>>eus<< Aart worked for the Nazis. Aart Naziengatik lan egin zen. Nazientzat lan egiten zuen. >>eus<< A big car flew off the road today. Gaur auto handi bat bidetik atera da. Gaur egun auto handi batek ihes egin du errepidetik. >>eus<< A camel is, so to speak, a ship on the desert. Gamelu bat, nolabait esateko, ontzi bat da basamortuan. Gamelua, esan nahi dut, basamortuko ontzi bat da. >>eus<< A cat came out from under the desk. Idazmahaitik katua atera zen. Katu bat atera zen mahai azpian. >>eus<< A cat has two ears. Katu batek bi belarri ditu. Katuak bi belarri ditu. >>eus<< Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Zehaztasuna garrantzitsua da aritmetikan. Zehaztasuna oso garrantzitsua da aritmetikan. >>eus<< A doctor was sent immediately. Mediku bat azkar bidali zuten. Berehala bidali zuten medikua. >>eus<< After he ate, Tom went to bed. Jan eta gero Tom ohera joan zen. Jan ondoren, Tom ohera joan zen. >>eus<< Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell mugikorra asmatu zuen,. Alexander Graham Bellek telefonoa asmatu zuen. >>eus<< A life sentence in Indonesia means life. Biziarteko kartzela-zigorrak Indonesian bizitza esan nahi du. Indonesian bizi-zigorrak bizitza esan nahi du. >>eus<< Alive or dead, I'll always love you. Bizirik edo hilik, beti maite izango zaitut. Bizirik edo hilda, beti maiteko zaitut. >>eus<< All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination. Gizon-emakume guztiak berdinak dira legearen aurrean eta denek dute, bereizkeriarik gabe, legezko babesa izateko eskubidea. Legearen aurrean denak berdinak dira eta legearen babes berdina izateko inolako diskriminaziorik gabe eskubidea dute. Adierazpen honen urraketa eta edozein diskriminazio-motaren aurkako diskriminazio-mota guztien aurkako babes berdina izateko eskubidea dute guztiek. >>eus<< All I know is that I was drunk. Dakidan guztia mozkor nenbilela da. Badakit mozkortuta nagoela. >>eus<< All right, we'll meet at five. Ongi da, bostetan elkartuko gara. Bostetan elkartuko gara. >>eus<< All this is absurd. Guzti hau zentsugabea da. Hori guztia absurdoa da. >>eus<< Am I going to see you tomorrow? Ikusiko zaitut bihar? Bihar ikusiko zaitut? >>eus<< And that's how my mom met my dad. Eta horrelaxe ezagutu zuen gura amak gure aita. Horrela ezagutu zuen amak aita. >>eus<< Aoi dances very well. Aoik oso ondo egiten du dantzan. Olentzerok oso ondo dantzatzen du. >>eus<< Arabic is a very important language. Arabiera oso hizkuntza garrantzitsua da. Arabiar hizkuntza oso garrantzitsua da. >>eus<< Aren't you a singer? Abeslaria ez al zara? Ez al zara kantaria? >>eus<< Aren't you finished? Amaitu ez al duzu? Ez duzu bukatu? >>eus<< Aren't you free on Mondays? Ez zaude libre astelehenetan? Ez al zaude libre astelehenetan? >>eus<< Aren't you three brothers? Ez zarete hiru neba-arreba? Ez al zarete hiru anaiak? >>eus<< Are those Tom's children? Dira horiek Tom-en umeak? Tomen seme-alabak dira? >>eus<< Are those Tom's children? Haiek dira Tom-en semeak? Tomen seme-alabak dira? >>eus<< "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." "Amerikarra zara?" "Texasekoa"."Ohiokoa"."Paul"."Ted. Pozik zu ezagutzeaz." -Amerikarra zara? -Texas. -Ohio. -Paul. -Ted. Pozten naiz zu ezagutzeaz. >>eus<< Are you bilingual? Elebiduna zara? Bilinguala zara? >>eus<< Are you going to Australia? Australiara joango zara? Australiara joan nahi duzu? >>eus<< Are you going to the store? Dendara joango zara? Dendara joango zara? >>eus<< Are you looking for your parents? Zure gurazoak bilatzen zabiltza? Zure gurasoen bila zabiltza? >>eus<< Are you sleepy, honey? Logura zara laztana? Lotan zaude, laztana? >>eus<< As it's not a very safe area, I want to get home before it's late. Ez denez oso leku segurua, etxera heldu nahi dut berandu izan baino lehen. Oso leku segurua ez denez, berandu baino lehen etxera itzuli nahi dut. >>eus<< As long as I live, I won't let it happen. Bizirik egoten naizen bitartean ez dut utziko hori gertatzea. Bizi naizen bitartean, ez dut utziko gertatzen. >>eus<< As long as I've known about the existence of the university, I've wanted to go there. Unibertsitatearen existitzen dela jakin nuenetik, bertara joateko gogoa izan dut. Unibertsitatearen existentziaren berri izan dudan bitartean, hara joan nahi nuen. >>eus<< Astronauts wear spacesuits. Astronautek espazio-jantziak janzten dituzte. Astronautek espaziontziak erabiltzen dituzte. >>eus<< Australia is smaller than South America. Australia Hego Amerika baino txikiagoa da. Australia Hego Amerika baino txikiagoa da. >>eus<< A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Ur-molekula batek bi hidrogeno atomo eta oxigeno atomo bat ditu. Ur molekulak bi hidrogeno atomo eta oxigeno atomo bat ditu. >>eus<< Bastard! Sasikumea! Putakumea! >>eus<< Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven musikari bikaina zen. Beethoven oso musikari ona zen. >>eus<< Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Sinetsi edo ez, ez nago sarkastikoa izaten une honetan. Sinistu ala ez, oraingoan ez naiz sarkastikoa. >>eus<< Bell invented the telephone. Bell-ek telefonoa asmatu zuen. Bellek telefonoa asmatu zuen. >>eus<< Beware of pickpockets here. Kontuz lapurrekin. Kontuz Pickpockets-ekin. >>eus<< Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country Bilbo Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Bilbo Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. >>eus<< Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Lorautsa buru batetik beste batera ekartzen duten erleak dira liburuak. Liburuak pentsamendu batetik bestera polena eramaten duten erleak dira. >>eus<< Botafogo has won the Brazilian League Trophy. Botafogok irabazi du Brasileko Trophy liga. Botafogok irabazi du Brasilgo Trofeoa. >>eus<< Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires Argentinako hiriburua da. Buenos Aires Argentinako hiriburua da. >>eus<< Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Gaur egun, Burj Khalifa, munduko etxe orratzik altuena da. Burj Khalifa munduko etxe orratzik altuena da. >>eus<< But what bad have I done to deserve all this? Baina zer egin dut txarto hau merezi izateko? Baina zer egin dut gaizki hau guztia merezi izateko? >>eus<< By the way, what time will you go there? Bide batez, ze ordutan joango zara horra? Bide batez, zein ordutan joango zara hara? >>eus<< Call me! Dei iezadazu! Deitu! >>eus<< Call me! Deitu! Deitu! >>eus<< Call now. Deitu orain. Deitu orain. >>eus<< Calm down! Lasai zaitez! Lasaitu! >>eus<< Can someone open the door, please? Norbaitek atea ireki ahal du, mesedez? Norbaitek ireki dezake atea, mesedez? >>eus<< Can you assure the safety of my children? Nire umeen segurtasuna ziurta dezakezu? Nire seme-alaben segurtasuna bermatzeko gai zara? >>eus<< Can you close the windows, please? Lehioak itxi ahal dituzu, mesedez? Itxiko dituzu leihoak, mesedez? >>eus<< Can you count to ten? Hamarreraino zenbatu dezakezu? Hamar arte zenbatuko al duzu? >>eus<< Can you show me the definition? Erakutzi ahal didazu esanahia? Definizioa erakutsiko al didazu? >>eus<< Can you think of a solution? Pentsatu dezakezu irtenbiderik. Pentsatu al duzu irtenbideren bat? >>eus<< Cheese, butter, cream, yogurt and kefir are dairy products. Gazta, gurina, esne-gaina, jogurta eta kefirra esnekiak dira. Gazta, gurina, krema, yogurt eta kefir dira esne-produktuak. >>eus<< CO₂ has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect. CO₂ horrek lotura handia du negutegi efektuarekin. CO2ak zerikusi handia du berotegi efektuarekin. >>eus<< Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Ideia orlegi kolorgeek haserre lo egiten dute. Ideia berde koloregabeek haserre lo egiten dute. >>eus<< Come on everyone, let's dance! Jende guztiarengan zatoz, dantza gaitezen! Goazen denok dantzara! >>eus<< Could you tell me the way to Tokyo Tower? Esango zenidake Tokyo Dorrerako bidea nondik den? Grabatu Tokyo Tower [pt - other] Ba al dakizu Tokyo ahoskatzen? >>eus<< Cyprus is an island. Zipre uharte bat da. Zipre uharte bat da. >>eus<< Damascus is a beautiful town. Damasko hiri ederra da. Damasko hiri ederra da. >>eus<< Damn. Kondenatua. Kaka zaharra. >>eus<< Dance. Dantzatu. Dantza. >>eus<< Did everybody hear that? Guztiok entzun duzue hori? Denek entzun dute hori? >>eus<< Did Tom do that well? Tomek hori ondo egin ahal zuen? Ondo egin al zuen Tomek? >>eus<< Did you come here alone? Bakarrik etorri zara? Bakarrik etorri zara? >>eus<< Did you enjoy your trip to Boston? Ondo pasatu zenuen zure bidaian Bostonera? Gozatu al duzu Donostiara egindako bidaiaz? >>eus<< Did you know I have a blog? Bazenekien blog bat daukadala? Ba al zenekien blog bat daukatela? >>eus<< Differential equations are equations involving derivatives. Ekuazio diferentzialak deribatuak dituzten ekuazioak dira. Ekuazio diferentzialak deribatuak dituzten ekuazioak dira. >>eus<< Dinner is ready, so we can eat whenever we want. Afaria pronto dagoenez, nahi dugunean jan dezakegu. Afaria prest dago eta nahi dugunean jan dezakegu. >>eus<< Does anyone want a new house? Inork etxe berri bat nahi du? Inork nahi al du etxe berri bat? >>eus<< Does Tom know I can't swim? Badaki Tomek ezin dudala igeririk egin? Ba al dakizu ezin dudala igeri egin? >>eus<< Does Tom know we can't speak French? Badaki Tomek guk ezin dugula frantsesez hitz egin? Ba al daki Tomek ezin duela frantsesez hitz egin? >>eus<< Does Tom really want to go? Tomek benetan joan nahi da? Tom benetan joan nahi duzu? >>eus<< Dogs are like that. Txakurrak horrekoak dira. Txakurrak horrelakoak dira. >>eus<< Do I frighten you? Beldurtzen dizut? Beldurtzen zaitut? >>eus<< Doing that was a bad idea. Hori egitea idea txarra izan zen. Hori egitea ideia txarra izan da. >>eus<< Doing that was a bad idea. Hori egitea ideia txarra zen Hori egitea ideia txarra izan da. >>eus<< Do it right now! Egin, baina orain! Egin ezazu oraintxe bertan! >>eus<< Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. Donostia Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Donostia Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. >>eus<< Don't forget about us! Ez ahaztu gurekin gero! Ez ahaztu gu! >>eus<< Don't forget the ticket. Ez ahaztu txartelik. Ez ahaztu txartela. >>eus<< Don't intrude your opinions on others. Ez inposatu zure intzia besteen gainean. Ez sartu zure iritzia besteei buruz. >>eus<< Don't judge a man by the opinions of his enemies. Ez epaitu gizon bat bere etsaiek esaten dutenagatik. Ez epaitu gizon bat bere etsaien iritzien arabera. >>eus<< Don't sacrifice yourself for other people. Ez sakrifikatu zure bizitza bestengatik. Ez sakrifikatu zeure burua beste pertsona batzuengatik. >>eus<< Don't take any notice of what he says. Ez iezaiozue dioenari arreta jar. Ez ahaztu esaten duena. >>eus<< Don't worry about others. Ez kezkatu besteekin. Ez kezkatu besteengatik. >>eus<< Don't worry. Everything is under control. Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Ez kezkatu, dena kontrolpean dago. >>eus<< Don't worry. Everything's under control. Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Ez kezkatu, dena kontrolpean dago. >>eus<< Don't you see the sign? Ez al duzu ikur hori ikusten? Ez duzu ikusten seinalea? >>eus<< Do they frighten you? Beldurtzen dizute? Beldurtzen al zaituzte? >>eus<< Do you know where the zoo is? Ba al dakizu non den zooa? Ba al dakizu non dagoen zoologikoa? >>eus<< Do you like football? Futbola gustatzen zaizu ? Futbola gustatzen zaizu? >>eus<< Do you like this perfume? Perfume hau gustatzen zaizu ? Gustatzen zaizu perfume hau? >>eus<< Do you like what you see? Ikusten duzuna gustuko duzu ? Gustatzen zaizu ikusten duzuna? >>eus<< Do you live in the city? Hirian bizi zara? Hirian bizi zara? >>eus<< Do you need help with your homework? Laguntzarik behar duzu zure etxerako lanekin? Laguntza behar al duzu etxeko lanekin? >>eus<< Do you not like them? Ez dituzu gustuko ? Ez al zaizkizu gustatzen? >>eus<< Do you not see the problem here? Ez duzu ikusten problemarik hemen? Ez al duzu ikusten arazoa hemen? >>eus<< Do you remember? Gogoratzen al zara? Gogoratzen duzu? >>eus<< Do you remember the man who offered you the bicycle? Gogoratzen zara bizikleta eskaini zizun gizonaz? Gogoratzen duzu bizikleta eskaini zizun gizona? >>eus<< Do you speak a foreign language? Atzerriko hizkuntzarik hitz egiten duzu? Atzerriko hizkuntza bat hitz egiten duzu? >>eus<< Do you still not understand what's going on? Gertatzen ari dena ulertu gabe jarraitzen duzu? Oraindik ez duzu ulertzen zer gertatzen den? >>eus<< Do you still want some tea? Oraindik ere nahi duzu te pixka bat? Tea nahi duzu? >>eus<< Do you still want some tea? Oraindik nahi duzu te pixka bat? Tea nahi duzu? >>eus<< Do you think Tom believed what you told him? Uste duzu Tomek esan zeniola sinetsi zuela? Uste duzu Tomek sinetsi zuela esan zeniona? >>eus<< Do you want another glass of wine? Beste ardo edalontzi bat nahi duzu? Beste kopa bat ardo nahi duzu? >>eus<< Do you want pizza or not? Pizza nahi duzu ala ez? Pizza nahi duzu edo ez? >>eus<< Do you want to hear a joke? Txantxa bat entzun nahi duzu? Txiste bat entzun nahi duzu? >>eus<< Dozens of young people attended the demonstration. Dozenaka gazte joan ziren manifestaldira. Ehunka gaztek parte hartu dute manifestazioan. >>eus<< Edison invented the light bulb. Edisonek bonbilla asmatu zuen. Edisonek bonbilla asmatu zuen. >>eus<< Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying. Edo Tom dabil gezurretan edo Mary dabil gezurretan. Edo Tom gezurretan ari da, edo Mary gezurretan ari da. >>eus<< Electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Elektroiek atomoaren nukleoaren inguruan orbitatzen dute. Elektroiak atomoaren nukleoaren inguruan orbitatzen du. >>eus<< Eleven students received the award. Hamaika ikaslek saria jaso zuten. 11 ikaslek jaso dute saria. >>eus<< Emily is writing a letter. Emily gutun bat idazten ari da. Emiliok gutun bat idazten du. >>eus<< English is the only language that we can teach in the faculty of sciences. Ingelesa da irakasgai bakarra irakatsi ahal duguna zientzia fakultatean. Ingelesa da zientzietan irakatsi dezakegun hizkuntza bakarra. >>eus<< Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Europa - Jupiterren satelitea. Europa Jupiterren ilargi bat da. >>eus<< Ever since I learned about the existence of the university, I wanted to go there. Betidanik, unibertsitatearen existentziaz jakin nuenetik, bertara joateko gogoa izan dut. Unibertsitatearen existentziari buruz ikasi nuenetik, hara joan nahi nuen. >>eus<< Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Delituagatik salatutakoak eskubidea du errugabetzat jo dezaten, errudun dela legez eta jendaurreko epaiketan frogatzen ez den bitartean. Epaiketan bere burua zaintzeko berme guztiak ziurtatuko zaizkio. Epaiketa publiko batean errugabetzat jotzen den pertsona orok eskubidea du errugabetzat jotzeko, bere defentsarako beharrezko berme guztiak zituelarik. >>eus<< Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. Pertsona orok du berdintasunez norbere herrialdeko funtzio publikoan sartzeko eskubidea. Pertsona orok du bere herrialdean zerbitzu publikorako sarbide berdina izateko eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to a nationality. Pertsona orok du herritartasuna izateko eskubidea. Guztiek dute nazionalitate bat izateko eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Pertsona orok du, norbere interesen alde egiteko, sindikatuak eratu eta sindikatuko kide izateko eskubidea. Pertsona orok du bere interesen babeserako sindikatuekin bat egiteko eta sortzeko eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Pertsona orok du joan eta etorri aske ibiltzeko eskubidea eta Estatu baten lurraldean bizilekua aukeratzekoa. Pertsona orok du eskubidea mugimendurako eta bizilekurako eskubidea estatu bakoitzaren mugen barruan. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Nornahik du bakean biltzeko eta elkartzeko eskubidea. Pertsona orok du elkarte eta elkarte baketsuaren askatasunerako eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetatik alde egiteko eskubidea, baita norberetik ere, eta norbere herrialdera itzultzekoa. Bakoitzak bere herrialdetik alde egiteko eskubidea du, baita bere herrialdera itzultzeko ere. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Edozein gizon-emakumek du, nonahi, lege-nortasundun dela aitor diezaioten eskubidea. Edonork du legearen aurrean pertsona gisa ezagutzeko eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Pertsona orori dagozkio atsedenerako eskubidea, aisiarakoa, lanaldiaren iraupen mugatua izatekoa eta aldian-aldian ordaindutako oporrak izatekoa. Pertsona orok du atseden eta aisia eskubidea, barne zentzuzko muga lan orduak eta aldizkako oporrak ordainduz. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Jazarpenik jasanez gero, pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetan babesa bilatu eta izateko eskubidea. Pertsona orok du pertsekuziotik beste herrialde batzuetan asiloa bilatu eta gozatzeko eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Pertsona orok du bere herrialdeko gobernuan parte hartzeko eskubidea, zuzenean nahiz libre aukeratutako ordezkarien bitartez. Bakoitzak bere herrialdeko gobernuan parte hartzeko eskubidea du, zuzenean edo askatasunez hautatutako ordezkarien bidez. >>eus<< Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Pertsona orok du lan egiteko eskubidea, lana aukeratzekoa, lan baldintza bidezkoak eta egokiak izatekoa, eta langabeziaren aurkako laguntza jasotzekoa. Pertsona orok du lan egiteko eskubidea, enplegu-aukeratzeko, lan-baldintzak justifikatzeko eta langabeziaren aurkako babeserako eskubidea. >>eus<< Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Pertsona orok eskubidea du, berdintasun osoan, auzitegi burujabe eta alderdikeriarik gabean jendaurrean hitz egin eta zuzentasunez entzun diezaioten, nahiz bere eskubide eta betebeharrak erabakitzeko, nahiz bere aurkako salaketa penalak aztertzeko. Bakoitzak eskubide osoa du auzitegi independente eta inpartzial baten bidezko eta publiko baten aurrean, bere eskubide eta betebeharren eta haren aurkako edozein zigorren erabakian. >>eus<< Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Gizaki orori dagozkio Aldarrikapen honetan adierazitako eskubide eta askatasunak, eta ez da inor bereziko arraza, larru-kolorea, sexua, hizkuntza, erlijioa, politikako edo bestelako iritzia, sorterria edo gizarteko jatorria, ekonomi maila, jaiotza edo beste inolako gorabeheragatik. Edonork du eskubidea Adierazpen honetan ezarritako eskubide eta askatasun guztiak izateko, arraza, kolorea, sexua, hizkuntza, erlijioa, politika edo bestelako iritzia, jatorri nazionala edo soziala, jabetza, jaiotza edo beste edozein egoera bezalako bereizketarik gabe. >>eus<< Everyone watched her carefully. jende guztiak ikusi zuen arduratsuki Denek arretaz begiratzen zioten. >>eus<< Excuse me, what time is it? Barkatu, Zer ordu da? Barkatu, zein ordu da? >>eus<< Excuse me, where is the library? Barkatu, non dago liburutegia? Barkatu, non dago liburutegia? >>eus<< Execute him. Hari exekutatu. Exekutatu ezazu. >>eus<< For example, this is a love song. Adibidez, hauxe maitasun abestia da. Hau maitasun abesti bat da. >>eus<< Forgive me. Barkatu Barkatu. >>eus<< Forgive me because I can't accept your love. Barka nazazu baina ezin dut zure maitasuna onartu. Barkatu, ezin dut zure maitasuna onartu. >>eus<< For today's match, Tom is the goalkeeper. Gaurko partiduan Tom atezaina da. Gaurko partidarako, Tom atezaina da. >>eus<< French isn't easy. Frantsesa ez da erraza. Frantsesa ez da erraza. >>eus<< Frost is frozen dew. Kalamokoa ihintz izoztua da. Ihintza izoztuta dago. >>eus<< Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Beraz, ez zaio begiratuko, pertsona zein herrialde edo lurraldetakoa den; ezta hango politikari, legeei edo nazioarteko egoerari, nahiz eta herri hori burujabea izan, besteren zainpeko lurraldea, autonomiarik gabea edo nola-halako burujabetasun-mugak dituena. Gainera, ez da bereizketarik egingo pertsona bati dagokion herrialde edo lurraldearen estatus politiko, jurisdikzional edo internazionalean, independentzia, konfiantza, autogobernua edo subiranotasunaren beste edozein mugaren arabera. >>eus<< Galileo perfected the early telescope. Galileok hasierako teleskopioa hobetu zuen. Galileok teleskopioa asmatu zuen. >>eus<< Give me three more apples. Emaidazu hiru sagar gehiago. Eman hiru sagar gehiago. >>eus<< Good morning! Egun on! Egun on! >>eus<< Great! Ondo! Primeran! >>eus<< Greece is an old country. Grezia antzinako herria da. Grezia herrialde zaharra da. >>eus<< Happy birthday to you! Zorionak zuri. Zorionak zuri! >>eus<< Happy Independence Day! Independentziaren egun zoriontsua! Independentziaren Egun zoriontsua! >>eus<< Happy Mother's Day! Zoriontsu Amaren eguna! Amaren Egun zoriontsua! >>eus<< Happy New Year, Louise! Urte berri on, Louise! Urte berri on, Luis! >>eus<< Happy New Year! Urte berri on! Urte berri on! >>eus<< Has he come yet? Etorri da dagoeneko? Etorri al da oraindik? >>eus<< Have you found an apartment yet? Apartamentu bat aurkitu duzu oraindik? Oraindik ez duzu apartamenturik aurkitu? >>eus<< Health is more important than everything else. Osasuna beste guztia baino garrantzitsuagoa da. Osasuna beste guztia baino garrantzitsuagoa da. >>eus<< He always works hard. Asko beti lan egiten du. Beti gogor lan egiten du. >>eus<< He assured me that I would be safe during the flood. Uholdean zehar seguru egongo nintzela ziurtatu ninduen. Ni seguru egongo nintzela ziurtatu zidan. >>eus<< He built a new house. Etxe berria eraiki zuen. Etxe berri bat eraiki zuen. >>eus<< He commanded me to shut the gate. Atea ixteko agindu zidan. Atea ixteko agindu zidan. >>eus<< He complained that the soup was too hot. Zopa beroegia zegoela-eta kexatu zen. Kexatu zen zopa beroegia zela. >>eus<< He decided to quit smoking. Erretzeari uztea erabaki zuen. Erretzeari uztea erabaki zuen. >>eus<< He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. Ez zuen ekuazio diferentzialen kontzeptua ulertu. Ez zuen ekuazio diferentzialen kontzeptua ulertzen. >>eus<< He did't answer at first Hasieran ez zuen erantzun. Hasieran ez zuen erantzun. >>eus<< He doesn't think that the writer is great. Berak ez du uste idazlea bikaina denik. Ez dut uste idazle ona denik. >>eus<< He dressed up as a woman. Emakume bezala jantzi zen. Emakumez jantzi zen. >>eus<< He engaged to pay the bill as soon as possible. Faktura ahal bezain laster ordainduko zuela agindu zuen. Faktura lehenbailehen ordaintzeko konpromisoa hartu zuen. >>eus<< He fell off the horse. Zalditik jausi zen. Zalditik erori zen. >>eus<< He finally arrived! Azkenik iritsi da! Iritsi da azkenean! >>eus<< He gave me a letter in his last moments of life. Eskutitz bat eman zidan bere bizitzako azken momentuan. Bere bizitzako azken momentuetan gutun bat eman zidan. >>eus<< He got up early in order to attend the meeting. Bileran parte hartzeko goiz jaiki zen. Goiz jaiki zen bilerara joateko. >>eus<< He guessed the answers with great accuracy. Erantzuna asmatu zuen zehaztasun handiz. Erantzunak zehaztasun handiz ulertu zituen. >>eus<< He had a big box in his arms. Kaxa handi bat zeukan bere besoetan. Kutxa handi bat zuen besoetan. >>eus<< He handles horses well. Zaldiekin ondo konpontzen da. Ondo zaintzen ditu zaldiak. >>eus<< He has a lot of books on history. Historiari buruzko hamaika liburu ditu. Historiari buruzko liburu asko ditu. >>eus<< He has a white cat. Katu zuri bat du. Katu zuri bat dauka. >>eus<< He has learnt manners. Hark edukazio ona ikasi du. Ohiturak ikasi zituen. >>eus<< He has more than five dictionaries. Bost hiztegi baino gehiago ditu. Bost hiztegi baino gehiago ditu. >>eus<< He hasn't started soldering the electronic components on the PCB yet. Oraindik ez da osagai elektronikoak zirkuitu inprimatuari soldatzen hasi. Oraindik ez du PCBko osagai elektronikoak saltzen hasi. >>eus<< He hasn't started soldering the electronic components on the printed circuit board yet. Oraindik ez da osagai elektronikoak zirkuitu inprimatuari soldatzen hasi. Oraindik ez da hasi zirkuitu inprimatuaren taulako osagai elektronikoak saltzen. >>eus<< He is an expert in astronomy. Astronomian aditua da. Astronomian aditua da. >>eus<< He is a physicist. Fisikaria da. Fisikoa da. >>eus<< He is being kind today. Bera gaur adeitsua izaten ari da. Gaur egun atsegina da. >>eus<< He is intelligent. Inteligentea da. Azkarra da. >>eus<< He is learning new words. Hitz berriak ikasten ari da. Hitz berriak ikasten ari da. >>eus<< He likes all animals except horses. Animalia guztiak gogoko ditu zaldiak izan ezik. Animaliak gustatzen zaizkio, zaldiak izan ezik. >>eus<< Helium is a gas. Helioa gas bat da. Helioa gas bat da. >>eus<< Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Helioa, neona, argona, kriptona, xenona eta radona gas nobleak dira. Helio, neon, argon, krypton, xenon eta radon gas nobleak dira. >>eus<< He'll die if we don't help him. Hark hil egingo da ez badiogu laguntzen. Hil egingo da laguntzen ez badiogu. >>eus<< Hello, world! Kaixo mundua! Kaixo, mundua! >>eus<< He looks unhappy. Triste dirudi. Zoritxarrekoa dirudi. >>eus<< He looks wealthy, but actually he's not. Aberatsa dirudi, baina ez da. Aberatsa dirudi, baina ez da. >>eus<< He puts his money in the bag. Bere dirua poltsan sartzen du. Dirua poltsan sartu zuen. >>eus<< He ran away with the diamond. Diamantearekin ihes egin du. Diamantearekin ihes egin zuen. >>eus<< He reads a lot of science-fiction. Berak zientzia fikzio asko irakurtzen du. Zientzia fikzioa asko irakurtzen du. >>eus<< He really loved me. Hark izugarri maite nau. Benetan maite ninduen. >>eus<< Here is the car. Hemen da autoa. Hona hemen autoa. >>eus<< He reported the details with accuracy. Berak zehaztasunak zuzentasunez kontatu zituen. Xehetasunen berri eman du zehaztasunez. >>eus<< He sent me a letter. Gutun bat bidali zidan. Gutun bat bidali zidan. >>eus<< He's not sick. Ez dago gaixorik. Ez dago gaixorik. >>eus<< He speaks French perfectly. Berak frantsesez bikain egiten du. Frantsesez oso ondo hitz egiten du. >>eus<< He's pretty cute. Nahiko erakargarria da. Oso polita da. >>eus<< He's staying with his uncle. Bere osabarekin geratuko da. Osabarekin geratuko da. >>eus<< He's supposed to be dead. Hark hilda egon behar dela suposatzen da. Hilda egon behar du. >>eus<< He studies astronomy, or the science of stars. Astronomia, edo izarren zientzia, ikasten du. Astronomia ikasi zuen, edo izarren zientzia. >>eus<< He translated the book from French into English. Liburua frantsesetik ingelesera itzuli zuen. Liburua frantsesetik ingelesera itzuli zuen. >>eus<< He wants to learn without studying. Ikasi gabe jakin nahi du. Ikasi gabe ikasi nahi du. >>eus<< He was happy to have passed the examination. Bera pozik zegoen azterketa gainditu ondoren. Pozten nau azterketa gainditu izanak. >>eus<< He was tempted to retort, but thought better of it. Ihardesteko tentazioa izan zuen baina hobeto pentsatu zuen. Atzera egiteko tentazioa izan zuen, baina hobeto pentsatu zuen. >>eus<< He was the first man to land on the moon. Bera izan zen ilargian lurra hartzen lehen gizona. Ilargian lurreratu zen lehen gizakia izan zen. >>eus<< He went to Paris to study French. Parisera frantsesa ikastera Joan zen . Parisera joan zen frantsesa ikastera. >>eus<< He will come tomorrow. Bihar etorriko da. Bihar etorriko da. >>eus<< He will do what I tell him. Nik esan diodana egingo du. Nik esandakoa egingo du. >>eus<< He will visit his uncle. Bere osaba bisitatuko du. Bere osaba ikustera joango da. >>eus<< He worked and worked until he fell ill. Lan eta lan ibili zen gaixotu arte. Lan egin eta lan egin zuen gaixotu zen arte. >>eus<< He worked hard, so that he succeeded. Gogor lan egin zuen, beraz arrakasta izan zuen. Gogor lan egin zuen, beraz, lortu zuen. >>eus<< His dream came true. Bere ametsa egi bihurtu zen. Bere ametsa egia bihurtu zen. >>eus<< His helplessness appeals to her motherly sympathy. Bere babesgabetasunak bere amaren gupida eskatzen du. Bere inobedientziak bere amatasun errukitsuari dei egiten dio. >>eus<< His poems are hard to understand. Bere poemak ulertzen zailak dira. Oso zaila da bere poemak ulertzea. >>eus<< His secret life came to light at last. Bere bizitza sekretua ezagun bilakatu zen. Bere bizitza sekretua argira iritsi zen azkenean. >>eus<< His translation is faithful to the original. Haren itzulpena jatorrizkoarekin bat dator. Bere itzulpena originalarekiko leiala da. >>eus<< Hopefully, it won't happen again. Zorionez, ez da berriro gertatuko. Espero dut berriro ez gertatzea. >>eus<< "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." "Zer moduz?" "Ondo, eskerrik asko." -Ondo nago, eskerrik asko. >>eus<< How do you always get such good marks in school? I never see you even crack a book. Nola lortzen dituzu beti eskola kalifikazioak onak? Ez zaitut inoiz liburu bat zabaltzen ikusi. Ez zaitut inoiz liburu bat kraskatzen ikusten. >>eus<< How do you like your tea? Nola gustatzen zaizu tea ? Nola gustatzen zaizu zure tea? >>eus<< How heavy is that box? Zenbat pisatzen du kutxa horrek? Zenbat balio du kutxa horrek? >>eus<< How many books are there on the table? Zenbat liburu daude mahaian? Zenbat liburu daude mahai gainean? >>eus<< How many brothers do you have? Zenbat ahizpa-neba dituzu? Zenbat anaia dituzu? >>eus<< How many brothers do you have? Zenbat anaia-arreba dituzu? Zenbat anaia dituzu? >>eus<< How many cars does Tom own? Zenbat kotxeak dauzka Tomek? Zenbat auto ditu Tomek? >>eus<< How many home runs has Tom hit? Zenbat 'home run' lortu du Tomek? Zenbat lasterketa egin ditu