Dwyt ti ddim i fod i ysmygu yma. You are not supposed to smoke here. You don't be to smoking here. Dw i'n dod o Awstralia. I come from Australia. I am coming from Australia. Mae Tom a Mary yn chwarae Cluedo gyda'u ffrindiau. Tom and Mary are playing Cluedo with their friends. Tom and Mary plays Cldo with their friends. Mae swydd arall gen i. I got another job. Another job is. Does gen i ddim amser. I have no time. I don't have time. Mae'r trên yn ddeng munud yn hwyr heddiw. The train is ten minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. Rwyt ti'n ddynes. You are a woman. You're a woman. Dw i'n gweithio fel ysgrifenyddes ar fferm. I work as a secretary on a farm. I work like a farm on a farm. Dw i'n chwarae yn yr ardd. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. Sut dych chi, Dylan? How are you, Dylan? How did you, should I? Ces i swydd arall. I got another job. Act on another job. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennych? What types of sandwiches do you have? What kinds of spas do you have? Mae Tom yn benfoel. Tom is bald. Tom is a become a fifo. Mae hadau grawnafal yn gymharol fawr. Pomegranate seeds are relatively big. The seeds produces a large issue. Ydych chi'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bley? Gofynodd Tom i Mari beidio mynd ar ei phen ei hun. Tom asked Mary not to go alone. Tom asked a wood not to go on her own. Tybed wyt ti'n gwybod sut i wneud hynny. I suppose you know how to do that. I wonder if you know how to do it. Dywedodd Mari a wnaeth hi feddwl na fyddai Tomos yn gwneud hynny yfory. Mary said she thought that Tom wouldn't do that tomorrow. He knew that she would not do so tomorrow. Dw i'n wedi colli'r allwedd. I have lost the key. I am lost the key. "Mae gen ti gyfnod canolbwyntio iâr." "Mae ieir yn blasus." "Fy mhwynt yn union." "You have the attention span of a chicken." "Chickens are delicious." "My point exactly." "You've got a focusing period." "My hens is precisely." Fel arall y dylai hi fod. It should be the other way round. Otherwise it should be. Mae'n bosib gweld trefn yr elfennau yn y Tabl Cyfnodol sy'n dangos y nifer o brotonau sydd gan bob un a beth yw pwysau atomau'r elfen honno gan ddefnyddio Rhif Avogadro. It is possible to see the order of the elements in the Periodic Table, which shows the number of protons in each of them, with which you can calculate the number of atoms in the element using Avogadro's number. It may see the order of the elements in the Table Periods of the number of each row and what the atoms are using an element. Dwi i'n methu cysgu rwan. I can't sleep now. I'm now fails. Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu. I don't watch TV. I don't watch television. Mae’r Fanaweg yn hawdd iawn! Manx is really easy! It is very easy! Ysgrifennodd Tom draethawd yn Ffrangeg. Tom wrote an essay in French. Tom wrote a French fellow. Beth wyt ti'n gwneud yn yr atig? What are you doing in the attic? What do you do in the art? Mae Eliza yn crio. Eliza is crying. Eliza is crying. Mae e'n gwybod ble dyn ni'n byw. He knows where we live. He knows where man we live. Dw i'n gwybod tipyn bach o Ffrangeg yn barod. I already know some French. I know a little bit of French already. Mae dyn yn cerdded 200 milltir i brotestio yn erbyn Brexit. A man has walked 200 miles in protest of Brexit. A man walks 200 miles (falls) against xit. Mi brynais i docyn. I bought a ticket. I bought the dock. Hoffwn i ymgeisio am y swydd honno. I would like to apply for that job. I would like to apply for that job. Roedd y plant yn chwarae yn y parc. The children were playing in the park. The children were playing in the park. Oes ci gyda fe? Does he have a dog? Was a dog with it? Dw i'n dod o Loegr. I'm from England. I come from England. Peidiwch â darllen fy nyddiadur. Don't read my diary. Don't read my fortune. Mae'r tywydd yn braf heddiw. The weather is nice today. The weather is nice today. Mae'r bwrdd hwn yn lân. This table is clean. This board is clean. Os na fydd gennych chi docyn dilys, gallwch gael eich erlyn a chael dirwy o hyd at £1000. Failure to have a valid ticket may result in prosecution and a fine of up to £1000. If you don't have a valid dock, you can get yourts and have a fine hunter up to a hundred pounds. Beth ydych chi’n wneud? What are you doing? What are you doing? Bwydodd o ei gi ar yr un pryd bob dydd. He fed his dog at the same time every day. He shook her at the same time every day. Does dim rhaid i Tom ymddiheuro i Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Tom does not have to apologize for Mary. Mae Tom yn dal. Tom is tall. Tom is still. Arosodd Sami i Layla yn ei fflat. Sami waited for Layla in her apartment. Sam spent to Laarce in his apartment. Mae hi'n braf iawn heddiw. It is very fine today. She's very nice today. Mae gan y ddwy ferch llygaid gleision. Both girls have blue eyes. The two women have big eyes. Athro di-waith dw i. I am an unemployed teacher. - What do you mean? Caewch y drysau wrth adael yr adeilad trwy’r allanfa agosaf. Leave the building by the nearest exit, closing doors behind you. Close the doors when leaving the building outrs nearest possible. Dilynwch gyfarwyddiadau diogelwch. Follow the safety instructions. Follow security instructions. Mae'r dŵr yn glân. The water is clean. The water is clean. Panda wyt ti. You are a panda. When you are. Ydy'r cloc yna yn gweithio? Does that clock work? Is the clock then working? Ond fe gysgodd fel baban. But he slept like a baby. But shadows like a baby. Dwi eisiau bwyta losin Siapaneaidd. I want to eat Japanese sweets. I want to eat a hundred times. Does gennym ni ddim byd i'w trafod. We have nothing to discuss. We don't have a world to discuss it. Wyt ti'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bley? Mae gen i'r ffliw a dw i wedi blino. I have the flu and I'm tired. I've got the friend and's tired. Roedd y tywysog ar goll yn y goedwig. The prince was lost in the woods. The prince was lost in the woods. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the restroom? Where's the last? Mae'r hydref yma. Autumn is here. This mystery right here. Mae eu traed yn fudr. Their feet are dirty. Their feet are fed. Dwyt ti ddim yn fy ngharu i. You don't love me. You don't love me. Beth ydy Tom? What is Tom? What is Tom? Dw i'n bwyta bara. I am eating bread. I eat bread. Mae Tom wedi bod yn tyfu barf trwy'r haf. Tom has been growing a beard all summer. Tom has been growing through the summer. Prynais tair potel o win. I bought three bottles of wine. I drew three bottle from wine. Ydy'r ddau ohonynt yn deall Siapaneg? Do they both understand Japanese? Does the two of them understand Japanese? Ieithydd Americanaidd oedd Edward Sapir. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. American Edward was a Edwardier. Mae'r myfyrwyr yn gwirioni at yr athrawes Saesneg newydd. The students adore the new English teacher. The students are aware of the new English. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod llawer. I don't really know that much. I don't know much. Yma nodir gwybodaeth dechnegol am y modd y mae ynni yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr adeilad hwn. This tells you technical information about how energy is used in this building. Here you requested information about the technical mode that it is used in this build. Diolch am edrych ar ôl y plant. Thanks for taking care of the kids. Thank you for looking after the children. Pan fydd y lamp yn goleuo, siaradwch efo’r staff. When lamp lights, speak to staff. When the lamp is light, talk with the staff. Mae Tom yn astudio. Tom's studying. Tom is studying. Nhw ydy'r gwaetha. They are the worst. They are that anyway. Weithiau rwyt ti'n fy synnu. Sometimes you surprise me. Sometimes you are amazed. Mae Tom yn chwyrnu. Tom is snoring. Tom is sieing. Dyn ni ym Mharis. We are in Paris. Man in Pariss. Mae'r pysgod yn byw yn y môr. Fish live in the sea. The fish lives in the sea. Beth yn union ydy synnwyr cyffredin? What exactly is common sense? What exactly is a common sense? "A beth ydych chi'n yfed?" "Cwrw, os oes gen i, neu ddŵr os nad oes gen i gwrw." "'Tydych chi ddim yn yfed gwin?" "And what do you drink?" "Ale if I have it, or water if I don't have ale." "Don't you drink wine?" "And what do you drink?" "Coach, if I've got a, or water if I don't have a husband." "You don't drink a wine?" Pasg Hapus! Happy Easter! Happy! Cuddiodd y llwynog yn y goeden wag. The fox hid in the hollow tree. The fox Hide in the empty tree. Mae rhaffau yn amgylchu'r lle. Ropes surround the place. cords are round the place. Dw i'n hoffi Hokkaido. I like Hokkaido. I like Hokkoels. Dw i'n rhy fyr. I'm too short. I am too short. Beth ydy Tom yn darllen? What is Tom reading? What is Tom read? Croesawyd ef â banllefau gan y bobl. He was welcomed with loud shouting by the people. Crossing him to what fished by the people. Mae'r hydref yma. The autumn is here. This mystery right here. Wyt ti wedi gweld llun ohoni hi? Have you seen a picture of her? Have you seen a picture from it? Gaf i eistedd yma? Can I sit here? Well, let's sit here? Wyt ti'n byw yn Nhokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? Are you living in Nhok? Mae'r ferch yn hoffi ceffylau. The girl likes horses. The girl likes. Mi es i i'r parc gyda Mary ddoe. I went to the park with Mary yesterday. I went to the park with Mary yesterday. Diflanodd yr hwyaden. The duck disappeared. Levels of difficulty to print. Ffoniwch 333 (Mewnol) neu 999 i alw’r frigad dân. Phone 333 (Internal) or 999 to call the fire brigade. Call all wars (In an area) or sister to call the top of a fire. Cath ydw i. I'm a cat. I am. Arabeg yw fy mamiaith. Arabic is my mother tongue. Arabic is my mother. Dwi'n meddwl dy fod ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. I think you're pulling my leg. I think you're my leg. Dw i'n casáu'r byd oherwydd bod y byd yn fy nghasáu innau. I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world is my way I hated me. Try'r mynydd i gyd yn goch yn yr hydref. The whole mountain turns red in autumn. The mountain was all red in the centre. Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe. She claims that she knows nothing about him. She claims to know nothing about it. Mae llyfr gen i. I've got a book. I've got a book. Ble mae'r tamponau? Where are the tampons? Where is the taons? Gwyliwn. We will watch. Watch. Esgusodwch fi. Excuse me. Excuse me. Dim problem, wrth cwrs, os chi'n mynd Of course it's not a problem if you go. No problem, at course, if you go Sul y mamau hapus! Happy Mother's Day! Those happy mothers! Mae annwyd arnaf i. I've got a cold. I watched me. Nid oes hawl yfed a bwyta yn y siop hon. No drinking or eating permitted in this store. There is no right to drink and eat in this store. Yma nodir faint o garbon deuocsid y mae’r adeilad yn ei allyrru. This tells you how much carbon dioxide the building emits. Here sets how much carbon deisids the building of its builtins. Ddyweda i byth wrth neb pwy wyt ti mewn gwirionedd. I'll never tell anyone who you really are. To never tell anyone who aret really. Mae'r bwrdd yn yr ystafell fyw. The table is in the living room. The table is in the living room. Mae Layla yn fam i chwech, yn byw yn ne dwyrain Lloegr. Layla is a mother of six, living in the south west of England. LaVle is a mother to six, living in ne’s east of England. Fy enw I yw Jack. My name is Jack. My name is I Jack. Mae o'n ddigon hen i fynd i'r ysgol. He is old enough to go to school. He's enough to go to school. Ni chafodd e ginio. He didn't have lunch. No dinner. Tywynna'r bryn gan liwiau hydrefol. The hill glows with autumnal colors. Aamish hill has stone colours. Yma nodir pa mor effeithlon y mae ynni wedi cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr adeilad hwn dros y tri chyfnod cyfrifo diwethaf. This tells you how efficiently energy has been used in this building over the last three accounting periods. Here you will find how different it has been used in this build over the last three periods of accounting. Dw i ddim yn gallu yfed coffi heb siwgr. I can't drink coffee without sugar. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Mae'r Gymraeg, Cernyweg a'r Llydaweg oll yn perthyn yn agos i'w gilydd. Welsh, Cornish and Breton are all closely related. The name and all the tabs are closely related to each other. Ydy'r cloc yna yn gweithio? Is this clock working? Is the clock then working? Mae eu traed yn fudr. His feet are dirty. Their feet are fed. Mae'n ddiymhongar, onid yw e? He's unassuming, isn't he? He interruptedonga, hasn't he? Mi glywais i'r dail yn siffrwd. I heard the leaves rustling. I heard the leaves rustling. Mae Tatoeba yn wefan gyfieithu. Tatoeba is a translation website. Tatoeba is a translate website. Gwelodd y ddraig hi. The dragon saw her. She saw the dragon she saw. Wnes i ddim darllen llawer o lyfrau wythnos diwetha. I read few books last week. I did not read many weeks ago. Mae gan gath gynffon a phedair coes. A cat has a tail and four legs. There's tail and four tails. Rwyt ti'n chwarae yn yr ardd. You're playing in the garden. You play in the garden. Wyt ti am dalu amdano? Are you gonna pay for it? Do you want to pay for? Rhaid i chi ateb y cwestiwn. You must answer the question. You must answer the question. Tystysgrif Ynni i’w Harddangos yw hon fel y’i diffinnir yn Rheoliadau Perfformiad Ynni Adeiladau 2012, fel y’u diwygiwyd. This is a Display Energy Certificate as defined in the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2012 as amended. Hardly, this is like that of his powers will be built in Europe, such as the nations that were taken into their homes. Torrodd Tom ei ffêr Tom broke his ankle. Tom broke out Beth mae Tom yn gwneud? What's Tom doing? What does Tom make? Dw i'n dod adre. I'm coming home. I come home. Mae hi'n bwrw cyllyll a ffyrc. It's raining cats and dogs. She glanced and forks. Mathemateg ydy ein gwers cyntaf ni. Our first lesson is math. Math is a first lesson for us. S'mae, fy enw i yw Pekka. Beth yw dy enw di? Hi, how are you? My name is Pekka. What is your name? What is your name? Mae Tom eisiau prynu ceffyl. Tom wants to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a horse. Dw i'n Wyddel. I'm Irish. I'm a Tel. Mae gen i syniad da. I've got a good idea. I've got a good idea. Carodd e hi. He loved her. She Cared her. ’R ydych yn hydradol? Are you hydrated? Are you length? Dw i'n hoffi siarad Cymraeg. I like to speak Welsh. I like to talk. Athrawes dych chi? Are you a teacher? You are! Dw i'n hoffi pys. I like peas. I like a car. Mae'r ci yn ddu. The dog is black. The dog's black. Dw i'n teimlo'n hapus. I feel happy. I feel happy. Mae gan gath gynffon a phedair coes. Cats have a tail and four legs. There's tail and four tails. Elli di gerdded? Can you walk? Can you walk? Mae yna gath ar y bwrdd. There's a cat on the table. There's an cat on the table. Ble mae'r llyfr? Where is the book? Where is the book? Maen nhw'n chwarae yn yr ardd. They're playing in the garden. They play in the garden. Rhaid bod nhw o'u cof. They must be mad. They must be of memory. Mae hi'n athrawes. She is a teacher. She stuck and ses. Mae hi'n darllen. She's reading. She read. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennyt ti? What sort of sandwiches do you have? What kinds of objects do you have? Iaith hardd yw'r Gymraeg. Welsh is a beautiful language. A beautiful language is the name. Ble mae'r problem? Where is the problem? Where is the problem? Dwi am fynd am dro bach. I am going to take a short walk. I want to go for a little turn. Mae'n amlwg i bawb ei fod e mewn cariad. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It is clear to everyone he is in love. Mae Tom yn anorecsig. Tom is anorexic. Tom is a dore and asig. Sut wyt ti? How are you? How are you? Dw i'n bwyta popeth. I eat everything. I eat everything. Mae Islam wedi'm gwaredu fi. Islam has liberated me. Islamed me. Mae'r nos yn dywyll. The night is dark. The night was dark. O'r diwedd! Finally! At last! Dyluniwyd gan ddisgyblion Ysgol Bro Dewi. Designed by pupils from Ysgol Bro Dewi. The disciples mentioned earlier School in the UK. Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw yn ddi-stop am dri diwrnod. It's been raining non-stop for three days. It's been rain-top for three days. Beth wyt ti’n wneud? What are you doing? What are you doing? Does dim triniaeth ar gyfer COVID-19 There is no treatment for COVID-19. There is no handling for Non-19ID Cadwch y wers hon yn y cof. Keep this lesson in mind. Keep this lesson in memory. Bore da. Good morning! Good morning. Mae'r ieithydd yn eitha gyfarwydd â'r dafodiaith. The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect. The which is quite familiar with the tongue. Mae gennyf lyfr. I have a book. I have a book. Cerddon nhw adre. They walked home. They walked home. Dwyt ti ddim i fod i ysmygu yma. You're not supposed to smoke here. You don't be to smoking here. Maen nhw yn darllen llyfr. They are reading a book. They read a book. Dylai fo ddangos parch i mi. He should show me respect. It should show me respect. Mae fy llygaid yn las. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Rydw i'n bwyta yma. I'm eating here. I'm eating here. Mae fy chwaer yn hoffi dawnsio. My sister likes to dance. My sister likes dance. Mae'r bobl yn dioddef. The people are suffering. The people suffer. Oes ci gyda fe? Has he got a dog? Was a dog with it? Dw i'n hoffi ieithoedd. I like languages. I like languages. Roedd hi'n noswaith hydrefol hyfryd. It was a lovely autumn evening. She was a beautiful night. Mae o newydd gyrraedd. He just arrived. There's just a new reach. Roedd gen i syniad gwych. I had a brilliant idea. I had a great idea. Mae'n amhosib iddo rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu. It is impossible for him to give up smoking. It is impossible to give up smoking. Dw i'n hoffi coffi. I like coffee. I like coffee. Dw i eisiau cysgu. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Mae llygad ddu 'da fi. I have a black eye. There's a black eye. Dwi'n meddwl dwi am fynd adre. I think it's time I went home. I think I want to go home. Mae hi'n darllen. She is reading. She read. Dydy Tom ddim yn deall Ffrangeg. Tom doesn't understand French. Tom does not understand French. Be' sy'n bod gyda Tom? What's up with Tom? Being with Tom? Dw i'n dod o Frasil. I come from Brazil. I come from Brazil. Mae ganddo fab a dwy ferch. He has a son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Dw i'n dy garu di. I love you. I love you. Mae'n rhaid i mi weld meddyg ar unwaith. I must see a doctor at once. I must see a doctor right away. Dydy Ellen ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg. Ellen doesn't speak Welsh. She cannot talk. Myfyrwraig feddygol oedd hi. She was a medical student. The young student was her. Rydym ni am wahodd Tom a Mary i'n parti Nos Galan Gaeaf. We're going to invite Tom and Mary to our Halloween party. We want to invite Tom and Mary's party to our patient Night. Mae’n rhaid i ni adael ar ddiwedd y mis. We have to leave at the end of the month. We must leave at the end of the month. Dw i'n hoffi bod gyda thi. I like to be with you. I like to be with thee. Dych chi'n byw yn Nhokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? You live in Laoke? Dyn wedi marw ar ôl cael ei daro gan gar ym Mhowys. A man has died after being hit by a car in Powys. Man's dead after being struck by a capt inhohoth. Mae Barack Obama yn Gristion. Barack Obama is a Christian. Barak was a fellow Christian. Yn yr hydref, syrth y dail o'r coed. In autumn, leaves fall from trees. In the Americans, dry leaves the leaves of the trees. Rhybudd! Mae CCTV yn recordio a monitro 24 awr. Warning! 