کنند. One does not look a gift horse in the mouth. The horse doesn't look into his teeth. تام مرد احمقی است. Tom is a silly man. Tom's a stupid man. این یک هدیه به نشانهٔ قدردانی ماست. This is a gift to show our appreciation. This is a gift of our gratitude. به تام می گویم که این را گفتی. I'm going to tell Tom you said that. I'll tell Tom you said that. جایی که مادرم به دنیا آمده است در شرق کشور قرار دارد. The place where my mother was born is located in the east of our country. Where my mother was born is east of the country. این قشنگ‌ترین هزینه‌ای است که تا کنون داشته‌ام. This is the nicest present I've ever had. This is the most beautiful cost I've ever had. فقط خدا منزه از خطاست. Only God is infallible. Only God is above the line. سخت‌کوشی به هیچکس ضرر نزد. Hard work never did anyone any harm. The hard work didn't hurt anyone. آیا تام هشیار است؟ Is Tom lucid? Is Tom conscious? خیلی از مردم تلویزیون دیدن را دوست دارند. Most people like watching TV. Many people like watching TV. آن یک شکنجهٔ محض بود. It was sheer torture. It was a simple torture. این تنها اشتباه او بود. This was his only mistake. It was his only mistake. بروی تابلو راهنمایی و رانندگی چه نوشته شده است؟ -یک طرفه. What is written on the road sign? - ONE WAY. What's the point of driving? شیر یا شکر دارید؟ Any milk or sugar? Do you have any milk or sugar? آه، الآن دیگه خیلی چت شد... Uh, now it's really weird... Oh, what's wrong with you now? به زودی خبرهای خوبی به شما خواهم گفت. Soon, I'll tell you some good news. I'll tell you some good news soon. حیاط بدون زن مانند باغ بدون گل است. A court without ladies is like a garden without flowers. The yard without a woman is like a garden without flowers. وقتی تام از خواب بیدار شد، تقریبا ظهر بود. It was almost noon by the time Tom woke up. When Tom woke up, it was almost noon. قصد ام این نبود. That wasn't my intention. That's not what I meant. اگر نبرد اجتناب‌ناپذیر باشد، مجبورید اول حمله کنید. If a fight is inevitable, you have to strike first. If the battle is inevitable, you have to attack first. گلویم خشک شده است. My throat feels dry. My throat's dry. ما در مقابل قانون مسئولیم. We are responsible in front of the law. We're responsible for the law. تفاوت انجام دادن و انجام ندادن انجام دادن است. The difference between doing and not doing is doing. The difference is doing and not doing. قصد ندارم ناراحتت کنم I don't mean to make you worry. I don't mean to upset you. خیلی ها به من پیشنهاد رفتن به تعطیلات را داده اند. A good many people have told me to take a holiday. A lot of people have offered me a vacation. یک ماه طول کشید تا سرماخوردگی من بهبود یافت. It took me more than a month to get over my cold. It took me a month to heal my cold. در شیراز بزرگ شدم. I grew up in Shiraz. I grew up in Shirez. آیا هیچ وقت در تهران بوده ای؟ Have you ever been to Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? خوشم نیامد. I didn't like it. I don't like it. چون باران می بارید، برای جمع کردن رخت های روی بند به حیاط رفت. Because it was raining, he went to the yard to collect the clothes from the clotheslines. As the rain rained, he went to the yard to gather the clothes on the chain. من پول زیادی برنده شدم. I hit the jackpot. I won a lot of money. من از کار کردن متنفرم. I hate working. I hate working. کامپیوتر را استفاده میکنم. I'm using the computer. I'll use the computer. من در اتاقم خواهم بود. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. بومرنگ در حالی که در هوا سوت می‌کشید، به حرکت در آمد. The boomerang hurtled whistling through the air. The boomerg moved as he whistled in the air. تا سه نشود بازی نشود. These things always happen in threes. That he may not be played by three. زنگ در به صدا درآمد. The doorbell rang. The bell came in. اگر قصد ام ترساندن ات بود رویای چند هفته پیش ام را برای ات می گفتم. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I was going to scare you, I'd tell you my dream a few weeks ago. الان حس و حالش رو ندارم. I don't feel like it now. I don't feel right now. تاکسی ناهگانی به چپ پیچید. The taxi abruptly turned left. The cab has turned left. باد به شدت می وزد. It's blowing very hard. The wind blew so hard. بچه‌ام هنوز نمی‌تواند حرف بزند؛ فقط گریه می‌کند. My baby can't talk yet. He just cries. My kid still can't talk; he's just crying. کرایه‌ی تاکسی از اینجا تقریباً چقدر می‌شود؟ About how much would a taxi be from here? How much is the cab rent from here? وقتی فارغ التحصیل شدی می خواهی چه کنی؟ What are you going to do when you graduate? What are you gonna do when you graduate? شوهرش یک زنا کاره. Her husband is an adulterer. Her husband's a woman. رنگ دوست داشتنی من قرمز است. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. من برم یک لباس راحت تر بپوشم. I'm going to change into more comfortable clothes. I'm gonna go put on a more comfortable dress. شک دارم رییس جدیدمون از قبلیه بدتر باشه. I doubt that our new boss will be any worse than the old one. I doubt our new boss would be worse than the last one. تو چطور؟ How about you? What about you? گلدان روی میز است. The vase is on the table. The pot's on the table. او بر شوک مرگ پدر خودش غلبه کرد. She got over the shock of her father's death. He overcome the shock of his father's death. نتراشیده‌ترین مداد بهتر از هوشیارترین حافظه است. The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory. It is better than the most conscious memory. قبل از اینکه بتوانی گاگله کنی سعی نکن راه بروی. Don't try to walk before you can crawl. Don't try to walk before you can do it. آن ماهی در آب شیرین زندگی می‌کند. That fish lives in fresh water. That fish lives in sweet water. او یک جنتلمن تمام و کمال نبود. He isn't quite a gentleman. He was not a perfect gentleman. به مدرسه می روم. I go to school. I'm going to school. تام نخواست به زیرزمین برود. Tom didn't want to go into the cave. Tom didn't want to go to the basement. حالت خوبه؟ Are you well? Are you okay? .آشغال ها رو بیرون بگذار Take out the trash. Leave the trash out. در کلاس با هم‌کلاسی‌هایم صحبت کردم. I talked to my classmates in class. I spoke to my students in class. به سختی به اینجا که هستم رسیدم. I got where I am by hard work. I barely got here. خنده چاق می کند. Laugh and be fat. He laughs fat. نمی توانی شنا کنی، می تونی؟ You can't swim, can you? You can't swim, can you? یک روباه دوبار در یک دام نمی افتد. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. A fox doesn't fall twice into a trap. تو باید به خانه بروی. You need to go home. You have to go home. او در به پایان رساندن کار سهمی داشت. He had a share in completing the job. He had a share at the end of the job. هدف از مسیر غیرمستقیم، کاهش ترافیک است. The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic. The goal is to reduce traffic from non-integration. اگر هیچگاه کاری انجام ندهی، هیچ وقت کسی نخواهی شد. If you never do anything, you never become anyone. If you never do anything, you will never be anyone. آنها بر اساس علایق مشترک با هم در ارتباط هستند. They are bound together by common interests. They're connected based on common interests. من امروز بعد از ظهر می‌روم که ماشینم را بفروشم. I'm going to go sell my car this afternoon. I'm going to sell my car this afternoon. بعضی جوانان ژاپنی ترجیح می‌دهند مجرد باشند تا اینکه ازدواج کنند. Some young Japanese people prefer being single to being married. Some Japanese youths prefer to be single until they get married. من تمام آثار میلتون را طی تعطیلات خواندم. I read the entire works of Milton over the holiday. I read all Milton's work during the holidays. لغت نامه روی میز مال چه کسی است؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who's the dictionary on the table? مذاکرات شکست خورد. The negotiations failed. Negotiation failed. من همیشه زمستان ها سرما می خورم. I always catch a cold in the winter. I always get cold in winter. او نسبت به سنش جوان تر به نظر می رسید. She looks young for her age. He seemed younger than he was. او فقط نثر می خواند. She only reads prose. He's just singing. آن مردی که آنجا روزنامه می خواند دایی من است. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man who reads there is my uncle. من باید لباسامو عوض میکردم چون چیزی که پوشیده بودم مناسب اون وضعیت نبود. I had to change clothes because what I was wearing wasn't appropriate for the situation. I had to change my clothes because what I was wearing wasn't fit for that. او به قدری مهربان بود که مرا تا خانه رساند. He was so kind as to see me home. He was kind enough to bring me home. همه می میرند. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. قبلاً سعی کرده‌ام. I've already tried. I've tried before. اگر امروز عصر باران ببارد من بیرون نخواهم رفت. If it rains this afternoon, I won't go out. If it rains this evening, I won't go out. او مقاله را بارها مطالعه کرد. He read the article over and over again. He studied the article many times. انسان ها هرگز قرار نبوده تا ابد زندگی کنند. Humans were never meant to live forever. Humans were never meant to live forever. چرا این همه راه رو بری تو شهر برای یک ساندویچ وقتی این همه ساندویچی اون ور خیابون هست؟ Why would you go all the way to city to get a burger when there are many burger places here across the street. Why go all the way to town for a sandwich when there's so many sandwiches across the street? بچه نیستم می فهمم. Don't patronize me. I'm not a kid. I understand. پیتزا غذای مورد علاقه ی من است Pizza is my favorite food. pizza is my favorite. خارجی ها را مسخره نکن. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. خودکار سرتوپی دار جایگزین خودکار فواره ای شده به یک ابزار دست نویسی جهانی تبدیل گشت. A ball-pen became a universal handwriting tool, replacing fountain pen. The automatically replaced by the fountain became a global access tool. دیشب هوا خیلی گرم و شرجی بود، به همین خاطر نتوانستم خوب بخوابم. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. It was hot last night, so I couldn't sleep well. اکونومیست موجز نیست. The economist is not laconic. It's not an acomist. تاجایی که می دونم سوال زیاد اسون نیست. As far as I am concerned the question is not simple. It's not that easy to ask as far as I know. وقتی آنجا بودم، زبان انگلیسی را مطالعه کردم. I studied English when I was there. When I was there, I studied English. او قانع شد که او صداقت دارد. She was satisfied that he was honest. He was convinced he was honest. تو کی هستی که قضاوت می کنی؟ Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? دیدم که مادرم کیک را پنهان کرد. I saw my mother hide the cake. I saw my mother hide the cake. به ما گفت که فوراً برویم. He told us to set off at once. He told us to leave immediately. مادر من در تصادف کشته شد. My mother was killed in an accident. My mother was killed in an accident. او لبخند زد. She smiled. He smiled. این یک هدیه کوچک برای تو. This is a little gift for you. It's a little gift for you. کارتها را بین ما پخش کن Deal us the cards. Play cards between us. مدرسه دو کیلومتر به سمت جلو است. The school is two kilometers ahead. School is two miles forward. دنیا یک مهمانی بزرگ است که در آن هر کس ماسکی بر صورت دارد. The world is a grand ball in which everyone wears a mask. The world is a big party where everyone has masks. تلویزیون تماشا کنیم. We watch television. Let's watch TV. آیا تو فکر کردی من به تام نخواهم گفت؟ Did you think I wouldn't tell Tom? Did you think I wouldn't tell Tom? میلیون ها کارگر کار خود را از دست دادند. Millions of workers lost their jobs. Millions of workers lost their job. جیم از درخت پایین آمد. Jim got down from the tree. Jim came down from the tree. همیشه جا برای بهبود هست. There's always room for improvement. There's always room to heal. اثبات ندارند. They have no proof. They don't prove it. حالا تو کی هستی؟ Who are you, anyway? Who are you now? هتلی که توش بودی رو چطور دوست داشتی؟ How did you like the hotel you stayed at? How did you like the hotel you were in? سلام جان! حالت چطور است؟ Hi John! How are you? hey, john! how are you? این را بخاطر می‌آورم. I remember this. I remember that. تام مجبور است دنبال شغلی جدید بگردد. Tom has to look for a job. Tom has to look for a new job. آنقدر واضح است که نمی دانم چه طور نشان اش بدهم. I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! It's so obvious that I don't know how to show it. یکمی نادانه اگر از من بپرسی. He is a bit of a fool, if you ask me. It's a little stupid if you ask me. او با احترام در مقابلش ایستاد. He stood in awe before her. He stood up to him with respect. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed my room to him. I showed him my room. هر چه بیشتر بخوانی، بیشتر به نادانیت پی می بری. The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance. The more you read, the more you understand ignorance. تو باید هر چه را که به آن فکر می کنی؛ بگویی. You should say what you think. You have to say what you're thinking. همیشه یک سطل آب برای آتش احتمالی نگهدار. Always keep a bucket of water handy, in case of fire. Always keep a bucket of water for possible fire. چه کسی این پنجره را شکسته است؟ By whom was this window broken? Who broke this window? من سگ ندارم. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. فقط دارم می گویم. I'm just saying! I'm just saying. ماه آینده کودک او متولد خواهد شد. She will give birth to a child next month. Her child will be born next month. روز بعد، او را مرده در اتاق خواب پیدا کردند. The following day he was found dead in the bedroom. The next day, he was found dead in the bedroom. تا زمانی که زنده ام او را فراموش نخواهم کرد. I'll never forget him as long as I live. As long as I live, I will not forget him. یک سگ جدید می‌خواهم. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. علاقهٔ من به آینده برای اینست که باقیماندهٔ زندگی‌ام را در آنجا می‌گذرانم. My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there. My interest in the future is to spend the rest of my life there. نهنگ در ساحل واکایاما پیدا شده بود. The whale has been found off the coast of Wakayama. The whale was found on the beach of Vacaama. این اتاق را با خواهرم شریک هستم. I share this room with my sister. I share this room with my sister. به طرز معجزه آسایی هیچ کدام نمردند. Miraculously, none of them died. In a miracle, none of them died. ما باید حد اقل سالی یک بار به آنجا برویم. We must go there at least once a year. We have to go there at least once a year. باید قبل از او برسیم آن جا. We must get there before her. We need to get there before he does. او نگران شغل خود بود. She was anxious about her job. He was worried about his job. چه طور خانه را گرم می کنی؟ How do you heat the house? How do you warm the house? سال پیش من تصمیم گرفته بودم که به ژاپن بیایم I decided to come to Japan last year. Last year I decided to come to Japan. من دکتر نیستم. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. اجل گشته می میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking gate hangs long. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. مهم نیست کِی می‌آیی. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. تام به مری کمک کرد تا موهایش را رنگ کند. Tom helped Mary dye her hair. Tom helped Mary paint her hair. صدای عمل رساتر از حرف است. Actions speak louder than words. The sound of action is longer than the letter. می خواهم برایت یک دست لباس جدید درست کنم. I will make a new suit for you. I'm going to make you a new suit. ایده یک موفقیت بود. The idea was a success. The idea was a success. رهایی از گرسنگی یک ضرورت برای همگان است. Freedom from hunger is a must for all. It's a necessary need for everyone to be saved from hunger. پس از گذراندن تمام روز در آفتاب، بینی تام آفتاب سوخته شده بود. After all day in the sun, Tom had a sunburned nose. After spending all day in the sun, Tom's nose was burned. تسلط بر یه زبان خارجی آسون نیست. Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. It's not easy to control a foreign language. او آشناهای زیادی دارد. He has a lot of acquaintances. He has many contacts. خدا را شکر که از شرش راحت شدم. Served you right! Thank God I got rid of him. این غیر عادی نبود. It wasn't an aberration. It wasn't unusual. من تا کنون چنین چیزی در زندگی نشنیده ام. Never in my life have I heard such a thing. I've never heard of anything like this in my life. همه می‌دانند که تو عاشق تام هستی. Everyone knows you're in love with Tom. Everyone knows you love Tom. جک به انگلیسی صحبت می کند. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. من شیوه ای نو برای یادگیری زبان نشانت می دهم. I will show you a new approach to foreign language learning. I'll show you a new way to learn language. من زمان را از روی ساعت چک کردم. I checked the time on the clock. I checked the time from the clock. مری به ما پشت کرده است. Mary has her back to us. Mary has turned her back on us. من هنوز هیچ جوابی از شما دریافت نکرده ام. I have received no reply from you yet. I haven't received any answers from you yet. ما در امنیت نیستیم. We're not safe. We're not safe. من یک بلیط تردد گرفته ام. I got a traffic ticket. I got a Tread ticket. ما به اطلاعات بیشتری نیاز داریم. We need more information. We need more information. دو جاده از آنجا عبور می کند. The two roads cross there. Two roads pass through there. راحت باش. Be cool. Make yourself comfortable. هر دو برادر هنوز زنده اند. Both brothers are still alive. Both brothers are still alive. ماهی را بعد از خواباندن سرخ کردم. I fried the fish after marinating it. I fried the fish after they fell asleep. او تودار است و هرگز صحبت نمی‌کند مگر اینکه با او صحبت شود. He is reticent and he never speaks unless spoken to. He is the Master and never speaks to him unless he speaks to him. الآن به او تلقن نکنید. Don't call him now. Don't look at him now. کل از مجموع اجزائش بزرگتر است. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The whole is bigger than the sum of the parts. او نسبت به شرایط بحرانی من دلسوز نبود. He was not sympathetic to my plight. He wasn't compassionate with my crisis. به هر طریقی، من این کار را تمام خواهم کرد. I will finish this work somehow. In any way, I'll finish this. دو کس دشمن ملک و دینند یکی پادشاه بی حلم و دیگری زاهد بی علم. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The two are enemies of the kingdom and of the law; the one is a king unsatisfied, and the other is a king without knowledge. نگرانی دغدغه‌های فردا را از بین نمی‌برد، بلکه قدرت امروز را از بین می‌برد. Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's concerns, but it does take away today's power. It won't destroy the anxiety of tomorrow, it will destroy today's power. آقای تامپسون، قبل از اینکه به اسکاتلند برگردد، دو سال در توکیو زندگی کرد. Mr Thompson had lived in Tokyo for two years before he went back to Scotland. Mr. Thompson lived in Tokyo two years before he returned to Scotland. کارزار تبلیغاتی موفقیت‌آمیز بود و او در انتخابات پیروز شد. The campaign was successful and she won the election. The campaign was successful, and he won the election. ما بعد از فیلم ادامه خواهیم داد. We’ll continue after the film. We'll continue after the movie. سلام به همه بچه های خوب ایرانی. Hi, to all good Iranian children. Hello to all good Iranians. زبان استخوان ندارد اما چنان قوی است که قلبها را می‌شکند. The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break hearts. The tongue does not have bones, but is strong enough to break hearts. جمع شخص، مردم است نه اشخاص. The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. A person's collection is people, not persons. او تمامی بطری شیر را نوشید. She drank the whole bottle of milk He drank all the bottle of milk. تام ماری را سرزنش کرد. زیرا تمام شب بیرون مانده بود. Tom chewed Mary out for staying out all night long. Tom blamed Mary, because she stayed out all night. قایق رانی در میان این آبها بسیار لذت بخش است. It is very pleasant to sail these waters. Ronnie's boat is very pleasant amongst these waters. .مادر من هر روز صبح زود از خواب بلند می شود My mother gets up early every morning. My mother wakes up early every morning. قهرمانان همیشه دیر می‌رسند. Heroes always arrive late. Heroes always get late. من دیروز پنج تا ماهی گرفتم. I caught five fish yesterday. I got five fish yesterday. خطر آشکار نبود. The danger was not apparent. The danger wasn't clear. خوب گفتم Well said! Well, I did. فرانسه با روسیه در جنگ بود. France was at war with Russia. France was at war with Russia. ازدحام ترافیک موجب تاخیرم شد. I was delayed by a traffic jam. I was delayed by traffic traffic. یونان کشوری کهن است. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. ما هر روش ممکن را بکار گرفتیم ،ولی هیچکدام اثر بخش نبود. We've tried every conceivable method, but absolutely nothing works. We used every possible approach, but none of it worked. دلی دارم چو مرغ پا شکسته// چو کشتی بر لب دریا نشسته// همه گویند طاهر تار بنواز// صدا چون می‌دهد تار شکسته I have a heart like a leg broken bird // Sat at the seashores like a ship // Play the lyre Taher everyone cries // This is how the broken lyre will pronounce I have a heart that's broken chicken/cho is sitting on the sea side of the sea بسته ای که برات فرستادم گرفتی؟ Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? مری عهد اش را شکست. Mary broke her promises. Mary broke her vow. انگلیسی‌ها آدم‌های کم گویی هستند. The English are a taciturn people. The English are small people. عاشقتم I love you. I love you. مردم می گفتند او دیوانه است. People said that he is insane. People said he was crazy. نمی تونستم جلوی خودم رو از خندیدن به اون نقشه بگیرم. I couldn't help laughing at the plan. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at that map. هرگز تا انتها تسلیم نشو. Never give up till the very end. Never give up until the end. کتاب روی میز است. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. این کتاب قدیمی است. This book is old. This is the old book. ماگدالنا و آنیا دوستان خوبی هستند. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdelina and Ania are good friends. لغتنامه تنها جایی است که پیشرفت قبل از تلاش می‌آید. The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. The dictionary is the only place where progress comes before trying. تام یک اندوخته یافت. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a store. او مخفی شده است. He's gone into hiding. He's hiding. لطفا اسم و آدرست را در این فرم پرکن Please fill in your name and address on this form. Please fill your name and address in this form. دانشجویان بااستعداد تحصیلی به دیگران در کلاس کمک کردند. The academically talented students helped others in the classroom. Students with talent helped others in class. من بیش از این نمی توانم به شما کمک کنم. I cannot help you more than this. I can't help you anymore. يكي (يه نفر) با لگد زد پٌشتم. Someone kicked my back. Someone kicked me. پدر من همیشه مرا به مدرسه می رساند وقتی که من کوچک بودم. When I was young, my father used to take me to school. My father always brings me to school when I was little. او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. He refused to say more about it. He refused to say more about it. من خوشبخت ترین انسان روی کره زمین بودم. I was the happiest human on earth. I was the luckiest man on Earth. آنها طوری با مسلمانان رفتار می کنند که هیچ مسلمانی اینگونه با کافری رفتار نمی کند. They behave towards Muslims in a way in which no Muslim would behave towards an unbeliever. They treat Muslims in such a way that no Muslim would treat unbelievers like this. من فقط می‌توانم دوست بدارم، رنج بکشم و آواز بخوانم. I only know how to love, suffer and sing. I can only love, suffer and sing. موفق شدیم. We succeeded. We did it. فیلیپ مهندس نیست. Phillip isn't an engineer. Philip's not an engineer. انسان از روح و جسم تشکیل شده است. Man consists of soul and body. Man is made of soul and body. شماره تلفن خانه ات چیست؟ What's your home phone number? What's your home phone number? تنوّع نمک زندگی ست. Variety is the spice of life. It's the salt of life. در یک زمان برای دو چیز تلاش نکن. Don't attempt two things at a time. Don't try two things at once. از عربستان سعودی هستم. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. چه کسی چیزی را از کیف من دزدیده است؟ Who stole something from my bag? who stole something from my bag? یادگیری زبان انگلیسی کار سختی است. Learning English is hard work. It is difficult to learn English. خانه اش کجاست؟ Where is her house? Where's his house? تام کسی است که به من نشان داد چه طور انجامش بدهم. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the one who showed me how to do it. آیا می‌توانم از خودکارت استفاده کنم؟ Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? همه روز به جز گریه هیچ کار دیگه ای نکرد. She's done nothing but cry all day. She didn't do anything but cry all day. هیچکس قدرت را با انگیزهٔ واگذاری آن تصاحب نمی‌کند. No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. No one takes power by its freedom. لطفاً، داخل اتاق ندوید. Please don't enter the room. Please, don't run in the room. مشکلی هست؟ Is something wrong? Is there a problem? تو آیا نظری راجع به سختی انجام این کار داری؟ Do you have any idea of how difficult is to do this? do you have any idea how hard it is to do this? میشه بریم به یک رستوران شیک تر. Shall we go to a little more upscale restaurant? Can we go to a more fancy restaurant? بیشتر کارکنان دولت در مرخصی هستند. Most government workers are on furlough. Most government employees are on leave. تا قبل ار این هرگز از او چیزی نشنیده بودم. I have never heard of him since then. I've never heard of him before. چگونه «سرسپردگی» را تعریف می کنید؟ How do you define "servility"? How do you define "residents"? تام کسی است که این دوچرخه را به من داد. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom is the one who gave me this bike. فردا صبح من خواهم آمد و تو را می برم. I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I'll come and take you. برای آنها هیچ باقی نمانده است. There is nothing left for them. There's nothing left for them. زمان مو را خاکستری می کند. Time turns hair gray. It makes hair gray. همه با نظرش موافقت کردند. Everybody agreed with his idea. Everyone agreed to it. پدرم بعد از شام دراز کشید. My father stretched after dinner. My father lay down after dinner. تام گفت می‌خواهد تا قبل از پایان سال بوستون را ترک کند. Tom said that he wanted to leave Boston by the end of this year. Tom said he wanted to leave Boston before the end of the year. تصمیم گرفت نقشه‌اش را مخفی نگه دارد. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan hidden. پیتر و لخ هر دو اهل لهستان هستند. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Peter and Lech are both from Poland. تجربه بهترین آموزگار است. Experience is the best teacher. It's the best teacher's experience. آنها گوشت خام می خورند. They eat raw meat. They eat raw meat. از دیدگاه کیت، او بیش از حد کار می‌کند. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's view, he works too hard. سؤال احمقانه وجود ندارد اما افراد احمق چرا. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. There's no stupid question, but stupid people why. کارگر بی‌مهارت، ابزار کارش را مقصر می‌داند. A poor workman blames his tools. Unsatisfied worker blames the tools of his work. من به مدرسه رفتم. I went to school. I went to school. بهتر است در حضور وی سیگار نکشید. You should better not smoke in his presence. It is better not to smoke in his presence. یکم به باغت برس Your garden needs some attention. Make your garden a little bit. من مشکل نوشیدنی ندارم. I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a problem with drinking. اگه ماریا آهسته تر صحبت میکرد، مردم بهتر حرفاشو میفهمیدن. If Maria spoke less hastily, people would be able to understand her better. If Maria spoke slower, people would understand better. منم به اندازه تو مقصر هستم. I as well as you am to blame. I'm as guilty as you are. من یک خانه ساحلی ندارم. I don't have a beach house. I don't have a beach house. سه چهارم سطح زمین آب است. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water. Three-thirds of the Earth's surface is water. مادربزرگم به تدریج فراموشکار و نحیف می شد. My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. My grandmother was slowly forgotten. برای انجام این کار باید خطر کنی. In order to do that, you have to take risks. To do that, you have to risk it. به نظر می رسد که کیف پولم را گم کردم. I seem to have lost my purse. Looks like I lost my wallet. بیا اینجا و به من کمک کن. Come here and help me. Come here and help me. تو باید قدری استراحت کنی You should get some rest. You need to get some rest. من سقف شما را با کاه نمی‌پوشانم. I'm not covering your roof with straw. I don't cover your roof with straws. به چه زبانی دارد صحبت می‌کند؟ What language is he speaking? What language is he speaking? من دوست دارم به تو اعتماد کنم. I'd like to confide in you. I'd like to trust you. آنها به قدری مشغول نزاع با یکدیگراند که برای رسیدن به مشترکات مجالی نیست. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. They're so busy fighting that there's no time for sharing. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی با تام مجادله کنی، می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to argue with Tom, are you? You don't really want to argue with Tom, do you? او هفت پسر دارد. She has seven sons. He has seven sons. من زندگیم را به شما مدیون هستم. I owe you my life. I owe you my life. هیچ سفری با همراه خوب طولانی نیست. No road is long with good company. There's no long journey with good company. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. She accused her of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. ترافیک سبک بود مسیر رو خوب اومدیم (زود رسیدیم) We made good time since the traffic was light. The traffic was light. We're good at it. ما گربه ی سفيد داريم. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. تام درست قبل از نیمه شب به درون رختخوابش خزید. Tom crawled into bed just before midnight. Tom fell into his bed just before midnight. مادرم سوپ را چشید و بعد کمی نمک به آن اضافه کرد. My mother tasted the soup and added a little more salt. My mother tasted the soup and then added some salt to it. تام ایرادگیر است. Tom is fastidious. Tom's indisposed. مغز ساختاری پیچیده دارد. The brain has a complex structure. It has a complex structured brain. به نمایشگاه هنر رفته ای؟ Did you go to the art exhibition? Have you gone to the art fair? من ترجیح می‌دهم بمیرم تا اینکه تسلیم شوم. I would rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than give up. آدم اجازه ندارد قولش را بشکند. One is not allowed to break his promise. You're not allowed to break his promise. من هیچگاه دلیلی برای صدمه زدن به تام نداشتم. I never had any reason to hurt Tom. I never had a reason to hurt Tom. شما قابل قبول هستید. You're reasonable. You're acceptable. دو سال پیش من اصلا نمی توانستم بسکتبال بازی کنم. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago, I couldn't even play basketball. آخرین کسی که به کامپیوتر وصل شد، کی بود؟ Who was the last person to log on to the computer? Who was the last person connected to the computer? تنیس بازی را بیشتر از شنا کردن دوست دارم. I love playing tennis more than swimming. I like tennis more than swimming. اگه تو اونا رو نکشی، اونا تو رو می‌کشن. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. او گفته بود که به زودی بر می گردد. He said that he would be back soon. He said he'd be back soon. من از دیدن شما در اینجا متعجب شدم. I was surprised to see you here. I'm surprised to see you here. تابع. Go on. Function. هر چه بزرگتر باشند، سخت‌تر سقوط می کنند. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. عشق دادن چیزی است که انسان ندارد. Love is giving something one doesn't have. Love is something that no human has. هر هزار سال معادل یک هزاره است. A thousand years makes a millennium. Each thousand years is equal to one thousand years. او به علت بیماری‌اش نتوانست بیاید. He could not come on account of his illness. He couldn't come because of his illness. قطار سنداي همين الان حرکت کرد. The train bound for Sendai has just left. Sanda's train just moved. آن مردم دولتشان را نابود می کنند، ولی نمی دانند که آن را چطور دوباره بسازند. Those people ruin their government, but they don't know how to build it again. They destroy their government, but they don't know how to rebuild it. سیگار نکش. Stop smoking. Don't smoke. نمی دونم دقیقا معنیش چی میشه I don't know exactly what it means. I don't know exactly what that means. خیلی ممنون برای حضورتون. Thank you so much for attending! Thank you so much for your presence. آدم تببل همیشه بهانه‌ای پیدا می‌کند. A lazy man always finds excuses. You always get an excuse. کتاب هائی را که داشتم به او دادم . I gave him the books I had. i gave him the books i had . اکنون برج خلیفه بلندترین آسمانخراش دنیا است. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Now the tower is the highest heaven in the world. در یک کشور اکثریت مسلمان متولد شدم. I was born in a Muslim-majority country. I was born in a country of most Muslims. احمق نباش! Don't be foolish. Don't be stupid! مثل همیشه، کیکو یک لبخند خوشایند به ما نشان داد. As always, Keiko showed us a pleasant smile. As always, Kuko showed us a pleasant smile. دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست. Actions speak louder than words. Two hundred says because it's not half an act. این اتاق برای چندین منظور استفاده می شود. This room is used for various purposes. This room is used for several purposes. آن کتاب ارزش والایی دارد. The book is of great value. It's a high value. بهترین راه برای داشتن یک دوست، بودن یک دوست است. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. اگر تو من را آنقدر نمی شناختی پس من را اصلا نمی شناختی. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you didn't know me that much, then you didn't know me at all. رمضان ماه قرآن است. Ramadan is the month of the Quran. The month of the Qur'an is the month of the Qur'an. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی تام را بکشی. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to kill Tom, are you? You don't really want to kill Tom, do you? تام سنجاب ها را دوست دارد. Tom likes squirrels. Tom loves squirrels. من خوشحالم که به دنیا آمدم. I'm happy that I was born. I'm glad I was born. یونانی و لاتین زبان های مفیدی هستند به همین دلیل است که آنها را می خوانم. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Greek and Latin are useful languages, which is why I read them. آن قدر سرم شلوغ است که نمی توانم بروم. I am too busy to go. I'm too busy to go. فکر کنم که سویت شرت قرمز را بپوشم. I think I will wear this red sweater. I think I'll wear a red shirt on you. وقتی که او به لکنت افتاد، همکلاسی هایش نتوانستند جلوی خنده شان را بگیرند. When she began to stutter, her classmates couldn't help laughing. When he slipped, his students couldn't stop laughing. او چینی را صحبت می کند. He speaks Chinese. He speaks Chinese. اگر یک واژه‌پرداز می‌داشتید، از تمام این دردسرها خلاص می‌شدید. If you had a word processor, you'd be free from all this trouble. If you had a dictionary, you'd get rid of all this trouble. نام من یامادا است. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. من گیج شده ام.حالا چکار باید بکنم؟ I'm confused. What do I do now? I'm confused. What am I supposed to do? تام هنگام طلوع بیدار شد. Tom awoke at daybreak. Tom woke up at dawn. من؟ من فقط یک حقوق بگیر ساده پیرم. Me? I'm a plain old salaryman. I'm just a simple payer. حقوق کیفری ، که همچنین بعنوان حقوق جزا نیز شناخته می شود، مستلزم تعقیب کیفری فعلی است که بعنوان جرم طبقه بندی شده است. Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime. The legal rights of the penalty, also known as the penalty rights, are required to pursue the current penalty that has been classified as a crime. او دستهایش را به هم مالید. He rubbed his hands together. He shared his hands. من به دلیل قبولی در آزمون ورودی به او تبریک گفتم. I congratulated him on passing the entrance exam. I congratulated him for accepting the entrance test. ممکن است به من این پرتغال را بدهی؟ May I eat this orange? Would you give me this orange? میلی من را دوست دارد. Millie loves me. Millie loves me. این آلیستر بود که باربارا را کشت. It was Alister who killed Barbara. It was Aliceter who killed Barbara. ما افکارمان را به وسیله‌ی زبان بیان می‌کنیم. We express our thoughts by means of languages. We express our thoughts by language. اين يک غار است . This is a cave. its a cave . سنگ بزرگ نشانهٔ نزدن است. He who starts ten tasks won't finish a single one. The great stone is a sign of notch. آیا شما می‌خواهید خانه‌تان را به او بفروشید؟ Would you like to sell your house? Would you like to sell your house for him? در این خیابان هیچ سطل زباله‌ای نیست. There are no trashcans on this street. There are no trash cans on this street. سیاره‌ی ما، زمین، همواره در حرکت است. Our planet, Earth, is always in motion. Our planet, Earth, is always moving. به چه نوعی کار دنبال هستید؟ What kind of job are you looking for? What kind of work are you looking for? انگار به تام خیلی خوش می‌گذرد. Tom seems to be enjoying himself. Looks like Tom's having a great time. دو پروفسور فیزیک ایرانی ترور شدند. Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated. Two Iranian physics professors were terrorized. با کمال میل این کار را خواهم کرد. I'll do it by all means. I'll gladly do that. از این خوشت میاد؟ (?Az in xošet miyād) Do you like this? Do you like this? گم شو! Go away! Get lost! با شنیدن خبر، او ناگهان به گریه افتاد. Upon hearing the news, she burst out crying. By hearing the news, she started crying. جدا؟ Really? Really? فرد باید در هر کاری بیشترین تلاش خود را انجام دهد. One has to do one's best in everything. A person must do most of his or her best in anything. ایرانی ها عادت دارند که با غذاهای اصلی ماست بخورند. Iranians used to eat main meal with yoghurt. Iranians are used to eating with our main foods. بانک کجاست؟ Where is the bank? Where's the bank? منظورتان از انسان چیست؟ What do you mean by Human? What do you mean by human beings? تام او را به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهم کرد. Tom accused her of having stolen the bike. Tom added to stealing his bike. جایی برای ماندن داری؟ Do you have someplace to stay? Do you have a place to stay? جامعه متشکل از اشخاص است. The community is made up of individuals. The society consists of individuals. اوه، واقعاً؟ Oh, really? Oh, really? وقتی که بچه بودم، مادرم مرد. My mother died when I was a kid. My mother died when I was a kid. خطوط قرمز روی نقشه راه آهن را نشان میدهند. The red lines on the map represent a railway. They're showing red lines on the railway map. و شما And you? And you. تام حالش چطوره؟ How's Tom? How's Tom doing? مادرم میز را چید. My mother set the table. My mother picked up the table. تام ماری را جلوی خانه ی جان پیاده کرد. Tom dropped Mary off in front of John's. Tom dropped Mary out in front of John's house. جالب‌ترین اطلاعات از بچه‌ها حاصل می‌شود، زیرا همهٔ آنچه می‌دانند را بازگو می‌کنند و متوقف می‌شوند. The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop. The most interesting information comes from children, because they tell everything they know and stop. در جهان تنها یک گناه وجود دارد و آن جهل است. There is only one sin in the world, and it is ignorance. There's only one sin in the world and that's ignorance. او از جهانی دیگر است. He is from another world. He's from another world. به زودی دیگر به او فکر نخواهی کرد. You will soon cease to think of her. Soon you will not think of him again. از کنار خیابون رد می شدم که تصادف رو دیدم. Walking along the street, I saw the accident. I'd walk across the street when I saw the accident. پلیس تام را به قتل متهم نکرد. The police didn't book Tom for murder. The police didn't charge Tom with murder. من یک هواپیما دیدم. I saw an airplane. I saw a plane. فکر نکنم شما چیزی راجع به تام بدانید. می دانید؟ I don't suppose you know anything about Tom, do you? I don't think you know anything about Tom, you know? تام برگشت. Tom came back. Tom's back. آرام باش، این فقط یک مترسک است. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Relax. It's just a scare. بنی‌آدم اعضای یک‌پیکرند// که در آفرینش زیک گوهرند// چو عضوی به‌درد آورد روزگار// دگر عضوها را نماند قرار// تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌غمی// نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain. Children of humans are individuals of one-on-one/one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one- اگه اون می تونه خوب انجامش بده ما بهتر می تونیم انجامش بدیم. If he can do it well, so much more can we. If he can do it well, we can do it better. او خانواده اش را ترک کرد. He abandoned his family. He left his family. مهم نیست که کِی می‌آیی. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. او در مسابقه به جایگاه اول رسید. He took the first place in the race. He reached the first place in the competition. لطفا برو بیرون. Please leave. Please get out. منتظرت نگه داشتم؟ (نوعی معذرت خواهی از دوستان نزدیک) Have I kept you waiting? Did I wait for you? لطفاً به اسپرانتو صحبت کنید. Please speak in Esperanto. Please speak to Esperanto. برو بیرون! Keep out! Get out! خلیج فارس بخش از هویت تاریخی ایرانیان است. Persian Gulf is an element of historical identity of Iranian People. The Persian Bay is part of the historical identity of Iran. در حال حاضر این چیزی نیست که من با آن کار بیایم. Now, that is something I will not put up with. Now that's not what I'm going to do with it. هنرمندان از دروغ برای بیان حقیقت استفاده می کنند، در حالیکه سیاستمداران آن را برای پنهان کردن حقیقت به کار می برند. Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use it to hide the truth. من نمی خواستم به شما اخطار کنم. I did not want to alarm you. I didn't want to warn you. آیا هر روز برنج می‌خوری؟ Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? او در برابر تمام خشونت محکم ایستاد. He was strongly against all violence. He stood firm against all violence. او غیر قابل پیش بینی است. He is unpredictable. He's unpredictable. نمی تونم بهش برسم. I can't catch up with him. I can't get to it. همه دانش آموزان همزمان شروع به صحبت کردن نمودند. All the students began talking at once. All the students started talking at the same time. من دو گربه دارم. I have two cats. I have two cats. امشب احتمال دارد او تلفن بزند. A telephone call from him is probable tonight. He might call tonight. این کتاب مال چه کسی است؟ Whose book is this? Whose book is this? او سعی کرد یک چادر پیدا کند اما نتوانست آنچه را که می خواست بیابد She tried to get a tent, but she couldn't find the one she wanted. she tried to find a tent but couldn't find what she wanted نمک و فلفل را بگردان، لطفا. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Turn the salt and pepper, please. خیلی ها در صف منتظر بودند. Many people were waiting in line. A lot of people were waiting in line. او با شرکایش به هم زد. He broke with his partners. He broke up with his partners. روشن حرف بزن. Speak clearly. Speak up. بدترین آهنگ یورویژن اول شده است و بهترین آهنگ آن دوم از آخر شده است. چه احمقانه! The worst song in Eurovision came in first and the best came second to last. How stupid! The worst Eurogen song has become first and the best song in the second is over. What a fool! اکر من جای او بودم با آن کنار نمی آمدم. If I were him, I wouldn't put up with it. I wouldn't live with it. بیا با ما برویم. Come along with us. Let's go with us. دکتر به او یک آرام‌بخش داد. The doctor gave her a sedative. The doctor gave him a relief. به نظر می آید او نفهمیده باشد. He seems not to have known it. He doesn't seem to understand. باید از قبل سفارش دهید. You should order in advance. You must order in advance. حال نداشتم چک کنم. I haven't bothered checking it. I didn't feel like checking. او آنقدر زیاد کار میکند که بالاخره بیمار میشود. She worked so hard that eventually she became ill. He works so much that he finally gets sick. آن آلبوم مرا به یاد روزهای خوش مدرسه می اندازد. That album reminds me of the school happy days. That album reminds me of the happy days of school. اما من نمیخواهم فرار کنم، میخوام ایتالیا را ببینم But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to run. I want to see Italy. شما تام هستید. این طور نیست؟ You're Tom, aren't you? You're Tom, aren't you? سوار اتوبوس بعدی می شوم. I will catch the next bus. I'll get on the next bus. حقیقت زیستنی است نه آموختنی. The truth is lived, not taught. Truth is truth, not learning. چقدر شما به ما پرداخت خواهید کرد؟ How much will you pay us? how much will you pay us? من از ترس ایجاد مزاحمت باهات تماس نگرفتم I didn't call on you for fear of disturbing you. I didn't call you for panic. او زندگی مرا نجات داد. He saved my life. He saved my life. طرز برخورد من با کاما روانی است؛ هر چه نفس بیشتری داشته باشم، کاماهای کمتری استفاده می‌کنم. My attitude to the comma is physiological; the more breath I have, the fewer commas I use. The way I deal with the coma is mental; the more I'm breathing, the fewer I use. موقع رفتن است. It is time to go. It's time to go. مواظب باش! Be careful. Watch out! من هفته ای دو بار پیاده روی می کنم. I jog twice a week. I walk twice a week. گوشت، لطفا. Meat, please. meat, please. من از تام خواستم ساکت بماند. I asked Tom to keep quiet. I asked Tom to keep quiet. راه عشق وجود ندارد. عشق خود راه است. There is no road to love. Love is the road. There's no way of love. It's love. این پرنده نه در ژاپن می زید و نه در چین. This bird lives neither in Japan nor in China. This bird is neither in Japan nor in China. کتاب‌ها را امانت ندهید؛ هیچکس آنها را پس نمی‌دهد. تنها کتابهایی که هنوز در کتابخانهٔ من باقی مانده‌اند، آنهایی هستند که از دیگران به امانت گرفته‌ام. Don't lend books; no one gives them back. The only books that are still left in my library are ones that I have borrowed from other people. Don't trust the books; nobody will give them back. The only books that remain in my library are the ones I took from others. شما احتیاج دارید پیش‌فعال باشید. You need to be proactive. You need to be active. هدف از سفر چیست؟ من جهانگرد هستم. "What's the purpose of your visit?" "I'm a tourist." What's the purpose of travel? I'm a globalist. تو باید دهنت رو بسته نگاه داری You should keep your mouth shut. You have to keep your mouth shut. نام آن هتل چه بود؟ یادم نمی آید. What was the hotel called? I can't remember. What was that hotel's name? I don't remember. زمانی که خیلی معروف هستی؛ به سهولت مشهور خواهی شد. It's very easy to become famous when you're very well-known. When you're so famous, you're going to be famous. خدا یکیست. God is one. God is one. خانه او پشت تپه است. His house is beyond the hill. His house is behind the hill. به جلو! بدون توقف، بدون ترس. Forwards! Without stopping without fearing! No stopping, no fear. من ترجیح می دهم که کار کنم تا اینکه هیچ کاری انجام ندهم. I prefer working to doing nothing. I'd rather work than do nothing. جان یک ببر را کشت و به دو شیر شلیک کرد. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John killed a tiger and shot two lions. دکتر به او گفت او باید استراحت کند. The doctor told her that she should take a rest. The doctor told her she had to rest. یک پیانو گران است، اما یک ماشین گرانتر است. A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive. It's a very expensive piano, but it's a more expensive car. من دوست دارم تا هفتهٔ آینده با دوستم دیدار کنم. I would like to meet my friend by next week. I'd like to meet my friend next week. چرا می پرسی؟ Why do you ask? Why do you ask? بچه گریه می کند. The baby is crying. The baby's crying. تارو احساس مسئولیت زیادی می‌کند. Taro has a strong sense of responsibility. Taro feels a lot of responsibility. اگر ما صلح نداریم، به این دلیل است که ما فراموش کرده ایم به یکدیگر تعلق داریم. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. If we don't have peace, that's why we forget we belong together. فکر کردم چشم‌هایم مرا فریب می‌دهند. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I thought my eyes would deceive me. نادان همه را به کیش خود پندارد. A fool always believes that it is the others who are fools. The foolish suppose them to be in his religion, ما در عکس اشعه ایکس شما، نوعی ناهنجاری را تشخیص داده ایم. We have detected an abnormality on your x-ray. In your X-ray picture, we've identified some kind of disorder. آیا ساعتت درست است؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch true? او به آرامی کار می کند. She works slowly. He works slowly. گتار جانی بهترین خواننده در مسابقات آواز یوروویژن 2011 است. Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Gartar Johnny is the best singer in the 2011 Eurovigen song competition. خیلی از اوقات دانش‌آموزان بدون خوردن صبحانه به مدرسه می‌روند. It is common for students to go to school without eating breakfast. Many students go to school without having breakfast. بیا تلویزیون ببینیم. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. با مردم جوری رفتار کن که با تو رفتار می کنند. deal with a man as he deals with you. Treat people the way they treat you. تام تنها کسی است که احتمال دارد ماری را مجاب کند. Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary. Tom is the only one who's likely to convince Mary. نمی خواهم با این قلم بنویسم. I don't want to write with this pen. I don't want to write with this pen. تام می تواند نفسش را برای 5 دقیقه حبس کند. Tom can hold his breath for five minutes. Tom can hold his breath for five minutes. تام ستیزه جو است. Tom is belligerent. Tom's hostile. بیا با ما. Come along with us. Come with us. او برای حقوق کم من به من غر می زد. She complained to me of my small salary. He was complaining to me for my low salary. مری و تام کجا زندگی میکنند? Where do Mary and Tom live? Where does Mary and Tom live? او نسبتا سریع حرف می زند. She spoke relatively quickly. He's pretty fast. لبخند بزن. Smile. Smile. دلفین ها حیوانات بسیار هوشمندی هستند. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. The dolphins are very smart animals. اشکالی ندارد. همه می توانند اشتباه کنند. Never mind. Anyone can make mistakes. It's okay. Everyone can make mistakes. برج عاج خود را برون شو. Leave your ivory tower. Get out of your glass tower. این یه جمله نیست. This is not a sentence. That's not a sentence. شرکت ما از چندین رویداد فرهنگی حمایت می کند. Our company supports several cultural events. Our company supports several cultural events. لیلا یک پزشک باستان‌شناس قانونی بود. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. Leila was an archeologist. تا برنو چقدر راهه؟ How far is it to Brno? How far to Breno? من ظهر به توکیو رسیدم. I arrived in Tokyo at noon. I arrived in Tokyo at noon. نمک را به من بده، ممکنه؟ Pass me the salt, would you? Give me the salt, will you? پدرم توجهی به رنج عاطفی که بر اثر سوءاستفاده در من ایجاد کرده است، ندارد. My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me. My father doesn't care about the emotional suffering he's caused me with abuse. ما باید هر گونه تلاشی را جهت حفظ صلح جهانی انجام دهیم. We should make every effort to maintain world peace. We must do everything we can to preserve world peace. همه به دنبال خوشبختی هستند. Everybody seeks happiness. Everyone's looking for happiness. این یا آن؟ This one or that one? This or that? برای زندگی ات بدو! Run for your life! Run for your life! او همه چیز را پول می‌بیند. She thinks of everything in terms of money. He sees everything. آبجو های آلمانی رو دوست داری? Do you like German beers? Do you like German beers? بسیار دور بسیار خوب است. So far, so good. Very far, very good. هذا كرسي كنجي. This is Kenji's chair. No, no, no, no, no, no. کوزه‌گر از کوزه شکسته آب می‌خورد. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot. The potter drank water from the broken jar. محکومیتش مادام العمر است. He has a life sentence. His sentence will last forever. حتی بدون آرایش او بسیار بانمک است. Even without makeup, she's very cute. Even without her makeup, she's very cute. قطارها دیرتر از موعد حرکت می‌کنند. The trains are running behind time. Trains move later than time. این نشانی پست الکترونیکی من است. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. گربه ها موش ها را می گیرند. Cats catch mice. Cats get rats. 20,000 ین به عنوان بخشی از طلبش به او پرداخت کردم. I paid him 20000 yen on account. I paid 10,000 yen as part of his debt. تام امروز حس و حال بیرون رفتن را ندارد. Tom doesn't feel up to going out today. Tom doesn't feel like going out today. برادرم روز دوشنبه می آید. My brother is coming on Monday. My brother's coming on Monday. وقتی که او عاشق می شود، افسرده به نظر می آید. When she falls in love, she looks depressed. When she falls in love, she looks depressed. امروز برای من روز اول و آخره. Today is the first and the last day for me. It's my first and last day. اسکات معاصر بایرون بود. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. Scott was the modern Bayron. تا حد زیادی من با آنچه او گفت، موافقت خواهم نمود. For the most part I will agree with what he said. To a large extent, I will agree with what he said. آیا این نام واقعی تو است؟ Is this your real name? Is that your real name? هرکه به همه کار، به هیچ کار. هرکه به یک کار، به همه کار. A jack of all trades is master of none. He who does all things does nothing. Every one by one does all things. هیچ وقت تهران بودی؟ Have you ever been in Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? من هنوز هیچ خبری از او ندارم. I have had no news from him yet. I haven't heard from him yet. من برای دوست داشتن تو زاده شدم. I was born to love you. I was born to love you. ما تجربه های جالب بسیاری در دانشکده داشتیم. We had many exciting experiences in the college. We've had a lot of interesting experiences in college. دیگر نمی خواهم مبارزه کنم. I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to fight anymore. او هرگز به زادگاهش بر نگشت. He was never to return to his hometown. He never returned to his home. گفته می شود که ژاپنی با افرادی که آنها را می شناسند بسیار مهربانند، اما با افراد ناشناس سردند. It is said that Japanese people are kind to people they know, but rather cold to those they don't. It is said that Japanese is very kind to people who know them, but they are cold with unknown people. او به غیر از روزهای بارانی، پیاده به سر کار می رود. He goes to work on foot every day except on rainy days. He works on foot except for the days of rain. پلیس دزد رو در حین ارتکاب جرم گرفت. The police caught the burglar red-handed. The police caught the thief committing a crime. او شعر و موسیقی دوست دارد. She likes poetry and music. He likes poetry and music. می‌بایست در مقابل حاضر زیادی سخنرانی کند. She had to speak before a large audience. He needs to lecture against a lot of present. نام جوان و مجرد است. Tom is young and single. The name is young and single. آنها یاد نگرفته اند که باید از مافوقشان اطاعت کنند و به آنها احترام بگذارند. They have not learnt that they must obey their superiors and respect them. They didn't learn to obey their superiors and respect them. برایت توضیح نمی‌دهم. I'm not going to explain it to you. I won't explain it to you. خوشحال اوست که هیچ چیز دیگری نمی‌طلبد! Happy is he who desires nothing anymore! He is happy that he does not ask for anything else! تام زیاد راجع به اسلحه ها نمی داند. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom doesn't know much about guns. اگر واقعا به یک شغل نیاز داری، چرا به کارکردن برای تام فکر نمی کنی؟ If you really need a job, why don't you consider working for Tom? If you really need a job, why don't you think about working for Tom? خودکار سرتوپی دار تبدیل به یک ابزار دست نویسی جهانی شده، جای خودکار افشانه ای را گرفت. A ball-pen became a universal handwriting tool, replacing fountain pen. The head-to-face pen became a global access tool, took the auto-resistant location. ارتش کشور همسایه را اشغال کرد. The army made inroads into the neighboring country. The army occupied the neighbor's country. او محبتش را با نصیحتی به من نشان داد. He showed kindness by giving me a piece of advice. He showed me his love with advice. اول زیاد بهش توجه نکردم ولی بعد یواش یواش نظرم بهش جلب شد. At first I paid little attention, but slowly my interest awoke. I didn't pay too much attention at first, but then I caught an eye on him slowly. او سیب می خورد. He's eating an apple. He ate apples. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. He accused her of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. من سفر می کنم تا دنیا را ببینم. I travel to see the world. I travel to see the world. او از من کمک خواست. He asked for my help. He asked for my help. باور کنی یا نه، هلو و بادوم از یه خونوادن. (Bāvar koni yā na, hulu o bādum az ye xunevādean) Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are in the same family. Believe it or not, peach and peanuts are from a family. ما دو بچه داریم. We have two children. We have two children. آن ساختمان بلندی که جلو ماست، چیست؟ What is that big building in front of us? What is that tall building that lies before us? پول در آوردن هدف زندگی نیست. To make money is not the purpose of life. It's not life's purpose to make money. داستانش مناسب این مناسبت نبود. His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion. The story wasn't appropriate for this occasion. کل خانواده در بستر بیماری افتاده بودند. The whole family was sick in bed. The whole family was lying on the sick bed. اعضای کمیته در مورد پروژه دو دیدگاه متفاوت داشتند. The committee was split over the project. The committee members had two different views about the project. فکر کردن دیگر فایده‌ای ندارد. It's useless to keep on thinking any more. It doesn't work anymore. تنها زبانی که تام می‌تواند به آن صحبت کند فرانسوی است. The only language Tom can speak is French. The only language Tom can speak is French. ديروز ما حرف نمى زديم. We didn't talk yesterday. Yesterday we weren't talking. ما مشتاق صلح جهانی هستیم. We are longing for world peace. We're looking forward to global peace. او به گریه افتاد. She broke into tears. He fell into tears. آنها دارند اسباب کشی می کنند. They're moving away. They're moving. سال سختی برای ما بود. It was a difficult year for us. It's been a hard year for us. همین الآن دست‌شوئی را تمیز کردیم. I just cleaned the bathroom. We just cleaned up the bathroom. فقط مرده ها پایان جنگ را شاهد بوده اند. Only the dead have seen the end of the war. Only the dead have witnessed the end of the war. هر چه بیشتر، بهتر. The more the better. The more, the better. تفاوت بین کلمهٔ صحیح و کلمهٔ تقریباً صحیح مانند تفاوت بین مهتاب و کرم شب‌تاب است. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the correct word and the right word is almost the same as the difference between the moon and the night cream. او در ریاضیات نمرات خوبی گرفت. He got good marks in math. He got good grades in mathematics. چیزی به‌جز خوشبختی برای‌تان نمی‌خواهم. I wish you nothing but happiness. I don't want anything but happiness for you. آن میمون را در آن باغ‌وحش دیدیم. We saw the monkey at the zoo. We have seen it (the Paradise) in the two gardens. در زبان آلمانی آن را چگونه می گویید؟ How do you say that in German? What do you say in German? داری من را کجا می‌بری؟ Where are you taking me? Where are you taking me? درست است. It's true. That's right. امتحانت، چطور بود؟ How was your test? How was your test? ما باید قانون اساسی صلح آمیز خود را حفظ کنیم. We must preserve our peaceful constitution. We must maintain our peaceful foundation. من به جای آلمانی، فرانسه آموختم. I learned French instead of German. I learned France instead of German. کاری که او کرد، اشتباه نبود. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did wasn't wrong. امروز دیگر از تو چیزی نخواهم خواست. I won't ask you anything else today. I won't ask you for anything anymore today. جمعیت حدود 500 نفر تو تیاتر بود. A crowd of 500 filled the theater. There were about 500 people in Titre. من توریستم. I'm a tourist. I'm a tourist. به اندازه کافی بزرگ شدی که از خودت مراقبت کنی You are old enough to take care of yourself. You're old enough to take care of yourself. من امروز با دفتر شما تماس گرفتم، ولی شما نبودید. I called your office today, but you weren't in. I called your office today, but you weren't. «خوب غافلگیرم کردی.» تام این را هنگامی گفت که در را باز کرد و دید ماری آنجا ایستاده است. "What a nice surprise," Tom said as he opened the door and saw Mary standing there. "You surprised me well." Tom said this when he opened the door, and he saw a serpent standing there. تا جایی که به من مربوط است، می‌توانم امروز بروم. As far as I am concerned I can leave today. As far as I'm concerned, I can go today. همیشه قهوه غلیظ می خوره He always takes his coffee strong. He always eats big coffee. مرگ یک انسان تراژدی است اما مرگ میلیونها انسان، آمار است. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. A man's death is a tragedy, but the death of millions of people is statistics. به این توجه کن که نباید همان اشتباه قبلی را تکرار کنی. See to it that you don't make the same mistake. Note that you should not repeat the same mistake. او انگولکم می کند. He's kicking me! He's fucking me. من عضو کلوپ نیستم. I'm not a member of the club. I'm not a club member. ما سفرمان را با پر از آرزو شروع کردیم ( میکنیم) We set out on our journey full of hope. We started our journey with dreams. او خبر چین است! He's a snitch! He's news of China! اتفاقی اخبار را شنیدم. I heard the news by chance. I happen to hear the news. او برای سه هفته در نیویورک ماند He stayed in New York for three weeks. He stayed in New York for three weeks. قاضی ها بیشتر اوقات باج میگیرند. Judges often use gavels. The judges often blackmail. من هم منزجر بودم. I was disgusted, too. I hated it, too. او شروع به صحبت کردن با سگ کرد. He started talking to the dog. He started talking to the dog. آخرین تمیز کاری ها رو خواهم کرد. I'll add the finishing touches. I'll do the last cleanup. دوست آن باشد که گیرد دست دوست، در پریشان‌حالی و درماندگی. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend (of his) will take his hand (on the Day of Judgment), and he will be helpless, آنها می‌بایست قوی‌ترین نامزد ممکن را پیدا کنند. They had to find the strongest candidate possible. They must find the most powerful candidate possible. کتاب‌های قدیمی برای نویسندگان هستند، کتاب‌های جدید برای خوانندگان. Old books are for writers, new ones for readers. Old books are for writers, new books for readers. حالا که شما در ایتالیا هستید، باید از ناپل دیدن کنید. Now that you are in Italy, you must absolutely see Naples. Now that you're in Italy, you should visit Naples. معلم غرق اشک شد. The teacher burst into tears. The teacher was filled with tears. گریه را تمام کن و بعد ما صحبت خواهیم کرد. Finish crying and then we'll talk. Finish crying and then we'll talk. فقط می‌خواستم ایمیلم را چک کنم. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my e-mail. من می خواهم فرد بهتری باشم. I want to be a better person. I want to be a better person. برای یادگیری هیچوقت دیر نیست. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. از کیک شکلاتی خوشش می‌آید He is fond of chocolate cake. He likes chocolate cake. به نوع بشر توانایی نامحدود اهدا شده است. Human beings are gifted with infinite potential. Human beings have been granted infinite potential. در سال 1948، دولتی یهودی تاسیس گردید. In 1948, a Jewish state was founded. In 1989, the Jewish government was founded. تابستان امسال ما به کوهستان و دریا خواهیم رفت. This summer we'll go to the mountains and to the sea. This summer we'll go to the mountains and the sea. من گرسنه ام. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. چه مدت می توانی نفست را حبس کنی؟ How long can you hold your breath? how long can you hold your breath? من آرژانتینی هستم. I am Argentinean. I'm Argentina. همه چیزی که دارم یک کتاب است. All I have is one book. All I have is a book. این کارخانه در روز 500 اتومبیل تولید می کند. This factory produces 500 automobiles a day. The factory produces 500 cars a day. شما چطور فهمیدید که من می خواستم با تام صحبت کنم؟ How did you know I wanted to speak to Tom? How did you know I wanted to talk to Tom? بفرمایید بنشینید. Please, have a seat. Have a seat. من اینجا غریبه ام. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. دست چپش شکست. He broke his left arm. He broke his left arm. با من بسیار بی تحمل هستید. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. همه اش تنها یک سوء تفاهم بزرگ است. It's all just a big misunderstanding. It's all just a big misunderstanding. بقیه پول رو نگه دار. Keep the change, driver. Keep the rest of the money. باید تام را پیدا کنیم. We must find Tom. We need to find Tom. زندگی زیباست. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. خیلی مشتاقم امروز ببینمتان. I desire a lot to see you today. I'd love to see you today. جشن تولدش فردا عصر برگزار میشه Her birthday party will be tomorrow evening. It's gonna be tomorrow afternoon's birthday party. هتل ما در خیابان بعدی است. Our hotel is on the next street. Our hotel is on the next street. شما داروی مناسبی دارید؟ Do you have some good medicine? do you have the right medicine? من تسلیم نمی‌شوم چون چیزی دارم که ارزش جنگیدن دارد. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I don't give up because I have something worth fighting for. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی با ماشین تام بروی بوستون. می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to go to Boston in Tom's car, are you? You don't really want to drive to Boston, do you? بسه دیگه. تمومش کن! Stop it! Stop it, stop it! به نظرم عاقلانه ست همین الان بری و قبض رو پرداخت کنی I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now. I think it's wise to go and pay the bill right now. تام این کمبود را داشت که چگونه خودش را ابراز کند. Tom was at a loss how to express himself. Tom had this lack to express himself. آیا اینها قابل خوردن هستند؟ Are these edible? Are these foodable? امشب وقتت آزاد است؟ Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? تام را در مترو مردِ مجهولی حمله کرد. Tom was attacked by an unknown man in the subway. He attacked Tom on the subway, the invisible man. عشق فقط یک احساس نیست بلکه یک هنر هم است. Love is not just a feeling, but also an art. Love isn't just a feeling, it's also an art. به نظر می رسد او جمع آوری تمبر را دوست دارد. It seems that he likes collecting stamps. He seems to like collecting stamps. یک جراح خوب دارای چشمی همانند عقاب، دلی مثل شیر و دستی زنانه است. A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand. A good surgeon has an eye like an eagle, a heart like milk and a woman's hand. تابستان گذشته، بالاخره من شرکتی را که بیست سال پیش به آن ملحق شده بودم، ترک کردم. Last summer, I finally left the firm that I had joined twelve years before. Last summer, I finally left the company I joined 20 years ago. تام مرا تا خانه دنبال کرد. Tom followed me home. Tom followed me home. آیا این یک رؤیاست؟ Is this a dream? Is this a dream? سگهای مرده گاز نمی گیرند. Dead dogs don't bite. Dead dogs don't bite. من مجبور شدم به آنجا بروم. I was compelled to go there. I had to go there. ووبلاگ شما در چه موردی است؟ What's your blog about? What's your Webage about? خانه ی تام فقط سه بلوک آن طرف تر از اینجاست. Tom's house is only three blocks away from here. Tom's house is only three blocks away. مری به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. Marie accused him of having stolen the bike. Mary kept stealing the bike. در این پارک پرنده های بسیاری هستند. There are many birds in this park. There are many birds in this park. نمی تونی روی حرف جیم حساب کنی چون اون همیشه سعی می کنه همه رو راضی نگه داره. You cannot rely upon Jim's words since he tries to please everybody. You can't count on Jim because he's always trying to keep everyone happy. من یک سگ و یک گربه دارم. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. مگ آدم پر حرفی است. Meg talks too much. Meg is a man of words. آن پرستار، یک فرشته واقعی برای بیمارانش است. That nurse is a real angel to her patients. That nurse, she's a real angel for her patients. شما باید آن را همراه با بقیه بپذیرید. You must accept that along with others. You must accept it along with others. من نمي دانم شما از چه خوشتان مي آيد I don't know what you like. I don't know how you like it. هر یک از ما باید یک درخت بکاریم. Each of us should plant a tree. Each of us has to plant a tree. چقدر خوب! How great! That's so sweet! من آناناس را می خورند. I'm eating a pineapple. I'll eat them. او از هیچ چیزی هراس ندارد. He is not afraid of anything. He has no fear of anything. مثل آب خوردنه. Piece of cake! It's like drinking. تام سر زد. Tom came by. Tom came by. پرنده ها پرواز می کنند. Birds fly. Birds fly. بخند. Smile. Smile. این کتاب رو اتفاقی توی یک کتابفروشی کتابهای دست دوم پیدا کردم. I came across this book in a secondhand bookstore. I happened to find this book in a second-hand book store. خب، عزیز من، شب به‌خیر! OK, my dear, good night! Well, my dear, good night! می‌خواهم وقت بیشتری با تام بگذرانم. I want to spend more time with Tom. I want to spend more time with Tom. دو کوه از بلندای یکسانی برخوردار هستند. The two mountains are of equal height. The two mountains have the same height. مواجهه‌ی مؤثر با مسئله‌ی رقابت بخش مهمی از زندگی محسوب می‌شود. Effectively dealing with competition is an important part of life. An effective encounter with competition is an important part of life. بعد از چند نوشیدنی، دیگر آن مرد دردی احساس نمی کرد. After a couple of drinks, the guy was feeling no pain. After a few drinks, that man didn't feel pain anymore. من همیشه خیال می کردم برادر و خواهر داشتن چگونه است. I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings. I always thought what it was like to have brothers and sisters. من بعد از کار، تام را دیدم. I met Tom after work. I saw Tom after work. تعداد ژاپنی هایی که نان می خورند افزایش یافته است. The number of Japanese who live on bread has increased. The number of Japanese who eat bread has increased. هر چند من پیرم ولی تو هنوز جوونی. Though I am old, you are still young. Although I'm old, you're still young. تو عهد ات را شکستی. You broke your promises. You broke your promise. فکر می‌کنم برای او امکان دارد که مسئله را حل کند. I think it's impossible for him to solve the problem. I think it's possible for him to solve the problem. این چاقو خیلی تیز است. This knife is very sharp. This knife is very sharp. من او را دیدم که با مادرش پرخاشگر بود. I saw him scolded by his mother. I saw him being aggressive with his mother. سلام٬ چطوری؟ Hello, how are you? Hey, how are you? امروز مهمون من هستید. Today is my treat. You're my guest today. آنها پیانو زدند. They play the piano. They played piano. می دانی دوستانم چگونه مرا توصیف می کنند؟ Do you know how my friends describe me? Do you know how my friends describe me? نخست وزیر اینان را برای پست های کلیدی کابینه انتخاب کرد. The Prime Minister appointed them to key Cabinet posts. The Prime Minister chose them for key letters in the cabinet. با عجله غذا نخور. Do not eat hastily. Don't eat in a hurry. شما اینجا تمام مشخصه های جستجوی پیشرفته را فرا می گیرید. You can learn about advanced search features here. You're going to get all the signs of advanced search here. نمی دانم آن بستنی کجاست. فکر می کنی تام ممکن است تمام آن را خورده باشد؟ I wonder where the ice cream is. Do you think Tom could've eaten it all? I don't know where that ice cream is. Do you think Tom might have eaten it all? واکنش او در مقابل این خبر چه بود؟ What was her reaction to the news? What was his reaction to this news? برخی ستارگان در آسمان شب شروع به پدیدار شدن می کنند. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. Some stars in the sky begin to appear at night. گرسنگی و بیماری در بین طبقات پایین شایع است. Starvation and disease were rampant among the lowest classes. The hunger and disease are common among the lower levels. سلامتی نعمت است. Health is wealth. It's the health of happiness. دارم با تام حرف می زنم. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. شاید تلفن همراه تان را در خانه جا گذاشته اید. You may have left your cellphone at home. Perhaps you left your mobile phone at home. کلیه اعضای کلوب حاضر بودند. Every member of the club was present. All members of the club were present. تام با شماره ی ماری تماس گرفت و به بوق اشغال برخورد. Tom dialed Mary's number and got a busy signal. Tom called Mary's number and hit the busy horn. بقیه پول مال خودت! Keep the change. Keep the change! مصطفی کمال آتاتورک جمهوری ترک را در سال ۱۹۲۲ اعلان کرد. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. He announced that he was a member of the Republic of Turkey. رودخانه پوشیده از لجن بود. The river was cloudy with silt. The river was covered with mud. مردم دور یک میز جمع شدند The people gathered around a round table. People gathered around a table. بشر جائزالخطاست. Everyone makes mistakes. Human beings are right. فقط آرزویم این است که بخشی از آن بودم. I only wish I were part of it. I just wish I was part of it. مجبورم به پیشنهادش اعتراض کنم. I cannot but object to his proposal. I have to object to his offer. نمی‌توانی کتابی را با جلدش داوری کنی. You can't judge a book by its cover. You cannot judge a book with its cover. هیچوقت به افرادی که لیاقتش را ندارند صداقت نورزید. Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it. Never be honest with people who don't deserve it. تام نمی‌داند که این راست است یا نه. Tom doesn't know whether it's true or not. Tom doesn't know if this is true. من نمی توانم چنین داستانی را بدون گریه کردن بشنوم. I cannot hear such a story without weeping. I can't hear such a story without crying. دیگر با او صحبت نخواهم کرد. I won't talk with him anymore. I won't talk to him again. این یکی قشنگ تره This one is prettier. This one's more beautiful. این کلاس درس خیلی بزرگ است. This classroom is very large. This class is a big lesson. به عبارت دیگر، او آدم تنبلی است. In other words, he is a lazy person. In other words, he's lazy. ببخشید که اذیتت کردم. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. آیا تو به روسی صحبت می‌کنی؟ Do you speak Russian? Are you speaking Russian? یکی از گربه ها سیاه است و دیگری قهوه ای است. One of the cats is black, the other is brown. One cat is black and the other is brown. باید پیدایش کنیم. We must find him. We have to start. او طی رخدادهای بعد از تصادف بیناییش را از دست داد. In aftermath of the accident he lost his sight. He lost sight during events after the accident. می‌توانم از این چوگان استفاده کنم؟ May I use this bat? Can I use this abandonr? به من نگو چه کار کنم. Do not tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do. حقوق بین الملل شاخه ای از حقوق است. International law is a branch of law. International rights are a branch of rights. لطفاً از اینکه من به این زبان صحبت می‌کنم، متعجب نشوید، و به مفهوم آنچه واقعاً می‌گویم، گوش فرا دهید. Please don't be so surprised that I'm speaking this language and listen to the content of what I'm actually saying. Please don't be surprised that I speak this language, and listen to what I'm really saying. وقتی که کار به شکلات می‌رسد، مقاومت بی‌فایده است. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. When it comes to chocolate, the resistance is useless. پلیسها ساعتها اقامتگاه تام را گشتند، امّا نتوانستند چیزی بیابند. The police spent hours searching Tom's place, but they couldn't find the murder weapon. The cops searched Tom's residence for hours, but they couldn't find anything. می خواهم یک کتاب بخرم. I'd like to eat a book. I want to buy a book. لغزش در عمل چه یک اینچ، چه یک مایل. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Scroll in action what a inch, or a mile. ممنون به خاطر نامه وعکس های بسیار زیبا از زادگاهتان. Thanks for the letter and the wonderful photos of your hometown. Thank you for the very beautiful letters and photos from your home. هیچ گونه مواد افزودنی به این مربا اضافه نشده است. No additives have been added to this jam. No addition material has been added to this jam. او هیچگاه دوباره به کشور موطن خود بازنگشت. He was never to return to his native country again. He never returned to his country again. ضد آفتاب زدی؟ Did you put on sunscreen? You're against the sun? جان در آمریکا متولد شده است. John was born in America. John was born in the United States. باعث افتخارمه. It's a pleasure for me. It's my pleasure. هر اتاق سرویس بهداشتی مجزّا دارد. Each room has a private bathroom. Every health room has a problem. این که تنها ترجمه ی موجود است،دور از ذهن من بود. As far as I know, this is the only translation available. This is the only translation that exists, far away from my mind. من کمی نمک در سوپ خواهم ریخت. I'll put some salt in the soup. I'll put some salt in the soup. او شگفت زده از من پرسید: چکار می کنی؟ "What are you doing here?" he asked me in surprise. He was surprised to ask me, "What are you doing? من باید بدانم. I must know. I need to know. سگ چطور مرد را گرفت؟ How did the dog bite the man? How did the dog catch the man? من سالها بود که او را ندیده بودم. I have not seen you for ages. I haven't seen him in years. لذت ببر وقتی که می توانی، و تحمل کن؛ وقتی که مجبوری. Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. Enjoy when you can, and endure, when you have to. شما راه مرا سد کرده اید. You are in my way. You're blocking my path. میبینمت. See you. See you. انصرف! Leave! Don't! باغی پشت خانه ما وجود دارد. There's a garden behind our house. There's a garden behind our house. وقتی که من به اداره رسیدم کلی کار داشتم که انتظار من را می کشید.من همانند مرغی که سرش را بریدند به این طرف آن طرف می دویدم. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, I had a lot of work waiting for me. من چیزی ندارم. I have nothing. I don't have anything. جان نمی داند چگونه گیتار بنوازد. John doesn’t know how to play guitar. John doesn't know how to play guitar. من هیچ گاه به تام اعتمادی نکردم. I never trusted Tom. I never trusted Tom. حاضر نبود در آن کار مشارکت کند. He would have no part of it. He wasn't willing to participate in it. آیا از یبوست رنج می‌بری؟ Do you suffer from constipation? Are you suffering from a kiss? او امتحان را به بهای زندگی اجتماعیش پاس کرد. She passed the test at the expense of her social life. He passed the test for his social life. رد آهو را دنبال کردم. I followed the deer's tracks. I followed the deer. آرنولد به ما یاد داد که به سوژه همان طور که واقعا هست نگاه کنیم. Arnold teaches us to see the object as it really is. Arnold taught us to look at the subject as it really is. من نمی خواهم به تو آسیبی بزنم. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. من بودم هیچ وقت با دمپایی بیرون از خونه نمی رفتم I'd never leave my house in slippers. I would never go out on foot. کار برای انجام دادن زیاد است و وقت کم. There is so much to do and so little time. It's a lot to do, and it's a little less time. من همیشه از زیست شناسی متنفر بودم. I've always hated biology. I've always hated biology. کودکان دیوانهٔ شیرینی هستند. Children are fond of cake. Children are crazy about sweets. بتی مادرش را کشت. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed her mother. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد. She accused him of having stolen the bike. He put it all together to steal the bike. شما نمی‌توانید به یک خرچنگ راست راه رفتن را بیاموزید. You can't teach a crab how to walk straight. You can't learn to walk straight to a lobster. چه کسی اهمیت می دهد؟ Who cares? Who cares? تام یک پیتزا فروشی دارد. Tom owns a pizzeria. Tom has a pizza store. در حالی که در خیابان های شلوغ قدم می زدیم، آوازهای قدیمی را می خواندیم. We walked along the busy street, singing old songs. As we walked through the crowded streets, we used to sing old songs. ما از تجربه‌ها بسیار درس می‌گیریم. We learn many lessons from experiences. We learn a lot from experience. من هر روز حدود ساعت 6 برگشته ام. I'll be back by 6 o'clock every day. I've come back every day around 6:00. تفاوت اندک. Scant difference. Small difference. به همه نگو. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell everyone. تنها بودن بهتر از بودن با احمقان است. Much better alone than with fools. Being alone is better than being with fools. تمام چیزی که می دانم اینست که او در ایتالیا متولد شده است. For all I know, he was born in Italy. All I know is that he was born in Italy. بتهوون در سال‌های آخر عمرش ناشنوا بود. Beethoven was deaf in his late years. Bethhoon was deaf in the last years of his life. دوری باعث علاقمندی می شود. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Dory makes interest. خیلی مشتاقم امروز ببینمتان. I really wish to see you today. I'd love to see you today. عالی! خیلی خوب! Great! Great! آنچه در ابتدا یک بلای طبیعی بود به سرعت به یک فروپاشی ساختهٔ دست بشر تبدیل شد. What was at first a natural disaster rapidly became a man-made debacle. What was at first a natural disaster was quickly turned into a human-made collapse. دوست می‌داشتم او را ببینم. I would have liked to meet him. I'd love to see him. من او را به خاطر نقاط ضعفش بیشتر دوست دارم. I like him all the more for his weaknesses. I love him more because of his weaknesses. من هرروز صبح ساعت شش از خواب بیدار می شوم. I got up at six this morning. I wake up every morning at 6:00. من کنار او نشستم. I sat by his side. I'm sitting next to him. نمی‌توانم از اینجا ترک کنم. I can't leave here. I can't leave. قبلا او را دیده بودی؟ Have you met her before? have you seen him before? او را می شناسی؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? ما از همه چیز می‌توانیم فرار کنیم به جز از وجدانمان. We can run away from everything, except from our conscience. We can escape from everything except our conscience. هم من و پدرت نتیجه ی این تصمیمت را میدانیم. Both your father and I understand the consequences of your decision. Your father and I both know the consequences of your decision. تابستان ما کوتاه و گرم است. Our summer is short, but warm. Our summer is short and warm. در ابتدا خداوند بهشت و زمین را آفرید. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. God has created the heavens and the earth for a first time. روز خوبیه Beautiful day. It's a good day. در کره به چه زبانهایی تکلم می شود؟ Which languages are spoken in Korea? What languages is spoken in Korea? اخیراً، این خودرو دائماً خراب می شود. This car is always breaking down lately. Lately, this car will be broken all the time. تام گفت او مجبور است برود. Tom said he had to split. Tom said he had to go. کار دستی تنها یک بایستگی نیست بلکه یک لذت است. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Handwork isn't just a need, it's a pleasure. ما فقط سه گزینه داریم. We only have three options. We only have three options. تا صبح بیدار ماند. I stayed awake 'till the morning. He stayed up till morning. روز خوش Good day! Good day. دیگ به دیگ می‌گوید رویت سیاه. The pot calls the kettle black. Dig calls the pot black face. کودک او ماه آینده به دنیا خواهد آمد. She will have a child next month. Her child will be born next month. او رازش را آشکار نساخت. He didn't reveal his secret. He did not reveal His secrets. بعدش چی؟ So what? Then what? انفجرت المدرّسة بكاءا. The teacher burst into tears. Resolved (from all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.) او بهتر از هر کس دیگری است. He is better than anyone else. He's better than anyone else. او پیش بینی می کرد که کتاب خیلی موفقیت آمیز باشد. She predicted the book would be very successful. He predicted that the book would be very successful. ببخشید می دونم زیاد حواست رو پرت کردم ولی یک سوال دارم. Sorry, I know you've been sidetracked by the issue many times, but I have a question. I'm sorry, I know I've been distracted a lot, but I have a question. او می داند که زیبا به نظر می آید. She knows she's looking fine. She knows she looks beautiful. من سگی جدید می خواهم. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. بیا برگردیم قبل از آنکه باران باریدن بگیرد. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's go back before it rains. کسانی که هیچ چیز از یک زبان خارجی نمی‌دانند، هیچ چیز دربارهٔ زبان خودشان هم نمی‌دانند. Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. Those who don't know anything about a foreign language don't know anything about their own language. در اتاقم منتظرت خواهم بود. I will be waiting for you in my room. I'll wait for you in my room. پسرش از ترس لرزید. His son trembled with fear. His son was terrified. باید به شکستت اعتراف کنی. You should acknowledge your failure. You must confess to your failure. ناراحت خواهم بود ولی خودم را نخواهم کشت. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'll be upset, but I won't kill myself. در خصوص انتقاد نهایی پروفسور اسکات، چیز دیگری ندارم که به آنچه در پاسخ قبلی‌ام گفتم، اضافه کنم. Regarding Professor Scott's final criticism I have nothing more to add to what I said in my previous reply. In the case of Professor Scott's final criticism, I don't have anything else to add to what I said in my previous response. همیشه وقت پیدا می شود. One can always find time. There's always time. همسرم تازه میز را پاک کرده است. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just erased the table. همه بچه ها سیب را دوست ندارند. Not all children like apples. Not all children like apples. تا نباشد چیزکی، مردم نگویند چیزها. There is no smoke without fire. People don't say things until there's nothing. او یک جراح بسیار خوب مغز است. She's an excellent brain surgeon. He's a very good brain surgeon. چرا خفه نمی شی Why don't you shut up? Why don't you shut up. اتاقت کجاست؟ Where is your room? Where's your room? نمی توانم بگویم که در شور و اشتیاقت برای این ایده سهیم هستم. I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. I can't say that I share your passion for this idea. خیلی از مردان در جنگ شدیدا مجروح شدند. Many men were badly wounded in the battle. Many men were severely wounded in the war. نوشتن نامه ی عاشقانه در اسپرانتو آسان است. It is easy to write love letters in Esperanto. It's easy to write love letters in Esperanto. من سردرد دارم. I have a headache. I have a headache. عجله کن، تا به موقع برسی. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, until you're in time. تام از راندن ماشین ماری احساس راحتی نمی کرد. Tom didn't feel comfortable driving Mary's new car. Tom didn't feel comfortable driving Mary's car. می تونستی به من بگی که امشب می ری بیرون. You could have let me know you were going out tonight. You could have told me you were going out tonight. روزی در مدرسه پسری با جثه معمولی را دیدم که با پسری کوچک تر رفتار خشونت آمیزی داشت. دوستانه به او تذکر دادم، ولی او در پاسخ گفت: بزرگتر ها مرا می زنند و من کوچکترها را می زنم،این منصفانه است. دراین کلمات، او تاریخ نوع بشر را به نمایش گذاشت. I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: "The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair." In these words he epitomized the history of the human race. One day at school, I saw a guy who was violent with a younger boy. I gave him a friendly advice, but he said, "The elders beat me, and I beat the smaller, that's fair. In these words, he showed history of humanity. اگر فرض بر این بود که بیش از گوش دادن حرف بزنیم، دو دهان و یک گوش به ما عطا شده بود. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If it was supposed to be more than listening, we'd be given two mouths and one ear. تام در حال صبر کردن به نظر نمی رسید. Tom didn't feel like waiting. Tom didn't seem to be waiting. باد آورده را باد می‌برد. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It's blowing up the wind. دوست داشتن نصف ایمان است. Loving is half of believing. Love is half faith. تو می توانی هر که را بخواهی دعوت کنی. You can invite any person you like. You can invite whomever you want. معنی جاز چیست؟ What's the definition of jazz? What does jazz mean? بند کفشم در پله برقی گیر کرد. My shoelace got caught in the escalator. My shoe's stuck in the electric stairs. سلام به همه بچه های خوب ایرانی. Hi, to all good Iranian guys. Hello to all good Iranians. لطفاً به آتش‌نشانی زنگ بزنید. Please call the fire department. Please call the fire department. بیش از بیست هزار گونهٔ شناخته شده از گیاهان خوراکی در جهان وجود دارد. There are more than twenty thousand known species of edible plants in the world. There are over 20,000 known species of food plants in the world. دیروز مشق هایم را نوشتم. I did my homework yesterday. I wrote my homework yesterday. من مانند یک آیینه هستم که نور شما را منعکس می‌کنم. I am like a mirror reflecting your light. I'm like a mirror that reflects your light. رویای دختری را دیدم که دیروز ملاقاتش کردم و اسمش را نمی دانم. I dreamed about the girl I met yesterday whose name I do not know. I dreamed of a girl I met yesterday and I don't know her name. او نامزدی خود را به او اعلام کرد. She announced her engagement to him. He announced his engagement to him. او به زودی خواهد آمد. He is coming shortly. He'll be here soon. راز جلو افتادن، شروع کردن است. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to falling forward is to start. هیچ چیز به اندازه صلح و امنیت اهمیت ندارد. Nothing is as important as peace. Nothing is as important as peace and security. از کاهی کوهی ساختن. Much ado about nothing. They made it out of a rock. او یک پیراهن سیاه دارد. He has a black shirt. He has a black shirt. از تجربیات می‌آموزیم که انسانها هرگز از تجربیات نمی‌آموزند. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. From experience, we learn that humans never learn from experiences. یک فرش بزرگ روی زمین است. There's a large carpet on the floor. There's a big carpet on the ground. شوهرم همیشه در رخت خواب مطالعه میکنه. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always studies in bed. او می تواند ژاپنی صحبت کند. He is able to speak Japanese. He can speak Japanese. من فردا هرات ميرم Hi, are you OK? I'm leaving tomorrow. عقل سالم در بدن سالم است. A sane mind is in a sound body. It's healthy in the body. نمی توانم هزینه نهایی را بدون اینکه ابتدا آن را با پیمانکارهایمان بررسی کنم، محاسبه نمایم. I can't calculate the final cost without first discussing it with our contractors. I can't calculate the final cost without first considering it with our contractors. کلاوا به یک تفرجگاه رفت. Klava went to a resort. He went to a resort. من روزی صد یورو درآمد دارم. I make €100 a day. I earn 100 euros a day. من کن را در پارک ملاقات کردم. I met Ken at the park. I met Ken in the park. اگه سرزنش کردن من آرومت می کنه باشه بگو. If blaming me makes you feel better, go right ahead. If it'll calm you down to blame me, say yes. مجانی است. It's free of charge. It's free. من کنار تو خواهم ماند و اهمیتی ندارد که دیگران چه خواهند گفت. I'll stand by you no matter what others may say. I will stay with you, and no matter what others say. این دو شهر قوانین رفت و آمد یکسان دارند. These two cities have the same traffic rules. The two cities have the same rules of travel. دوست شدن آسان است، ولی از شر آنها خلاص شدن سخت است. It's easy to make friends, but hard to get rid of them. It's easy to be friends, but it's hard to get rid of them. وقت آن رسیده بود که من مجبور شدم ژاپن را ترک کنم. The time came when I had to leave Japan. It was time that I had to leave Japan. منظور شما چیه که میگوید راضی نیستید؟ What do you mean by saying you're not satisfied? What do you mean you're not happy? پول خیلی زیاد؟ Too much money? A lot of money? من نگران این نیستم. I am not concerned with this. I'm not worried about that. گزارش هواشناسی گفت که فردا عصر طوفانی خواهد بود. The weather report said that there will be thunderstorms tomorrow evening. The weather report said tomorrow would be a storm age. می خواهم با جودی تنیس بازی کنم. I would like to play tennis with Judy. I want to play tennis with Judy. رومیزی داخل کابینت است. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. The desktop is inside your cabin. شیر بیشتری به من بدهید! Give me more milk! Give me more milk! خانواده (آن دختر) من را دوست داشتند Her family loved me. The family loved me. یک فنجان چای دوست داری Would you like a drink? Would you like a cup of tea? کسی که با حیوانات رفتار ظالمانه ای دارد، در رفتارهای خود با نوع بشر نیز سنگدل خواهد بود. ما می توانیم در مورد شخصیت و وجدان یک انسان از روی رفتار او با حیوانات قضاوت نماییم. He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. A person who is cruel to animals will also be cruel in his dealings with mankind. پول کم، دوستان کم. Little money, few friends. Low money, little friends. تنها چیزی که از تاریخ یاد می گیریم، این است که از تاریخ چیزی یاد نمی گیریم. The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. All we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. ثابت کن که شجاعی. Prove you're brave. Prove yourself brave. آیا ما مجبوریم به تام کمک کنیم؟ Do we have to help Tom? Do we have to help Tom? آیا آنها در پاریس هستند؟ Are they in Paris? Are they in Paris? او قبول نکرد بیشتر در آن مورد بگوید. He refused to say more about that. He refused to say more about it. مردم از شمشیرهای خود گاوآهن و از نیزه های خود ارّه می سازند. قومی به روی قوم دیگر شمشیر نمی کشد و برای جنگ و خونریزی آماده نمی شود. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. By their swords men make oxen of iron, and of their spears: a people shall not draw sword against another people, neither shall it be prepared for war, nor for blood. در ژاپن، پرنده های گوناگون می زیند. Many kinds of birds live in Japan. In Japan, there are different birds. ما وقت کافی نداریم. We don't have enough time. We don't have enough time. بعضی‌ها هرجا می‌روند شادی می‌آورند، و بعضی‌ها هروقت می‌روند شادی می‌آورند. Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go. Some people rejoice wherever they go, and others rejoice whenever they go. آیا او را می شناسم؟ Do I know him? Do I know him? اگر تمایل داری می توانی از خودرو من استفاده کنی. You can use my car if you like. You can use my car if you want. من هیچ یک از اینها را دوست ندارم. I don’t like any of this. I don't like any of this. وقت شما تمام شد. Your time is over. Your time's up. او در شهر کوچکی در ایتالیا متولد شده است. He was born in a small town in Italy. He was born in a small town in Italy. سفر کردن به گذشته مسئله ای غیر ممکن تلقی شده است. It is considered impossible to travel back to the past. Traveling back is an impossible problem. باید راههای نرفته را امتحان کرد. Unprecedented ways should be tried. You should try not to go. جک او همه ما را خنداند. His joke made us all laugh. Jack, he made us all laugh. تام نمی توانست از آنجایی که ایستاده بود، دریاچه را ببیند. Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing. Tom couldn't see the lake since he was standing. آیا می دانید این برای ما چقدر هزینه خواهد داشت؟ Do you realize how much this is going to cost us? Do you know how much this will cost us? انتظار نداشته باشید که دیگران به جای شما فکر کنند! Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you! تجربه صرفاً نامیست که روی اشتباهاتمان می‌گذاریم. Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. The experience is merely the name that we put on our mistakes. تام صدای زیری دارد. Tom has a high-pitched voice. Tom has a low voice. چه کسی در ایران است؟ Who is in Iran? Who is in Iran? تام باید فوراً تصمیم بگیرد که چه کاری باید انجام دهد. Tom must decide what to do right away. Tom must decide what to do immediately. دشمن یک دشمن دوست است. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. An enemy is a friend. این نامه پر از اشتباه است زیرا بسیار با عجله نوشته شده است. This letter was full of mistakes because it had been written too hastily. This letter is full of mistakes because it's very quickly written. تام اشتباهی سوار قطار شد. Tom got on the wrong train. Tom got on the wrong train. تصمیم گرفتیم فعلا اینجا بمونیم We have decided to stay here for the time being. We decided to stay here for now. با من حرف بزن. Talk to me. Talk to me. به هر سخنران پنج دقیقه اختصاص داده شد. Each speaker was allotted five minutes. Five minutes per speaker. کاش من هم به اندازه او ثروتمند بودم. I wish I were as rich as he. I wish I were as rich as he was. حفاظت، وضعیت توازن میان انسان و زمین است. Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Security is the state of balance between man and earth. پادشاه مرده است، زنده باد پادشاه! The king is dead, long live the king! The king is dead! Long live the king! من گربه ها را دوست دارم. I like cats. I like cats. صاحبخانهٔ ما اجاره را پایین آورد. Our landlord has lowered the rent. Our landlord brought down the rent. بعد از اینکه کودک تنها گذاشته شد، شروع به گریه کردن نمود. Having been left alone, the baby started crying. After the baby was left alone, she started crying. واقعا؟ Really? Really? زندگی را سبک نگیر. Don't make light of life. Don't make life light. همه حضار همراه با خواننده می خوندند Everybody in the audience sang along. Everyone's singing along with the singer. ما مشروب نمی‌خوریم. We don't drink. We don't drink. وقتی من به ایستگاه رسیدم، قطار قبل از آن رفته بود. The train had already left when I got to the station. When I got to the station, the train was already gone. وقتی که با تو دعوا می‌کرد، قلبش دو تکه می‌شد. When he was fighting with you, his heart broke half-and-half. When he was fighting with you, his heart was torn apart. جزیره‌ی ترزدی در تنگه‌ی تورس بین شمالی‌ترین نقطه‌ی استرالیا، کیپ یورک، و گینه‌ی نو قرار دارد. Thursday Island is situated in the Torres Strait between Australia's northernmost Cape York and New Guinea. It is located between the northernmost point of Australia, Cape York, and New Guinea. مری در حال مطالعه در اتاق خود است. Mary is studying in her room. Mary is studying in her room. او مرا نصیحت کرد. He gave me a piece of advice. He gave me advice. یک دست صدا ندارد. Strength in unity. He doesn't have a voice hand. همهٔ ملازمان شاه، از ترس غضبش، اغلب چاپلوسانه عمل کردند. All the king's subjects, fearing his wrath, often acted quite servile. All of the king's servants, for fear of his anger, often acted humiliatingly. آنها دائما از مافوقشان شکایت می کنند. They always complain about their superiors. They keep complaining about their superiors. فردا یکشنبه است. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. صدایت را می شنوم. I hear you. I can hear you. اوه خدای من ! کلید و سویچ ماشین رو گم کرده ام! My goodness! I have lost the car keys. Oh, my God, I've lost the keys and the keys to the car! "شاهزاده کوچولو" از آنتونی د سینت اکزوپری از زبان فرانسه به چندین زبان دیگر ترجمه شده است. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages. "The Little Prince" was translated from Anthony de St. Ossper from French to several other languages. مرتفع ترین کوه اروپا چیست؟ What is the tallest mountain in Europe? What is the highest mountain in Europe? در میز حراست می‌بایست مدارکمان را نشان دهیم. We had to show our papers at the security desk. At the security table, we need to show our documents. حساب حساب کاکا برادر. Business is business. My nigger's account, brother. لباس قرمز تکش کرد توی جمع A red dress made her stand out. The red dress put it in the crowd. خیلی ها از تبلیغات فریب خوردند. Many people were deceived by the advertisement. A lot of people were deceived by propaganda. برج خمیده پیزا از کلیسا بلندتر است. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The Tower of Pisa is longer than the Church. این برنامه قابلیت دانلود و آپلود، هر دو را دارد. This program has both downloading and uploading capabilities. This program is capable of downloading and uploading both. من عاشق گلف‌ام. I am crazy about golf. I love golf. ما ساعت ها در ترافیک فلج ماندیم. We remained paralyzed for hours in a traffic jam. We've been paralyzed for hours in traffic traffic. به حرف زدن ادامه دادیم. We continued to talk. We kept talking. من برای کارورزی تابستان ثبت‌نام کردم. I applied for a summer internship. I signed up for summer work. در غذاهای ایرانی شما می توانید محصولات فراونی که از شیر به دست آمدند، ببینید. In ethnic Iranian foods, you can see many products which are made of milk. In Iranian food, you can see the food produced from milk. پدر من به ندرت یکشنبه های بیرون می رود. My father rarely, if ever, goes out on Sundays. My father rarely goes out on Sundays. و ایشان‌ شمشیرهای‌ خود را برای‌ گاوآهن‌ و نیزه‌های‌ خویش‌ را برای‌ ارّه‌ها خواهند شكست‌ و امّتی‌ بر امّتی‌ شمشیر نخواهد كشید و بار دیگر جنگ‌ را نخواهند آموخت‌. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they shall break their swords for oxen, and their spears for hills, and no nation shall bear a sword against a nation, nor shall they learn war any more. اگر ما جنگ را به پایان نرسانیم، جنگ ما را به پایان خواهد رساند. If we don't end war, war will end us. If we don't end war, the war will end us. منم دوسِت دارم. مَنَم عاشِقِتم. I love you, too. I love you too. از نظر روحی برایش آماده نیستم. I'm not mentally prepared for that. I'm not prepared for it. اگر خدا بخواهد به زودی به خانه خواهیم رسید. Inshallah, soon we'll be home. If Allah wills, We will surely make it home. این پیراهن نیاز به اتو دارد. The shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs an iron. او خانواده‌ی بزرگی دارد. She has a big family. He has a great family. بهتر بود تا جوان هستی کتاب های خیلی زیادی می خواندی. You had better read a lot of books while you are young. You should've read a lot of books as long as you were young. نیویورک شلوغ ترین شهر دنیا است. New York is the busiest city in the world. New York is the most crowded city in the world. لطفا این ظروف را ببرید. Please take these dishes away. Please take these dishes. دوست دارم یک بار دیگر تام را ببینم. I would like to see Tom once more. I'd like to see Tom again. تردّد توم قبل الإجابة. Tom hesitated before answering. That's what's going on. اقتصاد ژاپن به سرعت پیشرفت کرد. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. Japan's economy developed quickly. اصلاً مشکلی نیست، هست؟ Isn't a problem at all, is it? It's not a problem at all, is it? چه چیزایی تو مغازتون می فروشید؟ What kinds of goods do you sell in your shop? What are you selling at your store? آن بر خلاف اصول من است. That runs against my principles. It's against my principles. آن وقت زمانی بود که من سال اول دبیرستان بودم، بنابراین 17 سال از آن زمان می گذرد. That was when I was in the first year at high school, so 17 years have passed since then. That's when I was in high school first year, so it's been 17 years since then. دارو ها مزه تلخی دارند. The medicine tastes bitter. The drugs taste bitter. زمانی که یک عادت شکل گرفت خلاص شدن از آن سخت است. Once a bad habit is formed, it's hard to get rid of it. It's hard to get rid of when a habit is formed. ده سال از زمانی که من به اینجا آمدم، گذشته است. Ten years have passed since I came here. It's been ten years since I came here. من در یک مدرسه زبان کار میکنم. I work at a language school. I work at a language school. هنگامی که بچه بودم، خانه مان بزرگ تر از اکنون به نظر می رسید. When I was a child, our house seemed bigger than now. When I was a kid, our home seemed bigger than now. خشم آغاز جنون است. Anger is the beginning of folly. Anger is the beginning of madness. از طرف من به او سلام برسان. Say hello to him for me. Say hello to him for me. دیگر بهت اعتماد ندارم. I don't trust you anymore. I don't trust you anymore. همه از او خوب می گویند. Everybody speaks well of her. Everyone says good about him. عجله کن! دیرمان می شود. Hurry up! We'll be late. Hurry up! We're gonna be late. جابولانی توپ رسمی بازی جام جهانی 2010 است. The Jabulani is the official match ball of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. It is the official ball game of the 2010 World Cup. دوباره سعی کن. Try again. Try again. مهم نیست که کِی می‌آیید. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you're coming. مردم دوست دارند یا به هیچ چیز شک نکنند یا به همه چیز شک کنند. People who love doubt nothing, or doubt everything. People wish that they should not be in doubt or doubt about anything. این یک غذای هندیه. It's an Indian dish. It's an Indian food. نقشه ای به ذهن تام رید. Tom came up with a plan. A map to Tom Reed's mind. ترجمه‌اش به متن اصلی وفادار است. His translation is faithful to the original. The translation is loyal to the original text. تا به حال طریقه ساخت سوسیس رو دیده اید? Have you ever seen sausage being made? Have you ever seen how to make sausages? به من بگو کی او بازخواهد گشت. Tell me when he returns. Tell me when he'll be back. چوب را که بلند کنی، گربه دزده فرار می‌کند. A fox smells its own lair first. You lift the stick, the thief's cat escapes. تام و ماری در کلیسای کوچکی ازدواج کرده بودند که چندان دور از اینجا نیست. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not too far from here. Tom and Mary were married in a small church not far from here. او برای مقاومت کردن خیلی پیر است. He was too old to resist. He's too old to resist. او آهنگسازهای موسیقی کلاسیک را دوست دارد مانند بتهون و باخ. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. He likes classical music composers like Bethhoon and Buck. کارها همیشه به این قرار بود. This is always the way it has been. Things were always like this. آیا می‌دانی او کجا زندگی می‌کند؟ Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? صبح بخیر، خانم ها و آقایان! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! این همان چیزی است که من می گفتم. This is what I would have said. That's what I said. مرغ همسایه غاز است. The grass is always greener on the other side. It's the chicken next door. ممکن نیست که او پزشک شود. It is impossible for him to become a doctor. She can't become a doctor. تام دقیقاً آخرین لحظه رسید. Tom arrived just in the nick of time. Tom arrived exactly the last minute. مرغ همسایه غاز است. All his geese are swans. It's the chicken next door. اون تلاش كرد تا پابه پايِ همكلاسي هاش (ازنظرِدرسي) پيش بره يا همگام باشه. He struggled to keep up with his classmates. He tried to move forward to his co-operation or to follow the lead. خدا وجود دارد. God exists. There is God. معلم‌ام آن واژه‌نامه را توصیه کرد. My teacher recommended that dictionary. My teacher recommended that dictionary. آیا تام چپ دست است؟ Is Tom left-handed? Is Tom left-handed? مری هیچ اراده ای ندارد. Mary has no will power. Mary has no will. نفست رو نگه ندار. Don't hold your breath. Don't hold your breath. من فقط ماشین‌های زرد می‌خرم. I only buy yellow cars. I only buy yellow cars. باد می وزد و میوه می داند اکنون وقت افتادن است. The wind is blowing and the fruit knows: It's time to fall down. The wind blows and the fruit knows it's time to fall. مهارت ضعیف خواندنش سنگ پای پیشرفتش در کلاس است. His poor reading ability impedes his progress in the class. The weak skill of reading is his progress in class. لطفا جای منو تو صف نگه دار Please hold my place in line. Please keep my place in line. ما نزدیک مدرسه زندگی می کنیم. We live close to the school. We live near school. من ساعت زنگ دارم را کوک می کنم تا دیگر صبح دیر سر کار نروم. I will set up my alarm o’clock in case I arrive at work late in the morning. I'll set up my alarm clock until I'm late for work in the morning. ماشین زمان من کجاست؟ Where is my time machine? Where's my time machine? پسرم قدبلند تر از من است. My son is taller than me. My son is taller than I am. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed him my room. I showed him my room. پس او چند سال دارد؟ How old is he then? then how old is she? من سه ساعت پیش با شما تماس گرفتم. I called you three hours ago. I called you three hours ago. تام به خودش آسیب می زند. Tom hurt himself. Tom's gonna hurt himself. اگر حیات و مرک سقراط، حبات و مرگ یک انسان خردمند باشد، پس حیات و مرگ مسیح نیز حیات و مرگ یک خداوند است. If the life and death of Socrates was the life and death of a wise man, then the life and death of Jesus is the life and death of a God. If life, and the life, and the death of a wise man, then life, and death of Christ also is life, and death is one Lord. وطن‌پرستان همیشه از مردن برای کشورشان صحبت می‌کنند اما هرگز از کشته شدن برای آن صحبت نمی‌کنند. Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country. They always talk about dying for their country, but they never talk about getting killed for it. من نمی خواهم به دندانپزشکی بروم. I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't want to go to the dentist. اگر در فیسبوک ثبت‌نام کنید، اطلاعات شما برای سازمان‌های جاسوسی فرستاده خواهد شد. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register on Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence organizations. ما همه احمقیم، هر کدام در یک زمینه. We are all stupid, just on different subjects. We're all idiots, each in the same field. هتلی که ما در آن اقامت داشتیم،بسیار راحت بود. The hotel at which we stayed was very comfortable. The hotel we were staying at was very comfortable. من کارهای بهتر از تعقیب فعالیت های تام دارم. I've got better things to do than to keep track of what Tom's doing. I have better things to do than follow Tom's activities. تام بیشتر وقتا ماری رو توی سوپرمارکت می بینه Tom often runs into Mary at the supermarket. Tom often sees Mary at the supermarket. فراموش نکن قبل از حرف زدن فکر کنی. Don't forget to think before speaking. Don't forget to think before you talk. پاریس کجاست؟ Where is Paris? Where's Paris? مزه ی این شیر غیر عادی ست. This milk tastes odd. The taste of this milk is unusual. کامپیوترم هنگ کرد. My computer froze up. My computer took off. افراد جوان در معرض قرار گرفتن در وسوسه هستند. Young people are prone to fall into temptation. Young people are exposed to temptation. ارسطو می پنداشت زنان طبیعتی ضعیف دارند و به سادگی در دستان احساسات شان رها می شوند. Aristotle thought women were of weak nature and easily overtaken by their emotions. He thought that women had weak nature and were simply abandoned in the hands of their feelings. ترجیح می دهم که نخورمش. I'd better not eat that. I'd rather not. پیشگویی شیوهٔ گفتن آنچه اتفاق خواهد افتاد و بعد توضیح دادن اینکه چرا اتفاق نیفتاد است. Forecasting is the way of saying what will happen and then explaining why it didn't. The prophecy is the way to tell what will happen and then explain why it didn't happen. در شهر یک معبد خیلی قدیمی وجود دارد. There is a very old temple in the town. There's an old temple in the city. با فرمان‌برداری، فرمان دادن فرا گرفته می‌شود. Through obedience learn to command. The command will be received by obeying. فرقی ندارد که او چقدر ثروتمند باشد، او هرگز قانع نخواهد شد. No matter how rich he may be, he is never contented. It doesn't matter how rich he is, he'll never be satisfied. او باید بیشتر به دیگران گوش دهد. She should listen more to other people. He has to listen more to others. من یک استیک برای خودم و یک همبرگر برای تام سفارش دادم. I ordered a steak for me and a hamburger for Tom. I ordered a steak for me and a burger for Tom. این فیلم به نظرم عاشقانه آمد. I found the film romantic. This film seemed romantic to me. تام اخیراً مری را زیاد ندیده است. Tom hasn't seen much of Mary recently. Tom hasn't seen Mary much lately. می خواهم آن را بخرم. I want to buy that. I want to buy it. من پیشنهاد رو می پذیرم. I accept the offer. I accept the offer. در طبقه‌ی هشتم واقع است. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. ما احتیاج داریم، که مطمئن شویم شما انسان هستید. پنج حرف نخست آدرس پست الکترونیکی شما چیست؟ We need to make sure you are human, What are the first five characters of you email? We need to make sure you're human. What's your first five letters of e-mail address? یک وجدان گناه‌کار به سرزنش دیگران محتاج نیست. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. A guilty conscience does not need to blame others. کامپیوترام باید به درد یک چیزی بخورد. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computers need something. غذاهای سخت نخورید. Don't eat hard foods. Don't eat hard food. ما اینجا به مدت یک هفته خواهیم بود. I'll be staying here for a week. We'll be here for a week. بایست موهایت کوتاه شوند. Your hair wants cutting. You're gonna have to cut your hair. امیدواریم قبل از آنکه هوا تاریک شود به قله برسیم. We hope to reach the summit before it gets dark. We hope to reach the top before it gets dark. متأسفم، من نمی توانستم زودتر بنویسم چرا که بیمار بودم. I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill. I'm sorry, I couldn't write sooner because I was sick. او (مرد) سعی کرد توجه او (زن) را جلب کند. He tried to attract her attention. He tried to seduce her. امشب مراقب بچه ات خواهم بود. I'll take care of your child tonight. I'll take care of your baby tonight. دستم را محکم گرفت. She held my hand firmly. He held my hand tight. برخی از ترانه‌ها مال اسکاتلند هستند. Some songs come from Scotland. Some songs belong to Scotland. ممکن است بگویند که یک مرد را با شرکتی که می گرداند، می شناسند. It may be said that a man is known by the company he keeps. They may say they know a man with a company he makes. من آن آواز را نمی شناختم. I didn't know that song. I didn't know that song. او به آسانی دروغ گفت. He lied readily. He simply lied. تام و ماری وسط مجادله ی داغی بودند که جان به درون اتاق قدم گذاشت. Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room. Tom and Mary were in the middle of a hot fight that John walked into the room. آنها به اینجا نیامدند. آمدند؟ They didn't come here, did they? they didn't come here. did they come? یکی دیگری را امتحان کنیم. Let's try another one. Try another one. گروه من همیشه سر زندس. My group is always lively. My team is always alive. نگران نباش. Don't worry. Don't worry. مری شام سبکی خورد. Mary ate a light supper. Mary had a light dinner. چاقو اینقدر کند بود که نتونستم گوشت رو تیکه کنم و مجبور شدم از چاقوی جیبی م استفاده کنم. The knife was so dull that I couldn't cut the meat with it and I had to use my pocketknife. The knife was so slow I couldn't break flesh and I had to use my pocket knife. من تازگی ها تام رو دیده ام. I met Tom recently. I've just seen Tom. او زیر میکروسکوپ را نگاه کرد. He looked through the microscope. He looked under the microphone. تام می خواست کجا به کالج برود؟ Where did Tom want to go to college? Where did Tom want to go to college? آفریقای جنوبی دور است. South Africa is far away. South Africa is far away. هیچ دودی بی آتشی نیست. There is no smoke without fire. There will be no smokes of fire. وضع این طور است چون نمی خواهی تنها باشی. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. طوفان کاترینا ده سال پیش به نیواورلئانز صدمه زد. Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans ten years ago. Catherine's storm hurt New Orleans 10 years ago. یک ابر آب را جذب می‌کند. A sponge absorbs water. A cloud attracts water. هرچه بیشتر آن را توضیح می‌دهید، من بیشتر آنرا نمی‌فهمم. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. من سه سال در مدرسه و دو سال در دانشگاه آلمانی یاد گرفتم. I learned German for three years in school and two years in university. I learned three years at school and two years at German university. هر حزب سیاسی به تنهایی محافظه‌کار است. Any political party is conservative in itself. Every political party alone is a conservative. خیلی سخت کار می کرد. He worked hard. It worked so hard. من در برگشت این اطراف را به تو نشان خواهم داد. I will show you around in return. I'll show you around back. تام همیشه رویای پلیس خصوصی شدن را داشت. Tom always dreamed of becoming a bounty hunter. Tom always dreamed of being a private cop. یکی دیگر از عوامل مهمی که رسیدگی به جرایم شرکت های بزرگ را دشوار می سازد، وسعت و پیچیدگی فعالیت های آنها است. Other factors of importance, which make litigation of large corporations more difficult, are the size and complexity of their activities. Another important factor that makes it difficult to handle large companies is the extent and complexity of their activities. یادگیری اندک، چیز خطرناکی است. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Little learning is a dangerous thing. سخنرانی تو مناسب این مناسبت بود. Your speech was appropriate for the occasion. Your speech was appropriate for this occasion. به یاد مادرم افتادم که به طور ناگهانی مرد. I remembered my mother, who died suddenly. I remembered my mother who died all of a sudden. این لباس نامناسب است. This clothing is inappropriate. It's a bad dress. هتل‌های دیگری هم هستند که توصیه کنی؟ Are there any other hotels you can recommend? There are other hotels to recommend? اگر می‌خواهی دوست داشته شوی، دوست بدار. Love if you want to be loved! If you want to be loved, love. متاسفانه صحت دارد. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid it's true. تام اولین بار وقتی سه ساله بود، به ژاپن آمد. Tom first came to Japan when he was three years old. Tom first came to Japan when he was three. اسلام زیباست. Islam is beautiful. Islam is beautiful. اگر کسی می توانست تام را متقاعد کند، آن ماری بود. If anybody could convince Tom, it would be Mary. If anyone could convince Tom, it was Mary. می‌توانی یک هتل نزدیک فرودگاه پیشنهاد کنی؟ Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you suggest a hotel near the airport? فلزات الکتریسیته را هدایت می‌کنند. Metals conduct electricity. The metals lead electricity. آن هواپیمای من است. That is my airplane. That's my plane. او هیچگاه عاشق نشده است. She's never fallen in love. He's never been in love. او سه تا خواهر داشت، اما دوتاشون وقتی خیلی جوون بودن مردن. He had three sisters, but two died when they were very young. He had three sisters, but both died when they were too young. بازی تا هفته آینده متوقف شد. The game was put off until next week. The game stopped until next week. به خاطر می آورم که ملکه را ملاقات کردم. I remember that I met the queen. I remember meeting the queen. شب شنبه یک مهمانی خواهیم داشت. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We'll have a party on Saturday night. یک پک بزن (در مورد سیگار) Take a whiff. Take a shot. همانا پدر، همانا پسر. Like father, like son. Father, the son. باور کنی یا نه، هلو و بادوم به هم مربوطن. (Bāvar koni yā na, hulu o bādum be ham marbutan) Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are related. Believe it or not, peach and peanuts are connected. وقتی خسته هستیم بیشتر در معرض ارتکاب به اشتباه هستیم. One is more prone to make mistakes when one is tired. When we're tired, we're more exposed to making mistakes. اتاق‌ام را به او نشان دادم. I showed her my room. I showed him my room. نا برده رنج گنج میسر نمی‌شود. No pain, no gain. A slave's suffering cannot be found. این به من مربوط نیست. It's not my business. It's none of my business. باید آن‌ها را روی میزم جا گذاشته باشم. I must have left them on my desk. I must have left them on my desk. هیچکس مرا درک نمی‌کند. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. به این ساختمان نگاه کن.آیا آن یک معبد است؟ Look at that building. Is it a temple? Look at this building. Is it a temple? فردا امتحان داری؟ There is a test tomorrow. Do you have a test tomorrow? 10 سال قبل، بانک کیوئووا و بانک ساییتاما ادغام شدند و بانک آساهی را پدید آوردند. Kyowa Bank and Saitama Bank merged into Asahi Bank ten years ago. Ten years ago, the U.S. Bank and the Sytama Bank were combined and created the Syrian Bank. بیان افکار به زبان انگلیسی دشوار است. It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English. It is difficult to express thoughts in English. مردان واقعی چای می‌نوشند. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. باب چندین بار سعی کرد که سیگار را ترک کند. Bob often tries to give up smoking. Bob tried to quit smoking several times. قدم اول به خوبی نصف کار است. The first step is as good as half over. Step one is as good as half a job. هیچ وقت زیست شناسی دوست نداشتم. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. نام او را فراموش کردم. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. من دخالتی در راه و روشت نخواهم کرد. I'll stay out of your way. I will not interfere in your ways. هر کسی این را بگوید، یک دروغگوست. Anyone who says so is a liar. Whoever says that is a liar. می‌توانی این کتاب را ببری، به شرطی که آن را تمیز نگه داری. You may take this book so long as you keep it clean. You can take this book, if you keep it clean. به من سهم کوچکی از ثروت پدرم داده شد. I was given a minor share of my father's wealth. I was given a small portion of my father's wealth. ماری وقت زیادی را برای انتخاب لباس صرف کرد، با وجود اینکه تام منتظر او بود. Mary took her time choosing a dress even though Tom was waiting for her. Mary spent a lot of time choosing clothes, even though Tom was waiting for her. او ترتیب کارها را داده تا او را به یک بیمارستان خوب ببرد. She made arrangements to get him into a good hospital. He took care of things to get him to a good hospital. ذل زدن به افراد دیگر کار مودبانه‌ای نیست. It's not polite to stare at others. It's not polite to humiliate other people. شما در مسیر موفقیت هستید. You're on the path of success. You're on your way to success. من خودم میدونم که سطحم خوب نیست، پس، به تمرین بیشتری نیاز دارم. I'm aware I'm not at a good level; therefore, I need to practice more. I know my level isn't good, so I need more practice. مهمتر از همه، صبر داشته باشید. Most importantly, have patience. Most importantly, wait. سخت درس بخوان. Study hard. Study hard. فعلاً به افراد بیشتری نیاز نداریم. We need no more men at present. We don't need more people right now. شیر یا شکری بود؟ Any milk or sugar? Was it milk or sugar? الآن هم هنوز زود است که راجع به آن صحبت کنیم. It's still too early to talk about this now. Now it's still too soon to talk about it. بعد از شام در شستن ظرف‌ها به مادرم کمک خواهم کرد. I'll help my mother wash the dishes after supper. After dinner, I'll help my mother wash dishes. ای کاش (تام) برادر کوچکتر من بود. I wish Tom were my younger brother. I wish Tom was my younger brother. من نیازمندم. I'm needy. I need it. عربي زبان مادری من است. Arabic is my mother tongue. Arabic is my native language. نمیدانم از کجا آمد. I didn't know where it came from. I don't know where it came from. آن کلبه‌ی قدیمی فقط یک تخت داشت. بنا بر این، به نوبت روی آن می‌خوابیدیم. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. That old cabin had only one bed. So, we used to sleep on it. به نُدرت تلویزیون تماشا می‌کنم. I rarely watch television. I'm watching TV. آنیا به کامپیوتر علاقه دارد. Ania is interested in computers. Ania is interested in computers. چین بزرگتر از ژاپن است. China is bigger than Japan. China is larger than Japan. ژاکت سرخ را دوست نمی دارم. I don't like the red jacket. I don't like red jackets. مهارت ضعیف قرائتش سنگ پای پیشرفتش در کلاس است. His poor reading ability impedes his progress in the class. His weak reading skills are his progress in class. چاه مکن بهر کسی اول خودت دوم کسی. Don't dig a pit for somebody to fall into, or you will end up in it yourself. Don't dig a well. You're the first one. اجل گشته میرد نه بیمار سخت. A creaking gate hangs long. It's been a long time, not a hard patient. اگر خراب نشد، تعمیرش نکن. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it doesn't go wrong, don't fix it. من ترجیح می دادم که به طور خصوصی با شما سخن بگویم. I'd prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather speak to you in private. در شطرنج، فیل به وزیر نزدیکتر است. In chess, the bishop is closer to the queen. In chess, Phil is closer to the minister. قهوه را ترجیح می‌دهم. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. من سیگار کشیدن را شش ماه پیش متوقف کردم. I gave up smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. یا من یا تو جایزه اول را برنده خواهیم شد. Either you or I will get the first prize. Either you or I will win the first prize. ترسو هزاربار پیش از مرگ می‌میرد. آدم نترس فقط یکبار مزه مرگ را می‌چشد. A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once. The coward dies a thousand times before he dies. تو دختر نیستی. You're not a girl. You're not a girl. اگر به خاطر باران نبود ما از سفرمان لذت می بردیم. We would've enjoyed our trip if it wasn't for the rain. If it wasn't for rain, we'd enjoy our journey. خدا را شکر، که حال تان خوب است! Thanks God, you are fine. Thank God, you're fine! پیاده شو! Get out! Get out! بیشتر از این نمی‌توانم انجام بدهم. I am unable to do more. I can't do any more. با او حرف بزن. Talk to her. Talk to him. تام کتاب های با ارزش زیادی دارد. Tom has a lot of valuable books. Tom has a lot of valuable books. من مجذوب او شده بودم. She fascinated me. I was attracted to him. این مسئله اورژانس نیست. This is not an emergency issue. It's not an emergency. هیچ حرفی نتواتست او را متقاعد کند. No words availed to persuade him. There's nothing to convince him. این محله به خاطر هوای آلوده بدنام است. This district is notorious for air pollution. This neighborhood is known for the infected air. کار خسته کننده ای است. It's a tiring job. It's boring. عینکم را شکسته ام. I've broken my glasses. I've broken my glasses. وقتی شب‌ها به خواب می‌روی نگران چه هستی؟ What do you worry about when you go to sleep at night? What are you worried about when you sleep at night? ادامه بحث ما را به هیچ جا نخواهد برد. Continuing this argument won't get us anywhere. It's not going to take us anywhere. عجله کار شیطان است. More haste, less speed. It's the devil's hurry. مردم ایران خواهان صلح هستند. Iranian people are peace loving. The people of Iran want peace. همیشه پای یک زن در میان است. There's always a woman in between. There's always a woman's foot in the middle. جای کافی برای بازی کردن ما وجود دارد. There is enough room for us to play. There's enough room for us to play. تام جدی شد. Tom became serious. Tom got serious. کدام را دوست داری، کوکا‌کولا یا پپسی؟ Which do you like better, Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Which do you like, Coke or papsy? چه رفتار زشتی What vile behavior! That's a bad attitude. تام را چندان زیاد نمی بینم. I don't see Tom often. I don't see Tom much. ابتدا از او خوشم نمی آمد ولی حالا چرا. At first I did not like him, but now I do. I didn't like him at first, but now why. من هرگز آن را نگفتم. I've never said that! I never said that. لباست داره رنگی میشه. Your dress is touching the wet paint. You're getting coloured. گردباد بیش از بیست نفر را کشت. The tornado killed more than twenty people. The tornado killed more than 20 people. من صراف هستم. I am a banker. I'm a foundor. تفکر کنم تام می خواهد سعی کند ماری را بکشد. I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary. I think Tom's trying to kill Mary. این سیب ترش است. This apple is sour. That's the apple. عجولانه پاسخ نده. Do not answer hastily. Don't rush back. او در مقابل قبر پدرش، واقعاً مثل رود گریه کرد. She simply wept a river of tears before her father's grave. He cried like a river in front of his father's grave. او زیاد کتاب نمی خواند. He doesn't read many books. He doesn't read much. امروز، رئیس جمهور ایران، توافقنامه بین المللی حقوق بشر را امضاء کرد. Today, the president of Iran signed the international human rights agreement. Today, the President of Iran signed an international contract of human rights. در این که او هر دو مسابقه را خواهد برد شک دارم. I doubt whether he will win both races. I doubt he'll win both games. پاهای گنده ت رو از رو گل های من بردار. Get your big feet off my flowers. Get your big feet off my flowers. گرفتم! Got it! Got it! در خیلی از کشورها، همجنس باز بودن دلیلی است برای زندانی کردن. In many countries, being gay is a cause for imprisonment. In many countries, being gay is a reason to lock up. در حقیقت، شما کاملاً درست هستید. In fact you are quite right. In fact, you're quite right. تام از زمانی که پسر کوچکی بود، میدانست که می خواهد یک پلیس شود. From the time he was a small boy, Tom knew that he wanted to be a policeman. Tom knew he wanted to be a cop since he was a little boy. «باید او را ببینم.» «چرا؟» "I have to see him." "Why?" "I must see him." "Why?" همه ما در جشن عروسی او حضور داشیم. We were all present at her wedding. We all attended his wedding. همه دیوانه شده‌اند؟ Did everyone go crazy? Everyone's gone mad? منتقد کتاب که موفق به کشف یک کامای از قلم افتاده شد، بلافاصله احساس ارتقاء به سطح نویسنده به او دست داد. The book reviewer who detects a missing comma, immediately feels elevated to the level of the writer. The book critic, who was able to discover a coma, immediately felt like a promotion to the author's surface. یک ملخ و مورچه‌های زیادی در یک مزرعه زندگی می‌کردند. A grasshopper and many ants lived in a field. A lot of locusts and ants lived in a farm. من فقط یک چیز برای گفتن به آنها که از من متنفرند دارم: مشکل خودتان است. I just have one thing to say to those who hate me: It's your problem. I only have one thing to tell those who hate me: it's your problem. آلمان کشوَرِ بزرگیست. Germany is a big country. Germany is a big drawer. نویسنده کسی است که نوشتن برای او از بقیه مردم سخت تر است. A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. The author is someone who is harder to write to than other people. حتی برای یک لحظه فکر نمی کنم که اشتباه می کنی. I do not for a moment think you are wrong. I don't even think you're wrong for a second. بعد از اینکه چنین حرفی به رئیسم گفتم مطمئن شدم که کارم را از دست می دهم. After I said such a thing to my boss, I am certain to lose my job. After I said that to my boss, I made sure I lost my job. خواهرم همستر مرا گروگان گرفت. My sister took my hamster hostage. My sister Hamster took me hostage. ممنونم از اینکه بالاخره به من توضیح دادید چرا مردم من را احمق فرض می گیرند. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. Thank you for finally explaining to me why people think I'm stupid. شما از اینجا نمی توانید به آنجا برسید. You can't get there from here. You can't get there from here. فکر می‌کنم که او وکیل است. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I think he's a lawyer. او پیغامی نگذاشته است. He hasn't left any message. He didn't leave a message. سربازی که رؤیای فرمانده شدن نداشته باشد سرباز خوبی نیست. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad one. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a leader is not a good soldier. تام پل‌می‌زند تا ماری را خوشحال کند. Tom bends over backwards to make Mary happy. Tom bridges to make Mary happy. به دیگران بگو عجله کنند. Tell the others to hurry up. Tell others to hurry. صدمات ناشی از آمد وشد جاده ای یکی از مشکلات عمده ی سلامت عمومی است و منجر به مرگ ومیر می شود. Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death. The damage caused by road travel is one of the major problems of public health and leads to death. من پیشنهاد می کنم جمعه بیرون برویم. I suggest that we go out on Friday. I suggest we go out on Friday. فکر می کنی چند حیوان در این باغ وحش هست؟ How many animals do you think are in this zoo? How many animals do you think are in this zoo? خانواده‌ی چاوز به هزاران کارگر مزرعه‌ی دیگر پیوستند که در سرتاسر کالیفرنیا سفر می‌کردند تا محصول را برای مزرعه‌داران برداشت کنند. The Chavez family joined thousands of other farm workers who traveled around the state of California, to harvest crops for farm owners. The Chowz family joined thousands of other farm workers who traveled across California to harvest the product for the farmers. کوهنورد به طرف قله حرکت کرد. The mountaineer set out for the summit. The climber moved towards the top. گردنت در سال گذشته کلفت شده است؟ Has your neck thickened during the previous year? Did your neck get thick last year? من گوشت نمی‌خورم. I don't eat meat. I don't eat meat. دوست من همیشه وقتی که من حس و حالش رو ندارم شوخی میکنه. My friend always jokes when I don't feel like it. My friend always makes jokes when I don't feel anything. بین خودمان بماند، او نسبتاً احمق است. Between you and me, he is rather stupid. Between us, he's rather stupid. مستقیم برو. Keep going straight. Go straight. دوست دارم مسافرت کنم I like to travel. I'd like to travel. تام به سؤال مری جواب نداد. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. من هر چیزی خواهم خورد. I'll eat anything. I'll eat anything. تو به من خیانت کردی. You betrayed me. You betrayed me. مثل همیشه تنها امیدم این بود که پلیس مرا متوقف نکند. As always, I could only hope the police wouldn't stop me. As always, my only hope was that the police wouldn't stop me. او راهش را گم کرد و علاوه بر این، باران نیز شروع به باریدن کرد. She lost her way and on top of that it began to rain. He lost his way, and besides, the rain began to rain. از اینجا تا یونو چقدر فاصله دارد؟ How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is it from here to Yono? تام کسی است که به من گفت به کی بدهمش. Tom is the one who told me who to give it to. Tom's the one who told me who to give it to. دو بار آن را امتحان کردم. I tried that a couple of times. I tried it twice. مردم تحت فشار هستند. The people are under pressure. People are under pressure. خانه شعله ور شده بود. The house was in flames. The house was filled with flames. تام یک گنجینه یافت. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a treasure. من خوبم. تو خوبی؟ I'm good, how are you? I'm fine, you okay? تا تنور داغ است نان را بچسبان. You have to strike the iron while it's hot. Put the bread on until the furnace is hot. اگر تو اینجا هستی، به این معناست که اهمیت می دهی. If you are here, it means you care. If you're here, that means you care. آن ماده اگر شسته شود، آب خواهد رفت. That material's going to shrink if it's washed. If the female is washed, the water will go away. پروژه ی ما زمین گیر شده است. Our project collapsed. Our project is trapped. در مقاطعی از زمان، درخواست تخریب یک ساختمان قدیمی محبوب به منظور ساختن یک بلوک از خانه ها، طوفانی از خشم ومخالفت را برمی انگیزد. From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest. In part of time, the request for the destruction of a popular old building to build a block of houses will raise a storm of anger and rebellion. از صمیم قلب متشکرم! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you very much! ازدواج ما به پایان رسیده است. Our marriage is over. Our marriage is over. تام نمی توانست خود را در حال شلیک به کسی تصوّر کند. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. تو خیلی از جزئیات را در نظر نگرفتی. You're missing too many of the details. You haven't considered a lot of details. مری نسبت به غریبه ها محتاط است. Mary is wary of strangers. Mary is cautious of strangers. چشم در مقابل چشم در نهایت فقط همه جهان را کور خواهد کرد. An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. The eye before the eye will eventually only blind the whole world. انسان تنها حیوانی است که می تواند بخندد. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. هفته پیش یک دندان کشیدم. I had a tooth pulled out last week. I drew a tooth last week. به دقت گوش کن. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. فقط چون کسی پولداره نباید بهش احترام بگذارید. You shouldn't respect someone just because they're rich. Just because someone's rich, you don't have to respect it. می شود به من نمک را بدهی، لطفا؟ Could you pass me the salt, please? could you give me the salt, please? فهمیدم I see. Got it. بچه ها لخت شنا می کنند. The children were swimming naked. Children swim naked. آرمین پنجره را شکست. Armin broke the window. Armin broke the window. بذار برسونمت خونه Let me take you home. Let me take you home. من همیشه دوست داشتم معلم شوم، ولی این اتفاق نیفتاد. I have always wanted to become a teacher, but it didn't happen. I always wanted to be a teacher, but that didn't happen. وقت ندارم بشینم و حرف بزنم. I've got no time to sit and talk. I don't have time to sit and talk. یک چک سفید‌امضا؟ چنین چیزی را فقط توی فیلم‌ها می‌توانی ببینی. A blank check? You only see those in movies. A white check? You can only see that in movies. من شیطان را خرسند کردم، او به من اسطوره داد. I regaled the devil; he gave me a fable. I pleased the devil, he gave me legend. او دخترش را به نکاح یک وکیل جوان درآورد. He has married his daughter to a young lawyer. He married his daughter to a young lawyer. یکی از ویژگی های زیبایی خرسندیِ همیشگی است. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It's one of the qualities of eternal happiness. انسان فقط زندگی خصوصی خود را، به عنوان یک فرد، ندارد، بلکه همچنین، آگاه یا ناآگاه زندگی عصر و هم عصران خود را نیز دارد. A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries. Man has not only his private life, as a person, but also knowledge, or ignorance of the life of both the age and the age. تمام روز احساس افسردگی می‌کردم. I was feeling blue all day. I felt depressed all day. جان و بت هم سن هستند. John and Beth are the same age. John and Beth are the same age. برای اجتناب از انتقاد، کاری نکن، حرفی نزن، چیزی نباش. To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Don't do anything to avoid criticism, don't talk, don't be anything. می‌بایست در کارهای خانه کمک کنم. I had to help with the housework. I need to help with home work. من یک توصیهٔ آخر برای تو دارم. I have one final advice for you. I have one last advice for you. به نظر می‌رسد ما در یک قایق هستیم. It seems we are in the same boat. Looks like we're on a boat. ترکیب نژادی ام تنها یک استتار است. My racial composition is just a camouflage. My genetic compound is just a stytar. بخاظر سوال احمقانه ببخشید. Sorry for the dumb question. Sorry about the stupid question. من تقریبا هرگز گوشت شکار نمی خورم. I almost never eat game meat. I don't eat meat almost ever. لبه دیگه رودخونه پر از آشغاله. There's a lot of trash on the far bank of the river. The edge of the river is full of trash. شما فکر می کنید که آنها ممکن است خطرناک باشند؟ Do you think they might be dangerous? You think they might be dangerous? موهاش و طریقه نگه داشتن سرش من رو به یاد ماریا میندازه. Her hair and the way she holds her head remind me of Maria. Her hair and her way of keeping her head reminds me of Maria. اگر کمک نیاز داری باید از من بخوای If you want my help, you'll have to ask for it. If you need help, you need to ask me. او دوست نزدیکی برای گفتگو نداشت. He has no close friends to talk with. He didn't have a close friend to discuss. آرد از گندم به دست می آید. Flour is made from wheat. The flour comes from wheat. او بدون گواهینامه رانندگی می‌کند. He drives without licence. He drives without a license. او با احتیاط از کشته شدن رهایی یافت. He narrowly escaped being killed. He was carefully saved from being killed. احتمالا حق با شماست. Perhaps you are right. You're probably right. خانم تامپسون می خواست این حقیقت را که میلیونر هست، پنهان کند. Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire. Mrs. Thompson wanted to hide the fact that there was a million. تام به خاطر نداشتن کاری بهتر برای انجام دادن، شروع به تمیز کردن اتاقش کرد. For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room. Tom started cleaning his room because he didn't have a better job to do. بدون اینکه بدانم چه می کنم، به او زنگ زدم. Not knowing what to do, I called her. I called him without knowing what I'm doing. سیسکو مانند مورچه ها کار می کند. Sysko works like an ant. Cisco works like an ant. آیا همه آماده‌اند؟ Is everybody ready? Are everyone ready? می خواستم یک اخترفیزیک دان باشم. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I wanted to be a physicist. اگه هزینه ش بیشتر از بودجه بشه اون موقع باید خودمون اضافی ش رو بدیم. If the budget gets exceeded then we will need to kick in a couple of dollars. If it costs more than budget, then we'll have to pay the extra. آیا فکر میکنی که روش درس دادن من اشتباه است؟ Do you think that my way of teaching is wrong? do you think the way i teach is wrong? اغلب مردم فکر میکنند من دیوانه ام. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. میدونم میگی نه. I know you're going to say no. I know you say no. مغازه های کمی وجود دارد و سینما افتضاح است. There are very few shops and the cinema is awful. There are few stores and the movies are terrible. لطفا گاهی خانه ما بیا. Please come home sometimes. Please come home sometime. من تلویزیون می‌بینم. I'm watching television. I see TV. اون دوبرابر سن من رو داره. He is twice as old as me. He's twice my age. تام به من گفت که سرش خیلی شلوغ است. Tom told me that he was very busy. Tom told me he was too busy. ترجمهٔ این جمله ترجمهٔ بدی است. The translation of this sentence is a bad translation. The translation of this phrase is a bad translation. رئیس جمهور کجاست؟ Where's the president? Where's the president? من بی درنگ به او تلفن کردم. I telephoned her at once. I called him immediately. برخی افراد، حیوانات کمیاب را بعنوان حیوان خانگی نگه می دارند. Some people keep rare animals as pets. Some people keep rare animals as domestic animals. برخی از ماشین ها برای سالها می توانند برای فرد بیهوش نفس مهیا کنند. Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. Some machines can provide an unconscious person for years. آبهای اطرف ما، راکد بود. The water was dead around us. The waters on our side were Radka. مامان هیچ وقت منو تنبیه نکرد. My mother never punished me. Mom never punished me. عربی از راست به چپ خوانده می شود. Arabic is read from right to left. Arabic is read from right to left. لطفا به من اجازه بده بروم. Please let me go. please let me go. آیا نوشیدنی می خواهی؟ Do you want a drink? Do you want a drink? هرکسی می تواند از این دیکشنری استفاده کند. Anyone may use this dictionary. Anyone can use this dictionary. هیچی لازم ندارم. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. کسی تام را ندیده است؟ Hasn't anyone seen Tom? Has anyone seen Tom? من عضو هستم. I am an office worker. I'm a member. من هیچ وقت کاری که تام کرد رو نمی کردم. I would've never done what Tom did. I would never do what Tom did. تام دوست ندارد در شیفت شب کار کند. Tom doesn't like working the graveyard shift. Tom does not like working in the night shift. قبل از صبحانه دوش گرفتم. I showered before breakfast. I took a shower before breakfast. یک قول داده شده یک دِین اداء نشده است. A promise made is a debt unpaid. A promise has been promised that a debt is unresolved. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی ماشین تام را برانی، می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to drive Tom's car, are you? You don't really want to drive Tom's car, do you? او وانمود کرد که مرا نمی شنود. He pretended not to hear me. He pretended he wouldn't listen to me. هر کس بیشتر عشق می‌ورزد، قابلیت تنفر ورزیدن بیشتر دارد. Those who love too much, hate in like extreme. Anyone who loves more has the ability to hate more. آن سریع ترین قطار دنیاست That's the fastest train in the world. That's the fastest train in the world. زیباترین گلها تیزترین خارها را دارند. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. هر عدد زوج مجموع دو عدد اولیه است. Every even number is the sum of two primes. Each number is the sum of two prime numbers. این صرفاً ساختهٔ خیالت است. This is a mere figment of your imagination. It's just your imagination. به آرامی رانندگی کن. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. من راجع به کتاب جدیدش سوال کردم. I asked him about his new book. I asked about his new book. بهت نگفتم باید زود اون جا می‌رسیدی؟ Didn't I tell you that you needed to get there early? Didn't I tell you you had to get there soon? همه آمریکایی ها عقیده ویلسون رو قبول نداشتند. Not all Americans shared Wilson's opinion. Not all Americans accepted Wilson's idea. هوا بسیار گرم است. The weather is so hot. It's so hot. این کتاب من است. It's my book. This is my book. عاشق توت‌فرنگی‌ام. I love strawberries. I love to bet. من متاسفم. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. احتمال کوچکی وجود دارد که تام دستگیر شود. There's a small possibility that Tom will be arrested. There's a small chance Tom will be arrested. مي‌تونم توجهتان را به اين معطوف کنم؟ May I direct your attention to this? Can I focus your attention on this? ببخشید، دوست ندارم. Sorry, I'm not interested. I'm sorry, I don't like it. در کانال یوتیوب ما ثبت نام کنید. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Register to our YouTube channel. آیا برای تهیه چای، آب به اندازه کافی داغ است؟ Is the water hot enough to make the tea? Is water hot enough to make tea? ما اکنون کجا هستیم؟ Where are we now? Where are we now? به خانۀ ما خوش آمدید. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our house. تام جرئتش را نداشت به ماری شلیک کند. Tom didn't have the guts to shoot Mary. Tom didn't dare shoot Mary. نباید که تام نگران ماری باشد. Tom doesn't need to worry about Mary. Tom must not worry about Mary. من هنرمند نیستم. هیچ وقت ذوق اش را نداشتم. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. I'm not an artist. I've never been excited. خفه شو! Go choke! Shut up! یک تصادف معمولا نتیجه ی بی دقتی است. An accident often comes of carelessness. An accident is usually a reckless result. فکر می کنی تام کنسرت را دوست خواهد داشت؟ Do you think Tom will like the concert? Do you think Tom will love the concert? حمله بهترین دفاع است. The best defense is a good offense. The attack is the best defense. پیاده روی تا ایستگاه طولانی است پس بیا سوار اتوبوس شویم. It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus. It's a long walk to the station, so let's get on the bus. باید قبل از او برسیم آن جا. We must get there before him. We need to get there before he does. او وانمود می کند که ورزشکاری بزرگ بوده است. He seems to have been a great athlete. He pretends to be a great athlete. پلیس امیدوار بود تام بتواند قضیه را قدری روشن کند. The police were hoping that Tom could shed some light on the incident. The police were hoping Tom could make it a little bit clear. پنج روز پشت سر هم باران بارید. It rained five days in a row. Five days in a row. دستانشان سرد بود. Their hands were cold. Their hands were cold. من دوست دارم به زبان انگلیسی و فارسی بسیار است. I like English and Farsi very much. I like it in English and Persian. ما صبح روز بعد خیلی خواب آلود بودیم. We were very sleepy the next morning. We were so asleep the next morning. عجله کن، وگرنه دیر خواهی کرد. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry, or you'll be late. هیچ چیز اتفاق نمی‌افتد مگر اول یک رؤیا. Nothing happens unless it is preceded by a dream. Nothing happens unless it's a dream first. عمل پرصداتر از سخن است. Actions speak louder than words. It's more loud than speech. دقیقاً! Precisely! Exactly! آنها با حیرت به لباس شنای او خیره شدند. They stared at her swimming suit in amazement. They gazed at his swim suit. درباره چه حرف می زنید؟ What are you talking about? What are you talking about? به به! چه خوشکل شدی! My my! Don't you look handsome! Well, you look beautiful. من کتابی در مورد داستانهای ماجراجویانه خواندم. I read a book of adventure stories. I read a book about adventurers. ماهی سالمون را به قطعات کوچک ببر. Cut the salmon into small pieces. Take our month to small pieces. آنها غذاهای سالم می خورند. They eat healthy foods. They eat healthy food. این وظیفه دانش آموزان است که کلاسهایشان را تمیز کنند. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms. It is the duty of students to clean their classes. من بیش از اندازه شنا را دوست دارم. I'd rather go swimming. I like swimming too much. او قطعاً موفق خواهد شد. She'll succeed for sure. He will surely succeed. آیا این تصویر جدید است؟ Is it a recent picture? Is this a new image? آلیس واقعی بود، اما سرزمین عجایب ساختهٔ خیال بود. There really was an Alice, but Wonderland is a figment of the imagination. Alice was real, but it was a wonderful land of imagination. قابلی نداره. You're welcome. You're welcome. حمله! Attack! Attack! من نمیتوانم با این موضوع کنار بیایم. I won't put up with this. I can't deal with this. خوب است. غایب نداریم. Good. No absentees. It's good. We're not absent. دو روز است که غذا نخورده ام. I haven't eaten for two days. I haven't eaten in two days. من قادر نیستم همزمان ناخن هایم را کوتاه کنم و اتو بزنم! I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time! I won't be able to cut off my nails at the same time! او بینی‌اش را روی پنجره فشار داد. He pushed his nose against the window. He pressed his nose on the window. غمگین نباش که تمام شد. شادمان باش که رخ داد. Don't be sad because it's over. Be happy because it happened. Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happens. دقیقاً همان ایده ای است که من دارم. That is the exactly the same idea as I have. That's exactly what I'm thinking. سوپ سرد نیست. The soup is not cool. It's not cold soup. هفته دیگه، پسر خواهرم (یا برادرم) چند روز میاد خونه. Next week, my nephews will come to spend a few days at home. Next week, my sister's son will be home for a few days. "تام کار جدیدی دارد." - "چه نوعی کار؟" "Tom got a new job." "What kind of job?" "Tom has a new job." - "What kind of work?" آنها می توانند آن کالاها را خیلی ارزان تر تولید کنند. They can produce those goods/merchandise for much cheaper. They can produce those goods much cheaper. حد مجاز سرعت 60 مایل بر ساعت بود. The speed limit was 60 mph. The limit was 60 miles per hour. شما انرژی بیشتری از من دارید. You have more energy than me. You have more energy than I do. طوفان با خشم تمام غوغا کرد. The storm raged in all its fury. The storm raged with rage. در طول چه مدتی مشغول بودید؟ How long have you been busy? How long have you been busy? رکود باعث بسته شدن خیلی از تجارت ها شد. The recession caused many businesses to close. The collapse made a lot of business close. به خاطر باران، پیک نیک کنسل شد. The picnic was canceled due to rain. Because of the rain, Nick's picnic was canceled. خشت نمی‌تواند بدون کاس ساخته شود. Bricks can't be made without straw. The diamonds cannot be built without Cass. شما باید در تقاطع این خیابان مراقب باشید. You must be careful in crossing the street. You must be careful at the corner of this street. من به ارواح اعتقاد دارم. I do believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. فوق‌العاده آسان است. It's super easy! It's so easy. شما زیاد تند می‌رانید. You're driving too fast. You're driving too fast. من غذای یونانی دوست دارم. I like to eat Greek food. I like Greek food. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When did you interrupt your summer vacation? Mattie, are you out of your mind? روزانه حمام می کنم. I bathe daily. I'll take a bath every day. قاضی او را به اعدام محکوم کرد. The judge condemned him to death. The judge condemned him to death. امروز روزی آفتابی است. It's a sunny day. This is the day of the sun. آیا مادرت را دوست داری؟ Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? خوابه خوابه. He's sleeping like a baby. She's asleep. دلم برات تنگ میشه. I am going to miss you. I'll miss you. او مرد و روحش به جهنم رفت. He died and his soul went to hell. He died and his soul went to hell. فکر کنم تو هم خوشت بیاد I think you'll like it too. I think you'll like it, too. حال شما چطوره؟ How are you? How are you? جین قیافه عصبانی به خودش گرفت. Jane made an angry gesture. Jane took an angry look at herself. احمق و پولش به راحتی از هم جداشدنی هستن. A fool and his money are easily parted. Idiot and money are easy to separate. سعی خودت رو بکن ولی به هیچ وجه نمی تونی کاری کنی قبول کنه Try as you may, you will never get him to agree. Try, but there's no way you'll ever get him to admit it. چرا من مجبورم که با تام صحبت کنم؟ Why do I have to talk to Tom? Why do I have to talk to Tom? خفه شو! Shut up! Shut up! فکر کردم می خواستی بدانی. I thought you'd want to know. I thought you wanted to know. ماری ندار نیست.اتفاقا او کمی پولدار است. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. She doesn't have a snake. She happens to be a little rich. فاضل لیلا را با خونسردی کشت. Fadil killed Layla in cold blood. He killed Leila in cold blood. او از راه شنیدن پیانو می‌نواخت. He played piano by ear. He played the piano on the way to hear it. من بیش از یک فرد کم تحرک به پروتئین نیاز دارم. I need a lot more protein than a sedentary person. I need more protein than one less active person. این خانه آنهاست. This is their house. This is their home. تو قادر خواهی بود که این کتاب را در سال آینده بخوانی. You will be able to read this book next year. You'll be able to read this book next year. ما ملت صلح دوستی هستیم. We are a peace-loving nation. We are a nation of peace. پیش می‌آید. It happens. It happens. بچه‌ها به طرز شگفت‌آوری سریع بزرگ می‌شوند. Children grow up astonishingly quickly. Children grow quickly. با تو بودن مرا خوشحال می کند. Being with you makes me feel happy. Being with you makes me happy. تام علاقه مند به نظر نمی رسید و به هر حال من نمی خواستم واقعا جزئیات را بدانم. Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway. Tom didn't seem interested, and anyway, I didn't really want to know the details. عاقل را اشاره کافیست. A word is enough to a wise man. That's enough for wiseness. دل دوستان آزردن، مراد دشمنان برآوردن است. To hurt a friend is to do what the enemy wants. The heart of evil friends is the desire to bring forth enemies. تعداد نسبتًاً اندکی از مردم در جلسه دیروز حاضر بودند. Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday. A small number of people were present at yesterday's meeting. ده دقیقه استراحت می کنیم. Let's take a 10 minute break. We'll rest ten minutes. چه مدت ماندی؟ How long did you stay? How long did you stay? او نمی دانست کجا برود. He did not know where to go. He didn't know where to go. اگر او زنگ زد به او بگو که بعدا با او تماس می گیرم. If he calls, tell him I will get in touch with him later. If he calls, tell him I'll call him later. یک سگ زنده بهتر از یک شیر مرده است. A living dog is better than a dead lion. A living dog is better than a dead lion. تقلب یک تخطی جدی از اخلاقیات دانشگاهی است. Plagiarism is a serious transgression of academic ethics. Continuing is a serious violation of academicism. تمام افتخار اش به او تعلق دارد. All the laurels belong to him. His whole honor is to him. نوه هایمان خیلی خوشحال خواهند شد. Our grandchildren will be thrilled. Our grandchildren will be very happy. مری تلاش کرد با خواندن یک لالایی تام را تسکین دهد. Mary tried to mollify Tom by singing him a lullaby. Mary tried to comfort Tom by reading a mute. چه مدت من بیهوش بوده ام؟ How long have I been unconscious? How long have I been unconscious? نژاد انسانی یک سلاح واقعاً موثر دارد و آن خنده است. The human race has one really effective weapon and that is laughter. The human race is a really effective weapon, and that's funny. چه کسی آشپزی می‌کند؟ Who'll cook? Who cooks? صبح برف سنگینی آمد و سپس آب شد. In the morning, heavy snow fell, and then it melted. In the morning, the snow came up and it started to melt. موفقیتش او را آماج حسادت کرد. Her success made her the target of jealousy. His success jealous him. آلان نمیتوانم به اش بگویم. ماجرا دیگر به آن سادگی نیست. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. Now I can't tell him. It's not that simple anymore. آدم از احتیاط زیاد به ندرت ضرر می‌کند. Prudence is never too much. You lose much of your caution. می خواهم کمی چای یا قهوه بنوشم. I want to drink some tea or coffee. I'd like to have some tea or coffee. من نور شمع را دوست دارم. I like candlelight. I like candlelight. تو با گذشت زمان این را خواهی فهمید. You will understand it as time passes. You'll find this out with time. به یک فرد زیرک اشتباهی را متذکر شوید، او از شما تشکر می‌کند. به یک فرد کودن اشتباهی را متذکر شوید، او به شما توهین می‌کند. Show a clever person a mistake and they will thank you. Show a stupid person a mistake and they will insult you. Remember the wrong person, he appreciates you. He insults you to the wrong idiot. اگر بخواهم همه اش را توضیح دهم تا ابد طول خواهد کشید. It would take forever for me to explain everything. If I want to explain it all, it'll take forever. آسمان پشت ابر نمی‌ماند. Murder will out. The sky will not remain behind the clouds. همه چیز پول است. Money talks. Everything is money. یکی آشکارا دروغ می گوید. Someone is obviously telling a lie. Someone's lying clearly. آنچه تو در دوران کودکی وقت خود را صرف آن می کنی، بر بقیه زندگیت تاثیر دارد. What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life. What you spend your time as a child affects the rest of your life. آیا روزی خواهد شد تا سقوطشان را ببینیم؟ Will a day come when we see them overthrown? Will it be a day to see them fall? شما او را با آن توضیح آرام نمی‌کنید. You won’t mollify him with that explanation. You don't comfort him with that explanation. ماشین سرقت شد. The car was stolen. The car was stolen. برف/آب تا زانو بود. The snow was knee deep. It was snow/water to knees. به نظر می رسد زیاد برای امتحان مطالعه نکردی. Looks like you didn't study much for the test. Looks like you didn't study too much for a test. پلیس گمان می کرد قربانی تام است، اما آنها نتوانستند جسد را شناسایی کنند. The police thought the victim was Tom, but they were unable to identify the body. The police thought it was Tom's victim, but they couldn't identify the body. معلمی که بتواند توسط ماشین جایگزین شود، باید بشود. Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be. A teacher who can be replaced by a machine must be. انتقادش کاملاً نابجا بود. His criticism was completely out of place. His criticism was completely unfair. من در آژانس مسافرتی کار می کنم. I work for a travel agency. I work at the travel agency. اتاقت را مرتب کن. Make your room tidy. Sort your room. قضاوت نکن تا قضاوت نشوی. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Don't judge until you're judged. تکبّر وحشتناکت هست که کاملاً غیر‌قابل‌تحمّلت می‌کند. It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable. It's a terrible pride that makes it completely unsatisfied. قطار برای نیم ساعت به علت مه غلیظ توقف کرد. The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog. The train stopped for half an hour because of the thick fog. مهم نیست که چه مدت زندگی می کنیم بلکه چگونه زندگی می کنیم. It matters not how long we live, but how. No matter how long we live, how we live. مری صورت اش را از آفتاب پوشاند. Mary shielded her eyes from the sun. Mary covered her face from the sun. انسان یک حیوان عاقل است. Man is a rational animal. Man is a wise animal. هنگامی که شک دارید، امتناع کنید. When you doubt, abstain. If you doubt it, refuse. پشت سر من بیا. Follow me. Get behind me. پرندگان آواز می‌خوانند. Birds sing. Birds sing. من فکر می کنم که یک فیلم بیشتر از یک کتاب سرگرم کننده است. I think a movie is more entertaining than any book. I think a movie is more fun than a book. این ماهی خوراکی نیست. This fish is not edible. This is not a fish. او بالا پشت بام بود با گیتار برقی اش. He was on the roof with his electric guitar. He was up on the roof with his electric guitar. من نمیدونستم او اینقدر پیر است. I didn't know she was that old. I didn't know he was that old. به هر کسی که خواستش آن را بده. Give it to whoever wants it. Give it to anyone who wants it. عشق و نفرت احساسات متضاد هستند. Love and hate are opposite emotions. Love and hatred are the opposite of feelings. او همسایه ما است. She is our neighbor. He's our neighbor. اکنون مناد می‌داند. Now Mennad knows. Now Madad knows. ما برای خودمان به دنیا نیامده ایم. We are not born for ourselves. We're not born to ourselves. وقتی بهار آمد، قصد دارم ورزش جدیدی را شروع کنم. When spring arrives, I am going to take up a new sport. When spring comes, I'm going to start a new sport. تعطیلاتِ تابستانیت کِی شروع میشه؟ When does your summer vacation start? When will your summer vacation begin? ارتش شورش را سرکوب کرد. The army quelled the rebellion. The army suppressed the rebellion. اگر می‌خواهید از این زندان جان سالم به در برید، باید پوست کلفت باشید. If you wanna survive in this prison, you'll have to be a badass. If you want to survive this prison, you must be thick. ما جیرهٔ زغال سنگ هفتگی خود را مصرف کردیم. We have used our ration of coal for the week. We've taken our weekly coal supply. آن ها احمق اند. They are foolish. They're idiots. نخست مهاجرین، سپس شما. اتحاد ما پاسخی است به همنوع خواری اجتماعی. First the immigrants, next you. Our solidarity - is the answer to social cannibalism. First of the immigrants, then you. Our alliance is the answer to social humiliation. برای من سخت است که افکارم را بنویسم. It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words. It's hard for me to write my thoughts. تام نگران بیماری اخیر دوست اش بود. Tom was worried about his friend's recent illness. Tom was worried about his friend's recent illness. ما زاده شدیم تا بمیریم. We were born to die. We were born to die. او هیچ وقت روی کمک من حساب نکرد. He never counts on my help. He never counted on my help. تحت تاثیر لطفش قرار گرفتم. His kindness touched my heart. I'm impressed. او به شدت بیمار است. He is very sick. He's extremely ill. گازوئیل بصورت لیتری فروخته می شود. Gasoline is sold by the liter. Gasville is sold in litres. مار گزیده از ریسمان سیاه و سفید می‌ترسد. A burnt child dreads fire. The chosen serpent is afraid of the black and white rope. آنها هر دو از یک گونه ی جانوری هستند. They are both of one species. They're both of the same species. باید پیدایش کنیم. We must find it. We have to start. من گوشت نمی خواهم. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. پیشرفت، تنها نشان متمایز انسان است که نه خدا راست و نه شیاطین را. Progress, man’s distinctive mark alone, Not God’s, and not the beasts’. The progress is only a distinct symbol of man, which is neither true nor true to God. وقتی چنین اتفاقاتی می افند تام خوشحال نمی شود. Tom doesn't like it when this kind of stuff happens. Tom won't be happy when things like this happen. دیک یک حادثه‌ی رانندگی داشت. Dick had a traffic accident. Dick had a car accident. او می خواهد برای رفتن. He wants to go. He wants to go. شما قانون را شکستید You broke the rule. You broke the law. هر چیزی که اینجاست مال من است. Everything here is mine. Everything here is mine. آشپزخانه را بعداً تمیز خواهم کرد. I will clean the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. الآن ساعت ازدحام و شلوغی در توکیو است. It's rush hour at Tokyo station. It's a crowded and crowded hour in Tokyo. داشتیم صحبت می کردیم که این یارو که می شناختمش رد شد. We were talking that this guy I know walked by. We were talking about this guy I knew passed. باید خیلی سریع عمل می کردی You had better set off at once. You should have acted so fast. تام که چندان راجع به دریا نوردی نمی داند. می داند؟ Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about seafaring, does he? برای مدت کوتاهی اینجا می مانم. I'll be there in a while. I'll stay here for a little while. استثناها قاعده را توجیه می کنند. Exceptions prove the rule. The exceptions justify the rule. در آخر اما نه با اهمیت کمتر .... Last but not least .... In the end, but not with less importance. او اهل جنوا است. He comes from Genoa. He's from Geneva. او مرا دیوانه می کند. She drives me mad. He's driving me crazy. مردی که وقتی را با خانواده اش نگذراند، مرد واقعی نیست. A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man. A man who didn't spend time with his family is not a real man. از اینکه کارفرمای خوبی داری، به تو حسادت می کنم. I'm jealous that you have a good boss. I envy you for having a good employer. من به تو خیانت نکردم. I didn't betray you. I didn't betray you. جالب نیست. That isn't cool. It's not funny. زبان‌شناس با این لهجه آشنایی کامل دارد. The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect. The languageist is familiar with the accent. تام گل‌های باغ را می‌شمرد. Tom was counting the garden's flowers. Tom counted the flowers of the garden. خواهش میکنم You're welcome. Please. فاصله لازم برای توقف یک ماشین معمولی که با سرعت ۸۰ کیلومتر در ساعت حرکت می کند ۵۳ متر است. The stopping distance for an average car travelling 80km/h is 53m. The distance to stop a normal machine that moves at 80 km an hour is 53 meters. من از دور یک روشنایی دیدم. I saw a light in the distance. I saw a light from afar. گربه من مانند یک کودک است، هر جا می روم مرا دنبال می کند. My cat is such a baby, she follows me around wherever I go. My cat is like a child, wherever I go, it follows me. صندلی از چوب درست شده است. The chair is made of wood. The chair is made of wood. خانه‌ی او خیلی مدرن است. Her house is very modern. His home is very modern. سلام Hello. Hey. از آن موقع به بعد ما او را ندیدیم. Since that time we have not seen him. We haven't seen him since. تنها کسی که از یک مترو پر ازدحام لذت می‌برد یک جیب‌بر است. The only one who enjoys a crowded subway car is a pickpocket. The only person who enjoys a crowded subway is a pocketer. کسی نمی تونه رم رو یک روزه ببینه One can't visit Rome in one day. No one can see Rome for a day. دیوانه شده ای؟ Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? من می خواهم این تابستان کار کنم. I wanted to work this summer. I want to work this summer. آمریکاییانی که بیش از شصت و پنج سال سن دارند، 12.5٪ کل جمعیت را تشکیل می‌دهند. Americans who are over sixty-five make up 12.5% of the total population. Americans who are over 60 years old make up 12.5% of the population. من نمی‌توانم بند کفشم را ببندم. I can't tie my shoelaces. I can't tie my shoes. تام تصمیم گرفت موارد را خود بدست گیرد. Tom decided to take matters into his own hands. Tom decided to take matters into his own hands. من روی جایگاه آواز خواندم. I sang on the podium. I sang on the stand. مادرم به خاطر بیماری اش طی 3 روز گذشته نخوابیده است. My mother hasn't slept in 3 days due to her illness. My mother hasn't slept for the past three days. می خواستم مستقل کار کنم، برای همین شرکت رو ترک کردم. I left the firm, because I wanted to be on my own. I wanted to work independently, so I left the company. تمام توانایی من از دست رفته است. My strength is all gone. My whole ability has been lost. پلیس چاقو را از پسر گرفت. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The police took the knife from the boy. آیا فارسی می‌دانی؟ Do you know Persian? Do you know of the Persians? من به او گفته ام که نمی توانم در این سفر همراهی اش کنم. I told him that I could not accompany him in this trip. I told him I couldn't accompany him on this trip. نا مطمئن از اینکه با کدام خواستگار می‌خواهد ازدواج کند، شاهدخت با دودلی گفت الآن این، الآن آن. Unsure of which suitor she wanted to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other. I'm not sure which candidate he's going to marry, the princess said, "Now, this is it." امروز کارهای فراوانی دارم. I have many tasks today. I've got a lot of work to do today. اگر واقعاً بخواهی کاری را انجام دهی، راهی را خواهی یافت. اگر نخواهی کاری را انجام دهی، بهانه ای خواهی یافت. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't want to do something, you'll find an excuse. دیوان عالی حکم اولیه را تأیید کرد. The Supreme Court approved the primary sentencing. The Supreme Court confirmed the initial order. کار همه‌تان خوب بود. All of you did good work. Good work for all of you. او به فرودگاه رفته بود تا با آقای وست ملاقات کند. He had gone to the airport to meet Mr West. He went to the airport to meet Mr. West. واقعا خوب بود. It was really good. It was really good. آیا شما غذاهای ژاپنی را دوست دارید؟ Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? اوّلین بار است که با یک آلمانی به آلمانی صحبت می‌کنم. This is my first time speaking German with a German person. It's the first time I've spoken to a German. اینجا بادی نیست. There is no breeze here. There's no wind in here. ماگدالنا و آنیا هر دو اهل لهستان هستند. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Magdelina and Ania are both from Poland. او به‌شدت کار می‌کرد. She was working hard. He worked as well. به نظر نمی رسید تام در حال صبر کردن باشد. Tom didn't feel like waiting. Tom didn't seem to be waiting. تو دستهای زیبایی داری. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. تام در آشپزخانه را محکم به هم زد. Tom shut the kitchen door. Tom broke up the kitchen door. باد سردی می وزد. A cold wind is blowing. It's a cold wind. من در مدرسه تحصیل می کنم. I study at school. I study at school. چندی قسمت از ون پیس تماشا کردی؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes have you watched? تام بعد از ظهر یکشنبه به پارک رفت. Tom went to the park on Sunday afternoon. Tom went to the park on Sunday afternoon. ما دیر کردیم. We are late. We're late. من پدرت را می شناسم. I know your father. I know your father. تام فرار کرده است. Tom has run away. Tom's escaped. روژاوای آزاد! Free Rojava! Free Rojavi! تام کاری جز شکایت نمی‌کند. Tom does nothing but complain. Tom does nothing but complain. من به جای تو ، به آنجا خواهم رفت. I will go there in place of you. I'll go there instead of you. برای فراگیری آلمانی، زندگی خیلی کوتاه است. Life is too short to learn German. To learn German, life is very short. تب پایین آمده است. The temperature falls. The tab has come down. باید تام را ببینی. You've got to see Tom. You need to see Tom. اگه تام رو دیدی، از طرف من بهش سلام برسان. If you see Tom, say hello to him for me. If you see Tom, say hello to him for me. بچه ها هدایای کریسمس را که زیر تخت پنهان شده بود، پیدا کردند. Children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed. The kids found the Christmas gifts hidden under the bed. ما به دنبال چه هستیم؟ What are we after? What are we looking for? خورشید به ما روشنی و گرما می بخشد. The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and heat. من می‌خواهم با او آشنا شوم. I want to make her acquaintance. I want to meet him. مثل امروز ما جوابی از او نشنیدیم As of today, we haven't had an answer from him. Like today, we haven't heard from him. میدونم باید الان بخوابم. I know I have to sleep now. I know I need to sleep now. تام از چندین نفر، سوال مشابهی را پرسید. Tom asked several people the same question. Tom asked several people the same question. شما می خواهید که با ما بروید؟ Do you want to go with us? you want to go with us? از آن قرمزهای روی قفسه خوشم می‌آید. I like the red ones on the shelf. I like those reds on the shelf. می دانی آن ماشین مال چه کسی است؟ Do you know whose car that is? Do you know who that car belongs to? خوشحالم که توانستم با شما آشنا شوم. I'm glad to have met you. I'm glad I could meet you. با کی حرف می زنی؟ Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? پیت واقعاً یه لغت نامه ی متحرک هست. Piet really is a walking dictionary. Pete is a really moving dictionary. من فرانسوی نیستم. I am not French. I'm not French. آیا می دانی چه اتفاقی برای تام افتاد؟ Do you know what's happened to Tom? Do you know what happened to Tom? آموزش در جهان من را نا امید کرده است. Education in this world disappoints me. Teach in the world has failed me. این قارچ‌ها خوراکی نیستند. These mushrooms aren't edible. These mushrooms are not food. گوش کن. Listen. Listen. آن را به دو قسمت ببر. Cut it into two pieces. Take it to two parts. مرسی! Thanks! Thank you! آنها جر و بحث کردند. They quarreled. They argued. شادی و غم دیگران شادی و غم ماست. The happiness and sorrow of others is happiness and sorrow of our own. The joy and sorrow of others is our joy and sorrow. دلیلی برای ترسیدن نیست. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. او تمامی بطری شیر را نوشید. He drank the whole bottle of milk. He drank all the bottle of milk. هی! لطفاً بیا اینجا. Hey! Come here please! Hey, come here, please. می خواستی با من از آزادی بگویی؟ You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? شما هر دو دروغگو هستید. You're both liars. You're both liars. سکه طلا از آنچه که تصور می شد، ارزش بیشتری داشت. The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed. The gold coin was worth more than it was supposed to be. بچه ها ساعت ها کنار ساحل بازی خواهند کرد. The children would play for hours on the beach. Children will play on the beach for hours. جدّی نگیر. داشتم شوخی می‌کردم. Don't take me seriously. I was only joking. Don't take it seriously, I was just kidding. روشن است که او چنین آدمی نیست. Obviously, he's not that kind of person. This is certainly not a human being. این به کل بی ربط است. That's completely irrelevant. It's irrelevant to the whole thing. خانه او در کوهپایه است. Her house is at the foot of a mountain. His house is in the top of the mountain. پنیر کپک می زنه اگه نگذاریش توی یخچال. Cheese goes mouldy if you don't put it in fridge. Cheese sucks if you don't put it in the fridge. او همیشه از دیگران بدگویی می‌کند. He is always saying bad things about others. He's always saying bad things about others. من مدل‌های عتیقه را ترجیح می‌دهم. I prefer antiquated models. I prefer old models. نفست رو حبس کن!این گاز سمی است. Hold your breath! It's poisonous gas. Hold your breath! It's toxic gas! سلام Hi. Hey. امروز خورشید می درخشد. Sun is shinning today. The sun will shine today. زندگی متاهلی چطور است؟ How's married life? What's it like to be married? انگشت پای او خونریزی دارد. Her toe bleeds. His toes are bleeding. شما دوستان به کجاي مکزيک مي‌خواهيد برويد؟ Where in Mexico are you guys going? Where are you guys going to Mexico? تام ادّعا کرد که نمی‌دانسته خانه‌ی ساحلی اش برای فعالیت‌های غیرقانونی استفاده می‌شده است. Tom claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities. Tom said he didn't know that his beach house was used for illegal activities. اگر جای تو بودم، آن کار را نمی‌کردم. If I were in your position, I wouldn't do that. If I were you, I wouldn't. یه گربه از زیر میز اومد بیرون. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of under the table. کلماتی بسیاری هست که نمی فهمم. There are many words that I don't understand. There's a lot of words I don't understand. تاکسی کجاست؟ Where is the taxi? Where's the cab? سگهایی که پارس می کنند، بندرت گاز می گیرند. Barking dogs seldom bite. Dogs that bark, they bite. نگاه کردم ببینم سر به سرم نمی‌گذارد. I looked to see if he was teasing me. I looked at him and he wouldn't mess with me. هیچکس دقیقاً نمی‌داند جمعیت ایالات متحده از چند نژاد تشکیل شده است. Nobody knows exactly how many races make up the population of the United States. No one knows exactly how many races the United States has formed. فکر کنم تام دارد طفره می رود. I think Tom is beating around the bush. I think Tom's avoiding. این بچه کاری جز گریه کردن نداشت. This child did nothing but cry. This kid had nothing to do but cry. در دنیای امروز، دشوارترین چیز برای انسان، خود بودن است. In today's world, the hardest thing for a man to be... is himself. In today's world, the most difficult thing for humans is to be themselves. همیشه احتیاط کن. Always be cautious. Always be careful. بارها و بارها بهت گقتم این کار رو نکن. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I told you not to do this again and again. تعطیلات خیلی زود تمام شد. The holiday ended all too soon. The holidays were over so early. مردم پیرامون نور جمع می شوند، اما نه به خاطر بهتر دیدن، بلکه به خاطر بهتر درخشیدن. People crowd around the light, not to see better, but rather to shine better. People gather around the light, but not to see better, but to look better. او پسری دارد که نامش جان است. He has a son whose name is John. He has a son whose name is John. آلبرت انیشتن یک بار گفته است: اسپرانتو بهترین راهکار برای ایده ی زبان جهانی است. Albert Einstein said once: "Esperanto is the best solution for the idea of an international language". Albert Einstein once said, "Sparanto is the best way to think of the world language. عاقل را اشاره کافیست. One word is enough for a wise man. That's enough for wiseness. با دقت از عینک نگهداری کن. Handle the glasses carefully. Keep your glasses carefully. قبل از اینکه دهنت را باز کنی فکر کن Think before you open your mouth. Think before you open your mouth. او مشکلات زیادی دارد. He has many troubles. He has a lot of problems. تا ابله در جهانه، مفلس در نمیمانه A fool and his money are easily parted. He won't stay until he's an idiot in the world. هاروکو بهارهای گرم را دوست دارد. Haruko likes warm springs. Harko loves warm spring. زمین، مادر ما. Mother Earth. Earth, our mother. افراد معمولاً آنچه نمی‌فهمند را دوست ندارند. People usually don't like what they can't understand. People don't usually like what they don't understand. آن بچه به میمون موز می داد. The child was feeding the monkey with the banana. That kid gave a banana monkey. اطراف رو بهم نشون داد. He showed me around. He showed me around. من نمی‌توانم این درخت را هرس کنم. زیاد بلند است. I can't prune this tree. It's too tall. I can't wear this tree. It's too long. یک درخت سیب توی باغ هست. There's an apple tree in the garden. There's an apple tree in the garden. کجا می تونم ویتامین ها رو پیدا کنم؟ (در فروشگاه) Where's the aisle for vitamins? Where can I find the vitamins? دوبار اونجا بودم. I've been there twice. I was there twice. او به من لبخندی از سر آشنایی تقدیم کرد. She gave me a smile of recognition. He gave me a smile of acquaintance. ما چه چیزی را نادیده گرفته‌ایم؟ What have we overlooked? What have we ignored? همه‌ی لباس‌های من سفارشی دوخته شده‌اند. All of my clothes are custom made. All my clothes are customized. زمین از طریق گلها می‌خندد. Earth laughs in flowers. The earth laughs through flowers. شیر؟ شکر؟ Any milk or sugar? Sugar? نه، ممنونم. بسیار پر شدم. No, thank you. I'm so full. No, thank you. I'm very full. پدرم با من صحبت کرد که وقتی بزرگ‌تر شوم، مدرسه تا چه حد برای کار پیدا کردنم اهمیت خواهد داشت. Father spoke about how important school will be for finding a job when I am older. My father talked to me about how important school would be when I got older. با آسانسور پائین رفتم. I took the elevator down. I went down by the elevator. مناد باید کلاه بپوشد. Mennad has to wear a hat. Manad should wear a hat. تام سوار قطار به سمت توکیو شد. Tom boarded a train bound for Tokyo. Tom took the train to Tokyo. سه سال دنبال یک کارگردان خوب می‌گشتم، ولی کسی را پیدا نکردم. I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one. I've been looking for a good director for three years, but I haven't found anyone. تا وقتی نیستم، او جانشین من خواهد بود. He will be my deputy while I am away. As long as I'm gone, he'll be my successor. اگر خراب نیست، تعمیرش نکن. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. پارکینگ در اینجا وجود ندارد. It's a no parking area here. There's no parking lot here. من از شغلم راضی هستم. I'm satisfied with my work. I'm happy with my job. باران صبحگاهي مسافر را متوقف نكرد. The morning rain didn't stop the traveler. The morning rain didn't stop the passenger. او پاهای کوچکی دارد. She has small feet. He has small legs. فکر می کنم تام درباره ی اون موضوع حساس باشد. I think Tom would be sensible about that. I think Tom's sensitive about that. تو چه دوست خوبي هستي. What a nice friend you are! You're such a good friend. راستی, امروزبعد از ظهروقت داری (بیکاری)؟ By the way, are you free this afternoon? By the way, do you have time this afternoon? چرا مردم موهایشان را رنگ می کنند. Why do people dye their hair? Why people paint their hair. به هیچ کس این را نگو. Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone that. او باید از من عصبانی باشد. She must be angry with me. He must be mad at me. در تابستان شهر غرق از جهانگردان بود. The town was deluged with tourists in summer. In summer, the city was overwhelmed by the world. آنها چوب لای چرخش گذاشتند. They put a spoke in his wheel. They put around wood. اون مثل یک توپ نارنجی بزرگ بود که در آسمان آویزان بود! خیلی زیبا بود! It looked like a big orange ball hanging out in the sky! It was beautiful! It was like a big orange ball hanging in the sky! It was beautiful! من نمک می خواستم، ولی در بطری شیشه ای هیچ نبود. I wanted some salt, but there was none in the jar. I wanted salt, but there was nothing in the glass bottle. متشکرم Thank you! Thank you. او با عجله داشت فرار میکرد. He was running away in all haste. He was running away in a hurry. آخ! زبانم را گاز گرفتم. Ouch! I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. من دوست داشتنی بودم. I was lovely. I was lovely. میشه ۳۰ یورو. This will cost €30. That's 30 euros. هدف را میبینم. I see the target. I see the target. اطراف خود را با افرادی پر کن که قصد دارند تو را بالاتر ببرند. Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Fill around with people who are going to take you higher. گل بی خار نمی‌شود. There is no rose without a thorn. The flower doesn't grow without thorns. تام می‌خواهد در بیمارستان کار کند. Tom wants to work in a hospital. Tom wants to work at the hospital. منو ترک نکن! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! از چاقوها می‌ترسم. I'm afraid of knives. I'm afraid of knives. آه، تشکر می کنم از شما، عزیز من. Ah, I thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, my dear. دیگه نمی تونم ادامه بدم. I'm done up. I can't go on anymore. او اصرار کرد دوباره فکر کنم. He urged me to think again. He insisted I think again. خانک کاندا یک دونده بسیار سریع است. Miss Kanda is a very fast runner. Khank Conda is a very fast runner. نگران نباش، وگرنه کچل می شوی. Don't worry too much, or you'll go bald. Don't worry, or you'll get bald. به ایران رفتم. I went to Iran. I went to Iran. در قطار راحت جا پیدا می‌شد، چون تعداد مسافران خیلی کم بود. It was easy to find seats in the train because there were so few passengers. It was easy to find a place on the train, because there were very few passengers. ما برای امنیت آنها نگرانیم. We are anxious for their safety. We're worried about their safety. آنها می گویند سرخس ها می توانند گل داشته باشند. They say that ferns can have flowers. They say the Reds can have flowers. دروغگو تا در خانه‌اش. A lie has no legs. Liar to his house. ما غذایمان را با آنها تقسیم خواهیم کرد. We'll share our food with them. We'll share our food with them. هوا ناپایدار است. The weather is fickle. The air is unstable. آب که از سر گذشت چه یک وجب چه صد وجب As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. The water's gone. A couple hundred or so. من اتاق مختص خود دارم. I have my own room. I have my own room. تمام راهها به رم ختم می شود. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. قطره قطره جمع گردد، وانگهی دریا شود. Constant dripping wears away a stone. The drop of the drop shall be gathered together, and the sea shall be at the sea's rise. من مواد اولیه برای کاری را روز یکشنبه خریدم. I bought ingredients for curry on Sunday. I bought the basics for work on Sunday. فکر نکنم شما کمک به تام را مدنظر قرار دهید. I don't suppose you'd consider helping Tom. I don't think you'll consider helping Tom. فرصت است که دزد می سازد. Opportunity makes a thief. It's an opportunity to make a thief. من با تو مخالفم. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. کدام سنگین‌تر است: یک کیلو کاه یا یک کیلو آهن؟ Which weighs more: a kilo of straw or a kilo of iron? Which is heavier: a pound of straw or iron? چیزی نفرت انگیزتر از احترام از روی ترس نیست. Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. Nothing more disgusting than respect of fear. در واقع، می خواستم از شما یک چیزی را بپرسم. Actually, I did want to ask you one thing. In fact, I wanted to ask you something. آنها خبر نداشتند که من آنجا نیستم. They were not aware that I was not there. They didn't know I wasn't there. در صورت آتش سوزی، شما باید با شماره 119 تماس بگیرید. In case of fire, you should dial 119. If there is a fire, you must contact the number 119. من یک نامه از دوستم دریافت کردم. I got a letter from my friend. I received a letter from my friend. از اینکه مرا دعوت کردی، متشکرم. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. آیا کودک هنوز بیدار است؟ Is the kid still up? Is the child still awake? ترجمه مانند زن است. اگر زیبا باشد، وفادار نیست. اگر وفادار باشد، مطمئناً زیبا نیست. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. The translation is like a woman. If it's beautiful, it's not loyal. دری که غژغژ می‌کند عمرش بیشتر است. A creaking gate hangs long. The door that complains is longer than his life. والدینم مرا مجبور کردند به انجا بروم. My parents had me go there. My parents made me go there. زنده باد زبان فارسی! Long live the Persian language! Long live the Persian tongue! بازها پرندگان شکاری هستند. Falcons are birds of prey. Opens are hunting birds. به من حقیقت را بگو. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. دولت به مردم توجه نمی کند. آنها هر آنچه می خواهند انجام می دهند. The government doesn't notice people. They do whatever they want. The government doesn't care about people. They do what they want. بهم بگو چی شد. Tell me what happened. Tell me what happened. آيا شما كتاب سفارش داديد؟ Did you order the book? Did you order a book? او نمی دانست که با یک هیولا ازدواج کرده است. She didn't know she had married a monster. He didn't know he was married to a monster. این داستان تقریبا در 20000 نسخه فروش رفته است. The novel has sold almost 20000 copies. This story has been sold almost 10,000 copies. ما به کانادا مهاجرت نخواهیم کرد. We won't immigrate to Canada. We're not moving to Canada. آیا گیاه‌خوار هستید؟ Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? ما بیش از 40 سال است که از صلح برخوردار شده ایم. We have enjoyed peace for more than forty years. We've had peace for over 40 years. آخرین پرکاه کمر شتر را شکست. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. He broke the last round of the camel's back. نمی‌دانم می‌توانم بیایم. I don't know if I can come. I don't know if I can come. چه کسی برای اولین بار به قله اورست رسید؟ Who first reached the summit of Mt. Everest? Who got to the top of Orst for the first time? هیچ انسان زنده ای، آن را باور نخواهد کرد. No man alive would believe it. No living man will believe it. من خیلی چاق ام. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. اگر جای تو بودم، انجامش نمی‌دادم. If I were you, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't have done it if I were you. مِری داشت به آیپادش گوش می‌کرد. Mary was listening to her iPod. Mary was listening to her iPhone. یک گزارش بنویس. Write a report. Write a report. لازم نبود چتر بیاورید. You needn't have brought your umbrella. You didn't have to bring a umbrella. به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردی. You accused her of having stolen the bike. You've been stealing your bike. به نظر می آید که باد شدیدتر می شود. It looks like the wind's getting stronger. It looks like the wind gets stronger. فقط می‌خواهم چند سؤال از شما بپرسم. I just want to ask you some questions. I just want to ask you a few questions. در ابتدا توان این را نداشتم که باورش کنم. I wasn't able to believe him at first. At first, I couldn't believe it. او محبوب است، نه به‌خاطر زیبائی‌اش، بلکه به‌خاطر مهربانی‌اش. She is popular not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness. He is beloved, not for his beauty, but for his kindness. این واژه از یونانی می آید. This word comes from Greek. It comes from Greek. تلوزیون را تماشا نکن. Don't watch TV. Don't watch TV. من آن لباس را نمی پوشم. I'm not wearing that dress. I don't wear that dress. با نرمی سخن بگو. Speak softly. Speak gently. تام تمام صبح را به دنبال سگش گشت. Tom looked for his dog all morning. Tom spent the morning looking for his dog. یک قرص نان بهتر از آواز پرندگان است. A loaf of bread is better than the songs of birds. One pill is better than the song of birds. شما حق دارید از انجام وظیفه به عنوان شاهد امتناع کنید. You have the right to abstain from serving as witnesses. You have the right to refuse duty as a witness. فکر می کنم حق با توست. I think you're right. I think you're right. فکر کنم بایستی همگی بیرون رویم. I think we should all go outside. I think we should all go out. او تهران را دید. He visited Tehran. He saw Tehran. یک تشکر بزرگ برای کمک شما. A big thanks for your help. A big thank you for your help. سخن گفتن بدون اندیشیدن مانند شلیک کردن بدون نگاه کردن است. Speaking without thinking is like shooting without looking. It's like shooting without looking. تام اسوهٔ اخلاص است. Tom is a paragon of honesty. Tom is pure. چه ایده خوبی! What a nice idea! That's a good idea! gardane Tom be hengaame eski baazi shekaste shod. Tom got his neck broken in a ski accident. It's only a matter of time before it's over. salam ,omid ke khvb bashi Hi, I hope you are well Salam, amid khvb bashi He should fill out his marital status in the questionnaire. She should fill out her marital status in the questionnaire. He's the one who's the only one who's ever seen him. ބޭންކު ހެދީ ވާދަވެރިކަން ބޮޑުކޮށް، އިންޓަރެސްޓް ކުޑަ ކުރަން formed bank to increase competitiveness, reduce interest == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man ރާއްޖޭގައި އިތުރު ބޭންކެއް ހެދުމުގެ މަގުސަދަކީ ބޭންކިން ދާއިރާގެ ވާދަވެރިކަން ބޮޑުކޮށް، އިންޓަރެސްޓް ރޭޓް ކުޑަ ކުރުމަށް ބާރު އަޅަން ކަމަށް ކޮމާޝަލް ބޭންކް އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސް ގެ އެއް ހިއްސާދާރު އަދި މަޝްހޫރު ވިޔަފާރިވެރިޔާ، ޗަމްޕާ ހުސެއިން އަފީފު މިއަދު ވިދާޅުވެއްޖެ އެވެ. One of the shareholders of Commercial Bank of Maldives, Champa Hussain Afeef, has stated that he started a new bank to increase competition and reduce interest rates in the market. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man