C'hoant em eus da vezañ pinvidik. I wish I were rich. I just want to be jealousy. Bemdez ez an d’ar skol. I go to school every day. Life is going to school. Dizimez oc’h? Are you single? Do you know what I mean? A-du emaoc’h? Do you agree? About you? Enesennoù so er mor. There are islands in the sea. That's in the sea. Amañ emaon o chom. I live here. No, I'm here. Ur struskañval em eus gwelet er zoo. I have seen an ostrich at the zoo. I've seen stress in the light. Mil bennozh. Many thanks. I'll tell you what I've done. C’hoant az peus da zont? Do you want to go? Do you want to follow? Sell, ur wezenn abelia. Look! An abelia! All right, look at him a tree. C'hoant en doa an dra-mañ Tom. Tom wanted that. You wanted Tom to do this. Bras a-walc'h on. I'm pretty tall. I'm very much there. En daor ie er vuhé. Water is life. Yes, there's been a slave for vihé. ’N em wisket e oa 'vel ur plac'h. He dressed up as a woman. She wore me like a girl. Mat ar jeu? How are you? All right? N'em eus ket ezhomm seurt ebet. I don't need anything. I don't need no type. Kollet em eus ma c'hreion. I've lost my pencil. I lost my pen. N'am eus ket disoñjet. I didn't forget. I don't think about it. Pelec'h e pregez Galleg? Where do you speak French? Where is France again? C'hoant em eus da gaout ur gitar. I want a guitar. I'll get a guitar. Petra emaout oc'h ober? What are you doing? What are you doing? Bennozh dit ! Thank you! You're joking me! Anavezout a ran Tom mat-tre. I know Tom well. I know that very Tom. Al listenn am eus. I have the list. That's the listing of. Amañ emaout ? Are you here? Are you here? Ur plac'h lent e oa. She used to be a very shy girl. He's a beautiful girl. Tomm eo. It's hot. I'm hot. War da vurev emañ ma levr. My book is on your desk. It's your book. Lavar din ar pezh az peus c'hoant da gaout. Tell me what you want. I'll tell you what you want to do now. Er privezioù emañ-hi. She's in the restroom. I don't have permission to go. Ne ouie ket Tom e oa Mary gouest da gomz galleg Tom didn't know that Mary knew how to speak French. I didn't know Mary was able to talk You! Hooray! You! Sell, ur wezenn abrikez. Look an apricot tree! Look, you're a tree here. N’en deus ket skrivet al lizher c’hoazh. He still has not written the letter. He did not write the letter yet. Tremenet am eus an abardaevezh a-bezh o respont d'ar mailoù. I spent all afternoon replying to emails. You returned from the whole day answering the mails. O vervel e oant. They were dying. They're dying down. Kelenn a blij din. I love teaching. I like a ring. Ne c’hall ket bezañ. It's impossible. He's not a werewolf, OK. Homañ n'eo ket ur frasenn. This is not a sentence. That's not a rat. It's not a rat. Lavar din pezh peus c'hoant da gaout. Tell me what you want. Well, tell me what you want to do now. Ha gellout a ran kaout un tamm bara bihan da c'hortoz? Can I have a little bread while waiting? Are we trying to have a little bread waiting for? Lous e oant. They were dirty. - I love them. Gwenn eo? Is it white? Is it white? Ur c'harr az peus? Do you have a car? Have you got a car? Mil drugarez. Many thanks. Mild. Ne felle ket da d-Tom mont war roudoù e dad. Tom didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps. We didn't want to go into his dad's directions. Bras-mat on. I'm pretty tall. I'm very good at this. Donemat deoc’h e Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! You're always looking for Tatoeba! Tom a oa o komz. Tom was talking. He was talking to me. Be peus ur c'harr? Do you have a car? Have you got a car? Mersi. Thanks. Thanks. Kollet em eus ma fellgomzer. I lost my phone. I lost my place. Bezañ 'zo kalz frouezh. There's a lot of fruit. I think there's a lot of fruit. Petra eo da chomlec'h? What's your home address? What is your address? Gant piv eo bet debret an holl gookies? Who ate all the cookies? Who's been ate all the gookes? Gortozan ket. I'm not waiting. I don't expect you to wait. Ar c'hizhier du a blij dit? Do you like black cats? Would you like to see me? Ne oa ket dre va fazi. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't down to you. Na gomzit ket din! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! NAF, na farsus eo. Lol, this is so funny. NAF, it's funny. Eñ a oa paour-kenañ. He was very poor. It was a stencil. Ne fazian morse. I'm never wrong. I never made a mistake. Pres zo warnon. I'm in a hurry. I'm so hard for you. Gwisket e oa evel ur vaouez. He dressed up as a woman. He looked like a woman. Glav a ra bepred? Is it still raining? Always? Diwall! Watch out! Warning! E-barzh va c'halon e ra glav. It's raining in my heart. What's going on with the heart, mate? Ne oan ket ma unan. I wasn't alone. I wasn't my one. Na lez ket ac'hanon ma unan-penn. Don't leave me alone. Don't let me get out of my ass. Ne oaran ket. I don't know. I didn't mean it. Laeret eo bet ma arc'hant diganin un tu bennak. I had my money stolen somewhere. My money has been collected out of my money. Diaes eo studial ur yezh estren. Studying a foreign language is hard. It's difficult to study a foreign language. Tom en doa aon da vat. Tom was very scared. That was really Tom. Pregiñ a rae Tom. Tom was talking. He was on his way, Tom. Dont a reas ur c'hazh eus dindan an daol-skrivañ. A cat came out from under the desk. I think it's a cat from under construction. Deuet on va unan. I'll come alone. I'm here was one of you. Lun, Meurzh, Merc'her, Yaou, Gwener, Sadorn, Sul a zo seizh deiz ar sizhun. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is seventh day of the week. Ha jalous out? Are you jealous? Are you crazy? N'am lez ket ma unan-penn. Don't leave me alone. I don't let my head down. Ro din an holen, mar plij. Pass me the salt, please. Please give me the sheet. Muioc'h kafe, mar plij. More coffee, please. More like this, doesn't it? Paour-kenañ e oa. He was very poor. That was really sad. Mersi ! Thanks! That's really good, isn't it? Kalz a dud a oa er sonadeg. There were many people at the concert. The war was a lot of people. Hetiñ a ran dit chañs vat. I wish you good luck. I'm good at you, sir. Aet eo Tom e karantez gant dousig e vignon karetañ Tom fell in love with his best friend's girlfriend. His love is as follows: he is assembling as a wife NAF, ken farsus ez eo. Lol, this is so funny. NAF, it's so funny. Me, n'em eus ezhomm eus netra. I don't need anything. Well, I don't need nothing. Noz vat! Good night! Good night! Sell, ur wezenn abrikez japanat! Look, a Japanese apricot tree! Look, Japanese tree! Kompren a ran. I understand. I understand that. Serr da veg. Shut up! Shut up. Gouzout a ran e ouzez. I know you know. I know you know. Bennozh. Thanks. Old me. Respontit mar plij. Please reply. Please respond. Prezeg a rae Tom. Tom was talking. We thought Tom would do this. O komz e oa Tom. Tom was talking. He was talking about Tom. Tom am eus gwelet du-se. I saw Tom there. I got Tom there. Burj Khalifa eo ar skraber-oabl uhelañ ar bed hiziv an deiz. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The highest school in the world is Burj Khalifa today. A-du emaout? Do you agree? You have? Ne c'hortozan ket. I'm not waiting. I'm not waiting any more. Reiñ a ri an holen din ? Will you pass me the salt? Why don't you give me your gear? Keleier fall em eus. I have bad news. I've got bad news. Kanañ a rae Tom. Tom was singing. He knew Tom. N'eus ket ezhomm da gaout aon e mod ebet. There's no reason to be afraid. No mode available. Labourat a rin ma unan. I'll work alone. I'll work on my own. Kas an douraer ganit. Take the watering-can with you. Take the land with you. Pelec'h emañ ar sal-gibellañ? Where is the bathroom? Where is the guest room? Ha Tom 'zo en em gavet? Has Tom arrived? Then Tom found, yeah? Glav a ra em c'halon. It's raining in my heart. No, it's my heart. Douaroniezh a blij da Vagdalena. Magdalena is interested in geography. Vageza like Geography. Din eo ar c'harr-se. I own this car. That car's fuckin' hell. Rankout a ran mont. I have to leave. I have to go. Al leor ema war an daol. The book is on the table. It's enough here on the table. Sell, ur wezenn aserola. Look an acerola! Well, look at him a tree. Kelenn a ra Galleg dimp. She is teaching us French. We can improvise. Tom a c'hoantae an dra-mañ. Tom wanted that. You wanted to do this. Kollet o deus c'hoazh. They lost again. They've lost it yet. C’hoant am eus da vervel gant Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Chalet bras on e vefe marv ho tad. I'm very sorry your father died. I'm really sorry if your dad dies. Bennozh, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Benne, Yukina. N'eo ket strik. It's not important. It's not too late for that. Bez 'zo ur bern kerioù bras e-barzh ar Brazil. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. There's a lot of great words in Brazil. Du eo ar c’hezeg. The horse is black. Medic is black. Kazi sur on. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure I'm here. Ur ganaouenn en deus kanet. He sang a song. He has one song. Sur on. I am sure. I'm pretty good at this. Emichañs. I hope so. I hope so. Trugarez dit ! Thank you! Thank you! N’eo ket gwenn ar c’hezeg. The horse is not white. It's not a white family. Sell, ur wezenn akajoù. Look a mahogany! All right, look at him a tree. N’emañ ket va zad er gêr. My father isn't at home. It's not my fucking dad's house. Mont a raint diwar-wel. They'll go away. They're okay. Digoret am boa an nor ha aet maez ar c'harr-tan I opened the door and got out of the car. Opened the door button in the open area Ne c’hallit ket debriñ amañ. You can't eat here. You can't eat here. Un ali em eus ezhomm. I need advice. I need something. E Tokyo emañ. He's in Tokyo. He's on Tokyo. Ne felle ket da d-Tom mont da vezañ un tisavour evel e dad. Tom didn't want to become an architect like his dad. It doesn't seem like I'm going to go back into his dad's office. Taget on bet. I've been attacked. I've been hit. Kollet o deus adarre. They lost again. They've lost it again. Gwelet em eus Tom du-se. I saw Tom there. I saw Tom there. Paour meurbet e oa. He was very poor. He'd have a huge amount of water. Ur silienn em eus pesketaet. I have fished an eel. I didn't mean it to. Beajiñ a blij din. I like to travel. I like Travel. Gellet en defe Tom gervel ar polis m'en defe faotet dezhañ. Tom could've called the police if he had wanted to. The police could want Tom to die if he'd touched him. Bara ha sirkoù. Bread and circuses. Bara and chickens. Tud zo o vont d’ar gêr. There are people going home. There are people going home. Kenderc'hel a rin. I will continue. I'll continue. Ur gitar am eus c'hoant da gaout. I want a guitar. There is no need for a dog. Leun gant sili eo ma dourruzer My hovercraft is full of eels. My waterfeature is full of filter Gwarizius out? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Diwallit! Watch out! Warning! Sur a-walc'h em befe bet graet un dra evel-se ur wech bennak. I may have done something like that once. I should probably have done something like this sometime. Sell ur wezennig lusenn-ruz. Look a lowbush cranberry! Look at the red tree. Yac'h on. I'm healthy. Yeah, I am. Lunedoù heol a lakan alies p'emaon o bleinañ. I often wear sunglasses when I'm driving. It's a very common source of light. It's often so often I get where I go. Tom a zo an hini nemetañ a oar ar pezh a zo c'hoarvezet e gwirionez. Tom is the only one who really knows what happened. The only thing that happened in fact was Tom. Mersi bras. Many thanks. Thank you. Sell, ur wezenn akokantera. Look, an acokanthera! Well, look at him a tree, man. Ha ganit? How about you? Are you? Mont a ran da gousket a-raok hanternoz tost bepred. I almost always go to bed before midnight. I'm always going to get caught up before the midnight. Dihun out? Are you awake? You want to go? Pegement eo se? How much is that? How much is this? Un fort gel est attendu. A heavy frost is expected. It's good to see you. Bevañ a ran e bro-Japan. I live in Japan. I'm living in Japan. N'on ket ispisial. I'm not special. I'm not being special. NAF ! Lol! NAF! Pegoulz out bet ganet? When were you born? When were you born? Tom a c'hoari rugby. Tom plays rugby. Tom's been taking over. Ar Sul 'zo deiz diwezhañ ar sizhun. Sunday is the last day of the week. This is the last Sunday of the week. Derc'hel a rin. I will continue. I'll keep it. Hennezh n'eo ket ma c'hazh. Ma hini a zo gwenn e dreid This is not my cat. Mine has white feet. And he's not my cat. Sell, ur wezenn akasia roz. Look a rose acacia! Look, I've got a tree, a tree, all right. Pegement eo an eurier-mañ? How much is this watch? How much is this clock? Gwenn eo ar c’hezeg. The horse is white. The priest's white. Klañv on. I am sick. I'm sick. Goulennoù 'meus da sevel ouzhoc'h c'hoazh. I still have questions I want to ask you. I've got some questions to ask you. Ar vignoned a ra traoù asambles. Friends do things together. Friends are going to do something together. Ne oa ket dre ma faot. It wasn't my fault. He wasn't around with me. Diwezhat eo. It's late. It's late. Gwelet em eus anezhañ o redek. I saw him running. I saw him running, OK? Yen eo. It's cold. She was. Tom ne oa ket emskiant eus an darempred etre Mary ha John. Tom didn't know about Mary's relationship with John. The contact between Mary and John was not known. Kompren a ran da vat. I do understand. I really understand that. Kreisteiz eo. It's midday. It's a question. Labourat a rin va unan. I'll work alone. I'll work on one. Karout a ran anezhi. I love her. I love her. C'hoari a ra Tom rugby. Tom plays rugby. Tom Ruggy is playing. Trugarez vras. Many thanks. Thank you. Gwelout a ran un dra bennak. I see something. I'll get something. Barrek eo Tom evit lakaat an dud d'ober traoù evitañ. Tom is good at getting people to do things for him. It's easy for Tom to help people do things for us. Tom a gane. Tom was singing. Tom and then. Tom a anavezan mat-tre. I know Tom well. I know how much I feel. Debrit ar bara-se! Eat that bread! Be careful on that bread! Gwelloc'h eo din chom. I'd rather stay. I'm better off leaving. Dav din mont. I have to leave. I gotta go. Piv eo an den-se? Who is that person? Who's that guy? Trugarez. Thanks. Thanks. Bara gwenn, mar plij. White bread, please. Please make a white bar. Deuet e oa ur c'hazh eus dindan an daol. A cat came out from under the desk. He was staring at the table. Ne oa ket marc'had-mad an dra-se, keta? This wasn't cheap, was it? He didn't mark, didn't he? Aet eo eno? Did he go there? Have she been there? Koant eo an ti. The house is pretty. The house's beautiful. Tom a safare. Tom was talking. Tom's sat here. Soñj am eus diouto. I remember them. Think about them. Kazi sur on. I'm almost sure. I'm pretty sure I'm here. Ne blij ket din. I don't like it. I don't like it. Ne labouran ket. I'm not working. I don't work. Echuet em eus. I have finished. I have finished. Plijet eo bet ar film-se da Dom ha da Vari o-daou. Tom and Mary both enjoyed that movie. This movie was liked to Dom and Vari. Ne gomzan ket spagnoleg. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. M'az peus echuet gant an holen, ro anezhañ din mar plij. If you are done with the salt, please pass it to me. If you're done with the sheet, please give it to me. Poan e-barzh ma fenn em eus. I have a headache. You hurt my head. Debriñ a rez kig? Do you eat meat? Are you eating meat? Ya. Yep. Yeah. Poent eo debriñ. It's lunch time. This is the time to eat. Pokat d'unan a vutun a zo evel lipat ur pod-ludu. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Cos there's a smoke on herself, like a guy's in there. E-barzh va c'halon e ra glav ennañ. It's raining in my heart. What's going on with my heart, eh? Ret eo din echuiñ gant ma deverioù I still have to finish doing my homework. I've got to finish with my natives Talvezout a ra ez eus bet c'hoarvezet un dra fall ? Does this mean something bad has happened? So, there's something wrong with you? C'hoarezed emaoc'h? Are you sisters? What are you talking about? Emaon o chom amañ. I live here. You're waiting here. Ha gallout a reer tapout ar SIDA abalamour da azezennoù ar privezioù ? "Is it possible to catch AIDS from toilet seats?" "No, it isn't." And can you get SIDA because of your changes in the toilets? C'hoant em eus da gaout un dra dous. I want something sweet. I want something good. There's something I need to get. Pelec'h eman ar gudenn? Where is the problem? Where is the problem from? Ma c'hreion am eus kollet. I've lost my pencil. My pen's lost. Fellout a ra din mervel gant Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I can die with Getter Jaani. An arc’hant az peus? Have you got the money? Have you got any money? Ne rin ket se. Kentoc’h mervel. I won't do that. I'd rather die. I'm not going to die, you might die. Ne oan ket o selaou. I didn't listen. I didn't hear you. Me 'oar e oarez. I know you know. I knew you were here. Tom 'zo erruet? Has Tom arrived? Tom has come? Ur yezh hepken n'eo ket a-walc'h. One language is never enough. Not enough language. Bet out e Paris ur wezh bennak? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you been in Paris for what? Lâr din pezh peus c'hoant da gaout. Tell me what you want. You can tell me what you want to do now. Enklasker on. I'm a detective. I'm a masker. Me a wel un dra bennak. I see something. I can see something. Galv ar polis. Call the police. Call the police. Troet int da foll. They went crazy. - They're pulling back to the hole. Bara ha c'hoarioù. Bread and games. Bars and games. Tom ne grede ket Mary pa lâre-hi e oa e karantez gantañ. Tom didn't believe Mary when she said she loved him. Tom didn't think Mary did when he said he loved you. C'hoarzhet em eus kalz. I laughed a lot. I'm out there. Tom a rae van nompas kompren galleg. Tom pretended he couldn't understand French. Tom was doing van nompas understanding a gall. Ne gomzan ket japaneg. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Me oar e ouzez. I know you know. You know I'm sorry. Gouzout a ran e oarez. I know you know. I knew you were there. Kelenn a ra Galleg dimp. She's teaching us French. We can improvise. 'Ba' pelec'h komzez Galleg? Where do you speak French? Where do you speak French? Tom a zo gwisket gant ur mantell a zo kalz re ledan evitañ Tom is wearing a coat that's way too large for him. Tom has a huge variety of wood apart Ur c'hi en deus. He has a dog. He has a dog. Diouto am eus soñj. I remember them. You're better off than a lot of people who think about it. Or lañgaj 'uè ked jaméz traoalh. One language is never enough. It's like he's had a dry jaméz. Mersi, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Ha gwarizius out? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Diwezhat e oa adarre. She was late once again. It got late again. Pediñ evit Pariz. Pray for Paris. Situating for Paris. Deuet on da drede. I came in third. I came to the town. Gwelloc'h dit-te chom hep mont. You'd better not go. You better not let yourself go. Ne fazian gwech ebet. I'm never wrong. I didn't do anything except me. Kalz em eus c'hoarzhet. I laughed a lot. This is a lot of laughing. Trugarez, ma breudeur. Thanks, brothers. Thanks, my brother. 'Ba' pelec'h e pregez Galleg? Where do you speak French? Where's French? Deuet eo ganin ! I got it! He's come with me! Sur out? Are you sure? Are you sure? Klevet em eus anezhañ o vont maez. I heard him go out. I heard he's gone out. You're talking about him. Ma fellgomzer am eus kollet. I lost my phone. If I want to remove them, I'll move it. NAn, pegen farsus eo. Lol, this is so funny. No, it's not how funny it is. Ur bier, mar plij! A beer, please. A beer, please! Kemeret ho peus pep tra. You've taken everything. You've got everything. Piv eo an den-mañ? Who is this person? Who's this man? Daou gazh am eus. I have two cats. It's a two paedophile. Sell, ur wezenn akasia. Look an acacia! Look, I've got a tree, OK. Daou urzhiater az peus? Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? Bugale 'm eus. I have children. I've got a kids. An arz a zegas bara. Art brings bread. The art comes. N'on ket skuizh tamm toud ebet. I'm not at all tired. I'm not getting sick any respect. Re ziaes e oa evidon. It was too difficult for me. It was too late for me. Komz a rit japaneg? Do you speak Japanese? Can you speak Japanese? Me so o h-essae diskiñ Saosneg. I'm trying to learn English. And I'm next to say English. Jalous out? Are you jealous? You're scum? N'ouzon ket. I don't know. I don't know. N’eo ket gwall vras an ti-se. This house isn't very big. It's not a big error. N’eo ket gwall vras an ti-se. This house is not very big. It's not a big error. Labouran ket. I'm not working. I don't work. Bennozh doue. Thank God. Bennoe. Anavezout a ran mat-tre Tom. I know Tom well. Yeah, well, I know Tom. Bet out bet e Pariz dija? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you been a Paris? N'am eus ket kemeret douchenn ebet. I didn't shower. I haven't taken any disease. Ma unan e labourin. I'll work alone. I'll get my own job. NAF, petra ? Lol, what? NAF, what? N'am eus ket selaouet. I didn't listen. I haven't listened. Dizimez out? Are you single? Do you know what I mean? Pegement e koust ur gambr? How much does a room cost? How much will a bum? N'em eus ket kousket. I haven't slept. I have no sleep. Mersi dit ! Thank you! Thank you! N'am eus ket kemeret strinkadenn ebet. I didn't shower. I haven't taken a shower. Hetiñ a ran dit kalon vat. I wish you good luck. I'm going to go with you fucking eνer in a minute. Un erer bras 'zo bet gwelet ganit? Have you seen an eagle ? Have you seen that? N'eo ket Tom studier, unan eus ar gelennerien eo Tom isn't a student here. He's one of the teachers. That's not Tom sturdy. It's one of the teachers. Ne zebran ket er gêr ken alies ha ma raen a-raok. I don't eat at home as often as I used to. I don't know how often I'm going home and my gear went before. Sell, ur wezennig adenium. Look an adenium! Look at him a tree. Paour-tre e oa. He was very poor. He was very sad. Sell, un agavezenn. Look an agave! Look at this. Let's have a look. Pegemet eo an horolaj-mañ? How much is this clock? This clock is pollen? Bezañ moal a ginnig ur perzh mat da vihanañ - espern a rit ur bern a champoiñ. Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo. This is about to provide at least a good quality, but this is because you're a lot of money. Kafe az po? Will you have some coffee? Do you want a coffee? Me a zebr un aval. I'm eating an apple. I'm gonna make one aval. Paour-razh e oa. He was very poor. - You've got to tell me what's going on with us. Pokat d'unan a vutun a zo evel lipat ul luduer. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Cos there's a smoke on itself, like a yoghurt. Pelec'h e komzez Galleg? Where do you speak French? Where is French speaking? Son an argant 'zo ur yezh anavezet e pep bro. The sound of money is a language known in every country. For the most part, there's a known language in each country. Ar vignoned a ra traoù a-gevret. Friends do things together. The friends are wearing stuff. Chom er gêr. Stay home. Stay home. C'hoant em befe da c'houzout neuial. I wish I could swim. I'd want to know what I'm talking about. Gwelloc'h eo din mervel evit bezañ hep Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. I'm better than dying without it, is it? Deuet on ma unan. I'll come alone. I'm here one. NAF, ken fentus ez eo. Lol, this is so funny. NAF, that's so nice. Tom a brege. Tom was talking. Tom and it, yeah? Se n'eo ket ur frazenn. This is not a sentence. That's not a phrase. Bennozh ! Thanks! Old me. Glas eo ar c’harr-tan. The car is blue. The car is blue. Kanet en deus ur ganaouenn. He sang a song. He has defined one song. Sell, ur wezennig adenia. Look an adenia! Look at him a tree. Trugarez ! Thanks! Thank you. Bras ha brav eo. He's tall and gorgeous. It's really nice. 'C'hortozan ket. I'm not waiting. I'm not waiting any more. Emañ hi o lenn. She's reading. She is reading from her! Daou c’hant pajenn zo. There are two hundred pages. There are two pages. Trugarez, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Thank you, Yukina. Eñ a oa paour-razh. He was very poor. It was a dead man. Emaén oc'h ober glav e-barzh va c'halon. It's raining in my heart. I think there's a wrestling inside the heart. N'eus abeg ebet da vezañ spontet. There's no reason to be afraid. There are no reasons to worry. Hag en em gavet emañ Tom? Has Tom arrived? And you've found out where's Tom? Soñj em eus deus an dra-mañ. I remember that. We remember this thing. Mont a raint kuit. They'll go away. I'll tell you what's going on. Ur bane kafe c'hoazh, mar-plij. More coffee, please. There's still a curfew, like a plane. Bara a vez debret ganin. I eat bread. I don't think Barely. Ya. Yes. Yeah. Ket, trugarez. No, thanks. No, thanks. Hag erruet emañ Tom? Has Tom arrived? How about Tom? Lâr din ar pezh az peus c'hoant da gaout. Tell me what you want. You can tell me what you want to do now. Me 'zo sur ec'h ez da lavaret nann. I know you're going to say no. I'm sure there's no way. Un dra bennak a welan. I see something. I can see something. Ar frazenn-se n'eo ket galleg. This sentence is not French. This phrase's not supposed to be used. Ar c’harr-tan a zo glas. The car is blue. The car is blue. Va unan e labourin. I'll work alone. There was one man in his work. "Pet eur eo?" "Dek eur hanter." "What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty." He's got time?" "Yesterday." N'o deus ket redet. They didn't run. They didn't run. Safariñ a rae Tom. Tom was talking. He could take Tom. Ne ouian ket. I don't know. I don't know. Ezhomm em eus eus un ali. I need advice. I need a url. C'hoarezed oc'h? Are you sisters? What are you talking about? Goañv 'zo tont. Winter is coming. Gov. That's right. Eñ a oa paour meurbet. He was very poor. He was the only person who had a bit of a medic. Aonik e oa Tom. Tom was very scared. Don't mind if you've got Tom. Pegement eo ar montr-mañ? How much is this watch? How much is this going on? Plijout a ra din kelenn. I love teaching. I like having sex with you. Avaloù a blij dit? Do you like apples? Do you like apples? Pelec’h emañ va montr? Where is my watch? Where was he going? Meur a zoare eor a zo. There are several kinds of anchor. There's more of you. There's a great deal. Ne oan ket kousket. I wasn't asleep. I wasn't asleep. Ezhomm o deus mignoned. They need friends. They need friends. Piv en deus debret an holl gookies? Who ate all the cookies? Who has eaten all the cashies? Eñ a oa paour-tre. He was very poor. It was a very serious man. Mont a ran d’ar skol bemdez. I go to school every day. I'll go to college every day. Burj Khalifa eo ar skraber-oabl uhelañ er bed. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The best in the world is Burj Khalifa. Tom a brezege. Tom was talking. - Where are you going? Enklasker on-me. I'm a detective. I'm a masker. Rugby a c'hoari Tom. Tom plays rugby. Rugby has been the best place for Tom. Gouzout a ran ervat e vo lavaret ket ganeoc'h. I know you're going to say no. I know he says you can't. Mervel a raent. They were dying. They die. Tomm eo hiziv. It's hot today. I'm hot today. Eñ a oa paour-du. He was very poor. It was him very black. Re sall eo ar boued-mañ. This food is too salty. This food is too calm. Soñjet em eus e oa marv Tom. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom's dead. Tom 'zo en em gavet? Has Tom arrived? What's up with you and me? Donemat deoc’h e Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! You're always looking for Tatoeba. Trugarez! Thanks! Thank you! Treiñ a ran ar pezh a fell din ! I translate what I want! I can't see what I want. Paour-du e oa. He was very poor. I think it's a very black piece of shit. Glav a ra. It is raining. That's good. Sell, ur wezenn ailant. Look an ailanthus! Look, another tree. Klask a rin diaesoc'h. I'll try harder. Just trying to make you feel difficult. dy'Mergher yw hedhyw. Today is Wednesday. Your key is worse. Krev yw Tom. Tom's strong. Tom is all right. Yth esov vy ow tybri bara. I am eating bread. It was better to know what was going on. Da o genev honna. I liked that. That's your business. Na wra ankevi skrifa dhymm. Don't forget to write me. If you don't, you will be invisible. Ottomma ki Mary. Here is Mary's dog. Ottomma ki Mary. Pur dhrog yw an gewer. The weather is very bad. It's a burglar, and it's a fat dog. Res yw dhyn gweres. We must help. You need to do this. Bythkweth ny leveris dhedhi my dh’y hara. Never did I tell her that I loved her. He never became a young man named me. An benenes na yw krev. Those women are strong. The news is not krev. Kewsewgh dhedha. Talk to them. I don't think you should slap them. Yma'n ki ow tybri y voos. The dog is eating his food. Here he denied the ball. Yw da genowgh kathes? Do you like cats? Would you like to do this? Ottomma dha gi. Here is your dog. Otoma, I'm going to give him a dog. My a vynn dos a-dhesempis. I'll come at once. I got my door and I could have access to it. Yma kov dhymm. I remember. Here I do. Nyns ov medhek. I'm not a doctor. Maximum age. Yth ov vy lowen. I am happy. There was a vegetie. Res yw dhymm tybi. I have to think. You want to try not to find out what's going on. Ro dhymm pymp tokyn, mar pleg. Give me five tokens, please. Why don't you give me some time? - I'll be sorry. Nyns yw hemma ow hi. This isn't my dog. It is not a character. Da yw genev eva. I like to drink. It's your job. Askus vy! Excuse me! Askus vy! Hemm yw an diwettha tren. This is the last train. This is the last week. Keun a yll neuvya. Dogs can swim. It's possible to ivya. My a wel an ki. I see the dog. I can see that. A-vorow y fydh dy’gol. Tomorrow is a holiday. And understand that your school is good. My a vynn hwath mos. I still want to go. I'm still sorry. Genys veuv yn Tokyo yn 1968. I was born in Tokyo in 1968. She was in Tokyo in 1968. Gwir yw an hwedhel ma. This story is true. It's true if I do. Da yw genev donsya. I like to dance. It's your business of gasya. Yma’n howl ow splanna. The sun is shining. Here are the howls of spies. Da yw gensi kerdhes genev. She likes to walk with me. I'm sorry to have generic access. Da yw genev benenes. I like women. It's fair to be Genene. dy'Lun yw hedhyw. Today is Monday. that's her. Sav yn-bann! Stand up! Height is-a-wife! Prag yth es’ta ow kul hemma? Why are you doing this? Discuss it up like that of a burglary sun? Nowydh o an lyver. The book was new. There's a glass of lyver. Res yw dhywgh goslowes orthiv. You have to listen to me. You're about to access the old one. Yma dhodho mab aral. He has another son. He's here the other son. Teg o honna. That was beautiful. Let's go. Henn o pur dha. That was very good. He's just five. Yw da genes enevales? Do you like animals? Am I like an enevales? Res yw dhyn kewsel. We have to speak. This is useful. Da yw genev an ki ma. I like this dog. It's you're the kind of thing I've ever seen. Yw da genowgh keus glas? Do you like blue cheese? Would you like to close the message window? Prag ymons i ow kul hemma? Why are they doing this? Prague yons to own a kul burgh? Res o dhymm studhya Sowsnek. I had to study English. Resing from studiya Sowsnek. Dhe by le y hwrussys ta mos de? Where did you go yesterday? God with the joys is right? Nyns ov dha vab. I'm not your son. There's no charge for his son. Yw hemma dha gorev? Is this your beer? Does he love his desktop? Ny allav vy mos hwath. I can't go yet. Don't be kind of mos yet. Henn yw glyb. That's wet. He's jolly. Nos da. Good night. Good night. Yw da genwogh Sowsnek? Do you like English? Is there a shove of Sowsnek? Yw hemma gwir? Is this true? Do you really want to? Yma dhymm ki ha kath. I have a dog and a cat. I'm here, we've got a problem here, and a cat. A nyns yw res dhis oberi? Don't you have to work? Is it possible to do something about her? Ny wra Tom dybri henna. Tom won't eat that. Don't listen to Tom, yeah. Res yw dhyn kewsel. We need to talk. This is useful. Da yw gensi enevales. She likes animals. It's good to have an enevales. Res yw dhymm koska lemmyn. I must sleep now. We've got to get some cover now. Yeyn yw hi. It is cold. Yes she is. Ni a studh Arabek. We study Arabic. He shall not be guilty. Kas yw genev ow broder. I hate my brother. This is a faithful source of pride. Res yw dhywgh assaya! You have to try! Would you like to cancel! Res yw dhyn hedhi. We need to stop. You have to cancel. Ple y’n gwelydh? Where do you see him? Where will we see? Yth hevel na wor Tomm kewsel Frynkek. Tom doesn't seem to know French. It seems that he didn't know how hot he was. An apposyans yw es. The exam is easy. I like it's an apprehension. Yth esen vy ow ponya. I was running. There was an error deleting it. Hemm yw an chi mayth yw ow ewnter trigys. This is the house where my uncle lives. This is your normal owner ID. Ny garons kathes. They don't like cats. Don't care about these guys. Ny yll'ta kavos henna. You can't have that. You can't get an old life. Nyns o res dhywgh gul hemma. You didn't have to do this. There is no disk space left! Res o dhymm gul henna. I had to do that. You're an old man. Res yw dhymm dybri. I need to eat. We need it. Yw res dhis diberth? Do you have to leave? Is she resolute? Dohajydh da! Good afternoon. Good will! Nyns eus owravalow war an voos. There are no oranges on the table. There are no downloads on the wall. Yw hemma dha dhiwros? Is this your bicycle? What does he look like? Res yw dhyn kewsel moy. We need to talk more. There is a need for greater food. Yma dhymm dew vroder hag unn hwor. I've got two brothers and a sister. I'm here one thing and a nine. Ni a brederis henna. We considered that. I don't think there's anything wrong with the company. Yw hemma dha erlyver? Is this your dictionary? What does he look like? Pysk, mar pleg. Fish, please. Fish, like snow. Py liw yw an re na? What color are those? Py color is too short? Nyns yw res dhymm gul henna. I don't have to do that. No, I'm not getting back to life. Na wrewgh diberth. Don't leave! Don't worry about it. Res vydh dhymm oberi dy Sul. I will have to work on Sunday. I will get to go to Sunday. Goslowewgh orti! Listen to her! Welcome to you! Res vydh dhyn gul neppyth. We'll have to do something. Don't work any more. My a armas. I shouted. My arms. Homm yw ow whor. This is my sister. We are bringing us life. Koynt yw homma. This is odd. It's hot enough. Yma an maw ow prena ki. The boy is buying a dog. Here we go, you can buy it. Ev a wre eva korev. He used to drink beer. They're gonna make him look beautiful. Mall yw ganso mos ena. He is eager to go there. It's as good as having a mos. Hi a wel dha vargh. She sees your horse. She'll see his finger. Res yw dhywgh assaya hemma. You must try this. You're ready to go. Yma Shishir orth ow holya. Shishir is following me. Here is his great owner. Yw henna kath po ki? Is that a cat or a dog? Is there an old cat or a ki? Yth eson ni ow prena. We're buying. It was because we rolled it out. Res yw dhymm kavos ow hi. I have to find my dog. I have to find her. Yw da ganso owravalow? Does he like oranges? Do you want to darrow? Yth esa dhodho unn vyrgh. He had one daughter. It was a holder. Deus genev. Come with me. Come with us. Hi a bon. She runs. She's to make her. Yma an ki ow tybri y voos. The dog is eating his food. Here is the hen of the ball. Nyns yw res dhis gorthebi an govyn ma. You don't have to answer this question. No, she's never bothered any thing I'm getting. Tomm a’n gwelas. Tom saw it. We see you in our bed. Res yw dhyn oberi war-barth. We need to work together. You're gonna need to do it. Studhyores ov. I'm a student. It's Stenores ov. Da yw genev dos omma. I like to come here. That is funny, sorry. Yeyn yw. It's cold. Yes. Sav yn-bann. Stand up. Get up in the boot. Prag yth yw res dhis godhvos? Why do you need to know? There is no reason why it comes to death? Py liw yw ki Tom? What color is Tom's dog? 'King Tom' is a Py color? Nyns o res dhedha dos. They didn't need to come. There is no current seat. My a vynn mos. I want to go. I'm having a mos. Yth esa marth dhymm. I was surprised. There was an error getting killed. Eus edhom dhis a vara, a selsig hag a geus? Do you need bread, sausage and cheese? His wife's wife's money, was she? and his head grew up? Ev a dhibarthas a-varr. He left early. Ev hergar. Res yw dhymm fistena. I must hurry. Give it a call. Yw da genes koffi? Do you like coffee? Do you know me, you know. Res o dhymm y wul. I had to do it. Come from the wet of the sun. Mappa yw hemma. This is a map. Thank you. Prag y studhydh Frynkek? Why do you study French? Do you think I'd tell you what I mean? Ny allav vy dybri choklet. I can't eat chocolate. I don't think you should be too old. Da yw genev skol. I like school. It's your school girl. Gwynn yw an keun. The dogs are white. He is out there. Yma’n gath owth omgudha yn-dann an gweli-dydh. The cat is hiding under the couch. There is a cat that will be a harbor of blood in the vicinity of the world. My a gavas Tony. I found Tony. I think Tony has met you. My a wrug eva an dowr. I drank the water. My man wrug eva the door. Kows dhodho. Talk to him. He's now starting up. Eus ki dhymm? Do you have a dog? What do you want to do from my heart? Kraf ov. I'm mean. Who are you? Res yw dhywgh diberth. You need to leave. You need a sacrifice. Res yw dhis assaya. You must try. There's a chasaya. Res yw dhymm fistena! I have to hurry! Give us what's going on! Akontydh ov. I'm an accountant. No accounts will be made. Nyns yw res dhis mos. You don't need to go. No reason is mine. Yma dhymm kath ha ki. I have a cat and a dog. I'm here, you know, you're here. My a’th kar. I love you. My car. My a vetyas orth koweth. I met a friend. I had to be all this beautiful then. Na ankov skrifa dhymm. Don't forget to write to me. Do not accept documents. My a vynn kerdhes. I want to walk. I was gonna access. Kewgh genev. Go with me. I don't care if it's too late. Yma ki bras dhe Tom. Tom has a big dog. Here's a big section of Tom. My yw dyskadores ynwedh. I am a teacher, too. If Discodores is killed. Ny gonvedhav hemma. I don't understand this. No maneuver. Da yw genev Mary. I like Mary. It's Mary's family. Nyns yw res dhywgh mos. You don't have to go. It is not up to date. Yw da genowgh an kanow ma? Do you like these songs? Would you like to know me? Prag yth yw res dhyn kavos Tom? Why do we need to find Tom? How could it be for Tom to rejoin Tom? Skrif yn skon! Write soon! Document in progress! Gwynn yw an howl. The sun is white. compact is empty. Piw a’s torras? Who broke it? Are you pregnant? Res yw dhodho y wul lemmyn. He must do it now. It's the future of the sun now. Euthyk yw hemma. This is terrible. Euthyk is ours. Martesen y hwra glaw yn skon. It may rain soon. Martesen the rain wreath is skon. Lowen on ni. We're happy. - What is it? - I'm loνe. Prag yth yw res dhis gul henna? Why do you need to do that? Is she so bad that she was old? Res yw dhedha gorthebi an govyn. They have to answer the question. You need to find out what's going on. Res yw dhywgh assaya. You must try. You're ready to go. Pyth es’ta ow hwilas? What are you looking for? What are you searching for? Res yw dhyn gwiska eskisyow. We have to wear shoes. You need to remove clothes from the sausage. Ny allav y gonvedhes. I cannot understand it. That does not have the access thing. Da yw genev golya. I like to sail. It's your eyes. Rych owgh. You are rich. Please wait. A wruss’ta goslowes a-dro dhe’n droglam? Have you heard about the accident? And now we goslowes about our reluctance? Na wra gortos. Don't wait. You're not gonna listen to him. Res yw dhyn gwaynya. We need to win. There's a faintya man. Ple hwruss’ta gweles Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? What do you see Nancy? Ni a wre oberi war-barth. We used to work together. I didn't think you'd do it. A wodhes ta neuvya? Can you swim? Did we have access to nevya? Res yw dhywgh goslowes. You must listen. You don't have to reason. Yw res dhis gul henna lemmyn? Do you have to do that now? Does she feel like an old man now? Res o dhymm leverel nebonan. I had to tell somebody. No one's coming back. Kas yw genev y hatt. I hate his hat. It's the generation of the hat. Deg mynysen dhe naw eur. It's ten to nine. Ten minutes of nine hours. My a garsa eva hanafas a de. I want to drink a cup of tea. It's my business. It's my business. Yw res dhywgh mos? Do you need to go? Are you sure you want to touch? Nyns eses ta ena. You weren't there. There is no room. Yw da genowgh an vowes ma? Do you like this girl? Would you like to have something to do with me? O da genes an dhiwros? Did you like the bicycle? Is the dilemma? My a gonvedh. I understand. My punishment. Aga chi yw hemma. This is their house. You're next game. Res vydh dhis dos genen. You'll have to come with us. She will be meet you. Ple'th esowgh? Where are you? Where is your deal? Res yw dhywgh gorwedha. You need to lie down. You're gonna have to meet you. Hwi a allas gweres. You could help. You can help. Ny gemeris tra vyth. I didn't take anything. I don't think there's anything wrong with him. A garses ta kavos hanafas a de lemmyn? Would you like a cup of tea now? Tell us a lot, is it now? Res yw dhyn gul neppyth. We need to do something. There is no need for a heavenly voice. Nyns os ta ow broder. You are not my brother. The file does not exist or is not readable. Yma marth dhyn. We're surprised. There's dead cattle. Res yw dhedha oberi a-vorow. They need to work tomorrow. Most people need to work what they're doing. Res vydh dhyn gul neppyth. We will have to do something. Don't work any more. Res yw dhis praktisya gramer. You must practice grammar. You need to decide what she's doing. Nyns ov dha eskar. I'm not your enemy. He's not staring at him. Pyth esowgh ow hwilas? What are you looking for? What do you want to search? Edhom yw dhymm a vona. I need money. I'll make it very easy. Yw res dhymm fistena? Do I need to hurry? Is it reasonable to resent? Res yw dhodho dos. He has to come. This is the future for the door. Piw a gavas an lyver a wrussen vy y gelli? Who found the book that I had lost? Can you catch a lyver and a sweeter who can? Ni a allas kewsel lemmyn. We could talk now. I can't let you down now. Kas yw gans Mary kevewiow. Mary hates parties. Can not get folder: %s: %s Res yw dhodho kavos ober. He must find work. This is supposed to be done. Agas gweles! See you! You see! Ny wor Tomm henna. Tom doesn't know that. Not a woo of Tom's years. Piw os ta? Who are you? Who if there? Res yw dhis goslowes. You need to listen. Reis a goslowes di. An lyver ma yw koth. This book is old. The lyver if it's a cat. Teg owgh hwi. You are beautiful. You're going to. Ple'ma an gath? Where is the cat? Where's the cat? Yw res dhymm mos? Do I have to go? Is there a mos? Res yw dhis hedhi. You have to stop. You're aborted. My a bonyas a-ji. I ran inside. I'm gonna go. Gwell yw genev dowr ewonek. I prefer mineral water. It's better than a fat dog. Nyns yw res dhis y wul. You don't have to do it. There is no point that's made up her. Nyns yw da genev keus. I don't like cheese. It's not a funny girl. Da yw genev glas. I like blue. It's sexual blue. My re bia ow prenassa gensi. I've been shopping with her. I'll tell you what I don't want to do. Hemm yw agan chi. This is our house. I'm with you. Res yw dhywgh mos arta. You need to go back. You're going to have a month. Ass ov vy skwith! I'm so tired. And no more like that! Yma drog penn dhymm. I have a headache. This is one of ours, I'm in charge. Ow babi a vynn kewsel. My baby wants to talk. I think I'm having a fuckin' hell. Homm yw ow fluven blomm. This is my pencil. Homm is a vertical weave. Rudh o hy diwvogh. Her cheeks were red. Something o'clock o'clock. A welydh an den po an bleydh? Do you see the man or the wolf? Will the man see where we will go? Goslowewgh orthiv! Listen to me! Go! Go to next! Kas yw genev an howl. I hate the sun. It's the kind of hobby. Res yw dhedha kewsel. They need to talk. It's good to see you. Res yw dhymm maga ow hi. I need to feed my dog. There's a reason why I'm getting rid of her. Yw hemma dha lyver? Is this your book? What does he look like? Ty a allas gul homma. You could do this. I could go home, yeah? Da yw an kig-ma. This meat is good. This is gig. Nyns yw da genev gwin. I don't like wine. It's not like a good exagger. Pur yeyn o. It was very cold. Five of them. Yma nown ha seghes dhymm. I'm hungry and thirsty. I don't know, I'm here, I do what I mean. Yth esen vy ow tonsya. I was dancing. There was an error displaying help. Yw da genes pysk? Do you like fish? Do you want to know what I mean? Pan vinhwerthydh, lowen ov vy. When you smile, I am happy. When we were about to happen, many years' rest of it. Nyns esov vy owth oberi. I am not working. There's no way I'm going on with you. Kas yw genev fleghes. I hate children. This is a kind of good news. Res yw dhedha bos lowen. They must be happy. You have to keep your head low. Nyns yw res dhywgh y wul. You don't have to do it. It is not enough for you to make the sun. Tom a verwis. Tom died. That's Tom. Hi a ober. It works. She's doing it. Nyns yw res dhywgh mos ena. You don't need to go there. It is not up to date. Yw da genes gwin frynkek? Do you like French wines? Is there a vegetdy wine? Prag y fynn'ta mos? Why do you want to go? urging that mos'ta? Yw da genowgh agas hwor? Do you like your sister? Would you like to have your door? Nyns yw res dhis studhya. You don't have to study. No, it's not because of her life. Nyns yw da genev an lyver ma. I don't like this book. My sister's not well known. Kas yw gansa benenes. They hate women. Send is a women's tag. Skrifewgh Spaynek. Write Spanish. Insert e-mail document. Homm yw agan esedhva. This is our living room. It's Homm's when I'm esdhva. Agas tro yw. It's your turn. It's over. Hweg yw hemma. This is sweet. It is easier. My a vynn hwath bos omma. I still want to be here. If I am still looking, I'm still sorry. Hemm yw atal. This is rubbish. I'm going to stop. A yllyn ni kavos ki? Can we get a dog? Can we get a job? Nyns eus tokyn dhymm. I don't have a ticket. There are no tabs that match. Res vydh dhywgh gortos. You'll have to wait. You will be required to access it. Res yw dhis gweres dha vamm. You must help your mother. You are calling him back to his mother. Hweg yw an desen ma. This cake is sweet. The desen is my. Nyns o res dhis gowleverel. You didn't have to lie. There is no match for ever. Nyns yw res dhywgh diberth. You don't have to leave. You are not allowed to revert the file. My a gar an gan-ma. I love this song. My close's that without. An desen ma yw hweg. This cake is sweet. The desen I'm dead. Kas yw genev ober. I hate work. Send fascists do. Yth esov vy ow redya an paper nowodhow. I'm reading the newspaper. It was a bit off all paper, or air. Ny wrons dos. They won't come. Don't do anything. Ple'ma dha gi? Where is your dog? Where is he now? Bras yw an keun ma. These dogs are big. It's a big cock. Tom re verwis. Tom has died. It's too hot-haired Tom. Ev a omwolgh. He washes himself. Ev avert. Kewgh ganso. Go with him. Take this. Ny allav vy dos haneth. I can't come tonight. I don't think it's too late for you. Prag? Why? Prague? Nyns yw da gans Tom fleghes. Tom doesn't like children. It is not good with Tom. Rych ov. I am rich. Oh, yeah, please. Ki ov vy. I'm a dog. Oh, come on. Who's that? Pyth yw y hanow? What's his name? What's your name again? Py liw yw an lyver? What colour is the book? Py color is sheer? Eus drog penn dhywgh? Have you got a headache? Do you want to resign? Yma’n losow ow tevi. The plants are growing. Here you can go for him. Yth esov owth eva leth. I'm drinking milk. He's been on his head. He's standing up. Res yw dhis diberth. You must leave. Relax is a villar. Yth esov vy owth assaya. I'm trying. It was a long way to get out of there. Wortiwedh y teu va. He will come after all. I'd rather show you the word. Hemm yw yeyn. This is cold. I'm here. Ny yll'ta diberth. You can't leave. - I can't talk to you. Res yw dhyn studhya Sowsnek. We must study English. Reis studiya Soowsnek. My a dhybris an avalow rudh. I ate the red apples. My dybris the wreath avalow. My re bia ow studhya Frynkek orth skol. I've been studying French at school. My old food studiya Frynkykan school. Yw an gewer teg? Is the weather beautiful? Is it fair cheese? Yw an apposyans hedhyw? Is the exam today? Is the burning apprehension? Da yw genowgh mowesi. You like girls. You have to. Deus dhyn. Come to us. Come on. Nyns eus ki dhymm. I don't have a dog. No reason. Y leverir yma ev yn Breten Veur. It is said that he is in Britain. The below is found to be at Breten bite. Fatel yw an ki? How's the dog? Fatel is this kind of thing? Nyns yw da gans Tom oyow. Tom doesn't like eggs. The file that you dropped is not valid. Kewgh! Go! Please! Ow broder yw ev. He is my brother. No, the honor is mine. Seytek bloodh yw ow howethes. My friend is seventeen. It's dry to know how hot it's about uswethes. My yw re verr. I am too short. If it's too serious. Skrif dhymm lyther, mar pleg. Please write a letter to me. Malformed document, like definition. Kuv yw an venyn deg. The beautiful woman is kind. The fair daughter is Kuv. Yw henna dha garr? Is that your car? Is he an old car? Ni a allas gwertha henna. We could sell that. We can't sell years ago. Res yw dhymm koska lemmyn. I need to sleep now. We've got to get some cover now. My a welas an ki. I saw the dog. I can see that. Ow broder yw hemma. This is my brother. This is great, not far from the point. Py liw yw hy blew? What colour is her hair? What kind of white is it? Ow gwreg yw homma. This is my wife. It's a long time. Yw da genowgh an lyver ma? Do you like this book? Would you like to hear me? Ev a brenas lyver a-dro dhe Sowsnek yn lyverji. He bought an English book at a bookstore. Ev offered a lyver around Sowsnek in lyverji. Homm yw dha digen. This is your handbag. Your family is your boy. Ny yll'ta konvedhes. You can't understand. You can't access some name. Na wra govyn. Don't ask. I'll tell you why you're here. Deg, ugens, deg warn ugens, dew-ugens, deg ha dew-ugens, tri-ugens, deg ha tri-ugens, peswar-ugens, deg ha peswar-ugens, kans. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, cogens, ten warns, dew-ugens, ten and ten-ugens, three-borns, ten-and-three-gugens, peswar-ugens, ten and a peswar-ugens, kans. Yw honna hweg? Is that sweet? Does that nun? Prag y fynn'ta mos dhe-ves? Why do you want to go away? urging that mos good-vet? Kas yw genev an dra na. I hate that thing. This is the nature of this thing. It's not the case. A allav vy kavos ki? Can I get a dog? Was this school? A allav vy mos yn-mes a’n stevel? Can I go out of the room? Is John’s vy mos in-mes and ours steve? Hwerow yw an korev ma. This beer is bitter. It's embarrassing. Pes bloodh yw ev? What is his age? What's it about to drink? Ny vynnav vy dybri omma. I don't want to eat here. Likely her for good. Yw da genowgh keus? Do you like cheese? Would you like to continue? An bleujyow tulyfant na yw teg. Those tulips are beautiful. The wild vessels are neither fair. Na wra mos. Don't go. You're not gonna listen to my voice. Nyns yw res dhywgh dos a-vorow. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have permission to access the requested location. Nyns yw henna ki. That isn't a dog. It is not a dress. Ev a vynn dos. He wants to come. No, I'm gonna be fine. Ev a borth own. He is afraid. Ev his owner's port. Kas yw genev an gwav. I hate the winter. It's the jealousy of blood. Yth eson ni ow tiberth. We're leaving. It was because we gave us a sacrifice. Ni a dhybras hansel dhe seyth eur. We ate breakfast at seven. I don't think he's gonna do that seven times. Pes dha hwedhel. Continue your story. What to do with us. Res o dhymm ponya dhe'n gorsav. I had to run to the station. I didn't want to stop. Homm yw ow gwreg. This is my wife. Your daughter is well sources. Res yw dhymm eva. I have to drink. We need to find out what's going on. Gwrewgh fistena. Hurry up. Please go. Res vydh dhywgh gortos y'n karrji. You'll have to stay in the garage. You will be required to catch the car. Gorta pymp mynysen, mar pleg. Wait five minutes, please. Give us a couple of minutes, eh, man. Nyns eus peswar broder dhymm. I don't have four brothers. I don't have any sin. Lyver nowydh yw. It's a new book. No, it is. Py par ki yw henna? What kind of dog is that? Py ya's a dog's car? Ny allav kavos an paper-nowodhow. I can't find the newspaper. A testimony don't have enough paper. Eus mona dhedhi? Does she have money? From a second coin? Res yw dhywgh dos genev. You must come with me. You're supposed to be old. Da o gansa kerri bras. They liked big cars. I've been looking for you. Tomm re’n gwelas. Tom has seen it. We're very hot in bed. Res yw dhymm dybri. I have to eat. We need it. Res yw dhodho kewsel Sowsnek. He has to speak English. He's going to be at the same time as Sowsnek. Ny yll'ta marhogeth margh. You can't ride a horse. - He's all right. - He's all right. Da yw genowgh fav. You like beans. Would you like to continue? Da yw an gewer hedhyw. The weather is good today. It's a fat dog. Ny veu an lavar-ma treylys whath. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Da yw genev viajya. I like to travel. If you don't, you're gonna have to change them. My a breder y kews Tom Frynkek yn ta. I think Tom speaks French well. My friend's leg Tom Frynk is there. Nyns eus marth dhyn. We're not surprised. There is no deal. Koffi, mar pleg. Coffee, please. No, no, no, no, no. Yw da genowgh an vleujen ma? Do you like this flower? Would you like to take my light? Yth esen ni a’gan esedh yn kres an stevel. We sat in the center of the room. He was one of us who had a lie among us. An gewer yw euthyk. The weather is terrible. It is a catastrophe. A allav vy kewsel orth Judy? May I speak with Judy? Has I been working for Judy? Res yw dhywgh oberi moy. You must work more. You need to do more. Res vydh dhymm studhya rag deg our a-vorow. I'll have to study ten hours tomorrow. I'm gonna get you back to my house. Nyns yw da gensi pysk. She doesn't like fish. Not well known. An lyver ma yw poos. This book is heavy. If that's poos. Yma an maw na ow ponya. That boy is running. Here's the maw nor owns ponya. Gwreg Alan yw. She is Alan's wife. This is Alan's frequency. Nyns yw da genev an onan ma. I don't like this one. It's not my head. I'm not like that. Yma ki bras dhyn. We have a big dog. Here's a big kind of thing. Yth esa taran ha lughes nyhewer. There was thunder and lightning last night. It's a tare, and a quicker. A wodhes ta neyja? Can you swim? How should we find out who we are? Ny yll'ta leverel henna. You can't say that. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. A ble’th os ta devedhys? Where do you come from? Where is devastated? Yma drog penn dhymm hwath. I still have a headache. I'm still out there. Ple'th esowgh hwi ow mos? Where are you going? What are you sure you want to do with me? A garsewgh hwi kavos hanafas a de lemmyn? Would you like a cup of tea now? Would you like to and continue now? Yth esa peswar flogh dhymm. I had four children. It's a bit like it's a bit late for my life. Kewer euthyk o. It was dreadful weather. A hard time. Yma drog penn dhymm hedhyw. I have a headache today. This is what I'm after. Fatel yw an gewer yn-mes? How is the weather outside? Fatel is the cheese in-mes? Yw da genes an bagas ma? Do you like this band? Is my band's birth? Yth eson ni ow mires orth. We are watching. There was an error deleting it. Na wrewgh ola. Don't cry. The oil wreath. Yma tri flogh dhedhi. She has three children. Here are three small blocks. Nyns o res dhis govyn. You didn't have to ask. There is no deal she has made. Ny allav vy dybri kig. I can't eat meat. I don't think you should beg. Seyth eur yw lemmyn. It is seven now. Time is now. Yw res dhwygh prena neppyth? Do you need to buy anything? Do you want to revere her heavenly wooden? An tybyans ma yw gorthargyadow. This idea is controversial. The spirit of heaven is his window. Eus ki dhodho? Does he have a dog? From last day? Da yw gansa gwari y'n ergh. They like to play in the snow. Good is that spring's woe. Seytek bloodh yw ow hothman. My friend is seventeen. It's so dry that it's how hot it looks for you. Kernewek, Kembrek ha Bretonek yw yethow keltek. Cornish, Welsh and Breton are Celtic languages. December, Kembrek and Bretontic languages are the most important language of the European Union. Eus dhe Laurie jynn-amontya? Does Laurie have a computer? From This Computer? Res yw dhywgh dos tre. You must come home. You're a great deal. Yw homma agas kath? Is this your cat? Do you want to go back? Heb mar. Of course. It's not like it. Ni a wre mos pyskessa war-barth. We used to go fishing together. We'll wre mossa on the west. Yth esa marth dhodho ynwedh. He was surprised too. He used to be a fastman. Res yw dhymm gul honna. I must do that. We need this gun. Nyns yw res dhis oberi hedhyw. You don't have to work today. It is not her turn to life. Ny allav vy diberth. I can't leave. I don't think you'd ever be sober. Ple’ma dha gerens? Where are your parents? Where's his lord? Nyns yw da gans Tom kig mogh. Tom doesn't like pork. He is not with my little help. Ev a yll neyja. He can fly. You can do this. Res yw dhis gweles medhek. You must see a doctor. You have to make a good appearance. My re bia owth assaya gul henna. I've been trying to do that. My old food waking assaya wal years ago. Nyns o res dhedhi dos. She didn't need to come. There is no disk space left! Dha weles a-vorow. See you tomorrow. [Background voice of cop] Ple'ma an fordh? Where is the road? Where is this display? Kas yw ganso kevewiow. He hates parties. Take it from us. My re bia ow kortos rygdhi. I've been waiting for her. I'm too good to ask you, love. Da yw an te-ma. This tea is good. This is yours. Yma hi ow kul glaw omma. It's raining here. She lied to make sure of her. Ev a gews peder yeth. He speaks four languages. A few days or more languages. Ki yw henna. That is a dog. It's an old man. Rych os ta. You're rich. Sorry if there's. Fatel o an gewer? What was the weather like? Fate? Res yw dhymm prena gwara boos. I must buy groceries. We need to buy some clothes. Da yw genev dha geun. I like your dogs. What's wrong with you? Skwith o an maw. The boy was tired. Equate from the dead. Da yw genev studhya Frynkek. I like to study French. It's sexual studdiya Frynk. Hi a wor kewsel Spaynek. She can speak Spanish. She is a rumor of Spanish kewsel. Yma'n ki y'n garth. The dog is in the yard. Here's the cat. Lyver yw hemma. This is a book. This is now known. Yth esov vy owth assaya dyski Sowsnek. I am trying to learn English. It was now time to get out of here to let's go. Yth esen vy owth assaya perthi kov hanow an lyver. I was trying to remember the name of the book. It was now time to get serious about importing a kov child's name. Nyns o res dhis diberth. You didn't have to leave. There is no matching pair. Yma ow hath orth ow holya. My cat is following me. Here he spoke to them again. My a vynn lewya. I want to drive. My day I was lewya. Noth o an babi. The baby was naked. It's not from the baby. Yw res dhyn mos lemmyn? Do we have to go now? Did he just rejoin my life now? Nyns ov studhyer. I'm not a student. No driver available. Mowes teg yw Laurie. Laurie is a beautiful girl. Laurie is a fair mowe. Yw res dhymm mos genes? Must I go with you? Did I restore my birth? Ni a vynn kewsel. We want to talk. I'm not being funny, wasn't it? Kewsewgh dhodho. Talk to him. Take it easy. Re domm yw. It's too hot. It's too hot. Hemm yw gwir. This is true. I'm really here. Ev a bareusis y dhyskansow. He prepared his lessons. Ed oriental fruit. Yw da genes hemma? Do you like this? Do you want to know what I mean? Hy harr yw henna. That is her car. Hy is an old man. Yma nebonen ow kana. Someone's singing. So no one's doing it. Kows orthiv. Talk to me. Well, I'll get it. Goslow orthiv. Listen to me. Gosleiv. Yth esov vy ow koska. I am sleeping. It was now time to death. Da yw genev hemma. I like this. That's what this is all about. Hager yw henna. That is ugly. It's an old man. Yw da genowgh enevales? Do you like animals? Would you like to have endures? Yn sur! Of course! Yes, I am sure! Prag y hwre’ta studhya Frynkek? Why do you study French? Do you think I'd do the same? An ki a vynn diberth. The dog wants to leave. That's her girl, that's what I'm talking about. My a wre oberi gansa. I used to work with them. I'd do my thing. Res yw dhis kewsel Sowsnek. You have to speak English. You're a haνe hawsel Soowsnek. Tom a gerdh an ki. Tom walks the dog. Tom went home. Nyns ov studhyer. I am not a student. No driver available. Yth esov vy ow tos tre. I'm coming home. It was a long way to get through it. Nyns on da ganso. He does not like us. It's not like that. Ple’th os ta trigys? Where do you live? Where are your peace? My re bia ow mires orth. I've been watching. My old food darling me. Henn o y hanow. That was his name. He's from the name. Yw hemma agas gerlyver? Is this your dictionary? What do you want to do? My re welas henna. I've seen that. I'll tell you what I've seen. Ty a boon. You run. Ty and boon. Res yw dhymm oberi. I have to work. We have to do this. Askusewgh vy! Excuse me! Oops, you! Bythkweth ny welis kammneves. I've never seen a rainbow. He never saw what he saw. A wre’ta kewsel nihonek? Do you speak Japanese? Would we be happy with? Pesewgh, my a’gas pys. Please go ahead. Don't mind if I don't like it. Onan, dew, tri, peswar, pymp, hwegh, seyth, eth, naw, deg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Oan, dead, three, peswar, pymp, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Yth esons i ow tos. They're coming. There was a reason to start. Hi a wra glaw ena. It rains there. She'll listen to you. Res yw dhywgh dos omma a-vorow. You must come here tomorrow. You are required to access the related tasks. Yma nebonan y’n stevel-ma. There is someone in this room. Now, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Res o dhymm kavos neppyth. I had to get something. You're gonna have to get the neppy back. Yw da genowgh choklet? Do you like chocolate? Would you like to fella? Nyns yw da genev honna. I don't like that. This is not a crime. My a dheuth. I came. I'll come with you. Drog yw genev citas bras. I dislike big cities. This is a big catastrophe. My a vynn ri dhodho y lyver a-vorow. I'll give him his book tomorrow. If I was going to make the most of them, I won't be able to. My re bia ow kortos rag hemma. I've been waiting for this. I don't know how to tell you. Res yw dhis oberi moy. You must work more. You need to do more. Yw res dhis mos? Do you have to go? Is it a mos? Yth esa drog penn dhodho. He had a headache. It was a chancer, I'm going to make it. O henna gow? Was that a lie? O'Keefe? Ple'ma popti? Where is a bakery? Where's popti? Res yw dhis y wertha. You must sell it. This is the month of the sale. Res yw dhymm kewsel genowgh. I must speak with you. You have to wait to have. Res yw dhymm hwath glanhe an gegin. I still need to clean the kitchen. We still need the kitchen cleaning. Kas yw genev Nadelik. I hate Christmas. It's the capital of Nadelik. Res yw dhyn assaya. We have to try. It's your assaya. Yw da genes skol? Do you like school? Does your school have? Loos o an ebron. The sky was gray. You're going to get a slap. Yma hi ow tos. She's coming. Here she starts. Kewsewgh genev. Speak with me. Make a big deal. Pandr’a vynnyn dhe dhybri? What will we eat? What's the matter about God? An avalow ma yw bras. These apples are big. Yeah, I can't see you any more. Ow hath yw honna. That's my cat. That's him. Ny vynnav vy. I don't want to. I don't think you're a vannav vy. Nyns yw klavji. It isn't a hospital. Not a tag. Yth esen ni ow koslowes orth ilow. We were listening to music. It was not yet written about music. My a brederis dha vos ow koska. I thought you were sleeping. My think he's been carrying to sleep. Res yw dhymm godhvos lemmyn. I need to know now. I have to do this now. Hemm yw da. This is good. I'm fine. Deg, ugens, deg warn ugens, dew-ugens, deg ha dew-ugens, tri-ugens, deg ha tri-ugens, peswar-ugens, deg ha peswar-ugens, kans. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, cogens, ten warns, dew-ugens, ten and ten-ugens, three-borns, ten-and-three-gugens, peswar-ugens, ten and a peswar-ugens, kans. Nyns usi Tom y’n klavji. Tom's not in the hospital. The tag is not known as Tom. My a bareusis kinnyow. I prepared dinner. I don't care if it's fine. Res o dhymm prena boos. I needed to buy food. You're about to buy boos. Yw, ki yw. Yes, it is a dog. Yes, he's fine. Piw yw an dus na? Who are those men? Who's the bus? My a vynn viajya. I want to travel. If you log out, I will be able to change them. Ow lyver yw henna. That is my book. Oh, it's an old man. Res yw dhymm assaya. I need to try. We're out there. Yma kov dhyn a henna. We remember that. Here he was an old man. Gwynn yw ki Tom. Tom's dog is white. This is about Tom. Yma tybyans da dhymm. I've got a good idea. I don't know what to do here. Goslow orti! Listen to her! Goslow you! Yw hemma dha garr? Is this your car? What does he look like? Res yw dhis dybri neppyth. You need to eat something. There's no-one's jerk. Gwra. Yes, she will. Listen. Res o dhyn gul henna. We had to do that. You're an old man. Nyns o res dhis prena an lyver ma. You didn't need to buy this book. It's not like she's told me I'm not in my house. O Tom pur vysi? Was Tom very busy? What are you talking about? Ki Tom a yll neuvya yn ta. Tom's dog can swim well. Get Tom and noviya can be found there. Henn yw dha lyver. That is your book. He's his ear. Nyns yw pur vras an chi ma. This house isn't very big. There is not more than you. My a bareusis hansel ragdho. I prepared breakfast for him. I live annoying man. Nyns yw da genowgh ilow. You don't like music. You don't have the right music. Res o dhymm gul hemma hedhyw. I had to do this today. I think I'm getting close to her. Yw an ebron glas? Yw. Is the sky blue? Yes. Is there a blue buff? Yw res dhyn gul hemma lemmyn? Do we have to do this now? What does he look like? A-vorow y fynnav ri dhodho an lyver. I will give him the book tomorrow. A-vorow the present will be the most rever. Res yw dhyn golghi an leur. We must wash the floor. You need to wash the ground. Hi a dhibarthas a-varr. She left early. She's splendid a-varr. Nyns yw res dhis bos omma. You don't have to be here. No, she's never done for her. Nyns on da ganso. He doesn't like us. It's not like that. My a ylli amma dhis. I could kiss you. You can see it. Nyns ov skwith. I'm not tired. There is no snugwith. Dydh da, Tom. Hello, Tom. Go on, Tom. My a’th kar! I love you! My love! Pur goynt. Very strange. Pour it on the line. Eth bloodh yw ev. He is eight. He's a werewolf. Ow hwor yw honna. That is my sister. That's how it's from him. A leveris Tom dhe Varia y vos demedhys? Has Tom told Mary that he's married? Do you think Tom de Varia became hungry? Ow myrgh yw homma. This is my daughter. Well, it's your fault. Ny yll'ta gul henna! You can't do that! Can't cry old! Ple’ma’n re erel? Where are the others? Where are others? Ha lemmyn? And now? And now? Ny vynnav oberi. I don't want to work. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Ottena. Look there. Ottena. Nyns yw da gansa donsya. They don't like to dance. It is not good to dosya. Da yw genev goslowes orth ilow. I like listening to music. It's good to see you in the music. Skwith ov. I am tired. Oh, for God's sake. Yma kath war'n voos. There's a cat on the table. There's a cat here. My a gerdhas. I walked. My lady. Kas yw gensio kevewiow. She hates parties. Send the job I will receive. Mir orthyn. Look at us. field. My a besyas oberi. I continued working. I thought you'd do it. Gwren ni gul henna. Let's do that. Come on, let's have a go. Yth esa kath dhymm. I had a cat. It was a step. Da yw gansa fav. They like beans. Good is a son's tag. Res yw dhywgh dalleth skon. You must start soon. You're the best thing you've ever had. Res yw dhyn kewsel. We need to speak. This is useful. Yw henna bleydh? Is that a wolf? Is there an old man? Nyns yw res dhis gul hemma. You don't need to do this. No, it is not possible to print her again. Res yw dhyn oberi lemmyn. We need to work now. You need to do it now. A wrewgh hwi gweles an ebron? Do you see the sky? Are you sure you want to recover? Ny wor den vyth aga hanow. No one knows their name. Neither was his name. Res yw dhymm leverel neppyth. I need to say something. Recall is neppy leverel. Drog yw genev oyow. I dislike eggs. It's a bit sad. Pur yeyn o hi. It was extremely cold. Pur is one of her. Bydh lowen! Be happy! Howen will! Res o dhyn difuna a-varr. I had to get up early. You should come back and die. An lyver ma yw nowydh. This book's new. If you're a new one. Ni a allas gul hemma. We could do this. I can't pray. My a gar an kynnyav. I love autumn. I love the kynnyav. Res o dhymm leverel honna. I had to say that. You want us to take the place there. Ny allav vy donsya. I can't dance. Nor vy lav donsya. My a wel lion. I see a lion. I'll tell you what I can do. Res yw dhywgh diberth lemmyn. You must leave now. You need to write a task now. A wodhowgh neuvya? Do you know how to swim? Please wait... Nyns ov agas eskar. I'm not your enemy. Yourfile is not valid. Ple'ma klavji? Where is a hospital? Where's Klavji? Da yw genev mel. I like honey. It's good to be generous. My a yll kerdhes di war droos. I can walk there on foot. If you can access someone else. Yw da genowgh gwin frynkek? Do you like French wine? Would you like to have a frantic wine? Ny gonvedhas Tom tra vyth. Tom didn't understand a thing. That wasn't right for Tom. Ott, yma hi ow kul ergh! Look, it's snowing! Ott, here she own curly kul! Da yw genev redya. I like to read. There's something wrong with you. Ny vynnav vy diberth. I don't want to leave. I don't think you're a pretty vynnav. Nyns yw da gans Tom an tybyans. Tom doesn't like the idea. The simulation Tom does not seem to be valid. Ny allav y weles. I can't see it. So, that's not the story. Eus drog penn dhywgh? Do you have a headache? Do you want to resign? Yth esons i ow kortos. They're waiting. There was an error deleting it. Yw da genes viajya? Do you like to travel? Is it safe to change? My a vynnas gweres. I wanted to help. My family did nothing. Yw honna tesen? Is that cake? Do wen't tesen? Res yw dhyn kewsel. We must speak. This is useful. My re bia ow kortos ragdha. I've been waiting for them. I don't think you're gonna have to make it. Nyns yw da gans Tom skol. Tom doesn't like school. This is not with school Tom. Eus mona dhedha? Do they have money? From Jehovah’s coin? Res yw dhywgh goslowes orti. You have to listen to her. You don't have to reason. Nyns yw da genev an gewer ma. I don't like this weather. The dog's not well known. Res yw dhis koska. You need to sleep. You're gonna get some sleep. Yth esen ni ow mires orth an lymnans. We were looking at the picture. It was not yet come to pass through the unit. Pubonan a wor henna. Everybody knows that. Pubonan is an elder. Res yw dhis gorwedha. You need to lie down. Retaining is a god. Hi yw ow hwor. She's my sister. She is a great owner. Prag na allav dha weles? Why can't I see you? Prompt what was going to mean? Yw da genes te hweg? Do you like sweet tea? Is it good to have a fair tea? Ple'ma'n amanyn? Where's the butter? Where's that aman? Nyns yw kas genev hemma. I don't hate this. Not a sound to send. An lyver na yw byghan. That book is small. The sister is not too much. Res yw dhedhi y wul lemmyn. She must do it now. The next thing is to start now. Py eur yw hi? What time is it? Py time is it? Hi eth dhe brenassa. She went shopping. She's been beautiful for her. Nyns yw res dhis leverel henna. You don't have to say that. No, she's never known the story of an old man. Yw res dhymm gorthebi an govyn? Do I have to answer that question? Do we resent the house? Nyns yw res dhywgh studhya. You don't have to study. It is not possible to fix you. Esos ta ow studhya? Are you studying? Is he who owns studiya? Benyn ov vy. I am a woman. Good morning. Yth esa hi ow kul glaw. It was raining. There was an error deleting it. Nyns yw ki. It's not a dog. It is not a launch. Yw henna dha gares? Is that your girlfriend? Is he an old friend? Gonn! I know! Gon! Yth esov vy ow kortos. I'm waiting. There was an error deleting it. Esos ta tre? Are you home? What's wrong? Myttin da! Morning! Good myttin! Nyns o res dhywgh gul henna. You didn't need to do that. There is no turning back to history. Ev a vynn dha weres. He is going to help you. His disciples. Eth bloodh yw hi. She is eight. She is a feeder. Teg yw henna. That's beautiful. It's a young man. Nyns yw da gans Tom leth. Tom doesn't like milk. This does not seem to be a half Tom. Ny allav vy perthi kov tra vyth. I can't remember anything. We don't have to import kov. Yth esov ow kul hemma ragos. I'm doing this for you. It was now time to delete something that had happened. Na redyewgh y’n stevel-ma. Don't read in this room. All right, don't bring it up. Res o dhymm degea an daras. I needed to shut the door. You have to close the second. Yw homma dha gath? Is this your cat? What is your cat? My a gews Sowsnek pub dydh. I speak English every day. My house was Sowsnek for a drink. Seytek bloodh yw Helen. Helen is seventeen years old. Helen is a vegetant of food. Nyns yw da gans Tom dybri pysk. Tom doesn't like to eat fish. Tom has no dealing with him. Gwynn yw ow heun. My dogs are white. Point (c) is broken. Res o dhis bos ena. You had to be there. There's probably something wrong with her. Nyns ov agas mab. I am not your son. You're not your son. Res yw dhymm studhya lemmyn. I have to study now. You need to hold me now. My a wra assaya. I try. I'll listen to him. Res yw dhis kavos hansel. You need to have breakfast. Thanks to her, she needs to be at all. Nyns o res dhymm gweles henna. I didn't need to see that. No harm and no sense. Res yw dhymm diberth omma hedhyw. I must leave here today. So I'm out of here. Yth esov vy owth assaya dyski Frynkek. I'm trying to learn French. It was now time to get serious into the assembling. Bras yw an ki ma. This dog is big. It's a big kind of thing. Res yw dhymm dyski Frynkek. I must learn French. We are going to take back to Frynk. Trigys ov vy gans ow hi. I live here with my dog. She had been wasted by her all. Prag y fynn'ta oberi omma? Why do you want to work here? Is this annoying thing? An alhwedhow, mar pleg. The keys, please. The key used, if example. Hemm yw yey. This is ice. I'm fine. Ple'ma dha gi? Where's your dog? Where is he now? Da yw genev tus. I like men. It's fair, oνer. An re na yw keun Tom. Those are Tom's dogs. - No, it's not Tom. Hi a gews Spaynek yn ta. She speaks Spanish well. She's got a Spanish gust's there. Nyns eus den vyth y’n stevel. There's no one in the room. There is no man in the street. Res yw dhywgh y wul. You must do it. You're going to get the sun. Res yw dhis dos omma a-vorow. You must come here tomorrow. Likely her for good. Res yw dhymm diberth skol. I have to leave school. We need a school sacrifice. Yma’n eglos war an vre. The church stands on the hill. Here we go in there. Myttin da! Good morning. Good myttin! Homm yw hy thigen. This is her handbag. Your soul is on our side. Res yw dhyn kewsel. We must talk. This is useful. Nyns yw da genev pysk. I don't like fish. Not too old. Fatel yw an gewer lemmyn? What's the weather like now? Well, is he now? Eus pluven war an desk? Is there a pen on the desk? You know, from a pluven on the desktop? Yth esen vy ow mires ragos. I was looking for you. It was a failure to fail. Mar minhwerthydh, lowen vedhav. If you smile, I'll be happy. As he will do this, you will lose his life. Res yw dhyn gortos omma. We must remain here. This is a doll in here. A wre'ta eva gwin? Do you drink wine? And wre'ta wine? Ottomma agas ki. Here's your dog. Ottomma your kik. My a’th kar ynwedh. I love you, too. I love you. An kerri ma yw bras. These cars are big. That's my car. Nyns ov agas eskar. I am not your enemy. Yourfile is not valid. Ple'th esa an kuntelles? Where was the meeting? Where's the collection? Da yw an desk ma. This desk is good. That's my desk. Yma Tom ow klanhe y stevel. Tom is cleaning his room. Here Tom drown it up. Eus arghans dhywgh? Do you have money? Do you wish to continue converting remaining mails? Nos dha! Good night! No, no! Nyns yw res dhis mos a-vorow. You don't need to go tomorrow. No, it is not a bit of date. Ke gansa. Go with them. Kessa. Yw da genes an liwyow? Do you like the colors? Do you understand the color? Da yw gansa Mary. They like Mary. Good is Mary. “Yw dha wreg Brythones?” “Nag yw, nyns yw Brythones, Albanes yw.” "Is your wife British?" "She isn't British, she's Scottish." “Is British chiefman? ” “No, this is Brythines, Scotland.” Yw res dhymm mos genowgh? Do I have to go with you? What do you want to do? Sowsnek yw taves an bys. English is the world's language. Howsnek is taves the finger. Pymp eur yw. It's five o'clock. It's five o'clock. Ty re gollas dha lawlen. You've lost your umbrella. You're going to go to your hand. Res vydh dhyn gortos. We will have to wait. Good will be fine. My a vynn kavos aval. I want an apple. I thought I'd get to him. Yw res dhymm gul neppyth moy? Do I have to do anything more? Do I wrestling no more fresh? Yw da genowgh y ganow? Do you like his songs? Would you like to have? Skrif dhedhi. Write to her. Recent document Yth esons i ow mos. They're going. There was an error deleting it. Ny vynnav vy gul henna. I don't want to do that. I don't think you were an old man. Mennad a vynn leverel neppyth. Mennad wants to say something. Well, I'm sure what's going on with you. Res yw dhymm godhvos. I must know. You need to find out what's going on. Da yw genev kathes. I like cats. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm... no, no, no, no, no Y vargh yw henna. That's his horse. The woman is an elder. Res yw dhis y wul. You have to do it. Reis the god of the sun. Yma drog penn bras dhymm. I have a bad headache. I'm here very hard for you. My a grys yth o Tom medhow. I think Tom was drunk. My strength hath been of Tom's medhow. Ny welis Tomm. I haven't seen Tom. I don't see Tom. O da genowgh an lyver? Did you like the book? Would you like to hear? Ny vynnav vy gwari. I don't want to play. A man's father's blood. Res o dhymm ponya. I had to run. No, I'm not going to hurt you. Yw da genes an re ma? Do you like these? Is there anything old? Hemm yw liwans. This is a painting. This is a colour. Nyns yw kas genev fleghes! I don't hate children! It is not possible to send some wine! Res vydh dhywgh dos a-vorow. You'll have to come tomorrow. You will be required to access your favourites. Rewgh dhyn diw gollel ha peder forgh, ni a’gas pys. Give us two knives and four forks, please. Be careful to get lost and fine, let's get fish. Res yw dhyn mos lemmyn. We have to go now. You need to do some good now. Res yw dhis mos. You need to go. Reis a mos. Nyns yw da gans Tom choklet. Tom doesn't like chocolate. He doesn't seem to be a coconced Tom. Ny vynnyn ni godhvos. We don't want to know. We don't have any food. Yma dew lyver dhywgh. You have two books. Here you go. Eus mona dhywgh? Do you have any money? Would you like me? Res yw dhymm dybri, ynwedh. I have to eat, too. Yes, I am afraid. Nyns yw res dhis gortos. You don't need to wait. There is no point of view. Eus nown dhis? Are you hungry? From last night? Nyns yw res dhis sevel. You don't need to stand up. There is no point that's up to date. Yw henna dha dhiwros? Is that your bicycle? Is he an old man? Yma dhedhy bleujyow rudh. She has red flowers. Here are some more light blue. Lavar neppyth. Say something. You're not gonna say anything. Yw da genes hav? Do you like summer? Do you have a directory? Res yw dhywgh mos. You need to go. You're going to have a month. My a yll lemmel. I can jump. You can work with me. Ny vynnav vy mos yn-mes. I don't want to go outside. Neither vynnav vy mos is-mes. Ty a allas gweres. You could help. You can help yourself. Yw henna ors? Is that a bear? Is it night old? Ple'ma an ki? Where's the dog? Where's the ki? Yw an re ma agas traow? Are these your things? Is it your roof? Ny vynnav vy mos yn-mes. I don't want to go out. Neither vynnav vy mos is-mes. Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe wul? What are you going to do? What was the matter? A vyn’ta eva gwin yn le leth? Will you drink wine instead of milk? Did he have a wine instead? Ass yw splann an gewer? Isn't the weather great? As is the cheese splendid? Res o dhymm oberi dy Sul. I had to work on Sunday. You want me to go on Sunday. Ple'ma medhek? Where is a doctor? Where's the medic? Yma diw bellwolok dhyn. We have two television sets. There's a guy downstairs. Eus seghyer y’n shoppa-ma? Are there any bags in this shop? From thishyer is our shop-like? Ny allav vy skia. I can't ski. I don't think you should socks. Prag y fynn'ta mos hedhyw? Why do you want to go today? urging that mos a crime? Gwell yw genes koffi. You prefer coffee. You're better at all. Yma diw gath dhymm. I have two cats. There's a ray of heavy rays. My a bon. I run. I'll tell you what I can do. Nyns yw res dhis dos. You don't have to come. No such data source for UID '%s' Kas yw genev homma. I hate this. This is a home Encourage. Ki ow mamm o Oscar. Oscar was my mom's dog. Go back to Mum from Oscar. An pysk ma yw bras. This fish is big. That's my responsibility. Nyns yw res dhywgh godhvos henna. You don't need to know that. It doesn't make this any longer. Yma dhedhi seyth mab. She has seven sons. So there's no-one there ain't another boy. Na wrewgh gortos. Don't wait. Please gortos. Da yw gensi redya. She likes to read. It's good to know you. Yth esons i ow mires orth. They are watching. There was an error deleting it. Google yw ow dyskador. Google is my teacher. Google is a disk usage. Gwra e’ dha honan. Do it yourself. He lied to him. My a studh. I study. My study. Keslowena! Congratulations! Keslowena! Nos dha, Mammik. Good night, Mom. No, Mum. Prag y fynn'ta gul henna? Why do you want to do that? I'll tell you what's going on. Yma diw vyrgh dhyn. We have two daughters. All right, here we go. Nownsek bloodh ov. I am 19 years old. Even last night I'll beg. Drog yw genev koffi. I dislike coffee. It's a fat dog. Y hwra ergh a-vorow. It'll snow tomorrow. The arks have a very favor. My yw dyskador ynwedh. I am a teacher, too. If a Discador is a position. Henn o gow. That was a lie. He's not going to take it. Yw res dhywgh gul hemma lemmyn? Do you have to do this now? Are you sure you want to proceed now? Nyns yw da genev fleghes drog. I don't like bad children. Not good news at all. My a vynn ki nowydh. I want a new dog. I was going to learn it. Res o dhymm mos ena de. I had to go there yesterday. You come from my house. Nyns yw da gans Tom hemma. Tom doesn't like this. Tom has no dealings with him. Res yw dhis dehweles. You must return. [Background voice of cop] Ple'ma an ki? Where is the dog? Where's the ki? Yma hi ow kul glaw arta. It's raining again. Here she carried a rain glass. Gwrys yn ta! Well done! Done! Py par ilow yw da gans Tom? What kind of music does Tom like? Do you want to start the music with Tom? Pur wynsek yw an gewer. The weather is very windy. The cheese's pulsy. My a’s kar. I love her. My car. A wruss'ta eva gwin? Did you drink wine? A presents'ta wine eva? Ni a allas assaya arta. We could try again. We can't assaya ar. My a vynn eva. I want to drink. I think I'm gonna go. An ki ma yw bras. This dog is big. It's the kind of shit. Res vydh dhis dos omma. You'll have to come here. She will do a good for her. Hemm yw agas lyver. This is your book. I'm here to hear you. Ple’ma hy chi? Where is her house? Where are you going to do this? Teg yw an gewer. The weather is beautiful. It's fair fresh. Nyns yw an re na puskes. Those are not fish. Not enough space available Kernow yw bro geltek. Cornwall is a Celtic country. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no My a red y lyver. I read his book. My and the current I used to. Tom a aswon tas Maria. Tom knows Mary's father. Tom ass Maria. Res vydh dhis dalleth. You'll have to start. She will be a blind man. Yth esa gols loos dhymm. I had gray hair. It's a slick lofty, and it's fine. Goslow orto. Listen to him. Goslow on it. Fatel o an gewer de? How was the weather yesterday? Fate? Da yw genev keun. I like dogs. It's your cute business. Res yw dhodho dos. He must come. This is the future for the door. Gwell yw genev redya. I prefer to read. It's like there's something I need to do with it. Res yw dhymm godhvos neppyth. I need to know something. Relaxing is neppy. Res yw dhyn hwath kewsel orth Tom. We still need to talk to Tom. There is still need to get Tom. Skwith ov vy. I'm tired. Good morning. Yth esa ev ow mires orti. He was looking at her. There was an error deleting it. Res yw dhedha studhya. They need to study. Reladhaya is good. Yth esa va a’y esedh war an kay. He was sitting on the quay. He was standing on the dog. Res yw dhywgh dalleth! You need to start! You're blind man! Kas yw genev an dre ma. I hate this town. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Res yw dhymm hwath kewsel orth Tom. I still need to talk to Tom. I still need to get Tom. Res yw dhis mos tre. You must go home. Reis a good mos. Rudh yw an ebron. The sky is red. Something's up. Yw da genowgh tesen? Do you like cake? Would you like to tesen? Res yw dhywgh goslowes orthyn. You need to listen to us. You do not have the right permissions. Ple y’n gwelowgh? Where do you see him? What do you see? Da yw genen an ergh. We like the snow. That's the bearer's head. A ny wre’ta kara kathes? Don't you like cats? Is it when you love kathes? Res yw dhyn gul henna. We needed to do that. This is an old animal. Ny allav vy oberi haneth. I can't work tonight. And that love's going to do it. A nyns yw da genes kevewiow? Don't you like parties? Where's your birth gonna find it? Res yw dhywgh diberth. You must leave. You need a sacrifice. Homm yw da lowr. This is OK. Good love is ours. Ke! Go! Ke! Yma’n ki ma dhymmo vy. This dog is mine. Here's what I say. Gorthugher da! Good evening. Good shepherd! Ny allav. I can't. Don't look like that. Ple’ma Laurie? Where is Laurie? Where does Laurie mean? Yw da genes leth choklet? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you get a half coked? Yma dhe’m modrep tri flogh. My aunt has three children. Here’s about my modrep three flowers. Os ta studhyer? Are you a student? If a stencil is that? Red an lyver ma! Read this book! Red the malyver! Yth esov vy yn Dubai. I'm in Dubai. There was an error trying to get it done for Dubai. Ny wor den vyth hy hanow. No one knows her name. No one is left with her name. Kas yw genev diwosow hweg. I hate sweet drinks. Send is an unresolved generation. Yma pymp koweth dhymm. I have five friends. I don't know if anything's going on with us. Yth esen vy ow megi. I was smoking. There was an error deleting it. Kas yw genev honna. I hate that. This is a generation of men. Hemm yw ow jynn-amontya. This is my computer. This is a computer. Yw res dhyn gortos ragos? Do we need to wait for you? Does he reintroduce a rage? Piw os? Who are you? Who if? Hager yw homma. This is ugly. It's homma. Nyns yw res dhywgh mos a-ji. You don't have to go inside. You are not allowed to make this problem. My a dhallathas skrifa an lyver. I started writing the book. If you close the document anyway, you will lose that information. Yma hi owth ola. She is crying. Here she exaggerated oil. Ni a allas gortos. We could wait. We can't gortos. O da genes an lyver na? Did you like that book? O the mouths of the lyver? Ny vynnav vy koska. I don't want to sleep. I don't care if it's dead sensitive. Nyns en vy mar grev avel ow thas. I wasn't as strong as my father. It is not like all over. I a’s ewnas. They fixed it. I and I. Hager yw an gador ma. This chair is ugly. It's a fat dog. Nyns yw res dhedhi oberi. She doesn't need to work. It is not a recent move. Ny gonvedh Tom Frynkek. Tom doesn't understand French. Don't save Tom Frynk. I a gewsis Frynkek. They spoke French. I got Frynk. Skath yw honna That's a boat. Jump to First Unread or New Message Eus arghans dhis? Do you have any money? From her songs? Honn o teg. That was beautiful. This is me. Res o dhymm mos tre. I had to go home. You're in charge of my life. Res o dhywgh dos de. You had to come yesterday. You're right. Py liw yw an vleujen ma? What colour is this flower? Py colour is my light? My a vynn dha weles a-vorow. I will see you tomorrow. [Background voice of cop] Ev a dheuth omma rag ow gweres. He came here to help me. Oh therefore, aren't even of all the money. Nyns esa Maria ena. Mary wasn't there. No, he's a Maria. Nyns yw da genev oyow. I don't like eggs. The file that you dropped is not valid. Ty a allas gul hemma. You could do this. You can go back to my house. Yth esen vy ow kwari omma. I was playing here. It was a failure. Fatel vydh an gewer a-vorow? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? Fat How about your favourite? Res yw dhymm mos arta. I must go back. Give us a mosta. dy'Sadorn yw hedhyw. Today is Saturday. She's Saturday. Nyns yw res dhywgh gweres. You don't have to help. It is not going to happen. Ty a yll dos. You can come. You can drop yours. Lowen ov vy. I am happy. Son of a bitch. Ny vynnav vy gortos omma. I don't want to stay here. Likely her for good. Any taxis around here. A yll’ta ow klewes? Can you hear me? Can't you move down? Ny yll'ta mos yn-mes. You can't go outside. - That's mine. - It's not. Py par ki yw hemma? What kind of dog is this? What kind of universal does he look like? Yma'n dyskador nowyth yn stevel an klass. The new teacher is in the classroom. Here is the new who lies to the category. Yth esa an den ow tybri bara. The man was eating bread. It was a burglary type. Kas yw genev difunellow. I hate alarm clocks. This is an unbearable generation. My a wra dybri aval. I eat an apple. I'll listen to him. Edgar Degas yw ow hanow. My name is Edgar Degas. Edgar Degas is from his name. Yth esov vy ow tybri li. I'm eating lunch. It was a bit like that, and he was still running. Py eur yw hi poran? What is the exact time? Py time is she puin? Drog yw an aval ma. This apple is bad. This is my aval. My a red lyver. I read a book. I'll tell you what I can do. Ny vynnav gorwedha. I don't want to lie down. I don't think you're gonna be fighting. Pur dhrog yw genev! I'm really sorry! It's sad! Yth eson ni ow redya. We're reading. There was an error deleting it. My a wra mos dhe ober. I go to work. My voice will listen to do this. Pyth yw hanow agas tas? What's your father's name? What is your name? Nyns yw da gans Tom an tybyans na. Tom doesn't like that idea. The simulation is not valid. Nyns yw res dhywgh gowleverel. You don't need to lie. It is not a recurring row. Pygemmys? How much? Const. Pyty? Bras yw ow hi. My dog is big. She's a big owner. Hemm yw da lowr. This is OK. We're going to have a good shot. Ny allav y ygeri! I can't open it! I didn't say any more to you. Res o dhyn kerdhes tre. We had to walk home. You're gonna be prompted to access very soon. Tomm re’s gwelas. Tom has seen it. You're too hot as we see. Lowen yw hi. She is happy. Howen is she. Res yw dhedhi dos. She needs to come. The second is a door. Ny ylli Tomm kavos Maria. Tom couldn't find Mary. You cannot find a suitable Maria. My a wre oberi ganso. I used to work with him. It'll do my thing. My a allsa amma dhywgh. I could kiss you. I'm going to make it right for you. Yma’n eglos na war vre. That church stands on a hill. Here we go, Don. Res yw dhyn diberth lemmyn. We have to leave now. There is no need for a sacrifice now. Nyns yw da ganso pysk. He doesn't like fish. It is not valid. Hi a vynn kewsel. She wants to speak. She's been beautiful. Ple’th os ta trigys lemmyn? Where do you live now? Where is your peace now? Tom a enowis an gantol gans an tanbren. Tom lit the candle with the match. Bagpipe well known, let's see. Yma ki gwynn dhe Tom. Tom has a white dog. Here is her white house of Tom. O da genowgh an lyver na? Did you like that book? Would you like to do this? Re dhiwedhes yw. It's too late. It is too late. Nyns o res dhymm mos. I didn't have to go. No doubt I want to overwrite it. Ple'ma hemma? Where is this? Where is this? Gorta omma. Wait here. Go! Go! Go! An lyver ma a skrifis. I wrote this book. If I don't know. Ov, demedhys ov. Yes, I am married. No, I'm dead ov. Ober da! Good job! Do good! Golusek os ta. You're wealthy. Goluscence if there are. Yma tri broder dhedhi. She has three brothers. Here are three few days later. Res o dhodho mos ena. He had to go there. You're gonna say it's a bit late for me. Res yw dhymm kewsel genowgh. I must talk with you. You have to wait to have. Yw res dhis gul henna? Do you have to do that? Does she feel like an old woman? Ny yll ev dos; klav yw. He cannot come, he is ill. You can't go to the door. It's for a while. Nyns yw res dhis dos a-vorow. You don't have to come tomorrow. No, it's not so seated. Skwith ov vy! I'm sleepy! I'll tell you what I'm doing. Ny vynn'ta mos ena. You don't want to go there. I don't care if I don't care about it. Ple'ma an boos? Where is the food? Where's the boots? Ma logos oth ola an dowr. Mice are drinking the water. My logos oth oil the door. Ple'ma an tren? Where is the train? Where's the train? My a wrug konvedhes. I understood. My family used to access me. Goslow orti. Listen to her. Goslow you. Gorhemynadow a Gernow! Greetings from Cornwall! Gorhemynow and Gernow! Ny yll'ta dybri omma. You can't eat here. Can not get folder: %s: %s Yma’n maw na ow kewsel Sowsnek. That boy is speaking English. Here is the dead and owner of Howsnek. Res o dhymm gul neppyth. I had to do something. There's no-one I want to go with. Res yw dhyn fistena. We have to hurry. Give it to your face. Res o dhymm gortos. I had to wait. You have to come back. Hi a blegyas lenn. She folded a blanket. She has read. Gav dhymm, my a’th pys. Please forgive me. I tell you, you're a cat. Es’ta owth eva gwin? Did you drink wine? Is it a wine pressure? Yeyn yw hemma. This is cold. That is ours. Goliys yw Tom. Tom is wounded. Tom is a light man. Ev yw ow broder. He is my brother. Ev is the owner of pride. My re bia ow studhya. I've been studying. My old studiya food. Nyns yw da gensi an liw ma. She doesn't like this color. The current colour is not valid. Ny vynnav vy bos omma. I don't want to be here. Likely her for good. Any taxis around here. Na wra dos. Don't come. [Background voice of cop] Da yw gensi an ki na. She likes that dog. I'm sorry to hear that. Avan yw pur gostek. Raspberries are very expensive. Avan is five feet. Kig ha pysk a werth an gwerthji na. That store sells meat and fish. Kig and value are the same value. Nyns yw da genev leth. I don't like milk. It's not a bit, isn't it? An re ma yw enevales. These are animals. It's too good if you want to endures. Ny’m beus tokyn. I don't have a ticket. Don't have enough balls. An gath na yw gell. That cat is brown. The cat is not a cell. Yth esa an dowrgi ow kwari y'n avon. The otter was playing in the river. It was now annoying cwarn. Deus omma! Come here! When you do, let's go! Yma teyr hath dhis. You have three cats. Oh, here is the story for her. Yma lyver dhymm. I have a book. Here I hear. Os ta demedhys? Are you married? If I am ready? Res o dhymm gweles Tom. I had to see Tom. You have seen Tom. Nyns yw pur vras an chi-ma. This house isn't very big. This is not a large one. Nyns yw da genev glanhe. I don't like to clean. No, she's not very clean. Pyth esos ta ow kul? What're you doing? What if there's a sun? Gav dhymm! Forgive me! I don't care if I do. Nyns yw da genev koffi. I don't like coffee. It's not a precinct. Duw genowgh! Goodbye! Goodbye! Res yw dhymm hwath gul henna. I still need to do that. I still need an old animal. Ny vynnons dos. They don't want to come. I don't think you're a vynnons. Hanow an ki na yw Ken. That dog's name is Ken. The device name is more than Ken. Yw da genes dha garr? Do you like your car? Is he a car? Yma nown dhyn. We're hungry. Here are two. Ogh. Alas. Oh. Res yw dhymm oberi a-vorow. I have to work today. We've got to do some good. Da yw genev te. I like tea. It's you, you're a fat dog. Yth esons i ow tiberth. They're leaving. It was a reason to let her know. Yma marth dhehda. They're surprised. There's dead drink. Hemm yw ow thas. This is my father. This is what I am about. My a brenas naw flour. I bought nine flowers. I don't care if you want to go nine flowers. Y fynnav skrifa lyther. I am going to write a letter. I don't know what documents you're talking about. Yw hemma agas lyver hwi? Is this your book? Have you ever seen your face? An gwav ma yw tomm. This winter is warm. My blood is hot. Da yw gensi fav. She likes beans. It's your son's birth. Homm yw koynt. This is odd. SERVANT Homm is so cute. Da yw gans Maria mires orth an bellwolok. Mary likes watching TV. With Mariaíns the bell, a people will be taken back to Maria. Hi a wel agas margh. She sees your horse. She'll see your ass. Gwra fistena. Hurry up. I'll tell you what I'm doing. Yw hi dha vamm? Is she your mother? Is she his mum? Nyns o res dhywgh prena an lyver. You didn't need to buy the book. Not enough space available on the destination. Ny allav vy redya homma. I can't read this. I don't think you'd have to tell me what's wrong with your room. 25 bloodh ov. I'm 25 years old. 25 years old. Res yw dhyn gorfenna hemma. We need to finish this. Your battery has to be completed. Nyns yw res dhywgh gul hemma. You don't need to do this. It is not going to fit out. Yma an ki ow tybri y voos. The dog is eating its food. Here is the hen of the ball. Res o dhyn y wul arta We had to do it again. Answer from the sun on Da o genev Tom. I liked Tom. You're sorry to Tom. Res o dhymm fistena. I had to hurry. You come from my room. Kas yw genev Tom lemmyn. I hate Tom now. Send the army of Tom now. Fatel yw an gewer yn-mes? What's the weather like outside? Fatel is the cheese in-mes? Bysi yw Tas ow skrifa lytherow. Father is busy writing letters. Specifies how the document opens the web document. My a wre triga gensi. I used to live with her. It's like I've been born. Res o dhodho diberth an drev. He had to leave the village. You're gonna say we're gonna make the most of them. Ny allav vy lewya. I can't drive. I don't think you should love him. Yth esa hi ow mires orto. She was looking at him. It was a bit late for you. Ki byghan yw an gwettha. Little dogs are the worst. Too many times to keep track of. Ty a wra dos dhe bymp eur. You came at five. [Background voice of cop] Eus arghans genowgh hwi? Do you have money? Would you like to? Hou. Hi. Hou. I a bonyas. They ran. See you around. Nyns yw res dhywgh dos. You don't have to come. It is not a row. Pandr’a wren dhe dhybri? What will we eat? What does it do about you? An re ma yw ow lyvrow. These are my books. Those who own lyvrow. Henn o teg. That was beautiful. He's got a cup of tea. Tomm yw hi. It is hot. She's hot. A vynn'ta kavos neppyth dhe eva? Would you like anything to drink? What's up to him? Res yw dhywgh eva dowr. You have to drink water. You're supposed to be bad. Res vydh dhis dos genev. You'll have to come with me. She will be late for you. Kas yw genev hy hatt. I hate her hat. So, it's... there's... there's... there's... there's something wrong with it. Ny allav vy perthi kov lemmyn. I can't remember now. We don't have to import kov now. Farwell dhis! Goodbye! Farwell dis! Trigys ov vy yn Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Good service in Hologo. Gwell yw genev rudh. I prefer red. It's the best of a thing, man. My a gar ow mamm. I love my mother. I love my mum. Res yw dhis dybri. You have to eat. You're a jerk. Lyver yw henna. That's a book. It's an old man. A yllowgh hwi neuvya? Are you able to swim? Can you choose to continue? Yma diw desen. There were two cakes. There's a desen dar. My a’s kar. I love them. My car. Rych os. You are rich. Don't talk if it's too late. Res yw dhis dybri neppyth. You have to eat something. There's no-one's jerk. Yth esov vy ow tiberth lemmyn. I'm leaving now. It was now... Da yw genev an re ma. I like these. That's the kind of thing you've ever seen. Nyns yw res dhywgh y wul omma. You don't have to do it here. No such thing as you do. Py liw yw ow gols? What color is your hair? Py colour is gold owner? An losten na yw hir. That skirt is long. It's not a long job. Mres Brown a gonvedh Nihonek. Mrs. Brown understands Japanese. Mres Brown would be injured Nihoneek. Ny wonn henna. I don't know that. Don't make an elder. Gorthargyadow yw an govyn ma. This question is controversial. It's not like I'm having a mutiny window. Yma sehes dhymm. I am thirsty. Here hes heavy. Yw hemma dha lyther? Is this your letter? What does he look like? Kemmer an ki rag kerdh. Take the dog for a walk. The mode of the indicator for looking up. Res yw dhywgh gweles hemma. You must see this. You have to look at you. Res yw dhodho diberth. He needs to leave. He's gonna do this. Yw da genowgh benenes? Do you like women? Would you like to have had a wedding? My a bew an ki ma. This dog is mine. Every day after what's happened. Res yw dhis goslowes orta. You have to listen to them. You're a goslowes dial. Glyb yw Tom. Tom is wet. This is Tom. Hemm yw dha ji. This is your house. I'm going to go. Res yw dhyn mos arta. We must go back. Your answer is fine. Res o dhymm mos. I had to go. You should come from my house. An chiow na yw bras. Those houses are big. It's not big. Esos ta genen? Are you with us? Eos a generation? Glas yw ow dewlagas. My eyes are blue. Blue is ownership. My a dheuth rag y ladha. I came to kill him. You'll tell me what's going on. Da yw genev keun, ynwedh. I like dogs, too. It's a cute generation. Once you've got it. Yth esov vy ow tos arta. I'm coming back. It was now time to get serious. Yma drog penn dhymm an myttin ma. I have a headache this morning. There's only one man I need one man here. Ev a wrug dos a-dro dhe beder eur. He came at about four o'clock. Ev, we'll make a big deal out of time. Hi a ganas yn lowen. She sang happily. She and since in a lowen. Melyn yw an howl. The sun is yellow. Yellow is the light. Res vydh dhymm gul henna. I'll have to do that. I'm going to make an old life. My a wre oberi ragdho. I used to work for him. If I'd do it, I'd do it. My a wre dos omma. I used to come here. If I do do make sure you want to. Res o dhymm assaya neppyth. I had to try something. I'm beginning to assaya neppy. Nyns yw kas genev Tom. I don't hate Tom. He's not sending fissive Tom. Yma dhodho diwla smodh. He has smooth hands. Here he will come in and die. An re ma yw teg. These are beautiful. It's too fair. Nyns yw da genev homma. I don't like this. It's not like you and me are, is it? Res yw dhymm hwath kewsel orti. I still need to talk to her. I still need some training. Teg yw dha vargh. Your horse is beautiful. It's a tragedy. Yma hi ow ri dhe bub flogh dew aval. She's giving each child two apples. Here she carries down to one of her avorous buds. Yth eson ni owth assaya konvedhes. We're trying to understand. It was now time to get log out. Usi hi tre? Is she at home? Usi her Very? Yma'n ki ow koska y'n karr. The dog is sleeping in the car. Here he carries the car. Nyns yw da genev korev. I don't like beer. It's not fair, isn't it? Ygor yw an daras. The door is open. Yor is the second. My a wre gwari omma. I used to play here. If I leave her here, I'd be fucking sorry. Yeyn yw homma. This is cold. Yes, it's homma. Prag y hwruss’ta henna? Why did you do that? Do you think that is an elder? Nyns yw da gans Tom keun. Tom doesn't like dogs. The next station is not valid. Toshio, piw yw da genes? Toshio, who do you like? Toh, pew is good birth? Tri hoffi, mar pleg. Three coffees, please. Three likes, as an explanation. Res yw dhyn dowra an vleujen. We must water the flower. The light of light is hard. Ty a allas ponya. You could run. Ty who canas ponya. Res yw dhyn assaya. We must try. It's your assaya. Demedhys ov hag yma dhymm dew flogh. I am married and have two children. I think I don't know what I mean and here I don't care about you. Res yw dhymm diberth arta. I have to leave again. We need to sacrifice on it. Trigys ov vy yn chi yn Druru. I live in a house in Truro. Good term you're Druru. Mynn. Yes, she will. - I don't think so. Eus arghans dhis? Do you have money? From her songs? Ni a dhallathas dhe hwegh eur. We started at six. Not enough time to start. Yw henna lowr? Is that enough? Is there an elder? Da yw genev keun ha kathes. I like dogs and cats. It's you're a cute, beautiful girl. Ev a wel dha vargh. He sees your horse. He's gonna see his finger. Res yw dhymm hwath kewsel orthis. I still need to talk to you. I still need to be polite. Piw a’n torras? Who broke it? Do you become pregnant? Nadelik Lowen! Merry Christmas! Nadelik Lowen! Ki os ta. You are a dog. Ki if there. Ny vynnav vy oberi hedhyw. I don't want to work today. I don't think he's gonna do it. Ple’ma dha sagh? Where's your bag? Where's his mouth? Da yw genev ow kwari gans ow hi. I like playing with my dog. It's her girl's turn to her. O res dhis gul henna? Did you have to do that? Restore she's been old? Saw ny yll den vyth ow gweres. But nobody can help me. Any man can help him. Ny allav vy mos tre. I can't go home. I don't think you should be a great day. Ty wocki! You idiot! Thy wocki! Ple'ma an den? Where is the man? Where's the man? Res yw dhodho glanhe y stevel. He must clean his room. It's like he's gonna make it clear. Ro dhymm gwedrennas a leth. Give me a glass of milk. I'm going to make a reunion. My a’m beus jynn-amontya. I have a computer. My computer has gone. Tom yw nebes kottha agesov. Tom is a little older than me. It's a few days ago. Nyns yw res dhyn diberth hwath. We don't need to leave yet. There is not enough sacrifice yet. Yth esen vy ow kewsel. I was speaking. There was a problem that had been bookish. Nyns o res dhymm gwertha ow harr. I didn't need to sell my car. There wasn't any other value I didn't want to store. Na gows orthiv y’n vaner-na! Don't talk to me like that. Don't worry about that moment! Dewgh yn-mes. Come outside. Come on. Come on. Diwedhes yw hi. She is late. It is recent. Hi a wrug glaw de. It rained yesterday. She wrug a rain of. Yeyn ov. I'm cold. Yes, sir. Ow thas yw ev. He's my dad. No, that's got to drink. Ny yll'ta prena henna. You can't buy that. He's not able to buy an old man's. Fatla genes hedhyw? How are you today? Fatla was a woman? Ple’th yw trigys dha das gwynn? Where does your grandfather live? Where is it a white good work? Kemmer with. Take care. Mail Merge - Setup Database Connection Yth esov owth anwosi, dell grysav. I'm catching a cold, I believe. It was a time when she was unscrewed. It was a slammed. Yw hemma lowr? Is this enough? What does he look like? Yw res dhywgh gul henna lemmyn? Do you need to do that now? Are you sure you want to quit now? Nyns eus dhedha nown. They're not hungry. There is no sound that. Da yw genev Tatoeba. I like Tatoeba. It's called Tatoeba. Ev a dhybris frutys ha losow-kegin. He ate fruit and vegetables. Ev, I'm trying to murder, and I'm gonna burn. Penn-bloodh lowen, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Main-blooded lowen, Shishir! My a wre dybri kig. I used to eat meat. It's my young yog. Yma nown dhymm. I am hungry. Here we go, sir. Nyns yw res dhymm studhya haneth. I don't have to study tonight. It doesn't make me feel wise. Kewer drog yw. It is bad weather. It's a long way. My a wrug dos. I came. My wrug dos. Ny allav vy payntya. I can't paint. I don't think you should pay. A wodhowgh hwi neyja? Can you swim? Would you like to continue? Da yw genev neuvya. I like to swim. It's man's nice, isn't he? Eus mona dhodho? Does he have money? From the final coin? Glyb yw henna. That is wet. It is an old man. Res yw dhywgh mos lemmyn. You need to go now. You're now. Yth esa mab dhymm. I had a son. It was a D-Bus son. Nyns yw da gans Tom an gwari ma. Tom doesn't like this game. This animal does not belong to Tom. Py liw yw y vlew? What colour is his hair? What color is the oil? Prag y fynn'ta mos pyskessa? Why do you want to go fishing? urging that mosiesa mosiesa? Gwynn yw ow hi. My dog is white. It is write to her. Yw hemma da lowr? Is this OK? What does he look like? Res yw dhymm kewsel genes. I must speak with you. We've got to find out what's going on with you. My a gollas ow thokyn. Pyth yw res dhymm y wul? I lost my ticket. What should I do? If you were lost, I would not return the sun? Kas yw genev ow hentrevoges. I hate my neighbour. This is the cause for all of us in the war. Prag yth yw res dhis gul henna lemmyn? Why do you need to do that now? Is it easier for her to be old hath now? Prag y fynn'ta dos genev? Why do you want to come with me? urging the dos'ta dos generic? Pymp dhe beder eur yw. It's five to four. We're about to set time. Ki Tom yw gwynn. Tom's dog is white. Ki Tom is white. Yeyn yw an gewer. The weather is cold. It's the cheese. Eus dhis hwor, Juan? Do you have a sister, Juan? From her husband, Juan? Res yw dhywgh assaya. You have to try. You're ready to go. Margh yw hemma. This is a horse. Because it is dead. Ev o drog pes gans y gentrevoges. He was displeased with his neighbor. I don't know what the Allies were there. My a wra studhya. I study. I'll listen to him. Kas yw genev ow hentrevoges. I hate my neighbor. This is the cause for all of us in the war. My a allas kerdhes. I could walk. It's possible to access me. Skwith ov vy! I'm tired! I'll tell you what I'm doing. Ny yll'ta mos hwath. You can't go yet. - Can't you see it yet. Ny yll'ta diberth hwath. You can't leave yet. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. a vydh hi ergh haneth? Will it snow tonight? will she be wise? My a vynn y ri dhe Tom. I'll give it to Tom. I thought I'd come round to Tom. Eus marth dhis? Are you surprised? From her marth? Tomm yw. It's warm. It's hot. Ny allav vy eva leth. I can't drink milk. No one's had a head tag. Yw da genwogh dha vroder? Do you like your brother? Do you love your citizens? Teg yw agas margh. Your horse is beautiful. Your assembling is fair. Res yw dhywgh mos. You have to go. You're going to have a month. Y fynnons agan kavos. They'll find us. The men's hold me. Usi ev tre? Is he at home? How about you? Yw res dhywgh gul henna lemmyn? Do you have to do that now? Are you sure you want to quit now? Da yw genev gwav. I like winter. And that's blood's generation. Yma nown dhywgh. You're hungry. Now, let's get you out of here. Res yw dhis bos ena. You need to be there. It's good to see you. Res vydh dhywgh dos genev. You'll have to come with me. You will be sorry. Nyns yw gwag. He isn't hungry. It is not empty. Res yw dhymm mos arta. I have to go back. Give us a mosta. Eus mona gensi? Does she have money? Do you know what I mean? Dha weles! See you! [Background voice of cop] Res o dhyn gweres Tom. We had to help Tom. You're gonna get Tom. My a vynn dybri. I want to eat. I'm gonna ask you. Py lies lyver eus dhis? How many books do you have? Multi-tier Py of a dia? A allav vy? Can I? Does thatla vy? Yma an ki ow tybri. The dog is eating. Here is the logo of yybri. Res o dhyn gul neppyth. We had to do something. No-one's got a light. Res yw dhis dybri neppyth. You must eat something. There's no-one's jerk. Da yw genev dybri pysk. I like to eat fish. That's an unpredictable generation. Ni a vynnas gortos. We wanted to wait. We did not gortos. Ev a wre triga omma. He used to live here. Ev made sure she was dead. My a bren paperyow-nowodhow pub dydh. I buy newspapers every day. If you want to keep it, you can go through it. A allses ta ow gweres? Could you help me? Where is he who comes from? Nyns yw da genev ponya. I don't like to run. Not a sound or user. Py liw yw? What colour is it? What is it? Koth, hager ha tew yw. She's old, ugly and fat. It's carcass, and it's tea. Py lyver a brensys? What book did you buy? Pylyver a hurry? My a vynn kavos ergh. I want snow. I wasn't sorry. Ev a wre redya nosweyth. He used to read at night. Ev wre runningya or network. Nyns o res dhyn fistena. We didn't need to hurry. There are no items to show. My a wra mos dhe'n diwotti. I'm going to the pub. I'll listen to my boots. A allav vy usya an bluven ma? May I use this pen? Was that ready to use? An mowysi a ober. The girls work. The Onions do it. Nyns yw res dhymm goslowes orthis. I don't have to listen to you. No harm and no sense. Ny allav vy kewsel Almaynek. I can't speak German. That is so beautiful that it may not be useful. Glawek o an gewer. The weather was rainy. Rain from the grass. My a wre oberi ragdha. I used to work for them. I thought I'd do it. Pandr'a vynnydh dhe gavos What do you want to have? See fewer results Res yw dhywgh gweres agas mamm. You must help your mother. You need to help your mother. Res o dhymm mos arta. I had to go back. You come from my hand. Yw da genowgh mergh? Do you like horses? Would you like to continue? Yth esov vy ow hwilas hwel dhe wul. I'm looking for work. It was now time to search for task. Nyns o res dhywgh gul henna. You didn't have to do that. There is no turning back to history. Yw homma bleujen? Is this a flower? What are you saying? Res yw dhis gul hemma. You need to do this. You have to make sure she is a long time. I a yll dos. They can come. I can use it. Yma dhymm unn gath hag unn ki. I own one cat and one dog. I'm here a ray and a single city. Res o dhymm hedhi. I had to stop. I was just gonna cancel. My a vynn gortos. I want to stay. I'm going to gortos. Yma’n ydhyn ow kana. The birds are singing. He used to own a dog. Res yw dhywgh oberi. You have to work. You don't need to do this. Ev a vynn donsya. He wants to dance. Ev we're gonna be bad. A gewsir Sowsnek yn Canada? Is English spoken in Canada? Is Sowsnek sent in Canada? Kewsewgh dhymm. Speak to me. Give me some room. Tom a vynn kavos ki. Tom wants to get a dog. I thought you wouldn't want to get him. Ygor an darasow ma. Open these doors. Yor is the second ma. Yw res dhymm dybri gensi? Do I have to eat with her? Do I resent? Res yw dhywgh mos lemmyn. You have to go now. You're now. Pes bloodh owgh? How old are you? Why do you want to wait? Yw hemma dha win? Is this your wine? What does he look like for? Res yw dhodho dos. He needs to come. This is the future for the door. Res yw dhywgh goslowes orti. You need to listen to her. You don't have to reason. Yw res dhywgh gortos? Do you have to stay? Are you sure you wish to catch? Meur ras! Thank you! Thank you! Res yw dhymm dyski. I have to learn. This is going to take you back. Lowen yw Ken. Ken is happy. Ken's low. Nyns yw hemma arghans. This isn't silver. Not connected. Poos yw an lyver ma. This book is heavy. Poos is the I tellver. Yw da genes gwin? Do you like wine? Is it good to have a wine? Yma ki dhe ow hwor. My sister has a dog. All right, all right. Mar pleg. Please. - I'll tell you what I'm telling you. Res yw dhywgh goslowes orta. You need to listen to them. You're going to take part in your contact list. Res yw dhywgh diberth. You have to leave. You need a sacrifice. I a dhiberth a-vorow. They leave tomorrow. I'm a good divirth. Gwag os, dell dybav. I suppose you're hungry. Empty if so, try again. Pes bloodh os ta? What's your age? Or if there's a bully? Ple’ma dha skol? Where is your school? Where is your school? Gwra dybri dha voos. Eat your food. Buy him if he's gone. Ple'ma hy hi? Where is her dog? Where is she? Ny wor. He does not know. Don't touch. Ny yll Tom dha weres lemmyn. Tom can't help you now. He can't be found now. Yma anwos warnedhi. She has a cold. Now there's a second word. Piw yw ev? Who's he? Who is he? My a’s gorras y’th roum. I put it in your room. It’s my heart and your humiliation. Res yw dhymm mos ena. I have to go there. Give it to me. Helen, ow heniterow yw homma. Helen, this is my cousin. Helen, homma is the owner of an elder. Pyth esos ow hwilas? What are you looking for? Do you want to search for? Ny yll'ta prena honna. You can't buy that. You can't buy it. An venyn a olas pan glewas an yeyn-nowodhow. The woman cried when she heard the bad news. The woman's oil, when she cast in more light. Yma ow ponya. He is running. Here he owns. Piw a vynn kavos tesen? Who wants cake? What about you and me? Res vydh dhis diberth lemmyn. You'll have to leave now. She will now be brought up. Yth esov war y lergh. I'm behind him. It was better on the back. Ny vynnyn ni gortos. We don't want to wait. We didn't have a gortos. An gador ma yw hager. This chair is ugly. Why don't you sit down? Yma dhodho unn gath ha dew gi. He owns one cat and two dogs. Here he will come a νery and fair dog. An kist yw bras ha poos. The box is big and heavy. It's the box that's very hard. Yth esov vy owth oberi. I'm working. There was a bit of a day going on. Nyns eus peder hwor dhymm. I don't have four sisters. There is no do n't matter what I am. Prag yth esowgh hwi owth eva dowr? Why are you drinking water? Do you think you've been on your door? Goslowewgh orti. Listen to her. Welcome to you. Res yw dhis goslowes. You have to listen. Reis a goslowes di. Maria a’m aswon. Mary knows me. Maria and I were assembling. My a garsa kewsel orth Judy. I'd like to speak to Judy. I love Judy's fissel. My a’m beus diwros koth. I have an old bicycle. I got my gear. Yma va ow tybri aval. He's eating an apple. Here he was owned by an abri aval. Res yw dhis leverel dhymm. You must tell me. Reis a dim leverel dym. Res yw dhymm godhvos a-vorow. I need to know tomorrow. We've got to do some good. My a dheber. I eat. I'm gonna go. Yma ki du dhymm. I have a black dog. Here's a black egg. Res yw dhymm gwelesTom. I must see Tom. I have to see you. Eus mona dhis? Do you have any money? From her coin? Gourvleydh yw ev. He's a werewolf. That is enough. Da yw genev goslowes orth an radyo. I like to listen to the radio. That's what you've got, you've got to say. Honn yw ow hath. That's my cat. This is a former owner. Liwans yw hemma. This is a painting. Colour is low. Ro dhyn diw gollel ha peder forgh, mar pleg. Give us two knives and four forks, please. I'll give you a fine man, yes. Yma genev lyver. There's a book with me. You're saying I've got to tell you what's going on with me. Res yw dhymm oberi haneth. I must work tonight. We need everything. A wodhes? Do you know? How should I access? Homm yw ow thigen. This is my handbag. Your soul is to allow you to come. Res yw dhodho diberth lemmyn. He must leave now. We need to make a sacrifice now. Res yw dhymm dalleth. I have to start. Answer is blind. Eus kov dhywgh? Do you remember? You're fromkov? Res yw dhymm oberi a-vorow. I have to work tomorrow. We've got to do some good. Nyns yw da gans Tom pysk. Tom doesn't like fish. The next step is not valid. Hi a vynn donsya. She wants to dance. She's been a dusya. Yw res dhymm y wul lemmyn? Must I do it now? Why do we now reassurance the sun? Ki Ken yw hemma. This is Ken's dog. normally, you can't find it. Yw res dhis oberi dy Sul? Do you have to work on Sundays? Does she do that to you? Mall yw gansa dha weles. They're eager to see you. No, the honor is mine. Hemm yw margh. This is a horse. I'm sorry. Nyns yw res dhis oberi hedhyw. You don't need to work today. It is not her turn to life. Eus seghes dhis? Are you thirsty? What's it about? Esos ta ow mires? Are you looking? Is he who owns me? My a vynn dyski. I want to learn. I'm still looking, man. My re dhegemeras dha lyther. I have received your letter. No, I'm gonna go back to letter. Ny allav vy kewsel lemmyn. I can't talk now. Doesn't matter how much he was now. Na wrewgh mos. Don't go. Why don't you give me a hand? Res yw dhis y wul. You must do it. Reis the god of the sun. Yw res dhis gul hemma lemmyn? Do you have to do this now? Does she know what she is? My a gan. I sing. That's mine. Ro dhyn diw gollel ha peder forgh, my a’th pys. Give us two knives and four forks, please. Gives a fine man to go and fight four feet, to my feet. Goslowewgh orthiv. Listen to me. Follow me. Yw henna tybyans da? Is that a good idea? Do you want to know what I mean? Da yw genev tykkies Duw. I like butterflies. God’s undeserved kindness is good. My a vynn skrifa lyther. I am going to write a letter. If you reload a document. Yma hi ow mires orthis. She's looking at you. Here she owns a few weeks ago. Yma dhymm kolon. I have a heart. I'm here, love. Ki Tom yw hemma. This is Tom's dog. Ki Tom is right. Hi a vydh glaw haneth. It will rain tonight. She will have everything going on. Yma genev lyver. I've got a book. You're saying I've got to tell you what's going on with me. Nyns yw res dhis studhya hedhyw. You don't need to study today. No, it's not her seat. Yw res dhymm kewsel Sowsnek? Must I speak English? Is it possible for us to revel Sowsnek? My a vynn an eskisyow na! I want those shoes! If they were in the eggs! Yth esov vy ow mos. I'm going. It was a waste of blood. Yma seghes dhymm. I'm thirsty. Here I do find out what is going on with you. Prag yth esos ow kul hemma? Why are you doing this? Does that not anger us? Ny yll'ta esedha ena. You can't sit there. No, he can't go back. My a skrifas an lyver ma. I wrote this book. If you ask me, I'm sorry. Yth esov ow redya y lyver. I am reading his book. It was now time to delete that day. Benyn deg os. You're a beautiful woman. Beny ten if. Da yw genev tesen. I like cake. It's you, you're a fat dog. Kas yw genev an dra ma. I hate this thing. This is mys, this, fucking news. Ple'ma an stevel-omwolghi? Where is the bathroom? Where's the struggle? Res yw dhedhi kavos ober. She must find work. It is recent up! Yth esa Maria a’y sav. Maria was standing. It was Maria and his height. Pyth yw dha hanow? What's your name? What is your name? Res yw dhyn gorfenna hemma. We must finish this. Your battery has to be completed. My re bia ow studhya Sowsnek rag peswar bledhen. I have been studying English for four years. If you food studyowsnek rag peswar, let's go. Nyns ov dha eskar. I am not your enemy. He's not staring at him. Yth esov vy owth assaya konvedhes. I'm trying to understand. It was more than one ship at a time to log out. Yw an gewer hweg? Is the weather nice? Is sugar sugar? Yw res dhyn gul hemma arta? Do we need to do this again? Is it so bad that we should lock it? Res yw dhymm mos tre. I must go home. There's a lot of trouble. A vyn’ta eva koffi? Do you want to drink coffee? What's wrong with you? Losow a dyv. Plants grow. Los and last. Yma nown ha seghes dhodho. He's hungry and thirsty. Here we go and find out what's going on with them. Ple'th esos ta ow mos? Where are you going? Where is he who owns mos? Ny yllyn koska. I couldn't sleep. You can't get some sleep. Da yw genev mos leow. I like to go places. It's you're a mos low, love. Yw res dhyn mos? Do we have to go? Is it a mos? Yw honna y lawlen? Is that his umbrella? Is that the sheet? Res yw dhodho gorfenna y ober tre hedhyw. He must finish his homework today. There is a need to complete this war with the future. Den heb tavas a gollas y dir. A man without his language has lost his land. I don't care if I lost the land. Byghan yw an lyver ma. This book is small. Byghan is the malyver. Yw res dhywgh mos? Do you have to go? Are you sure you want to touch? Henn yw hy hares. That's her girlfriend. It's her hares. Ny allav vy eva koffi. I can't drink coffee. That's what you're talking about. Ogas dhe’n gorsav yth on ni trigys. We live close to the station. We were just standing behind our nest. Kas yw genev tesen. I hate cake. Take it to be a tesen generation. Py par mowes os ta? What kind of girl are you? Py parades if there? Ny vynnav vy mos. I don't want to go. Neither vynv vy mos. Nowodhow koth yw henna. That's old news. It's a dark icon. O da genowgh henna? Did you like that? Would you like to open it? Gorta omma. Stay here. Go! Go! Go! My a bareusis hansel rygdhi. I prepared breakfast for her. I feel like I can't let you down. Tom a vynna hy frena. Tom wanted to buy it. Tom was there for a while. An re ma yw ydhyn. These are birds. They're the ones I'm naked. Hi a bareusis li. She prepared lunch. She looks like her. Res yw dhedhi studhya godhonieth. She has to study science. This is a good night. Ny allav vy gweles. I can't see. Well, don't you look. Tekka ov agesos sy. I am more beautiful than you. Let's get him that's been the old man. Yma peswar broder dhymm. I have four brothers. I don't know how much I love you. Ny allav vy nejya. I can't fly. That night will not be changed. Ny allav vy diberth omma. I can't leave here. Don't worry about that. Ny vynnav vy kavos ki. I don't want a dog. A woman doesn't care if he's a long way. Dy’gol vydh a-vorow. Tomorrow is a holiday. Yes, I'll bet you. Na fors. Never mind. The fors. Homm yw pluven blomm. This is a pencil. Homm is a vertical pluven. Nyns yw res dhis bos ena. You don't need to be there. There is no current time. My a wra eva leth. I drink milk. I can see it in my party. Ny allav vy oberi hedhyw. I can't work today. I don't think she's too late. My a gara Maria. I used to love Mary. My friend Maria. Tykki Duw teg os. You are a beautiful butterfly. Tykki God fair if. Yth esov vy ow koslowes. I'm listening. There was an error deleting kslowes. Yma dhedhi bleujyow rudh. She has red flowers. Here are a few huge pieces. Yw da genowgh ow eskisyow? Do you like my shoes? Would you like to close the message window? Res o dhedha mos dhe'n klavji. They had to go to the hospital. They're too moνing the clavji. Ni a allas kerdhes. We could walk. We can't access. Res yw dhymm prena bleujyow rag ow hares. I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend. We need to buy some seeds, so you can go through it. Yth esov vy ow astelwolya. I am windsurfing. There was an error displaying help. Yw res dhis gorwedha? Do you need to lie down? Is it really bad? Res yw dhis kavos ober. You must find work. You're ready to do it. Ni a wre triga war-barth. We used to live together. We're not living on the west. Yw da genes dha vroder? Do you like your brother? Is there your citizens? Klav yw ev. He is sick. Tag that describes. Nyns yw da genev kewer yeyn. I don't like cold weather. It's not like there's a fat dog. Nyns o res dhyn gul henna. We didn't need to do that. There are no items to show. Ny vynnav dos. I will not come. Neither vynnav do it. Yma paper-nowodhow dhe’n maw. The boy has a newspaper. There are some more papers. Ny vynnav vy kewsel. I don't want to talk. I don't think you're a nice woman. Kas yw genev ober tre. I hate homework. This is about to happen. It's the wrong way. Nyns yw res dhymm bos omma. I don't have to be here. No, it's not so cool for me. Studhyer ov. I'm a student. Here you go, you are. Esos ta ow tos? Are you coming? Does that not anger you? My re bia ow kortos omma rag dew our. I have been waiting here for two hours. If you want to do a good, you can go back from the truth. Yma’n dhewbries ow mos yn-mes a’n eglos. The couple are going out of the church. Here are debarries of mys in the days of our church. Yma bugh dhymm. I have a cow. Here we go. Pyth esos ta ow kegina? What are you cooking? What if he owns the kitchen? Ple'ma agas fleghes? Where are your children? Where is your rights? Glyb yw honna. That's wet. It's like that. Peber ov. I'm a baker. Son of a bitch. Nyns yw boghosek. She isn't poor. There is no wind out of here. Yma ev ow mires orthowgh. He's looking at you. There was an error launching the application. My a gar Ostrali. I love Australia. I'm looking for Ostrali. Da yw genev dybri avalow. I like to eat apples. It's your 4th generation avalow. Ny allav vy kewsel. I can't talk. That's -a nice beautiful. Yw res dhywgh diberth? Do you have to leave? Do you make a sacrifice? Piw yw hi? Who's she? Who is she? Res yw dhis goslowes. You must listen. Reis a goslowes di. Yw da genes ow howethes? Do you like my friend? Do you want to own homes? Kas yw genev dygolyow. I hate holidays. This is a generation ofogs. My a yv leth. I drink milk. You're a half man. Yw da genowgh agas karr? Do you like your car? Would you like to love you? Ny wrons dos. They don't come. Don't do anything. My re bia ow kul hemma rag misyow. I've been doing this for months. If you want to buy it back in your life, go to life for months. Yma diw vleujen dhywgh. You have two flowers. Here you go, there you have a light. Yw res dhywgh oberi haneth? Do you have to work tonight? Do you want to do everything? An re ma yw nowydh. These are new. What's the new thing. Drog yw genev, ny allav dha weres. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Well, don't worry about it. Ev a armas rag gweres. He shouted for help. His messages were Good for him. Henn yw hy chi. That is her house. It's you. Nyns yw res dhywgh gul henna. You don't need to do that. It is not up to date that you dropped. Yma teyr hath dhywgh. You have three cats. Here is the way you can choose. Yw da genes mergh? Do you like horses? Do you think I'm good? Yw homma frynkek? Is this French? Is it hard for us? Piw o an vowes na? Who was that girl? What a vowes ain't? Omdennys ov. I'm retired. I don't care if it's too late. Yma dha gi omma. Your dog is here. Here is the fool. Da yw genev skrifa omma. I like to write here. When you see me, don't know what it is. Kas yw genen Tom. We hate Tom. Send us to Tom’s head. Yw da genes y ganow? Do you like his songs? Is good the youth? Nyns yw hi boghosek. She's not poor. It is not interesting. Prag y fynn'ta dyski an yeth ma? Why do you want to learn this language? I'll tell you what's going on. Gool Peran Lowen! Happy St Piran's Day! Gool Pian Lowen! Nyns yw da genev oberi. I don't like to work. It's not what you're doing. Tom, es’ta omma? Tom, are you here? Tell us what you can do? Res yw dhyn dalleth. We need to start. This is a blind man. Res yw dhyn godhvos. We need to know. This is hard enough. A yllowgh ow gweres? Can you help me? You can wait to see if it is online? Yma tri hi dhe ow mamm. My mum has three dogs. Here she owns my mum. Nyns o res dhis gul hemma. You didn't have to do this. There is no turning out of date. Hi a wra ergh yn-mes. It snows outside. She listened to him at-times. My a wre triga omma. I used to live here. So, that's always been the best thing. Res yw dhywgh fistena. You have to hurry. You're supposed to call it. Mar pe termyn genev, my a allsa dha weres. If I had time, I could help you. For my little time, let me see it. Ny allav vy megi. I can't smoke. I don't think you had a sock. Res o dhywgh studhya Sowsnek. You had to study English. You don't want to get stowsnek. Lowen on ni. We are happy. - What is it? - I'm loνe. Ny allav vy mires. I can't look. I don't think you'dlave vy mires. Nyns o res dhis dos. You didn't need to come. There is no deal with it. Res yw dhymm kavos henna. I have to find that. I have to get you an old age. Teg yw tykkies Duw. Butterflies are pretty. It is God’s tykkies. Tomm a skrifis an lyver na. Tom wrote that book. Tom's document the Ilyver. Usi an ki y'n garth? Is the dog in the yard? What do you think it's a garbage? Res vydh dhywgh dalleth. You'll have to start. You will be blind enough. Hemm yw klavji. This is a hospital. I'm here to be a clavji. Eus drog penn dhis? Have you got a headache? Do you think you're on top of the head? Res o dhyn dos. We had to come. You should come back for a night. Yw da genes Sowsnek? Do you like English? Am I having a Soksnek? Yth esen vy ow koska. I was sleeping. There was an error deleting him. Hi a gerdh. She walks. She's going to go. Res vydh dhymm gortos. I'll have to wait. I will see you. Dewgh dhymm. Come to me. Please roll me. Yw henna dha ji? Is that your house? Is he an old man? Nyns ow da ganso fleghes. He did not like children. No matter what I'm talking to him like. Ev a wel agas margh. He sees your horse. He's got to kill you. My a bareusis hansel ragdha. I prepared breakfast for them. If you live, I love each other. Pooth yw an gewer. The weather is hot. It's pointless. My a vynn hwath kewsel orthis. I still want to talk to you. I'm still polite. Ugens mynysen wosa hwegh eur yw. It's twenty past six. A few minutes ago, it is a time. Res o dhymm kerdhes tre. I had to walk home. You're gonna get back to my door. Res yw dhis godhvos. You need to know. There's a good night. Yw henna dha garer? Is that your boyfriend? Is he an old friend? Ni a vynn hwath gweres. We still want to help. I wasn't going to help. Da yw genes avalow. You like apples. Your birth is avalow. An venyn a dheber bara. The woman eats bread. The girl who ate the bread. Nyns yw da gans Tom homma. Tom doesn't like this. The next step is not valid. Yth esov vy owth assaya gul henna. I'm trying to do that. It was a bit darker than an old man's voice. Ni a dhibarthas war-barth. We left together. Not on the west. Nyns eus dhyn marnas te. We only have tea. There is no mark. Py liw yw an gath ma? What colour is this cat? Well, that's the cat? Yth esov vy owth assaya perthi kov hanow an lyver. I'm trying to remember the name of the book. It was now time to get serious about importing a kov child's name. “A vyn’ta y brena?” “Mynnav.” "Do you want to buy it?" "Yes." “Was the grant? ” “Mynnav.” A welsowgh hwi Tom? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Res yw dhymm prena onan. I need to buy one. We need to buy me some clothes. Nyns yw da ganso owravalow. He doesn't like oranges. Not good because of ownervalow. Ev a gemeras mel yn le sugra. He took honey instead of sugar. Ev took mel's place with sugra. Ple'ma y gi? Where is his dog? Where's the dog? Res o dhymm mos dhe Amerika. I had to go to America. I mean, I'm of America. Ny vynnav vy gortos. I don't want to wait. A vannav vy gortos. Da yw gensi kana. She likes to sing. It's your mission. Na wrewgh krodhvolas. Don't complain. Don't start joking. Yw da genes ow gols? Do you like my hair? Is there a genes owner? Yw res dhymm skrifa lyther? Do I have to write a letter? Could not close temporary folder: %s My a yll neuvya. I can swim. If you can ivya. Yw henna dha gi yn-hons? Is that your dog over there? Is he an old man now? Yw da genes avalow? Do you like apples? Do I come avalow? Res vydh dhis kemeres an dhiwros ma. You'll have to take this bicycle. She'll do this again. Res yw dhymm gwaynya. I have to win. There's a baniyam. Ro dhymm an alhwedh. Give me the key. Please give me the key. Kas yw genev an karr ma. I hate this car. It's the kind of car. An ydhyn a gana. The birds sang. - Good morning. - Good night. Henn yw y ji. That is his house. He's the ju. Glyb yw Tomm. Tom is wet. This is Tom. My a allas gwertha homma. I could sell this. I could sell my room. Yma lost hir dhe’m ki. My dog has a long tail. It's a long way out of my school. Tomm a’s gwelas. Tom saw it. Tom saw. Ev a ober. It works. Ev do it. Da o genes neuvya. You liked to swim. I've got you a nevya gaeese. Res yw dhis dos. You must come. Give me your answer. Yth esov vy owth assaya praktisya. I'm trying to practice. It was now time to get serious about exploring our sister planet. My a wrug ponya. I ran. My man wrug pnya. Dewdhek bloodh ov. I'm twelve. I don't care if I don't think any more. Yth esa dew gi dhymm. I had two dogs. It was a metallic drink. My a vynn krysi. I want to believe. - I'm gonna join you. Yma ev ow redya. He is reading. What's wrong with you? Yma’n vowes ow tybri bara. The girl is eating bread. Here he vows to know what he says. Gav dhymm, mar pleg. Pardon me, please. Damn, like a vegetie. Res yw dhyn y wul arta. We must do it again. The sun's on it. Nyns eus dhymm diw gath. I don't have two cats. There is no easter egg. Pyth esowgh hwi ow hwilas? What are you looking for? What do you really want to search? Res yw dhyn diberth. We have to leave. You need a sacrifice. Bras yw hemma. This is big. Very large is. Yth esen vy ow tybri kinnyow. I was eating dinner. It was a calculated move on the planes. Res yw dhyn gul hemma. We have to do this. You have to pray. Ny allav vy diberth lemmyn. I can't leave now. I don't think you should have anything better to say now. Res yw dhymm kavos Tom. I must find Tom. I have to get Tom. Bras yw an aval na. That apple is big. The aval is neither. Yw homma hy glawlen? Is this her umbrella? Do we now lay her down? Ny yll'ta gul henna. You can't do that. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. Gwra. Yes, she does. Listen. Deun dhe Boston. Let's go to Boston. I'm going to Boston. Yw hemma agas gerlyver hwi? Is this your dictionary? Do you want to update your password? “A vyn’ta hy frena?” “Mynnav.” "Do you want to buy it?" "Yes." “Was it a king?” “Mynnav.” My a dhiberth a-vorow. I leave tomorrow. My something won't talk about. Yth esov vy ow tos. I'm coming. It was alive. A wre'ta kewsel Sowsnek? Do you speak English? And wre'ta kewsel Soksnek? Prag yth yw res dhyn dyski hemma? Why do we need to learn this? Is it any reason to get back to life? My a vynn bos y’n bagas aral. I want to be in the other group. If I did, I would meet the band. Da yw gansa donsya. They like to dance. Good is a dosya tag. Deus genev! Come with me! Come with us. Yma tri harr dhywgh. You have three cars. Here are three specials. Res o dhyn hedhi. We had to stop. Cancelling. Frynk ov. I am French. Good morning. My a wrug neuvya. I swam. I wrug a nevya. My a garsa kavos nebes moy a dhowr. I would like some more water. I and she cared for much more and more stupid. Na wra ola. Don't cry. - Oh, my God. Res yw dhywgh hwi mos dhe’n skol. You must go to school. You are so proud of my school. A allav vy mos dhe’th kevewy haneth? Can I come to your party tonight? Is it so easy for you to know what was going on? Trist on ni. We're sad. I'm sorry. Res yw dhywgh gweres. You need to help. You have to help. Ny yll'ta dos a-vorow. You can't come tomorrow. - All right, love. Res yw dhyn dybri neppyth. We need to eat something. There's no-one to worry about that. Hanow an ki yw Ken. The dog's name is Ken. The name is Ken. My a ankovas. I forgot. My ankovas. Kas yw genev Tom. I hate Tom. This is Tom's generation. Yth esov vy ow kana. I'm singing. It was a waste of blood. A nyns yw res dhis mos dhe'n skol hedhyw? Don't you have to go to school today? Is she so mos of our school? Yma nown dhedha. They are hungry. Here's a good night. My re bia ow prenassa gansa. I've been shopping with them. My old food is stunned by a tag. Na skrifis, ny’n skrifis. No, I didn't write it. The documents, or documents. Nyns yw da genev skol. I don't like school. It's not like it's kind of school. Koynt yw hemma. This is strange. I think it's pretty good. Nyns eus nown dhymm. I am not hungry. I don't have any clothes. Yma seghes dhywgh. You are thirsty. I'll meet you like that. Ni a allas gwertha honna. We could sell that. We can't sell for us. Tom a enowis an tan. Tom lit the fire. Tom to see the fire. Gell yw an gath na. That cat is brown. Well, it's the cat. De o henna. That was yesterday. Of an old age. Kas yw gans Tom skol. Tom hates school. It's with Tom school. O da genes honna? Did you like that? Is this what we are saying? Da yw genev koffi. I like coffee. It's your business, love. Hemm yw hweg. This is sweet. I'm young. Yth esa drog penn dhymm. I had a headache. It's an amount of time. Steren yw an howl. The sun is a star. It's a trainer. Drog yw an gewer hedhyw. The weather is bad today. He's a fat dog. Yth esons i owth assaya gweres. They're trying to help. It was now time to get serious. Hemm yw koynt. This is strange. I'm so messed up. Ni a wortas. We waited. She is not a widow. Ty a allas dalleth. You could start. Ty and I can't blind. My a wra oberi dy Sul. I work on Sunday. And you go to church. My a wre eva korev. I used to drink beer. I thought he'd do it. Res yw dhis oberi. You must work. You're gonna do it. My a’th konvedh. I understand you. I'm sick. Eus kov dhis a hemma? Do you remember this? Is it a network of network and can't be played? Yw henna gwir? Is that true? Is it true? Ple'th esa pubonan? Where was everyone? Where's your cup? Yowann yw ow noy. John is my nephew. Yon is a night owner. Res yw dhyn dybri. We need to eat. This is a question. Nyns yw da genev kathes. I don't like cats. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Ny allav koska yn ta. I can't sleep well. Of course, it's fine. My re bia ow studhya rag dew our. I have been studying for two hours. My old studiya rag dew ours. Da yw genev bleujyow. I like flowers. That's what you're saying. Ple’ma va? Where is it? What's this? Yma ev ow redya. He's reading. What's wrong with you? Nyns yw res dhywgh dybri. You don't have to eat. It is not a row that you try. Farshad yw ow hanow. My name is Farshad. He's a kind of name. Yma lies lyver dhe’m tas. My father has many books. Here are multiple ways of my taste. Yth esov vy ow studhya. I am studying. It was now time to get serious. Ny allav vy oberi a-vorow. I can't work tomorrow. I don't think you're gonna be doing this. Koth yw an lyver ma. This book is old. It's the loaver of mine. Da yw gensi lyvrow ynwedh. She likes books too. Good is lyvrow's birth. Ni a vynn diberth. We want to leave. We're not a pretty thing. Yw hemma Tom? Is this Tom? Do you think Tom? Nyns yw da gans Tom koffi. Tom doesn't like coffee. This is not with Tom cooffi. Da yw gensi hy ober. She likes her job. It's for you to have to do. Fatel yw an gewer yn agas bro? How is the weather in your country? Is that a woman in your country? Res o dhyn kerdhes. We had to walk. You don't have to access the requested location. Ty a yll neuvya, a ny yll'ta? You can swim, can't you? You can stop it, can you? Trigys yw yn ogas. She lives nearby. It's summat. My a wor. I know. My worm. Ny yll'ta diberth omma. You can't leave here. She is not possible. A yll'ta dos dhe naw eur? Can you come at nine? Can you get from nine times? An dowr o re domm de. The water was too hot yesterday. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Tom a yll neuvya mar skav avelos. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can pop up like this. Da yw gansa avalow. They like apples. Good tag is avalow. Y dhyskadores yw an venyn usi ow kewsel orth an maw na. The lady that is speaking to that boy is his teacher. The owned woman is the best available to him, not even when he or she comes to death. Yma karer nowydh dhe Jane, dell hevel. Jane seems to have a new boyfriend. There is a new car of Jane. It's similar to Jane. Yma kath ha ki dhyn. We have a cat and a dog. Here's a kind of thing. Hwi a allas assaya. You could try. You can't go out there. Ny yll'ta prena homma. You can't buy this. Can not create folder lock on %s: %s A yllowgh dos dhe naw eur? Can you come at nine? Please wait at nine times? Yth esov vy ow prena. I'm buying. There was an error launching the application. Yw res dhymm dybri genowgh? Do I have to eat with you? Do you wish me to do so? Fatel yw an gewer hedhyw? What is the weather like today? Fatel is sheer fat? Agan tas yw henna. That is our father. It's until it's an old age. Res yw dhyn gorfenna hemma. We have to finish this. Your battery has to be completed. Gourvleydhes yw gwell ages sugneres-goos. Werewolves are better than vampires. Gorvley, access is better than sugeneres-goos. Yma dhis lies lyver. You have many books. Here's a multiple shelyver. Kas yw genev an tybyans na. I hate that idea. This is a kind of idea or not. Da yw gensi Mary. She likes Mary. It's Mary's meeting. Nyns yw da genev Sowsnek. I don't like English. Not well known. Teg o henna. That was beautiful. A couple of years ago. Nyns yw res dhyn bos omma. We don't have to be here. No, it's not so successful. Myttin da, oll an bys! Good morning, everyone. Myttin's good, all the finger! Martesen y hwra glaw kyns pell. It may rain before long. Martesen the wreath of a far kyns. Gevewgh dhymm, mar pleg. Please forgive me. Come with me, eh. Meur ras. Thanks. Thank you. My a dhegemeras lyther dhyworti. I received a letter from her. My sister came from her leaνer. Na wra studhya. Don't study. - I don't care. Ni a wre gwari war-barth. We used to play together. We'll guard against the west. Res yw dhywgh kavos ober. You must find work. You need to have to do it. Res vydh dhis gortos omma. You'll have to wait here. She will do a good for her. Da yw genev goslowes orth ilow dha. I like to listen to good music. That is a good idea of music. Ow skol yw honna. That is my school. That's my school! Kas yw genev koffi. I hate coffee. They're giving you a big deal, you know. Ny vynnav vy eva tra vydh. I don't want to drink anything. I don't know how much he's been like this. Yma dhymm kath ha ki. Du yw an gath ha gwynn yw an ki. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. This is a green and white target. The cat is black and white. Kas yw genev ow gols. I hate my hair. This is a generic owner of golf. Yma tri broder dhodho. He has three brothers. Here are three final prides. Yth esa ow seni an piano. He was playing the piano. It was a bit like this, and he was actually alone in your hometown. Bryntin! Excellent! Briyntin! Hi a gelwi hy hwor. She called her sister. She will call her a power. Ev a’s tollas. He fooled her. Ev it. Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe wul? What do you want to do? What was the matter? Piw yw agas dyskador? Who's your teacher? What is your driver? Ow mamm a’m kar. My mother loves me. The giraffe's mother. Res yw dhis mos lemmyn. You need to go now. You have to make a move now. My a wre megi. I used to smoke. My wre meg. Nyns eus drog penn dhymm. I don't have a headache. There is no valid one. Yw hemma ki? Is this a dog? What does he look like? Res yw dhis goslowes orthiv. You need to listen to me. You're gonna have to goslowesiv. Ev a wre eva. He used to drink. No, he's w ev him. Fatel vydh an gewer a-vorow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Fat How about your favourite? Ty a bonyas arta omma. You ran back here. Request a review of the elderly. Da ya aga thesennow. Their cakes are good. I'll tell you later. Piw a dhysk dhywgh? Who teaches you? Would you like to continue? My re bia ow kortos ragdho. I've been waiting for him. I don't think anyone has done anything wrong with you. A ble’th owgh hwi devedhys? Where do you come from? Where are you asleep? An chi na yw bras. That house is big. You're not that big. Ass yw drog an gewer? Isn't the weather bad? Is that the power? Ny allav vy mos arta. I can't go back. I don't think you'd love a mos. Nyns o res dhymm mos dhe Almayn. I didn't need to go to Germany. There is no dealings with the Alams. Ow broder yw henna. That's my brother. It's old age. Henn yw hy harer. That's her boyfriend. He's beautiful. My a vydh maga an ki. I'll feed the dog. If you don't, I'll be there. Gortewgh! Wait! Please! Yth esa marth dhedhi ynwedh. She was surprised too. He was a recent catastrophe. Helen, hemm yw ow henderow. Helen, this is my cousin. Here you can change the owner of an old man. My re welas ki. I have seen a dog. I can't see you any more. Ple'ma an pons? Where is the bridge? Where's the pains? Yma dhymm ki gwynn ha du. I own a white and black dog. Here we go, white and black. Piw yw hi? Who is she? Who is she? A yll Tom dos ynwedh? Can Tom come, too? Can Tom be speedy? Ny vynnav vy kana. I don't want to sing. I don't care if he's a bean. Nyns yw res dhywgh leverel henna. You don't have to say that. You don't have enough room to make an old row. Res yw dhyn pesya. We must continue. This is a pesya sin. Kewgh. Go. I'll meet you. Ple'ma an varghas? Where is the market? Where's the burglary? Yw da genowgh kathes du? Do you like black cats? Would you like to know it? Yma dhedhi deg flogh. She has ten children. Here are ten flowers. Te, mar pleg. Tea, please. You, like that. Nyns yw res dhywgh oberi hedhyw. You don't need to work today. It is not possible to log in. Ny ylli dos drefen y vos klav. He could not come because he was ill. You can't count for a while. Ki Mary yw hemma. This is Mary's dog. Asia, Mary, is she. Teg yw honna. That's beautiful. It's about that. My re bia ow studhya Frynkek. I've been studying French. My old food studiya Frynkk. Trist ov vy. I'm sad. You've got to tell me what's going on. Da yw genev. I like it. It's your business. Res yw dhymm mos dhe’n gweli. I have to go to bed. We need to keep on seeing us. Nyns yw da gans Tom gortos. Tom doesn't like to wait. The station does not seem to be valid Tom. Ev a vynn metya orthowgh. He wants to meet you. No one has been visited. Yth eson ni ow mos. We're going. There was an error deleting all. Nyns esa ki dhe Tom. Tom didn't have a dog. It doesn't exist at Tom. Na wrewgh ygeri an daras. Don't open the door. Don't open the second. Yma ow kul glaw. It's raining. Here he owns the rain. Fatel yw an gewer? How's the weather? Fatel's fat? Kewgh gensi. Go with her. Follow me. Yw da genowgh kana? Do you like to sing? What would you like to do? Gwra redya an lyver ma! Read this book! Listen the lyver ma! Eus dhywgh hwerydh? Do you have any sisters? Are you sure you want to shut down the game? Garow yw morladron. Pirates are cruel. It's such thieves. An lyvrow ma yw nowydh. These books are new. If you hear me, I'm a new one. Da yw gans Mary ergh. Mary likes snow. Mary has closed her. Yw da genes dha hwor? Do you like your sister? Does he hate him? Bras yw an pysk ma. This fish is big. My sister is large. Ny allav vy lewya hwath. I can't drive yet. I don't think you'd love it yet. Gorta omma! Stay here! Good morning! Yma lies a vuluk y'n lowarth. There are a lot of earthworms in the garden. Here are the various vuluk of the west. Nyns yw res dhis gorthebi hedhyw. You don't have to answer today. No, she's never written to her. Nyns yw res dhywgh oberi hedhyw. You don't have to work today. It is not possible to log in. My a vynn kavos dha woos. I want your blood. My sister did touch him. Ple y’s gwelsowgh? Where did you see her? Where do you see? Nyns o res dhymm govyn. I didn't have to ask. No harm and no sense. Yw henna agas mamm? Is that your mother? Is there your mum? Byghan yw an lyver na. That book is small. Byghan is the loser. My re bia ow kortos rag dew our. I've been waiting for two hours. I don't know. Gwir yw hemma. This is true. True is true. Yma hi ow kul ergh. It is snowing. Here she own angrily. Res yw dhis gortos. You must stay. You're a gortos di. Nyns yw res dhywgh mos. You don't need to hurry. It is not up to date. Res yw dhymm pesya. I must continue. This is a pesya team. Homm yw y digen. This is his handbag. It's Homm's the boy. Pan dhifunis, yth esen y’n karr-tan. When I woke up, I was in the car. When I came to death, the car is splendid. Ni a wre gul henna. We used to do that. We're not angry with an old man. Yth esov vy ow tyski Baskek. I am learning Basque. It was now time to death. Nyns yw da genev avalow. I don't like apples. He's not going to give up, isn't his man. Res yw dhis gorthebi an govyn. You must answer the question. You've got to take the goneath. “Tomm, lavar dhymm, mar pleg …” – “Mar pleg!” "Tom, say to me, please ..." - "Please!" “Tomm, I have spoken, as explained...” – “MAR!” Res yw dhymm viajya. I need to travel. We don't have to change. Ny allav vy gweres. I can't help. That wasn't how it was for you. Yw da genes glaw? Do you like rain? Am I having a rain? Ple’ma ow lyvrow? Where are my books? Where’s this lyvrow? Diwedhes yw. He is late. Recent. I a bonyas yn-mes. They ran outside. For I wasn't-mes. Yma own dhodho. He is afraid. He used to be the last man. Res yw dhywgh fistena. You must hurry. You're supposed to call it. Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe wul? What will you do? What was the matter? Ny wor den vyth y hanow. Nobody knows his name. A boy's name shall not be called. Fatel yw an gewer? What is the weather like? Fatel's fat? Res yw dhywgh oberi war-barth. You must work together. You need to do it locally. Nyns yw res dhyn fistena. We don't need to hurry. There are no items to show. Yw da genes ow howeth? Do you like my friend? Do you want to own everything? Da yw gensi dehen rew. She likes ice cream. It's good to know how much it works. Ny allav vy dybri kig yar. I can't eat chicken. I don't think you should be talking about it. Py par lyver a brensys? What sort of book did you buy? Py par lyver a year? Res yw dhywgh praktisya gramer. You must practice grammar. You need to provide at least a thing. Skwith ov. I am tired! Oh, for God's sake. Nyns eus den vyth y’n stevel. There isn't anyone in the room. There is no man in the street. Nyns yw res dhwygh gorthebi. You don't have to answer. No harm and no sense. Res yw dhis goslowes orthyn. You need to listen to us. You've got to tell me what's going on. Hweg yw an aval ma. This apple is sweet. The aval is mys. Kales yw an apposyans. The exam is difficult. The apprehension is broken. Nyns yw da gans Tom keus. Tom doesn't like cheese. It does not seem to be a suitable Tom. Res yw dhymm diberth lemmyn. I must leave now. We need to sacrifice now. Gow o henna. That was a lie. Come on, let's get him out of here. Yma kares dhymm. I have a girlfriend. Here we go. Henn yw gow. That is a lie. It's wrong to take it. Ni a goskas yn tylda. We slept in a tent. And do not goskas in silence. A garses ta kavos hanafas aral a goffi? Would you like another cup of coffee? What do you think he offers and doesn't care about? dy'Yow yw hedhyw. Today is Thursday. thy ye is a hen. My a dhibarthas. I left. My charity. Yw da genes choklet gwynn? Do you like white chocolate? Is there a white coke? Ny allav vy gweles! I can't see! Well, don't you look! My re bia ow kewsel Spaynek. I have been speaking Spanish. My little food owns the Spanish kewel. Yth esov vy ow tiberth. I'm leaving. It was better to know what was going on. Gwell yw genev kerdhes. I prefer to walk. It's better to access. Eus, yma dew. Yes, there are two. I'm from here. Yth esov vy owth assaya perthi kov. I'm trying to remember. It was now time to get serious about importing kov. Koynt yw hemma. This is odd. I think it's pretty good. Unn eur yw. It's one o'clock. It's an hour. Mall o genev visitya Tom. I was eager to visit Tom. Looking bad, Tom. An re ma yw poos. These are heavy. It's the ones that's poos. Da yw genev avalow. I like apples. I'm sorry. Ny allav hy gweles. I can't see it. No, no do o'clock! Yma hi omma hwath? Is she here yet? Oh, is this still evil? Res yw dhodho mos ena a-vorow. He must go there tomorrow. Good morning, eh? - Good night. Es yw an apposyans. The exam is easy. Es the apprehension. Da yw gansa aga oberen. They like their job. It's your business. Yth esen vy ow redya. I was reading. There was an error deleting it. Yw da gansa owravalow? Do they like oranges? Is it good for a presumptuous woman? Pyth yw hanow dha vyrgh? What's your daughter's name? What is your name? Res yw dhymm gul hemma. I need to do this. I have to think fast. Yma drog penn bras dhymm hedhyw. I have a bad headache today. This is a very serious, man. Kas yw gansa Tom. They hate Tom. Send us by Tom. Res yw dhyn gul neppyth. We must do something. There is no need for a heavenly voice. Rych ov. I'm rich. Oh, yeah, please. My a allas assaya. I could try. My assaya cane. Ev a verwis warlena. He died last year. His body's on them. Ny yll'ta kavos honna. You can't have that. You can't get this. Res o dhedhi sevel y'n tren. She had to stand in the train. The train just came up. Henn yw y vargh. That's his horse. He's dead old. Komolek o de. It was cloudy yesterday. Good to see you. Res vydh dhywgh mos. You'll have to go. You will be prompted. Ev a gemmer mel yn le sugra. He takes honey instead of sugar. Ev and take a ball with a sugra. My a vynn an re ma. I want these. - I'm gonna be all right. Klavji yw hemma. This is a hospital. Tag is sizing. Ow hath a vynn kara homma. My cat will love this. We're back in your love. Res yw dhis mos arta. You must go back. There's a mosta mos. Yth esen vy owth eva leth. I was drinking milk. He's been standing alone. Nyns yw res dhywgh dos. You don't need to come. It is not a row. Res yw dhywgh godhvos. You need to know. You're gonna have to stop it. Gwynn yw ki Ken. Ken's dog is white. We're about to find out what's going on with you. Helen, ow henderow yw hemma. Helen, this is my cousin. Heen, the owner of an elder, is fine. Tokynner drog o ev. He was a bad ticket inspector. - Yes, sir. Res yw dhymm godhvos. I need to know. You need to find out what's going on. Megi difennys. No smoking. I love you, you know. Dydh da. Good day. Go to him. Yw honna dha stevel? Is that your room? Does he lie? Res vydh dhis dos a-vorow. You'll have to come tomorrow. She will do a good for you. Prag yth es’ta owth eva dowr? Why are you drinking water? Doth thou hear it from a watery evacuation? Yma’n lyver ma dhe Tony. This book belongs to Tony. Here I say I am Tony. Nyns usi Tom y’n klavji. Tom is not in hospital. The tag is not known as Tom. Nyns o res dhis gul henna. You didn't need to do that. No, she's never done for her. Tomm yw an kota ma. This coat is warm. It's hot, that kind of hot. Yth esov vy owth eva koffi. I am drinking coffee. It's been a day long, and it's been a carni. My a vynn hy ri dhe Tom. I'll give it to Tom. I went to Tom. Yma lies kowethes dhe Wella. Bill has a lot of friends. Here are many—thes of Wella. Hemm yw aval glas. This is a green apple. I think it's a blue apple. Ty a allas gwertha henna. You could sell that. Ty can't sell a years ago. Res vydh dhywgh dos genen. You'll have to come with us. You will be required to log in. Yma lughes. There is lightning. Here we are. Nyns o res dhyn gul henna. We didn't have to do that. There are no items to show. Mar yeyn avel yey yw. It's as cold as ice. As he is, he's like yay. Yth esens ow kana. They were singing. There was an error deleting it. Da yw genev kewsel Kembrek. I like to speak Welsh. The capital of Kembre is good at all. Da yw genev sport. I like sport. It's your common port. Yw da genowgh leth choklet? Do you like chocolate milk? Would you like to fella? Na wrewgh studhya. Don't study. Don't call him stupidya. Ple'th esos? Where are you? Where are you esos? Ny’gas gwelas Tomm. Tom didn't see you. Don't get Tom. Ny wor ow mamm lewya karr-tan. My mother cannot drive a car. Nor wood lewya car-tan. Res o dhymm godhvos moy. I had to know more. You know what I'm about to do more. Res yw dhymm gweres ow mamm. I must help my mother. We have to do with my mum. Na wrewgh argya, mar pleg. Please don't argue. Don't wreacle, like an explanation. Yw res dhymm gorthebi yn Sowsnek? Must I answer in English? Does it rest in Sowsnek? Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm! I have a terrible headache! There's no doubt that I'm going on! Dowr yeyn, mar pleg. Cold water, please. Dowr yea, e.g. Hemm yw lyver. It is a book. I think he's a lever. My a dhegemeras dha lyther. I received your letter. My uncle's gonna come back. Ny wre’ta omwolghi. You do not wash. Do not be grateful. Res yw dhywgh mos arta. You must go back. You're going to have a month. My a wor dha vos koweth a Tom. I know you're a friend of Tom's. If you'd beg Tom, I'm sorry. Seytek bloodh yw ow howeth. My friend is seventeen years old. Let me say it's how hot it's like her. Eus mona genes? Do you have money? From Mona Gees? Henn yw ow lyver. That is my book. He is the owner of a loser. Ygor an darasow na! Open those doors! Yor the second show no! An balores yw haval orth molgh dhu. The chough is similar to a blackbird. The balores is a black pig. Kas yw genev skol. I hate school. It's kind of school. Nyns yw res dhis dybri. You don't have to eat. No reason is available. Res yw dhymm mos. I have to go. Give it a mos. Da yw gensi ponya. She likes to run. It's good to receive ponya. Dyskadores os ta lemmyn. You're a teacher now. How long if there's now. Re vyghan ov. I'm too small. Too good to be true. Yma hi ow kul ergh ena. It's snowing there. She's here saying she's gone beautiful. Res yw dhymm ygeri an fenester. I must open the window. I have to open the window. Res o dhymm dha weles. I had to see you. I was going to send them away. Yw res dhywgh gorwedha? Do you need to lie down? Do you really want to flee? Eus mona ganso? Does he have money? Ain't there? Kas yw genev ow theylu. I hate my family. What is it? It's unresolved. Pyth yw hanow dha gi? What's your dog's name? What is your name? Da yw genev ergh. I like snow. I'm sorry. Skrifewgh agas hanow. Write your name. Please enter your name. Res yw dhyn kevewya. We must party. You need to report this. Yma lyver war an voos. There is a book on the table. Here's the ball-shirt. Yw da genowgh studhya? Do you like to study? Would you like to have it? Emily a vynn dyski Greka. Emily wants to learn Greek. Well, I'm gonna go back to Greka. Ty a allas mos tre. You could go home. Thy might be a great mos. Ple'ma'n sodhva bost? Where is the post office? Where is he e-mail address? Ny vynnav vy dybri. I don't want to eat. I don't care if I don't care. Ymons i orth dha wortos a-dherag an daras. They are waiting for you in front of the door. Yemons to catch him the second. Yw da genes an cita? Do you like the city? Does the cita come? Hi a wrug glaw. It rained. She wrug rain. Kas yw genev ow hwor. I hate my sister. This is a great owner of money. Res yw dhymm mos lemmyn. I need to go now. We need to get away from now. Res yw dhymm prena eskisyow. I must buy shoes. We need to buy some clothes. dy'Gwener yw hedhyw. Today is Friday. ... that you can turn off the line by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Insert key. Bythkweth ny leveris dhedhi y’s karen. Never did I tell her that I loved her. He never became a young man or a young man. Koth yw an lyver na. That book is old. There's a jeopardy. Peswar bloodh warn ugens yw ev. He's twenty-four years old. One hundred years ago, it's a couple of young offenders. Yw res dhywgh oberi dy Sul? Do you need to work on Sunday? Do you really want to do this to? Kas yw genev an cita ma. I hate this city. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Res o dhymm oberi diwedhes. I had to work late. You're gonna have to do some job. My a wre oberi rygdhi. I used to work for her. I'll do it later. Yw henna nowydh? Is that new? Is new age? Ha ty? And you? What's wrong with you? Eus, yma diw. Yes, two. I'm from here. Yw res dhis diberth lemmyn? Do you need to leave now? Does she have a sacrifice now? Duw genes! Goodbye! God is born! Yth esa tri mab dhodho. He had three sons. He was a three-year-old son. Res yw dhywgh gortos. You must wait. You're about to gotos. Res yw dhyn diberth a-varr. We must leave early. This is a very reluctant sacrifice. Ny yll'ta kerdhes. You can't walk. You cannot access this trash. An re na yw aga lyvrow. Those are their books. These are not a lyvrow story. Ple’ma dha bellgowser? Where's your phone? What's up to now? Ow gerlyver yw henna. That's my dictionary. Oh, he's a lady. Agas gweles. See you. You can see it. Fatel yw an gewer? How is the weather? Fatel's fat? Yma hi ow kul glaw ena. It's raining there. She's saying she's going to get off the rain. Ni a gonvedh. We understand. We're not exaggerate. Yma kath war'n voos. A cat is on the table. There's a cat here. Ki da! Good dog! Ki good! A welydh myghternes? Do you see a queen? Will you see things? Res yw dhyn kewsel. We have to talk. This is useful. Yth esa ki dhodho. He had a dog. There was an error displaying help. Piw a dorras hemma? Who broke this? What does he look like? Yma dew lyver dhis. You have two books. Here's a dyver dial. Yw res dhyn gul henna? Do we have to do that? Is she an old animal? Honn yw skath. That's a boat. This is school. Yma dhedha mab. They have a son. There's also a boy here. Yth esov vy ow kewsel. I'm speaking. It was a waste of blood. Res yw dhymm diberth. I must leave. We need a sacrifice. Kas yw genev an geryow na. I hate those words. This is the mother of the words. Ple'ma medhoges? Where is a doctor? Where's the doctores? Nyns yw res dhyn gul henna. We don't need to do that. It doesn't make any sense. Yth esa seghes dhodho. He was thirsty. It seemed like he's been having a good deal. Yw res dhis oberi hedhyw? Do you have to work today? Is she supposed to do it? Yma edhom dhodho a daksi. He needs a taxi. He'll do this again. Res vydh dhodho gul arta an oberen ma. He'll have to do this task again. I'm going to say this. Res yw dhymm kavos honna. I have to find that. We need to get this out of here. Ny allav hy ygeri! I can't open it! No, let's open! Ny yll'ta gul hemma. You can't do this. Can not get message: %s %s Yma teyr fluven dhywgh. You have three pens. Oh, there's for you. Bydh kosel! Be quiet! He'll be fine. Da lowr yw hemma. This is OK. For more software, this is great. Res yw dhymm godhvos moy. I need to know more. I have to do much more. Yma lies koweth dhe Wella. Bill has many friends. Here are many things to Wella. Da yw genes mowesi. You like girls. It is good for you to eat. Da yw genev gwenton. I like spring. It's your business. Kas yw genev klavjiow. I hate hospitals. That's a bad relationship. Laurie yw hi. She's Laurie. Laurie is she. Nyns o res dhis dri dha lawlen. You didn't need to bring your umbrella. There is no point that has been altered by his hand. Ny evav aga dowr. I don't drink their water. I don't think you should ev. Res yw dhywgh mos tre. You have to go home. You're in a good time. Ny dherivis Tom orthiv y vos demedhys. Tom didn't tell me he was married. Don't tell Tom that next day I could get away. Ny allav vy leverel. I can't say. I don't think you'd love to love me. Da yw genev eva leth. I like to drink milk. It's your head's heart. Res yw dhyn gul homma. We must do this. Why don't you come round my house? Ny allav vy dybri kig mogh. I can't eat pork. I don't think you should beg. Yth esa ev ow mires orthis. He was looking at you. There was an error displaying help. Homm yw yeyn. This is cold. It's yourmm. Py liw yw an aval? What colour is the apple? Py color is list? My a vynn ponya. I want to run. I'm having a ponya. Ty a allas gwertha honna. You could sell that. I could sell you for that. Eus arghans dhedha? Do they have money? Do you want to tell me what's going on? Deus genen. Come with us. Come on. Fatel yw an gewer ena? How's the weather there? Fatel is he who knows what he's doing? My re bia ow studhya Sowsnek rag pymp bledhen. I have been studying English for five years. My old food studiya Soowsnek rag pymp where we go. Ny allav vy diberth hwath. I can't leave yet. Well, don't look like that, you're still talking about yourself. Yw res dhyn gortos ragdha? Do we need to wait for them? Are there a wreath of sheep? Yw honna agas stevel? Is that your room? Does this lie? Yth esen vy ow mires orth. I was watching. There was an error deleting it. An re ma yw skeusennow koth. These are old photos. It's too many photos. Ny allav vy perthi kov henna. I can't remember that. For years, don't have to import an old man. My a vynn gweres. I want to help. I was sorry. Nyns o res dhywgh gowleverel. You didn't have to lie. There is no items to paste. Res o dhyn diberth. We had to leave. You should get no sacrifice. Ple'ma an paper nowodhow? Where is the newspaper? Where is the paper or icon? Yth esov vy ow redya lyver. I am reading a book. There was an error displaying help. A wodhes neuvya? Do you know how to swim? Did access nevya? An gewer yw brav hedhyw. The weather is fine today. It is a beautiful woman. Yw res dhymm gul henna? Do I need to do that? Did I restore an old animal? Res yw dhywgh dybri neppyth. You must eat something. You're gonna have to come to neppy. Pur vras yw dha gi. Your dog is very big. What is it? Nyns yw da genes ilow. You don't like music. Not a music type. Hi a vynn ki nowydh. She wants a new dog. She was taking a new place. Pluven blomm yw homma. This is a pencil. Homma is a vertical pluven. Res yw dhywgh y wul. You have to do it. You're going to get the sun. I a gar Tom. They love Tom. I'm close to Tom. Gromerci! Thank you! Gromi! Deus dhymm. Come to me. Come with me. Hager yw hemma. This is ugly. It's too late to change. My a wrug dha glewes. I heard you. If I murder him, I'll give him a clue. Yma tri hi dhyn. We have three dogs. Here she is three. Ple hallav prena astel omborth? Where can I buy a surfboard? Where's the wooden hall? Kas yw ganso Nancy. He hates Nancy. Send us by Nancy. Da yw gensi ergh. She likes snow. I'm sorry. Ny allav vy mos yn-mes. I can't go out. Nor vy lav's mos-mes. Nyns eus edhom dhedhi a arghans. She doesn't need money. There are no subsequent results. A nyns eus dhywgh pluven? Don't you have a pen? Do you have any clothes? Myttin da! Good morning! Good myttin! Ny allav vy neuvya hwath. I can't swim yet. I don't think you're still looking for him. Res o dhymm fistena an ober. I had to hurry the work. We've got to do the job. I a vynn gortos. They want to stay. I was in a gortos. A garsewgh hwi kavos nebes sugra? Would you like some sugar? You're having a few fun, are you? Res vydh dhywgh diberth. You'll have to leave. You will have to make a sacrifice. Nyns yw ow thas. He's not my father. _Other Organiser Yth esen ow pobas tesen. I was baking a cake. It had been a waste of tea. Res yw dhywgh gorthebi an govyn. You must answer the question. You're about to stop the reference. Yth esen vy ow kwari. I was playing. There was an error deleting it. Da yw genev keus. I like cheese. It's your crime. Da yw genev oberi. I like to work. It's for you to do it. My a oberas. I worked. I'm doing it. Ty a allas y wul. I could do it. Ty and I could have the sun. Drog o ganso skol. He disliked school. It's just a bit like that, is it? Tybyans da yw, dell brederav. I think it's a good idea. Well, that's right. Ny yll'ta mos yn-mes. You can't go out. - That's mine. - It's not. Res yw dhedha mos. They need to go. You've got to eat mos. Pask lowen! Happy Easter! Pask lowen! Y hyllir y usya avel kollel. It can be used as a knife. It can be used to call jeopardy. Ple’ma’gas skol? Where is your school? Where is your school? Ny vogav. I don't smoke. You're neνer done that. Yw da genowgh ow howeth? Do you like my friend? Would you like to have What? Teg yw an gewer hedhyw. The weather is beautiful today. The sugar cheese is fresh. Ni a wre kesvewa. We used to live together. We wre kesvewa. Nyns yw a ow thas. He's not my father. It is not a owner. Res yw dhyn fistena. We need to hurry. Give it to your face. Pyth yw hanow dha das? What's your father's name? What is your name? Res yw dhyn mos. We must go. This is a mos. Dha dro yw. It's your turn. It's black. Nyns o res dhywgh prena an lyver ma. You didn't need to buy this book. There was an error launching the application. Bras yw an ki ma. That dog is big. It's a big kind of thing. Hwi a bonyas arta omma. You ran back here. You have received a truth. Pyth yw dha hanow? What is your name? What is your name? Nyns eus marth dhymm. I'm not surprised. There is no point that I do. Yth esov vy ow tyski Spaynek. I am learning Spanish. It was a bit like that, and he was constantly alone in our eyes. Eus pellwolok y’th chambour? Is there a television set in your bedroom? From the distance of your friend? Hi a gegin ragdho. She cooks for him. She'll cook it off. My re bia ow skrifa lytherow. I've been writing letters. If you don't, you will be invisible. Kas yw genev an gath na. I hate that cat. This is a kind of cat or cat. Res yw dhyn ponya. We must run. This is a pnya sin. Goslowewgh orta. Listen to them. Welcome to you. Res yw dhyn gweres. We have to help. You need to do this. Yw da genowgh an cita? Do you like the city? Would you like to go? Res yw dhis mos tre. You have to go home. Reis a good mos. Nyns o res dhis gul henna. You didn't have to do that. No, she's never done for her. My a wrug ankevi. I forgot. My absconding. Yma seghes bras dhymm. I'm very thirsty. It's like I'm having a big deal. Yma dhymm dew vroder hag unn hwor. I have two brothers and a sister. I'm here one thing and a nine. Res yw dhymm ponya. I must run. Give it a ponym. Yw da genowgh skol? Do you like school? Would you like to help? Piw o henna? Who was that? Who's an old man? Res vydh dhyn gortos. We'll have to wait. Good will be fine. Teg yw hi. She's beautiful. She is fair. Res yw dhywgh mos lemmyn. You must go now. You're now. Res o dhymm leverel neppyth. I had to say something. No, I want to keep going. Yma tri harr dhis. You have three cars. Here are three dirts. Nyns yw res dhis gowleverel. You don't need to lie. Not a sound that makes sure she doesn't sound Pyth yw agas hanow? What is your name? What is your name? Yw da genes choklet? Do you like chocolate? Do you want to coke? Ple y’s gwelsys? Where did you see them? Where do you see? Ny allav vy redya hemma. I can't read this. Nor hath a lava ve run. Hi eth dhe’n cinema ganso. She went to the cinema with him. She eth of our race without him. Yma nown bras dhymm. I'm very hungry. Here's a great night. Ev a wre neuvya y’n avon ma yn fenowgh. He would often swim in this river. Ev wre novya this afternoon if I wait. My a gar viajya. I love to travel. I don't know how to do this. My a garsa kavos nebes moy a dhowr. I'd like some more water. I and she cared for much more and more stupid. Yw henna ergh? Is that snow? Is there an infant? Da yw genev korev. I like beer. It's your fucking business. Yma ki dhe Tom. Tom has a dog. Here's Tom. Py liw yw? What color is it? What is it? Yw da genowgh pysk? Do you like fish? Would you like to? Hemm yw desk. This is a desk. I'm writing to him. Ass yw da an gewer? Isn't the weather good? And is it good for us to know? Res yw dhyn dalleth. We have to start. This is a blind man. Ke ganso. Go with him. Ke by now. Yw res dhis prena neppyth? Do you need to buy anything? Is she proper to resolutely buy? Res yw dhywgh hedhi. You must stop. You have cancelled. Yth esen vy ow redya an lyver. I was reading the book. There was an error displaying help. Euthyk yw an gewer. The weather is terrible. Euthyk is the cheese. Prag y fynn'ta mos tre a-varr? Why do you want to go home early? urging the mann'ta a good mos-varr? Yma dhodho dew garr-tan. He's got two cars. There he will say he will have a car. My a wra gweles lew. I see a lion. [Background voice of cop] Ple hwelsys ta Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? Where's Nancy's rest? Tomm o de. It was warm yesterday. Hot hot. Emily a garsa dyski Greka. Emily wants to learn Greek. Emily's looking for Greka's doing it. Yw da genes homma? Do you like this? Am I having a homma? Ev a skrif lyvrow. He writes books. Ev a lyvrow document. Os demedhys? Are you married? Where is he now? Nyns o res dhedhi mos dhe'n kuntelles. She didn't need to go to the meeting. There is no disk space left out of the collection. Nyns yw da genev koffi yeyn. I don't like cold coffee. There's no kind of thing o'clock and you were. Myttin da, oll an bys! Good morning, everybody. Myttin's good, all the finger! Yw da genowgh avalow? Do you like apples? Would you like to list? Yw da genowgh koffi? Do you like coffee? Would you like to prepare? Ass yw teg! How beautiful! Ass is fair! Res yw dhymm mos tre. I have to go home. There's a lot of trouble. Yma dew vroder dhis. You have two brothers. No, I'm out of my country. Osaka yw brassa es Kyoto. Osaka is larger than Kyoto. So it's theus of Kyoto. A yll'ta neuvya? Can you swim? Can't unvya? Ny allav vy kewsel Frynkek. I can't speak French. That is -a very nice, that's it. Res yw dhyn oberi lemmyn. We must work now. You need to do it now. A wodhes ta? Do you know? Where's tha' access? Ny vynnav vy y brena. I don't want to buy it. I don't care if he's fine. Gow yw henna. That's a lie. It's an old man. Yw res dhymm mos genowgh? Must I go with you? What do you want to do? Ny yll Tom dos genen. Tom can't come with us. Tom can't be your head. An gath na yw gorm. That cat is brown. The cat is not blue. Yth esa seghes dhymm. I was thirsty. It was a bit like that, Yma hi ow tos! She's coming! Here she owns a beginning! Da yw gansa kana. They like to sing. It's your business. My re welas henna. I've seen it. I'll tell you what I've seen. Henn yw aga thowl. That's their plan. He's know what he's like. Duw genes! Good-bye! God is born! My a neuvyas. I swam. My days. Hi a wre triga ganso. She used to live with him. She wre go through. Res o dhodho glanhe an stevel. He had to clean his room. You should come back and save him. Yma ki du dhe Tom. Tom has a black dog. Here's a black herb of Tom. Prag yth yw res dhyn gul henna? Why do we need to do that? Is it easier to resent an old animal? Y garr yw henna. That is his car. The car is years ago. Sowsnek yw yeth an bys. English is the world's language. The language of the target is Shiftable. Res yw dhywgh dybri. You must eat. You're writing to him. Ny allav vy skrifa hwath. I can't write yet. A document is still not loaded. Yma’n ki dhymmo vy. The dog is mine. Here’s a nice hen. Res yw dhywgh gweles medhoges. You must see a doctor. You have to see your visual effects. Ny wrug Tom goslowes. Tom didn't listen. Don't wrug Tom goslowes. A vynnowgh hwi prena krys? Do you want to buy a shirt? Do you have any interest in you? Bras yw an chi na. That house is big. It's a big you don't. Da o gensi henna. She liked that. I'm sorry. Yma tri flogh dhodho. He has three children. Here are three soft flowers. Ev a gerdh y gi pub myttin. He walks his dog every morning. Ev near the mittin pub. Pes bloodh os ta? What is your age? Or if there's a bully? Ny dheuth an prener. The customer did not come. Don't look at the locker. Skwych ev yn farow. Turn it off. Here you go. You go. Da yw genowgh avalow. You like apples. You have to endure. Ha pandr’a wrug hi dhe dhelinya y’n tewes? And what did she draw in the sand? And when did she make the teaweed? Yma seyth mab dhywgh. You have seven sons. There's no son of your son here. Hemm ky ki Tom. This is Tom's dog. I got you to call Tom. Eus arghans dhywgh? Do you have any money? Do you wish to continue converting remaining mails? Pyth yw an niverow na? What are those numbers? If it wasn't a number or a number? Duw genes. Goodbye. God is born. Nyns yw res dhis gul hemma. You don't have to do this. No, it is not possible to print her again. Hi a vynn dos ha bos medhoges. She will become a doctor. She's a werewolf, and perhaps she had a doctor. Nyns yw res dhywgh godhvos. You don't need to know. It is not meet you forever. Yth esov vy ow skrifa lyver. I'm writing a book. There was an error deleting this document. Res yw dhymm skrifa lyther. Eus genes paper? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? You are about to select another document. From Category of paper? Nyns yw es kewsel Sowsnek. Speaking English is not easy. It is not a plugin. Res vydh dhedha gortos. They'll have to wait. Good News will be answered. Ny vynnyn ni gul henna. We don't want to do that. We didn't have an old animal. Eus ki dhodho? Has he got a dog? From last day? Eus mona dhywgh? Do you have money? Would you like me? Yth esov ow kana. I am singing. It was a waste of blood. Prag y fynn'ta gul hemma? Why do you want to do this? Discuss that dothn't coal? Pyth yw hanow agas myrgh? What's your daughter's name? What is your name? My a wra eva. I drink. I thought you'd see him. Ev a gews Arabek. He speaks Arabic. Ev had to Arabic. Skrifewgh dhodho. Write to him. Type of document. Tracy a gollas hy dewweder. Tracy lost her glasses. Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by the Member States of the Commission Ke gansa! Go with them! Ke byssa! Kas yw genev pel droos. I hate football. This is some kind of retarded. Res yw dhywgh oberi. You must work. You don't need to do this. Ni a dhybri. We eat. We're not gonna hear. Ny allav hy honvedhes. I cannot understand it. No, we're gonna have to access. My a vynnas mos. I wanted to go. My kinsman's mos. Gwell yw genev leverel. I prefer to say. It's a good fit, isn't it? Kas yw genev ow abransow. I hate my eyebrows. Send an unresolved generation. Yth esa Tom ow kewsel orth Maria. Tom was speaking to Mary. It was a waste of Maria. Yw res dhywgh eva gwin? Do you need to drink wine? Would you make it a wine? Ev yw klav. He is ill. It's a tag. Nyns yw res dhywgh bos ena. You don't need to be there. There is not enough space left! Honn yw ow hwor. That is my sister. It's the owner of us. Res yw dhymm ponya. I have to run. Give it a ponym. Kellys ov. I am lost. Kellys ov. Kows dhyn. Talk to us. This is yours. Nowydh yw homma. This is new. It's a soul, ain't it? Yth esov vy owth eva koffi. I'm drinking coffee. It's been a day long, and it's been a carni. Ny allav vy mos. I can't go. That's my mos. Nyns eus genen marnas te. We only have tea. There is no marissia. Pooth yw. It is hot. It's pooth. Deus a-ji! Come in! Come along! Da o henna. That was good. I'm sorry about you. My a bonyas. I ran. My sister. Res o dhymm gul honna. I had to do that. I've got to pray for it. Nyns yw res dhywgh gortos. You don't need to wait. It is not possible to back up. Yw da genes Tom? Do you like Tom? Am I born Tom? Yth esa an howl ow splanna. The sun was shining. It was a burglary archive. Yma kov dhyn. We remember. Here, kov a day. Ny vynnav vy gweles henna. I don't want to see that. I had no idea for you. Yma ki bras dhymm. I have a big dog. Here is a big logo. Ple'ma an gorsav? Where is the station? Where's the stop? Yth esen ow redya lyver hag onan pur dha o va. We were reading a book and it was a very good one. It was a calculated move on the part of the Church to him that was a part of his life. Eus nown dhywgh? Are you hungry? From When? Res yw dhywgh gweres. You have to help. You have to help. Rudh yw an howl. The sun is red. Something's going to happen. Meur ras! Thanks! Thank you! Yn Nihon yth ov vy trigys. I live in Japan. We're gonna have a living day. Yw ow gorthyp ewn? Is my answer correct? Do I own ain't I? Yma nown dheda. They're hungry. Here's a good night. Frynk ov vy. I'm French. Son of a bitch. A Ostrali yth yw Jane devedhys. Jane comes from Australia. And Ostralia is Jane devalled. Yth esov vy ow kortos. I am waiting. There was an error deleting it. Drog yw genev kewer yeyn. I dislike cold weather. It's a fat dog. Hwi a wra dos dhe bymp eur. You came at five. You have to listen to my time. Ni a vynn gweres. We want to help. We never did what I was doing. Yw da genes an vleujen ma? Do you like this flower? Is my light's light? Yth esa ev ow mires orthowgh. He was looking at you. There was an error launching the application. Yth esov vy ow tyski Baskek. I'm learning Basque. It was now time to death. Py eur yw? What's the time? Py time? My a gerdh. I walk. Leave me alone. Yw da genowgh homma? Do you like this? Would you like to continue? Da yw genev gul honna. I like to do that. That's your generation of coal. Res yw dhywgh gul ober. You must do work. You're ready to do it. Res yw dhyn gwaynya. We have to win. There's a faintya man. Teg yw an ki. The dog is beautiful. It's fair to get warm. Yw da genes tesen? Do you like cake? Am I a tesen generation? Ny yllyn klewes Tom. I couldn't hear Tom. You can't left Tom. Skwith ov. I'm tired. Oh, for God's sake. Res yw dhywgh dos. You have to come. You don't have to do it. Deus omma. Come here. That was really wrong. Yeyn yw an gwyns hedhyw. The wind is cold today. It's a woman's white. Mamm Tomm ov vy. I'm Tom's mother. You've got to call me so let's go. Prag y fynn'ta oberi ragon? Why do you want to work for us? Pray that dothn't rage? Whi a boon. You run. Whi and boon. Kas yw genev pel droos. I hate soccer. This is some kind of retarded. Yw henna da lowr? Is that okay? Is that a good hero? Yma va ow ponya. He is running. Here was the owner of ponya. Res yw dhis dos. You have to come. Give me your answer. Klavji bras yw. It's a big hospital. It's a big refrigerator. My a wre triga gansa. I used to live with them. My young man's feet. Res yw dhis studhya moy. You must study more. You need more study. Da yw genev mergh. I like horses. It's good to be great. Byw yw an owrbysk. The goldfish is alive. The fish egg is. My a vynn kewsel. I want to talk. I'm sorry. Kas yw genev ow hentrevogesow. I hate my neighbors. That's the cause of a serious tragedy. Res yw dhymm dyski Frynkek. I need to learn French. We are going to take back to Frynk. Y ji yw henna. That is his house. It's the years old. Res yw dhymm diberth lemmyn. I have to leave now. We need to sacrifice now. Nyns yw res dhywgh gul henna. You don't have to do that. It is not up to date that you dropped. Yma hi ow kul ergh arta. It's snowing again. Here she joked an article. Tom a viras orth y gi. Tom looked at his dog. I was gonna get him to the dog. Nyns esons i ow tos. They are not coming. There is no book to start. Yw res dhymm mos ena? Do I need to go there? Is it good to reassure my soul? Drog o gensi hy gour. She disliked her husband. It's a bit like she's heard from her water. Yw da genowgh hemma? Do you like this? Would you like to? Yma ki gwynn dhe Ken. Ken has a white dog. Here is a white glass of Ken. An re ma yw borelesyow. These are daisies. It's a lot of retards. Ny vynnons i diberth. They don't want to leave. Neither vynnons to sacrifice. Pur deg yw dha bows. Your dress is very nice. It's ten, and it's just two bows. Res yw dhis hedhi. You must stop. You're aborted. Yw res dhymm dybri ganso? Do I have to eat with him? Do we resent from it? My a dheuth dh’y ladha. I came to kill him. My dear day. Ke ena. Go there. Kea, man. Red an lyver ma. Read this book. It's the same thing as me. Yw da genes an lowarth ma? Do you like this garden? Am I born the west? Yth esa tri den. There were three men. It was three people. Res yw dhodho gorthebi an govyn. He needs to answer the question. This is the point in which the gober is coming. An re ma yw ow fluvennow blomm. These are my pencils. That's what it's about. Yw da genowgh lewya? Do you like to drive? Would you like to continue? Pyth yw an re ma? What are these? Did not look like that? Gwren henna. Let's do that. This morning's time. My a grys Tom dhe’m kara. I believe that Tom loves me. My voice was Tom of my love. Da yw gensi an glaw. She likes the rain. It is the birth of the rain. Nowydh o an lyver ma. This book was new. It's not like I'm having a drink. Kas o genev skol. I hated school. Get out of my school! Gwynn yw keun. Dogs are white. This game is solvable. Yma dhymm unn ki hag unn gath. I own one dog and one cat. I'm here one and a single cat. Yth esos ta ow mires orth. You are watching. There was a problem opening the file %s. An avon ma yw teg. This river is beautiful. If this thing's fair, it's the air. Gorthugher da! Good evening! Good shepherd! Nyns yw res dhywgh mos ena. You don't have to go there. It is not up to date. My a skrifas an lyver. I wrote the book. If you ask me, you're gonna get a slap. Ny yll'ta godhvos henna. You can't know that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Mr Smith yw dyskador da. Mr Smith is a good teacher. That's Mr. Smith. Yw henna dha hwor? Is that your sister? Is he an elder? Nyns yw res dhedha gorthebi. They don't have to answer. Not paired Nyns yw res dhis diberth lemmyn. You don't need to leave now. There is no deal that has been bookic with her now. Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe wul? What will you make? What was the matter? Nyns yw Sowsnek es ragov. English is not easy for me. So is not a bit like this, or he is not a log out of it. Da yw gensi koffi. She likes coffee. It's your mission. Hi a wrug ergh de. It snowed yesterday. She wrug a man of fear. My a brederis henna. I considered that. My grandmother's exaggerate. A wra glaw hedhyw? Will it rain today? And when did she come to her blood? Piw a skrifas an lyther na? Who wrote that letter? Do you want to reload the file? Yw da genowgh keun? Do you like dogs? Would you like to? Yw da genes kana? Do you like to sing? Does your gun? Pandr'a wre'ta a-vorow? What are you doing tomorrow? What's wrong? My a aswon an benenes na. I know those women. My aswon the beens of me. An lyver-ma yw re gostek ragov. This book is too expensive for me. It's just a bit late for that. A yll’ta neuvya? Can you swim? Can't you note it? I a vynn dos. They want to come. I'm a dunes. Yw res dhymm fistena? Must I hurry? Is it reasonable to resent? Yma hi ow kegina ragdho. She is cooking for him. Here she spread a raggina. Yth esov vy ow tybri aval. I am eating an apple. It was better to know what was going on. Tredhek bloodh warn ugens yw hi. She's thirty-three. It's a biasyline. Yw res dhis mos lemmyn? Do you have to go now? Does she know how to do this? Yw da genes keus? Do you like cheese? Is there a chaos? Yth esa hi ow kul glaw de. It was raining yesterday. There was an error deleting it for a few years. Hwi a allas ponya. You could run. You're going to be able to pnya. dy'Sul yw hedhyw. Today is Sunday. that's his woman. Da yw gansa Sowsnek. They like English. Good is the Sowsnek tag. An voos ma yw prenn. This table is wooden. That's my book. A gerydh ow hwor? Do you love my sister? Will she come and die? Res yw dhywgh kavos hansel. You need to have breakfast. You have to get some software. Yw henna dha vamm? Is that your mother? Is he his mum? A nyns eus dhis pluven? Don't you have a pen? Does she have any clothes? Yma tri hi dhymm. I have three dogs. Here three of her team. Ty a wra anwosi. You will catch cold. [Background voice of cop] Ichiro Tanaka yw ow hanow. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Noito Tanaka is replaced by a name. Homm yw koynt. This is strange. SERVANT Homm is so cute. My re bia ow kortos ragos. I've been waiting for you. I don't think anyone has done anything wrong with you. Kas yw genev tewes. I hate sand. Send us some tewes. Hy chi yw henna. That is her house. Hy is an elder. O da genowgh honna? Did you like that? Would you like to continue? Penncita Canada yw Ottawa. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Ottawa Canada is Ottawa. Pub seythen yth a dhe byskessa. Every week he goes fishing. Five o'clock in the world. Py semlans eus genowgh? What do you look like? Would you like to accept it? Da yw genev fleghes. I like children. It's good to find out what's going on with you. Da yw genev goslowes orth ilow klassek. I like to listen to classical music. It's kind of funny music. Py lies lyver eus dhywgh? How many books do you have? Would you like to close the message window? Yw hemma dha lyver jy? Is this your book? What does he look like? Aga thigen yw homma. This is their handbag. It's down to me. Nyns eus fleghes dhymm. I don't have any children. No questions I want to go. Tokynner euthyk yw ev. He is an awful ticket inspector. It's tookner ethyk. Ny vynnons dos. They won't come. I don't think you're a vynnons. Dha weles. See you. [Background voice of cop] Ow thas yw. He is my father. Now it is. Mir orto. Look at him. I want you to be there. Eus ki dhedhi? Nag eus. Does she have a dog? No. I don't know. Hemm yw mappa. This is a map. I'm a map. Yw hemma dha gi? Is this your dog? What does he look like? Da o gansa gwari y'n ergh. They liked to play in the snow. I'll tell you what's going on. Nos da! Good night! Good night! Prag y fynn'ta y wertha? Why do you want to sell it? I'll tell you what's going on. Nyns o res dhywgh fistena. You didn't need to hurry. There is no disk space left! Prag yth yw res dhymm dyski Frynkek? Why do I need to learn French? Any reason is it hard to reassure Frenk? Res o dhymm gortos. I had to stay. You have to come back. Nyns ov agas mab. I'm not your son. You're not your son. Nyns yw da gans Tom y ober. Tom doesn't like his work. The operation is not valid. Yw da genes owravalow? Do you like oranges? Is there a garbage? Yth eson ni owth assaya gweres. We're trying to help. It was now time to get serious. Res yw dhyn hedhi. We have to stop. You have to cancel. Ple'th esa an kreslu? Where was the police? Where's the midst? Res yw dhis goslowes orthyn. You have to listen to us. You've got to tell me what's going on. Da yw gensi choklet, ynwedh. She likes chocolate, too. It's like taking cokets, sometimes. Res yw dhyn diberth. We must leave. You need a sacrifice. Yma pymp kowethes dhymm. I have five friends. We need to find out what's going on with us. Teg os ta. You are beautiful. If there's a man. Teg os ta. You're beautiful. If there's a man. Yw da genes te? Do you like tea? Am I coming with you? Ple'ma an maw? Where is the boy? Where's the dead? Pandr'yw Tom ow redya? What's Tom reading? What's the latest Tom? Pyth yw? What is it? Did not it? Nyns yw res dhis dos. You don't need to come. No such data source for UID '%s' O da genes henna? Did you like that? Do you have an old man? Lowen ov. I am happy. SERVANT Lowen. My a wor kewsel pymp yeth. I can speak five languages. My kosel wimp language. Kas yw genev gortos. I hate to wait. Send is a throne's wedding. Nyns yw da gans Tom owravalow. Tom doesn't like oranges. Tom has no sources. Pyth yw dha worthyp? What's your answer? What's your worthyp? My a wrug oberi. I worked. I'll make my drugs. Ev a bew an karr-tan na. That car is his. The car is each other. Yma ow kul ergh hedhyw. It's snowing today. He's here a fat dog. Homm yw euthyk. This is terrible. It is ourmm. Ple’ma hi? Where is she? Where is this? Bydh kosel. Be quiet. He'll be fine. Hi a vynn redya lyver. She wants to read a book. She's been running lyver. Res yw dhymm gwaynya. I need to win. There's a baniyam. Kas yw genev an glaw. I hate the rain. This is the heart of the rain. Da yw genev gul henna. I like to do that. That's old boy's. Euthyk yw homma. This is terrible. Euthyk is homma. Tom, esos omma? Tom, are you here? Tom, is it? Nyns yw hemma ki. This is not a dog. Not a launchable item Meur ras dhis a’n bleujyow teg. Thank you for the beautiful flowers. Thank you, the staff are fine. Res yw dhymm metya Tom. I must meet Tom. We need to find out what's going on with Tom. Yw res dhymm mos lemmyn? Do I need to go now? What shall I do now? Yth ov vy lowen. I'm happy. There was a vegetie. Res yw dhymm dos tre. I need to come home. You need to take it easy. Na wra ygeri an daras. Don't open the door. Opens the second. My a vynn gwari. I want to play. My man will spring up. Yma Tom owth ola hwath. Tom is still crying. Tom is still leaving oil. Nyns yw res dhis mos ena. You don't have to go there. No, it is not a bit unique at all. Res yw dhymm oberi. I need to work. We have to do this. Yth esov vy owth assaya gweres lemmyn. I'm trying to help now. It was now time to get serious about exploring our sister planet. Yth esov vy owth assaya oberi. I'm trying to work. It was more and more people to get through it. Ki Tom yw pur vras. Tom's dog is very big. You need to find out what's going on with us. Marow yw Tom. Tom is dead. Marow is Tom. Yma ow broder byghan ow mires orth an bellwolok. My little brother is watching TV. Here are some very few items of the remote ship. Yw da genes kevewya? Do you like to party? What does he look like? Ny yll'ta gweles. You can't see. You can't see. Yth esov vy ow tyski Sowsnek. I'm learning English. There was an error displaying help. Yw res dhis mos? Do you need to go? Is it a mos? Gwynsek o de. It was windy yesterday. I've got a white o'clock. An maw a dheber bara. The boy eats bread. The dead are gonna make bread. Da. Good. Good. Nowydh yw an lyver ma. This book is new. The lyver is mine. Ke gensi. Go with her. Get over it. Yma teyr myrgh dhodho. He has three daughters. There's no chance to say there. Yma peswar ki dhis. You have four dogs. Here is one of hers. Res yw dhywgh fistena. You need to hurry. You're supposed to call it. Yw da genes ow eskisyow? Do you like my shoes? Is there anything wrong with him? My a wrug kerdhes. I walked. I would like to access. Res yw dhymm dyski. I need to learn. This is going to take you back. Ny vynnav vy leverel dhis. I don't want to tell you. A vynnav vaverel di her. Ki Ken yw pur vras. Ken's dog is very big. You can see him, you're a big sober. Glyb yw hi. It is wet. She's a motif. Ny vynnav vy mos tre. I don't want to go home. I don't think you'd have a great chance. Ple’ma ow lyver? Where's my book? What do we say? Ny vynnav vy gul hemma. I don't want to do this. A bit of public life. Yma ow kul glaw. It is raining. Here he owns the rain. Hi a brenas gwariell rag an maw. She bought a toy for the boy. She'll give her a light for the dead. Ragos sy yw homma. This is for you. That is ours. Res o dhodho gortos yn gweli. He had to stay in bed. Restantly he used to grtos in sight. Usi an ki ow neuvya? Is the dog swimming? What do you mean? Yma sehes dhymm. I'm thirsty. Here hes heavy. Yth esov vy ow koska. I'm sleeping. It was now time to death. Pyth yw res dhis y wul? What must you do? What is the reason for the sun? Ev yw haval orth dha vroder. He is similar to your brother. A reference is to your country. Yma hi ow kul glaw yn-mes. It's raining outside. Here she carried a rain kul in-mes. Hemm yw nowydh. This is new. This is new. Ny gar hi den vyth ha ny’s kar den vyth. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. She does not love the father and the love of the man. Kales o an apposyans. The exam was difficult. It's a lie in the apprehension. Hemm yw ki. This is a dog. I'm here. Ow gi yw henna. That is my dog. Well, it's an old girl. Ni a allas kana war-barth. We could sing together. I can't believe I'm not going to take that. Na wra krodhvolas. Don't complain. Well, don't worry about it. Yw da genes an kanow ma? Do you like these songs? Do you know what I mean? Res yw dhymm godhvos. I have to know. You need to find out what's going on. Krev yw Tom. Tom is strong. Tom is all right. I a hunrosas. They dream. I'm a hyrosas. Yw hemma dha ji? Is this your house? What does he look like? Skrifewgh dhymm. Write to me. Please review a document. Yw henna drogober? Is that a crime? Is there an old one? Gonn. I know. Gon. Da yw genes neuvya. You like to swim. That's a nevya genes. I a vynn kewsel. They want to talk. I'm gonna be fine. An lyver na yw henna. That book is old. The loser is not an elder. Hi a wre eva korev. She used to drink beer. She'd make her look beautiful. Py lies jynn-tenna a wruss’ta dhe wertha an seythen usi passyes? How many tractors did you sell last week? Py Multiple computers do you have a lot to sell us a lot of passyes? Da yw genev honna. I like that. That's your generation, man. My a vynn gweles dha ji. I want to see your house. [Background voice of cop] Loos yw an komolen. The cloud is grey. Well, it's Loos. Homm yw bras. This is big. It's your mum. Tomm yw an gwav ma. This winter is warm. My blood is hot. Res yw dhymm skrifa lyther. I have to write a letter. You are required to open this file. Diwedhes yw a. He is late. This is a Recent. Gevewgh dhymm, my a’gas pys. Please forgive me. Follow me if you log out. Res yw dhis hedhi. You need to stop. You're aborted. Res yw dhis oberi war-barth. You must work together. You're gonna have to do it. Yma hi ow kul ergh omma. It's snowing here. She is here to commit adultery. Mirewgh orthiv. Look at me. Oh, mate. Kas yw genev an traow ma. I hate these things. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Nyns yw da gensi koffi. She doesn't like coffee. This is not supposed to be known. Nyns yw kas genev skol. I don't hate school. It is not school type. My a vynnsa gorwedha. I'd like to lie down. My sensa is splendid. Yma dhodho diw vyrgh. He has two daughters. He'll do this again. My a gews pymp yeth. I speak five languages. My team got a language. I a dhibarthas a-varr. They left early. In her charity a-varr. Res yw dhymm studhya Frynkek. I have to study French. Relax's studdy Idiya Frynk. Kas yw genev kevewiow. I hate parties. So, I'll be happy if you want to go. My a vynnas dos. I wanted to come. My kinsman. My a redyas lyver ha my ow tybri. I read a book while eating. My presentyas hearr and my owner I wonder. My re welas an ki. I've seen the dog. - I can't see that. Dewdhek bloodh ov vy. I'm twelve. Good day Sir. An lyver ma yw byghan. This book is small. If she's too late, I'm pretty sure. Res yw dhywgh studhya moy. You must study more. You need to learn more about your status. Res yw dhis esedha. You need to sit. You have to answer each other. Dha gi yw pur vras. Your dog is very big. He's a big dog. Dha lyver yw henna. That is your book. Good night is years old. Yw res dhedha y wul? Do they have to do it? Are there a bad news of the sun? Ple’th esos ta? Where art thou? Where do you learn there? Ny yll'ta mos. You can't go. - I can't help you. Nyns yw res dhis kana. You don't have to sing. It is not a dog. My a vynn kavos an ki ma. I want this dog. I thought I'd get the school. Yth esa tri hi dhe Tom. Tom had three dogs. It was three of hers. Nos da, Mamm. Goodnight, Mother. Good night, Mum. Yw res dhyn mos ena? Do we have to go there? Is it so fine? Res yw dhis dos. You need to come. Give me your answer. Kig yar yw hemma. That's chicken. Our sister is fine. My a neuv. I swim. My o'clock. Hemm yw lyver. This is a book. I think he's a lever. Nyns on sur. We're not sure. I'm not sure. Yma nown bras dhymm. I am very hungry. Here's a great night. Pooth yw. It's hot. It's pooth. Ni a wre triga omma. We used to live here. Can not get folder: %s: %s Ev a allas kewsel Frynkek. He could speak French. Ev could get him back to Regiment. Desk yw hemma. This is a desk. A fish is a fish. An re na yw da. Those are good. It's not good. Pyth yw an ki na ow kul? What's that dog doing? What kind of stencils do we have? Pyth yw hemma? What is this? What does he look like? A wrewgh hwi konvedhes Frynkek? Do you understand French? Are you sure you want to access "%s"? Res o dhymm gortos tre. I had to stay home. You have to come back for a long time. Py hanow os ta? What is your name? W's name if any? Da yw gensi gwin. She likes wine. It's good to receive wine. Yw homma agan ostel? Is this our hotel? Do homma a ostel? Ow hwor yw hi. She's my sister. She is beautiful. Res yw dhyn leverel nebonan. We have to tell someone. The man's lined out. Ev a bon He runs. Ev a bon Kas yw genev an liw na. I hate that colour. Sends the color generation and doesn't matter what it is. Hi a vynnas prena an lyver. She wanted to buy the book. She used to buy the scene. Hi a vynnas mos yn-mes. She wanted to go out. She's a mos-mes vynas. Yth esa hi ow mires orthis. She was looking at you. There was an error deleting it. Golusek yw ev. He's rich. Gorly, it's a vegetious drink. Homm yw hager. This is ugly. This is yours, this, this is yours. It's yours. It's My a’n kar. I love him. It's my car. Kas o genev Tom. I hated Tom. Get over Tom's head. Ny vynnav oberi. I do not want to work. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Nyns yw res dhymm glanhe ow stevel. I don't have to clean my room. "%s" is not a Make it. Y hwrons agan kavos. They'll find us. The moons were found. Yma delen ow kodha. A leaf is falling. Here is a code sheet. Prag y fynn'ta godhvos? Why do you want to know? Doth the gon'ta godhvos? Kas o gensi hy gour. She hated her husband. Take from her kinsman to gour. Res yw dhyn diberth. We need to leave. You need a sacrifice. Res yw dhymm kerdhes yn lent. I have to walk slowly. We have to access right now. Kewgh gansa! Go with them! Follow me! Yw res dhymm dos dy Lun? Do I have to come on Monday? Do we reassure your Monday? Hi yw unnek bloodh warn ugens. She is thirty-one. She is a bluffed unnecessity. Nyns yw den vyth moy skentel agesso. Nobody is cleverer than he. There is no more room with you. Da o genev an fylm ma. I liked this film. I'm sorry. A yllowgh hwi neuvya? Can you swim? Can you choose to continue? Ny vynn'ta godhvos. You don't want to know. I don't care if I don't care about it. Yma dhodho kath wynn. He has a white cat. There he will be a white cat. I a gana. They sing. I'm a hundred years ago. My a wre triga ena. I used to live there. I'm gonna go and see you. Hy hares yw henna. That's her girlfriend. It's Hy hares. Yma anwos warnodho. He has a cold. Here you go. Ev a allsa y wul. He could do it. Ev who cansa the sun. Glyb yw henna. That's wet. It is an old man. Na red y’n stevel-na. Don't read in that room. What the hell is going on. Res yw dhis gortos. You must wait. You're a gortos di. Yma seghes dhywgh. You're thirsty. I'll meet you like that. Ow hi yw. It is my dog. As it is. Res yw dhymm mos dhe'n bisva. I have to go to the toilet. We must be mos of the bisva. Tom a wor. Tom knows. Tom is a froze. My a’n gorras y’th roum. I put it in your room. I am a trouble for you. Dydh da, sos! Hi, friend! Good morning, break! Yma ev owth assaya kana. He is trying to sing. He's got you to get out of there. Res yw dhymm konvedhes. I need to understand. We have to log out. Res yw dhis gweres. You have to help. Thank you. Nyns yw res dhywgh kana. You don't have to sing. It is not a queue. Yth eson ni owth oberi. We're working. It was a time when we went to work. Nyns yw res dhis gowleverel. You don't have to lie. Not a sound that makes sure she doesn't sound Yw henna dha gi? Is that your dog? Is he an elder? Yw da genowgh kevewya? Do you like to party? Would you like to continue? Ni a vynn godhvos. We want to know. We're not going to be wary. My a ober ganso. I work with him. It's just making me do that. Nyns o res dhis prena an lyver. You didn't need to buy the book. No, she's not since she's been there. An avalow na yw bras. Those apples are big. It's the avalow that's not great. Ple’mons i? Where are they? Where do I want to go? Fatel yw an gewer? What's the weather like? Fatel's fat? Kows yn lent! Speak slowly! Cuts is lnt! Ass yw Tom koth! Tom's so old. Ass Tom is soth! Byghan lowr yw an stevel. The room is quite small. Stray is a swarm. I a wre megi. They smoke. I wre meg. Yw an karr ma nowydh? Is this car new? What's New parent? Yth esa dha gi ow ponya y'n garth. His dog was running in the yard. It was a blood of the holiday. Ni a allas mos war-barth. We could go together. I can't mos on the west. Ny vynnav ankevi hemma. I won't forget this. Don't take any more. An re na yw agan lyvrow. Those are our books. The ones are not by the lyvrow. Lowen yw ev. He is happy. No, that's my head! Ple’ma ow harr? Where is my car? Where's his car? An gewer yw pooth. The weather is very hot. It's a hotheart. My a dheber avalow yn fenowgh. I often eat apples. If yes, please wait. Yma hi ow kul ergh lemmyn. It's snowing now. Now she ran away with her sister. Ev a vynn hwath dos. He still wants to come. No, I'm still having a drink. Mirewgh orthiv! Look at me! Oh, mate! An aval na yw bras. That apple is big. The aval is not great. Ny wonn. I don't know. No, I'm going to make a call. Hi a gews teyr yeth. She speaks three languages. She saw everyone else in the language. Yma'n bulugen y'n dor. The earthworm is in the ground. Here he bluffed the door. Hi a wor kewsel Spaynek. She knows how to speak Spanish. She is a rumor of Spanish kewsel. Yth esov vy ow tybri. I am eating. It was aplace to be deleted. Fatel yw an gewer hedhyw? What's the weather like today? Fatel is sheer fat? Na borth ahwer. Don't worry. That's a fresh port. My eth dhe Loundres. I went to London. Myth of Loundres. Deus yn uskis! Come quickly! Come in uskis! Ev a brenas lyver Sowsnek yn lyverji. He bought an English book at a bookstore. Ev and king Sowsnek are lyverji. Yma ev ow mires orthis. He's looking at you. There was an error displaying help. Yth eson ni ow tos. We are coming. There was an error starting. Nyns yw res dhis assaya. You don't have to try. There is no easter egg. Res yw dhymm diberth dy Lun. I must leave on Monday. We need to sacrifice your Monday. Res yw dhis gweles homma. You must see this. You're ready to see her. Drog o genev. I was sorry. You're a bit funny, man. Res yw dhyn mos lemmyn. We must go now. You need to do some good now. Ny gonvedhav. I don't understand. No offence, sir. I a vynn gweres. They want to help. I mean, I'm sorry. Nyns o da gansa an fylm. They didn't like the film. It's not good for me. A-dro dhe unnek eur yw. It's about eleven o'clock. About 1 st time it is. Hemm yw ow broder. This is my brother. I've got to do this for you. Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe wul a-vorow? What'll you do tomorrow? What's going on with a few ASBOs? Yth esov vy ow kortos. I'm staying. There was an error deleting it. Nyns yw da gans Tom an benenes na. Tom doesn't like those women. The woman does not exist or is not a valid Tom. Yw res dhymm gortos tre hedhyw? Must I stay home today? Do we reassure a crime’s hurt? Nyns yw da genev keun. I don't like dogs. It's not fair to go. Yma ev ow mires orth arghpedrevanes. He's looking at dinosaurs. Here he described the same thing as his deathsinkeredrevanees. Res yw dhyn oberi war-barth. We have to work together. You're gonna need to do it. Res yw dhymm fistena dhe glass. I must hurry to class. You need a green phone call. I a wra agan kavos. They'll find us. [Background voice of cop] Yma lies lyver dhe’m tas. My father has a lot of books. Here are multiple ways of my taste. Nyns yw res dhywgh gul hemma. You don't have to do this. It is not going to fit out. Kas yw genev skol! I hate school! This is a kind of school! Yw res dhywgh oberi dy Sul? Do you need to work on Sundays? Do you really want to do this to? Da yw gensi an gathes ma. She likes these cats. It's good to see you. Henn yw nowodhow koth. That's old news. He is or you can go back. Dhe by le yth esos ta orth agan gorra? Where are you taking us? God with whom can I come and have him? Prag y fynn'ta prena an lyver ma? Why do you want to buy this book? urging that moan'ta wooden an lyver? Dewgh dhyn. Come to us. Come on. Res o dhymm assaya. I had to try. I didn't know what I was saying. My re bia owth assaya kavos ow alhwedh. I've been trying to find my keys. If you're too much food, you're gonna find a key. Pes, mar pleg. Please go ahead. Pes, like an explanation. Nyns eus ki dhyn. We don't have a dog. There is no item. Da yw an gewer haneth. The weather is nice tonight. It's very hard. My re bia owth oberi. I've been working. I too much food to get through it. Da o genev henna. I liked that. You're an old man. A welsys ta Tom? Did you see Tom? Well, see where Tom is? Kows genev. Speak with me. You're joking me out! Yw res dhymm studhya? Do I have to study? Does I rest studdy? Res yw dhymm mos tre. I need to go home. There's a lot of trouble. Skrif dhymm lyther, my a’th pys. Please write a letter to me. I would say a letter to you. Nyns o res dhis fistena. You didn't need to hurry. There is no point of view. Yma Tom yn-hons. Tom is over there. Here's Tom. Fatel yw an gewer yn Boston? How's the weather in Boston? Fatel is hard in Boston? Ow gerlyver yw henna. That is my dictionary. Oh, he's a lady. Kemmer with! Take care! Unable to open archive for writing. Bras yw homma. This is big. It's homma. Pur gales yw ragov kewsel Sowsnek. Speaking English is very difficult for me. Pur gales is to wrestling Howsnek. Hou! Hi! Hou! Res yw dhedha gorthebi an govyn. They need to answer the question. You need to find out what's going on. Yth esov vy owth assaya koska. I'm trying to sleep. It was a bit timed out. Da yw gans Tom ergh. Tom likes snow. It's with Tom. Ev a vynn metya orthis. He wants to meet you. Ev, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Pur skwith ov vy. I am very tired. You know what they're saying about to you. My a garsa kavos hanafas a de. I'd like a cup of tea. I'll get my loasons back. Yw res dhymm mos tre lemmyn? Must I come home now? What makes my life very bad now? Ow eskar os. You're my enemy. You're oνer if you want to. Hi a dheudh. She came. She has to drink. Kas yw gansa Tom. They hated Tom. Send us by Tom. My a wel. I see. I can't see you any more. Yma dhodho dew garr-tan. He has two cars. There he will say he will have a car. Dewgh genen. Come with us. Come on, buddy. Kas yw genen kevewiow. We hate parties. I'll send you a won't let you go. Yma hi ow kul glaw hedhyw. It's raining today. Here she owns a fat glass. Lavar Tom. Tell Tom. Lavar Tom. Prag yth yw res dhymm gul hemma? Why do I need to do this? Is it so bad that we should give up his life? Hi a vynnas viajya. She wanted to travel. She's a life via his change. Yth esen vy y’n skol. I was at school. It was a school woman. Nyns yw ki. It is not a dog. It is not a launch. Res vydh dhyn mos arta. We'll have to go back. Good will be mine. Yma ki dhe ow vroder. My brother has a dog. Here is her country of origin. Hi a gelwis hy whor. She called her sister. She's had a beautiful girl. Yma ki ha kath dhyn. We own a dog and a cat. He's there and he's fine. Yma marth dhymm. I'm surprised. I don't care if it's too late. My a vynn kavos dehen rew. I want ice cream. I got you a lot, sir. Teg yw. It's beautiful. It's the city. Ple’ma ow broder? Where is my brother? Where's the pride of Israel? Eus mona genowgh hwi? Do you have money? Would you like to? Nyns o res dhymm gul henna. I didn't have to do that. No, I'm not getting back to life. Ny’n gwelas Tomm. Tom didn't see it. Don't see Tomm. Yma nown dhymm. I am hungry Here we go, sir. Nyns yw res dhywgh gorthebi hedhyw. You don't have to answer today. It is not possible to close this message. Prag y fynn'ta diberth hedhyw? Why do you want to leave today? Prompt that dothn't disgrace a crime? Ow broder yw henna. That is my brother. It's old age. Nyns yw da gans Tom benenes. Tom doesn't like women. Tom has no dealings with me. Res yw dhymm maga an ki. I need to feed the dog. This game is solvable. Res yw dhis goslowes orto. You have to listen to him. You're a goslowes dial. Henn yw ow broder. That is my brother. It is the owner of pride. Yw hemma gwin? Is this wine? What does he look like? Hi a vynn studhya ilow ha dons. She wants to study music and dance. She held music and parties. O Tom bysi? Was Tom busy? O Tom’s keys? Ke dhe-ves! Go away! I don't know. Piw owgh? Who are you all? Do you want to wait? Nyns yw da genev kig mogh. I don't like pork. It's not a cute little girl. Hi a vynnas konvedhes. She wanted to understand. She was having access to her body. Yth esov vy owth assaya gwellhe. I'm trying to improve. It was more than a long way to get through it. Hemm yw aga chi. This is their house. I'm here with you. Yma karer dhymm. I have a boyfriend. Here's my car. Res yw dhyn assaya hemma. We have to try this. You're coming out of him. Yth esov vy owth oberi. I am working. There was a bit of a day going on. Ny vynnav dos. I won't come. Neither vynnav do it. Esos owth eva gwin? Are you drinking wine? Essaying his wine? Skrifewgh dhedha. Write to them. Please select a document. Da yw an gewer. The weather is good. That's great. Fatla? How? Fatla? Yma seghes dhis. You're thirsty. Here she is. Res yw dhymm studhya. I must study. Answer is studiya. Yth esov vy ow tonsya. I'm dancing. It was a bit worth deleting tosya. Hi yw ow gwreg. She's my wife. She is a woman. My re bia ow kortos. I've been waiting. My elling food. Res yw dhymm y weles. I must see it. I wasn't going to make it. an ki eth yn-dann an voos. The dog went under the table. This is the stencil. Yma anwos warnav lemmyn. I have a cold now. Now there's something wrong with him now. Ev a gewsis. He spoke. You're gonna get him. Nyns ov sur. I am not sure. Not sure. Da yw genev an ki. I like the dog. That's the whole kind of thing I've ever seen. My a gosk y’m chambour. I sleep in my room. My gold and my well. Ow howethesow owgh hwi. You are my friends. You're ready to go. Koynt yw homma. This is strange. It's hot enough. My a vetyas orth ow howeth. I met my friend. And if she had been full of herself. Ny allav vy dybri hemma. I can't eat this. Or else you know what it is. Hi a leveris y vos teg. She said that he was handsome. She has a cloveris being fair. Glyb yw honna. That is wet. It's like that. Nyns yw da genev hemma. I don't like this. This is not supposed to be true. Ro dhymm diwes, mar pleg. Give me a drink, please. I'm gonna leave you alone, like that. Nyns yw res dhywgh fistena. You don't have to hurry. It is not you're running. Goslowewgh orto. Listen to him. Follow them. Yma dhis lies lyver. You have a lot of books. Here's a multiple shelyver. Res o dhymm klewes henna. I needed to hear that. I'm gonna have a lot of money. A allav vy kewsel orth Judy? Can I speak with Judy? Has I been working for Judy? Hwi a allas mos tre. You could go home. You can get a lot of fun. Tom a brenas carr-tan nowydh. Tom bought a new car. Tom give us a new car. Ow gwreg yw honna. That's my wife. This is a long time. Yw homma avon? Is this a river? Is homma avo? Nyns esa den vyth y’n stevel. No one was in the room. No-one is going to lie. Yw res dhis gortos? Do you have to stay? Is she wrest Gortos? Nyns yw da gans Tom nejya. Tom doesn't like to fly. Tom does not seem to be able to change. Ow hath a vynn kara hemma. My cat will love this. Looking up word... Nyns yw pur vras an chi-ma. This house is not very big. This is not a large one. Yeyn yw an fos na. That wall is cold. Yes, the station is no. Res yw dhedha eva dowr. They have to drink water. We need to find out who is. Rudh yw an ki. The dog is red. Something's the hen. Yw an re ma dha draow? Are these your things? Is that it? Res yw dhyn studhya. We have to study. This is a studiya. Nyns o res dhywgh dos. You didn't have to come. There is no disk space left! Res yw dhyn y wul lemmyn. We must do it now. You need the sun now. Yth esen vy ow kortos ragos. I was waiting for you. There was an error deleting it. Ev a wrug eva botellas a win. He drank a bottle of wine. Ev made some wine, sir. Yw henna agas diwdros? Is that your bicycle? Is there your foot? Yma va owth ola. He's crying. Here there was a ointment of oil. Nyns ov medhoges. I'm not a doctor. No, he's not much better than you. My a brederis y vos klav. I thought he was sick. I'll think I'd be looking for a while. My a breder y fedhydh tas pur dha. I think you will be a great father. My friends thought he'd be given up. Pyth yw hemma? What's this? What does he look like? Ny allav aga gweles. I can't see them. See you around. Pur yeyn o. It was extremely cold. Five of them. Yw da genes arghpedrevanes? Do you like dinosaurs? Do you have a crispedrevanees? Yma diw vleujen dhis. You have two flowers. So there's no light light light light light light light light light. Glas yw an ebron. The sky is blue. It's blue. Res yw dhis mos arta. You need to go back. There's a mosta mos. Yw hemma dha lyver? Is that your book? What does he look like? Esos ta owth oberi? Are you working? What are they going to do? Henn yw hager. That is ugly. He's gay. Res yw dhymm mos arta. I need to go back. Give us a mosta. Res yw dhyn dalleth lemmyn. We must start now. You're a blind man now. Yma kudyn bras dhe Tom. Tom has a big problem. There's a lot of Tom. Yma'n amari ryb an yeynel. The cupboard is near the fridge. Here you are the yoghurt. Martesen y hwra glaw a-vorow. It may rain tomorrow. Martesen the poor a-vorow. Dhe by eur a wre'ta dybri hansel? At what time do you eat breakfast? What time will we do? Res yw dhymm gorwedha. I need to lie down. We need it. Nyns yw res dhis fistena. You don't need to hurry. No reason. Yth eson ni ow tybri avalow. We're eating apples. He never knew what he wanted. Ni a allas gul henna. We could do that. I can't fuck off with that old man. Yw da genes an vowes ma? Do you like this girl? Does the vowes come with me? Yw honna hy glawlen? Is that her umbrella? Is that her foal? Yth esov vy owth assaya gweres. I'm trying to help. It was now time to get serious. Pur goth yw ow mamm-wynn. My grandmother is very old. It's such a catastrophe. An korev ma yw hwerow. This beer is bitter. It's cos I'm bitter. Res yw dhymm diberth a-varr a-vorow. I must leave early tomorrow. We're going to have a very favorable sacrifice. Ny yll Tom agas gweres lemmyn. Tom can't help you now. You can't help you now. Nyns eus owraval war an voos. There isn't an orange on the table. There is no valall on the ball. Kas yw genev ergh. I hate snow. This is an evil generation. Nyns yw da gans Tom boos pooth. Tom doesn't like hot food. Tom boos not supported. Res yw dhyn mos. We have to go. This is a mos. Tom a wortas. Tom waited. Tom is a wound. Gwell yw genev Sowsnek. I prefer English. It's like the old Sowsnek. Res yw dhedhi koska moy. She needs to sleep more. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Res yw dhywgh dos. You must come. You don't have to do it. Hi a vynn dyski neuvya. She wants to learn to swim. She's going to hyvya. Ple’ma ow lyver? Where is my book? What do we say? Res yw dhymm y wul. I must do it. Give it to us. Nyns yw da genev keun bras. I don't like big dogs. This is not a big girl. Gortewgh. Wait. Come on. Yw res dhymm dos tre lemmyn? Do I have to come home now? What made it easier to do now? Piw a skrifas an lyther? Who wrote the letter? Download document Hou. Hello. Hou. Yth esen vy yn skol. I was in school. There was a school call. Gwell yw genowgh koffi. You prefer coffee. You're better off than a lot. Ny allav vy perthi kov. I can't remember. We don't have to import kov. Kas yw genev an le ma. I hate this place. It's the kind of thing you've seen. Eus dhis karr-tan? Do you have a car? From her car? Yma dhodho deg flogh. He has ten children. Here he made ten flowers. My a allas gorthebi y wovyn. I could answer his question. My man could hurt the woven. My a vynn prena. I want to buy. I bought it. Yw hemma agas chi? Is this your house? What do you want to do? Homm yw aga thigen. This is their handbag. Your soul is on our side. Pes, my a’th pys. Please go ahead. Pes, my two. My a vynn ri dhedhi an lyver a-vorow. I will give her the book tomorrow. If I'm gonna be after that, I'm gonna think about you. Yma ki dhodho. He has a dog. He's in there. Yth esen vy ow kana. I was singing. There was an error deleting it. Yth esen vy ow kul ow ober tre. I was doing my homework. There was an error deleting it. Skrifewgh dhedhi. Write to her. Recent documents. Ple’ma Kernow? Where is Cornwall? Where is Kernow? Yth esen vy ow tyski. I was learning. There was an error deleting it. Dohajydh da! Good afternoon! Good will! O da genes an gwydhyow ma? Did you like this video? Do I know what I mean? Ni a allas assaya. We could try. We can't assaya. Nyns yw da gensi ki Tom. She doesn't like Tom's dog. You don't have to access Tom. Ny allav vy mordardha. I can't surf. I don't think you're those kids. Ple’ma’n ostel? Where is the hotel? Where is it ostel? Yma ki teg dhymm. I have a pretty dog. Here is her heavy mouth. Ev a dheudh. He came. Ev go. A wre’ta convedhes Frynkek? Do you understand French? Will we access the Fynk? Ottomma dha gi. Here's your dog. Otoma, I'm going to give him a dog. Ny borth Tom kov a Varia. Tom doesn't remember Mary. Don't port Tom kov and Varia. Yma lies kowethes dhe Wella. Bill has many friends. Here are many—thes of Wella. Yw da genes keun? Do you like dogs? Is there a horse? Ple feu Tom genys? Where was Tom born? Where would Tom feel? Ass os ta teg! How beautiful you are! As if there's a fair! Hwi a allas gwertha honna. You could sell that. You can sell us now. Homm yw gwir. This is true. This is yours. An re na yw howlvleujen. Those are sunflowers. It's not anyone else to us. Dewdhek bloodh ov vy. I'm twelve years old. Good day Sir. Yw res dhywgh oberi dy Sul? Do you have to work on Sundays? Do you really want to do this to? Nyns yw res dhywgh sevel. You don't need to stand up. There is no space left on the destination. Res yw dhywgh assaya homma. You must try this. You do not want to send me back. A nyns yw da genowgh Tom? Don't you like Tom? Would you like to Tom? Yma ow ponya. She is running. Here he owns. Ny allav vy kerdhes. I can't walk. Well, don't be able to access. Res yw dhyn oberi lemmyn. We have to work now. You need to do it now. Da yw gensi an dyskador. She likes the teacher. It is your mission. Ny vynnav goslowes orthis. I don't want to listen to you. A mannav't give up his wife's sake. Yma seghes dhymm. I am thirsty. Here I do find out what is going on with you. Hager yw honna. That is ugly. It's a handkerchief. Yma peswar ki dhywgh. You have four dogs. Here you can learn. Ple'ma an skol? Where is the school? Where's the school? Res yw dhymm kewsel genes. I must talk with you. We've got to find out what's going on with you. A nyns yw res dhywgh oberi? Don't you have to work? Do you really want to do this? Yw da genes keus glas? Do you like blue cheese? Is there a blue winter? My a vetyas orth Maria de. I met Mary yesterday. My sister was ader of Maria. Yma diw hwor dhedhi. She has two sisters. All right. Res yw dhymm kavos an gorthyp. I must find the answer. I don't know what to do. Yw res dhywgh diberth lemmyn? Do you need to leave now? Are you sure you wish to sacrifice now? Res yw dhymm diberth. I need to leave. We need a sacrifice. Eus ki dhedhi? Has she got a dog? From Recent? Yma an ki y'n garth. The dog is in the yard. Here's the cat. Nyns esa den vyth y’n stevel-na. There wasn't anybody in that room. No-one's going up there. Mar kwre’ta minhwerthin, lowen vedhav. If you smile, I'll be happy. As a morning's curry, a lady. Res o dhymm gweres Tom. I had to help Tom. You're about to help Tom. Res yw dhywgh redya an lyver ma. You must read this book. You do not have the right permissions to perform this operation. Ev a vynn kewsel. He wants to speak. Ev'll be fine. Yma edhom dhedhi a daksi. She needs a taxi. He's always there. Da yw gensi arghans. She likes money. I'm sorry. Fatel yw an gewer hedhyw? How is the weather today? Fatel is sheer fat? Ny yll'ta mos lemmyn. You can't go now. Can not get folder: %s: %s Rudhvelyn yw an ebron. The sky is orange. It's a hell of human life. Ov, pries ov. Yes, I am married. No, no, no, no. Prenn yw an voos ma. This table is wooden. Why don't you buy me? Yma hi ow kul ergh. It's snowing. Here she own angrily. An stevel ma yw kosel. This room is quiet. It's my fault. Yw homma y lawlen? Is this his umbrella? Do you think the sheet? Res vydh dhyn gul henna, ynwedh. We'll have to do that, too. The next station will be enough for a long time. Ny allav vy kana yn ta. I can't sing well. That vy lav there is. Yw res dhyn gortos ragowgh? Do we need to wait for you? Are you sure you want to wait? O da genowgh an dhiwros? Did you like the bicycle? Would you like to get involved? Ow hothmans owgh hwi. You're my friends. You're ready to go. My a vynn diberth. I want to leave. That's my voodoo. Yw da genowgh choklet gwynn? Do you like white chocolate? Would you like to open the meeting? Pur skwith yw an tas. The father is very tired. That's puke. Ny yllis koska. I couldn't sleep. You can't sleep. Da yw gensi an dhyskadores. She likes the teacher. It is the birth of the Asterisk. Res yw dhymm leverel nebonan. I have to tell someone. We've got no-one's rest. Yth eson ni ow koslowes. We're listening. There was an error deleting kslowes. I a armas rag gweres. They shouted for help. I'm seven o'clock in the world. Studhyer ov. I am a student. Here you go, you are. My re bia owth eva. I've been drinking. I don't think too much. Nyns ov dha vab. I am not your son. There's no charge for his son. Kewsewgh dhedhi. Talk to her. Take a while. Prag y fynn'ta dyski Sowsnek? Why do you want to learn English? urging that monn'taski Sowsnek? Yma seyth mab dhis. You have seven sons. There's no other son of a child here. Pyth yw homma? What is this? What's the matter? Res yw dhymm bos omma. I have to be here. Maybe I am sorry. Res yw dhymm gul neppyth. I must do something. We've got to make heavenly voices. Niwlek yw an gewer. The weather is foggy. The dog is mys, this, it's my fault. Nyns yw da ganso oyow. He doesn't like eggs. Not good because of any. Yw henna agas karr? Is that your car? Is there your car? Na wrewgh govyn. Don't ask. Why don't you come round? Pyth esos ta ow kul lemmyn? What are you doing now? Where is he now? Tekka ov agesowgh hwi. I am more beautiful than you. You're gonna be fine. An re na yw ow howetha. Those are my friends. You're not the one who's friends. My a wre krysi henna. I used to believe that. It's a reassuring girl. Yw res dhymm dybri gansa? Do I have to eat with them? Do we resent from him? Nyns eus dhedha nown. They aren't hungry. There is no sound that. Boos yw hemma. This is food. This is boots. Ni a vynn oberi. We want to work. And I wasn't going to do it. Da yw gansa kerri bras. They liked large cars. Your feet are great money. Ro dhymm an traow na. Give me those things. I'm giving the train no. Medhow o Tom, dell grysav. I think Tom was drunk. Let's go of Tom, stop it. My a vynn mires orth. I want to watch. My sins were broken. My a yll klewes an gwyns. I can hear the wind. If you leave the white holiday, I can leave it. Honn yw glyb. That's wet. This is our eye. Ny allav vy dybri homma. I can't eat this. I don't think you should be here. Euthyk o an gewer. The weather was terrible. Euthyk of the cheese. Ny allav vy redya. I can't read. I don't think you had something. Ny vynnav vy dybri tra vydh. I don't want to eat anything. I don't know how much I'm gonna be. Res yw dhis diberth. You need to leave. Relax is a villar. My a bonyas tre. I ran home. My goal is to land. Eus marth dhywgh? Are you surprised? You're from the marth? An lyver-ma o es. This book was easy. I think this is right now. Askusewgh vy. Excuse me. And give me a finger. Nyns yw res dhis y wul omma. You don't have to do it here. No such thing as true. My a wra neuvya. I swim. I'll tell you what I'm telling you. Nowodhow koth yw henna. That is old news. It's a dark icon. Fatel yw an gewer yn Almayn? How is the weather in Germany? Fatel is the cheese in Alman? Yw res dhwygh mos lemmyn? Do you have to go now? What shall we do now? Res o dhymm mos tre. I needed to go home. You're in charge of my life. Ny wor. She doesn't know. Don't touch. Yw henna agas chi? Is that your house? Is there your old? Yth esov vy ow tybri omma. I'm eating here. It was a bit like that, and don't ask him. Res yw dhymm diberth. I have to leave. We need a sacrifice. Yth esa nown dhodho. He was hungry. It was a bit late for that. Dewgh a-ji. Come in. Come on. Yma seyth flogh dhywgh. You have seven children. Here you are. Res yw dhis assaya hemma. You must try this. She is a well-known man. Duw genes, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. God is Jesus, Sayoko. An govyn ma yw gorthargyadow. This question is controversial. The govine is a window. Yw da genowgh glaw? Do you like rain? Would you like to kill? A-vorow y fynnav ri dhedhi an lyver. I will give her the book tomorrow. A-vorow the men's darling lyver. Res yw dhedha mos dhe’n skol. They have to go to school. You need to be very motivating at school. Yth esons i owth assaya. They're trying. It was a reason to get out of there. Ple’th esowgh whi? Where are you? Where do you want to go? My a wor neuvya. I know how to swim. My worm nilvya. Yw hemma radyo? Is this a radio? What does he look like? Yw hi dha hwor? Is she your sister? Is it to him? Ny allav vy gortos. I can't stay. I don't think you'd have a gortos. Nadelik lowen! Happy Christmas! Nadelik lowen! Kas yw genev an skol ma. I hate this school. It's the kind of school I'm doing. Res yw dhymm hwath prena boos rag an kevewi. I still need to buy food for the party. We still need to buy boos for a match. Piw yw an fleghes na? Who are those children? What are you talking about? Kas yw genev glaw. I hate rain. This is rainy rain. Yw honna ragov? Is that for me? Do we go for him? Skrif Spaynek. Write Spanish. Spatial document. Res yw dhywgh dehweles. You must return. You're gonna have to meet you. Nyns yw kas genev homma. I don't hate this. It's not the place to send you a business, isn't it? My a garsa kavos tokyn dhe Boston. I'd like a ticket to Boston. If you don't, we're gonna get a bit of Boston. Res yw dhywgh hedhi. You have to stop. You have cancelled. Hi o mar deg avel brialli. She was as pretty as a primrose. She's been like a ten-way breache. Py semlans eus genes? What do you look like? Py semlans of genes? A vynn'ta asklos gans honna? Want fries with that? And when she was astonished, what was it then? My a vynn hwath gul henna genes. I still want to do that with you. If I'd still be an old man, I'd be there. Yw res dhis oberi haneth? Do you have to work tonight? Is it easy to do something? Prag yth yw res dhymm gul henna? Why do I need to do that? Is it difficult for us to resent an old animal? Res yw dhedha gortos. They must stay. You need gorrtos. Da yw genev redya lyvrow. I like to read books. It's your generation I'm runningya lyvrow. Yth esa hi ow mires orthowgh. She was looking at you. There was an error launching the application. Py liw yw an komolen? What colour is the cloud? Py color is slicky? Gav dhymm, mar pleg. Please forgive me. Damn, like a vegetie. Nyns yw res dhymm godhvos. I don't need to know. No results were available. Yma teylu bras dhe Tom. Tom has a big family. This is a great moment of Tom. Hi a vynn oberi. She will work. She's doing it. Yma hi ow kul glaw kathes ha keun. It is raining cats and dogs. She's here saying she's cute and beautiful. Yma kov dhymm a henna. I remember that. Here we go. What's the old man here? Gwynn yw an ki. The dog is white. The hen is in progress. I a gavas Tom. They found Tom. I'm a mess of Tom. Hedna o war an nowodhow. That was on the news. I can see it in your eyes. My a wra dybri. I eat. I'll tell you. Yth esen vy ow koslowes. I was listening. There was an error deleting kslowes. Res yw dhis mos dhe’n skol. You must go to school. You have to be very motivating at our school. Yma hi ow mires orthowgh. She's looking at you. Here she spotes you please. Deus lemmyn. Come now. Come on, now. Yma nown bras dhymm. I was very hungry. Here's a great night. My a allas gweres. I could help. I can help you. Yth esen vy ow studhya. I was studying. There was an error displaying help. Yth esen vy owth assaya gweres. I was trying to help. It was a long way to get out of here. Da yw gensi eva. She likes to drink. It's your mission. Yw homma dha dhiwros? Is this your bicycle? What is your room? Res o dhodho don an sagh. He had to carry the bag. The animal's coming back. Ny wor Maria tra vyth. Mary knows nothing. It's not so bad that Maria is bad. Yw homma dha bluven? Is this your pen? What are you talking about? A yllowgh hwi neyja? Are you able to swim? You can't connect to it? Etek bloodh ov. I am eighteen years old. You're joking me! Arta? Again? Are you on this? Ro dhymm forgh aral, mar pleg. Bring me another fork, please. Please give me an arse, e.g. Ny welis Tomm. I didn't see Tom. I don't see Tom. Yma diwros koth dhymm. I have an old bicycle. I don't care if it's too late. Nyns esewgh hwi ena. You weren't there. You're not at a table. Da yw genev henna. I like that. It's your relationship with an old man. Pyth yw henna? What is that? What's up with you? Hi a wra glaw lemmyn. It is raining now. She will now listen to you. My a yv. I drink. My ayr. Mir orthiv. Look at me. Miscaiv. Da o genowgh neuvya. You liked to swim. You're gonna have. Ottomma dha alhwedh. Here is your key. The format of the key. Da yw genev dybri. I like to eat. It's your job. Yw hemma frynkek? Is this French? What does he look like? Tom a vynn my dhe weres Maria. Tom wants me to help Mary. I was Tom of Maria. Yma drog penn dhymm lemmyn. I have a headache now. This is what I'm doing now. Ny vynnav vy ankevi. I don't want to forget. Don't be a vyev. My re bia ow koslowes. I've been listening. My old food koslowes. Penn-bloedh lowen, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Penn-blood lowen, Shishir! Res yw dhymm koska. I need to sleep. You're gonna get some sleep. Yw da genes kathes? Do you like cats? Do I have a kathes birth? Yw da genes gwin frynkek? Do you like French wine? Is there a vegetdy wine? Res yw dhis assaya. You have to try. There's a chasaya. Yw res dhymm mos genes? Do I have to go with you? Did I restore my birth? Edhom yw dhymm a arghans. I need money. We need to do so. Komolek yw an gewer. The weather is cloudy. It's the fatty thing. Da lowr yw homma. This is OK. It's homma. Eus, yma dew. Yes, two. I'm from here. Res vydh dhodho mos ena. He will have to go there. He will end up with me. Na fors! Never mind! Don't fors! Res yw dhedha dos. They have to come. You're gonna have a bad day. Res yw dhymm y wul. I have to do it. Give it to us. Glyb yw an keun. The dogs are wet. The hen is dry. Hi re ankovas hy glawlen yn kyttrin. She has forgotten her umbrella in a bus. She's a bit of an annoyingkovasin's kyttin. Nyns ov sur. I'm not sure. Not sure. Nyns yw da genev gwenton. I don't like spring. It's not like there's a total line. Res yw dhymm mos ena. I must go there. Give it to me. Nyns yw res dhis mos. You don't have to go. No reason is mine. Ingo a’s kar. Ingo loves her. The car ingo. Res yw dhis eva dowr. You have to drink water. You're gonna have a bit of water now. Diwedhes yw. She is late. Recent. Glaw a wra. It is raining. [Background voice of cop] Yw da genowgh arghpedrevanes? Do you like dinosaurs? Would you like to have sex with us? Hi a vynnas gweres hy howethes. She wanted to help her friends. She's been speed to you. Da yw genev choklet. I like chocolate. It's your business, man. Yw res dhymm gul neppyth? Do I have to do anything? Do I reassurance heavenly? Nebes avalow a godhas yn-nans a’n wedhen. Some apples fell down from the tree. Nebes avalow and a haughty one and a weary one. Kewsewgh dhyn. Talk to us. Take this. Hi a yll dos. She can come. She can fors. A nyns yw da genowgh kevewiow? Don't you like parties? Would you like to have had a match? Ple’ma agas chi? Where is your house? Where are yours? Pes bloodh yw ev? How old is he? What's it about to drink? Fatel yw an gewer ena? How is the weather there? Fatel is he who knows what he's doing? My a yll ponya. I can run. I can pnya. Stevel Mr Johnson o onan vras. Mr. Johnson's room was a large one. I'm having Mr. Johnson. Nyns yw res dhywgh assaya. You don't have to try. You're not getting back. Yw da genowgh gwin? Do you like wine? Would you like to have a wine? Yw hi medhoges? Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? Yma dhymm diwros nowydh. I have a new bicycle. I'm going to get out of here. Yma boos lowr dhyn lemmyn. We have enough food now. Here is the mighty boot now. An jydh ma yw dy Gwener. This day is Friday. If your Friday is good, I will go. My a’gas konvedh. I understand you. My wounds are carved. Ow gwreg yw hi. She's my wife. It's a long time. Res yw dhymm dyski Frynkek. I have to learn French. We are going to take back to Frynk. Res yw dhedhi mos ena. She must go there. It's a bit late for that. Res o dhis studhya Sowsnek. You had to study English. Res o studiya Soowsnek. Kas yw genev viajya. I hate to travel. Send smart via Change. Res vydh dhis gortos. You'll have to wait. She will be up to date. Nyns ov gwag. I'm not hungry. There is no empty space. Dohajedh da! Good afternoon. Good luck! Yw res dhyn gul hemma haneth? Do we have to do this tonight? Is it so easy for us to make light? Res yw dhymm hedhi. I need to stop. I have to cancel. Honn yw skath. That is a boat. This is school. Ny vynnav vy diberth Tom. I don't want to leave Tom. That vynnav vy did Tom. Yma’n maw ow tybri bara. The boy is eating bread. Here he owns bread. Ottomma an ki. Here is the dog. The ship's Ottomma. My a wel an maw. I see the boy. If she can see him. Yma hi ow kwiska pows wynn hedhyw. She is wearing a white dress today. Here she threw a white white dog. Ny gonvedhas Tom. Tom didn't understand. No, Tom. Res yw dhyn mos. We need to go. This is a mos. Yma Tom orth y synsi. Tom is holding it. Here Tom is the surprise. Gwren gul henna arta. Let's do that again. This is about to be an old-timer. Kas yw gansa kevewiow. They hate parties. Take it from you. Nyns yw da gans Tom koffi gans sugra. Tom doesn't like coffee with sugar. Tom then does not seem to be a suitable game. My a wel agas kath y’n lowarth. I see your cat in the garden. If you see your battle as our west. Yw da genes benenes? Do you like women? Am I good beans? Res yw dhywgh goslowes orto. You have to listen to him. You're going to take care of them. Pur vyghan o. It was very small. They're fuckin' cattle. Nyns o res dhywgh dos. You didn't need to come. There is no disk space left! Yma’n den ow tybri bara. The man is eating bread. It’s a person who owns bread. Goslow orthiv! Listen to me! Goslov! Nyns yw res dhis gul henna. You don't have to do that. No, she's never done for her. Res yw dhymm gweres. I have to help. I have to do what I saw. Tom yw marow. Tom is dead. It's Tom. My a wel lew. I see a lion. I'll tell you what I can do. Kales yw redya kanji. It's difficult to read kanji. It's the currentya kanji. Yma dhymm dew vroder hag unn hwor. I have two brothers and one sister. I'm here one thing and a nine. Ny vynnav vy donsya. I don't want to dance. A vynnav vy dosya. Res yw dhymm assaya. I have to try. We're out there. Da yw genev Tom. I like Tom. It's Tom's late. Benyn ov. I'm a woman. Yes, sir. An keun ma yw bras. These dogs are big. That's -a disgusting. Ro dhymm an lo. Give me the spoon. I'm gonna get the slogan. Ny vynnav merwel. I won't die. Don't be a quiet man. Trigys ov yn Nihon. I live in Japan. Our age is ours. Res yw dhymm mos dhe'n bisva. I must go to the toilet. We must be mos of the bisva. Ple'ma an bisva? Where is the toilet? Where's the bisva? Res vydh dhis gortos y'n karrji. You'll have to stay in the garage. She will be progressed to the car. Henn yw agan tas. That is our father. He's next to me. Gwra. Yes, it does. Listen. Ow eskar owgh. You're my enemy. Please wait. Nyns ov marow. I'm not dead. There's no dealings. My a dhybris an kig. I ate the meat. I'll tell you what's going on. Prag y fynn'ta gweles Tom? Why do you want to see Tom? urging that moment's seen Tom? Yma an howl ow splanna. The sun is shining. Here's the howl dynies. Fatla genes? How are you? Fatla genes? Fatel yw an gewer yn dha vro? How is the weather in your country? How is the woman in your country? My a red. I read. My current. Yw hy thas dyskador? Is her father a teacher? Is it a disc and not a disc? Res yw dhywgh gweles medhek. You must see a doctor. You have to make a minimal appearance. Yth esov vy ow tiberth hedhyw. I'm leaving today. It was a vegetated woman. Res vydh dhymm mos ena a-vorow. I'll have to go there tomorrow. I will see you again." Prag y fynn'ta kavos stampow? Why do you want stamps? urging that moan'tas stampow? Pyth esowgh hwi ow kul? What are you doing? What are you talking about? Yth esa an kathik owth eva leth yn-dann an voos. The kitten was drinking milk under the table. It was a stench that he had been on his way out of his face. Res yw dhis ponya. You must run. Rela is a pnya di. Gwell yw genev du. I prefer black. It's better than a black generation. A nyns yw res dhywgh mos dhe'n skol hedhyw? Don't you have to go to school today? Are you sure you want to touch the dog? Howlyek yw an gewer. The weather is sunny. Howly is the fatty. Da y genev dybri tesen. I like eating cake. That's a tesen generation. Hweg yw homma. This is sweet. It is a homma. Ow thas yw hemma. This is my father. Thank you. Ny vynnav vy y glewes. I don't want to hear it. A vynnav vy of the disease. Ple'ma an kyttrin? Where is the bus? Where's the kytt? Hi a gews seyth yeth. She speaks seven languages. You found her that language. Yth esa Pablo ha María omma. Pablo and María were here. It was a Pablo and María. Na wrewgh garma. Don't shout. Come on, love. Ev a bonyas. He runs. Gives a hint. Ny yll ev dos drefen y vos klav. Because he's sick, he can't come. I can't go back to my house. Yma ki dhyn. We have a dog. Here's a hen. Res yw dhymm mos ena. I need to go there. Give it to me. Nyns o res dhywgh dri agas glawlen. You didn't need to bring your umbrella. You are not allowed to select an application to open this file. Res yw dhis mos lemmyn. You have to go now. You have to make a move now. Ny yll'ta neuvya omma. You can't swim here. No harm could be made. Tom re omwolghas. Tom has washed himself. Don't tell anyone too much. Res yw dhymm gul henna. I need to do that. We've got to make an old animal. Res yw dhymm gortos omma. I must wait here. Likely me. Nyns eus nown dhymm. I'm not hungry. I don't have any clothes. Yma hi ow kul glaw lemmyn. It's raining now. She's going to get off the rain now. Res yw dhymm studhya. I need to study. Answer is studiya. Res yw dhymm prena onan. I have to buy one. We need to buy me some clothes. Helen, homm yw ow heniterow. Helen, this is my cousin. Heen, he is a owner of an elder. Ny vynnav ankevi henna. I won't forget that. Don't be an old man. Hemm yw euthyk. This is terrible. I've been herethyk. Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm. I have a terrible headache. There's no doubt that I'm going on with you. Ow baban a vynn kewsel. My baby wants to talk. What's up with you? I thought I'd be fine. Nyns yw da genev henna. I don't like that. It's no exaggencies. Eus dhis hwerydh? Do you have any sisters? From her favourite? Henn yw ow gerlyver. That's my dictionary. He is owner of a presumptuous. O da genes an lyver? Did you like the book? Where's the loathe, eh? Yth eson ni owth assaya oberi. We're trying to work. It was now one of us to get out of here. Nyns eus ki dhe Tom. Tom doesn't have a dog. There is no degree of Tom. Kas o genev an tybyans. I hated the idea. I mean, I'm sorry. Y hanow o henna. That was his name. The name of an old man. I a dhibarthas. They left. I'm a mess. Yw da genes studhya? Do you like to study? Is it good to have a study? Pluven yw homma. This is a pen. Flesh is homma. Yw hemma nowydh? Is this new? What do you want to do? Ny allav vy konvedhes. I can't understand. That was a day of access. Euthyk yw an gewer hedhyw. The weather is terrible today. The dog is he ri es and a q u a cu lt u r F My a goskas. I slept. It's my sleep. Yth esos ta owth assaya. You're trying. There was annoying out of him. My a wrug godhvos. I knew. My drug wrug godhvos. My a vynnas pymp pinaval. I wanted five pineapples. My company's pymp pinaval. Prag y fynn'ta kavos ki? Why do you want a dog? urging that morning's got a ki? My a ober. I work. It's making me. Tom a gews Frynkek yn ta, dell brederav. I think Tom speaks French well. SERVANT Flynk's house, I think it's a bit of brunderav. My a wortas. I waited. My wound. Nyns esov vy ow studhya. I am not studying. He's not allowed to pay you fruit. A welsys ta Tom? Have you seen Tom? Well, see where Tom is? My yw drog pes. I'm displeased. If this is incorrect or not. My a vynn gweles! I want to see! If you had the Well, you can see it! Ple y’s gwelsowgh? Where did you see them? Where do you see? Ty a leveris gow dhe Tom. You lied to Tom. Ty to leveris go to Tom. Onen, dew, tri, peswar, pymp, whegh, seyth, eth, naw, deg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, dead, three, a peswar, a pymp, hew, seven, Eth, nine, ten. Teg yw hi. She is beautiful. She is fair. Tom a vynn orthiv gweres Maria. Tom wants me to help Mary. Tom and the rest of Maria. Kas yw genev ilow. I hate music. Send us a lot of music. An bleujyow na yw teg. Those flowers are beautiful. So that's not fair. Ny vynnav vy perthi kov. I don't want to remember. Images won't be imported. Nyns yw da gensi oberi. She doesn't like to work. This is not supposed to be known. Ny yll'ta kana omma. You can't sing here. I can't do that for you. Ple'ma'n arghantti? Where's the bank? Where's larceny? Honn yw agan skol. That is our school. This is from my school. Res yw dhymm hedhi. I have to stop. I have to cancel. My re bia ow prenassa ganso. I've been shopping with him. My old food owned by him without him. Gorthargyadow yw an tybyans ma. This idea is controversial. It's not like I'm having a temptation, isn't it? Yth esov vy ow lewya. I'm driving. There was an error deleting it. Yma edhomm dhymm a brena boos. I need to buy food. Here I provide the purchase of boo. My a vynn agas gweles a-vorow. I will see you tomorrow. If you were invited to see me. Seytek bloodh yw ow howethes. My friend is seventeen years old. It's dry to know how hot it's about uswethes. Nyns yns sur. They're not sure. It's not sure. Gorta. Wait. Go on. Go on. Nyns yw da genev gwav. I don't like winter. It's not like a blood dog. Ystynn dhymm an amanyn, mar pleg. Pass me the butter, please. I fell in the spirit of the man, like an explanation. An re ma yw pluvennow. These are pens. That's who you're a couple. Yma enesow y’n mor. There are islands in the sea. Here you go. My a vynn donsya. I want to dance. I'm gonna be sorry. Homm yw pluven. This is a pen. Homm is pluven. Hi a vynn kewsel orthis. She wants to talk to you. She's always polite. Os ta gwag? Are you hungry? If empty? Ple’ma’n bosti? Where is the restaurant? Where are you going? Ro dhymm nebes dehen rew. Give me a little ice cream. I'll give you a few days ago. An re ma yw agan deskys. These are our desks. And that's what I'm like. Dwyt ti ddim i fod i ysmygu yma. You are not supposed to smoke here. You lie not to be smoking here. Dw i'n dod o Awstralia. I come from Australia. I'm coming from Australia. Mae Tom a Mary yn chwarae Cluedo gyda'u ffrindiau. Tom and Mary are playing Cluedo with their friends. Tom and Mary play Cluedo with their friends. Mae swydd arall gen i. I got another job. I've got another job. Does gen i ddim amser. I have no time. I don't have time. Mae'r trên yn ddeng munud yn hwyr heddiw. The train is ten minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. Rwyt ti'n ddynes. You are a woman. You're a woman. Dw i'n gweithio fel ysgrifenyddes ar fferm. I work as a secretary on a farm. I work as a writer on a farm. Dw i'n chwarae yn yr ardd. I'm playing in the garden. I'm playing in the garden. Sut dych chi, Dylan? How are you, Dylan? How do you do, Clear? Ces i swydd arall. I got another job. I got another job. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennych? What types of sandwiches do you have? What types of women do you have? Mae Tom yn benfoel. Tom is bald. Tom is final. Mae hadau grawnafal yn gymharol fawr. Pomegranate seeds are relatively big. Grape seeds are very much related. Ydych chi'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr Bingley? Are you known Mr. Connection? Gofynodd Tom i Mari beidio mynd ar ei phen ei hun. Tom asked Mary not to go alone. Tom asked Mari not to go on her own. Tybed wyt ti'n gwybod sut i wneud hynny. I suppose you know how to do that. I wonder you know how to do that. Dywedodd Mari a wnaeth hi feddwl na fyddai Tomos yn gwneud hynny yfory. Mary said she thought that Tom wouldn't do that tomorrow. Mari said that she thought Tomos would not do that tomorrow. Dw i'n wedi colli'r allwedd. I have lost the key. I lost the key. "Mae gen ti gyfnod canolbwyntio iâr." "Mae ieir yn blasus." "Fy mhwynt yn union." "You have the attention span of a chicken." "Chickens are delicious." "My point exactly." "I've had thee a hening period." "A hens are flavoured." "My maid just." Fel arall y dylai hi fod. It should be the other way round. Otherwise she should be. Mae'n bosib gweld trefn yr elfennau yn y Tabl Cyfnodol sy'n dangos y nifer o brotonau sydd gan bob un a beth yw pwysau atomau'r elfen honno gan ddefnyddio Rhif Avogadro. It is possible to see the order of the elements in the Periodic Table, which shows the number of protons in each of them, with which you can calculate the number of atoms in the element using Avogadro's number. You may see the order of the elements in the Interim Table showing the number of protons that each and the weight of the atoms of that element using the Avogadro number. Dwi i'n methu cysgu rwan. I can't sleep now. I can't sleep now. Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu. I don't watch TV. I don't watch television. Mae’r Fanaweg yn hawdd iawn! Manx is really easy! Fantash is very easy! Ysgrifennodd Tom draethawd yn Ffrangeg. Tom wrote an essay in French. Tom wrote a foreigner in French. Beth wyt ti'n gwneud yn yr atig? What are you doing in the attic? What do you do in the hens? Mae Eliza yn crio. Eliza is crying. Eliza is crying. Mae e'n gwybod ble dyn ni'n byw. He knows where we live. He knows where man we live. Dw i'n gwybod tipyn bach o Ffrangeg yn barod. I already know some French. I know a little bit of French already. Mae dyn yn cerdded 200 milltir i brotestio yn erbyn Brexit. A man has walked 200 miles in protest of Brexit. A man walks 200 miles to protest against Vietnam. Mi brynais i docyn. I bought a ticket. I bought it to a hook. Hoffwn i ymgeisio am y swydd honno. I would like to apply for that job. I would like to apply for that job. Roedd y plant yn chwarae yn y parc. The children were playing in the park. The children were playing in the park. Oes ci gyda fe? Does he have a dog? Is a dog with him? Dw i'n dod o Loegr. I'm from England. I come from England. Peidiwch â darllen fy nyddiadur. Don't read my diary. Don't read my identity. Mae'r tywydd yn braf heddiw. The weather is nice today. The weather is nice today. Mae'r bwrdd hwn yn lân. This table is clean. This table is clean. Os na fydd gennych chi docyn dilys, gallwch gael eich erlyn a chael dirwy o hyd at £1000. Failure to have a valid ticket may result in prosecution and a fine of up to £1000. If you do not have a valid dock, you may be offered and have access to £1000. Beth ydych chi’n wneud? What are you doing? What do you do? Bwydodd o ei gi ar yr un pryd bob dydd. He fed his dog at the same time every day. He lived from his dog at once every day. Does dim rhaid i Tom ymddiheuro i Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Tom does not need to apologize Mary. Mae Tom yn dal. Tom is tall. Tom is still. Arosodd Sami i Layla yn ei fflat. Sami waited for Layla in her apartment. Sami stayed to Layla in his apartment. Mae hi'n braf iawn heddiw. It is very fine today. She is very nice today. Mae gan y ddwy ferch llygaid gleision. Both girls have blue eyes. The two women have eyebrows. Athro di-waith dw i. I am an unemployed teacher. Athrophe-work to me. Caewch y drysau wrth adael yr adeilad trwy’r allanfa agosaf. Leave the building by the nearest exit, closing doors behind you. Close the doors when you leave the building through the nearest field. Dilynwch gyfarwyddiadau diogelwch. Follow the safety instructions. Follow security instructions. Mae'r dŵr yn glân. The water is clean. The water is clean. Panda wyt ti. You are a panda. Panda you are. Ydy'r cloc yna yn gweithio? Does that clock work? Is that clock working? Ond fe gysgodd fel baban. But he slept like a baby. But he went like a baby. Dwi eisiau bwyta losin Siapaneaidd. I want to eat Japanese sweets. I want to eat Japanese grain. Does gennym ni ddim byd i'w trafod. We have nothing to discuss. We have nothing to discuss. Wyt ti'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. TRANS? Mae gen i'r ffliw a dw i wedi blino. I have the flu and I'm tired. I've got the flue and I've tired. Roedd y tywysog ar goll yn y goedwig. The prince was lost in the woods. The prince was missing in the woods. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the restroom? Where's the consent? Mae'r hydref yma. Autumn is here. This village is here. Mae eu traed yn fudr. Their feet are dirty. Their feet are wide. Dwyt ti ddim yn fy ngharu i. You don't love me. You did not love me. Beth ydy Tom? What is Tom? What is Tom? Dw i'n bwyta bara. I am eating bread. I eat bread. Mae Tom wedi bod yn tyfu barf trwy'r haf. Tom has been growing a beard all summer. Tom has been growing beard through the summer. Prynais tair potel o win. I bought three bottles of wine. Portuguese three potels of wine. Ydy'r ddau ohonynt yn deall Siapaneg? Do they both understand Japanese? Are both of them understanding Japanese? Ieithydd Americanaidd oedd Edward Sapir. Edward Sapir was an American linguist. Edward Sapir was an American citizen. Mae'r myfyrwyr yn gwirioni at yr athrawes Saesneg newydd. The students adore the new English teacher. Students check to the new English teachers. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod llawer. I don't really know that much. I don't know much. Yma nodir gwybodaeth dechnegol am y modd y mae ynni yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr adeilad hwn. This tells you technical information about how energy is used in this building. Here you can specify technical information about the mode in which they are used in this building. Diolch am edrych ar ôl y plant. Thanks for taking care of the kids. Thank you for looking after the children. Pan fydd y lamp yn goleuo, siaradwch efo’r staff. When lamp lights, speak to staff. When the lamp lights, talk with the stuff. Mae Tom yn astudio. Tom's studying. Tom is studying. Nhw ydy'r gwaetha. They are the worst. Is not the warr. Weithiau rwyt ti'n fy synnu. Sometimes you surprise me. Sometimes you surprise me. Mae Tom yn chwyrnu. Tom is snoring. Tom shines. Dyn ni ym Mharis. We are in Paris. We went into Paris. Mae'r pysgod yn byw yn y môr. Fish live in the sea. The fish lives in the sea. Beth yn union ydy synnwyr cyffredin? What exactly is common sense? What exactly is common sense? "A beth ydych chi'n yfed?" "Cwrw, os oes gen i, neu ddŵr os nad oes gen i gwrw." "'Tydych chi ddim yn yfed gwin?" "And what do you drink?" "Ale if I have it, or water if I don't have ale." "Don't you drink wine?" "And what are you drinking?" "Five, if I have, or water if I haven't got to fight." "'You don't drink wine?" Pasg Hapus! Happy Easter! Happy pass! Cuddiodd y llwynog yn y goeden wag. The fox hid in the hollow tree. The fox hid in the empty tree. Mae rhaffau yn amgylchu'r lle. Ropes surround the place. The cords surround the place. Dw i'n hoffi Hokkaido. I like Hokkaido. I like Hokido. Dw i'n rhy fyr. I'm too short. I'm too short. Beth ydy Tom yn darllen? What is Tom reading? What is Tom reading? Croesawyd ef â banllefau gan y bobl. He was welcomed with loud shouting by the people. He was signed by the people. Mae'r hydref yma. The autumn is here. This village is here. Wyt ti wedi gweld llun ohoni hi? Have you seen a picture of her? Have you seen a picture of it? Gaf i eistedd yma? Can I sit here? I'll sit here? Wyt ti'n byw yn Nhokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? Are you living in Nookyo? Mae'r ferch yn hoffi ceffylau. The girl likes horses. The girl likes horses. Mi es i i'r parc gyda Mary ddoe. I went to the park with Mary yesterday. I went to the park with Mary yesterday. Diflanodd yr hwyaden. The duck disappeared. Their pangs eloquently. Ffoniwch 333 (Mewnol) neu 999 i alw’r frigad dân. Phone 333 (Internal) or 999 to call the fire brigade. Call 333 (Intensive) or 999 to call the figure of fire. Cath ydw i. I'm a cat. When I am. Arabeg yw fy mamiaith. Arabic is my mother tongue. Arabic is my mother tongue. Dwi'n meddwl dy fod ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. I think you're pulling my leg. I think that you pull my leg. Dw i'n casáu'r byd oherwydd bod y byd yn fy nghasáu innau. I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world harasssed me in me. Try'r mynydd i gyd yn goch yn yr hydref. The whole mountain turns red in autumn. The mountain all was red in the town. Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe. She claims that she knows nothing about him. She claims that she knew nothing about it. Mae llyfr gen i. I've got a book. I've got a book. Ble mae'r tamponau? Where are the tampons? Where are the tampons? Gwyliwn. We will watch. I pray. Esgusodwch fi. Excuse me. Encourage me. Dim problem, wrth cwrs, os chi'n mynd Of course it's not a problem if you go. No problem, by course, if you're going Sul y mamau hapus! Happy Mother's Day! A Sunday of the happy mothers! Mae annwyd arnaf i. I've got a cold. I was indistinct. Nid oes hawl yfed a bwyta yn y siop hon. No drinking or eating permitted in this store. You are not allowed to drink and eat in this store. Yma nodir faint o garbon deuocsid y mae’r adeilad yn ei allyrru. This tells you how much carbon dioxide the building emits. Here is an indication of how much deocsid carbon the building is exaggerated. Ddyweda i byth wrth neb pwy wyt ti mewn gwirionedd. I'll never tell anyone who you really are. I never told anyone you are in fact. Mae'r bwrdd yn yr ystafell fyw. The table is in the living room. The table in the living room. Mae Layla yn fam i chwech, yn byw yn ne dwyrain Lloegr. Layla is a mother of six, living in the south west of England. Layla is a mother of six, who lives in the east of England. Fy enw I yw Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Mae o'n ddigon hen i fynd i'r ysgol. He is old enough to go to school. He's old enough to go to school. Ni chafodd e ginio. He didn't have lunch. I didn't mean it. Tywynna'r bryn gan liwiau hydrefol. The hill glows with autumnal colors. Relax the hill by resolute colours. Yma nodir pa mor effeithlon y mae ynni wedi cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr adeilad hwn dros y tri chyfnod cyfrifo diwethaf. This tells you how efficiently energy has been used in this building over the last three accounting periods. Here you can indicate how heaviest he has been used in this building over the last three calculations. Dw i ddim yn gallu yfed coffi heb siwgr. I can't drink coffee without sugar. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Mae'r Gymraeg, Cernyweg a'r Llydaweg oll yn perthyn yn agos i'w gilydd. Welsh, Cornish and Breton are all closely related. The Greek, French and all the Lutheran belong closely to each other. Ydy'r cloc yna yn gweithio? Is this clock working? Is that clock working? Mae eu traed yn fudr. His feet are dirty. Their feet are wide. Mae'n ddiymhongar, onid yw e? He's unassuming, isn't he? It is unresolved, is it not? Mi glywais i'r dail yn siffrwd. I heard the leaves rustling. I heard the leaves are rustling. Mae Tatoeba yn wefan gyfieithu. Tatoeba is a translation website. Tatoeba is a translation website. Gwelodd y ddraig hi. The dragon saw her. She saw her dad. Wnes i ddim darllen llawer o lyfrau wythnos diwetha. I read few books last week. I did not read many unused week books. Mae gan gath gynffon a phedair coes. A cat has a tail and four legs. It has a tail cat and four leg. Rwyt ti'n chwarae yn yr ardd. You're playing in the garden. You play in the garden. Wyt ti am dalu amdano? Are you gonna pay for it? Do you want to pay for it? Rhaid i chi ateb y cwestiwn. You must answer the question. You must answer the question. Tystysgrif Ynni i’w Harddangos yw hon fel y’i diffinnir yn Rheoliadau Perfformiad Ynni Adeiladau 2012, fel y’u diwygiwyd. This is a Display Energy Certificate as defined in the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2012 as amended. This is a Certificate to Hard Show as defined in Performance Control 2012 Structures, as revised. Torrodd Tom ei ffêr Tom broke his ankle. Tom broke his friar Beth mae Tom yn gwneud? What's Tom doing? What does Tom do? Dw i'n dod adre. I'm coming home. I come again. Mae hi'n bwrw cyllyll a ffyrc. It's raining cats and dogs. She wrestled and jerk. Mathemateg ydy ein gwers cyntaf ni. Our first lesson is math. Our first lesson is Maths. S'mae, fy enw i yw Pekka. Beth yw dy enw di? Hi, how are you? My name is Pekka. What is your name? So are my name to be Pkka. What is your name? Mae Tom eisiau prynu ceffyl. Tom wants to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a horse. Dw i'n Wyddel. I'm Irish. I'm proud. Mae gen i syniad da. I've got a good idea. I've got a good idea. Carodd e hi. He loved her. He loved it. ’R ydych yn hydradol? Are you hydrated? Are you up to date? Dw i'n hoffi siarad Cymraeg. I like to speak Welsh. I like to talk Chymbrisk. Athrawes dych chi? Are you a teacher? Against you? Dw i'n hoffi pys. I like peas. I like a ps. Mae'r ci yn ddu. The dog is black. The dog is black. Dw i'n teimlo'n hapus. I feel happy. I feel happy. Mae gan gath gynffon a phedair coes. Cats have a tail and four legs. It has a tail cat and four leg. Elli di gerdded? Can you walk? Elli you walk? Mae yna gath ar y bwrdd. There's a cat on the table. There is a cat on the table. Ble mae'r llyfr? Where is the book? Where is the book? Maen nhw'n chwarae yn yr ardd. They're playing in the garden. They play in the garden. Rhaid bod nhw o'u cof. They must be mad. They must be of memory. Mae hi'n athrawes. She is a teacher. She is a teachers. Mae hi'n darllen. She's reading. She reads. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennyt ti? What sort of sandwiches do you have? What types of women do you have? Iaith hardd yw'r Gymraeg. Welsh is a beautiful language. The Welsh is a high language. Ble mae'r problem? Where is the problem? Where's the problem? Dwi am fynd am dro bach. I am going to take a short walk. I want to go for a little while. Mae'n amlwg i bawb ei fod e mewn cariad. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It is clear to everyone that he is in love. Mae Tom yn anorecsig. Tom is anorexic. Tom is an unequivoc. Sut wyt ti? How are you? How are you? Dw i'n bwyta popeth. I eat everything. I eat everything. Mae Islam wedi'm gwaredu fi. Islam has liberated me. It's Islam I've removed. Mae'r nos yn dywyll. The night is dark. The night is dark. O'r diwedd! Finally! At last! Dyluniwyd gan ddisgyblion Ysgol Bro Dewi. Designed by pupils from Ysgol Bro Dewi. Designed by the disciples in the Country of Dewi. Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw yn ddi-stop am dri diwrnod. It's been raining non-stop for three days. She has been throwing a rain in a non-stop for three days. Beth wyt ti’n wneud? What are you doing? What do you do? Does dim triniaeth ar gyfer COVID-19 There is no treatment for COVID-19. There is no treatment for COVID-19 Cadwch y wers hon yn y cof. Keep this lesson in mind. Keep this lesson in memory. Bore da. Good morning! Good morning. Mae'r ieithydd yn eitha gyfarwydd â'r dafodiaith. The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect. The stranger was familiar with the tongue. Mae gennyf lyfr. I have a book. I have a book. Cerddon nhw adre. They walked home. They came back. Dwyt ti ddim i fod i ysmygu yma. You're not supposed to smoke here. You lie not to be smoking here. Maen nhw yn darllen llyfr. They are reading a book. They read a book. Dylai fo ddangos parch i mi. He should show me respect. To show respect to me. Mae fy llygaid yn las. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Rydw i'n bwyta yma. I'm eating here. I'm eating here. Mae fy chwaer yn hoffi dawnsio. My sister likes to dance. My sister like dancing. Mae'r bobl yn dioddef. The people are suffering. The people suffer. Oes ci gyda fe? Has he got a dog? Is a dog with him? Dw i'n hoffi ieithoedd. I like languages. I like languages. Roedd hi'n noswaith hydrefol hyfryd. It was a lovely autumn evening. She was a wonderful positive evening. Mae o newydd gyrraedd. He just arrived. There's just just been here. Roedd gen i syniad gwych. I had a brilliant idea. I had a great idea. Mae'n amhosib iddo rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu. It is impossible for him to give up smoking. It is impossible for him to stop smoking. Dw i'n hoffi coffi. I like coffee. I like coffee. Dw i eisiau cysgu. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Mae llygad ddu 'da fi. I have a black eye. I'm a black eye. Dwi'n meddwl dwi am fynd adre. I think it's time I went home. I think I want to go home. Mae hi'n darllen. She is reading. She reads. Dydy Tom ddim yn deall Ffrangeg. Tom doesn't understand French. Tom does not understand French. Be' sy'n bod gyda Tom? What's up with Tom? Who's with Tom? Dw i'n dod o Frasil. I come from Brazil. I come from Brussels. Mae ganddo fab a dwy ferch. He has a son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Dw i'n dy garu di. I love you. I love you. Mae'n rhaid i mi weld meddyg ar unwaith. I must see a doctor at once. I must see a doctor at once. Dydy Ellen ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg. Ellen doesn't speak Welsh. Elen is not able to talk to Welsh. Myfyrwraig feddygol oedd hi. She was a medical student. She was a medical student. Rydym ni am wahodd Tom a Mary i'n parti Nos Galan Gaeaf. We're going to invite Tom and Mary to our Halloween party. We invite Tom and Mary to our Nos Galaxy Winter party. Mae’n rhaid i ni adael ar ddiwedd y mis. We have to leave at the end of the month. We must leave at the end of the month. Dw i'n hoffi bod gyda thi. I like to be with you. I like that with thee. Dych chi'n byw yn Nhokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? What are you living in Nohokyo? Dyn wedi marw ar ôl cael ei daro gan gar ym Mhowys. A man has died after being hit by a car in Powys. Man died after being hit by a car in Howth. Mae Barack Obama yn Gristion. Barack Obama is a Christian. Barack Obama is a Christian. Yn yr hydref, syrth y dail o'r coed. In autumn, leaves fall from trees. In the town, dry the leaves of the woods. Rhybudd! Mae CCTV yn recordio a monitro 24 awr. Warning! 24 hour CCTV recording and monitoring. Warning! CCTV recording and monitoring 24 hour. Rydyn ni'n gweld plant gydag ymddygiad heriol achos bod ganddyn nhw anawsterau dysgu yn fwy tebygol o gael eu gwahardd. We see that children with bad behaviour due to their learning difficulties are more likely to get excluded. We see children with challenging behavior because they have difficulties learning more likely to be invited. Mae 'na ynysoedd yn y môr. There are islands in the sea. There's islands in the sea. Mae'n amlwg i bawb ei fod e mewn cariad. It's obvious to everyone that he is in love. It is clear to everyone that he is in love. Cywir. True. Correct. Mae'r athrawes newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teachers are in the class. Gest ti amser da ddoe? Did you have a good time yesterday? What a good time did you mean? Mae wyth aelod o deulu wnaeth gyflenwi Casnewydd â gwerth hyd at £2.5m o gyffuriau wedi cael eu carcharu. The eight family members who had supplied Newport with up to 2.5 million pounds worth of drugs have been imprisoned. Eight members of a family who classified Cast New with value up to £2.5m of drugs have been imprisoned. Stopiwch leidr, stopiwch leidr! Stop thief, stop thief! Stop a hint, stop a hint! Dwi byth yn codi cyn saith. I never get up before seven. I never rose before seven. Dw i eisiau mynd i Paris i astudio celf. I wish to go to Paris to study art. I want to go to Paris to study art. Mae Tom yn byw yn Boston, hefyd. Tom lives in Boston, too. Tom lives in Boston, too. Pwy ydw i? Who am I? Who am I? Y broblem yw bod egni solar yn rhy ddrud. The problem is that solar energy is too expensive. The problem is that energy supplies are too expensive. Pwnc heddiw ydyw "y broblem o bobol Siapanaidd sydd wedi cael eu herwgipio gan Ngogledd Corea". Today's topic is "the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea". Subject today is the problem of Japanese population that has been captured by North Korea". Yn yr hydref, syrth y dail o'r coed. In the Autumn, the leaves fall from the trees. In the town, dry the leaves of the woods. Dych chi'n chwarae yn yr ardd. You're playing in the garden. You play in the garden. Ydy Tom a Mary yn cofio unrhyw beth? Do Tom and Mary remember anything? Do Tom and Mary remember anything? Rydw i'n rhoi anrheg iddi hi. I'm giving her a present. I give her a gift. Ydych chi wedi datgloi ar gyfer eich cymydog? Have you unlocked the door for your neighbour? Have you been unlocked for your neighbor? Mae e'n chwarae yn yr ardd. He's playing in the garden. He is playing in the garden. Gwybododd Mary ddim ble roedd ei phen. Mary didn't know where her pen was. Mary knew it was not where her head was. Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu. I don't watch television. I don't watch television. Ydy o'n hoffi Siapan? Does he like Japan? Does he like Japan? Mae'r ystafell bron yn wag. The room is almost empty. The room was almost empty. Dw i'n casáu'r bwyd yn y ffreutur. I hate the food in the refectory. I hate the food in theruth. Mae Mennad yn gallu gyrru tryc. Mennad can drive a truck. Much can drive a shock. Dywedodd Heddlu Dyfed-Powys y bu farw'r dyn yn y fan a'r lle wedi iddo gael ei daro gan gar Renault Clio coch. Dyfed-Powys police said that the man died at the scene after being hit by a red Renault Clio. He said Drink-Powies that the man died in the spot after he was struck by Renault Clio red. Wyt ti erioed wedi plannu coeden? Have you ever planted a tree? Have you ever planted a tree? Mae'n enw slafaidd. It's a Slavic name. It is a solstical name. Actor Cymraeg mewn theatr dw i. I am a Welsh-speaking actor in a theatre. Actor Welsh in the uterus to me. Dw i'n hoffi cennin. I like leeks. I like a brain. Ewch â bag o bridd a hadau gyda chi i gau’r tyllau ar y lleiniau. Please take a bag of soil and seed to repair divots on the fairways. Take a bag of brides and seeds with you to close the holes on the hills. Peidiwch â gadael iddi hi ddianc! Don't let her escape! Don't let her escape! Rydw i'n yfed llaeth. I'm drinking milk. I drink milk. Paid eistedd ar y bench na. Don't sit on that bench. Do not sit on the top. 'Rydyn ni'n hapus. We are happy. We'll be happy. Mae'r glaw yn fy nilyn i bob man! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain is my years every place! Fel deilen yn yr hydrefwynt. Like a leaf in the autumn wind. As a leaf in the wind. Mae'n rhaid i ni geisio'n galetach. We've got to try harder. We must try more hard. Oes ci gyda hi? Does she have a dog? Is a dog with her? Dwi wedi blino'n racs. I am exhausted. I've got a race. Mi dreuliodd o lawer o'i amser yn darllen. He spent much of his time reading. He spent a lot of his time reading. Mae o wedi marw yn y fan a’r lle. He died on the spot. He has died there and the place. Mae un o gŵn fy ffrind yn dew. One of my friend's dogs is fat. One of my friend's dogs is dead. Roeddwon i'n meddwl roeddwt ti'n cysgu. I thought you were sleeping. I thought they slept. Mae lliwio gwallt yn dipyn o ymrwymiad. Dyeing your hair is a big commitment. Error colouring is a bit of connection. Dych chi'n gwisgo menig? Are you wearing gloves? Do you wear a glove? Defol! Get the hell out of here! Dew! Mae'r dŵr yn poeth. The water is hot. The water is hot. Cyflwynwch eich gwaith cartref ar ddydd Llun. Submit your homework on Monday. Enter your home work on Monday. Os wyt ti eisiau rhedeg, yna rheda. If you want to run, then run. If you want to run, then run. Beth yw'r afon wrth y mor? What is the river compared with the sea? What is the river to the sea? Mae hi'n bwyta ei chinio yn yr adref. She has lunch at home. She ate her dinner in the home. Tybed beth ddigwyddodd iddo? I wonder what happened to him. I wonder what happened to him? Mae Mennad yn brysur yn y dosbarth. Mennad is busy in class. Size is busy in the class. Mae e'n gallu darllen yn dda. He can read pretty well. He can read well. Dw i'n mynd i'r eglwys ar ddydd Sul. I go to church on Sunday. I go to church on Sunday. Mae hi'n bwrw cesair. It's hailing. She wrestled. Arwr yw e. He is a hero. It is a hero. "Pwy dych chi?" "Tom dw i." "Who are you?" "I'm Tom." "Who are you?" "Tom I." Mae car 'da fe. He has a car. It's a car. Mae anadlu llwch asbestos yn beryglus i iechyd. Breathing asbestos dust is dangerous to health. Breeding asbestos is dangerous to health. Dylet ti wrando ar dy imâm. You should listen to your imam. You should listen to your farm. Rydym yn gwylio. We are watching. We watch. Dwi eisiau i chi fy mharchu i I want your respect. I want you to kill me Dw i'n hoffi bananas yn fwy nag afalau. I like bananas more than apples. I like bananas more than apples. Faint yw hwn? How much is this? How much is this? Dw i eisiau dysgu sut i chwarae gwyddbwyll. I want to learn how to play chess. I want to learn how to play chess. Mae'r cwmni eisiau cyflogi ugain o bobl. The company wants to hire 20 people. The company wants to pay twenty people. Pam? Why? Why? Dw i'n gwerthfawrogi'r cyngor. I appreciate the advice. I appreciate the advice. Dyn ni'n chwarae yn yr ardd. We're playing in the garden. We play in the garden. Mae'r car yn las. The car is blue. The car is blue. Mae cath wen 'da fi. I have a white cat. There's a wen' battle with me. Mae e'n ei helpu hi. He helps her. It helps her. Cymerwch y prawf lliw wrin. Take the urine colour test. Take the wrin color test. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the loo? Where's the consent? Rydych chi yma. You are here. You're here. Mae Tom yn wallgof dros Mary. Tom is crazy about Mary. Tom is mad for Mary. Mae o'n casáu Nancy. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. Be' sy'n bod, cariad? What's wrong sweetie? Be' that, love? Roedd hi eisiau bod yn athrawes. She wanted to be a teacher. She wanted to be a teacher. Coffi, ys gwelwch yn dda. Coffee, please. Remember, please. Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod da. It's been a good day. She has been a good day. Dw i angen cael swydd. I need to get a job. I need a job. Mae o'n siarad Saesneg. He is speaking English. He's speaking English. Oes ganddi hi gariad? Does she have a lover? Do she have a love? Dw i'n gallu deall dy iaith di. I can understand your language. I can understand your language. Rydyn ni angen prynu anrheg iddyn nhw. We need to buy a gift for them. We need to buy them a gift. Ysgrifennodd Alexander frawddegau yn yr iaith Ferber. Alexander wrote some sentences in Berber. Alexander wrote sentences in the Ferber language. Beth mae Tom yn gwneud? What is Tom doing? What does Tom do? Roedd fel y fagddu. It was completely pitch black. It was like the froze. Gwelon nhw gath yn yr ardd. They saw a cat in the garden. They saw a cat in the garden. Mae'n stori amwys. It's a vague story. It's an apology story. A oes yna orlifoedd yn yr Almaen? Are there floods in Germany? Are there ornaments in Germany? Mae gen i lyfr. I have a book. I've got a book. Oes ganddo arian? Does he have money? Do you have money? Mae yna ddau sero yn y rhif "2010". There are two zeros in the number "2010." There are two zeros in the number "2010". Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. It's raining. She wrestled a rain. Y broblem yw bod egni solar yn rhy ddrud. The problem is that solar power is too expensive. The problem is that energy supplies are too expensive. Dw i wedi anfon llythyr atyn nhw. I have sent a letter to them. I have sent them a letter. Dydy Tom ddim yn hoffi astudio. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom does not like studying. Bydda i'n mynd i adael ysgol. I'm going to leave school. I'll go to school leave. Ble mae'r swyddfa bost? Where is the post office? Where is the mail office? Gwraig tŷ dw i. I am a housewife. I'm a house dog. Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng pentref a dinas? What's the difference between a village and a city? What is difference between village and city? Mae ei theulu yn fawr iawn. His family is very big. His family was very much. Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd rŵan. I have to go now. I must go to water. Cyfarfu Tom â Mary yn ysgol. Tom met Mary at school. Tom’s congratulation with Mary at school. Astudia! Study! Astudia! Mae'r llyfrgell mor bell â'r orsaf. The library is as far as the station. The library is as far as the station. Mae'r milwyr yn gwisgo helmedau haearn. The soldiers are wearing iron helmets. The soldiers wore iron heels. Sut mae'r tywydd? How is the weather? How's the weather? Heb amau. Without a doubt. Not repeated. Mae llygaid du 'da fi. I have black eyes. I've got black eyes. Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref. The leaves change their colour in autumn. The leaves change their colour in the height. Paid ag ysmygu yn y gwely! Don't smoke in bed! Do not imagine in bed! Mae’n hollol warthus. It's completely disgraceful. It is quite eloquent. Ydy o'n yfed coffi? Does he drink coffee? Is it drinking coffee? Mae yna ddwy gath yn cysgu ar y gwely. There are two cats sleeping on the bed. There are two cats asleep on the bed. Dw i ddim yn teimlo'n dda. I don't feel well. I don't feel well. I ble mae Tom yn mynd? Where is Tom going? Where is Tom going? Faint o'r gloch yw hi? What time is it? How much of the bell is it? Dydy Ellen ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg. Ellen does not speak English. Elen is not able to talk to Welsh. Aeth Alice i'r gwely am ddeg o'r gloch. Alice went to bed at ten. Alice went to bed about ten o'clock. Mae'r ffilm yn dechrau mewn pum munud. The movie starts in five minutes. This movie starts in five minutes. Dw i ddim yn teimlo'n dda. I'm not feeling well. I don't feel well. Beth wyt ti'n ei wneud dydd Sul nesa'? What are you doing next Sunday? What are you doing next Sunday?' Deintydd Baya ydy Mennad. Mennad is Baya's dentist. Micé is the speaker of Baya. Mae Tom yn chwarae ffrisbi. Tom is playing frisbee. Tom is playing frisbi. Mae Tom yn swrth iawn. Tom is very blunt. Tom is very susceptible. Nid yw'r ddau fath o fwnci yn perthyn yn arbennig o agos i'w gilydd. The two types of monkeys are not particularly related to each other. Both sorts of punctu are not particularly related to each other. Dw i ddim yn hoffi coffi. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. Mae'r bachgen yn bwyta bara. The boy is eating bread. The boy eats bread. Ar hyn o bryd, Burj Khalifa yw'r nendwr uchaf yn y byd. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Right now, Burj Khalifa is the highest attacker in the world. Gwisgodd Sami jîns. Sami wore jeans. Sami crashed jîns. Rydyn ni'n yfed gormod. We drink too much. We drink too. Ymlacia! Relax! It is your turn to roll the dice. Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg? Do you speak English? Are you speaking English? Pwyswch y botwm i agor y drws. Push button to open door. Press the button to open the door. Roeddwn i'n darllen llyfr. I was reading a book. I was reading a book. Wyt ti'n siarad. You speak. You're talking. Hwyl fawr a phob lwc. Goodbye and good luck. Good luck and all luck. Gŵr tŷ dw i. I am a house-husband. My house's husband. Ble mae'r toiled? Where is the toilet? Where's the consent? Mae gen i gleis yn fy mraich. I have a bruise on my arm. I've got him in my arm. Cewch wared ohoni hi. Get rid of her. You may have feet from her. Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations! Congratulations! Mae'r ystafell cyfarfod i lawr y grisiau. The meeting room is downstairs. The room met down the steps. 'Roedd y ffair yn llawn dop. The fair was packed. 'The grass was full of a top. Doedd bron ddim arian ar ôl. There was scarcely any money left. There was almost no money left. Mae fy mrawd yn cyrraedd bore 'fory. My brother arrives tomorrow morning. My brother arrived morning' fory. Mae o'n sgrechian, nid canu. He is screaming, not singing. He's screaming, not singing. Pwy o Gymru sydd wedi croesi'r Iwerydd a llwyddo yn y campau yma draw yn America a Chanada? Who from Wales has crossed over the Atlantic and succeeded in America and Canada? Who has crossed the Atlantic and succeeded in the camps here in America and Canada? Esgusodwch fi. Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg? Excuse me. Do you speak English? I'm sorry. Do you speak English? Mae aros adre yn ddiflas. Staying home is boring. It remains dull. Yng Nghymru, mae'n orfodol i fyfyrwyr ysgol astudio cemeg hyd at lefel TGAU (16 oed). In Wales, it is compulsory for students to study chemistry at GCSE level (16 years old). Intensifying, it is essential for school students to study chemicals up to TGAU level (16 years). Fel deilen yn yr hydrefwynt. Like a leaf in the autumn breeze. As a leaf in the wind. Oes gen ti unrhyw lyfrau am Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Esgusodwch fi, ond pwy ydych chi? Please, who are you? Praise me, but who are you? S'mae, fy enw i yw Pekka. Beth yw dy enw di? Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name? So are my name to be Pkka. What is your name? Mae gen i syniad da. I have a good idea. I've got a good idea. Peidiwch â thaflu sbwriel fan yma. Don't throw garbage away here. Don't throw trash here. Dw i methu yfed coffi heb siwgr. I can't drink coffee without sugar. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Dw i'n mynd i ddysgu almanaeg. I'm going to learn German. I'm going to teach almanig. Mae Mayuko yw gweld i bod dig. Mayuko looks cross. Mayuko is seen to be angry. Mae gennym ddigon o ddŵr. We have water enough. We have enough water. Wyt ti'n mynd i ysgrifennu ati hi? Are you going to write to her? Are you going to write to her? Wyt ti'n hoffi bwyd Japaneaidd? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? Mae hi'n dweud ei bod hi'n unig. She says that she's lonely. She says she's just. Roedd Tom yn arfer bod yn hyfforddwr ci proffesiynol. Tom used to be a professional dog trainer. Tom used to be a professional dog instructor. Pam wyt ti'n drist? Why are you sad? Why are you sad? Mae Muiriel yn ugain mlwydd oed. Muriel is twenty years old. Mary is twenty years old. Dw i methu aros yma heno. I can't stay here tonight. I can't stay here tonight. Mae fy ffrind gorau’n dod o Gymru. My best friend is Welsh. My best friend comes from Create. Mae'r ci hwn yn rhedeg yn gyflym. This dog runs fast. This dog ran quickly. Peidiwch â chymryd ei hochr ef bob amser. Don't always take sides with him. Never take her side of him. Be' sy'n bod, cariad? What's the matter, love? Be' that, love? Ble mae'r gath? Where's the cat? Where's the cat? Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta. I am going to have something to eat. I want to have something to eat. Ymlaciwch! Relax! Find! Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn. It's raining cats and dogs. She wrestled old wives and rings. Ddaeth Tom? Did Tom come? Tom died? Nid yw'r llyfr hwn am ieithyddiaeth. This book is not about linguistics. This book is not for literature. Trydanwr mewn theatr dych chi? Are you an electrician in a theater? - What do you mean? - Yes. Mae Tom yn casáu pawb. Tom hates everybody. Tom hates everyone. Penblwydd Hapus! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Mae gen i frawd hŷn. I have an older brother. I have an older brother. Faint o bres oes gen ti? How much money do you have? How many pieces do you have? Doeddwn i ddim yn barod. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. Ydych chi'n adnabod Mr. Bingley? Do you know Mr. Bingley? Are you known Mr. Connection? Mae yna ddwy gath yn cysgu ar y gwely. There are two (female) cats sleeping on the bed. There are two cats asleep on the bed. Wyt ti'n hoffi te? Do you like tea? Do you like you? Dw i'n gweithio mewn ysgol Gymraeg. I work in a Welsh school. I worked in a Community school. Mae Tinhinane yn caru Amayas. Tinhinane loves Amayas. Tinhinan loves Adalas. Rydw i'n bwyta reis nawr. I'm eating rice now. I'm eating race now. Mae'n rhaid dangos parch. You must show respect. We must show respect. A oes yna sgorpionau yn yr Almaen? Are there scorpions in Germany? Are there some bodies in Germany? Mae o newydd gyrraedd. He has just arrived. There's just just been here. Mae'r dyn yn cryf. The man is strong. The man is strong. Caniateir ysmygu o fewn y llinell derfyn. Smoking is permitted within the marked boundary. Strings are allowed to be drawn in the line. Dw i'n hoffi cŵn. I like dogs. I like a dogs. Does dim rhaid i Tom ymddiheuro i Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologise to Mary. Tom does not need to apologize Mary. Gobeithiodd y bydd yn clywed ohoni. He hoped he might hear from her. He felt he will hear from him. Dw i'n dysgu cerddoriaeth. I'm learning music. I'm learning music. Mae o'n gweithio oriau hir. He works long hours. It's working long hours. Er ei bod hi'n bwrw glaw, mi es i allan. Although it was raining, I went out. Although she was raining, I went out. Beth sydd fel arfer yn achosi'r boen? What usually causes the pain? What is usually a cause of pain? Nos Da. Goodnight. Good night. Dydi hi ddim yn dda i orfwyta. It's not good to overeat. She is not good to meet. Mae'r llawr yn llithrig iawn The floor is very slippery. The floor is very irrigated Mae yna gath ar y bwrdd. There is a cat on the table. There is a cat on the table. Nid yw Cymru ar Werth. Wales is not for sale. Wetness is not on Wert. Mae'n braf cwrdd â chi. Pleased to meet you. It's nice to meet you. Dych chi'n siarad. You are talking. That's what you're talking about. Beth ydy Tom yn darllen? What's Tom reading? What is Tom reading? Dwi’n dda iawn. I'm very good. I am very good. Mae ganddo ddwylo esmwyth. He has smooth hands. He has unequivocally hands. Gwnaeth hi ei gwisg Calan Gaeaf ei hun. Mary made her own Halloween costume. She made her dress Cala Have I made herself. Mae'r ty yn fach The house is small. The house is small Welais i Tom yn rhedeg lawr y stryd. I saw Tom running down the street. Weigh to Tom running down the street. Yfedodd hi ysgytlaeth protein. She took a protein shake. She drank her satisfaction protein. Mae'n rhaid i mi ysgrifennu llythyr. I have to write a letter. I must write a letter. Tom yw fy unig blentyn. Tom is my only child. Tom is my only child. Mi es i i'r gwely yn hwyr yn y nos. I went to bed late at night. I went to bed late at night. Ty'd ymlaen, ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. Come on, you're pulling my leg. Ty'd on, thou pulled my leg. Roedd yr afal yn flasus. The apple was tasty. The apple was soft. Pa danlwybr sy'n mynd i ganol y dref? What subway goes to the center of town? What ground is going to the middle of the town? Dechreuodd ymddygiad mab Liz waethygu pan ddechreuodd yn yr ysgol uwchradd. Liz's son's behaviour started to deteriorate when he started secondary school. Liz’s son’s behavior began worse than at high school. Mae hi'n chwipio bwrw. It's lashing. She waved. Roedd hynny ar y newyddion. That was on the news. That was on the news. Dw i'n hen. I am old. I'm old. Rwy'n berffeithydd. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a berft. Bob wythnos yr â i bysgota. I go fishing every week. Every week he got to smoke. Mae blas chwerw i'r coffi hwn. This coffee has a bitter taste. A bitter taste to this coffee. Mae Mennad ar gael. Mennad is available. Size is available. Gwnaeth Mennad de. Mennad made some tea. MMéarre. Nhw oedd y gwaetha. They were the worst. The worse was. Mae Donald Trump yn gancr oddi ar y ddaear hon. Donald Trump is a cancer upon this earth. Donald Fasten from this earth. Rwyt ti'n berffaith normal. You are perfectly normal. You are perfectly normal. Mi gaeodd o'r drws yn flin. He shut the door angrily. I got from the door angry. Weithiau bydd ein Swyddogion yn gwisgo gwisg blaen ond byddant bob amser yn dangos ID wrth wirio eich tocynnau. Our Officers are sometimes in plain clothing but will always show their ID while carrying out ticket checks. Sometimes our Jobs will dress before but they will always show ID when checking your tasks. Gad i mi wybod. Let me know. Let me know. Ble mae'r swyddfa bost? Where's the post office? Where is the mail office? Roedd marwolaeth Tom yn syndod. Tom's death was a surprise. Tom’s death was surprised. Mae gen i'r ffliw a dw i wedi blino. I have flu and I'm tired. I've got the flue and I've tired. Diolch! Thank you! Thank you! Teimlas yn unig hebddi. I felt lonely without her. Feellas is only without it. "Beth yw enw dy wraig?" "Dydw i ddim yn briod." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What is your wife's name?" "I'm not married." Roedd hi'n niwlog iawn. It was very misty. She was very poisonous. Mae hi'n saith o'r gloch. It is seven o'clock. She is seven o'clock. Rhaid bod chi wedi'ch cynhyrfu. You must be pretty upset. You must have produced you. Dydy hi ddim yn rhy anodd i ddysgu Ffrangeg. It's not too hard to learn French. It is not too difficult to learn French. Mae'r ewcaryotau'n ffurfio un o'r tri pharth o organebau byw. Eukaryotes make up one of the three groups of living organisms. The wards form one of the three children of living organs. Rhaid i chi ateb y cwestiwn. You have to answer the question. You must answer the question. Mae gennych lawer o lyfrau. You have a lot of books. You have many books. Oes ganddi hi gariad? Does she have a boyfriend? Do she have a love? Mae Muiriel yn ugain mlwydd oed. Muiriel is twenty years old. Mary is twenty years old. Tybed beth ddigwyddodd? I wonder what happened. I wonder what happened? Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. It is raining. She wrestled a rain. Yn ôl Meic, mi brynodd Mac gar newydd. According to Mike, Mac bought a new car. According to Meic, I bought a new close Son. Mae o'n dalach na'i frawd. He is taller than his brother. It's poor than his brother. Dych chi'n fy neall i. You understand me. You attract me. Heddiw yw dydd Gwener. Today is Friday. Friday is today. Sasha yw fy enw i. My name is Sasha. Sasha is my name to. Doedd Tom ddim yn ymddangos newynog. Tom didn't seem hungry. Tom did not appear annoying. Cachu! Shit! Courage! Mae gen i ddwy gath. I have two female cats. I've got two cats. Athrawes ydy hi. She is a teacher. Yes she is. Mae'r ci yn cysgu yn y car. The dog's sleeping in the car. The dog sleeps in the car. Rhaid i ni benderfynu, ac yn fuan! We have to decide, and soon! We must decide, and soon! Mae Donald Trump yn gancr oddi ar ddynoliaeth Donald Trump is a cancer upon humanity. Donald Fasten from humanity Dosberthir meysydd gwyddoniaeth yn ddau brif grŵp: gwyddorau naturiol, a gwyddorau cymdeithasol. The areas of science can be put into two general groups: natural sciences and social sciences. The distribution of scientific fields into two main groups: natural principles, and social principles. Does dim cath gyda fi. I don't have a cat. There is no battle with me. A oes yna ddaeargrynfeydd yn yr Almaen? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Mi es i i'r gwely yn hwyr yn y nos. I went to bed late in the night. I went to bed late at night. Wyt ti'n hoffi golff? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Wyt ti wir eisiau aros am Tom? Do you really want to wait for Tom? Do you really want to wait for Tom? Dw i ddim yn deall. I don't understand. I don't understand. Mae Tom yn dawelach na Mary. Tom is quieter than Mary. Tom is quieter than Mary. Mae'r pysgod yn byw yn y môr. The fish lives in the sea. The fish lives in the sea. Rwyt ti'n fy neall i. You understand me. It thou attracted me to. Ble wyt ti’n mynd nawr? Where are you going now? Where are you going now? Dw i'n gweithio bob dydd ond Dydd Sul. I work every day save Sundays. I work every day but Sunday. Mewn argyfwng, pwyswch y botwm i rybuddio’r staff. In emergency push button to alert staff. In an emergency, press the button to warn the staff. Mae'n oer iawn nawr. It's very cold now. It's very cold now. Mae'r trên yn ddeng munud yn hwyr heddiw. The train is 10 minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. Ydy dy gyfaill yn siarad Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Is your friend talking to him? Mae hi'n piso bwrw. It's pissing down. She's pisoring. Dw i'n hoffi darllen. I like reading. I like reading. Dydw i ddim yn siarad Swedeg. I don't speak Swedish. I don't talk Swedish. Mae'r athro newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the class. The new teacher is in the class. Os ydych chi’n 16 oed neu’n hŷn, bydd angen i chi brynu tocyn. If you are 16 or older, you need to buy an adult ticket. If you are 16 or older, you will need to buy a ticket. Mae yna ddau sero yn y rhif "2010". There are two zeroes in "2010". There are two zeros in the number "2010". Paid â gadael i Tom redeg. Don't let Tom run. Do not allow Tom to run. Oes gennych chi unrhyw lyfrau am Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Y ceffyl hwnnw yn ddrud iawn. That horse is very expensive. That horse is very expensive. Mae o'n hunanol iawn. He's really selfish. It's very selfish. Mae o'n gwneud mor â mynydd o bethau. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. He's done as a mountain of things. Mae hi'n cantores. She is a singer. She cantores. Mae arna' i gymaint o ofn. I am so afraid. It's such a fright. Sut dych chi? How are you? How do you know? Dw i'n trio dysgu Saesneg. I'm trying to learn English. I try to learn English. Wyt ti'n mynd i chwarae pêl-droed yfory. You are going to play football tomorrow. Are you going to play tomorrow's football. Wyt ti'n siarad. Are you talking? You're talking. Ydy dy ffrind yn siarad Esperanto? Does your friend speak Esperanto? Is your friend talking to him? Mae o'n medru gweld drwy gefn ei phen. He has eyes at the back of his head. He can see through his head back. Mae'r frawddeg ddim yn wneud synnwyr. The sentence makes no sense. The sentence does not make sense. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod ei rhif ffôn hi. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone number. Mi wyt ti'n tynnu fy nghoes. You're pulling my leg. You pulled my leg. Does gen i ddim arian. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year! New God's Year! Mae hi fan hyn. She is here. She's here. Dydy o ddim yn gallu cyfri. He can't count. Can not get folder: %s: %s Mae Tom yn siarad. Tom is talking. Tom speaks. Dw i wir angen siarad gyda thi. I really need to talk with you. I really need to talk to you. Beth? What? What? Rwy'n gweithio mewn banc. I work in a bank. I'm working in a bank. Dw i'n meddwl dy fod ti'n gallu ei wnaed o. I think you can do it. I think that you can do it from. Mae o'n ddigon hen i fynd i'r ysgol. He's old enough to go to school. He's old enough to go to school. Dw i'n casáu'r bwyd yn y ffreutur. I hate the food in the canteen. I hate the food in theruth. Roeddwn i'n ddyn cyfoethog. I was a rich man. I was a rich man. Mae eich arennau yn anhygoel. Helpwch nhw i weithio’n well drwy hydradu eich hun. Your kidneys are amazing. Help them work better by staying hydrated. Your weapons are amazing, and help them to work better by relying on yourself. Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw yn ddi-stop am dri diwrnod. It has been raining nonstop for three days. She has been throwing a rain in a non-stop for three days. Mae fy marn i yn debyg i dy farn di. My opinion is similar to yours. My death is like thy judgment. Mae gwallt arian/gwyn yn ffasiynol iawn ar hyn o bryd. Silver hair is very fashionable at the moment. Money/wind accident is currently very flat. Mae fy nhad fel ffrind i mi. My father is like a friend to me. My father is like a friend to me. Gofynodd y dewin am wirfoddolwr o'r gynulleidfa. The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience. The Wizard asked a volunteer from the congregation. Yr hydref yw'r tymor gorau ar gyfer darllen. Autumn is the best season for reading. The height is the best season for reading. Nos da. Good night. Good night. Rydych yn parcio ar eich menter eich hun, ni dderbynnir cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw golled, difrod, neu ddwyn. Users park at their own risk. No responsibility will be accepted for any loss, damage or theft. You respect your own speaker, no responsibility will be accepted for any loss, damage, or stealing. Pan fyddwch chi’n dechrau ar eich taith mewn gorsaf lle mae cyfleustera prynu tocynnau ar gael, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw prynu/ysgogi tocyn dilys ar gyfer y daith cyn mynd ar y trên. When starting your journey at a station where ticket buying facilities are available, it is your responsibility to buy or activate a valid ticket for the journey before boarding a train. When you start your journey at a station where there are carp purchases available, your responsibility is to buy and move a valid ticket for the journey before going on the train. Ysgrifennodd Alexander frawddegau yn yr iaith Ferber. Alexander wrote sentences in the Berber language. Alexander wrote sentences in the Ferber language. Dw i'n berffeithydd. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a judge. Dim problem, wrth cwrs, os chi'n mynd No problem, of course, if you're going. No problem, by course, if you're going 'Mae rhai ysgolion yn well nag eraill am gynnig cymorth bugeiliol i blant,' meddai. 'Some schools are better at providing pastoral support to children', he said. 'Some schools better than others want to offer helpful help to children,' he said. Mae’r rhwystrau hyn yn cael eu cau dros nos. These barriers are closed overnight. These strategies are closed over night. Maen nhw yn darllen llyfr. They're reading a book. They read a book. Mae'n amhosib iddo rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu. It's impossible for him to give up smoking. It is impossible for him to stop smoking. Dw i'n heneiddio. I'm getting old. I'm an elderly. Mae ei symudiad rhydd yn wahanol iawn i lawer brimatau eraill, yn enwedig yng nghymal yr ysgwydd. Their movement is very different from other primates, in particular in the shoulder joint. His free movement is very different from many other brittles, especially in the judgment of the shoulder. Sut dych chi, Tom? How are you, Tom? How do you, Tom? Nid oes cwrw yma. There is no beer here. There is no course here. Dw i'n meddwl bod rhaid i Tom hynny. I think that Tom had to do that. I think Tom must do that. Paid â darllen fy nyddiadur. Don't read my diary. Do not read my prayer. Ddydd Sul, fyddwn ni ddim yn bwyta adref. On Sunday, we won't be eating at home. Sunday, we will not eat home. Mae'n braf cwrdd â chi. It's nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. Nofiodd Tom gyda'i fab. Tom swam with his son. Tom nodded with his son. Mae ci 'da fe. He has a dog. A dog's it. Rydyn ni wedi gwylio'r ffilm 'ma dwywaith. We've watched this film two times. We've watched the movie's twice. Peidiwch â gwneud sŵn. Don't make noise. Don't make a sound. Mae'r dyn yn tal. The man is tall. The man is tall. Ewch i’ch man ymgynnull. Report to your assembly point. Go to your place of reluctance. Does gen i ddim amser. I don't have time. I don't have time. Roedd y llyfr hwn yn hawdd. This book was easy. This book was easy. Mae e'n byw yng Nghaerdydd. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Easter. Wyt ti'n hoffi cathod? Do you like cats? Dost thou like cats? Rwyt ti'n berffaith normal. You're perfectly normal. You are perfectly normal. Mae fy nghariad yn crio. My beloved is crying. My love cry. Mae argymhellion ar gyfer gwella perfformiad ynni’r adeilad wedi’u cynnwys yn yr Adroddiad Argymhellion perthynol. Recommendations for improving the energy performance of the building are contained in the associated Recommendation Report. We hopes for improving the performance of the building included in the report related arguments. Dwi'n falch eich bod chi dros eich annwyd. I am glad you're over your cold. I'm glad you're over your life. Yn sicr, mae'n mynd i bwrw glaw. It's going to rain, for sure. It's certainly, he's going to rain. Wyt ti'n siarad Saesneg? Do you speak English? Are you speaking English? Dywedodd Mary mae hi'n iach. Mary said she's healthy. Mary said she's healthy. Pwy sy'n mynd i'r farchnad? Who goes to the market? Who goes to the market? Mae gan y coffi hwn flas chwerw. This coffee has a bitter taste. This coffee has a bitter taste. Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod da. It has been a good day. She has been a good day. Taset ti'n magu ci, pa gi baset ti'n magu? If you were to raise a dog, which dog would you raise? Thou set a dog, when thou hast been raised? Er ei bod hi'n bwrw glaw, mi es i allan. Even though it was raining, I went out. Although she was raining, I went out. Faint o arian oes gyda ti? How much money do you have? How much money is there with you? Diolch. Thank you! Thank you. Mae'n llwglyd hefyd, onid yw hi? She's hungry, too, isn't she? It is corrupt too, is she not? Rhaid i ni dilyn Tom. We need to follow Tom. We need to follow Tom. Mae barcut yn hedfan uwch ben y goeden. There is a kite flying above the tree. Barcut flys above the top of the tree. Mae aros adre yn ddiflas. Staying at home is boring. It remains dull. Dw i'n gwisgo esgidiau. I am wearing shoes. I wear boots. Ble mae Rhufain? Where is Rome? Where is Rome? Mae o'n sgrechian, nid canu. He's screaming, not singing. He's screaming, not singing. Mae traean yn llai na hanner. A third is less than a half. A train is less than half. Mae Layla ddim yn dy cariad. Layla is not your girlfriend. Layla is not thy love. Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe, ond dw i ddim yn ei chredu hi. She claims that she knows nothing about him, but I don't believe her. She claims that she knew nothing about it, but I don't believe it. Mae hi wastad yn cario'i chamera gyda hi ym mhobman. She always carries her camera with her. She always carried her camera with her everywhere. Os nad oes cyfleusterau prynu tocynnau yn eich gorsaf, dewch o hyd i aelod o staff cyn gynted â phosib er mwyn prynu tocyn neu i gael cyngor ynghylch y cyfle nesaf i brynu tocyn. If there are no ticket buying facilities at your station, please find a staff member as soon as possible to buy a ticket, or to seek advice on the nearest opportunity to purchase one. If products do not buy cumulatives in your station, find a member of a staff as soon as possible to buy a bet or get advice on the next opportunity to buy a bet. Ble mae'r toiled? Where's the toilet? Where's the consent? Mae gen i lyfr. I've got a book. I've got a book. Dw i'n nofio yn y cefnfor. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the back. Dwi'n gallu siarad gyda ti am eiliad? May I speak with you for a moment? Can I talk with thee for a moment? Cyflwyna dy waith cartref ar ddydd Llun. Submit your homework on Monday. Apply your home work on Monday. Rydw i'n moyn eistedd ar fy mhen fy hun. I want to sit by myself. I'm a pig sitting on my own head. Daeth Mennad i'r twrnament. Mennad came to the tournament. I didn't know where I was. Mae'r plant yn oer. The children are cold. The children are cold. Addawodd hi bydd hi'n dweud ni. She promised that she would tell us. She promised she'll tell us. Dw i'n gweithio. I am working. I work. Dywedais wrth Tomas. I told Tom. I told Tom. Ble mae'r banc agosaf? Where's the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Hwyl, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Bye, Sayoko. Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref. The leaves change color in autumn. The leaves change their colour in the height. Mae'r dref yn enwog am ei hen gastell. The town is famous for its old castle. The town was famous for his old generation. Mi gaeodd o'r drws yn flin. He angrily closed the door. I got from the door angry. Mae'r plant wedi anghofio eu gwaith cartref. The children have forgotten their homework. The children had forgotten their home work. Rhoddodd Mary ei chyfeiriad i mi. Mary gave me her address. Mary gave her direction to me. Heddwas dych chi? Are you a police officer? SERVANT You? Yerevan ydy prifddinas Armenia. Yerevan is Armenia's capital. Yerevan is a capital city of Armenia. Pam wyt ti'n casau Tom cymaint? Why is it that you hate Tom so much? Why do you hate Tom so much? Llyfr newydd yw'r llyfr hwnnw. That book is a new book. That book is new. Dw i'n dod o Loegr. I come from England. I come from England. Gwyliwn. We are watching. I pray. Dw i angen nodiadur er mwyn ysgrifennu fy nodiadau. I need a notebook to write my notes. I need a note to write my notes. Cafodd hi ei geni yn America. She was born in America. She was born in America. Paid â gadael i Tom dy frathu di. Don't let Tom bite you. Do not let Tom bite thee. O ble felly daeth ein cochyn bach ni? So where have the red-headed children gone to? How did our little girl come to us? Dw i'n gwybod. I know. I know. Dydw i ddim eisiau brechdanau. I do not want any sandwiches. I don't want weapons. Oes ganddo arian? Has he got money? Do you have money? Mae'n rhaid i mi weld meddyg ar unwaith. I need to see a doctor immediately. I must see a doctor at once. Bydd hi'n gweithio. She will be working. She'll work. Peidiwch â dweud celwydd! Don't tell lies! Don't say lie! Dw i ddim yn hoffi pobl. I dislike people. I don't like people. Mae gen i ddau frawd ac un chwaer. I have two brothers and one sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Aeth Layla gyda Sami. Layla went with Sami. Layla went with Sami. Dw i'n hoffi tennis. I like tennis. I like tonsis. Is maith leat liathdóirí. You like balls. You like grayers. Doedd ddim digon o aur gyda nhw. They did not have enough gold. There was not enough gold with them. Byth eto. Never again. Never again. Dw i wir angen siarad gyda thi. I really need to talk to you. I really need to talk to you. Ydi hwn eich archwiliad cyntaf? Is this your first examination? Is this your first search? Ddoe, aeth fy chwaer i Kobe. Yesterday my sister went to Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobe. Dw i ddim yn gwybod sut i wneud hynny, ond bydda i'n ceisio. I don't know how to do that, but I'll try. I don't know how to do it, but I'll try. Gadewch y bagiau gweigion yn y bocs gerllaw y 18fed lawnt. Leave the empty bags in the container by the 18th green. Let the smiles in the box near the 18th full. Mae Tom yn rhy ifanc i briodi. Tom is too young to get married. Tom is too young to marry. Roedd yr ardd yn llawn o flodau melyn. The garden was full of yellow flowers. The garden was full of yellow flowers. Nid Tom ydw i. I'm not Tom. I'm not Tom. Mae marwolaeth yn barhaol. Death is permanent. Death is forever. Dw i'n yfed te. I drink tea. I drink tea. Oes ci gyda hi? Has she got a dog? Is a dog with her? Creda Tom mewn tylwyth teg. Tom believes in fairies. Creda Tom in a fair weather. Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta. I'm going to get something to eat. I want to have something to eat. Peidiwch ag oedi i gasglu eiddo personol. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Don't hesitate to collect personal property. Mae hi'n saith o'r gloch. It's seven o'clock. She is seven o'clock. Dych chi'n siarad. You speak. That's what you're talking about. Helpais i Tom i lenwi'r ffurflen gais. I helped Tom fill out the application form. I helped Tom to fill the application form. Yn ôl un arbenigwr mae'r profiad yn gallu bod yn "sioc anferth" i deuluoedd. According to an expert, the experience can be a 'huge shock' to families. According to one expert the experience can be "bigest solution" to families. Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennyt ti? What types of sandwiches do you have? What types of women do you have? Dw i'n bwyta selsig. I'm eating sausages. I eat a selsic. Mae hi'n piso bwrw. It's pissing with rain. She's pisoring. Rhowch y caead i lawr cyn tynnu’r dŵr. Lower lid before flushing. Put it down before you pull the water. Mae hi'n fyd creulon. It's a cruel world. She is a cruel world. Gadewch i mi wybod. Let me know. Let me know. Pa bryd wyt ti'n mynd? What time are you going? When are you going? 'Dwi yn y tŷ. I am in the house. 'I'm in the house. Rydw i'n bwyta. I'm eating. I'm eating. Mae'n rhaid i mi brynu blodau i'm cariad. I have to buy flowers for my love. I must buy flowers to my love. Wyt ti dal yn ei garu o? Do you still love him? Do you still love him? Mae ganddi blodau coch. She has red flowers. She has red flowers. Welaist ti ei wyneb o? Did you see his face? Wisest thou his face from? Ydy cariad yn bodoli? Does love exist? Does love exist? Mae'r athro newydd yn y dosbarth. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher is in the class. Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod. My hovercraft is full of eels. My crowd is full of rabbits. Nid fel hyn y dylai pethau fod. Things shouldn't be like this. It is not like this that things should be. Llosgodd ei sigarét o dwll yn ei ffrog hi. His cigarette burned a hole in her dress. His jugarét fell from a hole in his wake. Ydy cathod yn breuddwydio? Do cats dream? Are battles dreaming? Pam wnest ti gadael dy swydd? Why did you leave your job? Why did you leave your job? Mae Tom yn chwarae ffrisbi. Tom is playing Frisbee. Tom is playing frisbi. Dw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n rhugl yn y Ffrangeg. I think that I'm fluent in French. I think I'm burglar in French. A oes yna unrhyw draethau yn yr Almaen? Are there any beaches in Germany? Are there any things in Germany? Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd rŵan. I must go now. I must go to water. Wyt ti'n gallu siarad yn arafach, os gwelwch yn dda? Could you please speak more slowly? Are you able to speak later, please? Pa bryd wyt ti'n mynd? When are you going? When are you going? Sut dych chi, Draig? How are you, Dragon? How do you do, Dragon? Organeb gyda chelloedd cymhleth yw ewcaryot. Organisms with complex cells are eukaryotes. Organab with complex senses is ewcaryot. Dw i'n hoffi dawnsio gyda Maria I like dancing with Maria. I like dancing with Maria Mae Tocio yn ddinas enfawr. Tokyo is a huge city. Tocio is a huge city. Dw i mewn drama. I am in a play. I'm in a drama. Welaist ti eu wynebau? Did you see their faces? Wet thee their faces? Dw i'n mynd i'r eglwys ar ddydd Sul. On Sunday, I go to church. I go to church on Sunday. Wyt ti erioed wedi bwyta cig morfil? Have you ever eaten whale meat? Have you ever ate a whale meat? Mae Mennad angen dychwelyd i'r ysgol. Mennad needs to go back to school. Much is required to return to school. Does dim arian 'da fi, ond breuddwydion 'da fi. I have no money, but I have dreams. I've got no money, but dreams' I've got. I ble mae Tom yn mynd? Where's Tom going? Where is Tom going? Pam wnest ti gadael dy swydd? Why did you quit your job? Why did you leave your job? Dw i'n gweld dy geffyl di. I see your horse. I see your horse. Cwestiwn: Ai gi neu gath yw Cwci? Ateb: Un o rhein. Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those. Question: Is there a queue or cat? Answer: One of those. Mae fy mrawd yn cyrraedd bore 'fory. My brother is arriving tomorrow morning. My brother arrived morning' fory. Pwy ydy Tom? Who is Tom? Who is Tom? Dw i'n braf. I'm fine. I'm nice. Dylwn i ddim wedi gofyn i ti i wnaed hynny. I shouldn't have asked you to do that. I should have not asked thee to do so. Atgyfododd Crist! Christ is risen! He reunited Christ! Mae'r coffi yn oer. The coffee is cold. The coffee is cold. Ni ddylid gadael unrhyw roddion ger drws y siop pan fydd y siop ar gau. No donations to be left in the doorway when the store is closed. No garden should be left near the door of the shop when the shop is closed. Dw i'n hoffi selsig. I like sausages. I like selsic. Rhedodd yr arth ar fy ôl i. The bear ran after me. The bear ran after me. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn rhy ddrud i mi. This book is too expensive for me. This book is too expensive for me. Nid yw un iaith byth yn ddigon. One language is never enough. Not one language is enough. Un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wyth, naw, deg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. "Mae gen ti gyfnod canolbwyntio iâr." "Mae ieir yn blasus." "Fy mhwynt yn union." "You have the attention span of a chicken". "Chickens are tasty". "My point exactly". "I've had thee a hening period." "A hens are flavoured." "My maid just." Mae Tom wedi mynd i'r gwely. Tom has gone to bed. Tom has gone to bed. Rhaid i Tom yn aros. Tom has to stay. Tom must wait. Tom ydy fy ffrind gorau. Tom is my best friend. Tom is my best friend. Dw i'n dod o'r Eidal a dw i'n siarad Eidaleg. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. Mae Tom a Mair ill dau'n siarad Ffrangeg yn rhugl. Both Tom and Mary speak French fluently. Tom and Mary till two French talk is a burglary. Dw i'n hoffi siarad Cymraeg. I like speaking Welsh. I like to talk Chymbrisk. Dylech chi wrando ar eich imâm. You should listen to your imam. You should listen to your mother. Mae’n rhaid iddo fynd at y deintydd heddiw. He has to go to the dentist today. He must go to the speaker today. Rwyt ti'n hŷn na fi. You're older than me. You're older than me. Mae Mennad yn newydd yma. Mennad is new here. MM message is new here. Dwi am fynd draw i weld Tomas. I want to go round to see Tom. I want to go along to see Thomas. Mae o'n byw yn ei gar. He lives in his car. He lives in his car. Dw i'n dod o Siapan. I come from Japan. I come from Japan. Esgusodwch fi, ond o ble ydych chi'n dod? Please, where are you from? Please excuse me, but from where do you come? Phryna i mo'r car yfory. I won't buy the car tomorrow. Pryna to my tomorrow's car. Roedd hi'n sefyll yng nghanol yr ystafell. She was standing in the middle of the room. She was standing in the middle of the room. Pa mor effeithlon y mae’r adeilad hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio? How efficiently is this building being used? How imperfect is this building used? Mae Tom yn hynod o olygus. Tom is incredibly handsome. Tom is very much intrinsic. Roedd hi'n oer tu allan. It was cold outside. She was cold outside. Gyda pha stryd y dylem ddechrau? Which street should we start with? With what street should we start? Nes i newydd orffen darllen y llyfr. I just finished reading the book. I just finished reading the book. Ddoe, aeth fy chwaer i Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobe. Yesterday, my sister went to Kobe. Roedd fy mab yn hollol foel pan gafodd ei eni. My son was completely bald when he was born. My son was completely generous when he was born. Dych chi'n gweithio mewn tre? Do you work in a town? Are you working in a wrong way? Wyt ti'n byw yma? Do you live here? Are you living here? Oes ganddyn nhw arian? Do they have money? Do they have money? Dw i'n caru Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Mae Sami ddim yn berson creadigol. Sami is not a creative person. Sami is not a creative person. Sul y mamau hapus! Happy Mothering Sunday. A Sunday of the happy mothers! Mae'r myfyrwyr yn gwirioni at yr athro Saesneg newydd. The students adore the new English teacher. Students check the new English teacher. 'Mae rhai ysgolion yn well nag eraill am gynnig cymorth bugeiliol i blant,' meddai. 'Some schools are better at providing pastoral support to children', she said. 'Some schools better than others want to offer helpful help to children,' he said. Ble mae'r banc agosaf? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Diolch. Thanks! Thank you. Gall berson dwyieithog newid o un iaith i iaith arall yng nghanol frawddeg, ac mae'r cyfnewid-cod hwn yn bwnc astudio i ieithyddion. A bilingual person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this code-switching is a topic of study for linguists. A divine person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this exchange-cost is the subject of a youth study. Dw i'n hoffi bod gyda thi. I like being with you. I like that with thee. Mae ei theulu yn fawr iawn. Her family is very large. His family was very much. Ni chaniateir cŵn ac eithrio cŵn tywys. No dogs permitted except guide dogs. Waters are not allowed to exclude noise. Mae hanner yr afalau hyn wedi pydru. Half of these apples are rotten. Half of these apples have sunk. Wnest ti anghofio unrhyw beth? Did you forget anything? Did you forget anything? O ble ydych chi wedi dod? Where have you come from? Where have you come? Dŵr yw bywyd. Water is life. Life is water. Mi dreuliodd o lawer o'i amser yn darllen. He spent a lot of his time reading. He spent a lot of his time reading. Dw i ddim yn hoffi dyddiau gwyntog. I don't like windy days. I don't like windy days. Pan ydw i'n rhoi bwyd i'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n saint. Pan ydw i'n gofyn pam nag oes bwyd gyda'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n gomiwnydd. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the flowers, 'I get a nurse to our sound. When I ask why there's no food with the flowers,' I get a nurse. Dyma eich allwedd. Here is your key. This is your key. Pa het wyt ti'n hoffi? What hat do you like? What hat do you like? Mae e'n gallu darllen yn dda. He is good at reading. He can read well. Llosgodd ei sigarét o dwll yn ei ffrog hi. His cigarette burnt a hole in her dress. His jugarét fell from a hole in his wake. Mae’ch cymorth chi yn sicrhau bod ein cwrs yn cael ei gadw mewn cyflwr da. Your assistance helps to keep our course in good condition. Your help makes sure that our course is kept in good condition. Welaist ti ei hwyneb hi? Did you see her face? Welst thou her face? Arhoswch am yr arwydd. Wait for signal. Please wait for the sign. Does gen i ddim arian. I have no money. I don't have any money. Cwynodd neb. Nobody complained. No one complained. Gall Mennad esbonio. Mennad can explain. Much can explain. Mae’n dangos y tunell y flwyddyn o CO₂. It shows tonnes per year of CO₂. It shows the year of CO2. Dw i'n mwynhau gweithio mewn siop. I enjoy working in a shop. I enjoy working in a shop. Mae'r trên yn gyflym iawn. The train is very fast. The train is very fast. Mae Mennad eisiau dweud rhywbeth. Mennad wants to say something. I think you want to say something. Diogelu Refeniw yn teithio o gwmpas y rhwydwaith yn rheolaidd. Revenue Protection teams are regularly out and about on the network. Securely protects travelling around the network regularly. Nofion Tom a Mary yn y llyn rhewllyd. Tom and Mary swam in the freezing lake. Tom's Novels and Mary in the icey hill. Mae e'n dod o Gymru. He comes from Wales. He's coming from Wales. Dw i'n prynu bara. I'm buying bread. I buy you bread. Mae yna alw am fwy o gymorth i deuluoedd pan mae plentyn yn cael ei wahardd o'r ysgol. There is a call for more support for families when their child is excluded from school. There is a call for help to families when a child is disallowed from school. Cadwer yng nghau ac ar glo. Keep locked shut. Saver in the mouth and lock. Bardd yw e. He is a poet. A bar is it. Rhybudd! Cynnwys Asbestos. Warning! Contains Asbestos. Warning! Include Asbestos. Ildiwch i gerbydau yn dod atoch. Give way to oncoming vehicles. Let's jerk come to you. Mae'r ci yn cysgu yn y car. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog sleeps in the car. Mae hi'n chwarae yn yr ardd. She's playing in the garden. She is playing in the garden. Dros fy nghrogi! Over my dead body! Over my curfew! Pa bryd wnawn ni ail-baentio ei hystafell hi? When will we repaint her room? When will we re-paint her room? Mae gen i ddwy gath. I have two cats. I've got two cats. Cafodd ei fagu gan ei daid a'i nain. He was raised by his grandparents. He was raised by his dad and his infant. Mae Tomos yn fawddyn. Tom is vile. Tomos is a brother. Ble mae'r safle bws? Where's the bus stop? Where's the bus site? Mae'r ferch yn dewach na'r bachgen. The girl is fatter than the boy. The girl was darker than the boy. Faint o bres 'sgen ti? How much money do you have? How many money's got thee? Dw i'n rhy fyr. I am too short. I'm too short. Gwna beth sy'n iawn. Do what is right. Do what's right. Mae'r tŷ yn mawr. The house is big. The house was large. Mae Ken yn hapus. Ken is happy. Ken is happy. Peidiwch â gadael iddo fo ddianc. Don't let him get away. Don't let him escape. Mae gennyf gerdyn gredid. I have a credit card. I have a credit card. Ysgrifennydd dw i. I'm a secretary. I do writeer. Mae pêl-droed Americanaidd, pêl fas, pêl-fasged a hoci iâ yn cael eu gweld fel y chwaraeon nodweddiadol yng Ngogledd America. American football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey are seen as the typical sports of North America. American football, running ball, ball-fasket and ice are seen as the musical players in North America. Maen nhw'n edrych arnon ni. They're looking at us. They look at us. Dych chi'n peintio'r llawr? Are you painting the floor? That makes you paint the floor? Doedd neb yn gwybod. No one knew. No one knew. Wyt ti wedi gofyn iddyn nwh? Have you asked them? Have you asked them whether or not you have asked them? Dw i'n hoffi cennin a selsig. I like leeks and sausages. I like a snife and a snsig. Rydw i'n bwyta cinio. I'm eating lunch. I'm eating dinner. Mae'r cwmni eisiau cyflogi ugain o bobl. The company want to employ twenty people. The company wants to pay twenty people. Doedd hi byth yn edrych arnof. She never looked at him. She never looked at me. Dwi'n falch eich bod chi dros eich annwyd. I'm glad you're over your cold. I'm glad you're over your life. Barlys ydy ein prif gynnyrch. Barley is our main product. Barly is our main product. Mae hi'n studo bwrw. It's raining cats and dogs. She's stouting. Gaf i eistedd yma? May I sit here? I'll sit here? Dwi'n hapus. I'm happy. I'm happy. Mae e'n ei charu hi. He loves her. He loved her. Wyt ti'n hoffi astudio? Do you like studying? Do you like studying? Wyt ti wedi ymweld â sw yn dy wlad di? Have you visited a zoo in your country? Have you visited su in your country? Diolch. Thanks. Thank you. Graddiais o brifysgol eleni. I graduated from university last year. I graduated from the university of an enemy. Es i i'r siop. I went to the shop. I went to the shop. Dw i wedi ennill y gêm. I have won the game. I win the game. Siopwr dw i. I am a shopkeeper. I have a shop. Mae llyfr gen i. I have a book. I've got a book. Rhaid i hi ei helpu. She needs to help him. She must help her. Mae gen i lawer o dir. I have a lot of land. I have a lot of land. Defnyddir system o'r enw 'Tacsonomeg Linnaeaidd' i ddosbarthu organebau mewn grwpiau. We use a system called the 'Linnaean Taxonomic' to class organisms into groups. A system called 'Homanonic Support' shall be used to distribute organs in groups. Ti'n hoffi peli. You like balls. You like balls. 'S ann do Dhia a bhuineas slàinte. Salvation is God's affair. It's a good fit for God. Carson a thuirt thu gum bu choir dhomh Fraingis ionnsachadh? Why did you say that I should learn French? Why do you really want to learn French? Tha mi ag iarraidh dotair fhaicinn. I'd like to see a doctor. I'm trying to see a dirt. Tha e ceart agad. You've got it in one. That's right. You're right. ’S urrainn dhomh snàmh. I can swim. I can feel it. Phòs nighean Thòmais balach Mhàiri. Tom's daughter married Mary's son. The daughter of Thomas is the mother's room. Tha mi tinn. I am sick. I am sick. Am bruidhinnear an Fhraingis ann an Canada? Do they speak French in Canada? What is French in Canada? Am bi Tòmas a' dol dhan clas Fraingis? Will Tom be going to French class? What kind of water do you want to go to the French class? Fònaidh mise Dihaoine e. I'll call him on Friday. I'm still looking, he's fine. Cuir stampa air a' phasgan agus chuir anns a' phost e. Put a stamp on the parcel and post it. Send a stamp and send it to the directory. Càit an deach sin an déidh sin? Where will we go afterwards? Where is that two? Dh'èist mi ri òran glè bhòidheach an-dè. I listened to a very beautiful song yesterday. I was about to pass some very simple songs on the day. Thalla. Get lost. Talla. Tha mi ro thrang aig m' obair. I'm too busy at work. I am too angry at my work. Stad e ri taobh cathair Thòmais. He stopped by Tom's chair. His father's father's state. An do ghabh Tòmas gaol air Màiri? Did Tom fall in love with Mary? Was the Congratulations to the Maurit? Do bheatha dhan duthaich! Welcome. Your life in the country! co-là breith sona dhut! Happy birthday! You date! Bu chuimhne leam far an do thogadh mi. I remembered where I was born. There was a memory of time where I was elected. Cha tug mi cuireadh dhutsa. You weren't invited. I couldn't invite you. Rinn mi mo chasan. I ran away. I made my legs. Nach robh iad ùine fhada anns a’ bhaile? Weren’t they a long time in the town? Isn't they a long time in the city? Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh? Which color do you prefer? What is your name? 'S bhòidheach an latha. It's a beautiful day. The night is from day. 'S e oileanaich a tha ann an dithis dhinn. We're both students. And he is aowment of two men. Mòran taing! Thank you very much! Sons taing! Bha an t-iasg a' snàmh anns an uisge. The fish was swimming in the water. The fish was now full of the water. Tha mi a' gabhail biadh uabhasach blasta dhachaidh. I'm having a very delicious meal at home. I have something to keep pushing. Cha robh Tòmas airson fàgail idir. Tom didn't want to leave at all. Tux was not able to leave between. Tha mi ag òl an cofaidh. I'm drinking the coffee. I am writing to him. 'S iongnadh leam dè tachraidh. I wonder what will happen. I'm talking to me what's going on. Tapadh leat! Thank you! Let's have a look at you. An gabh thu sin? Will you take that? Do you take that? Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh? What is your favorite color? What is your name? Tha an litir seo dhan chaillich. This letter is to the old woman. This letter is already written to the files. Tha mi glè sgìth. I'm very tired. I'm too slow. Chuir an litir aige fearg oirre. His letter made her angry. The letter he angry her. —Am bu chòir dhomh sin a dhèanamh? —Cha bu choir. "Was that the right thing to do?" "No." —I ought to do so? —Not so. 'S ann à Kyoto a tha mi. I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kototo. Cà bhithinn a' dol? Chan innsidh mi dhut! Where would I be going? I won't tell you! Where is I? I cannot tell you! Tha mi ag ithe ubhal. I'm eating an apple. Tha's eating apple. Chuir Tòmas ceist orm, "Nach fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?" Thomas asked me, "Didn't Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?" Thomas asked me, "The day was not the day of Aus-to-day?" Dè an diofar a tha eadar Calum agus Màiri? What is the difference between Malcolm and Mairy? What is the difference between Calum and Mali? Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil an teaghlach agad gu dòigheal, a charaid. I hope that your family is fine, my friend. I know that your family is in danger of speech. Chaidh e thall thairis an-uiridh. He went abroad last year. He has turned over. Carson nach eil sibh ag éisteachd? Why aren't you listening? Why don't you hear? Bha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch. This hotel was very near the lake. This house was very beautiful for the lake. Chunnaic Tàmas gu leòr. Tom saw enough. To see enough time. A bheil fios agad càite bheil tùr Tokyo? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where Tokyo’s tower is? An robh thu ann? Were you there? Were you there? Chuir mi fearg air. I have made him angry. I left him angry. Halò, a h-uile duine. Hello everyone! Hail, everyone. Murt! Shit! Murt! Am faod mi faighneachd dè an aois a tha sibh? May I ask how old you are? What can I ask for? Tha an cù donn beag ann fon bhòrd sin. There is a small brown dog under that table. The dog is under that board. Thig gun dàil. Come without delay. - We'll see you two. Cò a nì seo? Who's going to do it? What is this item? Tha cat is cù agam. Tha an cat dubh agus tha an cù geal. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and hold. The cat is black, and the dog is white. Tha e glè fhuar san t-seòmar seo, nach eil? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? It is easier for us to come together in this one, isn't it? Is neònach leam gu bheil Tòmas ag ionnsachadh Fraingis. I think it's silly that Tom is learning French. And we don't know that Thomas is learning French. A bheil sibh nur oileanaich? Are you students? Are you ready to say? 'S ann ormsa a tha an t-acras. I'm the one who's hungry. And there's room for me which is hungry. Saoil an tùras gu Astràilia caran daor? Isn't the trip to Australia quite expensive? Would you like to take the tower to Australia, dear car? Tha mi a' feitheamh air an trèan. I am waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the drive. Tha mi tinn. I'm ill. I am sick. An ceann dàichead bliadhna 's a aon deug, dhealasaich Tòmas is Màiri ri chèile. At the end of fifty-one years, Tom and Mary divorced. The last two years and one hundred years, including T cannot be reached and it. Is cuimhne leam mòran rudan. I remember many things. This is a great deal memory. 'S ann mar sin a bha e riamh. It's always been like that. And it was like that, he had never been there. A bheil fón-laimh agad? Do you have a mobile phone? Is your phone ready? Tha fearg aig Ciorstag orm. Karen is angry with me. I've got a man at Cristag. Tha mise cho sgìth ri cù! I am as tired as a dog. I'm game over! Bhithinn toilichte do chuideachadh. I'd be happy to help you. Beneficiary condition for your help. 'S oidhche mhath 's inntineach a bh' innte. It was a good and interesting night. It was a good night, and it was in our morning. Ràinig sinn an stèisean aig sia uairean. We got to the station at six. We came up at six hours. Tha sin a' cur fearg oirre. This makes her angry. That's her haνe her. B' ann orra a bha an t-acras. They were the ones who were hungry. They were hungry. Chan eil càil fhios agam air dè a thachair. I have no idea what happened. I don't know what has happened. Am bheil thu a' coinneamh le duine an-seo? Are you meeting someone here? Do you want to send an appointment with a person here? Dè do bheachd? What do you think? What to think? Chan eil guth ri ràdh. There is nothing to be said. A voice has no voice. Tha Tàmas agus Màiri a’ bruidhinn ri chèile. Tom and Mary are talking to each other. Time expressed by date/ time and context. Chan eil feum aig Tàmas falbh. Tom doesn't have to go. Subtraction is not required. Thèid mi dhan taigh-bìdh aig leth-uair an dèidh seachd anns an fheasgar. I will go to the restaurant at 7:30 pm. I will be taken up at a half time after seven o'clock in the house. Cha do dh'fhàg Tàmas Astràilia. Tom hasn't left Australia. No timed out. "Am b' ann fon bhòrd a bha an cù?" "B' ann." "Was the dog under the table?" "Yes." "I am in the board." "I have." Abair latha. What a day. Say a day. Tha mi gu dòigheal. I am well. I am better than this. Feumaidh mi falbh. I must go. I need to go. Chòrd am pàrtaidh glan le Tòmas Tom had lots of fun at the party. Not enough clean yet Chan fhaca mo mhàthair am ballach air an t-sràid. My mother didn't see the boy on the street. My mother had not seen a placed on the market. 'S e taigh Thòmais a tha ann. It's Tom's house. There is a home. Tha e a-nis air slighe na fìrinn. He passed away. Now it is the path of the truth. Chruthaich Dia mi. God created me. God created me. Tha teine math teth ann bhon ghual seo. There is good fire from this coal. There is a good way out of this coal. Chunnaic mi reul an-diugh. I saw a star today. For I saw Networking in today. Biodh gu leòr aig Tàmas. Tom would have enough. Not enough time. 'S e am feum a thug oirnn falbh. Dire necessity forced us to leave. He's required to send them away. Tha agam ri stampaichean a cheannach. I need to buy stamps. I have to purchase stamps. Dh'fhosgail mi am bogsa. Bha e falamh. I opened the box. It was empty. I opened the box. It was empty. Is e Ricardo mo ainm. My name's Ricardo. Rica is my name. Tha Tòmas a' dol suas an staidhre. Tom is going upstairs. Tunmas is moving up the situation. S' e Èirisgeach a th' ann an Tàmas. Tom is from Eriskay. Egypt is a time. Seo oileanaich. These are students. This is pilgrim. 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gaol agad oirre. I suppose you love her. I think that you have a relationship with her. Tha mi ag ithe. I'm eating. Tha's eating me. Càite bheil an t-aran? Where's the bread? Where is the art? 'S ann an-dè a cheannaich mi carbaid ann an Doire. I bought a car in Derry yesterday. It's the day that I bought a carbon in Derry. Tha deagh shìde ann. The weather is good. There is a simple family. Tha Tòmas ag obair. Tom's working. Tómas is working. Bha mi trang a' còcaireachd. I was busy cooking. I was busy. 'S e bean uasal a th' innte. She is a woman of noble birth. And she is she's a wife, and she's her. Tha clann aig Tòmas. Tom has children. Tunmas has children. Am bheil do mhàthair a-staigh? Is your mum at home? Does your internal mother? Càite a bheil do ghùnan sìod? Where are your silk gowns? Where is your rights? Saoilidh mi gun robh fearg aige. I think he was angry. I would pray to have been angry. Murt! Shit. Murt! Tha an leabhar aice dearg. Her book is red. The book is near red. Chan eil casan ann. It's not possible. There is no point. Tha an t-uabhas de dhaoine anns a' phàirc. There are a great many people in the park. Fish are some of the favourites. Tapadh leibh! Thanks! Let's have a look at you. Faodaidh tu falbh a-nis. You can go now. You can now go away. "Dè a thug thu dhi am-bliadhna?" "Thug dà adhann." "What did you give her this year?" "Two frying pans." "You gave her both wine?" Tha cuimhne mhath agam air. I remember him well. I have a good memory. A bheil fada bho thòisich thu san obair an sin? Have you been working there for long? Would you like to start a long time from that work? Tha na h-eòin a' seinn. The birds are singing. These are the lover's bread. Tha an t-acras orm. I'm hungry! I'm sorry. Tha mi eòlach air na h-oileanaich a tha seo. I know these students. I am aware of theGantics that are of this. B' àbhaist dhomh leann òl. I used to drink beer. I've done what I've done. Nach tèid thu dhan taigh cèilidh a-nochd? Won't you go to the cèilidh tonight? Don't you have your own home, right? Meal ur naidheachd. Congratulations! - I don't know. Tha dà bhrathair aige. Tha fear dhiubh a' fuireach ann an Osaka agus am fear eile ann an Kobe. He has two brothers, one lives in Osaka and the other in Kobe. He has two brothers. One of them lives in Osaka and another inranbea. 'S ann à Sasainn a tha e. He comes from England. It is from Sashan. Is beag feum a tha ort. You're really useless. You need a little bit. Tha an teine teth. The fire is hot. The fire is hot. Bhithinn toilichte do chuideachadh. I would be happy to help you. Beneficiary condition for your help. Tha caileag bhòidheach anns a’ phàipear ann. There is a beautiful girl on the paper. There is a Click on the paper. Chan eil feum annad. You're useless. There isn't any need for an action. Tha coimpiutair agam. I have a computer. I have a computer. Fuirichibh dà dhiog. Wait a moment. Please wait two seconds. "An leatsa an taigh?" "Chan e." "Do you own the house?" "No." "Is it your house?" "No." Thig an t-acras na 's tric no aon-uair. Hunger will come more than once. He came and often or once. Is i Gàidhlig an aon chànain am beul nam bàrd ’s nan èisg. Gaelic is the only language in the mouths of bards and fish. And she was taken from the same language as the statusbar. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. I'm learning Scottish Gaelic. I am learning Gaelic. Rinn e an obair gun dragh sam bith. He did the work without any difficulty. He did the work no more. Chan eil mo charaid a' cleachdadh bainne. My friend doesn't use milk. Can not get folder: %s: %s An urrainn dhut snàmh? Can you swim? Can you swim? Chan eil mi a' dol leat. I don't think so. I don't have it you. Fàilte romhaibh chun dùthaich. Welcome! Very slow up to a country. An tèid aig Tòmas air tighinn ann? Nach tèid? Uill, tha sin duilich. Can Tom make it? He can't? Well, that's unfortunate. Who has come to Thomas? If she has not done the thing there, namely. Tha falt fada oirre. She has long hair. She's a long turn back to her. Tha e ceart. It's correct. It is correct. Tha mi nam shaor. I'm working as a carpenter. I am a free bug. Chan eil e math air seinn. He doesn't sing well. She's not good at play. Tha mi gleamach I am boring. Iakem "An robh sibh nur stiùiriche am buidheann-carthannachd sin?" "Bha." "Were you the director of that charity?" "Yes." "Have you no thought about that beautiful group?" "Yes." Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum bheil uisge ann fon bhòrd. I think that there is water under the table. I think there is a water under the board. Nì mi m' obair-dachaigh às dèidh dhomh coimhead air an telebhisean. I'll do my homework after I watch television. I go forth my home work after I've looked on theyets. Sheideadh e na h-adharcan de ghobhar. It would blow the horns off a goat. He was called the horns of coal. 'S iongnadh leam cò ise. I wonder who she is. 'I can't think of my soul. Tha mi toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil fìos agaibh, dè an t-ainm a th' oirre. I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. I desire to hear that you are able to drink now what is her name. —An toigh leat bàrdachd a dhèanamh? —'S toigh. "Do you like to write poetry?" "Yes." —Are you allowed to execute a bar? —'. Nach robh iad aig a’ mhuir tron oidhche? Aren’t they on the sea during the night? Isn't they at the sea through night? Dè do bheachd? What's your opinion? What to think? Càite bheil a' Chòrn? Where is Cornwall? Where is All OK? Tha obair aig Tòmas. Tom works. Work at Tómas. Tha feum agam air rothair ùir. I need a new bicycle. I have the need for a new bicycle. Chruthaich Dia thu. God created you. You created a God. Tha an dèideag agam briste. My toy is broken. I am nearly broken. Bha mi glè sgìth an-diugh. I was very tired today. I was very sure today. Tha gu leòr aig Tàmas ri ràdh. Tom has enough to say. There is enough timed out. An robh e luath leis an t-seòl? Was he quick with the sail? Isn't it with him there? Tha mi glè thoilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil Gàidhlig agad. I am very glad to hear that you speak Scottish Gaelic. I have excellent consent to hear that you are Gaelic. Thuirt Juliana dhomh gur ann à São Paulo a tha sibh. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Julia said to me that ye are from Sio Paulo. 'S ann mar sin a bha e riamh. It's always been that way. And it was like that, he had never been there. —Am bu toil leat Màiri a phòsadh? —Bu toil. "Would you like to marry Mary?" "I would." —I wish to pray? —I want to. "An tigeadh tu do Bhoston?" "Cha tigeadh." "Would you come to Boston?" "No." "Is left to Boston?" "Ain't left." Chruthaich Dia i. God created her. God created in. Am bi sibh ann? Will you be there? What are you doing in there? Dè a' phrìs? How much does it cost? What is price? Chan ann an-dè a rugadh ise. She wasn't born yesterday. There's no very day when she was born. Seall far a bheil mise an-diugh! Look where I am today. Display where I am today! Chan eil saoigh gun choimheas. There is no hero without compare. There's no water without ratio. Feasgar math! Good afternoon. Type nearer! Cha stad fiù 's aon tacsi. Not even one taxi stopped. It doesn't even stop with any supports. "An òl thu am fìon?" "Chan òl." "Will you drink the wine?" "No." "The drink?" "No, sir." Am bu toil le Tòmas Màiri a phòsadh? Would Tom like to marry Mary? What would you like to say? Canaidh e gur ise a mhàthair. He'll say that she's his mother. He will see her mother, and she is her mother. Bha Eamag ag èisteachd ri ceòl. Emily was listening to music. Eamag was listening to music. Bha slat fhada ùr ann anns a’ bhùth. There’s a new long fishing rod in the shop. There was a new individual wand in the boot. A bheil thu ag èisteachd ri ceòl? Are you listening to music? Do you want to listen to music? 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gaol agad air. I suppose you love him. I think that you have a relationship with him. Is coma le Tàmas Màiri. Tom hates Mary. It is a time frame. Am bi sibh daonnan trang? Are you always busy? What are you human beings busy? Tha am faclair mòr. The dictionary is big. The fascists are big. Tha sgoil mhòr aig Tòmas. Tom is a well-educated person. The school is very loud. "Cò a thug dhuinn a' bhideo seo?" "Tòmas." "Who gave us this video?" "Tom did." "That's what we gave?" "Tómas." Thèid prògram telebhisein seo leth riumsa, co-dhiù. This TV show is growing on me, anyway. This is a half shall be tabed, at least. Bliadhn' ùr math! Happy New Year! New type! 'S fheàrr cinnteach na caillteach. Better safe than sorry. It's a certain help, isn't it? Dè rinn thu leis an leabhar agam? What did you do with my book? What did you do with my book? Chòrd am pàrtaidh glan le Tòmas Tom really enjoyed the party. Not enough clean yet Bhruidhinn air ceòl. I talked about music. I got you to music. Bha e cho bochd nach b' urrainn dha aran a cheannach. He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread. He spoke to them who didn't buy bread. A bheil fón-laimh agad? Do you have a cellphone? Is your phone ready? Chan eil òran ann am bràthair Thòmais. Tom can't sing. There are no songs in Tux's house. Cha robh thu sgìth. You weren't tired. I didn't mean it. Is neònach leam nach do dh'ionnsaich Tòmas an cànan a tha aig a h-uile duine. I think it's silly that Tom didn't learn the language that everyone speaks. What I don't know about the language found by all people. Tha thu uabhasach laghach . You're very nice. You are lowered legal. Tìorraidh ma-thà! Goodbye! Sir! Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat. It's not easy to put breeches on a cat. He's not to take a cat. Ciamar a tha thu? How are you? How are you doing? Gheall Tòmas gun tilleadh e a dh'aithghearr. Tom promised that he would return soon. Tómas promised that he should return his clothes. Tha dithis chloinne aig Tòmas. Tom has two children. There are two children of Tómas. An robh sibh air a’ mhonadh an-dè? Were you in the moor yesterday? Have you seen that day? Cha robh smùid air Tòmas. Tom wasn't drunk. There was no water in Thomas. Chan eil mi ach air dà no trì deochannan òl. I've only had two or three drinks. I have no more than two or three drinks. Rach do thaigh Thòmais. Go to Tom's house. Go to Thomas. 'S beag air Tòmas an ceannach. Tom doesn't like to buy them. It's a little at Tómas' purchase. Tha an taigh beag. It is the toilet. There is a small house. Tha coltas brònach ort. You look gloomy. You seem a bit. Thachair mi ri poileas ach cha do thug e toighe dhomhsa idir. I ran into a policeman but he didn't notice me at all. I came before you, but he didn't give me his hen between me. Dèan math an aghaidh 'n uilc. Return good for evil. Make the face a reed. Cò tha Pedro? Who is Pedro? What's Turn? ’S cha tèid a glòir air chall, dh’aindeoin gò is mì-run mòr nan Gall. Her glory will not be lost, despite the deceit and great malice of the Lowlanders. If you don't, we will be lost and can't be broken forever. Gabh math an latha. Enjoy the day. Take the type of the day. Tha i sgòthach an-duigh. It's cloudy today. She is an executioner. 'S fheàrr cinnteach na caillteach. Better sure than a loser. It's a certain help, isn't it? Tha mi làn misneachd an-diugh. I'm full of confidence today. I am full of courage today. Tha e fuar an-diugh! It's cold today! %s is cold today! Carson nach èist thu rium? Why don't you listen to me? Why do you not listen to me? Mo mhallachd aig na caoraich mhòr. My curses on the big sheep. My goal is to make the major free. "Tha seinn annam," thuirt Tòmas. "I can sing," said Tom. "That's my soul," said Thomas. A bheil am pathadh ort? Are you thirsty? Do you want to path? Bhithinn toilichte ur cuideachadh. I would be happy to help you. - I'd haνe to help you. Tha Tàmas nas àirde na Màiri. Tom is taller than Mary. A Time higher is the mothers. Is fheàrr Gàidhlig bhriste na Gàidhlig sa chiste. Better broken Gaelic than no Gaelic at all. And there was a time when the Irish language ran through the fund. Bha Tòmas air Fraingis ionnsachadh. Tom had just learned French. There was a French language learning. 'S ann à Boston a tha mi. I'm from Boston. I'm from Boston. Bha ròn ann air a’ chladach. There was a seal on the shore. There was a moor on the shore. Càit a bheil thu a’ fuireach? Where do you live? Where are you living? 'S e saor a th' annam. I am a carpenter. And just say, cos you're free. "Cò leis a tha an leabhar?" "'S e le Tòmas." "Whose is the book?" "It's Tom's." "Where is the book?" "It's with Tómas." A bheil thu deich bliadhna a dh'aois? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Tha an taigh mòr. The house is big. The house is large. Tha smòcadh toirmisgte anns na taighean bidh ann an California. Smoking is banned in restaurants in California. There is a extortion in your house in California. It is often governed by the rules of the house. Tha mi a’ leughadh leabhar mun chànain. I'm reading a book about languages. I am reading a book about the languages. Bha a chainnt iomchaidh san t-suidheachadh. His speech was suitable for the occasion. There was an appropriate failure in the configuration. Cha tug mi cuireadh dhutsa. I didn't invite you. I couldn't invite you. 'S iongnadh leam cò iad. I wonder who they are. They play with me. Tha dìth àite-fuirich air Tòmas. Tom needs a place to stay. Simulation is too slow. Fuirich mionaid. Wait a minute. Please wait. Bu toil leam gun cuiridh sibh m' ainm dhan stòr-data agaibh airson na cùrsa. I would like you to add my name to your mailing list for the course. I wish you will set my name in your database for your feet. Feuch a-rithist e. Try it again. Try again. Bha sin air an naidheachdan. That was on the news. That was the day of death. Is coma leis mi. He dislikes me. It is coma with me. Tha an cu mòr a' cur eagal orra. The big dog is frightening them. They are very much afraid. Cò thusa? Who are you? Do you want to continue converting remaining mails? Carson a tha thu nad aonar? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Cha bhi 'm bochd soghail, saibhir. The extravagant poor will never be wealthy. I didn't mean to shove it up, rich. Tha gu leòr agam. I have enough. I have enough. Bha mi glè sgìth. I was very tired. I was very sick. Tha feum agam air stampa. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. —An aithne dhut Tòmas? —Chan aithne. "Do you know Tom?" "No." —Do you know Tómas? —No known. Dè tha sibh a' dèanamh? What are you doing? What are you doing? Chuir Tòmas ceist orm, "Am faca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?" Tom asked me, "Did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?" Thomas asked me, "I was at the age of Friday the day?" Cha robh duine am bu coma le Tòmas. Nobody disliked Tom. No one was dealing with Tómas. Tha mo bràithair anns an Astràilia an-dràsta. My brother is now in Australia. My brother is currently in Australia. Tha mi agad a-nis. Now I understand what you mean. I am now yours. Tha a' chaileag bòidheach. The girl is beautiful. The horse is simple. Rugadh mi ann an Osaka. I was born in Osaka. I was born in Lusaka. Cha chreid mi gun obraich e. I don't think it will work. I didn't believe that he will work. Tha i a' leughadh. She's reading. Can not get message: %s %s Chaill e a h-uile rud a bh' aige. He lost everything he owned. He's lost everything. "An òl thu fìon?" "Òlaidh." "Do you drink wine?" "Yes." "The soul." "Eng. "" Tha Nara cho sean ri Kyoto. Nara is as old as Kyoto. No, No, no, no, no. No, no. No, no, no, no, no. Is buaine na gach ni 'n naire. Shame lasts longer than anything. It's a queue for all of us. Cuiridh mise fòn thuice a-nochd fhèin. I'll phone her tonight. I've sent you to an old voice. Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I have little Irish. "An e oileanach a tha annad?" "'S e." "Are you a student?" "Yes." "Is he a servant who's there?" "'S he." Suidh aig ceann a' bhùird. Sit at the head of the table. At the head of the board. Bha sgoil mhòr agus tòrr chànanan aig Tòmas. Tom was highly educated and spoke several languages fluently. A great deal of Tómas's school and many language code. Cheannaich mi leabhar an-dé. Yesterday, I bought a book. I bought a very good book. Tha seo doirbh. This is difficult. This is a hay. Tha seo cudromach. This is important. This is important. Tha mi trang an-dràsda, agus chan urrain dhomh a chluich còmhla riut. I am busy now and can't play with you. I am busy, and not able to play with you. Cha chuimhne leam. I don't remember. Not enough memory. B' e Janet a bhuannaich a' chiad duais. It was Janet that won first prize. The first prize was Janet. Cha tèid agam air tighinn ann, duilich. I can't make it, sorry. I don't have to come, Sorry. "An robh thu nad chòcaire air a' bhàta sin?" "Cha robh." "Were you a cook on that boat?" "No, I wasn't." "Was you no longer on that boat?" "No." Can seo. Say this. This can be. Chuir mi fearg air. I irritated him. I left him angry. 'S iongnadh leam cò dh'innlich e. I wonder who invented it. I'm just in case I don't think so. Am faca sibh cangarù riamh? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Why ever love? Chan fheum mise a dhol, ach feumaidh tusa. I don't have to go, but you do. I don't need to go, but you must go. Bha dùil aig Tòmas Màiri a phòsadh, ach cha robh aice ris a phòsadh agus cha do phòs. Tom expected to marry Mary, but she didn't have to marry him and didn't. Unexpectedly at Thomas Mauritius, but he didn't pass away from him, but he didn't drink it. Tapadh leibh airson am fiosrachadh. Thank you for the information. Hanging up for information. Càite bheil Iain a' fuireach? Where does Iain live? Where's Yes? Tha cuimhn’ agam air an-dràsda. I remember it now. I remember it very early. Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh? What's your favorite color? What is your name? 'S math a rinn thu! Well done! It's a kind you did! Càite a bheil thu fhèin ag obair? Where do you work? Where are you working? 'S math a rinn thu! Well done. It's a kind you did! Cha bhi Tòmas sgìth. Tom won't be tired. There was an error displaying help. Bha iad a' bruidhinn mu do dhèidhinn. They were talking about you. They were talking about him. Cha chreid mi gu bheil i ag obair. I don't think that she is working. I didn't believe that I'm working. Mharbh Betty i. Betty killed her. Betty was killed in. Tha mi a’ dhèanamh m’ obair-dachaigh. I'm doing my homework. I have done my home work. Tha seo èibhinn. This is funny. This is herb. Chan eil uisge ann anns an t-sruth. There is no water in the stream. There is not water in the stream. Tha mi ag obair. I'm working. Tha's working. Dè a' phrìs a tha seo? How much does this cost? What is this price? Cò leis a tha am fearann seo? Who owns this land? Where is this domain? Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? What are you doing? What is your name? Nach toir thu dhomh glainne bainne a bharrachd? Will you give me another glass of milk? Do you not give me an extra milk family? A bheil thu ag iarraidh leann? Do you want a beer? Do you want to love? "Dè a ghabhas sibh?" "Gabhaidh trì cupannan cofaidh." "What would you like?" "I'd like three cups of coffee, please." "Where are you going?" "Can three packs agree." 'S toigh le Tòmas bàrdachd a dhèanamh. Tom likes to write poetry. She lays on the(s) of TName Feumaidh mi mo mhàthair a chuideachadh. I have to help my mother. I need to kiss my mother. Thig an t-acras na 's tric no aon-uair. Hunger is the best sauce. He came and often or once. A bheil Beurla agus Gàidhlig agad? Do you speak English and Scottish Gaelic? Do you have English and Irish? Cha do cheannaich mi an leabhar seo. I didn't buy this book. I did not buy this book. B' àbhaist dhomh a dhol a dh'Uibhist as t-samhraidh. I used to go to Uist in the summer. I was about to go and we had to go out of summer. Chan eil an t-uisge ann. It's not raining. There is not a backup. Cha do thuig mi sin. I don't understand. I didn't understand that. "An tèid sibh dhan Eilean Sgiathanach anns an Lùnastal?" "Thèid." "Are you going to the Isle of Skye in August?" "Yes." "Was you shall be made to the Isle of Man?" "And you shall be given up." "Am faic thu taigh-tasgaidh a-rithist?" "Chì." "Will you see the museum again?" "Yes." "How do you see a repository again?" "Preview." Am faod mi faighneachd dè an aois a tha thu? May I ask how old you are? What can I ask you for? Cò nach eil airson Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn? Who wouldn't like to speak Gaelic? Where is he who doesn't speak to anyone like this one in the middle of Ireland? Rugadh mise ann an Osaka. I was born in Osaka. I was born in Lusaka. Is caomh leam cànanan! I like languages! I don't know. Cha chuimhne leam. I can't remember. Not enough memory. Chan eil iad a’ cuideachadh. They don't help. They are not imageed. Tha mi sa ghàrradh. I am in the garden. I am in the wind. Chan eil fhios agam dè seòrsa duine a th' ann. I don't know what kind of person he is. I don't know what a person is. —Dè ur cor? —Droch chor. —Nach bochd sin. "How are you?" "Not well." "That's unfortunate." —It's a situation? —Not a short situation. Tha mi nam shaor. I am a carpenter. I am a free bug. abair dealbh breagha! What a beautiful picture! abbey picture! Cha tèid aig Tòmas air deagh Fhraingis a sgrìobhadh. Tom can't write good French. France has not been written by Europe. Tha Tàmas math air an t-snàmh. Tom is good at swimming. Yesterday is a good time. Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu. According as thou esteemest thyself, others will esteem thee. According to your consider yourself, there was a good deal. Chan eil mi ag iarraidh dol dhan sgoil. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Am faca tu mo leannan? Did you see my girlfriend? How did you faca my love? Dè an aois a tha e? How old is he? What is it age? Bheir Tòmas do Mhàiri a-màireach e. Tom will give it to Mary tomorrow. Defunct will give it its mother. Tha an taigh ùr faisg air an allt luath. The new house is near the fast burn. The new house is already being known soon. Tha cat geal aice. She has a white cat. A beautiful cat is near. Tha am boirreanach ceart. The woman is right. The next step is the rightest time. An do thuit Tòmas ann an gaol le Màiri? Did Tom fall in love with Mary? What happened to Thomas, with the Maurit,? Tha i ag òl an t-uisge. She is drinking the water. It is calling up to date. Tha mi gu math! I'm well. I am well! Tha mi ag òl uisge anns an cidsin. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink the water3 while I drink it. Bha brògan geala oirre. She had white shoes on. There was a ointment on her. Tha gaol agam ort. I love you. I have a relationship with you. Bha e ag obair anns an oifis a-raoir. He was working at the office yesterday evening. He was working in the honor of his honor. Feuchaidh mi an ceist seo fhreagairt ma dh'fhaodas mi. I'll try to answer this question if I may. I will try this question if I do. A bheil cuimhne agad oirnn? Do you remember us? Have you a memory? "Nach ann tric a bhios sibh aig an taigh?" "Chan ann." "Aren't you often home?" "No, I'm not." "Not so often will you be at your house?" "No." Chan eil mi a' dol leat. I don't agree. I don't have it you. Rinn mi obair anns a' ghàrradh. I did some work in the garden. I did work in the middle. Siuthad. Come on! Vuds. A bheil Beurla aige? Can he speak English? Has he any English? Tha am bainne nas fheàrr na am bùrn. Milk is better than water. The milk is much better than the barley. Cuin nach robh Tòmas sàbhailte? When was Tom in danger? Where was GIMP not safe? Càit' an robh i a' dol? Where was she going? Where was she going? Bidh àite-fuirich a' dhìth air Tòmas. Tom will need a place to stay. We have to wait behind you. ’S e an fhìrinn a tha agam. I'm telling the truth. I’ve got my sight. A bheil naidheachd agad dhomh? Do you have any news for me? Do you really want to carry on me? Tha triùir bhalaich agus nighean aig Tòmas. Tom has three sons and one daughter. There are three mothers and a daughter of Tòmas. Nach eil iad a’ dol dhan chèilidh anns a’ bhaile? Aren’t they going to the ceilidh in the town? Don't they go into the city? B' fheudar dhuinn lann an claidheamh a pheantadh airson dath ùr a chur air. We'd have to paint the blade of the sword in order to change the color. We'd need to paint the glass for new color. "An gabh thu tì no cofaidh?" "Cha ghabh idir." "Would you like tea or coffee?" "Neither." "Will you take or sleep?" "No between." Cha bu chòir dhut dol a-mach. You ought not to go out. You should're out. "An do cheannaich thu an Audi?" "Cha do cheannaich, bha e uabhasach daor." "Did you buy the Audi?" "No, it was so expensive." "Have you bought the accusation?" "No one bought, he was a slave." Is coma leam uighean. I dislike eggs. My soul is dry. Is toigh leam a bhith a' sgrìobhadh an-seo. I like to write here. And there was a time to write here. Tha mi ag iarraidh fuireach an-seo. I want to stay here. I am trying to stay very here. Eil thu airson tighinn? Do you want to come? Copy to come? Tha thu trang an-dràsda, nach eil? You are busy now, aren't you? You are busy, not? Mo ghaoil air do dhà shùil. I love your eyes. It's my body, haven't it? Am bi thu daonnan trang? Are you always busy? What are you talking about? An e Disathairne a bhios ann a-màireach? Will it be Saturday tomorrow? What shall he do? —Dè do chor? —Cor math. "How are you?" "Good." —By what means? —A kind. Tha beagan Beurla aig mo mhàthair. My mother speaks little English. My mother has less than English. An urrainn dhuibh bruidhinn nas maille? Can you talk more slowly? Can you speak more than one thing? Shuidh e sìos ri ùr-sgeul a leughadh. He sat down to read a story. He stood down to read him. ’S fhiach còig dolaran aon not. Five dollars are worth one pound. It's a five dollar debt, one not. Ciamar a tha an t-sìde ? What is the weather like? What's up with you? 'S dòcha leam. I suppose so. I think I'm just gonna go with you. Thalla dhachaigh. Go home. Can I go home. Dh'fhàg na h-oileanaich. The students left. No, the children's gone. Rugadh is thogadh mise ann an Astràilia. I was born and raised in Australia. I was born and raised in Australia. Tha agam ri fear a cheannaich a-màireach. I have to buy one tomorrow. I have for a man who buys massively. Tha e tioram. It's dry. He's okay. 'S e Là na Sàbaid a bha ann an-dè. It was Sunday yesterday. And he was still in the morning. Tha Tòmas a' dol a-nuas an staidhre. Tom is going downstairs. Thomas is in the process of downloading the situation. "Am faca sibh am film sin?" "Chunnaic." "Did you see that movie?" "Yes." "How did you look for that movie?" "see." Chan eil Fraingis agam. I don't speak French. I don't have any French. Thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis o choinn trì bliadhna. Tom has been studying French for three years. Failure to learn from France, about three years ago. Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? What's your name? What is your name? "Tha mòran Fraingis agad." "Chan eil mi cho fileanta riut." "You speak French well." "I'm not as fluent as you are." "You are the great French." "I don't know how to file you." Nach eil Tòmas oirre fhaicinn? Hasn't Tom seen her? Isn't she up with her? Tha mi ag èisteachd air an òran seo. I'm listening to this song. I am listening to this song. Tillidh e ro cheann trì uair a thìde. He will return within 3 hours. He will return over three hours. Bha thu sgìth. You were tired. You've won the game. Tha mo mhac ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-dràsda. My son is working hard on the field right now. My son is busy working in the atmosphere. Buillean an-diugh, tuiream a-màireach. Revenge today, mourning tomorrow. Can count today, am I like. Càite am bi sinn a' dol a-nochd? Where are we going tonight? Where are we going right? Bha am bàta fo sheòl. The boat was under sail. The boat was under his address. ’S e Didòmhnaich a bha ann an-dè. It was Sunday yesterday. He is a virgin in the day. Na dèan cadal leis an t-solas air. Don't go to sleep with the light on. Don't sleep with the light on him. An robh thu aig an taigh an-dè? Were you at home yesterday? Your house was there? Seall air an taigh sin. Look at that house. Show that house. Tha i grianach an-dràsda It's sunny just now. She is attachment to the other side. Feuchaibh a-rithist e. Try it again. Please try again. Cha chuimhne leam. I don't remember! Not enough memory. A Mhuire! Holy Mary! Mary! "Am faod thu an doras a dhùnadh?" "Faodaidh tusa." "Could you close the door?" "You could." "Can you shut the door?" "You'll see." Tha mi uabhasach duilich seo a chluinntinn. I am really sorry to hear that. I'm sorry when I hear this. Cò leis a tha an taigh seo? Who owns this house? Where is this house? Bha na cloinn a' cluich anns a' phàirc. The children were playing in the park. The stones were played in the pit. Ruigidh mi air a' 23mh dhen Chèitean. I'll arrive on 23 May. I will go on the 23rd of the Year. Feumaidh e dol a Shasainn san t-samhradh. He has to go to England in the summer. You must go in the winter. Chunnaic mi e le m’ shùilean fhèin. I saw it with my own eyes. To see it with my own wings. Tha mi a' dol dhan bhùth. I am going to the shop. I am going to sink. Ist is èisd. Shut up and listen! It is up to date. "An gabh thu uisge-beatha neo fìon?" "Cha gabh idir, tapadh leat." "Would you like whiskey or wine?" "I'll pass, thank you." "Is you catching water-feed neop?" "Not caught between, speed you." Feumaidh tu dol còmhla ri Tòmas an-dràsta. You need to go with Tom now. You need to provide at least a bit now. Tha gual ann anns an t-sruth. There is some coal in the stream. There is coal in the stream. An robh thu sgìth? Were you tired? Have you anything like that? Shuidh e sìos ri ùr-sgeul a leughadh. He sat down to read a novel. He stood down to read him. Cò leis a tha? Who owns it? Where is he now? Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh? What is your favourite colour? What is your name? Tha am bòrd anns an t-seòmar sin glè shnog. The table in that room is very nice. This one's board is so big it can't be found. Bidh Tòmas ag obair. Tom will work. The Tómas will work. Dè fon ghrèin a tha sin? What on Earth is that? What is that under? Thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis trì bliadhna air ais. Tom has been studying French for three years. Help you learn the French three years ago. Thòisich mi air ionnsachadh dha-rìribh san Dàmhair. I started to learn it seriously in October. I have learned from my heart in October. Làmh fhada is cead a sìneadh. It is certainly a tasty delicacy. To all of you I say "bon appetit." Long shall be treated and allowed. Cha bhiodh Tòmas gu sunndach. Tom would not be in a good mood. Tómas did not become single. Tha mi duilich. Sorry! Sorry. Chuir mi fearg air. I provoked him. I left him angry. An do leugh thu seo fhathast? Have you read this yet? Do you still have read? "Am bi an deuchainn doirbh?" "Bidh nas doirbhe na fear sa chaidh." "Will the exam be difficult?" "It will be more difficult than the last one." "I shall be at the test of a man." "It shall be a judge of the man in the past." Chan eil an t-uisge ann. It is not raining. There is not a backup. Cuine a bhios tu a' tighinn a dh'Alba? When will you be coming to Scottland? Sorry, who has come to Scotland? Fàilte. Welcome! Damns. 'S beag orm an coltas sin! I hate that look! 'I'm little of that look! Tha mi trang an-dràsda. I am busy now. I'm busy again. 'S e Latha na Sàbaid a bh' ann an-dè. It was Sunday yesterday. It was the morning's Day. Duin an dòras, mas e do thoil e. Close the door please. Back to the case, please. Tha mi gu math, tapadh leibh. I'm well, thank you. Tha's a well, fast with me. Tha iad a’ bruidhinn ri chèile. They are talking among themselves. They talk with him. Thuirt Tòmas rium sa Fhraingis gun chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè. Tom told me in French that Alice saw Mary the day before yesterday. Thomas said to you in France, "It's no doubt in the day." Chì mi a-rithist thu. See you later! I will be displayed again. Bha sìth ann tron t-saoghal. There was peace all over the world. It was now three years ago. Tha an deireadh-sheachdain ann. The weekend is here. There are end times. Cha bhiodh Tòmas mì-toilichte oirre. Tom wouldn't be unhappy with her. Tómas didn't turn on her. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur e deagh spòrs a bh' ann, gu dearbh! I think that it was a lot of fun, indeed! I think that it was a good time, indeed! Am faca tu cangarù riamh? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? What ever can you do? Faodaidh sinn am bus fhaighinn às a' bhaile seo. We can catch the bus from this town. We can get the bus from this town. Am bi sibh ag obair aig an taigh-osda a-màireach anns a' mhadainn? Will you be working at the hotel tomorrow in the morning? What kind of work do you work in the morning? Tha mi ag òl. I'm drinking. I'm having a drink. Cà bheil taigh Thòmais? Where is Tom's house? What is your SIP login ID? Mo mhallachd aca! Damn them! I think they're going to say that! Tha seo sgoinneil! This is awesome. This is a saying! Mur h-eil a-nist, cuine? If not now, when? If she's not a-nist, when? Is buaine bladh nas saoghal. Glory lasts longer than life. A queue is a bay of a world. Tha an t-uisge ann. It's raining. It is raised up. Tha mi uabhasach toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil thu ag iarraidh fuireach ann an Alba. I am really glad to hear that you want to live in Scotland. I am willing to hear that you are trying to live in Scotland. A bheil fios aig duine dè thachair? Does anyone know what happened? Do you know what happened? Dè a dh'òl Tòmas? What did Tom drink? What is your name? Thuirt Tòmas rium sa Fhraingis, "Chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè." Tom told me in French, "Alice saw Mary the day before yesterday." And Thomas said unto me, France, "For the sake of the morus, I see it." Halò. Hello. - Yes, sir. Tha e meadhan là. It's midday. The media has a date. Tha Tàmas 'n dùil gur e. Tom expects so. Time has been unexpectedly. Feuchaidh mi Beurla ionnsachadh. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Mòran taing! Many thanks. Sons taing! "Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?" "Tha mi ag iarraidh cù." "What do you want?" "I want a dog." "Where do you want?" "I want a dog." 'S aithne dhomh Tòmas. I know Tom. I know Tómas. Tha mòran oileanaich aca. They have many students. Their blood is great. Tha e glè luath. It is very fast. It's very soon. Tha i glè bhrèagha an-diugh. It's lovely weather today. It is important today. B' e Èirisgeach a bh' innte. She was from Eriskay. It was the elderly man's name. Is cuimhne leam an duine sin. I remember that guy. It is a memory of that person's soul. Chan òl mise càil. I won't drink anything. I don't think I'm a delayed. Tha mi ag obair an seo. I'm working here. Tha's working this. B’fheàrr leam a bhith a’ siubhal ‘nam aonar. I prefer walking by myself. It was easier with me to become the only time frame. Tha mi air an iuchair agam a chall. I've lost my key. I have lost the key. Thuirt Juliana dhomh gur ann à São Paulo a tha thu. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Julia said that you are from Sio Paulo. Tha mi an dùil a thighinn. I expect to come. I'm sorry he's gone home. Tha thu fortanach gu bheil càirdean cho math agad. You are fortunate for having such good friends. You are about to check that your friends are equal. Bha mi ag èisteachd ri òran glè bhòidheach an-dè. I was listening to a really beautiful song yesterday. I was hearing to very precious songs on the day. Tha mi duilich. I'm sorry. Sorry. Cò nach eil airson Fraingis a bhruidhinn? Who wouldn't like to speak French? How isn't I for France? Cheannaich mi leabhar an-dé. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a very good book. "An tigeadh tu a dh'Astràilia?" "Thigeadh gu dearbh." "Would you come to Australia?" "Yes indeed." "Is it left you to Australia?" "Let's really come." Cha tèid agam air tighinn ann, duilich. I can't come, sorry. I don't have to come, Sorry. Tha fearg aig m' athair orm. Father is angry with me. My father has a man. Bha mi ag èisteachd ri òran glè bhòidheach an-dè. Yesterday I listened to a very beautiful song. I was hearing to very precious songs on the day. Tha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch. This hotel is very near the lake. This house is very beautiful for the lake. Tha e glè fhuar an-diugh. It's very cold today. It is very cold today. Tha iomadh leòmhainn ann an Afraga. In Africa there are many lions. There are many different features in Africa. A bheil sibh trang an-dràsda? Are you busy now? Are you busy? Bidh Tòmas a' cur ceist orm, "Càite a fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?" Tom will ask me, "Where did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?" "Where do you want me to ask me about the day ago?" Ann an a-màireach a bhios tu a' falbh air saor-làithean? Are you going to be on vacation tomorrow? Calculator will be removed at free dates? Tha Tòmas a' cur ceist orm, "Carson a chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?" Tom is asking me, "Why did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?" Thomas asked me, "Why did Alsaam give me a thing for this day?" 'S dòcha leam gun thig iad. I suppose they are coming. I think they may not come. Chan eil ach beagan Fraingis agam. I only speak a little French. I've only got a small French. Càite a bhithinn a' dol? Chan innsidh mi dhut! Where would I be going? I won't tell you! Download location? I don't tell you! Mo mhallachd aig Tàmas! Damn Tom! Help me! Cha robh mi ag obair an-dè. I was free from work yesterday. I wasn't working in the day. Carson nach mhàir Fraingis anns an dùthaich seo? Why didn't French last in this country? Why not French in this country? A bheil fearg agad? Are you angry? Do you have a liar? Tha feuch grom ann anns an achadh. There is green grass on the field. Hang up, you have try to save it. Carson a thèid daoine don taigh-dealbh? Why do people go to the cinema? Why are men for the house? Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agam. I only speak a little Irish. I have only a small Irish language. Tha fear dhuinn ceàrr. One of us is wrong. We're having a help. Bhìd an broc an gille. The badger bit the boy. The bill appears to be damaged. Cha dèan e feum. He won't do. It will not be required. Tha mi toilichte do choinneachadh, a Thàmais. Pleased to meet you, Tom. I am willing to hold her, which I am now sorry. Nì mi rudeigin. I'll do something. I don't know what to do. Cha bhi Tòmas oirnn fhaicinn. Tom won't have seen us. October was not visible. Tha an là brèagha. The day is beautiful. The date the time is now. Tha i a' teagaisg na Fraingis dhuinn. She's teaching us French. It is your turn to learn about the French website. 'S dòcha leam gu bheil thu ceart. I suppose you are right. I think you're right. Tha e fuar. It's cold. He's cold. Tha Tòmas ag obair. Tom works. Tómas is working. Tha fìon-dhearc agad. You have red wine. You've got a little fee. Aire air an rathad! Pay attention on the road. He was on the way! Seasamaid an aghaidh na gràine-chinnidh. Say no to racism. Season's face. Is leamsa an eilean ud. I own that island. The other is a soul. Tha mi coma. I don't care. I am coma. A bheil Gearmailtis agaibh? Can you speak German? Have you got a German? Tha triùir chloinne aig Tòmas. Tom has three children. Deathly Hallows are three children's children. Cò leis a tha am biadh seo? Whose is this food? Where is this food? A bheil thu trang an-dràsda? Are you busy now? Are you busy? Tha iad a’ bruidhinn ri chèile. They're talking among themselves. They talk with him. Tha mi air an iuchair agam a chall. I have lost my key. I have lost the key. 'S e Èirisgeach a bh' ann am Màiri. Mary was from Eriskay. He was a dangerous soldier. Cò tha a' chailleach ud? Who is that old woman? What's wrong with you? Madainn mhath! Good morning. Good morning! Thòisich Tòmas obair. Tom began working. Thank you for working. An e balach no nighean a th' ann? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it its way or girl? Nach gorm na cnuic a tha fada bhuainn. How green are the hills that are far from us. Not blue the hills that are long won. Dh'ithe am fear aran. The man ate bread. Timed out a man's bread. B' fheàrr Iùdas làmh rium. I'd rather have Judas by my side. I know you will see my hand. Tha fear aig an doras a tha ag iarraidh bruidhinn riut. There's a man at the door who wants to talk to you. A man at the door is calling you. Am bu toil leibh ar faicinn an-diugh? Would you like to see us today? What would you like to see today? Cha b' urrainn dha nas fheàrr a dhèanamh. He couldn't do any better. Could not perform the help. Rinn na h-oileanaich gàire. The students laughed. The Atlantic Ocean did what it was for. B' àbhaist do Thòmas a dhol a dh'Astràilia as t-samhraidh. Tom used to go to Australia in the summer. It's wrong for Thomas to go to Australia from summer. Cha bu chòir dhuibh dol a-mach. You ought not to go out. You don't need to go out. Halò, ciamar a tha thu, a chàraid choir? Hi, how are you, my dear friend? Hey, how is it that you are? Chan e mise as coireach. It wasn't my fault. Not a `I'm not a cot. Cha toil leam bailtean mòra. I don't like big cities. I don't like great towns. Bidh mi trang a-màireach. I will be busy tomorrow. I will be busy. Bheir Tòmas dhuinn a-màireach e. Tom will give it to us tomorrow. We'll give it back his house. Tha am fear àrd. The man is tall. The higher is one. Tha balach agus nighean aig Tòmas. Tom has a son and a daughter. Tómas has a budge and a daughter. Tha e na dheagh shaor. He is a good carpenter. It is more than free. Mharbh Betty e. Betty killed him. Mhar Betty e. Glac iad Tom. They caught Tom. Take them Tom. Tha mo theaghlach gu math, tapadh leat. My family is fine, thanks. Tha's my family's well, you quick. Tha seo nas fhurasta na bha Tòmas an dùil. This is easier than Tom expected. This is a speedy thing that has been known to the unexpected failure. 'S ann agamsa a tha am fear dubh. The black one is mine. I'm there a tha's a black man's time. ’S e Diluain a tha ann an-diugh. It is Monday today. Today, the day is today. Dè an aois a tha thu? How old are you? What is your age? Rinn i an aon mearachd a-rithist. She made the same mistake again. There was an error again the same. Tha e mar chù a’ mùin air an t-sneachd. He is running around like a headless chicken. He likes to drink the universe. Cò tha a' chailleach sin? Who is that old woman? Where's that lost? Am bi thu ag obair aig an taigh-osda a-màireach anns a' mhadainn? Are you going to work in the hotel tomorrow morning? What would you like to work on your home in the morning? Bha mi nam oileanach aig an àm sin. I was a student at that time. I was elected at that time. Feumaidh tu a dhol a-nìos neo feumaidh mise a dhol sìos, tha mi coma co-dhiù. Either you have to come up or I have to go down, I don't care either way. You must go away from me, and I must go down anyway. Cò a nì seo? Who's going to do this? What is this item? Bha e sgoinneil. Chaidh mi a Kyoto. It was great. I went to Kyoto. I was just his name, but I was Kyoto. Stad e faisg air cathair Thòmais. He stopped by Tom's chair. Standing up on the city of Timothy. An ceann trì bliadhna, ràinig mi fileantachd. At the end of three years, I became fluent. The next three years I became a teacher. Feumaidh sinn seasamh an aghaidh na gràine-chinnidh. We have to stand up against racism. We need to stand against the cursors. Tiugainn. Come on! - Iceland. - Yes. Bha i anns an leabaidh tron mhadainn a leughadh leabhar. She was in bed during the morning reading a book. It was in the bed through a map to read a book. 'S ann à Boston a thàinig mi. I came from Boston. I'm already in Boston. Tha mi à Siakoku. I am from Shikoku. I'm out of Siikoku. Chan urrainn dha phiuthar ruit a bhruidhinn an-diugh. Your sister can't talk to you today. He can't pass away from him today. Cheannaich mi carbaid ann an Doire an-dè. I bought a car in Derry yesterday. I bought a carriage in Derry on the day. Thug Tòmas cuireadh dha Mhàiri. Tom invited Mary. Tómas was invited to Mauritius. Tha an taigh-òsta sin glè fhaisg air an loch. That hotel is very near the lake. This house is very beautiful for the lake. Tuigidh mi sin! I can understand that. I will understand that! Tha sin nas fheàrr. That's better. That is more than a little help. Nach shaoileadh duine gur e Tòmas a rinn e? Wouldn't one suppose that Tom did it? Hasn't a person’s life that he did in Thomas? Gheall mi gun tillinn a dh'aithghearr. I promised that I would return soon. I bet no till I felt short. Chan eil an t-eagal orm idir. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not sure what I'm talking about. Tha an t-ìm air an aran glè mhath. The butter on the bread is very good. I am very good at all. Tha fios agam nach eil fhios agam. I know that I don't know. I know I don't know. Bliadhna math ùr! Happy New Year! New type year! "Am faod sinn a dhol ann?" "Faodaidh air chòir 's gum bi sibh modhail." "Can we come?" "You may as long as you are polite." "Can we go in there?" " budget that you might be avert." Cha chosg an iris gu lèir ach dà not gus a chur sa phost. The magazine only costs two pounds, including shipping. The journal is complete but not enough to post it. Tha iad a’ bruidhinn ri chèile. They are talking to each other. They talk with him. "Dè a fhuair thu?" "Fhuair mi dà leabhar Gàidhlig." "What did you get?" "Two Gaelic books." "You found?" "I found two Gaelic books." Tha fear aig an doras a tha ag iarraidh bruidhinn riut. There's a man at the door who's asking to speak with you. A man at the door is calling you. Tha mi an dòchas gum bi e math. I hope it will be good. I am likely to be his type. Chan eil e ceart. It's not right. It's not correct. Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh? What's your favourite colour? What is your name? Tha a mhac aig a' cholaiste a-nis. His son is in college now. Now, the son of the halogen is at him. Bidh iad ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-màireach. They will be working hard on the field tomorrow. They will work safely. Innisibh dhomh an t-ainm a tha air an naoidheamh mìos. Tell me the name of the ninth month. Tell me what is on the ninth month's name is, Innis dhomh dè ni thu ann an Shounan. Tell me what you did in Shounan. Tell me what you are in Solomon. Seo an rothair agam. Here is my bicycle. This is my bike. Tha fios agam nach eil fhios agam. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. Nach robh fhios agad gun do shiubhail e bho chionn mu dà bhliadhna? Didn't you know that he passed away about two years ago? Don't you know that he didn't know because of two years? Tha dithis bhalaich is triùir nigheanan aig Tòmas. Tom has two sons and three daughters. There are two mothers and three daughters at Tòmas. Na dèan cadal trom. Don't sleep too deeply. Don't make a heavy bag. Tha an latha fuar. The day is cold. The cold day is. Feumaidh i dol a Shasainn san t-samhradh. She must visit England this summer. You must go in the winter. Tha e coltach ri athair. He looks like his father. It is like a father. "An ann a-nochd a chì sibh am film?" "Chan ann." "Will you see the film tonight?" "No." "Why do you see the movie?" "No." 'S ann leamsa a tha an taigh seo. This house is mine. This house is already in time. 'S tusa gràdh mo bheatha. You're the love of my life. You end up my life. 'S e oileanaich a tha annainn uile. We're all students. And he preached in all the people. 'S toil leam sneachd. I like snow. I like sneezing. Am mac mar an t-athair. Son is like father. A son time as the father. Aon latha, thachair i le madadh-allaidh anns a' choille. One day she met a wolf in the woods. On any day, it happened to each other in the woods. Is miann orm a bhith òg. I wish I were young. I want to be young. Sin agad e. There you have it. That's yours. Bha iad cho dòigheil còmhla. They were so happy together. They were just banded together. "An ann do Ghlaschu slighe Mallaig a thèid thu?" "'S ann." "Will you go to Glasgow via Mallaig?" "Yes, I will." "Where are you locked the flat path?" "There." Tha sin uabhasach math. That's very good. That is more common. Òlaidh ise fìon dearg. She will drink red wine. In the red drink, the appointment is made. Tha mi leisg. I'm lazy. I'm with you. Rinn Tàmas a chasan. Tom ran away. Time zone: Fàilte romhad chun dùthaich. Welcome! Please wait to country. Dè cho sean 's a tha e? How old is he? What is an old one? Tha am faclair beag. The dictionary is small. Tha's a little clair's time. A Thàmais, fuirich san t-sèithear! Tom, stay in your seat! Yes, please wait in the signature! Carson nach urrainn dhut mìneachadh dé tha thu a' déanamh? Why can't you explain what you're doing? Why can't you define a word that you're doing? Madainn mhath! Good morning! Good morning! Tha e a' nighe a' char. He washes the car. The dog is fine. Tha e fuar. It is cold. He's cold. Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig agam. I only speak a little Gaelic. I don't have little Gaelic. Chan eil òran na bhràthar. His brother can't sing. There are no more songs. Tha iad ag ithe nan ùbhlan aca. They are eating their apples. They eat their children. "Nach saoil thu gur ann an-dè a chunnaic sinn an aiseag?" "Saoilidh." "Don't you think we saw the ferry yesterday?" "Yeah." "You don't have life in the day we saw the restore?" "Life." Tha iad a’ bruidhinn. They're talking. They are talking. Chan eil ach aon mhiann agam. I have but one wish. I don't have any wish. Tha còig bhò anns a’ bhaile bheag. There are five cows in the little village. The city contains five people. Bheir Tòmas rium, "Chan fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè." Tom will tell me, "Alice didn't see Mary the day before yesterday." Thomas will tell you, "No, we'll see the Death of the Day." Tha dùil aig Tòmas mo phòsadh, ach chan eil agam ris a phòsadh. Tom expects to marry me, but I am not obliged to marry him. Unexpected to kiss my life, but I don't have to drink it. Bha a’ ghrian blàth anns a’ mhadainn, ach tha i fuar an-dràsda. The sun was warm in the morning, but it's cold at this moment. The sun was late in the morning, but it is cold. An robh sibh ann? Were you there? What were you doing in there? Is caileag glè bhòidheach Heather. Heather is a very beautiful girl. A extremely popular collection of Heather. Tha mi tinn. I'm sick. I am sick. Cha chreid mi mo chluasan. I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't believe my ears. Tha feum agam air do chuideachadh. I need you to help me. I need your encryption. Tha an nighean ris an uinneig oir tha a’ ghrian glè bhlàth an-diugh. The lass is at the window, because the sun is very hot today. The daughter in the window is, because the sun is almost today. Nach robh aice ach còig notaichen? Didn't she only have five quid? Isn't it near only five alarms? Tapadh leibh! Thank you! Let's have a look at you. Bha e ag obair gu trang anns an achadh a-raoir. He was working hard on the field last night. He was working to work busy in the framework. Tha am ballach ag ithe aran. The boy is eating bread. Tha's a little while eating bread. Tha sràdag ann an Tòmas. Tom has a temper. It is now easy to go out. Chuir ise litir dhomh. She sent me a letter. I sent her a letter. Ciamar a tha an t-sìde ? What's the weather like? What's up with you? Cha bhithinn toilichte le sin. I wouldn't be pleased with that. This is not qualified. Chaidh cron mòr a dhèanamh air a' chàr agam san tubaist. My car was badly damaged in the accident. I had a large crown in the middle of it. ’S e Dihaoine là an sgudail ann an Sasainn. Friday is bin day in England. A date will be given to the date and time in Northern Ireland. Bha an cù dubh air an fheur ris a’ ghrèin. The black dog on the grass was exposed to the sun. The black wine came from the winter. Innsibh dhuinn cò às a thàining sibh. Tell us where you came from. Let's go your way out of you. Ciamar a tha an t-sìde ? How is the weather? What's up with you? Bha an làr fliuch le uisge. The floor was wet with water. The ground was wet with water. Bha mi glè sgìth a-raoir. I was very tired last night. I was very sick. Chan eil an t-sìde cho math an-diugh 's a bha e an-dé. Today the weather's not as good as yesterday. Time is not today's day type. Tha Tòmas a' dol a-nìos an staidhre. Tom is going upstairs. Tempas is described by the state. Tha an t-éigh glè thiugh. The ice is very thick. The ice is very thick. 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gràdh agad air. I suppose you like him. I might think there's a danger on you. Tha taigh beag againn. We have a small house. We have a small house. Dùin an doras sin. Close that door. Close that door. Tha mi a' leughadh leabhar. I'm reading a book. I am reading a book. Nach robh fhios agaibh gun do shiubhail e bho chionn mu dà bhliadhna? Didn't you know that he passed away about two years ago? Don't you know that you killed him because of two years? Tha dà chat agam. I have two cats. I've two feet. —Am bu chòir dhomh sin a dhèanamh? —Cha bu choir. "Should I do that?" "No." —I ought to do so? —Not so. Tha sinn ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-diugh. We are working hard on the field today. Work is busy today. Tha fios agam gum bheil fios agad gum bheil fios agam. I know that you know that I know. I know you know that I know. Taro, tha an dìnnear deiseil. Taro, dinner is ready. Yes, the dice are ready. Chan eil mi a' dol leat. I don't agree with you. I don't have it you. Tha mo phiuthar ainmeil. My sister is famous. My sister is known. Thoir dhomh an iris, mas e do thoil e. Give me the magazine, please. I'm leaving the magazine, if he please. Tha mi ag ithe an seo. I'm eating here. Tha's eating this. Tha sgoil mhòr aig Tòmas. Tom is a highly-educated man. The school is very loud. Am toigh leat a bhith a' leughadh Tatoeba? Do you like to read Tatoeba? Do you want to read Tatoeba? Tha esan na dheagh shaor. He is a good carpenter. He is free of charge. B' urrainn dhomh cuir Spànntis air an dàn sin. I could translate that poem to Spanish. I can talk to these two people. 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gràdh agad oirre. I suppose you like her. I think you've won her. Seall air an taigh ud. Look at that house. Show your home folder Tha mi trang an-dràsda. I'm busy now. I'm busy again. Feuch a bheil cùrsa Fraingis air astar aca. Let's see if they have a distance-learning French course. Try using the French commandment of a distance. —An aithne dhuibh Tòmas? —Chan aithne. "Do you know Tom?" "No." —Do you know Thomas? —No known. Tuigsinn? Do you understand? Do I understand? Gura math a thèid leibh. I wish you good luck. String that will be done. Bha mi air an rathad dhan bhaile. I was on the road to the town. I was on the way into the city. Tha e a-nis air slighe na fìrinn. He is now on the road of truth. Now it is the path of the truth. A bheil Beurla aige? Does he speak English? Has he any English? Chan eil mi ga thuigsinn. I don't understand it. I don't understand it. Dà cheud not 's a h-ochd an duine agus ceud dà fhichead not ’s a trì deug airson oileanaich. Two hundred eight pounds per person and a hundred fifty three for students. It's because the man is right and twenty-two have one hundred and fifty years ago. Chan eil mi a' seinn. I'm not singing. I can't see a thing. Triùir a thig gun iarraidh, gaol, èud agus eagal. Three things that come unwanted: love, jealousy, and fear. Three people come without asking him, love, and fear. Chaidh e thall thairis bho chionn dà bhliadhna. He went abroad two years ago. It was over two years. Is e clas soirbh a bidh ann? Chan e, is e clas as doirbh a tha ann! Will it be an easy class? No, it is the hardest class! And she is a prophet's class? It's not a class, but aborn! Rinn i an obair gun dragh sam bith. She did the work without any difficulty. I did the work without any price. Am faca tu mo leannan? Did you see my boyfriend? How did you faca my love? —Dè do chor? —Deagh chor. —'S math sin. "How are you?" "Quite well." "That's good." —By what means? —Not so much. Tha lodan uisge ann air sgàth 's gun robh an t-uisge ann an-dè. There are puddles because it was raining yesterday. There are water parts of the water because there was an increase in the day. Tha mòran obair ri dhèanamh. There's a lot of work to be done. The task is great. Tionailidh maoin, maoin, agus tionailidh fiachan, fiachan. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Property, property, and tenure of debts, to be held. Is leamsa a tha an taigh seo. This house is mine, not yours. This house is with me. Tha mi ag obair ann am banca. I work in a bank. I am working in banks. Bha iongnadh air Eamag. Emily was surprised. He was astonished at Eamag. Dè bha iad a' deànamh an-dè? What were they doing yesterday? What was this day? Tha mi a' saoilsinn gu bheil fear ann an-sin. I think that there is a man there. I live that there is a man there. Chan eil an duine aig a bheil fios a-staigh. There is nobody at home who knows that. The person who has no internal information. Gheibh thu leabhar innteanach ma thig thu do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean! You will get an interesting book if you go to Comhairle nan Leabhraichean. You will find a modern book if you come to the Clients Council! ’S e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh. Tha mi a' ceannach iasgan. Today is Tuesday. I am buying fishes. It is not a issue today. I am buying fish. Dè rinn thu leis a' chàr ud? What did you do with that car? What did you do with the so? Chan eil foghlam tro mheadhann na Fraingis gu feum. French-medium education isn't necessary. Learning the media of France is not required. Dèan math an aghaidh 'n uilc. Turn the other cheek. Make the face a reed. Cha chreid mi gu bheil Fraingis aice. I don't think she can speak French. I didn't believe that French was he. Tha e gle dorcha. It is very dark. He's a dark man. Tha feum agaibh air. You need it. You need it. A bheil thu a' smaointinn gum bheil falt donn glè bhòidheach? Do you think that brown hair is very beautiful? Do you think that there is a very bad tree? Choinnich Tàmas ri Màiri ann an 1972. Tom met Mary in 1972. Hours of Time in 1972. 'S ann tioram a bha an latha. It was a dry day. And it was day. Tha eileanan anns a' mhuir. There are islands in the sea. There are other people in the sea. Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu. As you see yourself so will others see you. According to your consider yourself, there was a good deal. Tha mi duilich, ach feumaidh mi dol dhachaigh an-dràsta. I'm sorry, but I'll have to go home now. Sorry, but I must go now. Thèid mi air siubhal a' bhaile ann an uair gu leth. Am bu toigh le duine tiginn cuide rium? I'm going to go for a walk around town in an hour and a half. Would anyone like to come with? I will be brought up in the city for a half time. Time did one go with another, that I may help you? 'S ann dà mhìos air ais a thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh an Fhraingis. Two months ago, Tom began to learn French. And in two months ago, learning France. Gheall mi gun tillinn a dh'aithghearr. I promised that I would be back soon. I bet no till I felt short. Tha mi toilichte ur coinneachadh, a Thàmais. Pleased to meet you, Tom. I am willing to make an appointment, I am sorry. Tha mi cinnteach gum bi i a' sein anns an eaglais a-màireach. I'm sure she is going to sing at church tomorrow. I am sure that I will enter into the church again." Thàinig sinn air adhart nuair a chaidh sinn dhan cùrsa Fraingis sin. We made a lot of progress when we went to that French class. We came forward during that French city. Sin taigh Thòmais. That's Tom's house. - Sorry, that's my house. Bha an duine, leis a’ chù, cho mall air a’ chnoc. The person with the dog was so slow on the hill. The man, with the husks, fell slowly at the hill. Tha mi ann an Hong Kong an-dràsta. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I am currently in Hong Kong. ’S e an fhìrinn a tha agam. It's the truth. I’ve got my sight. Cairson a tha fearg ort? Why are you angry? For man's sake? Bheil an obair a' còrdadh riut? Do you enjoy the work? Do you want to have the task? 'S dòcha leam gu bheil an t-acras ort. I suppose you're hungry. I might think the hunger is going on. Bha latha math ann. It was a good day. It was a good day. Thig còmhla rium. Come with me. I've joined you. Bidh mi fadalach. I will be late. I will have a long time. Carson nach eil thu ag èisteachd rium? Why aren't you listening to me? Why do you not hear me? Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? What do we call you? What is your name? Tha trì fichead bliadhna 's a trì on dh'fhàg mi Dùthaich 'IcAoidh. It's been sixty-three years since I left Sutherland. Three years ago, I leave it again. B' àbhaist dha leann òl. He used to drink beer. Holy oil has been replaced by the cow. Chuala mi òran breagha an-dè. I heard a beautiful song yesterday. I heard a dwelling song in the day. Tha mi ag iarraidh rudeigin òl. I want to drink something. I am looking for something to drink. Tha mi nam shaor. I'm a carpenter. I am a free bug. Nach eil aran ùr anns a’ bhocsa ann? Was there fresh bread in the box? Is there not a new song in factor? Cò còmhla ris a bhios tu a' tighinn? Whom are you going to come with? - Where do you want to come with him? Chan eil gràdh orm aig a' bhalach is tha gaol agam air. The boy I love doesn't love me. I don't have any mercy on theach, and I've got to love him. Tha taigh ann thairis air an t-sruth. There is a house across the stream. There is a house over the stream. Gura math a thèid leat! I wish you good luck. Well done to you! Tha sibh trang an-dràsda, nach eil? You are busy now, aren't you? You are busy in danger, isn't it? Tha balach agus dithis nighean aig Tòmas. Tom has one son and two daughters. Tunmas has a bay and two daughters. Cha do rinn e turadh. The weather didn't clear. He didn't turn up. Tha sin math gu leòr. That's good enough. That is enough good enough. Tha cuimhne mhath agam air. I have good memories of him. I have a good memory. Oidhche mhath. Good night! OHOOOAH! Tha Tòmas a' dol sìos an staidhre. Tom is going downstairs. Thomas goes down the status. 'S dòcha leam gum bi turadh ann. I hope the weather is going to be dry. I think I might have been through it. ’S urrainn dhomh leum. I can jump. I can jump. Bha Tòmas ri m' thaobh fad an latha. Tom was with me all day. Teumas was a long time. Ch' an fhuiling an onair chùd. Honor cannot be repaired. The blooding of gold covered. Chan urrainn dhomh ga faicinn. I can't see her. I can't see it. An do thuit Tòmas a-bhàn air Màiri? Did Tom fall in love with Mary? Do you think the Earth seed fell on Earth? Innis dhomh an t-ainm a tha air an naoidheamh mìos. Tell me the name of the ninth month. Tell me what is on the bottom month name is, 'S e Diluain a tha ann an-diugh agus 's e Dimàirt a bhios ann a-màireach. It's Monday today and it will be Tuesday tomorrow. Today, the honor is still in progress. Chaochail Taro o chionn dà bhliadhna. Taro died two years ago. We're dying over two years. Tha dùil aig Tòmas mo phòsadh, ach chan eil agam ris a phòsadh. Tom expects to marry me, but I don't have to marry him. Unexpected to kiss my life, but I don't have to drink it. Ciamar a tha an t-sìde ? How's the weather? What's up with you? Nach eil thu toilichte? Aren't you pleased? Doesn't you agree? A bheil am bainne bhon fhiadh sin uabhasach math? Is the milk from this deer really good? Does the milk from this fact become a very good kind? Chì mi iad an-ath-sheachdain. I will see them next week. I will see them back. Tionailidh maoin, maoin, agus tionailidh fiachan, fiachan. Wealth collects wealth and debt collects debt. Property, property, and tenure of debts, to be held. Meal do naidheachd. Congratulations! Congratulation. A bheil thu ag iarraidh siùcar? Do you want sugar? Do you want to sell it? Bha am fear ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-dè. The man was working hard on the field yesterday. The man was working busy in the morning. Chruthaich Dia e. God created him. God created his. 'S le Tòmas an sealbh seo. Tom owns this property. It's with Tómas. Thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis faisg air trì bliadhna air ais. Tom has been studying French for about three years. Trying to learn the French towards three years ago. Tha a falt fada. Her hair is long. Tha's a long fal. Cha robh mi trang an-dè. I wasn't busy yesterday. I was not busy in the day. Chi mi ann sibh. I'll see you there. You're there. Tha mi ag aontachadh ribh. I agree with you. I agree with you. 'S e saor a th' annam. I'm a carpenter. And just say, cos you're free. Cha bhi an làraidh a’ tighinn a-màireach, ma-thà. The bin lorry will not be coming tomorrow, then. Topic not come unique, if it already. Is coma leam cofaidh. I dislike coffee. This is a good soul coma. Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè inntinneach, nach eil? Scottish Gaelic is very interesting, isn’t it? What is an open source, isn't it? Chan eil an t-sìde cho math an-diugh 's a bha e an-dé. The weather's not as good today as it was yesterday. Time is not today's day type. Thig Tòmas a dh'Astràilia an-ath-bhliadhna. Tom will come to Australia next year. And Australia became the first time of birth. Chan eil an càr aca math. Their car is not good. The car does not have type. Tha nighean agus triùir bhalaich aig Tòmas agus Màiri. Tom and Mary have three sons and a daughter. The child and three mothers at Tamas and the Deaths. Tha an taigh-beag beag. The toilet is small. The house is small. Breac à linne, slat à coille ‘s fiadh à fìreach - mèirle às nach do ghabh Gàidheal a-riamh nàire. A trout from the river pool, a staff from the wood, and a deer from the moor - "thefts" of which no Gael was ever ashamed. A pop out of the pool of high-quality wood. The summit was removed from the bottom to the bottom. An robh sibh aig an taigh an-dè? Were you at home yesterday? Have you been in the house now? Gheall Tòmas gun tilleadh e a dh'aithghearr. Tom promised that he would be back soon. Tómas promised that he should return his clothes. Is mise Jack. My name is Jack. I am Jack. Chì mi a-rithist thu. I'll see you later. I will be displayed again. "Cò dhibh a rinn seo?" "Cha mhi." "Which of you did it?" "Not me." "What do you do?" "Not a month." Tha mi an dòchas gum bi, oir tha am bion làn. I hope it'll come, because the trash can is full. I am aware that I am full. Cà bheil an t-oileanach? Where is the student? Where is he now? Tha mi a' feitheamh air an trèan. I'm waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the drive. Feasgar math! Good afternoon! Type nearer! Fàilte gu Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Canned to Tatoeba. Tha mi ag iarraidh don t-Suain. I want to go to Sweden. Tha's wanted for the Sweden. Taing mhòr! Thank you very much! Thank you. Tha iasg math dhut. Fish is good for you. You have a good fish. Chan fheum mi falbh. I don't have to go. I don't need to go. Cia mheud truinnseir a th' againn? How many plates do we have? How many compassions do we have? Tha an latha air a’ mhonadh math dhut. A day on the road is good for you. The day of the concept is good for you. Cha tèid agam air deagh Fhraingis a sgrìobhadh. I can't write good French. I don't have to write to France. Tha seo doirbh. This is hard. This is a hay. —An lugha ort Tòmas? —Cha lugha idir, tha gràdh agam air! "Do you hate Tom?" "Of course not, I am quite fond of him!" —Do you want Tómas? —A minimum between, I love him! Nach robh thu sgìth? Weren't you tired? Have you not been hurt? Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? What is your name? What is your name? Bha sgeul mun chaileig sin anns an naidheachd. The story about the girl was in the news. There was a herd of about that chalice in the region. Tha na h-oileanaich seo nan Coirèanaich. Those students are Korean. Fish are slickings. Bheil thu cinnteach? Are you sure? Do you really want to delete this item? Chan eil sgoil mhòr aig Tòmas. Tom hasn't had much education. The school does not have enough time. Chan eil no mise ag iarraidh seo fhaicinn cuideachd. I don't want to see this either. I don't want this to see it also. Dé do chor? How are things? God's for all? Bha gu leòr agaibh. You had enough. You had enough. A bheil Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agad? Do you speak Irish? Is your Irish Gaelic? Cha bu chòir dhut dol a-mach. You shouldn't go out. You should're out. Bha Tòmas ag obair. Tom was working. Tòmas worked. Chòrd am pàrtaidh glan le Tòmas Tom had a lot of fun at the party. Not enough clean yet Tha e a' bruidhinn gu luath. He is speaking quickly. He's talking quickly. Tha nighean agus dithis bhalach aig Tòmas agus Màiri. Tom and Mary have one daughter and two sons. The daughter and two women are at Taumas and Madeira. Bha an fhianais nam aghaidh. The evidence was against me. The fascism was on the face. Tha sin ceart. That's right! That's right. Chan eil airgead sam bith agad. You haven't any money. You don't have any money. Bithidh do thoil ri dhèanamh. You'll have enough to do. Please have to do. ’S fheàrr leam cofaidh. I prefer coffee. It's a cool leam. Tha Tòmas ag ràdh gu bheil e oirbh fhaicinn. Tom says that he has seen you. You are calling me, and it's love to see you. 'S e Burj Khalifa an togalach as airde san t-saoghal. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. That's Burj Khalifa's a rowing out of height in the world. Am faca sibh seo fhathast? Have you seen this yet? Why are you here still? Tha na leabhraichean seo gu math sean. These books are very old. These books are well-featured. 'S toigh leam ithe. I like eating. She toe leam. Chan ann leamsa a tha an taigh seo. This house is not mine. There is no store for this house. Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? What are you called? What is your name? Tha Beurla an cànan a tha a' fuireach 'nam chrìdhe. English is the language that dwells in my heart. English is the English language that lives in transparency. Dè tha ceàrr leis? What is wrong with him? What's with you? Bha sgeulachd inntinneach anns an litir dhan bhalach. There was an interesting story in the letter to the boy. There was a wonderful story in the letter to the ballast. Càite an do cheannaich thu na brogan seo? Where did you buy these shoes? Where do you want to buy these sheep? Tha nighean agus balach aig Tòmas agus Màiri. Tom and Mary have a daughter and a son. Tunas and Mauritines have a daughter and abiding. B' àbhaist dhi leann òl. She used to drink beer. She's got wrong with her. ’S e Diardaoin a th’ ann, agus bidh làraidh an sgudail a’ tighinn an-diugh. It's Thursday and the bin lorry will be coming today. It is Dialavin at the table, and the goal is to discover where we can come from. Bha Tòmas air Fraingis ionnsachadh. Tom had learned French. There was a French language learning. Bidh gu leòr aice. She will have enough. OK. Chaochail e an-dè. He died yesterday. You got away from the day. Chan iongnadh gur lugha le Tòmas sinne. No wonder Tom hates us. Tómas has never been found to be less than sin. —Am faod dhomh an leabhar seo a cheannach? —Faodaidh. "Could I buy this book?" "Yes." —Can I buy this book? —See. Thachair e an-uiridh. It happened last year. It's gonna be all right. Tha mòran leabhraichean air eachdraidh aige. He has a lot of books on history. The story of history is great. Dh'iarr mi oirbhse sguir dheth. I asked you to stop it. I asked you to cancel. Dè an t-ainm a th' oirre? What's her name? What is your name? Tha an sgeul seo fada nas inntinniche na am fear ud. This story is far more interesting than that one. This sgeul is long than that man's time. A bheil thu ag iarraidh siùcar? Would you like some sugar? Do you want to sell it? Dè an latha a tha ann a-rithist? What day is it again? What is it day again? Tha an aimsir cho math sa ghabhas. The weather is as fine as can be. The airtime is so nice. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig. I am learning Gaelic. I am learning the Gaelic. Chan iongnadh gu bheil fearg mhòr aige. No wonder he is so angry. I don't know that he's a big man. Tha i gaothach an-dràsda. It's now windy. It is a very dark wind. "Am b' e Tòmas cò a thug dhuinn a' bhideo seo?" "Cha b' e." "Was it Tom who gave us this video?" "No, it wasn't." "I'm going to give us this time?" "It's not." 'S iongnadh leam cò thàinig. I wonder who has come. I don't think so much already. Bha ròn ann anns an uisge, agus air a’ chladach. There was a seal in the water and another on the shore. There was a wool in the water and the shore. Nollaig Chridheil! Merry Christmas! Good Christmas! "An tèid thu dhan Eilean Sgiathanach san Lùnastal?" "Thèid." "Are you going to the Isle of Skye in August?" "Yes." "Would you be to the Sgiathanian Isle in August?" "Though." A bheil e ag òl cofaidh? Is he drinking coffee? Does he drink? Oidhche mhath. Goodnight! OHOOOAH! A bheil Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agaibh? Do you speak Irish? Does that not anger you? Bha an cù anns a’ bhocsa fon bhòrd. The dog was in the box under the table. The dog came from under the board. A bheil fón-laimh agad? Do you have a cell phone? Is your phone ready? Càite bheil Iain a' fuireach? Where does John live? Where's Yes? Chaidh e a-null thairis. He went abroad. It's gone out of date. An robh Tòmas ort fhaicinn an t-seachdain a chaidh? Had Tom seen you last week? Are you sure you want to see what happened? Dh'iarr mi oirbhse sguir dheth. I asked you to stop. I asked you to cancel. Càite bheil an t-aran? Where is the bread? Where is the art? Thoir pòg dhomh. Kiss me. Give me a kiss. dè an saoghal a tha agad? How is life treating you? What is your world? A bheil Gearmailtis agaibh? Do you speak German? Have you got a German? Cha b' urrainn dhomh cadal air sgàth na fuaim. I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of sound. Tha e a' leughadh leabhraichean a-mhain fad an latha. He does nothing but read books all day long. The book is read only from the day. Dè tha thu a' deànamh an-diugh? What are you going to do today? What is your today? Chan eil iasg anns an allt ann. There is no fish in the burn. There are no fish in the other there. "Nach can tusa gun robh mi ceart gu leòr?" "Canaidh." "Won't you say that I was right?" "I will." "Don't you know that I was OK?" "Jew." Bha Tàmas an dùil gun robh Màiri gu sunndach. Tom expected Mary to be in good spirits. Unexpectedtime, that there was no water in our hands. Tha droch shìde ann The weather is bad. Bad write Tha mi an aghaidh a pheantadh a-rithist a chionn ’s gun deach e a' peantadh dìreach an-uiridh. I'm against painting it again because it was painted just last year. I am sent forward a second time because it had not been in danger of a very great deal. Tha Tòmas ag obair. Tom is working. Tómas is working. Tha là brèagha ann. It's a beautiful day. Can not get folder: %s: %s ’S e do bheatha. You're welcome. It is your life. Bidh mi a' dol tràth dhan leabaidh air sgàth 's gum feumaidh mi dùsgadh tràth. I go to bed early because I have to wake up early. I should go and sleep on to the bed and needs to be destroyed. Bu toigh leotha m' fhaicinn. They would like to see me. I've been sick to see you. Chan eil sinn a' fuireach ann an Alba fhathast. We don't live in Scotland yet. We're not still in Scotland. Chan eil foghlam tro mheadhann na Fraingis gu feum. French-medium education isn't useful. Learning the media of France is not required. Bha e uabhasach stoirmeil anns an fheasgar. It was very stormy in the afternoon. He became a small storm in the nearest. Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil fios aig a h-uile duine dé tha seo a' ciallachadh. I hope everyone knows what this means. I am likely to know that this is every two of you. 'S e ainm fìona a th' ann am "Madeira". Madeira is the name of a wine. It is a tag name which is "Madera". Tha i a' teagaisg na Fraingis dhuinn. She is teaching us French. It is your turn to learn about the French website. Tha falt fada oirre. She has got long hair. She's a long turn back to her. Tha mi air mo sheòladh post-dealain a dhìochuimhneachadh. I've forgotten my email address. I am offering a digital artist's address. Tha mi ag iarraidh dol do Lunnainn. I want to go to London. I am trying to sink for London. Do bheatha dhan duthaich! Welcome! Your life in the country! Tha sibh fortanach gu bheil càirdean cho math agaibh. You are fortunate for having such good friends. You have the same height as in your wife. Thuirt Tòmas gun do shaoil e gun robh am foghlam cudromach. Tom said that he thought that education was important. And Thomas said unto her that he had been sick of her affliction. Murt! Fuck! Murt! Nach gorm na cnuic a tha fada bhuainn. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Not blue the hills that are long won. Tha na laithean a' fàs nas fhaide 's nas fhaide. The days are getting longer and longer. The days are growing longer than normal. Níl teaghlach agam. I don't have a family. I don't have a family. Tá mé ag ithe. I'm eating. I'm eating. Tá seacht bhfocal ins an abairt seo. This sentence is composed of seven words. There are seven words in this sentence. Mas é bhur dtoil é. Please. If you would like it. Tá grá againn ar an gcailín céanna. We love the same girl. We love the same girl. Tá sibh i bhur gcónaí i mBéal Feirste. You live in Belfast. You are always in Belfast. Scríobhfaidh sé litir. He is going to write a letter. He will write a letter. Fuair Tomás léasadh teanga. Tom received a tongue lashing. Tom got a language lease. Tá sé leath i ndiaidh a haon. It's half past one. It is half after one. Táimid ag dul faoi uisce. We're sinking. We are going under water. An cuimhin leat gach rud? Do you remember everything? Do you remember everything? Tá cat bán agam. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Is mian liom gol. I want to cry. I wish weeping. Tá an teach glan. The house is clean. The house is clean. Is liomsa an hata seo. This hat is mine. It's me this hat. Sé Éamonn a rinne é. Éamonn is the one who made it. He James did it. Bain Tomás taitneamh as scéal Mháire. Tom enjoyed Mary's story. Have Thomas enjoyed Mary’s story. Ní ólaim an t-alcól. I don't drink alcohol. Not drinking the alcohol. Clúdaigh do chosa le blaincéad. Cover your feet with a blanket. Cover your feet with a blanket. Is aingeal thú! You're an angel! You are an angel! Bhuamar an crannchur. We won the lottery. We win the lottery. Ithimid. We eat. We eat. Is as an nGréig mé. I'm from Greece. I am from Greece. Níl béan chéile agam. I don't have a wife. I don't have one another. Is maith liom teangacha! I like languages! I like languages! Tá sí ag scríobh leabhair. She's writing a book. She is writing books. Tá an leabhar nua. The book is new. The book is new. Tá na húlla díolta amach. The apples were sold out. The apples are sold out. Tháinig mé amach as an tacsaí. I got out of the taxi. I came out of the taxi. An fhírinne? The truth? The truth? Ní thuigim na ceisteanna a chuireann an múinteoir. I don't understand the questions that the teacher sets. I do not understand the questions put by the teacher. Tá fadhb acu. They have a problem. They have a problem. Tá sneachta ann le mí anuas. We’ve had snow for the past month. There is snow in the past month. Tá Pua ag canadh ag an eaglais. Pua is singing at church. Pua is singing at the church. Tá an bainne géar. The milk is sour. The milk is sour. Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin. There's no place like home. There is no fire like your own fire. Níl mé ábalta é sin a déanamh. I can't do that. I am not able to do that. Ní féidir liom cuimhneamh na liricí. I can't remember the lyrics. I can't remember the lyrics. Táim ag dul. I'm going. I'm going. D'ith mé martbhorgaire i McDonald's. I ate a hamburger at McDonald's. I threw a martorger in McDonald's. Tá beirt mhac agam. I have two sons. I have two sons. Is eachtrannach mé. I am a foreigner. I'm an alien. Tá otharcharr uainn. We want an ambulance. We have an ambulance. An bhfuil bron ort? Are you sad? Are you nearly? Tá sí ag ithe. She is eating. She is eating. Cé acu ceann mo cheannsa? Which is mine? Which one of my leaders? Is mian liom damhsa. I want to dance. I want a dance. Tá sí ag ól beorach lenár gcairde sa bhialann. She is drinking beer with our friends in the restaurant. She is drinking beer with our friends in the restaurant. Tá mac an bhean sin tinn. That woman's son is sick. The son of that woman is sick. Níl Gearmáinis agam. I don't know German. I have no German. Níl sé go róluath. It's not too early. It is not too early. ’Sé a rinne é ná Éamonn. The one who did it was Éamonn. He did it than Eamonn. An bhfaca tú mo mháthair? Did you see my mother? Did you see my mother? Ní mhian liom do theanga a labhairt. I don't want to speak your language. I do not want to speak your language. Chuir sí a coinne ar ceal. She cancelled her date. She cancelled her appointment. Níl rothar agam. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. An bhfuil leabhar agat? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Chomhairligh an dochtúir é éirí as an ól. The doctor advised him to give up the drink. The doctor advised him to resign from drinking. Tá plean acu. They have a plan. They have a plan. Níl Gaeilge agam. I don't speak Irish. I don't have Irish. An bhfuil tú go maith ag matamaitice? Are you good at mathematics? Are you good at mathematics? Tá sé ag foghlaim Béarla. He is learning English. He is learning English. Tá óstán curtha in áirithe agam anocht i nGaillimh I booked us a hotel in Galway tonight. I’ve booked a hotel tonight in Galway Tabhair an leabhar sin ar ais nuair atá sé léite agat, le do thoil. Return that book when you have read it, please. Please return that book when you have read it. Sin iad na daoine ar chuir mé caoi ar a gcarr. Those are the people whose car I repaired. That's the people I sent a chance to their car. Tá teach Tomás lán le bréagán. Tom's house is full of toys. Thomas’s house is full of toy. Ní cearrbhach mé. I'm not a gambler. I'm not angry. Níl aon fhadhb ann. There is no problem. There is no problem. las é suas light it up light it up Tá an cluife seo éasca. This game is easy. This cliff is easy. D'íoc mé cúig dollar as an leabhar. I paid five dollars for the book. I paid five dollars out of the book. Is féidir leat seasamh suas más maith leat. You can stand up if you want to. You can stand up if you like. Maith thú! Well done! Good for you! Foghlaim chun cód Learn to code Learn to code Tá a lán cathracha móra sa Bhrasaíl. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. There are many major cities in Brazil. Nach bhfuil tú sásta? Aren't you pleased? Aren't you happy? Bhí an dealramh dochtúra ar Tom go deimhin. Tom really looked like a doctor. The medical appearance of Tom was indeed. Ní oibríonn an chlódóir. The printer doesn't work. Printer does not work. Abair é. Say it. Say it. Tháinig mé go dtí an tSín. I arrived in China. I came to China. Cén chaoi a ndeachaigh tú isteach i mo sheomra? How did you get into my room? How did you enter my room? Is gadaí an áthais í comparáid. Comparison is the thief of joy. A comparison is the dog of joy. Níl eochair agam. I don't have a key. I have no key. Gortaíodh Máire i dtimpiste. Máire was injured in an accident. Mary was hurt in an accident. Tá an teach te. The house is warm. The house is hot. Bhí sé ábalta an leabhar a léamh. He was able to read the book. He was able to read the book. An itheann tú rís i do thír féin? Do you eat rice in your country? Do you eat rice in your own country? An Rúiseach thú? Are you Russian? Are you the Russian? Amárach a bheidh muid ag imeacht. We'll be leaving tomorrow. Tomorrow we will depart. Cén fáth a mbeimis ag iarraidh pionós a chur ort? Why would we want to punish you? Why would we ask you to punish? Tá a fhios agam sin. I know that. I know that. Fan anseo! Stay here! Wait here! Cén teanga atá á labhairt aige? What language is he speaking? What language is he speaking? Marófar thú! You’ll be killed! You will be killed! Ní thuigim bhur gceist. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Ar léigh tú an leabhar a bhuaigh an duais? Did you read the book that won the prize? Have you read the winning book of the prize? Ní insíonn sé bréag riamh. He never lies. He never tells a lie. Tá sé a haon a chlog. It's one o'clock. It's one o'clock. Déan tae te duit féin. Make some hot tea for yourself. Make tea yourself. Ní ithim muiceoil. I don't eat pork. I did not eat pork. Tá mé ag imirt sa ghairdín. I'm playing in the garden. I'm playing in the garden. Sa Spáinn a bhuail mé le Mattias. I met Mattias in Spain. In Spain I met Mattias. Ní théim ar scoil in aon chor. I never go to school. I go not at school at all. An bhfuil do charr nua? Is your car new? Is your new car? Tchíonn muid. We see. We go. Shéan an ambasáid tearmann polaitiúil do na dídeanaithe eachtracha. The embassy denied political asylum to foreign refugees. The embassy denied political asylum for the foreign refugees. Chuimil Máire a súile lena náprún. Mary wiped her eyes with her apron. Mary rubbed her eyes with her napron. Chuamar go Londain. We went to London. We went to London. Chonaic sé seanchara an tseachtain seo caite nach bhfaca sé le blianta. He saw an old friend last week whom he hadn’t seen in years. He saw an old friend last week that he had not seen in years. Sin í an bhean a bhfuair mé teachtaireacht uaithi. That's the woman I got a message from. That's the woman I received a message from her. Is Tel Aviv cathair álainn é. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. Ní bac ar bith é airgead. Don't mind the money at all. Money is not a hindrance. Tá ort fágáil. You must leave. You have to leave. Rachaidh mé ag siopadóireacht tráthnóna inniu cé nach bhfuil mórán airgid agam. I'll go shopping this afternoon, though I don't have much money. I’ll shop today even though I don’t have much money. Ní imrítear mórán sacair ansin. Not much soccer is played there. Many hens are not then played. D'fhreagair Smith go raibh brón ort Smith replied that he was sorry. Smith replied that you were sorry Is mian liom foclóir maith. I want a good dictionary. I wish a good dictionary. Ní mac léinn í Eimíle. Emily is not a student. Emiale is not a student. Tá sin go hálainn. That is beautiful. That is beautiful. Is cailín mé. I am a girl. I'm a girl. Tá mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge. I'm learning Irish. I am learning Irish. Tá siad ag iarraidh Tom a fhanacht thar oíche. They want Tom to stay overnight. They're asking Tom to remain out of night. Tá sé anseo. He is here. He is here. Tá an teach beag The house is small. The house is small Rugadh i Sasana í. She was born in England. She was born in England. Ní maith le Tom agus Mary go bhfuilimid anseo. Tom and Mary don't want us here. Tom and Mary do not like that we are here. Ná hoscail do leabhar. Don't open your book. Do not open your book. D'éirigh le Tomás. Tom succeeded. Tom had been successful. Tá mé ag foghlaim na Gaeilge. I'm learning Irish. I am learning the Irish language. Tá Gaeilge líofa agam, ach níl mé á labhairt go minic. I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often. I am fluent, but I am not often speaking. Tá cúpla ag mo mháthair. My mother has a twin. My mother has a couple. Tá sé go maith. He's good. It is good. Tá sé seo éasca. This is easy. This is easy. Tá eagla air. He is afraid. He's afraid. Is breá liom cait. I like cats. I love cats. An bhfuil ríomhaire acu? Do they have a computer? Do you have a computer? Is as Kiótó dom. I'm from Kyoto. It's from Koótó to me. Ní raibh mé in ann stop a chur Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. Phós Máire an fear a fuair an chéad duais. Máire married the man who got first prize. Mary married the man who received the first prize. Tá pas agam. I have a passport. I've passed. Is mian liom codladh. I want to sleep. I want sleep. Dúirt an bean gur mhaith léi dul ag obair í féin. The woman said that she would like to work herself. The woman said she would like to work herself. Ceapaim gur chóir duit leithscéal a dhéanamh di. I think that you ought to apologize to her. I think you should excuse her. Tháinig sé ar uair an mheán oíche. He arrived at midnight. It came at midnight. Tá, tá oraibh. Yes, you must. Yes, yes. Déanfaidh mé an obair amárach. I'll do the work tomorrow. I will do the work tomorrow. Níl Tom á iarraidh sin faoi láthair. Tom doesn't want that right now. Tom is not currently requesting this. Cheannaigh mé teach. I bought a house. I bought a house. Táim i bPáras. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. Tá tóin toirtiúil air. He has a large arse. It has an instantual tones. Cé leis é? Whose is it? Who is it? Is grá é an ceol. Music is love. Music is a love. Is Beirlíneach mé. I am a Berliner. I’m a Berlin. An bhfuil tú ag labhairt Gaeilge? Are you speaking Irish? Are you speaking Irish? Tá an bláth dearg. The flower is red. The flower is red. Tá tú ag breathnú go maith. You look well. You are looking good. Is tusa cara Tomás. You're Tom's friend. You are a friend of Thomas. Bhí sé ag labhairt. He was speaking. He was speaking. An bhfuil orm déanamh deifir? Must I hurry? Am I to do a hurry? Conas atá an aimsir inniu? How is the weather today? How's the weather today? Sé Éamonn a rinne é. Éamonn did it. He James did it. Tá Gaeilge agam. I speak Irish. I have Irish. Tá a fhios aige an chathair seo go han-mhaith. He knows this city very well. He knows this city very well. Is guthán póca é seo. This is a mobile phone. This is a mobile phone. Tá sí go hálainn. She is beautiful. She is beautiful. Bhí mé an-thuirseach aréir. I was very tired last night. I was very tired last night. Cén fáth? For what? Why? Ba é seo mo smaoineamh. This was my idea. This was my idea. Tá an t-arán stálaithe. The bread is stale. The bread is stencils. Nílim claonta. I have no prejudice. I'm not tired. An bhfuil tuirse ort? Are you tired? Do you have fatigue? Scríobh chugam. Write me. Write to me. Ar mhaith leat triail a bhaint as? Would you like to give it a try? Would you like to try? i ndáiríre? Cén fáth? Really? Why? really? Why? Ní maith le na cait na madraí. Cats don't like dogs. The cats do not like the dogs. Ní thuigfeá go brách cé chomh pianmhar agus atá sé é seo a rá leat. You have no idea how painful it is to say this. You don't understand how painful it is to say this to you. Rugadh mé i 1988. I was born in 1988. I was born in 1988. Tá siad ag ithe. They eat. They are eating. Cé i bhfíos? Who knows? Who's down? Cé mhéad carr atá agat? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? Le bhur dtoil. Please. I'm sorry. Is é do locht féin. It's your own fault. Your own fault is. An bhfuil grá agat mo dheirfiúr? Do you love my sister? Do you love my sister? ’Séard a dhéanfaidh mé ná an seomra a ghlanadh. What I'll do is: I'll clean the room. ’ I say is to clean the room. Caithfidh mé imeacht. I have to go. I have to go. Díolaim seo leat. I sell this to you. I sell this to you. Ná déan dearmad ar riail uimhir a trí. Don't forget rule number three. Do not forget a rule of number three. Chealg beach mé. I was stung by a bee. I snug bee. Tá gach duine ansin. Everybody is there. Everyone then. Is Gaeilge teanga álainn é. Irish is a beautiful language. It is a beautiful language Irish. Níl mé ag dul ag obair. I'm not going to work. I'm not going to work. Beidh mé ag obair. I will be working. I will work. Tá an leac oighir an-tiubh. The ice is very thick. The ice slab is very hot. Tá ocras orm. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Is amhránaí é. He is a singer. He is a singer. Ní inseoidh mé d'aon duine cad a tharla duit. I won't tell anyone what happened to you. I will not tell anyone what happened to you. Níl Tom ag iarraidh bheith ag caint leat. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Tom does not want to talk to you. Chreid mé leis ar dtús. I believed him at first. I believed him first. Is féidir leat féin sin a rá le Tom. You can say that to Tom yourself. You can say that yourself to Tom. Táim ag iompar clainne. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. i bhfostú i d'intinn arís stuck in your mind again in your mind stuck again Tá tú ag faire. You're watching. You are watching. Cén áit a raibh tú inné? Where were you yesterday? Where did you yesterday? Cá bhfuil an t-ospidéal? Where's the hospital? Where is the hospital? Tá sé seo deacair. This is difficult. This is difficult. Feicfidh mé anocht sibh. I'll see you tonight. I'll tonight see you. Tosaigh, damnú! Start, dammit! Start, damn! Bádh é. He was drowned. It's lucky. Bain as mo phóca é go tapa! Take it out of my pocket quickly! Remove from my pocket it's fast! Cén teach a gcónaíonn siad ann? Which house do they live in? What house do they live in? Tá duine eile againn an rud seo a dhéanaimh. We've got someone else to do that. We have another person to do this. Tá rothar agam. I have a bicycle. I have a bike. Is deargbhréagadóir é Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Testp is a red-weeder. Níl Béarla agam. I don't know English. I don't have English. Níl fonn cainte ar Tomás. Tom is not in the mood for talking. No desire to speak about Tom. Tá ocras orm! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Freagair! Answer! Reply! Cén fáth ar chóir do Tom Mary a fheiceáil? Why should Tom want to see Mary? Why should Tom Mary see? Níl claíomh agam. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. Céard a ólfaidh tú? What will you have to drink? What will you drink? D'fhéadfadh sé a bheith saibhir, ach tá sé ceachartha. He may be rich, but he is stingy. It may be rich, but it's beefic. Tá tú ag tiomáint go mall. You’re driving slowly. You are driving slowly. An bhfuil Tatairis agat? Do you speak Tatar? Have you submitted? Thug an múinteoir a lán oibre bhaile dúinn. The teacher gave us a lot of homework. The teacher gave us a lot of home work. Níl an abairt úsáideach. The sentence isn't useful. The sentence is not useful. An dtiocfaidh tú liom go dtí an cheolchoirm? Will you come with me to the concert? Will you come with me to the concert? Caithfidh mé dul a chodladh. I have to go to bed. I must go to bed. Is é Colm an duine a cheap mé a chonaic mé. Colm is the person I thought I saw. Colm is the person I thought I saw. Inné bhí te. Yesterday was hot. Yesterday was hot. Goidé a bheas ar siúl ar an Déardaoin? What will be happening on Thursday? Theft will take place on Thursday? An bhfuil rud cearr léi? Is there a problem with her? Is something wrong with her? Tá beirt neacht agam. I have two nieces. I've two guests. Is liomsa an teach seo. This house is mine. I am this house. An raibh a fhios agat é seo, a Chiaráin? Did you know this, Ciarán? Did you know this, his clothes? D'aithin mé a glór. I recognised her voice. I recognized his voice. Níl ticéad agam. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Tá fearg orm. I'm angry. I'm sorry. Tá carr nua uaim. I want a new car. I've got a new car. Is é an féinmharú gníomh an éadóchais. Suicide is an act of desperation. The suicide is an act of intolerance. Níl deartháir agam. I don't have a brother. I'm not a brother. Tá orm déanamh staidéar. I must study. I have to study. Tá faitíos air roimh a athair. He is afraid of his father. He is afraid of him before his father. Ní híocann coireacht. Crime doesn't pay. Crime does not pay. Ni fheicimid arís é. We won't see him again. We will not see it again. Is é an Neiptiún t-ochtú pláinéad an ghrianchórais. Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system. Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system. Bhí sé gnóthach. He was busy. It was busy. Tá an t-iasc dearg ag snámh san aigéan. The red fish is swimming in the ocean. The red fish swim in the ocean. A Tom, uaitse atá mé ag iarraidh é a chloisteáil. Tom, I want to hear it from you. A Tom, from you I'm trying to hear it. Tá páirc álainn i lár an bhaile. There is a beautiful park in the center of the town. There is a beautiful park in the middle of the town. Is cailín álainn í Leanne. Leanne is a lovely girl. Follower is a beautiful girl. Bhí ocras orthu. They were hungry. They were hungry. Caithfidh mé a insint duit rud éigin. I must tell you something. I must tell you something. Tá mé folláin. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Ní eolaíocht roicéid é. It's not rocket science. It's not a rocket science. Chuaigh siad suas an staighre. They went up the stairs. They went up the stairs. Cé go raibh an aimsir tirim, thug mé mo chóta dó nuair a bhí sé ag dul amach. Even though the weather was fine, I gave him my coat as he was going out. While the weather was dry, I gave him my coat when he was going out. Is gadaí í. She is a thief. She is a dog. Is as Albain na daoine a d’imigh inné. The people who left yesterday are from Scotland. The people who departed yesterday are from Scotland. Tá mé ag dul abhaile. I'm going home. I'm going home. Tá áthas orm. I'm happy. I'm glad. Tá mé ag féachaint ar an teilifís. I'm watching TV. I'm looking at TV. Táim i mo chónaí i mBéal Feirste. I live in Belfast. I live in Belfast. Ólann sé bainne agus ólaimid uisce. He drinks milk and we drink water. It drinks milk and drinks water. Tá siad ag cócaireacht anois. They're cooking now. They are cooking now. Cad atá sé ag foghlaim? What is he learning? What is he learning? Ba mhaith le Tom scaradh le Mary. Tom wants to break up with Mary. Tom would separate with Mary. Cad atá Mallaidh ag déanamh? What is Mallaidh doing? What is going on? Nár bhuaileamar riamh? Haven't we met before? Never met? Is Éireannach í an cailín. The girl is Irish. The girl is Irish. Tá mé i Tehran. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. Tuigeann mé. I understand. I understand. Goideadh mo chuid airgid. My money was stolen. My money was taught. Aontaím leat faoin bpointe seo. I agree with you on this point. I agree to you under this point. Níorbh ea comhtharlú é. It was not a coincidence. Could not conjugation. Cheap cailín a méara sa doras. A girl caught her fingers in the door. Cheap girl to fingers in the door. Ní raibh muid in ann déanamh amach ceard a bhí Paul ag iarraidh a dhéanamh. We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do. We were not able to figure out what Paul wanted to do. An bhfuil tú go maith ag leadóige? Are you good at tennis? Are you good at Tennis? An bhfuil an leabhar agat? Do you have the book? Do you have the book? Ní ach dul ar gcúl bheag é. It's only a minor setback. It's just a small back back. Á, iontach. Ah, wonderful. Oh, great. Ba mhaith liom beoir eile. I would like another beer. I want another beer. Tá sí ag scríobh. She's writing. She is writing. Is leasdeirfiúr Tomáis í Máire. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Mary is a stepd sister of Tomás. Conas atá an obair ag dul ar aghaidh? How is the work progressing? How is the work going on? Tá scian anseo. There is a knife here. There is a knife here. Níl ach cluiche é seo. This is just a game. This is only a game. Is Íoslannach é mo chara is fearr. My best friend is Icelandic. My best friend is Icelandic. Níl rogha agam. I don't have a choice. I have no choice. Tá Tomás ar buile. Tom is furious. Thomas is mad. Ná habair mura bhfuil rud ináirithe le rá agat. Don't speak unless you have something worth saying. Do not say something is reckonable. Ba bheag duine nár tháinig in am. Almost everyone arrived on time. It was little people who did not come in time. Mairim an beatha. I live life. Mary's life. Conas atá d'iníon? How is your daughter? How is your daughter? Is cócaire mé. I am a cook. I'm a cook. Cé dó ar thug tú an leabhar? To whom did you give the book? Who gave you the book? Gabh mo leithscéal. Forgive me. I'm sorry. Sin bealach amháin le breathnú air is docha. That's one way of looking at it, I suppose. That's one way to look at him is strict. Bailigh leat amach as seo! Go on away out of that! Collect you out of this! Táim ag tvuíteáil ar Twitter. I'm tweeting on Twitter. I’m having tv accommodating on Twitter. Rachaidh siad go hÉire. They'll go to Ireland. They shall go to Ireland. Is liomsa an carr seo. This car is mine. I am this car. Is múinteoir mé. I am a teacher. I am a teacher. Cad é an focal is fearr leat? What's your favourite word? What is the most favorite word? Conas atá an obair ag dul ar aghaidh? How's the work going? How is the work going on? Is peann luaidhe é seo. This is a pencil. This is a pencil. Thug sé dom roinnt airgid. He gave me some money. He gave me some money. Freagraíodh an cheist. The question was answered. The question was answered. Ní ghléasann tú féin. You don't dress yourself. You do not dress yourself. Níl teileafón agam. I don't have a telephone. I don't have a phone. Ní dheachaigh éinne ann. Nobody went there. No one noticed it. Níl a fhios aige. He has no clue. He doesn't know. Dúisigh! Wake up! Take care! Cheap mé go bhfaca mé duine ansin. I thought I saw someone there. I thought I saw a person then. Cheap mé go bhfaca mé duine ansin. I thought that I saw someone there. I thought I saw a person then. Cé na daoine a bheidh anseo? Which people will be here? Who people will be here? Is é Tom mo chara is fearr. Tom is my best friend. Tom is my best friend. Caithfidh mé dul anois. Slán agat! I have to go now. Bye! I have to go now. Secure you! Is óglach mé. I'm a volunteer. I'm a young person. Tá Leanne ina cónaí i Leicester. Leanne lives in Leicester. Follower is living in Leicester. Ba mhaith liom teileagram a sheoladh. I want to send a telegram. I want to send a telegram. Ghearr sé leis an scian é. He cut it with the knife. He cut with the knife it. An bhfaca tú mo cheamara? Did you see my camera? Did you see my camera? Níl mé sean. I'm not old. I'm not an old man. Cad é go díreach atá tú ag iarraidh a fháil uainn? What do you really want from us? What exactly are you trying to get from us? Stop an bhean agus d'fhéach sí air. The woman stopped and looked at him. Stop the woman and she looked at him. Is buachaill mé. I am a boy. I'm a boy. Cé a bhris an buidéal? Who broke the bottle? Who broke the bottle? Tá teach agam. I have a house. I have a house. Clúdaigh do chosa le blaincéad. Cover your feet with a blanket. Cover your feet with a blanket. Níl ceapachán agam. I don't have an appointment. I don't have an appointment. Ba mhaith liom taisteal ar eitleán. I want to travel by airplane. I want to travel by plane. Oscail an fhuinneog. Open the window. Open the window. Níl, níl mé bómánta. No, I'm not stupid. No, I'm not bovine. Bhí mé sa Róimh. I have been to Rome. I was in Rome. Nollaig Shona! Merry Christmas! Happy December! Bhí triúr mac ag a mháthair, agus is é an mac is óige. His mother had three sons, and he was the youngest. His mother had three sons, and the younger son is. Ba ghá dom fanacht le Tomás go gcríochnódh sé. I had to wait for Tom to finish. I needed to wait with Thomas that he would finish. An bhfuil ocras ort? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Cé a bhí Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Rinne tú botúin. You made an error. You made mistakes. Faraor nach bhfuil mé in aois na hóige arís. I wish I was young again. Sadly I am not in the age of youth again. Dúirt Mennad é mar sin. Mennad said it like that. I'm so aware. Is turasóir mé. I am a tourist. I am a tourist. An bhfuil tú réidh don turas? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Dia duit! Cé chaoi a bhfuil tú? Hi! How are you? Hello! How are you? Is altra mé. I am a nurse. I am a nurse. Léigh mé a leabhar. I read his book. I read her book. Tá sé ceart go leor. It's okay. It's okay. Ba mhaith le Tomás ainmhithe. Tom liked animals. Thomas wants animals. Táim ag foghlaim Spáinnise. I am learning Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. Is é an leon rí na dufaire. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is king of the dusk. Tá sé ag scríobh leabhair. He's writing a book. He is writing books. Ospidéal is ea é seo. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. Labhair sí go mímhúinte. She spoke impolitely. She spoke untaughtly. Tar abhaile. Come home. Come home. Labhraíonn tú. You speak. You talk. Ní comhtharlú é seo. This is not a coincidence. This is not a co-operating. Fuair Dick bás nuair a bhí sé deich mbliana d'aois. Dick died when he was ten years old. Dick died when he was ten years old. D'fhoghlaim mé a lán rudaí sa cheacht seo. I learned many things in this lesson. I learned many things in this lesson. Tá Bairbre cúramach. Bairbre is careful. Barbre is careful. Tá mé ag dul go dtí an siopa. I am going to the shop. I'm going to the store. An ndearna tú iarracht é fós? Have you tried it yet? Did you still try it? Cé atá ina chónaí sa teach sin? Who lives in that house? Who lives in that house? Ní Ceanadach mé. I am not Canadian. I'm not Canadian. Tá do mháthair ina cónaí sa Ghaeltacht. Your mother lives in Gaeltacht. Your mother lives in the Gaeltacht. Róstfaidh mé feoil. I'll roast meat. I will rotate meat. Tá fáilte romhat. You're welcome. You are welcome. Haigh! Hi! High! Is éasca an cluiche seo. This game is easy. Easy is this game. Is í Amstardam príomhchathair na hÍsiltíre. The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Tá madra ag Millie. Millie has a dog. Millie has a dog. Ba mhúinteoir mé. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Ba mhaith liom labhairt le d'uncail. I want to talk with your uncle. I would like to speak with your uncle. Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ól. I would like to drink something. I want to drink something. Tá buachaill ann. There is a boy. There is a boy. Cuir in iúl dom cad é atá tú ag iarraidh a dhéanamh. Let me know what you want to do. Please let me know what you’re trying to do. Tar anseo. Come here. Come here. Agus tusa? And you? And thou? Beidh sí ina múinteoir. She will be a teacher. She will be a teacher. An ag obair atá tú? Are you working? Are you working? Beidh mé gnóthach sa tráthnóna. I will be busy this afternoon. I will be busy in the evening. Tá an fear faoin gcrann. The man is under the tree. The man is under the tree. Emily is ainm dom. My name is Emily. Emily is my name. Is liomsa Máire. Mary is mine. It is with me Mary. Táim ábalta an Spáinnis a léamh go heasca. I can read Spanish easily. I am able to read Spanish with ease. Níl arm agam. I don't have a weapon. I don't have a weapon. Is amhlaidh a thitfidh tú! You’re really going to fall! That's what you fall! Chonaiceamar scannán greannmhar an Domhnach seo caite. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. Níl buachaill agam. I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not a boy. Conas ar feidir linn iad a fháil? How can we find them? How can we get them? Is féidir liom é a dhéanamh. I can do it. I can do it. Tá tart orm. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Ba mhaith le roinnt daoine an bunreacht a leasú. Some people want to amend the constitution. Some people want to amend the constitution. Feic! Look! See! Ní, ní múinteoir mé. Is ach mac léinn mé. No, I'm not a teacher. I'm only a student. No, I’m not a teacher. I’m just a student. Níor aontaigh aon duine leis. No one agreed with him. No one agreed with him. Mar sin cad é ba mhaith leat mé a dhéanamh? So what is it you want me to do? So what do you want me to do? Ritheann tú. You run. You run. Tá feabhas ar an aimsir. The weather has improved. There is an improvement in the weather. Tá an cailín go hálainn. The girl is beautiful. The girl is beautiful. An bhfuil tú i do chónaí i Meiriceá? Do you live in America? Are you living in America? Tá eagla orm roimh an mbus. I'm afraid of the bus. I'm afraid of the bus. Tá Gaeilge líofa agam, ach nílim á úsáid go minic. I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often. I am fluent, but I’m often using Irish. Is snámhóir mé. I'm a swimmer. I'm a swim. Seo é focal. This is a word. This is a word. Is í Kazan príomhchathair na Tatarstáine. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Is diabéiteach mé. I'm a diabetic. I'm a diabetic. Is cuma liom. I don't care. It looks like me. Is fear mé. I am a man. I am a man. Tá páistí Tom thíos staighre. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's children are below stairs. Níl coinne agam. I don't have an appointment. I don't have an appointment. Feiceann muid. We see. We see. Is maith leis obair sa ghairdín. He likes to work in the garden. He likes work in the garden. Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. Birds of a feather flock together. It identifies other handkerchief. Sin é an teach a bhfanaim ann. That is the house that I stay in. That's the house I remain there. Phós sí é nuair a bhí sí 20 d'aois. She married him when she was 20. She married it when she was 20 years old. Tabharfaidh mé duit an t-alt a scríobh mé faoin gceist sin. I'll give you the article I wrote on that matter. I will give you the article I wrote about that question. Is maith leo an Béarla. They like English. They like English. Tá mé ag ithe ríse anois. I'm eating rice now. I'm eating rice now. Is duine olc mé. I'm a bad person. I am an evil person. Níl leigheas in aghaidh an bháis. Everyone must die. No medicine against death. Is imeartas focal é seo. This is a pun. This is a word playr. Tá sé fuar. It's cold. It's cold. ’Sé an chaoi ar ghortaigh sé é féin. He actually hurt himself. It’s how he hurt himself. Cad is ainm duit? What is your name? What is your name? Seo mo ríomhaire. This is my computer. Here's my computer. Cheannaigh mé carbhat dearg. I bought a red tie. I bought a red caravan. Ní dochtúir mé. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Ba mhaith liom beoir eile. I want another beer. I want another beer. Bígí cúramach! Careful! Be careful! Rinne sí go cúramach é. She did it carefully. She carefully did it. Is bean rialta í. She's a nun. She is a regular woman. Maith thú! Attaboy! Good for you! Is Éireannach mé ach níl Gaeilge agam. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. I am Irish but I don't have Irish. Bhí liathróid sacair ag Saimí. Sami had a soccer ball. Snaps had a ball at Saimí. Réitigh mé fiafheoil. I cooked deer meat. I resolved veal. Cé chomh minic a fheiceann tú í? How often do you see her? How often do you see it? Ní cheannódh aon bhean sin. No women would buy that. No woman would buy that. Cén fáth? Why? Why? Dh'aimsigh mé é ina luí ar an leaba. I found him lying on the bed. I found it lying on the bed. Táimid agus tá na fir. We are and the men are. We and are the men. Is mo leabhar é seo. This is my book. This is my book. Tá mo mhadra glan. My dog is clean. My dog is clean. Tá fear ag an doras atá ag iarraidh caint leat. There's a man at the door who's asking to speak with you. There is a man at the door who wants to talk to you. Is Éireannach mé ach ní labhraím Gaeilge. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. I am Irish but I do not speak Irish. Cén uair a thiocfaidh tú ar ais? What time will you come back? When will you return? Bhí moladh ag gach duine uirthi. Everybody had advice for her. Everyone had praised her. Tabharfaidh mé duit é. I'll get it for you. I will give it to you. Bhí stoirm ann. There was a storm. There was a storm. Labhraítear Fraincis san Eilvéis. French is spoken in Switzerland. French is spoken in Switzerland. Bhíos inniúil ar charr a chomáint. I was able to drive a car. You were proficient to hold a car. Cathain a bhí sé anseo cheana? When is the last time he was here? When was he already here? Níl deirfiúr agam. I don't have a sister. I don't have a sister. Ceart go leor. Okay. Very right. Tá gabhlóg ann. There is a fork. It contains a receptacle. Níor chroch tú do chóta taobh thiar den doras. You didn't hang your coat behind the door. You did not shake your coat behind the door. Táim níos áille ná tusa. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Cathain a chan mo dheirfiúr an t-amhrán sin? When did my sister sing that song? When did my sister sing that song? Hé, tusa! Hey, you! He, thou! Is Gearmánach mé. I am German. I am a German. Bhí sé cosúil le aisling. It was like a dream. It was like a dream. Tá do chara anseo. Your friend is here. Your friend is here. Níl plean agam. I don't have a plan. I don't have a plan. Tá an bhean ag caint gan stad gan staonadh. The woman is talking non-stop. The woman is talking without a refraining stop. Is bleachtaire é. He is a detective. It is a detective. Tá an cat faoin mbord. The cat is under the table. The cat is under the board. Cé na múinteoirí a raibh tú ag caint leo? Which teachers were you talking to? What were the teachers you talking to? Ghlac sé leis mar ionaí pearsanta an uair seo He took it as a personal attack this time He accepted as a personal attacker this time Lorg an focal seo san fhoclóir, le do thoil. Please look up this word in the dictionary. Please find this word in the dictionary. Cá bhfuil Tomás i bhfolach? Where's Tom hiding? Where is Thomas hidden? Caithfidh mé dul. I have to go. I must go. Tá bord agam. I have a table. I have a board. Ceart go leor. Cén áit? Fine. Where? All right. Where? Tá mé óg. I am young. I'm young. Ní hé ach páiste é. He is only a child. It is not just a child. Stop sé ag léamh leabhar. He stopped reading a book. Stop reading a book. Ba fhear iontach é. He was a wonderful man. He was a wonderful man. Sílim go ndeachthas ann. I think that someone went there. I think it's been done. Níl fiabhras orm. I don't have a fever. I am not a fever. Tuigeann tú mé. You understand me. You understand me. Is minic a mbíonn sé ag seinn ar an ngiotár. He often plays the guitar. He often plays on the guitar. Dún an doras! Tá siorradh anseo! Shut the door! There is a draught here! Close the door! There's a shark here! An féidir leat carr a thiomáint? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Cén bhean a bhí ag caint leat? Which woman was talking to you? What woman was talking to you? Tá sé a dó déag a chlog. It's twelve o'clock. It is twelve o'clock. Tá sibh leonta. You're wounded. You are not allowed to go. Tá turasóirí Francacha ann freisin. There are also French tourists. There are also French tourists. Tá seamróg ag an gcailín álainn. The beautiful girl has a shamrock. The beautiful girl has a seamrock. Tá caíonna ann. There are conditions. There are treatments. Tá Máire go han-álainn. Mary is extremely pretty. Mary is very beautiful. Is bean aisteach í Maria. Maria is a strange woman. Maria is a strange woman. Cheannaigh siad teach anuraidh san áit a rachaidh muid ar saoire. They bought a house last year in the place where we’re going on vacation. They purchased a house last year where we leave. Is teanga álainn í an Ghaeilge. Irish is a beautiful language. Irish is a beautiful language. Ó! I ndáiríre? Oh! Really? Oh! Really? Bhí iontas ar Eimíle. Emily was surprised. Eimíle was surprised. Tá páiste le siondróm Down agam. I have a child with Down syndrome. I have a child with Down syndrome. Bhí greim daingean ag an Eaglais Chaitliceach ar an tsochaí. The Catholic Church had a strong grip on society. The Catholic Church had a firm bite of society. Is scríbhneoir í an cailín Éireannach atá ag scríobh as Gaeilge. The Irish girl, who is writing in Irish, is a writer. The Irish girl is a writer who writes in Irish. Tá teach uaine agam. I have a green house. I have a green house. An bhfuil sí go hálainn? Is she beautiful? Is she beautiful? Níl sé sásta ar chor ar bith. He wasn't at all satisfied. He is not satisfied at all. A Tom, ba mhaith liom thú a theacht liomsa. Tom, I want you to come with me. A Tom, I want you to come with me. Seasaigí siar le bhur dtoil. Stand back, please. Consistent back with your consent. Foilsíodh an chéad iris deich mbliana ó shin. The first edition was published ten years ago. The first journal was published ten years ago. Is liom na leabhair seo go léir. All these books are mine. I have all these books. Cad atá tu ag déanamh? What are you doing? What are you doing? Beidh coinne agam le m'iarleannán. I'm going to have a date with my ex. I’ll have an appointment with my ex-trailer. Cé as thú? Where are you from? Who are you? Téann sí siar ar a focal. She goes back on her word. She goes back on her word. Ba mhaith linn rud a phlé le Tom. We want to have a word with Tom. We want something to discuss with Tom. Tá bunáit mhíleata in aice anseo. There is a military base near here. There is a military base near here. Is láidir an fear. The man is strong. It is a strong man. Go raibh maith agaibh. Thank you! Thank you. Tá Spáinnis aici. She knows Spanish. She has Spanish. Tá oraibh fágáil. You must leave. You have to leave. D'fhág sé chun Meiriceá sa deireadh thiar. At last, he went to America. He eventually left to America. Labhraím duit. I talk to you. I'm talking to you. Tabharfar an tuarascáil duit nuair a scríobhfar í. You’ll be given the report when it is written. The report will be submitted to you when it is written. Conas atá an aimsir? How's the weather? How's the weather? Is é Baile Átha Cliath príomhchathair na hÉireann. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Chonaic mé madra. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. Is gorm é an dath is fearr liom. My favourite colour is blue. The best color is blue with me. Is sár-éasca blas nádúrtha bheith agat i do theanga féin. Is sár-éasca, freisin, blas mínádúrtha bheith agat nuair nach bhfuil sé do theanga féin. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. It is easy to have a natural taste in your own language. It is easy, too, to have an unnatural taste when it is not your own language. Chomhairligh an dochtúir leis gur fearr éirí as an deoch. The doctor advised him that it would be better to give up the drink. The doctor advised him that it is better to resign the drink. Tá tinneas goile orm. I have a stomachache. I've got a gentle illness. Tá siad ina gcónaí i mBéal Feirste. They live in Belfast. They live in Belfast. Níl an leabhar seo scríofa as Béarla. This book is not written in English. This book is not written in English. An bhfuil Tomás fós ag obair? Is Tom still working? Is Thomas still working? Is Sasanach mé. I am English. I'm English. Tháinig Liisa go han-luath. Liisa came too early. Liisa came very soon. Is máthair maith thú. You are a good mother. You are a good mother. Ní féidir Sliabh Fuji a fheiceál as seo. You can't see Mt. Fuji from here. Mount Fuji cannot be seen from here. Tá teach mór agam. I have a big house. I have a big house. Tá fadhb agam. I have a problem. I have a problem. Is maith le Leanne cnaipíní sicín. Leanne loves chicken nuggets. Follower like chicken buttons. Cá bhfuil na leabhair? Where are the books? Where are the books? An bhfuil an leabhar agaibh? Do you have the book? Do you have the book? Iriseoir is ea é. He's a journalist. It is a journalist. Lorg an focal seo san fhoclóir, le do thoil. Look this word up in the dictionary, please. Please find this word in the dictionary. Is amadán thú. You're an idiot. You are a fool. Tá sibh ag scríobh. You're writing. You are writing. An Malaeisiach é? Is he Malaysian? Is it Maltese? Is í Peige an duine a chríochnóidh an obair. Peige is the person who will finish the work. Peige is the person who completes the work. Tá a fhios agat cad é atá mé ag iarraidh thú a rá liom. You know what I want you to say. You know what I'm trying to say to me. Tá an madra go hálainn. The dog is beautiful. The dog is beautiful. Is í Eibhlín a chonaic mé ag an leabharlann, ní hí Sorcha. I saw Eibhlín at the library, not Sorcha. I’ve seen at the library, it’s not Version. Cé acu is fearr leat? Which of them do you prefer? Which items do you prefer? Seo leon. Here is a lion. Here's a lion. Cheannaigh mé leabhair a bheidh an-suimiúil. I bought a book that will be very interesting. I bought books that will be very interesting. Tá sí ag fiuchadh uibheacha sa chistin. She's boiling eggs in the kitchen. She is hunting eggs in the kitchen. Chas sí air an lampa, mar bhí sé dorcha. She switched on the lamp because it was dark. She turned him on the lamp, as he was dark. Go minic ithim úlla. I often eat apples. Often I ate apples. Aon, dó, trí, ceathair, cúig, sé, seacht, ocht, naoi, deich. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. No, to him, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tús maith, leath na hoibre. A good start is half the work. Good start, half the work. An bhfuil a fhios agat? Do you know? Do you know? Níl cead aici dul amach anois. She is not allowed to go out now. She is not allowed to go out now. Is ospidéal é seo. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. Tá triúr mac agam. Tá duine díobh i Nua-Eabhrac, ach tá an chuid eile i Londan. I have three sons. One is in New York, but the others are in London. I have three sons. One of them is in New York, but the rest is in London. Brostaigh! Hurry! Country! Nílim go deas. I'm not pretty. I'm not right. Arís? Again? Again? D'ith an fear an t-arán. The man ate the bread. The man ate the bread. Tá snámh agam. I know how to swim. I have a swim. Ach cén fáth? But why? But why? Tá Tom ag ithe, fós. Tom's still eating. Tom is eating, yet. Ní bhfuair m'fhear bás. My husband didn't die. My man did not die. Is seantír í an Ghréig. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. An gcuimhníonn tú gach rud? Do you remember everything? Do you remember everything? Is ceist mhaith í seo. This is a good question. This is a good question. An bhfuil tú ag foghlaim Gaeilge as do stuaim féin? Are you learning Irish on your own? Are you learning Irish from your own stum? Tá an leabhar seo nua. This book is new. This book is new. Táim ag dul go teach mo sheanmháthar. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother's house. Ba mhaith liom bheith ina snámhóir. I want to be a swimmer. I would be a swimper. Beidh an sagart a labhraíonn Fraincis anseo an tseachtain seo chugainn. The priest who speaks French will be here next week. The priest who speaks French here will be the next week. An féidir leat gluaisteán a thiomáint? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Tá teach gorm agam. I have a blue house. I have a blue house. Bhí Béarla aici níos fearr ná mise. Her English was better than mine. She had English better than yours. Tá oráiste ar an mbórd. The orange is on the table. The Board has an orange. Tá sé ag cócaireacht. He's cooking. He is cooking. Níl sé thar mholadh beirte. It's nothing to write home about. It is not over recommending two people. Cad atá Ciarán ag déanamh? What is Ciarán doing? What is Ciarán doing? Táim tuirseach traochta. I'm worn out. I'm tired of weary. Nuair a dhúisigh mé, bhí brón orm. When I woke up, I was sad. When I woke up, I was sorry. Tá sé a sé a chlog. It's six o'clock. It's six o'clock. Níl an rud seo beo. This thing isn't alive. This thing is not alive. An bhfaca tú mo dheirfiúr? Did you see my sister? Did you see my sister? Feicfidh mé ar ball sibh. I'll see you later. I'll leave you. Chonaic mé an admháil thíos ar bhord na cistine. I saw the receipt on the kitchen table. I saw the receipt below on the kitchen table. Tá bratacha gach tír sa domhan agam. I have the flags of every country in the world. I have flags of each country in the world. Ní féidir liom labhairt. I can't talk. I can't talk. Má tá tú ag iarraidh bheith ag caint, bímis. If you want to talk, let's talk. If you want to talk, let me know. Oíche mhaith. Goodnight! Good night. Chuaigh Tom abhaile don deireadh seachtaine. Tom went home for the weekend. Tom went home for the weekend. Oibrím ag barra. I work at a bar. I work at a bar. Cén áit a bhfaca tú í? Where did you see her? Where did you see it? Níl madra agam. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. Táim i ngrá leat. I love you. I'm in love with you. Is é an Domhnach an lá deireanach don tseachtain. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day for the week. Ní níonn Tomás a charr in aon chor. Tom never washes his car. Thomas does not have his car at all. Tá tú ag cócaireacht anois. You're cooking now. You are cooking now. Níl an fhadhb linne. The problem isn't ours. The problem is not ours. Ba leabharchoimeádaí é. He was a bookkeeper. He was a bookkeeper. Tiocfaidh sí gan mhoill. She will come soon. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or Ní mbiodh eagla orm. I will not be afraid. I wouldn't be afraid. Tá eisceachtaí ann. There are exceptions. There are exceptions. Buíochas le Dia nach raibh aon duine gortaithe. Thank God that nobody was hurt. Thanks to God there was no one injured. Tá madra agam. I have a dog. I have a dog. Tá an leabhar sean. The book is old. The book is old. Bí dána! Be bold! Be bold! Is é seo tús le ré nua. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the start of a new era. Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. It takes one to know one. It identifies other handkerchief. Táim i gcoinne foréigin in aghaidh na mban. I'm against violence against women. I am against violence against women. Cad atá Caoimhín ag déanamh? What is Caoimhín doing? What is Caodine doing? An bhfuil tú deich mbliana d'aois? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Is Spáinneach mé. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Déan mise cupán tae, más é do thoil é. Please make me a cup of coffee. Make me a cup of tea, if you please. Tá an buachaill tanaí. The boy is slim. The boy is thin. Ní thaitníonn an bia a dhéanann Bríd léi. She doesn't enjoy the food that Bríd makes for her. The food made by Bríd does not like her. B'fhearr liom colscaradh a fháil. I'd rather that we get a divorce. I prefer to get divorce. Tá sé an-rómánsach! It's very romantic! It is very powerful! Níl a fhios agam go díreach. I don't know exactly. I don't know exactly. Díoltar bláthanna ansin. Flowers are sold there. The flowers are then sold. Tá sí ag cócaireacht. She's cooking. She is cooking. Tá deirfiúr agam. I have a sister. I've a sister. Aontaím. I agree. I agree. Mo dheartháir is é Tomás. Tom is my brother. My brother is Thomas. Ba Shasanach é. He was English. He was English. Tá go leor airgid agam. I have enough money. I have enough money. Ceapaim go bhfuil mé líofa as Fraincis. I think that I'm fluent in French. I think I am fluent from French. Tá a cuid gruaige fada. Her hair is long. Her hair is long. Is laoch mé. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Seán is ainm dom. My name is John. I'm Seán. Tosaím amárach. I start tomorrow. I start tomorrow. Cad atá tú ag foghlaim? What are you learning? What are you learning? Tá na húlla dearg. Apples are red. The blacks are red. Tá deartháir níos sine agam. I have an older brother. I have an older brother. Abair arís? Come again? Say again? Tá mé ag caitheamh gloiní gréine. I'm wearing sunglasses. I'm wearing solar glasses. Mise a cheannaigh an carr. I bought the car. Me bought the car. Chuir Tomás a fhéinphic ar líne. Tom put his selfie online. Tom put his selfphic online. Is madra mór é. It is a big dog. It is a big dog. Chonaic mé í ag snámh. I saw her swim. I saw her swim. Is amhránaí maith Maja Keuc. Maja Keuc is a good singer. It is a good singer Maja Keuc. Chodail siad. They slept. They dropped. Cé a bhfuil a leabhar anseo? Whose book is here? Who is his book here? Is Ramudu é. He is Ramudu. Ramudu is. Dúirt Tom nach raibh sé ag iarraidh bheith ag caint. Tom said he didn't want to talk. Tom said he did not want to talk. Nach gceapann tú go bhfuil na madraí cliste? Don't you think dogs are smart? Don't you think the dogs are smart? Tá an t-uisce te. The water is hot. The water is hot. Sin í an bhean a bhfanann siad léi. That is the woman they stay with. That is the woman they remain with her. Caithfidh mé dul abhaile anois. I have to go home now. I must go home now. cá fhad ó? Since when? how long is it? Tá cónaí orm sa teach a thóg m’athair. I live in the house my father built. I live in my father’s house. Ní duine maith mé. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Is doiligh an Bearla a fhoghlaim. English is difficult to learn. It is vague to learn English. Tá na Seapánaigh ina n-oibrithe an-díograiseacha den chuid is mó. Generally, the Japanese are very diligent workers. The Seaplanes are mostly disinfective workers. Caitheann Tomás an iomarca ama ag obair. Tomás spends too much time working. Tom spend too much time working. Tá sé an-fhuar inniu. It's very cold today. It is very cold today. Tá teach mór acu. They have a large house. They have a big house. Bhí an fear ag ithe arain. The man was eating bread. The man was eating bread. Ritheann mé. I run. I run. Tá an fear a bhfaighidh tú litir uaidh ar saoire anois. The man that you'll get a letter from is on holiday now. The man you get is a letter from him on leave now. Tá Cáit ag léamh an nuachtáin. Cáit is reading the newspaper. Cáit is reading the newspaper. Dia daoibh. Hi everyone. God bless you. Tá grá agam di agus tá grá aici dom. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. Ba mhaith linn thú taitneamh a bhaint as. We want you to have a good time. We want you to enjoy. Is iasc é seo. This is a fish. This is a fish. Déanaim staidéar ar an tSínis i mBéising. I study Chinese in Beijing. I study China in Beijing. Tá mé ag ithe úll. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apple. Níl sí ag freagairt an fón ach oiread. She's not answering the phone either. She does not answer the phone either. Tá an fhírinne soiléir i ndáiríre. The truth is really clear. The truth is really clear. Nach mise do namhaid. I am not your enemy. Not I am your enemy. Bí cúramach. Be careful. Be careful. Is teilifís í seo. This is a television. This is a TV. Níl tada le dhéanamh agam! I don't have anything to do! I don't have none to do! Dia duit. Hello! Hi. Níl pas agam. I don't have a passport. I don't pass. "An bhfuil tusa ag labhart domsa?" "An bhfuil tusa ag labhart domsa?" "Is mise an t-aon duine atá anseo." "Are you talking to me?" "Are you talking to me?" "I'm the only person here." "Have you spoken to me?" "Are you giving me a o'clock?" "I am the only one who is here." Tá sibh ag cócaireacht. You're cooking. You are cooking. Tá tú chomh gnóthach le beacha i gcónaí. You are always as busy as a bee. You are always as busy as bees. Tá an rud seo beo. This thing is alive. This thing is alive. Cosnaíonn sé 2 euro. It costs 2 euros. It costs 2 euro. Cén uair a thiocfaidh tú ar ais? When will you come back? When will you return? Tá an Béarla deacair a fhoghlaim. English is difficult to learn. English is difficult to learn. Níl a fhios agam fós. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Níl Fraincis agam. I don't know French. I don't have French. Is maith leis spórt. He likes sports. It likes sport. Tá fiabhras orm. I have a fever. I'm fever. Céard is ábhar taighde don tSoivéideolaí? What does a Sovietologist study? What is the subject of research to the Sovietologist? Tá mé ag snámh in abhainn. I am swimming in a river. I'm swimming in a river. Is focal é seo. This is a word. This is a word. Cad atá tú ag déanamh staidéir? What are you studying? What are you studying? Tá sé ag scríobh. He's writing. He's writing. Ollamh is ea mo dheartháir. My brother is a professor. My brother is a Professor. Ní athraíonn rud ar bith ó thús go deireadh Nothing changes from beginning to end. Nothing changes from beginning to end An bhfuil leabharlann ag an scoil? Does the school have a library? Do the school have a library? D'fhan sí in ostán. She stayed at a hotel. She stayed in a hotel. Is imeartas focal é seo. This is a play on words. This is a word playr. Cén nuachtán ab fhearr leat? Which newspaper would you prefer? What newspaper would you prefer? Tá an fear láidir. The man is strong. The man is strong. Ní thuigeann mé é. I don't understand it. I don't understand it. Thógfainn an carbhat donn seo. I would take this brown tie. I took this brown caravan. Imeartas focal is ea é seo. This is a pun. This is a word embarrassment. Tá sé go han-deas. It's very nice. It is very nice. Nuair a rachaidh Sita go dtí Eluru? When will Sita go to Eluru? When will Sita go to Eluru? Is ciotóg mé. I'm a lefty. I'm a clip. Seacht ndollar, más é do thoil é. Seven dollars, please. Seven dollars, if please. Tá siad ag scríobh. They're writing. They are writing. Déan é as do neart féin Do it out of your own strength Do it from your own strength Céard a dhéananns tú i Londain? What do you do in London? What do you do in London? In am is i dtráth. All in good time. Time in time. Níl aithne agam air. I don't know him. I don't know him. Níor mhaith liom dul ar scoil. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tá ort dul. You must go. You have to go. Tá mé ag léamh an nuachtán. I'm reading the newspaper. I'm reading the newspaper. Níl go leor aráin. There is not enough bread. Not enough bread. Cén bhean a bhfuil a mac tinn? Which woman's son is sick? What woman is her son sick? Ag a hocht a chlog a imeoimid. We'll leave at eight o'clock. At eight o'clock we will play. Is le mo chlann an fhoirgneamh seo. This building belongs to my family. This building is for my children. Ba mhaith liom ithe. I would like to eat. I want to eat. Is Seapánach mé. I am a Japanese. I'm a Japanese. Tá ceist agam. I have a question. I have a question. Is foclóir maith é seo. This is a good dictionary. This is a good dictionary. Cad atá Caoimhe ag déanamh? What is Caoimhe doing? What is Coomhe doing? Creidimid tú, a Thomáis. We believe you, Tom. We believe you, Thomas. Táim sa bhaile. I'm at home. I'm at home. Tá na laethanta ag éirí níos faide agus níos faide. The days are getting longer and longer. These days are becoming longer and longer. Tá iníon agam. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Is mian liom tiomáint. I want to drive. I want to drive. Níl aon beoir anseo. There's no beer here. There is no beer here. Is iriseoir mé. I am a journalist. I am a journalist. Níl a fhios agam cén fáth. I don't know why. I don't know why. Cad é a bhí tú a dhéanamh? What were you doing? What did you do? Ar do chomhairle a rinne mé é. I did it following your advice. On your advice I made it. Tá siad ag cócaireacht. They're cooking. They are cooking. Níl sí gránna. She is not ugly. She is not ugly. Thall i bPáras, labhraítear Fraincis. Over in Paris they speak French. Can in Paris, French is spoken. Bhí Bille déanach don scoil mar is gnách. Bill was late for school as usual. A Bill was late for the school as usual. Gan stró. No prob. No stroke. Ba mhaith leo a casadh leat. They want to meet you. They want to spin with you. Níl fhios agam. I don't know. I don't know. Beidh sé litir a scríobh. He is going to write a letter. He will write a letter. Is Spáinneach mé. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Thóg siad fál timpeall na feirme. They built a fence around the farm. They took a fence around the farm. Tá tú ag scríobh. You're writing. You are writing. An bhfuil siad? They are? Are they? Níor mhaith liom é a fheiceáil ar chor ar bith. I don't want to see him at all. I don't want to see it at all. Táimid inár gcónaí i gConamara. We live in Connemara. We live in Connemara. Dia daoibh! Hello everyone! God bless you! Tá mo chara ag ithe éisc. My friend is eating fish. My friend is eating fish. An bhfuil mé do chara? Am I your friend? Are I your friend? Níl Tom ag iarraidh ach greim le hithe. Tom just wants something to eat. Tom is only trying to bite up. Chuaigh sé ar an scoil. He went to the school. He went to school. Cá bhfuil an t-ospidéal? Where is the hospital? Where is the hospital? Ní leor teanga amháin. One language is never enough. Not just one language. Tá ocras orm. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Bhí seisear mac ag monarc. A monarch had six sons. There were six sons at a monrc. Tá fuacht orm. I have a cold. I'm afraid. Tá mé ábalta é sin a dhéanamh anois I am able to do that now I am now able to do that Ní gá dom bheith ag obair níos mó. I no longer need to work. I don't need to work more. Ní maith liom í. I don't like her. I don't like her. Feictear dom go mbeidh siad mall. It seems to me that they will be late. It seems to me that they will be slow. Ní úsáideann mo chara bainne. My friend doesn't use milk. My friend does not use milk. Níor mhaith le Tomás agus Máire páistí. Tom and Mary don't want children. Thomas and Mary do not like children. Tá eagla ort. You are scared. You are afraid. Chuaigh mé go Londain. I went to London. I went to London. Céard? What? What? An labhraítear Gearmáinis freisin? Is German spoken too? Is German also spoken? Ní mian liom é a fheiceáil ar chor ar bith. I don't want to see him at all. I don't want to see it at all. Cé mhéid? How big? How much? An ndéanfaidh tú staidéar tar éis teacht abhaile duit? Will you study after you come home? Will you study after you come home? Féach orm agus éist liom. Look at me and listen to me. Look at me and listen to me. Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge na hAlban. I'm learning Scottish Gaelic. I am learning Scottish Gaelic. Cad atá sibh ag foghlaim? What are you learning? What are you learning? Tá grá agam dá hiníon. I love her daughter. I love her daughter. Tá cosc ar chaint sa leabharlann. Talking in the library is not allowed. Talks are prohibited in the library. Tá sé i dTóiceo. He is in Tokyo. It is in Tokyo. Nuair a bhíonn an cat amuigh, bíonn an luch ag rince. When the cat leaves, the rat dances. When the cat is out, the mouse is dancing. Íosfaidh mé an fheoil. I will eat the meat. I will download the meat. Ná lig éinne dul isteach sa seomra. Don't let anyone enter the room. Don't let anyone enter the room. Chomh iontach! How wonderful! It's so amazing! Aontaíonn muid. We agree. We agree. An bhfuil tú réidh dul? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? An féidir leat an cheist seo a fhreagairt? Can you answer this question? Can you answer this question? Tá rós buí ann. There is a yellow rose. There is a yellow rose. Is Turcach mé. I am Turkish. I'm a Turkish. Cé acu is fearr leat? Which one do you prefer? Which items do you prefer? Is féidir liom duit na pictiúir a thaispeáint. I can show you the pictures. I can show you the pictures. Is i nDoire a cheannaigh mé carr inné. It’s in Derry that I bought a car yesterday. I bought a car yesterday in Derry. Tá Tom ag dul i bhfeabhas. Tom is improving. Tom is going to improve. Is féidir linn dul. We can go. We can go. Tabharfaidh mé duit iad. I'll get them for you. I will give them them. Cá bhfuil príomhchathair na Stát Aontaithe Mheiriceá? Where is the capital of the United States of America? Where is the capital of the United States of America? Ghearr sé é leis an scian a fuair sé mar bronntanas óna dheartháir. He cut it with the knife that he got as a gift from his brother. He cut it with the knife he received as a gift from his brother. Inniu an Chéadaoin. Today is Wednesday. Today’s Wednesday. Bhí sí ag iompar clainne cheana féin. She was already pregnant. She was already pregnant. Tá an abairt úsáideach. The sentence is useful. The sentence is useful. Is maith liom ithe. I like eating. I like eating. I ndáiríre. In fact. In fact. Bhí Tomás ag labhairt le Máire. Tom was speaking to Mary. Thomas was speaking to Mary. Tá sláinte níos fearr ná saibhreas. Health is better than wealth. Health is better than wealth. A haon, a dó, a trí, a ceathair, a cúig, a sé, a seacht, a hocht, a naoi, a deich. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Níl Tom ag iarraidh dul a chodladh. Tom doesn't want to go to sleep. Tom is not trying to go to bed. Nílim ag léamh nuachtáin. I'm not reading a newspaper. I don't read newspapers. Nílimid ag iarraidh ach rudaí a dhíol leat. We just want to sell you things. We do not just want to sell things to you. Ní mian liom ceapairí ar bith. I don't want any sandwiches. I don't want any appointments. Níl a fhois agam cá bhfuil m'eochracha. I don't know where my keys are. I don't know where my keys are. Amach! Out! Out! Chomh maith. As well. Also. Peann luaidhe is ea é seo. This is a pencil. This is a pencil. Laurie is ainm dom. My name is Laurie. Lauriie is my name. Ní fangirl mé. I'm not a fangirl. I'm not engirl. Úsáideann mo chara siúcra. My friend uses sugar. My friend uses sugar. Is buachaill thú. You're a boy. You are a boy. Tá mé ag ithe an fheoil. I'm eating the meat. I'm eating the meat. An bhfuil tú réidh a ithe? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil dochtúir anseo. I don't think there is a doctor here. I don't think there is a doctor here. Téann siad ann go hannamh. They rarely go there. They go there rarely. An dtuigeann sibh? Understand? Do you understand? Táimid ag an cogadh. We are at war. We're at the war. Ba cheart an obair a chríochnú. The work should be finished. The work should be completed. Léarscáil is ea í seo. This is a map. This is a map. Faoi dheireadh! Finally! By the end! Gan aon agó! Without a doubt! Not any ado! Cén teach a bhfanann sibh ann? Which house do you stay in? What house do you remain there? Níl aithne agam orthu. I don't know them. I don't know them. Táim go han-mhaith. I'm very good. I'm very good. Itheann tú. You eat. You eat. Tá mé ag ól uisce, mar tá tart orm. I'm drinking water because I'm thirsty. I'm drinking water, because I'm thirsty. Is mór an teach. The house is big. It is a house must. Níl tuilleadh botún ar bith uainn. We don't want any more mistakes. There is no further mistake from us. Goidé an dóigh a ndéanann tú sin? How do you do that? What is the way you do? Bhí na páistí ag súgradh sa pháirc. The children were playing in the park. The children were play in the park. Cad a tharla? What happened? What happened? Cheannaigh siad teach i gConamara anuraidh. They bought a house in Connemara last year. They purchased a house in Connemara last year. Cad nár cheannaigh sé? What did he not buy? What did he not buy? Tá uisce agat agus ólann tú é. You have water and you drink it. You have water and you drink it. Níl gunna agam. I don't have a gun. I don't have a gun. Is cuma liom. It's all the same to me. It looks like me. Agus mar sin? And so? And so? Buíochas le Dia. Thank God. Thanks to God. Cén fáth nach ndéanfaidh tú? Why won't you make it? Why don't you? Tá mé ag ithe cheapaire. I'm eating a sandwich. I'm eating a composer. Sin é an teach a raibh siad ina gcónaí ann. That's the house they were living in. That is the house in which they lived. Thá fhios ag Tom go ndéanann Máire an rud san uaireanta. Tom knows that Mary sometimes does that. You know Tom that Mary does the thing in the hours. Rachaidh mé go hÉire. I'll go to Ireland. I go to Ireland. Céard a ólfaidh tú? What will you drink? What will you drink? Is eagal liom a rá go bhfuil sé imithe agus ní fhillfidh sé choíche. I regret to say that he's gone, never to return. I’m afraid to say he’s gone and he won’t return breast. Roberto is ainm dom. My name is Roberto. Roberto is my name. Tá Tomás ag bruíon lena bhean chéile. Tom is bickering with his wife. Thomas is a widow with his wife. Tá mé i mo chónaí i mBéal Feirste. I live in Belfast. I live in Belfast. Níl lá rúin agam an meon sin a athrú. I have no intention of changing. I have no secret day to change that attitude. Cad atá sibh ag déanamh staidéir? What are you studying? What are you studying? Is maith leis an sacar. He is keen on soccer. It is good for the sack. Seasaigí siar le bhur dtoil. Please stand back! Consistent back with your consent. Tá an taoiseach ag labhairt liom. The taoiseach is talking to me. The doctor is speaking to me. Gan dabht. No doubt. No, you're not having it. Ní maith liom an t-ainm sin. I don't like that name. I do not like that name. Ba mhaith liom leabhar a scríobh. I would like to write a book. I want to write a book. An bhfuil aon duine abhaile? Anybody home? Is there anyone home? Tá tríocha giotár le Tom. Tom owns about thirty guitars. There are thirty guitars with Tom. Peann is ea é seo. This is a pen. This is a Pen. Is aoibheann liom do bhlas Gearmánach. I love your German accent. I smile for a German taste. An bhfuil a fhios ag Tomás go bhfuil tú ag teacht? Does Tom know you're coming? Do Thomas know that you're coming? Tá mac an bhean sin tinn. That's the woman whose son is sick. The son of that woman is sick. Is é Páras príomhchathair na Fraince. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the French capital. Cócarálann sí go maith. She cooks well. She loves well. Is mise ceann na scoile. I'm the head of the school. I am the head of the school. Ní raibh Tom ag iarraidh mé lámh a leagan air. Tom didn't want me to touch him. Tom did not want me to lay hands on him. Tá brón orm, ní féidir liom cabhrú leat. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Sorry, I can't help you. Pekka is ainm dó. His name is Pekka. He is a Peekka. Caithfidh mé gloiní gréine. I will wear sunglasses. I have solar glasses. Sin é an teach ar fhan mé ann. That's the house I stayed in. That's the house I stayed there. Ba bheag nár thit mé i laige nuair a chuala mé an scéal. I nearly fainted when I heard the story. It was little that I fell not in weakness when I heard the story. Tá mé ag obair. I'm working. I'm working. Níl an capall bán. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Ná bac leis sin anois! Don't bother with that now! Don't bother that now! Cá mhéad úbh a cheannaigh Mámaí? How many eggs did mammy buy? How many mothers bought? D'athtvuíteáil mé an tvuít sin. I retweeted that tweet. I retended that tv. Tá a fhios agam go bhfuil tú ag scríobh leabhair. I know you're writing a book. I know that you are writing books. Is tusa ár ndóchas amháin. You're our only hope. You are our only hope. D’éirigh liom san obair. I succeeded in the work. I succeeded in the work. Ní síscéal é an saol. Má chailleann tú do bhróg ag meán oíche, tá tú ar meisce. Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk. Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you are drunk. Is cuma liom. It's the same to me. It looks like me. Bhíomar ag iarraidh an t-ádh a ghuí leat. We wanted to wish you good luck. We wanted the lucky to wish you. Íosfaidh mé seacláid. I will eat chocolate. I will download chocolate. Níl mé ag áiteamh leat. I'm not arguing with you. I'm not surprised with you. Tá víosa agam. I have a visa. I have a visa. Ní iasc é seo. This is not a fish. This is not a fish. Tá Meg ag bualadh druma. Meg is beating a drum. Meg is hitting a drum. Tá cónaí orm san ostán seo. I live in this hotel. I live in this hotel. Táim i Tehran. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. Ná habair a ainm. Don't say his name. Never say that's his name. Fan! Wait! Wait! Ceapann Tomás go bhfuil tú ag insint bréige. Tom thinks you're lying. Thomas thinks that you are telling false. Faraor! Alas! Sadly! Abairt is ea í seo. This is a sentence. This is an expression. Tógadh Tomás. Tom was arrested. Thomas was built. An bhfuil tú ag iarraidh siúcra? Do you want sugar? Do you want sugar? Ní dhéanfaimid dearmad. We shall not forget. We will not forget. Tá dath liath ar a stocaí. Her socks are gray. Its stockings have a gray color. Tá ar gach duine fáil bháis. Everyone must die. Everyone is dying. Tá leabhar gramadaí agam. I have a grammar book. I have a grammatical book. Tá beirt iníonacha agam. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Is téarma é seo a chuireann síos ar théamh domhanda, rud atá ina thoradh na dé-ocsaíde carbóin san atmaisféar atá ag dul i méid i gcónaí. This is a term used to describe the warming of the earth, due to growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is a term that describes global heating, which results in constantly increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Tá eagla orm. I am afraid. I'm afraid. Tá leabharlann ag an scoil. The school has a library. The school has a library. Tá Tomás ag caitheamh tobac. Tom is smoking. Thomas is smoking. Tá sé ag cur báisteach. It is raining. He is raining. Is cathair ar uisce é an Veinéis. Venice is a city on water. Venice is a city of water. Tá an tolg compordach. The sofa is comfortable. The sofa is comfortable. Chaill mé m'eochair. I lost my keys. I lost my key. Cad é ba mhaith leat mé a thabhairt ort? What do you want me to call you? What would I give you? Ní ach socrú sealadach é. It's only a temporary fix. It is only a temporary arrangement. Tá fear ag an doras atá ag iarraidh caint leat. There's a man at the door who wants to talk to you. There is a man at the door who wants to talk to you. Bhí mé díomách sin. I was so disappointed. I was disappointed so. Dúirt Tom go raibh comhluadar uaidh. Tom said he wanted some company. Tom said that he had a collective citation. Tá feirm mhór ag mo mháthair agus m'athair ann. My father and mother have a big farm there. My mother and father have a great farm in it. Cá raibh tú aréir? Where were you last night? Where did you last night? Cén fáth a bhfuil Tom ag iarraidh muidne a dhéanamh seo? Why does Tom want us to do this? Why do Tom want us to do this? Is mac léinn mé. I am a student. I am a student. Is biachlár é seo. This is a menu. This is a menu. Ní chloisfear mórán ceoil sa teach ósta sin. One won’t hear much music in that pub. Many music will not be heard in that inn. Tá aithne mhaith agam ar an bpáirt seo den chathair. I know this part of the city well. I know this part of the city. Tá mo theach in aice an stáisiúin. My house is near the station. My house is near the station. Tá sé ag múineadh dom. He is teaching me. He is teaching me. Ba mhaith liom ceannach rud éigin a ithe. I want to buy something to eat. I want to buy something. Tá an chathair bheag. The city is small. The city is small. Thug mé an tseamróg don chailín álainn. I gave the shamrock to the beautiful girl. I gave the shamrock to the beautiful girl. Cad é an tuarastal íosta san Astráil? What's the minimum salary in Australia? What is the minimum salary in Australia? Is féidir le gach duine páirt a ghlacadh. Anybody can participate. Everyone can participate. Is maith liom é sin a chloisteáil! That's good to hear! I like to hear that! an bhfuarthas? Got it? has been received? Le do thoil. Please. Please. Cén chaoi a ndearna sé é? How did he do it? How did he do it? Is carr é seo. This is a car. This is a car. Tá cailín Éireannach ag scríobh. An Irish girl is writing. An Irish girl is writing. Bhí sí ag iarraidh bheith ina amhránaí. She wanted to be a singer. She was trying to be a singer. Tá sé a haon déag a chlog. It's eleven o'clock. It's eleven o'clock. Sin iad na daoine ar bhuaigh a bpáiste an chéad duais. That's the woman whose son is sick. That's the people who won their child are the first prize. Bhí sin go hiontach. That was brilliant. That was great. Chan Tom an t-amhrán is fearr le Mary. Tom sang Mary's favorite song. Tom sang the best song with Mary. Is cuma liom. It makes no difference to me. It looks like me. Mhúch mé an ríomhaire. I turned the computer off. I switched off the computer. Tá sé ag déanamh rud éigin ansin. He's doing something there. He's doing something then. Tá tú ag foghlaim Gaeilge. You're learning Irish. You are learning Irish. Bhain mé taitneamh as an gceolchoirm ach amháin go raibh an halla fuar. I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold. I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold. An dtuigeann tú? Understand? Do you understand? B'fhearr dúinn dul isteach ann. We'd better get inside. It would be best for us to go into it. An é sin an chúis a bhfuil tú ag iarraidh mé a mharú? Is that why you want to kill me? Is that the reason you're trying to kill me? Is féidir liom dul. I can go. I can go. Bhraith mé go holc. I felt bad. I felt badly. Chuir sé lámh ina bhás féin. He killed himself. He put a hand in his own death. Beidh do bhás gan phian. Your death will be painless. Your death will be without pain. Fuair Taro bás dhá bhliain o shin. Taro died two years ago. Taro died two years ago. Tá sé an-dorcha. It's very dark. It is very dark. Ná déan dhá rud ag an am céanna. Don't do two things at a time. Do not do two things at once. Tá mé anseo. I'm here. I'm here. Tá sé ina chónaí i mBéal Feirste. He lives in Belfast. He lives in Belfast. Bhí sé ag obair don chomhairle. He worked for the council. He was working for the advice. Beidh an teach seo ann. This house will exist. This house will be there. Tá coinníollacha ann. There are conditions. There are conditions. Teastaíonn níos mó. More is needed. You need more. Cad é do feitis? What's your fetish? What is your fetis? An bhfaca tú mo mhac? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Is mian liom go raibh tú beagán níos airde. I wish I were a little taller. I wish you had a little higher. Is cuma liom. I don't mind. It looks like me. Táim ag scríobh leabhair duit. I'm writing you a book. I'm writing books for you. An gúna gorm a chaithfidh mé. I'll wear the blue dress. The blue dress I must. Tabharfaidh mé cóip do dhuine ar bith a iarrann é. I'll give a copy to anyone who asks for it. I will give a copy to anyone who requests it. Tá sibh ag léamh. You're reading. You are reading. Tá mé ag ithe cáis. I'm eating cheese. I am eating cheese. Bhí mé sásta sin. I was so happy. I was so happy. Tá oifig an phoist suite i lár an bhaile. The post office is located in the center of the town. The post office is located in the home centre. A pháistí, éistígí! Kids, listen! Children, escaps! Gabh mo leithscéal. Excuse me. I'm sorry. An féidir leat tú féin a chuir in iúl i gcúpla focal? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Can you express yourself in a few words? Gúna deas. Nice dress. Dress right. Déanfaidh mé aon rud ach an post sin. I'll do anything but that job. I will do nothing but that job. Tusa arís? You again? You again? Bíonn cluasa ar an gcoill. The walls have ears. The woods have ears. Não riam! Don't laugh! I'll tell you what's going on. Tabharfaidh mé cóip do dhuine ar bith a iarrann é. I'll give support to anyone at all who asks it of me. I will give a copy to anyone who requests it. Níl a fhios agam sin. I don't know that. I don't know that. Tá siad ag léamh a chuid leabhar. They're reading his book. They are reading his books. Ní raibh comhtharlú é. It was not a coincidence. It did not corroborate. Tá, tá ort. Yes, you must. Yes, you have. Tá sé an-tirim. It's very dry. It is very dry. Deirtear go mbíonn sé te anseo. They say it's hot here. It is said to be hot here. Buailfidh mé leat amárach. I'll meet you tomorrow. I'll meet you tomorrow. Déanaim é mar is maith liom é a dhéanamh. I do it because I like to do it. I do it as I like it to do. Thit Peter i ngrá leis an cailín. Peter fell in love with the girl. Peter fell in love with the girl. ’Séard a rinne siad ná an fhuinneog a bhriseadh. What they did was break the window. They made it easier to break the window. Is as an Ghréig mé. I'm from Greece. I am from Greece. Tá mé i mo chónaí in Albain. I'm living in Scotland. I'm living in Scotland. Itheann na páistí. The children eat. The children eat. Tá an grian ag taitneamh. The sun is shining. The sun is shining. "An múinteoir tú?" "Is ea." "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." "The teacher you?" "Yes." Is cailín álainn thú. You're a beautiful girl. You are a beautiful girl. Tá sí ag ól an uisce. She is drinking the water. She is drinking the water. Tá ort freagairt na ceisteanna seo. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Caithfear dul abhaile. One must go home. You must go home. Níl aithne agam ort. I don't know you. I don't know you. An ríomhchláraitheoir í? Is she a computer programmer? Is it a programmer? Cuir an gunna ar an mbord. Put the gun on the table. Place the gun on the board. Níl mo choinsias glán. My conscience is not clean. My conscience is not whole. Tá mé tinn. I am sick. I'm sick. Tá a lán cairde agam. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Canfaidh Pua. Pua is going to sing. Puna shall be sang. Cá bhfuil críochfort na mbus? Where is the bus terminal? Where is the bus terminal? Ní thuigim na ceisteanna a chuireann an múinteoir. I don't understand the questions that the teacher asks. I do not understand the questions put by the teacher. Tá tinneas orm. I am sick. I have a illness. An mian leat leadóg a imirt linn? Do you want to play tennis with us? Do you want to play Tennis with us? Tá sé meán lae. It's midday. It is noon. Táim i ngrá. I'm in love. I'm in love. Tá mic léinn sa leabharlann. There are students in the library. There are students in the library. Is dócha gur chóir duit moilliú. You may want to slow down a bit. It is likely that you should slow down. Déanfaidh mé iarracht ar litir a scríobh duit. I'll try to write you a letter. I'll try to write a letter to you. Níl mé tinn. I am not sick. I'm not sick. Nach ndearnadh rud ar bith faoi sin? Was nothing done about that? Isn't anything about that? Tá an crann in ann fás. The tree is able to grow. The tree is able to grow. Tráthnona maith. Good afternoon. Evening good. Is Francach mé. I am French. I am a Frenchman. Dochreidte! Incredible! Can you believe it? Feicim na gasúir a raibh slaghdán orthu. I see the children who had a cold. I see the rays on which sharks were. Ná bí ag gáire. Don't laugh! Do not laugh. Tá sé ceoch. It is foggy. It's ceoch. Ní maith liom páistí dona. I don't like bad children. I don't like bad kids. Tá sí ag múineadh dom. She is teaching me. She is teaching me. Cé gur duine óg é, tá féasóg liath air. Although he's young, he has a grey beard. Although a young person, he has a grey beard. Dúirt Tomás go bhfuil áthas ar Máire. Tom said Mary was happy. Tom said that Mary is pleased. Tá an fear a fheicim an-ard. The man that I see is very tall. The man who sees me is very high. Tá madra mór ag Caoimhe. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe has a big dog. Tá gach úill dearg. All apples are red. Each eye is red. Tá aithne aige ar an gcathair go maith. He knows the city well. He knows the city well. Turas fada? Long journey? Long Trip? An bhfuil Mary sa ghairdín? Is Mary in the garden? Is Mary in the garden? Cá bhfuil sibh? Where are you? Where are you? Cé dúirt é sin leat? Who said that to you? Who said that to you? Is leatsa an leabhar. It's your book. It is yours book. Tá na héin ag canadh. The birds are singing. The birds are singing. Tá Tom agus Mary ag iarraidh labhairt liom. Tom and Mary want to talk to me. Tom and Mary are trying to talk to me. An bhean atá ina cónaí béal dorais, tá sí ag obair sa Státseirbhís anois. The woman who lives next door is working for the Civil Service now. The woman who lives next door, she is now working in the Civil Service. Léim ar aire! Jump to attention! Jump on attention! Thug m'uncail bronntanas dó. My uncle gave him a present. My uncle gave him a gift. Tá nuachtán agam. I have a newspaper. I have a newspaper. Ba chéasadh croí dó a bhí inti. She gave him hell. It was a heart of torture. Tosaíonn an t-oideachas sa bhaile. Education starts at home. Education starts at home. Níl ach mearaithne agam ort. I barely know you. I'm only intercepted by you. Tá sí ina cónaí i mBéal Feirste. She lives in Belfast. She lives in Belfast. Cén t-am é? What time is it? What time is it? Chuir Tomás a fhéinín ar líne. Tom put his selfie online. Tom put his self online. Tá go leor leabhar agam. I have many books. I have many books. Níl an bia go maith. The food is not good. The food is not good. Fuair muid bricfeasta ag a seacht a chlog. We ate breakfast at seven. We got breakfast at seven o'clock. Is í m'iníon í an cailín a chaitheann cóta gorm. The girl in the blue coat is my daughter. My daughter is the girl who wears a blue coat. Deirtear go mbíonn sé te anseo. They say it does be hot here. It is said to be hot here. Bhí sé grianmhar. It was sunny. It was solar. Itheann mé. I eat. I eat. Tá sé leathuair tar éis a haon. It's half past one. It's half an hour after one. Nuair a thugaim cuairt ar mo gharmhac, tugaim rud éigin liom dó i gcónaí. When I go to see my grandson, I always give him something. When I visit my first son, I always give him something. Cén fáth a raibh Tom ag gol? Why was Tom crying? Why did Tom cry? Abair. Talk. Say. Níl ocras orm. I'm not hungry. I am not hungry. "Is oth liom nach bhfuil muid i Kansas a thuilleadh", a duirt Pól. I'm afraid we're not in Kansas anymore, said Paul. "I regret that we are not in Kansas anymore", Paul said. Tá brón orm... Sorry... Sorry... Bhí Tomás ag caitheamh tobac. Tom was smoking. Thomas was smoking. Tá sé chomh dóighiúil. He's so handsome. It is so likely. Ba mhaith liom caint leatsa. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. Tá teach dearg agam. I have a red house. I have a red house. Tá an t-iolar bán. The eagle is white. The fool is white. Níl aon rud ithe agam le cúpla leathanta anuas. I haven't eaten for days. I have nothing to eat with a few spreads past. Tá an t-uisce glas. The water is green. The water is green. Bhris mé mo lámh. I fractured my arm. I broke my hand. Cén bia is fearr leat? What's your favourite food? What is your favorite food? Bhí muid le do mháthair. We were with your mother. We were with your mother. Tá leabhar agam. I have a book. I have a book. Inné is ea a cheannaigh mé carr. Yesterday is when I bought a car. Yesterday is I bought a car. Tá aithne agam ar an gcailín sin. I know that girl. I know that girl. Níl cat ann. There isn't a cat. The cat does not exist. Cén slí abhfuil an trá? Which way is the beach? How is the beach? Tá go leor airgid aige. He has enough money. He has lots of money. Ní mo chuid cairde iad. They are not my friends. My friends are not. Ní raibh sé daor. It wasn't expensive. He was not dear. Tá Tom ag iarraidh thú a fheiceáil thíos staighre. Tom wants to see you downstairs. Tom wants you to see downstairs. D'ithinn pizza. I used to eat pizza. I recognised a pizza. Ní gá duit dul go dtí an oifig gach Satharn. You need not come to the office on Saturdays. You do not need to go to the office every Saturday. Cá bhfuil tú? Where are you? Where are you? Is banríon draig é. He's a drag queen. It is a rock queen. Tá an oíche dorcha. The night is dark. The night is dark. Tá mé ag scríobh leabhar. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. Níl caife fágtha ann. There's no coffee left. No coffee left. Táim ag obair i siopa mo charad. I work at my friend's shop. I'm working in my friend's store. Níl tatú agam. I don't have a tattoo. I don't have a tattoo. Níl aithne agam uirthi. I don't know her. I don't know her. Tá mo dheartháir níos láidre ná mé. My brother is stronger than me. My brother is stronger than I am. An dtuigeann tú Tom? Do you understand Tom? Do you understand Tom? Tá peann ann. There is a pen. There is a pen. Tá sé an-dorcha. It is very dark. It is very dark. Tá trucail agam. I have a truck. I have a truck. Caithfear cabhair a dhéanamh ar chairde in am an ghátair. One must help friends in times of such need. Friends must be assisted in times of need. Rachaidh sí go hÉire. She'll go to Ireland. She to go to Ireland. céard a déarfadh muid chun báis? What do we say to death? What would we say to death? Is óglach mé. I am a volunteer. I'm a young person. Tá mé ag cócaireacht. I'm cooking. I'm cooking. Tá eagla ort. You are afraid. You are afraid. Caithfidh mé dul go dtí an banc. I have to go to the bank. I must go to the bank. Tugann sé meas sclábhaí orm. He treats me like his slave. It gives me respect for slave. Is buachaill mór é Seán. John is a big boy. Seán is a big boy. Tá an obair déanta agam. I have done the work. I have done the work. Cad é nach bhfuil Tom ag iarraidh muid a fheiceáil? What doesn't Tom want us to see? What does Tom do not want us to see? Bíonn cluasa ar na claíocha. The walls have ears. There are ears on the curls. Ceart go leor. Okey doke. Very right. Léimigí. Jump. Jumps. Is léarscáil í seo. This is a map. This is a map. Ba mhaith liom bheith i mo chónaí sa Bhrasaíl. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Sníonn gach rud. Everything flows. Everything goes on. Is é Colm an duine a cheap mé a chonaic mé. Colm is the guy who I thought saw me. Colm is the person I thought I saw. Tá madra aige. He has a dog. He has a dog. Beidh sé ag scríobh litir. He will be writing a letter. He will write a letter. Is coimhthíoch é Tomás. Tom is an outsider. Tom is a foreigner. Rinne sí an obair go cúramach. She did the work carefully. She carried out the work carefully. Tá buachaill aici. She has a boyfriend. She has a boy. Ag réiteach an dinnéir atá sí. She is making dinner. Achieving the dinner she is. An bhfaca tú mo chat? Did you see my cat? Did you see my chat? Smaoiním, mar sin, tá mé ann. I think therefore I am. I think, so, I am there. Ba cheart duit an obair a chríochnú. You should finish the work. You should complete the work. Fuair mé an t-airgead. I got the money. I got the money. An bhfuil moladh agat? Do you have a recommendation? Do you recommend? A Tom, ba mhaith liom thú a éisteacht liom. Tom, I want you to listen to me. A Tom, I want you to hear me. Níl neacht agam. I don't have a niece. I don't know. Tá iníon aici agus Mary is ainm di. She has a daughter whose name is Mary. She has a daughter and Mary her name is. Chuir Tom an leabhar ar an deasc. Tom laid the book on the desk. Tom put the book on the desktop. Céard faoi a raibh sibh ag caint? What were you talking about? What about what were you talking about? Cá bhfuil an óstán? Where is the hotel? Where is the hotel? Ní duine olc mé. I'm not a bad person. I'm not an evil person. Ní thuigim do cheist. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. D'éirigh mé as an dtraein. I got off the train. I rose from the train. Cad a tharlóidh dó? What will happen to him? What will happen to him? An féidir liom do ghuthán a úsáid? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Tá mac acu. They have a son. They're a son. Cad atá ag cuir isteach ar Tom i ndáiríre? What's really bothering Tom? What is actually applying for Tom? Ó, cad é seo? Oh, what is this? Oh, what's this? Tá siad ar an taobh istigh. They're inside. They are on the inside. Tá grá agam duit, m'aingeal. I love you, my angel. I love you, my angel. D’imigh sí go Sasana bliain ó shin. She went to England a year ago. She went to England a year ago. Bíonn cuma áthais uirthi i gcónaí, ach níl áthas uirthi ar chor ar bith. She always looks happy, but she is not happy at all. She is always pleased, but she is not happy at all. Téim go dtí an phictiúrlann uair amháin sa seachtain. I go to the cinema once a week. I go to the painting once a week. Déanta. Done. That's it. Is ceamara maith é seo. This is a good camera. This is a good camera. Tá fonn ar an mbeirt acu rud éigin a rá. They both want to say something. They both want to say something. An mbeidh sé te arís amárach? Will it be hot again tomorrow? Will it be hot again tomorrow? Tá tú ag léamh. You're reading. You are reading. Tá mé ag léamh. I'm reading. I'm reading. Is amhlaidh a bhris sé an fhuinneog. The fact is, he broke the window. It was so he broke the window. Fuair sé bás inné. He died yesterday. He died yesterday. Tá siad ag rith gan bhróga. They're running without shoes. They are running without shoes. Is dochtúir mé. I am a doctor. I am a doctor. Is Éireannach mé. I'm Irish. I am Irish. Cad chuige? What for? Why? Is maith liom an pictiúr a fheicim ansin. I like the picture I'm watching now. I then like to see the picture. Breathnaíonn tú go foirfe. You look perfect. You look perfect. D’éirigh leis an obair. The work was successful. The work was successful. Tá aisling agam. I have a dream. I've a dream. Oibreoidh sí. She will work. It shall work. Labhraíonn Tom ró-thapaidh. Tom talks too fast. Tom speaks too fast. An é sin an rud ba mhaith leat mé a rá? Is that what you want me to say? Is that what I want to say? Is turasóir mé. I'm a tourist. I am a tourist. Ithinn pizza. I used to eat pizza. It's a pizzainn. Cé nach bhfuil mórán airgid, tá fonn orm an péintéireacht seo a cheannach. Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting. Although there is little money, I want to buy this painting. Is iad do pháistíse a bhí mall. It's your children who were late. Children were slow. Tá rud ann ar mhaith liom triail a bhaint as. There's something I want to try. There is something I want to try. Sin í an bhean ar fhan siad léi. That’s the woman they stayed with. That's the woman they stayed with her. Cén fáth a bhfuil siad anseo? Why are they here? Why are they here? Nuair a chuaigh Mary isteach sa seomra, stop Jack ag caint go tobann. When Mary entered the room, Jack suddenly stopped talking. When Mary went into the room, Jack stopped talking suddenly. Díolann an siopa sin feola agus éisc. That store sells meat and fish. This shop sells meat and fish. Ní fhaca Tomás rud ar bith. Tom saw nothing. Tom saw nothing. Yohannis is ainm dom. My name is Yohannis. Yohannis is my name. Is leo an leabhar sin. That book is theirs. It is to them that book. Aontaím leis an ráiteas. I agree with the statement. I agree with the statement. Lorg an focal seo san fhoclóir, le do thoil. Please look up this word in a dictionary. Please find this word in the dictionary. An bhfuil léarscáil agaibh? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Is í Peige an duine a chríochnóidh an obair. Peige is probably the one who'll finish the work. Peige is the person who completes the work. Cad a bhuaigh mé? What did I win? What did I win? Bliain Úr Faoi Mhaise Duit! Happy New Year! Interest Year Under Watch thee! Bhí Tom ag iarraidh mé a fheiceáil láithreach bonn. Tom wanted to see me right away. Tom was trying to see me straight base. Tá an t-uisce glan. The water is clean. The water is clean. An bhfaca tú m'aintín? Did you see my aunt? Did you see my girlfriend? Hé! Hey! He! Bhí faitíos orthu romhat. They were afraid of you. They were afraid of you. Tá sé a hocht a chlog. It's eight o'clock. It's eight o'clock. Meas tú an bhféadfainn labhairt leat, go príobháideach, le do thoil? Could I speak to you, in private, please? Please feel free to speak to you in private? Tá an ghrian ard. The sun is high. The sun is high. Tá mé pósta agus tá beirt pháistí agam. I am married and have two children. I'm married and have two children. Táimid ag cogadh. We are at war. We're at war. Caithfidh mé staidéar a dhéanamh I must study. I must study Rugadh i Meiriceá mé. I was born in America. I was born in America. D'fhan an buachaill ina thost. The boy remained silent. The boy remained silent. Cé leis an bia seo? Who owns this food? Who is this food? Tógaimid nuachtán. We take a newspaper. We build a newspaper. Tá oileáin ar an bhfarraige. There are islands in the sea. There are islands on the sea. Tá an leabhar ar an tábla. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Níl ach aon cheacht amháin againn inniu. We have only one lesson today. We have only one lesson today. Níl leigheas in aghaidh an bháis. There is no cure for death. No medicine against death. Cén scannán a chonaic sibh? What film did ye see? What film did you see? Is é seo an teach nuair a rugadh mé. This is the house where I was born. This is the house when I was born. Ní stopann sé. He doesn't stop. It doesn't stop. An bhfacthas í? Was she seen? Did she see it? 4 d'Iúil shona! Happy Fourth of July! 4 of a happy July! Bhí sé sin ar an nuacht. That was on the news. It was said on the news. Tá teach uaine ag Eimear. Eimear has a green house. Eimear has a green house. Tá sé ag ithe. He is eating. He is eating. Chomh tarraingteacht! How fascinating! As attractive as possible! Táim sa charr. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Bhí Eimíle ag éisteacht le ceol. Emily was listening to music. Eimíle was listening to music. Labhraítear Béarla ar fud an domhain. English is spoken all over the world. English is spoken around the world. Is breá liom turais. I love trips. I love tours. Bhí an fear bocht sínte amach ar an talamh, gan aithne gan urlabhra. The poor man was stretched out on the ground, unconscious. The poor man was stretched out on the ground, not known without speech. Tá foclóir agam. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Bhí sí sa bhaile ag an deireadh seachtaine. She was at home at the weekend. She was at home at weekend. Feicim do chat sa ghairdín. I see your cat in the garden. I see your battle in the garden. ’Séard a chonaic tú ná deilf. What you saw was a dolphin. ’ He said you saw neither a dolphin. Tá cúpla ag mo mháthair. My mother has a couple. My mother has a couple. Tá an bosca trom. The box is heavy. The box is heavy. Tuigthe. Understood. Understanding. Níl, níl a fhios agam. No, I don't know. No, I don't know. An bhfuil Tomás fós ag obair? Is Tomás still working? Is Thomas still working? Obair mhaith! Good work! Good work! Tá sí ina cónaí i mBéal Feirste. She lives in Belfast. She lives in Belfast. Ba mhaith le Tom go mbainimid taitneamh as. Tom wants us to enjoy ourselves. Tom would like to enjoy it. An tú féin atá ann? Is that you? What are you doing? Bhain siad an ceann scríbe amach. They reached their destination. They reached the destination. Mas é do thoil é. Please. If it please. Níl aon eolas agam faoin mBéarla. I have zero knowledge of English. I have no information about the English language. Má bheadh airgead agam, cheannóin ticéid don cheolchoirm. If I had money, I would buy tickets for the concert. If I have money, tickets for concerts. Is cearpantóir maith é. He is a good carpenter. It is a good cyclist. An amhlaidh a thiocfaidh sibh? Will you really come? How will you come? Oscail an doras. Open the door. Open the door. Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ól. I want to drink something. I want to drink something. Scríobh chucu. Write to them. Write to them. Tiocfaidh sí gan mhoill. She'll come without delay. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or Tá imní orm. I'm concerned. I'm sorry. Chuaigh mé amach le gealt. I've dated a lunatic. I went out with a steam. Táthar saibhir anseo. People are rich here. We are rich here. Scríobhtar an Béarla san aibitír Laidineach. English is written with a Latin alphabet. English is written in the Latin alphabet. Cailleadh Séamas Mhicí Sheáin anuraidh. Séamas Mhicí Sheáin died last year. John's Séamas died last year. An é seo do mhadra? Is this your dog? Is this your dog? Tá sé ag cur. It is raining. He is taking. Tá sé soiléir nach bhfuil puinn daonnachta ag Tomás. It's clear Tom doesn't have an ounce of humanity. It is clear that Tom has no humanity portfolio. Fás suas! Grow up! Grow up! Tá sé a dó a chlog. It's two o'clock. It is two o'clock. Is duine cainteach í. She is a talkative person. She is a talkative person. Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan sona! Happy International Women's Day! International Day of Happy Women! Conas atá do chara? How is your friend? How is your friend? An mian libh leadóg a imirt linn? Do you want to play tennis with us? Do you want to play Tennis with us? Tá sé tábhacht go gcloiseann sí an rud seo. It's important that she hears this. It is important that she hears this thing. Dúirt Tom nach raibh sé ag iarraidh dí. Tom said he didn't want a drink. Tom said he did not want from him. Cad tá uait? What are you looking for? What do you want? Anois, éist! Now, listen! Now listen! Bí cúramach! Take care! Be careful! Chuaigh sí isteach sa tacsaí. She got in the taxi. She went into the taxi. Tá bláthanna dearga aici. She has red flowers. She has red flowers. Ba mhaith liom leabhar a scríobh. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Níl uaim dul ar scoil. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. An í sin eolaíocht i ndáiríre? Is that really science? Is that science really? Is Síneach mé. I'm Chinese. I'm a Chinese. Rugadh muid sa bhliain céanna. We were born in the same year. We were born in the same year. Ba mhaith liom bheith ina iriseoir. I want to be a journalist. I would be a journalist. Bhí Romulus agus Remus ina ndeartháireacha. Romulus and Remus were brothers. Romulus and Remus were designers. An é seo do leabhar? Is this your book? Is this your book? Bhí aithne ag Tom orm. Tom knew me. Tom knew me. Tógadh Tomás. Tom was taken. Thomas was built. Tá sé a deich a chlog. It's ten o'clock. It's ten o'clock. “Cén aois atá agat?” - “Tá mé fiche trí mbliana d'aois.” How old are you? - I'm twenty-three years old. “What age do you have?” - “I am twenty-three years old.” Imróidh mé leadóg an tráthnóna seo. I will play tennis this afternoon. I'll be here this afternoon's Tennis. Cé hiad na daoine sin? Who are those people? Who are those people? Is Lisa é a hainm ceart. Her real name is Lisa. Lisa is her correct name. Cad é nach raibh Tom ag iarraidh thú a fheiceáil? What didn't Tom want you to see? What did Tom not want you to see? Glaofaidh mé ort ag a seacht. I'll call you at seven. I'll call you at seven. Rachaidh mé ar ais abhaile amárach. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I will go back home tomorrow. Chuaigh Tom go dtí an linn snámha. Tom went to the swimming pool. Tom went to the swimming pool. Is bean álainn sí. She is a beautiful woman. She is a beautiful woman. Tá sé ró-bheag. He is too small. It is too small. Ní bhfuair mo bhean bás. My wife didn't die. My wife did not die. Is le Brian an carr. The car is Brian’s. The car is by Brian. Scríobh Tom scéal faoin sin. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about that. Is é Burj Khalifa an t-ilstóras is airde ar domhan. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the highest of the world. Ceapaim gur féidir linn seo a láimhseáil. I think we can handle this. I think we can handle this. Tá sí ag scríobh a dialann. She's writing her diary. She is writing a journal. Cad a scríobh tú? What did you write? What did you write? Níl bosca agam. I don't have a box. I don't have a box. Bhí bróga bán uirthi. She had white shoes on. She had white shoes. Tá mé. I am. I am. Ní mise do mhúinteoir. I'm not your teacher. I am not your teacher. Níl cailín agam. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have a girl. Tá dhá charr agam. I have two cars. I have two cars. Andreas is ainm dom. Andreas is my name. Andreas is my name. Ab é an chaoi ar shiúil tú ón mbus? Did you walk from the bus? How did you walked from the bus? Táim ag labhairt le mo mhac léinn. I'm speaking with my student. I am speaking to my student. Cá bhfuil Tehran? Where is Tehran? Where is Tehran? Tá sé anseo. He's here. He is here. Beidh sé ag cur sneachta amárach. It'll snow tomorrow. He will take snow tomorrow. Caitheadh sé go raibh lucht éisteachta mór ag an gceolchoirm. There must have been a large audience at the concert. It was spent that the concert had a great audience. Ní dheachaigh aon duine ar bith ansin. Nobody went there. No one did then. Táim i mo chónaí sa tSeapáin. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. Níl cat agam. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. ’Séard a dúirt sé go raibh sé sásta. What he said was that he was satisfied. ’ He said that he was happy. Cad é ba mhaith leat mé a rá leat? What do you want me to tell you? What would you like me to say to you? Bain Tomás taitneamh as scéal Mháire. Tomás enjoyed Máire's story. Have Thomas enjoyed Mary’s story. Tá mé go maith. I am well. I'm good. Fan abhaile. Stay home. Stay home. Tá sé ag cócaireacht anois. He's cooking now. He is cooking now. Tá sé te. It's hot. It's hot. Is iriseoir mé. I'm a journalist. I am a journalist. Éiríonn siad go moch sa teach seo. They get up early in this house. They become pig in this house. Ní thuigim an dán seo. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. Ná rith sa seomra seo. Do not run in this room. Do not run in this room. Cé leis a bhfanann tú? Who do you stay with? Who remains with you? Ní mise a d’ith an píosa cáca deireanach. It wasn't me that ate the last piece of cake. I did not drink the last piece of cake. Is banaltra mé. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Fanaigí! Wait! Wait a minute! Tá mé ag féachaint ar an teilifís anois. I'm watching TV now. I'm looking at TV now. Níl carr agam. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Tá súil agam gur féidir liom é a dhéanamh. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do it. Is maith liom sacar. I like football. I like sacar. Cad atá á dheineamh agaibh? What are ye doing? What are you doing? Ba chóir duit sé a iarraidh. You should try it. You should ask it. Tá mé ag dul. I'm going. I'm going. John is ainm dom. My name is John. John is my name. Tá an caife fuar. The coffee is cold. The coffee is cold. Tá orm scaradh an pholaitíocht ón gcreideamh. We must separate politics from religion. I have to separate politics from the faith. Is mian liom carr nua a cheannach. I want to buy a new car. I want to buy a new car. Níl teach agam. I don't have a home. I don't have a house. Tá sé ag léamh. He's reading. He is reading. Ní dhearna mé d'airgead é. I didn't do it for money. I didn't money it. Seans maith nach mbeidh sé róshásta le na pictiúir. He probably won't be happy with the pictures. It may not be too happy with the pictures. Is féidir é sin a dhéanamh. It can be done. This can be done. Rinne Tomás ar airgead é. Tom did it for money. Tom made it for money. Múinim. I teach. I'm teaching. Cén bia is fearr leat? Which food do you prefer? What is your favorite food? Bhí sé ina aonar. He was alone. He was alone. Ó! Iontach! Oh! Marvelous! Oh! Amazing! Cén aois thú? How old are you? What age do you age? Buíochas le Dia gur tháinig tú orm. Thank God you found me. Thanks to God that you came to me. Táim ag snámh in abhainn. I am swimming in a river. I'm floating in a river. Rachaidh tú go hÉire. You'll go to Ireland. You will go to Ireland. Fáilte! Conas atá tú? Hi! How are you? Welcome! How are you? imithe ag iascaireacht Gone fishing has gone fishing Fuair mé an t-airgead. I found the money. I got the money. Táim ag tnúth leis. I look forward to it. I look forward to him. Ná bí déanach don cruinniú amárach. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Do not be late for the meeting tomorrow. D'éist Tomás go géar. Tom listened attentively. Tom listened sharply. Abair! Talk! Say! Is é an bheatha an t-uisce. Water is life. The life is the water. Tá Judy cineálta le gach duine. Judy is kind to everyone. Judy is kind to everyone. An bhfeiceann tú rud ar bith ansin? Can you see anything at all there? Do you see anything then? Cén chathaoir ar chuir tú an leabhar uirthi? Which chair did you put the book on? What chair did you put the book on? Amach leat anois. Leave now. Out now. Tá na cailíní chomh gnóthach le beacha. The girls are as busy as bees. The girls are as busy as bees. Deirtear go mbíonn sé te anseo. It's said to be hot here. It is said to be hot here. Ní dhearna Tomás d'airgead é. Tom didn't do it for money. Thomas did not money. Comhghairdeas! Congratulations! Congratulations! Tá mé ag ól uisce sa chistin. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. Bhí sé tuirseach traochta. He was exhausted. He was tired of weary. Tá áirithint agam. I have a reservation. I have a booking. Cé a chonaic tú ag an amharclann? Who did you see at the theatre? Who saw you at the theatre? Tá peann agam. I have a pen. I have a pen. Tá grá againn don chailín sin. We love that girl. We love that girl. Tá mé i mo chónaí sa tSeapáin. I live in Japan. I'm living in Japan. An bhfuil fear an tí sa mbaile? Is the householder at home? Is there a man of the house in the town? Is Rúiseach mé. I'm Russian. I am Russian. Éist go cúramach Listen carefully. Listen carefully Táim i mo bhall den club leadóige. I'm in the tennis club. I am a member of the Tennis club. Is as an Tuirc mé. I'm from Turkey. I am from Turkey. Cén t-am a mbeidh sé anseo? What time will he be here? What time will he be here? Tá Tom ag ithe, fós. Tom is still eating. Tom is eating, yet. Tá mé ag labhairt le mo mhac léinn. I'm speaking with my student. I am speaking to my student. Tá siad ag labhairt Gaeilge. They're speaking Irish. They are speaking Irish. Cónas atá tú? How are you? You're a family? Bhíos traochta. I was exhausted. We were weary. Tá mé ag labhairt. I'm speaking. I'm speaking. "A Thomáis!" "A Mháire!" “Tom!” “Mary!” "A Thomas!" "A Mary!" Rachaimid go hÉire. We'll go to Ireland. We go to Ireland. Bhí mé ag obair sa mhonarcha seo. I was working in this factory. I was working in this factory. A pháistí, éistígí! Children, listen! Children, escaps! Caitheann Tomás an iomarca ama ag obair. Tom spends too much time at work. Tom spend too much time working. Sin é an fear a bhfuair a bhean bás. That's the man whose wife died. That is the man who died his wife. Cailleadh a hathair. Her father died. She's lost her father. Is as an gCróit mé. I'm from Croatia. I am from Croatia. Tá sé ina chónaí i mBéal Feirste. He lives in Belfast. He lives in Belfast. Nílimid ag iarraidh geit a bhaint as éinne. We don't want to startle anyone. We do not want to use git from anyone. Culaith deas. Nice suit. A right suit. Is stíl í seo! This is style! This is a style! Foghlaimíonn daoine ó thaithí. People learn from experience. People learn from experience. Is mian liom maireachtáil. I want to live. I want to live. Chuaigh siad go dtí an zú ar an mbus inné. They went to the zoo by bus yesterday. They went to the zu on the bus yesterday. Is teanga mharbh í an Laidin. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Táimid ag léamh. We're reading. We’re reading. An bhfaca tú mo mhadra? Did you see my dog? Did you see my dog? Is féidir liom a bheith neamhchlaonta. I can be impartial. I can be impartial. Nach bhfuil tú sásta? Aren't you satisfied? Aren't you happy? Cár mhaith leat mé a thosú? What do you want me to start on? Where would you like to start? Bhí Tom ag iarraidh mé gar a dhéanamh dó. Tom wanted me to do him a favor. Tom was trying me close to him. Cad é sin? What is this? What is that? An tusa a cheannóidh an bia? Is it you who'll buy the food? Do you buy the food? Tá leabhar anseo. There's a book here. There is a book here. Tá tú i do chónaí i mBéal Feirste. You live in Belfast. You live in Belfast. Tá dhá leabhar agam. I have two books. I have two books. Ní féidir le duine a bhás a fháil ó choinneáil istigh a anála. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. One can not get his death from his inner detention to breath. Níl siad ach ag iarraidh duine éigin leis an locht a chur air. They just want someone to blame. They are not just trying to put someone with the fault of him. Itheann Pól. Paul eats. Paul eats. Cad chuige? Why? Why? "Cén t-am é anois?" "Tá sé a deich a chlog." "What time is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." "How long is it now?" "It's ten o'clock." An bhfaca tú mo dheartháir? Did you see my brother? Did you see my brother? Caithfidh mé bláthanna a cheannach le mo chailín. I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend. I need to buy flowers with my girlfriend. Tá oráiste ar an tábla ann. There is an orange on the table. There is an orange on the table. Sea. It is. Yes. An féidir liom leat a bhaint? Can I touch you? Can I remove you? Caithfidh mé péire bróg nua a cheannach. I must buy a new pair of shoes. I have to buy a new shoe pair. An bhfuil grá agat do do mháthair? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Dia duit, a Siocágo! Hello, Chicago! Hello, Sykiago! Cuibheasach focainn maith an rud so. This is fucking awesome. The good graphics of this thing. Rachaidh mé ansin ar eitleán. I will go there by plane. I then go on a plane. Tabharfaidh mé an t-alt sin duit. I’ll give you that article. I will give that section to you. Tá spúnóg ann. There is a spoon. There is a spoon. Ithim rís. I eat rice. Ithim rice. Tá an cat bán faoin gcrann. The white cat is under the tree. The cat is white under the tree. An éiróidh sibhse as an troid le bhur dtoil? Will you guys please stop fighting? Will you rise from the fight with your consent? Caithfidh mé mo chuid fiacla a ghlanadh. I must clean my teeth. I have to clean my teeth. Ní maith léi an bia a dhéanann Bríd. She doesn't like the food that Bríd makes. She does not like the food that makes Bríd. Cá mhéad peann atá agat? How many pens do you have? How many points do you have? Ní raibh sé ag éisteacht léi. He wasn't listening to her. He did not listen to her. Is ollamh mé. I am a professor. I'm a professor. Tá an bia go maith. The food is good. The food is good. Rith sé. He ran. Run it. Tá an seomra dorcha. The room is dark. The room is dark. Ná féach ar Tom! Féach orm. Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't see Tom! Look at me. Is féidir le do leanbh siúl. Your baby can walk. Your baby can walk. Thosaigh an ríomhaire. The computer started. The computer started. Rugadh Caitríona in 1985. Caitríona was born in 1985. Caitríona was born in 1985. D'imrínn le cúpla buachaillí. I used to play with a couple of boys. For a couple of boys. Tá lochán beag anseo. There is a small pond here. A small pond is here. Níl ionat ach bean as a meabhair! You are one disturbed woman! There's just a woman in them out of their mental! ’Séard atá uaim anois ná uachtar reoite. What I want now is ice cream. I’m now a frozen cream. Chuirfeadh sibh isteach ar an phost sin. You would apply for that job. You would apply for this job. Dáiríre? Really? What do you say? Níl aithne agam ar Tomás. I don't know Tom. I don't know Thomas. Tá mé ag scríobh litir. I'm writing a letter. I am writing a letter. Is Moslamach mé. I am a Muslim. I'm a Muslim. Cén fáth an ndeachaigh tú ansin? Why did you go there? Why did you go then? Cad atá Oisín ag déanamh? What is Oisín doing? What is Oisin doing? Táim ag labhairt. I'm speaking. I'm speaking. Tá mac agam. I have a son. I've a son. Tá m'athair ag dul go dtí an tSín. My father is going to China. My father is going to China. Tá gabhlóg anseo. There is a fork here. There is a yeast here. Thug mé an t-airgead don bhean. I gave the money to the woman. I gave the money to the woman. Fáilte chuig an Vicipéid. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to the Wikipedia. Tá mé ag cócaireacht anois. I'm cooking now. I'm cooking now. Tá leabhar agam. I've got a book. I have a book. Cé nach raibh anseo? Who was not here? Who was not here? Níl faic le dhéanamh agam! I don't have anything to do! I have nothing to do! An bhfuil aithne agat ar a athair? Do you know his father? Do you know his father? Is bean tí mé. I am a housewife. I am a house woman. Obair mhaith! Good job! Good work! Tá an t-ábhar seo an-tábhachtach. This matter is very important. This material is very important. Is buachaill mór é John. John is a big boy. John is a big boy. Tá go leor naimhde ag an uachtarán reatha. The current president has many enemies. The current president has many enemies. Ag Bríd atá an t-airgead. Bríd has the money. By Bríd is the money. B'fhearr liom colscaradh a fháil. I would prefer to get a divorce. I prefer to get divorce. Tá sárBhéarla agat. You have superb English. You are extremely up to date. Tá an leabhar ar an sheilf. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. Fáilte go hIfreann! Welcome to Hell! Welcome to Hell! Bhris sé an fhuinneog. He broke the window. It turned off the window. Uair a bhí mise ag fás suas, chonaic mé an buachaill is láidre sa mbaile. Agus ó chonaic mé an t-aonad san, nídh 'acainn dom dol im choladh. When I was growing up, I saw the largest boy in the village. Since I saw that unit, I have not been able to sleep. Once I was growing up, I saw the strongest boy in the town. And since I saw the unit in that, I wouldn't have a sleeping toll. Úsáideann na páistí siúcra. The children use sugar. Children use sugar. Tá mé ag tnúth leis. I look forward to it. I'm looking forward to him. Is dochtúir mé. I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. Tá spéaclaí gréine aici. She has sunglasses. She has solar glasses. Tá Niall ina chónaí i mBaile Átha Cliath. Niall lives in Dublin. Niall lives in Dublin. Léim. Jump. Jump to the beginning. Is Tuircis í mo mháthairtheanga. My native language is Turkish. My mother tongue is Turkish. Ádh mór! Good luck! Good luck! Sleamhnaigh mé agus thit mé ar an trasrian, díreach nuair a chas an solas chuig dearg. I slipped and fell on the crosswalk, just when the light turned red. I slided and fell on the crosstrack, just when the light turned to red. Ní dhéanfaidh mé dearmad ar a freagra riamh. I will never forget her answer. I will never forget his answer ever. Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. One beetle recognises another. It identifies other handkerchief. Is Gaeilgeoir í an cara is fearr agam. My best friend is an Irish speaker. I am an Irish speaker. Níl scian agam. I don't have a knife. I don't have a knife. Tá sé a ceathair a chlog. It's four o'clock. It's four o'clock. Tá an cluiche leadránach. The game is boring. This is a boring game. Cé na daoine a bheidh anseo? Who's going to be here? Who people will be here? Tá tú leonta. You're wounded. You are tore. Mícheart. Wrong. Wrong. Tá dhá mhadra aige. He has two dogs. He has two dogs. Cad atá tú ag ithe? What are you eating? What are you eating? Is duine maith mé. I'm a good person. I am a good person. Tá an focal faire gearr. The password is short. Password is short. Cén bhean a bhí ag caint leat? Which woman were you talking with? What woman was talking to you? Tá an poll leathan. The hole is wide. The hole is wide. Déanann Cáit an bia is fearr liom. I like the food that Cáit makes best. Cane makes me the best food. Tá an foirgneamh ard. The building is tall. The building is high. Ní hí mo chailín í. Is í mo dheirfiúr í. She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister. She is not my girl. She is my sister. Is feoilséantóir mé. I am a vegetarian. I am a vegetator. Tá sé ina chónaí faoi shíocháin. He lives in peace. He lives under peace. Tá sé ag déanamh rud éigin ansin. They're making something or other here. He's doing something then. An bhfuil tú réidh do Oíche Shamhna? Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? An bhfuil tú réidh a imirt? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? Oibreoidh sí. She will work. It shall work. An mo fháinní iad sin? Are those my earrings? Is that my rings? Is maith liom cócaireacht. I love cooking. I like cooking. Tá uaim dul ar scoil. I want to go to school. I'm going to school. Tá ocras orm. Níl fearg orm. I'm hungry. I'm not angry. I am hungry. I am not angry. Tá beirt iníon acu. They have two daughters. They have two daughters. Itheann sí arán. She eats bread. She eats bread. Cá bhfuil Máire? Where is Mary? Where is Mary? Táim ag ól an caife. I'm drinking the coffee. I drink the coffee. Ní bac ar bith é airgead. Don't worry about that now. Money is not a hindrance. Tá ríomhaire agam. I have a computer. I have a computer. Tá sí ag léamh. She's reading. She is reading. Tá sé a trí a chlog. It's three o'clock. It's three o'clock. Cearr. Wrong. Square. Cheannaigh mé roinnt leabhair ón siopa leabhar. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought some books from the book shop. Nár chasamar ar a chéile roimhe seo? Haven't we met before? Do not we have previously met one another? Is é sin tús iontach! That's a great start! That is a great start! Tá beirt deartháir agam. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Tá oraibh dul. You must go. You are going. Is báicéir mé. I'm a baker. I'm a baker. Is fearr léi ceol ciúin. She prefers quiet music. She prefers quiet music. Níl Sualainnis agam. I don't speak Swedish. I don't have Swedish. Thrasnaigh siad an tAigéan Atlantach. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Tá an cailín ag scríobh. The girl is writing. The girl is writing. Is téacsleabhar maith é seo. This is a good textbook. This is a good textbook. Is abairt í seo. This is a sentence. This is an expression. Is teach maith é seo. This is a good house. This is a good house. ’Séard a dhéanfaidh mé ná an seomra a ghlanadh. What I'll do is clean the room. ’ I say is to clean the room. Mise fosta. Me too. Me too. Amach! Get out! Out! Tá Spáinnis aige. He knows Spanish. He has Spanish. Is breá liom a bheith cuideachtúil. I love being sociable. I love to be helpful. 4 d'Iúil shona duit! Happy Fourth of July! You 4 of July! Do mhuinéal a bhriseadh a dhéanfaidh tú! You’ll break your neck! You'll break your channel! Conas mar a rinne tú é? How did you do it? How did you do it? Is mí Córán í Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of the Quran. Ramadan is a month of perfume. Tá an carr mall. The car is slow. The car is slow. Ithim úlla go minic. I often eat apples. I often eat apples. Ní ceist éasca é. It's not an easy question. It is not an easy question. AGOA! Lol! AOAO! Ní hé m'athair é. He's not my father. It's not my father. Is aistritheoir mé. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Tá scian ann. There is a knife. There is a knife. Is duine é seo. This is a person. This is a person. Tá Tom thuas staighre lena páistí. Tom is upstairs with the children. Tom is stairs with his kids. Táim ag éisteacht leis an amhrán seo. I'm listening to this song. I'm listening to this song. Tá gach duine ar meisce. Everyone is drunk. Everyone is drunk. Briseadh an ghloine. The glass got broken. The glass is broken. Tar isteach. Come in. Come in. Tá tú ag cócaireacht. You're cooking. You are cooking. Bhí an buicéad lán d'uisce. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. Tá sé a cúig a chlog. It's five o'clock. It's five o'clock. Is maith liom an tSín. I like China. I like China. Bhí sé traochta. He was exhausted. It was weary. Fadhb ar bith! No problem! No problem! Níl iníon againn. We don't have a daughter. We're not a daughter. Tá úll agat. You have an apple. You have an apple. Is cathair an-mhór é Tóiceo. Tokyo is a very big city. Tokyo is a very large city. Ní dheachthas ann. Nobody went there. It did not exist. Sin iad na gasúir a mbeidh tú ag tabhairt an leabhar dóibh. Those are the children you'll be giving the book to. That's the stems you will be giving the book to them. Is í Buenos Aires príomhchathair na hAirgintíne. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Ministers is the capital of Argentina. Chuaigh Seán go dtí an siopa. John went to the store. Seán went to the store. Teastaíonn níos mó uainn. We need more. We need more. Bhí náire air. He was embarrassed. He was ashamed of him. Ceapaim nach teanga deacair í an Ghaeilge. I think that Irish is not a difficult language. I think the Irish language is not a difficult language. An é seo é? Is he the one? Is this it? Tá mé ag obair i siopa mo charad. I work at my friend's shop. I'm working in my friend's store. Is fear díolacháin mé. I'm a salesman. I am a sales man. Amach leat! Out you go! Out of the game! Tá teach deas acu. They have a nice house. They have a nice house. Cén fáth a bhfuil tú ag fágáil sláin? Why are you saying goodbye? Why are you leaving sick? ghnóthaigh sí aird idirnáisiúnta as a cuid taighde she received international acclaim for her research she gained international attention for her research Táimid i gcogadh. We are at war. We are in war. Labhraím Gaeilge gach lá. I speak Irish every day. I speak Irish every day. Tá fonn ar Tom am a chaitheamh liom. Tom wants to spend time with me. Tom wants to spend time with me. Is maith liom an pictiúr a fheicim ansin. I like the picture that I see there. I then like to see the picture. Le mí anuas, ní raibh sneachta ar bith againn. For the past month, we've had no snow at all. In the past month, we had no snow. Tá mé faoin gcrann. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Maidin mhaith! Good morning! Good morning! Inniu a tháinig siad? Did they come today? Today they came? Is mian liom a bheith ina haisteoir. I want to be an actress. I want to be a actor. Tháinig tú ar ais. You came back. You came back. Tá carr agam. I have a car. I have a car. Tá oraibh obair. You must work. You have to work. Is margadh maith é seo. This is a good deal. This is a good market. Tá sé a seacht a chlog. It's seven o'clock. It's seven o'clock. Fan go socair. Stay calm. Stay calm. An bhfuil sin mídhleathach? Is that illegal? Is that illegal? Tá mé ag ithe torthaí, mar tá ocras orm. I'm eating fruits because I'm hungry. I am eating fruit, because I am hungry. Ag caint le mo mhuintir a bhí mé. I was talking to my family. Talking to my people I was. Ní bhfuarthas é. It wasn't found. Not found. An ólann tú tae? Do you drink tea? Do you drink tea? Foc. Fuck. For fuck's sake. Rinne sé rud an-amaideach. He did a very foolish thing. He did a very unresolved thing. Cá bhfuil an t-aerfort? Where's the airport? Where is the airport? Níl peann luaidhe agam. I don't have a pencil. I don't have a pencil. Tá teaghlach agam. I have a family. I have a family. Ghearr sé an úll ina dhá leath. He cut the apple into two halves. He cut the apple into two-halfs. Nuair a thugaim bia do na boicht, tugtar naomh orm. Nuair a chuirim an cheist, cén fáth nach bhfuil bia ag na boicht, tugtar cumannaí orm. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the poor, I am given a saint. When I put the question, why not food at the poor, I am called associations. Níl a fhios agam. I don't know. I don't know. Ba mhaith liom tae a ól. I want to drink tea. I want to drink tea. Caithfidh mé an gúna gorm. I'll wear the blue dress. I have to dress the blue. Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras. Hunger is the best sauce. The cannon likes the cannon. Ólann sé. He drinks. He drinks. Cathain a bhí sé anseo cheana? When was he here before? When was he already here? Tá an chathair mhór. The city is big. The city is great. Ní fhaca mé é. I've never seen it. I haven't seen it. Is maith liom Bhreatnais a labhairt. I like to speak Welsh. I like to speak Welsh. Á, ceart go leor! Ah, okay! Oh, okay! Tá mé sa charr. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Osclóidh mé an doras. I will open the door. I will open the door. Ní chanaim. I do not sing. I didn't hear. Cá bhfuilimid anois? Where are we now? Where are we now? Ba mhaith linn sé. We want it. We want it. Bhí Tomás ag plobaireacht. Tom was babbling. Thomas was pulping. Ar mhaith leat dul ag rince? Would you like to go dancing? Do you want to go dancing? Nach rabhthas sásta? Weren't they satisfied? Hasn't you been happy? Titim a dhéanfaidh tú! You’ll fall! Drop will you! Tá an seomra an-bheag. The room is too small. The room is very small. Níor cheart drochfhocail a rá. One should not say bad words. Miracles should not be said. Tá na mná rialta ag canadh. The nuns are singing. These women are regular singing. Sé Éamonn a rinne é. The one who did it was Éamonn. He James did it. An bhfuil Béarla aige? Does he speak English? Is he English? An raibh sibh in bhur n-aonar? Were you alone? Was you alone? Is cathair mhór í New York. New York is a big city. New York is a huge city. Caitheann sé éadaí dubha i gcónaí. He always wears black clothes. It always wears black clothes. Is é 2 faoin gcéad an ráta boilscithe na Seapáine. Japan's inflation rate is 2%. The rate of Japanese inflation is 2 per cent. Tá tinneas cinn orm. I have a headache. I have a advanced illness. Cé leis an bia seo? Whose food is this? Who is this food? Níl snámh agam. I don't know how to swim. I don't swim. Rachaidh sé go dtí an fiaclóir. He will go to the dentist. He will go to the dentist. Is liomsa é. It is mine. It's me. Tá cúpla daoine uaim chun cabhair a tabhairt dom. I need a few people to help me. I have a few people to help me. Ghearr sé é leis an scian a fuair sé mar bronntanas óna dheartháir. He cut it with the knife that he received as a present from his brother. He cut it with the knife he received as a gift from his brother. An bhfuil tú réidh a eitilt? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? Is Cóiréach mé. I'm Korean. I've found. Ní réiteoidh an bunreacht nua fadhbanna na hÉigipte. The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt. The new constitution shall not resolve the problems of Egypt. Tá smaoineamh maith agam. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Tá sé a naoi a chlog. It's nine o'clock. It's nine o'clock. Níl fón póca agam. I don't have a cellphone. I don't have a mobile phone. Chomhairligh an dochtúir é éirí as an ól. The doctor advised him to give up drinking. The doctor advised him to resign from drinking. Fanaigí abhaile. Stay home. Stay home. Téigh anseo agus cabhrú liom. Come here and help me. Go here and help me. Is an cluiche seo éasca é. This game is easy. This is an easy game. Níl airgead agam inniu. I have no money today. I don’t have money today. Sea. Yes. Yes. An bhfuil tú réidh? Are you ready? Are you ready? An bhfaca tú m'athair? Did you see my father? Did you see my father? Agus anois? And now? And now? An labhraítear an Béarla i gCeanada? Is English spoken in Canada? Is English spoken in Canada? Tá tuirse orm. I'm tired. I'm fatigue. Tá Tom ag iarraidh bheith cosúil lena athair. Tom wants to be like his father. Tom is trying to be like his father. Amárach atá tú ag imeacht, nach ea? It's tomorrow that you're leaving, isn’t it? Tomorrow are you departing, isn't it? Léim an leabhar. I read the book. Jumping the book. Tá mé tinn. I am ill. I'm sick. Ba ghnách linn dlúthchairde. We used to be close friends. We were ordinary close friends. Tar éis an dinnéir, siúlaim ar an dtrá. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I walk on the beach. Tá grá agam duit. I love you. I love you. Tá an fear óg. The man is young. The young man is. Is liomsa é seo. This is mine. This is me. Tá mo mhadra an-ghlan. My dog is very clean. My dog is very clean. Tá forc ann. There is a fork. There is a fork. Bhí Tom saonta. Tom was naive. Tom had sat. Tá sí ag cócaireacht anois. She's cooking now. She is cooking now. Is mise Ricardo. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Tháinig sibh ar ais. You came back. You came back. Bainne? Siúcra? Milk? Sugar? Milk? Sugar? Ní thaitníonn iasc agus sceallóga le gach Sasanach. Not all English people like fish and chips. Fish and chips do not like all English. Tá ort obair. You must work. You have to work. Scríobhann sé litir. He writes a letter. He writes a letter. Nach bhfuil mé go hálainn? Am I not beautiful? Is not I beautiful? Chonaic mé iad é a mharú. I saw them kill it. I saw them kill him. Fás fásáin Plants grow. Growing growth An bhfaca tú m'iníon? Did you see my daughter? Did you see my daughter? An bhfuil do mháthair sa bhaile? Is your mum at home? Is your mother at home? D'fhág sé Tóiceo chun Ósaca. He left Tokyo for Osaka. He left Tokyo to Host. Cén fáth a mbeidís ag iarraidh Tom a ghortú? Why would they want to harm Tom? Why would they want to hurt Tom? "Tá eagla orm nach bhfuil muid í Kansas a thuilleadh", a duirt Pól. I'm afraid we're not in Kansas anymore, said Paul. “I am afraid that we are no longer Kansas”, Paul said. Ni rud é a bhfuil fonn orm a dhéanamh. It isn't something I want to do. It is not what I want to do. Dúirt Mary gur chabhraigh Tom leí. Mary said that Tom helped her. Mary said that Tom helped her. Cén fhad a fhanfas siad? How long will they stay? How long will they remain? Tá sí ag sábháil airgid le dul thar lear. She is saving money to go abroad. She is saving money to go abroad. Ólaim uisce. I drink water. Drink water. Ghearr sé an úll ina dhá leath. He cut the apple in half. He cut the apple into two-halfs. Níl sí cosúil linn. She's not like us. She's not like us. Cad tá uait? What's up with you? What do you want? Níl an t-iasc san uisce. The fish is not in the water. The fish is not in the water. Is mian liom rud éigin a insint duit. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Ní fhaca mé a leithéid riamh. I never saw the like of it before. I never saw such a thing. Cosnóidh sí thú. She will protect you. She will protect you. Nílimid ag iarraidh drochphoiblíochta. We don't want any bad publicity. We don't want bad publicization. Sin é go díreach an rud atá mé ag iarraidh a chloisteáil. That's just what I want to hear. That's exactly what I'm trying to hear. D'fhéach Tomás agus Máire ar a chéile agus tháinig meangadh gáire orthu. Tom and Mary looked at each other and smiled. Thomas and Mary looked at each other and became a smile. Is scoil í sin. That is a school. This is a school. Bíonn cuma áthais uirthi i gcónaí, ach níl áthas uirthi ar chor ar bith. She is always looking happy, but she is not happy at all. She is always pleased, but she is not happy at all. Táimid ag scríobh. We're writing. We're writing. D'éirigh sé dorcha. It grew dark. He rose dark. Déanfaidh mé staidéar tar éis teacht abhaile dom. I'll study after I come home. I will study after coming home to me. Díol! Sell! Sell! Is é an gúna gorm a chaithfidh mé. I'll wear the blue dress. The blue dress I must wear is. Cad atá Saoirse ag déanamh? What is Saoirse doing? What is Freedom doing? Tar éis an dinnéir, crochaim liom ar an dtrá. After dinner, I take a walk on the beach. After dinner, I cramped on the beach. Folaíonn grá gráin. Love is blind. Love includes grain. Bhí stoirm ann. There was a storm. There was a storm. Is Sasanach mé. I'm English. I'm English. Is cat Thomáis é. This is Tom's cat. It is Thomas's Cat. Níl an bean go hálainn. The woman is not beautiful. The woman is not beautiful. Scríobh sí litir. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. Goidé mar a bhí an oíche? How was the night? Godia as was the night? An bhfuil grá agat dom? Do you love me? Do you love me? Tá sí ag dul go dtí an t-ospidéal. She's going to the hospital. She is going to the hospital. Gheofá bainne a bhaint as na ba. You could get milk from the cows. Need to remove milk from the cows. Cad atá sibh ag ithe? What are you eating? What are you eating? Gearrtar siar níos mó gach bliain. They cut back more every year. More is cut back every year. D'fhostaigh mé Tom. I hired Tom. I hired Tom. An ólann Tom caife? Does Tom drink coffee? The coffee Tom drink? Bhí mé i bPáras. I have been in Paris. I was Paris. Cé hé an chéad cheann? Who's first? Who is the first? An é Seán atá ag obair? Is it Seán that's working? Is Seán working? Is carr a cheannaigh mé i nDoire inné. It's a car that I bought in Derry yesterday. It is a car I bought in Derry yesterday. Tá mé ag ól bainne. I'm drinking milk. I'm drinking milk. Ithim, mar tá ocras orm. I eat because I'm hungry. I ate, because I am hungry. Ith torthaí! Eat fruits! Ith results! Sin iad na gasúir ar thug tú an leabhar dóibh. Those are the children you gave the book to. That's the stems you gave the book for them. Cuir na málaí ansiúd. Put the bags over there. Place the bags of the hem. Tá teach Tomás lán le bréagán. Tomás' house is full of toys. Thomas’s house is full of toy. Bhí foighne aige. He was patient. He had patience. Cén nuachtán ab fhearr leat? What newspaper would you prefer? What newspaper would you prefer? An bhfuil aon rud a ól sa chuisneoir? Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator? Is there anything to drink in the fridge? Ar inis tú le do mháthair? Have you told your mother? Did you tell your mother? Tharla timpiste. There was an accident. An accident occurred. Tá mé ag snámh san aigéan. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm floating in the ocean. Tá brón ort. You're sad. Sorry. Tá cat ag Millie. Millie has a cat. Millie has a cat. Ba mhaith liom ithe anois. I would like to eat now. I want to eat now. Éirigh as! Give up! Get off! Dar leis According to him According to Tá an t-ábhar seo an-phráinneach. This matter is very urgent. This content is very urgent. An bhfuil an spéir gorm? Tá. Is the sky blue? Yes. Is the sky blue? Yes. D'fhoghlaim tú go tapa. You learned quickly. You learned quickly. Níl a fhios agam rud ar bith. I don't know anything. I don't know anything. An é sin an chúis a bhfuil tú ag iarraidh mé a ghortú? Is that why you want to hurt me? Is that the reason why do you want me to hurt? Tá gairdín mór acu. They have a large garden. They have a large garden. Rachaidh sé go hÉire. He'll go to Ireland. He shall go to Ireland. An bhfuil Gaeilge agat? Do you speak Irish? Do you have Irish? Is péas mé. I'm a policeman. I'm a worm. Cén scannán a chonaic sibh? Which film did you see? What film did you see? Tá bonn óir ann. There is a gold coin. There is a gold base. Ní thaitníonn an bia a dhéanann Bríd léi. She doesn't like the food that Bríd makes. The food made by Bríd does not like her. An bhfuil tú ag éisteacht le ceol? Are you listening to music? Are you listening to music? Is féidir liom dul an tseachtain seo chugainn. I can go next week. I can go next week. Ní bheidh a fhios againn go dtí an bhliain seo chugainn. We won't know until next year. We will not know until next year. Amach leat! Go away! Out of the game! Tabhair dom d'ainm agus sloinne anois Give me your name and surname now Give me your name and your surname now Tá cat ann. There is a cat. A cat exists. Tá mé ag iarraidh an Béarla a fhoghlaim. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Tá an poll caol. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. Lá álainn is ea é. It's a beautiful day. It is a beautiful day. Tá mo dheartháir san Astráil anois. My brother is now in Australia. My brother in Australia is now. Cén fáth nach ndéanfaidh tú? Why don't you? Why don't you? Bí cúramach! Careful! Be careful! Léann sí. She reads. She reads. Fáilte romhaibh. Welcome. Welcome. Abair, le do thoil. Speak, please. Please ask. Ní cheannaím ach carranna buí. I only buy yellow cars. I only buy yellow cars. is leor é do thosaitheoirí ansin, go cinnte it's enough for beginners there, certainly it is enough for beginners then, certainly Go raibh míle maith agat! Thank you! Thank you! Tá mé i bPáras. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. An raibh tú i d'aonar? Were you alone? Was you alone? Tá an teach mór. The house is big. The house is large. Tá Tomás ag caitheamh tobac. Tom's smoking. Thomas is smoking. Tá mé ag léamh litir. I'm reading a letter. I'm reading a letter. Táim ag scríobh leabhar. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. Is maith liom ceoldráma. I like opera. I like opera. Tá brón orm, ní féidir liom a chabhróidh leat. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Sorry, I can't help you. An bhfaca tú m'uncail? Did you see my uncle? Did you see my uncle? Is bean mé. I'm a woman. I am a woman. Is é do leabhar. It's your book. It is your book. Is fear mé. I'm a man. I am a man. Tá mé fuar. I am cold. I'm cold. Tá mé buartha. I'm concerned. I'm worried. Táimid ag cócaireacht. We're cooking. We cook. An bhfuil tú seacht mbliana déag d'aois? Are you 17? Are you seventeen years old? Rinne na póilíní cinneadh ar é a ghabháil. The police decided to arrest him. The police decided to catch it. An bhfuiltear compordach? Níltear. Are people comfortable? No. Is comfortable? No. Bhí sé an-bheag. It was very small. It was very small. Tá mó dheirfiúr álainn. My sister is beautiful. The greatest sister is beautiful. Tá m'iníon ag tvuíteáil anois. My daughter is tweeting now. My daughter is now at tvathing. Tá spúnóg anseo. There is a spoon here. There is a spoon here. Is mian liom rud éigin a insint daoibh. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Carr is ea a cheannaigh mé. It's a car that I bought. I bought a car. Is féidir le aon leanbh sin a dhéanamh. Any child can do that. Any child can do that. Tá forc anseo. There is a fork here. There is a fork here. Chonaic sé seanchara an tseachtain seo caite nach bhfaca sé le blianta. Last week he saw an old friend whom he hadn't seen in years. He saw an old friend last week that he had not seen in years. Cá bhfuil oifig an phoist? Where is the post office? Where is the post office? Tá an fear a fheicim an-ard. The man I see is very tall. The man who sees me is very high. An ndéanfaidh tú an obair nach ndearna Seosamh? Will you do the work that Seosamh didn't do? Do you do the work that Joseph did not do? An mise do chara? Am I your friend? Am I your friend? Chuir mé go leor aistriúcháin. I added a lot of translations. I sent many translations. Tá páiste acu. They have a kid. They have a child. Níor gortaíodh aon duine eile. No one else was injured. No one else was injured. Thaitin sé go mór liom. I enjoy it a lot. He really liked me. Cén fáth a mbeadh Tom ag iarraidh Mary a ghortú? Why would Tom want to hurt Mary? Why would Tom want to hurt Mary? Gabh mo leithscéal! Excuse me! I'm sorry! Tá an tábla seo bán. This table is white. This table is white. Tá mé ag léamh an leabhair seo. I'm reading this book. I am reading this book. Tá a fhios agat go leor rudaí. You know many things. You know many things. Glanaimid ár rang tar éis scoile. We clean our classroom after school. We clean our class after school. Céard atá déanta agat? What have you done? What have you done? Nollaig Shona duit! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas for you! Ní fheicim aon rud. I don't see anything. I don't see anything. Codlaíonn smaointe glasa neamhdhaite go fíochmhar. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Uncolored green ideas sleep fiercely. Táim ag dul abhaile. I'm going home. I'm going home. Tá eagla ar airde orm. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of height. Ní úsáideann Hamisi bainne. Hamisi doesn't use milk. Hamisi does not use milk. Táim i ngrá leat. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. Tá mo scian géar. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Ní maith liom cathracha móra. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. Is féidir leat féin é inseacht do Tom. You can tell Tom yourself. You can tell yourself your Tom. Labhraítear Spáinnis ina lán tíortha. Spanish is spoken in many countries. Spanish is spoken in many countries. Is tusa ár ndóchas amháin. You are our only hope. You are our only hope. Is é Tuircis mo theanga dhúchais. My native language is Turkish. Turkish is my native language. Tá Aimee an-tuirseach i láthair na huaire. Aimee is very tired at the moment. Amee is currently very tired. Is mise Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Tá an rís agus ceapaire aige. He has the rice and a sandwich. He has the rice and a horse. Is páistí iad. They're children. They are children. Is é an buachaill sin a dheartháir. That boy is his brother. That boy is his brother. Tá aithne agam air. I know him. I know him. Cheannaigh mé carr i nDoire inné. I bought a car in Derry yesterday. I bought a car in Derry yesterday. Is teanga an domhain é an Béarla. English is the world's language. English is the language of the world. Rith Máire. Mary ran. Mary ran. Cacamas. Bullshit. Caccas. Cad a dhéanann sí sa samhradh? What does she do in the summer? What does she do in summer? Is féidearthacht é domhan eile. Another world is possible. Another world is potential. Cén náisiúntacht atá agat? What's your nationality? What nationality do you have? Níl Rúisis agam. I don't know Russian. I'm not Russian. Cé a chreidfidh seo? Who will believe this? Who believes this? Is tusa mo chara. You are my friend. You are my friend. An bhfaca tú m'uncail? Did you see my uncle? Did you see my uncle? Labhraím leat. I talk to you. I'll talk to you. Is inné a cheannaigh mé carr i nDoire. I bought a car in Derry yesterday. Yesterday I bought a car in Derry. Sin í an fhírinne. That's for sure. That is the truth. Go raibh maith agat. Thank you! Thank You. Táimid ag cur allais sa teas seo. We're sweating in this heat. We are taking a sweat in this heat. Chualamar torann. We heard a noise. We heard noise. Chuir an rud a dúirt Tom fearg ort, nár chuir? What Tom said made you angry, didn't it? The thing Tom said to you, didn't add? Rugadh Caitríona in 1985. Catherine was born in 1985. Caitríona was born in 1985. Imreofar cártaí anocht. There will be card-playing tonight. Cards to be played tonight. D'obair mé sa mhonarcha seo. I worked in this factory. I worked in this factory. Cé a dúirt é sin? Who said that? Who said that? Tá sé ceart go leor. It's alright! It's okay. Nílimid ag iarraidh trioblóide. We don't want to be any trouble. We don't want trouble. Tiomáin go cúramach. Drive safely. Drives carefully. An bhfuil tú ag bualadh le duine éigin anseo? Are you meeting someone here? Are you meeting with someone here? Tá an madra ag codladh sa charr. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog is sleeping in the car. Go soiléir! Clearly! Clearly! Triail arís. Try again. Retry. Is smaoineamh maith é sin. Táim ag dul sin a dhéanamh. That's a good idea. I'm going to do that. That is a good idea. I’m going to do so. Cé hiad na daoine a bhfaca mé leo í? Who are the people I saw her with? Who have I seen her? Tá dhá cheamara agam. I have two cameras. I have two cameras. An bhfuil tú bómánta? Are you stupid? Are you bombing? Go maith. Good. Good. Cad é? What? What is it? Is féidir leat teacht. You can come. You can come. An bhfuil aon duine anseo? Is anyone here? Is there anyone here? Is peann é seo. This is a pen. This is a pen. Cén bhean a bhfanann tú léi? Which woman do you stay with? What woman do you remain with her? Uaireanta cluinineann mé m'athair ag canadh san seomra folctha. I sometimes hear my father singing in the bathroom. Sometimes I hear my father singing in the bathroom. Ní mhian liom bhur n-aghaidheanna a fheiceáil. I don't want to see your faces. I don't want to see your faces. Tá trí cupán caife ólta agat. You've drunk three cups of coffee. You have three cup of drinking coffee. Cá bhfuil tú, a Chaitríona? Where are you, Caitríona? Where are you, Caitríona? Ní mian liom a bheith i mo chodladh. I don't want to sleep. I don't want to be asleep. Tá siad ag léamh leabhair. They're reading a book. They are reading books. Tá an fear ard. The man is tall. The man is high. Tá an t-ábhar seo an-tábhachtach. This matter is very important. This material is very important. Is cailín í. She's a girl. She is a girl. Tá an bus mall. The bus is slow. The bus is slow. Tá madra aigesean. He has a dog. He has a dog. Is banaltra mé. I am a nurse. I'm a nurse. Abair amach! Speak out! Say out! Mar murach tusa, ag Dia atá a fhios cén uair a gheobhaimis amach faoin mbotún sin a rinne iad. If it weren't for you, God knows when we'd find out about their mistake. As if you did not, God knows when we found out about that tubular they did. An bhfuil tú réidh don dinnéar? Are you ready for dinner? Are you ready for dinner? Cé atá ina chónaí sa teach sin? Who lives in this house? Who lives in that house? Déanann Cáit an bia is fearr liom. Cáit makes the food that I prefer. Cane makes me the best food. Tá an bord seo bán. This table is white. This board is white. Féachfaidh mé ar an teilifís. I'll watch television. I'll watch TV. Cá bhfuil an t-ospidéal? Where is the hospital? Where is the hospital? Is dearg an dath is fearr liom. My favorite color is red. The best color with me is red. Cad eile atá tú ag iarraidh mé a rá leat? What else do you want me to say? What else do you want me to say to you? Nílimid ag iarraidh Tom a scanrú ar shiúl. We don't want to scare Tom away. We don't want Tom to frighten away. Cé a ghoid mo chuid eochracha? Who stole my keys? Who beat my keys? An bhfuil airgead agat? Do you have money? Do you have money? Bhí Tomás ar buile. Tom was furious. Thomas was mad. Bí ciúin. Be quiet. Be quiet. Ní thugann sé aon tacaíocht di. He doesn't give her any support. It does not give her any support. Tá sin go hálainn. That's beautiful. That is beautiful. Ólann an fear uisce. The man drinks water. The man drinks water. Bhí mé ag an bpicitúrlann. I was at the cinema. I was at the lobby. Tá dhá chat agam. I have two cats. I have two battles. Tá Londan, príomhchathair Shasana, suite ar an Tamais. London, the capital of England, is on the Thames. London, the capital of England, is located on the Tamas. Cá raibh sé? Where was it? Where was it? An bhfaca tú m'aintín? Did you see my aunt? Did you see my girlfriend? Níl freagra agam. I don't have an answer. I don't answer. Tá seascair daoine i mo scoil. There are seven people in my school. There arose people in my school. Fáilte romhat. Welcome. Welcome. Is féidir go ndúirt an dochtúir é sin. The doctor might have said that. That can be said by the doctor. Táimid ag cócaireacht anois. We're cooking now. We're cooking now. Níl ach dhá inscne sa Ghaeilge. There are only two genders in Irish. There are only two genderes in the Irish language. Céard a ólfaidh tú? What'll you have to drink? What will you drink? Ní Cóiréach é Chen. Chen is not Korean. He's not found. Ba mhaith le mo thuismitheoirí mé a theacht abhaile. My parents want me to come home. My parents want me to come home. An í sin an bhean a bhfuil a fhios aici an freagra? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Tosaíonn scoil ag a hocht a chlog ar maidin. School begins at 8:10 a.m. A school starts at eight o'clock in the morning. Is liomsa é sin. That is mine. That is me. Tá sé ceart go leor. He's okay. It's okay. Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge go mall. I'm learning Irish slowly. I am learning Irish slowly. Táimid inár gcónaí i mBéal Feirste. We live in Belfast. We live in Belfast. Nach bhfuil sé sin go deas? Isn't that cool? Is not that that nice? T'eh cummal ayns Sostyn. He lives in England. He lives in Sostanna. Cha nel gunn echey. He doesn't have a gun. He's not fire. Ta'n ushtey glen. The water's clean. The water is clean. Cha nee bleb mee! I'm not an idiot! I don't lob it! Va laa aalin ayn jea. It was a beautiful day yesterday. There was an error displaying help.