24 hour CCTV recording and monitoring. Warning! CCTV is recording and monitoring now. Rydyn ni'n gweld plant gydag ymddygiad heriol achos bod ganddyn nhw anawsterau dysgu yn fwy tebygol o gael eu gwahardd. We see that children with bad behaviour due to their learning difficulties are more likely to get excluded. We see children with a real behavior because they have difficulties learning more likely to be excluded. Mae 'na ynysoedd yn y môr. There are islands in the sea. There's a islands in the sea. Mae'n amlwg i bawb ei fod e mewn cariad. It's obvious to everyone that he is in love. It is clear to everyone he is in love. Cywir. True. Correct. Mae'r athrawes newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the classroom. The stuck in the class. Gest ti amser da ddoe? Did you have a good time yesterday? You got good time yesterday? Mae wyth aelod o deulu wnaeth gyflenwi Casnewydd â gwerth hyd at £2.5m o gyffuriau wedi cael eu carcharu. The eight family members who had supplied Newport with up to 2.5 million pounds worth of drugs have been imprisoned. Both a family member of Cai new value continued to find a hundred pounds. We have been imprisoned. Stopiwch leidr, stopiwch leidr! Stop thief, stop thief! Stop a job, stop the place! Dwi byth yn codi cyn saith. I never get up before seven. I never pick up before seven. Dw i eisiau mynd i Paris i astudio celf. I wish to go to Paris to study art. I want to go to Paris to study artwork. Mae Tom yn byw yn Boston, hefyd. Tom lives in Boston, too. Tom lives in Boston, too. Pwy ydw i? Who am I? Who am I? Y broblem yw bod egni solar yn rhy ddrud. The problem is that solar energy is too expensive. The problem is that energy so was too expensive. Pwnc heddiw ydyw "y broblem o bobol Siapanaidd sydd wedi cael eu herwgipio gan Ngogledd Corea". Today's topic is "the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea". Subject today's "the problem of all cases mentioned in North Korea. Yn yr hydref, syrth y dail o'r coed. In the Autumn, the leaves fall from the trees. In the Americans, dry leaves the leaves of the trees. Dych chi'n chwarae yn yr ardd. You're playing in the garden. You played in the garden. Ydy Tom a Mary yn cofio unrhyw beth? Do Tom and Mary remember anything? Does Tom and Mary remember anything? Rydw i'n rhoi anrheg iddi hi. I'm giving her a present. I give her a gift. Ydych chi wedi datgloi ar gyfer eich cymydog? Have you unlocked the door for your neighbour? Have you unlockd for your neighbor? Mae e'n chwarae yn yr ardd. He's playing in the garden. I played in the garden. Gwybododd Mary ddim ble roedd ei phen. Mary didn't know where her pen was. Mary did not know where her head was. Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu. I don't watch television. I don't watch television. Ydy o'n hoffi Siapan? Does he like Japan? Does it like Japan? Mae'r ystafell bron yn wag. The room is almost empty. The room's almost empty. Dw i'n casáu'r bwyd yn y ffreutur. I hate the food in the refectory. I hate the food in the hill. Mae Mennad yn gallu gyrru tryc. Mennad can drive a truck. Men is capable of drivec. Dywedodd Heddlu Dyfed-Powys y bu farw'r dyn yn y fan a'r lle wedi iddo gael ei daro gan gar Renault Clio coch. Dyfed-Powys police said that the man died at the scene after being hit by a red Renault Clio. There he said to let the dead man dies at the spot where he had been struck by a crelt. Wyt ti erioed wedi plannu coeden? Have you ever planted a tree? Have you ever planted a tree? Mae'n enw slafaidd. It's a Slavic name. It's a simple name. Actor Cymraeg mewn theatr dw i. I am a Welsh-speaking actor in a theatre. Actth in an instant I am in. Dw i'n hoffi cennin. I like leeks. I like plants. Ewch â bag o bridd a hadau gyda chi i gau’r tyllau ar y lleiniau. Please take a bag of soil and seed to repair divots on the fairways. Go with a bag of earth and seeds with you shut the holes on the borders. Peidiwch â gadael iddi hi ddianc! Don't let her escape! Don't let her escape her! Rydw i'n yfed llaeth. I'm drinking milk. I drink milk. Paid eistedd ar y bench na. Don't sit on that bench. Do not sit at the top of the land. 'Rydyn ni'n hapus. We are happy. 'We're happy. Mae'r glaw yn fy nilyn i bob man! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain was short of us everywhere! Fel deilen yn yr hydrefwynt. Like a leaf in the autumn wind. As a leaf in the wind. Mae'n rhaid i ni geisio'n galetach. We've got to try harder. We must try to fix it. Oes ci gyda hi? Does she have a dog? Is a dog with her? Dwi wedi blino'n racs. I am exhausted. I've tired. Mi dreuliodd o lawer o'i amser yn darllen. He spent much of his time reading. He spent much of his time in reading. Mae o wedi marw yn y fan a’r lle. He died on the spot. He has died in the spot. Mae un o gŵn fy ffrind yn dew. One of my friend's dogs is fat. One of my friend's dogs. Roeddwon i'n meddwl roeddwt ti'n cysgu. I thought you were sleeping. He waswon to think you were asleep. Mae lliwio gwallt yn dipyn o ymrwymiad. Dyeing your hair is a big commitment. There's a hair in a bit of hair. Dych chi'n gwisgo menig? Are you wearing gloves? You were wearing glovess? Defol! Get the hell out of here! Dies! Mae'r dŵr yn poeth. The water is hot. The water is hot. Cyflwynwch eich gwaith cartref ar ddydd Llun. Submit your homework on Monday. Choose your home work on Monday. Os wyt ti eisiau rhedeg, yna rheda. If you want to run, then run. If you want to run, then runa. Beth yw'r afon wrth y mor? What is the river compared with the sea? What's the river on the so? Mae hi'n bwyta ei chinio yn yr adref. She has lunch at home. She eats you at home. Tybed beth ddigwyddodd iddo? I wonder what happened to him. I wonder what happened to him? Mae Mennad yn brysur yn y dosbarth. Mennad is busy in class. Men is busy in class. Mae e'n gallu darllen yn dda. He can read pretty well. He can read well. Dw i'n mynd i'r eglwys ar ddydd Sul. I go to church on Sunday. I went to church on Sunday. Mae hi'n bwrw cesair. It's hailing. She glanced. Arwr yw e. He is a hero. It is a Hero. "Pwy dych chi?" "Tom dw i." "Who are you?" "I'm Tom." "Who do you?" "To I am." Mae car 'da fe. He has a car. A car' said he. Mae anadlu llwch asbestos yn beryglus i iechyd. Breathing asbestos dust is dangerous to health. Box dusths and it's dangerous to health. Dylet ti wrando ar dy imâm. You should listen to your imam. You should listen to your course. Rydym yn gwylio. We are watching. We're watching. Dwi eisiau i chi fy mharchu i I want your respect. I want you to see whatchchto Dw i'n hoffi bananas yn fwy nag afalau. I like bananas more than apples. I like bulnas more than animals. Faint yw hwn? How much is this? How much is this? Dw i eisiau dysgu sut i chwarae gwyddbwyll. I want to learn how to play chess. I want to learn how to play chess. Mae'r cwmni eisiau cyflogi ugain o bobl. The company wants to hire 20 people. The company wants to complain of twenty people. Pam? Why? Why? Dw i'n gwerthfawrogi'r cyngor. I appreciate the advice. I appreciate the advice. Dyn ni'n chwarae yn yr ardd. We're playing in the garden. We'm playing in the garden. Mae'r car yn las. The car is blue. The car is blue. Mae cath wen 'da fi. I have a white cat. A white cat's cat. Mae e'n ei helpu hi. He helps her. She helped her. Cymerwch y prawf lliw wrin. Take the urine colour test. Take the test colour wrind. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the loo? Where's the last? Rydych chi yma. You are here. You're here. Mae Tom yn wallgof dros Mary. Tom is crazy about Mary. Tom is mad over Mary. Mae o'n casáu Nancy. He hates Nancy. He hated it. Be' sy'n bod, cariad? What's wrong sweetie? Being, love? Roedd hi eisiau bod yn athrawes. She wanted to be a teacher. She wanted to be saxes. Coffi, ys gwelwch yn dda. Coffee, please. Goodness, please. Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod da. It's been a good day. She's been a good day. Dw i angen cael swydd. I need to get a job. I need a job. Mae o'n siarad Saesneg. He is speaking English. He speaks of English. Oes ganddi hi gariad? Does she have a lover? Can she have love? Dw i'n gallu deall dy iaith di. I can understand your language. I can understand your language you. Rydyn ni angen prynu anrheg iddyn nhw. We need to buy a gift for them. We need to buy a gift. Ysgrifennodd Alexander frawddegau yn yr iaith Ferber. Alexander wrote some sentences in Berber. Alexander’s sentences in the language they wrote. Beth mae Tom yn gwneud? What is Tom doing? What does Tom make? Roedd fel y fagddu. It was completely pitch black. It was as the pass. Gwelon nhw gath yn yr ardd. They saw a cat in the garden. They saw a cat at the garden. Mae'n stori amwys. It's a vague story. It is a ambiguous story. A oes yna orlifoedd yn yr Almaen? Are there floods in Germany? Are there there in Germany? Mae gen i lyfr. I have a book. I've got a book. Oes ganddo arian? Does he have money? Do he have money? Mae yna ddau sero yn y rhif "2010". There are two zeros in the number "2010." There are two zero in the "2010". Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. It's raining. She rains. Y broblem yw bod egni solar yn rhy ddrud. The problem is that solar power is too expensive. The problem is that energy so was too expensive. Dw i wedi anfon llythyr atyn nhw. I have sent a letter to them. I have sent them a letter. Dydy Tom ddim yn hoffi astudio. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom does not like a study. Bydda i'n mynd i adael ysgol. I'm going to leave school. I'm going to leave school. Ble mae'r swyddfa bost? Where is the post office? Where is the mail office? Gwraig tŷ dw i. I am a housewife. When I was a house, I am. Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng pentref a dinas? What's the difference between a village and a city? What is the difference between a village and a city? Mae ei theulu yn fawr iawn. His family is very big. Her family is very much very family. Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd rŵan. I have to go now. I must go now. Cyfarfu Tom â Mary yn ysgol. Tom met Mary at school. He met Tom with Mary at school. Astudia! Study! Be sure! Mae'r llyfrgell mor bell â'r orsaf. The library is as far as the station. The library is as far with the station. Mae'r milwyr yn gwisgo helmedau haearn. The soldiers are wearing iron helmets. The soldiers were wearing ironly iron. Sut mae'r tywydd? How is the weather? How the weather? Heb amau. Without a doubt. No doubts. Mae llygaid du 'da fi. I have black eyes. There's black eyes me. Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref. The leaves change their colour in autumn. The leaves change their colour intons. Paid ag ysmygu yn y gwely! Don't smoke in bed! Do not smoking in bed! Mae’n hollol warthus. It's completely disgraceful. It is quite empty. Ydy o'n yfed coffi? Does he drink coffee? Does he drink coffee? Mae yna ddwy gath yn cysgu ar y gwely. There are two cats sleeping on the bed. There's two cat asleep on the bed. Dw i ddim yn teimlo'n dda. I don't feel well. I don't feel good. I ble mae Tom yn mynd? Where is Tom going? To where is Tom gone? Faint o'r gloch yw hi? What time is it? How many o'clock is it? Dydy Ellen ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg. Ellen does not speak English. She cannot talk. Aeth Alice i'r gwely am ddeg o'r gloch. Alice went to bed at ten. Alice went to bed at ten o'clock. Mae'r ffilm yn dechrau mewn pum munud. The movie starts in five minutes. The movie begins in a five minutes. Dw i ddim yn teimlo'n dda. I'm not feeling well. I don't feel good. Beth wyt ti'n ei wneud dydd Sul nesa'? What are you doing next Sunday? What are you doing a Sunday next? Deintydd Baya ydy Mennad. Mennad is Baya's dentist. Dint Bay is Men. Mae Tom yn chwarae ffrisbi. Tom is playing frisbee. Tom is playing a febis. Mae Tom yn swrth iawn. Tom is very blunt. Tom is a right deal. Nid yw'r ddau fath o fwnci yn perthyn yn arbennig o agos i'w gilydd. The two types of monkeys are not particularly related to each other. They are not both aware of a special relative to each other. Dw i ddim yn hoffi coffi. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. Mae'r bachgen yn bwyta bara. The boy is eating bread. The boy ate bread. Ar hyn o bryd, Burj Khalifa yw'r nendwr uchaf yn y byd. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. At the moment, Bujifais is the highest hero in the world. Gwisgodd Sami jîns. Sami wore jeans. Sam de Samgloged supids. Rydyn ni'n yfed gormod. We drink too much. We drink too much. Ymlacia! Relax! Inlacia! Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Pwyswch y botwm i agor y drws. Push button to open door. Press the button to open the door. Roeddwn i'n darllen llyfr. I was reading a book. I was reading a book. Wyt ti'n siarad. You speak. Are you talking. Hwyl fawr a phob lwc. Goodbye and good luck. Goodbye and all luck. Gŵr tŷ dw i. I am a house-husband. I am a house. Ble mae'r toiled? Where is the toilet? Where's the last? Mae gen i gleis yn fy mraich. I have a bruise on my arm. I've got in my arm. Cewch wared ohoni hi. Get rid of her. You can get it from it. Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations! Congratulations! Mae'r ystafell cyfarfod i lawr y grisiau. The meeting room is downstairs. The meeting is down the steps. 'Roedd y ffair yn llawn dop. The fair was packed. The bean was full top. Doedd bron ddim arian ar ôl. There was scarcely any money left. It was almost no money left. Mae fy mrawd yn cyrraedd bore 'fory. My brother arrives tomorrow morning. My brother goes morning 'fory. Mae o'n sgrechian, nid canu. He is screaming, not singing. It's shrieks, not singing. Pwy o Gymru sydd wedi croesi'r Iwerydd a llwyddo yn y campau yma draw yn America a Chanada? Who from Wales has crossed over the Atlantic and succeeded in America and Canada? Whom have crossed the Atlantic and succeed in this step in America and here inadas? Esgusodwch fi. Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg? Excuse me. Do you speak English? Excuse me. Do you speak English? Mae aros adre yn ddiflas. Staying home is boring. There is a dull home. Yng Nghymru, mae'n orfodol i fyfyrwyr ysgol astudio cemeg hyd at lefel TGAU (16 oed). In Wales, it is compulsory for students to study chemistry at GCSE level (16 years old). In addition, it is mandatory to students of a school student even (1U6). Fel deilen yn yr hydrefwynt. Like a leaf in the autumn breeze. As a leaf in the wind. Oes gen ti unrhyw lyfrau am Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Esgusodwch fi, ond pwy ydych chi? Please, who are you? Excuse me, but who are you? S'mae, fy enw i yw Pekka. Beth yw dy enw di? Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name? What is your name? Mae gen i syniad da. I have a good idea. I've got a good idea. Peidiwch â thaflu sbwriel fan yma. Don't throw garbage away here. Don't throw a trash here. Dw i methu yfed coffi heb siwgr. I can't drink coffee without sugar. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Dw i'n mynd i ddysgu almanaeg. I'm going to learn German. I'm going to learn an singa. Mae Mayuko yw gweld i bod dig. Mayuko looks cross. A May she see that she is not to dig. Mae gennym ddigon o ddŵr. We have water enough. We have enough water. Wyt ti'n mynd i ysgrifennu ati hi? Are you going to write to her? Are you writing to her? Wyt ti'n hoffi bwyd Japaneaidd? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? Mae hi'n dweud ei bod hi'n unig. She says that she's lonely. She says she's just. Roedd Tom yn arfer bod yn hyfforddwr ci proffesiynol. Tom used to be a professional dog trainer. Tom used to be an professional dog. Pam wyt ti'n drist? Why are you sad? Why are you sad? Mae Muiriel yn ugain mlwydd oed. Muriel is twenty years old. What's twenty years old, old age. Dw i methu aros yma heno. I can't stay here tonight. I'm unable to wait here tonight. Mae fy ffrind gorau’n dod o Gymru. My best friend is Welsh. My best friend comes from me. Mae'r ci hwn yn rhedeg yn gyflym. This dog runs fast. This dog is running fast. Peidiwch â chymryd ei hochr ef bob amser. Don't always take sides with him. Don't take his side always. Be' sy'n bod, cariad? What's the matter, love? Being, love? Ble mae'r gath? Where's the cat? Where's the cat? Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta. I am going to have something to eat. I want something to eat. Ymlaciwch! Relax! Inacise! Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn. It's raining cats and dogs. She glanced old wives and sticks. Ddaeth Tom? Did Tom come? Enable Tom? Nid yw'r llyfr hwn am ieithyddiaeth. This book is not about linguistics. This book is not for a don't knowism. Trydanwr mewn theatr dych chi? Are you an electrician in a theater? Electric hero in you have? Mae Tom yn casáu pawb. Tom hates everybody. Tom hates everyone. Penblwydd Hapus! Happy birthday! Happy Birthday! Mae gen i frawd hŷn. I have an older brother. I've got an older brother. Faint o bres oes gen ti? How much money do you have? How many copper do you have? Doeddwn i ddim yn barod. I wasn't ready. I didn't be ready. Ydych chi'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bley? Mae yna ddwy gath yn cysgu ar y gwely. There are two (female) cats sleeping on the bed. There's two cat asleep on the bed. Wyt ti'n hoffi te? Do you like tea? Are you like tea? Dw i'n gweithio mewn ysgol Gymraeg. I work in a Welsh school. I'm working in school. Mae Tinhinane yn caru Amayas. Tinhinane loves Amayas. Tihichane loves Ayayayas. Rydw i'n bwyta reis nawr. I'm eating rice now. I eat it now. Mae'n rhaid dangos parch. You must show respect. We have to respect. A oes yna sgorpionau yn yr Almaen? Are there scorpions in Germany? Do there be Germans in Germany? Mae o newydd gyrraedd. He has just arrived. There's just a new reach. Mae'r dyn yn cryf. The man is strong. The man is strong. Caniateir ysmygu o fewn y llinell derfyn. Smoking is permitted within the marked boundary. You allowed to smoke within the limits. Dw i'n hoffi cŵn. I like dogs. I like hungry. Does dim rhaid i Tom ymddiheuro i Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologise to Mary. Tom does not have to apologize for