Tomek? >>eus<< How many siblings do you have? Zenbat ahizpa-neba dituzu? Zenbat anai-arreba dituzu? >>eus<< How many sisters do you have? Zenbat arreba dituzte? Zenbat ahizpa dituzu? >>eus<< How many years did Tom work here? Zenbat urtez lan egin du Tomek hemen? Zenbat urte daramatzagu hemen lanean? >>eus<< How old are you? Zenbat urte dituzu? Zenbat urte dituzu? >>eus<< How will you spend the coming three-day holiday? Nola igaroko dituzu datozen hiru jai egunak? Nola pasako dituzu hiru eguneko oporrak? >>eus<< I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die. Beti pentsatu nuen naturak zu hiltzea nahi zuenean bihotzekoa ematen zizula. Beti pentsatu izan dut bihotzekoa izatea zela naturak esan zizuna hiltzeko modua. >>eus<< I am afraid that he did not understand. Berak ulertu ez duela ulertu uste dut. Beldur naiz ez ote zuen ulertu. >>eus<< I am Antonio. Ni Andoni naiz. Antonio naiz. >>eus<< I am happy to hear your voice. Pozten nau zure ahotsa entzuteak. Pozten naiz zure ahotsa entzuteaz. >>eus<< I built a new house. Etxe berria eraiki dut. Etxe berri bat eraiki nuen. >>eus<< I built a new house. Etxe berria eraiki nuen. Etxe berri bat eraiki nuen. >>eus<< I can assure success. Arrakasta ziurta dezaket. Arrakasta ziurtatu dezaket. >>eus<< I can get a gun for you within five hours. Bost hordu barru. Arma bat emango dizut bost ordu barru. >>eus<< I cannot agree to his proposal. Ezin naiz bere proposamenarekin bat etorri. Ezin dut onartu bere proposamena. >>eus<< I cannot hear anything. Ezin dut entzun ezer. Ezin dut ezer entzun. >>eus<< I can't do it without somebody's help. Ezin dut egin beste baten laguntzarik gabe. Ezin dut egin inoren laguntzarik gabe. >>eus<< I can't talk to them. Ezin dut beraiei hitz egin. Ezin dut haiekin hitz egin. >>eus<< I cheered myself up by listening to music. Musika entzunez igo nuen nire animoa. Poztu egin nintzen musika entzutearekin. >>eus<< I couldn't fall asleep because of the noise. Zaratagatik ezin izan nuen lo hartu. Ezin nuen lorik egin zaratagatik. >>eus<< I couldn't stop Tom. Ezin izan dut gelditu Tom. Ezin nuen Tom gelditu. >>eus<< I couldn't wake Tom up. Ezin izan nuen Tom altxatu. Ezin nuen Tom esnatu. >>eus<< I did not read a book yesterday. Atzo ez nuen liburu bat irakurri. Atzo ez nuen libururik irakurri. >>eus<< I didn't drink much at last night's party. Ez nuen asko edan atzoko festan. Atzoko festan ez nuen asko edan. >>eus<< I didn't take your money. Ez nuen zure dirua hartu. Ez dut zure dirua hartu. >>eus<< I didn't think we could do that. Ez nuen pentsatu hori egin ahal izango genuela. Ez nuen uste hori egin genezakeenik. >>eus<< I didn't understand that. Ez nuen hori ulertu. Ez nuen ulertzen. >>eus<< Idiot! Kaikua! Ergela! >>eus<< I dislike people. Ez zait jendea gustatzen Gorroto dut jendea. >>eus<< I'd like a chance to explain why I did what I did. Zergatik egin nuen egin nuena azaltzeko aukera bat izatea gustoko litzaidake. Azalduko dizut zergatik egin dudan egin dudana. >>eus<< I'd like a little more information. Informazio gehiago nahiko nuke. Informazio gehiago nahi nuke. >>eus<< I'd like to become a famous soccer player. Futbolari famatua izan nahi dut. Futbolari ospetsu bat izan nahi nuke. >>eus<< I'd like to find a job in Boston. Bostonen lana aurkitu nahi nuke. Lan bat aurkitu nahi dut Bostonen. >>eus<< I'd love to dance with you. Gustura dantzatuko nintzateke zurekin. Zurekin dantzatu nahiko nuke. >>eus<< I do not have a Japanese friend. Ez daukat lagun Japoniarrik. Ez dut lagun japoniarrik. >>eus<< I do not like science. Ez dut zientzia gustuko. Ez zait zientzia gustatzen. >>eus<< I don't care about them. Ez didate inportatzen. Ez zaizkit axola. >>eus<< I don't have any money. Ez dut dirurik. Ez daukat dirurik. >>eus<< I don't have to go back to Boston until next Monday. Ez dut Bostonera bueltatu behar hurrengo astelehenerarte. Ez dut Bostonera joan beharrik hurrengo astelehenera arte. >>eus<< I don't know exactly where I am. Ez dakit zehazki non nagoen. Ez dakit zehazki non nagoen. >>eus<< I don't know. Ez dakit. Ez dakit. >>eus<< I don't know how to prove this math equation. Ez dakit nola frogatu ekuazio matematiko hau. Ez dakit nola frogatu ekuazio matematiko hau. >>eus<< I don't know what love is. Ez dakit zer den maitasuna. Ez dakit zer den maitasuna. >>eus<< I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong. Ez zait inporta oker nagoenean norbaitek ni kritikatzea. Ez zait axola gaizki egiten dudanean kritikatzea. >>eus<< I don't think I could do that kind of thing. Ez dut uste horrelako gauzarik egin ahal ditzakedanik. Ez dut uste horrelako gauzarik egin dezakedanik. >>eus<< I don't think that this changes anything. Ez dut uste hau zerbait aldatuko duenik. Ez dut uste honek ezer aldatuko duenik. >>eus<< I don't understand the aerodynamics. Ez dut aerodinamika ulertzen. Ez dut ulertzen aerodinamika. >>eus<< I don't want to eat anything. Ez dut ezer jan nahi. Ez dut ezer jan nahi. >>eus<< I don't want to go to school. Ez dut eskolara joan nahi. Ez dut eskolara joan nahi. >>eus<< I drank too much coffee today. Kafe gehiegi edan dut gaur. Kafe gehiegi hartu dut gaur. >>eus<< If anyone can do it, he can. Edonork egin ahal badu, berak ahal du. Norbaitek egin badezake, egin dezake. >>eus<< If anyone can do it, I can. Edonork egin ahal badu, nik ahal dut. Norbaitek egin badezake, nik egin dezaket. >>eus<< If anyone can do it, they can. Edonork egin ahal badu, haiek ahal dute. Norbaitek egin badezake, egin dezake. >>eus<< If everyone exercised, doctors would be out of business in weeks. Jende guztiak ariketa egingo balu, medikuek ez lukete lanik izango astetan. Guztiek praktikatzen badute, medikuek astebeteko epea izango dute. >>eus<< If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer. Georgek ez badio erretzeari uzten birika minbizia jasango du. Georgek ez badu erretzeari uzten, biriketako minbizia garatzeko arriskua izango du. >>eus<< I finally defeated Tom. Azkenean Tom garaitu nuen. Azkenean, garaitu egin zuen Tom. >>eus<< I forgot to feed the dog. Txakurra elikatzeaz ahaztu nuen. Txakurra elikatzea ahaztu zait. >>eus<< If Tom had known about the party, he would have come. Tomek festari buruz jakin izan balu festara etorriko litzateke. Tomek festaren berri jakin izan balu, etorriko zen. >>eus<< If you don't have any money, I'll lend you some. Dirurik ez baduzu, zerbait utziko dizut. Dirurik ez baduzu, utziko dizut. >>eus<< If you get enough rest every night, you'll feel much better. Gauero nahikoa atseden baldin baduzu, askoz hobeto sentituko zara. Gauero atseden hartzen baduzu, hobeto sentituko zara. >>eus<< I got a B in physics. B bat daukat fisikan. Fisikan B bat daukat. >>eus<< I hate being sick. Gaixorik egotea gorroto dut. Gorroto dut gaixo egotea. >>eus<< I hate dogs. Txakurrak gorroto ditut. Txakurrak gorrotatzen ditut. >>eus<< I hate my job. Gorroto dut nire lana. Gorroto dut nire lana. >>eus<< I have a grammar book. Gramatika liburua daukat. Gramatika liburu bat daukat. >>eus<< I have a house in the mountains. Mendietako etxe bat dut. Etxe bat dut mendian. >>eus<< I have a lot of patients. Gaixo asko ditut. Paziente asko ditut. >>eus<< I have an uncle who does that. Osaba bat daukat hori egiten duela. Osaba bat dut hori egiten duena. >>eus<< I have a very small nose. Oso sudur txikia daukat. Sudurra txikia daukat. >>eus<< I have a wife and a kid. Emaztea eta ume bat ditut. Emaztea eta semea ditut. >>eus<< I have lost my wallet. Diru-zorroa galdu dut. Poltsa galdu dut. >>eus<< I have many French-speaking friends. Nik baditut frantsesez hitz egiten duten lagun asko. Frantsesez hitz egiten duten lagun asko daude. >>eus<< I have no money. Ez dut dirurik. Ez daukat dirurik. >>eus<< I have no strength to lift this stone. Ez dut harri hau jasotzeko indarrik. Ez dut indarrik harri hau altxatzeko. >>eus<< I have no time to explain this in detail. Detaileekin azaltzeko denborarik ez daukat. Ez dut astirik hori xehetasunez azaltzeko. >>eus<< I have no way of knowing whether she's telling the truth or not. Ez daukat modurik jakiteko egia edo gezurra esaten ari den. Ez dakit egia esaten duen edo ez. >>eus<< I haven't seen you for ages. Ez zaitut aspaldian ikusi. Aspalditik ez zaitut ikusi. >>eus<< I haven't talked to Tom all week. Ez dut Tomekin hitz egin aste osoan. Aste osoan ez dut Tomekin hitz egin. >>eus<< I have to repair it. Hori konpondu behar dut. Konpondu egin behar dut. >>eus<< I have visited Kyoto three times. Kioto hiru bider bisitatu dut. Kyoto bisitatu dut hiru aldiz. >>eus<< I hear no sound. Ez dut soinurik entzuten. Ez dut zaratarik entzuten. >>eus<< I hope you get one soon. Espero dut zuk honelako bat laster edukitzea. Espero dut laster lortzea. >>eus<< I killed her. Bera hil nuen. Hil egin nuen. >>eus<< I killed him. Bera hil nuen. Hil egin nuen. >>eus<< I knew Tom wouldn't be so busy today. Badakit Tom ez dagoela hain lanpetuta gaur. Banekien Tom ez zela hain lanpetuta egongo. >>eus<< I knew what I had to do. Ba dakit zer egin behar dudan. Banekien zer egin behar nuen. >>eus<< I know Spanish, Basque and some English. Nik dakit Gaztelania, Euskara eta Ingelesa apur bat. Ezagutzen ditut euskara, euskara eta beste euskara batzuk. >>eus<< I know that Tom can't speak French. Nik badakit Tomek ezin duela Frantsezez hitz egin. Badakit Tomek ezin duela frantsesez hitz egin. >>eus<< I know Tom did that. Badakit Tomek hori egin zuela. Badakit Tomek hori egin zuela. >>eus<< I know Tom helped Mary. Badakit Tom Mary lagundu zuela Jonek Mariari lagundu zion. >>eus<< I know Tom is hungry. Badakit Tom haserre dagoela. Badakit Tom gosez dagoela. >>eus<< I know where you live. Badakit non bizi zaren. Badakit non bizi zaren. >>eus<< I know you're going to say no. Badakit ezetz esango duzula. Badakit ezetz esango duzula. >>eus<< I know you think I'm stupid. Badakit tuntuna naizela pentsatzen duzula Ergela naizela uste duzu. >>eus<< I like it very much. Oso atsegin dut. Asko gustatzen zait. >>eus<< I like reading comics. Komikak irakurtzea gustoko dut. Komikiak irakurtzea gustatzen zait. >>eus<< I live at home with my parents. Nire gurasoekin bizi naiz. Gurasoekin bizi naiz etxean. >>eus<< I live here with my dog. Hemen bizi naiz nire txakurrarekin. Nire txakurrarekin bizi naiz. >>eus<< I live with my mother, brother and my grandparents. Nire ama, anaia eta aitona-amonekin bizi naiz. Amarekin, anaiarekin eta aiton-amonekin bizi naiz. >>eus<< I live with my roommate. Nire gelakidearekin bizi naiz. Nire lagunarekin bizi naiz. >>eus<< I'll always love you. Beti maite izango zaitut. Beti maiteko zaitut. >>eus<< I'll be home in about an hour. Etxean egongo naiz ordu betean. Ordubete barru etxean izango naiz. >>eus<< I'll come on Friday afternoon. Ostirale arratsaldean etorriko naiz. Ostiral arratsaldean etorriko naiz. >>eus<< I'll die if you don't help me. Hil egingo naiz ez badidazu laguntzen. Lagunduko ez badidazu hil egingo naiz. >>eus<< I'll drive you to the airport. Nik gidatuko zaitut aireporturaino. Aireportura eramango zaitut. >>eus<< I'll eat it here. Hemen jango dut. Hemen jango dut. >>eus<< I'll help you, on one condition. Lagunduko dizut, baldintza bakar batekin. Nik lagunduko dizut, baldintza batean. >>eus<< I'll love you always. Beti maite izango zaitut. Beti maiteko zaitut. >>eus<< I'll never drink again. Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. Ez dut berriro edango. >>eus<< I'll respect any decision Tom makes. Tomek egiten dituen erabaki guztiak errespetatuko ditut. Edozein erabaki hartuko dut. >>eus<< I'll start my work on the first of July. Uztailean lanean haziko naiz. Nire lana uztailaren 1ean hasiko dut. >>eus<< I'll stay until Tom leaves. Hemen geratuko naiz Tom joan arte. Tom joan arte geratuko naiz. >>eus<< I'll tell the truth. Egia esango dut Egia esango dut. >>eus<< I'll tell the truth. Egia esango dut. Egia esango dut. >>eus<< I'll tell Tom to do that. Tomi hori egiteko esango diot. Tomi esango diot hori egiteko. >>eus<< I'll tell you later. Gero esango dizuet. Gero esango dizut. >>eus<< I'll tell you later. Gero esango dizut. Gero esango dizut. >>eus<< I'll try to find it. Aurkitzen saiatuko naiz. Saiatuko naiz aurkitzen. >>eus<< I'll wait here for Tom. Tomi hemen itxarongo diot. Tomen zain egongo naiz. >>eus<< I'll wait here until she comes. Bera heldu arte itxarongo dut. Hemen itxarongo dut bera etorri arte. >>eus<< I looked around me. Nire inguruan begiratu nuen. Ingurura begiratu nuen. >>eus<< I looked at the animal and the animal looked at me. Animalia begiratu nuen eta animalia niri begiratu zidan. Animaliari begiratu eta begiratu egin nion. >>eus<< I lost my passport. Nire pasaportea galdu nuen. Pasaportea galdu dut. >>eus<< I love Basque. Euskara maite dut. Maite dut euskara. >>eus<< I love my mom. Gure ama maite dut. Maite dut nire ama. >>eus<< I love turtles. Dortokak maite ditut. Niri tortillak gustatzen zaizkit. >>eus<< I love you so much! Asko maite zaitut! Asko maite zaitut! >>eus<< I'm a bad person. Pertsona txarra naiz. Pertsona txarra naiz. >>eus<< I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. Txokolate eta izozkizalea naiz. Txokolatea eta izozkia kontsumitzen ditut. >>eus<< I'm a human who hates humans. Gizakiak gorrotatzen dituen gizaki bat naiz. Gizakiak gorrotatzen dituen gizakia naiz. >>eus<< I'm angry about what happened. Haserre nago gertatukoagatik. Haserre nago gertatu zenarekin. >>eus<< I'm a teacher. Irakaslea naiz. Irakaslea naiz. >>eus<< I'm at home. Etxean naiz. Etxean nago. >>eus<< I'm at your place. Zure pisuan nago. Zure lekuan nago. >>eus<< I'm bored here. Aspertuta nago hemen. Aspertuta nago hemen. >>eus<< I met too many people to remember all their names. Jende gehiegi ezagutu nituen guztien inzenetaz gogoratzeko. Jende asko ezagutu nuen bere izen guztiak gogoratzeko. >>eus<< I met your father yesterday. Zure aitarekin egon nintzen atzo. Atzo ezagutu nuen zure aita. >>eus<< I'm exhausted! Nekatuta nago! Nekatuta nago! >>eus<< I'm feeling really good. Oso ondo sentitzen ari naiz. Oso ondo nago. >>eus<< I'm glad to see you back. Pozik nago bueltatu zarelako. Pozten naiz zu berriro ikusteaz. >>eus<< I'm going to wash my car. Nire autoa garbituko dut. Autoa garbitzera noa. >>eus<< I'm here now because I love you. Hemen nago orain maite zaitudalako. Orain hemen nago, maite zaitudalako. >>eus<< I miss you! Faltan botatzen zaitut! Faltan botatzen zaitut! >>eus<< I'm learning the Basque language. Euskara ikasten ari naiz. Euskara ikasten ari naiz. >>eus<< I'm Mary's husband. Mary-ren senarra naiz. Mariaren senarra naiz. >>eus<< I'm not always late. Ez naiz beti berandu iristen. Ez naiz beti berandu. >>eus<< I'm not angry about it. Ez nago horregatik haserre. Ez nago haserre horregatik. >>eus<< I'm not going to use it. Ez dut erabiliko. Ez dut erabiliko. >>eus<< I'm not really prepared. Ez nago oso prestatuta. Ez nago prest. >>eus<< I'm not sure about who to give the present to - the boy, or the girl? Ez nago ziur, mutilari edo neskari, nori eman oparia? Ez dakit nori emango zeniokeen oparia, mutilari edo neskari? >>eus<< I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Ez nago ziur idei on edo txar bat denik. Ez dakit gauza ona edo txarra izan den. >>eus<< I'm not very optimistic. Ez naiz oso baikorra. Ez naiz oso optimista. >>eus<< I'm pretty tired. Oso nekatuta nago. Nekatuta nago. >>eus<< I'm really happy that this is happening. Oso pozik nago hau gertatzeagatik. Pozten naiz hau gertatzeaz. >>eus<< I'm really not enjoying this. Ez nago hau disfrutatzen. Egia esan, ez naiz gozatzen ari. >>eus<< I'm sick of burgers. Azkenean Tom garaitu nuen. Nazkatuta nago burgerrekin. >>eus<< I'm sure he will come tomorrow. Ziur nago bihar etorriko dela. Ziur bihar etorriko dela. >>eus<< I'm sure it can be done. Ziur nago egin ahal dela. Ziur nago egin daitekeela. >>eus<< I'm sure that isn't true. Seguru nago hori gezurra dela. Ziur nago ez dela egia. >>eus<< I'm surprised Tom can't speak French. Harritzen nau Tomek Frantzesa ez jakitea. Harrituta nago Tomek ezin duela frantsesez hitz egin. >>eus<< I'm teaching Basque. Euskara irakasten ari naiz. Euskara irakasten ari naiz. >>eus<< I'm Tom's new lawyer. Tom-en abokatu berria naiz Tomen abokatu berria naiz. >>eus<< I must go to the office. Bulegora joan behar naiz. Bulegora joan behar dut. >>eus<< In 1991, Eileen Collins became an astronaut. 1991n, Eileen Collins astronauta bihurtu zen. 1991 - Eileen Collins astronauta bilakatu zen. >>eus<< In addition to being a famous physicist, he is a great novelist. Fisikari ezaguna izateaz gain, nobelagile bikaina da. Fisikari ospetsu izateaz gain, nobelagile handia da. >>eus<< In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. Txinan esaten ari dira pertsona bat bere itxuragatik epai daitekeela. Txinan esaten da ezin duzula pertsona bat epaitu itxuraz. >>eus<< I need help. Laguntza behar dut. Laguntza behar dut. >>eus<< I need you, Tom. Zu beher zaitut, Tom. Behar zaitut, Tom. >>eus<< I never get tired of it. Ez naiz inoiz nekatzen horretaz. Inoiz ez naiz nekatzen horretaz. >>eus<< In my spare time, I write articles for my blog. Nire denbora liberan, nire blogerako artikuluak idazten ditut. Denbora librean, artikuluak idazten ditut nire blogerako. >>eus<< I no longer need you Dagoeneko ez zaitut behar. jada ez zaitut behar >>eus<< In six years, will we remember what you said today? Sei urte barru, gogoratuko ahal dugu gaur zuk esan duzuna? Sei urte barru gogoratuko al dugu zer esan zenuen gaur? >>eus<< In the long run, you will have to practise more. Epe luzean, gehiago praktikatu beharko duzu. Denborarekin, gehiago entrenatu beharko duzu. >>eus<< I ordered a book from London. Londresetik liburua eskatuko dut. Londresetik liburu bat eskatu nuen. >>eus<< I ordinarily don't drink coffee. Normalean ez dut kaferik edaten. Normalean ez dut kaferik hartzen. >>eus<< I planted an apple tree in my garden. Sagarrondo bat landatu dut nire baratzean. Nire lorategian sagarrondo bat landatu nuen. >>eus<< I read a letter. Eskutitz bat irakurtzen ari naiz. Gutun bat irakurri dut. >>eus<< I really enjoy it a lot. Izugarri gozatzen dut hori. Benetan asko disfrutatzen dut. >>eus<< I really love what I do. Izugarri gustatzen zait egiten dudana. Benetan maite dut egiten dudana. >>eus<< I really must go to bed. Benetan ohera joan behar naiz. Ohera joan behar dut. >>eus<< I said I was tired. Nekatuta zegoela esan nuen. Esan dut nekatuta nagoela. >>eus<< I sat on the sofa. Sofan eseri nintzen. Sofa gainean eseri nintzen. >>eus<< I saw Tom in Boston. Tomek Boston ikusi nuen. Bostonen ikusi nuen. >>eus<< Is he a doctor? Doktorea da? Medikua da? >>eus<< Is he your teacher? Hura al da zure irakaslea? Zure irakaslea al da? >>eus<< I should thank them. Eskertu beharko nieke. Eskerrak eman beharko nizkieke. >>eus<< Is it bad? Txarra al da? Txarra da? >>eus<< Is it here that the bus stops? Autobusa gelditzen den tokia hemen al da? Hor gelditzen da autobusa? >>eus<< Is it OK if I park my scooter here? Ondo dago hemen nire scooterara aparkatzen badut? Ondo al dago nire aparkalekua hemen uztea? >>eus<< Is it true? Egia al da? Egia da? >>eus<< Isn't that skirt too short? Ez da gona hori motzegia? Ez al da laburregia? >>eus<< I speak French. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut. >>eus<< I speak French with my parents. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut nire gurazoekin. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut nire gurasoekin. >>eus<< I speak Uzbek. Uzbeek hitz egiten dut. Uzbekistan hitz egiten dut. >>eus<< I started doing this job four years ago. Lan hau orain dela lau urte hasi nuen. Duela lau urte hasi nintzen lan hau egiten. >>eus<< Is that the hat Tom gave you? Hori da Tomek eman zizun txanoa? Hori eman zizun Tomek? >>eus<< Is there any space for one more person? Badago lekurik hor pertsona bat gehiagorentzat? Badago lekurik beste pertsona batentzat? >>eus<< Is this important? Importantea da hau? Garrantzitsua da? >>eus<< I study during the day, and in the evening I work. Egunan zear ikasten dut, eta arratsaldean lan egiten dut. Egunez ikasten dut, eta gauez lan egiten dut. >>eus<< Is your dog hypoallergenic? Zure txakurra hipoalergenikoa da? Zure txakurra hipokresia da? >>eus<< Italy is a beautiful country. Italia herrialde polita da. Italia herrialde ederra da. >>eus<< It can't wait until tomorrow. Ezin dut bihar arte itxaron. Ezin da bihar arte itxaron. >>eus<< I think I can do it. Egin ahal dudala uste dut. Uste dut egin nezakeela. >>eus<< I think I can handle that. Hori jasan ahal dudala uste dut. Uste dut hori kudeatu ahal izango dudala. >>eus<< I think I can show you how to do that. Hori egiten irakatsi ahal dizudala uste dut. Erakutsiko dizut nola egin. >>eus<< I think I could help. Lagundu ahal dudala uste dut. Lagundu nezakeela uste dut. >>eus<< I think I'll leave early today. Gaur goiz joango naizela uste dut. Uste dut gaur goiz joango naizela. >>eus<< I think it's reasonable. Uste dut arrazoizkoa dela. Zentzuzkoa dela uste dut. >>eus<< I think it's time to eat. Jateko ordua dela uste dut. Jateko ordua dela uste dut. >>eus<< I think it won't happen again. Berriro gertatuko ez dela uste dut. Uste dut ez dela berriz gertatuko. >>eus<< I think I understood. Uste dut ulertu nuela Uste dut ulertu dudala. >>eus<< I think many people do that. Uste dut jende asko hori egiten duela. Uste dut jende askok egiten duela hori. >>eus<< I think that's an important point. Puntu garrantzitsua dela pentsatzen dut. Nire ustez hori garrantzitsua da. >>eus<< I think that's exciting. Uste dut hori ziraragaria dela. Uste dut zirraragarria dela. >>eus<< I think that's what's happening. Uste dut hori dela gertatzen ari dena. Uste dut hori dela gertatzen ari dena. >>eus<< I think that would give me a headache. Uste dut eman al didala buruko mina. Horrek buruko mina ematen dit. >>eus<< I thought I heard someone banging on the wall. Norbait horman kolpeka ari zela entzun nuela iruditu zitzaidan. Uste nuen norbait horman jotzen entzun nuela. >>eus<< I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him. Tomek Mary laguntza eskatu ziola pentsatu nuen. Uste nuen Tomek Maryri laguntza eskatuko ziola. >>eus<< I thought Tom wasn't nervous doing that. Tom gauza hori egiten urduri ez zegoela uste dut. Uste nuen Tom ez zegoela urduri hori egiteko. >>eus<< I thought what Tom did was fantastic. Tom egin zuena bikaina zela uste nuen. Uste nuen Tomek egin zuena zoragarria zela. >>eus<< I thought you said nobody liked Tom. Ino Uste nuen ez zenuela gustuko Tom. >>eus<< I thought you were going to keep Tom here until I got back. Uste nuen zuk Tom hemen mantenduko zenuela ni heltzen nintzen bitartean. Uste nuen Tom hemen mantenduko zenuela ni itzuli arte. >>eus<< It is a beautiful city. Hiri polita da. Hiri polita da. >>eus<< It is raining. Euria ari du. Euria ari du. >>eus<< It is raining today. Gaur euri egiten du. Gaur euria ari du. >>eus<< It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. Esaten da "Hamlet" inoiz ez idatzitako lanik interesgarriena dela. Esaten da "Hamlet" inoiz idatzitako antzezlanik interesgarriena dela. >>eus<< It is truly regrettable. Zinez damugarri da. Benetan penagarria da. >>eus<< I told you not to sing. Ezan nizun ez abestea. Esan nizun ez abesteko. >>eus<< I took an airplane for the first time in my life. Hegazkin bat hartu nuen nire bizitzan lehen aldiz. Lehen aldiz hartu nuen hegazkina nire bizitzan. >>eus<< I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry. Bera animatzen saiatu nintzen, baina berak negar beterik ez zuen negiten, Ni animatu egin nintzen, baina negar besterik ez zuen egin. >>eus<< I truly believe he is a bad person. Benetan pentsatzen dut hura pertsona txarra dela. Benetan uste dut pertsona txarra dela. >>eus<< It's a big decision. Erabaki garrantzitsua da. Erabaki handia da. >>eus<< It's a surprise. Sorpresa bat da. Sorpresa bat da. >>eus<< It's been three years since Tom died. Hiru urte igaro dira Tom hil zenetik. Hiru urte igaro dira Tom hil zenetik. >>eus<< It seems that he is interested in astronomy. Badirudi astronomian interesa duela. Astronomia interesatzen zaio. >>eus<< It's important to be able to drive a car these days. Garrantzitsua da egun hauetan auto bat gidatzeko gai izatea. Gaur egun auto bat gidatzea garrantzitsua da. >>eus<< It's just your imagination. Haren imajinazioa besterik ez da. Zure irudimena baino ez da. >>eus<< It's no good. Ez da ondoa. Ez da ona. >>eus<< It's not important. Ez du garrantzirik. Ez da garrantzitsua. >>eus<< It's not like you think. Ez da zuk pentsatzen duzun modukoa. Ez da zuk uste duzun bezalakoa. >>eus<< It's really cold in here. Hotz handia egiten du hemen. Hotz egiten du hemen. >>eus<< It's very impolite of you to decline her invitation. Ez da batere gizalegekoa bere gonbidapenari muzin egitea. Oso adeitsua da zure gonbidapena bertan behera uztea. >>eus<< It was extremely weird. Oso arraroa izan zen. Oso arraroa izan da. >>eus<< It was in Kyoto that I first met her. Kyoton ikusi nuen lehen aldiz. Kyoton ezagutu nuen lehen aldiz. >>eus<< It wasn't mine. Ez zen nirea. Ez zen nirea. >>eus<< It was so boring that I almost yawned. Ahin aspergarria izan zen iha ahurrausi egin nuen. Oso aspergarria zen, ia aharrausi egin nuen. >>eus<< It won't just happen overnight. Ez da gauean bakarrik gertatuko. Ez da gauez bakarrik gertatuko. >>eus<< It would be better for you not to do that. Hobeto izango da hori egiten ez baduzu. Hobe duzu hori ez egitea. >>eus<< I used to get up early every morning and go jogging before going to work. Egunero goiz altzatzen nintzen eta korrika egiten nuen lanera joan baino lehen. Goizean goiz jaiki eta korrika joaten nintzen lanera joan aurretik. >>eus<< I used to try to do that. Ni hori egitea saiatzen nintzen. Saiatzen nintzen hori egiten. >>eus<< I've already lost too much time. Denbora asko galdu dut jadanik Denbora gehiegi galdu dut jada. >>eus<< I've lived here for years. Hemen bizi izan naiz urteetan. Urteak daramatzat hemen bizitzen. >>eus<< I've lost your phone number. Zure telofonoko zenbakia galdu dut. Zure telefono zenbakia galdu dut. >>eus<< I've made that same mistake. Akats berdina egin dut. Akats bera egin dut. >>eus<< I've never seen him before. Ez dut bera inoiz lehenago ikusi. Ez dut inoiz ikusi. >>eus<< I've only been here for a day and I already want to leave. Bakarrik egon nintzen egun baterako eta gustatuko litzaidake hemen geratzea. Egun batez bakarrik egon naiz hemen, eta joan egin nahi dut. >>eus<< I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here. Hemen nagoenetik bakarrik hitz egin dut aldi batez Tomekin. Behin bakarrik hitz egin dut Tomekin hona etorri nintzenetik. >>eus<< I've packed my suitcases already. Gorde egin ditut maletak iada. Maletak egin ditut dagoeneko. >>eus<< I've seen you somewhere before. Ikusi zaitut nonbaiten aurretik. Nonbait ikusi zaitut. >>eus<< I've worked very hard. Oso gogor egin dut lan Gogor lan egin dut. >>eus<< I wake up very early. Oso goiz jaikitzen naiz. Oso goiz esnatzen naiz. >>eus<< I wanted to be the best. Hoberena izan nahi nuen. Onena izan nahi nuen. >>eus<< I wanted to go to the concert. Kontzertura joan nahi nuen Kontzertura joan nahi nuen. >>eus<< I want more. Gehiago nahi dut. Gehiago nahi dut. >>eus<< I want this camera. Kamara hau nahi dut. Kamera hau nahi dut. >>eus<< I want to buy books. Liburuak erosi nahi ditut. Liburuak erosi nahi ditut. >>eus<< I want to die with Getter Jaani. Getter Jaani-rekin hil nahi dut. Getter Jaanirekin hil nahi dut. >>eus<< I want to know what love is. Maitasuna zer den jakin nahi dut. Maitasuna zer den jakin nahi dut. >>eus<< I want to visit the Philippines. Filipinak uharteak bisitatu nahi ditut. Filipinetara joan nahi dut. >>eus<< I was born in Egypt. Egipton jaio nintzen. Egipton jaio nintzen. >>eus<< I was born in Hiroshima in 1945. Hiroshiman jaio nintzen 1945ean. Hiroshiman jaio nintzen 1945ean. >>eus<< I was born in Kyoto in 1980. Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980an. 1980an jaio nintzen Kyoton. >>eus<< I was born in Kyoto in 1980. Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980. urtean. 1980an jaio nintzen Kyoton. >>eus<< I was born in Osaka, but brought up in Tokyo. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. >>eus<< I was born in Osaka, but I was brought up in Tokyo. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. >>eus<< I was born in Osaka in 1977. Osakan jaio nintzen 1977. urtean. Osakan jaio nintzen 1977an. >>eus<< I was here exactly at ten o'clock, but you weren't. Hemen egon nintzen hamar-hamarretan, baina zuk ez zinen egon. Hamarretan etorri nintzen, baina ez zinen. >>eus<< I wasn't able to rent a car. Ez neukan dirurik auto bat ordaintzeko. Ezin izan dut auto bat alokatu. >>eus<< I wasn't able to understand Tom. Ezin nuen Tom ulertu Ezin nuen Tom ulertu. >>eus<< I wasn't strong enough. Ez nintzen nahiko indartsua. Ez nintzen nahikoa indartsua. >>eus<< I watch lots of movies. Film asko ikusten ditut. Film asko ikusten ditut. >>eus<< I went to the hospital to have me checked so that they can find the cause of my disease. Ospitalera joan nintzen txekeo bat egiteko, nire gaizotasunaren zergaitia aurkitu ahal dezaten. Ospitalera joan nintzen nire gaixotasunaren arrazoia aurkitu ahal izateko. >>eus<< I will choose one. Bat hautatuko dut. bat aukeratuko dut. >>eus<< I will come tomorrow. Bihar etorriko naiz. Bihar etorriko naiz. >>eus<< I will give him another chance. Beste aukera bat emango diot. Beste aukera bat emango diot. >>eus<< I will never drink again. Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. Ez dut berriro edango. >>eus<< I will not come tomorrow. Ez naiz bihar etorriko. Bihar ez naiz etorriko. >>eus<< I wish you a Happy New Year. Urte berri on opa dizut. Urte berri on opa dizuet. >>eus<< I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Gabon zoriontsuak eta urte berri on opa dizuet guztiei. Gabon zoriontsuak opa dizkizuegu eta urte berri on bat opa dizuet. >>eus<< I would have been late if Tom hadn't given me a ride. Berandu helduko nintzake, Tom autoz ez bazidan eraman Berandu helduko nintzateke Tomek ez balit zaldiz ibiltzen utziko. >>eus<< I would have done that if I'd known it was necessary. Egin izan nuke hori, beharrezkoa zela jakin izango banu Jakin izan banu beharrezkoa zela. >>eus<< I would have let Tom drive if I'd known he wanted to. Utziko nioke Tom-ri gidatzea, nahi zuela jakin izango banu. Utziko nion Tomi gidatzen, jakin izan banu nahi zuela. >>eus<< I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg. Nire anka apurtu ez banu ez nizun inoiz esagutuko. Ez zintudan inoiz ezagutuko hanka hautsi ez banu. >>eus<< I would like to become a famous soccer player. Futbolari famatua izan nahi dut. Futbolari ospetsu bat izan nahi nuke. >>eus<< I would like to travel around the world. Manduan zehar bidaiatu nahi nuke. Munduan zehar bidaiatu nahi nuke. >>eus<< I would never let him touch the Porsche. Ez nioke inoiz nire Porschea ukitzen utziko. Ez diot inoiz utziko porschea ukitzen. >>eus<< Japan is a beautiful country. Japonia herrialde polita da. Japonia herrialde ederra da. >>eus<< Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim ez da abokatua, medikua baizik. Ez da abokatua, medikua baizik. >>eus<< Jim mastered French and German. Jim frantsesean eta alemanean aditua da. Jimek frantsesez eta alemanez ikasi zuen. >>eus<< Ken has two cats. Kenek bi katu ditu. Bi katu ditu. >>eus<< Ken is tall, but I'm not. Haiek dira Tom-en semeak? Ken altua da, baina ez naiz. >>eus<< Ken is tall, but I'm not. Ken altua da, ni ez. Ken altua da, baina ez naiz. >>eus<< "Kids?" "Two, a daughter and son." "Seme-alabarik?" " Bi, seme bat eta alaba bat. -Bi, alaba eta semea. >>eus<< "Kids?" "Two." "Seme-alabarik?" "Bi alaba". -Gizonak? -Bi. >>eus<< Layla asked Sami to leave her alone. Laylak Samiri bakarrik usteko eskatu zion. Laylak bakarrik uzteko eskatu zion Sami. >>eus<< Layla can't have children. Laylak ezin du umeak izan. Laylak ezin du seme-alabarik izan. >>eus<< Layla can't open the jar. She only has one hand. Laylak ezin du potea ireki. Hark esku bat bakarrik du. Laylak ezin du botila ireki. >>eus<< Layla can't put gloves on. Laylak ezin ditu eskularruak jantzi. Laylak ezin du eskularrurik jarri. >>eus<< Layla cried with Sami. Laylak Samirekin negar egin zuen. Layla oihu egin zuen Samirekin. >>eus<< Layla did everything she could to help Sami. Laylak Sami laguntzeko dena egin zuen. Laylak ahal zuen guztia egin zuen Samiri laguntzeko. >>eus<< Layla did have a daughter. Laylak alaba bat izan zuen. Juliak alaba bat izan zuen. >>eus<< Layla doesn't remember anything. Laylak ez du ezer gogoratzen. Layla ez da ezertaz gogoratzen. >>eus<< Layla drank a lot of water. Laylak ur asko edan zuen. Lasartek ur asko edan zuen. >>eus<< Layla drives as if she owned the road. Laylak errepidea berarena izango balitz bezala gidatzen du. Layla errepidearen jabe izango balitz bezala gidatzen du. >>eus<< Layla eats cockroaches. Laylak labezomorroak jaten ditu. Laylak zakilak jaten ditu. >>eus<< Layla hated Sami. Layla Sami gorroto zuen . Laylak Sami gorroto zuen. >>eus<< Layla is five now. Laylak bost urte ditu orain. Gaur egun, Layla bost da. >>eus<< Layla is in jail and that's where she needs to be. Layla kartxelan dago eta egon behar den lekua da. Layla kartzelan dago eta hor egon behar du. >>eus<< Layla isn't in love anymore. Jada Layla ez dago maitemindurik. Layla ez dago jadanik maiteminduta. >>eus<< Layla lied to protect Sami. Layla gezurra esan zuen Sami babesteko Layla gezurretan ari zen Sami babesteko. >>eus<< Layla looked at Sami. Laylak Sami begiratu zuen. Lukasek Sami begiratu zion. >>eus<< Layla loves her partner. Laylak bere bikotea maite du. Lasartek bere bikotekidea maite du. >>eus<< Layla never worked. Laylak ez zuen inoiz lan egin. Lasartek ez zuen inoiz lan egin. >>eus<< Layla realized what was happening. Laylak zer gertatzen ari zen konturatu zen. Loiola konturatu zen zer gertatzen zen. >>eus<< Layla rejected Sami. Layla Samiri ezezkoa eman zion. Laylak uko egin zion Samiri. >>eus<< Layla's plan was to apologize. Laylaren plana barkatzeko izan zen. Laylaren asmoa barkamena eskatzea zen. >>eus<< Layla's shirt was covered in blood. Layla-ren kamiseta odolez beteta zegoen. Laylaren alkandora odolez estalita zegoen. >>eus<< Layla's shirt was on Sami's bed. Laylaren kamiseta Samiren ohean zegoen. Laylaren alkandora Samiren ohean zegoen. >>eus<< Layla took all the money Sami had. Layla Samiren diru guztia hartu zuen. Layla-k Sami-k zeukan diru guztia hartu zuen. >>eus<< Layla wanted a big family. Laylak familia handia nahi zuen. Teresak familia handi bat nahi zuen. >>eus<< Layla wanted to go to heaven. Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen. Teresak zerura joan nahi zuen. >>eus<< Layla wanted to go to heaven to see her mother. Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen bere ama ikusteko. Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen bere ama ikustera. >>eus<< Layla wanted to have at least four children. Laylak lau ume nahi zituen gutxienez. Euskal Herriak gutxienez lau seme-alaba izan nahi ditu. >>eus<< Layla was in the shower. Layla dutxan zegoen. Layla dutxan zegoen. >>eus<< Layla was looking for her cellphone. Laylak bere mugikorra bilatzen ari zen. Layla bere telefono mugikorraren bila ari zen. >>eus<< Layla was there for Sami. Laylak hantxe zegoen Samirentzako. Layla han zegoen Samirentzat. >>eus<< Layla went to prison again. Laylak kartzelara joan zen berriro. Berriz ere kartzelara joan zen. >>eus<< Layla wore a long dress. Laylak soineko luzea jantzi zuen. Layla soineko luzea zeraman. >>eus<< Let me try! Utzi nazazu saiatzen! Utzi saiatzen! >>eus<< Let's discuss what happened last night. Eztabaidatu dezagun azkeneko gauan gertatutakoa. Azter dezagun zer gertatu zen atzo gauean. >>eus<< Let's go to the aquarium. Goazen aquariumera Goazen aquariumera. >>eus<< Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Bizitza sexu-transmisioko gaixotasun hilgarria da. Bizitza sexu-transmisiozko gaixotasun larria da. >>eus<< Listen here! Hemen entzuten du Entzun hemen! >>eus<< Listen to the birds. Entzun txoriak. Entzun txoriak. >>eus<< Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium are alkali metals. Litioa, sodioa, potasioa, rubidioa, zesioa eta frantzioa metal alkalinoak dira. Litio, sodio, potasio, errubio, kasio eta frankiziak alkali metalak dira. >>eus<< Look at the girl whose hair is long. Begiratu ile luzedun neskari Begira zein luzea den ilea. >>eus<< Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Luis Bonfa musikari aparta da. Luis Bonfa oso musikari ona da. >>eus<< Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Luis Bonfa musikari bikaina da. Luis Bonfa oso musikari ona da. >>eus<< Many bad things have happened. Gauza txar asko gertatu dira. Gauza txar asko gertatu dira. >>eus<< Many soldiers were killed here. Hemen soldadu anitz hil zituzten. Soldadu asko hil ziren bertan. >>eus<< Marconi invented the radio. Marconik irratia asmatu zuen. Marconek irratia asmatu zuen. >>eus<< Mary and Tom are twins, but they're nothing alike. Mary eta Tom bikiak dira, baina ez dira batere antzekoak Maria eta Tom bikiak dira, baina ez dira berdinak. >>eus<< Mary is a beautiful woman. Mary emakume ederra da. Maria emakume ederra da. >>eus<< Mary is Tom's daughter. Mary Tomen alaba da. Maria Tomen alaba da. >>eus<< Mary will pass the exam, if she prepares well. Mary azterketa gaindituko du ondo prestatzen badu. Mariak azterketa gaindituko du, ondo prestatzen bada. >>eus<< Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead. Beharbada, Tomek hilda nagoela pentsatzen du. Agian Tomek uste du hilda nagoela. >>eus<< "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Lagundu nezake?" "Ez, eskerrik asko. Begiratzen baino ez nabil." -Lagunduko dizut? -Ez, eskerrik asko. >>eus<< Merry Christmas! Eguberri on! Eguberri on! >>eus<< Millie is eating an apple. Millie sagar bat jaten ari da. Millie sagarra jaten ari da. >>eus<< More coffee, please. Kafe gehiago, mesedez. Kafe gehiago, mesedez. >>eus<< My brother will kill me. Nire anaiak hilko nau. Nire anaiak hil egingo nau. >>eus<< My camera is a Nikon. Nire kamera Nikon da. Nire kamera Nikon da. >>eus<< My camera is the same as your camera. Nire kamera zurearen berdina da. Nire kamera zure kamera bezalakoa da. >>eus<< My car is older than this tree. Nire autoa zuhaitz hau baino zaharragoa da. Nire autoa zuhaitz hau baino zaharragoa da. >>eus<< My father builds bridges. Nire aitak zubiak eraikitzen ditu. Aitak zubiak eraiki zituen. >>eus<< My father studies astronomy, or the science of stars. Nire aitak astronomia ikasten du, edo izarren zientzia. Nire aitak astronomia ikasten du, edo izarren zientzia. >>eus<< My friends and I want to work in South Korea. Nire lagunek eta nik Hego Korean lan egin nahiko genuke. Nire lagunak eta biok Euskal Herrian lan egin nahi dugu. >>eus<< My friend told me he bought a clock. Nire lagunak esan zidan erloju bat erosi zuela Nire lagunak esan dit erloju bat erosi duela. >>eus<< My girlfriend is a good dancer. Nire neskalaguna dantzari ona da. Nire neska-laguna dantzari ona da. >>eus<< My notebook is pink. Nire kuadernoa ez de arrosa. Nire koadernoa arrosa da. >>eus<< My sister and I have come. Ahizpa eta biok etorri gara. Nire arreba eta biok etorri gara. >>eus<< My son went to Iran. Nire semea Iranera joan zen. Semea Iranera joan zen. >>eus<< Nature never breaks her own laws. Naturak ez ditu inoiz ez bere legeak apurtzen Naturak ez ditu inoiz bere legeak hausten. >>eus<< Nature never breaks her own laws. Naturak inoiz ez du bere legeak apurtzen Naturak ez ditu inoiz bere legeak hausten. >>eus<< No doubt he is your son. Zalantzarik ez hark bere semea dela. Zalantzarik gabe, zure semea da. >>eus<< No one can move the big box. Ezin du inork kaxa handia mugitu. Inork ezin du kutxa handi bat mugitu. >>eus<< No one is illegal. Inor ez da legez kanpokoa. Inor ez da ilegala. >>eus<< No one may be compelled to belong to an association. Inor ezin izango da behartu elkarte bateko kide izatera. Ezin da inor behartu elkarte bateko kide izatera. >>eus<< No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Arrazoirik gabe, ez zaio inori bere jabegoa kenduko. Haren ingurumarian ez da ageri beste inor. >>eus<< No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. Egintzak edo behar-uzteak izandakoan, herrialdeko edo nazioarteko legeriaren arabera delitu ez baziren, ezingo da inor kondenatu. Delitua egitean ezargarri den zigorra baino larriagorik ere ezingo zaio jarri. Inor ez da delitu penalaren errudun izango delitua edo delitua lege nazional edo internazional bat osatzen ez zuen delituagatik, eta ez da zigor gogorragorik ezarriko delitua egin zen momentuan baino. >>eus<< Now, listen! Orain entzuten Entzun! >>eus<< Of course! Noski! Jakina! >>eus<< Oh! Show it to me please. Oh! Erakuts iezadazu faborez. Erakutsidazu, mesedez. >>eus<< One language is never enough. Hizkuntza bakarra inoiz ez da aski. Hizkuntza bat ez da inoiz nahikoa. >>eus<< One language is never enough. Hizkuntza bat ez da inoiz nahikoa. Hizkuntza bat ez da inoiz nahikoa. >>eus<< One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Bat, bi, hiru, lau, bost, sei, zazpi, zortzi, bederatzi, hamar Bat, bi, hiru, lau, bost, sei, zazpi, zortzi, bederatzi, hamar. >>eus<< Open your mouth! Ireki ahoa! Ireki ahoa! >>eus<< Open your mouth. This won't hurt, don't worry. Ireki ahoa. Hau ez dizu minik emango, ez kezkatu. Honek ez du minik egingo, ez kezkatu. >>eus<< Our children like the dog, but I like the cat. Gure umeek txakurra maite dute baina nik katua mate dut. Niri txakurra gustatzen zait, baina katua gustatzen zait. >>eus<< Our relationship was perfect. Gure erlazioa bikaina zen. Gure harremana perfektua zen. >>eus<< Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. Gure jatetxea jatetxe hori baino hobea da. Gure jatetxea jatetxea baino hobea da. >>eus<< Parking is not allowed here. Hemen ezin da aparkatu. Aparkatzea debekatuta dago hemen. >>eus<< Parking isn't allowed here. Hemen ezin da aparkatu. Aparkatzea debekatuta dago hemen. >>eus<< People from China play another kind of chess. Txinatarrek beste xake mota batean ibiltzen dira. Txinako jendeak beste xake mota bat jokatzen du. >>eus<< Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Beharbada bihar etorriko da. Agian bihar etorriko da. >>eus<< Please ask Tom to wait in his office. Esan Tomiri bulegoan itzaroteko, mesedez. Mesedez, esaiozu Tomi bere bulegoan itxaroteko. >>eus<< Please don't enter the room without knocking. Mesedez, ez sartu atetik aurretik atean jo gabe. Mesedez, ez sartu atea jo gabe. >>eus<< Please give me a pen and some pieces of paper. Mesedez, eman iezadazu bolaluma bat eta paper zati batzuk. Emadazu boligrafo bat eta paper zati bat. >>eus<< Please lend me your book. Utz iezadazu, mesedez, zure liburua. Eman iezaguzu zure liburua >>eus<< Please turn off your electronic devices. Mesedez, itzali zuen gailu elektronikoak. Mesedez, itzali zure gailu elektronikoak. >>eus<< Rape is always a crime of violence. Bortxaketa beti da indarkeri krimen bat. Bortxaketa beti da delitua. >>eus<< Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you. Irakurtzea garrantzitsua da. Irakrtzen badakizu, mundu osoa irekiko da zuretzat. Irakurtzen badakizu irakurtzen, mundu guztia irekitzen zaizu. >>eus<< Ready for November? Azarorako prest? Azaroan prest? >>eus<< Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Lasai, txorimalo bat baino ez da. Lasai, izua besterik ez da. >>eus<< Rome is a city worth visiting. Roma bisitatzea merezi duen hiria da. Erroma bisitatzea merezi duen hiria da. >>eus<< Sami admitted guilt. Samik erruduntasuna onartu zuen. Sami erruduntzat jo zuten. >>eus<< Sami can't make this happen. Samik ezin du hau gertarazi. Sami ezin da hau gertatu. >>eus<< Sami can understand that. Samik hori ulertu ahal du. Samek ulertzen du hori. >>eus<< Sami didn't have to do this. Samik ez zuen hau egin behar. Samek ez zuen hori egin beharrik izan. >>eus<< Sami dressed up as Batman. Samik Batman bezala jantzi zen. Sami bataiatu egin zen, Batman bezala. >>eus<< Sami has something for me. Samik niretzako zerbait zeukan. Sami-k zerbait dauka niretzat. >>eus<< Sami has to do this today. Samik hau egin behar du gaur. EAJk gaur egin behar du hori. >>eus<< Sami improved his Arabic vocabulary. Samik bere hiztegi arabiarra hobeto zuen. Sami-k bere arabiar hiztegia hobetu zuen. >>eus<< Sami kept punching Layla Samik Layla ukabilkadatzen segitu zuen. Sami Layla jotzen ari zen >>eus<< Sami knows who shot Layla. Samik Laylari nork tiro egin zion bazekien. Samik badaki nork tirokatu zuen Layla. >>eus<< Sami lived with a ghost. Sami mamu batekin bizi da. Sami mamu batekin bizi zen. >>eus<< Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Samik Layla maite zuen bere europar irudiagatik. Samiri asko gustatzen zitzaion Layla, Europako itxuragatik. >>eus<< Sami loves this children's TV show. Samik umeentzako telesail hau maite du. Amaiurri asko gustatzen zaio haurrentzako telebista saio hau. >>eus<< Sami said this, not me. Samik hau esan zuen, ez nik. Samik esan du hori, ez nik. >>eus<< Sami's boat was stolen. Samiren ontzia lapurtua izan zen. Samiren ontzia lapurtu zioten. >>eus<< Sami sleeps with the light on. Samik argiarekin piztuta lo egiten du. Sami argiarekin oheratzen da. >>eus<< Sami spends much of the day alone in the house. Samik egunean zehar denbora asko pasatzen du etxean bakarrik. Sami-k egun asko pasatzen ditu etxean bakarrik. >>eus<< Sami stole Layla's boat. Samik Laylaren ontzia lapurtu zuen. Samik Laylaren ontzia lapurtu zuen. >>eus<< Sami trusted his wife. Sami bere emazteaz fidatu zen. Sami bere emazteaz fio zen. >>eus<< Sami was a lucky man. Sami zorionezko gizona zen. Sami zorteko gizona zen. >>eus<< Sami was in the next room. Sami ondoko gelan zegoen. Sami hurrengo gelan zegoen. >>eus<< Sami watched the cartoons with his children. Samik bere seme- alabekin marrazki bizidunak ikusten zituen. Martinek marrazki bizidunak ikusi zituen bere seme-alabekin. >>eus<< Sami will be ruined. Samik lur jo egingo du. Sami hondatu egingo da. >>eus<< Shall we drink something? Ezer edango al dugu? Zerbait edango dugu? >>eus<< She advises him on how to stay healthy. Hark hari osasuntsu nola egon esaten dio. Osasuntsu egoteko aholkuak ematen dizkio. >>eus<< She bought a new house the other day. Etxe berria erosi zuen lehengo egunean. Aurreko egunean etxe berri bat erosi zuen. >>eus<< She can speak Russian. Errusieraz hitz egin dezake. Errusieraz hitz egin dezake. >>eus<< She has a dog and six cats. Bi txakur eta sei katu ez ditu. Txakur bat eta sei katu ditu. >>eus<< She has two thousand books. Bi mila liburu dauzka. Bi mila liburu ditu. >>eus<< She helped her father with the work in the garden. Bere aitak lagundu zuen bere lorategian lanean. Aitari lagundu zion lorategiko lanarekin. >>eus<< She is a beautiful woman. Emakume ederra da. Emakume ederra da. >>eus<< She is not home, but at school. Ez dago etxean, eskolan baizik. Ez dago etxean, eskolan baizik. >>eus<< She's on her way home. Etxerako bidean dago. Etxera bidean da. >>eus<< She will without a doubt visit England this summer. Ingalaterra bisitatuko du uda honetan zalantzarik gabe. Uda honetan Ingalaterra bisitatuko du. >>eus<< Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk. Istripu batetan zauritu zenetik, ezin izan du berriz ibili. Istripu batean zaurituta zegoenez, ezin zuen gehiago ibili. >>eus<< Skin colors, languages, and religions are not genetic groupings. Azalaren kolorea, hizkuntzak, eta erligioak ez dira genetika taldeak. Azalaren koloreak, hizkuntzak eta erlijioak ez dira talde genetikoak. >>eus<< Smoking in the restaurant was forbidden. Jatetxean erretzea debekatuta zegoen. Jatetxean erretzea debekatuta dago. >>eus<< Some scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is imaginary. Zientzialari batzuek uste dute negutegi efektua alegiazkoa dela. Zientzialari batzuek uste dute berotegi efektua irudizkoa dela. >>eus<< Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Berak batzuetan korrika egiten du, eta beste batzuetan oinez ibiltzen da. Batzuetan korrika egiten du, batzuetan oinez ibiltzen da. >>eus<< Sun and rain, rainbow. Eguzkia eta euria, erromako zubia. Eguzkia eta euria, euria. >>eus<< Sunday is the last day of the week. Igandea asteko azken eguna. Igandea da asteko azken eguna. >>eus<< Switzerland is a beautiful country. Suitza herrialde polita da. Suitza herrialde ederra da. >>eus<< Take a map with you in case you get lost. Eraman ezazu mapa bat gainean ez galtzeko. Hartu mapa bat zurekin galduz gero. >>eus<< Tatoeba is still a beta project. Tatoeba oraindik beta fasean dagoen proiektua da. Tatoeba beta proiektu bat da. >>eus<< Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010. Tatoeba 2010eko udan euskaratu zen. Tatoeba 2010eko udan euskarara itzuli zen. >>eus<< Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010. Tatoeba euskaratu nuen 2010 udan. Tatoeba 2010eko udan euskarara itzuli zen. >>eus<< Tell him what you know. Kontatu iezaiozu dakizuna. Esaiezu zer dakizuen. >>eus<< Thanks, that's all. Eskerrik asko, hori izan da dena. Eskerrik asko. >>eus<< Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. Zure erruz gosea pasa zait. Zuri esker, apetitua galdu dut. >>eus<< Thank you for not smoking. Eskerrik asko ez erretzeagatik. Eskerrik asko ez erretzeagatik. >>eus<< Thank you for not smoking. Milesker ez erretzeagatik. Eskerrik asko ez erretzeagatik. >>eus<< "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Esker aunitz." "Deusetaz." -Eskerrik asko. >>eus<< "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Eskerrik asko." "Zuri." -Eskerrik asko. >>eus<< That airplane is huge! Hegazkin hori erraldoia da! Hegazkina erraldoia da! >>eus<< That is your victory. Hau zure garaipena da. Hori da zure garaipena. >>eus<< That liquid is harmful. Likido hori kaltegarria da. Likido hori kaltegarria da. >>eus<< That never happened, of course. Noski, hori ez da inoiz gertatu. Hori ez da inoiz gertatu, noski. >>eus<< That's not what happened here. Halakorik ez da hemen gertatu. Ez da hori gertatu hemen. >>eus<< That's the snag. Hortxe dago gakoa. Hori da snag-a. >>eus<< That was a funny joke. Hori txantxa barregarria izan zen. Txantxa dibertigarria izan da. >>eus<< That was ages ago. Duela aspaldi zen. Hori orain dela urte batzuk izan zen. >>eus<< That worries me. Horrek kezkatzen nau. Horrek kezkatzen nau. >>eus<< The angry mob attacked the building. Haserretutako jendetzak eraikina eraso egin zuen. Manifestariek eraso egin diote eraikinari. >>eus<< The bird is in the sky. Txoria zeruan dago. Txoria zeruan dago. >>eus<< The book is small. Liburua txikia da. Liburua txikia da. >>eus<< The boy throws a stone. Mutila harri bat botatzen. Mutikoak harri bat botatzen du. >>eus<< The cathedral is half a millennium old. Katedrala milurteko erdia da. Katedralak milioi erdi urte ditu. >>eus<< The enemy attacked us at night. Etsaiak gauez eraso zigun. Etsaiak gauez eraso egin zigun. >>eus<< The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. Ekuatoreak Lurra bi hemisferiotan banatzen du. Ekuatoreak Lurra bi hemisferiotan banatzen du. >>eus<< The exam was too difficult for me. Niretzat azterketa larregi zail izan zen. Azterketa oso zaila izan da niretzat. >>eus<< The FBI came to arrest Layla. FBIa etorri zen Layla atxilotzeko. FBI Layla atxilotzera etorri zen. >>eus<< The felines run in the savannah. Felinoek sabanan egiten dute korrika. Felinek Savannah-n egiten dute korrika. >>eus<< The film was not what I had thought it was. Filmea ez zen entzunda neukana. Pelikula ez zen nik uste nuena. >>eus<< The final score of the game was 3 to 1. Partidaren azken emaitza 3 ta 1 izan zen. Partiduaren azken emaitza 3-1 izan zen. >>eus<< The funeral was yesterday. Hileta atzo izan zen. Hileta atzo izan zen. >>eus<< The game ended in a draw with a score 6-6. Partida berdinketan amaitu zen 6-6 emaitzarekin. Jokoa 6-6 punturekin berdinketan amaitu da. >>eus<< The house was more expensive than I had expected. Etxea nik espero baino garestiagoa zen. Uste baino garestiagoa zen etxea. >>eus<< The key is on the table. Giltza mahai gainean dago. Gakoa mahai gainean dago. >>eus<< The latter half of the game was very exciting. Partidaren bigarren zatia oso lehiagarria izan zen. Partiduaren azken erdia oso zirraragarria izan zen. >>eus<< The natural sciences are harder than the social sciences. Natura-zientziak gizarte-zientziak baino zailagoak dira. Zientziak gizarte-zientziak baino gogorragoak dira. >>eus<< The next time will be better! Hurrengo aldian hobeagoa izango da. Hurrengoan hobea izango da! >>eus<< The old man's narrative was punctuated by coughs. Gizon zaharrak bere kontaerari eztularekin jarri zizkion etenak. Agurearen narrazioa eztulek markatu zuten. >>eus<< The photos made me cry. Argazkiek negarra eragin zidaten. Argazkiek negar egiten didate. >>eus<< The poet committed suicide in his study. Olerkariak bere buruaz beste egin zuen bere ikasgelan. Poetak bere buruaz beste egin zuen bere ikerketan. >>eus<< There are islands in the sea. Itsasoan irlak daude. Uharteak daude itsasoan. >>eus<< There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. Asko dira lehendakari gisa egiten ditudan erabaki eta politika guztiekin bat etorriko ez direnak. Askok ez dira ados jarriko presidente gisa hartzen ditudan erabaki edo politika guztiekin. >>eus<< There are several cats that live near the pier. Badaude zenbait katu portu ondoan bizi direnak. Hondartzatik gertu bizi diren katu asko daude. >>eus<< There are too many bridges in this city. Hiri honetan zubi gehiegi daude. Hiri honetan zubi asko daude. >>eus<< There are too many tourists here. Hemen asko turista daude Turista gehiegi daude hemen. >>eus<< The reason Tom isn't here is because he's sick in bed. Tom ez dago hemen ohean gaixorik dagoelako. Tom ez dago hemen ohean gaixorik dagoelako. >>eus<< There can be more than one correct answer. Erantzun zuzen bat baino gehiago egon ahal dira. Erantzun zuzen bat baino gehiago egon daitezke. >>eus<< There is always an explanation. Beti azalpenen bat dago. Beti dago azalpen bat. >>eus<< There is an apple on the desk. Sagar bat dago idazmahai gainean. Mahai gainean sagar bat dago. >>eus<< There is freedom of religion in this country. Hiri onetan erligio askatasuna dago Askatasuna dago herri honetan. >>eus<< There's no need to get so angry. Keep your temper. Ez dago zertan hainbeste haserretu. Hago lasai. Ez dago zertan hain haserre egon. >>eus<< There's no point going there. Horra joateak ez dauka zentzurik. Ez du zentzurik hara joateak. >>eus<< There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office. Bazegoen kulero arrosa bat bere zain bulegoan. Gelan liho arrosa bat zegoen zain. >>eus<< There were islands in the sea. Itsasoan uharteak zeuden. Uharteak zeuden itsasoan. >>eus<< These apples are so delicious! Sagar hauek oso gozoak dira! Sagar hauek zoragarriak dira! >>eus<< These things aren't mine! Gauza hauek ez dira nireak! Gauza hauek ez dira nirea! >>eus<< The Socialist Party only got 18% of the votes. Alderdi Sozialistak botoen %18a besterik ez zuen lortu. Alderdi Sozialistak botoen %18 baino ez zuen lortu. >>eus<< The summer grass covers the ground. Udako belarrak lurra estaltzen du. Udako belarrak lurra estaltzen du. >>eus<< The summit of Mt. Fuji was covered in snow. Fuji mendia elurrez estali zen. Fuji mendiaren gailurra elurrez estalita zegoen. >>eus<< The sun is much bigger than the earth. Eguzkia Lurra planeta baino askoz handiagoa da. Eguzkia Lurra baino askoz handiagoa da. >>eus<< The text above is written in Basque. Goiko testua euskaraz idatzita dago. Goiko testua euskaraz idatzita dago. >>eus<< The volcano erupted several years ago. Sumendiak duela urte batzuk eztanda egin zuen. Duela urte batzuk sumendiak eztanda egin zuen. >>eus<< The whole family was sick in bed. Familia osoa ohean gaixo zegoen. Familia osoa ohean zegoen gaixorik. >>eus<< The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Herriaren borondatea da botere publikoaren agintearen oinarria; borondate hori aldian-aldian egingo diren benetako hauteskundeetan adieraziko da. Hauteskundeok bozketa orokor eta berdinez eta isilpeko boto bidez egingo dira, edo boto askatasuna bermatzen duen beste bide batez. Herriaren nahia gobernu-agintaritzaren oinarria izango da; hau behin-behineko eta egiazko hauteskundeetan aurkeztuko da, sufragio unibertsal eta berdinaren bidez, eta boto sekretuaren bidez edo boto libreko prozedura baliokideen bidez egingo da. >>eus<< The word order has to be changed. Hitzen ordena aldatu behar da. Hitzen ordena aldatu behar da. >>eus<< They can speak Spanish. Espainieraz badakite. Espainolez hitz egin daiteke. >>eus<< They could never do that. Beraiek ezin izango dute hori inoiz egin. Ezingo zuten hori egin. >>eus<< They did not agree with all of Oglethorpe's ideas. Haiek ez datoz bat Oglethorpe-ren ideiekin. Ez zeuden ados Oglethorperen ideia guztiekin. >>eus<< They don't always obey their parents. Ez diete beti gurasoei jaramon egiten. Ez dituzte beti gurasoak errespetatzen. >>eus<< They enjoyed torturing me. Haiek ni torturatzen gozatzen zuten. Gustoko zuten torturatzea. >>eus<< They gave him a glass of orange juice laced with vodka. Laranja zukua vodkarekin eman zioten. Orangezko zuku kopa bat eman zioten vodkaz apainduta. >>eus<< They live in a great house. Etxe handi batean bizi dira. Etxe handi batean bizi dira. >>eus<< They really loved me. Haiek izugarri maite naute. Benetan maite ninduten. >>eus<< They're not my enemies. Ez dira nire etsaiak. Ez dira nire etsaiak. >>eus<< They want it for tomorrow. Biharko nahi dute. Bihar nahi dute. >>eus<< They were in love. Maitemindurik zeuden. Maiteminduta zeuden. >>eus<< They were on sale. Salgai zeuden. Salmentan zeuden. >>eus<< They will do what I tell them. Nik esan diedana egingo dute. Nik esandakoa egingo dute. >>eus<< They wouldn't stop hitting me. Haiek ez ziren geldituko ni jotzen. Ez ninduten jotzen utziko. >>eus<< They wouldn't stop torturing me. Haiek ez ziren geldituko ni torturatzen. Ez ninduten torturatzen utziko. >>eus<< This book cost me thirty dollars. Liburu honek hogeita hamar dolar kostatu izan du. Liburu honek 30 euroko kostua izan zuen. >>eus<< This chair is ugly. Aulki hau itsusia da. Aulki hau itsusia da. >>eus<< This dog isn't mine. Txakur hori ez da nirea. Txakurra ez da nirea. >>eus<< This has been fun. Jostagarria izan da hau. Hau dibertigarria izan da. >>eus<< This is a big decision. Hau erabaki garrantzitsua da. Erabaki handia da. >>eus<< This is a complete waste of time. Hau denbora alferrik galtzea da. Denbora galtzea erabatekoa da. >>eus<< This is a historic city. Hiri hau historikoa da. Hiri historikoa da. >>eus<< This is a huge waste of time. Denbora galtze izugarria da. Denbora galtzea handia da. >>eus<< This is an old Scottish song. Hau Eskoziako abesti zahar bat da. Eskoziako abesti zahar bat da. >>eus<< This is for keeps. Hau betiko da. Hau mantentze-lanetarako da. >>eus<< This is my computer. Hau da nire ordenagailua. Hau nire ordenagailua da. >>eus<< This is my money. Hau nire dirua