Võta paar päeva vabaks. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. Mul ei ole hobisid, jalgpall välja arvatud. I don't have hobbies, except for football. I don't have hobbies, except football. Ma just lõpetasin õhtusöögi. I've just finished dinner. I just finished dinner. Ma olen siin. I am here. I'm here. Me kõik tahame sinuga kaasa tulla. We all want to go with you. We all want to come with you. Probleem lahenes iseenesest. The problem resolved itself. The problem was solved by itself. Mina ka. Me, too. Me too. Ma ei räägi sulle, mis juhtus kui sa maha ei rahune. I'm not going to tell you what happened until you calm down. I'm not gonna tell you what happened if you don't calm down. Valjemini, palun. Louder, please. Louder, please. Kui sügav? How deep? How deep? Ära süüdista mind, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. Manchester United võitis matši seisuga neli kahele. Manchester United won the match, four to two. Manchester United won the match at four for two. Mul on kaks tütart. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Ta on ateist. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Sa ju tead, kes on Tom? You know who Tom is, don't you? You know who Tom is, don't you? Ma kukkusin eksamil läbi, sest ma ei õppinud. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I failed the exam because I didn't study. Kaks naist laulavad. Two women are singing. Two women singing. Oota natuke. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Tom ei kuula mitte kunagi Maryt. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. Mul on vaja mõningaid muudatusi teha. I need to make some changes. I have some changes to make. Ma ei tahtnud, et mu ema sellest teada saaks. I didn't want my mom to know. I didn't want my mom to find out. Tal oleks see õnnestunud, oleks ta vaid proovinud. He would have succeeded had he tried. He could've done it. He would've tried it. See on väga väike raamat. This is a very small book. It's a very small book. Ma lähen sinna lennukiga. I will go there by plane. I'll take the plane. Ta ootas mu vastust. She waited for my reply. He was waiting for my answer. Nii-nii-nii, mis meil siin on? Well, well, well, what have we here? Well, well, what do we have here? See pikajuukseline nooruk on ebaviisakas. That long-haired youth is rude. That long-haired kid is rude. Nad ei leia seda. They won't find it. They won't find it. Ma ei teadnud, et ta seal oli. I didn't know that he was there. I didn't know he was there. Ma pean minema koju ja end välja magama. I have to go home and get a good night's sleep. I have to go home and get some sleep. Ma vihkan selliseid mehi. I hate guys like that. I hate men like that. Ma olen vabatahtlik. I'm a volunteer. I volunteer. Hei, anna see mulle tagasi. Hey, give that back to me. Hey, give it back to me. Tom andis Maryle sinise kausta. Tom handed Mary a blue folder. Tom gave Mary the blue file. Palun andeks... Sorry... I'm sorry... Kus on Cornwall? Where is Cornwall? Where's Cornwall? Jalgpallimängija tegi suure vea. The football player has made a huge mistake. The football player made a big mistake. Ma ei olnud nagunii eriti hõivatud. I wasn't very busy anyway. I wasn't too busy anyway. Head ööd, Tatoeba. Näeme homme. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good night, Tatoeba. Kõik on sinu üle uhked. Everyone is proud of you. Everybody's proud of you. Ma kirjutan raamatu. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. Tom niheles oma toolil. Tom fidgeted in his chair. Tom was fidgeting in his chair. Tom on oma autos üksi. Tom is alone in his car. Tom's alone in his car. Kaua ma pean siin olema? How long do I have to stay here? How long do I have to stay here? Lubasin oma koeral vabalt ringi joosta. I allowed my dog to run freely. I let my dog run around free. Maria on raamatukoi. Mary is a bookworm. Maria's a bookworm. Me kerisime filmi edasi. We fast-forwarded the film. We rewinded the movie. Kus on pudeliavaja? Where's the bottle opener? Where's the bottle opener? Kui Tom armastab Marit ja Mari armastab Johni, siis kas Tom armastab Johni? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? If Tom loves Mari and Mari loves John, does Tom love John? Ma ei soovi midagi hävitada. I'm not trying to destroy. I don't want to destroy anything. Me usume, et on aeg tihedamini naeratada. We think it's time to smile more often. We believe it's time to smile more often. Ma usaldan, mis Tom ütles. I'll take Tom at his word. I trust what Tom said. Ma nägin neid suudlemas. I saw them kissing. I saw them kissing. Kus mu sinine õnnemüts on? Where's my lucky blue cap? Where's my blue lucky hat? Ta seisis tee ääres. He was standing at the side of the road. He was standing by the side of the road. Mu armastus ei maksa midagi. My love costs nothing. My love costs nothing. Tom magas ülemisel naril. Tom slept on the top bunk. Tom slept on the top bunk. Mul on praegu tegemist. I'm kind of tied up right now. I'm busy right now. New York on tohutult suur linn. New York is a huge city. New York is a huge city. See on kõige väiksem puu, mida ma eales näinud olen. It is the tallest tree that I ever saw. It's the smallest tree I've ever seen. Maria käib klaveritunnis üks kord nädalas. Maria takes piano lessons once a week. Maria goes to piano class once a week. Millal sa helistad? When are you going to call? When are you gonna call? Ma ei tellinud seda. I didn't order it. I didn't order that. Su käekiri on loetamatu. Your handwriting is illegible. Your handwriting is illegible. Hüvasti. Goodbye! Goodbye. Tere. Ma olen Tomoka Sato Jaapanist. Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan. Hi, I'm Tomoka Sato from Japan. Vaatame mis me teha saame. Let me see what we can do. Let's see what we can do. Ta kardab oma isa. He is afraid of his father. He's afraid of his father. Me hilineme. We are late. We're late. Kui palju autosid sul on olnud? How many cars have you owned so far? How many cars have you had? Tom kuulab oma iPodi. Tom is listening to his iPod. Tom listens to his iPod. Kutsusin oma naabri hommikusöögile. I invited my neighbor to breakfast. I invited my neighbor to breakfast. Selle bussipeatuse ees kunagi oli restoran. There used to be a restaurant in front of this bus stop. There used to be a restaurant in front of that bus stop. Oli raske vastu panna soovile Tomi kael kahekorra käänata. It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck. It was hard to resist the desire to snap Tom's neck. Tom tahab saada poole kohaga tööd. Tom wants to get a part-time job. Tom wants a part-time job. Ma ajan habet igal hommikul. I shave every morning. I shave every morning. Miks sa magad? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Võta seda rohtu söögikordade vahel. Take this medicine between meals. Take that medicine between meals. See oli suurepärane artikkel. That was an excellent article. It was a great article. Me muudame tulevikku. We are changing the future. We're changing the future. Maavärinad on Jaapanis tavalised. Earthquakes are common in Japan. Earthquakes are common in Japan. Mida sovietoloogid uurivad? What does a Sovietologist study? What are sovietologists investigating? Mu enesealalhoiuinstinkt hoiab mind tagasi täiesti korras lennukitest välja hüppamast. My sense of self preservation keeps me from jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. My self-preservation instinct keeps me from jumping out of planes in perfect condition. Tal on korvitäis maasikaid. He has a basket full of strawberries. He's got a basket full of strawberries. See on kõigest mänguasi. It's just a toy. It's just a toy. Ma viin su koju. I'm going to get you home. I'll take you home. Kallista mind. Hug me. Give me a hug. Ma ei teadnud, et Tomil õde on. I didn't know Tom had a sister. I didn't know Tom had a sister. Kõndige aeglaselt. Walk slowly. Walk slowly. Tom väidab, et ta tulistas Mary't enesekaitseks. Tom claims he shot Mary in self-defense. Tom claims he shot Mary in self-defense. Olen nõus. I agree. I agree. Ma otsisin õigeid sõnu. I was looking for the right words. I was looking for the right words. Välja! Get out! Get out! Tom ei tea oma tugevust. Tom doesn't know his own strength. Tom doesn't know his strength. Vesi on vedelik. Water is a liquid. Water is liquid. See asi ei ole elus. This thing isn't alive. This thing isn't alive. Millest sa mõtlesid? What were you thinking about? What were you thinking? Ta tahab saada lauljaks. She wants to be a singer. He wants to be a singer. Misiganes. Whatever! Whatever. Me arvame, et on aeg rohkem naeratada. We think it's time to smile more often. We think it's time to smile more. Tom tegi selle üsna selgeks. Tom made that quite clear. Tom made it pretty clear. Tom on ohtlik, onju? Tom's dangerous, isn't he? Tom's dangerous, isn't he? Ma joon tee ära. I will drink the tea. I'll drink the tea. Mida varem me alustame, seda varem me lõpetame. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Nad on minu sõbrad. They are my friends. They're my friends. Näib, et Tom on unine. It looks like Tom is sleepy. Looks like Tom's sleepy. Sa ei sihi piisavalt kõrgele. You're not aiming high enough. You're not aiming high enough. peaks muidu jah uurima mis tema tunneb ja arvab Yes, I should try to figure out what she is thinking and feeling. I guess I should find out what he's feeling and thinking. Ma räägin palju. I talk a lot. I talk a lot. Miks sa oma šokolaadi ära ei söönud? Why didn't you eat your chocolate? Why didn't you eat your chocolate? Arst kasutas minu kõhu uurimiseks röntgenit. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. Sellise ilmaga kontoris istumine on tõeline karistus. Being at the office at such a weather is a real torture. Sitting in an office in this weather is a real punishment. Mary jooksis. Mary ran. Mary ran. Ma ei tea midagi naistest. I know nothing about women. I don't know anything about women. Sa isegi ei kuula mind. You're not even listening. You're not even listening to me. Me impordime kohvi Brasiiliast. We import coffee from Brazil. We're importing coffee from Brazil. Mis on teie abieluseis? What is your marital status? What's your marital status? Las ma maitsen seda. Let me taste it. Let me taste it. Kes on roolis? Who's at the wheel? Who's driving? Mul ei ole teisi hobisid peale jalgpalli. I don't have any other hobbies besides football. I don't have any hobbies other than football. Pane selga soojad riided, öine õhk on väga külm. Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold. Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold. Ma ei laula. I don't sing. I'm not singing. Ta on ainult inimene. He is only a man. He's only human. Susiel on kena naeratus. Susie has a nice smile. Susie has a nice smile. Meil on puuvilja. We have fruit. We have fruit. Millal sa viimati käisid väljas söömas? When was the last time you ate out? When was the last time you went out to eat? Ma olen rahul tulemusega. I'm happy with the result. I'm happy with the result. Ma tahan saada keeleteadlaseks. I want to be a linguist. I want to be a linguist. Sa oled valel korrusel. You're on the wrong floor. You're on the wrong floor. Jää koju. Stay home. Stay home. Tom suri 2009. Tom died in 2009. Tom died in 2009. Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are given a mind and conscience, and their attitude to one another must be borne by the spirit of brotherhood. Kõik vihkavad mind. Everybody hates me. Everybody hates me. Ma teen selle ära. Sa võid rahuneda ja minule loota. I'm taking care of it. You can relax. You can rely on me. You can relax and count on me. See jalgratas seal puu all on minu oma. The bicycle under the tree is mine. That bicycle under the tree is mine. Temast saab hea abikaasa. He will be a good husband. She'll make a good husband. Nad tulevad tagasi. They will return. They're coming back. Ma tahan Tomi häält kuulda. I want to hear Tom's voice. I want to hear Tom's voice. Ma ei taha sinuga rääkida, sest sa murdsid mu südame. I don't want to talk to you, because you broke my heart. I don't want to talk to you because you broke my heart. Palun. Please. Please. Kirjandus on rahvuse tulevik. Literature is the future of a nation. Literature is the future of a nation. Aitäh eilse eest. Thank you for yesterday. Thanks for last night. Kas sa räägid türgi keelt? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Õde ei ole siin. The nurse is not here. The nurse's not here. Mul on punane maja. I have a red home. I have a red house. Ma mängin aias. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. Mul on viis kassi. I have five cats. I've got five cats. Pulber on vees lahustuv. The powder is soluble in water. The powder is water-soluble. Debbie, kas su kool on siin lähedal? Debbie, is your school near here? Debbie, is your school around here? Õnnetus juhtus kaks tundi tagasi. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident happened two hours ago. Alustuseks soovitame me sul minna enda profiilile ja märkida milliseid keeli sa räägid või millistest sa huvitatud oled. To start things off, we encourage you to go to your profile and let us know which languages you speak or are interested in. For starters, we recommend that you go to your own profile and indicate which languages you speak or which ones you are interested in. Me lahendame selle koos ära. We'll solve this together. We'll work this out together. See on toit. This is food. It's food. Sul poleks olnud tarvis kiirustada. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Ah? What? Huh? Kass loeb raamatut. The cat is reading a book. A cat reads a book. See on väga maitsev. This is really delicious. It's delicious. Mis on kõige kummalisem asi, mida sa kunagi söönud oled? What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Mida sa praegu teed? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? Mis on probleem? What's the problem? What's the problem? Mul on kahju... Sorry... I'm sorry... Buss sõitis pikka ja käänulist teed mööda. The bus ran on the long and winding road. The bus took a long and winding road. Ma õppisin midagi sellest raamatust. I've learnt something from this book. I learned something from that book. Kuidas see mul kahe silma vahele jäi? How did I miss this? How did I miss that? Ta kirjutab mulle kord nädalas. He writes me once a week. He writes to me once a week. Kas sa oled õhtusöögiks valmis? Are you ready for dinner? Are you ready for dinner? Mul on kaks tingimust. I have two conditions. I have two conditions. Kuidas sul täna õhtul läheb? How're you doing tonight? How are you doing tonight? Ma vajan teie abi. I need your help. I need your help. Ma ütlen Tomile, et sa oled siin. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. Roomajate kehad on soomustega kaetud. The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales. Reptile bodies are armoured. Sa tuled. You are coming. You're coming. Pesulõkse kasutatakse riiete kuivama riputamiseks. Clothespins are used to hang up clothes. Laundry traps are used to hang clothes to dry. Ma vihkan sinusuguseid inimesi. I hate people like you. I hate people like you. Mina lõin araks. I chickened out. I chickened out. Sain pihta! I'm hit! I'm hit! Tom on sotsiaaltöötaja. Tom is a social worker. Tom's a social worker. Dan isegi ei näinud etendust. Dan didn't even see the show. Dan didn't even see the show. Näita mulle. Show me. Show me. Mu isa käib igal hommikul jalutamas. My father takes a walk every morning. My dad goes for a walk every morning. Ma olen restoranis. I'm at the restaurant. I'm at the restaurant. Ma ei ole halb inimene. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a bad person. Oli periood, kus ma olin koolast sõltuvuses ja jõin seda iga päev. For a while, I was really addicted to cola and drank it every day. There was a period when I was addicted to the school and drank it every day. Tomil on muutust vaja. Tom needs a change of pace. Tom needs a change. Sa blokeerisid mind Facebookis ja nüüd sa sured. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're gonna die. See ei olnud hea kogemus. That wasn't a good experience. It wasn't a good experience. Kas Tom sai kohvri? Did Tom get the briefcase? Did Tom get the case? Pilt on selles raamatus. The picture is in this book. There's a picture in that book. Võta see endale. Take it. Take it. Ta on pere must lammas. He is the black sheep of the family. He's a family black sheep. Ma pole sellest kunagi kellelegi rääkinud. I've never told anyone about this. I've never told anyone about this. Palun friikartulid ilma äädikata. French fries without vinegar, please. French fries without vinegar, please. Sa küsisid minult abi. You asked me for help. You asked me for help. Kas Tom usub mind? Does Tom believe me? Does Tom believe me? Kas Tom on vasaku- või paremakäeline? Is Tom left-handed or right-handed? Is Tom left-handed or right-handed? Kuigi sadas, läksin ma välja. Although it was raining, I went out. Although it was raining, I went out. Kass püüdis rotid kinni. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Lõpuks! Finally! Finally! Ma ei kavatsenud peretraditsioone jätkata. I was not going to keep up the family tradition. I wasn't going to continue family traditions. Oravad söövad nii seemned ja pähkleid kui ka putukaid ja seeni. Squirrels eat seeds and nuts, as well as insects and mushrooms. Squirrels eat seeds and nuts as well as insects and mushrooms. Mulle meeldiks natuke veel magada. I'd like to sleep a little longer. I'd like to get some sleep. Mul pole poissi vaja. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need a boy. Me jääme siia mõneks ajaks. We'll be here for a while. We're gonna stay here for a while. Mul on palju sõpru. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Sa pead reegleid järgima. You need to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. vb peaks ära lõpetama Maybe I should end this. vb should be terminated Ma ei mäleta, millal ma Tomi viimati nii õnnelikuna nägin. I can't remember the last time I saw Tom so happy. I don't remember the last time I saw Tom this happy. Kas ma võin su vanade raamatute kogu vaadata? May I see your collection of old books? Can I take a look at your old book collection? Kui vana on kõige vanem inimene, keda sa tead? How old is the oldest person you know? How old is the oldest person you know? Emili on minu parim sõber. Emily is my best friend. Emili's my best friend. Õde on haige. The nurse is ill. The nurse's sick. Mõnikord väsitab Pariis mu ära, aga Brüssel tüütab mind tihti ära. Seetõttu elan ma nende kahe vahel. Sometimes Paris exhausts me, but often Brussels bores me. Therefore, I live between the two. Sometimes Paris tires me out, but Brussels often bothers me, which is why I live between the two. Künkalt võime näha kaunist merevaadet. From the hill we can have a beautiful view of the sea. From the hill we can see a beautiful view of the sea. Mul on selle kohta vist teooria. I think I have a theory about that. I think I have a theory about that. Tom ei rääkinud kellelegi teisele. Tom didn't tell anyone else. Tom didn't tell anyone else. Ma ei ole haige. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Keegi ei usalda enam Tomi. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. No one trusts Tom anymore. Selle jakiga sa ei külmu ära. With this jacket you will not freeze. You won't freeze with that jacket. Mary meeldib mulle. I like Mary. I like Mary. Poisid on mõnikord kummalised. Boys are strange sometimes. Boys are weird sometimes. Kõik hobused on loomad, aga mitte kõik loomad pole hobused. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Nad on liiga purjus. They are too drunk. They're too drunk. Miks me peaksime sind aitama? Why should we help you? Why should we help you? Nad ei ütle. They won't stay. They won't say. Saab otsida sõnu ja leida tõlkeid. Kuid tegu pole mitte just tüüpilise sõnastikuga. You can search words, and get translations. But it's not exactly a typical dictionary. You can search for words and find translations, but this is not a typical dictionary. Mul on valge kass. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Üks on uus ja teine on vana. One is new, and the other is old. One's new and the other's old. Ta töötas terve öö läbi et jõuda õigeaegselt valmis. He worked all night so that he could get the job done in time. He worked all night to get ready in time. Tom ei tahtnud, et ükski ta sõber saaks teada, et ta on narkodiiler. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know he was a drug dealer. Su vabandus on vastu võetud. Your apology's accepted. Your apology is accepted. Mul on 64-bitine protsessor. I have a 64-bit processor. I have a 64-bit processor. Tom seisis vaikselt. Tom stood silently. Tom stood still. See on kõigest kuulujutt. It's just a rumor. It's just a rumor. Mari jagab lilli. Mary is giving out flowers. Mari's handing out flowers. Midagi on juhtunud, jah? Something did happen, didn't it? Something's happened, isn't it? Ma ei suuda otsustada, kas ma olen õnnelik või kurb. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. Tomil on kõrini inimestest, kes ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Tom's sick of people telling him what to do. Ma pean nüüd minema. Nägemist! I should go now. Bye! I have to go now. Tom ei tulnud koju. Tom didn't come home. Tom didn't come home. See on raske küsimus. It's a difficult question. That's a tough question. Tom sõitis minema. Tom drove away. Tom's gone. Ma suudan joosta. I'm able to run. I can run. Ma tahan raamatu kirjutada. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Grupp püüdis lahendada sotsiaalprobleeme. The group tried to solve social problems. The group tried to solve social problems. See lisab uue dimensiooni meie probleemile. That adds a new dimension to our problem. It adds a new dimension to our problem. Kas sulle meeldivad maasikad? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Meie varud ei kesta igavesti. Our supplies won't last for ever. Our supplies won't last forever. Mul on kaks kaamerat. I have two cameras. I have two cameras. Vabandage mind, aga kas te teate, mis kell on? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, but do you know what time it is? Mul on võlg maksta. I have a debt to pay. I have a debt to pay. Hobused on loomad. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Näeme! See you. See ya! Laual on süüa. There's food on the table. There's food on the table. Bill käib sageli pargis. Bill often goes to the park. Bill often goes to the park. Ma tahaksin klaasikest veini. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Kas seal on keegi? Is anybody there? Is anyone there? Mõned inimesed arvavad, et president kulutab liiga palju aega reisimisele. Some people think the president spends too much time traveling. Some people think the president spends too much time travelling. Vaata seda. Take a look at that. Look at this. Üritame Tomi naerma ajada. Let's try to make Tom laugh. We're trying to make Tom laugh. Kontrolli, kas gaasikraan on suletud. Check if the gas tap is closed. Make sure the gas tap's closed. Ma ei teadnud, et sa huvitatud olid. I didn't know you were interested. I didn't know you were interested. Tom ja Mari plaanivad abielluda. Tom and Mary are planning to get married. Tom and Mari are planning to get married. Tahtsin sinuga sellest rääkida. I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to talk to you about it. Kas sa annad mulle aega? Will you give me some time? Will you give me time? Kuu aega ei sadanud tilkagi vihma, seetõttu pidid nad kaevama kaevu. Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well. It didn’t rain for a month, so they had to dig a well. Sa veel maksad selle eest. You will pay for this. You're gonna pay for this. Miks sa käitud nagu laps? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? Kuidas sõit läks? How did the trip go? How was your ride? See pole enam seesama. It's not the same anymore. It's not the same anymore. Ma kardan maavärinaid. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Olukord läks hullemaks. The situation worsened. Things got worse. Ma ei vaja su armuande. I don't need your charity. I don't need your charity. Mul on väga kahju selle üle, mis ma ütlesin. I am very sorry for what I said. I'm really sorry about what I said. Mille jaoks? For what purpose? For what? Miks sa täna siin oled? Why are you here today? Why are you here today? Kindlasti! Definitely! Absolutely! Kas see oli kõik, mida sa nägid? Was that all you saw? Is that all you saw? See oli siin, kus Tom suri. It was here that Tom died. It was right here where Tom died. Me kolisime projekti uude serverisse. We moved the project to a new server. We moved the project to a new server. Raudselt! Definitely! Absolutely! Tom ütles Maryle, et ta ettevaatlik oleks. Tom told Mary to be careful. Tom told Mary to be careful. Ta õpetab inglise keelt. He teaches English. He teaches English. Tom on otsustanud minna. Tom has decided to go. Tom has decided to go. Miks mina? Why me? Why me? Ta müüs ära kõik, mis tal oli. He sold all that he owned. He sold everything he had. Münt on hõbedane. The coin is silver. The coin is silver. Buss väljub iga viieteistkümne minuti tagant. The bus leaves every fifteen minutes. The bus leaves every 15 minutes. Tom on nutikas, kas pole? Tom is sharp, isn't he? Tom's smart, isn't he? Kuula hoolikalt. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. Mul on kolm venda. I have three brothers. I have three brothers. Tom peaks koju minema. Tom had better go home. Tom should go home. Ma läksin Londonisse. I went to London. I went to London. Kas sul on leiba? Do you have any bread? Do you have any bread? Sadas. It was raining. It was raining. Ma ei taha töötada nendes tingimustes. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Tom on peast segi läinud. Tom is out of his mind. Tom's out of his mind. Kas sa nägid eilset varjutust? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Did you see the eclipse last night? Kuidas see ikkagi juhtus? How did that happen again? How did this happen? Kuutsükkel on kalendrikuust lühem. A lunar month is shorter than a calendar month. The monthly cycle is shorter than the calendar month. Ma ei saa sellesse sekkuda. I can't get involved in this. I can't get involved. Minu tüdruksõber on väga ilus. My girlfriend is very beautiful. My girlfriend's very pretty. Kas sa tuled? Do you come? Are you coming? Kas sa mäletad, kes ma olen? Do you remember who I am? Do you remember who I am? Ma sooviksin su kõrval olla. I wish I were by your side. I'd like to be by your side. Oled sa hull? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Sa võid selle kaasa võtta. You can take that with you. You can take it with you. Oota veidi. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Tom magas oma voodis. Tom was in his bed asleep. Tom slept in his bed. Ma tahan teed juua. I want to drink tea. I want some tea. Kuidas see üldse võimalik on? How is this even possible? How is that even possible? Kus sa seda kasutad? Where do you use it? Where do you use it? Mitte keegi ei märganud mind. Nobody noticed me. Nobody noticed me. Ma ootan sind. I'll be waiting for you. I'll wait for you. Kes seda usub? Who will believe this? Who's gonna believe that? Lihtsalt räägi kindlasti Tomiga. Just make sure you talk to Tom. Just talk to Tom for sure. Kuidas teil kõigil läheb? How is everybody? How are you all doing? Me võime seda hiljem teha. We can do that later. We can do this later. Tundub, et keegi ei pööranud tähelepanu sellele, mida ta ütles. Nobody seems to have paid attention to what he said. Looks like no one paid attention to what he said. Ta kirjutas kirja. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. Ma olen õnnelik, kui ma sinuga koos olen. I feel happy when I'm with you. I'm happy to be with you. Anna mulle päev või paar. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Ma jõin piima. I drank milk. I drank milk. Miks sa vett jood? Why are you drinking water? Why are you drinking water? Täna on hea ilm. The weather is good today. It's good weather today. Sakslased ei tohi neid aidata. Germans mustn't help them. The Germans can't help them. Mida sa veel tahtsid? What else did you want? What else did you want? Kas sipelgatel on kõrvad? Do ants have ears? Do ants have ears? Ära noid aknaid lahti tee. Do not open those windows. Don't open those windows. Ma ei unusta kunagi seda päeva. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget that day. Ma elan Kataris. I live in Qatar. I live in Qatar. Ma ei arvanud, et sa välja ilmud. I didn't think you'd show up. I didn't think you'd show up. Tom ütles mulle, et Mary on dieedil. Tom told me that Mary was on a diet. Tom told me Mary was on a diet. Kus on ajaleht? Where's the newspaper? Where's the paper? Miks mitte? Why not? Why not? Need kõlavad nii sarnaselt, et neid on raske eristada. They sound so similar it's not easy to distinguish them. They sound so similar that they are difficult to distinguish. Tom oli oodanud midagi päris teistsugust. Tom had expected something quite different. Tom had been waiting for something quite different. Ma tundsin ta kohe ära. I recognised him immediately. I recognized him right away. Kas ma võiksin sinuga üksi rääkida? May I speak to you alone? Can I talk to you alone? Elu pole kunagi lihtne. Life is never easy. Life is never easy. Sa oled hale. You're pathetic. You're pathetic. Räägin küll hiina keelt, aga ei oska seda lugeda. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it. I speak Chinese, but I can't read it. Miks peaks Tom tahtma midagi sellist teha? Why would Tom want to go do something like that? Why would Tom want to do something like that? Keelamine on siinkohal ametlikult keelatud. Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited. Prohibition is officially prohibited here. Ole rahulik. Be cool. Take it easy. Kuidas su jalaga on? How's your leg? How's your leg? Mary oskab ujuda. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. Eile minu onu ostis koera. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Mis kasu on rääkimisest? What's the use of talking? What good is talking? See on minu laud. It is my table. This is my desk. Kui me alustasime, oli meil ainult kuus töötajat. When we started out, we only had six employees. When we started, we only had six employees. Ta käib harva kirikus. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Ma tean, kuidas te töötate. I know how you guys work. I know how you work. Kas keegi kavatseb seda süüa? Is anyone going to eat that? Is anyone going to eat this? Ma ei ole hea inimene. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Ma tean, et sa sündisid Bostonis. I know you were born in Boston. I know you were born in Boston. Ei. No. No. Ma lähen Saksamaale oma peigmehele külla. I'm going to Germany to visit my boyfriend. I'm going to Germany to see my boyfriend. Tom jättis kõik oma asjad sulle. Tom left everything to you. Tom left all his stuff to you. Ta on kolm aastat vanem kui mina. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than me. Soovin et sa eksiks. I wish you were wrong. I wish you were wrong. Ma olen pärit Eestist. I'm from Estonia. I'm from Estonia. Head emadepäeva! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Ta on minu õde. She's my sister. She's my sister. Sinu osa on kakskümmend dollarit. Your share is twenty dollars. Your cut is twenty dollars. Kas ma olen loll? Am I stupid? Am I stupid? Tom maksab. Tom'll pay. Tom will pay. Kas sa häbened mind? Are you ashamed of me? Are you ashamed of me? Võta mul ümbert kinni. Hug me. Grab me around. Ma kukkusin. I fell. I fell. Ma ei pea minema — ma tahan minna. I don't have to go-I want to go. I don't have to go. I want to go. Postkontor on suletud. The post office is closed. The post office is closed. Tom on kolmkümmend. Tom's thirty. Tom's 30. Neil pole vähimatki võimalust. They don't stand a chance. They don't stand a chance. Minu ema on vihane. My mother is angry. My mother is angry. Mulle meeldib astronoomia. I love astronomy. I like astronomy. Muide, kas sa leidsid selle vihmavarju, mille sa tookord ütlesid, et sa kaotanud olid? By the way, did you find the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day? By the way, did you find that umbrella you said you lost that time? See on hoopis teine asi. That's a very different thing. It's a whole different thing. Pelikanidel on suured nokad. Pelicans have large beaks. Pelicans have big beaks. Kas Tom tõesti tappis enda? Did Tom really kill himself? Did Tom really kill himself? Ilus tüdruk on voodis. The beautiful girl is in bed. Pretty girl in bed. Ta ei saa tõenäoliselt kuulsaks. He probably won't become famous. He's probably not gonna be famous. Nad kõndisid edasi. They kept walking. They kept walking. Ma söön palju liha. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. Lill on punast värvi. The flower is red. The flower is red. Ta oleks peaaegu jõkke uppunud. She almost drowned in the river. He almost drowned in the river. Surmkindlalt! Definitely! I'm sure of it! Tom ei ole väga hea autojuht. Tom isn't a very good driver. Tom's not a very good driver. Oleks olnud parem, kui sa poleks täna tulnud. It'd be better if you didn't come today. It would have been better if you hadn't come today. Ta ettepanek ei ole eriti oluline. His proposal isn't very important. His proposal is not very important. Tšekk, palun. Check, please. Check, please. Ei või olla! Unbelievable! No way! Ta eksis arvates, et ta tuli teda vaatama. He was wrong in thinking that she'd come to see him. He was wrong to think he came to see her. Mu naine on rase. My wife's pregnant. My wife is pregnant. Ma kirjutan kirja. I'm writing a letter. I'll write a letter. Lõpeta, palun. Stop it, please. Stop, please. Hoia! Hold it! Hold it! Ma sain tema sõbraks. I became his friend. I became his friend. Tom oli ilmselgelt pettunud. Tom was visibly disappointed. Tom was obviously disappointed. Ma pesen selle pluusi ära. I wash the blouse. I'll wash that shirt. Kas ma pole ilus? Am I not beautiful? Aren't I beautiful? Sa oled nimekirjas. You're on the list. You're on the list. Ta unustas oma naise sünnipäeva. He forgot his wife's birthday. He forgot his wife's birthday. Tom tuli veidi lähemale. Tom moved a little closer. Tom came a little closer. Ma lõikasin kartuleid koorides sõrme. I cut my finger peeling potatoes. I cut my finger peeling potatoes. Minust ei ole sulle siin kasu. I'm of no use to you here. I'm no good to you here. Ma olen praegu väga õnnetu. I'm very unhappy just now. I'm very unhappy right now. Ma olen mees. I'm a man. I'm a man. Tom otsib tööd. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. Ma tahan raamatu. Kus on raamatupood? I want a book. Where is the bookstore? Where's the bookstore? Grupp püüdis lahendada sotsiaalseid probleeme. The group tried to solve social problems. The group tried to solve social problems. Mina siin! It's me! It's me! See on väga tõhus. It's very effective. It's very effective. Ma arvan, et me peaks tagasi minema hakkama. I think we should be getting back. I think we should get back. Jääge koju. Stay home. Stay home. Kas sa teadsid seda? Did you know this? Did you know that? Tom tuli uksest. Tom came through the door. Tom came through the door. Tom ei käi koolis bussiga. Tom doesn't go to school by bus. Tom doesn't take a bus to school. Päh. Blah. Pooh. See on lumememm. It's a snowman. It's a snowman. Me peame koosoleku edasi lükkama. We'll have to postpone the meeting. We have to postpone the meeting. Kas sul õlut on? Do you have any beer? Do you have a beer? Tom ei ole selles kuigi hea. Tom's not very good at it. Tom's not very good at it. Tom tahab sind näha nii ruttu kui võimalik. Tom wants to see you as soon as possible. Tom wants to see you as soon as possible. Asi ei ole seda väärt! It isn't worth it! It's not worth it! Tom on minust pikem. Tom is taller than I am. Tom's taller than me. Käin ujumas korra nädalas. I swim once a week. I go swimming once a week. Mul on veel palju õppida. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Ma tean, milles asi on. I know what this is about. I know what this is about. Ma sõitsin ainult selleks Bostonisse, et Tomile sünnipäevakingitus teha. I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift. I only drove to Boston to give Tom a birthday present. Kõik jäävad rahule. Everyone will be satisfied. Everybody's gonna be happy. Nende pulmad on homme. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding's tomorrow. See on tunnustatud Ameerika kirjanik. That is a recognized American author. It's a respected American writer. Ma annan sulle ühe hea nõuande. I'll give you a piece of good advice. I'll give you some good advice. Ma tahaks proovida. I'd like to give it a try. I'd like to try. Sulle on sõnum. There's a message for you. You have a message. Ma pole alati pühapäeviti kodus. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Vahest järgmine kord sa kuulad, kui ma palun sul ettevaatlik olla. Maybe next time you'll listen to me when I tell you to be careful. Maybe the next time I ask you to be careful, you'll listen. Vabandust, see ei ole sinu otsus. Sorry, it's not your decision. I'm sorry, it's not your decision. Ma ostsin selle oma tüdrukule. I bought this for my girlfriend. I bought it for my girlfriend. Kas su ema on kodus? Is your mom at home? Is your mother home? Uurimine käib. The investigation is under way. The investigation is ongoing. Mulle meeldib provansi keel. I like the Occitan language. I like the language of provins. Ükskõik! Whatever! I don't care! Tom on vaevu elus. Tom is barely alive. Tom's barely alive. Ma ei teeks seda Tomile iialgi. I'd never do that for Tom. I would never do that to Tom. Palun kiirusta. Mul pole kogu öö aega. Please hurry. I don't have all night. Please hurry, I don't have all night. Sa näed kõike mustades värvides. You see everything in black colours. You see everything in black. Tere, John! Kuidas sul läheb? Hello, John! How are you? Hi, John, how are you? Ärge kirjutage sõnu "borš" ja "kapsasupp" saksa keeles! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Don't write the words "borscht" and "bourbon soup" in German! Kuule. Listen. Hey. Enam ei lähe kaua. It's not going to be long. It won't be long now. Ma õpin tihti muusika taustal. I often study while listening to music. I often learn in the background of music. Kes otsib, see leiab. When there's a will, there's a way. Whoever's looking will find it. Ära seisa seal lihtsalt niisama! Aita mul see ära koristada! Don't just stand there! Help me clean it up! Don't just stand there and help me clean it up! Sina ja Tom olete vist õnnelikud. You and Tom must be happy. You and Tom must be happy. Tere. Hi. Hello. Ma käisin enne hommikusööki duši all. I showered before breakfast. I took a shower before breakfast. Ma olen naine. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Nad suudlesid vihmas. They kissed in the rain. They kissed in the rain. Ma olen venelane. I'm Russian. I'm Russian. Sedasi on palju kergem. It's much easier this way. It's a lot easier that way. Me läksime Londonisse. We went to London. We went to London. Mulle meeldib tee rohkem kui kohvi. I like tea more than coffee. I like tea better than coffee. Mul on kolm kaamerat. I have three cameras. I've got three cameras. Tom pani ukse ketti. Tom chain-locked the door. Tom chained the door. Kas ma pole veel piisavalt kannatanud? Haven't I suffered enough? Haven't I suffered enough yet? See on elu tõsiasi. It's a fact of life. It's a fact of life. Söö kuni ta on veel kuum. Eat, while it's still hot. Eat while he's still hot. Ma pean saapaid kandma. I have to wear boots. I have to wear boots. Nagu ma aru saan olid sina viimane, kes Tomi nägi. I understand you were the last one to see Tom. I understand you were the last person to see Tom. Siin on see aadress. Here's the address. Here's the address. Tomi suhtes käituti tõesti väga ebaõiglaselt. Tom really got a raw deal. Tom was really treated very unfairly. Tom austab sinu arvamust. Tom respects your opinion. Tom respects your opinion. Meil on see, mille me ära oleme teeninud. We have what we deserve. We have what we deserve. Ma magasin eile kell kümme. I slept at ten o'clock yesterday. I slept last night at 10:00. Me peaksime sellest rääkima. We should talk about this. We should talk about this. Kas sa kavatsed sõnastiku osta? Are you going to buy a dictionary? Are you going to buy a dictionary? Siin on see, mis sa küsisid. Here's what you asked for. Here's what you asked for. See maja on liiga väike. This house is far too small. This house is too small. Mul pole sellega midagi pistmist. I have nothing to do with the matter. I had nothing to do with this. Karp oli maasikaid täis. The box was full of strawberries. The box was full of strawberries. Ahaa. I see. Oh, yeah. Ma olen Ameerika laulja. I am an American singer. I'm an American singer. Puhkame. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Kas sa oled loll? Are you stupid? Are you stupid? Ühest keelest ei piisa kunagi. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Ma olin noor ja mul oli raha vaja. I was young and I needed the money. I was young, and I needed money. Ta pani kõik oma juveelid väikesesse punasesse karpi. She put all her jewels into a little red box. He put all his jewels in a little red box. Milline on su lemmik magustoit maasikatega? What's your favorite dessert with strawberries? What's your favorite dessert with strawberries? Ta lükkas mütsi kuklasse. He pushed his hat back on his head. He pushed his hat down the back of his head. Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma seda ütlesin! I can't believe I just said that! I can't believe I said that! Tsau, mina siin. Kas sa saaksid mu jaamast peale võtta? Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station? Hey, it's me. Olen ärkvel. I'm awake. I'm awake. Eesti rahvaarv on umbes 1,3 miljonit inimest. Estonia's population is about 1.3 million people. The population of Estonia is about 1.3 million people. Ma kuulen kuskil saksofoni. I can hear a saxophone somewhere. I hear a saxophone somewhere. Aita mind! Help me! Help me! Mu naine üritab magada. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife's trying to sleep. Ma töötasin selles tehases. I worked in this factory. I worked at this factory. Ma tahan minna. I want to go. I want to go. Ma väga tahan teda näha. I want to see her very much. I really want to see her. Me läksime randa. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Kas teil on kahele vaba lauda reedeks? Is there a table available for two on Friday? Do you have a table for two by Friday? 3.detsember on Rahvusvaheline puuetega inimeste päev. December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. 3 December is International Day for the Disabled. Kas sa oled kuidagi hädas? Are you in any difficulty? Are you in some kind of trouble? Mitte keegi ei tõusnud püsti. Nobody stood up. No one got up. Tom vihkab kooli. Tom hates school. Tom hates school. Ta istub pingil. He's sitting on the bench. He's sitting on the bench. Tal on kolm tütart. He has three daughters. He has three daughters. Kaheksajalg Paulil oli õigus. Octopus Paul was right. Octopus Paul was right. Naine joob vett. The woman drinks the water. She's drinking water. Selles raamatus on palju pilte. This book contains many pictures. There's a lot of pictures in this book. Pisikesena paistev sündmus võib viia suurepärase tulemuseni. An apparently small event may lead to a great result. A small bloated event can lead to an excellent result. Sa andsid endast parima. You did your best. You did your best. Ungaris on mul sõber nimega Borat. In Hungary I have a friend called Borat. In Hungary, I have a friend named Borat. Mina olen kana. I'm chicken. I'm the chicken. Kaua te olete koos olnud? How long have you two been together? How long have you been together? Ma tahtsin ainult teada kas sa oled hädas. I just wanted to know if you were in trouble. I just wanted to know if you were in trouble. Kus raamatud on? Where are the books? Where are the books? Kõik näivad väsinud välja. Everyone looks tired. Everybody looks tired. See on siin tavaline suhtumine. That's a common attitude here. That's the usual attitude here. Tahaksin laenata umbes kolmsada tuhat dollarit. I'd like to borrow about three hundred thousand dollars. I'd like to borrow about $300,000. Kes sa oled? Who are you? Who are you? Ta keeras külge. He rolled over in his sleep. He turned on. Tuleb välja, et see polegi kuritegu. That's apparently not a crime. Turns out it's not a crime. Tundub, et raha on otsa saanud. The money seems to have run out. Looks like we've run out of money. Raamat on laual. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Ma kohtun temaga kord nädalas. I meet her once a week. I meet him once a week. Tom lööb mu maha, kui ta teada saab, et ma sulle sellest rääkisin. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom will kill me if he finds out I told you. Aptsihh! Achoo! Ah-choo! Pole hullu. It's OK. It's okay. See ei ole koer. That isn't a dog. It's not a dog. See on minu kolmas nädal. This is my third week. This is my third week. Kuldraha osutus palju väärtuslikumaks kui arvati. The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed. The gold money turned out to be more valuable than anyone thought. Itaalia keel on minu emakeel. Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my native language. Ma ei pidanud seda liigutama. I didn't have to move it. I didn't have to move it. Suurepärane! Wonderful! Great! Ma olen vana naine. I'm an old woman. I'm an old woman. See sinine seljakott on raske. This blue backpack is heavy. This blue backpack is heavy. Ma hoiatasin teda ohu eest. I warned him about the danger. I warned him about the danger. Me ei vaja teda. We don't need him. We don't need him. Mitte keegi ei saa teada. Nobody will know. No one will know. Siin lõhnab midagi hästi. Something smells good in here. It smells good in here. Me teame seda nüüd. We know it now. We know that now. Parem helistan Tomile uuesti. I'd better call Tom again. I'd better call Tom again. Kas sul sõnastikku on? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Millal Tom tuleb? When's Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Kas sa tundsid eile õhtust maavärinat? Did you feel the earthquake last night? Did you feel an earthquake last night? On Tom teadlik sellest, mida Mary tegi? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Asjad ei lähe alati nii, nagu me kavandame. Things don't always turn out the way we plan. Things don't always work out the way we plan. Mida sa teed siin? What are you doing here? What are you doing here? Palun vannita lapsed. Please bathe the children. Children without baths, please. Sa suudad ju seda? You can do this, can't you? You can do this, can't you? Ma loen seda raamatut. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Kus on hotell? Where is the hotel? Where's the hotel? Kas sul on värskeid maasikaid? Do you have fresh strawberries? Do you have any fresh strawberries? Õpi lugemist nautima. Learn to enjoy reading. Learn to enjoy reading. Silm silma, hammas hamba vastu. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Tom on praegu töötu. Tom is currently unemployed. Tom's out of work right now. Mis sa arvad, kui kohtuks homme päeval 2-3 ajal , et süüa lõunat? What do you say about meeting at around 2-3 in the afternoon tomorrow to have a lunch? What do you say we meet tomorrow day at 2-3 to have lunch? Aitäh! Thanks! Thank you! Mu ema tahab, et ma Šveitsis õpiksin. My mom wants me to study in Switzerland. My mom wants me to study in Switzerland. Ma olen puu all. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Kas see kiri peab olema kirjutatud inglise keeles? Does this letter have to be written in English? Does this letter have to be written in English? Kas sulle jalgratas meeldis? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like the bike? Tõuse püsti, Tom. Stand up, Tom. Get up, Tom. Kas kõik läksid hulluks? Did everyone go crazy? Did everybody go crazy? Kas Tom on sinuga minust rääkinud? Has Tom spoken to you about me? Has Tom talked to you about me? Klaas on tühi. The glass is empty. The glass is empty. Kas sa oled aru saanud oma veast? Did you understand your mistake? Have you understood your mistake? Baudelaire'i luule on suurepärane. Baudelaire's poetry is magnificent. Baudelaire's poetry is great. Kes need kirjutas? Who wrote these? Who wrote these? Ma ei teadnud, mida talle öelda. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know what to say to him. Tom üritas mind kaitsta. Tom tried to protect me. Tom was trying to protect me. Ta on Prantsusmaal käinud kolm korda. He has visited France three times. He's been to France three times. Kui tihti bussid käivad? How often do the buses run? How often do buses go? Te ei ole kohalikud. You are not local people. You're not local. Kohtume homme. See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Minu nimi on Roberto. My name is Roberto. My name is Roberto. Kas sellest piisab? Is it enough? Is that enough? Mis mulle filmist kõige rohkem meelde jäi, oli viimane stseen. What I remember most about that movie is the last scene. What I remember most about the movie was the last scene. Ma olen kolledži üliõpilane. I am a college student. I'm a college student. Sa peaksid ütlema, mida sa mõtled. You should say what you think. You should tell me what you're thinking. Ole rahulik. Be calm. Take it easy. Maja kõik uksed on lukus. Every door in the house is locked. All the doors in the house are locked. Tom pani kogemata oma tee sisse soola. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally put salt in his tea. Häid unenägusid! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Päeval me töötame ja öösel me puhkame. During the day, we work, and at night, we rest. During the day we work and at night we rest. Lillepood on siin läheduses. There is a flower shop near by. The flower shop's around here. See on täiesti loogiline. That makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense. Ma teen seda ilma probleemideta. I do it without any problems. I'll do it without a problem. Lauses on viga. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's a mistake in the sentence. Nad ei teadnud. They didn't know. They didn't know. Olen üheksateistkümnene. I'm 19. I'm 19 years old. Pese käed ära. Wash up. Wash your hands. Tere kõigile! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! Lapsed on meie elu lilled. Children are the flowers of our lives. Kids are the flowers of our lives. Tom tõusis pingilt. Tom got up from the bench. Tom got off the bench. Sa oled ilus tüdruk. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Terviseks! Cheers! Cheers! Kas sulle meeldib õppida? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like studying? Minu nimi on Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Tom ütles Marile et ta on hõivatud. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mari he was busy. Kas on midagi uut? Anything new? Is there anything new? Lilled õitsevad. Flowers bloom. Flowers bloom. Kana! Chicken! Chicken! Talle meeldib raamatuid lugeda. He likes reading books. He likes to read books. See ajas mind alguses segadusse. I was confused about that at first. It confused me at first. Mida sa annad talle? What will you give her? What are you giving him? Ma pean nüüd minema. Head aega! I have to go now. Bye! I have to go now. Tundke ennast kodus. Please make yourself at home. Make yourselves at home. Pane laps magama. Put the baby to sleep. Put the baby to sleep. Küsi mult ükskõik mida! Ask me anything! Ask me anything! Mul on kaks autot. I have two cars. I have two cars. Täida taotlus ära. Fill out the application. Fill out the application. Kus Tom täna on? Where's Tom today? Where's Tom today? Koera nina on väga tundlik. A dog's nose is very sensitive. The dog's nose is very sensitive. Kas sa ütleksid Tomile, et ma astusin läbi? Would you tell Tom I dropped by? Would you tell Tom I stopped by? Maasikad on talvel kallid. Strawberries are expensive in the winter. Strawberries are expensive in winter. See maja eksisteerib. This house will exist. This house exists. Suured tänud! Thanks! Thank you very much. John ei tea, mida edasi teha. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Kus su sõber on? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Mul on kaks vennapoega. I have two nephews. I have two nephews. Ma parem lähen ja räägin Tomiga. I'd better go talk to Tom. I better go talk to Tom. Me ei saa midagi lubada. We can't promise anything. We can't promise anything. Lehed langevad. Leaves are falling. The leaves are falling. Tom kuulis meie vestlust pealt. Tom overheard our conversation. Tom overheard our conversation. See on minu meiliaadress. This is my email address. That's my e-mail address. Ta on ilus naine. She is a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. Tom ei mõistnud, miks Mary sellise otsuse teinud oli. Tom couldn't understand why Mary had made that decision. Tom didn't understand why Mary had made such a decision. See pole ainus asi, mis ma tegema pean. I have not only that to do. That's not all I have to do. Surnud? Dead? Dead? Tule, Tom. See on lõbus! Come on, Tom. It'll be fun. Come on, Tom, it's fun! Aastast aastasse. From one year to another year. Year after year. Millega Tom viimasel ajal tegeleb? What's Tom up to nowadays? What's Tom been up to lately? Ma õpin inglise keelt. I'm learning English. I'm studying English. Tere, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hi, Tom. Kus lapsed on? Where are the children? Where are the kids? Kilpkonnadel ei ole hambaid. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Ma avasin aeglaselt ukse. I opened the door slowly. I opened the door slowly. Lastele meeldib puuviljamahl. Children like fruit juice. Kids love fruit juice. Ma tegelen Tomiga ise. I'll deal with Tom myself. I'll take care of Tom. Tom ja mina abiellume maikuus. Tom and I are getting married in May. Tom and I are getting married in May. Mida? What? What? Mesilased lendavad lillelt lillele. Bees fly from flower to flower. Bees fly from flower to flower. Kuidas prantsuse keele tund oli? How was the French class? How was French class? Pole sellist kohta maailmas, mille kohta ma saaks öelda, et ma olen sealt pärit. I have no place that I can say I'm from. There's no place in the world I can say I'm from there. Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Tom aitaks meid kui ta saaks. Tom would help us if he could. Tom would help us if he could. Minu telefoninumber on 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Minu nimi on Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Ma tahaksin sind oma naisele tutvustada. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. I'd like you to meet my wife. Kas see on vale? Is that wrong? Is that wrong? Heather läheb kooli kell kaheksa. Heather goes to school at eight o'clock. Heather's going to school at 8:00. Sa oled selle tõesti välja teeninud. You've really earned this. You really earned it. Tee seda kusagil mujal. Do it somewhere else. Do it somewhere else. Mida me õhtuks sööme? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we having for dinner? Vabandust, ma ei kuulnud sind. Sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Härra Johnsoni maja on minu maja kõrval. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is next to my house. Tom oli siin kõige parem ujuja. Tom used to be the best swimmer here. Tom was the best swimmer here. Tom minestas kooli mänguväljakul. Tom fainted on the school playground. Tom passed out on the school playground. Nõustun. I agree. I agree. Sokid haisevad. The socks stink. Socks stink. Oktoober on alles kolme kuu pärast. October is still three months off. October's in three months. See on väga tähtis sõnum. It's a very important message. This is a very important message. Ma elan elu. I live life. I live a life. Oota korra. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Ta rääkis kiiresti. She spoke rapidly. He spoke quickly. Kas sa saad mulle ekraanipildi saata? Can you send me a screenshot? Can you send me a picture of the screen? Kui näljane sa oled? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? See hoone rajatakse linnas. This building will be built in the city. This building is being built in the city. Temast saab hea arst. He will become a good doctor. He'll make a good doctor. Kass püüdis hiired kinni. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the mice. Keegi ei taha sõda. Nobody wants a war. Nobody wants a war. Ta nägu ei meeldi mulle. I don't like her face. I don't like his face. Jätka. Go on. Go on. Sa käid kolmandas klassis, jah? You're in third grade, right? You're in third grade, aren't you? Nüüd, ma olen hõivatud. Now I am busy. Now, I'm busy. Rahu! Be cool. Easy! Õunad on punased. Apples are red. Apples are red. Ma tahan kiiremini koju minna. I want to go home as soon as possible. I want to go home faster. Leht ja puu langevad. The leaf and the tree are falling. The leaf and the tree are falling. Valge kass on puu all. The white cat is under the tree. There's a white cat under the tree. Parem alusta kohe. You'd better start now. You'd better start now. Tom kandis mokassiine. Tom was wearing moccasins. Tom was wearing moccasins. Brasiilia on Lõuna-Ameerika suurim riik. Brazil is the biggest country in South America. Brazil is the largest country in South America. Mine tagasi tööle. Go back to work. Get back to work. Me ei unusta. We shall not forget. We won't forget. Tom lükkas pidurid põhja. Tom slammed on his brakes. Tom pushed the brakes down. Täna on pühapäev. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. Loomulikult. Obviously. Of course. Ma üritan ta sinu jaoks üles leida. I'll try to find her for you. I'm trying to find him for you. Ma annan Tomile sõnumi edasi. I'll give Tom the message. I'll give Tom a message. Ma armastan kana. I love chicken. I love chicken. Ilus olemisel on palju häid külgi. There are many benefits to being beautiful. There's a lot of good things about being beautiful. Palun ära sekku. Please don't interfere. Please don't interfere. Mis ma poest toon? What shall I bring from the shop? What can I get from the store? Auto on valmis. The car is ready. Car's ready. Ta on hea õpilane. He is a good student. He's a good student. See kott on liiga raske. This bag is too heavy. This bag is too heavy. Kas sinuga koos oli teisi? Were there others with you? Were there others with you? Tom tahab laenata natuke raha. Tom wants to borrow some money. Tom wants to borrow some money. Isa on hea inimene. Father is a good person. Dad's a good person. Kas keegi igatses mind? Did anyone miss me? Did anyone miss me? Tom laulab. Tom sings. Tom's singing. Ma laulan. I sing. I'm singing. Ma tahan pitsat süüa. I want to eat pizza. I want to eat pizza. Kõik on seal. It's all there. It's all there. Ma saan türgi keelest aru. I understand Turkish. I understand Turkish. Tema käitumine ei ole sotsiaalselt aktsepteeritav. Her behaviour just isn't socially acceptable. His behaviour is not socially acceptable. Mis praegu toimub? What's going on right now? What's going on now? Kas sa oskad hobusega sõita? Can you ride a horse? Do you know how to ride a horse? Ma tahaksin kiiremini minna. I'd like to go faster. I'd like to go faster. Ma kõnnin nagu pingviin. I walk like a penguin. I walk like a penguin. Ma mõtlen. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Te peate mõlemad ära minema. You both need to get away. You both have to go. Maja on külm. The house is cold. The house is cold. Ma olen väga rõõmus, et sellel lausel on nii palju tõlkeid juba. I am very glad that this sentence has so many translations already. I am very glad that this sentence has so many translations already. Kas see ei tundu sulle kummaline? Doesn't it seem strange to you? Doesn't that seem strange to you? Rong läheb kell üheksa välja. The train leaves at nine o'clock. The train leaves at nine o'clock. See sviiter maksab üle viiekümne dollari. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. This sweater costs over fifty dollars. Ta mõtleb seda tõsiselt. She means it. He means it. Olge lahke. Please. Here you go. Ma sain hakkama täiesti uskumatu veaga. I have made a prize mistake. I've made an incredible mistake. Tomi käed on räpased. Tom's hands are dirty. Tom's hands are dirty. Ilmselgelt. Obviously. Obviously. Kuidas te Tomiga läbi saate? How are you and Tom getting along? How do you and Tom get along? Mul ei olnud kuigipalju valikut. I didn't have much choice. I didn't have much choice. Kuidas sa selle ära arvasid? How did you guess that? How did you guess that? Kas sa pidid magamistuba oma õdede-vendadega jagama? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Did you have to share the bedroom with your siblings? Sa oled väga heasüdamlik. You're very good-natured. You're very kind. Ma unustasin Tomile öelda. I forgot to tell Tom. I forgot to tell Tom. Ma ehitasin uue maja. I built a new house. I built a new house. Mis on su lemmik jalgpallimeeskond? What's your favorite soccer team? What's your favorite football team? See on ilus kleit. This is a pretty dress. It's a beautiful dress. Lihtsalt järgne oma südamele. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. Tom on realistlik. Tom is realistic. Tom's realistic. Kiirabi saabus koheselt. An ambulance arrived immediately. The ambulance has arrived immediately. Kuula hoolega. Listen well. Listen carefully. Inglismaa saadik nõudis vahetut kokkusaamist presidendiga. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. An English envoy called for a direct meeting with the President. Tere hommikust! Good morning! Good morning. Mul on sülearvuti. I have a laptop. I have a laptop. Ma kardan kõrgust. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Ma tahan rootsikeelset raamatut. I want a book in Swedish. I want a book in Swedish. Ometi! Finally! Yet! Pinguta edaspidi rohkem. From now on, try harder. Make more effort from now on. Ma olen iirlane. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Tom kirjutas midagi kirja tagaküljele. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Kas ma saan kaardiga maksta? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay with a card? Tomil on kõrini, et inimesed ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Tom's sick of people telling him what to do. Siin ei ole raudteed. There were no railroads. There's no railroad. Oi! Yikes! Oh! See õun on suur. That apple is big. This apple is big. Head rahvusvaheist naistepäeva! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Mari on haldjaprintsess. Mary is a fairy princess. Mari is a fairy princess. Kes selle pildi tegi? Who took the picture? Who took this picture? Kas sa elad toetustest? Do you live on benefits? Do you live on benefits? See kõlab nagu Hollywoodi film. This sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie. That sounds like a Hollywood movie. Lõppude lõpuks! Finally! After all! Ta võitis loteriiga. He won the lottery. He won the lottery. Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Ma joon kohvi. I will drink the coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Ma olen kodus. I'm at home. I'm home. Ma sõin ühe juustuburgeri. I ate a cheeseburger. I had a cheeseburger. Mida sa teed homme? What'll you do tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Mesilased on sotsiaalsed elukad. Bees are social animals. Bees are social creatures. Kus nad olid? Where were they? Where were they? Ma jään sinuga. I'm staying with you. I'll stay with you. Ta ostis kana. She bought chicken. He bought a chicken. Ütle mulle mis ma tegema pean. Tell me what I have to do. Tell me what to do. Ta ei saanud minust aru. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. Kirjutasin talle armastuskirja. I was writing her a love letter. I wrote him a love letter. Takso ootab. A cab is waiting. Taxi's waiting. Ma näen et sa oled tõepoolest väga hõivatud. I see that you are really very busy. I see you're really busy. Ära sellest kellelegi räägi. Don't tell anyone about this. Don't tell anyone about this. Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev. He's not tall, but strong. He's not tall, but he's strong. Minu isa on sinu isast tugevam. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than your father. Palun sulge aken. Please close the window. Please close the window. Ta kannab prille. He is wearing glasses. He's wearing glasses. Tom teeb oma voodit korda. Tom's making his bed. Tom's fixing his bed. Tom näeb välja nagu oleks ta purjus. Tom looks like he's drunk. Tom looks like he's drunk. Mul on sinised silmad. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. Kuidas sa said omale hüüdnime? How did you get your nickname? How did you get a nickname? Sa jooksutasid mootori kinni. You've stalled the engine. You've shut down the engine. Ma olin õpetaja. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Minu isa on tugevam kui sinu isa. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than your father. Ma ei leia iial tõelist armastust. I'll never find true love. I'll never find true love. Tom haaras oma vasaku käega Mary parema. Tom grabbed Mary's right hand with his left hand. Tom grabbed Mary's right with his left hand. Jim avab ukse. Jim opens the door. Jim opens the door. See kaamera seal on minu oma. That camera over there is mine. That camera over there is mine. Pane uksed lukku. Lock the doors. Lock the doors. Tom kasvatab maasikaid oma aias. Tom grows strawberries in his garden. Tom grows strawberries in his garden. Kuidas palun? Pardon me? Excuse me? Aafrika on inimkonna häll. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of mankind. Tom on see, kellel on auto. Tom is the one with a car. Tom's the one with the car. Mine välja! Get out! Get out! Läksin Bostonisse rongiga. I went to Boston by train. I took the train to Boston. Appi! Help me! Help! Nad vaatavad. They are watching. They're watching. Mis sul viga on? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Tahan jäätist. I want an ice cream. I want ice cream. Helista mulle. Call me. Call me. See on üks maailma suurimaid linnu. It's one of the largest cities in the world. It's one of the biggest cities in the world. Ma ei ole Bostonist. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. See koobas on nahkhiiri täis. This cave is full of bats. This cave is full of bats. Meil on tõsi taga. We mean business. We're serious. Tom rääkis vaikselt Maryga. Tom talked to Mary quietly. Tom talked quietly to Mary. Pea vastu! Hang on! Hold on! Mul on suur palve. I have a big favor to ask. I have a big request. Kas sa oled valmis minema? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Seda on varem juhtunud. This has happened before. It's happened before. Ma olen väga häbelik. I'm very shy. I'm very shy. Tervita oma isa minu poolt. Say hello to your father for me. Say hi to your father for me. "Jõuan klassi õigeaegselt," mõtlesin ma. "I'll get to class on time," I thought. "I'll get to class on time," I thought. See ei ole raske küsimus. It's not a difficult question. It's not a hard question. See on saladus. Ma ei saa sulle rääkida. That's a secret. I can't tell you. I can't tell you. Nad saabuvad õhtul. They'll arrive tonight. They'll be here tonight. Lõpuks sureme me kõik. We all die in the end. We're all going to die. Tom tahab sinult laenata natuke raha. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. Poisid on mõnikord veidrad. Boys are strange sometimes. Boys are weird sometimes. Tema öeldu oli kaugel tõest. What he said was far from true. What he said was far from true. Tom ebaõnnestus kaks korda. Tom failed twice. Tom failed twice. Ma elan liiga kaugel. I live too far away. I live too far. Tom oskab inimesi aidata. Tom knows how to help people. Tom can help people. Mul on kaks vennatütart. I have two nieces. I have two nieces. Tom on siin ainus, kes oskab rääkida prantsuse keelt. Tom is the only one here who knows how to speak French. Tom's the only one here who speaks French. Tom tegi oma kodutöö iseseisvalt. Tom did his homework by himself. Tom did his homework on his own. Kas teile meeldib see plaan? Do you like the plan? Do you like this plan? Tomi orav on pime, ta kardab kõrgust ja on pähklite vastu allergiline. Ma ei usu, et ta ilma Tomita ellu jääks. Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think that he would survive without Tom. Tom's squirrel is blind, he's afraid of heights and he's allergic to nuts. Keskendu oma tööle. Keep focused on your work. Focus on your work. Venetsueela aktsendiga harjumiseks kulus mul tükk aega. It took a long time for me to get accustomed to the Venezuelan accent. It took me a while to get used to the Venezuelan accent. Head ööd kõigile! Good night, everybody! Good night, everyone! Seda on lihtne öelda. That's easy to say. That's easy to say. Ma seletan sulle millalgi. I'll fill you in sometime. I'll explain it to you sometime. See on oma probleem. That's your problem. That's your problem. Tom, räägi mulle tõtt, sest ma saan teada niikuinii. Tom, tell me the truth because I'll find out anyway. Tom, tell me the truth because I'm gonna find out anyway. See ei ole nii pikk nimekiri. It's not such a long list. It's not that long a list. Olen üritanud üle saada oma tagasihoidlikkusest, aga asjata. I have tried to overcome my shyness, but to no avail. I've tried to overcome my modesty, but for nothing. Mul on puue. I have a disability. I have a disability. Ma ei leia Tomi. Kas ta on juba läinud? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Ma ei hoia sind tagasi. I'm not holding you back. I'm not holding you back. Ma soovin, et ma oleksin sinuga. I wish I was with you. I wish I was with you. Oot! Stop! Wait! Ma teen selle järgmine kord heaks. I will make up for it next time. I'll make it up to you next time. Nad lähevad. They are going. They're going. Tere hommikust, unimüts. Good morning, you sleepyhead. Good morning, sleepyhead. Kõik tahavad sinuga kohtuda. Sa oled kuulus! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you. Joo minuga. Have a drink with me. Drink with me. Tomile ei meeldi, kuidas Mary naerab. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Mitte kõik brasiillased ei naudi karnevali. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. Not all Brazilians enjoy carnivals. Ma sooviksin, et ma oleksin su kõrval. I wish I were by your side. I wish I was by your side. Vaiksemalt! Quieter! Keep it down! Ma ei saa seda heaks kiita. I can't accept this. I can't accept that. Mis kell sa voodisse pead minema? What time will you have to go to bed? What time do you have to go to bed? Tom võltsis oma ema allkirja. Tom forged his mother's signature. Tom forged his mother's signature. Kas sa ei teagi, mis see on? Don't you know what it is? Don't you know what it is? Me kõik elame samas ühiselamus. All of us live in the same dorm. We all live in the same dorm. "Ma olen" on lihtne mistahes keelde tõlkida. It's easy to translate "I am" into any language. "I am" is easy to translate into any language. Ta langeb. He is falling. He's falling. See on minu arvuti. This is my computer. That's my computer. Heather on armas tüdruk. Heather is a cute girl. Heather's a lovely girl. Leedu on Euroopa Liidu liige. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Ma olen Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Nad teatasid oma tütre kihlusest. They announced the engagement of their daughter. They reported their daughter's engagement. Tom vaarus uksest välja. Tom stumbled out the door. Tom went out the door. Ta ei teinud seda. She didn't do it. He didn't do it. Ta jõi peol kaks klaasi veini. She drank two glasses of wine at the party. He drank two glasses of wine at the party. Ta on lootustandev üliõpilane. He is a promising student. He's a promising student. Las ma annan sulle natuke sularaha. Let me give you some cash. Let me give you some cash. Mul on kaks venda. I have two siblings. I have two brothers. Tom teab, mida öelda, et Mary talle andestaks. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Tom knows what to say to get Mary to forgive him. Ma loen raamatu. I read a book. I'm reading a book. Ma kiusan ainult. I'm just teasing. I'm just teasing. Tom pani oma maja põlema. Tom set his house on fire. Tom set his house on fire. Tom on Mary pärast väga mures. Tom is very worried about Mary. Tom's very worried about Mary. Ma tõin raamatu. I brought a book. I brought a book. Kas sa saad mind aidata? Can you give me a hand? Can you help me? Tom arvab, et ta suudab maailma päästa. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom teeskles, et ta on arst. Tom impersonated a doctor. Tom pretended to be a doctor. Seemned on idanenud. The seeds have germinated. The seeds have sprouted. Miks on see kasulik? What's the benefit of this? Why is this beneficial? See on minu tütar. This is my daughter. That's my daughter. Näe, see siin on veel parem. Here's an even better one. Look, this one's even better. Koer kohtub krokodilliga. Krokodill ütleb koerale: " Tere, kirbukott!" ja koer vastab:" Tere, käekott!" A dog meets a crocodile. The crocodile says to the dog "Hello, fleabag!" The dog responds "Hello, handbag!" The dog meets the crocodile. Crocodile says to the dog, "Hello, fleabag!" and the dog says, "Hello, purse!" Tervita Jimmit. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jim. Me teeme ainult seda, mida kästakse. We only do what we've been told. We're only doing what we're told. Tomile ei meeldi sotsialiseeruda. Tom doesn't like to socialize. Tom doesn't like socializing. Ma ei tea, mida temaga ette võtta. I don't know what to do about him. I don't know what to do with him. Ta on lootustandev tudeng. He is a promising student. He's a promising student. See mees on kindlasti poissmees. That man is definitely a bachelor. This guy's definitely a bachelor. Kus nad on? Where are they? Where are they? Ma ei lugenud seda. I didn't read it. I didn't read it. Miks see sind häirib? Why does it bother you? Why is that bothering you? Kas sa ei anna kunagi alla? Don't you ever give up? Don't you ever give up? Kas riiulis on inglise-jaapani sõnastik? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the bookshelf? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the shelf? Mida vanemaks ma saan, seda vähem ma saan aru. The older I become, the less I understand. The older I get, the less I understand. Ei ole halba heata. Every cloud has a silver lining. There's no harm in it. Nad pidid otsast peale hakkama. They had to start from scratch. They had to start all over again. Kaks päeva tagasi see tuul puhus. Two days ago the wind blew. Two days ago, the wind blew. Ma ei räägi prantsuse keelt piisavalt hästi! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough! Miks just mina? Why me? Why me? Ma tean kus Tom on sündinud. I know where Tom was born. I know where Tom was born. Mul ei ole kuigi head sõnaraamatut. I haven't a very good dictionary. I don't have a very good dictionary. Kas ma ei hoiatanud sind? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? Ma oleksin pidanud ütlema jah. I would've said yes. I should have said yes. Grammatika on väga raske. Grammar is very difficult. The grammar is very difficult. Ma oskan joosta. I can run. I can run. Palju õnne! Congratulations! Congratulations! Minu sõbra sõber on ilus. My friend's friend is beautiful. A friend of my friend's is beautiful. Kas sa teed seda? Will you do that? Will you do it? See oli liiga raske probleem talle lahendada. This was too difficult a problem for her to solve. It was too hard to solve a problem for him. Sa pead seda praegu tegema. You've got to do it now. You have to do this now. Mida me veel vajame õnnelik olemiseks? What more do we need to make us happy? What more do we need to be happy about? Mis sellel viga on? What's so wrong with that? What's wrong with it? Mul on kalaluu kurgus kinni. I have a fish bone stuck in my throat. I've got a fishbone stuck in my throat. Läks! Action! Let's go! Ma söön liha ära. I will eat the meat. I'll eat the meat. Kuu on Maa looduslik kaaslane. The earth's moon is a natural satellite. The moon is Earth's natural companion. See on kogukonnale kasulik. That will benefit the community. It's good for the community. Ta kuulas mind säravate silmadega. She listened to me with her eyes shining. He listened to me with his bright eyes. Tema tütrest on saanud kena naine. His daughter has become a pretty woman. Her daughter has become a beautiful woman. Meie ülemus kiitis meie plaani heaks. Our boss approved our plan. Our boss approved our plan. Kas te räägite türgi keelt? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Ta magamistoas oli väike laud, mille peal oli väike pudel. There was a small table in her bedroom, and on the table - a little bottle. There was a little table in his bedroom with a little bottle on it. Ta mängib golfi kaks või kolm korda kuus. He plays golf two or three times a month. He plays golf two or three times a month. Ära puuduta mind! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Kas sa ei pannud seda tähele? Didn't you notice it? Didn't you notice that? See on huvitav pakkumine. Ma mõtlen selle peale. That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it. That's an interesting offer. Kuidas see sinna sai? How did it get there? How did it get there? Ma olen väga väsinud praegu. I'm very tired right now. I'm really tired right now. Ma ei proovi laiselda. I'm not trying to be lazy. I'm not trying to be lazy. Head aega. Goodbye! Bye. Meil pole teda vaja. We don't need him. We don't need him. Kas sul oli eile tore? Did you have a good time yesterday? Did you have a good time last night? Miks sa sellele tööle ei kandideerinud? Why didn't you apply for the job? Why didn't you run for this job? See on kala. This is a fish. It's a fish. Anna raport mulle. Give me the report. Give me the report. Tere. Hello! Hello. Kana pole ära küpsenud. The chicken is undercooked. The chicken hasn't fried. Kui sa tahad. If you want. If you want. Ma lendan Bostonisse tagasi. I'm flying back to Boston. I'm flying back to Boston. Bussid käivad iga kümne minuti tagant. The buses run every ten minutes. Buses come every ten minutes. Mul on väga hea meel sind näha. I'm very glad to see you. I'm so glad to see you. Sõda algas kolm aastat hiljem. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Hullumeelsus! Crazy! That's crazy! Kus ma olen? Where am I? Where am I? Ma olen tagasihoidlik. I'm shy. I'm being modest. Oodake mind! Wait for me. Wait for me! Tom mängib õues. Tom is playing outside. Tom's playing outside. Temast sai klaverimängija. He became a pianist. He became a piano player. Nupud tekivad, kui vajutad ekraanile ja kaovad uuesti 3 sekundi pärast. Buttons occur when you press the screen and disappear again after 3 seconds. Buttons appear when you click on the screen and disappear again in 3 seconds. Mulle meeldib teie küla. I like your village. I like your village. Tohin ma sult ühte teenet paluda? May I ask you to do me a favor? Can I ask you a favor? Sa oled näinud, milleks ma võimeline olen. You've seen what I can do. You've seen what I'm capable of. Mulle on üpris selge, et see on tõde. It's quite clear to me that this is the truth. It's pretty clear to me that it's the truth. Kas ma saaksin teie tähelepanu? May I have your attention? May I have your attention? Kas sa arvad, et Tom valetab meile? Do you think Tom is lying to us? Do you think Tom's lying to us? Ma olen päris hea ujuja. I'm a pretty good swimmer. I'm a pretty good swimmer. Ma jään õhtuni. I'll stay until evening. I'll stay until tonight. Me võime seda veel siiski teha. We can still do that. We can still do that. Loomaliha, palun. Beef, please. Beef, please. Kas sul ei ole tööd, mida teha? Don't you have work to do? Don't you have a job to do? Tom on juba seal. Tom is already there. Tom's already there. Ta valis hea naise. He chose a good wife. He chose a good woman. Ta istus voodil. He sat on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. See lill on kauneim kõigist lilledest. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Kes võidab? Who's winning? Who's gonna win? Tundub, et teine korrus on banketisaal. It looks like the second floor is a banquet hall. Looks like the second floor is the banquet hall. Ma pean seda meeles. I'll keep it in mind. I'll keep that in mind. Kus sa koolis käisid? What school do you go to? Where did you go to school? Head ööd kõigile! Good night, everyone! Good night, everyone! Ma ei tee seda enam. I don't do it anymore. I won't do it again. Kes selle tõi? Who brought this? Who brought it? Kui homme sajab, siis ma ei lähe. If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Vein on klaasis. The wine is in the glass. The wine's in the glass. Käin sageli kinos. I often go to the movies. I go to movies a lot. Vaata kuud. Look at the moon. Look at the moon. Mulle tundub, et ma lisasin liiga palju suhkrut. I think I added too much sugar. I think I added too much sugar. Lõpuks ometi! Finally! Finally! Nägid sa seda päikesetõusu? See oli päris ilus. Did you see the sunrise earlier? It was really beautiful. Did you see that sunrise? See oli minu sõrm. That was my finger. That was my finger. Usk teeb imesid! Faith works miracles! Faith works wonders! Sel oli mulle suur tähendus. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. Sa ei saa seda enam teha. You can't do that anymore. You can't do this anymore. Kas sa arvad, et talle meeldib mu kingitus? Do you think she will like my gift? Do you think he likes my gift? Sina oled inimene. You are human. You're human. Kui palju sul Facebookis sõpru on? How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? Kas su naine teab seda? Does your wife know? Does your wife know that? Ma jõin klaasi piima. I drank a glass of milk. I had a glass of milk. Kas rahvused on inimühiskonna evolutsiooni viimane aste? Are nations the last stage of evolution in human society? Are nations the final stage in the evolution of human society? Mida tähendab "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Pea-aegu. Almost. Almost. Kui sa räägiksid vähem ja kuulaksid rohkem, võiksid sa midagi õppida. If you would talk less and listen more, you might learn something. If you talked less and listened more, you could learn something. Ma naudin pikki jalutuskäike rannas. I enjoy long walks on the beach. I enjoy long walks on the beach. Kas sa tead kedagi Tomi nimelist? Do you know anyone named Tom? Do you know anyone named Tom? Ma läksin haiglasse. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Mis just juhtus? What was happening? What just happened? Tom tahtis et see oleks üllatus. Tom wanted this to be a surprise. Tom wanted it to be a surprise. Ma olen naine. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Ma võin kihla vedada, et Tom oskab prantsuse keelt rääkida. I bet Tom can speak French. I bet Tom speaks French. Asitõendid ei toeta väidet. The evidence doesn't support the claim. Evidence doesn't support the claim. Mis ma ütlema peaksin? What should I say? What do you want me to say? Vabandage... Sorry... Excuse me... Millises koolis sa käisid? What school do you go to? What school did you go to? Mul on kaks nõbu. I have two cousins. I have two cousins. Ma tean, et mul on vaja magada kaheksa tundi ööpäevas, aga tavaliselt ma magan vähem. I know that I should sleep for at least eight hours per day, however usually I sleep less. I know I need to sleep eight hours a day, but I usually sleep less. Ta käib juuksuris kolm korda kuus. He gets a haircut three times a month. She gets a haircut three times a month. Ma proovin I try. I'll try. Kas see on täkk või mära? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a stallion or a mare? Alatasa unustan ma inimeste nimed ära. I'm always forgetting people's names. I always forget people's names. Kas sulle meeldib see korter? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this apartment? Ah nii. I see. I see. Koer sööb õuna. The dog is eating an apple. The dog eats an apple. Ma olen näljane! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Mitte ühtegi ei jäetud ellu. Not one was left alive. None of them were left alive. On liiga külm. It's too cold. It's too cold. Kaua ma pean ootama? How long do I have to wait? How long do I have to wait? Kes on juhataja? Who's the manager? Who's the manager? Karu sööb õuna. The bear is eating an apple. A bear eats an apple. Tomil on allergia maasikate vastu. Tom is allergic to strawberries. Tom's allergic to strawberries. Tõuse üles! Get up. Get up! Minge tagasi tööle. Go back to work. Get back to work. Palun ära liiguta. Please don't move. Please don't move. Kas teil õlut on? Do you have any beer? Do you have a beer? See ei ole seda väärt! It isn't worth it! It's not worth it! Me peame koosoleku edasi lükkama. We will have to postpone the meeting. We have to postpone the meeting. Kas sa liitud meie klubiga? Will you join our club? Will you join our club? Iga hääl on oluline. Every vote counts. Every voice is important. Ta on minust kolm aastat vanem. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than me. Sa ei taha teada. You don't want to know. You don't want to know. Palju see maksab? What does it cost? How much is it? Mul on hea meel, et see sobib sulle. I'm glad it works for you. I'm glad it suits you. Tom ei pesnud nõusid ära. Tom didn't do the dishes. Tom didn't wash the dishes. Keegi ütles mulle, et ma ei peaks sind usaldama. Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you. Someone told me I shouldn't trust you. Ma sõin lõunat kaks ja pool tundi tagasi. I ate lunch two and a half hours ago. I had lunch two and a half hours ago. "Tatoeba" on mitmekeelne sõnastik. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. "Tatoeba" is a multilingual dictionary. Peale sinu ei ole mul ühtegi tõelist sõpra. I have no other true friend than you. I don't have any real friends but you. Tom ei saanud mu küsimustele vastata. Tom couldn't answer my questions. Tom couldn't answer my questions. Milles probleem on? Where is the problem? What's the problem? Nii kaugele minevikku kui ma suudan mäletada, on mul alati olnud mõtteid ja ideid, mis tol hetkel tundusid et teevad mind unikaalseks. As far back as I can remember, I have had thoughts and ideas which at the time, seemed to make me unique. As far back as I can remember, I've always had thoughts and ideas that at the time seemed to make me unique. Ma olin natuke näljane. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. Te võite alustada. You may begin. You may begin. Kas sa võtad selle? Will you take it? Will you take it? Isa sõidab tööle. Father drives to work. Dad's going to work. Need lipsud pole minu omad. These ties aren't mine. Those ties aren't mine. Tom on lõunal. Tom is on his lunch break. Tom's at lunch. Anna mu rahakott tagasi. Give me back my wallet. Give me back my wallet. See on väga suur sotsiaalne probleem. It's a very big social problem. This is a very serious social problem. Ma unustasin oma sõnastiku alumisele korrusele. I left my dictionary downstairs. I forgot my dictionary downstairs. Lase käia. Go on. Go ahead. Ma ei arvanud, et sa pahaks paned. I didn't think you'd mind. I didn't think you'd mind. Ära liigu! Hold it! Don't move! Laupäev on nädala viimane päev. Saturday is the last day of week. Saturday is the last day of the week. Ta elab ranna lähedal. He lives near the beach. He lives near the beach. See on pikk jutt. It's a long story. It's a long story. Ma lähen kontrollin, kuidas Tomil on. I'm going to check on Tom. I'm gonna go check on Tom. Mida sa sellega silmas pead? What do you mean by this? What do you mean? Kõvemini. Louder. Harder. Tom on väga oluline. Tom is very important. Tom is very important. Ma tahan elada Brasiilias. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Tuba on pigem väike. The room is rather small. The room's rather small. Nad on tõenäoliselt ameeriklased. They're probably American. They're probably Americans. Nüüd ma olen kurb. I'm sad now. Now I'm sad. See on põhimõtteliselt see, mida me tahame. That's basically what we want. That's basically what we want. Palun kiirusta. Please hurry. Please hurry. Tahan jäätist. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. Kas on küsimusi? Any questions? Any questions? Kas see on see, mida Tom on sulle rääkinud? Is that what Tom has been telling you? Is that what Tom's told you? Ainult tegin nalja. Only joking. Just kidding. Ma olen hiinlane. I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. Tom ja Mary tegid piparkoogioravaid. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made gingerbread squirrels. Nii nunnu! How cute! That's so cute! Kas see kõik sobib sulle? Is that all right with you? Is all this okay with you? Sa meeldid Tomile. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Me teadsime seda. We knew this. We knew that. Kas ma võin tühistada pileti? Can I cancel this ticket? Can I cancel the ticket? Tom tahab avada oma enda restorani. Tom wants to open his own restaurant. Tom wants to open his own restaurant. Ma mäletan seda. I remember this. I remember that. Palun ära seisa. Please don't stand. Please don't stop. Tom tuleb sinuga kaasa. Tom will be going with you. Tom's coming with you. Tom on sõbralik. Tom is friendly. Tom's friendly. Ta on väike mees. He is a small man. He's a little man. Ma pean magama minema. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. Miks peaks Tom tahtma Mary näha? Why should Tom want to see Mary? Why would Tom want to see Mary? Kas keegi tundis minust puudust? Did anyone miss me? Did anyone miss me? Kas see oli huvitav? Was it interesting? Was that interesting? Elu on ilus. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Ma kahetsen, et ei töötanud noorena kõvasti. I regret not having worked hard in my youth. I regret not working hard when I was young. Sul on peapõrutus. You have a concussion. You have a concussion. Mis juhtus? What's happened? What happened? Tom üritas varjata oma erutust. Tom tried to sound casual. Tom tried to hide his excitement. Maa on lame. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. Kui vanad olid su lapsed, kui te Bostonisse kolisite? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? Ma ei saa aru, miks sa nii mures oled. I don't know why you're so worried. I don't understand why you're so worried. Kuidas see peaks toimima? How's it supposed to work? How is that supposed to work? Ma olen seal ainult korra olnud. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Ma tahan raamatu. I want a book. I want a book. Mis ees ootab? What lies ahead? What's coming? Palun kiirustage! Please hurry up! Please hurry! Me jalutame sidrunipuude vahel. We walk among the lemon trees. We're walking between lemon trees. Tatoeba oli ajutiselt kättesaamatu. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatobe was temporarily unavailable. Ei tea. Dunno. I don't know. Tere õhtust. Good evening. Good evening. Kas ma pean sulle tagasi maksma? Do I have to pay you back? Do I have to pay you back? Ma muudkui kõndisin auto juurde. I kept walking to the car. I kept walking to the car. Ma oleksin pidanud sulle varem rääkima. I should have told you before. I should have told you sooner. Ta sai lahingus haavata. He was wounded in the battle. He was wounded in battle. Ma otsustasin saada arstiks. I decided to become a doctor. I decided to be a doctor. Nad tahavad sinuga kohtuda. They want to meet you. They want to meet you. Miks sa ei lähe esimesena? Why don't you go first? Why don't you go first? Kass, mis sa leidsid, on minu oma. The cat which you found is mine. The cat you found is mine. Mul on kolm kassi. I have three cats. I've got three cats. Palun aita mind. Please help me. Please help me. Ta sai klaverimängijaks. He became a pianist. He became a piano player. Ma sooritan jaanuaris eksami. I'm taking an exam in January. I'm taking the exam in January. Palun jääge oma kohtadele, turvarihmad kinni. Remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened. Please stay in your seats with your seat belts fastened. Mary lõi Tomi munadesse. Mary kicked Tom in the nuts. Mary kicked Tom in the balls. Ta on hea poiss ja seetõttu ta meeldib mulle. He's a good boy so I like him. He's a good boy, and that's why I like him. Ma ütlesin sulle, et Tom on valmis. I told you Tom was ready. I told you Tom was ready. Mul on kaks silma. I have two eyes. I have two eyes. Tal on armas hääl. He has a sweet voice. She's got a lovely voice. Kas sa saad mulle koopia teha? Can you make a copy for me? Can you make me a copy? See on raske otsus. It'll be a difficult decision. It's a tough decision. Ma aitan sind mõne hetke pärast. I'll help you in a minute. I'll help you in a minute. Ma elan Jaapanis. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. Kas nad said aru? Did they understand? Do they understand? Ma olen väsinud ja ma tahan magada. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired, and I want to sleep. Mulle ei meeldi elada üksi. I don't like living alone. I don't like living alone. Ma pean aitama Tomil oma tuba koristada. I have to help Tom clean his room. I have to help Tom clean his room. Kas sa arvad et ma armastan teda ikka veel? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love her? Ma söön praegu oma õega lõunat. I'm having lunch with my sister right now. I'm having lunch with my sister right now. Ma olen väsinud ja ma tahan koju minna. I am tired and I want to go home. I'm tired, and I want to go home. Ma joon köögis vett. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. Palun ära vabanda. Please don't apologize. Please don't apologize. On mitu tegurit. There are many factors. There are several factors. Tom ei näinud väga õnnelik välja. Tom didn't look all that happy. Tom didn't look very happy. Mina lõpetan. I quit. I'm out. Ma tahan mõõka nagu see siin! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! Tom ütles, et ta pidi lahkuma. Tom said that he had to leave. Tom said he had to leave. Muidugi! Definitely! Of course! Tom proovis enda ära tappa. Tom tried to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. Ilmselt. Obviously. Probably. Ma veetsin eelmisel suvel kolm nädalat Bostonis. I spent three weeks in Boston last summer. I spent three weeks in Boston last summer. Mitmuses hobune on hobused. The plural of horse is horses. A plentiful horse is a horse. Mul on sulle üks palve. I have a favor to ask of you. I have a request for you. Head ööd! Goodnight! Good night. Mu tulen tagasi mõne minuti pärast. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back in a few minutes. Merel on saared. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. Meil on piisavalt süüa. We'll have plenty of food. We've got plenty to eat. Ma saan joosta. I can run. I can run. Kas te olete selle ettepaneku poolt või vastu? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you in favour or against this proposal? Kas sa näed seda? Can you see it? Do you see it? Niipea kui Mary oli Tomist lahku läinud oli John roosidega ta ukse ees. No sooner had Mary broken up with Tom than John was at her front door with a bunch of roses. As soon as Mary had broken up with Tom, John was at her door with roses. Mul on kass ja koer. Kass on must ja koer on valge. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I got a cat and a dog, the cat's black and the dog's white. Suudle mind. Kiss me. Kiss me. Ma soovin, et sa oleksid minuga. I wish you were with me. I wish you were with me. Ma ei taha rohkem probleeme tekitada. I don't want to cause anyone any more trouble. I don't want to cause any more trouble. Ma ei taha sinuga koos elada. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Ma olen vabatahtlik. I am a volunteer. I volunteer. Aidake mind! Help me! Help me! Turvalisem on siia jääda. It's safer to stay here. It's safer to stay here. Tere, Mike siin. Hello, this is Mike. Hi, it's Mike. Nad on imeline. They're wonderful. They're amazing. Tomi käed on mustad. Tom's hands are dirty. Tom's hands are dirty. Kas sa oled õpilane? Are you a student? Are you a student? Ma ei tea kas ta on minust noorem või vanem. I don't know whether he's younger or older than me. I don't know if he's younger or older than me. Ma pean natuke veel harjutama. I need to practice a little more. I've got a little more practice to do. Ma räägin iiri keelt. I speak Irish. I speak Irish. Ei ole teist jumalat peale Allahi ja Muhamed on tema prohvet. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no god other than Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. Küsi Tomi käest. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Mul on kaks kassi. I have two cats. I have two cats. Kas teie koeral on jooksuaeg? Is your bitch on heat? Is it time for your dog to run? Tom päästis mu elu. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. Ma võtsin raamatu. I took the book. I took the book. Tom istutas oma aeda lilli. Tom planted some flowers in his yard. Tom planted flowers in his garden. Miks sa ülikoolis ei ole? Why aren't you in college? Why aren't you in college? Sinu surm on valutu. Your death will be painless. Your death is painless. Ma pole kibestunud. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter. Mu vend andis mulle armsa nuku. My brother gave me a cute doll. My brother gave me a cute doll. Mul on küsimusi. I have questions. I have questions. Paljudele inimestele meeldib reisida. Many people like to travel. A lot of people like to travel. Tom valetas oma hinde kohta. Tom lied about his grade. Tom lied about his grade. See kell on katki. This watch is broken. That watch is broken. Ütle mulle. Tell me. Tell me. Kardan, et Tom ei ole siin. I'm afraid that Tom isn't here. I'm afraid Tom's not here. Vastastikusel austusel põhinev vestlus. Discussion is based upon mutual respect. A conversation based on mutual respect. See pani mu nutma. That made me cry. It made me cry. Tom suri eelmisel aastal. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Ilmaennustuse järgi on homme pilvine. They forecast it will be cloudy tomorrow. The weather forecast says it's cloudy tomorrow. Ma ei öelnud tere. I didn't say hello. I didn't say hi. Siin on see koht, kus Tom suri. It was here that Tom died. This is where Tom died. Mulle öeldi, et ma seda ei puutuks. I was told to leave this alone. I was told not to touch it. Tänud! Thanks! Thanks! Ma nägid millega sa tegelesid. I saw what you were doing. I saw what you did. Ainult mina elan koos oma lastega Urumqis. It's just me who lives with my kids in Urumqi. Only I live in Urumq with my children. Ma tean millest see räägib. I know what this is about. I know what it's about. Kas sa küpsetasid koogi? Did you bake a cake? Did you bake a cake? Ma tahan õuna. I want an apple. I want an apple. Päike on punane. The sun is red. The sun is red. Kuula! Listen! Listen! Tom ei tahtnud kaotada. Tom didn't want to lose. Tom didn't want to lose. Taevast vaadelduna tundus jõgi hiiglasuure maona. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake. When viewed from the sky, the river seemed like a giant snake. Ma igatsen oma kassi. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. Ma räägin tõtt. I tell you the truth. I'm telling the truth. Nad keeldusid minuga rääkimast, hoolimata mu siirast palvest. They refused to talk to me in spite of my earnest request. They refused to speak to me despite my sincere request. Võitsin! I won! I won! Elu pole kunagi kerge. Life is never easy. Life is never easy. Toas on piisavalt külalisi. There are plenty of guests in the room. There's plenty of visitors in the room. On kuum päev. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. Poiss viskab ühe kivi. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws one stone. Tere, Meg. Kuidas sul on läinud? Hello, Meg, how have you been? Hey, Meg, how you been? Kuidas sul läheb? How are you? How are you? See ei ole lihtne küsimus. It's not an easy question. It's not an easy question. Minuga on kõik korras. I'm OK. I'm fine. Nad ei tee sulle liiga. They won't hurt you. They won't hurt you. Ta on minister, kes vastutab keskkonna asjade eest. He is the minister responsible for the environment. He's a minister responsible for environmental matters. Ta on rikas, noor ja nägus. He's rich, young and handsome. He's rich, young and handsome. Mida sa Tomiga teinud oled? What've you done to Tom? What have you done with Tom? Rõõmsaid Ülestõusmispühi! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Nad ei saanud läbi. They didn't get along. They didn't get along. Mu isa töötab tehases. My father works at a factory. My dad works at the factory. Ma olen nii läbi! Ma tahan lihtsalt minna koju vanni ning seejärel magama. I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed. I just want to go home and take a bath and then sleep. Sul pole isegi autot. You don't even have a car. You don't even have a car. Mul on kolm last. I have three children. I have three children. Kas ma võin alkoholi juua? Can I drink alcohol? Can I have a drink? Esimesel silmapilgul paistis ta lahke ja õrn. At first sight, he seemed kind and gentle. At first glance, he seemed kind and gentle. Hallo? Oled sa veel siin? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still here? Sa oled mulle ühe õlu võlgu. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Me elame rahus. We live in peace. We live in peace. Kui ma ei saa enam kirjutada, ei taha ma enam elada. If I can't write anymore, I don't want to live anymore. If I can't write anymore, I don't want to live anymore. Tee kiiremini. Hurry up. Hurry up. Nad on väga head. They're very good. They're very good. Palun tule mind aeg-ajalt vaatama. Please come to see me from time to time. Please come and see me from time to time. Tom loodab pärast ema surma palju raha pärida. Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother dies. Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money after his mother died. Vau! Wow! Wow! Sa oled kiire õppija. You are a fast learner. You're a fast learner. Ma saan sellega ise hakkama. I can manage that on my own. I can do this on my own. Head nädalalõppu. Have a nice weekend. Have a good weekend. Räägi mulle sellest! Olen üks suur kõrv. Tell me about it. I'm all ears. Tell me about it, I'm all ears. Tal ei olnud pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have a pencil. Pese end ära. Wash up. Wash yourself. John saatis mulle saksakeelse kirja. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a letter in German. Kui Tom poleks sind päästnud, oleksid sa surnud. You'd be dead if Tom hadn't saved you. If Tom hadn't saved you, you'd be dead. Ma ei räägi iiri keelt. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Tom ei tee tihti oma kodutöid enne õhtusööki. Tom doesn't often do his homework before dinner. Tom doesn't often do his homework before dinner. Sul on palavik. You've got a fever. You have a fever. See raamat on ülekaalulisuse kohta. This is a book about obesity. This book is about obesity. Tom, ma ei jäta sind kunagi. I'll never leave you, Tom. Tom, I'll never leave you. Mul pole palju aega. Kas sa saad selle korda ajada? I don't have a lot of time. Can you take care of it? I don't have much time. Sulle oleks Boston meeldinud. You would've loved Boston. You would have liked Boston. Kuhuiganes ma ei vaataks, seal on ainult liiv ja liiv. Wherever I look, there's only sand and more sand. Wherever I look, there's only sand and sand. Mul on auto. I have a car. I have a car. Proovi uuesti. Try again. Try again. Võib-olla oligi Tom selle ära teeninud. Perhaps Tom had it coming. Maybe Tom deserved it. Mul on kaks poega. I have two sons. I have two sons. Ma tahan raamatu. I want the book. I want a book. Ta nõustus temaga. She agreed with him. He agreed with her. Inimesed, kel on puue, ei talu, kui neid haletsetakse. Disabled people can't stand being pitied. People with disabilities can't stand when they're feeling sorry for them. Ma sooviksin teid ette tänada kogu abi eest, mida te talle pakkuda võite. I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you are able to give her. I'd like to thank you in advance for all the help you can offer him. Lõvi on džungli kuningas. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Mul on sinine maja. I have a blue house. I have a blue house. Ta noogutas julgustavalt. She nodded encouragingly. He nodded with encouragement. Tom hoidis Mari oma käte vahel. Tom held Mary in his arms. Tom held Mari in his arms. Kas sul on vaja veini juua? Do you need to drink wine? Do you need some wine? Tom käib harva kirikus. Tom seldom goes to church. Tom rarely goes to church. Näita mulle oma käsi. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Millega nad on tegelenud? What have they been doing? What have they been up to? Tom ei helista enne tagasi, kui koosolek läbi pole. Tom won't call back until the meeting's over. Tom won't call back until the meeting's over. Tere tulemast! Welcome. Welcome! Kao ära. Beat it. Get lost. Loodusteadused on sotsiaalteadustest raskemad. The natural sciences are harder than the social sciences. Natural sciences are heavier than social sciences. Aegajalt ta külastab mind. He sometimes visits me. From time to time, he visits me. Sul polnud ilmselgelt õigus. You were clearly mistaken. You were clearly wrong. Me reisime Eestis järgmisel kuul. We're going to travel to Estonia next month. We will travel in Estonia next month. Ta otsib head tööd. He is seeking a good job. He's looking for a good job. Millise rongiga sa lähed? What train you are going to take? Which train are you taking? Mul ei ole ühtegi tõelist sõpra peale sinu. I have no other true friend than you. I don't have any real friends but you. Ma tahan rohkem raha. I want more money. I want more money. Tänan sind otsekohesuse eest. Thank you for your candor. Thank you for your frankness. Ma minestasin. I fainted. I passed out. Maga natuke, kui sa suudad. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Buss väljub iga kümne minuti tagant. The bus leaves every ten minutes. The bus leaves every ten minutes. Sami hoidis oma silmad lahti. Sami kept his eyes open. Sami kept his eyes open. Mina olen sotsiaaltöötaja. I am a social worker. I'm a social worker. Kas see on armastus? Is this love? Is that love? Tundub, et sa oled algse eesmärgi unustanud. You seem to have lost sight of original objective. You seem to have forgotten your original purpose. Sa murdsid oma käe. You broke your arm. You broke your arm. Tom ei tahtnud, et Mari talle pidevalt helistaks. Tom didn't want Mary to call him all the time. Tom didn't want Mari to call him all the time. Mul pole aega puhkuseks. I don't have time to take a break. I don't have time for vacation. Mõrvar on ikka veel vabaduses. The murderer is still at large. The killer's still out there. Mary neiupõlvenimi on Jackson. Mary's maiden name is Jackson. Mary's maiden name is Jackson. Sõpruse terviseks! For our friendship! To friendship! Ma loen raamatu. I'll read the book. I'm reading a book. Ta kolis Saksamaale. He moved to Germany. He moved to Germany. Ma olen Skopjest. I am from Skopje. I'm from Skopje. Kas sa soovisid midagi? Did you make a wish? Did you make a wish? Meil on autot vaja. We need a car. We need a car. Ma tahan veel õlut. I want another beer. I want more beer. See maja on meie jaoks liiga suur. This house is too big for us. This house is too big for us. Kas sa laulaks mulle ühe biitlite laulu? Will you sing me a Beatles' song? Will you sing me a Beatles song? Ma polnud selles päris kindel. I wasn't too sure about it. I wasn't quite sure about that. Mida sa juua tahad? What'll you have to drink? What do you want to drink? Tom saabus liiga hilja. Tom arrived too late. Tom arrived too late. Vahel peale sulasid ujutab see jõgi üle. This river sometimes overflows after the thaw. Sometimes after the melts, this river floodes. Ma ei vaja voodit. I don't need beds. I don't need a bed. Mis on su ema nimi? What's your mother's name? What's your mother's name? Kuidas võisin ma sind üldse usaldada? How could I ever trust you? How could I ever trust you? Ma ei karda külma, aga ma ei talu kuumust. I'm not afraid of cold, but I can't stand heat. I'm not afraid of the cold, but I can't stand the heat. Su kriitikal pole alust. Your criticism is unfounded. There's no basis for your criticism. Kas me sööme täna väljas? Are we going to eat out tonight? Are we eating out tonight? Hoia see omale. Keep it. Keep it. Kui sa laenad kellelegi $20 ja ei näe seda inimest enam kunagi, siis tõenäoliselt see oli väärt seda. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. Kust sa pärit oled? Which country are you from? Where are you from? See kõlab nagu Hollywoodi filmi süžee. This sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie. It sounds like a Hollywood movie plot. Ma räägin Tomiga sellest. I'll talk to Tom about this. I'll talk to Tom about it. Sooviksin linna kaarti palun. I'd like a map of the city. I'd like a map of the city, please. Alustan homme. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Küsi temalt ta nime. Ask him his name. Ask him his name. See oli tõesti kohutav. It was really horrible. It was really terrible. Tal ei olnud ühtegi pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have any pencils. Mida ma söön? What am I eating? What am I eating? Kui sa tahad olla armastatud, siis armasta! If you want to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love! Ma pean minema. I have to go. I have to go. Tänan! Thanks! Thank you! Ma helistan sulle peale lõunat. I'll call you after lunch. I'll call you after lunch. Tom tahtis suuremat allahindlust. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Linn on ilus. The town is beautiful. The city is beautiful. Kõik on valmis. Everyone is ready. Everything's ready. Kui vana sa oled? How old are you? How old are you? Ma olen õnnelik. I'm happy. I'm happy. Tere päevast! Good morning! Good afternoon. Ma vaatasin telekat õppimise asemel. I watched television instead of studying. I was watching TV instead of studying. Ma räägin Tomiga sellest. I'll talk to Tom about it. I'll talk to Tom about it. Kas sa saad ukse kinni panna? Can you close the door? Can you close the door? Ma arvan, et me peaks politseisse helistama. I think we should call the police. I think we should call the police. Mida on oma mõtteid? What are your thoughts? What are your thoughts? Hei, ära mind sellesse sega. Hey, leave me out of this. Hey, don't drag me into this. Ma kardan, et see võib Tomile haiget teha. I'm afraid I may hurt Tom. I'm afraid it might hurt Tom. Ma otsustasin sinna minna. I made up my mind to go there. I decided to go there. Paljud sõbrad mu nooruspõlvest tulid ka. Many friends of my youth also came. A lot of friends from my youth came. Sa kukud alla. You'll fall down. You're going down. Ooh! Yikes! Ooh! On selge, et kellelgi ei ole mingeid uusi ettepanekuid. It is clear that no one has anything new to suggest. It is clear that no one has any new proposals. Kas sa sööd riisi iga päev? Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? Mulle ei meeldi su ettepanek. I don't like your suggestion. I don't like your proposal. Kes on Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? Ehk näeme veel. Maybe I'll see you around. Maybe I'll see you around. Kelle sõber ta on? Whose friend is he? Whose friend is he? Kui palju kaloreid on sajas grammis võis? How many calories are in 100 grams of butter? How many calories are in a hundred grams of butter? Lootus ei ole strateegia. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Kui mul igav hakkab, hakkavad halvad asjad juhtuma. When I get bored, bad things happen. When I get bored, bad things happen. Mu silmad ei toimi enam väga hästi. My eyes don't work very well anymore. My eyes aren't working very well anymore. Armastus armastab armastust. Love loves love. Love loves love. Nende majja murti eile sisse. Their house was broken into last night. They broke into their house yesterday. Miä su nimi om? What's your name? What's your name? Kon sa elät? Where do you live? - Con you elat? Kas inglüse kiilt kõnõlõt? Do you speak English? Is ingly bald gloom? Rõõm nätäq. Kuis lätt? Nice to meet you. How are you doing? How'd it go? Ütś, katś, kolm, nelli, viiś, kuuś, säidse, katõsa, ütesä, kümme. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Say, katś, three, four, five, six, seven, ten.