¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta? May I ask you something? Can I ask you a question? Ell no ha jugat mai al golf. He has never played golf. He has never played golf. Ella bailaba. She danced. She danced. La ley no se aplica en este caso. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law does not apply in this case. Tal vez no debí haber hecho eso. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Ven, miremos por la ventana. Come, let's look out the window. Come, let's look out the window. La nena no va dir res. The girl didn't say anything. The girl said nothing. Soy un madrugador. I'm an early riser. I'm an early riser. Yanni se describió como pesimista. Yanni described himself as pessimistic. Yanni described himself as pessimistic. Tom no podía ver lo que hacía Mary. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. La mayor parte de la riqueza de Argelia procede del petróleo y del gas. The majority of Algeria's wealth is derived from oil and gas. Most of Algeria's wealth comes from oil and gas. No sé si le interesa, pero traduje su artículo al francés. I'm not sure if you're interested, but I translated your article into French. I don't know if you're interested, but I translated your article into French. ¿Cómo se pronuncia tu apellido? How do you pronounce your last name? How do you pronounce your last name? Fes-ho peti qui peti. Do it by all means. Let's do it who's asking. Hoy voy a hornear una tarta de melocotón. I'm going to bake a peach pie today. Today I'm going to bake a peach pie. Yo corro velozmente. I run quickly. I run fast. ¿Qué idiomas extranjeros estudias? What foreign languages are you studying? What foreign languages do you study? La predicción de Tom fue cierta. Tom's prediction was correct. Tom’s prediction was true. ¿Por qué no vamos de compras mañana? Why don't we go shopping tomorrow? Why don't we go shopping tomorrow? Por favor, avíseme cuando deje de oírlo. Please tell me when you cannot hear this anymore. Please let me know when you stop hearing it. La noia que toca el piano és ma germana. The girl that plays the piano is my sister. The girl who plays the piano is my sister. Por favor, trae la llave maestra. Please bring the master key. Please bring the master key. Que son anats en metrò. They went by subway. They are in Metro. Tenéis que ser más cuidadosos. You've got to be more careful. You have to be more careful. Me sentí un poco mal por Tom. I felt kind of sorry for Tom. I felt a little bad for Tom. Se li va denegar un tractament mèdic. He was refused medical treatment. He was denied medical treatment. Esa avenida culmina en una gran plaza. That avenue culminates in a great plaza. That avenue culminates in a large square. Todavía no ha parado de llover, ¿verdad? The rain hasn't stopped yet, has it? It hasn't stopped raining yet, has it? Qu'acabi d'encontrar lo ton pair. I met your father just now. I just found my partner. No es algo bueno. That's not a good thing. It's not a good thing. Me gusta trabajar aquí. I enjoy working here. I like working here. Colón va descobrir Amèrica. Columbus discovered America. Columbus discovered America. Deje el libro donde lo encontró. Put the book back where you found it. Leave the book where you found it. El collar me aprieta mucho el cuello. The collar is too tight round my throat. The collar tightens my neck a lot. Te enseñaré una mejor forma de hacerlo. I'll show you a better way to do that. I'll show you a better way to do it. Tiene un diario de sueños al lado de la cama para no olvidar los sueños que tiene y después analizarlos. He keeps a dream journal by his bedside so he doesn't forget the dreams he has and can analyze them afterwards. He keeps a dream journal by his bedside so he doesn’t forget the dreams he has and then analyzes them. Es más que probable que me despidan por hacerlo. I'm likely going to be fired for doing that. I'm more than likely to get fired for doing it. Tom no quiere el bocadillo que Mary le hizo. Tom didn't like the sandwich Mary made for him. Tom doesn't want the sandwich Mary made him. No sos tan rápido como dijiste. You aren't as fast as you said. You're not as fast as you said. Es un chico listo. He's a smart boy. He's a smart kid. Te daré el dinero mañana. I will give you the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. En verano, disfrutamos de deportes al aire libre. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. Te daré todo lo que mereces. I'll give you all that you deserve. I'll give you everything you deserve. La taza se partió en mil trozos. The mug shattered into a thousand pieces. The cup broke into a thousand pieces. Vaig anar a acampar amb la meva família. I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. Un bon ciutadan aubedís la lei. A good citizen obeys the laws. A good citizen obeys the law. No hay otra solución. There's no other solution. There is no other solution. Acordamos un precio pero luego querían 10 dólares más. We agreed on a price, but afterwards they wanted 10 dollars extra. We agreed on a price but then they wanted $10 more. Mira el plano: está al lado de la biblioteca. Look at the plan: it's next to the library. Look at the map: it is next to the library. Ella consiguió gratis el boleto. She got the ticket for free. She got the ticket for free. Tengo mucho dinero en mi cuenta de ahorro. I have a lot of money in my savings account. I have a lot of money in my savings account. Tom, lo digo en serio. Tom, I'm serious. Tom, I'm serious. El calendario, las horas, los siete salmos y la letanía están en casi todos los manuscritos. The calendar, the hours, the seven psalms, and the litany are in almost all the manuscripts. The calendar, the hours, the seven psalms, and the litany are in almost every manuscript. ¿Me vas a invitar a tu fiesta? Are you going to invite me to your party? Are you going to invite me to your party? ¿Te puedo hacer la prueba de la COVID-19? Can I test you for COVID-19? Can I test for COVID-19? ¿Sabes qué compró Tom? Do you know what Tom bought? You know what Tom bought? ¿Cuáles son los deportes más populares en tu país? What are the most popular sports in your country? What are the most popular sports in your country? Vam trucar a la porta durant cinc minuts, però va ser en va. We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain. We knocked on the door for five minutes, but it was in vain. El perro es de Tom. The dog is Tom's. The dog is Tom's. Tuve una reacción similar. I had a similar reaction. I had a similar reaction. Intercambiamos números de teléfono. We exchanged phone numbers. We exchanged phone numbers. Está claro que él es rico. It is clear that he is rich. It's clear he's rich. Me quedé dormido en cuanto puse la cabeza en la almohada. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I fell asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow. Tom es el único canadiense que conozco. Tom is the only Canadian I know. Tom is the only Canadian I know. Le enseñé a Tomás a nadar. I taught Tom how to swim. I taught Tom to swim. No, gracias. Estoy embarazada. No thank you, I'm pregnant. No, thank you, I'm pregnant. ¿Qué ocurre cuando morimos? What happens when we die? What happens when we die? Solía haber un pequeño puente sobre el río hace 10 años. There used to be a small bridge over the river 10 years ago. There used to be a small bridge over the river 10 years ago. Necesito su ayuda. I need his help. I need your help. ¿Nunca estarás contento? Are you never content? You'll never be happy? Tanto Tom como yo fuimos miembros de ese club. Both Tom and I were members of that club. Both Tom and I were members of that club. ¡No te pongas de espaldas! Te podrías caer . Don't turn your back ! you could fall. Don't turn your back on me! Tom recogió el cuchillo y vio que había sangre en él. Tom picked up the knife and saw blood on it. Tom picked up the knife and saw that there was blood on it. En Italia, cada pueblo celebra una fiesta una vez al año. In Italy, each village holds a festival once a year. In Italy, every village holds a party once a year. A Tom lo tiene sin cuidado lo que se piensa de él. Tom doesn't care what people think about him. Tom doesn't care what you think of him. Este perro es grande. This dog is big. This dog is big. Él vivió y murió en el anonimato. He lived and died in obscurity. He lived and died in anonymity. Què diu ell? What does he say? What does he say? ¿Qué alimentos ayudan a reducir el apetito? What natural foods help curb the appetite? What foods help reduce appetite? No toquis les meves coses! Don't touch my stuff! Don't touch my stuff! Se enamoró de su mejor amigo. She fell in love with her best friend. He fell in love with his best friend. Para que sepan, solo somos amigos. For the record, we're just friends. Just so you know, we're just friends. Comed, porque estáis hambrientos. Eat, for you are hungry. Eat, because you are hungry. No siempre puedo entender a los australianos cuando hablan en inglés entre ellos. I can't always understand Australians when they speak English to each other. I can’t always understand Australians when they speak English to each other. Ella lo ahorcó. She choked him. She hanged him. Em baixo del tren a la pròxima estació. I'm getting off the train at the next station. I get off the train at the next station. El río que atraviesa Londres es el Támesis. The river that flows through London is the Thames. The river that runs through London is the Thames. Estoy usando un reloj caro. I am wearing an expensive watch. I'm wearing an expensive watch. Ese es el tren más rápido del mundo. It's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. ¿Come en el aula? Do you eat in the classroom? Do you eat in the classroom? En uno de los encuentros más famosos de la historia del ajedrez, Robert James Fischer derrotó a Mark Taimanov por el sensacional marcador de 6-0 en Vancouver (1971). In one of the most famous matches in chess history, Robert James Fischer defeated Mark Taimanov by the sensational score of 6-0 in Vancouver (1971). In one of the most famous matches in chess history, Robert James Fischer defeated Mark Taimanov for the sensational 6-0 score in Vancouver (1971). Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès. It is six years since I started to study English. I started learning English six years ago. ¿Quieres ver tu pieza? Do you want to see your room? Want to see your piece? Vingui quan vulgui. Come whenever you like. Come when you want. Ella és forta. She is strong. She is strong. ¿Quiere hacerse la prueba del SIDA? Would you like to be tested for HIV? Want to get tested for AIDS? Con lo poco que conocemos de sus orígenes, podemos estar seguros al menos de que ella pilotea un Evangelion. Little as we know about her origins, we can at least be sure that she is a pilot of Evangelion. With what little we know of her origins, we can at least be sure that she pilots an Evangelion. No va a llover esta tarde. Al menos, espero que no. It's not going to rain this afternoon. At least, I hope it doesn't. It's not gonna rain this afternoon, at least, I hope not. Gracias por hacer la cena. Thanks for making dinner. Thanks for making dinner. Si quieres un lápiz, te prestaré uno. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. ¿Cree usted que el camino es bastante ancho para automóviles? Do you think the road is wide enough for cars? Do you think the road is wide enough for cars? ¿Desde cuándo es eso un delito? Since when is that a crime? Since when is that a crime? Yo no, ¿y tú? Not me. And you? I don't, do you? Todo lo que podemos hacer en este momento es rezar por ellos. All I can do at this point is pray for them. All we can do right now is pray for them. Aqueth iogort qu'a un gost estranh. This yogurt tastes strange. This cat is a strange dog. La constante matemática Pi a 5 decimales es "3.14159". The mathematical constant Pi to 5 decimal places is "3.14159." The mathematical constant Pi at 5 decimal places is "3.14159". Tom también habla francés. Tom can speak French as well. Tom also speaks French. Es solo un farmacéutico. He's only a pharmacist. He's just a pharmacist. Los italianos esperaban que la copa regresara a Roma después de 53 años. Italians were hoping the cup would return to Rome after 53 years. The Italians expected the cup to return to Rome after 53 years. I vesi pas ren de mau. I see nothing wrong with it. And don't worry about it. Los conservadores están más obsesionados con los famosos que la mayoría de la gente. Cuando un famoso tiene una opinión, raramente nos enteramos antes de que los conservadores empiecen a quejarse de ella. Conservatives are more celebrity-obsessed than most people. When a celebrity has an opinion, we rarely hear about it until conservatives start complaining about it. Conservatives are more obsessed with celebrities than most people. When a celebrity has an opinion, we rarely find out before conservatives start complaining about it. Tom ha entrado en shock. Tom is in shock. Tom was in shock. Lo pair qu'ei encuentat a bastir ua murralha. Father is busy putting up a wall. The pair that you've been looking for is a murralha. Él le teme a los perros. He is afraid of dogs. He is afraid of dogs. ¿Ha tenido algún problema con su próstata? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Él dejó de trabajar para poder estudiar. He stopped working so he could study. He stopped working so he could study. Compré este libro por 300 yenes. I bought this book for 300 yen. I bought this book for 300 yen. No agraves el problema. Don't exacerbate the problem. Don't aggravate the problem. Dicen que este pueblo está lleno de estafadores. They say this town is full of cozenage. They say this town is full of scammers. Homes rics solen casar-se amb joves dones trofeu. Wealthy older men often marry younger trophy wives. Rich men often marry young women trophies. Dios es infalible. God doesn't make mistakes. God is infallible. ¿No se aburren cuando están solas? Don't you get bored when you're alone? Don't they get bored when they're alone? Ella volvió del hospital. She returned from the hospital. She came back from the hospital. La meva àvia cuina molt bé. My grandmother can cook very well. My grandmother cooks very well. Has de deixar de fumar. You must quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. Mi vida parece un examen para el que no he estudiado. My life is like a test that I haven't studied for. My life seems like an exam I haven't studied for. Coge cualquiera de las manzanas. Take either of the apples. Take any of the apples. Tom e generoso e gentil. Tom is generous and kind. Tom and generous and gentle. El zelandés es una lengua regional. Zeelandic is a regional language. Finnish is a regional language. Estaré en casa de Tom. I'll be at Tom's. I'll be at Tom's. Que soi embarassada. I'm pregnant. How pregnant I am. Nunca volveré a comprar uno de estos. I'll never buy one of these again. I will never buy one of these again. «¿Adónde va la mujer?» «A la guardería a recoger a su hija.» "Where is the woman going?" "She is going to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter." “Where is the woman going?” “To the nursery to pick up her daughter.” Tom tiene que dejar de molestar a Mary. Tom needs to stop bothering Mary. Tom has to stop bothering Mary. Yanni no quiere a Skura aquí dentro. Yanni doesn't want Skura in here. Yanni doesn't want Skura in here. Quiero un libro en sueco. I want a book in Swedish. I want a book in Swedish. Fue un beso muy romántico. It was a very romantic kiss. It was a very romantic kiss. Pensé que Tom murió el año pasado en Boston. I thought Tom died last year in Boston. I thought Tom died last year in Boston. Lo siento, no pude hacerlo. Me surgió algo. Sorry I couldn't make it. Something came up. I'm sorry, I couldn't do it. Sóc Tom. I'm Tom. It's Tom. Todos nuestros esfuerzos terminaron en fracaso. All our effort ended in failure. All our efforts ended in failure. No estoy seguro de si esto me hace sentir bien o mal. I'm not sure if this makes me feel good or bad. I'm not sure if this makes me feel good or bad. Hay demasiados anuncios publicitarios en YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. Para él, cada día es una fiesta. For him, everyday is a party. For him, every day is a party. Estudian la Biblia. They're studying the Bible. They study the Bible. ¿Puede borrar mi cuenta? Can you delete my account? Can you delete my account? Soy intersexual. I'm intersex. I'm intersex. Esta región produce fruta y verdura, aunque también frutos secos. This region produces fruit and vegetables, but also nuts. This region produces fruit and vegetables, but also nuts. Yanni y Skura nunca cruzarían esa línea. Yanni and Skura would never cross that line. Yanni and Skura would never cross that line. Él necesita gafas. He needs glasses. He needs glasses. De repente la rata lloró pensando que era un perro. The rat who thought himself a dog, suddenly cried. Suddenly the rat cried thinking it was a dog. Cuando era pequeño, me encantaban las paletas. I loved lollipops when I was little. When I was little, I loved popsicles. Bienvenido a la página del Proyecto Tatoeba. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project page. Huelo algo que apesta. I smell something awful. I smell something that stinks. Es más práctico, pero aburrido. It's more practical, but boring. It's more practical, but boring. Él tuvo un accidente. He had an accident. He had an accident. Te veo la semana que viene. See you next week. See you next week. Él se ocultó en un barril. He hid in a barrel. He hid in a barrel. A ella l'entenc però, per l'altra banda, crec que no té raó. I understand her, but on the other hand I don't think she's right. I understand her, but on the other hand, I don't think she's right. Justo a tiempo. Nice timing. Just in time. Bu Xiangzhi es uno de los Grandes Maestros chinos más talentosos. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grand Masters. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grandmasters. Realmente no te entiendo. I really don't get you. I really don't understand you. Él tiene una polla gigante. He has a huge cock. He's got a giant dick. Decía que le habían engañado. She was saying they had tricked her. He said he had been cheated. Él tiene la ambición de crearse un nombre como escritor. He has an ambition to make a name for himself as a writer. He has the ambition to make a name for himself as a writer. El sòl sembla mullat. The ground seems wet. The floor looks wet. No, no ho faré. No, I won't do that. No, I won't. El aire del mar es puro y sano. The air by the sea is pure and healthy. The sea air is pure and healthy. Ese no es tu libro. That's not your book. That's not your book. Aparentemente ella había sido rica. She appears to have been rich. Apparently she had been rich. Él escupió. He spat. He spat. ¿Hasta cuando debes seguir regañándonos? Until when shall you tell us off? How long do you have to keep scolding us? Si yo fuera usted, no lo haría. If I were you, I wouldn't do it. If I were you, I wouldn't. Cuanto antes mejor. The sooner, the better. The sooner the better. El partido acabó entre silbidos e insultos. The match ended up with whistling and insults. The match ended with whistles and insults. La mangiscla n'ei pas hèra bona aquí. The food isn't very good here. Mangers are not good here. Me gusta aquella corbata. I like that tie. I like that tie. Tom dice que quiere casarse cuanto antes. Tom says he wants to get married right away. Tom says he wants to get married as soon as possible. El policía lleva puesta una máscara de gas. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. ¿Crees que hay alguna posibilidad de que Tom tenga razón? Do you think there's a chance Tom is actually right? Do you think there's any chance Tom's right? ¿Sabes si acaso vendrá a la fiesta? Do you know if he's coming to the party? Do you know if he's coming to the party? No puedo creer que le dijeras idiota a Tom. I can't believe you called Tom an idiot. I can't believe you called Tom an idiot. El primer ministre Koizumi va dir, "Hi ha gent que diu aixó, perque és inconstitucional, jo no hauria de pregar al temple Yasukuni. Prime Minister Koizumi said, "There are people who say that, because it's unconstitutional, I should not pray at the Yasukuni Shrine". Prime Minister Koizumi said, "There are people who say this, because it is unconstitutional, I should not pray at the Yasukuni temple. ¿Has dejado la ventana abierta? Did you leave the window open? Did you leave the window open? La tierra cedió bajo sus pies. The earth gave out under his feet. The earth gave way under his feet. Trabajaréis en la playa. You'll work on the beach. You'll work on the beach. ¿Puedes transmitir en inglés lo que quieres decir? Can you communicate in English what you want to say? Can you convey in English what you want to say? Yanni no está aquí. Yanni is not here. Yanni's not here. Lo llamaré. I'll call him. I'll call him. Esto es un gato. This is a cat. This is a cat. Estuviste ahí. You've been there. You were there. Esperamos que eso ocurra. We hope that happens. We hope that happens. Iré a la tienda y compraré una naranja. I will go to the store and buy an orange. I'll go to the store and buy an orange. Me voy ya, ¿quieres que te traiga algo? I'm going now. Do you want me to bring you something? I'm leaving now, do you want me to bring you something? Ciertamente, parece que ese es el caso. That does certainly seem to be the case. Certainly, that seems to be the case. Pensamos que es muy peligroso que usted escale la montaña solo. We think it is very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone. We think it's very dangerous for you to climb the mountain alone. ¿Quién gobernó Piedmont? Who ruled Piedmont? Who ruled Piedmont? A Emet no le agrada esa mujer. Emet dislikes that woman. Emet doesn't like that woman. A mi reloj se le ha caído una aguja. One of the hands has fallen off my watch. My watch has dropped a needle. Haz de la naturaleza tu maestra. Let Nature be your teacher. Make nature your teacher. A él le gusta viajar solo. He likes to travel alone. He likes to travel alone. Me gustaría darte un consejo. I would like to give you a piece of advice. I'd like to give you some advice. Esperemos y veamos. Let us wait and see. Let's wait and see. Tom trató de levantarse, pero no pudo. Tom tried to stand up, but couldn't. Tom tried to get up, but he couldn't. De qué vòs díser ? What do you mean? What do you want to say? No sabes francés, ¿verdad? You don't know French, do you? You don't know French, do you? Ella quiere un sombrero nuevo. She wants a new hat. She wants a new hat. General Motors despidió a 76.000 trabajadores. General Motors laid off 76,000 workers. General Motors laid off 76,000 workers. La marihuana es ahora legal en el estado de Nueva York. Marijuana is now legal in New York State. Marijuana is now legal in New York State. Yanni no acepta la crítica. Yanni doesn't accept criticism. Yanni does not accept criticism. Por favor, dadme algo de comer. Please give me something to eat. Please give me something to eat. Va a ser así. It's going to be like that. It's gonna be like that. ¿Cuándo ocurrió? When did it happen? When did it happen? El único objetivo de ella en la vida era hacerse rica. Her only purpose in life was to get rich. Her only goal in life was to become rich. Ella es dutxa. She showers. She's showering. No deberías apresurarte al tomar decisiones. A veces, es útil sentarse y reflexionar. You shouldn't be so hasty in making decisions. Sometimes it's helpful to sit back and reflect. You shouldn’t rush into making decisions. Sometimes, it’s helpful to sit back and reflect. Los científicos están debatiendo su teoría acerca de la desaparición de los dinosaurios. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists are debating his theory about the demise of the dinosaurs. Me gusta jugar al golf. I like to play golf. I like to play golf. Cuando el marco está terminado, la araña fija líneas de seda a través del mismo, como los radios de la rueda de una bicicleta. When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. When the frame is finished, the spider fastens silk lines through it, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Estoy babeando como un perro. I am drooling like a dog. I'm drooling like a dog. Tom les contó. Tom told them. Tom told them. La vida es un juego de ajedrez. Life is a game of chess. Life is a game of chess. ¿Qué rayos es esto? What in the world is this? What the hell is this? No puedo estudiar más; estoy demasiado cansada. I can't study anymore. I'm way too tired. I can't study anymore; I'm too tired. Accidentalmente vertí la leche. I accidentally spilled the milk. I accidentally poured the milk. Aqueth vin qu'ei saborós. This wine tastes good. This wine is delicious. Ella testificó contra él. She testified against him. She testified against him. Esto pasaba cada otoño. This was happening every autumn. This happened every autumn. ¿Qué harías si estuvieras en mi lugar? If you were in my shoes, what would you do? What would you do if you were in my place? Abandonó su antigua carrera para convertirse en un jugador de ajedrez a tiempo completo. He gave up his old career to become a full-time chess player. He abandoned his former career to become a full-time chess player. Aquest és el teu gos. This is your dog. This is your dog. He estat esperant que arribi aquest dia. I've been waiting for this day to come. I’ve been waiting for this day to come. Sé que no puedes verlo. I know you can't see him. I know you can't see it. La historia transcurre en Lisboa. The story takes place in Lisbon. The story takes place in Lisbon. És una dona que mereix admiració. She is a woman worthy of admiration. She is a woman who deserves admiration. ¡Hora de tomar un baño! Time to take a bath! Time to take a bath! El tiempo pasa, y las cosas cambian. Time passes, and things change. Time passes, and things change. Llegué tarde a la escuela. I was late to school. I was late for school. El Tom li hauria de dir a la Mary que no oblidi regar les flors. Tom should tell Mary not to forget to water the flowers. Tom should tell Mary not to forget to water the flowers. Él devolvió el libro a la estantería. He replaced the book on the shelf. He put the book back on the shelf. Idees verdes incolores dormen furiosament. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Estoy más contento ahora de lo que lo estaba entonces. I'm more content now than I was then. I'm happier now than I was then. El presidente de Francia visitará Japón el mes que viene. The President of France will visit Japan next month. The French president will visit Japan next month. ¿Tienes algo de tiempo libre? Have you got any free time? Do you have any free time? Hawái es llamada a menudo "la perla del pacífico". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." Hawaii is often called "the pearl of the Pacific." Debo venderlo por menos de lo que cuesta, para limitar pérdidas. I have to sell it for less than it costs to minimize losses. I have to sell it for less than it costs, to limit losses. ¿Por qué se hunde la ciudad de México? Why is Mexico City sinking? Why is Mexico City sinking? Deja eso en tu coche. Just leave that in your car. Leave that in your car. No quiero que Tom se lastime. I don't want Tom to get hurt. I don't want Tom to get hurt. Deja que se cuiden solos. Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. El chico logra memorizar todo lo que lee. The boy is able to memorize everything he reads. The boy memorizes everything he reads. En algunos aspectos este plan es bueno. This plan is good in some ways. In some ways this plan is good. ¿Hay algo que prohíba hacerlo? Is there something stopping it from getting done? Is there anything that forbids doing it? Ens sap greu la molèstia causada. We are sorry for the inconvenience. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. Usted sabe lo que quiero, ¿no? You know what I want, don't you? You know what I want, don't you? Que caminava de cap a la mar. He was walking toward the sea. He walked to the sea. Qu'am viatjat de pè. We traveled on foot. I've been on a journey of pee. No confíes en ella. Don't trust her. Don't trust her. ¿También tengo que ir yo? Do I have to go, too? Do I have to go too? Aqueste hèit que'ns muisha qu'ei inocent. This fact shows us that he is innocent. This is what makes me so innocent. Ella se rodea de gente que piensa como ella. She surrounds herself with people that think like her. She surrounds herself with people who think like her. ¿Cuánto puedes entender de lo que he escrito aquí? How much of what I've written here do you understand? How much can you understand from what I have written here? Esteu d'acord amb Tom, veritat? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, right? Vaya Wow. Whoa. ¿Usted ayudó? Did you help? Did you help? Tom no se quitó su reloj. Tom didn't take off his watch. Tom didn't take off his watch. Pásenla bien. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Los primeros minutos después de un ataque al corazón son muy importantes. The first minutes after a heart attack are very important. The first few minutes after a heart attack are very important. "Cariño, ven rápido. ¡Hay una página web llamada Tatoeba que está vendiendo su colección de oraciones a un céntimo cada una! ¡Incluso tienen una oferta especial del tipo de compre cien oraciones y reciba una gratis!" "¡Oh, genial! ¡¿Ahora la gente colecciona las oraciones como pasatiempo?! ¡Adónde estamos llegando!" "Honey, quick, quick. There's this website called Tatoeba that's auctioning its sentence collection for a cent each! They've even got special offers like buy 100 sentences and get 1 free!" "Ah great! now people collect sentences as a hobby?! What's the world coming to!" "Honey, come quick. There's a website called Tatoeba that's selling their prayer collection for a penny each! They even have a special offer of the buy a hundred prayers type and get a free one!" "Oh, great! Now people collect prayers as a hobby?! Where are we getting to!" Sóc feliç amb la meva xicota. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Tenemos tres nietos. We have three grandsons. We have three grandchildren. El loro de Tom dice groserías en francés. Tom's parrot swears in French. Tom's parrot says profanity in French. La tienda se traspasó a finales del verano pasado. The store changed hands at the end of last summer. The store moved in late last summer. Él es mejor que yo para las matemáticas. He is better than me at math. He's better than me at math. ¿Y tu hijo conduce? And does your son drive? And your son drives? Són els meus llibres. They're my books. These are my books. Me gustan las cacatúas. I love cockatiels. I like cockatoos. Voy a encender el calefactor porque hace mucho frío. I'm going to turn on the heater because it's very cold. I'm going to turn on the heater because it's so cold. Pasaba horas estudiando francés. He used to spend hours studying French. I spent hours studying French. Si me enseñas japonés, yo te enseño español. I'll teach you Spanish if you teach me Japanese. If you teach me Japanese, I will teach you Spanish. Tom puede hablar francés casi tan bien como puede hablar español. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Eso depende de usted. That depends on you. That's up to you. Ella està en el llit amb un refredat. She is in bed with a cold. She's in bed with a cold. No camine sobre el pasto, por favor. Please don't walk on the grass. Don't walk on the grass, please. "Frénalo". "Rein it in." "Fry it." Me gustaría esa cerveza, por favor. I'd like that beer, please. I'd like that beer, please. Buenas noches, Tatoeba. Good night, Tatoeba. Good night, Tatoeba. Miramos a ese niño. We looked at that boy. We're looking at that kid. La verdad es traición en el imperio de la mentira. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. Truth is betrayal in the empire of lies. Tratá de mirar hacia delante. Try to look ahead. Try to look ahead. ¡Espero que tu día haya sido grandioso! I hope your day was great! I hope your day has been great! Tom sabe que fui yo. Tom knows it was me. Tom knows it was me. Me estoy cansando de tus mentiras. I'm getting tired of your lies. I'm getting tired of your lies. Necesitamos una herramienta con que abrirla. We need a tool to open it with. We need a tool to open it. - De acuerdo -dijo el hombre-, no me creo esto, pero no hay nada de malo en desear. Deseo saber quién soy. "All right," said the man, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am." "Okay," said the man, "I don't believe this, but there's nothing wrong with wishing. I want to know who I am." ¿Cómo se dice "Perdón" en francés? How do you say "I'm sorry" in French? How do you say "sorry" in French? Mary parecía desorientada. Mary looked like she was baffled. Mary looked disoriented. Sabes dónde encontrarme. You know where to find me. You know where to find me. Matar gente mientras rezan es la cosa más innoble imaginable. Killing people while they pray is the most ignoble thing imaginable. Killing people while they pray is the most ignoble thing imaginable. Cuando el marido de Mary murió, ella tuvo ganas de suicidarse. When Mary's husband died, she felt like killing herself. When Mary's husband died, she felt like killing herself. Ve allí conmigo. Go there with me. Go there with me. A ella le gusta salir a caminar sola. She likes to go walking by herself. She likes to walk alone. De qué i a acerà ? What is over there? What is it going to be about? Pensaba que él era una persona extraña, pero... I thought he was a strange person but... I thought he was a strange person, but... Soy extremadamente alérgico a los cacahuetes. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. I am extremely allergic to peanuts. No aguanto más estar aquí. I can't take being here anymore. I can't take it anymore to be here. La colina estaba cubierta de nieve. The hill used to be covered in snow. The hill was covered with snow. Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement. My dad died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Esta chaqueta tiene botones. This jacket has buttons. This jacket has buttons. El metge de la Mary li va aconsellar que fes exercici. Mary's doctor advised her to exercise. Mary's doctor advised her to exercise. A ver. Son como unas dos horas en bus. Let me see. It takes about two hours by bus. It's like a two-hour bus ride. Esta mañana he visto a Bob. I saw Bob this morning. I saw Bob this morning. Ella habla demasiado. She talks a lot. She talks too much. Yanni siempre es comprensivo. Yanni is always understanding. Yanni is always understanding. Simplemente no es justo. It's just not fair. It's just not fair. Me gustaría vivir cerca de la playa. I'd like to live near the beach. I would like to live near the beach. Penses quedar-te molt de temps a Berlin? Are you planning on staying long in Berlin? Are you planning to stay in Berlin for a long time? ¿Hablas chino? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? El promedio de 7,10 y 16 es 11. The average of 7, 10, and 16 is 11. The average of 7.10 and 16 is 11. Alguien borró mi comentario. Someone deleted my comment. Someone deleted my comment. Deberíamos ofrecerles ayuda. We should offer them assistance. We should offer them help. Su técnica era la mejor. His technique was the best. His technique was the best. El partit de beisbol va ser cancel·lat a causa de la pluja The baseball game was called off due to rain. Baseball game cancelled due to rain No tengo más tiempo para hablar con vos. I have no more time to talk with you. I don't have any more time to talk to you. ¿Por qué no nos reunimos delante de la biblioteca? Why don't we meet in front of the library? Why don't we meet in front of the library? ¡No esperes! Don't wait. Don't wait! ¿Has sentido recientemente palpitaciones o has notado que tu corazón se aceleraba? Have you recently experienced palpitations or felt like your heart was racing? Have you recently felt palpitations or noticed your heart racing? El águila se lanzó sobre su presa. The eagle dived at its prey. The eagle swooped down on its prey. Hay varios tipos de dulces en ese cuenco. There are various kinds of candy in that bowl. There are several types of sweets in that bowl. Yo solo tenía diez años cuando ocurrió el gran terremoto. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. I was only 10 years old when the earthquake struck. Disfrutamos nuestros viajes por Europa. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. Tom y María no parecían entender lo que John quería que hicieran. Tom and Mary didn't seem to understand what John wanted them to do. Tom and Maria didn’t seem to understand what John wanted them to do. Es justo lo opuesto. It's just the opposite. It's just the opposite. Mi tío se fue a México en 1983, y nunca regresó. My uncle went to Mexico in 1983, and he never came back. My uncle left for Mexico in 1983, and never came back. No vayáis a la jungla solos. Don't go into the jungle alone. Don't go to the jungle alone. ¡Pero aguarda! Aún hay más. But wait! There's more. But wait! There's more. Tom está en la cama enfermo. Tom is sick in bed. Tom's in sick bed. Apenas puedo oír sin mi audífono. I can barely hear without my earphone. I can barely hear without my hearing aid. Tom es difícil de aplacar. Tom is hard to placate. Tom's hard to placate. Una alondra está cantando. A lark is singing. A lark is singing. Tom no existe, y Mary tampoco es real. Tom doesn't exist, and Mary isn't real either. Tom doesn't exist, and Mary isn't real either. Comimos un pastel que sabía a gloria. We ate a very delicious pie. We ate a cake that tasted like glory. Lo Tòm es vergonhós de çò qu'a hèit. Tom is embarrassed by what he did. I am ashamed of what I have done. Yanni se quejaba de su esposa. Yanni complained about his wife. Yanni complained about his wife. ¿Dónde compraste ese sombrero que llevabas puesto ayer? Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? Ponte la mascarilla. Put on your mask. Put the mask on. Este es un excelente comienzo. This is an excellent start. This is an excellent start. Las máquinas de Carnot funcionan de acuerdo a ciclos de compresión y expansión. Carnot machines work according to cycles of compression and expansion. Carnot machines operate according to compression and expansion cycles. ¿Por qué sigue pasándome esto? Why does this keep happening to me? Why does this keep happening to me? De cap a on anàvan ? Which direction were they heading in? Where are they going? Sóc molt lent a l'hora de prendre decisions. I'm very slow at making up my mind. I am very slow in making decisions. ¿Cuánto tiempo has estado estreñido? How long have you felt constipated? How long have you been constipated? Se ha puesto el sol. The sun has gone down. The sun has set. Tom dice que la ayuda está en camino. Tom says that help is on the way. Tom says help is on the way. ¿Qué clase de comida te gusta comer? What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you like to eat? Bill y yo somos buenos amigos. I am good friends with Bill. Bill and I are good friends. Tom es polígloto. Tom's a polyglot. Tom is polyglot. Pon agua a hervir, vamos a hacer té. Boil some water. We're going to make some tea. Bring water to a boil, let's make tea. Tom quiere que nos divirtamos. Tom wants us to enjoy ourselves. Tom wants us to have fun. Abajo. Get down. Down. Compare los medios de comunicación unidireccionales como la radio o la televisión con los medios bidireccionales como la correspondencia o Internet. Compare unidirectional mass media such as radio and television with bidirectional ones such as correspondence and the Internet. Compare one-way media such as radio or television with two-way media such as correspondence or the Internet. No juegues tu cuello por algo tan absurdo. Don't risk your neck over something foolish. Don't play your neck for something so absurd. Relájate por un segundo. Relax for a second. Relax for a second. No me los puedo sacar de la cabeza. I can't get them out of my mind. I can't get them out of my head. ¿Queréis ir a la piscina conmigo mañana? Do you want to go to the swimming pool with me tomorrow? You want to go to the pool with me tomorrow? He descubierto que es muy típico de él llegar muy tarde. I find that it's typical for him to come too late. I've found it's very typical of him to be very late. No puedo soportar más su comportamiento. I can't stand his behavior anymore. I can't stand his behavior any longer. Qu'a decidit de deishar de fumar. He decided to quit smoking. I decided to quit smoking. No quiero sacar conclusiones precipitadas. I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I don't want to jump to conclusions. Me gustaría escribir cientos de frases en Tatoeba, pero tengo otras cosas que hacer. I'd like to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. I would like to write hundreds of sentences in Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. Vosotras enseñáis. You teach. You teach. Se han vuelto locos. They've gone crazy. They've gone crazy. Hay que cortar el pasto. The grass needs cutting. We need to cut the grass. ¿Qué harías tú en mi lugar? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Quiero a esa chica como si fuera mi hermana y haré lo posible para evitar entristecerla. That girl is like a sister to me and I'll do anything I can to keep her from being sad. I love that girl like she's my sister and I'll do my best to avoid making her sad. He terminado. I'm done. I'm done. ¿Necesito frenillos? Do I need braces? Do I need braces? Ella misma le dio algo para comer. She herself gave him something to eat. She gave him something to eat. ¿Quiere usted tocarlo? Do you want to play it? Do you want to touch it? En la región de Borgoña, en el este de Francia, se puede oír el sonido de los aspersores, uno de los diferentes métodos que los desesperados viticultores están usando para salvar sus viñas. The sound of sprinklers can be heard in France’s eastern Burgundy region — one of several methods desperate wine growers are using to save their vines. In the Burgundy region of eastern France, you can hear the sound of sprinklers, one of the different methods desperate winegrowers are using to save their vines. Estoy apurado. I'm in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. En tom és un ximplet. Tom is a silly man. Tom is a fool. Tenemos que echar una mano. We must help. We need to lend a hand. Pégame. Me lo merezco. Hit me. I deserve it. I deserve it. ¿Esto es ucraniano? Is that Ukrainian? Is this Ukrainian? La totalidad es más que la suma de sus partes. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. A él le falta motivación. He lacks motivation. He lacks motivation. No soy fotogénico. I'm not photogenic. I'm not photogenic. El libro es vuestro. The book's yours. The book is yours. El que va dir en quan a Anglaterra és veritat. What he said about England is true. What he said in England is true. ¿Puede abrir la ventana? Could you open the window? Can you open the window? Aunque suene extraño, anoche tuve el mismo sueño dos veces. Strange to say, I dreamed the same dream twice last night. Although it sounds strange, last night I had the same dream twice. La seva arrogància ja no és tolerable. His arrogance is no longer tolerable. His arrogance is no longer tolerable. Tom odia a las niñas. Tom hates girls. Tom hates girls. No entiendo la manera en la que piensa Tom. I don't understand the way that Tom thinks. I don't understand the way Tom thinks. Yanni vio al autoestopista. Yanni saw the hitchhiker. Yanni saw the hitchhiker. Yo averiguaré finalmente. I'll find out eventually. I'll finally find out. ¿Necesitas el carro? Do you need the car? Do you need the car? ¡Cuidado! ¡Tom tiene una pistola! Watch out! Tom has a gun. Tom's got a gun! Pedro no tuvo la intención de romper el jarrón. Peter didn't intend to break the vase. Peter did not intend to break the vase. Es hora de aprender alemán. It's time to learn German. It’s time to learn German. Por favor, recapitulad los puntos más importantes. Please recap the most important points. Please recap the most important points. A los niños les gusta la nieve. Kids like snow. Kids like snow. El teléfono sonó, pero nadie contestó. The phone rang, but nobody answered it. The phone rang, but no one answered. Tenía frío. I felt cold. I was cold. Ella sabe coser muy bien. She can sew very well. She can sew very well. Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal. I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi. I suspect this is an illegal taxi. Esta frase solo viene en inglés. This sentence only comes in English. This phrase only comes in English. Ellas se están escapando. They're escaping. They're running away. A ella no le parecía importar. She didn't seem to mind. She didn't seem to care. No vivo más en Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Por favor, dame alguna medicina para frenar el dolor. Please give me some kind of medicine to curb the pain. Please give me some medicine to stop the pain. Ella tiene una casa pequeña. She has a small house. She has a small house. ¿Dónde está la letrina? Where is the toilet? Where's the latrine? Es menos impaciente que su padre. He is less impatient than his father. He is less impatient than his father. Els meus dies d'escola seran un dels records més feliços. My time in school will be one of my happiest memories. My school days will be one of my happiest memories. No quiero pensar en esto. I don't want to think about this. I don't want to think about this. N'èi pas tròp de dinèrs en aqueste moment. I'm short of cash at the moment. I don’t have enough money at the moment. Van a dormir. They're going to sleep. They're going to sleep. ¿Dónde Tom se ha estado escondiendo? Where has Tom been hiding? Where has Tom been hiding? Su voz es realmente profunda. His voice is really deep. His voice is really deep. El cerdo hormiguero es un animal de porte medio. The aardvark is a medium-sized animal. The ant pig is a medium-sized animal. Pensé que Tom sorprendería a María y la llevaría a cenar. I thought Tom would surprise Mary and take her to dinner. I thought Tom would surprise Maria and take her to dinner. Ella es paciente. She's patient. She's patient. ¿Cuántas letras hay en el alfabeto inglés? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? ¿Es fácil aprender a hablar francés? Is it easy to learn to speak French? Is it easy to learn to speak French? Ayer se realizó un discreto homenaje a las víctimas del accidente. A discreet homage to the accident victims was carried out yesterday. A small tribute was paid to the victims of the accident. ¡El rey tenía una corona azul extraña! The king had a weird blue crown! The king had a strange blue crown! Esto son cosas importantes. These are important things. These are important things. ¿Dónde nos vemos? Where should we meet? Where do we meet? ¿Qué ventajas tiene Tom? What advantages does Tom have? What are the advantages of Tom? Violaron la constitución. They violated the constitution. They violated the constitution. Una llave es una herramienta habitual. A wrench is a commonly used tool. A key is a common tool. Estoy tan contento de que existas. I'm so glad you exist. I'm so glad you exist. Ellos también deberían ser justos con los demás. They should also be fair to others. They should also be fair to others. Si te dormís, perdés. You snooze, you lose. If you fall asleep, you lose. Hace tiempo que no viene. He's not been here for a while. He hasn't been here in a while. Qu'ei dejà miejanueit. It's midnight already. He left behind me. A Mary le gusta la leche. Mary likes milk. Mary likes milk. Menee los dedos del pie. Wiggle your toes. Squeeze your toes. ¡Qué desgracia! What rotten luck! What a disgrace! Tuve que aceptarlo. I had to accept it. I had to accept it. Se dice a menudo que las mujeres viven más tiempo que los hombres. It's often said that women live longer than men. It is often said that women live longer than men. Un perro me mordió la pierna. I was bitten on the leg by a dog. A dog bit my leg. Si el dinero no fuera un problema, ¿qué profesión te gustaría ejercer? If money wasn't an issue, what would you like to work as? If money wasn’t a problem, what profession would you like to pursue? Pensaba que era el mío. I thought this was mine. I thought it was mine. Mi hermano salió corriendo del cuarto sin decir nada. My brother ran out of the room without saying anything. My brother ran out of the room without saying anything. Lo Tòm ne sap pas hèr au tenís. Tom can't play tennis. I don’t know if you have it. Él puso una pizca de sal al huevo cocido. He put a touch of salt on a boiled egg. He put a pinch of salt on the boiled egg. Necesitan quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar. You need to take off your shoes before entering. They need to remove their shoes before entering. Dormimos demasiado. We overslept. We slept too much. Lo pintaremos. We'll paint it. We'll paint it. Mi perro viene conmigo a cada lugar que voy. My dog goes everywhere with me. My dog comes with me to every place I go. ¿Me puedes tomar una foto? Can you take a picture of me? Can you take a picture of me? Sos vos. You're you. It's you. La guerra civil de los Estados Unidos duró cuatro años. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The civil war in the United States lasted four years. A decidit de miar ua politica navèra. He had decided on a new policy. I decided to go with my ship. La noche acaba de comenzar. The night is still young. The night has just begun. Me estaba cepillando los dientes. I was brushing my teeth. I was brushing my teeth. Ansía formar parte de la comunidad de los ricos. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. He wants to be part of the community of the rich. Si solo pudierais verme ahora. If only you could see me now. If only you could see me now. Diuen que el golf és molt popular al Japó. They say golf is very popular in Japan. They say golf is very popular in Japan. ¿Es esa la llave que buscas? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Aquell que menteix, robarà. He that will lie, will steal. The one who lies will steal. Dec tenir el número equivocat. I must have the wrong number. I must have the wrong number. El tenis és molt popular entre els estudiants. Tennis is very popular among students. Tennis is very popular among students. Me da igual. I don't care. I don't care. Ell es va caure i es va fer mal a la cama. He fell and hurt his leg. He fell down and hurt his leg. En Tom no vol que treballi la Mary. Tom doesn't want Mary to work. Tom doesn't want Mary to work. Esto es lo que queremos saber. This is what we want to know. Here's what we want to know. Quizás sean felices. Maybe they are happy. Maybe they're happy. No sabes hablar francés, ¿verdad? You don't know how to speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? Nadie se percató del error. Nobody noticed the mistake. No one noticed the mistake. ¿Por qué debería pagar? Why should I pay? Why should I pay? Ella tuvo que depender en su fuerza interior. She had to rely upon her inner strength. She had to rely on her inner strength. Ciudad de México es la ciudad continuamente habitada más antigua de América. Mexico City is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Americas. Mexico City is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America. Me gustan los coches viejos. I like old cars. I like old cars. Me desperté temprano ayer. Yesterday I woke up early. I woke up early yesterday. Tom no puede nadar para nada. Tom can't swim at all. Tom can't swim at all. Esto va a durar una eternidad. This is going to take forever. This is going to last forever. Hoy me ha preguntado mi hija cómo puede ser que la pasta de dientes tenga rayas. Today my daughter asked me how it is possible for toothpaste to have stripes. Today my daughter asked me how it can be that the toothpaste has stripes. ¿Cuántos idiomas habla usted? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Tom lo sabía. Tom knew. Tom knew. No tenía ni idea de que María era tu esposa. I had no idea that Mary was your wife. I had no idea Mary was your wife. Tom aún estaba vivo. Tom was still alive. Tom was still alive. No puedes negar la verdad. You can't deny the truth. You can't deny the truth. Tom necesita entrenamiento. Tom needs training. Tom needs training. Otro mundo es posible. Another world is possible. Another world is possible. Ella hizo de guía. She acted as a guide. She acted as a guide. ¿Te pusieron la vacuna contra la gripe esta temporada? Did you receive your flu shot this season? Did you get the flu shot this season? Puse las sobras en el frigorífico. I put the leftovers in the fridge. I put the leftovers in the fridge. Explica brevemente lo que quieres Explain what you want shortly. Briefly explain what you want No soporto su mala educación. I can't put up with his rudeness. I can't stand his bad manners. Qu'am trucat de las mans. We clapped our hands. Calling me out of my hands. Tom no fue el impostor. Tom was not the impostor. Tom wasn't the impostor. Le voy a presentar a mi suegra. I'm going to introduce you to my mother-in-law. I'll introduce you to my mother-in-law. Quan va ser l'ultima vegada que vas llegir aquesta revista? When was the last time you read this magazine? When was the last time you read this magazine? Los libros están polvorientos. The books are dusty. The books are dusty. El mago agitó su varita mágica y despareció sin dejar rastro. The wizard waved his magic wand and disappeared into thin air. The magician waved his magic wand and disappeared without a trace. Crec que l'elecció està clara. I believe the choice is clear. I think the choice is clear. Estoy harto de beber jugo de manzana. I'm sick of drinking apple juice. I'm sick of drinking apple juice. Quiero que empujes mi mano lo más fuerte que puedas. I want you to push against my hand as hard as you can. I want you to push my hand as hard as you can. Tom hizo a Mary lavar el carro. Tom had Mary wash the car. Tom had Mary wash the car. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? What is your phone number? What's your phone number? Tom oyó el sonido de vidrio quebrándose. Tom heard the sound of breaking glass. Tom heard the sound of glass breaking. Es un virus muy contagioso. It's a very contagious virus. It is a very contagious virus. El siete es considerado a veces como un número de la suerte. Seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. Seven is sometimes regarded as a lucky number. La verdad es que no vale la pena. That isn't really worth it. The truth is, it's not worth it. Tom es un mediador entre los terroristas y el gobierno. Tom is a mediator between the terrorists and the government. Tom is a mediator between the terrorists and the government. Tom y Mary tuvieron un divorcio desagradable. Tom and Mary had an ugly divorce. Tom and Mary had a nasty divorce. Me pregunto si Tom de verdad vendrá esta noche. I wonder if Tom will really come this evening. I wonder if Tom's really coming tonight. La mea mair que cosina plan. My mother cooks well. It's the same thing as a plan. "Com se passa ?" "Fòrça plan. Lo revengut e lo profièit pujan regularament." "How are things going?" "Terrific. Income and profit are continuing to rise steadily." "How's it going?" "Further plan. The resale and profiet go up regularly." Juan no sabía lo que le venía encima. John didn't know what was coming over him. John didn’t know what was coming. El cambio de Yanni ha creado un efecto dominó en el trabajo. Yanni's change has created a domino effect at work. Yanni’s change has created a domino effect at work. Necesito perder un par de quilos. I need to lose a few kilos. I need to lose a couple of kilos. Tom no fue allí. Tom didn't go there. Tom didn't go there. Yanni vive en un país extranjero. Yanni lives in a foreign country. Yanni lives in a foreign country. ¿Puedes cocinar un omelet? Can you cook an omelet? Can you cook an omelet? No podemos permitir que muera Mary. We can't let Mary die. We can't let Mary die. ¿Es demasiado grande? Is it too big? Is it too big? Somos amigos desde entonces. We've been friends ever since. We've been friends ever since. Presiento que algo va mal. I feel that something is wrong. I feel like something's wrong. Fingí que trabajaba. I pretended to work. I pretended I was working. Ella té curiositat per saber qui va enviar les flors. She's curious to find out who sent the flowers. She is curious to know who sent the flowers. Hoy no necesitas ir a la escuela. You don't need to go to school today. You don't need to go to school today. Tom no sabía que Mary fuera tan entretenida. Tom didn't know Mary was so funny. Tom didn't know Mary was so entertaining. Lo relòtge a dètz minutas de retard. The clock is ten minutes slow. The clock is 10 minutes late. La buena música nunca pasará de moda. Good music will never go out of style. Good music will never go out of style. Quería comprar un oso de peluche gigante en Ken's, pero no estaba a la venta. I wanted to buy a huge stuffed bear at Ken's but it was not for sale. He wanted to buy a giant teddy bear at Ken's, but it wasn't for sale. Trato de no leer las noticias. I try to not read the news. I try not to read the news. ¿Sabe lo que significan sus sueños? Do you know what his dreams mean? Do you know what your dreams mean? Se han acabado las fresas. We have run out of strawberries. Strawberries are gone. Todos los mamíferos tienen siete vértebras cervicales. All mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. All mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. Nos pusimos las botas. We put on our boots. We put on our boots. Dejé mi paraguas aquí, pero ahora no lo encuentro. I left my umbrella here, but now I can't find it. I left my umbrella here, but now I can't find it. Mi maestra es la señora Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. Eso es terrible. That's terrible. That's terrible. Tom se quejó del ruido. Tom complained about the noise. Tom complained about the noise. Díganle que estoy pelando las patatas. Tell her that I am peeling the potatoes. Tell him I'm peeling the potatoes. Tom es un feligrés habitual. Tom is a regular churchgoer. Tom is a regular parishioner. Què bé sona aquesta paraula! What a nice sounding word! How nice that word sounds! Me enamoré de la atractiva ingeniera. I fell in love with the charming female engineer. I fell in love with the attractive engineer. Nadie te quiere. Nobody likes you. Nobody loves you. Has venido en un momento oportuno. You have come at an opportune time. You've come at an opportune time. Còm pronuncies aquesta paraula? How do you pronounce this word? How do you pronounce that word? Nuestra nevera no funciona. Our fridge doesn't work. Our fridge's not working. Te ves cansado, deberías dormir un poco. You look tired. You should rest a little. You look tired, you should get some sleep. Está jugando con sus amigos. She's playing with her friends. He's playing with his friends. No sabía que eras rico. I didn't know you were rich. I didn't know you were rich. Solo necesitamos agua. We just need water. We just need water. Quítate los zapatos antes de entrar a un templo. Take off your shoes before entering a temple. Take off your shoes before entering a temple. ¿De verdad te crees que añadir "-ation" al final de una palabra hace que esté en inglés? Do you really think that adding "-ation" to the end of a word suddenly makes it an English word? Do you really think adding "-ation" at the end of a word makes it English? Era tan tímido que caminaba lejos de su sombra porque le daba vergüenza saludarle. He was so shy that he walked far away from his shadow, because he was embarrassed to say hi to it. He was so shy that he walked away from his shadow because he was embarrassed to greet him. Quan arribètz ? When did you arrive? When do you arrive? ¿Y si sacamos unas fotos? What if we take some pictures? What if we took some pictures? Su opinión no es muy creíble. His view isn't very reliable. Your opinion is not very credible. Se está haciendo tarde, y no me gusta irme solo para la casa. Me debo ir, si no te molesta. It's getting late and I don't like to go home alone. I have to go if you don't mind. It's getting late, and I don't like to go home alone. Per què sempre penso en la Maria? Why am I still thinking about Marika? Why do I always think of Mary? ¿Es verdad que cerraste la tienda a las nueve? Is it true that you closed the shop at nine? Is it true you closed the store at nine? ¡Feliç Dia Internacional de la Dona! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women’s Day! Per mi és difícil expressar-me en esperanto. It's difficult for me to express myself in Esperanto. It’s hard for me to express myself in Esperanto. Daniel está silbando. Daniel is whistling. Daniel's whistling. María fue condenada a muerte. Mary was condemned to death. Mary was sentenced to death. Él es muy generoso, así que vayamos con él. He's very generous, so let's go with him. He's very generous, so let's go with him. Siento como si me fuera a echar a llorar. I feel like I could cry. I feel like I'm gonna cry. ¿Te levantarías por favor? Would you please stand up? Would you please get up? ¿Es tuyo todo esto? Does this all belong to you? Is all this yours? Irlanda está en Europa occidental. Ireland is in Western Europe. Ireland is in Western Europe. Los musulmanes no se deben sentar cuando orinan. Muslims should sit when they pee. Muslims should not sit when urinating. No hay zorros aquí. There are no foxes here. There are no foxes here. ¿Por qué está Yanni aquí? Why is Yanni here? Why is Yanni here? ¿Qué le pasó a las cabras? What happened to the goats? What happened to the goats? De qué me cau portar ? What should I bring? What do I need to bring? Nuestro profesor de música me aconsejó visitar Viena. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. El menjar no feia gaire bon gust. The food didn't taste very good. The food was not very good taste. Mary vio la tele ayer. Mary watched TV yesterday. Mary watched TV yesterday. Para pasar el tiempo en sus largos viajes, una vez Cristóbal Colón hizo una oración con un número infinito de palabras. As a means to pass the time on his long journeys, Christopher Columbus once made a sentence with an infinite number of words. To pass the time on his long journeys, Christopher Columbus once made a sentence with an infinite number of words. Preferiría ir al museo de arte que ir al cine. I would rather go to the art museum than to the movie theater. I'd rather go to the art museum than go to the movies. Volem oracions completas. We want complete sentences. We want complete prayers. El oculista de Tom determinó que tenía una hipertensión ocular sin glaucoma. Tom's eye doctor determined that he has ocular hypertension without glaucoma. Tom’s eye doctor determined that he had glaucoma-free ocular hypertension. Hablando del rey de Roma. Speak of the devil. Speaking of the King of Rome. Di hola a tus padres por mí. Say hi to your parents for me. Say hello to your parents for me. A partir de ahora podré dormir tranquilamente. As of now I'll be able to sleep peacefully. From now on, I will be able to sleep peacefully. Mi interinidad termina hoy. My internship ends today. My internity ends today. Visca Maduro Viva Maduro! Visca Maduro Yo cuidaré de tu perro mientras estás fuera. I'll take care of your dog while you're away. I'll take care of your dog while you're away. "Hola, soy Tom." "Hola." "¿Y tú?" "Ah, Mary." "Hi, I'm Tom." "Hello." "And you are?" "Oh, Mary." "Hi, I'm Tom." "Hi." "And you?" "Ah, Mary." Tom pensó que Mary era verdaderamente amistosa. Tom thought Mary was really friendly. Tom thought Mary was really friendly. Que'm hascoi prénher peu harpista finés deu quau te parlèi anueit. I got pregnant from the Finnish harpist that I told you about last night. Let me take you to the Finnish harpist ten times when I speak to you annueit. Voy a la casa de Tom a estudiar. I'm going to Tom's house to study. I'm going to Tom's house to study. Las bayas se pueden congelar. Berries can be frozen. The berries can be frozen. Mayuko va al colegio en bici. Mayuko goes to school by bicycle. Mayuko rides to school. Hoy hace mucho frío, ¿no te parece? It's very cold today, don't you think? It's very cold today, don't you think? No veas la televisión. Do not watch television. Don't watch TV. La gente que se fue ayer era de Escocia. The people who left yesterday are from Scotland. The people who left yesterday were from Scotland. Tom le dijo a Mary que John estaba en apuros. Tom told Mary that John was in trouble. Tom told Mary that John was in trouble. Recuerda esta regla. Remember this rule. Remember this rule. ¿Dicen eso en el Reino Unido? Do you say that in the UK? Do they say that in the UK? Él no hace caso a ningún consejo. He doesn't heed any advice. He does not heed any advice. Yanni quiere más dinero. Yanni wants more money. Yanni wants more money. ¿Cuándo escuchaste la noticia? When did you hear the news? When did you hear the news? Te voy a dar una última oportunidad. I'm going to give you a final chance. I'm gonna give you one last chance. Sus amigos le quieren. She's loved by her friends. Your friends love you. Está claro que Tom es principiante. Tom is obviously a beginner. Tom is a beginner. ¿Por qué trataste de escapar? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to escape? Mi cliente no está diciendo una palabra más. My client isn't saying another word. My client isn't saying another word. Tom acaba de venir. Tom just showed up. Tom just came in. Vas passar mautemps. You'll have a hard time. You've been through a lot. Sabes de qué estoy hablando, ¿verdad? You know what I'm talking about, don't you? You know what I'm talking about, right? Ell és adorable. He's adorable. He's adorable. Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Tengo un amigo chino y me gustaría pedirle que me dé lecciones de chino. I have a Chinese friend and I would like to ask him to give me Chinese lessons. I have a Chinese friend and I would like to ask him to give me Chinese lessons. El barco cayó en un remolino y volcó. The boat fell into a whirlpool and overturned. The ship fell into a whirlpool and overturned. No es eso lo que te pregunto. That's not what I'm asking you about. That's not what I'm asking you. Todos mis amigos tienen novias. All my friends have girlfriends. All my friends have girlfriends. ¿Hablaste con ellos el lunes? Did you talk to them on Monday? Did you talk to them on Monday? Ella no em va dir el seu secret. She didn't tell me her secret. She didn't tell me her secret. Sèm prèsts d'i anar. We're ready to leave. I’m ready to go. Yanni es un neurólogo argelino. Yanni is an Algerian neurologist. Yanni is an Algerian neurologist. Borré el comentario que había dejado debajo de la frase. I deleted the comment I had made under the sentence. I deleted the comment I had left under the sentence. ¿A qué hora acostumbras a almorzar? What time do you usually eat lunch? What time do you usually have lunch? Estaba encajada entre una dama robusta en seda rosa y una chica alta, de aspecto despreciativo, con un vestido de encaje blanco. She was wedged in between a stout lady in pink silk and a tall, scornful-looking girl in a white-lace dress. She was wedged between a sturdy lady in pink silk and a tall, contemptuous-looking girl in a white lace dress. ¿Estás dormido? Are you asleep? Are you asleep? Estoy lista, ¿y tú? I'm ready. And you? I'm ready, are you? T'estimem. We love you. We love you. No quiero que veas más a Tom. I don't want you to see Tom anymore. I don't want you to see Tom anymore. El presidente de Francia va a Japón el próximo mes. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The president of France is going to Japan next month. Soy miope, así que no puedo leer ese letrero. I'm near-sighted, so I can't read that sign. I'm nearsighted, so I can't read that sign. ¿Quieres visitar este monumento? Do you want to visit this monument? Do you want to visit this monument? Yanni ha cambiado. Yanni has changed. Yanni's changed. Tom vaciló. Tom staggered. Tom hesitated. Tú te apoyas demasiado en tus padres. Debes ser más independiente. You lean on your parents too much. You must be more independent. You lean too much on your parents, you have to be more independent. Èra un pauc tròp gohorós per la prima. It was a little too muggy for spring. It’s a great little treat for the first time. Recojan tantas monedas como sea posible. Collect as many coins as possible. Collect as many coins as possible. Esta pareja estaba hecha el uno para el otro. That couple was made for each other. This couple was made for each other. Está muy triste. He is very sad. She's very sad. Bona nuèit. Goodnight! Nice one. Argelia es el tipo de país con el que otras naciones temen comprometerse. Algeria is the type of country other nations fear engaging with. Algeria is the kind of country that other nations are afraid to engage with. La fiesta de Trang fue tan divertida como un funeral. Trang's party was as much fun as a funeral wake. Trang's party was as fun as a funeral. El nombre de mi hermana es Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. Yanni se estaba aguantando las ganas de orinar. Yanni was holding in a pee. Yanni was holding on to the urge to urinate. Se ha tomado tantas molestias para nada. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. He's taken so much trouble for nothing. Mi papá está en el baño afeitándose. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My dad's in the bathroom shaving. Tom le llama a las cosas por su nombre. Tom calls a spade a spade. Tom calls things by their names. Este es el libro de ellos. This is their book. This is their book. Rara vez la veo. I seldom see her. I rarely see her. Ella vive con él. She lives with him. She lives with him. No es esa la cuestión. That isn't the deal. That's not the point. Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Tom quería darle un beso de despedida a Mary, pero sabía que no debería. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but knew he shouldn't. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but he knew he shouldn’t. Mis puntos de vista han evolucionado desde entonces. My views have evolved since then. My views have evolved since then. ¿Me estoy riendo? Am I laughing? Am I laughing? La cima del Monte Fuji está cubierta de nieve. The top of Mt. Fuji is covered with snow. The top of Mount Fuji is covered in snow. Ya no se amaban, por lo tanto, se separaron. They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up. They no longer loved each other, therefore they separated. No es mucho, pero es mejor que nada. It isn't much, but it's better than nothing. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. Algo ocurrió en Boston. Something happened in Boston. Something happened in Boston. No llegues tarde a clase otra vez. Don't be late for school again. Don't be late for class again. ¿Puedes frotar sobre mi un poco de loción de bronceado? Could you rub some suntan lotion on me? Can you rub some tanning lotion on me? ¿Cuántas estaciones de autobuses hay en esta ciudad? How many bus stations are there in this city? How many bus stations are there in this city? La inundació va fer molt de mal. The flood caused a lot of damage. The flood did a lot of damage. No me puedo creer que estés tratando de sobornarme. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. Lo ayudé a cruzar la calle. I helped him walk across the street. I helped him cross the street. Ella es alta y bella. She's tall and beautiful. She is tall and beautiful. Hay una asombrosa escasez de cabinas telefónicas en esta zona. There's an appalling shortage of phone booths in this area. There is a staggering shortage of phone booths in this area. Su historia es extraña, pero es creíble. His story is strange, but it's believable. His story is strange, but it is believable. Mi bisabuelo fue un líder de banda. My great-grandfather was a gang leader. My great-grandfather was a bandleader. Tom no té fam. Tom isn't hungry. Tom is not hungry. Tom aún está saliendo con Mary, ¿no? Tom is still dating Mary, isn't he? Tom's still dating Mary, isn't he? ¿Hace frío en Boston? Is it cold in Boston? Is it cold in Boston? Se dice que el gabinete renunciará. They say the Cabinet will resign. It is said that the cabinet will resign. Yo soy del Barcelona, pero en el partido de hoy voy con el Real Madrid. I'm a Barcelona fan, but for today's match I'm rooting for Real Madrid. I'm from Barcelona, but in today's game I'm going to Real Madrid. Com sabèva lo Tòm que la Maria seré pas ací ? How did Tom know that Mary wouldn't be here? How did I know Mary wouldn’t be here? Nos encanta ayudar. We love to help. We love to help. No tienes corazón. You don't have a heart. You have no heart. No sé por qué se están peleando. I don't know why they are fighting. I don't know what they're fighting about. ¿Nada más que añadir? Anything else to add? Nothing more to add? A veces me preocupo mucho por eso. Sometimes I worry a lot about that. Sometimes I worry a lot about that. No lo rompas, Yanni. Don't break it, Yanni. Don't break it, Yanni. Terminé con ella ayer en la noche. I broke up with her yesterday evening. I broke up with her last night. Creo que vale la pena intentar. I think it's worth a try. I think it's worth a try. Estoy buscando a alguien. I'm looking for somebody. I'm looking for someone. Ella está en el trabajo, ¿no? She's at work, isn't she? She's at work, isn't she? Bebe el té mientras esté caliente. Drink the tea while it's hot. Drink the tea while it is hot. Tom tiene una voz agradable, definitivamente. Tom certainly has a nice voice. Tom has a nice voice, definitely. En el principio, Tom creó Boston y Australia. In the beginning, Tom created Boston and Australia. In the beginning, Tom created Boston and Australia. Si necesitas ayuda, siempre puedes llamarme. If you need help, you can always call me. If you need help, you can always call me. Tom es la única esperanza de Mary. Tom is Mary's only hope. Tom is Mary's only hope. Antes de ingerirla, cocine bien la carne. Before eating it, cook the meat well. Before eating it, cook the meat well. Tom compartía el dolor de Mary. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom shared Mary's grief. Asegúrate de venir a las 3. Be sure to come at 3. Be sure to come by 3:00. Gracias. Lo haré enseguida. Thank you. I'll get to it right away. Thank you, I'll do it right away. ¿Por quién votarás para presidente? Who will you vote for for president? Who will you vote for president? Querían quedarse. They wanted to stay. They wanted to stay. Sois demasiado estúpidas para vivir. You're too stupid to live. You're too stupid to live. Bueno, ¿qué estás cantando? Well, what are you singing? Well, what are you singing? Su casa está demasiado lejos de la mía. His house is too far from mine. Your house is too far from mine. Encuentra a Tom y dile que venga aquí inmediatamente. Find Tom and tell him to come here right now. Find Tom and tell him to come here immediately. No tengo hambre, pero siempre quiero comer algo. I'm not hungry, but I always want to eat something. I'm not hungry, but I always want to eat something. Era un navío de guerra americano, grande y negro. It was a big black American warship. It was an American warship, large and black. Somos fieles. We're faithful. We're faithful. Por mí, está bien. It's fine with me. For me, it's okay. Va tornar a casa tres hores més tard. He came home three hours later. He returned home three hours later. ¡Contrólate! Control yourself! Control yourself! Tom ya no está llorando. Tom is no longer crying. Tom is no longer crying. Mira al monitor. Look at the screen. Look at the monitor. Aqueth cafè qu'ei amar. This coffee tastes bitter. This is the coffee I love. La esposa de mi tío es mi tía. My uncle's wife is my aunt. My uncle's wife is my aunt. ¡El día está tan bueno! Time is so beautiful. The day is so good! ¿Perdiste el conocimiento? Did you lose consciousness? Have you lost consciousness? Tom pidió direcciones. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for directions. Tienen que haber averiguado quién era yo. They must've found out who I was. They must have figured out who I was. Aquest no m'agrada gaire, de fet l'odio. I don't like him much, in fact I hate him. I don't really like this one, I hate it. Aquera cramba que's cauha aisidament. This room heats easily. That cramba falls out of favor. No suelo ganar. I don't win very often. I don't usually win. Ese era nuestro único consuelo. That was our only comfort. That was our only consolation. Ella tiene un blog. She has a blog. She has a blog. Quiero quedarme aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Tom dijo que María no sabe hablar francés. Tom said Mary didn't know how to speak French. Tom said Maria can't speak French. Se hará más duro. It's going to get tougher. It'll get harder. Llevo tres horas esperando el autobús. I've been waiting for the bus for three hours. I've been waiting for the bus for three hours. Así es el francés. That's how French is. That's French. No puede cantar. He can't sing. He can't sing. Se aplanó después del fracaso. He got very depressed after his failure. It flattened after the failure. Kate está loca por un nuevo cantante que aparece a menudo en la televisión. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on TV. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on television. No hay camino fuera de la isla. There's no way off the island. There is no road outside the island. Este año haremos el Mes de la Ira en lugar del Mes del Orgullo. We're doing Wrath Month instead of Pride Month this year. This year we're doing Wrath Month instead of Pride Month. Ese no es el motivo por el que te estoy diciendo esto. That isn't why I'm telling you this. That's not why I'm telling you this. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que enseñaste a conducir? When was the last time you taught driving? When was the last time you taught yourself to drive? ¿Recibiste el correo electrónico que te envié? Did you receive the email I sent you? Did you get the email I sent you? Ver sangre la emocionó. The blood made her excited. Seeing blood excited her. Sinceramente, no me gustas. Frankly speaking, I don't like you. Honestly, I don't like you. "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Sus decisiones inapelables eran la base de un férreo sistema de ordenazas y castigos, también para mamá. His unwavering decisions were the foundation for a rigid system of orders and punishments, even for Mom. His unappealable decisions were the basis of an iron system of ordinations and punishments, also for Mom. Tom le pidió a Mary que cantara más alto. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Yo soy de Hungría. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Buenas noches y dulces sueños. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and sweet dreams. Yanni volvió a la biblioteca. Yanni went back to the library. Yanni went back to the library. Vam anar-hi sense ell, perquè no estava preparat. We went without him, as he wasn't ready. We went there without him, because he wasn't ready. Tom está sentado entre sus amigos. Tom is sitting between his friends. Tom is sitting among his friends. Chris le compró un regalo a ella y sacó el valor para dárselo. Chris brought her a present and bravely gave it to her. Chris bought her a gift and took out the courage to give it to her. Quizás sólo soy yo. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me. Tom es una persona realmente inteligente. Tom is a really smart person. Tom is a really smart person. Hay un mensaje para ti. There's a message for you. There's a message for you. Él no sabe que yo tengo un gato. He doesn't know that I have a cat. He doesn't know I have a cat. Empújalo. Push it. Push it. ¿Seguro que Tom es hablante nativo de francés? Are you sure Tom is a native French speaker? Are you sure Tom is a native French speaker? Que son dejà sèt oras. It's already seven. Let them go for hours. Tom va a la escuela a pie. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Estudiamos inglés en la misma clase. We study English in the same class. We study English in the same class. Conozco a mucha gente. I meet a lot of people. I know a lot of people. Creo que sé el porqué. I think I know why. I think I know why. No sé quién ha escrito esta carta. I don't know who wrote this letter. I don't know who wrote this letter. Vivo cerca de Harvard. I live close to Harvard. I live near Harvard. Tenías un hijo. You had a kid. You had a son. Ella acomodó su horario al de él. She accommodated her schedule to his. She adjusted her schedule to his. Y ahora, ¿qué voy a hacer? And now, what am I going to do? And now, what am I going to do? Eso no suena saludable. That doesn't sound healthy. That doesn't sound healthy. Fue a verle cuando estaba en Londres. He went to see her while she stayed in London. He went to see him when he was in London. Tom no está lavando el coche. Tom isn't washing the car. Tom's not washing the car. ¿Es tu socio un americano? Is your coworker an American? Is your partner an American? ¿Alguna vez has alquilado un coche? Have you ever rented a car? Have you ever rented a car? La desinformación está en todas partes. Disinformation is everywhere. Disinformation is everywhere. On ei la veitura-restaurant ? Where's the dining car? Where is the restaurant? ¿Puedes leer mapas? Can you read maps? Can you read maps? Tom cruzó el río para llegar a la casa de Mary. Tom crossed the river to get to Mary's house. Tom crossed the river to Mary's house. A veces me siento como si no tuviera idioma nativo. Sometimes I feel like I have no native language. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have a native language. Esta cosa no está viva. This thing isn't alive. This thing isn't alive. Tengo familia en Los Ángeles. I have family in Los Angeles. I have family in Los Angeles. La Tierra se mueve alrededor del Sol. The Earth moves around the sun. The Earth moves around the Sun. Quisiera saber por qué no hiciste tu tarea a tiempo. I'd like to know why you didn't finish your homework on time. I'd like to know why you didn't do your homework in time. No es la misma cosa. It isn't the same thing. It's not the same thing. Sobreviví. I survived. I survived. ¿Es italiano? Is he Italian? Is it Italian? No quiero ser abogado. I don't want to become a lawyer. I don't want to be a lawyer. El Renacimiento es la base de la cultura europea moderna. The Renaissance is the foundation of modern European culture. The Renaissance is the foundation of modern European culture. ¿En qué país te pusieron las vacunas cuando eras niño? In what country did you receive your immunizations as a child? In which country did you get your vaccinations when you were a child? Ha estado pensando en ello todo el día. He's been thinking about it all day. He's been thinking about it all day. Es una estafa, Yanni. It's a scam, Yanni. It's a scam, Yanni. Són paraules buides. Those are empty words. These are empty words. Él se perdió mientras caminaba por el bosque. He got lost while he was walking in the woods. He got lost while walking in the woods. ¿Estás haciendo lo que creo que estás haciendo? Are you doing what I think you're doing? Are you doing what I think you're doing? ¿Tienes una tirita? Do you have a band-aid? Do you have a band-aid? Amor y deseo son dos cosas diferentes; que no todo lo que se ama se desea, ni todo lo que se desea se ama. Love and desire are two different things; for not everything that is lovely is desired, nor everything desired worthy of one's love. Love and desire are two different things; that not all that is loved is desired, nor all that is desired is loved. Deseo hablar de inmediato con mi abogado. I want to talk to my lawyer straight away. I want to talk to my lawyer right away. Parlar és una cosa i escriure és una altra. To speak is one thing and to write is another. Talking is one thing and writing is another. Esta organización depende completamente de donaciones voluntarias. This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations. This organization is completely dependent on voluntary donations. Disculpe, tengo una petición. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. El capitalismo es una estafa piramidal. Capitalism is a pyramid scheme. Capitalism is a pyramid scam. Necesito parlantes nuevos para mi PC. I need new speakers for my PC. I need new speakers for my PC. Yanni se acaba de ir. Yanni has just left. Yanni just left. Lleveu-vos els calcetins, per favor. Take off your socks, please. Take your socks, please. Mira estas palabras en el diccionario. Look up these words in the dictionary. Look at these words in the dictionary. No podemos ver el lago desde nuestra habitación de hotel. We can't see the lake from our hotel room. We can't see the lake from our hotel room. Ya no me acuerdo. I don't remember anymore. I don't remember anymore. La anciana se mantenía ocupada en su huerta. The old lady busied herself on her vegetable garden. The old woman was busy in her garden. Quiero terminar lo que empecé. I want to finish what I started. I want to finish what I started. Quant de temps passes a Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? How long do you spend on Facebook? ¡Ustedes son imbatibles! You are unbeatable! You guys are unbeatable! No sabes por lo que hemos pasado. You don't know what we've been through. You don't know what we've been through. Llévalo escaleras arriba. Take it upstairs. Take him upstairs. Te diré todo lo que sé al respecto. I'll tell you all I know about it. I'll tell you everything I know about it. Tom está casado con Mary ahora, pero una vez estuvo casado con Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but at one time he was married to Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but he was once married to Alice. Él me dio lo que yo necesitaba. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. –Necesito algo de dinero –dijo Dima con tono avergonzado. "I need some money," Dima said, with a tone of embarrassment. “I need some money,” Dima said in a embarrassed tone. En aquella casa viven dos familias. Two families live in that house. Two families live in this house. Yanni se sintió mentalmente agotado. Yanni felt mentally drained. Yanni felt mentally drained. Necesito tomar apuntes. I need to take notes. I need to take notes. Y para todos aquellos que nos ven desde más allá de nuestras costas, desde parlamentos y palacios, para los que están acurrucados alrededor una radio en zonas olvidadas del mundo, nuestras historias son singulares, pero nuestro destino está unido, y un nuevo amanecer del liderazgo americano se acerca. And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. And for all those who see us from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around a radio in forgotten areas of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is united, and a new dawn of American leadership is coming. Necesito cargar mi celular. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my cell phone. ¿Tenemos que dejar propina en Francia? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Do we have to tip in France? A las ocho y media. It's half past eight. Eight-thirty. Yo también reconozco mis errores. I also acknowledge my mistakes. I also recognize my mistakes. Si eso es lo que se necesita, que así sea. If that's what it takes, so be it. If that's what it takes, so be it. ¿Hay algún cine cerca de aquí? Are there any movie theaters near here? Is there a cinema near here? Dicen que un nuevo restaurante ha sido construido. It is said that a new restaurant was constructed. They say a new restaurant has been built. Tom es grande y fuerte. Tom is big and strong. Tom is big and strong. Mennad es profesor. Mennad is a coach. Mennad is a teacher. Tom llevó todas sus pertenencias en una pequeña maleta. Tom carried everything he owned in a small suitcase. Tom carried all his belongings in a small suitcase. Soy yo el que lo suele hacer. I'm the one who usually does that. I'm the one who usually does it. ¿Me harás el honor de cenar conmigo? Will you do me the honor of dining with me? Will you do me the honor of having dinner with me? Uno de los reyes de Inglaterra abdicó al trono para casarse con una plebeya. One of England's kings abdicated the throne in order to marry a commoner. One of the kings of England abdicated the throne to marry a commoner. ¿Sois inglesas? Are you English? Are you English? Ustedes tomaron demasiado. You drank too much. You took too much. ¿Por qué hiciste eso? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Yanni entró en el cuarto de baño. Yanni entered the bathroom. Yanni went into the bathroom. Dame algo para escribir. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. ¿Quién los hace y qué tienen adentro? Who makes them and what is in them? Who makes them and what do they have inside? No sé si Tom está vivo o muerto. I don't know if Tom is dead or alive. I don't know if Tom's alive or dead. ¿Cuál es tu puesto? What's your position? What's your position? Entonces era una niña pequeña. She was a little girl then. Then she was a little girl. Si no estás allí a las dos y media, me iré sin ti. If you're not there by 2:30, I'll leave without you. If you're not there at half past two, I'll leave without you. Danos un poco de privacidad, ¿puede ser? Give us some privacy, will you? Give us some privacy, can it be? ¡No te desesperes! Don't despair. Don't despair! En mi escritorio se apilan libros y documentos. Books and documents are piling up on my desk. Books and documents are stacked on my desk. Hawking que's tornèc aus estudis. Hawking went back to his studies. Hawking who returns to his studies. Sin Tom, Mary no tendría nadie a quien acudir. Without Tom, Mary would have no one to turn to. Without Tom, Mary would have no one to turn to. Mary nada igual de rápido que Jack. Mary swims as fast as Jack. Mary's not as fast as Jack. La migración es un derecho humano básico. Migration is a basic human right. Migration is a basic human right. "¿Cuándo es la próxima junta?" "No sé, pero espero que no sea el lunes que viene." "When's the next meeting?" "I don't know, but I hope it's not next Monday." "When's the next meeting?" "I don't know, but I hope it's not next Monday." Me gusta el color amarillo. I like the colour yellow. I like the color yellow. ¡Qué bueno! That's fine! That's good. Es un hombre ocupado, así que la única forma que tienes de contactar con él es por teléfono. He's a busy man, so the only way you can contact him is by telephone. He's a busy man, so the only way you can get in touch with him is by phone. ¿Qué hay de postre? What is for dessert? What about dessert? Por lo visto hay que esperar una hora para que nos paguen. We're being paid in an hour. We have to wait an hour to get paid. ¿Por qué me odian todos? Why does everybody hate me? Why do they all hate me? Usted está libre mañana. You are free tomorrow. You're free tomorrow. Creo que he oído esta canción antes. I think I've heard this song before. I think I've heard this song before. ¿Quién es el hombre con quien estabas hablando? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the man you were talking to? Soy joven y tú eres más joven que yo. I'm young and you're younger than I am. I'm young and you're younger than me. Viva Venezuela, mi patria querida. Long live Venezuela, my beloved motherland. Long live Venezuela, my beloved homeland. ¿Fuisteis a Roma ayer? Did you go to Rome yesterday? Did you go to Rome yesterday? Esta es una historia real. This is a true story. This is a real story. ¿Sabes quién eres? Do you know who you are? Do you know who you are? Tenés que prestar especial atención a lo que comés y tomás. You have to pay special attention to what you eat and drink. You have to pay special attention to what you eat and drink. Lo sorèlh lusís. The sun is shining. The Lusitania. Ten en cuenta que fumar no es bueno para tu salud. Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Tot s'ha acabat amb ell. It is all over with him. It's all over with him. El pomo de la puerta está roto. The door handle is broken. The doorknob is broken. Tom se saltó el desayuno porque tenía prisa. Tom skipped breakfast because he was in a hurry. Tom skipped breakfast because he was in a hurry. Me encerré. I locked myself out. I locked myself up. Parece que no hay mucho acuerdo en cuanto a cómo preservar las pruebas en esos casos. There seems to be little agreement as to how to preserve the evidence in such cases. There seems to be little agreement on how to preserve the evidence in such cases. Esto es casi tan bueno como pescar. This is almost as good as fishing. This is almost as good as fishing. Yanni se siente sexualmente atraído por Skura. Yanni is sexually attracted to Skura. Yanni is sexually attracted to Skura. Tom quizás podría desfallecer. Tom might faint. Tom might faint. Ian Nepomniachtchi (2695), el Gran Maestro ruso de 30 años, acaba de ganar el Torneo de Candidatos, asegurándose el derecho a competir este año con el actual campeón, Magnus Carlsen, por el título de Campeón del Mundo de Ajedrez. Ian Nepomniachtchi (2695), the 30-year-old Russian Grand Master, has just won the Candidate Tournament, securing the right to compete this year with current champion Magnus Carlsen for the title of World Chess Champion. Ian Nepomniachtchi (2695), the 30-year-old Russian Grandmaster, has just won the Candidates Tournament, securing the right to compete this year with reigning champion Magnus Carlsen for the title of World Chess Champion. Me aturde tanto ruido. So much noise rattles me. It stuns me so much noise. Si la política se convierte en el centro de la vida es que los políticos están haciendo algo mal, ya que en lugar de hacer más fácil la vida de los ciudadanos, están dándoles más quebraderos de cabeza. When life revolves around politics, politicians are doing something wrong. Because instead of making life easier for citizens, they're giving them more headaches. If politics becomes the center of life, it is that politicians are doing something wrong, because instead of making citizens’ lives easier, they are giving them more headaches. Soy transgénero. I'm transgender. I'm transgender. Bob no existe. Bob doesn't exist. Bob doesn't exist. Yanni responde a cada comentario. Yanni answers every comment. Yanni responds to every comment. Tom ascendió la montaña con Mary, John y Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. No te quites los guantes. Don't take your gloves off. Don't take off your gloves. No puedo escribir en francés, pero lo puedo leer. I can't write French, but I can read it. I can't write in French, but I can read it. Qu'ei en maishanta santat. He is in poor health. That's the holy Maishanta. El hierro y el oxígeno son elementos. Iron and oxygen are elements. Iron and oxygen are elements. Siga a la izquierda. Keep to the left. Keep to the left. Ella lleva una mochila a su espalda. She is carrying a backpack on her back. She carries a backpack on her back. Mary tuvo un niño. Mary gave birth to a boy. Mary had a child. Tom tiene una buena chance de ganar las elecciones. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Nací en el año en que murió el abuelo. I was born in the year that Grandfather died. I was born in the year my grandfather died. Deja que te abrace. Let me give you a hug. Let me hold you. No olvidéis que soy una persona. Don't forget that I'm a person. Don't forget I'm a person. Los dos niños empezaron a culparse el uno al otro. The two boys began to blame each other. The two children began to blame each other. Aqueth líber qu'ei lo son. This book is hers. That’s the kind of liberal that they are. Lo temps que vasó caud. The weather became warm. The time it took to fall. Tom se quedó atrás. Tom remained behind. Tom was left behind. El único y auténtico error es dejar de intentarlo. The only true mistake is to stop trying. The only real mistake is to stop trying. Jack no está aquí. Jack isn't here. Jack's not here. El fumar puede causar cáncer de mama. Smoking can cause breast cancer. Smoking can cause breast cancer. ¿Cuándo aprendiste a conducir? When did you learn to drive? When did you learn to drive? En una hora nos pagan. We're being paid in an hour. We get paid in an hour. En el meu idioma, la "," es diu coma, el ";" es diu punt i coma, ":" es diu dos punts, "..." es diu punts suspensius i aquesta frase acaba amb un punt final. In my language, the "," is called comma, the ";" is called semicolon, ":" is called colon, "..." are called ellipsis, and this sentence ends with a period. In my language, the "," is called a comma, the ";" is called a semicolon, ":" is called a dot, "..." is called a dot, and that sentence ends with a dot. Soy aficionado al Real Madrid. I'm a Real Madrid fan. I am a Real Madrid fan. No soporto más tus caprichos. I don't endure your whims anymore. I can't stand your whims anymore. La enfermedad me impidió de ir al extranjero. Illness prevented me from going abroad. The illness prevented me from going abroad. No quiero que hables con Tom. I don't want you to talk to Tom. I don't want you talking to Tom. Tengo los ojos cansados. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Les coses estan canviant ràpidament. Things are changing quickly. Things are changing fast. Estoy cansado y aburrido. I'm tired and bored. I'm tired and bored. Esta oración no será traducida. This sentence shall not be translated. This sentence will not be translated. Después de que Tom plantara a Mary, ésta comenzó a verse con John. After Tom dumped Mary, she started seeing John. After Tom planted Mary, she began to see John. ¿Viven aquí? Do you live here? Do they live here? Dios está en lo alto. God is up above. God is on high. ¿Esto es checo? Is that Czech? Is this Czech? Están escondidos en el armario. They're hiding in the closet. They're hiding in the closet. Simplemente ignora lo que dijo Tomás. Just ignore what Tom said. Just ignore what Thomas said. Recuerda todo. Remember everything. Remember everything. Ese perro es realmente feo. That's a really ugly dog. That dog is really ugly. ¿Cómo creen que me siento? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Este libro es más pequeño que aquél. This book is smaller than that one. This book is smaller than that. Necesito estirar las piernas. I need to stretch my legs. I need to stretch my legs. Yo fui el último en salir. I was the last one out. I was the last one out. Una de las capacidades más inusuales es la capacidad de reconocer el talento. One of the rarest abilities is the ability to recognise talent. One of the most unusual abilities is the ability to recognize talent. Discúlpeme. Creo que me equivoqué de número. Sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. Excuse me, I think I was wrong about the number. Ustedes dormían. You were asleep. You guys were sleeping. Yanni también tiene ese sentimiento. Yanni has that feeling, too. Yanni has that feeling too. ¿Esto es leche? Is this milk? Is this milk? Nadie lo hace mejor. Nobody does it better. No one does it better. Su auto puede ser más agradable de conducir, pero también le cuesta más la manutención. Her car might be more pleasant to drive, but it also costs her more for maintenance. Your car may be more enjoyable to drive, but it also costs you more to maintain. Ella se sentó y tomó los remos. She sat down and took up the oars. She sat down and took the oars. Les dije que no se movieran. I told you not to move. I told them not to move. Yanni te ve. Yanni sees you. Yanni sees you. Me llevó mucho tiempo acostumbrarme a hacer esto así. It took me a long time to get used to doing it this way. It took me a long time to get used to doing this. Es una especie de círculo vicioso. It's some kind of vicious circle. It's kind of a vicious circle. El Sol ens dóna calor i llum. The sun gives us heat and light. The sun gives us warmth and light. Un reloj roto tiene razón dos veces al día. A broken clock is right twice a day. A broken watch is right twice a day. Sois demasiado jóvenes para morir. You're too young to die. You're too young to die. Esperaba que Tom encontraría a alguien más que lo ayudara. I'd hoped Tom would find somebody else to help him. I was hoping Tom would find someone else to help him. Nosotros tenemos un estegosauro. We have got a Stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. Tom aún no puede sacar a Mary de su cabeza. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan? What's the plan, then? So what's the plan? ¿Con quién han hablado? With whom had they spoken? Who did you talk to? Son las nueve y media. It's nine-thirty. It's half past nine. No sé quan vindrà. I don't know when he will come. I don't know when he's coming. ¿De qué parte de Canadá eres? What part of Canada are you from? What part of Canada are you from? No esquives mi pregunta. Don't avoid my question. Don't dodge my question. Ese aeropuerto está en la Bahía de Osaka. The airport is in Osaka Bay. That airport is in Osaka Bay. Un globo de colores flota en el cielo. A colorful balloon is floating in the sky. A colorful balloon floats in the sky. ¿No puedes diferenciar entre fantasía y realidad? Can't you divorce fantasy from reality? Can't you tell the difference between fantasy and reality? Le dije a ella que somos amigos. I told her we were friends. I told her we're friends. Yanni teme cometer errores. Yanni is afraid of making mistakes. Yanni is afraid of making mistakes. Tom quiere que nos lleves a la escuela. Tom wants you to take us to school. Tom wants you to take us to school. Solo tienes tres días. You only have three days. You only have three days. Tom murió de vejez. Tom died of old age. Tom died of old age. És una persona molt considerada. He is a very thoughtful person. He is a very considerate person. Prácticamente cada sujeto en el bar estaba mirando a María. Practically every guy in the bar was looking at Mary. Virtually every guy in the bar was looking at Maria. Tom metió accidentalmente su teléfono entre la ropa sucia. Tom accidentally put his phone in with the laundry. Tom accidentally shoved his phone between the dirty laundry. Debemos volvernos a la edad media para rastrear su origen. To determine its origin, we must go back to the middle ages. We must go back to the Middle Ages to trace its origin. Mussolini fue el líder de la dictadura fascista. Mussolini was leader of the fascist dictatorship. Mussolini was the leader of the fascist dictatorship. Esto es lo que queremos saber. That's what we want to know. Here's what we want to know. Mucha gente fue allí. A lot of people went there. A lot of people went there. Los murciélagos me asustan. Bats scare me. Bats scare me. Quiero ser como ella. I want to be like her. I want to be like her. Déjame ver tu receta médica. Let me see your prescription. Let me see your prescription. Déme candela para encender el cigarrillo. Give me a light for my cigarette. Give me a candle to light the cigarette. Dame un respiro. Give me a break. Give me a break. ¿Por qué se enferman tan fácil los niños? Why do kids get sick so easily? Why do children get sick so easily? Cada vez, la historia de Tom adquiría más detalles. Each time, Tom's story acquired more details. Tom’s story was getting more and more detailed. Esa es la fotografía de mi hermana menor. That's my younger sister's photograph. That's my younger sister's picture. ¿Hay pruebas que respalden esa afirmación? Is there any evidence to support that claim? Is there evidence to support that claim? ¿Cuántos sombreros tienes? How many hats do you own? How many hats do you have? Él es muy bocón. He's a real blabbermouth. He's very horny. A veces incluso un genio comete un fallo. Even geniuses sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes even a genius makes a mistake. Es una buena idea estudiar la lengua y cultura del país que vas a visitar. It's a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you're going to visit. It is a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you are visiting. Los nuevos procedimientos contables requieren que llenemos diferentes formatos para reportar gastos. The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses. The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms to report expenses. Tom le pidió a Mary entregarle un mensaje a John. Tom asked Mary to deliver a message to John. Tom asked Mary to deliver a message to John. No puedo ingresar. I can't sign in. I can't get in. La meva mare s'aixeca aviat cada matí. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother gets up early every morning. Quería hablarte de eso. I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to talk to you about it. Es el mejor pavo que he probado nunca. It's the best turkey I've ever tasted. It's the best turkey I've ever had. Podréis usar una calculadora mientras hacéis el examen. You'll be able to use a calculator while you're taking the test. You can use a calculator while taking the exam. Ahora Yanni está escuchando. Yanni is listening now. Now Yanni is listening. Tom mantuvo las puertas abiertas. Please hold the doors open. Tom kept the doors open. Lo parlaire ensagèc de honhar lo monde a la susmauta. The speaker tried to incite the people to rebellion. The speaker tried to keep the world in the dark. ¿Por qué estoy estudiando islandés? Why am I studying Icelandic? Why am I studying Icelandic? ¿Quién es el portero? Who's the goalie? Who's the doorman? Una mujer que se contagió en abril se ha reinfectado 4 meses después. A woman that got infected back in April got reinfected four months later. A woman who was infected in April has been reinfected 4 months later. Pr'amor ploras ? Why are you crying? Are you crying? Me estás matando lentamente. You are killing me slowly. You're killing me slowly. Esas gallinas ponen huevos casi todos los días. Those hens lay eggs almost every day. Those chickens lay eggs almost every day. ¿Existe alguna forma de vida en Marte? Is there any life on Mars? Is there any form of life on Mars? Abole el sistema carcelario. Abolish the carceral state. Abolish the prison system. Ese problema está irresuelto. The problem remains unsolved. That problem is unsolved. Dame el micrófono. Give me the mic. Give me the microphone. Dimenge es lo darrèr jorn de la setmana. Sunday is the last day of the week. It was the last day of the week. La nueva ala se abrirá en octubre. The new wing will open in October. The new wing will open in October. Sigamos en contacto. Let's stay in touch. Let's stay in touch. Aqueth burèu qu'ei copat. This desk is broken. That's what I've been drinking. Ellos pelearon una feroz batalla. They fought a fierce battle. They fought a fierce battle. Eso es secundario. That's secondary. That's secondary. Presta atención a su consejo. Pay attention to his advice. Pay attention to their advice. Tom no me abrió la puerta. Tom didn't open the door for me. Tom didn't open the door for me. ¿Dónde está el dinero? Where's the money? Where's the money? Creo que Tom no está siendo honesto. I don't think Tom is being honest. I don't think Tom's being honest. El jefe de Tom es canadiense. Tom's boss is Canadian. Tom's boss is Canadian. Ell parla cinc idiomes. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Deberías mudarte aquí. You should move here. You should move here. Soy un fotógrafo freelance. I am a freelance photographer. I am a freelance photographer. Tengo un hermano que vive en otro país. I have a brother who lives in another country. I have a brother who lives in another country. Quiero aprender a jugar al futbol. I want to learn to play soccer. I want to learn how to play football. ¿Alguna vez has visto a un ciego nadar? Seguramente él tampoco. Have you ever seen a blind man swim? He probably hasn't either. Have you ever seen a blind man swim? Estornudaron. They sneezed. They sneezed. Él fue severo con sus hijos. He was severe with his children. He was severe with his children. ¿Quién era esa chica? Who was that girl? Who was that girl? ¿Puedo medir su azúcar en sangre? Can I check your blood sugar? Can I measure your blood sugar? El Tom és jove, però sap el que està fent. Tom is young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom's young, but he knows what he's doing. El arcoíris es un fenómeno natural. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon. El teu amic està cansat. Your friend is tired. Your friend is tired. Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen. I took it for granted that he would pass the exam. I'm sure he'll pass the exam. Se pueden buscar oraciones con palabras determinadas y obtener traducciones para esas oraciones. You can search sentences containing a certain word and get translations for these sentences. You can search for sentences with certain words and get translations for those sentences. A ella realmente le gusta mucho la música. She really likes music a lot. She really likes music. A veces tienes que hacer cosas que no quieres hacer. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do. Alce su mano derecha. Raise your right hand. Raise your right hand. El anciano me habló en francés. The old man spoke to me in French. The old man spoke to me in French. Él vio la sorpresa en mi cara. He saw the surprise on my face. He saw the surprise in my face. Ha cogido unos cuantos quilos. He has gained a few pounds. He took a few pounds. Ella salió para buscar un taxi. She went out to look for a taxi. She went out to look for a taxi. La noticia de su embarazo la tomó por sorpresa. News of her pregnancy took her by surprise. The news of her pregnancy took her by surprise. Tom se rió de todos los chistes de Mary. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. Sé que no me vas a escuchar y que volverás a cometer un error. I know you're not going to listen and that you'll do it wrong again. I know you won't listen to me and you'll make a mistake again. Si esperamos a irnos treinta minutos, podemos evitar el tráfico de la hora punta. If we wait for thirty minutes before leaving, we can avoid the rush hour traffic. If we wait to leave for thirty minutes, we can avoid rush hour traffic. La herida dejó de dolerle cuando se puso una tirita. The wound stopped hurting after he put a band-aid on it. The wound stopped hurting when he put on a band-aid. No necesito tu dinero para tener éxito. I don't need your money to succeed. I don’t need your money to succeed. I vau soscar. I'll think about it. And you blew it. ¿Le cuesta subir las escaleras? Is it difficult to climb stairs? Do you find it difficult to climb the stairs? Aquera aiga qu'a bon gost. This water tastes good. This is a good dog. Ella no podía complacerlo por más que intentara. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't please him. She couldn't please him no matter how hard he tried. Tengo que dejar de quedarme hasta tan tarde. I have to stop staying up so late. I have to stop staying so late. Quiero ir a un país donde no haya lunes. I want to go to a country without Mondays. I want to go to a country where there is no Monday. Nancy és de Londres. Nancy is from London. Nancy's from London. Tom debería pagarlo. Tom should pay for it. Tom should pay for it. No hay nada que no haga por mi familia. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my family. There's nothing I don't do for my family. Él ya lo había editado para cuando me llegó al escritorio. He had already edited it by the time it came across my desk. He had already edited it by the time he got to my desk. ¡Qué coincidencia! What a coincidence! What a coincidence! ¿Me explicaréis por qué lo hicísteis? Will you explain me why you did it? Will you explain to me why you did it? Pasará pronto. It'll happen soon. It'll happen soon. La piscina está llena de agua limpia. The pool is full of clean water. The pool is full of clean water. Tienes un mensaje. There is a message for you. You have a message. Tom nunca estará de acuerdo sin importar lo que hagas. No matter what you do, Tom will never agree. Tom will never agree no matter what you do. Se estima que este año la producción de acero alcanzará 100 millones de toneladas. Steel production is estimated to reach 100 million tons this year. It is estimated that this year steel production will reach 100 million tons. Él ha decidido pasarle su negocio a su hijo. He has decided to turn over his business to his son. He has decided to pass on his business to his son. ¿Qué onda con ese bato? What's wrong with that guy? What's with that robe? Él es un entusiasta espectador de teatro. He is an enthusiastic theatregoer. He is an enthusiastic theatre spectator. Acabaré por volverme loco. I'll end up by going crazy. I'll end up going crazy. No quiero tomar un baño. I don't want to take a bath. I don't want to take a bath. Tom y Mary se abrazaron en silencio. Tom and Mary held each other in silence. Tom and Mary hugged in silence. «¡Eh! ¿Qué está pasando aquí? Déjale marchar.» «Tú no te metas, que no es asunto tuyo.» "Hey, what's going on here? Let him go." "Stay out of it, this is none of your business." "Hey! What's going on here? Let him go." "You stay out of it, it's none of your business." Está claro. This is self-explanatory. It's clear. Este queso huele mal. This cheese smells bad. This cheese smells bad. Este camino lo va a llevar a la estación. This road will take you to the station. This road will take you to the station. Tengo todo lo que quieres. I've got everything that you want. I got everything you want. Va a empeorar la herida. It will aggravate the wound. It's gonna make the wound worse. Dicen que las escuelas privadas son mejores que las públicas, ¿es cierto? They say that private schools are better than public ones. Is that true? They say private schools are better than public schools, right? Estarás allí de nuevo pronto. You will be there again soon. You'll be there again soon. ¿Vas a dejar tu trabajo? Are you going to quit your job? Are you going to quit your job? Lenin legalizó el aborto y la homosexualidad, pero Stalin los volvió a criminalizar. Lenin legalized abortion and homosexuality, but Stalin criminalized them again. Lenin legalized abortion and homosexuality, but Stalin criminalized them again. No sé nada de España. I know nothing about Spain. I don't know anything about Spain. Si llueve mañana, no voy. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not coming. Así son los perros. That's how dogs are. So are the dogs. Bon any nou! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Ya he dicho que no. I already said no. I said no. Tom y Mary no tienen hijos. Tom and Mary don't have children. Tom and Mary have no children. Tom se terminó su café y se fue a trabajar. Tom finished his coffee and left for work. Tom finished his coffee and went to work. Tom detesta ir al colegio. Tom hates going to school. Tom hates going to school. ¿Tienes una opinión? Do you have an opinion? Do you have an opinion? Me gusta el deporte. I like sport. I like sports. Traducid al bereber cada palabra. Translate each word into Berber. Translate every word into Berber. Espero estar de vuelta el próximo lunes. I expect to be back next Monday. I hope to be back next Monday. No es incorrecto decir que el ajedrez es un deporte: se lo reconoce como tal. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. It is not wrong to say that chess is a sport: it is recognized as such. Tu hija necesita ayuda. Your daughter needs help. Your daughter needs help. M'agradaré d'aver ua veitura. I wish I had a car. I would love to have a car. No tinc la força per continuar triant. I don't have the strength to keep trying. I don't have the strength to continue to choose. No sé el motiu pel qual va anar-hi. I don't know the reason why he went there. I don't know why he went there. El bus para en frente de mi casa. The bus stops before my house. The bus stops in front of my house. Tom casi muere. Tom almost died. Tom almost died. Siusplau, passeu a la cambra d'un en un. Please come into the room one by one. Please come to the room one at a time. Esto :-) es un emoticono. This :-) is an emoticon. This :-) is an emoticon. No te lo tomes a pecho. Don't take it seriously. Don't take it to heart. ¡Qué par de imbéciles! What a pair of morons! What a pair of assholes! Quiero que salgas. I want you to go outside. I want you out. Tomó tres días pintar la casa entera. It took three days to paint the whole house. It took three days to paint the whole house. En el francés abundan las referencias a los corrales. Barnyard references abound in French. References to corrals abound in French. Hago una lista con las personas que tengo que ver y las cosas que tengo que hacer. I make a list of people I have to see and things I have to do. I make a list of the people I have to see and the things I have to do. Necesitamos un voluntario. We need a volunteer. We need a volunteer. Como Tom no quiere engordar más, no come tarta. Since Tom doesn't want to put on any more weight, he doesn't eat cake. Since Tom doesn't want to get fat anymore, he doesn't eat cake. Tom pensó que él podría contar con Mary para hacer un buen trabajo. Tom thought that he could count on Mary to do a good job. Tom thought he could count on Mary to do a good job. No despediremos a Tom. We won't fire Tom. We're not firing Tom. Eso es porque eres niña. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a kid. Tom nunca ha tenido su propia bicicleta. Tom has never had his own bicycle. Tom has never had his own bike. Creo que es eso lo que dijiste. I believe that's what you said. I think that's what you said. Ese fue el peor trabajo que Yanni ha tenido nunca. That was the worst job Yanni had ever had. That was the worst job Yanni has ever had. Tom empezó a comer. Tom started eating. Tom started eating. Sé lo que quieren decir. I know what they're trying to say. I know what you mean. Puedes verlas riendo y bailando por la noche. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. ¿Puedo ir a visitarte mañana? May I come and see you tomorrow? Can I come visit you tomorrow? Argelia tiene una economía terrible. Algeria has a terrible economy. Algeria has a terrible economy. Esas son sus opciones. Those are your options. Those are your options. La cigüeña es un ave zancuda. The stork is a wading bird. The stork is a wading bird. Déjame hablar con Tom sobre esto. Let me talk to Tom about this. Let me talk to Tom about this. De no haber sido por su ayuda hubiéramos fracasado en los negocios. If it had not been for his help, we would have failed in business. Had it not been for his help, we would have failed in business. Toma un pañuelo, se te caen los mocos. Take a tissue, your nose is running. Take a handkerchief, you're dropping your boogers. Los pasajeros deberían subir al tren ya. Passengers should board the train now. Passengers should get on the train now. Esperamos mejorar con el tiempo. We hope to improve with time. We hope to improve over time. Estamos en buenas condiciones. We are in good condition. We are in good condition. Detesto dormir pasado la medianoche. I hate going to sleep after midnight. I hate sleeping past midnight. Que vam aquiu sovent. We go there often. We are here so often. Durante varios meses después del robo los ladrones trataron de no llamar la atención. For several months after the robbery the thieves kept a low profile. For several months after the robbery the thieves tried not to draw attention. Son muy inteligentes. You're very intelligent. They're very smart. La gente que vive sola siempre tiene algo en sus mentes que gustosamente compartirán. People who live alone always have something on their minds that they would willingly share. People who live alone always have something in their minds that they will gladly share. No pude ir porque mi madre estaba enferma. Because my mother was ill, I could not go there. I couldn't go because my mother was sick. ¿Quién crees que va ahí? Who do you think goes there? Who do you think goes there? ¿Con qué frecuencia practicas deporte? How often do you practice sports? How often do you play sports? Desafortunadamente, no parece que sea verdad. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be true. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be true. El monte Fuji estaba cubierto de nieve. Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. Mount Fuji was covered in snow. Tomás se quitó los auriculares. Tom took off his headphones. Tom took off his headphones. He agafat un peix. I caught a fish. I caught a fish. Ella dejó todo por sus niñas. She gave up everything for her children. She left everything for her girls. «¿Por qué no me puede dejar tranquila Tom?» «¡Dile que te está molestando!» "Why can't Tom leave me alone?" "Tell him he's annoying you!" “Why can’t Tom leave me alone?” “Tell him he’s bothering you!” Tu pene es pequeño. Your penis is small. Your penis is small. Tom ni siquiera intentará escuchar la historia de sus padres. Tom won't even try to listen to his fathers story. Tom won't even try to hear his parents' story. Betty tiene una voz dulce. Betty has a sweet voice. Betty has a sweet voice. Yo estaba en Nueva York cuando eso pasó. I was in New York when it happened. I was in New York when that happened. ¿Puedes mostrarme cómo se ocupa esta cámara? Will you show me how to use this camera? Can you show me how this camera works? Escucha solo radio cabilia. Only listen to Kabyle radio. Listen only to radio cabilia. ¿Qué has logrado en tu vida? What have you accomplished in your life? What have you achieved in your life? Si quieres, te pues quedar aquí. If you want, you can stay here. If you want, you can stay here. Alguns diuen que ho saben tot. Some claim to know everything. Some say they know everything. Tom fue lo suficientemente afortunado para encontrar un buen empleo. Tom was lucky enough to find a good job. Tom was lucky enough to find a good job. Quiero dormir un montón. I want to sleep a ton. I want to sleep a lot. La bomba destruyó tres casas. The bomb destroyed three houses. The bomb destroyed three houses. Siento haberme equivocado de dirección. I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction. I'm sorry I got the wrong address. Quau ei la toa adreça postau ? What's your home address? What is your address? Trataré de ir a casa durante la temporada de vacaciones. I'll try to get home during the holiday season. I will try to go home during the holiday season. Hoy Tom ha visto a Mary. Tom saw Mary today. Tom saw Mary today. ¿Vas a visitar a tus padres? Are you going to visit your parents? Are you going to visit your parents? Gracias por enseñarme tantas cosas. Thank you for showing me so many things. Thank you for teaching me so many things. No soy gay; soy bisexual. I'm not gay; I'm bi. I'm not gay; I'm bisexual. ¿Por qué ella no fue allí? Why didn't she go there? Why didn't she go there? Yanni también va a hablar sobre eso. Yanni is gonna talk about that, too. Yanni's gonna talk about that, too. Cuando estudio Toki Pona, recuerdo que Tarzán dijo: "Yo, Tarzán, tú Jane". When I study Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane." When I studied Toki Pona, I remember Tarzan saying, "I, Tarzan, you Jane." Leyó el libro ayer. He read the book yesterday. He read the book yesterday. ¿Dónde se encuentra la estación del metro más cercana? Where's the closest metro station? Where is the nearest metro station? Él está leyendo un libro. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Es el turno de Tom. It's Tom's turn. It's Tom's turn. Según el plan original, este camino ya debería haber sido terminado. This road should have already been completed according to the original plan. According to the original plan, this path should have already been finished. Estava el Tom a classe d'història avui? Was Tom in history class today? Was Tom in history class today? No es tan fácil. It's not that easy. It's not that easy. No tienes ninguna posibilidad contra María, te va a hacer pedazos. You don't have a chance against Mary. She'll tear you to pieces. You don't stand a chance against Maria, she's gonna tear you to pieces. Ocultémonos detrás de la cortina. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. Ella vertió agua hirviendo en la taza. She poured boiling water into the cup. She poured boiling water into the cup. El agua está tibia. The water is lukewarm. The water's warm. Por favor dígalo de nuevo. Please say it one more time. Please say it again. Tom proporcionará la música. Tom will provide music. Tom will provide the music. No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida arrepintiéndome de ello. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. Mi hermano mayor es muy bueno conmigo. My big brother is really nice to me. My older brother is very good to me. Los astros se empeñan de alumbrar a las mentes ávidas, siendo guía en la oscuridad. The planets and the stars insist on illuminating eager minds, being a guide among the darkness. The stars endeavor to enlighten the eager minds, being a guide in the darkness. No hace falta decir que si apoyas literalmente a Hamas, no solo eres un antisionista, sino un antisemita. It should go without saying that if you literally support Hamas, you are not just an anti-Zionist but an antisemite. Needless to say, if you literally support Hamas, you are not only an anti-Zionist, but an anti-Semite. El ejército está protegiendo la frontera entre Francia y España. The army is protecting the border between France and Spain. The army is protecting the border between France and Spain. La gente que no tiene prisa se sitúa en el lado derecho de las escaleras mecánicas. People who are not in a hurry stand on the right side of the escalator. People who are not in a hurry are placed on the right side of the escalators. Mantené un perfil bajo. Keep a low profile. Keep a low profile. Quiero verte antes de que te vayas. I want to see you before you go. I want to see you before you leave. Tom no tenía tiempo para nosotros. Tom didn't have any time for us. Tom didn't have time for us. Lo son roman navèth vau la pena d'estar lejut. His new novel is worth reading. The ship is worth a visit. Aquera mangiscla que pudís a poirit. This food smells rotten. That sucks that you could poirit. N'èi pas nat gat. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. ¿Puedes encontrar el momento para jugar con nuestra hija? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? ¿Lo sentís? Are you sorry? Do you feel it? Decir eso trae mala suerte. It's bad luck to say that. Saying that brings bad luck. Ajudas Dauna Hansson ? Are you helping Miss Hansson? Help Dauna Hansson ? ¿Qué le pasa a toda la madera? What happens to all the wood? What's wrong with all the wood? Enséñame lo que vales. Prove you're brave. Show me what you're worth. Esto es debido a que el inglés es un idioma global. This is due to English being a world language. This is because English is a global language. No recorde on ho vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Si yo fuera tú, no habría hecho eso. I wouldn't have done that if I were you. If I were you, I wouldn't have done that. Tendremos que afrontar todos los obstáculos que se nos vayan apareciendo. We'll have to face every obstacle that comes our way. We will have to face all the obstacles that appear to us. ¿Cuál es tu modelo favorito? Who's your favorite fashion model? What's your favorite model? Ella le dijo a su hijo que esperara un momento. She told her son to wait a minute. She told her son to wait a moment. Ellos comenzaron la jornada con el canto del gallo. They set out at the rooster's call. They began the day with the cock crowing. ¿Ganó el caso? Did you win the case? Did he win the case? La ley austro-húngara de 1787 "Patent über die Judennamen" ordenó que los judíos adoptaran apellidos alemanes. The 1787 Austro-Hungarian "Patent über die Judennamen" mandated that Jews take on German surnames. The Austro-Hungarian law of 1787 "Patent ?ber die Judennamen" ordered Jews to adopt German surnames. ¿Has decidido dónde vas a ir a estudiar al extranjero? Have you decided where you're going to go to study abroad? Have you decided where you are going to study abroad? Conoce a tus nuevos vecinos. Meet your new neighbors. Meet your new neighbors. Sempre us recordaré. I will always remember you. I'll always remember you. ¡Tuve un sueño tan chido! ¡Había láseres, y robots, y fuego, y...! ¿Por qué no me escuchas? My dream was so cool! There were lasers, and there were robots, and there was fire, and—why aren’t you listening? I had such a cool dream! There were lasers, and robots, and fire, and...! Why don't you listen to me? Adelante, den a Estados Unidos todo el dinero que se han ganado. Go ahead, give America all your hard earned money. Go ahead, give America all the money you've earned. Vivo aquí ahora. Now I live here. I live here now. No ho he dit pas. I didn't say it. I didn't say. China es el principal socio de importación de Argelia. China is Algeria's primary import partner. China is Algeria’s main import partner. El teléfono sonó cada pocos minutos. The telephone rang every few minutes. The phone rang every few minutes. Me gusta mucho haceros enfadar. I like making you mad. I like to make you angry. Estoy demasiado cansado para salir a hacer jogging. I'm too tired to go out jogging. I'm too tired to go jogging. Alguien ama a todos. Somebody loves everyone. Someone loves everyone. Fuimos forzados a trabajar duro. We were forced to work hard. We were forced to work hard. Aqueras fòtos que son las soas. Those photos are hers. Those are the sounds. La protección absoluta de la vida privada en Facebook es una ilusión, no existe en realidad. Absolute privacy on Facebook is an illusion. It doesn't exist in reality. The absolute protection of privacy on Facebook is an illusion, it doesn’t really exist. Escolteu! Listen! Listen up! La meva mare sap com fer pastissos. My mother knows how to make cakes. My mother knows how to make cakes. El pueblo no estará más aligerado si el palo que le pega lleva el nombre del palo del pueblo. It will scarcely be any easier on the people if the stick with which they are beaten is called the people's stick. The people will not be more lightened if the stick that hits them is named after the people’s stick. Yanni necesita intentarlo. Yanni needs to try. Yanni needs to try. Ella ha muerto en un accidente de avión. She died in a plane crash. She died in a plane crash. Va provar d'escórrer la taronja. She tried to squeeze the juice out of the orange. He tried to run off the orange. «¡Deja que Tom también conduzca!» «¿En mi coche? ¡De ninguna manera!» "Let Tom drive too." "In my car? No way!" “Let Tom drive too!” “In my car? No way!” Estabais abriendo la puerta. You were opening the door. You were opening the door. ¡Me gustas mucho! I like you very much! I like you so much! Para ellos, la música que escuchan, que a mí me parece horrible, es lo más bello que hay, y seguramente no pueden comprender que alguien como yo la encuentre difícil de escuchar y les pida que la apaguen. To them, the music they listen to, that I find horrible, is the most beautiful thing there is, and they surely can't understand that someone like me would find it hard to listen to and ask them to turn it off. For them, the music they listen to, which seems horrible to me, is the most beautiful thing there is, and surely they cannot understand that someone like me finds it difficult to listen to and asks them to turn it off. Ellos tienen algo en común. They have something in common. They have something in common. Llueve un montón. It rains a lot. It rains a lot. ¿Por qué no llevas un paraguas por si acaso? Why don't you bring an umbrella, just in case? Why don't you take an umbrella just in case? Friega la sartén. Scour the pan. Scrub the pan. No deja de llamarme. He won't stop calling me. He keeps calling me. Entonces los ojos de la muñequita empezarían a brillar como luciérnagas, y ella se convertiría en viva. Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glowworms, and it would become alive. Then the doll’s eyes would begin to glow like fireflies, and she would become alive. Puedes ponerlo en cualquier sitio. You can put it anywhere. You can put it anywhere. Esta es mi amiga Raquel. Fuimos juntos a la escuela. This is my friend Rachel. We went to school together. This is my friend Raquel, we went to school together. Este alcalde no defiende los intereses de los ciudadanos. This mayor doesn't defend the citizens' interests. This mayor does not defend the interests of the citizens. Tendrías que haber empezado con preguntas más simples. You should have started with simpler questions. You should have started with simpler questions. De qué t'a deishudat ? What woke you up? What did you give up? No lo has tocado, ¿no? You didn't touch it, did you? You haven't touched him, have you? Lo siento, no te pude oír. Estaba demasiado ocupado traduciendo oraciones con Tatoeba. Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I was too busy translating sentences with Tatoeba. Sorry, I couldn't hear you, I was too busy translating sentences with Tatoeba. Tom ya no es tan brusco como era. Ahora es muy amable. Tom's not as abrupt as he once was. He's really nice now. Tom's not as rough as he used to be. La fursona de Tom es un zorro llamado Neon. Tom's fursona is a fox named Neon. Tom's fursone is a fox named Neon. ¿Cómo sabemos que te podemos confiar? How do we know we can trust you? How do we know we can trust you? N'èi pas de gat. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. Creo que hablé de esto hace un tiempo. I think I talked about this a while ago. I think I talked about this a while ago. Le gusta el jazz, y a mí también. He likes jazz, and so do I. He likes jazz, and so do I. Ella le ignoró hasta que él se hizo rico. She ignored him until he became rich. She ignored him until he became rich. Es un hombre de gran capacidad para los negocios. He's a very capable business man. He is a man of great ability for business. Me acordaré de ti para siempre. I'll remember you forever. I'll remember you forever. M'agradaria anar a l'estranger. I'd like to go abroad. I would like to go abroad. Estoy seguro de que va a ganar. I am sure that he will win. I'm sure he'll win. Yo no, ¿y tú? I don't. Do you? I don't, do you? ¡Increíble! Incredible! Unbelievable! Ciertamente habrá dudas sobre tu propuesta. There will certainly be doubts about your proposal. There will certainly be doubts about your proposal. Feliç dia de la Mare! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! No respondiste. You didn't respond. You didn't answer. Quisiera cambiar estos pesos, por favor. I'd like to change these pesos, please. I'd like to change these weights, please. La princesa besó a la rana, y la rana se convirtió en un príncipe guapo. The princess kissed the frog and he turned into a handsome prince. The princess kissed the frog, and the frog became a handsome prince. Las bebidas energéticas son muy caras. Energy drinks are really expensive. Energy drinks are very expensive. Tot va plan que s'acaba plan. All's well that ends well. It’s all a plan that ends. Tom le contó a Mary todas las cosas que John no hizo y pudo haber hecho. Tom told Mary all the things John didn't do that he could have done. Tom told Mary all the things John didn’t do and could have done. Espere a que acabe de comer. Wait until I finish eating. Wait till he's done eating. Mañana ayudaré a Tom. I'll help Tom tomorrow. I'll help Tom tomorrow. Ahí están, el abuelo y su nieto. There they are: the grandfather and his son. There they are, Grandpa and his grandson. Mis calificaciones eran promedio. My school grades were average. My grades were average. ¿Por qué quisiste que ella se fuera? Why did you want her to leave? Why did you want her to leave? Cartago debe ser destruida. Carthage must be destroyed. Carthage must be destroyed. Vigila amb els cotxes en creuar el carrer. Look out for cars in crossing the street. Keep an eye on the cars as you cross the street. Estoy en contra de este proyecto de ley. I'm against the bill. I am against this bill. Como no había más lugar en la mesa, tuve que comer de pie. Since there wasn't any more room at the table, I had to eat standing up. Since there was no more room at the table, I had to eat standing up. No suporte els plors dels xiquets. I can't stand children crying. Don't take the children's cries. Ja has conegut el senyor Smith, oi? You've met Mr. Smith already, haven't you? You've met Mr. Smith, haven't you? Tom arriesgó su vida para salvar a Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Cuando daba marcha atrás, choqué con otro coche, haciendo que le saltara la alarma. While backing up, I bumped into another car and set off its alarm. When I was backing up, I hit another car, causing the alarm to go off. Déjala marchar, Yanni. Let her go, Yanni. Let her go, Yanni. No le gusta correr. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like to run. No he leído su novela, y mi hermano tampoco. I haven't read his novel, and my brother hasn't either. I haven't read his novel, and neither has my brother. Esperaba que Tom encontraría a alguien más que lo ayudara. I'd hoped that Tom would find someone else to help him. I was hoping Tom would find someone else to help him. Nadie tiene el derecho a tomar la vida de otro ser. Nobody has the right to take the life of another being. No one has the right to take the life of another being. Ella gritaba mientras blandía el cuchillo. While she was screaming, she brandished the knife. She screamed as she brandished the knife. Me estoy hartando de todas vuestras quejas. I'm getting sick and tired of all your complaints. I'm sick of all your complaints. Los niños juegan en el parque. The kids play in the park. Children playing in the park. La normalidad no existe. Normalcy doesn't exist. Normality does not exist. Algún día descubriré quiénes son mis verdaderos padres. Someday, I'll find out who my real parents are. Someday I'll find out who my real parents are. Los campesinos pobres comían papas. The poor peasants ate potatoes. Poor farmers ate potatoes. Mi teclado está sucio. My keyboard is dirty. My keyboard is dirty. Necesito comprobarte la tensión sanguínea. I need to check you blood pressure. I need to check your blood pressure. El sol es rey del cielo y la luna es reina de la las estrellas. The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. The sun is king of the sky and the moon is queen of the stars. Probablemente a Tom lo despedirán por lo que hizo. Tom will probably get fired for what he did. Tom will probably get fired for what he did. ¿Qué nota sacaste en Francés? What grade did you get in French? What note did you get in French? Me gustaría ofrecerte el puesto. I would like to offer you the position. I'd like to offer you the job. Yanni hizo un vídeo divertido donde ridiculiza a los separatistas. Yanni made a funny video where he ridicules the separatists. Yanni made a funny video where he ridicules the separatists. Quiero aprender a hablar español fluido. I want to speak Spanish fluently. I want to learn to speak fluent Spanish. Su paciencia está agotada. Her patience is exhausted. Your patience is exhausted. Lo regent que'ns expliquèc la significacion deu mot. The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us. The ruler who explained the meaning to us ten words. Es posible que hubiera fraude electoral. It's possible there was voter fraud. There may have been electoral fraud. El profesor acusó a uno de sus estudiantes de hacer ruido en clase. The teacher accused one of his students of being noisy in class. The teacher accused one of his students of making noise in class. Bon viatge. Enjoy your trip. Have a good trip. Aquéllos son mis libros. Those are my books. Those are my books. Esto no es un problema para mí. For me, this is not a problem. This isn't a problem for me. Tal vez eso es cierto. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. Tom se dio una ducha fría esta mañana. Tom took a cold shower this morning. Tom took a cold shower this morning. ¡Cómo arruina el matrimonio a un hombre! Es tan desmoralizador como los cigarros, y mucho más caro. How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. How does marriage ruin a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and much more expensive. Dolió tanto. It hurt so much. It hurt so bad. No dejaré que lo hagas. I will not let you do it. I won't let you do it. Quiero llamar a mi familia. I want to call my family. I want to call my family. ¿Seguro que cerraste la puerta con llave? Are you sure that you locked the door? Are you sure you locked the door? La impresora de la oficina de Peter está rota y ya no imprime. The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore. Peter's office printer is broken and no longer prints. Este incidente es bastante sorprendente. This incident is quite uncanny. This incident is quite surprising. Jo sóc qui treu les escombraries. I'm the one who takes out the garbage. I'm the one who takes out the trash. He perdido mi llave. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Aquí hay hombres que trabajan, excepto John. Ese tipo no hace nada. There are men working here, except John. That guy does nothing. There are men here who work, except for John. Él tiene un problema de actitud. He has an attitude problem. He has an attitude problem. Me dijo que quería dejar la compañía. He told me he wanted to quit the company. He told me he wanted to leave the company. També podriem romandre ací fins que el temps millore. We may as well stay here till the weather improves. We can also stay here until the weather gets better. Ser feliz con las pequeñas cosas es un arte que pocos dominan. Being happy with the little things is an art that few master. Being happy with the little things is an art that few master. El significat exacte de la metafísica és controvertit. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. Nosotros no cambiamos el mundo, el mundo nos cambia. We don't change the world. The world changes us. We don’t change the world, the world changes us. Estoy hasta el cogote con problemas. I'm in the middle of a muddle. I'm up to my neck in trouble. Nos pusimos nuestras botas. We put on our boots. We put on our boots. Tom puede venir y visitarme cuando quiera. Tom may come and visit me any time he wants to. Tom can come and visit me whenever he wants. ¿A quién se le ocurrió invitar a Tom a mi fiesta? Whose idea was it to invite Tom to my party? Who decided to invite Tom to my party? Significas mucho para mí. You mean a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. Me tienen a mí. You've got me. They got me. Estar enfermo es perjudicial. Being sick is unhealthy. Being sick is harmful. ¿Te han dado un 120% en el examen de física? Probablemente podrías enseñar esa clase... You got 120% on the physics exam? You could probably teach that class... Have you been given 120% in the physics exam? You could probably teach that class... Els francesos no mengen prou fibres. The French do not eat enough fiber. The French don't eat enough fibers. Si solo bebes este zumo durante unos días, te encontrarás mejor. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you'll get better. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you will feel better. Lo digo como es. I'm telling it like it is. I say it as it is. Tony es un chico educado. Tony is a polite boy. Tony is an educated boy. Ayer vi a un niño con zapatos rojos. I saw a boy wearing red shoes yesterday. Yesterday I saw a boy in red shoes. A ellas les gusta mucho el fútbol. They like soccer a lot. They like football a lot. Virtut i vici. Virtue and vice. Virtue and vice. La gente quiere respirar. People want to breathe. People want to breathe. Sóc jo. It's me. It's me. Esta es la mejor ciudad del país para vivir. This is the best city in the country to live in. This is the best city in the country to live in. Ella se burló de su marido. She made fun of her husband. She made fun of her husband. ¡Admirad qué bueno y qué agradable es para los hermanos vivir juntos en unidad! See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity! Admire how good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity! Me hizo enfadarme tanto que me dio dolor de cabeza. He made me so angry that I got a headache. It made me so angry that it gave me a headache. Golondrinas vuelan por el cielo. Swallows are flying in the sky. Swallows fly through the sky. La mantega fa bona olor. The butter smells good. Butter smells good. ¡Ya son las cuatro! It's already 4:00! It's four o'clock! Ocurrió tan de repente que no tuvimos tiempo para reaccionar. It happened so suddenly that we didn't have time to react. It happened so suddenly that we didn’t have time to react. Un caballo entra en un bar. El camarero pregunta: "¿A qué viene esa cara larga?" A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What's that long face coming at?" ¡Soy la ley! I am the law! I am the law! ¿Tu última comida contenía fruta, frutos secos, huevo o marisco? Did your last meal contain fruit, nuts, eggs, or shellfish? Did your last meal contain fruit, nuts, eggs, or seafood? Hi habia una vegada un rei que tenia tres filles. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. There was once a king who had three daughters. Qui va inventar el piano? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Aprender lenguas extranjeras es difícil. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning foreign languages is difficult. Detrás de la puerta, la riqueza lo esperaba. Behind the door, wealth awaited him. Behind the door, wealth was waiting for him. ¿Está bien la forma en la que hago esto? Is the way I'm doing this OK? Is the way I do this okay? Me pasé la mañana leyendo libros. I spent all morning reading books. I spent the morning reading books. Sé paciente y persistente. Estas cosas toman tiempo. Be patient and persistent. These things take time. Be patient and persistent. These things take time. Ese es un cambio que todos podemos esperar. That's a change that we can all hope for. This is a change we can all hope for. ¿Estás segura de esto? Are you certain about this? Are you sure about this? No m'agraden els viatges llargs. I don't like long journeys. I don't like long trips. Los padres de Tom hablan francés. Tom's parents speak French. Tom's parents speak French. Él pinta iconos. He paints icons. He paints icons. Los animales salvajes viven en los bosques. Wild animals live in forests. Wild animals live in the forests. ¿Creéis en el Mal de ojo? Do you believe in the Evil Eye? Do you believe in the evil eye? Ella solía vivir cerca de él. She used to live near him. She used to live near him. Me gusta cuando la gente me trata como a un niño. I like it when people treat me like a kid. I like it when people treat me like a kid. No puc tolerar els covards. I have no tolerance of cowards. I can't tolerate cowards. Esta es la primera vez que oigo hablar de este sitio web. This is the first time I've heard of this website. This is the first time I’ve heard of this website. Ella lo echó a él. She threw him out. She threw him out. El dinero fácil siempre tiene un precio. Free money always comes at a price. Easy money always has a price. Al té verde lo vuelvo pipí en segundos. Green tea goes right through me. I'll pee back in green tea in seconds. Yanni revisó el teléfono de Skura. Yanni went through Skura's phone. Yanni checked Skura's phone. Tom está comiendo patatas fritas. Tom is eating fries. Tom's eating chips. No em ve de gust passejar aquest matí. I don't feel like going for a walk this morning I don’t like to go for a walk this morning. Tu recompensa. Here is your reward. Your reward. Yanni necesita entenderlo. Yanni needs to understand. Yanni needs to understand. Soy único. I'm unique. I'm unique. ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol con nosotros? Do you want to play football with us? Do you want to play football with us? Tom entró corriendo a la habitación. Tom ran into the room. Tom ran into the room. Mark no tardará mucho en recuperarse. It won't be long before Mike gets well. It won't take long for Mark to recover. Ets humà. You're a human. You're human. No es eso lo que te pregunté. That isn't what I asked you. That's not what I asked you. Tom habla sobre Mary todo el tiempo. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Tom pensó que nadie lo reconocería. Tom didn't think that anyone would recognize him. Tom thought no one would recognize him. Nada es irrompible. Nothing is unbreakable. Nothing is unbreakable. Esta iglesia fue construida en el siglo XII. This church was built in the 12th century. This church was built in the 12th century. Encontré interesante tu comentario. I thought your remark was interesting. I found your comment interesting. El bastón de mi abuela está hecho de madera del pino. My grandmother's cane is made of pinewood. My grandmother's cane is made of pine wood. Por favor tenga la amabilidad de decírmelo otra vez. Please say that again! Please be kind enough to tell me again. No sé qué haría si te pasara algo. If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you. Probablemente mañana nevará. Probably it will snow tomorrow. It will probably snow tomorrow. ¿Estáis mirando? Are you looking? Are you looking? Él está comiendo. He is eating. He's eating. Al final los dos se quedaron dormidos. Finally they both fell asleep. In the end, they both fell asleep. Le dio su palabra. He gave him his word. He gave her his word. ¿Por qué no tuviste que hacerlo? Why didn't you have to do that? Why didn't you have to? Yanni quiere daros a todos un gran agradecimiento. Yanni wants to give you all a big thank you. Yanni wants to give you all a big thank you. Hacen un gran equipo. They make a great team. They make a great team. Firmen esto. Sign this. Sign this. Ells no beuen. They don't drink. They don't drink. Mi hijo hará el trabajo. My son shall do the work. My son will do the job. Tom tiene problemas para acostumbrarse a la idea de que su padre fue el autor de una masacre. Tom is having trouble dealing with the fact that his father was a mass murderer. Tom has trouble getting used to the idea that his father was the perpetrator of a massacre. ¿Acaso estás pensando seriamente en el divorcio? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? Una guitarra eléctrica no suena igual a una acústica. An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one. An electric guitar doesn’t sound the same as an acoustic guitar. ¡Finalmente! Finally! Finally! La corriente de aire cerró la puerta. The door blew shut. The air flow closed the door. No veo películas en mi ordenador. I don't watch movies on my computer. I don't watch movies on my computer. Tom gana mogollón de pasta. Tom makes a shit-ton of dough. Tom earns a lot of money. Esperamos mucho, pero Tom no apareció. We waited a long time, but Tom didn't show up. We waited a long time, but Tom didn't show up. Tom sabe que nosotros no estamos ocupados. Tom knows we aren't busy. Tom knows we're not busy. ¿Alcanzas a hacerlo? Can you make it on time? Do you manage to do that? Sos un buen amigo. You're a good friend. You're a good friend. Sé que se trata de una pregunta un poco extraña pero la voy a hacer de todos modos. I know it's a bit of a strange question, but I'll ask it anyway. I know this is a bit of a strange question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Ell diu que és innocent, però el van tancar a la presó. He says he's innocent, but they put him in jail. He says he's innocent, but they locked him in jail. El diccionari recull vora mig milió de paraules. The dictionary gathers nearly half a million words. The dictionary contains half a million words. ¿Sigues viendo dibujos animados? Do you still watch cartoons? Do you still watch cartoons? Caleré balhar l'aumoina au paure. One should give alms to the poor. I'll need to dance the aumoina au paure. Es lo mejor para mí. It's the best for me. It's the best thing for me. La caspa se forma con pequeñas escamas de piel muerta. Dandruff is made of small flakes of dead skin. Dandruff forms with small scales of dead skin. Tom respondió que no sabía. Tom answered that he didn't know. Tom replied that he did not know. Ella té un gat blanc. She has a white cat. She has a white cat. Todos los inmigrantes deben aprobar un examen de ruso. All immigrants are required to pass a Russian language exam. All immigrants must pass a Russian language exam. El ácido corroyó el metal. The acid ate into the metal. The acid corroded the metal. Muchas gracias por tu invitación, Ricardo. Thank you very much for your invitation, Richard. Thank you very much for your invitation, Ricardo. "¿Estás bien?" "Sí." "Are you okay?" "Yes." "Are you okay?" "Yes." Inglaterra era la favorita al inicio del partido, jugando en casa ante miles de aficionados. England was the favorite at the start of the game, as it was playing at home in front of tens of thousands of fans. England were the favourite at the start of the match, playing at home in front of thousands of fans. Vi un niño con zapatos coloridos. I saw a boy with colourful shoes. I saw a boy with colorful shoes. De no ser por la tormenta, habría llegado antes. Except for the storm, I would've arrived earlier. If it weren't for the storm, it would have come sooner. Qu'ei lo son líber. This is her book. He is a liberator. Las niñas quieren jugar adentro, y los niños quieren jugar afuera. The girls want to play inside, and the boys want to play outside. Girls want to play inside, and boys want to play outside. Se amplió el gimnasio de la escuela. The school gymnasium was enlarged. The school gym was expanded. Mary se quedó quieta como una estatua cuando vio a la serpiente. Mary stood as still as a statue when she saw the snake. Mary stood still like a statue when she saw the serpent. ¿Tienes tu carné de estudiante? Do you have your student ID card? Do you have your student card? Ése sí que es viejo. That one is old. That one's old. Mi objetivo no es llevar la capucha de continuo. Mi objetivo es quitármela cuando no tenga motivo para llevarla. My aim isn't to wear the hood continuously. My aim is to take it off when I don't have reason to wear it. My goal is not to wear the hood continuously. My goal is to take it off when I have no reason to wear it. Ella lo llamó. She called him. She called him. A Tom le hicieron catfishing. Tom got catfished. Tom was catfished. L'èi vist qui lavava la veitura. I saw him wash the car. I saw him washing his car. ¿Usas algún método anticonceptivo? Do you use any method of birth control? Do you use any form of birth control? Digamos que no me pilló de sorpresa. Let's just say that I wasn't surprised. Let's just say I wasn't surprised. ¿De quién es la culpa del fracaso? Who is to blame for the failure? Who is to blame for the failure? Yanni se dio cuenta de que podía marcar la diferencia. Yanni realized he could make a difference. Yanni realized he could make a difference. ¿Podrías traducir este documento al francés? Could you translate this document to French? Could you translate this document into French? Ella le compró un coche. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. ¿Con qué frecuencia hablas francés? How often do you speak French? How often do you speak French? Mira lo que el futuro nos depara. Look what the future holds for us. Look what the future holds for us. Rússia és una endevinalla embolicat en un misteri dins d'un enigma. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery within an enigma. Su casa está por aquí. His house is somewhere around here. Your house's this way. Eres muy escéptico. You're very skeptical. You're very skeptical. Obtuve 80 puntos de un máximo de 100. I got 80 marks out of a maximum of 100. I got 80 points from a maximum of 100. Ese presidente escribió sus memorias. This president has written his memoirs. That president wrote his memoirs. Álif es la primera letra del alfabeto árabe. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At the beginning of the day, she was at home. Mi amigo vive cerca de la frontera entre Suiza y Alemania. My friend lives near the border of Switzerland and Germany. My friend lives near the border between Switzerland and Germany. Esta es una buena cámara. This is a good camera. This is a good camera. Halagar a los niños es algo importante. Praising children is an important thing. Praise for children is important. ¿Por qué no viene a visitarnos? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? La noche es cuando la mayoría de la gente va a la cama. Night is when most people go to bed. The night is when most people go to bed. Regamos nuestro césped por la tarde. We water our lawn in the afternoon. We water our lawn in the afternoon. Éste es el reverso de la medalla. This is the back of the medal. This is the back of the medal. Voy a estar libre. I'll be free. I'll be free. No me digas que Tom ya está tomado. Don't tell me that Tom is drunk already. Don't tell me Tom's already taken. Por consideración a la industria de la cría de cerdos, el nombre de 'gripe porcina' ha sido cambiado a 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'. Out of consideration for the pig farming industry, the name ‘swine flu’ has been changed to ‘flu A(H1N1)’. Nos pagarán en una hora. We're being paid in an hour. We'll be paid in an hour. Apagamos el televisor. We turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. Es camarero y también actor. He is a waiter and also an actor. He is a bartender and also an actor. Quisiera reservar una habitación en un hotel. I'd like to reserve a hotel room. I would like to book a room in a hotel. ¡Lávate los dientes! Clean your teeth! Wash your teeth! M'agradaré d'estar mei gran. I wish I were taller. I would love to be older. Ya ha publicado dos libros. She has already published two books. He has already published two books. Necesitamos practicar nuestro francés. We need to practise our French. We need to practice our French. No puc parar el meu sagnat pel nas. I can't stop my nosebleed. I can't stop my nosebleed. Crec que ell ho ha fet. I think he has done it. I think he did. El televisor no funciona bien. The TV doesn't work well. The TV is not working well. ¿Puedes oírnos? Can you hear us? Can you hear us? Esa caja es más grande que ésta. That box is bigger than this one. That box is bigger than this one. Él tuvo un accidente. He had a traffic accident. He had an accident. Todos los camaradas dormían. My companions were all asleep. All the comrades were asleep. No sé del cert quan vindrà. I don't know for certain when he will come. I don't know for sure when he's coming. Te estaba buscando. I've been looking for you. I was looking for you. Vive rápido, muere joven y deja un bonito cadáver. Live fast, die young, and leave a lovely corpse. Live fast, die young and leave a nice corpse. Despiértame. Wake me up. Wake me up. Esta colección de jazz es un tesoro. This jazz collection is a treasure. This jazz collection is a treasure. Debe aclararse el diagnóstico médico. The medical diagnosis must be clarified. The medical diagnosis should be clarified. Tom es un lobo. Tom is a wolf. Tom is a wolf. ¿Por qué estás en el baño? Why are you in the bathroom? Why are you in the bathroom? ¿Puede decirme qué está pasando? Can you tell me what is happening? Can you tell me what's going on? Vamos a jugar. Let's play something. Let's play. ¿Eres traductor? Are you a translator? Are you a translator? No te sientas mal por ser humano. Don't feel bad for being human. Don't feel bad about being human. Nadie se detuvo para ver si Tom estaba bien. Nobody stopped to see if Tom was OK. No one stopped to see if Tom was okay. Esther no tuvo tiempo de tomar el desayuno continental. Esther didn't have time to eat the continental breakfast. Esther didn't have time to have a continental breakfast. ¿Todavía no lo hiciste? You still haven't done it? You haven't done it yet? Jo era sospitós de ser un criminal. I was suspected to be the criminal. I was suspected of being a criminal. Ella observaba como vuelan las mariposas. She observed how butterflies fly. She watched the butterflies fly. Si lo hubiese sabido, podría habértelo dicho. If I had known it, I would have told it to you. If I had, I could have told you. Siempre pongo mis plumas en el cajón. I always put my pens in the drawer. I always put my pens in the drawer. ¿Por qué te enfada el hecho de que las rosas tengan espinas? Mejor alégrate de que las matas de espinas tengan pétalos de rosa. Why are you mad about the fact that roses have thorns? Be grateful that thorn bushes have rose petals. Why are you angry that roses have thorns? Better be glad that thorn bushes have rose petals. Vam començar lèu lo tribalh. We'll begin work soon. We started with tribalism. Te veo luego. I'll see you later. I'll see you later. Por eso vine aquí. That is why I came here. That's why I came here. Creí haberte oído. I thought I heard you. I thought I heard you. Esta flor extiende sus pétalos de noche. This flower spreads its petals at night. This flower spreads its petals at night. Odio la publicidad. I hate advertising. I hate advertising. ¡Deja que lo intente otra vez! Let him try again. Let me try again! El joven muchacho corre peligro de ahogarse. The young boy is in danger of drowning. The young boy is in danger of drowning. Pero no tenía miedo. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. Bon nadal! Merry Christmas! Nice Christmas! Amazòne qu'ei abeurada per un gran nombre d'afluents. The Amazon is fed by a large number of tributaries. Amazed that it has been flooded by a large number of tributaries. Sois innobles. You're ignoble. You're ignoble. El Papa Francisco habló de la necesidad de ser generosos, solidarios y serviciales, especialmente con aquellos que son vulnerables, los enfermos, los desempleados o que experimentan dificultades debido a los efectos económicos de la pandemia y las mujeres que sufrieron violencia doméstica durante estos meses de encierro. Pope Francis spoke of the need to be generous, supportive and helpful, especially towards those who are vulnerable, the sick, those unemployed or experiencing hardship due to the economic effects of the pandemic, and women who have suffered domestic violence during these months of lockdown. Pope Francis spoke of the need to be generous, supportive and helpful, especially with those who are vulnerable, sick, unemployed or experiencing hardship due to the economic effects of the pandemic and women who suffered domestic violence during these months of confinement. ¿Quieres dejar un mensaje? Would you like to leave a message? Want to leave a message? Ahí está nuestro coche. There's our car. There's our car. ¿Dónde está el resto? Where's the rest? Where's the rest? Estoy empezando a ponerme celoso. I'm starting to get jealous. I'm starting to get jealous. Ne'm brombi pas la significacion deu mot qui avèvi cercat ger au diccionari. I can't remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday. I don't understand the meaning of ten words when I'm looking for a dictionary. Ese artículo ridiculiza a los vegetarianos. That article makes fun of vegetarians. That article ridicules vegetarians. Si no vas a ir, yo tampoco voy. If you're not going, I'm not going either. If you're not going, I'm not going either. ¿Quieres almorzar con nosotras? Won't you eat lunch with us? Would you like to have lunch with us? Ella era tan hermosa que el hijo del mercader no pudo evitar arrodillarse para besarle la mano. She was so beautiful that the merchant's son could not help kneeling down to kiss her hand. She was so beautiful that the merchant’s son couldn’t help but kneel to kiss her hand. Deberías dejar de fumar ya que es malo para la salud. You should give up smoking since it's unhealthy. You should stop smoking as it is bad for your health. Una de mis hermanas tiene problemas para dormir. One of my sisters has trouble sleeping. One of my sisters has trouble sleeping. Com està? How are you? How is he? Discutiremos el problema con ellos. We'll discuss the problem with them. We will discuss the problem with them. Alenté a Tom a hacer ejercicio con más frecuencia. I encouraged Tom to exercise more often. I encouraged Tom to exercise more often. Había un lápiz detrás de la oreja de ella. There was a pencil tucked behind her ear. There was a pencil behind her ear. El aprendizaje es el siguiente paso tras la educación. Learning is the next step after education. Learning is the next step after education. No vuelvas a usar mi ordenador. Don't ever use my computer again. Don't ever use my computer again. Sèm demorats a casa pr'amor que plavèva. We stayed at home because it was raining. I was at home for the love I had. crec que tornaré aviat. I think I'll come back soon. I think I'll be back soon. Només vull estar prop de tu. I just want to be near you. I just want to be near you. El corazón alegre es buena medicina, pero el espíritu quebrantado seca los huecos. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. The cheerful heart is good medicine, but the broken spirit dries up the holes. Así no es como hacemos eso en Australia. That isn't how we do that in Australia. That's not how we do that in Australia. Estoy buscando un bolso para mi esposa. I'm looking for a bag for my wife. I'm looking for a bag for my wife. ¿En qué clase de rancho te criaste? What kind of ranch did you grow up on? What kind of ranch did you grow up on? Si no me siento, creo que me caigo. I'll drop if I don't sit down. If I don't sit down, I think I'll fall. Pase lo que pase, siempre estaremos juntos. No matter what happens, we'll always be together. Whatever happens, we will always be together. Tom necesita tu ayuda. Tom needs your help. Tom needs your help. Tengo curiosidad. I'm curious. I'm curious. La mejor forma de saber cómo es un país es ir y verlo con tus propios ojos. The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes. The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes. En 1493, el Vaticà va regalar Amèrica a Espanya i va obsequiar l'Àfrica negra a Portugal, 'perquè les nacions bàrbares siguin reduïdes a la fe catòlica'. In 1493, the Vatican gave America to Spain and granted Africa to Portugal, "so that barbarous nations be reduced to the Catholic faith". In 1493, the Vatican gave America to Spain and gave Black Africa to Portugal, 'so that barbarian nations may be reduced to the Catholic faith'. Dame un par de días. Give me a couple days. Give me a couple of days. El cine es una gran distracción. Movies are a great diversion. Cinema is a big distraction. En Cabilia se habla cabilio. In Kabylia, Kabyle is spoken. Cabilia is spoken in Kabilia. Soy asexual. I'm ace. I'm asexual. L'anglès és la meva llengua materna. English is my mother tongue. English is my mother tongue. La gente trans no “elige” ser trans. Las personas trans SON trans. De la misma manera que la orientación sexual no se elige, la identidad de género tampoco. Un recordatorio rápido para quienes aún piensan como en el siglo XII. Trans people do not "choose" to be trans. Trans people ARE trans. The same way sexua orientation isn't a choice, neither is gender identity. Just a quick reminder to the ones holding 12th-century-like thoughts. Trans people are trans. In the same way that sexual orientation is not chosen, gender identity is not. A quick reminder for those who still think like in the 12th century. Cada persona es diferente. Every person is different. Every person is different. Gracias, es todo. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's all. Tengo frío. I feel cold. I'm cold. Mastica bien tu comida para que se pueda digerir bien. Chew your food well so it can be digested properly. Chew your food well so it can be digested well. Argelia está cambiando. Algeria is changing. Algeria is changing. Qu'ei çò que vòli. This is what I want. That's what I want. He oído que Tom besó a Mary. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. Lo amo, pero él es gay. I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's gay. Yo trabajé igual de duro que lo hizo Tom. I worked just as hard as Tom did. I worked just as hard as Tom did. Le resulta imposible dejar de fumar. It's impossible for him to give up smoking. You find it impossible to quit smoking. Espero que aprendas. I hope you learn. I hope you learn. Muchos temían el comienzo de otra guerra civil. Many feared the start of another civil war. Many feared the start of another civil war. Ocurrieron muchas cosas esa noche. A lot of things happened that night. A lot happened that night. En los jardines zoológicos de Marte, hay animales de la Tierra. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In the zoological gardens of Mars, there are animals from Earth. Lava los platos. Do the dishes. Wash the dishes. Ese chico alto salvó al niño ahogándose. That tall boy saved the drowning child. That tall boy saved the boy by drowning. Ella está cenando. She is having dinner. She's having dinner. Estoy en el taxi. I'm in the taxi. I'm in the cab. El líquido era viscoso. The liquid was viscous. The liquid was viscous. La Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo lugar entre 1914 y 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. ¿Cómo funciona Internet? How does the Internet work? How does the Internet work? Si siembro este guijarro, ¿crecerá una montaña? If I sow this pebble, will a mountain grow? If I plant this pebble, will a mountain grow? ¿Completaste el tratamiento prescrito? Did you complete the prescribed treatment? Have you completed the prescribed treatment? ¿Sos mi madre? Are you my mother? Are you my mother? Tu mujer está al teléfono, quiere hablar contigo. Your wife is on the phone. She wants to talk to you. Your wife's on the phone, she wants to talk to you. Volveré a contactar contigo. I'll get back to you. I'll contact you again. La chica y sus padres eran muy simpáticos. The girl and her parents were very sympathetic. The girl and her parents were very nice. ¡Lo logramos! We succeeded! We did it! Encontré un hotel en el centro de París. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. I found a hotel in the center of Paris. También es una hermosura. She's also a beauty. It is also a beauty. Cuece el arroz. Cook the rice. Cook the rice. ¿Me puede llevar al aeropuerto por favor? Can you take me to the airport, please? Can you take me to the airport please? Levanta la mano si tienes alguna pregunta. Raise your hand if you have a question. Raise your hand if you have any questions. ¿Tienes algo más? Do you have anything else? You got anything else? Tom no tiene televisión. Tom doesn't have a TV. Tom doesn't have a TV. Los niños cantaban y se agarraban de la mano. The children were singing and holding hands. The children sang and held hands. Estás pidiendo demasiado. You're asking for too much. You're asking too much. ¿A qué hora termina la clase? What time does school get out? What time does class end? Por favor, ¿dónde están los huevos? Where are the eggs, please? Please, where are the eggs? ¿Cómo será nuestro futuro? What will our future be like? What will our future be like? Qu'aimi las hèstas. I love parties. I love those horses. La competición se volvió encarnizada. The competition has become fierce. The competition became fierce. Ha empleado diez trabajadores. He has employed ten workers. He has employed ten workers. De sobte, va començar a semblar gairebé agradable i càlid. Suddenly, it started to look almost nice and warm. Suddenly, he began to look almost nice and warm. Quisiera haber tenido este problema. I wish I had this problem. I wish I had this problem. ¡Vamos, subamos! Come on, let's go up! Come on, let's go up! Es un hueso duro de roer. He is a tough cookie. It's a hard nut to crack. Él es honesto hasta la médula. He's honest to the bone. He is honest to the core. España controlaba Florida. Spain controlled Florida. Spain controlled Florida. Mi idea es diferente a la tuya. My idea is different from yours. My idea is different from yours. Si ella conociera tu dirección, te escribiría. If she knew your address, she would write to you. If she knew your address, she'd write to you. Em vaig mirar al mirall i no em va agradar el que vaig veure. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw. ¡Puedes hacerlo! You can do it. You can do it! Tom es un gato antropomórfico. Tom is an anthropomorphic cat. Tom is an anthropomorphic cat. Tienes que quedarte a pasar la noche. You must stay the night. You have to stay overnight. Nuestra clase es pequeña. Our class is a small one. Our class is small. Tom estaba feliz de que el dueño bajara la renta. Tom was happy that his landlord lowered the rent. Tom was happy that the owner lowered the rent. Mary le dio leche caliente a la niña. Mary gave the girl warm milk. Mary gave the girl warm milk. Tom no necesitó nada de ayuda. Tom didn't need any help. Tom didn't need any help. A Mary le gustan las nueces. Mary likes nuts. Mary likes nuts. Estamos apurados. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Los policías jugaban al ajedrez en la comisaría. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. The cops were playing chess at the police station. El dinero no es todo. Money is not everything. Money is not everything. Eso no es relevante. That's not relevant. That's not relevant. Creo que deberíamos repetirlo. I think we should do that again. I think we should repeat it. No me quiero bañar. I don't want to take a bath. I don't want to bathe. Odio ver películas. I hate watching movies. I hate watching movies. Tom le hizo una broma a Mary haciendola creer que era invisible. Tom pranked Mary by making her believe she was invisible. Tom made a joke of Mary by making her believe she was invisible. ¿De quién estamos huyendo? Who are we running away from? Who are we running from? Durante el primer mes después del accidente ella sólo podía tomar líquidos con pajita. For the first month after the accident she could only drink liquids through a straw. For the first month after the accident she could only drink straw liquids. Ellos cosieron. They sewed. They sewed. No quise preocupar a Tom. I didn't want to worry Tom. I didn't want to worry Tom. Si no puedes explicarlo con facilidad, no lo has entendido todavía. If you can't explain it easily, you don't yet understand it. If you can’t explain it easily, you haven’t understood it yet. El agua se congela a cero grados Celsius, ¿verdad? Water freezes at zero Celsius, right? The water freezes to zero degrees Celsius, right? Prometimos hacerlo lo mejor posible. We promised to do our best. We promised to do our best. Mi jefe actual es difícil de complacer. My current boss is hard to please. My current boss is hard to please. Por culpa de ese virus, muchos elefantes perdieron la vida. Because of that virus, many elephants lost their lives. Because of this virus, many elephants lost their lives. Los argelinos no tienen otra opción. Algerians have no other choice. Algerians have no choice. Por cierto, creo que eres muy lindo. By the way, I think you're really nice. By the way, I think you're very cute. Aquí vamos. Here we go. Here we go. Él bebió una taza de café. He drank a cup of coffee. He drank a cup of coffee. Me encanta esta canción. I love this song. I love this song. Qu'ei a estudiar adara. He's now studying. I'm going to study adara. Sigue sin mí. Go on without me. You're still without me. De veras que espero que nadie nos viera hacerlo. I really hope that nobody saw us doing that. I really hope no one saw us do it. Esa frase es absolutamente intraducible al Toki Pona. Un hombre de las cavernas no tendría ni idea de lo que significa. That phrase is absolutely untranslatable into Toki Pona. A caveman would have no idea what it means. That phrase is absolutely untranslatable to Toki Pona. A caveman would have no idea what it means. Él vivió en el extranjero por muchos años. He lived abroad for many years. He lived abroad for many years. Él está demasiado cansado para estudiar. He is too tired to study. He is too tired to study. Tom no hará eso conmigo. Tom won't do that with me. Tom won't do that to me. Desconozco el significado de la palabra 'imposible'. I don't know what the word 'impossible' means. I don’t know the meaning of the word ‘impossible’. En esta imagen hay cuatro personas: mi padre, mi madre, mi hermano y mi hermana. In this picture, there are four persons: my father, my mother, my brother and my sister. In this picture there are four people: my father, my mother, my brother and my sister. Por favor cuéntame sobre ello. Please tell me about it. Please tell me about it. Será una buena lección para él. It will be a good lesson to him. It will be a good lesson for him. Tom y María me estaban esperando. Tom and Mary were waiting for me. Tom and Maria were waiting for me. Ah, ¡ya veo! Oh, I see! Ah, I see! El alfil tomó el caballo, poniendo en jaque al rey del oponente. The bishop took the knight, putting the opponent's king in check. The bishop took the horse, putting the opponent's king in check. Fue un milagro. It was a miracle. It was a miracle. Ella se dio cuenta. She realized. She noticed. Llevo haciendo esto toda la mañana. I've been doing this all morning. I've been doing this all morning. Cuando se empieza mal, se termina peor. When something starts off bad, it ends worse. When you start bad, it ends worse. Eres la única que sabe cómo llegar a la casa de Tom. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. Tom vio algo moviéndose. Tom saw something moving. Tom saw something moving. Pasé la noche del domingo aprendiéndome las palabras nuevas de la lección del lunes. I spent Sunday night learning the new words from Monday's lesson. I spent Sunday night learning the new words from Monday’s lesson. Tom, ¿eres tú? Tom, is that you? Tom, is that you? No todo en este mundo se mide en dinero. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Gracias por leer esta frase. Thank you for reading this sentence. Thank you for reading this sentence. Ahí está su amigo. There's his friend. There's your friend. El gato está jugando con el perro. The cat is playing with the dog. The cat is playing with the dog. Vas i anar dab nosautes ? Will you go with us? Did you go with us? Ese grupo de gente casi desapareció. That group of people almost disappeared. That group of people almost disappeared. Quiero saber exactamente qué está pasando. I want to know exactly what is going on. I want to know exactly what's going on. Me resbalé y me caí por las escaleras. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell down the stairs. La estupidez es la relajación de la inteligencia. Stupidity is the relaxation of intelligence. Stupidity is the relaxation of intelligence. La seva casa està en flames. His house was on fire. His house is on fire. Yanni envía mensajes de texto a otras personas. Yanni texts other people. Yanni sends text messages to other people. ¿Me dan un poco? Can I have some? Can I have some? Tom es una persona divertida. Tom is a funny person. Tom is a fun person. Yanni está haciendo preparativos. Yanni is making preparations. Yanni is making preparations. Mi esposa se lleva bien con mi madre. My wife gets on well with my mother. My wife gets along well with my mother. Se ve que a Tom le gusta estar en exteriores. Tom seems to enjoy being outdoors. Tom likes to be outside. ¿Te alimentas bien? Do you eat well? Are you eating well? ¡Agárrate a algo lo más rápido que puedas! Hold on to something as fast as you can! Hold on to something as fast as you can! ¿Has salido del estado en los últimos catorce días? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you been out of the state in the last 14 days? Vòli cantar ua cançon. I want to sing a song. I want to sing a song. Quiero mucho a mi abuela. I really love my grandmother. I love my grandmother very much. Pareces algo triste. You look kind of down. You seem a little sad. Todos se murieron. Everyone died. They all died. ¿Dónde está el terminal de buses? Where is the bus terminal? Where is the bus terminal? Tom quiere ser un traductor. Tom wants to become a translator. Tom wants to be a translator. On èra nascut e eslhevat ? Where was he born and raised? Where are you born and raised? Esto no convenció a nadie. This didn't convince anyone. This didn't convince anyone. Tom no quiere hablar de su vida privada. Tom doesn't want to speak about his private life. Tom doesn't want to talk about his private life. ¿Te lo explico otra vez? Do you want me to explain it again? Shall I explain it to you again? Estoy muy contenta de veros. I'm very glad to see you. I'm so glad to see you. Quiero comer gimbap. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat gimbap. Tom y yo hablamos igual de mal inglés, por eso nos entendemos tan bien. Tom and I spoke equally bad English, that's why we understood each other so well. Tom and I speak just as bad English, which is why we understand each other so well. Jo també tinc 17 anys. I'm 17, too. I am also 17 years old. ¿Has ido al extranjero? Have you gone abroad? Have you gone abroad? Es sopa de tomate. It’s tomato soup. It's tomato soup. En Tom és un professor d'història. Tom is a history teacher. Tom is a history teacher. Mi madre me hacía tortitas de queso fresco cuando yo era joven. My mother made me cottage cheese pancakes when I was young. My mother made me fresh cheese pancakes when I was young. Tom estaba acurrucado en la cama leyendo un libro. Tom was snuggled up in bed reading a book. Tom was huddled in bed reading a book. Ella informó a sus padres de su éxito. She informed her parents of her success. She informed her parents of her success. Es difícil conocerse a uno mismo. It is difficult to know oneself. It's hard to know yourself. De qué atz ? What do you have? What atz ? Li vaig dir que podia marxar. I said he might go. I told him I could leave. Dos cuerpos no pueden ocupar el mismo lugar en el espacio. Two bodies cannot occupy the same place in space. Two bodies cannot occupy the same place in space. Tot i que no m'agradaven les matemàtiques, vaig haver d'estudiar els logaritmes. Although I didn't like math, I had to study logarithms. Although I did not like mathematics, I had to study the logarithms. Necesito beber cerveza. I need to drink some beer. I need to drink beer. Le entregué la carta a escondidas. I slipped the letter to him. I delivered the letter to him on the sly. ¿Está deliciosa la sopa? Is the soup delicious? Is the soup delicious? Déjame dormir. Just let me sleep. Let me sleep. ¿Creéis que estos boicots tienen algún resultado? Do you think those boycotts will amount to anything? Do you think these boycotts have any effect? No creo que esté solo. I don't think he's alone. I don't think he's alone. No tengo suerte en el amor. I'm unlucky in love. I have no luck in love. Luna es una persona de fiar. Luna is a reliable person. Luna is a person to be trusted. Me siento más ligero que el aire. I feel lighter than air. I feel lighter than air. A los argelinos les gusta comer cuscús. Algerians like to eat couscous. Algerians like to eat couscous. Te defiendes muy bien en japonés. You handle yourself really well in Japanese. You defend yourself very well in Japanese. ¿Conocés al señor Takahashi? Do you know Mr. Takahashi? Do you know Mr. Takahashi? Encontré esto en Suiza. I found this in Switzerland. I found this in Switzerland. ¿Puedo ir a nadar después del mediodía? Can I go swimming after noon? Can I go for a swim after noon? Acabo de dar el calefón. I just put the water heater on. I just hit the horn. Hoy fue peor. It was worse today. Today was worse. Hay que medir la velocidad del viento con exactitud. The wind must be gauged accurately. The wind speed must be measured accurately. No sé qué estás diciendo. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. "¡Tom!" "¿Qué?" "Tom!" "What?" "Tom!" "What?" A Tom no le gusta tomar. Tom doesn't like drinking. Tom doesn't like to drink. Tengo que tomar un medicamento. I have to take medicine. I have to take a medicine. El primer esposo de Mary murió y del segundo se divorció. Mary's first husband died, and she divorced her second. Mary's first husband died and the second divorced. ¿Un hospital, por favor? A hospital, please? A hospital, please? Les encantabas. They loved you. They loved you. Ella juega un papel importante en nuestra organización. She is playing an important role in our organization. She plays an important role in our organization. Mi madre tiene cinco años más que mi padre. My mother has five more years than my father. My mother is five years older than my father. Todos tienen los brazos, las piernas, y las cabezaz, ellos caminan y hablan, pero ahora hay ALGO que intenta hacerlos diferentes. They all have arms, legs, and heads, and they walk and talk, but now there's SOMETHING that wants to make them different. They all have arms, legs, and heads, they walk and talk, but now there’s SOMETHING trying to make them different. Sé que es algo que Tom aceptará. I know it's something Tom will accept. I know it's something Tom will accept. Entraron un niño y una niña. Hablé con el niño, que parecía ser mayor que la niña. A boy and a girl came in. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. A boy and a girl came in. I spoke to the boy, who appeared to be older than the girl. Me bajaré en la última parada. I'll get off at the last stop. I'll get off at the last stop. Nos llamaremos por la tarde. We'll call each other in the evening. We'll call in the afternoon. No hay nadie en esa habitación. There's no one in that room. There's no one in that room. Tom volvió a preguntar. Tom asked again. Tom asked again. Si no quieres ponerte protector solar es tu problema, pero no vengas a quejarte conmigo cuando tengas quemaduras de sol. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don’t want to put on sunscreen is your problem, but don’t come to complain to me when you have sunburns. Argelia no es más rica que España. Algeria isn't wealthier than Spain. Algeria is no richer than Spain. Tenemos miedo de Tom. We're scared of Tom. We're afraid of Tom. La luna no existe. The moon doesn't exist. The moon does not exist. No leo los periódicos. I don't read the newspapers. I don't read the papers. El jardinero plantó un rosal en medio del jardín. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose bush in the middle of the garden. Pensé que fui un nerd en la prepa, pero en realidad apenas estaba comenzando. I thought I was a nerd in high school, but I was really just getting started. I thought I was a nerd in high school, but I was actually just getting started. ¿Quién es Tom? ¿Tu nuevo novio? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Who's Tom, your new boyfriend? Està millorant poc a poc. He is getting better bit by bit. It's getting better little by little. Tiene una casa grande en la montaña. He has a big house on the mountain. He has a big house on the mountain. ¿Qué tipo de ropa te gusta usar? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Tom no volvió a casa aquél día. Tom never came home that day. Tom didn't come home that day. No vull llegir aquest llibre. I don't want to read this book. I don't want to read this book. Él despilfarró su herencia en copete y mujeres fáciles. He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women. He squandered his inheritance on flimsy tufts and easy women. ¿Cuánto cuesta el kilo de piña? How much is the kilo of pineapple? How much does a kilo of pineapple cost? Empezaron a llamarle "gordito" a Tom cuando engordó 90 kilos. Tom started being called "fatty" after he put on 200 pounds. They started calling Tom "fat" when he put on 90 kilos. Le envié una tarjeta virtual a un amigo que cumple años hoy. I sent an e-card for a friend whose birthday is today. I sent a virtual card to a friend who is turning years old today. Tres medios son seis cuartos. Three halves is six quarters. Three means six quarters. Intenta hacer solo una cosa al mismo tiempo. Try to do only one thing at a time. Try to do only one thing at a time. Un pasaporte es algo sin lo que no se puede ir a otro país. A passport is something without which one cannot go to another country. A passport is something without which you cannot go to another country. ¿Por qué no esperamos hasta el próximo año? Why don't we wait until next year? Why don't we wait until next year? Quiero ser honesto. I want to be honest. I want to be honest. Espero que tengamos buen tiempo mañana. I hope we have good weather tomorrow. I hope we have good weather tomorrow. Deberías agradecerme por eso. You should thank me for that. You should thank me for that. Tom evitó eso. Yanni avoided that. Tom avoided that. ¿Eres tú el alcalde? Are you the mayor? Are you the mayor? ¿Para qué hiciste eso? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Se quedó cojo después de la caída. He was lame after the fall. He was lame after the fall. Mamá fue a comprar a las grandes tiendas. Mother went shopping at the department store. Mom went shopping at the big stores. Bebe con moderación. Drink in moderation. Drink in moderation. Él quiere que lo ayude. He wants me to help him. He wants me to help him. Por favor, no te lo pienses más. Please think no more about it. Please don't think about it anymore. Me gustaría que conocieras a mi marido. I'd like you to meet my husband. I'd like you to meet my husband. Esperas demasiado de ella. You are expecting too much of her. You expect too much from her. Huele a amoniaco. It smells like ammonia. It smells like ammonia. Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer para mañana. There are a lot of things I have to do before tomorrow. I have a lot of things to do for tomorrow. Ella se ve triste y desolada. She looks sorrowful and forlorn. She looks sad and desolate. De qué hè ? What does she do? What's wrong? No tenemos más existencias. We have no more in stock. We have no more stock. Mary hizo algunos emparedados de huevo. Mary made some egg sandwiches. Mary made some egg sandwiches. Marie aceptó los regalos. Marie accepted the gifts. Marie accepted the gifts. Es hora de irte a la cama. Time for bed. It's time to go to bed. Mon diu ei lo mei gran ! My god is the greatest! He says he's my grandpa! Cada página de este libro es una lección de ajedrez extraordinaria. Every page of this book is an extraordinary chess lesson. Every page of this book is an extraordinary chess lesson. Me estoy empezando a cansar de oír música navideña por donde quiera que voy. I'm getting tired of hearing Christmas music everywhere I go. I'm getting tired of hearing Christmas music everywhere I go. Déjame contarte algo sobre Finlandia. Let me tell you something about Finland. Let me tell you something about Finland. Fes la teua elecció. Make your choice. Make your choice. No hay rosas sin espinas. No roses without thorns. There are no roses without thorns. Para mí es como nuestro hijo. For me he is like our son. He is like our son to me. No se le pueden pedir peras al olmo. You can't ask for the impossible. You can't ask the elm for pears. Alí canta en salones de boda. Ali sings in wedding halls. Ali sings in wedding halls. Lo siento, no tengo tiempo. Sorry. I don't have time. I'm sorry, I don't have time. Quisiera decirte un par de cosas con respecto a lo que pasó ayer. I'd like to have a word with you about what happened yesterday. I'd like to tell you a couple of things about what happened yesterday. Es probable que él venga. He is likely to come. He's probably coming. En el alfabeto, la "A" viene antes que la "B". 'A' comes before 'B' in the alphabet. In the alphabet, "A" comes before "B". En 1951, en el Palacio de los Pioneros Soviéticos, el Maestro Internacional Británico Robert Wade jugó una simultánea contra 30 niños locales de hasta 14 años. Después de siete horas de juego, el MI Wade logró hacer 10 empates, habiendo perdido las otras 20 partidas. In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British International Master Robert Wade played a simultaneous game with 30 local children up to 14 years old. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, having lost the other 20 matches. In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British International Master Robert Wade played a simultaneous match against 30 local children up to the age of 14. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, having lost the other 20 games. Aquò n'ei pas lo men sac. This isn't my bag. That's not my bag. Le toca a Tom. It's Tom's turn. It's Tom's turn. Dios es omnisciente. God is omniscient. God is omniscient. Ese pulpo regresó al mar sin ser devorado. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. That octopus returned to the sea without being devoured. Me pregunto si le pasó algo. I wonder if anything happened to him. I wonder if anything happened to him. Tom niega que hubiera roto la ventana. Tom denies that he broke the window. Tom denies that he had broken the window. He venido aquí a ayudarte. I've come here to help you. I came here to help you. Te estábamos buscando por todas partes. We were looking everywhere for you. We were looking for you everywhere. Lo que quiero decir es esto. What I mean is this. What I mean is this. Tom quería dinero. Tom wanted money. Tom wanted money. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado en Checoslovaquia, Sr. Reindle? How long have you been in Czechoslovakia, Mr. Reindle? How long have you been in Czechoslovakia, Mr. Reindle? Éramos bastante imprudentes. We were pretty reckless. We were pretty reckless. Hace rato que se fue. It's been a while since he left. He's long gone. Entiendo tu frustración. I understand your frustration. I understand your frustration. Juga al beisbol tots el dies. He plays baseball every day. He plays baseball every day. El perro está crujiendo un hueso. The dog is crunching a bone. The dog is cracking a bone. Mañana es Navidad. Tomorrow is Christmas. Tomorrow is Christmas. La traducción del título al francés es ridícula. The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. The translation of the title into French is ridiculous. La meva mare creu que sóc un mentider. My mother thinks I'm a liar. My mother thinks I'm a liar. Tom se rehusó a firmar con su nombre. Tom refused to sign his name. Tom refused to sign his name. Ella va aixecar la mà. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. És un home que no parla amb ningú. He's a man who doesn't speak with anybody. He’s a man who doesn’t talk to anyone. Él odiaba mentir. He hated lying. He hated lying. Hola, chicos. Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Tom quería hablar con Mary al respecto. Tom wanted to talk to Mary about it. Tom wanted to talk to Mary about it. Soy profesor de inglés. I am a teacher of English. I'm an English teacher. Uno, tres y cinco son números impares. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are odd numbers. Espèri que n'a pas agut un accident. I hope he hasn't had an accident. I hope there was no accident. Puso la llave encima de la mesa. He put the key on the table. He put the key on the table. Yanni era lo suficientemente sospechoso. Yanni was suspicious enough. Yanni was suspicious enough. Ah, ya sé dónde estamos. Oh, I know where we are now. Oh, I know where we are. Hay dos personajes principales en esta historia. There are two main characters in this story. There are two main characters in this story. Esta oración es buena. This sentence is good. This prayer is good. Éramos demasiado lentos. We were too slow. We were too slow. ¿Dónde puedo comprar huevos? Where can I buy eggs? Where can I buy eggs? Las reglas antiguas no aplican. The old rules don't apply. The old rules do not apply. ¿Te puedo contar una historia? Can I tell you a story? Can I tell you a story? Entiendo que estés asustado. I understand you're scared. I understand you're scared. Ese es tu problema. That's your problem. That's your problem. Sabe tocar el piano. He knows how to play the piano. He can play the piano. ¿Tengo que comer esto? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat this? Son grandes. They are big. They're big. Me alegra oír que sabes cómo la llaman. I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. I'm glad to hear you know what they call her. Seguramente necesitarás hacer eso ahora. You most certainly will need to do that now. You'll probably need to do that now. "Tom, me diste el trozo pequeño. Eso no es muy cortés. Si yo tuviera dos trozos de tarta, te ofrecería el trozo grande y me cogería el pequeño". "Bueno, ya tienes el trozo pequeño, John". "Tom, you gave me the small piece. That's not very polite. If I had two pieces of cake, I'd offer you the big piece and take the small one for myself." "Well, you already have the small piece, John." "Tom, you gave me the small piece. That's not very polite. If I had two pieces of cake, I would offer you the large piece and take the small one." "Well, you've got the small piece, John." Es un restaurante barato. It's a cheap restaurant. It's a cheap restaurant. No sabía que Tom era un furro. I didn't know that Tom was a furry. I didn't know Tom was a bull. El teléfono es uno de los muchos inventos de Bell. The telephone is one of Bell's many inventions. The telephone is one of Bell's many inventions. Ne'n vòli pas mei. I don't want any more. Don't want me. No llevará mucho tiempo hacerlo. It won't take long to do that. It won't take long. El jardinero sembró un rosal en medio del jardín. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose bush in the middle of the garden. Los dirigibles son un tópico habitual en las obras steampunk. Airships are a common trope in steampunk works. Airships are a common theme in steampunk plays. La parada de autobús está cerca de nuestra escuela. The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is close to our school. Yo no fui una buena madre. I was not a good mother. I wasn't a good mother. Le dieron licencia absoluta del ejército. He got his discharge from the army. He was given absolute leave from the army. Tom sabe lo que se juega. Tom knows the stakes. Tom knows what's at stake. Yanni es guardia de seguridad. Yanni is a security guard. Yanni is a security guard. Tom se quedó conmocionado cuando vio a Mary besar a John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kiss John. Tom decidió salir del trabajo temprano. Tom decided to leave work early. Tom decided to leave work early. Prepara la comida. Prepare the food. Prepare the food. Soy una ciudadana de los Estados Unidos. I'm a US citizen. I am a citizen of the United States. El fútbol es bueno. Soccer is good. Football is good. Ayer no tuve que estudiar. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn’t have to study yesterday. La hija pequeña de Tom es su favorita. Tom's youngest daughter is his favorite. Tom's little daughter is his favorite. Buenas noches. Que sueñes con los angelitos. Good night. Sweet dreams. Good night, dream of the angels. No pude reparar esta nevera. I couldn't repair this refrigerator. I couldn't repair this fridge. Tallin es la capital de Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. No te creas que no eres contagioso. Don't assume you're not contagious. Don't think you're not contagious. Eso no es Tom. Es un fantasma. That's not Tom. It's a ghost. That's not Tom, he's a ghost. Tom está comiendo patatas fritas. Tom is eating French fries. Tom's eating chips. Ella les traicionó. She betrayed you. She betrayed them. ¿Por qué te decidiste a quedarte aquí? Why did you decide to stay here? Why did you decide to stay here? Puedo venderte esto si quieres. I can sell this for you if you want me to. I can sell you this if you want. Tom podía nadar mucho más rápido cuando era joven. Tom could swim a lot faster when he was young. Tom could swim much faster when he was young. Estudió mucho para convertirse en científico. He studied hard to become a scientist. He studied hard to become a scientist. No es necesario que seas un políglota. It doesn't require you to be a polyglot. You don’t have to be a polyglot. Ell mai deixa d'escriure als seus pares una vegada al mes. He never fails to write to his parents once a month. He never stops writing to his parents once a month. ¡Lindo culo! Nice ass! Nice ass! ¿Por qué no me creíste? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Visca Maduro Long live Maduro. Visca Maduro Estoy muy orgulloso de ser canadiense. I'm really proud to be a Canadian. I am very proud to be Canadian. En realidad Tom ya no es estudiante. Tom isn't actually a student anymore. Tom is no longer a student. ¿Cómo podría ser yo un robot? Si los robots no sueñan. How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream. How could I be a robot? If robots don't dream. Escric cartes que no envio mai. I write letters that I never send. I write letters that I never send. Todo sitio web tiene una dirección única. Every website has a unique address. Every website has a unique address. Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos, a fin de formar una Unión más perfecta, establecer Justicia, afirmar la tranquilidad interior, proveer la Defensa común, promover el bienestar general y asegurar para nosotros mismos y para nuestros descendientes los beneficios de la Libertad, estatuimos y sancionamos esta Constitución para los Estados Unidos de América. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, assert domestic tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general welfare, and secure for ourselves and our descendants the benefits of Liberty, do hereby establish and sanction this Constitution for the United States of America. Todas las puertas de la casa están cerradas. Every door in the house is locked. All the doors of the house are closed. De momento estoy ocupado. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Este vídeo es aburrido. This video is boring. This video is boring. Tiene comezón en la espalda. His back itches. He's itchy on his back. Ei, sóc en Mike. Hey, I'm Mike. Hey, it's Mike. Tom es un egoísta. Tom is an egoist. Tom is selfish. Quan s'acabè ? When was it finished? When is it over? Qu'ei lo darrèr jòc. This is the last game. It's the last game. No sóc el que faig, sóc el que puc fer ! I'm not what I do, I am what I can do. I'm not what I do, I'm what I can do! L'home jove és metge. The young man is a doctor. The young man is a doctor. ¡Esto es un noticiero, vivimos de la desgracia ajena! This is a news station, we live off the misfortunes of others! This is a newscast, we live from the misfortune of others! Estuvimos viendo la tele ayer. We were watching TV yesterday. We were watching TV yesterday. He impreso 100 páginas. I have printed 100 pages. I printed 100 pages. ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer para compensarte? Is there anything that I can do to make it up to you? Is there anything I can do to compensate you? M'autrejatz la dança qui veng ? May I have your next dance? Do you want to dance with me who I come from? Pasará un tiempo en la cárcel. He'll spend some time in jail. He'll spend some time in jail. Casi llego tarde a clase. I was almost late for class. I'm almost late for class. No quiero que me vean con él. I don't want to be seen in his company. I don't want to be seen with him. El secret de la longevitat és triar amb compte els pares. The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully. The secret of longevity is to choose parents carefully. Mantente en contacto conmigo. Keep in touch with me. Stay in touch with me. Ella le compró una cámara. She bought him a camera. She bought him a camera. Ahora entren. Now get in. Now get in. No hay nada que nos pueda separar. There's nothing that can keep us apart. There is nothing that can separate us. No creo que vaya con vosotros. I don't think I'm going with you. I don't think I'll go with you. Me quedé dormido en la clase de matemáticas. I went to sleep during the math lesson. I fell asleep in math class. ¿Sabes cuánto te amo? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I love you? No puedo sacar tiempo para viajar. I can't afford the time to travel. I can't make time to travel. Pruébalo por favor. Please have a try. Please try it. "Cien años de soledad", novela de Gabriel García Marquez, se ha traducido a más de 35 idiomas. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", a novel by Gabriel García Marquez, has been translated into more than 35 languages. “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” a novel by Gabriel García Marquez, has been translated into more than 35 languages. Si Tom aparece, entrégale este documento, por favor. If Tom drops by, please give him this document. If Tom shows up, hand him this document, please. De quin color és la Terra? What's Earth's color? What color is the earth? A pesar de eso, lo he conseguido. Despite that I succeeded. In spite of that, I succeeded. No vuelvas aquí. Don't come again. Don't come back here. ¿Te parece bien si te hago unas pocas preguntas sobre tu historial médico? Is it OK if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Es muy amable de tu parte venir a despedirte. It's rather nice of you to come and say goodbye. It's so nice of you to come and say goodbye. Yanni y Skura lo hicieron. Yanni and Skura did it. Yanni and Skura did it. Y luego se me ocurrió de repente una buena idea. Then all of a sudden a good idea came to me. And then I suddenly came up with a good idea. Tom no estaba calvo. Tom wasn't bald. Tom wasn't bald. Tom no estornudó. Tom didn't sneeze. Tom didn't sneeze. Al principio no entendí qué decía. At first I didn't understand what he was saying. At first I didn't understand what he was saying. Tienes cara de niño. You have a face of a child. You look like a kid. Perdón por lo que escribí, porque quería vomitar. Sorry for what I wrote, because I wanted to retch. Sorry for what I wrote, because I wanted to throw up. Obviamente soy una gata. I'm obviously a cat. I'm obviously a cat. No quiero ir a trabajar hoy. I don't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work today. Estaba viendo un partido de fútbol. I was watching a soccer match. I was watching a football game. De tanto frotarme, se me ha puesto el ojo rojo. My eye has gotten red from rubbing it so much. I've had so much rubbing, my eye has turned red. ¿Qué me ha pasado? What happened to me? What happened to me? ¿Me explicarás por qué lo hiciste? Will you explain me why you did it? Will you explain why you did it? Ayudé a Tom a bajarse del caballo. I helped Tom get off the horse. I helped Tom get off the horse. Sígueme y no tengas miedo. Follow me and have no fear. Follow me and don't be afraid. Encuentra las raíces de la ecuación. Find the roots of the equation. Find the roots of the equation. Hi ha dues milles d'aquí al parc. It is two miles from here to the park. There's two miles to the park. Bob tiene demasiados libros que leer. Bob has too many books to read. Bob has too many books to read. Me gusta cómo saben los caquis. I like how persimmons taste. I like how persimmons taste. Tom es introvertido y tímido. Tom is introverted and shy. Tom is introverted and shy. No sujetas el cuchillo del todo bien. You're not holding your knife quite right. Don’t hold the knife too tightly. ¿En qué vuelo estuviste? What flight were you on? What flight were you on? Tom no entiende cómo funciona un ordenador. Tom doesn't understand how a computer works. Tom doesn't understand how a computer works. ¿Tú reciclas? Do you recycle? Do you recycle? Afanya't. Hurry up. Hurry up. Londres es grande comparado con París. London is large, compared with Paris. London is big compared to Paris. No sé per què a en Tom no li agrada Boston. I don't know why Tom doesn't like Boston. I don't know why Tom doesn't like Boston. Formo parte de la mafia del alfabeto. I take part of the alphabet mafia. I'm part of the alphabet mafia. Aunque quisiera, no podría hacer eso. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do that. Tom es cristiano desde el año 1950. Tom is a Christian since the year 1950. Tom has been a Christian since 1950. Cada día estoy despierto hasta más tarde. Every night I stay up later and later. Every day I wake up later. Tom pasó despierto toda la noche estudiando. Tom was up all night studying. Tom stayed up all night studying. Introduce tu nombre. Input your name. Enter your name. El hecho de que esta frase sea traducible es increíble. The fact that this sentence is translatable is amazing. The fact that this phrase is translatable is incredible. En caso de emergencia, marque 110. In case of an emergency, dial 110. In case of emergency, dial 110. ¿Cuándo se construyó? When was it built? When was it built? ¿Cuál es tu diccionario favorito? What's your favorite dictionary? What is your favorite dictionary? Él jugaba un rol importante en el comité. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the committee. Me siento mejor que antes. I feel better than before. I feel better than before. Yo vi la casa. I saw the house. I saw the house. Tú lo eres todo para mí. You are everything to me. You are everything to me. Carlos esperó un momento. Carlos waited a moment. Carlos waited a moment. El balde estaba lleno de agua. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. ¿Cuándo te diste cuenta por primera vez de que estabas perdiendo pelo? When did you first notice that you were losing your hair? When did you first realize you were losing hair? Procura no acercarte. Try not to get closer. Try not to approach. Todavía no sabe la verdad. She doesn't know the truth yet. He doesn't know the truth yet. Su comportamiento hizo enfadar al policía. His behavior angered the policeman. His behavior angered the policeman. Deberías reescribir esta frase. You should rewrite this sentence. You should rewrite this sentence. Los cabilios tienen su propio pasaporte. The Kabyles have their own passport. Cabilios have their own passport. Me agarré con fuerza a la cuerda para no caer. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I held on tightly to the rope so as not to fall. Tom quería pintar la valla blanca. Tom wanted to paint the fence white. Tom wanted to paint the fence white. Lo siento, no tengo coche. Sorry. I don't have a car. I'm sorry, I don't have a car. Le entregué el negocio a mi hijo. I turned over the business to my son. I gave the business to my son. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te hicieron un chequeo? When was the last time you had a physical? When was the last time you had a checkup? "Tengo que ver a Tom". "¿Para qué?" "I have to see Tom." "What for?" "I have to see Tom." "What for?" Saludó al hombre, y volvió a casa, a su normal y aburrida rutina. He greeted the man, and came back home, to his normal, boring routine. He greeted the man, and returned home to his normal, boring routine. Tom me debe tres mil dólares. Tom owes me three thousand dollars. Tom owes me three thousand dollars. ¿Puedes imaginar tu futuro con Tom? Can you imagine your future with Tom? Can you imagine your future with Tom? Qu'am passat mautemps. We had a rough time. I've been through a lot. ¡Manos arriba! Hands up! Hands up! Tom y María no son tan listos como parecen. Tom and Mary aren't as smart as they seem. Tom and Maria aren't as smart as they seem. Aprecio la ayuda. I appreciate the help. I appreciate the help. Aqueths líbers que son mens. Those books are mine. These are the people who are men. Tom se dejó crecer la barba. Tom let his beard grow. Tom let his beard grow. Lo Tòm qu'èra aquiu tanben. Tom was also there. I’ve been there too. A esto lo llaman "shabby chic". They call this shabby chic. This is called shabby chic. Tom estaba con Mary todo el día. Tom was with Mary all day. Tom was with Mary all day. Estoy haciendo un par de sándwiches para nosotros. I'm making us a couple of sandwiches. I'm making a couple of sandwiches for us. Vi que su coche daba un giro a la derecha. I saw his car make a right turn. I saw his car turn right. Yanni es un imbécil. Yanni is a jerk. Yanni's an asshole. Vivió en una casa lejana del pueblo. He lived in a house remote from the village. He lived in a house far from the village. Ellos dijeron que él se portó vergonzosamente. They said he had acted shamefully. They said he behaved shamefully. "Tom y Mary" es conocida como la novela más aburrida del mundo. "Tom and Mary" is known as the world's most boring novel. "Tom and Mary" is known as the world's most boring novel. ¡Trabajadores de todos los países, uníos! Workers of all lands, unite! Workers of all countries, unite! Sigue intentando. Keep on trying. Keep trying. Aquella casa me pertenece. That house belongs to me. That house belongs to me. Ella está de acuerdo. She agrees. She agrees. Somos astrólogos. We're astrologers. We are astrologers. Necesitamos saber si estará presente o no. We need to know if she will be present or not. We need to know if he will be present or not. Sé que vi algo moverse. I know I saw something move. I know I saw something move. Un òmi viu pas sonque la soa vida personau com individu, mès tamben conscientament o inconscientament, la vida de la soa epòca e deus sons contemporanèus. A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries. A living soul does not sound like one’s personal life as an individual, whether consciously or unconsciously, the life of the living soul and its contemporary sounds. No tenim cap prova. We don't have any proof. We have no proof. Él se casó con una azafata. He married a stewardess. He married a stewardess. Quiero comprar esta muñeca de juguete. I want to buy this toy doll. I want to buy this toy doll. Diez a uno a que le eligen presidente. Ten to one he will be elected chairman. Ten to one to be elected president. Ella habló como si fuera mi madre. She talked as if she were my mother. She spoke as if she were my mother. El ajedrez despierta el interés de niños y adultos de todo el mundo. Chess piques the interest of children and adults all over the world. Chess arouses the interest of children and adults around the world. ¿Por qué te mudaste de allí? Why did you move away from there? Why did you move from there? N'ei pas enqüèra arrivat. He hasn't come yet. He did not arrive. Mis pantalones están mojados. My pants are wet. My pants are wet. Está a dieta. She is on a diet. He's on a diet. L'èxit de Marilyn Monroe no la va fer feliç. Marilyn Monroe's success did not make her happy. Marilyn Monroe's success didn't make her happy. ¿Habría alguna chance de que puedas hacer eso por mí? You wouldn't by any chance be able to do that for me, would you? Would there be a chance you could do that for me? Estoy seguro de que lo hiciste a propósito, eres malo. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're bad. Estarà enllestida la feina per a demà? Will the work be finished by tomorrow? Will the job be done by tomorrow? ¿Cómo es tu audición? How is your hearing? How is your hearing? El perro de Tom necesita ir afuera. Tom's dog needed to go outside. Tom's dog needs to go outside. Es muy amable conmigo. He is very kind to me. He's very kind to me. Ya he desayunado. I've already eaten breakfast. I've already had breakfast. Si la hieres de alguna manera, te mataré. If you harm her in any way, I'll kill you. If you hurt her in any way, I'll kill you. Los gerentes de la empresa tenía una actitud floja hacia la seguridad de sus trabajadores. The company's managers had a very lackadaisical attitude towards the safety of their workers. The company’s managers had a loose attitude toward the safety of their workers. Tom no hace eso. Tom doesn't do that. Tom doesn't do that. El agua se congela a 0°C. Water freezes at 0° C. The water is frozen at 0°C. En los centros privados se suele llevar uniforme, por eso no me gustan. Private schools usually make you wear uniforms. That's why I don't like them. In private schools, they usually wear uniforms, that’s why I don’t like them. He hecho unos cambios en mi agenda. I've made some changes in my schedule. I've made some changes to my schedule. La seva explicació del problema no tenia ni cap ni peus. Her explanation of the problem made no sense. His explanation of the problem had no feet. Odio cuando la gente se burla de mi acento. I hate it when people make fun of my accent. I hate it when people make fun of my accent. ¿Quién es tu panelista favorito en CNN? Who's your favorite announcer on CNN? Who is your favorite panelist on CNN? Vi un partido de tenis por la tele. I watched a tennis match on TV. I watched a tennis match on TV. Abrázame, que tengo miedo. Hug me. I'm scared. Hold me, I'm afraid. Estuve dos veces en los Estados Unidos. I have been to America twice. I was in the United States twice. Él no tiene la edad mínima para votar. He is not old enough to vote. He does not have the minimum age to vote. Él se caracteriza por tomarse mucho tiempo para tomar decisiones. He has a reputation for taking a long time to make a decision. He is known for taking a lot of time to make decisions. A muchos niños no les gusta la escuela. Many children don't like school. A lot of kids don’t like school. ¿Creéis que algunos de nosotros viviremos en Marte en cien años? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in 100 years? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in a hundred years? Claro, debo decirle. Of course, I have to tell her. Sure, I have to tell you. ¿Te duele solo donde te presiono o en algún otro sitio? Does it only hurt where I am pressing, or somewhere else? Does it hurt just where I'm pushing you or somewhere else? Escac i mat! Checkmate! Chess and mat! Cuzco és un dels indrets més interessants del món. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Eres impredecible. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. Me dijo que él se había ido. He told me he was away. He told me he was gone. Aquí no se valen los mangos bajitos. We don't want any freeloaders around here. Here the short handles are not used. Qu'am minjat uas pomas. We ate some apples. I eat my apples. La fursona de Tom es una zorra llamada Neon. Tom's fursona is a vixen named Neon. Tom's fursona is a slut named Neon. Que soi contentat. I'm satisfied. How happy I am. Yanni vende productos de belleza. Yanni sells beauty products. Yanni sells beauty products. A Tom le gusta nadar en el río. Tom likes swimming in the river. Tom likes to swim in the river. El cel d'esta foto està molt saturat. The sky in this photo is very saturated. The sky in this picture is very saturated. Bona sort. Good luck. Good luck. Yanni pateó esa caja hacia el bordillo. Yanni kicked that box to the curb. Yanni kicked that box toward the curb. Esperar es aburrido. Waiting is boring. Waiting is boring. No lo voy a negar. I won't deny it. I'm not going to deny it. Trata de no cometer los mismos errores que yo. Try not to make the same mistakes I made. Try not to make the same mistakes as me. Thomas es muy astuto en el trabajo. Thomas is very clever at work. Thomas is very clever at work. Es curioso que me pidas una moto cuando te da miedo ir en bicicleta. It's strange that you ask me for a motorcycle when you are afraid of going by bike. It's funny you ask me for a bike when you're afraid to ride a bike. O son las doce en punto según el reloj de la cocina, o ha perdido la manecilla pequeña. Either it's twelve o'clock based on the kitchen clock, or it lost its little hand. It's either twelve o'clock according to the kitchen clock, or you've lost the little hand. ¿Cuál es el sentido de seguir viviendo cuando todas las personas que amabas ya no están? What's the point of staying alive when all the people you love aren't here anymore? What is the point of continuing to live when all the people you loved are gone? ¿Cada cuánto tiempo cambias tu contraseña? How often do you change your password? How often do you change your password? Están en la estación de tren. They're at the train station. They're at the train station. ¿Quieres una taza de leche? Would you like a cup of milk? You want a cup of milk? No le di cuerda al reloj anoche. I didn't wind the clock last night. I didn't wind the watch last night. El barco cayó en un remolino y zozobró. The boat fell into a whirlpool and capsized. The ship fell into a whirlpool and capsized. La gente es muy amistosa aquí. The people are very friendly here. People are very friendly here. El pueblo estaba rodeado por un muro The town was surrounded by a wall The town was surrounded by a wall. El ajedrez es un instrumento de enseñanza y aprendizaje más antiguo que las pizarras, los libros impresos, la brújula y el telescopio. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is an older teaching and learning instrument than blackboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Pasé el día entero allí. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. Hay que aguantarse. You have to hold back. You have to hold on. Ella me pidió ayuda. She asked for my help. She asked me for help. Regresen esto. Return this. Come back here. Era profesor de física. I was a physics professor. He was a professor of physics. Tom no tuvo buen desempeño. Tom didn't perform well. Tom didn't perform well. La terrible escena le hizo a Tom estremecerse. The terrible scene made Tom shudder. The terrible scene made Tom shudder. Tom fue secuestrado y retenido por sus captores en un edificio abandonado en Park Street. Tom was kidnapped and held by his captors in an abandoned building on Park Street. Tom was kidnapped and held by his captors in an abandoned building on Park Street. Lo siento si te hice daño. I'm sorry, if I hurt you. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Va plan ? What are you doing? Is it a plan? Coses absolutament absurdes succeeixen en este món. Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. Absolutely absurd things happen in this world. Me pregunto cómo se traducirá al francés esta frase. I wonder what this sentence translates to in French. I wonder how this phrase will be translated into French. Hablamos francés. We speak French. We speak French. El amor no muere. Love doesn't die. Love does not die. La camisa nueva de Tom encogió cuando la lavó y ahora no le vale. Tom's new shirt shrunk when he washed it and now it doesn't fit. Tom's new shirt shrank when he washed it and now it's no good. Mercés ! Thank you. Thank you! Muchos de mis amigos estuvieron en Japón este año. Several of my friends have been to Japan this year. Many of my friends were in Japan this year. Será así. It'll be that way. It will be so. Cicerón fue un gran orador y un gran filósofo; por lo tanto, un gran poeta. Cicero was a great orator and a great philosopher; therefore, a great poet. Cicero was a great orator and a great philosopher; therefore, a great poet. Què estudia un sovietòleg? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a Sovietologist study? Yanni no tiene que añadir aceite. Yanni doesn't have to add oil. Yanni doesn't have to add oil. ¿De quién era ese plan? Whose plan was that? Whose plan was that? Somos de Canadá. We're from Canada. We're from Canada. No sé cuándo vendrá él. I don't know when he's coming. I don't know when he'll come. Espera hasta que llame a Tom. Just wait until I get a hold of Tom. Wait until I call Tom. ¿Hay alguna lengua sin vocales? Are there any languages with no vowels? Is there a language without vowels? Pues cambiate ya si quieres que te lleve conmigo. Well then, go and get changed if you want me to bring you along. Well, change now if you want me to take you with me. A ti no te puedo mentir. I cannot lie to you. I can't lie to you. Su debut fue el evento social más grande de la temporada. Her debut was the biggest social event of the season. His debut was the biggest social event of the season. Sé que estás trabajando para ella. I know you're working for her. I know you're working for her. Nuestro director es canadiense. Our school principal is a Canadian. Our director is Canadian. Adara qu'ei reconegut coma l'un deus autors mei prometedís. Now he is recognized as one of the most promising writers. He is known as one of my favorite authors. Ella llegó justo cuando yo me estaba yendo. She arrived just as I was leaving. She arrived just as I was leaving. ¿A quién se le va a ocurrir un nombre tan ridículo? Who would come up with such a ridiculous name? Who can think of such a ridiculous name? Solo piensas en ti mismo. You only think about yourself. You only think of yourself. Es la primera vez que vengo aquí. It's my first time coming here. This is the first time I've come here. Fa fred. It's cold. It's cold. Ya no quiero estar contigo. I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore. ¿Soy un gato? Am I a cat? Am I a cat? Le dimos una paliza al hombre. We beat the man up. We beat the man up. Pero en realidad no le saco provecho. But I don't really profit from it. But I don't really take advantage of it. Tom dijo que quería mudarse a Boston porque era donde vivía Mary. Tom said that he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lives. Tom said he wanted to move to Boston because that was where Mary lived. No pasarás. Thou shalt not pass. You won't. Él lee antes de dormir. He reads before bedtime. He reads before he sleeps. Sabía que estaban detrás de esto. I knew you were behind this. I knew they were behind this. Necesito algo afilado. I need something sharp. I need something sharp. Hay que intentar romper el techo de cristal. You have to try to break the glass ceiling. We must try to break the glass ceiling. Va passar pel meu costat fent veure que no em coneixia. She passed me pretending not to know me. He passed by me pretending he didn't know me. Leí cada libro de la biblioteca. I have read every book in the library. I read every book in the library. Tom cortó la torta en seis trozos. Tom cut the pie into six pieces. Tom cut the cake into six pieces. Nos hospedamos en un hotel tres estrellas. We stayed at a three-star hotel. We stayed in a three star hotel. Tu i jo tenim la mateixa edat. You and me are the same age. You and I are the same age. Ella seguramente estudió en Francia, porque habla francés con fluidez. She probably studied in France, as she speaks French fluently. She probably studied in France, because she speaks French fluently. Creo que necesito terapia. I think I need therapy. I think I need therapy. Tom quería disparar al ciervo, pero le convencimos de que no lo hiciera. Tom wanted to shoot the deer, but we talked him out of it. Tom wanted to shoot the deer, but we convinced him not to. Els pocs diners que tenia me'ls van robar. What little money I had was stolen. The little money I had was stolen from me. Me estoy meditando adelgazar un poco. I'm planning on losing some weight. I'm thinking about losing weight a little. Ser hábil en hablar, es ser deliberado. Being skilled in speaking is being deliberate. To be skillful in speaking is to be deliberate. Ella cuidó al paciente. She looked after the patient. She took care of the patient. Esto es una necesidad para producción. This is a necessity for production. This is a necessity for production. Lo siento, no llevo mi reloj. I'm sorry I don't have my watch with me. I'm sorry, I'm not wearing my watch. Este lugar tiene una atmósfera misteriosa. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. No puedo saltar al mar. No sé nadar. I cannot jump to the sea. I don't know how to swim. I can't jump into the sea, I can't swim. Tengo tres perros; uno es macho y los otros son hembras. I have three dogs; one is male and the others are female. I have three dogs; one is male and the other is female. Ya hemos aprendido inglés. We have already learned English. We've already learned English. ¿Te han hospitalizado alguna vez por una bronquitis o una neumonía? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Tom odia ir al gimnasio. Tom hates going to the gym. Tom hates going to the gym. Espero que este sea el comienzo de una hermosa amistad. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Ella sufre de estrés crónico. She suffers from chronic stress. She suffers from chronic stress. Es un tema del cual se suele hablar poco. It's a topic that's not often discussed. It is a subject of which little is usually spoken. La leyenda cuenta que ellos nunca aparecieron otra vez. The legend says they never turned up again. Legend has it that they never showed up again. Se tiró de cabeza al agua. He plunged into the water head first. He threw himself headlong into the water. Debemos construir puentes, no muros. We should build bridges, not walls. We must build bridges, not walls. ¿Cómo es el día de Tanabata en Japón? What kind of day is Tanabata in Japan? What is Tanabata Day like in Japan? Ensilla mi caballo. Saddle my horse. Saddle my horse. ¿No tiene como-se-llame el mismo carro? Doesn’t what’s-her-name have the same car? Don't you have a name for the same car? El niño juntó un puñado de maníes y los metió en una cajita. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a box. ¿Tienes un menú en Inglés? Do you have an English menu? Do you have a menu in English? Es un libro acerca de las estrellas. This is a book about stars. This is a book about the stars. Yanni tiene que recordar eso. Yanni has to remember that. Yanni has to remember that. Soy una leona. I'm a lioness. I'm a lioness. "¿Qué necesitas?" "¿Qué tienes?" "What do you need?" "What do you have?" "What do you need?" "What do you got?" No deberías comparar a Tom con Mary. You shouldn't compare Tom with Mary. You shouldn't compare Tom to Mary. La energía atómica puede utilizarse para fines pacíficos. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful purposes. Los Estados Unidos están formados por 50 estados. The United States is made up of 50 states. The United States is made up of 50 states. Me gusta cómo huele. I like the way that smells. I like how it smells. En Tom no va a nedar molt sovint. Tom doesn't go swimming very often. Tom doesn't swim very often. «¿Tú crees que Tom será capaz de escribir cartas de amor en francés?» «¿Por qué lo preguntas?» «Está colado por Marie-Emmanuelle.» «¿Acaso estás celosa?» «¡Sí, lo estoy! ¿Pasa algo?» "Do you think Tom will be able to write love letters in French?" "Why do you ask?" "He's in love with Marie-Emmanuelle." "Perhaps you’re jealous?" "Yes, I am! Is something going on? “Do you think Tom will be able to write love letters in French?” “Why do you ask?” “Is he sneaking up on Marie-Emmanuelle.” “Are you jealous?” “Yes, I am! Is something wrong?” França és a l'Europa Occidental. France is in western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Yo amo a Dios. I love God. I love God. No hay para qué hacer esto. We don't have to do this. There's no use doing this. L. L. Zamenhof fue un oculista judío. L. L. Zamenhof was a Hebrew eye doctor. L. L. Zamenhof was a Jewish eye doctor. Saps tot. You know everything. You know everything. Yo estuve de su lado aún en contra de mi padre. I supported her even against my father. I was still on his side against my father. ¿Has cambiado últimamente de jabón o de detergente para la ropa? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you recently changed soap or laundry detergent? Quan vinguis, fes-m'ho saber. Let me know whenever you come. When you come, let me know. Estoy trabajando desde casa. I'm working from home. I'm working from home. Hermana, ¿me puedes prender la luz? Hey sis, can you turn on the light? Sister, can you light me up? Me pregunto si debería estar orgulloso de que las primeras cinco páginas de resultados de la búsqueda de mi nombre en internet no hablen de mí... o si debería estar avergonzado. I wonder if I should be proud that the first five pages of search results from searching for my name on the internet aren't about me, or if I should be ashamed. I wonder if I should be proud that the first five pages of search results for my name on the internet don’t speak for me... or if I should be ashamed. E Mamà polha lo shivau ? Is Mother scolding the horse? What about momma? Yo no apostaría contra Tom. I wouldn't bet against Tom. I wouldn't bet against Tom. Bajé mi maleta. I put my suitcase down. I dropped my suitcase. Posibles efectos secundarios incluyen visión borrosa y dificultad respiratoria. Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. Tom te recuerda. Tom remembers you. Tom remembers you. Tom no aparece en la guía telefónica. Tom isn't listed in the phone book. Tom's not in the phone book. La farmacia de Yanni abre a las cuatro de la madrugada. Yanni's pharmacy opens at 4:00 AM. Yanni's pharmacy opens at 4 a.m. ¡Tom, te lo advierto, mi paciencia tiene un límite! I'm warning you, Tom. My patience has a limit. Tom, I warn you, my patience has a limit! ¿Pasas más tiempo con tu familia o con tus amigos? Do you spend more time with your friends or with your family? Do you spend more time with your family or friends? Estoy cansado de hablarte acerca de esto. I'm tired of talking to you about this. I'm tired of talking to you about this. ¿Puedo hablar con Tom? May I talk to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Quisiera conversar contigo. I'd like to have a word with you. I'd like to talk to you. Tom no podía ver el lago desde donde estaba parado. Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing. Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing. ¿Con quién quieren bailar primero? Who do you want to dance with first? Who do you want to dance with first? Tom es el capitán del equipo. Tom is the team captain. Tom is the team captain. Hay que entregar los deberes el lunes. The homework is due next Monday. You have to turn in your homework on Monday. Tom se apretó el cinturón de seguridad. Tom fastened his seatbelt. Tom tightened his seat belt. Millie es menja una poma. Millie is eating an apple. Millie eats an apple. Los amigos son personas con las que puedes pensar en voz alta. Friends are people you can think out loud with. Friends are people with whom you can think out loud. Pinté el tejado de azul claro. I painted the roof light blue. I painted the roof light blue. On estan els nostres paraigües? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Tom empezó a trabajar como voluntario en el refugio de desposeídos cuando aún seguía en la escuela secundaria. Tom began working as a volunteer at the homeless shelter while he was still in high school. Tom started volunteering at the homeless shelter while he was still in high school. El lobo mató dos ovejas. Two sheep were killed by a wolf. The wolf killed two sheep. Solo parte del edificio fue destruído por el terremoto. Only part of the building has been destroyed by the earthquake. Only part of the building was destroyed by the earthquake. ¿Estás seguro de que no puedes venir conmigo? Are you sure you can't come with me? Are you sure you can't come with me? ¿Dónde fue a parar todo el pan? Where did all the bread go? Where did all the bread go? Yanni se quejaba de sus amigos. Yanni complained about his friends. Yanni complained about his friends. Los niños van a crecer aún si los dejas solos. Children will grow even if you leave them alone. Children will grow even if you leave them alone. No encontrarás nada aquí. You'll find nothing here. You won't find anything here. Cookie se dio vuelta mientras dormía. Cookie turned over in his sleep. Cookie turned around in his sleep. Me marcho en tren pronto. I leave by train soon. I'm leaving by train soon. ¿No hablaráis con Tom al respecto? Won't you speak to Tom about it? You won't talk to Tom about it? Yo pienso que esto es importante. I think that this is important. I think this is important. Me quedé quieto. I froze. I stood still. No soy nada más que un pobre huaso. I am nothing but a poor peasant. I'm nothing but a poor huaso. ¿Puedes hacerlo más rápido? Can you do it faster? Can you do it faster? ¿Te han diagnosticado de problemas tiroideos alguna vez? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid problems? Ellos nunca van de paseo. They never go for walks. They never go for a walk. Retomemos una vez más este plan. Let's go over this plan again. Let us return to this plan once again. Su clase tuvo una gran audiencia. His lecture had a large audience. His class had a large audience. ¿Cómo se dice "Lo siento" en francés? How do you say "I'm sorry" in French? How do you say "I'm sorry" in French? Cerca aquella paraula al diccionari. Look that word up in the dictionary. Look up that word in the dictionary. Me encanta este restaurante. I really love this restaurant. I love this restaurant. Salió un tema nuevo en la conversación. A new topic came up in conversation. A new topic came up in the conversation. És una bona nedadora. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Él le aconsejó dejar de beber. He advised her to stop drinking. He advised her to stop drinking. Creo que es hora de que considere hacer una dieta. I think it's time for me to consider going on a diet. I think it’s time for you to consider dieting. No puc planxar la meva roba. No tinc planxa. I cannot iron my clothes. I have no iron. I can't iron my clothes. Tom no cree que Mary esté en casa. Tom doesn't think that Mary is at home. Tom doesn't think Mary's home. Tom estaba sufriendo. Tom was suffering. Tom was suffering. Te has vuelto loco. You've gone loco. You've gone mad. Pensé que Tom pararía a decir hola. I thought Tom would stop by and say hello. I thought Tom would stop by and say hello. Tom se golpeó su rodilla. Tom banged his knee. Tom hit his knee. Mi bebida necesita refrescarse. My drink needs refreshing. My drink needs to be refreshed. Me preguntaba cómo podía marcar una diferencia en el mundo. I wondered how I could make a difference in the world. I wondered how I could make a difference in the world. Tens uns 10 minuts d'aquí a l'estació a peu. It takes about 10 minutes to get to the train station by foot. You have about 10 minutes from here to the station on foot. Nuestras experiencias nos dejó con cicatrices perdurables en nuestras almas. Our experiences left us with everlasting scars in our souls. Our experiences left us with enduring scars on our souls. No, no me llamo Tom. Me llamo Mary. No, my name isn't Tom. My name is Mary. No, my name's not Tom, my name's Mary. Tom dice que no quiere aprender francés. Tom says he doesn't want to learn French. Tom says he doesn't want to learn French. ¿Qué tal una cerveza? How about a beer? How about a beer? Tom aún no nos ha dicho su opinión. Tom hasn't told us his opinion yet. Tom hasn't told us his opinion yet. No hace nada más que ver todo el día la televisión. He does nothing but watch TV all day long. It does nothing but watch TV all day. Es la primera vez que ceno fuera. This is the first time I've ever had dinner out. This is my first time dining out. La contrasenya és "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". ¡Encantado de conocerlos a todos ustedes! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Tuve que hacer algunas llamadas telefónicas. I had to make some phone calls. I had to make some phone calls. Deixi'm prémer el botó. Let me push the button. Let me press the button. ¡No tan cerca! Not so close! Not so close! Somos mejores. We're better. We're better. Fue a su oficina después de una ausencia de cinco semanas. He went to his office after an absence of five weeks. He went to his office after a five-week absence. Por favor no cometas los mismos errores que yo cometí. Please don't make the same mistakes I made. Please don’t make the same mistakes I did. Hola a tots. Hi, everybody. Hey, everybody. Nunca quisiera ir a Boston. La gente allí se la pasa sin ver el sol. I'd never want to go to Boston. The people there never see the sun. I would never want to go to Boston, people there go without seeing the sun. No me gusta este juego. I don't like this game. I don't like this game. Nació un gran artista. A great artist was born. A great artist was born. ¿Hablas klingon? Do you speak Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? Me encantaría visitar Moscú contigo mañana. I would love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. I'd love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. ¿Querés conocer mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... Lo siento, estaba distraído. ¿Qué dijiste? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was distracted. What did you say? Tom no podía decidir por quién debería votar. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn’t decide who he should vote for. Yanni le devolvió a Skura su dinero. Yanni gave Skura her money back. Yanni returned his money to Skura. Mucha gente te va a decir que no debiste haber hecho eso. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. El que ríe el último ríe mejor. He laughs best who laughs last. He who laughs last laughs best. Solo estoy exponiendo mi punto de vista. I'm just showing my point of view. I'm just stating my point of view. Aquera pòrta ne's barra pas. This door won't shut. This is not a bar. Contáctame si tienes alguna pregunta. Contact me if you have any questions. Contact me if you have any questions. Fa quatre anys que estudio francès. I have been studying French four years now. I have been studying French for four years. Hoy hizo calor. Today was warm. It was hot today. Está claro que la gente está tratando de sacar provecho de esta crisis. It is clear that people are trying to profit from this crisis. It is clear that people are trying to take advantage of this crisis. Hemos estado probando. We've been trying. We've been testing. Ja faig tard. I'm already late. I'm late. Creo que mañana será un gran día. I think tomorrow will be a great day. I think tomorrow will be a great day. Sonó un leve toque en la puerta. There was a faint knocking at the door. There was a slight knock on the door. Eso son muchas traducciones. That's a lot of translations. That's a lot of translations. Estos ancianos son mis tíos. These old people are my uncles. These old men are my uncles. Tom se tomará un par de días la próxima semana. Tom is taking a couple of days off next week. Tom's taking a couple of days next week. Pretendo contárselo todo. I intend to tell him everything. I intend to tell you everything. ¿Por qué te diste la vuelta? Why did you turn around? Why did you turn around? ¿Nunca te cansas? Don't you ever get tired? Don't you ever get tired? L'autobús para ací? Does the bus stop here? The bus for here? Yanni usa una seis. Yanni wears a six. Yanni wears a six. ¿Has experimentado dificultad para respirar recientemente? Have you experienced shortness of breath recently? Have you experienced difficulty breathing recently? Betty se acostó en la cama. Betty laid herself on the bed. Betty lay down on the bed. El teléfono no funciona, Sr. Tamori. The phone doesn't work, Mr. Tamori. The phone's not working, Mr. Tamori. Déjalo marchar, Yanni. Let him go, Yanni. Let him go, Yanni. Tom dijo que alcanzaría a hacerlo. Tom said that he'd make it on time. Tom said he would do it. Tom es el mejor amigo del esposo de Mary. Tom is Mary's husband's best friend. Tom is the best friend of Mary's husband. Él hizo felices a sus padres. He made his parents happy. He made his parents happy. Los ajedrecistas con una memoria prodigiosa realizan hazañas increíbles, como jugar a ciegas, al mismo tiempo, una gran cantidad de partidos. Chess players with prodigious memories perform incredible feats, such as playing blindly, at the same time, a large number of matches. Chess players with a prodigious memory perform incredible feats, such as blind play, at the same time, a large number of matches. Potser el Tom li va demanar a la Mary que mentís. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Está al otro lado de la calle. It's across the street. It's across the street. Sos un langa. You're cool. You're a langa. Se nos pidió que nos presentáramos por turnos. We are asked to introduce ourselves in turn. We were asked to introduce ourselves in turns. No me gusta que la gente me mire. I don't like people staring at me. I don't like people looking at me. Tu voz me suena. Your voice sounds familiar. Your voice sounds to me. Tom es tímido con los extraños. Tom is shy around strangers. Tom is shy with strangers. Ella reveló el secreto. She revealed the secret. She revealed the secret. Aún soy principiante en francés. I'm still a beginner at French. I am still a beginner in French. A quin diccionari hès referéncia ? Which dictionary did you refer to? What dictionary does it refer to? Eso debería ser cierto durante el resto de este año. That should hold true for the rest of this year. That should be true for the rest of this year. Liberaron al prisionero. They freed the prisoner. The prisoner was released. Dudo que saliera ayer. I doubt it came out yesterday. I doubt it came out yesterday. Él estaba calmado ante el peligro. He was calm in the presence of danger. He was calm in the face of danger. Mi padre era la autoridad suprema de esa familia en la que el poder descendía jerárquicamente hacia los hermanos mayores. My father was the ultimate authority of that family in which power was hierarchically passed down to the eldest brothers. My father was the supreme authority of that family in which power descended hierarchically to the elder brothers. ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? You want milk and sugar? Ella vol tancar al seu petit negoci. She wants to wind up her small business. She wants to close in on her small business. ¿Qué piensa ella sobre mi auto? What does she think about my car? What does she think about my car? La gente no dejará de morirse de esto. People won't stop dying from this. People will not stop dying from this. Hèm totis dècas. We all make mistakes. They are all deca. ¿Podemos vernos el veintiocho de febrero, hacia las tres? Can we meet on February the 28th, around 3:00 p.m.? Can we meet on the twenty-eighth of February, around three? Ella se dislocó el brazo. She dislocated her shoulder. She dislocated her arm. Tom echó gasolina a las cartas y las prendió fuego. Tom poured gasoline on the letters and lit them on fire. Tom threw gasoline on the cards and set them on fire. Mi casa es muy fría. My house is very cold. My house is very cold. Sabemos que esta isla alguna vez estuvo habitada. We know that this island was once inhabited. We know that this island was once inhabited. Tom se comió la poca comida que le quedaba. Tom ate what little food he had left. Tom ate what little food he had left. Envidio su éxito. I am envious of his success. I envy their success. De alguna forma, hoy luces distinto. Somehow, you look different today. Somehow, you look different today. Vi allí a mi hermana. I saw my sister there. I saw my sister there. Tom se puso serio. Tom became serious. Tom was serious. "¿Debería decírselo a ella?" "No lo sé. ¿Deberías?" "Should I tell her?" "I don't know. Should you?" "Should I tell her?" "I don't know. Should you?" Tom esperaba más de ellos. Tom expected more of them. Tom expected more from them. ¡Mira, un conejito! Look! A bunny! Look, a bunny! Creo que tengo fiebre. I think I have a fever. I think I have a fever. ¿Es la lingüística un tipo de matemáticas o son las matemáticas un tipo de lingüística? Is linguistics a type of math or is math a type of linguistics? Is linguistics a type of mathematics or is mathematics a type of linguistics? Estoy acostumbrada a las bajas temperaturas. I am used to low temperatures. I'm used to low temperatures. Yanni necesita cambiar el filtro del aceite. Yanni needs to change the oil filter. Yanni needs to change the oil filter. Todos estamos un poco locos. We're all a bit crazy. We're all a little crazy. A Tom le gustaste. Tom liked you. Tom liked you. El barco se hundió en seguida. The boat sank in a flash. The ship immediately sank. ¿Has sido tratado alguna vez de una infección de vejiga? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? Have you ever been treated for a bladder infection? ¿Quién es Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? Por favor no cometas los mismos errores que yo cometí. Please don't make the same mistakes that I made. Please don’t make the same mistakes I did. Sería mejor que ella desayunara. She had better eat breakfast. She'd be better off having breakfast. Eres innoble. You're ignoble. You're ignoble. Tom no quería escuchar la letanía de problemas de Mary, pero se sentó tranquilamente y escuchó. Tom didn't want to hear Mary's litany of woes, but he sat quietly and listened. Tom didn’t want to hear Mary’s litany of trouble, but he sat quietly and listened. Per primera vegada en més de 6 anys, la taxa d'atur està per davall del 6%. For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%. For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%. Deberías fumar menos. You should smoke less. You should smoke less. Es mejor no usar lejía si no la necesitas. It's better not to use bleach if you don't need it. It’s best not to use bleach if you don’t need it. El equipo verde perdió. The green team lost. The Green team lost. No creo que el hombre sea capaz de escuchar la naturaleza. I don't believe that man is able to listen to nature. I don't think man is capable of listening to nature. Es un milagro que yo pudiera vencer el cáncer. It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. It's a miracle I could beat cancer. Es delicioso y saludable. It's both delicious and healthy. It is delicious and healthy. Comprueba el recorrido. Check the itinerary. Check the route. ¿Por qué son amarillos los patitos? Why are ducklings yellow? Why are ducklings yellow? Hablemos sobre la corrupción en Argelia. Let's talk about corruption in Algeria. Let’s talk about corruption in Algeria. Tom no tuvo el valor de admitir que había cometido un error. Tom didn't have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake. Tom did not have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake. El hombre es el único animal sujeto a volverse un imbécil. Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile. Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile. Llueve un montón. It's raining a lot. It rains a lot. Yanni está hablando con Skura. Yanni is talking with Skura. Yanni's talking to Skura. Se lastimó su codo cuando se cayó. She hurt her elbow when she fell down. He hurt his elbow when he fell. Estaba muy ocupado todo el día. He was very busy all day. He was very busy all day. Soy sacerdote. I'm a priest. I'm a priest. Hagamos una rápida recapitulación. Let's do a quick recap. Let's do a quick recap. Deberías haber comido algo esta mañana. You should've eaten something this morning. You should have eaten something this morning. Qu'am miat au torn. We took turns driving. We are in our turn. Sisplau, lleva't els mitjons. Take off your socks, please. Please, take the socks. Estoy confundido y frustrado. I'm confused and frustrated. I'm confused and frustrated. Las creencias islámicas tradicionales no deberían entrelazarse con las políticas modernas en Argelia. Traditional Islamic beliefs shouldn't intertwine themselves with modern politics in Algeria. Traditional Islamic beliefs should not be intertwined with modern politics in Algeria. Tengo una opinión diferente. I think otherwise. I have a different opinion. ¿Cuándo comeré kiwi? When will I eat Kiwi? When will I eat kiwi? Qu'aimi las comedias. I love comedies. I love comedies. A Ariel le gusta el arroz con leche. Ariel likes arroz con leche. Ariel likes rice pudding. ¿Qué opinas del posible fraude en las elecciones? What do you think about the possible voter fraud? What do you think about possible election fraud? No recorde on la vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Papá está ocupado revisando mi tarea. Father is busy looking over my homework. Dad's busy checking my homework. Cuando me vio, el perro corrió hacia mí. Seeing me, the dog rushed up to me. When he saw me, the dog ran towards me. Tom parecía demacrado. Tom looked emaciated. Tom looked emaciated. No tienes motivos para despedir a Tom. Él es un buen trabajador. You have no reason to fire Tom. He is a good worker. You have no reason to fire Tom, he's a good worker. ¿Qué hicisteis ayer? What did you guys do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Tom es un gnomo. Tom is a gnome. Tom's a gnome. Él estará furioso cuando se entere que ella mintió. He will be angry to learn that she told a lie. He'll be furious when he finds out she lied. Aqueth plap ne va pas tornar. This stain won't come out. That plate didn't come back. Tenemos que hacerlo pronto. We need to do it soon. We have to do it soon. ¿Le picó una abeja? Were you stung by a bee? Did a bee sting you? Cuando te despiertes, no estaré más aquí. As you wake up, I won't be here anymore. When you wake up, I won't be here anymore. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ella allí? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? No estoy de acuerdo contigo. I disagree with you. I don't agree with you. No lleves demasiado equipaje cuando viajes. Don't carry too much baggage when you travel. Don’t carry too much luggage when traveling. Si Yanni acaba en la cárcel, Skura estará ahí para pagarle la fianza. If Yanni lands in jail, Skura will be there to bail him out. If Yanni ends up in jail, Skura will be there to bail him out. Voy a Italia a aprender algo. I'm going to Italy to learn something. I'm going to Italy to learn something. Siempre pensé que Tom y Mary eran una buena pareja. I always thought Tom and Mary were a good couple. I always thought Tom and Mary were a good couple. Tom se dio cuenta de que estaba ahogándose. Tom realized that he was drowning. Tom realized he was drowning. Me pilló viendo pornografía. She caught me watching porn. He caught me watching porn. Ellos no mantuvieron su promesa. They didn't keep their promise. They did not keep their promise. ¿Podrías abrir la ventana un poquito? Could you open the window a little? Could you open the window a little bit? Siga derecho hasta el final de la calle. Go ahead to the end of the street. Go straight to the end of the street. Con todo el debido respeto, yo pienso que ambos tenían algunos puntos válidos. With all due respect, I think they both had valid points. With all due respect, I think they both had some valid points. Ambos libros son interesantes. Both of the books are interesting. Both books are interesting. No recuerdo haber enviado este mensaje de texto. I don't remember sending that text message. I don't remember sending this text message. Quiero mi propio escritorio. I want my own desk. I want my own desk. Aqueras pomas que son gròssas. Those apples are big. Those apples are fat. El aire está constituido principalmente de oxígeno y nitrógeno. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen. The air is mainly made up of oxygen and nitrogen. Pensé que Tom pasaría a decir hola. I thought Tom would stop by to say hello. I thought Tom would come by and say hello. Ella se detuvo a fumar un cigarrillo. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. Los banqueros controlan el mundo. Bankers rule the world. Bankers control the world. Hè los tons devers adara. Do your homework now. It's a toned adara. Querer es poder. Where there's a will, there's a way. Wanting is power. Sé que Tom no me gusta, pero no me importa. I know that Tom dislikes me, but I don't care. I know I don't like Tom, but I don't care. Mis manos están limpias. My hands are clean. My hands are clean. Nosotros vamos juntos en la escuela. We are at school together. We go to school together. Queda muy poco papel. There's very little paper left. There's very little paper left. La cara de Tom estaba pálida. Tom's face was pallid. Tom's face was pale. El sitio no funciona en absoluto. The site's not working at all. The site does not work at all. Eso no ayuda mucho. That doesn't help very much. That doesn't help much. No pagaré las deudas de mi hijo. I won't pay my son's debts. I won't pay my son's debts. No gràcies, només miro. No, thank you. I'm just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Yanni nunca cruzaría esas líneas. Yanni would never cross those lines. Yanni would never cross those lines. Tom no ha hecho todavía lo que le pedimos. Tom hasn't yet done what we've asked him to do. Tom hasn't done what we asked him to do yet. En realidad no me gustan las películas. I don't really like movies. I don't really like movies. ¿A qué hora vas al mercado? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? Si te levantas temprano te sentirás mucho mejor. If you get up early, you will feel so much the better. If you get up early you will feel much better. Tom está pensando en mudarse a una cabaña en el quinto pino. Tom's thinking of moving to a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Tom is thinking of moving to a cabin in the fifth pine. Estoy en tus manos. I am in your hands. I'm in your hands. No pertenezco al club. I don't belong to the club. I don't belong in the club. Tom dijo que no le importaba el pasado de Mary, aunque en realidad sí le importaba. Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past even though he really did. Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past, though he did. Yanni fue más amigable. Yanni was more friendly. Yanni was friendlier. No culpamos a Tom. We don't blame Tom. We don't blame Tom. ¿Sabes por qué dejaron de hablar? Do you know why they stopped talking? Do you know why they stopped talking? Me temo que el doctor no está. I'm afraid the doctor is out. I'm afraid the doctor's gone. Me fui a la cama con la ropa puesta. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed with my clothes on. Tómate tu tiempo, no hay prisa. Take your time. There's no rush. Take your time, there is no hurry. ¿Qué habéis hecho hoy? What have you done today? What did you do today? Nuestro plan no va a ninguna parte. Our plan won't get anywhere. Our plan's not going anywhere. Yanni va a hablar sobre eso. Yanni is gonna talk about that. Yanni's gonna talk about it. ¡Feliz Día sin Compras! Happy Buy Nothing Day! Happy no shopping day! ¡La vida es corta, hay que disfrutarla! Life is short, you have to enjoy it! Life is short, you have to enjoy it! No sabía que Tom vivía aquí. I didn't know Tom lived here. I didn't know Tom lived here. Ya se han casado. They already got married. They're already married. Él es tan desalmado. He is so heartless. He's so heartless. Él llenó el hoyo en la pared. He filled up the hole in the wall. He filled the hole in the wall. A Yanni le pagan. Yanni is getting paid. Yanni gets paid. Voldria un to més clar. I want a lighter shade. I would like a clearer tone. Estábamos caminando y nos caímos. We were walking and we fell. We were walking and we fell. Dices que Nessie es un ser imaginario, pero yo creo que ella existe. You say Nessie is an imaginary being, but I think she exists. You say Nessie is an imaginary being, but I think she exists. De verdad lo dudo. I truly doubt it. I really doubt it. Està la teva mare a casa? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? ¿Ahora eres feliz? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Yo me quedo con el coche y el perro. I'll keep the car and the dog. I'll take the car and the dog. Ni fumo ni bebo. I neither smoke nor drink. I don't smoke or drink. ¿Te puedes callar, por favor? Can you please shut up? Can you shut up, please? Odio la leche. I hate milk. I hate milk. El temps vola. Time flies. Time flies. Necesito hacerte la prueba de la tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to get you tested for tuberculosis. Dile lo que él te ha dicho. Tell her what he told you. Tell him what he told you. Hay leche en el frigorífico. There's milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. ¿Sabes como vas a entretener a Tom? Do you know how you're going to stall Tom? You know how you're gonna entertain Tom? Tots dos són impredictibles i impacients. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. Both are unpredictable and impatient. Si haces trampa, corres el riesgo de ser arrestado. If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested. If you cheat, you risk being arrested. No soy un unicornio. I'm not a unicorn. I'm not a unicorn. Nos a calgut repossar l'amassada pr'amor de la pluèja. We had to postpone the gathering because of rain. We had to put down the beloved of the rain. ¿Mary se esconde de algo? Is Mary hiding something? Is Mary hiding from something? Ellos han comprado esa camisa. They have bought that shirt. They bought that shirt. Tiene muchas ganas de un vestido nuevo. She wants a new dress badly. She is looking forward to a new dress. A Tom se le olvidó de tomar su medicina esta mañana. Tom forgot to take his medication this morning. Tom forgot to take his medicine this morning. Como tenía muchas pesadillas, un amigo me regaló un cazasueños. I was having a lot of nightmares, so a friend gave me a dream-catcher. As I had many nightmares, a friend gave me a dream fighter. Hablo bien el francés. I can speak French well. I speak French well. Su novela ha sido traducida al japonés. Her novel has been translated into Japanese. His novel has been translated into Japanese. Toma esto. Take this. Take this. Conozco bien a tu hermano. I know your brother well. I know your brother well. La ciudad estaba alarmada por el terremoto. The city was alarmed by the earthquake. The city was alarmed by the earthquake. Soy asexual. I'm asexual. I'm asexual. No cualquiera puede ser maestro. Not everyone can be a teacher. Not everyone can be a teacher. Tom capturó un lobo y trató de domesticarlo. Tom caught a wolf and tried to tame it. Tom captured a wolf and tried to tame it. Klava está fuera del país y te manda sus saludos. Klava is abroad and sends her regards to you. Klava is out of the country and sends you his greetings. Cuando crezca, quiero ser conductor de tren. When I grow up, I want to be a train conductor. When I grow up, I want to be a train driver. Ella apagó las luces. She turned off the lights. She turned off the lights. Cuando el jugador soltó la pieza que tenía en la mano para coger otra, su contrincante le dijo "pieza tocada, pieza jugada", obligándole a mover la primera pieza que había elegido. When the player released the piece in his hand to take another, his opponent told him "Touch, move!", forcing him to move the first piece he had chosen. When the player released the piece in his hand to take another, his opponent said "touched piece, played piece", forcing him to move the first piece he had chosen. A Betty le gusta la música clásica. Betty likes classical music. Betty likes classical music. Los humanos son extraños, preferiría ser un zorro de dibujos animados. Humans are odd. I'd much rather be a cartoon fox. Humans are strangers, I'd rather be a cartoon fox. Ve recto. Go straight. Go straight. Tom es mi amigo imaginario. Tom is my imaginary friend. Tom is my imaginary friend. Estamos derribando la vieja casa. We are bringing down the old house. We're tearing down the old house. Quiero saber todo sobre Tom. I want to know everything about him. I want to know everything about Tom. El Tom està malalt, pel que no podrà fer això avui. Tom is sick, so he can't do that today. Tom's sick, so he won't be able to do that today. No semblen feliços. They don't seem happy. They don't look happy. Tom pasa todo su tiempo en el ordenador. Tom spends all his time on the computer. Tom spends all his time on the computer. Tom se quiere ir, pero no puede. Tom wants to leave, but he can't. Tom wants to go, but he can't. Emily tiene sed. Emily is thirsty. Emily is thirsty. ¿Por qué no intentamos hacer algo? Why don't we try to do something? Why don't we try something? ¡Nada que agregar! Nothing to add! Nothing to add! Eso ya no me interesa. That no longer holds my interest. I'm not interested in that anymore. Tom no fue metido en la cárcel por espionaje. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Sólo estaban jugando. They were only playing. They were just playing. El paquete no cabe en el buzón. The package won't fit in the mailbox. The package does not fit in the mailbox. Acabo de empezar mi trabajo. I just started my job. I just started my job. ¿Sabe cómo anudar una corbata? Do you know how to tie a tie? Do you know how to tie a tie? Ella vive en Londres. She is living in London. She lives in London. Encara no he acabat d'esmorzar. I still haven't finished eating breakfast. I haven't finished breakfast yet. Te estoy muy agradecido por tu ayuda. I am very much obliged to you for your help. I'm so grateful for your help. No te vayas a quemar. Be careful not to burn yourself. Don't get burned. Suena aburridísimo. That sounds incredibly boring. Sounds very boring. Él tiene tres años más que mi padre. He's three years older than my father. He's three years older than my father. De hecho quedó convencido. As a matter of fact, he was convinced. In fact, he was convinced. És la germana petita d'en Tom. She's Tom's younger sister. She's Tom's little sister. Me quedaré en casa mañana. I will stay home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Necesitas un abogado. You need a lawyer. You need a lawyer. Pronto dejarás de pensar en él. You'll stop thinking of him soon. You'll soon stop thinking about him. ¿Qué opina usted del japonés? What do you think of Japanese? What do you think of Japanese? ¿Has comido algo nuevo últimamente? Have you eaten anything new lately? Have you eaten anything new lately? Aquest intèrpret és un mestre de cinc idiomes. That interpreter is a master of five languages. This interpreter is a master of five languages. ¿Y nadie te ayudó? And nobody helped you? And no one helped you? Calienta el horno a 220° C. Mientras tanto, cuece a fuego lento las manzanas con jugo de limón y agua en una cacerola grande hasta que estén blandas. Heat the oven to 220°C. Meanwhile, simmer the apples with the lemon juice and water in a large pan until soft. Heat the oven to 220°C. Meanwhile, simmer apples with lemon juice and water in a large saucepan until soft. Aquera ròsa que'i suberbèla. This rose is beautiful. That’s why I’m underrated. Qu'ei ua amassada hèra importanta. Que't caleré la mancar pas. This is a very important meeting. You ought not to miss it. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. Tom no cree que eso sea la gran cosa. Tom doesn't think it's such a big deal. Tom doesn't think that's the big deal. Eres el mejor hermanito que pude haber tenido. You're the best little bro I could've ever had. You're the best little brother I could have had. Es una buena idea pero, díselo a la naturaleza. It's a good idea, but tell that to nature. It’s a good idea, but tell it to nature. No me interesa mientras seas feliz. I don't care as long as you're happy. I don't care as long as you're happy. Se comieron todas las galletas y no me dejaron ni las migajas. They ate all the cookies and didn't even leave me the crumbs. They ate all the cookies and didn't leave me any crumbs. ¿Dónde está el email? Where's the email? Where's the email? Sus políticas fueron demasiado agresivas. His policies were too progressive. Their policies were too aggressive. Ella no vino por alguna razón en particular. She did not come for a certain reason. She didn't come for any particular reason. Qu'ei un espitau. This is a hospital. It's a spit. En tiempos difíciles, las personas pueden no hacer un viaje, pero pueden estar dispuestas a pagar extra por un buen café. During hard times, people might not go on a trip, but they might be willing to pay extra for good coffee. In difficult times, people may not make a trip, but they may be willing to pay extra for good coffee. Tom de repente se enfermó. Tom suddenly became sick. Tom suddenly got sick. Complete las oraciones. Use la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. Use contracciones. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use contractions. Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb form in parentheses. Use contractions. Empújenla. Push it. Push it. Esta película merece ser vista al menos dos o tres veces. The movie is worth seeing at least two or three times. This movie deserves to be seen at least two or three times. Pon la escoba en el armario. Put the broom in the closet. Put the broom in the closet. Miren al tomate. ¿No es triste? Él no puede bailar, pobre tomate. Look at the tomato. Isn’t it sad? He can’t dance, poor tomato. Look at the tomato. Isn't it sad? He can't dance, poor tomato. Sami se parece a Van Damme. Sami looks like Van Damme. Sami looks like Van Damme. La tripa es una mala consejera. Your gut isn't the best adviser. The gut is a bad counselor. ¿Le invitaste? Did you invite him? Did you invite him? El niño aprendió ajedrez viendo juegos locales. The little boy learned chess by watching local games. The boy learned chess by watching local games. Lo creas o no, Tom tiene 70 años. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. El camino desciende. The track descends. The road goes down. Antiguamente la separación o el divorcio eran muy mal vistos por todos. In the past, separation and divorce were frowned upon by everyone. In the past, separation or divorce was frowned upon by everyone. Nuestras virtudes son, en su mayoría, sólo vicios disfrazados. Our virtues are, most often, only disguised vices. Our virtues are, for the most part, only vices in disguise. Lo Tòm e jo que sèm amics. Tom and I are friends. You and I are friends. Prefiero vivir en un mundo lleno de secretos antes que en uno que sea tan pequeño que yo sea capaz de comprenderlo. I'd rather live in a world full of secrets than one that's so small that I'm able to understand it. I would rather live in a world full of secrets than one that is so small that I can understand it. No tinc cap interès a anar al partit de beisbol. I'm not interested in going to the baseball game. I have no interest in going to the baseball game. Se suponía que Tom no estaría aquí hasta que llegase Mary. Tom wasn't supposed to be here until after Mary arrived. Tom wasn't supposed to be here until Mary arrived. Estarás en problemas si tu novia descubre la verdad. You'll get into trouble if your girlfriend finds out the truth. You'll be in trouble if your girlfriend finds out the truth. Abans de posar-te a manar has d'aprendre a creure. Before you give orders, you must learn to obey. Before you learn to believe, you have to learn to believe. Yo no serviría este queso a mis invitados. I would not serve this cheese to my guests. I wouldn't serve this cheese to my guests. Él le dio a ella un gesto de aprobación. He gave her an approving nod. He gave her a gesture of approval. "¿Qué tipo de chicas te gusta más?" "Las que me aman." "What kind of girls do you like most?" "The ones that love me." "What kind of girls do you like best?" "Those who love me." Acostumo a anar a casa a les quatre. I usually go home at four. I usually go home at four. Ambos son de Australia. They are both from Australia. Both are from Australia. Hablas raro. You talk weirdly. You sound weird. El año que viene iré a América. I am going to go to America next year. Next year I will go to America. ¡Está viva! Se estaba ahogando, pero su padre la salvó. She's alive! She was drowning, but her father saved her. She was drowning, but her father saved her. Tom marcó un número incorrecto. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom dialed the wrong number. Le informaremos. We'll let him know. We'll let you know. Australia es gigante, ¿verdad? Australia is huge, right? Australia is huge, isn’t it? El derecho a existir no existe. A right to exist doesn't exist. The right to exist does not exist. Yanni no se preocupa por eso. Yanni doesn't worry about that. Yanni doesn't care about that. ¿Sabe lo que significan sus sueños? Do you know what your dreams mean? Do you know what your dreams mean? Aqueth veire que conteng aiga. This glass contains water. See what they have in store for you. Dale una mano y él se toma el pie. Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. Give him a hand and he takes his foot. ¿Todos tienen bolígrafos? Does everybody have pens? Do they all have pens? El cabello de Susy es muy largo. Susie's hair is very long. Susy's hair is very long. Gana 300.000 yenes al mes. He earns 300,000 yen a month. He earns 300,000 yen a month. Él tiene la capacidad de ganarse la confianza de todos. He has a capacity to gain everybody's confidence. He has the ability to earn everyone’s trust. Parlant de genocidis, avui és el Dia de la Hispanitat. Speaking of genocide, today is Columbus Day. Speaking of genocide, today is Hispanic Day. Todos vosotros moriréis. You will all die. All of you will die. Si no vols estar sol, puc fer-te companyia. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Tom guarda todas las cartas que su madre le manda. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps all the letters his mother sends him. Él me regresó el golpe. He hit me back. He hit me back. Todo es político. Everything's political. Everything is political. Él se quedó dormido bajo el árbol. He fell asleep under the tree. He fell asleep under the tree. Espero que me suban el sueldo. I hope I get a raise. I hope my salary goes up. Porque mi escalera vieja está rota. Because my old ladder is broken. Because my old stairway is broken. Como estoy ocupado, no puedo ir. As I am busy, I cannot go. Since I'm busy, I can't go. Estos artículos no están en venta. These articles are not for sale. These items are not for sale. No dejes que esto se haga un hábito. Don't let this become a habit. Don’t let this become a habit. Siquiera te saludó con la mano. A mí ni me miró. At least she shook your hand. She didn't even look at me. He didn't even look at me. Bebíais leche. You drank milk. You drank milk. Quants pennies te cal per far una liura ? How many pennies does it take to make one pound? How many pennies do you need to make a pound? Todavía me puedo acordar de la vez que Tom se cayó del árbol. I can still remember the time when Tom fell out of the tree. I can still remember the time Tom fell from the tree. Tener seres queridos y apoyo para tus esperanzas y sueños es la clave de la felicidad. Having loved ones and support for your hopes and dreams is the key to happiness. Having loved ones and support for your hopes and dreams is the key to happiness. La gente tiende a hablar fuerte cuando están emocionados. People have the tendency to speak more loudly when they get excited. People tend to talk loud when they’re excited. Él es un hombre paciente. He's a patient man. He's a patient man. Lo recomiendo enfáticamente. I recommend it strongly. I highly recommend it. En mi cabeza está todo muy claro. In my head it's all perfectly clear. It's all very clear in my head. Todo el mundo sabe que no fue tu culpa. Everyone knows that it wasn't your fault. Everyone knows it wasn't your fault. Algunas personas piensan que Tatoeba no es una escuela. Some people think Tatoeba is not a school. Some people think that Tatoeba is not a school. Aflójate la corbata, descansa en tu silla. Loosen your tie, rest in your chair. Hold your tie, rest in your chair. ¿Cuál prefieres, éste o aquél? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which do you prefer, this one or that one? Yanni comprobó los correos electrónicos de Skura. Yanni checked Skura's emails. Yanni checked Skura's emails. Açò no va a acabar bé! That didn't end up right! This is not going to end well! ¿Te fuiste allí? Did you go there? You went there? Taro, ¿Puedes ayudarme? Taro, are you able to help me? Taro, can you help me? No vino hasta el mediodía. He did not come till noon. He didn't come until noon. No me gusta ninguna de esas fotos. I don't like any of those pictures. I don't like any of those photos. Els peixos viuen al mar. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the sea. Necesitamos prepararnos. We need to get ready. We need to prepare. Necesito algunas cajas de cartón para empacar mis pertenencias. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my possessions. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my belongings. Solo quiero que seas feliz. I just want you to be happy. I just want you to be happy. Lo Tòm qu'aima lo currí hòrt. Tom likes hot curry. I loved the curry. María mintió acerca de su edad. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. Com que estic malalt, no hi aniré amb vostè. As I'm ill, I won't go with you. Since I'm sick, I'm not going with you. La luz de un nuevo día atravesaba las capas de niebla. The light of a new day pierced the layers of fog. The light of a new day passed through the layers of fog. Sabètz a quina ora son arribats ? Do you know what time they came? Do you know what time they arrived? No tengo tiempo para explicarlo en detalles. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don't have time to explain it in detail. Ya te he dicho lo que pienso. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. La principal cosa que queremos en la vida es alguien que nos hará hacer lo que podemos. Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can. The main thing we want in life is someone who will make us do what we can. Ella no tiene amigos en esta ciudad. She doesn't have many friends in this town. She has no friends in this town. Ella no está nada sorprendida. She is not in the least surprised. She's not at all surprised. Quiero hacer lo correcto. I want to do the right thing. I want to do the right thing. El caballo no se mueve así. The knight does not move like that. The horse doesn't move like that. ¿Qué voy a comer con 20 pesos? What am I going to eat with 20 pesos? What am I going to eat with 20 pesos? Hemos estado observando sus negociaciones. We've been watching your negotiations. We have been watching your negotiations. Solía vivir con Tom en su apartamento. I used to live with Tom in his apartment. I used to live with Tom in his apartment. ¡En un caballo de carrusel, no llegarás muy lejos! On a carousel horse, you will not go very far! On a carousel horse, you won't get very far! Por favor continúe. Please continue. Please continue. Entre nos, la bruja gorda y fea está a dieta. Between ourselves, the fat ugly witch is on a diet. Between us, the fat ugly witch is on a diet. Que plorè quan ausiscó la tarribla novèla. She wept when she heard the terrible news. I cry when I hear the noise. Qué piernas mas sexis tienes. You have very sexy legs. What sexy legs you have. ¿Hay un camino más corto para llegar allí? Is there a shorter road to get there? Is there a shorter way to get there? A todo el mundo le gusta la nieve. Everyone likes snow. Everyone likes snow. Tomé un taxi para poder llegar al tren a tiempo. I took a taxi so I could get to the train on time. I took a taxi to get to the train on time. Ei tot çò qui sabi. This is all I know. It’s all what I know. Dicen que ella es una buena doctora. They say she's a good doctor. They say she's a good doctor. L'alemany és la millor llengua del món. German is the best language in the world. German is the best language in the world. Éste es el último tren, señor. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. I vas anar dab lo Tòm ? Will you go with Tom? So, did you go for that? Él apagó el televisor. He turned the TV off. He turned off the TV. Recomiendo la isla Maui. I recommend Maui. I recommend Maui Island. Ojalá pudiera haber venido. I wish he could have come. I wish I could have come. Escriu lo ton nom aquiu. Write down your name here. Write your name here. Lee a diario algo que nadie más esté leyendo. Piensa diariamente en algo en que nadie más esté pensando. Haz cada día algo que nadie más sería tan idiota de hacer. Es malo para la mente ser siempre parte de la unanimidad. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Read something that no one else is reading. Think about something that no one else is thinking about. Do something every day that no one else would be such an idiot to do. It’s bad for the mind to always be part of unanimity. Es pura magia. It's pure magic. It's pure magic. ¿Por qué estás furioso conmigo? Why are you mad with me? Why are you mad at me? Dime lo que estás buscando y te ayudaré. Tell me what you're looking for and I'll help. Tell me what you're looking for and I'll help you. ¿Te han diagnosticado de hemofilia alguna vez? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? Have you ever been diagnosed with hemophilia? Simplemente no lo entienden. They simply don't understand. They just don't understand. Me gusta la escuela. I like school. I like school. Les quatre estacions de l'any són primavera, estiu, tardor i hivern. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Mi madre está durmiendo. My mother is sleeping. My mother's sleeping. La nit és quan la majoria de la gent se'n va al llit. Night is when most people go to bed. The night is when most people go to bed. Hoy hace viento helado. The wind is cold today. It's freezing wind today. Me tuvieron que sacar una muela. I had to get a molar extracted. I had to get a tooth out. Sé que no puedes ver a Tom. I know you can't see Tom. I know you can't see Tom. Si alguna vez decides vender tu antigua colección de grabaciones, ¡me la pido primer! If you ever decide to sell your old record collection, I want first dibs! If you ever decide to sell your old collection of recordings, I ask for it first! No tinc cap gat. I don't have a cat. I don't have any cats. Mi paciencia se está agotando. I'm running out of patience. My patience is running out. Vaig entendre el que has dit I understand everything you said. I understood what you said. Pare de peerse. Stop farting. Stop peering. Necesitamos reparar eso. We need to repair that. We need to repair that. ¿Quién es Yanni? Who's Yanni? Who is Yanni? Podríamos ayudar a Tom. We could help Tom. We could help Tom. Ella enterró a su único hijo. She buried her only son. She buried her only child. Me vendimos nuestro coche a Tom. We sold Tom our car. We sold our car to Tom. Ellas tomarán un vuelo a Praga en unas horas. They're taking a plane to Prague in a few hours. They will take a flight to Prague in a few hours. Vòus vertadierament aquò ? Do you really want it? Do you really want that? Tom y yo hablábamos de todo, pero ahora solo quiere hablar de Linux y del software libre y de código abierto. Tom and I used to talk about everything, but now he only wants to talk about Linux and free and open-source software. Tom and I talked about everything, but now he just wants to talk about Linux and free and open source software. Saturno tiene hermosos anillos. Saturn has beautiful rings. Saturn has beautiful rings. El vino y la cerveza son buenos. The wine and the beer are good. Wine and beer are good. ¿Por qué quieres que Tom vaya allí conmigo? Why do you want Tom to go there with me? Why do you want Tom to go there with me? ¿Estás seguro de que quieres? Are you sure you want to? Are you sure you want to? ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor? Can I go to the bathroom, please? Can I go to the bathroom, please? Voy a Boston en verano. I'm going to Boston in the summer. I'm going to Boston in the summer. ¿Te han hecho alguna vez la prueba de la tuberculosis? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis? Tom nunca piensa en los demás. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks about others. Argelia tiene muy buenas carreteras. Algeria has very good roads. Algeria has very good roads. La meva mare em va demanar si podia portar-li una mica de llet. My mother asked me if I could fetch some milk. My mother asked if I could bring her some milk. ¿Sabes quiénes somos, Tom? Do you know who we are, Tom? Do you know who we are, Tom? Su casa queda cerca del metro. His house is near the subway. His house is close to the subway. Estaba durmiendo plácidamente cuando sonó el despertador. I was fast asleep when the alarm rang. I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm went off. ¿No huele a algo extraño? It smells weird, doesn't it? Doesn't it smell like something strange? A Mary le pusieron el mote de Pulguita porque de pequeña era muy chiquitina y pizpireta. They nicknamed Mary 'Ladybug' because when she was little, she was very tiny and active. Mary was nicknamed Pulguita because as a child she was very small and pizpireta. Estás buscando trabajo. You're looking for work. You're looking for work. No debería haber comido tanto. I shouldn't have eaten so much. I shouldn't have eaten that much. Es inútil discutir con él sobre eso. It is no use arguing with him about it. It's useless to argue with him about that. Sé que no podéis ver a Tom. I know you can't see Tom. I know you can't see Tom. Yo dije que iba a ayudarte. I said I would help you. I said I was going to help you. Tengo que cambiarle las pilas a la radio. I have to change the batteries in the radio. I have to change the batteries on the radio. Voy a salir a las dos y media. I'm leaving at 2:30. I'm going out at half past two. Formo parte del club de kárate. I belong to the karate club. I'm part of the karate club. ¡Pásele! Do come in! Pass him! El principal producte de la granja d'on va vindre aquesta cíndria són pastanagues. Per això n'hi ha una pastanaga a l'etiqueta. The main product of the farm whence this watermelon came are carrots. That's why its label has a carrot on it. The main product of the farm where this cindia came from is carrots. That's why there is a carrot on the label. Nunca volví a ver a Tom después de aquello. I never saw Tom again after that. I never saw Tom again after that. La felicidad de tu vida depende de la calidad de tus pensamientos. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Tom ya no necesitará eso. Tom won't need that anymore. Tom won't need that anymore. Esa no es la historia completa. That isn't the entire story. That's not the whole story. Tenemos tres nietas. We have three granddaughters. We have three granddaughters. Fins demà. See you tomorrow. Until tomorrow. Habría hecho eso por ti si me lo hubieras pedido. I would've done it for you if you'd asked me to. I would have done that for you if you'd asked me to. Soy alérgico al polvo. I'm allergic to pollen. I'm allergic to dust. Quiero alquilar una caja de seguridad. I want to rent a safety deposit box. I want to rent a safe deposit box. Lo cantaire n'es pas conegut sonque au Japon, mès tamben en Euròpa. The singer is famous not only in Japan but also in Europe. The singer is not known to be in Japan, even more so in Europe. No subas de peso. Don't get fat. Don't put on weight. Me mintió, por lo que estoy enojada con él. He lied to me, which is why I'm mad at him. He lied to me, so I'm mad at him. ¿Hacia dónde debería ir? I wonder which way to go. Where should I go? Tom se comió un trozo de la torta que María había horneado. Tom ate a piece of the cake that Mary baked. Tom ate a piece of the cake Mary had baked. Tom entró en el edificio equivocado. Tom went into the wrong building. Tom walked into the wrong building. Existe la posibilidad de que ese rumor sea cierto. There's a possibility that rumor is true. There is a chance that this rumor is true. Ellas son mis hermanas. They are my sisters. They're my sisters. Tu trabajo ha mejorado notablemente. Your work has greatly improved. Your work has improved markedly. Nunca traiciones la confianza de tus amigos. Never betray the trust of your friends. Never betray the trust of your friends. ¿El dolor es punzante o constante? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is the pain stabbing or constant? No había ni un alma a la vista. There wasn't a soul in sight. There was not a soul in sight. Irlanda e Inglaterra son separados por el mar. A sea separates Ireland and England. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. Hace que todo sepa mejor. It makes everything taste better. It makes everything taste better. Sus esfuerzos dieron frutos. His efforts bore fruit. Their efforts bore fruit. Estos libros son caros. These books are expensive. These books are expensive. Si no fuera por los libros, cada generación tendría que redescubrir por sí misma las verdades del pasado. If it were not for books, each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past. Were it not for books, each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past. La comida no está lista aún. The food's not ready yet. The food is not ready yet. ¿Qué se entiende como corrupción en Argelia? What is understood as corruption in Algeria? What is meant by corruption in Algeria? No queda papel higiénico. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper left. Que tens fil i agulla? Do you have needle and thread? Do you have a thread and a needle? Tom le dejó la casa a su hijo. Tom left the house to his son. Tom left the house to his son. ¿Crees que algunas de nosotras viviremos en Marte en cien años? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in 100 years? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in a hundred years? También compré una. I bought one, too. I also bought one. Es una de mis mejores amigas. She's one of my best friends. She's one of my best friends. Deberías ir. You should go. You should go. Solo quiero saber de dónde eres. I just want to know where you're from. I just want to know where you're from. Tengo una relación personal con Satán. I have a personal relationship with Satan. I have a personal relationship with Satan. La llave a un problema a menudo está en la puerta del vecino. The key to a situation often is in the neighbor's door. The key to a problem is often at the neighbor’s door. La palabra yidis para el avispón es "ferdbin", que significa "abeja caballo". The Yiddish word for hornet is ferdbin, which means "horse-bee." The Yiddish word for hornet is "ferdbin", which means "horse bee". Yanni está seguro al noventa por ciento de que era sangre. Yanni is 90% sure that was blood. Yanni is ninety percent sure it was blood. Tengo muchos proyectos de traducción. I have many translation projects. I have a lot of translation projects. Siempre traigo una aguja en caso de emergencia. I always carry a needle in case of an emergency. I always bring a needle in case of emergency. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que diste de mamar a tu bebé? When was the last time you breast-fed your baby? When was the last time you breastfed your baby? Qu'ei ua mapa. This is a map. What a map. Mi hermano nunca ha subido el monte Fuji. My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji. My brother has never climbed Mount Fuji. América fue descubierta por Colón en 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. ¿Por qué Tom querría lastimar a María? Why would Tom want to hurt Mary? Why would Tom want to hurt Maria? Por favor, cállate. Just please be quiet. Please shut up. El bus lleva diez minutos de retraso. The bus is running ten minutes late. The bus is ten minutes late. Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Ai fin finala acabat lo meu trabalh. At last, I completed my work. I ended up finishing my job. Tom saltó al agua helada. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into the icy water. Todo el mundo cuenta contigo. Everybody is relying on you. Everyone's counting on you. Cada vez más gente se está retrasando en el pago de la hipoteca. More and more people are falling behind in their mortgage payments. More and more people are falling behind on the mortgage payment. May lleva un año en Japón. May has been in Japan for a year. May has been in Japan for a year. Tom se encabronó cuando encontró con llave a la puerta. Tom got angry when he found the door locked. Tom got angry when he found the door locked. Mi marido es panadero. My husband is a baker. My husband is a baker. ¿Cuántos pisos tiene ese edificio? How many floors does that building have? How many floors does that building have? Necesito ayuda para resolver este problema. I need help solving this problem. I need help to solve this problem. "¿Estos autos son tuyos?" "Sí, son míos." "These cars are yours?" "Yes, they're mine." "Are these cars yours?" "Yes, they're mine." Hay un agujero en el fondo del balde. There's a hole in the bottom of the bucket. There's a hole in the bottom of the bucket. Aunque hagamos esto, serán otros sesenta años antes de que se repare el agujero de ozono antártico. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. No puedo comprar un libro tan caro. I can't buy a book this expensive. I can't buy such an expensive book. Esto está frío. This is cold. This is cold. Deberías seguir su consejo. You should follow his advice. You should follow his advice. Tom no esperaba que Mary apareciera a tiempo. Tom didn't expect Mary to show up on time. Tom didn't expect Mary to show up in time. El chico se crió para ser un científico. The boy grew up to be a scientist. The boy was raised to be a scientist. «¿Me lo prometes?» «Sí, te lo prometo.» "Promise?" "Yes, I promise." “You promise?” “Yes, I promise.” Él acaba de trasladarse a un departamento que heredó de sus padres. He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents. He has just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents. Ella es amable con todo el mundo. She is friendly to everybody. She is kind to everyone. Tengo que recuperar el tiempo perdido. I have to catch up the lost time. I have to make up for lost time. Los ecosistemas se están degradando en todo el mundo. Ecosystems are degrading rapidly all around the Earth. Ecosystems are degrading around the world. No quiero cometer errores. I don't like making mistakes. I don't want to make mistakes. Capturé a tu dama. I captured your queen. I captured your lady. ¿Dónde puedo comprar un mapa? Where can I buy a map? Where can I buy a map? Nunca he conocido a nadie como tú. I've never met anybody like you before. I've never met anyone like you. Puja lo son. Turn the volume up. Bid they are. Escribí este libro. I wrote this book. I wrote this book. Ella alçà la mà. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the station? Where is the railway station? Estamos seguros de su triunfo. We are sure of his success. We are sure of his triumph. Un hombre anciano se acercó y estrechó la mano de Lincoln. An old man came up and shook Lincoln's hand. An old man approached and shook Lincoln’s hand. El examen fue fácil. The exam was easy. The exam was easy. No dejéis que él pulse este botón. Don't let him press this button. Don't let him press this button. Él comió arroz dos veces al día por muchos años. He ate rice twice a day for many years. He ate rice twice a day for many years. Necesito el alargador, el enchufe está demasiado lejos. I need the extension cord. The socket is too far. I need the extender, the plug is too far. Si hace un buen día mañana, iremos de picnic. If it's a nice day tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic. If it's a good day tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic. Estoy bastante seguro de que no deberíamos haber girado a la derecha allí atrás. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't have taken a right back there. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't have turned right back there. Grecia y Serbia quieren destruir Albania. Greece and Serbia want to destroy Albania. Greece and Serbia want to destroy Albania. Conocen la frase, cosechamos lo que sembramos. He sembrado el viento y aquí está mi tempestad. You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm. You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and here is my tempest. La habitación de Tom es un caos. Tom's room is a mess. Tom's room is a mess. He olvidado su nombre. I forgot her name. I forgot his name. Prenem orgull en la nostra força. We took pride in our strength. We take pride in our strength. No os andéis con rodeos. Don't beat around the bush. Don't walk around. Pausa per anar al lavabo i fer un mos; tornem en 40 minuts! Break for bath & food, back in about 40 minutes! Pause to go to the bathroom and make a moss; we'll be back in 40 minutes! Desafortunadamente, no estoy seguro de que Tom tenga éxito. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Tom will succeed. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Tom will succeed. Siempre está preparado. He is always prepared. He's always ready. Tom falsificó la firma en el documento. Tom forged the signature on the document. Tom forged the signature on the document. Tom estuvo ocupado toda la mañana. Tom has been busy all morning. Tom was busy all morning. Tomás le pasó a María un billete de veinte dólares. Tom handed Mary a twenty-dollar bill. Tomas handed Maria a twenty-dollar bill. ¿Hay algo sobre lo que tengas mucha curiosidad pero que no hayas sabido? Is there something you're curious about but don't know much about? Is there anything you’re curious about but haven’t heard about? Mi meta es hacer que la gente conozca el arte. My goal is to make people know art. My goal is to get people to know the art. ¿A dónde iremos mañana? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? A mis amigos les gusta el helado de chocolate. My friend likes chocolate ice-cream. My friends like chocolate ice cream. No tuvimos más alternativa que dejarle el asunto a él. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. Las chicas están jugando al voley playa. The girls are playing beach volleyball. The girls are playing beach volleyball. Te dejo mi número de teléfono por si quieres llamarme. I'll leave my number in case you want to call me. I'll leave you my phone number in case you want to call me. Siempre serás especial para mí. You'll always be special to me. You'll always be special to me. El prisionero que escapó dos días atrás sigue dado en fuga. The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still at large. The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still on the run. L'aiga es vita. Water is life. The water is life. Me requieren para trabajar más duro. They require me to work harder. They require me to work harder. A las mujeres no les gusta Tom. Women don't like Tom. Women don't like Tom. Ella es de verdad una muchacha decente. She is really a nice girl. She really is a decent girl. Ya estoy buscando mis anteojos nuevamente. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm looking for my glasses again. Todos pensabais que era un cobarde. You all thought he was a coward. You all thought he was a coward. La vida es rica en sacrificios y pobre en retribuciones. Life is rich in sacrifices and poor in retributions. Life is rich in sacrifices and poor in rewards. No le cogieron. He didn't get caught. They didn't get him. Me parece que estás harto de mí. It feels like you're fed up with me. I think you're sick of me. ¿Cuál es más próximo al árabe en cuanto al sonido, el español o el portugués? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? Gracias por cambiarte de ropa. Thank you for changing your clothes. Thanks for changing your clothes. Esto es más pequeño que Tokio. This is smaller than Tokyo. This is smaller than Tokyo. ¡Ahí viene! She's coming! Here he comes! Al fin ha terminado la guerra. The war is finally over. The war is finally over. Amigos, estoy muy enfadado con vosotros. I'm really mad at you guys. Friends, I'm very angry with you. Estoy hecho polvo. I'm all tuckered out. I'm in the dust. Yo era un niño muy tranquilo. I was a very calm child. I was a very quiet kid. Ella es obstinada. She's stubborn. She's stubborn. Eres un perdedor. You are a loser. You're a loser. No creo que tenga alternativa. I don't think I have much choice. I don't think I have a choice. Me voy a dormir aproximadamente a la medianoche. I go to sleep at about midnight. I'm going to sleep at about midnight. Este libro cuesta cuatro dólares. This book costs 4 dollars. This book costs four dollars. Él es igual de alto que su padre. He is as tall as his father. He is as tall as his father. El hebreo es el idioma judío original. Hebrew is the original Jewish language. Hebrew is the original Jewish language. El avestruz es el ave más grande del mundo. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. ¿Estás listo para hacer esto? Are you ready to do this? Are you ready to do this? ¡También me encanta la tortilla de patata! I love potato cakes, too. I also love the potato omelet! Esa cañería gotea. That water pipe leaks. That pipe leaks. El centro comercial está desierto. The mall is deserted. The mall is deserted. Quiere dárselo a Jack. He wants to give it to Jack. He wants to give it to Jack. Vaig cometre una negligència. I made a careless mistake. I committed negligence. Por lo que sé, ninguno de los amigos de Tom es canadiense. As far as I know, none of Tom's friends are Canadians. As far as I know, none of Tom's friends are Canadian. Encontraré la solución. I'll find the solution. I'll find the solution. No tengas una casa, ten un vecino. Don't have a house, have a neighbour. You don’t have a house, you have a neighbor. No deberías usar un martillo para cascar piñones. You shouldn't use a hammer to crack pine nuts open. You shouldn't use a sprocket hammer. Tom le pidió a Mary que tocara la guitarra. Tom asked Mary to play the guitar. Tom asked Mary to play the guitar. Las cosas que he tirado a la basura ya no eran útiles. The things that I put in the trash can aren't useful anymore. The things I threw away were no longer useful. La nena s'ha passat tot el dia plorant. The girl has spent all day crying. The girl spent the whole day crying. Nunca me canso de hablar. I never get tired of talking. I never get tired of talking. El problema contigo, Anna, es que siempre piensas mucho sobre ti misma. The trouble with you, Anne, is that you're thinking too much about yourself. The trouble with you, Anna, is that you always think a lot about yourself. Levanta tus manos. Raise your hands. Put your hands up. Teniu assegurança mèdica? Do you have medical insurance? Do you have medical insurance? Moltes gràcies! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Probablemente Tom nunca lo sabrá. Tom will probably never know. Tom will probably never know. Tendrá que volver un poco más tarde: el hombre que lleva este asunto acaba de salir. You'll have to come back in a while: the man dealing with that business has just gone out. You will have to come back a little later: the man who is handling this matter has just come out. Aigua és vida. Water is life. Water is life. En 1609, Galileo supo del catalejo, un instrumento que hacía que los objetos distantes se vieran más cerca. Galileo utilizó su conocimiento matemático y pericia técnica para mejorar el catalejo y construir un telescopio. In 1609, Galileo heard about the invention of the spyglass, a device which made distant objects appear closer. Galileo used his mathematical knowledge and technical skills to improve upon the spyglass and build a telescope. In 1609, Galileo learned of the spyglass, an instrument that made distant objects look closer. Galileo used his mathematical knowledge and technical expertise to improve the spyglass and build a telescope. Estudio ido. I study Ido. Study gone. Tom quería ser alto. Tom wanted to be tall. Tom wanted to be tall. Aún hay agua en la botella. There's still water in the bottle. There's still water in the bottle. T'hauries d'haver aturat. You should've stopped. You should have stopped. Ésa es una idea realmente buena. That's a really great idea. That's a really good idea. Iré cuando él vuelva. I will go when he comes back. I'll go when he comes back. El sonido de la lluvia no necesita traducción. The sound of the rain needs no translation. The sound of rain needs no translation. Se erigió un monumento en memoria de los difuntos. A monument has been erected to the memory of the deceased. A memorial was erected in memory of the deceased. No tienes idea de quién soy. You have no idea who I am. You have no idea who I am. "¿Cómo se llama tu esposa?" "No estoy casado." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." No hi fa res si ve tard o no. It doesn't matter whether he comes late or not. It doesn't matter if he's late or not. ¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi novia! It's my girlfriend's birthday today! Today is my girlfriend's birthday! Berlusconi es un pedazo de mierda. Berlusconi is a piece of shit. Berlusconi is a piece of shit. ¿Cuándo puedo ir a tu casa? When can I go to your house? When can I come to your house? Ella tiene flores en la mano. She has flowers in her hand. She has flowers in her hand. Estic fent servir aquella tassa. I'm using that cup. I'm using that cup. Háblanos sobre ellos. Tell us about them. Tell us about them. Tom va ser despedit per una causa justa. Tom was fired for a good reason. Tom was fired for a just cause. Él jugó golf todos los días durante sus vacaciones. He played golf every day during his vacation. He played golf every day during his vacation. Después del accidente le prohibieron conducir. After the accident, he was banned from driving. After the accident, he was banned from driving. Él se convirtió al cristianismo. He converted to Christianity. He converted to Christianity. Debéis ser amables con los demás. You must be kind to others. You must be kind to others. En la apertura, mueva solo los peones que ayuden a que las piezas se desarrollen. In the opening, move only those pawns that help develop the pieces. In the opening, move only the pawns that help the pieces develop. Sus palabras no tienen significado. His words are meaningless. His words have no meaning. Estoy segura de que lo hiciste a propósito, eres mala. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're mean. I'm sure you did it on purpose, you're bad. Tom está mandando un fax. Tom is sending a fax. Tom's faxing. Aquò qu'ei la cadièra de Kenji. This is Kenji's chair. That's Kenji's chair. Pintan la pared de amarillo. They painted the wall yellow. They paint the wall yellow. ¿Qué quieres que le pregunte a Tom? What do you want me to ask Tom? What do you want me to ask Tom? Se son maridats la devarada passada. They got married last fall. They are married to the past. ¿Qué marcas de cerveza tiene? What kinds of beers do you have? What brands of beer do you have? ¿Qué tan frecuentemente debería alimentar a mi perro? How often should I feed my dog? How often should I feed my dog? Tom le disparó a Mary con una ballesta. Tom shot Mary with a crossbow. Tom shot Mary with a crossbow. Me estoy muriendo de sueño, pero no consigo quedarme dormido. I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep. I'm dying of sleep, but I can't fall asleep. Muchos jóvenes, por razones estéticas, evitan usar casco cuando montan en bicicleta. Many young people, for aesthetic reasons, avoid wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle. Many young people, for aesthetic reasons, avoid wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle. El libro tiene puntos de venta en Francia, Bélgica, Romandía y Quebec. The book has points of sale throughout France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland and Quebec. The book has outlets in France, Belgium, Romandy and Quebec. La distancia entre el sol y la tierra es de casi 93 millones de millas. The distance from the sun to the earth is about 93 million miles. The distance between the sun and the earth is nearly 93 million miles. No tinc família. I have no family. I have no family. Quan ei vasuda ? When was she born? When is vassal? ¿Va a testificar Tom contra John? Is Tom going to testify against John? Will Tom testify against John? ¿Esto está bien? Is this good? Is this okay? Estas gafas no me quedan bien. Son demasiado grandes. These glasses do not fit me well. They are too large. These glasses don't look good on me, they're too big. ¿Está la vida de Tom en peligro? Is Tom in danger of life? Is Tom's life in danger? No hay razón para que hagamos eso. There's no reason for us to do that. There's no reason for us to do that. Se parece a un perro, pero no creo que lo sea. It looks like a dog, but I don't think it is. He looks like a dog, but I don't think he is. No me lances una mirada tan triste. Don't give me such a sad look. Don't give me such a sad look. Por favor, quítate toda la ropa de cintura excepto la interior. Please remove all of your clothes, except your underwear. Please remove all clothing except the inside. Esperadme, chicos. Wait for me, guys. Wait for me, guys. No puedes hacerlo solo. You can't do it on your own. You can't do it alone. Ya veremos si nos queda tiempo. We'll see if we have any time left over. We'll see if we have time. Ella nos dijo que no diéramos un ruido. She told us not to make a noise. She told us not to make a noise. La oración no tiene errores gramaticales. The sentence doesn't have any grammatical errors. Prayer has no grammatical errors. La competición es feroz. The competition is fierce. The competition is fierce. Aqueras flors qu'aulorejan. Those flowers smell sweet. These are flowers that bloom. No debería haber venido aquí. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Ver a su novia con otro hombre era una tortura para él. It was torture for him to see his girlfriend with another man. Seeing his girlfriend with another man was torture for him. Está intentando hacer lo que puede. He's trying to do what he can. He's trying to do what he can. Quina és la vostra olor preferida? What's your favorite smell? What is your favorite smell? Hace años que no nos vemos. We haven't met for ages. We haven't seen each other in years. El equipo local ganó. The home team won. The local team won. Se nos otorgaron uniformes. We were supplied with uniforms. We were given uniforms. La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question remains, why would Tom want to do that? No tengo ganas de tender la cama. I don't feel like making my bed. I don't feel like laying the bed. No tengo mucha hambre. I'm not very hungry. I'm not very hungry. El animal murió de hambre. The animal died from hunger. The animal starved to death. Las rosas y las orquídeas son mis flores preferidas. Roses and orchids are my favorite flowers. Roses and orchids are my favorite flowers. Tienes que quedarte aquí. You have to stay here. You have to stay here. Ella me pidió que no se lo contara a nadie. Así que no lo hice. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Tom es un fundamentalista. Tom is a fundamentalist. Tom is a fundamentalist. No nos comas. Don't eat us. Don't eat us. No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer pasado mañana, dijo Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde once said, "Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow,” Oscar Wilde said. Escocia es famosa por sus tejidos de lana. Scotland is famous for its woollen textiles. Scotland is famous for its woollen fabrics. Tom compró una pistola. Tom purchased a pistol. Tom bought a gun. Que l'aima enqüèra. She still loved him. Let's get the love out. Han pintado la pared de amarillo. They've painted the wall yellow. They painted the wall yellow. El truco para hacer que mamá acepte dejarte ir a la fiesta es seducirla con una caja de bombones. The trick to getting mom to agree to let you go to the party is to seduce her with a box of chocolates. The trick to getting Mom to agree to let you go to the party is to seduce her with a box of chocolates. «¿Me lo prometes?» «Sí, te lo prometo.» "Do you promise?" "Yes, I promise." “You promise?” “Yes, I promise.” Preferiría morirme. I would rather die. I'd rather die. ¿Por qué debería escucharte? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? Vaig agafar la pilota amb una mà. I caught the ball with one hand. I took the ball with one hand. Nadie sabe la razón. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. El avaro abrió la caja solo para descubrir que su dinero había sido robado. The miser opened the box to find his money stolen. The miser opened the box only to find that his money had been stolen. Ella habla siempre con una sonrisa en sus labios. She always talks with a smile on her lips. She always speaks with a smile on her lips. El senyor White va començar a sentir-se culpable aviat. Mr. White soon began to feel guilty. Mr. White soon began to feel guilty. Escondámonos. Let's hide. Let's hide. ¿Consumes metanfetaminas? Do you use methamphetamines? Do you use methamphetamine? ¡No estoy gorda! I'm not fat. I'm not fat! Le estaba escribiendo una carta de amor. I was writing her a love letter. I was writing her a love letter. Ella fa una festa aquesta nit. She is giving a party tonight. She's having a party tonight. ¿Tienes un médico de atención primaria? Do you have a primary care doctor? Do you have a primary care doctor? Empezaste a aprender esperanto. You began to learn Esperanto. You started learning Esperanto. Se restableció poco a poco. He recovered little by little. It slowly re-established itself. Está muy concurrido. It is very crowded. He's very busy. Nunca va a superar las grandes pérdidas de su negocio. He will never get over his huge business losses. You will never overcome the huge losses of your business. Tom era el único hombre en la habitación. Tom was the only man in the room. Tom was the only man in the room. No es ninguna sorpresa que el inglés sea el idioma más hablado del mundo. It isn't a surprise that English is the world's most spoken language. It’s no surprise that English is the most spoken language in the world. Som el que fem. We are what we do. We are what we do. Las películas modernas no me gustan. I don't like modern films. I don't like modern movies. E va remete's lèu ? Will she get well soon? Did he turn it off? Saludos desde México. Greetings from Mexico. Greetings from Mexico. Los separatistas han estado intentando lavar el cerebro a la gente de nuestra región para que se establezca una milicia armada. The separatists have been attempting to brainwash people in our region into setting up armed militia. The separatists have been trying to brainwash the people of our region into establishing an armed militia. Este televisor no funciona. This TV doesn't work. This TV doesn't work. ¿Puedes enviármelo antes de que termine el día? Can you get that to me by the end of the day? Can you send it to me before the day is over? Cada persona madura a su propio paso. Each person matures at his own pace. Each person matures at their own pace. Tom va trucar a la Maria per disculpar-se, però ella li va penjar. Tom called Mary to apologize to her, but she hung up on him. Tom called Maria to apologize, but she hung up on him. A medida que crecí, me di cuenta que un reloj de $300 y uno de $3.000.000 muestran la misma hora. As I grew, I realized that a $300 watch and a $3,000,000 watch give the same time. As I grew older, I noticed that a $300 watch and a $3,000,000 watch show the same time. Él siempre está leyendo cómics. He's always reading comics. He is always reading comics. ¿Los desportes han cambiado algo en tu vida? Did sports change anything in your life? Have sports changed anything in your life? Me agarré a la manga de Tom. I held on to Tom's sleeve. I grabbed Tom's sleeve. Estoy embarazada. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. Mi auto es chico comparado con el tuyo. Compared to yours, my car is small. My car is small compared to yours. Aún estamos juntos. We're still together. We're still together. Metió los dados en el cubilete y lo agitó con fuerza, necesitaba un cinco para ganar la partida. He put the dice in the cup and shook it hard. He needed a five to win the match. He put the dice in the cup and shook it hard, he needed a five to win the game. Terminémoslo enseguida. Let's finish it right away. Let's finish it right away. No entendí ni una sola palabra de lo que dijeron. I couldn't understand a single word of what they said. I didn’t understand a single word of what they said. Ayer trabajé duramente el día entero. I worked hard all day long yesterday. Yesterday I worked hard the whole day. He estado en París. I have been in Paris. I've been to Paris. La gente suele tomar las decisiones equivocadas. People often make bad choices. People often make the wrong decisions. Hoy mi hijo cumple cuatro años. Today my son turns four years old. Today my son turns four years old. ¿Qué es una pandemia? What's a pandemic? What is a Pandemic? Tom reescribió su reporte. Tom rewrote his report. Tom rewrote his report. Solo soy un estudiante, nada más. I'm only a student, that and nothing more. I'm just a student, nothing more. Estic desesperat. I'm desperate. I'm desperate. Tom vol ser famós. Tom wants to be famous. Tom wants to be famous. Mr. Darcy està promès amb la meva filla. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. ¿Por qué no esperamos en el porche? Why don't we wait on the porch? Why don't we wait on the porch? M'ho hauries d'haver dit ahir. You should've told me yesterday. You should have told me yesterday. Él murió tres días después. He died three days after. He died three days later. ¿Te sientes afortunado? Do you feel lucky? Do you feel lucky? No puedo besar a Tom si él no quiere ser besado. I can't kiss Tom if he doesn't want to be kissed. I can't kiss Tom if he doesn't want to be kissed. Quiero pedirte un último favor. I want to ask you one last favor. I want to ask you one last favor. Soy el amigo de María. I'm Mary's friend. I'm Maria's friend. Lo men hilh que sap léger l'ora. My son can read a clock. The man who knows how to read time. El mar se fundía con el cielo en el horizonte. The ocean melted into the sky on the horizon. The sea merges with the sky on the horizon. No le diré a nadie, lo prometo. I won't tell anyone, I promise. I won't tell anyone, I promise. Vi lo que hiciste. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. No quería, pero tuve que hacerlo. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I didn't want to, but I had to. Intenté detenerlos. I tried to stop them. I tried to stop them. David Beckham vive en América ahora. David Beckham now lives in America. David Beckham lives in America now. La conducta de Tom desprestigió a su familia. Tom's conduct brought his family into disrepute. Tom's behavior disparaged his family. Él ganó dinero vendiendo periódicos. He earned money by delivering newspapers. He made money selling newspapers. Hay cuatro estaciones al año. There are four seasons in a year. There are four seasons a year. Pensé que Tom era canadiense. I thought Tom was a Canadian. I thought Tom was Canadian. Francamente, no tuve suficiente confianza para invitar a María a almorzar conmigo. Frankly, I didn't have the confidence to ask Mary to have lunch with me. Frankly, I didn’t have enough confidence to invite Maria to lunch with me. Este es el perro de Tom. This is Tom's dog. This is Tom's dog. Se necesitan más oraciones políticas en Tatoeba. Tatoeba is in need of more political sentences. More political prayers are needed in Tatoeba. Ho refregues sovint? Do you often rub it? Do you refrigerate it often? Esto le pertenece a mi hermano. It belongs to my brother. This belongs to my brother. Aqueth peish qu'ei gròs. This fish is big. That’s why it’s so greasy. Cállate. Stop talking. Shut up. No vull treballar. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. Aquera cramba que pudís au samarit. This room smells musty. You can trust him to be a sage. ¿Le sirvió a Yanni? Did it work for Yanni? Did it serve Yanni? Necesito loción para las quemaduras del sol. I need sunburn lotion. I need lotion for sunburn. Dejadme contaros algo sobre Finlandia. Let me tell you something about Finland. Let me tell you something about Finland. ¿Está usted molesto? Are you upset? Are you upset? Ojalá que Tom tenga razón. I hope Tom's right. I hope Tom is right. ¿A qué hora te levantas comúnmente en las vacaciones? What time do you usually wake up while on vacation? What time do you usually get up on vacation? ¿Me puede ayudar a encontrar a mis padres, por favor? Can you help me find my parents, please? Can you help me find my parents, please? Bienvenido a Japón. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Hi vull anar. I want to go. I want to go. ¡Me muero de hambre! I'm dying of hunger. I'm starving! A Tom le gusta la comida italiana. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes Italian food. Creo que tengo un poco de fiebre. I think I've got a touch of fever. I think I have a little fever. Hi havia deu ous en total. There were ten eggs in all. There were ten eggs in total. Todo lo popular es malo. Everything popular is wrong. Everything popular is bad. Hay diccionarios y diccionarios. There are dictionaries and dictionaries. There are dictionaries and dictionaries. Cualquier número entero puede ser escrito como una fracción. Any whole number can be written as a fraction. Any whole number can be written as a fraction. Ocho entre dos es cuatro. Eight divided by two is four. Eight to two is four. On està el banc més proper? Where is the nearest bank? Where is the nearest bank? Todavía hay muchas cosas que no entendéis. There's still a lot you don't understand. There are still many things you do not understand. Soy soltero. I'm single. I'm single. Estudié inglés con un hablante nativo durante cuatro años. I studied English for four years with a native speaker. I studied English with a native speaker for four years. Ell no només parla anglès, també francès. He not only speaks English, he speaks French as well. He speaks not only English, but also French. Cartago va ser destruïda pels romans. Carthage was destroyed by the Romans. Carthage was destroyed by the Romans. Estic embarassada de quatre mesos. I am four months pregnant. I am four months pregnant. Ella no me pagó el dinero. She didn't pay me the money. She didn't pay me the money. Comprengui pas pr'amor as hèit aquò. Estoc un miracle. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. I don't understand love has this. I stock a miracle. No tenim cap problema. We don't have a problem. We don't have a problem. En el teatro, Kathy intercambió asientos con su madre. At the theater, Kathy changed seats with her mother. At the theater, Kathy swapped seats with her mother. Los chicos sí lloran. Boys do cry. The kids are crying. Aprende a ser humilde. Learn humility. Learn to be humble. Come tanta comida como quieras. Eat as much food as you want. Eat as much food as you want. Lo sueus ne m'agradan pas. I don't like eggs. I don't like Sue. Tom está bien de salud. Tom is in good health. Tom is in good health. Que seas feliz, Ricardo. May you be happy, Ricardo. Be happy, Ricardo. Tom cree que Mary se interesa por John. Tom thinks Mary is interested in John. Tom thinks Mary is interested in John. Tom se comprometió con una chica hermosa. Tom got engaged with a pretty girl. Tom got engaged to a beautiful girl. El sol hace toda la diferencia. Sun makes all the difference. The sun makes all the difference. Patia per arribar tard quan vaig perdre el tren, però me'n vaig sortir per arribar-hi a temps. I was worried that I was going to be late when I missed my train, but I managed to get there just in time! I was struggling to be late when I missed the train, but I left to get there on time. "Cuanto más la miro, más hermosa es..." "¿Entonces por qué no la invitas a una cita?" "¡Ay, no!" "The more I look at her, the prettier she looks." "Then why don't you ask her out on a date?" "No way!" "The more I look at her, the more beautiful she is..." "Then why don't you invite her on a date?" "Oh, no!" Para ir al museo, camine hacia el río y cuando llegue allí, gire a la derecha. To go to the museum, walk toward the river, and when you get there, turn right. To go to the museum, walk to the river and when you get there, turn right. Yanni me recordó a mí. Yanni reminded me of me. Yanni reminded me. Qu'ei un líber. This is a book. He's a liber. Sami ha humillado a Layla delante de todo el mundo. Sami has humiliated Layla in front of everyone. Sami has humiliated Layla in front of everyone. Nos hicieron quedarnos en una habitación pequeña. We were made to stay in a small room. They made us stay in a small room. ¿Qué está haciendo Yanni aquí? What's Yanni doing here? What is Yanni doing here? Mostrame otros. Show me some others. Show me others. Volètz har au jòc dab jo ? Would you play with me? Do you want to play with me? Vi uno. I saw one. I saw one. Mi gato está jugando solo. My cat is playing alone. My cat is playing alone. Descansé un poco y me siento mejor. I took a break and I feel better. I rested a little and I feel better. ¿De quién es esto? Whose is this? Whose is this? Había vivido en Osaka dieciocho años cuando me mudé a Tokio. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. Se enamora en cuanto ve a una chica de ojos verdes. He falls in love as soon as he sees a girl with green eyes. He falls in love as soon as he sees a green-eyed girl. Betty White es muy popular entre los americanos. Betty White is very popular with Americans. Betty White is very popular among Americans. Me bajaré en la última parada. I'm getting off at the last stop. I'll get off at the last stop. No logro ver el motivo. I fail to see the reason. I can't see why. No es lo mismo el socialismo democrático que la socialdemocracia. Democratic socialism and social democracy aren't the same thing. Democratic socialism is not the same as social democracy. Yanni se sienta cuando orina. Yanni sits when he pees. Yanni sits when he urinates. Soy un fiestero. I'm a party animal. I'm a party boy. Rara vez en la vida es demasiado pronto para algo, y nunca demasiado tarde. It's rarely too soon in life for something, and never too late. Rarely in life is it too early for something, and never too late. ¿Cuál fue el sentido de todo esto? What was the point of all of this? What was the point of all this? On ei lo gojat ? Where is the boy? Where did you enjoy it? Apuesto a que eres un excelente profesor. I bet you're a great teacher. I bet you're an excellent teacher. ¿La puerta está cerrada? Is the door closed? Is the door locked? ¿Puedes contribuir? Can you chip in? Can you contribute? Tom quiere que María se disculpe. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Tom wants Maria to apologize. Ja em diràs quan arriba. Let me know when he will arrive. You'll tell me when it comes. Ha de fer els seus deures ara la Nancy? Does Nancy have to do her homework now? Does Nancy have to do her homework now? Esa no es mi firma. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Argelia ha destinado fondos para la construcción de la carretera Transahariana. Algeria has earmarked funds to build the Trans-Sahara Highway. Algeria has earmarked funds for the construction of the Trans-Saharan highway. Camina despacio hasta la puerta. Slowly walk to the door. Walk slowly to the door. No gràcies, només miro. No, thank you. I am just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Estudiaré anglés aquesta vesprada. I am going to study English this afternoon. I'll study English this evening. ¿Qué quieres de mí? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Voy a ir al doctor. I'll go to the doctor. I'm going to the doctor. Espero que no estés sola. I hope you aren't alone. I hope you're not alone. Em varen insistir per a que aprofitès aquella oportunitat. They insisted on my making use of the opportunity. They urged me to take advantage of that opportunity. No me dejaste terminar. You didn't let me finish. You didn't let me finish. Ella le da todo lo que pide. She gives him everything he asks for. She gives him everything he asks for. Esta clase de cosas solo ocurre en países como Argelia. This type of thing only happens in countries like Algeria. This kind of thing only happens in countries like Algeria. ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared. What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. What do we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's too ugly to hang on the wall. De acuerdo, y ¿qué vas a hacer tú por mí? OK, and what are you going to do for me? Okay, so what are you gonna do for me? Espero que todo el mundo sepa lo que esto significa. I hope everyone knows what this means. I hope everyone knows what this means. ¿Qué deberíamos cocinar? What should we cook? What should we cook? Te extrañamos. We miss you. We miss you. No necesitabas llevar un paraguas contigo. You needn't have taken an umbrella with you. You don’t need to carry an umbrella with you. Él sabe hablar ruso. He can speak Russian. He can speak Russian. El canto es su punto fuerte. Singing is her strong point. Singing is his strong point. No conozco a ninguna de las dos muchachas. I don't know either girl. I don't know either girl. Me'n balhas un pauc ? Will you give me some? Can I have a bag? Él es un hombre sencillo. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. No podré meter toda esta ropa en mi maleta. I won't be able to fit all these clothes in my suitcase. I can't put all these clothes in my suitcase. ¿De qué país eres? What country are you from? What country are you from? He visto muchas cosas. I've seen a lot of things. I've seen a lot of things. Tom bebe té, pero Mary bebe café. Tom drinks tea, but Mary drinks coffee. Tom drinks tea, but Mary drinks coffee. ¡Dame tu almuerzo, nerd! Give me your lunch, nerd! Give me your lunch, nerd! Me gustan mucho las puestas de Sol. I love sunsets. I really like the sunsets. Le pedía a Tom que se diese prisa. I asked Tom to hurry. I asked Tom to hurry. Podrías contagiarte. You could get infected. You could get it. El niño está durmiendo. The boy is sleeping. The child is sleeping. Las encontré. I found them. I found them. Tom sabía que la historia no era verdadera. Tom knew that the story wasn't true. Tom knew the story wasn't true. ¿Por qué no quiso venir Tom? Why didn't Tom want to come? Why didn't Tom want to come? ¿Por qué no lo intentamos? Why don't we try? Why don't we try? ¿Alguna vez te ha traicionado un buen amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Después de ganar a la lotería, ella se dio un atracón de compras. After winning the lottery she went on a shopping binge. After winning the lottery, she binge-shopping. Es para Tomas. It's for Tomas. It's for Tomas. Leyó esta poesía sólo una vez, no puede saberla de memoria. He read this poem only once, he can't know it by heart. He read this poetry only once, he cannot know it by heart. Se puede fumar aquí. You can smoke here. You can smoke here. Hoy hace un madral de calor. It's insanely hot today. It's a hot spring today. Si visitas España, ven a verme. If you visit Spain, come and see me. If you visit Spain, come and see me. Ella es capaz de enseñar tanto inglés como francés. She is capable of teaching both English and French. She is able to teach both English and French. Yanni nunca es lo suficientemente bueno. Yanni is never good enough. Yanni is never good enough. Él va a la escuela en bicicleta. He goes to school by bicycle. He goes to school by bicycle. Amo la naturaleza. I love nature. I love nature. Él posee esta tierra. He owns this land. He owns this land. ¿Lo sientes? Are you sorry? You're sorry? Tom es una persona amistosa. Tom is a friendly person. Tom is a friendly person. Déjeme en la estación por favor. Please drop me off at the station. Leave me at the station, please. Ella se jacta de su belleza. She boasts of her beauty. She brags about her beauty. Nunca más te llevo a pescar. I'm never taking you fishing again. I never take you fishing again. La meva mare parla una mica d'anglès. My mother speaks little English. My mother speaks a little English. Ni voy a tratar de pronunciar eso. I'm not even going to try to pronounce that. I won't even try to pronounce that. Necesito la firma de Tom. I need Tom's signature. I need Tom's signature. ¿Sabes cómo tratar bien a los hombres? Do you know how to treat men well? Do you know how to treat men well? És tot el que pots fer. It's all you can really do. That's all you can do. Te veré en una semana a partir de hoy. I'll see you a week from today. I'll see you in a week from today. ¿Hay algún tema del que no te canses de hablar? Is there something that you can't stop talking about? Is there a topic you don’t get tired of talking about? Ellas llegarán al mercado. They'll arrive to the market. They will come to the market. Los niños están montando en el tiovivo. The children are riding the merry-go-round. The kids are riding the merry-go-round. Solo necesitamos agua. We only need water. We just need water. Eres mi única amiga. You're my only friend. You're my only friend. És aquest un cavall o una egua? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a horse or a horse? Ahora va a ser capaz de hacerlo él solo. He's going to be able to do that by himself now. Now he'll be able to do it himself. Él me habla mucho. He talks to me a lot. He talks to me a lot. No sé si és veritat o no. I don't know whether it is true or not. I don't know if it's true or not. Ellos intentaron escapar. They tried to escape. They tried to escape. Este trabajo no debe tomar más de un par de horas. This job shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. This work should not take more than a couple of hours. Yanni es así de exigente. Yanni is so demanding. Yanni is that demanding. Tom ha madurado. Tom has mellowed out. Tom has matured. Devuélveme mi dinero, Yanni. Give me my money back, Yanni. Give me my money back, Yanni. En el cuadro aparecen representados doce símbolos: seis seres humanos y tres animales (toro, caballo y paloma). Twelve symbols are depicted in the table: six human beings and three animals (bull, horse and pigeon). Twelve symbols are represented in the painting: six human beings and three animals (bull, horse and dove). Tom bebe leche sin azúcar, pero con leche. Tom drinks tea without sugar, but with milk. Tom drinks milk without sugar, but with milk. Su novela se tradujo al japonés. His novel was translated into Japanese. His novel was translated into Japanese. Vols una cervesa? Do you want a beer? You want a beer? Este libro es verde. This book is green. This book is green. Él ya no está en tu vida. He's not in your life anymore. He is no longer in your life. Esto es mi historia. This is my story. This is my story. ¿Ha visto a otros médicos por este problema? Have you seen any other doctors for this issue? Have you seen any other doctors for this problem? Hemos visto a Tom. We've seen Tom. We've seen Tom. Jo sóc! I am! I am! Estabas abriendo la puerta. You were opening the door. You were opening the door. Las tablas son el resultado más frecuente de los partidos cerrados, en los que cada jugador busca, sobre todo, restringir las acciones del oponente. A draw is the most frequent result of closed matches, in which each player seeks, above all, to restrict the opponent's actions. The tables are the most frequent result of closed matches, in which each player seeks, above all, to restrict the actions of the opponent. Tom se hace el piola con Mary. Tom is a smart aleck with Mary. Tom gets pissed off at Mary. Amo lo que eres. I love what you are. I love what you are. Qui sou? Who are you? Who are you? Sencillamente no quiero salir con Tom. I just don't want to go with Tom. I just don't want to go out with Tom. A Tom le gustan los muebles modernos de mediados de siglo. Tom likes mid-century modern furniture. Tom likes mid-century modern furniture. El artículo de Yanni fue traducido al bereber. Yanni's article was translated into Berber. Yanni’s article was translated into Berber. Tira la pelota hacia Tom. Throw the ball at Tom. Throw the ball at Tom. ¿Alguna vez has tomado unas vacaciones? Have you ever taken a vacation? Have you ever taken a vacation? ¿La comida rápida está provocando una epidemia de obesidad? Más sobre eso después de este comercial de McDonald's. Is fast food causing an obesity epidemic? More about that after this McDonald's commercial. Is fast food causing an obesity epidemic? More on that after this McDonald's commercial. Vosotros me pagáis muy bien. You pay me very well. You guys pay me so well. No me estaba divirtiendo demasiado. I wasn't enjoying myself very much. I wasn't having too much fun. ¿Dónde queda Cabilia? Where's Kabylia? Where is Cabilia? No tienes llave para esta puerta, ¿verdad? You don't have a key to this door, do you? You don't have a key to this door, do you? Era obvio que habían mentido. It was obvious that they had lied. It was obvious that they had lied. Mi bandera planeará en el cielo. My flag will soar in the sky. My flag will hover in the sky. Ellos construyeron un espantoso edificio nuevo en nuestro pueblo. They built a hideous new building in our village. They built a terrible new building in our village. Imagino que es hora de pararlo. I guess it's time to stop this. I guess it's time to stop him. Tom llevó a sus niños al lago. Tom took his children to the lake. Tom took his children to the lake. En su parte más estrecha, el estrecho de Gibraltar tiene 14,3 kilómetros de anchura. At its narrowest, the Strait of Gibraltar is 14.3 kilometers wide. At its narrowest, the Strait of Gibraltar is 14.3 kilometres wide. Corrió tan rápidamente que se encontró sin aliento. He ran so fast that he was out of breath. He ran so fast that he found himself out of breath. Puedo resistir todo menos la tentación. I can resist everything but temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. ¿Me podrías cambiar? Could you change me? Can you change me? Ne soi pas brica cansat. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired. ¿Un poco más de ternera? Would you like some more beef? A little more beef? ¿Los vecinos están bien con que tú tengas la música alta a esta hora? Is loud music OK with the neighbors at this hour? Are the neighbors okay with you having the music up at this hour? Vi a un perro blanco saltar sobre la cerca. I saw a white dog jump over the fence. I saw a white dog jump over the fence. Me pregunto qué significará este letrero. I wonder what this sign means. I wonder what this sign will mean. ¿Quién lee esta estúpida revista? Who's reading this stupid magazine? Who reads this stupid magazine? Tom me llamó para decir gracias. Tom called me to say thank you. Tom called me to say thank you. Training is geen luxe, het is een investering. Training is not a luxury, it's an investment. Training is geen luxe, het is een investering. Ella vino a verme el domingo. She came to see me on Sunday. She came to see me on Sunday. Fue imperdonable. It was unpardonable. It was unforgivable. Tom adora escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves to climb mountains. Es muy importante descansar lo suficiente. It's very important to get enough rest. It is very important to get enough rest. Miré abajo hacia el mar. I looked down at the sea. I looked down at the sea. Podes tornar tà casa adara. You can go home now. You can go back to your home. Él es un mal mentiroso. He's a bad liar. He's a bad liar. No es difícil destacarse cuando uno está rodeado de idiotas. It's not hard to stand out when you're surrounded by idiots. It’s not hard to stand out when you’re surrounded by idiots. Estas son personas. These are people. These are people. Tú faries el mateix per mi. You'd do the same for me. You would do the same for me. ¿Cuándo compraste el reloj? When did you buy the watch? When did you buy the watch? Tom ya no necesita nuestra ayuda. Tom doesn't need our help anymore. Tom doesn't need our help anymore. A medida que uno envejece, el sueño se vuelve más liviano. As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper. As you get older, your sleep becomes lighter. Pronto podremos mandarte a la cárcel. We'll soon be able to send you to jail. Soon we can send you to jail. Quan lo Pèir se lhevèc, lo Joan avèva dejà deishat l'ostau. When Peter got up, Jean had already left home. When Peir got up, John left the host. Eso tiene sentido de forma intuitiva. That does make sense intuitively. That makes sense intuitively. El sueño continua. The dream goes on. The dream continues. Este es el mejor ramen que he probado. This is the best ramen I've ever tasted. This is the best ramen I've ever tasted. Siéntate y descansa, te sentirás mucho mejor. Sit back and rest, and you will feel much better. Sit down and rest, you will feel much better. Los cachorros hambrientos están ladrando en la calle. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Hungry puppies are barking in the street. Sus libros se venden muy bien. Her books sell pretty well. His books sell very well. Ella lo perdonó. She forgave him. She forgave him. ¿Fuiste de acampada el fin de semana pasado? Did you go camping last weekend? Were you camping last weekend? Es la primera vez que ayudo a mi padre. This is the first time I've ever helped my father. This is the first time I've helped my father. Me quedé después de clase a limpiar el estropicio. I stayed after class to clean up the mess. I stayed after class to clean up the mess. Estás en mi radar. You're on my radar. You're on my radar. Espero poderte ver mañana. I hope that I can see you tomorrow. I hope to see you tomorrow. ¿Lo sentís? Do you feel it? Do you feel it? Sé que sabes que lo sé. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. La esposa de Tim insistía en que él la llevara a París. Tim's wife insisted on his taking her to Paris. Tim's wife insisted that he take her to Paris. "¿Por qué lo hizo?" "Porque puedo." "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." "Why did he do it?" "Because I can." De qué atz dit ? What did you say? What did you say? Te doy la ocasión de ser feliz. I'm offering you the chance to be happy. I give you a chance to be happy. Vòli me n'anar a l'estrangèr. I want to go abroad. I want to go to the stranger. Lo Tòm es tan gran com son pair. Tom is as tall as his father. He is as big as his partner. Subió las escaleras corriendo. She ran up the stairs. He ran up the stairs. Ella és a Boston. She's in Boston. She's in Boston. Llene primero este formulario, por favor. Please fill out this form first. Please fill out this form first. ¡El tío está como una cabra! That guy is completely nuts! The guy's like a goat! Juntas, las edades de los dos niños equivalían a la edad de su padre. The ages of the two children put together was equivalent to that of their father. Together, the ages of the two children were equivalent to their father’s age. Deberían saber qué deben leer. You should know what to read. They should know what to read. Él debe estar loco para actuar así. He must be crazy to behave like that. He must be crazy to act like this. Tom trató de llamar a Mary varias veces. Tom tried to call Mary numerous times. Tom tried to call Mary several times. Si el budismo es atractivo, es porque aparece como una posibilidad de tocar el infinito y de obtener felicidad sin tener alguna obligación religiosa concreta. Un auto-erotismo espiritual en cierta medida. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility of touching the infinite and obtaining happiness without having any concrete religious obligations. A spiritual auto-eroticism of some sort. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility to touch the infinite and to obtain happiness without having any concrete religious obligation. A spiritual auto-eroticism to some extent. No tengo ni idea de cómo me he torcido el pie. I have no idea how I twisted my foot. I have no idea how I twisted my foot. Tom va a una escuela de formación profesional. Tom goes to vocational school. Tom goes to a vocational school. ¿Has bebido leche hoy? Did you drink milk today? Did you drink milk today? Nueva York se llama la Gran Manzana. New York is called the Big Apple. New York is called the Big Apple. Lo siento, películas para su cámara no tenemos. I'm sorry, we don't have films for your camera. Sorry, we don't have movies for your camera. El pardal tenia una ala trencada. The bird's wing was broken. He had a broken wing. Esta vez no vas a eludir tu castigo. This time, you won't avoid your punishment. This time you're not avoiding your punishment. Quedaron a las diez. They met at ten. They met at ten. Uei qu'am peish tà disnar. Today's dinner is fish. I like to laugh at him. Si no es importante. It's really not important. If it's not important. Esta siempre será tu casa. This will always be your home. This will always be your home. Tom se está riendo. Tom is laughing. Tom's laughing. Fue un error informático. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. Esta es mi bicicleta vieja. This is my old bicycle. This is my old bike. Sé que Tom está cansado. I know Tom is tired. I know Tom's tired. Estoy buscando libros acerca de la historia romana. I'm looking for books on Roman history. I'm looking for books about Roman history. Déjame cantarte una canción. Let me sing a song for you. Let me sing you a song. El sol es un láser mortal. The sun is a deadly laser. The sun is a deadly laser. Es increíble que Tom apoye a ese dictador. It's unbelievable that Tom supports that dictator. It's amazing that Tom supports that dictator. ¿Por qué te odia? Why does he hate you? Why does he hate you? Pensé que habías dicho que jamás sales a beber. I thought you said you never went out drinking. I thought you said you never went out to drink. ¿Y por qué este no es un tópico interesante? And why isn't this an interesting topic? Why is this not an interesting topic? Finalmente llegó al hotel. He finally reached the hotel. He finally arrived at the hotel. A ella le encantaba viajar. She loved to travel. She loved to travel. No me están escuchando. They're not listening to me. They're not listening to me. Divirtámonos un poco. Let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. ¿Qué querías que hiciéramos con todas tus cosas? What did you want us to do with all your stuff? What did you want us to do with all your stuff? ¿Cuál es el costo actual? What's the actual cost? What is the current cost? Él lo negó. He denied it. He denied it. Llevo haciendo esto durante los últimos tres años. I've been doing this for the past three years. I've been doing this for the last three years. Cerrad los ojos. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. De qué hè lo Ken adara ? What's Ken doing now? What did Ken Adara do? Richard Roberts es el autor de numerosos libros. Richard Roberts is the author of numerous books. Richard Roberts is the author of many books. Él debería llegar a tu casa en una hora. He should arrive at your place in an hour. He should be home in an hour. Un dia m'agradaria visitar New York. I would like to visit New York someday. One day I would like to visit New York. No creo que sea suficiente. I don't think that's enough. I don't think that's enough. Me alegra oír que Tom ya está mejor. I'm glad to hear Tom is doing better. I'm glad to hear Tom's doing better. No tengo tiempo para estar enfermo. I don't have time to be sick. I don't have time to be sick. Ne marcha pas. This doesn't work! Don't go. El artículo de Yanni se tradujo al bereber. Yanni's article was translated into Berber. Yanni’s article was translated into Berber. Estamos bebiendo leche. We are drinking milk. We're drinking milk. No sabia perquè servia l'eternitat. És per donar a alguns de nosaltres una oportunitat d'aprendre l'alemany. Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. I didn't know why it served eternity. It's to give some of us a chance to learn German. ¿Por qué dirían eso? Why would they say that? Why would they say that? Tom estaba demasiado ocupado para darse cuenta de lo que estaba pasando. Tom was too busy to notice what was happening. Tom was too busy to realize what was going on. Estamos a treinta minutos. We're thirty minutes away. We're 30 minutes away. Quiero otra cerveza. I'd like another beer. I want another beer. Hace rato que se fue. He went a while ago. He's long gone. Añade oraciones nuevas. Add new sentences. Add new sentences. Tu pelaje se siente muy agradable. Your fur feels really nice. Your coat feels very nice. Hola, tengo una reserva, mi nombre es Kaori Yoshikawa. Aquí está la tarjeta de confirmación. Hello, I have a reservation, my name is Kaori Yoshikawa. Here is the confirmation card. Hello, I have a reservation, my name is Kaori Yoshikawa. Here is the confirmation card. Ya no eres joven. You're not young anymore. You're not young anymore. Estaré ocupada la semana que viene. I'll be busy next week. I'll be busy next week. Puede que hayas confundido a Jane con su hermana. You may have mistaken Jane for his sister. You may have confused Jane with her sister. ¿Me puedes prestar el diccionario? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow the dictionary? Los sorprendiste a todos. You surprised everybody. You surprised them all. No había comido tanto en mi vida. I've never eaten so much in my life. I haven't eaten that much in my life. Pasará, pero no pasará esta semana. It'll happen, but it won't happen this week. It will happen, but it won't happen this week. Si Tom quiere hacer algo, deja que lo haga. If Tom wants to do something, let him do it. If Tom wants to do something, let him do it. La vida es un día, y ese día es hoy. Life is a day, and that day is today. Life is a day, and that day is today. La nieve ha desaparecido. The snow has disappeared. The snow has disappeared. Juguem a futbol cada dissabte. We play soccer every Saturday. We play football every Saturday. La mujer despierta a la niña. The woman awakens the girl. The woman wakes the girl. Yanni nunca apuñalaría a Skura en la espalda. Yanni would never stab Skura in the back. Yanni would never stab Skura in the back. A tots els meus amics els agraden els videojocs. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends love video games. Si no hay pan para el pobre, no habrá paz para el rico. If the poor don't have their bread, the rich won't have their peace. If there is no bread for the poor, there will be no peace for the rich. Se me pidió que abriera la puerta. I was asked to open the gate. I was asked to open the door. ¿Entonces lo harás? So you'll do it? Then you will? Mi amiga es de Boston. My friend is from Boston. My friend is from Boston. No tinc diners. I have no money. I don't have any money. Fumar solía ser tabú para las mujeres. It used to be taboo for women to smoke. Smoking used to be taboo for women. Cuando les vi se lo dije, y a él también se lo comenté. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. When I saw him, I told him, and I told him too. Ara estic de servei. I am now on duty. I'm on duty now. ¿Quién marcó el primer gol? Who scored the first goal? Who scored the first goal? «¿Dónde está Tom?» «Está enfermo.» "Where's Tom?" "He's sick." "Where's Tom?" "He's sick." Yanni fue más divertido. Yanni was more fun. Yanni was more fun. Este río desemboca en el Océano Pacífico. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. ¿Hay verbos irregulares en esperanto? Are there any irregular verbs in Esperanto? Are there any irregular verbs in Esperanto? Qu'ei la bicicleta deu Mike. This is Mike's bicycle. That's Mike's bike. Estaba realmente atrasado. I was really late. I was really late. Necesitamos cambiar algunas de estas reglas. We need to change some of these rules. We need to change some of these rules. Al entrar a la casa, dos cosas le llamaron la atención. As he entered the house, two things caught his eye. Upon entering the house, two things caught his attention. Necesito tu consentimiento para hacerte la prueba de la COVID-19. I need your consent to test you for COVID-19. I need your consent to take the COVID-19 test. Ve aquí cada cinc dies. He comes here every five days. He comes here every five days. Massa tard. Too late. Too late. La nueva tablet cuesta un ojo de la cara. The new tablet costs an arm and a leg. The new tablet costs one eye on the face. Las percusiones le dan un buen toque a la melodía. Percussion gives a nice touch to the melody. The percussions give a good touch to the melody. Linda volvió a casa tarde por la noche. Linda came home late at night. Linda came home late at night. Le dije a Tom que no venga hoy. I told Tom not to come today. I told Tom not to come today. Nuestro frigorífico está roto. Our fridge is broken. Our fridge's broken. Tom se empezó a preocupar acerca de cómo iba a pagar la educación de su hijo. Tom began to worry about how he was going to pay for his son's education. Tom began to worry about how he would pay for his son’s education. Serás mi yerno. You'll be my son-in-law. You'll be my son-in-law. Quiero ver a tu hermana mayor. I want to see your older sister. I want to see your big sister. De qué pensas qu'a hèit ? What do you think he did? What do you think he did? ¿Dónde vives en Turquía? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Qu'ei lo men hrair. This is my brother. It was a harrowing. Éste es nuestro principal objetivo. This is our main objective. This is our main objective. ¿Cómo está su esposa? How is your wife? How's your wife? Mi amigo rompió con su novia y ahora quiere salir conmigo. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to date me. Quiero compartir contigo todo lo que soy. I want to share with you everything I am. I want to share with you all that I am. Lo pair n'èra pas d'acòrd qu'angui sol a la montanha. Father objected to my going to the mountain alone. The pair is not alone in the mountain. Creo en Ken. I believe in Ken. I believe in Ken. Mi padre construye puentes. My father builds bridges. My father builds bridges. Todavía amo a Tom. I still love Tom. I still love Tom. Hay algunos pájaros que no pueden volar. There are some birds that can't fly. There are some birds that can't fly. Él es, sin lugar a duda, el mejor hombre para el trabajo. He is, without question, the best man for the job. He is, without a doubt, the best man for the job. Tengo que recuperarlo. I have to get it back. I have to get him back. Tinc un problema. I have a problem. I have a problem. Nunca van de paseo. They never go for walks. They never go for a walk. Alguien debe salvarlo o se ahogará. Someone needs to save him, or he'll drown. Someone must save him or he will drown. Es muy importante para mí. It's very important for me. It's very important to me. Quina ora ei ? What time is it? What time is it? La lluvia continuó durante 40 días. The rain continued for 40 days. The rain continued for 40 days. Tenemos que lavarnos las manos a menudo. We need to wash our hands regularly. We have to wash our hands often. A ellas les encantaba jugar en la nieve. They loved playing in the snow. They loved to play in the snow. El meu nom és Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. ¿Son velas estas? Are these candles? Are these candles? Apareció humo. Smoke appeared. Smoke appeared. Me comí un Omurice. I ate an Omurice. I ate an Omurice. ¡Qué suertudo! You lucky devil! Lucky you! La vida hogareña estaba siendo investigada por ojos ajenos. Home life was being screened from foreign eyes. The home life was being investigated by other people’s eyes. Los ojos dicen más que mil palabras. The eyes say more than thousand words. The eyes say more than a thousand words. Tom sujetaba una sombrilla. Tom was holding an umbrella. Tom was holding an umbrella. Ella quiere ir. She wants to go. She wants to go. Tom necesita una transfusión de sangre. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Qu'i vòli anar. I wanted to go there. I want to go. Fui despedido. I was dismissed. I was fired. Estoy en una casa nueva. I am in a new house. I'm in a new house. Aquera pòrta ne dobrís pas. This door won't open. But that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. La bruja, por diversión, convirtió a Tom en un ratón y a María en un gato. The witch turned Tom into a mouse and Mary into a cat for fun. The witch, for fun, turned Tom into a mouse and Mary into a cat. Quant costaria arreglar aquesta cadira? What would it cost to have this chair repaired? How much would it cost to fix this chair? Me gustan los colores claros. I like bright colors. I like light colors. Gracias por hacer esta pregunta. Thank you for asking this question. Thank you for asking this question. Él cree en Dios. He believes in God. He believes in God. Yo sé eso bien. I know that well. I know that well. Dile a Tom que me debe treinta dólares. Tell Tom that he owes me thirty bucks. Tell Tom he owes me thirty dollars. Sean gentiles. Be kind. Be gentle. Él hizo todo lo que pudo para rescatarla. He did his best to rescue her. He did everything he could to rescue her. Él me preguntó si sabía hablar inglés. He asked me if I could speak English. He asked me if I could speak English. Los dialectos del español se caracterizan, entre otras cosas, por si sesean o no. The dialects of Spanish are characterized, among other things, by whether they pronounce "c" and "z" like "s" or don't. The dialects of Spanish are characterized, among other things, by whether they are or not. Solo necesito a Tom. I only need Tom. I just need Tom. Han pasado 200 años desde que murió Mozart. It has been 200 years since Mozart died. It has been 200 years since Mozart died. Las rubias no son taradas. Blondes aren't dumb. Blondes are not stupid. Quiero bailar con Mary. I want to dance with Mary. I want to dance with Mary. ¿Cómo se dice XXX en tu idioma? How do you say XXX in your language? How do you say XXX in your language? Estuvimos estudiando toda la tarde. We were studying all afternoon. We were studying all afternoon. Creo que podríamos ser buenos amigos. I think we could be great friends. I think we could be good friends. Mis conocimientos de alemán no son tan amplios. My knowledge of German doesn't extend that far. My knowledge of German is not so extensive. Esto es un diccionario. This is a dictionary. This is a dictionary. La señora bajita que hay allí es mi madre. That short woman over there is my mother. The little lady over there is my mother. ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarte ahora mismo? What can I do to help you right now? What can I do to help you right now? ¿Te pusieron vacunas de niño? Did you receive immunization shots as a child? Have you been vaccinated as a child? Ahora se está complicando. It's getting complicated now. Now it's getting complicated. Solía haber una oficina de correos en la esquina. There used to be a post office on the corner. There used to be a post office in the corner. Bangkok és la capital de Tailàndia. Bangkok is Thailand's capital city. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Volia comprar el llibre, però vaig adonar-me que no duia més de 200 iens. I wanted to buy the book, but I found I had no more than 200 yen with me. I wanted to buy the book, but I realized I didn’t have more than 200 yen. «María, ¿vienes hoy a la fiesta de Tom? Nos ha invitado a todos.» «No, si no me invita personalmente yo no voy.» "Mary, are you coming to Tom's party today? He invited all of us." "No. If he doesn't personally invite me, I'm not going." “Mary, are you coming to Tom’s party today? He has invited us all.” “No, if he doesn’t invite me personally I won’t go.” Tom es el amigo de un amigo. Tom is a friend of a friend. Tom is a friend of a friend. Podemos curar algunos tipos de cáncer. We can cure some types of cancer. We can cure some types of cancer. Tom tiene que ir de compras ahora. Tom has to go shopping now. Tom has to go shopping now. La mujer quiere joyas. The woman wants jewelry. The woman wants jewelry. No deja de llamarme. She won't stop calling me. He keeps calling me. Voy a solicitar ese trabajo. I'm going to apply for that job. I'm going to apply for that job. Era la primera vez que Tom vivía en ultramar. It was Tom's first time living overseas. It was the first time Tom had lived overseas. Tom parece estar disgustado. Tom seemed to be disgusted. Tom seems to be upset. A decir verdad, nos enteramos de que su nuevo marido era un tío espantoso. To tell the truth, we learned that her new husband was a terrible guy. To tell the truth, we learned that her new husband was a frightful uncle. ¿Puedo tomar un poco más de leche? Can I have some more milk? Can I have some more milk? Larguémonos de aquí, viene la pasma. We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. Let's get the hell out of here. ¿Preferís el arroz negro, o el blanco? Do you prefer white rice or brown rice? Do you prefer black rice or white rice? ¿Alguna vez te han dicho que roncas cuando duermes? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Have you ever been told that you snore when you sleep? Tenemos sueño. We're sleepy. We're sleepy. Llegaste demasiado tarde. You've arrived too late. You're too late. El Diccionario interlingua-inglés tiene una serie de palabras entre corchetes que no son parte de interlingua, pero que se incluyeron debido a su presencia en otras propuestas internacionales de idiomas auxiliares. The Interlingua-English Dictionary has a number of words in brackets which are not part of Interlingua, but were included due to their presence in other international auxiliary language proposals. The Interlingua-English Dictionary has a number of bracketed words that are not part of interlingua, but were included due to their presence in other international auxiliary language proposals. La población está aumentando. The population is growing. The population is increasing. Dale un cacho de carne al perro. Give some meat to the dog. Give the dog a piece of meat. Tom nunca escucha a Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. El sitio empezó a parecerse a un pueblo fantasma. The place started to look like a ghost town. The place began to look like a ghost town. Dame un shawarma y una coca cola de dieta. Give me a shawarma and a diet cola. Give me a shawarma and a diet coke. Las cosas van bien. Things are fine. Things are going well. ¿Llevas lentillas? Do you wear contacts? Are you wearing contact lenses? Mi francés está un poco oxidado. My French is a little rusty. My French is a little rusty. ¿En qué fecha empezó tu última regla? On what date did your last period start? When did your last period start? No tinc res a dir-vos a cap de vosaltres. I don't have anything to say to any of you. I have nothing to say to any of you. A Mary, el cabello le llega hasta la cintura. Mary has hair down to her waist. Mary's hair is up to her waist. ¿Cuál es tu temperatura? What's your temperature? What's your temperature? Él con frecuencia menciona la "cuarta revolución industrial", la cual se refiere a cómo la automatización y otras tecnologías están reestructurando la forma en que los humanos fabrican productos e interactúan entre sí. He frequently mentions the “fourth industrial revolution,” which refers to how automation and other technologies are reshaping the way humans manufacture products and interact with each other. He frequently mentions the “fourth industrial revolution,” which refers to how automation and other technologies are restructuring the way humans make products and interact with each other. Su respuesta fue lacónica. His answer was laconic. His response was laconic. Ama cantar. He loves singing. She loves to sing. Me duele mi estómago. I have a stomach ache. My stomach hurts. Es la película favorita de ella. It's her favorite movie. It's her favorite movie. Se me trababa la lengua cuando ella me habló. I got all tongue-tied when she spoke to me. My tongue was sticking out when she spoke to me. Tengo problemas para compilar este programa. I'm having some problems compiling this software. I am having trouble compiling this program. Lo extraño mucho. I miss him a lot. I miss him so much. Fui abducida e inseminada por unos lobos que aterrizaron con su platillo volante en mi jardín de atrás. I was abducted and impregnated by wolves who landed their flying saucer in my backyard. I was abducted and inseminated by wolves who landed with their flying saucer in my back garden. Mi casa, mis normas. My house, my rules. My house, my rules. Andòrra es un pichon principat, situat entre Espanha e França. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. Andorra is a small principality, located between Spain and France. Yanni acosó sexualmente a sus compañeras de trabajo. Yanni sexually harassed his female colleagues at work. Yanni sexually harassed her co-workers. Quan li convendria venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When would you want to come? ¿Cómo se puede saber si alguien te ama? How can you know if somebody loves you? How do you know if someone loves you? ¿Qué harás el día de Navidad? What will you do on Christmas Day? What will you do on Christmas Day? Tom no quiere salir contigo. Tom doesn't want to go out with you. Tom doesn't want to go out with you. Hay un restaurante en este edificio. There is a restaurant in this building. There is a restaurant in this building. ¡Eres el mejor papá del mundo! You're the best dad in the world. You're the best dad in the world! No tengo un duro. I have no money. I don't have a hard one. Mis padres siguen peleando por cosas estúpidas. ¡Es tan fastidioso! My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying! My parents keep fighting about stupid things. It's so annoying! Hoy has tomado mucho café, ¿verdad? You've had a lot of coffee today, right? You've had a lot of coffee today, haven't you? Aqueth ganivet que trenca plan. This knife cuts well. That knife that breaks plan. Tom se compró la casa hace treinta años. Tom bought his house 30 years ago. Tom bought the house thirty years ago. ¿Qué sueles hacer los domingos? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you usually do on Sundays? Tengo ganas de ir al cine. I feel like going to the movies. I feel like going to the movies. La ardilla de Tom es súper inteligente. Tiene un CI tres veces más alto que el de Tom, y lo considera su mascota. Tom's squirrel is super intelligent. It has an IQ three times higher than Tom's, and considers him its pet. Tom’s squirrel is super smart, has an IQ three times higher than Tom’s, and considers him his pet. Tom es uno de mis amigos más cercanos. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. El helado que comí ayer estaba delicioso. The ice cream I ate yesterday was delicious. The ice cream I ate yesterday was delicious. Leí sobre él en el periódico. I read about him in the newspaper. I read about it in the newspaper. El proyecto de ciencias de Yanni fue un fracaso. Yanni's science project was a failure. Yanni’s science project was a failure. Ya verás. You will see. You'll see. Isaac Newton sabía un montón. Isaac Newton knew a ton. Isaac Newton knew a lot. ¿Hay un manómetro de aire aquí? Is there an air gauge here? Is there an air gauge here? Ellos eran desertores. They were deserters. They were deserters. -Estoy seguro -Dima sonrió- de que está bromeando. "Surely," Dima grinned. "You must be joking!" "I'm sure," Dima smiled, "that he's joking. Dame tu cuchillo. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Hablo alto sorabo. I speak Upper Sorbian. I speak high Sorbian. Él colgó antes de que pudiera decir nada. He hung up before I could say anything. He hung up before he could say anything. Alguien los está mirando. Someone is watching them. Someone is watching them. Tom se ve agotado. Tom looks worn out. Tom is exhausted. Tengo cuarenta y cinco minutos para hacer trasbordo en el siguiente aeropuerto. I've got 45 minutes to make the changeover at the next airport. I have 45 minutes to transfer to the next airport. ¿Dónde está mi libro? Where is my book? Where's my book? Lo Tòm qu'ei talentuós. Tom has many talents. I think it’s talented. L'autobús arribà deu minuts tard. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus arrived ten minutes late. Tom no tenía para qué haber pintado la cerca. Ellos la echaron abajo una semana después de que la pintara. Tom didn't need to paint the fence. They tore it down a week after he painted it. Tom didn't have to paint the fence, they threw it down a week after he painted it. ¿Sabe cómo te sientes? Does he know how you feel? Do you know how you feel? Estaba avergonzado de mi comportamiento. I was ashamed of my behavior. I was ashamed of my behavior. Te cepillaste los dientes. You brushed your teeth. You brushed your teeth. La belleza artística del jardín es realmente asombrosa. The artistic beauty of the garden is really breathtaking. The artistic beauty of the garden is truly amazing. A Mary le gusta usar pantalones. Mary likes wearing pants. Mary likes to wear pants. Cierra la puerta cuando estés en el baño. Close the door when you're in the bathroom. Close the door when you are in the bathroom. Las niñas son más románticas que los niños. Girls are more romantic than boys. Girls are more romantic than boys. ¡Hola! Soy un nuevo usuario. Hello! I'm a new user. Hi, I'm a new user. Ya no te puede lastimar. He can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore. Yanni se disculpó por adelantado por sus errores. Yanni apologized in advance for his mistakes. Yanni apologized in advance for his mistakes. Tú no eres mi padre. You're not my father. You're not my father. Sus fábulas hicieron de Hans Christian Andersen, el danés más famoso del mundo, un icono de la literatura mundial. His fairy tales made Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Dane in the world, an icon of world literature. His fables made Hans Christian Andersen, the world's most famous Dane, an icon of world literature. No entrar aquí. Do not enter here. Don't go in here. La frescura es nuestra máxima prioridad. Freshness is our top priority. Freshness is our top priority. Ella se divirtió mucho en la fiesta de ayer. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. She had a lot of fun at yesterday's party. ¿Quién es el alcalde? Who's the mayor? Who's the mayor? Él es un buen violinista. He is a good violinist. He is a good violinist. Tengo algo que preguntarle. I have something to ask her. I have something to ask you. Cada dia menjo galetes per esmorzar. I have cookies for breakfast every day. Every day I eat cookies for breakfast. Si lo encuentras, aún lo recuerdas. If you find you still remember. If you find it, you still remember it. Yanni también tiene hambre. Yanni is hungry, too. Yanni is hungry too. El que la gente está intentando capitalizar esta crisis está claro. That people are trying to capitalise on this crisis is clear. That people are trying to capitalize on this crisis is clear. Esta oración no está en francés. This sentence is not in French. This prayer is not in French. Nadie es perfecto en eso. No one is perfect at it. No one is perfect at that. Me gusta tener amigos en todos los países. I like having friends in every country. I like to have friends in every country. Tom está tomando cursos en línea. Tom is taking online courses. Tom is taking online courses. Te compraré los libros. I will buy the books for you. I'll buy you the books. Tom está almorzando con el jefe de policía. Tom is having lunch with the police chief. Tom's having lunch with the police chief. Siento como si estuviera a bordo de un gran barco. I feel as if I were aboard a great ship. I feel like I'm on board a big boat. Descomponlo. Break it down. Break it down. ¿Alguna vez te han diagnosticado de un soplo cardiaco? Have you been diagnosed with a heart murmur? Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart murmur? Llorar no es solo de chicas. Crying isn't just for girls. Crying is not just about girls. Pienso que sería bueno hablar una vez más con el jefe. I think it would be good to talk once more with the boss. I think it would be nice to talk to the boss again. Tom me ama, y yo a él. Tom loves me, and I love him. Tom loves me, and I love him. El proyecto va tomando cuerpo. The project's taking shape. The project is taking shape. Todos ustedes morirán. You will all die. All of you will die. Ens portem prou be però no som els millors amics. We get on quite well but we're not best friends. We're good enough, but we're not the best of friends. Él se salvó por poco de ser atropellado. He narrowly escaped being run over. He narrowly escaped being run over. Sé que es lo que quiere Tom. I know that it's what Tom wants. I know that's what Tom wants. ¿Estáis en París? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? Buenas noches, Tom. Goodnight, Tom. Good night, Tom. Para agregar una frase a su lista de favoritos, haga clic en el icono de corazón blanco. To add a sentence to your list of favorites, click on the white heart icon. To add a phrase to your watch list, click the white heart icon. Fue un error de dedo. It was a typo. It was a finger mistake. Ayer te eché mucho de menos. I missed you very much yesterday. I missed you so much yesterday. Tienes que estar preparado. You have to be prepared. You have to be prepared. Per què no ens podem fer cosconelles l'un a l'altre? Why can't we tickle each other? Why can't we make each other bodies? Usted está leyendo mis pensamientos. You are reading my thoughts. You are reading my thoughts. Los ancianos necesitan a alguien con quien conversar. Old people need someone to talk to. The elderly need someone to talk to. Un avión surgió de quién sabe dónde. A plane emerged from who knows where. A plane came from who knows where. ¿Qué verduras siembras normalmente? What vegetables do you usually grow? What vegetables do you normally plant? Tom ha estado ocupado toda la mañana. Tom has been busy all morning. Tom's been busy all morning. Estem parlant del mateix Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Are we talking about Tom? Al doblar la esquina nos encontramos con el desfile. We came upon the parade when we turned the corner. Around the corner we came across the parade. Mis hermanos corren en el parque. My brothers run in the park. My brothers run in the park. Yo no conozco a esta señora. I do not know this lady. I don't know this lady. Gracias por dejarme usar tu bolígrafo. Thanks for letting me use your pen. Thanks for letting me use your pen. A Tom no le gusta beber. Tom doesn't like to drink. Tom doesn't like to drink. Tom bebió directamente de la botella de vino. Tom drank directly from the wine bottle. Tom drank straight from the bottle of wine. El infinito no puede realmente ser entendido por la mente humana. Infinity can't really be understood by the human mind. Infinity cannot really be understood by the human mind. Tardaron casi trece horas, pero el equipo de cirujanos logró salvar la vida de Tom. It took almost thirteen hours, but the team of surgeons was able to save Tom's life. It took nearly thirteen hours, but the team of surgeons managed to save Tom’s life. A pesar de la adversidad, el ingenioso hombre consiguió fama mundial. Despite adversity, the ingenious man achieved worldwide fame. Despite the adversity, the ingenious man achieved worldwide fame. Mi hermano estudia inglés. My brother studies English. My brother studies English. Su familia arrastraba un historial de enfermedades genéticas que se remontaba a muchos siglos atrás. Her family had a history of genetic diseases that dated back several centuries. His family had a history of genetic diseases dating back many centuries. No falta nada. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. Visíteme en casa en el momento que quiera. Drop in at my house any time you want. Visit me at home any time you want. ¿Hay alguna excusa que te hayas cansado de oír? Is there an excuse you're tired of hearing? Are there any excuses you’re tired of hearing? Debemos mover esta estatua muy cuidadosamente. We must move this statue very carefully. We must move this statue very carefully. Ella se interesó por la tsabuna cuando tenía cuatro años. She showed interest in the tsambouna when she was four years old. She became interested in the tsabuna when she was four years old. Aqueth arrelòtge ne marcha pas. This clock isn't working. This trail doesn’t go away. Yanni estuvo inspirado. Yanni was inspired. Yanni was inspired. M'agrada escoltar música. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. Estamos sudando en esta calor. We're sweating in this heat. We're sweating in this heat. Tom ha corrido mucho esta semana. Tom has run a lot this week. Tom ran a lot this week. Argelia era un país que representaba los sueños de millones de personas. Algeria was a country that represented the dreams of millions of people. Algeria was a country that represented the dreams of millions of people. Él murió el día en que llegó su hijo. He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day his son arrived. No tengo un mango. I don't have any money. I don't have a handle. Tinc un abric, però cap barret. I have a coat, but no hat. I have a coat, but no hat. El meu gos té una cua molt llarga. My dog has a very long tail. My dog has a long tail. Nadie sabe lo que me costó esto. Nobody knows what this cost me. No one knows what this cost me. Nadie estuvo de acuerdo conmigo. No one agreed with me. No one agreed with me. ¿Consumes cocaína o crack? Do you use cocaine or crack? Do you use cocaine or crack? Creo que deberían pensar en su futuro. I think you need to think about the future. I think you should think about your future. El coche de Tom tiene 100 caballos de fuerza. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. ¿Hablaste sobre mi libro? Did you talk about my book? Did you talk about my book? Yo creo en el destino, pero también sé que el destino puede ser cambiado. I believe in fate, but I also know that fate can be changed. I believe in destiny, but I also know that destiny can be changed. Te odio desde el fondo de mi corazón. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Los ejercicios son sencillos y efectivos. The exercises are simple and effective. The exercises are simple and effective. ¿Os apetece hacerlo ahora? Do you wish to do that now? Would you like to do it now? Estudiar es la labor del estudiante. It is a student's business to study. Studying is the student’s job. Para ir a la piscina necesitas un bañador, unas gafas y una toalla. To go to the pool you need a swimsuit, sunglasses, and a towel. To go to the pool you need a swimsuit, glasses and a towel. Mayuko le dio una mascada a mi manzana. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko chewed my apple. Esas son mis cosas. Those are my things. Those are my things. Puede ser vergonzoso. It can be embarrassing. It can be embarrassing. Carai! Wow! Shit! Fora del meu camí! Stay out of my way. Get out of my way! A Tom no le gustó el libro que le presté. Tom didn't like the book I lent him. Tom didn't like the book I lent him. El vostre fill és un geni. Your son is a genius. Your child is a genius. Éste es mi carnet de identidad. This is my I.D. card. This is my identity card. Todo el mundo está cansado de oír esa historia. Everyone's tired of hearing that story. Everyone is tired of hearing that story. Sé que ella te quiere mucho. I know she loves you very much. I know she loves you very much. Por favor, sólo déjame sola. Please just leave me alone. Please, just leave me alone. Deja de procrastinar–a partir de mañana. Stop procrastinating–starting tomorrow. Stop procrastinating from tomorrow. El agua en estado sólido se llama hielo. Water in a solid state is called ice. Water in the solid state is called ice. No me gusta ninguno de estos sombreros. I don't like any of these hats. I don't like any of these hats. ¿Usted acaba de pegarle? Did you just hit him? Did you just hit him? Tom era demasiado tacaño para comprarle a María el colgante que ella tanto quería. Tom was too stingy to buy Mary the pendant she wanted so much. Tom was too cheap to buy Maria the pendant she loved so much. No vengas vestido como un vagabundo. Don't come dressed like a bum. Don't come dressed like a tramp. Es divertido jugar en las olas. It's fun playing in the waves. It's fun to play in the waves. Yo rápidamente río ante cualquier cosa, por miedo de tener que llorar. I quickly laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. I quickly laugh at anything, for fear of having to cry. Elige entre estos dos. Choose between these two. Choose between these two. No creo que Dios exista. I do not believe that God exists. I don't think God exists. Nadie votó en contra. No one voted against it. No one voted against it. Hauries de dir-li al Tom que la Mary no està planejant anar-hi. You should tell Tom that Mary isn't planning to go. You should tell Tom that Mary isn't planning on going there. George, t'he de dir una cosa. Tens una mare, oi? George, I have something to tell you. You have a mother, don't you? George, I have to tell you something, you have a mother, don't you? ¿Te gustaría echar un vistazo? Would you like to have a look? Would you like to take a look? Tenemos que obedecer las normas de tráfico. We have to obey traffic rules. We have to obey the traffic rules. Tom explicó la situación con calma. Tom calmly explained the situation. Tom explained the situation calmly. El imperio bizantino es un constructo histórico. The Byzantine Empire is a historical construction. The Byzantine Empire is a historical construct. Quan tindràs vacances? When will you have holidays? When will you have a vacation? Los médicos también están en huelga. The doctors are also on strike. Doctors are also on strike. Él está loco por ti. He is mad about you. He's crazy about you. Un botón se me salió de la camisa. A button has come off my shirt. A button came out of my shirt. Tom hizo pastel de carne. Tom made meatloaf. Tom made meatloaf. Tom va a la escuela andando. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. M'alegra que estigues ací. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. ¿De qué sirve la vida si todos finalmente morimos? What's the point of life if we all eventually die? What good is life if we all finally die? Mary le pidió a Tom que se uniera al club de literatura. Mary asked Tom to join the literature club. Mary asked Tom to join the literature club. Ten en cuenta que vamos a necesitar provisiones. Keep in mind that we'll need supplies. Keep in mind that we're going to need supplies. Este está vacío. This one's empty. This one's empty. Estás buscando trabajo. You're looking for a job. You're looking for work. Tom no és feliç. Tom is not happy. Tom is not happy. ¿Tomas actualmente algún medicamento que te haya prescrito un psiquiatra? Do you currently take any medication prescribed to you by a psychiatrist? Do you currently take any medications prescribed by a psychiatrist? Es piscis. He's a Pisces. It's Pisces. María se levantó más temprano en la mañana para prepararle una tarta a Tom. Mary woke up very early in the morning to prepare a pie for Tom. Maria got up earlier in the morning to make Tom a cake. Yo estaba en el área. I was in the area. I was in the area. ¿Por qué los ateos no creen en Dios? Why don't atheists believe in God? Why do atheists not believe in God? Solía escribir un diario en inglés cuando era estudiante. I used to keep a diary in English when I was a student. I used to write a diary in English when I was a student. El país respeta al Primer Ministro. The country respects the Prime Minister. The country respects the Prime Minister. No passa res si tu no fas que passi. Nothing happens unless you make it happen. It's okay if you don't make it happen. Tengo miedo a los dentistas. I'm afraid of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Lo Tòm que miava la veitura. Tom drove the car. I was looking at my car. Su padre no confía en él. His father doesn't trust him. His father doesn't trust him. Alguien entró. Someone entered. Someone came in. Desde un punto de vista práctico, su plan no es fácil de llevar a cabo. From the practical point of view, his plan is not easy to carry out. From a practical point of view, your plan is not easy to carry out. Escucho lo que estás diciendo. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Ella tiene miedo. She's afraid. She's scared. Eres un maestro pésimo, Tom. Tom, you're a lousy teacher. You're a lousy teacher, Tom. ¿Cuál es tu grupo de música favorito? What's your favorite music group? What is your favorite music group? Él la halagó abiertamente. He freely praised her. He openly flattered her. Encontré una piedra con forma de corazón. I found a stone shaped like a heart. I found a heart-shaped stone. ¿Alguna vez has puesto una trampa para osos? Have you ever set a trap for a bear? Have you ever set a bear trap? ¡Pero nunca me habías hablado de esto! But you have never spoken to me about that! But you never told me about this! No quiero que vuelvas a poner un pie en ese bar. I never want you to step foot in that bar again. I don't want you ever to set foot in that bar again. ¿Hará hoy buen tiempo? Will the weather be good today? Will it be good weather today? Mi celular se murió. My cellphone died. My cell phone died. No pudimos averiguar su paradero. We couldn't find out her whereabouts. We couldn't find his whereabouts. Las sillas necesitan ser reparadas. The chair needs to be repaired. The chairs need to be repaired. La historia tenía un final feliz. The story had a happy ending. The story had a happy ending. ¿Por qué vas a pie si tienes un auto? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why do you walk if you have a car? Habría llegado antes si no hubiera tenido atasco. I would've arrived earlier if there hadn't been a traffic jam. I would have come sooner if I hadn't had a jam. ¿No se supone que debemos tomarnos las manos? Aren't we supposed to hold hands? Aren't we supposed to hold hands? Duerme un poco, ¿vale? Get some sleep, okay? Get some sleep, okay? ¿Adónde? Where? Where to? Su padre es japonés. His father is Japanese. His father is Japanese. Tom es la estrella de Tatoeba. Tom is the star of Tatoeba. Tom is the star of Tatoeba. Querría azúcar. I'd like some sugar. I'd like some sugar. Lamentablemente, nunca tuve la oportunidad de conocerla. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her. Sadly, I never had a chance to meet her. Este certificado es válido hasta el final de 2023. This certificate is valid until the end of 2023. This certificate is valid until the end of 2023. Es muy amargo. It's very bitter. It's very bitter. ¿Qué es un ábaco? What's an abacus? What is an abacus? Hay que arrollar esa cuerda. That rope has to be coiled. You have to wrap that rope. Aprendí de mis errores. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. ¿Dónde compraste bloques de cemento? Where did you buy cinder blocks? Where did you buy cement blocks? Tom tiene mucho sueño porque anoche no durmió bien. Tom is very sleepy, because he didn't sleep well last night. Tom is very sleepy because he didn't sleep well last night. Ella perdió su bolso. She lost her handbag. She lost her purse. Estoy deseando que llegue. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Su hermano llevaba treinta años siendo camionero. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. His brother had been a truck driver for 30 years. «¡Ya te echo de menos!» «¡Pero si todavía no me he ido!» "I already miss you!" "But I haven't even left yet!" “I miss you!” “But I haven’t left yet!” El tiempo es bueno aquí. The weather is nice here. The weather is good here. Como Tom estaba muy cansado, pronto se quedó profundamente dormido. Since Tom was very tired, he soon fell sound asleep. Since Tom was very tired, he soon fell fast asleep. Te enseñaré la ciudad. I'll show you around the city. I'll show you around town. Si la vacuna contra la COVID-19 estuviera disponible, ¿te gustaría que te la pusieran? If the COVID-19 vaccine was available, would you like to receive it? If the COVID-19 vaccine were available, would you like to get it? Puede estudiar sin importar su edad. You can study no matter how old you are. You can study no matter your age. ¿Estabas tratando de engañarme? Were you trying to trick me? Were you trying to trick me? Cau qu'agi acabat lo tribalh a quate oras. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. Tribalism is over for now. Mi tío estaba de acuerdo. My uncle agreed. My uncle agreed. Sé que no era fácil. I know it wasn't easy. I know it wasn't easy. Si de verdad son tus amigos, te ayudarán. If they're really your friends, they'll help you. If they're really your friends, they'll help you. Quítate los zapatos antes de entrar a un templo. Take your shoes off before going into a temple. Take off your shoes before entering a temple. ¿En qué día de la semana naciste? What day of the week were you born on? On what day of the week were you born? Ayer fuimos a ver una película con un amigo mío. We went to see a movie with my friend yesterday. Yesterday we went to see a movie with a friend of mine. Un reloj roto da bien la hora dos veces al día. A broken clock is right twice a day. A broken clock ticks twice a day. Sabia que la Layla deia la veritat I knew Layla was telling the truth. I knew Layla was telling the truth. No se puede cambiar el pasado. It isn't possible to change the past. You can't change the past. Solo quiero ayudar. I only want to help. I just want to help. Dame tus llaves. Give me your keys. Give me your keys. No tengo nietos. I don't have grandchildren. I have no grandchildren. Creo que todavía no han resuelto el problema. I think they still haven't solved the problem. I think they haven't solved the problem yet. Aqueth líber qu'ei pesuc. This book is heavy. That's what I'm looking for. ¿Dónde está? Llevo horas buscándolo. Where is it? I've been searching for hours. I've been looking for him for hours. Ella te entiende ahora. She understands you now. She understands you now. ¿Puedo poner esto en su dedo? Can I put this on your finger? Can I put this on your finger? Tom hizo lo que le pidieron. Tom did as he had been told. Tom did what he was asked to do. Tom está doblando su camisa. Tom is folding his shirt. Tom's folding his shirt. Tengo exactamente lo que necesitás. I have exactly what you need. I got exactly what you need. Quiero ser adorable. I want to be cute. I want to be adorable. N'am pas sucre. We have no sugar. I don't have sugar. No hagas caso a lo que diga la gente. Don't pay any attention to what people say. Don't listen to what people say. Él se quedó parado al lado mío sin siquiera ayudar. He stood beside me without so much as helping me. He stood next to me without even helping. Yanni no estaba ahí. Yanni isn't there. Yanni wasn't there. Incluso durante el trabajo, secretamente satisfago mi adicción por Internet. Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction. Even during work, I secretly satisfy my Internet addiction. Me atrevo a decir que estás en lo correcto. I dare say you are right. I dare say you're right. Vòli vertadèrament pas parlar d'aquò. I really don't want to talk about this. I really don’t want to talk about that. No te quites los guantes. Don't take off your gloves. Don't take off your gloves. Me gusta esa universidad, pero está demasiado cerca de casa. I like that university, but it's too near my home. I like that college, but it's too close to home. Mi computadora se descompuso a causa del calor. My computer broke due to the heat. My computer broke down because of the heat. En Tom caminava sol. Tom walked alone. Tom walked alone. El edificio en la colina es nuestra escuela. The building on the hill is our school. The building on the hill is our school. Grita cuanto quieras. Shout as much as you want. Scream as much as you want. Soy tú. I am you. It's you. Allí venden propano barato. They sell cheap propane there. There they sell cheap propane. Estoy en el coche. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Aqueth ostau qu'a besonh d'estar pintrat. This house needs painting. This is the one that I wanted to paint. Ell és el fill gran. He's the oldest son. He is the eldest son. ¿Añadirías primero leche o agua caliente? Should you add milk or hot water first? Would you add milk or hot water first? Soy grande y fuerte. I'm big and strong. I'm big and strong. La gente no habla así. People don't speak like that. People don't talk like that. Aliméntame con tu alma. Feed me with your soul. Feed me with your soul. Adivina de quién es esta carta. Guess who this letter is from. Guess whose card this is. No hay que confundir la educación con la capacitación laboral. One should not confuse education with job training. Education should not be confused with job training. Tienes las manos aguadas. You have butterfingers. Your hands are watery. ¿Cómo puedes soportar el ruido? Can you put up with the noise? How can you withstand the noise? Déjanos solas. Leave us alone. Leave us alone. Tom me pasó el micrófono y empecé a hablar. Tom handed the microphone over to me and I started speaking. Tom handed me the microphone and I started talking. Nunca encontraré a alguien como él. I'll never find someone like him. I'll never find someone like him. Tom aplastó todos los huevos. Tom crushed all the eggs. Tom crushed all the eggs. Volveré de Europa pronto. He will return from Europe soon. I'll be back from Europe soon. Me encanta Harvard. I love Harvard. I love Harvard. Tom no se quitó su reloj. Tom didn't take his watch off. Tom didn't take off his watch. Devolví los libros que había sacado de la biblioteca y me llevé prestados otros nuevos. I returned the books I borrowed from the library, and I borrowed some new ones. I returned the books I had taken from the library and borrowed new ones. No es de tu incumbencia. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. Conducir con negligencia provoca accidentes. Careless driving causes accidents. Driving negligently leads to accidents. Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Sigue así. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing great. La clase dominante ha supuesto que una feliz y productiva población con tiempo libre disponible es un peligro. The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a danger. The ruling class has assumed that a happy and productive population with free time available is a danger. Me temo que ellos no se llevan muy bien. I am afraid that they don't get along very well. I'm afraid they don't get along very well. Mi agenda está bastante apretada. My schedule is pretty packed. My schedule is pretty tight. El viaje fue muy largo. The trip was really long. The trip was very long. Tom tenía razón. Tom was right. Tom was right. No parlo pas castellà. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. Sami no fue muy agradable. Sami wasn't very nice. Sami was not very nice. ¿En dónde pusiste mis llaves? Where did you put my keys? Where did you put my keys? He fet bàsicament el mateix que ha fet el Tom. I did basically the same thing as Tom did. I did the same thing Tom did. ¿Recuerdas el título o el nombre del autor? Do you remember the title or the author's name? Do you remember the title or the author’s name? Vamos a la cocina, prepararé café para nosotros. Let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll make us some coffee. Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make coffee for us. El caballo es capaz de atacar al mismo tiempo dos piezas separadas una de la otra. The knight is capable of attacking two pieces away from each other at the same time. The horse is able to attack at the same time two pieces separated from each other. La novela fue adaptada para una película. The novel was adapted for a film. The novel was adapted for a film. Él pesa 10 kilos más que yo. He outweighs me by 10 kg. He weighs 10 kilos more than me. Yo solo como verduras frescas. I eat only fresh vegetables. I only eat fresh vegetables. Maisie vive en un país de habla inglesa. Maisie lives in an English-speaking country. Maisie lives in an English-speaking country. Ya nadie confía en mí. Nobody trusts me anymore. No one trusts me anymore. ¿Quieres ir con Tom? Do you want to go with Tom? You want to go with Tom? Su Señoría, mientras que este caso está marcado para juicio, de hecho, al acusado le gustaría aceptar un acuerdo. Your Honor, while this case is marked for trial, in fact, the defendant would like to accept a plea. Your Honor, while this case is marked for trial, in fact, the defendant would like to accept a settlement. Tom tiene dos niños. Tom has two children. Tom has two children. ¿Estáis seguras de que ella habla portugués? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Are you sure she speaks Portuguese? Bebí un vaso de leche. I drank a glass of milk. I drank a glass of milk. Puede ser un gorrión, pero todavía es carne. It may be a sparrow, but it's still meat. It may be a sparrow, but it's still meat. Debemos acatar las normas. We must obey the rules. We must abide by the rules. Yo hablo sueco. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. No estoy seguro de la fecha exacta. I'm not sure of the exact date. I'm not sure of the exact date. Ha parlat com si fos ma mare. She spoke as if she were my mother. She spoke as if she were my mother. Cambié de tren en la Estación de Tokio. I changed trains at Tokyo Station. I changed trains at Tokyo Station. Maradona era un semidiós. Con la pelota, era un dios. Sin la pelota, era humano. Maradona was a demigod. With the ball, he was a god. Without the ball, he was human. Maradona was a demigod. With the ball, he was a god. Without the ball, he was human. Ta mare sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mother know how to drive? Caminaba a paso rápido. He walked at a quick pace. I was walking at a fast pace. ¿Los mataste? Did you kill them? Did you kill them? Tom solo hizo eso para molestar a Mary. Tom did that just to annoy Mary. Tom only did that to annoy Mary. Puc ajudar? Can I help? Can I help? No podía hablar bien ese día. I couldn't speak well that day. I couldn’t speak well that day. Em vaig cremar els dits amb una planxa calenta. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers with a hot iron. Tim escribe como si fuera zurdo. Tim writes as if he were left-handed. Tim writes like he's left-handed. Lo que Tom piensa no es en absoluto relevante. What Tom thinks isn't relevant at all. What Tom thinks is not relevant at all. No respondiste. You didn't answer. You didn't answer. Nuestra escuela ha aceptado a tres americanos como estudiantes de intercambio. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Podías haber esperado unos días más. You could've waited a few more days. You could have waited a few more days. Eres lo máximo. You're the man. You're tops. Només els adults tenen permís per fer allò. Only adults are allowed to do that. Only adults have permission to do so. No conseguía encender la vela porque la mecha era demasiado corta. I couldn't light the candle because the wick was too short. I couldn't light the candle because the wick was too short. Ellas hablan sobre nosotras. They speak about us. They talk about us. Me desafió a un duelo y le derroté. He challenged me to a duel and I defeated him. He challenged me to a duel and I defeated him. Què li passa a aquet paio? What is wrong with that guy? What's wrong with that guy? Él es un monstruo. He’s such a monster. He's a monster. Japó és molt diferent de com era 50 anys enrere. Japan is very different from what it was fifty years ago. Japan is very different from how it was 50 years ago. Te juro que no estoy borracho. I swear I'm not drunk. I swear I'm not drunk. Revisa todo una vez más. Check everything once more. Check it all out one more time. El pelo de mi hermana es bonito y sedoso. ¿Por qué mi pelo tiene que ser tan seco? My sister's hair is nice and silky. Why does mine have to be so dry? My sister's hair is nice and silky. Why does my hair have to be so dry? El hombre de las cavernas hablaba Toki Pona. The cave-man spoke Toki Pona. The caveman spoke Toki Pona. ¿Vas todos los días a pie al colegio? Do you go to school on foot every day? Do you walk to school every day? Fue muy egoísta de Tom no dejarte usar el auto. That was pretty selfish of Tom not to let you use the car. It was very selfish of Tom not to let you use the car. Ja no ho puc suportar més. I can't put up with it any longer. I can't take it anymore. ¿Has tenido alguna secreción en los pezones? Have you had any nipple discharge? Have you had any discharge from your nipples? Es conductor de autobús. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Un cambio es tan bueno como un descanso. A change is as good as a rest. A change is as good as a break. Que't desiri bona escaduda. I wish you good luck. Wishing you good luck. Tienes exceso de trabajo. You are overworked. You're overworked. Vamos, cantemos una canción. Let's sing a song. Come on, let's sing a song. Hicimos todo lo posible para proteger a Tom. We did our best to protect Tom. We did everything we could to protect Tom. Nos amamos el uno al otro. We love each other. We love each other. Los bereberes son bastante poéticos. Berbers are pretty poetic. The Berbers are quite poetic. Tom es un goblin. Tom is a goblin. Tom is a goblin. Hola a tots! Hello everyone! Hello everyone! Es abogada. She's a lawyer. She's a lawyer. Él no puede haber hecho eso solo. He cannot have done it by himself. He can't have done that alone. Yo le debo mi éxito a su ayuda. I owe my success to his help. I owe my success to your help. Creo que es la mejor opción. I think that's the best option. I think it's the best option. Estoy vendiendo mis cabras. I am selling my goats. I'm selling my goats. Estoy cansado, y cometo muchos errores cuando estoy cansado. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. I'm tired, and I make a lot of mistakes when I'm tired. ¿Cómo se dice "granja" en ruso? How do you say "farm" in Russian? How do you say "farm" in Russian? ¡Que Dios te oiga! From your lips to God's ears! God hear you! Estudié su cara buscando signos de agotamiento. I studied his face for signs of weariness. I studied his face for signs of exhaustion. Tom le preguntó a Mary si le gustaría ir de compras. Tom asked Mary whether she'd like to go shopping. Tom asked Mary if she would like to go shopping. ¿Qué necesito saber acerca de Argelia? What do I need to know about Algeria? What do I need to know about Algeria? A pesar de la adversidad, el arquitecto consiguió fama mundial. Despite adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame. Despite the adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame. La oración es tan corta que difícilmente tiene significado para mí. The sentence is so short that it hardly has any meaning to me. Prayer is so short that it hardly has any meaning for me. Soy Mary, la hija de Tom. I'm Mary, Tom's daughter. I'm Mary, Tom's daughter. Europa està en crisi. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Ella estaba sorprendida de las noticias. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised by the news. Yanni es demasiado perfeccionista. Yanni is too perfectionistic. Yanni is too perfectionist. ¿Cuándo llegó usted a Londres? When did you get to London? When did you arrive in London? Verdaderamente aprecio que lo digas tú. I really appreciate you saying that. I really appreciate you saying that. Va a encontrar fácilmente la parada de autobús. He will find the bus stop easily. You will easily find the bus stop. No está dentro de mis normas besar en la primera cita. It's not my policy to kiss on the first date. It's not up to me to kiss on the first date. Estaven satisfets. They were satisfied. They were satisfied. Tom fue arrestado y culpado por el homicidio. Tom was arrested and charged with the murder. Tom was arrested and charged with the murder. Tinc una pregunta. I've got a question. I have a question. No tuvimos que correr. We didn't have to run. We didn't have to run. Las flores del jarrón se han marchitado. The flowers in the vase were wilted. The flowers of the vase have withered. No se comprendió el valor de su descubrimiento sino hasta después de su muerte. The value of his discovery was not realized until after his death. The value of his discovery was not understood until after his death. Ellos no estaban allá. They weren't there. They weren't there. Los niños corrieron hacia el patio de recreo. The kids ran toward the playground. The children ran to the playground. Nunca diría algo así. I would never say something like that. I'd never say anything like that. ¿Puedes enviarme tu receta de pastel de carne? Can you send me your meatloaf recipe? Can you send me your meatloaf recipe? Volvió a poner la foto en su lugar. She put the photo back in its place. He put the photo back in its place. ¿Había alguien más que supiera tu contraseña? Did someone else know your password? Was there anyone else who knew your password? Nos quedaremos aquí hasta el domingo. We will stay here until Sunday. We'll stay here until Sunday. He estado practicando. I've been practicing. I've been practicing. Hoy no has ido a la escuela y quiero saber por qué. You skipped school today and I want to know why. You didn't go to school today and I want to know why. Quan ètz encuentats ? When are you busy? When are you counted? Luces muy pálida. You look very pale. You look very pale. ¿Contrataste una limpiadora? Did you hire a cleaning lady? Did you hire a cleaner? Quiero ir a patinar. I want to go ice skating. I want to go skating. Me han dicho que estás buscando un cuidador. I've been told you're looking for a caregiver. I'm told you're looking for a caregiver. La gramática inglesa en mi enemiga. English grammar is my enemy. English grammar in my enemy. No estoy realmente seguro de esto. I'm not really sure about this. I'm not really sure about this. ¿Recuerdas esa tienda? Do you remember that store? Remember that store? No dejes que Tom coma cacahuates. Don't let Tom eat peanuts. Don't let Tom eat peanuts. Hace una semana que se fue. It's been a week since he left. He's been gone for a week. Quan dono menjar als pobres, em diuen sant. Quan demano per què els pobres no tenen res a menjar, em diuen communista. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have nothing to eat, they call me a communist. Tienes que comer la tostada. You must eat your toast. You have to eat the toast. Le agradecí por haberme ayudado. I thanked him for helping me. I thanked him for helping me. Yo me lo imaginaba más alto. I imagined him a tall man. I imagined it higher. Hacen preguntas que no tienen respuesta. You ask questions, that are unanswerable. They ask questions that have no answer. ¿A qué hora vas a la escuela? What time do you go to school? What time do you go to school? El bebé no puede caminar todavía. The baby can't walk yet. The baby can't walk yet. No puedo hacer mi cama. ¡No tengo tiempo para eso! I cannot make my bed. I don't have time for that! I can't make my bed. I don't have time for that! A decir verdad la película no me pareció muy interesante. To tell the truth, that film was not very interesting to me. To tell you the truth, I didn’t find the movie very interesting. Ese extraterrestre peludo no habla inglés, solo lo entiende. That hairy space alien doesn't speak English; he just understands it. That furry alien doesn't speak English, he just understands it. Resolver un ejercicio táctico, comprender un final difícil, seguir un juego en vivo y tratar de "adivinar" los movimientos que se jugarán. Todo esto es divertido. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live match and trying to "guess" the moves that will be played. All of this is fun. Solve a tactical exercise, understand a difficult ending, follow a live game and try to "guess" the moves that will be played. All this is fun. El agua que tomaste estaba a la temperatura del ambiente. The water you drank was at room temperature. The water you drank was at room temperature. Se niega a aceptar que es viejo. He refuses to accept that he is old. He refuses to accept that he is old. Más de diez mil mensajes son enviados cada segundo en Facebook. Over ten thousand messages are sent every second on Facebook. More than 10,000 messages are sent every second on Facebook. Escribe una canción nueva. Write a new song. Write a new song. Era uno de los dirigentes de la clase trabajadora. He was a leader of the working class. He was one of the leaders of the working class. Tom es extremadamente ambicioso. Tom is extremely ambitious. Tom is extremely ambitious. Estoy de acuerdo con la propuesta de Tom y Mary. I agree with Tom and Mary's proposal. I agree with Tom and Mary. No es asunto mío. That's not my concern. It's none of my business. Los niños comenzaron a llorar. The kids started to cry. The children began to cry. És més fàcil divertir-se que treballar. It's easier to have fun than to work. It’s easier to have fun than to work. ¿Dónde está Argelia? Where is Algeria? Where is Algeria located? Debes estar bromeando. You've got to be joking. You must be kidding. Yanni se estaba arrodillando. Yanni was kneeling down. Yanni was kneeling. No tienes que quedarte si no quieres. If you don't want to stay, you don't have to. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. "¿Por dónde queda la biblioteca?" "Por allá." "Which way is the library?" "That way." "Where's the library?" "Over there." Escoge tu raqueta preferida. Choose your favorite racket. Choose your favorite racket. Odio tomar notas. I hate taking notes. I hate taking notes. A diferencia de la mayoría de los deportes reconocidos por el Comité Olímpico Internacional, donde la competencia puede ser "mixta" (para todos, independientemente del género) o accesible solo para hombres o solo para mujeres, en el ajedrez las mujeres pueden competir en una división "abierta" (incluido el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez) pero también tienen un campeonato exclusivamente femenino. Unlike with most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where competition can be "mixed" (for all, regardless of gender) or accessible only to men or only to women, in chess women can compete in an "open" division (including the World Chess Championship) but they also have an exclusively female championship. Unlike most sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee, where competition can be "mixed" (for everyone, regardless of gender) or accessible only to men or only to women, in chess women can compete in an "open" division (including the World Chess Championship) but also have an all-female championship. L’Azerbaidjan es diu «Azərbaycan» en àzeri. Azerbaijan is called "Azərbaycan" in Azeri. Azerbaijan is called “Azerbaijan” in Azerbaijani. En este pueblo pequeño Tom llegó a tener un pequeño molino harinero. In this small town, Tom came to have a small flour mill. In this small town Tom came to have a small flour mill. No estoy segura de estar preparada. I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm not sure I'm ready. Mi hija está comprando leche en la tienda. My daughter is buying milk in the shop. My daughter is buying milk in the store. Soy diestro. I am right-handed. I'm right-handed. Sus abuelos son de Silesia. His grandparents hail from Silesia. His grandparents are from Silesia. Ayer comí pescado. I ate fish yesterday. I ate fish yesterday. Si Bob hubiera seguido mi consejo, todo estaría en orden ahora. If Bob had taken my advice, everything would be all right now. If Bob had followed my advice, everything would be in order now. ¡Qué fascinante! How fascinating! How fascinating! Hay muchas ovejas en el pasto. There are a lot of sheep in the pasture. There are many sheep in the pasture. Qu'ei çò qu'èi besonh. This is what I need. That’s what I’ve been doing. Nuestros padres no nos castigaron nunca. Our parents never punished us. Our parents never punished us. Lavé las ventanas. I washed the windows. I washed the windows. Estoy sin un duro. I'm broke. I'm without a hard one. ¿Dijo Tom cómo de temprano podría salir Mary? Did Tom say how soon Mary could leave? Did Tom say how early Mary could come out? Prefiero caminar solo. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Tom vive cerca de ti. Tom lives close to you. Tom lives near you. Bienvenido al club de cocina casera. Welcome to the home cooking club. Welcome to the home cooking club. Ella rompió el florero a propósito para molestarme. She broke the vase on purpose to bother me. She broke the vase on purpose to annoy me. Yanni era un hombre peligroso. Yanni was a dangerous man. Yanni was a dangerous man. Él dejó las llaves sobre la mesa, como de costumbre. He put the key on the desk as usual. He left the keys on the table, as usual. Aneu amb compte: en anglès, les nacionalitats, els dies de la setmana i les llengües s'escriuen amb majúscula. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Be careful: in English, nationalities, days of the week and languages are spelled in capital letters. Va en bus a l'escòla ? Does he go to school by bus? Are you on a bus to school? Ella pasó una página de su libro. She turned a page of her book. She turned a page of her book. Cuando veo esto me acuerdo de mi madre. I remember my mother when I see this. When I see this, I remember my mother. ¿Esta es su primera visita? Is this your first visit? Is this your first visit? ¿A qué hora te tengo que despertar? What time should I wake you up? What time do I have to wake you up? Hemos terminado de hacer la limpieza de la clase. We've finished cleaning the classroom. We're done cleaning the class. Sal de mi vista. Get out of my sight. Get out of my sight. Ella envió esos correos electrónicos hace una hora. She sent those e-mails an hour ago. She sent those emails an hour ago. Hoy hemos ganado, así que nuestra racha de derrotas se acabó. We won today, so our losing streak is over. We won today, so our losing streak is over. El bicho sigue con vida. The bug is still alive. The bug is still alive. ¿Me están deteniendo? Am I being detained? Are you arresting me? ¿Él va a la escuela en autobús? Does he go to school by bus? Does he go to school by bus? Tom y Mary están haciendo un muñeco de nieve. Tom and Mary are building a snowman. Tom and Mary are making a snowman. No mires por el agujero de la cerradura. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look through the hole in the lock. A ma mare li agraden molt les tulipes i a ma germana també. My mother likes tulips very much and so does my sister. My mother likes tulips and my sister likes them too. No, no veig la CNN. No, I do not watch CNN. No, I don't see CNN. Aquel tipo es mi amigo. That guy's a friend of mine. That guy's my friend. Qu'aimi Hitomi. I love Hitomi. Qu'aimi Hitomi. Él también era sordo. He was also deaf. He was deaf too. Los genios son meteoros destinados a quemarse para iluminar su siglo. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Geniuses are meteors meant to burn to illuminate their century. ¿Por qué estás en mi piscina? Why are you in my pool? Why are you in my pool? A mi tío le han diagnosticado leucemia. My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia. My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia. Saben tot. You know everything. They know everything. ¿Compraste un billete de ida y vuelta? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Did you buy a return ticket? "¿Por dónde queda la biblioteca?" "Por allá." "Where is the library?" "It's over there." "Where's the library?" "Over there." La conferencia está abierta al público. The conference is open to the public. The conference is open to the public. Eso es inflamable. That's flammable. That's flammable. ¿Tenéis algo que ver con eso? Do you have something to do with that? Do you have anything to do with it? Descansemos por cinco minutos. Let's rest for five minutes. Let's rest for five minutes. No lo escuché. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it. Qu'ei lo can de la Maria. This is Mary's dog. It’s the song of Mary. Mi amigo es estúpido. My friend is stupid. My friend is stupid. Tienes que reservar con antelación. You have to book in advance. You have to book in advance. Quiero ver la escena a cámara lenta. I want to see the scene in slow motion. I want to see the scene in slow motion. Tom no va poder contenir les llàgrimes. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't hold back the tears. Tom falleció a la edad de setenta. Tom passed away at the age of seventy. Tom passed away at the age of seventy. Estudios ingleses sobre el uso de los móviles por los jóvenes muestran situaciones verdaderamente preocupantes, donde un chico de seis a veinte años cada día envía de media diecinueve mensajes, recibe quince y hace nueve llamadas. English studies on the use of cell phones by young people show truly worrying situations, in which a person between the ages of six and twenty sends an average of twenty nine messages, receives fifteen, and makes nine calls each day. English studies on the use of mobile phones by young people show truly worrying situations, where a boy aged six to twenty every day sends on average nineteen messages, receives fifteen and makes nine calls. Él va a regresar a las cuatro. He will come back at four. He's coming back at four. Tom pintará la cerca mañana. Tom will paint the fence tomorrow. Tom will paint the fence tomorrow. Estaba brillantoso y las tovas sílatas gieron y llueron en la valba; todo miamsa eran las borgas y la muma ruo de gram. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe. It was bright and the tovas syllatas groaned and rained on the waltz; all miamsa were the borgas and the muma ruo de gram. No es fácil escribir con una tiza. It is not easy to write in chalk. It is not easy to write with a chalk. Ellos los llamaban scalawags. They called them scalawags. They called them scalawags. Hoy cuando me desperté, bostecé, me estiré, me quité las legañas de los ojos y me puse las zapatillas de estar en casa. When I woke up today, I yawned, stretched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and put on a pair of slippers. Today when I woke up, I yawned, stretched out, took the leggings out of my eyes and put on the slippers to be at home. La uva maduró bien aquel verano. The grapes ripened well that summer. The grape matured well that summer. Si tu madre te viera así se pondría muy triste. Your mother would be very sad if she saw you like this. If your mother saw you like that, she'd be very sad. ¿Dónde está el celular? Where's the cellphone? Where's the cell phone? Yanni nunca cuestionó eso. Yanni never questioned that. Yanni never questioned that. Debemos prepararnos para lo peor. We need to prepare for the worst. We must prepare for the worst. Tom no te escuchará. Tom won't listen to you. Tom won't listen to you. Ella es demasiado joven para saber la verdad. She is too young to know the truth. She is too young to know the truth. Recibió un trato muy duro. He received rough treatment. He was treated very harshly. Ella está lejos, pero todavía la quiero. She is far away, but I still love her. She's far away, but I still love her. Debo pensar si es realmente bueno para mí. I must think over whether it is really good for me. I have to figure out if it's really good for me. España tiene fronteras con cinco países. Spain shares borders with five countries. Spain has borders with five countries. Vostè és més alta que ella. You are taller than her. You are taller than her. El seu llibre és roig. Her book is red. His book is red. Fue como un sueño. It was like a dream. It was like a dream. Las flores se desabrochan. Flowers bloom. The flowers are unbuttoned. Quiero convertirme en una persona rica. I want to become a rich person. I want to become a rich person. No creo que esté sola. I don't think she's alone. I don't think she's alone. A ella le gusta muchísimo leer. She likes reading the most. She likes to read a lot. Mi hermano menor odia trabajar. My younger brother hates working. My younger brother hates to work. No he oído nada. I haven't heard anything. I didn't hear anything. Me gustaría quedarme aquí con Tom. I'd like to stay here with Tom. I'd like to stay here with Tom. Esta tarde voy a ver a Mary. I'm going to see Mary this afternoon. I'm going to see Mary this afternoon. De qué cosinas ? What are you cooking? Of what cousins? Me has herido mucho. You've hurt me a lot. You've hurt me a lot. He oído que ayer visitaste a Tom. I heard that you paid Tom a visit yesterday. I heard you visited Tom yesterday. ¿Cómo se encuentra el enfermo esta mañana? How's the patient feeling this morning? How is the patient this morning? Quiero un perro como ese. I want a dog like that one. I want a dog like that. Es un maestro fuera de lo común. He is a teacher apart from the rest. He's an out-of-the-ordinary teacher. ¿Cómo están tu mamá y tu papá? How are your mother and father? How's your mom and dad? Mis puntos de vista han cambiado desde entonces. My views have changed since then. My views have changed since then. ¿Me podrías traducir este documento al francés? Could you translate this document to French for me? Can you translate this document into French? Ajuda ! Help! Help! ¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia? How many people are there in your family? How many people are in your family? Yanni no está cocinando esta noche. Yanni is not cooking tonight. Yanni's not cooking tonight. Hay tres formas de ganar. There are three ways to win. There are three ways to win. Una mujer cruzó un foso de castillo para rescatar a un viejo perro atrapado. A woman crossed a castle moat to rescue a stranded old dog. A woman crossed a castle moat to rescue an old trapped dog. Todavía no he visto nunca una vaca de verdad. I've never seen a real cow. I have never seen a real cow. Estoy cansada de oír eso. I am tired of hearing that. I'm tired of hearing that. Yo debería haber esperado otros tres meses. I should've waited another three months. I should have waited another three months. La niña fue a la escuela a pesar de estar enferma. The girl went to school in spite of her illness. The girl went to school despite being sick. Fui más listo que tú. I outsmarted you. I was smarter than you. Cuando es de noche, todo parece distinto Everything looks different at night. When it’s night, everything looks different. También eres una hermosa rubia. You are also a beautiful blonde. You're also a beautiful blonde. As lejut aqueth líber espés ? Did you read that thick book? Have you got that kind of freedom of speech? Yanni se describió como un procrastinador. Yanni described himself as a procrastinator. Yanni was described as a procrastinator. Estaré a solas. I'll be on my own. I'll be alone. Acaba tu comida. Finish your food. Finish your meal. "¿De quién son esos pendientes?" "Son de Tania." "Whose earrings are these?" "They are Tania's." "Whose earrings are those?" "They're Tania's." La habitación de Tom no está muy limpia. Tom's room isn't very clean. Tom's room is not very clean. Tota la gent de la meva generació pensen igual sobre això. People of my generation all think the same way about this. Everyone in my generation thinks the same way about it. Yo estaba en el teatro. I was at the theater. I was in the theater. Estoy rompiendo contigo. I’m breaking up with you. I'm breaking up with you. Aún no sé cuál debería escoger. I still don't know which one I should pick. I still don't know which one I should choose. ¿Cómo sé si Tom me está manipulando? How do I know if Tom is gaslighting me? How do I know if Tom is manipulating me? Yanni es un hombre. Yanni is a man. Yanni is a man. John es un buen amigo. John is a good friend. John is a good friend. Te amaré siempre, no importa lo que pase. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I'll love you forever, no matter what. Tiene zapatos cafés. He has coffee-colored shoes. He's got brown shoes. Lo siento, no tengo agua. Sorry. I don't have water. I'm sorry, I don't have any water. Esta es la cámara con la que Tom sacó las fotos. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera Tom took the pictures with. ¡Que actuación tan extraordinaria! What a remarkable performance! What an extraordinary performance! Sed buenas. Be good. Be good. As lo pèu tròp long. Your hair is too long. It is very long. ¿Qué prefieres, té o café? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Anoche no pude dormir para nada. I wasn't able to sleep at all last night. I couldn't sleep at all last night. ¿Estuvo bueno? Was it good? Was it good? Solo se quita la mascarilla para comer y beber. He only takes off his mask to eat and drink. Only the mask is removed to eat and drink. Yanni compró eso. Yanni bought that. Yanni bought that. Deberían ser un poco más tolerantes. You should be a little more tolerant. They should be a little more tolerant. ¿Y qué te importa? And what do you care? And what do you care? La librería está abierta. The bookstore is open. The bookstore is open. Los avestruces son las aves más grandes del mundo. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Tengo miedo de cometer un error. I'm scared to make a mistake. I'm afraid to make a mistake. Me acusaron injustamente. I was falsely accused. I was unjustly accused. No debes contestar a tu madre cuando te regañe. You mustn't answer your mother back when she scolds you. You must not answer your mother when she scolds you. Ella no fuma. She does not smoke. She doesn't smoke. Lo peor del invierno es la nieve. The worst thing about winter is the snow. The worst part of winter is the snow. ¿Por qué no vemos lo que hay ahí dentro? Why don't we see what's in there? Why don't we see what's in there? Argelia es mi país. Algeria is my country. Algeria is my country. Yanni le pidió consejo a Skura. Yanni asked Skura for advice. Yanni asked Skura for advice. Qu'èm bandats a clau. We got dead drunk. I'm stuck in the key. Intenta ser fuerte. Try to be strong. Try to be strong. Habría hecho eso por ti si me lo hubieras pedido. I would've done it for you if you'd asked. I would have done that for you if you'd asked me to. Las escribieron. They wrote to them. They wrote them. Disculpe, ¿dónde hay una estación de metro? Excuse me, where's the subway station? Excuse me, where's a subway station? Las ardillas se mueven velozmente. Squirrels move quickly. Squirrels move fast. A veces me cuesta hablar francés. Sometimes I struggle to speak French. Sometimes I find it hard to speak French. Una batidora te permite mezclar comidas diferentes. A blender lets you mix different foods together. A blender allows you to mix different meals. Fas bon aspecte. You look good. You look good. Hice trizas el documento. I shredded the document. I shredded the document. ¿Ella existe? Does she exist? Does she exist? Nunca te abandonaremos. We won't ever abandon you. We'll never abandon you. Le pegó una bofetada. I slapped him. He slapped her. He leído el diccionario de principio a fin. I've read the dictionary cover to cover. I read the dictionary from beginning to end. Según tú, ¿cuáles son las ventajas de ser pobre, si es que las hay? What do you think are the perks of being poor, if there are any? What are the advantages of being poor, if any? A tothom li fa cosa la novetat. Everyone is afraid of doing new things. Everyone is doing something new. Tom era medio choncho en el tercer grado. Tom was kind of chubby in the third grade. Tom was half slutty in the third grade. Le estoy gritando a mis hijos. I am shouting at my kids. I'm yelling at my kids. Papá administra la tienda. Father manages the store. Dad runs the store. Tinc prou diners per comprar-me un cotxe. I have enough money to buy a car. I have enough money to buy a car. El meu número de telèfon és 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Me encantan las mariposas. I love butterflies. I love butterflies. Es possible de prénguer una naveta de l'aeropòrt a l'ostalaria ? Is it possible to take a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel? Is it possible to take a flight from the airport to the port? Ets normal. You're normal. You're normal. Espero que no llueva este lunes. I hope it doesn't rain this Monday. I hope it doesn’t rain on Monday. No le culpo a Tom de nada. I don't blame Tom for anything. I don't blame Tom for anything. Sé que debería quedarme a ayudar. I know I should stay and help. I know I should stay and help. ¿Juegas bien al baloncesto? Do you play basketball well? Do you play basketball well? Es una mala persona. She is a bad person. She's a bad person. Alguno de vosotros tendrá problemas para hacer esto. Some of you will have problems doing this. Some of you will have trouble doing this. A Maria le gusta ver la tele. Maria likes watching TV. Maria likes to watch TV. El agua está demasiado fría. The water is too cold. The water is too cold. ¿Firmaron? Did they sign? Signed? El camión de la basura suele pasar a las cuatro de la madrugada. The garbage truck tends to come around at four in the morning. The garbage truck usually passes at four in the morning. Te confundí con Roy la primera vez que te vi. I took you for Roy when I first saw you. I mistook you for Roy the first time I saw you. Ni se te ocurra acercarte. Don't even think about coming any closer. Don't even think about getting close. La cafetería aún no está abierta. The cafe isn't open yet. The cafeteria is not open yet. Está haciendo una tormenta en un vaso de agua. Ese error mecanográfico no es tan grave como él dice. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. That typo really isn't as bad as he claims. He's making a storm in a glass of water, and that typing error isn't as bad as he says. No soy muy buena para hablar árabe. I'm not very good at speaking Arabic. I'm not very good at speaking Arabic. ¿No has hecho nada en todo el día? Haven't you done anything all day? Haven't you done anything all day? No me olvidé de ustedes. I didn't forget about you. I didn't forget about you. ¡Lo siento! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Hay tulipanes alrededor del edificio de acero. There are tulips around the steel building. There are tulips around the steel building. Prefiero que me llames Tom. I prefer you to call me Tom. I'd rather you call me Tom. Que él haya sobrevivido fue memorable. That he survived was remarkable. That he survived was memorable. Puedes contar conmigo si quieres. You can count on me if you want. You can count on me if you want. ¿Quién ha partido el pastel? Who cut the cake? Who broke the cake? Yanni detuvo una conversación con Skura y empezó a mandar mensajes de texto a Nuja. Yanni stopped a conversation with Skura and started texting Nuja. Yanni stopped a conversation with Skura and started texting Nuja. Ni siquiera puedo beber agua. I can't even drink water. I can't even drink water. ¿Cúando te has levantado esta mañana? When did you get up this morning? When did you get up this morning? No duraría ni un día con un tiempo tan frío. I wouldn't even last a day in such cold weather! I wouldn't last a day in such cold weather. Buscaré a Tom y se lo haré saber. I'll find Tom and let him know. I'll find Tom and let him know. Yo ni siquiera sabía que tú sabías. I didn't even know you knew. I didn't even know you knew. ¿Cuál es el tipo de cambio hoy? What's the exchange rate today? What is the exchange rate today? Vivís en Argentina, voseanos. You live in Argentina, use "vos" when talking to us. You live in Argentina, you guys. Con el tiempo, Yanni se acostumbró a los mensajes amenazantes que le enviaban los separatistas. In time, Yanni got used to the threatening messages sent to him by the separatists. Eventually, Yanni got used to the threatening messages the separatists were sending him. A Dan le gusta ver sus frases traducidas. Dan likes seeing his sentences translated. Dan likes to see his phrases translated. Si pruebas esta salsa la encontrarás un tanto salada. If you taste this sauce you'll find it a bit salty. If you try this sauce you will find it somewhat salty. Mi juguete está dañado. My toy is broken. My toy is damaged. Tengo que escribir todo lo que está pasando en un libro. I need to write everything that's happening in a book. I have to write everything that's going on in a book. Vi un lobo, un zorro, y un conejo. I saw a wolf, a fox, and a rabbit. I saw a wolf, a fox, and a rabbit. Ets un bon noi. You are a good boy. You're a good boy. Él abusó de mi confianza. He abused my trust. He abused my trust. A un camión se lo llama «lorry» en Reino Unido. In Britain a truck is referred to as a lorry. A truck is called a “lorry” in the UK. Creo que está en peligro. I think you're in danger. I think he's in danger. Yanni no estaba aquí. Yanni wasn't here. Yanni wasn't here. Mañana será peor. It will be worse tomorrow. Tomorrow will be worse. ¿Qué hay para beber? What's there to drink? What's there to drink? Tuve la suerte de encontrar un buen trabajo. I had the luck to find a good job. I was lucky to find a good job. Tom tiene una relación íntima con María. Tom has a close relationship with Mary. Tom has an intimate relationship with Maria. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste una comida completa? ¿El desayuno, la comida o la cena? When did you last have a full meal? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? When was the last time you made a full meal? Breakfast, lunch or dinner? L'evidència estava en contra meua. The evidence was against me. The evidence was against me. No cometas el mismo error que yo. Don't make the same mistake I made. Don't make the same mistake as me. A veces él se da cuenta de que todo está yendo mal. Sometimes he's aware that everything is going wrong. Sometimes he realizes that everything is going wrong. Aguanta. Stick it out. Hold on. N'i a pas d'esper que sia vivent. There is no hope of his being alive. I don’t think he’s alive. Tom se ve feliz. Tom seems happy. Tom looks happy. Estoy intrigada. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. Tots els homes son mortals. All men are mortal. All men are mortal. Deberías preguntarle a mi mamá por la receta. You should ask my mom for the recipe. You should ask my mom about the recipe. Cerré de nuevo la puerta. I closed the door again. I closed the door again. Claro que Tom sabe jugar al tenis. Tom sure can play tennis. Tom knows how to play tennis. ¿Crees que hay alguna posibilidad de que Tom tenga razón? Do you think there's a chance that Tom is actually right? Do you think there's any chance Tom's right? Estos estantes no aguantan tantos libros. These shelves cannot support so many books. These shelves can't hold so many books. Tom y yo viajamos juntos. Tom and I traveled together. Tom and I traveled together. Necesito asegurarme que le paguen a Tom. I need to make sure Tom gets paid. I need to make sure Tom gets paid. Pásala bien. Enjoy yourself! Have fun. L'amor apareix a l'horitzont. Love appears over the horizon. Love appears on the horizon. Me quedé en la cama porque tenía fiebre. I stayed in bed because I had a fever. I stayed in bed because I had a fever. No vaig voler menjar fins que els meus pares no tornessin a casa. I refused to eat until my parents came home. I didn’t want to eat until my parents came home. El príncipe tiene casi cien años. The prince is almost a hundred years old. The prince is almost a hundred years old. ¡Pásale! Do come in! Move it! Los exámenes empiezan la semana que viene. Tests start next week. Exams start next week. En el otoño, algunos animales guardan comida para el invierno. In autumn some animals store food for the winter. In the autumn, some animals save food for the winter. Quizá sea porque la luna no es lo suficientemente brillante. Maybe it's because the moon isn't bright enough. Maybe it's because the moon isn't bright enough. No sé cocinar tan bien como mi madre. I cannot cook as well as my mother does. I can't cook as well as my mother. ¿Cómo se llama tu amigo? What is your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Solo hace falta una palabra para romper un corazón, pero para reparar un corazón roto ni una disculpa ni una vida bastan. It only takes a word to break a heart. But neither an apology nor a lifetime is enough to mend it. It only takes one word to break a heart, but to repair a broken heart, neither an apology nor a life is enough. Que l'am hèit plorar. We made him cry. I have to cry. ¿Sabías que había unos cuantos zorros viviendo en esta montaña? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? Mary es tan culpable como Tom. Mary is as guilty as Tom. Mary is as guilty as Tom. Usé guantes y aun así me quemé. I used gloves, and yet I still burned myself. I wore gloves and still got burned. Ella dijo que él tenía mucha hambre. She said that he's very hungry. She said he was very hungry. Yanni habla demasiado. Yanni talks too much. Yanni talks too much. Te estábamos buscando por todas partes. We were looking for you everywhere. We were looking for you everywhere. Este cuerpo no tiene vida. This body has no life. This body has no life. "Sí, zumo de naranja por favor," dice Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," Mike says. Hace ya seis meses que falleció. It's been six months since he passed away. He passed away six months ago. No te olvides de hacerlo. Don't forget to do it. Don't forget to do it. Es difícil dejar de fumar. It is difficult to give up smoking. It's hard to quit smoking. ¿Ella habla también polaco? Does she speak Polish too? Does she also speak Polish? Tom se reía poco de las bromas de Mary. Tom seldom laughed at Mary's jokes. Tom laughed little at Mary's jokes. ¿Tom Jackson es tu verdadero nombre? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Is Tom Jackson your real name? El sociólogo tiene el hábito de rascarse la espalda. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back. Tom se dejó crecer la barba. Tom grew out his beard. Tom let his beard grow. Yanni se esforzó. Yanni tried hard. Yanni tried hard. Tom lanzó un lazo a una de las pequeñas nubes bajas que flotaban hacia Australia y se aferró al extremo de la cuerda. Se subió lentamente y se acostó en la nube hasta que llegó a Perth. Tom threw a lasso around one of the low-flying, small clouds floating to Australia and clung to the end of the rope. He slowly climbed up and lay down on the cloud until it arrived in Perth. Tom threw a bow at one of the small low clouds floating towards Australia and clung to the end of the rope. He climbed slowly and lay down in the cloud until he reached Perth. ¿Es esto la biblioteca? Is this the library? Is this the library? Eso no es importante para Tom. That isn't important to Tom. That's not important to Tom. Ella completó el viaje en menos de 20 horas. She completed the trip in less than 20 hours. She completed the trip in less than 20 hours. La lucha por la vacunación ha comenzado. The fight for vaccination has begun. The fight for vaccination has begun. Me acabo de dar cuenta que son muchas más páginas de lo que pensé. I just realized those are much more pages that I have thought. I just realized it's a lot more pages than I thought. No pasa un día en el que no piense en él. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about it. Siempre que yo estoy en la cima de una montaña, me siento agradecido. Whenever I'm on top of a mountain, I feel grateful. Whenever I’m on top of a mountain, I’m grateful. Mary se maldijo a sí misma. Mary cursed herself. Mary cursed herself. A lo mejor Tom ya se fue de Boston. Maybe Tom has already left Boston. Maybe Tom has already left Boston. Conseguiré que te internen. I'll have you committed. I'll get you in. Deixa'm intentar-ho. Let me have a try. Let me try. Què significa "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Todos nuestros esfuerzos fueron en vano. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts were in vain. Ella no té més de quinze dòlars She has no more than fifteen dollars. She doesn't have more than fifteen dollars. Ellos son pilotos. They are pilots. They are pilots. Quiero entender a la gente. I want to understand people. I want to understand people. Estoy deseando que llegue el frío. I'm yearning for the cold to arrive. I'm looking forward to the cold. Yanni no está jugando. Yanni is not playing. Yanni's not playing. Estaba en la montaña. I was on the mountain. I was on the mountain. Necesito ayuda para traducir esto. I need help translating this. I need help translating this. Somos los amigos de Tom. We're Tom's friends. We're Tom's friends. ¿Cuál es la correcta? Which one is correct? Which one is right? Habla claramente. Say it clearly. Speak clearly. Hay muchos niños en el parque. There are many children in the park. There are many children in the park. Es hora de irte a la cama. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Me gustaría ser china. I'd like to be Chinese. I would like to be Chinese. Eres demasiado inteligente para creerte más listo que yo. You are way too intelligent to think you'd be smarter than me. You're too smart to think you're smarter than me. La redacción de Tom no tenía ni un solo error. There wasn't a single mistake in Tom's essay. Tom’s writing didn’t make a single mistake. No te rías de alguien que tartamudea. Don't laugh at someone who stutters. Don't laugh at someone who stutters. Prueba que Tom existe. Prove Tom exists. It proves that Tom exists. Nosotros sabemos lo que somos, pero no así de lo que podríamos ser. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. We know what we are, but we don’t know what we could be. Nos bajaremos en la última parada. We're getting off at the last stop. We'll get off at the last stop. ¿Usted bebe alcohol todos los días? Do you drink alcohol every day? Do you drink alcohol every day? No ando con la dirección. I don't have the address with me. I'm not going with the address. M'agrada jogar al fotbòl. I like to play soccer. I like to play football. ¿Se ha notado algún bulto en sus pechos? Have you noticed any lumps in your breasts? Have you noticed any lumps in your breasts? No tiene que darte vergüenza reconocerlo. You don't have to be ashamed of admitting it. You don't have to be ashamed to admit it. «¡Tom, dime una propiedad del agua!» «¡Cuando me lavo con ella, se vuelve negra!» "Tom, tell me one of the properties of water!" "When I wash myself with it, it turns black!" “Tom, tell me a piece of water!” “When I wash with it, it turns black!” Estaba ocupado con trabajo para el examen final. I was busy studying for the term exam. I was busy with work for the final exam. Voy por una cerveza, ¿también quieres una? I'm going to get a beer. Would you like one, too? I'm going for a beer, do you want one too? Mi transición de hombre a mujer está yendo bien. My transition from male to female is going well. My transition from male to female is going well. Tom nunca tuvo un ataque al corazón. Tom has never had a heart attack. Tom never had a heart attack. Tom no tiene televisión. Tom doesn't have a television. Tom doesn't have a TV. Las contradicciones son parte de la realidad. Contradictions are part of reality. Contradictions are part of reality. El cole empieza a las nueve y termina a las seis. School begins at nine and is over at six. School starts at nine and ends at six. ¿Cómo se hace eso? How do you make that? How do you do that? Quería poder leer mentes. I wanted to be able to read minds. I wanted to be able to read minds. Preferiría no ir. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. El trabajador social recibió una petición para estar al tanto de la información relacionada con la familia Stevenson. The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family. The social worker received a request to be aware of information related to the Stevenson family. Què? Encara no saps conduir? What... you still don't know how to drive? What, you still can't drive? Me gustaría hablar con usted sobre este tema. I'd gladly speak with you on this subject. I'd like to talk to you about this. Gracias por todo, mamá. Mom, thanks for everything. Thanks for everything, Mom. Mi padre me incentivó a aprender a tocar el piano. My father encouraged me to learn how to play the piano. My father encouraged me to learn to play the piano. El próximo día lunes y martes son feriados. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Lo men pair que va au tribalh en veitura. My father drives to work. The men pair that goes to the tribalh in vehicle. Todos los libros se pueden dividir en dos clases. All books may be divided into two classes. All books can be divided into two classes. El trabajo no ha terminado. The job isn't finished. The job isn't done. Ustedes no saben apreciar a las moscas en todo su esplendor. You can't appreciate the flies in all their glory. You do not know how to appreciate flies in all their splendor. No creo que Tom hable inglés. Me suena más a algún idioma escandinavo. I don't think Tom's speaking English. It sounds more to me like some Scandinavian language. I don't think Tom speaks English. El extraterrestre emplea la levitación y la telekinesis. The alien uses levitation and telekinesis. The alien employs levitation and telekinesis. Parles àrab? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? El inglés no es un idioma, es tres idiomas en una gabardina simulando ser uno. English isn't a language. It's three languages wearing a trench coat pretending to be one. English is not a language, it is three languages in a trench coat pretending to be one. Ella dio con una buena idea. She hit upon a good idea. She came up with a good idea. Esa es la respuesta que estaba esperando oír de ti. That's the answer I was waiting to hear from you. That's the answer I've been waiting to hear from you. Estoy reservando mesa en el restaurante. I'm reserving a table at the restaurant. I'm booking a table at the restaurant. Esto es una linterna. This is a flashlight. This is a flashlight. Enfrentamos una crisis violenta. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a violent crisis. Tuve que echar una buena carrera para coger el tren. I really had to run for it to catch the train. I had to run a good race to catch the train. ¿Me dejas un boli? Can you loan me a pen? Can I have a pen? Lo Tòm que miè la veitura. Tom drove the car. The one that pierced the car. No bebas nada. Don't drink anything. Don't drink anything. ¿Cuál fue la causa de su retraso? What was the cause of his delay? What was the cause of his delay? De qué as besonh ? What do you need? What the hell? Te caleré melhor consultar lo mètge. You'd better consult the doctor. I'm going to have to check out the doctor. He abandonado la idea de comprar una casa. I have abandoned the idea of buying a house. I abandoned the idea of buying a house. Ellas están detrás de ti. They are behind you. They're behind you. Es bueno leer muchos libros. Reading a lot of books is a good thing. It’s good to read a lot of books. Arabia Saudita es muy rica en petróleo. Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil. Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil. Tom no tenía nada para comer. Tom had nothing to eat. Tom had nothing to eat. ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? No te quites la mascarilla. Don't take off your mask. Don't take off your mask. Tom besó a Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Tom kissed Mary. La gente ama hablar, hablar, hablar. People love to talk - talk - talk. People love to talk, talk, talk. Vimos un castillo en la distancia. We saw a castle in the distance. We saw a castle in the distance. Ells van baixar de l'autobús. They got off the bus. They got off the bus. Nuestro gerente es canadiense. Our manager is a Canadian. Our manager is Canadian. Tom cree en lo sobrenatural. Tom believes in the supernatural. Tom believes in the supernatural. Intenté cambiar de asunto lo más rápido posible. I tried to change the topic as quickly as possible. I tried to change the subject as quickly as possible. ¿Por qué no llamó por teléfono? Why haven't you called? Why didn't you call? ¿Quién dice que un niño y una niña no pueden ser amigos? Who says that a boy and a girl can't be friends? Who says a boy and a girl can’t be friends? ¿Me estás llamando flojo? ¡Ja! He inventado una forma de adquirir todo lo que necesito desde la comodidad de mi silla con tan solo hacer sonar esta campanita. La llamo "Mi hermana menor". Soy un genio, ¿no? You call me lazy? Ha! I devised a way to acquire anything I need from the comfort of my chair with just the ring of a bell! I call it: my little sister. Genius, isn't it? You're calling me lazy? Ha! I've invented a way to acquire everything I need from the comfort of my chair just by ringing this little bell. I call her "My younger sister." I'm a genius, right? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que vomitó? When was the last time you vomited? When was the last time you vomited? Eso no fue un accidente; alguien prendió fuego a la casa. That was no accident; someone set the house on fire. That was no accident; someone set the house on fire. Hoy en día no es fácil encontrar trabajo. It isn't easy to find work nowadays. Nowadays it is not easy to find a job. Tom está dándose un descanso. Tom is taking a rest. Tom's taking a break. Ella no solo es hermosa, además es amable con todos. She is not only beautiful but also kind to everybody. She is not only beautiful, she is also kind to everyone. ¿Podría usted conducir más despacio? Could you drive more slowly? Could you drive slower? Te pido disculpas por no haberte escrito antes. I apologize for not writing to you before. I apologize for not writing to you earlier. Vosautes tanben i vatz ? Are you going, too? Do you want to go too far and too far? Yo me quedo con el coche y el perro. I'm keeping the car and the dog. I'll take the car and the dog. ¿Por qué está ladrando tanto? Why is he barking so much? Why are you barking so hard? Que't calerà estudiar mei dur l'an qui veng. You will have to study harder next year. I'll have to study my hard year who comes. Tom estaba comiendo una manzana, y Mary estaba comiendo un plátano. Tom was eating an apple, and Mary was eating a banana. Tom was eating an apple, and Mary was eating a banana. Si usted me ayuda, intentaré nuevamente. If you help me, I'll try it again. If you help me, I'll try again. Vaig demanar al senyor Smith I asked Mr Smith. I asked Mr. Smith. Hablo inglés cada día. I speak English every day. I speak English every day. Yo te respeto. I respect you. I respect you. Para relajarte, respira lentamente. To relax, breathe slowly. To relax, breathe slowly. Mis padres están muertos. My parents are both dead. My parents are dead. Ella encuentra aburrido leer. She finds reading boring. She finds it boring to read. Estoy vivo porque vivo. I'm alive because I live. I am alive because I live. María usa gotas para aliviarse los ojos secos. Mary uses eyedrops for her dry eyes. Mary uses drops to relieve dry eyes. Tom le quitó la llave a la puerta del auto. Tom unlocked the car door. Tom took the key to the car door. Si saca 10 de 10 en el examen, es porque hizo trampa. If he got a 10 out of 10 on the test it's because he cheated. If he gets 10 out of 10 on the exam, it's because he cheated. Estoy interesado en la cerámica oriental. I'm interested in oriental pottery. I'm interested in oriental pottery. Probablemente hablamos durante una hora o dos. We talked for probably an hour or two. We probably talked for an hour or two. No la amo. I don't love her. I don't love her. ¿Cuáles son tus mayores sueños? What are your biggest dreams? What are your biggest dreams? Yanni debería de dejar de sabotear su relación. Yanni should stop sabotaging his relationship. Yanni should stop sabotaging their relationship. Debemos pensar en los amigos. We must think about friends. We have to think about friends. Vos sos el amigo de Tom, ¿verdad? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, right? Yo trabajo para un banco. I work for a bank. I work for a bank. Ella ha cambiado. She's changed. She's changed. No lo he visto últimamente; dale mis saludos. I haven't seen him lately; give him my regards. I haven't seen him lately; give him my regards. El zero és un número especial. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. Ella prometió encontrarse con él ayer por la noche. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. De qué me cau minjar ? What should I eat? What do I fall for? Hay mucha inestabilidad en Libia. There is a lot of instability in Libya. There is a lot of instability in Libya. ¡No me deja vivir! She doesn't let me live! He won't let me live! Tú realmente estás lleno de curiosidad, ¿no es así? You are really full of curiosity, aren't you? You're really full of curiosity, aren't you? El diablo tiene más de doce apóstoles. The devil has more than twelve apostles. The devil has more than twelve apostles. Ella me hizo una seña de que no dijera nada. She signed to me to say nothing. She signaled me not to say anything. Nadie fue capaz de sugerir una solución. Nobody was able to suggest a solution. No one was able to suggest a solution. Quisiera pasar algunos días con Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. ¿Es suficiente con 10 mil yenes? Will ten thousand yen do? Is 10,000 yen enough? ¿Realmente es posible predecir un terremoto? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Ojalá tengamos pronto una vacuna eficaz contra el coronavirus. I hope we'll have an effective COVID-19 vaccine soon. Hopefully we will soon have an effective coronavirus vaccine. No sabía que hablabais inglés. I didn't know you spoke English. I didn't know you spoke English. Pintó la puerta de azul. He painted the door blue. He painted the door blue. Ella está tan pobre como siempre. She is as poor as ever. She's as poor as ever. Este libro es mío, no de Tom. This book is mine, not Tom's. This book is mine, not Tom's. Tom se la voló con su broma. Tom went all out with his joke. Tom blew it off with his joke. Mary escondió los rotuladores en el pupitre. Mary hid the markers in the desk. Mary hid the markers in the desk. ¿Por qué no me dijiste acerca de esto? Why didn't you tell me about this? Why didn't you tell me about this? ¿Aceptaste su invitación? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? De qué hè ? What is he doing? What's wrong? La tienda ofrece descuentos especiales durante el verano. The store offered special discounts during the summer. The store offers special discounts during the summer. Tom pasa mucho tiempo estudiando. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Es posible que Tom viniera aquí cuando era joven. It's possible that Tom came here when he was young. It's possible Tom came here when he was young. Tom vio a Mary en la feria. Tom saw Mary at the fair. Tom saw Mary at the fair. Estoy manejando, así que no puedo contestar el teléfono. I'm driving, so I can't answer the phone. I'm driving, so I can't answer the phone. La dejé dormir hasta mediodía. I let her sleep until noon. I let her sleep till noon. Yo lo sostengo. I support him. I'll hold it. Ellos lo hicieron. They did it. They did. Por favor, ve. Please go. Please, go. Saldremos a caminar, a menos que llueva. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We'll go for a walk, unless it rains. En lugar de reducir la cantidad de cigarros que fuma, señor, ¿por qué no lo deja? Rather than cutting down on cigarettes, sir, why don't you just give them up? Instead of cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke, sir, why don't you quit? No me importan los deportes. I don't care about sports. I don't care about sports. Partículas de polvo flotan en la atmósfera. Particles of dust float in the atmosphere. Particles of dust float in the atmosphere. Te habríamos ayudado si nos lo hubieras pedido. We would have helped, if you had asked. We would have helped you if you'd asked us to. Mis favoritas son las manzanas. I like apples best. My favorite is apples. No hay ninguno. There's no one. There's none. Necesitamos llegar allí. We need to get in there. We need to get there. En la Unión Europea está prohibido amputarle las garras a los gatos. Declawing cats is forbidden in the European Union. In the European Union it is forbidden to amputate the claws of cats. Ellos no han dormido por cuarenta y ocho horas. They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours. They haven't slept for forty-eight hours. Traje cinco botellas de vino y tres cajas de cerveza. I brought five bottles of wine and three cases of beer. I brought five bottles of wine and three boxes of beer. "¿Hay muchos dioses?" "Depende de tus creencias". "Are there many gods?" "Depends on your beliefs." "Are there many gods?" "It depends on your beliefs." Ella podía sentir cómo temblaban sus rodillas. She could feel her knees shaking. She could feel her knees shaking. Desde lo alto de la noria se podía ver toda la ciudad. You could see the entire city from the top of the Ferris wheel. From the top of the Ferris wheel you could see the whole city. Tom pronuncia eixa paraula d'una forma estranya. Tom pronounces that word in a strange way. Tom pronounces that word in a strange way. ¿Ya han regado los lirios? Have the lilies been watered? Have you watered the lilies yet? Tom no llevaba su chaleco salvavidas. Tom wasn't wearing his life jacket. Tom wasn't wearing his life jacket. ¿Puedes hablar con más claridad? Can you speak more clearly? Can you speak more clearly? ¿Viven muchas personas en tu ciudad? Do a lot of people live in your town? Do many people live in your city? Cualquier tecnología suficientemente avanzada es indistinguible de la magia. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ¿Cómo está tu papá? How is your dad? How's your dad? Qu'ei çò que digó. This is what he said. That's what he said. Vull morir amb Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Si usted es forzado a firmarlo, el contrato es inválido. The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid. If you are forced to sign it, the contract is invalid. Yanni necesita estudiar bereber. Yanni needs to study Berber. Yanni needs to study Berber. Aqueths líbers que son lors. Those books are theirs. These are the dragons that are theirs. Él al fin descubrió la verdad. At last he found out the truth. He finally discovered the truth. Las vacaciones de verano llegarán pronto. It'll be summer vacation soon. Summer vacation will come soon. La educación comienza en casa. Education begins at home. Education begins at home. El Dr. Jackson tiene mucha paciencia. Dr. Jackson has a lot of patience. Dr. Jackson has a lot of patience. ¿Está tu micro desactivado? Is your mic muted? Is your micro off? Quiero contarte lo que pasó. I want to tell you what happened. I want to tell you what happened. La máquina fue demasiado complicada para que averiguáramos la causa del problema. The machine was too complicated for us to find out the cause of the trouble. The machine was too complicated for us to figure out the cause of the problem. Los científicos rastreaban a las aves mediante pequeños radiotransmisores que les acoplaban a la espalda. The scientists tracked the birds using small radio transmitters on their backs. The scientists tracked the birds by means of small radio transmitters that attached them to their backs. Tom no esperaba encontrarse con un ser humano en un lugar al que una ardilla se lo habría pensado dos veces antes de entrar. Tom didn't expect to encounter a human being in a place where a squirrel would have thought twice about entering. Tom didn’t expect to meet a human being in a place that a squirrel would have thought twice about entering. LLeva lloviendo desde el lunes pasado. It has been raining since last Monday. It has been raining since last Monday. No estoy seguro de que sea la decisión correcta. I'm not sure it's the right decision. I'm not sure it's the right decision. El escándalo "del Recluta" es un escándalo de corrupción concerniente a funcionarios públicos y políticos que aceptaron como sobornos acciones no reveladas de la compañía RecruitCoscom. Las acciones habían ido aumentando constantemente. The Recruit scandal is a corruption scandal concerning public officials and politicians who accepted as bribes undisclosed shares from the RecruitCoscom company. The shares had been rising steadily. The "Recruit" scandal is a corruption scandal involving public officials and politicians who accepted undisclosed shares of RecruitCoscom as bribes. Grandmercé ! Thank you very much! Grandmercé! Jack és difícil de convèncer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack is hard to convince. El profesor les riñó. They were scolded by the teacher. The teacher laughed at them. Es feliz. He is happy. He's happy. ¿Cuánto ganas? How much do you earn? How much do you make? ¿Vamos a mi casa después de la fiesta? How about we go to my place after the party? Shall we go to my house after the party? Ètz responsable d'aqueste accident. You are responsible for this accident. You are responsible for this accident. Ella le mostró la foto. She showed him the photo. She showed him the photo. Lo Tòm es un amic. Tom is a friend. He is a friend. Ese es mi perro. That is my dog. That's my dog. Eres joven; no te puedes retirar. You're young; you can't retire. You're young; you can't retire. No está claro quién escribió esta carta. It is not clear who wrote this letter. It is not clear who wrote this letter. Ens vam perdre i, encara pitjor, ens va enxampar un xàfec. We lost our way, and what was worse, we were caught in a shower. We got lost and, even worse, we got caught. Deja de hacerme cosquillas. Stop tickling me. Stop tickling me. Mary estaba histérica. Mary was hysterical. Mary was hysterical. ¡Mantenga la calma! You must keep calm! Stay calm! Ella guarda sus ahorros en el banco por seguridad. She kept her valuables in the bank for safety. She keeps her savings in the bank for security. Por favor, díganos dónde hay una tienda de comestibles. Please tell us where there is a spice shop. Please tell us where there is a grocery store. ¿Cuándo será el desayuno? When is breakfast served? When will breakfast be? ¿Dónde están mis guantes? Where are my gloves? Where are my gloves? No estoy enamorado de Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. No quiero perderme. I don't want to get lost. I don't want to get lost. Demana un desig Make a wish. Ask for a wish No no quiero que no no vayas a la fiesta sin no pedirme. I don't not want you to not not go to the party without not asking me. I don't want you not to go to the party without asking me. Qu'am perdut la partida. We lost the game. I lost the game. Páselo. Pass it on. Pass it. Tom me dio el último pedazo de pastel. Tom gave the last piece of cake to me. Tom gave me the last piece of cake. Yo no puedo conducir. I can't drive. I can't drive. Tom dijo que tenía miedo de que su teléfono fuera más listo que él. Tom said that he's scared that his phone is smarter than he is. Tom said he was afraid his phone was smarter than he was. Ella regaló un sombrero. She gave a hat for free. She gave away a hat. Fuimos robados. We got robbed. We were robbed. Ellas saben la manera de ser felices. They know the way to be happy. They know how to be happy. Qu'ei lo men sac. This is my bag. I've got it bagged. La psoriasis es una enfermedad de la piel. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Ella es ingeniera. She's an engineer. She's an engineer. El capitán dio la orden de abandonar el barco. The captain gave the order to abandon the ship. The captain gave the order to leave the ship. Quiero alquilar la habitación a un estudiante. I want to rent this room to a student. I want to rent the room to a student. Se me ha roto el ordenador. My computer broke. My computer's broken. Alguien tiene que quedarse aquí con los niños. Somebody needs to be here for the children. Someone has to stay here with the kids. No me he divertido tanto en años. I haven't had this much fun in years. I haven't had so much fun in years. Yanni está engañando físicamente a Skura. Yanni is physically cheating on Skura. Yanni is physically cheating on Skura. Eres más consciente de lo que te falta que de lo que posees. You're more aware of what you want than what you already have. You are more aware of what you lack than you are of what you possess. Quiero ver lo que estoy enfrentando. I want to see what I'm up against. I want to see what I'm facing. Esto podría causar problemas en el motor. This could cause engine problems. This could cause problems with the engine. Lo que sucedió estaba fuera de mi control. What happened was out of my control. What happened was out of my control. La Policía lleva casi un mes buscando los bienes robados. The police have been searching for the stolen goods for almost a month. Police have been searching for the stolen goods for nearly a month. No tinc res en comú amb ella. I have nothing in common with her. I have nothing in common with her. ¿Dónde está su corbata? Where is your tie? Where's your tie? Esta bicicleta necesita ser engrasada. This bicycle needs oiling. This bike needs to be greased. Plou a bots i a barrals. It's raining cats and dogs. It rains on boats and bars. Me pregunto cuál será la siguiente pregunta. I wonder what the next question will be. I wonder what the next question will be. ¿Qué me estás ocultando? What are you not telling me? What are you hiding from me? No soy tan terca como dices, y no puedes hacerme cambiar de opinión. I'm not as stubborn as you say I am, and you can't change my mind. I'm not as stubborn as you say, and you can't make me change my mind. Los buenos artistas copian, los grandes artistas roban. Good artists copy, great artists steal. Good artists copy, great artists steal. Tom a menudo se siente culpable. Tom often feels guilty. Tom often feels guilty. Tenemos que aceptar la vida, para bien o para mal. We must accept life, for good or for evil. We have to accept life, for better or for worse. Me did venir a Japon fro China. I came to Japan from China. I was told to come to Japan from China. Un burdégano es un cruce entre un caballo macho y una burra. A hinny is a cross between a male horse and a female donkey. A burdegano is a cross between a male horse and a donkey. Evito manejar de noche si puedo. I avoid driving at night if I can. I avoid driving at night if I can. Podria ben bé tornar a dir coses ambigües. He may well just say something ambiguous again. I might as well say ambiguous things again. Deberías comprarle a tu esposa algunas flores y llevarla a cenar. You should buy your wife some flowers and take her out to dinner. You should buy your wife some flowers and take her to dinner. Es injusto pedirle a alguien que sea como tú. It is unfair to ask someone to be like you. It's unfair to ask someone to be like you. Tenemos muchos museos. We have a lot of museums. We have many museums. Mejor que vayamos a otra sala. Ellos nos escucharían fácilmente aquí. We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here. We'd better go to another room, they'd easily hear us here. La verdad es que nada es totalmente cierto o falso. The truth is that nothing is totally true or false. The truth is that nothing is totally true or false. Va declarar que la Terra gira al voltant del Sol. He declared that the earth goes round the sun. He stated that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Quina és la teva adreça? What is your address? What's your address? Él irá a la reunión en mi lugar. He will go to the meeting instead of me. He'll come to the meeting in my place. Estamos muy tristes. We're very sad. We're so sad. Benvinguts a la Viquipèdia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Has sentit el meu fill tocar el violí? Have you heard my son play the violin? Have you heard my son play the violin? Él me respetó. He respected me. He respected me. Mary vaga de un sitio a otro. Mary wanders from place to place. Mary wanders from place to place. Sígueme, que te enseño el camino. Follow me and I will show you the way. Follow me, I'll show you the way. El resultado del test es negativo. The test result is negative. The test result is negative. La manzana y la rosa son de la misma familia. The apple and the rose are from the same family. The apple and the rose are from the same family. No estoy de acuerdo con eso. I disagree with that. I don't agree with that. Encontré una piedra que tiene forma de corazón. I found a stone that has the shape of a heart. I found a stone that's shaped like a heart. ¿Cómo es que sabes eso? How is it that you know that? How do you know that? Ella no tiene responsabilidad. She has no sense of duty. She has no responsibility. No lo siento. I don't feel it. I'm not sorry. Dios lo hizo. God did it. God did. Gracias por ser mi novia. Thanks for being my girlfriend. Thank you for being my girlfriend. Soi pas mètge. I'm not a doctor. I am not a doctor. Salió el sol. The sun came out. The sun came out. ¿La encuentras atractiva? Do you think she's attractive? Do you find her attractive? Estoy tan exhausto debido a que he caminado durante 4 horas. I am so exhausted because I have padded the hoof for 4 hours. I am so exhausted because I have walked for 4 hours. Quiero quedarme un poco más. I want to stay a bit longer. I want to stay a little longer. Yanni no abrió esa puerta. Yanni didn't open that door. Yanni didn't open that door. ¡No sabés nada de fútbol! You don't know anything about soccer. You don't know anything about football! A Tomás casi lo lleva por delante un auto. Tom almost got hit by a car. Tomas is almost driven by a car. Yanni de repente corrió hacia Skura. Yanni suddenly ran towards Skura. Yanni suddenly ran towards Skura. ¿Te has afeitado las cejas? Did you shave your eyebrows? Have you shaved your eyebrows? Tom necesita perder peso. Tom needs to lose weight. Tom needs to lose weight. No te dije estúpido. I didn't call you stupid. I didn't tell you stupid. Fui a Londres. I went to London. I went to London. Quiero comprarme un dron pero mis padres no me van a dejar. I want to buy a drone, but my parents won't let me. I want to buy a drone but my parents won't let me. El juicio de Tom podría durar una semana. Tom's trial could last a week. Tom's trial could last a week. El complejo alberga soldados casados y solteros con sus familias. The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families. The complex houses married and single soldiers with their families. Tendrás que pagar. You'll have to pay. You'll have to pay. Tom sabía que era imposible. Tom knew it was impossible. Tom knew it was impossible. Hay tantas cosas que quiero hacer. There are so many things I want to do. There are so many things I want to do. Eso debe haber sido socialmente incómodo. That must have been socially awkward. That must have been socially awkward. Si no hago trampa, no voy a ganar. If I don't cheat, I won't win. If I don't cheat, I'm not going to win. Tom no necesita una intervención médica. Tom didn't require medical intervention. Tom doesn't need a medical intervention. Por fin, llegamos al lago. We finally got to the lake. We finally got to the lake. Quería hablar contigo cara a cara. I wanted to talk with you face-to-face. I wanted to talk to you face to face. Esto me hace sentir bien. This makes me feel good. This makes me feel good. Compré una linterna, pero me olvidé de comprar las pilas. I bought a flashlight, but I forgot to buy batteries. I bought a flashlight, but I forgot to buy the batteries. Vols fer aquest ara? Do you want to do this now? You want to do this now? Pienso que Mary había estado llorando. I think Mary had been crying. I think Mary had been crying. Un alto grado de especialización es requerido en esta compañía. A high degree of specialization is required in that company. A high degree of specialization is required in this company. Voy a necesitar su ayuda. I'm going to need your help. I'm gonna need your help. Hem vist els dos professors. We saw the two teachers. We saw both teachers. Me pregunto cuánto tiempo más tendremos que hacerlo. I wonder how much time we will have to do that. I wonder how much longer we'll have to do it. No hay zorros aquí. There aren't any foxes here. There are no foxes here. Tom es una buena persona con muchos defectos. Tom's a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom is a good person with many flaws. Estoy tomando un curso de danza. I am taking a dance class. I'm taking a dance course. Las plántulas de brócoli protegen contra el cáncer. Broccoli seedlings protect against cancer. Broccoli seedlings protect against cancer. El candado está roto. The lock is broken. The lock's broken. No sabía que tu padre había fallecido. I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know your father was gone. No quiero sus casas. I do not want your houses. I don't want their houses. Yo siempre pensaba que supieras nadar. I've always thought you knew how to swim. I always thought you could swim. Ten cuidado no te quemes. Be careful not to burn yourself. Be careful not to get burned. Comparto tu idea. I share your idea. I share your idea. ¿Sacaste al perro hoy o todavía no? Did you take the dog out today or not yet? Did you get the dog out today or not yet? Què passa? What is going on? What's wrong? Qu'èran ad espiar la television. They were watching television. They are spying on television. Hubo una epidemia de cólera en Haití. There was a cholera epidemic in Haiti. There was a cholera epidemic in Haiti. Qu'èi pres ua setmana de repaus. I took a week off. Take a week off. Quiero explorarte de nuevo mañana. I want to examine you again tomorrow. I want to explore you again tomorrow. ¿Cuál es el más difícil según tú? Which is hardest in your opinion? What is the most difficult one according to you? ¿Qué sabe Tom de mí? What does Tom know about me? What does Tom know about me? Eres mejor que yo. You're better than me. You're better than me. Es mon gos. This is my dog. It's my dog. Están casados. They're married. They're married. Sus padres lo odian. His parents hate him. His parents hate him. Al día siguiente, todos teníamos una resaca tremenda. On the following day, we all had terrible hangovers. The next day, we all had a tremendous hangover. ¿Cuál es el lugar más raro en el que te has quedado dormido? What's the weirdest place you fell asleep in? What's the weirdest place you've fallen asleep? Tom todavía es tu mejor amigo, ¿no? Tom is still your best friend, isn't he? Tom's still your best friend, isn't he? Es cierto que él está enfermo. It is true that he is ill. It's true he's sick. No olvides barrer la cocina. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen. Me alegra que te guste. I'm glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Tom tiene tiempo libre. Tom has free time. Tom has free time. Tom está meando detrás de la casa. Tom is taking a leak behind the house. Tom's peeing behind the house. La pobreza es la madre de todos los vicios. Poverty is the mother of all vices. Poverty is the mother of all vices. Tom está ciego ahora. Tom is blind now. Tom's blind now. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien verärgert. Tom and Mary told John that they were upset. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, seien seien verergert. Yanni se sintió traicionado. Yanni felt betrayed. Yanni felt betrayed. Tom tiene miedo porque no entiende qué está pasando. Tom is afraid because he doesn't understand what's going on. Tom is afraid because he doesn't understand what's going on. No ve la tele nunca. He doesn't watch TV at all. He never watches TV. El meu amic ha treballat a tres llocs diferents en un any; res no li dura gaire. My friend has had three jobs in a year; he never sticks to anything for long. My friend has worked at three different places in a year; nothing lasts him long. Esperamos que vuelva pronto. We expect him to come back soon. We hope to see you again soon. Hoy hay más nubes que ayer. There are more clouds today than yesterday. There are more clouds today than there were yesterday. ¿Se enseña francés en las escuelas en Australia? Is French taught in schools in Australia? Is French taught in schools in Australia? ¿Alguna vez te has caído de una escalera? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Have you ever fallen off a ladder? Mañana por la mañana ensayaremos "El cascanueces", y por la tarde bailaremos "El lago de los cisnes". Tomorrow morning we will rehearse "The Nutcracker", and in the evening we will dance "Swan Lake". Tomorrow morning we will rehearse "The Nutcracker", and in the afternoon we will dance "Swan Lake". Una botella de agua, por favor. A bottle of water, please. A bottle of water, please. El camión tuvo que parar porque su carga se había caído. The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off. The truck had to stop because its cargo had fallen. Lo men pair qu'aima la pizza. My father loves pizza. The guy who loves pizza. El rojo es mi color favorito. My favorite color is red. Red is my favorite color. Lo que pasó fue un malentendido. What happened was a misunderstanding. What happened was a misunderstanding. Me interesaría leer un libro sobre la historia de la risa. I'd be interested in reading a book about the history of laughter. I would love to read a book on the history of laughter. La transparencia del gobierno es un componente clave de la democracia. Asegurar de que el público tenga acceso a la información gubernamental crea una confianza pública en el proceso de decisión del gobierno y también posibilita al público tener el gobierno responsable de esas decisiones. Transparency in government is a key component of a democracy. Ensuring that the public has access to government information both builds public trust in government decision-making and allows the public to hold government accountable for those decisions. Government transparency is a key component of democracy. Ensuring that the public has access to government information creates public confidence in the government’s decision-making process and also enables the public to hold the government accountable for those decisions. Aún me quiero quedar un poco más. I want to stay a bit longer. I still want to stay a little longer. Me han pescado. You've got me. I've been caught. Habrá escrito una carta. He will have written a letter. He will have written a letter. "¿Perdido?" - "Sí..." - "¿Asustado?" - "Sí." - "¿Confundido?" - "¡Sí!" -"¡Bien! ¡Jajajaja!" "Lost?" - "Yes..." - "Frightened?" - "Yes." - "Confused?" - "Yes!" - "Good! Ahahahaha!" "Lost?" - "Yes..." - "Frightened?" - "Yes." - "Confused?" - "Yes!" - "Good! Hahahaha!" Esta regla puede aplicarse a cualquier caso. This rule can be applied to any case. This rule can be applied to any case. Hay mucho que ver aquí en Boston. There's so much to see here in Boston. There's a lot to see here in Boston. Los padres de Tom no confían en él. Tom's parents don't trust him. Tom's parents don't trust him. ¿Puedo ayudarte a estudiar para tu examen? Can I help you study for your exam? Can I help you study for your exam? Me gusta el zumo natural. I like extracted juice. I like natural juice. Cambié mi computadora. I changed my computer I changed my computer. Si una nació espera ser ignorant i lliure, espera el que mai va ser i mai ho serà. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be. Aquí no puedes hacer eso. You can't do that here. You can't do that here. Somos niños de trece años. We're thirteen-year-old boys. We're thirteen-year-olds. ¡Mejor, callate! You'd better hold your tongue. Better shut up! Tenemos algo en común. We have something in common. We have something in common. ¿Tom se sigue recuperando? Is Tom still recovering? Is Tom still recovering? Las banderas del mundo flamean orgullosas en el cuartel general de las Naciones Unidas. Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. The flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. Bésalo. Kiss it. Kiss him. Vius a Tokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? ¿Es esa la verdad, Tom? Is that the truth, Tom? Is that the truth, Tom? La intervención quirúrgica finalizó con éxito. The surgery was successfully completed. The surgery ended successfully. En 1497, Juan Caboto exploró Canadá. In 1497, John Cabot explored Canada. In 1497, Juan Caboto explored Canada. ¿Qué quiere usted de Tom? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? "Tengo que ir al baño." "Yo también." "Deberíamos haber ido en la estación." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Me too." "We should've gone at the station." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Me too." "We should have gone at the station." El problema es suyo. The problem is hers. The problem is yours. Nubes oscuras nos impiden ver. Black clouds prevent us from seeing. Dark clouds prevent us from seeing. M'alegro de veure't de nou. Nice to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Ella ni siquiera me miró. She did not so much as look at me. She didn't even look at me. Benditas sean las manos que lo hicieron posible. My compliments to the hands that made this possible. Blessed are the hands that made it possible. Yanni susurró algo a su mamá. Yanni whispered something to his mom. Yanni whispered something to his mom. No quiero que entre en pánico. I don't want you to panic. I don't want him to panic. Tú crees que él es un buen doctor, y sí lo es. You believe he is a good doctor, and he is indeed. You think he's a good doctor, and he is. Ser capaz de utilizar un ordenador es una ventaja. Being able to use a computer is advantageous. Being able to use a computer is an advantage. Metete en el auto y esperame. Get into the car and wait for me. Get in the car and wait for me. Soy más rápido que ustedes. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Esto es perfecto. This is perfect. This is perfect. Tienes cinco años. You're five years old. You're five years old. Tiene el doble de libros que yo. He has twice as many books as I do. He has twice as many books as I do. Tom no pudo oír lo que estaba diciendo Mary. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Iremos a Boston. We'll go to Boston. We're going to Boston. No creo que la gente deba hacer una montaña de un grano de arena. I don't think people should make a mountain of a mole hill. I don't think people should make a mountain out of a grain of sand. Quiero estar con Tom. I want to be with Tom. I want to be with Tom. Ai lavat ma veitura I washed the car. I washed my car. Yo soy de Noruega. I am from Norway. I'm from Norway. ¡Disfrutamos al máximo! We enjoyed ourselves to the maximum! We enjoy it to the fullest! ¿Por qué lo haces, Tomás? Why do you do it, Tom? Why are you doing it, Tom? Yanni comprobó su aceite. Yanni checked his oil. Yanni checked his oil. De qué volètz ? What do you want? What do you want? Ella no es inteligente. She's not smart. She's not smart. Tom coqueteó con la mesera. Tom flirted with the waitress. Tom flirted with the waitress. Eso tampoco es una naranja. That is not an orange, either. That's not an orange either. Debe su éxito a sus padres. He owes his success to his parents. He owes his success to his parents. Soy adicta al chocolate y al helado. I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. I am addicted to chocolate and ice cream. Ella cantaba alegremente. She sang happily. She sang happily. Hice lo que pude I did what I could. I did what I could Es muy fácil criticar a posteriori. It is easy to be wise after the event. It is very easy to criticize afterwards. Te juro que no estoy drogado. I swear that I'm not high. I swear I'm not on drugs. ¿Ya no están juntos? They're not together anymore? You're not together anymore? El sol sale. The sun rises. The sun rises. Tom quería que Mary pose desnuda para su pintura, pero ella se negó a hacerlo. Tom wanted Mary to pose in the nude for his painting, but she refused to do so. Tom wanted Mary to pose nude for his painting, but she refused to do so. Me la encontré por casualidad. I met her by chance. I just happened to meet her. ¿Habéis olvidado la contraseña? Have you guys forgotten the password? Have you forgotten your password? Estáis bebiendo leche. You are drinking milk. You're drinking milk. No tomé ninguna medida de precaución. I didn't take any precautions. I did not take any precautionary measures. Qui ets? Who are you? Who are you? Parece que lo sabe todo de mí. It seems like he knows everything about me. He seems to know everything about me. ¡Tradúceme! ¡Tradúceme! Translate me! Translate me! Translate me! Translate me! Están construyendo la nueva calle. The new street is being built. They're building the new street. ¿Cuál es el nivel de estimulación que necesita nuestro cerebro? What's the level of stimulation our brains need? What level of stimulation does our brain need? No va a llegar a tiempo a la reunión. He won't be in time for the meeting. He's not gonna make it to the meeting in time. ¡Mamá! ¡Apurate! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! Las tijeras están en el cajón izquierdo. The scissors are in the left cabinet. The scissors are in the left drawer. El pájaro está muerto. The bird is dead. The bird is dead. De qué t'agrada ? What do you like? What do you like? Yo no quise eso. I didn't want that. I didn't want that. ¿El groningués es un idioma o un dialecto? Is Gronings a language or a dialect? Is Groningen a language or a dialect? En Finlandia beben mucho café. They drink a lot of coffee in Finland. In Finland they drink a lot of coffee. No está permitido usar goma de borrar. You're not allowed to use an eraser. It is not allowed to use eraser. Averigua a dónde fue Tom. Find out where Tom went. Find out where Tom went. Yanni tiene problemas mentales graves. Yanni has serious mental issues. Yanni has serious mental problems. Él tiene una buena reputación. He has a good reputation. He has a good reputation. Eso es solo ciencia básica. That's just basic science. That's just basic science. Doy una buena regañina. I give a good scolding. I give a good scolding. Todo se aprende con la experiencia. One learns everything with experience. Everything is learned through experience. ¿Y nadie te ayudó? And no one helped you? And no one helped you? Estoy acostumbrado a trabajar toda la noche. I'm used to working all night. I'm used to working all night. Quiero ir a Inglaterra. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. El cielo se ha despejado. The sky has become clear. The sky has cleared. Que'm soi lavat la camisa. I washed my shirt. I washed my shirt. Tom es un estudiante de escuela secundaria. Tom is a high school student. Tom is a high school student. ¿Cuándo partió tu amigo a América? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friend leave for America? El alcalde pidió la cooperación de todos los grupos políticos. The mayor asked for the cooperation of all the political groups. The mayor called for the cooperation of all political groups. ¿Necesitan una ambulancia? Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? No había nadie en la pileta. No one was in the swimming pool. There was no one in the pool. Los que olvidan todo son felices. Those who forget everything are happy. Those who forget everything are happy. Hoy no hace calor especialmente. It isn't especially hot today. It's not particularly hot today. Ya no sos mi amiga. You're not my friend anymore. You're not my friend anymore. Ya dormí esta semana. I've already slept this week. I already slept this week. Tom se lastimó jugando al fútbol. Tom got hurt playing football. Tom got hurt playing football. La reunió d'avui ha estat cancel·lada. Today's meeting has been cancelled. Today's meeting was cancelled. No tengo idioma nativo. I don't have a native language. I have no native language. He estado ocupado toda la semana. I have been busy all this week. I've been busy all week. Ella portava un barret estrany. She had a strange hat on. She was wearing a strange hat. Por desgracia, no puedo traducir esta oración porque no la entiendo. Unfortunately, I can't translate this sentence because I don't understand it. Unfortunately, I cannot translate this sentence because I do not understand it. ¡Hola otra vez! Hello, again! Hello again! Jo jugue al rugbi una hora al dia. I play rugby for an hour a day I play rugby an hour a day. Tom quería ver Gales. Tom wanted to see Wales. Tom wanted to see Wales. ¿Cuál es el sitio al que más sientes pertenecer? Where do you most feel you belong? Which is the place you feel most belong to? Hoy hace un calor inaguantable. It's unbearably hot today. It's an unbearable heat today. Quiero agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por nosotros. I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for us. I want to thank you for everything you've done for us. En Tom va a Boston de tant en tant. Tom goes to Boston every once in a while. Tom goes to Boston from time to time. ¿Puedes sacarme de aquí? Can you pull me out of here? Can you get me out of here? Supongo que Tom se nos unirá. I assume Tom will be joining us. I guess Tom will join us. Tom se sintió muy solo. Tom felt very lonely. Tom felt very alone. Se disculpó con nosotros por haber llegado tarde. He made an apology to us for being late. He apologized to us for being late. ¿Por qué le enseñaste español al perro? Why did you teach the dog Spanish? Why did you teach the dog Spanish? Mi casa está a la orilla del río. My house is on the riverbank. My house is on the riverbank. ¿Ellos hablan francés? Are they speaking French? Do they speak French? "Mata" significa "ojo" en malayo, "mata mata" es "un número indeterminado de ojos" o la policía. "Mata" means "eye" in Malay, "mata mata" is "an indefinite number of eyes"--or the police. "Kill" means "eye" in Malay, "Kill kills" is "an indeterminate number of eyes" or the police. ¿Por quién fue escrito el libro? Who was the book written by? By whom was the book written? Durante la huelga circularán 35% de los trenes. During the strike, 35% of the trains will operate. During the strike, 35% of the trains will run. Mary todavía no ha llamado. Mary hasn't called yet. Mary hasn't called yet. Ellos le pagan bien. They pay him well. They pay you well. España es la ganadora de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2010. Spain is the winner of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Spain is the winner of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Apretaron adentro del boliche y nadie los vio. They kissed in the disco and nobody saw them. They squeezed into the bowling alley and no one saw them. A ver quién es el más fuerte entre nosotros. Let's see who's the strongest out of all of us. Let's see who's the strongest among us. Ella tiene un coche extranjero. She has a foreign car. She has a foreign car. Ahora hubo una vez una doncella cuyo nombre era Jorinda. Era más bonita que todas las chicas guapas jamás vistas antes, y un muchacho pastor, cuyo nombre era Jorindel, estaba muy encariñado con ella, y estaban próximos a casarse. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were soon to be married. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda, she was prettier than all the pretty girls ever seen before, and a shepherd boy, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were about to marry. Ho sap la teua mare? Does your mother know? Does your mother know? El gato esprintó a través de la nieve. The cat sprinted through the snow. The cat sprinted through the snow. Todo el mundo quiere ir. Everyone wants to go. Everybody wants to go. Lavatz-vos las mans de plan. Wash your hands well. Wash your hands of the plan. Si de repente fuese teletransportado trescientos años al futuro, no sé si estaría aterrorizado o emocionado. If I were suddenly teleported three hundred years into the future, I don't know whether I'd be terrified or excited. If I were suddenly teleported three hundred years into the future, I don’t know if I would be terrified or excited. Yanni no está siendo realista. Yanni is being unrealistic. Yanni is not being realistic. En 1997, en segundo combate (el primero había ocurrido el año anterior), la supercomputadora Deep Blue, de IBM, derrotó al Gran Maestro Garry Kasparov por 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, in a second match (the first one had occurred the year before), IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer defeated Grandmaster Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5. Estoy cerca. I'm nearby. I'm close. He trobat diners! I found money! I found money! Tom quiere ayudar. Tom wants to help. Tom wants to help. Si renaciera, me gustaría ser un gato. If I was reincarnated, I'd want to be a cat. If I were to be reborn, I would like to be a cat. Mi madre hornea pan y galletas los fines de semana. My mother bakes bread and cookies on weekends. My mother bakes bread and cookies on the weekends. El café y el chocolate van bien juntos. Coffee and chocolate go together well. Coffee and chocolate go well together. Quiero aprender a decir esta palabra en árabe. I want to learn how to say this word in Arabic. I want to learn to say this word in Arabic. ¡Deja de mirarle las tetas! Stop staring at her breasts! Stop staring at her tits! No podemos encontrar nuestras chaquetas. We can't find our jackets. We can't find our jackets. Estamos felices de estar aquí. We're happy to be here. We're happy to be here. Es un gato grande y suave. It's a big fluffy cat. It's a big, soft cat. Tom llenó la carretilla con arena. Tom filled the wheelbarrow with sand. Tom filled the wheelbarrow with sand. Tú nos lo enseñaste. You taught us that. You taught us that. Voy a necesitar un poco de ayuda. I'm going to need some help. I'm gonna need a little help. Todos cometemos errores. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Él murió y le dejó una fortuna a su hijo. He died and left his son a fortune. He died and left a fortune to his son. Fumar afecta a tu salud. Smoking affects your health. Smoking affects your health. Sigue conduciendo. Keep driving. Keep driving. ¿Qué se supone que quiere decir eso? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? Déjame morir. Let me die. Let me die. Te puedes ir. You can go. You can go. ¿Podemos confiar en Tom? Can we trust Tom? Can we trust Tom? De verdad, deberías salir fuera y tomar un poco el aire. You should really go outside and get some air. Really, you should go outside and get some air. Lo haré cuando me de la gana. I'll do it whenever I want. I'll do it when I feel like it. Bon dia! Good day! Morning! Cierre sus libros. Close your books. Close your books. He plantat un pomer al meu jardí. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple in my garden. ¿Por qué no volvemos todos a trabajar? Why don't we all get back to work? Why don't we all go back to work? Mi casa está bien comunicada con la estación de ferrocarril. My house stands within easy access of the railroad station. My house is well connected to the railway station. Tom quería ver ballenas. Tom wanted to see whales. Tom wanted to see whales. Conozco a alguien que te puede ayudar. I know somebody who can help you. I know someone who can help you. Nos odio. I hate us. I hate us. Tom y Mary viven en nuestra cuadra. Tom and Mary live on our block. Tom and Mary live on our block. Tomad, bebeos esto. Here, drink this. Here, drink this. Estoy conduciendo, no puedo contestar al teléfono. I'm driving, so I can't answer the phone. I'm driving, I can't answer the phone. Aquí están los documentos que pedías. Here are the documents you asked for. Here are the documents you asked for. ¿Hablas castellano? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Al Sr. Hashimoto lo conocen todos. Mr Hashimoto is known to everyone. Mr. Hashimoto is known to everyone. A ella le gusta vestirse de policía. She likes to dress up as a police officer. She likes to dress like a cop. Tengo que ir primero a la tienda. I have to go to the store first. I have to go to the store first. Mientras estamos esperando, ¿por qué no me dices qué pasó? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? El policía levantó la caja con cuidado. The policeman lifted the box carefully. The policeman picked up the box carefully. No sé conducir un autobús. I can't drive a bus. I can't drive a bus. A ti no te va a gustar eso, ¿no? You're not going to like that, are you? You're not gonna like that, are you? Hitler invadió Polonia en 1939. Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Cállate en la biblioteca. Be quiet in the library. Shut up at the library. Ella volvió a casa. She came home. She came home. Como Mary no quiso acompañarme, tuve que ir yo solo. Since Mary didn't want to go with me, I had to go by myself. Since Mary didn't want to go with me, I had to go alone. ¿Qué quisiera comprar? What would you like to buy? What would you like to buy? Nunca imaginé que sería tan fácil. I never thought it would be so easy. I never imagined it would be that easy. Tengo algunos amigos americanos. I have some American friends. I have some American friends. Él juega un papel importante en nuestra organización. He is playing an important role in our organization. He plays an important role in our organization. Él sabe hablar diez lenguas. He is able to speak ten languages. He can speak ten languages. Nos quedamos callados. We remained silent. We stayed quiet. Tom, ¿por qué hiciste eso? Tom, why did you do that? Tom, why did you do that? Eso es patético. That's pathetic. That's pathetic. Tom no sabe que Mary aún es una escolar. Tom doesn't know that Mary is still a high school student. Tom doesn't know Mary is still a schoolgirl. N'i a pas arren mei important que la santat. Nothing is more important than health. It’s not as important to me as Santa Claus. Quedé inconsciente. I blacked out. I was unconscious. No eres un pingüino. You are not a penguin. You're not a penguin. Lo Tòm que l'ensuquè. Tom knocked him down. It sucks him out. Estaré en Boston hasta el lunes por la tarde. I will be in Boston until Monday afternoon. I'll be in Boston until Monday afternoon. Nada de eso fue culpa tuya. None of this was your fault. None of that was your fault. Yo creo que el metro es más rápido. I think the metro is faster. I think the metro is faster. Un bebé fue rescatado vivo de los escombros del edificio desplomado. A baby was pulled alive from the rubble of the collapsed building. A baby was rescued alive from the rubble of the collapsed building. Entonces, ¿qué es la belleza? ¿Quién podría decir, finalmente, qué es lo bello y qué no lo es? Then, what is beauty? In the end, who will be able to tell what is beautiful and what is not? So, what is beauty? Who could say, finally, what is beautiful and what is not? Mi abuelo cree que el alunizaje fue un fraude. My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax. My grandfather thinks the moon landing was a fraud. Médico, cúrate a ti mismo. Physician, heal thyself. Doctor, heal yourself. Tom se sentó silenciosamente por 30 minutos. Tom sat silently for 30 minutes. Tom sat quietly for 30 minutes. ¿Me puedes presentar a Tom? Can you introduce me to Tom? Can you introduce me to Tom? Todos sabían que hablaba muy bien inglés. Everyone knew he spoke English really well. Everyone knew he spoke English very well. Supongo que querrás preguntarme qué estuve haciendo ayer. I suppose you want to ask me what I was doing yesterday. I guess you'd want to ask me what I was doing yesterday. Ni siquiera recibí una carta de ella. I didn't even get one letter from her. I didn't even get a letter from her. Trabaja para vivir, no vivas para trabajar. Work to live, don't live to work. Work to live, not live to work. Hoy tengo que repasar español. Today I have to review Spanish. I have to go through Spanish today. Ya nunca diré una mentira de ahora en adelante. I will never tell a lie from now on. I will never tell a lie from now on. Aqueth líber qu'ei ancian. This book is old. This is the old man’s libretto. Nadie se dio cuenta de mi nuevo corte de pelo. Nobody noticed my new haircut. No one noticed my new haircut. Volètz un pauc fe tè ? Won't you have some tea? Do you want a little faith? Se pintaron las uñas de los pies. They painted their toenails. They painted their toenails. ¿Dónde está el taxi? Where is the taxi? Where's the taxi? Antes del siglo XV era una creencia extendida que la Tierra estaba en el centro del universo. Before the 15th century it was generally believed that the Earth was at the centre of the universe. Before the 15th century it was a widespread belief that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Terminé de comer. I'm done eating. I'm done eating. Tom pediu para a Mary se sentar com ele. Tom asked Mary to sit with him. Tom asks Mary to sit down like him. No estoy de acuerdo con él. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Volveré pronto. I'll be back soon. I'll be back soon. Aqueth saunei que vatz vertadièr. This dream will come true. This is the kind of Sauna that you have. Quiero un libro que leer. I want a book to read. I want a book to read. ¿Se puede reparar? Can it be repaired? Can it be repaired? Pertenecemos a una tribu bereber. We belong to a Berber tribe. We belong to a Berber tribe. Ella lo comprendió. She understood. She understood. Hasta las personas inteligentes son distraídas a veces. Even intelligent people are sometimes absent-minded. Even smart people are distracted sometimes. ¿Cuál es el número de fax de ese hotel? What's the fax number for this hotel? What's the fax number for that hotel? Es difícil creer lo que dices. It is difficult to believe what you say. It's hard to believe what you're saying. ¿Cómo te va? How are you? How's it going? A Tom le gusta ver caricaturas. Tom likes to watch cartoons. Tom likes to watch cartoons. Lo siento, mi madre no está en casa en este momento. I'm sorry, but my mother is out at the moment. I'm sorry, my mom's not home right now. Me gusta el sushi. I like sushi. I like sushi. El chiste no funciona en francés. The joke doesn't work in French. The joke doesn’t work in French. Alí es agnóstico. Ali is an agnostic. Ali is agnostic. Esas son las gafas de sol que pensé que había perdido. Those are the sunglasses that I thought I'd lost. Those are the sunglasses I thought I lost. ¿Por qué no preguntamos al profesor? Why don't we ask the teacher? Why don't we ask the professor? Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, 11 de diciembre de 1969) es un Gran Maestro indio. Fue nombrado "deportista indio del milenio" y consiguió que 11 millones de niños en su estado, Tamil Nadhu, estudiaran ajedrez en la escuela. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, December 11, 1969) is an Indian Grand Master. He was named "Indian Sportsman of the Millennium" and got 11 million children in his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess at school. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (born 11 December 1969) is an Indian Grandmaster. He was named "Indian Millennial Athlete" and got 11 million children in his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess at school. La brecha entre ricos y pobres se está ampliando. The gap between the haves and the have nots is widening. The gap between rich and poor is widening. Este texto es incomprensible. This text is impossible to understand. This text is incomprehensible. ¡Tú eres un hombre varonil! You're a manly man! You're a manly man! Su tío, periodista, escribía en el Folha. Your uncle, a journalist, used to write for the Folha. His uncle, a journalist, wrote in the Folha. Nuestra capacidad para comunicarnos sobre estos temas terminó hace un tiempo. Our ability to communicate about these matters ended a while ago. Our ability to communicate on these issues ended a while ago. Tom dejó a Mary. Tom left Mary. Tom left Mary. No parlis malament d'ell en public. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don't talk badly about him in public. Sabe que te llamaré. She knows that I'll call you. He knows I'll call you. La guerra con Francia había terminado. The war with France was over. The war with France was over. Qu'a hèit lo nòste gavidaire. He acted as our guide. What a great way to enjoy it. Si solo pudieras verme ahora. If only you could see me now. If only you could see me now. Agregala. Add it. Add it. Su voz evoca el sonido de la carretera. Her voice evokes the noise of the freeway. His voice evokes the sound of the road. No es tarde para retroceder. It's not too late to turn back. It's not too late to back down. Quien no ha cometido nunca un error tampoco ha descubierto nunca nada. If you've never made a mistake, you've never discovered something, either. He who has never made a mistake has never discovered anything either. Ahora somos amigos, así que aguántate. We're friends now, so deal with it. We're friends now, so hold on. Supongo que Tom no quería molestarte. I guess Tom didn't want to bother you. I guess Tom didn't want to bother you. No puedo entender por qué él hizo eso. I cannot figure out why he has done that. I can't understand why he did that. Si tuviera suficiente tiempo, hablaría contigo. If I had enough time, I would talk with you. If I had enough time, I'd talk to you. La chica suplicó a su madre que la acompañara. The girl begged her mother to accompany her. The girl begged her mother to accompany her. Exploraremos cada planeta que gira alrededor del sol. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We will explore every planet that revolves around the sun. Ella es tres años menor que Mary. She is three years younger than Mary. She's three years younger than Mary. Parlem del mateix Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Are we talking about Tom? Él le telefoneó a ella tan pronto como llegó a casa. He phoned her as soon as he came home. He phoned her as soon as he got home. No estoy tan alienado ahora que como lo estaba entonces. I'm not as alienated now as I was then. I'm not as alienated now as I was then. Passatz-me la sau, vos prègui. Please pass me the salt. Pass me the sau, I pray you. Todavía sueño con Australia I still dream about Australia. I still dream of Australia. Solo hay unas pocas personas en este pueblo. There are only a few people in this village. There are only a few people in this town. Hem vist els dos professors. We've seen the two teachers. We saw both teachers. Cientos de admiradores están esperando a la cantante. Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer. Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer. M'agradaria anar a l'estranger. I would like to go abroad. I would like to go abroad. Su marido vive en Tokio ahora. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband lives in Tokyo now. Va alçar la mà. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. Él se considera enfermo. He is considered sick. He considers himself sick. Has traído un poco de agua. You brought some water. You brought some water. Els resultats de l'experiment ens han decebut força. The results of the experiment have disappointed us very much. The results of the experiment disappointed me. ¡Las piñas no pertenecen a la pizza! Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza! Pineapples don't belong on pizza! He elegido que hoy tenga un día estupendo. Today I choose to have a great day. I want you to have a great day today. Él es la persona más floja que conozco. He's the laziest person I know. He's the loosest person I know. Contunhas de hèr las medishas errors tot lo temps. You continue making the same mistakes time after time. You make mistakes all the time. Es vivificante. It's exhilarating. It's life-giving. Me pregunto cuántas veces dijo "mesa para uno" en su vida miserable. I wonder how many times you've said "table for one" in your miserable life. I wonder how many times he said "table for one" in his miserable life. Necessito un segell. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. Quiero hablar con usted cuando se haya vestido. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you when you're dressed. Aixeca't i presenta't, si us plau. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. No se llega muy lejos engañando. You don't get very far by lying. You don't get very far by cheating. Su llegada animó la fiesta. His arrival pepped up the party. His arrival encouraged the party. ¿Qué periódico coge ella? What newspaper does she take? What newspaper does she pick up? ¿Qué hay en estas cajas tan pesadas? What is there in these boxes that are so heavy? What's in these heavy boxes? Creo que Tom lo hizo muy bien. I thought Tom did very well. I think Tom did very well. ¿Por qué no ponemos esto en el rincón? Why don't we put this in the corner? Why don't we put this in the corner? Me duele la tripa por haber comido demasiado. My belly hurts from eating too much. My stomach hurts because I ate too much. Él, raras veces o nunca va al barbero. He seldom, if ever, goes to the barber's. He rarely or never goes to the barber. ¿De verdad crees que est tan mala? You really think it's that bad? You really think it's that bad? Las niñas no son bienvenidas. Girls aren't welcome. Girls are not welcome. Hem de reduir la despesa per tal d'estalviar diners. We must cut our expenses to save money. We need to reduce spending in order to save money. Recuerda limpiar tu puesto de trabajo. Remember to clean your workstation. Remember to clean up your job. ¿Qué es el infinito digital? What is digital infinity? What is digital infinity? Tom no te va a herir. Tom is not going to hurt you. Tom's not gonna hurt you. Quedamos en que no hablaríamos de ese tema. We agreed that we'd never talk about this. We agreed that we would not talk about it. De casualidad, no podrías hacer eso por mí, ¿no? You wouldn't by any chance be able to do that for me, would you? By any chance, you couldn't do that for me, could you? Ella también tiene una buena memoria. She also has a good memory. She also has a good memory. Conoció a muchas personas fascinantes en el curso de sus viajes. He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels. He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels. ¿Tienen bicicleta? Do they have a bicycle? Do you have a bike? Eres tan predecible. You're so predictable. You're so predictable. Simplemente odio ver llorar a Tom. I just hate to see Tom cry. I just hate to see Tom cry. Mientras no comas demasiado, puedes comer cualquier cosa. You may eat anything so long as you don't eat too much. As long as you don’t eat too much, you can eat anything. Qu'am perdut lo jòc. We lost the game. I lost the game. ¿Y tú eres...? And you are...? And you're... Olvidé de nuevo el nombre de él. I forgot his name again. I forgot his name again. Aunque él lo dice, ella lo hará. Although he says it, she will do it. Although he says so, she will. Aqueth tè qu'auloreja. This tea smells good. This is the one that smells. ¿Te comerías la última galletita del plato si otra persona estuviese mirando? Would you eat the last cookie on the plate if other people were watching? Would you eat the last cookie on the plate if someone else was watching? La vida es un arte. Life is an art. Life is an art. No parece haber mucha gente aquí. There don't seem to be many people here. There don't seem to be a lot of people here. Me la seca. I hate it. It dries me up. ¿Sabe qué calle lleva a mi casa? Do you know which road leads to my house? Do you know what street you're taking to my house? M'agradaré qu'avóssem mei dinèrs. I wish we had more time. I would love to have lunch. En su conjunto, yo estoy satisfecho con el resultado. On the whole I am satisfied with the result. On the whole, I am satisfied with the result. Me pagan por horas. I'm paid by the hour. I get paid for hours. ¿Por qué él me regaló precisamente un sombrero para mi cumpleaños? Yo no uso sombrero. Of all things, why did he give me a hat for my birthday? I don't wear a hat. Why did he give me a hat for my birthday? ¡Jódete! Fuck you! Fuck you! Mi perro lo mordió. My dog bit him. My dog bit him. Ella es una sagaz lingüista. She's a cunning linguist. She's a shrewd linguist. Esta novela inglesa no es tan fácil como para que la leas en una semana. This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week. This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week. Creo que está lloviendo. I think that it's raining. I think it's raining. Què has fet avui? What have you done today? What did you do today? Yanni murió en un accidente de coche. Yanni died in a car crash. Yanni died in a car accident. Él es alto y musculoso. He's tall and muscular. He is tall and muscular. Es más fácil no empezar que dejarlo. It's easier not to start than it is to quit. It’s easier not to start than to stop. Los muchachos están jugando un juego. The older boys are playing a game. The boys are playing a game. Le he estado buscando por todas partes. I've been looking for it everywhere. I've been looking all over for him. ¿Te gustaría algo de beber? Would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? Él solo come fruta. He only eats fruit. He only eats fruit. Los niños deben aprender desde pequeños a usar bien la cuchara. Children should learn early on to use a spoon well. Children should learn from a young age to use the spoon well. Mis gatas son mis hijas. My cats are my children. My cats are my daughters. Hay mucho sitio aquí dentro. There's a lot of room in here. There's plenty of room in here. No debéis decirle nada a Tom. You mustn't tell Tom anything. You shouldn't say anything to Tom. ¿Cuál es tu video favorito en YouTube? What's your favorite YouTube video? What is your favorite video on YouTube? Las matemáticas son realmente difíciles. Math is really hard. Mathematics is really hard. Su biblioteca se compone de 3500 ejemplares e incluye muchas primeras ediciones. Her library comprises 3500 and includes many first editions. Its library consists of 3,500 copies and includes many first editions. Nunca trabajo los fines de semana. I never work on weekends. I never work weekends. Sé que somos diferentes. I know we're different. I know we're different. ¡No sé cómo demostrarlo, ya que es tan evidente! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! I don't know how to prove it, since it's so obvious! "¡Ahí está ese ruido otra vez! ¿Puedes oírlo?" "Es Tom roncando". "There's that noise again! Can you hear it?" "That's Tom snoring." "There's that noise again! Can you hear it?" "It's Tom snoring." Nadie se dio cuenta de mi nuevo corte de pelo. No one noticed my new haircut. No one noticed my new haircut. Lo hemos consegido. We've got it. We got it. Los ganadores del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión cantaron en su idioma nativo. The winners of the Eurovision Song Contest sang in their native language. The winners of the Eurovision Song Contest sang in their native language. Sèm desolat de vos poder pas ajudar. We are sorry we can't help you. I’m sorry I can’t help you. «Necesito tu ayuda, María.» «Siempre necesitas ayuda, no hay nada que puedas hacer tú solo. ¡Aprende a apañártelas por ti mismo!» «¡Solo por esta vez! ¡Por favor!» «Bueno, vale, pero solo porque eres tú.» "Mary, I need your help." "You always need help. You can't do anything yourself. You need to learn to fend for yourself!" "Just this once. Please!" "OK, fine, but just because it's you." “I need your help, Maria.” “You always need help, there’s nothing you can do on your own. Learn to take care of yourself!” “Just this once! Please!” “Well, okay, but only because it’s you.” Puede que no me gradúe. I may not graduate. I may not graduate. Mary fue abducida por alienígenas. Mary got abducted by aliens. Mary was abducted by aliens. Me encantan las alitas de pollo de ese restaurante. I love the chicken wings from that restaurant. I love the chicken wings in that restaurant. Este es un huevo de gallina. This is an egg. This is a chicken egg. Él alcanzó su bolígrafo. He reached for his pen. He reached for his pen. - ¡Usted tiene un gusto caro! -exclamó la dependienta- ¿Está seguro de que no quiere mirar nuestras versiones más baratas primero? "You have expensive taste!" the shopkeeper exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?" "You have an expensive taste!" cried the clerk, "are you sure you don't want to look at our cheaper versions first?" ¿Qué país es un poco más grande que las Filipinas en términos del área de tierra? Which country is slightly larger than the Philippines in terms of land area? Which country is slightly larger than the Philippines in terms of land area? Eché un vistazo al museo. I had a look around the museum. I took a look at the museum. Tom tiene tendencia a hablar demasiado alto. Tom has a tendency to talk too loudly. Tom has a tendency to speak too loudly. ¡Qué incordio! How annoying! What a mess! Tuvimos mucha audiencia. We had a large audience. We had a lot of audience. Hay mucha comida. There's a lot of food. There's plenty of food. Yanni es un desastre. Yanni is a mess. Yanni's a mess. Habrá un turno de preguntas y respuestas después de la conferencia. There will be a Q&A session following the lecture. There will be a question and answer session after the conference. De niño pude dormir donde quise. As a kid, I could sleep wherever I wanted. As a child, I could sleep where I wanted. Necesito un gran favor. I need a big favor. I need a big favor. Tom y John son los padres de Mary. Tom and John are Mary's fathers. Tom and John are Mary's parents. Él se opone al nuevo plan. He is opposed to the new plan. He opposes the new plan. Ho has sentit també? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that too? Esa foto me trajo muchos recuerdos. That picture brought back a lot of memories. That photo brought back a lot of memories. Yanni odia derramar aceite en el suelo. Yanni hates spilling oil on the floor. Yanni hates spilling oil on the ground. Tienes una nueva notificación. You have a new notification. You have a new notification. Algunas puertas y ventanas se quedaron abiertas. Some doors and windows were left open. Some doors and windows were left open. Debe hacerlo más con cuidado. It must be done more carefully. You need to do it more carefully. Somos primos. We are cousins. We're cousins. Nos resultó difícil entrar en la discoteca. We found it difficult to enter the disco. We found it hard to get into the disco. Esta casa tiene seis habitaciones. This house has six rooms. This house has six bedrooms. Jo no sóc metge. I'm not a doctor. I am not a doctor. La Coca-Cola va inventar la Fanta, en plena Segona Guerra Mundial, per al mercat alemany. Coca-Cola invented Fanta, in the middle of the Second World War, for the German market. Coca-Cola invented Fanta, in the middle of World War II, for the German market. La campana de la glèisa abança de tres minutas de mei cada setmana. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The church bell runs for three minutes a week. Había un lápiz detrás de la oreja de él. There was a pencil tucked behind his ear. There was a pencil behind his ear. Nunca se puede proyectar el futuro a partir del pasado. You can never plan the future by the past. You can never project the future from the past. Esto funciona. This works. This works. Mi abuelita nos hizo atole de avena. My grandma made us some oatmeal atole. My grandma made us oatmeal. No quiero ir a ninguna parte. I don't want to go any place. I don't want to go anywhere. Tom es el mismo de nuevo. Tom is himself again. Tom is the same again. Yo lo investigaría. I'd look into it. I'd investigate. Me voy de vacaciones por dos meses. I'm going out on vacations for two months. I'm going on vacation for two months. Quisiera hacer una llamada telefónica. I would like to call. I'd like to make a phone call. No deuries haver dessistit tan ràpid. You shouldn't have stopped so quickly. You shouldn't have given up so fast. Sami no tenía un cepillo de dientes. Sami didn't have a toothbrush. Sami didn't have a toothbrush. Mañana tenemos que levantarnos temprano. Tomorrow we have to get up early. Tomorrow we have to get up early. Me gusta lo que te hiciste en el pelo. I like what you did to your hair. I like what you did to your hair. Yanni es asquerosamente peludo. Yanni is disgustingly hairy. Yanni is disgustingly hairy. El nacionalismo es hoy día el peor enemigo que tiene Europa. Nationalism is the greatest enemy Europe has today. Nationalism is Europe’s worst enemy today. ¡Lárgate! Y ¡no me vuelvas a tocar! Get out! And don't ever touch me again! Get out, and don't touch me again! Tengo un diccionario justo aquí. I have a dictionary right here. I have a dictionary right here. Él gritó "¡fuera!". He shouted, "Get out!" He yelled "out!" Nuestro tren parte a las ocho treinta. Our train leaves at eight-thirty. Our train leaves at eight thirty. Lo Tòm que's perdó lo tribalh. Tom lost his job. I’m sorry for the tribalism. Tom no me dio lo que le pedí. Tom didn't give me what I asked him for. Tom didn't give me what I asked for. Aquí todos te temen. Everyone here is afraid of you. Everyone here is afraid of you. Todos los hombres son buenos en el fondo de su corazón. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All men are good at the bottom of their hearts. ¿Cómo te lastimaste el cuello? How did you hurt your neck? How did you hurt your neck? Tom creó varias frases y se las pasó corriendo a María antes de publicarlas en Tatoeba. Tom thought up several sentences and ran them past Mary before posting them on Tatoeba. Tom created several phrases and ran them to Maria before publishing them in Tatoeba. Dios siempre tiene la razón. God is always right. God is always right. Las especias como el clavo venían de las islas de las Especias. Spices such as cloves came from the Spice Islands. Spices like cloves came from the Spice Islands. Que cantèc ua cançon. He sang a song. What a song. Si tú no puedes arreglar la tubería, tendremos que llamar a un fontanero. If you can't fix the pipe, we'll have to call a plumber. If you can't fix the pipe, we'll have to call a plumber. No me había dado cuenta de lo importante que esto es para ti. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. Me dan miedo las películas de terror. Horror movies frighten me. I'm afraid of horror movies. Me pone nervioso. It makes me nervous. It makes me nervous. Tom es muy inteligente. Tom is very smart. Tom is very smart. Dejaré de procrastinar, a partir de mañana. I'll stop procrastinating, starting tomorrow. I'll stop procrastinating, starting tomorrow. Los perros comerán casi cualquier cosa. Dogs will eat just about anything. Dogs will eat almost anything. ¿Qué caso tiene preocuparse? What is the use of worrying? What case do you have to worry about? ¿Tenéis algún mensaje para mí? Do you have a message for me? Do you have any message for me? ¿De verdad crees que Tom te ayudaría? Do you really think Tom would help you? Do you really think Tom would help you? Tom no tiene exactamente una coartada hermética. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Dispara. It fires. Shoot. Me llevaron al circo por primera vez. I was taken to a circus for the first time. They took me to the circus for the first time. Nomás es algo que hace mi familia. That's just something my family does. It’s just something my family does. Tomás es un ciudadano estadounidense. Tom is an American citizen. Tom is an American citizen. Tom no sabe qué hacer primero. Tom doesn't know what to do first. Tom doesn't know what to do first. No puc evitar riure quan el veig ballar. I can not help laughing to see him dance. I can't help but laugh when I see him dancing. Yanni nunca intenta impresionar a Skura. Yanni never tries to impress Skura. Yanni never tries to impress Skura. No te voy a dejar aquí solo. I'm not going to leave you here by yourself. I'm not gonna leave you here alone. Hay poca esperanza de que estén vivos. There is little hope that they are alive. There is little hope that they will be alive. No os fieis de lo que él dice. Don't rely on what he says. Don't trust what he says. Te echamos de menos y estamos ansiosos por tenerte aquí. We miss you and are really looking forward to you being here. We miss you and are looking forward to having you here. Tengo que saber por qué te quedaste en casa de María ayer por la noche. I need to know why you stayed overnight at Mary's house yesterday. I need to know why you stayed at Maria's last night. Tom no hace nada más que ver la televisión durante todo el día. Tom does nothing but watch TV all day. Tom does nothing but watch TV all day. La competencia lingüística es innata, no adquirida. Linguistic competence is inborn, not acquired. Language competence is innate, not acquired. Él quiere que vaya con él. He wants me to go with him. He wants me to go with him. Ésa es la casa en que nació Tom. That's the house where Tom was born. That's the house Tom was born in. Necesito terminar mi tarea. I need to finish my homework. I need to finish my homework. No estoy seguro de por qué Tom dijo esas cosas, pero apuesto que ahora desearía no haberlo hecho. I'm not sure why Tom said those things, but I bet he now wishes he hadn't. I'm not sure why Tom said those things, but I bet now I wish I hadn't. ¿Puedo quedarme con una de tus fotos? Can I keep one of your pictures? Can I keep one of your photos? Nadie se detuvo para ver si Tom estaba bien. No one stopped to see if Tom was OK. No one stopped to see if Tom was okay. Él se casó con Ana el mes pasado. He got married to Ann last month. He married Ana last month. La página web está caída. The website is down. The website is down. ¿Es nuestro? Is it ours? Is it ours? ¿Qué son esos ruidos? What are those noises? What are those noises? Quiero conversar con ella acerca de mi futuro. I want to talk with her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Em puc dutxar pel matí? May I take a shower in the morning? Can I take a shower in the morning? ¿Qué periódico coge ella? Which newspaper does she take? What newspaper does she pick up? Ningún río en el mundo es más largo que el Nilo. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. La información viene más rápido de lo que la gente puede procesar. Information comes faster than people can process it. Information comes faster than people can process it. Este es su libro. This is their book. This is your book. Así es como era. That's how it was. That's how it was. ¿No te gusta Boston? Don't you like Boston? Don't you like Boston? Yo voy a París el próximo mes. I'm going to Paris next month. I'm going to Paris next month. No falta mucho para que empecemos. It won't be long before we can start. It won't be long before we start. ¿Puedes parar de llamarme así? Can you stop calling me that? Can you stop calling me that? Baja un poco la música por favor. Please turn the music down a bit. Turn down the music, please. Esta película es realmente buena. This movie is really good. This movie is really good. Tom me animó a aprender el francés. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Quisiera hacer unas cuantas pruebas más. I'd like to run a few more tests. I'd like to do a few more tests. Mira, no he venido aquí a hablar de trabajo. Look, I didn't come here to talk about work. Look, I didn't come here to talk about work. Yanni descubrió sus espectaculares abdominales. Yanni revealed his spectacular abs. Yanni discovered his spectacular abs. No volveré a dejarlos solos. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave them alone again. Soy muy modesto. Me jacto de ello todo el tiempo. I'm very modest. I brag about it all the time. I'm very modest, I brag about it all the time. Truca'm si necessites ajuda. Give me a call if you need help. Call me if you need help. Mantenme informado. Keep me updated. Keep me posted. "They" es una palabra extraña en inglés. "They" is a weird word in English. "They" is a strange word in English. Esta frase no tiene autor. This sentence has no authors. This phrase has no author. Tenemos nuestra propia teoría. We have our own theory. We have our own theory. Tendré que llamarte más tarde. I'll have to call you back. I'll have to call you later. El caos es lo normal en Yanni. Chaos is Yanni's normal. Chaos is normal in Yanni. Según Rafael Leitão, es muy difícil para un ajedrecista profesional conseguir patrocinio en Brasil, porque el ajedrez no es popular en nuestro país. According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. According to Rafael Leitao, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country. Tom caminó hasta la puerta y la abrió. Tom walked to the door and opened it. Tom walked to the door and opened it. Todavía hay un hombre sepultado bajo los escombros. There's still a man buried under the debris. There's still a man buried under the rubble. Mi abuela nos hizo un estofado de carne y patatas. My grandma made us some meat and potato stew. My grandmother made us a stew of meat and potatoes. Aquesta història és molt més interessant que aquella. This story is far more interesting than that one. This story is much more interesting than that. Cierra la puerta al salir. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el alfabeto ruso? How many letters does the Russian alphabet have? How many letters does the Russian alphabet have? Si quieres ir a Israel, necesitas muchos shekels. El agua cuesta sólo 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need many shekels. Water costs only 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need a lot of shekels. The water costs only 0.50 euros. Anem a recolzar les pràctiques participatives. Let us support participatory practices. We support participatory practices. ¿Cuál es tu segundo idioma? What is your second language? What is your second language? La forta pluja ens va impedir sortir. The heavy rain kept us from going out. The heavy rain prevented us from getting out. Ella tiene una pregunta. She's got a question. She has a question. Ella tiene un poco de pan. She has a little bread. She has some bread. No tiene cuidado al escribir en polaco. He has no care when writing in Polish. He is not careful when writing in Polish. Contestaré a esa pregunta. I'll answer that question. I'll answer that question. Por favor, dime si te sientes incómodo. Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable. Please tell me if you feel uncomfortable. Eres nuevo por aquí, ¿verdad? You're new around here, aren't you? You're new around here, aren't you? No trabajo. I do not work. I don't work. "¡Diablos! Dejé mi paraguas en el tren." "¡Pelotudo!" "Oh no! I left my umbrella on the train." "You are a scatterbrain!" "Hell, I left my umbrella on the train." Réescribamos el final de la obra. Let's rewrite the end of the play. Rewrite the end of the work. Quiero terminar lo que estoy haciendo antes de marcharme a casa. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. ¿Cuándo comemos? ¡Tengo hambre! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? I'm hungry! Argelia tiene una economía única. Algeria has a unique economy. Algeria has a unique economy. Dile a tu amigo que se vaya. Tell your friend to go. Tell your friend to leave. El lobo es un animal precioso que merece ser protegido, pero los ganaderos no quieren que se coma su ganado y tienen que matarlo... Wolves are beautiful animals that deserve to be protected, but ranchers don't want them to eat their livestock, so they have to kill them... The wolf is a precious animal that deserves to be protected, but farmers don’t want it to eat their livestock and have to kill it... És hora de que vagis al llit. It's time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Ens hem divertit, oi? We had fun, didn't we? We had fun, didn't we? Los tons sauneis que son vasut vertadièrs. Your dreams have come true. Tones that are true. No puedes entrar en su habitación. You can't go in his room. You can't go into his room. Es muy buena cosiendo. She's very good at sewing. She's very good at sewing. ¡Cuanto más lees este libro, menos entiendes! The more you read this book, the less you understand! The more you read this book, the less you understand! Truca'm a dos quarts de set, si us plau. Call me at half past six please. Call me two quarters of a seven, please. Estoy bien, ¡gracias por preguntar! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm fine, thanks for asking! Debo ordenar mis pensamientos. I must organize my thoughts. I must order my thoughts. Eso no va a ser suficiente. That isn't going to be enough. That's not gonna be enough. Eso es mío. That is mine. That's mine. Llevaba puesto un vestido blanco. She wore a white dress. She was wearing a white dress. Es catedrático en la Universidad Nacional. He's a professor at the National University. He is a professor at the National University. Tom tiene una boca grande. Tom's got a big mouth. Tom has a big mouth. Me pregunto dónde estará él ahora. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he'll be now. La pareja de cada quien no debería ser una carga. One's partner should not be a burden to them. Everyone’s partner shouldn’t be a burden. Me leí todos estos libros en tres meses. I read all these books in three months. I read all these books in three months. N'i a pas arren de hèr entad aquò. There's nothing to be done about it. I don’t understand that. Encuentro floja la tercera estrofa. I find the third stanza weak. I find the third stanza slack. ¡Me estás entendiendo mal! You are getting me wrong! You're getting me wrong! La comida está fría. The food is cold. The food is cold. Me topé con un viejo amigo. I ran into an old friend. I ran into an old friend. No sé si él es español o argentino. I do not know if he is Spanish or Argentinian. I don't know if he's Spanish or Argentine. Acuerde una cita. Make an appointment. Make an appointment. La cerveza no es tan perjudicial, al menos con moderación. Beer is not really so unhealthy, at least in moderation. Beer is not so harmful, at least in moderation. Quiero descubrir si Tom ha ido hoy a la escuela. I want to find out if Tom was at school today. I want to find out if Tom went to school today. Me pregunto si podría estar relacionado con un trauma. I wonder if it might be trauma-related. I wonder if it could be related to trauma. De ninguna manera vamos a hacer eso. There's no way we're going to do that. There's no way we're going to do that. Los estudiantes no leen muchos libros debido a la televisión y los comics. Students don't read many books because of TV and comics. Students don’t read many books because of television and comics. Está aumentando. It's getting bigger. It's increasing. Ahora me quedo. Now I'm staying. I'm staying now. Tom trabaja en una plataforma petrolífera. Tom works on an oil rig. Tom works on an oil rig. Esto está muy mal. This is very bad. This is very wrong. Yo necesito consejos. I need advice. I need some advice. No exageremos. Let's not exaggerate. Let's not exaggerate. Ese trabajo queda para ti. That job is for you. That job is left for you. Éste es mi gato. This is my cat. This is my cat. Que l'am hèit partir. We made him go. I have to leave. El radar se rompió. The radar broke. The radar broke. Llame a un doctor. Call a doctor. Call a doctor. ¿Cuándo se fueron? When did they go? When did they leave? Qu'ei lo lor ostau. This is their house. That's what he's up to. Abandonamos a Tom. We ditched Tom. We abandoned Tom. Si conociera su dirección, le escribiría. If I knew his address, I would write to him. If I knew your address, I'd write to you. La ballena azul es el animal más grande del mundo. The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. Nadie aquí me conoce. No one here knows me. Nobody here knows me. ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much is it? How much does it cost? El toque de guitarra de Tom es estupendo. Tom's guitar playing is amazing. Tom's guitar playing is great. ¿Cómo se llaman vuestros gatos? What are your cats' names? What are your cats called? No duele nada. It doesn't hurt at all. It doesn't hurt. Saps qui va escriure aquesta novela? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this novel? Tom ganó mucho dinero vendiendo cosas que había robado. Tom made a great deal of money selling things that he'd stolen. Tom made a lot of money selling things he had stolen. Discutimos nuestros planes para el futuro. We discussed our plans for the future. We discussed our plans for the future. No compraron la novela. They didn't buy the novel. They didn’t buy the novel. Eso era lo único que tuve que hacer. That was the only thing I had to do. That was all I had to do. La puerta no abre. The door won't open. The door doesn't open. ¿Por qué no me dijiste que Tom tenía novia? Why didn't you tell me Tom had a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me Tom had a girlfriend? Él es un chico astuto. He is a clever boy. He's a shrewd kid. Jo estudio 3 hores cada dia. I study for 3 hours every day. I study three hours a day. ¿Cómo podría estar Su Majestad equivocada? How could Her Majesty be wrong..? How could His Majesty be wrong? No le gusta el vino. He doesn't like wine. He doesn't like wine. Això és exactament el què va passar. That's exactly what happened. That's exactly what happened. ¿Quieres que vaya sin ti? Do you want me to go without you? You want me to go without you? A Tom no le gusta el mismo tipo de música que le gusta a Mary. Tom doesn't like the same kind of music as Mary does. Tom doesn't like the same kind of music Mary likes. És culpa teva. It's your fault. It's your fault. ¿Estás contenta ahora? Are you satisfied now? Are you happy now? Tom está traduciendo este libro a nueve idiomas diferentes. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. Tom is translating this book into nine different languages. Etimológicamente, jaque mate significa "el rey ha muerto". Sin embargo, el rey no ha "muerto" en el juego de ajedrez durante mucho tiempo. De hecho, el rey es la única pieza que ni siquiera puede ser capturada, aunque el jaque mate termina el juego y, estrictamente hablando, puede considerarse como una "muerte" para el rey. Etymologically, checkmate means "the king is dead". However, the king has not "died" in the game of chess for a long time. In fact, the king is the only piece that cannot even be captured, although checkmate finishes the game and, strictly speaking, can be considered as a "death" for the king. Etymologically, checkmate means "the king is dead". However, the king has not "dead" in the game of chess for a long time. In fact, the king is the only piece that can not even be captured, although checkmate ends the game and, strictly speaking, can be considered as a "death" for the king. Tengo que hablar urgentemente con Tom. I urgently need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom urgently. Esos son nuestros autos. They are our cars. Those are our cars. Hay nueve millones de bicicletas en Pekín. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. Estoy bastante seguro de que no deberíamos haber girado a la derecha allí atrás. I'm pretty sure that we shouldn't have taken a right back there. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't have turned right back there. Me volví esperantista hace algunos años. I became esperantist a few years ago. I became an Esperantoist a few years ago. Mi padre me tenía sobre sus rodillas mientras me contaba canciones de su tierra. My father had me on his knees while he sang songs about his land. My father kept me on his knees as he told me songs from his land. Creo que sólo estás celoso. I think you're just jealous. I think you're just jealous. ¿Quién asumirá responsabilidad por esto? Who's taking responsibility for this? Who will take responsibility for this? Vull quedar-me aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Se reconoce a un árbol por sus frutos. A tree is known by its fruits. A tree is recognized by its fruits. Queremos cuentas separadas. We'd like separate checks. We want separate accounts. ¿Cuánto duró la Guerra de los Cien Años? How long did the Hundred-Year War last? How long was the Hundred Years War? Bienvenida al club de cocina casera. Welcome to the home cooking club. Welcome to the home cooking club. Él no es el mismo tipo de antes. He's not the same man he used to be. He's not the same guy from before. Te está yendo bien en tus clases en la escuela. You're doing well in your classes at school. You're doing well in your classes at school. ¿Quién ganó? Who won? Who won? Usted no tiene derecho legal a confiscar mi propiedad. You have no legal right to seize my property. You have no legal right to confiscate my property. Tienes que hacerlo de inmediato. You must do it at once. You have to do it right away. ¿A qué hora vas a trabajar? What time do you get to work? What time are you going to work? Esta montaña está cubierta de nieve todo el año. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. This mountain is covered with snow all year round. Estudio el español todos los días. I study Spanish every day. I study Spanish every day. Esto va a ser complicado. This is going to be complicated. This is going to be complicated. El pueblo no tiene electricidad. The village has no electricity. The village has no electricity. Tenemos un televisor de tubo en la oficina. We have a fat-screen TV in the office. We have a tube TV in the office. Durante dieciocho años, Tove pasó todos los veranos en una isla remota del archipiélago finlandés. For eighteen years, Tove spent every summer on a remote island in the Finnish archipelago. For eighteen years, Tove spent every summer on a remote island in the Finnish archipelago. Tinc dues filles. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Yanni vino a la sección de vaqueros. Yanni came to the jeans section. Yanni came to the jeans section. Le tomará dos horas terminar el trabajo. It will take him two hours to finish the work. It will take you two hours to finish the job. Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Esta águila no pot volar. Les seues ales estan trencades. This eagle can't fly. Its wings are broken. This eagle can't fly, its wings are broken. No somos jóvenes. We aren't young. We're not young. Lo habéis entendido mal. You've misunderstood. You got it wrong. Tom no sabe a quién debería preguntarle. Tom doesn't know who he should ask. Tom doesn't know who he should ask. Mi coche se ha quedado sin gasolina, así que no puedo conducir a ninguna parte. My car's out of gas, so I can't drive anywhere. My car has run out of gas, so I can't drive anywhere. Yanni se compró un traje. Yanni bought himself a suit. Yanni bought a suit. Por favor, piénsalo de nuevo. Please think it over. Please think again. Tom volvió a acomodarse en su camión. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom sat back in his truck. Podes causir lo que vòs. You may choose whichever you want. You can do whatever you want. Tom no come nada más que fruta. Tom eats nothing but fruit. Tom eats nothing but fruit. Hicimos lo que pudimos para proteger a Tom. We did our best to protect Tom. We did what we could to protect Tom. Si sumas tres y cuatro, te da siete. If you add three and four, you get seven. If you add three and four, you get seven. Siempre te opones cuando intento hacer las cosas a mi manera. You always object when I try to do things my way. You always object when I try to do things my way. No te deseo. I don't want you. I don't want you. Aún no sé a quién debería elegir. I still don't know who I should pick. I still don't know who I should choose. Jim miró a izquierda y derecha antes de cruzar la calle. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before crossing the street. ¿Los gatos comen murciélagos, o los murciélagos comen gatos? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Do cats eat bats, or do bats eat cats? No puedo creer que dejo que Tom haga eso. I can't believe I let Tom do that. I can't believe I let Tom do that. ¿Has sentido nauseas últimamente? Have you experienced nausea recently? Have you been feeling nauseous lately? ¿Por qué te sientas? Why are you sitting down? Why are you sitting down? Ell és un somia truites. He is a daydreamer. He's a trout dream. ¿Cómo hiciste este vídeo? How did you make this video? How did you make this video? Este pastel de carne es increíble. ¿Cómo lo has hecho? This meatloaf is amazing. How did you make it? This meatloaf is amazing. How'd you do it? Aquera còrda qu'ei solida. This string is strong. This is the heart that is solid. Un corte de cabello te vendría muy bien. You could really do with a haircut. You could use a haircut. Tom planea irse de vacaciones la próxima semana. Tom plans to go on a vacation next week. Tom plans to go on vacation next week. ¿Los encontrarás, no? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? Perdona a tu enemigo, pero recuerda el nombre de ese bastardo. Forgive your enemy, but remember the name of that bastard. Forgive your enemy, but remember that bastard's name. Tom no es estudiante. Tom is not a student. Tom is not a student. No quiero quedarme calvo cuando aún soy joven. I don't want to go bald when I'm still young. I don't want to be bald when I'm still young. Necesito lentes para leer desde lejos, ya que soy miope. Since I'm near-sighted, I need glasses to read from far away. I need glasses to read from afar, since I am nearsighted. Es de poco valor. It is of little value. It's of little value. —¡¿Pero dónde estás, Dima?! —preguntó Al-Sayib, cogiendo una toalla para secar la Fanta derramada. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. “But where are you, Dima?” Al-Sayib asked, picking up a towel to dry the spilled Fanta. Cuando comemos demasiado, nos da indigestión. When we eat too much, we suffer from indigestion. When we eat too much, it gives us indigestion. Scott Sterling tiene una cara muy talentosa. Scott Sterling has a very talented face. Scott Sterling has a very talented face. Me habéis mostrado otro. You have shown me another one. You showed me another one. Es bastante coqueta. She is quite coquettish. She's quite flirtatious. A Yanni le gusta eso. Yanni likes that. Yanni likes that. Hablaré con Tom mañana en la escuela. I'll talk to Tom tomorrow at school. I'll talk to Tom tomorrow at school. Les rescató el helicóptero. They were rescued by helicopter. He rescued the helicopter. ¿Dónde está mi botella? Where's my bottle? Where's my bottle? Me desperté cansado. I woke up tired. I woke up tired. Tom le debía dinero a Mary. Tom owed Mary money. Tom owed Mary money. Mi tío nunca escribe cartas. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never writes letters. No estoy solo. Estoy con Tom. I'm not alone. I'm with Tom. I'm not alone, I'm with Tom. Me pregunto que estará haciendo Tom aquí. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. Tom no es ciudadano. Tom isn't a citizen. Tom is not a citizen. É apenas outro alarme falso. It's only another false alarm. It's just outro false alarm. Tom no me dio un beso de buenas noches. Tom didn't kiss me good night. Tom didn't kiss me goodnight. Garabateé su dirección en el dorso de mi diario. I scribbled down his address in the back of my diary. I scribbled his address on the back of my journal. Todo ciudadano debería ayudarles. Every citizen ought to help them. Every citizen should help them. Vivimos en la ciudad. We live in the city. We live in the city. Si necesitáis ayuda, siempre podéis llamarme. If you need help, you can always call me. If you need help, you can always call me. Sonreímos a Tom. We smiled at Tom. We smiled at Tom. Quizá venga a Grecia este verano. Maybe I'll come to Greece this summer. Maybe he'll come to Greece this summer. La criada limpiará la habitación de invitados. The maid will clean the guest room. The maid will clean the guest room. Estoy prendiendo mi cigarro. I am lighting my cigar. I'm lighting my cigarette. A quien destruye la naturaleza no le gustan los niños. Children don't like people who destroy nature. He who destroys nature does not like children. ¿Por qué Tom no quiere ver a Mary? Why does Tom want to see Mary? Why doesn't Tom want to see Mary? Linda no estaba maquillada. Linda wore no make-up. Linda wasn't made up. ¿Por qué visitaste al médico aquella vez? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why did you go to the doctor that time? Contunhas de hèr las medishas errors a cada còp. You continue making the same mistakes time after time. You make mistakes at every turn. Soy como mi padre. I am like my father. I'm like my father. Tenés que elegir entre el honor y la muerte. You have to choose between honor and death. You have to choose between honor and death. La gente se cree lo que ve. People believe what they see. People believe what they see. Él no frenó a tiempo y chocó con un árbol. He didn't brake on time, and ran into a tree. He didn’t stop in time and hit a tree. Sostenlo con ambas manos. Hold it with both hands. Hold it with both hands. No tienes ningún motivo para no cambiar. You have no reason not to switch. You have no reason not to change. Tócalo otra vez. Play it again. Touch it again. Tom necesita amigos. Tom needs friends. Tom needs friends. Casi no hay agua en el cubo. There's almost no water in the bucket. There is almost no water in the bucket. Es la casa donde nací. It's the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Han pasado tres horas y media desde que se marchó. Three and a half hours have passed since he left. It's been three and a half hours since he left. Él conduce a menudo el coche de su padre. He often drives his father's car. He often drives his father's car. Mañana estaré ocupado. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. ¡Qué cara más dura! ¡Hizo un piscinazo, se acercó cojeando al árbitro y, una vez que le hubo sacado la roja al jugador del otro equipo, se fue caminando tan normal! He's got some nerve! He flopped like a fish out of water, hobbled over to the referee, and once he had given a red card to the player from the other team, walked away as if nothing had happened to him! He swung, limped over to the umpire, and once he had pulled the red one out of the other team's player, he walked away so normal! No hay nada que hacer en nuestra ciudad. There's nothing to do in our city. There is nothing to do in our city. Ojalá pudiéramos comprar la canción por separado en lugar de tener que comprar el álbum completo. Eso me arruina. I wish we could buy the song separately instead of having to get the entire album. That kind of ruins it for me. I wish we could buy the song separately instead of having to buy the whole album. ¡Quiero un MP3! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3! Tom juega con muñecas, pero su hermana no. Tom plays with dolls, but his sister doesn't. Tom plays with dolls, but his sister doesn't. Ne l'avèva pas vista abans. I have seen her before. I haven't seen him before. El domingo no es día laborable. Sunday is not a workday. Sunday is not a working day. Sabe que sé que lo sabe. He knows I know that he knows. He knows I know he knows. Estoy indeciso por quien votar. I’m on the fence on who I should vote for. I am undecided who to vote for. Imagino que sabes lo que hacer. I suppose you know what to do. I guess you know what to do. Negra y vacía es la noche, si tus ojos no me miran, si tu boca no me habla, si tú, niña, no suspiras, y me destrozas el alma, pues te miro cada día, y con tu mirada callada, otra mirada tú miras. Dark and empty is the night if your eyes do not look at me, if your mouth does not speak, if you, girl, do not sigh, it destroys my soul, so I look at you each day, and with your quiet look, you catch another glance. Black and empty is the night, if your eyes do not look at me, if your mouth does not speak to me, if you, child, do not sigh, and shatter my soul, for I look at you every day, and with your silent look, another look you look. Es la semana nacional del libro. It's the national week of the book. This is National Book Week. ¿Has visto mi botella? Have you seen my bottle? Have you seen my bottle? Un pluot es un cruce entre una ciruela japonesa y un albaricoque. A pluot is a cross between a Japanese plum and an apricot. A pluot is a cross between a Japanese plum and an apricot. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información sobre el tema? Where can I find more information about this subject? Where can I find more information on the subject? Dudo que el venga a tiempo. I doubt if he will come on time. I doubt he'll be here in time. Él no está en casa, ¿verdad? He isn't at home, is he? He's not home, is he? ¿Qué harás con el dinero? Preguntó el policía. "What are you going to do with the money?", asked the policeman. “What are you going to do with the money?” the policeman asked. Es va quedar allí tot el temps He stayed there the whole time. He stayed there all the time. Nuestro tema de la semana es la intolerancia. Our topic of the week is intolerance. Our theme of the week is intolerance. Si fuera joven iría al extranjero. If I were young, I would go abroad. If I was young, I would go abroad. ¿Cómo está él? How is he? How's he doing? ¿Te gusta ver partidos en televisión? Do you like to watch matches on TV? Do you like watching games on TV? Te llamaré mañana. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Él me pisó el pie a propósito en el tren. He trod on my foot on purpose in the train. He stepped on my foot on purpose on the train. Empezaron a ponerse nerviosos. They started to get nervous. They started to get nervous. Queremos aprender muchas cosas. We want to learn a lot of things. We want to learn a lot. Massi es miembro del parlamento cabilio. Massi is a member of the Kabyle parliament. Massi is a member of the Cabilio parliament. Cúbrete el ojo así, por favor. Cover your eye like this please. Cover your eye like that, please. Os habéis acostumbrado demasiado a mí. You've gotten too used to me. You've gotten too used to me. Llegíem. We were reading. We were coming. ¿Qué estaba haciendo él aquí? What was he doing here? What was he doing here? Él hizo una tonificante caminata a lo largo de la orilla del río. He took an exhilarating walk along the riverside. He took an invigorating walk along the riverbank. Estoy aprendiendo checo. I learn Czech. I am learning Czech. Tom se lavó las manos y el rostro. Tom washed his hands and face. Tom washed his hands and face. Creo que me voy a hacer en los pantalones. I think I'm gonna shit myself. I think I'm gonna do it in my pants. No he comido ahí en mucho tiempo. I haven't eaten there in a long time. I haven't eaten there in a long time. No debes pensar solo en la recompensa inmediata. You must not think about your immediate profit only. Don’t just think about the immediate reward. Me acabé el libro el mes pasado. I finished the book last month. I finished the book last month. ¿Qué es el Area 51? What is Area 51? What is Area 51? ¿Puedo llevarme prestado eso? Te lo devolveré mañana. Can I borrow that? I'll give it back tomorrow. I'll pay you back tomorrow. Hoy hace un calor insoportable. It's unbearably hot today. It's unbearable heat today. El ejército tuvo que involucrarse. The army had to get involved. The army had to get involved. Ya me tengo que ir. I have to leave now. I've got to go. Acá estoy. Here I am. Here I am. Si la máquina está dañada, tú eres responsable. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. Tom se ve joven. Tom looks young. Tom looks young. ¿Cómo podemos salvar la Tierra? How can we save the earth? How can we save the Earth? ¿Le dio Tom una pistola a Mary? Did Tom give Mary a gun? Did Tom give Mary a gun? El perro de Tom lo despertó un poco después de medianoche. Tom's dog woke him up a little after midnight. Tom's dog woke him up a little after midnight. Poderés tanben vénguer dab jo. You may as well come with me. You could have come to me. Repósate. Take a rest. Lie down. No sé por qué se encuentra ausente hoy. I don't know the reason he is absent today. I don't know why he's absent today. El hombre parado allí es el señor Smith. The man standing over there is Mr. Smith. The man standing there is Mr. Smith. Él está poseído por la ambición de gobernar el mundo. He is possessed with the ambition to rule over the world. He is possessed by the ambition to rule the world. Me han dicho que estás buscando una niñera. I've been told that you're looking for a sitter. I'm told you're looking for a babysitter. Ella está esperando a que vuelvas. She’s waiting for you to return. She's waiting for you to come back. Nos quedamos en el hotel tres días y dos noches. We stayed at the hotel three days and two nights. We stayed at the hotel for three days and two nights. Aproximadamente siete de cada diez estrellas de la Vía Láctea son las llamadas enanas rojas. Approximately seven out of every ten stars in the Milky Way are so-called red dwarves. About seven out of ten stars in the Milky Way are so-called red dwarfs. Tom es un policía. Tom is a police officer. Tom's a cop. Qu'ei un líber ancian. This is an old book. He is a Libertarian. ¡Honor y gloria a la URSS! Honor and glory to the USSR! Honor and glory to the USSR! ¿Saben cuántos años tengo? Do they know how old I am? Do you know how old I am? ¿Por qué no hay ningún gato aquí? Why aren't there any cats in here? Why aren't there any cats here? Hay un monstruo debajo de mi cama. There is a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Creo que estoy preparado para estudiar francés. I think I'm ready to study French. I think I'm ready to study French. El ecuador divide la Tierra en dos hemisferios: el hemisferio norte y el hemisferio sur. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern and the southern hemisphere. The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Tom era feliz cuando todas las chicas que se cruzaban con él en la calle le sonreían, pero su felicidad se desvaneció rápidamente cuando descubrió que su bragueta estaba abierta. Tom was happy when all the girls who were walking by him on the street smiled at him, but his happiness quickly faded when he discovered that his fly was unzipped. Tom was happy when all the girls who came across him on the street smiled at him, but his happiness quickly faded when he discovered that his fly was open. Nuestras exigencias son: un máximo de veinte alumnos por aula, más profesores que aulas, más apoyo a los alumnos. Our demands are: a maximum of twenty students per classroom, more professors than classrooms, and more student support. Our demands are: a maximum of twenty students per classroom, more teachers than classrooms, more support for students. ¿Dónde compró Nabila una cobaya? Where did Nabila buy a guinea pig? Where did Nabila buy a guinea pig? Esta es una buena guitarra. This guitar is a good one. This is a good guitar. Ella estuvo enferma por un largo tiempo. She was ill for a long time. She was sick for a long time. Yo conozco una manera muy buena de hacerlo. I know a very good way to get it done. I know a very good way to do it. ¿Qué dirías en este contexto? What would you say in this context? What would you say in this context? Valgo la pena. I'm worth it. It's worth it. Te lo estás inventando. You're making it up. You're making it up. Yanni está saliendo con Skura. Yanni is dating Skura. Yanni's dating Skura. Esta máquina se descompone a veces. This machine sometimes breaks down. This machine breaks down sometimes. Creo en la teoría de la evolución, creo en la ciencia. I believe in the theory of evolution, I believe in science. I believe in the theory of evolution, I believe in science. Me dio una respuesta cortante. He gave me a curt answer. He gave me a sharp answer. Tom odia a la gente. Tom hates people. Tom hates people. El perro está durmiendo en el auto. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog is sleeping in the car. Él no es mi padre. He's not my father. He's not my father. Vine aquí para ver si había algo que pudiera hacer para ayudar, pero parece que no hay nada para que yo haga. I came here to see if there was something I could do to help, but there doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. I came here to see if there was anything I could do to help, but there seems to be nothing for me to do. Freud fue un pensador original. Freud was an original thinker. Freud was an original thinker. Tenía un poco de dolor de cabeza. I felt a touch of pain in my head. I had a bit of a headache. Ella fue de compras con él el lunes pasado. She went shopping with him last Monday. She went shopping with him last Monday. ¡Ay, ay, ay! ¡No me muerdas la oreja! Ow, ow, ow! Don't bite my ear! Oh, oh, oh, don't bite my ear! Mi esposa quería adoptar un niño. My wife wanted to adopt a child. My wife wanted to adopt a child. Siempre está aprendiendo algo nuevo. He's always learning something. He is always learning something new. ¿Fuiste de acampada otra vez el fin de semana pasado? Did you go camping again last weekend? Were you camping again last weekend? Vostè no ha de menjar-ho. You don't have to eat it. You don't have to eat it. Nadie es invulnerable. No one is invulnerable. No one is invulnerable. Pensé que habías dicho que eras malo en francés. I thought you said you were bad at French. I thought you said you were bad in French. ¡No tenemos tanto tiempo! We don't have so much time. We don't have that much time! Yanni no abrió esa ventana. Yanni didn't open that window. Yanni didn't open that window. ¿Mary ve la tele? Does Mary watch TV? Does Mary watch TV? El domingo es el primer día de la semana. Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week. Creo que él tiene un maní. I think he has a small dick. I think he's got a peanut. Podría parecer que te estás dando un regalo a ti mismo. That might look like you're giving yourself a gift. It might seem like you’re giving yourself a gift. Jamás cedió a la tentación. He never gave in to temptation. He never gave in to temptation. Ella abandonó a los hijos. She left her children. She abandoned the children. Como extranjero, conoce Hungría mejor que muchos húngaros. Being a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. As a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. Necesitas hablar con Tom. You need to talk to Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Es cierto que la tierra es redonda. It's true that the earth is round. It is true that the earth is round. ¡Asombroso! Awesome! Awesome! Tom se subía por las paredes cuando fue notificado del saqueo por correo electrónico. Tom was hopping mad when he was notified of his sacking by email. Tom was climbing the walls when he was notified of the looting by email. El idioma bereber es bastante poético. The Berber language is pretty poetic. The Berber language is quite poetic. Esta es nuestra casa. This is our home. This is our house. No olvidemos. Let's not forget. Let's not forget. Ahora no quieren. They don't want to right now. Now they don't want to. Estaba tan cansada que no podía dormir. She was so tired that she couldn't sleep. I was so tired I couldn’t sleep. ¿Puedes enseñarme portugués? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? Me gustaría reservar una mesa para dos. I'd like to reserve a table for two. I'd like to reserve a table for two. Ésas son bonitas. Those are nice. Those are pretty. Si eso es verdad, ella es mejor que yo. If that's true, then she's better than me. If that's true, she's better than me. Son mis compañeros de salón. They are my classmates. They're my roommates. "¿Cuál corbata te vas a poner?" "La que compré ayer." "What tie are you going to wear?" "The one I bought yesterday." "Which tie are you gonna wear?" "The one I bought yesterday." Tom estudia francés cada mañana. Tom studies French every morning. Tom studies French every morning. Tom ayudó. Tom helped. Tom helped. Aquest cotxe és un trasto. This car is a pile of rubbish. This car is a mess. Faltan tres minutos para la hora del espectáculo. It's three minutes to showtime. It's three minutes before showtime. El arroz no contiene gluten. Rice does not contain gluten. Rice does not contain gluten. Argelia tiene una enorme reserva de petróleo. Algeria has a huge reserve of oil. Algeria has a huge oil reserve. Quiero un gatito. I want a kitten. I want a kitten. Necesito un nuevo cinturón. I need a new belt. I need a new belt. El ejercicio mental es particularmente importante para los chiquillos. Mental exercise is particularly important for young children. Mental exercise is particularly important for kids. ¿Cuántos kanjis de cuarto grado has memorizado? How many grade four kanji have you memorised? How many fourth grade kanji have you memorized? Tom está sirviendo un vaso de leche. Tom is pouring a glass of milk. Tom's pouring a glass of milk. Solo cuando uno tiene hijos se da cuenta de lo grande que es el amor de los padres. Only when you have kids do you realize how big a parent's love is. Only when one has children does one realize how great the love of parents is. Ella plantó rosas en el jardín. She planted roses in the garden. She planted roses in the garden. Tu no has leído esta novela. You haven't read this novel. You haven't read this novel. Skura compró un perro. Skura bought a dog. Skura bought a dog. Esta habitación está sucia. This room is dirty. This room is dirty. Creía que me conocías mejor. I thought you knew me better. I thought you knew me better. ¿No estás contenta de ser rica? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you happy to be rich? Quan estudias ? When do you study? When are you studying? Os compraré los libros. I will buy the books for you. I'll buy you the books. Atz ua veitura ? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Hay muchas personas que tratan de comprar una casa. There are a lot of persons who try to buy a house. There are many people who try to buy a house. El rellotge no funciona. The watch doesn't work. The clock is not working. A todos les gustan las personas educadas. Everybody likes polite people. Everyone likes educated people. Lo entenderé. I'll understand. I'll understand. Él encontró la puerta cerrada. He found the door closed. He found the door closed. ¡Eres un idiota! You are a moron. You're an idiot! No m'agrada que digueu paraulotes. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you saying paraulotes. ¿Los marcianos hablan inglés? Do Martians speak English? Do Martians speak English? ¿Puedes chasquear los dedos? Can you snap your fingers? Can you snap your fingers? Jode a tu madre. Fuck your mom. Fuck your mother. ¡Afronta la vida con una sonrisa! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! No es común que pase pronto. It's not likely to happen soon. It's not common for it to happen soon. El pollo estaba seco. The chicken was dry. The chicken was dry. Apriete este tornillo. Tighten this screw. Tighten this screw. Bon dia! Good morning! Morning! Que ns'encontraram diumenge. We'll meet on Sunday. I'll meet you on Sunday. Encara no ens hem començat a barallar. We have not yet begun to fight. We haven’t started fighting yet. No seas irresponsable. Don't be irresponsible. Don't be irresponsible. No tengo nada que decirle. I've got nothing to say to him. I have nothing to say to you. Me gusta el surrealismo. I like surrealism. I like surrealism. Por favor, cuelga tu ropa aquí. Please hang your clothes over here. Please hang up your clothes here. Ull per ull, dent per dent. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. La práctica es más importante que la teoría. Practice is more important than theory. Practice is more important than theory. Sueño con visitar Suiza con mi familia. I dream of visiting Switzerland with my family. I dream of visiting Switzerland with my family. Parece como si estuvieran intentando no reírse. It looks like you're trying not to laugh. Looks like they're trying not to laugh. Necesito crema para las quemaduras. I need skin burn ointment. I need cream for burns. ¿Tú crees que estaría aquí si hubiera encontrado trabajo? Do you think I would be here if I had found a job? You think I'd be here if I'd found a job? Nueva York es una ciudad emocionante. It's an exciting city, New York. New York is an exciting city. Él le aconsejó que fuera puntual. She was advised by him to be punctual. He advised her to be punctual. Els cirerers florits estàn en el seu millor moment. The cherry blossoms are at their best. Flowery cherry trees are at their best. Tomás me escuchó. Tom listened to me. Tom listened to me. ¿Por qué está enfadado? Why are you irritated? Why are you angry? Estoy aquí para probar que estás equivocada. I'm here to prove you wrong. I'm here to prove you wrong. ¿Qué te dio Tom en tu cumpleaños? What did Tom get you for your birthday? What did Tom give you on your birthday? ¿Qué tal hoy? How about today? How about today? Mi familia la amaba. My family loved her. My family loved her. El equipo campeón mundial japonés regresó a casa con la victoria. The Japanese World Cup champion team came back home flushed with victory. The Japanese world champion team returned home with the victory. Considera la fuente. Consider the source. Consider the source. La luna brilla con fuerza. The moon is shining brightly. The moon shines brightly. Qu'am navèras de las bonas. We have good news. What a ship of good things. El cinismo es sólo una manera desagradable de decir la verdad. Cynicism is just a mean way to tell the truth. Cynicism is just an unpleasant way of telling the truth. En caso de que requiera más información, por favor, no dude en hacérmelo saber. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. In case you require more information, please do not hesitate to let me know. Si "toda regla tiene al menos una excepción" es una regla, entonces al menos una regla no tiene ninguna excepción. If "every rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. If "every rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. Quan atz tornat ? When did you return? When are you back? Por favor, mantened todas las ventanas y puertas abiertas durante el examen. Please keep all windows and doors open during an exam. Please keep all windows and doors open during the exam. ¿No hablaste con Tom? Didn't you talk to Tom? You didn't talk to Tom? Disculpa, no conozco tu patronímico. Excuse me, I don't know your patronymic. Sorry, I don't know your patronymic. Sabes çò qu'a dit ? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? Mantente delgado. Stay thin. Stay thin. La fiesta judía más importante ocurre una vez a la semana. The most important Jewish holiday happens once a week. The most important Jewish holiday occurs once a week. Tengo miedo a los dentistas. I'm scared of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan caminando? How long have they been walking? How long have you been walking? Pensé que querías esto. I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted this. Todos interpretaron la presencia de aquel búho como una premonición ominosa. They all interpreted the presence of that owl as an ominous premonition. Everyone interpreted the presence of that owl as an ominous premonition. Ella va a la escuela de noche. She attends school at night. She goes to school at night. Podría llover antes de la noche. It might rain before evening. It could rain before night. La casa está en venta. The house is on sale. The house is for sale. Que representava lo sindicat au comitat. He represented the labor union on the committee. He represented the union. ¿Qué puedo hacer con todas estas cebollas? What can I do with all these onions? What can I do with all these onions? Se rió a pesar de él. He laughed in spite of himself. He laughed in spite of him. Tengo el mismo problema que tú. I have the same trouble as you have. I have the same problem as you. Estamos demasiado borrachos. We're too drunk. We're too drunk. ¿Por qué dejaste de aprender francés? Why did you stop learning French? Why did you stop learning French? Nadie me habla. Nobody speaks to me. Nobody talks to me. ¡No eres el único! You're not the only one! You're not the only one! Su perro lo miraba cada mañana mientras tomaba desayuno. His dog stared at him every morning while he had his breakfast. His dog watched him every morning while he was having breakfast. Aquera cramba qu'ei estreta. This room is cramped. This cramba is narrow. A ellos les gusta mucho el fútbol. They like soccer a lot. They really like football. Hace tres días que no para de llover. It has been raining nonstop for three days. It hasn't stopped raining for three days. Trabajamos para Tom. We worked for Tom. We work for Tom. ¿Alguna vez has tenido una herida de bala? Have you ever been wounded by a bullet? Have you ever had a gunshot wound? A Mary le gustan los muebles modernos de mediados de siglo. Mary likes mid-century modern furniture. Mary likes mid-century modern furniture. Mañana nos dirigiremos a Francia. Tomorrow we're heading to France. Tomorrow we will go to France. Creo que Tom no se ha ido todavía. I think Tom still hasn't left. I don't think Tom's gone yet. Aquí, lo que Tom dice, va. Here, what Tom says goes. Here, what Tom says, goes. Mary dijo que no tenía plan alguno. Mary said she didn't have a plan. Mary said she had no plan. Por favor, dame una última oportunidad. Please give me one last chance. Please give me one last chance. La guerra empezó tres años después. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Me rasqué la cabeza tanto que me comenzó a sangrar. I scratched my head so hard it started bleeding. I scratched my head so hard it started to bleed. Lo bello no es siempre lo mismo que lo bueno. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. Mi hermano es un miembro del equipo de rescate. My brother is a member of the rescue squad. My brother is a member of the rescue team. Mantuvimos la calma. We kept still. We stayed calm. «¿En qué estás pensando?» «Estoy pensando en ti.» "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you." “What are you thinking?” “I’m thinking of you.” A pesar de todos sus logros, ella no estaba orgullosa. Despite all her achievements, she was not proud. For all her accomplishments, she wasn’t proud. Quiero ir a su casa en mi auto. I want to go to his house using my car. I want to go to his house in my car. Ells van parar de parlar. They stopped talking. They stopped talking. He quedado con Sandra para ir de compras, ¿quieres venir? I'm going shopping with Sandra. Want to come? I'm meeting Sandra for shopping, will you come? ¿Cómo lo sabes? How do you know? How do you know? Ha llovido continuamente durante tres días. It has rained for three days on end. It rained continuously for three days. Quítate los zapatos antes de entrar a un templo. Take your shoes off before entering a temple. Take off your shoes before entering a temple. Tenemos que ir a dormir ahora. We have to go to sleep now. We have to go to sleep now. El tren ya había salido cuando llegué a la estación. The train had already left when I arrived at the station. The train had already left when I arrived at the station. Éstos son mis libros y ésos son los suyos. These are my books and those are his books. These are my books and these are theirs. Yo tengo plena confianza en sus capacidades. I have every confidence in his ability. I have complete confidence in their abilities. Solo sé que es de Boston. I only know that he's from Boston. I just know he's from Boston. Lo siento, me tengo que ir. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm sorry, I have to go. Desde el inicio de la pandemia, nosotros hemos tomado decisiones basadas en la ciencia, datos y pruebas de los expertos en salud. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on science, data and evidence from health experts. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have made decisions based on the science, data and evidence of health experts. Sólo vengo aquí los lunes. I only come here on Mondays. I only come here on Mondays. Su papá se llama Carlos Antonio y su novio, Carlos Miguel. Her father's name's Carlos Antonio. Her boyfriend's Carlos Miguel. Her father is Carlos Antonio and her boyfriend, Carlos Miguel. ¿A cuánto está el kilo de puerros? How much is the kilo of leek? How much is a kilo of leeks? Yanni está muy orgulloso de ti. ¿Sabes por qué? Yanni is so proud of you, you know that? Yanni is very proud of you. Do you know why? Haz lo que quieras. Do what you want. Do what you want. ¿Por qué es mejor tu método? Why is your method better? Why is your method better? Y la historia cambió para siempre. And history was changed forever. And the story changed forever. ¿Cuál crees que es el mayor problema de nuestro país? What do you think is the biggest issue in our country? What do you think is our country’s biggest problem? Dijiste que no tomabas. You said you didn't drink. You said you didn't drink. Soy Tom, el jardinero. I'm Tom, the gardener. I'm Tom, the gardener. Asegúrate de tomar notas. Make sure to take notes. Make sure you take notes. ¿Podrías tú por favor profundizar en esa idea después de la reunión? Could you please follow up on that idea after the meeting? Could you please delve into that idea after the meeting? ¡Hola, Satán! Hi, Satan! Hi, Satan! «¿Cuántos años tienes?» «No tengo edad, yo no he vivido.» "How old are you?" "I have no age. I haven't lived." “How old are you?” “I’m not old, I haven’t lived.” Le dio una caja. He gave her a box. He gave her a box. No solo te quejes, haz algo. Don't just whine, do something! Don’t just complain, do something. Como comida japonesa. I eat Japanese food. Like Japanese food. Diles que alguien les estaba buscando. Tell them that there was someone here looking for them. Tell them someone was looking for them. Solo el tiempo dirá lo que el mundo tiene guardado para nosotros. Only time will tell what the world has in store for us. Only time will tell what the world has in store for us. Us he de dir una cosa. I have something to tell you. I have to tell you one thing. En España, se usa "vosotros"; y en cualquier otro sitio, se usa "ustedes". Espero que sirva. In Spain, you use "vosotros," and for everywhere else, you use "ustedes." I hope that helps. In Spain, "you" is used; and elsewhere, "you" is used. I hope it works. Te desafío a que intentes pararme. I dare you to try to stop me. I challenge you to try to stop me. Yanni era un tipo peligroso. Yanni was a dangerous guy. Yanni was a dangerous guy. Tom y Mary tienen algunos intereses en común. Tom and Mary have some interests in common. Tom and Mary have some common interests. Qu'am besonh de mei de tribalhaires. We need more workers. I love my tribal hair. Los hombres son más agresivos que las mujeres. Men are more aggressive than women. Men are more aggressive than women. Él dijo que tenía hambre, y que quería ir a casa a cenar. He said that he was hungry, and that he wanted to go home to dinner. He said he was hungry, and he wanted to go home for dinner. Me gustaría hacer una reservación para jugar golf mañana. I'd like to make a reservation to play golf tomorrow. I'd like to make a reservation to play golf tomorrow. Por lo que yo sé, él nunca ha llegado a tiempo. As far as I know, he has never come on time. As far as I know, he's never been on time. Los médicos recibiendo comisiones clandestinas de las compañías farmaceúticas para prescribir sus productos es un problema creciente. Doctors receiving kickbacks from drug companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. Doctors receiving clandestine commissions from pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. Te sugiero que te escondas. I suggest you hide. I suggest you hide. Prefiero el vino blanco al vino tinto. I like white wine better than red wine. I prefer white wine to red wine. No vienes, ¿verdad? You are not coming, are you? You're not coming, are you? Tom no engaña a nadie. Tom isn't fooling anybody. Tom's not fooling anyone. Image Viewer és un software per a la visualització d'imatges. Aquest software és un programa molt petit. Aquest software només té les funcions bàsiques. Això és traduïble per usuaris del projecte Tatoeba. Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users. Image Viewer is a software for viewing images. This software is a very small program. This software only has the basic functions. This is translatable by users of the Tatoeba project. Hay mucha evidencia documentada que prueba la evolución. There is much documented evidence to prove evolution. There is a lot of documented evidence that proves evolution. Encara ho tinc fresc a la memòria. It is still fresh in my memory. I still have it fresh in my memory. ¿Por qué se tienen que usar los calzones? Why do we have to wear underwear? Why do you have to wear underwear? He vuelto a empezar a hacer deporte. I've started playing sports again. I started playing sports again. Ese vestido te sienta bien. The dress suits you very well. That dress suits you. ¿Le gusta Japón? Does he like Japan? Do you like Japan? No hice esa promesa. I made no such promise. I didn't make that promise. Sánchez debería haber dimitido hace tiempo. Sanchez should've stepped down a long time ago. Sanchez should have resigned a long time ago. Unos niños están jugando en el pasto. Some children are playing on the grass. Some children are playing on the grass. Ahora lee el salmo. Now read the psalm. Now read the psalm. Los muertos vivientes se alimentan de carne humana. The undead feed on human flesh. The living dead feed on human flesh. Ara son les cuatre i deu It's ten past four now. Now it's four and ten. Te necesito en Boston. I need you in Boston. I need you in Boston. Yo también compré una. I bought one, too. I bought one too. Mary es mi novia. Mary is my girlfriend. Mary is my girlfriend. Hay un solo bus cada dos horas. There is only one bus every two hours. There is only one bus every two hours. Han estado en Suiza. They've been to Switzerland. They've been to Switzerland. Su salud tuvo una caída. Her health has declined. His health had a fall. ¿Sabe cómo utilizar esta cámara? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how to use this camera? Ella nos ha olvidado. She forgot us. She's forgotten us. No sé lo que Tom está tramando. I don't know what Tom is plotting. I don't know what Tom's up to. Yanni también tiene días así. Yanni, too, has days like that. Yanni also has days like this. Pensaba que no te caería bien. I thought you wouldn't like me. I thought you wouldn't like me. Mandadme un mensaje si encontráis algo. Send me a message if you find something. Send me a message if you find anything. No ho vaig dir mai. I have never said it. I never said that. ¿Alguna vez has querido vivir en el Caribe? Have you ever wanted to live in the Caribbean? Have you ever wanted to live in the Caribbean? Ahora te veo. I see you now. I'll see you now. Tom no cree haber hecho nada malo. Tom doesn't think he did anything wrong. Tom doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Tom tiene las manos suaves. Tom has soft hands. Tom has soft hands. ¡Por favor, ayúdala! Please, help her! Please help her! Estabas bebiendo leche. You were drinking milk. You were drinking milk. Por favor, corrige mi ortografía. Please correct my spelling. Please correct my spelling. Este verano es más frío de lo normal. This summer is cooler than usual. This summer is colder than normal. Construimos un castillo con piezas de Lego. We built a castle out of Legos. We built a castle out of Lego bricks. ¡La gramática de Yoda aprendido has! Yoda's grammar learned you have. Yoda's grammar has learned! Pedí a mi madre que me hiciera algo de comida. I asked my mother to make me some food. I asked my mother to make me some food. Ni siquiera sé quien es Tom. I don't even know who Tom is. I don't even know who Tom is. Conocí a Tom en el invierno de hace tres años. I met Tom in the winter three years ago. I met Tom in the winter of three years ago. Yo puedo nadar rápido. I can swim fast. I can swim fast. Las niñas maduran antes que los niños. Girls mature faster than boys. Girls mature before boys. Nos volveremos a ver. We will see each other again. We'll meet again. Tenemos una hora más. We've got an hour left. We have one more hour. Ella compró esa cámara cuando estaba en Japón. She bought that camera while she was in Japan. She bought that camera when she was in Japan. Tom dimitió al día siguiente. Tom resigned the next day. Tom resigned the next day. Pensé que Tom había muerto. I thought that Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. No te acerques al fuego. Don't go near the fire. Don't go near the fire. Ganhar las eleccions èra una victòria de las bèras peu partit deu candidat. Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party. Winning the election was a victory for the two candidates. M'encanta el menjar d'aquí. I love the food here. I love the food here. Parece ser que el mundo no se acabó el 21 de diciembre después de todo. It looks like the world didn't end on December 21st after all. The world didn’t end on December 21st after all. No importa cuanto lo intente, no puedo nadar hasta esa roca. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. Se dice que el límite que puede alcanzar el ELO de un jugador de ajedrez es 3000. Hasta el día de hoy, el máximo alcanzado fue de 2882, por el actual campeón del mundo Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that a chess player's ELO can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that can reach the ELO of a chess player is 3000. To this day, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. No miréis a la cámara. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Él luce muy vigoroso, considerando su edad. He looks very vigorous, considering his age. He looks very vigorous, considering his age. Eso es un nivel por debajo. That's one level down. That's one level below. Mi abuela nos hizo un guiso de carne y papa. My grandma made us some meat and potato stew. My grandmother made us a stew of meat and potatoes. No volem arribar tard. We don't want to be late. We don't want to be late. Lo siento, no tengo ni idea. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm sorry, I have no idea. El autor nos desvela el propósito que tenía cada uno de los dos jugadores a la hora de realizar cada movimiento. The author reveals to us the purpose that each of the two players had when making each move. The author reveals the purpose that each of the two players had when making each move. Puede que lo que dijiste sea cierto. Maybe what you said is true. Maybe what you said is true. Adiu. Hi. Good-bye. Paula dijo que no vendría porque había quedado con su novio, pero era mentira. Paula said she wouldn't come because she was meeting up with her boyfriend, but that was a lie. Paula said she wouldn't come because she had met her boyfriend, but it was a lie. No seas codo con la propina. Don't be mean with the tip. Don't be too close to the tip. Mi hermana me mostró un reloj nuevo. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. No me he lavado los dientes en tres días. I haven't brushed my teeth in three days. I haven't brushed my teeth in three days. El nuevo coche pasó sus pruebas con éxito. The new car underwent its tests successfully. The new car passed its tests successfully. Tom es ciego de un ojo. Tom is blind in one eye. Tom is blind in one eye. Tom tenía otro plan de contingencia en caso de que algo saliera mal. Tom had a back up plan in case something went wrong. Tom had another contingency plan in case anything went wrong. Si us plau, corregeix-me si m'equivoco. Please correct me if I make a mistake. Please correct me if I'm wrong. És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. This is the best book I have ever read. This is the best book I have ever read. Odiamos a Tom. We hated Tom. We hate Tom. Tengo un par de libros en inglés. I have a few English books. I have a couple of books in English. Si llueve, esta noche no salgo. If it is raining, I won't go out tonight. If it rains, I don't go out tonight. Necesito olvidar, luego bebo. I need to forget, therefore I drink. I need to forget, then I drink. Quiero ser más independiente. I want to be more independent. I want to be more independent. ¿No le echas azúcar? You don't take sugar? Don't you put sugar on it? ¿Cuál es la edad de tu hermana? How old is your sister? What's your sister's age? Pasé el fin de semana leyendo una larga novela. I spent the weekend reading a long novel. I spent the weekend reading a long novel. Esa es la oficina de Tom. That's Tom's office. That's Tom's office. No cerré la puerta. I left the door open. I didn't lock the door. ¿Qué ha hecho Tom? What has Tom done? What did Tom do? Déjeme hablar con usted. Let me talk to you. Let me talk to you. Me he habituado a vivir por mi cuenta. I've gotten used to living by myself. I've gotten used to living on my own. Nada de lo que puedas ser es más horrible que lo que soy. Nothing you can be is more terrible than what I am. Nothing you can be is more horrible than what I am. He de recuperar el temps perdut. I have to catch up the lost time. I have to make up for lost time. M'encuantarèi de tu quan seràs vielh. I will take care of you when you are old. I'll tell you when you're old. Aunque me haya traído flores, igual no lo perdonaré. Even if he brought me flowers, I still won't forgive him. Even though he brought me flowers, I still won't forgive him. Veng t'agorrinar dab jo. Come swing with me. Come on, you'll be horrified by me. Tom estaba seguro de que venían tiempos mejores. Tom was sure better times were coming. Tom was sure better times were coming. Jane no es menos guapa que su madre. Jane is no less beautiful than her mother. Jane is no less beautiful than her mother. 5.000 yuanes es mucho dinero. 5000 yuan is a lot of money. 5,000 yuan is a lot of money. No semblava que ell tingués sospites. He didn't seem suspicious. He didn’t seem to have any suspicions. Me gusta la música, especialmente la música clásica. I like music, especially classical music. I like music, especially classical music. Los juegos olímpicos de Tokio se han pospuesto a 2021. The Tokyo Olympics were postponed to 2021. The Tokyo Olympics have been postponed to 2021. Què vas fer? What did you do? What did you do? Estàs d'acord amb Tom, oi? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? Él tiene barba. He has a beard. He has a beard. Mi padre está igual de ocupado que siempre. My father is as busy as ever. My father is as busy as ever. Tom construyó esto con su padre. Tom built this with his dad. Tom built this with his father. Le pedí a mi padre que comprase este juguete. I asked my father to buy this toy. I asked my father to buy this toy. Voy a tener que pasar de eso. I'm going to have to pass on that. I'm gonna have to get over that. Los dròlles que jogavan a l'ostau. The children were playing at keeping house. The dragons that were playing in the ostau. Esta es mi mayor preocupación. This is my biggest worry. This is my biggest concern. Hay alguien a la puerta. Someone is at the door. There's someone at the door. ¿Quieres ir al zoo? Do you want to go to the zoo? You want to go to the zoo? No veo un solo cliente en esta tienda. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don't see a single customer in this store. Quiero conversar con ella acerca de mi futuro. I want to talk to her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Sempre ha sigut així. It's always been that way. It's always been like that. ¿Cuál es vuestro grupo sanguíneo? What's your blood type? What is your blood type? Yanni estaba viviendo allí. Yanni was living there. Yanni was living there. E vòus estar ric ? Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be rich? Tom viene aquí casi todos los días. Tom comes here almost every day. Tom comes here almost every day. Tom fue asesinado por los miembros de su propia pandilla. Tom was killed by his own gang members. Tom was killed by members of his own gang. Nunca se olvida de pagar la cuenta. He never forgets to pay a bill. He never forgets to pay the bill. Yo estoy muy satisfecho de oír las noticias. I am very pleased to hear the news. I am very pleased to hear the news. Tom es abogado. Tom is a lawyer. Tom is a lawyer. No hay gente perfecta. There are no perfect people. There are no perfect people. La gente tiene que hacer cosas para sobrevivir. People have to do things to survive. People have to do things to survive. Quin és el teu propòsit real? What's your real purpose? What is your real purpose? Tom está pensando en mudarse a una cabaña en el quinto pino. Tom is thinking of moving to a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Tom is thinking of moving to a cabin in the fifth pine. Debe haber algo mal con el motor. There must be something wrong with the engine. There must be something wrong with the engine. Dile a Tom que no es mi culpa. Tell Tom that it isn't my fault. Tell Tom it's not my fault. ¿Has visto a Tom? No está en su habitación. Have you seen Tom? He isn't in his room. He's not in his room. El Japó és més petit que el Canadà. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. Llevo un BMW. I drive a BMW. I'm driving a BMW. Estuve esperando a Tom. I was expecting Tom. I've been waiting for Tom. Soy de Madrid. I'm from Madrid. I'm from Madrid. No se puede ser rápido con el estómago lleno. One cannot fast on a full stomach. You can't be fast on a full stomach. Eres un profesor muy competente y amable. You are a very competent and kind teacher. You are a very competent and friendly teacher. A todo el mundo le gusta la nieve. Everybody likes snow. Everyone likes snow. ¡Céntrese! Focus! Focus! Vine quan vulguis. Come whenever you like. Come whenever you want. No creo que los dioses existan. I don't think gods exist. I don't think the gods exist. Me gusta mi café fuerte. I like my coffee strong. I like my strong coffee. Quiero comer algo que no esté dulce. I want to eat something that isn't sweet. I want to eat something that's not sweet. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que consumiste opiáceos? When was the last time you used opiates? When was the last time you took opioids? Quan el número 21 es divideix entre 7, el resultat és 3. When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3 When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3. Yo tuve una infancia feliz. I had a happy childhood. I had a happy childhood. A los niños no les gustó la película. The children didn't like the film. The kids didn’t like the movie. Cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis (456) es un número de tres cifras. Four hundred and fifty six (456) is a three-digit number. Four hundred and fifty-six (456) is a three-digit number. Mis gatos son mis hijos. My cats are my children. My cats are my children. Eres la otra mitad de mi cerebro. You're the other half of my brain. You're the other half of my brain. Quiero un perro como el tuyo. I want a dog like yours. I want a dog like yours. El Sahara es el mayor desierto del mundo. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Sí, pero, ¿a quién carajo le importa? Yes, but who gives a damn? Yeah, but who the fuck cares? Mi madre es mi joya. My mother is my jewel. My mother is my jewel. Los escribieron. They wrote to them. They wrote them. ¿Eso es nuestro? Is that ours? Is that ours? Nuestro cerebro necesita estímulos. Our brains need some stimulation. Our brain needs stimulation. Qu'ei carn de las bonas. This is good meat. It's good meat. Vos prègui, desiratz-me bona escaduda. Please wish me luck. I want you to send me a good squirt. Él tenía que alimentar a su numerosa familia. He had to feed his large family. He had to feed his large family. Créeme. Believe me. Trust me. Existir es ser percibido. To exist is to be perceived. To exist is to be perceived. Eres la única persona que puede convencerlo. You're the only person that can persuade him. You're the only person who can convince him. ¿Tenés la misma cosa en un color diferente? Do you have the same thing in a different color? Do you have the same thing in a different color? Él es un hombre muy peligroso. He is very a dangerous man. He's a very dangerous man. Él dijo que había olvidado su cartera en casa. He said he had forgotten his wallet at home. He said he had forgotten his wallet at home. Va ser una nit fantàstica. It was a great night. It was a fantastic night. Sé que lo tienes. I know you have it. I know you got it. ¿De dónde has sacado que me gustaría algo así? Where did you get the idea that I would like such a thing? Where did you get that I'd like something like that? Los zorros comen gallinas. Foxes eat chickens. Foxes eat chickens. No eres un monstruo. You're not a monster. You're not a monster. Besarla fue un momento mágico e inolvidable. Kissing her was a magical, unforgettable moment. Kissing her was a magical and unforgettable moment. Comparto la habitación con mi hermana. I share the room with my sister. I share the room with my sister. Sus manos se sienten ásperas. His hands feel rough. Your hands feel rough. Jesús és el teu fill, Maria! Jesus is your son, Mary! Jesus is your son, Mary! El restaurante no abre antes de las seis. The restaurant isn't open before six o'clock. The restaurant does not open before six. Me he acostumbrado a vivir solo. I am used to living alone. I've gotten used to living alone. No sé la seva adreça. I don't know her address. I don't know his address. "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Él me sonríe amistosamente. He smiles kindly at me. He smiles at me amicably. Ela a lo pèu cort. She has short hair. She's in the peeps. Escuchemos música. Let's listen to music. Let's listen to music. Él reinó con justicia su reino. He ruled his kingdom fairly. He reigned his kingdom with justice. Volètz un pauc de pastís ? Won't you have some cake? Want a cup of cake? La escuela empieza a las nueve y acaba a las seis. School begins at nine and is over at six. School starts at nine and ends at six. Espero que todo el mundo sepa lo que esto significa. I expect everyone knows what this means. I hope everyone knows what this means. Ella todavía no se ha decidido. She hasn't decided yet. She hasn't decided yet. ¡Dispare! Shoot! Shoot! Estupa lo gas ! Turn off the gas. Stupa the gas! La casa del pastor estaba en una garganta. The shepherd's house stood in a gorge. The pastor’s house was in a throat. Vamos a ver qué pasa fuera. Let's see what's happening outside. Let's see what happens outside. Por fin llegamos a California. At last, we reached California. We finally arrived in California. Para decirlo sin rodeos, la razón por la que este equipo no va a ganar es porque usted les está frenando. To put it bluntly, the reason this team won't win is because you're holding them back. To put it bluntly, the reason this team is not going to win is because you are holding them back. ¿La gente de Boston bebe agua del grifo? Do people in Boston drink tap water? Do the people of Boston drink tap water? No puedo evitarlo. I cannot help it. I can't help it. Quiero hacer lo que solía hacer antes de ir a la cárcel. I want to do what I used to do before I went to prison. I want to do what I used to do before I went to jail. Creo que a Juan le gusta María. I think John likes Mary. I think John likes Mary. No está lloviendo. Está nevando. It's not raining. It's snowing. It's not raining, it's snowing. Te deseo suerte. I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. Esperaré un día o dos. I'll wait a day or two. I'll wait a day or two. ¡Qué desagradable sorpresa! What an unpleasant surprise! What an unpleasant surprise! Traducir esa oración literalmente fue un error estúpido. El significado era totalmente diferente. Translating that sentence literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. Translating that sentence literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. Siempre serán bienvenidos a esta casa. You'll always be welcome in this house. You will always be welcome in this house. ¿Está Tom en casa? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? Compré la mesa de caoba por ser la más elegante. I bought the mahogany table because it was the most elegant. I bought the mahogany table for being the most elegant. Él es amable. He is kind. He's kind. ¿Quién es la chica que está llorando? Who's the girl who is crying? Who's the girl crying? ¿Qué planes tienes para tus vacaciones de verano? What are your plans for your summer vacation? What are your plans for your summer vacation? ¿Has estado vomitando recientemente? Have you been vomiting recently? Have you been vomiting recently? Él fue a pescar a un río en las cercanías del pueblo. He went fishing in a river near the village. He went fishing in a river near the village. Ambos rieron. The two chuckled. They both laughed. De veritat? Really? Really? ¿Quién es tu papi, perra? Who's your daddy, bitch? Who's your daddy, bitch? No me apetece hablar de ello. I don’t feel like talking about it. I don't feel like talking about it. No tengo suficiente dinero para comprar el medicamento que mi padre necesita. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. Todas las hojas del árbol se pusieron amarillas. All of the tree's leaves turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. A mi m'agrada més mirar les pel·lícules en versió original. I prefer to watch films in the original. I like to watch movies in the original version. Los ingenieros levantaron un plano para un nuevo muelle. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. Engineers raised a plan for a new dock. Quiero que sepas que hiciste un gran trabajo. I want you to know you did a great job. I want you to know that you did a great job. ¿Tiene usted una hermana? Do you have a sister? Do you have a sister? Deberías pedirle perdón a Tom. You should apologize to Tom. You should apologize to Tom. Veamos cómo reacciona Tom a eso. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. "¿Me prestas algo de dinero?" "Estoy sin blanca." Can you lend me some money? I'm skint. "Can I borrow some money?" "I'm out of white." Quiero tomar café. I want to drink coffee. I want coffee. Se va a acostumbrar rápidamente. She's going to get used to it quickly. He'll get used to it quickly. Este es mi cuaderno. This is my notebook. This is my notebook. ¿Dónde compraste un diccionario de tamil? Where did you buy a Tamil dictionary? Where did you buy a Tamil dictionary? Yanni vendía enciclopedias casa por casa. Yanni sold encyclopedias door to door. Yanni sold encyclopedias house to house. Pensi, per consequéncia soi. I think, therefore I am. Think about it, for example. ¿Te sangran las encías cuando te cepillas los dientes? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Bebió demasiado, no sabe lo que dice. He drank too much, he doesn't know what he is saying. He drank too much, he doesn't know what he's saying. Es su película favorita. It's her favorite movie. It's his favorite movie. La orquesta interpretó sinfonías maravillosas. The orchestra played wonderful symphonies. The orchestra performed wonderful symphonies. N'ac sabèva pas. He didn't know that. I didn't know. Em baixo del tren a la pròxima estació. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I get off the train at the next station. Jane no sabe tanto acerca de Nara como sabe acerca de Kyoto. Jane doesn't know as much about Nara as she does about Kyoto. Jane doesn't know as much about Nara as she does about Kyoto. Yanni quitó la cadena de la puerta. Yanni took the chain off the door. Yanni removed the chain from the door. No le gusta hablar. He doesn't like to talk. He doesn't like to talk. Qu'èi vist ua vedeta uei. I have seen a star today. I have seen a lot of them. Ella es una niña educada. She is an educated girl. She's an educated child. No duplique oraciones. Don't duplicate sentences. Do not duplicate prayers. Hoy en día no es fácil encontrar trabajo. It's not easy to find work nowadays. Nowadays it is not easy to find a job. Em sentia igual. I was feeling the same. I felt the same way. Bill estaba en Japón. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. No canviarem res. We're not going to change anything. We won't change anything. Lo hizo simplemente por curiosidad. He did it simply out of curiosity. He did it simply out of curiosity. Descansa. Take a break. Rest. ¿Alguna vez has visto una paloma bebé? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Él lava la bici cada semana. He washes the bike every week. He washes his bike every week. Nadie recuerda cómo empezó todo. No one remembers how it all started. No one remembers how it all started. Aguarda hasta las seis. Wait till six. Wait till six. Tendré que rendir un examen en análisis real. I'll have to take an exam on real analysis. I'll have to take a real-world test. Me da igual que se rían de mí. I don't care if they laugh at me. I don't care if they laugh at me. Ella se ve adinerada. She seems rich. She looks wealthy. ¿Qué es una pandemia? What is a pandemic? What is a Pandemic? Un niño pequeño necesita a alguien a quien poder admirar. A small boy needs some person he can look up to. A young child needs someone to look up to. Nosotras deberíamos seguirlos. We should follow them. We should follow them. Corrígeme si me equivoco. Correct me if I am mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong. ¿Cuánto tiempo te mintió él? How long has he lied to you? How long did he lie to you? Tom miró por encima de la cerca. Tom looked over the fence. Tom looked over the fence. Tom no fue capaz de contener su enfado. Tom wasn't able to hold back his anger. Tom was unable to contain his anger. ¡La próxima vez llevaré botas! Next time, I will wear boots! Next time I'll wear boots! Ella debe pagar el libro. She has to pay for the book. She has to pay for the book. Eso es fascinante. That's fascinating. That's fascinating. ¿Vas a elegir tú o lo hago yo? Are you going to choose, or should I? Are you going to choose you or do I? Pelé una manzana. I peeled an apple. I peeled an apple. No puedo comprender lo que ella está diciendo. I can't understand what she says. I can't understand what she's saying. De qué as crompat ? What did you buy? What have you scratched? ¿Necesitas nuestra ayuda? Do you need our help? Do you need our help? Me pidieron que esperase aquí. I was asked to wait here. They asked me to wait here. Yanni fue muy específico. Yanni was very specific. Yanni was very specific. Me gusta la música de Tom. I like Tom's music. I like Tom's music. Él a menudo va conduciendo a la biblioteca. He often drives to the library. He often drives to the library. Es muy difícil complacerla. She's very hard to please. It's very hard to please her. Él estaba casado con su hermana. He was married to her sister. He was married to his sister. A él le va a encantar esto. He's going to love this. He's gonna love this. El árbol de los cabilios es el olivo. The tree of the Kabyles is the olive tree. The tree of the cabilios is the olive tree. Le gusta vivir en Tokio. He likes to live in Tokyo. He likes to live in Tokyo. Vendemos carne fresca. We sell fresh meat. We sell fresh meat. Crec que necessite una bona nit de son. I believe that I need a good night's sleep. I think he needs a good night's sleep. No pasa nada, te entiendo. It's OK. I understand. It's okay, I understand. Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack is hard to convince. ¿Por qué sabes tanto de mí? Why do you know so much about me? Why do you know so much about me? Quedamos de salir a comer a la noche pero no pasó nada. We had plans to eat out at night, but they came to nothing. We went out to eat at night but nothing happened. Yanni juega demasiado. Yanni plays too much. Yanni plays too much. Que yo sepa no tengo familia en Boston. As far as I know, I don't have any relatives in Boston. As far as I know, I don’t have a family in Boston. Tom es un escritor consolidado. Tom is an established writer. Tom is an established writer. Em posaré en contacte amb tu. I will get in touch with you. I'll get in touch with you. El avión despegó y a lo pronto ya estaba fuera de vista. The plane took off and was soon out of sight. The plane took off and soon was out of sight. Me gustaría ver la carta. I'd like to see the menu. I'd like to see the letter. Dime si hay algo detrás de todo ese maquillaje. Tell me if there's anything behind all that makeup. Tell me if there's anything behind all that makeup. ¿Te hace falta mucho dinero? Do you need much money? Do you need a lot of money? Dejasteis la ventana abierta mientras llovía; ahora, toda la habitación está mojada. You left the window open while it rained, now the whole room is wet. You left the window open as it rained; now, the whole room is wet. Deberías ir en persona. You should go in person. You should go in person. Él se bajó del árbol. He climbed down from the tree. He got off the tree. Tom cerró sus ojos. Tom closed his eyes. Tom closed his eyes. En Tom va visitar la tomba de la Mary. Tom visited Mary's grave. Tom visited Mary's tomb. Ella cargaba la caja debajo del brazo. She carried the box under her arm. She was carrying the box under her arm. Este país es nuestro. This country is ours. This country is ours. Todavía quedan más opciones. Other options remain. There are still more options. A Tom lo tomaron por sorpresa. Tom was taken by surprise. Tom was taken by surprise. Estoy interesado en aprender cómo arreglar una mesa rota. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. Vive en una casa lejos del pueblo. He lives in a house far from the village. He lives in a house far from the village. Dile a él que aparezca. Tell him to show up. Tell him to show up. Tom se calmó después de que Mary le dio un abrazo. Tom calmed down after Mary gave him a hug. Tom calmed down after Mary gave him a hug. Ella era una mujer encantadora. She was a charming woman. She was a lovely woman. No recordo on el vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. ¿Por qué no le hacemos una visita a Tom? Why don't we pay Tom a visit? Why don't we pay Tom a visit? ¿A dónde fue Tom? Where did Tom go? Where did Tom go? Tom obtuvo malas notas en la escuela porque, al tener que trabajar en la granja de sus padres, apenas tuvo tiempo para estudiar. Tom got poor marks at school because, having to work on his parents' farm, he had hardly any time for studying. Tom got bad grades at school because, having to work on his parents’ farm, he barely had time to study. ¿Ya encontraste a Tom? Have you found Tom yet? Have you found Tom yet? Éste es el hospital en el que nací. This is the hospital I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. La poma es madura. The apple is ripe. The apple is ripe. Cargar el coche eléctrico tarda mucho tiempo. Charging the electric car takes a very long time. Charging the electric car takes a long time. Me pusieron de nombre Robert por mi abuelo. I was named Robert by my grandfather. I was named Robert after my grandfather. No piensan, así que no existen. They don't think therefore they aren't. They don't think, so they don't exist. Nadie sabe que soy un furro. No one knows I'm a furry. No one knows I'm a pig. Siempre están dispuestos. They are always willing. They are always ready. Un original escrito con sencillez y claridad hace felices a los traductores. A simply and clearly written original makes translators happy. An original written with simplicity and clarity makes translators happy. Tratá de ponerte en mi lugar. Try putting yourself in my shoes. Try to put yourself in my place. La decadència del santuari és deguda, en part, a la pluja àcida. The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain. The decay of the sanctuary is due, in part, to acid rain. Que tengas buena suerte para encontrar una cabina telefónica aquí. Good luck finding a phone booth here. Good luck finding a phone booth here. T'han fet cas. They listened to you. You've been taken care of. Ella ya no está en tu vida. She's not in your life anymore. She is no longer in your life. Él actúa como la bruja malvada en los cuentos de hadas. He acts like the wicked witch in fairy tales. He acts as the evil witch in fairy tales. Ni siquiera voy a preguntar por qué hay salsa en el techo. I'm not even going to ask why there's sauce on the ceiling. I'm not even gonna ask why there's sauce on the ceiling. Tu hermana te trajo golosinas para tu viaje. Your sister brought snacks for your trip. Your sister brought you treats for your trip. Siempre hay un roto para un descosido. There are always more fish in the sea. There's always a break for an unstitch. Quin era el resultat en la mitja part? What was the score at halftime? What was the outcome in the middle? Sólo estaban jugando. They were just playing. They were just playing. Nada. It swims. Nothin'. No puedo estar de acuerdo contigo. I cannot agree with you. I can't agree with you. ¿Cómo llegaste a ser el agente de Tom? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did you become Tom's agent? Lo buscábamos por aquí y por allá. We looked for it here and there. We were looking for him here and there. Él sabe cómo conducir un camión. He knows how to drive a truck. He knows how to drive a truck. ¿Con cuánta comida debería estar alimentando a mi perro? How much should I be feeding my dog? How much food should I be feeding my dog? Tom ha estado siendo acosado. Tom has been getting bullied. Tom's been bullied. Tengo muchas cosas que hacer. I have to do a lot of things. I have a lot to do. No hay remedio para el veneno de esta serpiente. There is no antidote for the venom of this snake. There is no cure for the venom of this snake. ¿Qué éramos y en qué nos hemos convertido? What were we and what have we become? What were we and what have we become? ¿Por qué querrías que me quedara? Why would you want me to stay? Why would you want me to stay? ¿Los niños van al colegio? Do the children go to school? Do the children go to school? Pinche puta. Fucking whore. Fucking bitch. Yanni se sentó a mi lado. Yanni sat next to me. Yanni sat next to me. Solo puedo culparme a mí mismo, supongo. I have only myself to blame, I suppose. I can only blame myself, I guess. ¿Podemos apagar la TV? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Me invitaron a almorzar. I was invited to lunch. I was invited to lunch. ¿Tienes a alguien a quien llamar si necesitas hablar? Do you have anyone who you can call if you need to talk? Do you have someone to call if you need to talk? Tom era el último de la lista. Tom was last on the list. Tom was the last on the list. Eres un fraude. You're a fraud. You're a fraud. Lo que compré ayer fueron estos zapatos. What I bought yesterday was these shoes. What I bought yesterday were these shoes. Ella me dejó esperando media hora. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She left me waiting half an hour. Los hermanos deben ayudarse y protegerse siempre. Siblings must always help and protect each other. Brothers and sisters should always help each other and protect themselves. Está debajo de la silla. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Esta película es realmente buena. This film is really good. This movie is really good. No es de tu incumbencia. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. Tom se preguntaba lo que Mary diría a John. Tom wondered what Mary would say to John. Tom wondered what Mary would say to John. Es tonto tan siquiera intentar hacerlo. It's stupid to even try to do that. It is foolish to even try to do so. La vostra mare sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mother know how to drive? Layla escuchó cerrarse violentamente la puerta. Layla heared the door slam. Layla heard the door shut violently. Kate casi nunca celebra su cumpleaños. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. Kate almost never celebrates her birthday. ¿Cómo me recuperaré de esto? How will I ever recover from this? How will I recover from this? He crecido como persona desde entonces. I've grown as a person since then. I’ve grown as a person ever since. ¿En qué país nació? In what country were you born? In which country was he born? Uno se debería vestir bien. One should dress oneself well. One should dress well. Mucho gusto. ¿Cómo está usted? Nice to meet you. How are you doing? Nice to meet you. How are you? Lo vi correr. I saw him running. I saw him run. Los zapatos de cuero cuestan mucho más. Leather shoes cost a lot more. Leather shoes cost a lot more. Esta melodía les resultará familiar a muchos japoneses. This melody is familiar to many Japanese. This tune will be familiar to many Japanese. Estoy bastante seguro de que deberíamos haber dado un giro a la derecha allí. I'm pretty sure we should've taken a right back there. I'm pretty sure we should have made a right turn there. Cuidar perros parece tarea difícil. ¿No pueden haber veces donde quieres abandonarlos? Taking care of a dog seems difficult. Aren't there times you want to just abandon them? Taking care of dogs seems like a difficult task. Can't there be times where you want to abandon them? Todos fueron al restaurante. They all went to the restaurant. Everyone went to the restaurant. Lo siento, no puedo venir. Sorry. I can't come. I'm sorry, I can't come. Dado que estaba lloviendo, decidimos quedarnos dentro. Since it was raining, we decided to stay inside. Since it was raining, we decided to stay inside. El rei és mort, visca el rei! The king is dead, long live the king! The king is dead, live the king! Los meses del calendario hebreo son: Tishrei, Jeshván, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nisán, Iyar, Siván, Tamuz, Av y Elul. The months of the Hebrew calendar are: Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nissan, Iyyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av and Elul. The months of the Hebrew calendar are: Tishrei, Jeshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av and Elul. Penses que al Tom li agrada realment la Mary? Do you think Tom really likes Mary? Do you think Tom really likes Mary? El soldado yacía herido en el suelo. The soldier lay injured on the ground. The soldier lay wounded on the ground. La carrera estaba arreglada. The race was fixed. The race was arranged. ¡Ojalá lo supiera! If only I knew! I wish I knew! ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que consumiste heroína o metadona? When was the last time you used heroin or methadone? When was the last time you used heroin or methadone? Jim fue capaz de contener su enojo. Jim was able to hold back his anger. Jim was able to contain his anger. ¿Cómo llego a la oficina de correos? How do I get to the post office? How do I get to the post office? ¡Ganaron ustedes! You win! You won! Uno de los hombres sujetaba un revólver. One of the men was holding a revolver. One of the men was holding a gun. A menudo leo la Biblia antes de irme a la cama. I often read the Bible before bed. I often read the Bible before going to bed. Muchas parteras, en la época de la dictadura, vendían a los bebés de gente humilde al mejor postor. During the dictatorship, many midwifes would sell the babies of impoverished people to the highest bidder. Many midwives, at the time of the dictatorship, sold babies from humble people to the highest bidder. En ese asombroso "zugzwang", el jugador tenía todas sus piezas y peones en el tablero y no estaba bajo ninguna amenaza directa, sino que solo tenía disponibles movimientos suicidas, lo que lo llevó a perder la partida. In that amazing "zugzwang", the player had all his pieces and pawns on the board and was not under any direct threat, but had only suicidal moves available, which led him to lose the game. In that amazing zugzwang, the player had all his pieces and pawns on the board and was not under any direct threat, but only had suicidal moves available, which led to him losing the game. No he pagado el alquiler de este mes todavía. I haven't paid this month's rent yet. I haven't paid this month's rent yet. ¿Soy romántico? Am I romantic? Am I romantic? Prenguètz los chècs ? Will you take a check? Do you take the chècs? Me da igual que me llamen Tom o Tommy. I'm fine with being called Tom or Tommy. I don't care if they call me Tom or Tommy. Está caliente, no frío. It's hot, not cold. It's hot, not cold. Yo era demasiado rápido. I was too fast. I was too fast. Deja de jugar cerca del cristal. Don't play around with the glass. Stop playing near the glass. Yanni no puede compartir ese mensaje. Yanni can't share that message. Yanni can't share that message. No te tienes que sentir mal por eso. You don't have to feel bad for that. You don't have to feel bad about that. Voy a volar mi papalote esta tarde. I am going to fly my kite this afternoon. I'm gonna blow up my kite this afternoon. Este ocell no pot volar. Les seues ales estan trencades. This bird can't fly. Its wings are broken. This bird can't fly. Its wings are broken. ¿Está dando de mamar a su hijo? Are you breastfeeding your child? Are you breastfeeding your child? No podía soportar la picazón. I couldn't stand the itching. I couldn't stand the itching. Las paredes de la casa son de color amarillo pálido. Las contraventanas son color óxido. The walls of the house are pale yellow, the shutters rust-coloured. The walls of the house are pale yellow. The shutters are rust-colored. La vermella és la casa que va construir en Jack. The red house is the one that Jack built. Red is the house Jack built. Después de la muerte de su marido, sacó adelante a los dos niños ella sola. After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. After her husband’s death, she brought out the two children herself. Mi vecino se quejó del ruido. My neighbor complained about the noise. My neighbor complained about the noise. La gente sigue viviendo en la calle. People are still living homeless. People still live on the street. On és la farmàcia? Where's the pharmacy? Where is the pharmacy? Él es un guarro. He is nasty. He's a slut. ¿Cómo puedes saber si alguien te ama? How can you know if someone loves you? How can you tell if someone loves you? ¿Por cuánto tiempo vas? How long are you going for? How long are you going? Envuélvalo, por favor. Just wrap it up. Wrap it, please. Te llevaré a casa. I'll take you home. I'll take you home. No existe la oración con id 10028692. There is no sentence with the ID #10028692. There is no sentence with id 10028692. Bebías leche. You drank milk. You drank milk. En su lecho de muerte, él me pidió que continuara escribiéndote. On his deathbed he asked me to continue writing to you. On his deathbed, he asked me to continue writing to you. Él vino a los irlandeses con todos los símbolos de un apóstol, y cuando la gente le pidió que explicara la Santísima Trinidad, él se acercó al suelo y cogió un trébol. He came to the Irish with all the signs of an apostle, and when the people asked him to explain the Blessed Trinity, he reached down to the ground and picked up a shamrock. He came to the Irish with all the symbols of an apostle, and when people asked him to explain the Holy Trinity, he came to the ground and picked up a shamrock. Com els vols? How do you want them? How do you want them? Yanni y Skura hablan sobre asuntos personales. Yanni and Skura talk about personal subjects. Yanni and Skura talk about personal matters. Ella no mencionó la razón de su retraso. She didn't mention the reason for being late. She did not mention the reason for her delay. ¿Es cómodo viajar en barco? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is it comfortable to travel by boat? Ayer él estudió toda la noche. Last night, he studied all night long. He studied all night yesterday. Él está seguro de que vendrá. He is sure that he will come. He's sure he'll come. Será capaz de nadar en una semana. She will be able to swim in a week. He'll be able to swim in a week. Ella puede sentir tus caricias. She can feel your caresses. She can feel your caresses. Cuando vieron a Tom, empezaron a llorar. When they saw Tom, they started crying. When they saw Tom, they started crying. Si te caes de la escalera llegas pronto abajo. If you fall from the staircase, you'll quickly end up on the floor. If you fall off the ladder, you'll be down soon. Evitó responder a mis preguntas. She avoided answering my questions. He avoided answering my questions. Yo no escribí esta frase. I didn't write this sentence. I didn't write this sentence. ¿Tu amigo también está durmiendo? Is your friend still sleeping? Is your friend sleeping too? Tom es un espíritu malvado. Tom is an evil spirit. Tom is an evil spirit. Qu'aimi las pomas. I love apples. I love apples. Estacioné en el lado izquierdo de la calle justo en frente de la escuela. I parked on the left side of the street just in front of the school. I parked on the left side of the street right in front of the school. He sufrido demasiadas decepciones. I've been disappointed too many times. I have suffered too many disappointments. Lo único que se puede hacer es intentarlo. One can but try. All you can do is try. ¿Seguro que esto es lo que quieres? Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure this is what you want? ¿Dónde quedasteis tú y Tom? Where did you and Tom meet each other? Where were you and Tom? Podèm estar en retard a l'escòla. We may be late for school. We may be late for school. ¿Te gustaría que llame un taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? ¿Quién será a estas horas de la mañana? Who could it be at this time of day? Who will it be at this hour of the morning? Aquesta torre ofereix una vista de tota la ciutat. This tower commands a full view of the city. This tower offers a view of the entire city. ¿Cómo decidisteis? How did you decide? How did you decide? ¿Por qué estáis en este barco? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this boat? Si tienes algo contra los judíos, no tienes por qué venir a pronunciarlo aquí. If you have something against the Jews, you don't have to come here and say it. If you have anything against the Jews, you don't have to come and pronounce it here. No soy un canguro. I'm not a kangaroo. I'm not a kangaroo. Tom no es de los que guardan rencor. Tom is not one to hold grudges. Tom's not one to hold a grudge. «¿Cómo, hija?, ¿tu marido se encierra con mujeres desnudas y tú tienes la inocencia de creer que las dibuja?»«Pero mamá, todos los pintores necesitan tener modelos.» "My daughter, how is it that your husband locks himself in with naked women and you have the naïveté to believe he draws them?" "But Mom, all painters need models." “How, daughter, does your husband lock himself up with naked women and you have the innocence to believe that he draws them?” Ayer entregué un trabajo. I turned in a paper yesterday. I turned in a job yesterday. ¿Este es tu primer viaje al exterior? Is this your first trip abroad? Is this your first trip abroad? Extiende los dedos. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. Ella tiene muchas ganas de hablar contigo. She really wants to talk to you. She really wants to talk to you. No pierdo mi tiempo discutiendo con fanáticos recalcitrantes como ustedes. I don't waste my time arguing with pigheaded fanatics like you. I don't waste my time arguing with recalcitrant fanatics like you. ¿Por qué sigues en Boston? Why are you still in Boston? Why are you still in Boston? Mireille Mathieu es una de las mejores cantantes de Francia. Mireille Mathieu is one of France's best singers. Mireille Mathieu is one of the best singers in France. El ayuntamiento se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad. The city hall is located at the center of the city. The town hall is located in the center of the city. Si el sol saliera por el oeste, no cambiaría de idea. If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind. If the sun rose from the west, I wouldn't change my mind. El arma homicida no fue hallada. The murder weapon wasn't found. The murder weapon was not found. Juro que no hice trampa. I swear that I didn't cheat. I swear I didn't cheat. Un cop esclata una guerra, les dues parts estan equivocades. Once a war breaks out, both sides are in the wrong. Once a war breaks out, both sides are wrong. Si me enseñas japonés, yo te enseño español. If you teach me Japanese, I'll teach you Spanish. If you teach me Japanese, I will teach you Spanish. Es gratis. It's free. It's free. "Ya veo", dijo el ciego. "I see," said the blind man. “I see,” said the blind man. Hay un gran mercado para el café. There is a big market for coffee. There is a large market for coffee. «Señor, ha llegado un paquete a su nombre.» «¿Quién es el remitente?» "Sir, there's a package for you." "Who's the sender?" “Sir, a package has arrived in your name.” “Who is the sender?” Lava't las mans de plan. Wash your hands well. Wash your hands of the plan. Los cerdos son animales inteligentes. Pigs are intelligent animals. Pigs are intelligent animals. Necesitamos proteger a Tom. We need to protect Tom. We need to protect Tom. Iré a Irlanda este verano. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Ella estaba cocinando la cena en ese momento. She was cooking dinner at that time. She was cooking dinner at the time. Tom me dio el último pedazo de pastel. Tom gave me the last piece of cake. Tom gave me the last piece of cake. ¿Puedo tomar esto prestado? Lo devolveré mañana. Can I borrow this? I'll return it tomorrow. Can I borrow this? I'll pay it back tomorrow. Va començar a ploure. It started raining. It started to rain. Eso lo arregla, dijo Tom y se marchó. That settles it, said Tom and left. That fixes it, Tom said and left. La tribu de los sioux pidió al gobierno que cumpliera el tratado. The Sioux tribe asked the government to enforce the treaty. The Sioux tribe asked the government to abide by the treaty. És tranquil, oi? It is restful, isn't it? It's quiet, isn't it? Tom tiene lo que necesita. Tom has what he needs. Tom has what he needs. Eres mucho más alto de lo que solías ser. You are much taller than you used to be. You're much taller than you used to be. Ha estado saliendo con él durante unos dos años. She has been dating him for about two years. He's been dating him for about two years. Vull anar a Amèrica algun dia. I want to go to America some day. I want to go to America someday. La labor de los asesores es ayudar al alcalde en la gestión de la ciudad. The role of the advisors is to assist the mayor in managing the city. The job of the advisors is to assist the mayor in managing the city. También lo habría hecho por ti. I would have also done it for you. I would have done it for you, too. M'agrada tribalhar. I like to work. I like tribalhar. Me quito los zapatos al entrar en casa. I take off my shoes when I go in my house. I take off my shoes when I get home. ¿Qué sentido tiene? What's the point? What's the point? Estoy enamorado y estoy confuso. I am in love and I am confused. I'm in love and I'm confused. Va seure al davant per poder sentir. He sat in the front so as to be able to hear. He sat down in front of me so he could hear. Yanni tiene baja autoestima. Yanni has a low self-esteem. Yanni has low self-esteem. Parece que la puerta fue derribada. It seems that the door was knocked down. Looks like the door was knocked down. Yanni debe saber la verdad. Yanni has got to know the truth. Yanni must know the truth. Estoy considerando irme con ellos. I'm considering going with them. I'm considering going with them. Me han dicho que estás buscando una niñera. I've been told that you're looking for a babysitter. I'm told you're looking for a babysitter. Nosotros somos sus hijos. We are his sons. We are His children. Lloré muchas noches. I cried for many nights. I cried many nights. Cuando los agentes llegaron, yo me asomé por la ventana y oí que les dijeron a los chicos que estaban alterando la paz del barrio y que los vecinos estaban molestos. When the officers arrived, I looked out the window and heard them tell the kids that they were disturbing the peace in the neighborhood and that the neighbors were upset. When the officers arrived, I looked out the window and heard that the boys were being told that they were disturbing the peace of the neighborhood and that the neighbors were upset. Una vez un hombre vino a la casa a matar a mi padre. Once a man came to the house to kill my father. Once a man came to the house to kill my father. En caso de emergencia médica, ¿querría que contactemos con alguien? In case of a medical emergency, would you like us to contact someone? In case of a medical emergency, would you like us to contact someone? ¿Qué van a decir sobre el futuro del país? What are they going to say about the country's future? What are they going to say about the future of the country? Yanni bebe alcohol. Yanni drinks alcohol. Yanni drinks alcohol. Sume usted esta columna de cifras. Add up this column of figures. Add up this column of figures. Marruecos es el país de la puesta del sol. Morocco is the land of the setting sun. Morocco is the land of the sunset. Estaba confuso por la expresión de la cara de Tom. I was confused by the expression on Tom's face. I was confused by the look on Tom’s face. ¿Sabes lo que es un ábaco? Do you know what an abacus is? Do you know what an abacus is? Este camino no es muy seguro. This road isn't very safe. This road is not very safe. Tom está enfadado con Mary por lo que ella dijo de la familia de él. Tom is mad at Mary because of what she said about his family. Tom is angry at Mary for what she said about his family. Digo lo que pienso. I say what I think. I say what I think. Estaba tan cansada que no podía dormir. I was so tired that I couldn't sleep. I was so tired I couldn’t sleep. Tom está con sus amigos. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. ¿Por qué no admites simplemente que no sabes de qué estás hablando? Why not just admit you don't know what you're talking about? Why don't you just admit that you don't know what you're talking about? No sé por qué, pero estoy seguro de que Tom tiene sus razones para no contratar a Mary. I don't know why, but I'm sure that Tom has his reasons for not hiring Mary. I don't know why, but I'm sure Tom has his reasons for not hiring Mary. En el juego de ajedrez, cada ejército tiene un rey, una dama, dos alfiles, dos caballos, dos torres y ocho peones. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a queen, two bishops, two horses, two rooks, and eight pawns. No veo la necesidad de ocultar quiénes somos. I don't see the need to hide who we are. I don't see the need to hide who we are. Deixa'm en pau! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Algunos cuestionarían la veracidad de tales rumores. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some would question the veracity of such rumors. "¡Ay!" "¿Qué pasa?" "He pisado una chincheta". "Ouch!" "What's the matter?" "I stepped on a thumbtack." "Oh!" "What's up?" "I stepped on a pin." Dice que los extraterrestres lo abdujeron. He says aliens had abducted him. He says the aliens abducted him. Ella cocinó algo con lo que encontró en casa. She cooked something with what she found at home. She cooked something with what she found at home. Sentía que mi vida estaba en peligro. I felt that my life was in danger. I felt like my life was in danger. Pero seguimos sin él. But we carried on without him. But we're still without him. Ella estava donant un discurs al parc. She was giving a speech at the park. She was giving a speech at the park. Se mantuvieron. They stood. They held on. No pagaré tanto. I won't pay that much. I won't pay that much. ¿Has encontrado tus lentes de contacto? Did you find your contact lenses? Have you found your contact lenses? Me gusta mucho el sol. I like the sun a lot. I really like the sun. Tengo algo dormida la mano izquierda. I have some numbness in my left hand. My left hand is asleep. Lo siento. Nunca tuve la intención de lastimarte. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never intended to hurt you. Ellos nunca sabrán que estamos aquí. They'll never know we're here. They'll never know we're here. La bassa es va assecar en temps calorós. The pond dried up in hot weather. The pond dried up in hot weather. Esa ley tiene muchos puntos ambiguos. That law is full of ambiguities. That law has many ambiguous points. La capacidad productiva de petróleo de Argelia está limitada. Algeria's oil production capacity is limited. Algeria's oil production capacity is limited. Tom fue desalojado por su propietario por no pagar la renta. Tom was evicted by his landlord for not paying rent. Tom was evicted by his landlord for not paying rent. Tuve un sueño extraño. I dreamed a strange dream. I had a strange dream. Yo creo que la música que a mí me gusta es la mejor, y que lo demás es de mal gusto o de mala calidad. I feel like the music I like is the best, and everything else is tasteless or just bad. I think the music I like is the best, and the rest is bad taste or poor quality. Por fin he dejado de fumar. I finally gave up smoking. I finally quit smoking. ¿Podrías abrir la ventana un poquito? Would you open the window a little? Could you open the window a little bit? Tom confiaba en volver con Mary. Tom hoped to get back together with Mary. Tom was hoping to get back with Mary. A Tom no le permitían entrar. Tom wasn't allowed in. Tom was not allowed in. ¿A qué clase de estudiantes enseñas? What kind of students do you teach? What kind of students do you teach? Era una nit fosca, sense lluna. It was a dark night, with no moon. It was a dark night with no moon. ¿Tienes periódicos japoneses? Do you have Japanese newspapers? Do you have Japanese newspapers? Su amabilidad me conmovió. Her kindness touched me. His kindness moved me. Yanni quiere que le conozcan. Yanni wants to be known. Yanni wants to be known. ¡Cuidado con lo que haces! Watch what you're doing! Be careful what you do! Nadie tiene hambre. No one's hungry. Nobody's hungry. Si el médico te dijera que solo te quedan seis meses de vida, ¿qué intentarías hacer en ese tiempo? If a doctor told you you only had six months left to live, what would you try to do in that time? If the doctor told you that you only have six months to live, what would you try to do in that time? Esta historia es de lejos más interesante que aquella. This story is far more interesting than that one. This story is far more interesting than that. Él está celoso de su talento. He is jealous of her talent. He is jealous of his talent. Quina bera flor ! What a beautiful flower! What a flower! ¿Estabas en mi cuarto? Were you in my room? Were you in my room? Su novio es muy educado. Her boyfriend is very polite. Her boyfriend is very polite. Pensé que habías dicho que tu auto había sido robado. I thought you said your car was stolen. I thought you said your car was stolen. El hombre es más consciente de lo que le falta que de lo que posee. You're more aware of what you want than what you already have. Man is more conscious of what he lacks than of what he possesses. Nunca me he olvidado de ti. I've never forgotten you. I've never forgotten you. Necesito protegerme. I need to protect myself. I need to protect myself. ¿Os gusta el vino blanco? Do you like white wine? Do you like white wine? El mes pasado este programa costaba el doble de lo que cuesta hoy. Last month this program cost double what it costs today. Last month this program cost twice as much as it does today. Lo telefonet deu Tòm estoc confiscat peu professor. Tom's phone was confiscated by the teacher. The phone has been confiscated by the teacher. Tom escuchó a Mary hablando sola. Tom heard Mary talking to herself. Tom heard Mary talking to herself. Este sombrero es demasiado pequeño para mí. This hat is too small for me. This hat is too small for me. Todos la odian. Everybody hates her. Everyone hates her. "¿Ya lo terminaste?" "Por el contrario, sólo estoy empezando." "Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I'm just starting." "Have you finished it yet?" "On the contrary, I'm just getting started." Sin aire, en la luna no puede haber viento ni ruido. Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. Without air, there can be no wind or noise on the moon. No tiene corazón en lo más mínimo. He has no heart at all. He has no heart in the least. Yanni está confundido por sus sentimientos hacia Skura. Yanni is confused by his feelings towards Skura. Yanni is confused by his feelings for Skura. Nadie sabía qué decir. Nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew what to say. Ambos competimos. We both competed. We both compete. Tom decidió que no había que pintar el techo. Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to paint the ceiling. Tom decided not to paint the ceiling. Por favor, no mueras. Please don't die. Please don't die. Adivina qué me pasó. Guess what happened to me. Guess what happened to me. Tom le dio dinero a Mary para que pudiera comprarse unos dulces. Tom gave Mary some money so she could buy herself some candy. Tom gave Mary money so she could buy some candy. S'ei portat guarant entà jo. He guaranteed my debt. He took care of me. Qu'ei arribat haut o baish a quate oras. He came at about four o'clock. Whether it was a baish or a baish, it was a baish. Este martes, los alumnos han comenzado el curso. The students started the course this Tuesday. This Tuesday, the students started the course. ¿Quién escribió el libro que estás leyendo? Who wrote the book that you're reading? Who wrote the book you are reading? Si quieres, puedes marcharte. You can go if you want. If you want, you can leave. No comes nada. You don't eat anything. You don't eat anything. Te deseo una feliz Navidad. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you a Merry Christmas. ¿Alguien lo ha visto ocurrir? Did anyone see it happen? Has anyone seen it happen? De postre siempre tomaba fruta. He always ate fruit for dessert. For dessert I always had fruit. "No hay árbol aquí", gruñó el perro. "There's no tree here", growled the dog. “There’s no tree here,” the dog growled. Espero que os vaya bien a todos. I hope you are all well. I hope it goes well for all of you. No puedes mezclar agua y aceite. You can't mix oil and water. You can't mix water and oil. ¿Adónde te gustaría viajar? Where would you like to travel? Where would you like to travel? Una cervecita sí que me vendría bien ahora. I sure could use a cold beer. I could use a little beer now. ¿Nunca estarás contenta? Are you never content? You'll never be happy? Tom espera que Mary pueda hacer eso. Tom is hoping Mary can do that. Tom hopes Mary can do that. Yo me senté al lado de ella. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. El valor de un hombre no tiene nada que ver con su apariencia. A man's worth has nothing to do with his appearance. A man’s worth has nothing to do with his appearance. Soy fotógrafo. I'm a photographer. I'm a photographer. Bèus cafè ? Do you drink coffee? And coffee? Dios premió a las comadronas. El Pueblo se multiplicaba y se hacía fuerte. Y a las comadronas, porque temían a Dios, les concedió descendencia. Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied and grew exceedingly strong. And because the midwives feared God, he built them houses. God rewarded midwives. The people multiplied and became strong. And the midwives, because they feared God, He gave them offspring. Ese equipo siempre va en último lugar. That team is always in the cellar. That team always comes last. Voy a donde me da la gana. I go wherever I feel like. I go wherever I want. "Hola, qui és?" "Hello, who is this?" "Hello, who is it?" Sus incendiarias palabras no ayudaron a rebajar la tensión. The incendiary words didn't help reduce the tension. His incendiary words did not help ease the tension. Todo ocurrió tan rápido, no puedo explicarlo realmente. It all happened so fast, I can't really explain it. It all happened so fast, I can’t really explain it. Trabajo como asesor. I work as a consultant. I work as an advisor. Tom llegó esta mañana. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Que's maridèn quan èran joens. They married when they were young. Let them marry when they are young. No puedo colgar un cuadro en mi oficina. Está prohibido. I cannot hang a picture in my office. It's forbidden. I can't hang a picture in my office. Cuando llegó la policía los ladrones ya se habían ido de la casa. By the time the police arrived, the robbers had already left the house. By the time the police arrived, the thieves had already left the house. Tom se está escondiendo de Mary. Tom is hiding from Mary. Tom's hiding from Mary. ¿Cuándo dejó de llover? When did it stop raining? When did it stop raining? Ay, por favor, solo dices eso para que yo deje de estar enojado. Oh, please, you’re just saying that so I’ll stop being mad. Oh, please, you're just saying that so I can stop being angry. Estoy muy interesado en la música. I am very interested in music. I am very interested in music. Éste es el señor Smith. This is Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Smith. No es ningún secreto. It's no secret. It's no secret. Los expertos políticos han empezado a opinar sobre el discurso del presidente. Political pundits have begun weighing in on the president's speech. Political experts have begun to weigh in on the president’s speech. El año pasado nevó bastante. It snowed a lot last year. It snowed a lot last year. Nunca he logrado memorizar mi DNI. I never managed to memorize my ID. I have never been able to memorize my ID. Yanni está engañando físicamente. Yanni is physically cheating. Yanni is physically cheating. Me gusta jugar al baloncesto. I like to play basketball. I like to play basketball. Vinimos a comprar auriculares. We came here to buy headphones. We came to buy headphones. Hace un calor insoportable. It's unbearably hot. It's excruciatingly hot. ¿Llamarías por mí? Will you telephone for me? Would you call for me? Ponte una camiseta. Put a shirt on. Put on a T-shirt. ¿Hay terremotos en Marte? Are there earthquakes on Mars? Are there earthquakes on Mars? Él se lastimó su pie izquierdo al caer. He hurt his left foot when he fell. He hurt his left foot when he fell. Una parte de mí siempre te querrá. A part of me will always love you. Part of me will always love you. Voy a visitar a una amiga que vive en Corea del Sur. I'm going to visit a friend living in South Korea. I am going to visit a friend who lives in South Korea. Cántanos una canción, por favor. Sing us a song, please. Sing us a song, please. Esta noche pertenece a las luciérnagas y a los murciélagos... y a los hombres lobo. Tonight belongs to the fireflies and the bats—and the werewolves. Tonight belongs to fireflies and bats... and werewolves. Eres un maleducado. You are rude. You're rude. Al principi Déu creà el cel i la terra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. El problema es que no tenemos suficiente tiempo. The problem is that we don't have enough time. The problem is that we don’t have enough time. El insecto es chiquito, pero muy peligroso. This insect is tiny, but very dangerous. The insect is small, but very dangerous. ¿Habéis olvidado la contraseña? Have you forgotten the password? Have you forgotten your password? Falta el punto al final de la oración. The full stop is missing at the end of the sentence. The period at the end of the sentence is missing. Se botas mei fuèlhas de tè dins lo topinòt, lo tè aurà un gost melhor. If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better. If you have a dog in your car, you’ll have a better dog. Estoy bastante mejor ahora. I'm rather better now. I'm pretty much better now. He visto el rostro de la crueldad. I've seen the face of mercilessness. I have seen the face of cruelty. Cómete los vegetales, para que crezcas y llegues a ser grande y fuerte. Eat your vegetables so that you will grow up to be big and strong. Eat the vegetables, so that you grow and become large and strong. ¿Me despertarás a las siete? Will you wake me at seven? Will you wake me up at seven? Tienes que tener en cuenta su edad. You must take his age into account. You have to take into account their age. ¿Qué tipo de persona quieres ser? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be? La danza es el matrimonio de cuerpo y mente. Dance is the marriage of body and mind. Dance is the marriage of body and mind. La fursona de Tom es una zorra llamada Neon. Tom's fursona is a fox named Neon. Tom's fursona is a slut named Neon. Tinc ganes de dir-li què penso d'ell. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I want to tell him what I think of him. Tom, ¡qué pena! What a shame, Tom! Tom, that's too bad! Tom quiere unirse al coro. Tom wants to join the choir. Tom wants to join the choir. Tom abusa de su autoridad. Tom abuses his authority. Tom is abusing his authority. Tomás es pariente lejano mío. Tom is a distant relative of mine. Tom is a distant relative of mine. ¡Dios mío! ¡Qué rico está ese hummus! My goodness, that is some tasty hummus! Oh, my God, how rich that hummus is! Estoy leyendo el periódico. I'm reading the newspaper. I'm reading the newspaper. Ahora será capaz de hacerlo él solo. He'll be able to do that by himself now. Now he will be able to do it himself. Si alguien puede hacerlo, eres tú. If anyone can do it, it's you. If anyone can do it, it's you. ¿Dónde puedo estudiar coreano? Where can I learn Korean? Where can I study Korean? Ella es la seva amiga She is her friend. She is his friend Tom se pasó con su broma. Tom went all out with his joke. Tom got away with his joke. Me quiero despedir. I want to say goodbye. I want to say goodbye. "Què vols?" "vull un gos" "What do you want?" "I want a dog." "What do you want?" "I want a dog" Tens dificultats per entendre el que et diuen dones o nens petits? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or young children call you? Está lo sabido conocido: hay cosas que sabemos que sabemos. También está lo sabido desconocido, es decir, sabemos que hay cosas que no sabemos. Pero también está lo desconocido desconocido: lo que no sabemos que no sabemos. There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. It is known: there are things we know that we know. There is also the unknown known, that is, we know that there are things we do not know. But there is also the unknown unknown: what we do not know that we do not know. Necesitamos dar estímulos a nuestro cerebro. We need to give our brains some stimulation. We need to stimulate our brain. Laurie es guapa. Laurie is beautiful. Laurie's pretty. Parece ser que Tom ha intentado suicidarse. Tom has apparently tried to commit suicide. It appears that Tom has attempted suicide. No sabía que él estaba desarmado en ese momento. I didn't know he was unarmed at the time. I didn’t know he was unarmed at the time. No entren a mi cuarto. Don't come in my room. Don't go into my room. Necesitamos un rastreador veterano para encontrar al niño perdido. We need a veteran tracker to find the lost child. We need a veteran tracker to find the missing child. Les ales d'aquest pardal estan trencades. This sparrow's wings are broken. The wings of this sparrow are broken. La mayor parte de esos hombres trabajaban en la mina. The majority of those men worked in the mine. Most of those men worked in the mine. El zambombazo del cohete inaugura las fiestas. The rocket blast opens the celebrations. The rocket bomb inaugurates the festivities. Tom y Mary parecen un poco confusos. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Vuelve a ponerlo sobre el escritorio. Put it back on the desk. Put it back on the desk. Llévate a Tom lejos de aquí. Take Tom away from here. Take Tom away from here. Tom no tuvo ningún heredero varón. Tom had no male heir. Tom had no male heir. Hablar con Eliana es como hablar con la pared. Talking to Eliana is like talking to a wall. Talking to Eliana is like talking to the wall. Nadie recuerda cómo empezó todo. Nobody remembers how it all started. No one remembers how it all started. Tom le dio diez mil dólares a un famoso cantante para que viniera al restaurante a cantar el "cumpleaños feliz". Tom gave a famous singer ten thousand dollars to come to the restaurant to sing "Happy Birthday." Tom gave ten thousand dollars to a famous singer to come to the restaurant to sing the "happy birthday". Aquí arreglamos todo tipo de relojes. We fix all kinds of clocks here. Here we fix all kinds of watches. Espero que me suban el sueldo. I hope that I get a raise. I hope my salary goes up. ¿Cuál es el precio del combustible en Argelia? What's the price of fuel in Algeria? What is the fuel price in Algeria? En general, els homes són més alts que les dones. In general, men are taller than women. In general, men are taller than women. Él habla inglés mejor que yo. He speaks English better than me. He speaks English better than I do. La coartada de Layla gotea como un colador. Layla's alibi is leaking like a sieve. Layla's alibi drips like a sieve. ¿A qué escala está este mapa? What's the scale of this map? At what scale is this map? Italia está en Europa meridional. Italy is in Southern Europe. Italy is in Southern Europe. El Comité Central tachó a Tom de contrarrevolucionario. The Central Committee branded Tom a counterrevolutionary. The Central Committee dismissed Tom as a counter-revolutionary. ¿Puedo ver tu recibo? Can I see your receipt? Can I see your receipt? Acabo de oír de Tom. I just heard from Tom. I just heard from Tom. Tom comió con Mary. Tom ate with Mary. Tom ate with Mary. Les seves cames són columnes d'alabastre assentades sobre sòcols d'or fi. His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold. Its legs are columns of alabaster seated on fine gold sockets. L'embarcació està unit a l'ancoratge per una cadena. The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain. The boat is attached to the anchorage by a chain. Hablo bajo sorabo. I speak Lower Sorbian. I speak under Sorbian. Tom es mucho mayor que Mary. Tom is a lot older than Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Eso nunca va a cambiar. That will never change. That's never gonna change. Estic tip dels seus sermons constants. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm kind of his constant sermons. Fins a un cert punt, el rumor és cert. The rumor is true to some extent. To a certain extent, the rumor is true. ¡Policía herido! Officer down! Wounded police! Ella me enseñó a nadar. She taught me how to swim. She taught me to swim. Tengo sueño. ¿Me puedes leer un cuento? I'm sleepy. Can you read me a story? I'm sleepy. Can you read me a story? La noia compra llet al mercat. The girl buys milk at the market. The girl buys milk at the market. Mi número de teléfono es 789. My telephone number is 789. My phone number is 789. ¿Luego qué hiciste? What did you do then? Then what did you do? Comprender lo que se hace es ya hacerlo de manera diferente. Understanding what we do is already doing it differently. To understand what is being done is to do it differently. Que drom com un nenet. He's sleeping like a baby. I'm drunk like a baby. De qué vòu díser ? What does it mean? What do you want to say? Tom es tan fastidioso como Mary. Tom is just as annoying as Mary. Tom is as annoying as Mary. Votamos por el candidato. We voted for the candidate. We voted for the candidate. Estuvo jugando al tenis todo el día. He was playing tennis all day. He played tennis all day. Me'n foti de las règlas, èi dinèrs ! Screw the rules; I have money! I've got the rules, I've got the rules! ¿Están seguras de que no quieren nada? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don’t want anything? Sugiero que te pongas a hacerlo ya mismo. I suggest that you begin doing that right now. I suggest you get on with it right now. Me gusta mucho escribir, ¿y a ti? I really like writing. Do you? I like to write a lot, don’t you? ¿Fue fabricado en Suiza? Was it made in Switzerland? Was it made in Switzerland? Necesitas que te ayude a bajar? Do you need me to help you come down? You need me to help you down? En Venus no hay vida. There is no life on Venus. There is no life on Venus. El senyor Ikeda vol comprar un cotxe nou. Mr Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Mr. Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Es bueno que no veas la tele. It's good that you don't watch TV. It's good that you don't watch TV. Tenemos que trabajar con Tom. We need to work with Tom. We have to work with Tom. Acabo de leer este libro. I've just read this book. I just read this book. No tiene sueño. He is not sleepy. He's not sleepy. Siempre anda metido en chanchullos. He's always involved in scams. He's always in the thick of it. Empújenla. Push her. Push it. Bona nit. Goodnight! Good night. Antonio Berni fue un reconocido muralista argentino. Antonio Berni was a well-known Argentinian muralist. Antonio Berni was an Argentine muralist. ¿Me lo puedes sujetar un momento? Can you hold it a moment for me? Can you hold it for a moment? Mi personalidad es dudar constantemente de si soy lesbiana o bisexual y no aclararme nunca. My whole personality is questioning whether I am a lesbian or bisexual and never getting it straight. My personality is constantly doubting whether I am lesbian or bisexual and never clarify myself. Dios tal vez no juegue a los dados con el universo, pero algo extraño está pasando con los números primos. God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers. God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is happening with prime numbers. "¿Le duele la garganta?" "Sí, un poco." "Does your throat hurt?" "Yes, a little." "Does your throat hurt?" "Yes, a little." El meu pare va morir abans de néixer jo. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Para. Ya no es divertido. Stop. It's not funny anymore. Stop, it's not fun anymore. Es la gota que colma el vaso. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. It is the drop that fills the glass. Estoy harto de la telebasura. I'm sick of trash TV. I'm sick of TV trash. Tengo 19 años. I am 19 years old. I'm 19. Se paró el reloj. Necesita una nueva pila. The clock has stopped. It needs a new battery. He needs a new battery. Japón es un bello país. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Te estabas cepillando los dientes. You were brushing your teeth. You were brushing your teeth. ¿Cuánto me pagarías para que lo haga? How much would you pay me to do it? How much would you pay me to do it? Prefiero el inglés a las matemáticas. I like English better than Math. I prefer English to mathematics. Él nunca falla en venir a verme todos los días. He never fails to come to see me every day. He never fails to come see me every day. Nunca te permitiré volver a hacer eso. I'm never going to allow you to do that again. I'll never let you do that again. Alguien salió. Someone came out. Someone's out. He fet un escriptori de fusta. I made a desk of wood. I made a wooden desk. Es bien bueno. It's quite good. It's good. Sé que cometí muchos errores, pero espero que te guste. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I hope you like it. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I hope you like it. Como mucho pavo. I eat a lot of turkey. Like a lot of turkey. El vaig sentir cantant al concert. I heard him sing at the concert. I heard him singing at the concert. Yanni se siente realmente triste. Yanni feels really sad. Yanni feels really sad. Me extraña que no te canses de hacer la misma cosa todos los días. I wonder if you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. I'm surprised you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. Estaré aquí hasta las diez. I'll stay here until ten. I'll be here till ten. Si salimos temprano, podemos evitar el tráfico de la hora punta. If we leave early, we can avoid the rush hour traffic. If we leave early, we can avoid rush hour traffic. Llevo media hora intentando arreglar el motor, pero no hay manera. I've been trying to fix the engine for half an hour now, but there's just no way. I've been trying to fix the engine for half an hour, but there's no way. Es, sin duda, un joven muy talentoso. He is, without a doubt, a really talented young man. He is, without a doubt, a very talented young man. Él es el bebé de la familia. He is the baby of the family. He's the baby of the family. No tengo ganas de responder preguntas. I don't feel like answering questions. I don't feel like answering questions. Yo no pregunté. I didn't ask. I didn't ask. Es necesario erradicar la corrupción de Argelia. Corruption needs to be eradicated from Algeria. Corruption in Algeria must be eradicated. Las estrellas liberan rayos gama en el momento de su explosión. Stars emit gamma rays at the time of their explosion. Stars release gamma rays at the time of their explosion. No quiero comer nada hoy. I don't want to eat anything today. I don't want to eat anything today. Tom fue torturado y asesinado. Tom was tortured and murdered. Tom was tortured and killed. ¿Quién ha hecho este pastel? Who baked this cake? Who made this cake? En la venganza y en el amor, la mujer es más salvaje que el hombre. In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man is. In revenge and love, the woman is wilder than the man. No dupliques oraciones. Don't duplicate sentences. Do not duplicate prayers. Dormir es la mejor meditación. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleep is the best meditation. Espero con ganas a ver la película con ella. I am looking forward to seeing the film with her. I look forward to seeing the movie with her. Us estimem. We love you. We love you. Tengo el hábito de caminar cada día. I am in the habit of taking a walk every day. I have a habit of walking every day. Pareces ser una buena persona, así que no quiero despedirte, pero si es lo necesario para salvar a la empresa, eso es lo que haré. You seem like a good person, so I don't want to fire you, but if that's what it takes to save the company, then that's what I'll do. You seem like a good person, so I don't want to fire you, but if it's what it takes to save the company, that's what I'll do. El pueblo no estará más aligerado si el palo que le pega lleva el nombre del palo del pueblo. It will scarcely be any easier on the people if the cudgel with which they are beaten is called the people's cudgel. The people will not be more lightened if the stick that hits them is named after the people’s stick. Semblava pas segura. You didn't seem certain. It didn't seem safe. Tom de repente se enfermó. Tom suddenly got sick. Tom suddenly got sick. Ne podèm pas clavar aquera pòrta. This door won't lock. I can’t put that on. Acompanya'm. Come along with me. Come with me. Nadie sabe quién es él. Nobody knows who he is. No one knows who he is. Ell es tan ruc que et juro que no l'aguanto. He's so stupid, I swear I can't stand him. He's so rude, I swear I can't stand him. Ella me acusó de robar su dinero. She accused me of stealing her money. She accused me of stealing her money. Usted es muy valiente. You are very brave. You're very brave. Gritarle a tu ordenador no te ayudará. Shouting at your computer will not help. Yelling at your computer won't help. Me fui de marcha. I went hiking. I left. No tengo nada en que escribir. I don't have anything to write on. I have nothing to write about. Esa es una idea genial. That's a very cool idea. That's a great idea. Me disfracé de mujer para que Tom no me reconociera. I disguised myself as a woman so that Tom wouldn't recognize me. I dressed up as a woman so Tom wouldn't recognize me. Hay un gran agujero en la pared. There is a large hole in the wall. There's a big hole in the wall. Sos un perdedor. You're a loser. You're a loser. Quina ei la toa puntura de cauçadura ? What's your shoe size? What's the point of the cage? Que't cau anar de tira. You must go at once. You need to go for a ride. La volví a ver. I saw her again. I saw her again. Ayer hizo un calor horroroso. Yesterday was awfully hot. Yesterday was a horrible heat. Destruyeron la vieja casa. You destroyed the old house. They destroyed the old house. ¿Tienen área para interactuar con los animales? Do you have a petting zoo area? Do you have an area to interact with animals? Layla se sintió abandonada. Layla felt abandoned. Layla felt abandoned. No lo puedo explicar bien. I can't really explain it well. I can't explain it well. Tom y Mary están trabajando. Tom and Mary are both at work. Tom and Mary are working. "En Youtube necesitas al menos 1.000 subscriptores y una cierta cantidad de visualizaciones para monetizar el contenido". Dijo Ray. “On YouTube you need at least 1,000 subscribers and a certain amount of watch time to monetize content,” Ray said. "On YouTube you need at least 1,000 subscribers and a certain amount of views to monetize the content," Ray said. Ella leyó su carta una y otra vez. She read his letter again and again. She read his letter over and over again. Mañana, jugará al fútbol. He will play soccer tomorrow. Tomorrow, he'll play football. Somos más o menos de la misma edad. We are just about the same age. We are more or less the same age. Voy a visitar a mi tío la semana que viene. I'll visit my uncle next week. I'm going to visit my uncle next week. Em sap greu haver d'informar-te de la mala notícia. I regret that I have to inform you of the bad news. I'm sorry to have to inform you of the bad news. Estoy seguro de que ella se convertirá en una gran cantante. I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer. I'm sure she'll become a great singer. Si quieres, puedo volver. If you want, I can come back. If you want, I can come back. Esos zapatos son de ella. Those shoes are hers. Those shoes are hers. ¿Querés ver algo interesante? Do you want to see something interesting? Want to see something interesting? ¿Te gustan los caracoles? Do you like snails? Do you like snails? Tienes que saber cuándo es el momento de pasar página. You've got to know when it's time to turn the page. You need to know when it’s time to turn the page. Por favor cálmate. Te ayudaremos. Please take it easy, we will help you. Please calm down, we'll help you. Les teves ulleres estan trencades. Your glasses are broken. Your glasses are broken. Conozco a alguien que puede estar interesado en tu proyecto. I know someone who may be interested in your project. I know someone who might be interested in your project. Esta ropa no me queda bien. These clothes don't fit me. These clothes don't fit me. Es una idea tan tonta. It's such a daft idea. It's such a silly idea. Esta oferta ha caducado. This offer has expired. This offer has expired. Yanni está saboteando su relación. Yanni is sabotaging his relationship. Yanni is sabotaging their relationship. Què és un palíndrom? What is a palindrome? What is a palindrome? Dijo que había dejado su billetera en casa. He said that he had left his wallet at home. He said he left his wallet at home. Estaba satisfecho con el trabajo que había realizado. He was satisfied with the work he had done. He was satisfied with the work he had done. El paràgraf no admet cap altra lectura. There is no other way to understand the sentence. The paragraph admits no further reading. Tracy perdió sus gafas. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost his glasses. No dude en hacer preguntas si no entiende mi explicación. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand my explanation. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand my explanation. Algunes persones diuen que ho saben tot. Some people claim to know everything. Some people say they know everything. Tengo dos perros. I have two dogs. I have two dogs. Cariño, por favor, recuerda. Darling, please remember. Honey, please remember. ¿Tú te crees que puedo volar? You really think I can fly? Do you think I can fly? Te arrestaron. You were arrested. You were arrested. ¡No me da miedo! ¡Esto es divertido! I'm not scared! This is fun! I'm not afraid, this is fun! O te quedas aquí solo, o te vienes con nosotros. Either stay here by yourself, or come with us. Either you stay here alone, or you come with us. ¿Por qué dejaron de tomar su medicación? Why did you stop taking your medicine? Why did you stop taking your medication? Cuando Mary era una niña, su familia era muy pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. ¡Estoy listo! I'm ready! I'm ready! Me ha fallado uno de mis mejores amigos. One of my best friends has failed me. One of my best friends failed me. Me pregunto qué debería hacer para la cena. I wonder what I should make for dinner. I wonder what I should do for dinner. Esta canción es muy popular en Japón. This song is very popular in Japan. This song is very popular in Japan. Tom no duerme en un ataúd como la mayoría de los vampiros. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires do. ¡Déjame marchar! Let me go! Let me go! ¿Por qué Tom os quiere muertos? Why would Tom want you dead? Why does Tom want you dead? Ella le contó sus problemas. She told her troubles to him. She told him about her problems. ¿Tiene Europa una lengua común? Does Europe have a common language? Does Europe have a common language? Tom está cantando. Tom's singing. Tom's singing. ¿Estuvo Tom en el equipo de ustedes? Was Tom on your team? Was Tom on your team? Eso confirma que eres un mentiroso. That just goes to show that you are a liar. That confirms you're a liar. Los posters fueron inmediatamente retirados de la pared. The posters were immediately removed from the wall. Posters were immediately removed from the wall. Para cuando encuentren el cadáver, yo ya estaré muy lejos. By the time they find the body, I'll be long gone. By the time they find the body, I'll be a long way off. Qu'ei lo hilh mei gran. He's the oldest son. That's great for me. ¿Piensas ir en autobús a Tokio? Do you plan to go to Tokyo by bus? Are you planning to travel by bus to Tokyo? Obramos de buena fe. We act in good faith. We act in good faith. Me gusta el color negro. I like the color black. I like the color black. El automóvil se detuvo. The automobile stopped. The car stopped. Em vaig cansar d'estar tot el dia estirat al llit. I got tired of lying in bed all day. I got tired of lying in bed all day. Corrí tan rápido como un rayo. I ran as fast as lightning. I ran as fast as lightning. ¿Por qué nos hemos parado? Why did we stop? Why did we stop? ¿Harto improbable? How likely is that? Tired improbable? Tom se está bañando. Tom is taking a shower. Tom's taking a bath. Me esperó hasta que llegué. He waited for me until I arrived. He waited for me until I arrived. No se puede fumar en el elevador. You may not smoke in the elevator. You can't smoke in the elevator. Se llamaba a sí mismo un Edison japonés. He called himself an Edison of Japan. He called himself a Japanese Edison. Ella se tropezó con una carretilla. She stumbled over a wheelbarrow. She stumbled across a wheelbarrow. Fumem-nos aquesta merda! Let's smoke this shit! Let's smoke this shit! Tenemos una cita con el director. We have an appointment with the director. We have an appointment with the director. La última vez que he visto a Tom fue hace tres semanas. The last time I saw Tom was three weeks ago. The last time I saw Tom was three weeks ago. Qu'èm los sons hilhs. We are his sons. I hear the sounds. El Sol también brilla de noche. The sun shines also at night. The sun also shines at night. Él me prometió venir a las cuatro. He promised me to come at four. He promised to come at four. Es campeona de esgrima. She is a fencing champion. She's a fencing champion. Lamentablemente, los resultados de ayer fueron como los ves. Unfortunately, the results yesterday were as you see. Unfortunately, yesterday’s results were as you see them. Yanni grabó esto en Argelia. Yanni recorded this in Algeria. Yanni recorded this in Algeria. Perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Aún queda mucho de qué hablar. There's a lot left to talk about. There's still a lot to talk about. ¿Vais a ir a cortaros el pelo hoy? Are you going to get your hair cut today? Are you going to cut your hair today? Ignoralos. Ignore them. Ignore them. És extrany que els nostres amics no estiguin aqui. It's strange that our friends aren't here. It's strange that our friends aren't here. A las arañas les gusta hacer telarañas. Spiders like to build spiderwebs. Spiders like to make webs. Si tienes alguna pregunta, ahora es el momento de hacerla. If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them. Yanni necesita intentarlo otra vez. Yanni needs to try again. Yanni needs to try again. Has tingut sort perquè no t'ha mossegat. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You were lucky because he didn't bite you. He oído hablar que en Echigo había espíritus hembras de nieve, pero no sé si es verdadero o no. I heard that there were female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know whether it's true or not. I've heard of female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know if it's true or not. Dan se dio cuenta que él había estado estropeando su matrimonio con sus largos viajes de negocios. Dan realized that he had been ruining his marriage with his lengthy business trips. Dan realized that he had been spoiling their marriage with his long business trips. Judit es una ajedrecista más fuerte que Zsuzsa. Judit is a stronger chess player than Zsuzsa. Judit is a stronger chess player than Zsuzsa. ¿Cuándo podemos comer? When can we eat? When can we eat? Me bajaré en la última estación. I'm getting off at the last stop. I'll get off at the last station. És una nova experiència per a mi. It's a wholly new experience for me. It's a new experience for me. La semana que viene lo explicaré en detalle. I'll explain it in detail next week. Next week I will explain it in detail. El matadero móvil de Tom fue rápidamente clausurado por las autoridades locales. Tom's mobile slaughterhouse was quickly shut down by the local authorities. Tom’s mobile slaughterhouse was quickly shut down by local authorities. Tom es buscado en Australia. Tom is wanted in Australia. Tom is wanted in Australia. Tom le deseó buena suerte a Mary. Tom wished Mary good luck. Tom wished Mary good luck. Las ilustraciones del libro son muy buenas. The book's illustrations are very good. The illustrations in the book are very good. ¡Qué idiota que soy! What an idiot I am! What an idiot I am! Ella no me dirige la palabra. She doesn't speak to me. She doesn't speak to me. L'anglès no és fàcil, però és interessant. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it is interesting. Tom era un mal estudiante. Tom was a bad student. Tom was a bad student. Hay un control remoto abajo del sofá. There is a TV remote control under the couch. There's a remote under the couch. Abre la boca, por favor. Open your mouth, please. Open your mouth, please. No me gustó que volviera a casa cuando yo dormía. I didn't like him to come back home while I was sleeping. I didn't like her coming home when I slept. Tom se quitó la camiseta. Tom took his T-shirt off. Tom took off his shirt. Ya hemos pagado nuestro alquiler. We've already paid our rent. We've already paid our rent. ¿Qué haces despierta tan temprano? What are you doing up this early? What are you doing up so early? Alerta! Careful! Alert! Las llaves no están en la mesa donde las dejé. The keys aren't on the table where I left them. The keys are not on the table where I left them. Yanni quería invertir en Argelia. Yanni wanted to invest in Algeria. Yanni wanted to invest in Algeria. Estaban de pie. They were standing. They were standing. Tarde o temprano se convertirá en una molestia. It will become an annoyance sooner or later. Sooner or later it will become a nuisance. La ciudad de Grimbergen en Bélgica ha aprobado una ley que prohíbe a la gente hablar cualquier otra lengua excepto flamenco en toda la ciudad. The city of Grimbergen in Belgium has passed a law that prohibits people from speaking anything other than Flemish in the entire city. The city of Grimbergen in Belgium has passed a law prohibiting people from speaking any other language except Flemish throughout the city. ¿Cómo te fue en la entrevista? How did your interview go? How was the interview? Pensé que era lo mínimo que podía hacer. Figured it's the least I could do. I thought it was the least I could do. No veo las cosas con nitidez. I can't see things clearly. I don't see things clearly. El que pierde va a tener que lavar los platos. The one who loses is going to have to do the dishes. The loser is going to have to wash the dishes. Dicen que, en el día de Colón, el fantasma de Cristóbal Colón sale de su tumba y vuela alrededor del mundo, castigando a los chicos y chicas malos que no creen en él. They say that on Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus's ghost rises up from its grave and flies around the world, punishing the bad boys and girls who don't believe in Christopher Columbus. They say that, on Columbus Day, the ghost of Christopher Columbus comes out of his grave and flies around the world, punishing bad boys and girls who don’t believe in him. ¿Te tengo que pagar a ti? Do I have to pay you? Do I have to pay you? Los precios se alzaron como resultado. As a result, prices rose. Prices rose as a result. Sembla que ningú fa cas de les seves opinions. It seems that nobody takes any notice of his opinions. No one seems to be listening to their opinions. Me temo que ya no te quiero. I'm afraid I don't love you any longer. I'm afraid I don't love you anymore. Sal de aquí antes de que Tom te pegue. Get out of here before Tom hits you. Get out of here before Tom hits you. ¿Cuándo paró la lluvia? When did it stop raining? When did the rain stop? El testigo del aceite está encendido. The oil light is on. The oil witness is on. Deverém ganhar. We ought to win. We must win. Quería que Tom confesara. I wanted to hear Tom confess. I wanted Tom to confess. Tom descansó a la sombra de un árbol. Tom rested in the shade of a tree. Tom rested in the shade of a tree. Que't caleré melhor t'amanejar. Lo trin s'avia a tres oras. You had better hurry. The train leaves at three. I'll need you better to wash it. The trine was aged for three hours. Si estuviera en tu posición, me opondría a aquel plan. Were I in your position, I would oppose that plan. If I were in your position, I would oppose that plan. Me estás acusando en falso. You are falsely accusing me. You're falsely accusing me. Se paró con sus manos temblando de ira. He stood up with his hands trembling in a rage. He stood with his hands shaking with anger. Este software no es útil; bórralo. This software is not useful; delete it. This software is not useful; delete it. Los niños son vulnerables. Children are vulnerable. Children are vulnerable. No se debe derramar agua caliente en un vaso, o puede romperse. Hot water should not be poured into a glass, or it may crack. Hot water should not be poured into a glass, or it may break. Las abejas nos dan miel. Bees provide us with honey. Bees give us honey. Ojalá pudiera volar como un pájaro. I wish I could fly like a bird. I wish I could fly like a bird. ¿Cómo tramitar la visa rusa si eres mexicano? How can you apply for a Russian visa if you're Mexican? How to apply for a Russian visa if you are Mexican? ¿Alguien está en casa? Anyone home? Is anyone home? Necesito una semana. I need a week. I need a week. ¿Qué vas a hacer si él no viene? If he doesn't come, what'll you do? What are you gonna do if he doesn't come? Yanni no debería haber dejado a Skura ahí fuera. Yanni shouldn't have left Skura out there. Yanni shouldn't have left Skura out there. Yanni quiere conocer a Skura. Yanni wants to know Skura. Yanni wants to meet Skura. A él le da lo mismo el dinero. He doesn't care about money. He doesn't care about the money. Quina llengua parleu al vostre país? What language do you speak in your country? What language do you speak in your country? Que'm cau estudiar. I must study. I need to study. Ella nunca ha tenido una mala experiencia. She has never had a bad experience. She's never had a bad experience. Tom siguió sus instintos. Tom followed his instincts. Tom followed his instincts. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te hicieron una revisión oftalmológica? When was the last time you had your vision tested? When was the last time you had an eye exam? Por favor, coge una silla para que Tom se siente. Please get a chair for Tom to sit on. Please pick up a chair for Tom to sit on. Te ves muy cansada. You look very tired. You look very tired. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted jugó al fútbol? When was the last time you played soccer? When was the last time you played football? Estoy fascinada. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated. ¿Te gusta esa canción? Do you like that song? Do you like that song? ¡No soy hombre! I am not a man! I'm not a man! Tinc un maldecap. I have a problem. I've got a headache. Quan tribalhas ? When do you work? How Tribal? Lo atropellaron y falleció. He was run over and killed. He was run over and died. Al parecer, el plan ahora está a la espera. Apparently, the plan is now on hold. Apparently, the plan is now waiting. A la debuta Diu que hascoc lo cèu e la tèrra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At the beginning, he said he had a goose bump. Mi empresa ha empezado a promocionarlo. My company has started promoting it. My company started promoting it. És difícil parlar tres llengues. It's hard to speak three languages. It’s hard to speak three languages. ¿Puedes hacerme un favor? Would you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? ¿Por qué creés que estoy pensando en vos? Why do you think that I'm thinking about you? Why do you think I'm thinking of you? Lo que sigue es una explicación detallada de como cada concepto es implementado en este ejemplo. What follows is a detailed examination of how each concept is implemented in this example. The following is a detailed explanation of how each concept is implemented in this example. Tom no se olvida casi nunca de enviarle una tarjeta del Día de la Madre a su madre. Tom almost never forgets to send his mother a Mother's Day greeting card. Tom almost never forgets to send a Mother’s Day card to his mother. Voy a decirte algo. I'm going to tell you something. I'm gonna tell you something. No tengo amigos con los que pueda conversar de cosas así. I have no friends to whom I could speak about such matters. I don’t have friends with whom I can talk about things like that. Yanni encontró a Skura en Facebook. Yanni found Skura on Facebook. Yanni found Skura on Facebook. Yanni y Skura son solo amigos. Yanni and Skura are just friends. Yanni and Skura are just friends. Deja de empujar. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. Yo no me voy a esconder. I'm not going to hide. I'm not going to hide. El muchacho perdió la oreja durante una pelea callejera. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy lost his ear during a street fight. Aunque hubieras estudiado mucho no habrías aprobado el examen. Era demasiado difícil. Even if you had studied a lot you would not have passed the exam. It was too difficult. Even if you'd studied hard, you wouldn't have passed the exam. El tiempo esta semana ha sido bastante bueno. The weather this week has been pretty good. The weather this week has been pretty good. Sabía que Tom estaba aquí. I knew Tom was here. I knew Tom was here. ¿Tú qué crees que es la felicidad? What do you think happiness is? What do you think happiness is? Tenemos una hija que está casada con un francés. We have a daughter who is married to a Frenchman. We have a daughter who is married to a Frenchman. Está siempre bromeando. He's always joking. He's always joking. Dicen que uno no se repone nunca de su primer amor. They say that you never get over your first love. They say you never get over your first love. Me dan pena aquellos a los que no les gusta. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I feel sorry for those who don’t like it. Un avión surgió de la nada. A plane popped up out of nowhere. A plane came out of nowhere. Grita y llora cuanto quieras, ya que nadie te puede escuchar aquí. Scream and cry as much as you want. No one can hear you here. Shout and cry as much as you want, as no one can hear you here. Los niños no juegan con muñecas. Boys don't play with dolls. Children do not play with dolls. Este patio puede acoger treinta comensales. This patio can hold thirty diners. This patio can accommodate thirty diners. Estos umeboshi están realmente salados. These umeboshi are really salty. These umeboshi are really salty. Lo siento pero ya he ganado. Sorry, but I've already won. I'm sorry, but I've already won. Ellos lo acusaron de robar la bicicleta. They accused him of stealing the bicycle. They accused him of stealing the bike. Espere poder-ho fer. I hope that I can do it. Expect to be able to do it. Nosotras tenemos un estegosauro. We have got a Stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. Yo creo que Tom va a ganar. I think Tom is going to win. I think Tom is going to win. De qué i a hens la caisha ? What's in the box? What about the caisson? El Dr. Jackson es muy paciente. Dr. Jackson is very patient. Dr. Jackson is very patient. Perdió un libro. She lost a book. He lost a book. Toma esto. A lo mejor te hace sentir mejor. Drink this. It might make you feel better. Maybe it makes you feel better. Es van quedar sense paraules. They were left speechless. They were speechless. Veniu ací tots els dies? Do you come here every day? Do you come here every day? "El fútbol nunca ha sido un muy buen negocio para los propietarios de los clubes hasta hace algunos años. El Manchester United, el Manchester City, el Real Madrid, casi cada club en Europa y en el mundo, tiene una deuda enorme. Pero los grandes clubes tienen una deuda mayor porque tienen más salarios que pagar. Dependen más de las audiencias", dijo García a VOA. "Football has never been a very good business for club owners until a few years ago. But now, of course, comes the pandemic. Manchester United, Manchester City, Real Madrid — almost every club in Europe and around the world — are in massive debt. But the big clubs are in more debt because they have more salaries to pay. They depend more on audiences," Garcia told VOA. "Football has never been a very good deal for club owners until a few years ago. Manchester United, Manchester City, Real Madrid, almost every club in Europe and in the world, has a huge debt. But the big clubs have a bigger debt because they have more salaries to pay. They depend more on audiences," Garcia told VOA. Nos cau estar prèsts per tota escadença. We ought to be ready for whatever comes. We have to be ready for all the fuss. Aún no he traducido nada. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. ¿No es suficiente para ti? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Él no tiene mucho que ofrecer. He doesn't have much to offer. He doesn't have much to offer. Él volvió nuevamente. He came back again. He came back again. Tienes que decirme qué te está pasando. You have to tell me what's going on with you. You have to tell me what's happening to you. No puedo parar de comer chocolate a escondidas. I can't stop eating chocolate in secret. I can't stop eating chocolate on the sly. Entiendo perfectamente tu postura. I understand your position perfectly. I totally understand your position. Habrá una recompensa para quien encuentre a mi perro. There will be a reward for the person who finds my dog. There will be a reward for anyone who finds my dog. Volerí que venguosses de d'ora. I'd like you to come early. I'd like you to come back from now. Què li passa? What is wrong with him? What's wrong with her? He oído muchas excusas pero la tuya se lleva la palma. I've heard many excuses before, but yours takes the cake. I've heard a lot of excuses, but yours takes the cake. Estoy cansado de escuchar las reacciones desinformadas de todos. I'm tired of hearing everybody's hot takes. I’m tired of hearing everyone’s uninformed reactions. Ponlo en la alacena. Put it in the cupboard. Put it in the cupboard. La chica apretó a su muñeca con afecto. The girl squeezed her doll affectionately. The girl gripped her wrist with affection. La entrada cuesta seis euros, pero los domingos es gratis. The admission costs six euros but on Sundays it's free. Admission costs six euros, but on Sundays it is free. En la reunión había meramente seis personas. There were only six people at the meeting. There were only six people at the meeting. Yanni bloqueó el número desde el que Skura le estaba escribiendo. Yanni blocked the number Skura was texting him from. Yanni blocked the number from which Skura was writing to him. No me gusta la persona en que te has convertido. I don't like who you've become. I don't like the person you've become. Lo primero que hicimos fue mirar a los pandas. The first thing we did was look at the pandas. The first thing we did was look at the pandas. Yanni huele. Yanni smells. Yanni smells. Él sabe silbar. He knows how to whistle. He knows how to whistle. És una idea brillant. That's a bright idea. It's a brilliant idea. Penso en tu. I'm thinking of you. I think of you. Mary corrió por el pasillo. Mary ran down the hall. Mary ran down the aisle. Cruzar este camino es extremadamente peligroso. Crossing this path is extremely dangerous. Crossing this path is extremely dangerous. No habría podido hacer eso. I wouldn't have been able to do that. I couldn't have done that. Esa escena fue tan lacrimógena que no pude dejar de llorar. That scene was so tear-jerking I couldn't stop crying. That scene was so tearful I couldn't stop crying. ¿Qué te parece, amigo mío? What do you think, my friend? What do you think, my friend? Tom me acaba de mandar un texto. Tom just sent me a text. Tom just texted me. La piscina estaba llena. The pool was full. The pool was full. ¿Por qué es tan difícil aprender un idioma extranjero? Why is it so difficult to learn a foreign language? Why is it so hard to learn a foreign language? Yanni necesita salir de su zona de confort. Yanni needs to burst out of his comfort zone. Yanni needs to get out of her comfort zone. No puedo explicarme lo ocurrido. I can't understand what happened. I can't explain what happened. Ella alcanzó su guitarra. She reached for her guitar. She reached for her guitar. Estuve con una familia estadounidense. I stayed with an American family. I was with an American family. De què vols parlar amb mi? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Las mangas están fruncidas en el puño. The sleeves are gathered at the cuff. The sleeves are gathered in the fist. Me gustó la tercera canción que cantaste anoche. I liked the third song you sang last night. I liked the third song you sang last night. Cuanto más viejo te vuelves, más difícil se hace aprender un idioma nuevo. The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to learn a new language. The older you get, the harder it becomes to learn a new language. Ojalá venzas a todos nuestros enemigos. May you defeat all our enemies. May you defeat all our enemies. ¿Estás casado? Are you married? Are you married? La niña quien lleva el vestido azul es Mary. The girl in the blue dress is Mary. The girl who wears the blue dress is Mary. Aqueth arrelòtge ne fonciona pas. This clock isn't working. This location does not work. Solo piensas en ti. You only think about yourself. You only think about yourself. Él tuvo un golpe. He had a stroke. He had a stroke. De momento está viviendo en un departamento. He is living in an apartment at present. He is currently living in an apartment. Tráeme una toalla húmeda. Bring me a moist towel. Get me a wet towel. Esa es una oración interesante. That's an interesting sentence. That's an interesting sentence. No preveo que pueda ir a Boston. I don't foresee ever being able to go to Boston. I don't expect you to be able to go to Boston. ¿Por qué no vamos donde Tom? Why don't we go to Tom's? Why don't we go to Tom? Quiero hablar contigo. I want to speak with you. I want to talk to you. No odio el invierno. I don't hate winter. I don't hate winter. Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The last one, an dishonest guy, did not take ten steps as the rules say, but two; then he turned and shot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus had not taken a single step. En este asunto hay que caminar con pies de plomo. You have to move cautiously in this matter. In this matter we must walk on lead feet. Tom, hay algo que quiero darte. Tom, there's something I want to give you. Tom, there's something I want to give you. Los pies de Tom están hinchados. Tom's feet are swollen. Tom's feet are swollen. Con este frío se me pone la carne de gallina. This cold weather gives me goosebumps. In this cold I get goosebumps. S'ha cancel·lat la reunió d'avui. Today's meeting has been cancelled. Today's meeting has been cancelled. ¿Leyó usted la extra de esta mañana? Did you read this morning's extra? Did you read the extra this morning? Tom cree en Dios. Tom believes in God. Tom believes in God. Uno de los síntomas de la esquizofrenia es la atención patológica a los detalles, así que me siento aliviado cuando olvido algunas comas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel comforted when I forget a few commas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel relieved when I forget some commas. Perdón por lo que escribí, porque quería vomitar. Sorry for what I wrote, because I wanted to throw up. Sorry for what I wrote, because I wanted to throw up. A los extranjeros les cuesta acostumbrarse a la comida japonesa. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Foreigners have a hard time getting used to Japanese food. Cuidé de mi hermana enferma. I took care of my sick sister. I took care of my sick sister. He estado queriendo hacerte una pregunta. I have been wanting to ask you a question. I've been wanting to ask you a question. Esa tetera está bastante sucia. That teapot's pretty dirty. That teapot's pretty dirty. Esto es lo más importante que he aprendido. This is the main thing I have learned. This is the most important thing I have learned. Comeremos en lo de María esta tarde. We'll eat at Mary's place this evening. We'll have lunch at Maria's this afternoon. Venga, levántate, vas a llegar tarde a la escuela. Come on, get up. You're going to be late to school. Come on, get up, you're gonna be late for school. Dirijo un pequeño negocio. I run a small business. I run a small business. Grace todavía no ha venido. Grace has not come yet. Grace hasn't come yet. El anciano sentado en aquel banco es mi abuelo. The old man sitting on the bench over there is my grandfather. The old man sitting on that bench is my grandfather. ¿Cómo lo iba a saber? How should I know? How would I know? Me ha ayudado mucho. That helps a lot. It's helped me a lot. El trabajo empieza a ser más difícil. The work begins to get more difficult. The work is starting to get harder. Esperando el autobús, me encontré a mi amigo. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I found my friend. Una forma de reducir el número de errores en el Corpus de Tatoeba sería fomentar que la gente tradujera únicamente a su lengua materna. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongue. ¿Necesito una corbata? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? ¿Estás dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para hacer tu sueño realidad? Are you willing to do what it takes to make your dream come true? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true? Aquest abric et queda bé. This coat fits you. This coat suits you. En invierno me gusta comer chocolate. In winter I like to eat chocolate. I like to eat chocolate in the winter. Las apariencias engañan. Appearances are deceiving. Appearances are deceiving. Dame dos tizas. Give me two pieces of chalk. Give me two chalks. Tres annadas que son passadas desempuish que vengoi viure aquí. It has been three years since I came to live here. Three years have passed since I came to live here. ¿Cuándo se fueron a casa? When did you go home? When did they go home? "Las preguntas estúpidas no existen." "¿Cómo fue que Leonardo DiCaprio inventó la Mona Lisa si no había color en el siglo XIX?" "Retiro lo dicho." "There's no such thing as a stupid question." "How did Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 1800s?" "I stand corrected." "How did Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 19th century?" Nuestros descendientes llegarán tarde o temprano, como raza, a la condición de conciencia cósmica, al igual que, hace mucho tiempo, nuestros antepasados pasaron de la conciencia simple a la autoconciencia. Our descendants will sooner or later reach, as a race, the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness into self-consciousness. Our descendants will sooner or later, as a race, reach the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors went from simple consciousness to self-consciousness. Baixa el volum del televisor. Turn down the TV, please. Turn down the volume of the TV. No hay mucho que decirte. There isn't much to tell you. There's not much to tell you. No voy a añadirte a mi lista de amigos. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. Mary no es muy amistosa. Mary isn't very friendly. Mary is not very friendly. Por favor, no discutas con Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. He perdut la meva clau. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Sus ropas estaban empapadas. Their clothes were soaked. His clothes were soaking wet. El libro está en la pieza. The book is in the room. The book is in the piece. Arribarà un dia que el negoci reeixirà. The day will come when the business will succeed. There will come a day when the business will come to fruition. Un ligre es un cruce entre un león y una tigresa. A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. A liger is a cross between a lion and a tigress. ¿Adónde van ustedes esta tarde? Where are you going this afternoon? Where are you going this afternoon? Son hermosos. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. El cumpleaños de Lisa es en dos meses. Lisa's birthday is in two months. Lisa's birthday is in two months. ¿Estás libre esta tarde? Are you free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon? Mary es homófoba. Mary's homophobic. Mary is homophobic. ¿Dónde compró Nayla un burrito? Where did Nayla buy a burrito? Where did Nayla buy a burrito? ¿Qué deberíamos hacer en caso de incendio? What should we do in the event of a fire? What should we do in case of fire? Tienes que hacerlo, te guste o no. Whether you like it or not, you'll have to do it. You have to do it, whether you like it or not. Se pueden aplicar algunas restricciones. Some restrictions may apply. Some restrictions may apply. Esto no tiene nada que ver contigo. That has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. He ayudado a mis padres con las tareas domésticas. I helped my parents with the housework. I've helped my parents with housework. Tom murió en mis brazos. Tom died in my arms. Tom died in my arms. Todos tienen un papel que desempeñar. Everyone has a role to play. Everyone has a role to play. ¿Me prestarías tu bolígrafo? Would you lend me your pen? Would you lend me your pen? Él me dio un anillo a medianoche. He gave me a ring at midnight. He gave me a ring at midnight. ¿Tienes un pañuelo? Do you have a handkerchief? Do you have a handkerchief? Se cortó la luz. The power's out. The light went out. Me quemé el paladar comiendo pizza. I burned the roof of my mouth eating pizza. I burned my palate eating pizza. Que'm lhevèi entà deishar un vielh prénguer la mea plaça. I got up so an old man could sit in my seat. I want him to give me a hand. Me está volviendo loco. It's driving me crazy. It's driving me crazy. Sí, lo besé. Yes, I kissed him. Yeah, I kissed him. ¿Estás seguro de que eres un hablante nativo de francés? Are you sure you're a native French speaker? Are you sure you are a native French speaker? Su secretario negó haber dejado escapar la información. His secretary denied leaking out the information. His secretary denied leaking the information. Eres la meua princesa. You're my princess. You're my princess. Ellos tienen un poderoso arsenal militar. They have a powerful military arsenal. They have a powerful military arsenal. No me lo puedo creer. I can't believe that. I can't believe this. Tom está estudiando patología ocular. Tom is studying ocular pathology. Tom's studying eye pathology. Mira, hay un nido de palomas en este árbol. Look, there is a nest of pigeons in this tree. Look, there's a dove's nest in this tree. Pues sí, pero en realidad no. Well yes, but actually no. Well, yes, but not really. ¿Con quién estabas hablando en el teléfono? Who were you speaking to on the phone? Who were you talking to on the phone? No creo que él pueda hacer eso. I don't think he can do that. I don't think he can do that. No es solo una teoría. It's not just a theory. It's not just a theory. Él alcanzó su pinta. He reached for his pint. He reached his pint. Si hablases menos y escuchases más, definitivamente serías capaz de aprender algo. If you spoke less and listened more, you'd definitely be able to learn something. If you spoke less and listened more, you would definitely be able to learn something. ¿Por qué Tom te quiere muerto? Why would Tom want you dead? Why does Tom want you dead? Vivir acá es muy caro. Living here is very expensive. Living here is very expensive. Mike canta bien. Mike sings well. Mike sings well. Sabes a quina ora arribèn ? Do you know what time they came? Do you know what time they arrive? Tom salió a dar un paseo después de dejar de llover. Tom went out for a walk after it stopped raining. Tom went out for a walk after it stopped raining. Se aturdió y no supo que contestar. He was stunned and didn't know how to answer. She was stunned and didn’t know what to answer. Nosotras somos profesoras de francés. We are French teachers. We are French teachers. No te tomes en serio las amenazas de Tom. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Si faltas a mi clase, te mato. If you skip my class, I will kill you. If you miss my class, I'll kill you. No tinc ganes de fer exercici. I don't feel like exercising. I don’t want to exercise. ¿Puede ver esto? Can you see this? Can you see this? Nomás queda un poco de agua. There's only a little water left. There's just a little water left. Por fin, la guerra ha terminado. The war is finally over. The war is finally over. ¿Cómo de bueno es? How good is he? How good is it? Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy this guitar. Tom es un principiante. Tom is a beginner. Tom is a beginner. ¿Cómo encontraste esta chomba? How did you find this sweater? How did you find this chomba? Aquesta és una carta molt estranya. This is a very strange letter. This is a very strange letter. Tom no puede creer lo que está pasando. Tom can't believe what's happening. Tom can't believe what's going on. Podemos cambiar si queremos. We can change if we want to. We can change if we want. No he sido el único que lo ha solucionado, pero les daré las gracias en tu nombre. I wasn't the one who fixed it, but I'll pass along your thanks. I have not been the only one who has solved it, but I will thank them on your behalf. Este hombre es mercader. This man is a merchant. This man is a merchant. Tom lo hizo exactamente como Mary le dijo. Tom did exactly as Mary told him to do. Tom did exactly as Mary told him. ¿Cuánto pagaste por esa bicicleta? How much did you pay for that bicycle? How much did you pay for that bike? Voy al trabajo en autobús. I go to work by bus. I go to work by bus. El profesor me autorizó a irme temprano a casa. The teacher granted me permission to go home early. The teacher gave me permission to go home early. Se vòs estar liure, destrusís ton finestron. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you want to be free, destroy your window. Cualquier revista servirá. Any magazine will do. Any magazine will do. No me gustan los gatos y a mi hermano tampoco. I don't like cats, and my brother doesn't either. I don't like cats and my brother doesn't either. Nuestro cerebro necesita estímulos. Our brains need stimulation. Our brain needs stimulation. Nos quedamos sin queso. We've run out of cheese. We're out of cheese. Ella puso los ojos en blanco. She rolled her eyes. She rolled her eyes. Tienes razón. Iré en taxi. You are right. I will go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a taxi. Qui sou totes vosaltres? Who are you all? Who are you all? ¿Alguien sabe como pronunciar este ideograma? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how to pronounce this ideogram? Els asiàtics normalment tenen el cabell negre, Asians generally have black hair. Asians usually have black hair. Eso no te pertenece. That doesn't belong to you. That doesn't belong to you. Han sido buenos soldados. You have been good soldiers. They've been good soldiers. Nerviós ? Jo ? Non pas ! Nervous? Me? No! Nervous? Me? No! Ese no es nuestro trabajo. That's not our job. That's not our job. He vivido aquí durante treinta años. I have lived here for thirty years. I've lived here for thirty years. ¿Te han hospitalizado alguna vez en un hospital psiquiátrico? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? Have you ever been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital? ¿Has decidido a quién vas a votar? Have you decided who you're going to vote for? Have you decided who you are going to vote for? Tenemos que lavarnos las manos a menudo. We need to wash our hands often. We have to wash our hands often. Le dije a Tom acerca de ti. I told Tom about you. I told Tom about you. Amo mi dialecto italiano. I love my Italian dialect. I love my Italian dialect. ¡Espero que eso estuviera suficientemente claro! I hope that was clear enough! I hope that was clear enough! Comparto vuestro dolor. I feel your pain. I share your pain. No actúes según tu edad; actúa según tú mismo. Don't act your age; act yourself. Do not act according to your age; act according to yourself. Ella va a tener un bebé en julio. She's going to have a baby in July. She's having a baby in July. Tom no es un gato. Tom isn't a cat. Tom's not a cat. No estábamos listos para esto. We weren't ready for this. We weren't ready for this. Él vino a Nueva York para buscar trabajo. He came to New York in search of work. He came to New York to look for work. No ha vist a ningú. He didn't see anybody. He hasn't seen anyone. Tom no quiere perderte. Tom doesn't want to lose you. Tom doesn't want to lose you. ¡No puedo creer que él me haya dejado por esa puta! I can't believe he left me for that whore! I can't believe he left me for that bitch! ¡Mira! Una estrella fugaz. Look! There goes a shooting star. Look, a shooting star. Nuestro profesor probó un nuevo método para enseñar inglés. Our teacher tried to use a new method of teaching English. Our teacher tried a new method of teaching English. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que consumiste benzodiacepinas que no te hubieran prescrito? When was the last time you used benzodiazepines that were not prescribed to you? When was the last time you took benzodiazepines that weren’t prescribed for you? Viswanathan Anand, también conocido como Vishy Anand, se convirtió en el primer Gran Maestro indio en 1988, cuando tenía 18 años. Es el ajedrecista no ruso más fuerte desde Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grand Master in 1988, when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grandmaster in 1988, when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. ¿Sabes lo que me vuelve loco? You know what drives me crazy? You know what drives me crazy? Aquí hace mucho calor en verano. It is very hot here in the summer. It's very hot here in summer. Tom no me dio un beso de buenas noches. Tom didn't give me a good night kiss. Tom didn't kiss me goodnight. La señorita Yamamoto nos enseña inglés. Ms. Yamamoto teaches us English. Miss Yamamoto teaches us English. Él me dijo que no condujera demasiado rápido. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive too fast. Tom i Joan són ambdós cecs. Tom and John are both blind. Tom and John are both blind. Debo prepararme bien para no causar una mala impresión. I have to prepare myself well so I don't make a bad impression. I must prepare myself well so as not to make a bad impression. Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio de ellos. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. La lista es extensa. The list is extensive. The list is extensive. ¿De quién son esas fotos? Whose pictures are those? Whose photos are these? Uno no instala cámaras en los baños por un asunto de privacidad. You can't install cameras in bathrooms as a matter of privacy. You don’t install cameras in bathrooms because of a privacy issue. Jugo, por favor. Juice, please. Juice, please. Nadie quería jugar con Tango, excepto el pequeño niño, porque Tango apestaba. No one wanted to play with Tango except the little boy because Tango stinks. No one wanted to play with Tango, except the little boy, because Tango sucked. No heriremos a Tom. We won't hurt Tom. We won't hurt Tom. Colgó el póster en la pared con cuatro chinchetas. He hung the poster on the wall with four thumbtacks. He hung the poster on the wall with four pins. ¿Por qué no quieres venir al cine conmigo? Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me? Why don't you want to come to the movies with me? Puso una venda en mi dedo lastimado. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. He put a bandage on my injured finger. A mi novio le gusta la pasta como a mí. My boyfriend likes pasta like me. My boyfriend likes pasta like me. La llengua internacional Interlingue ha estat publicada en 1922 amb el nom Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The international language Interlingua was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. Tom cambia de canal durante los comerciales. Tom changes channels during commercials. Tom changes channels during commercials. Té vosté un mapa? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Vive y aprende. Live and learn. Live and learn. Él te va a estar esperando alrededor de las dos. He will be waiting for you about two o'clock. He'll be waiting for you around two. Ella tiene como máximo 18 años. She is at most 18 years old. She is at most 18 years old. Perdí mi llave por aquí. I lost my key around here. I lost my key around here. Desgraciadamente, él ya no está y cosas fundamentales han quedado sin decirse entre nosotros. Unfortunately, he's no longer here, and fundamental things were left unsaid between us. Unfortunately, he is gone and fundamental things have remained unsaid among us. A Tom le gusta la gente como él. Tom likes people similar to himself. Tom likes people like him. Lo que está hecho no puede deshacerse. What's done can't be undone. What is done cannot be undone. ¿Dónde está mi celular? Where's my mobile? Where's my cell? La habitación quedó sumida en la más absoluta oscuridad. The room was plunged into utter darkness. The room was plunged into absolute darkness. Yanni no sabría decir si la voz era masculina o femenina. Yanni couldn't tell whether the voice was male or female. Yanni couldn’t tell if the voice was male or female. Ell té un gos. He has a dog. He has a dog. Tom vino a mi casa ayer a la mañana. Tom came to my house yesterday morning. Tom came to my house yesterday morning. No volem prendre res. We don't want to take anything. We don't want to take anything. Salgamos. Let's go out. Let's go. No m'agraden les ciutats grans. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. Les va perfectamente. They're doing fine. They're doing great. La part més difícil de l'aprenentatge d'un idioma és recordar el vocabulari. The hardest part of language learning is remembering vocabulary. The most difficult part of learning a language is remembering the vocabulary. Per què no m'ho demanes? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? El bien más preciado es la libertad; hay que defenderla con fe y con valor. The most precious good is freedom; it must be defended with faith and courage. Freedom is the most precious asset; it must be defended with faith and courage. Las clases empiezan el lunes. Classes begin on Monday. Classes start on Monday. Tom volvió al trabajo. Tom went back to work. Tom went back to work. Tom quiere ser un traductor. Tom wants to be a translator. Tom wants to be a translator. No tienes que creerme. You don't have to believe me. You don't have to believe me. Deberías cuidar de tu madre enferma. You should take care of your sick mother. You should take care of your sick mother. El cannabis es ahora legal en el estado de Nueva York. Cannabis is now legal in New York State. Cannabis is now legal in New York State. ¿Qué hemos hecho para ser castigados así? What have we done to be punished like this? What have we done to be punished like this? De qué me cau díser ? What should I say? What do I need to tell you? Su objetivo es hacerse profesor. His objective is to become a teacher. His goal is to become a teacher. Este trabajo no es necesariamente fácil. This work is not necessarily easy. This work is not necessarily easy. Por allá verás una casa roja. You will see a red house over there. You'll see a red house over there. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te peinaste el pelo? When was the last time you combed your hair? When was the last time you combed your hair? En los últimos catorce días, ¿has estado en contacto estrecho con alguien que haya sido positivo por SARS-CoV-2? Within the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? In the last fourteen days, have you been in close contact with someone who has been positive for SARS-CoV-2? Lo vi entrar en el cuarto. I saw him enter the room. I saw him enter the room. No te puedo parar. I can't stop you. I can't stop you. Tom es el más joven de los cuatro. Tom is the youngest of the four. Tom is the youngest of the four. Lo professor que'u permetó de tornar tà casa. The teacher permitted him to go home. The teacher who allowed you to return home. Regamos el patio delantero por la tarde. We water the front yard in the afternoon. We watered the front yard in the afternoon. Come despacio la comida. Eat meals slowly. Eat the food slowly. Tengo heces blandas. I have soft stools. I have soft stools. ¿Te recuerdo realmente a ella? Do I really remind you of her? Do I really remind you of her? No eres hijo mío. You are no son of mine. You're not my son. Puc prémer el botó? Can I push the button? Can I press the button? Pájaro viejo, no entra en jaula. Old birds are not caught with chaff. Old bird, it doesn't go into a cage. Me lo puedo comer aquí. I can eat it in here. I can eat it here. ¿Podrías anotar eso, por favor? Could you write that down, please? Could you write that down, please? Nomás te digo lo que me dijo Tom. I'm just telling you what Tom told me. I'll just tell you what Tom told me. Tres nuevos miembros se unieron a nuestro equipo la semana pasada. We had three new members join our team last week. Three new members joined our team last week. Dirás y harás cosas que tus padres dijeron e hicieron, aunque jurases que nunca lo harías. You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them. You will say and do things that your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do it. Quería hablar más, pero ella me colgó. I wanted to talk more, but she just hung up on me. I wanted to talk more, but she hung up on me. ¿Siempre tomas café con el desayuno? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always drink coffee with breakfast? Él estaba envejeciendo. He was getting old. He was getting old. Entonces, es un hombre. Then, it's a man. So, he's a man. Tom se puso un par de vaqueros. Tom put on a pair of jeans. Tom put on a pair of jeans. M'alegra que estigueu ací. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. Tom me vio. Tom saw me. Tom saw me. Aquí crecí. I grew up here. I grew up here. Sólo la superficie de las cosas revela su esencia. Only the surface of things reveals the essence of things. Only the surface of things reveals its essence. Eso se pasa. It passes. That's it. Tom juga als escacs. Tom plays chess. Tom plays chess. Tengo que afeitarle el pecho para el electrocardiograma. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. I have to shave his chest for the EKG. No podemos vivir sin el aire. We cannot live without air. We cannot live without air. Ella es, por así decirlo, un diccionario andante. She is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. She is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. S'està fent molt tard. It's getting very late. It's getting too late. Este libro era muy interesante. This book was very interesting. This book was very interesting. ¿Cree usted en Dios? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? ¿Que harías tú si estuvieses en mi lugar? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Nadie se opuso a la elección. No one opposed the choice. No one opposed the election. ¿Estás diciendo que no querés ir? Are you saying you don't want to go? Are you saying you don't want to go? Tom nunca dice hola. Tom never says hello. Tom never says hello. ¡Ya párale! Cut it out! Stop him! Tom estará pronto aquí. Tom will soon be there. Tom will be here soon. Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès. I started learning English six years ago. I started learning English six years ago. Te dijeron lo que pasó, ¿no? They told you what happened, didn't they? They told you what happened, didn't they? El nas del gos és molt sensible. A dog's nose is very sensitive. The dog’s nose is very sensitive. Ella estaba lista para enfrentar su destino. She was ready to face her fate. She was ready to face her destiny. Gràcies! Thanks! Thank you! Ellos sostuvieron que él la había matado. They claimed that he'd killed her. They claimed that he had killed her. Tom no ha hecho nada de momento. Tom hasn't done anything so far. Tom hasn't done anything yet. Que't balharèi tot lhevat aquò. I'll give you anything but this. Let's all bask in this. Desde lo alto, el águila se lanza hacia su presa, la captura con sus garras y vuela de regreso al cielo. From high above, the eagle dives toward its prey, captures it with its claws, and flies back into the sky. From above, the eagle hurls towards its prey, catching it with its claws and flying back to the sky. ¿Vende ordenadores de segunda mano? Do you sell pre-owned computers? Do you sell second-hand computers? ¿Puedo medirle la tensión? Can I check your blood pressure? Can I measure your blood pressure? Nuestro hijo mayor se llama Tom. Our oldest son's name is Tom. My oldest son's name is Tom. Necesitas desayunar. You need to have breakfast. You need breakfast. Tom es un joven y talentoso bailarín. Tom is a young and talented dancer. Tom is a young and talented dancer. Tom ascendió al rango de brigadier antes de retirarse del ejército. Tom rose to the rank of brigadier before retiring from the army. Tom rose to the rank of brigadier before retiring from the army. Ningú no li fa ombra. Nobody equals him in strength. No one casts a shadow on him. Vino a mi mente una brillante idea. A very bright idea came to my mind. A brilliant idea came to mind. Debemos proteger la selva tropical. We must protect the rainforest. We must protect the rainforest. Tom trabaja en un banco. Tom works at a bank. Tom works in a bank. Ella también estudia chino. She studies Chinese too. She also studies Chinese. Si estás deprimido significa que vives en el pasado, si estás ansioso, en el futuro; y si eres feliz, en el presente. If you're depressed, that means you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're living in the future. If you're happy, you're in the present. If you are depressed it means that you live in the past, if you are anxious, in the future; and if you are happy, in the present. No ha llamado desde que se fue a Londres. She hasn't phoned since she went to London. He hasn't called since he left for London. Escuché, pero no oí nada. I listened, but I heard nothing. I heard, but I didn't hear anything. Ella cambió tanto que no la reconocí. She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her. She changed so much that I didn’t recognize her. Que demorèi a casa lo jorn sancèr. I stayed home all day. Stay at home for a sane day. Esta foto está tomada en el momento exacto. This photo is taken in the right moment. This photo is taken at the exact moment. Cada página de mi libro contiene solo diez oraciones, pero algunas oraciones son bastante largas. Each page of my book contains only ten sentences, but some sentences are quite long. Each page of my book contains only ten sentences, but some sentences are quite long. Nadie se acordó de mi cumpleaños. Nobody remembered my birthday. No one remembered my birthday. ¿Qué te dio Tom esta vez? What did Tom give you this time? What did Tom give you this time? Sabeu a quina divinitat està dedicat aquest temple? Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to? Do you know what divinity this temple is dedicated to? Jo estava xerraire. I was talkative. I was talking. ¡Adivina a quién me he encontrado hoy! Guess who I met today! Guess who I met today! Tom se fue sin siquiera despedirse. John went away without so much as saying good-by. Tom left without even saying goodbye. Necesito una habitación para seis noches. I need a room for six nights. I need a room for six nights. Hay pelo de gato por todo el lugar. There is cat hair all over the place. There's cat hair all over the place. Tom le mintió a Mary y ella lo sabe. Tom lied to Mary and she knows it. Tom lied to Mary and she knows it. La reina Liliuokalani fue forzada a rendirse. Queen Liliuokalani was forced to surrender. Queen Liliuokalani was forced to surrender. Id pues, y haced discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. No puc suportar el soroll per més temps. I can't put up with the noise any longer. I can't stand the noise any longer. La pared se ha pintado de amarillo. The wall has been painted yellow. The wall has been painted yellow. Ahora que hemos comido, vámonos. Now that we have eaten, let's go. Now that we've eaten, let's go. Soy guía turístico en Tokio. I'm a tour guide in Tokyo. I am a tour guide in Tokyo. Tom sabe cosas. Tom knows things. Tom knows things. Deberíamos reanudar la meditación. We should take up meditation. We should resume meditation. Tom bebió demasiado anoche. Tom drank way too much last night. Tom drank too much last night. Adivina de quién es esta carta. Guess who this letter's from. Guess whose card this is. Soy pansexual. I'm pansexual. I'm pansexual. Tens fam, ara? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? Yanni no arrancó el motor. Yanni didn't start the engine. Yanni didn't start the engine. Ese es el problema con Yanni. That's the problem with Yanni. That's the problem with Yanni. No puedo evitar pensar que mi padre sigue con vida. I can't help thinking my father is still alive. I can't help but think that my father is still alive. Tomás es un racista. Tom is a racist. Tom is a racist. El reconeixement de la parla més avançat es basa en xarxes neuronals. The most advanced voice recognition techniques are based on neural networks. The most advanced speech recognition is based on neural networks. Dos pasajes a San Diego, por favor. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Estamos todavía comparando precios. We're still shopping around. We are still comparing prices. Si ho sabés, et diria tot el que sé. If only I knew, I would tell you all that I knew. If I knew, I'd tell you everything I know. Vull viure a una ciutat tranquila amb l'aire pur. I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean. I want to live in a quiet city with pure air. Es barato, pero no es de buena calidad. It's cheap, but it's not high quality. It's cheap, but it's not good quality. Escribí la dirección equivocada en el sobre. I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. Todo lo que le dije a mi médico era cierto. Everything I told my medic was true. Everything I said to my doctor was true. Tom fue promovido a gerente. Tom was promoted to manager. Tom was promoted to manager. Podéis verlos riendo y bailando por la noche. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. Tom tiene mucho poder. Tom holds a lot of power. Tom has a lot of power. Tots els meus nens saben parlar francès. All of my children can speak French. All my children can speak French. No puedo aunque quiero. I can't even if I want to. I can't even if I want to. Tom se pasó de lanza con su broma. Tom went too far with his prank. Tom jumped in with his joke. ¿Hay alguien en el cuarto? Is there anybody in the room? Anybody in the room? Tom puede ayudar. Tom can help. Tom can help. Sabemos que Tom está aquí. We know that Tom is here. We know Tom's here. ¿Hay alguien aquí que hable bajo sorabo? Is there anybody here who speaks Lower Sorbian? Is there anyone here who speaks under Sorbian? Salgan de aquí antes de que Tom les pegue. Get out of here before Tom hits you. Get out of here before Tom hits you. La sangre en el camino ha de ser mía. The blood on the road must be mine. The blood on the road must be mine. ¡Aquí estamos! Here we are! Here we are! Di por sentado que me darían un recibo. I took for granted that they would give me a receipt. I assumed they'd give me a receipt. Perquè no mirem si en Tom vol jugar a les cartes amb niosaltres? Why don't we see if Tom wants to play cards with us? Why don't we see if Tom wants to play cards with kids? De qué atz crompat ? What did you buy? What are you scratching? Vòli hèra mei. I want a lot more. I want my own. ¿Detectas que tu humor cambia con frecuencia en periodos cortos de tiempo? Do you find that your mood changes frequently in short periods of time? Do you notice that your mood changes frequently in short periods of time? La vida es dura y difícil. Life is hard and difficult. Life is hard and difficult. Esta silla está rota. This chair is broken. This chair is broken. El año pasado ya se ha ido. Last year is gone already. He's already gone last year. Me hizo daño a propósito. He hurt me deliberately. He hurt me on purpose. Estás mojado. You're soaking. You're wet. Tom está dispuesto a recurrir a la violencia con el fin de conseguir lo que quiere. Tom is ready to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. Tom is willing to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. Las truchas son peces de agua dulce. Trout are freshwater fish. Trout are freshwater fish. El área estaba tranquila. The area was quiet. The area was quiet. Estoy convencido de que mi hijo es inocente. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. No sabía que cocinaras así de bien. I did not know that you could cook so well. I didn't know you cooked that well. ¿Lo conocen? Do they know? Do you know him? Estás más pálido que un fantasma. ¿Estás enfermo? You're white as a ghost. Are you sick? You're paler than a ghost. Are you sick? Aquera sopa qu'a besonh de mei de sau. This soup needs more salt. This is the soup that I used to eat. Aquellas inmensas cajas metálicas que usted ve en el barco reciben el nombre de conteiners. Those huge metallic boxes you see in the ship are called by the name of containers. Those huge metal boxes that you see on the ship are called containers. És realment molest. It's really annoying. It's really annoying. Esta tela parece terciopelo. This cloth feels like velvet. This fabric looks like velvet. El lápiz que escribe bien es mío. The pencil which writes well is mine. The pencil you write well is mine. Ella tenía una conciencia limpia. She had a clear conscience. She had a clear conscience. Ella tuvo la amabilidad de prestarme una gran cantidad de dinero. She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money. She was kind enough to lend me a lot of money. Si le pusiese empeño, lo conseguiría. If he tried hard, he would succeed. If I tried hard, I'd make it. Eso suena alucinante. That sounds amazing. That sounds amazing. Tom ya ha estado esperando tres horas. Tom has been waiting three hours now. Tom's already been waiting three hours. Pensé que eras hispana. I thought you were Hispanic. I thought you were Hispanic. Sembla que en Tom no sap parlar francès. It seems Tom can't speak French. I don't think Tom can speak French. Jo tampoc entenc res. I, too, didn't understand anything. I don't understand anything either. Por favor, agárrate fuerte. Please hold on. Please hold on tight. Esa es una palabra que no usaría nunca. That isn't a word I'd ever use. That’s a word I would never use. Respire por la boca profundamente. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Si us plau, podria ajudar-me? Could you please help me? Please, can you help me? Si fuera un animal, sería un gato. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. If I were an animal, I would be a cat. Están idos de la cabeza. They're insane. They're out of their heads. El trastorno por estrés postraumático puede robarte la vida. PTSD can steal your life. Post-traumatic stress disorder can take your life. Ellas comen. They eat. They eat. Puede que sea francesa. She might be French. Maybe she's French. Él es popular entre los alumnos. He's popular with the students. He is popular with students. Quan vas tornar d'Alemanya? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come back from Germany? Conoce a extranjeros durante sus viajes. He meets foreigners during his travels. Meet foreigners during your travels. Él siempre estaba listo para ayudar a las personas en problemas. He was always ready to help people in trouble. He was always ready to help people in trouble. No hay motivos para vivir. There's no reason to live. There's no reason to live. ¡Siga conduciendo, señora! Keep driving, ma'am! Keep driving, ma'am! Doy por descontado que aprobará el examen. I take it for granted that you'll pass the exam. I'm sure he'll pass the exam. A menudo escuchamos a la gente decir que el tiempo vuela. We often hear people say that time flies. We often hear people say that time flies. La retó. He scolded her. He challenged her. Son unos tres kilómetros de aquí a la estación. It's about three kilometers from here to the station. It's about two miles from here to the station. Eso no es lo que la gente acostumbra a hacer. That's not what people usually do. That’s not what people are used to doing. Tom puede oírnos. Tom can hear us. Tom can hear us. Nos quitamos los sombreros. We took our hats off. We took off our hats. No pierdas esta oportunidad. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss this opportunity. ¿Has notado algún cambio en el pelo o en las uñas? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? Have you noticed any changes in your hair or nails? ¡No os lo vais a creer! You won't believe this! You will not believe it! Va a la escuela caminando. She goes to school on foot. He's walking to school. Ella va arribar a l'hotel a altes hores de la nit. She got to the hotel late at night. She arrived at the hotel late at night. Me encanta el francés. I love French. I love French. Hicimos nuestro deber. We did our duty. We did our duty. Quiero dejar mi auto ahí. I want to keep my car there. I want to leave my car there. Los separatistas lo han perdido todo. The separatists have lost it all. The separatists have lost everything. Encárgate de esta llave. Please take charge of this key. Take care of this key. En tot passejar peu parc, qu'estoi entercalhat per un vièlh coble. Taking a walk in the park, I was spoken to by an old couple. In all walking park, I'm interspersed by a old cobbler. Algo malo está a punto de ocurrir. Something bad was about to happen. Something bad is about to happen. Aunque todavía no ha entrado en vigor, los empresarios ya se están preparando para la nueva reforma laboral. The entrepreneurs are preparing for the new labor reforms, even though they're not in effect yet. Although it has not yet entered into force, employers are already preparing for the new labour reform. Los rinocerontes prefieren vivir solos. Rhinos prefer to live alone. Rhinos prefer to live alone. Tenéis que tener confianza en vosotros mismos. You have to believe in yourselves. You have to have confidence in yourself. QU'ei tròp gròs. This is too big. What a grizzly. Crec que ho va fer ell. I think he did it. I think he did. Esta agua está inodora. This water is odourless. This water is odorless. No sabe inglés, mucho menos francés. He does not know English, much less French. He doesn’t know English, much less French. Tom es otorrinolaringológo. Tom is an otorhinolaryngologist. Tom is an otolaryngologist. ¿Qué periódico tiene ella? Which paper does she have? What newspaper does she have? Científicos británicos han establecido que si uno pone de cabeza la bandera japonesa, da la bandera japonesa. British scientists have established that if you turn the flag of Japan upside down, you get the flag of Japan. British scientists have established that if you turn the Japanese flag upside down, you give the Japanese flag. Ya empezaba a preocuparme por vosotros. I was beginning to worry about you. I was starting to worry about you guys. Fue tan aburrido, que me quedé dormido. It was so boring that I fell asleep. It was so boring, I fell asleep. Lo malo es que mi francés no es muy allá. Unfortunately, my French isn't very good. The problem is that my French isn’t there. Tom no tenía dinero suficiente para comprar comida para todos. Tom didn't have enough money to buy food for everyone. Tom didn’t have enough money to buy food for everyone. Tendré que llamaros más tarde. I'll have to call you back. I'll have to call you later. ¡Qué horror! How awful! That's awful! El libro es tuyo. The book is yours. The book is yours. Ella me lleva a la llave. She leads me to the key. She takes me to the key. Llegué diez minutos tarde a la escuela. I was ten minutes late for school. I was ten minutes late for school. ¿Tom y Mary son realmente amigos? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Cogí un libro de la estantería. I grabbed a book off the shelf. I picked up a book from the bookshelf. Argelia redistribuye la riqueza a sus pobres. Algeria redistributes wealth to its poor. Algeria redistributes wealth to its poor. ¿Cómo aprietas un tornillo, en sentido horario o antihorario? How do you tighten a screw, clockwise or counterclockwise? How do you tighten a screw, clockwise or counterclockwise? El resto de los integrantes eran todos desafinados. The rest of the members were all out of tune. The rest of the members were all out of tune. Vine amb nosaltres. Come with us. Come with us. La casa estará construida en tres meses. The house will be built in three months. The house will be built in three months. Nuestro equipo puede ganar. Our team can win. Our team can win. Tom es completamente inconsecuente. Tom is completely unreliable. Tom is completely inconsistent. Si cierras la puerta a todos los errores, también la verdad se quedará fuera. If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. If you close the door to all mistakes, the truth will be left out too. Avui fa fred! It's cold today! It's cold today! Díganme lo que quieren hacer. Let me know what you want to do. Tell me what you want to do. Tom ja no va a l'escola. Tom doesn't go to school anymore. Tom doesn't go to school anymore. Tom y Mary están ocupados planeando su boda. Tom and Mary are busy planning their wedding. Tom and Mary are busy planning their wedding. «¿Su marido va a pié al trabajo?» «Sí, a él le gusta caminar.» "Does your husband walk to work?" - "Yes, he likes walking." “Is your husband going to walk to work?” “Yes, he likes to walk.” Pasamos tiempo en las redes sociales porque nuestro cerebro necesita estímulos. We spend time on social media because our brains need stimulation. We spend time on social media because our brain needs stimulation. Ella va a la escuela nocturna. She goes to night school. She goes to night school. No había peligros aparentes. There were no visible dangers. There were no apparent dangers. ¿Vendrá hoy Tom? Will Tom be coming today? Will Tom be here today? Tracta d'entendre-ho amb espanyol, sense traduïr-lo amb anglès. Try to understand it in Spanish, without translating to English. Try to understand it with Spanish, without translating it with English. Me pregunto cuándo un hombre de las cavernas dijo algo como esto. I wonder when a caveman said something like this. I wonder when a caveman said something like this. Siéntense, por favor. Sit down, please! Sit down, please. Hubiera sido mejor que le preguntaras qué camino tomar. It would have been better, if you had asked him which way to go. It would have been better if you had asked him which way to go. Tom le ayudó a Mary a vestirse. Tom helped Mary get dressed. Tom helped Mary get dressed. Yo no uso taxis, a menos que sea absolutamente necesario. I don't use taxis unless it's absolutely necessary. I don't use taxis unless absolutely necessary. Mi vocabulario es limitado. My vocabulary is limited. My vocabulary is limited. Primero, averigua su nombre y dirección. First find out her name and address. First, find out his name and address. No soy una persona simpática. I'm not a nice person. I'm not a nice person. Muchos miembros del gobierno bielorruso ya están sometidos a sanciones debido a la represión del año pasado tras las controvertidas elecciones presidenciales de agosto. Many members of the Belarusian government are already under EU sanctions because of last year's crackdown following the disputed August presidential election. Many members of the Belarusian government are already subject to sanctions because of last year’s crackdown following the disputed presidential elections in August. Ayer estaba demasiado enfermo para ir a la escuela. I was too sick to go to school yesterday. I was too sick to go to school yesterday. ¿Tienes vértigos? Do you have vertigo? Do you have vertigo? Mary no lo soporta. Mary doesn't put up with that. Mary can't stand it. Tú sabes que tengo razón. You know that I'm in the right. You know I'm right. Entre. Come in. Come in. Yo debo verlo. I must see it. I must see it. La gente religiosa es nada especial. Religious people aren't special. Religious people are nothing special. Tom le hizo algunas preguntas. Tom asked him some questions. Tom asked him a few questions. Calla i escolta! Shut up and listen. Shut up and listen! Las cosas que arrojo a la basura ya no sirven. The things that I put in the trash can aren't useful anymore. The things I throw in the trash are no longer useful. La persona herida gemía de dolor después de recuperarse de la anestesia. The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. The injured person groaned in pain after recovering from anesthesia. Tomás no vino, ¿verdad? Tom didn't come, did he? Tom didn't come, did he? ¿Para qué me llamas? Ya estoy a punto de entrar al partido. What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the match. Why are you calling me, I'm about to get into the game. No me dijiste que había una reunión esta mañana. You didn't tell me there was a meeting this morning. You didn't tell me there was a meeting this morning. Quin ei aquera hauta bastida ? What's that tall building? What was that mess? No l'entenc. I do not understand you. I don't understand. El vino es una bebida alcohólica. Wine is an alcoholic beverage. Wine is an alcoholic beverage. Este es el fin. This is it. This is the end. Él es mucho más viejo de lo que parece. He is much older than he looks. He's much older than he looks. Tu barra de labios se ha corrido. Your lipstick's smeared. Your lipstick's gone. E vatz demorar a casa ? Will you stay at home? Do you stay at home? En unos pocos días habrá que quitar tus puntos de sutura. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. In a few days you will need to remove your stitches. Sé que no debería sentirme así. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I know I shouldn't feel that way. Me puedo tomar libre el día de Navidad, pero tengo que trabajar en Nochebuena. I can get Christmas Day off, but I have work on Christmas Eve. I can take Christmas day off, but I have to work on Christmas Eve. Obtengo un error cuando refresco la página. I get an error when I refresh the page. I get an error when I refresh the page. ¡Mira nomás el reguero que dejaste! Just look at the mess you left. Just look at the trail you left behind! Más de diez mil personas firmaron la petición. More than 10,000 people signed the petition. More than 10,000 people signed the petition. ¿Estás tratando de distraerme? Are you trying to distract me? Are you trying to distract me? Si llueve, llámame por favor. If it rains, please call me. If it rains, please call me. Él se portó como un idiota. He acted foolishly. He behaved like an idiot. La familia Jackson se desprestigió tras el arresto de Tom. The Jackson family fell into disrepute after Tom's arrest. The Jackson family was disparaged after Tom's arrest. Yanni tiene una rica vida laboral. Yanni has a rich work life. Yanni has a rich working life. No quise sonar tan duro. I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I didn't mean to sound so harsh. El coche está a la entrada. The car is at the entrance. The car is at the entrance. Me despertó el canto de la calandria que había anidado frente a mi ventana. I was woken up by the song of the calandra lark that had made its nest in front of my window. I was awakened by the song of calandria that had nestled in front of my window. En Escocia puede hacer bastante calor en septiembre. Scotland can be very warm in September. In Scotland it can be quite hot in September. No cuentes con su ayuda. Don't count on his help. Don't count on his help. Puedes descansar. You can rest. You can rest. No me importas. You don't matter to me. I don't care about you. Siempre hago una lista cuando voy a la tienda. I always make a list when I go to the store. I always make a list when I go to the store. Estic embarassada de quatre mesos. I'm four months pregnant. I am four months pregnant. Le dije a Tom que realmente no estaba interesada. I told Tom that I really wasn't interested. I told Tom I wasn't really interested. Tom está buscando su lápiz. Tom is looking for his pencil. Tom's looking for his pencil. No dije que estuviera mal comer. I didn't say it wasn't OK to eat. I didn't say it was wrong to eat. ¿Podemos intercambiarnos los asientos? Can we switch seats? Can we swap seats? El médico me dijo que me recuperaría pronto. The doctor told me that I would recover soon. The doctor told me I would recover soon. ¿Has podido dormir un poco? Were you able to get some sleep? Did you get some sleep? Escolto el que estàs dient. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. A ellos les encantaba jugar en la nieve. They loved playing in the snow. They loved to play in the snow. Tom le dijo a Mary que era gorda y fea. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. La terrible escena hizo temblar de miedo a Tom. The terrible scene made Tom tremble in fear. The terrible scene made Tom tremble with fear. Tengo mucho dolor de estómago. I have a bad stomachache. I have a lot of stomach pain. Tom puede recitar el preámbulo de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos apasionadamente. Tom can recite the preamble to the U.S. Constitution from heart. Tom can recite the preamble of the U.S. Constitution passionately. Este árbol es casi tan alto como ese. This tree is about as tall as that one. This tree is almost as tall as that. Puedo leer desde que cumplí seis años. I've been able to read since I was six years old. I have been able to read since I was six years old. ¿Por qué las buscas? Why are you looking for them? Why are you looking for them? Soñé con un arco. I saw a bow in my dream. I dreamed of a bow. ¿Trajiste los libros? Did you bring the books? Did you bring the books? La sopa está muy salada. The soup is very salty. The soup is very salty. ¿Crees en los vampiros? Do you believe in vampires? Do you believe in vampires? Bona nit a tothom! Good night, everyone! Good night everyone! Muchos argelinos han hecho vídeos divertidos para ridiculizar a los separatistas. Many Algerians have made funny videos to ridicule the separatists. Many Algerians have made funny videos to ridicule the separatists. César no está sobre los gramáticos. Caesar is not above grammarians. Caesar is not about grammarians. Ciertas personas piensan que hay demasiados abogados en este país. Some people think that there are way too many lawyers in this country. Some people think there are too many lawyers in this country. Este es un billete de cien dólares. This is a hundred-dollar bill. This is a hundred dollar bill. Durante los últimos diez años, la gente se ha dado cuenta progresivamente de que necesitan cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios. Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits. Over the past ten years, people have progressively realized that they need to change their eating habits. No importa lo que ella dijo. Never mind what she said. It doesn't matter what she said. Si nos traicionas, te matamos. If you betray us, we'll kill you. If you betray us, we kill you. És una bona resposta. That's a good response. It's a good answer. —Yo entiendo el italiano a la perfección —presumió ella en lo que escogía un plato del menú, pero cuando le sirvieron la comida, no era para nada lo que ella esperaba. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. “I understand Italian perfectly,” she presumed as she picked a plate from the menu, but when she was served the food, it wasn’t at all what she expected. Él habla bien japonés, pero yo no sé hablar alemán. He speaks Japanese well, but I can't speak German. He speaks good Japanese, but I can't speak German. Tom tiene nuestro apoyo. Tom has our support. Tom has our support. Esa fue una solución del tipo "cortar el nudo gordiano". That was a 'cutting the Gordian knot' type of solution. That was a "cut the Gordian knot" solution. Encara no ens hem començat a barallar. We haven't yet begun to fight. We haven’t started fighting yet. Trabajé en Rio de Janeiro durante dos años. I worked in Rio de Janeiro for two years. I worked in Rio de Janeiro for two years. Ya nadie habla ese idioma. No one speaks that language anymore. No one speaks that language anymore. Entra a la pieza después que yo. Come into the room after me. Enter the piece after me. Mi licencia de conducir expira a final de este mes. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driver’s license expires at the end of this month. No vull anar a l'escola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Podría llevar semanas, incluso meses. It could take weeks, even months. It could take weeks, even months. No quiero escribir nada hoy. I don't want to write anything today. I don’t want to write anything today. A menudo leo "Veja", pero la semana pasada leí otra revista. I often read "Veja", but last week I read another magazine. I often read "Veja," but last week I read another magazine. El queso y la mantequilla son productos lácteos. Cheese and butter are products made from milk. Cheese and butter are dairy products. És molt dificil crear una aplicació per a smartphones? Is it very difficult to create an app for smartphones? Is it hard to build a smartphone app? ¿Ese precio incluye impuestos? Does that price include tax? Does that price include taxes? Lo que más me gusta hacer mientras viajo es leer y dormir. The things I like to do most while travelling are reading and sleeping. My favorite thing to do while traveling is to read and sleep. Al volante se sentaba una chica. A girl was sitting behind the wheel. At the wheel sat a girl. Tom tuvo algo que esconder. Tom had something to hide. Tom had something to hide. Tu corbata va bien con tu traje. Your necktie matches your suit. Your tie goes well with your suit. Obligué a ella a que hiciera mi tarea. I forced her to do my homework. I forced her to do my homework. Menja menjar ràpid, mor ràpid. Eat fast food, die fast. Eat fast, die fast. Yanni y Skura desarrollaron una amistad. Yanni and Skura developed a friendship. Yanni and Skura developed a friendship. Tom tenía miedo de entrar a la cueva. Tom was too afraid to enter the cave. Tom was afraid to enter the cave. No le gusta bailar. He doesn't like dancing. He doesn't like to dance. Gracias por las sugerencias. Thanks for the suggestions. Thank you for the suggestions. ¡Empuje! Push! Push! ¿Qué hago si hay una palabra que no debería estar? What do I do if there's a word that shouldn't be there? What do I do if there's a word I shouldn't be? Tom está consolando a Mary. Tom is consoling Mary. Tom's comforting Mary. ¿Has notado cambios en el tamaño o el color de los lunares? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of moles? Have you noticed changes in the size or color of the moles? Tom se cayó del lomo del caballo. Tom fell down from the horse's back. Tom fell off the back of the horse. Algunos así piensan. Some do think so. Some think so. A ella le han robado el móvil. Her mobile has been stolen. She had her cell phone stolen. Tengo la costumbre de decir "eeeh" y "pues" con mucha frecuencia. I make a habit of saying "Umm" and "Uhh" a lot. I have a habit of saying "eeeh" and "for" very often. No voy a salir porque tengo que ordenar mi pieza. I am not going out because I have to tidy my room. I'm not going out because I have to order my piece. He visitat el Canadà fa molt de temps. I visited Canada long ago. I visited Canada a long time ago. El barco zarpa a Honolulu mañana. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship sails to Honolulu tomorrow. ¿Qué tan lejos debemos caminar antes de admitir que estamos perdidos? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? Ese libro se agotó. That book sold out. That book sold out. ¿Es muy lejos de aquí? Is it very far from here? Is it too far from here? Ese alumno despunta mucho. That student's very outstanding. That student stands out a lot. Las pensiones son un problema en las negociaciones de Grecia con sus acreedores internacionales. The pensions are a problem in Greece's negotiations with its international creditors. Pensions are a problem in Greece’s negotiations with its international creditors. Dios escuchó mis oraciones. God heard my prayers. God heard my prayers. Él defendió a su amigo de todas las críticas. He defended his friend from all criticism. He defended his friend from all criticism. Canta una canción conmigo. Sing a song with me. Sing a song with me. Quins aliments són rics en calories i quins no? Which foods are rich in calories and which aren't? Which foods are rich in calories and which are not? A ellos les gusta jugar juntos. They enjoy playing together. They like to play together. Justo me estaba preguntando cómo se sentiría ser golpeado en el estómago. I was just wondering how it would feel to be punched in the stomach. I was just wondering how it would feel to be hit in the stomach. Muéstrame tu nueva guitarra. Show me your new guitar. Show me your new guitar. Empezaremos dentro de poco. We'll begin shortly. We'll start soon. En el derecho consuetudinario inglés, los bienes raíces son los terrenos en propiedad más las estructuras físicas asociadas a ellos. In English common law, realty is owned land plus the physical structures associated with it. In English common law, real estate is the land owned plus the physical structures associated with it. Con su nuevo trabajo ha asumido más responsabilidad. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new job he has taken on more responsibility. Solo unas pocas personas no fueron. Only a few people didn't go there. Only a few people did not go. No voy a tolerar más sus errores. I won't tolerate your mistakes again. I will no longer tolerate your mistakes. Mi amigo está llorando. My friend is crying. My friend is crying. Es mi primer día. This is my first day. It's my first day. Con un poco más de sabiduría, él no hubiera pasado un momento tan difícil. With a little more wisdom, he wouldn't have had such a difficult time. With a little more wisdom, he wouldn’t have gone through such a difficult time. El temps està plujós. The weather is rainy. The weather is rainy. Explícame todo esto. Explain all this to me. Explain all this to me. Una tarta estaba congelada. A cake was frosted. A cake was frozen. ¿Cuál es tu propósito principal para que estudies inglés? What is the main purpose of your studying English? What is your main purpose for you to study English? Sembla que rigui tota sola. She looks as if she's laughing to herself. Looks like she's laughing all alone. Dice que no sabe jugar al billar, pero siempre gana. Debe de ser la suerte del principiante. She says she can't play billiard, but she wins every time. It must be the beginner's luck. He says he can't play billiards, but he always wins. Los niños se cansan rápido. Children get tired quickly. Children get tired quickly. La decisión era tuya. The decision was yours. The decision was yours. ¿Alguna vez soñaste con volar por el cielo? Do you ever dream about flying through the sky? Have you ever dreamed of flying in the sky? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste una fiesta? When was the last time you threw a party? When was the last time you had a party? Los ladrones se robaron todo el dinero en la caja fuerte. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. The thieves stole all the money in the safe. Les vacances d'estiu arribaran força avait. It'll be summer vacation pretty soon. The summer holidays are coming up pretty bad. La cerveza es gratis los jueves por la noche. The beer's free on Thursday nights. Beer is free on Thursday nights. En varios restaurantes turcos, shishkebab es el plato principal. In various Turkish restaurants, shishkabob is the main food. In several Turkish restaurants, shishkebab is the main dish. La pluja ens ha impedit fer una passejada. Rain prevented us from taking a walk. The rain prevented us from taking a walk. El esperanto es bueno. Esperanto is good. Esperanto is good. Nunca se me pasó por la cabeza que él podría ser un prisionero huído. It never occurred to me that he might be an escaped prisoner. It never crossed my mind that he could be an escaped prisoner. Li vaig demanar de pagar la factura immediatament. I demanded that he pay the bill immediately. I asked him to pay the bill immediately. La capitale del Brasile è Brasília. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasília. Le pedí a mi colega que recapitulara todo lo dicho en pocas palabras. I asked my colleague to recapitulate everything that was said in a few words. I asked my colleague to recapitulate everything he said in a few words. Yanni tenía curiosidad por eso. Yanni was curious about that. Yanni was curious about that. ¿Quieres decir que ocultas intencionalmente tu belleza? Do you mean you hide your beauty intentionally? You mean you intentionally hide your beauty? Murieron cuatro soldados y doce civiles. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. ¿Quién te enseñó a dibujar así? Who taught you how to draw like that? Who taught you how to draw like that? Feliç Pasqua! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Tenemos una cita con el director. We have a meeting with the director. We have an appointment with the director. Es impresionante cómo funciona. It's amazing how it works. It's amazing how it works. Quan s'acaba l'escòla ? When is school over? When does the scouring end? Estic parlant per telèfon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm talking on the phone. Tom parece estar siempre de mal humor. Tom always seems to be in a bad mood. Tom always seems to be in a bad mood. On vòus anar ? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? Te di mi corazón para que lo ames, ¡no para usarlo! I gave you my heart for you to love it, not use it! I gave you my heart to love, not to use it! Sé que Tom no sabía que no necesitábamos hacer eso. I know Tom didn't know that we didn't need to do that. I know Tom didn't know we didn't need to do that. No hay vida sin amistad. There is no life without friendship. There is no life without friendship. Yo no tengo nada que ver con el asunto. I have nothing to do with the matter. I have nothing to do with it. Puedes tomarte un tentempié mientras tanto. You can have a snack in the meantime. You can have a snack in the meantime. Això no ho has de fer. You don't have to do this. You don't have to do that. Yanni es el novio de Skura. Yanni is Skura's boyfriend. Yanni is Skura's boyfriend. Ayuda a Tom. Help Tom. Help Tom. ¿Esto es una pregunta? Is this a question? Is this a question? On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the railroad station? Where is the railway station? Él se siente muy feliz. He feels very happy. He's very happy. Tom no comprendía que Mary era tan rica. Tom didn't realize Mary was so rich. Tom didn't realize Mary was so rich. Aunque ella se apresuró, la mujer mayor perdió el último tren. Even though she rushed, the elderly woman missed the last train. Although she hurried, the older woman missed the last train. No cometas el mismo error que yo. Don't make the same mistake that I made. Don't make the same mistake as me. Ellos renovaron la casa de su abuela y trajeron muebles modernos. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought in modern furniture. They renovated their grandmother’s house and brought modern furniture. No estás aquí. You are not here. You're not here. Prestame los binoculares para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better. Lend me the binoculars to see it better. M'agradaré d'estar ric. I wish I were rich. I would love to be rich. Dicen que él vive en pecado con otro hombre. They say he lives in sin with another man. They say he lives in sin with another man. Haga el favor de darme la carta. Please give me the letter. Please give me the letter. Ya deja de llorar. Stop crying already. Stop crying. Hoy es día de elecciones en Polonia. Today is election day in Poland. Today is Election Day in Poland. Lo que Tom necesita es tu amor. What Tom needs is your love. What Tom needs is your love. ¿Qué te parece una taza de café después de almorzar? How about a cup of coffee after lunch? How about a cup of coffee after lunch? Él no fuma. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Tengo un caballo blanco. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. ¿Por qué suelen ser amarillos los taxis? Why are taxis usually yellow? Why are taxis usually yellow? Tom ha dejado el alcohol. Tom's off the booze. Tom has given up alcohol. Tom no hace caso de lo que piensa la gente de él. Tom doesn't care what people think about him. Tom ignores what people think of him. Suele nevar aquí. It often snows here. It usually snows here. El trabajo de él es lavar carros. His work is washing cars. His job is to wash cars. ¿Puede poner por escrito sus preguntas? Will you put your questions in written form? Can you put your questions in writing? Mira al espejo. Look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Sois tan cobardes que no os atrevéis a hablar conmigo cara a cara. You're such cowards that you can't talk to me to my face. You are so cowardly that you dare not talk to me face to face. No quiero comprar el diario hoy. I don't want to buy a newspaper today. I don't want to buy the paper today. Tom no tiene muchos amigos cercanos. Tom doesn't have many close friends. Tom doesn't have many close friends. Ese es un gran plan. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Nuestro motor es más eficiente y produce mucho menos CO2. Our engine is efficient and produces much less CO2. Our engine is more efficient and produces much less CO2. En hebreo antiguo, עַל y אַל no eran homófonos. In ancient Hebrew, עַל and אַל were not homophones. In ancient Hebrew, ? and ? were not homophones. ¿Vale la pena vivir si todo termina con la muerte? Is life worth living if everything ends in death? Is it worth living if it all ends with death? Estic esperant el tren I'm waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the train. ¿Qué podría hacer por ti? What could I do for you? What could I do for you? Yanni dice que no tiene deseo sexual. Yanni says he has no sexual desire. Yanni says she has no sexual desire. Aqueths cans que son grans. Those dogs are big. These dogs are great. ¿Por qué quieres volver a Cabilia? Why do you want to return to Kabylie? Why do you want to go back to Cabilia? No juegen con el lodo. Se están ensuciando. Don't play with the mud. You're getting dirty. They're not messing with the mud, they're getting dirty. ¿De casualidad sabes dónde dejé mis llaves? Any chance you know where I put my keys? Do you happen to know where I left my keys? ¡Qué hermoso lugar! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! Alcanzar el título de Gran Maestro en ajedrez es comparable a recibir un cinturón negro en judo. Achieving the title of Grand Master in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. Achieving the title of Grandmaster in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. Se nos acabó el té. We've run out of tea. We're out of tea. Nuestra nueva tienda abrirá en octubre. Our new store is due to open in October. Our new store will open in October. Hoy no he comido. I didn't have lunch today. I didn't eat today. Hay cerveza gratis los jueves por la noche. There's free beer on Thursday nights. There is free beer on Thursday nights. Fes-ho com sigui. Do it by all means. Do it anyway. Creo que todos deberíamos haber tenido más cuidado. I think we all should have been more careful. I think we should all have been more careful. Le es difícil resolver este problema. It's hard for her to solve this problem. It is difficult for him to solve this problem. Dudo que él pueda hacer un discurso en público. I doubt that he can make a speech in public. I doubt he can make a public speech. Tots l'estimen. Everybody loves him. They all love it. ¿De dónde has sacado esos zapatos tan raros? Where did you get those strange-looking shoes? Where did you get those weird shoes? Ell treballa al laboratori. He works in the lab. He works in the laboratory. Se lució en el examen. He did splendidly in the examination. He showed up at the exam. Tom está haciendo las compras. Tom is doing the shopping. Tom's doing the shopping. Tuvimos mucha lluvia el año pasado. We had much rain last year. We had a lot of rain last year. Hay dos cosas por las que deberíamos luchar. Una es la defensa de nuestros hogares y la otra la Declaración de Derechos. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. There are two things we should fight for, one is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. Estava en la dutxa quan ha sonat el telèfon. I was in the shower when the phone rang. I was in the shower when the phone rang. Actúen muy drásticamente y comenzarán una guerra. Act too forcefully and you'll start a war. Act very drastically and you will start a war. El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero. The knife belongs to the gardener. The knife belongs to the gardener. Avarua es la capital de las Islas Cook. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. No me gusta su lengua. I don't like your language. I don't like his tongue. No mido mis palabras. I don't mince words. I don't measure my words. Tres al cubo son veintisiete. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. Three cubed is twenty-seven. ¿Pedro todavía está durmiendo? Is Peter always sleeping? Is Pedro still sleeping? Haré como que no lo he oído. I'll pretend that I didn't hear that. I'll pretend I haven't heard. ¿A quién le pertenece? Who does it belong to? Who does it belong to? Es una situación fea. It's an ugly situation. It's an ugly situation. ¿Te refieres al planeta o al dios? Do you mean the planet or the god? You mean the planet or the god? ¿Por qué Yanni se está volviendo loco por esto? Why is Yanni going crazy about this? Why is Yanni going crazy about this? ¿Dónde está la ventanilla para la venta de entradas? Where is the ticket-selling window? Where is the ticket window? El objetivo de Tom es ser profesor. Tom's goal is to become a teacher. Tom's goal is to be a teacher. Al año siguiente ella se hizo actriz. She became an actress the following year. The following year she became an actress. Vas aprénguer a l'aimar. You'll come to like her. You learned to love. ¿Ya es invierno? Is it winter already? Is it winter yet? Parece que hay mucha gente aquí. There seem to be a lot of people here. Looks like there's a lot of people here. Mike ha regresado de la biblioteca a las cinco. Mike got back from the library at five. Mike has returned from the library at five. Introduce tu dirección de email. Input your email address. Please enter your username or email address. ¿Cómo va tu proyecto? How's your project coming along? How's your project going? ¿Os gusta el chocolate caliente? Do you like hot chocolate? Do you like hot chocolate? Tengo que envolver la cena de mi hermana en film transparente. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in clingfilm. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in transparent film. Las computadoras aprendieron a jugar al ajedrez hace muchos años, pero no siempre tuvieron la fuerza que tienen hoy. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn't always have the strength they have today. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn’t always have the strength they have today. No estoy preocupado por el dinero. I'm not worried about money. I'm not worried about the money. Duele verte así. It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you like this. No señales a la gente. Don't point at people. Don't point to people. No tengo nada en que escribir. I have nothing to write on. I have nothing to write about. Apenas lo vimos. We barely saw it. We barely saw him. ¿Perdiste el conocimiento después del accidente? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Jo vull escriure un llibre. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Supongo que Tom se nos unirá. I assume that Tom will be joining us. I guess Tom will join us. Empezamos en el 2013. We started in 2013. We started in 2013. El país ya produce plástico biodegradable. The country already produces biodegradable plastic. The country already produces biodegradable plastic. Tú le alcanzarás. You'll catch up. You'll catch up with him. Va apagar la cigarreta en el cendrer i es va posar dempeus per marxar. He stubbed out his cigar in the ashtray and stood up to leave. He turned off the cigarette in the ashtray and stood up to leave. Sobre la mesa había mucho dinero. There was a lot of money on the table. There was a lot of money on the table. ¡Alto! Hay un ciervo en el camino. Stop! There's a deer on the road. There's a deer on the way. Ya no quiero vivir en mi propio país. I don't want to live in my own country anymore. I no longer want to live in my own country. Certament aquest problema requereix una solució, però és com tirar amb canó a les orenetes. This problem certainly requires a solution, but that's like shooting a cannon at sparrows. Certainly this problem requires a solution, but it is like throwing cannon into the ears. Las estrellas me inspiran. The stars inspire me. The stars inspire me. Puedes ganar todas las batallas, pero perder la guerra. You can win all the battles yet lose the war. You can win every battle, but lose the war. No como mucho. I don't eat a lot. Not at all. Esta casa no está a la venta. This house is not for sale. This house is not for sale. Quiero cambiar de vida. I want to change my life. I want to change my life. La escuela se encuentra en la colina. The school is on the hill. The school is located on the hill. Él estaba aquí entonces. He was here at that time. He was here then. No se olvidó de nosotros. He didn't forget us. He didn't forget us. Nadie estaba contento. None were satisfied. No one was happy. ¿Cuándo se fue? ¿Fue a las cuatro o a las cinco PM? When did she leave? Was it at four or five PM? When did he leave? Was it at four or five PM? Ni siquiera sé cuál es tu dirección. I don't even know your address. I don't even know what your address is. Tom va a tener cirugía. Tom is going to have surgery. Tom's having surgery. Este es el último tren. This is the last train. This is the last train. Decidimos deshacernos de Tom. We decided to get rid of Tom. We decided to get rid of Tom. Tomémonoslo con calma hoy en la playa. Let's take it easy at the beach today. Let's take it easy on the beach today. Vira a man esquèrra. Turn to the left. Turn to the left. Me pone de los nervios. This is nerve wracking. It makes me nervous. ¿Todos tienen lápices? Do you all have pencils? Does everyone have pencils? Este lápiz es mío. This pencil belongs to me. This pencil is mine. Y aparte, está creciendo el desempleo. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. And besides, unemployment is rising. En invierno me pongo un abrigo. I wear an overcoat in the winter. In winter I wear a coat. Lo disfrutamos. We enjoyed it. We enjoyed it. Todos los colores acordarán en la oscuridad. All colours will agree in the dark. All colors will agree in the dark. Va fer un gran badall. He gave a big yawn! He made a great clapper. Esa es una muy buena idea. That's a very good idea. That's a very good idea. ¿Para qué se hizo todo esto? What was the point of all of this? Why was all this done? Sé que volveré a verte. I know that I'll see you again. I know I'll see you again. Les gustó cómo lo hiciste. They liked how you made it. They liked how you did it. Me encanta su música, pero no puedo pronunciar su nombre. I love their music, but I can't pronounce their name. I love his music, but I can't pronounce his name. Él está haciendo pucheros. He's pouting. He's pouting. Todo lo que necesito saber es que estás bien. All I need to know is that you're OK. All I need to know is that you're okay. "¡Pero yo no hice nada!" "Él está mintiendo". "But I didn't do anything!" "He's lying!" "But I didn't do anything!" "He's lying." ¿Comes afuera a menudo? Do you eat out often? Do you eat out often? ¿Puede girarse hacia allá? Can you turn that way? Can you turn that way? A veces puede resultar extremadamente doloroso. At times it can get extremely painful. Sometimes it can be extremely painful. Me bajé del auto en la calle 40. I got out of the car at 40th Street. I got out of the car on 40th Street. ¿Ella tiene un perro? No. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Tengo un billete de ida y vuelta a Boston. I have a round trip ticket to Boston. I have a round-trip ticket to Boston. Llamémonos mañana. Let's call each other tomorrow. Let's call tomorrow. ¿Por qué no le diste a Tom el dinero que te pidió? Why didn't you give Tom the money he asked for? Why didn't you give Tom the money he asked for? Recibí un regalo de despedida de parte de todos. I got a farewell present from everyone. I got a parting gift from everyone. Ella odia correr. She hates running. She hates running. Por favor tome asiento. Take a seat, please. Please take a seat. Él me dio todos los detalles. He told me all the details. He gave me all the details. Les úniques respostes útils són les que creen noves preguntes. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. The only helpful answers are the ones that create new questions. Si vas a dudar de todo, al menos duda de tus propias dudas. If you're going to doubt everything, at least doubt your doubt. If you are going to doubt everything, at least doubt your own doubts. Él tiene la misma edad que yo. He is as old as I. He's the same age as me. ¡Vivimos en un país donde la única forma de tener justicia es haciéndola! We live in a country where the only way to have justice is doing it ourselves. We live in a country where the only way to have justice is to do it! Se fue a hacer compras. He went shopping. He went shopping. A lo mejor sea burdo, pero me encanta comer la crema de cacahuate del frasco con una cuchara. It may be uncouth, but I love to eat peanut butter out of a jar with a spoon. Maybe it's rough, but I love eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon. Gracias por enseñarme tantas cosas. Thank you for teaching me so many things. Thank you for teaching me so many things. ¡La vida es así! Nada es fácil y nada es imposible. Life is like that! Nothing is easy and nothing is impossible. Life is like that! Nothing is easy and nothing is impossible. Lo que ha dicho Tom me parece bastante razonable. What Tom said seemed reasonable to me. What Tom said is quite reasonable. Hace rato que se fue. It's been a while since he went. He's long gone. El piloto realizó un aterrizaje de emergencia en el desierto. The pilot made an emergency landing in the desert. The pilot made an emergency landing in the desert. En Tom parla italià perfectament. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. ¿Por qué mis padres no me quieren? Why don't my parents love me? Why don't my parents love me? La carta estaba escrita en cifra. The letter was written in code. The letter was written in cipher. Su historia era bastante simple. His story was pretty simple. His story was quite simple. Yanni también ama a Skura. Yanni loves Skura, too. Yanni also loves Skura. Mi madre es abogada. My mother is a lawyer. My mother is a lawyer. ¿Todavía estoy casado? Am I still married? Am I still married? Quería que Tom se quedara en la escuela. I wanted Tom to stay in school. I wanted Tom to stay in school. Trata de no cometer los mismos errores que yo. Try not to make the same mistakes that I made. Try not to make the same mistakes as me. Un cos humà mitjà conté prou ossos per a compondre un esquelet humà sencer. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. An average human body contains enough bones to make up an entire human skeleton. Él es muy sensiblero. He's very touchy feely. He's very sensitive. El cavall corre de pressa. The horse ran fast. The horse is running fast. Él es más inteligente que ellos. He's brighter than they are. He's smarter than them. Decidle que yo voy a pelar las patatas. Tell her that I am peeling the potatoes. Tell him I'm going to peel the potatoes. La fractura entre rics i pobres creix. The gap between the haves and the have nots is widening. The gap between rich and poor is growing. ¿De qué color era la flema que expulsaste? What color was the phlegm that you coughed up? What color was the phlegm you expelled? Tom camina d'una forma estranya. Tom walks in a strange way. Tom walks in a strange way. ¿Cuándo tengo que devolver el coche? When do I have to give back the car? When do I have to return the car? Mi hermana se echó a reír a placer. My sister laughed to her heart's content. My sister laughed at pleasure. ¿Cómo es Tom? What's Tom like? What's Tom like? Supongo que tienes razón. I guess you are right. I guess you're right. Preferi viatjar per trin que non pas volar. I prefer traveling by train to flying. I prefer to travel by plane rather than fly. ¿Puedo comenzar? Can I begin? Can I get started? Tu ets tot per mi. You are everything to me. You're all for me. Nadie recuerda cómo empezó todo. Nobody remembers how it all began. No one remembers how it all started. Puedo hablar esperanto como un nativo. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can speak Esperanto like a native. Solo quien tiene el coraje de soñar cambia el mundo. Only those who dare to dream change the world. Only those who have the courage to dream change the world. ¿Tom vino aquí ayer? Did Tom come here yesterday? Tom came here yesterday? Tom puso su oído contra la pared para ver si podía oír lo que sus padres estaban discutiendo en la pieza contigua. Tom pressed his ear against the wall to see if he could hear what his parents were discussing in the next room. Tom put his ear against the wall to see if he could hear what his parents were arguing about in the next room. Van a tardar una hora en pagarnos. We're being paid in an hour. It's gonna take an hour to pay us. La gata está bajo la silla. The cat is under the chair. The cat is under the chair. Ese es su exmarido. That's her ex-husband. That's her ex-husband. He d'anar a dormir. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. ¿Usted es mi madre? Are you my mother? You're my mother? Él tomó el bus equivocado por error. He took the wrong bus by mistake. He took the wrong bus by mistake. Yanni tenía miedo de lo desconocido. Yanni was afraid of the unknown. Yanni was afraid of the unknown. Veig la lluna sobre l'horitzont. I saw the moon above the horizon. I see the moon over the horizon. Él está un poco pálido. He looks kind of pale. He's a little pale. De verdad espero que nadie nos viera haciendo eso. I really hope nobody saw us doing that. I really hope no one saw us doing that. Encercleu la resposta correcta, sisplau. Please circle the right answer. Find the right answer, please. Ellas lo trataron como basura. They treated him like garbage. They treated him like trash. Estamos demasiado ocupados en este momento. We are too busy at the moment. We are too busy right now. Una promesa no es suficiente. A promise is not enough. One promise is not enough. Los caballos son animales útiles. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Mi padre murió hace tres años. My father has been dead for three years. My father died three years ago. Dudo que saliera ayer. I doubt it was released yesterday. I doubt it came out yesterday. No entiendes esta oración, ¿verdad? You can't understand this sentence, can you? You don't understand this sentence, do you? "¿Por qué no me puedo enamorar de alguien?" "Porque no eres protagonista." "How come I can't fall in love with someone?" "Because you're not a main character." "Why can't I fall in love with someone?" "Because you're not the protagonist." Déjame pagar mi parte. Let me pay my share. Let me pay my share. Nunca se lo diré a nadie. I will never tell it to anybody. I'll never tell anyone. "Veamos... ¿tienes jugo de tomate?" dice Hiroshi. "Let me see .... Do you have tomato juice?" says Hiroshi. “Let’s see... do you have tomato juice?” says Hiroshi. Haut o baish mila personas estón tuadas en aqueste accident. About one hundred people were killed in this accident. There are a lot of people who are involved in this accident. ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? Todos vitorearon. Everybody cheered. Everyone cheered. ¿Por qué no lo hacemos igual que lo hicimos ayer? Why don't we do it the same way we did it yesterday? Why don't we just do it like we did yesterday? Sempre dic que sí! I always say yes! I always say yes! Y, bueno, dado que mi meta era alcanzar los 800 seguidores, ellos me ayudaban a acercarme a esa cifra. And, well, since my goal was to hit 800 followers, they helped me to reach that number. And, well, since my goal was to reach 800 followers, they helped me get closer to that figure. L'educació d'aquest món em decep. Education in this world disappoints me. The education of this world disappoints me. Brian compró un pintalabios para Kate. Brian bought some lipstick for Kate. Brian bought a lipstick for Kate. Tom no pudo ayudarnos. Tom couldn't help us. Tom couldn't help us. ¿Quién es la chica que está llorando? Who's the girl who's crying? Who's the girl crying? Què ha passat amb el meu passaport? What has happened to my passport? What happened to my passport? Tom fue expulsado del gimnasio. Tom was kicked out of the gym. Tom was kicked out of the gym. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en involucrarte? Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved? Are you seriously thinking about getting involved? M'alegro de veure't de nou. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Hacé lo que quieras. Do whatever you like. Do what you want. Estáis de acuerdo con Tom, ¿no? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? Me han dicho que estás buscando una niñera. I've been told you're looking for a babysitter. I'm told you're looking for a babysitter. Asegúrate de que todas las cajas estén bien selladas antes de la entrega. Make sure all the boxes are well sealed before they're delivered. Make sure all boxes are well sealed before delivery. Quiero comer algo dulce. I want to eat something sweet. I want to eat something sweet. Tomás estaba escuchando música. Tom was listening to music. Tom was listening to music. Yanni está en Instagram. Yanni is on Instagram. Yanni is on Instagram. ¿Has tenido alguna vez un desprendimiento de retina? Have you ever had a detached retina? Have you ever had a retinal detachment? L'a pagat begudas. He bought her drinks. You paid for it. Todo el hielo se fundió en solo un día. All the ice melted in just a single day. All the ice melted in just one day. Creo que tomamos un desvío equivocado. I think we took a wrong turn. I think we took the wrong turn. Pequeñas dosis de filosofía nos conducen al ateísmo, pero dosis mayores nos traen de regreso a Dios. Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God. Small doses of philosophy lead us to atheism, but larger doses bring us back to Godhead. Así como a los gringos les gusta el béisbol, a los británicos les gusta el críquet. Just as the Americans like baseball, the British like cricket. Just as gringos like baseball, Britons like cricket. El nuevo ferrocarril aún no se ha completado. The new railway is not completed yet. The new railway has not yet been completed. El monte Everest es la montaña más alta del mundo. Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. "Com et sents aquest matí?" "Bastant bé, gràcies." "How are you feeling this morning?" "Pretty good, thanks." "How do you feel this morning?" "Pretty good, thanks." Hablamos sobre Australia. We talked about Australia. We talked about Australia. ¿Qué está haciendo esta mujer aquí? What is this woman doing here? What is this woman doing here? ¡Lee el libro! Read the book! Read the book! La cultura de la droga tiene sus propias reglas. The drug culture has its own rules. The drug culture has its own rules. Tira qui pòt ! Run for your life! Get out of there! Aprecio mucho su consejo. I greatly appreciate your advice. I very much appreciate your advice. Ya no lo puedo esperar más. I can wait for him no longer. I can't wait any longer. Él no es el tipo de persona que robaría. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person I'd steal. De qué digoc ? What did she say? What do I say? Él arruinó el trato. He blew the deal. He ruined the deal. Los extranjeros reciben un tratamiento especial en ese país. Foreigners get special treatment in that country. Foreigners receive special treatment in that country. Prefiero comer patatas fritas, ¿y tú? I prefer french fries. How about you? I'd rather eat fries, would you? ¿Crees que él me perdonará? Do you think he'll forgive me? Do you think he'll forgive me? Se afincaron en Canadá. They settled in Canada. They settled in Canada. Tom no sabe cómo pasó. Tom doesn't know how it happened. Tom doesn't know how it happened. De veras que espero que nadie nos viera hacerlo. I really hope no one saw us doing that. I really hope no one saw us do it. Es muy triste cuando las personas te excluye por causa del color de tu piel. It's really sad when people exclude you because of your skin color. It is very sad when people exclude you because of the color of your skin. ¿Consumes alguna sustancia ilegal? Do you use any illegal substances? Do you use any illegal substances? Su matrimonio se realizará mañana. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Your marriage will take place tomorrow. Estuve toda la noche con amigos. I was with friends all last night. I was with friends all night. No vamos a encontrar nada. We're not going to find anything. We're not gonna find anything. Necesito saber por qué estás aquí. I need to know why you're here. I need to know why you're here. Lo men pair que beu cada jorn. My father drinks daily. The man who drinks every day. ¡Silencio! Silence! Shut up! El seu cotxe no és bo. Their car is not good. Your car is not good. Viratz a man dreta. Turn to the right. Move to the right hand side. ¿Vosotros vais? You're going? You guys going? Voy a estar demasiado liado para hacer eso. I'm going to be too busy to do that. I'm gonna be too messed up to do that. Si no fuera por ti, hoy no estaría donde estoy. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Lo que acabás de decir me recuerda a un viejo refrán. What you have just said reminds me of an old saying. What you just said reminds me of an old saying. Qu'ei la mea hilha. This is my daughter. That's my hair. El gol fue anulado porque el jugador había tocado el balón con el brazo. The goal was disallowed because the player had touched the ball with his arm. The goal was annulled because the player had touched the ball with his arm. "Profesor, ¿qué ha pasado?" - "Chicos, mi naranja estaba tratando de apoderarse del mundo con su negro ... bigote!" - "Estás loco, ¿verdad?" - "Correcto." "Professor, what's happened?" - "Guys, my orange was trying to seize the world with his black... moustache!" - "You're crazy, right?" - "Right." "Professor, what happened?" - "Guys, my orange was trying to take over the world with his black... moustache!" - "You're crazy, aren't you?" - "Right." Él es capaz de correr una milla en cuatro minutos. He is capable of running a mile in four minutes. He can run a mile in four minutes. Que volèm ua veitura. We want a car. I want a car. No será tan fácil de hacer como crees. It won't be as easy to do as you think. It won't be as easy to do as you think. Me gustaría llevarte a un buen sitio de luna de miel. I would like to bring you to a good place for our honeymoon. I'd like to take you to a nice honeymoon spot. Alice está corriendo para coger el autobús. Alice is running to catch her bus. Alice is running to catch the bus. Estudié francés en el instituto. I took French in high school. I studied French in high school. Pensé que podría ser cocaína, pero solo era harina. I thought it might be cocaine, but it was only flour. I thought it might be cocaine, but it was just flour. Les costó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro. It took them some time to get used to each other. It took them a while to get used to each other. Todos sonreían. Everyone was smiling. Everyone was smiling. Amb tots els diners que té, ell no és feliç. For all the money he has, he is not happy. With all the money he has, he's not happy. Vamos a iniciar una investigación contra él. We are going to start a research on him. We're going to start an investigation against him. Yanni tiene un Toyota Corolla. Yanni has a Toyota Corolla. Yanni owns a Toyota Corolla. Encontré que la pregunta era fácil de responder. I found that the question was easy to answer. I found the question easy to answer. ¿Qué planea hacer este verano? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? Tom puede ayudar a Mary. Tom can help Mary. Tom can help Mary. María intentó convertir a Tom en una ardilla con la ayuda de una fórmula mágica que había encontrado en uno de los libros de su abuela, pero no pasó nada. Mary tried turning Tom into a squirrel using a magic formula she found in one of her grandma's books, but nothing happened. Maria tried to turn Tom into a squirrel with the help of a magic formula she had found in one of her grandmother's books, but nothing happened. A pesar de toda su agresiva campaña, los separatistas nunca consiguieron convertir su insignificante grupo en un nombre familiar. De hecho, incluso si lograran hacerlo, solo conseguirían hacer conocida por todos una organización terrorista más. Despite all their aggressive campaigning, the separatists never managed to make their insignificant group a household name. In fact, even if they manage to do so, they'd only make one more terrorist organization known to everyone. For all their aggressive campaigning, the separatists never managed to turn their insignificant group into a household name. In fact, even if they managed to do so, they would only manage to make one more terrorist organization known to everyone. ¿Me engañan mis ojos o está nevando en pleno verano? Are my eyes deceiving me or is it snowing in the middle of summer? Are my eyes deceiving me or is it snowing in the middle of summer? El fallo es el mejor mentor. Failure is the best mentor. Failure is the best mentor. Tenemos un estegosauro. We have got a Stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. Siempre pongo mis bolígrafos en el cajón. I always put my pens in the drawer. I always put my pens in the drawer. Durante toda la tarde solo dan telenovelas en la televisión. They air nothing but soap operas on TV all through the afternoon. All afternoon they only give telenovelas on television. Ella alcanzó su bolígrafo. She reached for her pen. She reached for her pen. ¿Me estás llamando extremista? Are you calling me an extremist? Are you calling me an extremist? Vivimos con Tom. We lived with Tom. We live with Tom. Mi padre murió antes de que yo obtuviera mi diploma. My father died before I got my diploma. My father died before I got my diploma. Había pasajeros heridos, pero el resto estaba a salvo. Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe. There were injured passengers, but the rest were safe. Es muy divertido leer la carta que me envía cada mes. Reading the letter that he sends me every month is quite funny. It’s fun to read the letter you send me each month. Tom no conocía esa canción. Tom didn't know that song. Tom didn't know that song. Tom no está estudiando geología, está estudiando geografía. Tom isn't studying geology. He's studying geography. Tom's not studying geology, he's studying geography. Eso fue hace años. That was years ago. That was years ago. La sal que agregué a la pasta era rosada. The salt I added to the pasta was pink. The salt I added to the pasta was pink. Los separatistas son sociópatas y no empatizan con nadie. The separatists are sociopaths and don't empathize with anyone. Separatists are sociopaths and do not empathize with anyone. Nosotros viajamos en tercera clase y fue excelente. We traveled in third class and it was excellent. We traveled in third class and it was excellent. Los niños no son bienvenidos. Boys aren't welcome. Children are not welcome. M'agradaré de véser lo men hilh. I'd like to see my son. I'll be glad to see you there. Estamos aprendiendo francés. We're learning French. We are learning French. Estás impresionado, ¿no? You're impressed, aren't you? You're impressed, aren't you? ¿Puedes enviarlo a Nueva York? Can you send it to New York? Can you send it to New York? Últimamente no he podido dormir lo suficiente. I haven't been able to get enough sleep lately. I haven't been able to get enough sleep lately. Tatoeba es una comunidad. Tatoeba is a community. Tatoeba is a community. No puedes parquear el carro en esta calle. You can't park your car in this road. You can't park the car on this street. No pierdas el sueño por eso. Don't lose sleep over that. Don't lose sleep over it. Hi ha pocs errors, si és que n'hi ha algun. There are few, if any, mistakes. There are few mistakes, if any. No hay un camino hacia la felicidad. La felicidad es el camino. There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path. There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path. ¿Vas a comer un poco de torta? Will you eat a little cake? Are you going to eat some cake? ¿A qué vino? What did he come for? What did he come to? Estoy cansado y quiero ir a la cama. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I am tired and want to go to bed. ¿Por qué me estás haciendo esto? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? El policía detuvo al ladrón. The police officer arrested the burglar. The policeman stopped the thief. Algunas personas creen que el español y el portugués son el mismo idioma. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Some people believe that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Ellos son mis amigos. They're my friends. They're my friends. Eso sería asqueroso. That would be gross. That would be disgusting. Tom es un mentiroso compulsivo. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom is a compulsive liar. Acabo de almorzar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. He vivido más de un mes en Nagoya. I lived for more than a month in Nagoya. I have lived in Nagoya for more than a month. Para mi clase de francés, escribimos una carta a nuestros yos futuros. For my French class, we wrote a letter to our future selves. For my French class, we wrote a letter to our future selves. Me estoy quedando sordo. I'm getting deaf. I'm going deaf. No puedo mirar a Tom destruyendo mi trabajo. I cannot watch Tom destroying my work. I can't look at Tom destroying my work. Sazonamos con sal. We season with salt. Season with salt and pepper. Ella se estremeció a la vista del gato tuerto. She shuddered at the sight of the one-eyed cat. She shuddered at the sight of the one-eyed cat. Tiene un don natural para hablar. He has a natural gift for speaking. He has a natural gift for speaking. Perdóname amor mío. Forgive me, my love. Forgive me, my love. No tienes que hablar de eso. You don't need to talk about that. You don't have to talk about it. Me siento tan lleno que no puedo comer más. I'm so full I can't eat any more. I feel so full that I can’t eat anymore. Hubo una época en la que el aluminio fue más caro que el oro. There was a time when aluminum was more expensive than gold. There was a time when aluminum was more expensive than gold. ¡No me hablen! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! No he respondido a tu pregunta. I didn't answer your question. I haven't answered your question. ¡Nunca lo diré! I will never tell! I'll never say it! Eres una verdadera amiga. You're a real friend. You're a real friend. No encuentro dónde parquear mi nave espacial. I can't find a spot to park my spaceship. I can't find where to park my spaceship. Llueve y llueve. It's raining and raining. It rains and it rains. El discurso del político fue ofensivo. The politician's speech was offensive. The politician’s speech was offensive. Usted no debe saltar a conclusiones. You must not jump to conclusions. You should not jump to conclusions. Él vacilaba entre la esperanza y la desesperanza. He fluctuated between hope and despair. He hesitated between hope and hopelessness. A Dan le gusta ver sus frases traducidas. Dan likes seeing his translated sentences. Dan likes to see his phrases translated. ¿Cuántas tazas de café sueles beber al día? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? Estoy descargando un plugin. I'm downloading a plugin. I'm downloading a plugin. Conseguí un pase de temporada para todos los partidos en casa. I got a season's pass to all the home games. I got a season pass for every home game. Tens dificultats per entendre el que les dones o els nens petits et diuen? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or young children tell you? Quiero dos gatitos. I want two kitties. I want two kittens. Jane se ve feliz. Jane looks happy. Jane looks happy. No es bueno madrugar tanto. It's not good to wake up so early all the time. It's not good to get up so early. ¿Cómo sabés que no soy canadiense? How do you know I'm not Canadian? How do you know I'm not Canadian? Aprendí a conducir cuando tenía quince años. I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old. I learned to drive when I was 15. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que bebiste un vaso de agua? When was the last time you drank a glass of water? When was the last time you drank a glass of water? Todo tiene un propósito. Everything has a purpose. Everything has a purpose. Puedes confiar en mi. You can trust me. You can trust me. Tenés que trabajar. You must do work. You have to work. Ella me está observando. She's watching me. She's watching me. Era la primera vez que Tom vivía solo. It was Tom's first time living alone. It was the first time Tom had lived alone. ¿Te gustaría que dijese la verdad? Would you like me to tell the truth? Would you like me to tell the truth? Tom parla japonès. Tom speaks Japanese. Tom speaks Japanese. El benestar de la nació és responsabilitat del govern. The well being of the nation is the government's responsibility. The welfare of the nation is the responsibility of the government. Esta planta es típica de la Isla de Madeira. This plant is particular to the island of Madeira. This plant is typical of Madeira Island. Soy pansexual. I'm pan. I'm pansexual. Están caminando sin zapatos. They're walking without shoes. They're walking without shoes. Él no es menos listo que su padre. He is not less clever than his father is. He is no less clever than his father. Tuve el paraíso en mi corazón. I had the paradise in my heart. I had paradise in my heart. Los jóvenes deberían ser amables con los mayores. The young should be kind to the old. Young people should be kind to older people. Todo lo que vemos nos influye de alguna manera. Everything we see influences us in some way. Everything we see influences us in some way. Pots escriure en tots els idiomes que vulguis. A Tatoeba, totes les llengües tenen el mateix valor. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in all the languages you want. In Tatoeba, all languages have the same value. Nosotros debemos aprender a encarar virtuosamente la adversidad. We must learn to meet adversity gracefully. We must learn to deal virtuously with adversity. ¿Puede decirme por qué Tom está haciendo eso? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom's doing that? Sembla que va ser un gran atleta. It seems that he was a great athlete. He seems to have been a great athlete. Si ens punxen, no sagnem? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If they prick us, don't we bleed? Nunca me pasa a mí. It never happens to me. It never happens to me. No te puedo ayudar porque estoy demasiado ocupado. I can't help you because I'm too busy. I can't help you because I'm too busy. Lo único que importa es que no te lastimaste. The only thing that matters is that you weren't injured. The only thing that matters is that you didn't get hurt. Tomémoslo con calma. Let's take it easy. Let's take it easy. Obtienes los amigos que mereces. You get the friends you deserve. You get the friends you deserve. ¿Por qué no intentamos llamar a Tom? Why don't we try calling Tom? Why don't we try calling Tom? Tom trabaja en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Tom works for the United Nations. Tom works at the United Nations. Yo puedo consolarla. I can comfort her. I can comfort her. Él ha recibido muchos regalos. He got a lot of presents. He has received many gifts. Creo que es posible que él venga. I think it's possible that he may come. I think it's possible he's coming. Corea del Norte es un estado feudal. North Korea is a feudal state. North Korea is a feudal state. El canal de Suez une el mar Mediterráneo y el mar Rojo. The Suez Canal links the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The Suez Canal links the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Fas bona cara. You look good. You look good. ¿Estarías interesado en tomar naloxona gratis una vez dado de alta? Would you be interested in receiving Narcan for free upon discharge? Would you be interested in taking naloxone for free once discharged? Saca el vendaje. Remove the bandage. Take out the bandage. Quiero sacar fotos. I want to take pictures. I want to take pictures. A él le encanta escribir artículos para Wikipedia. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. He loves to write articles for Wikipedia. No te hagas el inocente. Don't play innocent. Don't play the innocent. Escriu-me de tant en tant, sí? Please write to me from time to time. You write to me from time to time, right? Está demasiado caluroso como para quedarse aquí. It is too hot to stay here. It's too hot to stay here. Esto queda entre tú y yo. This is between you and me. This is between you and me. Le gustaría ser policía en el futuro. He wants to be a policeman in the future. He'd like to be a cop in the future. No es tarde para retroceder. It isn't too late to turn back. It's not too late to back down. Todo mi esfuerzo fue en vano. All my effort went for nothing. All my efforts were in vain. Siempre bebo leche antes de irme a la cama. I always drink milk before going to bed. I always drink milk before going to bed. He pedido ayuda. I called for help. I asked for help. Expliqueu-me els vostres plans per al futur. Tell me your plans for the future. Tell me your plans for the future. Ambos perros duermen. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs sleep. Ací tens la teua bossa. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. La estaca que sobresale es machacada hacia abajo. The stake that sticks out gets hammered down. The protruding stake is crushed down. Llámalo, por favor. Please telephone him. Call him, please. ¿Cuántas tarjetas de Navidad has mandado? How many Christmas cards did you send? How many Christmas cards have you sent? Sabías que era inocente, ¿verdad? You knew I was innocent, right? You knew he was innocent, didn't you? Tom agarró su arma. Tom grabbed his gun. Tom grabbed his gun. Todo en esta historia es cierto. Everything about this story is true. Everything in this story is true. Sóc de Nova Zelanda. I'm from New Zealand. I'm from New Zealand. Me da vergüenza estar vivo. I'm ashamed of being alive. I'm ashamed to be alive. Nos dijeron que nos sentáramos aquí. They told us to sit here. They told us to sit here. Muchos compradores utilizaron sus tarjetas en moneda local para comprar pedazos de carne fresca o bolsas de kimchi, la omnipresente guarnición de Corea. Many shoppers used their local currency cards to buy fresh cuts of beef or bags of kimchi, Korea’s ubiquitous side dish. Many shoppers used their cards in local currency to buy pieces of fresh meat or bags of kimchi, Korea’s ubiquitous side dish. Tom comió en un restaurante nuevo el otro día, pero no recuerda el nombre del restaurante. Tom ate at a new restaurant the other day, but he doesn't remember the restaurant's name. Tom ate at a new restaurant the other day, but he doesn't remember the name of the restaurant. Per què estem perdent el temps amb això? Why are we wasting our time with this? Why are we wasting time with this? Dispara. She throws. Shoot. Mi madre se opuso a que yo fuera a Medio Oriente. My mother objected to my going to the Middle East. My mother objected to me going to the Middle East. No estoy ni ahí. I don't give a fuck. I'm not even there. Hem d'invertir en energia neta i renovable. We need to invest in clean, renewable energy. We need to invest in clean and renewable energy. Es difícil recordar todas estas reglas, pero es necesario. It's hard to remember all these rules, but it's necessary. It’s hard to remember all these rules, but it’s necessary. Recibí tu carta ayer. I got your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Que'ns cau tribalhar dur. We must work hard. Let us fall tribal hard. Tom tosió algo de sangre. Tom coughed up some blood. Tom coughed up some blood. ¿Has experimentado dolor de cuerpo recientemente? Have you experienced body aches recently? Have you experienced body pain recently? ¡Sé realista! Be realistic! Be realistic! Avisa'm quan torni. Tell me when he returns. Let me know when you come back. Cristiano Ronaldo es un jugador de fútbol. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Debemos mantener la calma. We must keep calm. We need to stay calm. ¿Por qué rechazaron tu propuesta? Why did they turn down your proposal? Why did they reject your proposal? Tom siempre se acuesta a las 22:00. Tom is always in bed by 10:00. Tom always goes to bed at 22:00. La casa de Tom está a la orilla del río Amstel. Tom's house is by the edge of Amstel River. Tom's house is on the banks of the Amstel River. ¿Cuál es la montaña más grande del mundo? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the largest mountain in the world? Ken es un buen nadador. Ken is a good swimmer. Ken's a good swimmer. Me gustaría que dejarais de burlaros de mí. I wish that you'd stop making fun of me. I'd like you to stop teasing me. Sus demandas son razonables. He is reasonable in his demands. Their demands are reasonable. Ella está comprando libros en la librería. She is buying books in the bookstore. She's buying books at the bookstore. El hotel me cobró ocho mil yenes por la habitación. The hotel charged me 8000 yen for the room. The hotel charged me eight thousand yen for the room. Todos menos él vienen de Kyushu. Everyone but him comes from Kyushu. Everyone but him comes from Kyushu. Nos acostamos tarde los fines de semana. We go to bed late on weekends. We went to bed late on the weekends. En Tom no mira la tele. Tom doesn't watch TV. Tom doesn't watch TV. Escuchamos música. We listen to music. We listen to music. ¿Tengo que hacerlo ahora? Do I have to do it now? Do I have to do it now? Visteis la tele ayer. You watched TV yesterday. You watched TV yesterday. Francia queda en Europa Occidental. France is in western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Todos se acordaban de Tom. They all remembered Tom. Everyone remembers Tom. Lo Tòm que cor hèra viste. Tom runs very fast. What my heart has seen. Imagina que tu padre nos viera juntos, ¿qué diría? Suppose your father saw us together, what would he say? Imagine your father saw us together, what would he say? Soy la reina de la Antártida. I'm the Queen of Antarctica. I'm the queen of Antarctica. Mi pelo es más largo que el de Jane. My hair is longer than Jane's is. My hair is longer than Jane's. ¿Por qué no nos escondemos aquí? Why don't we hide here? Why don't we hide here? ¿Cuándo perdiste las llaves? When did you lose your keys? When did you lose your keys? No encuentro un lugar para estacionar mi nave espacial. I can't find a spot to park my spaceship. I can't find a place to park my spaceship. Aqueth líber qu'ei mei petit. This book is smaller. I am so happy that he is my little boy. Le hice perder los nervios. I made her lose her temper. I made him lose his nerve. Hay quien dice que el coronavirus ha sido creado en un laboratorio. Some people say that COVID-19 was created in a lab. Some say the coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Después de que el espantapájaros empezara a gritar y moverse, espantando a todos los pájaros del jardín y dando a Martín un susto de muerte, se giró, guiñó al niño y le dijo "no te preocupes, siempre podrás contar conmigo, esas malditas aves no se comerán tus plantas". After the scarecrow started to scream and move, frightening away all the birds from the garden and scaring Martin to death, he turned, winked at the boy and said "Don't worry, you can always count on me. Those darn birds won't eat your plants." After the scarecrow began to scream and move, frightening all the birds in the garden and giving Martin a death scare, he turned around, winked at the child and said "don't worry, you can always count on me, those damn birds won't eat your plants." También hay un parque ahí. There's also a park there. There is also a park there. Me tranquilicé al averiguar que la operación había sido exitosa. I calmed down upon finding out that the operation was successful. I was reassured to find out that the operation had been successful. Lo que propones es imposible. What you propose is impossible. What you propose is impossible. Mary es una mujer muy abnegada. Mary is a very hard-working woman. Mary is a very self-sacrificing woman. Tomás quería ir a la universidad. Tom wanted to go to college. Tom wanted to go to college. Epstein no se suicidó. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein did not commit suicide. ¿Alguien quiere algo más? Does anybody want anything else? Anyone want anything else? Yanni empezó a gritar a Skura. Yanni started to yell at Skura. Yanni started yelling at Skura. El Sol apareix a l'horitzont. The sun appeared on the horizon. The sun appears on the horizon. ¿Qué está insinuando él? What is he implying? What's he insinuating? No me gustan las novelas sin héroes. I don't like a novel without a hero. I don’t like novels without heroes. Tom solo necesita un abrazo. Tom just needs a hug. Tom just needs a hug. ¿Voy bien por aquí? Am I on the right track? Am I going well around here? No parlo hongarès. I don't speak Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian. Tom no fue al baile de graduación. Tom didn't go to prom. Tom didn't go to prom. Ella azotó la puerta. She slammed the door. She slammed the door. Los sapos tienen las piernas más cortas que las ranas. Toads have much shorter legs than frogs. Toads have shorter legs than frogs. No podría haberlo hecho solo. I couldn't have made it alone. I couldn't have done it alone. ¿Te gusta el apartamento? Do you like the apartment? Do you like the apartment? Sé que li agrada el jazz. I know he likes jazz music. I know he likes jazz. La llibertat no és gratuïta. Freedom is not free. Freedom is not free. ¡Realmente te extraño mucho! I really miss you a lot! I really miss you so much! Aqueth ostau qu'a shèis crambas. This house has six rooms. That's why I'm going to give you crap. Yanni necesita la opinión de un hombre sabio. Yanni needs a wise man's opinion. Yanni needs the opinion of a wise man. No sé mucho de él, pero es suficiente. I don't know much about him, but that is enough. I don't know much about him, but it's enough. Pensé que era una broma. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was a joke. La pel·lícula va començar a les 2. The film started at 2 o'clock. The movie started at two. Se aceptó que el problema efectivamente existía. It was accepted that the problem indeed existed. It was accepted that the problem did indeed exist. Aquest és el teu fill, Maria! This is your son, Mary! That's your son, Maria! Todo el mundo vitoreó. Everybody cheered. Everyone cheered. Adopte mis frases no nativas para mejorarlas. Adopt my non-native sentences to improve them. Adopt my non-native phrases to improve them. Está botado. He's kicked out. It's launched. ¿Dónde queda Argelia? Where's Algeria? Where is Algeria? Regresé del extranjero. I returned from abroad. I came back from abroad. Si me necesitas, vendré inmediatamente. If you need me, I'll come over right away. If you need me, I'll come right away. Esto es bonito, y eso también es bonito. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. Tendrá que irse. She will have to leave. You'll have to go. Tómate tu leche. Drink up your milk. Drink your milk. Calibradores se utilizan para medir el espesor del alambre. Gauges are used to measure the thickness of wire. Calibrators are used to measure the thickness of the wire. ¿Intentas hacerme enojar? Are you trying to get me mad? Are you trying to make me angry? Tom sabía dónde vivía Mary. Tom knew where Mary lived. Tom knew where Mary lived. Me opongo a cualquier tipo de guerra. I'm opposed to any type of war. I am opposed to any kind of war. Estoy harta de su vagancia. I'm fed up with her laziness. I'm sick of your vagrancy. No seas ridícula. Don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous. No era conscient que ell estava allà. I was ignorant that he was present. I wasn’t aware he was there. Un oculista no hace prótesis oculares; eso es un ocularista. An oculist doesn't make ocular prosthetics; that's an ocularist. An eye doctor does not make eye prostheses; that is an ocularist. No envidies. Copia. Don't envy. Copy. Don't be envious. Hay gente que hará lo que sea para no pagar impuestos. There are people who'll do anything to not pay taxes. There are people who will do anything to avoid paying taxes. Estaba a punto de salir cuando sonó el teléfono. He was about to go out when the telephone rang. I was about to leave when the phone rang. Mira y aprende. Watch and learn. Watch and learn. No volveré a dejarte solo. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave you alone again. ¿Está ahorrando dinero Argelia? Is Algeria saving money? Are you saving money Algeria? Los libros están cubiertos de polvo. The books are covered in dust. The books are covered in dust. Tom no es amistoso. Tom is unfriendly. Tom is not friendly. Ni siquiera sé si quiero seguir haciendo esto. I don't even know if I want to do this anymore. I don't even know if I want to keep doing this. Tom no me dio una oportunidad de hablar con él. Tom didn't give me a chance to talk to him. Tom didn't give me a chance to talk to him. Este vestido me costó más de 40.000 yenes. This dress cost me over 40,000 yen. This dress cost me over 40,000 yen. ¿Cómo fue el vuelo? How was the flight? How was the flight? ¿Cuál es la tasa de alfabetización de Argelia? What's Algeria's literacy rate? What is the literacy rate in Algeria? M'estimo més els centres comercials: tenen preus més barats. I prefer department stores: the prices are lower. I love shopping malls more: they have cheaper prices. Ellos perdieron el último tren. They missed the last train. They missed the last train. No hace falta que tengáis miedo. You don't need to be scared. You don't have to be afraid. No dejes que él vea esta película. Don't let him watch this film. Don't let him see this movie. No puedo creer que le dijeras idiota a Tom. I can't believe that you called Tom an idiot. I can't believe you called Tom an idiot. Portugal fue el primer país en el mundo en abolir la pena de muerte. Portugal was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty. Portugal was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty. El juego está amañado. The game is rigged. The game is rigged. ¿Esto significa algo para vos? Does this mean something to you? Does this mean anything to you? Tom es algo quisquilloso. Tom is a bit of a nitpicker. Tom's kind of picky. No tenía prisa de hacerlo. I wasn't in a hurry to do that. I wasn't in a hurry to do it. Voy a echar de menos a Tom. I'm going to miss Tom. I'm gonna miss Tom. ¿Seguro que Tom es hablante nativo de francés? Are you sure that Tom is a native French speaker? Are you sure Tom is a native French speaker? Tom está alimentando a las vacas. Tom is feeding the cows. Tom's feeding the cows. No creo que salgan estas manchas de tinta. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink stains will come out. ¿Por qué están haciendo esto? Why are you doing this? Why are they doing this? Tom está tomando clases en línea. Tom is taking online classes. Tom's taking classes online. Ella es una muy buena nadadora. She's a very good swimmer. She is a very good swimmer. Hace mucho viento, pero no hace frío. It's very windy, but it isn't cold. It's very windy, but it's not cold. Le pedí a mi colega que recapitulara todo lo dicho en pocas palabras. I asked my colleague to recap everything that was said in a few words. I asked my colleague to recapitulate everything he said in a few words. "Sepharad" era la palabra del hebreo medieval para "España" y sigue siendo la palabra del hebreo moderno para el país. Sepharad was the Medieval Hebrew term for Spain, and remains the Modern Hebrew term for the country. "Sepharad" was the medieval Hebrew word for "Spain" and remains the modern Hebrew word for the country. Tom siguió comiendo. Tom continued eating. Tom kept eating. Es saludable y normal. It's healthy and normal. It's healthy and normal. Ten cuidado de no dejar que el gato salga del bolso. Be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. Be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. Va ser una denúncia anònima la que va permetre a la policia arribar als terroristes. It was an anonymous tip-off that allowed the police to catch the terrorists. It was an anonymous complaint that allowed the police to reach the terrorists. A ella le gusta él. She loves him. She likes him. «Tom ya llega cuarto de hora tarde.» «Puede que se le haya olvidado que habíamos quedado.» «Espero que no.» "Tom's already a quarter hour late." "Maybe he forgot that we'd arranged to meet." "I hope not." “Tom is already a quarter of an hour late.” “He may have forgotten that we had stayed.” “I hope not.” Sos demasiado modesto. You're too modest. You're too modest. El meu pare va aturar de beure. My father quit drinking. My father stopped drinking. ¿Cuál fue la razón por la que elegiste dedicarte a esa profesión? Why did you decide to dedicate yourself to that career? What was the reason you chose to pursue that profession? Aún queda mucho de qué hablar. There's still a lot to talk about. There's still a lot to talk about. Su auto se averió en el camino. Her car broke down on the way. His car broke down on the way. ¿Cuántas veces tengo que repetir lo mismo? How many times do I have to repeat the same thing? How many times do I have to repeat the same thing? Esto no presagia nada bien en absoluto. This doesn't bode well at all. This does not bode well at all. Ten cuidado de no meterte en problemas. Beware that you don't get into trouble. Be careful not to get in trouble. ¿Dónde puedo comprar una camiseta? Where might I be able to buy a T-shirt? Where can I buy a T-shirt? ¿Está en Boston? Are you in Boston? Is he in Boston? Conduzco un camión. I am driving a truck. I'm driving a truck. Ha fugit un bou en pantaons curts. A bull in shorts has escaped. He has escaped an ox in short pants. No tenía ni idea de que Tom había muerto. I had no idea that Tom died. I had no idea Tom was dead. Yo no moví. I didn't move. I didn't move. Aquera taula qu'ei reservada. This table is reserved. This table is reserved for you. Perdón por la tardanza. Sorry for the delay. Sorry for the delay. Ella se fue sin ni siquiera decirnos adiós. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. She left without even saying goodbye to us. Está prohibido fumar en esta estación. No smoking is allowed at this train station. Smoking is prohibited at this station. Mostra'm com es fa, per favor. Show me how to do it, please. Show me how it's done, please. ¿Tienes diarrea? Do you have diarrhea? Do you have diarrhea? ¿A qué hora has venido esta mañana? What time did you get here this morning? What time did you come this morning? Se levantó a las seis y se fue a las siete. Got up at six, and left home at seven. He got up at six and left at seven. Siempre sospeché que Tom era bolchevique, pero nunca tuve ninguna prueba contundente hasta ahora. I always suspected Tom was a Bolshevik, but I never had any hard proof until now. I always suspected Tom was Bolshevik, but I never had any hard evidence until now. Tengo ganas de hacer algo diferente hoy. I feel like doing something different today. I want to do something different today. Prefiero que Tom lo haga. I'd rather Tom do it. I'd rather Tom do it. ¿Entendéis? Do you understand? Do you understand? Nos quedamos con Tom. We stayed with Tom. We're staying with Tom. Muy a menudo la hambruna es acompañada por la plaga. More often than not, famine is accompanied by plague. Very often famine is accompanied by plague. Jane llevaba un lazo amarillo en el pelo. Jane had a yellow ribbon in her hair. Jane wore a yellow bow in her hair. Hi ha per ací alguna oficina de correus? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office here? Voy al lugar. I'm going to the place. I'm going to the place. Ella subrayó la importancia de la educación. She emphasized the importance of education. She stressed the importance of education. El jugador con las piezas negras tiene numerosas opciones para responder a 1. e4. The player with the black pieces has numerous options to answer to 1. e4. The player with the black pieces has numerous options to respond to 1. e4. Gracias por dejarme hablar. Thank you for letting me speak. Thanks for letting me talk. ¿Con qué antelación llegaremos? How soon are we going to arrive? How far in advance will we get there? Yanni está bebiendo más que antes. Yanni is drinking more than he was before. Yanni is drinking more than before. No juguemos tenis. Let's not play tennis. Let's not play tennis. No recuerdo nada sobre ellos. I don't remember anything about them. I don't remember anything about them. No le llega agua al tanque. He's stupid. There is no water in the tank. ¿Te gustan los muebles del IKEA? Do you like IKEA furniture? Do you like IKEA furniture? Suecia tiene generosas políticas de licencia parental y atención de los niños. Sweden has generous parental leave and child care policies. Sweden has generous parental leave and childcare policies. Tom sabe de dónde sopla el viento. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind is blowing from. Sólo para adultos. Only for grownups. For adults only. Trabajamos con Tom. We worked with Tom. We worked with Tom. Tom no viene porque no quiero que venga. Tom's not coming, because I don't want him to. Tom doesn't come because I don't want him to come. El amigo de mi enemigo es mi enemigo. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Me pagan cada mes. I get paid every month. I get paid every month. Tom ha dejado el alcohol. Tom has stopped drinking. Tom has given up alcohol. Este año ha sido terriblemente caluroso. This year has been terribly hot. This year has been terribly hot. ¿Ella es vegetariana? Is she a vegetarian? Is she a vegetarian? Nosotros escribimos para informarle que el Sr. Koichi Ohara ha sido designado como Administrador del Departamento en reemplazo del Sr. Taro Iida. We are writing to inform you that Mr Koichi Ohara has been appointed as Manager of the Technical Department in succession to Mr Taro Iida. We write to inform you that Mr. Koichi Ohara has been appointed as the Administrator of the Department in place of Mr. Taro Iida. La enfermera me vacunó. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse vaccinated me. ¿Cómo lo consiente usted? Why do you permit it? How do you consent to this? La escasez de dinero es el final del amor. The end of money is the end of love. The scarcity of money is the end of love. ¿De verdad crees que Tom te va a ayudar? Do you really think that Tom will help you? You really think Tom's gonna help you? Ese dinero es el mío. That money's mine. That money is mine. "No me esperes." "No te iba a esperar." "Don't wait for me." "I wasn't going to wait for you." "Don't wait for me." "I wasn't gonna wait for you." A mi esposa y a mi nos gusta salir a comer comida china de vez en cuando. My wife and I like to go out for Chinese food once in a while. My wife and I like to go out and eat Chinese food from time to time. No fumar en el restaurante. No smoking in the restaurant. No smoking in the restaurant. El primer lenguaje de programación que usé no tenía sentencias de bucle; solo tenía saltos. The first programming language I used didn't have loop statements, only gotos. The first programming language I used had no loop statements; it only had jumps. Em pregunto si vindrà demà. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. I wonder if he's coming tomorrow. Ellos atacaron al maestro nuevo con preguntas. They assailed the new teacher with questions. They attacked the new master with questions. Tom sostenía una pistola. Tom was holding a pistol. Tom was holding a gun. Yanni arregló la bombilla. Yanni fixed the light bulb. Yanni fixed the bulb. És tan difícil triar entre el cel i l'infern? Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell? Is it so hard to choose between heaven and hell? Todo el mundo merece cosas buenas, incluida yo. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Intenté hacerlo varias veces. I tried doing it several times. I tried to do it several times. Me he estado sintiendo un poco agitado. I've been feeling a little restless. I've been feeling a little agitated. Él tiene toda clase de libros. He has all kinds of books. He has all kinds of books. No tenemos nada más que perder. We don't have anything else to lose. We have nothing more to lose. Tom es más inteligente que yo. Tom is more intelligent than I am. Tom's smarter than I am. El jove es va ressentir per ser tractat com un covard. The youngster resented being treated as a coward. The young man resented being treated like a coward. Él está en aquella habitación. He's in that room. He's in that room. Tom es una buena persona con muchos defectos. Tom is a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom is a good person with many flaws. ¿En tu casa quién lleva los pantalones? Who wears the pants in your family? Who wears your pants at home? ¡Me estoy poniendo chico! I am getting small! I'm getting small! Me gustaría algo para tomar. I would like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Tengo que predicar con el ejemplo. I need to walk the talk. I have to lead by example. Sabré hablar ruso y español. I'll know how to speak Russian and Spanish. I will be able to speak Russian and Spanish. ¿Podrías traducir esta carta al francés? Could you translate this letter to French? Could you translate this letter into French? ¡Pasá, por favor! Come in please! Come in, please! A mí se me hace un poco rara esta frase. This sentence feels a bit weird to me. I find this phrase a little strange. Bebe algo. Drink something. Drink something. És més barat del que em vaig pensar. It was cheaper than I thought. It's cheaper than I thought. Se secó con la toalla. He dried himself with a towel. Dried with towel. Simplement vagant arreu pot ser una bona manera de viatjar. Just wandering around can be a good way to travel. Simply wandering around can be a good way to travel. No quiero que Tom sea mi esposo. I don't want Tom to be my husband. I don't want Tom to be my husband. Fui capturado. I was captured. I was captured. Tengo que volver al trabajo. I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. Me quemé con el sol. I got sunburned. I burned in the sun. Mi abuela ahora vive en una residencia. Cuesta un montón de dinero pero es tranquilizador saber que allí se ocupan bien de ella. My grandmother lives in a nursing home. It costs a lot of money, but it's a relief knowing that they're taking good care of her there. My grandmother now lives in a residence. It costs a lot of money but it is reassuring to know that they take good care of her there. No me dejes aquí. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me here. Los niños están montando en el tiovivo. The children are riding the carousel. The kids are riding the merry-go-round. Tom desató el listón. Tom untied the ribbon. Tom unrolled the ribbon. Ahora se está complicando. Now it's getting complicated. Now it's getting complicated. ¿Qué periódico coge ella? What paper does she take? What newspaper does she pick up? Yanni ni siquiera puede pronunciar correctamente "Argelia". Yanni can't even pronounce 'Algeria' properly. Yanni can't even pronounce "Algeria" correctly. Debería hacer uso de esta oportunidad, pues tal vez nunca vuelva otra vez. You ought to take advantage of this opportunity, for it may not come again. You should make use of this opportunity, for you may never come back again. Una rosa huele bien. A rose smells sweet. A rose smells good. No me iré de rositas. I won't go down without a fight. I'm not going to go rositas. Sé què tens raó. I know you're right. I know you're right. Los separatistas siempre se ofenden. The separatists always get offended. Separatists are always offended. Este libro era fácil. This book was easy. This book was easy. Bebe con moderación. Drink responsibly. Drink in moderation. Necesitamos cepillarnos los dientes. We need to brush our teeth. We need to brush our teeth. En Jim corre tan ràpid com en Ron. Jim runs as fast as Ron. Jim runs as fast as Ron. Hemos perdido toda esperanza de ser indemnizados. We've lost all hope of being compensated. We have lost all hope of being compensated. Tom es un poco impulsivo, ¿no? Tom is a little impulsive, isn't he? Tom's a little impulsive, isn't he? El perro está jugando con el gato. The dog is playing with the cat. The dog is playing with the cat. El sonido me cogió por sorpresa. The sound took me by surprise. The sound caught me by surprise. ¡Qué pensamiento tan extraño! What a strange thought! What a strange thought! Se asustó cuando notó al hombre que la seguía. She became scared when she noticed the man following her. She was frightened when she noticed the man following her. ¿Puedo decirlo en francés? Can I say it in French? Can I say it in French? Tom va a ir a la cárcel por un crimen que no cometió si vos no confesás. Tom is going to go to prison for a crime he didn't commit if you don't confess. Tom's going to jail for a crime he didn't commit if you didn't confess. Vivo en Leeds. I live in Leeds. I live in Leeds. Yo a veces me preocupo demasiado por cosas que no debiera. I occasionally worry myself to death about worthless nonsense. Sometimes I worry too much about things I shouldn’t. He tocado la guitarra desde los trece años. I've been playing the guitar since I was thirteen. I've been playing guitar since I was thirteen. Esta palabra no se usa comúnmente. This word is not in common use. This word is not commonly used. Aquera husta ne brutla pas. This wood won't burn. This is not a dirty thing. Escribe con un bolígrafo. Write with a ballpoint pen. Write with a pen. Tengo que volver a casa antes de la medianoche. I've got to get back home by midnight. I have to get home before midnight. Debería haber sido más cuidadoso. I should have been more careful. I should have been more careful. Tom dijo que él estaba dispuesto a ayudarnos. Tom said he was willing to help us out. Tom said he was willing to help us. Només jo puc fer-ho. Ho vaig fer sol. Only I can do it. I did it alone. Only I can do it. I did it alone. Nuestro cerebro necesita muchos estímulos. Our brains need a lot of stimulation. Our brain needs a lot of stimulation. Se emborrachó y caminó por las calles, golpeándose en las paredes como un ciego. He got drunk and walked through the streets, running into the walls as if he was blind. He got drunk and walked through the streets, hitting the walls like a blind man. Veo a un hombre entre los árboles. I see a man between the trees. I see a man among the trees. Podéis verlas riendo y bailando por la noche. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. Ella nunca me dijo que tenía un gato. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. No quiero esta camisa. I don't want this shirt. I don't want this shirt. Aqueste hèit muisha que la Tèrra vira a l'entorn deu sorèlh. This fact shows that the earth goes round the sun. This heit muisha that the Earth turns in the environment ten solèh. ¿Por qué nadie me previno? Why did no one warn me? Why didn't anyone warn me? Amaba Inglaterra. I relished England. He loved England. Soy una persona correcta y muy responsable. I am a polite and very responsible person. I am a correct and very responsible person. Vuestra pronunciación es excelente. Your pronunciation is excellent. Your pronunciation is excellent. Tom se quedó dormido en el sofá. Tom fell asleep on the sofa. Tom fell asleep on the couch. Me encargaré del trabajo. I'll take charge of the work. I'll take care of the job. Aquesta nit coneixeré la xicota del meu germà. I'm going to meet my brother's girlfriend tonight. Tonight I'll meet my brother's girlfriend. Tú eres lista, pero yo también. You're smart, but so am I. You're smart, but so am I. Por favor, venid aquí. Please come here. Please, come here. Recibimos el rumor de su muerte. We received word of his death. We received the rumor of his death. El teléfono sonaba cada pocos minutos. The telephone rang every few minutes. The phone rang every few minutes. Tom y Mary se sentaron a la sombra del árbol, tocando sus guitarras. Tom and Mary sat in the shade of the tree, playing their guitars. Tom and Mary sat in the shade of the tree, playing their guitars. Aquera amassada qu'a hèit vénguer 150 diplomatas. This conference attracted 150 diplomats. He has been awarded 150 diplomas. Cómprame este libro, por favor. Please buy me this book. Buy me this book, please. Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza. Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head. Since I am not good at swimming, I avoid dipping over my head. Açò és un peix. This is a fish. This is a fish. Todas las flores se han caído de los cerezos. All of the blossoms have fallen from the cherry trees. All the flowers have fallen from the cherry trees. ¿Todavía tiene usted mi llave? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my key? ¿Cuántas cuentas de YouTube hay en el mundo hasta la fecha? How many YouTube accounts are there in the world to date? How many YouTube accounts are there in the world to date? Yugurta y Roma eran enemigos enconados. Jugurtha and Rome were bitter enemies. Yugurt and Rome were bitter enemies. Calla i escolta! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! He estado pensando en iniciar un nuevo negocio. I've been thinking about starting a new business. I've been thinking about starting a new business. Todo está como lo dejamos. Everything is as we left it. Everything is as we left it. Li vaig agrair el que va fer. I thanked him for what he had done. I thanked him for what he did. Este tipo es realmente débil. No puede tomar una decisión para salvar su vida. This guy is really wishy-washy. He couldn't make a decision to save his life. This guy is really weak, he can't make a decision to save his life. Por alguna razón, me siento más vivo por la noche. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. ¿Cuánto tiempo te queda? How much time do you have left? How long do you have? Pren çò que vòus. Take whichever you want. Take what you want. Jo no puc parlar Francès. I can't speak French. I can't speak French. El ochenta por ciento de la información almacenada en los ordenadores de todo el mundo está en inglés. Eighty percent of all information on computers around the world is in English. Eighty percent of the information stored on computers around the world is in English. "Yanni está aquí". "¿Dónde?" "Yanni is here." "Where?" "Yanni's here." "Where?" Pensé que querrías ayudarme. I thought you'd want to help me. I thought you might want to help me. Extraño a mis amigos. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. No compres lo que no necesitas. Don't buy what you don't need. Don’t buy what you don’t need. I anarèi en veitura. I'll go by car. Go in a vehicle. Puede que Tom haya robado la cámara de Mary. Tom might have stolen Mary's camera. Tom may have stolen Mary's camera. Debo haber estado soñando. I must've been dreaming. I must have been dreaming. La clase comenzó a las diez. The class started at ten. The class started at ten. Tiò, qu'ac crèsi tanben. Yeah. I think so, too. So, what a great deal of crèche. Necesito saber que es verdad. I have to know if it is true. I need to know it's true. La estación de Tokio es la tercera parada. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Tokyo Station is the third stop. Ha nacido una estrella. A star is born. A star was born. ¡Vete a dormir, amigo! Go to sleep, buddy! Go to sleep, buddy! Rompiste las reglas. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Tom es demasiado bueno para María. Tom is too good for Mary. Tom is too good for Maria. El Karlo té la habilitat d'entendre i de crear Karlo has the ability to understand and create. Karlo has the ability to understand and create Tom tuvo que tomar una difícil decisión. Tom had to make a difficult decision. Tom had to make a difficult decision. No tengo un televisor. I don't own a TV. I don't have a TV. La pompa de jabón explotó. The soap bubble burst. The soap bubble exploded. Yo voté que sí. I voted yes. I voted yes. ¿Tienes alguna objeción? Do you have any objection? Do you have any objections? Por favor quita tu libro de esta mesa. Please take your book off this table. Please remove your book from this table. Estaba enamorado de ti. I was in love with you. I was in love with you. Espero que no llueva el lunes. I hope it doesn't rain on Monday. I hope it doesn’t rain on Monday. Eso debe echar leña al fuego. That should stir things up a bit! That should add fuel to the fire. ¿Cuánto tiempo se va a quedar en Japón? How long is he going to stay in Japan? How long are you staying in Japan? Tom se alejó de un salto. Tom jumped away. Tom jumped away. Pensaba que me habías entendido. I thought you had understood me. I thought you understood me. La informació és útil a un gran nombre de persones. The information is useful to a great many people. Information is useful to a large number of people. Coneixes el meu germà Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? You know my brother Masao? Quédate conmigo cuando te necesite, por favor. Please stand by me when I need you. Stay with me when I need you, please. No m'agrada escoltar els plors dels xiquets. I don't like listening to children crying. I don't like to listen to children's cries. Hay algunas manzanas en esa caja. There are some apples in that box. There's a few apples in that box. Nos han postpuesto hasta las dos y media. We are adjourned until 2:30. We've been postponed until half past two. Ella se sentó escuchando el chapoteo rítmico del agua contra los botes de remos amarrados. She sat listening to the water lapping rhythmically against the moored rowing boats. She sat listening to the rhythmic splash of water against the moored rowboats. Mi mamá se levanta temprano cada mañana. My mom gets up early every morning. My mom gets up early every morning. Mi madre insiste en que no salga después de que oscurezca. My mother insists that I should not go out after dark. My mother insists I don't go out after dark. Yo no ayudo a nadie. I help nobody. I'm not helping anyone. Que hèi judò. I'm practising judo. What a Jew. ¿Quién hará el rol de la princesa? Who will play the role of the princess? Who will play the princess? Entonces, quedamos en doscientos, ¿no? So, two hundred it is, right? So, we're two hundred, right? Dime si se lo vas a dar o no. Tell me if you're going to give it to him or not. Tell me if you're gonna give it to her or not. L'estudiant va acabar dormint a la classe. The student ended up sleeping in the classroom. The student ended up sleeping in class. Los microbios pueden provocar enfermedades. Germs can cause sickness. Microbes can cause disease. Yanni apesta. Yanni stinks. Yanni sucks. ¿Tienes dificultades al orinar? Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you have difficulty urinating? Fue un descuido de tu parte perder los documentos importantes. It was careless of you to lose the important documents. It was an oversight on your part to lose important documents. Ustedes compraron muchas joyas. You bought a lot of jewels. You bought a lot of jewelry. ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? How many brothers do you have? How many siblings do you have? Parece que ambas estamos muy cansadas, ¿no? It seems we're both very tired, doesn't it? Looks like we're both really tired, don't we? Eso es aún peor. That's even worse. That's even worse. Él negó haber dicho algo así. He denied having said such a thing. He denied saying anything like that. Eso es un gran hito. That's a great milestone. That's a big milestone. Vale. It's okay. Okay. Ten cuidado con tus sentimientos, que se vuelven pensamientos. Be careful with your feelings. They become your thoughts. Be careful of your feelings, which become thoughts. Es una película en francés con subtítulos en inglés. It's a movie in French with English subtitles. It is a French film with English subtitles. Tom escuchó cuidadosamente. Tom listened intently. Tom listened carefully. ¿Sabes qué hicimos? Do you know what we did? You know what we did? Hi ha alguna oficina postal per aquí? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office around here? Aún no sé lo que se necesita hacer. I don't yet know what needs to be done. I still don't know what needs to be done. Yo creo que él es honesto. I believe him honest. I think he's honest. Estoy seguro de que estás equivocado. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. Mary va deixar que sa germana netegés els vidres. Mary left her sister to clean the windows. Mary let her sister clean the glass. Él lamentó no haber seguido mi consejo. He regretted not having taken my advice. He regretted not following my advice. Aquest és el seu cotxe, crec. This is his car, I think. That's his car, I think. ¿No se puede hacer nada? Can't anything be done? Can't anything be done? Los humanos se comunican entre ellos a través del lenguaje. Human beings communicate with each other by means of language. Humans communicate with each other through language. Todo el mundo merece cosas buenas, incluido tú. Everyone deserves good things, including you. Everyone deserves good things, including you. Él nunca me creyó lo que le dije. I could never make him believe what I said. He never believed what I told him. He de tenir cura d'alguns negocis. I really need to take care of some business. I have to take care of some businesses. Vamos a jugar a las cartas. Let's play some cards. Let's play cards. Estaba jugando al tenis. I was playing tennis. I was playing tennis. ¿Qué querés hacer esta noche? What do you want to do tonight? What do you want to do tonight? Quiero viajar algún día al exterior. I want to go abroad someday. I want to travel abroad someday. Julia té moltes roses i molts lliris al seu jardí. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Tom no me hizo hacer esto. Tom didn't make me do this. Tom didn't make me do this. La niña salió herida de gravedad en el accidente de tránsito. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was seriously injured in the traffic accident. Alguien tiene que haber visto algo. Somebody must've seen something. Someone must have seen something. No habrá forma de explicarlo. There'll be no way to explain it. There will be no way to explain it. Nos sentimos aislados. We felt isolated. We feel isolated. Este museo ha estado cerrado por cinco años. This museum has been closed for five years. This museum has been closed for five years. ¿Puedes indicarme mi ubicación actual en este mapa? Could you show me where I am on this map? Can you tell me my current location on this map? Ese es un falso dilema. That's a false dilemma. That is a false dilemma. No sabia què fer. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. ¿Cómo se mueve el caballo? How does the knight move? How does the horse move? Qu'èri a minjar quan lo telefòne tindè. I was eating lunch when the phone rang. What to eat when you have a phone. ¿Quién compró esta casa para usted? Who bought you this house? Who bought this house for you? —¿Quién quiere zumo? —preguntó Ana mientras sacaba el exprimidor del armario. "Who wants juice?" asked Anna as she took the squeezer out of the cupboard. "Who wants juice?" asked Ana as she pulled the juicer out of the cupboard. Haremos una venta de liquidación la semana que viene. We'll be holding a clearance sale next week. We're doing a sell-off next week. No muestres tus intenciones. Don't show your cards. Don't show your intentions. Si no entiendes, haz una pregunta. If you don't understand, ask a question. If you don't understand, ask a question. L'economia americana que's pòrta plan. The U.S. economy is in good health. The U.S. economy has a plan. Traje el libro. I brought the book. I brought the book. También soy estudiante. I'm a student, too. I'm also a student. ¿Te sientes como si tuvieras fiebre? Do you feel like you have a fever? Do you feel like you have a fever? Para una mujer, el matrimonio significa ser enterrada viva con un mal hombre. To a woman, marriage means being buried alive with a bad man. For a woman, marriage means being buried alive with a bad man. Los sustantivos rusos pueden ser masculinos, femeninos o neutros. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neutral. Trasboqué anoche. Last night I puked. I moved last night. Esta es la carta de mi amigo. This is the letter from my friend. This is my friend's letter. ¿Te gusta caminar en el parque? Do you like to walk in the park? Do you like to walk in the park? Siempre pensé que Shirley y Alan acabarían juntos. I always thought that Shirley and Alan would get together. I always thought Shirley and Alan would end up together. Tom se pidió una taza de café y, para Mary, una taza de chocolate. Tom ordered a cup of coffee for himself and a cup of cocoa for Mary. Tom ordered himself a cup of coffee and, for Mary, a cup of chocolate. Los números primos tienen la capacidad de generar todos los demás números. Prime numbers are capable of generating the rest of the numbers. Prime numbers have the ability to generate all other numbers. Ell s'assembla al seu pare. He looks like his father. He looks like his father. Perdona, no sé tu nombre y tu patronímico. Excuse me, I don't know your first name and patronymic. Sorry, I don't know your name and patronymic. Soy universitario. I'm a college student. I'm a college student. Clive quiere hacerse ingeniero electrónico. Clive wants to be an electronic engineer. Clive wants to become an electronic engineer. Ens coneixem. We know each other. We know each other. Tom cortó la llave. Tom turned off the faucet. Tom cut the key. Cuando llegue la primavera, voy a empezar a practicar un nuevo deporte. When spring arrives, I'm going to take up a new sport. When spring comes, I’m going to start playing a new sport. Yo quiero hacer algo más. I want something else to do. I want to do something else. Están luchando para la libertad. They are struggling for freedom. They are fighting for freedom. ¿El cielo es azul? Sí. Is the sky blue? Yes. Is the sky blue? Ha sido mejorable. That wasn't good. It's been improved. Sus zapatos azules combinan bien con esa falda. Her blue shoes go well with that skirt. Her blue shoes go well with that skirt. Sí, ¿cuánto cuestan? Yes, how much do they cost? Yeah, how much do they cost? No tenemos papel higiénico. We don't have toilet paper. We don't have toilet paper. Estic per sota d'ell en matemàtiques. I am inferior to him in mathematics. I'm below him in mathematics. El profesor escribió un pequeño comentario en la hoja de cada estudiante. The teacher wrote a short comment on each student's paper. The teacher wrote a small comment on each student’s sheet. Dóna-li aquest missatge quan arribi. Give him this message the moment he arrives. Give him this message when he arrives. Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al sol. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Sé serio. Be serious. Be serious. Ell és un bon atleta. He is a good athlete. He is a good athlete. Haz una predicción. Make a prediction. Make a prediction. Tom me dijo que no le tenía miedo a Mary. Tom told me that he wasn't afraid of Mary. Tom told me he wasn't afraid of Mary. Yanni está arruinando su propio éxito potencial. Yanni is wrecking his own potential success. Yanni is ruining his own potential success. Un niño que es hablante nativo normalmente sabe muchas cosas acerca de su lengua que un hablante no nativo que lo haya estado estudiando durante muchos años no sabe todavía y que quizá no sabrá nunca. A child who is a native speaker usually knows many things about his or her language that a non-native speaker who has been studying for years still does not know and perhaps will never know. A child who is a native speaker usually knows many things about his language that a non-native speaker who has been studying it for many years does not yet know and may never know. Los filmes que m'agradan. I like movies. The films I like. ¿Se puede beber el agua de esta fuente? Can I drink the water from this fountain? Can you drink the water from this fountain? Este curso de inglés requiere mucho esfuerzo. This English course requires a lot of effort. This English course requires a lot of effort. Si no estuviera enfermo, me uniría a vosotros. If I weren't sick, I'd join you. If I wasn't sick, I'd join you. ¿A qué hora te levantaste hoy? What time did you get up today? What time did you get up today? Tom diría que sí. Tom would say yes. Tom would say yes. Venecia es una de las ciudades más románticas de Europa. Venice is one of Europe's most romantic cities. Venice is one of the most romantic cities in Europe. Argelia está perdiendo enormes cantidades de dinero. Algeria is losing huge amounts of money. Algeria is losing huge amounts of money. Haga usted lo indicado en el prospecto. Do what's directed in the prospectus. Do as directed on the package leaflet. Mary es sindicalista. Mary is a syndicalist. Mary is a trade unionist. Puerto Moresby es la capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. ¿De verdad crees que Tom te ayudaría? Do you really think that Tom would help you? Do you really think Tom would help you? Tom vende su apartamento. Tom's selling his condo. Tom sells his apartment. ¿Sugiere que soy un cobarde? Are you suggesting that I'm a coward? You suggest I'm a coward? ¿De dónde se conocen el uno al otro? Where do you know each other from? Where do they know each other from? Yanni se sintió incómodo. Yanni felt uncomfortable. Yanni felt uncomfortable. ¿Cuánto tiempo has tenido la lengua de ese color? How long has your tongue been that color? How long have you had the tongue of that color? Mi padre no es tan rico como mi abuelo. My dad isn't as rich as my grandpa. My father is not as rich as my grandfather. El nostre equip va competir amb una forta competència Our team competed with a powerful rival. Our team competed with a strong competition. Els meus llibres estan en romenès; els d'ella, en anglès. My books are in Romanian; hers are in English. My books are in Romani; hers, in English. Tom ha escrito bastantes historias cortas, pero todavía no ha publicado un libro. Tom has written several short stories, but has not yet published a book. Tom has written quite a few short stories, but has not yet published a book. Dan no quiere verse como un despiadado. Dan doesn't want to look heartless. Dan doesn't want to look ruthless. Me pregunto sobre qué estarán cotilleando. I wonder what they're gossiping about. I wonder what they're gossiping about. Que yo sepa no tengo familia en Boston. As far as I know, I don't have any family in Boston. As far as I know, I don’t have a family in Boston. Cuando era chica, nuestra familia tenía un árbol de quinotos. When I was a kid, our family had a kumquat tree. When I was a kid, our family had a quinote tree. La mujer está trabajando. The woman is working. The woman is working. Su idea va más allá del alcance de mi entendimiento. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. Your idea goes beyond the scope of my understanding. Imagínate que lo está leyendo, ¿qué te gustaría decirle? Imagine that he's reading it. What would you like to tell him? Imagine you’re reading it, what would you like to say? Fes allò que et digui el cor, que no t'enganyarà mai. Follow your heart, for it never lies. Do what your heart tells you, it will never fool you. Sí, un poquito. Yes, a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Él fue un líder forzado. He was a forceful leader. He was a forced leader. Tom está en cama con gripe. Tom is in bed with the flu. Tom's in bed with the flu. Yanni quiere hacer las cosas mejor. Yanni wants to make things better. Yanni wants to make things better. Qu'èi claverat los uelhs sus l'òmi. I stared at the man. I’m going to take care of them on my own. Él echó a los intrusos. He drove off the intruders. He drove out the intruders. E qu'ei lo problèma ? What is the problem? What is the problem? Soi policièr. I'm a policeman. He is a policeman. Té una creença ferma en Déu. He had a firm belief in his God. He has a firm belief in God. La cena está lista. Dinner's ready. Dinner's ready. Merece la pena intentarlo. It's worth a try. It's worth a try. Salvo yo, nadie tenía hambre. Nobody was hungry except me. Except for me, no one was hungry. Mi perro ladra a los desconocidos. My dog barks at strangers. My dog barks at strangers. ¡Qué berrinche se cogió mi hija cuando le dijimos que no íbamos a llevarla al parque! My daughter had a huge fit when we told her we weren't going to take her to the park. What a tantrum my daughter took when we told her we weren't going to take her to the park! Tom no vio a Mary en el autobús. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. Saca el mejor provecho posible de tu tiempo. Make the best of your time. Make the most of your time. Él es de un pueblo pequeño. He's from a small town He's from a small town. Él no es poeta, sino novelista. He is not a poet but a novelist. He is not a poet, but a novelist. Sus piernas son largas. His legs are long. His legs are long. Si no tuviera que trabajar, podría leer estos libros. Were I free from work, I could read these books. If I didn't have to work, I could read these books. Tom ya estaba bastante borracho. Tom was already pretty drunk. Tom was drunk enough. On és el sol? Where is the sun? Where is the sun? Él valoró el consejo del profesor. He valued the professor's advice. He appreciated the teacher’s advice. Explica'm els teus plans per al futur. Tell me your plans for the future. Tell me your plans for the future. Las paredes están recién pintadas así que no te apoyes contra nada. There's wet paint on the walls, so don't lean on anything. The walls are freshly painted so don't lean against anything. Aquera istòria qu'ei vertadiera. This story is true. This is a story that has come true. No quiero que baje mi calificación. I don't want my rating to go down. I don't want my rating down. Tom es un cantante talentoso. Tom is a talented singer. Tom is a talented singer. Venga con nosotros. Come with us. Come with us. Les envié una carta a mis parientes. I sent a letter to my parents. I sent a letter to my relatives. M'agradaria reservar una taula per a dos. I'd like to reserve a table for two. I'd like to reserve a table for two. Podríamos perder nuestros trabajos. We could lose our jobs. We could lose our jobs. Tatoeba es una gran manera de procrastinar. Tatoeba is a great way to procrastinate. Tatoeba is a great way to procrastinate. Es dudoso que ella vendrá. It is doubtful whether she will come. It is doubtful that she will come. Me alegra haber sido desmentido. I'm happy to have been proven wrong. I'm glad I was denied. Nunca había visto a dos personas tan enamoradas como Tom y Mary. I've never seen two people so much in love as Tom and Mary. I've never seen two people as much in love as Tom and Mary. Israel es un gran país. Israel is a great country. Israel is a great country. Acordate. Remember. Agree. Lloré muchas noches. I cried many nights. I cried many nights. La ciudad entera quedó sin electricidad. The entire city was without electricity. The entire city was without electricity. No tenía muy claro lo que Tom quería. It wasn't quite clear to me what Tom wanted. I wasn’t sure what Tom wanted. Estoy muy decepcionada. I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed. Tom salta de un asunto a otro. Tom jumps from one subject to another. Tom jumps from one matter to another. La población de Australia es mucho menor que la de Japón. The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan. Australia’s population is much smaller than Japan’s. Deja de llamarme. Stop calling me. Stop calling me. Para mí es chino. It is all Greek to me. It's Chinese to me. Ella se enriqueció haciendo piezas de cerámica. She became rich by making ceramic pieces. She got rich making ceramic pieces. Trabajé y estudié. I worked and studied. I worked and studied. Estoy prestando atención. I'm paying attention. I'm paying attention. Hay gente que hace lo imposible para no cotizar. There are people who'll do anything to not pay taxes. There are people who do the impossible not to quote. Pero las comadronas temían a Dios, y no hicieron lo que les había mandado el rey de Egipto, sino que dejaban con vida a los niños. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but kept the children alive. Que'ns lhevem a las aubetas. We got up at dawn. Let's get the boobies. ¿Cuál crees que es el más difícil? Which one do you think is more difficult? What do you think is the most difficult? Hay un extraño en frente de la casa. There is a strange man in front of the house. There's a stranger in front of the house. Sin sus gafas él ve menos que un topo. Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat. Without his glasses he sees less than a mole. Vino en coche. He came by car. He came by car. Va plan ? What do you do? Is it a plan? Llevaba un alegre abrigo de terciopelo de color chocolate, con botones de diamante, y con dos enormes bolsillos que siempre estaban llenos de huesos, dejados allí durante la cena por su cariñosa amante. He wore a jaunty coat of chocolate-colored velvet, with diamond buttons, and with two huge pockets which were always filled with bones, dropped there at dinner by his loving mistress. She wore a cheerful chocolate velvet coat, with diamond buttons, and with two huge pockets that were always full of bones, left there during dinner by her loving lover. No somos como tú. We aren't like you. We're not like you. André Danican Philidor solía jugar tres partidos simultáneamente, dos a ciegas y uno mirando al tablero. Diderot y D'Alembert lo citaron en la Enciclopedia como "una de las manifestaciones más fenomenales de la mente humana". André Danican Philidor used to play three games at the same time, two blindly and one looking at the board. Diderot and D'Alembert cited it in the Encyclopedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind". André Danican Philidor used to play three matches simultaneously, two blindly and one facing the board. Diderot and D'Alembert cited him in the Encyclopedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind". Pienso que es demasiado joven. I think she's too young. I think he's too young. Responderán. They'll respond. They'll respond. Él me ayudó a cargar la maleta. He helped me carry the baggage. He helped me carry the suitcase. ¿Tomas digitalis? Do you take digitalis? Do you take digitalis? Estudio el teatre dels EUA. I'm studying the American drama. I study the U.S. theater. Nunca estaré satisfecho. I will never be satisfied. I'll never be satisfied. Amplío mi conocimiento leyendo libros. I expand my knowledge by reading books. I expand my knowledge by reading books. Tom pidió prestados algunos libros de la biblioteca para leer por el fin de semana. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read over the weekend. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read for the weekend. Quiero perder un poco de peso. I want to lose a bit of weight. I want to lose some weight. Yanni no tiene hijos. Yanni doesn't have kids. Yanni has no children. Esto no es un sueño. It isn't a dream. This is not a dream. El árbitro anuló un gol por fuera de juego. The referee disallowed a goal for offside. The referee overturned an offside goal. No te puedes ocultar de mí. You can't hide from me. You can't hide from me. ¿Cómo entraste en la habitación? How did you get into the room? How did you get into the room? A veces me preocupa todo lo que dicen sobre la seguridad en el Internet, porque entre mis seguidores hay personas a las que no conozco, pero que he aceptado porque me mandaron un solicitud. Sometimes I worry about what they say about security on the Internet, because among my followers there are people that I don't know, but that I've added because they sent a request. Sometimes I worry about everything they say about security on the Internet, because among my followers there are people I do not know, but I have accepted because they sent me a request. Él consideró que era una decisión acertada aceptar la oferta. He deemed it wise to accept the offer. He felt it was a wise decision to accept the offer. Tom ama a Mary con todo su corazón. Tom loves Mary with all his heart. Tom loves Mary with all his heart. Estoy intentando recordar la cara de Tom, pero no puedo. I'm trying to remember Tom's face, but I can't. I'm trying to remember Tom's face, but I can't. El professor em va dir que estudiés molt. The teacher told me to study harder. The teacher told me to study a lot. En el mercado pueden comprarse muchas cosas. Many things can be bought at the market. Many things can be bought in the market. Estás actuando como un niño. You're acting like a child. You're acting like a kid. ¡Esto lo explica todo! This explains everything! This explains everything! No sería capaz de responder algo así. I wouldn't be able to answer something like that. I wouldn't be able to answer something like that. Ya te dije que no hicieras eso. I've told you not to do that. I told you not to do that. Ella es seis años mayor que yo. She is senior to me by six years. She's six years older than me. "¿Te obligaron?" "No, lo hice voluntariamente". "Were you forced?" - "No, I did it voluntarily." "Did they force you?" "No, I did it voluntarily." Entre 1999 y 2019, Argelia estuvo gobernada por un líder autoritario. Between 1999 and 2019, Algeria was governed by an authoritarian leader. Between 1999 and 2019, Algeria was ruled by an authoritarian leader. ¿Estoy escribiendo en japonés? Am I writing in Japanese? Am I writing in Japanese? ¿Cuál era el secreto? What was the secret? What was the secret? Estoy muy decepcionada con los dos. I'm very disappointed with the both of you. I'm very disappointed in both of you. Después de escuchar una canción en árabe durante veinte segundos esta vez (ya que si la hubiera escuchado durante diez segundos ésta sería una oración duplicada), finalmente Dima oyó una voz familiar decir "¡as-salamu alaykum!". After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to a song in Arabic for twenty seconds this time (since if I had listened to it for ten seconds this would be a duplicate sentence), finally Dima heard a familiar voice say "as-salamu alaykum!" Esta película es una adaptación de una novela. This film is an adaptation of a novel. This film is an adaptation of a novel. Ella se suicidó ayer. She killed herself yesterday. She killed herself yesterday. ¿Qué puedo enseñarte? What can I teach you? What can I teach you? Argelia es una nación única. Algeria is a unique nation. Algeria is a unique nation. Aquera pera qu'auloreja. This pear smells nice. That's why it smells. ¡No corran! Don't run! Don't run! Muchas gracias por haberme invitado a cenar la otra noche. Thanks very much for having me to dinner the other night. Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner the other night. ¿Qué te está poniendo triste? What's making you sad? What's making you sad? El abogado creía en la inocencia de su cliente. The lawyer believed in his client's innocence. The lawyer believed in his client’s innocence. Hellen Keller era sorda i cega. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. Hellen Keller was deaf and blind. Mejor hubiera ido al concierto anoche. I'd rather have gone to the concert last night. I'd better have gone to the concert last night. Ya me tengo que ir. I must be leaving now. I've got to go. Por favor, siéntense. Sit down, please! Please, sit down. Debes expresarte con tu corazón. You must express yourself with your heart. You must express yourself with your heart. Yo adivino bien nueve de cada diez veces. I guess right nine times out of ten. I guess nine times out of ten. Los dormitorios están arriba y la sala de estar está abajo. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. ¿Quién te vendió eso? Who sold that to you? Who sold you that? Tom irá allí mañana. Tom will go there tomorrow. Tom's going there tomorrow. Sufrimos de una enfermedad incurable llamada esperanza. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. Toda nación, rica o pobre, tiene sus fortalezas y sus debilidades. Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses. Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses. Tom quiere pensarlo otra vez. Tom wants to think it over. Tom wants to think about it again. Veng lo mei lèu possible. Come as soon as possible. Come as much as possible. Tom tenía la sospecha de que Mary estaba mintiendo. Tom had a hunch that Mary was lying. Tom had a suspicion that Mary was lying. Este es el mejor libro que jamás he leído. This is the best book I have ever read. This is the best book I have ever read. ¿Has tenido recientemente algún mareo o aturdimiento inexplicable? Have you recently had any unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Have you recently had any unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness? Si piensas eso te equivocas. If you think that, you’re wrong. If you think that, you're wrong. Qu'ei entà tu. This is for you. That's what you're into. Intentar parecer ocupado cuando no lo estás es la tarea más difícil de todas. Trying to look busy while you’re not is the hardest work of all. Trying to look busy when you’re not is the most difficult task of all. No estoy muerta. I am not dead. I'm not dead. ¿No ves que al fin estoy feliz? Can't you see I'm finally happy? Can't you see I'm finally happy? La música es el idioma internacional. Music is the international language. Music is the international language. Él estaba apenado de interrumpirte. He was ashamed of troubling you. He was sorry to interrupt you. Mi padre me va a matar. My father's going to kill me. My father's gonna kill me. "¿Debería decírselo a él?" "No lo sé. ¿Deberías?" "Should I tell him?" "I don't know. Should you?" "Should I tell him?" "I don't know. Should you?" La barba de Tom es más larga que la de John. Tom's beard is longer than John's. Tom's beard is longer than John's. ¿Quién te escribió esta carta? Who wrote you this letter? Who wrote you this letter? Tom le extendió la mano, esperando que el hombre también le diera una golosina. Tom held his hand out, hoping that the man would give him a piece of candy, too. Tom reached out his hand, hoping the man would also give him a treat. Que soparàs avui? What are you going to eat for dinner? What are you having for dinner today? ¿Es buen francés éste? Is this good French? Is this a good Frenchman? Hui no fa tan bon oratge com ahir. Today the weather's not as good as yesterday. He didn’t do as well as he did yesterday. Hazlo otra vez. Do it a second time. Do it again. Tom convenció a su madre para que le dejase el coche durante el fin de semana. Tom persuaded his mother to lend him the car for the weekend. Tom convinced his mother to leave his car for the weekend. Solía ser así. I used to be like that. It used to be like that. Skura compró un perro nuevo. Skura bought a new dog. Skura bought a new dog. No hay en el mundo ninguna montaña tan alta como el Everest. No other mountain in the world is so high as Mt. Everest. There is no mountain in the world as high as Everest. Dame una tiza. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a chalk. Creo que Tom puede que sea un genio. I think Tom may be a genius. I think Tom might be a genius. El intento de cometer un delito se considera tentativa de delito, la cual, por sí misma, puede ser castigada. An attempt to commit a crime is considered an inchoate offense that can itself be punished. Attempting to commit a crime is considered an attempt to commit a crime, which, by itself, can be punished. De qué hascotz ? What did you make? What have you found? No pude encontrar a nadie. I couldn't find anybody. I couldn't find anyone. Por favor, no alimente a los animales. Do not feed the animals. Please do not feed the animals. Que't caleré n'i anar pas. You'd better not go. I won't let you go. ¿Alguna vez has visto una criatura feérica? Have you ever seen a fairy before? Have you ever seen a ferocious creature? Las lenguas pertenecen a todos sus hablantes, quienes tienen un interés común en la utilidad y la belleza. Languages belong to all their speakers, who have a common interest in utility and in beauty. Languages belong to all their speakers, who have a common interest in utility and beauty. Ella pasó de largo sin verme. She passed by without seeing me. She passed by without seeing me. Feliz retraso. Happy belated! Happy delay. No me preguntes nada. Don't ask me anything. Don't ask me anything. Y eso se refleja en todo: la manera de como está decorado mi habitación, la música que escucho, y la ropa que me pongo. And it shows everywhere: from the way my room's decorated, to the music I listen to, and the clothes I wear. And that’s reflected in everything: the way my room is decorated, the music I listen to, and the clothes I wear. Tiene soluciones innovadoras. He has innovative solutions. It has innovative solutions. Huele esto. Smell this. Smell this. Vira't de cap a jo, que't prègui. Turn toward me, please. Turn your head to me, let him follow you. Cadun se deveré lavar. One should wash oneself. Cadun must have washed up. Tom bajó las escaleras apurado. Tom went down the stairs in a hurry. Tom came down the stairs in a hurry. Tom sintió peligro e inmediatamente se sintió preocupado. Tom sensed danger and was suddenly worried. Tom felt danger and immediately became worried. Tan pronto como pueda costearme comprar una casa, lo haré. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que cogiste manzanas del jardín del vecino? When was the last time you picked apples from the neighbor's garden? When was the last time you picked apples from your neighbor's garden? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que planchaste tu ropa? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? ¿Cuánto gasta Tom en un mes? How much does Tom spend a month? How much does Tom spend in a month? Nos sentamos a conversar de esto y aquello. We sat speaking this and that. We sat down to talk about this and that. Bona nit. Good night! Good night. Tu mujer me enseña italiano. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. Deja de cantar esa canción, por favor. Please stop singing that song. Stop singing that song, please. Luke, jo soc el teu pare. Luke, I am your father. Luke, I'm your father. Molts mariners no saben nedar, Many sailors can't swim. Many sailors do not know how to swim, Quisiera información más detallada. I'd like more detailed information. I would like more detailed information. El pasto es verde. The grass is green. The grass is green. No morirás de viejo. You won't die of age. You won't die of old age. ¿Cómo pudo suceder esto? How could this have happened? How could this happen? No se olvidó de nosotras. He didn't forget us. He didn't forget us. Esfuérzate un poquito más. Put in a little more effort. Try a little harder. Los peces viven en el mar. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the sea. Mi abuelo va a misa todos los domingos. My grandfather goes to mass every Sunday. My grandfather goes to Mass every Sunday. Siempre seréis bienvenidas. You will always be welcome. You will always be welcome. Buscan el significado de la palabra en el diccionario. They are looking up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. They look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. Correlación no implica causalidad. Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causality. Tom pronto se dio cuenta de que lo habían engañado. Tom soon realized he'd been tricked. Tom soon realized that he had been deceived. El instructor me aconsejó hacer ejercicio todos los días. The instructor advised me to get exercise every day. The instructor advised me to exercise every day. Apenas termina el trabajo, él se va derecho al bar. As soon as work is over, he makes a beeline for the pub. As soon as the job is done, he goes straight to the bar. Tengo que limpiar mi habitación. I have to clean my room. I have to clean my room. El hawaiano tiene muy pocos sonidos consonánticos. Hawaiian has very few consonant sounds. Hawaiian has very few consonantal sounds. Le pedí al vecino que me ayude. I asked the neighbour to help me. I asked my neighbor to help me. Mi primo es bueno haciendo trucos de magia. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. Hay un piano en la habitación. There's a piano in the room. There is a piano in the room. ¿Cómo entraste en el cuarto? How did you get into the room? How did you get into the room? Tom es una persona complicada. Tom is a complicated person. Tom is a complicated person. El monte Everest es la montaña más grande del mundo. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the whole world. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the world. —¿Quién quiere zumo? —preguntó Ana mientras sacaba el exprimidor del armario. "Who wants juice?" asked Anna as she took the juicer out of the cupboard. "Who wants juice?" asked Ana as she pulled the juicer out of the cupboard. También está Paolo. There is also Paolo. There's Paolo too. Por favor, recapitula tu idea. Please recap your idea. Please recap your idea. Su padre es alto. Your father is tall. His father is tall. Me estoy poniendo ropa. I am getting dressed. I'm wearing clothes. ¿Conoces a alguien en Australia? Do you know anyone in Australia? Do you know anyone in Australia? El jefe me matará. The chief's gonna kill me. The boss will kill me. El inglés se usa en todo el mundo. English is used all over the world. English is used all over the world. Estic ocupat, no puc ajudar-vos. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, I can't help you. El francés de Tomás mejoró después de empezar a estudiar gramática. Tom's French improved after he started studying grammar. Thomas's French improved after he began to study grammar. Yo amaría ser capaz de leer en francés sin esfuerzo. I would love to be able to read French effortlessly. I would love to be able to read French effortlessly. Lo Jack m'a colhonat. Jack played a dirty trick on me. Jack shocked me. Estamos listos para partir. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Estaría muy agradecido si pudieras ayudarme. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. Tom vivió en Australia por varios años. Tom lived in Australia for quite a few years. Tom lived in Australia for several years. Propongo que nos quedemos en casa y veamos la tele. I suggest that we stay home and watch TV. I suggest we stay home and watch TV. Estudio ingeniería eléctrica. I study electrical engineering. I study electrical engineering. Tom ha dejado el alcohol. Tom has given up alcohol. Tom has given up alcohol. ¿Podéis esperar hasta mañana? Can you wait until tomorrow? Can you wait until tomorrow? Tom llenó la copa de vino de María hasta el borde. Tom filled Mary's wine glass to the rim. Tom filled Maria’s glass of wine to the brim. Yanni encendió la televisión. Yanni turned the TV up. Yanni turned on the television. La joven que trabaja en la panadería es linda. The young woman who works at the bakery is pretty. The young woman who works in the bakery is cute. Mary quería que Tom le ponga bronceador en la espalda. Mary wanted Tom to put suntan lotion on her back. Mary wanted Tom to put a suntan on his back. Te daremos todo lo que quieras. We'll give you anything you want. We'll give you everything you want. Nos vamos altiro a la casa. We are going home immediately. We're going up to the house. Vivimos en España, usad vosotros. We live in Spain, so use the "vosotros" form. We live in Spain, so use it. No podía dormir por el calor. I could not sleep because of the heat. I couldn’t sleep because of the heat. Ellos nos hicieron trabajar la noche entera. They made us work all night. They made us work the whole night. Fue un contratiempo. It was a setback. It was a setback. Tom no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacer nada más. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Tengo un dolor en el pecho. I have a pain in my chest. I have chest pain. ¿Pueden ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Él se negó a ejercer autocontrol. He refused to exercise self-restraint. He refused to exercise self-control. Traje plátanos. I brought bananas. I brought bananas. Ken y su hermano se parecen mucho. Ken and his brother are very much alike. Ken and his brother are very similar. Mañana tengo la prueba escrita. Tomorrow I have the written exam. I have the written test tomorrow. Decoro las páginas de mi libro con los colores de varias banderas. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. Soy lento bajando las escaleras porque no quiero caerme. I go down the stairs slowly because I don't want to fall down. I'm slow going down the stairs because I don't want to fall. Necessito un got d'aigua. I need a glass of water. I need a glass of water. Qu'am cantat entad era. We sang for her. I was singing it. Mi padre solía leerme a la hora de acostarme. My father used to read to me at bedtime. My father used to read me at bedtime. ¿Le picó una abeja? Did a bee sting you? Did a bee sting you? ¿Por qué no aportamos todos nosotros treinta dólares? Why don't we all chip in thirty dollars? Why don't we all give $30? ¿Cuál es el apellido de Tomás? What's Tom's last name? What is Tom's last name? Hoy la tienda no está abierta. The store is not open today. The store is not open today. Aquera cleda qu'a besonh d'estar pintrada. This gate needs painting. This little girl had to be painted. Yo no sé quién es mi madre. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mother is. "¿Es ese un niño o una niña?" "Pregúntale." "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask them." "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask him." ¿Cuál es tu canción favorita de los noventa? What's your favorite 90's song? What's your favorite song of the '90s? Bec el te sense sucre. I drink tea without sugar. I drink tea without sugar. No siempre es fácil compaginar los estudios y el trabajo. It's not always easy to combine school and work. It is not always easy to combine studies and work. Deberíamos llegar si no hay demasiado tráfico. We should make it if the traffic isn't too heavy. We should get there if there's too much traffic. Acabo de llegar del trabajo. I just got back from work. I just got home from work. El shopping será demolido. The shopping center will be demolished. The shopping will be demolished. Ella nunca había estado tan asustada. She'd never been so frightened. She's never been so scared. ¡Yo lo aprendí de ti! I learned that from you! I learned it from you! El señor Fulano llamó hoy. Mr So-and-so called today. Mr. Doe called today. Mary es una chica pelirroja. Mary is a red-haired girl. Mary is a red-haired girl. El combate duró una semana. The fighting lasted one week. The fight lasted a week. Todo cambió. Everything changed. Everything changed. Tom no tenía intención de discutir con Mary. Tom had no intention of quarreling with Mary. Tom had no intention of arguing with Mary. Me encantaría visitar Moscú con vosotros mañana. I would love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. I would love to visit Moscow with you tomorrow. No es la primera vez que lo hacemos. It's not the first time we've done it. It's not the first time we've done it. Quiero verte otra vez. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. El Sol reina en el centro de todo. The sun reigns in the center of all. The sun reigns at the center of everything. Tom dijo que él estaba desorientado. Tom said that he was baffled. Tom said he was disoriented. En las últimas dos semanas, ¿has tenido contacto estrecho con alguien con síntomas parecidos a los de la gripe? Within the last two weeks, have you had close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms? In the past two weeks, have you had close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms? Les encantaban las bromas. They loved jokes. They loved jokes. Oí que uno puede matar hombres lobos disparándoles con balas de plata. I've heard that you can kill werewolves by shooting them with silver bullets. I heard you can kill werewolves by shooting them with silver bullets. De repente escuchamos un disparo afuera. All at once we heard a shot outside. Suddenly we heard a gunshot outside. ¿Tom está viendo la tele? Is Tom watching TV? Tom's watching TV? Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. The beard does not make the philosopher. Although the monkey is dressed in silk, the monkey stays. La major part de la gent que ha mort a causa del tabac no eren grans fumadors. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most of the people who died from tobacco were not heavy smokers. Puedes usar la piscina del hotel. You can use the hotel's swimming pool. You can use the hotel pool. Luis tiene muchos amigos mexicanos. Luis has many Mexican friends. Luis has many Mexican friends. Tom fue silenciado. Tom was silenced. Tom was silenced. Lee atentamente las instrucciones. Read the instructions carefully. Read the instructions carefully. ¡Admirad qué bueno y qué agradable es para los hermanos vivir juntos en unidad! Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Admire how good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity! ¿Por qué querrías eso? Why would you want that? Why would you want that? Yo lo aprendí de ti. I learned it from you. I learned it from you. No sé cómo él puede vivir en este quilombo. I don't know how he can live in this quilombo. I don't know how he can live in this quilombo. Que serà suu trin qui veng. He may be on the next train. I'll be the one to come. Nadie sabe lo que pasará mañana. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Fue idea de Tom, no mía. No me eches la culpa. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Don't blame me. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Es gratuito para los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea. It's free for European Union citizens. It is free for citizens of the European Union. ¡Retrocedan! Get back! Back off! Es un debate tan antiguo como el propio tiempo. It's a debate as old as time itself. It is a debate as old as time itself. No tienes por qué asustarte. No te hará daño. There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you. You don't have to be scared, it won't hurt. Tom es un gran tipo. Tom's a great bloke. Tom is a great guy. Tom decidió ir a Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Tom nos hizo responsables. Tom held us accountable. Tom held us accountable. Cuidado al cruzar la calle. Be careful crossing the street. Be careful when crossing the street. No cabe duda de que el universo es infinito. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Intenté mantener una relación amistosa con Tom, pero fue imposible. I tried to stay on friendly terms with Tom, but it was impossible. I tried to maintain a friendly relationship with Tom, but it was impossible. Mi padre ocupa bien su tiempo. My father makes good use of his time. My father takes up his time well. Si no tenés nada que decir, no digas nada. If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. Entre. Come on in. Come in. No tenemos más tiempo. We're out of time. We don't have any more time. Su error fue imaginarse que eran el centro. La humanidad no es el centro del universo. La Tierra no es el centro del universo. Their mistake was thinking of themselves as centrality. Humanity is not the centre of the universe. The Earth is not the centre of the universe. Their mistake was to imagine that they were the center. Humanity is not the center of the universe. The Earth is not the center of the universe. "¿Para qué tienes puesta ropa de manga larga si estamos en verano?" "Para protegerme de los zancudos." "Why are you wearing long-sleeved clothes if it's summer?" "To protect myself from mosquitoes." "What are you wearing long-sleeved clothes for when it's summer?" "To protect me from mosquitoes." De qué hascoc Jean ? What did Jean make? What hascoc Jean ? Te está mirando. He's looking at you. He's looking at you. No tome nada por vía oral a partir de medianoche. Take nothing by mouth after midnight. Do not take anything by mouth after midnight. «Ayer le dije a uno de mis alumnos que se equivocaba, ¡y le dio una pataleta!» «Hombre, también habría que ver cómo se lo dijiste.» «Ya sabes que tengo mucha mano izquierda.» «Sí, sí, seguro...» "I told one of my students yesterday that he was wrong, and he threw a fit!" "Well, maybe it was the way you told him." "You know I've got a knack for this kind of situation." "Uh-huh, sure..." “Yesterday I told one of my students that he was wrong, and he gave him a tantrum!” “Man, you should also see how you told him.” “You know I have a lot of left hand.” “Yes, yes, sure...” ¡Traé pizza y cerveza! Bring pizza and beer! Bring pizza and beer! Ayer te vi en la estación, ¿fuiste a despedirte de Marta? I saw you yesterday in the station, were you going to say goodbye to Marta? Yesterday I saw you at the station, did you go to say goodbye to Marta? Creo que deberíamos volver a intentarlo. I think that we should try again. I think we should try again. Todo el mundo comentó sobre su nuevo peinado. Everyone remarked on his new hairstyle. Everyone commented on her new hairstyle. ¿Qué idioma usás cuando hablás con tus padres? What language do you use when you talk with your parents? What language do you use when you talk to your parents? Quina hruta vòs ? What fruit do you want? What kind of cruise do you want? Hoy tuve mi primera clase con Tom. Today I had my first lesson with Tom. Today I had my first class with Tom. Carlos I de Inglaterra fue llevado a la guillotina. Charles the First of England was guillotined. Charles I of England was taken to the guillotine. Metge, guareix-te tu mateix! Physician, heal thyself. Doctor, heal yourself! Ellos no hablan al respecto. They don't talk about it. They don't talk about it. Hola. Hello! Oh, hi. Me dio una erección. I've got a boner. He gave me an erection. Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors. A lot of jobs are done by computers. Many jobs are done by computers. No quiero hacerme falsas ilusiones. I don't want to give myself false hopes. I don't want to be under any illusions. Los niños mueren a menudo en la bañera. Children often die in the bathtub. Children often die in the bathtub. Crec que no podem córrer eixe risc. I don't think we can take that risk. I don't think we can take that risk. Estoy en el primer año de universidad. I'm in the first year of university. I'm in my first year of college. Si somos evasivos y posponemos este asunto, el comité puede seguir ocultándose detrás de su inacción. If we prevaricate and postpone this issue, the committee can continue to hide behind its inaction. If we are evasive and postpone this matter, the committee can continue to hide behind its inaction. Tom no estaba contento con la situación. Tom wasn't happy about the situation. Tom wasn’t happy with the situation. Bueno, bueno. Well, well. All right, all right. Su reputación estaba en peligro. His reputation was at stake. His reputation was in danger. Él no lleva puesto un sombrero. He is not wearing a hat. He's not wearing a hat. Tomás está mirando Plaza Sésamo. Tom is watching Sesame Street. Tom is watching Sesame Street. ¿Lo dijiste en serio? Did you mean that for serious? Did you mean it? Puc ajudar? Can I help you? Can I help? La abuela fue al mercado a comprar comida para la familia. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. ¡Entiendo! I understand! I see! Sé que él sabe dibujar. I know that he can draw. I know he can draw. El hablaba inglés pero su mujer, no He spoke English, but his wife didn't. He spoke English, but his wife did not. El camí que duu a l'infern és ple de bones intencions. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is full of good intentions. Si tuviera más dinero me podría mudar a una casa más grande. If I had more money, I could move to a bigger house. If I had more money, I could move into a bigger house. ¿Está en lo cierto? Is he right? Are you right? ¿Quién es el que está sentado bajo aquel árbol? Who is that sitting under that tree? Who is sitting under that tree? Es un hecho de que quiere visitar a Egipto. It is fact that he wants to visit Egypt. It is a fact that he wants to visit Egypt. ¿Tiene un pasaje de vuelta a Japón? Do you have a return ticket to Japan? Do you have a return ticket to Japan? Alguien debe haberlo dejado ahí. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left it there. Tenemos una fiesta mañana por la noche. We have a party tomorrow evening. We have a party tomorrow night. Necesito comprobarte la temperatura. I need to check your temperature. I need to check your temperature. Te ves como si hubieras visto a un fantasma. You look as if you had seen a ghost. You look like you've seen a ghost. ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de evitar que tus hijos se vuelvan ateos? What's the best way to stop your children becoming atheists? What is the best way to prevent your children from becoming atheists? Tienen dos hijas. They have two daughters. They have two daughters. Observa. Watch. Watch. ¡¿Oye, qué te pasa?! Hey, what's wrong with you?! Hey, what's wrong with you?! La policía está interrogando a los testigos. The police are questioning witnesses. The police are questioning the witnesses. ¿Estás seguro que nadie te vio? Are you sure no one saw you? Are you sure no one saw you? Tom salió de la sala sin decirle una palabra a nadie. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom walked out of the room without saying a word to anyone. Yanni duda de sí mismo. Yanni doubts himself. Yanni doubts himself. Todos los que conozco saben hablar francés Everyone that I know can speak French. Everyone I know can speak French. Crec que no podem córrer aquest risc. I don't think we can take that risk. I don’t think we can take that risk. Yanni va a cambiar. Yanni is going to change. Yanni's gonna change. En aquest moment, ell i les seves germanes viuen a Tòquio. He and his sisters are currently living in Tokyo. At this time, he and his sisters live in Tokyo. ¿El agua estaba muy caliente? Was the water very hot? Was the water too hot? Él va allí cada día. He goes there every day. He goes there every day. Vení. Come here. Come. Echamos realmente de menos a nuestras esposas. We really miss our wives. We really miss our wives. Yanni no sabe conducir. Yanni doesn't know how to drive. Yanni can't drive. Que'èran majament hemnas. They were mostly women. They are beautiful hennas. Tom y María todavía no están acostumbrados a hacerlo. Tom and Mary aren't yet used to doing that. Tom and Maria aren't used to it yet. Visca Maduro Viva Maduro. Visca Maduro ¿Has tenido alguna vez este problema? Have you ever had this problem before? Have you ever had this problem? Són les dues. It's two o'clock. It's both. Si muero, quiero morir virgen. If I die, I want to die a virgin. If I die, I want to die a virgin. Todos sois unos sosos. You're all lame. You're all bland. Eres estudiante. You're a student. You're a student. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que visitaste Australia? When was the last time you visited Australia? When was the last time you visited Australia? Él come como un puerco. He eats like a pig. He eats like a pig. Sobrevivió. You survived. He survived. Las operaciones de cambio de sexo, ahora son deducibles. Sex change operations are now tax-deductible. Sex change operations are now deductible. Qu'am besonh de dinèrs. We need some money. I’ve had lunch. Todavía es muy temprano para levantarse. It's still too early to get up. It's still too early to get up. La Unión Europea está instando a los países miembros a cerrar su espacio aéreo y sus aeropuertos a todas las líneas aéreas bielorrusas después de que Bielorrusia forzara a un avión comercial a hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia el domingo en Minsk y de que arrestara a un bloguero opositor crítico con el autoritario presidente Aleksandr Lukashenko. The European Union is urging member nations to close their airspace and airports to all Belarusian airlines after Belarus forced a commercial jetliner to make an emergency landing Sunday in Minsk and arrested an opposition blogger critical of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko. The European Union is urging member countries to close their airspace and airports to all Belarusian airlines after Belarus forced a commercial plane to make an emergency landing on Sunday in Minsk and arrested an opposition blogger critical of authoritarian President Aleksandr Lukashenko. Los Morales están en la sala. The Morales are in the living room. The Morales are in the room. Al ver lo que pasaba, decidimos salir. Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. Seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. ¡Fue un accidente! It was an accident! It was an accident! Me pareció un niño brillante. I found him to be a bright boy. I thought he was a brilliant kid. ¿Perdiste? Did you lose? Lost? Él es puntual y discreto en sus deudas. He is punctual and discrete in his debts. He is punctual and discreet in his debts. Podría ser un problema serio. It could be a serious problem. It could be a serious problem. La línies blaves al mapa corresponen als rius. The blue lines on the map correspond to rivers. The blue lines on the map correspond to the rivers. ¿Podría dar más detalles? Could you elaborate? Could you elaborate? No se puede chiflar y comer pinole. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't go crazy and eat pinole. Tom perdió las gafas. Tom lost his spectacles. Tom lost his glasses. Hay problemas en esta cuenta de teléfono. There are errors in this phone bill. There are problems with this phone account. Nuestros ancestros no pensaban en nuestro destino. Our ancestors did not think about our fate. Our ancestors did not think of our destiny. ¿Es esta realmente una cita de Tom Jackson? Is this really a quote by Tom Jackson? Is this really a Tom Jackson quote? Mary tuvo un niño. Mary had a boy. Mary had a child. Eres joven; no puedes jubilarte. You're young; you can't retire. You're young; you can't retire. Como como como. I eat like I eat. Like like. Deja tu paraguas en el pasillo. Leave your umbrella in the hall. Leave your umbrella in the hallway. Mi perro tiene malas pulgas, siempre está ladrando a cualquiera que pasa por delante de él. My dog has bad fleas. He's always barking at anyone passing in front of him. My dog has bad fleas, he is always barking at anyone who passes him. No es una Cena de Acción de Gracias si no hay pavo. It's not a Thanksgiving dinner without turkey. It's not a Thanksgiving dinner if there's no turkey. "¿Por qué está riéndose tanto ese niño?" "¡Por algo raro que dijiste!" "Why is that kid laughing so hard?" "Because of something weird you said." "Why is that kid laughing so much?" "For something weird you said!" En los años 1990, Argelia estaba en crisis. In the 1990s, Algeria was in a crisis. In the 1990s, Algeria was in crisis. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es escribir aquí tu nombre y dirección. All you have to do is to write your name and address here. All you have to do is write your name and address here. La comprensió és fonamental. Understanding is essential. Understanding is fundamental. Fregad las ollas y las sartenes. Clean the pots and pans. Scrub the pots and pans. Te recompensaré. I'll reward you. I'll reward you. Le gusta la rutina y se preocupa por los cambios. He likes routine and worries about changes. He likes routine and cares about changes. Juega con los gatos. Play with the cats. Play with cats. Tom y Mary empezaron a pasar más tiempo en España que en Gran Bretaña. Tom and Mary began spending more time in Spain than in Britain. Tom and Mary began spending more time in Spain than in Britain. ¡Por favor cierren la ventana! Please close the window! Please close the window! Mi papá estaba por salir cuando sonó el teléfono. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My dad was about to leave when the phone rang. Incluso a la Muerte le gusta jugar al ajedrez, como vi el otro día en una película (El séptimo sello) de Ingmar Bergman. Even Death likes to play chess, as I saw the other day in a movie (The seventh seal) by Ingmar Bergman. Even Death likes to play chess, as I saw the other day in a film (The Seventh Seal) by Ingmar Bergman. Ens agraden les històries. We like stories. We like stories. No es inteligente. She's not smart. He's not smart. Soy hablante nativo del idioma pingüino. I am a native speaker of the penguin language. I am a native speaker of the penguin language. Passa'm la sau, te prègui. Please pass me the salt. Pass me the sau, I'll follow you. ¿Llevas mucho aprendiendo latín? Have you been learning Latin long? Have you been learning Latin? Puedes verlos riendo y bailando por la noche. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. You can see them laughing and dancing at night. Tu casa está en venta. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Tus nietos son una ricura. Your grandkids are so gorgeous. Your grandchildren are rich. L'ala de l'ocell estava trencada. The bird's wing was broken. The bird's wing was broken. Escriu la data tu medish. Write in the date yourself. Write the date your medish. Que tens fil i agulla? Have you got needle and thread? Do you have a thread and a needle? Quiero ir a Singapur. I want to go to Singapore. I want to go to Singapore. Me corté el dedo. I have cut my finger. I cut my finger. Aquera manta qu'ei cauda. This coat is warm. That blanket that fell. Podíamos oír a los lobos aullar en la distancia. We could hear wolves howling in the distance. We could hear the wolves howling in the distance. Tienes que buscar por todas partes para encontrar una cabina telefónica en esta zona. You have to look high and low to find a phone booth in this area. You have to search everywhere to find a phone booth in this area. Suzanne me lleva dos años de edad. Suzanne is two years older than me. Suzanne is two years old. Tom está volviendo a tomar antipsicóticos. Tom's going back on antipsychotics. Tom's on antipsychotics again. Tom está marcando un número. Tom is dialling a number. Tom's dialing a number. ¿Tenéis algo que ver con eso? Do you guys have something to do with that? Do you have anything to do with it? Calculé que costaría 300 dólares. I calculated that it would cost 300 dollars. I figured it would cost $300. Espero que Tom llegue aquí a tiempo. I hope Tom gets here on time. I hope Tom gets here in time. ¿Dónde está mi botella de agua? Where's my water bottle? Where's my water bottle? ¡Qué lástima! What a shame! That's too bad! Mamá, ¿cuál es mi mano derecha? Mom, which is my right hand? Mom, what's my right hand? Yo nunca viajo sin mi diario. Uno debería siempre tener algo sensacional para leer en el tren. I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. I never travel without my journal. One should always have something sensational to read on the train. Lloro cada vez que escucho esta canción. I cry whenever I listen to this song. I cry every time I hear this song. No pretendía molestar a nadie. I didn't mean to bother anyone. I didn't mean to bother anyone. Tom hizo parar a Mary. Tom made Mary stop. Tom had Mary stopped. Mañana levántate un poco más temprano. Get up a bit earlier tomorrow. Get up a little earlier tomorrow. ¿Eres un hablante nativo de francés? Are you a native French speaker? Are you a native French speaker? Hauríem comprat els bitllets d'avió si el preu fos un pèl més baix. We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower. We would have bought the plane tickets if the price was a lower hair. Tenia ambició. He was ambitious. I had ambition. Tom sabía que yo estaba avergonzado. Tom knew that I was embarrassed. Tom knew I was ashamed. ¿Has tenido últimamente algún dolor abdominal? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Have you had any abdominal pain lately? Tom nunca pensó que Mary sería capaz de graduarse en la universidad. Tom never thought Mary would ever actually graduate from college. Tom never thought Mary would be able to graduate from college. Le da por exagerar cada vez que tiene una nueva idea. He's given to going overboard every time he gets a new idea. He exaggerates every time he has a new idea. Los hombres no deben usar ropas blancas y negras porque se dice que traen mala suerte. Men must not dress in black and white clothes because it is said that this brings bad luck. Men should not wear black and white clothes because they are said to bring bad luck. Espero de veras que nadie nos viera hacerlo. I really hope no one saw us doing that. I really hope no one saw us do it. ¿Podrías preguntarle a ese chico en dónde está la librería? Could you ask that guy where the library is? Could you ask that kid where the bookstore is? ¿Cómo vas a solucionar este problema? How are you going to solve this problem? How are you going to solve this problem? Has ganado peso. You have gained weight. You've gained weight. Todas las personas deberían descubrir por sí mismas la alegría de compartir. Everyone should discover for themselves the happiness of sharing. All people should discover for themselves the joy of sharing. El francés es rico en sinónimos. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in synonyms. Yo leí la carta primero. I was the first to read the letter. I read the letter first. Es más viejo que YouTube. It's older than YouTube. It’s older than YouTube. Él compró la tierra con la intención de levantar su casa en ella. He bought the land for the purpose of building his house on it. He bought the land with the intention of raising his house on it. ¡Hazte con todos! Gotta catch 'em all! Get them all! Nadie se esperaba esto de Tom. Nobody expected this from Tom. No one expected this from Tom. Ei la toa sòr ? Is she your sister? Is that all there is to it? Podes tostemps utilizar lo men diccionari. You may always use my dictionary. You can use the dictionary. La caja está completamente sucia. The box is all dirty. The box is completely dirty. Tom no lo hizo por alguna razón en particular. Tom did it for no particular reason. Tom didn't do it for some particular reason. Quizá deberíamos pedir indicaciones. Maybe we should ask for directions. Maybe we should ask for directions. ¿Puede existir una ilusión? Can an illusion exist? Can there be an illusion? No tengo ni idea de cuántos primos tiene Tom. I have no idea how many cousins Tom has. I have no idea how many cousins Tom has. Hay una mujer en la puerta que quiere verte. There's a woman at the door who wants to see you. There's a woman at the door who wants to see you. Te diré lo que puedo hacer. I'll tell you what I can do. I'll tell you what I can do. ¡Escúpelo ahora, que te lo vas a tragar! Spit it out now. You're going to swallow it. Spit it out now, you're gonna swallow it! En un juego de ajedrez, cuando se repite la misma posición tres veces, el partido termina sin un ganador. Por lo tanto, el resultado se queda en tablas. In a game of chess, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. The result is therefore a tie. In a game of chess, when the same position is repeated three times, the match ends without a winner. Therefore, the result remains in tables. Tu perro siempre me ladra a mí. Your dog always barks at me. Your dog always barks at me. Canto casi todos los días. I sing almost every day. I sing almost every day. No parecía haber nada fuera de lo normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. ¿Cuántos kanji hay? How many kanji are there? How many kanji are there? Por favor, hágalo. Please do that. Please, do it. El amor siempre gana al final. Love always wins in the end. Love always wins in the end. Fue una gran decepción que Hingis fuera eliminado en el primer asalto. It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round. It was a huge disappointment that Hingis was eliminated in the first round. Él me tomó por mi hermano gemelo. He took me for my twin brother. He took me for my twin brother. ¿Estás seguro de que sabes a dónde vamos? Are you sure you know where we're going? Are you sure you know where we're going? Me gusta tu lengua. I like your language. I like your tongue. Los argelinos quieren mejorar su estándar de vida. Algerians want to improve their standard of living. Algerians want to improve their standard of living. ¿Esto se ve bien? Does this look good? Does this look good? No existe un camino hacia el amor. El amor es el camino. There is no path to love. Love is the path. There is no path to love. Love is the path. Tom puede comer casi cualquier cosa menos maní. Tom can eat just about anything but peanuts. Tom can eat almost anything but peanuts. Sé un poco de francés. I know a little French. I know a little French. És aquest un ós? Is that a bear? Is this a bear? Pots estudiar, l'edat no compta. You can study, no matter your age. You can study, age doesn’t count. ¡Pero te quiero! But I love you! But I love you! Zugzwang es una situación en la que la obligación de hacer un movimiento a su vez es una desventaja grave, a menudo decisiva. Zugzwang is a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage. Zugzwang is a situation in which the obligation to make a move in turn is a serious, often decisive disadvantage. Tamara parecía un alma en pena porque andaba siempre sola, cabizbaja, melancólica. Tamara seemed like a soul in despair since she was always lonely, downcast, and melancholic. Tamara looked like a soul in grief because she was always alone, headstrong, melancholy. ¿Hablasteis sobre mi libro? Did you talk about my book? Did you talk about my book? ¿Tú hablas filipino? Do you speak Filipino? Do you speak Filipino? Si se te mojan los pies, te dará un catarro. If your feet get wet, you'll get a cold. If your feet get wet, he'll give you a cold. Lo nadaire que lhevè lo cap e cerquè aire. The swimmer raised his head and gasped for breath. The man who swims his head and looks for air. Puedes llevar puesto este reloj cuando nadas. You can wear this watch when you're swimming. You can wear this watch when you swim. Yanni disfruta de esos momentos profundamente personales. Yanni enjoys those deeply personal moments. Yanni enjoys those deeply personal moments. No se lo digas a mi novia. Don't tell my girlfriend. Don't tell my girlfriend. Tom quería que me quedara con él. Tom wanted me to stay with him. Tom wanted me to stay with him. Aqueth líber qu'ei navèth. This book is new. This is the ship. Quins idiomes es parlen a Amèrica? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Ahora mismo estoy un poco ocupada. I'm a little busy now. I'm a little busy right now. ¿Hay algún caso en su familia cercana de diabetes? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Is there a case in your family of diabetes? Él se ha hecho rico. He became rich. He's gotten rich. Él hizo una gran fortuna durante su vida. He made a great fortune in his lifetime. He made a great fortune during his lifetime. Este bolso no va con esos zapatos. This bag doesn't go with those shoes. This bag doesn't go with those shoes. Fins l'any 1986 va ser legal el càstig dels nens a les escoles d'Anglaterra, amb corretges, vares i garrots. Until 1986, in the schools of England, it was legal to punish children with belts, sticks, and clubs. Until 1986 it was legal to punish children in schools in England, with leashes, rods and clubs. Estoy aprendiendo inglés y francés, en el futuro me gustaría ser azafata de vuelo. I'm learning English and French. I'd like to be a flight attendant in the future. I am learning English and French, in the future I would like to be a flight attendant. No me'n recorde d'on ho vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it from. Mary bebe leche. Mary drinks milk. Mary drinks milk. No ha habido agua caliente durante un mes entero. There was no hot water for an entire month. There has been no hot water for an entire month. Dicen que si perteneces a la clase obrera deberías votar a un partido de izquierdas, pero, ¿qué pasa si todos los partidos de izquierdas están tan corrompidos que hace mucho que dejaron de representar al ciudadano de a pie? They say that if you're working-class that you should vote left-wing. But what happens when every left-wing party is so corrupt that they stopped representing the average citizen a long time ago? They say that if you belong to the working class you should vote for a left party, but what if all left parties are so corrupt that they have long ceased to represent the ordinary citizen? No soy tan terco como dices, y no puedes hacerme cambiar de opinión. I'm not as stubborn as you say I am, and you can't change my mind. I'm not as stubborn as you say, and you can't make me change my mind. ¿Dónde está el vodka? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? Aquera flor qu'auloreja. This flower smells nice. That flower that smells. Sabó, sisplau. Soap, please. Sabó, please. No me gusta jugar con él. Siempre hacemos las mismas cosas. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like to play with him, we always do the same things. Un huevo es una célula. An egg is a cell. An egg is a cell. El cabilio es nuestra lengua materna. Kabyle is our mother tongue. Kabyle is our mother tongue. No tengo la intención de volar más. I don't intend to fly anymore. I don't intend to fly anymore. ¿Hay alguna cosa que te empeore el dolor? Is there anything that makes your pain feel worse? Is there anything that makes your pain worse? ¡Agarrá un hoja y escribí! Take a paper and write! Grab a sheet and write! Me gustaba este diario cuando era independiente. I liked this newspaper when it was independent. I liked this journal when I was independent. ¿Cómo puedes saber si alguien te ama? How can you know if somebody loves you? How can you tell if someone loves you? Ayer fue abrasador. Yesterday was scorching hot. Yesterday was scorching. ¡Sea feliz y sonría! Be happy and smile! Be happy and smile! Nunca diría algo así. I'd never say something like that. I'd never say anything like that. Vayamos al lago junto al bosque la próxima semana. Let's go to the lake near the forest next week. Let's go to the lake by the forest next week. Te diré lo que quiero. I'll tell you what I want. I'll tell you what I want. ¿Te encontraste con ella? Did you meet her? Did you meet her? Cuando mi padre se marchó de la habitación, ¡mi hermana me hizo un gesto grosero levantando el dedo medio! When my dad left the room, my little sister gave me the finger! When my father left the room, my sister made a rude gesture at me raising her middle finger! ¿Le coserías un botón a mi camisa? Would you sew a button on my shirt? Would you sew a button on my shirt? A nuestros niños les gustan los perros, pero yo prefiero los gatos. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids like dogs, but I prefer cats. Que l'am cercada. We looked for her. I'm looking for him. Él envidiaba mi éxito. He envied my success. He envied my success. Te gustan las pelotas. You like balls. You like balls. Sugiero que atravesemos el río nadando. I suggest we swim across the river. I suggest we swim across the river. Es cristiana. She is a Christian. She's a Christian. La gente podría pensar que sos un estúpido si hacés eso. People might think you're stupid if you do that. People might think you're stupid if you do that. ¿Ustedes tienen una tienda de regalos aquí? Do you have a gift shop here? Do you have a gift shop here? ¿Cómo pasaste tus vacaciones? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your vacation? Beethoven fue un gran músico. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. Cuando ella vio que la niña pequeña se estaba ahogando, saltó inmediatamente al agua para salvarla. When she saw that the little girl was drowning, she jumped in the water immediately to save her. When she saw that the little girl was drowning, she immediately jumped into the water to save her. ¿Preferirías que te explorara un enfermero? Would you prefer to be examined by a male nurse? Would you rather have a nurse explore you? Creo que el libro es interesante. I think the book is interesting. I think the book is interesting. ¿Os preocupáis por el medioambiente? Do you care about the environment? Do you care about the environment? Sus estornudos interrumpieron la conversación. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes. His sneezing interrupted the conversation. "Mira, un autoestopista. Tal vez deberíamos detenernos." "¿Estás loco? ¡Sigue conduciendo!" "Look, a hitchhiker. Maybe we should pull over." "Are you crazy? Keep driving!" "Look, a hitchhiker. Maybe we should stop." "Are you crazy? Keep driving!" Yanni es un perdedor. Yanni is a loser. Yanni is a loser. Tom piensa que entiende a las mujeres. Tom thinks he understands women. Tom thinks he understands women. Me da miedo tomarlo. I'm afraid to drink it. I'm afraid to take it. Simplement no sabem perquè. We just don't know why. We just don't know why. El sol lo ilumina todo con su luz. The sun illuminates everything with its light. The sun illuminates everything with its light. María le pidió al hada que Tom se convirtiera en una ardilla. Mary asked the fairy to turn Tom into a squirrel. Maria asked the fairy to turn Tom into a squirrel. ¿Lavaste los trastes? Did you wash the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Pero no puede danzar. But he can’t dance. But he can't dance. Tom tiene más corazón que cabeza. Tom has more heart than brains. Tom has more heart than head. Aquesta és la seva opinió. This is his opinion. That's his opinion. Espero que me puedas ayudar. I'm hoping you can help me. I hope you can help me. Serà lèu shèis oras. It's almost six. It's going to be Shia. El buzón de Tomás está lleno de postales. Tom's mailbox is full of postcards. Tom's mailbox is full of postcards. ¿Qué hace Tom en su tiempo libre? What does Tom do in his free time? What does Tom do in his free time? En el siglo XX, el ajedrez permitió a los informáticos crear máquinas inteligentes. In the twentieth century, chess enabled computer scientists to create intelligent machines. In the 20th century, chess allowed computer scientists to create intelligent machines. Siento haberte llamado fuera de tu complicada agenda. I am sorry to have called you out of your busy schedule. I'm sorry I called you out of your messy schedule. Erica se fue sin decir adiós. Erica went without saying goodbye. Erica left without saying goodbye. Él tiene suerte de que nadie le viera hacerlo. He's lucky nobody saw him do that. He's lucky no one saw him do it. Soy un hombre de acción. I'm a man of action. I'm a man of action. Parecía como si el agua hubiese penetrado en los cables de algún modo y estuvieran estropeados. It sounded like water had got onto the cables somehow, and they were breaking. It seemed as if the water had somehow penetrated the wires and they were damaged. Cada vez que leo este libro descubro algo nuevo. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I discover something new. Véalo usted mismo. See for yourself. See for yourself. Siempre estoy cansada. I'm always tired. I'm always tired. He comprat la novel·la en la qual es basa la pel·licula. I bought the novel on which the film is based. I bought the novel that the movie is based on. Tenemos que animar a la gente a unirse a la campaña y a trabajar con nosotros. We have to encourage people to join the campaign and work with us. We need to encourage people to join the campaign and work with us. Las plumas de las palomas son blancas. The pigeons' feathers are white. The feathers of pigeons are white. Ella corrió a través de la granja solar. She ran through the solar field. She ran through the solar farm. Cuando el caballero entró en el cubil del dragón se quedó maravillado por todos los tesoros que allí había, aunque por suerte el dragón no estaba. When the knight went into the dragon's den, he was amazed at all the treasures in there, although luckily the dragon wasn't there. When the knight entered the den of the dragon he was amazed by all the treasures there, although luckily the dragon was not there. Hoy no estoy más atareado que de costumbre. I'm not any busier today than usual. I'm not more busy today than usual. Nomás quiero divertirme hoy. I just want to have fun today. I just want to have fun today. ¿Cómo se llama este animal en japonés? What is this animal called in Japanese? What is the name of this animal in Japanese? El cotxe és molt ràpid. The car is very fast. The car is very fast. Ella té el cabell llarg. She has long hair. She has long hair. Llama al imán y dile que rece por mí. Call the imam and ask him to pray for me. Call the magnet and tell him to pray for me. Es lo más lindo que me han dicho. That's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me. That's the nicest thing I've ever been told. De qué hascós ? What did you make? What did you do? Tom, ¿tú me quieres? Tom, do you love me? Tom, do you love me? ¡¡No quiero ser patético, quiero ser guay!! I don't wanna be pathetic, I wanna be cool!! I don't want to be pathetic, I want to be cool!! ¿Quieres que tu permanente se vea natural? Do you want your permanent to look natural? Do you want your perm to look natural? M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Casi no hay amueblado. There is almost no furniture. There is almost no furnished. Eres más tonto que Abundio, que vendió su coche para comprar gasolina. You're more stupid than Abundio, who sold his car to buy gas. You're dumber than Abundio, who sold his car to buy gas. ¿Te han diagnosticado alguna vez de diabetes? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes? "¿Hay un libro en el escritorio?" "No, no hay." "Is there a book in the desk?" "No, there isn't." "Is there a book on the desk?" "No, there isn't." ¿Quieres jugar al baloncesto con nosotros? Would you like to play basketball with us? Do you want to play basketball with us? Necesito algo con que escribir. I need something to write with. I need something to write with. En Tom quasi no té experiència en les dones. Tom has almost no experience of women. Tom has almost no experience with women. Però la persona encarregada està precisament per fer-se responsable. But the person in charge is there precisely to take responsibility. But the person in charge is precisely to take responsibility. Puede echar el vino en el vaso. You can pour the wine into the glass. You can pour the wine into the glass. Ella me despidió. She fired me. She fired me. Ella dio a luz a su primer hijo a los veinte años. She gave birth to her first child at twenty years old. She gave birth to her first child at the age of twenty. Ella le identificó como el asesino. She identified him as the murderer. She identified him as the killer. Tom no es tan joven como parece. Tom isn't as young as he looks. Tom's not as young as he looks. Todo está yendo muy rápido. Everything is going too fast. Everything's going so fast. Eres mejor que él. You're better than him. You're better than him. Tom convenció a Mary de unirse a nuestra banda. Tom talked Mary into joining our band. Tom convinced Mary to join our band. Tom quiere estar cerca de ti. Tom wants to be near you. Tom wants to be near you. ¿Eres la esposa de Tom? Are you Tom's wife? Are you Tom's wife? No eres tan joven como yo. You're not as young as I am. You're not as young as I am. Epstein no se mató. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein didn't kill himself. Yo fui directamente a donde él. I went to his place straight away. I went straight to him. Los primeros ajedrecistas que aprendí a admirar fueron Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer y Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer, and Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer and Mecking. No, yo no haré eso. No, I won't do that. No, I won't do that. ¿Adónde quieres ir? Where would you like to go? Where do you want to go? Mary le aconsejó a Tom ahorrar un poco de dinero cada mes. Mary advised Tom to save a little money each month. Mary advised Tom to save a little money each month. ¿Qué diablos estás haciendo? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Es imposible hacer una generalización con datos obtenidos tan precariamente. It's impossible to make a generalization with such poorly obtained data. It is impossible to generalize with data so precariously obtained. Creo que se te cayó algo. I think you dropped something. I think you dropped something. Cuando como coliflor o bebo leche, me tiro un pedo. When I eat cauliflower or drink milk, I fart. When I eat cauliflower or drink milk, I fart. Alguien más se beneficia de la situación. Someone else profits from the situation. Someone else is benefiting from the situation. ¿Cómo estás de salud? How's your health? How are you in health? El gato se resbaló sobre la cáscara de durazno. The cat slipped on the peach peel. The cat slipped on the peach peel. Ya no necesitaré eso. I won't need that anymore. I won't need that anymore. ¿Recuerdas la primera vez que vine aquí? Do you remember the first time I came here? Do you remember the first time I came here? El libro me pareció muy interesante. I found the book very interesting. I found the book very interesting. El aguacate es una fruta. Avocado is a fruit. Avocado is a fruit. Un buen profesor debe ser paciente con sus pupilos. A good teacher must be patient with his pupils. A good teacher must be patient with his pupils. Lo necesito antes de mañana. I need it by tomorrow. I need it before tomorrow. Por favor, ven pronto. Please come over soon. Please come soon. Yo los maté a ambos. I killed them both. I killed them both. Lo can qu'ei intelligent. The dog is smart. You can be smart. Yanni fue al cuarto de baño reservado a empleados. Yanni went to the employees-only bathroom. Yanni went to the bathroom reserved for employees. Tom se hizo famoso en TikTok. Tom got famous on TikTok. Tom became famous on TikTok. Reescribí mi informe. I rewrote my report. I rewrote my report. No me están oyendo. They're not listening to me. They're not hearing me. No te puedo prometer nada. I can't make you any promises. I can't promise you anything. ¿Te molesta que las personas de tu entorno se quejen de sus problemas? Do you get annoyed when the people close to you complain about their problems? Does it bother you that people around you complain about their problems? Saps on ha anat ella? Do you know where she's gone? Do you know where she went? Sólo le vi una vez. I only saw him once. I only saw him once. No necesito nada. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Ella l'obliga a fer els deures abans de sopar. She makes him do his homework before dinner. She forces him to do his homework before dinner. ¿En cambio, por qué no vamos a Boston? Why don't we go to Boston instead? Why don't we go to Boston instead? Este es tu certificado de matrimonio. This is your marriage certificate. This is your marriage certificate. ¿Estoy hablando demasiado rápido? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Me gustaría saber de qué estaban hablando Tom y Mary en el aparcamiento ahora mismo. I'd love to know what Tom and Mary were talking about in the car park just now. I'd like to know what Tom and Mary were talking about in the parking lot right now. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que le ofreciste flores a tu esposa? When was the last time you offered flowers to your wife? When was the last time you offered flowers to your wife? Tengo un perro negro y uno blanco. I have a black dog and a white dog. I have a black dog and a white one. No está permitido entrar perros a este edificio. You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building. Dogs are not allowed in this building. No tengo ganas de hacer la cama. I don't feel like making my bed. I don't feel like making the bed. Que viu confortablament. He lives in comfort. He lives in complacency. No quiero hacerlo sin las herramientas adecuadas. I don't want to do that without the proper tools. I don’t want to do it without the right tools. Mi animal espiritual es un conejo. ¿Cuál es el tuyo? My spirit animal is a rabbit. What's yours? My spirit animal is a rabbit. What's yours? El enfermero me vacunó. The nurse vaccinated me. The nurse vaccinated me. Haz bien a los que te odian. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Esta tarde doné sangre. I donated blood this afternoon. I donated blood this afternoon. Ha fugit un bou en pantalons curts acusat de furt. A bull with short trousers has escaped accused of stealing. He has escaped an ox in shorts accused of theft. Por lo que sé, Tom es fiable. As far as I know, Tom is reliable. As far as I know, Tom is reliable. El plan comienza inmunizando primero a aquellas personas que son más vulnerables a enfermedades graves y a la muerte, incluidos los residentes de centros de cuidados a largo plazo y las personas que cuidan de ellos, las comunidades indígenas remotas y en riesgo, y las personas de la tercera edad. The plan starts by first immunizing those who are most vulnerable to severe illness and death, including long-term-care residents and the health care workers who care for them, remote and at-risk Indigenous communities, and seniors. The plan begins by first immunizing those who are most vulnerable to serious illness and death, including long-term care residents and caregivers, remote and at-risk indigenous communities, and seniors. ¡Ya voy, ya voy! Dejen de aporrear la puerta, que ya les he oído... Al final me van a echar la puerta abajo y van a tener que pagarme una nueva. I'm coming, I'm coming! Stop pounding the door, I heard you already. You're going to end up knocking it down and then you'll have to buy me a new one. I'm coming, I'm coming! Stop banging on the door, I've heard you... In the end they're going to throw the door down and they're going to have to pay me a new one. L'envejo. I envy him. I envy him. Dios siempre está con el batallón más fuerte. God is always with the strongest batallion. God is always with the strongest battalion. ¿Tienes predisposición a la obesidad? Are you predisposed to obesity? Do you have a predisposition to obesity? Les línies blaves al mapa designen rius. Blue lines on the map designate rivers. Blue lines on the map designate rivers. Gracias por el consejo. Lo probaré. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice, I'll try it. Hoy no quiero ir a la escuela. I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to go to school today. La anciana está ocupada en el jardín. The elderly lady is busy in the garden. The old lady is busy in the garden. Tom fingió no entender lo que Mary quería que hiciera. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary wanted him to do. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary wanted him to do. Primero, rellenamos la pechuga de pollo con jamón y queso. First, we stuff ham and cheese into the chicken breast. First, we fill the chicken breast with ham and cheese. No puedo explicarlo mejor. Ojalá pudiera. I can't explain it any better than that. I wish I could. I can't explain it any better. El helicóptero está suspendido en el aire. The helicopter is at a hover. The helicopter is suspended in the air. Le pedía a ella que, por favor, parara. I asked her to please stop. I asked her to please stop. Bebe esto. Puede que te haga sentir mejor. Drink this. It might make you feel better. Drink this, it might make you feel better. Trabajas muy duro estos días. ¿No estás cansado? You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? You work really hard these days. Aren't you tired? La suerte está echada. The game is over. The lot's up. ¿Creo que esa era nuestra parada? I think that was our stop. I think that was our stop? Passejo cada dia menys quan plou. I go for a walk every day, except when it rains. I walk less every day when it rains. El valiente caballero salvó a la bella princesa del malvado dragón. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. Traduce este libro al inglés. Translate this book into English. Translate this book into English. ¿Eso no te asusta? That doesn't scare you? Doesn't that scare you? On ei l'estanc de bus ? Where's the bus stop? Where is the bus? Pasó. It happened. It's over. Yanni respeta los límites de Skura. Yanni respects Skura's boundaries. Yanni respects the limits of Skura. Qu'ei un can. This is a dog. He's a dog. No me líes. Don't confuse me. Don't mess with me. ¿Dónde compraste una cámara profesional? Where did you buy a professional camera? Where did you buy a professional camera? Es bueno volver a verte después de tantos años. It's nice to see you again after so many years. It's good to see you again after so many years. Tom comenzó a escavar. Tom began to dig. Tom started digging. Yo también compré uno. I bought one, too. I bought one too. Estamos celebrando nuestro aniversario. We're celebrating our anniversary. We're celebrating our anniversary. Tu frente está caliente. Your forehead is hot. Your forehead is hot. Solía volar ida y vuelta entre Los Ángeles y Ciudad de México. I used to fly back and forth between L.A. and Mexico City. It used to fly back and forth between Los Angeles and Mexico City. Quiero dormir un montón. I want to sleep a bunch. I want to sleep a lot. Alex parecía aprender sustantivos tales como "papel", "llave" y "corcho", y colores tales como "rojo", "verde" y "amarillo". Alex seemed to learn nouns such as "paper," "key" and "cork," and color names such as "red," "green" and "yellow." Alex seemed to learn nouns such as "paper", "key" and "cork", and colors such as "red", "green" and "yellow". Hemos considerado tu propuesta, y hemos decidido que no podemos reducir el precio. We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we are not able to reduce the price. We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we cannot reduce the price. Lo siento mucho, pero no nos conocemos. I'm very sorry, but we don't know each other. I'm so sorry, but we don't know each other. Él no conoce a ninguno de sus dos hermanos. He knows neither of his two brothers. He doesn’t know either of his two brothers. Abrid la ventana porfavor, me cuesta respirar. Please open the window. It's hard for me to breathe. Open the window, please, it's hard for me to breathe. Ell va ser un pioner en el seu camp d'estudi. He was a pioneer in this field. He was a pioneer in his field of study. Nadie habla así en Alemania. Nobody speaks like this in Germany. Nobody talks like that in Germany. Tengo ardor de estómago. I have heartburn. I have a burning stomach. Yanni se puso muy específico. Yanni got very specific. Yanni became very specific. Aqueth líber qu'ei lo ton. This book is yours. That's what's going on with you. La historia me conmovió hasta las lágrimas. I was moved to tears by the story. The story moved me to tears. Él se bajó del autobús. He got off the bus. He got off the bus. Ahora es mi turno para hablar. It's now my turn to speak. Now it's my turn to talk. La combinación es una maniobra táctica, generalmente en una secuencia de dos o más movimientos, que un jugador realiza sacrificando material, a menudo de manera espectacular, para dar jaque mate al rey del oponente o ponerlo en una situación de desventaja irreparable. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs sacrificing material, often in a spectacular way, in order to checkmate the opponent's king or put him in an irreparably disadvantageous situation. Combination is a tactical maneuver, usually in a sequence of two or more moves, that a player performs by sacrificing material, often spectacularly, to checkmate the opponent's king or put him at an irreparable disadvantage. Somos charlatanes. We're all charlatans. We're charlatans. ¿Puedo ir? May I go? Can I go? Que s'arroncèc dens l'ostau. He broke into a house. I'm going to throw it in the oven. Por desgracia, no creo que yo fuera de mucha ayuda. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be of much help. Unfortunately, I don't think I was much help. No es propio de Tom tener rencor. It's not like Tom to hold a grudge. It's not like Tom has a grudge. Tom lavó la ropa de Mary. Tom washed Mary's clothes. Tom washed Mary's clothes. Él se enteró del rapto por ella. He heard about the kidnapping from her. He learned of the abduction from her. Tiene derecho a consultar un abogado. You have the right to consult a lawyer. You have the right to consult an attorney. ¿Merece la pena pasar el tiempo intentando ayudar a personas que no quieren que les ayude? Is it worth spending time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Is it worth it to spend time trying to help people who don’t want you to help them? Cuando los de izquierda perdieron las elecciones, hablaron de votantes ignorantes; cuando las perdieron los de derechas, hablaron de pucherazo. Ninguno quiso hacer autocrítica. When the left-wingers lost an election, they chalked it up to ignorant voters. When the right-wingers lost, they insisted on election fraud. Neither one of them wanted to look within. When the leftists lost the elections, they spoke of ignorant voters; when the rightists lost them, they spoke of pucherazo. Habéis cambiado mucho desde la última vez que hablamos. You've changed a lot since we last spoke. You've changed a lot since we last spoke. Quiero que conozcas a alguien. I want you to meet someone. I want you to meet someone. Las tropas fueron aniquiladas. The troops were annihilated. The troops were annihilated. Este personaje representa la voluntad de aprender. This character represents the will to learn. This character represents the will to learn. Este camino le llevará al parque. This road will lead you to the park. This road will take you to the park. El arma de la mujer es su lengua. A woman's weapon is her tongue. A woman’s weapon is her tongue. Nunca pensé que estaría de acuerdo contigo. I never thought I would agree with you. I never thought I'd agree with you. ¿Cuántas traducciones puede conseguir esta frase? How many translations can this sentence get? How many translations can this phrase get? Creo en mi marido. I believe in my husband. I believe in my husband. Ets un criminal. You are a criminal. You're a criminal. Volètz dançar ? Would you like to dance? Want to dance? Ya ha comido. He has already eaten. He's already eaten. Tenemos nuestras sospechas. We had our suspicions. We have our suspicions. Cuando el individuo anuncia "Vaya vaya Tacubaya, si no conoce mejor ni vaya", lo que en realidad quiere comunicar es la ausencia del paternalismo gubernamental, y en ciertas zonas de la capital, conmina no asistir estos lugares que se desconocen, donde uno no conoce la geotopografía. When one announces "My my Tacubaya, if you don't know there don't go there", what this person actually refers to is the absence of governmental paternalism, and in certain areas of the capital, compels others to not attend those places they are unfamiliar with, where they are unaware of the terrain. When the individual announces "Go Tacubaya, if you don't know better or go," what he really wants to communicate is the absence of government paternalism, and in certain areas of the capital, he is not allowed to attend these unknown places, where one does not know geotopography. Yanni vio a alguien fuera. Yanni saw someone outside. Yanni saw someone outside. Sería triste si fuera cierto. It would be sad if that were true. It would be sad if it were true. ¿Es esta su primera visita a Japón? Is this your first visit to Japan? Is this your first visit to Japan? Seràn pas jamei d'acòrd. They will never agree. They will not be jame of accomodation. Hace dos días. It's been two days. Two days ago. A Yanni nunca le gustó ese trabajo. Yanni never liked that job. Yanni never liked that job. Tres de las habitaciones dan a la calle. Three of the rooms face the street. Three of the rooms face the street. Creo que es verdad lo que ustedes están diciendo. I think what you're saying is true. I think it's true what you're saying. Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança. As long as there's life, there is hope. While there is life, there is hope. Tom es un fanático. Tom is a zealot. Tom is a fanatic. ¿Crees que tiene sentido hacer un cuaderno de vocabulario? Do you think making a vocab textbook makes sense? Do you think it makes sense to make a vocabulary notebook? No le añado azúcar al café. I don't add sugar to my coffee. I don't add sugar to coffee. Papá volvió a casa. Father came home. Dad came home. El niño está bebiendo leche. The boy is drinking milk. The child is drinking milk. Preneu aquest medicament abans de cada àpat. Take this medicine before each meal. Take this medicine before each meal. Ací està la teua bossa. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Tom nos tiró cosas. Tom threw things at us. Tom threw things at us. Ellos quieren ser ciudadanos. They want to become citizens. They want to be citizens. Li cridaré més tard. I'll call him later. I'll call you later. Empezaron a ponerse nerviosas. They started to get nervous. They started to get nervous. ¡Me sacas de mis casillas! You drive me nuts! You're pulling me out of my boxes! El niño es amable. The boy is kind. The child is kind. Estamos empezando a cuestionar lo que pensábamos que sabíamos. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. We are beginning to question what we thought we knew. Salí de la cueva andando. I walked out of the cave. I walked out of the cave. Estuve levantado hasta las 3 a.m. esperándote. I sat up until three a.m. waiting for you! I was up until 3 a.m. waiting for you. Esperamos que eso ocurra. We hope that that happens. We hope that happens. Aún me debes treinta dólares. You still owe me thirty dollars. You still owe me thirty bucks. Él tuvo mucho que ver con ese proyecto. He had much to do with the project. He had a lot to do with that project. Òu, que't prègui, deisha aqueth rambalh ! Oh, please, stop that noise! Let's see, that's a great ride! ¿Por qué eres como eres? Why are you the way you are? Why are you the way you are? Que va fer ella amb tots els diners? What did she do with all the money? What did she do with all the money? Tom vino hacia mí con un cuchillo en la mano. Tom came at me with a knife in his hand. Tom came to me with a knife in his hand. ¿Puede abrir esto? Can you open this? Can you open this? El nombre de usuario de Tom es "Tomtoeba13". Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". No, nunca hemos comido sopa de tiburón. No, we've never eaten shark soup. No, we've never had shark soup. Necesitamos ordenar nuestra casa. We need to declutter our house. We need to clean our house. Tomás no quería que sus padres se enteraran. Tom didn't want his parents to find out. Tom didn’t want his parents to know. Las mujeres ideales son las ajedrecistas: pueden pasar horas en silencio, seguir bien las maniobras y conocer muchas posiciones interesantes. Chess players are ideal women: they can spend hours in silence, follow the maneuvers well and get to know many interesting positions. Ideal women are chess players: they can spend hours in silence, follow maneuvers well and know many interesting positions. Fue una boda bonita. It was a nice wedding. It was a nice wedding. Allà no em conèixen. They don't know me there. They don't know me there. Ella faltó a las actividades del club. She was absent from the club activities. She missed the club's activities. Tendré que cambiar mis planes. I'll have to change my plans. I'll have to change my plans. Dios te ama y tiene un maravilloso plan para tu vida. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Eso le dio esperanzas a mucha gente. It gave a lot of people hope. That gave hope to a lot of people. La vista era sobrecogedora. The scenery was breathtaking. The view was breathtaking. Se rio cuando se lo conté. She laughed when I told her. He laughed when I told him. "¿Te gusta viajar?" "Sí." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." Deixin-me prémer el botó. Let me push the button. Let me press the button. El terrorisme és un dels enemics més grans de la pau mundial. Terrorism is one of the biggest enemies of world peace. Terrorism is one of the greatest enemies of world peace. Conversé con mi familia. I spoke with my family. I talked to my family. ¿Te acuerdas de su nombre? Can you recollect his name? Do you remember his name? Tiene miedo de él. He's afraid of him. He's afraid of him. Esta es una de las mezquitas más bonitas de Argelia. This is one of the most beautiful mosques in Algeria. This is one of the most beautiful mosques in Algeria. No m'agrada que digues paraulotes. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you saying paraulotes. Tiene toques de modernidad pero está bastante arraigado en la tradición. It has hints of modernity but is well-rooted in tradition. It has touches of modernity but is quite rooted in tradition. Ella estaba lista para ayudarlo a lavar el auto. She was ready to help him with washing the car. She was ready to help him wash the car. Tiene sobrepeso. He is overweight. He's overweight. Estoy contento de que me recordases sobre la reunión. I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. Quien venga me verá. Whoever comes will see me. Whoever comes will see me. Sus poemas son difíciles de entender. His poems are difficult to understand. His poems are hard to understand. Tom se alistó en la Fuerza Espacial. Tom enlisted in the Space Force. Tom enlisted in the Space Force. Se aprende mucho al tratar de resolver problemas de ajedrez; por ejemplo, cómo en una posición determinada las blancas harán jaque mate en tres movimientos. You learn a lot by trying to solve chess problems - for example, how in a given position white will checkmate in three moves. You learn a lot by trying to solve chess problems; for example, how in a given position White will checkmate in three moves. Pots venir amb mi. You can come with me. You can come with me. Me da miedo saltar la zanja. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm afraid to jump the ditch. ¿Preferirías hablar en inglés? Would you prefer to speak in English? Would you rather speak in English? Esta es la primera vez que ocurre algo así. This is the first time something like that has happened. This is the first time something like this has happened. Ese es el elefante más grande que he visto nunca. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. Solo tú puedes responder a esta pregunta. Only you can answer the question. Only you can answer this question. ¿Está Tom hablando francés? Is Tom speaking French? Is Tom speaking French? Espera un momento. Te prepararé un poco. Wait for a while. I'll make you some. Wait a minute, I'll set you up a little. ¿Has comprado un lavarropas? Did you buy a washing machine? Have you bought a washing machine? ¡Buenos días! Good morning! Morning! Espero no ponerme nerviosa. I hope I don't get nervous. I hope I don't get nervous. Necesito tiritas. I need band aids. I need Band-Aids. El pulpo es un animal realmente inteligente. The octopus is a really smart animal. The octopus is a really smart animal. Yanni leyó el papel. Yanni read the paper. Yanni read the paper. Tot passa per una raó Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. ¿Ya llegó él? Has he arrived yet? Has he arrived yet? Tom vive cerca de ti. Tom lives near you. Tom lives near you. No quiero beber nada hoy. I don't want to drink anything today. I don't want to drink anything today. Yanni está sintiendo algo más profundo. Yanni is feeling something deeper. Yanni is feeling something deeper. Últimamente ha hecho frío. It's been cold recently. It's been cold lately. Tom jamás podrá perdonar a Mary por haberlo engañado. Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. Tom will never be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. ¡Pasa, por favor! Come in please! Come in, please! ¡He aquí qué bueno y qué agradable es que los hermanos habiten juntos en unidad! Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity! Le considero un gran escritor. I consider him a great writer. I consider him a great writer. Tom fue andando a la escuela. Tom went to school on foot. Tom walked to school. Decidieron construir un puente. They decided to build a bridge. They decided to build a bridge. No te atrevas a cerrar los ojos. Don't you dare close your eyes. Don't you dare close your eyes. Voy a hacer que lo entiendas. Gonna make you understand. I'm gonna make you understand. Vamos a casa. We're going home. Let's go home. Queremos una casa con vistas al mar. We want a house with a sea view. We want a house with sea views. Al principio no sabía tocar guitarra. At first, I couldn't play the guitar. At first I couldn’t play guitar. Era lo suficiente insensata para creerla. He was foolish enough to believe her. She was foolish enough to believe it. Estoy un poco ido. I'm a little crazy. I'm a little gone. Esa palabra es de origen griego. That word is of Greek origin. That word is of Greek origin. Tom no quería niños hasta que tuvo el suyo. Tom didn't like children until he had his own. Tom didn't want kids until he had his. Ets la llum de la meva vida. You are my sunshine. You are the light of my life. La pereza es el diván del diablo. Idleness is the devil's workshop. Laziness is the devil's couch. En esta área está prohibido cazar. Hunting is prohibited in this area. Hunting is prohibited in this area. Este autobús va a Tokio. This bus goes to Tokyo. This bus goes to Tokyo. Tu ordenador personal es idéntico al mío. Your personal computer is identical with mine. Your personal computer is identical to mine. Él distribuye muebles. He deals in furniture. He distributes furniture. El lenguaje es hermoso. Language is beautiful. The language is beautiful. Eso no va a ocurrir, ¿no? That isn't going to happen, is it? That's not gonna happen, is it? ¿Qué vais a ver? What are you going to see? What are you gonna see? Un ser humano es parte de un todo, llamado por nosotros Universo, una parte limitada en el tiempo y el espacio. Se experimenta a sí mismo, sus pensamientos y sentimientos como algo separado del resto, una especie de ilusión óptica de su conciencia. Esta ilusión es una especie de prisión para nosotros, que nos restringe a nuestros deseos personales y al afecto hacia unas pocas personas de las más cercanas a nosotros. Nuestra tarea debe ser liberarnos de esta prisión ensanchando nuestro círculo de compasión para abrazar a todas las criaturas vivas y a toda la naturaleza en su belleza. A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. A human being is part of a whole, called by us Universe, a limited part in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, which restricts us to our personal desires and affection towards a few living creatures closest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all of us. No os toméis en serio las amenazas de Tom. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Tom tiene miedo. Tom is afraid. Tom is afraid. Espero que esté equivocada. I hope she's wrong. I hope I'm wrong. ¿Es usted intolerante a la lactosa? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you lactose intolerant? No olvidaremos a Tom. We won't forget Tom. We won't forget Tom. Simplemente ten cuidado de no dejar que el gato salga del bolso. Just be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. Just be careful not to let the cat out of the bag. No deixi les seves coses enrere. Don't leave your stuff behind. Don't leave your things behind. ¡Kerry está en la tele! Kerry's on TV! Kerry's on TV! ¿Por qué quería Tom aprender francés? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? "Mientras que en un país no sean los honestos tan valientes como los deshonestos, en ese país no hay salvación". "There's no hope in a country where the honest are not as brave as the dishonest." “As long as in a country the honest are not as brave as the dishonest, in that country there is no salvation.” Parla amb soltura. He speaks fluently. Speak with ease. Ella apenas habla japonés. She can hardly speak Japanese. She barely speaks Japanese. «¿Estás cansado?» «No, puedo seguir.» "Are you tired?" "No, I can keep going." “Are you tired?” “No, I can go on.” S'avièn de d'ora de paur de mancar lo trin. They started early for fear they should miss the first train. It’s time to take a break from the rain. Espero que no vayas a salir ahora. Ya casi son las 11. I hope you're not going out now. It's almost eleven. I hope you're not going out now, it's almost 11 o'clock. Se necesita una llave para abrir la caja. You need a key to open the box. A key is needed to open the box. Mary nunca besa a su marido en público. Mary doesn't ever kiss her husband in public. Mary never kisses her husband in public. Haig de comprar segells. I need to buy stamps. I have to buy stamps. Claro que lo entiendo. I do understand. Of course I understand. Estamos molestando a Tom porque él siempre nos molesta. We are disturbing Tom because he always disturbs us. We're bothering Tom because he's always bothering us. Desde que ella se fue, ha perdido la sonrisa. Since she left he has lost his smile. Since she left, she has lost her smile. Mi chino no es muy bueno. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not very good. ¿Hay manera de ganar dinero sin tener que trabajar? Is there a way to make money without having to work? Is there a way to make money without having to work? Una banda de ladrones actúa por esta región. A gang of thieves works these parts. A gang of thieves operates in this region. Le expliqué el procedimiento. I explained the procedure to him. I explained the procedure. Kate no asistió a la reunión. Kate didn't attend the meeting. Kate did not attend the meeting. Se casará pronto. She'll get married soon. She'll be married soon. Voy a ir, también. I'm going to go, too. I'll go, too. Tom no tenía tiempo para nosotras. Tom didn't have any time for us. Tom didn't have time for us. Si te perdieras en una multitud, te buscaría. If you got lost in a crowd, I'd search for you. If you got lost in a crowd, I'd look for you. Muchos enemigos atacaron Roma. Many enemies attacked Rome. Many enemies attacked Rome. Tom estaba mintiendo acerca de eso. Tom was lying about that. Tom was lying about it. Para todo lo que concierne a restaurantes, comedores, cafeterías y cosas por el estilo, "retroalimentación" puede ser la palabra equivocada. As far as restaurants, canteens, cafeterias or similar things are concerned, "feedback" may be the wrong word. For everything that concerns restaurants, dining rooms, coffee shops and the like, “feedback” may be the wrong word. ¡Mucho gusto conocerte! It's nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! No les hables a tus padres sobre esto. Don't tell your parents about this. Don't talk to your parents about this. Yanni lo está haciendo bien. Yanni is doing good. Yanni is doing well. Esta es la primera carta que escribo en alemán. This is the first letter I've written in German. This is the first letter I write in German. Volvió a casa. He went back home. He came home. Le re cabe. He really likes it. It fits. Pero no los puedo entender muy bien. But I can't understand them very well. But I can't understand them very well. Una vez al año no hace daño. Once a year does not hurt. Once a year it doesn’t hurt. No quiero que entrés en pánico. I don't want you to panic. I don't want you to panic. Ella vive en la ciudad. She lives in the city. She lives in the city. Él tiene confianza en sus capacidades. He is confident of his abilities. He has confidence in his abilities. Un home és responsable dels seus actes. A man is responsible for his deeds. A man is responsible for his actions. Quiero comprarme un dron pero mis padres no me lo permitirán. I want to buy a drone, but my parents won't let me. I want to buy a drone but my parents won't let me. No va veure el senyal de stop en la intersecció i va xocar contra un cotxe que venia. He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car. He did not see the stop sign at the intersection and crashed into a coming car. Donde hay humo, hay fuego. There is no fire without smoke. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Yanni no vio a nadie allí. Yanni saw no one there. Yanni didn't see anyone there. Moltes gràcies. Thank you very much! Thank you so much. Quite de aquí estos cachivaches. Take this junk out of here. Get these knickknacks out of here. Quizá todavía quede esperanza para ti. Maybe there's still hope for you. There may still be hope for you. Necesito beber agua. I need to drink water. I need to drink water. En Tom està interessat en la literatura francesa. Tom is interested in French literature. Tom is interested in French literature. Tom se ofreció voluntario rápidamente. Tom was very quick to volunteer. Tom volunteered quickly. Perdone, pero no tengo cambio. Forgive me, but I have no change. Excuse me, but I have no change. Dije: "¿hay algo que pueda hacer?" I said, "Is there anything I can do?" I said, "Is there anything I can do?" Tom luego fue a Australia. Tom then went to Australia. Tom then went to Australia. Yanni quiere vender su coche. Yanni wants to sell his car. Yanni wants to sell his car. Él es un sinvergüenza. He is a scoundrel. He's a scoundrel. Venga él o no, yo iré. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. –¿Novatos? –preguntó Dima con un ligero tono de enfado en la voz– ¡Esto no es un videojuego, Al-Sayib! ¡Esto es la vida real! "Noobs?" Dima asked, a slight hint of anger in his voice. "This isn't a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!" “Novatos?” Dima asked with a slight angry tone in her voice. “This is not a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!” Nadie te pondrá un dedo encima mientras yo viva. No one will lay a finger on you as long as I live. No one will put a finger on you as long as I live. ¿Qué opináis vosotros de la lengua japonesa? What do you think about the Japanese language? What do you think of the Japanese language? Pasa por la floristería para comprar rosas. Stop by the florist's to buy some roses. Go to the florist to buy roses. Tu cara hace llorar a los bebés. Your face makes babies cry. Your face makes babies cry. Él llegó en el quinto lugar en la carrera. He came in fifth in the race. He came in fifth place in the race. Durante varios meses después del robo los ladrones trataron de pasar desapercibidos. For several months after the robbery the thieves kept a low profile. For several months after the robbery the thieves tried to go unnoticed. Que soi fièr deu men hilh. I'm proud of my son. It’s good to have ten men. Obviamente soy un gato. I'm obviously a cat. I'm obviously a cat. Déle recuerdos de mi parte. Give him my regards. Give him memories from me. Él nunca va en contra de sus padres. He never goes against his parents. He never goes against his parents. Las ayudamos. We help them. We help them. No puedo recordar su explicación. I can't remember his explanation. I can't remember his explanation. ¿No querés saber lo que pasó? Don't you want to know what happened? Don't you want to know what happened? ¡Déjeme ir! Let me go! Let me go! Sean más modestos. Be more modest. Be more modest. Et trobaràs la casa buida. You'll find the house empty. You will find the house empty. Tras un largo día de trabajo, no hay nada mejor que un baño caliente. After a long day at work, nothing feels better than a good hot bath. After a long day of work, there is nothing better than a hot bath. Si quieren correr, corran. If you want to run, then run. If you want to run, run. Yo bebo. I drink. I drink. A Yanni le duelen los pies. Yanni's feet are hurting. Yanni's feet hurt. Modifico esta frase. I edit this sentence. I modify this phrase. El hombre es agua. Man is water. Man is water. Hay tres tiendas en el centro comercial. There are three stores in the mall. There are three shops in the mall. ¡Habéis estado mirando esa pantalla todo el día! You've been staring at that screen all day long! You've been staring at that screen all day! ¿Por qué deberíamos aceptar esa afirmación? Why should we accept that claim? Why should we accept that statement? ¿Cómo la tecnología ha impactado tu cotidiano? How has technology impacted your daily life? How has technology impacted your everyday life? Hiciste lo que se tenía que hacer. You did what had to be done. You did what had to be done. Anda, no fue mi intención lastimarte. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Te gusta el inglés, ¿no? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Esa es la bandera indonesia, no la bandera polaca. That's the Indonesian flag, not the Polish flag. That's the Indonesian flag, not the Polish flag. Él donó todo su dinero a la caridad. He gave away all his money to charity. He donated all his money to charity. En este momento estoy montándome en el avión. I'm getting on the plane right now. Right now I'm getting on the plane. Yo no sabía que fumaras. I didn't know that you smoked. I didn't know you smoked. Tom no podia contenir les llàgrimes. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't hold back the tears. Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron. After so many dates, they finally kissed. After so many dates, they finally kissed. No les voy a extraer los dientes. I'm not pulling out their teeth. I'm not going to extract their teeth. Todos juegan el juego del amor. Everybody plays the game of love. Everyone plays the game of love. Mi hermano en Kioto se hizo profesor. My brother in Kyoto became a teacher. My brother in Kyoto became a teacher. Estoy ordenando mi oficina. I am tidying my office. I'm ordering my office. Ingrese de nuevo. Please login again. Enter again. Me gustaría decirle a Mary que la quiero. I'd like to tell Mary that I love her. I'd like to tell Mary that I love her. Él dijo que ella tenía mucha hambre. He said that she's very hungry. He said she was very hungry. Tom se preguntó por qué Mary no le había contado al respecto. Tom wondered why Mary didn't tell him about it. Tom wondered why Mary hadn’t told him about it. ¿Sabes a dónde va él a la escuela? Do you know where he goes to school? Do you know where he goes to school? No es importante. It's not important. It's not important. No somos como tú. We're not like you. We're not like you. Ell continuarà el negoci quan son pare es jubili. He will take over the business when his father retires. He will continue the business when his father retires. Mi profesora de latín acostumbraba bajar la mirada con rigurosidad sobre mí por encima del borde de sus gafas, pero ahora sé que sólo se debía al hecho de que ella llevaba gafas de lectura y que resultaba molesto quitárselas siempre, así que lo que parecía desprecio hacia nosotros los estudiantes podría bien y realmente haber sido amabilidad. My Latin teacher used to look down sternly on me over the rim of her glasses, but now I know it only had to do with the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that she will have found it a nuisance taking them off all the time, so what looked like contempt towards us students might well and truly have been kindness. My Latin teacher used to look down rigorously on me over the edge of her glasses, but now I know it was only due to the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that it was annoying to always take them off, so what seemed contempt for us students could well and really have been kindness. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclamó la república de Turquía en 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Republic of Turkey in 1923. No podría ser mejor. It couldn't be better. Couldn't be better. La meva bicicleta no té res a veure amb la teva. My bike is nothing like yours. My bike has nothing to do with you. ¿Has ido al corazón de la Europa? Have you been to the heart of Europe? Have you been to the heart of Europe? Sus poemas subvierten la narrativa dominante de una "civilización occidental". Her poems subvert the dominant narrative of "Western civilization." His poems subvert the dominant narrative of a “Western civilization.” En esta tienda se vende carne. They sell meat at this store. Meat is sold in this shop. La muerte no existe. Dead doesn’t exist. Death does not exist. Descascaré una naranja para ti. I'll peel an orange for you. I'll peel an orange for you. Ni ell ni jo parlem espanyol. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Hablo sorabo. I speak Sorbian. I speak Sorbian. Decidimos quedarnos dentro porque estaba lloviendo. We decided to stay inside because it was raining. We decided to stay inside because it was raining. Em sap greu, però no trobo el llibre que em vas deixar. I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me. I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you left me. Por favor, perdóname la vida. Please spare my life. Please forgive me for my life. Ahora Yanni lo ha superado. Yanni is over it now. Now Yanni has overtaken him. Los precios parecen estar bajando. Prices seem to be going down. Prices seem to be going down. ¿Es que Mary no se da cuenta de que Tom la quiere? Doesn't Mary realize that Tom loves her? Does Mary not realize that Tom loves her? Ni siquiera estuviste allí. You weren't even there. You weren't even there. Esto es el Japón. This is Japan. This is Japan. Ahora le quiere más que antes. She loves him now more than she did before. Now he loves you more than before. Su abuela es una dama encantadora. Her grandmother is a charming lady. Your grandmother is a lovely lady. Yo soy el presidente de los Estados Unidos. Nunca le hables así al presidente. I'm the president of the United States. Don't ever talk to the president that way. I'm the president of the United States. Never talk to the president like that. Me gustaría que dejaras de burlarte de mí. I wish you'd stop making fun of me. I'd like you to stop making fun of me. No creo que vaya con vosotras. I don't think I'm going with you. I don't think I'll go with you. Él dejó que lo besara. He let her kiss him. He let me kiss him. No puedo volver a casa. I can't go back home. I can't go home. Estás trasnochando. You're up late. You're late. Prometo que te mantendré segura. I promise you I'll keep you safe. I promise I'll keep you safe. Nadie lo diría así. Nobody would say it that way. No one would say that. Pensaba que era un buen libro, pero Tom pensaba lo contrario. I thought that it was a good book, but Tom thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Tom thought otherwise. Haría casi cualquier cosa. I'd do almost anything. I'd do almost anything. ¿Tiene él muchos libros? Does he have many books? Does he have many books? Quiero saber por qué tus dientes son tan anaranjados. I want to know why your teeth are so orange. I want to know why your teeth are so orange. La misma explicación es válida para ese caso. The same explanation is true of that case. The same explanation applies to this case. Sabes que te seguiré. You know that I will follow you. You know I'll follow you. Ella iba de lugar en lugar buscándolo. She went from place to place in search of him. She went from place to place looking for him. Michael ya no vive aquí. Michael doesn't live here anymore. Michael doesn't live here anymore. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. Tom dice que no quiere aprender francés. Tom says that he doesn't want to learn French. Tom says he doesn't want to learn French. ¿Qué estuviste cocinando? What've you been cooking? What were you cooking? Todavía eres vulnerable. You're still vulnerable. You're still vulnerable. ¿Has comprado un billete de ida y vuelta? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Have you bought a return ticket? Quería que Tom limpiara su cuarto. I wanted Tom to clean his bedroom. He wanted Tom to clean his room. ¡Sobreviviremos con la ayuda de Dios! We will survive with God's help! We will survive with God’s help. Fuimos al lago a remar en bote. We went to the lake to row a boat. We went to the lake to paddle by boat. Soy la hija de un caballero. I am a gentleman's daughter. I'm a gentleman's daughter. ¿Tom lo compró? Did Tom buy it? Did Tom buy it? La gravedad liga los planetas al Sol. Gravity binds the planets to the sun. Gravity binds the planets to the Sun. Así es como deberías sujetar tu cuchillo. This is how you should hold your knife. That's how you should hold your knife. Tendrás que modificar la altura de la mesa para que quepa. You'll have to modify the height of the table to make it fit. You will need to adjust the height of the table to fit. Tom fue atacado por un grupo de hombres portando máscaras. Tom was attacked by a group of men wearing masks. Tom was attacked by a group of men wearing masks. No puedo hablar muy bien Toki Pona. I cannot speak Toki Pona very well. I can't speak very well Toki Pona. Eixe tipus de comportament podria portar-te a un acomiadament justificat. This type of behaviour could lead you to be fairly dismissed. That kind of behavior could lead to a justified dismissal. Aquera montra qu'ei cara. This watch is expensive. This is the face of the monster. Realmente amo a mi abuela. I really love my grandmother. I really love my grandmother. Steven Spielberg es un director de cine. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas pagadas. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, to a reasonable limitation of the duration of work and to periodic paid leave. Aquí nadie cree ya a Tom. No one here believes Tom anymore. No one believes Tom anymore. Yanni no tiene nuestra edad. Yanni isn't our age. Yanni is not our age. Me acuesto a las diez y media. I go to bed at 10.30. I'm going to bed at half past ten. Nunca dijiste que no. You never said no. You never said no. Mary pidió un aumento a su jefe. Mary requested a raise from her boss. Mary asked her boss for a raise. Tom no quiere que lo molesten. Tom doesn't want to be disturbed. Tom doesn't want to be bothered. No puedo ver este álbum sin recordar mis días de colegio. I never see this album without remembering my school days. I can't watch this album without remembering my school days. Yanni dejó de hablar a Skura. Yanni stopped talking to Skura. Yanni stopped talking to Skura. John es mi hermano pequeño. John is my younger brother. John is my little brother. El tercer nombre en la lista era Tom. The third name on the list was Tom. The third name on the list was Tom. Todas las chicas llevarán vestidos cabilios. All girls will be wearing Kabyle dresses. All the girls will be wearing cabilios. ¿Qué hay ahí de comer? Tengo mucha hambre. What's there to eat? I'm very hungry. What's there to eat? ¿Has tomado medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil en las últimas veinticuatro horas? Have you taken a medication for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours? Have you taken erectile dysfunction medications in the last twenty-four hours? Conchita decidió decirle la verdad a María. Conchita decided to tell Mary the truth. Conchita decided to tell Maria the truth. ¿Qué haría si vinieran de verdad? What would I do if they really came? What would I do if they really came? Sí, aquest està molt bé. Quant val? Yes, this one is very nice. How much does it cost? Yeah, this one's fine, how much is it worth? Es trabajo sucio, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it. Quan arriba ? When does it arrive? When does it arrive? Los osos son animales solitarios. Bears are solitary animals. Bears are solitary animals. Mary no beu. Mary doesn't drink. Mary doesn't drink. Si me hubiera ido un poquito antes hubiera pescado el último tren. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the last train. If I had gone a little earlier I would have caught the last train. Me presentó a su hermano. She presented me to her brother. He introduced me to his brother. Han pasado dos años desde que vine aquí. It is two years since I came here. It's been two years since I came here. Eres un buen cocinero. You are a good cook. You're a good cook. Finalment vaig veure l'oceà després de sortir al balcó. He de dir que aquesta habitació té vistes a l'oceà? I finally saw the ocean after getting out on the balcony. Should I say that this room has an ocean view? I finally saw the ocean after I went out on the balcony. I must say this room has ocean views? ¿Quieres otra taza de té? ¡Acabo de hacerte una! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! Do you want another cup of tea? Tom perdió las llaves de su casa. Tom lost his house key. Tom lost the keys to his house. ¿Qué están celebrando? What are you celebrating? What are you celebrating? En serio, no te cortes. Seriously, don't be a stranger. Seriously, don't cut yourself. La bicicleta és meva. The bicycle is mine. The bike is mine. ¿Te han puesto ya la vacuna contra la COVID-19? Have you already received a COVID-19 vaccine? Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19? Esto lleva su tiempo. It takes time. This takes time. La traducció de la novel·la francesa li va portar més de tres mesos. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. El vaig reconèixer de seguida. I recognized him at once. I recognized him right away. Ella prometió casarse con él, pero no lo hizo. She promised to marry him, but she didn't. She promised to marry him, but she didn't. No olvidé que me traicionaste. I haven't forgotten that you betrayed me. I didn't forget you betrayed me. ¿Dónde llueve? Where is the rain? Where does it rain? La semana pasada él estuvo enfermo. He was sick last week. Last week he was sick. Nada te va a pasar, Tom. Nothing will happen to you, Tom. Nothing's gonna happen to you, Tom. Eres importante. You are important. You're important. ¡Quiero salir de aquí! I wanna get out of here! I want to get out of here! No dormiré esta noche. I won't sleep tonight. I won't sleep tonight. Siempre te diré la verdad. I'll always tell you the truth. I'll always tell you the truth. Hay una posibilidad de que ella tenga éxito. There's a possibility that she'll succeed. There's a chance she'll succeed. ¿Te gustan los tatuajes de Tom? Do you like Tom's tattoos? Do you like Tom's tattoos? Algunas personas traen alegría allá donde vayan, y otras traen alegría siempre que se van. Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go. Some people bring joy wherever they go, and others bring joy whenever they go. No llevará mucho tiempo acabar el trabajo. It won't take long to finish the job. It won't take long to finish the job. Vienen en formas diversas. They come in various shapes. They come in different forms. La teua opinió continua sent irellevant. Your opinion continues to be irrelevant. Your opinion is still beautiful. Diferentes personas pueden describir las mismas ideas o cosas básicas de formas completamente diferentes. Different people may describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Different people can describe the same ideas or basic things in completely different ways. Hi ha esperança. There is hope. There is hope. Ellos se compraron un auto nuevo. They bought a new car. They bought a new car. ¿Ellos harían eso? Would they do that? Would they do that? ¿Crees que algunos de nosotros viviremos en Marte en cien años? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in 100 years? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in a hundred years? Solía haber un pequeño santuario por aquí. There used to be a small shrine around here. There used to be a little sanctuary around here. Me pica donde me picó el zancudo. My mosquito bite itches. It stings me where I was stung by the mosquito. A Tom no li agrada el formatge. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Ven y echa una mano. Come over and help out. Come and lend a hand. ¿Sabes si Grace está en casa? Do you know if Grace is at home? Do you know if Grace is home? Quiero hablar con Tom. I want to talk to Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Contesta en anglès! Answer in English. Answer in English! El niño duerme. The boy is sleeping. The child sleeps. Gràcies! Thank you. Thank you! Tom no es un gato macho. Tom isn't a tomcat. Tom is not a male cat. ¿Estáis seguros de que ella habla portugués? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Are you sure she speaks Portuguese? Dame un pedazo de esa cosa de ahí para que pueda probarla. Gimme a piece of that thingy over there so I can try it. Give me a piece of that thing over there so I can taste it. Ojalá no fumaras tanto. I wish you wouldn't smoke so much. I wish you didn't smoke so much. I avèva mei d'ua rason ad aqueste accident. There were a number of reasons for this accident. It was my fault with this accident. Ya le hemos amonestado. We've already admonished him. We have admonished him. El niño se sentó en el regazo de su madre y escuchaba la historia. The child sat on his mother's lap and listened to the story. The boy sat on his mother’s lap and listened to the story. Trataré de ayudar a Tom. I'll try to help Tom. I'll try to help Tom. Es un asco estar resfriado. It sucks having a cold. It's disgusting to have a cold. La pizza sabe diferente cuando está fría. Pizza tastes different when it's cold. Pizza tastes different when it’s cold. Ella està molt orgullosa de com neda. She prides herself of her swimming. She is very proud of how she swims. Ellos son cuidadosos. They're careful. They're careful. Se llama experiencia a la suma de nuestros errores. The sum of our errors is called experience. Experience is the sum of our mistakes. Todas mis amigas tienen novias. All my friends have girlfriends. All my friends have girlfriends. No estás solo. You're not alone. You're not alone. Te juro que jamás lo volveré a hacer. I swear to you I will never do it again. I swear I'll never do it again. Ponme con el jefe, por favor. Put me through to the boss, please. Get me the boss, please. Lo explicaré por medio de una parábola. I'll explain by way of a parable. I will explain it by means of a parable. ¿Tienes alguna idea de por qué Tom desapareció? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Ella se frotó la cara con un pañuelo. She wiped her face with a handkerchief. She rubbed her face with a handkerchief. Ella siempre tenía en la cara una expresión triste. She always had a sad look on her face. She always had a sad expression on her face. Merda! Shit! Shit! Dame tres trozos de tiza. Give me three pieces of chalk. Give me three pieces of chalk. Las nubes de humo impiden que los aviones despeguen. Clouds of smoke are preventing the planes from taking off. Clouds of smoke prevent planes from taking off. Vístete rápido y sígueme. Get dressed quickly and follow me. Dress fast and follow me. Tom no podía ver lo que estaba haciendo Mary. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Vol un rellotge com el teu. She wants a watch like yours. He wants a watch like yours. Ella tuvo lástima por él. She took pity on him. She felt sorry for him. No es mucho, pero es mejor que nada. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. ¡Te enseñaré una lección! I'll teach you a lesson! I'll teach you a lesson! Acuérdate de mí la próxima vez. Remember me next time. Remember me next time. Ya los veo. I see them now. I see them. ¿Me da una factura? May I have a receipt? Can I have a bill? He comido la comida y bebido la bebida. I've eaten the food and drank the drink. I ate the food and drank the drink. Sobre el piano había una nota impresa: Por favor, no disparen al pianista. Lo está haciendo lo mejor que puede. Over the piano was printed a notice: Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best. On the piano was a printed note: Please don't shoot the pianist. He's doing the best he can. Aquesta botiga ven llibres vells. This store sells old books. This shop sells old books. ¿Es nuestra? Is it ours? Is it ours? Este cuarto está frío. This room is cold. This room is cold. El menjar va ser cosa fina a Itàlia. The food was great in Italy. The food was good in Italy. Lo Tòm arribèc en retard a la gara. Tom arrived late at the station. I’m late in coming to the table. Hoy hizo calor. It was warm today. It was hot today. También sé que Tom no es estúpido. I also know that Tom isn't stupid. I also know that Tom is not stupid. Parece enfadada. He seems angry. She seems angry. Mi vida sería muy diferente si no lo hubiera hecho. My life would be really different if I hadn't done that. My life would be very different if I hadn’t. Hui no fa tan bon oratge com ahir. The weather's not as good today as it was yesterday. He didn’t do as well as he did yesterday. Ne servís pas d'arren de'm demandar dinèrs. It's no use asking me for money. I don’t need to ask for money. Èi atengut ta telefonada. I've been expecting your call. I've been listening to your phone. Nunca quiero estar sola otra vez. I never want to be alone again. I never want to be alone again. A ella casi la chocó una bicicleta. She was nearly hit by a bicycle. She was almost hit by a bicycle. ¿Le duelen los oídos con frecuencia? Do you have frequent earaches? Do your ears hurt often? Todavía quiero ir. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom es excéntrico. Tom is eccentric. Tom is eccentric. ¿Te han tratado de una infección tras tu cirugía? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? Have you been treated for an infection after your surgery? Por favor, no tocar. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. El misterio de la vida no es un problema a resolver, sino una realidad a experimentar. The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. No os culpo. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Es un cuaderno. It is a notebook. It's a notebook. El café puede tener un efecto adverso para el estómago. Coffee may have a bad effect on the stomach. Coffee can have an adverse effect on the stomach. La llei és dura, però és la llei. The law is harsh, but it is the law. The law is tough, but it is the law. He sido profesor durante mucho tiempo. I've been a teacher a long time. I have been a teacher for a long time. Tienes muchos más pares de zapatos que yo. You have many more pairs of shoes than I do. You have a lot more pairs of shoes than I do. Ella me lo contó. She told me about it. She told me. Tom está ahuyentando a los cuervos. Tom is scaring the crows away. Tom's driving away the crows. Aniré a Barcelona el cap de setmana. I will go to Barcelona on the weekend. I’m going to Barcelona this weekend. El fuego consumió el edifico completo. The fire consumed the whole building. The fire consumed the entire building. Ella es va aixecar. She stood up. She got up. Ese es el mejor modo de arreglarlo. That's the best way of settling it. That's the best way to fix it. El canto de la curruca capirotada se puede oír desde las dos hasta las dos y media. The Eurasian blackcap's songs can be heard from two to two-thirty p.m. The singing of the capirotada warbler can be heard from two to two-thirty. Su francés mejora poco a poco. His French is improving little by little. His French is slowly improving. Yanni fue contundente. Yanni was forceful. Yanni was blunt. Tomás está ganando. Tom is winning. Tom is winning. Quiero sentir más y ver menos. I want to feel more and see less. I want to feel more and see less. Tom es finlandés. Tom is a Finn. Tom is Finnish. Aquí no veig ningú més que tu. I only have eyes for you. I don't see anyone here but you. Quítate los zapatos antes de entrar en el templo. Take off your shoes before going into a temple. Take off your shoes before entering the temple. ¿Cuál es el salario de un diputado argelino? What's the salary of an Algerian deputy? What is the salary of an Algerian Member of Parliament? La cuestión es si él puede hacerlo. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether he can do it. ¿Tom juega Animal Crossing? Does Tom play Animal Crossing? Does Tom play Animal Crossing? ¿Por qué lleva Tom un chaleco amarillo? Why is Tom wearing a yellow jacket? Why is Tom wearing a yellow vest? No hace falta que te presentes. No need to introduce yourself. You don't have to show up. Conozco a alguien que te puede enseñar francés. I know someone who can teach you French. I know someone who can teach you French. Quiero que todos se vayan. I want everyone to leave. I want everyone to leave. Puedes sustituir el mascarpone por nata. You can also replace the mascarpone with cream. You can substitute cream for mascarpone. No cabe duda que el ladrón fue Tom. There's no question that Tom was the thief. The thief was Tom. Tom no sabe de qué parte de Australia es Mary. Tom doesn't know what part of Australia Mary is from. Tom doesn't know what part of Australia Mary is from. Espera, ¿qué? Wait, what? Wait, what? Ens assegurarem que ningú s'estiga aprofitant del poble americà per al seu propi interès a curt termini. We're gonna make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain. We will make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term interest. El Sol és més gran que la Lluna. The sun is larger than the moon. The sun is bigger than the moon. Quiero un abrazo. I want a hug. I want a hug. ¿Por qué no tienes familia? Why don't you have a family? Why don't you have a family? Yo voy a Kioto. I go to Kyoto. I'm going to Kyoto. Todo está manga por hombro. Everything is all over the place. It's all sleeve by shoulder. ¿Lo creyó Tom? Did Tom believe it? Did Tom believe it? Saps on va néixer? Do you know his birthplace? Do you know where he was born? Estás manejando demasiado rápido. You're driving too fast. You're driving too fast. Siempre se me escapa su nombre. Her name often escapes me. I always miss his name. Yo solía tener la misma edad que tú. I used to be the same age as you. I used to be the same age as you. No queremos publicidad negativa. We don't want any bad publicity. We don’t want negative publicity. Un día Pablo es va perdre a la selva de Guatemala. One day, Pablo got lost in the Guatemalan jungle. One day Pablo will be lost in the jungle of Guatemala. ¿Era usted tan pesado? Were you really boring? Were you that heavy? Tom se queja de todo. Tom complains about everything. Tom complains about everything. Pasé una semana en el hospital. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week in the hospital. El problema es que ellos solo piensan en sí mismos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is that they only think about themselves. Tom quería que sepas eso. Tom wanted you to know that. Tom wanted you to know that. Veng nadar dab jo. Come swim with me. Come swim dab me. Sus ojos estaban llenos de tristeza. Her eyes were full of sadness. His eyes were full of sadness. El señor White llega a Tokio a las 10:30. Mr White arrives in Tokyo at 10:30. Mr. White arrives in Tokyo at 10:30. ¿Está bien si te hago unas cuantas preguntas médicas? Is it okay if I ask you a few medical questions? Is it okay if I ask you a few medical questions? Malauradament, el meu aniversario només succeeix una vegada a l'any. Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year. Unfortunately, my anniversary only happens once a year. Por favor, tráiganme mi libro cuando vengan. Please bring my book up when you come. Please bring me my book when you come. ¿Estás teniendo pesadillas otra vez? Are you having nightmares again? Are you having nightmares again? El maestro deja usar calculadora en el examen. The teacher lets students use a calculator on the exam. The teacher lets you use a calculator on the exam. Tom tiene un flemón dental. Tom has an abscessed tooth. Tom has a dental flemon. ¿De dónde viene Yanni? Where does Yanni come from? Where did Yanni come from? Tom y Mary tienen algunos intereses en común. Tom and Mary have some common interests. Tom and Mary have some common interests. Lamento llegar tarde. I'm sorry about being late. Sorry I'm late. Gracias por la explicación detallada. Thank you for the detailed explanation. Thanks for the detailed explanation. Quina foto més bonica! Pareix una pintura. What a beautiful photo! It seems like a painting. What a beautiful picture! Looks like a painting. Yanni salió de su habitación. Yanni came out of his room. Yanni left his room. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas viviendo en Tokio? How long have you been living in Tokyo? How long have you been living in Tokyo? Él recibe un gran salario. He receives a high salary. He gets a big salary. No patisques, que ta mare tornarà molt prompte. Don't worry, your mother is coming very soon Don't worry, your mother will be back very soon. Todavía es demasiado pronto. It is still too early. It's still too early. ¡Dispará! Shoot! Shoot! ¿Por qué están tan preocupados? Why are you so worried? Why are they so worried? Estar casado es estupendo. Being married is great. Being married is great. Ella me dio las gracias en varios idiomas. She thanked me in several languages. She thanked me in several languages. La fiesta es el lunes. The party's Monday. The party is on Monday. Supongo que debe ser muy aburrido estar ahí arriba. I guess it must be pretty boring to be up there. I guess it must be really boring being up there. ¿Cómo puedes dar a tu cerebro el estímulo que necesita? How can you give your brain the stimulation it needs? How can you give your brain the stimulation it needs? No puede caminar más. He can't walk any more. He can't walk anymore. Mi refrigerador está descompuesto. My refrigerator is out of order. My refrigerator's broken down. Me gustaría que conocieras a mi hermana, Mary. I'd like you to meet my sister, Mary. I'd like you to meet my sister, Mary. Ya que en esta organización todos son caciques y no hay indios, es de extrañar que cualquier decisión se materialice. Since in this organization they're all chiefs and no Indians, it's a wonder any decisions get made. Since in this organization they are all caciques and there are no Indians, it is surprising that any decision materializes. Quiero ir a comprar una piñata de mi personaje de anime favorito. I want to go buy a piñata of my favorite anime character. I want to go buy a piñata from my favorite anime character. Hi ha un fum de llibres dalt de la taula. Són teus? There are a bunch of books in the table. Are they yours? There's a smoke of books on top of the table. Are they yours? El periodista se mantuvo en calma incluso en una situación de emergencia. The journalist was calm even in an emergency. The journalist remained calm even in an emergency situation. Ese movimiento fue un gran error. That move was a big mistake. That move was a big mistake. La caja está toda sucia. The box is all dirty. The box is all dirty. Yo deseo tiempo en lugar de dinero. I want time instead of money. I want time instead of money. Cada dia esmorzo. I have breakfast every morning. Every day I have breakfast. No te compares con Tom. Don't compare yourself with Tom. Don't compare yourself to Tom. Te vas a lastimar. You will hurt yourself. You're gonna get hurt. Tengo un chirrido en mi flamante coche nuevo, y ¿crees que puedo encontrar de dónde viene? I've got a squeaking noise in my brand new car, and do you think I can find where it's coming from? I have a squeak in my brand new car, and do you think I can find out where it's coming from? Lo haré que te llame en el momento que regrese. I'll make him call you back just as he returns. I'll have him call you the minute I get back. Mi hermano acaba de llegar de Kobe. My brother has just come home from Kobe. My brother just arrived from Kobe. Se lo dí al niñito. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to the little boy. Quina ei la vòsta adreça ? What is your address? What is the address? ¿Qué pasó en realidad? What actually happened? What really happened? Vale, nos vemos mañana. OK, see you tomorrow. Okay, see you tomorrow. Lloré toda la noche. I cried all night long. I cried all night. ¿Por qué no vamos al centro de la ciudad? Why don't we go downtown? Why don't we go downtown? Te amo y quiero casarme con vos. I love you and I want to marry you. I love you and want to marry you. No interrumpas nuestra conversación. Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. Tom no se unió al Ejército. Se unió a la Marina. Tom didn't join the Army. He joined the Navy. Tom didn't join the Army, he joined the Navy. Espero que me entiendas. I hope you understand me. I hope you understand me. Ell té dos germans, un viu a Osaka i l'altre a Kobe. He has two brothers, one lives in Osaka and the other in Kobe. He has two brothers, one lives in Osaka and the other in Kobe. Hoy a la tarde iremos a la iglesia. This evening we will go to church. This afternoon we will go to church. Avui et convido jo a dinar. Today, I invite you to have dinner. Today I invite you to lunch. ¿Tú eres de España? Are you from Spain? Are you from Spain? Me enseñó la cámara que se había comprado el día antes. He showed me the camera which he had bought the day before. He showed me the camera he had bought the day before. Ha muerto un gran hombre. A great man has died. A great man has died. Ocurrió en abril de este año. It happened in April of this year. It happened in April of this year. Le enseñé a manejar a mi novia. I taught my girlfriend how to drive. I taught him how to handle my girlfriend. Benvingut a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. ¿Por qué te enfadas con el diablo? Haz una buena acción y que se enfade él contigo. Why get mad at the devil? Do something good and make him mad at you. Why are you angry with the devil? Do a good deed and let him be angry with you. Espero que no esté enfermo. I hope he isn't ill. I hope he's not sick. Esta casa de campo me recuerda a una donde yo nací. This cottage reminds me of the one I was born in. This country house reminds me of one where I was born. Tom tiene tres gatos. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Yanni comprobó el aceite de nuevo. Yanni checked the oil again. Yanni checked the oil again. ¿Te haces autoexploraciones de mamas con regularidad? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you have regular breast self-exams? ¿Sientes que tienes fugas de ideas de las que no te puedes deshacer? Do you feel like you have any racing thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do you feel like you have leaks of ideas that you can’t get rid of? Se le informó de su estado de cuenta hace tres días atrás. You've been informed of your account state three days ago. He was informed of his statement three days ago. Es el momento de mi visita cuatrienal para ver a mis compañeros de habitación de la universidad. It's time for my quadrennial visit to see my college roommates. It's time for my four-year visit to see my college roommates. No me gusta viajar con grupos grandes. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don’t like to travel with large groups. La familia Smith viu al meu barri. The Smiths live in my neighborhood. The Smith family lives in my neighborhood. Mary abrazó con entusiasmo a Alice. Mary glomped Alice. Mary enthusiastically embraced Alice. Quien sólo vive para sí, está muerto para los demás. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. He who lives only for himself is dead to others. No soy un adicto a las drogas. I'm not a drug addict. I'm not a drug addict. Préstame dinero si tienes. Lend me some money, if you have any. Lend me money if you have it. El mono se alteró cuando Tom pasó cerca de él. ¡Se parecen tanto el uno al otro, que parecen hermanos gemelos! The monkey was shook when Tom passed by him. They looked so much like one another, it was like they were twin brothers! The monkey got upset when Tom passed by him. They look so much like each other, they look like twin brothers! Tatoeba: tenemos más frases de las que podría decir tu madre en toda su vida. Tatoeba: We've got more sentences than your mom could ever say in her lifetime. Tatoeba: We have more phrases than your mother could say in her entire life. ¿Dónde está el otoño? Where is fall? Where is Autumn? He visto muchísimos conciertos. I've seen loads of concerts. I’ve seen a lot of concerts. Tú eres el profesor. You are the teacher. You're the teacher. Terminado. Done. Finished. Solo estamos hablando. We're just talking. We're just talking. No les gusto. You don't like me. They don't like me. Tom estaba desfigurado. Tom was disfigured. Tom was disfigured. Se suponía que Tom estuviera aquí por ahora. Tom was supposed to be here by now. Tom was supposed to be here for now. ¿Acaso Tom sale a beber con María a menudo? Does Tom often go drinking with Mary? Does Tom go out to drink with Maria often? He dicho que si quieres sopa. I said if you wanted soup. I said if you want soup. Las mujeres son la parte más bella de la vida de un hombre. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Women are the most beautiful part of a man’s life. Aquest medicament no s'ha de deixar a la ma dels nins. This medicine must not be placed within the reach of children. This medication should not be left in the hands of children. Las herramientas están en el contenedor. The tools are in the container. The tools are in the container. Aprendí mucho esta semana. I learned a lot this week. I learned a lot this week. Mercés ! Thank you! Thank you! El pueblo fue destruido por la inundación que vino después de la tormenta. The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm. The village was destroyed by the flood that came after the storm. Eso es muy peligroso. That's very dangerous. That's very dangerous. La boda será bonita. The wedding will be nice. The wedding will be beautiful. La máquina a vapor revolucionó la industria. The steam engine revolutionised the industry. The steam engine revolutionized the industry. Wikipedia es una enciclopedia libre que cualquiera puede editar. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Ucrania nunca se uniría a la OTAN. Ukraine would never join NATO. Ukraine would never join NATO. Por favor, escoja a una persona. Please choose one person. Please choose a person. Ellos no tomaron parte en la revolución social. They took no part in the social revolution. They did not take part in the social revolution. No te vayas sin decir adiós. Don't leave without saying goodbye. Don't leave without saying goodbye. Nosotras tres permaneceremos juntas. We three will stick together. The three of us will stay together. ¿Por qué no nos vamos a casa? Why do we not go home? Why don't we go home? Deben saberlo. They must know it. They must know. No puedo soportar verlo. I can't bear the sight of him. I can't stand to see it. És una bona notícia? Is this positive news? Is that good news? La riada va fer molt de mal. The flood caused a lot of damage. The flood did a lot of damage. ¿Hay algo que no puedas hacer? Is there anything you can't do? Is there anything you can't do? Tom no podía dejar de pensar en Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Tom es el que me dijo cuando sería la junta. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who told me when the meeting would be. Ese hecho no puede ser negado. That fact can't be denied. That fact cannot be denied. Dios ha ordenado que todo hombre ha de morir. God has ordained that all men shall die. God has ordained that every man must die. Ella es tan lista como cualquiera en su clase. She is as bright as any in her class. She's as smart as anyone in her class. He oblidat el seu nom. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Es un dialecto regional. It's a regional dialect. It is a regional dialect. Al fin es octubre. It's finally October. It's finally October. ¿Ah, sí? Is that right? Oh, yeah? Va ser una setmana terrible. It was a terrible week. It was a terrible week. Sé que ganarás. I know you'll win. I know you'll win. ¿Puedes describir tu dolor de estómago? Can you describe your stomach pain? Can you describe your stomach pain? Está lejos como la tierra del cielo. Is far as the earth from the sky. It is far away as the earth of heaven. Tom no terminó su tarea todavía. Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. Ella es veterana, lleva décadas practicando. She's a veteran: she's been doing this for decades. She's a veteran, she's been practicing for decades. Disculpe, se me han caído los palillos. Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks. Excuse me, my chopsticks are gone. A algunas personas les gusta el verano, y a otros les gusta el invierno. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Somos agentes del FBI. We're FBI agents. We're FBI agents. Los suministros de alimentos no durarán hasta entonces. The food supplies will not hold out till then. Food supplies will not last until then. Como no tenían hijos propios, decidieron adoptar a una niña pequeña. Since they had no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl. Since they had no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl. Mejor déjalo. Better leave it! Better leave it. El sol estaba tapado por un manto de nubes. The sun was covered up by a cloud blanket. The sun was covered by a blanket of clouds. El río se desbordó. The river overflowed. The river overflowed. Un, dus, tres, quate, cinc, sheis, sèt, ueit, nau, dètz. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, sheis, seven, ueit, ship, ten. Èra una bona idèia de crear Tatoeba. Creating Tatoeba was a good idea. It’s a good idea to create Tatoeba. No te puedo seguir si caminas tan rápido. I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. I can't follow you if you walk so fast. Estoy interesado en todo tipo de deportes. I'm interested in all kinds of sports. I am interested in all kinds of sports. Com estàs? How are you? How are you? Tom tiene trece años y aún duerme con un osito de peluche. Tom is thirteen and still sleeps with a teddy bear. Tom is thirteen years old and still sleeps with a teddy bear. Puedo oírte, pero no puedo verte. I can hear you, but I can't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. El niño considera que hizo trampa en el examen. The boy deemed that he cheated in the examination. The child thinks he cheated on the test. Este será su tercer álbum. This will be his third album. This will be his third album. ¿Fuiste allí? Did you go there? Were you there? Probablemente nunca se dé cuenta. Tom will probably never find out. You'll probably never notice. ¿Dijo Tom que no iba a venir? Did Tom say I wasn't coming? Did Tom say he wasn't coming? L'economia japonesa es va desenvolupar depressa. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. Esperamos desde la mañana, pero al fin y al cabo él no vino. We had been waiting since morning, but he didn't come after all. We waited since morning, but after all he didn't come. "¿Alguna vez probarías los tacos de sesos?" "¡Guácala! ¡No, jamás de los jamases!" "Would you ever try beef brain tacos?" "Eww! No, never ever!" "Would you ever try the brain tacos?" "Guála! No, never of the nevers!" Nos acordamos de Tom. We remember Tom. I remember Tom. ¿Estás preparada para mañana? Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you ready for tomorrow? Tengo otra pregunta. I have another question. I have another question. Aquera pòrta qu'ei clavada. This door is locked. That's what I've nailed. No sabe lo que dice. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know what he's saying. No puedo creer que hayas rechazado aquel empleo. I can't believe you turned down that job. I can't believe you turned down that job. ¿Nos acostamos pronto para levantarnos pronto? Should we go to bed early so that we get up early? Did we go to bed early to get up early? Yanni comprobó el motor. Yanni checked the engine. Yanni checked the engine. ¿Por qué no vamos al lago esta tarde? Why don't we go to the lake this afternoon? Why don't we go to the lake this afternoon? Ese dinero no es mío. That money isn't mine. That money's not mine. El auto estaba en la mitad del camino. The auto was in the middle of the road. The car was in the middle of the road. Sus padres me querían. Her parents loved me. His parents loved me. Ahí están, el abuelo y su nieto. They're over there: the grandfather and his son. There they are, Grandpa and his grandson. Usted se ha comunicado con el teléfono de Tom Jackson. Si él le debe dinero, este ya no es el teléfono de Tom Jackson. You've reached Tom Jackson's phone. If he owes you money, this is no longer Tom Jackson's phone. If he owes you money, this is no longer Tom Jackson's phone. Si le sigue dando así a la bebida, va a tener problemas. If he carries on drinking like that, he's going to have a problem. If you keep giving that to the drink, you're going to have trouble. Deberías escuchar su consejo. You should listen to his advice. You should listen to his advice. Es un milagro que Tom siga vivo. It's a miracle that Tom is still alive. It's a miracle Tom's still alive. Hay algo que tenés que saber. There is something you must know. There's something you need to know. ¿Seguro que nadie te vio? Are you sure no one saw you? Are you sure no one saw you? Tom ya pidió pizza. Tom already ordered pizza. Tom's already ordered pizza. Somos diabéticos. We're diabetic. We're diabetics. Argelia es para los argelinos, no para los activistas separatistas nacidos y criados en Francia y Canadá. Algeria is for Algerians, not for "separatist" activists born and raised in France and Canada. Algeria is for Algerians, not separatist activists born and raised in France and Canada. Tornarà a les sis. He'll return at six. He'll be back at six. No veo una sola cliente en esta tienda. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don't see a single customer in this store. Nunca digas eso. Never say that. Never say that. Tom estaba mintiendo. Tom was lying. Tom was lying. No quiero ni prestar ni pedir prestado. I don't want to lend or borrow. I don't want to borrow or borrow. Els diners obren totes les portes. Money opens all doors. The money opens every door. Quantes vegades hi has anat? How many times have you gone? How many times have you been there? Que't cau demorar au lheit. You should stay in bed. It takes a long time to get to the lake. Me tomó mucho tiempo aprender a escribir novelas. It took me a long time to learn to write novels. It took me a long time to learn how to write novels. Usted se atrevió a contradecirme dos veces ante el Comisario. You have twice dared to contradict me in front of the commissioner. You dared to contradict me twice before the Commissioner. «Ayer me encontré con un viejo amigo.» «¿Desde cuándo os conocéis?» «Desde el mes pasado, pero él ya tiene más de noventa años.» "I ran into an old friend yesterday." "How long have you known each other?" "Since last month, but he's over ninety years old." “Yesterday I met an old friend.” “Since when do you know each other?” “Since last month, but he is already over ninety years old.” Maria treballava en un circ. Ella era contorsionista. Maria worked in a circus. She was a contortionist. Maria worked in a circus. She was a contortionist. ¿Quieres comer ahora o más tarde? Do you want to eat now or later? Do you want to eat now or later? Anne me dijo que mi cabello está demasiado largo. Anne told me that my hair was too long. Anne told me my hair is too long. No coneixem els nostres veïns. We don't know our neighbors. We don’t know our neighbors. El prestidigitador que contrataron para la fiesta de mi hermano era muy malo: me hizo sacar una carta de la baraja, pero no fue capaz de adivinarla. The magician they hired for my brother's party was so bad. He made me pick a card out of a deck, but he wasn't able to guess which one it was. The sleight-of-hand they hired for my brother’s party was very bad: he made me draw a card from the deck, but he wasn’t able to guess it. Vòus pas un pauc de hruta ? Won't you have some fruit? Don't you want a little hive? Un céfiro veraniego agitó suavemente el cabello de la niña mientras hablaba. A summer zephyr gently stirred the girl's hair as she spoke. A summer zephyr gently waved the girl’s hair as she spoke. El amigo de Borja trabaja en una agencia de viajes. Borja's friend works in a travel agency. Borja’s friend works at a travel agency. Podemos abrir las ventanas. We can open the windows. We can open the windows. No estoy segura de que pueda ayudarte. I'm not sure that I can help you. I'm not sure I can help you. Tokio parece haber recibido el mensaje de Washington. Tokyo seems to have gotten the message from Washington. Tokyo seems to have gotten the message from Washington. Quédate quieto un momento. Be quiet for a moment. Hold still for a moment. Soy nuevo en esto. I'm new at this. I'm new at this. No era consciente del talento de Tom. I wasn't aware of Tom's abilities. I was not aware of Tom's talent. No quiero leer nada hoy. I don't want to read anything today. I don’t want to read anything today. Tom debería saber la verdad. Tom should know the truth. Tom should know the truth. Está lloviendo y lloviendo. It's raining and raining. It's raining and raining. Es un demagogo intransigente y terco. He's a stubborn and intransigent demagogue. He is an uncompromising and stubborn demagogue. No puedes hipnotizarme. You can't hypnotize me. You can't hypnotize me. No quiero sufrir sin razón. I don't want to suffer for no reason. I don't want to suffer for no reason. ¿Dónde aprendiste latín? Where did you learn Latin? Where did you learn Latin? Cuando dijo la verdad, lo mataron. When he told the truth, they killed him. When he told the truth, they killed him. ¡Hola! ¿Cuántos de vosotros estáis allí? Hello! How many of you are there? How many of you are there? Ten cuidado de no tropezar con los cables. Be careful not to trip over the wires. Be careful not to trip over the wires. Sabeu qui va escriure aquesta novel·la? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this novel? Estos libros no son solo para niños. These books aren't just for children. These books are not just for kids. Tom no sabe con exactitud cuándo va a llegar Mary a casa. Tom doesn't know exactly when Mary will get home. Tom doesn't know exactly when Mary is coming home. Este es el cura que los casó. This is the priest who married them. This is the priest who married them. No hay nada ahí. There's nothing there. There's nothing there. Ahora estoy libre. I'm free now. I'm free now. Lo hablaré con Marty y veré que piensa él. I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks. I'll talk to Marty and see what he thinks. Solo somos colegas. We're just colleagues. We're just colleagues. El padre pedía venganza contra el hombre que desfloró a su hija. The father asked for revenge against the man who deflowered his daughter. The father demanded revenge against the man who deflowered his daughter. Debe haber una manera. There has to be a way. There must be a way. Pas besonh de'm miaçar, ne't dirèi pas arren. No point in threatening me. I'll still tell you nothing. Don't tell me, don't tell me. Solo quisiera tener una conversación rápida con Tom antes de que nos vayamos. I'd just like to have a quick conversation with Tom before we leave. I just want to have a quick conversation with Tom before we leave. Los okinawenses pasaron de tener la dieta más sana de Japón a la menos saludable. Okinawans went from having the most healthy diet in Japan to the most unhealthy one. Okinawans went from having the healthiest diet in Japan to the least healthy. Ojalá no te falte nada. I hope you don't miss anything. I hope you don't miss anything. Ell adora anar al teatre. He adores going to the theater. He loves going to the theater. ¿Cómo comen sardinas los delfines si ni siquiera pueden abrir la lata? How do dolphins eat sardines if they can't even open the can? How do dolphins eat sardines if they can’t even open the can? A menudo se saltan clases. They often skip class. They often skip classes. Esperamos allí tranquilamente. We waited there quietly. We wait there quietly. Gràcies per venir, nois! Fins a la propera classe! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming, guys! Until next class! Me interesa aprender más sobre esta especie. I'm interested in learning more about this species. I am interested in learning more about this species. Tenemos dos perros, tres gatos y seis pollos. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Estaré sola después de que te vayas. I'll be lonely after you've gone. I'll be alone after you leave. Esto es un bolígrafo. This is a pen. This is a pen. Boston es una ciudad muy bonita. Boston is a very beautiful city. Boston is a very nice city. Escriba con tinta. Write in ink. Write with ink. Et negues a marxar amb nosaltres? Do you refuse to leave with us? Do you refuse to leave with us? Cualquiera puede apreciar que tu interés es auténtico. Anyone can tell your interest is genuine. Anyone can appreciate that your interest is genuine. Tom ordeñó las vacas. Tom milked the cows. Tom milked the cows. ¡No es cosa tuya! It's none of your business. It's not your business! Mayuko me volvió a llamar. Mayuko called me back. Mayuko called me back. Te preocupás demasiado por lo que piensan los demás. You worry too much about what other people think. You worry too much about what others think. Entrégale el mensaje en cuanto regrese. Give him the message when he comes back. Give him the message as soon as he gets back. Aixo depen del contexte That depends on the context. Aixo depends on the content ¿Qué marca prefieres? Which brand do you prefer? Which brand do you prefer? Estupatz lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. You're stupefying him. Te estoy tratando de ayudar. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you. Çò qui digoc n'ei pas vertadièr. What he said is not true. What I’m saying isn’t true. Hemos optado por un método alternativo. We adopted an alternative method. We have opted for an alternative method. No está muy lejos del hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It is not far from the hotel. Tom està casat i fins i tot té un fill. Tom is married and even has a son. Tom is married and even has a son. ¿Qué tal la familia? How's the family? How's the family? ¿Quieres vodka? Do you want some vodka? You want vodka? Ese no soy yo. That's not me. That's not me. No puedo trabajar más. I can't work any more. I can't work anymore. ¿Quién ha dejado la puerta abierta? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? ¡Juntos, todo es posible! Together, everything is possible! Together, anything is possible! Tom nunca me dijo una sola palabra al respecto. Tom never said a word to me about it. Tom never said a word about it. No pudimos encontrar un baño público. We couldn't find a public bathroom. We couldn't find a public restroom. Me da igual la fama. I do not care for fame. I don't care about fame. La Marginal del Tietê té dos quilòmetres de congestió. The Marginal Tietê expressway has two kilometres of traffic. La Marginal del Tiete has two kilometers of congestion. Tengo hambre que me comería un caballo. I feel the hunger of a 1000 devils. I'm hungry that I'd eat a horse. Parecía que no había mujeres en el parque. There seemed to be no women in the park. There were no women in the park. Nick es muy bueno hablando el portugués. Eso es porque lo ha estudiado por 5 años. Nick can speak Portuguese very well. That's because he's been studying it for 5 years. Nick is very good at speaking Portuguese. That's because he's studied it for 5 years. El que la gente está intentando usar esta crisis en su beneficio está claro. That people are trying to use this crisis to their advantage is clear. That people are trying to use this crisis to their advantage is clear. Me gustaría cambiar un cheque de viajero. I'd like to cash a travelers' check. I'd like to exchange a traveler's check. ¿Por qué Tom está ausente? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom absent? ¡Eres una chica muy hermosa! You're a really pretty girl. You're a very beautiful girl! Tomás tenía problemas para llegar a fin de mes. Tom had trouble making ends meet. Tom had trouble making ends meet. Mi sueño es vivir tranquilamente en el campo. My dream is to lead a quiet life in the country. My dream is to live quietly in the countryside. Esta frase ya existe. This sentence already exists. This phrase already exists. Deme usted un vaso lleno de agua. Give me a full glass of water. Give me a full glass of water. No fue la primera vez. It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time. Lo peish qu'ei en aiga clara. The fish is in clear water. It’s clear what he’s doing. A la pobre anciana le han vuelto a robar la bolsa. The poor old woman had her bag stolen again. The poor old lady has had her bag stolen again. Este camión transporta alimentos frescos de Aomori a Tokio. This truck transports fresh food from Aomori to Tokyo. This truck transports fresh food from Aomori to Tokyo. Miramos a ese niño. We look at that boy. We're looking at that kid. No sonó el despertador y me quedé dormido. The alarm didn't go off and I kept sleeping. The alarm went off and I fell asleep. El chico saltó al agua. The boy jumped into the water. The boy jumped into the water. Extraño mi pueblo natal. I miss my hometown. I miss my hometown. Este párrafo no necesita demasiadas explicaciones. This paragraph doesn't need much explanation. This paragraph does not need much explanation. Deberíamos haber llegado antes. We should've gotten there earlier. We should have arrived earlier. Vull aprendre l'esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. Tom se disfrazó de perro y empezó a ladrarme. Tom dressed up like a dog and started barking at me. Tom disguised himself as a dog and started barking at me. Moltes gràcies per la invitació. Thanks a lot for the invitation. Thank you very much for the invitation. De qué digotz ? What did you say? What do I say? Lleva't els calcetins, per favor. Take off your socks, please. Take your socks, please. Estoy cerca. I'm close. I'm close. Pon bien el reloj. Put the clock right. Set your watch well. El truco para obtener una buena cobertura de móvil en esta casa es estar de pie junto al refrigerador en la cocina. The trick to getting a good phone signal in this house is to stand by the refrigerator in the kitchen. The trick to getting good mobile coverage in this house is to stand by the refrigerator in the kitchen. Tom se lastimó jugando al fútbol americano. Tom got hurt playing football. Tom got hurt playing football. Cada nación procura su propia perpetuidad. Every nation seeks to perpetuate itself. Each nation seeks its own perpetuity. Se espera una gran catástrofe. A great catastrophe is expected. A major catastrophe is expected. T'ensenyarem com atrapar un peix. We'll show you how to catch a fish. We'll teach you how to catch a fish. Estoy realmente preocupada. I'm really worried. I'm really worried. Sami tenía un terrible dolor abdominal. Sami had terrible abdominal pain. Sami had terrible abdominal pain. Rara vez duermo lo suficiente. I rarely get enough sleep. I rarely get enough sleep. Ha habido muchos genocidios en la historia, pero el más famoso (o infame) es aquél perpetrado por los Nazis. There have been many genocides in history, but the most famous (or infamous) is that perpetrated by the Nazis. There have been many genocides in history, but the most famous (or infamous) is the one perpetrated by the Nazis. Aqueth qu'ei mei beròi. This one is prettier. That’s why I’m a Berber. ¿Debería hacer que me extraigan el diente? Should I have my tooth extracted? Should I have my tooth removed? Estoy feliz porque estás acá. I'm happy because you're here. I'm happy because you're here. Ya nadie que conozca va allá. No one I know goes there anymore. No one I know goes there anymore. Tom sabía que Mary estaba oculta tras la cortina. Tom knew that Mary was hiding behind the curtain. Tom knew Mary was hiding behind the curtain. Hay mucho mal en el mundo. There's a lot of evil in the world. There is much evil in the world. Ajuda't tu mateix i Déu t'ajudarà. Help yourself and God will help you. Help yourself and God will help you. Aquí no hay nadie. There's no one here. There's nobody here. En Brasil comerás muchas frutas deliciosas. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruit. In Brazil you will eat many delicious fruits. Alguien estaba intentando irrumpir. Somebody was trying to break in. Someone was trying to break in. No digo que estés equivocado. I'm not saying you’re wrong. I'm not saying you're wrong. He perdido la fe en mi doctor. I've lost faith in my doctor. I have lost faith in my doctor. A Tom le gusta saltarse al último episodio y luego regresar al comienzo cuando ve una serie, para saber qué esperar. Whenever Tom watches a series, he likes skipping to the last episode, and then going back to the start, so he knows what to expect. Tom likes to skip to the last episode and then go back to the beginning when he watches a series, so he knows what to expect. Ella lo besó. She kissed him. She kissed him. ¿Qué más compraste? What else do you buy? What else did you buy? Voy a ver adónde van. I am going to see where they're going. I'll see where they go. Decidimos quedarnos dentro, dado que estaba lloviendo. We decided to stay inside since it was raining. We decided to stay inside because it was raining. Hace tres años que hice eso. It was three years ago that I did that. I did that three years ago. "Padre, sé lo que hiciste en Gamelon." "¿Qué?" "Deja de actuar como si no lo supieras, ¡tú, mierda, estúpida!" "Yo..." "Es mejor que hables rápido o ¡te daré una paliza!" "Que te jodan!" "Father, I know what you did in Gamelon." "What?" "Stop acting like you don't know, you dumbshit!" "I, uh..." "You better talk fast or I'll beat you up!" "Screw you!" "Father, I know what you did in Gamelon." "What?" "Stop acting like you don't know, you, shit, stupid!" "I..." "You better talk fast or I'll beat you up!" "Fuck you!" Las plantas crecen rápidamente después de la lluvia. Plants grow quickly after rain. Plants grow quickly after rain. En una escala de cero a diez, donde diez es el peor, ¿puede calificar su dolor? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you rate your pain? On a scale of zero to ten, where ten is the worst, can you rate your pain? El peón blanco tomó al peón negro de pasada. The white pawn took the black pawn "en passant". The white pawn took the black pawn in passing. Tom no es tan fuerte como pensábamos. Tom isn't as strong as we thought. Tom's not as strong as we thought. No, gràcies. No, thank you. No, thank you. Cuando ella miró, él cerró la puerta y la dejó encerrada en la más profunda oscuridad del armario. When she looked, he shut the door and locked her into the totally dark closet. When she looked, he closed the door and locked her in the deepest darkness of the closet. Tom no sabía lo que Mary estaba buscando. Tom didn't know what Mary was looking for. Tom didn't know what Mary was looking for. Cuando sacudes manos con alguien, debes mirarlo a los ojos. When you shake hands with somebody, you must look him in the eye. When you shake hands with someone, you have to look them in the eye. Nos casamos el año pasado. We got married last year. We got married last year. Ella no puede estar en este hotel, porque ella regresó a Canadá. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be in this hotel, because she's back in Canada. Yanni no debería hacer eso. Yanni shouldn't do that. Yanni shouldn't do that. Dicen que ordeñan a los pollos y que las vacas ponen huevos, pero no te lo creas. They say that chickens are milked and cows lay eggs, but don’t believe it. They say they milk chickens and cows lay eggs, but don't believe it. Hubo momentos en que Tom me gustaba. There were times when I liked Tom. There were times when I liked Tom. ¡Ganaste tú! You win! You won! Estamos desayunando adentro. We are eating breakfast indoors. We're having breakfast inside. Ellos se negaron a ayudarla. They denied her any help. They refused to help her. Esto no me pinta nada bien. I have a bad feeling about this. This doesn't look good on me. Él participó en una gran estafa. He took part in a big scam. He was involved in a big scam. Nunca sé qué tiempo usar. I never know which tense to use. I never know what time to use. Una poderosa corriente descendente causó que el avión cayera en picado. A powerful downdraft sent the plane plunging. A powerful downdraft caused the plane to plummet. ¡Perdí la billetera, que bronca! I've lost my wallet. I'm pissed! I lost my wallet, it's pissed! Todos saben que ella ha hecho todo lo que ha podido por sus hijos. Everyone knows that she has done everything she could for her children. Everyone knows that she has done everything she can for her children. Estoy intentando acordarme. I'm trying to remember. I'm trying to remember. Ella era joven. She was young. She was young. Ne vesèm pas arren d'estranh. We saw nothing strange. I don't see any strangeness. Ella es va beneficiar de la bona inversió. She benefited from the sound investment. She benefited from the good investment. Es porta bé amb el senyor Brown. He gets on well with Mr. Brown. He gets along well with Mr. Brown. Haré lo mejor para no molestar tu estudio. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to disturb your study. Todos ustedes acaban de perder el juego. You all just lost the game. You all just lost the game. La intensidad eléctrica se mide en amperios. Electric current is measured in amps. Electrical intensity is measured in amps. Por favor, no hables demasiado rápido. Please don't speak too quickly. Please don't talk too fast. Nos quitamos las camisetas. We took off our shirts. We took off our shirts. Trang es tan guapa como Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Trang is as beautiful as Dorenda. La moneda de Vietnam es el đồng. Su símbolo es el "₫". Vietnam's currency is the đồng. Its symbol is "₫". The currency of Vietnam is the ?ng. Its symbol is the "?". Nos bajaremos en la última estación. We'll get off at the last station. We'll get off at the last station. ¿Es fácil aprender a hablar esperanto? Is it easy to learn to speak Esperanto? Is it easy to learn to speak Esperanto? No tienes ni idea de lo doloroso que es decirte esto. You have no idea how painful it is to say this. You have no idea how painful it is to tell you this. Su chantaje me dejó sin elección. His blackmail left me no choice. Your blackmail left me with no choice. Por allá se ve una torre blanca. You can see a white tower over there. There is a white tower. Ponte una camiseta. Put on a shirt. Put on a T-shirt. Nada es gratis. Nothing's free. Nothing is free. Ella es buena en lo que hace. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. La paraula "sam" és una abreviatura de "ordinador" en Lojban. The word "sam" is short for "computer" in Lojban. The word "sam" is an abbreviation for "computer" in Lojban. Todavía no he podido formatear mi disco duro. I still couldn't format my hard disk. I haven't been able to format my hard drive yet. Ese niño habla como una niña. That boy talks like a girl. That boy talks like a girl. ¿Dónde podría esconderme? Where could I hide? Where could I hide? Por favor cuelga tu abrigo en la antesala. Please hang your coat in the anteroom. Please hang your coat in the anteroom. Los perros son blancos. Dogs are white. Dogs are white. ¿Se siente seguro en casa? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? El museo tuvo que cerrar por falta de fondos. The museum had to close due to lack of finances. The museum had to close due to lack of funds. Tom puede contar el secreto. Tom may spill the beans. Tom can tell the secret. Tom aceptó reacio el obsequio. Tom reluctantly accepted the gift. Tom reluctantly accepted the gift. Tom no me contó el secreto de Mary. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. ¿Por qué ese ganso se sienta sobre sus huevos? Why does that goose sit on her eggs? Why does that goose sit on his eggs? Si sigues llegando tarde, te lo descontaré de tu sueldo. If you keep arriving late, I'm taking it off your paycheck. If you're still late, I'll deduct it from your paycheck. Dime dónde has estado. Tell me where you've been. Tell me where you've been. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lavaste los platos? When was the last time you did the dishes? When was the last time you washed the dishes? Tom es muy devoto. Tom is very devout. Tom is very devoted. Tom es francés. Tom is French. Tom is French. Potser et puc concedir set minuts. I can probably give you seven minutes. Maybe I can give you seven minutes. Trajeron esta tetera de un viaje que hicieron a Japón. They brought this teapot from a trip they made to Japan. They brought this teapot from a trip they made to Japan. Me quedé en casa todo el verano. I stayed at home all summer. I stayed home all summer. Me has engañado. You befooled me. You fooled me. Los EE.UU. fue un error. The U.S. was a mistake. The US was a mistake. Era la primera vez que ella vivía lejos de casa. It was her first time living away from home. It was the first time she had lived away from home. Com t'apèlas ? What's your name? How's your name? Vols jugar a tennis amb nosaltres? Do you want to play tennis with us? Do you want to play tennis with us? Yanni se siente atraído por Skura. Yanni is attracted to Skura. Yanni is attracted to Skura. Él no ha pagado su parte del alquiler. He has not paid his portion of the rent. He hasn't paid his share of the rent. Vayamos mañana al mercadillo. Let's go to the flea market tomorrow. Let's go to the flea market tomorrow. Zamenhof era un hombre muy sabio. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Zamenhof was a very wise man. Quan te'n vas ? When will you leave? When are you leaving? No creo que esas malditas baterías estén en este maldito cajón. I don't think that those damn batteries are in this damn drawer. I don't think those damn batteries are in this damn drawer. Ella habló de manera infantil. She talked childishly. She spoke childishly. La dona ferida era una turista brasilera. The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The injured woman was a Brazilian tourist. Ella lavó y secó los platos. She washed the dishes and she dried them. She washed and dried the dishes. Quin s'apèra ? What is his name? What do you remember? ¿Lo intentas? Will you try? Are you trying? ¿No sientes a la casa sacudirse? Don't you feel the house shaking? Don't you feel the house shake? No tenía idea de que vivías tan cerca de mí. I had no idea you lived so close to me. I had no idea you lived so close to me. Sos demasiado joven para tomar alcohol. You're too young to have alcohol. You're too young to drink alcohol. Tom pasó el día entero en la cama leyendo. Tom spent the whole day reading in bed. Tom spent the whole day in bed reading. No comas nieve amarilla. Don't eat yellow snow. Don't eat yellow snow. ¿Quién es la chica que está llorando? Who is the girl who is crying? Who's the girl crying? No hacemos promesas. We don't make any promises. We make no promises. ¿Saldrá el tren a tiempo? Will the train leave on time? Will the train leave on time? Me tocó el hombro. He touched my shoulder. He touched my shoulder. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en comprar ese cacharro? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Are you seriously thinking about buying that pot? ¡Vos ganaste! You win! You won! Creo que estoy preparada para estudiar francés. I think I'm ready to study French. I think I'm ready to study French. Yanni dejó a Skura ahí fuera. Yanni left Skura out there. Yanni left Skura out there. La teua opinió és important per a mi. Your opinion is important to me. Your opinion is important to me. Esperamos un milagro. We hoped for a miracle. We expect a miracle. Ellos ya saben. They already know. They already know. Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Today is my birthday. Today is my birthday. Prefiero pasar hambre a robar. I would rather starve than steal. I'd rather go hungry than steal. Va vénguer fòrça mei caud en març. It will become much warmer in March. I fell in love in March. Yanni fue más cariñoso. Yanni was more loving. Yanni was more loving. Necesitamos a alguien que haga algo. We need someone to do something. We need someone to do something. Debes hacer buen uso de tu tiempo. You should make good use of your time. You must make good use of your time. Era la primera vez que imitaba a la profesora e hice reir a todos los compañeros. It was the first time I mimed the teacher and I made all the students laugh. It was the first time I imitated the teacher and made all the classmates laugh. Si no fos pel teu coratge, ara estariem morts. If it weren't for your courage, we'd now be dead. If it wasn't for your courage, we'd be dead now. Ciudad de México se remonta a la época precolombina. Mexico City dates to pre-Columbian times. Mexico City dates back to pre-Columbian times. ¡Mucho! Very! A lot! Esta carta Pokemon es muy valiosa. This Pokemon card is very valuable. This Pokemon card is very valuable. ¿Creéis en mí? Do you believe in me? Do you believe in me? Me estáis acusando en falso. You are falsely accusing me. You're falsely accusing me. Mary puede encarar a la muerte con tanta serenidad. Mary can face death with so much serenity. Mary can face death with such serenity. Aquera cadièra qu'ei lèda. This chair is ugly. This is the chair that I have. No me salen las palabras. My words aren't coming out. I don't get the words. Es un día muy caluroso. It's a very hot day. It's a very hot day. Tom parece estar bastante satisfecho consigo mismo. Tom seems quite pleased with himself. Tom seems to be quite satisfied with himself. ¡Qué árbol de Navidad tan grande! What a big Christmas tree! What a big Christmas tree! Podría nevar esta noche. It might snow tonight. It could snow tonight. El episodio acaba de empezar. The episode just started. The episode has just begun. Tenía sed y quería algo frío para beber. I was thirsty and wanted something cold to drink. I was thirsty and wanted something cold to drink. Yanni y Skura van camino del romance. Yanni and Skura are on the road to romance. Yanni and Skura are on their way to romance. Si haces eso, se terminará nuestra amistad. If you do that, our friendship will be over. If you do that, our friendship will end. Tom y Mary se conocieron en un baile. Tom and Mary met at a dance. Tom and Mary met at a dance. El ajedrez encadena a su maestro, sometiendo su mente y su cerebro de tal manera que la libertad interior incluso del más fuerte sufrirá. Chess shackles its master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. Chess chains its master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. Algunos creen que la familia real inglesa desciende directamente del linaje del Rey David. Some believe that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David. Some believe that the English royal family descends directly from King David’s lineage. "Tal vez no tenga novia, pero al menos soy rico", dijo Tom. "I may not have a girlfriend, but at least I'm rich," said Tom. “I may not have a girlfriend, but at least I’m rich,” Tom said. No se valora la salud hasta que viene la enfermedad. Health is not valued until sickness comes. Health is not valued until the disease comes. Ella tiene una linda figura. She has a nice figure. She has a nice figure. El gobierno está decidido a poner fin al terrorismo. The government is determined to put an end to terrorism. The government is determined to end terrorism. El helado que comí ayer estaba delicioso. The ice cream that I ate yesterday was delicious. The ice cream I ate yesterday was delicious. ¿Por qué las noches son tan oscuras? Why are the nights so dark? Why are the nights so dark? Estoy segura de que mañana no voy a aprobar mi examen. I'm sure that tomorrow I'm not going to pass my exam. I'm sure I won't pass my exam tomorrow. La mesera coqueteó con Tom creyendo que él le dejaría una mejor propina. The waitress flirted with Tom thinking that he'd leave her a larger tip. The waitress flirted with Tom believing that he would leave her a better tip. Ella le dijo que su padre había muerto. She told him that her father had died. She told him her father was dead. ¿Vendrá John a vernos mañana? Will John come to see us tomorrow? Will John come to see us tomorrow? Normalmente es directo y sincero, y así consigue ganarse la confianza de aquellos que le conocen. He is usually straightforward and sincere and thereby gains the confidence of those who meet him. He is usually direct and sincere, and thus manages to gain the trust of those who know him. Los vecinos son demasiado cotillas. The neighbors are too nosy. The neighbors are too cotilla. Em vaig comprar la tele d'una tacada. I paid in a lump sum when I bought a television set. I bought the TV in one spot. Debemos conseguir hacerlo con lo que tenemos. We must make do with what we have got. We must get it done with what we have. Espero que te guste el trabajo. I hope you like the job. I hope you like the job. Ella me echó una mirada extraña. She gave me a strange look. She gave me a strange look. De qué èi ? What do I have? What is it about? Tomo el metro hacia la escuela cada día. I take the subway to school every day. I take the subway to school every day. Desafortunadamente, no puedo hacer eso por ti. Unfortunately, I can't do that for you. Unfortunately, I can't do that for you. De qué vòus ? What do you want? What do you want? No me malentienda. Don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong. Qu'ei hèra bon. This is very good. He is good. Nuestra solicitud fue aprobada. Our request was approved. Our request was approved. Usted es más alto que ella. You are taller than she. You're taller than her. Lamento que haya suspendido el examen. I feel badly that she failed her test. I'm sorry you suspended the exam. Las manzanas van a estar maduras luego. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples will be ripe later. Voy a visitar a un amigo mío que está en el hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend in the hospital. I'm going to visit a friend of mine who's in the hospital. Se me ha metido una pestaña en el ojo y me está fastidiando. An eyelash got into my eye and it's annoying. I got an eyelash in my eye and it's bothering me. No dejaré que Tom se case con mi hermana. I won't let Tom marry my sister. I won't let Tom marry my sister. La bala va penetrar al seu pit i el va deixar en estat crític. The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition. The bullet penetrated his chest and left him in critical condition. Es un hotel. This is a hotel. It's a hotel. Hemos intentado ser amables con Tom. We've tried to be nice to Tom. We tried to be nice to Tom. Por primera vez en mi vida siento remordimiento, pero no había otra salida. For the first time in my life, I felt a pang of conscience, but there was no other way out. For the first time in my life I felt remorse, but there was no other way out. Me gustaría tomar algo. I'd like something to drink. I'd like a drink. Pensé que a Tom le gustaría. I thought Tom would like it. I thought Tom would like it. ¿En serio? Really? Oh, really? No hay opción. There is no choice. There's no choice. La tenda pot proporcionar-nos qualsevol cosa que necessitem. The store can supply us with anything we need. The store can provide us with anything we need. ¡Estoy a punto de llorar! I'm about to cry! I'm about to cry! No et facis mala sang. You don't have to kick yourself. Don't get bad blood. Apaga la luz de la cocina, por favor. Turn off the kitchen light, please. Turn off the kitchen light, please. Qué lástima que murió tan joven. It is a pity that he died so young. Too bad he died so young. ¿Le duele cuando hace eso? Do you feel pain when you do that? Does it hurt when you do that? No me pidas que te diga tus errores. Si te interesa cambiar, descúbrelos tú mismo. Don't ask me to point out your mistakes. If you're interested in changing, figure them out on your own. Don't ask me to tell you your mistakes. If you're interested in change, find out for yourself. T'estranya que ningú hi confiï? Do you wonder why no one trusts him? Is it any wonder that no one trusts him? Se'n va anar a esquiar a l'hivern. He went skiing during the winter. He went skiing in the winter. Me gustaría comprar una cámara como esta. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to buy a camera like this. El fallo es el mejor entrenador. Failure is the best coach. Failure is the best coach. La Jeane també juga a tennis. Jeanne is also playing tennis. Jeane also plays tennis. Tom pensó que era extraño. Tom thought it was strange. Tom thought it was strange. Me pregunto por qué algunas personas piensan que los gatos negros dan mala suerte. I wonder why some people think black cats are unlucky. I wonder why some people think black cats are bad luck. Me temo que no puedo ayudarte. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm afraid I can't help you. Sami és un home valent. Sami is a brave man. Sami is a brave man. Él empacó su almuerzo en una bolsa de papel. He packed his lunch in a paper bag. He packed his lunch in a paper bag. Ignora el que ha dit. Era només una broma. Ignore what he said. It was just a joke. Ignore what you said, it was just a joke. A pesar de que el inglés es su lengua nativa, Tom no conoce la diferencia entre "perder" y "flojo". Even though English is his native language, Tom doesn't know the difference between "lose" and "loose". Even though English is his native language, Tom doesn’t know the difference between “losing” and “loose.” Tiene la garganta irritada y fiebre. No salga. You have a sore throat and fever. Don't go out. You have a sore throat and a fever. Tom va morir a Roma. Tom died in Rome. Tom died in Rome. El tren llegó con diez minutos de retraso. The train arrived ten minutes late. The train arrived ten minutes late. Tómese el tiempo que necesite. Take as long as you need. Take as much time as you need. ¿No estuvieron ellos un largo tiempo en el pueblo? Weren’t they a long time in the town? Were they not long in the village? ¿Andas con un bolígrafo? Do you have a pen on you? Are you walking with a pen? Pronto serás una abuelita. You'll be a grandma soon. Soon you'll be a granny. Tom ha estado montando caballos toda su vida. Tom has been riding horses all his life. Tom's been riding horses his whole life. Todos estos factores son importantes. All of these factors are important. All of these factors are important. Nos levantamos demasiado tarde y perdimos el tren. We got up too late and we missed the train. We got up too late and missed the train. Enseñarle a los niños es más fácil que a los adultos. It's easier to teach children than adults. Teaching children is easier than teaching adults. El barco está a merced de las olas. The ship is at the mercy of the waves. The ship is at the mercy of the waves. Creo que esta noche va a helar. I think it'll freeze tonight. I think she's freezing tonight. Lo sé con mi corazón. I know it in my heart. I know it with my heart. Trump es un narcisista. Trump is a narcissist. Trump is a narcissist. Las frases más bellas son las que hablan de amor. The most beautiful words are those that speak of love. The most beautiful phrases are those that speak of love. Algunas tradiciones son tontas. Some traditions are dumb. Some traditions are silly. Ella me pidió que no se lo contara a nadie. Así que no lo hice. She told me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Él era grande, lento y silencioso. He was big and slow and silent. He was big, slow and silent. Tenías miedo de morir, ¿verdad? You were scared that you'd die, weren't you? You were afraid to die, weren't you? El cello es un instrumento de cuerda. The cello is a string instrument. The cello is a stringed instrument. Ella siempre anota cada palabra que dice el profesor. She always writes down every word her teacher says. She always writes down every word the teacher says. Salvamos a un pajarito que se había caído del nido. We saved a little bird who had fallen out of the nest. We saved a little bird that had fallen out of the nest. ¿Por qué quieres regresar a Australia? Why do you want to return to Australia? Why do you want to go back to Australia? Yanni se siente mucho mejor. Yanni is feeling much better. Yanni feels much better. Es completamente natural. It's completely natural. It's completely natural. ¿Veis la tele a menudo? Do you watch TV often? Do you watch TV often? Tom se escondió en un edificio abandonado. Tom hid in an abandoned building. Tom hid in an abandoned building. El comercio electrónico comenzó a extenderse rápidamente. Electronic commerce began to spread rapidly. E-commerce began to spread rapidly. Es una pena que algunas personas mueran de hambre incluso en medio de la abundancia. It is a pity that some people starve to death even in the midst of plenty. It is a pity that some people die of hunger even in the midst of abundance. Es bueno que él estuviera allí. It's good that he was there. It's good that he was there. Él caminó ayer por el parque. He walked in the park yesterday. He walked through the park yesterday. Mr. Bean és tan graciós! Mr. Bean is so funny! Mr. Bean is so funny! Tom es un nadador muy veloz. Tom is a very fast swimmer. Tom is a very fast swimmer. Tom nunca sale. Tom never goes out. Tom never leaves. Me gusta comprar en esa tienda departamental. I like to shop at that department store. I like to shop at that department store. No fumes aquí. Don't smoke here. Don't smoke here. Nunca bebe alcohol. He never drinks alcohol. Never drink alcohol. No creo que tenga tiempo. I don't think I'll have time. I don't think I have time. Es muy triste saber que todos nuestros planes fueron en vano. It's very sad to find out that all of our plans were in vain. It is very sad to know that all our plans were in vain. Voy a nadar con regularidad. I go swimming regularly. I go swimming regularly. Nada de esto es mío. None of this is mine. None of this is mine. Te lo tendré que contar algún día. I'll have to tell you about it sometime. I'll have to tell you one day. Ya no nos queda nada. We don't have anything left. We've got nothing left. El líder dio formidables declaraciones. The leader made formidable declarations. The leader made formidable statements. ¿Qué estáis haciendo vosotros dos? What are you two doing? What are you two doing? Tú eres un profesor. You're a teacher. You're a teacher. Cuidad bien de mi abuela. Take good care of my grandmother. Take good care of my grandmother. Cometí un serio error en la prueba. I made a serious mistake on the test. I made a serious mistake in the test. Baixa el volum del televisor. Turn the TV down, please. Turn down the volume of the TV. ¿Tienes empleados que hablen japonés? Do you have any employees who speak Japanese? Do you have employees who speak Japanese? ¿Quieres un poco más? Would you like any more? You want some more? Cada día nace gente talentosa. Talented people are born every day. Talented people are born every day. En China la historia comenzó hace treinta años, no podemos saber lo que ocurrió hace más de treinta años. In China, the history began thirty years ago; we can't know what happened any farther back than thirty years. In China the story began thirty years ago, we cannot know what happened more than thirty years ago. No puede descartarse la posibilidad de que la explosión haya sido causada por negligencia. The possibility that the explosion was caused by carelessness cannot be ruled out. The possibility that the explosion was caused by negligence cannot be ruled out. Esa empresa tiene muy buen nombre. That firm has a good reputation. This company has a very good name. No es que de verdad me guste. Es sólo que me parece muy atractivo. It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive. It's not that I really like it, it's just that I find it very attractive. Tinc dos gats. I have two cats. I have two cats. Tuve cuidado de no decir nada que le enfadara. I was careful not to say anything to make him angry. I was careful not to say anything that would upset him. Cuzco es uno de los lugares más interesantes del mundo. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. ¿Usas kratom? Do you use kratom? Do you use kratom? Qué hilh de puta de film es aquò ? What the hell kind of movie is this? What kind of movie is this? ¿Habla alguien japonés aquí? Does someone here speak Japanese? Does anyone speak Japanese here? ¿A quién le toca bañar al perro? Whose turn is it to give the dog a bath? Who should bathe the dog? Quiero ser linda. I want to be cute. I want to be pretty. El examen es difícil. The exam is difficult. The exam is difficult. Es un honor para mí poder contribuir. It's an honor for me to be able to contribute. I am honored to be able to contribute. ¿Estás ocultándome algo? Are you keeping something from me? Are you hiding something from me? Dígalo en inglés. Say it in English. Say it in English. Jim conducía su coche, silbando alegremente. Jim drove his car, whistling merrily. Jim was driving his car, whistling happily. Prefiero la primavera al otoño. I prefer spring to autumn. I prefer spring to autumn. Él podría por lo menos disculparse. He might at least apologize. He could at least apologize. Tom rescató al gato de las llamas. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. Por favor, tráete mi teléfono contigo. Please bring my phone with you. Please bring my phone with you. ¿Por qué abriste las ventanas? Why did you open the windows? Why did you open the windows? ¿Por qué necesitas todo esto? Why do you need all this? Why do you need all this? Incluso al ser elogiado, la modestia es importante. Even when one is being praised, modesty is important. Even when praised, modesty is important. Hace poco encontré nuevos diccionarios, en otros idiomas. Recently I found new dictionaries, in other languages. Recently I found new dictionaries, in other languages. Los Estados Unidos son una tierra de inmigrantes. America is a land of immigrants. The United States is a land of immigrants. Yanni trabaja en turno de noche en Walmart. Yanni works a night shift at Walmart. Yanni works the night shift at Walmart. Kaoru se fué a América. Kaoru has gone to America. Kaoru went to America. Mary tiene un aparato de ortodoncia. Mary has braces. Mary has an orthodontic appliance. ¿Para qué está la puerta cerrada con llave? What's the door locked for? What's the door locked for? ¿Es verdad? Is it true? Is that true? ¿Quién tiene tiempo para eso? Who has time for that? Who has time for that? Quin problema hi ha? What's the problem? What's the matter? No usaríamos la forma "vosotros" si no viviéramos en España. We wouldn't use the "vosotros" form if we didn't live in Spain. We wouldn't use the form "you" if we didn't live in Spain. Un mundo mejor para las mujeres es un mundo mejor para todos. A better world for women is a better world for everyone. A better world for women is a better world for all. Ella va a morir. She's going to die. She's going to die. Generalmente la rabia me hace llorar y el llanto me hace bien. Usually anger makes me cry and crying makes me feel good. Usually anger makes me cry and crying makes me good. Te oí cantar. I heard you sing. I heard you sing. No begis l'aigua al got brut! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water in the dirty glass! Series un bon diplomàtic. You'd make a good diplomat. You'd make a good diplomat. Anoche escuché la radio. Last night, I listened to radio. I listened to the radio last night. No debes decirle nada a Tom. You mustn't tell Tom anything. You don't have to say anything to Tom. Yanni simplemente ignoró eso. Yanni just ignored that. Yanni just ignored that. Por favor suba aquí y luego siéntese en esta mesa. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Please come up here and then sit down at this table. Argelia no tiene una buena economía. Algeria doesn't have a good economy. Algeria does not have a good economy. Deixa'm anar el braç. Let go of my arm. Let go of my arm. Ya he hablado con Tom. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already talked to Tom. Este es el libro de ellas. This is their book. This is their book. Tengo que hacer una llamada telefónica. I have to make a phone call. I have to make a phone call. Costarà haut o baish cent mila iens. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. It will cost you or baish a hundred thousand yen. Estoy mucho más feliz ahora. I'm so much happier now. I'm much happier now. ¿No quieres que te compre una? Don't you want me to buy you one? Don't you want me to buy you one? "Ya quiero crecer." "¿Por qué?" "Porque cuando crezca ya no tendré que estudiar." "I can't wait to be a grown-up." "Why?" "Because when I grow up I won't have to study anymore." "I want to grow." "Why?" "Because when I grow up I won't have to study anymore." ¡No me pellizques el cachete! Don't pinch my cheeks. Don't pinch my slap! Ya no puedo más con este ruido. I can no longer stand this noise. I can't do that anymore with this noise. Aquera pared qu'ei hreda. This wall feels cold. That wall I've got. Cualquier cantidad de dinero será bienvenida. Any amount of money will be welcome. Any amount of money will be welcome. Este és un cavall. This is a horse. This is a horse. Te garantizo que te encontraré un trabajo. I guarantee I'll get you a job. I guarantee I'll find you a job. Él recibió en una ocasión una medalla de oro. He's been awarded a gold medal once. He once received a gold medal. Yo soy tu padre. I'm your father. I'm your father. Argelia no es como Venezuela. Algeria isn't like Venezuela. Algeria is not like Venezuela. Necesito que traduzcas estas frases. I need you to translate these phrases. I need you to translate these phrases. Desde aquí a la estación de tren se tarda unos tres minutos. From here to the train station takes about ten minutes. From here to the train station it takes about three minutes. En Tom surt a treballar cada matí a dos quarts de set. Tom leaves for work at 6:30 every morning. Tom goes to work every morning at two-quarters-of-seven. Las ecuaciones son sencillamente la parte aburrida de la matemática. Trato de ver las cosas en términos de geometría. Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I attempt to see things in terms of geometry. Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I try to look at things in terms of geometry. Este libro de texto es demasiado difícil para mí. This textbook is too hard for me. This textbook is too hard for me. Lo único que tienes que hacer es trabajar más duro. All you have to do is to work harder. All you have to do is work harder. Parece que Tom ha desaparecido. Tom seems to have disappeared. Looks like Tom's missing. ¿Dónde comprasteis Mellal y tu un diccionario de finés? Where did you and Mellal buy a Finnish dictionary? Where did you and Mellal buy a Finnish dictionary? Sacaré a pasear a mi perro. I'll take my dog out for a walk. I'll take my dog for a walk. Hay una cosa que quiero saber. There's one thing I want to know. There's one thing I want to know. El presidente de la compañía sobornó al ministro del gobierno. The president of the company bribed the government minister. The president of the company bribed the government minister. Él se había cuidado. He had taken care of himself. He had taken care of himself. Tom está distraído. Tom is distracted. Tom is distracted. Sabètz çò qu'a dit ? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? Tom no salió el fin de semana pasado. Tom didn't go out last weekend. Tom didn't come out last weekend. Muévanse. Move. Move it. ¿Le dijiste algo? Did you say something to him? Did you tell him anything? No soy Mark. I'm not Mark. I'm not Mark. No creo que seas gafe. I don't think you're a jinx. I don't think you're a jinx. En cuanto recibí el cheque, me fui al banco. As soon as I received the cheque, I went to the bank. As soon as I got the check, I went to the bank. La guerra estalló en 1939. War broke out in 1939. The war broke out in 1939. Tomás sabe quienes son ellos. Tom knows who they are. Tom knows who they are. No es ese el único motivo por el que Tom no debería haber hecho eso. That's not the only reason why Tom shouldn't have done that. That's not the only reason Tom shouldn't have done that. Espero que Tom me deje hacer lo que quiero. I hope Tom lets me do what I want. I hope Tom lets me do what I want. Dudo que Tom tenga el valor de hacer lo que verdaderamente necesita hacerse. I doubt that Tom has the courage to do what really needs to be done. I doubt that Tom has the courage to do what really needs to be done. ¿Sabes dónde trabaja ella? Do you know where she works? Do you know where she works? Tom estuvo saltando piedras en la balsa. Tom was skipping rocks on the pond. Tom was jumping rocks on the raft. Resident Evil 4 és un dels millors jocs a què he jugat. Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games I have ever played. Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games I've ever played. La serendipia es la facultad de hacer, accidentalmente, descubrimientos felices e inesperados. Serendipity is the ability to make, accidentally, happy and unexpected discoveries. Serendipity is the faculty of accidentally making happy and unexpected discoveries. No he encontrado nada. I haven't found anything. I didn't find anything. No tengas vergüenza al entrar a mi casa. Make yourself at home. Don't be ashamed to come into my house. Mi abuela nos hizo un guiso de carne y papa. My grandmother made us some meat and potato stew. My grandmother made us a stew of meat and potatoes. Ni me lo digas. Tell me about it! Don't even tell me. No había nada en juego. There was nothing at stake. There was nothing at stake. Hem trobat una petjada gran i un parell de més petites de diferent mida. We found one large footprint and a couple of different size smaller footprints. We found a large footprint and a couple of smaller footprints of different sizes. Hicimos pintar nuestra casa. We had our house painted. We had our house painted. Tom no intentó defender a Mary. Tom didn't try to defend Mary. Tom didn't try to defend Mary. El senyor Ikeda vol comprar un cotxe nou. Mr. Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Mr. Ikeda wants to buy a new car. Algo así no ocurre todos los días. Something like this doesn't happen every day. Something like that doesn't happen every day. Solo estoy un poco aburrido. I'm just a little bored. I'm just a little bored. Un òmi qui n'ei pas estat a l'escòla pòt panar d'un vagon de mercandisas, mès se a ua educacion universitària, va panar tot lo camin de hèr. A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. A man who has not been to the school can panic from a wagon of merchants, even if he is in a university education, panicked all the way to his father. Quiero escribirle una carta de amor en francés a mi novia. I want to write my girlfriend a love letter in French. I want to write a love letter in French to my girlfriend. Espero poderte ver mañana. I hope I can see you tomorrow. I hope to see you tomorrow. ¿Harás tú el trabajo que no hizo Seosamh? Will you do the work that Seosamh didn't do? Will you do the work that Seosamh didn't do? Tom siempre habla con una precisión robótica. Tom always speaks with robotic precision. Tom always speaks with robotic precision. ¿Te sientes nervioso en la oficina hoy? Do you feel nervous in the office today? Do you feel nervous in the office today? No pudo haber venido en un peor momento. It couldn't have come at a worse time. He couldn't have come at a worse time. Mi camisa está mojada. My shirt is wet. My shirt is wet. Va ser un malson. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Ellas hacen un gran equipo. They make a great team. They make a great team. Tom no sabía dónde estaba la biblioteca. Tom didn't know where the library was. Tom didn't know where the library was. Yo puedo hacer eso. I can do that. I can do that. Ellos van a Ishikawa. They're going to Ishikawa. They go to Ishikawa. ¿Sabes dónde trabaja él? Do you know where he works? Do you know where he works? Odio los días fríos de invierno. I hate cold winter days. I hate cold winter days. Límpialo, por favor. Please clean it. Clean it, please. "Buenos días." "Café." "Good morning." "Coffee." "Good morning." "Coffee." Este jarro aguanta dos litros de agua caliente. This jar can hold two liters of hot water. This jar holds two liters of hot water. Tom aún debe terminar de pintar la cerca. Tom still has to finish painting the fence. Tom has yet to finish painting the fence. Yo viví en Tokio hace unos años atrás, pero ahora vivo en Kioto. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. Que ns'encaminèm. We started to walk. Let's get going. Tom ya ha prometido hacer eso. Tom has already pledged to do that. Tom has already promised to do that. Un diccionario define palabras. A dictionary defines words. A dictionary defines words. ¿Consumes benzodiacepinas como Klonopin, Ativan y Xanax, que no te hayan prescrito? Do you use benzodiazepines like Klonopin, Ativan, and Xanax, that are not prescribed to you? Do you consume benzodiazepines such as Klonopin, Ativan, and Xanax that have not been prescribed for you? Tom puso la sartén sobre la estufa. Tom put the frying pan on the stove. Tom put the pan on the stove. Tom no está celebrando, ¿verdad? Tom isn't celebrating, is he? Tom's not celebrating, is he? Las clases empiezan a las nueve y terminan a las cuatro. Lessons begin at 9 and end at 4. Classes start at nine and end at four. Me acuerdo del calor de sus brazos. I remember the warmth of her arms. I remember the warmth of his arms. Nos mentiste. You lied to us. You lied to us. No fuman. They don't smoke. They don't smoke. De qué digó lo mètge ? What'd the doctor say? What did the doctor say? Vete a casa. Go on home. Go home. Todavía hay muchas cosas que no entiendes. There's still a lot you don't understand. There are still a lot of things you don't understand. Tom no vive muy lejos de acá. Tom doesn't live too far from here. Tom doesn't live far from here. Parece divertido. ¿Por qué no lo intentamos? It looks fun. Why don't we try it? Sounds like fun. Why don't we try it? Gracias por invitarme. Thanks for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. Tom tendrá una respuesta para ti la próxima semana. Tom will have an answer for you by next week. Tom will have an answer for you next week. Pero te digo cosas que conozco muy bien. But I tell you things I know very well. But I tell you things that I know very well. ¿Podrías traerme un poco de agua? Could you bring me some water? Could you get me some water? Fue rápido y divertido. It was fast and fun. It was quick and fun. Él es más alto que yo. He's taller than me. He's taller than me. Mi padre insiste en que debería convertirme en ingeniero. My father intends that I should become an engineer. My father insists I should become an engineer. Hemos pasado por alto este hecho importante. We have overlooked this important fact. We have overlooked this important fact. Tom es un poco provocador. Tom's a bit of a troll. Tom is a bit provocative. El dinero no es todo. Money isn't everything. Money is not everything. Ella llevaba un sombrero nuevo. She was wearing a new hat. She was wearing a new hat. Aqueth bistèc qu'ei tròp tilhut. This steak is too tough. This is one of those tilhuts. Aquest és el meu ordinador. This is my computer. This is my computer. Él se vio obligado a recurrir a la violencia. He was compelled to resort to violence. He was forced to resort to violence. Un, dos, tres, quatre, cinc, sièis, sèt, uèch, nòu, dètz. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten. ¿Me da el menú, por favor? May I have the menu, please? Can I have the menu, please? Era obvio que quería besarme. It was obvious that she wanted to kiss me. It was obvious he wanted to kiss me. Cada ser humano es único. Every human being is unique. Every human being is unique. Tom es el único que puede salvar al mundo. Tom is the only one who can save the world. Tom is the only one who can save the world. ¿Necesito una razón? Do I need a reason? Do I need a reason? Mi esposo está en el trabajo. My husband is at work. My husband is at work. Técnicamente, morir está prohibido en la ciudad española de Lanjarón. Technically speaking, death is prohibited in the Spanish town of Lanjarón. Technically, dying is forbidden in the Spanish city of Lanjarón. Él es un gran cretino sinvergüenza. He's such a shameless jerk. He's a big scoundrel jerk. El ruido me molesta. The noise disturbs me. The noise bothers me. Me encontré con Mihaela en la parada del metro. I met Mihaela at the subway station. I met Mihaela at the subway stop. Que l'èi ausit sortir. I heard him go out. I heard him coming out. A pesar de que estaba enfermo, aun así el chico fue al colegio. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Estaré en Boston hasta el lunes por la tarde. I'll be in Boston until Monday afternoon. I'll be in Boston until Monday afternoon. Solo escribe la verdad. Only write the truth. Just write the truth. Nosotros dos sabemos que vosotros dos mentís. We two know that you two lie. We both know you two are lying. Hoy he visto una estrella. I saw a star today. I saw a star today. Quiero una escultura. I want a sculpture. I want a sculpture. Tom vino a verme el lunes. Tom came to see me on Monday. Tom came to see me on Monday. Quinientos soldados fueron enviados a la ciudad, sobreviviendo menos de la mitad de ellos. Five hundred soldiers were sent to the city, with less than half of them surviving. Five hundred soldiers were sent to the city, less than half of them surviving. Just quan sortiscoi, que comencè de plàver. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. Just when I'm lucky, I start with silver. Aquella és la causa del seu fracàs. That's the cause of his failure. This is the cause of their failure. "Este es mi primer vuelo. Estoy nervioso," dice Hiroshi. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," says Hiroshi. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," Hiroshi says. "Ah!" és una interjecció. "Ah!" is an interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. Parece que mañana va a nevar. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Looks like it's gonna snow tomorrow. No te va a lastimar. He's not going to hurt you. It's not gonna hurt you. Buradaki nedir, Tom? What's in here, Tom? Buradaki swim, Tom? "Bienvenido." "Bien hallado." "Welcome." "Well found." "Welcome." "Well found." Lo Tòm que dèu aver au mensh trenta ans. Tom must be at least thirty years old. It was about 30 years ago. Tom no sabe por donde empezar. Tom doesn't know where to start. Tom doesn't know where to start. Tom era demasiado tímido para invitar a Mary a salir. Tom was too shy to ask Mary out. Tom was too shy to ask Mary out. María se ve estupenda para su edad. Mary looks terrific for her age. Mary looks great for her age. Se te pasará. You'll get over it. You'll miss it. Quiero comprar este libro no porque sea barato sino porque es útil. I want to buy this book not because it is cheap, but because it is useful. I want to buy this book not because it's cheap but because it's useful. Estaban abrazados. They had their arms around each other. They were hugged. ¿Para qué vivir si vamos a morirnos? Why live if we're going to die? Why live if we are going to die? Sintiendo la casa sacudirse, yo salí corriendo al patio en la parte trasera de la casa. Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the yard at the back of the house. Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the yard in the back of the house. El equilibrio del cuerpo humano es una función del cerebelo. Body equilibrium is one of the cerebellum's functions. The balance of the human body is a function of the cerebellum. Qu'èra plan pacient. He was very patient. What a patient plan. Hay una cantidad limitada. Quantities are limited. There is a limited amount. Carlos Morel fue el primer pintor argentino. Carlos Morel was the first Argentine illustrator. Carlos Morel was the first Argentine painter. ¿Puedes subirte a la báscula, por favor? Can you stand on the scale, please? Can you get on the scale, please? Jugar a las cartas es divertido. It is fun to play cards. Playing cards is fun. ¿Perdiste mucha sangre? Did you lose a lot of blood? Did you lose a lot of blood? Él tiene dos hijos, que todavía no van a la escuela. He has two sons that don't go to school yet. He has two children who have not yet gone to school. Esperaba que Tom encontraría a alguien más que lo ayudara. I'd hoped Tom would find someone else to help him. I was hoping Tom would find someone else to help him. Jo treballo a un banc. I work in a bank. I work at a bank. Los pensamientos de Yanni son normales. Yanni's thoughts are normal. Yanni's thoughts are normal. No es una cuestión de bueno o malo sino de mejor o peor. It's not a question of good or bad but of better or worse. It is not a matter of good or bad but of better or worse. Nos sorprendimos de su comportamiento. We were surprised by his behavior. We were surprised by his behavior. Hola, ¿qué hay? Hi, guys. Hey, what's up? Engañaste a Tom del todo. You certainly fooled Tom. You totally fooled Tom. La amo. I love you. I love her. Aqueste accident n'a pas arren de véser dab jo. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident didn’t happen to me. Estoy escuchando a esta banda. I'm listening to this band. I'm listening to this band. Yanni es un neurólogo certificado argelino. Yanni is an Algerian certified neurologist. Yanni is an Algerian-certified neurologist. Mon amor, qu'èi acabat de còser lo minjar. My love, I've finished cooking the food. My love, I've just mined it. El padre del padre es el abuelo, el padre del abuelo es el bisabuelo, el padre del bisabuelo es el tatarabuelo, pero no se ha definido una palabra para las generaciones anteriores al tatarabuelo. The father of a father is a grandfather, a grandfather's father is a great-grandfather, a great-grandfather's father is a great-great-grandfather, but no word has been decided upon for the generations before great-great-grandfather. The father of the father is the grandfather, the father of the grandfather is the great-grandfather, the father of the great-grandfather is the great-grandfather, but no word has been defined for the generations before the great-grandfather. Deberías haber venido antes. You should have come home before. You should have come earlier. Tom untó un poco de mermelada de fresa sobre una rebanada de pan. Tom spread some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Tom smeared some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Ella té una gran predilecció pels aliments rics. She has a great liking for rich foods. She has a great predilection for rich foods. Tom es un buen rapero. Tom is a good rapper. Tom is a good rapper. Ya sabes mi historia. You already know my story. You know my story. Mi esposo también es ruso. My husband is also Russian. My husband is also Russian. Vi la película el año pasado en San Francisco. I saw the film in San Francisco last year. I saw the movie last year in San Francisco. Todos los mamíferos son cinodontes. All mammals are cynodonts. All mammals are cynodonts. No lo puedo aguantar más. I can't hold it anymore. I can't take it anymore. Mary habla mucho. Mary talks a lot. Mary talks a lot. Lincoln murió en 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Esto no es asunto tuyo. That doesn't concern you. This is none of your business. Quiero aprender esa canción. I want to learn that song. I want to learn that song. Amar es dar algo que no se tiene. Love is giving something one doesn't have. To love is to give something you don’t have. Mi hijo quiere ser un golfista profesional. My son wants to be a professional golfer. My son wants to be a professional golfer. Había muchos mosquitos en el cuarto. There were many mosquitoes in the room. There were many mosquitoes in the room. Me enamoré de ella, pero ella no se enamoró de mí. I fell in love with her, but she didn't fall in love with me. I fell in love with her, but she didn't fall in love with me. Ella puede cantar muy bien. She is able to sing very well. She can sing very well. Jura sobre la Biblia. Swear on the Bible. Swear on the Bible. ¿Te han diagnosticado alguna vez de una discapacidad del aprendizaje? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Ojalá. I wish. I hope so. Quien quiera puede inscribirse. Anybody who wants to may sign up. Anyone who wants to can register. El vol 123, té retard? Is Flight 123 going to be delayed? Flight 123, is it late? Lo hecho, hecho está. What is done cannot be undone. What is done, is done. Ellos corrieron desnudos por las calles. They ran through the streets naked. They ran naked through the streets. Tengo miedo a los dentistas. I am afraid of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Fui vanidoso. I was overconfident. I was vain. Aún no sé cuál elegir. I still don't know which one to pick. I still don't know which one to choose. Este es mi hijo. This is my son. This is my son. D'on vens ? Where are you from? Where are you coming from? Se van trufar de tu. You will be laughed at. They've been calling you. Hablaban un idioma que no reconocí. They were speaking a language that I didn't recognize. They spoke a language I didn’t recognize. Sus consejos son siempre muy sensatos. His advice is always very sensible. His advice is always very sensible. ¿Quién tomó mi bolso? Who took my bag? Who took my bag? No parecen entender ese concepto. They don't seem to understand that concept. They don’t seem to understand that concept. Todo el mundo merece cosas buenas, incluido yo. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Everyone deserves good things, including me. ¿Cuál es tu segundo idioma? What's your second language? What is your second language? Ell m'ha dit que la seva casa era embruixada. He told me that his house was haunted. He told me his house was haunted. "Estamos en medio de una guerra", dijo el presidente. "We are in the middle of a war", said the President. “We are in the middle of a war,” the president said. És millor de consultar un diccionari quan no saps el significat d'una paraula. You had better consult a dictionary when you don't know the meaning of a word. It’s best to consult a dictionary when you don’t know the meaning of a word. Esta mañana estaba lloviendo cuando tomé el autobús. This morning it was raining when I took the bus. It was raining this morning when I took the bus. Te había dicho que no quería verte en esta casa. I've told you I don't want to see you in this house. I told you I didn't want to see you in this house. Te olvidaste de Polonia. You forgot Poland. You forgot about Poland. Tom va a disfrutar esto. Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom's gonna enjoy this. Mira esa estrella brillante. Look at that brilliant star. Look at that bright star. Veo que estoy rodeado de rostros hostiles. I see that I'm surrounded by hostile faces. I see that I am surrounded by hostile faces. Jo vull una espasa com aquesta! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like that! ¿Conoce a un buen dentista? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Yanni tuvo una experiencia positiva en Argelia. Yanni had a positive experience in Algeria. Yanni had a positive experience in Algeria. Emily es la chica más brillante de la escuela. Emily is the brightest girl in school. Emily is the brightest girl in school. No entiendo lo que te preocupa. I don't understand what's bothering you. I don't understand what you're worried about. Soy bisexual. I'm bi. I'm bisexual. Imagino que no soy tan lista como tú. I guess I'm not as smart as you. I guess I'm not as smart as you. Estamos vaciando nuestro garaje. We're cleaning out our garage. We're emptying our garage. ¿Qué celebras? What are you celebrating? What are you celebrating? Soy única. I'm unique. I'm unique. Ve y dile buenas noches a papi. Go tell Daddy goodnight. Go and say good night to Daddy. Hoy no estoy ocupado. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Voldria trobar-me amb la teva germana gran. I'd like to meet your older sister. I'd like to meet your big sister. El pan huele muy bien. The bread really smells good. The bread smells good. Un día lo entenderéis. You'll understand someday. One day you will understand. "Pruebe esto." "¿Qué es?" "Es cuscús." "Try this." "What is it?" "It's couscous." "Try this." "What is it?" "It's couscous." Juan es alto, guapo y rico. John is tall, handsome and rich. John is tall, handsome and rich. La mayoría de mis primos viven en Madrid. Most of my cousins live in Madrid. Most of my cousins live in Madrid. Los fumadores son una banda de idiotas. Smokers are a bunch of idiots. Smokers are a bunch of idiots. No puedo faltar. I can't miss out. I can't miss it. Todo el mundo tiene derecho a volverse loco. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Nosotros, la gente de los Estados Unidos, a fin de formar una unión más perfecta, establecer la justicia, asegurar la seguridad doméstica, proveer defensa al común, promover el bienestar común, y asegurar las bendiciones de la libertad a nosotros mismos como a nuestra posteridad, se decrete y establezca esta constitución para los Estados Unidos de América. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, secure domestic security, provide defense to the common, promote the common welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves as to our posterity, shall decree and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Sé que es lo que quiere Tom. I know it's what Tom wants. I know that's what Tom wants. La prima es passada e l'estiu comença. Spring has passed and summer starts. The summer is over and the summer begins. Mi vida parece un examen para el que no he estudiado. My life is like a test I haven't studied for. My life seems like an exam I haven't studied for. Si us plau. Please. Please. Lo intenté en repetidas ocasiones. I tried on several occasions. I tried repeatedly. Queremos cancelar nuestra reserva. We'd like to cancel our reservation. We want to cancel our reservation. Tomás parece ser muy inocente. Tom seems to be very naive. Tom seems to be innocent. Aquera blosa qu'ei de coton. This blouse is cotton. It's that cotton wool. Él fue atropellado y murió. He was run over and killed. He was run over and died. Mi tía llevó una vida feliz. My aunt lived a happy life. My aunt led a happy life. No podría estudiar sin este libro. If it were not for this book, I couldn't study. I couldn’t study without this book. No había más de diez clientes en la tienda. There were not more than ten customers in the shop. There were no more than ten customers in the store. A Tom le gustaban los animales. Tom liked animals. Tom liked animals. Degas nació hace más de 150 años. Degas was born more than 150 years ago. Degas was born more than 150 years ago. Esperaba que Tom encontraría a alguien más que lo ayudara. I'd hoped that Tom would find somebody else to help him. I was hoping Tom would find someone else to help him. Estoy algo decepcionado. I'm kind of disappointed. I'm a little disappointed. ¿Cuánto dinero crees que gana Tom? How much money do you think Tom makes? How much money do you think Tom makes? Tom canta en un coro. Tom sings in a choir. Tom sings in a choir. ¿Qué está haciendo Tom aquí fuera? What's Tom doing out here? What's Tom doing out here? ¡Qué afortunado soy! How lucky I am! How lucky I am! Casa nostra s'està cremant i nosaltres miram cap a l'altra banda. Our house is burning and we look elsewhere. Our house is burning and we look the other way. ¿Estás seguro de eso? Are you sure about that? You sure about that? ¿Quién abrió las ventanas? Who opened the windows? Who opened the windows? Él devolvió la carta sin abrirla. He sent the letter back unopened. He returned the letter without opening it. Por Dios, dime la verdad. For God's sake tell me the truth. For God's sake, tell me the truth. Ella está cenando ahora. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. El presidente está discutiendo el plan de producción con el director de la fábrica. The president is discussing the production plan with the director of the plant. The president is discussing the production plan with the factory manager. Nos gusta nuestra escuela. We like our school. We like our school. ¡Qué valiente eres! You're so brave! How brave you are! Ellos sí ganaron. They did win. They did win. Quan arribaram ? When will we arrive? When will they arrive? ¡Agarraos a algo lo más rápido que podáis! Hold on to something as fast as you can! Grab onto something as fast as you can! Tom no me dejó nada de comer. Tom didn't leave anything for me to eat. Tom didn't leave me anything to eat. Tengo la presión baja. I have low blood pressure. I have low blood pressure. Quiero ser rica. I want to be rich. I want to be rich. No la volvió a ver después de aquel día. Never again did he see her after that day. He never saw her again after that day. Recoge las hojas secas del manzano y limpia el jardín. Pick up the dry leaves from the apple tree, and clean the yard. Pick up the dried leaves from the apple tree and clean the garden. Esto es demasiado brillante. This is too bright. This is too bright. ¿Quién nos iba a decir que el niño rollizo del otro lado de la calle se convertiría en un culturista de fama mundial? Who would've thought that the chubby kid across the street would become a world-famous bodybuilder? Who was to tell us that the rolly kid across the street would become a world-famous bodybuilder? D'on véns? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Ahora no queremos. We don't want to right now. Now we don't want to. Esto es insubordinación. This is insubordination. This is insubordination. Augusto es mi hijo más amado. Augusto is my most beloved son. Augusto is my most beloved son. Un robot debe obedecer las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos, excepto cuando tales órdenes entren en conflicto con la Primera Ley. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must obey orders given by humans, except when such orders conflict with the First Law. En un juego de ajedrez, muchos movimientos tácticos se basan en la capacidad de los caballos para atacar simultáneamente dos piezas del oponente. In a game of chess, many tactical moves are based on the ability of the knights to simultaneously attack two opponent's pieces. In a chess game, many tactical moves are based on the ability of horses to simultaneously attack two opponent's pieces. Parece que están satisfechos con el resultado. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. They seem to be satisfied with the result. Me parece que estás harta de mí. It feels like you're fed up with me. I think you're sick of me. No volveré a molestarte. I won't bother you again. I won't bother you again. Es demasiado lejos para ir andando. It's too far to walk. It's too far to walk. El fútbol es mi deporte preferido. Football is my favorite game. Football is my favorite sport. No he tenido resfrío últimamente. I have not had a cold lately. I haven't had a cold lately. ¿Alguna vez te han diagnosticado de asma? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? Me empecé a preparar. I started to prepare myself. I started to prepare. Lo mantenian custiodiado por turnos. They kept guard by turns. They kept him guarded by turns. Soy prostituta. I'm a prostitute. I'm a prostitute. Tom es una persona en la que no se puede confiar. Tom is someone who can't be trusted. Tom is a person you can't trust. Yo sé. I know. I know. Si os dais prisa le alcanzaréis. If you hurry, you'll catch up with him. If you hurry, you will catch up with him. Que ns'amanejam. We're in a hurry. Let us manage. Él es el último hombre en hacer semejante cosa. He is the last man to do such a thing. He is the last man to do such a thing. "¿Qué te puedo traer para beber?" "Un agua mineral para mí, por favor". "¿Y para la dama?" "Me gustaría una cerveza de trigo, por favor". "What can I get you to drink?" "A mineral water for me, please." "And for the lady?" "I'd like a wheat beer, please." "What can I get you to drink?" "A mineral water for me, please." "And for the lady?" "I'd like a wheat beer, please." "Buenas noches, Tom." "Buenas noches, Mary." "Good night, Tom." "Good night, Mary." "Good night, Tom." "Good night, Mary." Nunca estaremos de acuerdo. We will never agree. We'll never agree. A Tom se le da muy bien jugar a los videojuegos. Tom is very good at videogames. Tom is very good at playing video games. ¿Armenia es miembro de la Unión Europea? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Se retuerce como un gusano. It wriggles like a worm. It squirms like a worm. Tom es el profesor de Mary. Tom is Mary's teacher. Tom is Mary's teacher. Creo que el sitio puede estar fuera de línea. I think the site might be offline. I think the site may be offline. No entres en mi habitación. Don't come in my room. Don't come into my room. Los cromosomas de nuestras células contienen todo nuestro material genético. The chromosomes in our cells contain the whole of our genetic material. The chromosomes in our cells contain all of our genetic material. Tom le preguntó a Mary si sabía el nuevo número de teléfono de John. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's new telephone number. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's new phone number. Tom gana más que sus padres. Tom earns more than his parents. Tom earns more than his parents. Jo he ferit els seus sentiments a propòsit I hurt her feelings on purpose. I hurt his feelings on purpose. Mi marido lee el diario mientras desayuna. My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast. My husband reads the newspaper while he eats breakfast. Ès estudiant ? Are you a student? Are you a student? Hay una cosa que quiero saber. There's one thing I'd like to know. There's one thing I want to know. Me estoy preguntando ¿hasta dónde me llevarán 100 dólares? I'm wondering how long $100 will carry me. I'm wondering how far I'll take 100 bucks? Tenemos algo. We've got something. We got something. Vete a casa, Yanni. Go home, Yanni. Go home, Yanni. Quina és la teva opinió sobre el menjar japonès? What's your opinion of Japanese food? What is your opinion on Japanese food? No siento pena de quien procastina. I feel no pity for people who procrastinate. I don't feel sorry for anyone who procrastinates. Lo he visto tanto que ya ni me molesta. I've seen it so much that it doesn't even bother me anymore. I've seen it so much it doesn't bother me anymore. Quiero comer, pero no aquí. I want to eat, but not here. I want to eat, but not here. Mercés ! Thanks! Thank you! ¿Habéis pagado el libro? Did you pay for the book? Did you pay for the book? No tengo el coraje de pedirle a mi jefe que me preste su auto. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. Tengo que despertar a Tom. I have to wake Tom up. I have to wake Tom up. Cuando me pongo botas catiuskas me gusta chapotear en los charcos. Whenever I put my Wellington boots on, I like splashing into puddles. When I wear catiuskas boots I like to splash in puddles. ¿Qué te está poniendo triste? What is making you sad? What's making you sad? Cuando era más joven, no me gustaba cantar. When I was younger, I didn't like to sing. When I was younger, I didn’t like to sing. Una vida sin amor no tiene ningún sentido. Life without love is just totally pointless. A life without love makes no sense. El tiempo parecía detenerse. Time seemed to stop. Time seemed to stop. Los terrícolas no pueden pronunciar mi nombre, pero me pueden llamar Tom. My name cannot be pronounced by Earthlings, but you may call me Tom. Earthlings can't pronounce my name, but they can call me Tom. Mis sábanas están secas, por una vez. My bedsheets are dry, for once. My sheets are dry, for once. Estoy harto de estar aquí. I'm sick of being here. I'm sick of being here. ¿Para qué utilizas Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? What do you use Tatoeba for? María se pone nerviosa cuando Tom conduce demasiado rápido. Mary gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Maria gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Prefiero beber café que té. I'd rather drink coffee than tea. I'd rather drink coffee than have it. Aqueth invèrn qu'ei doç. This winter is warm. That’s why I think it’s a gift. Li van haver d'amputar el braç a Tom. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Les veo hacia las 2:30. See you at about 2:30 I'll see you around 2:30. Nunca recibí el dinero. I never received the money. I never got the money. Este era un lugar mucho más pacífico cuando no estaba lleno de arengas políticas por todos lados. This was a much more peaceful place when it wasn't full of political harangues everywhere. This was a much more peaceful place when it wasn’t full of political harangues everywhere. Tom cree que su país es el mejor del mundo. Tom thinks his country is the greatest country in the world. Tom thinks his country is the best in the world. Los grandes hombres no son siempre sabios. Great men are not always wise. Great men are not always wise. Un gusto verte. It's good to see you. Nice to see you. Començaré esta vesprada. I'll start this evening. I'll start this evening. Mi primera cena en Barrio Chino fue una de esas que te hacen decir "¡Caray, qué increíble es la comida china!". My first dinner in Chinatown was one of those that make you say "My gosh, Chinese food is so amazing!" My first dinner in Chinatown was one of those that make you say “Holy shit, how amazing is Chinese food!” Ella intentó hacerme reír. She tried to make me laugh. She tried to make me laugh. Podi pas estar d'acòrd amb sa perpausicion. I cannot agree to his proposal. I can't be comfortable with your perpausion. Como estaba muy bebido, no pudo llevar el coche de vuelta a casa. Since he was very drunk, he couldn't drive his car home. As he was very drunk, he was unable to take the car back home. Ayer no cené. I didn't eat dinner yesterday. I didn't have dinner yesterday. Tom no volvía. Tom didn't come back. Tom wasn't coming back. Sé que no soy lo suficientemente bueno para él. I know I'm not good enough for him. I know I'm not good enough for him. Odio las citas. Dime lo que sabes. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you know. Hemos tenido mucha lluvia este mes. We've had a lot of rain this month. We’ve had a lot of rain this month. Puedo ir caminando a la escuela en 10 minutos. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. ¿Se oye más alto en la izquierda o en la derecha? Is it louder on the left or the right? Do you hear higher on the left or on the right? No sostendré eso en tu contra. I won't hold that against you. I won't hold that against you. Se usan los frenos para enderezar los dientes. Braces are used to straighten teeth. Braces are used to straighten teeth. Últimamente el número de automóviles se ha incrementado notoriamente. Recently the number of cars has greatly increased. Lately the number of cars has increased noticeably. Tom no apareció esa noche. Tom didn't show up that night. Tom didn't show up that night. Sus esfuerzos no dieron ningún resultado. Nothing has resulted from his efforts. Their efforts did not yield any results. Fue una situación realmente incómoda. It was a really awkward situation. It was a really uncomfortable situation. ¿Vamos a mi casa después de la fiesta? Are we going to my house after the party? Shall we go to my house after the party? Rocío está mejorando su turco. Rocío is improving her Turkish. Rocio is improving his Turkish. Pero el mismo principio debe aplicar a las percepciones musulmanas de Estados Unidos. Justo como los musulmanes no caben en un estereotipo crudo, Estados Unidos no es el crudo estereotipo de un imperio egoísta, But that same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a self-interested empire. But the same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit into a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a selfish empire, ¿Por qué no visitamos a Tom este fin de semana? Why don't we visit Tom this weekend? Why don't we visit Tom this weekend? Desafortunadamente, el reporte es verdadero. Unfortunately, the report is true. Unfortunately, the report is true. Para de decir que lo sientes. Don't keep saying you're sorry. Stop saying you're sorry. Ella no quiso bailar conmigo. She didn't want to dance with me. She didn't want to dance with me. No veo ningún hueso roto. I don't see any broken bones. I don't see any broken bones. No pegué a Tom, aunque me pegó a mí. I didn't hit Tom even though he hit me. I didn't hit Tom, even though he hit me. La Mary ha escrit tres llibres. Mary has written three books. Mary has written three books. No quiero té. I don't want tea. I don't want tea. Yanni quiere más éxito. Yanni wants more success. Yanni wants more success. Un libro cayó de la estantería. A book dropped from the shelf. A book fell off the shelf. ¿Hay? Is there any? There? Tom tenía puesto un traje de baño verde. Tom was wearing a green bathing suit. Tom was wearing a green swimsuit. Tú aún no has aprendido. You still haven't learned yet. You haven't learned yet. Afortunadamente, tengo una llave de repuesto. Thankfully, I've got a spare key. Fortunately, I have a spare key. Tengo que acabar este trabajo antes de que oscurezca. I need to finish this work before it gets dark. I have to finish this job before it gets dark. Ella tenía miedo de cruzar la calle. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. Voy con ella. I'm going with her. I'm going with her. Presta atención a lo que dice. Pay attention to what he says. Pay attention to what he says. Estás enseñando. You're teaching. You're teaching. Deben ser pasadas la medianoche. It must be past midnight. They must be past midnight. Lo mot francés "amour" veng de l'occitan peus trobadors, se que non seré "ameur". The French word "amour" comes from the Occitan language through the troubadours, otherwise it would be "ameur". The French word "amour" comes from the occitan troubadour feet, I know that I will not be "ameur". Era l'a trucat. She hit him. It was the call. Hay un pelo en mi sopa. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. Vaig escoltar la història d'ella. I listened to her story. I heard her story. No quería ganar en realidad. I didn't really want to win. I didn’t really want to win. ¿Quieres decir que nunca has visto un panda? Do you mean that you've never seen a panda? You mean you've never seen a panda? Sóc de París, França. I'm from Paris, France. I'm from Paris, France. ¿Esto es alemán? Is that German? Is this German? Si trabajas duro y nunca te rindes, puedes lograr cualquier cosa ... si tienes suerte. If you work hard, and never give up, you can accomplish anything... if you're lucky. If you work hard and never give up, you can accomplish anything...if you’re lucky. No et durmis amb el llum encès. Don't go to sleep with the light on. Don't fall asleep with the light on. Tom verificó la fecha de la reunión. Tom verified the date of the meeting. Tom checked the date of the meeting. Me gusta cuando llueve. ¿A ti no, Tom? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? Vi a Tom llorar. I saw Tom cry. I saw Tom cry. El zoo cierra todos los lunes. The zoo is closed every Monday. The zoo is closed every Monday. En un par de días habrá terminado todo. In a couple of days it'll all be over. In a couple of days it will all be over. ¿Cuántas palabras por minuto eres capaz de leer? How many words can you read per minute? How many words per minute can you read? Somos mortales, pero algunas partidas de ajedrez son inmortales. We are mortal, but some chess games are immortal. We are mortal, but some chess games are immortal. Quiero escuchar todo lo que quieras decir. I want to hear everything you want to say. I want to hear everything you want to say. La noticia fue asombrosa. The news was startling. The news was amazing. Me encanta el pan fresco. I love fresh bread. I love fresh bread. Algunos piensan que el presidente pasa demasiado tiempo viajando. Some people think the president spends too much time traveling. Some think the president spends too much time traveling. No está fácil. It's not easy. It's not easy. Es todo lo que quiero hacer. It is all I want to do. That's all I want to do. Tu ets mes alt que ella. You are taller than she. You're taller than her. Remontemos cometas. Let's fly kites. Let's ride kites. Los botes salvavidas del Titanic solo tenían espacio suficiente para llevar a cerca de la mitad de los que iban a bordo. The Titanic's lifeboats only had enough space to carry about half of those on board. The Titanic’s lifeboats only had enough space to carry about half of those on board. Creo que sobrevivirás. I think you're going to survive. I think you'll survive. Qu'am duas hlilhas. We have two daughters. I have two hlilhas. Si va a ser así, no importa. If it's going to be like that, nevermind. If it's going to be like that, it doesn't matter. En 1985, Garry Kasparov jugó una simultánea contra 32 ordenadores y ganó todas las partidas. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simultaneous against 32 computers and won all of the games. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simulcast against 32 computers and won all games. Le pregunté su nombre. I asked him for his name. I asked him his name. Muy extraño. Very strange. Very strange. No se puede huir de la edad. No one can escape growing old. You can't run away from age. Él está despierto. He is awake. He's awake. Escribió un libro sobre la mujer de sus sueños. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. ¡Al fin estoy en casa! I'm finally home! I'm home at last! Ella no es inteligente. She isn't smart. She's not smart. ¿Llevas un audífono? Do you wear a hearing aid? Do you have a hearing aid? Tom es un hombre de treinta años de Australia. Tom is a thirty-year-old man from Australia. Tom is a thirty-year-old man from Australia. No tenemos nada que ocultar. We have nothing to hide. We have nothing to hide. Solo te has ganado realmente al oyente cuando adora lo que prometes, teme lo que amenazas, odia aquello de lo que te quejas, hace con gusto lo que recomiendas y lamenta lo que proclamas lamentable. You've only really won over your listeners when they adore your promises, fear your threats, hate what you complain about, gladly do as you suggest and regret what you regrettably proclaim. You have only truly earned the listener when he adores what you promise, fears what you threaten, hates what you complain about, gladly does what you recommend, and regrets what you proclaim pitiful. Hay leche en el refrigerador. There is some milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Tom cocina todos los días. Tom cooks every day. Tom cooks every day. Necesitarás un tercio de taza de aceite de cacahuete. You'll need 1/3 cup of peanut oil. You'll need a third cup of peanut oil. Pues te apañas. Well, you'll manage. Well, you can manage. Te daré ventaja. I'll give you a head start. I'll give you a head start. Accidentalmente la vi desnuda. I accidentally saw her naked. I accidentally saw her naked. Sos muy joven para enamorarte. You are too young to be in love. You're too young to fall in love. Ella tenía miedo. She was afraid. She was scared. La meva filla no trobarà fàcil per acostumar-se a la nova escola. My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school. My daughter will not find it easy to get used to the new school. ¿Te llevas bien con tu hermana? Do you get along with your sister? Are you getting along with your sister? No hace falta que respondas. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Conozco la historia de cabo a rabo. I know the story from beginning to end. I know the story from head to toe. Por favor, contácteme por correo. Please contact me by mail. Please contact me by mail. Que cultivam blat ací. We grow wheat here. That we grow wheat here. ¿Qué no te gusta de tu letra? What don't you like about your handwriting? What don't you like about your handwriting? Soy arqueólogo. I'm an archaeologist. I'm an archaeologist. M'agradaré d'ac véser. I would like to see it. I'll be glad to see you. Tom es encantador e irresistible. Tom is charming and irresistible. Tom is charming and irresistible. Quiero estudiar inglés. I want to study English. I want to study English. Me relajo hablando. I relax myself by talking. I relax talking. Comúnmente se dice que las mujeres viven más que los hombres. They usually say that women live longer than men. It is commonly said that women live longer than men. Ese queso está hecho de leche de cabra. This cheese is made from goat's milk. That cheese is made from goat's milk. ¿Tiene usted una habitación? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? El mal tiempo afectará la cosecha. The bad weather will affect the yield. Bad weather will affect the harvest. Nos fugamos para casarnos sin pensárnoslo. ¡Fue tan romántico! We eloped on the spur of the moment. It was so romantic! We ran away to get married without thinking about it. It was so romantic! No apagues tu computador. Do not turn off your computer. Don't turn off your computer. Está muy mojado. It is very wet. It's very wet. Ningún artículo de esta tienda cuesta más de un real. No item in this shop costs more than one real. No item in this shop costs more than a real one. ¿No les dije que a Tom le iba a gustar el regalo? Didn't I tell you Tom would like the gift? Didn't I tell you Tom was gonna like the gift? Que volerí estar joen. I wish I were young. That I wanted to be joen. El Tom es va divertir molt a la festa. Tom had a lot of fun at the party. Tom had a lot of fun at the party. Ayúdame a elegir un suéter que combine con mi nuevo vestido, por favor. Please help me pick out a sweater which matches my new dress. Help me choose a sweater to match my new dress, please. ¿Todos tienen lápices? Does everybody have pencils? Does everyone have pencils? Quiero exactamente lo mismo que tú. I want exactly what you want. I want exactly the same thing as you. ¿Podrías ayudarnos adentro? Can you help us in here? Could you help us inside? No puedo enderezar mi espalda. I can't straighten out my back. I can't straighten my back. Nunca estuve ahí. I've never been there. I've never been there. La gente me dejó solo. People left me alone. People left me alone. Tom no salió bien en el examen. Tom didn't do well on the test. Tom didn't do well on the exam. He decidido no estudiar francés. I decided not to study French. I decided not to study French. ¿Alguna vez estuviste embarazada? Have you ever got pregnant? Have you ever been pregnant? Prefiero vivir en un mundo lleno de secretos antes que en uno que sea tan pequeño que yo sea capaz de comprenderlo. I'd rather live in a world full of secrets than one so small that I'm able to understand it. I would rather live in a world full of secrets than one that is so small that I can understand it. ¿Vas mañana a la escuela? Are you going to school tomorrow? Are you going to school tomorrow? Véns aquí cada dia? Do you come here every day? Do you come here every day? Traduzca esta frase al inglés. Put this sentence into English. Translate this phrase into English. Toki Pona es un intento de recrear el primer idioma hablado en las cuevas de África. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. ¿Quién lo comprará? Who'll buy it? Who will buy it? ¿Deberíamos ir y tratar de encontrar a Tom? Should we go and try to find Tom? Should we go and try to find Tom? Tom se sirvió un vaso de leche. Tom poured himself a glass of milk. Tom poured himself a glass of milk. La teva mama sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mom know how to drive? Se ve como algo del futuro. It looks like something out of the future. It looks like something from the future. Traducilo. Translate it. Translated. Segons la seva opinió, si. According to his opinion, yes. According to his opinion, yes. Mary se hace su propia ropa. Mary makes her own clothes. Mary makes her own clothes. Tom no es así todo el tiempo. Tom is not like that all the time. Tom isn't like that all the time. No puedo esperar a que Tom y Mary vuelvan a casa para poder mostrarles esto. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show them this. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show you this. Los monos son parientes cercanos de los humanos. Monkeys are closely related to humans. Monkeys are close relatives of humans. Permíteme recapitular lo que se dijo. Let me recapitulate what was said. Let me recap what was said. Don Bluth es un legendario animador estadounidense que compitió con Disney, su antiguo empleador, durante las décadas de 1980 y 1990. Don Bluth is a legendary American animator who competed with Disney, his former employer, during the 1980s and 90s. Don Bluth is a legendary American animator who competed with Disney, his former employer, during the 1980s and 1990s. Para mi mayor sorpresa, sus ojos se fijaron en mí y sonrió. To my great surprise, her eyes fixed on me and she smiled. To my greatest surprise, his eyes stared at me and he smiled. Estoy muy contento de poder ayudar. I'm so glad I could help. I'm so glad I can help. Tom ha perdido mucho peso. Tom has lost a lot of weight. Tom has lost a lot of weight. Estoy familiarizado con este barrio. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I am familiar with this neighborhood. No creo que ésa sea la respuesta. I don't think that's the answer. I don't think that's the answer. Hoy hace más calor que ayer. It is warmer today than yesterday. It's hotter today than yesterday. En absoluto me importó hacerlo. I didn't mind doing that at all. I didn't mind doing it at all. Es ilegal copiar libros sin permiso del autor. It is illegal to copy from books without the author's permission. It is illegal to copy books without permission from the author. Todos esos huesos y cosas flotando hacia el barco. All those bones and stuff are floating towards the ship. All those bones and things floating toward the ship. Fue aquel sonido lo que le hizo abrir los ojos. It was that sound that brought her eyes open. It was that sound that opened his eyes. Toca algo de música. Make some music. He plays some music.