da. Hau da nire dirua. >>eus<< This isn't a trap. Hau ez da tranpa. Hau ez da tranpa. >>eus<< This isn't for me. Hau ez da niretzat. Hau ez da nirea. >>eus<< This is our fault. Hori gure errua da. Hau gure errua da. >>eus<< This is the first time I've ever got tired of translating. Itzultzeaz nekatzen naizen lehenengo aldia da. Lehen aldia da aspertzen naizela transkripzioaz. >>eus<< This is Tom's car. Hau Tom-en autoa da. Hau Tomen autoa da. >>eus<< This is Tom's house. Hau Tomek etxea da. Hau Tomen etxea da. >>eus<< This is your stop. Hau zure geldialdia da. Hau da zure geldialdia. >>eus<< This was my fault. Ene errua izan da. Nire errua izan da. >>eus<< This was my mistake. Hau nire errua izan da. Nire akatsa izan da. >>eus<< Those girls over there are my sisters. Horko neskak nire arrebak dira. AHIZTA, ahiztia: Hermana. >>eus<< Time's on my side. Denbora gure alde. Denbora nire alde dago. >>eus<< Tim is Tom's twin brother. Tim Tomen anaia bikia da. Tomen anaia bikia da. >>eus<< Today, Layla's life is good. Gaur, Layla-ren bizitza ona da. Gaur egun, Laylaren bizitza oso ona da. >>eus<< Today's Tom's 30th birthday. Gaur Tomen 30. urtebetetzea da. Gaur Tomen 30. urtebetetzea da. >>eus<< Today, we can tell how the weather will be with a high degree of accuracy. Gaur egun esan dezakegu nolako eguraldia egingo duen zehaztasun handiarekin. Gaur egun, eguraldiak zehaztasun handia izango duela esan dezakegu. >>eus<< Tom and I did that together. Tomek eta biok elkarrekin egin genuen. Tom eta biok elkarrekin egin genuen. >>eus<< Tom and I did that together. Tom eta biok hori egin genuen elkar. Tom eta biok elkarrekin egin genuen. >>eus<< Tom and Mary are anti-fascists. Tom eta Maria antifaxistak dira Tom eta Mary antifaszistak dira. >>eus<< Tom and Mary are Canadians. Tom eta Mary kanadarrak dira. Tom eta Mary kanadarrak dira. >>eus<< Tom and Mary are doing that. Tomek eta Marik hori egiten ari dira. Mikelek eta Mariak hori egiten dute. >>eus<< Tom and Mary became lifelong friends. Tom eta Mary betiko lagun bihurtu ziren. Tom eta Mary betiko lagunak bihurtu ziren. >>eus<< Tom and Mary finished doing that on their own. Tom eta Mary-k amaitu zuten hori egiten beraien kontuz. Tom eta Mary bere buruaz beste egin zuten. >>eus<< Tom and Mary go to school together almost every morning. Tom eta Mary elkarrekin joaten dira eskolara goizero. Tom eta Mary eskolara joaten dira ia egunero. >>eus<< Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments. Tom eta Mary-k beraien hitzorduak bertan bera utzi diruzte. Tomasek eta Mariak ezezkoa eman zuten. >>eus<< Tom and Mary have dinner together almost every night. Tom eta Mary elkarrekin afaltzen dute gauero. Tom eta Mary elkarrekin afaltzen dute ia gauero. >>eus<< Tom and Mary named their third son John. Tomek eta Maryk bere hirugarren semeari John jarri zioten. Tom eta Mariak hirugarren semea izendatu zuten. >>eus<< Tom and Mary need to buy some things. Tom eta Mary zerbait erosi behar dute. Tom eta Mary zerbait erosi behar dute. >>eus<< Tom and Mary promised me that they'd wash my car. Tomek eta Maryk nire autoa garbituko dutela zin egin didate. Tomek eta Maryk autoa garbituko zidatela agindu zidaten. >>eus<< Tom and Mary promised me that they'd wash my car. Tom eta Mary sin egin zidaten nire autoa garbitu zutela. Tomek eta Maryk autoa garbituko zidatela agindu zidaten. >>eus<< Tom and Mary seem pretty happy together, don't they? Badirudi Tom eta Mary elkarrekin oso zoriontsu direla, ez da? Tom eta Mary oso pozik daude elkarrekin, ezta? >>eus<< Tom and Mary went to the harvest festival. Tom eta Mary uzta-jaialdira joan ziren. Tom eta Mary uzta-jaialdira joan ziren. >>eus<< Tom and Mary won't go to Boston. Tom eta Mary ez dira Bostonera joango. Tom eta Mary ez dira Bostonera joango. >>eus<< Tom asked me what I wanted to eat. Tom galdetu zian zer nahi nuen jateko. Tomek galdetu zidan zer jan nahi nuen. >>eus<< Tom called Mary this morning. Tomek Mary-ri deitu zion goiz honetan. Gaur goizean Mariari deitu dio. >>eus<< Tom can't dance. Tom donut bat jan zuen. Tomek ezin du dantzarik egin. >>eus<< Tom caused a lot of problems. Tomek arazo asko eragin zituen. Tomek arazo asko sortu zituen. >>eus<< Tom could possibly come tomorrow. Agian tom bihar etortzen da. Tom bihar etorriko zen. >>eus<< Tom didn't get very far. Tom ez zen oso urrun joan. Tom ez zen oso urrun iritsi. >>eus<< Tom didn't know what he should say. Tomek ez zekien zer esan beharko luke. Tomek ez zekien zer esan behar zuen. >>eus<< Tom didn't offer us anything to drink. Tomek ez zigun edateko ezer eskaini. Tomek ez zigun ezer eskaini edateko. >>eus<< Tom didn't sleep well for a multitude of reasons. Tomek ez du ondo lorik egin hainbat arrazoiengatik. Tomek ez zuen ondo lo egin hainbat arrazoirengatik. >>eus<< Tom didn't take his umbrella with him. Tomek ez zuen bere euritakoa hartu. Tomek ez zuen aterkia berarekin eraman. >>eus<< Tom didn't tell me the reason why he was late. Tom ez zidan esan berandu etortzearen arrazoia. Tomek ez zidan esan zergatik zen berandu. >>eus<< Tom didn't want to leave his house. Tomek ez du bere etxea utzi nahi. Tomek ez zuen etxetik irten nahi. >>eus<< Tom did that for me. Tomek hori egin zuen nigatik. Tomek hori egin zuen niretzat. >>eus<< Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom droga gaindosi batek jota hil zen. Tom droga sobredosi batengatik hil zen. >>eus<< Tom died in prison three years ago. Tom kartzelan hil zen duela hiru urte. Duela hiru urte hil zen espetxean. >>eus<< Tom doesn't always understand what's happening. Tom ez du beti ulertzen pasatzen ari dena. Tomek ez du beti ulertzen zer gertatzen den. >>eus<< Tom doesn't ever come here by himself. Tom ez da inoiz hona bakarrik etortzen. Tom ez da inoiz bakarrik etortzen. >>eus<< Tom doesn't go to school here anymore. Tom ez doa hemen eskola jada. Tom ez da gehiago eskolara joaten. >>eus<< Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom-ek ez daki Mary-ren mutil laguna naizela. Tomek ez daki Mariaren mutil-laguna naizenik. >>eus<< Tom doesn't know that I know. Tomek ez daki nik dakidala. Tomek ez daki. >>eus<< Tom doesn't know what I do. Tomek ez daki zer egiten dudan. Tomek ez daki zer egiten dudan. >>eus<< Tom doesn't know where he wants to go. Tomek ez daki nora joan nahi duen. Tomek ez daki nora joan nahi duen. >>eus<< Tom doesn't remember where he put his passport. Tom ez du gogoratzen no jarri duen bere pasaportea. Tomek ez du gogoratzen non sartu zuen pasaportea. >>eus<< Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. Tom-ek ez du ezer gehiagorik erosi nahi. Tomek ez du beste ezer erosi nahi. >>eus<< Tom does that, too. Tomek hori egiten du ere bai Hori ere egiten du Tomek. >>eus<< Tom drank a lot last night. Tomek asko edan zuen bart. Tomek asko edan zuen bart gauean. >>eus<< Tom dressed well. Tomek ondo jantzi zen. Ondo jantzita zegoen Tom. >>eus<< Tom dresses well. Tomek ondo janzten da. Ondo jantzita dago Tom. >>eus<< Tom found a new way to announce his news. Tom era berri bat aurkitu du bere berriak aurkezteko. Tomek beste modu bat aurkitu zuen bere albisteak iragartzeko. >>eus<< Tom found this clock at a garage sale. Tomek erloju hau aurkitu zuen garaje-salerosketa batean. Tomek erloju hau aurkitu zuen garaje batean. >>eus<< Tom gave Mary a big kiss. Tomek musu handi bat eman zion Maryri. Tomek musu handi bat eman zion Maryri. >>eus<< Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. Tom primeran pasatu zuen Las Vegasen. Oso ondo pasatu zuen Las Vegasen. >>eus<< Tom has a son whose name is John. Tomek seme bat dauka John izena duena. Seme bat dauka, John du izena. >>eus<< Tom has three cats. Tomek hiru katu ditu. Hiru katu ditu. >>eus<< Tom has two computers. Tomek bi ordenagailu ditu. Bi ordenagailu ditu. >>eus<< Tom insisted it never happened. Tomek inoiz ez zela gertatu insistitu zuen. Tomek esan zuen ez zela inoiz gertatu. >>eus<< Tom is a lot older than Mary. Tom Mary baino askoz zaharragoa da. Maria baino askoz zaharragoa da. >>eus<< Tom is always causing problems. Tomek beti arazoak eragiten ditu. Tom beti ari da arazoak sortzen. >>eus<< Tom is ambidextrous, isn't he? Tom eskuma-ezkerti da, ezta? Tom inozoa da, ezta? >>eus<< Tom is a musician. Tom musikaria da. Tom musikaria da. >>eus<< Tom is a socialist. Tom sozialista da. Tom sozialista da. >>eus<< Tom is a strong kid, isn't he? Tom indartsua da, ezta? Tom mutil indartsua da, ezta? >>eus<< Tom is a student, too. Tomek ikaslea da ere bai. Tom ere ikaslea da. >>eus<< Tom is drinking too much coffee. Tomek kafe gehiegi edaten ari da. Tom kafe gehiegi hartzen ari da. >>eus<< Tom is ill. Tom gaixorik dago. Tom gaixorik dago. >>eus<< Tom is in no mood for jokes. Tom ez dago txantxetarako egoeran. Tom ez dago txantxetan. >>eus<< Tom is in pretty bad shape. Tom nahiko txarto dago. Tom oso egoera txarrean dago. >>eus<< Tom is married now. Tom orain ezkonduta dago. Tom ezkonduta dago. >>eus<< Tom isn't allowed to do just anything he wants. Tom-ek ia-ia nahi duen edozein gauza egin dezake. Tomek ezin du nahi duena bakarrik egin. >>eus<< Tom isn't doing that. Tomek ez dago hori egiten. Tomek ez du hori egiten. >>eus<< Tom isn't my partner. Tom ez da nire bikkotea. Tom ez da nire laguna. >>eus<< Tom just kept singing. Tomek abesten jarraitu zuen. Tomek abesten jarraitu zuen. >>eus<< Tom just kept talking. Tomek hitz egiten jarraitu zuen. Tomek hizketan jarraitu zuen. >>eus<< Tom knows that Mary loves John. Tomek badaki Maryk John maite duela. Badaki Mariak asko maite duela. >>eus<< Tom knows what he has to say. Tomek badaki zer esan behar duen. Tomek badaki zer esan behar duen. >>eus<< Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tomek cheeseburgerrak gustuko ditu. Tomi gazta-burgerrak gustatzen zaizkio. >>eus<< Tom lives with his aunt. Tom bere izebarekin bizi da. Bere izebarekin bizi da. >>eus<< Tom looks like a monkey. Tom tximino bat dirudi. Tom tximinoa dirudi. >>eus<< Tom loves pasta. Tomek pasta maite du. Tomi asko gustatzen zaio pasta. >>eus<< Tom needs to do that today. Tomek hori egin behar du gaur. Gaur hori egin behar du Tomek. >>eus<< Tom never seems to get angry. Tom ez dirudi inoiz dagoenik haserretuta. Ez dirudi inoiz haserre dagoenik. >>eus<< Tom never seems to get tired. Tom ez dirudi inoiz nekatuta dagoenik. Tom ez da inoiz nekatzen. >>eus<< Tom often talks about his work. Tom normalean bere lanari buruz hitz egiten du Askotan hitz egiten du bere lanari buruz. >>eus<< Tomorrow is a holiday. Bihar jaieguna da. Bihar oporrak izango dira. >>eus<< Tom quite often gets sick. Oso ohikoa da Tom gaixorik jartzea. Tom askotan gaixotzen da. >>eus<< Tom really likes to do that. Tomek izugarri gustuko du hori egitea. Tomi asko gustatzen zaio hori egitea. >>eus<< Tom said he'd do what he could for Mary. Tomek esan zuen Maryrentzako ahal zuena egingo zuela Tomek esan zuen ahal zuena egingo zuela Maryrengatik. >>eus<< Tom said his parents allow him to do what he wants. Tomem dio gurasoek nahi duena egiten uzten diotela. Bere gurasoek nahi dutena egiteko baimena eman zioten. >>eus<< Tom said I did that. Tomek hori egin nuela esan zuen. Tomek esan zidan hori egin nuela. >>eus<< Tom said that he had been busy. Tomek oso lanpeturik zebilela esan zuen. Tomek esan zuen lanpetuta zegoela. >>eus<< Tom said that he was very busy. Tomek oso lapenturik zegoela esan zuen. Tomek oso lanpetuta zegoela esan zuen. >>eus<< Tom said you were good-looking. Tomek erakargarri zeudela esan du. Tomek esan zuen itxura ona zenuela. >>eus<< Tom's mother passed away last week. Tomen ama pasa den astean hil zen. Tomen ama joan den astean hil zen. >>eus<< Tom's parents live in Boston. Tom-en aitak Bostonen bizi dira Tomen gurasoak Bostonen bizi dira. >>eus<< Tom speaks perfect German. Tom-ek bikain hitz egiten du alemaniera. Tom alemanez hitz egiten ari da. >>eus<< Tom spent his thirtieth birthday in Boston. Tom-ek, Bostonen pasatu zuen bere hamahirugarren urtebetetzea. Tomek hirugarren urtebetetzea eman zuen Bostonen. >>eus<< Tom talked to Mary yesterday. Tomek Mary-rekin hitz egin zuen atzo. Mariarekin hitz egin zuen atzo. >>eus<< Tom thought Mary might like to do that. Tomek Mary hori egitea gustuko izango zuela pentsatu zuen. Tomek pentsatu zuen Maryk hori egin nahi zuela. >>eus<< Tom told Mary not to be afraid to do that. Tomek hori egiteko beldurrik ez izatea esan zion Maryri Tomek hori egiteko beldurrik ez izateko esan zion Maryri. >>eus<< Tom told Mary that John would be there. Tomek esan zion Mary-ri John bertan egongo zela. Tomek esan zion John han izango zela. >>eus<< Tom told me he was determined to do that. Tomek esan zidan Mary gose zela uste zuela. Tomek esan zidan hori egiteko prest zegoela. >>eus<< Tom wanted to do that last week. Tomek hori egitea nahi izan zuen aurreko astean. Joan den astean egin nahi izan zuen. >>eus<< Tom wants a telescope. Tomek teleskopio bat nahi du. Teleskopio bat nahi du. >>eus<< Tom wants to spend more time in nature. Tomek denbora gehiago pasatu nahi du natura ikasten. Tomek denbora gehiago eman nahi du naturan. >>eus<< Tom was amused by the joke. Tomi txantxa gustatu zitzaion. Tom txantxetan dibertitzen zen. >>eus<< Tom was killed in a car crash. Tom hil zen auto istripu batean. Tom auto istripu batean hil zen. >>eus<< Tom wasn't in school today. Tom ez da egon eskolan Tom ez zegoen eskolan. >>eus<< Tom wasn't ready to do that. Tomek hori egiteko ez zegoen prest. Tom ez zegoen prest hori egiteko. >>eus<< Tom wasn't sure what happened. Tom ez zegoen ziur gertatu zenari buruz. Tom ez zegoen ziur zer gertatu zen. >>eus<< Tom was thirteen when he died. Tomek hamahiru urte zituen hil zenean 13 urte zituen hil zenean. >>eus<< Tom went to France two months ago. Tomek Frantziara joan zen duela bi hilabete. Duela bi hilabete Frantziara joan zen Tom. >>eus<< Tom went to Las Vegas. Tom Las Vegasera joan zen. Las Vegasera joan zen. >>eus<< Tom would have been here if he knew he needed to be. Tom hemen egongo zen , egon behar zela jakin izango balu Tom hemen egongo zen, izan behar zuela jakingo balu. >>eus<< Tom would have left early if he'd known he could've. Tom joan izango luke lehenago, ahal zuela jakin izango balu Tomek goiz alde egingo zuen jakingo balu. >>eus<< Tom wouldn't leave Mary alone. Tomek ez luke Mary bakarrik utzi beharko. Tomek ez zuen Mary bakarrik utziko. >>eus<< Tony has a nice voice. Tonyk ahots atsegina dauka. Jonek ahots polita du. >>eus<< Tony's voice is nice. Tonyren ahotsa atsegina da. Tonyren ahotsa oso polita da. >>eus<< Too expensive! Oso garestia da Oso garestia! >>eus<< To which of these boys will you give the book? Mutil hauetatik, nori emango zenioke liburua? Zein mutili emango diezu liburua? >>eus<< "Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana. "Zuhatitzek ez dute arimik" esan zuen Dianak. -Treek ez dute arimarik-esan zuen Diana praktikoak. >>eus<< Turkey is a beautiful country. Turkia herrialde polita da. Turkia herrialde ederra da. >>eus<< Two-thirds of the people here tonight are Canadians. Gaur gauean hemen dauden pertsonen bi herena Kanadiarrak dira. Hemengo biztanleen bi herenak kanadarrak dira. >>eus<< Unfortunately I hardly speak any German. Zoritxarrez ez dut alemanierarik hitz egiten. Ia ez dut alemanez hitz egiten. >>eus<< U.S.S.R. stands for the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". SESB akronimoak adierazten du Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna. Ameriketako Estatu Batuak "Sobietar Errepublika Sozialistaren Batasuna" ordezkatzen du. >>eus<< U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. SESBek Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna esan nahi du. Estatu Batuak Sobietar Errepublika Sozialistaren Batasuna ordezkatzen du. >>eus<< Usually Tom can get whatever he wants. Tomek, askotan, lor dezake nahi duena. Normalean, nahi duena lortzen du. >>eus<< Vienna is a beautiful city. Viena hiri polita da. Viena hiri ederra da. >>eus<< Was I wrong? Oker nengoen? Oker nengoen? >>eus<< Was that another joke? Hori beste txantxa bat izan da? Beste txiste bat zen? >>eus<< We are different from animals in that we can speak. Animaliengandik bereizten gaituena hitz egiteko ahalmena da. Animaliengandik ezberdintzen gara, hitz egiten dugunetik. >>eus<< We are in the era of atomic energy. Energia nuklearraren aroan gaude. Energia atomikoaren garaian gaude. >>eus<< We are not scared. Ez gara beldur. Ez gara beldur. >>eus<< We are to meet together at 9 o'clock tomorrow night. Bihar gaueko 9etan topatuko gara. Bihar gaueko bederatzietan elkartuko gara. >>eus<< We concurred. Ados gaude Ados gaude. >>eus<< We confessed that we had killed Mary. Mary hil genuela konfesatu genuen. Ohartu ginen Maria hil genuela. >>eus<< We could not see the top of the mountain. Ezin genuen mendiko tontorra ikusi. Ezin genuen mendiaren gailurra ikusi. >>eus<< We couldn't see the top of the mountain. Ezin genuen mendiko tontorra ikusi. Ezin genuen mendiaren gailurra ikusi. >>eus<< We don't know exactly how Layla died. Layla nola hil zen ez dakigu zehaztasun osoz. Ez dakigu zehazki nola hil zen Layla. >>eus<< We don't really know Tom. Ez dugu Tom guztiz ezagutzen. Ez dugu Tom ezagutzen. >>eus<< We got dressed quickly. Azkar jantzi ginen. Azkar jantzi ginen. >>eus<< We had three airplanes. Hiru hegazkin geneuzkan. Hiru hegazkin zeuden. >>eus<< We had three airplanes. Hiru hegazkin genituen. Hiru hegazkin zeuden. >>eus<< We have three airplanes. Hiru hegazkin ditugu. Hiru hegazkin ditugu. >>eus<< We hope Tom doesn't do that. Espero dugu Tomek hori ez egitea. Espero dugu Tomek hori ez egitea. >>eus<< Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Ongi etorri Wikipediara, edonork aldatu dezakeen entziklopedia askera. Ongi etorri Wikipediara, edonork editatu dezakeen entziklopedia librea. >>eus<< We'll be hungry. Gose izango gara. Goseak egongo gara. >>eus<< We need to find her. Neska aurkitu behar dugu. Aurkitu egin behar dugu. >>eus<< We need to make a big decision. Erabaki garrantzitsu bat egin behar dugu. Erabaki handia hartu behar dugu. >>eus<< We're scared it'll happen again. Berriro gertatzeko beldur gara. Beldur gara berriro gertatuko ote den. >>eus<< Were you the one who poisoned Tom? Zu izan zinen Tom pozoindu zuena? Zu al zara Tom pozoitu zuena? >>eus<< We stayed up until about 2:30 studying for today's test. Egon ginen ikasten gaurko azterketarako 2:30k arte. Gaur 2:30ak aldera arte egon gara azterketak egiten. >>eus<< We talked on the phone until midnight. Gau erdira arte ibili zen telefonoz hitz egiten. Telefonoz hitz egin dugu gauerdira arte. >>eus<< We've been waiting for over two months. Bi hilabete baino luzeago egon gara itxaroten. Bi hilabete baino gehiago egon gara zain. >>eus<< We've seen that happen before. Hori gertatzea lehenago ere ikusi genuen. Lehenago ikusi dugu hori gertatzen. >>eus<< We visited the historic sites of the country. Herrialdeko hiri historikoak bisitatu genituen. Herriko toki historikoak bisitatu genituen. >>eus<< We were playing on the beach. Hondartzan jolasten ari ginen. Hondartzan jokatzen genuen. >>eus<< We won! Irabazi dugu. Irabazi egin dugu! >>eus<< We would have stayed longer if we had had more time. geratuko ginateke gehiago denbora izango bagenu Denbora gehiago izango bagenu, denbora gehiago geratuko ginateke. >>eus<< What are you going to do tonight? Zer egingo duzu gaur gauean? Zer egingo duzu gaur gauean? >>eus<< What can I get you for drinking? Zer nahi duzu edateko? Zer ekarriko dizut edateko? >>eus<< What day is the fair? Zein egunean da azkoka? Zein egun da justua? >>eus<< What did you think I'd do? Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? Zer uste zenuen egingo nuela? >>eus<< What did you think I would do? Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? Zer uste zenuen egingo nuela? >>eus<< What do chimpanzees eat? Zer jaten dute txinpanzeek? Zer jaten dute txinpantzeek? >>eus<< What does that girl think about me? Zer pentsatzen du neska horrek niri buruz? Zer pentsatzen du neska horrek nitaz? >>eus<< What do they think about me? Zer pentsatzen dute niri buruz? Zer pentsatzen dute nitaz? >>eus<< What happened was a disgrace. Ezbehar bat da gertatu zena. Gertatu zena lotsagarria izan zen. >>eus<< What has actually happened here? Zer gertatu da azken boladan hemen? Zer gertatu da hemen? >>eus<< What inspires you most? Zerk inspiratzen zaitu gehien ? Zerk inspiratzen zaitu gehien? >>eus<< What is that sound? Zer da soinu hori? Zer da soinu hori? >>eus<< What is the capital of Haiti? Zein da Haitiko hiriburua? Zein da Haitiko hiriburua? >>eus<< What is the cost of the cleaning? Zenbat kostatzen du garbiketak? Zein da garbiketaren kostua? >>eus<< What is the exchange rate? Zenbatean dago trukatze tarifa? Zein da truke-tasa? >>eus<< What is the incubation period? Ezin dut ezer sentitu Zein da inkubazio epea? >>eus<< What is your profession? Zein da zure lanbidea? Zein da zure lanbidea? >>eus<< What I want now is not money, but time. Nik orain nahi dudana ez da dirua, denbora baizik. Orain nahi dudana ez da dirua, denbora baizik. >>eus<< What kind of things make you angry? Zelako gauzak haserratsen dizute? Zer-nolako gauzek haserretzen zaituzte? >>eus<< What's happened in the meantime? Zer gertatu zen bitartean? Zer gertatu zen orduan? >>eus<< What's happened to the money? Zer gertatu da diruarekin? Zer gertatu da diruarekin? >>eus<< What sort of people hang out at a place like this? Zer nolako jendea dabil honelako leku batetan? Nolako jendea ateratzen da horrelako leku batean? >>eus<< What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well. Zein da arazoa, Jane? Txarto sentitzen zarenaren itxura duzu. Zer gertatzen zaizu, Jane? >>eus<< What's the next station? Zein da hurrengo geltokia? Zein da hurrengo geltokia? >>eus<< What strange weather! Ze eguraldi arraroa. Zein eguraldi bitxia! >>eus<< "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "Zer ordu da?" "3:20ak dira." "Zer ordu da?". "3:20 dira". >>eus<< "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." "Zer ordu da orain?" "Hamarrak dira." -Zer ordu da orain? -Hamarrak dira. >>eus<< What was your first pet's name? Zein izan zen zure lehen maskotaren izena? Zein da zure lehen maskota izena? >>eus<< What will you drink? Zer edango duzue? Zer edango duzu? >>eus<< When did Tom find out that Mary was seeing John? Noiz aurkitu zuen Tomek Mary John_ekin ikusten ari zela? Noiz jakin zuen Maria John ikusten ari zela? >>eus<< When did you get that? Noiz hartu duzu hori? Noiz jaso duzu hori? >>eus<< When I was your age, I walked to school every day. Zure adina nuenean, oinez joaten nintzen eskolara egunero. Zure adinean, egunero joaten nintzen eskolara. >>eus<< When will it happen? Noiz gertatuko da? Noiz gertatuko da? >>eus<< Where am I? Non nago? Non nago? >>eus<< Where are the showers? Dutxak non dira? Non dago dutxa? >>eus<< Where are you from? Nongoa zara? Nongoa zara? >>eus<< Where are you going? Nora zoaz? Nora zoaz? >>eus<< Where did you go, Tom? Nora zoaz, Tom? Nora zoaz, Tom? >>eus<< Where does Marika live now? Non bizi da Marika orain? Non bizi da Marika? >>eus<< Where do you buy your dresses? Non erosi dituzu zure soinekoak? Non erosten dituzu soinekoak? >>eus<< "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Non bizi zara?" "Tokion bizi naiz." -Non bizi zara? -Tokyon bizi naiz. >>eus<< Where have you been? Everyone phoned you. Non egon zara? Denok deitu dizute Non egon zara? >>eus<< Where is Damascus? Non dago Damasko? Non dago Damasko? >>eus<< Where is your dog? Non dago zure txakurra? Non dago zure txakurra? >>eus<< Where's the justice? Non dago justizia? Non dago justizia? >>eus<< Where were you? Non zeuden? Non zeunden? >>eus<< Which movie is this? Zein film da hau? Zein film da hau? >>eus<< Which one of you two are coming with me? Zuek biok, biotatik nor etorriko da nirekin? Zuetako zein etorriko da nirekin? >>eus<< Who benefits? Nork aterako du etekinik? Nork balio du? >>eus<< Who did Tom say was lying? Nork esan zuen Tomek gezurra esaten ari zela? Nork esan du gezurra? >>eus<< Who did you want to dance with? Norekin dantzatu nahi zenuen? Norekin dantzatu nahi duzu? >>eus<< Who invented glasses? Nork asmatu zituen betaurrekoak? Nork asmatu zituen betaurrekoak? >>eus<< Who invented the telephone? Nork asmatu zuen telefonoa? Nork asmatu zuen telefonoa? >>eus<< Who invented this machine? Nork asmatu zuen makina hau? Nork asmatu zuen makina hau? >>eus<< Who is your favorite author? Nor da gogokoen duzun egilea? Nor da zure idazle gogokoena? >>eus<< Who made the doll? Nork egin zuen panpina? Nork egin zuen panpina? >>eus<< Who's Tom afraid of? Zertaz da Tom beldur? Noren beldur da Tom? >>eus<< Who wants hot chocolate? Nork nahi du txokolate beroa? Nork nahi du txokolate beroa? >>eus<< Why don't you just sit down and relax? Zergatik ez zara bakarrik esertzen eta erlaxatzen? Zergatik ez zara eseri eta lasaitu? >>eus<< Why is Tom standing? Zergatik dago Tom altxatuta? Zergatik dago zutik Tom? >>eus<< Why is your dog limping? Zergaitik zure txakurrak erren egiten hari du? Zergatik garbitzen da zure txakurra? >>eus<< Why not wait until tomorrow? Zergatik ez itxaron bihar arte? Zergatik ez itxaron bihar arte? >>eus<< Will he come tomorrow? Bihar etorriko da? Bihar etorriko da? >>eus<< Would you like a dog? Txakur bat nahiko zenuke ? Txakur bat nahi? >>eus<< Would you like a job? Lan bat nahiko zenuke ? Lan bat nahi duzu? >>eus<< Would you like anything? Gauzaren bat nahiko zenuke ? Zerbait nahi duzu? >>eus<< Would you like some tea? Té apur bat nahiko zenuke ? Tea nahi duzu? >>eus<< Would you like to dance with me? Nirekin dantza egingo? Dantzatu nahi duzu nirekin? >>eus<< Would you like to do that? Hori egitea gustatuko litzaizuke ? Hori egin nahi duzu? >>eus<< Write something. Zerbait idazten du Idatzi zerbait. >>eus<< Yana studies astrophysics in Yekaterinburg. Jana astrofisika ikasten ari da Jekaterinburgen. Astrofisika ikasi zuen Jekaterinburgen. >>eus<< You are a very interesting interlocutor. Oso hizketakide interesgarria zara. Oso interlokalista interesgarria zara. >>eus<< You aren't afraid, are you? Zu ez zaude beldurtuta, edo bai? Ez zara beldur, ezta? >>eus<< You are responsible for this accident. Istripu honen erantzunkizuna duzu. Zu zara istripu honen erantzulea. >>eus<< You bet I was surprised. Horixe harrituta nengoela. Seguru nago harritu egin ninduela. >>eus<< You can use the dictionary. Hiztegia erabili dezakezu. Hiztegiak erabil ditzakezu. >>eus<< You'd better do what your father told you to do. Hobe duzu egitea zure aitak esan dizuna egiteko. Hobe duzu zure aitak esan dizuna egitea. >>eus<< You guys know me. zuek mutilok ezagutzen nauzue Zuek ezagutzen nauzue. >>eus<< You have to be crazy to keep denying such an irrefutable truth! Zoroa egon behar zara egia ukiezina ezeztatzen jarraitzeko. Erokeria izan behar duzu horrelako egia errefuxiatu bat ukatzeko! >>eus<< You know something about this, don't you? Zuk badakizu zerbait honi buruz, ezta? Badakizu zerbait honi buruz, ezta? >>eus<< You know that Tom likes cars. Dakizunez Tom-i gustatzen zaizkio autoak. Badakizu Tomi kotxeak gustatzen zaizkiola. >>eus<< You know what Tom said, don't you? Zuk badakizu zer esan zuen Tomek, ezta? Badakizu zer esan zuen Tomek, ezta? >>eus<< You know why. Badakik zergatik. Badakizu zergatik. >>eus<< You know why. Badakin zergatik. Badakizu zergatik. >>eus<< You know why. Badakizu zergatik. Badakizu zergatik. >>eus<< You learn something new every day. Egunero zerbait ikasten. Egunero ikasten da zerbait berria. >>eus<< You'll be able to do that easily. Hori arasorik gabe egiteko gai izango zara. Hori erraz egin ahal izango duzu. >>eus<< You'll be able to notice. Berria emateko gai izango zinateke. Konturatuko zara. >>eus<< You may choose any book you like. Gogoko duzun liburua aukera dezakezu. Nahi duzun liburua aukeratu dezakezu. >>eus<< You may choose whichever you want. Gogoko duzuna aukera dezakezu. Nahi duzuna aukeratu dezakezu. >>eus<< You may park here. Hemen aparkatu dezakezu. Hemen aparkatu dezakezu. >>eus<< You might run into Tom there. Tomengana korriketan joan beharko zenuke. Tomen atzetik joan zaitezke. >>eus<< You must be careful not to make Tom angry. Kontuz ibili behar zara Tom ez azerretzeko. Kontuz ibili behar duzu Tom ez haserretzeko. >>eus<< You must've measured wrong. Txarto neurtu duzu, ziur. Akatsak neurtu behar izan dituzu. >>eus<< You need to collimate the telescope. Teleskopioa kolimatu behar duzu. Teleskopioa behar duzu. >>eus<< You neglected to say "Thank you." "Eskerrik asko" esatea ahaztu zaizu. “Eskerrik asko” esatea ahaztu zaizu. >>eus<< Your daughter is a drug addict. Hire alaba drogazalea duk. Zure alaba drogazalea da. >>eus<< Your daughter is a drug addict. Hire alaba drogazalea dun. Zure alaba drogazalea da. >>eus<< Your daughter is a drug addict. Zuen alaba drogazalea da. Zure alaba drogazalea da. >>eus<< You really like comic books, don't you? Komikiak arras gogoko dituzu, ezta? Komikiak gustatzen zaizkizu, ezta? >>eus<< You're always drunk. Beti mozkorra zaude. Mozkortuta zaude beti. >>eus<< You're eating your orange. Zure laranja jaten ari zara. Laranja jaten duzu. >>eus<< You're incredibly annoying. Benetan astuna zara. Oso haserre zaude. >>eus<< You're not going to give up, are you? Ez duzu amore emango, ez da? Ez duzu amore emango, ezta? >>eus<< Your French is good enough. Zuk nahiko ondo dakizu frantsesez. Zure frantziarra nahikoa ona da. >>eus<< Your French is good enough. Zuk nahiko ondo egiten duzu frantsesez. Zure frantziarra nahikoa ona da. >>eus<< Your son is already five? Zure semeak baditu 5 urte? Zure semeak dagoeneko bost urte ditu? >>eus<< Your wife is a very lucky woman. Zure emaztea zorte handiko emakumea da. Zure emaztea zorte handiko emakumea da. >>eus<< You seemed convinced that Tom wanted to do that. Konbentzituta zenidurien oso Tomek hori egin nahi zuela. Uste zenuen Tomek hori egin nahi zuela. >>eus<< You think in a way that is very meticulous. Pentsatzen duzu modu oso metikuloso batean. Oso metikuloa dela uste duzu. >>eus<< You've changed a lot since I've seen you. Asko aldatu zara ikusi zintudanetik. Asko aldatu zara ikusi zintudanetik. >>eus<< You've made us very happy. Oso pozik egin gaituzu. Oso zoriontsu egin gaituzu. >>eus<< You will do what I tell you. Nik esan dizudana egingo duzu. Nik esaten dizudana egingo duzu. >>eus<< You will find this lesson easy. Erraza ikasgai honetan aurkitzeko. Ikastaro hau erraza izango da. >>eng<< Aart Naziengatik lan egin zen. Aart worked for the Nazis. He worked for Nazis. >>eng<< Gaur auto handi bat bidetik atera da. A big car flew off the road today. A big car came out of the way today. >>eng<< Gamelu bat, nolabait esateko, ontzi bat da basamortuan. A camel is, so to speak, a ship on the desert. A camel is a ship in the desert. >>eng<< Idazmahaitik katua atera zen. A cat came out from under the desk. The cat came out of the desk. >>eng<< Katu batek bi belarri ditu. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. >>eng<< Zehaztasuna garrantzitsua da aritmetikan. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. >>eng<< Mediku bat azkar bidali zuten. A doctor was sent immediately. A doctor was sent quickly. >>eng<< Jan eta gero Tom ohera joan zen. After he ate, Tom went to bed. After eating, Tom went to bed. >>eng<< Alexander Graham Bell mugikorra asmatu zuen,. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. >>eng<< Biziarteko kartzela-zigorrak Indonesian bizitza esan nahi du. A life sentence in Indonesia means life. Life sentence means life in Indonesia. >>eng<< Bizirik edo hilik, beti maite izango zaitut. Alive or dead, I'll always love you. Whether you are alive or dead, I will always love you. >>eng<< Gizon-emakume guztiak berdinak dira legearen aurrean eta denek dute, bereizkeriarik gabe, legezko babesa izateko eskubidea. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination. All men and women are equal before the law, and all have the right, without discrimination, to have legal protection. >>eng<< Dakidan guztia mozkor nenbilela da. All I know is that I was drunk. All I know is that I was drunk. >>eng<< Ongi da, bostetan elkartuko gara. All right, we'll meet at five. All right, we'll meet at five o'clock. >>eng<< Guzti hau zentsugabea da. All this is absurd. All of this is undeniable. >>eng<< Ikusiko zaitut bihar? Am I going to see you tomorrow? Will I see you tomorrow? >>eng<< Eta horrelaxe ezagutu zuen gura amak gure aita. And that's how my mom met my dad. That’s how my mother met my father. >>eng<< Aoik oso ondo egiten du dantzan. Aoi dances very well. He dances very well. >>eng<< Arabiera oso hizkuntza garrantzitsua da. Arabic is a very important language. Arabic is a very important language. >>eng<< Abeslaria ez al zara? Aren't you a singer? Are you not a singer? >>eng<< Amaitu ez al duzu? Aren't you finished? Haven't you finished? >>eng<< Ez zaude libre astelehenetan? Aren't you free on Mondays? Are you free on Mondays? >>eng<< Ez zarete hiru neba-arreba? Aren't you three brothers? Aren't you three siblings? >>eng<< Dira horiek Tom-en umeak? Are those Tom's children? Are these Tom's kids? >>eng<< Haiek dira Tom-en semeak? Are those Tom's children? Are they Tom's sons? >>eng<< "Amerikarra zara?" "Texasekoa"."Ohiokoa"."Paul"."Ted. Pozik zu ezagutzeaz." "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." "You're American?" "Texas" from "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." >>eng<< Elebiduna zara? Are you bilingual? Are you an Elebiologist? >>eng<< Australiara joango zara? Are you going to Australia? Are you going to Australia? >>eng<< Dendara joango zara? Are you going to the store? Are you going to the store? >>eng<< Zure gurazoak bilatzen zabiltza? Are you looking for your parents? Are you looking for your pets? >>eng<< Logura zara laztana? Are you sleepy, honey? Are you sleepy, sweetie? >>eng<< Ez denez oso leku segurua, etxera heldu nahi dut berandu izan baino lehen. As it's not a very safe area, I want to get home before it's late. Because it's not a safe place, I want to get home before it's too late. >>eng<< Bizirik egoten naizen bitartean ez dut utziko hori gertatzea. As long as I live, I won't let it happen. As long as I'm alive, I won't let that happen. >>eng<< Unibertsitatearen existitzen dela jakin nuenetik, bertara joateko gogoa izan dut. As long as I've known about the existence of the university, I've wanted to go there. Since I knew that there was a university, I wanted to go there. >>eng<< Astronautek espazio-jantziak janzten dituzte. Astronauts wear spacesuits. Astronauts wear space clothes. >>eng<< Australia Hego Amerika baino txikiagoa da. Australia is smaller than South America. Australia is smaller than South America. >>eng<< Ur-molekula batek bi hidrogeno atomo eta oxigeno atomo bat ditu. A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. A molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. >>eng<< Sasikumea! Bastard! You son of a bitch! >>eng<< Beethoven musikari bikaina zen. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. >>eng<< Sinetsi edo ez, ez nago sarkastikoa izaten une honetan. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe it or not, I am not sarcastic at this time. >>eng<< Bell-ek telefonoa asmatu zuen. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. >>eng<< Kontuz lapurrekin. Beware of pickpockets here. Beware of thieves. >>eng<< Bilbo Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country. >>eng<< Lorautsa buru batetik beste batera ekartzen duten erleak dira liburuak. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are books that bring them from one head to another. >>eng<< Botafogok irabazi du Brasileko Trophy liga. Botafogo has won the Brazilian League Trophy. Botafogo won the Brazilian Trophy League. >>eng<< Buenos Aires Argentinako hiriburua da. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. >>eng<< Gaur egun, Burj Khalifa, munduko etxe orratzik altuena da. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. >>eng<< Baina zer egin dut txarto hau merezi izateko? But what bad have I done to deserve all this? What have I done wrong to deserve this? >>eng<< Bide batez, ze ordutan joango zara horra? By the way, what time will you go there? By the way, what time are you going there? >>eng<< Dei iezadazu! Call me! Call me! >>eng<< Deitu! Call me! Call me! >>eng<< Deitu orain. Call now. Call me now. >>eng<< Lasai zaitez! Calm down! Take it easy! >>eng<< Norbaitek atea ireki ahal du, mesedez? Can someone open the door, please? Can someone open the door, please? >>eng<< Nire umeen segurtasuna ziurta dezakezu? Can you assure the safety of my children? Can you guarantee my child’s safety? >>eng<< Lehioak itxi ahal dituzu, mesedez? Can you close the windows, please? Can you close the windows, please? >>eng<< Hamarreraino zenbatu dezakezu? Can you count to ten? Can you count to ten? >>eng<< Erakutzi ahal didazu esanahia? Can you show me the definition? Can you show me the meaning? >>eng<< Pentsatu dezakezu irtenbiderik. Can you think of a solution? You can think of the solution. >>eng<< Gazta, gurina, esne-gaina, jogurta eta kefirra esnekiak dira. Cheese, butter, cream, yogurt and kefir are dairy products. The cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, and kefir are milk. >>eng<< CO₂ horrek lotura handia du negutegi efektuarekin. CO₂ has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect. This CO2 has a strong connection to the greenhouse effect. >>eng<< Ideia orlegi kolorgeek haserre lo egiten dute. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The students are angry at sleep. >>eng<< Jende guztiarengan zatoz, dantza gaitezen! Come on everyone, let's dance! Come on everyone, let's dance! >>eng<< Esango zenidake Tokyo Dorrerako bidea nondik den? Could you tell me the way to Tokyo Tower? Can you tell me where the road to Tokyo Dorrera is from? >>eng<< Zipre uharte bat da. Cyprus is an island. It's a Cyprus island. >>eng<< Damasko hiri ederra da. Damascus is a beautiful town. It is a beautiful city in Damascus. >>eng<< Kondenatua. Damn. Punished. >>eng<< Dantzatu. Dance. Dance. >>eng<< Guztiok entzun duzue hori? Did everybody hear that? Did you all hear that? >>eng<< Tomek hori ondo egin ahal zuen? Did Tom do that well? Could Tom do that right? >>eng<< Bakarrik etorri zara? Did you come here alone? Did you come alone? >>eng<< Ondo pasatu zenuen zure bidaian Bostonera? Did you enjoy your trip to Boston? Did you have fun on your trip to Boston? >>eng<< Bazenekien blog bat daukadala? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I have a blog? >>eng<< Ekuazio diferentzialak deribatuak dituzten ekuazioak dira. Differential equations are equations involving derivatives. Differential equations are equations with derivatives. >>eng<< Afaria pronto dagoenez, nahi dugunean jan dezakegu. Dinner is ready, so we can eat whenever we want. After dinner, we can eat when we want. >>eng<< Inork etxe berri bat nahi du? Does anyone want a new house? Does anyone want a new home? >>eng<< Badaki Tomek ezin dudala igeririk egin? Does Tom know I can't swim? Does Tom know I can't swim? >>eng<< Badaki Tomek guk ezin dugula frantsesez hitz egin? Does Tom know we can't speak French? Does Tom know that we can't speak French? >>eng<< Tomek benetan joan nahi da? Does Tom really want to go? Does Tom really want to go? >>eng<< Txakurrak horrekoak dira. Dogs are like that. Dogs are yellow. >>eng<< Beldurtzen dizut? Do I frighten you? I'm afraid of you? >>eng<< Hori egitea idea txarra izan zen. Doing that was a bad idea. To do that was a bad idea. >>eng<< Hori egitea ideia txarra zen Doing that was a bad idea. To do that was a bad idea. >>eng<< Egin, baina orain! Do it right now! Do it, but now! >>eng<< Donostia Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. San Sebastián is a city in the Basque Country. >>eng<< Ez ahaztu gurekin gero! Don't forget about us! Don’t forget about us! >>eng<< Ez ahaztu txartelik. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the tickets. >>eng<< Ez inposatu zure intzia besteen gainean. Don't intrude your opinions on others. Don't put your infection on others. >>eng<< Ez epaitu gizon bat bere etsaiek esaten dutenagatik. Don't judge a man by the opinions of his enemies. Do not judge a man for what his enemies say. >>eng<< Ez sakrifikatu zure bizitza bestengatik. Don't sacrifice yourself for other people. Don't sacrifice for the best of your life. >>eng<< Ez iezaiozue dioenari arreta jar. Don't take any notice of what he says. Don't pay attention to what you say. >>eng<< Ez kezkatu besteekin. Don't worry about others. Don't worry about others. >>eng<< Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Don't worry. Everything is under control. Don't worry, everything's under control. >>eng<< Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Don't worry. Everything's under control. Don't worry, everything's under control. >>eng<< Ez al duzu ikur hori ikusten? Don't you see the sign? Don't you see that sign? >>eng<< Beldurtzen dizute? Do they frighten you? Are they afraid of you? >>eng<< Ba al dakizu non den zooa? Do you know where the zoo is? Do you know where the zoo is? >>eng<< Futbola gustatzen zaizu ? Do you like football? Do you like football? >>eng<< Perfume hau gustatzen zaizu ? Do you like this perfume? Do you like this perfume? >>eng<< Ikusten duzuna gustuko duzu ? Do you like what you see? Do you like what you see? >>eng<< Hirian bizi zara? Do you live in the city? Do you live in the city? >>eng<< Laguntzarik behar duzu zure etxerako lanekin? Do you need help with your homework? Do you need help with your homework? >>eng<< Ez dituzu gustuko ? Do you not like them? Don't you like them? >>eng<< Ez duzu ikusten problemarik hemen? Do you not see the problem here? Don't you see any problems here? >>eng<< Gogoratzen al zara? Do you remember? Do you remember? >>eng<< Gogoratzen zara bizikleta eskaini zizun gizonaz? Do you remember the man who offered you the bicycle? Do you remember the man who offered you a bicycle? >>eng<< Atzerriko hizkuntzarik hitz egiten duzu? Do you speak a foreign language? Do you speak foreign languages? >>eng<< Gertatzen ari dena ulertu gabe jarraitzen duzu? Do you still not understand what's going on? Are you still not understanding what is happening? >>eng<< Oraindik ere nahi duzu te pixka bat? Do you still want some tea? Do you still want some tea? >>eng<< Oraindik nahi duzu te pixka bat? Do you still want some tea? Do you still want some tea? >>eng<< Uste duzu Tomek esan zeniola sinetsi zuela? Do you think Tom believed what you told him? Do you think Tom said he believed you? >>eng<< Beste ardo edalontzi bat nahi duzu? Do you want another glass of wine? Do you want another glass of wine? >>eng<< Pizza nahi duzu ala ez? Do you want pizza or not? Do you want pizza or not? >>eng<< Txantxa bat entzun nahi duzu? Do you want to hear a joke? Do you want to hear a joke? >>eng<< Dozenaka gazte joan ziren manifestaldira. Dozens of young people attended the demonstration. Hundreds of young people went to the show. >>eng<< Edisonek bonbilla asmatu zuen. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented the bulb. >>eng<< Edo Tom dabil gezurretan edo Mary dabil gezurretan. Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying. Or Tom's lying or Mary's lying. >>eng<< Elektroiek atomoaren nukleoaren inguruan orbitatzen dute. Electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. >>eng<< Hamaika ikaslek saria jaso zuten. Eleven students received the award. Hundreds of students received the award. >>eng<< Emily gutun bat idazten ari da. Emily is writing a letter. Emily is writing a letter. >>eng<< Ingelesa da irakasgai bakarra irakatsi ahal duguna zientzia fakultatean. English is the only language that we can teach in the faculty of sciences. English is the only lesson we can teach in the Faculty of Science. >>eng<< Europa - Jupiterren satelitea. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Europe – Jupiter's satellite. >>eng<< Betidanik, unibertsitatearen existentziaz jakin nuenetik, bertara joateko gogoa izan dut. Ever since I learned about the existence of the university, I wanted to go there. Since I've known about the existence of the university, I've always wanted to go there. >>eng<< Delituagatik salatutakoak eskubidea du errugabetzat jo dezaten, errudun dela legez eta jendaurreko epaiketan frogatzen ez den bitartean. Epaiketan bere burua zaintzeko berme guztiak ziurtatuko zaizkio. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. He who accuses for the crime has the right to be considered innocent, while he is not proven to be guilty in the law and in the court of the people, he shall be assured of all the guarantees to take care of himself in the court. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du berdintasunez norbere herrialdeko funtzio publikoan sartzeko eskubidea. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. Every individual has the right to equal access to the public function of his own country. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du herritartasuna izateko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to a nationality. Everyone has the right to citizenship. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du, norbere interesen alde egiteko, sindikatuak eratu eta sindikatuko kide izateko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Every individual has the right to support his or her own interests, to form trade unions and to be a member of the trade union. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du joan eta etorri aske ibiltzeko eskubidea eta Estatu baten lurraldean bizilekua aukeratzekoa. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Every person has the right to go and come free and choose to live in the territory of a State. >>eng<< Nornahik du bakean biltzeko eta elkartzeko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Everyone has the right to unite and unite in peace. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetatik alde egiteko eskubidea, baita norberetik ere, eta norbere herrialdera itzultzekoa. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Every individual has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his own country. >>eng<< Edozein gizon-emakumek du, nonahi, lege-nortasundun dela aitor diezaioten eskubidea. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Every man and woman, everywhere, has the right to confess that he is a legal personality. >>eng<< Pertsona orori dagozkio atsedenerako eskubidea, aisiarakoa, lanaldiaren iraupen mugatua izatekoa eta aldian-aldian ordaindutako oporrak izatekoa. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. The right to rest, leisure, for every person to be limited to the duration of the working period, and to be periodically paid vacations. >>eng<< Jazarpenik jasanez gero, pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetan babesa bilatu eta izateko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. In case of persecution, every individual has the right to seek and be protected in any country. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du bere herrialdeko gobernuan parte hartzeko eskubidea, zuzenean nahiz libre aukeratutako ordezkarien bitartez. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Each person has the right to participate in the government of his country through direct or free elected representatives. >>eng<< Pertsona orok du lan egiteko eskubidea, lana aukeratzekoa, lan baldintza bidezkoak eta egokiak izatekoa, eta langabeziaren aurkako laguntza jasotzekoa. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone has the right to work, to choose work, to have fair and appropriate working conditions and to receive assistance against unemployment. >>eng<< Pertsona orok eskubidea du, berdintasun osoan, auzitegi burujabe eta alderdikeriarik gabean jendaurrean hitz egin eta zuzentasunez entzun diezaioten, nahiz bere eskubide eta betebeharrak erabakitzeko, nahiz bere aurkako salaketa penalak aztertzeko. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Every individual has the right to publicly speak and listen to his rights and obligations, even if to examine criminal accusations against him. >>eng<< Gizaki orori dagozkio Aldarrikapen honetan adierazitako eskubide eta askatasunak, eta ez da inor bereziko arraza, larru-kolorea, sexua, hizkuntza, erlijioa, politikako edo bestelako iritzia, sorterria edo gizarteko jatorria, ekonomi maila, jaiotza edo beste inolako gorabeheragatik. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The rights and freedoms indicated in this Declaration concerning every human being, and there is no special race, skin color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, origin, or social origin, economies, birth or other circumstances. >>eng<< jende guztiak ikusi zuen arduratsuki Everyone watched her carefully. Everyone saw her worryingly. >>eng<< Barkatu, Zer ordu da? Excuse me, what time is it? Sorry, what time is it? >>eng<< Barkatu, non dago liburutegia? Excuse me, where is the library? Where is the library? >>eng<< Hari exekutatu. Execute him. Run it. >>eng<< Adibidez, hauxe maitasun abestia da. For example, this is a love song. For example, this is a love song. >>eng<< Barkatu Forgive me. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Barka nazazu baina ezin dut zure maitasuna onartu. Forgive me because I can't accept your love. Forgive me, but I cannot accept your love. >>eng<< Gaurko partiduan Tom atezaina da. For today's match, Tom is the goalkeeper. Today's game is Tom's goalkeeper. >>eng<< Frantsesa ez da erraza. French isn't easy. French is not easy. >>eng<< Kalamokoa ihintz izoztua da. Frost is frozen dew. The calories are frozen. >>eng<< Beraz, ez zaio begiratuko, pertsona zein herrialde edo lurraldetakoa den; ezta hango politikari, legeei edo nazioarteko egoerari, nahiz eta herri hori burujabea izan, besteren zainpeko lurraldea, autonomiarik gabea edo nola-halako burujabetasun-mugak dituena. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. It is therefore not to be looked at, as a person or a country or a country; nor as a politician, laws, or an international state, although this country is a sovereign country, which has no control over others, no autonomy, or any limits of independence. >>eng<< Galileok hasierako teleskopioa hobetu zuen. Galileo perfected the early telescope. Galileo improved the first telescope. >>eng<< Emaidazu hiru sagar gehiago. Give me three more apples. Give me three more apples. >>eng<< Egun on! Good morning! Good morning! >>eng<< Ondo! Great! All right! >>eng<< Grezia antzinako herria da. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. >>eng<< Zorionak zuri. Happy birthday to you! Congratulations to you. >>eng<< Independentziaren egun zoriontsua! Happy Independence Day! Happy Day of Independence! >>eng<< Zoriontsu Amaren eguna! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! >>eng<< Urte berri on, Louise! Happy New Year, Louise! Happy New Year, Louise! >>eng<< Urte berri on! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! >>eng<< Etorri da dagoeneko? Has he come yet? Has he already arrived? >>eng<< Apartamentu bat aurkitu duzu oraindik? Have you found an apartment yet? Have you found an apartment yet? >>eng<< Osasuna beste guztia baino garrantzitsuagoa da. Health is more important than everything else. Health is more important than everything else. >>eng<< Asko beti lan egiten du. He always works hard. He always works a lot. >>eng<< Uholdean zehar seguru egongo nintzela ziurtatu ninduen. He assured me that I would be safe during the flood. He assured me that I would be safe through the water. >>eng<< Etxe berria eraiki zuen. He built a new house. He built a new house. >>eng<< Atea ixteko agindu zidan. He commanded me to shut the gate. He ordered me to close the door. >>eng<< Zopa beroegia zegoela-eta kexatu zen. He complained that the soup was too hot. The soup was too hot and he complained. >>eng<< Erretzeari uztea erabaki zuen. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. >>eng<< Ez zuen ekuazio diferentzialen kontzeptua ulertu. He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He did not understand the concept of differential equations. >>eng<< Hasieran ez zuen erantzun. He did't answer at first At first he did not respond. >>eng<< Berak ez du uste idazlea bikaina denik. He doesn't think that the writer is great. He doesn’t think he’s a great writer. >>eng<< Emakume bezala jantzi zen. He dressed up as a woman. She dressed like a woman. >>eng<< Faktura ahal bezain laster ordainduko zuela agindu zuen. He engaged to pay the bill as soon as possible. He promised to pay the bill as soon as possible. >>eng<< Zalditik jausi zen. He fell off the horse. He fell from the horse. >>eng<< Azkenik iritsi da! He finally arrived! Finally arrived! >>eng<< Eskutitz bat eman zidan bere bizitzako azken momentuan. He gave me a letter in his last moments of life. He gave me a letter at the last minute of his life. >>eng<< Bileran parte hartzeko goiz jaiki zen. He got up early in order to attend the meeting. He woke up early to participate in the meeting. >>eng<< Erantzuna asmatu zuen zehaztasun handiz. He guessed the answers with great accuracy. The answer was accurately invented. >>eng<< Kaxa handi bat zeukan bere besoetan. He had a big box in his arms. He had a large box in his arms. >>eng<< Zaldiekin ondo konpontzen da. He handles horses well. It works well with horses. >>eng<< Historiari buruzko hamaika liburu ditu. He has a lot of books on history. He has a lot of books about history. >>eng<< Katu zuri bat du. He has a white cat. He has a white cat. >>eng<< Hark edukazio ona ikasi du. He has learnt manners. He has learned good education. >>eng<< Bost hiztegi baino gehiago ditu. He has more than five dictionaries. It has more than five words. >>eng<< Oraindik ez da osagai elektronikoak zirkuitu inprimatuari soldatzen hasi. He hasn't started soldering the electronic components on the PCB yet. The electronic ingredients have not yet begun to sell to the printed circuit. >>eng<< Oraindik ez da osagai elektronikoak zirkuitu inprimatuari soldatzen hasi. He hasn't started soldering the electronic components on the printed circuit board yet. The electronic ingredients have not yet begun to sell to the printed circuit. >>eng<< Astronomian aditua da. He is an expert in astronomy. He is an astronomer. >>eng<< Fisikaria da. He is a physicist. He's a physicist. >>eng<< Bera gaur adeitsua izaten ari da. He is being kind today. He's being kind today. >>eng<< Inteligentea da. He is intelligent. It's intelligent. >>eng<< Hitz berriak ikasten ari da. He is learning new words. He is learning new words. >>eng<< Animalia guztiak gogoko ditu zaldiak izan ezik. He likes all animals except horses. Everyone likes animals except horses. >>eng<< Helioa gas bat da. Helium is a gas. Helium is a gas. >>eng<< Helioa, neona, argona, kriptona, xenona eta radona gas nobleak dira. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Helium, neon, argon, crypton, xenona and radona are noble gases. >>eng<< Hark hil egingo da ez badiogu laguntzen. He'll die if we don't help him. He'll die if we don't help him. >>eng<< Kaixo mundua! Hello, world! Hello, world! >>eng<< Triste dirudi. He looks unhappy. Looks sad. >>eng<< Aberatsa dirudi, baina ez da. He looks wealthy, but actually he's not. It looks rich, but it’s not. >>eng<< Bere dirua poltsan sartzen du. He puts his money in the bag. He puts his money in his bag. >>eng<< Diamantearekin ihes egin du. He ran away with the diamond. He ran away with the diamond. >>eng<< Berak zientzia fikzio asko irakurtzen du. He reads a lot of science-fiction. He reads a lot of science fiction. >>eng<< Hark izugarri maite nau. He really loved me. He really loves me. >>eng<< Hemen da autoa. Here is the car. Here's the car. >>eng<< Berak zehaztasunak zuzentasunez kontatu zituen. He reported the details with accuracy. He told them accurately. >>eng<< Gutun bat bidali zidan. He sent me a letter. He sent me a letter. >>eng<< Ez dago gaixorik. He's not sick. He's not sick. >>eng<< Berak frantsesez bikain egiten du. He speaks French perfectly. He does great in French. >>eng<< Nahiko erakargarria da. He's pretty cute. It's pretty attractive. >>eng<< Bere osabarekin geratuko da. He's staying with his uncle. He stays with his uncle. >>eng<< Hark hilda egon behar dela suposatzen da. He's supposed to be dead. He is supposed to be dead. >>eng<< Astronomia, edo izarren zientzia, ikasten du. He studies astronomy, or the science of stars. He learns astronomy or astronomy. >>eng<< Liburua frantsesetik ingelesera itzuli zuen. He translated the book from French into English. The book was translated from French to English. >>eng<< Ikasi gabe jakin nahi du. He wants to learn without studying. He wants to know without learning. >>eng<< Bera pozik zegoen azterketa gainditu ondoren. He was happy to have passed the examination. He was happy after the exam. >>eng<< Ihardesteko tentazioa izan zuen baina hobeto pentsatu zuen. He was tempted to retort, but thought better of it. He was tempted, but thought better. >>eng<< Bera izan zen ilargian lurra hartzen lehen gizona. He was the first man to land on the moon. He was the first man to land on the moon. >>eng<< Parisera frantsesa ikastera Joan zen . He went to Paris to study French. He studied French in Paris. >>eng<< Bihar etorriko da. He will come tomorrow. He'll come tomorrow. >>eng<< Nik esan diodana egingo du. He will do what I tell him. He'll do what I said. >>eng<< Bere osaba bisitatuko du. He will visit his uncle. He will visit his uncle. >>eng<< Lan eta lan ibili zen gaixotu arte. He worked and worked until he fell ill. He worked and worked until he got sick. >>eng<< Gogor lan egin zuen, beraz arrakasta izan zuen. He worked hard, so that he succeeded. He worked hard, so he succeeded. >>eng<< Bere ametsa egi bihurtu zen. His dream came true. His dream became a reality. >>eng<< Bere babesgabetasunak bere amaren gupida eskatzen du. His helplessness appeals to her motherly sympathy. He asks for his mother’s mercy. >>eng<< Bere poemak ulertzen zailak dira. His poems are hard to understand. His poems are hard to understand. >>eng<< Bere bizitza sekretua ezagun bilakatu zen. His secret life came to light at last. His life became familiar. >>eng<< Haren itzulpena jatorrizkoarekin bat dator. His translation is faithful to the original. His translation coincides with the original. >>eng<< Zorionez, ez da berriro gertatuko. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Fortunately, it won’t happen again. >>eng<< "Zer moduz?" "Ondo, eskerrik asko." "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." "How are you?" "Well, thank you." >>eng<< Nola lortzen dituzu beti eskola kalifikazioak onak? Ez zaitut inoiz liburu bat zabaltzen ikusi. How do you always get such good marks in school? I never see you even crack a book. How do you always get good school grades? >>eng<< Nola gustatzen zaizu tea ? How do you like your tea? How do you like tea? >>eng<< Zenbat pisatzen du kutxa horrek? How heavy is that box? How much does this box weigh? >>eng<< Zenbat liburu daude mahaian? How many books are there on the table? How many books are at the table? >>eng<< Zenbat ahizpa-neba dituzu? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? >>eng<< Zenbat anaia-arreba dituzu? How many brothers do you have? How many brothers do you have? >>eng<< Zenbat kotxeak dauzka Tomek? How many cars does Tom own? How many cars does Tom have? >>eng<< Zenbat 'home run' lortu du Tomek? How many home runs has Tom hit? How many 'home run' did Tom get? >>eng<< Zenbat ahizpa-neba dituzu? How many siblings do you have? How many sisters do you have? >>eng<< Zenbat arreba dituzte? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do they have? >>eng<< Zenbat urtez lan egin du Tomek hemen? How many years did Tom work here? How long has Tom worked here? >>eng<< Zenbat urte dituzu? How old are you? How old are you? >>eng<< Nola igaroko dituzu datozen hiru jai egunak? How will you spend the coming three-day holiday? How will you spend the next three days? >>eng<< Beti pentsatu nuen naturak zu hiltzea nahi zuenean bihotzekoa ematen zizula. I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die. I always thought that when nature wanted you to die, it gave you a heart attack. >>eng<< Berak ulertu ez duela ulertu uste dut. I am afraid that he did not understand. I think he didn't understand. >>eng<< Ni Andoni naiz. I am Antonio. I'm Andy. >>eng<< Pozten nau zure ahotsa entzuteak. I am happy to hear your voice. Glad to hear your voice. >>eng<< Etxe berria eraiki dut. I built a new house. I built a new house. >>eng<< Etxe berria eraiki nuen. I built a new house. I built a new house. >>eng<< Arrakasta ziurta dezaket. I can assure success. I can be sure of success. >>eng<< Bost hordu barru. I can get a gun for you within five hours. Five in a row. >>eng<< Ezin naiz bere proposamenarekin bat etorri. I cannot agree to his proposal. I can't agree with his proposal. >>eng<< Ezin dut entzun ezer. I cannot hear anything. I can't hear anything. >>eng<< Ezin dut egin beste baten laguntzarik gabe. I can't do it without somebody's help. I can't do it without someone else's help. >>eng<< Ezin dut beraiei hitz egin. I can't talk to them. I can't talk to them. >>eng<< Musika entzunez igo nuen nire animoa. I cheered myself up by listening to music. I listened to my music. >>eng<< Zaratagatik ezin izan nuen lo hartu. I couldn't fall asleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. >>eng<< Ezin izan dut gelditu Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. >>eng<< Ezin izan nuen Tom altxatu. I couldn't wake Tom up. I couldn't get Tom up. >>eng<< Atzo ez nuen liburu bat irakurri. I did not read a book yesterday. I did not read a book yesterday. >>eng<< Ez nuen asko edan atzoko festan. I didn't drink much at last night's party. I didn’t drink much at the party. >>eng<< Ez nuen zure dirua hartu. I didn't take your money. I didn't take your money. >>eng<< Ez nuen pentsatu hori egin ahal izango genuela. I didn't think we could do that. I didn't think we could do that. >>eng<< Ez nuen hori ulertu. I didn't understand that. I didn't understand that. >>eng<< Kaikua! Idiot! Cake! >>eng<< Ez zait jendea gustatzen I dislike people. I don't like people. >>eng<< Zergatik egin nuen egin nuena azaltzeko aukera bat izatea gustoko litzaidake. I'd like a chance to explain why I did what I did. I would love to have an opportunity to explain what I did. >>eng<< Informazio gehiago nahiko nuke. I'd like a little more information. I would like more information. >>eng<< Futbolari famatua izan nahi dut. I'd like to become a famous soccer player. I want to be a famous footballer. >>eng<< Bostonen lana aurkitu nahi nuke. I'd like to find a job in Boston. I'd like to find a job in Boston. >>eng<< Gustura dantzatuko nintzateke zurekin. I'd love to dance with you. I would love to dance with you. >>eng<< Ez daukat lagun Japoniarrik. I do not have a Japanese friend. I don't have any Japanese friends. >>eng<< Ez dut zientzia gustuko. I do not like science. I don't like science. >>eng<< Ez didate inportatzen. I don't care about them. They don't import me. >>eng<< Ez dut dirurik. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. >>eng<< Ez dut Bostonera bueltatu behar hurrengo astelehenerarte. I don't have to go back to Boston until next Monday. I don't have to go back to Boston until next Monday. >>eng<< Ez dakit zehazki non nagoen. I don't know exactly where I am. I don't know exactly where I am. >>eng<< Ez dakit. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Ez dakit nola frogatu ekuazio matematiko hau. I don't know how to prove this math equation. I don't know how to prove this mathematical equation. >>eng<< Ez dakit zer den maitasuna. I don't know what love is. I don't know what love is. >>eng<< Ez zait inporta oker nagoenean norbaitek ni kritikatzea. I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong. I don’t care if someone criticizes me. >>eng<< Ez dut uste horrelako gauzarik egin ahal ditzakedanik. I don't think I could do that kind of thing. I don't think I can do such things. >>eng<< Ez dut uste hau zerbait aldatuko duenik. I don't think that this changes anything. I don't think this will change anything. >>eng<< Ez dut aerodinamika ulertzen. I don't understand the aerodynamics. I don't understand aerodynamic. >>eng<< Ez dut ezer jan nahi. I don't want to eat anything. I don't want to eat anything. >>eng<< Ez dut eskolara joan nahi. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. >>eng<< Kafe gehiegi edan dut gaur. I drank too much coffee today. I drank too much coffee today. >>eng<< Edonork egin ahal badu, berak ahal du. If anyone can do it, he can. If anyone can do it, he can. >>eng<< Edonork egin ahal badu, nik ahal dut. If anyone can do it, I can. If anyone can do it, I can. >>eng<< Edonork egin ahal badu, haiek ahal dute. If anyone can do it, they can. If anyone can do it, they can. >>eng<< Jende guztiak ariketa egingo balu, medikuek ez lukete lanik izango astetan. If everyone exercised, doctors would be out of business in weeks. If everyone was going to work, doctors wouldn’t work in a week. >>eng<< Georgek ez badio erretzeari uzten birika minbizia jasango du. If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer. If George doesn't stop smoking, he'll suffer from lung cancer. >>eng<< Azkenean Tom garaitu nuen. I finally defeated Tom. I finally defeated Tom. >>eng<< Txakurra elikatzeaz ahaztu nuen. I forgot to feed the dog. I forgot to feed my dog. >>eng<< Tomek festari buruz jakin izan balu festara etorriko litzateke. If Tom had known about the party, he would have come. If Tom had known about the party, he would have come to the party. >>eng<< Dirurik ez baduzu, zerbait utziko dizut. If you don't have any money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have money, I'll leave you something. >>eng<< Gauero nahikoa atseden baldin baduzu, askoz hobeto sentituko zara. If you get enough rest every night, you'll feel much better. If you have enough rest every night, you will feel much better. >>eng<< B bat daukat fisikan. I got a B in physics. I have a B in physics. >>eng<< Gaixorik egotea gorroto dut. I hate being sick. I hate being sick. >>eng<< Txakurrak gorroto ditut. I hate dogs. I hate dogs. >>eng<< Gorroto dut nire lana. I hate my job. I hate my job. >>eng<< Gramatika liburua daukat. I have a grammar book. I have a grammar book. >>eng<< Mendietako etxe bat dut. I have a house in the mountains. I have a mountain house. >>eng<< Gaixo asko ditut. I have a lot of patients. I have a lot of sick people. >>eng<< Osaba bat daukat hori egiten duela. I have an uncle who does that. I have an uncle who does that. >>eng<< Oso sudur txikia daukat. I have a very small nose. I have a very small nose. >>eng<< Emaztea eta ume bat ditut. I have a wife and a kid. I have a wife and a child. >>eng<< Diru-zorroa galdu dut. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. >>eng<< Nik baditut frantsesez hitz egiten duten lagun asko. I have many French-speaking friends. I have a lot of friends who speak French. >>eng<< Ez dut dirurik. I have no money. I don't have any money. >>eng<< Ez dut harri hau jasotzeko indarrik. I have no strength to lift this stone. I don't have the strength to pick this stone. >>eng<< Detaileekin azaltzeko denborarik ez daukat. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don’t have time to explain the details. >>eng<< Ez daukat modurik jakiteko egia edo gezurra esaten ari den. I have no way of knowing whether she's telling the truth or not. I have no way of knowing whether he is telling the truth or the lie. >>eng<< Ez zaitut aspaldian ikusi. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in a long time. >>eng<< Ez dut Tomekin hitz egin aste osoan. I haven't talked to Tom all week. I haven't talked to Tom all week. >>eng<< Hori konpondu behar dut. I have to repair it. I have to fix that. >>eng<< Kioto hiru bider bisitatu dut. I have visited Kyoto three times. I visited Kyoto three times. >>eng<< Ez dut soinurik entzuten. I hear no sound. I don't hear any sound. >>eng<< Espero dut zuk honelako bat laster edukitzea. I hope you get one soon. I hope you have one like this soon. >>eng<< Bera hil nuen. I killed her. I killed him. >>eng<< Bera hil nuen. I killed him. I killed him. >>eng<< Badakit Tom ez dagoela hain lanpetuta gaur. I knew Tom wouldn't be so busy today. I know Tom's not so busy today. >>eng<< Ba dakit zer egin behar dudan. I knew what I had to do. I know what I have to do. >>eng<< Nik dakit Gaztelania, Euskara eta Ingelesa apur bat. I know Spanish, Basque and some English. I know a little bit of Spanish and English. >>eng<< Nik badakit Tomek ezin duela Frantsezez hitz egin. I know that Tom can't speak French. I know that Tom can't speak French. >>eng<< Badakit Tomek hori egin zuela. I know Tom did that. I know Tom did that. >>eng<< Badakit Tom Mary lagundu zuela I know Tom helped Mary. I know he helped Tom Mary. >>eng<< Badakit Tom haserre dagoela. I know Tom is hungry. I know Tom's angry. >>eng<< Badakit non bizi zaren. I know where you live. I know where you live. >>eng<< Badakit ezetz esango duzula. I know you're going to say no. I know you'll say no. >>eng<< Badakit tuntuna naizela pentsatzen duzula I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm stupid. >>eng<< Oso atsegin dut. I like it very much. I like it very much. >>eng<< Komikak irakurtzea gustoko dut. I like reading comics. I love reading comedy. >>eng<< Nire gurasoekin bizi naiz. I live at home with my parents. I live with my parents. >>eng<< Hemen bizi naiz nire txakurrarekin. I live here with my dog. I live here with my dog. >>eng<< Nire ama, anaia eta aitona-amonekin bizi naiz. I live with my mother, brother and my grandparents. I live with my mother, my brother and my grandparents. >>eng<< Nire gelakidearekin bizi naiz. I live with my roommate. I live with my roommate. >>eng<< Beti maite izango zaitut. I'll always love you. I will always love you. >>eng<< Etxean egongo naiz ordu betean. I'll be home in about an hour. I'll be home for an hour. >>eng<< Ostirale arratsaldean etorriko naiz. I'll come on Friday afternoon. I'll be back on Friday afternoon. >>eng<< Hil egingo naiz ez badidazu laguntzen. I'll die if you don't help me. I'll die if you don't help me. >>eng<< Nik gidatuko zaitut aireporturaino. I'll drive you to the airport. I'll drive you to the airport. >>eng<< Hemen jango dut. I'll eat it here. I'll eat it here. >>eng<< Lagunduko dizut, baldintza bakar batekin. I'll help you, on one condition. I'll help you with just one condition. >>eng<< Beti maite izango zaitut. I'll love you always. I will always love you. >>eng<< Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. I'll never drink again. I will never drink again. >>eng<< Tomek egiten dituen erabaki guztiak errespetatuko ditut. I'll respect any decision Tom makes. I will respect all the decisions Tom makes. >>eng<< Uztailean lanean haziko naiz. I'll start my work on the first of July. I'll be at work in July. >>eng<< Hemen geratuko naiz Tom joan arte. I'll stay until Tom leaves. I'll stay here until Tom leaves. >>eng<< Egia esango dut I'll tell the truth. I'll tell you the truth. >>eng<< Egia esango dut. I'll tell the truth. I'll tell you the truth. >>eng<< Tomi hori egiteko esango diot. I'll tell Tom to do that. I'll tell Tom to do that. >>eng<< Gero esango dizuet. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. >>eng<< Gero esango dizut. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. >>eng<< Aurkitzen saiatuko naiz. I'll try to find it. I'll try to find it. >>eng<< Tomi hemen itxarongo diot. I'll wait here for Tom. I'll wait here for Tom. >>eng<< Bera heldu arte itxarongo dut. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait until he arrives. >>eng<< Nire inguruan begiratu nuen. I looked around me. I looked around me. >>eng<< Animalia begiratu nuen eta animalia niri begiratu zidan. I looked at the animal and the animal looked at me. He looked at the animal and looked at me. >>eng<< Nire pasaportea galdu nuen. I lost my passport. I lost my passport. >>eng<< Euskara maite dut. I love Basque. I love the Eucharist. >>eng<< Gure ama maite dut. I love my mom. I love my mother. >>eng<< Dortokak maite ditut. I love turtles. I love the turtles. >>eng<< Asko maite zaitut! I love you so much! I love you so much! >>eng<< Pertsona txarra naiz. I'm a bad person. I'm a bad person. >>eng<< Txokolate eta izozkizalea naiz. I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. I am a chocolate and ice cream lover. >>eng<< Gizakiak gorrotatzen dituen gizaki bat naiz. I'm a human who hates humans. I am a man who hates humans. >>eng<< Haserre nago gertatukoagatik. I'm angry about what happened. I'm angry at what happened. >>eng<< Irakaslea naiz. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. >>eng<< Etxean naiz. I'm at home. I'm home. >>eng<< Zure pisuan nago. I'm at your place. I'm on your floor. >>eng<< Aspertuta nago hemen. I'm bored here. I'm bored here. >>eng<< Jende gehiegi ezagutu nituen guztien inzenetaz gogoratzeko. I met too many people to remember all their names. I met a lot of people to remember all of them. >>eng<< Zure aitarekin egon nintzen atzo. I met your father yesterday. I was with your father yesterday. >>eng<< Nekatuta nago! I'm exhausted! I'm tired! >>eng<< Oso ondo sentitzen ari naiz. I'm feeling really good. I feel very good. >>eng<< Pozik nago bueltatu zarelako. I'm glad to see you back. I'm glad you came back. >>eng<< Nire autoa garbituko dut. I'm going to wash my car. I'll clean my car. >>eng<< Hemen nago orain maite zaitudalako. I'm here now because I love you. I'm here because I love you. >>eng<< Faltan botatzen zaitut! I miss you! I miss you! >>eng<< Euskara ikasten ari naiz. I'm learning the Basque language. I am studying Russian. >>eng<< Mary-ren senarra naiz. I'm Mary's husband. I'm Mary's husband. >>eng<< Ez naiz beti berandu iristen. I'm not always late. I am not always late. >>eng<< Ez nago horregatik haserre. I'm not angry about it. I'm not angry about that. >>eng<< Ez dut erabiliko. I'm not going to use it. I won't use it. >>eng<< Ez nago oso prestatuta. I'm not really prepared. I'm not very prepared. >>eng<< Ez nago ziur, mutilari edo neskari, nori eman oparia? I'm not sure about who to give the present to - the boy, or the girl? I'm not sure, the boy or the girl, who gave the gift to? >>eng<< Ez nago ziur idei on edo txar bat denik. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea. >>eng<< Ez naiz oso baikorra. I'm not very optimistic. I'm not very good. >>eng<< Oso nekatuta nago. I'm pretty tired. I'm so tired. >>eng<< Oso pozik nago hau gertatzeagatik. I'm really happy that this is happening. I'm very happy that this happened. >>eng<< Ez nago hau disfrutatzen. I'm really not enjoying this. I'm not enjoying this. >>eng<< Azkenean Tom garaitu nuen. I'm sick of burgers. I finally defeated Tom. >>eng<< Ziur nago bihar etorriko dela. I'm sure he will come tomorrow. I'm sure he's coming tomorrow. >>eng<< Ziur nago egin ahal dela. I'm sure it can be done. I'm sure he can do it. >>eng<< Seguru nago hori gezurra dela. I'm sure that isn't true. I'm sure that's a lie. >>eng<< Harritzen nau Tomek Frantzesa ez jakitea. I'm surprised Tom can't speak French. I'm surprised Tom didn't know French. >>eng<< Euskara irakasten ari naiz. I'm teaching Basque. I am teaching Russian. >>eng<< Tom-en abokatu berria naiz I'm Tom's new lawyer. I am Tom's new lawyer. >>eng<< Bulegora joan behar naiz. I must go to the office. I have to go to the office. >>eng<< 1991n, Eileen Collins astronauta bihurtu zen. In 1991, Eileen Collins became an astronaut. In 1991, she became an astronaut. >>eng<< Fisikari ezaguna izateaz gain, nobelagile bikaina da. In addition to being a famous physicist, he is a great novelist. In addition to being a well-known physicist, she is an excellent novelist. >>eng<< Txinan esaten ari dira pertsona bat bere itxuragatik epai daitekeela. In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. In China, they say that a person can be judged by their appearance. >>eng<< Laguntza behar dut. I need help. I need help. >>eng<< Zu beher zaitut, Tom. I need you, Tom. I've got you, Tom. >>eng<< Ez naiz inoiz nekatzen horretaz. I never get tired of it. I never get tired of it. >>eng<< Nire denbora liberan, nire blogerako artikuluak idazten ditut. In my spare time, I write articles for my blog. In my free time, I write articles for my blog. >>eng<< Dagoeneko ez zaitut behar. I no longer need you I don't need you anymore. >>eng<< Sei urte barru, gogoratuko ahal dugu gaur zuk esan duzuna? In six years, will we remember what you said today? In six years, can we remember what you said today? >>eng<< Epe luzean, gehiago praktikatu beharko duzu. In the long run, you will have to practise more. For a long time, you will have to practice more. >>eng<< Londresetik liburua eskatuko dut. I ordered a book from London. I'll ask for a book from London. >>eng<< Normalean ez dut kaferik edaten. I ordinarily don't drink coffee. I don’t usually drink coffee. >>eng<< Sagarrondo bat landatu dut nire baratzean. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I've planted a apple tree in my garden. >>eng<< Eskutitz bat irakurtzen ari naiz. I read a letter. I am reading a letter. >>eng<< Izugarri gozatzen dut hori. I really enjoy it a lot. I really enjoy that. >>eng<< Izugarri gustatzen zait egiten dudana. I really love what I do. I really like what I do. >>eng<< Benetan ohera joan behar naiz. I really must go to bed. I really need to go to bed. >>eng<< Nekatuta zegoela esan nuen. I said I was tired. I said he was tired. >>eng<< Sofan eseri nintzen. I sat on the sofa. I sat in the sofa. >>eng<< Tomek Boston ikusi nuen. I saw Tom in Boston. Tom saw Boston. >>eng<< Doktorea da? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? >>eng<< Hura al da zure irakaslea? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? >>eng<< Eskertu beharko nieke. I should thank them. I should be grateful. >>eng<< Txarra al da? Is it bad? Is it bad? >>eng<< Autobusa gelditzen den tokia hemen al da? Is it here that the bus stops? Is this where the bus stops? >>eng<< Ondo dago hemen nire scooterara aparkatzen badut? Is it OK if I park my scooter here? Is it okay if I park here? >>eng<< Egia al da? Is it true? Is it true? >>eng<< Ez da gona hori motzegia? Isn't that skirt too short? Isn't that too short? >>eng<< Frantsesez hitz egiten dut. I speak French. I speak French. >>eng<< Frantsesez hitz egiten dut nire gurazoekin. I speak French with my parents. I speak French with my pets. >>eng<< Uzbeek hitz egiten dut. I speak Uzbek. I speak with Uzbekis. >>eng<< Lan hau orain dela lau urte hasi nuen. I started doing this job four years ago. I started this work four years ago. >>eng<< Hori da Tomek eman zizun txanoa? Is that the hat Tom gave you? Is that the hat Tom gave you? >>eng<< Badago lekurik hor pertsona bat gehiagorentzat? Is there any space for one more person? Is there a place for more people? >>eng<< Importantea da hau? Is this important? Is this important? >>eng<< Egunan zear ikasten dut, eta arratsaldean lan egiten dut. I study during the day, and in the evening I work. I study every day and work in the afternoon. >>eng<< Zure txakurra hipoalergenikoa da? Is your dog hypoallergenic? Is your dog hypolergenic? >>eng<< Italia herrialde polita da. Italy is a beautiful country. Italy is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Ezin dut bihar arte itxaron. It can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait until tomorrow. >>eng<< Egin ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can do it. I think I can do it. >>eng<< Hori jasan ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can handle that. I think I can stand that. >>eng<< Hori egiten irakatsi ahal dizudala uste dut. I think I can show you how to do that. I think I can teach you to do that. >>eng<< Lagundu ahal dudala uste dut. I think I could help. I think I can help. >>eng<< Gaur goiz joango naizela uste dut. I think I'll leave early today. I think I’ll be going early today. >>eng<< Uste dut arrazoizkoa dela. I think it's reasonable. I think it's reasonable. >>eng<< Jateko ordua dela uste dut. I think it's time to eat. I think it's time to eat. >>eng<< Berriro gertatuko ez dela uste dut. I think it won't happen again. I think it won't happen again. >>eng<< Uste dut ulertu nuela I think I understood. I think I understood >>eng<< Uste dut jende asko hori egiten duela. I think many people do that. I think a lot of people do that. >>eng<< Puntu garrantzitsua dela pentsatzen dut. I think that's an important point. I think the point is important. >>eng<< Uste dut hori ziraragaria dela. I think that's exciting. I think that's a cigarette. >>eng<< Uste dut hori dela gertatzen ari dena. I think that's what's happening. I think that's what's happening. >>eng<< Uste dut eman al didala buruko mina. I think that would give me a headache. I think it hurt my head. >>eng<< Norbait horman kolpeka ari zela entzun nuela iruditu zitzaidan. I thought I heard someone banging on the wall. I heard someone knocking on the wall. >>eng<< Tomek Mary laguntza eskatu ziola pentsatu nuen. I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him. I thought Tom asked Mary for help. >>eng<< Tom gauza hori egiten urduri ez zegoela uste dut. I thought Tom wasn't nervous doing that. I think Tom wasn't nervous about doing that. >>eng<< Tom egin zuena bikaina zela uste nuen. I thought what Tom did was fantastic. I thought what Tom did was great. >>eng<< Ino I thought you said nobody liked Tom. Ino >>eng<< Uste nuen zuk Tom hemen mantenduko zenuela ni heltzen nintzen bitartean. I thought you were going to keep Tom here until I got back. I thought you'd keep Tom here while I arrived. >>eng<< Hiri polita da. It is a beautiful city. It's a beautiful city. >>eng<< Euria ari du. It is raining. It's raining. >>eng<< Gaur euri egiten du. It is raining today. It rains today. >>eng<< Esaten da "Hamlet" inoiz ez idatzitako lanik interesgarriena dela. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. It is said that “Hamlet” is the most interesting work ever written. >>eng<< Zinez damugarri da. It is truly regrettable. It's really sorry. >>eng<< Ezan nizun ez abestea. I told you not to sing. I didn't sing to you. >>eng<< Hegazkin bat hartu nuen nire bizitzan lehen aldiz. I took an airplane for the first time in my life. I took a plane for the first time in my life. >>eng<< Bera animatzen saiatu nintzen, baina berak negar beterik ez zuen negiten, I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry. I tried to encourage him, but he didn't cry. >>eng<< Benetan pentsatzen dut hura pertsona txarra dela. I truly believe he is a bad person. I really think he’s a bad person. >>eng<< Erabaki garrantzitsua da. It's a big decision. It's an important decision. >>eng<< Sorpresa bat da. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. >>eng<< Hiru urte igaro dira Tom hil zenetik. It's been three years since Tom died. It's been three years since Tom died. >>eng<< Badirudi astronomian interesa duela. It seems that he is interested in astronomy. He is interested in astronomy. >>eng<< Garrantzitsua da egun hauetan auto bat gidatzeko gai izatea. It's important to be able to drive a car these days. It is important to be able to drive a car these days. >>eng<< Haren imajinazioa besterik ez da. It's just your imagination. It's just his imagination. >>eng<< Ez da ondoa. It's no good. It's not good. >>eng<< Ez du garrantzirik. It's not important. It doesn't matter. >>eng<< Ez da zuk pentsatzen duzun modukoa. It's not like you think. It's not what you think. >>eng<< Hotz handia egiten du hemen. It's really cold in here. It's very cold here. >>eng<< Ez da batere gizalegekoa bere gonbidapenari muzin egitea. It's very impolite of you to decline her invitation. It's not uncommon for him to give up his invitation. >>eng<< Oso arraroa izan zen. It was extremely weird. It was very strange. >>eng<< Kyoton ikusi nuen lehen aldiz. It was in Kyoto that I first met her. I saw Kyoto for the first time. >>eng<< Ez zen nirea. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. >>eng<< Ahin aspergarria izan zen iha ahurrausi egin nuen. It was so boring that I almost yawned. My mouth was boring. >>eng<< Ez da gauean bakarrik gertatuko. It won't just happen overnight. It won't happen alone at night. >>eng<< Hobeto izango da hori egiten ez baduzu. It would be better for you not to do that. It'll be better if you don't do that. >>eng<< Egunero goiz altzatzen nintzen eta korrika egiten nuen lanera joan baino lehen. I used to get up early every morning and go jogging before going to work. Every morning I ran and ran before I went to work. >>eng<< Ni hori egitea saiatzen nintzen. I used to try to do that. I was trying to do that. >>eng<< Denbora asko galdu dut jadanik I've already lost too much time. I have lost a lot of time already. >>eng<< Hemen bizi izan naiz urteetan. I've lived here for years. I have lived here for years. >>eng<< Zure telofonoko zenbakia galdu dut. I've lost your phone number. I lost your phone number. >>eng<< Akats berdina egin dut. I've made that same mistake. I made the same mistake. >>eng<< Ez dut bera inoiz lehenago ikusi. I've never seen him before. I've never seen him before. >>eng<< Bakarrik egon nintzen egun baterako eta gustatuko litzaidake hemen geratzea. I've only been here for a day and I already want to leave. I was alone for a day and would love to stay here. >>eng<< Hemen nagoenetik bakarrik hitz egin dut aldi batez Tomekin. I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here. I've only spoken to Tom for a while since I'm here. >>eng<< Gorde egin ditut maletak iada. I've packed my suitcases already. I saved my suitcases. >>eng<< Ikusi zaitut nonbaiten aurretik. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you before. >>eng<< Oso gogor egin dut lan I've worked very hard. I worked very hard. >>eng<< Oso goiz jaikitzen naiz. I wake up very early. I get up early. >>eng<< Hoberena izan nahi nuen. I wanted to be the best. I wanted to be the best. >>eng<< Kontzertura joan nahi nuen I wanted to go to the concert. I wanted to go to the concert. >>eng<< Gehiago nahi dut. I want more. I want more. >>eng<< Kamara hau nahi dut. I want this camera. I want this camera. >>eng<< Liburuak erosi nahi ditut. I want to buy books. I want to buy books. >>eng<< Getter Jaani-rekin hil nahi dut. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. >>eng<< Maitasuna zer den jakin nahi dut. I want to know what love is. I want to know what love is. >>eng<< Filipinak uharteak bisitatu nahi ditut. I want to visit the Philippines. I want to visit the Philippines. >>eng<< Egipton jaio nintzen. I was born in Egypt. I was born in Egypt. >>eng<< Hiroshiman jaio nintzen 1945ean. I was born in Hiroshima in 1945. I was born in Hiroshiman in 1945. >>eng<< Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980an. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. I was born in Kyoton in 1980. >>eng<< Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980. urtean. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. I was born in Kyoton in 1980. >>eng<< Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. I was born in Osaka, but brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. >>eng<< Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. I was born in Osaka, but I was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. >>eng<< Osakan jaio nintzen 1977. urtean. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. >>eng<< Hemen egon nintzen hamar-hamarretan, baina zuk ez zinen egon. I was here exactly at ten o'clock, but you weren't. I was here at ten o'clock, but you weren't. >>eng<< Ez neukan dirurik auto bat ordaintzeko. I wasn't able to rent a car. I had no money to pay for a car. >>eng<< Ezin nuen Tom ulertu I wasn't able to understand Tom. I couldn't understand Tom. >>eng<< Ez nintzen nahiko indartsua. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough. >>eng<< Film asko ikusten ditut. I watch lots of movies. I see a lot of movies. >>eng<< Ospitalera joan nintzen txekeo bat egiteko, nire gaizotasunaren zergaitia aurkitu ahal dezaten. I went to the hospital to have me checked so that they can find the cause of my disease. I went to the hospital to make a cheque so that I could find the cause of my illness. >>eng<< Bat hautatuko dut. I will choose one. I'll choose one. >>eng<< Bihar etorriko naiz. I will come tomorrow. I'll come tomorrow. >>eng<< Beste aukera bat emango diot. I will give him another chance. I'll give him another chance. >>eng<< Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. I will never drink again. I will never drink again. >>eng<< Ez naiz bihar etorriko. I will not come tomorrow. I'm not coming tomorrow. >>eng<< Urte berri on opa dizut. I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you a good new year. >>eng<< Gabon zoriontsuak eta urte berri on opa dizuet guztiei. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Happy New Year and Happy New Year to you all. >>eng<< Berandu helduko nintzake, Tom autoz ez bazidan eraman I would have been late if Tom hadn't given me a ride. I'd be late if I hadn't taken Tom by car. >>eng<< Egin izan nuke hori, beharrezkoa zela jakin izango banu I would have done that if I'd known it was necessary. I would have done that if I knew it was necessary. >>eng<< Utziko nioke Tom-ri gidatzea, nahi zuela jakin izango banu. I would have let Tom drive if I'd known he wanted to. I'd stop driving Tom if I knew he wanted to. >>eng<< Nire anka apurtu ez banu ez nizun inoiz esagutuko. I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg. If I hadn't broken my anka, I'd never have told you. >>eng<< Futbolari famatua izan nahi dut. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I want to be a famous footballer. >>eng<< Manduan zehar bidaiatu nahi nuke. I would like to travel around the world. I'd like to travel through Mandela. >>eng<< Ez nioke inoiz nire Porschea ukitzen utziko. I would never let him touch the Porsche. I'd never let him touch my porsche. >>eng<< Japonia herrialde polita da. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Jim ez da abokatua, medikua baizik. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim is not a lawyer, but a doctor. >>eng<< Jim frantsesean eta alemanean aditua da. Jim mastered French and German. Jim is an expert in French and German. >>eng<< Kenek bi katu ditu. Ken has two cats. Ken has two cats. >>eng<< Haiek dira Tom-en semeak? Ken is tall, but I'm not. Are they Tom's sons? >>eng<< Ken altua da, ni ez. Ken is tall, but I'm not. Ken is tall, not me. >>eng<< "Seme-alabarik?" " Bi, seme bat eta alaba bat. "Kids?" "Two, a daughter and son." "Do you have children?" "Two, one son and one daughter. >>eng<< "Seme-alabarik?" "Bi alaba". "Kids?" "Two." "Children?" "Two daughters." >>eng<< Laylak Samiri bakarrik usteko eskatu zion. Layla asked Sami to leave her alone. Layla asked Sam to think alone. >>eng<< Laylak ezin du umeak izan. Layla can't have children. Layla can't have children. >>eng<< Laylak ezin du potea ireki. Hark esku bat bakarrik du. Layla can't open the jar. She only has one hand. Layla can't open the bag, he's got only one hand. >>eng<< Laylak ezin ditu eskularruak jantzi. Layla can't put gloves on. Layla can't wear gloves. >>eng<< Laylak Samirekin negar egin zuen. Layla cried with Sami. Layla was crying with Sam. >>eng<< Laylak Sami laguntzeko dena egin zuen. Layla did everything she could to help Sami. Layla did everything to help Sam. >>eng<< Laylak alaba bat izan zuen. Layla did have a daughter. Layla had a daughter. >>eng<< Laylak ez du ezer gogoratzen. Layla doesn't remember anything. Layla doesn't remember anything. >>eng<< Laylak ur asko edan zuen. Layla drank a lot of water. Layla drank a lot of water. >>eng<< Laylak errepidea berarena izango balitz bezala gidatzen du. Layla drives as if she owned the road. Layla drives the road as if it were his own. >>eng<< Laylak labezomorroak jaten ditu. Layla eats cockroaches. Layla eats furnaces. >>eng<< Layla Sami gorroto zuen . Layla hated Sami. He hated Layla Sami. >>eng<< Laylak bost urte ditu orain. Layla is five now. Layla is five years old now. >>eng<< Layla kartxelan dago eta egon behar den lekua da. Layla is in jail and that's where she needs to be. Layla is in the cartel and is the place to be. >>eng<< Jada Layla ez dago maitemindurik. Layla isn't in love anymore. Layla is no longer in love. >>eng<< Layla gezurra esan zuen Sami babesteko Layla lied to protect Sami. Layla lied to protect Sam. >>eng<< Laylak Sami begiratu zuen. Layla looked at Sami. Layla looked at Sam. >>eng<< Laylak bere bikotea maite du. Layla loves her partner. Layla loves her husband. >>eng<< Laylak ez zuen inoiz lan egin. Layla never worked. Layla never worked. >>eng<< Laylak zer gertatzen ari zen konturatu zen. Layla realized what was happening. Layla realized what was going on. >>eng<< Layla Samiri ezezkoa eman zion. Layla rejected Sami. He refused Layla Sami. >>eng<< Laylaren plana barkatzeko izan zen. Layla's plan was to apologize. Layla's plan was apologised. >>eng<< Layla-ren kamiseta odolez beteta zegoen. Layla's shirt was covered in blood. Layla's shirt was full of blood. >>eng<< Laylaren kamiseta Samiren ohean zegoen. Layla's shirt was on Sami's bed. Layla's shirt was in Sami's bed. >>eng<< Layla Samiren diru guztia hartu zuen. Layla took all the money Sami had. He took all the money from Layla Sami. >>eng<< Laylak familia handia nahi zuen. Layla wanted a big family. Layla wanted a big family. >>eng<< Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen. Layla wanted to go to heaven. Layla wanted to go to heaven. >>eng<< Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen bere ama ikusteko. Layla wanted to go to heaven to see her mother. Layla wanted to go to heaven to see her mother. >>eng<< Laylak lau ume nahi zituen gutxienez. Layla wanted to have at least four children. Layla wanted at least four children. >>eng<< Layla dutxan zegoen. Layla was in the shower. Layla was in the shower. >>eng<< Laylak bere mugikorra bilatzen ari zen. Layla was looking for her cellphone. Layla was looking for his cell phone. >>eng<< Laylak hantxe zegoen Samirentzako. Layla was there for Sami. Layla was there for Sami. >>eng<< Laylak kartzelara joan zen berriro. Layla went to prison again. Layla went back to prison. >>eng<< Laylak soineko luzea jantzi zuen. Layla wore a long dress. Layla put on a long dress. >>eng<< Utzi nazazu saiatzen! Let me try! Let me try! >>eng<< Eztabaidatu dezagun azkeneko gauan gertatutakoa. Let's discuss what happened last night. Let’s talk about what happened last night. >>eng<< Goazen aquariumera Let's go to the aquarium. Go to Aquarium >>eng<< Bizitza sexu-transmisioko gaixotasun hilgarria da. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. >>eng<< Hemen entzuten du Listen here! He hears it here. >>eng<< Entzun txoriak. Listen to the birds. Listen to the birds. >>eng<< Litioa, sodioa, potasioa, rubidioa, zesioa eta frantzioa metal alkalinoak dira. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium are alkali metals. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, zesium and frantium are alkaline metals. >>eng<< Begiratu ile luzedun neskari Look at the girl whose hair is long. Look at the girl with long hair. >>eng<< Luis Bonfa musikari aparta da. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. >>eng<< Luis Bonfa musikari bikaina da. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. >>eng<< Gauza txar asko gertatu dira. Many bad things have happened. A lot of bad things happened. >>eng<< Hemen soldadu anitz hil zituzten. Many soldiers were killed here. Soldiers were killed here. >>eng<< Marconik irratia asmatu zuen. Marconi invented the radio. Marconi invented the radio. >>eng<< Mary eta Tom bikiak dira, baina ez dira batere antzekoak Mary and Tom are twins, but they're nothing alike. Mary and Tom are twins, but they are not alike. >>eng<< Mary emakume ederra da. Mary is a beautiful woman. Mary is a beautiful woman. >>eng<< Mary Tomen alaba da. Mary is Tom's daughter. She's Mary Tom's daughter. >>eng<< Mary azterketa gaindituko du ondo prestatzen badu. Mary will pass the exam, if she prepares well. Mary will pass the exam if she prepares well. >>eng<< Beharbada, Tomek hilda nagoela pentsatzen du. Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead. Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead. >>eng<< "Lagundu nezake?" "Ez, eskerrik asko. Begiratzen baino ez nabil." "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Can I help?" "No, thank you, I'm just looking." >>eng<< Eguberri on! Merry Christmas! Good Christmas! >>eng<< Millie sagar bat jaten ari da. Millie is eating an apple. Millie's eating a apple. >>eng<< Kafe gehiago, mesedez. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. >>eng<< Nire anaiak hilko nau. My brother will kill me. My brother will kill me. >>eng<< Nire kamera Nikon da. My camera is a Nikon. My camera is Nikon. >>eng<< Nire kamera zurearen berdina da. My camera is the same as your camera. My camera is the same as yours. >>eng<< Nire autoa zuhaitz hau baino zaharragoa da. My car is older than this tree. My car is older than this tree. >>eng<< Nire aitak zubiak eraikitzen ditu. My father builds bridges. My father built bridges. >>eng<< Nire aitak astronomia ikasten du, edo izarren zientzia. My father studies astronomy, or the science of stars. My father is studying astronomy or science of stars. >>eng<< Nire lagunek eta nik Hego Korean lan egin nahiko genuke. My friends and I want to work in South Korea. My friends and I would like to work in South Korea. >>eng<< Nire lagunak esan zidan erloju bat erosi zuela My friend told me he bought a clock. My friend told me he bought a clock. >>eng<< Nire neskalaguna dantzari ona da. My girlfriend is a good dancer. My girlfriend is a good dancer. >>eng<< Nire kuadernoa ez de arrosa. My notebook is pink. My face is not pink. >>eng<< Ahizpa eta biok etorri gara. My sister and I have come. My sister and I are here. >>eng<< Nire semea Iranera joan zen. My son went to Iran. My son went to Iran. >>eng<< Naturak ez ditu inoiz ez bere legeak apurtzen Nature never breaks her own laws. Nature never breaks its laws. >>eng<< Naturak inoiz ez du bere legeak apurtzen Nature never breaks her own laws. Nature never breaks its laws. >>eng<< Zalantzarik ez hark bere semea dela. No doubt he is your son. He has no doubt that he is his son. >>eng<< Ezin du inork kaxa handia mugitu. No one can move the big box. No one can move the big box. >>eng<< Inor ez da legez kanpokoa. No one is illegal. No one is illegal. >>eng<< Inor ezin izango da behartu elkarte bateko kide izatera. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. No one can be forced to become a member of a community. >>eng<< Arrazoirik gabe, ez zaio inori bere jabegoa kenduko. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Without reason, no one will take away his property. >>eng<< Egintzak edo behar-uzteak izandakoan, herrialdeko edo nazioarteko legeriaren arabera delitu ez baziren, ezingo da inor kondenatu. Delitua egitean ezargarri den zigorra baino larriagorik ere ezingo zaio jarri. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. If there were no crimes in the case of acts or obligations, according to the law of the country or international law, no one can be condemned. >>eng<< Orain entzuten Now, listen! Now Listening >>eng<< Noski! Of course! Of course! >>eng<< Oh! Erakuts iezadazu faborez. Oh! Show it to me please. Please show me. >>eng<< Hizkuntza bakarra inoiz ez da aski. One language is never enough. The only language is never enough. >>eng<< Hizkuntza bat ez da inoiz nahikoa. One language is never enough. A language is never enough. >>eng<< Bat, bi, hiru, lau, bost, sei, zazpi, zortzi, bederatzi, hamar One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten >>eng<< Ireki ahoa! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! >>eng<< Ireki ahoa. Hau ez dizu minik emango, ez kezkatu. Open your mouth. This won't hurt, don't worry. Open your mouth, this won't hurt you, don't worry. >>eng<< Gure umeek txakurra maite dute baina nik katua mate dut. Our children like the dog, but I like the cat. Our kids love dogs, but I have cat mates. >>eng<< Gure erlazioa bikaina zen. Our relationship was perfect. Our relationship was great. >>eng<< Gure jatetxea jatetxe hori baino hobea da. Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. The restaurant is better than that. >>eng<< Hemen ezin da aparkatu. Parking is not allowed here. You can't park here. >>eng<< Hemen ezin da aparkatu. Parking isn't allowed here. You can't park here. >>eng<< Txinatarrek beste xake mota batean ibiltzen dira. People from China play another kind of chess. The Chinese are in a different kind of chess. >>eng<< Beharbada bihar etorriko da. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe he'll come tomorrow. >>eng<< Esan Tomiri bulegoan itzaroteko, mesedez. Please ask Tom to wait in his office. Tell Tom about it in the office, please. >>eng<< Mesedez, ez sartu atetik aurretik atean jo gabe. Please don't enter the room without knocking. Please do not enter the door without knocking at the door. >>eng<< Mesedez, eman iezadazu bolaluma bat eta paper zati batzuk. Please give me a pen and some pieces of paper. Please give me a pen and a piece of paper. >>eng<< Utz iezadazu, mesedez, zure liburua. Please lend me your book. Please leave your book. >>eng<< Mesedez, itzali zuen gailu elektronikoak. Please turn off your electronic devices. Please turn off your electronic devices. >>eng<< Bortxaketa beti da indarkeri krimen bat. Rape is always a crime of violence. Rape is always a crime. >>eng<< Irakurtzea garrantzitsua da. Irakrtzen badakizu, mundu osoa irekiko da zuretzat. Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you. If you read it, the whole world will open for you. >>eng<< Azarorako prest? Ready for November? Ready for November? >>eng<< Lasai, txorimalo bat baino ez da. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Don’t worry, it’s just a bird. >>eng<< Roma bisitatzea merezi duen hiria da. Rome is a city worth visiting. It is a city worth visiting Rome. >>eng<< Samik erruduntasuna onartu zuen. Sami admitted guilt. Sami accepted the guilt. >>eng<< Samik ezin du hau gertarazi. Sami can't make this happen. Sami can't make this happen. >>eng<< Samik hori ulertu ahal du. Sami can understand that. Sami can understand that. >>eng<< Samik ez zuen hau egin behar. Sami didn't have to do this. Sam didn't have to do this. >>eng<< Samik Batman bezala jantzi zen. Sami dressed up as Batman. Samik dressed like Batman. >>eng<< Samik niretzako zerbait zeukan. Sami has something for me. Sami had something for me. >>eng<< Samik hau egin behar du gaur. Sami has to do this today. Sami has to do this today. >>eng<< Samik bere hiztegi arabiarra hobeto zuen. Sami improved his Arabic vocabulary. Sami had a better Arabic dictionary. >>eng<< Samik Layla ukabilkadatzen segitu zuen. Sami kept punching Layla Sami continued to fist Layla. >>eng<< Samik Laylari nork tiro egin zion bazekien. Sami knows who shot Layla. Sami Laylari knew who shot him. >>eng<< Sami mamu batekin bizi da. Sami lived with a ghost. Sam lives with a ghost. >>eng<< Samik Layla maite zuen bere europar irudiagatik. Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Sami loved Layla for his European image. >>eng<< Samik umeentzako telesail hau maite du. Sami loves this children's TV show. Sami loves this show for children. >>eng<< Samik hau esan zuen, ez nik. Sami said this, not me. Sami said this, not me. >>eng<< Samiren ontzia lapurtua izan zen. Sami's boat was stolen. Sami's ship was stolen. >>eng<< Samik argiarekin piztuta lo egiten du. Sami sleeps with the light on. Sami sleeps with the light. >>eng<< Samik egunean zehar denbora asko pasatzen du etxean bakarrik. Sami spends much of the day alone in the house. Sami spends a lot of time alone at home. >>eng<< Samik Laylaren ontzia lapurtu zuen. Sami stole Layla's boat. Sami stole Layla's ship. >>eng<< Sami bere emazteaz fidatu zen. Sami trusted his wife. Sam trusted his wife. >>eng<< Sami zorionezko gizona zen. Sami was a lucky man. Sam was a lucky man. >>eng<< Sami ondoko gelan zegoen. Sami was in the next room. He was in the room next to Sam. >>eng<< Samik bere seme- alabekin marrazki bizidunak ikusten zituen. Sami watched the cartoons with his children. Sami saw cartoons with his children. >>eng<< Samik lur jo egingo du. Sami will be ruined. Sami will land. >>eng<< Ezer edango al dugu? Shall we drink something? Shall we drink anything? >>eng<< Hark hari osasuntsu nola egon esaten dio. She advises him on how to stay healthy. He tells her how to be healthy. >>eng<< Etxe berria erosi zuen lehengo egunean. She bought a new house the other day. He bought a new house the other day. >>eng<< Errusieraz hitz egin dezake. She can speak Russian. He can speak Russian. >>eng<< Bi txakur eta sei katu ez ditu. She has a dog and six cats. There are no two dogs and six cats. >>eng<< Bi mila liburu dauzka. She has two thousand books. It has 2,000 books. >>eng<< Bere aitak lagundu zuen bere lorategian lanean. She helped her father with the work in the garden. Her father helped her work in the garden. >>eng<< Emakume ederra da. She is a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. >>eng<< Ez dago etxean, eskolan baizik. She is not home, but at school. Not at home, but at school. >>eng<< Etxerako bidean dago. She's on her way home. He's on his way home. >>eng<< Ingalaterra bisitatuko du uda honetan zalantzarik gabe. She will without a doubt visit England this summer. He will visit England this summer without a doubt. >>eng<< Istripu batetan zauritu zenetik, ezin izan du berriz ibili. Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk. Since he was injured in an accident, he was unable to walk again. >>eng<< Azalaren kolorea, hizkuntzak, eta erligioak ez dira genetika taldeak. Skin colors, languages, and religions are not genetic groupings. The color of the skin, language, and religion are not genetic groups. >>eng<< Jatetxean erretzea debekatuta zegoen. Smoking in the restaurant was forbidden. Smoking in the restaurant was prohibited. >>eng<< Zientzialari batzuek uste dute negutegi efektua alegiazkoa dela. Some scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is imaginary. Scientists believe that the effect of greenhouse is real. >>eng<< Berak batzuetan korrika egiten du, eta beste batzuetan oinez ibiltzen da. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Sometimes he walks, and sometimes he walks. >>eng<< Eguzkia eta euria, erromako zubia. Sun and rain, rainbow. The sun and the rain, the bridge of Rome. >>eng<< Igandea asteko azken eguna. Sunday is the last day of the week. Last Sunday of the week. >>eng<< Suitza herrialde polita da. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Eraman ezazu mapa bat gainean ez galtzeko. Take a map with you in case you get lost. Take a map not to lose it. >>eng<< Tatoeba oraindik beta fasean dagoen proiektua da. Tatoeba is still a beta project. Tatoeba is still in the beta phase. >>eng<< Tatoeba 2010eko udan euskaratu zen. Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010. Tatoeba was released in the summer of 2010. >>eng<< Tatoeba euskaratu nuen 2010 udan. Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010. I went to Tatoeba in the summer of 2010. >>eng<< Kontatu iezaiozu dakizuna. Tell him what you know. Tell him what you know. >>eng<< Eskerrik asko, hori izan da dena. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that was all. >>eng<< Zure erruz gosea pasa zait. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. I'm starving because of you. >>eng<< Eskerrik asko ez erretzeagatik. Thank you for not smoking. Thank you for not smoking. >>eng<< Milesker ez erretzeagatik. Thank you for not smoking. Thank you for not smoking. >>eng<< "Esker aunitz." "Deusetaz." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you very much," said the old man, "for God's sake." >>eng<< "Eskerrik asko." "Zuri." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." >>eng<< Hegazkin hori erraldoia da! That airplane is huge! That plane is huge! >>eng<< Hau zure garaipena da. That is your victory. This is your victory. >>eng<< Likido hori kaltegarria da. That liquid is harmful. That liquid is detrimental. >>eng<< Noski, hori ez da inoiz gertatu. That never happened, of course. Of course, that never happened. >>eng<< Halakorik ez da hemen gertatu. That's not what happened here. That didn't happen here. >>eng<< Hortxe dago gakoa. That's the snag. Here's the key. >>eng<< Hori txantxa barregarria izan zen. That was a funny joke. That was a funny joke. >>eng<< Duela aspaldi zen. That was ages ago. It was a long time ago. >>eng<< Horrek kezkatzen nau. That worries me. That worries me. >>eng<< Haserretutako jendetzak eraikina eraso egin zuen. The angry mob attacked the building. The angry crowd attacked the building. >>eng<< Txoria zeruan dago. The bird is in the sky. The bird is in the sky. >>eng<< Liburua txikia da. The book is small. The book is small. >>eng<< Mutila harri bat botatzen. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a stone. >>eng<< Katedrala milurteko erdia da. The cathedral is half a millennium old. The Cathedral is half a millionth. >>eng<< Etsaiak gauez eraso zigun. The enemy attacked us at night. The enemy attacked us at night. >>eng<< Ekuatoreak Lurra bi hemisferiotan banatzen du. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres. >>eng<< Niretzat azterketa larregi zail izan zen. The exam was too difficult for me. The exam was too difficult for me. >>eng<< FBIa etorri zen Layla atxilotzeko. The FBI came to arrest Layla. The FBI came to arrest Layla. >>eng<< Felinoek sabanan egiten dute korrika. The felines run in the savannah. Felinos are running. >>eng<< Filmea ez zen entzunda neukana. The film was not what I had thought it was. The movie was not what I heard. >>eng<< Partidaren azken emaitza 3 ta 1 izan zen. The final score of the game was 3 to 1. The final score of the game was 1 to 3. >>eng<< Hileta atzo izan zen. The funeral was yesterday. The funeral was yesterday. >>eng<< Partida berdinketan amaitu zen 6-6 emaitzarekin. The game ended in a draw with a score 6-6. The match ended with 6-6 results. >>eng<< Etxea nik espero baino garestiagoa zen. The house was more expensive than I had expected. The house was more expensive than I expected. >>eng<< Giltza mahai gainean dago. The key is on the table. The key is on the table. >>eng<< Partidaren bigarren zatia oso lehiagarria izan zen. The latter half of the game was very exciting. The second part of the game was very competitive. >>eng<< Natura-zientziak gizarte-zientziak baino zailagoak dira. The natural sciences are harder than the social sciences. Natural sciences are more difficult than social sciences. >>eng<< Hurrengo aldian hobeagoa izango da. The next time will be better! Next time it will be better. >>eng<< Gizon zaharrak bere kontaerari eztularekin jarri zizkion etenak. The old man's narrative was punctuated by coughs. The old man coughed his story. >>eng<< Argazkiek negarra eragin zidaten. The photos made me cry. The pictures made me cry. >>eng<< Olerkariak bere buruaz beste egin zuen bere ikasgelan. The poet committed suicide in his study. The poet killed himself in his classroom. >>eng<< Itsasoan irlak daude. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. >>eng<< Asko dira lehendakari gisa egiten ditudan erabaki eta politika guztiekin bat etorriko ez direnak. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. There are many decisions that I make as president and I do not agree with all my policies. >>eng<< Badaude zenbait katu portu ondoan bizi direnak. There are several cats that live near the pier. There are a number of cats living near the port. >>eng<< Hiri honetan zubi gehiegi daude. There are too many bridges in this city. There are too many bridges in this city. >>eng<< Hemen asko turista daude There are too many tourists here. There are a lot of tourists here. >>eng<< Tom ez dago hemen ohean gaixorik dagoelako. The reason Tom isn't here is because he's sick in bed. Tom's not here because he's sick in bed. >>eng<< Erantzun zuzen bat baino gehiago egon ahal dira. There can be more than one correct answer. There may be more than one correct answer. >>eng<< Beti azalpenen bat dago. There is always an explanation. There is always an explanation. >>eng<< Sagar bat dago idazmahai gainean. There is an apple on the desk. There's a apple on the desk. >>eng<< Hiri onetan erligio askatasuna dago There is freedom of religion in this country. There is freedom of religion in the city. >>eng<< Ez dago zertan hainbeste haserretu. Hago lasai. There's no need to get so angry. Keep your temper. You don't have to be so angry. >>eng<< Horra joateak ez dauka zentzurik. There's no point going there. Going there doesn’t make sense. >>eng<< Bazegoen kulero arrosa bat bere zain bulegoan. There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office. There was a rose tub waiting for her in the office. >>eng<< Itsasoan uharteak zeuden. There were islands in the sea. There were islands in the sea. >>eng<< Sagar hauek oso gozoak dira! These apples are so delicious! These apples are delicious! >>eng<< Gauza hauek ez dira nireak! These things aren't mine! These things aren't mine! >>eng<< Alderdi Sozialistak botoen %18a besterik ez zuen lortu. The Socialist Party only got 18% of the votes. The Socialist Party won only 18% of the votes. >>eng<< Udako belarrak lurra estaltzen du. The summer grass covers the ground. The summer grass covers the ground. >>eng<< Fuji mendia elurrez estali zen. The summit of Mt. Fuji was covered in snow. Mount Fuji was covered with snow. >>eng<< Eguzkia Lurra planeta baino askoz handiagoa da. The sun is much bigger than the earth. The sun is much bigger than the planet. >>eng<< Goiko testua euskaraz idatzita dago. The text above is written in Basque. The above text is written in euthanasia. >>eng<< Sumendiak duela urte batzuk eztanda egin zuen. The volcano erupted several years ago. The volcano exploded a few years ago. >>eng<< Familia osoa ohean gaixo zegoen. The whole family was sick in bed. The whole family was sick in bed. >>eng<< Herriaren borondatea da botere publikoaren agintearen oinarria; borondate hori aldian-aldian egingo diren benetako hauteskundeetan adieraziko da. Hauteskundeok bozketa orokor eta berdinez eta isilpeko boto bidez egingo dira, edo boto askatasuna bermatzen duen beste bide batez. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. The will of the people is the basis of the power of the public; this will will be expressed in the real elections that will take place periodically, and these elections will be held by general and equal votes, or by another means which guarantees freedom of vote. >>eng<< Hitzen ordena aldatu behar da. The word order has to be changed. The order of words needs to be changed. >>eng<< Espainieraz badakite. They can speak Spanish. They know Spanish. >>eng<< Beraiek ezin izango dute hori inoiz egin. They could never do that. They will never be able to do that. >>eng<< Haiek ez datoz bat Oglethorpe-ren ideiekin. They did not agree with all of Oglethorpe's ideas. They don't match Oglethorpe's ideas. >>eng<< Ez diete beti gurasoei jaramon egiten. They don't always obey their parents. They don’t always listen to their parents. >>eng<< Haiek ni torturatzen gozatzen zuten. They enjoyed torturing me. They loved to torture me. >>eng<< Laranja zukua vodkarekin eman zioten. They gave him a glass of orange juice laced with vodka. He was given orange juice with vodka. >>eng<< Etxe handi batean bizi dira. They live in a great house. They live in a big house. >>eng<< Haiek izugarri maite naute. They really loved me. They love me so much. >>eng<< Ez dira nire etsaiak. They're not my enemies. They are not my enemies. >>eng<< Biharko nahi dute. They want it for tomorrow. They want tomorrow. >>eng<< Maitemindurik zeuden. They were in love. They were in love. >>eng<< Salgai zeuden. They were on sale. They were selling. >>eng<< Nik esan diedana egingo dute. They will do what I tell them. They will do what I say. >>eng<< Haiek ez ziren geldituko ni jotzen. They wouldn't stop hitting me. They wouldn’t stop playing me. >>eng<< Haiek ez ziren geldituko ni torturatzen. They wouldn't stop torturing me. They wouldn’t stop me from being tortured. >>eng<< Liburu honek hogeita hamar dolar kostatu izan du. This book cost me thirty dollars. This book costs $10. >>eng<< Aulki hau itsusia da. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. >>eng<< Txakur hori ez da nirea. This dog isn't mine. This dog is not mine. >>eng<< Jostagarria izan da hau. This has been fun. This was toy. >>eng<< Hau erabaki garrantzitsua da. This is a big decision. This is an important decision. >>eng<< Hau denbora alferrik galtzea da. This is a complete waste of time. This is a waste of time. >>eng<< Hiri hau historikoa da. This is a historic city. This city is historic. >>eng<< Denbora galtze izugarria da. This is a huge waste of time. It's a terrible waste of time. >>eng<< Hau Eskoziako abesti zahar bat da. This is an old Scottish song. This is an old Scottish song. >>eng<< Hau betiko da. This is for keeps. This is forever. >>eng<< Hau da nire ordenagailua. This is my computer. This is my computer. >>eng<< Hau nire dirua da. This is my money. This is my money. >>eng<< Hau ez da tranpa. This isn't a trap. This is not a trap. >>eng<< Hau ez da niretzat. This isn't for me. This isn't for me. >>eng<< Hori gure errua da. This is our fault. That's our fault. >>eng<< Itzultzeaz nekatzen naizen lehenengo aldia da. This is the first time I've ever got tired of translating. This is my first time getting tired of coming back. >>eng<< Hau Tom-en autoa da. This is Tom's car. This is Tom's car. >>eng<< Hau Tomek etxea da. This is Tom's house. This is Tom's house. >>eng<< Hau zure geldialdia da. This is your stop. This is your stop. >>eng<< Ene errua izan da. This was my fault. It was my fault. >>eng<< Hau nire errua izan da. This was my mistake. This was my fault. >>eng<< Horko neskak nire arrebak dira. Those girls over there are my sisters. The girls there are my sisters. >>eng<< Denbora gure alde. Time's on my side. Time for us. >>eng<< Tim Tomen anaia bikia da. Tim is Tom's twin brother. Tim Tom's brother is twin. >>eng<< Gaur, Layla-ren bizitza ona da. Today, Layla's life is good. Today, Layla's life is good. >>eng<< Gaur Tomen 30. urtebetetzea da. Today's Tom's 30th birthday. Today is Tom's 30th birthday. >>eng<< Gaur egun esan dezakegu nolako eguraldia egingo duen zehaztasun handiarekin. Today, we can tell how the weather will be with a high degree of accuracy. Today we can tell you exactly what the weather will be like. >>eng<< Tomek eta biok elkarrekin egin genuen. Tom and I did that together. Tom and I did it together. >>eng<< Tom eta biok hori egin genuen elkar. Tom and I did that together. That's what Tom and I did. >>eng<< Tom eta Maria antifaxistak dira Tom and Mary are anti-fascists. Tom and Mary are antifascists. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary kanadarrak dira. Tom and Mary are Canadians. Tom and Mary are Canadians. >>eng<< Tomek eta Marik hori egiten ari dira. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Marik are doing that. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary betiko lagun bihurtu ziren. Tom and Mary became lifelong friends. Tom and Mary became friends forever. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary-k amaitu zuten hori egiten beraien kontuz. Tom and Mary finished doing that on their own. Tom and Mary ended up doing this carefully. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary elkarrekin joaten dira eskolara goizero. Tom and Mary go to school together almost every morning. Tom and Mary go to school in the morning. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary-k beraien hitzorduak bertan bera utzi diruzte. Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments. Tom and Mary gave up their dates. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary elkarrekin afaltzen dute gauero. Tom and Mary have dinner together almost every night. Tom and Mary eat together every night. >>eng<< Tomek eta Maryk bere hirugarren semeari John jarri zioten. Tom and Mary named their third son John. Tom and Mary put John to his third son. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary zerbait erosi behar dute. Tom and Mary need to buy some things. Tom and Mary have to buy something. >>eng<< Tomek eta Maryk nire autoa garbituko dutela zin egin didate. Tom and Mary promised me that they'd wash my car. Tom and Mary swore to clean my car. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary sin egin zidaten nire autoa garbitu zutela. Tom and Mary promised me that they'd wash my car. Tom and Mary have sinned that they cleaned my car. >>eng<< Badirudi Tom eta Mary elkarrekin oso zoriontsu direla, ez da? Tom and Mary seem pretty happy together, don't they? It looks like Tom and Mary are very happy together, isn't it? >>eng<< Tom eta Mary uzta-jaialdira joan ziren. Tom and Mary went to the harvest festival. Tom and Mary went to the harvest season. >>eng<< Tom eta Mary ez dira Bostonera joango. Tom and Mary won't go to Boston. Tom and Mary are not going to Boston. >>eng<< Tom galdetu zian zer nahi nuen jateko. Tom asked me what I wanted to eat. Tom asked what I wanted to eat. >>eng<< Tomek Mary-ri deitu zion goiz honetan. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mary this morning. >>eng<< Tom donut bat jan zuen. Tom can't dance. Tom ate a donut. >>eng<< Tomek arazo asko eragin zituen. Tom caused a lot of problems. Tom caused many problems. >>eng<< Agian tom bihar etortzen da. Tom could possibly come tomorrow. Tom is coming tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom ez zen oso urrun joan. Tom didn't get very far. Tom did not go very far. >>eng<< Tomek ez zekien zer esan beharko luke. Tom didn't know what he should say. Tom didn't know what to say. >>eng<< Tomek ez zigun edateko ezer eskaini. Tom didn't offer us anything to drink. Tom offered us nothing to drink. >>eng<< Tomek ez du ondo lorik egin hainbat arrazoiengatik. Tom didn't sleep well for a multitude of reasons. Tom didn't sleep well for many reasons. >>eng<< Tomek ez zuen bere euritakoa hartu. Tom didn't take his umbrella with him. Tom did not take his rain. >>eng<< Tom ez zidan esan berandu etortzearen arrazoia. Tom didn't tell me the reason why he was late. Tom didn't tell me why he was late. >>eng<< Tomek ez du bere etxea utzi nahi. Tom didn't want to leave his house. Tom doesn't want to leave his house. >>eng<< Tomek hori egin zuen nigatik. Tom did that for me. Tom did that for me. >>eng<< Tom droga gaindosi batek jota hil zen. Tom died from a drug overdose. Tom died of a drug overdose. >>eng<< Tom kartzelan hil zen duela hiru urte. Tom died in prison three years ago. Tom died in prison three years ago. >>eng<< Tom ez du beti ulertzen pasatzen ari dena. Tom doesn't always understand what's happening. Tom doesn't always understand what's going on. >>eng<< Tom ez da inoiz hona bakarrik etortzen. Tom doesn't ever come here by himself. Tom never comes here alone. >>eng<< Tom ez doa hemen eskola jada. Tom doesn't go to school here anymore. Tom's not going to school anymore. >>eng<< Tom-ek ez daki Mary-ren mutil laguna naizela. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. >>eng<< Tomek ez daki nik dakidala. Tom doesn't know that I know. Tom doesn't know what I know. >>eng<< Tomek ez daki zer egiten dudan. Tom doesn't know what I do. Tom doesn't know what I'm doing. >>eng<< Tomek ez daki nora joan nahi duen. Tom doesn't know where he wants to go. Tom doesn't know where he wants to go. >>eng<< Tom ez du gogoratzen no jarri duen bere pasaportea. Tom doesn't remember where he put his passport. Tom doesn't remember where he put his passport. >>eng<< Tom-ek ez du ezer gehiagorik erosi nahi. Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. >>eng<< Tomek hori egiten du ere bai Tom does that, too. Tom does that too. >>eng<< Tomek asko edan zuen bart. Tom drank a lot last night. Tom drank a lot last night. >>eng<< Tomek ondo jantzi zen. Tom dressed well. Tom dressed well. >>eng<< Tomek ondo janzten da. Tom dresses well. Tom dresses well. >>eng<< Tom era berri bat aurkitu du bere berriak aurkezteko. Tom found a new way to announce his news. Tom found a new way to present his news. >>eng<< Tomek erloju hau aurkitu zuen garaje-salerosketa batean. Tom found this clock at a garage sale. Tom found this clock in a garage store. >>eng<< Tomek musu handi bat eman zion Maryri. Tom gave Mary a big kiss. Tom gave Mary a big kiss. >>eng<< Tom primeran pasatu zuen Las Vegasen. Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. >>eng<< Tomek seme bat dauka John izena duena. Tom has a son whose name is John. Tom has a son named John. >>eng<< Tomek hiru katu ditu. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. >>eng<< Tomek bi ordenagailu ditu. Tom has two computers. Tom has two computers. >>eng<< Tomek inoiz ez zela gertatu insistitu zuen. Tom insisted it never happened. Tom insisted that it had never happened. >>eng<< Tom Mary baino askoz zaharragoa da. Tom is a lot older than Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. >>eng<< Tomek beti arazoak eragiten ditu. Tom is always causing problems. Tom is always in trouble. >>eng<< Tom eskuma-ezkerti da, ezta? Tom is ambidextrous, isn't he? Tom's right-wing, isn't he? >>eng<< Tom musikaria da. Tom is a musician. Tom is a musician. >>eng<< Tom sozialista da. Tom is a socialist. Tom is a socialist. >>eng<< Tom indartsua da, ezta? Tom is a strong kid, isn't he? Tom's strong, isn't he? >>eng<< Tomek ikaslea da ere bai. Tom is a student, too. Tom is also a student. >>eng<< Tomek kafe gehiegi edaten ari da. Tom is drinking too much coffee. Tom's drinking too much coffee. >>eng<< Tom gaixorik dago. Tom is ill. Tom's sick. >>eng<< Tom ez dago txantxetarako egoeran. Tom is in no mood for jokes. Tom's not in a joke. >>eng<< Tom nahiko txarto dago. Tom is in pretty bad shape. Tom's pretty bad. >>eng<< Tom orain ezkonduta dago. Tom is married now. Tom is now married. >>eng<< Tom-ek ia-ia nahi duen edozein gauza egin dezake. Tom isn't allowed to do just anything he wants. Tom can do almost anything he wants. >>eng<< Tomek ez dago hori egiten. Tom isn't doing that. Tom's not doing that. >>eng<< Tom ez da nire bikkotea. Tom isn't my partner. Tom's not my twin. >>eng<< Tomek abesten jarraitu zuen. Tom just kept singing. Tom continued to sing. >>eng<< Tomek hitz egiten jarraitu zuen. Tom just kept talking. Tom kept talking. >>eng<< Tomek badaki Maryk John maite duela. Tom knows that Mary loves John. Tom knows Mary loves John. >>eng<< Tomek badaki zer esan behar duen. Tom knows what he has to say. Tom knows what to say. >>eng<< Tomek cheeseburgerrak gustuko ditu. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheeseburgers. >>eng<< Tom bere izebarekin bizi da. Tom lives with his aunt. Tom lives with his aunt. >>eng<< Tom tximino bat dirudi. Tom looks like a monkey. Tom looks like a monkey. >>eng<< Tomek pasta maite du. Tom loves pasta. Tom loves pasta. >>eng<< Tomek hori egin behar du gaur. Tom needs to do that today. Tom has to do that today. >>eng<< Tom ez dirudi inoiz dagoenik haserretuta. Tom never seems to get angry. Tom never seems angry. >>eng<< Tom ez dirudi inoiz nekatuta dagoenik. Tom never seems to get tired. Tom never seems tired. >>eng<< Tom normalean bere lanari buruz hitz egiten du Tom often talks about his work. Tom usually talks about his work. >>eng<< Bihar jaieguna da. Tomorrow is a holiday. Tomorrow is Christmas. >>eng<< Oso ohikoa da Tom gaixorik jartzea. Tom quite often gets sick. It's very common to get Tom sick. >>eng<< Tomek izugarri gustuko du hori egitea. Tom really likes to do that. Tom really likes to do that. >>eng<< Tomek esan zuen Maryrentzako ahal zuena egingo zuela Tom said he'd do what he could for Mary. Tom said he would do what he could for Mary. >>eng<< Tomem dio gurasoek nahi duena egiten uzten diotela. Tom said his parents allow him to do what he wants. Tomem says his parents let him do whatever he wants. >>eng<< Tomek hori egin nuela esan zuen. Tom said I did that. Tom said I did that. >>eng<< Tomek oso lanpeturik zebilela esan zuen. Tom said that he had been busy. Tom said he was very busy. >>eng<< Tomek oso lapenturik zegoela esan zuen. Tom said that he was very busy. Tom said he was very fat. >>eng<< Tomek erakargarri zeudela esan du. Tom said you were good-looking. Tom said they were attractive. >>eng<< Tomen ama pasa den astean hil zen. Tom's mother passed away last week. Tom's mother died last week. >>eng<< Tom-en aitak Bostonen bizi dira Tom's parents live in Boston. Tom's father lives in Boston. >>eng<< Tom-ek bikain hitz egiten du alemaniera. Tom speaks perfect German. Tom speaks German very well. >>eng<< Tom-ek, Bostonen pasatu zuen bere hamahirugarren urtebetetzea. Tom spent his thirtieth birthday in Boston. Tom spent his thirteenth birthday in Boston. >>eng<< Tomek Mary-rekin hitz egin zuen atzo. Tom talked to Mary yesterday. Tom talked to Mary yesterday. >>eng<< Tomek Mary hori egitea gustuko izango zuela pentsatu zuen. Tom thought Mary might like to do that. Tom thought he would like to do that. >>eng<< Tomek hori egiteko beldurrik ez izatea esan zion Maryri Tom told Mary not to be afraid to do that. Tom told Mary not to be afraid to do that. >>eng<< Tomek esan zion Mary-ri John bertan egongo zela. Tom told Mary that John would be there. Tom said to Mary that John would be there. >>eng<< Tomek esan zidan Mary gose zela uste zuela. Tom told me he was determined to do that. Tom told me she thought Mary was hungry. >>eng<< Tomek hori egitea nahi izan zuen aurreko astean. Tom wanted to do that last week. Tom wanted to do that last week. >>eng<< Tomek teleskopio bat nahi du. Tom wants a telescope. Tom wants a telescope. >>eng<< Tomek denbora gehiago pasatu nahi du natura ikasten. Tom wants to spend more time in nature. Tom wants to spend more time studying nature. >>eng<< Tomi txantxa gustatu zitzaion. Tom was amused by the joke. Tom liked the joke. >>eng<< Tom hil zen auto istripu batean. Tom was killed in a car crash. Tom died in a car accident. >>eng<< Tom ez da egon eskolan Tom wasn't in school today. Tom wasn’t at school. >>eng<< Tomek hori egiteko ez zegoen prest. Tom wasn't ready to do that. Tom wasn't ready to do that. >>eng<< Tom ez zegoen ziur gertatu zenari buruz. Tom wasn't sure what happened. Tom was not sure what had happened. >>eng<< Tomek hamahiru urte zituen hil zenean Tom was thirteen when he died. Tom was thirteen years old when he died. >>eng<< Tomek Frantziara joan zen duela bi hilabete. Tom went to France two months ago. Tom went to France two months ago. >>eng<< Tom Las Vegasera joan zen. Tom went to Las Vegas. Tom went to Las Vegas. >>eng<< Tom hemen egongo zen , egon behar zela jakin izango balu Tom would have been here if he knew he needed to be. Tom would have been here if he knew he had to be. >>eng<< Tom joan izango luke lehenago, ahal zuela jakin izango balu Tom would have left early if he'd known he could've. Tom would have gone sooner if he knew he could. >>eng<< Tomek ez luke Mary bakarrik utzi beharko. Tom wouldn't leave Mary alone. Tom shouldn't leave Mary alone. >>eng<< Tonyk ahots atsegina dauka. Tony has a nice voice. Tony has a nice voice. >>eng<< Tonyren ahotsa atsegina da. Tony's voice is nice. Tony's voice is nice. >>eng<< Oso garestia da Too expensive! It's very expensive >>eng<< Mutil hauetatik, nori emango zenioke liburua? To which of these boys will you give the book? From these guys, who would you give the book to? >>eng<< "Zuhatitzek ez dute arimik" esan zuen Dianak. "Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana. "The trees have no souls," said Diana. >>eng<< Turkia herrialde polita da. Turkey is a beautiful country. Turkey is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Gaur gauean hemen dauden pertsonen bi herena Kanadiarrak dira. Two-thirds of the people here tonight are Canadians. Two-thirds of the people here tonight are Canadians. >>eng<< Zoritxarrez ez dut alemanierarik hitz egiten. Unfortunately I hardly speak any German. I don’t speak German. >>eng<< SESB akronimoak adierazten du Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna. U.S.S.R. stands for the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". The SESB acronym represents the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. >>eng<< SESBek Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna esan nahi du. U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. SESB means the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. >>eng<< Tomek, askotan, lor dezake nahi duena. Usually Tom can get whatever he wants. Tom can often get what he wants. >>eng<< Viena hiri polita da. Vienna is a beautiful city. Vienna is a beautiful city. >>eng<< Oker nengoen? Was I wrong? Was I wrong? >>eng<< Hori beste txantxa bat izan da? Was that another joke? Was that another joke? >>eng<< Animaliengandik bereizten gaituena hitz egiteko ahalmena da. We are different from animals in that we can speak. What separates us from animals is the ability to speak. >>eng<< Energia nuklearraren aroan gaude. We are in the era of atomic energy. We are at the age of nuclear power. >>eng<< Ez gara beldur. We are not scared. We're not afraid. >>eng<< Bihar gaueko 9etan topatuko gara. We are to meet together at 9 o'clock tomorrow night. We'll meet tomorrow at 9:00. >>eng<< Ados gaude We concurred. We agree >>eng<< Mary hil genuela konfesatu genuen. We confessed that we had killed Mary. We confessed that we killed Mary. >>eng<< Ezin genuen mendiko tontorra ikusi. We could not see the top of the mountain. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. >>eng<< Ezin genuen mendiko tontorra ikusi. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. >>eng<< Layla nola hil zen ez dakigu zehaztasun osoz. We don't know exactly how Layla died. We don't know exactly how Layla died. >>eng<< Ez dugu Tom guztiz ezagutzen. We don't really know Tom. We don't know Tom completely. >>eng<< Azkar jantzi ginen. We got dressed quickly. We dressed quickly. >>eng<< Hiru hegazkin geneuzkan. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. >>eng<< Hiru hegazkin genituen. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. >>eng<< Hiru hegazkin ditugu. We have three airplanes. We have three airplanes. >>eng<< Espero dugu Tomek hori ez egitea. We hope Tom doesn't do that. We hope Tom doesn't do that. >>eng<< Ongi etorri Wikipediara, edonork aldatu dezakeen entziklopedia askera. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can change. >>eng<< Gose izango gara. We'll be hungry. We'll be hungry. >>eng<< Neska aurkitu behar dugu. We need to find her. We have to find the girl. >>eng<< Erabaki garrantzitsu bat egin behar dugu. We need to make a big decision. We need to make an important decision. >>eng<< Berriro gertatzeko beldur gara. We're scared it'll happen again. We are afraid to happen again. >>eng<< Zu izan zinen Tom pozoindu zuena? Were you the one who poisoned Tom? Was it you who poisoned Tom? >>eng<< Egon ginen ikasten gaurko azterketarako 2:30k arte. We stayed up until about 2:30 studying for today's test. We were studying until 2:30 p.m. >>eng<< Gau erdira arte ibili zen telefonoz hitz egiten. We talked on the phone until midnight. He talked on the phone until midnight. >>eng<< Bi hilabete baino luzeago egon gara itxaroten. We've been waiting for over two months. We waited longer than two months. >>eng<< Hori gertatzea lehenago ere ikusi genuen. We've seen that happen before. We’ve seen that happen before. >>eng<< Herrialdeko hiri historikoak bisitatu genituen. We visited the historic sites of the country. We visited the historic towns of the country. >>eng<< Hondartzan jolasten ari ginen. We were playing on the beach. We were playing at the beach. >>eng<< Irabazi dugu. We won! We won. >>eng<< geratuko ginateke gehiago denbora izango bagenu We would have stayed longer if we had had more time. We would have stayed longer if we had more time. >>eng<< Zer egingo duzu gaur gauean? What are you going to do tonight? What are you going to do tonight? >>eng<< Zer nahi duzu edateko? What can I get you for drinking? What do you want to drink? >>eng<< Zein egunean da azkoka? What day is the fair? On what day is it squirrel? >>eng<< Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? What did you think I'd do? What did you think I would do? >>eng<< Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? What did you think I would do? What did you think I would do? >>eng<< Zer jaten dute txinpanzeek? What do chimpanzees eat? What do Chinese eat? >>eng<< Zer pentsatzen du neska horrek niri buruz? What does that girl think about me? What does that girl think of me? >>eng<< Zer pentsatzen dute niri buruz? What do they think about me? What do they think of me? >>eng<< Ezbehar bat da gertatu zena. What happened was a disgrace. It's an accident that happened. >>eng<< Zer gertatu da azken boladan hemen? What has actually happened here? What happened here lately? >>eng<< Zerk inspiratzen zaitu gehien ? What inspires you most? What inspires you the most? >>eng<< Zer da soinu hori? What is that sound? What is that sound? >>eng<< Zein da Haitiko hiriburua? What is the capital of Haiti? What is the capital of Haiti? >>eng<< Zenbat kostatzen du garbiketak? What is the cost of the cleaning? How Much Does Cleaning Cost? >>eng<< Zenbatean dago trukatze tarifa? What is the exchange rate? How much is the exchange rate? >>eng<< Ezin dut ezer sentitu What is the incubation period? I can't feel anything. >>eng<< Zein da zure lanbidea? What is your profession? What is your job? >>eng<< Nik orain nahi dudana ez da dirua, denbora baizik. What I want now is not money, but time. What I want now is not money, but time. >>eng<< Zelako gauzak haserratsen dizute? What kind of things make you angry? What are the things that annoy you? >>eng<< Zer gertatu zen bitartean? What's happened in the meantime? What happened while? >>eng<< Zer gertatu da diruarekin? What's happened to the money? What happened to the money? >>eng<< Zer nolako jendea dabil honelako leku batetan? What sort of people hang out at a place like this? What kind of people are in such a place? >>eng<< Zein da arazoa, Jane? Txarto sentitzen zarenaren itxura duzu. What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well. What's the problem, Jane? >>eng<< Zein da hurrengo geltokia? What's the next station? What is the next station? >>eng<< Ze eguraldi arraroa. What strange weather! What strange weather. >>eng<< "Zer ordu da?" "3:20ak dira." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." >>eng<< "Zer ordu da orain?" "Hamarrak dira." "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." "What time is it now?" "It's ten." >>eng<< Zein izan zen zure lehen maskotaren izena? What was your first pet's name? What was the name of your first pet? >>eng<< Zer edango duzue? What will you drink? What will you drink? >>eng<< Noiz aurkitu zuen Tomek Mary John_ekin ikusten ari zela? When did Tom find out that Mary was seeing John? When did Tom see Mary John? >>eng<< Noiz hartu duzu hori? When did you get that? When did you get that? >>eng<< Zure adina nuenean, oinez joaten nintzen eskolara egunero. When I was your age, I walked to school every day. When I was your age, I walked to school every day. >>eng<< Noiz gertatuko da? When will it happen? When will it happen? >>eng<< Non nago? Where am I? Where am I? >>eng<< Dutxak non dira? Where are the showers? Where are the showers? >>eng<< Nongoa zara? Where are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Nora zoaz? Where are you going? Where are you going? >>eng<< Nora zoaz, Tom? Where did you go, Tom? Where are you going, Tom? >>eng<< Non bizi da Marika orain? Where does Marika live now? Where does Mary live now? >>eng<< Non erosi dituzu zure soinekoak? Where do you buy your dresses? Where did you buy your clothes? >>eng<< "Non bizi zara?" "Tokion bizi naiz." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokion." >>eng<< Non egon zara? Denok deitu dizute Where have you been? Everyone phoned you. Where have you been? >>eng<< Non dago Damasko? Where is Damascus? Where is Damascus? >>eng<< Non dago zure txakurra? Where is your dog? Where is your dog? >>eng<< Non dago justizia? Where's the justice? Where is Justice? >>eng<< Non zeuden? Where were you? Where were they? >>eng<< Zein film da hau? Which movie is this? What movie is this? >>eng<< Zuek biok, biotatik nor etorriko da nirekin? Which one of you two are coming with me? Which of the two of you will come with me? >>eng<< Nork aterako du etekinik? Who benefits? Who's gonna get it out of here? >>eng<< Nork esan zuen Tomek gezurra esaten ari zela? Who did Tom say was lying? Who said Tom was lying? >>eng<< Norekin dantzatu nahi zenuen? Who did you want to dance with? Who did you want to dance with? >>eng<< Nork asmatu zituen betaurrekoak? Who invented glasses? Who invented the glasses? >>eng<< Nork asmatu zuen telefonoa? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? >>eng<< Nork asmatu zuen makina hau? Who invented this machine? Who invented this machine? >>eng<< Nor da gogokoen duzun egilea? Who is your favorite author? Who is the author you like? >>eng<< Nork egin zuen panpina? Who made the doll? Who made the doll? >>eng<< Zertaz da Tom beldur? Who's Tom afraid of? What is Tom afraid of? >>eng<< Nork nahi du txokolate beroa? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? >>eng<< Zergatik ez zara bakarrik esertzen eta erlaxatzen? Why don't you just sit down and relax? Why don't you just sit down and relax? >>eng<< Zergatik dago Tom altxatuta? Why is Tom standing? Why is Tom up? >>eng<< Zergaitik zure txakurrak erren egiten hari du? Why is your dog limping? Why does your dog burn? >>eng<< Zergatik ez itxaron bihar arte? Why not wait until tomorrow? Why not wait until tomorrow? >>eng<< Bihar etorriko da? Will he come tomorrow? Will he come tomorrow? >>eng<< Txakur bat nahiko zenuke ? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? >>eng<< Lan bat nahiko zenuke ? Would you like a job? Would you like a job? >>eng<< Gauzaren bat nahiko zenuke ? Would you like anything? Would you like something? >>eng<< Té apur bat nahiko zenuke ? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? >>eng<< Nirekin dantza egingo? Would you like to dance with me? Dancing with me? >>eng<< Hori egitea gustatuko litzaizuke ? Would you like to do that? Would you like to do that? >>eng<< Zerbait idazten du Write something. He writes something. >>eng<< Jana astrofisika ikasten ari da Jekaterinburgen. Yana studies astrophysics in Yekaterinburg. Jana is studying astrophysics in katerinburg. >>eng<< Oso hizketakide interesgarria zara. You are a very interesting interlocutor. You are an interesting speaker. >>eng<< Zu ez zaude beldurtuta, edo bai? You aren't afraid, are you? You're not scared, are you? >>eng<< Istripu honen erantzunkizuna duzu. You are responsible for this accident. You are responsible for this accident. >>eng<< Horixe harrituta nengoela. You bet I was surprised. That's what surprised me. >>eng<< Hiztegia erabili dezakezu. You can use the dictionary. You can use the dictionary. >>eng<< Hobe duzu egitea zure aitak esan dizuna egiteko. You'd better do what your father told you to do. You better do what your dad told you to do. >>eng<< zuek mutilok ezagutzen nauzue You guys know me. You guys know me. >>eng<< Zoroa egon behar zara egia ukiezina ezeztatzen jarraitzeko. You have to be crazy to keep denying such an irrefutable truth! You have to be crazy to continue to deny the truth. >>eng<< Zuk badakizu zerbait honi buruz, ezta? You know something about this, don't you? You know something about this, don’t you? >>eng<< Dakizunez Tom-i gustatzen zaizkio autoak. You know that Tom likes cars. You know, Tom likes cars. >>eng<< Zuk badakizu zer esan zuen Tomek, ezta? You know what Tom said, don't you? You know what Tom said, don't you? >>eng<< Badakik zergatik. You know why. You know why. >>eng<< Badakin zergatik. You know why. You know why. >>eng<< Badakizu zergatik. You know why. You know why. >>eng<< Egunero zerbait ikasten. You learn something new every day. Learn something every day. >>eng<< Hori arasorik gabe egiteko gai izango zara. You'll be able to do that easily. You will be able to do this without trouble. >>eng<< Berria emateko gai izango zinateke. You'll be able to notice. You'd be able to give it a new one. >>eng<< Gogoko duzun liburua aukera dezakezu. You may choose any book you like. You can choose the book you like. >>eng<< Gogoko duzuna aukera dezakezu. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose what you like. >>eng<< Hemen aparkatu dezakezu. You may park here. You can park here. >>eng<< Tomengana korriketan joan beharko zenuke. You might run into Tom there. You should go to Tom in the cork. >>eng<< Kontuz ibili behar zara Tom ez azerretzeko. You must be careful not to make Tom angry. You have to be careful not to bother Tom. >>eng<< Txarto neurtu duzu, ziur. You must've measured wrong. You've been misinterpreted, I'm sure. >>eng<< Teleskopioa kolimatu behar duzu. You need to collimate the telescope. You need to use a telescope. >>eng<< "Eskerrik asko" esatea ahaztu zaizu. You neglected to say "Thank you." You forgot to say “thank you.” >>eng<< Hire alaba drogazalea duk. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. >>eng<< Hire alaba drogazalea dun. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. >>eng<< Zuen alaba drogazalea da. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. >>eng<< Komikiak arras gogoko dituzu, ezta? You really like comic books, don't you? You like comics, right? >>eng<< Beti mozkorra zaude. You're always drunk. You're always drunk. >>eng<< Zure laranja jaten ari zara. You're eating your orange. You're eating your orange. >>eng<< Benetan astuna zara. You're incredibly annoying. You're really heavy. >>eng<< Ez duzu amore emango, ez da? You're not going to give up, are you? You won't give up, will you? >>eng<< Zuk nahiko ondo dakizu frantsesez. Your French is good enough. You know very well in French. >>eng<< Zuk nahiko ondo egiten duzu frantsesez. Your French is good enough. You do well in French. >>eng<< Zure semeak baditu 5 urte? Your son is already five? Is your child 5 years old? >>eng<< Zure emaztea zorte handiko emakumea da. Your wife is a very lucky woman. Your wife is a very lucky woman. >>eng<< Konbentzituta zenidurien oso Tomek hori egin nahi zuela. You seemed convinced that Tom wanted to do that. You convinced me that Tom wanted to do that. >>eng<< Pentsatzen duzu modu oso metikuloso batean. You think in a way that is very meticulous. You think in a very medicinal way. >>eng<< Asko aldatu zara ikusi zintudanetik. You've changed a lot since I've seen you. You've changed a lot since I saw you. >>eng<< Oso pozik egin gaituzu. You've made us very happy. You made us very happy. >>eng<< Nik esan dizudana egingo duzu. You will do what I tell you. You'll do what I said. >>eng<< Erraza ikasgai honetan aurkitzeko. You will find this lesson easy. It’s easy to find in this lesson.