Mary. Gobeithiodd y bydd yn clywed ohoni. He hoped he might hear from her. He hoped that he will hear from it. Dw i'n dysgu cerddoriaeth. I'm learning music. I'm learning music. Mae o'n gweithio oriau hir. He works long hours. It works long hours. Er ei bod hi'n bwrw glaw, mi es i allan. Although it was raining, I went out. While she rained, I went out. Beth sydd fel arfer yn achosi'r boen? What usually causes the pain? What usually caused the pain? Nos Da. Goodnight. Good night. Dydi hi ddim yn dda i orfwyta. It's not good to overeat. She is not good foreed. Mae'r llawr yn llithrig iawn The floor is very slippery. The floor is very alphaed Mae yna gath ar y bwrdd. There is a cat on the table. There's an cat on the table. Nid yw Cymru ar Werth. Wales is not for sale. Wales Mae'n braf cwrdd â chi. Pleased to meet you. It's a nice meeting with you. Dych chi'n siarad. You are talking. You win. Beth ydy Tom yn darllen? What's Tom reading? What is Tom read? Dwi’n dda iawn. I'm very good. I am very good. Mae ganddo ddwylo esmwyth. He has smooth hands. He has a close hands. Gwnaeth hi ei gwisg Calan Gaeaf ei hun. Mary made her own Halloween costume. She made her dress Wintered herself. Mae'r ty yn fach The house is small. The house is small Welais i Tom yn rhedeg lawr y stryd. I saw Tom running down the street. I gave Tom running down the street. Yfedodd hi ysgytlaeth protein. She took a protein shake. Sheth her proid hkis. Mae'n rhaid i mi ysgrifennu llythyr. I have to write a letter. I must write a letter. Tom yw fy unig blentyn. Tom is my only child. Tom is my only child. Mi es i i'r gwely yn hwyr yn y nos. I went to bed late at night. I went to bed late in the night. Ty'd ymlaen, ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. Come on, you're pulling my leg. Bring'd on, thou pulled my leg. Roedd yr afal yn flasus. The apple was tasty. The apple was an audio type. Pa danlwybr sy'n mynd i ganol y dref? What subway goes to the center of town? Which under the middle of the town? Dechreuodd ymddygiad mab Liz waethygu pan ddechreuodd yn yr ysgol uwchradd. Liz's son's behaviour started to deteriorate when he started secondary school. A son’s conduct began to get angry when he began to high school. Mae hi'n chwipio bwrw. It's lashing. She's glad to hit. Roedd hynny ar y newyddion. That was on the news. That was on the news. Dw i'n hen. I am old. I am old. Rwy'n berffeithydd. I'm a perfectionist. I'm be won. Bob wythnos yr â i bysgota. I go fishing every week. Every week with fishing. Mae blas chwerw i'r coffi hwn. This coffee has a bitter taste. A bitter taste for this coffee. Mae Mennad ar gael. Mennad is available. Men is available. Gwnaeth Mennad de. Mennad made some tea. Menad right. Nhw oedd y gwaetha. They were the worst. Them was that anyway. Mae Donald Trump yn gancr oddi ar y ddaear hon. Donald Trump is a cancer upon this earth. Donald of rDonalds from this earth. Rwyt ti'n berffaith normal. You are perfectly normal. You're perfectly normal. Mi gaeodd o'r drws yn flin. He shut the door angrily. He closed from the door angry. Weithiau bydd ein Swyddogion yn gwisgo gwisg blaen ond byddant bob amser yn dangos ID wrth wirio eich tocynnau. Our Officers are sometimes in plain clothing but will always show their ID while carrying out ticket checks. Sometimes our image will wear a front dress but they will always show a ID when you check your tickets. Gad i mi wybod. Let me know. Let me know. Ble mae'r swyddfa bost? Where's the post office? Where is the mail office? Roedd marwolaeth Tom yn syndod. Tom's death was a surprise. Tom's death was a surprise. Mae gen i'r ffliw a dw i wedi blino. I have flu and I'm tired. I've got the friend and's tired. Diolch! Thank you! Thanks! Teimlas yn unig hebddi. I felt lonely without her. It's just without it. "Beth yw enw dy wraig?" "Dydw i ddim yn briod." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What is your wife?" "I'm not married." Roedd hi'n niwlog iawn. It was very misty. She was very hazy. Mae hi'n saith o'r gloch. It is seven o'clock. She's seven o'clock. Rhaid bod chi wedi'ch cynhyrfu. You must be pretty upset. You must have been upset. Dydy hi ddim yn rhy anodd i ddysgu Ffrangeg. It's not too hard to learn French. It is not too difficult to learn French. Mae'r ewcaryotau'n ffurfio un o'r tri pharth o organebau byw. Eukaryotes make up one of the three groups of living organisms. The ecarts form of your courses. Rhaid i chi ateb y cwestiwn. You have to answer the question. You must answer the question. Mae gennych lawer o lyfrau. You have a lot of books. You have many books. Oes ganddi hi gariad? Does she have a boyfriend? Can she have love? Mae Muiriel yn ugain mlwydd oed. Muiriel is twenty years old. What's twenty years old, old age. Tybed beth ddigwyddodd? I wonder what happened. I wonder what happened? Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. It is raining. She rains. Yn ôl Meic, mi brynodd Mac gar newydd. According to Mike, Mac bought a new car. According to Meic, I bought the new world. Mae o'n dalach na'i frawd. He is taller than his brother. He's still than his brother. Dych chi'n fy neall i. You understand me. You're ne's mine. Heddiw yw dydd Gwener. Today is Friday. Today is Friday. Sasha yw fy enw i. My name is Sasha. Sa's my name. Doedd Tom ddim yn ymddangos newynog. Tom didn't seem hungry. Tom did not seem hungry. Cachu! Shit! Shit! Mae gen i ddwy gath. I have two female cats. I've got two cat. Athrawes ydy hi. She is a teacher. It's her. Mae'r ci yn cysgu yn y car. The dog's sleeping in the car. The dog sleeps in the car. Rhaid i ni benderfynu, ac yn fuan! We have to decide, and soon! We must decide, and soon! Mae Donald Trump yn gancr oddi ar ddynoliaeth Donald Trump is a cancer upon humanity. Donald of FDonalds from mankind Dosberthir meysydd gwyddoniaeth yn ddau brif grŵp: gwyddorau naturiol, a gwyddorau cymdeithasol. The areas of science can be put into two general groups: natural sciences and social sciences. The science is made up both main groups: natural decisions, natural and social security benefits. Does dim cath gyda fi. I don't have a cat. There's no cat with me. A oes yna ddaeargrynfeydd yn yr Almaen? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there a situation in Germany? Mi es i i'r gwely yn hwyr yn y nos. I went to bed late in the night. I went to bed late in the night. Wyt ti'n hoffi golff? Do you like golf? Are you like gpfol? Wyt ti wir eisiau aros am Tom? Do you really want to wait for Tom? Are you sure you want to wait for Tom? Dw i ddim yn deall. I don't understand. I don't understand. Mae Tom yn dawelach na Mary. Tom is quieter than Mary. Tom is quiet or Mary. Mae'r pysgod yn byw yn y môr. The fish lives in the sea. The fish lives in the sea. Rwyt ti'n fy neall i. You understand me. You ne't ne's mine. Ble wyt ti’n mynd nawr? Where are you going now? Where are you going now? Dw i'n gweithio bob dydd ond Dydd Sul. I work every day save Sundays. I work every day but Sunday. Mewn argyfwng, pwyswch y botwm i rybuddio’r staff. In emergency push button to alert staff. In a emergency, press the button to warn the staff. Mae'n oer iawn nawr. It's very cold now. It is very cool now. Mae'r trên yn ddeng munud yn hwyr heddiw. The train is 10 minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. Ydy dy gyfaill yn siarad Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Do your friend speak Esperanto? Mae hi'n piso bwrw. It's pissing down. She'siso. Dw i'n hoffi darllen. I like reading. I like reading. Dydw i ddim yn siarad Swedeg. I don't speak Swedish. I don't talk Swedish. Mae'r athro newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the class. The new teacher in the class. Os ydych chi’n 16 oed neu’n hŷn, bydd angen i chi brynu tocyn. If you are 16 or older, you need to buy an adult ticket. If you are 16 or older, you will need to buy a token. Mae yna ddau sero yn y rhif "2010". There are two zeroes in "2010". There are two zero in the "2010". Paid â gadael i Tom redeg. Don't let Tom run. Do not let Tom run. Oes gennych chi unrhyw lyfrau am Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Do you have any books for Armenia? Y ceffyl hwnnw yn ddrud iawn. That horse is very expensive. That horse is very expensive. Mae o'n hunanol iawn. He's really selfish. It is very selfish. Mae o'n gwneud mor â mynydd o bethau. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. It's made as mountain issues. Mae hi'n cantores. She is a singer. She's a hundred o'clock. Mae arna' i gymaint o ofn. I am so afraid. I'm so much afraid. Sut dych chi? How are you? How are you? Dw i'n trio dysgu Saesneg. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Wyt ti'n mynd i chwarae pêl-droed yfory. You are going to play football tomorrow. Are you going to play a good ball- morrow. Wyt ti'n siarad. Are you talking? Are you talking. Ydy dy ffrind yn siarad Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Mae o'n medru gweld drwy gefn ei phen. He has eyes at the back of his head. It can see through her head. Mae'r frawddeg ddim yn wneud synnwyr. The sentence makes no sense. The sentence don't make sense. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod ei rhif ffôn hi. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone number she. Mi wyt ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. You're pulling my leg. You pulled my leg. Does gen i ddim arian. I don't have money. I don't have money. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year! New Year! Mae hi fan hyn. She is here. She's here. Dydy o ddim yn gallu cyfri. He can't count. It is not able to count. Mae Tom yn siarad. Tom is talking. Tom is talking. Dw i wir angen siarad gyda thi. I really need to talk with you. I really need to talk with you. Beth? What? What? Rwy'n gweithio mewn banc. I work in a bank. I work in a bank. Dw i'n meddwl dy fod ti'n gallu ei wnaed o. I think you can do it. I think you'd be made of it. Mae o'n ddigon hen i fynd i'r ysgol. He's old enough to go to school. He's enough to go to school. Dw i'n casáu'r bwyd yn y ffreutur. I hate the food in the canteen. I hate the food in the hill. Roeddwn i'n ddyn cyfoethog. I was a rich man. I was a rich man. Mae eich arennau yn anhygoel. Helpwch nhw i weithio’n well drwy hydradu eich hun. Your kidneys are amazing. Help them work better by staying hydrated. Your actions are amazing. Help them to work better by extending yourself. Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw yn ddi-stop am dri diwrnod. It has been raining nonstop for three days. It's been rain-top for three days. Mae fy marn i yn debyg i dy farn di. My opinion is similar to yours. My view is like thy judgment. Mae gwallt arian/gwyn yn ffasiynol iawn ar hyn o bryd. Silver hair is very fashionable at the moment. There's hair/hly beaning hair right now. Mae fy nhad fel ffrind i mi. My father is like a friend to me. My father is like a friend. Gofynodd y dewin am wirfoddolwr o'r gynulleidfa. The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience. The wizard looked for a hero from the congregation. Yr hydref yw'r tymor gorau ar gyfer darllen. Autumn is the best season for reading. It is the best season for reading. Nos da. Good night. Good night. Rydych yn parcio ar eich menter eich hun, ni dderbynnir cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw golled, difrod, neu ddwyn. Users park at their own risk. No responsibility will be accepted for any loss, damage or theft. You're parking on your own Don't be accepted for any loss, damage, or stealing. Pan fyddwch chi’n dechrau ar eich taith mewn gorsaf lle mae cyfleustera prynu tocynnau ar gael, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw prynu/ysgogi tocyn dilys ar gyfer y daith cyn mynd ar y trên. When starting your journey at a station where ticket buying facilities are available, it is your responsibility to buy or activate a valid ticket for the journey before boarding a train. When you start on your trip in a place there are EU stations available, your responsibility is a valid ticket for the trip before going on a train. Ysgrifennodd Alexander frawddegau yn yr iaith Ferber. Alexander wrote sentences in the Berber language. Alexander’s sentences in the language they wrote. Dw i'n berffeithydd. I'm a perfectionist. I belled. Dim problem, wrth cwrs, os chi'n mynd No problem, of course, if you're going. No problem, at course, if you go 'Mae rhai ysgolion yn well nag eraill am gynnig cymorth bugeiliol i blant,' meddai. 'Some schools are better at providing pastoral support to children', he said. 'Some schools is better than others want to offer four children to help them,' he said. Mae’r rhwystrau hyn yn cael eu cau dros nos. These barriers are closed overnight. These obstacles are shut over night. Maen nhw yn darllen llyfr. They're reading a book. They read a book. Mae'n amhosib iddo rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu. It's impossible for him to give up smoking. It is impossible to give up smoking. Dw i'n heneiddio. I'm getting old. I'm an oldization. Mae ei symudiad rhydd yn wahanol iawn i lawer brimatau eraill, yn enwedig yng nghymal yr ysgwydd. Their movement is very different from other primates, in particular in the shoulder joint. His free movement is very different from many other brimatimatima, especially in the shoulder of the shoulder. Sut dych chi, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Nid oes cwrw yma. There is no beer here. There is no beer here. Dw i'n meddwl bod rhaid i Tom hynny. I think that Tom had to do that. I think that Tom must be. Paid â darllen fy nyddiadur. Don't read my diary. Do not read my temper. Ddydd Sul, fyddwn ni ddim yn bwyta adref. On Sunday, we won't be eating at home. Day, we'll not eat home. Mae'n braf cwrdd â chi. It's nice to meet you. It's a nice meeting with you. Nofiodd Tom gyda'i fab. Tom swam with his son. Tom took up with his son. Mae ci 'da fe. He has a dog. A dog's dog. Rydyn ni wedi gwylio'r ffilm 'ma dwywaith. We've watched this film two times. We have watched the film 'ma twice. Peidiwch â gwneud sŵn. Don't make noise. Don't make a noise. Mae'r dyn yn tal. The man is tall. The man is tall. Ewch i’ch man ymgynnull. Report to your assembly point. Go to your point. Does gen i ddim amser. I don't have time. I don't have time. Roedd y llyfr hwn yn hawdd. This book was easy. This book was easy. Mae e'n byw yng Nghaerdydd. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in a dayer's day. Wyt ti'n hoffi cathod? Do you like cats? Are you like cats? Rwyt ti'n berffaith normal. You're perfectly normal. You're perfectly normal. Mae fy nghariad yn crio. My beloved is crying. My love is crying. Mae argymhellion ar gyfer gwella perfformiad ynni’r adeilad wedi’u cynnwys yn yr Adroddiad Argymhellion perthynol. Recommendations for improving the energy performance of the building are contained in the associated Recommendation Report. A source argument for improveing performances of building up in the bug as well as the result of a result of an intervals. Dwi'n falch eich bod chi dros eich annwyd. I am glad you're over your cold. I'm glad you're over your cold. Yn sicr, mae'n mynd i bwrw glaw. It's going to rain, for sure. Surely, he goes to rain. Wyt ti'n siarad Saesneg? Do you speak English? Are you speaking of English? Dywedodd Mary mae hi'n iach. Mary said she's healthy. Mary said she was healthy. Pwy sy'n mynd i'r farchnad? Who goes to the market? Who goes to the market? Mae gan y coffi hwn flas chwerw. This coffee has a bitter taste. This coffee has bitter coffee. Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod da. It has been a good day. She's been a good day. Taset ti'n magu ci, pa gi baset ti'n magu? If you were to raise a dog, which dog would you raise? Ta'st thou raised a dog, what tint'st you raise? Er ei bod hi'n bwrw glaw, mi es i allan. Even though it was raining, I went out. While she rained, I went out. Faint o arian oes gyda ti? How much money do you have? How much money has it with you? Diolch. Thank you! Thank you. Mae'n llwglyd hefyd, onid yw hi? She's hungry, too, isn't she? It's also hungry, hasn't she? Rhaid i ni dilyn Tom. We need to follow Tom. We must follow Tom. Mae barcut yn hedfan uwch ben y goeden. There is a kite flying above the tree. The bar flying in the top of the tree. Mae aros adre yn ddiflas. Staying at home is boring. There is a dull home. Dw i'n gwisgo esgidiau. I am wearing shoes. I'm wearing boots. Ble mae Rhufain? Where is Rome? Where is Rome? Mae o'n sgrechian, nid canu. He's screaming, not singing. It's shrieks, not singing. Mae traean yn llai na hanner. A third is less than a half. He is a third while less than half. Mae Layla ddim yn dy cariad. Layla is not your girlfriend. Laging is not in thy love. Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe, ond dw i ddim yn ei chredu hi. She claims that she knows nothing about him, but I don't believe her. She claims to know nothing about him, but I don't believe her. Mae hi wastad yn cario'i chamera gyda hi ym mhobman. She always carries her camera with her. She always carried her steps with her everywhere. Os nad oes cyfleusterau prynu tocynnau yn eich gorsaf, dewch o hyd i aelod o staff cyn gynted â phosib er mwyn prynu tocyn neu i gael cyngor ynghylch y cyfle nesaf i brynu tocyn. If there are no ticket buying facilities at your station, please find a staff member as soon as possible to buy a ticket, or to seek advice on the nearest opportunity to purchase one. If you do not buy tickets in your station, come to find a school member of as soon as possible to buy ticket or to get advice about the next opportunity to buy ticket. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the toilet? Where's the last? Mae gen i lyfr. I've got a book. I've got a book. Dw i'n nofio yn y cefnfor. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. Dwi'n gallu siarad gyda ti am eiliad? May I speak with you for a moment? I can talk with you for a moment? Cyflwyna dy waith cartref ar ddydd Llun. Submit your homework on Monday. Speak to your home-day work on Monday. Rydw i'n moyn eistedd ar fy mhen fy hun. I want to sit by myself. I'm sitting on my own. Daeth Mennad i'r twrnament. Mennad came to the tournament. Men came to the tname of them. Mae'r plant yn oer. The children are cold. The children are cool. Addawodd hi bydd hi'n dweud ni. She promised that she would tell us. She promised she will say we. Dw i'n gweithio. I am working. I work. Dywedais wrth Tomas. I told Tom. I told Towmas. Ble mae'r banc agosaf? Where's the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Hwyl, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Bye, Sayo. Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref. The leaves change color in autumn. The leaves change their colour intons. Mae'r dref yn enwog am ei hen gastell. The town is famous for its old castle. The famous town is about his old ago. Mi gaeodd o'r drws yn flin. He angrily closed the door. He closed from the door angry. Mae'r plant wedi anghofio eu gwaith cartref. The children have forgotten their homework. The children have forgotten their home work. Rhoddodd Mary ei chyfeiriad i mi. Mary gave me her address. Mary gave her direction to me. Heddwas dych chi? Are you a police officer? Dwas you? Yerevan ydy prifddinas Armenia. Yerevan is Armenia's capital. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. Pam wyt ti'n casau Tom cymaint? Why is it that you hate Tom so much? Why are you angry Tom’s so much? Llyfr newydd yw'r llyfr hwnnw. That book is a new book. That new book is that book. Dw i'n dod o Loegr. I come from England. I come from England. Gwyliwn. We are watching. Watch. Dw i angen nodiadur er mwyn ysgrifennu fy nodiadau. I need a notebook to write my notes. I need a goal to write my notes. Cafodd hi ei geni yn America. She was born in America. She was born in America. Paid â gadael i Tom dy frathu di. Don't let Tom bite you. Do not let Tom bite you. O ble felly daeth ein cochyn bach ni? So where have the red-headed children gone to? From where did our little red lie? Dw i'n gwybod. I know. I know. Dydw i ddim eisiau brechdanau. I do not want any sandwiches. I don't want riders. Oes ganddo arian? Has he got money? Do he have money? Mae'n rhaid i mi weld meddyg ar unwaith. I need to see a doctor immediately. I must see a doctor right away. Bydd hi'n gweithio. She will be working. She will work. Peidiwch â dweud celwydd! Don't tell lies! Don't lie lying! Dw i ddim yn hoffi pobl. I dislike people. I don't like people. Mae gen i ddau frawd ac un chwaer. I have two brothers and one sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Aeth Layla gyda Sami. Layla went with Sami. Lajad with Sam. Dw i'n hoffi tennis. I like tennis. I like plants. Is maith leat liathdóirí. You like balls. Is a long space lathiód. Doedd ddim digon o aur gyda nhw. They did not have enough gold. It wasn't enough gold with them. Byth eto. Never again. Never yet. Dw i wir angen siarad gyda thi. I really need to talk to you. I really need to talk with you. Ydi hwn eich archwiliad cyntaf? Is this your first examination? This held up your first search? Ddoe, aeth fy chwaer i Kobe. Yesterday my sister went to Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobeobe. Dw i ddim yn gwybod sut i wneud hynny, ond bydda i'n ceisio. I don't know how to do that, but I'll try. I don't know how to do it, but I'll try. Gadewch y bagiau gweigion yn y bocs gerllaw y 18fed lawnt. Leave the empty bags in the container by the 18th green. Let the web luggage in the box nearly 18th century. Mae Tom yn rhy ifanc i briodi. Tom is too young to get married. Tom is too young to marry. Roedd yr ardd yn llawn o flodau melyn. The garden was full of yellow flowers. It was the garden full of yellow flowers. Nid Tom ydw i. I'm not Tom. Tom I don't know. Mae marwolaeth yn barhaol. Death is permanent. There's death is permanent. Dw i'n yfed te. I drink tea. I drink tea. Oes ci gyda hi? Has she got a dog? Is a dog with her? Creda Tom mewn tylwyth teg. Tom believes in fairies. Tom's Believe in a fair buffer. Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta. I'm going to get something to eat. I want something to eat. Peidiwch ag oedi i gasglu eiddo personol. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Do not hesitate to collect personal property. Mae hi'n saith o'r gloch. It's seven o'clock. She's seven o'clock. Dych chi'n siarad. You speak. You win. Helpais i Tom i lenwi'r ffurflen gais. I helped Tom fill out the application form. I helped Tom to fill the form request. Yn ôl un arbenigwr mae'r profiad yn gallu bod yn "sioc anferth" i deuluoedd. According to an expert, the experience can be a 'huge shock' to families. One regular experience has the experience that can be "shalioxed" to families. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennyt ti? What types of sandwiches do you have? What kinds of objects do you have? Dw i'n bwyta selsig. I'm eating sausages. I eat a sasig. Mae hi'n piso bwrw. It's pissing with rain. She'siso. Rhowch y caead i lawr cyn tynnu’r dŵr. Lower lid before flushing. Put the lid down before pulling the water. Mae hi'n fyd creulon. It's a cruel world. She is a cruel world. Gadewch i mi wybod. Let me know. Let me know. Pa bryd wyt ti'n mynd? What time are you going? What are you going? 'Dwi yn y tŷ. I am in the house. 'I'm in the house. Rydw i'n bwyta. I'm eating. I'm eating. Mae'n rhaid i mi brynu blodau i'm cariad. I have to buy flowers for my love. I must buy flowers to my love. Wyt ti dal yn ei garu o? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Mae ganddi blodau coch. She has red flowers. There's a red flower. Welaist ti ei wyneb o? Did you see his face? Well, what did you face? Ydy cariad yn bodoli? Does love exist? Is love exists? Mae'r athro newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher in the class. Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod. My hovercraft is full of eels. My temper's full courtation. Nid fel hyn y dylai pethau fod. Things shouldn't be like this. This way should not be like. Llosgodd ei sigarét o dwll yn ei ffrog hi. His cigarette burned a hole in her dress. She burned her cigarette from a crack in her dress. Ydy cathod yn breuddwydio? Do cats dream? Is cats a dream? Pam wnest ti gadael dy swydd? Why did you leave your job? Why did you let your job? Mae Tom yn chwarae ffrisbi. Tom is playing Frisbee. Tom is playing a febis. Dw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n rhugl yn y Ffrangeg. I think that I'm fluent in French. I think I'm in this French. A oes yna unrhyw draethau yn yr Almaen? Are there any beaches in Germany? Do there are no masters in Germany? Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd rŵan. I must go now. I must go now. Wyt ti'n gallu siarad yn arafach, os gwelwch yn dda? Could you please speak more slowly? Are you able to talk slower, please? Pa bryd wyt ti'n mynd? When are you going? What are you going? Sut dych chi, Draig? How are you, Dragon? How did you go, Red? Organeb gyda chelloedd cymhleth yw ewcaryot. Organisms with complex cells are eukaryotes. It's a complex flatell with a complex foundations is it. Dw i'n hoffi dawnsio gyda Maria I like dancing with Maria. I like dance with Maria Mae Tocio yn ddinas enfawr. Tokyo is a huge city. The city is a huge city. Dw i mewn drama. I am in a play. I am in a dram. Welaist ti eu wynebau? Did you see their faces? Well, did you face their faces? Dw i'n mynd i'r eglwys ar ddydd Sul. On Sunday, I go to church. I went to church on Sunday. Wyt ti erioed wedi bwyta cig morfil? Have you ever eaten whale meat? Have you ever eaten meat? Mae Mennad angen dychwelyd i'r ysgol. Mennad needs to go back to school. Men needs to return to school. Does dim arian 'da fi, ond breuddwydion 'da fi. I have no money, but I have dreams. There's no money, but dreams' me. I ble mae Tom yn mynd? Where's Tom going? To where is Tom gone? Pam wnest ti gadael dy swydd? Why did you quit your job? Why did you let your job? Dw i'n gweld dy geffyl di. I see your horse. I see thy horse's horse. Cwestiwn: Ai gi neu gath yw Cwci? Ateb: Un o rhein. Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those. Question: Is it or a cat? Answer: One ofrhein. Mae fy mrawd yn cyrraedd bore 'fory. My brother is arriving tomorrow morning. My brother goes morning 'fory. Pwy ydy Tom? Who is Tom? Who is Tom? Dw i'n braf. I'm fine. I'm nice. Dylwn i ddim wedi gofyn i ti i wnaed hynny. I shouldn't have asked you to do that. I shouldn't have asked thee to do it. Atgyfododd Crist! Christ is risen! He resurrected Christ! Mae'r coffi yn oer. The coffee is cold. The coffee is cool. Ni ddylid gadael unrhyw roddion ger drws y siop pan fydd y siop ar gau. No donations to be left in the doorway when the store is closed. No other accounts should be left near the door of the store when the store closed. Dw i'n hoffi selsig. I like sausages. I like a sasig. Rhedodd yr arth ar fy ôl i. The bear ran after me. He ran on my back. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn rhy ddrud i mi. This book is too expensive for me. This book is too expensive to me. Nid yw un iaith byth yn ddigon. One language is never enough. One language is not enough. Un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wyth, naw, deg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, four, five, six, six, seven, eight, nine. "Mae gen ti gyfnod canolbwyntio iâr." "Mae ieir yn blasus." "Fy mhwynt yn union." "You have the attention span of a chicken". "Chickens are tasty". "My point exactly". "You've got a focusing period." "My hens is precisely." Mae Tom wedi mynd i'r gwely. Tom has gone to bed. Tom has gone to bed. Rhaid i Tom yn aros. Tom has to stay. Tom must stay. Tom ydy fy ffrind gorau. Tom is my best friend. Tom is my best friend. Dw i'n dod o'r Eidal a dw i'n siarad Eidaleg. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I come from Italy and I talk Italian. Mae Tom a Mair ill dau'n siarad Ffrangeg yn rhugl. Both Tom and Mary speak French fluently. Tom and Mary's two French spoken Frenchly. Dw i'n hoffi siarad Cymraeg. I like speaking Welsh. I like to talk. Dylech chi wrando ar eich imâm. You should listen to your imam. You should listen to your course. Mae’n rhaid iddo fynd at y deintydd heddiw. He has to go to the dentist today. He must go to the quiet world today. Rwyt ti'n hŷn na fi. You're older than me. You're older than me. Mae Mennad yn newydd yma. Mennad is new here. Men's new here. Dwi am fynd draw i weld Tomas. I want to go round to see Tom. I wish I went over to see amas To. Mae o'n byw yn ei gar. He lives in his car. He lives his car. Dw i'n dod o Siapan. I come from Japan. I come from Japan. Esgusodwch fi, ond o ble ydych chi'n dod? Please, where are you from? Excuse me, but from where are you come? Phryna i mo'r car yfory. I won't buy the car tomorrow. Phrea to the car tomorrow. Roedd hi'n sefyll yng nghanol yr ystafell. She was standing in the middle of the room. She was standing in the middle of the room. Pa mor effeithlon y mae’r adeilad hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio? How efficiently is this building being used? How ser does this built is used? Mae Tom yn hynod o olygus. Tom is incredibly handsome. Tom is extremelyable to edit. Roedd hi'n oer tu allan. It was cold outside. She was cold outside. Gyda pha stryd y dylem ddechrau? Which street should we start with? With what street should we begin? Nes i newydd orffen darllen y llyfr. I just finished reading the book. In addition to finish reading the book. Ddoe, aeth fy chwaer i Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobeobe. Roedd fy mab yn hollol foel pan gafodd ei eni. My son was completely bald when he was born. My son was absolutely bare when she was born. Dych chi'n gweithio mewn tre? Do you work in a town? You win's working in a ear? Wyt ti'n byw yma? Do you live here? Are you living here? Oes ganddyn nhw arian? Do they have money? Do they have money? Dw i'n caru Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Mae Sami ddim yn berson creadigol. Sami is not a creative person. Sam's not a pleasant person. Sul y mamau hapus! Happy Mothering Sunday. Those happy mothers! Mae'r myfyrwyr yn gwirioni at yr athro Saesneg newydd. The students adore the new English teacher. The students are attracted to the new English teacher. 'Mae rhai ysgolion yn well nag eraill am gynnig cymorth bugeiliol i blant,' meddai. 'Some schools are better at providing pastoral support to children', she said. 'Some schools is better than others want to offer four children to help them,' he said. Ble mae'r banc agosaf? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Diolch. Thanks! Thank you. Gall berson dwyieithog newid o un iaith i iaith arall yng nghanol frawddeg, ac mae'r cyfnewid-cod hwn yn bwnc astudio i ieithyddion. A bilingual person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this code-switching is a topic of study for linguists. A two married person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and the exchange of this topic is a subject to study descriptions. Dw i'n hoffi bod gyda thi. I like being with you. I like to be with thee. Mae ei theulu yn fawr iawn. Her family is very large. Her family is very much very family. Ni chaniateir cŵn ac eithrio cŵn tywys. No dogs permitted except guide dogs. Things are not allowed except for foods. Mae hanner yr afalau hyn wedi pydru. Half of these apples are rotten. It's half these species. Wnest ti anghofio unrhyw beth? Did you forget anything? Did you forget anything? O ble ydych chi wedi dod? Where have you come from? Oh where have you come? Dŵr yw bywyd. Water is life. Water is life. Mi dreuliodd o lawer o'i amser yn darllen. He spent a lot of his time reading. He spent much of his time in reading. Dw i ddim yn hoffi dyddiau gwyntog. I don't like windy days. I don't like a wind days. Pan ydw i'n rhoi bwyd i'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n saint. Pan ydw i'n gofyn pam nag oes bwyd gyda'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n gomiwnydd. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I put food to the poverty, 'that'd be called to our sound. When I ask why there'd have food with the poverty, 'd get 'em to an's a 'em callnin't. Dyma eich allwedd. Here is your key. This is your key. Pa het wyt ti'n hoffi? What hat do you like? What hat do you like? Mae e'n gallu darllen yn dda. He is good at reading. He can read well. Llosgodd ei sigarét o dwll yn ei ffrog hi. His cigarette burnt a hole in her dress. She burned her cigarette from a crack in her dress. Mae’ch cymorth chi yn sicrhau bod ein cwrs yn cael ei gadw mewn cyflwr da. Your assistance helps to keep our course in good condition. Your help assures us that our course is kept in a good state. Welaist ti ei hwyneb hi? Did you see her face? Did you face her face? Arhoswch am yr arwydd. Wait for signal. Please wait for the signal. Does gen i ddim arian. I have no money. I don't have money. Cwynodd neb. Nobody complained. No one has been left. Gall Mennad esbonio. Mennad can explain. Men can explain. Mae’n dangos y tunell y flwyddyn o CO₂. It shows tonnes per year of CO₂. It shows behind the year of C2. Dw i'n mwynhau gweithio mewn siop. I enjoy working in a shop. I enjoy working in a store. Mae'r trên yn gyflym iawn. The train is very fast. The train is very fast. Mae Mennad eisiau dweud rhywbeth. Mennad wants to say something. Men wants to say something. Diogelu Refeniw yn teithio o gwmpas y rhwydwaith yn rheolaidd. Revenue Protection teams are regularly out and about on the network. Protect travelling around the network is regularly. Nofion Tom a Mary yn y llyn rhewllyd. Tom and Mary swam in the freezing lake. URL of Tom and Mary's Caption. Mae e'n dod o Gymru. He comes from Wales. He's coming from Gyor. Dw i'n prynu bara. I'm buying bread. I buy last. Mae yna alw am fwy o gymorth i deuluoedd pan mae plentyn yn cael ei wahardd o'r ysgol. There is a call for more support for families when their child is excluded from school. There are more assistance to families when a child is forbidden from school. Cadwer yng nghau ac ar glo. Keep locked shut. Save in it and locked. Bardd yw e. He is a poet. Bar is it. Rhybudd! Cynnwys Asbestos. Warning! Contains Asbestos. Warning! Content Addeds inside %s. Ildiwch i gerbydau yn dod atoch. Give way to oncoming vehicles. Told the chariots comes to you. Mae'r ci yn cysgu yn y car. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog sleeps in the car. Mae hi'n chwarae yn yr ardd. She's playing in the garden. She played in the garden. Dros fy nghrogi! Over my dead body! Sort me over! Pa bryd wnawn ni ail-baentio ei hystafell hi? When will we repaint her room? When shall we repeat his room's room? Mae gen i ddwy gath. I have two cats. I've got two cat. Cafodd ei fagu gan ei daid a'i nain. He was raised by his grandparents. He was raised by his grandfather and his grandfather. Mae Tomos yn fawddyn. Tom is vile. Agman's got them. Ble mae'r safle bws? Where's the bus stop? Where is the bus position? Mae'r ferch yn dewach na'r bachgen. The girl is fatter than the boy. The girl's simple than the boy. Faint o bres 'sgen ti? How much money do you have? Amount of money's agen? Dw i'n rhy fyr. I am too short. I am too short. Gwna beth sy'n iawn. Do what is right. Do what's right. Mae'r tŷ yn mawr. The house is big. The house is big. Mae Ken yn hapus. Ken is happy. Ken is happy. Peidiwch â gadael iddo fo ddianc. Don't let him get away. Don't let him escape it. Mae gennyf gerdyn gredid. I have a credit card. I have a card belief. Ysgrifennydd dw i. I'm a secretary. He wrote I. Mae pêl-droed Americanaidd, pêl fas, pêl-fasged a hoci iâ yn cael eu gweld fel y chwaraeon nodweddiadol yng Ngogledd America. American football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey are seen as the typical sports of North America. Ballis- Americans, bally, Ball-fists and tucks are found as the sporting of the Americans in America. Maen nhw'n edrych arnon ni. They're looking at us. They look at us. Dych chi'n peintio'r llawr? Are you painting the floor? Did you paint the floor? Doedd neb yn gwybod. No one knew. No one knew. Wyt ti wedi gofyn iddyn nwh? Have you asked them? Have you asked them? Dw i'n hoffi cennin a selsig. I like leeks and sausages. I like the coels and sasig. Rydw i'n bwyta cinio. I'm eating lunch. I eat dinner. Mae'r cwmni eisiau cyflogi ugain o bobl. The company want to employ twenty people. The company wants to complain of twenty people. Doedd hi byth yn edrych arnof. She never looked at him. She never looked at him. Dwi'n falch eich bod chi dros eich annwyd. I'm glad you're over your cold. I'm glad you're over your cold. Barlys ydy ein prif gynnyrch. Barley is our main product. views is our main product. Mae hi'n studo bwrw. It's raining cats and dogs. She's a great deal. Gaf i eistedd yma? May I sit here? Well, let's sit here? Dwi'n hapus. I'm happy. I'm happy. Mae e'n ei charu hi. He loves her. He loves her. Wyt ti'n hoffi astudio? Do you like studying? Are you like studying? Wyt ti wedi ymweld â sw yn dy wlad di? Have you visited a zoo in your country? Have you ever visited in your country? Diolch. Thanks. Thank you. Graddiais o brifysgol eleni. I graduated from university last year. I was interested in this year. Es i i'r siop. I went to the shop. I went to the shop. Dw i wedi ennill y gêm. I have won the game. I win the game. Siopwr dw i. I am a shopkeeper. I year. Mae llyfr gen i. I have a book. I've got a book. Rhaid i hi ei helpu. She needs to help him. She must help her. Mae gen i lawer o dir. I have a lot of land. I've got a lot of land. Defnyddir system o'r enw 'Tacsonomeg Linnaeaidd' i ddosbarthu organebau mewn grwpiau. We use a system called the 'Linnaean Taxonomic' to class organisms into groups. A system of the name 'Tacsonist' is used to spread in groups. Ti'n hoffi peli. You like balls. You like balls.